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A91268 A seasonable, vindication, of the good old fuudamental [sic] rights, and governments of all English freemen By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes Inne. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1659 (1659) Wing P4070A; ESTC R232121 273,664 397

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the London ships meeting with the other Danish Pirates as they were flying fought with them slew many thousands of the Danes and took Duke Alfric his Ship with the Souldiers and Armes himself hardly escaping as Wigorniensis and Matthew Westminster relate But Huntind Bromton write that the Danes recruiting their Navy met and fought with the kings Navy flew many of the Londoners triumphantly took whole armed Ships and Duke Alfric who was in them whom the king should not have trusted according to the antient saying Quem femel gravitèr laeseris non facile ti●i fidelem credideris For this Treason of Alfric the king caused the Eyes of his Son Algar to be put out Unae odium infamia e●us crudelitatis adaucta est as Huntindon and others observe The next year 993. the Danish Fleet entring Humber wasted the Country of Northumberland and Lindesey burning the Villages slaying the people and pillaging their goods Whereupon great mul●itudes of the people of that Country assembling together resolved and hastned to fight with them but when they were ready to give them battel Frena Frithgist and Godwin their Captains being of Danish Progeny proving treacherous to their followers perswaded them to fly and fled first themselves Notwithstanding the Country as Malmesbury Speed and others write being unable to digest their intollerable insolence and plunders fell upon the Danes slew many of them and chased away the rest to defend their Lives Liberties and Estates Anno 994. Swane king of Denmark and Anlafe king of Norwey with 94 Ships sailed up to London besieged and fiercely assaulted the City thinking to take it but the Citizens so manfully defended it that they repulsed the Danes thence with great loss Who thereupon turning their fury upon the Counties of Essex Kent Sussex and Southampton so greivously wasted them with fire and sword burning the Villages and slaying the Inhabitants that King Ethelred Con●llio Procerum suorum by the Council of his Nobles assembled together for that end as Wigorniensis Matthew Westminster Hoveden Simeon Dunelmensis and others write sent Embassadours to them promising to give them Tribute and Wages and Money upon this condition that they should desist from their cruelty Who thereupon condescending to the kings request returned to their Ships and drawing all their Army together unto Southampton wintered there To whom a Tribute of fixteen thousand pounds was given and paid out of all England that they should cease from their rapines and slaughters of innocent persons After this agreement King Anlaf tepaired to Andover to King Ethelred where he received baptism Ethelred being his Godfather and bestowing great gifts upon him Heteupon Anlaf entred into a League with him promising to return into his own Countrey and never after to return into England with an Army Which promise he faithfully observed The Articles of the Agreement between King Ethelred and him are at large recorded in the Chronicle of Bromton Col. 899 900. being made by advice of all his Wisemen as●embled in a Parliamentary Council as this Title to them intimates Haec sunt verba Pacis et Prolocutionis quas Ethelredus Rex et omnes Sapientes ejus cum exercitu firmaverunt qui cum Ana●an● et Justino et Gudermundo Stegiar● filio venit The Articles of the Peace between them are X in the Saxon but XI in the Latin Copy The perfidious Danes violating their former agreement Anno 997. came with a great Fleet and Army into the mouth of Severn wasted and laid waste and desolate Northwales and most of the West and South parts of England no man resisting them gaining an extraordinary great booty and Wintring about Tavestock The next year 998. They entring the river o● Frome wasted and spoiled Dorsetshire the Isle of Wight and Sussex over and over living upon their spoils whereupon the English many times assembled an Army to resist and expell them but so often as they were about to give them battel Angli aut insidiis aut aliquo infortunio impediti terga verterunt et hostibus victoriam dederunt most of the Nobles of England secretly favouring the Danes and not loving Ethelred quia Alfrida mater sua pro ipso liberius in regno substituendo sanctum Edwardum fratrem suum dolosè extinxerat as Bromton and others atte● Anno 999. The Danish fleet entring the river of Medway besieged Rochester and wasted Kent The Kentish men uniting their forces fought a sharp battel with them wherein many were slain on both sides but the Danes winning the field horsed their foot on the horses they gained and miserably wasted all the West part of Kent Which King Ethelred being informe● of suorum Primatum Consilio et classem et pedestrem congregavit exercitum by the advice of his Nobles he as●embled a Navy and foot Army to encounter them But whiles the ships were preparing the Captains of the Army delaying from day to day their begun le●yes and undertakings Grievously vexed the People In conclusion neither the Navy nor Army did any thing at all for the peoples benefit or defence prae●er populi laborem pecuniae pe●ditionem hostium incitationem as Florentius Wigorniensis Roger Hoveden and others observe Hereupon King Ethelred Anno 1000. for the better defence of his Realm resolved to take to wi●e Emma daughter of Richard Earl of Normandy who was then most valiant and formidable to the whole Realm of France For he saw himself and his Subjects very much weakned and did not a little fear their future overthrow Hoc autem Dei nu●u factum esse constat ut veniret contra improbos malum Genti enim Anglorum quam sceleribus suis exigentibus disterminare proposuerat sicut et ipsi Brittones peccatis accusantibus humiliaverant Dominus omnipotens duplicem contritionem proposuit et quasi militares insidias adhibuit Scilicet ut hinc Dacorum persecutione saeviente illinc Normannorum conjunctione accrescente si ab Dacorum manifesta fulminatione evaderent Normannorum improvisam cum fortitudine cautelam non evaderent Quod in sequentibus apparuit cum ex hac conjunctione Regis Anglorum et filiae Ducis Normannorum Angliam JUSTE secundum jus Gentium Normanni et calumniati sunt et adepti sunt Praedixit etiam eis quidam vir Dei quod ex scelerum suorum immanitate non solum quia semper caediet proditioni studuebant verum etiam quia semper ebrieta●● et negligentiae domus Domini dediti erant eis insperatum à Francia adventurum Dominium quod et eorum excellentiam in aeternum deprimeret et honorem sine termino restitutionis eventilaret Praedixit etiam quod non ea gens solum verum et Scottorum quos vilissimos habebant e●s ad emeritam confusionem dominaretur Praedixit nihilominus varium adeò seculum creandum ut varietas quae in mentibus hominum latebat et in actibus patebat multimoda variatione vestium et
though he gains the possession by force This is evident by the forecited words of Mathew Paris and this passage of Henry de Knyghton not extant in Hygden out of whom he seems to tanscribe it Et sic quia Normannus Iure haereditatis tenuit Normanniae Ducatum ideo Dux Regnum vero Angliae mero Conquestu in respect of actual possession et clameo subscripto in respect of Title by claim by gift from King Edward Ideo Rex which claim and Title being backed by the unanimous election of the Prelates Clergy Nobility People and right heir to the Crown himself who all submitted and sware homage fealty and allegiance to him as their lawfull King infallibly demonstrate him to be no Conquerour in respect of Title in a strict legal military sense even in the judgement of those antient and modern Historians who give him that Title but only in regard of Harold and his party and the actual possession which he got by conquest And in this sense alone is that Distick in the Chronicle of Bromton to be understood Dux Normannorum Willielmus vi validorum Rex est Anglorum Bello Conquestor eorum 6ly Our Great Antiquary Richard Vestegan in his Restitutions of decayed Antiquities learned Mr. John Selden in his Review of the Hist of Tithes p. 482 483. Sir John Hayward in the life of King VVilliam the first Mr. Nathaniel Bacon in his first part of his Historical Discourse of the uniformity of the Government of England chap. 44 45 46 55 56. to omit others most fully prove and assert That the entry of William the first into the royal Government of England neither was nor properly could be by Conquest but by Title and by the free election of the Nobles Clergy and People That although the several Titles he Pretended were perhaps if curiously examined not sufficient to give him a true legal Title and Right to the Crown of England à parte ante because not agreed unto and confirmed by the general consent of the Nobles Kingdom and Nation in a Parliamentary Great Council but only by the King and some particular Prelates and Nobles out of Parliament as Harold in his answers alleged yet being ratified exparte post both by the subsequent consent agreement submission election Oath homage and fealty of all the people Nobles Clergy by their legal free crowning of him at first by Edgar Atheling his own submission sealty and resignation of his royal right and Title thereby unto him and ratified by succeeding Parliamentary Councils it became an indubitable Right and Title both in Law and Justice to him and his Posterity against all others who could lay no legaller Title thereunto he continuing confirming all the antient fundamental Laws Liberties Customs and Government of the English Nation without any alteration both by Oaths and Edicts I shal therefore conclude this point with the words of Shard a learned Lawyer in King Edward the third his reign who when the Kings Counsel in a Quo Warranto against the Abbot of Peterborough would have made a Charter of king Edgar void because they alleged all Franchises were devolved to the Crown by the Conquest replyed thereto The Conquerour came not at all to put any who had lawfull possession out of their rights but to dispossess those who by their wrong had seised upon any land in dis-inherison of the King and his Crown And with the words of our judicious Historian Sa. Daniel concerning this king VVilliam Neither did he ever claim any power by conquest but as a regular Prince submitted himself to the orders of the Kingdom desiring to have his Testamentary Title howsoever weak to make good his succession rather than his sword And though the stile of Conqueror by the slattery of the time was after given him he shewed by all the course of his Government he assumed it not introducing none of those Al●erations which followed by violence but by a mild gathering upon the disposition of the State and the occasions offered and that by way of reformation And although Sir Hen. VVotton gives this verdict of them VVe do commonly and justly stile him the Conquerour For he made a general conquest of 〈…〉 Kingdom and People either by Composition or Armes c. Yet he addes He was Crowned on Christmas day 1066. at which time he would fain have compounded a Civil Title of I know not what Alliance or Adoption or rather Donation from Edward the Confessor As if hereditarie kingdoms did pass like Newyears gifts The truth is he was the heir of his Sword Yet from these pretences howsoever there sprang this good That he was thereby in a sorting aged to cast his Government into a middle or mixed nature as it were between a lawfull successor and an Invader though generally as all new Empires do savour much of their beginning it had more of the Violent than of the Legal If any domineering Souldiers or others upon this false surmise of Duke VVilliams right to the Crown and Realm of England by meer conquest shall henceforth presume to claim and exercise a meer arbitrary absolute tyrannical and despotical power over our English Nation Laws Liberties Parliaments Estates Persons as over a meer conquered Nation against all Commissions Trusts Oaths Engagements Declarations and the rules both of Law and War it self being raised waged commissioned only to defend and preserve us from conquest by the opposite party Let them know that they are far greater worser Enemies to their own Native Country than this Norman Duke or any of our former British Saxon Danish Norman or English Kings who never claimed the Crown by meer conquest in any age but only by some real or pretended Title of Inheritance or at least by a free and general election both of the Nobility Clergy and people as this King William did From the former Historical Passages concerning Harold Tosti Duke William and the Kentishmen I shall deduce these legal Observations 1. That no Tax Subsidie or Imposition whatsoever could in that age be imposed on the English or Norman Subjects by their Kings or Dukes but by their common consent in their Parliamentary Councils where they were denied when inconvenient to the publike as well as granted when convenient 2. That no English or Norman Subjects were then obliged to aid and assist their Soveraigns with their persons arms estates or subsidies granted in any foreign invasive war but only left free to contribute what private assistance they thought fit in such cases 3. That no publike wars in that age were ever undertaken but by common advice and consent in great Parliamentary Councils 4. That the Kings of England in that age however they came to the Crown by right or wrong held it both their bounden duty interest safety to defend and preserve the Laws Rights Liberties of the Church and people to enact and maintain good Laws and abolish all evill Laws Rapines Exactions Tributes
