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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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Iare † and Aduram and Vzal and Decla † and Ebal and Abimael Saba † and Ophir and Heuila and Iobab al these were the children of Iectan † And their dwelling was from Messa as we goe on as far as Sephar a mountaine in the east † These are the children of Sem according to their kinred and tongues and countries in their nations † These are the families of Noe according to their peoples nations Of these were 〈◊〉 the nations diuided on the earth after the floud ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 8. Nemrod To this Nemrod the sonne of Chus first builder and king of Babylon Iosephus S. Epiphanius S. Hierom S. Augustin and generally al ancient writers ascribe the first tyrannie and first setting vp of an earthlie citie opposite to the Citie of God after the floud He was a Valiant or rather a Viol●nt hunter a giant hunter saith S. Augustin according to the seuentie Interpreters who by falshood and force brought manie vnder his dominion For he sturred vp pride saith Iosephus and contempt of God in men auoching that they were not beholding to God for present felicitie but to their owne vertue and so supposing men would fal from God to him if he offered him selfe a leader and helper against a new floud by litle and litle drew al to tyrannie He was otherwise called Saturnus and was at length amongst others accounted a god After him his sonne Belus Iupiter as most authors affirme raigned 65 yeares And then succeded Ninus the first king of the Assirians 11. Assur builded Niniue Here is great difficultie and much dispute amongst writers who this Assuris Briefly we may either say with Iosephus and S. Augustin that Assur the sonne of Sem built a citie which afterwards Ninus of Chams race enlarged enriched and changing the name called it Ninum or els that this word Assur here signifieth as 4. Reg. 15. Psal 82. Esaiae 10. 31. the king of Assirians to wit Ninus the sonne of Belus who as al histories greeke and barbarous reporte saith S Hierom was the first that raigned ouer al Asia among the Assirians built Ninum a citie of his owne name which the Hebrewes cal Niniue He set vp the Monarchie of the Assirians called the golden kingdom which stood 1240. yeares And made his father Belus to be honored for a god To whom the Babilonians as Plinie testifieth first erected statuas altares temples Of this Belus or Bel of Babylon were also deriued other false goddes as Belial the god of Libertines or without yoke Beelphegor god of the Moabites Beelzebub of the Acharonites Baal in Samaria Baalim amongst the Philistims and the like in other nations 32. The Nations How manie Nations and tongues were in the world immediatly after the towre of Babylon is more cōmonly supposed then clerly shewed by old or late writers Only it semeth certaine and euident that there were iust as manie tongues as Nations But to finde precisly as the common opinion holdeth 72 is hard For in this chapter where they would count this number are not mentioned so manie Neuertheles if we adde certaine that begane distinct Nations afterwards til Iacob with his children went into Aegypt in whom only the Hebrew Nation and Tongue continued to Christs time the number wil come right Of Iapheth were borne 7. sonnes chiefe of Nations Againe of Gomer besides his supposed successor who can not be counted beginner of an other distinct nation came 2. other heades Likwise of Iauan besides his first sonne rose 3. more nations Of Cham by his first sonne Chus were 6. nephewes princes of nations Againe of Regma besides his successor came one more And Nemrod besides his kingdom of Babylon raysed vp other 6. By his second sonne Mesraim came 8. nations Chams third sonne Phut made ouly one nation And Chanaan his sonnes made 11. more Of Sem last mentioned for better connecting the maine Historie and succession of the Church came the chife and principal Nation the Hebrewes descending from him by Arphaxad Sale Heber and so directly to Iacob Of Sem also were borne 4. other sonnes beginners of ●ations Againe of Aram besides his first sonne were 3. fathers of nations Likwise of Heber besides the Hebrewes descending by Phaleg were borne to his other sonne Iectan 13. heades of nations These are al that are named in this place to wit of Iapheth 12. of Cham 33. and of Sem 21. which make in al 66. wherunto if we adioyne Nachor Abrahams brother Moab and Ammon Lots sonnes also Ismael Abrahams eldest sonne and his issue by Cetura and finally Esau Iacobs brother who made 6. more distinct nations the whole number is 72. This probable collection with the rest we submit to better iudgement CHAP. XI God hindereth the vaine purpose of building a hiegh towre 7. by confounding mens tongues 9. wherof it is called Babel 10. The genealogie of Sem to Abram AND the earth was of one tongue and al one speach † And when they remoued from the east they found a plaine in the land of Sennaar and dwelt in it † And eech one said to his neighboure Come let vs make bricke and bake them with fire And they had bricke in steed of stone and bitume in steed of morter † and they said Come “ let vs make vs a citie and a towre the toppe wherof may reach to heauen and let vs renowne our name before we be dispersed into al lands † And our Lord descended to see the citie and the towre which the children of Adam builded † and he said Behold it is one people and one tongue is to al and they haue begunne to doe this neyther wil they leaue of from their determinations til they accomplish them indede † Come ye therfore “ let vs goe downe and there confound their tongue that none may heare is neighbours voice † And so our Lord dispersed them from that place into al lands and they ceased to build the citie † And therfore the name therof was called Babel because there the tongue of the whole earth was confounded and from thence our Lord dispersed them vpon the face of al countries † These are the generations of Sem Sem was an hundred yeares old when he begat Arphaxad two years after the floud † And Sem liued after he begat Arphaxad fiue hundred yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † Moreouer Arphaxad liued thirtie fiue yeares and “ begat Sale † And Arphaxad liued after he begat Sale three hundred three yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † Sale also liued thirtie yeares and begat Heber † And Sale liued after he begat Heber foure hundred three yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Heber liued thirtie foure yeares and begat Phaleg † And Heber liued after he begat Phaleg foure hundred thirtie yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † Phaleg also liued thirtie yeares and begat Reu. † And Phaleg liued
may seme to beare wisheth the Pope who was also very lerned to examine al more at large putting him in mind that Origen writ his twelfth and thirtenth bookes vpon this onlie place The most probable exposition semeth to be gathered out of the Hebrewes Tradition that this Lamech of the issue of Cain for there was an other Lamech of Seths progenie much addicted to hunting and his eyes decaying vsed in that excercise the direction of a young man his nephew the sonne of Tubalcain VVho seing something moue in bushes supposing it to be a wild beast willed his grandfather to shoote at the same which he did and stroke the marke with a deadlie wound and approching to take the pray found it to be old Cain VVhereupon sore amazed afflicted and moued with great passion did so beate the young man for his il direction that he also died of the drie blowes After both which mishappes and his passion at last caulmed Lamech lamenteth as the text saith that he had killed a man and stripling towit the one with a wound the other with drie blowes for which he feared seuenfold punishment more then Cain suffered for killing Abel Neuertheles S. Hierom other Fathers thinke it probable that Lamech killing the one of ignorance the other in passion was not so seuerly punished as he feared And so they vnderstand the rest of this passage that seuenfold vengance was taken of Cain by prolongation of his miserable life til his seuenth generation when one of his owne issue slew him and an other of the same linage with him And Lamech was punished seuentie seuenfold when his seuentie seuen children for so manie he had as Iosephus writeth and al their ofspring perished in the floud Mystically by seuentie seuen may be signified that the sinne of mankind should be punished and expiated in Christ our Redemer who was borne in the seuentie seuenth generation from Adam 26. Begane to inuocate Seth was a most holie man and so brought vp his children that they were called the sonnes of God Gen. 6. Adam also and Eue were penitent and became great confessors and are now Sainctes And so it can not be doubted but amongst other spiritual exercises they prayed and inuocated God And therfore that which is here said He towit Enos bagane or as the Hebrew hath then was begune to inuocate the name of our Lord can not be vnderstood of priuate but of some publique prayer of many meeting togeather obseruing some rites set forme in peculiar place dedicated to diuine Seruice the Church being now growne to a competent multitude And that besides Sacrifice which was also before as appeareth both by Cain Abel CHAP. V. The progenie of Adam number of their yeares vvith the death of the rest translation of Enoch in the line of Seth to Noe his three sonnes THIS is the booke of the generation of Adam In the day when God created man to the likenes of God made he him † Male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created † And Adam liued a hundred and thirtie yeares and begat to his owne image and likenes and called his name Seth. † And the dayes of Adam after he begat Seth came to eight hundred yeares and he “ begat sonnes and daughters † And al the time that Adam liued came to nine hundred and thirtie yeares “ and he died † Seth also liued a hundred fiue yeares and begat Enos † And Seth liued after he begat Enos eight hundred and seuen yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Seth came to nine hundred twelue yeares and he died † And Enos liued nintie yeares and begat Cainan † After Whose birth he liued eight hundred fiftene yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Enos came to nine hundred and fiue yeares and he died † Cainan also liued seuentie yeares begat Malaleel † And Cainan liued after he begat Malaleel eight hundred fourtie yeares and begat sonnes daughters † And al the dayes of Cainan came to nine hundred and ten yeares and he died † And Malaleel liued sixtie fiue yeares and begat Iared † And Malaleel liued after he begat Iared eight hundred and thirtie yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Malaleel came to eight hundred nyntie fiue yeares he died † And Iared liued a hundred sixtie two yeares and begat Enoch † And Iared liued after he begat Enoch eight hundred yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Iared came to nine hundred sixtie two yeares he died † Moreouer Enoch liued sixtie fiue yeares begat Mathusala † And Enoch walked with God liued after he begat Mathusala three hundred yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Enoch came to three hundred sixtie fiue yeares † And he walked with God and “ was seene no more because God tooke him † Mathusala also liued a hundred eightie seuen yeares begat Lamech † And Mathusala liued after he begat Lamech seuen hundred eightie two yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Mathusala came to nyne hundred sixtie nine yeares he died † And Lamech liued a hundred eightie two yeares and begat a sonne † and he called his name Noe saying This sonne shal comfort vs from the workes labours of our handes on the earth which our Lord cursed † And Lamech liued after he begat Noe fiue hundred nintie fiue yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And al the dayes of Lamech came to seuen hundred seuentie seuen yeares and he died And Noe when he was fiue hundred yeares olde begat Sem Cham and Iaphat ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 4. Begate sonnes and daughters Moyses in this genealogie reciteth not alwayes the first begotten nor the whole progenie by their names for then he should haue repeated Cain and Abel and haue named many others but those onlie by whom the Church of God continued signifying the rest in general whose succession was cut of by the floud 5. And he died By this Gods word is verified saying that Adam should dye if he should eate of the forbidden tree And the diuel is proued a lyer saying they should not dye It is also most true that Adam dyed that day in which he did eate For he began that very day to decline to death and so doth al mankind euer since as truly said the woman of Thecua to king Dauid vve doe al die and as vvaters that returne not vve fal dovvne on the earth And vvhat els saith S. Gregorie is this daylie decaying of our corruption but a lingering death And none of al these that liued longest reaching to a thousand yeares which with God is as one day man dyed in that day in which he
after he begat Reu two hundred nine yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Reu liued thirtie two yeares and begat Sarug † Reu liued also after he begat Sarug two hundred seauen yeares and begat sonnes daughters † And Sarug liued thirtie yeares and begat Nachor † And Sarug liued after he begat Nachor two hundred yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Nachor liued nine and twentie yeares and begat Thare † And Nachor liued after he begot Thare an hundred and nintene yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Thare liued seauentie yeares and begat Abram and Nachor and Aran. † And these are the generations of Thare Thare begat Abram Nachor Aran. Moreouer Aran begat Lot † And Aran died before Thare his father in the land of his natiuitie in Vr of the Chaldees † And Abram Nachor maried wiues the name of Abram his wife was Sarai and the name of Nachor his Wife Melcha the daughter of Aran the father of Melcha and the father of Iescha † And Sarai was barren neither had she children † Thare therfore tooke Abram his sonne and Lot the sonne of Aran his sonne Sarai his daughter in law the wife of Abram his sonne and brought them out of Vr of the Chaldees for to goe into the land of Chanaan and they came as farre as Haran and dwelled there † And the dayes of Thare came to two hundred fiue yeares and died in Haran ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 4. Let vs make Here we may see in Nemrod the common causes of heresies and the maner of Hertikes ptoceding For he hauing a sutle proud and aspiring mind first detracted from God perswading men as is noted before not to depend vpon Gods prouidence and finding some others of like humour they conspired together and drew more folowers by bearing the simpler sorte in hand for it was vnpossible wise men should beleue it that they would make a towre of defence against a new floud if God should thinck to drowne the world againe But their principal intention was to make themselues great and strong for the present and famous to posteritie Al which God ouerthrew neither suffering them to build vp their imagined castle of strength nor to be praised for their worke but made them infamous to the worlds end 7. Let v● confound God in dissipating this vaine worke of men would vse the ministerie of Angels As not only Philo Iudeus and Origen but also S. Augustin S. Gregorie and other fathers expound these wordes Come let vs descend and confound their tongue Where they also note Gods singular wisdome mercie and iustice so punishing the offence that he turneth it to his owne glorie and the profite of al men shewing his powre and soueraigne Maiestie by two great miracles First by so suddainly and vtterly depriuing al those builders of their vsual tongue that presently they could neither speake it nor vnderstand it Secondly by geuing diuers distinct languages to seueral sortes or families which they immediatly vnderstood and spoke most promptly as if they had long before lerned and vsed the same But to no man was geuen more then one language And