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A53223 Asia. The first part being an accurate description of Persia, and the several provinces thereof : the vast empire of the Great Mogol, and other parts of India, and their several kingdoms and regions : with the denominations and descriptions of the cities, towns, and places of remark therein contain'd : the various customs, habits, religion, and languages of the inhabitants : their political governments, and way of commerce : also the plants and animals peculiar to each country / collected and translated from the most authentick authors and augmented with later observations ; illustrated with notes, and adorn'd with peculiar maps and proper sculptures by John Ogilby ... Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. 1673 (1673) Wing O166; ESTC R32245 545,840 256

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also from all kind of Pleasures Many poor People digging a deep Hole in the most populous Street go into it where standing up to the Chin they cover their Heads with an Earthen Vessel full of Holes in which manner they stand a whole day whil'st another poor Man sitting near begs Alms of those that pass by Others as an extraordinary sign of sorrow anoint their Bodies with a black shining Colour which makes their Skin like Jet some paint their Bodies red thereby to represent the innocent Blood and cruel Derth of Hossein and Sing several Elegies in a doleful Tone in which they relate the Circumstances of his Death One of the Molla's or Priests especially of those that boast their Extract from Mahomet stands every day at Noon in the Maidan or other open place upon a high Stool with a green Turbant where he makes a Sermon declaring the noble Acts and Holiness of Hossein and the Circumstances of his Death The like Sermons are Preach'd in their Metzids or Temples Another Feast and Procession On the tenth of the Moneth Muharrem which they call The Murthering Day and is our eighth of January they go in Procession through all the Streets in Ispahan as on the day of Aasly's Death for they wear the same Clothes and have the other things belonging to that Ceremony as Pennons Ensigns and Horses richly caparison'd and loaden with Armor and Turbants Moreover they have a Camel which tarries a Basket wherein are two or three Children which represent the Children of Hossein that were carry'd to Prison These are follow'd by Biers cover'd with Velvet on the top whereof stands a Persian Tag or Turbant In these Processions the Men for the most part go Arm'd and oftentimes Fight one with another thereby to represent the Confusion and Hurry in which Hossein was Martyr'd certainly believing that whosoe're is kill'd in this Bussle goes directly to Paradice nay they affirm that during these Days of Asciur the Gates of Paradice stand always wide open and the Mahumetans which die in that time go directly thither without stop or stay Lastly all the Ceremonies for Hossein's Martyrdom are one and the same with those of Aaly's though the first are kept with greater State and Magnificence The night before the last day the Effigies of Abubeker Osman and Omar and some other contrary Parties are burnt publickly in the Maidan or Market-place On the twenty fifth of November the Persians keep a Feast of the Brotherhood as is already mention'd The Feast Abrisan On the fifth of July they keep a Feast by them call'd Ab Pascian or rather Abrizan that is Sprinkling of Water for Ab in the Persian Tongue signifies Water and Risan to Sprinkle on which day the King and all his Nobles Clothe themselves in short Vests after the Mazanderan manner and wear little Caps in stead of Turbants in which Dress they repair to a Brook or some other pleasant watry place where taking up the Water in little Cups they poure the same over one anothers Bodies but at last they grow so zealous that throwing away the Cups they endeavor to force each other into the Water with such eagerness that this Day never passes without the loss of many Persons This Feast is kept in Ispahan near the River Senderuth at the same place where it flows under the great Bridge in the Street call'd Tziaharbah Rui Gonzales Clavio tells us that this Feast is kept in Ispahan on the Bridge of Senderuth whither resort all the Townsmen and People from the ad●acent places where they do as we have before related From whence this Feast hath its original we do not certainly know neither do the Persians themselves as we suppose Some ascribe the rise thereof to the Christians in commemoration of John the Baptist and this Opinion they strengthen with this Reason viz. That the Christians and almost all People of Asia keep the same though not upon one day or as others say in memory of the three Kings and because our Saviour was Baptiz'd at the River Jordan by John the Baptist The Armenians call this Day Cackciuciran that is Cross-water-day for they place a Cross in the Water on that Day from whence this Festival Day hath receiv'd its Denomination The Chineses Japanners and many other of the neighboring People keep such a kind of Feast as this which they call Tuonu The Feast Istend The Persians also observe a Feast call'd Istend so styl'd from an Herb of the same Name which shoots first out of the Ground in the Winter Season at the appearance of which this Feast begins and consists onely in the abundance of lighted Candles and Torches which they burn all the day and the following night in their Shops as a sign of their joy that the Winter which about that time ends in those hot Countreys is so near expiring This Feast is kept on that day when the Sun passes by the twenty fifth Degree of Aries which generally happens to be on the fifteenth of February The Feast of Freedom On the fifteenth of the Moneth Schabahan the Persians keep a great Feast call'd Scebiberat that is The Night of Freedom or Choise on which they do nothing but Pray give Alms to the Poor and the like pious Actions which they do in commemoration of the Souls of their deceased Friends Their Policy in Government Oeconomy and Splendor of the Court. The Government absolutely Monarchical THe Government of this Countrey is by absolute Monarchy for the King being the Chief hath all things in his own power to do whatsoe're he pleases being able to make or break Laws without any contradiction nay to take away any ones Estate or Life though he be the greatest Lord in the Countrey in short his Will is a Law in all things to his People The Kings Title The general Title of the King is Sophy deriv'd from the Arabick word Suff which signifies Woolly because the last Kings have instituted an Order to wear Woollen and not Cotton or Linnen Turbants as the Turks do or else because Sophy signifies Wise or Experienc'd according to the Greeks Olearius tells us that Writers call the last Persian Kings Sophy because the Promoter of their Sect was call'd Schach Sefi from whom it is become a Title of Honor as Defender of the Faith to his Majesty of Great Britain Most Christian to the French and Catholick to the King of Spain King Ismael also caus'd himself to be nam'd Schach Sade that is The Son of Schach as a token of his Extract from Schach Sefi who was so highly esteem'd amongst them Some say that this Name Sophy signifies a Man which renouncing the World endeavors onely to serve God so that Xeque Ismael bore the Title of Sophy because he appear'd to be the greatest Promoter of his Sect. And sometime before him Halilah being advanc'd to great Dignity was for the same reason call'd Sophy But since Schach Ismael none of
slew Constantine in Battel who then was King of the Countrey An. 1507. it was Govern'd by a King call'd Pancrace after which the King dividing his Kingdom into four parts gave the same to his four Sons giving them equal Power leaving onely the Superiority to the eldest to whom he had given the best and biggest part wherefore this Prince is respected by all the other and being of greater eminency is honor'd with the Title of Mepet-Mepe which in the Countrey Language signifies The King of Kings the rest being contented to be call'd Princes of Georgia which at this day are six in number for besides the four before mention'd Extracted from Royal Blood there are two others who at first were Deputies to Mepet-Mepe being Governors of two great parts of h●s Dominions beyond the Black Sea but at last rebelling against him made themselves Masters thereof as we shall hereafter relate more at large The Province of Imereti or Basciaciuk THe Province of Imereti or being the Centre and strongest part of the Countrey was without doubt the ancient Iberia It is fortifi'd with several Mountains especially towards the South side of Persia wherefore the Persians never make any Inroad that way It borders on the West at Dadian or Mengrelia and at Gunel This Countrey hath a City of the same Denomination besides many other inferior Towns The King's Title The King or Prince or King that Governs this Countrey is call'd Ghiorghi that is Georgian and with a shorter Title of Mepet-Mepe which they use onely in writing but speaking they generally call him Giorghi Mepe that is The Georgian King but the Turks call the Princes as well as the Countrey People thereof Basciascive or Basciaciuk that is Bare or Uncover'd Head Formerly the Princes of Dadian and Guriel were subject to the Prince of Basciaciuk or Imereti and serv'd him as Gentlemen of the Horse one holding his Stirrup and the other the Bridle when he mounted on Horseback but being of late grown more powerful they have not onely freed themselves from his Authority but made themselves his Equals nay by their Warring against him are fear'd not onely by him but by other neighboring Princes Anno 1622. when the Prince of Dadian had obtain'd a Victory against the Prince of Imereti and done him much hurt he forc'd him to send Agents into Persia to request Aid there with promise to become Tributary to the Sofi if he would send him the Soldiers which lay in Garrison in the Towns of Teflis and Gori under the Command of a Georgian Nobleman call'd Battoni Mehrab but Schach Abbas receiv'd the Message with much displeasure refusing their Presents and Request saying that they did it out of a private Design and treacherous Intention yet proffer'd him some Persian Soldiers but the King disliking to admit Strangers into his Countrey refus'd that Offer and Espous'd one of the Prince of Dadian's Sisters so closing the Breach that had been made upon him The Province of Cacheti Situation of this Province EAstward from the Province of Imereti lies Cacheti which being a part of Iberia and perhaps also of Albania was the Dominion of the youngest Brother of the four before-mention'd call'd Teimuraz who kept his Court in a City nam'd Zagain or Zagam which is one of the chiefest in this Countrey and next to that Grim or Grien The King and Nobles whom they call Asnauri take more pleasure in living in Huts in the Countrey than in the City which they account a fit place for Handicrafts Mechanicks and the vulgar sort of People to dwell in All the Georgians are wedded to this Opinion that all those who are not Asnauries or Noblemen will not debase themselves to live in the City or drive any manner of Trade but leave it to be perform'd by Strangers as Armenians Jews and many other the like People themselves spending their time either in the Wars or in Tilling of their own Lands for which reason they were by the ancient Greeks justly call'd Georgi that is Agricultors or Husbandmen The reason of the Name Georgian For this reason also there are but few Cities in this Countrey and those but of small consequence yet is it every where well inhabited and full of large Timber Houses after the fashion of the Countrey and likewise many handsom and well built Churches This Countrey was formerly Govern'd by peculiar Princes the last whereof was call'd Teimuraz The Province of Cardel or Carduel The Bounds of this Province THe Province of Cardel or Carduel lying Southward from Cacheti or Imereti borders with its South side upon Persia a extends Westward to that of Teimuraz and lies near Great Armenia of which perhaps it is a part The chiefest City call'd Teflis lies in a very secure place which being water'd by a small River nam'd The Chiur gliding from an adjacent Mountain and falling into the Araxes is accounted to be the Zogocara of Ptolomy a City of Great Armenia and as Joseph Barbosa affirms there are yet to be seen the Tombs of the Kings who Rul'd this part of Georgia which in the beginning of this Age had a Prince call'd Simon who afterwards dy'd in Prison at Constantinople and afterwards another nam'd Luarzab Heir and Nephew of Simon who with Teimuraz Prince of Cacheti was by the Persians driven out of his Countrey and carry'd alone to Persia where he dy'd without Issue After him about the Year 1622. the King of Persia plac'd a Mahumetan Son to a deceased Bagred Myrza and Nephew to the Prince of Luarzab in this Dominion not to possess it as supream Governor but as a Deputy or Chan as all other Chans of Persia the occasion whereof hapned thus How the Kings of it came to be dispossess'd In the War between the Turks and Persians whil'st they Treated about a Peace and the Armies of both Parties stood each on their Defence and disputed the Business of the two aforesaid Georgian Princes under whose Subjection they were to stand for the Turks would have them under their Jurisdiction the King of Persia told the Turkish Agent who Treated with him about Peace That Teimuraz and Luarzab were and ever had been his Subjects in testimony of which he could command them into his Army when he pleas'd Whereupon the Agent reply'd That they should be his if he could make them come Upon which the King sending for them they in obedience to his Command were coming but seeing the Turkish Army so near durst not declare themselves for the Persians but flatter'd the one as well as the other excusing themselves to the Persians but came not into his Army which highly incens'd the King against them and as soon as a Peace was concluded and the Turkish Army gone out of his Dominions the King of Persia growing subtilly malicious and plotting Revenge sow'd the Seeds of Contention between Luarzab and Teimuraz and at last wrought it to that heighth that they fell to open War one with
murder their Fathers are ty'd to the Tail of an Elephant and dragg'd along the Streets so long till they die Others are kill'd by Elephants wild Beasts and Serpents No Malefactor lies above one Night in Prison and sometimes not at all for if he be apprehended in the Morning he is immediately carry'd before a Judge who either discharges him or passes Sentence upon him which if it be to be whipt he is immediately stript naked receiving his punishment in the presence of the Judge if to die they instantly carry him to the Bazar or Market-place This sudden way of punishing Offenders keeps the People in such awe that they seldom commit any Crime to deserve it The King's Robes given to the Omrahs It is said that the Mogol never wears a Sute of Clothes above one day after which he sends the same with great Ceremony to such Omrahs as are his Favorites who account it a great honor to be clad in the King's Robes He is weigh'd upon his Birth-day The Mogols Birth-day is kept as a great Festival on which he is weigh'd in the Scale against some Jewels Gold Silver Cloth of Tissue Butter Rice Fruit and many other things each of them successively being put into the Ballance all which falls to the Mollas or Priests share This is done in great state whil'st several Elephants hung with Chains Bels Gold and Silver Caparisons and Breastplates beset with Rubies and Emeraulds are brought before him From the weight of the King of which the Physicians take an exact Account they boast to know his Abilities When the Mogol is thus weigh'd he throws small pieces of Silver amongst the Spectators as also some Gold in the form of Flowers Cloves or Nutmegs but very thin and hollow which done he drinks with his Nobles Their way of Salutation The usual Salutation which the Indians shew to their King as also to one another is in the Persian Tongue call'd Teslim in the Indian Sumback and by a corrupt Name amongst the Europeans Sombaya The manner of Salutation is perform'd with the right Hand without taking off their Turbants with which they almost touch the Ground and lifting it up again very leisurely to their Mouthes as if they would kiss it and so still higher and higher by degrees till they hold it above their Heads After the same manner but with both Hands folded together they Salute and shew Reverence to their Gods and other Consecrated things The Indian Heathens in stead of wishing one another Health or a good Day salute one another with the Name of their Idol Ram. The Reverence they shew to their Prince When the King 's Vice-Roys come to the Court or any other place where he is they bow down their Heads to the Ground and touch the same with their Hands after which approaching him by degrees they bow several times one after another till they are very near him when they are search'd by those whose Office it is to see if they carry any Arms about them after which they go to touch his Feet whil'st he stands as if immovable The greatest sign of Friendship that he can shew them is to lay his Hand on their Shoulders Moreover the rest of the Kings of India who are not his Substitutes when they speak of him bow their Heads in sign of Reverence All the Mogol's Provinces are Govern'd by Sultans or Vice-Roys either Moors Heathens or others In the chiefest Towns and Sea-Ports are three Governors or Officers of the Kings viz. the Omar or Nabab who is the Governor or Lord of the City the Governor of the Castle and the King 's Confident call'd Vakea Nevis who oversees the other two The Omar being the Lord of the City Commands also in the Countrey round about and takes care to receive the Customs Excises and other Revenues of which he gives an Account to the King He bears the Title of Nabab which signifies My Lord and keeps two Deputies viz. one in the Countrey call'd Cavasioram whose Office it is with several hundred Bow-men to keep the Ways clear from Robbers and the other in the City nam'd Cotonal or Cutwal who performs the Office of Provost-Marshal seising on all Malefactors and committing them to Prison but his Power extends not without the Liberty of the City except by express order from the Governor The Omar or Nabab Treats of Peace and Matters of Traffique on the Boundaries and Sea-coasts Amongst them also is a Sabandar or Master of the Cinque-Ports The Governor of the Castle who seldom comes out of his Fortress takes upon him the Title of Omar The King 's chief Officers in Cities and Sea-Ports and may refuse the Nabab entrance into the Fort if he comes thither without the King's Order or with too great a Train He also orders the People to Watch and Ward causes the Drums to beat and Trumpets to sound three times a day and as often in the night at each time an hour and a half The Vakea Nevis or Inquisitor General takes notice of the Actions of the Nabab the Governor of the Castle and other eminent Officers inquires into all disorders and informs the Mogol by Letters every eighth day of what happens in that time in the City where he resides The Mahumetan Princes never give any Lands to their Officers for Inheritance nor do they enjoy their Employments any longer than their Princes please The Mogol's Eldest Son inherits the Crown unless for some misdemeanor or want of ability he is by the Father in his Life-time and with the Consent of his Council judg'd undeserving thereof The Indians derive their right of Inheritance from the Mothers side notwithstanding the Men commonly have the whole Conduct of the Realm as being fittest to command Of the Name and Title of Mogol The reason of the Name Mogol THey give their King the Name of Mogol because he is extracted out of a Tribe or Family of the Giagatian Tartars for there are many Tribes of Tartars which is properly call'd Mogol and belongs to the City Samarcand in the Province Giagata or Zagatai otherwise Usbeck which is the ancient Sogdiane and in the Persian Maps call'd Soghd For this reason many of his Subjects and especially the Mahumetan Soldiers which are in his Service though Native Indians call themselves Mogols or Mogolleans because they are deriv'd out of Tartary It s signification Terry tells us That the Name or Title of Mogol signifies Circumcised as he himself is and all the Mahumetans and from hence he is call'd the Great Mogol as being the Chief of the Circumcis'd Some also call him the Emperor of the Ganges The Provinces and Countreys between the Bay of Cambaya and that of Bengala as Telengone or the Kingdom of Visiapour Decan Golconda and many other Territories were not Govern'd in ancient Times by peculiar Princes but by one Supreme Head or by two at the most viz. The Southern Parts were Govern'd by the
Predecessors though as others say not rigid in maintaining the Laws which are prescrib'd them The Issue of Schach Jehan Schach Jehan had four Sons and two Daughters the eldest Son was call'd Dara that is Darius or according to Bernier Darachacour the second Sultan Sujas that is A Prudent Prince the third Aurengzebe which is The Ornament of the Throne and the fourth or last Morad Backche that is Perfect Desire Others call'd Darachacour Darasja Sujas chasausa Aurengzebe Orang Oranchzef Moradbackcha and Moradbeg all which he made Vice-Roys or Governors of divers of his best Provinces or Kingdoms viz. Oranchzef Commanded in Decan Sultan Chasausa in Bengala Moradbeck in Zurratte but he always kept Darasja by him as being Heir apparent to the Crown and his Successor Two years before viz. Anno 1654. Schach Jehan at his return from Asmeer fell exceeding sick insomuch that his Recovery was very doubtful and a rumor that he was dead spread through the whole Realm from whence there arose a great Difference between these Brothers who all aiming at the Crown maintain'd a Civil War for five years but at last Oranchzef after the Decease of of his Father who dy'd in Prison and also the Death of his three Brothers made himself Master of the Realm The Character of his Children The eldest Daughter of Schach Jehan was named Begum Saheb that is My Lady Princess and the youngest Raichenara Begum that is Illustrious Princess or Light of Princesses which kind of Names are very frequently given to the Princes and Princesses of this Countrey because all the Lands belonging to the King there are no Dukedoms Earldoms nor Lordships from whence the Nobles can derive their Names and Titles they having nothing but Rewards for their good Services either in Lands or ready Money which the Mogol gives them and increases decreases or takes away when he pleases wherefore the Omrahs or Omars have no other but such kind of Names as these viz. Raz Andazekan Safe Chekenkan Bark Andazekan and Dianetchan or Danechmendkan or Fazelkan which signifie Striker of Thunder Confounder of the Rich Vomiter of Lightning Faithful Knowing Perfect Lord and the like Darasja the eldest Son wanted not good Parts for he was courteous in Conversation subtil very civil and exceeding bountiful yet so self-conceited that he believ'd himself able to do all things and could not imagine that any one was capable of giving him Advice He often scoffed at those that had given him Council so that his best Friends durst not adventure to discover to him the secret Intentions of his Brothers He also on a small occasion would rail curse and threaten the greatest Omrahs or Lords in his Passion which soon ceas'd And although he was a Mahumetan and manifested the same in his publick Devotion yet he privately profess'd himself a Heathen amongst the Heathens and a Christian amongst Christians He constantly kept some Pendelt or Heathen Teachers by him who receiv'd great Rewards and perswaded him into an Opinion contrary to the Religion of the Countrey He also hearkned some time since to the Instructions of a Jesuit call'd Buze and took great liking to his Doctrine and yet some affirm that he was of no Religion at all and that that which he did was onely out of curiosity or for his pleasure or rather out of subtilty to make himself belov'd by the Christians of which he had great numbers in his Army and especially to gain the Rajas or Heathen Lords Tributary to this Realm that when occasion should require he might get them to side with him but let it be how it will it did not much tend to his advantage as shall appear in the following Relation for the Pretence which Orangzef made use of to cut off his Head was because he was turn'd Caffer which is properly an Unbeliever or one without Religion Sultan Sujas or Chasausa was almost of the same Temper and Disposition but more subtil and reserv'd and withal very politick in contriving of Plots for the management whereof he got many Friends by making Presents to the chief Omrahs and eminent Rajas yet still at times of recess was so exceedingly inclin'd to the Sports of Venus that keeping many Concubines he spent whole Nights and Days in their company Singing Drinking and Dancing with them He profess'd himself of the Persian Belief although Schach Jehan and all his Brothers were of the Turks Opinion which he did for this reason because the most eminent Persons at the Mogol's Court and those which have the greatest Employments being for the most part Persians as also their Children he hop'd by this means to gain their Affections to be of his Party Oranchzef had not that generous Spirit nor affable Deportment as Darasja but seem'd to be of a more profound reach well knowing all his People and chose those that would certainly stick to him in time of need He was very reserv'd subtil and a great Dissembler insomuch that he pretended himself a long time to be a Fakier or Derwis that is a poor Monk who hath deny'd all the Glories of the World and seemingly disown'd any Interest in the Crown and that he desir'd to spend his days in Prayers and Devotion whil'st he was still plotting at the Court especially when he was made Vice-Roy of Decan and carry'd his whole Designs with so much secrecy that no Person could take any notice thereof He also insinuated himself exceedingly into his Father Schach Jehan's favor who notwithstanding the great inclination he had towards Darasja could not hide his affection to Oranchzef which bred such Jealousies in Darasja that he us'd often to say to his Friends Of all my Brothers I fear none but this Nemaz that is This great Dissembler Moradbeck the youngest of all was none of the most subtil thinking on nothing but how to recreate himself either in Drinking Hunting and Arching yet nevertheless he had some good Parts and accounted it a great Vertue to keep nothing secret He was indeed a Prince of a noble Temper which had it been accompany'd with a little more reservedness and prudent Conduct he would certainly have been preferr'd before his Brother and made King of Indostan as shall appear hereafter SCHAH IEHAAN The Mogol's youngest Daughter Raichenara Begum was never accounted so beautiful nor ingenious as Begum Saheb but delighted as much in lasciviousness She always sided with Oranchzef and declar'd her self an Enemy to her Sister and Darasja which made her not to be so well belov'd nor had she so much Interest to dispatch Businesses like her Sister yet nevertheless being in the Seraglio and holding Correspondence with many Intelligencers she was not negligent in discovering many Secrets to Oranchzef Schach Jehan a little before these Troubles seeing himself charg'd with these four Princes all grown up and Marry'd and observing that each of them pretended to the Crown and carrying themselves as Enemies one to another sought privately to compass their Designs was exceedingly perplex'd
