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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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trewe defense ¶ The kynge Henry then cōquered all Irelande By papall dome there of his royaltee The profytes and reuenues of the lande The dominacion and the souerayntee For errour whiche agayn the spiritualtee They helde full longe would not been correcte Of heresyes with which they were infecte ¶ He founded then the priory of Newstede Within Shirwod and Waltham founded newe Afore were secular without hede Whiche regular he made in order due And other two houses of order trewe He founded there for his soule to praye Where was holy seruyce kepte euery daye ¶ Geffreye his sonne the thyrde gotten and bore That duke of Britayne was hole create By his wyues right to enioye for euermore Whiche was a prince of royall great estate At Parys dyed that Arthure create To sonne and heyre and Isabell the fayre His doughter was without any dispayre ¶ In the yere of Christ a thousande clere An hundreth and sixty also and one Baudewyn the thyrde died taken priesoner By the Sarysens that were his mortall foone Of his body that yssue then had none To whome his brother Almarike did succede To Ierusalem and there was kyng in dede ¶ By treason of therle Triples then The Christen hoste that had foule betrayed When Bawdewyn was so taken through that false man That great people of Christē had thē reised And on the felde nothyng to be praysed To the Sarysyns went with all his power And discomfyt the chrysten hoost full clere The C .xxxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe Geffrey Plantagenet otherwyse called Plantageneth Earle of Angeou elder brother of Bawdewyne and Almaryk shoulde haue ben king of Ierusalem afore and so by consequens thys kynge Henrye shoulde haue be kynge of it BVt yf ryght had lynally procede Geffray Plantagenet Earle of Angeou The elder brother of Bawdwyn so in dede And of Almaryk with mykell blysse and ioye Whiche Geffray so Earle of Angeou Shulde haue be kyng afore of all that realme Both of Surry and also Ierusalem ¶ When duke Robert Ierusalem forsoke For couetyse to haue and ioyse Englande Godfray Boleyne the realme of Surry toke And of Ierusalem eke I vnderstande And erowned was to be kynge of that lande That duke had bene afore of all Loueyne A noble prynce and a worthy Chyefteyne ¶ A thousande was an hundreth sixty syxtene Withoute yssue of his body cōmynge Dyed to whome his brother as was sene Bawdwin succeded and of that realme was king That ruled the lande as was full well semyng Full worthy accompted amonge all estates That chrysten fayth susteyned without debates To whom his sonne king Bawdewin did succede The seconde was that had so borne that name A noble Prynce of all marcyall dede And in that lande greate honoure had and fame Whiche on his wyfe gate without blame A doughter then had vnto his heyre That lande to haue enheryte and repayre Whom then earle Fowke of Angeou wed to wife And kyng was of that lande then by her ryght On whome he gate thre sonnes in his lyfe Worthy knyghtes and men of greate myght The eldest Geffray Plantagenet hyght That gate this same Henry fytz Empryse Kyng of Englande of noble and hye enterpryse The .ii. sonne of Fowke was Bawdewin that thirde Dyed prysoner as it is expressed afore Without yssue of his body betyd The third sonne then of Fowke laste was bore Hyght Almaryk whiche two were kynges thore Where erle Geffrey their elder brother had ryght That suffred them to ioye that lande by myght ¶ Which Almaryk dyed kyng so of that realme After whome then reygned his sonne Bawdwyn That fourth was of that name of Yerlam That impotent was without medecyn To mayntayne warre he myght no more enclyne Who called was Bawdewyn Paraliticus For with the palsye stryken was he full hydeous The C .xxxvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe that kyng Henry the seconde was very heyre of Ierusalem and by consequens Rycharde of Yorke shoulde be the same Wherfore he sent to kynge Henry his crowne His banner also of his armes full fayre Of Ierusalem that were of great renowne As to hym that was then the very heyre Of earle Geffray eldest sonne full fayre Was to kyng Fowke and to his wyfe the quene Doughter and heyre to Baudewin the .ii. clene ¶ This fourth Bawdewyn called Paraliticus This message sent the yere of Christe a thousand An hundreth ful foure score and thre ryght thus When Henry was requyred to haue that lande Whiche he proroged and sent agayne his sounde He shulde be there yf that the kyng of Fraunce And he myght well accorde of gouernaunce ¶ He went so forth anon to Normandye With hoost full great with kyng Philyp to treat Of that voyage and warre accorded on hye But then the death hym felly ganne reherte Wherfore anon he satte vp in his seate And to his sonne Rycharde greate sōme he gaue Thether to go that holy lande to saue ¶ And then he dyed at Pount Euerard buryed The sorowe of herte and great contricyon A prynce chrysten fully notifyed Withouten pere in all comparyson Of worthy knygthode and manly renowne A thousande yere an C lxxx and fourtene And of his reygne was syxe thirty clene The C .xxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Richard king of England duke of Normādy earle of Angeou reygned .x. yere and beganne the yere of Chryst a. M. an C lxxxxiiii dyed the yere M CC. and .iiii. RYchard his sōne to kīg thē was crowned By Bawdewyn archbyshop primate Of Cauntorbury of England that stound That ruled the churche then by lawe ordynate His brother Geffray of baste so procreate Archbyshop was of Yorke then newe electe The Northren churche vnder him to be protecte ¶ The lorde Lueye that Godfray Lucye hight Afore hym bare a royall pyllyon And Iohn Marshal his spores of gold ful bright Willyam Maundeuile his mighty hye crowne That earle was then of Almarle vp and downe Of his wyues ryght willyam Marshal bolde Earle of Strigeyll the scepter bare of golde ¶ Willyam Patryk that was then Longspee That Earle was then create of Salysbury A staffe of golde for constable then was he Of Englande hole to haue the regeny By ryght of his offyce of constablery For yf the lande were voyde none heire knowe To kepe the realme by his offyce hym owe. ¶ This ylke Willyam was earle also create Of Gloucestre by whiche that offyce grewe To hym of ryght for he was generate Of Roberte Clare earle of Gloucestre trewe Foure Barons bare by theyr seruyce full dewe Aboue his hed then in processyon A cloth of golde by good direccyon ¶ Earle Dauyd then that tyme of Huntyngdon Brother of the kyng Willyam of Scotlande And Iohn the earle of Morten of renowne Kyng Rychardes brother as I vnderstone Ryght worthy lordes that tyme of this lande And Robert Ferrers earle of Leycester tho Thre swordes bare afore the kyng there so Syxe Earls then and Barons of estate A cheker
royaltee Endewed theim all in lande and tenemente Sufficiently with all establyshemente ¶ He wedded Elfbede that dukes doughter Ozmere On whom he gate a sonne both good and fayre That after was saynt Edwarde the marter Who was his eldest sonne and his heyre A lykely prince towarde both comly and fayre Elflede died he wedded Elfrith to wyfe That doughter was to duke Orgare be life ¶ On whom he gate Ethelbert so anone The kynges of Wales he had in subieccion The Scottes kynge Kynowth withouten moon Made hym homage without obieccion Thus all were vnder his proteccion And rode with hym alwaye in warre and peace In all his tyme withouten leas ¶ So trewe he was and in his dome wyse That for no mede nor fauoure wold he false The trewe leuers his lawe did not despyse He socoured euer and felons hanged hy the halse Conspiratours murtherers and traytours al 's The cōmon weale aboue all thyng preferred Which euery prince shuld se wer wel obserued ¶ He taxed not his commons ne supprysed Ne holy churche nor yet the clergie But lyued on his owne as it was assised Vpon his rentes and landes morallye His officers hym ruled full no tably In euery shire he went in priuetee To spie and knowe who hurtes the commontee ¶ He was a kyng full worthy and condigne That let not for his ease nor his laboure To searche and see defautes that were maligne And theim correcte he was a gouernoure God set neuer kyng to be a ryotoure To trippe on tapettes and lyue in ydelnesse But for to rule with all kyndes of busynesse ¶ He died the yere .ix. hundreth sixty and eleuen When he had reygned full eyghtene yere Buried he was at Glastenbury to neuen His corps to the earth his soule to heauen clere When he had been dead foure and twenty yere Byshop Oswald of that same diocise By counsell of thabbot that was wyse ¶ Abbot Edwarde of that place that hight Who layde hym in a toumbe made of newe For it was shorte he brake his legges wight Of whiche the bloodde as rede and freshe of hewe As euer it was sprent out all hote and newe Into his eyen by whiche he lost his sight Men sayd it was for he had so hym dight ¶ Edwarde his sonne that eldest was and heire Saynt Dunstan then as made is mencion Tharchbyshop of Cauntorbury fayre So crowned hym kyng of this region Whom dame Alfrith of false presumpcion His stepmother to crowne syr Ethelrede At Cornisgate so cut his throte in dede ¶ As he with her did drynke of good entent And buryed was at Warham then anone But afterwarde the B. of Rome to England sent To take hym vp and laye hym hye anone In a toumbe made of siluer gold and stone As a marter then hym canonized At Shaftesbury where he is autorized ¶ And dyed in the yere of Christ .ix. hūdreth clere Sixty also accoumpted and fyftene That reigned had in Englande but .iiii. yere His soule to blysse went then as is well sene Where nowe he muste euer dwell and been In ioye eterne emonge the sayntes of heauen And there with Christ goddes sonne beleuen The C .xvi. Chapiter ¶ Kyng Ethelrede kyng of Englande reigned .xxxviii. yere and dyed in the yere of Christ a thousande and thirtene THen Ethilrede withouten tariyng At Kyng stone tho by all the baronage Crowned was fayre royally as kyng His brother was and heyre of heritage But saynt Dunstan then by his trewe language Prophecied and sayd withouten leas In all his tyme he should not reigne in peace ¶ For to this realme he sayd he had no right But by murther and cruell homycede Of your brother that for you was dight Whiche murther euer asketh vengaūce on euery syde Wherfore he said serue God what so betyde And then it is the fayrest chastisement To be put out fro that same regyment ¶ Saynt Dunstan died and went to heauen The kyng rode forth to London his citee And as he rode he sawe a cloude full euen As rede as bloodde as all the people did see Whiche Englande hole ouerspred in quantitee Fro whiche the bloodde reyned vpon the ground That men trouwed to haue ben peryshed that stound The next yere after the Danes at Southhāpton Arryued and brent the countre there aboute Also they spoyled and sore brente the towne And so they dyd all Cornewayle throughout And Deuenshire also and somerset no doubte With Dorsetshire and Wylshyre Barkeshrye brent And to London came or euer that they stent The suburbes there they spoyled sore and brent Two dukes then of Denmarke and Norwaye Northfolke Southfolke Essex or they stent Brent and spoyled and so forth helde the waye To London then where theyr felowes laye So assembled they and passed into Kente Where that countre they spoyled sore and brent ¶ The lande of kent to them graunted truage To lyue in peace and home agayne they went But in Northfolke an other hoste their passage Made then and so to Lyncolne or they stent All Lyncolneshyre throughout then they brent And Yorkeshyre also and home they went againe With pylage great of which they were full faine ¶ The king might get no helpe with them to fight For which he treated with king Anlaaf of Norway And with king Swaan of Denmarke for his right That destroyed had the lande in fell araye And truage hight them furthwarde to paye For they had no power amongest thē to prayse And was full fayne the warres for to cease But yet kyng Swayne wold nothīg rest for this He came agayne and crowned was for kyng Greate tallage of all this lande a mysse He toke alwaye and specyally all other thyng Saynt Edmūdes landes he hurt by great taskīg And tallage which of it that he raysed Vnegally he pondred then and peysed For whiche warrys quene Emme to Normandy To her brother duke Rycharde the thyrde With her sonnes Alurede and Edwarde her by And Edmunde Ironesyde then it so betyde All these the toke and in a shyppe she dyd And with kyng Ethelrede by the sea led pryuely For helpe to haue gotte his lande there by ¶ In whiche tyme whyls he in Normandye Was so●ournyng kyng Swayn full lowde then cryed And sayde vnto his men fast gan crye I am but deed saint Edmunde hath me spyed And with a speare hath me here mortifyed Wo worth that day I noied S. Edmundes ground For with his speare my hert he hath sore wounde ¶ He dyed ryght so without confessyon And whyther he went I ne wote ne whare But well I wote in good and true professyon Saynt Edmonde king dyed and made his fare To blysse eterne withoute any care But then the Barons and lordes of Englande Sent worde to Ethylrede with hym for to stande And wrote to him how that kyng Swayn was deed And bade hym come to his lande agayne And so he dyd by councell and theyr rede He exyled all the Danes