conservantibus salutem sempiternam in Domino nostro Jesu Christo Quoniam peccatis nostris exigentibus manum Domini super nos extensum quotidiè cum virgâ ferreâ cernimus cervicibus nostris imminere Necessarium nobis salubre arbitror piis sanctae matris ecclesiae precibus Eleemosynarumque liberis largitionibus iratum Dominum placatum reddere et dignis devotionibus ejus gratiam in nostris necessitatibus auxiliariam implorare Ideoque et ad petitionem strenui Comitis mihi meritoque dilectissimi concessi regio Chirographo meo Theodoro Abbati Croyland Tam donum dicti Comitis Algari quam dona aliorum fidelium praeterit orum ac praesentium c. And it concludes thus Istud Regium Chirographum meum Anno Incarnationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi 868. Calendis Augusti apud Snothingham coram fratribus amicis omni populo meo in obsidione Paganorum congregatis sanctae crucis munimine confirmavi Then follow the subscriptions and confirmations of Ceolnoth Archbishop of Canterbury 5 Bishops 3 Abbots Ethelred king of West-Saxons and Alfred his Brother Edmund kingof East-Angle 2 Dukes and twelve Earls who all ratified this Charter After which Charter confirmed this king Beorred renders special thanks to all his Army for their assistance against the Danes especially to the Bishops Abbots and other inferior Ecclesiastical Persons for their voluntary assistance of him in those wars against these Enemies norwithstanding his Fathers exemption of them by his Charter from all military expeditions and secular services thus recorded by Ingulphus and most worthy observation Ego Beorredus Rex Merciorum Intimo animi affectu totisque praecordiis gratias exolvo speciales omni exercitui meo maximè tamen Viris Ecclesiasticis Episcopis Abbatibus aliis etiam inferioribus status dignitatis Qui licèt piissimae memoriae Rex quondam Ethelwulfus pater meus per sacratissimam Chartam suam ●ab omni expeditione militari vos liberos reddiderit ab omni servitio saeculari penitus absolutos digniss●mâ tamen miseratione super oppressiones Christianae plebis Ecclesiarumque Monasteriorum destructiones luctuosas benignissimè compassi contra nefandissimos Paganos in exercitum domini prompti spontanei convenistis ut tanquam Martyres Christi cultus sanguine vestro augeatur barbarorum superstitiosa crudelitas effugetur From these last Passages it is apparent first That in those days our Saxon Kings made War and Peace by the advice and consent of their Nobles and Parliamentary great Councils 2ly That in cases of common invasion and danger by forein Enemies all the forces raised and ways and means to resist them were concluded on by advice and consent of these great Councils and not by the kings absolute power 3ly That all or most Church-men and their Church-lands in those days were absolutely freed and discharged from all military expeditions Contributions Aids and Assistance against Enemies by express Charters but only such as themselves voluntarily and freely contributed in cases of incumbent great Danger and Necessity without compulsion for which their kings rendred them special and hearty thanks acknowledging and confirming these their Immunities not violating them upon such Necessities as this Notable passage of Ingulphus attests together with that of Mat. West An. 867. Concerning Alstan Bishop of Sherborne a man of very great Power and Counsel in the Realm Contra Danos quoque qui tunc primò insulam infestabant Regis Aethelulfi saevitiam exacuit Ipse ex fisco pecuniam accipiens ipse excercitum componens Martiis felix eventibus contra hostes bella plurima constanter peregit receiving Mony out of the Kings Exchequer not the Peoples Purses or Conrributions to manage these Wars and not warring on his own expences 4ly That the Nobles Gentry and People of the Realm were the only standing Militia in that Age to defend it against forein Enemies in times of danger or actual invasion when they marched out of their own Counries against them voluntarily and freely adventuring their lives for defence of their King Country Religion Liberties Properties as they did at this siege of Nottingham and during all the long-lasting Danish Wars Invasions and Depredations both by Land and Sea 5ly That our Christian Kings Nobles and great Councils of those days in times of greatest danger Invasion and Wars held it most seasonable and necessary to confirm and enlarge the Churches Patrimony Liberties and Privileges thereby to stir up their Clergy-men more earnestly to assist them with their Prayers not to diminish invade or infringe them under pretext of Real inevitable necessary and danger the practice of late and present times Whereupon they granted and confirmed this forecited Charter in the very Armie during the siege of Notingham before all the Kings Princes Prelates Dukes Earls and people there present In the year 870. Inguar and Hubba with the rest of the Danes comming into Kesteven in Lincoln-shire wasting and slaying all the Country with fire and sword thereupon Earl Algarus Osgot Sheriff of Lincoln and all the Gentry and People in those parts with the Band of the Abby of Croyland under the Command of T●… a Monk formerly a Souldier consisting of 200 stout men most of them Fugitives thither for Sanctuary uniting all their forces together in Kesteven on the Feast of St. Maurice fought with the Danes and slew 3 of their Kings with a great multitude of their forces That night the other Danish Kings dispersed abroad to pillage the Country with a great booty many captains coming to the tents of their routed Companions with a numerous Army were inraged with the slaughter of their Confederates in their absence Whereupon most of the English secretly fled away from the Earl and their Captains in the night through fear who early in the morning having heard divine Offices and receiving the Sacrament resolved not to retreat but manfully to fight with the Danes though not above 700 to their many thousands being most ready to die for the defence of the faith of Christ and of their Country Whereupon the Danes assailing them with great multitudes and fury they all standing and fighting close together valiantly susteined their assaults from morning till evening without giving ground Upon which the Danes to sever them purposely feigned a Flight and began to leave the Field Hereupon the English contrary to the commands of their Captains dissolving their Ranks and dispersing themselves to pursue the Danes they suddenly returned and slew most of the English who fought gallantly with them to the last gasp some few of them only escaping After which the Danes marching to the Abby of Croyland put the Abbot with all the Monks and Persons they there found one Child excepted to the Sword after they had extremely tortured them to discover where their Treasures were broke up all the Tombs pillaged and burnt the Abby with all the Edifices thereof leaving it a meer ruinous heap then
marching on laying all the Country waste before them with fire and Sword sparing neither person age nor sex they cast down burnt destroyed and levelled to the Ground the goodly Monasteries of Bradney Peterborough Huntingdon Ely with sundry others murthering as well all the Monks as Nuns therein which their merciless Swords after they had first polluted them To avoid whose barbarous rape Ebba Abbess of Coldingham and her Nuns by her example and perswasion cut off their upper Lips and Noses to deform themselves to their lascivious eyes which bloody Spectacle preserved their Chastity from their Lust but not their Monasterie or bodies from their Cruelty they burning them and their Nunnery to Ashes After which the same year Inguar and Hubba marched against St. Edmund who in the year 855. was chosen King of the East-Saxons Ab omnibus Regionis illius magnatibus et populis by all the Nobles and People of that Realm being sprung from the antient Royal blood of the Saxons and compelled to take the Government on him much against his will being then but 13 years old and consecrated King by Bishop Humbert in the Royal Town called Bury The reason of their malice to this King as some of our Historians write was this that he was maliciously accused to have murthered the ir Father Lothbroc driven by a sudden storm in a small boat into England as he was hawking at Fowl by this Kings Faulkoner who having murthered himself out of meer malice was by judgement of the Knights and Lawyers banished the Realm and put alone into Lothbrocs Boat without Oare or Sails for murthering him and so sent to Sea being driven in it into Denmark to excuse himself he maliciouslie accused the King of this Murther to these his Sons Who thereupon invaded England with an Army to revenge their Fathers death And the Reason why they at this time so extraordinarily prevailed and over-run the Land was the Civil Discords Wars and Emulations amongst the Saxon kings who either out of Malice or Ambition to advance their own Dominion or base unworthy fears would rather induce these common Enemies to over-run them than assist one another against them which William of Malmesburie thus expresseth Meminerit interea lector quod interim Reges Merciorum et Northanimbrorum captata occasione adventus Danorum quorum bellis Ethelredus insudabat a servitio West-Saxonum respirantes dominationem suam penè asseruerant Ardebant ergo cunctae saevis popularibus provinciae unusquisque Regum inimicos magis in suis sedibus sustinere quam compatriotis Laborantibus opem porrigere curabat Ita dum mal●it ●●vindicare quam praevenire injuriam socordiâ suâ exanguem reddiderunt Patriam Dani sine obstaculo succressere dum et provincialibus timor incresce ret et proxima quaeque victoria per additamentum Captivorum instrumentum sequentis fieret c. Northanimbri jamdudum civilibus dissentionibus fluctuantes adventante hoste correxerunt discordiam Itaque Osbirthum Regem quem expulerant in solium reformantes magnosque moliti paratus obviam procedunt sed facilè pulsi infra Urbem Eboracum se includunt quâ mox à victoribus succensâ cum laxos crines ●ffusior flamma produceret tota depascens maenia ipsi quoque conflagrat● patriam ossibus texêre suis Mercii non semel obtriti obsidatu miserias suas levaverunt At vero Ethelredus multis laboribus infractus obiit Orientalium Anglorum pagi cum urbibus et vicis à praedonibus possessi Rex corum sanctus Edmundus ab eisdem interemptust Anno Dominicae Incarnationis 870. 12 Calendas Decembris temporaneae mortis compendio regnum emit aeternum The manner of King Edmunds Martyrdom Historians thus relate An. 870. Hinguar King of the Danes invading King Edmunds Realm with a great Power sent a Messenger to King Edmund to demand the half of his Treasure and Wealth and that he should hold his Realm under him threatning otherwise to waste his Kingdom and extirpate him and his People Sed nimis fraudulentèr Hinguar the sauros exigebat qui Clementissimi Regis caput potius quam pecunias sitiebat writes Matthew Westminster Where upon Bishop Humbert advising him to fly from the Danes who approached with their forces towards him to save his life The King wished Would to God that I might preserve the lives of my Subjects for whom I desire to lay down my life for this is my chiefest wish that I may not survive my faithfull Subjects and most dear friends which this Cruel Pirate hath the evishly slain neither will I stain my glory by fl●ght who never yet sustained the reproaches of Wa●re The Heavenly King also is my Witness that no fear of the Barbarians shall separate me from the Love of Christ whether living or dead Then turning to the Messenger of Hinguar he said Thou art worthy to suffer the punishment of death being wet with the blood of my people But imitating the example of my Christ If it should so happen I am not afraid willingly to die for them Return therefore speedily to thy Master and carry my answers to him Although thou takest away my Treasures and riches which the Divine Clemency hath given me by thy power yet thou shalt never subject me to thy infidelity for it is an honest thing to defend perpetual liberty together with purity of Religion for w●… also if there be need we think it not unprofitable to die Therfore as thy proud cruelty hath begun after the servants slaughter cut thou the Kings throat because the King of Kings seeing these things will translate me into Heaven there to reign eternally The Messenger departing the King commanded his Souldiers to run to their Arms affirming that it was a worrhy thing to fight both for their Faith and Country est they should prove deserters of their Realm and betrayers of the people And being incouraged by Bishop Humbert his Nobles and fellow Souldiers he marched against the Enemy and near Thedford fought a bloody battel with the Danes from morning to night the place being all dyed red with the blood of the slain At which grievous sight King Edmund was much grieved not only for the great slaughter of his own Souldiers fighting for their Country native liberty the faith of Jesus Christ so already Crouned with Martyrdome But likewise for the death of the Barbarous Infidels sent down to Hell in great numbers which he overmuch lamented After which battel retiring to Hegelsdun with his forces that were left he immutably resolved in his mind never to sight battel w●th the Enemies more saying only this that it was necessary that he alone should die for the People and not the whole Nation perish Soon after Hinguars Army being recruted by the access of Hubba to him with ten thousand men he marched to Hegelsdun and surrounded it that none might escape thence Whereupon King Edmund flying to the Church and casting down
a sworn Iury or upon in sufficient evidence or for Crimes not Capital by the Laws The names of these Judges with their several offerces you may read at large in Horn. Had those pretended Judges of a new edition who of late arraigned condemned executed the King Nobles Gentlemen and Freemen of England in strange new arbitrary Courts of high Iustice without any legal Indictment and Tryal by a sworn Jury of their peers and many of them for offences not Capital by any known Lawes or Statutes of the Realm and upon very slender evidence lived in this Just Kings reign they might justly fear he would have hanged them all up as Murtherers and Capital Malefactors as well as these 44 Judges not altogether so peccant in this kind as they this form of tryal by sworn Juries of their Peers then in use being since confirmed by the Great Charters of King John and King Henry the 3 some hundreds of subsequent Statutes and the Petition of Right not known in Alfreds days I sind in the Preface to King Alfreds Laws of which Laws Abbot Ethelred gives this rrue encomium Leges Christianissimas scripsit promulgavit in quibus sides ejus et devotio in deum sollicitudo in subditos misericordia in pauperes Iusticia circa omnes cunctis legentibus patet this observable passage That the Apostles elders assembled in a Synod at Jerusalem Acts 15. in their Epistle to the Churches of the Gentiles to abstain from things offered unto Idols added this Summary of all Laws And what ye would not to be done to your selves that doe ye not to others from which one precept it sufficiently appeareth unicuique ex aequo jus esse reddendum that right or Law is of Justice to be rendred to every one neither will there be need of any other Law or Law-book whatsoever if he who sits Judge upon others shall only remember this that he would not himself should pronounce any other sentence against others than what he would should be passed against himself in their Case But when the Gospel was propagated many Nations and amongst them the English embraced the faith of Gods word there were then held some Assemblies and Councils of Bishops and other most illustrious Wise men throughout the World and likewise in Eugland and these being throughly instructed by Gods mercy did now first of all Impose a pecuniary Mulct upon Offenders and without any Divine Offence delegated the Office of exacting it to Magistrates leave being first granted Only on a Traitor and Deserter of his Lord or King they decreed that this Milder punishment by pecuniary Mulcts was not to be inflicted because they thought just that such a man was not at all to be spared both because God would have Contemners of him unworthy of all mercy and likewise because Christ did not at all compassionate them who put him to death but appointed the King to be honoured above all others These therefore in many Councils singu●…m scelerum paenas constituerum ordained the punishments of every kind of offences and comm●t●ed them to writing From whence it is apparent First That all capital corporal and pecuniary Mulcts and penalties for any civil or Ecclesiastical offences whatsoever inflicted on the Subjects of this Realm in that and all former ages since they embraced the Gospel were only such as were particularly defined and prescribed by their Parliamentary Councils and the Laws therein enacted and not left arbitrary to the King Judges or Magistrates as it appears by the forecited passages of Beda Malmesbury Huntindon and Bromton concerning King Ethelberts Laws part 2. p. 50. by the Laws of King Ina Lex 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 25 26 27 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 46 47 48 49 54 57 58 64 73 75 76 80. more specially by the Laws of King Alfred himself Lex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 17 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 51. with the Laws of our other Saxon kings prescribing particular fines pecuniary corporal and capital punishments for all sorts of offences and injuries to avoid all arbitrary proceedings and censures in such Cases 2ly That no imprisonment Corporal Capital or pecuniary Mulcts or punishments whatsoever justly might or legally ought to be then inflicted upon any Malefactors or Trespassers whatsoever but when where and for such offences only as the known Parliamentary and common Laws then in force particularly warranted and prescribed which penalties and Laws could not be altered nor abrogated but by Parliamentary Councils only 3ly That Common right and Justice were then to be equally dispensed to all men by our Kings Judges and other Magistta●es according to the Laws then established in such sort as they would have them administred to themselves in the like Cases 4ly That wilfull Traitors and Deserters of their lawfull Lords Soveraigns were not to be spared or pardoned by the Laws of God or Men nor yet punished only with fines but put to death without Mercy Whence this Law was then enacted by king Alfred and his Wisemen Lex 4. Si ●●i● vel per se vel susceptam vel suspectam personam De morte Regis tractet vitae suae reus fit et omnium quae habebit and if any fought or drew any weapon in the Kings house and was apprehended sit in arbitrio Regis sit vita sit mors sic●● ei condonare voluerit Lex 8. because it might endanger the kings person This king Alfred made two special Laws for securing even Leets and Inferiour Courts of Iustice from armed violence and disturbances by fighting which I shall recite Lex 41. Si quis coram Aldermanno Regis pugnet In publico emendet Weram W●tam sicut rectum sit supra hoc CXX s. ad Witam Lex 42. Si quis Folemot id est populi placitum Armorum exercitione turbabit emendet Aldermanno CXX s. W●●ae id est foris factu●ae What Fines and punishments then do they deserve who not only fight before and disturb Aldermen and Leets with their Armes but even disturb fight and use their Armes against our Aldermen themselves yea all the Aldermen Peers and Great men of the Realm assembled in the highest greatest Parliamentary Councils and over-awe imprison secure seclude and forcibly dissolve them at their pleasures as some of late times have done beyond all former Presidents During the reign of this Noble king Alfred Gythro the Dane sometimes stiled Godrin or Guthurn Anno 878. with an invincible Army running over all the Coasts of England wasting the Country and depopulating all sacred places wheresoever he came quicquid in auro et argento rapere potest Militibns erogavit and ●ei●ing upon loca quaeque m●nita forced King Alfred being so distressed that he knew not what to do nor