so to the more commoditie of al mankind they were forced to part into sundrie coastes of the earth which they inhabited and replenished with distinct Nations hauing the same Angels their spiritual Patrones and Protectors which had seuerally changed their language In particular it was profitable to the good who being before oppressed by the vnited powre of manie wicked were releeued as S. Gregorie teacheth when their persecutors were diuided These good were the familie of Heber as S. Chtisostom and S. Augustin proue For seing the change of tongues was inflicted for punishment it appeareth that Heber and his familie were innocent of the vaine attempt whose tongue was not changed but remained the same and of him was called the Hebrew tongue for distinction sake after there were manie tongues which before had no distinct name being the only tongue of al men Againe touching the offenders who were punished in their tongues that they could not be vnderstood commanding one an other because they would not vnderstand God iustly commanding them al they also reaped this profite that they were forced to leaue of that bad worke and withal to seeke more ample habitations who If they had there more increased in number and streingth vvould vvithout doubt saith S. Chrisostom haue attempted vvorse things And infinite manslaughter would haue benne committed amongst so manie for possession of that one citie towre Finally the fathers note that as God wrought here much good by diuision of tongues so he wrought much more by communion of tongues geuen to the Apostles therby inabling them to gether one Church of al Tongues and Nations 12. Begat Sale Here is an intricate difficultie For the Hebrew and Latin text both here and in Palalippomenon saying Arphaxad begat Sale the 72. Interpreters and S. Luke place Cainan betwen them as sonne of Arphaxad and father of Sale Eusebius also in his Chronicle with most Greeke Doctors and S. Augustin count Cainan in this Genealogie of Sem. VVherupon manie do number him in this ranck and suppose that Moyses omitted him for some Mysterie and yet writeth truly that Arphaxad begat Sale not his proper sonne but his sonnes sonne as S. Mathew sayth Ioram begat Ozias who was his nephewes nephew But against this solution it is replied that then Arphaxad should haue bene a grandfather at 35. yeares of age which were strange in those daies how soeuer it is now And a greatter difficultie or rather absurditie must also be granted that Arphaxad begat both Cainan at the age of 35. yeares according to the 72. Interpreters and that Sale was also begotten the same yeare according to the Hebrew being both true VVhich inconuenience is not in the Genealogie written by S. Matthew Others therfore according to the Hebrew and Latin text with most Latin Doctors omit Cainan in this place and Paralipomenon namely with S. Hierom who diligently examining and reconciling varieties betwen the Hebrew and the Greeke maketh no mention at al of this difference VVhich maketh some to coniecture that in S. Hieroms time Cainan was not in the Greeke copies at least not in those that he had and held for the best And at this day some haue him not VVhich may be admitted for a probable answere touching the Hebrew and Greeke of the old Testament But for so much as al copies both Greeke Latin also S. Hieroms Edition of S. Lukes Gospel haue Cainan the difficultie stil remaineth betwen Moyses and S. Luke How then shal this doubt be solued we can not solue it And no maruel For venerable Bede could not VVhose wordes are these S. Luke vseth rather the Greeke testimonies then the Hebrew wherof hapeneth that I much maruel at
that the earth was corrupted for al flesh had corrupted his way vpon the earth † he said to Noe The end of al flesh is come before me the earth is replenished with iniquitie from the face of them I wil destroy them with the earth † Make thee an arke of timber planke cabinets shalt thou make in the arke and shalt pitch it within and without with bitume † And thus shalt thou make it The length of the Arke shal be three hundred cubitts fiftie cubitts the breadth and thirtie cubitts the height of it † Thou shalt make a windowe in the arke and in a cubit finish the toppe of it and the dore of the arke thou shalt set at the side belowe middle chambers and third loftes shalt thou make in it † Behold I wil bring the waters of a great floud vpon the earth that I may destroy al flesh wherin there is breath of life vnder heauen Al thinges that are in the earth shal be consumed † and I wil establish my couenant with thee and thou shalt enter into the arke thou and thy sonnes and thy wife and the wiues of thy sonnes with thee † And of al liuing creatures of al flesh thou shalt bring payres into the arke that they may liue with thee of the male sexe and the female † Of foules according to their kind and of beastes in their kind of al that creepeth on the earth according to their kind payres of al sortes shal enter in with thee that they may liue † Thou shalt take therfore with thee of al meates that may be eaten and thou shalt lay them vp with thee and they shal be meate for thee and them † Noe therfore did al thinges which God commanded him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 2. Sonnes of God The progenie of Seth professing true faith Religion were called the sonnes of God and those of Cains issue and congregation folowing erronious and wicked opinions were called the sonnes of men VVhich were then the distinctiue termes of true and false Religion as afterwardes were the termes of Iewes and Gentiles after Christ Christians and Paganes and lastly true and false Christians are distinguished by the names of Catholiques and Heretikes As S. Augustin teacheth in his questions vpon Genesis other places VVhich is confirmed by the like iugement of S. Ciril Alexandrinus li. 9. aduers Iulianum S. Ambrose li. de Noe arca c. 4. S. Pacianus epist ad Symphorianum Theodoret. manie others vpon this place 3 An hundred and tvventie yeares Mans life was not here shortned to an hundred and twentie yeares as some haue misunderstood this place For after this diuers liued much longer as appeareth in the genealogie of Sem to Abram in the 11. chapter of Genesis And Abraham liued 175. yeares c. 25. Isaac 180. c. 35. Iacob 147. c. 47. and Ioiadas borne 1500. yeares after liued 130. yeares 2. Par. 24. But 120. yeares were granted before the floud for that generation to repent in as the Chaldee Edition expresseth more plainely Terminus dabitur ei centum viginti annorum si sorte conuertatur The tearme of an hundred and twentie yeares shal be geuen them if perhaps they may conuert And so S. Chrisostom S. Hierom. and S. Augustin expound this Scripture Yet whether God cut of 20. of these yeares and brought the floud after a 100 for Noe had his sonnes when he was 500. yeares old the floud came in the 600. yeare of his age or that this warning was geuen twentie yeares before anie of his sōnes were borne is not so easely decided by the holie Doctors How easie soeuer Protestants say al Scriptures are Though vnder correction of better iudgement it semeth more probable that Moyses by anticipation ioyneth the birth of Noes sonnes when he was 500. yeares old to the rest of the geneologie of the first Patriarkes in the former chapter and then telleth of this admonition geuen 20. yeares before their birth And so God expected the peoples repentance the whole time of 120. yeares prescribed 4. Grants vvere vpon the earth Some haue thought that these giantes were not men nor begotten by men but that either diuels which fel at first from heauen or other Angels allured with concupiscence begate them of the daughters of Cain Philo Iudeus in his booke de Gigantibus writeth that those whom Moyses here called Augels the Philosophers called Genios Qui sunt animalia aë●ea vvhich are liuing creatures vvith ayrie bodies Iosephus li. 1. Antiq. saith that Angels begate these giants Tertullian also li. de habitu muliebri holdeth the same error and diuers more otherwise good authors But S. Ciril of Alexandria li. 9. aduer Iulian S. Chrisostom homil 22. in Gen S. Ambrose de Noe arca c. 4. S. Augustin li. 15. c. 23. de ciuit S. Hierom Tradit Hebraic and other most principal Doctors teach it to be vntrue yea vnpossible that these giants should haue bene begotten by anie other creatures then by men For that Angels and diuels are mere spirits without al natural bodies And if they had ayrie bodies as they haue not yet they could not haue such generation For the powre or force to engender belongeth to the vegatatiue soule whose proper operations are to tuine nutriment into the substance of the subiect wherin it is and to engender new issue or ofspring from the same as Aristotle sheweth li. 2. de anima textu 24. And in what bodies soeuer there is vegetatiue soule it must needes be that the same was engendred and must some times decay and die and so diuels should be mortal Moreouer if they could haue generation togeather with mankind then such issue should be a distinct species both from man and diuel as a mule differeth both from horse and asse Againe if spirits had abused wemen in assumpted bodies and shape of men yet they did not take them to wiues as the Scripture saith they did who begate these giants Finally the holie Scripture here expresly calleth the giants men These be the mightie ones famous men The modestie of Scripture terming them famous whom our common phrase would cal infamous being more monstrous in wickednes of mind then in hugenes of bodie For they were most insolent lasciuious couetous cruel and in al kinde of vices most impious 5. Al the coigtation bent to euel Luther in his 21. article condemned by Leo the tenth would proue by these wordes and the like folowing Al siesh had corrupted his vvay vpon earth that al workes of men are sinnes For saith he seeing the hartes of al men are bent alwaies to euil and al humane actions proceede from the hart it must needes be that the hart as the fountaine being corrupt the streames also issuing from the same must be corrupted Againe al flesh hauing corrupted his way vpon earth there is not any iust man saith he nor any man without sinne and
and necessarie as he discretly considered for that familie and good of manie The like obseruations were approued in Gedeon and Ionathas And to pray for such signes in some case or for manifest miracles is also approued by the Apostles example praying God To shevv by lote vvhich of the tvvo he had chosen to the Apostleship in place of Iudas And that he would extend his hand to cures signes wonders to be done by the name of his holie sonne IESVS CHAP. XXV Abraham hauing manie children by his wife Cetura died at the age of 175. yeares 12. Ismael also hauing twelue sonnes dukes died 19. Isaac praying for his barren wife she hath Esau and Iacob twinnes 30. Esau selleth his first birth right to Iacob for a messe of potage AND Abraham maried an other wife named Cethura † which bare him Zamran and Iecsan and Madan and Madian and Iesboc and Sue † Iecsan also begat Saba and Dadan The Children of Dadan were Assurim and Latusim and Loomim † But also of Madian was borne Epha and Opher and Henoch and Abida and Eldaa al these were the children of Cetura † And Abraham gaue al his possessions to Isaac † and to the children of his concubines he gaue gifts and separated them from Isaac his sonne whilest himselfe yet liued to the east countrie † And the days of Abrahams life were a hundred seuentie and fiue yeares † And decaying dyed in a good old age and hauing liued a great time and being ful of days and was gethered to his people † And there buried him Isaac and Ismael his sonnes in the duble caue which was situated in the field of Ephron the sonne of Seor the Hethite ouer against Mambre † which he had bought of the children of Heth there was he buried and Sara his wife † And after his death God blessed Isaac his sonne who dwelled beside the wel of the Liuing and seing so named † These are the generations of Ismael the sonne of Abraham whom Agar the Aegyptian bare him Saraes seruant and † these are the names of his children according to their calling and generations The first begotten of Ismael Nabaioth then Cedar and Adbeel and Mabsam † Masma also and Duma and Massa † Hadar and Thema and Iethur and Naphis and Cedma. † These are the sonnes of Ismael and these are their names by their castles and townes twelue princes of their tribes † And the yeares of Ismaels life came to an hundred thirtie seauen and decaying died and was put vnto his people † And he dwelt from Heuila euen to Sur which looketh towards Aegypt as they enter to the Assirians before the face of al his bretheren died he † These also are the generations of Isaac the sonne of Abraham Abraham begat Isaac † who when he was fortie yeares old tooke to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia sister to Laban † And Isaac besought our Lord for his wife because she was barren who heard him and made Rebecca to conceaue † But the little ones strugled in her wombe who said If it should be so with me what nede was there to conceaue And she went to consult our Lord. † Who answering said Two nations are in thy wombe and two peoples shal be diuided out of thy wombe and one people shal ouercome the other and “ the elder shal serue the younger † Now her time was come to be deliuered and behold twinnes were found in her wombe † He that came forth first was read and al hearie in manner of a skinne and his name was called Esau Immediatly the other coming forth held his brothers plant in his hand and therfore he called him Iacob † Threescore yeares old was Isaac when the litle ones were borne vnto him † Who being growne vp Esau became a man cunning in hunting and a husband man but Iacob a plaine man dwelled in tents † Isaac loued Esau because he did eate of his hunting and Rebecca loued Iacob † And Iacob boyled broth to whom Esau being come faynt out of the field † said Geue me of this read broth because I am exceding faint For which cause his name was called Edom. † To whom Iacob said “ Sel me thy first-birth-right † He answered Loe I dye what wil the first birth right auaile me † Iacob said Sweare therfore to me Esau sware to him and sould his first-birth-right † And so taking bread and the rice broth did eate and drinke and went his way little esteeming that he had sold his first birth right ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXV 6. To the children of his concubines S. Augustin li. 16. c. 34. de ciuit sheweth that both Agar and Cetura being Abrahams lawful wiues for so they are called in holie Scripture are also called concubines because they had not like priuileges to Sara whose sonne was sole heyre to his father and the children of the others had only giftes or mouable goods not attayning to the promised kingdom And al this for mysterie sake For Ismael signified the carnal people before Christ the children of Cetura prefigured Heretikes who suppose themselues to pertaine to the new Testament but are separated no lesse then the Iewes from Christs Kingdom And albeit there was also an other particular reason why Agar was called concubine because she was a second wife the first then liuing yet this lerned father saith he did not see why Cetura being maried after the death of Sara should be called concubine but only for this Mysterie 21. Heard him Notwithstanding Gods assured promise that Isaach should haue issue Gen. 21. v. 12 yet he prayeth instantly for the same And Moyses here attributeth Rebeccas conceiuing to Isaachs prayer wherby we see that Gods sorseing predestinating and promising exclude not but in dede include secondarie causes and ordinarie meanes by which his eternal wil and pleasure is fulfilled For as God did sorsee that Rebecca should haue children so he did forsee that Isaac should pray for it and obtayne it and the one was as sure to come to passe as the other And the same consequence is true concerning eternal life as S. Gregorie teacheth li. 1. c. 8. Dialog 23. The elder shal serue the younger As before c. 17. v. 21. c 21. v. 12. the couenant and great promises made to Abrahams sede are declared to pertaine only to Isaac and not to Ismael nor to the other brothers so the same belong not to Esau the elder but only to Iacob the younger sonne of Isaac the Holie Ghost saying The elder shal serue the younger And withal signifieth saith S. Augustin that the elder people of the Iewes shal serue the younger Christian people For although it may be vnderstood literally to be fulfilled in that the Idumeans coming of Esau were subdued by King Dauid coming of Iacob yet it is more conueniently beleeued that this prophecie tended to a greater thing And what is this but that which is