he came vnto his presence Anone he putte hym in sore prisone To tyme he had by his magnificence The castell of Lyncolne vnto his croune And putte hym then to fyne and greate raunsom So variaunt he was alwaye of hight Fro euē to morowe that no man trust hym might The fiftene yere of the same kyng Stephen Th erle Geffrey of Angeou decessid A noble prince as all menne did beleuen Henry his soonne of persone well encressed Of childishe wit also full relesed And of age he was then fiftene yere To Scotland came kyng Dauid to require ¶ Of his socour and of his supportacion England to gette that was his heritage Who made hym then full greate consolacion And with hym came without fee or wage With full assent of all his baronage Vnder baners kyng Dauid made hym knight Vpon the felde again kyng Stephen to fight ¶ But suche treaty was made and good accorde That kyng Stephen to Henry shoulde retourne As very heire without more discorde At his decesse to Henry whole retourne The croune of England without more soiourne Who died then after in his .xix. yere At Feuersham buried he was full clere ¶ Of Christes date was then a thousande yere And an hundreth fyftye and eyght also His wyfe and he there buried both in feer The whiche he found whyles he was lyuyng so And reigned here in muche trouble and wo And had this realme without any ryght For themprise Maude that fayre lady bright The C .xxix. Chapiter ¶ Henry fitz Emprice kyng of Englande and erle of Angeou duke of Normandye and Guyen by .xxxvi. yere and beganne to reygne the yere of oure Lorde a thousande a hundreth .lviii. and dyed the yere a thousande an hundreth and .xciiii. HEnry therle of Angeou was tho In this meane tyme had bē in Normādy And set his rule therin for frende or foo And crouned was at London worthely With all the lordes of his hye monarchie And made hym then theyr feautee and homage The prince of Wales also for his heritage ¶ He wedded then a lady fayre and bright Dame Alianor the dukes doughter of Guyen And heyre therof and lady by all right Possession had with all the profytes then And welbeloued was she with her men Deuorced fro the kyng Lewes of Fraunce That hyr had wed to wyfe of his puysaunce ¶ And on her gatte two doughters fayre gente But for sibrede and consanguinitee They were departed by papall iudgement On whome kyng Henry by Christes decree Gatte sonnes foure of great humanitee Henry Richarde Geffrey and Iohn also Elianor and Ihone his doughters two The C .xxx. Chapiter ¶ Howe Malcolyne the seconde kyng of Scottes made homage for Scotlande for therldome of huntyngdon IN this meane whyle kyng Dauid then so dyed To whō Malcolyn Hēryes sōne was heire Whiche Henry was erle notified Of Huntyngdon without any dispayre Of that erldome bothe good and fayre And sonne was to this noble kyng Dauy That wedded had erle Waldens doughter onely ¶ To enioye therldome by her enheritaunce That gat on her this Malcolyne that was kyng Of Scotlande nowe of mighty hye puysaunce That homage made for his enherityng Vnto Henry that then was of Englande kyng For all Scotlande and also for Huntyngdon Whiche seruices both were due vnto the croune The C .xxxi. Chapiter ¶ This kyng Henrye exiled Thomas becket byshop of Cauntorburye HE maried then his sonne the young Henry To the doughter of the kyng of Fraunce He exiled then Thomas of Cauntorbury Out of Englande and many of his aliaunce For cause of his rebellious gouernaunce And as he came fro Rome by Fraunce awaye With language fel he prayed the kyng that daye ¶ The poyntes to mende and so to Englād went For which the kyng was with hym sore displeased That then he sayd had I had men that ment Myne honeste I were not thus diseased With suche a clerke thus greued and vneased Therfore three knightes Raynold le Fitz Vrsy Hughe Moruyle hym slewe with Robert Tracy ¶ But kyng Malcolyne died that was full true Of his homage at Westchester ensealed To kyng Henry dooen so as it was due For it should not be gaynsayd ne counselled Nor afterwarde of Scottes be repeled To whiche Malcolyne Willyā his sonne heyre Was crouned kyng of Scotlande then full fayre The C .xxxii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kynge Wyllyam of Scotlande wente in to Normandye with kyng Henry of Englande the seconde as his liegeman THis kyng Wyllyam then rode with hoste full stronge The Northrē lād he brent sore distroyed By east and west of both Merches of Englande The lorde Vesty with it was anoyed The lorde Vnfreuyle with syckenesse so accloyed With power great at Alnwike with hym faught Wher he was takē in batayll sore and caught ¶ Whō to the kyng to Londō then thei brought Vnto kyng Henry with great honoure Then had the kyng tydynges he liked nought His sonne Henry by kyng Lewys socoure Besieged Roan with hoste great and rygoure For when the kyng to Normandy then went The kyng Wyllyam with hym his labour spent ¶ And Dauid also his brother with al his might That erle was then create of Huntyngdon And Robert ferers erle of Leycester so hight And Roger clare with theim of great renoume Of Gloucester that erle was in possession With other lordes and the siege sone remeued And his cytee of Roan full well rescued ¶ The siege and saute perdoned and forgeuen At the prayer of kyng Lewys of Fraunce Within fewe yeres in peace and rest to liuen He crowned his sonne without distaunce Kyng of Englande and gaue hym gouernaunce And at the feast of his coronacion He sewed afore hym for his consolacion The C .xxxiii. Chapiter ¶ This yonger Henry reigned but .iiii. yeres and died before his father wherfore he is not accompted as kynge because his father outlyued hym and reigned after his death ANd to hī said sōne thinke I do you honour A kynge to serue you thus nowe at youre meate He aunswered hym full vnthankefully that houre And sayd it was no reproue ne forfete An erls sonne to serue the kynges sonne at meate For whiche the father Henry to Irelande went Tyll young Henry the kyng was dead and spent Then came Henry and had the gouernement The father and kyng was then admytte agayn And reigned then and had the regiment And but .iiii. yere his sonne reygned soth to sayen Wherfore he is among kynges certeyne Not accoumpted by no chronicler For his father was kynge afore and after clere The C .xxxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Wyllyam of Scotlande made his homage to kyng Henry the seconde THe kyng Wyllyam at his daye assigned To Yorke came to do there his homage That made it then nothyng it repugned But for his due dette then for his heritage Of Scotlande whole by veraye due knowlage Of his barons and by his euydence Agayne it founde he then no
¶ Symond the sōne of earle Symond Moūtfort Came oute of Fraunce for ferdnesse of that quene To kyng Henry whome he gaue great comforte He gaue hym then his man for ay to bene Of Leycester the earldome fayre and clene With the Stewarde of Englande in herytage Whiche is an offyce of greate priuelage ¶ And wed his doughter dame Elyanore To Willyam Marshall earle of Penbroke After whose deathe she auowed chastyte for euermore But he her maryed and her betoke For all her vowe as sayeth the booke To Earle Symond Mountfort to be his wyfe Notwithstandyng that she vowed chastyte her lyfe ¶ Tho dyed Lewelyn the prynce of Wales then Betwene his sonnes Gryffyth and Dauid grewe Greate discencyon and stryfe ay when and when And dame Beatryce the kynges doughter trewe To earle Symonde of Britayne wedded newe The yere of Chryste a thousand was accompted Two hundreth moo fourty and one amounted The C .xlv. Chapiter ¶ The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 of Lancaster and of Leicester long after in the yere of his father one and thirty and in the yere of Christ M. iiC xli THe same yere then Edmond his soōne was At Lācastre that yere of Christ thē writē A thousand whole twoo C and fourty mo bore And one therto in Flores as is wryten And in the yere next after then ouersetten The kyng his doughter Margaret then maryed To Alexaunder kyng of Scotland notified ¶ At Yorke citee wher he then did homage For Scotland whole and Isles apperteinyng Then dyed ●hemperour full sage Wherfore the lordes of Almaignie variyng Some chose Rychard kyng Henryes brother beyng And some that kyng of Castile would haue algate But erle Rychard of Menske had all the state ¶ Then rose discorde betwene the kyng Henry And certain lordes of mighty greate power Symond Mountfort vpon hym toke boldly To bee cheftein to hold the feld full clere At Lewis faught of christ then was the yere A thousand twoo hundred and sixty accompted And foure also so muche more amounted ¶ This erle Symond had then the kyng Henry And his brother Rychard themperour In his kepyng and ward wer hold strongly But prince Edward was sette in Herford toure And erle Henry of Herford that was floure Themperours soonne at Herford with hym laye A myle about disported theim euery ●aye ¶ Fro whens at last with horse thei brake awa 〈…〉 And to Wigmour castell thei came in hie To sir Roger Mortymer wher he laye That theim receiued then full gladly And so thei assembled with greate hoste manfully And held the feld the lordes fast to theim drewe And at Euesham thei stroke a battaill newe ¶ In the yere of Christ a thousand was tho Twoo hundred mo sirty also and fiue When prince Edward faught with his foo Symond Moūtfort and raught hym fro his liue The feld discomfited there anone as bliue With help of erle Gilbert then called Clare And other lordes with hym that were thare ¶ He slewe many and some awaye exiled And some he held in prisone and distres He toke out then his father as is compiled His eme Rychard holden in greate dures And all his frendes of his hie worthynes He socoured euer and with his gold supported And wher it want with his woord theim cōforted The C .xlvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Robert Ferrers erle of Darby was dishe rite and many other of their compaignie RObert Ferrers that erle was of Darby Disherite then for his insurreccion With many other at Chesterfeld in hie Faught with Edward of their presumpcion And fled awaye with greate confusion Vnto the Isle of Axholme and fro thens Vnto Lyncolne and spoyled the citezens ¶ Fro thens to Ely thei went anone Wher prince Edward thisle proudely assailed Thei fled fro it soone to Yorkeshire gan gone In freres clothis that were full long tailed Robbyng their fooes when thei of good failed And other some to Kilyngworth then fled To Henry Hastynges who then the castell had ¶ Wher then that kyng great siege laied all about But nought auailed so strongly thei defende And for ther was in euery shire throughout So greate robbery and nothyng amende The kyng was fain for lordes then to send By whose aduise he ordeined for that case That all disherite and exiled should haue grace ¶ All disherite should buye their landes again To paye for theim gold as thei might accorde With theowners so that no man should payen More then the land were worth by greate recorde In seuen yere whole and if thei might concorde For lesse money so it exceade a yere The value of the yerly rent full clere ¶ Robet Ferrers erle of Derby then The soonnes also of erle Symond exclude That perpetuall iudgement fully then Neuer to redeme their landes but been exclude So that theowners be not with theim delude Vnto a daye that fifty thousand pound Be paide of nobles whole and round ¶ Edmond the soonne of the same kyng Henry Was weddid first vnto dame Auelyn Erle Willyam his doughter of Almarle womāly None issue had neither male ne feminine Then was he wed to Blaunche that quene full fyne Of Nauerne and so of Lancaster create With Leicestre also therle denominate The C .xlvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edward theldest soōne heire of kyng Henry the third and his brother erle Edmond of Lancaster and of Leicestre went to Ierusalē with greate power whiche twoo princes were coūted the semeliest of all the hoste of Christendome HIs brother Edward and he associate To Ierusalem their voiage thē auowed Two semely princes together adioynate In all the world was none theim like alowed So large faire thei were eche manne he bowed Edward aboue his menne was largely seen By his shulders more hie and made full clene ¶ Edmond next hym the comeliest prince aliue Not croke backed ne in no wyse disfugured As some menne wrote the right lyne to depryue Through great falsehed made it to bee scriptured For cause it should alwaye bee refigured And mencioned well his yssue to preuaile Vnto the croune by suche a gouernaile ¶ But prince Edward and he held fourth their waye To Ierusalem so did themperour Rychard his eme and Henry his soonne full gay To Cisile came by sea through many a shoure Edward with hym then had his wife that houre Elianour doughter of the kyng of Aragon A princesse faire at his eleccion ¶ The kyng Lewes also then thither went And in his waye dyed and expired Sainct Lewes nowe is named by all assent Of holy churche as it is well enquired Approued trewe as reason well required But Edward prince and Edmōd abode two yere With werres greate and mighty strong power ¶ For nacions all vnto prince Edward drewe And to Edmond his brother for their semelines And greate māhode whiche in theim that thei knewe Sir Charles that brother of king Lewes doubteles Kyng of Cisile of noble worthynes By the Soudan was chasid without beld Whome prince Edward socoured had the