600 or 200 s. Land by the year consocientur et exuperent eum vivum vel mortuum alterutrum quod pot●runt et qui aliquem eorum infaidiabit qui in câ quaestione suerint fit inimicus Regis et omnium Amicorum ipsius Et si quis adire negaverit et coadjuvare nolit emendat Regi cxx s vel secundum hoc pernegat quod nescivit et hundredo xxx s. From whence it is apparent That all Oaths of Allegance and Laws against Theeves and other Malefactors were then made and enacted in Parliamentary Council s assembled for that purpose and all fines for offences imposed and reduced to a certainty only by Parliament And by the last parcel of King Edmunds Laws in Bromton it seems the manner of contracting Marriage was then prescribed and setled by a Parliamentary Council This King Edmund as he gave and restored by his Charters to Christ-Church and St. Augustines in Canterbury several Lands unjustly taken away from them by his Predecessors free from all secular services except expedition and building of Bridge and Castle and ratified the Laws and Privileges of St. Cutberts Church at Durham by consent of his Bishops and Nobles So likewise Anno 944. he gra●ted by his Charter written in golden Characters ●●dry large Liberties together with the Mannor of Gl●st●●bury to the Abbey of Glustonbury Consi●io et co●sen 〈◊〉 Op●imatum meorum then assembled in a Paliamentary Council at London ratifying the Privileges grant●d to the Monastery by King Edmund his Father E●frid ●…twine Ina and Cuthred et nè quisquam mortal●… seu Episcopus vel Dux aut Princeps aut quilibet ministrorum eorum audeat eam omnino intrare causa placitandi vel capiendi vel quidquam faciendi quod contrarium fore possit inibi Deo Servientibus Dei indictone prohibuit In the year 945. this King Edmund gave many Lands and Privileges tothe Monastery of St. Edmundsbury by his Charters quam subscriptione Episcorum Comitum et Baronum piâ devotione roboravit most probably in the Parliamentary Council of London at Culington where they were all assembled King Edmund in the year 946. celebrating with great Solemnity the Feast of St. Augustine which the English accustomed to celebrate every year at Canterbury as some or at Pulcherkirke now at Puckel-Church in Glostershire as others or Michelesberith as Matthew Westminster stiles it as he was sitting at Dinner in the Hall amidst his Nobles and Courtiers espyed a notable Thief called Leoff whom he formerly banished for his theft stand in the Hall Whereupon he not enduring his sight commanded his Butler to thrust that Thief presently out of the Palace who refusing to depart upon the Kings Command and resisting the Butler the King therupon in a rage rising suddenly from the Table took the Thief by the Hair and threw him to the Ground whereupon the Traitor feeling himself hurt and the King lying upon him presently drew out his Knife which he carried secretly about him ript up the Kings bowels and slew him with it which the Knights and Souldiers perceiving rushed all upon the Thief and with their Swords and Knives chopped all his flesh and bones into small pieces Some ●istorians write that he slew some of the Kings followers likewise and wounded more of them and so escaped in the midst of the Tumult Sicque clarum regalis Convivii principium nebulosus rerum Gestarum exitus terminavit Communi ergo decretum Concilio It was thereupon decreed by a Common Council that his Body should be interred in Glastonbury Abby Abbot Ethelred gives this Encomium of him Erat autem pauis Edwardi in omnibus imitabitor homo simplex rectus et timens Deum et usque ad finem vitae suae permanens in innocentiâ suâ Edred his Brother succeeded him the same year in the Throne and was crowned King at Kingston by Odo Archbishop of Canterbury Edwin and Edgar King Edmunds Sons being put by because of their Infancy quia●tepugnante legitimâ aetate patri succedere non valebant as Matthew Westminster renders the reason No sooner was he crowned but entring into Northumberland with a great army he subdued the rebellious Northumberlanders who refused to bear the yoak of his government reducing them all under his obedience Wherupon Wulstan Arcbbishop of York and all the Nobles of the Northumberlanders swore fealty to King Edred which they did not long observe After which King Edred entred with Banners displayed into Scotland whereupon the Scots strucken with a fear without any resistance or war swore homage and fealty to him as to their true Lord as well as the Northumberlanders which Oath they soon violated For no sooner was Edred returned with his Army into the Southern parts but Anlaff who was chased out of Northumberland returning thither again with a great Fleet was joyfully received by the Northumberlanders and restored by them to the Throne of the Kingdom which he kept by force near four years But in the fourth year the Northumberlanders using their accustomed treachery and disloyalty ch●sed away their King Anlaff and received Hire or E●icus son of Harald for their king who held the kingdom but a short time for the People of the Country not long enduring any king as they ha● lightly received Hire for their king so in the third year of his Reign they as lightly rejected him and calling king Edred to them of their own accord received him again for their Soveraign and set him in the Throne as Humindon records But Malmesbuty Roger Ho●eden and others relate That king Edred Anno 948 was soincensed with the Northumberlanders for their treachery towards him in chusing Hirc for their king against their Oath of Allegiance sworn to him that he wasted all Norshumberland with fire and sword and famine et penè ex hominibus delevit But some of the Northumberlanders in his return from thence sallying out of York with their forces cut off some of the Rear of his Army ar Cesterford wherwith king Edred was so enraged that he resolved presently to return et totam illam terram penitus desere and ututterly to destroy all that Country Which the Northumberlanders hearing they were so terrified that they rejected their new King Hirc and received Edred for their Soveraign satisfying the King with Honors and the Damages and Wrongs they had done unto him with Gifts and no small Sums of Mony These treacherous Rebellious Northumberlanders after Edred and Hirc had no particular King at all to rule over them but only Dukes whose names and successions with their Treachery towards and Rebellions against them you may read at leisure in Roger Hoveden who subjoyns the History of them immediately to this relation This King Edred about the year 951. close imprisoned Wulstan Archbishop of York in Withaubrig and suspended him from his Archbishoprick near a whole year for certain causes of which he had been
purchase peace and be quit of future troubles and Invasions 5ly That when this was first imposed it was with a belief and resolution never to reiterate or draw it again into custom or president in succeeding ages and that only to satisfie a covetous invading Enemy for the present without any thoughts that it would but strengthen or encourage their Enemies to new invasions and Tributes of this Nature doubled and trebled on the Nation afterwards Yet loe the contrary sad effects of this ill president advice 1. It is within few years after several times drawn into Use and Custom again 2. It is every time increased augmented more than other till it amounted to 4 times as much as it was at first 3. It did but impoverish weaken the English themselves and much strengthen encourage their Danish Enemies and keep them still under their Vassalage Whereas so much mony or less raised and spent for their own defence against the Danes would probably have expulsed and beaten them home to their own Country with losse and so have prevented their future invasion 4ly After the Danes were quite expelled and the occasion of this tax quite extinct yet it then became a usual constant suppliment to our Kings for sundry ages after upon all occasions and was the only ground-work pattern of all the heavy publike Shipmony Taxes Aids Impositions Payments under which the people have suffered in all succeeding ages till this present It is very dangerous therefore for Parliaments or Statesmen upon any extraordinary pressing Necessity to lay any new Taxes Tributes or Imposts on the people and most perillous for the people voluntarily to submit unto their payment for being but once or twice granted imposed paid and made a President they are hardly ever abolished or conjured down again but kept still on foot upon some pretext or other yea oft doubled trebled and quadrupled by degrees to the peoples grand oppression and undoing as we may see by this old President of Danegelt and the late sad Presidents of o●r new imposed Excises Imposts Monethly Contributio●s raised from 20 to 30 40 50 60 100 and 120 thousand pounds amonth and the Excise from thousands to Millions and so continued for sundry years without hope of end or ease the only blessed liberty which we have hitherto purchased with all our Prayers Tears Fasts Counsels Treasures wars and whole Oceans of Christian blood I shall therfore desire our late and present Tax-Masters Excisers if they be not now past all shame sadly to consider how much more burthensome and injurious they have been are now to their native Christian English Brethren than the Barbarous Pagan fore in invading Danes were then to their predeces●ors in that they by their own authority without any lawfull grant or Act by a free Parliament impose on their Brethrens exhausted purses and estates no less than 60 or 120 thousand pounds every Moneth besides Excises Imposts Customes amounting to much more when as the barbarous fore in Danes exacted of them only by their own common consent in free Parliamentary Councils only ten thousand pounds in one year at first and then 16000 24000 30000 40000 or 48000 l. at the utmost for several whole years Tribute without any Excise Imposts or other Customs Which meditation me thinks should now induce them to mitigate release cease our long continued uncessant Taxes Excises Imposts or at least to reduce them to the Danes highest annual proportion of 48000 thousand pounds lest the whole Nation and Posterity repute them more oppressive barbarous tyrannical to their Christian Countrymen now than the worst of the forein Pagan Danish Invaders were heretofore and greater present Enemies to their Native Country than the Danes then were to our Progenitors The self same year there being some difference between King Ethelred and Richard Marquess of Norma●dy he thereupon slew and pillaged all the English passing through his Country and affronted King Ethelred with frequent injuries Pope John the 15. hereupon sent Leo his Legate with exhortatory Letters to make peace between them who coming with them to King Ethelred on Christmass day Anno 901. the King ●●on receit of the Popes Letters Accersitis cunctis sui Regni fidelibus utriusque ordinis Sapientioribus Assembling all the Wisest men of his Realm of both Orders for the love and fear of Almighty God and St. Peter the Prince of the Apostles granted and estabished a most firm peace with all his Sons and Daughters present and to come and with all his Lieges without guile In pursuance whereof the King sent Edelfinus Bishop of Sherburn with two other persons of quality into Normandy to the Marquess Who upon receit of the Popes Admonitions and hearing of the kings Decree with a willing mind confirwed the said Peace with his Sons and Daughters present and to come and with all his Subjects upon this reasonable condition That if any os them or they themselves should perpetrate any unjust thing against the other it should be expiated with eondign reparation Which Peace that it might remain perpetually firm was ratified by the Oaths of the Commissioners of both parts at Rhoan in March following Here we have a Peace advised ratified by the direction of a Parliamentary Great Council recorded at large by Malmsbury The last clause whereof was this Et de hominibus Regis vel de inimicis suis nullum Richardus recipiat nec Rex de suis sine Sigillo eorum King Ethelred in the year 992. hearing that the Danes intended a new invasion of England and that they had sent a great Fleet to Sea contrary to their former Agreement the year before assembled a Council of his Nobles to consult how to resist them What the result of their consultation was Florence of Worcester thus records Consilio jussuque Regis Anglorum Etheiredi Procerumque suorum de tota Anglia robustiores Londoniae congregatae sunt Naves By the Counsel and command of Ethelbert king of England and of his Nobles all the strongest Ships were assembled together at London out of all England which the king furnishing with choice Souldiers made Duke Alfric Duke Thorold Alstan and Aescwi● two Bishops Admirals over them commanding them if by any means they could to take the Danish Army and Fleet by invironing them in some part But Duke Alfric formerly banished forgiven and now made chief Admiral turning Traytor both to his king and Country first sends a secret Messenger to the Danes to acquaint them with the designs against them intreating them to prevent the ambushes prepared to surprize them whereby they escaped the hands of the English After which when the English and Danes were ready to encounter each other in a Sea-fight Alfric fled secretly to the Danish Fleet the night before and by reason of the instant danger fled away shamefully with them The kings Navy pursuing them took and pillaged one of the Danish Ships slaying all the men therein But
