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A14916 Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead memory of the royall progenie, the nobilitie, gentrie, and communaltie, of these his Maiesties dominions. Intermixed and illustrated with variety of historicall obseruations, annotations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approued authors ... Whereunto is prefixed a discourse of funerall monuments ... Composed by the studie and trauels of Iohn Weeuer. Weever, John, 1576-1632.; Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. 1631 (1631) STC 25223; ESTC S118104 831,351 907

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the place where his Fathers house stood he founded a goodly Colledge which he furnished with secular Clarks and other Ministers which at the time of the suppression thereof was valued at one hundred twenty two pounds eighteene shillings lands by the yeare Thus writes Godwin in the life of this Archbishop And I finde in the Catalogue of Religious Houses collected by Speed that this Simon together with one Iohn Chartsey founded also the Priory of Augustine Friers in this Towne howsoeuer I haue a Manuscript tells me that one Baldwin de Shipling or Simperling and Chabill his wife were the sole Founders who lie buried in the Chancell of the Priory Church Besides in the said Church lie buried as I haue it in the notes of burials from William le Neue Yorke Heraldy the bodies of Robert the sonne of Sir William Simperling knight Sir Robert Carbonell and Sir Iohn his sonne Knights Sir William Grey Knight Sir Peter Giffard Knight and Iulian his wife Sir Thomas Giffard his sonne Knight Sir William Giffard Knight Sir William Cranuile Knight Sir Thomas sonne of Sir William Cranuile and Maude his wife Sir Gilbert of Greymonde and Gunnora his wife Dame Agnes de Bello Campo Dame Alice de Insula wife of Sir Robert Fitzwater Knight Dame Katherine Hengraue Sir Iohn Culthorp and Alice his wife The heart of Sir Thomas Weyland Sir Iohn Giffard Knight Robert Giffard William Giffard Sir Iohn Goldingham Knight and Dame Hillazia his wife Thomas Giffard de Finchingfeld Iohn Liggon Sir Thomas Lotun Knight Sir William Tendering Knight qui obijt 1375. and Margaret his wife que obijt 1394. Dame Ione Shelton Dame Ione Walgraue Iohn Cressenor Maud Cressenor Margaret Fuller daughter of Iohn Cressenor Iohn Walgraue William Cressenor Thomas Cressenor Maud Haukedon daughter of Sir Thomas Lacy Knight William Walgraue Iohn Drury sonne of William Drury Robert Cressenor and Christian his wife Walter Cressenor William Cressenor qui obijt 1454. and Margaret his wife que obijt 1461. William West Emme West Maud wife of Robert de Bello Campo Henry father of Robert Saint Quintyn Philip Saint Quintin Ione daughter of ... Cressenor wife of Richard Walgraue Alexander and Iohn Cressenor Thomas West This sacred structure was dedicated to the honour of our alone Sauiour and Saint Bartholomew valued at 222 l. 18 s. 3 d. and surrendred the 9. of December Anno Regni Regis Hen. octaui 36. But to returne backe againe to the supposed Founder of this Monasterie Simon Archbishop as aforesaid who from his childhood was euer brought vp at the Schoole and being yet very yong was sent by his father beyond the Seas to study the Canon Law and hauing proceeded Doctor of that faculty became houshold Chaplaine to Pope Innocent the sixt and one of the Iudges or Auditors of his Rota The said Pope by way of prouision thrust him into the Chancellorship of Salisbury and then afterward into the Bishopricke of London Thus Simon de Sudbury per Papam ad Episcopat London vacant per mortem Michaelis vltimi Episcopi prouisus c. habet c. Teste R apud West 15. Maij 1 pars pat Anno 36 Ed. 3. Memb. 9. hauing sate there Bishop about fifteene yeeres he was likewise by the Popes prouisorie Bulles translated to Canterbury Two Synods were held in his time at both which he preached in Latine in his owne person hauing laudably gouerned this See as I haue partly touched before sixe yeeres one moneth and ten daies he was most vnworthily slaine or rather wickedly murthered by a company of villanous Rebels whose death or martyrdome is comparatiuely set downe with that of Saint Thomas Becket by Iohn Gower in his booke called Vox Clamantis lib. 1. cap. 14. thus Quatuor in mortem spirarunt federa Thome Symonis et centum mille dedere necem De vita Thome Rex motus corde dolebat Symonis extremum Rex dolet atque diem Ira fuit Regis mors Thome mors set ab omni Vulgari furia Symonis acta fuit Disparilis causa manet et mors vna duobus Immerito patitur iustus vterque tamen Illeso collo gladijs perijt capud vnum Quod magis acceptum suscipit ara dei Alterius capite sano fert vulnera collum Cuius erat medio passio facta foro Miles precipue reus est in sanguine Thome Symonis inque necem rusticus arma dedit Ecclesiam Christi Proceres qui non timuerunt Martirij Thome causa fuere necis Iusticie Regni seruile genus que repugnans Symonis extremum causat in vrbe diem Corruit in gremio matris Thomas medioque Natorum turba Symon in ense cadi● Thomam Rex potuit saluasse sed illa potestas Symonis ad vitam regia posse caret Vlta fuit Thome mors et nunc vlcio mortis Symonis ante fores quotidiana grauat Qui fuerat Crucifer que patrum Primas in honore Hic magis abiectus et cruciatus erat Qui fuerat Doctor Legum sine lege peribat Cesus et atteritur pastor ab ore gregis O maledicta manus capud abscisum ferientis Culpa sit horribilis pena perbennis erit O qui tale Deo crimen prohibente patrasti Perfide qua pena que nece dignus eris O furor insane gens rustica plebs violenta Quam tua fraus sceleris est super omne scelus And so he goes on exclaiming against the sauage barbarousnesse of the Rebels and this their execrable horrid act Sir Robert Hales Lord Prior of Saint Iohns Ierusalem neere Clerkenwell and a great many of others that day tasted of the same cup and the Archbishop had done The chiefe leaders of this damned crew were Wat Tyler of Maidstone in Kent whom Wals. cals the Idoll of Clownes Iohn Wraw a Priest Iack Straw Iohn Littistar a Dier in Norwich who tooke vpon him at Norwalsham in Norfolke the name of the King of the Commons Robert Westborne who did the like in Suffolke c. and these had a Chaplaine as gracelesse as themselues one Iohn Ball an excommunicated Priest who with his wicked doctrine nourished in them their seditious furies This rebellious insurrection is exactly and to the life exprest by my forenamed Author Io. Gower in the foresaid booke the eleuenth chapter where in a vision he faignes to haue seene and heard certaine spirits of their Pseudo Prophet Ball personating hereby these and all other Rebels calling one vpon another to rise vp in commotion as followeth Watte vocat cui Thome venit neque Symme retardat Betteque Gibbe simul Hykke venire iubent Colle furit quem Gibbe iuuat nocumenta parantes Cum quibus ad dampnum Wille coire vouet Grigge rapit dum Dawe strepit comes est quibus Hobbe Lorkin et in medio non minor esse putat Hudde ferit quos Iudde terit dum Tebbe iuuatur Iakke domos que viros vellit
Etheldreds dayes that forsomuch as Englishm●n were giuen ouer to all drunkennesse treason and carelesnesse of Gods house first by Danes then by Normans and a third time by the Scots they should be ouercome Of which I speake elsewhere To this retyred holy Order aforesaid women were admitted as well as men For I reade in an old Lieger booke that one I sold He●on widow vnlike in conuersation to these Anchorites I haue spoken of or the Anchores●es in the Primitiue times made sure to King Henry the sixth that shee might be an Anchoresse or vowed recluse in that part of the Abbey of Whally anciently ordained for that purpose which was granted and thus confirmed Henricus Dei gra Rex Angl. Dominus Hibernie omnibus ad quos presentes litere pe●uenuerint Salutem Sciatis quod de gratia nostra speciali concessimus dilecte nobis isole de Heton de Com. Lanc. vidue quod ipsa pro ter●●i●o v●te sue esse possit Anachorita in loco ad hoc ordinato iuxta Ecclesiam Parochialem de Whalley in dicto Com. Lanc. quod ipsa talem sustentationem habere possit pro ut ibidem pertinet de Abbate conuentu loci ciusdem In cuius rei tetimonium has liter as nostras fieri fecimus patentes Dat. suh sigilla nostra ducatus nostri Lanc apud Manerium nostrum de Kenington V● die Iulij An. Regni quinto decimo Per breue de priuato Sigillo But this religious Votaresse tooke no great delight in her straight lodging as appeares by the story for within a short time after she being desirous of more libertie broke out of her cage as other such like holy Sisters had done before her and flew abroad in the open world Whereupon the Abbot and Couent of the said Monasterie made certificate following to the King To the Kyng owr souereigne Lord c. Be hit remembryd that the please and habitacion of the seyd Recluse is within place holowed and nere to the gate of the seyd Monastre And that the weemen that haue been attendyng and acquayntyd to the seyd Recluse haue recorse dailly into the seyd monastre for the liuere of brede ale Kychin and other thyngs for the sustentacion of the seyd Recluses accordyng to the composicion endentyd above rehersed The whyche is not according to be had within suche religyous plases And how that dyvers that been Ancores and Recluses in the seyd plase afore tyme contrary to theyr own oth and professyon haue brokyn owt of the seyd plase wherin they wer reclusyd and departyd therfrom wythowt eny reconsilyatyon And in especyal how that now Isold of Heton that was last Reclused in the seyd plase denominacion and preferment of owr souereigne L. and Kyng that now is is broken owt of the seyd plase and hath departyd therfrom contrary to her own oth and professyon not willyng nor entendyng to be restoryd ageyn and so liuyng at her own liberte and large by this two yer and mor like as sche had neuer bin professyd And that diuers of the wymen that haue been seruants ther and attendyng to the Recluses afortym have been misgouerned and gotten with chyld wythin the seyd plase halowyd to the grete displesaunce of hurt and disclander of the Abbey aforeseyd c. Please hit yowr highnes of yowr especial grase to grant to yowr orators the Abbat and c. This Anchoresse hauing taken vpon her so strict a vow and being thus loose in her life and conuersation some may very well imagine that Nuns which had more libertie allowed them by their rules were farre more licentious and indeed the Author of Piers the Ploughman speakes in the person of the Frier Wrath somewhat reprochfully of his Aunt a Nunne and an Abbesse As also of other like Votaresses and Votaries which with his introduction followeth I am wrath quoth he I was sometyme a Frere And the Couents gardiner for to graften impes On Limitours and Legisters lesings I imped Til thei bear leaues of smoth speach Lordes to please And sithen thei blosomed abrod in bour to hear shrifte Now is fallen therof a fruit that folk han wel liuer Shew her shrifts to hem than shriuen hem to her persons And persons haue perceiued that Freres part with hem These possessours preach and depraue Freres And Freres findeth hem in default as folk bear witnes And when thei preach the people in many places about I wrath walk with hom and wish hem of my bookes Thus they speken of my spiritualty and despise ech other Til thei be both beggers and by my spiritualty libben Or els al rich and ●iden about I Wrath rest neuer That I ne most follow this wicked folk for such is my grace I haue an Aunt to Nun and an Abbes both Her had leue swone or swelt than suffer any payne I haue ben coke in her kitchen and her Couent serued Many monethes with hem and with Monks both I was the Priores potager and other pore ladies I made hem iowts of iangling That Dame Ione was a bastard And dame Clarence a knights doughter a cokolde was her Sire And dame Pernel a Priestes file Priores was she neuer For she had child in chery time al our chapter hit wiste Of wicked wordes I Wrath her wortes made Till thou liest and thou liest lopen out at once And either hit other vnder the cheke Had thei had kniues by Christ either had killed other Saint Gregory was a good Pope and had good forewit That no Priores wer Priest for that he prouided Let haply thei had no grace to hold harlatry in For thei article of her tonges and must all secretes tell Among Monkes I might be and many times yshamen For thei be many fel frekes my feris to espie Both Prior and Subprior and our Pater Abbas And if I tel any tales thei taken hem togethers And do me fast Fridayes to bread and to water I am challenged in chapter house as I a child were And balaced on the bare ars Thus haue I spoken of all the religious Orders which I finde to haue beene cloistered here in England at the time of the dissolution of Religious houses howsoeuer their number might bee farre more then I haue spoken of For. I. Fox in his Martyrologe alphabetically sets down a catalogue of an hundred and twelue seuerall orders of Monkes Friers and Nuns here and beyond seas whose rules were confirmed by seuerall Popes all branched from the foure Primitiue institutions of Basill Augustine Benet and Francis Of which increase for a conclusion to this Chapter as also to this discourse one Lelius Capilupus a Catholike Romane in his Anatomie of the Romane Clergie hath formerly written in Latine verse thus not long since Englished But though I had an hundred tongues and moe I could not tell how many sorts there be Nor shew the names and orders which do flow From this wast Sea in their posteritie CHAP. XVII Of
hellish ouation Which horrid act was committed the third of Iuly 1450. Pray for the soule of Iohn Septvaus Esquire of the Isle of Thanet sonne of Iohn Septvaus of this Parish Esquire and for the soule of Katherine his wife Which Iohn dyed Decemb. 18. 1458. I was as yee be now in dust and clay Haue mercy on my sowl yat bowght hit with yi bloodde For Elisabeth of Gherite a Pater-noster say Sumtymes I was the wyff of Edmonde Poodde In gratia et miserecordia Iesu hic iacet Iacobus Bourne Ar ... 1400. Hic iacent Iohannes Garrard et Ioanna vxor eius ob 1531. Hic iacent Laurentius Garrard qui obiit 1493. et Tho. Garrard eius filius qui ob 1487. Lenham The first thing remarkable that the Sexton of this Church will shew you is the Armes of one Apuldorfeild which he wonne by his valiant seruice against the Turkes and Sarasins in the holy Land tempore R. 1. his chiefe seat was at Linsted Thomas de Apuldorfeild Armig. per cartam suam datam 23. Ed. 3. dedit Willelmo de Linsted diuersas terras tenementa in Doddington et Linsted Hic iacet Valentine Barret Ar. qui obijt Nouemb. 10. 1440. et Cecilia vxor cius que obijt 2. Marcij 1440. quorum animabus Hic iacet Gulielmus Maries honorandus Armiger Hen. 5. deinde Armiger reuerendi in Christo Patris ac Domini D. Hen. Cardinal qui obiit vltimo die Aug. Ann. 1459. Hic iacet Richardus Horne filius Iohannis Horne nuper de east Leuham Armig .... ob ... Regis Hen. 6. Cornu eius exaltabitur Chaloke a Church founded by the Apuldorfeilds In this Church in each window are the armes of Apuldorfeild where in their coate armour they are figured The Mannor of Otterpley which since by the Moiles came vnto the Finches was part of their possessions as I haue it out of the collection of Glouer Somerset Herald Ospringe In this Church I saw little remarkable In the Belfray I reade this verse insculpt or cast in the mettall about the circumference of the Bell. Hac in conclaue Gabriele tu pange suaue Chilham Orate Willelmi Smersoll de Smersholl ... et vxor eius et pro anima Sander goldsmith Neare to this village is a little hillock to be seene wherein as the inhabitants doe dreame one Iullaber a Giant or a witch lieth interred but others of more exact iudgement do imagine that Iulius Cesar in his second voyage to this kingdome was sharply encountred here by the Britaines and that among others hee lost one Laberius Durus a Marshall of the field who was the man here buried and that from him this hillock became to be named Iul-laber Tenham Hic iacet Iohannes Frogenhall Ar. qui ob 11. Nouemb. 1444. Orate pro anima Willelmi Mareys Ioanne et Ioanne vxorum eius Vpchurch In the wall of this Church I saw an old Monument garnished about with Akornes and Oke-leaues wherein the Parish Clerke told me as hee had receiued it by tradition from his predecessours that one Wood●okes an eminent man in this County should be entombed which I can neither approue nor contradict Horton Monkes A Priory but by whom founded I cannot reade dedicated to the honour of Christ and his blessed Apostle S. Iohn filled with blacke Monkes Cluniacks so called from the sanctimonious puritie of one Odo Abbot of Cluni beyond Seas a Benedictine Frier who liued in the yeare of Grace 913. This house was valued at the suppression at 111. l. 16. s. 7. d. ob Bobbing Orate specialiter .... Alexandri Clifford Ar. et Margarete vxoris eius .... obijt die An. 1400. et Margareta obijt 19 Ian. 1488. This Alexander as appeares by the pedegree was the sonne of Sir Lewes Clifford knight and this Margaret his wife the daughter of Walter Culpeper Orate specialiter pro animabus Arnoldi Sauage militis qui obijt in vigil Sancti Andree Apost Ann. 1410. et Domine Ioanne vxor eius que fuit fil ..... the daughter of Eckingham by the pedigree This Sauage was the third Constable of Queeneborrow Castle Hic iacet Arnoldus Sauage Miles filius Arnoldi Sauage militis qui obijt in Festo Natiuitatis beate Marie virginis Ann. Dom. 1420. Hic iacet in gratia et miserecordia dei Katherina que ●uit vxor Arnoldi Sauage militis filia domini Rogeri Scales que obijt 7. Nouemb. 1437. Cuius c. I shall haue occasion to speake much of the Sauages when I come to that honourable familie of the Sauages of Rock-Sauage vpon the Riuer of Weeuer in the County of Chester whose ancestours lye entombed at Macclefeild in the same Tract Bradesoke A Monastery of white Canons dedicated to S. Radegund and built by the parents of Henry de Wingham Bishop of London in the raigne of king Henry the third valued to be yearely worth 142. l. 8. s. 9. d. Dauington or Daunton A Priory of blacke Nunnes of which you may reade in the Record at the Tower Carte Antiq. lit R.R. Milton Church Hic iacet Iohannes Norwood Armig. ob 1400. Prey for the soule of Iohn Norwood Esquire ... 1496. This latter Iohn was Constable of Queeneborrow Castle the first of Edward the fourth This family of the Norwoods hath for a long time flourished in this County they had their residence at a mansion of their owne name in this Parish which is by a daughter and heire deuolued to the Nortons gentlemen of good account Many faire Monuments of both these families are in this Church but the Epitaphs are all gone Thomas Alefe Esquir and Margaret hys wyff Ly vndir this playn ston God grant hem euirlastyng lyff To whom we hop thar gon He dyed as her ys to be sine On thowsand five hundryd thirty nine Who so that for ther sowles will pray God giue hem meede at Doomys day Pray for the soules of Sir Iohn Norton knight and Dame Ioane his wife one of the daughters and heires of Iohn Norwood Esquire who dyed Febr. 8. 1534 This Sir Iohn Norton was knighted by a forraine Prince vpon this occasion Margaret Duchesse of Sauoy daughter of Maximilian the Emperour and Gouernesse of the Low-countries for Charles the young Prince of Castile sent to king Henry the eight earnestly desiring to haue 1500. Archers to aide her against the Duke of Geldres who did daily infest the young Princes Territories The king granting her request appointed Sir Edward Poynings of this County knight Baneret a valiant Gentleman and an expert commander to be Lieutenant and leader of these troupes who with other English Gentlemen vnder his conduction performed such worthy exploits as that for them they were highly commended and Princely entertained at the Court of Burgoigne by the said Lady Margaret and the Prince of Castile who at the same time and
are curiously engrauen these words Credo quod redemptor meus viuit And vpon the basis of the same Crosse these obsolete Latine rimes Es test is Christe quod non iacet hic lapis iste Corpus vt ornetur sed Spiritus vt memoretur Hem tu qui transis magnus medius puer an sis Pro me funde preces quia sic mihi fit venie spes Hic iacet Matilda nuper vxer Willelmi Laken Seruiens ad Legem qui ob 2. die Decemb. 1408. iuxta eam ex parte australi Iohanna filia sepelitur que obijt 3. die Octob. anno supradicto O mercifull Iesew Haue mercy on the sowl of Sir Iohn Dew Here lye interred diuers of the Chapmans who were sometime owners of Stone-castle Hic Christi versus Payname iacet ecce Rogerus Pauperibus multum dedit hic pecunia cultum ........ M. C. quater deca ...... In Maij vicena rapit hunc mors .... Here lies William Banknot and Anne his wyff Swete Iesew grant to them and vs euerlastyng lyff Pray yow hertely for cheritie Say a Pater Noster and an Aue. 1400. Here lyeth the bodyes of Sir Iohn Wilshyre knight and of Dame Margaret his wife Which Sir Iohn dyed 28. Decemb. 1526. And Margaret dyed ... of .... This knight is entombed in a faire Chappell of his owne foundation he was Controller of the Towne and Marches of Calleis Ann. 21. Hen. 7. 1506. He had onely one daughter and heire named Bridget married to Sir Richard Wingfield As I haue it in these words out of the Visitation booke of Huntingtonshire by Nicholas Charles Lancaster Herald Sir Richard Wingfield knight of the Garter Chancellour of the Duchie of Lancaster and of the Bed-chamber to King Henry the eight by his wife Bridget who was daughter and heire to Sir Iohn Wilshyre knight had Stone house or Stone-castle in Kent neare Grauesend To whom the king gaue Kimboulton Castle he was of the priuie Councell and died Embassadour in Spaine and was buried at Toledo Dartford Hic iacet Iohannes Hornley Theologie Baccal qui obijt 1477. Si fterent Artes Hornley tacuisse Iohannem Non possent ista qui tumulatur humo In septem fuerat liberalibus ille magister Prudens castus maximus atque fide Doctrine sacre tunc Baccalareus ingens Oxonie cunctis semper amandus erat Consilio valuit sermones pandere sacros Nouerat et doctos semper amare viros Pauperibus largus fuerat quos nouerat aptos In studijs patiens sobrius atque fuit Moribus insignis cunctis virtute refulgens Pro tantis meritis spiritus astra petit O pytefull Creater concerning erthly sepulter Of Katryn Burlton at x day wythin Iun. Thousand IIII C. LXXXXVI yer Occurrent wyth Rychard Burlton Iantlman Spows to the Katryn ..... Expired thousand ..... Throu the prayor of thes twein Sal he be savyd fro endlysse pein King Edward the third founded here a goodly faire Monastery about the yeare of his raigne of England the thirtieth and of France the seuenteenth In which he placed women religious Votaries or white Nunnes Which Nunnery at the generall dissolution was found to bee well worth three hundred and eightie pounds by yeare This Priory for so it was called by the Founder was taken as all the rest into the hands of king Henry the eight of which he made a fit dwelling place for himselfe and his Successours which remaines to this day howsoeuer somewhat ruinous But will it please you peruse this Memorandum not impertinent to this matter in the visitation of Kent and Sussex made by Clarentieux Beuolt the 21. yeare of king Henry the eight Dame Elizabeth Cresner being Lady Prioresse of Dartford at that time Memorand that the said Lady doth witnesse that king Edward the third was first Founder of the said place and the second Founder was king Richard the second And in the said place lieth buried the Lady Bridget daughter to king Edward the fourth a religious women in the same place Also Dame Ioane daughter to the Lord Scrope of Bolton and Prioresse of the same place and Dame Margaret daughter of the Lord Beaumont also sometime Prioresse of the same place And also there lyeth daughter and wife to Sir Maurice Berkeley This Lady Bridget here interred was the fourth daughter of Edward the fourth by his wife Queene Elizabeth she was borne at Eltham here by the tenth of Nouember 1480. She tooke the habite of Religion when she was young and so spent her life in contemplation vnto the day of her death which happened about the yeare 1517. the eight of King Henry the eight Crayford Orate pro animabus Roberti Woodford Iohanne vxoris eius qui Robertus obijt .... 1489. Hic iacent Rogerus Apleton vnus Auditorum serenissimorum Regum Hen. quinti Hen. sexti ac Iohanne vxoris Hen. quarti Katherine vxoris Hen. sexti Reginarum Anglie Principatus totius Wallie Ducatus Cornubie Com. Cestrie qui ob .... 1400. Agnes vxor eius Domina de Holbury que ob 1437. Cum venerit dies Domini in miserecordia eius egrediemur Hic iacet Henricus Elham vnus Auditorum .... et Elisabetha vxor eius filia Rogeri Apleton ... ob ... 1479. Hic iacet Iohannes Elham vnus Auditorum ... 1481. Vite probitas mortis despectio Erith In the vpper end of the South Isle of this Church stands a faire tombe with this Inscription left at the first imperfect Elisabeth second wife to George late Earle of Shrewsbury Lord Steward to king Henry the seuenth and to king Henry the eight his Houshold by whom she had issue Iohn and Lady Anne wife to William Earle of Penbroke Lord Steward of Queene Elizabeths Houshold which Lady Anne had beene married before to M. Peter Compton Esquire by whom she had issue Sir Henry Compton knight now liuing This Elizabeth Countesse of Shrewsbury was daughter and one of the heires of Sir Richard Walden knight Lord of the Towne of Erith whose body lyeth here likewise entombed Pray for the sowl of Syr Richard Walden knight and Lady Margerie his wife which Syr Richard decessyd 25 of March 1536. And Margery decessyd the sixth of May 1528. whos sowls god pardon Orate pro anima Richardi Walden Armig. Elisabethe vxoris eius que ob 25. Octob. 1496. et Richardus obiit ... die ... mens ... Ann. miles quorum animabus Ellin Atticor gist icy Dieu de sa alme eit mercy Orate pro anima Domini Iohannis Stone quondam vicarij Ecclesie parochialis de Lesnes alias Erith qui ob 13. April 1475. O vos omnes qui hic transitis prome orate Precibus vestris qui fratres estis meque iurate Hic iacet Radulphus Criel Ar. qui obiit 6. Decemb. 1447. Cuius anime propitietur altissimus Hic iacet Rogerus Sentcler quondam