that dede being very sore moued therwith wēt to the dukes place coming before his grace stode lyke a man strykē with some sodeyn dysease very pale holding his head downe the duke maruayling at hym enquyred what the matter was To whom he sayde O moost noble duke my time is at hande thys palenes betokeneth death without remidy That I would God yt had come before this day then it should not haue greued me so much And thys all cometh to me through a deed that you haue done of late which wil ether cause me to lose my life or els to lyue in moost miserie wretchednes as one wery of thys present lyfe The noble actes that you haue doone moost noble prynce haue enhaunsed your fame glory to the fardest part of the world but this one thing me thynke I praye you pardōme what I saye is a great blemyshe to your dygnitee that forgetting the promyse that you made so faythfully haue geuen the innocēt erle of Richmounte to be destroyed pitefully killed emonge wretched knau es hangmen Wherfore they that loue you of whom I am one cannot but lamente ●o see you dyshonored by this great fault of periury Whē he had sayd the duke answered hold thy peace man I praye the ther is no such harme shal chaunce to him Edwarde the kinge woulde haue him to mary his daughter Then sayd Iohn Beleue me mooste excellente and redoubted prynce this Henry is nowe almoste famyshed and loste yf he once goo out of your countree he is but cast awaye and paste all recouerye At these wordes the duke was persuaded through the whych he commaūded one Peter Lādoson hys receauer to take the same Henry frō the ambassadours The sayd receauer pursued the Englyshe ambassadours to Maclonium and there holdyng theim wyth long cōmunication made him to be conueyed into a sētuary whych was then almost ded through that feuer and thought whych he was caste in And so after that he was emended broughte hym to the duke The ambassadours then beyng spoiled and deceaued both of theyr pread and mony that they brought desyred that same receauer that they might not goo home in that wyse whyche receauer promised that he woulde eyther kepe hym in sentuary or eles cause hym to be imprisoned at the duke his place so that they should neuer neede to feare hym In all thys tyme Edwarde beynge desyreous to knowe what became of the Earle was enfourmed that he was taken prysoner but after that escaped they re handes where at the kinge was verye angrye but when he knewe that he should bee kepte in holde was well pleased then dyd take no thought And liued after that most welthy sparing no expēses nor cost in kepyng his house neuertheles he dyd fall into one great offence in this time For sodēly he cōmaunded his brother the duke of Clarence to be killed drowned in an hogshhed of malmesey And the cause of hys death was as men report through a certaine prophecie which sayd the after kyng Edwarde one shuld reigne whose name begā wyth a. G. which prophecye some sayde was completed fulfilled when the duke of Glouceter the after hym had the kingdome dyd reigne Some holdeth another opinion of this his death saiyng that at what time the olde malice dyd breke out bewixt thē both the duke through his sisters councel woulde haue maried lady Mary that duke of Burgoyn his only daughter which mariage the kyng did infringe stoppe as one enuiyng of his brothers felicitee or good chaunce After that they both beryng in theyr mindes mortall hatred one of the sayde duke hys seruauntes was accused of wichcraft charming for which offence he was put to death The duke 〈…〉 g that could not but speake resist againste the 〈…〉 g his cōmaundement and therfore was com 〈…〉 ted to prison ther beyng was killed and procla 〈…〉 d after as a traytour to the kyng for whose 〈…〉 that the king was verye sory and whan any 〈…〉 kneled to hym and asked pardon 〈…〉 der he would saye O infortunate bro 〈…〉 that noman would aske thy pardon And this duke had .ii. children one lady Margarete that was after maried to Richard Pole an other Edward whome the kyng made earle of Warwyke but this childe folowyng the fate and destenie of his father was after putte in prisone there priuely put to death And these thinges were doone in the yere of oure Lorde a thousand foure hundreth and foure score and the .xix. yere of the reigne of kyng Edward And two yeres then after folowing the kyng died before the whiche yeres he beganne to bee very harde and couetouse in getting monye and also very diligent in marking attaching his lordes that did offend In this time the kyng of Scottes willed his soōne Iamy to be maried to the kynges doughter lady Cicile which was the yonger that should haue been maried to Charles the kyng his soonne of Fraunce But it chaunced not thorow Lewes the kyng that brake his promise bothe in geuing his seruice and payeng his raunsome the laste yere of his reigne Likewise the kyng of Scottes seing that Lewes the kyng was false of his promise he thoughte he might bee so bolde too and so breaking league of amite sette vpon the Englishe men At the which Edward was sore vexed and entended batayl against hym yet after that he knewe the it was not by his wyll but thorowe the councell and euell disposed mindes of his lordes woulde haue borne it in good worthe had not kyng Iames owne brother streight vpon that prouoked hym to fighte Furthermore suche was the nature of the Scottishe kyng that when he had sette his minde vpon a thing no manne coulde turne hym and because that no manne mighte reproue hym in any thing he promoted laye people menne of basse bloude to his counsell putting to deathe or banishyng euermore the nobilitee Emong whom this duke of Albanie his brother consydering the condicyons of the king fled to the kyng of Englād at what time he was sent into Fraūce ther counsailed the kyng to fight against hym The king willing to reuēge his olde iniuries vpon many consideraciōs gathered entēded no lesse by the helpe of the saied duke of Albany then to kepe open warre So that he did send the duke of Gloucestre the erle of Northumberlād syr Thomas Stanley this duke of Albany with a great power of men against the Scottes The king knowing of their cōming went to Barwyke with his army to kepe theim from the borders but perceiuing that he was not hable so resist their great power fled backe in the night to Edinbrough ther taryed for his enemies And the duke of Gloucestre folowing burned and spoyled all the way when he was somewhat nighe his enemies perceiuing also that none of the Scottishe lordes came to the duke of Albanye mistrusted that some deceyte or crafte was
brought to passe thei went bothe together into Kent And there beganne this young feloe to tell priuely to many that he was the erle of Warwicke and had gotte out of the tower by the helpe of this monke To the whiche when he perceiued credence geuen he declared it openly and desyred al men of helpe But or euer this sedicion beganne to goo foreward the heddes and principalles of thesame wer taken and casle into prysone Of whiche the one was condempned to death and the other condēpned to perpetuall pryson and darkenesse For at that tyme here in Englande was so muche attrybuted to prestes and al religious mē that though they had committed felonie murder yea or treason they should not haue bene therfore condempned to death Moreouer whosoeuer could reade though it wer neuer so lytle what crime soeuer he had committed saue treason should by his booke bee saued and therfore it was inuented that if the default wer so great that another manne shoulde suffer death for thesame he should onely be burnt in the hande wherfore he the had committed thefte should bee marked in the hand with this letter T. if he had committed murdre with M. and after that yf he were deprehended in lyke cryme then there should no fauour at all more then to other menne bee shewed Whiche acte was made and confyrmed by this kyng Henry in the second yere of his reigne and takē of the Frenchemen whiche are wonte if thei take any suche to cutte of one of his cares and let hym go Whiche priuiledges of bookes made thefes both bolde plentie thorowe out all the coastes and parties of this his realme of Englande But nowe to my matier again Perkyn of whom we spake muche before whyles he was in the towre corrupted many of the kepers partly with giftes and partely with fayre promyses so that they were all agreed saue the leuetenaunt whome he fully determined to kyll that he and the erle of Warwike should gooe theyr waye out of the toure and afterwarde to make the best shyfte that they could for theim selfes But this his purpose came not to full effecte For it was knowne within shorte tyme after for the whiche he and his felowes all of the same counsayle were hanged by the neckes And the earle of Warwike because he was foundegyltie in thesame defaulte was behedded whiche was dooen in the yeare of oure Lorde a thousand foure hundreth and .xcix. and in the .xiii. yeare of this kyng Henry his reigne The nexte yere after was here in Englande a a greate plague wherof menne died in many places vereye sore but especiallye and mooste of all in London For there died in that yere aboue thyrtye thousande Wherfore the kynge sayled ouer to Caleis and there taryed a greate while In his beyng there came ouer to hym Philippe Erle of Flaunders and was receaued of hym as louyngly as could bee thought and also or euer they departed the league whiche was made betwene theim two not longe before was renewed Sone after when the plague was slaked the kyng returned agayne into Englande and was no soner come thyther but there met him one Gasper Pons sente from Alexander the byshoppe of of Roome which brought with hym indulgences and perdo●es whereby he made the kyng beleue that he and his should flye streight to heauen but those could not bee graunted withoute a greate somme of money the whiche the rather that he might obteyne he promysed parte of it to the kyng hymselfe so deceauyng both the kyng and the people In this same yere was burnt a place of the kynges whiche he after buylded vp againe and named it Richemount Aboute this tyme died three bishoppes here in England Ihon Morton bishop of Cantourbury Thomas Langton bishop of Wynchester and Thomas Rotherham bishoppe of Yorke Also in this yere there were greate maryages made for kyng Henry had geuen his doughter ladye Margarete to the kyng of Scottes and his sonne prince Arthur to Ladie Katherine doughter to Ferdinande kyng of Spayne whiche mariages were made specially for this cause that he might liue in peace with those kynges in his olde age After this prynce Arthure that came to Londō purposely to bee maryed went to Wales agayne with his lady and wife to ouersee all thynges well there and to the entente he