and other Special Remarks Treated of in This First Volume of ASIA THE Description of Persia Fol. 1 It s Ancient Limits and Extent ibid. It s Present Limits and Boundaries Fol. 2 The Province of Persia or Fars Fars why so call'd Fol. 3 The Description of the Chief City Schiras ibid. The Description of Maragascan Fol. 4 The Tower Tzehilminar ibid. The Ruins of the Ancient Persepolis Fol. 5 The Cities and Towns contain'd in this Province Fol. 6 The Description of the Road from Schiras to Ispahan Fol. 7 The Dukedom of Lar with the Description of its Metropolis Fol. 8 The Temperature of the Air Nature of the Soil c. ibid. Schirwan or Scerwan in Ancient Times call'd Media Atropatia or Little Media The Modern Names of Media Atropatia with its Boundaries Fol. 9 The City Schamachie with its Description ibid. Culistan Castle why so call'd Fol. 10 Amaleck Cana's Tomb. The Village Mordow Heid Ibrahius's Tomb. Tirihaba's Tomb ibid. The Cities of Ere 's Sequi and Derbend with their Description and the Story of King Tzumzume Fol. 11 The Tombs of Pyrhr Muchur and Imam Curchud Fol. 12 The City Bachu ibid. The Mountain Barmach ibid. The Trade Military Strength and Change of Government of this Province with the Description of the Country of Muscur ibid. The Province of Parthia or Erack The Modern Names and Bounds of Parthia Fol. 13 The Situation and Bounds of the City Ispahan with its Description ibid. The Description of the King's Palace and of the Famous Market-place Fol. 14 The Persians Belief concerning Mehedi ibid. Places of Games and Exercises Houses of Entertainment The Famous Coffee-house in Ispahan The Garden Tzarbag Fol. 15 The Suburbs of Ispahan The Manners and Religion of the Kebbers Fol. 16 The City Jarustan ibid. The Situation and Description of the Cities of Cashan Saba Rhey and Com with the Description of the Village Casmabath Fol. 17 The City Casbin its Situation and Description The King's Palace with the Bath Haman Charabe made famous by the Story of Lockman Fol. 18 Schahesader's Tomb Fol. 19 The Village Achibaba whence denominated ibid. The Temperature of the Air and Nature of the Soil ibid. Scorpions of Cashan ibid. The Tarantula of Persia describ'd and compar'd with that of Puglia in Italy Fol. 20 The Chief Trade of Cashan and Com the exceeding Rich Trade of Ispahan Yasde and Caxome ibid. The Province of Aderbeitzan or Aderbaijon formerly call'd Great Media or Satrapene The several Modern Names of Great Media The Bounds of Aderbeitzan The Description of the City Tabris Fol. 21 The Towns and Places of Note in Aderbeitzan The Situation of the City Sultania ibid. Sultania built by Sultan Chodabende The Description of Chodabende's Tomb and Schach Ismael's Mosque Fol. 22 The Chief Streets and Market-place with their Temples and a Description of Schach Sefi's Tomb Fol. 23 By whom this Tomb was built and the great Revenues belonging to it Fol. 24 The Description of the Tomb of Seid Tzeibrail ibid. The Villages of Basun and Sengoa Fol. 25 The City Caxem The Village Cencem Places lying between Ardebile and Caswin ibid. The Situation and Description of the Province of Iran or Carabach Fol. 26 Drangiane or Sagistam its Borders and the several Names of its Metropolis and Chief Towns ibid. The Country of Nixabur or Nisabur with its Situation ibid. The Province of Kilan or Gilan The Denomination and Situation of Kilan and its Division Fol. 26 The County of Rescht The County of Kesker The City Curab and Town of Astara with the Borders of the County Langercunan Fol. 27 The Nature of the Soil Productions of the Country Wild Beasts Fish Constitutions of the Inhabitants their Apparel and Language Fol. 28 Their Religion and Government Fol. 29 The Plains of Mocan or Mogan with a Relation of their Inhabitants ibid. The Province of Betziruan with its Description Fol. 30 The Caspian Sea The several Denominations of the Caspian Sea with the Length and Breadth thereof ibid. The divers sorts of Fish found therein Fol. 31 The Province of Mazanderan Its Borders and a Description of the Chief City Ferhabad ibid. The City Eskerf The Apparel of the Inhabitants of Mazanderan Their Language and Government The Nature of the Soil and Temperature of the Air Fol. 32 The Country of Chusistan The several Denominations and Bounds of Susiana with its Chief Cities Inhabitants Rivers c. Fol. 34 Carmania or Kerman otherwise Kirman The several Names and by what People Inhabited with its Division ibid. The manner of their Buildings With the Description of the Village Cambru and the Fort there Fol. 35 Meir Abbas Tomb ibid. The Nature of the Inhabitants of Wild and Great Carmania and the Commodities of the Country Fol. 36 Gedrosia or Circan The several Names of Gedrosia with its Chief Towns The Country of Mecheran with its Commodities ibid. The Province of Moghostan The Bounds of Moghostan The Village Ciuciululion The Metropolis Mina Of their Trees Beasts c. Fol. 37 The Province of Lorestan ibid. The Province of Chorazan The Cities Mesched and Herat With the Production of the Country Nature of the Inhabitants and their Government Fol. 38 The Province of Siston It s Situation and Description with the Nature of the Inhabitants and Temperature of the Soil ibid. Aria or Ery The several Names and Bounds of Aria with its Chief Towns Temperature of the Air and Fertility of the Soil Fol. 39 Dagestan or Tagestan It s Situation Division Metropolis The Diet Nature and Customs of the Inhabitants ibid. The Kingdom of Amadan The Description of its Principal City call'd Amadan c. Fol. 41 Persia in General Of the Air ibid. The Nature of its Soil Its Plants and Grain Fol. 42 43 The Beasts breeding therein Fol. 44 45 Its several sorts of Inhabitants Fol. 46 Their Complexion Nature Shape and some peculiar Customs Fol. 47 48 Of their Venery Their Apparel Fol. 49 50 Their Oeconomy or House-keeping Fol. 51 52 Amfion or Opium Thea Coffee and Tobacco Fol. 53 Of their Marriages Fol. 54 Of their Funerals Fol. 55 Astronomy Fol. 56 57 Of their Poesie Fol. 58 Their Lawyers and Physicians and their Language Fol. 59 60 Their Arms and Militia Fol. 61 62 Their Coins Weights and Measures Fol. 63 Their Trade Artificers Manufactures and several Employments and the King's Revenue Fol. 64 65 Of their Buildings Travelling and their Religion Fol. 66 to 72 Of their Festivals Fol. 72 The Policy in Government Oeconomy and Splendor of the Court Fol. 74 Government of the Peculiar Provinces Fol. 80 The Dynastie of their Kings Fol. 83 The Country of Georgia Extent of Georgia Fol. 85 The Division of the Country Its Fertility Wild Beasts Rivers Lakes and Language c. Fol. 86 The Province of Imereti or Basciaciuk It s Extent and the King's Titles c. Fol. 87 The Province of Cacheti The Situation of this Province and the Reason of its Name ibid. The Province of Cardel or Carduel The Bounds of
more Westerly Part and the more Easterly part The more Westerly Part into India the Less and India within the Ganges the more Easterly Part into India the Greater and India without the Ganges Ptolomy in his fifth sixth and seventh Books reduceth the Provinces of Asia which he makes to be forty eight into twelve Tables In his fifth Book are comprehended these Provinces Pontus and Bithynia properly call'd Asia Phrygia Magna Lycia Galatia Paphlagonia Pamphylia Cappadocia Armenia Minor Cilicia Sarmatia Asiatica Colchis Iberia Albania Armenia Major the Island Cyprus Coelosyria Phoenicia Palestina Judaea Arabia Petraea Mesopotamia Arabia Deserta Babylonia In his sixth Book Assyria Susiana Media Persis Parthia Carmania Deserta Carmania altera Arabia Faelix Hircania Margiana Bactriana Sogdiana the Sacians Scythia within the Mountain Imaus Serica Aria Parapomisus Dranchiana Arachosia and Gedrosia In the seventh India within the River Ganges India without the River Ganges China which is by him call'd Sinarum Regio and the Island Taprobane The Modern Division of Asia is generally into those five Great Kingdoms already mention'd viz. The Turkish Empire in Asia The Kingdom of Persia or the Territory of the Great Sophi The Tartarian Empire or the Territory of the Great Chan the Empire of China which is now in the Possession of the Tartar and the Empire of the Great Mogol But to be more particular Our first Part of Asia we shall divide as followeth viz. into 1. The Kingdom of Persia containing the Provinces Schirwan anciently Media Atropatia Erak anciently Parthia Aderbeitzan anciently Media Major or Satrapeni Iran or Carabach Sagistam anciently Drangiana the Country of Nixabur Kilan or Gilan Mazanderan Chusistan anciently Susiana Kirman or Caramania Circan anciently Gedrosia Moghostan Lorestan Chorasan Siston Aria or Ery Dagestan or Tagestan the Kingdom of Amadan 2. The Country of Georgia anciently Colchis and Iberia c. containing the Provinces of Imereti or Basciaciuk Cacheti and Cardel or Carduel Guriel Mengrelia anciently Colchis with that of Avogastes or Avogasie 3. The Province of Circassia with Albania and Curdistan 4. India and particularly the Empire of the Great Mogol containing these following Kingdoms and Territories viz. Parapomisa or Candahor Sablestan and Balassy the Kingdom of Cabul Territory of Multan the Kingdom of Ballochi or Hangichan the Province of Buckor the Kingdom of Send or Sind the Provinces of Sorit Jesselmeer and Attack the Province of Penjab the Kingdom of Caximir the Territories of Banchosh Jangapore and Jenba the Kingdom of Dely the Kingdom of Mando the Territories of Sanga and Utrad the Kingdom of Zurratte or Cambaya the Kingdom of Candish or Sanda the Provinces of Berar and Narvar the Province of Gualiar the Kingdoms of Agra or Indostan Decan Ballagate Cuncan or Visiapour the Country of Bulloits the Provinces of Hindows Nagracat Siba Kakares Gor Pitan Canduana and Patna PERSIA Sive SOPHORVM REGNVM THE DESCRIPTION OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA Description of Persia THE Kingdom of Persia hath for several Ages by that Name been known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and at this Day to most People of Europe and it may properly be so call'd from Perseus Son of Jupiter and Danae The Inhabitants term it Agem or Agiam By the Turks it is call'd Agem Vilager or Agem Memlaket the first signifies The Countrey and the second The Kingdom of the Persians But the proper Name as Texeira affirms is Agem or Pars and that of the Inhabitants Parsey or Agemy though the Name of Pars belongs peculiarly to the Province of Persia It was anciently a Noble and very famous Country having for two hundred and thirty Years been the Head of the second Monarchy nay it rose to that heighth that according to Brisonius no Kingdom upon Earth could either in Power or Riches compare with it wherefore the Governors were call'd The Great Kings or Kings of Kings as appears by Plato Strabo Suetonius and other eminent Writers The Borders of this Kingdom formerly extended very far many populous Provinces being under its Jurisdiction as amongst other Remarks appear'd by the great Army and the mighty Train thereto belonging with which King Darius prepar'd to oppose Alexander the Great as Quintus Curtius hath related at large How far the Limits of this Empire anciently extended may be found in Strabo Pizarrus and other ancient Writers It s ancient Limits and Extent Persia in former Times compris'd most of the Countries of Asia towards the East as also a part of India and Egypt which then was within the Bounds of Asia viz. it extended in length from the Hellespont beyond the Mouth of the River Indus two thousand eight hundred English Miles and in breadth from the Pontus to the Jaws of the Arabian Gulf two thousand in which Circumference were comprehended many Provinces and Kingdoms But since the downfall of the second Monarchy of Persia which flourish'd two hundred and thirty years from the first rise thereof by Cyrus This Kingdom partly by Intestine Wars and partly by the Invasion of Forein Princes was so much abated in its former Splendor that the Inhabitants thereof were absolutely enslav'd and after the Arabians had Conquer'd them forc'd to deny their Name and from that time forward were not permitted to style themselves Persians but Saracens Not long after which it was subdu'd by the Tartars and first brought under Subjection of the Chinguis Chan and then under Tamerlane yet at length it began again to flourish and regain'd much of its ancient Lustre in the last Age by the Valour of Ismael Sefi and is now reckon'd amongst the most powerful Monarchies of the East As to the present Extent of Persia it cannot certainly be said because of the various Alterations in the Frontiers by means of the War against the Turks and Tartars divers times losing a Province or two and sometimes regaining them or others in lieu thereof from the Enemy The Extent of Persia Olearius from his observation of the Persian Maps makes Persia to extend taking in all the circumjacent subdu'd Provinces from the North to the South from the Caspian Sea to the Bay of Persia from East to West from the Borders of Candahar to the River Euphrates or Moratsu nay it extends half way on the West side from the Caspian Sea upward to the Armenian Mountains and Eastward towards the River Ruth Chane formerly Oxun on the North side whereof dwell the Usbeki and Bucharian Tartars who partly pay Tribute to the Persians Maginus makes Persia extend from East to West 38 Degrees because its Longitude from the Meridian of Tenariff is in 82 Degrees and the most Eastern in 129. but from the North to the South to 20 Degrees viz. from the 23. to the 43. Degree So that the Dominion of Persia hath five hundred and sixty Leagues in length and three hundred in breadth a Degree being reckon'd to contain eighteen German or sixty English Miles According to Cluverius and Golnitius it makes out
Walls The Streets in both Towns are narrow and the Houses built of Stone or Earth are very low after the Eastern manner The Caravansera's or Royal Inns. Hard by the Market-place stand two great Caravansera's or * Built at the Kings Charge Royal Inns provided with many Galleries and large Rooms in which the Merchants of other Countreys dispose of their Commodities which they sell by whole-sale The one call'd Schach Caravansera is appointed for the Muscovites who lay up their Goods in the same The other nam'd Losgi Caravansera is built for the Circassian Tartars who also bring thither their Merchandise which for the most part consists in Horses Women young and full grown Maids and sometimes little Children which they either buy or take from the Russians on their Borders or else from one another Moreover the Jews have their Residences in the Caravansera Losgi bringing very fine Wooll thither from Tabessaran The Hamans or publick Baths There are likewise three publick Hamans or Baths in the City which are very much frequented by the Persians two of them stand open in the day-time for the Men and in the Night for the Women The third call'd Hammam Schech being onely for Men near which stand two large Trees which are held in great veneration by the Persians as having been planted there by one of their Saints call'd Schich Murith who not far from thence lies bury'd in a Metzit or Temple to which the People flock more than to any other in the City which contains in all six Metzits or Temples The Revenues which the Baths produce yearly are bestow'd on those things which go to the setting forth of their Funerals and what happens to be over and above is distributed amongst the Poor The Bazar or Market-place On the South side of the City is a Bazar or Market-place with several little Streets or rows of Shops furnish'd with all sorts of Cotton Stuffs Silk Cloth-of-Silver Bowes Arrows Simiters and other Manufactures which are all to be bought at easie Rates The Inhabitants are generally Persians Armenians and Georgians speaking each their peculiar Languages besides the vulgar Tongue of Scervan which is the Turkish There is nothing remarkable or of Antiquity in this City excepting the great Tower which Mr. Cartwright affirms to be built of Free-stone and Flint intermixt with the Sculls of their ancient Noblemen who being overcome and taken Prisoners in a War against the King of Persia were put to death and had their Heads so fixt for a signal Mark of terror to prevent future Insurrections But this Assertion is by some deny'd and judg'd to have been grounded upon the appearance onely of Heads carv'd there in Stone Half a League Northward from the City on a pretty high Hill call'd Caleculistan appear the Ruines of a decay'd Fort where there is a large Cave Vaulted with Free-stone and near it a deep Well Culistan whence denominated The Persians have a Tradition that Schirvan an ancient King of this Province caus'd this Castle to be built in memory of Culistan one of his Concubines from whom it also took Denomination They add moreover that it was taken by Alexander the Great and afterwards by him demolish'd But it is more probable that it receiv'd the Name of Culistan from an adjacent Valley made very fruitful by a Brook and exceeding pleasant in the Spring from the variety of Tulips and other diverse colour'd Flowers Culistan signifying a Valley of Roses Tulips or whatever sort of curious Flowers and Cale a Castle or Fort. Not far from Cale-Culistan towards the side of Schamachie stand two Chappels on another high Hill In the first and chiefest which is built in form of an oblong Square appears a high Sepulchre Rail'd about each Bar arm'd at the top with an Iron Spike and adorn'd with Tassels or small Pennons of divers colour'd Cloth In the other Chappel are other Tombs bedeck'd after the same manner being the Sepulchres of their Saints to whom the Persians often kneel and pay their usual Devotions This last Chappel leads to a deep Vault Amaleck Canna ' s Tomb. in which they say Amaleck Canna one of their King's Daughters lies bury'd who being forc'd by her Father contrary to her Inclination to Marry a Tartar Prince slew her self and some have reported that all Virgins thereabouts come yearly to the foremention'd Burying-place of Amaleck Canna to Mourn there over her Tomb. 'T is true indeed the Inhabitants of Schamachie and those also of the neighboring Villages in some Weeks in the Summer do repair to the foremention'd Mountain not for Amaleck Canna's sake as some imagine but rather for the coolness of the Air which at that Season they find upon the tops of those Hills when at the same time it is intolerabe hot below Some Artificers and those of the meaner sort that use Manufacture go thither in the Morning and having tarry'd there all day at their Work return to their Houses in the Evening but the Nobility commonly take up their Residences there for three Moneths together during which time the Heat continues The Cattel at that time also are driven to Mount Elburs where there is not onely a temperate Air but also good Pasturage The Elburs is part of Mount Caucasus bordering on the side of Tabesseran and Georgia and may plainly be seen from Culistan and other Mountains The Worshippers of Orimasda fled to India It is said that in ancient times the Persians preserv'd and worshipp'd their Orimasda or ever-burning Fire on this Elburs but at this day neither the Fire nor the Worshippers thereof are according to Texeira and others to be found in all Persia nor Jesche but some relate that they are fled from thence to India where they affirm is at this day a sort of Fire-Worshippers At Schamachie is yet to be seen a Cross of hard black Wood which some believe was a piece of Noah's Ark. The Village Mordow To this City belongs a Village call'd Mordow which in the Turkish Language signifies Morass because the Countrey about it is Fenny and all drown'd with abundance of Water which descending with the concourse of many Brooks and Rivulets falls with such violence that the disturbed Waters never freeze in the hardest Winter The Rusticks live here like the Tartars in Astracan in little Houses like Huts In the foremention'd Village and in others thereabouts dwell a People call'd Pedar which speak a peculiar Dialect though not much differing from the Turks and Persians and are of their Religion with some different Perswasions for they account it a great Crime to eat their Meat hot holding it as an Abomination that any should breathe upon it which if any one chance to do they will not touch it but judge the same to be defil'd by their prophane Breath Three Leagues from Mordow lies the Village Tachousie and three Leagues from Schamachie lies Pyrmaraas in which is the Tomb of an eminent Saint or Holy
Man of Persia call'd Heid Ibrahim Heid Ibrahims Tomb. held in great veneration amongst the Persians as a very ancient Monument and left undemolish'd by Tamerlane who destroy'd all things else hereabouts It is Chappel-like inclos'd with a Stone Wall having before the access to it two fair Courts in the first whereof appear many Tomb-stones whereon are Engraven in Arabick several Inscriptions under it are also divers Vaults which receive a glittering Light through little low Windows In one of the deepest Vaults stands a high Stone Altar with two Steps on the one side a Door leads into a Penetrale or Withdrawing-Room the Floor whereof is cover'd with rich Tapestry at the upper end hangs a Table of Stone with this Inscription in Arabick To God I commit my Actions he is my Helper On the right-hand is another Vault which contains eight Chappels or sepulchral Monuments and from that you enter into a third wherein stands the Tomb of the Prophet himself round about which are plac'd great Candlesticks with Wax Tapers which are kept continually burning and from the Roof hang also Lamps So choice are the Persians of this Tomb that they do not willingly admit any Strangers to see it Near the Village Pyrmaraas stands another celebrated Monument in a Rocky Mountain Tirihabba's Tomb. in which lies bury'd a Saint call'd Tirihabba the Master or Instructer of Heid Ibrahim over the Door of it stands written O God open this Door This Tirihabba as the Persians say was always on his Knees incessantly praying clad in a grey Coat upon which his Disciple Heid Ibrahim obtain'd from God that his Tutor after his Decease as well as in his Life-time might be found in a zealous and praying Posture whereupon it is reported that after his Death he continu'd in that Posture as if he had been living with other such like Stories not over easily to be credited Round about Tirihabba's Tomb are divers Caves cut in the same Rock furnish'd with Beds where the Pilgrims Lodge when they come to make their Offerings DERBENDT By the said Village next to Ibrahim's Tomb is a Cavern seventy two Foot long and twenty broad Vaulted with square Stones in which the Inhabitants preserve Snow Ice and Water in the Winter against the Summer for themselves and their Cattel because there is little good Water else thereabouts Pyr Mardechan 's Tomb. Two Leagues and a half from Schamachie towards Ardebil stands the Tomb of a Saint call'd Pyr Mardechan whose Memory is also in great Adoration amongst the Persians The City Ere 's On the Borders of Armenia lies the City Ere 's or Aras near the River Aras whence it takes Denomination at this day call'd Arisbar once the first City of Serwan on that side of the Countrey but much ruin'd and in a manner quite desolate On the Borders of Servan towards Georgia stands the City Sequi and on the Confines of Media the City Giavat The Situation of the City Derbend The City Derbend by the Turks call'd Demircapi or rather Temircapi that is Iron Gate lies West of the Caspian Sea in 85 Degrees Longitude and 41 Degrees and 30 Minutes Northern Latitude according to Olearius's observation It extends in length from East to West half a League and hath in breadth from North to South and from one Gate to the other onely four hundred and fifty Paces The Waves of the Caspian Sea upon which it stands beating against the Walls blocks up the Passage on that side which together with the inaccessible Mountains on the other side gives it the foremention'd Name of Temircapi or Iron Gate to the Kingdom of Persia it reaches on one end to the foot of the Mountains on the other to the Sea Not onely several Writers but also the Inhabitants to this day affirm that this City was built by Alexander the Great whom they call'd Iscander as a Retreat or place of repose for his Army and from his own Name call'd Alexandria whereas in truth he onely erected the Castle and Wall on the South side but that on the North side was built by Nawschirwan an ancient King of that Countrey The Walls are high and broad built of that sort of Stone before mention'd which seems commix'd with broken Mussle-shells Over one of the Gates of the Wall which was built by Alexander are certain Lines written in Syriack Characters and in another place Arabick with some strange Hieroglyphicks worn out by Time and not legible d ee Description of the City This City is divided into three parts the uppermost stands upon an acclivity of the Mountain being the Residence of the Governor fortifi'd with Guns and Garrison'd with five hundred Soldiers of two several Nations viz. Ajurumlu and Coidurscha The middle part inhabited by Persians hath been several times ruin'd once by their own King Emir Emse Chodabende's Son when he re-took the City from the Turkish Emperor Mustafa to whom the Townsmen had freely surrendred it The lower part being not five hundred Paces long hath at this day very few Houses left standing being now nothing but a parcel of Gardens Orchards and Plough'd-Lands It is said that this part was formerly inhabited by the Greeks wherefore it is to this day by the Persians call'd Schaher * Junan probably from Iones Junan that is The Greeks City Both the Walls are founded on Rocks The Shore also about Derbend being all very Rocky is altogether unfit for Anchorage and unsafe Harbor for Shipping On the Mountains which are very wooddy above the City appear the Ruines of a Wall which as they say extended fifty Leagues along the Caspian Sea it appears by some parts of it yet remaining of six Foot high to have been of equal breadth with the present Walls of the City which are so broad that a Coach may drive upon them Moreover on the upper side of the City stand several Castles apart on several Hills whereof two the nearest to the Town being built square are kept in indifferent good Repair and well Garrison'd There are also divers woodden Watch-houses from whence they have a clear and large Prospect and can timely see the approach of any Enemy there being continual Watch kept in them Amongst other Remarks near the City Tzumtzume's Tomb. is the Tomb of Tzumtzume of whom the Persians relate this following Story Eissi a great Prophet amongst the Persians passing by there on a certain time and finding a Man's Scull lying on the Ground desirous to know whose Scull it was pray'd to God to make it again a living Person whereupon he became immediately so inspir'd that he breathed the Breath of Life into it and asking who he was he reply'd Tzumtzume once a wealthy King of this Countrey who possess'd a great City abounding with all things That he had spent daily forty Cammels load of Salt A certain number for an uncertain had forty thousand Head of Kine forty thousand Stage-players forty thousand Servants who wore Pearls