indumentorum designaretur Hac igitur providentia cum Legatoriis ad Ducem Normannorum missis Rex Anglorum suae petitionis concessionem obtinuisset Statut● tempore tanto digno ministerio ad Dominam suam recipiendam et adducendam Proceres Anglorum mittuntur in Normanniam quae longo et digno regibus apparatu dirigentur in Angliam Thus Henry Archdeacon of Huntindon Radulphus Cistrensis Bromton and others out of them vrite of this Norman ma●ch as the ground-work of translating the Goverment in succeeding times from the Saxons to the Normans for the Saxons sinnes forenamed This same year the Danish Fleet sailing into Normandy and pillaging it King Ethelred hearing of it marched with a great Army into Cumberland and the Northern parrs which had revolted to the Danes and where their greatest Colony was where he vanquished the Danes in a great battel and wasted pillaged most of all the Country Which done he commanded his Navy to sail round about the North parts of Wales and to meet him at an appointed place which by reason of cross winds they could not doe yet they wasted and took the Isle of Man which success somewhat raised and encouraged the dejected spirits of the English and encreased the Kings reputation with them In the years 1001. The Danish Fleet returning from Normandy entred the river of Ex and besieged Exceter which the Citizens manfully defending repulsed them with great loss from their walls Wherewith they being extremely enraged marched through all Devonshire burning the villages wasting the fields and slaying the people without distinction of age or sex after their usual manner Whereupon the inhabitants of Devon Somerset and Dorsetshires uniting their forces in a Body in a Place called Penho gave them battel but being overpowred by the multitude of the Danes who farr exceeded them both in number and military skill they were forced to slie and many of them slain The Danes there upon getting their horses harrowed Devonshire farr worse than before and returned with a great booty to their ships Whence steering their conrse to the Isle of Wight they preyed sometimes upon it sometimes upon Hampshire other times upon Dorsetshire no man resisting them Destroying the men with the sword and the Villages and Towns with fire in such sort ut cum illis nec classica manus navali nec pedestris exercitus certare audeat praello terrestri for which cause the King and People were overwhelmed with unspeakable grief and sadness In this sad perplexity King Ethelred Anno 1002. Habito consilio cum regni sui Primatibus as Florentius Wigorniensis Simeon Dunelmensis Radulphus de Dicet● Roger Hoveden and others express it or Consilio Primatum suorum as Mat. Westminster and his followers relate it By the Counsel of the Nobles of his realm assembled together for this purpose at London reputed it beneficial for him and his people to make an Agreement with the Danes and to give them a Stipend and Pacifying Tribute that so they might cease from their mischiefs For which end Duke Leofsi was sent to the Danes who coming to them importuned them that they would accept of a Stipend and Tribute They gladly embracing his Embassy condescended to his request and determined how much Tribute should be paid them for to keep the peace Whereupon soon after A Tribute of 24000 pounds was paid them pro bono Pacis for the good of Peace In this Assembly and Council as I conjecture King Ethelred informed his COUNSELLERS who instructed him both in divine and humane things with the sloathfulness negligence and vicious lives of the Secular Priests throughout England and by their advice thought meet to thrust them out and put Monks in their places to pour forth prayers and praises to God for him and his people in a due manner Whereupon he confirmed by his Charter the ejection of the Secular Priests out of Christs-Church in Canterbury and the introduction of Monks in their places and ratified all the lands and privileges formerly granted them exempting the Monastery and Lands thereof from all Secular services except Expeditione Pontium operatione et Arcium reparatione Beseeching and conjuring all his lawfull Successors Kings Bishops Earls and people that they should not be Ecclesiae Christi Praedones sed sitis Patrimonii Christi defensores seduli ut vita et gaudio aeternis cum omnibus Dei sanctis in aeternum frua●… Which Charter was ratified by the Subscriptions of the King Archbishop Bishops Abbots and of several Aeldermen Nobles and Officers and the sign of the Cross This year Duke Leofsi slaying Esric a Nobleman the Kings chief Provost was judicially banished the Realm by the King for this offence After this Peace made with the Danes Anno 1002. Emma ariving in England received both the Diadem and name of a Queen whereupon King Ethelred puffed up with pride seeing he could not drive out the Danes by force of arms contrived how to murder and destroy them all in one day by Treachery at unawares either by the sword or by fire because they endeavoured to deprive him and his Nobles both of their Lives and the Realm and to subject all England to their own Dominion The occasion time and manner of whose sudden universal Massacre is thus related by Mat. Westminster An. 1012. though acted An. 1002. as all accord and by Mr. Fox and others Huna General of King Ethelreds Militia a valiant warlike man who had taken upon him the managing of the affairs of the Realm under the King observing the insolency of the Danes who now after the peace made with them did so proudly Lord it through all England that they presumed to ravish the wives and daughters of Noblemen and every where to expose them to scorn by strength caused the English husbandmen to soyl and sow their land and doe all vile labor belonging to the House whiles they would sit idely at home holding their wives daughters and servants at their pleasure and when the husbandmen came home they should scarcely have of their own as his servants had So that the Dane had all at his will and fill faring of the best when the owner scarcely had his fill of the worst Thus the common people being of them opprested were in such fear and dread that not only they were constrained to suffer them in their Doings but also glad to please them and called every one of them in the House where they had rule LORD DANE c. Hereupon Huna goeth to the King much perplexed and makes a lamentable complaint to him concerning these things Upon which the King being not a little moved by the Counsel of the same Huna sent Letters or Commissions unto all the coasts of the Realm commanding all and every of the Nation that on one day after to wit on the Feast of St. Brice the Bishop all the Danes throughout England should be put to death by a secret Massacre
Sandwich consumed all things with fire and sword taking great booties sometimes in Sussex sometimes in Kent Whereupon King Ethelred gathered a great Army out of Mercia and the West-parts of England resolving valiantly to fight with the Danes who declining any open fight and returning to their Ships landed sometimes in one place sometimes in another and so pillaging the Country returned with the booty to the Ships before the English Army could encounter them which they vexed all the Autumn in marching after them from place to place to no purpose The English Army returning home when Winte● began to approach the Danes with an extraordinary booty sayled to the Isle of Wight where they continued till the Feast of Christs Nativity which Feast they turned into sorrow For then they marching into Hampshire and Berkeshire pillaged and burnt down Reading Wallingford Colesey Essington and very many Villages Quocunque enim per agebant quae parata erant hilariter comedentes cum discederent in retributionem procurationis reddebant hospiti caedem hospitio flammam as Huntindon Bromton and others story As they were returning another way to their ships with their booty they found the Inhabitants ready to give them battel at Kenet whom the Danes presently fighting with and routing returned with triumph to their ships enriched with the new spoils of the routed English King Ethelred lying all this time in Shropshire unable to resist the Danes Anno 1007. cum Consilio Primatum suorum as Florentius Wigorniensis Simeon Dunelmensis Polychronicon and others express it by the Counsel of his Nobles sent Messengers to the Danes commanding them to tell them quod sumptus et Tributum illis dare vellent that they would give them Costs and Tribute upon this Condition That they should desist from rapines and hold a firm peace with them to which request they consented and from that time Costs were given them and a Tribute paid them of thirty six thousand pounds out of all England Henry Huntindon Bromton thus relate the business Rexet Senatus Anglorum dubii quid agerent quid omitterent communi deliberatione gravem conventionē cum exercitu fecerunt ad pacis observationē 36000 mil. librar ei dederunt A clear evidence that this Agreement and Peace was made and money granted and raised in England by common advice consent in Parliament or Council Infrenduit Anglia tota velut arundinem Zephiro vibrante collisum Unde Rex Ethelredus confusione magna consternatus pecunia pacem ad tempus quam armis non potuit adquisivit writes Matthew Westminster Rex Anglorum Ethelredus pro bono pacis Tributum 36 mil. librarum perselvit Dacis as Radulphus de Diceto words it After which the King this year made Edric aforementioned Duke of Mercia and that by the Providence of God to the destruction of the English a man of base parentage but extraordinary crafty eloquent witty and unconstant surpassing all of that age in envy persidiousness pride cruelty and Treason who soon after maried the Kings daughter Edith whereby he had the better opportunity to betray the King and kingdom with less suspition King Ethelred though often vexed with the wars and invasions of these forein Enemies yet he had a care to make good Laws for the benefit peace and safety of his people whereupon having thus made Peace with the Danes An. 1007. he summoned and held a Great Parliamentary Council at Aenham on the Feast of Easter at the exhortation of Aelfeag Archbishop of Canterbury and Wulstan Archbishop of Yorke who together with the rest of the Bishops and all the Nobles of England were present at it Regis Aethelredi Edicto concrepante acciti sunt convenire Where they all assembling together de catholicae cultu Religionis reparando deque etiam rei statu publicae reparando vel consulendo plura et non pauca utpote divin●●us inspirati ratiocinando sermocinabantur In this Council they debated resolved on divers things and enacted many wholesom Laws and Edicts for the reformation and setling of Religion and Churchmen the advancement of Gods worship the Government of the Church and State the advancement of civil Justice and honesty and defence of the Realm by Land and Sea beginning with the things of God and the Church in the first place which you may read at large in Sir Henry Spelman Some Laws where of I shall here transcribe being very pertinent to my subject Cap. 5. Sapientes decernunt Ut Leges quique coram Deo et hominibus aequas statuant et tueantur iniquas autem omnino deleant justitiam pauperi atque diviti pari exhibentes lance et pacem insuper et concordiam piè in hoc seculo coram Deo et hominibus retinentes Cap. 6. Sapientes etiam decernunt Ut nemo Christianum et in●ontem pretio tradat extra patriam praesertim in Pagani alicujus servitium Cap 7. Sapientes etiam decernunt Ut pro delicto modico nemo Christianum morti adjudicet sed in misericordia potius Leges administret ad utilitatem populi et non pro modico eum perdat qui est opus manuum Dei et mercimonium ejus magno comparatum pretio De quolibet autem Crimine acuratius decernito sententiam praebens juxta factum mercedem juxta meritum ita scilicet ut secundum divinam clementiam levis sit poena et secundum humanam fragilitatem tolerabilis Cap. 9. Nemo dehinc in posterum Ecclesiae servitium imponat nec clientelam Ecclesiae injuriis afficiat nec Ministrum Ecclesiae ejiciat inconsulto Episcopo Cap. 21. Verba et opera rectè quisque dis●onat et Jusjurandum pactamque fidem cautè teneat Omnem etiam Injustitiam è patriae finibus quâ poterit industriâ quisque ejiciat et perjuria formidanda Cap. 22. Urbium Oppidorum Arcium atque Pontium instauratio sedulo fiat prout opus fuerit restaurentur renoventur vallis et fossis muniantur et circumvallentur Militaris etiam et Navalis Profectio uti imperatum est ob universalem utique necessitatem Cap. 23. De Navali Expeditione sub Paschate Cavendum etiam est ut celerius post Paschatis festum Navalis expeditio Annuo sit parata Si quis Navem in Reipublicae expeditionem de●ignatum vitiaverit damnum integrè restituito et pacem Regis violatam compensato Si verò eam ita prorsus corruperit ut deinceps nihili habeatur plenam luito injuriam et laesam praeterea Majestatem So one translation out of the Saxon Copy reads it but another thus Naves per singulos annos ob patriae defensionem et munitionem praeparentur po●●que sacrosanctum Pa●cha cum cunctis ut en●libus competentibus simul congregentur Qua etiam poena digni sunt qui Navium detrimentum in aliquibus perficiunt notum cunctis esse cupimus Quicunque aliquam ex Navibus per quampiam inertiam
Book of the Exchequor and Sir Henry Spelman in his Glossary Title Danegold affirms 5. That King Edwards Officers after the Danish Kings expired reignes did collect it of the English Subjects without his privitie to cloath and pay his Souldiers and followers 6. That he out of mercy piety conscience and justice to his people not only restored it to them when collected and brought into his Exchequer without retaining one farthing of it but likewise for ever released it to them so that it was no more collected during his reign 7. That Taxes unjustly leavied upon the poor oppressed people are very pleasing and acceptable to the devill himself who claimes the money so collected for his own and that the Collectors and exacters of such Taxes though for the payment of Armies and Souldiers are really but the devils agents and instruments who will one day pay them their deserved wages 8. That heavy oppressions and taxes though for pretended publike necessities continued for many years together ought not onely to be eternally remitted but restored when collected by all conscientious pious righteous mercifull Saintlike Kings and Governours 9. That illegall heavy Taxes imposed by or for invading Usurpers if once submitted to and not strongly opposed by the generality of the people wil soon be claymed leavied as a customary early legall revennue both by the impos●rs and their successors and hardly be laid down and discontinued again for the peoples ease 10. That this tax of Danegeld amounting but to thirty eight or fourty thousand pounds in one whole year was in truth an heavy and intolerable burden and grievous oppression to the whole Nation fit to be abolished and released especially in times of dearth and scarcity Therefore certainly our late illegal taxes without authority of a free and legall Parliament amounting to 120. 90. or 60. 