might not miscarye or go out of the waie in rulyng his domimon he had with hym many noble mē as first Richard Poole his nighe kynsman which was made chief of his priuie chaumbre and Dauid Philippe husher of his halle Also he had of his counsaill certayne knyghtes as Wyllyam Vdall Richarde Croft Peter Neuton Henrye Varnam Thomas Englefelde And other besides theim as Ihon Walestone Henry Marine Wyllyam Smyth preest chief of his coūsayle late bishop of Lincolne syr Charles Booth a lawer then byshop of Herforde A litle before this mariage Edmūd Poole erle of Suffolke sonne to ladye Elizabeth the sysler of kyng Edward was accused for killyng of a mā although the kyng pardoned hym whō he might iustely haue condē●ed for that offence yet because he was rayned at the barre whiche he thought a great main and blemishe to his honoure tooke it heuely and shortely after fled to Flaunders wtout any passeporte or licēce of the kyng to quene Margarete his aunte but he returned again so excused hymselfe before the kynge that he was founde fautles in any thyng that was obiected vnto hym Also when this mariage was kepte at London with great pompe solēnitee this Edmunde fled again to Flaunders with his brother Richard either for that he had been at great charges at thesame mariage and so farre cast in debte that he was not hable to paye either because the quene Margarete his aunte had allured hym orels for eiuill will enuie that the kyng should prosper so well Whē it was knowen that he was gooen the kyng certified there of he feared that some busynes should ryse by his meanes was sory that he had pardoned hym for his offēce lately cōmitted But sone after that the erle came from Flaunders syr Robert Cursone knight capitaine of Hāmes castel feignyng hym selfe to bee one of that conspiracye wente purposely to espye what the quene entended against kyng Henrye whyche afterwarde for his so doynge was in greate fauoure wyth hym For the kynge was so vigylaunte and circumspecte in all his matters that he dyd knowe theim namelye that either bare hym eiuill will or woorked any in theyr mynde whom he caused to bee attached and caste in holde And emong theim Wyllyam the erle of Deuonshyres sonne whiche maried ladie Catheryne daughter to kyng Edward was taken and another Wyllyam brother to Edmonde earle of Souffolke Iames Tyrell Ihon Wyndham But these two wylliams were taken rather of suspection then for any offence of gyltines Wherefore Wylliam this Earles sonne of Deuonshyre after the death of kynge Henrye was deliuered had in
in mat●ers of Scotland could better skill Nor which their falshoode and vntrueth to note Had more affection or better wyll Or better knew water woodde toune vale hyll Or was more feruente the Scottes to persue Who to England he knew woulde neuer be true ¶ Neyther anye Chronicler that euer was Eyther dooth or can more largly declare Euen from Brutus howe it came to passe That kynges of Englande the soueraines are And ouer Scotlande oughte rule to beare Hymselfe is wytnes of their subiection And homage vnder Englandes protection ¶ In other thinges the tymes were suche That though this werke haue some spice of blindnesse Yet is the authour not to be blamed much For Popyshe errour that season doubtlesse Did all the worlde ouer go and oppresse Therfore such thinges we must in good part take And pardon that faulte for the tymes sake ¶ Yet haue we thought best the autour to set out Euen in suche fourme as hymselfe dyd endite It wer an vnquod thyng yf we should go about To alter and chaunge that olde men haue wryte Secondly to vs it maye bee greate delyte The blindnesse of those tymes to consider From whiche hathe pleased God vs to delyuer ¶ Fynally the darkenesse of those dayes to see To the honoure of our kyng dooeth redound To whom by goddes helpe geuen it hath bee All Popyshe trumperye for to confounde Which thyng al trew English hertes hath boūd Incessauntly to praye for kyng Henrye the eyghte Whose godly wisedome hath made all streyghte And for asmuch as Hardyng his boke doth ende With Edward the fourth whose seruaūt he was And to whome also this booke he dyd commende Consideryng also the tyme and space Beyng .lx. yeres and more I coulde not let passe So many goodly statutes and decrees Battayles and stories not good to lese Wherfore I annexed theim by continuacion Begynning wyth Edwarde the fourth of that name Then Edward the fyfth kyng by generation Whom Richard the third to his immortal shame Cruelly murdered the story sayeth the same But plaged he was to hys greate greuaunce With a shamefull death as Goddes vengeaunce Then Henry the .vii. nexte doothe ensue Father vnto our moost dred soueraigne lorde And of Henry the. viii some thyng that is true I haue here set forth as wryters dooe accorde Not in metre but obseruyng worde for worde Myne authours that wrote it all in prose Reportyng the truth without fraude or glose ¶ Now right gentle reader thy parte shal be My good wyll and zele my payne and labour To entreprete and take in good parte and gre Geuing to the same suche good wordes of fauour As may enforce me with all myne endeuour The settyng forth of mo werkes to take in hande To thy solace and honour of Englande ¶ The Proheme of Iohn Hardynge into this his chronycle THe moste substance of power and of myght Through age distilled into debilitee Of me that am this time an aged wight And greate faute haue of habilitee This labour now shuld haue wthold fro me But that my witte would haue some diligence My ghoost to kepe from synne and insolence ¶ This werke is great and lōge to bryng to fyne So doeth it euer fro tyme to tyme encrease And long hath dooen afore Christ dyd enclyne In Marie mother and mayden without lease To chronicle so men haue theim put in prease Some in meetre and some also in prose Some in Latyn full wysely dyd it close ¶ And some in Frenche they made for intellecte Of men that could no Latyn vnderstande More sufficiently endited and protecte By ferre then I can it nowe take in hande And some in lynes two theyr ryme ay bande But though my witte be not so curious As theirs by ferre to make it glorious ¶ Yet wyll I vse the symple witte I haue To your pleasaunce and consolacion Moste noble lorde and prince so God me saue That in chronycles hath delectacion Though it be farre aboue myne estimacion Into balade I wyll it nowe translate Ryght in this forme with all myne estymate My lorde of Yorke vnto your sapience I wyll remember a notabilyte Of your elders rule and regymence That had this lande of olde prioryte Which ruled were after their dignitee In vertue digne by roiall gouernaunce And in vyce rulyd and misgouernaunce By whiche knowledge your discrete sapience All vyce euermore destroye maye and reproue By vertuous and blessedfull dilygence And vertue loue that maye not ought greue Howe ye shall rule your subiectes while ye lyue In lawe and peace and all tranquyllite Whiche been the floures of all regalyte ¶ Edward the thyrde that was king of this land By ryght title and very iuste discent And kyng of Fraunce as I can vnderstande By his mother quene Isabell the gent Sister and heyre of Charles by hole entent For Charles dyed without any chylde The ryght discent vnto his mother mylde Why shulde that French forbarre you of your right Sith God of heauen in libro numeri Gaue to Moises this lawe that nowe is lyght In the chapiter seuen and twenty By these wordes the doughter ryghtfully Of Salphaat aske the fathers heritage Geue them in possessyon amonge the cosynage ¶ This kyng Edward reignyng in his dayes In mercyall actes tryumphe and victorie Aboue all princes famed was alwayes Fyue sonnes had the worlde out to crye Ther wer no mo suche of one patry monye Edwarde the prince and eldest sonne of age Who gat Richarde that had the heritage ¶ Leonell next borne after in Antwerpe In Brabant lande that wedded vnto his wyfe The erles doughter of Vlster as men do karpe And begatte on her Philip his doughter ryue And also his heire whome he loued as his lyue Whome erle Emonde of Marche the Mortimer Wedded to his wyfe and begatte the erle Roger. Edwarde the thyrd had fyue sonnes Edwarde prince Leonell Iohn duke of Lancastre Edmounde duke of Yorke Thomas of Woodstocke duke of Gloucester ¶ That erle was after of Marche of Vlster With wylde Irishe that slayne wer in Irelande Who had a sonne erle Emonde Mortymer That dyed without yssue I vnderstande To whom dame Anne his syster vnto his land Was veraye heyre whō the erle of Cābridge wed And gatte of her your selfe as I haue red ¶ Why should ye not then be her veraye heyre Of all her lande and eke of all her right Sith Iesu Christe of Iude lande so feire By veray meane of his mother Mary bryght To be kyng claymed tytle and right And so dyd name hym selfe kyng of Iewes So by your mother the right to you acrewes ¶ After Lyonell that was duke of Clarence And of Vlster the erle was by his wyfe And of Italie for his greate excellence Kyng should haue been without any stryfe Of all Europe without comparatyfe The royall lande and to his espousaile The dukes doughter of Melayn without faile ¶ Iohn borne in Gaunt of Flaūders chief cytee The thyrde
stone That Wynchester is nowe a towne full mery Caire Paladoure that nowe is Shaftesbury Where an Engel spake syttyng on the wall Whyle it was in workyng ouer 〈◊〉 ¶ In whiche citees he made then temples three And flaumes also as nowe these bishoppes been To kepe the rites after their moralytee Of there goddes as in there bookes was seen Of their fals lawes as thei dyd meen When he had reigned by thyrtye yere and nyne The dulful death made hym to earth enclyne The .xxv. Chapiter ¶ Bladud kynge of Britayne had Logres and Albany He made an vniuersitee and a study at Stamforde a flaume and his temple at Bathe his citee whiche vniuersitee dured to the commyng of saynt Augustyne and the byshoppe of Roome enterdited it for heresyes that fell emong the Saxones and the Britons together mixte BLadud his sōne sone after hym did succede And reigned after then full .xx. yere Cair Bladud so that now is Bath I rede He made anone the hote bathes there infere When at Athenes he had studied clere He brought with hym .iiii. philosophiers wise Schole to holde in Brytayne and exercyse ¶ Stāforde he made that Sāforde hight this daye In whiche he made an vniuersitee His philosophiers as Merlyn doth saye Had scolers fele of greate habilitee Studyng euer alwaye in vnitee In all the seuen liberall science For to purchace wysedome and sapience ¶ In cair bla 〈…〉 m he made a temple right And sette a flamyne theirin to gouerne And afterward a* Fetherham he dight To flye with wynges as he could beest descerne Aboue the aire nothyng hym to werne He flyed on high to the temple Apolyne And ther brake his necke for al his great doctrine The .xxvi. Chapiter ¶ Kyng Leyr of Brytaine gaue away with his doughter all his lande and had it all again and dyed kyng possessid HIs soōne was kyng high sette in royaltee Of all Brytaynes by name that hight kyng Leyr Who Laiceter made after hym called to bee Cair Leyr his citee that buylded was full faire He had doughters three to been his heire The first of theim was called Gonorelle The next Ragan and the youngest Cordelle ¶ Emonges theim as Leyr satte on a daye He asked theim howe muche thei hym loued Gonorell saied more then my self ay And Ragan saied more then was after prouid For ioye of whiche the kyng was greately moued I loue you more then all this worlde so fayre He graūted theim twoo of thre partes to bee heire ¶ Cordell the yoūgest then saied full soberly Father as muche as ye been in value So muche I loue you and shall sikirly At all my might and all my herte full trewe With that he greuid at hir and chaunged hewe Senne thou me loues lesse then thy sisters twain The leest porcion shalt thou haue of Bryteine ¶ With that Maglayn duke of Albaine Gonorell weddid and had the lande all out Euin of Walis and of Cornwayle ther by That duke was of those twoo landes stoute Ragan weddid to whiche twoo dukes no doubte Kyng Leyr gaue rule and gouernaunce Of all Bryteine for age and none puissaunce The .xxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Leyr made a temple and a Flamyne to rule at all Laiceter A Temple that in his citee of Kaireleir A Flamyne also as he a bishop were In name of Ianus the folke into repere And then he wente Gonorell to requier Of the greate loue that she aught hym so dere That of hir promyse she failed vnkyndly Wherfore he wente vnto Ragan in hye ¶ She failed