of Offices vnder the said Duke Humphrey On the South side of the same Tombe is this Inscription in brasse Hic iacet Dominus Richardus de Piriton quondam Archidiaconus Colcestrie Canonicus et stagiarius huius Ecclesie qui obijt 26. Aug. Ann. Dom. 1387. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Vpon the wall ouer the little doore that entreth out of Pauls into Saint Faiths Church is the image of Iesus curiously painted as also the pourtraiture of a Lady kneeling in her mantle of Armes with some of her progeny These words thereupon being most artificially pensild Iesus our God and Sauiour To vs and ours be gouernour Which imagerie or representation was made to the memory of Margaret Countesse of Shrewsbury who lieth buried in a Chappell within that doore dedicated to the name of Iesus with this Inscription which not long since was there to be read vpon a pillar Here before the Image of Iesu lieth the worshipfull and right noble Ladie Margaret Countesse of Shrewsbury late wife of the true and victorious knight and redoubtable warrior Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury which worshipfull man died in Guien for the right of this Land She was the first daughter and one of the heires of the right famous and renowned knight Richard Beauchamp late Earle of Warwicke which died in Roan and of Dame Elizabeth his wife The which Elizabeth was daughter and heire to Thomas late Lord Berkeley on his side and on her mothers side Ladie Lisle and Tyes Which Countesse passed from this world the foureteenth day of Iune in the yeare of our Lord 1468. On whose soule Iesu haue mercy Amen I haue seene a stone in the body of this Church thus inscribed without any name yet Armes were vpon the Monument Non hominem aspiciam vltra Obliuio This man yet willingly saith learned Camden would not haue beene forgotten when he adioyned his Armes to continue his memory not vnlike to Philosophers which prefixed their names before their Treatises of contemning glory Another in the North Cloister now ruinated without name had this Inscription vpon his Graue-stone Vixi peccaui penitui Nature cessi Which was as Christian saith the same Author as that was profane of the Romane Amici Dum viuimus Viuamus I haue read these rimes following engrauen in brasse vpon a marble-stone in the body of the Church now stolne away Istuc qui graderis paulum te sistere queso Et rogitans quid eris in me nunc vermibus eso Esto memor mortis meditare frequenter Ioua Mors latet in portis non est euitabilis hora. Effundens loculos pro Christo despice mundum Clarificans oculos vt cernas quo sit eundum Nam quod quisque serit presentis tempore vite Hoc sibi messis erit cum dicitur ite venite The sleight regard of the house of God was a maine cause of this kingdomes subuersion as I haue shewed before vpon the Epitaph of king Etheldred and it hath euer beene and more especia●ly is in these our times an vse for beastly and vncleane persons to pollute and beda●be the doores and walls of the place where God is to be worshipped with pisse or some other more nastie excrements against the like irreuerence to this goodly consecrated Edifice of Saint Paul diuers prohibitions vpon certaine penalties haue beene and are daily published in print and pasted vp in ●●iuers places in and about the Church And anciently this Atheisticall vncl●●nnesse if I may so call it was forbidden by a verse depicted at euery doore of this Church some part of which at the great South doore is yet re●●●ning which in my time might perfectly be read Thus it runnes Hic Locus his sacer est hic nulli mingere fas est This house is holy here vnlawfull ti 's For any one here on her walls to pisse And strict orders were likewise published against Beggers and bearers of burdens in and thorow the Church of the later sort these foure lines were sometimes fixed to a pillar ouer an iron boxe for the poore All those that shall enter within the Church doore With burden or basket must giue to the poore And if there be any aske what they must pay To this Box a penny ere they passe away It could be wished that walking in the middle Isle of Paules might be forborne in the time of Diuine seruice Richard the second king of England Ann. Reg. 8. made the pettie Canons here twelue in number a Colledge or fellowship daily to meete and diet together in one Hall whereas for a long time before they liued dispersedly and could not be so ready to serue the most Highest in their holy exercises Hee appointed one Iohn Linton for the first Warden of this Colledge and gaue vnto the said Warden and Canons of the foresaid Fellowship certaine lands here in London for their further endowment and the supporting of diuine seruice Charging them by his Charter to pray for his prosperous estate liuing and for his soules health when he should depart this world and for the soule of Anne his wife Queene of England and for the soules of his and her progenitors parents and ancestors and of all the faithfull people deceased Howsoeuer the Story of Brute be denied by some learned Authors or not permitted but by coniecture as Selden hath it in his Illustrations vpon this verse of Michaell Drayton which now the enuious world doth slander for a dreame Yet because I finde him in our Annals to haue beene buried here in this Citie of his owne foundation as both by reason and authority it is strongly argued by a most iudicious Antiquarie of the last age I think it not amisse to speake somewhat of him especially in this place as the truth of the storie is generally receiued Brute the sonne of Siluius the sonne of Ascanius who was the sonne of Aeneas the warlike Troian being deliuered from the long captiuitie vnder the Grecians with his wife Innogen and his people departed from the coasts of Greece and arriued in an Island where they consulted with an Oracle sacred to Diana Brute himselfe kneeling before the Idoll and holding in his right hand a boule prepared for sacrifice full of wine the bloud of a white Hinde made his imprecation to the Goddesse to this effect in English Thou Goddesse that doest rule the woods and forrests greene And chasest foaming boares that fly thine awfull sight Thou that mayest passe aloft in aerie skies so sheene And walke eke vnder earth in places voide of light Discouer earthly states direct our course aright And shew where we shall dwell according to thy will In seats of sure abode where Temples we may dight For Virgines that shall sound thy land with voices shrill After this prayer and ceremonie done according to the Pagan rite and custome Brute abiding his answer fell asleepe in which sleepe appeared to him the said Goddesse vttering this answer
passed a Statute in the firmest manner could bee deuised that this kingdome should remaine intire as before without any violation of the rights it had Prouident he was in all his actions neuer vnder-taking any thing before he had first furnished himselfe with meanes to performe it For his gifts we finde them not such as either his owne fame and reputation or any way distasted the State To be short hee was a Prince who knew his worke and did it and therefore was he better obeyed better respected and serued then any of his Predecessours His workes of Pietie were great and many as the founding of East-minster an Abbey of the Cisteux order neare the Tower An Abbey for Nunnes at Dartford in Kent of both which I haue already written The Kings Hall in Cambridge for poore Schollers An Hospitall for the poore at Calais The building of Saint Stephens Chappell at Westminster with the endowment of three hundred pound per annum to that Church His augmenting the Chappell at Windsore and prouisions there for Church-men and twenty foure poore knights c. These were his publique works the best Monuments and most lasting to glorifie the memory of Princes Besides these his priuate buildings are great and many as the Castle of Windsore which he re-edified and enlarged His magnificence was shewed in Triumphs and Feasts which were sumptuously celebrated with all due rites and ceremonies the preseruers of Reuerence and Maiestie To conclude he was a Prince whose nature agreed with his office as onely made for it On this manner as he was in the strength of his yeares and in the height of his vigorous actions his character is exprest by many Authors Now may it please you in this place to take a view of this the mighty great Monarch of England France and Ireland as he was wrinkled with age weakened with a sore lingring disease and laid downe vpon his Deaths-bed When he had attained to the age of threescore and fiue yeares or thereabouts and wrastled with a sicknesse which gaue him the ouerthrow lying in the bed and at the point of death his eyes darkened his speech altered and his naturall heate almost extinguished one whom of all other he most entirely affected tooke the rings from his fingers which for the royaltie of his Maiestie he was wont to weare so bad him adiew and withdrew herselfe into another roome a woman she was inuerecunda p●llex as Walsingham calls her whose name was Alice Piers neither was hee left onely of her the said Alice but of other the knights and Esquires who had serued him allured more with his gifts then his loue Amongst many there was onely present at that time a certaine Priest other of his seruants applying the spoile of what they could lay hands on who lamenting the kings miserie and inwardly touched with griefe of heart for that amongst so many Councellers which hee had there was none that would minister vnto him the word of life came boldly vnto him and admonished him to lift vp the eyes as well of his body as of his heart vnto God and with sighes to aske mercy of him whose Maiestie he well knew he had grieuously offended Whereupon the king listened to the words of the Priest and although a little before he had wanted the vse of his tongue yet then taking strength to him hee seemed to speake what was in his minde And then what for weaknesse of his body contrition of his heart and sobbing for his sinnes his voice and speech failed him and scarce halfe pronouncing this word Iesu he gaue vp the Ghost at his Mannour of Sheene now Richmount as aforesaid If you will heare any more of this Martiall king you must haue the patience to trouble your selues in the reading of these obsolete old rimes Aftur hym reguyd hys son ful ryght The iii Edward that dowtie knyght U. sones he hadde truly here That wer to hym leef and dere Furst yis kyng dude a grete maistry Atte Scluce he brend a gret Naby Atte Tresse he faught ayain The kyng of Beme ther was slayn And the kyng of France putte to flyght Non longor than durst he fyght A sege atte Calice he lede byfor That last xii months and mor And or he thens wold goo He wan Calice and touns moo Atte Batail of Poyters by ordynance Was taken Iohn the kyng of France Atte Westmynstre he lyth ther He regnyd almoost li yer Byfor hym deyed Prynce Edward Whych hadde a son that hight Rychard Philippa of whom I haue spoken before Queene of England wife of Edward the third daughter of William of Bauaria Earle of Henault and Holland by Ioane sister of Philip of Valoys king of France lyeth entombed at her husbands feet She was a Lady of great vertue and a constant true louer of our Nation who when shee had beene king Edwards wife fourty two yeares she died August 15. 1369. These verses are annexed to her Monument Gulielmi Hannonis sobeles postrema Philippa Hic roseo quondam pulchra decore iacet Tertius Edwardus Rex ista coninge letus Materno suasu nobiliumque fuit Frater Iohannes Comes Mauortius heros Huic illam voluit consociare viro Hec iunxit Flandros coniunctio sanguinis Anglis In Francos venit hinc Gallica dira lues Dotibus hec raris viguit Regina Philippa Forma prestanti Religione fide Fecunda nata est proles numerosa parenti Insignes peperit magnanimosque duces Oxonij posuit studiosis optima nutrix Regineas Edes Palladiam scholam Coniux Edwardi iacet hic Regina Philippa Disce viuere Thus there Englished Faire Philip William Hennaldes childe and youngest daughter deere Of roseat hue and beautie bright in tombe lies hilled heere Edward the third through mothers will and Nobles good consent Tooke her to wife and ioyfully with her his time he spent His brother Iohn a Martiall man and eke a valiant knight Did linke this woman to this king in bonds of marriage right This match and marriage thus in bloud did binde the Flemings sure To Englishmen by which they did the Frenchmens wracke procure This Philip flowr'd in gifts full rare and treasures of the minde In beauty bright Religion Faith to all and each most kinde A fruitfull Mother Philip was full many a sonne she bred And brought forth many a worthy knight hardy and full of dred A carefull Nurse to Students all at Oxford she did found Queenes Colledge and Dame Pallas Schoole that did her fame resound The wife of Edward deere Queene Philip lieth here Learne to liue She was the youngest of the fiue daughters of William Earle of Henault aforesaid especially chosen before any of her Sisters for king Edwards wife by a Bishop of what See I am vncertaine and other Lords temporall sent thither were sent as Embassadours to treate of the marriage Of which thus much out of Harding cap. 178. as followeth He sent furth
for his sapience In citees all he held well vnitees Greate Iustes ay and ioyous tournements Of Lords and knightes he made great assemblees Through all the lande by his wise regimentes They purposed hole by their common assentes To croune hym kyng of all great Italy Within halfe a yere for his good gouernaly But Stow out of Paulus Iouius writes more fully of this marriage In the moneth of Aprill saith he Leonell Duke of Clarence with a chosen companie of the English Nobilitie went towards Millaine there to marrie with Violentis the daughter of Galeasius the second of that name Duke of Millaine at whose comming to Millaine such abundance of treasure was in most bounteous manner spent in making most sumptuous feasts setting forth stately sights and honouring with rare gifts aboue two hundred Englishmen which accompanied his sonne in law as it seemed to surpasse the greatnesse of most wealthie Princes for in the banquet whereat Francis Petrarch was present amongst the chiefest guests there were aboue thirtie courses of seruice at the table and betwixt euery course as many presents of wondrous price intermixed all which Iohn Galeasius chiefe of the choise youth bringing to the table did offer to Leonell There were in one onely course seuenty goodly horses adorned with silke and siluer furniture and in the other siluer vessells Falcons hounds armour for horses costly coates of mayle breast plates glistering of massie steele helmets and corselets decked with costly crestes apparell distinct with costly Iewells souldiers girdles and lastly certaine gemmes by curious Art set in gold and of purple and cloth of gold for mens apparell in great abundance And such was the sumptuousnesse of that banquet that the meates which were brought from the table would sufficiently haue serued ten thousand men But not long after Leonell liuing with his new wife whilest after the manner of his owne countrey as forgetting or not regarding his change of ayre he addicted himselfe ouer-much to vntimely banquetings spent and consumed with a lingring sicknesse died at Alba Pompeia called also Languvill in the Marquisat of Mont-ferrat in Piemont on the Vigill of Saint Luke the Euangelist 1368. in the two and fortieth yeare of his fathers raigne First he was buried saith Camden in the Annalls of Ireland in the Citie of Papie hard by Saint Augustine the Doctor and afterward enterred at Clare in the Couent Church of Austin Friers in England He had issue onely by his first wife one daughter named Philip. Of which you may reade before in the printed copie of the parchment Roll and in the Chronicle of Iohn Harding as followeth His wife was dedde and at Clare was buried And none heire he had but his doughter faire Philip that hight as Cronicles specified Whom quene Philip cristened for his heire Tharchbishop of Yorke for his compeire Hir godmother also of Warwyk the countesse A Lady was of all greate worthynes And in another place Chyldren had he noone but Philip heire By Elizabeth his first wyfe which the kyng Edward maryed to Edmond Mortymer Th erle of Marche that was his warde full yyng Who gate on hir Roger their derelynge Philip the onely daughter of Leonel Plantagenet Duke of Clarence saith Milles agreeing with the former yet going a little further was married vnto Edmund Mortimer Earle of March vpon whom the said Edmund begot Roger and Roger Anne who being married vnto Richard Earle of Cambridge thereby transported the right of the kingdome vnto the House of Yorke I finde in my notes of Burialls in Monasteries that these persons following were also interred in this Priory Church Richard Earl of Clare whom some will haue to bee Founder Dame Alice Spencer Sir Iohn Beauchamp knight Iohn Newborne Esquire who amongst others brought the body of the foresaid Leonell Duke of Clarence into England Iohn Wiborough William Golderich William Capell and Eleanor his wife The Lady Margaret Scroope daughter of .... Westmerland Iohn Kempe Esquire Robert Butterwyke Esquire Ione Candishe daughter of Clopton Dame Eleanor Wynkepery Stoke Clare Here at Stoke adioyning to Clare was a Colledge founded by one of the Mortimers Earle of March valued in the kings bookes to bee yearely worth three hundred twenty foure pounds foure shillings penny halfe penny In this Colledge was entombed the body of Sir Edmund Mortimer the last Earle of March and Vlster of that house Lord of Wigmore Trim Clare and Conaught the Grandchilde of that Edmund Earle of March who married the daughter and onely heire of Leonell Duke of Clarence as it is in the Roll. This Edmund saith Camden in regard of his royall bloud and right to the Crowne stood greatly suspected to Henry the fourth who had vsurped the kingdome and by him was first exposed vnto dangers in so much as he was taken in a battell fought at Pelale in Wales by Owen Glendowr a Rebell and afterward whereas the Percies purposed to aduance his right he was conueyed into Ireland kept almost twenty yeares prisoner in the Castle of Trim suffering all miseries incident to Princes of the bloud while they lye open to euery suspicion and there through extreame griefe ended his dayes the nineteenth day of Ianuary 1424. in the third yeare of the raigne of Henry the sixth Of the foresaid battell his taking and miserable imprisonment thus much out of Harding as followeth Syr Edmonde then Mortimer warred sore Vpon Owen and did hym mekyll tene But at laste Owen laye hym before Where in batell they faught as well was sene Where Owen toke hym prisoner as then full kene With mekell folke on eyther syde slayne And set Edmonde in prysone and great payne He wrote vnto the kyng for great socoure For he had made with Owen his fynaunce To whom the kyng wold graunt then no fauoure Ne nought he wold then make him cheuesaunce For to comforte his foes disobeysaunce Wherfore he laye in fetters and sore prisone For none payment of his great raunsone Here also lay buried the bodies of Sir Thomas Grey knight and his first wife Luce the wife of Walter Clopton Sir Thomas Clopton and Ade his wife Sudbury Saint Gregories In this Church I saw a marble stone some foure yards long and two broad sometimes inlayd all ouer with brasse vnder which the Inhabitants say that Simon Theobold alias Sudbury lyeth interred which may bee true for howsoeuer he hath his Tombe in the Cathedrall Church at Canterbury of which he was Archbishop as I haue written before yet that may be perhaps onely his Cenotaph or honorarie funerall Monument This Simon built whilest hee was Bishop of London the Chappell or vpper end of the Church where this spatious Grauestone lies couched As appeares by this Inscription in the glasse window Orate pro Domino Symone Thepold alias Sudbury qui istam Capellam fundauit Anno Domini M. cccclxv in commemoracione omnium animarum dedicat dat consecrat In