when they iustly feared reuenge for so gteat and inhumane iniuries done vnto him chap. 50. v. 20. 35. Into hel mourning Protestants denying more places for soules after this life then Heauen for the iust and Hel for the wicked translate the hebrew word Sheol graue for hel Because if they should grant that Iacob or other holie fathers of the old Testament descended into hel they must confesse some other hel then where the damned are tormented whither no Christian wil say that those fathers went If they contended only about the sense and meaning of the text it were more tolerable for therin they speake according to their erronious opinion as they thinke But knowing as some of them doe that Hel is the true word of the text there is no sinceritie nor moral honestie in putting Graue in place therof And that they know it the second table of the Bible printed at London 1602. witnesseth noting for a common place that in the 37. chap. of Genesis v. 35. Hel is taken for graue therby confessing that the true English word of the holie Scripture in that place is Hel but that they would haue it to signifie graue VVherupon anie reasonable man would thinke to finde the word Hel in the text with some glosse to shew that graue were to be vnderstood But in al their Editions also in that which was printed the yeare next folowing 1603 wherto the same table is adioyned they reade graue and not hel in that place though in some other places they much disagree in translating the same word As for the sense it can not be that Iacob ment the graue for when he said he would goe to his sonne he supposed him to be deuoured by a wild beast and not buried in a graue And therfore must necessarily meane that he would goe where he thought the soule of his sonne to be VVhich was neither in heauen for then he would rather haue ascended thither ioyful then descended to anie place mourning neither did he meane the hel of the dammed for that had bene desperation but to a lowe place where the iust soules then remained in rest which was called Limbus Patrum or Abrahams bosome That is saith S. Augustin in his answere to Bishop Euodius Epist 99. secretae cuiusdam quiet is habitatio The habitation of a certaine secret rest CHAP. XXXVIII Iudas hauing three sonnes by a Chananite 6. marieth the first and after his death the second to Thamar 10. who also dying he delayeth to match the third with her 15. But him selfe begetteth of her taking her for a harlote two sonnes twinnes Phares and Zara. THE same time Iudas going downe from his brethren turned in to a man an Odollamite named Hiras † And he sawe there the daughter of a man of Chanaan called Sue and taking her to wife he did companie with her † Who conceaued and bare a sonne and called his name Her † And conceauing a childe againe she called her sonne after he was borne Onan † She bare also the third whom she called Sela after whose birth she ceased to beare any more † And Iudas gaue a wife to Her his first begotten named Thamar † Also Her the first begotten of Iudas was wicked in the fight of our Lord and was slaine of him † Iudas therfore said to Onan his sonne companie with thy brothers wife and be ioyned to her that thou mayest “ rayse seede to thy brother † He knowing that the children should not be borne to himselfe companying with his brothers wife shed his seede vpon the ground left children might be borne in his brothers name † And therfore our Lord stroke him because he did a detestable thing † For the which cause Iudas said to Thamar his daughter in lawe Be a widowe in thy fathers house til Sela my sonne growe vp for he feared lest he also might dye as his brethren Who went her way and dwelt in her fathers house † And after many dayes were come and gone the daughter of Sue the wife of Iudas died who after his mourning hauing receiued consolation went vp to the shearers of his sheepe himselfe and Hiras his shepheard of his flocke the Odolamite into Thamnas † And it was told Thamar that her father in law came vp into Thamnas to sheare his sheepe † Who putting of the garments of her widowhood tooke a veile and changing her habite sate in the crosse way that leadeth to Thamnas because Sela was growne and she had not taken him to her husband † Whom when Iudas had seene he supposed her to be an harlot for she had couered her face lest she should be knowen † And going vnto her he said Suffer me to lye with thee for he knew her not to be his daughter in law Who answering What wilt thou geue me that thou maiest enioy my companie † He said I wil send thee a kid out of the flockes And when she said againe I wil suffer that thou wilt if thou geue me a pledge til thou send that which thou doest promise † Iudas said What wilt thou to be geuen thee for a pledge She answered Thy ring and bracelet and staffe which thou holdest in thy hand The woman therfore by once companying conceaued † and rising she went her way and putting of the apparel which me had taken put on the garments of her widowhood † And Iudas sent a kid by his shephard the Odolamite that he might receiue the pledge againe which he had geuen to the woman who when he had not found her † he asked the men of that place Where is the woman that sate in the crosse way Al making answere There was no harlot in this place † He returned to Iudas and said to him I haue not found her yea the men also of that place said vnto me that there neuer sate harlot there † Iudas said Let her take it to her surely she can not charge vs with a lye I sent the kid which I promised and thou didest not find her † And behold after three moneths they told Iudas saying Thamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot and her bellie semeth to swel And Iudas said Bring her forth that she may be burnt † Who when she was led to execution she sent to her father in law saying By that man whose these things are haue I conceaued looke whose the ring is and the bracelet and the staffe † Who acknowledging the giftes said She is iuster then I because I did not geue her to Sela my sonne But he knew her no more † And when she was readie to be brought to bed there appeared twinnes in her bellie and in the verie deliuerie of the infants one put forth the hand wherin the midwife tyed a skarlet string saying † This shal come forth the former † But he drawing backe his hand the other came forth and the woman said Why is the partition diuided
sonnes of Ioseph by their families The sonnes of Beniamin in their kinredes Bela of whom is the familie of the Belaites Asbel of whom is the familie of the Asbelites Ahiram of whom is the familie of the Ahiramites † Supham of whom is the familie of the Suphamites Hupham of whom is the familie of the Huphamites † The sonnes of Bela Hered and Noeman Of Hered the familie of the Heredites of Noeman the familie of the Noemanites † These are the sonnes of Beniamin by their kinredes whose number was fourtie fiue thousand six hundred † The sonnes of Dan by their kinredes Suham of whom is the familie of the Suhamites these are the kinredes of Dan by their families † al were Suhamites whose number was sixtie foure thousand foure hundred † The sonnes of Aser by their kinredes Iemna of whom is the familie of the Iemnaites Iessui of whom is the familie of the Iessuites Brie of whom is the familie of the Brieites † The sonnes of Brie Heber of whom is the familie of the Heberites and Melchiel of whom is the familie of the Melchielites † And the name of the daughter of Aser was Sara † these are the kinredes of the sonnes of Aser and their number fiftie three thousand foure hundred † The sonnes of Nephthali by their kinredes Iesiel of whom is the familie of the Iesielites Guni of whom is the familie of the Gunites † Ieser of whom is the familie of the Ieserites Sellem of whom is the familie of the Sellemites † these are the kinredes of the sonnes of Nephthali by their families whose number was fourtie fiue thousand foure hundred † This is the summe of the children of Israel that were reckened six hundred thousand and a thousand seuen hundred thirtie † And our Lord spake to Moyses saying † To these shal the land be diuided according to the number of names for their possessions † To the greater number thou shalt geue a greater portion and to the fewer a lesse to euerie one as they haue now beene reckened shal possession be deliuered † yet so that lotte doe diuide the Land to the tribes and the families † Whatsoeuer shal chance by lotte that let either the more take or the fewer † This also is the number of the sonnes of Leui by their families Gerson of whom the familie of the Gersonites Caath of whom the familie of the Caathites Merari of whom the familie of the Merarites † these are the families of Leui The familie of Lobni the familie of Hebroni the familie of Moholi the familie of Musi the familie of Core Howbeit Caath begatte Amram † who had to wife Iochabed the daughter of Leui who was borne to him in Aegypt She bare to Amram her husband sonnes Aaron and Moyses and Marie their sister † Of Aaron were borne Nadab and Abiu and Eleazar and Ithamar † of the which Nadab and Abiu died when they had offered the strange fyre before our Lord. † And al that were numbred were twentie three thousand of the male kind from one moneth and vpward who were not reckened among the children of Israel neither was their possession geuen with the rest † This is the number of the children of Israel that were enrolled by Moyses and Eleazar the priest in the champion countrie of Moab vpon Iordan against Iericho † Among whom there was none of them that were numbered before by Moyses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai † For our Lord had foretold that al should die in the wildernesse And none remained of them but Caleb the sonne of Iephone and Iosue the sonne of Nun. CHAP. XXVII Salphaads daughters succede to their fathers inheritance 8. And the law is established that for lack of sonnes daughters shal inherite and for lack also of daughters the next of kinne 12. God commandeth Moyses to ascend into Mount Abarim and thence view the promised Land but fortelleth him that he shal die and not goe into it 15. He then prayeth God to prouide an other to lead the people 18 and Iosue is designed in presence of Eleazar and the people AND there came the daughters of Salphaad the sonne of Hepher the sonne of Galaad rhe sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasses who was the sonne of Ioseph whose names are Malaa and Noa and Hegla and Melcha and Thersa † And they stood before Moyses and Eleazar the priest and al the princes of the people at the doore of the tabernacle of couenant and said † Our father died in the desert neither was he in the sedition that was raised against our Lord vnder Core but he died in his owne sinne he had no men children Why is his name taken away out of his familie because he hath not a sonne Geue vs possession among the kinne of our father † And Moyses referred their cause to the iudgement of our Lord. † Who said to him † The Daughters of Salphaad require a iust thing geue them possession among their fathers kinne and let them succede him in the inheritance † And to the children of Israel thou shalt speake these thinges † When a man dieth without a sonne his inheritance shal passe to his daughter † If he haue no daughter he shal haue his brethren his successours † And if he haue no brethren neither you shal geue the inheritance to his fathers brethren † but if he haue no such vncles by the father neither the inheritance shal be geuen to them thar are the next of kinne and this shal be to the children of Israel a holie ordinance by a perpetual law as the Lord hath commanded Moyses † Our Lord also said to Moyses Goe vp into this mountaine Abarim and view from thence the Land which I wil geue to the children of Israel † and when thou shalt haue seene it thou also shalt goe to thy people as thy brothet Aaron is gone † because you did offend me in the desert Sin in the contradiction of the multitude neither would you sanctifie me before them vpon the waters these are the waters of contradiction in Cades of the desert Sin † To whom Moyses answered † Our Lord the God of the spirites of al flesh prouide a man that may be ouer this multitude † and may goe out and enter in before them and bring them out or bring them in lest the people of our Lord be as sheepe without a pastor † And our Lord said to him Take Iosue the sonne of Nun a man in whom is the Spirit and put thy hand vpon him † Who shal stand before Eleazar the priest and al the multitude † and thou shalt geue him preceptes in the sight of al and part of thy glorie that al the synagogue of the children of Israel may heare him † For him if anie thing be to be done Eleazar the priest shal consult the Lord. At his word shal he goe out and shal goe in and al the children of Israel with him and the rest of the
in that day In truth because God is not with me these euils haue found me † But I wil hide and keepe close my face in that day for al the euils which they haue done because they haue folowed strange goddes † Now therfore write vnto you this canticle and teach the children of Israel that they know it by hart and sing it by mouth and this song be vnto me for a testimonie among the children of Israel † For I wil bring them into the Land for the which I sware to their fathers flowing with milke and honie And when they haue eaten and are ful and fatte they wil turne away to strange goddes and serue them and wil detract from me and make my couenant of none effect † After that manie euils and afflictions shal haue found them this canticle shal answer them for a testimonie which no obliuion shal take away out of the mouth of their seede For I know their cogitations what thinges they are about to doe this day before that I bring them into the Land which I haue promised them † Moyses therfore wrote the canticle and taught it the children of Israel † And our Lord commanded Iosue the sonne of Nun and said Take courage and be strong for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the Land which I haue promised and I wil be with thee † Therfore after that Moyses wrote the wordes of this law in a volume and finished it † he commanded the Leuites that caried the arke of the couenant of our Lord saying † Take this booke and put it in the side of the arke of the couenant of our Lord your God that it may be for a testimonie against thee † For I know thy contention and thy most stiffe necke Whiles I yet liue and goe in with you you haue done alwayes contenciously against our Lord how much more when I shal be dead † Gather to me al the ancientes by your tribes and your doctors and I wil speake these wordes in their hearing and wil inuocate against them heauen and earth † For I know that after my death you wil doe wickedly and wil decline quickly from the way that I haue commanded you and euils shal come vpon you in the later times when you shal doe euil in the sight of our Lord to prouoke him by the workes of your handes † Moyses therfore spake in the hearing of the whole assemblie of Israel the wordes of this song and finished it euen to the end CHAP. XXXII A Canticle of the Law wherin the people are exhorted to serue God for his perfect goodnes for his singular benefites for their former ingratitude and for his mercie stil mixed with his punishmentes 44. Al which being earnestly commended to them to remember and teach their children 48. Moyses is commanded to goe into a mountaine whence he shal see the promised land but not enter into it HEARE ye heauens what thinges I speake the earth heare the wordes of my mouth † My doctrine grow together as raine my speach flow as the dew as it were a shower vpon the herbe and as it were droppes vpon the grasse † Because I wil inuocate the name of our Lord geue magnificence to