or Chambers above it Cush the third Story Tzaufe the fourth Casser and the upper Chambers or Garrets being built like Galleries winding about the top of the House Eiwan which by reason of their coolness serve them for Sleeping-Rooms in Summer the Windows which are almost as big as their Doors and reach down quite to the Floor have no Glass but are onely Bars or Rails like Balconies which in the Winter they close up with Oyl'd Paper Their Winter Rooms are commonly below and have Stoves in them Most of the Houses have Courts through which they go into their several Apartments It is said that the Lanes and Streets were formerly so broad that above twenty Men could Ride abreast in them but since Schach Abbas built more Rows of Houses most of them are become so narrow that two can scarce pass one by another especially not far from the Maidan and Basar where there commonly walk many People who are forc'd when Mules come loaden which frequently happens twenty or thirty one after another to stand still t●ll they are all pass'd by Description of the Maidan or Market-place On the East side of the King's Palace is a Maidan or Market-place of seven hundred Paces long and two hundred and fifty broad the like whereof is not in any other City On the West side where the King's Court stands are two Arches built along the Maidan one against another under which Goldsmiths Jewellers and other Handicrafts drive a Trade in Eiwans or open Shops before which stand Trees by the Persians call'd Schin-schad which with their large Boughs shade the Shops before the Trees are long Troughs or Gutters of Stone by which fresh Water is convey'd all about the Maidan The East side which is opposite to it hath a broad Walk Arch'd and supported with Pillars under which also all manner of Artificers have their Working-places for the Persians seldom or never work in their Dwelling-houses Aga●nst this Walk near the King's Court is a Structure which having two Entries is call'd Nacarachane where the Kettle-Drums Sackbuts and Cornets are play'd on every Evening at Sun-set and whenever the King passeth either in or out This playing at Sun-set us'd through all Persia in those places where Chams and great Lords dwell hath been in use ever since Tamerlane was Lord of this Countrey Description of the King's Place The King's House or Court which is near the Maidan by the Persians call'd Dowbet Chane or Dor Chane Schach hath a high Wall about it but is not otherwise fortifi'd against any Assault Before the Palace Gate lie several great pieces of Ordnance which Nicholas Hemming a Hollander who travell'd through most parts of Persia affirms to have been brought from Ormus the least carrying a Bullet of thirty six Pound weight the biggest of forty eight Over the Gate is a large Forum or place of Judicature where the Diwanbeki or Judge commonly Executes Justice In the day-time the Gate is guarded by three or four and in the Night by fifteen Halberdeers but at the King's Chamber thirty Men most Chans Sons Watch whil'st as many more go the Rounds The Kischicktzi or Captain of the Guard delivers the King an Account every Evening of such Persons as are to Watch that Night that so he may know what People are near him The said Forum over the Gate is a very high Room glittering with fair Windows on all sides and adorn'd with rich Pictures and gilded Carv'd work The other chief Rooms of the Court are first the Tabchane or great Hall in which the King with his Chans and other great Lords keeps a splendid Feast on Naurus or New-years-day next an open Room call'd the Divanchane that is House of Justice in which the King hears and determines all Businesses of State and gives Entertainment to foreign Princes The Tabchane or Banquetting-house ascended by three Steps is twelve Yards long eight broad and abought six high The Pillars which support the Roof being eight-square are of Wood and Gilded The Room within is also adorn'd with Gilded Sculpture or Carv'd-work The Floor is commonly cover'd with rich Carpets and hath a Fountain in the middle of it Before the Divanchane is a long narrow Walk Planted with Tzinar-Trees These kind of Walks they call Chiewan The third is the Haramchane or Hall for the Women in which his Casseha or Concubines which are at other times kept up in private Apartments come together to Dance before the King to the Musick of several Instruments or the Voices of Eunuchs The fourth is the Deke or place in which the King spends his time most part of the day and ever but at Festival times or when busied about State Affairs Dines with his Queen and the rest of his Wives Besides these there are other fair Apartments which contribute to the splendor and accommodation of a King's Palace besides divers brave Banquetting-houses and pleasant Gardens But above all the rest about forty Paces from the chief Gate is a Door on the right-hand which leads to a great Garden in the middle whereof stands a Chappel This Garden being a priviledg'd Place is by the Persians call'd Allacapi that is Gods Gate Hither Debtors Man-slayers and other Malefactors flie for sanctuary and so long as they can maintain themselves there at their own Cost and Charge they are unmolested but Thieves they will not suffer to be there long Behind the Palace is the Taberick Cale or Treasury being rather a Castle than a House for the word Cale signifies a Castle It is an indifferent large Structure encompass'd with high Walls and Redoubts of Earth which Nicholas Hemmius takes to be Towers This Castle is constandy Garrison'd with divers Companies of Soldiers and the King having a considerable Magazine often keeps his Court in it Moreover on the other side of the Maidan in a peculiar Street is another Sanctuary or priviledg'd House call'd Tseche hit Sutun so call'd from forty Beams or Pieces of Timber all which resting upon one single Pilar which stands in the middle of the Metzid belonging to it support the Roof thereof Hither the Persians flock'd in great numbers when Tamerlane going to destroy the rebelling Citizens resolv'd to spare onely the Temple and all those that were in it for he put to the Sword them that were in the Temple Court and caus'd all the Houses thereabouts to be pull'd down which Schach Abbas re-building made it a priviledg'd Place The Persians Belief concerning Mehedi On the South side of the Maidan is a large and sumptuous Mosque which being begun by Schach Abbas and almost finish'd his Successor compleated it and overlaid the Walls with a rich sort of Marble brought from Erwend Anno 1037. this Mosque was Consecrated to Mehedi the last of their twelve Imams or Saints of the Race of Aali of whom it is vulgarly believ'd that he lies slumbering in a Cave near Cusa from whence he is expected to return at the Day of Judgment and Riding
and barbarous Cruelties of Osman's Soldiers But in the Year 1603. Abbas having obtain'd the Crown of Persia march'd with great expedition to Tauris and what with the inclination of the Citizens towards him by reason of their extream aversion to the Turkish Government and the use of the Cannon he brought with him which till that time the Persians scorn'd as not becoming valiant Men after six Weeks Siege took the City Notwithstanding all the several Brunts that this City underwent Minadoi affirms that Anno 1607. it had six Leagues in circumference but since that time also the Calamities and Ruines of War have fall'n heavy upon it especially in the Year 1618. wherein Schach Abbas caus'd it to be wholly deserted and lest desolate upon the Turkish Armies approach The Countrey about Tebris may all be over-flow'd The Towns and Places of note in Aderbeitzan The most eminent Places near this City are 1. Salmas not far from which Scander and Joonxa Sons to Cara Issuf defeated Xarock the Son of Tamerlane 1. Maragag or Mararga 3. Cuzaculan 4. Sancan 5. Sofian perhaps the ancient Sofia Sancan by the common People call'd Sengan but by the Learned Persians Zengian that is to say Sighing of the Soul was of old before its destruction by Tamerlane and divers Invasions by the Turks a great City for Commerce and Trade and full of handsom Buildings and had also another Name for it receiv'd this Denomination of Sencan from a Tartarian King of the Family of the Usbechies who having taken and demolish'd it put all the Inhabitants to the Sword and thereupon it is become at this time a little unwall'd Town and meanly built It lies on a Hill between Tebris and Sultanie upon a parching sandy Ground and in some places overgrown with low Brambles Half a League from the City on the right side runs a Ridge of the Mountain Taurus in the Countrey Language call'd Keider Peijamber from one of their old Prophets who is said to lie there bury'd It extends from North to South as far as Curdistan At the foot of this Mountain lies a pleasant Valley wherein are several Villages as Keintze Hazimur and Camal By Sengan run two Ways Northerly though the one which leads to Tebris bends more Westerly and the other on the right hand leading to the City Ardebil more towards the East Three Leagues Northward from Sengan flows a a Brook in the Countrey Language call'd Sarmusack Ciai The Situation of the City Sultania The City Sultania a Boundary between the Province of Arack and Aderbeitzan lies in 84 Degrees and 5 Minutes Longitude and in 36 Degrees and 30 Minutes Northern Latitude three days Journey Northward from Caswin or Casbin on a pleasant Plain It hath on each side pretty high Mountains especially on the right side where stands the foremention'd Mo●ntain Keider It is much more in length than breadth and appears at a great distance by reason of its many high Houses Spires and Turrets but the Walls very much decay'd and ruinous It is said that in former times it was one of the most eminent and stateliest Cities in this Countrey Sultania built by Sultan Choda bende About half a League from this City on the right hand of the Way which comes from Hamedan stands a large Stone Gate and Tower belonging to the City and is said to be the remainder of an old Palace which as likewise the whole City was built by Sultan Muhammed Chodabende a Tartar of the Family of the Usbechies out of the Ruines of the City Tigranocerta of which Tacitus makes mention in several places as appears by the Name of Sultania for till after his time the Kings of Persia did not Intitle themselves Schach but Sultan as the Turks do at this day as also from an Inscription on his Tomb yet to be seen The Fields about this City as the Inhabitants relate were formerly very unfruitful but King Chodabende Cultivating the same made it not onely very fertile but also exceeding pleasant moistening it with Water which was convey'd a great way under Ground in Pipes They add moreover that the same Night that the foremention'd King dy'd who was going about to add to the Building of the City and to fill the same with a new supply of Inhabitants fetch'd from other Countries the People that were then in it began to leave it insomuch that in that Night fourteen thousand Women march'd out of the same on seven thousand Cammels two on each Cammel Nevertheless after this it flourish'd for some time and was daily increasing in Riches and Repute when Chotza Reschid King of Persia whom Josaphat Barbaro calls Giausam upon a Mutiny of the Inhabitants destroy'd a great part of it and not long after Tamerlane compleated the destruction thereof There remains a great part of the Walls of a very strong and sumptuous Castle which was also the King's Palace built of Freeston● with many square Towers of which some are yet to be seen but the onely Structures standing yet in view are two Meschaiches or Mosques wherein Sultan Mahumeth Chodabende lies bury'd The Description of Chodabende's Tomb. the Inscription on whose Tomb as we said before speaks him the Builder of Sultania all things about the same being exceeding curious and above all it s three Gates though not of Copper as Bizarro writes yet of polish'd Steel The greatest Gate which is opposite to the Maidan or Market cannot as they say be open'd though never so many Men endeavor it unless they speak these words Beask Aly Buckscha that is Be open'd for Aly's sake and then it turns so easily upon the Hinges that a Child may open it The Roof is very high and rises by degrees towards the middle into a round Tower The Walls are overlaid with white and blue glaz'd Stones form'd into several Shapes and Characters It hath a Gallery or long Walk jutting out like a Balcony over which are certain Repositories where there lie several Arabian Books some a quarter of a Yard deep and three quarters long the Characters in them are three Inches long and every second Line neatly written with Gold and Ink all transcrib'd out of the Alcoran Several Leaves of one of these Books came to the hands of Olearius who kept them as a great Rarity At the farther end of this Temple in the Way towards the Meherab or Altar the Tomb of the Sultan Mahumed Chodabende appears through a very fine polish'd Grate which is accounted a great piece of Art because it is made of Indian Steel each Bar about the thickness of a Man's Arm and all of them so neatly joyn'd together that no Joynts are seen it is said that it was cut out of a whole Piece as also the Gate and that seven years were spent in India about the making of them Moreover there are two great Guns to be seen in the same Emerad or Mosque with a Mortar-piece each plac'd on Carriages with four Wheels besides Demi-cannons
and Sleeping Rooms in Summer by reason of their coolness and are in the Countrey Language call'd Balachane that is A high House And this is so common and the Inhabitants so us'd to repose in open Rooms that they would incur great inconvenience by a more close retiredness The Streets are broad extending far in a straight Line before the Houses are Channels to receive and carry away the Water which else by reason of their even lying would make them very dirty In one of which stands a Royal Building the chiefest Gate whereof opens into a long and spacious Street Upon one side of this Palace may be seen a square Court crossing which you come to a Garden Door into which none but Grandees are permitted to enter This Garden lies behind the Palace at the foot of a Hill beset with Trees and adorn'd with Banquetting-houses built on the same by King Abbas The Garden being one large Square hath in the middle a Dewanchane or Terrace-Walk twice as long as broad open towards the North with an Ascent of two or three Steps but behind and on the other side clos'd up with a Wall wherein are divers large Windows Through this runs a crystal Stream brought from an adjacent Spring opposite to the Diwanchane The Floor of this Diwanchane is commonly cover'd with Tapistry at the time of Audience when any Persons of Quality kneel on the same before the King Peopling of Mazanderan The Province of Mazanderan is inhabited by several sorts of People which are of divers Tribes and Beliefs sent thither by King Abbas after the building of Ferhabad and Eskerf particularly Georgians who in some sort Profess'd Christianity Mahumetans Armenians and Medes together with some of his own Subjects where the King gave every one Land to Till and maintain his Family and encourag'd them to follow such Employments as they had been accustom'd to in their own Countrey and to that purpose accommodated them to their several Qualifications The Mahumetans are the smallest number and the Christians being for the most part Georgians and Armenians the biggest who had all leave to build as many Houses or Churches as they pleas'd and are tolerated to enjoy their own Religion quietly Their Apparel All these new Inhabitants of this Countrey wear long Breeches and short Coats not reaching down to their Knees with an upper Garment made fast about their Middle with a Girdle they wear no Turbants onely a little Cap in the Persian Tongue call'd Cork made of Leather and Lin'd with Cloth sharp on the top and broad at the bottom which were invented by King Abbas These kind of Caps are very common and worn within Doors in stead of Turbants by Persons of Quality but when they go abroad they put on their Turbants yet their Servants carry these after their Masters Their Language and Government The Language which is spoken in this Province is the vulgar Persian The supream Command of the whole Province belongs to a Vice-Roy or Lieutenant who bears the Title of Chan and keeps his Court in Ferhabad But in former times this Province was Govern'd by a peculiar King which paid Tribute to the Sophy but he rebelling Xa Abas sent his General thither to reduce him This Province is surrounded with great Woods cut through by several Brooks and inclos'd with Mountains overgrown with Trees insomuch that Della Valla affirms that this Countrey bore so great a resemblance with those of Europe that he saw not the like in all those Parts through which he travell'd Nature of the Soil The Soil is very fruitful and us'd to lie Fallow through the neglect and idleness of the Inhabitants The Earth being fat and Morassy is encompass'd by the Caspian Sea and River Teggine Rude Temperature of the Air. The temperature of the Air is much like that at Rome viz. in the Winter moist and subject to tempestuous Weather moreover they feel the same Heat or Cold there which is no great wonder because both the foremention'd Places lie almost in one and the same Northern Latitude having great and almost continual Winter Rains At the entrance on the South out of the Territory of Arack into that of Mazanderan lies a very narrow Valley at the foot of several Mountains which after three Leagues Journey grows somewhat wider and is wash'd by a little Brook This Plain though well cultivated produces nothing but Rice and the like do most places in this whole Province being indeed most fit for that Grain by reason of the abundance of Water and moistness of the Soil for Rice requires moisture or else that it is the chiefest if not onely Grain of the Inhabitants for they use no other Bread not setting any esteem upon Wheat or Rye neither use much Milk Whit-meat or Butter because they think them unwholsom but of Rice which they boyl sometimes one way and sometimes another mingled with Flesh or Fruit they make several savory Dishes which they call Pilao's according to their several Palats This Pilao is convenient for Travellers because it may be made ready in a short time and keeps good a great while and withal is a wholsom and palatable Food Nature of the Inhabitants The Inhabitants are of a sallow Complexion occasion'd by the Heats of the Climate and constant eating of Rice and their Hair and Eye-brows very black The Women are very handsom Body'd and have good Features which they grace with a courteous Behavior and affability in Discourse and this is the more pleasing because according to their Custom in which they differ very much from other Mahumetans they never cover their Faces nor shun the Company of Men. Both Men and Women are hospitable treating Strangers in their Houses with the highest Civility imaginable not expecting any Return yet refuse not any thing Presented to them for there are no Inns or Caravansera's to give public Entertainment but every House as we said is free to receive Strangers wherefore we may justly say that there is no Countrey where the Inhabitants are more hospitable and civil so that Hircania which the Ancients reported to be full of Tygers and other wild Beasts if Mazanderan be compris'd in the same is one of the most civiliz'd Territories that can be found in all Asia and the Inhabitants thereof have a suitable commendation Of the Soil The Land between the City Ferhabad and Eskerf is even and plain on which grow wild Artichokes Parsnips and the like Towns and Villages You may see here also many Towns and Villages as you travel from Arack Southward to Ferhabad particularly a Village call'd Mynikelle Four Leagues from thence lies another call d Giru the Road between both which in the Winter is very bad arid deep by reason of the continual wetness of the Ground A days Journey farther you come to Tellara Pescet a large Hamlet having on one fide many dispersed Villages and on the other a Hilly Countrey Beyond these appears
Tagestan is divided into several Lordiships Division viz. Osmin by others Ismin Boinack c. each having a chief Town of the same Denomination in which the Governor hath his Residence Olearius is of opinion that a part of this Countrey was anciently possess'd by the Amazones which as Curtius affirms dwelt betwixt the Caspian Sea and Mount Caucasus The Metropolis The Metropolis of Tagestan call'd Saru lies partly upon and partly between the Mountains which are Rocky and at a distance appear as if they were cover'd with Mussle-shells for there is scarce any piece to the bigness of a Mans Hand but what hath five or more Shells sticking upon it The Stones of the Rock are as hard as a Pebble Beyond these craggy Mountains are good Pastures for Cattel Behind Tarcu lies the Castle Suchur In the City which hath no Walls are about a thousand Houses built after the Persian manner though somewhat sleighter Out of the Rocks spring several Brooks which with a pleasant murmuring noise glide down the Mountains through the City The Tagestans of Tarcu and those of Boinack that dwell towards the North are call'd Caitack Westward beyond Tarcu is another sort nam'd Cumuck and Casucumuck who are under the Jurisdiction of peculiar Lords The Tarcuan Tartars are not less in number than those of the Province of Boinack The Prince of Tarcu styl'd Surchow Chan boasted himself to be Extracted from the Family of the Kings of Persia with whom he always held an amicable Alliance and when the Tagestans made War upon each other he receiv'd Aid from Persia The Natives maintain themselves by breeding of Cattel which the Women take care of whil'st their Husbands Ride abroad to steal whatever comes to hand not sparing Men Women or Children for they account it no Sin to sell their nearest Relations Brothers or Sisters to the Turks Those that dwell near the Rivers live by Fishing especially by catching of Sturgeon which they take with strong Harping-Irons and the Pole to which the Line is fastned fix'd in the Ground The Diet of the Grandees or Chans is commonly Mutton cut into small Slices Their man of Eating and Drinking and roasted on a woodden Spit as also Sturgeon cut in little Pieces which being boyl'd with Salt they eat it with Butter and Vinegar They use no Knives but pull their Meat in pieces with their Fingers When any one of them lays down a Bone he that sits next to him taking it up picks it much cleaner and sometimes it is taken up by three or four after the same manner Their Drinking-Cups are long Cows Horns out of which they Drink a Liquor made of Barley and call'd Brega which in colour is like Mead. They are very boisterous in their Cups They spread their Tables on the Ground after the Persian manner All their Vessels consist in woodden Bowls and Troughs The Tartars of Tarcu are wild and valiant but the Women are very courteous they are all Mahumetans and suffer themselves to be Circumcis'd yet are great Zealots and some of the Tartar Women are privately inclin'd to the Christian Religion The Inhabitants of the Village Andre have amongst other Nuptial Ceremonies these following viz. Every Guest brings an Arrow with him which he shoots either into the upper part of the Wall or the Roof of the House where they stick till they rot or fall down of themselves what the signification hereof is none knows They are a valiant and undaunted People caring neither for the King of Persia nor the Great Duke of Muscovia but boast themselves Tagestans and consequently subject to none but God which their audaciousness depends chiefly on the inaccessible Mountains whither they retire when any stronger Enemy falls into their Countrey The Merchants that travel through their Dominions are forc'd to pay great Customs and yet if they are not strong enough to defend themselves are sure to be Robb'd and therefore they always go with the Caravans in great Companies This Countrey is under the Subjection of several Princes Government by one general Name call'd Myrsa but many Cities are Govern'd by a peculiar Lord yet they have a supream Commander nam'd Schemchi and by others Schafcal who is as a King and chosen by the throwing of an Apple viz. at the Election all the Myrsa's or Princes meet together and standing in a Ring their Priest throws a Gilded Apple amongst them and whoever he hits therewith is immediately chosen Schemchal who though he hath great Honor and Respect yet he finds but litte Faith and Obedience from them and therefore cannot be said to Govern with arbitrary Power He keeps his Court in a Village nam'd Andre situate on a Hill near the River Coisu His Habit is a Silk Coat of green Darai and over it a black Furr Mantle and when he Rides out he is commonly Arm'd with a Scimiter Bowe and Arrows Beyond Tarcu lies a wild and brambly Countrey Five Leagues from Tarcu lies the Stream Coisu which abounding with Fish takes its original from Mount Caucasus and runs very swift the Water muddy of a reasonable breadth and generally eighteen or twenty Foot deep which Olearius supposes to be the Albanus of the Ancients which according to Pliny falls into the River Cassia In this Water breeds abundance of Sturgeon and another sort of Fish not much unlike it Two Leagues and a half from Coisu runs a Brook nam'd Acsai which is not above twenty five Yards broad Some take this Acsai to be onely a Branch of Coisu which unites with the same again not far from the Caspian Sea If any Strangers are desirous to Ferry over this River with their Goods they are forc'd either to pay a great Sum of Money to the Inhabitants or else they take away their Goods Beyond Acsai is a barren Heath seven Leagues long Rivers half a days Journey beyond which runs the River Bustro which is also one of the chiefest and almost as deep as the Coisu the Water thereof is muddy but runs not so swift as the foremention'd it serves for a Boundary between Circassia and Tagestan Northward about two Leagues from the Caspian Shore it divides it self into two Branches one of which now call'd Temenki but formerly and by some to this day Terk is about thirty Yards broad and hath given the City by which it glides the Denomination of Terki which is the last Town in those Parts under the Czar of Muscovy the other beyond this and of the same bigness bears the Name of Kisilar because it carries along in its Sand a kind of Gold-dust and lying somewhat higher than the former is commonly dry'd up in the Summer The place of its disemboguing is about eight Leagues beyond the City Terki All these Brooks come Out betwixt the North and the West and the Kisilar is the last in these Parts but fifty six Leagues farther is the Volga which springs in the North. Olearius according to Ptolomy will have the Acsai
