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A03066 Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and the great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in the orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. Severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. With a revivall of the first discoverer of America. Revised and enlarged by the author.; Relation of some yeares travaile Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1638 (1638) STC 13191; ESTC S119691 376,722 394

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Moheia rather from fish a calumny had three sonnes Ally Hushan Achmet Ally sirnm'd Abenhassen had no issue his father and he were both buried in Sheraz An. Dom. 940 heg 320. Hussan by death of his elder brother was Lord of Parc Hery Hierac and Corasan Acmet had Kerman and Macron To Hussan succeeded a stranger Zedday-Mohee by name brought in by Mustapha the Babylonian Calyph to whom succeeded Eyna-duddaule that had no issue So Rocnadaul Hussans sonne got possession of his fathers seigniories and dyed Anno Domini 980. heg 360. dividing first his crowne lands amongst his three sonnes Sherfa-daule Shamsdaules and Bahao-daules The eldest had Shyraztan Larestan and Kerman the second Hierac and Diarbec the youngest had Gerioom and Taburstan Sherfadaule dyed issules Anno Dom. 990. heg 370. the second brother inherited but the envie of traitors gave him small joy for hee was buried not long after his Coronation whereby the seigniory came to Bahao-daules the youngest sonne of King Rocknadaule Bahaodaule governed twelve yeeres very succesfully and at 's death commanded his eldest son Sultandaule to succeed him this Prince was train'd up in field exercises from his cradle and by his valour much inlarged his Empire yet could not defend himselfe from Hocem Masharafdaule his restlesse brother till by agreement the Kingdome was divided to Sultandaule Farsistan and Aywaz to Hocen Hyerakeyn At that time Gelal●daul their brother was invested with the Caliph-ship of Bagdat Anno Domini 1021. heg 401. and Sultan-daul at last dyes and is Anno Domini 1025. buried in Shyraz with great solemnity Abdul-cawn his sonne ruled after him but perceives the Crowne to totter yea to fall off by the unnaturall practises of Syarfuddaul call'd also Abul-favar his traiterous Uncle forced thereby to fly to Gelaladaul his other Uncle the late made Kaliph who is glad of this occasion having long lookt with a squint eye of ambition upon his Nephews Diadem but dissembing it with a brave Army he descends from Bagdat and with ease dethrones Abul-favar but mounts himselfe into the throne to Abdul-cawns amazement who to save his life flies into Arabia whiles Mahomet Gaznehy from Hindostant falls upon Ayrac and Shervan but is repeld most shamefully into Sablestan Parc at that instant being miserably trod under-foot by the Turquemen and Deylamans ere long Abul-favor gets so highly into the Calyphs favour that hee is confirmed in his former title but in the way death cut off his claime leaving Abdul-cawn the banisht Prince his right who upon this faire advantage returnes and is joyfully welcomed but surfetting of too much joy hee lived not long after it for commending his body to the earth he gave the royalty to Aben-melec-Rahim his sonne who dyed Anno Domini 1054. heg 434. without issue and in whom after a race of fifteene Kings took end the Moheyan pedegree To him succeeded Abumansor who pretended himselfe true sonne of Gelaladaul the Caliph he took to wife Danta daughter of Toshalbeg and dyed after five yeeres greatnesse in Kermoen and lyes buried at Hurkawn not farre from Iasquis he had five sonnes by that Lady Abumansorphulad-sotun Chozroe-pheruz Abu-becr Abuzeddai and Aboally-kay-kozrao Abumansor inlarged Shyraz and did his best to make it strong and beautifull but whiles he busied his fancie at home he looks not abroad such time his ambitious brother Cosroe-pheruz gripes him and takes unjust possession of his Territories but revenge pursues him for being invited to Bagdat to see his sick grandsire Toshalbeg for his cruelty to his brother he is put into a loathsome prison where famine and stench made an end of him But this could not terrifie Abuzedday the fourth brother from intruding into Abumansors right albeit his injured brother had escaped and gathered a resolute Army who so stoutly stood his friends that Zedday is slaine and his associates banished It seemes Abumansor was borne to an iron destiny unable at his second returne to safegard himselfe from Fazele his Liefetenant that unawares detrudes him into a deadly prison adorning his rascall browes with his Masters Diadem Aboally will none of that he takes a happy advantage and pulls it from Fazel's brows and crownes him with one better becomming Traitors of flaming iron Aboally after hee had soveraniz'd seven yeeres is arrested by grim death Anno Domini 1100. heg 480. and for want of issue the Scepter falls to Mahummed Abutalip Togrulbeg sonne of Michael sonne of Salgucius sonne of Didacus a Turqueman In the Salgucian family it continued till Mahummed Abul-casen dyed Anno Domini 1220. heg 600. without any issue A race of Tattarrs followed led by Cingis-cawn Lord of Ketoa-kotan Maurenahar and Gaznehen Almostansor-bila-Mansor then sitting Caliph of Mecca and Bagdat To Cingis-cawn who dyed Anno Domini 1228. heg 608. followed Tuki-cawn and Chagatay-cawn from Chagatay-cawn descended Tamberlan whose issue now rule Hindustant After the Tartars the Turks a fresh planted here led by Chara-Mohummed An. Dom. 1415. Heg 795. a Karakula guspan or black sheepe as they call themselves banisht Anno Dom. 1470. Heg 850. by Acen-beg call'd also Vsan-cassan an Armenian Christian whose grandson Alvan was the last white sheepe or Acorlu-guspan shorne mortally by Izmael-Sophy his ambitious kinsman An. 1504. Heg 884. This Izmael was great Grandfather to Abbas now Persian King of the Ben-Ally or Sophian Genealogie Let us now what pace you please to Perse-polis not much out of the road but were it a thousand times further it merits our paines to view it being indeed the only bravo Antique-Monument not in Persia alone but through all the Orient PERSEPOLIS first call'd Elamis from Elam sonne of Sem sonne of Noah was built enlarg'd rather by Sosarmus a Median Dynast third from Arbaces that put a period by death of Sardanapalus to the Assyrian Monarchy begun by Belus Nymrod and Iupiter and in a glorious succession of one and forty Emperours commanding the world till Arbaces subjected Babylon By Cambyses sonne to Cyrus the magnificent it was most beautified and from him to Darius Codomanus continued Empresse of Asia two hundred thirty yeares in a line of thirteen Monarchs till Alexander by conquest of all Asia made prostrate also this glorious Citie betrayed by Teredates and demolisht by vehement perswasion of Thais an Athenian harlot who in revenge of Xerxe's expedition into Greece never gave over exasperating the giddy Macedonian till shee saw it flaming an act so unworthy Alexander as hee sought to quench it with his teares A Citie so excellent that Quintus Curtius and Diodorus Siculus intitle it the richest and most lovely Citie under the Sunne A high and stately Tower it had circled with a triple Wall sixteene cubits high the first adorn'd with battlements the second was two and thirty the third of threescore cubits high of delicate polisht Marble entred by many gates of burnisht brasse To the East rose amiably a hill of foure Akers in which in stately Mausoleums were intombed the Monarchs of the world Many rare