our God † The workes of God be perfect and al his waies iudgementes God is faithful and without any iniquitie iust and right † They haue sinned to him and not his children in filthines a froward and peruerse generation † These thinges doest thou render to our Lord thou foolish and vn wise people Is not he thy father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee † Remember the old daies thinke vpon euerie generation aske thy father and he wil declare to thee thy elders and they wil tel thee † When the highest diuided the nations when he separated the sonnes of Adam he appointed the limites of people according to the number of the children of Israel † But our Lords part is his people Iacob the corde of his inheritance † He found him in a desert land in a place of horrour and of wast wildernes he ledde him about and taught him and kept him as the apple of his eye † As the eagle prouoking her young to flie and houering ouer them hath he spred his winges and he hath taken him and caried him on his shoulders † Our Lord onlie was his guide and there was not with him a strange God † He placed him ouer an high land that he might eate the fruites of the fieldes that he might sucke honie out of the rocke and oile out of the hardest stone † Butter from the heard and milke of the sheepe with the fatte of lambes and of rammes the sonnes of Basan and bucke goates with the marow of wheate and might drinke the bloud of the grape most pure † The beloued was made grosse and spurned made grosse fatted dilated he left God his maker and departed from God his saluation † They prouoked him in strange goddes and in abominations stirred him to anger † They immolated to diuels and not to God to goddes which they knew not there came new fresh ones whom their fathers worshipped not † God that begatte thee thou hast forsaken and hast “ forgotten our Lord thy creatour † Our Lord saw and was moued to wrath because his sonnes and daughters prouoked him † And he said I wil hide my face from them and wil confider their last for it is a peruerse generation and vnfaithful children † They haue prouokedme in that which was no God and haue angred me in their vanities and I wil prouoke them in that which is no people and in a foolish nation wil I anger them † A fyre is kindled in my wrath and shal burne euen to the lowest partes of hel and shal deuoure the earth with her spring and shal burne the foundations of mountaines † I wil heape euils vpon them and myne arrowes I wil spend in them † They shal be consumed with famine and birdes shal deuoure them with most bitter biting the teeth of beastes wil I send vpon them with the furie of those that traile vpon the ground and creepe † Without shal the sword deuoure them within fearefulnes the young man and the virgin together the sucking child with the old man † I said Where are they I wil make their memorie to cease from among men † But for the wrath of the enemies I haue differred lest perhaps their enemies might be proude and would say Our mightie hand and not the Lord hath done al these thinges † A nation without counselis it and without wisedome † O that they were wise and vnderstoode and would prouide for their last † How should one pursew a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight was it not therfore because their God sold them and our Lord inclosed them † For our
by iust reasons 26. and long prescription But they persisting obstinate he 30. inconsideratly vowing 32. ouerthroweth them 34. and sacrificeth his onlie daughter THERE was at that time Iephte the Galaadite a most valiant man and a warrier the sonne of a woman that was an harlot who was borne of Galaad † And Galaad had a wife of whom he had sonnes who after they were growen cast out Iepthte saying Thou canst not be heyre in the house of our father because thou art borne of an other mother † Whom he fleeing and auoyding dwelt in the Land of Tob and there were gathered to him needie men and theeui●h and folowed him as their prince † In those dayes the children of Ammon fought against Israel † who pressing sore vpon them the ancientes of Galaad went to take Iephte out of the Land of Tob to helpe them † and they saied to him Come and be our prince and fight against the children of Ammon † To whom he answered Are not you they that hated me and cast me out of my fathers house and now are come to me forced by necessitie † And the princes of Galaad said to Iephte For this cause be we now come to thee that thou goe forth with vs and fight against the children of Ammon and be the captaine of al that dwell in Galaad † Iephte also said to them If you be come to me sincerly that I should fight for you against the children of Ammon and if our Lord deliuer them into my handes shal I be your prince † Who answered him Our Lord which heareth these thinges him selfe is mediatour and witnes that we wil doe as we haue promised † Iephte therfore went with the princes of Galaad and al the people made him their prince And Iephte spake al his wordes before our Lord in Maspha † And he sent messengers to the king of the children of Ammon which should say in his person What is betwen me and thee that thou art come against me to wast my Land † To whom he answered Because Israel tooke my land when he ascended out of Aegypt from the coasts of Arnon vnto Iaboc and Iordan now therfore with peace restore the same to me † By whom Iephte againe sent word and commanded them that they should say to the king of Ammon † Thus sayth Iephte Israel did not take the Land of Moab nor the Land of the children of Ammon † but when they ascended out of Aegypt he walked through the desert vnto the Readsea and came into Cades † And he sent messengers to the king of Edom saying Suffer me that I may passe through thy land Who would not condescend to his requestes He sent also to the king of Moab who also him selfe contemned to geue passage He abode therfore in Cades † and compassed the Land of Edom at the side and the land of Moab and came against the East quarter of the Land of Moab and camped beyond Arnon neither would he enter the boundes of Moab for Arnon is the border of the Land of Moab † Israel therfore sent messengers to Sehon the king of the Ammorrhei●es who dwelt in Hesebon and they said to him Suffer me to passe through thy land vnto the riuer † Who also him selfe despising the wordes of Israel suffered him not to passe through his borders but gathering an infinite multitude went forth against him into Iasa and resisted strongly † And our Lord deliuered him into the handes of Israel with al his armie and he stroke him and possessed al the Land of the Ammorrheite the inhabiter of that countrie † and al the coastes therof from Arnon vnto Iaboc from the wildernes vnto Iordan † Our Lord therfore the God of Israel subuerted the Amorrheite his people of Israel fighting against him and wilt thou now possesse his land † Are not those thinges which Chamos thy God possessed dew to thee by right But the thinges that our Lord God hath obteyned conquerour shal come to our possession † vnlesse perhaps thou be better then Balac the sonne of Sephor the king of Moab or canst shew that he wrangled against Israel and fought against him † when he dwelt in Hesebon and the litle to w●es therof and in Aroer and the townes therof or in al the cities nere Iordan for three hundred yeares Wherfore haue you so long attempted nothing for reclaime † Therfore I doe not sinne against thee but thou doest euil against me denouncing me vniust warres Our Lord be iudge the arbiter of this day betwen Israel and betwen the children of Ammon † And the king of the children of Ammon would not harken to the wordes of Iephte which he sent him by the messengers † Therfore the spirite of our Lord came vpon Iephte and circuiting Galaad and Manasses Maspha also of Galaad and thence passing to the children of Ammon † he vowed a vow to our Lord saying If thou wil● deliuer the children of Ammon into my handes † whosoeuer shal first come forth out of the doores of my house and shal meete me returning with peace from the children of Ammon him wil I offer an holocauste to our Lord. † And Iephte passed to the children of Ammon to fight against them whom our Lord deliuered into his handes † and he stroke from Aroer til thou come to Mennith twentie cities and as farre as Abel which is sette with vineyardes with a very great plague and the children of Ammon were humbled by the children of Israel † But Iephte returning into Maspha to his house his onlie begotten daughter mette him with tymbrels and daunces for he had not other children † Whom when he saw he rent his gatmentes and said Wo is me my daughter thou hast deceiued me and thy self art deceiued for I haue opened my mouth to our Lord and I can doe no other thing † To whom she answered My father if thou hast opened thy mouth to our Lord do vnto me whatsoeuer thou hast promised the reuenge and victorie of thyne enemies being granted to thee † And she said to her father This only graunt me which I desire Suffer me that two monethes I may goe about the mountaines and bewayle my virginitie with my felowes † To whom he answered Goe And he dismissed her two monethes And when she was gone with her felowes and companions she mourned her virginitie in the mountaines † And the two monethes being expired she returned to her father and he “ did to her as he had vowed who knew not man Thence forth a fashion in Israel and a custome was kept † that after the compasse of a yeare the daughters of Israel assemble together and mourne the daughter of Iephte the Galaadite foure dayes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI ●9 Did to her as he had vovved VVhether Iephte did wel or no in sacrificing his daughter hauing vowed to offer in sacrifice whosoeuer or whatsoeuer should first mete him returning with victorie as it
of Beniamin of Isboseths part the sonne of Saul and twelue of the seruantes of Dauid † And euery one taking the head of his mate sticked his sword into the side of his aduersarie and they fel together the name of the place was called The field of the valiantes in Gabaon † And there rose a very sore battel in that day and Abner was put to flight the men of Israel by the seruantes of Dauid † And there were there the three sonnes of Saruia Ioab and Abisai and Asael moreouer Asael was a most swift runner as it were one of the roes that abide in the wooddes † And Asael pursued Abner and declined not to the right hand nor to the left omitting to pursue Abner † Abner therefore looked backe behind him and said Art thou Asael Who answered I am † And Abner said to him Goe to the right hand or to the left and apprehend one of the young men and take to thee his spoyles But Asael would not leaue but vrged him † And againe Abner said to Asael Retyre and do not folowe me left I be compelled to sticke thee to the ground and I shal not be able to lift vp my face to Ioab thy brother † Who contemned to heare and would not goe aside Abner therefore stroke him with his speare turned backe in the priuy partes and thrust him through and he dyed in the same place and al that passed by that place wherein Asael fel and dyed did stay † But whiles Ioab and Abisai pursued Abner fleeing the sunne went downe and they came as farre as the hil of the water conduit that is ouer against the valley the way of the desert in Gabaon † And the children of Beniamin were assembled together to Abner and being gathered in a plumpe into one troupe they stoode in the toppe of one hil † And Abner cried out to Ioab and said Shal thy sword rage vnto vtter destructrion knowest thou not that desperation is dangerous how long differrest thou to say to the people that they leaue to pursue their brethren † And Ioab said Our Lord liueth if thou hadest spoken in the morning had the people retyred from pursuing their brethren † Ioab therefore sounded the trumpette and al the armie stood neither did they pursue Israel any further nor enter into fight † And Abner and his men went through the champaine country al that night and they passed Iordan and hauing viewed al Beth horon came to the campe † Moreouer Ioab returning after he had leift Abner assembled al the people and there wanted of Dauids seruantes nintene men beside Asael † But the seruantes of Dauid stroke of Beniamin and of the men that were with Abner three hundred three score who also died † And they tooke Asael buried him in the sepulchre of his father in Bethlehem and Ioab and the men that were with him walked al the night and in the very twilight they came into Hebron CHAP. III. ●●boseths forces daily decay Dauid increaseth in powre and hath manie sonnes 7. Abner vpon occasion of a sclander breaketh from Isboseth and serueth Dauid bringing Michol to him and much people of Israel 23. Ioab of emulation and reuenge killeth Abner 28. for which Dauid is offended with Ioab 31. and mourneth for Abner THERE was made therefore long strife betwen the house of Saul and betwen the houre of Dauid Dauid prospering and alwaies stronger then himself but the house of Saul decreasing daily † And there were sonnes borne to Dauid in Hebron and his first begotten was Amnon of Achinoam the Iezrahelite † And after him Cheleab of Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel moreouer the third Absalom the sonne of Maacha the daughter of Tolmai king of Gessur † And the fourth Adonias the sonne of Haggith and the fifth Saphathia the sonne of Abital † The sixt also Iethraam of Egla the wife of Dauid these were borne to Dauid in Hebron † Therefore when there was battel betwen the house of Saul and house of Dauid Abner the sonne of Ner ruled the house of Saul † And Saul had a concubine named Respha the daughter of Aia. And Isboseth said to Abner † Why diddest thou go in to my fathers concubine Who being wrath exceedingly for the wordes of Isboseth said What am I a dogges head against Iuda this day which haue done mercie vpon the house of Saul thy father and vpon his brethren and neerest freinds haue not deliuered thee into the hands of Dauid hast thou sought against me that thou mightest charge me for a woman to day † These things do God to Abner and these things adde he to him vnlesse as our Lord hath sworne to Dauid so I doe truth to him † That the kingdom be transferred from the house of Saul and the throne of Dauid be exalted ouer Israel and ouer Iuda from Dan to Bersabee † And he could not answer him any thing because he feared him † Abner therefore sent messengers to Dauid for himself saying Whose is the land And that they should say Make amitie with me my hand shal be with thee and I wil reduce vnto thee al Israel † Who said Very wel I wil make amitie with thee but one thing I desire of thee saying Thou shalt not see my face before thou bring Michol the daughter of Saul and so thou shalt come and see me † And Dauid sent messengers to Isboseth the sonne of Saul saying Restore my wife Michol which I berrothed to me for an hundred prepuces of the Philisthijms † Isboseth therefore sent and tooke her from her husband Phaltiel the sonne of Lais. † And her husband folowed her weeping as farre as Bahurim and Abner said to him Goe and returne Who returned † Abner also spake to the ancients of Israel saying Both yesterday and the day before you sought Dauid that he might reigne ouer you † Now therefore do so because our Lord hath spoken to Dauid saying In the hand of my seruant Dauid I wil saue my people Israel from the hands of the Philistijms and of al their enemies † And Abner spake also to Beniamin And he went to speake vnto Dauid in Hebron al things which pleased Israel and al Beniamin † And he came to Dauid into Hebron with twentie men and Dauid made a feast to Abner and to his men that came with him † And Abner sayd to Dauid I wil rise that I may gather vnto thee my lord king al Israel and may enter a league with thee and thou mayst reigne ouer al as thy soule desireth When Dauid therefore had brought Abner on the way and he was gone in peace † forthwith Dauids seruantss and Ioab came hauing slayne the robbers with a praye exceding great and Abner was not with Dauid in Hebron Because he had now dismissed him and he was departed in peace † And Ioab and al the armie which were with him came afterward it was therefore told Ioab that
