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A13980 The historie of Iustine Containing a narration of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy, vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus. VVhereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the emperours succeeding, vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning. First written in Latine by that famous historiographer Iustine, and now againe newly translated into English, by G.W.; Historiae Philippicae. English Justinus, Marcus Junianus.; Trogus, Pompeius. Historiae Philippicae.; G. W., fl. 1606.; Wilkins, George, fl. 1607, attributed name.; Victor, Sextus Aurelius. De Caesaribus. 1606 (1606) STC 24293; ESTC S117759 462,376 347

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right to Leinster VValter Fitz Richard who came from Normandy with VVilliam Conquerour died Lord Strongbow of Strigule alias Chepstow without issue to whom succeeded his sisters sonne Gilbert who was created the first Earle of Pembroke had issue Richard the inheritour of Leinster by a covenant marriage of Eva the sole daughter of Mac Murrough King of Leinster This Richard conveyed to Henry the second all his title and held of him the Lordship of Leinster in foure counties Weixford Catherlagh Ossory and Kildare Richard left issue a daughter Isabel married to VVilliam Earle marshall of England now Earle of Pembroke Lord Strongbow and Lord of Leinster VVilliam had issue five sonnes who died without issue when every of them except the youngest had successively possessed their fathers lands and five daughters Maude ●oane Isabel Sibil and Eve among whom the patrimony was parted in an 31. H. 3. Of these daughters bestowed in marriage are descended many noble houses as the Mortimers Bruises Clares c. borne subjects to the Crowne of England paying ever to the King his dutyes reserved Hugh de Lacy Conquerour of Meth had issue VValter de Lacy who held the same of King Iohn paying a fine of foure thousand marks sterling and hence beganne all the severall claimes there at this day with allegiance sworne and done by their auncestours At the very first arrivall of Henry the second the Princes of Mounster came universally and did homage voluntarily and acknowledged to him and his heires duties and payes for ever Iohn de Courcy Conquerour and Earle of Vlster dyed without issue King Iohn Lord of Ireland gave the Earledome to Hugh de Lacy who had issue VValter and Hugh dead without issue and one daughter married to Reymond Burke Conquerour and Lord of Connaght Connaght descended to diverse heires owing service to the Prince but Vlster is returned by devolution to the speciall inheritance and revenues of the Crowne of England in this manner The said De Burgo had issue Richard who had issue Iohn who had issue VVilliam who was slaine without issue and a Daughter Elizabeth intytled to thirty thousand marks yearely by the Earledome of Vlster whom Edward the 3. gave in marriage to Leonel his second sonne Duke of Clarence who had issue a daughter Philippe marryed to Edmund Mortymer who had issue Edmund Anne Elinor Edmund and Elinor died without issue Anne was married to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne to Edmund of Laugley Duke of Yorke fift sonne to Edward the third which said Richard had issue Richard Plantagenet father to Edward the fourth father to Elizabeth wife to Henry the seventh and mother to Henry the eight father to Mary Edward the sixt and Elizabeth Severall claimes to the Land of Ireland 1. First that the Irish for of the rest there is no question were subjects to the the Crowne of Brittaine before they set foote in Ireland Thus it appeareth They dwelt on that side of Spaine whereof Bayon was then cheife imperiall Citie and the same then in possession and obedience to Gurguntius 376. yeares ere Christ was borne as it was to his successours many a day after namely to Henry the which as I finde noted in certaine precepts of governement dedicated by Iames Young to Iames Butler Earle of Ormond then Lieutenant of Ireland an 1416. From this coast and Citty now part of Gascoigne came the fleete of those Iberians who in 60. ships met Gurguntius on the sea returning from the conquest of Denmarke to whom they yeelded oath and service sued for dwelling were by him conducted and planted in Ireland and became his leige people 2. Mac Gil-murrow King of Ireland with all his petty Princes Lordes and Captaines summoned to King Arthurs court held in Carlion an 519. did accordingly their homage and attended all the while his great feast and assembly lasted 3. The Monarch of Ireland and all other both reges and reguli for them and for theirs for ever betooke themselves to Henry the second in an Dom. 1172. namely those of the south whiles he lay at Waterford Dermot King of Corke which is the nation of Mac Cartyes at Cashell Donald King of Limricke which is the nation of the Obrenes Donald King of Ossory Mac Shaghlen King of Ophaly at Divelin did the like Okeruell King of Vriell Ororicke king of Meth Rodericke King of all Ireland and of Connaght This did they with consents and shoutes of their people and king Henry returned without any Battle given Onely Vlster remained which Iohn de Courcy soone after conquered and Oneale Captaine of all the Irish there came to Dublin to Richard the 2. in an 1399. And freely bound himselfe by oath and great summes of money to be true to the crowne of England 4. The same time Obrene of Thomond Oconor of Connaght Arthur Mac Murrow of Leinster and all the Irish Lords which had beene somewhat disordered renewed their obedience 5. When Ireland first received Christendome they gave themselves into the jurisdiction both spirituall temporall of the See of Rome The temporall Lordship Pope Adrian conferred upon Henry the second and hee gave the same to Iohn his younger sonne afterwards King of England and so it returned home to the Crowne 6. Alexander the 3. confirmed the gift of Adrian as in both their Charters is expressed at large 7. Vivian the legate on the Popes behalfe doth accurse and excommunicate all those that flitte from the obeysance of the Kings of England 8. The cleargy twice assembled once at Cashell secondly at Ardmagh plainely determined the conquest to be lawfull and threatned all people under paine of Gods and holy Churches indignation to accept the English kings for their Lords from time to time 9. It would aske a volume to recite the names of such Irish Princes who since the conquest have continually upon occasions revolts or petitions sworne truth and faith to the kings of England from time to time received honours wages fees pardons and petitions And thus I thinke no reasonable man will doubt of a right so old so continued so ratified so many wayes confessed CAP. III. Richard the first and King Iohn BY occasion of Lacyes mishap Iohn Courcye and Hugh de Lacye the younger with all their assistants did streight execution upon the Rebells and preventing every mischiefe ere it fell stayed the Realme from uproares Thus they continued lovingly and lived in wealth and honour all the dayes of Richard the first untill the first yeare of King Iohns raigne Henry the second had issue male VVilliam Henry Richard Ieffrey and Iohn VVilliam Henry and Richard dyed without issue Ieffrey Earle of Brittaine dyed before his father and left issue two daughters and an after-borne son called Arthur whose title to the Crowne as being the undoubted lyne of the elder brother Philip King of France and certaine Lords of England and Ireland stoutly justified Him had King Iohn taken prisoner in Normandy and
land he tooke to wife in the I le of Cyprus the Lady Berengaria daughter to Garsias some say Sanctius King of Nauarre and died without issue when he had raigned nine yeeres nine moneths and two and twenty dayes It is noted by the Antiquaries that upon the death of his father he had three notable windfals the first was the Crowne of England the second was his fathers treasure which he found at Salisbury amounting to nine hundred thousands pound in coyne besides Plate precious stones Iewels and apparell lastly in the Coffers of Ieffrey Ridley Bishop of Elye who dyed intestate he found towards his coronation 3260. pound in silver five markes in gold which was better for his coronation was most Royall Iohn Comyn Archbishop of Dublin was at it Mathew Paris in Latine and Holinshed in English have penned it verbatim Will. K. of Scots did him homage and when he was the second time crowned King bare a sword before him King Richard the first yeere of his raigne gave the Lady Isabell sole daughter and heire of Richard surnamed Strangbow Earle of Penbroke to William Maxfield Lord Maxfield and Earle Marshall of England Anno 1189 This William his surname was not Marshall as Sir Iohn Plunket his collection hath laid downe but Maxfield his descent I finde thus with William the Conquerour there came into England to his ayde one Walter Maxfield a Norman that was his Marshall this Walter had issue William William had issue Walter Walter had issue Iohn Iohn had issue this William Maxfield that married Isabell the daughter of Strangbow who was made Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Prince of Leinster in Ireland in the right of his wife This William was in great favour with King Richard the first that gave him the Lady Isabell to wife and honoured him so at his coronation that he bare a regall Scepter before the King in the top whereof was set a Crosse of gold and when the King with full determination passed over into Normandie and from thence into the Holy Land he assigned him the third governour of the Realme Iohn Earle of Morton Anno 1199. after the death of his brother Richard sent this William among others into England to set all things in a readinesse for his coronation the which being the 27. of May and yeere aforesaid gave him his full creation to the Earledome of Penbroke and girded him with the sword not long after King Iohn sent him with others as Embassadors to the French King with sundry other imployments he was also in great favour with Henry 3. as shall be shewed when I come to his raigne He had five sonnes and five daughters his sonnes all succeeded him in the Earldome of Penbroke and office of Marshalsie together with the Principality of Leinster and dyed all without issue The daughters were all honourably matched in the life time of their father and brethren and had his territories and possessions in Wales and Ireland orderly divided among them the which they and their posterity peaceably enioyed This William Earle Marshall the elder came to Ireland Anno 1207. hee builded the Castle of Kilkenny and gave the towne a Charter with priviledges wich they enjoy to this day hee founded there also the Monasterie of the blacke Fryers and ended the way of all flesh at London Anno 1220. and lyeth buried in the temple of his Lady Isabell at Tinterne in Wales William Marshall his eldest sonne succeeded him both in the office of Marshall and Earldome of Penbroke and Ogie and Principalitie of Leinster he granted a Charter to the towne of Kilkenny Anno 1223. sixt of Aprill with the testate of Thomas Fitz Antony Lord of Thomas stowne Seneschall of Leinster Fulkoe Carnae Walter Pursell William Grace Haman Grace Amnar Grace and others he ended his dayes at Kilkenny Anno 1231. and resteth in the Monastery there which his father had formerly founded Againe of this William I have seene another Charter exemplified Anno 1329. by King Edward the third with an inspexim Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Aquitanie omnibus Ballivis Ministris omnium villarum villatorum Lagenie ceteris quibuscunque deijsdem partibus salutem Supplicavit nobis superior et communitas villae de Kilkenny quod cum Willielmus nuper Comes Mariscallus et Pembrochie tempore quo idem Comes extiterat Domini totius terrae Lageniae concesserit Burgensibus et Communitati ville predicte qui pro tempore fuerint diversas libertates inter quas videlicet quod ipsi in perpetuum per totam Lageniam terram potestatēin suam tam villa quā alibi essent quieti de theulonio lastagio poritagio de omnibus aliijs consuetudinibus quibuscunque quam quidem cartam inspeximus c. Teste Iohanne Darcy Iusticiario nostro Hibernie apud Kilkenny 8. die Iulij anno regninostri 3. per billam ipsius Iusticiarij Yet Holinshed writeth that this William Marshall the younger deceased at London and lyeth buried by his father in the new Temple Richard Marshall the second brother succeeded he was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Ogie in Normandie and Prince of Leinster in Ireland In the yeere 1233. and the Moneth of Aprill in a battell nigh Kildare upon the great Heath called the Curragh fighting against the Oconors hee tooke his deaths wound whereof shortly he dyed Hee lieth buried by his brother William in the blacke Fryers at Kilkennye which was the foundation of William Earle Marshall his father Henry the third lamented his death and protested that he lost then the worthiest Captaine of his time His tombe with the tombe of eighteene Knights that came over at the Conquest and resting in that Abbey at the suppression of the Monasterie was defaced and inhabitants there turned them to their private uses and of some they made swine-troughs so as there remaineth no Monument in the said Abbey save one stone whereupon the picture of a Knight is portraied bearing a shield about his necke wherein the Cantwels armes are insculped and yet the people there call it Ryddir in Curry that is the Knight slaine at the Curraghe Iohn Clyn guardian of the Fryers there in his Annals of Ireland writeth thus Post incarnatum lapsis de virgine natum Annis millenis tribus triginta ducent is In primo mensis Aprilis Kildariensis Pugna die Sabbati fuit in tristitia facti Acciderant stallo pugnae Comiti Mariscallo And upon his Tombe Hic Comes est positus Richardus vulnere fossus Cujus sub fossa Kilkennia continet ossa After the decease of Richard Gilbert Marshall the third brother was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke and Ogie and Prince of Leinster Anno 1239. King Henry the third held his Christmas at Winchester where there rose a grudge betweene the King and this Earle Gilbert by reason that this same Earle with his servants having tip-staves