1000 li. monthly when lowest besids Excises Customes Imposts amounting to twice as much more must certainly be far more grievous intollerable to the Nation and so not onely to be remitted abandoned excluded but accounted for and restored to our exhausted oppressed Nation by all those Governours who pretend themselves saints of the highest forme and men ruling in the fear of God against whom this St. Edward the Confessor will rise up in judgement if they imitate not his just and Saintlike president therein All which considerations I recommend to their own and their Collecters Excisers sadest considerations to meditate seriously upon for the peoples ease William of Malmsburies records of this King Edward that he was in exactionibus vectigalium parcus quippe qui exactores execraretur Till we may be able really to record the like of our new Governours and Princes over us we shall never be either a free a peaceable or happy people not they worthy of the name of Saints or Confessors in any English Annals or Kalenders He addes That King Edward with the touch of his hand did miraculously cure sundry persons of the luxuriant humours and swellings about the neck commonly called the Kings Evill which cure in after ages some falsly ascribed non ex sanctitate sed ex regalis prosapiae haereditate ●●uxisse not to have issued from his sanct●tie but from his hereditary royall bloud If his sanctity in releasing and restoring the formentioned insupportable Tributes of Danegeld shall now cure the hereditary Kings and our new Republiques long continued evill and malady of intolerable Tributes Contributions and Excises in this Age we shall register it to posterity for as great a miracle as his first care of the evill Kings only by his touching of it with his royall sacred hand King Edward about the year 1047. calling out of Normandy certain Normans qui olim pauculis beneficiis inopiam Exulis suppleverant who had there releived and supplied his want during his exil to reward them for their benefits advanced them to places of extraordinary honour and trust about him amongst others he promoted Robert Gemeticensis a monk to the Bishoprick of London then to the Arch-bishoprick of Canterbury William to be his Chaplain first and afterwards Bishop of London and another to the Bishoprick of Dorchester which Jugulphus thus expresseth Rex autem Edwardus natus in Anglia sed Nutritus in Normania diutissime immoratus penè in Gallicum transierat adducens attrahens de Normānia plurimos quos variis dignitatibus promotos in immensum exaltabat Praecipuus inter eos erat Robertus Monachus c. Caepit ergò totâ terrâ sub rege sub aliis Normannis introductis Anglicos ritus diminui Francorū mores in multis imitari Gallicum idioma omnes Magnates in suis curiis tanquam magnum gentilitium loqui Chartas Chyrographa sua more Francium confici propriam consuetudinem in his in aliis multis erubescere Thereupon Earle Godwin and his Sons being men of high spirits auctores tutores regni Edvardi were very angry and discontented quod novos homines advenas sibi preferri viderent because they saw these new upstarts and strangers preferred before them yet they never uttered a high word against the King whom they had once advanced Upon this occasion Anno 1051 there arose great discords between the English and these Normans quod Angli aspernantèr ferant superiorem Normani nequeant pati parem Henry Huntingdon records That these Normnans accused Godwin and Swaine and Harold his Sonnes to the King that they went about to betray him wherupon the King calling them into question for it they refused to appear without hostages for their safety upon which the King banished them But William of Malmsbury Roger de Hoveden Matthew Westminster Florentius Wigorniensis Simeon Dunelmensis Bromton Hygden Henry de Knighton Fabram Graston Holmshed Speed and the General Stream of our Historians relating the businesse more fully make this the originall cause of the difference between them and of the Exile of Godwin and his Sons Eustace Earle of Boloyn who had wedded King Edwards Sister ariving at Dover in the moneth of September 1051. one of his Knights seeking lodging unjustly slew one of the Townsmen whereupon the Townsmen slew him The Earle and his followers being enraged thereat slew divers men and women of the Town and trode their children under their own horses feet The Burgesses upon this assembling togetherto resist them after a feirce Encounter put the Earle and his followers to flight slew eighteen or twenty of them in the pursute and wounded many more so that the Earle escaped only with one of his followers to the King then at Glocester where he grievously incensed the King against the Englishmen by reason of this tumult which he and his followers occasioned Whereupon Earle Godwin being much incensed at the slaughter of his men in the Burrowgh of Dover he and his sons assembled a great Armie out of all the Towns and Countries subject to them The King sending for Godwin to
Re Populi Rectum et jus publicum recitate et unum quodque placitum terminum habeat quando peragatur quod tunc recitabitur The first Chapter of the second part of his Laws intimates that they were made by his Wtse men assembled in a Parliamentary Council at Exeter witness the contents thereof Edwardus Rex admonuit Omnes Sapientes quando fuerunt Exoniae ut investigarent simul et quaererent quomodo pax eo rum melior esse possit quàm ante à fuit quia visumest ei quod hoc impletum sit aliter quam deceret et quam ante àpraecepisset Inquisivit itaque qui ad emendationem velint redire et in societate permanere quâ ipse sit et amare quod amat et nolle quod nolit in Mari in Terrâ Hoc est tunc Ne Quisquam rectum difforceat alicui Siquis hoc faciat emendet sicut supra dictum est In his first Laws then either made or rehearsed prima vice 30 s. secundâ similitèr ad tertiam vicem 120 s. Regi The last Chapter being the VIII in Bromtons translation but the XI in the Saxon Coppy is this Volo ut omnis Praepositus habeat Gemotum an Hundred Court semper ad quatuor hebdomadas et efficiat ut omnis homo rectum habeat et omne placitum capiat terminum quando perveniat ad finem Siquis hoc excipiat emendet sicut antè dictum est King Edward deceasing Aethelstan his eldest Son designed by his Fathers Will to succeed him was elected King at Winchester in the year 924. Magno Optimatum consensu et omnium favore and so●emnly Crowned at Kingston only one Alfred and some factious ones opposed his election pretending he was illegitimate and born of a Concubine whereupon they would have set up his Brothet Edwin being legitimate and next heir as they pretended whom the Generality of the Nobles rejected nondum ad regnandum propter teneros Annos Idoneo Aethelstan after his Coronation knowing his Brother to be born in lawfull Matrimony and fearing Ne per ipsum quandoque Regni solio privaretur lest he should be some time or other deprived of his kingdom by him hated him extremely and at the sollicitation of some Parasites whereof his Cup-bearer was the chief to be rid of him and this his fear he caused young Edwin attended only with one Page to be put into an old broken Boat in the midst of the Sea without Sail Oare or Pilate that so his death might be imputed to the waves out off which Boat the young Prince in discontent cast himself head-long into the Sea or rather the Page threw him head-long over-board and so was he drowned But the Page recovering his body by rowing with his hands and feet brought it to Land where it was interred The King was hereat so troubed with a real or feigned contrition for this barbarous bloudy fact that he did seven years voluntary penance for this his fratricide and adjudged his Cup-bearer to a cruel death who gave him this ill advice and to pacifie his Brothers Ghost and his own Conscience built two new Monasteries at Middleton and Michelresse and there was scarce any old Monastery in England which he adorned not either with buildings or Ornaments or Books or Lands to expiate this his bloody crime In this king Aethelstans reign In the year 927. There were fiery Beams and Meteors seen throughout all the Northern parts of England soon after which Athelstan resolved utterly to extirpate the perfidious Nation of the Danes and treacherous Scots which had violated their Agreement made with his Father whereupon he marched with a great Army by Land and Navy by Sea into Northumberland and Scotland wasted and harrowed the Country without resistance forced Guithfrith King of Northumberland out of his kingdom uniting it to his own Realm vanquished and overcame Howel king of Wales Constantine king of Scots Anlafe the Dane and others in a set battel drove them out of their Realms and forced them to submit to him Who upon their submission knowing the chance of war to be variable and pitying the Cases of these down-cast Princes restor'd them presently to their former estates with this Princely Speech That it was more honour to make a King than to be a King yet these petty Kings Princes rebelling afterwards siding with Anlafe against him were all routed by Athelstane King Constantine of Scotland with five more of these Kings 12 Dukes and most of their Army slain in one battel principally by the valor of Turketulus and the Londoners An. 837 Whereupon the petty Kings of Wales contracted to pay him a yearly tribute of 20 pound weight of Gold and 300 of Silver and 25000 head of Cattel with a certain number of Hawks and Hounds which no King of England ever exacted or received from them before William of Malmeshury who exceeds in his praises writes that it was truly reported of him amongst the English Quod nemo Legalius vel literatius rempublicam administraverit That no king governed the Commonweal●h more legally or learnedly than he being as Ingulphus records guided and directed by Turketulus his Chancellour a man of great integrity honesty and piety of pro●●und judgement whose decrees upon debate were irrefrag●ble This king Athelstan for the better administration of Justice enacted sundry excellent civil and ecclesiastical Laws recorded in Bromt. Lamb. Spelm. The first of these his Laws were made and enacted in the famous Council of Grately about the year 928 in which the king himself Wulfehelm Arch-bishop of Cante b●ry and the rest of the Bishops and all the Nobles and Wisemen which King Ethelstan could assemble were present who all ordained and confirmed these Laws in this great Coun●il as the last Chapter there o● informs us in these words Totum hoc institutum est et confirmatum In magno Synodo apud Grateleyam c●i Archiepiscopus Wol●●nus ●e●… et omnes Optimates et Sapientes quos Adelstanus Rex potuit Congregare O● Cum Optimates et Sapientes ab Aethelstano evoca●● frequentissimi as another Copy renders it which proves that all the Members of this Council were summoned to it by this kings writ and not elected by the peoples suffrages And although the Archbishops Bishops and other Clergy men were the chief advisers of the Ecclesiastical L●ws made in this Council as this Prologue to them attests Ego Aethelstanus Rex ex prudenti Ulfnelmae Archiepiscopi aliorumque Episcoporum et Servorum Dei consilio mando yet they were all enacted and confirmed by all the Nobles and Wisemen in the Council as the premises evidence In this Council the king commanded by his Laws all his Officers that they should demand and exact from his Subjects such things and duties only as they might justly and lawfully receive adding this memorable reason for it Nunquam enim erit populo bene consultum nec digne
Life He was no respecter of persons in judgement but judged every man according to the quantity of his Offence and quality of his person He united all the Nations under him which were divers by the Covenan and Ob●… of one Law Governing them all with such Justice Equity Integrity and Peace that he was s●i●e● Rex 〈◊〉 Edgarus Pacificus the peaceable King Edgar In his days not Torments not Gibbe●s not Exile not banishment were so much feared as the offending of so good and gracious a King He built and endowed no lesse than 48 Monasteries and restored many more endowing them with large possessions privileges out of Piety and Devotion as these times reputed it was a great honourer lover promoter of the vertuous and learned Clergy and suppressor of the vicious and scandalous There was scarce one year throughout all his reign wherein he did not some great and memorable necessary thing for the good of his Country and people the honour of God and advancement of Religion All which made him so honoured and beloved by his Subjects at home so far dreaded by his Enemies abroad that Nullas Domesticorum insidias nullum exterminium alienorum sensit He never felt any homebred treachery or forein invasion but reigned peaceably all his days without war or bloodshed which none of his Predecessors ever did He was so far from tollerating any violence or rapine in men towards each other that he commanded all the Wolves and ravenous Beasts greedy of blood to be destroyed throughout his Dominions And such an Enemy was he to Drunkenness the Mother of Vices Murders Quarrels Thefts wherewith the Danes had much infected the English that to prevent and redress it he caused Pins to be set in every Cup prohibiting by severe Laws and Penalties that none should force others to drink nor yet d●ink below those Pins in that moderate proportion which he prescribed them Among other his Politick deeds for the peace and safeguard of his Realm against pillaging Pirates and Forein Invaders he had always in readiness 3600 as most or 4800 strong ships of War as others record to secure the Seas in the Summer season which he divided into three Squadrons or Fleets whereof he placed 1200 in the East Seas to guard them 1200 in the South Seas 1200 in the West Seas and 1200 in the North Seas as some write to prevent Piracies and repulse the invasion of Forein Enemies These Ships immediatly after Easter met together every year at their several places of Rendezvous wherewith the King sailed round about the Island and Sea-coasts with a great force to the terror of Foremers and exercising of his own subjects sayling with the Eastern Navy to the Western parts of the Iland and then sending them back with the Western Fleet to the Northern Coasts and then sayling with the Northern Fleet to the South pius s●i●icet explorator ne quid Piratae turbarent After his return from the Sea in the Winter and Spring he used to ride in Progress through all the Counties of the Realm diligently to search and inquire how his Laws Statutes Ordinances were kept and observed by his Princes Great Men and Of ficers lest the Poorer sort of people should suffer prejudice or be oppressed by the Greater Richer And whether his Judges or Justices judged uprightly according to the Laws or injured any through Bribery Malice or Partiality Violati Juris severus Ultor being a severe Revenger of his violated Laws sparing neither Rich nor Poor but judging him justly according to the quality of his transgression In hoc Justitiae in il●o fortitudinis in utr●que Reipublicae Regni utilitatibus consulens as Wiliam of Malmesbury and Flor. of Worcester report of him Et ideo tempore suo latrones nulli fuerunt nec aliquis qui Guerram vel turbationem in Regno movere audebat Merito ergo non infirma inter Anglos fama est nullum nec ejus nec superioris aetatis Regem in Anglia recto aequabili judicio Edgaro comparandum He being Flos et Decus antecessorum Regum non minus memorabils Anglis quam Romulus Romanis Cyrus Persis Alex. Macedoniis Arsaces Parthis Carolus Magnus Francis as Malmesbury Abbot Ethelred Florentius VVigorniensis Simcon Dunelmensis Henry Huntindon Matthew VVestminster and others record of him who are much more copious in his prayses Mr. Fox closeth up his Encomiums of him with this Speech As I see many things in this worthy Prince to be commended so this one thing in him I cannot but lament to see him like a Phoenix to fly alone that of all his Posterity so few there be that seek to keep him company Towards the end of his Reign the Welchmen moving some rebellion he thereupon assembled a mighty Army to suppress and prevent it wherewith he entring into the Country of Glamorgan sharply punished the Ringleaders thereof But his Souldiers doing great harm in plundering the Country lading themselves with spoyls the King out of his bounty commanded them to restore to the People all the spoyls they had gotten and more especially St. Ellutus Bell that was hanged about an Horses neck whereby he purchased singular love and honor from the Inhabitants At length after he had reigned thus 16 years and two months in great tranquillity and honor totum regnum sanctis legibus st●enu● gubernantem as Eadmerus rela●es of him he died happily o● ●uesday the 8 of July Anno 975. Nec potuit malè mori qui benè vixerat qui tot Ecclesias Deo fundaverat qui tot bona perennia brevi tempore statuerat as Henry Arch-Deacon of Huntingdon observes who bestowed this honourable Epitaph on him remembred also by others Auctor opum vindex scelerum largitor honorum Sceptifer Edgarus Regna superna petit Hic alter Solomon legum Pater Orbita Pacis Quod caruit bellis claruit inde magis Tem●●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dedit agros Nequitiae lapsum justiciaeque locum Nov●● enim Regno verum per qu●rere falso Immensum modico perpetuumque brevi Immediately after his death Res et spes Anglorum retro sublapsae sunt totius Regni status est perturbatus et post tempus laetitiae quod illius tempore vigebat pacificè caepi● tribulatio undique advenire as Malmesbury Wigorniensis Hoveden Simeon Dunelmensis and Bromton observe such an incomparable lo●s was the death of so just pious and prudent a King to the whole Nation qui juventutis vitia posteà magnis virtutib●s delevit when most others do quite contrary King Edgar at the time of his decease leaving behind him two Sons by two venters Edward his eldest Son by Queen Ethelfleda his first Wife then but 12. years old and Ethelred his second Son by his second Queen Elfreda then not much above 7. years of age T●… arose a great contention amongst the Nobles of the Realm about choosing of a new King For Queen Elfreda with