and Zauan and Iacan The sonnes of Disan Hus and Aran. † These be the kinges that reigned in the Land of Edom before there was a king ouer the chidren of Israel Bale the sonne of Beor and the name of his citie Deneba † And Bale died and Iobab the sonne of Zare of Bosra reigned for him † And when Iobab also was dead Husam of the Land of the Themanes reigned for him † And Husam also died and Adad the sonne of Badad reigned for him who stroke Madian in the Land of Moab and the name of his citie was Auith. † And when Adad also was dead Semla of Masreca reigned for him † But Semla also died and there reigned for him Saul of Rohoboth which is situate besides the riuer † Saul also being dead Balanan the sonne of Achobor reigned for him † But this also died and Adad reigned for him whose cities name was Phau and his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezaab † And Adad being dead there began to be dukes in Edom for kinges duke Thamna duke Alua duke Ietheth † duke Oolibama duke Ela duke Phinon † duke Cenez duke Theman duke Mabsar † duke Magdiel duke Hiram these be the dukes of Edom. ANNOTATIONS BECAVSE in diuers holie Scriptures and especialy in these bookes of Paralipomenon manie difficulties occurre concerning diuers persons and places as also differences of numbers and times in reconciling wherof the holie Fathers and Doctors haue much laboured making sometimes large commentaries to satisfie them selues and other diligent searchers of the truth to remoue the obloquies of detractors from the authoritie of holie Scripture whose learned explications of such obscurities if we should cite it would be ouer long and contratie to our purpose of brief Annotations here once for often we wil present to the vulgar reader certaine cleare and ordinarie rules by which the learned Diuines do reconcile such apparent contradictions First it is euident by sundrie examples that manie persons places and some other thinges had diuers names so are sometimes called by one name sometimes by an other Secondly which is more common manie were called by the same names and so must be distinguished by the differences of times places qualities or other circumstances Thirdly in genealogies and other histories children are not alwaies called the sonnes or daughters of their natural parentes but sometimes of legal fathers and sometimes also of those that adopted them for their children and sometimes of their grandfathers or former progenitors Fourthly sometime for mysterie sake an other number is expressed being true in the mystical sense differing from the precise number according to the historie As in the genealogie of Christ the Euangelist counteth thrise fourtene generations from Abraham to our Sauiour differing from the historie of the old Testament Fiftly euen in the historie it self sometimes holie Scripture counteth only the greater numbers ommitting the lesser and in some other addeth also the odde numbers Sixtly the Scriptures speake often by tropes as mentioning part for the whole or the whole for the part so by the figure Synechdoche Christ is said to haue bene three dayes dead that is one whole day and part of other two And some king liuing or reigning so manie yeares and part of an other and his successour reigning the other part ech part is countend to each of them for a whole yeare and so a yeare is added more then is in the precise number Seuenthly sometimes the sonnes reigned together with their fathers as Ioathan reigned his father Ozias yet liuing 4. Reg. 15. so both their reignes are sometimes counted sometimes their seueral yeares as euerie one reigned alone Eightly the times of vacances in the gouernment of the Iudges reignes of kinges and the like are sometimes omitted in calculation sometimes adioyned to the predecessor or successor Ninthly sometimes the holy Scripture mentioneth the only time that one liued or reigned wel as it were blotting out the rest with obliuion So Saul is sayd to haue reigned two yeares 1. Reg 13. VVho wel and euil reigned much longer Tenthly by error in writing wordes names and especially numbers may easely be changed and can not easely be corrected By these or other like meanes al the holie Scriptures may be defended though none ought to presume by his priuate spirit to vnderstand and expound al Sciptures which are hard not only by reason of their profound sense surpassing mans natural capacitie but also for that in outward apparence sometimes there seeme to be contradictions but in dede neither are nor can be vttered by the Holie Ghost the Spirit of truth Inditer of the whole sacred Bible And therfore we must relie vpon Gods Spirit speaking in his spouse the Church commended vnto vs by those Scriptures wherof we are sufficiently assured CHAP II. The names of Israels twelue sonnes 3. The geneologie of Iuda first in the right line to Dauid the seuenth sonne of Isai 16. then other genealogies of the same Iuda AND the chidren of Israel Ruben Simeon Leui Iuda Issachar and Zabulon † Dan Ioseph Beniamin Nephthali Gad and Aser † The sonnes of Iuda Her Onan and Sela. these three were borne to him of the Chananite the daughter of Sue And Her the firstbegotten of Iuda was euil before our Lord and he slewe him † And Thamar his daughter in law bare him Phares and Zara. † Therfore al the sonnes of Iuda were fiue † And the sonnes of Phares Hesron and Hamul † The sonnes also of Zara Zamri and Ethan and Eman Chalcal also and Dara together fiue † And the sonnes of Charmi Achar who trubled Israel sinned in the theft of the anathema † The sonnes of Ethan Azarias † And the sonnes of Hesron that were borne to him Ierameel and Ram and Calubi † Moreouer Ram begat Aminadab and Aminadab begat Nahasson the prince of the children of Iuda † Nahasson also begat Salma of whom was borne Booz † But Booz begat Obed who also begat Isai † And Isai begat the firstbegotten Eliab the second Abinadab the third Simmaa † the fourth Nathanael the fifth Raddai † the sixt Asom the seuenth Dauid † Whose sisters were Saruia and Abigail The sonnes of Saruia Abisai Ioab and Asael three † And Abigail beare Amasa whose father was Iether the Ismaelite † But Caleb the sonne of Hesron tooke a wife named Azuba of whom he begat Ierioth and her sonnes were Iaser and Sobab and Ardon † And when Azuba was dead Caleb tooke to wife Ephratha who bare him Hur. † Moreouer Hur begat Vri and Vri begat Bezeleel † After these thinges Hesron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Galaad and tooke her when he was three score yeares old who bare him Segub † But Segub also begat Iair possessed three and twentie cities in the Land of Galaad † And he tooke
Gessur and Aram the townes of Iair and Canath and the villages therof threescore cities al these are the sonnes of Machir the father of Galaad † And when Hesron was dead Caleb went in to Ephrata Hesron also had to wife Abia who bare him Ashur the father of Thecua † And there were borne sonnes to Ierameel the firstbegotten Hesron Ram his firstborne and Buna and Aram and Asom and Achia † Ierameel maried also an other wife named Atara which was the mother of Onam † But the sonnes also of Ram the firstbegotten of Ierameel were Moos Iamin and Acar And Onam had sonnes Semei and Iada And the sonnes of Semei Nadab and Abisur † But the name of Abisurs wife was Abihail who bare him Ahobban and Molid † And the sonne of Nadab were Saled Apphaim And Saled died without children † But the sonne of Apphaim Iesi which Iesi begat Sesan Moreouer Sesan begat Oholai † And the sonnes of Iada the brother of Semei Iether and Ionathan But Iether also died without children † Moreouer Ionathan begat Phaleth and Ziza These were the sonnes of Ierameel † And Sesan had noe sonnes but daughters and a seruant an Aegyptian named Ieraa † And he gaue him his daughter to wife who bare him Ethei † And Ethei begat Nathan and Nathan begat Zabad † Zabad also begat Ophlal Ophlal begat Obed † Obed begat Iehu Iehu begat Azarias † Azarias begat Helles and Helles begat Elasa † Ealasa begat Sisamoi Sisamoi begat Sellum † Sellum begat Icamiam and Icamia begat Elisama † And the sonnes of Caleb the brother of Ierameel Mesa his firstbegotten he is the father of Ziph and the sonnes of Maresa the father of Hebron † Moreouer the sonnes of Hebron Core and Thaphua and Recem and Samma † And Samma begat Raham the father of Iercaam and Recem begat Sammai † The sonne of Sammai Maon and Maon the father of Bethsur † And Epha the concubine of Caleb bare Haran and Mosa and Gezez. Moreouer Haran begat Gezez. † And the sonnes of Iahaddai Regom and Ioathan and Gesan and Phalet and Epha and Saaph † The concubine of Caleb Maacha bare Saber and Tharana † And Saaph the father of Madmena begat Sue the father of Machbena and the father of Gabaa But the daughter of Caleb was Achsa † These were the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Hur the firstbegotten of Ephrata Sobal the father of Cariathiarim † Salma the father of Bethlehem Hariph the father of Bethgader † And there were sonnes of Sobal the father of Chariathiarim he that saw the halfe of the restinges † and of the kinred of Cariatharim the Iethreites and Aphutheites and Sematheites and Maseretes Out of these issued the Saraites and Esthaolites † The sonnes of Salma Bethlehem and Netophathi the Crownes of the house of Ioab and the Halfe of the resting of Sarai † The kinredes also of the scribes dwelling in Iabes singing and sounding and abyding in tabernacles These are the Cineites which came from heate of the father of the house of Rechab CHAP. III. The sonnes of King Dauid 10. The line of the Kinges of Iuda from Salomon to Iosias 15. with diuers generations of the same Iosias BVT Dauid had these sonnes which were borne to him in Hebron the firstbegotten Ammon of Achinoam the Iesraelite the second Daniel of Abigail the Carmelite † the third Absolom the sonne of Maacha the daughier of Tolmui the king of Gessur the fourth Adonias the sonne of Aggith † the fift Saphatias of Abital the sixth Iethraham of Egla his wife † Six sonnes therfore were borne to him in Hebron where he reigned seuen yeares and six monethes And in Ierusalem he reiged three and thirtie yeares † Moreouer in Ierusalem sonnes were borne to him Simmaa and Sobab and Nathan Salomon foure of Bethsabea the daughter of Ammiel † Iebaar also and Elisama † and Eliphaleth and Noge and Nepheg and Iaphia † moreouer Elisanna and Eliada and Elipheleth nine † al these the sonnes of Dauid beside the sonnes of his concubines and they had a sister Thamar † And the sonne of Salomon Roboam whose sonne Abia begat Asa Of this also was borne Iosaphat † the father of Ioram which Ioram begat Ochozias of whom rose Ioas † and his sonne Amasias begat Azarias Moreouer Azarias the sonne of Ioathan † begat Achaz the father of Ezechias of whom was borne Manasses † But Manasses also begat Amon the father of Iosias † And the sonnes of Iosias were the firstbegotten Iohanam the second Ioakim the third Sedecias the fourth Sellum † Of Ioakim was borne Iechonias and Sedecias † The sonnes of Iechonias were Asir Salathiel † Melchiram Phadaia Senneser Iecemia Sam● and Nadabia † Of Phadaia were borne Zorobabel and Semei Zorobabel begat Mosollom Hananias and Salomith their sister † Hasaba also and Ohol and Barachias and Hasadias Iasabhesed fiue † And the sonne of Hananias Phaltias the father of Ieseias whose sonne was Raphaia This mans sonne also Arnan of whom was borne Obdia whose sonne was Sechenias † The sonne of Sechenias Semeia whose sonnes were Hattus and Iegaal and Baria and Naaria and Saphat six in number † The sonnes of Naaria Elioenai Ezechias and Ezricam three † The sonnes of Elioenai Oduia and Eliasub and Pheleia and Accub and Iohanan and Dalaia and Anani seuen CHAP. IIII. Other genealogies of Iuda 24. and of Simeon 29. by whom the progenie of Cham 42. and reliques of Amelacites are subdued THE sonnes of Iuda Phares Hesron and Charmi and Hur and Sobal † But Raia the sonne of Sobal begat Iahath of whom were borne Ahumai and Laad these be the kinredes of Sarathi † This allo is the stocke of Etam Iezrahel and Iesema and Iedebos And the name of their sister Asalelphuni † And Phanuel the father of Gedor and Ezar the father of Hosa these are the sonnes of Hur the first begotten of Ephratha the father of Bethlehem † But Assur the father of Thecua had two wiues Halaa Naara † And Naara bare him Oozam and Hepher and Themani and Ahasthari these are the sonnes of Naara † Moreouer the sonnes of Halaa Sereth Isaar and Ethnan † And Cos begat Anob and Soboba and the kindred of Aharchel the sonne of Arum † And Iabes was honorable aboue his brethren and his mother called his name Iabes saynig Because I bare him in sorow † But Iabes inuocated the God of Israel saying If blessing thou wilt blesse me and wilt enlarge my borders and thy hand be with me and thou wilt make that I be not oppressed by malice And God granted the thinges that he prayed for † And Caleb the brother of Sua begat Mahir who was the father of Esthon † Moreouer Esthon begat Bethrapha and Phesse and Tehinna the father of the citie of Naas these are the men of Recha † And the sonnes of Cenez Othoniel and Saraia Moreouer the sonnes of Othoniel Hathath and Maonathi † Maonathi begat
Ophra Saraia begat Ioab the father of the Vale of Artificers for there were artificers † And the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Iephone Hir and Ela and Naham The sonnes also of Ela Cenez † The sonnes also Ialeleel Ziph and Zipha Thiria and Asrael † And the sonnes of Esra Iether and Mered and Epher and Ialon and he begat Mariam and and Sammai and Iesba the father of Esthamo † Also his wife Iudaia bare Iared the father of Gedor and Heber the father of Socho and Icu●hiel the father of Zanoe and these are the sonnes of Bethia the daughter of Pharao whom Mered tooke † And the sonnes of the wise of Odaia the sister of Naham the father of Ceila Garmi and Esthamo which was of Macathi † The sonnes also Simon Amnon and Rinna the sonne of Hanan and Thilon And the sonnes of Iesi Zoheth and Benzoheth † The sonnes of Sela the sonne of Iuda Her the father of Lecha and Laada the father of Maresa and the kinredes of their house that worke silke in the House of oath † And he that made the Sunne to stand and the men of Lying and Secure and Burning which were princes in Moab and which returned into Lahem and these are old wordes † These are potters dwelling in Plantinges and in Hedges with the king in his workes and they abode there † The sonnes of Simeon Namuel and Iamin Iarib Zara Saul † Sellum his sonne Mapsam his sonne Masma his sonne † The sonnes of Masma Hamuel his sonne Zachur his sonne Semei his sonne † The sonnes of Semei sixtene and six daughters but his brethren had not manie sonnes and the whole kinred could not reach to the summe of the children of Iuda † And they dwelt in Bersabee and Molada and Hasarsuhal † and in Bala and in Asom and in Tholad † and in Bathuel and in Hormi and in Siceleg † and in Beth-marcaboth and in Hasarsusim and in Bethberai and in Saarim these were their cities vntil king Dauid † Their townes also Etam and Aen Rhemmon and Thochen and Asan fiue cities † And al their villages round about these cities vnto Baal this is their habitation and the distribution of their dwellinges † Mosabab also and Iemlech and Iosa the sonne of Amasias † and Ioel and Iehu the sonne of Iosabia the sonne of Saraia the sonne of A●iel † and Elioenai and Iacoba and Isuhaia and Asaia and Adiel and Ismiel and Banaia † Ziza also the sonne of Zephei the sonne of Allon the sonne of Idaia the sonne of Semri the sonne of Samaia † These renowmed princes in their kinredes in the house of their affinities they were multiplied excedingly † And they went forth to enter into Gador as far as the East side of the valley and to seeke pastures for their flockes † And they found fatte pastures and very good and a countrie very large and quiet and fruiteful in the which before had dwelt the stocke of Cham. † These therfore whom before we described by name came in the dayes of Ezechias the king of Iuda and they stroke their tabernacles and the inhabitantes that were found there cleane destroyed them vntil this present day and they dwelt for them because they found there most fatte pastures † Also of the children of Simeon there went