understood this hee was more waspish and moved with the countenance of the sonnes then with the former iniury of the father and turning him to the King spake aloud what I have said I have said what I have written I have written never to be blotted out To be short the Bishop with great sorrow departed and in bitternesse prophecied of the ill successe of the children who dyed and lived in great honour all the dayes of their lives but these matters we are to referre to the secret iudgement of God After the decease of these five brethren five Earles and five Princes of Leinster leaving no issue behinde them the five daughters their sisters Ioane Mathilda Isabell Sibilla and Eva being honourably matched had their fathers and brethrens possessions and territories in Ireland orderly divided amongst them Ioane the eldest daughter of William Earle Marshall and eldest sister of the five brethren before spoken of was married to Warren de Mountchensen who in right of her had allotted unto him the County of Wexford they had issue one daughter Ioane that was married Anno 1247. to William de Valence a Norman the sonne of Hugh Brune Earle of March and Turryn Vicount of Curce c. hee was halfe brother to King Henry the third by Queene Isabell daughter and heire of Amerie Earle of Angolesm the widdow of King Iohn This William in the right of his wife was Earle of Penbroke and Lord of Wexford and died Anno 1296. he had issue two sonnes and two daughters William de Valence Owdomare alias Aimer de Valence Isabell and Ioane William succeeded his father in the Earldome of Penbroke and Lordship of Wexford and died without issue Aymer his brother after him was Earle of Penbroke and Lord of Wexford and died without issue whereupon the inheritance fell to the two sisters Isabell and Ioane Isabell was married to Iohn Hastings Lord Hastings of Abergevenny who in the right of his wife had one halfe of the county of Wexford allotted unto him and had issue Elizabeth which married Reynold Lord Gray of Ruthin Ioane the second sister was married to Iohn Lord Comyn who in her right had the other halfe of Wexford and he had issue two daughters Elizabeth and Ioane Elizabeth married Richard Lord Talbot and Ioane was married to David Earle of Atholl in Scotland and thus the County of Wexford was divided Mathilda or Mawde the second daughter of William Earle Marshall of England had the county of Cattelough alias Carlogh assigned unto her she was married to Hugh Bigod Earle of Norfolke father of Ralph Bigod whose daughter and heire Isabell was married to Sir Gilbert Lacy who had issue Margery and Mawd Margery was married to Iohn Lord Verdon of whom the Earle of Shrewesbury and the Earle of Essex are descended Mawd married Ieffery Genivill father to Peter Genivill whose daughter and heire was married to Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore and the first Earle of March Isabell the third daughter of William Earle Marshall of England had to her portion the county of Kilkenny She was married to Sir Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester and Herford whose discent is before spoken of Hee was slaine by the Scots in King Edward the seconds time and died without issue I have seene a Charter granted by him to the towne of Kilkenny Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester and Herford to our Seneshall of Kilkenny and to our treasurer of the same greeting know you that we for the common profit of the towne of Kilkenny of our especiall favour have granted to our loving Burgesses of the same towne c. the whole in substance is that none shall sell victuals there but it shall be prized by the officers of our towne After the decease of Sir Gilbert Clare then the Earledomes of Glocester and Herford and the County of Kilkenny fell betweene his three sisters begotten upon Isabell aforesaid to wit Elenor Margaret and Elizabeth Elenor was married to Hugh Spencer the younger Margaret was married to Peter Gaveston and after his death to Hugh Lord Audely Elizabeth was married first to William Lord Burgh Earle of Vlster the second time to Ralph Roch Baron of Farmoy thirdly to Theobald Lord Verdon and lastly to Roger Damary and had issue by every one of them Sibilla the fourth daughter of William Earle Marshall had to her part the Countie of Kildare and was married to William Ferers Earle of Ferers and Darby who had issue Agnes Isabell Mathilda Sibilla Cecilia and a second Sibill Agnes was married to VVilliam de Vescy who had issue Iohn de Vescy who had issue VVilliam de Vescy that died without issue in his fathers life time Lastly this County of Kildare was given by the King unto Iohn Fitz Thomas the first Earle of Kildare as hereafter in more convenient place shall appeare Eva the first daughter of VVilliam Earle Marshall had to her portion the Mannor of Dounmas in Leix and was married to VVilliam Bruse Lord Bruse of Gower who had issue Mathilda Elenor and Eva. Mathilda was married to Roger Mortimer Elenor was married to Humphery de Bohun Earle of Herford and Eva to Cantilupe alias VVilliam de Canlow Of the line of these Maxfields I meane of VVilliam Earle Marshall of England the pedigree discent of this Noble familie the properties and purports holds of the daughters I have seene sundry copies Nicholas Magwir Bishop of Leighlen perfected an abstract of the division of the land in Ireland among the daughters and the paritcularities thereof which is to be seene in the red towne-booke of Kilkenny and now forwards with the history from whence I have somewhat digressed Anno 1190. in which yeere the Citie of Dublin by foule mishap was fired to ashes King Richard set all in a readinesse for his iourney into the holy land gathered masses of money together and among others it is remembred what a summe of money he received of Hugh Pudsey a Norman and Bishop of Durham that gave an inestimable summe to be made an Earle whom the Antiquaries doe condemne for his intolerable pride and damnable covetousnesse whom the King also flowted after hee had received the coyne saying Loe I have made a young Earle of an old Bishop In this voyage and preparation for the recovery of Ierusalem and the ayde of the Christians in Asia there went Fredericke Emperour of Almaine Richard King of England Philip of France VVilliam of Cicilia Otho Duke of Burgundie the Venetians Pisanes Frisones Danes and Flemings Now that the King is on his iourney abroad let us talke a little gentle Reader of little Iohn at home Stanihurst leads me into the history and reporteth that Anno 1189. he came into Ireland and sojourned at Dublin the storie goeth and especially in Hector Boetius and Iohn Major Antiquaries of Scotland how that in those daies there were many outlawes in the North parts of England of these outlawes Robin Hood and little Iohn were Chiefetaines It was said of
encounter with them the Irish fearing the worse got them with their pillage aboard their shippes and hoised up sailes for Ireland Gregory prepareth his navy and shortly after arriveth in Ireland The King at that time saith Buchanan was but a childe whose name was Duncanus or Donatus or rather Dunachus the Protectors or chiefe commanders of the land about the King were Brian and Cornelius who had drawne the land into two factions The Irish hering of the comming of Gregory fortified themselves upon the river of the Band but there the Scots overthrew them Brian was slaine and Cornelius put to flight The Scots left them not so but pursued them preyed the country without resistance constrained the townes before them to yeeld and hearing by the way that Cornelius gathered all the forces of Ireland against them made ready to ioyn battaile in the which Cornelius and all his forces were foiled so that for a safeguard of his life hee fled to Dublin and his armie dispersed themselves abroad Gregory followed him laid siege to Dublin and by reason there were so many received within that fled from the field they could not long indure the strength of the puissant King of Scots without wherefore by generall consent of the Citizens Cormacke Bishop of Dublin opened the gates received the King of Scots without losse of any man of either side or damage of goods Immediately Gregory the King of Scots went to his cousin Duncan the young King saluted him and delivered unto him that he came not for his kingdome ne for gold nor silver ne for commodities of his country but onely to be revenged of them that had formerly injured his subiects And as for you said he cousin Duncan I beare you no malice without bloud I came into the Citie of Dublin without bloud I will depart recompence of the Citizens of Dublin I seeke none the inhabitants betweene this and the Band have satisfied me and my people let the Citizens pay it them againe and make no more such rash attempts into Scotland With this they lovingly departed and continued friends to the great honour of the King of Scots After this Anno 897. poore Ireland had another scourge for saith Caradoc Llancarvan in his British Chronicle and likewise Polichronicon this country was destroyed with strange wormes having two teeth so that there was neither corne nor grasse nor food for man or beast for all was consumed that was greene in the land at the season of the yeere The nine hundreth yeere followeth The Saxons that divided Britaine as formerly hath been declared into many kingdomes began now to grow weake in their estate and the Danes that troubled in a manner all Christendome were falling to naught yet Anno 905. saith the British Chronicle the Danes entred Ireland preyed spoyled and fired the country slue in the field Garmot so he calleth him alias Cormac Monarch of Ireland and the sonne of Cukeman a man both godly and religious and also Kyrvalt sonne of Morgan King of Leinster Then they roved round about England hulling upon the seas and landing where they espied advantage destroyed with fire and sword as much as lay in them Anno 911. they came againe into Ireland saith Cooper holding on in their former outrages Anno 913. saith Carodoc the men of Dublin with great forces came to Anglesey preyed and destroyed the Iland and returned to Ireland the cause I finde not but that sea and land was bent to mischiefe the fire upon the land and piracie upon the sea Anno 925. the second yeere of the raigne of Adelstane the base sonne of Edward the first called Edward Senior King of West-Saxons was a great armie gathered by the said Adelstane against Hawlaffe King of Ireland the sonne of Suthricus and a Painym saith Polychronicon who came with the whole power of the Scots and Danes against him and gave him battaile at Brimesturie where Adelstane had the victory and slue the said King Hawlaffe and the King of Scots and five Kings of the Danes and Normans and twelve Earles so that he brought all the land of England and Scotland into subjection which none of his Predecessours had ever attempted So farre out of Caradoc in the British Chronicle Polychronicon writeth of Hawlaffe that he was the sonne of Sitricus and had married the daughter of Constantine King of Scots and by his aide entred the mouth of the river of Humber with a strong navy and when both armies had encamped themselves Hawlaffe used this policie He tooke a Harpe and in Harpers attire went to Adelstanes Tent where he harped and viewed their di●t disposition and behaviour tooke money for his musicke which in