it is one of these in the North or South wall This Pagan king of Denmarke after he had for many yeares infested and harried this kingdome and driuen Alfred our king to strange extremities was in the end ouercome by Alfred in battell presently vpon which he was washed in the lauer of Baptisme which was one of the conditions of peace at his ouerthrow Alfred receiued him for his godsonne by the name of Athelstane and gaue him in free gift this countrey of East Angels and in the same fountaine of Grace saith Simon of Durham thirtie of the chiefe Danish Nobilitie were initiated vpon whom the true Christian King bestowed many rich gifts Of all which my old ryming Cronicler Gutron the king of Denmarke that was tho In Westsex werred full sore and brent the lond Wyth whych the kyng so marryd was wyth wo He wyst not well whether to ride or stond But to Ethelingay anone he tooke on hond To ryde where then he hyd hym in a place For drede of Danes such was hys hap and grace Where then hys Lordes and knyghtes in good araye Came to him then wyth hooste and greate powre Where than the kyng vpon Gutron that day In batayle strong wyth corage fresh and clere Fought sore and tooke Gutron prisonere And thyrtye dukes wyth hym in compaye Vnchrysten were they all of panymrye And had the felde wyth all the vyctorye And of Danes many thousand slewe He baptyzed than as made is memorye Thys kyng Gutron that after was full trewe And named was Athylstan all anewe To whome the kyng gaue than all Estenglond As Edmond had to holde of hym that lond And all hys dukes were also there baptyzed And chrysten menne bycame for goddys loue The yere of Chryste viii C. thenne compeysed Seuente and viii as Flores doth approue This Battell and the baptising of Gutron and his Lords I haue also out of an ancient namelesse Manuscript in my owne custody thus deliuered Than Gunter that fader was of Haueloke Kynge of Denmarke was than of mykle myght Arevyd so than in Ingylond wythe hys floke Of Danes fell cruyll myghty and wyght Wyth whom the kyng full strongly than dydd fyght And hem venquyste wyth sore fyght and batayll And ovar hond had so thrughe hys gouernayll The whiche Gunter and thyrty of hys Lords Thrughe grace toke than baptyme at theyr desyre After he had gouerned these counties of Suffolke and Norfolke keeping his residence here in this Towne the space of twelue yeares complete he died and was buried in the kings towne called Headlega so Hadley is called in the Saxons language in Suffolke among the East English in the yeare 889. Ipswich in times past Gipswich Had Ipswich the onely eye of this Shire beene as fortunate in her surname as she is blessed with commerce and buildings shee might well haue borne the title of a Citie neither ranked in the lowest row whose trade circuit and seate doth equall most places of the land besides It is adorned with twelue or fourteene Churches in all which I finde not any funerall Monument of Antiquitie saue one which came to light not long since vpon the remouall of a Pewe in Saint Laurence Church and so like wise in other Churches many Monuments are buried vnder which the Founder of the said Church was interred as appeares by this Epitaph engrauen vpon the Stone Subiacet hic lapide Iohn Bottold vir probus ipse Istius Ecclesie primus Inceptor fuit iste Cuius anime Domine misereris tu bone Criste. Obijt M. ccccxxxi litera dominicalis G. Since then that so few funerall Monuments are remaining at this day in the Parish Churches of this Corporation I will take a view of the sites of the Religious Houses in and about this Towne now ouerturned Of which and such persons as I finde to haue beene therein inhumed as followeth The Priory of Saint Trinity This Priory was founded by Norman the sonne of Enott and Iohn de Oxenford Bishop of Norwich tempore Hen. 2. replenished with blacke Canons Augustines and valued to bee yearely worth fourescore and eight pounds sixe shillings nine pence Herein lay buried Norman the Founder and Langeline his wife and Dame Ioane Filian The Friars Preachers This Monastery was founded by Henry de Manesby Henry Redred and Henry de Londham saith the Catalogue of Religious Houses to whose honour consecrated I doe not learne neither doe I know any thing of the value or surrender Bodies which I finde to haue beene herein buried were Dame Maud Boerell Edmond Saxham Esquire Iohn Fostolph and Agnes his wife Gilbert Rouldge Ione Charles Edmond Charleton Esquire The white Friers Carmelites This Religious Edifice was founded by Sir Thomas de Londham saith one howsoeuer I finde in the Catalogue of Religious Foundations aforesaid in Speed that the Lord Bardesley Sir Geffrey Hadley and Sir Robert Norton knights were the Founders about the yeare 1279. Herein for of the dedication value or surrender I finde nothing were buried Sir Thomas and Sir Thomas de Londham knights Iohn Londham Esquire Margaret Colevile Gilbert Denham Esquire and Margaret his wife daughter of Edward Hastings And in a Manuscript penned by Iohn Bale I finde these Carmelites following to haue beene here sometimes inhumed Iohannes Hawle ob 1433. Maij 15. Richardus Hadley ob 1461. Aprilis primo Iohannes Wylbe ob 1335. 2. Decemb. Iohannes Barmyngham vir doctissimus Oxonia diu studuit Parisijs intex Sorbonicos he was a man very learned he studied a long time in Oxford and at Paris amongst the Sorbons He writ diuers bookes mentioned by Pitseus and died a wondrous old man being as then Prior of this Fraternitie the two and twentieth day of Ianuary Anno reparationis humana 1448. Iohannes Balsham Episcopus Archiliens hic sepultus ob 1530. The Grey Friers Founded by the Lord Tiptoth In which lay buried for I finde no further of it then the Foundation Sir Robert Tiptoth knight and Dame Vna his wife The heart of Sir Robert V●ere the elder Margaret Countesse of Oxenford wife of Sir Robert Veere the younger Earle of Oxenford Dame Elisabeth wife of Sir Thomas Vfford daughter of the Earle of Warwicke Sir Robert Tiptoth the younger Margaret wife of Sir Iohn Tiptoth Robert Tiptoth Esquire Elisabeth Vfford Elisabeth Lady Spenser wedded to Sir Phellip Spenser daughter of Robert Tiptoth Phellip George Elisabeth children of Sir Phellip Spenser Ione daughter of Sir Hugh Spenser Sir Robert Warhesham and Dame Ione his wife Iohn sonne of William Claydon Sir Thomas Hardell knight Dame Elisabeth wife of Sir Walter Clopton of Hadley Sir William Laynham Sir Hugh Peach and Sir Hugh Peach Sir Iohn Loueloch knights Item the Heart of Dame Petronill Vfford Dame Beatrix Botiler Dame Aueline Quatefeld Dame Margery Aunte of Sir Robert Vfford Dame Alice wydow of Sir Iohn Holbrok The Blacke Friers Of this House I onely finde that one Iohn Hares gaue
ground to build it larger These personages following I finde to haue beene registred in the Martirologe of this house The Lord Roger Bigot Earle Marshall Sir Iohn Sutton Knight Lady Margaret Plays Sir Richard Plays Sir Robert Vfford Earle of Suffolke Wolsey Colledge Cardinall Wolsey borne in this towne whose vast minde alwaies reached at things began here to build a most magnificent and sumptuous Colledge in the place where sometime stood a small monastery of blacke Canons founded by Thomas de Lacy and Alice his wife and dedicated to the honour of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Woodbridge Hic iacet Iohannes Albred quondam Tweleweuer istius ville .... ob primo die Maij ... 1400. et Agnes vxor cius This Tweleweuer with Agnes his wife were at the charges people of all degrees being as then forward to beautifie the house of God to cut gild and paint a Rood Loft or a partition betwixt the body of the Church and the Quire whereupon the pictures of the Crosse and Crucifixe the Virgin Mary of Angels Archangels Saints and Martyrs are figured to the life which how glorious it was when it was all standing may be discerned by that which remaineth This their worke of pietie was depensild vpon the fabricke of which so much as is left Orate ..... Iohannis Albrede et Agnetis ......... soluerunt pro pictura totius huius operis superne ... videlicet crucis crucifixi Marie Archangelorum et totius candelab ....... The names of some of the Saints portraied vpon the worke and yet remaining are these S. Paul S. Edward S. Kenelme S. Oswald S. Cuthbert S. Blase S. Quintin S. Leodegare S. Barnaby S. Iherome Orate ... Iohannis Kempe qui obijt 3 Iulij 1459. et pro animabus Margarete ac Iohanne Margarete vxorum ... Pray for ... of Robert Partrich Botcher ... who dyed on Midsommer day M. cccccxxxiii Mariory and Alis his wyffs ... Mariory the vi of Henry the viii Alis ... on their souls their children souls and all cristen souls almighty Iesu hane mercy Here in this Towne was sometime a monastery consecrated to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary founded by Sir Hugh Rous Knight valued at fiftie pounds three shillings fiue pence halfe penny per annum The bodies buried in this Priorie Church were these which follow Sir Hugh Rous or Rufus the Founder and Dame Alice his wife Sir William Rous and Dame Isabell his wife Sir Arnold Rous and Dame Elisabeth his wife Sir Giles Rous. Sir Arnold Rous and Dame Isabell his wife Sir Richard Brews and Dame Alice his wife Sir Iohn Brews and Dame Eue his wife Sir Iohn Brews and Dame Agnes his wife Sir Richard Brews Lord of Stradbroke Sir Giles Brews Sir Robert Brews and Dame Ela his wife Sir Thomas Brews and Dame Ione and Elizabeth his wiues Sir Nicholas Weyland and Dame Beatrix his wife Sir Thomas Weyland Sir Robert Weyland Sir Herbert Weyland William Brews Esquire William Melton Richard Feningle Muriell Gouncill Seuall Woodbridge Edmond Woodbridge Sir Iohn Shandlow and Dame Elizabeth his wife The names of certaine persons registred in this Monastery in a Table for whose soules the Prior and Couent were bound to pray and say Masse Sir Hugh Rous or Red the Founder and sixe other Knights of the same sirname Sir Richard Brews knight Lord of Stradburgh or Stradbrooke Patron of the Church with seuen other Knights of the same sirname and their wiues Sir Robert de Vfford and Dame Cecily his wife Robert de Vfford Earle of Suffolke and Dame Margaret his wife This Robert who was also Knight of the Garter Lord of Eay and Framlingham He and William Montague Earle of Salisbury were Generals of King Edward the thirds Army in Flanders when he went to make his claime to the Crowne of France He serued vnder the blacke Prince at the battaile of Poictow where Iohn the French king was taken prisoner He died in the fortieth and third yeare of the raigne of King Edward the third on the sunday after All Saints Sir William Vfford second Earle of Suffolke of that sirname and Isabell his wife This Earle built the Church at Parham in this County he died sodainly in the Parliament house at Westminster speaking for the Commons the 15. day of February 1382. and in the fift yeare of the raigne of Richard the second Dame Maud Henand Countesse of .... Sir William de Londham knight Robert Rendlesham Austin Philip. Ione saint Philbert daughter of the Earle of Suffolke Isabell de Braham and Edward the sonne of sir Thomas of Braderton Vfford This is the most neatly polisht little Church that I haue looked into within this Diocesse The roofe whereof and other parts of the Quire being curiously engrauen with sundry kindes of workes and pictures all burnisht and gilt with gold The Organ case whereupon these words Soli Deo Honor Gloria are carued and gilt ouer is garnished and adorned in most costly manner The Font and the Couer of the same is without compare being of a great height cut and gloriously depicted with many Imageries consonant to the representation of the holy Sacrament of Baptisme as also with the Armes of the Vffords Earles of Suffolke whose principall habitation was in this Towne It is said by the Inhabitants the foresaid Earles of Suffolke lie here interred but I finde no shew of it in the Church as also the bowels of Raph de Vfford Lord chiefe Iustice of Ireland of whom the Annales of Ireland speake thus as followeth Vpon the 13. day of Iuly 1343 the Lord Ralph Vfford with his wife the Countesse of Vlster came Lord chiefe Iustice of Ireland vpon whose entring the faire weather changed sodainly into a distemperature of the aire and from that time there ensued great store of raine with much abundance of tempestuous stormes vntill his dying day None of this Predecessors in the times past was with griefe be it spoken comparable vnto him For this Iusticer bearing the Office of Iusticeship became an oppressor of the people of Ireland a robber of the goods both of the Clergie and Laitie of rich and poore alike a defrauder of many vnder the colour of doing good not obseruing the rights of the Church nor keeping the law of the Kingdome offering wrongs to the naturall inhabitants ministring iustice to few or none and altogether distrusting some few onely excepted the inborne dwellers in the land These things did he still and attempted the like misled by the counsell and perswasion of his wife Thus he continued his rigorous gouernement for the space almost of three yeares and vpon Palme sunday 1346. which fell out to be the ninth day of Aprill went the way of all flesh For whose departure his owne dependants together with his wife sorrowed not a little for whose death also the loyall subiects of Ireland reioyce no lesse the Clergy and people both of the Land
regard of their former seruices done to his Father Swenus King of Denmarke Snape A Priory of blacke Monkes and a Cell to Colchester founded in the yeare 1099. the twelfth of William Rufus by William Martill and Albreda his wife and Geffrey Martill their sonne and heire dedicated to the Virgin Mary and valued in the Kings bookes to be yearely worth ninety nine pounds one shilling eleuen pence halfe penny Hoxon In times past called Hegilsdon and much ennobled by reason of the Martyrdome in this place of Edmund King of the East Angles enshrined sometimes in the Abbey of Bury as I haue spoken before honoured by his name to whose holinesse a Monasterie was erected in this place Wykes This was a Monastery of Nuns dedicated to the Virgin Mary founded by King Henry the third or at least wise by him confirmed as it is in the Records in the Tower valued at fourescore and twelue pounds twelue shillings three pence halfe penny of yearely commings in Neyland The manufacture of Clothing in this County hath bin much greater and those of that trade farre richer I perswade my selfe heretofore then in these times or else the heires and executors of the deceased were more carefull that the Testators dead corps should bee interred in more decent manner then they are now a daies otherwise I should not finde so many marbles richly inlaid with brasse to the memory of Clothiers in foregoing ages and not one in these latter seasons All the monuments in this Church which beare any face of comelinesse or antiquity are erected to the memorie of Clothiers and such as belong to the mystery Hic iacet Iohannes Ewel quondam Fuller istius ville et Agnes vxor eius qui quidem Iohannes obijt vi Octobris anno Dom. M. cccc.xxxvi litera Dominicalis G. Orate .... Georgij Hamund Textoris de Barby qui obiit anno Domini I beseche you as to say oon Pater Noster and an Aue for the soul of Dame Thomasin Hamund .... worker .... M.D.xlviii One Abell a Cloth worker built the Porche of this Church which is a very faire one in the wall whereof he hath a funerall monument and to signifie his name as also to make vp his cote Armour is the letter A. and the picture of a Bell cast vpon the Monument Stoke iuxta Neyland This Church is highly honoured by the Sepulture of diuers of the illustrious Familie of the Howards PASSIO ΞΡῙ CONFORTA NOS IESV MISERERE NOBIS In the East Window of the South part in the Church are these portraitures of Sir Iohn Howard Knight and Dame Alice his wife daughter and heire of Sir William Tendring Knight with the subscription following Orate pro animabus Domini Iohannis Howard Dominae Aliciae vxo ris eius Vpon a faire marble though much defaced in the Quire Orate pro animabus Iohannis Howard militis qui obijt ... 1400. et Alicie vxoris eius que obijt in festo Sancte Luce Euangeliste 1426. Vpon the Pauement before the high Aultar lyeth an auncient Grauestone hauing thereon the figure of a Knight in compleat Armour resting his Head vpon his Gauntlet with this circumscription Hic iacent Tumulati Dominus Willelmus Tendring miles Katherina Clapton vxor eiusdem obierunt anno Domini 1408. ..... Domina Iohanna Redmeld quondam sponsa Willelmi Redmeld militis ac filia recolende memorie Domine Margarete Howard Ducisse Norfolcie hic superius tumulate obijt .... xx Febr. M.D. Neare vnto the same vpon the pauement is also another Monument with the circumscription as here vnder appeareth the Brasses of the Figures and some of the Armes thereof are most impiously stolne away and so is the Brasse of the Inscriptions Armes and Images of three other faire stones lying there neare Orate pro animabus Iohannis Howard Militis qui obiit Ann. 14. et Allicie vxoris eius que obiit in festo Sancti Luce Evangeliste Ann. 1426. quorum animabus proprietur Deus HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Under this Stone is buried the body of the right honorable woman and Ladie sometime wife vnto the right high and mighty Prince Lord Iohn Howard Duke of Norfolke and mother vnto the right noble and puissant Prince Lord Thomas Howard Duke also of Norfolke Which Lady departed this present life Ann. Dom. 1452. In the South part of the said Church betweene the high Altar and the Quier is a monument with this similitude and subscription aforementioned of the right honourable Lady Katherine daughter of William Lord Molins the first wife of Iohn Howard Duke of Norfolke who was the sonne of Sir Robert Howard and of Margaret his wife daughter and co-heire of Tho. Mowbray Duke of Norfolke sonne of Iohn Lord Mowbray and Elisabeth his wife daughter and heire of Iohn Lord Segraue and Margaret Dutchesse of Norfolke the daughter and heire of Tho. of Brotherton the fifth sonne of King Edward the first the which he had by Margaret his second wife the daughter of the French King Phelip the Third Tendringhall Chappell in the Parish of Stoke iuxta Neyland In the East window of the priuate Chappell of Tendring Hall in the said Parish of Stoke iuxta Neyland is the effigies aboue shewed which is supposed by reason of the quarterings in his Coate of Armes to be made for Iohn Lord Howard after created Duke of Norfolke In which and in the foresaid Monument is to be obserued that according to the auncient rule the Coate Armour of the Bloud-Royall is placed in the first quarter before the Paternall Coate Hic .... Katerina de Tenderyng quondam vxor Thome Clopton que obijt die Veneris ante festum Pentecostes M. ccccii ... Lady Windsore .... doughter of Sir William Walgraue At the vpper end in the North side of this Church next to the Chancell Iohn de Peyton the sonne of Reginald lieth interred vnder a marble stone About the verge whereof these few French words following are onely remayning .... Iena de Peytona .... Mercye ... lame Crist .... Vnder another marble stone adioyning his sonne Sir Iohn Peyton knight lieth inhumed with this French Inscription Vous qe par ici passet Pur l'ame Sire Iehan de Peytona priet Le cours de oi ici gist L'ame receyue Ihu crist Amen These Peytons had their mansion at Peyton Hall in Boxford not farre hence Of which and of them Camden Wicken came to the familie of the Peytons saith he by a daughter and coheire of the Gernons about Edward the thirds time as afterward Isleham descended to them by a coheire of Bernard in Henry the sixth his time which knightly familie of Peytons flowred out of the same male-stocke whence the Vffords Earles of Suffolke descended as appeareth by their coat-armour albeit they assumed the surname of Peyton according to the vse of that age from their Mannour of Peyton Hall in Boxford in
twelue shillings The Austine Friers founded by one Remigius or by the King but by what King or to what Saint dedicated or to what value it amounted I do not know Others say it was founded by one Roger Mynyoth The bodies which I finde to haue beene herein buried are these which follow Elizabeth daughter of Sir Tirru Rosabart Elisabeth wife of William Garueys ..... sonne of Sir Raphe Pigott Sir Edmond Hengrane and Dame Alyce his wife daughter of Iohn Lile Margaret Howard 1416. Sir Iohn ●owell Knight Sir Robert Vfford Sir Iohn Geney and Dame Alice his wife obijt 1454. Dame Margery wife of Sir Edward Hastings and of Sir Iohn Wyndham daughter of Robert Clyfton 1456. Dame Katherin Ferris wife of Sir Iohn Radclyffe 1452. Iohn Bacun sonne of Sir Roger 1461. and Maude his wife 1456. Iohn sonne of Iohn Bacun obijt 1462. and Margaret his wife Ione wife of Robert Boys daughter of .... Wychingham 1400 Edmond Wychingham Esquier who died 1472. Sir Thomas Lord Morley obijt in Calleis Sir Robert Morley and Dame Anne his wife Iohn Morley Esquire Sir Thomas Soterley Esquire and Elisabeth his wife obieerunt 1477. Thomas Wedderby Alderman Amongst many other of this Fraternitie I finde that one Benedictus Icenus or Benet of Norfolke a Brother of this House and of this Order of Saint Augustine was likewise here buried in the Chapter house who died in the yeare of our saluation 1340. Vir pius prudens facundus omni serentiarum genere nobiliter instructus et cum primis sui temporis Theologis meritò conferendus A man godly wise fluent of speech in all kindes of Sciences nobly instructed and right deseruingly to be compared with the prime Diuines of his dayes For his singular grace in preaching and his able power in perswading he was so beloued of Antony Becke the Bishop of this Diocesse as that he made him Suffragane or as it were Copartner with him in his Episcopall function The Grey Friers was founded by one Iohn Heslynford and of this Foundation I finde no further Some say that the Blacke Friers was founded by King Edward the second which I confesse I cannot contradict For I finde no otherwise neither of the Foundation the time dedication order nor value onely my Notes from Master Le Neue tell me that these persons following were in the same interred William Manteley Iohn Debenham Margaret Harpington Ione wife of Richard Wychingham daughter of Fastolfe obijt 1459. Thomas Yugham obijt 1455. Sir Simond Felbrigge obiit 1442. and Dame Katherin his wife obiit 1449. Dame Margaret first wedded to Sir Gilber Talbot afterward to Constantyne Clyfton obijt 1434. Dame Alice wife of Sir Roger H●rsik 1458. Iohn Pagraue Esquire 1467. Iohn Berney Esquire and Ione his w●●e Iohn Howldiche 1487. Iohn ●illys 1490. Edmond sonne of Iohn Hastings 1487 and Eleanor his wife daughter of Sir Edward Woodhowse Knight The religious Monastery of the white Friers or Carmelites was founded by Philip Cowgate a rich Merchant and Maior of this Citie Ann. Dom. 1268. who when he had made an end of the Fabricke thereof which he endowed with faire possessions tooke vpon him the habite and order of a Carmelite and entred the house wherein he ended his dayes In the Church of this religious structure was buried Sir Oliuer Ingham Knight obijt 1292. Dame Lo .... Argentein Dame Eleanor Boteler Dame Alice Boyland Sir Bartholomew Somerton knight and Dame Katherin his wife Sir Will. Crongthorp and Dame Alice his wife Sir Oliuer Gros Knight Iohn father of Sir Raph Benhall Dame Ione wife of Sir Thomas Morley Robert Banyard Esquire Sir Oliuer Wigth Sir Peter Tye Knights Marg. Pulham Dame Elizabeth Hetersete Dame Katherin wife of Sir Nich. Borne Ione wife of Iohn Fastolphe Thomas Crunthorp and Alice his wife Dame Alice Euerard 1321. Dame Alice Withe 1361. Sir Walter Cotet Sir Thomas Gerbrigge 1430. Dame Eliz. his third wife first married to Sir Iohn Berry and daughter of Sir Robert Wachesham obijt 1402. Sir Edmond Berry 1433. And Dame Alice his wife daughter of Sir Thomas Gerbrigge Elizabeth first wife of William Calthorpe daughter of Sir Reignold Lord Hastings Waysford and Ruthin which died 1437. Haukin fil .... de Com. Lanc. Clement Paston obijt 14 .... Richard 1479. children of Sir William Calthorp George 1479. children of Sir William Calthorp Cecily children of Sir William Calthorp Iohn 1400. children of Sir William Calthorp Thomas 1400. children of Sir William Calthorp Iohn Deugayne gent. obiit 1488. Robert Smart Esquire abijt 1488. Sir William Calthorp obijt 1494. Dame Margery wife of Sir Iohn Paston daughter of Sir Thomas Brews 1495. Iohn sonne of Sir William Stoarer 1495. Margaret wife of Sir Thomas Pigott 1498. In the Manuscript of this Religious Order before remembred written by Iohn Bale these Carmelites following are registred to haue beene buried in this Monastery I will vse his Latine Hi● sunt viri illustres qui sepeliuntur in Conventu Carmelitarum Norwici Frater Gilbertus de Norwico Episcopus Hamensis obijt Anno Dom. 1287. 9. die Octobris Frater Iohannes Leycester Archiepiscopus Smirnanensis obijt Anno Domini 1424. 6. Nouembris Frater Vmfridus Necton obijt 1303. This Necton was Doctor of Diuinitie in Cambridge and Professour Erat vi● solidè doctus disputator subtilis Concionator vehemens He was a man solidly learned a subtle disputant a very earnest Preacher saith Pitseus Of whom Leland hath left this Distichon Laudibus Humfredum meritis super astra feramus Cui data Grantenae laurea prima scholae He writ diuers bookes mentioned by Bale as also by Pitseus Frater Andreas Felmingham Frater Robertus Walsingham obijt 1310. This Walsingham saith Pitseus was Vir acuti ingenij solidi iudicij bonae vitae magnae doctrinae A man of an acute wit a sound iudgement a good life of great learning And Bale speaking of him saith He was a man of great repute in the Vniuersitie of Oxford for his Quodlibets ordinary questions and his Interpretations of the sacred Scriptures which he made manifest to the world Frater Galfridus Stalham Frater Galfridus Mylsam obijt anno Dom. 1346. 5. Ianuar. Frater Adam Saxlingham Frater Iohannes Folsham Prior Prouincialis Anglie obijt 1348. April 8. This Folsham proceeded Doctor of Diuinity in Cambridge Pitseus giues him his praise in a graue stile Bale ironically saith that indeed he was a Doctor and none of the meanest for by his chopping of Logicke hee could turne blacke into white men into Asses and Schoole-diuinitie into naturall Philosophie He writ many learned workes Frater Ricardus Euges ob 4. die Iulij 1361. Frater Willelmus de Sancta fide ob 25. April 1372. Frater Thomas Ziburgh obijt 24. Iulij 1382. Frater Robertus Pulham Frater Walterus Disse Legatus Apostolicus ob 22. Aug. 1404. Frater Adam Hawling ob 25. Feb. 1408. Frater Thomas Keming obijt 26 Aug.