may as justly tax me of neglect I will therefore but name them and reconcile some mens mistakes in misnaming these antique Kings of Persia Cyrus is the first we can deduce a true succession from For albeit they had Kings formerly of which Chederlaomer was one as wee read in Gen. and it may be the same whom the Persian Histories call Cheyomaraz father of Siamech to whom succeeded Owchange Iamshet Zoak Fraydhun Manucher Nawder Afraciab Achemenes some think Bazab Kaycohad Salemon Chozrao Lorazpes yet the succession from him is most incertaine and doubtlesse of no grandeur in that the Assyrian Monarchie begun by Nymrod sonne of Chush sonne of Cham sonne of Noah ecclipsed it and under whose command it lay for above 1300 yeares if Berosus be not counterfetted and from Belochus who deposed Sardanapal the last Assyrian Emperour of Nymrods race and Arbaces the first founder of the Median Monarchie a confederate with Belochus to Cyrus who advanced the Persians to a Monarkique greatnesse by subduing Astiages his Grand-sire transferd the Empire to the Persian as formerly the Medes had the Assyrian 260 yeares This change hapned in the yeare from Adam 3400 after the building of Rome 287 after the first Olympiad 50 and before the incarnation of our Saviour 567 c. Persia made a Monarchy by Cyrus Of Cyrus many memorable matters might be offered but I dare not enter the Labyrinth lest I wander so farre that I may chance to lose my selfe and your patience this only be remembred that this is that Cyrus of whom the Prophet Esay fore-told some hundred yeares ere he was born of him also Nabuchadnezzar prophesied beginning thus Ast ubi Medorum jus regni Mulus habebit c. That a Mule should over-runne Lydia fulfild in Craesus and subvert the Caldean Monarchie the word Mulus had relation to his mixture of bloud his mother beinga Mede his Syre a Persian Hee married Cassandana and by her had Cambyses that reigned after him Cyrus after he had ruled thirty yeares and in that time had added to his Empire Arabia Mesopotamia Syria Capadocia Phrygia Armenia c. hoped also to subject Scythia but neere the river Oxus was slaine by Tomyris the Queene of those parts of Zagathaya but upon ransome his body was delivered and convayed to Pasagard where Alexander found his Tomb but not that wealth he thought it had contained Cambyses ruled the Persian Monarchie but nine yeares of whose reigne is little to be said save that he subdued Aegipt after which he grew so luxurious and tyrannous that all men hated him his death was imputed to divine Justice for at Memphis hee committed sacriledge in the Temple of Apys or Anubys and broke the neck of that apish god set there by the idolatrous Aegyptians but at Damascus fell accidentally upon his owne weapon and dyed by it At his death seven Noble men or Magi of Persia severally contended for the Diadem for smerdis the upstart King was discovered by wanting his eares to be an impostor of which Darius sirnamed Histaspes who by the cunning of his Groome made his horse neigh next morne before the rest mounted the Throne and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or delivery of the Kingdome from the Magi from that time to Alexanders comming was annually celebrated Darius governed happily 35 yeares the last only was infortunate by that overthrow he received at Marathon by Miltiades the noble Athenian This is he who so much favoured the Jewes and Ierusalem his death was caused by losse of that battell at Marathon and that by it hee wanted Anthina's faire daughter This Darius Histasp I imagine to be the same Gustasp who first by imposture as else-where I have remembred made his people fire worshippers To Darius succeeded his son Xerxes by the Persians call'd Ardxer an infortunate Prince for howbeit he was in his time the greatest Emperour in the world and had a worls of men and wealth to obey his humours yet what by too much confidence in them and contempt of other Princes he reaped the greatest dishonour that ever befell any Prince of Persia for albeit he entred Greece with an army of 1800000 men yet could he not prevent an overthrow given him at the straits of Thermophilae by Leonidas the Spartan Generall who had not foure thousand men and by Themistocles the Admirall neere to Salamys was equally opposed and his whole Army confounded Afrer 20 yeeres rule he died and left Arta-xerxes his son his inheritor This Artaxerxes i.e. a victorious conquerour is in Persian story call'd Ard-xer-Bohaman and by Arabian writers Tama-xerxicas this is he that married Atossa or Hester the Jew in which book he is named Ahasuerus at the end of forty foure yeeres happy government he died and Art-axerxes sirnamed Muenon in his place was crowned King some insert Darius Nothus before him Artaxerxes sonne of Artaxerxes and Parisatys daughter of Cyrus ruled Persia forty and two yeeres and at the age of eighty was buried at Persepolis Artaxerxes Ochus his sonne succeeded him who also when he had governed cruelly twenty and six yeeres was hastned but by an untimely death after his Father Arses or Arsamus his sonne investing himselfe with the Persian roabs of rule and majesty Of Arses little can bee said save that he died by the hands of the Eunuch Bagoas his Fathers murderer after his Coronation foure yeere and in his place by meanes of Bagoas Darius Codomanus by Persians call'd Darab-kowcheck i.e. little Darius was saluted King him Alexander the victorious Greek orethrew in three great battells at Arbela Amanus and Granicus the last concluded his life and six yeeres reigne Anno Mundi 3640 Persia subjected by the Greeks of the Olympiad 112 of Rome 420 and before the Nativity 333 yeeres or thereabouts Alexander worthily sirnamed Great two yeeres after died at Babylon foretold by a Calan or Indian Gymnosophist in the three and thirty of his age of his rule twelve yeeres his heart was transfer'd to Alexandria his corps interd at Babylon Alexanders Legacy bequeathing the succession not to his owne issue or kin but to the Worthiest made Pyrrha's bones revive againe discord and pride and envie emulating every of his great Captaines who by this common Motto Virtus mihi Numen Ensis quern gero challenged the Empire and ceased not to lay claime till death and warres fury cut them off Seleuchus Callynicus sonne to Antiochus Theos by survivership after long stormes seeming to steare in that unruly Ocean during whose life and fifty yeers after the Greeks awed Persia Recovered by Arbaces a Parthyan till such time as Arbaces an heroyck Parthian broke that yaok of slavery asunder and for three and twenty yeeres did what was possible to revive the more than halfe dead Persians To Arbaces succeeded Methridates who ruled twenty yeeres after whom Pampasius twelve Pharnaces eight Methridatus Medus Thirteene to whom followed Phraortes call'd by the Perses Pharug-zed Artabanus call'd Ard-Bahaman Methridates