heart he disdayned he secretly as he thought hid the money in the ground and went away A souldier that sometime served Hawlaffe espied it and told Adelstane the whole why saith Adelstane diddest not thou acquaint me sooner he answered O King the faith I owe thee now sometime I ought to Hawlaffe if I had beene false to him thou wouldst have suspected me afterwards but now remove thy Tent for he will suddenly come upon thee For all the haste that Adelstane made Hawlaffe came in the night slue a certaine Bishop and his company that were fleeing and many others hee hasted to Adelstanes Tent but he was provided and in armes and at the breake of the day set upon his enemies and foiled them as formerly is delivered Anno 926. Saxo Grammaticus Albertus Krantz and others are mine Authors Knutus and Herald sonnes to Gormo King of Denmarke following the steps of their fathers gave themselves to Piracie roved crossed and hulled upon the seas all was fish that came to their nets they arrived in Ireland and laid siege to Dublin The King of Leinster sent especially and laid an ambush within a mile of Dublin and whilst the Danes scaled the wals without the Citizens manfully defended themselves within and others were carelesse of themselves abroad one of the espials levelled an arrow at Knutus and gave him such a wound that he shortly dyed thereof The Danes prevailed but their ioy upon his death was turned into sorrow Gormo the father so intirely loved this Knutus his sonne that he vowed whosoever brought him newes of the death of his sonne Knutus for recompence should die the death Thira daughter to Edward the Martyr saith Functius the mother being a Christian though Gormo were a bloudy Infidell having certaine intelligence of the death of Knutus durst not reveale it but used this policie shee caused instead of her husbands princely robes wherewith he was on a morning to make himselfe ready mourning cloathes to bee laid before him and such funerall exequies as were used to be prepared for the witnessing of the sorrow and griefe conceived for the departure of some deare friend woe is me saith Gormo now my sonne Knutus is dead this I gather by these circumstances Then answered Thira the
in their hands comming to the Court were not suffered to enter within the gates but were kept backe by the Porters and others of which injury when hee complained the King made him an overthwart answer Whereupon the Earle not well pleased therewith estranged himselfe from the Court and went into the North country so that thenceforth he and his brother Walter gave small attendance upon the King and to end with this Earle Gilbert it fell out on a time in a Turnay which hee had attempted without the Citie of Hereford contrary to the Kings pleasure that his unruly horse cast him so that of the hurt which he tooke with the fall he shortly after departed this life in the yeere 1241. and was buried in the new temple Church at London hee had married the Lady Margaret the sister of Alexander King of Scots who by her had no issue she also dyed Anno 1245. Walter Marshall succeeded Gilbert in all the former honours and possessions both in England and Ireland who because he had procured the turnament wherein his brother was slaine hardly obtained of the king the same He departed this life at Godrike Castle by Monmouth and was buried at Tintern Anno 1245. leaving no issue behind him Anselme Marshall the fift sonne of William Earle Marshall succeded Walter hee was the last of the Maxfields and died without issue Hee had married Mathildis or Mawd daughter of the Earle of Hereford anc because hee had entred without doing of homage unto the King his wife after his decease could have no dowry wherof among the statutes of England I find the cause by especial words thus overruled· When any dyeth and his heire entreth into the Land that his Ancesters held of the King the day that he died before he hath done homage to the King and received seisin of the King hee shall give no free hold thereby and if hee dyed seised during that time his wife shall not be indowed of the same land as came late in urc by Mawd the daughter of the Earle of Hereford wife of Anselme the Marshal Who after the death of Walter Marshall of England his brother tooke his seisin of the Castle and mannor of Strogill and died in the same Castle before hee had entred by the King and before hee had done homage unto him whereupon it was agreed that his wife should not be indowed because that her husband had not entred by the King but rather by trusion This Anselme died in England and was buried at Tinterne After the death of these five brethren Florilegus writeth thus All the sonnes of William the great Marshall it is not knowne what sinne required the same according to the Prophecy of the Countesse their mother without issue left behind them as shadowes departed out of this world yet all successively became Earles even as their mother by a Propheticall spirit foreshewed and so the Noble sheild or buckler of the Marshalls dreadful to so many and so great enemies of England vanished away Mathew Paris wrote the story at large The aforesaid William as Warlike and stout called Marshall as if hee had beene Mars his Seneschall while in Ireland hee gave himselfe to slaughter and burning and got to himselfe large possessions he tooke away by strong hand and injuriously from an holy Bishop two mannors or Lordships belonging to his Church and presumptuously usurped them as though he might by just title possesse them as if he had wonne them with the sword The Bishop after many admonitions and receiving many froward answers thundred against him and not without cause the sentence of Excommunication the which the Earle despised and pleaded for excuse the warlike season keeping injuries upon injuries Whereupon not without advisement one Maister Gervasius de Melckeria framed of him this distinction and shrowded himselfe in his person Sum quem Saturnum sibi sensit Hibernia Solem Anglia Mercurium Normania Gallia Martem Iam whom Ireland Saturne hight and England Sol me cals Amids the Normans Mercury and Mars among the Gauls The meaning in a word is how that he in his time had tamed the wild Irish and had beene the shining beame of honour unto the English as an Ambassadour to pacifie the Normans and an invincible Knight among the French nation but forwards with Paris the aforesaid Earle held those mannors all his life time and annexed them unto his dominions Within a few yeeres after the Earle ended the way of all flesh and was buried in the new Temple at London the Bishop hearing of this for he was the Bishop of Fernes a Cistertian Monke by birth Irish and famous for Sanctity not without great paine in travaile he went unto the King who then was in London exhibited a grievous complaint of the injury done unto him and how that hee had justly excommunicated the Earle and humbly besought the King that by his soveraigne authority and Princely mandat and also for the good of the said Earle Williams soule he would see his mannors restored unto him that in so doing though he were dead yet might reape the benefit of absolution The King with this was moved and willed the Bishop to repaire to the Earles grave and absolve him and he would diligently labour for his satisfaction the Bishop together with the King went to his Tombe and in the hearing of al that were present as if they had been both alive said O William that here lyest interred and wrapped in the bonds of Excommunication if the thing which thou hast injuriously taken away from my Church bee restored by the king or by thine heire or by some one of thy kindred or friends with competent satisfaction I absolve thee o her wise I doe ratifie the said sentence that thou being ever wrapped in thy sinnes maiest remaine damned in hell The King hearing this was moved and sharply rebuked the immoderat rigour of the Pontificall Prelate To whom the Bishop replied my Lord ann dread soveraigne marvaile not though I be out of patience for he hath spoiled my Church to his great commoditie The King then secretly conferring with William the eldest sonne of this Earle and heire to the whole and now invested in the inheritance and Earledome and certaine others his brethren besought them by the restoring the mannors unjustly taken away mercifully to deliver their fathers soule To whom William the heir made answer I doe not beleeve neither is to be credited that my father tooke them injuriously for that which is gotten by the sword may lawfully be enjoyed for if that old and doting Bishop hath given a wrong sentence let the curse light upon his owne pate I will not weaken my estate nor diminish the inheritance wherein I am invested my father dyed seized thereof and I have rightly entred Vnto these words all the brethren yeelded their consents The King being then of tender yeeres and under Tutor would not give cause of heavinesse unto so great and Noble a personage when the Bishop
calmenesse Anno 1327. Donald sonne to Art Mac Morch and Sir Henry Traharne were taken prisoners Anno 1328. Deceased the Lord Thomas Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and William Earle of Vlster came into Ireland Anno 1329. Iohn Brimingham Earle of Lowth and Peter his brother with many other were slaine on Whitsun even at Balibragan by the men of the Country Also the Lord Thomas Butler and divers other Noble men were slaine by Macgohegan and other Irishmen neere to Molingar Anno 1330. There died Sir Richard Deicetir Also the Earle of Vlster went with a great Army into Mounster upon Obren Also the Prior of the Hospitall then Lord Iustice put the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond into the custody of the Marshall out of the which hee freely escaped And Sir Hugh de Lacy returned into Ireland and obteined peace of the King Anno 1331. The Earle of Vlster went into England and great slaugher was made upon the Irish in O kenslie also the Castle of Arclow was taken by the Irish and great slaughter made of the English ni the Cowlagh by Otothell where Sir Philip Bryt and many others were slaine and the Lord Anthony Lacy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and great slaugter was made of the Irish at Thurles by the men of the Country and at Finnath in Meath there were many of them slaine by the English also the Castle of Fernis was taken and burned by the Irish also Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond was apprehended at Limerick by the Lord Iustice upon the day of the Assumption and sent unto the Castle of Dublin Moreover the Lord Iustice tooke Sir William Birmingham and Walter his sonne at Clomell by a wile whilest hee was sick in his bed and sent them likewise unto the Castle of Dublin on the 19. day of Aprill Anno 1332. Sir William Birmingham was hanged at Dublin but Walter his sonne was delivered by reason hee was within orders Also the Castle of Clonmore was taken by the English and the Castle of Bonrath was destroyed by the Irish of Thomond also Henry Mandevill was sent prisoner to Dublin likewise Walter Burgh with two of his brethren were taken in Conaght by the Earle of Vlster and sent to the Castle of Norburgh also the said Lord Iustice was deposed by the King and went into England with his wife and children and Iohn Darcy was made Lord Iustice and great slaughter was made upon Bren Obren and Mac Carthy in Munster by the English of that Country Anno 1333. The Earle of Desmond by the Parliament held at Dublin was sent over into England unto the King and VVilliam Earle of Vlster in going toward Knock fergus upon the seventh day of Iune was treacherously slaine neere to the foords in Vlster by his owne people but his wife with his daughter and heire escaped into England which daughter was married unto the Lord Lionell the Kings sonne and afterward died at Dublin and had a daughter and heire which was afterward married unto Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Lord of Trim And to revenge the death of the said Earle the Lord Iustice of Ireland with a great Army went into Vlster But before that hee came thither the men of that Country had done the revenge and the Lord Iustice with his Army went into Scotland to the King of England because at that time hee was there in warre and hee left the Lord Thomas Burgh his Lievtenant in Ireland also on Saint Margarets Eve great slaughter was made in Scotland by the Irish and so what by the King in one part and the Lord Iustice in another Scotland was Conquered and Edward Balioll was established King of Scotland and Iohn Darcy came back Lord Iustice of Ireland and delivered VValter Birmingham out of the Castle of Dublin Anno 1336. On Saint Laurence day the Irish of Conaght were discomfited and put to flight by the English of the Country there and there were slaine tenne thousand and one Englishman Anno 1342. And in the