From a Cell to Saint Albans it was aduanced to an Abbey vpon the occasion following set downe by Iohn Wheathamstead Iohn the seuenth of that Christian name Abbot of Saint Albans could not endure a certaine Monke of the house whom hee had made Archdeacon whose name was Stephen London because hee would tell him sometimes of his faults Ordine septenus dum rexit ouile Iohannes Et baculum gessit cetumque gregis benedixit Nunquam pacifico bene cernere sciuit ocello Quend●m confratrem quem fecerat Archileuitam Therefore to be rid of his company whose lookes and admonishments were so distastfull the Abbot perswades the Archleuite or Archdeacon to take vpon him the charge of this Priory of Windham as then void of a Gouernour in these or the like words Ecce Prioratus Wymundam nomine dictus Iam vacat absque patre vacans stat et absque Priore Huic te prefecimus in prepositumque creamus Cur se disponas ●ilec cito quoque pergas Est lacus insignis apud et nos grandis honoris The Archdeacon Stephen accepts of this promotion which is thus in ●he said Manuscript exprest Aduertens Frater quod erat sibi victricus alter Pastor et ille sibi quasi prenignus stomachanti Censuit expediens per tempus vt absoret absens Quam m●l● sub curuo sic viuere semper ocello Illius in plac●●um necflexum cernere vultum Pergere consensit elluc properans et adiuit This Stephen pleased both his flocke and Founder wondrous well but displeased his Father the foresaid Abbot Iohn of S. Albans who within the yeare sent expresse commandement to discharge him of his Priorship which was hainously taken both by himselfe and his Patron or Founder whose name saith my Author was one Andrew Ogard Miles preualidus miles locuplesque peritus In so much that they ioyned in petition to the Pope that it would 〈…〉 Holinesse that the Abbey of S. Albans might haue no iurisdiction 〈◊〉 the Priory of Windham that the Priory might be altered into an Ab●●● and that the Prior thereof might euer after be honoured with the title 〈◊〉 Abbot which was granted as you may reade in these subsequent verses Optinuit tandem Prior Abbas vt sit ibidem Ac Abbathia que cella prius fuit vna Istius Eccelesie sic migrauit sine fine Non sine dedecote dicti Patris que rubore The time of this alteration was in the beginning of the raigne of Henry the fourth as it is explained thus by the said Whethamstead M. semel quinus C quater tune fuit annus De tanto demptis numero tantummodo binis Cum fuerant facta iam dicta priusque peracta Ista modo celle retractio pre recitate Tunc exeunte septeno Patre Iohanne Et Fundatore famoso milite valde Ogard Andreas fuerat qui nomine dictus Stephanus et London Abbas qui primus ibidem But now at length for I haue beene too long holden in this brable to come to the burials in this Abbey Church First the Founder William de Albeney Earle of Arundell vpon whose Monument this Epitaph was engrauen Hunc Pincerna locum fundauit et hic iacet illa Quae dedit huic domui iam sine fine tenet He died the third yeare of King Henry the second William de Albeney sonne of the said William Earle of Arundell he died at Wauerley in Surrey the fourth of the Ides of October 1176. VVillelmus comes de Arundel senior obijt apud VVauerley 4 I● Octobris 1176. VVilliam Albeny the third Earle of Arundell and Sussex who went with Richard the first into the Holy Land and remained with him in Almania all the time of his imprisonment and being full of yeares died presently vpon his returne with K. Richard the day before the Nones of May 1196. Hoc anno 1193. obijt VVillelmus comes iunior de Arundel in vigilia Natiuitatis Christi say the Annals of Wauerley aforesaid VVilliam de Albeny the fourth Earle of Arundell and second of Sussex the inheritor of his fathers honours and vertues who together with Ranulph Earle of Chester Sayer de Quincy Earle of Winchester VVilliam Earle Ferrers Robert Lord Fitz●water Iohn Constable of Chester and VVilliam Harecourt with a great traine tooke his iourney to the Holy Land and after the winning of Damieta in Palestine in his returne home wards died the yeare 1221. at a little towne beyond Rome called Kame●● VVillelmus comes de Arundel rediens de ciuitate Damiet moritur vlera Romam apud quoddam oppidulum Kamel nomine Cuius corpus membratim diuisum ex ipsius iussione in Anglia transportatum est et apud Wymuna ham sepultum anno 1221. Hugh de Albeney brother and heire of the foresaid VVilliam who died without issue in the yeare 1243. the 28 of King Henry the third Sir Andrew Ogard Knight and Patron of the Priory Sir Iohn Clifton Knight 1447. and Dame Ione his wife Dame Margaret daughter of Sir Iohn Clifton and wife to Sir Andrew Ogard Ione daughter of Iohn Lonell Izo● Arderne A gentleman called None who because hee gaue nothing to the Religious of this house had this nicking Distich made to his memory Hic situs est Nullus quia nullo nullior iste Et quia Nullus erat de nullo nil tibi christe Here lyeth None one worse then none for euer thought And because None of none to thee O Christ giues nought I haue read another Epitaph of this sirname but not so well rimed Hic recubat Nullus nullo de sanguine cretus Nullus apud viuos Nullus apud Superos None lieth here of linage none descended Amongst men None None mongst the Saints befrended Reynham East Orate pro anima Iohannis Towneshend silij Rogeri et Elianore qui obijt iiii die Octobris Ann. Dom. M. cccclxv There is also a very faire Tombe of the sonne as it seemeth of the said Iohn and Elenor for vpon it are the same coates quartered as vpon the other It hath no Inscription but in likelyhood it is the Tombe of Sir Roger Towneshead one of the Iudges of the Common Pleas in the time of King Henry the seuenth Stratton On the North side of this Church there lieth one buried in the wall vnder a marble vpon which is the resemblance of a man crosse-legged all in male armour his belt by his side and other accoutrements of great antiquitie some gesse him to haue beene one of the Bardolfes Barons of great Nobilitie in this Tract who flourished a long time in honourable estate Thornage Here is a faire Tombe vnder which lieth buried Anne Lady and wife of Sir Clement Heigham knight who died .... aetatis 84. Higham a Towne in Suffolke which giues name to this worthy very ancient family of Higham Michael Lord Montaigne in his Essay of Glory writes that his Ancestors haue beene surnamed Higham I haue no name saith
or late Of your cheriry say a Pater Noster for the soul of Tho. Drake Wendling Here was a Priory of Augustine Friers founded by Sir William de Wendling Priest valued at fiftie fiue pounds eighteene shillings foure pence halfe pennie qua Elingham neere Bungay Orate pro anima Willelmi Ellingham .... et consortis sue ... Orate pro anima Ricardi Billington ... Petrus Lyng Rector istius Ecclesie .... Orate pro anima Roberti Bonefelow ... These Inscriptions aboue written are depensild in the glasse windowes Here lyeth buried one More of Norwich to whose memory some wit of those times but the time of his death I doe not know playing and making dalliance with his name made this Epitaph following More had I once More would I haue More is not to be had The first I .... the next is vaine The third is too too bad If I had vs●d with More regard The More that I did giue I might haue made more vse and fruit Of More while he did liue But time will be recald no more More since are gone in briefe Too late repentance yeelds no more Saue onely paine and griefe My comfort is that God hath More Such Mores to send at will In hope whereof I sigh no more But rest vpon him still Hempton A Priory of blacke Canons founded by one Richard Ward who tooke vpon him holy Orders and liued in this house of his owne foundation which he consecrated to the honour of God our blessed Lady and Saint Stephen it was valued at the suppression at thirty nine pounds nine shillings Shornborn Here is an ancient monument in this Church to the memory of one of the Shornborns or Shernburns but so fouly defaced as nothing remaines to know the man who lies vnder it sauing a Vulture splaid which is the Crest of the Shernborns Many other Crests and Coate Armes are there also which I meddle little withall yet to vse Camdens words I doe not see how this Church could haue bin omitted for that Foelix the Burgundian Bishop of this Diocesse who first brought the East-Englishmen to the Christian faith and state of perpetuall felicitie built in this place the second Church of Christians in this Country for the first he founded at Babingley where he landed Langley The Booke of the Carmelites in Couentrie saith that Sir Roger Helke Baron who married Elianor daughter to the Earle of Oxford of whom came Robert Clauering father to Iohn father to Robert that married the daughter of the Lord Alan Zouch was the first founder of this Monastery The Catalogue of Religious houses which is very imperfect saith that the Ancestor of the wife of Sir Francis Bigot Knight together with her sisters were the Founders Another tels me that Sir Roger Kell Knight was the first founder and that the Patronage thereof came to the Vffords and Dacres by marriage but of this name there is a Religious house in Lecestershire another in the County of Hertford and so there may be a mistake A Nunnery it was valued at one hundred twenty eight pounds nineteene shillings nine pence halfe penny The persons of remarkable account interred in this Abbey Church were these Sir Roger Kell the Founder Sir Robert sonne of Sir Roger Sir Iohn sonne of Sir Robert Sir Roger sonne of sir Robert Sir Robert sonne of Kell knights Sir Iohn Clauering Anno Domini 1332. obijt Iohannes de Clauering a●pud Heyno aduocatus Ecclesie de Langeley in octabis die Epiphanie et sepelitur in presbiterio in conuentuali eiusdem Ecclesie ex parte aquilonari eodem anno obijt Domina Iohanna de Burgh et hic sepeliri meruit Sir Robert Thurkeby Sir Thomas Roscelyn Sir Peter Roscelyn Sir Hugh Gurnage Sir Geffrey Saye Sir Henry Lymesey Sir Fulco Cardeston or Kerdeston Sir William Kerdeston Sir Roger Kerdeston knights Anno Domini 1328. obijt Margareta quondam vxor Domini Willelmi filii Rogeri de Kerdeston militis et iacet in Ecclesia Abbathie Langeley ante Altare Crucis iuxta Dominum Thomam de Kerdeston Archidiaconum Norf. ex parte aquilonari Qui Thomas obiit anno 1270. Anno Domini 1337. obiit Dominus Rogerus de Kerdeston miles et sepelitur in Ecclesia Abbathie de Langeley iuxta matrem suam ex parte Australi Sir Peter Egfend sir Iohn Lodnes sir Iohn Dunham sir Charles Charleton sir Ely Norfolke sir Charles de Ierninta sir Robert de Grys sir Robert Helington sir Iohn Vfford sir Robert Vfford sir Thomas Vfford sir Hugh Gurney sir William Redham sir Philip Weston sir Robert de Vallibus sir Iohn Saye Symond Grys sir Iames Awdley sir William de Poole knights Dame Marian de Zouche Mother of sir Robert sonne of sir Roger Zouche knights Dame Ione wife of Robert Benhale Dame Agnes wife of Fulc Dame Ione wife of Iohn Dunham Dame Agnes Clauering Dame Margaret Benhall Dame Eue Audeley Dame Agnes wife of sir Simond Grys Dame Ione daughter of sir Robert Vfford vxor Willelmi Bowet Dame Denys Ynglos wife of sir Henry Ynglos Dame Alice wife of Thomas Charles Ladies Stiskey In the north side of this Church lie entombed Iohn Calthorpe Esquire and Alice Ermingland his wife the monument defaced vpon which is their portraicts in coate Armor Cockthorpe In the Chancell vnder a faire Tombe lieth the body of Christopher Calthorpe Esquire no inscription is remaining a familie sometime of great account in these parts saith Camden Cley iuxta mare In this Church are some defaced monuments to the memory of the Symonds Iohn Symonds and Agnes his wife lye buried in the south Chappell Another of the Symonds with his two wiues Anne and Margaret Plumsted Here vnder a faire Grauestone lieth buried Iohn Plumsted Esquire Receiuer generall of the Dutchie of Lancaster Hunworth Vnder a faire Grauestone here in the Chancell lie buried Edmund Braunche and Anne Calthorpe his wife with their coates impaled Burrughmagna In the south Chappell of the Chancell Henry Berney Esquire lieth buried which Henry married the daughter of .... Appleton of Essex named Alice by whom he had issue Thomas Henry Iohn Edward and Richard and three daughters as appeareth by the pictures vpon the defaced Tombe Vnder another Tombe lieth Iohn Berney Esquire who married first the daughter of Read and afterwards the daughter of Sydnor Here lieth Iohn Berney grandfather to Henry Berney who had to his first wife ... the daughter of Southwell to his second the daughter of Wentworth Vnder a faire Grauestone lieth inhumed the body of Iohn Berney Esquire the great Grandfather of Henry who married the daughter of Henningham Another Iohn Berney Esquire lieth here also vnder a large stone the inscription whereof is altogether almost erazed Thetford In the parish Church of Saint Maries a faire monument thus inscribed In memoriam Radulphi Fulmerston Equitis aurati Dominiceque Alicie vxoris eius ... Edwardus Clere Armiger hunc Tumulum
Richard de Derham Parson of the Church Nicholas de Derham and Elias de Derham brethren Which Elias was one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said Archbishop Hubert Ann. 7. Iohannis Regis from which Nicholas de Derham descended Tho. Derham of Crimplesham Esquire Ann. 3. H. 5. that married Elisabeth daughter and heire of Baldwin de Vere of Denuere in this County Esquire yonger brother to Robert de Vere of Addington Esquire from whom Sir Thomas Derham knight now Lord of West Derham aforesaid is descended Buckenham New Hic iacet Alicia quondam vxor Willelmi Knyvet Armigeri Que erat filia Iohannis Grey filij Reginaldi Grey Domini de Rythyn que obiit quarto die mensis Aprilis Anno Domini M. cccclxxiiii ..... Hic iacet Thomas Ivy Capellanus qui obijt xix di● mensis Septembris ann Domini M. cccclxxxiii Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Hic iacet Robertus Seman Capellanus qui obijt nono die Iunij ann Dom. M. cccclxv Cuius anime ... Orate pro anima Willelmi Pyllys qui obijt xxv die Decembris Anno Domini M. cccccxxxi Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Here are many old Monuments all without Inscriptions vnder which diuers of the Familie of the Knevets lie buried An ancient house and renowned saith Camden euer since Sir Iohn Kneuet was Lord Chancellour of England vnder King Edward the third and also honourably allied by great marriages For ouer and besides these of Buckenham now Baronets from hence sprang those right worshipfull Knights Sir Thomas Kneuet Lord Kneuet Sir Henry Kneuet of Wiltshire and Sir Thomas Kneuet of A●hewell Thorp and others Buckenham old Vpon a Grauestone in the south side of the Church ouer which stone there now are Pewes built there is in brasse portraied a Crane from whose heke is a scrowle with these two words Deo gratias and vpon a piece of brasse ouerthwart this inscription Orate pro anima Thome Browne cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Here was a religious Foundation of blacke Canons dedicated to Saint Iames valued at one hundred one and thirty pounds eleuen shillings of yearely commings in Erpingham Vnder a goodly faire Grauestone lieth the body Sir Iohn Erpingham knight he is figured vpon the stone in complete armour and the monument is bordered with this inscription Hic iacet Iohannes de Erpingham miles quis multa bona fecit tempore vite sue ... At each corner of the marble a Doue siluer crowned holding a Mase or Scepter in her pounce Sir Thomas Erpingham was knight of the Garter in the raigne of Henry the fourth Cromer Here lyeth the body of Sir Simon Felbrigge or Felbridge knight of the Garter in the raigne of Henry the fift He lieth in complete Armour on both his Emerases the Crosse of Saint George holding in his right hand a Penon of Armes his Belt bossed and gilt his Hanger by his side his Spurs gilt the blew Garter about his right legge his feet resting on a Lyon all ingrauen in brasse his wife by his side on like manner in brasse very sumptuously garnished with bracelets Iewels and her attire according to those times I haue no inscription to know any further Carow A religious house of blacke Nunnes consecrated to the holinesse and honour of the blessed Virgin Mary founded by King Stephen the founder of many such sacred Edifices valued in the Kings bookes to be yearely worth fourescore and foure pounds twelue shillings penny halfe penny qua Gregory the tenth as I take it granted by his Bull this priuiledge inhibition following to the Nunnes of this Priory Gregorious Episcopus Seruus Seruorum Dei dilectis in Christo fili●bus Priorisse et conuentui de Carrone Norwicen Dioc. Salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem Exposita nobis ex parte vestra petitio ... quod vos ad i●stantiam precum quorundam Nobilium Anglie quibus propter suam potentiam resistere non valeatis tot iam recepisti in Monasterio vestro Moniales quod vix potestis domus redditibus congrue sustentari Quare auctorit●●● presentium vobis inhibemus vt nullam recipiatis in grauamen Monasterij vestri de cetero in Monacham vel Sororem Dat. Perusii xij Kalend. Septembris Pontificatus nostri anno tertio East Harling I find by certaine notes of burials sent vnto me from my friend master Taylor of Fleetstreete London these persons following to haue beene interred in this parish Church Sir William Chamberleyn Knight of the Garter and Dame Anne his wife daughter of Sir Robert Harling Knight He was graced with this high Order in the raigne of Edward the fourth Sir Robert Harling Knight Elisabeth Trussell sister of sir William Chamberleyn Sir Iohn Harling knight Debenham Here by the foresaid Notes lie buried Iohn Farmingham qui obijt anno M. cccc.xxiiij and Margaret his wife Robert Cheak and Rose his wife George Neuill and his wife Iohn Neuill Iohn Cheake qui obiit M. cccc.lxxxx Suffield Here lyeth buried vnder a faire Tombe the bodies of Iohn Symonds gentleman and Margaret his wife daughter of Francis Moundeford Esquire ... Bromholme William Glanuile founded the Church of Saint Andrew at Bromholme in the Diocesse of Norwich in the yeare 1113. saith an old Anonimall Mss. which I haue In the Pedegree of the right honourable Edward Earle of Dorset I finde this note following Beatrix daughter and coheire of William Sakeuile Lord of Bracksted Nayland and mount Bures in Essex and brother to Iordan Sakeuile married to William de Glaunuile Lord of Bromholme and founder of the Church of Bromholme anno 17. Hen. primi a house it was of Benedictines valued to be yearely worth an hundred pounds fiue shillings fiue pence Here was also sometime a Priorie of blacke Monkes Cluniacks dedicated to Saint Sepulchre founded by G. Glanuile and valued at one hundred forty foure pounds nineteene shillings halfe penny qua Bromholme sometime a Priory saith Camden founded and enriched by G. Glanuill and seated on the sharpe top of an hill the crosse whereof our ancestors had in holy reuerence I know not for what miracles Thomas Rudhorne Bishop of S. Dauids who flourished in the raigne of Henry the fourth hath in his history these words to the same effect Capulanus quidam portauit quandam crucem ligneam in Angliam quam affirmauit esse de ligno in quo pependit Christus et Monachis de Bromholme ob●ulit et postea locus coruscabat miraculis A certaine Priest brought ouer with him saith he a woodden Crosse into England which he affirmed to be the Crosse whereupon our Sauiour Christ was crucified which he deliuered to the Monkes of Bromholme after which the place did shine gloriously with miracles But the story of this holy Crosse is more fully deliuered by Capgraue on this manner Saint Helene saith he hauing found the Crosse did diuide