into mount Seir fiue hundred men hauing their princes Phaltias and Naaria and Raphaia and Oziel the sonnes of Iesi † and they stroke the remnant of the Amalecites which were able to escape and they dwelt there for them vntil this day CHAP. V. Genealogies of Ruben whose birthright concerning duble portion is translated to Ioseph the principalitie to Iuda with their special actes 11. Also of Gad. 18. who with Ruben and half tribe of Manasses subdue the Agarenes 25. but for their sinnes are led captiue into Assyria ALSO the sonnes of Ruben the first begotten of Israel for he was his first begotten but when he had violated his fathers bed his firstbirthright was giuen to the sonnes of Ioseph the sonne of Israel and he was not reputed for the firstbegotten † Moreouer Iudas which was the strongest among his brethren of his stocke sprang the princes but the firstbirthright was reputed to Ioseph † The sonnes then of Ruben the firstbegotten of Israel Enoch Phallu Esron and Charmi. † The sonnes of Ioel Samia his sonne Gog his sonne Semei his sonne † Micha his sonne Reia his sonne Baal his sonne † Beera his sonne whom Theglathphalnasar the king of the Assyrians led away captiue and he was prince in the tribe of Ruben † And his brethren and al his kinred when they were numbred by their families had these princes Iehiel and Zacharias † Moreouer Bala the sonne of Azaz the sonne of Samma the sonne of Ioel he dwelt in Aroer as far as Nebo and Beelmeon † Agaynst the east quarter also he dwelt vnto the entrance of the desert and the riuer Euphrates For they possessed a great number of cattel in the land of Galaad † And in the daies of Saul they fought agaynst the Agarenes and slewe them and dwelt for them in their tabernacles in al the quarter that looketh to the East of Galaad † But the children of Gad dwelt ouer agaynst them in the land of Basan as far as Selcha † Iohel the head and Sapham the second and Ianai and Saphat in Basan † And their brethren according to the houses of their kinredes Michael and Mosollam and Sebe and Iorai and Iacan and Zi● and Heber seuen † These are the sonnes of Abihail the sonnes of Huri the sonne of Iara the sonne of Galaad the sonne of Michael the sonne of Iesesi the sonne of Ieddo the sonne of Buz. † Also the brethren of the sonne of Abdiel the sonne of Guni prince of the house in their families † And they dwelt in Galaad and in Basan and in the townes therof and in al the suburbes of Saron vnto the borders † Al these were numbred in the daies of Ioatham the king of Iuda and in the daies of Ieroboam the king of Israel † The children of Ruben and of Gad and of the halfe tribe of Manasses men of warre carying sheildes swordes and bending the bow and taught to battels foure and fourtie thousand and seuen hundred threescore going forth to fight † They fought agaynst the Agarenes but the Itureians and Naphis and Nodab † gaue them ayde And the Agarenes were deliuered into their handes and al that were with them because they called vpon God when they fought and he heard them because they beleued in him † And they tooke al that they possessed Camels fiftie thousand and sheepe two hundred fiftie thousand and asses two thousand and of men an hundred thousand soules † And manie fel downe wounded for it was the battel of our Lord. And they dwelt for them vntil the transmigration † Also the children of the halfe tribe of Manasses possessed the land from the costes
the kinred of the sonnes of Caath and the cities in their borders were of the tribe of Ephraim † They therfore gaue them cities to flee vnto Sichem with the suburbes therof in mount Ephraim and Gazer with the suburbes therof † Iecmaan also with the suburbes therof and Bethhoron in like maner † moreouer Helon also with the suburbes therof and Gethremmon in like maner † Moreouer of the halfe tribe of Manasses Aner the suburbes therof Balaam and the suburbes therof to witte to them which were leaft of the kinred of the sonnes of Caath † And to the sonnes of Gersom of the kinred of the halfe tribe of Manasses Gaulon in Basan and the suburbes therof and Astaroth with the suburbes therof † Of the tribe of Issachar Cedes and the suburbes therof and Dabereth with the suburbes therof † Ramoth also and the suburbes therof and Anem with the suburbes therof † And of the tribe of Aser Masal with the suburbes therof Abdon in like mamer † Hucac also and the suburbes therof and Rohob with the suburbes therof † Moreouer of the tribe of Nephthali Cedes in Galilee and the suburbes therof Hamon with the suburbes therof and Cariathaim and the suburbes therof † And to the rest of the sonnes of Merari of the tribe of Zabulon Remmono and the suburbes therof and Thabor with the suburbes therof † beyond Iordan also ouer agaynst Iericho agaynst the East of Iordan of the tribe of Ruben Bosor in the wildernesse with the suburbes therof and Iassa with the suburbes therof † Cademoth also and the suburbes therof and Mephaath with the suburbes thereof † Moreouer also of the tribe of Gad Ramoth in Galaad and the suburbes therof and Manaim with the suburbes therof † yea and Hesebon with the suburbes therof and Iezer with the suburbes therof CHAP. VII Genealogies of Issachar 6. Beniamin 13. Nephthali 44 Manasses 20. Ephraim 30. and Aser MOREOVER the sonnes of Issachar Thola and Phua Iasub and Simeron foure † The sonnes of Thola Ozi and Raphaia and Ieriel and Iemai and Iebsem and Samuel princes by the houses of their kinredes Of the stocke of Thola were numbred most valiant men in the daies of Dauid two and twentie thousand six hundred † The sonnes of Ozi Izrahia of whom were borne Michael and Obadia and Ioel and Iesia fiue al princes † And with them by their families and peoples readie girded to battel most valiant men six and thirtie thousand for they had many wiues and children † Their brethren also through al the kinred of Issachar most strong to fight were numbred foure score and seuen thousand † The sonnes of Beniamin Bela and Bechor Iadihel three † The sonnes of Bela Esbon and Ozi and Oziel and Ierimoth and Vrai fiue princes of their families and most strong to fight and their number was twentie two thousand and thirtie foure † Moreouer the sonnes of Bechor Zamira and Ioas and Eliezer and Elioenai and Amri and Ierimoth and Abia and Anathoth and Almath al these the sonnes of Bechor † And there were numbred by their families princes of their kinredes most valiant vnto battel twentie thousand and two hundred † Moreouer the sonnes of Iadihel Balon And the sonnes of Balan Iehus and Beniamin and Aod and Chanana and Zethan and Tharsis Ahisahar † al these the sonnes of Iadihel princes of their kinredes most valiant men seuentene thousand and two hundred going forth to battel † Sepham also and Hapham the sonnes of Hir and Hasim the sonnes of Aher † And the sonnes of Nephthali Iasiel and Guni and lezer and Sellum the sonnes of Bala † Moreouer the sonne of Manasses Ezriel and his concubine the Syrian bare Machit the father of Galaad † And Machir tooke wiues for his sonnes Happhim and Saphan and he had a sister named Maacha the name of the second Salphaad and to Salphaad were borne daughters † And Maacha the wife of Machir bare a sonne and she called his name Phares moreouer the name of his brother was Sares and his sonnes Vlam and Recen † And the sonne of Vlam Badan These are the children of Galaad the soone of Machir the sonne of Manasses † And his sister Queene bare Goodlieman and Abiezer and Mohola † And the sonnes of Semida were Ahin and Sechem and Leci and Anion † And the sonnes of Ephraim Suthala Bared his sonne Thahath his sonne Elada his sonne Thahath his sonne and this mans sonne Zabad † and this mans sonne Suthala and this mans sonne Ezer and Elad and the men of Geth borne in the land slewe them because they came downe to inuade their possessions † Eghraim therfore their father mourned many daies and his brethern came to comfort him † And he went in vnto his wife who conceiued and bare a sonne and he called his name Beria for that he was borne in the euils of his house † and his daughter was Sara who built Bethhoron the nether and the vpper and Ozensara † Moreouer his sonne Rapha and Reseph and Thale of whom was borne Thaan † who begat Laadan this mans sonne also was Ammiud who begat Elisama † of whom was borne Nun who had Iosue his sonne † And their possession and habitation was Bethel with her daughters and agaynst the east of Noran and on the west quarter of Gazer and her daughters Sichem also with her daughters as farre as Asa with her daughters † Also neere the children of Manasses Bethsan and her daughters Thanach her daughters Mageddo and her daughters Dor and her daughters in these dwelt the children of Ioseph the sonne of Israel † The children of Aser Iemna and Iesua and Iessui and Baria and Sara their sister † And the sonnes of Baria Heber and Melchiel he is the father of Barsaith † And Heber begat I●phlat and Somer and Hotham and Suaa their sister † The sonnes of Iephlat Phosech and Chamaal and Asoth these be the sonnes of Iephlat † Moreouer the sonnes of Somer Ahi and Roaga and Haba and Aram. † And the sonnes of H●lem his brother Supha and Iemna and Selles and Amal. † The sonnes of Supha Sue Harnapher and Sual and Be●i and Iamra † Bosor and hod and Sanuma and Salusa and Iethran and Bera † The sonnes of Iether Iephone and Phaspha and Ara. † And the sonnes of Olla Aree and hanicl and Resia † Al these be the sonnes of Aser princes of their kinredes the chosen and most valiant dukes of dukes and their number of the age that was fitte for battel was six and twentie thousand CHAP. VIII The progenie of Beniamin is further recited vnto Saul 33. and his Issue AND Beniamin begat Bale his first begotten Asbel the second Ahara the third † Nohaa the fourth and Rapha the fifth † And the sonnes of Bale were Addar and Gera and Abiud † Abisue also and Naaman and Ahoe † and also Gera and Sephuphan and Huram † These a●e the sonnes of Ahod princes of their
kinredes that dwelt in Gabaa which were transported into Manahath † And Naaman and Achia and Gera he transported them and begat Oza and Ahiud † Moreouer he begat Saharaim in the countrie of Moab after he dismissed Husim and Bara his wiues † And of Hodes his wife he begat Iobab and Sebia and Mosa and Molchom † Iehus also and Sechia and Marma. these are his sonnes princes in their families † And Mehusim begat Abitob and Elphaal † Moreouer the sonnes of Elphaal Heber and Misaam and Samad this man built Ono and Lod and her daughters † And Baria and Sama princes of their kinredes that dweltin Aialon these droue away the inhabitantes of Geth † And Ahio and Sesac and Ierimoth † and Sabadia and Arod and Heder † Michael also and Iespha and Ioha the sonnes of Baria † And Zabadia and Mosollam and Hezeci and Heber † and Iesamari and Iezlia and Iobab sonnes of Elphaal † and Iacim and Zechri and Zabdi † and Elioenai and Selethai and Eliel † and Adaia and Baraia and Samarath the sonnes of Semei † And Iespham and Heber and Eliel † and Abdon and Zechri and Hanan † and Hanania and Aelam and Anathothia † and Iephdaia and Phanuel the sonnes of Sesac † and Samsari and Sohoria and Otholia † and Iersia and Elia and Zechri the sonnes of Ieroham † these be the patriaches and princes of their kinredes which dwelt in Ierusalem † And in Gabaon dwelt Abigabaon and the name of his wife Maacha † And his first begotten sonne Abdon and Sur and Cis and Baal and Nadab † Gedor also and Ahio and Zacher and Macelloth † and Macelloth begat Samaa and they dwelt ouer agaynst their brethren in Ierusalem with their brethren † And Ner begat Cis and Cis begat Saul Moreouer Saul begat Ionathas and Melchisua and Abinadab and Esbaal † And the sonne of Ionathas Meribbaal and Meribbaal begat Micha † The sonnes of Micha Phithon and Melech Tharaa and Ahaz † And Ahaz begat Ioada and Ioada begat Alamath and Azmoth and Zamri moreouer Zamri begat Mosa † and Mosa begat Banaa whose sonne was Rapha of whom was borne Elasa who begat Asel † Moreouer Asel had six sonnes of these names Ezricam Bochru Ismahel Saria Obdia and Hanan al these the sonnes of Asel † And the sonnes of Esec his brother Vlam the first begotten and Iehus the second and Eliphalet the third † And the sonnes of Vlam were most strong men and archers of great force and hauing many sonnes and nephewes vnto an hundred fiftie Al these the children of Beniamin CHAP. IX VVho of Israel after the captiuitie first inhabited Ierusalem 10. VVho exercised the offices of Priestes 14. and Leuites 35. with repetition of part of Sauls progenie AL Israel therfore was numbred and the summe of them was written in the Booke of the kinges of Israel and Iuda and they were transported into Babylon for their sinne † And they that dwelt first in their possessions and in their cities Israel and the Priestes and the Leuites and the Nathineans † There dwelt in Ierusalem of the children of Iuda and of the children of Beniamin also of the children of Ephraim and Manasses † Othei the sonne of Ammiud the sonne of Amri the sonne of Omrai the sonne of Bonni of the sonnes of Phares the sonne of Iuda † And of Siloni Asaia the first begotten and his sonnes † And of the sonnes of Zara Iehuel and their brethren six hundred ninetie † Moreouer of the sonnes of Beniamin Salo the sonne of Mosollam the sonne of Odiua the sonne of Asana † and Iobania the sonne of Ieroham and Ela the sonne of Ozi the sonne of Mochori and Mosollam the sonne of Saphatias the sonne of Rahuel the sonne of Iebania † and their brethren by their families nine hundred fiftie six Al these princes of their kinredes by the houses of their fathers † And of the priestes Iedaia Ioiarib and Iachin † Azarias also the sonne of Helcias the sonne of Mosollam the sonne of Sadoc the sonne of Maraioth the sonne of Achitob high priest of the house of God † Moreouer Adaias the sonne of Ieroham the sonne of Phassur the sonne of Melchias and Maasai the sonne of Adiel the sonne of Iezra the sonne of Mosollam the sonne of Mosollamith the sonne of Emmer † their brethren also princes by their families a thousand seuen hundred three score most able men of strength to the worke of the ministerie in the house of God † And of the Leuites Semeia the sonne of Hassub the sonne of Ezricam the sonne of Hasebia of the sonnes of Merari † Bacbacar also a carpenter and Galal and Mathania the sonne of Micha the sonne of Zechri the sonne of Asaph † and Obdia the sonne of Semeia the sonne of Galal the sonne of Idithun and Barachia the sonne of Asa the sonne of Elcana who dwelt in the courtes of Netophati † And the porters Sellum and Accub and Telmon and Ahimam and their brother Sellum the prince † vntil that time in the kinges gate toward the east wayted by their courses of the children of Leui. † But Sellum the sonne of Core the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Core with his brethren and his fathers house these are the Corites ouer the workes of the ministerie keepers of the entrances of the tabernacle and their families in course keeping the entrance of the campe of our Lord. † And Phinees the sonne of Eleasar was their prince before our Lord. † Moreouer Zacharias the sonne of Mosollamia porter of the gate of the tabernacle of testimonie † Al these chosen men for porters at euerie gate two hundred twelue and appointed out in their proper townes Whom Dauid and Samuel the Seer appointed vpon their fidelitie † as wel them as their sonnes in the doores of the house of our Lord and in the tabernacle by their courses † By the foure windes were the porters that is to say toward the East and toward the West and toward the North and toward the South † And their brethren dwelt in villages and came vpon their Sabbathes from time to time † To these four Leuites was committed al the number of porters and they were ouer the chambers and treasures of the house of our Lord. † Also round about the temple of our Lord they abode in their watches that when it was time they in the morning might open the doores † Of these mens stocke there were also ouer the vessels of the ministerie for by number the vessels were both brought in and caried out † Of them also they that had the implements of the sancturie committed vnto them did ouersee the floure and wine and oile and frankincense and spices † And the sonnes of priestes made oyntementes of the spices † And Mathathias a Leuite the firstbegotten of Sellum the Corite was ouerseer of those thinges which were fryed in the srying panne † Moreouer of the children of Caath their brethren there were