sixteenth of King Edward the 3. Pope Benedict deceased Clement the sixth succeeded a man truly of great learning but exceeding prodigall so that hee would bestow upon his Cardinals Church livings in England when they were vacant and would goe about to impose new titles for them For which cause the King of England about the yeere 1344. disannulled the provisions so made by the Pope interdicting upon paine of imprisonment and death that none should bring any of them Anno 1348. There was great mortality in all places especially in and about the Court of Rome Avinion and about the sea coastes of England and Ireland Anno 1349. Deceased Alexander Bignor upon the foureteenth day of Iuly and the same yeere was Iohn de Saint Paul consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1355. Died Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1356. Deceased the Lord Thomas de Rokesbie L. Iustice of Ireland Anno 1357. Began great variance betwixt Master Richard Fitz Ralphe Primat of Ardmagh and the foure Orders of begging Fryers Anno 1360. Deceaded Richard Archbishop of Ardmagh upon the seventeenth day of the Kalends of December in the Popes Court and Richard Kilminton dyed in England therefore the controversie ceased betwixt the Clergie and the orders of begging Fryers Anno 1361 and in the thirty fourth yeere of K. Edward the third about Easter began a great mortalitie of men consuming many men but few women in England and Ireland Also the same yeere the Lord Lionell Sonne to King Edward the third Duke of Clarence came over the Kings lievetenant into Ireland Anno 1362. deceased Iohn de Saint Paule Archbishop of Dublin on the fift day before the Ides of September Anno 1363. Thomas Minot was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1369. the Lord William Windsor came over the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Anno 1370. there was a third great Pestilence in Ireland And the Lord Gerald Fitz Maurice Earle of Desmond and the Lord Iohn Fitz Richard and the Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn and many other Noble men were taken prisoners and many others were slaine by Obren and Maccoinnard of Thomond in the moneth of Iuly Anno 1372 Sir Robert Asheton came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1373. there was great warre betwixt the English of Meth and Offerolle in which warre many upon both sides were slaine Anno 1375. Thomas Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Richard de Wikeford consecrated Archbishop there Anno 1381 Edmund Mortimer the Kings Lievetenant in Ireland Earle of March and Vlster dyet at Co●ke Anno 1383. the fourth great Pestilence was in Ireland Anno 1385. Dublin Bridge fell Anno 1387. about Martilmas the Peeres of England rose against those that were of the side of King Richard the second but Robert Veer Duke of Ireland came over to Chester and got together many men and put them in array to march backe toward the
so aged that his sustenance was the milke of a white Cow which he carried with him wheresoever he travelled This yeere the Abbey de fonte vivo was founded While all went well in Ireland newes came that Henry the sonne whom his father had for good purpose crowned King of England was misledde to intrude upon the actuall possession of the Crowne in his fathers life-time which stirre to appease the King left the custody of Ireland with Hugh de Lacy to whom he gave Meth in fee with Fitz Stephens Fitz Gerald and Philip de Bruise and diverse others and sayled into England In absence of King Henry Ororick King of Meth surnamed Monoculus required conference and parley with Hugh de Lacy in which communication the King had trayterously murdered Lacy had not Fitz Gerald rescued him Then stept out an ambushment of the Irish but Griffin a Gentleman of the bloud royall in Wales flighted the Kyrneghes and slevv Ororick The English perceived such practices daylie sought and attempted tooke from the Irish as farre as they durst all trust of government fenced themselves vvith garrisons made Captaines Keepers and Constables vvheresoever they vvanne the better But King Henry vvas so affrighted vvith his sonnes rebellion and grevv into such envye both at home and abroad for the death of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury that he had no vvill to mind his proceedings in Ireland Ever his jealousie increased tovvardes the Earle Strongbow vvhom he supposed easie to bee carryed avvay vvith any light occasion of tumult The Earle vvas a man of great birth but not of great port until this good marriage befell him knovving himselfe neither to be brooked in sight nor trusted out of sight kept still one certaine rate in all his doings bare but lovve saile fed no quarrells shunned all suspicious conference While they stood thus in a mammaring and Letters ctme daylie over hovv faintly the States and Princes of Ireland performed obedience for except in Leinster all other parts retayned still their auncient kinde of government and did onely acknovvledge Tribute It vvas thought expedient by Henryes Counsellours to discharge his minde of that care and seeing there vvas trouble on all sides and all could not bee intended one vvay they determined to venture the custody of Ireland to Strongbow being likely for his ovvne vvealth and assurance to procure all possible meanes of bridling and annoying the Irish. No sooner vvas the Earle landed with his Commission Lord Warden of Ireland but Donald King of Limericke met him at the vantage and coursed him within the walls of Waterford whereof hearing the residue their mates were animated so that up they start in every corner tagge and ragge to expell the English It went hardly then the Earle remembred himselfe of his cousin Lord Reymond left behinde him in Wales a suitor to Basil his sister whose marriage nothing stopped but the Earles consent Now therefore hee writeth lovingly to the Wooer and upon condition that hee came speedily to succour him hee yeelded the Lady and all else at pleasure Reymond in his first entry brake into Divelin marryed his Wife in compleate Armour and the very next daye sprang foorth whipped the Rebells quieted Leinster Also the Cleargy having lately perused the Popes Bull wherein hee entitleth Henry Lord of Ireland and under straight paynes commaundeth alleagiance unto him busily repressed the fury of their Countreymen And forsomuch as immediatly after Christianity planted there the whole Iland had with one consent given themselves not only into the spirituall but also into the temporall jurisdiction of the See of Rome which temporall right the two Bishops Adrian and Alexander had freely derived into King Henry as by their publique instruments read in their counsell at Cashell appeareth they denounced curse and excommunication to any that would maliciously gainsay or frustrate the same When these b●oyles were rocked asleepe and husht for a time the familiars of Strongbow greatly fore-thought them of the credit and rule committed to Reymond whom in conclusion they procured home againe vvhen he had served their turne at neede The meane vvhile dyed Strongbow as some say betrayed and vvounded he lyeth buryed in the Body of Christ Church in Divelin leaving behinde him one onely daughter Isabel marryed after 14. yeares to VVilliam Earle marshall Closely they concealed Strongbowes death untill they had compassed from the King another Governour after their owne tooth For ever they dreaded that Reymond being in the Princes eye and friended in the Court would catch his oportunity and wynde himselfe might he get an inkling in time of the Earles death into the succession of his office which even then waxed sweet and savoury Coodgellors of this drift stopped messengers intercepted letters hasted on their own course Basil the wife of Reymond more dutiful to her husband then naturall to her brother continued still in Ireland sicke but having privy knowledge of those newes ere the breath was quite out of the Earles body payned her selfe to disturbe this whole array And whereas shee knew well her letters should bee searched and her owne servants stayed shee let it be delivered at all a very venture to one of the maryners and therein draweth a long processe of her affayres and houshold but in the middle shuffles in a few lines of her meaning under these tearmes To all my afflictions is added now lately the tooth-ake so that except that one master-tooth had fallen which I send you for a token I weene I were better out of my life Now was the tooth tipped with golde and burnished feately like a present which Reymond wist well to bee none of hers and therefore quickly smelled the construction lingred not for Letters Pattents but stept over presently and made his packe and was elected by the Kings Agents there Lord Protectour of Ireland till the Kings pleasure were further knowne During his authority flourished the Geraldines but shortly after they quayled againe under the government of VVilliam Fitz Aldelin with him was joyned in commission the valiant Knight Iohn de Courcy conquerour and Earle of Vlster which hitherto the King had not obtained That yeare was founded the Abbey of Crockesden by Bertramus de Verdon To establish the conquest of Vlster and other victories of the parts of Ireland before enjoyed Alexander the third sent his Cardinall Vivianus vvho declareth the Title that Henry held of the Pope the reservation of the Peter-pence the indignation of GOD and holy Church against the rebells who beeing themselves contemners and breakers of Canons Ecclesiasticall yet for maintenance of their unruly stomackes had found the meanes to make Churches their barnes bestowing therein both corne and pulse that the victuallers and purveyors of the Princes campe should not dare to require the sale thereof for perill of sacriledge Therefore hee licenseth Officers in this behalfe soberly and discreetely to convent such persons as made the
Barret Edmund Lane Who flourished in the yeere 1518. So farre Master Stanihurst Hector Boetius putteth us in remembrance of the honour given her by Scots Pictes Irish and English nations and how that many Churches beare her name The superstitious Irish in processe of time found out a Bell called Clogg Brietta Brigids Bell whereunto to deceive the simple people they attribute great vertue and holinesse the which together with other toyes they carried about not onely in Ireland but also in England and were by Act of Parliament in England banished the land in Henry the fifts time Cambrensis reporteth that the harmonie of the foure Evangelists the worke of Saint Ierome was caused by Brigid most of it to be written in letters of gold and was as curious a worke saith he as ever I saw and called Brigids Booke the which was kept as a monument saith Stanihurst at Kildare She deceased about the yeere 510. another saith anno 548. and about the yeere 524. she was translated from the Hebrides into Dune and resteth by Saint Patrickes side as formerly hath beene declared in his life Ireland hath given her this Epitaph Flos patriae pietatis amans virtutis alumna Sidus Hibernorum Brigida virgo fuit In her Legend I finde mention of Ercus a Bishop the disciple of Saint Patricke borne in Mounster also of Saint Ruanus a Bishop Saint Numidus Saint Praecipuus Saint Daria a Virgin Saint Darlugdach called a Virgin and yet had a daughter that was baptized in the presence of Brigide This Darlugdach was the second Nunne and succeeded Brigide in Kildare whose remembrance is celebrated the same day with her Illand King of Leinster gave Brigide great honour of him I read in her Legend that hee was a most worthy Prince and fortunate in all his affaires Illand Rex Lageniae qui triginta bella in Hibernia vicit octo certamina in Britannia occidit Engusium regem Momoniae cum Ethna uxore quos Patricius baptizavit Illand King of Leinster who wonne thirty battailes in Ireland and eight combats in Britaine slue Engusus King of Mounster and Ethna his wife whom Patricke had baptized About this time lived Caelius Sedulius whom Damianus à Goes a Knight of Portingall challenged for a Spaniard Bale writeth hee was a Scot and Stanihurst that he was borne in Ireland I will first lay downe what Bale hath next what Stanihurst reporteth Caelius Sedulius saith Bale by nation a Scot. by calling a Priest a man trayned up in learning from his youth cleaved as a diligent scholler unto Hildebert the most learned Archbishop of Scots as Tritemius delivereth After the decease of his master being desirous of farther knowledge he tooke a painefull voyage in hand travailed throughout Spain France Italie Greece and Asia last of all after he had read in Achaia most learned lectures to the great profit of many hee came backe to Rome where with great labour he distributed most abundantly in like sort the treasure of singular learning Hee was a man exercised