with Sir Raph Ioccline and Sir Henry Weeuer and after that with other Aldermen was knighted in the field Ann. 1471. Hic iacet Wilhelmus Fineux sil et heres Iohannis Fineux militis qui obijt Regis Henrici 7. Others of that name lye here entombed but without any inscription to preserue their memorie Braborne Hic iacet Wilhelmus Scot de Braborne A● qui obijt 5. Febr. 1433. cuius anime Sis testis Christe quod non tacet hic Lapis iste Corpus vt ornetur sed spiritus vt memoretur Quisquis eris qui transieris sic perlege plora Sum quod eris sucramque quod es pro me precor ora Hic iacet magnificus ac insignis miles Iohannes Scot quondam Regis domus inuictissimi Principis Edwardi quarti Controll et nobilissima integerrimaque Agnes vxor eius Qui quidem Iohannes obijt Ann. 1485. die mens Octob. 17. This Sir Iohn Scot was also of the priuy Councell and knight Marshall of Caleis who with others was sent vpon an Embasie Ann. Reg. Ed. 4.12 to the Dukes of Burgundy and Britaine to bring backe againe the Earles of Pembroke and Richmund whose escape did much perplexe their kings suspitious thoughts Iohannes Scot miles cum CC. soldariis ex mandato Domini Regis apud Sandwicum pro salua custodia eiusdem inter Bund Indent de Guerra apud pelles West Hic ... Wilhelmus Scot myles ob 1350. I take this man to be that William Scot who with others of eminent degree and qualitie was knighted by Edward the third the tenth of his raigne vpon the creation of Edward his sonne Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornwall Of your ... Dame Elisabeth Poynings late wife of Sir Edward Poynings which Dame Elisabeth deceased Aug. 12. 1524. This Elisabeth was the daughter of Sir Iohn Scot of Scots Hall where the family of these Scots haue so long flourished in worshipfull estimation Hac necis in cella iacet hic prudens Isabella Que nulli nocuit sed Domino placuit Sponsa fuit fata venerabilis et peramata Clifton Geruasij militis egregij Ante fuit dicta Wilhelmi Scotti relicta Harbard vocata vel Fynche certe scies Dicitur hic alias .... mille quater centum Petit L. cum septem ... monumentum Nouembris deca bis hijs numerando dabis Geruasium Clifton istam genuisse Iohannam Sta lege cui Iohn Digge sociatus erat Morte .... cadit corpus sequitur cito mater Filia preuenit hanc cui solet esse sequax Christetuas famulas fac post te scandere celos Et post coniugia regna tenere tua Subiacet hac Petra Dionisia nunc caro tetra Que fuerat nata Fynche aut Harbard vocitata Vincent Armigeri cui parce Iesu mulieri Dormit non moritur licet hic terra sepelitur Qui bene pensetur qui credit non morietur Anno milleno C. quater .... cape pleno Bis quater appone .... celi iunge corone .......... Cui sit saluamen Deus omnipotens precor Amen Hic iacet expertus sub marmore miles opertus Gower Robertus anime sis Christe misertus From this familie Iohn Gower the Poet was descended One of the Pasheleis lyeth here interred the Lord of Halle and Mote in Sussex From whom the Scots deriue a descent Iohanna Pashlee filia Iohannis de sole secunda vxor Edmundi Pashlee Folkston A Towne famous in times past and much frequented by the English Saxons for religion sake by reason of a Monastery which Eauswide the daughter of Eadbald king of Kent erected for religious women of which she became the first Prioresse She dedicated her Church to the honour of Saint Peter and replenished her house with blacke Nunnes she continued herein Abbesse a long time and so dyed a vailed Virgin about the yeare 673. This foundation was long ago swallowed vp with the sea and another built by Iohn Segraue and Iulian his wife the daughter and heire of Iohn Sandwich who was Lord of this Towne together with Iohn Clinton in the raigne of king Henry the third who consecrated this their holy fabricke to the honour of Saint Peter and S. Eauswid Whose reliques they translated into their new built Church there they were gloriously en●●●rined and she honoured for a Saint Of whom the credulous common people did report many strange wonders As that shee lengthened a bean●● of this her religious building three foot when the Carpenters missing their measure had made it so much too short That shee haled and drew water ouer the hills against nature That shee forbad certaine rauenous birds the countrey which before did much hurt thereabouts That she restored the blinde cast out the deuill and healed innumerable folkes of their infirmities And therefore after her death she was by the policie of the Church of Rome and the Popish Priests canonized and by the folly of the common people saith Lambard honoured for a Saint And no maruell at all saith hee for it was vsuall amongst the Clergie-men in those dayes not onely to magnifie their Benefactours of all sorts but to deifie also so many of them at the least as were of noble parentage knowing that thereby triple commoditie ensued the first for as much as by that meanes they assured many great Personages vnto them secondly they drew by the awe of their example infinite numbers of the common people after them and lastly they aduentured the more boldly vnder those honourable and glorious names and titles to publish their fained miracles And this surely was the cause that Sexburga in Shepie Mildred in Tanet Etheldred at Elye Edith at Wilton and sundrie other such women of royall bloud in each quarter were canonized Saints for generally the Religious of those times were as thankfull to their Benefactours as euer were the heathen nations to their first Kings and Founders The one for sanctifying such as did either build them houses or deuise them Orders and the other deifying such as had made them Cities or prescribed them lawes and gouernment This was it that made Saturne Hercules Romulus and others moe to haue place in common opinion with the Gods aboue the starres and this caused Dunstan Edgar Ethelwold and others first to bee shrined here in earth and then to sit amongst the Saints in heauen This Nunnery was valued at the fatall ouerthrow of all such edifices at 63. l. 7. s. per annum It was surrendred 15. Nouemb. 27. H. 8. Lidde In this Church are the pictures of a man and his wife inlayed in brasse vpon a goodly Monument thus inscribed Hic iacet Thomas Godfray quondam de veteri Rumney qui obijt 5. dic mens Aug. Ann. Dom. 1430. a familie of knights not farre from I●dde and neare vnto Stonend In the beach is to bee seene an heape of great stones which the neighbour inhabitants call S. Crispins
seruiens Abbati et Conuentui de Lesnes qui obiit primo die mensis Ianuarij 1425. Cuius anime Lesnes Abbey In the yeare of our Lord 1178. the third of the Ides of Iune Richard Lucie a Councellour of State and chiefe Iustice of the Realme began the foundation of an Abbey at Lesnes or Westwood neare vnto this Towne of E●●th The extent of whose yearely reuenue as it was prized by the Commissioners at the suppression amounted to one hundred eighty sixe pounds and nine shillings When this his goodly fabricke was in all parts finished he presently forsooke and surrendred into the kings hands all both his offices and honours And betooke himselfe to the habite and profession of a Canon Regular in this house of his owne foundation where within a short while after euen in the same yeare to wit the fourteenth of Iuly 1479. he exchanged his Conuentuall blacke coole for a glorious bright heauenly crowne And here in the Quire of his Church hee was sumptuously entombed vpon whose Monument this Epitaph was engrauen Rapitur in tenebras Richardus lux Luciorum Iusticie pacis dilector vrbis honorum Christe sibi requies tecum sit sede piorum Iulia tunc orbi lux bis septena nitebat Mille annos C. nouem et septuaginta mouebat Now giue me leaue to go a little further with him and his heires as I finde the words in the Collection of Englands Protectours by Francis Thinne Lancaster Herald Sir Richard Lucie knight chiefe Iustice of England saith he was Protectour of England in the twelfth yeare of the raigne of king Henry the second in the absence of the king when hee was in Normandie and in the parts beyond the Seas Which Lucie in the thirteenth yeare of the same King did valiantly resist and politikely driue backe the Earle of Bolloigne inuading this kingdome He built the Abbey of Leosnes or Westwood in the Parish of Erith in Kent and not in Southfleet as some haue written in the yeare of Christ 1178. and the Castle of Chipping Augre in Essex He had issue Godfrey Bishop of Winchester and three daughters who after the death of Godfrey their brother were his heires Maude the eldest daughter was married to Robert the first called Fitzwater Aueline the second daughter was married to Richard Riuers of Stanford Riuers in Essex Rose the third daughter was married to Richard de Warren the naturall sonne of king Iohn as appeareth by a deed belonging to my selfe who had the Rectory of Leosnes beginning thus Rosa de Douer quondam vxor venerabilis viri Richardi filij Regis de Chillam And king Iohn by his Charter grants to another Rose her grandfathers lands in these words Rex reddidit Roesie de Douerita totam terram suam cum pertenenc qua eam contingit de heredit Richardi de Lucy avi sui tenend sibi hered c. Cart. 24. Reg. Iohannis numero 37. in Archi. Turris London The foresaid Godfrey de Lucy was consecrated Bishop of Winchester the first of Nouember 1189. And died Ann. 1204 hauing gouerned that See fifteene yeares He purchased of king Richard the first the Mannors of Wergraue and Menes which in times past had belonged to his Bishopricke he was a great Benefactour to this Religious house of Leosnes founded by his father wherein according to his will hee was enterred To whose memory this Epitaph was engrauen vpon his Tombe Lux mea lux Christi si terre ventre quiesco Attamen in celo sanctorum luce lucesco Presul de Winton fueram quondam Cathedratus Multum resplendens alto sanguine natus Nunc id sum quod eris puluis rota non retinenda Voluitur inuigila prudens nec differ agenda M. C. bis quatuorque annos his insuper addas Carnis vincla dies soluit secunda Decembris Vos qui transitis ancillam poscite Christi Sit Dominus mitis pulso purgamine tristi Wolwich Orate pro anima Iohannis Colin et Mathilde vxoris eius qui Iohannes obiit 27. Ianuar ..... Mathilda 25. Octob. 1397. Hic tacet Dominus Will. Prene quondam Rector huius Ecclesie viz. tempore Regis Edwardi quarti et postea Rector Ecclesie de Lymming qui fieri fecit istam Capellam et Campanile huius Ecclesie et in uita sua multa alia bona .... ob I. die Decemb. 1464. Willelmus Prene me fecit in honorem sancte Trinitatis Eltham Pray for the sowl of Dame Margerie Roper late wyff of Iohn Roper Suier daughter and one of the heires of Iohn Tattersall Suier who dyed 2. Februar 1518 Roper a name of eminent respect in this County honoured with the title of Baron Roper of Tenham by our Soueraigne Lord Iames late King of England giuen to Iohn Lord Roper now liuing Pray for the sowl of Iohn Morton sonne and heire of Margaret Morton of Asheby de la Zouch in the County of Leicester late wife to Tho. Squier who dyed 23. Aug. Prier pur l'alme Thomas Pierle qi morust le primer iour de Iuyl l'an de Grace Mil. ccc.lxix ..... Here lyeth Iohn Pasley yeoman Porter to king Henry the eighth and Agnes his wife which Iohn dyed .... 1509. Hen. 8.1 West Peckham Iohn Culpeper one of the Iustices of the Common Pleas in the raigne of king Henry the fourth founded here a Preceptorie or free-Schoole which he endowed with threescore and three pounds sixe shillings eight pence of yearely allowance Bromley In the Church wall lyeth the pourtraiture as I learne by tradition of Richard Wendouer Bishop of Rochester and Parson of this Towne He was consecrated 1238. and dyed 1250. yet it is said that his body was buried in Westminster by the kings speciall commandement for that he was accounted a very holy and vertuous man which I cannot much contradict Icy gist Mestre Water de Henche Qi fut Persone de Bromleghe 1360. Lewsham Hic iacet Georgius Hatecliffe Ar. Thesaurarius Domini Regis in Hibernia ac vnus clericorum compoti Hospitii regis obiit 1. Aug. 1514. Iohn Norbury founded a Priory in this Towne of Lewsham which hee replenished with blacke Monkes Aliens belonging to the Abbey of Gaunt in Flanders and thereupon called Aliens because they were Celles to some Monastery or other beyond the Seas The first foundation of these houses I do not finde but in the raigne of king Edward the third they were encreased to the number of one hundred and ten in England besides them in Ireland Aquitane and Normandy The goods of all which Priories the said king Ann. Reg. 12. because of his warres with France caused to be confiscated to his owne vse letting out their houses to farme with all their lands and tenements for the space of three and twenty yeares At the end of which Terme Peace being concluded betweene the two Nations he restored to the Priors Aliens their
the eight in the 30 of his raigne Saint Botolphs Algate In this Church ouer a vault is a faire tombe of Alabaster curiously wrought hauing these lines following engrauen thereon Here lyeth Thomas Lord Darcy of the north and sometime of the order of the Garter Sir Nicholas Carew knight sometime of the Garter Lady Elizabeth Carew daughter to Sir Francis Brian Knight and Sir Arthur Darcy Knight yonger sonne to the aboue named Lord Darcy and Lady Mary his deare wife daughter to Sir Nicholas Carew knight who had ten sonnes and fiue daughters Here lye Charles William and Philip Mary and Vrsula sonnes and daughters to the said Sir Arthur and Mary his wife whose soules God take to his infinite mercy Amen This Thomas Lord Darcy and Sir Nicholas Carew who was also master of the Kings Horse were both beheaded on the Tower hill the first because he was one howsoeuer constrained thereunto by the Rebels of the commotion in Yorkeshire Anno 1536. the second for being of councell with Henry Marquesse of Exceter and Henry Poole Lord Mountague who were indighted and found guilty of high Treason for deuising to maintaine promote and aduance one Reginald Poole late Deane of Exceter enemie to the King beyond the sea and to depriue the King Anno 1539. Sir Arthur Darcy here mentioned was first buried in the new Abbey of Eastminster wherein he deceased Sir Edward Darcy knight sonne of Sir Arthur lieth with his noble Ancestors in the same vault but hee died but lately Hic iacet Iohannes Epis Bathon Wellensis qui cum plures insignes Legationes .... tandem obijt in Legatione Cleuensis .... Ianuar. M. ccccc.xl cuius anime propitietur Altisimus This Iohn Clerke Doctor of Diuinitie and master of the Rolls was brought vp in Cambridge and consecrated to his Bishopricke the yeare 1523. A man much imploy'd in Ambassages He died as before and was first buried in the Minories being poysoned as it was supposed in Germany when he went Embassadour to the Duke of Cleue to render a reason of the Kings diuorce from the Lady Anne of Cleue his sister King Edgar established here without Aldgate a Knightengield or Confrery for thirteene knights or souldiers of good desert to him and the realme the like by supposition saith Verstegan was in Knight-riders street being the place where the residence or meeting of such Knights-riders with the King might be kept Saint Mary Bethlem This Hospitall of Saint Mary of Bethlem was founded by Simon Fitz-Mary one of the Sheriffes of London in the yeere 1246. He founded it to haue beene a Priorie of Canons with Brethren and Sisters it is now an Hospitall for distracted people who are here receiued and kept yet not without charges to their kindred or friends Saint Mary Spitle This Hospitall was founded by Walter Brune Mercer and Sheriffe of London and Rosia his wife A.D. 1235. it was dedicated to the honour of Iesus Christ and his mother the perpetuall Virgine Mary by the name of Domus Dei and Beate Marie extra Bishopsgate This Hospitall surrendred to king Henry the eight was valued to dispend 478. l. 6. s. 8. d. wherein were found besides ornaments of the Church and other goods pertaining to the Hospitall one hundred and fourescore Beds well furnished for receipt of the poore This place is now best knowne by the Sermons there preached on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday in Easter weeke Saint Leonards Shordich So called of the Sordiches Lords thereof one of which familie namely Sir Iohn Sordich knight flourished in the raigne of king Edward the third as appeares by this deed of grant to his Chaplaine William Croston here resident Sciant c. nos Ioh. de Sordich Miles et Elena vxor mea et Nicholaus de Sordich dedimus Will. de Crostone Capellano omnia illa Red. terr que habuimus in Hackney tam in Dominio quam in Seruitio c. Ann. Reg. Regis Edwardi tertij duodecimo This knight serued in the warres vnder Ed. the third in France and is remembred in our Annals Ann. 14. Ed. 3. Orate pro animabus Humfredi Starky militis nuper capitalis Baronis de Scaccario Domini Regis Henrici septimi et Isabelle vxoris eius et omnium amicorum suorum quorum c. ...... Erlington modo miles Et Margareta coniux ....... ................ Sit pietate dei vita perhennis ei M. C. quater x semel ......... Vnder this defaced Monument Sir Iohn Erlington knight with Margaret his wife daughter and heire to Thomas Lord Itchingham widow to William Blount sonne and heire to Walter Blount the first Lord Mountioy lye entombed In this Church diuers honourable persons lie buried of whom because they dyed but in these later dayes I shall speake hereafter The plates with the Inscriptions of such Monuments as were of more Antiquitie were all taken away for couetousnesse of the brasse by one Doctor Hanmer as I haue it by relation of the Inhabitants Vicar of this Church which he conuerted into coine and presently after ashamed belike of such a detestable act went ouer into Ireland and there ignominiously ended his dayes The Priory of Holywell This was an house of blacke Nunnes anciently founded by a Bishop of London and consecrated to the honour of God S. Iohn Baptist. Stephen Grauesend Bishop of this Diocesse about the yeare 1318. was hereunto a great benefactour Sir Thomas Louell knight of the Garter in the raignes of King Henry the seuenth and of Henry the eighth with whom hee was of Councell was another benefactor not onely in building a beautifull Chappell wherein his body was interred but in many other goodly buildings and endowing the same with lands In most of the glasse windowes of this house these two verses following not long since to be read were curiously painted Al the Nunnes in Holywel Pray for the soul of Sir Thomas Louel He died the 25. of May at Endfield Ann. 1524. This Priory was valued at the suppression to haue of Lands two hundred ninetie three pounds ten shillings three pence by yeare which with the house were surrendred Ann. 1539. the one and thirtieth of Henry the eight I finde in a pedegree of the right noble Lord Francis now Earle of Rutland that Sir George Mannors knight Lord Ros of Hamlake being with King Henry the eight at the siege of Turney and Turwine there tooke a grieuous sicknesse whereupon he languished in the same yeare of this their expedition into France which was Ann. Dom. 1513. And according to his will was here entombed in the Chappell and neare to the high Altar of this Priory This Sir George Mannors was the eldest sonne of Sir Robert Mannors knight by Eleanor his wife the daughter and heire of Thomas Lord Ros of Hamlake hee married Anne the daughter and heire of Sir Thomas Saint Leoger or Sellinger knight begotten of his wife Anne Duchesse of Exceter