it syded with the Turkish Emperour Vlembeg also who had married their sister laboured it But albeit Solyman did his best by his owne forces and by their treasons yet such was his ill luck that excepting Babylon and Tabryz they got nothing but sad experience for Tamas upon notice of the Turkish entry leaves Kazien Bassa and Corasan which he then had beseiged and hasts to Cashyn the Turks so soone as they had rifled Tabryz retreat but are so assailed in the rear by Delementhes still as they marched that they could not preuent the losse of 40 Cannon 3 Sansacks 800 Janisaries and of Asaps or common men above 20000 a victorie so plausible that to this day upon the 3 and 10 of Ardabehish or October t is with many signalls of joy solemnized 4 yeeres after as Morod had done to Ismael so Bajazet Solymans sonne fled to Tamas to save his life willing to part with his hopes of a Monarchy his rebellions and injuries to his father and brother had beene many and notable so as Hassan Bassa comes to Casbyn and upon assuring Tamas that Bajazeth came purposely to kill him that infortunate Prince was by that old villaine strangled and his 4 sonnes also Homer Morad Selymus and Mahomet Solyman next yeere enters Persia with 150000 men Tamas affrighted with their great ordnance hyres 5000 Portugalls from Ormus and Indya who brought 20 Cannon along with them and by whose helps the Turks were vanquished That yeere Tamas eatf ed the Ouz begs country and retorned victorious and next into Cabul whence he thought to have gone to Lahore but upon newes that Mustapha Solymans eldest sonne and brother to Bajazeth lately at Casbyn strangled was fled from his Father to him from succour he returnes and welcomes him willing any way to agrandize discord amonst the Ottomans Solyman in person with 80000 men followes him in every place hee came that loved the Persian perpetrating all sort of savage cruelty At Erez Tamas fought with Solyman but with worse successe than formerly neere Bagdat for 1000 Persians were slaine and 20000 Turks but by their numbers the Persians were forced to leave the field which when Mustapha saw fled to his Father and beseeches for Roxalana his Mothers sake pardon but it would not be his Father forthwith made him to be strangled Anno Domini 1576. Heg 956. King Tamas dyed at Cazbyn aged 68 having reigned 50 yeeres and left his eldest sonne Mahomet to succeed him hee had in all 12 sonnes and 3 daughters Maomet Ismael Aydar Sulyman Emangoly Morad Mustapha Ally Hamed Ebrahim Hamzé and Izma cawn Ismael during his stay at Cohac complots with Peria-Conconna and Sahamal-can by whose help hee strangled Aydar and beheaded 8 other of his brethren hopefull also to meet with Mahomet who being fled to Georgia finds such friends that ere long he returned with 12000 horse Curds and Georgians by whose service and the valour of Leventhybeg he arrives at Spahawn where he had newes of Ismaels death slain in his bed by Periaconconna and 4 Sultans who entred habited like women An. Dom. 1577. The same yeere that Ismael was thus slain Peria-Concanna was also made away by Salmas-Mirza at the command of Mahomet Mahomet call'd Codobanda by the Turks had many sonnes Ismael Mustapha Mir-can Guynet Sophy c. Ismael was famisht to death Caykahe Castle neere Tabriz by meanes of Massombeg the favorite the rest of his sonnes dyed untimely He had also 3 sonnes begot of Ioon-Conna Princesse of Heri and Corassan Emyr-Hamzé mirza Sultan Aydar and Abbas Emyr-hamze-mirza was the most famous active and beloved Prince that ever to this day lived in Persia When he commanded they thought nothing impossible the Turks the Indyan the Arab and Tartar feared him with 40000 horse hee vanquisht 200000 Turks neere Van and cleared Armenia of those Locusts After that with 30000 Persians and Ouzbeghians hee over-threw them at Erez and obteyned a most glorious victory Two yeeres after Anno Domini 1580. Heg 960 at Bagdat he beat the Turks at that time of Persians being slaine 10000 but of Turks 70000. Next yeere he opposed the Tartar neere to Sumachy and slew 20000 of their men and that same month of the Turks led by Mustapha Bassa 100000 but with losse of above 40000 of his owne men An. Dom 1584. Heg 964. neere Van againe he slew above 20000 Turks and with his own hands slew the Sultan of Caramit the Generall the Basha of Trebizond and 5 Sanzacks At Sancazan the insuing spring he also beat Osman the Basha who dyed to think of it and slew above 23000 other Turks At Tephlis he vanquisht Sycala the famous Basha and slew 30000 of his Turks the Prince losing 9000 Persians but by that victory regained Tabriz Babylon and all other such places as King Tamas had Anno Domini 1537. Heg 917 lost to Solyman Next yeere he took Derbent from the Turk and neere to Tephlys with 20000 horse scattered and slew 80000 Turks so dismall to Amurath that rather than see his face Mustapha by voluntary poyson at the age of 78 gave up the ghost and Acmat the renouned Ennuch resolv'd to beg rather than to see Persia againe But Synon Bassa was so puft up with his late conquests at Cyprus Malta and Aegypt that he threatens his payment and to that end with 100000 men he entred Georgia sackt Tephlys and in Shervan did many mischiefes but plague and famine puisuing him the Prince of Persia ere the Tartar could joyne with Synon bad him battell at Carse in the Turq'men confines and beat him but two dayes after lost 5000 men more and was forced back to Trepizond But at length what enemies abroad could not effect at home his brother Abbas perpetrated by poyson insomuch as in the vigor of his age and hopes of further conquest this gallant Prince goes down not aged 30 and of such force with purblind Mahomet that in few dayes after hee expired An. Dom. 1585. Heg 965. after 8 yeeres reigne and at Ardaveel by his father was some part buried Abbas had much adoe to quiet the distemper of the Persians such hate they bore him for his cruelty At Casbyn hee found most welcome they had considered the other two were irrevocable that it concerned them to have some expert man to defend them from the Turk who almost every day from Tabriz affronted them Spahawn indeed paid deerely for her rebellion The first yeere of his reigne Amurath the Turkish Emperour sent his Ambassador to Abbas to command him If he desired peace to send him his sonne Ismael as a hostage the Ambassador had better have stayed at home for albeit hee escaped with his life yet hee was miserably bastinadoed Enraged by that message hee besieged Tabriz and easily forced the Turks thence as also out of Van and all Armenia two yeeres after he beat them out of Balsorac and Bagdat yea made Dyarbec and Iaziry too hot for them By Curchiki-can he subdued Ghey-lan by