in holy Scripture of a singular wit excellently well seene in all manner of secular literature passing both for verse and prose so that Gelasius Bishop of Rome in the decrees dist 15. calleth him reverend Sedulius and gave his workes no meane commendation Pat●rius the disciple of Gregorius Magnus and Remigius Antisiodorensis in his commentary upon him of old have published his fame and renowne Sedulius both in verse and prose hath published many workes whereof in Boston of Burie and Tritemius I onely found these that follow Vnto Macedonius the Priest a singular worke which he intituled Carmen paschale lib. 4 Pascales quicunque dapes conviva requiris Elegia vel exhortatorium ad fideles lib. 1 Cantemus socij Dom. cantemus honorem De signis virtutibus lib. 1 Domino meo charissimo Gesta et miracula Christi lib. 4 Expulerat quondam c Superutroque testamento lib. 2   In Psalmos Dividicos lib. 1   Collectanea in Paulum lib. 14 Antequam Apostolica verba In Paulum ad Romanos lib. 1 Sciendum est quod hoc Ad Corinthios lib. 2 Quod nomen suum proponit Ad Galatas lib. 1 Hoc est non ab humana Ad Ephesios lib. 1 Refere scriptura testante Ad Philippenses lib. 1 Metropoli Macedoniae cum Ad Colossenses lib. 1 Hac vice Apostolatus autor Ad Thessalonicenses lib. 2 Quod non dicit Apostolus Ad Timotheum lib. 2 Non secundum praesumptionem Ad Titum Discipulum lib. 1 Hanc epistolam scribit de Ad Philemonem lib. 1 In carcere vel in catenis Ad Hebraeos lib. 1 Quoniam apud Haebraeorum De factis Christi prosaice lib. 2   Ad Caesarem Theodosiū lib. 1 Romulidum ductor Clariss Epist. ad diversos lib. 1 Sedulius Scotigena dilect In editionem Donati lib. 1   In Prisciani volumen lib. 1   Carmina diversi generis lib. 1   He published also certaine Hymnes which the Church useth 1 A solis ortus cardine Ad usque terrae limitem Christum canamus principem c. Hostis Herodes impie Christum venisse quid times c. 2 A solis ortus cardine Ad usque terrae limitem Christum canamus principem c. Hostis Herodes impie Christum venisse quid times c. He flourished in the yeere after the Incarnation 450. under Theodosius Iunior the Emperour what time Fergusius the second raigned in Scotland after his miserable exile by the Romanes Of this Author Sigebertus and Bostonus write more So farre Bale Stanihurst pleadeth for Ireland and writeth Sedulius was not only of Irish birth but also the light of all Ireland neither will we suffer any longer so excellent a man out of his native soile contrary to all right to exile or wander but he is rather to be restored to his former inheritance as it were with a new solemnity of birth In another place hee seemeth to qualifie the matter having already chalenged Damianus a Goes of iniurie and to reconcile the dissonance of varying writers that the Scottish is taken for the Irish and the Irish for the Scottish and to satisfie the reader noteth the confusion how that all the commentaries of Sedulius upon the Epistles of Paul beginne Sedulij Scoti Hibernensis c. the Commentarie of Sedulius the Scot of Ireland And to shut up this challenge of all sides I finde that there was a second Sedulius a man of no lesse fame and learning and hee is said to bee a Scottish man therefore let Ireland being more antient then Scotland take the first and Scotland the last In the like sort excepting the challenge standeth Fridelinus Viator so called by reason of his great travaile his stile is Scotorum Hibernicorum regis olim filius the sonne sometime of the King of the Scots in Ireland whom I couch among them of Irish birth because of the ancient stile and distinction often used
by Buchanan Scoti Albanenses and Scoti Hibernenses the first he challengeth for Scotland the second he referreth to Ireland and therefore I accept of him as granted He was a Kings sonne of Ireland excellently studied in Philosophie earnestly addicted to the ecclesiasticall course of life and to the end he might plant religion and spreade abroad christianitie enterprised a voyage farre from his native soile This holy man first of all taught here and there throughout France he came to Poitiers and became father of the Monkes of Saint Hilarie and with the aide of King Clodovarus erected a stately Monasterie the like he did at Mosella in Flanders upon the top of the mount Vosagius at Argentine Curia Rhetiorum and elsewhere throughout Burgundie Lastly he came to Angia Seckingensis upon the Rhene to the end he might there also build a Cell after many godly Sermons and learned Interpretations he is said to have written a Booke of exhortations unto the sacred Virgins He flourished in the yeere 495. and resteth in the Monasterie of Seckinge before spoken of Ireland remembreth the feast of Saint Fekin that hee was of the Kings bloud and an Abbot cured many of the flixe or fluxe and dyed thereof himselfe Many things are written of Saint Modwen whom the Britaines call Mawdwen the daughter of Naughtheus the Irish King who heard Saint Patricke preach and of her companions Orbila Luge Edith Athea Lazara Sith whom the Irish call Osith Osmanna and of Brigid spoken of before whereof some began with Patricke and ended with him some began with him and lived many yeeres after as Capgrave writeth in the life of Modwen to the time of the Bishop Collumkill otherwise called Colme and Columba and the Eremite Abbot or Bishop Kevin Saint Modwen was a Nunne lived 130. yeeres The Irish Scots and English in which countries she had travailed strove for her corps at length Columkill the Bishop gave sentence for England where shee resteth at Andreisey Bale writeth how that one Galfride Abbot of Burton upon Trent in the time of King Iohn wrote the life and memorable acts of this Irish Virgin Modwen unto the posterity with great applause Capgrave writeth the life of Saint Sith otherwise called Osith that was brought up under Modwen that she was a Kings daughter and borne in England Leppeloo the Carthusian and other forraigne Writers say little of her saving that the Danes being Heathens cut off her head and that shee tooke her head in her armes carried it uprightly three furlongs off knockt at the Church doore being lockt with her bloudy hands and there fell downe The Martyrologe of Sarum confoundeth Dorothy and Saint Sith thus the 15. of Ianuarie the feast of Saint Dorothie otherwise called Saint Sith is kept in Ireland who refused marriage fled into a Monasterie where the devill appeared unto her and there mine Author left her Of Osmanna the Virgin I finde little saving what Capgrave reporteth that she was of the bloud royall in Ireland and having infidels to her parents fled into France dwelled upon the banke of Loire the river of Lions and there in peace ended her dayes I read that about this time one Tathe the sonne of an Irish King forsooke his fathers possessions went to the Diocesse of Landaffe in Wales and became a Monke builded a Monasterie and there left his bones Gualterus Calenius Archdeacon of Oxford Caxton and others doe write that Aurelius Ambrosius after his valiant exploits and noble victories went to a Monasterie neere Cair-caredoch now called Salisburie where through the treason of Hengist which the Britaines call Toill y Killill Hirion the treason of the long knives the Nobles and Princes of Britaine were slaine and buried called his Councell and demanded what monument were meete to be made there in remembrance of so many Nobles of the land there resting in the dust of the earth Carpenters Masons Carvers Ingravers and Tombe-makers being out of all places sent for came thither delivered their opinions but concluded nothing Then stepped forth a Bishop which said O King if it may stand with your pleasure there is one Merlin of Worcester a Prophet a searcher of Antiquities a man of rare gifts I wish his opinion in the matter Merlin came and being advised said as followeth Most Noble King upon occasion offered I went lately into Ireland and having ended my businesse I was inquisitive of antiquities and sight of monuments where among other things being brought to a mountaine of Kildare I saw so rare a sight in so rude a country as might bee seene there was a round row of huge stones the which none of this age had so framed neither could be unlesse Art had mastered the common skill of man send for them and set them vp as they are there couched and they will bee a monument whilst the world standeth Hereat the King smiled and said how shall we convey so great stones into Britaine from so farre a countrey and to what end as though Britaine yeelded not as good stones to all purposes Merlin replied be not displeased O King there is a hid mystery in those stones they are medicinable and as I was given to understand in Ireland the Gyants of old dwelling in that land procured them from the farthest part of Affricke and pitched them there in them they bathed themselves and were rid of their infirmities The Britaines hearing this were perswaded to send for them the King appointed his brother Vter-Pendragon with Merlin and fifteene thousand men to effect the businesse In a short time they arrived in Ireland Gillomer King of Leinster raised an Armie to resist them and reviled the Britaines saying what fooles and asses are you are the Irish better then the British stones and turning himselfe to his Armie said come on quit your selves like men keepe your monuments and defend your country Vter-Pendragon seeing this animated his company they met and manfully encountred in the end Gillomer fled and the Irish were discomfited Vter-Pendragon marched on they came by Merlins direction to the place and beholding the hugenesse of the stones they wondred yet they joyed that they had found them To worke they went some with Ropes some with Wythes some with Ladders and carried them away brought them to Britaine and pitched them in the Plaine of Salisburie which place is now called Stonehenge Beside this there are divers monuments of Gyants in Ireland as at Dundalke Louth Ardee and on the hilles not farre from the Naas the like Saxo Grammaticus reporteth of the Danes a nation famous for Gyants and mighty men and this saith he the great and huge stones laid of old upon Caves and Tombes of the dead doe declare About this time Passent the sonne of Vortiger that fled into Germany for aide arrived in the North parts Aurelius Ambrosius met him and put him to flight Passent came into Ireland delivered his griefe unto Gillomer King of
after Bishop of Iuvaviens the name of which Bishopricke hee procured to bee changed and called it the Bishops See of Salisburgh where he builded a sumptuous Cathedrall Church and was the first founder thereof In his time one Boniface an English man and the Popes Legate in Germany tooke upon him to rebaptize contrary to the Canons of the Church such as had beene as hee thought formerly not rightly baptized Virgilius having had conference with Sydonius Archbishop of Bavaria opposed himselfe against him The matter came to hearing before Pope Zacharie who gave sentence that Virgilius was in the right and Boniface his Legate for all his great authority in the wrong opinion Hee prudently governed his Church some thirty yeeres and gave place to nature So farre Bale out of Gaspar Bruschius Learned Camden alledgeth out of Rhegino that in the time of Carolus magnus which must needs bee about the yeere 767. certaine Norwegians or Normans entred Ireland and were repulsed and further of them I have not read but in the British Chronicle of Caradoc Llancarvan I finde that Anno 799. the Danes came into England and destroyed a great part of Lindsey and Northumberland over-ranne the most part of Ireland and destroyed Rechreyn The accidents of the eight hundreth yeere after Christ now follow And first of all Functius offereth occasion to write how that Anno 820. Regnerus King of Denmarke invaded Britaine and how that his prosperous successes in Britaine Scotland and the Orchades puffed him up and emboldned him so much that he passed into Ireland slue the King of the land tooke the Citie of Dublin where hee remained an whole yeere and then returned to Denmarke Next commeth Turgesius his time to bee examined who was of Norwey and came with great power of Esterlings into Ireland vanquished King Edlumding or Edlimidus or in Irish Felim Mac Edmund and raigned thirty yeeres Here gentle reader observe certain errours or escapes whether of ignorance wilfulnesse or negligence I know not the which I finde betweene Cambrensis Polychronicon Fabian and others touching Gurmund and Turgesius First that Gurmund and Turgesius should be one man the end of them both by a generall consent of Writers reproveth that for Gurmund dyed in France and Turgesius was slaine in Ireland Secondly whereat Giraldus marvaileth how that the Antiquaries of England make mention of Gurmund but nothing of Turgesius and that the Writers of Ireland speake of Turgesius but little