also for all hir greate promyse And to Cordell that weddid was into Fraunce Long after that he wente in greate distres To helpe to wynne hym his inheritaunce She succurred hym anon with all plesaunce Bothe with gold syluer of right greate quātitee To gette his lande again in all suertee ¶ Aganippe hir lorde was kyng of Fraunce That graunt hym menne and goud sufficient And sent his wife with hym with greate puisaūce With all aray that to hir wer apent His heire to been by their bothes assent For he was olde and might not well trauell In his persone the warres to preuaile ¶ Kyng Leyr thus wāne his lande with all might again And riegned well there after full thre yere And died so buried at Kairleir menne sayn In Ianus temple in whiche tyme for age clere The kyng of Fraunce Aganype infere Dyed wherfore Cordell his ayre was soo To rule Brytaine alone with outen moo The .xxviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Cordell quene of Fraunce and doughter of kyng Leyr reigned after the death of hir father COrdell quene of Fraūce and doughter to kyng Leyr Quene of Englāde after hir fathers daye Fiue yeres reigned as for hir fathers heyre And gouerned well the realme all menne to paye His sister soonne then Morgan of Albanie And Condage also of Cambre and Cornewaile In battaill greate hir tooke and putte in baill ¶ For sorow then she sleugh hir selfe for tene And buried was by side hir father right In Ianus tēple whiche kyng Leyr made I went At Kairleyr so that nowe Laicester hight Thus died this quene that was of muche might Hir soule went to Ianus whome she serued And to Mynerue whose loue she had deserued The .xxix. Chapiter ¶ Morgan kyng of Albanie that cla●nyd all Briteyne but this Isle of Britayne was departed for this kyng had but Albany MOrgan that eldest soōne of Dame Gonorell Clamed Brytein as for his heritage Warred sone of Condage as I spell That kyng was of Cambre in younge age Duke of Cornewaile also for his homage But this kyng Morgan was kyng of Albany Soonne and heire of the eldest soonne varelie ¶ Cōdage was kyng of Cābre that Walis is nowe And duke of Cornewaile his patrimonye Claymed Logres as soonne and heire to Regawe The myddill sister for his mothers proprete As she that aught to haue hir partourye At Glomorgane with Morgan did he meete In bataill sleugh hym there casten vnder fete The .xxx. Chapiter ¶ Condage kyng of Logres Cambre and duke of Cornewaile gatte all Bryteine againe and made a temple with a Flamyne at Bangor COndage was kyng of all greate Britaine And in his hande he seased all Albanie For his eschete that ought to hym againe Resorte of right and returne verelye He made a Flamyne a temple also in hye Of Mars at Perch that nowe his s Iohns towne In Albany that now is Scotlande region ¶ He made another temple of Mynerue In Cambre which now is named bangour The thyrde he made in Cornwayle for to serue Of Mercury in place where he was bore For his people to serue the goddes there Wherby he reygned .xxx. yere and three In rest and peace and all tranquilitee ¶ Ryueall his sonne that was pacificall Crowned was than easye of gouernaile In whose tyme the greate tempest dyd befall That dayes thre the flyes did hym assayle Enuenoned foule vnto the death
that countre slewe doune right The kyng then made a lord that Awbryke hight Erle of that countre that durst not Scottes withstande Wherfore he gaue Robert Mowbray that lande ¶ And made hym erle of Northumberland The kyng then sent vnto euery shire Iustices to sitte throughout all the land Of all lordshipis and knightes fees enquere What temporales he had to knowe he had desire And what perteined vnto his royall croune And what the churche had of deuocion ¶ Vnto his soonne eldest then generate All Normandy he gaue in heritage And England whole to Wyllyam nominate His second soonne gaue with all thauauntage And to Henry his third soonne young of age Therldome gaue then of Gloucester sea With the honour of slede for euer in certente ¶ He dyed the yere a thousand four score and ten And of his reigne twenty yere and four tho At Cane buried in thabbey that hight then Sainct Stephēs abbey by Cane that stādeth so His doughter Ade afore had maried tho Vnto therle Stephē of Bloyes a prince of might Of warres wyse and a full manly knight The C .xxiij. Chapiter ¶ Wyllyam Rufus kyng of England reigned thirtene yere and began to reigne in the yere of our lorde a thousand four score and ten dyed that yere a thousand one hundred three HIs soōne Wylliam Rufus as he deuised Was crouned then with great solempnitee But after soone duke Robert was auised To clayme England by his priorite And Normandy also as for his proprete As he that was his eldest soone and heire With hoste full greate in England game repeire ¶ And made greate warre vpon his brother so Three yere all out betwene theim so continued Till at last thei bothe betwene theim twoo Did condiscende as well to theim perteined With whole herte and will nothyng feined The iudgement of kyng Philip of Fraunce To vndergo and bide his ordinaunce ¶ In whiche meane while his brother erle Hēry The castels all belongyng to the croune As high constable of England properly Then seazed had in his possession As his office by good dereccion Asked of right and of good consuetude To kepe theim sure to the crounes excelsitude ¶ The kyng Philip by his auised parliament Gaue iudgement betwene the brethren twoo As kyng Wyllyam their father full ment All Normandy Robert should haue euer moo And Wyllyam England frendes should bee so And liue in peace without any clayme And either other releace and whole disclayme ¶ Th erle Henry of England then constable Deliuered all the castels and citees right To kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable As he was bound and fully so had hight Duke Robert then his brother a worthy knight To England came to sport hym with his brother At whiche tyme either was glad of other The C .xxiiij. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Malcolyn of Scotland warred in England for his wife 's right pretendyng that she was right heire of England and afterward he did homage to kyng wyllyam Rufus for the realme of Scotland His Malcolin of Scotlād greatly claimed T To haue England then by his wifes right Margarete suster of Edgar heire ꝓclamed Of England whole that expelled was by might Of kyng Wyllyam conquerour by vnright So for his right the Northland he destroyed And home he went again nothyng annoyed ¶ But then the kyng and his brethren twoo To Scotland rode and wasted sore the land Till Malcolyne came and did his homage By letter wrytten and sealed I vnderstand Whiche Hardyng gaue in to kyng Henryes hād Without reward or any recompence Of mayne labour his costagis and expence ¶ The duke Robert went home to Normandy And kyng Malcolyne his soonne then Edward Warred again Northumberland in hie But erle Robert that kepyng had and ward Of Northūberland with hym then faught full hard Byside Alnwike at Malcolyne well were slain There Malcolyne and Edward his soōne certain ¶ Whē quene Margret so of that tidynges knewe She eate neuer meate for sorowe dyed anone At Dunfermelyn buryed as then was dewe But nowe she is there shryned in fleshe and bone Workyng miracles as sayeth many one Entombed faire and in the firetree translate Of whiche abbey nowe is she aduocate ¶ The Scottes then made Dunwalde so their kyng Malcolynes brother that to it had no right But Dunkā sonne of Malcolyne that knowyng With helpe of kyng Wyllyam and royall might Of Scotlande so droaue hym awaye to flight And crouned was as chronicles vnderstande And homage made to wyllyam for his lande ¶ Sone after kyng Dunkan of Scotland slayn By treason was and Dunwall restitute Vnto the croune of Scotlande then agayne Whome Edgare then by succoure and refute Of kyng Wyllyam droue out all destitute Of any helpe and crouned was in Scotlande To kyng Willyam did homage for his lande ¶ Of whose homage Iohn Hardyng gaue that letter Full clerely made written well and sealed The whiche also with other letters better That by reason maye not be repeled The whiche yf he would haue enbeseled The kyng Iames vnto his waryson A M. marke hym hight of his discrecion ¶ And in his tyme Roes that Richarde hight The kyng of Wales in battayl strong was slayn Besyde the castell of Brekenham then full right Fro whiche tyme forthe theyr kynges seazed full playn And princes called they were soth to sayn The kyng with hoste on Robert Monbraye rode Who with the kyng faught of his traytourhode ¶ And discomfite helde Bamburgh castell then And the kyng enduryng full .vii. yere Consentyng with the lordes that so began For to depose the kyng of his croune clere And duke Robert his brother with great power To croune and make the kyng of all Englande With Normandy to ioyse I vnderstande ¶ The kynge exiled Anselme of Cauntorbury Tharchebyshop that withstode his wronges Doen to the churche and to the prelacie To the commons also that theim belonges Seuētene tounes with also many churches amōges And abbeys foure he wasted and confounde The newe forest in Hamshire for to founde ¶ He buylded the Newcastell vpon Tyne The Scottes to gaynstande and to defende And dwell therin the people to enclyne The towne to builde and walle as did append He gaue theim ground golde ful great to spend To buylde it well and wall it all aboute And fraunchised theim to paye a free rent out ¶ The rentes frutes to tharchbishop ꝑteinyng And to the byshoppes of Wynchester Sarum And also .ix. abbeys lyuelod conteynyng In his handes leazed and held all and some But for his workes buylynges held eche crome With whiche he made then westmynster hall And the castel of Newecastell withall ¶ That stādeth on Tyne therin to dwel in warre Agayne the Scottes the countree to defende Whiche as men sayd was to hym mekill deer And more pleasyng then otherwyse dispende And muche people for it did hym cōmende For cause he dyd the commen wealthe sustene Of marchers vnnumerable to mayntene The
C .xxv. Chapiter ¶ This kyng Willyam Rufus taxed so sore the commons that they'might not mayntene tilthe for whiche fell great derth and great myschiefe and moren of catel for defaute of food for whiche the commons wer glad of his death GReat tallage of England then was raysed In so ferforth that tilthe of land was leyd Of which sued mischiefe nothyng praysed For faute of food morayn of bestiall frayed And death of people for hunger sore arayed A kyng woteth not what harmeth housbandrye Housbande to pill and taxe outragiously ¶ To Godis dome haue no consyderacion Howe that this kyng on huntyng as he stoode Vnder a tree and as writynges maketh mencion Walter Tyrel at his game in that wood Shotyng at a dere of whiche he drewe no bloode But stroke the kyng vnto the dethes wounde That there anone he died vpon the ground ¶ At Wynchester then buried anone The date was then of his reygne .xiii. yere For whome the folke no sorowe made nor moone He hurte theim so with taxe and tallage here Of Christ a thousande an C. and three yere clere Whose death the folke in no wise did complayn Were they all therof bothe glad and fayn The C .xxvi. Chapiter ¶ Henry the first kyng of Englande and duke of Normandy● reigned .xxxvi. yere and died in the yere of Christe a thousande C. and .xxxix. HEnry his brother that first was of that name was crouned thē with al that honour might be He recōsiled saynt Anselne that cam hame Who crouned Maude his wyfe full fayre free That doughter was full of benignitee To kyng Malcolyne saint Margarete that quene Of Scotlande whiche afore that tyme had been ¶ On whom he gate Willyam Richard Mold Whose goodnesse is yet spoken of full wide If she were fayre hir vertuous manyfolde Exceaded farre and vices she set aside Debates all that engendred were of pride She staunched hole with all beneuolence And visited sycke and poore with diligence ¶ The presoners also wemen eke with childe And in gesene lyuyng ay where aboute Clothes and meate and beddyng newe vnfiled Wyne also and ale she gaue without doubte Where she sawe nede in countrees al throughout These crosses all that yet bee moste royall In the hye wayes with gold she made theim all ¶ Kyng Edgare thē hir brother was of Scotlād That to kynge Henry then made homage The byshop of Duresme then toke on hande The duke Robert to gone in message To make hym clayme Englande his herytage The whiche he dyd anon withoute delaye As they accorded vpon a certayne daye ¶ But Anselne byshop of Caunturbury And also quene Maude