the Persians follow besides Tilling Husbandry and Planting all sorts of Fruits which they sell to advantage are several Manufactures and Arts but none turn to a greater Account than that of Writing Writing the most advantageous Employment and Silk-Stuffs the next they being utterly ignorant in the Art of Printing The next is the making of Silk-Stuffs for which purpose eminent Citizens keep Work-houses in the Persian Tongue call'd Carchane where many Persons are employ'd which brings them in great Profit yearly But Cito Indino which is very fine Callico spotted with divers Colours is brought thither out of India Most of the Artificers are Weavers Artificers Dyers or Painters who Trading in Cotton and Silk make curious Stuffs mix'd with Gold of the same but their Pieces reach not above eight or nine Yards a fit Pattern for a Persian Habit. The Jescht and Cashan Workmen being the most artificial know how to work all sorts of Shapes in Silk-Stuffs but especially their Characters so exactly that the best Writers cannot make their Letters better with a Pen. These Stuffs besides those that are made up into wearing Clothes are with Cotton and raw Silk Transported to other Countreys Vast quantities of Silk gather'd yearly It is generally accounted that in Persia there are every year gather'd ten thousand Zoom or twenty thousand Bales of Silk for a Zoom is two Bales each Bale weighing two hundred and sixteen Pound Of these twenty thousand Bales the Province of Kilan alone produces in a fruitful year eight thousand Schirwan and Chorazan each three thousand Mazanderan and Carabach each two thousand besides what Georgia which is also rich in Silk and other Places yield of all which not above a thousand Bales are kept to be wrought in Persia the remainder being sent to India Turky and Italy and by us and the Hollanders fetch'd from thence in Exchange for Copper Tin and Cloth which last is highly esteem'd by the Persians who are ignorant in the use of Wooll and making of Cloth insomuch that a Yard of ordinary Cloth at Ispahan will fetch eight nine or ten Dollars A free and open Trade in Prrsia The most and richest Traders in Persia are Armenian Christians who like our Chapmen carry their Wares from Place to Place for Persia is an open Countrey for all Nations to vend their Wares in In Cashan are three sorts of Silk-Stuffs the first that of which they make their Girdles the second is call'd Mileck on some of which are wrought divers Persian Motto's as also the Figures of Men Women Beasts and Plants all set off with choice variety of Colours the third sort is call'd Zerbaf or Mileckzerbaf which differ little from the former onely that the first is all of Silk and the others are wrought with Gold and Silver and onely worn by Ladies or us'd to make rich Furniture for their Chambers The King's Revenues The King 's yearly Revenues THe yearly Revenues of the Kings of Persia are said to amount to twenty Millions of our Money for not onely the Towns and Provinces pay great Tributes but also the Customs Taxes and Presents amount to a considerable Sum. The rich Province of Candahar alone when it is under the Jurisdiction of Persia pays in Tributes and other Taxes about two Millions and a half of Gold Iran and Babylon pay not much less and according to the Contents of the Dester or Exchequer-Register the Suburbs and Villages about Ispahan pay yearly forty thousand Dollars Customs taken off in Trade from Port to Port and of what paid Schach Thamas was the first King that took off the Customs formerly paid for the Transporting of Commodities from one Place to another being Farm'd for above a hundred thousand Tomans yearly each Toman being sixteen Crowns but afterwards he commanded them onely to pay the bare Fees of what Goods were Exported or Imported so that most of his Revenues came from the Lands Woods Vineyards and Fruits of which he had a seventh part of the Product They also paid for their Cattel viz. for forty Sheep fifteen Bisties yearly and for each Cow ten Besides which the Christians paid from Five to Eight in the Hundred according to the goodness of the Lands possess'd and Trade which they drove The Customs which are paid in Travelling for the securing of the Roads are very inconsiderable Some report that the River Senderuth in Ispahan raises yearly near sixteen thousand Dollars The Armenian Christians of which there are many thousands in the Countrey pay two Dollars apiece The annual Presents of the Chans and others amount also to vast Sums of Money for none according to an ancient Custom may appear before the King without a Present The value of the yearly Presents besides which the Magistrates and Governors expect their Gifts The Georgians also pay great Tributes to the Persian King for Vincent ab Alexandro affirms that one of those Princes pays yearly twenty thousand Escues or Crowns Not onely on the Borders but also up into the Countrey in the chiesest Cities and in many places where there are Bridges and great Throughfares both Strangers and Inhabitants are forc'd to pay Toll for Silk and other Merchandises Toll paid of most Goods besides which for each Bale of Silk made in the Countrey the King receives ten Dollars for each Mule that is sold one Abas for an Ass half an Abas for an Ox a quarter of a Dollar and for a Sheep one Casbechie The Pearl-Fishing of Barain brings him in twenty five hundred or three thousand Tomans yearly The Caravansera's which are inhabited by Merchants pay annually fifty thousand Dollars In Ispahan are twenty four which pay three hundred Tomans The King also receives twenty five thousand Dollars per annum from the Farm of Fishing in Rivers and from the Nefta springs four thousand The Baths and Houses of Entertainment pay a Tun of Gold and all Gardens forty Yards long and thirty broad nine Abas apiece The State of the Prince By these great Revenues the Wealth of this Kingdom sufficiently appears and the State of the Prince from his Golden Table and Dishes of which Schach Abbas had so many that as hath been said the making of them onely cost nine hundred thousand Ducats Olearius judges they might weigh thirty six hundred Pound And this Magnificence was not new for Xenophon affirms that the ancient Kings of Persia judg'd their greatest Glory to consist in their abundance of Golden Vessels Their Buildings The form of Noblemens Houses THe Houses of Noblemen are for the most part large containing many Apartments fitted for several uses each Room is built alone in a handsom form and separate from the rest so that you need not go out of one into another as is usual here but directly to that where you are design'd The Houses according to the Eastern manner have no Windows towards the Street are flat Roof'd and have very little Doors of one intire
his Successors have us'd that Title and though there are a great number of Sophies through all Persia yet we must know they are all Ecclesiasticks The right Name which the Persians give to their King is Schach or Sa after the Italian pronunciation which signifies King or Patxa which others write Padischa that is The supream Schach or King of Kings They also call him Sahib that is Lord or Governor Some also affirm that the Kings are likewise nam'd Choda or Chodohon which in the Persian Tongue signifies God but that is onely a mistake for Choda or Chodabende as the Sir-name of Schach-Abbas's Father the natural signification of the word is one that is oblig'd to God At the Persian Court are many which bear the Title of King as Chan and Sultan have the significations of King the one in the Turkish and the other in the Persian Tongue which proceeds from hence because the chief Princes of Persia to make themselves the more eminent will have Subjects that are styl'd Kings though in truth they are but Vice-Roys Mirza its signification Mizza or Mirza is in the Arabick properly a Title of Honor and signifies Prince or more peculiarly A Prince of the Blood according to which signification the eldest Son who is Heir apparent to the Crown bears no other Name being generally call'd Sultan Mirza i.e. Prince of the Realm Persons of Quality generally bear two Names besides a third which is a Title of Honor which last is commonly put behind as Assa Chan Beid that is Isa or Jesus Chan Lord which is quite contrary to the Christians who always place their Title before their Name How the Turks style the Persian Kings The Turkish Emperor in his Letters to the King of Persia doth not style him Schach but Schach Ogli that is A holy Mans or Prophets Son The King to be distinguish'd from other Persons wears a red Turbant differing in fashion from others with twelve Ribbons instituted by Schach Ismael in commemoration of the twelve Sons of Aaly from whom he boasted his Extract This Turbant which some call Tage or Tache is as much with them as a Crown with us Minadoi tells us that the first Calif or Mustaed Dini puts the said Turbant on the King's Head at his Coronation or taking upon him the Government The King also wears his Turbant after another manner than other People for that which they wear before he wears behind which none in all Persia dares do but himself upon pain of Death The Kingdom descends by Inheritance This Kingdom is Hereditary and the King 's eldest Son always succeeds him in the Throne So long as there be any Heirs of the lawful Wife they Inherit but for want of such those that are begotten on the Chassees or Concubines and for defect of such it devolves upon the deceased King's nearest Relations These as also those that boast themselves to be deriv'd from the old Sefi are call'd Schach Elwend or Schachavends that is Successor of Schach and have great Priviledges in the Countrey yet for the most part live very sparingly The Houses in which the King's Children are born they make priviledg'd places and if it be from the Court and in any remote place the House is immediately inclos'd with a Wall The Kings Arms. In ancient times the Kings of Persia bore a Crescent proper for their Coat of Arms as the Greeks the Sun but now it is quite contrary for the Persians bear a Sun and the Turks which possess Greece a Half-Moon But Schach Sefi bore in his Great Seal which was about the bigness of a Half-Crown nothing but this Inscription I Schach Sefi am a zealous Servant of the onely God and about the edges was Engraven Aaly they may say of you what they please I am always your Friend who before this Seal doth not account himself Dust and Earth though he be an Angel may he be turn'd to Dust and Ashes His Coronation The Coronation is celebrated in Ispahan though formerly at Cafa or Cufa near Bagdad but remov'd from thence by reason of the too near neighborhood of the Turks the manner of it is as followeth On a Table an Ell high they lay as many rich Carpets as there have been Kings of that Dignity since the beginning of Schach Ismael Sefi upon these they set their new King to whom the chief Chans carry the Crown which he kisses three times in the Name of GOD Mahomet and Aaly and then rubbing his Forehead with the same his Chamberlain whom they call Lele sets it upon his Head at which they all cry God save the King God grant him to Reign from one to a thousand years then kissing his Feet they bring him great Presents and spend the day in Mirth and Jollity Minadoy tells us that the chief Calif sets the Turbant or Tage on the King's Head at his entring into the Throne but they take no Oaths nor have any Restrictions laid upon them Their Burying-place The Kings and those of the Royal Family are generally bury'd at Ardebil and lie interr'd round about Schach Sefi's Tomb. When the King appears at any publick Meeting he is generally accompany'd besides twelve Courtiers with the Seder Minatzim and Hakim The Hakim is his Physician and tells him what Meat is wholsom and what unwholsom The Minatzim is his Astrologer who acquaints him with all the good and bad Hours wherein he is to undertake any great Design and is herein credited like an Oracle the King undertaking nothing without his Advice The Seder is the chief of the Clergy and is as the Muffi amongst the Turks elected by the King and Casi being generally a Learned Man well skill'd in the Alcoran and must be ready to give his Opinion on all such things as are demanded of him because according to his Judgment they pass Sentence Some Decrees are also Pass'd by the Seder himself who Sealing them with his own Signet sends the same to die King who writes under him This is the Opinion of the Seder which We confirm under which he puts his Great Seal The Causes of Citizens are Judg'd by other Lawyers who are call'd Orf and are under the chief Judge Diwanbeki who is no less experienc'd in the Mahumetan Tenents than the Seder Their Juridical Courts The Days on which they keep their Courts of Judicature are Mondays and Thursdays on which they meet at Ispahan near the King's Palace in a publick arch'd place where they hear and determine Causes and if any thing chance to come before them which they judge to be of too great consequence for them to decide then they order it to be heard before the King The Punishments of Offenders All Offenders or Criminals are punish'd with extream severity the manner whereof is several and many times invented by the Judges according to the nature of the Crimes but the most asual are to cut off their Noses Hands and Feet ripping
or their next Addresses But the reciprocal presenting of these Princes one to another they look upon as such a Due that they expect it as a Debt and the neglect thereof hath bred so much animosity as hath caus'd a War and particularly between the Turks and the Persians Anno 1618. because King Abbas had many years neglected his Presents which amounted to a very considerable value to the Grand Seignior Those that bring the Ambassador's Presents to the King are a poor sort of people kept by the King for that purpose To every Present are order'd as many people to carry it as there are pieces and several sorts of things for every man is to carry but one piece though never so small And makes great returns Moreover the Persians make very great Presents especially to Strangers who are oblig'd to make a Return of a greater value and if the Person that is presented fail therein he that presented him doth not onely cry and lament as if he had sustain'd a great loss but also demands his Gift again or the value thereof The King's Wives call'd Begum The Kings Wives are three or four besides a great number of Concubines the Queen is in the Persian Tongue call'd Begum which is properly a Turkish Word and signifies a Lady but this name is by the Persians not onely given to the Queen but also to the King's Daughters Sisters and Aunts This Queen is the chief of all his Wives to whom the rest shew obedience The rest have another Name besides that of Begum viz. Maria Begum Zeineh Begum c The King's Concubines cannot attain to the Honorable Title of Begum but are styl'd Chanum No Concubines so styl'd Chanum signifies properly amongst the Turks and Tartars my Queen but amongst the Persians onely an eminent Woman wherefore the Relations and Consorts of Noblemen bear that Denomination But if there be more than one Chanum in the house viz. a Consort a Sister a Mother or any else they distinguish them to avoid mistakes according to their Age Quality or Office calling the Chief the great Chanum the others the little Chanum the second Chanum c. if there be but one the Husband the Son and all else call her my Chanum except the Servants who say our Chanum and hereby they know the Masters of the House but this is onely customary amongst persons of great Quality The King's Concubines are commonly of several Foreign Nations for the King especially King Abbas Persian Women not respected delighted not in Women of his own Countrey nor in those of his Relations wherefore there are but few Persian women seen at the Court except it be some or the Chans Daughters or other Ladies of Honor. Most of the Kings Women are either born in Georgia Circassia Muscovy or Armenia and many of them Christians but are oblig'd upon their coming thither to turn Mahumetans There are also Tartars extracted from the Family of the Usbeghi but most of the King's Concubines are Georgians which are very beautiful of good deportment and noble Extract in their own Countrey How the King bestows His Concubines The King oftentimes gives his Concubines in Marriage to some or other of his Nobles and with her a Portion viz. a Camel to carry her to her Husband if he doth not live in the City a Chieceve that is a coulor'd Seat which according to the Custom of the Countrey being set upon the Camel she may sit therein with great ease as also a Chest with her Clothes and Bedding Linnen Plate Jewels and all things which she possess'd in the Haram also two thousand Duckets which his an inconsiderable Portion for they are bound to maintain her at another Rate In any Progress the King's Wives always travel before in the Night to prevent being seen by the vulgar Sort and in his absence ride in little close Seats which hang on a Camels side viz. on each side of the Camel one which when the Camel-drivers have fitted they retire while the Eunuchs help in the Ladies Eunuchs onely attend the Haram and why which Custom was first instituted by Schach Abbas upon this occasion The King on a time marching with his Army in the Night and overtaking a Camel that belong'd to his Haram whose Seat hung down on one side he call'd to the Camel-driver who not appearing the King in a rage lighting off from his Horse endeavor'd with his shoulders to lift up the same but finding it too heavy and remounting his Horse to discover what might be the Reason of it's extraordinary weight he saw the Lady that was therein embracing the Camel-driver which so enrag'd the King that calling several of his Officers about him he immediately caused the two Malefactors to be beheaded and since that time the Camel-drivers never meddle with any thing but hanging on the empty Seats and taking them off The Order how the Haram travels If the King's Wives travel in Company with him they always ride on Horse-back unveyl'd but strongly guarded Moreover the King on all such occasions always rides in the Middle of his Haram and spends his time in Discourse first with one and then with another And when the Women of the Haram travel alone or in company with the King they always go in the following order A League before march a certain number of Eunuchs who drive all those that they meet with both by Night and Day out of the Way that they may not meet the Haram nay they have Power to clear whole Towns and Villages and wound and kill all such as contest and will not retire The Women never seen unveyl'd The Eastern Princes account it a great Abomination for any of their Women to be seen by their Subjects for not onely Ladies of Quality but also the meanest Slaves that belong to the Court are never seen by any strange men but onely the King himself and his Eunuchs After them follows a Company of Soldiers call'd Jasacksi which are like the King's Life-guard who prevent all Persons of what Quality soever from passing to the Haram Haram what it means Because the Word Haram is often mention'd we will explain what it means Haram is an Arabick Word and signifies properly amongst the Arabians that which is forbidden and disallow'd by the Law The Persian-Mahumetans and those that inhabit the Eastern Countreys of Asia understand by the Haram the Seraglio of Concubines and accordingly when they intend to say that the King or Prince is in the Womens Lodgings they say The King c. is in the Haram the Servants of the Haram and so with all other things The Recreation of the King's Wives The King never travels abroad nay not to the Wars without his Haram The King's Wives recreate themselves every Wednesday in Ispahan with great freedom in the Street Tziaharbag and in the Gardens thereabouts where they are attended by many Ladies of Honor but during their
Cashan Theheran Hamadan Meschet and Kirman pay great Tributes to the King Della Valle affirms that in Ispahan and several other eminent Cities there are no Chans because they are Royal Cities and the King many times keeps his Court there On the Feast of Neuruz all annual Officers are chosen especially the Darago's the chiefest whereof enter upon their Employments in great State with the sound of many Instruments How they reverence the Kings The King 's Vice-Roys whither Sultans or Chans of what Degree soever when coming out of any remote Province to make their appearance before the King or when they take leave or are to return to their own Countreys they kneel on both Knees before the King and kiss his Feet and in testimony of Honor squeeze the same against their Foreheads which they do three several times This Ceremony they perform divers times as they walk about the King which they commonly do three times one after another thereby to manifest that those who perform this Ceremony make themselves Sureties against all Misfortunes whatsoever that may befall the King It is also a Custom amongst them to make a Circle with their Hands about the Heads of those whom they would shew Honor to and wish that all future Misfortunes and such as have already hapned unto them may fall on themselves This Action is accounted by them a sign of a perfect and faithful Friendship Thus much of the modern State and manner of Government in Persia now it will be necessary to give you a short Account after what manner it was Govern'd in former times THe King of Persia anciently styl'd himself The Great King especially at that time when they had conquer'd the Greeks But Suidas tells us that these Monarchs were not satisfi'd with this Title but assum'd to themselves the Title of The King of Kings as appears by the Inscription on Cyrus's Tomb. Their order of Succession The Sons of these Kings succeeded them which was also observ'd amongst the Parthians when they had made themselves Masters of this Realm and when the Persians were afterwards restor'd they still maintain'd the same Custom The eldest Son according to the Laws of Nature Inherited before the younger but if he was born before his Father came to the Crown then he that was first born after his being King succeeded him in the Throne They never gave the Crown to a one-ey'd squint-ey'd or deformed Person as appears by the squinting Son of Cahade or Robad who notwithstanding he was a valiant Man yet for the Blemish in his Sight was disinherited But when the Persian Monarchy began to decay this Custom was laid aside and the Crown became elective but the Nobility who had Voices therein still reserv'd it for those who were of Royal Extract Natural Sons succeeded not their Fathers in the Throne so long as there remain'd any that were legitimate yet notwithstanding the illegitimate Darius was chosen before Isogee lawful Son to Artaxerxes When the King at any time went out of his Dominions he was oblig'd to nominate a Deputy to Govern during his absence Ceremonies at Installing the King The Kings were by the Priests of their Countrey with great Ceremony Inaugurated after this manner viz. They were led into a Temple of a warlike Goddess where they pull'd off their Clothes and put on those which Cyrus us'd to wear when he was but a private Person which done they are a few Figs chew'd a little Turpentine and drank a draught of sower Milk They incircled the Heads of these new Kings with a Crown or Mitre and a Cydaris which was made of Purple and ty'd with a blue Ribbon mix'd with white King Sapor instead of a Crown wore a Cap made like a Rams Head beset with Precious Stones They also wore a Tiara or Turbant like those which the Magistrates of the several Provinces wore but with this distinction that those of the Kings stood upright and the other bended behind The Honor of putting the Crown on the Kings Head belong'd to a peculiar Person call'd Surene who was the second Nobleman in the Kingdom The Habit or Robes of the King The Kings of Persia also wore a long Vest hanging below their Ancles which was embroider'd with several Representations of Birds Beasts and the like and beset with Gold and Precious Jems They likewise wore a Coat with Sleeves call'd Candis differing from those of the other Persians both in colour being Purple and value moreover the Subjects durst not approach any Man without hiding their Hands in their Sleeves but the Kings held them out The Kings Habit as Xenophon says was also half purple and half white which none else might wear They likewise wore long Hair Pendants a Girdle and long Stockings like the other Persians They were honor'd like Gods for those that approach'd them bow'd not onely their Heads and Bodies but fell flat on their Faces with their Hands upon their Backs in which posture they lay as long as they suppos'd him to be in sight which was also perform'd by Strangers who were not permitted to see the King unless they promis'd to worship him after the Persian manner for otherwise they were forc'd to let him know their Business by Proxy or else in Writing which when he perus'd he return'd his Answer without being seen Those that Saluted the King wish'd him Everlasting Life and perpetual Government but he seldom appear'd to his People who were not permitted to set a Foot into the Royal Palace without his Majesty's leave but his Noblemen waited without at the Door to receive his Commands His Throne was of massie Gold which none durst touch and if at any time the King went abroad they strew'd the Streets and Ways which he was to pass with Flowers and every where burnt Perfumes They likewise kept the Kings Birth-day every year with making of Offerings and other great testimonies of joy and whence dy'd the whole Kingdom Mourn'd for five days together during which time all Courts of Judicature were shut up Their C●urts very un●●●tai● but magnificent These great Princes had no setled place of Residence but spent the Winter in Babylon the Lent at Susa and the Summer at Ecbataue besides which they had several other Royal Palaces as at Pasargades and Persepolis but when the Parthians were Masters of Persia Chusistan was the chief Seat of the Realm Their Royal Palaces were very stately and magnificent having many great Officers attendant insomuch that Apuleius call'd them The Houses of Gold They would never eat of any other Bread but what was brought out of the Province of Aeolia Their Di●● and of all things the Kingdom afforded the First-fruits were sent to the King also their Salt Armoniack was brought to them out of Egypt They drank of the Wine Chaliboonien brought from Assyria and no other Water but what was taken out of the Stream Choaspes which glides by Susa The Inhabitants of those Places through