secret 13. That the Pyree or holy fires that which Zertoost brought from heaven be ever kindled yea never extinguish till fire destroy the world And that he pray to and over it This is the true contents of the Zundavast which holy Zertoost brought from heaven Declare we now their Feasts Fasts Weddings and Burialls They are tollerated all sorts of meat but in obedience to the Mahomitan and Bannyan ' mongst whom they live refraine Beefe and Hog flesh they seldome feed together lest they might participate one anothers impurity each has his owne cap and if any of his owne Cast chance to use it hee washes it three times and forbeares it a good while after they observe six solemne Festivalls annually the first call'd Meduserum kept the 15 of Fere or February 2. Petusahan on the 26 of Sheruar or Aprill 3. Yatrum on the 26 of Mahar or May 4. Medearum on the 16 of Deh or August 5. Homespetamadum on the 30 of Spindamud or October 6. Medusan on the 11 of Adebese or December all of them in memory of the Creation and monethly benefits After each of these Feasts they eat but one small meale a day for five dayes after and whensoe're that lay men eat any flesh they bring part to their Eggaree or Temple to pacifie the Lord in that for their sustenance the lives of those good creatures are annihilated Now concerning the Fire they adore t is in memory of that Zertoost brought from heaven wherein they memorize the vestalls or rather in an apish imitation of the Jewish law the devill as neere as may be desiring to counterfeit the Law of God in the 6. of Levit. 13. where t is commanded that the fire that came from heaven should be ever burning upon the Altar and never goe out In Persia they had many Pyree of this vestall fire most of which were destroyed by Heraclius the Romane Emperour in his Warres with Kozchoes at that time Mahomet serving in his Army Some to this day are remaining having the Idolatrous Fire from 1000 yeares unextinguished In Indya also these banisht Persee have their Eggarees or Temples one of which is at Nuncery not farre from Surratt whose Fire has continued without fomenting this 200 yeares where note that this their God-fire is not composed of common combustibles as wood straw coales slates c. nor blowne by any bellowes breath of man wafting or like prophane things No t is compounded of sparks flying from a hot burning temper'd steele and kindled either by lightning from heaven by an ignis fatuus the beames from a burning glasse or such like for but such onely is proper for that their Antisbeheraun or Idoll fire But if it chance the fire have need of cherishing the Distoore and other Lay-men at 12 foot distance surround the holy Diety and after some gestures the Priests adds fewell and returning to the other people altogether worship it beseeching it that they may not onely give it due reverence but also honour solemnly all other things that resemble it as Sunne Moon Starrs and common fire which also they so divinely estimate that they hold it a most ungodly part to spet in it throw water into it or put it to any vile or unnecessary imployment but reverence wood and such things as it receives life and vigour from The Baptisme of these Heathen Idolaters is of this nature so soone as it is borne the Daroo is call'd upon who delayes not but being instructed in the precise time of his Nativity calculates his fortunes the Daroo invents the name the mother imposes it this done they all together haste to the Eggaree or Temple where the Priest puts a little pure water into the barque of a holy tree the name is Holme the place it growes in Yezd a Citie in Persia not farre from Spahawn where at this day are many of this religion who upon the mountaine Albors have a Pyree wherein is a Fire-god which has never beene extinguished they say from Gustasps time contempory with Abraham a tree Zertoost blessed and in this more memorable that it never admits of any shadow the water out of this holy rind is powred upon the Infant and a prayer made that it may be clensed from all impurity at seven yeares age it is confirmed by the Daroo and made to say his prayers o're the fire but with a cloath fastned about his head which covers his mouth and nostrils lest his sinfull breath might taint the holy Fire drinks a little water chaw's a Pomgranat leafe washes in a Tanck cloathes his naked body with a fine Shuddero or linnen reaching to his wast tyes a zone or girdle of Cushee or Camells haire about his loynes woven with Inkle of the Herboods making which hee weares ever after and after a short prayer that he may never prove an Apostate or prophane wretch but continue a Fire-worshipper eating no mans meat nor drinking no mans drink but his owne he is then blessed and held a Persee most warrantable Their Marriages in briefe are thus distinguisht into five orders 1. Shaulan or a marrying of two young children agreed on by each parents but unknown to the children the vertue being that if either die they goe to heaven 2. Chockerson a second marriage 3. Codesherahasan when the woman is her owne chooser 4. Ecksan when a dead body not being married before is married 5. Ceterson when having no sonnes he adopts his daughters son c. the Coremony this at midnight the Daroo or Priest enters the house they wed not in Churches finds the two parties to be married upon a bed together opposite to each other stands two Churchmen with Ryce in their hands the Emblem of fruitfulnesse then first one laying his fore-finger on the Brides forehead he asks if she be willing to take that man to be her Husband who saying yea the like rite and question is by the other Priest done to the man the Bridegroome makes a promise to infeoff her in a certaine number of Dynaes she replyes she and all she has is his the Priests then scatter the Ryce upon their heads and pray that they may multiply as Ryce the womans parents give the Dowry and eight dayes are spent in joviality and complement Their Funeralls are these They put the dead body into a winding sheet all the way his kindred beat themselves but in great silence till they come within 50 or 100 paces of the buriall place where the Herbood or Priest meets them observing ten foot distance attired in a yellow scarfe and a thin Turbant the Necesselars or bearers carry the corps upon an iron Beere wood is forbidden in that it is sacred to the fire to a little Shed or Furnace where so soone as some mistique Antiques are acted they hoyse it up to the top of a round stone building twelve foot high and 80 in circuit the entrance is only at the N. E. side where through a small grate or hole they