Prynces in pease most amate In Grece Archbyshop elected worthely And last of Carlyel rulyng pastorally Kepyng nobyl Houshold wyth grete Hospitality On thowsand fyve hundryd thirty and sevyn Invyterate wyth pastoral carys consumyd wyth age The nintenth of Iun reckonyd ful evyn Passyd to hevyn from worldly pylgr●mage Of whos soul good pepul of cherite Prey as ye wold be preyd for for thus must ye lie Iesu mercy Lady help Here lieth Sir Henry Collet knight twise Maior of London who died in the yere of our redemption 1510. This H●nry was sonne to Robert Collet of Wendouer in Buckinghamshire and father to Iohn Collet Deane of Pauls in the first time of his Maioraltie the Crosse in Cheape-side was new builded in that beautifull manner as it now standeth Richardus iacet hic venerabilis ille Decanus Qui fuit etatis doctus Apollo sue Eloquio forma ingenio virtutibus arte Nobilis eternum viuere dignus erat Consilio bonus ingenio fuit vtilis acri Facunda eloquij dexteritate potens Non rigidus non ore minax affabilis omni Tempore seu puero seu loquerere sexi Nulli vnquam nocuit multos adiuvit omnes Officij studuit demeruisse bonos Tantus hic et talis ne non deleatur ademptus Flent Muse et laceris mesta Minerua comis Obijt anno 1532. etat circiter 40. This Pace succeeded Collet in the Deanrie of Pauls a man highlie in fauour with king Henry the eight by whom he was employed as Embassadour to Maximilian the Germane Emperour as also to Rome in the behalfe of Cardinall Wol●ey who stood in election for the Popedome Hee writ diuers learned treatises yet extant Nam vir erat saith Bale viriusque literaturae peritia praeditus Nemo ingenio candidior aut humanitate amicitior He was a right worthie man and one that gaue in counsell faithfull adu●ce learned he was also and indued with many excellent good gifts of nature curteous pleas●nt and delighting in Musicke highlie in the Kingsfauour and well heard in matters of weight Here was I borne and here I make myne end Though I was Citizen and Grocer of London And to the office of Schrevalty did ascend But things transitorie passe and vanische sone To God be geeuen thanks if that I haue ought done That to his honowre and to the bringing vp of youth And to the succowre of the Age for sewerly this is soth By Avise my wyff children were left me non Which we both did take as God had it sent And fixed our myndes that ioyntly in on To releue the poore by mutuall consent Now mercifull Iesu which hast assystyd owre intent Have mercy on owre sowles and as for the residew If it be thy will thou mayst owre Act continew Vpon the same marble these verses following The fyve and twentyth day of this monyth of Septembyr And of owre Lord God the fifteenth hundryd and fowrty yeere Master Nicholas Gibson dyde as this tombe doth remembyr Whose wyff aftyr maryed the worschypful Esquier Master William Kneuet on of the kings privy chamber Much for his time also did he endeuer To make this Act to continew for euer This pious act here mentioned in this Epitaph is a free-Schoole founded at Radcliffe in this Parish by the said Nicholas and Avise for the instruction of threescore poore mens children by a Schoolemaster and an Vsher with an Almeshouse for fourteene poore aged persons and this Foundation continues to this day Saint Leonards in Stratford Bow This religious structure was sometime a Monasterie replenished with white Monkes dedicated to the honour of our alone Sauiour Iesus Christ and Saint Leonard founded by King Henry the second in the 23. yeare of his raigne And valued at the suppression to be yearely worth an hundred one and twenty pounds sixteene shillings In this Abbey Church sometime lay entombed the body of Iohn de Bohun eldest sonne and heire of Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Which Iohn de Bohun to vse the words of Milles in his Catalogue of Hereford Earles after the death of his father Humfrey was fifth Earle of Hereford Constable of England and Patron of the Abbey of Lanthony fourth Earle of Essex of that Surname and fifth Lord of Brecknock Because this Earle Iohn in regard of his weaknesse of body by a continuall sicknesse was not able to performe this office of the Constableship of England Edward the third at this Earles intreatie did substitute Edward Bohun the Earles younger brother Vice-Constable vnder him for the tearme of his life But Earle Iohn died at Kirby Thore the 20. of Ianuary vpon Saint Fabian and Sebastians day 1136. the tenth of Edward the third leauing no issue and was buried at Stratford Abbey not farre from London This Iohn married first Alice the daughter of Edmund Fitz-alan Earle of Arundell who died in childbed and was buried at Walden with her Infant sonne after it was christened His second wife was Margaret daughter of Raphe Lord Basset of Dr●yton a Baron of the best ranke in those dayes by whom hee had no issue Hertfordshire For Ecclesiasticall gouernment onely some part of this Shire belongeth to the Diocesse of London the rest to the Bishopricke of Lincolne Now because the Bishop of Lincolne hath so large a Territorie vnder his iurisdiction I w●ll be so bold as to borrow a few Funerall Inscriptions which I haue collected in this County and within his charge and imprint them with those which are properly for London Diocesse Alhallowes in the Towne of Hertford Off yowr cherity prayeth to God and Alhalwin hertely For Ser Ion Chappilaine somtym of yis plas Vicary Almighty Iesu resseve his sowl to grase and mercy Icy gist Isabele Newmarche iadis Damosele a tres●oble Dame Isabele Roigne d' Engletere This Isabell Newmarch or de nouo Mercatu a name of great reputation in the raigne of King Henry the third was Maide of Honour to that Isabell Queene of England who was second wife to Richard the second daughter of Charles the sixth King of France Hic iacet Lodouicus Baysbury Capell Henrici sexti ac Prebend Ecclesie Cathedral Lincoln .... M. ccccxxviii Here lyeth vndyr this ston William Wake And by him Ione his wyff and Make Somtym yeman of Iohn Duc of Bedfords hors And lat Survayor wyth king Henry the sixt he was Gentylman mad he was at the holy Grav On qwos sowls Almyghty God mercy hav Hic iacet Iohannes Prest quondam Ianitor Hospitii Katherine nuper Regine Anglie ....... This Priest was Porter to that Katherine Queene of England who was the onely wife of that inuincible Conquerour of France Henry the fifth and daughter of Charles the sonne of Charles aforesaid King of France Saint Nicholas Hic iacet Alicia Tymyslow quondam Dominella Domine Ducisse Lankastrie que obiit 17 Septemb. 1396. This faire yong waiting Chamber-maid for so much the word
at dinner vpon the day of his coronation and whether this be she here buried or not I know not Richard Lions held the said Mannor after her by the seruice of making Wafers vpon the day of the Kings Coronation and of seruing the King with the same Wafers as he sits at dinner the same day Leez Abbey This Abbey of old time was founded by the Gernons now it is the seate of the Right Honourable and one right worthy of all his due honours Robert Lord Rich Baron Leez and Earle of Warwicke now liuing An. 1631. This Abbey or Priory was valued at the time of the suppression as it is in the catalogue of Religious houses to be yearely worth one hundred forty one pound fourteene shillings eight pence Rickling Humfrey Waldene le premer gist icy Dieu de salme eit mercy Amen Hic iacet Henricus Langley Armig. qui obijt xx Sept. M. cccc.lviii et Margareta vxor cius vna filiarum et heredum Iohannis Waldene Armigeri que obijt v. Martii M. cccc.liii Hic tacet Thomas Langley Ar. qui obijt 1 Mar. M. cccc.lii Here lyth Henry Langley Esquyr and Dame Katherin his wyff whych Henry departyd this lyff 11 April M. cccc lxxx viii and Dame Katherine died ..... the yere of our Lord God M. ..... on whos Vpon this last marble stone are the portraitures in brasse of the three daughters of Henry Langley amongst whom his inheritance was diuided as I haue it by tradition as Waldens was before whose chiefe seate was at Langley Wilbores in this parish Thaxted This Church is spatious beautifull and built Cathedrall-like but neither in this Church in Braintrie nor scarcely in any other Church seated within a Market Towne shall you finde either Monument or Inscription onely some two or three Inscriptions are here remaining Her lyth Rychard Dammary and Alys his wyff and Rychard Dammary his sonn Ione Elizabyth and Ann on whos soulys God hau mercy Which Rychard the yongyrgawe a Meide callyd Abel Meide for a perpetual mynd yerly to be kept for ther soulys and al christen soulys Syr Walter Clerk gist icy Dieu de s'alme eit mercy Orate pro animabus Richardi Large et Alicie vxoris eius qui quidem Richardus obijt 27. Martij 1458. The Inhabitants say that this Richard Large was brother to a certaine Lord Maior of London named Large who at his death bestowed wondrous largely vpon the poore and the repairing of high waies which I take to haue beene Robert Large Maior of London Anno 1440. who gaue 120. l. to poore prisoners and euery yeare for fiue yeare 403. Shirts and Smockes 40. paire of Sheetes and one hundred and fifty Gownes of good Frize to poore people To poore Maids marriages one hundred markes to repairing high waies one hundred markes to fiue hundred poore people in London euery one sixe shillings viii d the rest of his bountifull charitie you may reade in Stow Suruay Little Easton Here is a goodly Tombe of marble on the north side of the Chancell ●nder which saith Brooke in his Catalogue of Nobility William Bourchier Earle of Ewe in Normandy lyeth interred but Vincent whom I rather beleeue in his discouery of Brookes Errors approues this Earle as also his wife Anne the daughter of Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester to be buried in the Abbey of Lanthonie by Gloucester If this monument could speake like others by her inscription it might haply decide the controuersie but all the words vpon it are Fili Dei miserere mei Mater Dei miserere mei Which seemingly commeth by a labell from a man and a woman thereupon pourtraied Of this Earle more when I come to Lanthony Betweene the Chancell and the Bowsers Isle or Chappell is a very costly arched Tombe of polished marble inlaid with brasse the picture of a man and a woman and in diuers places of the foresaid Arch on the womans side is the Fetter lock and Bowsers knot but without inscription By supposition made to the memorie of Henry Bourchier sonne of William Bourchier aforesaid Earle of Essex and Ewe and Isabell his wife daughter of Richard Earle of Cambridge and sister of Richard Duke of Yorke Which Henry died quarto Aprilis 1483. a valiant and worthie Nobleman he was fortunate in Martiall enterprises and in matters of peace so learned wise and politicke that he was thought fit by Edward the fourth to be Lord Chancellour of England In the same Chappell on the North side remaineth a very faire Altar Tombe of marble within the which lyeth the body of Henry Lord Bourchier and Louaine and Earle of Essex Sonne and heire of William Bourchier that died before his father and grandchilde to Henry Earle of Essex next before mentioned ouer his Tombe hangeth as yet part of his achieuements as the cote of his Armes Helme Crest and sword This Earle brake his necke by a fall from his horse the twelfth day of March in the one and thirtieth yeare of the raigne of King Henry the eight 1539. His horse was young saith Stow and he the oldest Earle in England for if you will reckon the yeares from the death of his Grandfather who liued after his sonne the father of this Henry as I haue said before vntill the yeare of this his fatall misfortune you shall finde them to be fifty sixe and what age he was at his Grandfathers death you may imagine In the Hall of the Mannor house of Newton in the Parish of little Dunmowe remaineth in old painting two postures the one for an ancestor of the Bourchiers combatant with another being a Pagan king for the truth of Christ whom the said Englishman ouercame and in memory thereof his descendants haue euer since borne the head of the said Infidell as also vsed the surname of Bourchier or Bowser Here are foure wondrous ancient Monuments of the Louaines all the Inscriptions of them are worne out these few words excepted Sire Thomas Louaine ici gist Margarie la file Moun .... This noble familie of the Lovaines in former ages did here inhabite by the name of Fitz-Gilbert one of which house namely Maurice Fitz-Gilbert was surnamed de Louaine as descended from Godfrey of Louaine brother to Henry the sixth of that name Duke of Brabant Who being sent hither to keepe the honor of Eye his posterity flourished among the Peeres of this Realme to the time of Edward the third when the heire generall was married to the house of Bourchier This Bowsers Chappell for it is so commonly called is now the buriall place for the noble familie of the Maynards In Northburne natus Robertus sum vocitatus De terra factus in terram sumque redactus Intercedendo spiritum tibi Christe comendo Propitietur Deus Benefactoribus omnibus Ecclesie pauperis huius The treble Bell in the steeple of this Church is called the Bowsers
Brudnell of Stouton as followeth Margaret daughter of Richard Vere of Addington magna in Com. Northampton Esq. by his wife Isabell sister and heire of Sir Henry Greene of Drayton in the said County which Margaret was sister to Sir Henry Vere whose eldest daughter and coheire Elisabeth was wife of Iohn first Lord Mordant lieth here buried with her husband Iohn Barners Iohn Barners of Writle in Essex Esquire Lord of a place there called Turges or Cassus was gentleman Vsher to Princesse Elizabeth eldest daughter to King Edward the fourth after Sewer to King Edward the fifth as appeareth by his Monument in Writle where he lieth buried Constance daughter of Sir Robert Pakenham of Streetham in Surrey was his second wife she is likewise buried by her husband at Writle ob 1522. Finchingfeeld Iohn Barners of Peches in Finchingfeeld Parish Esq died Ann. Dom. 1500. and there lieth buried by him his first wife Elisabeth daughter of Symon Wiseman .... Debden or Depondon Here lieth buried Nicholas Barners with his wife Margaret one of the daughters and coheires of Iohn Swyndon Esquire who died ... 1441 ..... Of this name thus much as followeth Sir Iames Barners or Berners for it is written both wayes saith Mils was so great in fauour with Richard the second that it cost him his head though he were restord in bloud by Act of Parliament the one and twentieth yeare of the said King Richard was the onely off-spring of so many knights of the Berners of Berners Roding in Essex This Sir Iames Berners had three sonnes Sir Richard Berners of Westhorsley in Surry whose daughter and heire Margerie was married to Iohn Bourchier created Lord Berners From whom Sir Tho. Knyvet of Ashulthorp in Norfolke knight Tho. whose Grandchild Iohn Berners Esquire Sewer to Prince Edward the fifth was great Grandfather of William Berners of Tharfield in Hartfordshire And William of whom are come the Berners of Finchingfield in Essex Great Thorndon Hic .... here 's Iohannis Eton Ar .... que quidem Isabella sedere matrimoniali nupsit Roberto Tyrell Armig. vni filiorum ..... Voluitur in terra magne virtutis alumpna Elisbet que Tyrell generoso sanguine clara ............. vxor veneranda marito ................. amica deo ........ oro vobis dignetur vt miserere Vt gratiamque Dei sic famuletur ei Hic iacet humata Alicia filia Willelmi Cogeshale militis Antiochie consortis sue quondam vxor Iohannis Tyrell militis qui quidem Iohannes Alicia habuerunt inter se exitum filios filias quorum nomina sunt scripta ex viraque parte istius lapidis .... M. cccc xxii Filii 1. Walterus 2. Thomas 3. Willelmus senior 4. Iohannes 5. Willelmus iunior 6. Iohannes Tyrell Clericus Filie 1. Alicia 2. Elizabetha 3. Alionora 4. Another whose name is worne out of the Tombestone Here lyeth Thomas Tyrell sonne and heire of Iohn Tyrell knyht and Dame Anne his wyff doughter to Syr William Marney knyght which Thomas deceysyd the xxii of March in the yeare of ..... In the glasse of the East window .... Tyrell knyth and Dame ...... and for al the soulys schuld be preyd for Prey for the welfar of the seyd Thomas Tyrell knyth of Iohn Tyrell knyth Alyce hys wyffe and for al christen souls .... The wellfar of the seyd dame Anne ... ter of William Marney knyth and .... and .... bet hys wyffe and for all christen souls There be other funerall Monuments in this Church erected to the honour of this familie but their Inscriptions are all torne or worne out and their Sepulchers like all the rest foulie defaced These Tirells me thinks hauing beene gentlemen for so many reuolutions of yeares of exemplarie note and principall regard in this Countrey might haue preserued these houses of rest for their Ancestors from such violation But the Monuments are answerable to the Church both ruinous This Surname hath euer beene as remarkable as ancient since Walter Tirrell the French knight slue his cosin king William Rufus Of whom thus much out of the Norman History Gualter Tirrell a knight of Normandy cosin to William Rufus and the killer of the said William after the vnfortunate death of the said William departed into Normandy where he liued long in the Castle of Chawmont and there deceased The place where he swomme the water vpon the sudden death of his Soueraigne is called Tirrells Foard to this day Willingale Hic iacet Domina Catherina filia Domini Rogeri Beauchamp militis de Com. Bedsord nuper vxor Thome Torell Armig. que obiit vi die Nouemb. Ann. Dom. 1436. et Ann. Regni R. Hen. vi post conquest ...... Stanbridge Edward Mackwilliams Esq. and Henry his Sonne with Anne Spelman wife of the said Henry lye here buried in the Chancell vnder a faire Tombe whereupon this Epitaph following is engrauen or inlaid in brasse Remember all yee that by this toune be to pass And groundly revolue in yowr rememberance Both the world is frayle and britle as glass The end is death of euerye mans chance All worldly peple must lerne to foot his dance As Edward Mackwilliham that lith vndre this stonn Out of this transytorye liff is past and gonn Harry Mackwilliham his sonn lith here also with Ann Mackwilliham his lovyng wiff and dere Thes thre persons togidder and no mo Vndre this Tombe interred they be here Prey for their souls I prey yow with harte inteere A Pater Noster an Ave and a Creede And iii hundryd deyes of pardon yow have for yowr meede This Anne is figured on the Tombe kneeling with the Spelmans Armes of plates all ouer her gowne and so in the great East-window of the Chancell Ashdon In the south Isle of this Church and in the south window thereof there are seene three seuerall Cloptons kneeling in their compleat Armour with their seuerall Escurchions of Armes vpon their breasts being S. a bend Or betweene 2 cotizes dauncitee Or of which three the first is sir William Clopton Knight there mentioned to haue died in the fifth yeare of King Edward the third The second Sir Thomas Clopton Knight mentioned to haue died the second yeare of the raigne of King Richard the second and the third Edmund Clopton the yeare of whose decease is there set downe to haue beene the thirteenth yeare of the said King Richard And it is very likely the said Edmund lieth there buried vnder the Window for Sir William de Clopton of Clopton the father of these three and of other brethren buying the Mannor of Newenham lying for the most part in this parish of Iohn de Lacy the brother and heire of Sir Henry de Lacy Knight in anno 2. E. 3. of which I haue seene the originall deed left to the said Edmund his second sonne by Iuetta the daughter of William de Gray his first wife his said Mannor from whom
so A. The Countes of Hereford and Mauld hight she Whiche whan deth the knotte had vndoo Of temporal spousaile bitwixt hem twoo With diuers parcels encres●d our fundatioun Liche as our Monumentys make declaratioun Q. Of the furst Gilbert who was the wyff A. Dame Mauld a Ladye ful honourable Borne of the Ulsters as she with ryff Hir aarmes of glas in the Est gable And for to God thei wolde ben acceptable Her Lord and she with an holy entent Made vp our Chirche fro the fundament Now to Dame Iohan turne we ageyn Latter Gilbertis wyff as to forne seyd is Which lyeth here Q. was she baryn A. Nay sir. Q. Sey me what fruite was this A. A brawnshe of right grete ioye I wis Q. Man or woman A. A Lady bright Q. What was hir name A. Elisabeth she hight Q. Who was her husband A. Sir Iohn of Burgh Eire of the Ulstris so conioyned be Ulstris armes and Gloucestris thurgh and thurgh As shewith our wyndowes in housis thre Dortour chapiter hous and Fraitour which she Made oute the ground both plauncher and wal Q. And who the rofe A. she alone did al. Q. Had she ony Issue A. Yea sir sikerly Q. What A. a doughtur Q. what name had she A. Liche hir modir Elisabeth sothely Q. Who euir the husbonde of hir might be A. King Edwards Son the third was he Sir Lionel which buried is hir by As for such a Prince too sympilly Q. Left he onye frute this Prince mighty A. Sir yea a doughtur and Philip she hight Whom Sir Edmond Mortimer wedded truly First Erle of the Marche a manly knight Who 's Son sir Roger by title of right Lefte heire anothir Edmonde ageyn Edmonde lefte noone but deid bareyn Right thus did cese of the Marchis blode The heire male Q Whider passid the right Of the Marchis Londis and in whome it stode I wold fayne lerne if that I might A. Sir Roger myddil Erle that noble Knight Tweyn doughtris lefte of his blode roial That ones issue deide that othris hath al. Q. What hight that Lady whose issue had grase This Lordeschip to atteyne A. Dame Anne I wys To the Erle of Cambrigge and she wyff was Which both be dede God graunte hem blys But hir Son Richard which yet liueth ys Duke of Yorke by discent of his fadir And hath Marchis londis by right of his modir Q. Is he sole or maried this Prynce mighty A. Sole God forbede it were grete pite Q. Who hath he wedded A. A gracious Lady Q. What is hir name I the prey telle me A. Dame Cecile Sir Q. Who 's doughter was she A. Of the Erle of UUestmrelonde I trowe the yengest And yet grase her fortuned to be the hyest Q. Is ther ony frute betwix hem twoo A. Yea sir thonks be God ful glorious Q. Male or female A. Sir bothe too Q. The nombir of this progeny gracious And the names to know I am desyrous The ordre eke of byrth telle yf thou kan And I wil euir be euen thyn owen man A. Sir aftir the tyme of long bareynes God first sent Anne which signyfyeth grase In token that al her hertis heuynes He as for bareynes wold from hem chase Harry Edward and Edmond ech in his plase Succedid and aftir tweyn doughtris cam Elisabeth and Margarete and afterwards William Iohn aftir UUilliam nexte borne was UUhiche be passid to goddis grase George was nexte and aftir Thomas Borne was which sone aftir did pase By the path of deth to the heuenly plase Richard liueth yit but the laste of all Was Ursula to hym whom God liste calle To the Duke of Excestre Anne maried is In hir tendre youthe but my Lord Herry God chosen hath to enherite heuen blis And lefte Edward to succede temporally Now Erle of Marche Edmond of Rutlond sotheley Conute by th fortunabil to right hygh mariage The othir foure stond yit in their pupillage Longe mote he liuen to goddis pleasaunce This hygh and myghty Prynce in prosperite With vertue and vyctory god him auaunce Of al hys enemyes and graunte that he And the noble Princes his wyff may see Hir childres children or thei hens wende And aftir this outelary the ioye that neuer shal ende Amen The body of Ioan of Acres was here entombed as you haue already read She was the second daughter of king Edward the first and Queene Eleanor borne in the first yeare of her fathers raigne at a City in the Holy Land sometime named Ptolomais commonly called Acon Aker or Acres where her mother remained during the warres that her father had with the Saracens She was married at eighteene yeares of age and outliuing her first husband nominated in the Roll she degenerated so farre in the election of another as that she made choise of one Raph de Monte-hermer sometimes her husbands and her seruant She died here at her Mannour of Clare the tenth of May in the yeare 1305. Here likewise in the Austine Friars by his mother was interred the body of Edward Mont-hermer eldest sonne of the foresaid Raph Mount-hermer who hauing obtained the kings fauour had the title of Earle of Glocester and Hertford and Ioan of Acres Hee died without issue the time vncertaine Lionell or Leonell Duke of Clarence and Earle of Vlster in Ireland was buried in the Chancell of this Priorie Church together with his first wife Elisabeth daughter and heire of William de Burgh Earle of Vlster aforesaid as appeareth in the parchment Roll. She departed this world in the yeare 1363. And hee about fiue yeares afterwards as I shall hereafter shew This Lionell surnamed of Antwerpe the place of his birth was the third sonne of king Edward the third In all the world was then no Prince hym like Of hie stature and of all semelinesse Aboue all men within his hole kyngrike By the shulders he might be seene doutlesse As a mayde in halle of gentilnesse And in all places sonne to Retorike And in the feld a Lyon marmorike Not long after the death of his wife Elisabeth hee was remarried vnto Violenta the sister of Iohn Galeas Duke of Milain with whom hee was to receiue a wondrous great Dowrie and in that regard he made a iourney to Millain attended with a chosen companie of the English Nobilitie where in most royall manner he espoused the said Lady Of which his iourney and marriage may it please you reade these following measures The kyng his soonne sir Leonell create Duke of Clarence and to Melayn him sent With chiualrie of fame well ordinate And squyers fresh galaunt and sufficient With officers and yomen as appent This Duke royall of Clarence excellent At Melayne wedded was then in royall wise With that lady faire and beneuolent Full royally as to such a Prince should suffice And all the rule he had by councell wise Fro mount Godard vnto the citee of Florence And well beloued was