that so the whole Nation of the English might all jointly and at one time be freed from the Danish Oppression And so the Danes who by a firm covenant sworn unto by both sides a little before ought to have dwelt peaceably with the English were too opprobriously slain and the women with their children being dashed against the posts of the houses miserably powred out their souls When therefore the sentence of this decree was executed at the City of London without mercy many of the Danes fled to a certain Church in the City where all of them were slain without pity standing by the very Altars themselves Moreover that which aggravated the rage of this persecution was the death of Guimild Sister of King Swain slain in this manner in England she was lawfully maried to Count Palingers a Noble man of great power who going into England with her husband they both there received the faith of Christ and Sacrament of baptism this most prudent Virago being the mediatrix of the peace between the English and Danes gave her self with her husband and only son as Hostages to King Ethelred for the security of the peace she being delivered by the King to that most wicked Duke Edric to keep that Traytor within few days after commanded her husband with her son to be slain before her face with four spears and last of all commanded her to be beheaded She underwent death with a magnanimous minde without fear or change of countenance but yet confidently pronounced as she was dying That the shedding of her bloud would bring great detriment to England Henry Huntindon thus relates the story of this Massacre In the year 1002. Emma the Jewel of the Normans came into England and received both the Diadem and name of a Queen with which match King Ethelred being puffed up with pride bringing forth perfidiousness caused all the Danes who were with peace in England to be slain by clandestine Treason on one and the same day to wit on the feast of St. Brice concerning which wickedness we have heard in our infancy some honest old men say that the said King sent secret Letters into every City according to which the English on the same day and hour destroyed all the Danes either cutting off their heads without giving them warning with swords or taking and burning them suddenly together with fire Vbi fuit videre miseriam dum quisque charissimos hospites quos etiam arctissima necessitudo dulc●ores effecerat cogeretur prodere et amplexus gladio deturbare writes Malmsbury The News of this bloudy Massacre of the Danes being brought into Denmark to King Swain by some Youths of the Danish Nation who escaped and fled out of England in a ship moved him to tears Vocatisque cunctis Regni Principibus Who calling all the Princes of his Realm together and relating the whole series of what was acted to them he diligently enquired of them what they would advise him to do Who all crying out together as with one mouth DECREED That the bloud of their Neighbours and Friends was to be revenged Whereupon Swain a cruel man prone to shed bloud animated to revenge by his Messengers and Letters commanded all the Warriers of his Kingdom and charged all the souldiers in forein Regions greedy of gain to assist him in this expedition against the English which they cheerfully did he having now a fairer shew to do foully than ever wrong having now made him a right of invasion who had none before Anno 1003. King Swain ariving with a great Navy and Army in England by the negligence and treachery of one Hugh a Norman whom Queen Emma had made Earl of Devonshire took and spoyled the City of Exeter rased the wall thereof to the ground and burnt the City to ashes returning with a great prey to his ships leaving nothing behind them but the ashes After which wasting the Province of Wiltshire a strong Army congregated out of Hamshire and Wiltshire went with a resolution manfully and constantly to fight with the Enemy but when both Armies were in view of each other ready to joyn battel Earl Edric their General a constant Traytor to his Country and secret friend to the Danes feigned himself to be very sick and began to vomit so that he could not possibly fight Where upon the Army seeing his slothfulness and fearfullness departed most sorrowfull from their Enemies without fighting being disheartned by the Cowardise of their Captain Which Swane perceiving he marched to Wilton and Sarisbery which he took pillaged and burnt to the ground returning with the spoil to his Ships in triumph The next year Swane to whom God had designed the kingdom of England as some old Historians write sailing with his Fleet to Norwich pillaged and burnt it to the ground Whereupon Ulfketel Duke of East-England 〈◊〉 man of great valour seeing himself surprized and wanting time to raise an Army to resist the Danes cum Majoribus East-Angliae habito Consilio taking Counsel with the Great men of East England made peace with Swane which he treacherously breaking within three weeks after suddenly issuing out of his ships surprized pillaged and burnt Thetford to the ground and covering the Country like Locusts spoyled all things and slaughtered the Country-men without resistance Which Duke Ulfketel being informed of commanded some of his Country-men to break his ships in pieces in his absence from them which they not dared or neglected to do and he in the mean time raising an Army with as much speed as he could boldly marched against the Enemy returning with great booties to their Ships where after a long and sharp incounter on both sides the English being over-powered by the multitude of the Danes were totally ronted and all the Nobles of East-England there slain in their Countries defence who fought so valiantly that the Danes confessed they had never an harder or sharper battel in England than this The great loss the Danes sustained in it though they got the field and an extraordinary famine in England the year following greater than any in the memory of man caused Swane to return into Denmark to refresh and recruit his Army King Ethelred quit of these Enemies Anno 1006 deprived Wulfgate the Son of Leonne whom he had loved more than all men of his possessions and all his homours propter injusta judicia for his unjust judgements and proud works and likewise commanded the eyes of the two Sons of that Arch-Traitor Edric Strcona to be put out at Cocham where he kept his Court because Edric had treacherously inticed a bloody Butcher Godwin Porthound whom he corrupted with great gifts to murder the Noble Duke Althelin at Scoborbyrig as he was hunting whom Edric purposely invited to a Feast that he might thus treacherously murder him While these things were acting in the month of July the Danes returning with an innumerable Navy into England landing at
Necfuit tantus numerus Navium tempore alicujus in Britannia writes Henry Huntindon But yet God frustrated and blasted all their designs beyond expectation For about or a little before this time Brithtricus a slippery ambitious proud man brother to perfidious Duke Edric injuriously accused Wulnoth a Noble young man of Southsex to the King whose servant he was who thereupon banished him Wulnoth upon this fled away lest he should be apprehended and having gotten 20 Ships exercised frequent Piracies upon the Sea Coasts The Kings Navy being thereof informed and that any man who would might easily take him Brithtric hereupon to get praise to himself took 80 of the Kings Ships with him and promised to bring Wulnoth alive or dead to the King VVhen he had prosperously sailed a long time in pursute of him a most violent tempest suddenly arising shattered and bruised all the ships driving them one against another and forced them to run ashore upon the dry land with great loss where Wulnoth presently coming upon them fired and burnt them all The rest of the Navy discontented with this sad news returned to London The Army likewise then raised was dispersed Et sic omnis labor Anglorum cassatus est writes Huntindon or as Wigorniensis and others express it Sicque totius populi maximus labor periit to their great grief and disappointment Upon this disaster in the time of Harvest Earl Turkel a Dane arived with a great new Fleet of Danes and an innumerable Army at Sandwich whom another great Navy of Danes under the command of Hemmingus Erglafe Tenetland followed in the Moneth of August These all joyning together marched to Canterbury aslaulted made a breach therein and were likely to take it Whereupon the Citizens and Inhabitants of East-Kent were inforced to purchase a firm peace with them ar the sum of 3000 pounds which being paid they returning to their ships pillaged the Isle of Wight with the Counties of Sussex and Southampton near the Sea-Coasts burning the Villages and carrying away great booties thence King Ethelred upon this raised and collected a great Army out of all England placing forces in all Counties near the Sea to hinder the Danes landing and plundring Notwithstanding they desisted not but exercised rapines in all places where they could conveniently land At last when they had straggled further off from their Ships than they accustomed and thought to have returned laden with spoils the King with many thousands of Souldiers intercepting their passage resolved to die or to conquer them But perfidious Duke Edric by his treacherous and perplexed orations endeavored to perswade the King and Souldiers not then to give the Enemies battel but to suffer them to escape at that time Suasit persuasit And thus like a Traitor to his Country as he ever had been he then delivered the Danes out of the Englishmens hands and suffered them to depart with their booty without resistance The Danes after this taking up their VVinter quarters in the River of Thames maintained themselves with the spoils they took out of Essex Kent and other places on both sides of the River and oft times assaulting the City of London attempted to take it by assault but were still valiantly repulsed by the Citizens with great loss In Jan. 1010. the Danes sallying out of their Ships marched through Chiltern Forest to Oxford which they pillaged and burnt wasting the Country on both sides the Thames in their return Being then informed that there was a great Army raised and assembled against them in London ready to give them battel thereupon that part of the Danish Army on the North-side of the Thames passed the River at Stanes and there joyning with those on the South side marched in one body to their Ships through Surrey laden with spoils refreshing themselves in Kent all the Lent After Easter they went into the East parts of England marching to Ringmere near Ipswich where Duke Ulfketel resided On the first of May they fought a set battel with him where in the heat of the battel the East-English turned their backs on Turketel a Dane beginning the fight but the Cambridgeshire men fighting manfully for their Country and Liberty resisted the Danes a long time but at last being overpowred with multitudes they likewise sled Many Nobles and Officers of the King and an innumerable multitude of people were slain in the fight The Danes gaining the victory and thereby East-England turned all Horsemen and running through the Country for three Months space burnt Cambridge Thetford with all the Towns and Villages in those parts slew all the people they met with as well Women and Children as Men tossing their very Infants on the ●ops of their Pikes wasted pillaged all places killing the Cattel they could not eat and with an infinite rich booty their Footmen returned to their ships But their Horsemen marching to the River of Thames went first into Oxfordshire● and from thence into Buckingham Hertford and Bedford Shires burning Villages and killing both Men and beasts and wholly depopulated the Country then they retired laden with very great booties to their ships After this about the Feast of St. Andrew they rambled through Northamptonshire burning and wasting all the Country together with Northampton it self then marching Westward into Wiltshire they burnt pillaged depopulated the Country leaving all those Counties like a desolate Wilderness there being none to resist or encounter them after their great victory at Ringmere The Danes having thus wasted and depopulated East-England Essex Middlesex Hertford Buckhingham Oxford Cambridge Shires half Huntindonshire most of Northamptonshire Kent Surrey Sussex Southampton Wiltshire and Barkshire with Fire and Sword King Ethelred et Regni sui Magnates and the Nobles of his Realm thereupon sent Ambassadors to the Danes desiring peace from them and promising them Wages and Tribute so as they would desist from depopulating the Realm Which they upon hearing the Embassadors consented to yet not without fraud and dissimulation as the Event proved For although provisions and expences were plentifully provided for them and Tribute paid them by the English according to their desires yer they desisted not from their rapines but marched in Troops through the Provinces wasting the Villages every where spoiling most of the miserable people of their goods and some of their lives At last not satisfied with rapine and bloodshed between the Feasts of St. Mary and St. Michael they besieged Canterbury contrary to their dear bought peace and by the treachery of Archdeacon Almear took the City which they pillaged and burnt to the ground together with the Churches therein burning some of the Citizens in the fire slaying others of them casting many of them headlong over the Walls dragging the VVomen by the hair about the streets and ravishing and murdering them After which they decimated the Men VVomen Monks and little Children that remained leaving only the tenth of them alive and murdering the rest slaying no