Delly of many times could do against it notwithstanding all which Martasa after much danger of ambushments in that thick Wood seventy miles broad and trouble in passing his men over high and fearfull rocks lay eight months before it and then in despight of their best defence entred it and subjected it to the Mogul though he lived not three months after to meditate his victory Which when Iangheer heard with a mixture of joy and sorrow he leaves Cassemeer and removes to Lahore where Sultan Cushrooe the true idea of misery is by perswasion of the Queene and Assaph-cawn taken from Cawn-Iehan and put to Curroon to be his keeper At that time Iangheer affected his sonne Curroon beyond measure imagining no honour too much no command too great for so brave a Prince so hopefull a warrior so that little knowing what would follow hee gives him the charge of forty thousand horse and attended by Godjea-Abdul-Hussan and other great Umbraves hastens him to the conquest of Decan and to spoyle the Kingdomes of Gulcunda and Visiapore for omitting their annuall Tribute of three pound weight of Diamonds This yeare 1619 of Maho. 1029 Abdul-Azies-cawn succeeds Bador-cawn the Ouzbeg in his command of Candahar Cawn-Iehan is made Leifetenant of Mult'an and Buchor Sultan Perwees of Pathan and Radgee Bertsingh Bondela and Abdul-cawn Governours of Kalpi are commanded to raise some forces and follow Sultan Curroon into Decan Sultan Currowne by this time having leavied his forces A.D. 1619. A. Heg 999 and made all ready for his enterprize upon Decan first commands all men to intitle him Sha-Iehan or King of Hearts then with his whole Army in goodly equipage travels to Brampore the Rendezvous and whither Abdul-cawn and Radgee Bertzingh according to command come and wait upon him with Thedder-cawn his Cosen and many other Rashpootes of quality Curroon for by that name wee can best remember him swelling beyond measure to see himselfe Generall of so brave an Army dallyes not but with all speed gives order to Abdul cawn Lala-Ragee Bertzingh Abdul-Hassen and many other Umbraves to begin the Warre with Melec-Amber and that he the residue would follow them Mirza Mackey and Shadour-cawn march to Gulcunda against Cotobel Melec and Ma'met Tacky to Visiapore against Adel-cawn either to receive by force or faire meanes the accustomed tribute due to the Dyadem of Iudustant Abdul-cawn in the first place to effect his Commission Bellagate passes on without any let to Bellagate a fastidious mountaine twixt Cunca and Decan and for ought I know may be Hippocura in Ptolomy Curroon bringing up the other part of the Army at fifteene miles distance to succour the Van on all occasions the King of Decan at all advantages seekes to intercept them opponing in many petty skirmishes but Abdul-cawn formerly acquainted with his rodomontadoes passes on burning and spoyling what they met withall not resting till they came to Kerki the Kings best house which they levelled with the ground inriching themselves with store of prey and treasure Kerki reducing Berar and Chandys into subjection and forcing composition from all the Country as far as Amnadagar and Tribute from the Kings of Gulcunda and Visiapore Iangheer is over joyed with so much good Fortune and to relish it the better solaces himselfe in his sonne Perwees Gardens beyond the river Ethaman Dowlet Queene Normals Father dyed at that time his great estate is by the King given to his daughter and Assaph-cawn but his Office is confer'd upon Godgee Abdul Hossen Curroon also who sate as Emperour in his owne ambition with a greedy eye respects the Diadem but perceives his imprisoned Brother interposing in the way but such is the violence and magicke of pride and tyranny that it runs on not caring how though masqued with never so much deformity he feignes himselfe sick his disease is horrible nothing can recover him save his eldest Brothers death Ganganna is of his infernall councell who applauds his humour and promises his recovery he presently acquaints some Mancebdars in the exployt of all which rascall troope Reza or Rajea Bandor a very villain is quickest of apprehension and least scrupulous Curroon as if he knew nothing is conveighed out of Brampore to better his health whiles that incarnate Divell at an unseasonable houre in the night knocks at Goushroo's chamber A.D. 1620. A. heg 1000. who as awakened out of a fearfull dream starts up and demands his errant the villain replyes he came from the Mogul his Father with order for his delivery The miserable Prince affrighted with his Ravens voyce and suspecting treason desires him to stay till the morne the villain without further parlee perceiving no entrance by entreaty breaks open his doore grapples with the amazed Prince gets him downe and strangles him that done he layes him in his bed locks the doore and trots away as if the Prince dyed of some imposthume and hee had done nothing Curroon has quick newes of his Brothers death and inwardly rejoyces but ere Sun-rise his afflicted wife Cawn Azems daughter goes to visit him where finding him speechlesse and by his contus'd face murdered never did poore wretch shed more teares or shew more passion by tearing her faire hayre deforming her sweet face so fiercely so amazedly that her Father and all his family heare her and see it to their griefe and admiration But when they see the cause also they wonder not none of them forbearing to expresse their sorrow after severall modes without moderation All Brampore rings of this Treason suspects the author and curses him but Curroon cloath'd with deceipt comes thither falls upon the corps and expresses so much sorrow that many durst have sworne that he was innocent After two dayes ceremony they bury him and Curroon writes his Father word of his brothers sudden death concealing the occasion Iangheer weeps and afterwards growes mad with rage suspecting some violence but not knowing upon the sudden how to discover it he feeds upon melancholy and discontent writes back a letter of reproofe and threats to Curroon and his Umbraves swearing revenge when they least suspected it commands the body to be digd up and brought with solemne state to Elabasse where hee interres him in his Mothers monument sends for Chan Asem and his afflicted daughter comforts them and takes them for his constant companions to Sultan Bullochy or B'lochy his grandson sonne to Prince Gushrooe he intailes the Imperiall Crowne gives him the command of ten thousand horse and by Chan Asem his Grandsire of the blood royall of Tartary to be educated Curroon by his Fathers love to Sultan Bullochy perceives himselfe disregarded and thenceforth not caring to please him flies out into rebellion And Abdul-chan winding his aymes without leave taking forsakes the Army and packs to Kalpi to his government but by the Mogull who was still desirous to continue the Decan warres is rebuked and made to returne Yet ere long he is revoked for at
