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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16505 The rainebow, or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the tenth day of Iune, 1617 by Immanuel Bourne ... Bourne, Immanuel, 1590-1672. 1617 (1617) STC 3418; ESTC S725 61,782 73

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be short the forme of the Rainebow is glorious The wisedome of man is blinde in the knowledge of God yea it is so intricate that wee cannot fully vnderstand the nature of it nor search into the secrets of the glory thereof And therefore here we may learne to acknowledge our own imperfection and reason thus with our selues If his workes be so glorious that we cannot comprehend the excellency of them it is no meruaile then that our mindes are so darke and our vnderstandings so blinde in the knowledge of God of his nature of his essence of his glory and of his most wonderfull properties 11. Last of all S. Ambrose obserueth that the forme of this bowe doth note mystically the clemency of God Afflictions for the good of Gods children for being a bow bent but wanting arrows it sheweth that God giueth vs a sight of afflictions rather to affright vs from our sinnes then to smite vs to our hurt How then should we take heede that wee prouoke not by our sinnes this louing God who is so full of clemency and mercy towards vs. A threefold analoy betweene the Bow and the mercy of God And of this misticall signification of the Bowe there is a threefold reason taken from a threefold analogy betweene the Bowe and the mercy of God the first because this Bowe was in the time of Noah a signe of peace of reconciliation and of the Couenant betweene God and men and therefore may well note the mercy of God Ticonius Hom. 2 in Apocal. Rupertus Mercerus in Genes for which cause of some interpreters Iris is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is peace because it did testifie that God was at peace with men Secondly this three coloured Bowe with her diuerse colours and sweete showres doth recreate and refresh the earth and so doth the mercy of God Thirdly as the semicircle doth appeare onely in our hemisphere in this life so doth the mercy of God And therefore how dangerouse is the estate of those whom the Papist shut vp in purgatory for they themselues know not how many yeares after this life since there is no mercy then to bee granted vnto them O vnmercifull and terrible doctrine to frye mens soules so long in the flames of purgatory before they shall receiue any part in the ioyes of Paradise The doctrine of Purgatory against the glory of Gods mercy and derogatory to the passion of our Sauiour But this is impious against the glory of Gods mercy and derogatory to the passion of our Sauiour for it is euident by the Scripture that our blessed Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus by his one oblation by himselfe once offered hath made a full perfect sufficient sacrifice and satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world and this the godly are made partakers of in this life by a true and a liuely faith and therefore we neede not Purgatorie to purge vs after our death since the bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne 1. Iohn 1.7 1. Iohn 1.7 And if from all sinne then certainly Popish purgatory must needs be excluded For the Arke and Dagon Christ and Beliall the passion of our Sauiour and Popish purgatorie can in no wise agree together And thus from the forme cast your eyes vpon the beautifull colours 2. Circumstance the colours of the Bowe which are the second thing I obserued in the Bowe I haue set my Bowe in the cloude and it shall bee for a signe of the couenant betweene mee and the earth This Bowe is called of the Greeke poets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ab admiratione Garcaeus Doct. de meteor Plato in Theoeteto Iridem Thaumantis filiam propter admirationem dictam censuit Arist lib. 3. cap. 4. meteor Aquinas in Arist meteor or Thaumantis siue admirationis filia the daughter of Thaumantes or of Admiration because of all the meteors it worthy of admiration in respect of the admirable and beautiful colours that doe appeare in it These colours that appeare in the Rainebowe they are principally three The first 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Coerulean or waterie colour The second 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the yellow or fiery colour The third 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the grassie or greene colour And the reason why three colours only doe principally appeare in the Bowe is as Philosophers teach because there are only three places in the cloude from which there is a diuerse refraction of the light and the shade namely supremus medius infimus the highest the middest and the lowest and therefore there can be but three principall colours The Watery colour doth note the first generall iudgement wherein the whole world was destroyed with water The Fiery colour the second in which the whole world shall be destroyed with fire The Greene colour which is a flourishing and gratious colour the present estate of grace and mercy by which God doth preserue the world from that future destruction And this obseruation agreeth well both with the nature and order of these colours the nature is euident and the order is correspondent Aquinas loco citat For in the Rainebowe there is first the Watery colour secondly the Greene colour and last of all the Fiery colour To shew first the iudgement of water past next the state of grace present and last of all the iudgement of fire to come But I will speake first of the Iudgement and after of mercy and first of the first iudgement noted in the first colour of the Bowe the colour of water Admoniat Iris primò horrendi illius iudicii quod in diluuio ostensum fuit saith a good Interpreter The Rainbowe doeth put vs in minde The waterie colour noting the first iudgment Ferus in Genes first of that horrible iudgement past which was manifested in the flood and of this the same writer doeth set downe this profitable vse Hinc veniemus ad cognitionem peccatorum hinc discemus timere iudicium Hence let vs come to the knowledge of our sinnes hence let vs learne to feare iudgement Subdiuision In this iudgement I find two things remarkeable First their Sinne. And secondly their punishment The sinne of the old world intolerable 1. First their sinne was intollerable for it was vniuersally spread ouer all kinde of people ouer all parts of the world It had continued almost a thousand or at least seuen hundred yeares from the translation of Enoch when especially it began to increase as interpreters well obserue they were possessed with a deadnesse of heart Parreus in Genes and carelesse securitie with contempt of Religion with contempt of Noah the Preacher of righteousnesse and with contempt and despising of God himselfe To conclude so hatefull was their sinne in the sight of God that it repented the Lord that hee had made man on the earth and it grieued him at his heart 2. No repentāce properly in