Caspian Sea and many more are at this day so full of Georgian and Circassian Inhabitants amongst whom the Vulgar who are the greatest number remain Christians yet are but meanly instructed by reason their Pastors are both few and ignorant but the Nobles and most of the Soldiers as also many of the common People stirr'd up partly by ambition and partly out of covetousness hoping that by changing their Religion they might obtain something from the King who was always favorable to such Apostates and gave them Gifts continually to draw them to his Opinion and partly forc'd thereto by necessity are turn'd Mahumetans With these kind of People the King's Army was so much increas'd that Anno 1622. he had above thirty thousand Georgians besides a great number of Circassians and some strange Armenians some of which bore the chief Command as well in the Army as Civil Government of the Countrey and were rais'd to many of the highest Dignities as Sultans and Chans But besides these a great number of them not onely of the Vulgar but also of the Nobility who resisting the Persians at their coming into Georgia were subdu'd and by force brought from thence and made perpetual Slaves the number whereof was formerly so great that there was scarce a House in all Persia which was not full of them The Georgian Women much desir'd by the Persian Nobility None of the Persian Nobility but covet to Marry with a Georgian rather than their own Countrey Women because they are generally more beautiful and well Limb'd King Abbas himself had his Court full of them both Men and Women and scarce made use of any other But to return to Teimuraz Teimuraz flies to the Turks who assist him with an Army who spent some time in ranging through the Countreys of other Princes at last he went into the Turks Dominions where staying some years he was made Governor of the City Cogni and some other places of Cappadocia being for the most part inhabited by Greek Christians During his abode here he study'd how to revenge himself on the Persians and to get footing again in his own Countrey and at length in 1618. obtain'd a potent Army of Turks and Tartars besides his own Militia which for the most part consisted in the Nobility of Georgia who had declar'd themselves on his side and many others who had always faithfully serv'd and accompany'd him during his Misfortunes These Nobles also took their Wives Arm'd and Mounted on good Horses along with them who following the Examples of their Husbands performed many heroick Acts. Teimuraz thus reinforc'd march'd farther into Persia than ever any of the Turks Armies had done before and at last came up to the City Ardebil which being by the Persians accounted a holy place or Sanctuary because of the Tomb of their prime Saint Schach Sefi and the Royal Seat of the King he endeavor'd by all means possible to destroy whil'st the Serdar or General Hali Bassa should with another Army of three hundred thousand Turks and Tartars keep the Persians employ'd in another part This General had also Command that however it hapned he should endeavor to make himself Master of Ardebil and afterwards settle Teimuraz Chan and Dellu Melik again in their Dominions and also to Winter in some convenient place in Carabag and re-take the Province of Scirvan and the Metropolis Schamachie This Dellu Melik was a Melik or Armenian Lord and formerly a Christian but apostatiz'd and became Substitute to the King of Persia against whom he rebell'd for the King having commanded him to carry all the Armenian Christians to Ferhabad he on the contrary carry'd them to Georgia where he united himself with Temuraz Chan who both submitted themselves to the Turks protection and by this means Melik became a great Enemy of the Persians and had himself been in the last Fight Mean while two Capigies or Messengers came into the Turkish Army with great speed from the Grand Seignior at Constantinople to the Serdar or General to tell him that he should endeavor to make as advantageous an Agreement with the Persians as he could possible and return with all expedition to Constantinople because the Europeans had invaded him in other parts so that this great preparation of the Turks came to nothing to the loss of many of his Men whil'st the Persian return'd Conqueror to his Court Teimuraz also march'd back to his Countrey which the Turk had given him to Govern The Province of Guriel Situation of Guriel Southward from Mengrelia and beyond the Black Sea on the Borders of Cappadocia Trabizonde and Cogni lies a Province call'd Guriel which as Della Valle affirms being a part of Cappadocia or Colchos and lying more Southerly from Imereti than Mengrelia was Anno 1620. Govern'd by one of the two last Princes call'd Jese and the other Prince Govern'd Mengrelia The Province of Mengrelia anciently Colchis The Borders of Mengrelia THe Countrey which the Ancients call'd Colchis is at this day by the Inhabitants nam'd Dadian and Odisci and by the Turks Mengrelia It borders in the East upon the River Fas or Faso by the Inhabitants nam'd Rione near the Province of Imereti or Basciaciuk in the South looks upon Guriel in the North touches the Countrey of the Abcassians in the West conterminates with the Black Sea and Circassian Mountains and in the North-East respects at some distance Mount Caucasus Niger and Ananias make it to border in the East upon Georgia in the West at a Bay of the Black Sea in the North at the Asiatick Sarmatia and in the South on a part of Cappadocia and the Countrey of Trebizonde towards the side of the Black Sea and a part of Great Armenia From Constantinople they can travel in less than eight days by Water into Mengrelia which is the best and most populous Countrey of all Georgia The Air of this Province is very moist by reason of its Situation The Air. for on the one side it hath Mount Caucasus out of which flow many Streams The Woods with which it is overgrown prevent the swift passing of the Clouds and the nearness of the Sea and constant Winds which blow from the same bring commonly Mists and Rain The Inhabitants afflicted with many Diseases The Inhabitants are generally troubled with the Spleen which turns to the Dropsie if they use not good Medicines The Tertian and Quartan Agues are also very common here Ancient People commonly die of Rheums and Apoplexies Youth of the Jaundise and Dropsie The Cold is also very great here though there is no appearance of it till the latter end of December from which time there likewise falls abundance of Snow till April The Countrey is very Morassie near the Sea but very Hilly up into the Inland Rivers in this Countrey Mengrelia is also divided by several Rivers which like most of the great Rivers of Asia have their head Springs in Mount Caucasus and disembogue into the
Parties who make Responces one to another often repeating the word Ohi. This time of Mourning sometimes lasts three years The Bishop also celebrates Mass for the Deceased to his great benefit getting many times five hundred Crowns After Mass is finish'd they all give the Bishop a Treat and new Habits to all the Priests which attended the Funeral for the greatest Costs and Charges which they bestow on any thing is on these Solemnities They also invite the Prince or Lord of the Countrey to mourn over the Deceased whose Dogs they place under one Pavilion his Horses under another and under a third his Sword as also other things which he us'd when he was living The Prince being naked from his Middle upwards and bare-footed falls on his Knees under each Pavilion where giving himself several blows on the Face he cries prays and sighs after which rising he goes to the House of the Person which invited him where a Feast is prepar'd for him and also a Present Commemoration of the Dead The next day after Easter-day is the Commeration of the Deceased on which they carry Meat to the Graves where they set a Chest strew'd on the top with Flowers putting also a lighted Wax-Candle thereon The Priest having Consecrated the M●at they carry it to a great Tree which stands before the Temple where each Family eat their own This kind of making Merry they believe to be a very meritorious Act. Physicians are highly approv●d here There is no Place in the World where Physians are better receiv'd and approv'd of and especially French and Italians of which when they get one they endeavor by all means to stay him in their Countrey and the reason of this may be because they have none of their own but a sort of Women who pretend experience and knowledge in the Vertue and Preparation of some medicinal Plants and Drugs They give no other Food to their Sick but stamp'd Barley mix'd with some Leaves of Coriander and a little Wine In the greatest Feavers they cover the Patient with Willow Leaves They never Purge them unless desir'd and then give them the Juice of Tithimal or Devils-Milk They also make use of Rhubarb infus'd into some kind of Liquor proper against Feavers and Agues Those that have onely Physick to provoke Seige pass for able Physicians in this Countrey For Feavers they have learnt this Medicine from the Abcassians viz. They put the Patient into the coldest Water that can be got in all the Countrey and hold him a considerable time therein by two lusty Fellows and this they account an infallible Remedy How they go to War All the Mengrelians go to War insomuch that the Prince notwithstanding the Countrey is but small is able in a short time to raise thirty thousand Men but commonly every House provides one Man but all the Nobility in general are obliged to follow their Prince As these People are mightily inclin'd to Warring so they carry all the best things they have with them They never make any Attempts in the Night but spend it in Mirth and Jollity They keep no Order or Discipline in their Battels yet nevertheless they gain daily remarkable Conquests on the Prince of Imereti or Basciaciuk's Subjects and force the Prince himself to be always in a posture of Defence sometimes driving him to the City of Cottis and compelling his Subjects to secure themselves in the Mountains whensoe're the Dadians make an Invasion into his Countrey The Dadian having of late years endeavor'd to make himself Master of his Countrey and to that purpose caus'd his Guns to be carry'd thither but having no Persons that were able to manage a Siege he was forc'd to desist The Women as well as the Men travel on Horseback with a sharp Crown'd Hat made of Cloth Lin'd with Sable Skins and with Embroider'd Coats Ladies of Honor according to the Custom of the Countrey generally follow their Princess in rich Habits Page also comes after with a Foot-stool cover'd with Velvet and Embroider'd with Silver on which they mount and dismount their Horses When the Court travels it is a most pleasant Sight to behold the several troops of Ladies all mounted on stately Steeds follow the Prince They are very hospitable to Strangers The Mengrelians are for the most part very civil and hospitable to Strangers the greatest Lords accounting themselves oblig'd if a Stranger request any thing of them When they salute any Person they kneel down on the Ground To those that bring them good tydings they give a Spoonful of Sugar which the Prince with his own Hand puts into the Mouths of his Messengers Their Govement The Countrey of Mengrelia is at this day Govern'd by a supream Prince who is styl'd Chesilpes Dadian Chesilpes signifies King and Dadian is the Name of his Family he is one of the powerfullest Princes of this Countrey yet not deriv'd from the Kings of Georgia but from one of his Commanders or Servants who took this part of the Dominion into his possession of which he was Eristave or Governor The Royal Seat of the Dominion The ancient Kings of Georgia kept their Seat in the City Cottis and sent Deputies into the several Provinces to manage Affairs of State and Government the most eminent whereof was the Eristave of Odisci or Colchis call'd Dadian One of these Kings of Georgia which then posses'd the whole Countrey between the Caspian and Black Sea to Mount Taurus and Azerum and Northerly to Caffa divided his Dominion amongst his Children keeping nothing for himself but the Territories of Basciaciuk or Imereti Odisci Samsche and Guriel which also were Govern'd by his Eristaves The Turk on the one side sensible of his weakness took from him the City Teflis eight days Journey from Azerum and on the other side the Persian took Taurus and all that part of his Realm which lies between Taurus and Gaguete The State thus impair'd the Eristaves or Vice-Roys of the other Provinces found themselves to be almost as powerful as the King himself and therefore let slip no opportunity to make themselves absolute Matters of the Places which they Govern'd The occasion of the first Revolt Upon a Set-day on which all the Kings Deputies sat with him at the Table his Cup-bearer after Dinner proffer'd him Drink as also all the other Nobles in order according to the Custom of the Countrey by virtue of which all those that had the Cup presented to them are oblig'd to make Presents to the Cup-bearer each according to his Quality Next after the King the Cup was presented to Dadian who before he made his Present ask'd Artabeg one of those that sat near him and accounted the most ingenious and eminent Person at the Court what Present he intended to give the Cup-bearer whereupon Artabeg answering A hundred Crowns mov'd Dadian to make one far greater which Artabeg observing promis'd the Cup-bearer a thousand Crowns upon the delivery of the
Their Midwives which they call Dayas use also the dry'd beaten Fruit by mixing Betel amongst the same to force away the Secundine Many Precious Stones found here Between the Island Zeilan and the Cape of Comori near the Island Manar the Natives Fish for Pearl The Kingdoms of Decan and Golconda afford the Inhabitants excellent Diamonds India also produces Topazes Berils Rubies which the Arabians call Yacut Hyacinths Granats Smaragds Chrysolites Amethysts Agats Bezoar-stones and Borax Some Places also yield Gold and Silver and all manner of other Metals The Seasons in India are much differing from ours and one Coast from another Little Rain in India In Suratte and through all India there falls little or no Rain excepting at the Season in the Countrey Language call'd Pausecal which lasting about three Months begins in June and by reason of these constant Rains some name these three Months Winter Notwithstanding at this time as well in India as in other Countreys lying in 23 Degrees from the Equinoctial Line they feel the greatest and powerfullest Heat On all the Coasts of India the Rainy Seasons begin not at one time 's for it begins first in the Southern Countrey from the Cape Comoryn and runs from thence to the Northern Parts wherefore it begins later in Cambaya and other Northerly Places than at Goa where it appears on the eleventh of May. Wherefore the farther the Places lie to the Northward the longer it is before the Rainy Season comes thither And for the same reason the Persians in their Table-books and Almanacks set the down the Rainy Seasons to begin in India on the fifteenth of their third Month which they call Cordad and according to our Account of Time falls out on the twenty third of May For these Almanacks are made suitable to the Latitude of the Northern Countreys as to Cambaya Surat and many other Places where the Portuguese drive the greatest Trade The beginning of their Winter and Summer From the Kingdom of Cambaya which is the first Westward to the Cape of Comoryn along the Coast of Malabar Winter begins about the latter end of April and continues till August and at the same time from this Cape to the Coast of Cormandel it is Summer and the contrary in the following Moneths when it is Summer every where else for from August to April so long as it is Winter in the Eastern parts of India or on the Coast of Cormandel the Inhabitants Westward on the Coast of Malabar enjoy plenty of Summer Weather whenas both these Places lie under one Climate and in one Latitude Benefit of the great Rains Many years since it hath been found by experience that this Rain having continu'd some days in India and ceasing and fair Weather following for many Weeks after it begins to Rain with greater violence than before and therefore without doubt this Rain is the onely work of Divine Providence because India without these great Rains would not be inhabitable in those times by reason of the exceeding Heat and Drought which is made temperate by the Rain which also moistens the Ground being before parch'd and burnt and not onely makes these Countreys habitable but also fruitful causing the Ground to produce all things in a plentiful manner whil'st the Air grows much sweeter and pleasanter and much healthier for all Persons There is also this difference in respect of the several remote Countreys viz. the Rain being sooner and much more in one place than the other as in Bagnola and along the Coast of Cormandel to the Island Ceilon it begins and ends a Moneth sooner than on the Coast of Malabar In Bagnola the rainy Season continues four Moneths and sometimes it Rains eight days and Nights without ceasing whenas in Doly and Agra it is nothing near so vehement nor of that continuance three or four days passing together without a drop of Rain and commonly from Sun-rise till nine or ten a clock it Rains very little or not at all But the most remarkable difference is that the Rain which falls in these several places comes out of divers parts of the World as towards the City of Dely it comes out of the East in which Bengala lies whenas there and on the Coast of Cormandel it comes out of the South and on the Coast of Malabar always out of the West According as the Summer Heats come earlier or later or are hotter or milder so the rainy Season comes also sooner or later falls in more or less abundance and continues longer or shorter It seldom Rains at Dely till after several days abundance of Clouds are driven Westward Lastly this rainy or tempestuous Season is commonly by a corrupt Arabick word call'd Mauzon Mausem Anciently five thousand great Cities in India Ancient Geographers relate that in former Ages five thousand great Cities flourish'd in India the best of which was Nysa in which as the Natives affirm Father Liber or Bacchus was born and to this day all the Towns and Cities in India are very large and populous which is no wonder considering the Indians an ancient People never went out of their native Countrey Bacchus was the first that marching with his Army into India subdu'd them after which the Persians vanquish'd and possess'd the Countrey lying between the Indus and Ganges till Alexander having vanquish'd Darius defeated Porus King of India after this it enjoy'd the happiness of a luxuriant Peace every one under his peculiar King till they were invaded by the Portuguese the first whereof was Vasques de Gama who setting Sail Anno 1497 from Spain discover'd the Sea-Coasts from India after which others of the same Nation and lastly the English and Hollanders about the latter end of the last Age have made farther Inspections into these Countreys Their general Name All the Inhabitants of India are by a general Name call'd Indig or Indians though they have several other Titles given them according to their several Qualities or the divers Countreys wherein they reside All the Indians along the Coast of Cormandel Division and other Countreys thereabouts are divided into four Tribes viz. those of the Brahmanes Settrea's Weinsja's or Benjans and Soutra's others add a fifth but themselves think it not worthy to be reckon'd amongst them Diodorus Siculus and Strabo anciently divided these People into seven Tribes who all follow'd several Employments or Studies and amongst these the first were the Philosophers which without doubt were the Brahmans or Brahmines concerning whom they say that as amongst Beasts The Brahmans highly esteem'd the Cows amongst Birds the Gorouda which is a red Sparrow with a white Circle about the Neck amongst Trees the Rawasistow is the most esteemed so likewise amongst Men the Brahmans are best belov'd of God and therefore are highly reverenc'd and honor'd by their own Natives The Vedam or Law-Book hath not a little added to the Honor of this Tribe for by that Law no Brahman can be put to death
through whose Countreys the River runs The Brahmans derive the Sanctity of this River from Heaven and confirm their Fancy with many ridiculous Fables yet they firmly believe the same because their Vedam or Law-book doth confirm it All the foremention'd ways the Heathens practise to obtain remission of their sins and if any chance not to have endeavor'd the same yet they believe that their Friends or Relations which survive may do something for their benefit after Death particularly they carry and throw the Bones of the Deceased into the holy River Ganges which they firmly believe will turn much to the Deceased's advantage who for every year that their Bones lie in the said River they shall enjoy a thousand years of pleasure in Dewendre Thirty Leagues Southward from Casi lies a City call'd Goya where it is said that God setting his Foot on a great Stone left the print thereof behind him which is yet to be seen Round about this City is a Fort for the preservation of the foremention'd Relick Those that go in Pilgrimage to Preyaga commonly spend a whole month there and wash themselves daily before the Sun rises in the River Ganges after the expiration of which they go from thence to Casi where also they spend a considerable time they come again to Gaga where making a Paste of fine Flour they lay several pieces thereof on the foremention'd Stone naming at the laying down of each piece one of their deceased Friends who as their Vedam or Law-book affirms are deliver'd out of Jamma Locon or Hell and convey'd to the place of Dewendre They maintain that the Wicked shall meet with more or less punishment after this Life according to their deserts and that some after Death are punish'd in this World and others in some other place They also believe that the Souls of some when they die transmigrate into other Bodies Amongst those whose Souls are transmigrated into the Bodies of Beasts they account those which enter into a Cow the most happy because of all Beasts that is most acceptable to their God Some they believe are for their sins condemn'd to be evil Spirits flying up and down in the Air till the time of their punishment be expir'd Those that are not punish'd in the World are tortur'd in Jamma or Hell though some are releas'd after the expiration of many years and coming again into this World enter into one or other Body yet some never return from thence but are for ever punish'd there viz. those that are put into the Antam Tappes that is The Pit of Darkness out of which none can come but must remain there for ever and undergo perpetual torments the place being full of Thistles and Thorns Crows with Iron Bills devouring Dogs stinging Worms and all things else to make them miserable Moreover they affirm that there are five deadly Sins never to be forgiven viz. 1. To commit Incest with their Mother by the word Mother they not onely understand their natural Mother but also their Mother-in-law and the Wife of their Masters or Tutors 2. To kill a Brahman 3. To steal Gold 4. To be a Drunkard and 5. To converse with them As to what concerns the condition of those that are esteem'd happy after Death they give this Account That some of them return again to the World after the expiration of a certain limited time though others attain a perpetual and everlasting happiness at the first That such as are ordain'd to come a second time into the World have seven places appointed for them viz. Indre-Locon or Dewendre-Lokon Agni-Locon Niruti-Locon Wajoiva-Locon Cubera-Locon Isanja-Locon and Wasrouna-Locon all of them so call'd from the Persons which Govern them Those which come into these Places enjoy so much happiness in them that they wish for no greater and every one accounts his own Place the best But besides these seven which are call'd by the general Name of Dewendre-Locon or Surgam there is another call'd Bramma-Locon the place where Bramma resides and is the nearest Heaven Those which go thither after Death must after the expiration of some years return again into the World where having stay'd their appointed time they certainly go to Heaven for ever to enjoy all manner of Delights and Pleasures Those that inhabit the Surgam they name Deweta's which are of two sorts some staying there onely for a time return again into the World after which they enjoy all manner of Pleasures Other Deweta's stay for ever in the Surgam as also the Sun Moon Stars c. They also beget Children in the Surgam where they affirm no sins are committed because God himself appearing therein instructs them Moreover the happiest that depart from hence are those which attain to the Weicontam which is Heaven it self But the Brahmans make mention of two Weicontams a Lila-Weicontam that is The Delightful Heaven and a Singel-Weicontam where God himself hath his Residence Thus far of the Religion of the Brahmans and other Heathen Idolaters The Religion Customs and Constitution of the Hassenists or Moors MAny years since the Mahumetan Religion was brought by the Arabians Persians and Moors into India where it hath gotten no small footing having gain'd many Proselytes insomuch that most of the Nobility nay the Great Mogol himself is a Mahumetan as also the Kings of India Cambaya and Bengala which sprang from hence The Moors which were brought as Slaves into India after some time making themselves Masters of the Countrey forc'd the Idolaters to embrace their Religion Yet although these Mahumetans have the Alcoran like the Turks and use it yet they differ in many-things for the Turks onely worship God and Mahomet but the Indian Mahumetans reverence also Aaly and his Son Hassan but chiefly Hassan whom they account their chiefest Mediator yet they agree in all outward Ceremonies of Marriage Burying Eating and Praying with the Persians and Arabians They also go without Shoes into their Metzids or Temples where when many of them are in company they stand in Rows with their Faces towards the South whil'st the Molla or Priest standing before them fixes his Eyes on a place in the Walk which hath an Inscription upon it and shakes both his Arms up and down like a Bird that is going to flie which all die Congregation imitate in silence after which the Priest and People falling down on their Knees bow their Heads down to the Ground which some kiss and standing up again perform the same five several times together which done they salute God and their Prophet Hassan in these words Ssalom Alecum then they Pray aloud after the Molla after which some go away again and others staying in the Temple discourse one with another about worldly Affairs as if on an Exchange and also take Tobacco in the same to which purpose many carry a Steel Flint and Tinder with Pipes and Tobacco at their Girdle Amongst them are commonly two or three Barbers who carry Raisins a Steel Mirror and a Copper
whom the Great Mogol is displeas'd The Skins of the foremention'd Chans being stuff'd were hung on a high Pole erected near the Maidan and their Flesh thrown to the Dogs Soon after which the King caus'd their Wives and Children to be Beheaded and sent out Soldiers to kill their Relations which dwelt up and down in the Countrey which was accordingly perform'd and their Heads brought before the King The Court Splendor Magnificence and Riches of the Great Mogol THe Ancient Seat of the Mogol Kings was at Deli but King Ecbar remov'd his Court to Agra and by reason of the loss of his two Sons there built another Magnificent Palace and call'd the same Pateful or Fatefur Since the Conquering of the Kingdom of Lahor the Metropolis thereof being of the same denomination with the Kingdom was chose to be the Royal Seat of the Kings Texeira tells us That the King spends one part of the Year in the City Lahor and the other in Agra the two eminentest Cities of the Kingdom and in the Heart of Indostan Others affirm That the City Agra is the Chief Residence of the King in the Winter besides which he hath several other Towns and Fortresses wherein he resides in the Summer Season viz. from the latter end of March till the beginning of August sometimes at Gasmir sometimes at Cabul and sometimes in Mandoa The King's Houses are generally built of Marble or white Alabaster and the Wall 's inlaid with Gold The Description of the Mogols Court at Lahor The Court at Lahor is seated in a very delightful place near the River Zunnenena being inclos'd within a fair Freestone Wall on which are mounted several Guns On that side which is towards the City it hath a Gate or Entrance before which is a spacious Quadrangular Plain on which the most eminent Traders keep their Shops On each side of the Gate is a huge Elephant cut in Stone where stand several Centinels About half a Mile inwards from the Gate you come to the Namchas or the Court where the King appears daily to his Subjects which being a large Place is built round with Lodgings for the Amurouwen or Nobles who stay in them till the King comes to his Throne when every one of them must appear before him standing in their several Places The King's Throne is first encompass'd with a large Wooden Rail within which stand all the Servants with Wooden Clubs and within this Rail is another of Silver about which stand the Kings Guards clad in red Cloth embroyder'd with Gold and Arm'd with Swords Shields and Silver Truncheons Within this Rail lie many rich Golden Quilts In the midst of the Square stands the Throne rais'd about a Mans height from the Ground and is of massy Gold emboss'd with Precious Stones and richly enamell'd As to what concerns the Kings Attendance at Court it is very Magnificent and exceeds all the other Eastern Princes The Persons which wait upon him daily are 12000 in number besides 1200 Concubines and 600 Eunuchs which he buying as Slaves trains them up in all manner of Warlike Exercises so to enable them to serve him on any occasion t' Hof vanden grooten Mogol Assafchan Lord of twelve thousand Horse on an Elephant Matemetchan Lord of five thousand Horse Assaletchan Lord of four thousand Horse Chalilchan Lord of three thousand Horse Serrendas Bhadux Lord of two thousand Horse Mocker Metchan and Jufferchan each of them Lord of five thousand Horse The Contelwael of the Army Lord of a thousand Horse Zabberdeischan Lord of a thousand Horse Chaine Waschan and Terbiatchan each of them Lord of three thousand Horse The King 's second Son Sultan Siousa Lord of twenty five thousand Horse accompany'd by the following Noblemen ziz Zatschan Lord of five thousand Horse Ragia Siessing Commander of seven thousand Horse Nosebetchan Lord of three thousand Horse Ragia Ammersing Lord of five thousand Horse All which were to meet with these Lords following about Candahar viz. Noosserichan Commander of seven thousand Horse Chanchan and Chamia Statchan each Commanders of seven thousand Horse Vasuerchan and Zeldchan each Commanding five thousand Horse A Ragia Governor of Candahar Commander of ten thousand Horse besides many other Grandees as well Ragias as Eunuchs of great Command The King's Train Behind the King came about a hundred and fifty Elephants with Blunderbusses and Field-Pieces fastned in little Towers on their Backs then came a great number of Soldiers carrying several Fire-works as also a mighty Train of Horse and Foot and the Eunuchs of Zackebbegem the King's Daughter famous for her Beauty sitting in a Chair which being cover'd with Cloth of Gold and rich Embroidery was carry'd on the Backs of two Elephants accompany'd by four hundred Ladies on Horseback and in Sedans besides sixty of seventy Elephants which in Houses cover'd with Sarsanet carry'd also many Ladies of Honor Before the King's Children came several hundreds of Horses richly caparison'd with golden Saddles and Bridles beset with Diamonds Rubies and Saphires the rest with silver Saddles and Bridles next follow'd sixty or seventy Elephants with the King's Standards and golden Caparisons then came twenty Wayns with four Wheels and a hundred with two as also fifty Palakins and Sedans all richly cover'd The King's Baggage was laden on several hundreds of Wayns Camels and Mules besides three hundred Elephants which carry'd the Tents and Ammunition Upon the King's coming to Lahor the Chancellor Asselchan dying Issalamchan Lord of five thousand Horse and Governor of Bengala being chosen in his stead went on the tenth of September through Agra to Lahor There also dy'd Matemetchan General of the King's Horse which Office he gave to the Duke of Asselletchan The King not long after sent for his second Son Sultan Siousa from Candahar to Lahor whe he was no sooner come but he had the Government of the great and little Kingdoms of Bengala given him whither he went with Hastchan a Commander of five thousand Horse After his departure the King went with his whole Army to Cabul but without effecting any thing At the same time the Mogol sent an Ambassador to the Tartar with an exceeding rich Present valu'd at thirty six thousand pound in return for which he sent an Agent with forty or fifty lame Horses seventy starv'd Camels and a hundred Sheep whereby it appear'd how little he regarded the Mogol The splendor King Choram's Court King Choram kept an incomparable splendid Court his Dishes Basons Urns Kitchin Utensils Candlesticks which ten Men were scarce able to carry the Poles which supported his Tents the Palakins the Houses on the Elephants Bridles and Stirrups for the Horses Sedans and Chariots of his Concubines Bedsteads and many other things being all of Gold and beset with Diamonds Rubies Emeraulds Pearls and other Precious Stones This King also wore an Armlet of Diamonds valu'd at ten Tuns of Gold the biggest thereof weighing above a hundred and twenty Carracks was ground oval and