then made them well accorde The kyng to paye thre M. marke yerely To duke Robert withoute more discorde And counsayled then the kyng as was recorde To loue the lordes that made the discencyon Betwyxte his brother and hym by conuencyon ¶ The kyng Henry warred Robert Estenuyle The eldest sonne of Roger Mountgomery And his brother that was so called that whyle And create Earle of Shrewysbury Who his castell of Arundell helde for thy And Shrewysbury also and the cytee With other mo castels in his countre ¶ Whiche to the kyng he yelde by conuencyon He and his brother to passe to Normandye With all theyr men without discencyon To theyr father Roger Mountgomerye That earle was there of Bolesmo manly The kyng went then to Caue and to Baxhous Helde them with force and herte full couetous Whiche towres Robert the duke of Normandy Asked of hym to haue delyueraunce And his money of thre thousand marke yerely Whiche he ought hym by the hole concordaunce Whiche he agayne sayde and stode at variaunce Wherfore they fell on warre and toke the felde With hostes greate full sore faught vnder shelde ¶ At Tenarthbray that is in Normandye Where Nigell then of Albany that hyght Toke duke Robert in batayll manfully And brought him bound vnto the kyng with might For which that kyng anone there made him knight And gaue hym landes that were forfet afore By Robert Stutuyle in Englande for euermore ¶ He gate also a castell besyeged longe Whiche he scalyd with noble polycie And to the kyng it gaue though it were wronge For whiche the kyng gaue hym anon in hye The landes all that forfet were only By Robert Monbray earle of Northumberland In his brothers tyme as I vnderstande ¶ The same Nygell that hyght Albanye A sonne had then whome the kyng Henry Roger Monbray dyd call euer after ay Thus Albany was chaunged morally Vnto Monbray for the lyuelod onely Whiche Monbray had afore of herytage These Monbrayes nowe rose fyrst of hye corage ¶ This kynge Henry then seazed Normandye And made his sonne Willyam duke of that lande And home came to Englande then in hye And in the yere of Chryste to vnderstande A thousande hole an C. and ten on hande His doughter Maude he maryed to Henry That Emperour was then of Romanye He put his brother duke Robert in straite warde And many other that were of his cognisaunce Where he released couenauntes and forwarde Afore wryten of his enherytaunce That betwene them myght make any dystaunce And founde hym euer in all royall estate By good auyse and councell ordynate ¶ Whiche duke ordred was so for he forsoke The realme of al the lande of Ierusalem When he was chose therto and nought it toke For couetyse to haue this Englyshe realme For he forsoke that fortune as men dyd deme Agayne goddes wyll and his hye ordynaunce For chosen he was by all chrysten creaunce ¶ For at wynnynge of Ierusalem Where prynces many kynges and dukes were He was the worthyest of any realme And bare hym beste in knyghtly dede of warre At all assautes moste knyghtly dyd hym beare The honoure all and fame he had euermore And chosen was there to be kynge therfore ¶ Men saide that God gaue hym suche punyshmēt His brother to put hym in greate myserye Vnto his death agayne his owne entente For he forsake Chrystes owne monarchye In whiche he was borne for man lyste to dye The chrysten fayth to mayntayne and encrease For couetyse his brother to discreace ¶ The yere of Chryste a thousande was ful cle● And an hundreth also and therwithall eyghtene When good quene Maude was deed laide on be● At Westminster buryed as well was sene For heuynesse of whiche the kyng I wene To Normandy then went vnto his sonne The duke William there with hym dyd wonn● ¶ The third yere after to England came agay● The duke his sonne Willyam of Normandye His brother Rycharde also the sothe to sayne And earle Rycharde of Chester in company With many other lordes in shyppes them bye Vpon the sea were dreynt in greate distresse Of the whiche the kyng had then great heuinesse ¶ Which duke Williā had wed y● doughter then Of Fowke Tailboys Earle of Angeou had bene With whome a C .lx. knyghtes with many men And
feld ¶ And with the Soudan faught in bataill sore Discomfit hym and putte hym to the flight Wher Edward then was hurt and woūded thore Of woundes fiue that mortall werre to sight His brother Edmond also wounded in that fight But as Edward in his bedde sicke then laye A Sarasyne came to hym vpon a daye ¶ To leche his hurtes with salues many one But false he was for with a knife full sore He strake hym foule as thei were then alone But yet that prince the knife fro hym gate thore And slewe hym then with it for euermore At Acres laye he then with woundes fele With medicyns to lech and to hele ¶ The lech so false was by the Soudan sent Hym to haue slain in any maner wyse For cause he had discomfite hym and shent And when he was all whole that he might ryse Message he had fro all the lordes wyse Of England then of his father dedde That praied hym home to come been their hede ¶ Kyng Henry had then made the minster faire Of Westminster as it is nowe at this daye The remnaunt he left vnto his heire To edifie and make in like araye Or els a some of money for to paye The whiche he graunted to the edificacion At his death then bequeth and assignacion ¶ Edward then toke a trewce for tenne yere With the Soudan and to Cisile saylid And landed at Rome wher thē he had good chere Bothe of the bishop and cardinalles not failed That sore had mourned and greately bewailed That curssed sore syr Guy Mountforte eche daye For the slaughter of Henry his cousyn gaye ¶ The sonne that was of Richarde themperoure Erle of Cornwayle whome at Veterbe he slewe Right in the churche for olde wrath and rancoure In Englande dooen his fathers death to renewe At masse knelyng horrybly hym all to hewe Fro Acres as he came as goddes knight Without cause of reason or of right ¶ But price Edward Edmoūd his brother dere To Sauoye cā where iustes wer made tournamēt And ther desired thei their knightes in fere With the duke of Sauoye and his there presente To iuste and proue eche other in good entente Theyr knightes younge to learne as dyd suffice In marcyall fete knighthode to exercyse ¶ Wher he foriust the duke full manly His brother also the dukes neuewe And bare hym downe both horse and man egerly And euery knight with other euer iusted newe Daye by daye whyles echeone other knewe By .xiiii. dayes enduryng and conteyned With feast solempne by the duke susteyned ¶ An hundreth ladyes of worthy good estate Were set on hye aboue within a tente By the duke of Sauoye well ordinate To geue the gree and thanke by iudgement Whiche then awarde playnely by hole assent To prince Edwarde erle Edmound his brother That had foriust the duke and many other ¶ The duke hym gaue gyftes of great honoure And to his brother gyftes of hye pleasaunce And to his knightes giftes of great valoure And conueyed hym into the lande of Fraunce Where of the kyng with worthy gouernaunce Receaued he was as prince full excellente And homage made to hym in good entente ¶ For his landes lyeng beyonde the sea The whiche was true as chronicles witnesse And home he came with great felicitee Of whose cōmyng the people had great gladnesse Hym to receaue in all kynde of worthynesse And of his brother Edmound also in feer They were full glad at all theyr hole power ¶ But kyng Henry was gone to God afore The yere of Christ a thousande hole accompted Two hundreth hole syxty and thirtene more On saynt Edmondes daye when he amounted This worlde leuyng full of trouble accompted Vnto the blysse of heauen for euer to reste Emong good soules where Christe so liked best The C .xlviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edwarde of Englande the first after the conqueste called Edwarde with the longe shankes beganne to reigne on the morowe after saynt Edmondes daye that kyng in the yere a. M CC. and .lxxiii. died the yere M CCC and .vii. the eyght daye of Iulye and the .xxxiiii. yere of his reygne EDwarde his sonne heire first generate With all honour by all the baronage Crouned was in all royall estate And of thestates receyued hole homage Kyng Alexander for his heritage Of Scotlande hole and ysles apperteynyng His homage did right then vnto the kyng ¶ The duke also of Britayne made homage For Britayn hole and there became his man Whiche princes two had wed in mariage His susters two Margarete and Beatrice then Margarete to Scotland Beatrice to Britayne Both two maried and wed in hye estate By their father full wysely ordinate ¶ A marchaunt toke the wife of prince Lewlyn Erle Symonds doughter of Leycester that had ben And to the kyng hir brought full femenyn Wherfore the prince by heste as then was seen To be his man and homage did full clere And led his wyfe to Wales in good entent By the kynges grace and by hole assent ¶ The kyng then did great right and iustice Vpon clippers and peirers of the coyne And newe money made that then might suffice Of syluer plate made out of Boloyne The grote half grote all in newe coyne He coyned fast peny halfpeny and ferthyng For porayll to bye with theyr leuyng ¶ That same tyme he made a newe statute That no man should graunt lande ne tenement To the churche ne geue nor constitute No maner grounde nor no maner rente Without licence of the lorde and his assent Of whome it is holden aboue in chiefe And els that church this realme had put in mischiefe ¶ The prince Lewlyn and of Dauid his brother Made warre vpon the kyng in greate araye The Marche brent and many harmes other In Englande did wherfore the kyng his waye To Wales held in all the haste he maye The lorde Mortimer toke then the prince Lewlyn And to the kyng hym brought for to enclyne ¶ The kyng hym headed and to the toure it sent The Walshemen made Dauid his brother then Prince of Wales by theyr commen assent Wherfore the kyng to warre on theim began And of the Walshemen slewe full many a man And had Dauid vnto his presence brought Hanged and drawen as then he had it sought ¶ Then seazed he Wales for euer into his hande And ordeyned that no prince therin should be But he or els his heyre I vnderstande And that no man of Wales hole countre One night shulde lye in castell nor cytee But voyde out fro sunne to sunne thē euery night Thus kept he Wales his tyme by royall might The C .xlix. Chapiter ¶ Howe Gladowys Dewy the doughter of Dauyd prynce of Wales was wedded to syr Raufe Mortymer of whom came the Earles of Marche GWenlyan that doughter was of Lewlyne Without chylde dyed a vyrgyne aye In a ●onnery of the order of Gylbertyne And Gladowys Dewy Dauyds doughter gaye Yonge freshe and lusty
¶ Earle of Salisbury in kyng Edwardes soule there In lyke maner were sworne and biheste The .xix. daye then of Ianyuere The yere of Christ a. M. then was seste Thre hundreth and two and fourty at leest When these trues were taken so and sealed For afterwarde they shulde not be repeled The C .lxxxi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Henry duke of Lancaster went to Guyan in that yere of Christe a thousande thre hundreth .xlv. And of the batayle of Cressy in the yere of Christe a thousand thre hundeeth fourtye and syxe ANd then Henry duke of Lancaster create Went to Guyen with many bolde baron Where then he gate the cytees of estate And castelles fele many a walled towne And made the lande Englyshe both vp doune And to the kyng Edwarde obeied as they ought And great worshyp and ryches there he caught ¶ And in the yere a thousande and CCC gone Syxe and fourtye kyng Edwarde at Cressy Met with Philyp of Valoyes there anone That kyng of Fraunce was by intrusery At whiche batayle Edwarde had the victorye And with honoure and myght there gate that felde And Philyp fled and caste there doune his shelde ¶ And his eldest sonne with hym went awaye With an hundreth banners in her company The kynges of Beme were slayne that daye And of Maliogres there full manfully The dukes of Alaunson also theim by And of Loreyn slayne were in batayle And earles fyue without any fayle ¶ Of Flaunders Bloys Harcourt Melayne Of gentyls and other without any Essayne And of Guntpre were there in batayle slayne Fyue score thousande the twenty daye certayne And syxe also of Auguste accompted playne The kyng Edwarde had all the victorye The kyng Philyp had all the vilanye ¶ The king Dauid theu of Scotland with power To Duresme brent where on saynt Lukes daye The archbyshop with his clergye clere And syr Gylbert Vnifreuyle in good araye The Lorde Percy the Neuyle then