one Deaster or image of Cosrhoes which the people worshipped the frame was round resembling heaven his head was wreathed with the Sun the rayes spread themselves to the umbelique or navell of the image on one side was the Sun againe depicted on th' other the Moone and Starres his brother and sisters and under his feet the Angels with Crownes and Scepters attending him bat albeit the work was rare and the materiall of refined gold yet did the good Emperour throw it into the fire to incorporate it with his Diety Cosrhoes by this had gathered a fresh Armie out of Hyrcarnia and bids Shae-Rablecca to forrage Albania but they stood so excellently upon their defence that Rablacca returnes till Sarbaras with new forces forc't him back and much hurt questionlesse had they done had not Heraclius speedily entred and rooted them both in one day yet neither knowing it Mahomet the Prophet was in Heracliu's Armie till now and about this time begins the Hegyra or flight of that false Prophet from Mecca whose people threatned to kill him for his innovation and doctrine Anna Dom. 622 and of the Emperours reigne 13 Sarbaras past his Armie over Euphrates of purpose to trie the fortune of warre with Heraclius who so soone as hee knew his intent gave him reason to repent his arrogance the good Emperour himselfe discharging his duty so excellently with such excellent courage that Sarbaras upon view of it cryed out thus to Cosma his Companion O Cosmal seest thou with what courage the Emperour fights certainly hee alone is able to vanquish all our multitudes That Winter the Emperour marched to Sebastia and crossing the river Halys made Paphlagonia his rendezvous But Cosrhoe swels with passion and combines with Lucifer that by diabolicall Witchcraft he might vex the miserable Christians against whom hee raged with all sorts of cruelty and ere he gave a farewell to this world once more ventures a battell with the Romans 150000 men he musters up and divides them in three to Sayn one part to Serbaras another to himselfe the rest imagining by some or all of these to doe wonders Sayn with his 50000 went against the Emperour Sarbaras with his 50000 marcht to Constantinople and Cosrhoe stayes upon the frontiers Heraclius divides his also into three the one to hasten into Thrace the other to bestow a Camisado upon Sayns Quarter the last hee led himselfe into the Lazic Territories to which place the Gazarrs a sort of Turk came to serve him Theodore in small time rais'd Sayns Armie his Chrysolocae assisted by hayle from heaven so direfully thundring on them that all men there saw that God fought for them Sayn was a slaine in that battell but in stead of a decent buriall the Persian Tyrant array'd his carcasse in raggs persumed him with dogs turds and slasht his sencesse trunck into a thousand peeces That yeare the Gazarrs to gratifie Heraclius under conduct of Ziebit broke through the Caspian straits and did the Persians much mischiefe and to the Roman Armie exprest no small affection Anno Dom. 626 Sarbaras with infinit troopes entred Thrace pillg'd Calcedon a towne built by Iason and Argias much traded to in view of Bysanth and upon the Bospherus After that they layd siege to Constantinople and for ten dayes incessantly laboured to enter it but such was the excellent courage of the Christians such her naturall defence that the Persians could not prevaile but upon notice that Heraclius was approching they rais'd their siege retreated shamfully Anno 628. the Roman Emperour entred Armenia and in a long fought battell obtained a mervailous great victorie After which hee demolisht Ctesiphon and pursued Cosrhoe who when he heard that Sarbaras had sped but ill in Thrace and had re-delivered Caloedon to the Christians inflamed with passion he sends a villain an Assassinate to murther him but by strange hap the Emperors sonne had notice of it and acquaints the Generall who by this ingratitude of Cosrhoe begun to raise a dangerous rebellion Cosrhoes when he saw things succeeded thus infortunatly in anguish of soule breath'd out his spirit a Fever first and then a Flux so taking him that after he had reigned 50 yeares upon his death-bed he nominated as King his sonne Mardesae begot of Syra his Queene who ere hee could set the Crowne on 's head was slaine by Syroes his brother yea before his fathers face an act so horryd that Cosrhoe bitterly curses him but Syroes the most bloudie viper that ever liv'd heaps greater sinnes upon his head by commanding some villains to shoot him to death at that instant his loathed soule call'd to mind his like cruelty to Hormisda his father and acknowledged that God was just to his retaliation So soone as Heraclius heard of Cosrhoes death he imagines all his quarrells ended that yeare therefore he travell'd to the holy Citie and presented Zacharyas the then Patriarch with the Crosse of Christ found by Saint Helena a Brittanish Lady 3 May 326. and ravisht thence by Cosrhoes as I lately remembered His triumphant entring thither was the 17 of September 628 the same yeare that Boniface published to the world his Catholique Supremacie and in which Mahomet divulg'd his Alcoran Syroes by Teixerae call'd Chobad-Xirvihé in the Tarich or Annal of Time Scyrviah in the sixth yeare of his reigne was slaine by Sarbaras Sarbaras is by the Persians call'd Shawryr by Shicard Shiribar in the third moneth of his reigne he slew Ardohyr ben Xirviah right heire to the Crowne eight moneths after that is himselfe slaine by Ioen-sha or Shyn-Shaw Lord of part of Taurus The successours to this man are uncertainly delivered The Roman Authors from him to the conquest of Mahomet reckon three Kings of Persia The Arabs 6. The Persians 5. The Tarich 4. Teishera 7. The Armenians 11. How can I therefore reconcile them The most plausible is this That Ioon-sha at the end of three moneths was banisht by Tuwan or Turan Doct naturall daughter to Cosrhoe She had as bad a fate at the end of sixteene moneths shee was poysoned and dyed much lamented to her followed to Iazan-Zeddahs by the Tarich call'd Ian-ku-kar-connah by Elmacyn Gaescan-zedda who ruled nine months to him succeeded Azurmy Doct Cosrhoes youngest daughter who after sixteene moneths dyed and left Shezir or Kezir to suceed her who also at the end of six weeks was slaine by Phorog-Zeddah or Shyriar as some call him who after like time dyed of poyson and Yesdgyrd followed who was forthwith made away by Bornarym and he by Hormisdas the last of those 12 vanishing Turrets Cosrhoe saw in a perplexed vision one night after he had beene admiring Aristotle The Period of Pesia's command was now accomplished Such time as Hormisda after five yeares rule ten some say others six was slaine by Omar the 2 Calyph after Mahomet at which time viz. Anno 640 and of the world 4610. and from the yeare of the Hegira 20. by whose fall Persia