Garden Fruit. Barley mix'd with chopt Straw serves in all those Eastern Countreys the Horses in stead of Oats there growing none here Candahar often changes its Lords The Territory of Candahor hath many strong holds viz. Calabust on the Borders of Persia Samandower lying between Calabust and Candahar and many others The Countrey and City of Candahar lying between Persia and the Mogol's Realm often changes its Lord being one day under the Jurisdiction of the Persians and another under the Mogols though at present under the first and hath in this later Age been the occasion of a great War between the Mogols and Persians Ananias from the information of a Persian call'd Anvadat saith that the King of Balassy first gave this Countrey to the Persian for assisting him against the Mogollans and Tartars yet Jarrick tells us that the King of Candahar whom he calls Candazar gave his Realm to the Great Mogol when he was not able to defend it any longer against Abduxan King of Usbeck The King of Persia himself pretends in a Letter written to the Chans of Sciras that the Province of Candahar always belong'd to the Crown of Persia and that the Mogol had unjustly taken it from him which is confirm'd by F. Bernier who saith that the Mogol King Ecbar taking Candahar from the Persians by force kept the same during his Life When it became subject to the Great Mogol and its several vicissitudes Anno 1618. the City of Candahar became subject to the Great Mogol for the Persian Governor thereof whether out of dislike to the Persian Government or whether Brib'd with a great Sum of Money selling the Countrey and Garrisons to the Great Mogol entred into his Service according to the Examples of other Persians Chorazans and Usbecks who Listed themselves in the foremention'd Prince's Service The Persian hath often demanded the same again by Ambassadors as in the Year 1622. a little before it was re-taken by Schach Abbas King of Persia who march'd thither some Months before with a mighty Army to Fight against the Great Mogol According to the Letter which the King sent to his Peers the City Candahar was not taken by violence but the Townsmen surrendred themselves and most of the Inhabitants de serted the same with all their Goods because they were sensible that the City could not be defended against so vast an Army there being not above eight hundred in it After this Candahar fell again into the hands of Schach Jehan not by force of Arms but by means of the Governor Alimerdancan who also surrendred himself he having before been suspected of Treason by the King of Persia who had sent for him to give an Account of his Transactions Anno 1649. in February the Fortress Candahar after a Siege of forty days and discharging of many great Guns which made two Breaches in the City Walls was taken again by Schach Abbas the Second The Indostans had not surrendred the Fort so soon had they not wanted Provisions and Gunpowder It is a wonder that this Fortress of Candahar standing on the Borders of two mighty Kingdoms and having been so often contested for was not better furnish'd with Ammunition and Provisions but perhaps the Mogol suppos'd that his Ambassadors whom Schach Abbas put off with Delays would have concluded a Peace the Soldiers in Garrison else fighting very valiantly insomuch that they could not be discern'd to abate any thing of their courage notwithstanding the foremention'd want After the conquering of the City a Persian Horseman or Quizilbasci was commanded to stand upon the Guard without the Gate till such time as all the Indostan Soldiers were come out of the fame as a testimony of the Persians Victory against the Indostans he was Accoutred in this manner viz. On his Back hung a Tyger's Skin on his Head in stead of a Turbant he wore a round Copper Helmet with a Plume of Feathers hanging down behind on both sides of the same in his Hand he held a Truncheon On the fifth day after the Conquest the Indostan Soldiers march'd out of the City to Cabul lying eight days Journey from Candahar They were according to the Agreement not allow'd to take any thing with them more than what each Man could carry on his Horse and not without being search'd because some things were forbidden them to meddle with The Citizens for the most part promising to be obedient to the King of Persia staid in the Town Myrub Chan who had conquer'd the Fortress Bust was made Governor of Candahar and charg'd on pain of Death to be very careful in the preservation of it After Schach Abbas had conquer'd the City and Fortress of Candahar and given order for repairing of the demolish'd Walls he went with his Army back to the City of Herat. Some days after Myrub Chan the new-made Governor of Candahar sent a flying Post to the King to inform him That it was certainly reported the Mogol was coming towards Candahar with six hundred thousand Men and that one of his Sons was already entred into the City Cabul with ten thousand Men which being affirm'd by several Messengers that came one after another the King sent his Chans back with the Army immediately to Candahar where the Persians in good order expected the Mogol to give him Battel The Mogol's Army coming thither three days after Encamp'd at first about half a Mile distant from the Persians whilst the Trumpets sounding the Indostans with loud shouts fell in amongst their Troops which consisted most in Oxen and some ordinary Tartarian Horses the Persian Horses being too dear for a common Mogol Trooper to buy The Battel being very fierce at first the Persians behav'd themselves very valiantly and when their Reserve came up with them they unawares fell upon both Wings of the Enemy breaking their Ranks and killing their General who had behav'd himself nobly but ventur'd too far amongst the Persians and putting them to flight kill'd great numbers of them in the pursuit yet there were about six thousand Persian and not above two thousand Indostans slain in this Battel The Indostans left all their Ammunition and Provisions to the disposal of the Persians whilst the Mogol having no mind to adventure any farther march'd back with his Army The Persian Chans leaving half their Army before Candahar Encamp'd themselves before the City and march'd back to Herat with the other half Candahar Besieged Whilst the Persians possess'd Candahar it was twice Besieg'd in vain by the Mogol Schach Jehan the first time it escap'd being taken partly by ill Conduct and private Correspondence of the Persian Omrahs that were in the Mogol's Service and the most eminent at his Court and partly by the Respect they bare to their native Prince for they all behav'd themselves very ill and would not follow the Raja Roup who had already planted his Standards on the Walls towards the side of the Mountains The second time it was hapned not to be taken
by means of Oranchzef who would not Storm that part of the Wall where the English French Portuguese and Dutch had planted great Guns for which this was his reason viz. because he would not have it to be said that the Fortress of Candahar should be conquer'd in Darasja's time who was the first Agitator of this Design and at that time resident with his Father in the City of Cabul Schach Jehan some years before these last Troubles was also resolv'd to Besiege Candahar a third time had not Emir Jemla and Aly Merdaman disswaded him from it and advis'd him to send his Forces towards Decan Lastly King Oranchzef like his Predecessors in these later years made Preparations to Besiege Candahar whether because he was provok'd thereto by Letters which the King of Persia had sent to him or for the bad Entertainment and Disgrace which his Ambassador Tarbietcan receiv'd from him is uncertain but being inform'd of the King of Persia's Death he retreated alledging as some say that he would not War against a Child but this seems not very probable for Schach Soliman who succeeded his Father was then twenty five years old Calabust taken by the Persian An. 1649. the Persians took the Fortress Calabust from the Mogol which hapned after the following manner viz. On the fourth of January in the Afternoon the Persian Army came before the Fortress which was Garrison'd with seventeen hundred Indostans under the Command of an Indian Prince call'd Bourdelchan the principal Officers were Alichan of Meschet and Asolachan from Kilan with twenty thousand Men but the chief Command was given to Myrub Chan because he had formerly surrendred the said Place to the Mogols upon Articles of Agreement Mean while Schach Abbas King of Persia went from thence to his grand Army at Candahar ten days Journey with the Cafili or Caravan from Calabust Moreover they cast up onely one Battery having no convenient place to raise any more from whence they daily play'd their great Guns at the Walls being continually answer'd not onely with great but small Shot This continu'd one and twenty days when having made a Breach in the Wall they Storm'd three several times yet were beaten off with the loss of three hundred Men. On the same day a Tzapor or Royal Messenger came with a Letter to the General who in the presence of two other Chans opening the same with great Reverence they read it one after another Whereupon all the prime Commanders as also some of the chief Quizilbascies being sent for the Letter was publickly read before them all the Contents whereof was to this effect Myrub do you eat the King's Bread and Salt and not press on with the Souldiers under your Command Remember that you formerly surrendred Calabust to the Mogol Cleanse your self from your Crime and look you gain me the Fortress in a few days which if you do not expect to receive a Sword from me The next night they Storm'd more fiercely than before and Myrub Chan whether out of fear of the threatned Punishment or out of Despair press'd on daily more and more nay resolv'd to lose all his Men rather than break up the Siege but after a sharp Encounter the Persians forc'd their way into the City and slew above ten thousand Men the rest flying into the upper Castle the Governor of which nam'd Bourdel Chan coming down alone with his Sword drawn was espy'd by Myrub Chan who saluted him with the word Hoschammedi but Bourdel Chan making no answer still advanc'd towards him and laying down his Sword fell at Myrub Chan's Feet who bid him rise up then Boardel standing up said There lies my Sword at your Feet I am conquer'd I am your Slave do with me what you please onely spare my Wife and Children Myrub Chan hereupon commanded his Men not to hurt him nor any that belong'd to him and stretching out his Hands laid them under Bourdel Chan's and withal kissed him Then causing the Trumpets to be sounded he commanded all the Indostan Soldiers that were remaining to lay down their Arms and acknowledge themselves the King's Slaves which if they refus'd to do they must expect no Quarter But the Indostans not regarding this Threatning would not lay down their Arms and so were every Man kill'd Many of the Quizilbascies deoculated the slain Indostans cut off their Hands and then flead and stuft up the Skins The Heads they carry'd on their Launces as Trophies of their Victory some carried four or five stuck one above another on long Pikes to Candahar for amongst the Persians he who brings home most of his Enemies Heads is not onely accounted a brave Soldier but also advanc'd to the highest Offices As to what concerns the Countrey of Balassy it is also as Ananias affirms a part of the ancient Paropamisa The City of Balassan The Metropolis of Balassy is Balassan a great City lying on the River Gehun or Gelcon An Arabian Writer nam'd Abulfeda Ismael Prince of Hamah seems to call this City Balassagun and places it over the River Sihun near Cashgar It lay formerly on the Turks Confines but was afterwards reduc'd to the Tartars Jurisdiction On the Banks of the foremention'd River stand also Semergian and Bocan the Residence of the Kings of Balassy wherefore he is call'd The King of Bacan Eastward from these Places is the Indus near which lies the great Mountain Bellor and the far spreading Countreys of the Mountain Pamer The Goverrment of Balassan Balassan is a Place of great Trade many Merchants resorting thither from China and all parts of India and a very strong Town fearing neither Persian nor Tartar It is Govern'd by peculiar Kings who call themselves Dulcarneim or according to our pronunciation Zulcarneim which Name the Eastern People gave to Alexander the Great from whence these Kings perhaps boast their Extract The Towns and People of Sablestan Sablestan lies Eastward bewond Chorazan The Towns which it comprehends are Becksabath Meimine Asbe Bust and Sarevitz The Inhabitants thereof are a rude ill natur'd and ignorant People destitute of all kind of Civility The Kingdom of Cabul THe Kingdom of Cabul The Borders otherwise Caboul is the utmost Northern part of the great Mogol's Dominions It borders Eastward at Caximir being separated from it onely by the River Bhat Southward it faces Penjab Westward Candahar and Northward verges upon the Usbeck Tartars The Derivation of the Name Cabul is deriv'd from a Syriack word which signifies Unfruitful as indeed the Countrey is very barren cold and subject to great Winds except along the Banks of the River Nilab which rising in this Countrey glides Southward and falls near Lahor into the Indus The City Cabul very large The chief City is Cabul of the same Denomination with the Territory which some as Ananias take to be the ancient City Arachosia or Cosen and is as big according to the relation of a Persian nam'd Aviadat as Cairo the other
colour'd Silks which they use for Carpets Boxes Cabinets and other curious Wood-work Inlay'd with Mother-of-Pearl which by the Portuguese and others are carried from thence to India Tatta is one of the most eminent Provinces for Traffick of all India Many great Barques by the Inhabitants call'd Risles and Capuses come fraighted with all sorts of weav'd Stuffs Sugar Anniseeds and other Commodities down the River Sind from Lahor Multan Agra Dely Nandou Citer Utrad and other Places and putting into the Haven Lowribandel lay the said Commodies aboard of bigger Ships for Ormuz where they are unladen by Netherlanders Portuguese and Mahumetans The Inhabitants are all Mahumetans yet by reason of the great Trade which is driven in this Countrey there are commonly People of all Religions found in the same The Great Mogol Ecbar first conquer'd this Territory The Provinces of Sorit Jesselmeer and Attack SOret The Borders a small but rich Province borders Eastward at Zurratte in the West at Tatta in the North at Jesselmeer and in the South at the Sea The Metropolis is call'd Janagor or Ganagor The Territory of Jesselmer The Limits or Jesselmure verges Southward at Soret Eastward at Bando Northwards at Attack and Westward at Buckor and Tatta The chief City bears the same Denomination with the Countrey The County of Attack conterminates in the West The Bounds with Haiacan the River Indus onely parting them in the North it is bounded with Penjab and in the East with Jenba and Mando The Metropolitan Town bears the Name of Attack The Province of Penjab or Pangab The Name THe next is the Province of Penjab or Pangab which in the Persian Tongue signifies Five Waters for its Situation between five Streams viz. the Ravy Behat Obcan Wiby and Sinde or Sindar all which discharge their Waters into the Indus and make a great Lake somewhat Southward from Lahor The City of Lahor The chief City of this Territory according to Terry is Lahor but others affirm Lahor to be the Metropolis of Multan The City being very large and ancient is one of the most eminent Towns in all India and is no way inferior either in bigness or beauty to Agra It lies in 35 Degrees and 50 Minutes Northern Elevation and hath large and well pav'd Streets The Air in and about Lahor is very healthful The Air. There are also many remarkable Structures in the same as the Palace Mosques Hamans or Baths Tanks or Springs Gardens and many other delightful Places It is a spacious and fruitful Territory and the most pleasant Spot of Ground in all India and is that part of it which according to Della Valle was in the time of Alexander the Great Govern'd by King Porus. There is a Castle which being very large strong and artificially built in a delightful place of white hard polish'd Stones hath twelve Gates three whereof respect the City and the other nine lead into several parts of the Countrey Within this Castle is a stately Palace into which you enter through two Gates and two base Courts and after you have pass'd through the last you come to two parting Ways the one leading to the Durbar or Joreo where the King appears daily before the People and the other to the Diwanchane which is a great Hall wherein he spends part of the Night viz. from eight of the Clock till eleven with his Omrahs On the Walls of this Castle are Engraven the Images of Kings Princes and other Great Men as Schach Selim the great Mogol Ecbar's Son sitting on a rich Carpet under a costly Throne with his Son and his Brothers d' Han Schach or Daniel and Schach Morat on his right Hand and opposite to him Emorza Sherif eldest Brother to Chan Asorn With many other Persons of note The River Rawy which springs out of Mount Caximir and runs through the same with several Rivulets having finish'd a Course of three hundred Miles along a deep Navigable Channel discharges its Water into the Indus near the City Tatta not far from Diul It lies in 23 Degrees and 15 Minutes Northern Latitude The Kingdom or Territory of Caximir THe Kingdom of Caximir or according to some Cascimir and Cachmire by Mercator taken to be the ancient Arachosia or Archotis of Ptolomy and by Herbert for the ancient Sogdiana The Borders borders in the North at Mount Caucasus in the North-West at the Province of Banchish the Indus onely separating them in the South-East at Penjab in the West at Cabul and Northerly at the Kingdom of Maurenahar Jarrick conterminates this Kingdom with that of Rebat It is but a small Countrey and lies as Texeira tells us fifteen days Journey from Lahor and according to Herbert in 41 Degrees and 9 Minutes Northern Latitude about three hundred Miles from Agra Jarrich gives the Name of Syranacar both to the chief City of this Kingdom and to the Countrey it self lying in 30 Degrees Northern Latitude About three Leagues from the City is a Lake or Pool of sweet Water about fifteen Miles in circumference Navigable for great Ships yet not above half a League broad In the middle of it lies a pleasant artificial Island with a Royal Banquetting-house therein whither as Jarrick affirms the King resorts when he intends to recreate himself in catching of wild Geese and Swans Through the midst of this Lake as also through the Countrey glides the Stream Behat or Bhad which by its trending or meeandring Bays makes many Islands and at last unites it self not far from Jahor with the River Indus or as others say with the Ganges which last is somewhat improbable because of its distance towards the East Another River call'd Chanab by Jarrick Chenao and by Terry Nilab having also its original in this Countrey unites it self likewise with the Indus The Countrey abounds in Rice Wheat and other Provisions and also hath plenty of Grass Woods Gardens and Springs Of the Roots of their Mulberry-trees they plant Vines This Countrey formerly lay under Water The ancient Histories of the Kings of Caximir make mention that this Countrey was formerly a great Lake and that a certain ancient Man call'd Cacheb open'd a Passage for the Water through the Mountain of Baramoule But this seems to be incredible yet not but that this Countrey was formerly overflow'd with Water but to open a Passage for it through the foremention'd Mountain is a thing altogether impossible the Mountain being so very high and broad rather an Earthquake to which this Place is very subject opening the Earth swallow'd up a part of the Mountain and so open'd a Passage for the Water But however it was dreyn'd It s Extent and Situation Caximir is no more a Lake but at present a most fertile Soil about eighteen Leagues long and three or four broad interlac'd with many little Hills It is the farthest part of Indostan to the Northward from Lahor and inclos'd by Mount Caucasus the Mountains of the
They make them of two several sorts of Stuffs namely Inland Wooll which is much softer than the Spanish and another sort of Wooll or rather Hair call'd Touz which grows on the Breasts of wild Goats which breed in Tibet These last are much dearer than the first the Hair of Beaver not exceeding it in softness but it is very subject to Moths and Worms if not beaten and air'd They are much worn by the great Omrahs who give for some of them a hundred nay a hundred and fifty Ropias each Ropia being 2 s. 2 d. whenas those made of Inland Wooll cost not above fifty It is said that the King of Caximir Govern'd formerly over all the Mountains which extend to Tartary and over all Indostan quite to the Island of Ceilon The Histories of this Countrey make mention that the Dominions of the Raja of Gamon Cachguer and Serenaguer were anciently under the Jurisdiction of this Kingdom the Inhabitants whereof were all Heathens till about three hundred years ago that the Mahumetan Religion was instituted so that the greatest part are now Saracens Caximir conquer'd by the Mogol To prevent all Invasions the Great Mogol keeps four thousand Soldiers in Caximir which was formerly a Kingdom by it self and was Govern'd by an absolute King who pay'd Tribute to none till Anno 1665. that Ecbar conquer'd the Countrey at a time when the Inhabitants were at Difference and maintain'd War one against another for otherwise he could never have master'd it because Caximir is the most powerful of all the neighboring Kingdoms At present Caximir is Govern'd by a Vice-Roy of the Great Mogol's The present Governor is call'd Diaretcan sent thither by Oranchzef Moreover the Great Mogol Ecbar took this Countrey by force from the last King Justef Chan after the following manner viz. When Ecbar was about to conquer the Kingdom of Maurenahar and the King of Caximir lying between was preparing to prevent him he sent Alli Myrza to tell him that he should immediately come to Lahor and bring his Son with him where he should be well Entertain'd and receiv'd with as much kindness as could be expected from a neighboring Prince and Friend who would leave him in quiet possession of his Countrey and assure him of his Fidelity but if he resolv'd to hazard his Fortunes on an uncertain War he would not onely drive him out of his Realm but also make him his Slave and banish his Son The King of Caximir affrighted with these Threatnings surrendred himself immediately to Ecbar But Jacob Chan his Son who was not able to brook this Oppression fled and was immediately followed by so many Friends that he had Strength sufficient to drive the Indians out of his Fathers Kingdom and caus'd himself to be proclaim'd King yet he enjoy'd the benefit belonging to that Title not long for Ecbar being exceedingly enrag'd at his rebelling sent Ally Myrza and Cassem Chan with thirty thousand Men against him with Command to give him Battel But the young Prince not daring to Engage with such unequal Forces fled into the high Mountains of Bunkery whither Cassem Chan pursuing him by the guidance of some of the Natives made himself Master of all the Mountains and forc'd Jacob Chan to flie to Serenaguer where in a short time after he was Besieged and though the Place was very strong and he had Men enough he was forc'd to surrender himself and being bound Hand and Foot was carry'd to Indostan The Territories of Banchish Jangapore and Jenba Their Situation and Bounds THe Territory of Banchish lies Eastward a little Southerly from Chismeer from whence it is separated by the River Indus it borders Northward upon the People Cackares and Southerly at Jangapore The chief City thereof is call'd Bishur The Province of Jangapore lies on the Stream Caul one of the five Rivers which water Penjab It hath Siba on the East Banchish on the North Jenba on the South and Penjab on the West The Territory of Jenba Eastward from Penjab hath Jangapore on the North Nagracat on the East and Dely on the South The Metropolis thereof is Jenba The Countrey is very mountainous The Kingdom of Dely. Situation and Limits THe Kingdom or Province of Dely or Delly is by Terry call'd Dellee and by others Dely which signifies A Heart because it lies in the heart of the Mogol's Dominions and as Terry saith between Jenba and Agra Maginus places this Kingdom between those of Decan Narsinga Orixa and Cambaya and extending about the Province of Narsinga is separated from the Kingdom of Cambaya by great Mountains The River Jeming running along one side thereof serves for a Moat over which a Bridge with ten Arches leads into the City The ancient Metropolis being also call'd Dely was once a fair and large City and the Seat and Burying-place of the Mogol Emperors who afterwards remov'd from thence to the new-built Dely. Its Glory consisted in many Tombs in which above twenty great Kings and Lords lie buried The superstitious Indians flock thither in Pilgrimage It hath plenty of all things and was anciently the Seat of King Porus who near this Place was conquer'd by Alexander the Great when he came to Invade him with Elephants and abundance of Horses Three Leagues from the City on a place call'd Old Dely where King Homayon Father to Ecbar lies buried stands a great Marble Pillar or Pyramid which having a Greek Inscription is the greatest Remark in all the Province notwithstanding the Letters are almost worn out with age About fifty years ago Schach Jehan Father to the present Great Mogol Oranchzef causing a City to be built not far from Old Dely call'd it Schach Jehan Abad that is The Peopling of Schach Jeham and made the same the Metropolis of the Realm in stead of Agra where he said the Heat was too great in Summer Jehan Abad 2 new City how seated By reason of the nearness of the two foremention'd Places the Ruins of the old City hath serv'd for the new one and there is at present scarce any mention made of Dely but altogether of Jehan Abad which is a new City lying in a barren Field on the Banks of the River Jemna and built onely along one side of the Stream there being but one Bridge over the same which is laid cross several Hulks It is quite unwall'd on that side which respects the Water The Walls are of Stone yet not very tenible or defensive there being no Moats nor any Breastworks but round Towers after the old fashion about a hundred Paces distant from one another and behind them a Mud Wall about four or five Foot thick The circumference of the Wall with the Castle which is inclos'd in the same is about two Leagues and a half but if you include a long Suburb which runs to Lahor and being a Rellick of the old Dely is inhabited it will make above a League in a direct Line and a Circumference which cannot justly