laye With all the north a lytell frome Duresme Wher then they faught on that king Dauid came ¶ And take he was that yere of Christe was then A thousande full thre hundreth fourty and syxe Full sore wounded full lyke he was a man And also of his lordes mo then fyue or syxe Brought to London priuely through Essex For lordes shulde not hym take with greate power From Iohn of Coupland that was his taker clere ¶ And in the towre of London then kept in warde To tyme the king were come home out of Fraūce That then in Fraunce mo castelles to regarde And townes walled goten by his hye puissaunce Then had the kyng Philip in gouernaunce And lyke was then all Fraūce to haue conquerde With his alies he made that lande afferde The C .lxxxii. Chapiter ¶ Of the greate pestylence in the yere of Chryste a thousand thre hundreth fortye and nyne and the yere nexte after the kynge wente vnto Fraunce and the prynce of Wales vnto Guyan ANd in the yere of Christ clerly accompted A thousande hole thre C. fourty nyne The pestilence was in England amoūted That kyng Edward newe warre ganne ymagine The nexte yere after agayne Fraunce fyne Thether he went prince Edward then went With greate power to Guien as Regent ¶ The kyng then put his sonnes yonge of age In Fraunce then forth in mighty gouernaunce Syr Lyonell Earle of Vlster in wage Regent of Fraunce hym made by ordynaunce Syr Iohn of Gaunt to haue hole attendaunce Of all the hoste as hye and greate constable To whiche he was accompte that tyme full able ¶ Sir Edmonde Langeley full of gentylnesse Sir Thomas Woodstok full of corage To their banners them put for worthynesse To haue rule in that worthy viage Whiche prynces fyue approued in yonge age There was no king christen had such sonnes fiue Of lyklynesse and persones that tyme on lyue ¶ So hye and large they were of all stature The leste of them was of persone able To haue foughten with any creature Singler batayle in actes marcyable The byshops wit me thinketh was cōmendable So wel coulde chese the princesse that them bare For by practyse he knewe it or by lare The C .lxxxiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kynge of Fraunce was taken prysoner at the batayle of Poyters the yere of Christe a thousande thre hundreth fyftye and syxe IN the yere of Christe a M accōpted right Thre hundreth and syxe and fyfty mo The prince Edward at Poytexs sore dyd fyght The .xix. day of September was tho Where kyng Iohn of Fraunce his sonne also He toke and had the felde with victorye His eldst sonne then fledde fro hym cowardly ¶ The kyng Dauyd died and lette his hostage For his raunsome lygge ay forth in Englande The yere a thousande CCC by knowlage Eyght and fyftye as I can vnderstande And payde not yet ne quyt not out his bonde Ne his hostage he wolde not so displease To delyuer ne putte theim fro their ease ¶ The quene Isabell the quene of Scotlande Her doughter was and kyng Dauyds wyfe Sone after dyed and buryed I vnderstande At the graye Freres in lande knewen full ryfe The whiche that quene Isabell founded in their lyfe Full fayre entombed wrought full rychely Where the two Quenes reste full honorably The C .lxxxiiii. Chapiter ¶ Of the seconde pestylence and the greate wynde and earthquake the yere a thousande CCC lxi ANd in the yere of Christ a. M. wryten Thre hundreth also syxtye and one The .ii. pestylence reigned as was weten Duke Henry dyed for whome was mekyll mone Dame Blaunche his doughter full faire of fleshe and bone His heire was then whom Iohn of Gaūt did wed The duchy by hir had men saied he had well sped ¶ In that same yere was on sainct Maurys day The greate winde and earth quake meruelous That greately gan the people all affraye So dredfull was it then and perelous Specially the wind was so boistous The stone walles steples houses and trees Were blow doune in diuerse ferre coūtrees ¶ And in the yere a thousand three hundred also Sixty and foure kyng Iohn of Fraunce dyed In London then in Sauoy had been sicke The dukes palice of Lancastre edified Full royally as it is notified His boweles buryed at Poules with royaltee His corps in Fraunce with all solempnitee ¶ In that same yere sir Iohn Moūtfort of newe Duke of Brytain was by heritage As heire male his title was act trewe At Orrers faught again the Frenche linage Sir Charles de Bloys that clauned by mariage The duchy whole of Brytain by the might Of his wise wher he was slain by might ¶ Duke Iohn of Gaunt was at that battaile Sir Edmond also of Langley his brother dere Sir Iohn Chaundos treated without faill All daye and faught at eue through his aūswere Whiche treaty is yet oft remembred here For Chaūdos trewce that treted all daye to night And made bothe parties at eue together fight ¶ At whiche battaill duke
deuyse geuing thankes to God with solempne procession for that he had sent theim a king to gouerne the realme which before was ruled by a cruel hateful Tirāt After this gratulacion and thank esgeuing the kyng at a daye appointed assembled his counsail to the ende he mighte marie the Ladie Elizabeth thorowe the which mariage aswell the nobilitee as cōmunes of the realme wer brought in good hope that all thinges should bee redressed an end made of all sedicion and strife for euer And at this Parliament holden kept at Westmīster he was created kyng the day of October in the yere of oure Lorde a. M. foure C .lxxxvi. Whiche kyngdome he enioyed as of god enointed for as menne doo● reporte aboute seuen hundreth foure score and seuentene yeres paste Cadwallader laste Kynge of Englande prophecied that his progenye shoulde beare rule and dominion again So that by this meanes men did fully perswade theim selfes that he was p̄●estinate to it And the rather also they did beleue it because that kyng Henry the sixte did foresaye the same and in like maner prophecy of hym Therfore he being thus proclaimed as true enheretour of the crowne and at the same Parliament created kyng did first cause to bee published that all suche should bee pardoned that would submit theim selfes to his grace as faithful people doo to hym due allegiaunce other that absented theim selfes to bee takē as rebelles traitours After the whiche proclamacion hard many the were in holde and sanctuaries came for pardō and safetie of life to him which persones so submitting theim selfes ●er pardoned enhaunced to honoure euery man after his owne deserte as the kyng his counsaile thought best And first considering his chiefe frendes and nyghe kinsemen made Gaspar his vncle Duke of Bedforde sir Thomas Stanley knight Earle of Derby Giles Dabeney sir Robert Willoughby and Robert Brooke Lordes Edward his eldest sonne duke of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wholy to all that king Richard had depriued hym of at what tyme he with other wer banished Also actes statutes stablished confirmed by Richard as thought expedient and veray necessary at that time for the publike weale wer by hym aboundoned infringed euery one After these thinges doen he prouided with all scelerite and expedicion to redeme the Lorde Marques Dorcet Iohn Burscher whome he had lefte at Paris as a pledge suertie for certaine money that he had borowed there and Iohn bishop of Ely for like det out of Flaunders Furthermore to the ende the his realme might bee in a better staye he cōmaunded that if any mā had iniury shewed at any tyme the same persone shoulde putte vp his matter to hym of whome he should both haue and finde redresse And for these matters and causes to bee hearde he made of his councell the Erle of Oxford the duke of Bedford therle of Derby the Lorde Strange w e his sonne and william the lorde his brother chief of the priuie chaumber the lorde Broke chief steward and lord graund maister of his house Renould Braye Iohn Morton Byshoppe of Ely Richarde Foxe Iohn Dinham whome after he made treasourer of Englande Giles Dabeney Richarde Gildeforde Lorde Cheiny Richarde Tunstall Richard Edgecombe Thomas Louell Edwarde Poninges with other wise men as Richard ap Thomas a Welsheman aswell circumspecte as wise Morgane Kidnel Lord Gray Marques Dorcet Lord Talbot Erle of Shrewesbury Iohn Risley lord Thomas Earle of Ormonde an Irisheman Henry Warney William Say William Ody Gilbert Talbot Willyam Vdall Thomas Troys Richarde Naufaute Capitaine of Calis Roberte Point Iames Hubert Charles Somerset Thomas Hawarde Earle of Surrey a manne of wisdome grauitee and constantnesse most cōmendable The earle of Essex descending of an high and noble parentage Lorde William Blounte Iohn Burscher Iohn Fineux Peter Edgecombe Hew Conuey Thomas Terell Sir Henry Wiat Robert Throgmorton Thomas Brandon sir Iohn Winkefelde sir Edmond Dudley Edward Belknape Richarde Hemson Also bishoppes Henry Deney bishoppe of Cauntourbury Oliuer kyng byshoppe of Bathe and Welles William Barōs bishop of London that dyed shortely after he was bishoppe Also William that succeded nexte after Henry Archebyshop of Cauntourbury Richarde of London and Richarde Bishop of Norwiche When the kyng had taken these menne to bee of his councell for the wealth of his realme he maried Ladye Elizabeth doughter to kyng Edward as he had promised for the which he had the heartes of many menne So that afterwarde he had no nede to feare the assaultes of any persones or the coniuracions of rebelles Neuerthelesse considering the chaunce he had before and the falshode the is in many menne from their youth made yomen of the garde for his bodye the whiche he firste of all Englyshe Kynges caused to bee and as it is thought he did take it of the Frenche kyng Also after this he caused a parliament to bee had wher in was made and decreed certayne lawes actes statutes for the wealthe of his realme In this yere a newe sickenesse did reigne and is so sore and painfull as neuer was suffered before the whiche was called the burning sweate And this was so intollerable that men coulde not kepe their beddes but as lunatike persons oute of their wittes ranne about naked so that none almoste escaped the wer infected therwith At the length after the great death of many a thousande menne they learned a presente remedye for the same dysease that is yf he were sycke of that sweate in the daye that he should streyghtelye downe with his clothes and vestures yf in the nighte that he should not rise for the space of .xxiiii. houres and eate no meate at all yf he coulde forbeare and drinke as litle as he mighte This disease reigned throughout all England wherof also ensued a plague as a token and as the people iudged a plaine argument that kyng Henrye shoulde neuer bee oute of feare and dreade of some mischaunce seing that he was in suche great vexacyon at the sedicyous tumulte that was rysen al the claimynge of the crowne Whē all thynges wer apeaced in London and ordered after his owne mynd he rode Northward in progresse to pacifie all his realme and especially those partes where the firste commocion was and where also wer priuie and cloked frendes of his aduersaries But because it was nigh Easter he tooke his waye to Lincolne and there tariyng was certified that the Lorde Louell and Humfre Stafforde were gone from the sanctuary in Colchester but to what place or whether no mā could tell whiche message the kyng litle regardyng wēt foorth as he apointed to Yorke and when he came there it was shewed hym that the lorde Louell was at hand with a strong power of menne and woulde inuade the cytie also that the said lorde Stafforde and his brother wer in Glocestre and there had made an insurreccion and set menne on euery parte to defende the gates and walles of the citie At the