postea slammis tradita sunt Abbas cum majore parte conventus sui assumptis secum sacris reliquiis sanctarum Virginum Kineburgae Kineswithae ac Tibbae Thorniam adiit Prior autem cum nonnullis fratribus assumpto secum brachio sancti Oswaldi regis ad insulam de Hely aufugit Subprior vero cum 10. fratribus ad Croylandiam venit faelicitèr Illo anno ex frequentibus fluviis inundationes excreverunt et vicinas paludes circumque jacentes mariscos immeabiles reddebant Ideo totus mundus advenit populus infinitus affluxit Chorus et claustrum replebantur Monachis caetera Ecclesia sacerdotibus et clericis Abbatia tota laicis caemeteriumque nocte ac die sub tentoriis mulieribus et pueris fortiores quicunque inter eos ac juvenes in ulnis et alnetis ora fluminum observabant erantque tunc quotidie ut caetera onera taceantur 100 Monachi in mensa Super haec omnia per nuncium Rex Swanus Monasterio Croylandiae mille Marcas imposuit et ●ub poena combustionis totius Monasterii solutionem dictae pecuniae certo die apud Lincoln assignavit infraque tertium mensem post solutionem hujus pecuniae iterum pro victualibus suo exercitui providendis exactores nequissimi mille Marcas minis maximis extorquebant Ventilatum est tunc et ubique vulgatum crudele martyrium S. Elphegi Archiepiscopi Doroberniae qui quia summam pecuni● excessivam sibi impositam pro sua redemptione solvere detrectavit belluina Dacorum ferocitas eum acerbissimo tormento crudeliter interemit Omnes fera tempora flebant foelices qui quocunque modo in fata processerant Abbas Godricus maximè cui cura tanti populi incumbebat et quem Rex Ethelredus cumulos argenti habere existimabat Daniens vero Swanus sunsque totus exercitus ei tanquam Domino de manibus eorum refugientium juges insidias et minas semper maximas ingerebat Demum expensis internis et exactionibus externis totus thesaurus Domini Turketuli Abbatis distractus est horrea ●mborum Egelr●corum ●●m lita sunt cum adhuc Regii exactores pro pecuniis quotidie irruerent Et eum tanquam patriae proditorem et Danorum provisorem regi in proximo cum dignis compedibus deducendum et suppliciis tradendum pro suis demeritis affirmarent Perculsus ergo venerabilis Pater Abbas Godricus dolore cordis intrinsecus pro tot minis terribilibus convocat totum suum conventum et nuncians nummos Monasterio deficere orat et exorat quatenus doceant et decernant in medio quid contra nequam seculum magis expediat faciendum Tandem longo tractatu placet haec sententia cunctis aliquem Ministrorum seu satellitum Edrici Ducis Merciorum conducere et cum pecuniae deficeren● terris et tenementis ad terminum vitae concedendis in suum defensorem contra imminentia pericula obligare Erat enim ille Edricus potentissimus post regem in terra et cum rege Ethelredo et cum Swano rege Danorum familiarissimus et postea cum Cnuto filio suo Conductus est ergo quidam maximus satellitum dicti Ducis Edrici nomine Normannus sanguine summe clarus filius videlicet Comitis Lefwini et Frater Leofrici nobilis Comitis Leicestriae dato sibi prout postulabat manerio de Badby ad terminum 100. annorum Ille dictum manerium acceptans tenere de Sancto Guthlaco per firmam in grano piperis per annum in festo S. Bartholomaei singulis annis persolvendo fideliter promittebat et se futurum procuratorem ac protectorem Monasterii contra omnes adversarios confecto inde chirographo obligabat Valuit illud Monasterio aliquanto tempore scilicet omnibus diebus vitae suae By which passages it is apparent what Taxes exactions predures the Monasteries and others suffered both from King Ethelred his Captains and Officers on the one side and from the Danes on the other side and how they were enforced to hire and bribe great Souldiers and Courtiers by leases and monies to protect them from utter ruine John Speed affirms That the Clergy as backward as any denied to King Ethelred their assistance pleading their exemptions from warr and privileges of the Church when the land lay bleeding and deploring for help and scandalized all his other proceedings for demanding their aydes But this passage of Abbot Ingulphus so near that age out of the Register Books of Croyland whereof he was Abbot not long after proves they paid great annual contributions to the King and his Officers which consumed all their money plate Jewels Chalices and the very shrines of their Saints notwithstanding all Charters and exemptions And as for the Laity William of Malmsbury Radulphus Cistrensis Mr. Fox and others write That King Ethelred had such a condition that he would lightly dis-inherit Englishmen of their lands and possessions and caused them to redeem the same with great sums of money and that he gave himself to polling of his Subjects and framed Trespasses for to gain their money and goods for that he paid great Tribute to the Danes yearly Whereby he lost the affections of the people who at last deserted him and submitted themselves to the Danish Invaders who usurped the Soveraign power and forced him out of England with his Queen and Children These Unrighteous Oppressions Dis-inherisons and Exactions of his were specially provided against by his Nobles Prelates and VVisemen in the Councils of Aenham and Habam forecited by special Laws and special excellent Prayers and Humiliations prescribed to be made to God to protect them from his judgements and the invading oppressing bloody Danes worthy perusal yet pretended necessities and VVar laid all those Laws asleep In the year of Christ 1013. the very next after the Englishmens dearest purchased Peace which the perfidious gold-thirsty Danes never really intended to observe King Swain by the secret instigation of Turkel the Dane whom King Ethelred unadvisedly hired to guard him with his Danish shi●s from forein Invasions who sent him this Message Angliam praeclaram esse patriam opimam sed Regem stertere illum Venere Vino que studentem nihil minus quàm bellum cogitare Quapropter odiosum suis ridiculum alienis Duces invidos Provinciales infirmos primo stridore Lituorum proelio cessuros arrived at Sandwich with a great Fleet and Army of Danes in the Moneth of July where resting themselves a few days he failed round the East part of England to the mouth of Humber and from thence into the River of Trent to Gainsborough where he quitted his ships intending to was●e the Country Hereupon first of all Earl Uhtred the Northumbria●s with those of Lindesey presently without delay and after them the Freelingers with all the people in the Northern parts of Watling street having no man to defend them yeelded themselves up to Swain without striking one stroke
Huntindon Wigorniensis and others record made an Edict Ut quicunque Anglorum sanus esset secum in bello procederet That every Englishman who was in health should go with him in battel against the Danes An innumerable multitude of people upon this assembled together to assist him But when his and his son Edmonds forces were conjoyned in one body the King was informed that some of his auxiliaries were ready to betray and deliver him up to the enemies unless he took care to prevent it and save himself and as some write the Mercians refused to fight with the VVest-Saxons and Danes whereupon the expedition was given over and every man returned to his own home After this Edmund Ironside raised a greater Army than before against Cnute and sent Messengers to King Ethelred to London to raise as many men as possible he could and speedily to come and joyn with him against the Danes but he for fear of being betrayed to the Enemy presently dismissed the Army without fighting and returned to London Hereupon Ed. Ironside went into Northumberland where some imagined he would raise a greater Army against Cnute the Dane but he and Vhtred Earl of Northumberland instead of incountring Cnute wasted the Counties of Stafford Shrewsbury and Leicester because they would not go forth to fight against the Danes Army in defence of their Country and King Cnute on the other side wasting with fire and sword the Counties of Buckingham Bedford Huntindon Northampton Lincoln Nottingham and after that Northumberland Which Edmond being informed of returned to London to his Father and Earl Uhtred returning home being compelled by necessity repaired to Cnute and submitted himself to him with all the Northumbrians making a Peace with him and giving him hostages for performance thereof and for his and their fidelity Not long after Uhtred and Turketel Earls of Northumberland were both treacherously slain by Turebrand a Dane by Cnutes command or Commission Which done Cnute made one Hirc some stile him Egric Earl of Northumberland in his place and then returned with all his army to his Ships in triumph a little before the feast of Easter with a very great booty Not long after King Ethelred born to troubles and mischief after manifold labours vexations treacheries and incessant tribulations ended his wretched life in London where he died May 9th Anno 1016. being there buried in St Pauls Church finding rest in his Grave by death which he could never find in his Throne all his life having attained it by Treachery and his Brothers Soveraigns murder whose Ghost as Malmesbury and others write did perpetually vex and haunt him all his reign and made him so subject to and fearfull of plots and treacheries that he knew not whom to trust nor ever deemed himself secure even in the midst of his oft raised Armies Nobles People though ready to adventure their Lives for his defence I have related these Passages of the Danish wars and invasions during Ethelreds reign more largely than I intended 1. Because on the Englishm●ns parts they were meerly defensive of their Native Country King Laws Liberties Properties Estates Lives against forein Invaders and ●…rpers 2ly Because they more or less relate to my forementioned Propositions touch-the fundamental Rights Liberties Properties of the English Nation 3ly Because they shew forth unto us the true original grounds causes motives necessities and manner of granting the very first Civil Tax and Tribute mentioned in our Histories by the King and his Nobles in their General Councils to the Danish invaders to purchase peace and the true nature use of our antient Danegelt and rectifie some mistakes in our common late English Historians Immediately after King Ethelreds decease Episcopi Abbates Duces et quique Nobiliores Angliae in unum congregati as Wigornien●…s Hoveden ●…n Dune●…s R●…us de Dice●o Bromton Or Maxima pars Regni tam Clericorum quam Laicorum in unum congregati 〈◊〉 Matthew VVestminster Or Proceres Regni cum Clero as Knyghton expresses it Pari consensu in Dominum et Regem Canntum eligere All the Bishops Abbots Dukes and Nobles of England and the greatest part of the chief Clergy and Laity assembled together in a kind of Parliamentary Council by unanimous conient elected Cnute for their Lord and King notwithstanding their solemn Vow and Engagement but the year before never to suffer a Danish King to reign over them Whereupon they all repaired ●o Cnute to Southampton omnemque Progeniem Regis Ethelredi coram illo abhorrentes et abnegando repudiantes as Wigor●i●● sis Huntindon Knyghton and others record and there in his presence abhorring and utterly renouncing and abjuring all the Progeny of King Ethelred they submitted themselves and swore ●e●lty to him as to their only King and Soveraign he reciprocally then swearing unto them That he would be a faithfull Lord unto them both in things appertaining to God and the World which our Historians thus express Quibus ille jurav●t quoa secundum Deum secundum seculum fidelis illis foret Dominus Only the City of London and part of the Nobles then in it unanimously chose and cryed up Ed. ●ronside King Ethelreds 3. son by Elgina his first Wife Daughter to Duke Thored as Speed and others relate though Matthew Westminster and others register his birth Non ex Emma Regma sed ex quadam ignobili foemina generatus qui utique matris suae ignobilitatem generis mentis ingenuitate corporis str●…it te redintegrando redemit After Edmonds election he was crowned King by Liuing Archbishop of Canterbury at Kingston upon Thames where our Kings in that age were usually crowned No sooner was he thus advanced to the Regal dignity but he presently marched undauntedly into VVest-Sex and being there received by all the People with great gratulation and joy he most speedily subjected it to his Dominion Which being divulg'd in other parts many Counties of England deserting Cnute voluntarily submitted themselves unto him such is the sickleness of the People unconstancy of worldly power and affairs Cnute in the mean time to be revenged of the Londoners for making Edmond King marched to London with his whole Army and Fleet besieged and blocked up the City with his Ships drawn up the Thames on the West-side of the Bridge and then drew a large and deep trench round about the City from the Southside of the River whereby he intercepted all ingress and egress to the Citizens and others whom he shut up so close that none could go in or out of the City and endeavoured by many strong assaults to force it but being still repulsed by the Citizens who valiantly defended the walls he left off the siege with great confusion and loss as well as dishonor Thence he marched with his Army into Dorsetshire to subdue it Where King Edmond meeting him with such forces as he could suddenly raise gave him battel at Penham near Gillingham where
the Court charged him with his Host to avenge the wrong done to Eustace and to punish the insolency of the men of Dover which the King exceedingly aggravated But Godwin a man of sharp wit and wel understanding that sentence ought not to be pronounced upon the hearing of the allegations of one part only without hearing the other refused to march with his Army against the Burgesses of Dover although the King commanded him both because he envied that all Aliens should find such extraordinary favour with the King and because he would shew friendship to his own Countreymen Whereupon he answered It were reasonable and just that before any execution done the the Wardeins of Dover Castle should be summoned into that Kings Court in a fair manner to answer this tumult and if they could excuse themselves that then they should be dismissed without harms or if not that then they should satisfy the King whose peace they had broken and the Earl whom they had offended with money or the forfeiture of their bodies and goods Iniquum videri ut quos tutari debeas eos ipse potissimum inauditos adjudices And so Godwin departed at that time little regarding the Kings fury as being but momentany Quocirca Totius regni Proceres jussi Glocestriam convenire ut i●i magno conventu res ventilaretur Therefore all the Lords of the land were commanded to assemble together at Glocester that this matter might be there debated in a great Parliamentary assembly Thither came the most famous Earle Syward of Northumberland and Leofric Earle of Mercia Omnibus Anglorum Nobiles and all the English Nobility at that time only Godwin and his Sonnes who knew themselves suspected thought it not safe for them to come thither without an armed Guard whereupon they encamped at Breverstone with a great host and there stayed giving out a report among the people that they had therefore gathered an Army together out of Kent Surry Yorkshire Oxfordshire Glocestershire Somersetshire Herfordshire Essex Notinghamshire and other parts that they might curbe the Welshmen who meditating Tyranny and Rebellion against the King had fortified a Town in Herefordshire where Swane one of the Earl Godwins Sonnes then pretended to keep watch and ward against them The King hearing that Godwin and his Sonnes had raised a great Army of men out of all these Counties upon this false pretext presently sent Messengers to Syward Earle of Northumberland and Leofric Earle of Mercia to hasten to him being in great danger with all the forces they could raise Who repairing to him at the first with small forces so soon as they knew how the matter went sending their Officers through their Countries together with Earle Ralph in his Countrey speedily assembled a great Army to assist the King ready to encounter these enemies if there were a necessity In the mean time Godwin marching with his Army into Glocestershire sent messengers to the King as Matthew VVestminster and some others story commanding him to deliver up Earle Eustace with his companions the Normans Bonomans who then held the Castls of Dover to him else he should denounce war against him To whom the King being sufficiently furnished with military forces sent this answer That he would not deliver up Earl Eustace to him commanding moreover Vt qui erercitum contra ipsum collegerat sine ejus licentia pacem regni perturbaverat veniret ad eum die statuta super hac injuria sibi responsurus juri pariturus Godwin and his Sonnes being accused of A CONSPIRACY against the King and made odious to the whole Court by the VVelshmen and Normans so that a rumor was spread abroad that the Kings Army would assault them in the same place where they quartered and were unanimously resolved and ready to fight with Godwins Army being much incensed against him if the King would have permitted them Quo accepto Godwinus ad Conjuratos classicum cecinit Vt ultro Domino regi ●on resisterent sed si conuenti fuissent quin se ulciscerentur loco non cederent profecto facinus miserabile plus quam civile bellum fuisset nisi maturiora consilia interessent writes Malmsbury But because the best and greatest men of all England were engaged on the one side and other it seemed a great unadvisednesse to Earl Leofric and others that they should fight a battle and wage war with their own Countrymen and thereupon they advised That hostages being given on both sides the King and Godwin should meet at London on a certain day to plead together which Counsel being approved of and meslengers running to and fro between them hostages being given and received and some small agreement made between them at the present thereupon the Earle returned into VVest-Sax and the King increasing his Army both out of Mercia and Northumberland returned with them to London by agreement between both parties Iterumque praeceptum ut Londini Concilium coageretur and it was again commanded by the King that A COVNCEL or PARLIAMENT as Trevisa Speed and others render it should be assembled at London Swane the Son of Godwin was commánded to mitigate the Kings anger by his flight Godwin and Harold were ordered to come to this Councel with twelve men only in their company and that they should resigne up to the King the services of all the Knights and Souldiers which they had thoroughout England But Godwin and his Sonnes as they durst not wage war against the King so ad Curiam ejus venire Juri parituri negabant They would not come to his Court to put themselves upon a legal tryall alleadging That they would not goe to a Conventicle offactious persons without pledges and host ages that they would obey their Lord in the surrender of all their Knights services and in all things else without the perill of their honour and safety That if they came thither unarmed they might fear the losse of life if with a few followers it would be a reproach to their honour But the King being so resolute in his minde that he would not recede from what he had resolved by their intreaties upon their refusal to come unto his Court to justify themselves Rex in suo Concilio communi Curiae suae judicio by the common judgement of his Court in this Parliamentary Councel Et omnis exercitus unanimi consensu and by the unanimous consent of his whole Army as Flo-rence of VVorcester and his followers subjoyne banished Godwin himself and his five Sons out of England whereupon prolatum Edictum est A Decree Proclamation was then published that within five dayes they should depart out of England Godwin perceving that his souldiers deserted him some some for fear of the Kings Army and displeasure thereupon he and his wife Giva and his three sonnes Swane Gurth and Tosti with his wife Iudith daughter to the Earle of Flanders departed presently out of England by the Isle