his wyef which Elenor dyed M.D.xxxiiii Iohn Felbrydge and Margery his wyef in the glasse wyndoo Thomas Sampson esquyer which dyed in Anno M. ccccxxxix and Margery his wyef Iohn Ienney Esquyer Matylda doughter of Iohn Bokell esquyer and Margery his wyves which Iohn dyed M. cccclx Etheldred Ienny doughter of Robart Cleere knight which dyed in anno M.D.ii. Iohn Hopton Esquyer and Margaret his wyef Iohn Hopton Agnes and Margaret his wyves Iohn Norwiche esquyer dyed the xv of Apryll in anno M. ccccxxviii and Matylda his wyef the xx of September in anno M. ccccxviii Elizabeth Kneuet doughter of Thomas Hopton late wyefe to Thomas Kneves esquyer whych dyed in anno M. cccclxxi Thomasyn Tendering late wyef of William Tendering esquyer on of the doughters of VVilliam Sidney and Thomasyn Baryngton which Thomasyn dyed in anno M. cccclxxxv Robart Garneis esquyer which dyed the xiiii of May M. ccccxi and Kateren his wyef M. ccccv Thomas Garneis esquyer dyed in anno M.D.xxvii Peter Garneis esquyer dyed in anno M. cccc.xiii Edward Garneis Esquyer dyed the third of May in anno M. cccclxxxv and Elizabeth his wyef Iohn Rede Mayre of Norwyche dyed the xi of Nouember in Anno M.D.ii. and Ione his wyef which had viii sons and iiii doughters Which Ione dyed in anno M.D.iii. William Rede of Beckelles and Margaret his wyef which Margaret dyed in anno M.D.xl and had v sons and vii doughters Isabell Bowes doughter of Iohn Bowes gent. and Anne his wyef ..... dyed the xx of Ianuary in anno Thomas Saint Gebon dyed in anno M. cccclxxxviii Margery Barney late wyef of Iohn Barney esquyer which dyed in anno M.D.xlviii Robart Inglosse esquyer which dyed in anno M. cccclxv Margaret Iernegan the wyef of Edward Iernegan esquyer doughter of Sir Edward Bedingfelde knight which Margaret dyed the xxiiii of Marche in anno M.D.iiii Humfrey the son of Iohn Iernegan esquyer of Somerleton dyed in ann M. ccccxlvi Iohn Falstaff esquyer dyed M. ccccxlv and Kateren his wyef doughter of ...... Bedingfelde M. cccclxxviii William Bedyngfelde nuper Rectoris istius Ecclesie obijt in anno M.D.iii. Iohn Bomsted gent. dyed the vii of Apryll in anno M. cccclxxix Ales Bomsted late wyef of William Bomsted William Plafers esquyer and Ione his wyef which William dyed the iii of February in anno M.D.xvi. Thomas Plafers esquyer late Patron of the cherche and Anne his wyef syster and heyre of Roger Denneis late of Tauingto esquyer which Thomas dyed the xxi of September M. cccclxxix Sir Robart Ty knight which dyed the viii of October in anno M. ccccxv Monsieur Quier de Welyngton est Dame Hawes sa femme ..... Here endeth the Funerall Monuments within the County of Suffolke Norfolke BIsus the fourth Bishop of the East-Angles waxing old and sickly diuided his Diocesse into two parts whereof the one hee appointed to bee the Iurisdiction of a Bishop that should haue his See at North Elmham in Norfolke in the other at Dunwich aforesaid he continued himselfe as also did others of his Successours to the number of eleuen Elmham pagus obscurus et ignobilis an obscure little village and of no estimation saith Harpsfield Saecul 8. cap. 9. was thus honoured and enriched with the residence of many reuerend holy Bishops successiuely from Baldwin who was the first vntill by reason of the great troubles of those times in the Danish warres this See as also the other at Dunwich stood voide almost an hundred yeares vntill King Edwy the twentie ninth Monarch of the Englishmen about the yeare 955. preferred one Athulfe to this Bishopricke of the East Angles who gouerned the whole Diocesse alone and constantly kept his abode here at Elmham aforesaid after whom succeeded Alfrid Theodred and Theodred Athelstan Algar Alwyn Alfricke and Alfrey after him Stigand who enioying the place but a short time was depriued the like happened to Grinketell his successour who being conuicted to haue vsed vnlawfull meanes in obtaining this Dignitie was likewise depriued and Stigand restored to it againe From whence he was aduanced to the See of Winchester and after to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury and being so preferred hee found the meanes to procure this Bishopricke of the East-Angles vnto Egelmare his brother All these Bishops vntill the time of William the Conquerour had their Sees here at Elmham The said Conquerour substituted his Chaplaine Arfastus in the place of Egelmare by whose aduice the See was translated from Elmham to Thetford a man very vnlearned and of no extraordinary parts at all being Chaplaine to the Conquerour who was then but Duke of Normandy he would needs make a iourney to Becco in Normandy where Lanfranke afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury was then Abbot as also where Arfastus had beene a Monke and well esteemed of for his learning because that before Lanfranks comming he was Luscus inter Strabones amongst a number of drones meerely vnlearned onely a little smattering of learning he had with which he made a faire shew But now by this time by Lanfranks meanes the monastery of Becco was become euen a very Vniuersity flourishing with all knowledge of good letters Hither Arfastus coming after a pompous and bragging manner attended with a great troupe Lanfranke who by and by at the first blush espied Arfastus his ignorance caused an Abcee to be laid before him ferociam hominis Italica facetia illudens mocking the pride of the man with an Italian wittie ieast which ieast or ieering scoffe Arfastus so tooke to heart as hee neuer lynne till he had caused the Duke to banish Lanfranke out of Normandy Howbeit when Lanfranke came to take his leaue of the Duke hapning to ride on a lame iade the Duke fell into such a laughter at the halting of his horse as in that merry mood by meanes of some friends hee was quickly reconciled to him againe This Bishop died about the beginning of the raigne of King William Rufus Vpon the death of Arfastus one William Herbert sirnamed Galfagus for the summe of a thousand and nine hundred pounds obtained of the said King William Rufus this Bishopricke for himselfe and the Abbacy of Winchester for his father for satisfaction of which Simony this penance was enioyned him by Pope Paschalis the second that he should build certaine Churches and Monasteries which hee religiously performed This Towne of Thetford hauing bin first sacked by Suenus the Dane who in a rage set it on fire in the yeare 1004. and sixe yeares after spoiled againe by the furious Danes so that it had lost all the beautie and dignitie that formerly it had this Bishop did all he could to adorne and set it out but being vnable belike to doe so much as he intended hee remoued his Seate from hence to Norwich being a citie as then very faire built spatious and eminent where he first erected
erexit ... Transit sicut Fulmerston gloria mundi Propitietur Deus animabus Mortuorum Saint Peters Hic iacet Willelmus Knighton ... M. cccc.lxix .... Peter Larke and Elisabeth his wyff on whos souls sweet Iesu haue pite Saint Cuthberts ...... Iohannes Bernard et Elis ..... M. ccccc.xi Here in this towne was a Religious house of Friers Preachers dedicated to the holy Trinitie and Saint Mary which Arfast Bishop of the East-Angles made his Episcopall chaire Afterwards Henry Duke of Lancaster made it a societie of Friers Preachers it was valued at thirty nine pounds sixe shillings nine pence Arfast who died circa annum 1092. was herein buried with this Epitaph vpon his monument Hic Arfaste pie pater optime et Arca Sophie Viuis per merita virtutum laude perita Vos qui transitis hic omnes atque reditis Dicite quod Christi pietas sit promptior isti 〈◊〉 ●●●ers Augustines in this I owne was founded by Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Blanch his wife others say by Henry Earle of Lancaster and Leicester It was valued at three hundred twelue pounds foureteene shillings foure pence Here lye buried Dame Margery Todenham Dame Elisabeth wife of Sir Thomas H●ngraue daughter of Sir Iohn Harling with many other you may imagine whose names I haue not The blacke Friers here was founded by Sir Edmond Gonvile Lord of ●ir●ingford in this County Parson of Terington and Steward with Iohn E●●e Warren and with Henry Duke of Lancaster It was dedicated to S. Sepulchre The value I haue not learned Buried in the Church of this mon●ster● were Sir Iohn Bret● knight Dame Agnes Honell Dame Maud Tal●●e wife of Peter Lord of Rickinghill Dame Anastisia wife of Sir Richard Walsingham A Priory of blacke Canons dedicated to Saint Mary and Saint Iohn was here founded by one of the Bigods or Bigots Earle of Norfolke Valued at fourty nine pounds eighteene shillings and a penny Surrendred the 16. of February 31. Hen. 8. Here was a religious structure for blacke Nunnes consecrated to the honour of God and Saint Gregory but by whom sounded I do not know It was valued in the Exchequer at fifty pound nine shillings eight pence Here sometimes stood a Colledge or gild dedicated to the blessed Virgine Mary valued at the suppression to be yearely worth one hundred nine pounds seuen shillings Hugh Bigod or Bigot Steward of the House to King Henry the first built and endowed a religious House here for blacke Monkes Benedictines or Cluniacks These words following are in the Instrument of his Foundation I Hugh Bigod Steward to King Henry by his grant and by the aduice of He●bert Bishop of Norwich haue ordained Monkes of the Order of Cluny in the Church of S. Mary which was the Episcopall seate of Thetford which I gaue vnto them and afterwards founded another more meet for their vse without the Towne This Monastery was found at the suppression to be in the Kings bookes foure hundred eighteene pounds sixe shillings three pence halfe penny of yearely reuenues This Hugh the Founder was created Earle of Norfolke by King Stephen in the first yeare of his raigne He died very aged in the 24. yeare of King Henry the second and was buried in this Priory of his owne foundation to whose memory this Inscription was engrauen vpon his Funerall Monument Orate pro anima religiosissimi viri Hugonis Bigod Fundatoris huius Monasterij Seneschalli Hospitij prepotentissimo Principi Henrico Conquestoris filio Anglie Regi et Comitis Norfolcie qui quidem Hugo obiit pridie Kalend. Martii anno milesimo centesimo septuagesimo octauo Propter miserecordiam Iesu requiescat in pace Anno 1107. Optimates Angliae Richardus de Radvarijs Rogerius cognomento Bigotus mortui sunt in Monasteriis Monachorum sepulti sunt quae in propriis possessionibus ipsi condiderunt Rogerius autem apud Thetfordum in Anglia Richardus vero tumulatus apud Montisburgum in Normannia Super Rogerium Cluniacenses Alonax di tale scripserunt Epitaphium Clauderis exiguo Rogere Bigote sepulchro Et rerum cedit portio parva tibi Diuitiae sanguis facundia gratia Regum Intereunt mortem fallere nemo potest Diuitiae mentes subuertunt erigat ergo Te pietas virtus consiliumque Dei Soli moerebat virgo ter noctibus octo Cùm soluis morti debita morte tua It should seeme by the premisses that this Roger Bigot who was Sewer to King Henry the first and Father of the foresaid Hugh was the first founder of this religious Edifice or at least wise of some other in this Towne for Monkes of the order of Cluny And Stow in his Annalls agrees with my Author Ordericus This yeare saith he Maurice Bishop of London Robert Fitzhamon Roger Bigot founder of the Monastery of Monkes at Thetford Richard Redvers Councellours to the King Milo Crispen and many other Noblemen of England deceased Roger Bigot the second of that surname Earle of the East Angles or Norfolke He died about the yeare 1218. and was here interred Hugh Bigot sonne of the foresaid Roger Earle of Norfolke lay here buried who died the ninth of Henry the third 1225 Roger Bigot sonne and heire of Hugh aforesaid Earle of Norfolke and first Marshall of England of that Family was here entombed if his last will and Testament was performed Of which so much as tends to that purpose In Nomine Patris et Filij et Spiritus Sancti Amen Ego Rogerus Bigot Comes Norfolcie et Mareschallus Anglie in bona prosperitate constitutus condo Testamentum meum sub hac forma Inprimis commendo animam meam Christo c. et corpus meum in Ecclesia beate Marie Thetfordie sepeliendum Postea lego c. Huius Testamenti Executores constituo Dominum Symonem de Monteforti Com. Lecestren Dominum Richardum de Clara Com. Glouern Hertford Dominum Willelmum Malberbe Dominum Thomam Denebanke Dominum Hugonem de Tudeham c. Dat. apud Cestreford die Mercurij proximo ante festum Sancti Barnabe Apostoli anno Domini M.cclviii He died about eleuen yeares after the making of his will without issue of a bruise running at Tilt anno 1269. Roger Bigot the last of that Familie Earle of Norfolke and Marshall of England was here buried together with his first wife Alina Alyva or Adeliza daughter of Philip Lord Basset and widow of Hugh de Spenser Iustice of England she died in Aprill in the ninth yeare of Edward the first and he in the 35. of the said Kings raigne Iohn Lord Mowbray Duke of Norfolke Earle Marshall of England Earle of Nottingham Lord and Baron of Segraue and of Gower sonne and successour of Iohn the first Duke of Norfolke in the dignities aforesaid was here entombed with his wife Elianor daughter of William Lord Bourchier and sister of Henry Bourchier Earle of
the Monthaults and the Mowbrays which now after long languishing as it were by reason of old age hath giuen vp the ghost In the Porch of this Parish Church is a Grauestone vnder which say the inhabitants which I haue heard sworne by others Isabell Queene of England the wife of Edward the Second lieth interred vpon the Grauestone are two words onely remaining which make the country people so thinke of the matter which are .... Isabelle Regine .... now by these the case is made plaine to any than can distinguish between the Cases Nominatiue and Genitiue that this stone was laid to perpetuate the remembrance of some one of that Queenes seruants Flytham This was a Nunnery and a Cell to Walsingham of yearely value threescore and two pound ten shillings sixe pence halfe penny Yngham This was a Priory of blacke Monkes Benedictines a Cell to Saint Albans founded by the Ancestours of Sir Oliuer Yngham knight consecrated to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary valued at seuenty foure pounds two shillings seuen pence halfe penny Herein lay buried Sir Miles Stapleton and Ione his wife the daughter and heire of Sir Oliuer Yngham Sir Miles sonne of the said Miles and Ela his wife the daughter of Vfford Sir Brian Stapleton sonne of the second sir Miles and his wife daughter of the Lord Bardolfe Sir Miles sonne of sir Brian and Dame Katherin his wife daughter of sir Pots and after married to sir Thomas Sackuile which are likewise here buried Dame Ione Plase daughter of sir Miles Stapleton Dame Ela Perpoint which had two husbands .... Edmond Stapleton and his wife daughter of Clyfton Sir Roger Boys and his wife Linne Linne saith Leland sometimes a famous Hauen there as the Church stands now was anciently without faile an Abbey for the graues of many religious persons as yet appeare in the Church and the lodgings of the Abbey are now conuerted into the Archdeacons house This Monastery I imagine to haue beene the house of the Carmelites founded by the Lord Bardolfe Lord Scales and Sir Iohn Wingenhall Anno 1269. the dedication nor the value thereof I doe not finde The blacke Friers was founded by Thomas Gedney and the white Friers by Thomas de Feltsham and thus much is the little of them which I haue learned Here was an Hospitall dedicated to Saint Iohn valued at seuen pounds sixe shillings and eleuen pence Here I haue no Inscriptions of antiquitie Loddon This Church was built by Iames Hobart knight one of the priuie Councell to King Henry the Seuenth who lieth here buried as I haue it by relation of whom and of the Familie will it please you reade what learned Camden writes The riuer Yare saith he receiueth a brooke which passeth by nothing memorable but Halles-hall and that onely memorable for his ancient owner Sir Iames Hobart Atturney generall and of the pri●ie Councell to King Henry the seuenth by him dubbed knight at such time as he created Henry his sonne Prince of Wales who by building from the ground the faire Church at Loddon being his parish Church Saint Oliues bridge ouer Waueney that diuideth Norfolke and Suffolke the Cawsey thereby and other workes of piety deserued well of the Church his country and the common weale and planted three houses of his owne issue out of the second wherof Sir Henry Hobart likewise Atturney Generall to King Iames is lineally descended The foresaid Sir Henry Hobart knight and Baronet was aduanced by the said King the sixteenth of October in the eleuenth yeare of his raigne to be Lord chiefe Iustice of the Common pleas in which office hee died the twenty sixt day of December the first yeare of the raigne of our gracious Soueraigne King Charles magna Reipub. iactura a great losse to the weale publike as Sir Henry Spelman writes Here lieth Margaret the wife of Sir Iames Hobart who died Anno 1494. as I haue it out of certaine funerall Notes Yarmouth This Towne is beautified with a spatious faire Church hauing a wondrous high Spire Steeple built by Herbert the first Bishop of Norwich in the raigne of William Rufus All the funerall Monuments of antiquitie in this Church are vtterly defaced Inscription nor Epitaph now remaining except that this may passe current for one Elyn Benaker mercy dooth craue God on her Sowl mercy more haue In the three and twentieth yeare of King Edward the Third happened a most grieuous and lamentable Plague in this Towne which brought within the compasse of one yeare seauen thousand fiftie and two persons to their graues the which is witnessed by an ancient Latin Chronographicall Table hanging vp in the Church The Parsonage which was yearely worth before the sicknesse seuen hundred Markes was afterwards scarse worth forty pound by yeare The bodies of all the dead were buried in the Church and Church-yard and in such and such places of the same as the Townesmen can shew you at this day The Priory of Carmelites or white Friers Was Founded by King Edward the first Anno Domini 1278. herein lay buried Dame Maud wife of Sir Laurence Huntingdon who died 1300. Sir Iohn de Monte Acuto obijt 1392. Nicholas Castle Esquire who died 1309. and Elisabeth his wife these are all I finde here to haue beene buried and this is all that I can speake of this religious house The blacke Friers was founded by Godfrey Pelegren and Thomas Falstolfe The Grey Friers by William Gerbrigge Neare to this Towne was a Colledge of Saint Iohn Baptist first founded by Robert de Castre after by Iohn Falstolfe Esquire Father to Sir Iohn Falstolfe that Martiall Knight who had a faire seat at Caster and who was Knight of the Garter in the raigne of Henry the sixth Thomas Talbot sometimees keeper of the Records in the Tower did collect out of an old Calender in a Missale the names of certaine eminent persons for the soules of whom the Religious Votaries in and about Yarmouth were bound to pray the most of which number were buried in the Parish Church and in their Monasteries as followeth Margaret the wife of Sir Iohn Falstolfe daughter of Sir Iohn Holbroke knight Iohn Fastolfe and Ione his wife Richard Alexander William Thomas Robert Fastolfs Clarence Fastolfe the wife of Sir Robert Ilketishale Knight who dyed 1393. William Ilketishale their sonne Parson of Hesingham who dyed the Ides of December 1412. Iohn Falstolfe Doctor of Diuinitie a Frier Preacher Richard Falstolfe an Augustine Frier with many more of that ancient and noble Familie Godfrey Pelegren aforesaid and his wife Thomas the sonne of Sir Thomas Bowet Knight Ione the daughter of Iohn Wilshire wife to Robert Cromer Registred and buried in the Augustine Friers these William de Vfford Earle of Suffolke who dyed 15. Feb. 1382. Michaell and Michaell de la Pole Earles of Suffolke Sir Thomas Hengraue Knight of