or nothing of Gurmund so that Turgesius by reason of his raigne and continuance was knowne unto them and Gurmund if he were here made small abode as I have formerly written and therefore became a man unknowne Thirdly that Turgesius should be Gurmunds deputie in Ireland or his brother as I reade in Fabian cannot possibly stand with the truth for on all sides it is agreed that Gurmund came to Britaine and ioyned with the Saxons against Careticus who began his raigne in Britaine anno 586. but as saith Cambrensis Turgesius Captaine of the Norwegians Danes or Esterlings came to Ireland in the daies of Fedlimidius which was 400. yeeres from the comming of the first Patricke into the land in the which time there had raigned thirty three Kings or Monarchs then this knot with facilitie may be untied for Patricke came to Ireland as I have formerly delivered An. 432. adde 400. to it then Turgesius came to Ireland Anno 832. But forward with the history When these Norwegians or Esterlings had got footing in the land to their content and planted themselves the space of thirty yeeres they builded Castles Fortes and Wardes they cast up Trenches Bankes and Ditches for safegard and refuge Toward the end of the terme before mentioned Turgesius was enamoured on a faire Gentlewoman the onely daughter of Omalaghlin King of Meth and desired her for his Concubine he practised with the father for obtaining of his purpose the father not willing to yeeld nor daring to displease resolved him thus Appoint the day the houre and the place and sequester your selfe from your Court and retinue and I will send my daughter unto you with twelve or sixteene Gentlewomen of the choice and beautifullest maidens of my country and take your choice of them if my daughter please you best she is at your command When the time appointed came and the Lecher longed to satisfie his filthy lust Omalaghlin attired his daughter in princely sort and sent her to King Turgesius with sixteene young men in womens attire which had long Skeines under their Mantles These young springals were faire beautifull effeminate and amiable to look upon they were brought to his chamber and presented before him he taketh the Gentlewoman by the middle and kisseth her the Striplings out with their Skeines and stabbed him having the Lady in his armes whereof he presently dyed whilst they fell upon a few loose and dissolute persons that were about him whom they killed every one Omalaghlin that lay in ambush all this while with certaine horsemen expecting the end of this exploit reioyced greatly when hee saw his daughter and her company make so speedy a returne and understanding that his practise was effected as he desired sent Scoutes and Cursitors Messengers and horses over the whole land declaring what had happened Immediately Meth and all Leinster are in Armes the Princes and Lords from euery place throughout Ireland repaired to Omalaghlin and being glad of liberty reioyced with him at the destruction of Turgesius and his Guard To make the story short for they made short worke with it they set upon the Norwegians and Danes killed them every mothers sonne that escaped not by flight seized upon all their possessions so as together with their lives they lost all their lands and goods and saith the Irish Chronicle tunc cepit conquestus Hibernicorum Then the Irish began to conquer This Omalaghlin King of Meath being in great trust credite and favour with Turgesius no man greater at that time demanded of him concealing the plot that lay hidden in his heart against the Norwegians by what meanes certaine ravenous and pestiferous fowle hee meant the Norwegians lately brought into the land which greatly annoyed the country might be destroyed Turgesius answered if they breed destroy their egges birds and nests which answer the Irish made good upon the Norwegians Not long after saith Cambrensis and Polychronicon after what They meane after the murthering of Turgesius and rooting out of all the Norwegians and Esterlings there came againe out of Norway and the Northerne Ilands as remnants of the former nation and whether they knew of themselves or by relation of their Parents and Ancestours the land to be fruitfull commodious thither they came not in warlike sort but in peaceable manner to use the trade of merchandise when they had entred certaine Ports and Havens of Ireland with the licence of the Princes of the land they builded therein divers Cities For the Irish nation they
Lievetenant with the allowance of twenty Gentlemen of his houshold and joyned with him in commission Iohn de Courcy with the allowance of tenne men to attend his person Robert Fitz Stephens and Miles Cogan who had nobly served him in his wars two yeers with the allowance of twenty men to attend their persons at which time saith Holinshed the Irish men paid the King a tribute of twelve pence yeerely for every house or else for every yoke of Oxen alias plow which they had of their owne Richard surnamed Strangbow had to his father Gilbert likewise surnamed Strangbow for his valour strength this Gilbert was E. of Ogye in Normandie Lord of Totenhā Alverdiston Wolaston in England so created by Henry 1. William the son of Osbert a Norman E. of Ogie in Normandie had issue Richard E. of Ogie this Richard had issue Walter Gilbert aforesaid father to Richard E. Strangbow William Fitz Osbert came into England in the ayde of William the Conquerour And as far as I can learn Walter was the first Earle of Penbroke the Britaines call it Penbraich More the head of an arme of the sea whence both the Countie and the most noble Earldome have their denominations Arnulph de monte Gomerik the yonger sonne of Roger de montegomerik that was by William the Conquerour created Earle of Arundell and Shrewsbury builded the Castle of Penbroke where Henry the seventh was borne William the Conquerour gave him Divet and Cardigan hee was Earle of Ogie and the second Earle of Penbroke and married the daughter by the mediation of Girald de Windsore Constable of his Castle of Morogh King of Leinster in Ireland Gilbert surnamed Strangbow was created by King Stephen the third Earle of Penbroke hee was Earle of Ogie in Normandie Lord of Totenham Alverdiston Wolaston and Cardigan and in England succeeded Arnulph Henry the first made him Earle of Strigule now called Chepstow and gave him Cardigan this Gilbert builded Castrogie alias Castrum Ogie in Gwent and the Castle of Stratmirike Richard surnamed Strangbow succeeded his father Gilbert his stile as I take it is thus Richard surnamed Strangbow Lord of Totenham Alverdiston Wolaston and Cardigan in England Earle of Penbroke Earle of Strigule alias Domonius de Chepstow in England Earle of Ogie in Normandie Earle of Leicester Earle Marshall of England Vicegerent of Normandie Lord Lievetenant of Ireland and Prince of Leinster in the right of Eva his wife sole heire of Dermot Mac Morogh King of Leinster This Richard had issue by his first wife a sonne a fine youth and a gallant stripling who following his father with some charge in battaile array as he passed by Idrone in Leinster to relieve Robert Fitz Stephens in Wexford upon the sight and cry of the Irish men when his father was in cruell fight gave backe with his company to the great discouragement of the host yet the Earle got the victory and commanded with the teares in his cheekes that his sonne should be cut in the middle with a sword for his cowardize in battaile he was buried in the Church of the blessed Trinitie in Dublin where now his father resteth by his side and caused the cause of his death for an Epitaph to be set over him Nate ingrate mihi pugnanti terga dedisti Non mihi sed genti regno quoque terga dedisti My sonne unkinde didst flye the field the father fighting hard Nor me nor English birth didst weigh nor kingdome didst regard How the sonne pleaded with his father for the place of service and how the father answered Stanihurst hath many circumstances hereof and delivered that his owne father in his fury and in the face of the enemy cut him off and marvaileth that Cambrensis would conceale it and in the end taketh it as a matter of truth both by the testimony of the Tombe in Christ Church as also by the industry of Sir Henry Sidney Knight a great favourer of Antiquities in preserving the same to the knowledge of the posterity Richard Earle Strangbow by his second wife Eva the daughter of Dermot Mac Morogh had issue one daughter Isabell whom Richard the first gave in marriage to William Maxfield Lord Maxfield Earle Marshall of England of whom God willing I shall have occasion to speake further when I come to his time The same yeere that Strangbow dyed viz. 1177. so Holinshed writeth Iohn de Courcy entred Vlster discomfited the Irish and wanne the Citie of Dune where the body of Saint Patricke Saint Colme and Saint Brigide the Virgin rests whom Courcy calleth tria jocalia Hiberniae the three jewels of Ireland At the winning of Dune Roderic King of Connaght and Monarch of Ireland at severall times before sworne to the King raised a mighty army against Courcy where Roderic was overthrowne and the Bishop of Dune taken prisoner among other rebels the which Bishop at the request of Cardinall Vinian then present was set at liberty This Cardinall saith mine Author intitled Sancti Stephani de monte Celio was sent from Alexander 3. and comming into England without licence was pardoned by Henry 2. and permitted to goe into Scotland and the north parts where his commission directed him when he had ended his businesse in Scotland he passed over into Man where he held his Christmas with Gotred King of Man and after the Epiphanie sailed from thence into Ireland and came thither saith Newbrigiensis the same time that the English men invaded the country and was entertained by Roderic and the Bishop of Dune and others with great reverence The Irish men aske councell of Vivian the Legate what in that case he thought best to be done whether they should fight or yeeld unto the English nation he gave counsell forgetting what Adrian 4. and Alexander 3. had formerly granted and said fight in defence of your country This Legate craftily preventing all mishaps took the Church of Dune for his sanctuary and had in readinesse the Popes commission and the King of Englands Passe unto the Captaines of Ireland for his safe conduct From thence he went to Dublin called the Prelates held a councell and filled his bagges with the sinnes of the people the English Captaines understanding of it gave him in charge either to depart the land or to goe to the warres and serve for pay with them and no longer to receive money for nought In the booke of Howth it is further alledged how that this Legate in his Synod at Dublin whether it were to curry favour with the English men and to colour his other pranckes it forceth not greatly shewed and published openly the King of Englands right to Ireland with the Popes grant and confirmation and accursed all those that gainesaid the same Now to the true history of Sir Iohn de Courcy as worthy a Knight for martiall prowesse as ever trode upon Irish ground whom Cambrensis lightly overskipped partly upon private grudge for that Sir Iohn de Courcy allowed him