appoynted with armour of warre there came fiftie thousand to ayde not in a duble hart † And of Nepthali commanders a thousand and with them furnished with shield and speare seuen and thirtie thousand † Of Dan also prepared to battel twentie eight thousand six hundred † And of Aser going forth to fight and prouoking in batttel fourtie thousand † And beyond Iordan of the children of Ruben and of Gad and the halfe part of the tribe of Manasses furnished with armour of warre an hundred twentie thousand † Al these men of warre wel appoynted to fight with perfect hart came into Hebron to make Dauid King ouer al Israel yea and al the rest of Israel were of one hart that Dauid should be made king † And they were there with Dauid three daies eating and drinking for their brethren had prepared for them † Yea and they that were neere them as farre as Issachar Zabulon and Nephthali brought loaues on Asses and on camels and on mules and vpon oxen to eate meale figges reysens wine oile beeues muttons in al abundance for there was ioy in Israel CHAP. XIII The Arke is brought from Abinadabs house 8. Dauid and others dancing before it 9. Oza for touching it is strooken dead 13. VVherupon Dauid fearing to bring it to Ierusalem 〈◊〉 remayneth three monethes in the house of Obededom AND Dauid tooke counsel with the tribunes and centurions and al the commanders † and he sayd to al the assemblie of Israel If it please you and if the word which I speake procede from our Lord God let vs send to the rest of our brethren into al the countries of Israel to the Priestes and Leuires that dwel in the suburbes of the cities that they may be gathered together vnto vs † and we may bring agayne vnto vs the Arke of our God for we sought it not in the daies of Saul † And the whole multitude answered that it should be soe done for the word had pleased al the people † Dauid therfore assembled al Israel from Sihor of Aegypt til thou enter into Emath to bring the Arke of God from Caria Thiarim † And Dauid went vp and euerie man of Israel to the hil of Caria Thiarim which is in Iuda to fetch thence the Arke of our Lord God sitting vpon the Cherubim where his name is inuocated † And they layd the Arke of God vpon a new wayne out of the house of Abinadab And Oza and his brother did driue the wayne † Moreouer Dauid and al Israel playd before our Lord with al their might in songues and on harpes and psalteries and timbrels and cymbals and trumpettes † And when they were come to the Floore of Chidon Oza stretched forth his hand to hold vp the Arke for the oxe being wantone had made it leane a litle a side † Our Lord therfore was angrie agaynst Oza and stroke him for that he had touched the Arke and he died there before our Lord. † And Dauid was strooken sad because our Lord had diuided Oza and he called that place the Diuision of Oza vntil this present day † And he feared God at that time saying How may I bring in the Arke of God vnto me † And for this cause he brought it not vnto himselfe that is into the citie of Dauid but turned it away into the house of Obededom the Getheite † Therfore the Arke of God remayned in the house of Obededom three monethes our Lord blessed his house and al thinges that he had CHAP. XIIII King Dauid prouideth timber and workmen to build his owne house 3. marieth more wiues and hath manie children 8. ouerthroweth the Philistians 13. twise HIRAM also the king of Tyre sent messengers to Dauid and cedar trees and artificers for walles and timber to build him a house † And Dauid knew that our Lord had established him to be king ouer Israel and that his kingdom was exalted ouer his people Israel † Dauid also tooke other wiues in Ierusalem and he begat sonnes and daughters † And these be their names that were borne to him in Ierusalem Samua and Sobad Nathan and Salomon † Iebahar and Elisua and Eliphalet † Noga also and Napheg and Iaphia † Elisama and Baalaida and Eliphalet † And the Philisthijms hearing that Dauid was annoynted for king ouer al Israel they went vp al to seeke him which when Dauid had heard he went out to meete them † Moreouer the Philisthijms coming were spred abrode in the Vale Raphaim † And Dauid consulted our Lord saying Shal I goe vp to the Philisteans and wilt thou deliuer them into my hand And our Lord sayd to him Goe vp and I wil deliuer them into thy hand † And when they were come vp into Baalpharasim Dauid stroke them there and sayd God hath diuided myn enemies by my hand as waters are diuided and therfore the name of that place was called Baal Pharasim † And they least there their goddes which Dauid commanded to be burnt † An other time also the Philisthijms invaded and were dispersed in the Vale. † And Dauid consulted God agayne and God sayd to him Goe not vp after them retyre from them and thou shalt come agaynst them ouer agaynst the pearetrees † And when thou shalt heare the sound of one going in the toppe of the pearetrees then shalt thou yssue forth to battel For God is gone forth before thee to strike the campe of the Philisthijms † Dauid therfore did as God had commanded him and stroke the campe of the Philisthianes from Gabaon vnto Gazera † And the name of Dauid was bruited in al countries and our Lord gaue the dreade of him ouer al nations CHAP. XV. VVith sol●nnitie the Arke is brought into Ierusalem caried by the Priestes and Leuites 16. With musick of diuers sortes 26. Sacrifice of thankesgeuing is offered 29. Michel derideth Dauids deuotion HE made also houses for him selfe in the citie of Dauid and built a place for the Arke of God pitcht a tabernacle for it † Then sayd Dauid It is vnlawful that the Arke of God be caried of any man but of the Leuites whom our Lord chose to carie it and to minister vnto himself for euer † And he gathered together al Israel into Ierusalem that the Arke of God might be brought into his place which he had prepared for it † Moreouer also the sonnes of Aaron and the Leuites † Of the children of Caath Vriel was the prince and his brethren an hundred twentie † Of the sonnes of Merari Asaia the prince and his brethren two hundred twentie † Of the sonnes of Gersom Ioel the prince and his brethren an hundred thirtie † Of the sonnes of Elisaphan Semeias the prince and his brethren two hundred † Of the sonnes of Hebron Eliel the prince and his brethren eightie † Of the sonnes of Oziel Aminadab the prince and his brethren and hundred twelue † And Dauid called Sadoc and Abiathar the Priestes and the Leuites
whosoeuer had geuen their hart to seeke our Lord the God of Israel came into Ierusalem to immolate their victims before our Lord the God of their fathers † And they strenghened the kingdom of Iuda and established Roboam the sonne of Salomon for three yeares for they walked in the waies of Dauid and Salomon onlie three yeares † And Roboam tooke to wife Mahalath the daughter of Ierimoth the sonne of Dauid Abi●ail also the daughter of Eliab the sonne of Isai † who bare him sonnes Iehus and Somorias and Zoom † After this woman also he tooke Maacha the daughter of Absalom who bare him Abia and Ethai and Ziza and Salomith † And Roboam loued Maacha the daughter of Absalom aboue al his wiues and concubines for he had maried eightene wiues and threescore concubines and he begat eight and twentie sonnes and threescore daughters † But he appoynted for head Abias the sonne of Maacha duke ouer al his brethren for he meant to make him king † because he was wiser and mightier aboue al his sonnes and in al the costes of Iuda and of Beniamin and in al the walled cities and he gaue them much meate and he disired manie wiues CHAP. XII For the sinnes of Roboam and the people manie strong cities also Ierusalem are taken and spoyled by the king of Aegypt 8. They repent and the Aegyptians depart 9. but carie away the treasures 13. Roboam dieth and his sonne Abias reigneth AND when the kingdom of Roboam was strengthened and fortified he forsooke the law of our Lord and al Israel with him † And in the fifth yeare of the kingdom of Roboam came vp Sesac the king of Aegypt into Ierusalem because they had sinned to our Lord † with a thousand two hundred chariotes and threescore thousand horsemen neither was anie number of the common people that came with him out of Aegypt to witte Lybians and Troglodytes and Aethiopians † And he tooke the most fensed cities in Iuda and came ouer vnto Ierusalem † And Semeias the prophete went to Roboam and to the princes of Iuda that were gathered togetherin Ierusalem fleing from Sasac and he sayd to them Thus sayth our Lord You haue leaft me and I haue leaft you in the hand of Sesac † And the princes of Israel and the king being astonied sayd Our Lord is iust † And when our Lord had seene that they were humbled the word of our Lord came to Semeias saying Because they are humbled I wil not destroy them and I wil geue them a litle ayde and my furie shal not droppe vpon Ierusalem by the hand of Sesac † But yet they shal serue him that they may know the distance of my seruice and of the seruice of the kingdom of the earth † Therfore Sesac the king of Aepypt retyred from Ierusalem taking away the treasures of the house of our Lord and of the kinges house and he tooke al thinges with him and the golden shieldes that Salomon had made † for the which the king made brasen ones and deliuered them to the princes of the shieldbearers which kept the entrance of the palace † And when the king entred into the house of our Lord the shieldbearers came and tooke them brought them backe agayne to their armorie † But yet because they were humbled the wrath of our Lord was turned away from them neither were they vtterly destroyed for in Iuda there were found good workes † King Roboam therfore was strengthened in Ierusalem reigned one and fourtie yeares old was he when he beganne to reigne and he reigned seuentene yeares in Ierusalem the citie which our Lord chose to confirme his name there out of al the tribes of Israel and the name of his mother was Naama an Ammonite † And he did euil and prepared not his hart to seke our Lord. † But the workes of Roboam the first and the last are writen in the Bookes of Semeias the Prophete and of Addo the Seer and diligently expounded and Roboam and Ietoboam fought one agaynst the other al their daies † And Roboam slept with his fathers and was buried in the citie of Dauid And Abias his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XIII Abias maketh warre agaynst Ieroboam 4. exhorteth the people of Israel for iustice and religions sake to returne to him 13. In the meane time Ieroboam inuironeth him with forces but by Gods assistance Abias preuaileth 21. and reigneth securely IN the eightenth yeare of king Ieroboam reigned Abias ouer Iuda † Three yeares reigned he in Ierusalem and his mothers name was Michaia the daughter of Vriel of Gabaa there was warre betwen Abias and Ieroboam † And when Abias had begun battel and had most warlike men of chosen ones four hundreth thousand Ieroboam put his armie in aray on the contrarie side eight hundreth thousand men who them selues also were chosen men and most valiant to battels † Abias therfore stood vpon mount Semeron which was in Ephraim and sayd Heare Ieroboam and al Israel † Are you ignorant that our Lord the God of Israel gaue the kingdom to Dauid ouer Israel for euer to him and his children as a couenant of salt † And there rose vp Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat the seruant of Salomon the sonne of Dauid and rebelled agaynst his lord † And there were gathered to him al the most vayne men and the children of Belial and they preuayled agaynst Roboam the sonne of Salomon moreouer Roboam was rude and of a fearful hart and could not resist them † Now therfore you say that you are able to resist the kingdom of our Lord which he possesseth by the children of Dauid and you haue a great multitude of people and golden calues which Ieroboam hath made you for goddes † And you haue cast out the Priestes of of our Lord the children of Aaron and the Leuites and you haue made you priestes as al the peoples of the earth who soeuer shal come consecrate his hand in a bullock of oxen and in seuen rammes is made the priest of them that are not goddes † But our Lord is God whom we forsake not and the Priestes do minister to our Lord of the children of Aaron and the Leuites are in their order † Holocaustes also they do offer to our Lord euerie day morning and euening and incense made according to the preceptes of the law and the loaues are set forth on a most cleane table and there is with vs the golden condlesticke and the lampes therof that they may be lighted alwaies at euening for we keepe the preceptes of the Lord our God whom you haue forsaken † Therfore in our host God is the prince and his Priestes which sound with trumpettes and resound agaynst you children of Israel sight not agaynst our Lord the God of your fathers because it is not expedient for you † He speaking these thinges Ieroboam endeuoured to entrappe him behind And when he stood ouer agaynst the enemies
he compassed Iuda vnwitting with his armie † And Iudas looking backe saw the battel at hand before and behind and cryed to our Lord and the Priestes begane to sound with trumpettes † And al the men of Iuda made a shout and behold they crying God terrified Ieroboam and al Israel that stood agaynst Abias and Iuda † And the children of Israel sled from Iuda and our Lord deliuered them into their hand † Abias therfore and his people stroke them with a great slaughter and there fel wounded of Israel fiue hundreth thousand valiant men † And the children of Israel were humbled at that time and the children of Iuda excedingly encouraged because they had trusted in our Lord the God of their fathers † And Abias pursewed Ieroboam ●ieing and he tooke his cities Bethel and her daughters and Iesana with her daughters Ephron also and her daughters † Neither was Ieroboam able to resist anie more in the daies of Abias whom our Lord stroke and he died † Therfore Abias his empite being strengthened tooke fourtene wiues and he begat two and twentie sonnes and sixtene daughters † But the rest of the wordes of Abias and of his waies and wordes are writen diligently in the Booke of Addo the Prophete CHAP. XIIII Abias dieth and his sonne Asa reigneth destroyeth idolataie 6. for ●i●●eth his cities 9. and ouercometh by Gods special helpe the Aethtopians armie of a million of men AND Abias slept with his fathers and they buried him in the Citie of Dauid and Asa his sonne reigned for him in whose daies the land was quiet tenne yeares † And Asa did that which was good and pleasing in the sight of his God and he ouerthrew the altars of strange seruice and the excelses † and brake the statues and cut downe the groues † And he commanded Iuda that they should seeke our Lord the God of their fathers and should doe the law and al the commandementes † And he tooke away out of al the cities of Iuda the altars and temples reigned in peace † He built also fensed cities in Iuda because he was quiet and there had no battels risen in his time our Lord geuing peace † And he sayd to Iuda Let vs build these cities and compasse them with walles and strengthen them with towers and gates and lockes whiles thinges are quiet from battels because we haue sought out Lord the God of our fathers and he hath geuen vs peace round about They therfore did build and there was no impediment in building † And Asa had in his armie of them that caried shieldes and speares of Iuda three hundred thousand and of Beniamin shieldbearers and archers two hundred eightie thousand al these were most valiant men † And Zara the Ethiopian with his armie islued forth agaynst them tenne hundred thousand and with three hundred chariotes and he came as far as Maresa † Moreouer Asa went on to meete him and set his armie in aray to battel in the vale Sephata which is neere Maresa † And he inuocated our Lord God and sayd Lord there is no difference with thee whether thou helpe in few or in manie helpe vs ô Lord our God for hauing confidence in thee and in thy