God had wholly destroy'd the Family of the Kutteries therefore he resolv'd to renew the same by a Prince and ordain'd that the Kings for the future should be Extracted out of the Family of the Brahmines the chiefest whereof that were then living having been preserv'd by Wistney were call'd Ducerat The first Child which was born after this universal Destruction was ordain'd to be the Race of Kings and Princes who being zealously brought up manag'd both the Affairs of State and Religion Governing the People with great Wisdom and Piety according to their several Tribes perform'd many heroick Acts and was a Protector of all Brahmines and other Spiritual Persons His Name was Ram and by his Just and Pious Life attain'd to that Dignity that his Name is to this day exceedingly honor'd amongst them for in their usual Salutations they with a loud Voice cry Ram Ram that is I wish you Health and all Happiness 'T is certain many Just and Pious Kings Reign'd after him but as all things do daily degenerate so in process of Time receding farther and farther from their original Purity they grew proud and ambitious insomuch that they acted daily contrary to the Commandments comprehended in the Book of Bremaw These hainous Enormities did once more so highly incense the Almighty that he gave Power to Ruddery to open the Earth that it might swallow them up alive except a few of each of the four Tribes which he preserv'd to re-people the World anew with And in this manner ended the third Age of the World Soon after God commanded that the World should be re-planted by those that were preserv'd which was one Kysteney or Kistna who was a famous King Wise and Religious and one of the most comely Persons of the former Age. He propagated Religion with great Zeal insomuch that during his Life there was great Reformation amongst the People and very hopeful beginnings of Piety and Honesty When by Kysteney's coming Wistney's time was expir'd God as they relate took him up to Heaven there being no further need of his Service here below because there would be no other World after this fourth Age which now in being will according to the Opinion of the Brahmines last much longer than any of the former and that after its ruine Ruddery will be taken up to Heaven likewise They call these four Ages by four several Names viz. the first Kurtain the second Dnauper the third Tetrajos and the fourth Kolee The manner of destroying this last Age will as the Brahmines relate be much more terrible than any of the former to wit by Fire at what time Ruddery will gather all his Powers together as absolutely necessary for the execution of so grand a Destruction The Moon will shine red the Beams of the Sun will be like the Flames of burning Brimstone Thunder and Lightning will make a dreadful noise the Sea will change into all manner of Colours and Fire and Smoke will cover the surface of the Earth the four Elements of which the Heavens were first made will maintain War against one another and the World being thereby utterly destroy'd will resolve into its first Primordia The World will be destroy'd by Fire as they suppose for this reason That it must be extinguish'd by that which gave it beginning and because it consists of Earth Water Air and Fire therefore it must be destroyd by these four Elements for the former Ages on which this Opinion is grounded were destroy'd the first by Water the second by Wind and the third by Earth therefore the fourth and last must be consum'd by Fire This being finish'd Ruddery shall carry all humane Souls up to Heaven there to rest in the Bosom of the Almighty but all Bodies will decay for they deny the Resurrection of the Body affirming That Heaven is too pure a Place for such gross and unclean Bodies The Kingdom or Territory of Chandish or Sanda THe Kingdom or Territory of Chandish otherwise call'd Sanda is by Robert Covert call'd The Land of Heathens or Countrey of the Great Can of Canouwe formerly the Overseer of the Great Mogol's High-ways Jarrick calls this Country or a great part of it The Kingdom of Brampour or Brampore or Barampour from its Metropolis It borders in the West on the Kingdom of Surratte in the South at Dekan having the Dukedom of Parthapsha between in the North at the Provinces Chitor and Malway and in the East at Berar A certain English Writer borders the same on the one side upon the Kingdom of the Benjans from which it is separated by the Tynde or Tasy and on the other side upon the Country of Bulloits having the great Stream Andre between and is suppos'd to lie in 28 Degrees Northern Latitude Terry affirms this Kingdom to be a mighty and populous Country and the South part of the Mogol's Dominions It is divided in the middle by the River Tynde or Tasy which makes the Country conveniently pleasant and fruitful about those Places through which it flows though for the most part it is a barren unwholsom sandy and dry Tract of Land the Metropolis thereof is call'd Brampore or Barampour by Herbert and Jarrick Breampour and lies in 28 Degrees and 3 Minutes Northern Latitude 220 Miles Eastward from Surratte 420 from Asmeer and 100 from Agra Herbert holds the same to be the ancient City Baramatis of Ptolomy and signifies Brachmans Pous or The City of the Brachmans because it was formerly and is still to this day an University of the Brahmines Jogues or Gymnosophists The City lies low in a healthful and spacious Plain it hath many Streets but very narrow their Houses are indifferent handsom though low Purchas renders the same to be a very fair City much bigger than London and the most famous and richest which the Mogol possesses On the North-East side of the City is a large strong Castle or Fort on the Banks of the Stream Tapy This City was formerly the Metropolis and Residence of the King of Dekan who was in process of time driven from thence Not far from thence is a Garden or Chan Channa in which are many delightful Springs and Fountains The City is for the most part inhabited by Benjans Before the Town in the River Tapa stands an Elephant most curiously Carv'd of Marble which the Benjans worship Anno 1600. the Great Mogol Ekbar after having conquer'd the Kingdom of Dekan made himself Master of this City Brampour which was then desolate and deserted by King Miram who was fled to the Fort Syr which for its Situation and Strength is the most considerable of all the Country and impregnable for it lies on the top of a high Mountain and is three Leagues in circumference surrounded with three Walls which are so made that the one may conveniently defend the other for though Ekbar besieg'd King Miram with a hundred thousand Men yet he could not conquer the same by Force but only by Policy and Treachery In
the Mogol continually employ'd who after he had us'd all possible means in vain having no great Guns at hand wherewith to batter down the Walls at last resolv'd to try if he could purchase the Inhabitants to a Surrender by great Sums of Money which to accomplish he sent to the Governors very considerable Presents of Gold and Silver whereby he did so cool and abate their Courage that none of the seven Successors of the Realm durst assume the Government for they perceiving the Generals to be fearful and their Courage no longer to exert it self could foresee and expect nothing but the sudden loss of the Place and accordingly it so fell out for after a few Days the Fort was surrendred and with it the whole Kingdom was subjected to the Mogol who got peaceable possession thereof with an invaluable Treasure He received all the Inhabitants favourably except the imprison'd King and the seven successive Princes whom he dispersed into several Provinces allowing King Miram three thousand and each of the other two thousand Ducats per Annum for their Maintenance The Province of Berar and Narvar THis Country of Berar lies on the South side of the Kingdom of Chand●● and Borders on Surratte and the Mountains of Rana The Metropolis bears the Name of Shapore The Province of Narvar is moistned by a great River which discharges its Water into the Ganges The Chief City is call'd Gehud The Province of Gwaliar or Gualier THe Province of Gwaliar or Gualior otherwise Gualier hath a City which bears the same Name The Mogol hath a vast heap of Treasure which he keeps in this Country in a very strong Castle Garrison'd by a Company of well Disciplin'd Soldiers who also Guard such of the King's Prisoners as are Persons of Quality The Kingdom of Agra or Indostan THe Kingdom or Province of Agra is so call'd from Agra the Royal Metropolis of the Great Mogol's whole Kingdom besides Dely and Lahor Others call it Indostan or Indoustan which signifies The Country of Indus for Stan in the Country Language is A Country or Province and Indus is the Name of the River Indus which moistens the Country It borders on one side upon the Stream Paddor which separates it from the Henderons and conterminates on the other side with the River Tamliko or Tamlou which is a Boundary between this and the Country Inhabited by the Bulloits The Metropolis bears the same Name with the Province of Agra and lies in 28 Degrees and 7 Minutes North Latitude on the Banks of the River Jemini which glides by its Walls and disembogues near the City Andakoda into the River Ganges two days Journey from Agra According to Herbert this City was formerly call'd Nagra and anciently Dionysia and was built by Bacchus but this seems incredulous because within this hundred years the City Ratipor was far more beautiful and bigger than that of Agra which is believ'd to have had its Denomination from the River Arrany which as Arrian affirms falls into the Ganges It was built by King Ekbar after his Conquest of Surratte and for its pleasant Situation made choice of for the Mogol's Court and chief Place of Residence It lies almost Triangular or as Herbert saith Semi-Circular surrounded with a strong Walk of Free-Stone and a Moat of a hundred Paces broad The Circumference of the City is reckon'd to be twelve German Miles The Streets which are very straight are dirty and three Leagues and a half long In the Northern part of the City not far from the River lies the great and famous Royal Castle or Residence of the Kings which is the most beautiful and glorious Piece of Work in all Asia It appears outwardly like a City containing five hundred and twenty Paces in circumference The Structure is for the most part built of Free-stone with many Galleries and Piazzaes very stately after the manner of the Country At the Entrance of this Castle stands the Royal Court of Judicature in the Persian Tongue call'd Diwanchane before which is a large square Maidan or Plain planted about with Trees under which Persons of Quality in hot Weather walk to cool themselves In the middle of the Plain stands a Pole having a Bird on the top of it at which they shoot with Bows and Arrows Opposite to this Court stands a large square Building call'd Karchanay Schah that is The King's Treasure-house with eight Arch'd Vaults in which are kept the greatest part of the Mogol's Treasure Two of these Cellers are reported to be full of Gold and two of Silver in the seventh are kept Pearls Gems and other such like Rarities and in the eighth are contain'd all such Presents as are sent from forein Princes by Ambassadors Behind this Treasury stands another large square Palace with a very delightful Garden and is call'd Hara Michan that is The King 's Womens Lodgings for in it are kept twelve hundred of the King's Concubines which are guarded and waited upon by six hundred Eunuchs Others describe this Court thus It is three or four Leagues in circumference surrounded with strong Walls of red Stone and broad Moats with Draw-Bridges it hath four Gates one on the North which is very strong the second on the West side is call'd Citsery near the Bezar or Market Within this Gate is the King's Court of Judicature where he decides all Differences and behind that is the King's Hall the Seat of the Vice-Roys Within this Gate is also a Street built full of Houses and about a Mile long The third Gate call'd Achabaerbederiwage that is The Gate of King Achbaer lies on the South side and and leads to the King 's Derbaer the Royal Throne or inner Court before which is a small Court surrounded with Golden Rails and cover'd on the top with Carpets to keep off the heat of the Sun beyond it is a Gallery in which stands the King's Throne adorn'd with Gold Diamonds and Pearls and all sorts of Precious Stones No Person is permitted to approach this Place without being call'd except the King's Sons which standing near him cool him by continual fanning of him with Fans in the Country Language call'd Pankhamh and the Chief Secretary Within the foremention'd Court none are suffer'd to enter but Ommirades or Omrahs which are Dukes and great Lords Opposite to this Place hang golden Bells which are rung by those that have sustain'd any prejudice and are thereupon admitted to speak to the King to make their Complaints to him but not without great danger if their Cause be not just In this Place the King appears every Afternoon between three and four a Clock besides thousands of other People which take their Places according to their Qualities and with the King stay there till the Evening hearing all forein Letters which are read by the Setretary and determining all other Businesses Hither are also brought his Horses and Elephants which are try'd by some of his Servants appointed for that purpose Within this third
or Fatipor by Jarrick call'd Fateful or Pateful by Cowert Fetterbat and by Herbert Fettipour was anciently call'd Tzikkerim or Sykary and lies twelve Kours or four Leagues from Agra This City was upon the following occasion built by the Great Mogol Ekbar viz. At his Return from Asmer whether he went to visit the Tomb of Mandy he visited St. Derwis or a poor Monk call'd Seid Selim that is Seid Selim who accounted himself highly honor'd that God had employ'd him to tell Ekbar that in a short time he should be the Father of three beautiful Children and indeed Ekbar to acknowledge the Kindness would have his eldest Son call'd Selim the second Chan Morad or Amurath and the third The Haen Schach or Daniel nay this Prophecy was so acceptable to Ekbar that he caus'd a fair Mosque to be built there and inclos'd both that and the ancient City Tzikerim or Sykary with a high Wall and from that time caus'd it to be call'd Fettipore that is A Place of Delight nay his Affections were so strongly inclin'd to this City that he built a Palace there and also a Bazar or Exchange the fairest in all the Eastern Parts resolving farther to make it the Metropolis of the whole Kingdom for which it stood very convenient being seated on the Bank of a River yet the unwholsomness of the Air forc'd him to leave the same since which time it is become a ruin'd and desolate Place Robert Cower affirms that this City is much bigger than London and is adorn'd with a Temple very artificially built though much decay'd The whole Tract of Land between this City and Agra is always throng'd with People like a Market The City Bian is four Leagues from Fatipor beyond which are the Towns Ladana Mosabadan and Bandason next lie Asmeer or Esmeer where the Great Mogol Ekbar had a large House or Stable in which he commonly kept six hundred Elephants and a thousand Horses The City Asmeer lies in 35 Degrees and 15 Minutes Northern Latitude on a high and inaccessible Mountain twenty five Leagues from Agra The greatest part of the City lies at the foot of the Mountain well built but ill fortifi'd notwithstanding the Wall is of good Stone A Prophet one of Mahomet's Disciples lies buried there in a stately Tomb to which belong three pleasant Yards pav'd with Free-stone polish'd after the Persian manner Not far from hence is Godach formerly the Residence of an eminent and very valiant Rasbout Some place the City Fatipor in the Province of Bando At every half Leagues distance between Agra and Asmeer stands a Pillar or Column resembling those which the Romans us'd to erect at the distance of a thousand Paces At the end of every twenty five Mile there is an Inn or Place of Entertainment for Men and Horse where certain Women constantly give their attendance and get ready such Victuals for every one as they desire for which and their Horse-meat they pay Three pence There are also fair Houses at every ten Miles distance which were built by the Great Mogol Ekbar for the convenience of his Women when he took a Journey to Asmeer to visit the Tomb of Mandy Mahomet's Disciple The whole Country being water'd by the Stream of Jemna aboundeth with Corn Lemmons Oranges Cherries Pears Apples Plums and other Fruit amongst which are Grapes which being preserv'd are as big as Damas Pruins There also grows abundance of Anil or Indico and store of Cotton Saltpetre is likewise very plentiful here and all sorts of Poultry Falcons Pheasants Partridges Hearns and Wild-ducks Here are also great store of Goats Cows and Hogs and Fish in such abundance that Eighteen pence will purchase enough to feed three hundred Men. In Agra are generally kept four Markets where besides Provisions divers other Goods are sold From Persia and China are Transported hither considerable Quantities of Gold and Silver Cloths which though slighter are yet dearer than those of Europe In this City as also in Lahor the Inhabitants drive a great Trade in Anil or Indico and at Bandason there is vast quantities of Course Wooll Cotton Lances Bowes Javelins Swords and other Arms. In Lahor are commonly kept two Markets The Inhabitants drive also a great Trade to Forein Parts When the King resides at Agra no Stranger is permitted to stay there above twenty four Hours unless they give him an account of their Business and of what Quality and Country they are but none are permitted to see him without a Present In this City the Netherlanders keep a Factory for their East-India Company who maintain four or five Persons which formerly made a great advantage on Scarlet Cloth great and small Looking-glasses and other Merchandises and also by buying of Indico which grows about Agra but especially at Bianes two days Journey from thence whither travelling twice a Year they have built a Lodge or Store-house there where they buy in all those Stuffs or Cloths which come from Jelapour and Laknau about six or eight days Journey from Agra But at this time it is said the Gain is nothing so considerable whether it be because the Armenians drive that Trade themselves or because Agra lies so far from Suratte that one Accident or other doth generally befal their Caravans which are constrain'd to travel by the City Amadabad through the Raja's Country to avoid the bad Ways and Mountains which lye on the side of Govaleor and Brampour which is the shortest way The Country of Bulloits THE Bulloits which by Robert Covert are call'd Pythagoreans border on one side at the River Andere which seperates them from the Country of Kanawe or Brampour otherwise Chandisch and Surratte and on the other side at the River Tamlao or Tamliko which is the Boundary between them and the Kingdom of Agra The Towns of this Country are Gorra Sandaye Erasmie Zingrene Barrandon Tranado Zajoberdee and Haud Gorra lieth a days Journey from the River Andere and is about two Leagues in Circumference Two of the King's Sons formerly maintain'd a long War about this City till Thei le King of Ostlohm obtain'd the Victory and after a seven year peaceable possession thereof he was also conquer'd by the Great Mogol the sixth of Tamerlain's Successors who made himself absolute Master of all this Country Two days Journey from Gorra is the City Sandaye beyond which about twenty two Leagues further lies Erasmie and seven Leagues further Zingrene eight Leagues from which is the City of Barrandon After six days Journey from hence through a thick Wood you come to the City Tranado eight Leagues beyond which is Zajoberdee and nine Leagues further Haudee which hath a Castle built on a Rock and fortified with many Guns A days Journey from thence flows the River Tamliko which falls into the Indus at the Place where it separates the Indostans from the Bulloits In this Country near the City Zajoberdee is great plenty of Corn and about Zingrene great abundance of Oats and Beasts But
call'd Banda or Dando but by Della Valle Danda Rajiapori Near this lies the City Ziffardan or Zeferdani the utmost Limits of the Kingdom of Decan In the same Tract towards Banda is a Bay call'd Kelsi the Country on the South side whereof is very Mountainous In Decan is also a City call'd Petan or Patan which produceth abundance of fine Callico The Country of Decan is very fertile producing all things in great plenty and agrees in most things with that of Cuncan and the Inhabitants also agree in their Constitutions Habits and manner of Living Wherefore we will here give an accout of them promiscuously and at large The Air at Chaul is more hot than cold The Soil thereabouts plentifully produces all things except Raisins Nuts and Chess-nuts Oxen Cows and Horses are here in great numbers The Inhabitants of Decan are call'd Decanyns as those of Cuncan Cuncanyns After what manner the Countries of Decan Ballagate and Cuncan or Visiagour which were formerly under the Jurisdiction of one Prince are become subject to several Lords I shall here give this brief Account About three hundred years since the King of Dely brought all the neighboring Kingdoms but particularly those of Decan Cuncan and Ballagate and the Country of Goa under his Subjection At the same time when the Country of Cambaye was conquer'd by the Mahumetans who treated the Reisboutes Inhabitants or the Country very tyrannically The Kingdoms of Ballagate and Decan were formerly govern'd by Heathen Kings and inhabited by a mighty People of which the Venasars and Collers the present Inhabitants are Successors They joyn themselves with the Reisboutes and commit many Robberies forcing Tribute from the Inhabitants of Decan and Ballagate without being punish'd for the same by their King After the King of Dely had made these Conquests the Mogols took up Arms and made themselves Masters of the greatest part of Dely. About the same time there was an eminent Lord of Bengale who to revenge himself of his King for putting his Bother to death unjustly bereav'd him both of his Crown and Life and afterwards fell into Dely forc'd the Mogols to fly and at the same time made himself Master of all the Country of Ballagate and Cuncan extending to the Borders of Cambaye But he not being capable of Governing so many Countries and being also desirous of q●iet resolv●d to return back to Bengale and committed the Care of Governing the Kingdoms of Decan Ballagate and Cuncan to one of his Nephews who being a Lover of Strangers divided those Countries amongst several Lords of divers Nations as Arabians Turks Rumeans and Corasons giving to one whom the Portuguese call'd Idalcan the Country of Cuncan otherwise call'd Visiapour or Gingive lying eight Leagues from Goa He also gave to one of his Captains nam'd Nizzamaluko the Country of Siffardan which extends it self six Leagues to the North along the Coast of Negotana He divided the Kingdom of Ballagate into Provinces and gave one part thereof to Imademaluko another to Coralmaluko and a third to Melik Vervide But all these immediately rebell'd against their Lord and Benefactor and marching to the Metropolis Beder took the King Prisoner committing him to the custody of Melik Vervide They also procured several other Heathen Princes to joyn with them in this Conspiracy amongst whom were Mohade Koja and Veriche who possess'd rich Countries replenish'd with Towns and Villages Amohade got the Cities Visiapour Solapor and Paranda lying near Goa but not long after the City Paranda was taken by Nizzamaluko and Salapor fell into the Hands of Idalcan who was also call'd Sabayo that is Lord. He possess'd the Island Goa of which the Portuguese afterwards made themselves Masters His House or Palace stands yet at Goa but is now converted to a House of Inquisition The Place lying between the Great Church and the said House bears the Name of Sabayo Idalcan who Reign'd Anno 1535. was Grandson to one of those foremention'd Kings After this Division thus made there was a Quarrel between Idalcan and the King of Narsinga his Neighbor who by his Power subduing Idalcan and the other Kings of Decan made them Tributaries to him But in process of time Idalcan or his Successors subdu'd all those Countries which were possess'd by peculiar Kings or Lords except that of Melik which the Mogol had conquer'd F. Bernier relates That all this great Island of Hindoslan reckoning from the Bay of Cambay to that of Bengale near Jagannate and from thence to the Cape of Comori was all some Mountainous Parts onely excepted about two hundred years agoe under one particular Lord or King who was a very great and Powerful Prince But at present it is divided into many Dominions and the People are likewise of several Religions The Reason of this Division was as followeth A certain Raja or King nam'd Ramras the last of those which Reign'd absolute in this Country imprudently promoted three of his Slaves to too great Dignities by making them Governors viz. The first he made Governor of a great part of that Country which the Mogol at present possesses in Decan round about Daulet-Abad from Bider Paranda and Surratte to Narbadar To the second he gave the Government of all those Countries which are now comprehended in the Kingdom of Visiapour and to the third that Part which is known by the name of the Kingdom of Golconda These three Slaves growing very Rich and Powerful and being supported by many Mogols which were in the Service of Ramras and of the same Religion with the Persians agreed together to rebell against and kill their Lord and Benefactor which having effected they return'd into their several Dominions each of them taking upon him the Title of Schah or King The Successors of Ramras finding themselves not able to engage in a War against these Usurpers were content to retire and seat themselves in a Place call'd Carnateck or Bisnaguer where to this day they Reign as Rajas or Kings The three Slaves and their Successors defended their Kingdoms very valiantly so long as they agreed among themselves and assisting one another maintain'd great Wars against the Mogols but when they went about to defend their several Countries they were immediately sensible of their Division to their great prejudice being soon after reduc'd under the Subjection of the Mogols Decan belong'd formerly to a peculiar King but is at present Govern'd by one of the Great Mogol's Vice-Roys The Great Mogol Akebar or Ecbar was the first which conquer'd the Kingdom or Country of Decan He sent his Son Sultan Morad Anno 1595. against Melik Amber Vice-Roy of Decan to whom belong'd formerly the City of Chaul who setting forth from Cambaye as being the nearest Place to this Province was kill'd with many of his Officers After this in the Year 1598. he sent one of his youngest Sons to maintain the Wars against Melik and revenge the Death of Sultan Morad And soon after he follow'd in his own Person