the holy crosse so denominated of wearing a Crosse anciently called a Crouch vpon their garments and of bearing the crosse for the badge and Armes of their house This house was valued at the suppression to 52 l. 13 s. 2 d. of annuall profits A Petition to Secretary Cromwell against the Prior of this house a little before the dissolution thereof Pleasethe it your honourable mastoreship to be aduertesid that in the time of Lent last past your continuall orator Iohn Bartelote with others to the number of fiue persons of good conuersation found the Priore of the Crossyd Friores in London at that time being in bed with his whoore both naked about xi of the clocke in the forenoone vpon a Friday at which time the said Priore to the intent his misdemeanour and shamefull fact should not be knowne whereby he should sustaine open shame kneeled vpon his knees and not onely desired your said orator and his company to keepe secret his said act and not to disclose in any wife the same but for the same intent freely and of his owne motion gaue amongst them about xxx l. which he then was possessed of of the which summe your Orator had by the said gift about vii l. And also the said Priore promised to giue amongst the said company xxx l. more by a certaine day and after by mediation of friends of the said Priore the said xxx l. was released to the summe of vi l. which sixe pounds the said Priore bound himselfe to pay to the said Orator by his Bill obligatory at a certaine day in the same limeted Yet this notwithstanding for by cause your said Orator for non paiment of the said vi l. did arrest the said Priore he hath so hainously informed the Lord Chancelour against your Orator that he will onely put him to shewertie making the premisses a hainous Robbery saying openly that your Orator is worthy to be hanged but also will by his high authoritie compell your Orator to repay agen to the said Priore the some of xxx l. vnlesse your most charetable goodnesse bee therein otherwise shewed It may therefore plese your good Mastershipe of your abundant goodnesse to prouide that the premeses may be duly examined according to equitie for this is the very and hole truth in the same And your seid Oratore shall prey to God for your honor and preseruation long to endure By your humble Oratore to his power during his life Iohn Bartelote Saint Katherines by the Tower This was the Church belonging to the Hospitall dedicated to the honour of Saint Katherine founded by Queene Maud the wife of King Stephen and much augmented by Eleanor the wife of King Edward the first and Philip wife to King Edward the third who left to it sufficient liuelihood for a Master 3 Brethren Chaplaines and 3 Sisters tenne poore women and sixe poore Clarkes This house was valued at the generall suppression at 315 l. 14 s. 2 d. per annum Here vnder an Ancient monument ●ouly defaced lieth entombed the body of Iohn Holland Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington and of Iuory in Normandy Lord of Sparre Admirall of England Ireland and Aquitaine Lieuetenant Generall of the Duchie of Aquitaine Fellow of the honourable order of the Garter and Constable of the Tower of London as he writ in his stile when Henry the fift in the fift of his raigne was to goe ouer into Normandy this puissant Iohn Holland as then but Earle of Huntington was sent before to scoure the seas who meeting with nine Carrickes of Genoa which were going to aide the French King fought with them and sunke sixe of them and tooke the other three with great store of money and treasure and brought them with his prisoners to the King This battaile was fought nere Harflew vpon the fall of the Riuer Seyne into the narrow seas of which an old versifier They faught full sore afore the water of Sayn With Carrickes many well stuffed and arayed And many other shippes great of Hispayn Barges Balyngers and Galleys vnfrayed Whiche proudly came vpon our Shippes vnprayed And by th'euen their sailes aualed were set Their enemies slaine in battayll and sore bet And many dryent were that daye in the Sea That as our flete rode there then alway Vnto the feast next of his Natiuitee The Bodies flete among our Shippes eche daye Full piteous was and to see theim ay That thousandes were twenty as they then told That taken were in that same batayll bold This valiant braue Duke died full of yeares the fift of August in the 25. yeere of King Henry the sixt Anno 1447. Here lye entombed by him his two wiues the first was Anne daughter of Edmund Earle Stafford by his wife Anne the heire of Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester by whom hee had issue Henry Duke of Exceter She had bin formerly married vnto Edmund Mortimer Earle of March and Vlster I cannot finde the time of her death His second wife here entombed was also Anne daughter of Io. Mountague the third of that name Earle of Salisbury who formerly had bin twise married to Sir Richard Hanckford to Sir Iohn Fitz-Lewis Knights She died the 27 of Nouember 1457. Here lieth likewise entombed the body of Constance sister of the foresaid Iohn Duke of Exceter daughter of Iohn Holland first of that name Duke of Exceter married to Thomas Lord Mowbray the sonne of Thomas who died in banishment Duke of Norfolke Earle of Nottingham and Earle Marshall of England and remarried to Sir Iohn Grey Lord Grey of Ruthin she died the sixteenth of Henry the sixt New Abbey in East-Smithfield Before the foundation of this Abbey there stood in the same place a little Chappell within a Coemitorie or Church-yard dedicated to the honour of God by Raph Stratford Bishop of London wherein were interred innumerable many of such persons as died in the first great Pestilence the 23 of King Edward the third Now the said King liking well this plot of ground and hauing before in a tempest on the sea and perill of drowning made a vow to build a Monastery to the honour of God and our Lady of Grace if God would grant him grace to come safe to land builded here a Monastery wherein he placed white Monkes of the Cistercian order which house at the generall suppression was valued at 546 l. 10 d. yearely The Kings store-house for victuall and for baking of Biskets to serue his Maiesties Ships is built in the same place where this Abbey stood The Minories Here was an Abbey of Nunnes of the order of Saint Clare founded by Blanch Queene of Nauarre and her husband Edmund Earle of Lancaster Leicester and Darby brother to King Edward the first in the yeere 1293. This house was valued to dispend yeerely 418 l. 8 s. 5 d. and was surrendred by Dame Elizabeth Sauage the last Abbesse there vnto King Henry
was a Priory dedicated to the honour of Saint Austin the first Archbishop of Canterbury founded by one Theobald de Vallencia as some say others by William de Albeny the second of that name Earle of Arundell valued at one hundred thirty seuen pounds pennie halfe penny qua Wallpoole ... Radulphus Rochford miles .... Willelmus filius Domini Iohannis de Rochford Constabularii castri de VVisbiche .... Tirrington Hic iacet Thomas Sutton filius Thome Sutton nuper de Milton filii Domini Iohannis Sutton Domini de Dudley ..... Hic iacet Elizabeth Sutton filia Roberti Goddard ..... que obiit ..... Hic iacet Robertus Goddard armiger qui obiit anno Dom. M. cccc.xlviii Hic iacet Ricardus Zorke quondam Burgeni ville Berwic super Tweed ...... I reade in Hackluits first volume of Voyages that Sir Fredericke Tilney a great Commander in the holy warres was interred in this Church of Tirrington take it as he sets it downe A note out of a Booke in the hands of Thomas Tilney Esquire touching Sir Fredericke Tilney his ancestor knighted at Acon in the Holy Land by King Richard the first Pertinuit iste liber prius Frederico Tylney de Boston in Com. Lincoln militi facto apud Acon in terra sancta anno Regis Richardi primi tertio Vir erat iste magnae staturae et potens corpore qui cum patribus suis dormit apud Tirrington iuxta villam sui nominis Tylney in Mershland cuius altitudo in salua custodia permanet ibidem vsque in hunc diem Et post eius obitum sexdecem Militibus eius nominis Tylney haereditas illa successiue obuenit quorum vnus post alium semper habitabat apud Boston praedict dum fratris senioris haereditas haeredi generali deuoluta est quae nupta est Thome Duci Norsolciae Eorum miles vltimus suit Philippus Tylney nuper de Shelleigh in Com. Suff pater et genitor Thomae Tylney de Hadleigh in Com. praedict Armigeri cui modo attinet iste liber anno aetatis 64.1556 Fincham S. Martins Orate pro anima Iohannis filii et heredis Iohannis Fincham filii Symonis Fincham qui obiit vltimo die Aprilis M. cccc lxxxxix Orate pro anima Elizabethe quondam vxoris Symonis Fincham Armigeri et vnius filiarum et heredum Iohannis Tendering de Brokedyn in Com. Suff. Ar. que quidem Elizabetha obiit ... M. cccc.lxiiii Orate pro anima Iohannis Fincham filii et heredis Symonis Fincham de Fincham Ar. qui obiit vi die Septembris anno Domini M. cccc.lxxxxvi Saint Benets in the Holme The foundation of this religious structure is thus set downe by learned Camden in his chorographicall description of this County Then passeth the riuer Thirn saith hee neere the great decayed Abbey called Saint Benet in the Holme which Knute the Dane built the Monks afterward so strengthened with most strong wals and bulwarkes that it seemed rather a castell then a Cloister In so much that William the Conquerour could not winne it by assault vntill a Monke betraied it into his hands vpon this condition that himselfe might be made Abbot thereof which was done accordingly but forth with this new Abbot for being a traitour as the inhabitants make report was hanged vp by the Kings commandement and so iustly punished for his treason After the first foundation of this Abbey by King Knute her reuenues were greatly augmented and her building enlarged by Edward the Confessor and Editha his Queene with the consent of fiue Dukes and of all or the most of the Lords spirituall and temporall within his kingdome as it appeares by his Charter in Arch Turris Lond. Cart. Ant. It was dedicated to the honour of Christ and Saint Benedict replenished with blacke Monkes Benedictines and valued in the Exchequer at sixe hundred seuenty seuen pounds nine shillings eight pence qua Clipesby Not farre from the foresaid Abbey is the Parish and Lordship of Clipesby which gaue name saith Camden to a familie of ancient note in this tract whereof there hath beene diuers Knights where after it had passed in the names of Algar Elfled and Odberd all sirnamed de Clipesby as appeareth by many vndated Deedes which I haue seene it came about the first of King Iohn to Iohn de Clipesby and from him lineally to the last Iohn heire male of that line On whose Monument in this Church of Clipesby are empaled the Armes of Ierningham Woodhouse Spelman Paston all Knightly families of that countrey with whom the Clipesbies had formerly matched By Iulian a daughter and coheire of this last Iohn married to Sir Randall Crewe of Crewe in the County of Chester Knight after Lord chiefe Iustice of England the old surname of the Lord of this Mannor was changed but not the bloud For she left besides a daughter two sonnes the eldest her heire christened with the name of her paternall familie Clipesby now Sir Clipesby Crew Knight She the said Iulian died at Kewe in the County of Surrey in the yeare 1603. and was in the Chancell of the Church of Richmond decently interred with this Inscription vpon her Monument Antiqua fuit orta domo pia viuit iniuit Virgo pudica Thorum Sponsa pudica polum In this Church are diuers other Funerall Monuments for the Clipesbies but so defaced as neither Inscription nor coate-armes are remaining vpon them to giue me any further light Oby Orate pro anima Katerine filie Iohannis Spelman Armigeri quondam vxoris Clipesby Armigeri postea vxoris Edmundi Paston Armigeri que obijt xviii die Aprilis anno Domini M. cccclxxxxi Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Elingham Orate pro anima Henrici Spelman Armigeri filij et heredis Thome Spelman Armigeri qui obiit primo die mensis Martii anno Dom M. cccccxxv Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen The Armes of Spelman and Mortimer of Attilborough Narborough Orate pro animabus Henrici Spelman Legis periti ac Recordatoris ciuitatis Norw Ele vxoris eius qui quidem Henricus obiit xxiii die Septembris anno Domini M. cccclxxxxvi Vpon this Monument are his Armes and his two wiues Christian daughter and coheire of Thomas Manning Esquire and of Elisabeth his wife daughter and coheire of Sir Thomas Ienny Knight The second Ela daughter and coheire of William Narburgh of Narburgh Esquire a family of great antiquitie that bare gules a chiefe Ermin Here vndre lieth buried the body of Sir Iohn Spelman knyght and Secundary Iustice of the Kyngs Bench and Dame Elis. his wyffe whych had xiii sonnes and vii doughters of theire bodyes betwene them begottyn The which Sir Iohn decessed the xxvi day of February in the yere of our Lord God M. cccccxliv and the said Dame Elizabeth decessed the v day of Nouembre the yere of our Lord M. ccccclvi on whos
souls Iesu haue mercy Amen This Elisabeth was the daughter and coheire of Sir Henry Frowick of Gonwelsbury in the County of Midlesex Knight who lieth entombed in Eling Church in the said County Grandmother to that learned Gentleman and iudicious Antiquarie Sir Henry Spelman Knight now lining Anno 1631. and great Grandmother to Sir Clement Spelman Knight deceased who succeeded in that inheritance Here lyeth Iohn Spelman Esquyre sonne and heire apparent to Sir Iohn Spelman Knyghte one of the Iustyces at the Pleas before the kyng to bee holden and Dame Elisabeth his wyffe which Iohn married Margaret one of the doughters to Sir Thomas Blennerhasset knyght and Dame Margaret his wyffe and had issue by the said Margaret too sonnes and too doughters liuing at the day of his death and decessed the xxvii day of December in the yere of our Lord God M. cccccxlv on whos soul Iesu have mercy Amen Stow. William Spelman Esquire who died in the raigne of Henry the seuenth lay buried vnder a faire Tombe in this Church of Stow by Watton and the Vicar and Churchwardens here about eight yeares agoe making a Raile about the Communion table pulled downe the Tombe to make roome for the Raile and Communicants Others of the ancient Family of the Spelmans lie interred here and at Narborrow whose names I will onely set downe being so neare these times As Iohn Spelman Esquire who married Iudeth one of the daughters of Sir Clement Higham knight who died 28 April anno 1581. Sir Clement Spelman knight high Sheriffe of this County anno 1599. who died 24. Septemb. 1607. Ierome Spelman Esquire the twelfth sonne of Sir Iohn Spelman Rougham Here is a Tombe of Sir William Yeluerton Knight one of the Iustices of the Kings Bench in the time of King Henry the sixth and a Monument of his sonne who is mentioned vpon it to bee Esquire to King Edward the fourth Orate pro animabus Willelmi Yeluerton Militis et quondum Iustic Domini Regis de suo banco et Dominae Agnetis vx sue qui quidem Willelmus obijt 27 die Martis c. ......... Yeluerton miserere Consortis que sue Yeluerton olim Katherine .................. Armiger Edwardi quondam pro corpore quarti 9 Iulij Anno Nat. Christ. 1481. Another stone in the Chancell with two portraitures inscribed Obijt Io. Yeluerton 1505. Obijt Rogerus Yeluerton 1510. Orate pro anima Domini Io. Swaffham quondam Vicar huius Ecclesie qui obijt Anno Domini 1409. cuius Anime propitietur Deus Sandringham Prey pur le alme Du Richard Fitz Iean Iadis Patron De ceste Maison Holme iuxta mare Herry Notynham and hys wyfe lyne her Yat madden thys Chyrche Stepull and Quer Too Vestyments and Bells yei madden alsoo Crist hem sav therfor fro woo And to bryng her souls to blis of hevyn Seyth Pater and Ave wyth myld Stephyn Hunstanton Here the noble ancient familie of Le Strange lie buried vnder faire Monuments Orate pro anima Henrici Le Strange Armigeri Katherine vxoris eius pro benefactoribus .... pro fidelibus defunctis Qui quidem Henricus obijt vicesimo quinto die mensis Nouembris An. Domini M. cccclxxv quorum animabus propitietur Deus Vpon the side of a Tombe the names of Roger Le Strange and others of the name about the Verge of the said Tombe being inlaid with brasse this Genealogicall Inscription is to be read Orate pro anima prenominati Rogeri le Strange Militis pro corpore illustrissimi nuper Regis Anglie Henrici septimi ac fil et hered prefati Henrici le Strange Armigeri Fratris et heredis Iohannis le Strange filij heredis tam Iohannis le Strange quam Alicie Beamont consanguinee et heredis Iohannis Pike et Iohannis Rushbroke Et dictus Iohannes le Strange fuit filius et heres tam Iohannis le Strange militis quam Elianore fil et hered tam Richardi Walkefare Militis quam consanguinee et heredis Thome Morieux Militis Et dictus Iohannes le Strange miles fuit fil et her Hamonis le Strange Armigeri et Katherine fil Domini Iohannis de Camois et dictus Hamo le Strange fuit fil et heres Hamonis le Strange Militis et Margarite Vernon de Motton consanguinee et hered Magistri Richardi Vernon et dictus Hamo le Strange miles fuit frater Domini Iohannis le Strange de Knocking et Mohun Qui quidem Rogerus le Strange miles obiit xxvii die Octobris anno Domini M. cccccvi et nuper Regis dicti vice simo primo Cuius anime ac animabus antecessorum benefactorum suorum nec non anime Iohannis le Strange de Masingham parua Armigeri fratris et executoris prerecitati Rogeri le Strange Militis Deus propitietur Amen Hunstanton saith Camden is to bee remembred in this regard if there were nothing else for that it hath beene the habitation of the Familie of Le Strange Knights by degree euer since that in the raigne of Edward the second Iohn Baron Le Strange of Knocking gaue the same vnto Hamon his younger brother Hamon Le Strange the elder performed great and good seruice for his Lord and Soueraigne Henry the third against Simond de Montford Earle of Leicester and his complices the 48. yeare of the said Kings raigne Hee tooke vpon him a voiage to the holy Land as I finde it thus recorded Hamo extraneus diu antequam iter arripuit versus terram sanctam Feosauit Rogerum Extraneum fratrem suum de Manerijs de Colouere et Henton que idem Hamo tenuit de Petro de Monteforti Fines Anno 2. Ed. 1. Memb. 26. Penteney A Monastery founded by Reginald de Warren brother of William de Warren the second Earle of Surrey in which he placed blacke Canons it was dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene and valued vpon the dissolution thereof at two hundred and fifteene pounds eight shillings eight pence This Abbey saith Camden was the ordinary buriall place in ancient time of the Noblemen and Gentlemen in this tract Anno Domini 1326. obijt Domina Petronilla de Neirford iacet apud Penteney Dominus Iohannes de Neirford obijt .... et iacet in Ecclesia Prioratus de Penteney These are all I haue as yet found to haue beene here interred Fornset Saint Peters Hic iacet Richardus Baxter qui per Isabellam vxorem eius habuit duos filios et duas filias et postea ignaue vulneratus inde obijt vltimo die Maij anno Domini M. cccclxxxiiii Cuius anime propitietur Deus Orate pro anima Thome Baxter qui duxit Margaretam filiam Willelmi Drake generosi et habuit exitum quatuor filios et vnam filiam et obijt 27. Aprilis 1535. Orate pro animabus Thome Drake et Elisabethe vxoris eius .... All cristian peple that walk by thys Tomb erly