name we are come agaynst this multitude Lord thou art our God let not man preuaile agaynst thee † Our Lord therfore terrified the Aethiopians before Asa and Iuda and the Aethiopians fled † And Asa pursewed them and the people that was with him vnto Gerara and the Aethiopians fel to vtter destruction because our Lord killing them and his armie fighting they were destroyed They tooke therfore manie spoiles † and they stroke al the cities round about Gerara for great terrour had inuaded al men and they spoyled the cities and caried away much praye † Yea and destroying the sheepecotes of sheepe they tooke an infinite multitude of cattel and of camels and returned into Ierusalem CHAP. XV. Azarias prophecieth that Israel shal lack the true God Priestes and the law a long time 8. which king Asa hearing most serioufly destroyeth idolatrie 12. maketh couenant and oath to serue God 16. And deposeth his mother for offering sacrifice to Priapus AND Azarias the sonne of Oded the Spirit of God coming vpon him † went out to meete Asa and sayd to him Heare ye me Asa and al Iuda and Beniamin Our Lord is with you because you haue beene with him If you wil seeke him you shal finde but if you forsake him he wil forsake you † And manie daies shal passe in Israel without the true God and without Priest a teacher and without the Law † And when they shal returne in their distresse to our Lord the God of Ifrael and shal seeke him they shal finde him † At that time there shal not be peace to him that goeth out and cometh in but terrours on euerie side in the inhabiters of the earth † for nation shal fight agaynst nation and citie agaynst citie because our Lord wil truble them with al distresse † You therfore take courage and let not your handes be dissolued for there shal be reward to your worke † Which when Asa had heard to witte the wordes and the prophecie of Azarias the sonne of Oded the prophete he tooke courage and tooke away the Idols out of al the land of Iuda and out of Beniamin and out of the cities which he had taken of mount Ephraim and he dedicated the altar of our Lord which was before the porche of our Lord. † And he gathered together al Iuda and Beniamin and the strangers with them of Ephraim and of Manasses and of Simeon for manie were fled to him of Israel seing that our Lord his God was with him † And when they were come into Ierusalem the third moneth in the fiftenth yeare of the reigne of Asa † they immolated to our Lord in that day of the spoiles the praie that they had brought oxen seuen hundred and rammes seuen thousand † And he went in after the maner to establish the couenant that they should seeke our Lord the God of their fathers in al their hart and in al their soul † And if anie man quoth he shal not seeke our Lord the God of Israel let him die from the least to the greatest from man vnto woman † And they sware to our Lord with a lowd voyce in iubilation and in noyse of trumpet and sound of shaulmes † al that were in Iuda with execration for in al their hart did they sweare and with al their wil did they seeke him and found him our Lord gaue them rest round about † Yea and Maacha the mother of king Asa he deposed from the royal empyre because she had made in a groue the idol of Priapus which he wholy destroyed and breaking into peeces burnt it in the Torrent cedron † But the Excelses were leaft in Israel neuerthelesse the hart of Asa was perfect al his daies † And those
al his hart neither was there anie more hope that anie should reigne of the stocke of Ochozias † For Athalia his mother seing that her sonne was dead arose and s●eu al the kinges stocke of the house of Ioram † Sauing that Iosabeth the kinges daughter tooke Ioas the sonne of Ochozias and stole him out of the middes of the kinges sonnes when they were slayne and she hid thim with his nource in the bedde chamber and Iosabeth that hid him was the daughter of king Ioram the wife of Ioiada the high priest the sister of Ochozias and therfore Athalia did not kil him † He therfore was with them in the house of God six yeares in the which Athalia reigned ouer the Land CHAP. XXIII Ioiada the Hiegh priest annoynteth and crowneth Ioas king 12. causeth Athalia to be slaine 16. idolatrie to be destroyed 18. and Gods seruice aduanced AND in the seuenth yeare Ioiada taking courage tooke the centurions to witte Azarias the sonne of Ieroham and Ismahel the sonne of Iohanan Azarias also the sonne of Obed and Maasias the sonne of Adaias and Elisaphat the sonne of Zechri and made a couenant with them † Who going about Iuda gathered together the Leuites out of al the cities of Iuda and the princes of the families of Israel and they came into Ierusalem † Therfore al the multitude made a couenant with the king in the house of God and Ioiada sayd to them Behold the kinges sonne shal reigne as our Lord hath spoken vpon the sonnes of Dauid † This therfore is the thing which you shal doe † The third part of you that come to the Sabbath of the Priestes and of Leuites and of porters shal be in the gates and a third part at the kinges house and a third at the gate which is called of the Fundation but let al the rest of the common people be in the courtes of the house of our Lord. † Neither let anie other enter into the house of our Lord but the Priestes and they that minister of the Leuites let them onlie goe in because they are sanctified and let al the rest of the multitude obserue the watches of our Lord. † And let the Leuites enuiron the king hauing euerie one their weapons and if anie other shal enter into the temple let him be slayne and let them be with the king both coming in and going out † The Leuites therfore al Iuda did according to al thinges which Ioiada the high Priest had commanded and they tooke euerie one the men that were vnder them and came by the order of the Sabbath with them that had fulfilled the Sabbath and were to goe forth For Ioiada the high Priest permitted not the companies to depart which were accustomed to succede one an other euerie weeke † And Ioiada the Priest gaue to the centurions the speares and the shieldes and targattes of king Dauid which he had consecrated in the house of our Lord. † And he appoynted al the people of them that held weapons on the right side of the temple vnto the left syde of the temple before the altar and the temple round about the king † And they brought forth the kinges sonne and put the crowne vpon him and the testimonie and gaue the law to be in his hand they made him king Ioiada also the high Priest and his sonnes annoynted him and they wished him wel and said God saue the king † Which thing when Athalia had heard to witte the voice of them that ranne and praysed the king she went in vnto the people into the temple of our Lord. † And when she had seene the king standing vpon the steppe in the entrance and the princes and the companies about him and al the people of the land reioysing and sounding with trumpettes and playing on instrumentes of diuerse kind and the voice of them that praysed she rent her garmentes and sayd Treason treason † And Ioiada the high Priest going forth to the centurions and captaines of the armie sayd to them Bring her forth without the precinct of the temple and let her be killed with the sword without And the Priest commanded that she should not be killed in the house of our Lord. † And they layd handes vpon her necke and when she was entred within the gate of the horses of the kinges house they killed her there † And Ioiada made a couenant betwen himself and al the people and the king that they would be the people of our Lord. † Al the people therfore entred into the house of Baal and destroyed it and they brake his altars and his images Mathan also the priest of Baal they slewe before the altars † And Ioiada appoynted ouerseers in the house of our Lord vnder the handes of the Priestes the Leuites which Dauid distributed in the house of our Lord that they should offer holocaustes to our Lord as it is writen in the law of Moyses in ioy and songes according to the disposition of Dauid † He appoynted also porters in the gates of the house of our Lord that the vncleane in aniething ●hould not enter in † And he tooke the centurions and the most valiant men and princes of the people and al the common people of the land and they made the king to goe downe from the house of our Lord to enter by the middes of the vpper gate into the kinges house and placed him in the royal throne † And al the people of the land reioysed the citie was quiet moreouer Athalia was slayne with the sword CHAP. XXIIII Ioas reigning piously so long as Ioiada liueth causeth the Temple to be repayred 14. and new sa●red vessels to be made 15. Ioiada an hundred thirtie yeares old dieth 17. Ioas falleth to idolatrie 20. causeth Zacharias to be slayne in the court of the Temple 23. A few Syrians kil the chief men about the king and carie away great prayes 25. Ioas is slayne by his owne men and his sonne Amasias reigneth SEVEN yeares old was Ioas when he began to reigne and he reigned fourty yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Sebia of Bersabee † And he did that which is good before our Lord al the dayes of Ioiada the Priest † And Ioiada tooke for him two wiues of whom he begat sonnes daughters † After which thinges it pleased Ioas to repayre the house of our Lord. And he assembled the Priestes and the Leuites and sayd to them Goe ye forth to the cities of Iuda and gather of al Israel money for the reparation of the temple of your God yeare by yeare and doe this in hast moreouer the Leuites did negligently † And the king called Ioiada the prince and sayd to him why hast thou had no care to constrayne the Leuites to bring in out of Iuda and Ierusalem the money that was appointed of Moyses the seruant of our Lord that al the multitude
But I eremie againe prophecieth the contrarie 16. that Hananias shal dye the same yeare AND it came to passe in that yeare in the beginning of the kingdom of Sedecias king of Iuda in the fourth yeare in the fifth moneth Hananias the sonne of Azur the prophet of Gabaon spake to me in the house of our Lord before the priestes and al the people saying † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel I haue broken the yoke of the king of Babylon † As yet two yeares of dayes and I wil make al the vessels of the house of our Lord to be brought backe into this place which Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon tooke out of this place and transported them into Babylon † And Iechonias the sonne of Iaokim the king of Iuda and al the transmigration of Iuda that are entered into Babylon I wil make to returne to this place saith our Lord for I wil breake the yoke of the king of Babylon † And Ieremie the prophet said to Hananias the prophet in the presence of the priestes and in the presence of al the people that stoode in the house of our Lord † And Ieremie the prophet said Amen Our Lord so doe our Lord raise vp thy wordes which thou hast prophecied that the vessels may be brought againe into the house of our Lord and al the transmigration out of Babylon to this place † But yet heare this word that I speake in thine eares and in the eares of al the people † The prophets that haue bene before me and before thee from the beginning and haue prophecied concerning manie countries and concerning great kingedomes of warre and of affliction and of famine † The prophet that hath prophecied peace when his word shal come to passe the prophet shal be knowen whom our Lord hath sent in truth † And Hananias the prophet tooke the chaine from the necke of Ieremie the prophet and brake it † And Hananias spake in the sight of al the people saying Thus saith our Lord So wil I breake the yoke of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon after two yeares of dayes from the necke of al nations † And Ieremie the prophet went his way And the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie after that Hananias the prophet brake the chayne from the necke of Ieremie the prophet saying † Goe and thou shalt tel Hananias Thus saith our Lord Thou hast broken chaynes of wood and thou shalt make for them chaynes of yron † Because thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel An yron yoke haue I put vpon the necke of al these Nations to serue Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon and they shal serue him moreouer also the beastes of the earth I haue geuen him † And Ieremie the prophet said to Hananias the prophet Heare Hananias Our Lord sent thee not thou hast made this people to trust in a lie † Therefore thus saith our Lord Behold I wil send thee from of the face of the earth this yeare shalt thou dye for thou hast spoken against our Lord. † And Hananias the prophet died in that yeare the seuenth moneth CHAP. XXIX Ieremie writeth to the captiues in Babylon exhorting them to liue in peace 8. and not harking to falseprophetes 10. For they must remaine there seuentie yeares and then shal be deliuered 16. And those that remaine in Ierusalem shal suffer sword famine and pestilence 21. And Achab Sedecias 24. and Someias false prophetes shal dye miserably AND these are the wordes of the booke which Ieremie the prophet sent from Ierusalem to the remnant of the ancientes of the transmigration and to the priestes and to the prophetes and to al the people which Nabuchodonosor had transported from Ierusalem into Babylon † after that Iechonias the king was gone forth and the queene and the Eunuches and the princes of Iuda and of Ierusalem and the craftes man and the incloser our of Ierusalem † by the hand of Elasa the sonne of Saphan and Gamarias the sonne of Helcias whom Sedecias the king of Iuda sent to Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon into Babylon saying † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel to al the transmigration which I haue transported from Ierusalem into Babylon † Build ye houses and inhabite them and plant orchardes and eate the fruite of them † Take wiues and beget sonnes and daughters geue wiues to your sonnes geue your daughters to husbands let them beare sonnes and daughters and be ye multiplied there and be not few in number † And seeke the peace of the citie to which I haue transported you pray for it to our Lord because in the peace thereof there shal be peace to you † For thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Let not your prophetes that are in the middes of you and your diuiners seduce you and attend not to your dreames which you dreame † because they doe falsely prophecie to you in my name and I sent them not saith our Lord. † Because thus saith our Lord When the seuentie yeares shal beginne to be expired in Babylon I wil visite you and I wil raise vp vpon you my good word to bring you againe to this place † For I know the cogitations that entend vpon you saith our Lord cogitations of peace and not of affliction to geue you an end and patience † And you shal inuocate me and goe and you shal pray me and I wil heare you † You shal seeke me and shal finde when you shal seeke me with al your hart † And I wil be found of you saith our Lord and I wil bring backe your captiuitie and I wil gather you out of al nations and from al places to the which I haue expelled you saith our Lord and I wil make you to returne from the place to the which I haue transported you † Because you haue said Our Lord hath raised vp prophetes to vs in Babylon † for thus saith our Lord to the king that sitteth vpon the throne of Dauid and to al the people the inhabiter of this citie to your bretheren that are not gone forth with vou into the transmigration † Thus saith the Lord of hostes Behold I wil send vpon them the sword and famine and the pestilence I wil make them as naughtie figges that can not be eaten because they are very naught † And I wil persecute them with the sword with famine with pestilence and I wil geue them into vexation to al the kingdomes of the earth into malediction into astonishment and into hyssing into reproch to al the Nations to which I haue cast them out † because they haue not heard my wordes saith our Lord which I sent to them by my seruantes the prophetes in the night rysing and sending and you heard not saith our Lord. † You therefore heare the word of our Lord al