March alias Maurish so Holinshed calleth him in Mathew Paris Galfridus de Marisco to have beene Lord Iustice of Ireland so it may be in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald who made three journeys to King Henry the third one with great power out of Ireland to ayde him beyond the seas secondly to cleare himselfe of the death of Richard Marshall Earle of Pembrook lastly with Irish forces against the Welshmen Mat. Paris and Holinshed make report of his good service How that when an Irish petit King in Conaght understanding that both the King of England and the Earle Marshall and Maurice Fitz Gerald were gone over into France and so Ireland left without any great aide of men of warre on the English part raised a mighty Army and with the same entred into the Marches and borders of the English dominion spoiling and burning the Country before him And how that Ieffray de Maurisco then Lord Iustice being thereof advertized called to him Walter de Lacy Lord of Meth and Richard de Burgh assembling therewithall an hugh Army the which he divided into three parts appointing the said Walter de Lacy and Richard de Burgh with the two first parts to lye in ambush within certain Woods through the which he purposed to draw the enemies And marching forth with the third which he reserved to his owne government he profered battaile to the Irishmen the which when they saw but one battaile of the Englishmen boldly assaid the same The Englishmen according to the order appointed faining as though they had fled and so retired still backe till they had trained the Irish within danger of their other two battailes which comming forth upon them did set on them eagerly whilest the other which seemed before to fly returned back againe and set upon them in like manner by meanes whereof the Irish men being in the midst were beaten downe if they stood to it they were before and behind slaine if any offered to fly hee was overtaken thus in all parts they were utterly vanquished with the losse of 20000. Irish and the King of Conaght taken and committed to prison This Noble Ieffray de Marisco of whom Holinshed writeth a man some time in great honour and possessions in Ireland fell into the displeasure of the King was banished who after he had remained long in exile suffred great miserie ended the same by naturall death Thus the unstable Wheele goeth round about and yet I may not so leave it hee had a sonne called William de Maurisco who together with the father the Iustice of God requiring the same came to most shamefull ends Matthew the Munke of Westminster and Matthew Paris the Munke of Saint Albones doe write the Story While the King was beyond seas a certain noble man of Irish birth to wit Willielmus de Maurisco an exiled and banished man the sonne of Ieffray de Maurisco for some hainous offence laid to his charge kept himselfe in the Isle of Lundy not farre from Bristall preying robbing and stealing as a notorious Pirate at length being apprehended together with 17. of his confederacy and by the Kings commandement adjudged to cruell death he was drawne at London with his confederats at horse tailes to the Gibbet and there hanged and quartered His father one of the mightiest men of Ireland by name Galfridus de Maurisco hearing thereof fled into Scotland and scarce there could hee lye safe who pinnig away with grief and sorrow soone after ended a miserable life with wished death againe after in another place he writeth Galfridus de Maurisco reckened amongst the most Noble of Ireland an exile and a banished man died pitifully yet not to be pitied whom being banished Ireland expulsed out of Scotland and fled out of England France received for a begger where hee ended an unfortunate life after the most shamefull death of his sonne Willielmus de Maurisco These things therefore I deliver more at large unto the hearers that every man may wey with himselfe what end is alloted unto treason and especially being committed against the sacred person of a Prince His father against Richard Earle and Marshall in Ireland and his son William against the King unadvisedly and unfortunatly adventured to practice mischiefe Paris addeth the name of this William was very odious unto the King for so much it was reported that through the councell of Ieffray his father he had conspired the death of the King and that he had traitorously sent that varlet which came in the night season to Woodstock to slay the King and last of all that hee had killed at London in presence of the King one Clemens a Clerk messenger of some Noble man of Ireland that came to informe the King against him About this same time florished a Learned man of Irish birth one Cornelius Historicus so called because hee was an exquisit antiquary Bale and Stanihurst have briefly written his life and his commandations out of Hector Boetius who was greatly furthered by this Cornelius to the perfecting of the Scotish History hee wrote as they say Multarum rerum Cronicon lib. 1. About this time Viz. Anno 1230. there rose a doubt in Ireland so that they sent to England to be therein resolved the King by his learned Councell answered as followeth Henry by the grace of God c. King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Guian c. Trusty and welbeloved Gerald Fitz Maurice Iusticer of Ireland greeting VVhereas certien Knights of the parties of Ireland lately informed us that when any land doth discend unto sisters within our dominion of Ireland the Iustices errant in those parties are in doubt whether the younger sister ought to hold of the eldest sister and doe homage unto her or not And forasmuch as the said Knights have made instance to bee certified how it had beene used before within our Realme of England in like case at their instance we doe you wit that such a Law and Custome is in England in this case that if any holding of us in chief happen to die having daughters to his heires our ancestors and we after the death of the father have alway had and received homage of all the daughters and every of them in this case did hold of us in chiefe And if they happned to be within age we have alway had the ward and marriage of them and if hee bee tennant to another Lord the sisters being within age the Lord shall have the ward and manage of them all and the eldest onely shall doe homage for herselfe and all her sisters and when the other sisters come to full age they shall doe their service to the Lord of the fee by the hands of the eldest sister yet shall not the eldest by this occasion exact of her younger sisters homage ward or any other subjection for when they be all sisters and in manner as one heire to one inheritance if the eldest should have homage of the other
sister or demaund ward then the inheritance should seeme to be divided so that the eldest sister should seeme to be segnioresse and tennant of inheritance simul semel that is to say heire of her owne part and segnioresse to her sisters which could not stand well together in this case for the eldest can demaund no more then her sisters but the chiefe mease by reason of her auncienty Moreover if the eldest sister should take homage of the yonger she should be as a segnioresse to them all and should have the ward of them and their heires which should be none other but but to cast the Lambe to the Wolfe to be devoured And therefore wee command you that you cause the aforesaid customes that bee used within our Realme of England in this case to bee proclaimed throughout our dominions of Ireland and to be straightly kept and observed in testimony whereof c. I witnesse my selfe at Westminster the ninth of February the thirteeneth yeere of our Raigne Anno 1233. or as some will have it 1234. the 7. of Aprill there appeared as it were foure Sunnes besides the naturall Sunne of a red colour and a great Circle of Christall colour from the sides whereof went out halfe Circles in the divisions whereof the foure Sunnes went forth There followed that yeere great warre and cruell bloodshed general great disturbance throughout England Wales and Ireland so write Matthew Paris and Stow. This troublesome yeere died Gualter Lacy Lord of Meath leaving behind him two daughters coheires to inherit his possession to wit Margret that was maried to the Lord Theobald Verdon and Mathilda married to Ieffray Genevile Amids these troubles in the flourishing daies of Maurice Fitz Gerald Hubert de Burgo Ieffray de Morisco and Gualter de Lacy whose ends followed according The Noble Earle Richard Maxfield Lord Maxfield Earle Marshall of England spoken of before and being by them maligned was traitorously cut off by sundry devilish draughts Matthew Paris wrot the Story at large laid downe their practise on both the sides of the seas their forged letters and secretly as it were by stealth fixing thereto the Kings seale Hee calleth them traitors Iudasses and Ieffery de Morisco he termeth Achitophell that gave wicked counsell Hubert had a lamentable end Ieffery dyed in misery Lacy was shortly cut off and Maurice Fitz Girald was with dishonour removed from his Iusticeship This Maurice of the King desired to bee reconciled to Gilbert Marshall his brother whom he greatly feared and offered in satisfaction to build with all speed a noble Monastery and to endow the same with large possessions and to furnish it with a reverent covent to pray for the soule of Richard Marshall at length with much adoe and importunate intreaty of the King and Nobility of England Gilbert Marshall granted him peace but of Earle Richards end I have spoken somewhat before About the yeere 1233. or 34. Hugh Mapleton Bishop of Ossorie whose Episcopall see was then at Achboo in upper Ossorie began the foundation of the Cathedrall Church now standing in the Irish towne of Kilkenny in the honour of God and Saint Canicus of whom the towne of Kilkenny hath the name and is reckoned the first founder Hee ordained three Canons for the service hee gave them divers Churches and tithes for their maintenance as in the foundation of those Chanons more at large doth appeare He builded the Bishops Court of Aghor adding thereto fish-ponds fishings and other necessaries Such good men lived in those dayes At the same time came the King of Connaught exhibiting a grievous complaint unto Henry the third saith Mathew Paris against Iohn de Burgo the sonne as I suppose of Hubert de Burgo before spoken of that he had entred his country with forces and wasted the same with fire and sword that it would please his Majestie to doe him justice and command such rash attempts to be bridled alledging that he was his loyall subject and paid for his kingdome an annuall pension mounting to the summe of 5000 marks ever since King Iohn had subdued his kingdome and that he would rid him of that base upstart or new commer which sought unjustly to disherit him The King tendred his reasonable requests and commanded Maurice Fitz Girald then present to plucke up by the roote the fruitlesse Plant the which Hubert Earle of Kent had sometime planted in those parts while he was in Ruffe that it might budde no more Hee wrote also unto the Nobilitie of Ireland that they should banish the said Iohn de Burgo and peaceably establish the King in his kingdome who with these princely favours joyfully returned into his country Anno 1235. saith Cooper the Irish men rebelled so hee left it and so I leave it too Anno 1236. Mathew Paris doth write that in the North parts not farre from the Abbey of Rochor Rupie and also in Ireland and the parts there abouts more apparantly strange and wonderfull sights were seene which amazed the beholders to wit there appeared comming forth of the earth companies of armed men on horseback with Speare Shield Sword and banners displaid in sundry formes and shapes riding in battaile array and encountring together and this sight appeared sundry dayes each after other sometimes they seemed to joyne as it had beene in battaile and fought sore and sometimes they seemed to just and breake staves as if it had beene at some triumphant justs of torny The people of the country beheld them a farre off with great wonder for the skirmish shewed it selfe so lively that now and then they might see them come with their empty horses sore wounded and hurt and likewise men mangled and bleeding A pittifull fight to behold and that which seemed more strange and most to be mervailed at after they vanished away the prints of their feet appeared in the ground and the grasse trodden in those places where they had beene seene Anno 1240. Petrus de Supino came from Pope Gregory into Ireland with an authenticke papall mandate requiring under paine of Excommunication and other censures ecclesiasticall the twentieth part part of the whole land besides donatives and private gratuities to the maintenance of his warres against Fredericke the Emperour where he extorted saith Mathew Paris a thousand and five hundred markes and above saith Florilegus at which time also one Petrus Pubeus intitled the Popes Familiar and kinsman and both bastards saith Bale filled in like sort his fardles in Scotland These Nuntioes were so crafty that they needed no Brokers they secretly understood by Posts and Cursitors the state of the Court of Rome which quailed them full sore that the Pope was either gone or panted for life secretly by the conduct of the Monkes of Canterbury they were conveyed to Dover where they tooke shipping and crossed the seas The Emperour Fredericke against whom this provision was made having intelligence thereof and secretly acquainted with the Popes state wrote to the King of England