and in another fight Rashed-byla his sonne at Hispahawn To Masud in Gasnehen succeeded Sha-Aesolan slaine by Babaron-sha his brother Ar. Heg 499 to whom followed his sonne Cosrhao who after he had forraged India dyed A.H. 540 and in him took end the Sabutaque family In those times as Kaliphs of Babylon and part of Persia were Ghaladuddaul whose seventh successour Mustaed-zem was slaine by Cingis Chan An. Heg 580 Almostansor bila Mansor in his place governed Caldea and Persia Of those Tartars I have formerly spoken Descend wee therefore to the yeare of our Lord 1415 Heg 795. such time as Chara-Mahumed the Turk re-entred Persia Hee ruled three yeares and left Kara-Issuph to succeed him who also after three yeares dyed at Casbyn and left six sonnes viz. Pir-buda-cawn Scander-mirza Ioon sha Sha-Mahomet Abuzedda and Mirsa-Absall all which dyed untimely by envie and one anothers emulation Of those seven Ioon-shi was last and he also slaine with Acen-Ally his sonne by Acem-beg at that time the family of the Guspan Caraculu or blacksheep ended and the Guspan Acorlu or white-sheep took beginning The first were Turks the last Armenians The Armenians subdue i● Acem beg otherwise call'd Vsan-Cassan conquerd Persia An. Dom. 1470. Heg 850. he subjected Hyrac Trakeyn Aderbayon Kaboncara Mosendram Carman and Cusistan and after eight yeares command dyed at Kazbyn in Shervan was solemnly buried He left behind him seven sons Ogorlu Sultan-Kalyl Iacob-mirza Iosias Yssuf Maczud and Zenal-beg O gorlu was poysoned Kalyl was slaine by Maczud-beg Iosias and Synall were slaine in the Turquish warres Iacob was murthered by a Whore at Tauriz and Yssuf dyed of an Impostume The seven sonnes of Vsan Cassan being all dead the Empire descended upon Baisangor Iacobs sonne hee was deposed by Rustan-beg sonne to Muczud-beg Next yeare Baisangor return'd with many of his Armenian friends but in the way dyed Rustan that yeare was dethroned by Hagmet beg sonne of Ogorlu and he by Kacem-beg and Hayb-Sultan two powerfull rebells who also by Alvan-beg were slaine and in Spahawn all of them buried Alvan-beg Baisangor's brother after he had ruled Persia five yeares An. Heg 878 was vanquished by Ismael his Aunts sonne and two yeares after Morad was slaine at Spahawn In him ended the race of white sheep who under Acem-beg had conquered Persia In Ismael revived Saint Azmully and Mortis-Ally's glory whose successors at this day rule Persia I will very briefly touch some passages of their Reigne that I may hasten to our other Travells Ismael sirnamed Sophy was invested Monarch of Persia An. Dom. 1500 Heg 880. He drew his pedegree from Mortis-Ally King of Persia Anno Dom. 750 Heg 130. In a descent of 35 Princes some of them are thus named Abi-Taleb or Abutalip had Mortis-Ally Father of Mahomet Mahadyn from whom Mutar Saint Asmully and Salyn descend to them these Shec-Sophy Eddin-Isaack sirnamed from his learning and piety Cutb'b el-eulya to whom in order are these Shec Moses or Mizra-Sedryddin Shec-Ally-Shec-Ebrahym Siet-Gunet Shec or Siet Aydar and Shaw-Ismae Whose Title to the Crowne was this Shec-Sofy such time as Tamberlane returned from his Turquish Conquests this Shec was of that holinesse and fame that that great Monarch vouchsaf't not only to visit him at Ardaveel but also to expresse his best affections Hee made no other use of the Tartars favour save to beg the lives of many thousands of miserable Persians whom by Hoharo-Mirsa's folly Tamberlane had markt out for death That act added infinitly to the Santo's credit Tamberlane dyed Anno 1437. Heg 787 and is buried at Anzar in Cathaya The Persian Saint lived but three yeares after him of whom I may say as Horace did of another Crescit occulto velut Arbor aevo Fama Sophyi Syet Gunet his sonne by the excellent report his Syre had honoured him with not only inheriting his fathers repute but so popularly beloved that he suddenly hatches the ambitious thoughts how to dispossesse Ioon-Sha of the Empire Hee attempts it divers wayes but finds none so sure as by making a Schisme in their Religion he therefore dictates a new Currawn wherein he villified accurst the three successours to Mahomet and magnified Mortis Ally adding this That he was lineally frō him descended Ioon-Sha espies his drift and seeks to kill him But he doubting no lesse avoyds it and flies into Armenia where Vsan Cassan entertained him with all respect possible and to make it more apparant bestowes his daughter Martha Kadaijon Katun the Persians call her upon Despyna daughter to Calo-Ioannes Emperour of Trepisond upon Aydar his sonne on whom he begot two sonnes Ally-Sha sirnamed Sulyman and Sha-Ismael Ally was slaine in the Cradle by Prince Iacup their Uncle Vsan Cassans sonne But Ismael found mercie from Rustan Amansor sent to murther him and who lived to revenge his fathers and brothers death upon him Aydar in the Annalls of Persia is said to have subjected Trebizonal to have him sat as Emperour 8 moneths conquerd afterwards by Mahomet first Turquish Emperour Upon Vsan Cassan's conquest of Persia he also recovered his Barony of Ardaveel but by the treacherie of Iacup at his besieging Tabriz was slaine by Pharuc-Issur the then Viceroy of Sultany and Tabriztan I have told you that Ismael in revenge of his Fathers murther and to make good his claime from Ally in two battells wherein hee vanquisht Alvan and Morod Kings of Persia made himselfe Monarch of that Empire For upon his flight into Arzenion he was so welcommed that in memorie of his Grandfires kindnesse to them when hee begd their lives of Tamberlane they all rose in his defence namely those great Tribes the Auxarchiars Romlu Sufiah Estayalu Kayridac Versabli Shamlu Zulcaderlu c. by whose help hee slew Pharuc Issup conquerd Shervan at Tabryz beat Alvan and in himselfe establisht the Empire In memory of which and the other hee gave Morod that yeere neere Shyraz hee instituted an order of Coosel-basha's in them both memorizing his discent from Mahadyn 12 sonne of Ocen of Ally and Mamalucks who then flourished Bajazet the Turk squints at Ismaels greatnesse having formerly in his appetite devoured Persia But such was Isamel's high courage vertue that he not only resisted the utmost furie of Bajazeth but also made the Tartars and Indians tremble at his fortune The Persians honoured him the Armenians loved him but the Jewes deified and assured him hee was the Messias they so long wayted for but Ismaels severity towards them upon that blasphemie made them quickly recant and rather think him a second Vespasian Ere I goe further let mee speake a word of his sirname Sophy Ismael at his Coronation proclaim'd himselfe King of Persia name of Pot-Shaw-Ismael-Sophy Whence that word Sophy was borrowed is much controverted Whether it be from the Armenian idiom signifying wooll of which the Shashes are made that enobled his new order Whether the name was from Sophy his Grandsire or from the Greek word Sophos imposed upon Aydar at