great fauour wyth the kinges sonne Henrye the eyght but shortly after whan he beganne to exercyse hym selfe agayne in marciall feates of warre he sickened of a dysease called Plureses and died therewith whyche because it was straunge and vnknowen to the phisiciās it was incurable He lefte one sonne behynde hym alyue to vphold the name of that auncetree The other Wyllyam brother to Edmunde the earle of Suffolke had also greater fauoure showed hym in pryson then he had before And as for Iames Terel and Ihō Wyndham because they were traytours and manifestly accused of the same wer put to death and behedded But when the earle of Suffolke heard of thys he was in great despayre wyth hym selfe that he should neuer frame hys matters wel and so wente all aboute Germanye and Fraunce for ayde and socour prouyng yf he coulde fynde any helpe at their handes whom when he perceaued to showe no token of loue towardes him in that behalfe he made hym subiect to that prynce of Flaūders but hys brother Rychard beyng an experte man dyd so wysely order and behaue hym selfe in that businesse that he was not greatlye founde gyltie in any poynt of that matter The kyng not yet beyng out of all feare of his enemyes perceauyng that many sanctuary men loked for a fayre daye desired of Alexander byshop of Roome that all traytours and banished men should not be saued by any sanctuary and that such as were ther in holde should take theim herafter as no refuge and socoure to them yf thei once gooe out whych thyng after the byshoppe had graunted it was to the ease and quietnes of al the realme When the kynge had all hys busines so well ended and broughte in a good staye Prynce Arthure dyed halfe a yeare or lesse after that he had maried ladie Katheryn for whose death ther was great lamentynge It is reported also that ladye Katherine feared suche lyke chaunce euermore for because that after she had taken her leaue of her parentes and sayled towardes England she was tossed lōg in the sea wyth the violence of the water the wynd ere the shyppe coulde haue any lādyng Not longe after the quene was broughte ni bedde with a doughter and died vppon the same which daughter also taried but for a season after her mother Ther departed also within short space after Reynalde Bray a man for iustice so commēdable that yf any thyng had bene done agaynste good lawe or ryght he would streyghte reproue the kyng for it Of the same vertue was Ihon Mortō bishoppe would do in al thinges as he did in reprouing the kinge for the reformation of thinges amisse which bishop died .ii. yeres before About the tyme also dyed Henry bishop of Cāterbury whose roome Williā Warrā bishop of Lōdon supplied and in the byshop of Londons place was elected William Barons after whose deathe succeded Rychrde Fiziames byshop of Chichester In this yere which was the .xvi. of hys reygne and of our lorde M ccccc and .ii. yeres the kynge dyd kept his parliament wherin manye thynges were dereed and made for the publike commodytee and emong other thynges it was determyned that theues and murderers duly conuicted by the lawe to dye should be burned in that hand and quit yf thei could read on the booke any one worde Furdermore it was decreed that the people should paye certain mony to the kyng and that the goodes of theim that were banished and fled should be disparsed and set to sale Also the preestes were commaunded to pay mony for the maintenaunce and sustentacion of the common weale And now the kyng drawyng nigh to age and consideryng the great battayles that he had in tymes past which as it was thought came of ouer muche welthines prouided a remedy ryght shortly for it And to the entent that menne shoulde not thynck that he would oppresse them or do thē wrong for of all people he hated oppressours therfore he deuised with hym selfe by what honeste meane he might do it thus deuising called to minde that English mē dyd litle passe vpō the obseruaciō of any lawes that were made in so much the yf such a thynge should be called to accompte he thoughte manye men as well lordes as other of the lay fee would bee founde fautie And so searchyng ouer the statutes that he had made punished them a lytle by the pursse that had transgressed theim After that he appoynted two commyssioners to receaue the forfeictes the one Richarde Hempson and the other Edmunde Dudley booth lawers of the temporaltee whiche personnes for the desire to please their king had no respect how thei got the monye so thei myght haue it ether by ryght or wrong Albeit the kyng hauyng pitee of his people after that he perceaued they were sore punyshed and polled vnknowyng to hym restored to them their mony of whom it was exacted vniustlye and depryued thē of their offyce that had so vniustly executed it In this yere dyed quene Elisabeth of Castell wyfe to Ferdinand kyng of Aragone without any yssue of mā chyld so that the heritage dyd fall to lady Iohan her eldest daughter by Ferdinand whiche after was maried to the Earle of Flaunders thē made by this mariage also chiefe gouernoure ouer all that countree Shortly after about the .xiii. day of Ianuary which was the yere of our lord M ccccc and fyue thys Earle hauyng a nauye prepared sayled out of Flaunders with his wyfe to Spayne but he had not set forth longe ere the wether beganne to chaunge and tempestes to ryse so that at the last fearsenes of the wynde dyd dryue them to the coastes and borders of Englande wher he landed at an hauē or porte called Wynmouth sore againste the mynd and consent of all his companie which knewe well that the same landyng should bee the occasion of long tariyng there When it was kno●n that he was thus landed there came agreate nomber of harnissed men to proue yf he were the kynges frende or no whiche when thei perseaued hym to bee his frende and entended nothing but loue and frendeshippe Thomas Trencharde the chiefe of that compaignie went to the kyng desyring hym yf it would witesalfe hym to take a lodging at his house whiche was euen nigh at hand trusting therby to haue thāke of the kynges master whom he certifyed in al the haste of his commyng Also Iohn Caroe desired hym that he woulde not gooe vntyll suche tyme that he had spoken with the kyng his louing and feithfull frende consideringe that he was within two or thre dayes iourney of hym So that at length although he layde many excuses to haue been gooen and departed at their instance taried there with theim And when the kyng was enfourmed of his cōminge he reioyced highly and sente certaine of his nobilitee to bring hym where he was Wherfore this Erle seing no remedy but that he must nedes tary he went streight to Windesore where the kyng
people on bothe parties wer distressed and taken prisoners and aboue the nombre of thirty M. slaine In the .iiii. yere was Edmond de la Poole behedded and aboute the moneth of Auguste Syr Thomas Kneuet beynge chyefe capytaine of the kynges greate shippe called the regent and a few shyppes mo sette vpon a great Caricke and other shippes of the Frenche kyngs liyng then nere vnto a toune of Britaine named Brest where after a longe and cruell fight thesaide Caricke regent being clasped together with hookes and cheynes as the maner of fyghtinge vpon the see betwene enemies is sodeynly thesaied shippes with other were set on fyre and brent so feruently that before they mighte bee losed or disseuered the shippes with the men vpon bothe parties were consumed with violence therof so that fewe escaped whiche were of the poraill But thesaide sir Thomas Kneuet with many other gentlemen of this land and also of fraunce were brent on whose soules Iesu haue mereyt This yere also after haruest wheate roase sobeinly of pryce for where for the more parte of the yere it was not solde aboue sixe shillīges .viii. d. a quarter After haruest for so muche as wheat was so sore blasted and striken was of so smal yelde it was solde for .xii. s. and .xiii. s .iiii. d. a quarter In the .v. yere the kyng besieged Turwin and discomfited the power of Fraunce at Boemy and tooke the citees of Turwyn and Turney But in the meane season the kyng of Scottes espiyng his tyme inuaded Englande with an hoste of an hundred thousande menne with whome the Earle of Surraye beynge the Kynges Leuetenaunte encountred and by the helpe of the Lorde Hawarde his soonne slewe the sayde kynge with a leuen Earles and wanne the felde For the whiche noble facte the kynge created hym afterwarde Duke of Norffolke and his soonne Earle of Surrey In the .vi. yere a peace was concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce And on saincte Denis daye the Frenche kyng maried the Lady Mary the kynges sister And he died on newe yeres daye after And therfore the kyng sente for her againe by the duke of Suffolke and other In this yere in the moneth of Februarye was borne Lady Mary the kynges doughter at Grenewiche In Aprill the Frenche Quene came in to Englande and was maryed to Lorde Charles duke of Suffolke This yere Ladye Margarete quene of Scottes and syster to the kynge fledde into Englande and laye at Harbottell And she was deliuered of a doughter named Margaret And came to London in Maye and taried there a hole yere In this yere was suche a froste that all menne myghte passe with cartes betwene Westmynster and Lambeth This yere on Maye euen was an insurreccyon of younge persones against Aliens of whiche diuers were put to execucion and the residue came to Westmynster Halle with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned And the .xviii. daye of Mayeyquene of Scottes retourned into her countree againe This yere in Octobre the admiral of Fraunce came into England and Tourney was deliuered to the Frenche kyng In this yere at Frankforde Charles the fyfte was chosen Emperoure And the Earle of Surrey was sent to Ireland In this yere the kyng and the Frenche kynge met at the campe betwene Arde Guines where were greate triumphes And after the kynge and the Emperoure mette and the kyng went to Graueling with the Emperoure And the Emperoure came to Caleys with the kyng had greate chere and the kyng retourned This yere the duke of Buckyngham was beheaded at the toure hyll the .xvii. daye of Maye And in Iune the Cardinall wēt to Calays to entreate a peace betwene themperoure the French kyng and ●aried there to Decembre without any thinge concluded This yere the fridaye before Penthecoste that is to wytt the sixte daye of Iune Charles the emperoure was honourably receiued into the Cytee of London of the Maire Aldermenne and cominaltye oure saied soueraigne Lorde accōpaignieng hym And fro London he went to Windesore and sat in his stall of the Garter And from thens went to Hampton and sayled into Spaine Duringe whiche tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morleys in Brytaine and after landed at Caleys and entred Picardye and brent tounes and castelles and besyeged Hesdyn but because of wynter he reysed his syege and retourned This somer the duke of Albany was entring England with a greate armye but when he heard that the Earle of Shrewisburye was comminge to fyghte with hym he tooke a truce for vi monethes In this .xiiii. yere Christian Kynge of Denmarke came into Englande in Iune Also the Earle of Surrey brent Iedworth and many other townes in Scotlande This yere also the Turke besieged the Rhodes and on Christmas daye he tooke it The Duke of Suffolke wente into Fraunce with ten thousand menne and passed the water of Som̄e withoute battayle and tooke and destroyed many townes and in Decembre retourned The same yere the duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and hearing of therle of Surreys comming with a greate armye he cowardely sledde In the .xvi. yere there came oute of Scotlande the byshop of Dunkell and other ambassadours vnto that kynges maiestie And on saynt Mathews daye was the French kyng taken by themperour A mutyng in Norffolk and Suffolke for paymēt of mony A peas concluded betwene Englād and Fraunce And the French kyng was deliuered in Marche This yere was the coyne enhaunced In the .xviii. yeare the citee of Roome by the viceroy of Naples and the duke of Burbon the same dake beinge fyrste slaine was taken and almost distroied And Clemēt the .vii. than byshop of Rome diuers Cardinalles there found were taken and broughte in captiuitee and vnder the rule of Charles the Emperoure This yere also the Cardinall went into Fraunce with greate pompe In October the great master of Fraunce came to London with great triumphe In this xix yere was the sweatyng sickenesse for the which cause ther was no watch at midsomer In the .xx. yere was the Cardinall deposed of the chauncellourshyp and a peace betwene the Emperour and the kyng concluded In the .xxi. yere was holden a parlyament wher was refourmed diuerse enormitees of the clargye In the .xxii. yere was a man boyled in Smith feeld for poysoning The cardinal dyed on saynct Andrewes euen In the .xxiii. yere Gryffeth Rice was behedded for treason In October the kyng wente ouer the sea and met the Frenche kyng at Caleis In the .xxv. yere in Apryll was a Nonne called the holy mayde of Kent ii Monkes and two Freers hanged and behedded for treasō blasphemye and ypocrysie This yere a peace was concluded wyth Scotlande In this xxvi yere was holden a Parlyamente at Westminster wherin emong other moost godly and necessary statutes it was ther decreed and enacted that the kynges maiestie should be from thensforth