inquisitions of Treylbaston The same yeere Iordan Comin slue Conthir de Ophaly and Calwagh his brother was slaine in the Court of Peirs de Birmingham at Carricke and Balimor was burnt Anno 1306. Edward the second succeeded his father being dead in the kingdome In the beginning of his raigne he called back from beyond the seas Peirs de Gaveston whose company in the presence of his father he abjured and being wholly taken up with him he neglected Isabell his Queene and his Nobles for which cause the Nobles being offended they banished the said Peirs into Ireland where also the Kings treasure that was sent over thither was wantonly consumed Then Peirs was called backe againe but in regard the Kings treasure was spent as aforesaid the Nobles make an insurrection and put away Peirs from the King Anno 1308. And in the second of King Edward the second Peirs de Gaveston by the Lords of England but contrary to the Kings minde was banished into Ireland about the nativitie of our Lady but the next yeere hee was called backe againe and the King met him at Chester Anno 1309. The Lord Ieffery Genvill became a Fryer at Trym of the order of the Preachers and the Lord Peirs de Birmingham dyed Anno 1311. Was the consecration of Iohn Leeke Archbishop of Dublin and Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster with a great armie went to Bourath in Thomound and there he was taken prisoner by Sir Robert de Clare and Iohn Fitz Walter Lacy and many others were slaine and there dyed Sir Walter la ●aint and Sir Eustace Power And the next yeere Maurice Fitz Thomas and Thomas Fitz Iohn married two daughters of the Earle of Vlster And Saint Fingay was translated and William de Lowndres the first and Iohn the son of Sir Richard Bourgh Knight deceased and the Lord Edmund Butler made 30. Knights Anno 1313. Died Iohn Leek Archbishop of Dublin and Theobald Verdon came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and William de Montency and Richard Loundries died Anno 1315. The Lord Edward Bruse brother of the King of Scots entred the North part of Vlster with a great Army upon Saint Augustines day in the month of May and afterward hee burned Dundalke and a great part of Vrgile and the Church of Athirde was burned by the Irish And in the warre of Comeram in Vlster Richard Earle of Vlster was put to flight and Sir William Bourgh and Sir Iohn Mandevill and Sir Alan Fitz Warren were taken prisoners and the Castle of Norburgh was taken Moreover at Kenlis in Meath the Lord Roger Mortimer in the warre together with the said Edward were put to flight and many of the men men of the said Roger were slaine and taken prisoners and he burnt the Towne and after this he went as farre as Finnagh and the Skerries in Leinster and there incountred him Edmund Butler Lord Iustice of Ireland the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas afterward Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and every one of them had a great army to war against him and upon the sodaine there arose a dissention amongst them and so they left the field and this dissention hapned upon the 26. day of Ianuary after this hee burnt the Castle of Leye and afterward hee returned into Vlster and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus and slue Thomas Mandevill and Iohn his brother at Downe comming out of England and then returned into Scotland Anno 1316. Edward Bruse before Easter came into Ireland with the Earle of Murry and other armies and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus afterward they went to Castle Knock and there tooke the Baron prisoner and Edward Bruse lay there and Richard Earle of Vlster lay in Saint Maries Abbey neere Dublin Then the Major and Commonalty of the City of Dublin tooke the Earle of Vlster prisoner and put him in the Castle of Dublin and slew his men and spoiled the Abbey Then the said Bruse went as farre as Lymmerick after the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and staied there untill after Easter and in the meane time Roger Mortimer the Kings Lievtenant landed at Waterford with a great Army and for feare of him Edward Bruse made haste to goe into the parts of Vlster and Iohn Fitz Thomas was created Earle of Kildare also Oconthir of Conaght and many other of the Irish of Conaght and Meath were slaine neere Athenry by the English there also there was a great slaughter made by Edmond Butler neere Testilldermot upon the Irish and another slaughter by the same Edmund upon Omorthe at Balitcham Anno 1317. The said Lievtenant delivered the Earle of Vlster out of the Castle of Dublin and after Whitsuntide hee banished out of Meath Sir Walter and Sir Hugh de Lacy and gave their lands unto his souldiers and they together with Edward Bruse went back into Scotland and Alexander Bignor was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1318. The Lord Roger Mortimer went againe into England and Alexander Bignor was made Lord Iustice and Edward Bruse and the said Walter and Hugh de Lacy with a great Army landed at Dundalke upon Saint Calixtus the Popes day and there the Lord Iohn Brimingham Richard Tute and Miles Verdon with one thousand three hundred twenty foure men incountred them and slew the said Edward Bruse with eight thousand two hundred seventie foure of his men and the said Iohn Birmingham did cary the head of the said Edward into England and gave it to King Edward and the King gave unto the said Iohn and his heires males the Earledome of Lowth and the Barony of Athirdee to him and his heires also Sir Richard de Clare with foure Knights and many others were slaine in Thomond Anno 1319. The Lord Roger Mortimer came over againe Lord of Iustice of Ireland And the Towne of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas brother to the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas And the Bridge of Kilcolin was built by Maurice I●kis Anno 1320. The Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare was made Lord Iustice. And the bridge of Leiglin was built by Maurice Iakis Anno 1321. There was a very great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan by the English of Leinster and Meath And the said Earle of Lowth was made Lord Iustice Anno 1322. Died the Lord Richard Birmingham Lord of Athenry the Lord Edmund Butler and the Lord Thomas Persivall Moreover the Lord Andrew Birmingham and Sir Richard de la Londe were slaine by Onolan Anno 1323. Iohn Darcy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1325. Deceased Nicolas Fitz Simon Gonvill Anno 1326. The Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster died Edward the third sonne to Edward the second after the Conquest at the age of fifteene yeeres in his fathers life time upon Candlemas day was crowned King at Westminster In the beginning of whose raigne there was great likelyhood of good successe to follow For then also the Earth received fruitfulnesse the Ayre temperature and Sea
hurt to the Welch men and brought away the shrine of Saint Cubius and placed it in the Church of the holy Trinitie in Dublin The same yeere on the Eeven of the feast of the blessed Virgin Iames Butler Earle of Ormond dyed at Raligauran whose death was much lamented whilest hee was Lord Iustice of Ireland unto whom succeeded Girald Earle of Kildare Anno 1406. in the seaventh yeere of King Henry on Corpus Christi day the citizens of Dublin with the country people about them manfully vanquished the Irish enemies and slue divers of them and tooke two Ensignes bringing with them to Dublin the heads of those whom they had slaine The same yeere the Prior of Conall in the Plaine of Kildare fought valiantly and vanquished two hundred of the Irish that were well armed slaying some of them and chasing others and the Pryor had not with him but twenty English men and thus God assisteth those that put their trust in him The same yeere after Michaelmas came into Ireland Scroope Deputie Iustice to the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings Sonne Lord Lievetenant of Ireland The same yeere dyed Innocent the seaventh to whom succeeded Gregorie in the Popedome The same yeere a Parliament was holden at Dublin on the feast of Saint Hillary which in Lent after was ended at Trym and Meiler Birmingham slue Cathole O Conghir in the end of Frebruary and there dyed Sir Ieffery Vaulx a Noble Knight in the Countie of Carlogh Anno 1407. a certaine most false fellow an Irish man named Mac Adam Mac Gilmori that had caused forty Churches to be destroyed who was never baptized and therefore hee was called Corbi tooke prisoner Patricke Savage and received for his ransome two thousand markes and afterwards slue him together with his Brother Richard The same yeere in the feast of the exaltation of the holy Crosse Stephen Scroope Deputy to the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings sonne Lord Lievtenant of Ireland with the Earles of Ormond and Desmond and the Prior of Kilmainan and divers other Captaines and men of warre of Meath set from Dublin and invaded the land of Mac Murch where the Irish had the better part of the field for the former part of the day but afterwards they were valiantly rescued by the said Captaines so that Onolad with his sonne and divers others were taken prisoners But then and there being advertised that the Burkens and Okeroll in the County of Kilkenny had for the space of two dayes together done much mischiefe they rode with all speed unto the Towne of Callan and there encountring with the adversasaries manfully put them to flight slue Okeroll and eight hundred others and it was averred by many that the Sunne stoodstill for a space that day till the Englishmen had ridden 6. miles which was much to be wondred at The same yeere Stephen Scrope went over into England and Iames Butler Earle of Ormond was elected by the Country L. I. of Ireland The same yeere in England neere unto Yorke was slaine Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Bardolf and the Bishop of Bangor were taken prisoners Anno 1408. The said Lord Iustice held a Parliament at Dublin in which the Statutes of Kilkenny and Dublin were established and the Charter granted under the grear Seale of England against Purveiors The same yeere the morrow after Lammas day the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the Kings sonne Lord Lievtenant of Ireland landed at Carlingford and in the weeke following he came unto Dublin and arrested the Earle of Kildare comming to him with three of his familie hee lost all his goods being spoiled and rifled by the Lord Lievtenant his servants and himselfe kept still in the Castle of Dublin till he had paid three hundred markes fine The same yeere on the day of Saint Marcell the Martyr the L. Stephen Scrope died at Tristledermot The same yeere the said L. Thomas of Lancaster at Kilmainan was wounded and hardly escaped death and after caused summons to be given by Proclamation that all such as ought by their tenures to serve the King should assemble at Rosse and after the Feast of Saint Hillary he held a Parliament at Kilkenny for a tallage to be granted and after the 13. of March he went over into England leaving the Prior of Kilmainan his Deputy in Ireland This yeere Hugh Mac Gilmore was slaine in Cragfergus within the Church of the Fryers Minors which Church hee had before destroyed and broken downe the Glasse-windowes to have the Iron barres through which his enemies the Savages entred upon him Anno 1409. Of King Henry the fourth in Iune Ianico de Artois with the Englishmen slue fourescore of the Irish in Vlster The same yeere on the day of Saint Iohn and Paul Alexander the fifth of the Order of Fryers Minors was consecrated Pope and Pope Gregory and Antipope Clemens were condēned for heretickes and by these meanes unity was made in the Church The same yeere a heretick or Lollard of London was burned because he did not beleeve in the sacrament of the altar Anno 1410. Pope Alexander died on the day of the Apostles Philippe and Iacob at Bononia to whom succeeded Iohn the XXIII Anno 1411. On Thursday before Septuagesima marriage was celebrated betwixt William Preston and the daughter of Edward Paris and on Saint Valentines even and day marriages were celebrated between Iohn Wogan and the daughter of Christopher Preston and Walter de la Hide and the second daughter of the same Christopher with a great deale of charges Anno 1412. About the feast of Tiburtius and Valerianus Oconthird did much mischiefe in Meath and tooke a hundred and three score Englishmen The same yeere Odoles a Knight and Thomas Fitz Maurice Sherife of Limerick slue each other The same yeere on the nineth Kalends of Iune there died Robert Mountaine Bishop of Meath to whom succeeded Edward Dandisey sometimes Archdeacon of Cornward The same yeere in Harvest the Lord Thomas of Lancester Duke of Clarence went over into France and with him went the Duke of Yorke the Earle of Ormond and Green-Cornwall with many others The same yeere on Saint Cutberts day King Henry the fourth departed this life To whom succeeded Henry the fifth his eldest sonne Anno 1413. On the fifth Ides of Aprill namely the first Sunday of the Passion of our Lord A. being the Dominicall letter Henry the fifth was crowned King of England at Westminster The same yeere on the first of October there landed in Ireland at Clontarf Iohn Stanley the Kings Lievtenant in Ireland he departed this life the 18. of Ianuary The same yeere after the death of Iohn Stanly Lievtenant Thomas Crawly Archbishop of Dublin was chosen Lord Iustice of Ireland on the 11. Kalends of February the morrow after Saint Mathias day a Parliament began at Dublin and continued for the space of 15. daies In which time the Irish burned all that stood in their way as their usuall custome was in times