by the Persians he is sometimes call'd Emir-el memunni i.e. Prince of the feithfull By Fatyma Mahomets sole child he had Ocen or Hocem who after few months rule dyed poysoned An. Dom. 666. Heg 46. and was buried at Mosquit-Ally his Symbol as sayes the Iuchasus was Solus Deus potens Mavi soone after Hocens death slew 11 of his children the 12 escaped Musa Cherisim or Mahomet Mahodin by name from whom the Kings of Persia at this day say they are discended Mavi Lord of the Ben humian family when he stated himselfe in the Empire sent Susindus his kinsman with huge forces aginst the Grecians accordingly Suzindus beseiges Siracuse after that Byzanth but by Constantine the Roman Emperor is lastly slain and 30000 other rascall Sarazens that same yeere the Plague raged so terribly in the Mahomitan Empire that the like was never formerly amongst the rest Mavi expired aged 77 in his reign of Aegypt c. 24 his Symbol this as is reported Ignosce Precor To Mavi followed in the Empire of Persia and as Kalyph Yhezid or Iezed memorable in his veine of Poetry he it was that put the Alcoran into that bald rythme as it is now extant his venery and riot exasperated Mutar-Mavia-ben-Abdella so as at the age of 40 hee dyed having ruled 3 yeeres Mutar is quickly dethroned by Abdall-ben-Iezid a Ben-humian some are of opinion that Ocen and his 11 sons were slain by this Calyph Marvan after he had sat 9 months dispossesses him and hee by Abdalla againe But both by Aben or Abdalmelec were both both of life and Kingdome bereaved Didacus dethroned Melec Oyledore Didacus and Solyman by help of Iustinan the Emperour slew Oyledore Melec returnes from banishment and expulses Sulyman and most exactly tortured Mutarrs murtherers the Christians were the worse for this re-establisliment for he forraged Syria Armenia Thrace and in the 15 of his Empire dyed ordeyning Vbyt call'd also Vlitus and Evelyd-Miralminus in his stead this Calyph dyed of griefe that his Armies he bad sent into Spain were rebelled Zulzimyn succeeded him and him Omar-ben-Abdemazed depos'd by Yezid sonne to Melec the late Calyph Ebrahim succeeded him a Prince foole-hardy and infortunate After his death the Empire was divided 'twixt Gezid and Vvalel who with all the forces they could make invaded Europe thinking it a happy death in striviog to increase their new Religion Into Spaine went Vvalids Army led by Abdiramo Gezids part led by Sha-Rablan entred France the first had better fortune than the second they took Granada and so rooted themselves that till Ferdinand of late expulst them they there inhabited Those that entred France albeit they were incouraged by Endo Duke of Aquitayne who hated Charles Martell mortally were resisted by Martell and 30000 French Gallants Endo the West Goth upon better consideration syding with the Christians so as after long fight neere Turin a in Peidmont the Saracens were beaten and of their numberlesse company 300000 slaine July 22. 726. as Beda and others at that time living testifie the two Calyphs dyed of rage when they heard of their misfortunes Marvan was placed in their stead in whose time Hyblin his Generall purposed to invade Tartary with 100000 men but in the way was assail'd by Sophy-Salyn Saint Azmully's sonne of discent from Ally and Lamnoit the Arakosian and in that conflict was Hiblyn slaine Marvan vowes revenge and with 300000 Saracens he affronts Salyn neere Spahawn but is vanquished and 100000 of his men slain Marvan from Babylon fled to Mecca and thence into Aegipt but thither also Salyn pursues him and by his death gave an end to his inveterate enemies the Ben-Humians begun by Mavi by Marvan finished The family of Mortis-Ally or Ben-Abbas in this man begun agen to rule the Scepter of Persia An. Dom. 750. Heg 130. Abuballa a while opposed Saint Azmulli but in vain Asmulli at Cufe was made King and Chalyph of Persia This man reviv'd Mutar's tenents to the honour of Ally and disgrace of the three successours of Mahomet againe revived by Siet Gunet of Ardaveil as hereafter may be spoken of Saint Azmulli being dead his sonne Salyn is saluted King In three yeares he also dyed Abu-becr call'd Bugiaser Almansor followed him in his royalties An. 758. Heg 138 he repaired Bagdat Mahadi-Abibala succeeded him by some call'd Negmedden-Phidul Ally to whom Moses or Eladimirza father of that Amarumlus the French men prate so much of In his time viz. 798 Charlemaigne flourished and this our Isle altered its name from Brittaine to England 'Twixt this Amarumlus or Aaron King of Persia and the Christian Emperour Charles was great friendship Ambassadours and Presents were sent from either of them of which read Aeginardus his Secretarie This Aaron is thought to have dyed a Christian In his time many frantick Schollers in the sight of thousands of men threatned to flie but in the tryall from one rock to another dyed miserably Aaron after 23 yeares dyed and Mahomet his sonne reigned after him five yeares Abdalla after him who when hee had raged against the Christians and troubled the Ilands in the mediterran Seas dyed and was succeeded by Mulla-Cawn who also vext the Christians disturb'd Italy and dared Rome but he also suddenly vanished and was succeeded by these Kalyphs Vvaceck Almoto Montacer Abbas Mustead zem in whose time hapned the greatest Earthquake ever felt in Asia Almotez Moctadi-Bila Anno 875. Heg 355 Almet-Hamed Mutazed Moctifi-Byla Moctader Elhaker Ratsha Razi-bila Muctacsi Moriah Tayaha Kaderkamet and Mahomet-El-takert i. e. Gods servant in whom ended the Chalyphs of the Arabique or Persian Pedegree For then An. 1030 Heg 410 came in the Turquemen led by Tangrolipix first call'd into Persia by Mahomet the then Sultan to assist him against the Babilonians but after he had freed him from that danger desires leave to goe into Armenia to visit his kindred lately seated there and is denied an unkindnesse of such force that Mahomet ere he could appease the enraged Turk was forced to divest both life and Kingdome In him the family of Saint Asmully eclipsed till Sha-Ismael dispeld the interposing cloud and resuscitated the glory of his Ancestrie The Boyiaean Kings who begun Anno Heg 319 and ended Anno Heg 480. In the Iuchasin they are chronicled and at Shyras I have alreadie spoken concerning them The successor of Tangrolipix was Ottoman son of Ertrogul the Oguzian who in the yeare 1300 Heg 680. layd the foundation of the Turkish Empire in Europe and Asia The Turks and Tartars conquer Persia the Salghucian of the same extraction commanded Persia agrandiz'd by Togrul-beg sonne of Michael sonne of Salghucius sonne of Didacus a Turq'man Togrulbeg some say was slaine by treason his successour was Pharug-zed Masuds sonne slaine by Olo-ben-Aesolan Prince of Gasnehen to him followed Ebram-ben-Masud whose sonne Masud married the daughter of Melec-sha King of Turq'stan Masud from Coresan entred Persia with a great Armie and neere to Tabryz slew Almostarshed-bila-Caliph