your Enemies do good to those that hate you c. Wherefore if thine enemy hunger give him meat if he thirst give him drink c. Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with goodness 5. That base carnal fears and cowardize oft cause both Prelates Nobles and People to desert their own best interest and lawfull Princes and to act vote and submit to meer unrighteous Usurpers against their primitive resolutions judgements Consciences as here in the case of Edgar and Rich. 3. since 6. That Generals pusfed up with victorious successes and having the command of the Land and Sea Forces in their power are apt to aspire after the royal Crown and Soveraignty and forcibly to usurp it upon the next occasion even with the disinheriting of the right heir and hazard of the whole Realm of which Harold is a most pregnant example 7. That ambitious aspirers after the royal Crown and Throne will make no conscience to violate all sacred and civil Oathes Obligations Contracts and find out any evasions to elude them rather than goe without them or part with them when injuriously usurped by them and will adventure to crown themselves with their own hands than not wear the Diadem witnesse Harold 8. That Usurpers of Crowns without right though they Court the people with Coronation Oaths and fair promises of good Laws Liberty Immunity from all Taxes and Grievances yet usually prove the greatest Tyrants and Oppressors to them of all others as Harold and William in some sort did 9. That Invaders of Crowns and Soveraign power without any right title or colour of Justice being once in possession will never part with them to those who have better right upon any verbal Treaties but rather adventure their lives bodies souls and their whole kingdoms utter ruine than part with their usurped Supremacy 10. That the most unrighteous Usurpers of the royal Throne by apparent perjury fraud force treachery will feign forge publish some specious pretext or other of Title or popular election to palliate or extenuate their intrusions to avoid the infamy of Tyrants and Usurpers and take off the Odium of their most unrighteous Intrusions of which we see footsteps both in Harold William then and Rich. 3 of late 11. That unjust Invaders of Crowns for the most part bring many miseries troubles warrs and ruins not only on themselves and their posterities but likewise on their Kingdoms and people as Harold did 12. That royal Usurpers when they are most successfull insolent and secure as Harold after his victory in the North are nearest greatest dangers and ruine 13. That such Usurpers are commonly very vigilan● and industrious to preserve their own Interest and Power under pretext of the common defence and safety of the Nation yet more rely on their Mercinary forces than the unmercinary Militia of the Nation 14. That Usurpers though they may have many Flatterers and seeming Friends to write and act for them whiles in prosperity yet are commonly generally deserted both by Nobles People yea their own indeared Friends and kinred in their greatest dangers when they need them most as Harold was 15. That few English Nobles Gentry or Commons will readily adventure their Lives in a Vsurpers quarrel when and where his Title stands in competition with a better and clearer right as most of them deserted Harold 16. That the reign of perjured Invaders of others Thrones is commonly very short full of Wars Troubles Fears Jealousies and their ends for the most part bloudy tragical as was Harolds and Rich. 3. 17. That the sordid Covetousnesse of Kings and Generals in oppressing their people and depriving their Subjects and Souldiers of their just and lawfull spoils after victory over the Enemies is a ready means to alienate their affections and cause a defection from them to their Opposites 18. That when God hath designed a perjured Vsurpers or Nations ruine for their crying sins he suddenly stirs up unexpected Enemies and Instruments to effect occasions to facilitate it and so infatuates them that they become altogether uncapable of any good advice and reject all Propositions and Accommodations that might prevent the same as Harold obstinately did 19. That none are more forward publikely to appeal to God himself for to judge and decide the Justice of their cause and proceedings than the most perjurious and unrighteous Vsurpers That when such presumptuously and atheistically dare openly appeal to God himself for justice against their Opposites or Competitors he usually cuts them off by exemplary deaths and fatal Overthrows as he did Harold both to manifest his severe Justice and Indignation against such Atheistical and hypocritical Apellants and Appeals and to deterr all others from such practices 20. That all sacred Oathes and sworn Contracts solemnly made to others in things lawfull or indifferent be it through fear or voluntarily upon premeditation ought religiously and inviolably to be observed and n●● wilfully infringed or eluded by shifts and pretences as here by Harold 21. That God sooner or later doth usually avenge in an exemplary manner the perjurious wilfull breach of solemn Oathes even in Kings themselves and the greatest persons whose detestable perjury oft brings sudden destruction both upon themselves their kinred Posterity and whole Armies and Kingdoms too as in the case of Harold 22 That perjured persons fighting in a cause directly against their corporal Oaths can expect no other successe in battel but either flight or death And that one Battel may both lose and win a whole kingdom so unstable are even kingdoms themselves 23. That the barbarous murders the cruel oppressions of Innocent people are apt to stirr up a universal Insurrection against their Governors and Instruments and usually end in the dethroning expulsion death and destruction of the Authors of them of which Tosti yields us a notable president And that people when once justly enraged against such bloudy tyrannical Oppressors become altogether implacable and will never brook their future Government over them 24. That base carnal fears in times of imminent danger usually dis-joynt those persons councels forces whom the Common danger should more unite and make them desert the probablest means of their publike preservation liberty peace settlement by setting up the Right heir of the Crown as Edgar here against the Intrusions and Pretences of all usurping Invaders of the Soveraign power 25. That a few timorous Counsellors Great Persons or Clergy-men in times of danger are apt to disappoint the magnanimous resolutions and daunt the heroical Spirits of such who are most cordially affected both to their Native Countries Lawes Liberties and right heir to the Crown and to draw them to unworthy compliances with them against both 26. That stout resolute real Patrons of their Native Countries Laws and Liberties will then appear most cordially zealous to protect own and fight for them when they are in greatest danger to be lost and most disowned deserted betrayed by other timorous and time-serving persons witnesse the
example of Abbot Frederick Stigand Egelsine and the Kentish men 27. That true hero●ck English Freemen preferr their old Native Liberties Laws Customs before their Lives and would rather die fighting for them in the field than depart with them upon any Terms to a victorious Soveraign or subject themselves to the least publike Servitude the name whereof hath been ever odious to them much more the thing it self 28. That the best means to preserve our publike Laws Liberties Customs against all Invaders of them is manfully resolutely and unanimously to stand up in their defence both by words and deeds when they are most indangered That such persons Counties places who have appeared most stout and resolute in their defence when others have generally deserted surrendered or betrayed them have thereby preserved secured perpetuated them to themselves and their posterities when all else have lost and been deprived of them yea gained immortal honour and precedency of all others to boot Witnesse the Kentishmen 29. That the Stoutest Maintainers of their Countries Laws and Liberties are commonly most odious to most injured oppressed by tyrannical Soveraigns though upon other pretences witnesse Archbishop Stigand Abbot Frederick and Egelsine Yet this must not deterr them from their duties 30. That no age or person ever yet reputed Conquest a just safe prudent Title or Pretext to the Crown of England but ever disclaimed it as most absurd and dangerous to their interests 31. That the murdering or disinheriting of the right heir to the Crown hath been the Principal occasion and ground-work of all the great sad revolutions of Government in this Island and of the translations of the Crown and Kingdom from the Britons to the Saxons from the Saxons to the Danes and since from both of them to the Normans by the murther of Prince Alfred and rejection of Prince Edgars 32. That when Treachery Perjury Oppression Murder Violence and other sins forementioned have generally overspread the Kingdom and infected all sorts and degrees of men then National Judgments Forein invasions publike Revolutions of Governours and Government yea all sorts of Calamities Warrs Troubles may be justly feared expected inflicted as the fruits punishments of these epidemical crying Transgressions 33. That Crowns and Kingdoms have their Periods and Revolutions as well as private possessions Families and that by the secret Justice and wise disposing Providence of God who disposeth translateth dissipateth dissolveth Kingdoms at his pleasure and giveth them to whomsoever he pleaseth 34. From the whole we may observe with the Chronicle of Bromton and Mr. Fox That as the English-Saxons had most unjustly against their Oathes and Trusts formerly subdued and expelled the Britons by the just judgement of God upon them for their sins out of the possession of the Throne and Kingdom of Britain by the power of the sword so God himself by divine retaliation for the like Sinnes of the English Saxons after many years bloudy intestine warrs between themselves wherein many of their Kings multitudes of their Nobles and Millions of the Common Souldiers and people were slain and lost their lives first plagued infested them for many years and at last totally subdued and dispossessed them of the Crown and Kingdom for some years space by the bloudy Danes after that subjected them to the Normans yoke who possessed themselves of the Crown and Realm of England instrumentally by the Sword and put by both the Saxon Invader Harold and his Posterity with Edgar the Saxon heir in such sort as here you have read The Lord sanctifie all these Collections and Observations to the greatest publike good and settlement of our unsetled distracted English Nation and the private benefit of all who shall peruse them that they may aim only at that kingdom which cannot be shaken and that Crown of glory which fadeth not away not at temporal Crowns and kingdoms which are so fading transitory full of Thorns Crosses Cares Fears Vexations Tortures Perils Deaths FINIS Omissions and Errataes Kinde Reader I present thee with some Historical Passages casually omitted in their due places and such Errors as have hapned at the Press which I desire thee to correct PAge 10. line 8. One Thunder maliciously accused Aethelbert and Aethelred two kinsmen of Egbert King of Kent educated and brought up in his Court that they intended some time or other to take away his kingdom from him and thereupon advised the King either to banish them both into some farr Country or to deliver them unto him to destroy and murder without any legal Trial or conviction of their guilt Which Thunder often instigating the King to doe and he but coldly prohibiting or disliking thereupon Thunder in the Kings absence rashly presumed ignominiously to murder them in the Kings Palace and then buried them under his Royal Chair in a Village called Estria The King returning to his Court in the dead of the night there appeared a bright pillar sent from heaven which filled his whole royal Palace with an unspeakable brightnesse which the Kings servants beholding were so terrified that they fell down to the ground and became almost distracted The King being awaked with the tumult of his Guard and being ignorant of the cause thereof arose that he might go and hear Mattens as he was accustomed And going out of his house he saw the City shining with the beams of the new splendor Upon which missing his Kinsmen he sent for Thunder and demanded of him where they were who answered him like Cain Am I thy Kinsmens keeper To which the King replied Thou hast always sinisterly accused them unto me and therefore most wicked wretch thou oughtest to shew me where they are Whereupon he informed him of their murder and burial whereat the King was very angry with him But returning at last to himself he refunded the Crime whole wickednesse on himself and being confounded beyond measure spent the residue of the night in tears When the day appeared he sent for the Archbishop Adeo-datus et Magnates quos habere potuit convocar● praecepit and causing the Nobles to be called together related the whole businesse to them The Archbishop gave counsel that the bodies of these Innocents should be removed to the Cathedral Church and there interred in a royal manner Thereupon putting their bodies with Saints reliques into Coffins and Carts they intended to carry them to Christs Church in Canterbury but in vain because they could not stirre their corps nor remove them out of the place although they attempted it with much endeavour and force Vpon this changing their counsel they intended to remove them to St. Augustines Church neither yet could they effect it At last they resolved they should be removed to the most famous Monastery of Waermen upon which the Carts presently removed with ease as if they had no burden and they were buried by the High Altar in this Monastery Kinewalchus King of the West Saxons