resolving to be present at the Conquest but he staid about a Year in the City of Agra from whence he march'd Anno 1600. to the Kingdom of Decan But the Queen of Decan who Reign'd at that time being a Woman of great Spirit and Valour and being also assisted by the Portuguese and some great Lords oppos'd him with so much Courage and Resolution that many of his People were slain at their entrance into the Kingdom of Barara at a Pass near the Mountains by which they were to come into the Country of Decan Yet nevertheless the Decanyns after the death of this Princess divided themselves into divers Parties from which proceeded their overthrow and total subduction for some being corrupted by Money and others by Promises they all upon hopes of greater Employments contributed their Assistance to the Great Mogol in his Conquest of the Kingdom of Decan Having by this means at last added this Kingdom to his Territories he elected one of his Sons to be his Vice-Roy leaving with him a considerable Garrison Texeira says the King of Decan was formerly by the Inhabitants call'd Nezal al Malucho that is The Lance or Spear of the Kingdom and also Malek or Melik which signifies King Della Valle affirms that the right Name of the Kings of Decan is Nizam Sciah which some translate King of the Spear induc'd thereunto by the Portuguese Word Nize which signifies A Spear but falsly because the King calls himself Nizam Sciah and not Nize Sciah as this explanation requires Others call him according to the signification of the Word Nizam King of Falcons for Nizam in the Indian Tongue signifies A Falcon or other Bird of Prey because this King before he was made a Governor was perhaps Falconer to that Great King under whose Jurisdiction all this Country was so that he retains that Name to this day The King which Reign'd Anno 1623. being a Child of about twelve Years of age gave the Government of his Realm to one of his Slaves call'd Melik Amber by Extract an Ambassine and of the Mahumetan Religion who Govern'd with so much Policy that this Country was more known by the Name of The Dominion of Melik than that of the Kingdom of Nizam Sciah He Govern'd with great Fidelity and Obedience to the King and not as some pretended like a Tyrant Neither did he keep the King as a Prisoner though it is said by some that he design'd to marry his Daughter to the young King that so he might the better hold his Governor-ship and make his Heir his Successor He was a Man of great Prudence and Understanding yet not without the Name of being very wicked and inclining to Sorcery of which some affirm he made use to continue himself in his Princes Favor It is also said That for the accomplishing his Designs he would offer to the Devil several hundreds of Children that were his Slaves with abundance of other People hoping thereby the more easily to obtain his Desires These and other such barbarous Wickednesses and Impieties have been reported of him This Melik Amber maintain'd at that time great Wars against the Mogols not sparing his own Person but himself engaging often very valiantly The Kingdom of Ballagate THE Kingdom of Ballagate lieth between and beyond the Mountains of Gate as some Writers affirm These Mountains are about nine Leagues from the City Banda they are very high and extend from the Country of Decan to the Coast of Choromandel they also reach to Dabul with many Points and Inlets which render them altogether unfit to be Travell'd over either by Men or Beasts On that side towards Decan is upon the top a Plain of an extraordinary compass planted on the Way-sides with Mangas and other Fruit-Trees Ballagate in the Persian Tongue signifies High Mountains for Balla is High and Gate A Mountain Some also call this Country The Kingdom of Decan The Cities of Lispor and Ultabad or Dubtabad are very famous for the great numbers of Merchants that resort thither The Kingdom of Cuncan or Visiapour THE Kingdom of Cuncan is by Linschot call'd The Kingdom of Dialcan and by others from Visiapour its Metropolis The Kingdom of Visiapour and by Della Valle The Country of Telengone or Telanga It takes its beginning on the Sea-shore of Ingediva or Angedive twelve Leagues Southward from Goa or according to John de Barros from the River Aliga in Sintacora which is a Boundary between Cuncan and the Country of Canara and extends Northwardly to the Land of Decan or the Land of Siffardan a Tract of sixty Leagues Westward it runs to the Sea and Eastward to the Mountains of Gate or to the Kingdom of Bagenael or Golconda and is by a Stream separated from the Island Goa Della Valle makes Telengone the Metropolis of this Kingdom to border Southerly next that which belongs to the Portuguese in Goa Some reduce the City Visiapour and Goa under the Province of Daman and place the Province of Telanga much further to the Southern part The most eminent Sea-Towns are Geytapour Rasapoue Carapatan and Dabul besides which there are several other very good Bays Rivers and Roads The Chief City of this Kingdom the Court and Residence of the Kings is call'd Vasiapour Bizapor and Visipor or peculiarly Vidhikpor notwithstanding Linschot places the King's Court at Solapor but it is probable he keeps his Court sometimes at the one and sometimes at the other Visiapour lies up into the Country about 30 Gau each Gau being three Leagues or 90 German Miles from Dabul and 25 from Goa It is surrounded with high Walls of hard Stone and deep Moats which nevertheless are dry in several places Round about on the Walls and some Platforms made for that purpose are mounted above 1000 Brass and Iron Guns some whereof are of an incredible bigness De Stadt VISIAPOER About a League and a half from Visiapour lies another City call'd Nouraspour formerly the Residence of King Abrahim Chan whose Palace besides several other fair Structures are to be seen at this day but quite ruin'd the Materials of them being employ'd for the building of the present King's Houses and Palaces Travelling from Visiapour to Dabul you pass through these Cities From Nouraspour you come to the City of Sirrapour and Tickota six Kos from Visiapour Three Kos beyond Tickota is the City Honnowaere and three more beyond that a City call'd Calesen Six Kos further is a great and Trading Town nam'd Atteny two days Journey from Visiapour Four Kos from Calesen and two from Atteny between both lies the Village Burgie and two Kos from Atteny the great Dorp Agelle Six Kos and a half from Atteny is the City Areka with two Bary or Villages lying upon the side of the Road about four Kos and a half from Areka and one and a half from Atteny Three Kos from Areka lies the City Berek with a small Village in the way one Kos and a half from Areka and is under the Jurisdiction
speak three sorts of Languages viz. the Arabian Persian and the peculiar Language of the Country which differs from that of the other Provinces The Inhabitants of Decan Cuncan and Golconda speak the Persian Tongue which at the Princes Courts is as common as their own Language They Betroth their Children at seven or eight Years of Age and Marry them at twelve They keep a continu'd Feast for fourteen days before the Wedding concluding each day with the sound of Drums and Trumpets On the Wedding-day all the Relations walk seven times about a Fire made for that purpose after which they hold the Marriage confirm'd The Bride brings nothing to her Husband save onely her Person and a few Jewels of an inconsiderable value They always burn the Bodies of the Deceased and if a Married Man dies the Widow is oblig'd either to cast her self into the Fire with the Corps of her dead Husband or to live the rest of her days in infamy and disgrace The King of Cuncan is in the Country Language entituled Adelcan that is The true Governor or Adel Scach that is Real Lord or Lord of Justice and by the Portuguese corruptly Dialcam or Hialcam by the Netherlanders Adelchia by others Cadum Schach or Schach Gean He is also call'd Sabay that is Lord. Dotexara call'd that King from whom the Portuguese took Goa Sabyb Adelcan that is Ruler and King of Justice and not Sabay dalcan as we read in History According to Della Valle the King's Title besides his own Name is Adil Sciah or Idal Sciah which as some render it signifies A Just King for Adil in the Arabian signifies Just But others maintain that Adil or Idal which is an Indian Word signifies A Key and therefore must be call'd King of Keys perhaps from the Office which formerly belong'd to this Prince viz. The keeping of the Keys which lock'd up the Books that containd the Accounts of the Treasures of the Mighty Kings of Bisnagar and Sceherbeder unto whom this King and several other petty Princes were subject as we have already related The King keeps a splendid Court and when he rides abroad is attended by all his Nobility and a great number of Horse and Foot besides many Elephants and Camels and the sound of many Instruments The Kings eldest Son always succeeds his Father in the Government and maintains his Sisters till they are Married King Adel Schiah who deceas'd Anno 2586. Great-grandfather to the King Idelxa took Goa twice from the Portuguese but seeing at last that his Forces were not any longer able to oppose them he entred into a League with them on this Condition That the Portuguese should keep in possession the City and Island of Goa and the adjacent Provinces viz. Salsette on the South-side of Goa with sixty seven Villages the Country of Bardes with twelve Villages and the bordering Country of Tisvary with thirty Villages Provided that the King of Visiapour's Subjects should peaceably and quietly Trade into all Parts of India and on condition that the Portuguese should not buy any Pepper in any other Place but in Goa upon Forfeiture of their Ships and Goods But these Articles were broke several times by the Kings of Visiapour yet the Portuguese Vice-Roy residing in Goa as often reconcil'd the Difference by sending Ambassadors with great Presents to them The Father of this present King maintain'd great Wars against the Portuguese Anno 1654. he sent a Letter to the Governor of Batavia the Lord John Maetzuiker desiring him to send a Fleet of twenty six Sail of Ships to Goa to help him drive the Portuguese from thence and afterwards surrender the same to his Army The Letter by reason of its unusual Stile will not be amiss to be inserted here The Contents thereof are as follow THE Good Firman which are sent to the Person of Honor and Strength besides Valiant Famous and sought after by the Grandees as the most Eminent Person of your Country is John Maetzuiker Chief Vice-Roy of the Hollanders in India who by Friendship and Goodness of the Kings is very much favoured Makes known to your Excellency That the Person of Honor Greatness and Happiness Moelan Abdulakiem who sits in the King's Presence hath made known to me that you are a Person of a good Nature and candid Reality and inclin'd to shew service to this House which I gladly understood Send therefore according to Abdulakiem 's Request a Fleet of twenty six Sail well Mann'd with valiant Soldiers and provided with Guns and Ammunition or at least as many Ships as you can procure to fight against the Portuguese at Goa which Place you must endeavor to clear of those People and after the Conquest thereof deliver Goa to our Army This done you shall always remain in our Favor and 't will redown to your Honor and Glory And whatever Abdulakiem shall write to you concerning it freely credit the same and do that which this Firman here requests Given in the Year after Mahomet 's Birth 1064. the second of the Month Sillekada According to our Stile On the thirteenth of August Anno 1654. The King likewise wrote another Letter to the same purpose to a Dutch Merchant call'd Leonard Johnson to whom also Abdulakiem wrote the following Letter THE Person whose Strength and Conduct is esteem'd of amongst the Great Ones is Learned Johnson a Dutch Merchant whose Prudence must continue for ever How long hath your Excellence maintain'd the War of Ceilon with the Expence of much Powder and Shot and the loss of many valiant Soldiers which yet remains still unconquer'd because the Portuguese have always fresh Aid come to them Now to take Goa and to banish the Portuguese out of his sight the King hath made me Commander of his Army with which I am already come to the Borders of Salseet And since you were formerly enclin'd when a good Firman or Letter was sent to you from the King to assist him against his Enemies your good Intentions to serve his Majesty were made known to the King who thereupon order'd two Firmans to be sent away viz. One to the Person of Honor Eminent of Great Command and Respected amongst the Nobility of your Country John Maetzuiker Vice-Roy for the Hollanders in the Indies And the other to your Excellency Wherein is mention'd That your Ships being well furnish'd with Victuals and Ammunition should come hither according to my Directions And therefore I desire you will send your Fleet with all the expedition you can well provided with all things to the Bay of Goa And when we have obtain'd the Victory and routed the Portuguese we shall consequently in few days be also Masters of Ceilon after which your Valour shall be renown'd in the King's House you ever continue in his Favor and your Trade shall flourish in these Countries If in case you cannot resolve to this Proposal then consider what Charge you may be at in this War and what Loss you think you may
sustain by it You will not want much Ammunition in these Countries therefore do not refuse sending Assistance to us In the same year in the beginning of December a Peace was concluded between King Adel Schiah and the Portuguese whereby both Parties were allow'd free access one to the other The King of Visiapour maintains also Wars against some of his Rais or Rajas which are Heathen Princes or petty Kings which with the Rabutes their Subjects reside in the Mountains of Ballagate in Places naturally inaccessible where they neither fear being surpriz'd nor besieg'd They have no Written Laws in the whole Realm but the King's Will is a Law to all his Subjects All Civil Debates that happen to arise in the City Visiapour are determin'd by the Coutewael or High-Sheriff but Criminal Causes are try'd by the King himself The Criminals are often executed in the King's Presence with great cruelty throwing them oftentimes before Elephants and other Wild Beasts to be devour'd and sometimes cutting off their Arms Legs and other Members besides other ways not usual in Europe In other Towns or Provinces the Vice-Roy or Governor passes Sentence after the same manner For by vertue of their Patents which they call Firman they are particularly impower'd to give Judgment against Criminals They commonly judge of these Causes according to the first Complaint which they hear so that he which complains first for the most part fares best Differences of Debt are soon decided among them for if the Debtor do not pay his Creditor according to the time limited by the Judge he is severely whipp'd and his Wife and Children sold for Slaves by the Creditor Such Persons as are forc'd to swear are plac'd in a round Circle made upon the Ground laying one Hand upon some Ashes brought thither for that purpose and the other on their Breast and uttering several Expressions to their Gods after which they think themselves oblig'd on pain of Damnation to make a true Answer to all such Interrogatories as are put to them Linschot makes the Idalcans or Kings of Cuncan to be Subjects and Tributaries to the King of Narsinga but Jarrick affirms them to be mortal Enemies The Kings of Cuncan were formerly absolute Lords of vast Territories and subject to none but about sixty Years ago in the time of King Mamedh Idelxa Son to King Ibrahimxa who Anno 1635. possest the Crown in the twenty fourth Year of his Age they were reduc'd under the Mogol's Jurisdiction viz. when in King Mamedh Idelxa's Minority who Govern'd his Realm under the Guardianship of Chavas Chan the Great Mogol assaulting those of Visiapour with two hundred thousand Foot and eighty thousand Horse for their refusing to pay him Tribute After a long and bloody War and the death of Chavas Chan a Peace was concluded Duke Mustaff Chan and the Kings of Visiapour brought under subjection to the Great Mogol with Conditions to pay nine thousand Pagods yearly for Tribute But at present as F. Bernier affirms the King of Visiapour pays no Tribute to the Great Mogol but defends himself against all Attempts which he makes upon him for though he be not so powerful as those of Golconda oppose the Mogol's Forces yet he hath this advantage by reason of the remoteness of his Country from Dely and Agra that the Mogol makes not such frequent Attempts on these Parts besides which that part of the Country of Visiapour which lies next the Mogol's is very difficult for an Army to approach because of the scarcity of Water and Provisions and the badness of the Ways The Metropolis Visiapour is also very strong situate in a dry barren Soil and guarded by many Fortresses built on the circumjacent Mountains which are most of them inaccessible Many Rajas also joyn with him for their own security Moreover he oftentimes receives private assistance from the King of Golconda who always keeps an Army ready on the Borders to assist the King of Visiapour whenever he perceives him to be too much oppress'd by the Mogol Yet nevertheless this State as also that of Golconda is much declin'd for the Mogol hath taken Paranda from them which is the Key of their Country with the Magnificent City Bider and some other eminent Places But especially because of a difference between these two Kings for the last King of Visiapour dying without Issue-Male the present King who is a young Man being brought up by the King of Golcondas Sister who took him for her Son doth not acknowledge her Favours Ibrahim Adil Sciah who Reign'd Anno 1620. notwithstanding the Countries of Cutb Sciah or the King of Golconda and Nizam Sciah King of Decan lay as Bulwarks between his Dominions and the Mogol's and upon occasion was able to raise an Army of a hundred thousand Men stood nevertheless in great fear of the Mogol to whom though he paid considerable Tributes yearly yet he was so slighted by the Mogol that he sent his Letters to him by a Common Soldier or Slave whom he was forc'd to meet with his whole Army and conduct him in great Pomp to his Court where he plac'd himself in a Chair of State prepar'd purposely for him whilst Adil Sciah was forc'd to stand in his Presence like a Slave And when the Messenger had laid the Letter on a Carpet he bow'd down to the Ground three times according to the manner of the Country before he durst take it up This Ibrahim Adil Sciah is said to have caus'd his own Son to be put to death for persuading him from paying the usual Tribute to the Great Mogol and counselling him by force to free himself from that Slavery The King now Reigning sends oftentimes great Presents to the Mogol Anno 1656. in June the King Sciah Sahep sent a Present of seven Lak Penas or Two hundred and eighty thousand Pounds to the Mogol Prince Oranchzef at present King Residing at Dautabake who then accompanied with Mirsimula lay with his Fathers Army on the Borders of Visiapour in a Province call'd Pretapapour The Venassars and Collers or Coulys as also the Rasboutes of Cambaye pay Tribute to this King The thirteenth of November Anno 1656. the King of Visiapour call ' d Adil Sciah deceas'd at which time Fettechan guarded the King's Palace and Chan Channa coming with his whole Army near the Walls desir'd to know of Fettechan whether it would not be convenient for him to bring the Army into the City to prevent Insurrections Whereupon Fettechan reply'd That he had taken upon him in Chan Channa's absence to Guard the Fort and therefore he judg'd it best for the safety of the Realm to let Chan Channa come into the City Whereupon he repair'd to Fettechan in the Palace where consulting together they concluded to Crown the King 's adopted Son call'd Cha Chade which was perform'd the same day he being then in the twenty fourth Year of his Age. This new King receiv'd the Name of Aly Adel Sciah and was permitted to use
Moors The Women not permitted to go to their Temples Fol. 152 The Order of the Derwises amongst the Hassenists The Diet of the Hassenists with several of their peculiar Customs Fol. 153 The Nature and Complexion of the Hassenists Fol. 154 The Habits of the Mogollans Fol. 155 Christians dispers'd all over India ibid. The Realm of the Great Mogol otherwise Hindostan or Indostan The Bounds of the Kingdom It s Circumference Extent and Division Bengala a Fertile and Rich Kingdom Fol. 156 Indostan supply'd with Elephants and Horses from other Parts Caravanseras or Houses of Entertainment Indostan very Rich. The Indians manner of Sailing The Inhabitants of Indostan The Trade and Manufacture of the Country Fol. 157 The Omrahs Children Inherit not their Fathers Estates The Quality and Office of an Omrah The Mansebdars The Rouzindars Fol. 158 The Mogol's Infantry His whole Military Strength computed Fol. 159 The Court Splendor Magnificence and Riches of the Great Mogol The Description of the Mogol's Court at Lahor King Chorram's Cavalcade from Agra to Lahor Fol. 160 The King's Train and Splendor of his Court Fol. 161 His Entertainment of Ambassadors ibid. His Revenues Fol. 163 The Weights Measures and Coins of the Country ibid. Their manner of Travelling Fol. 164 Their Musick The Chief Officers of the Mogol's Court Fol. 165 The Execution of Criminals The King's Guard Three Orders of Chans The King sits in Person in Court Fol. 166 Variety of other Punishments for Criminals ibid. The King's Robes given to the Omrahs He is weigh'd upon his Birth-day with great Ceremony ibid. Their way of Salutation and the Reverence they shew their Prince ibid. The King 's Chief Officers in Cities and Sea-Ports Fol. 167 Of the Name and Title of Mogol The Reason of the Name Mogol and its Signification The Signification of Chan ibid. The Extract and Descent of the Mogol Kings The Great Mogol from whom descended Fol. 167 The Expedition of Tzingiz Chan. A Tartarian Prince settles in India and becomes Founder of the Royal Family there Fol. 168 Ecbar's Character and Death Scieco Gio succeeds his Father by the Name of Schach Selim Fol. 169 Several Opinions concerning Selim's Issue Fol. 170 Chosrou Rebelling against his Father is Defeated ibid. The mutual Constancy of Chosrou and his Lover ibid. Chorrom takes up Arms against his Father the Mogol with the Occasion of his Rebellion Fol. 170 171 Another Relation of Ecbar's Death and Selim's Reign Fol. 171 Chorrom succeeds Selim ibid. The Issue of Schach Jehan The Character of his Children Fol. 172 He sends his Sons to Govern several Provinces keeping onely the Eldest at home Fol. 173 Emer Jemla's Plot against the King of Golconda Fol. 174 The King of Golconda narrowly escapes from the Hand of Oranchzef The great Friendship betwixt Oranchzef and Emer Jemla ibid. Emer sent with an Army against Decan Fol. 175 Schach Jehan falls desparately sick ibid. The four Brothers take up Arms each in his own defence ibid. Oranchzef's subtile Letter to Moradbeck ibid. Emer suffers himself to be made Prisoner by Oranchzef Fol. 176 His Army appeas'd by Oranchzef ibid. Oranchzef and Moradbeck joyn their Forces together Fol. 177 The Mogol raises Forces against his Sons though unwillingly ibid. Soliman Chekouh Darasja's Son made General against Chasausa He fights Chasausa's Army and gets the Victory ibid. The Courage and Passion of Jesseingue's Wife Fol. 178 A violent Humor of Darasja ibid. The Policy of Oranchzef ibid. Darasja resolv'd to fight Oranchzef though contrary to his Fathers Will and the Advice of his Friends Fol. 179 The Ordering of the Battalia Fol. 180 Moradbeck's Valour Fol. 181 A notable piece of Treachery and the Effects thereof ibid. Oranchzef's Behavior after the Battel and Darasja's miserable Condition ibid. Oranchzef marches streight with his Army to Agra Schach Jehan circumvented in his Design Fol. 182 The Counter-Policy of Oranchzef and his Letter to his Father Fol. 183 The Advice given to Moradbeck He Sups with Oranchzef is surpriz'd and imprison'd Fol. 184 His Army goes over to Oranchzef ibid. Darasja's Management of Affairs cavill'd at by the States-men ibid. Darasja betakes himself to Amadabad and is honourably entertain'd by Schach Navazecan Fol. 185 Oranchzef engageth with Sultan Sujas ibid. Sultan Sujas guilty of the same fatal Error with Darasja Fol. 186 Oranchzef returns to Agra He grows jealous of Sultan Mahmoud his Son and Emer Jemla ibid. Chasausa put to flight by Emer Jemla Sultan Mahmoud seiz'd on and sent to Govaleor Fol. 187 Oranchzef's Policy to take Darasja The Battel between Darasja and Oranchzef Darasja's Flight and Misery Fol. 188 Darasja betray'd by the Raja Catche The Siege of Tatabacar Fol. 189 Darasja is made Prisoner by Gioncan and carried in Triumph through the City of Deli Fol. 190 A Consultation held Whether to put him to Death or send him Prisoner to Govaleor ibid. Darasja murder'd Tatabacar surrendred Fol. 191 Soliman Chekou taken and imprison'd He is brought to the Court ibid. The Poust what it is Moradbeck's Death ibid. Chasausa flies for Refuge to the King of Racan He requests a Ship to transport himself to Mecha but is deny'd His Plot against the King of Racan discover'd He is pursu'd overtaken and defeated What became of him uncertain Fol. 192 His Family ill treated but at last pardon'd yet soon after extirpated by the Conqueror Fol. 193 Emer Jemla's Death Surratte surpriz'd by a Robber The Robber taken and committed to Prison but escapes ibid. The Dea sh of Schach Jehan Begum Saheb receiv'd into Favour The Mogol's Ambassadors abus'd by the Persians The King of Persia dies Fol. 194 Paropamisa or Candahor Sablestan and Balassy The Bounds of Paropamisa and its Inhabitants ibid. The Head of the River Indus The Extent of the Country and its Chief Towns ibid. Candahor a Place of great Trade The Temperature of the Air. It often changeth its Lords When it became subject to the great Mogol and its several Vicissitudes Fol. 195 Candahor Besieg'd by the Mogol Schach Jehan Fol. 196 The Fortress Calabust taken by the Persians ibid. The Description of the City Balassan ibid. The Government of Balassan Fol. 197 The Towns and People of Sablestan ibid. The Kingdom of Cabul Its Borders and the Derivation of its Name c. ibid. The Territory of Multan Its Borders This Country Famous for excellent Bowes and Arrows ibid. The Country of the Bullochs or Bobochs or Kingdom of Ballochy otherwise Haican or Hangi-chan The Borders and the Nature of the People Fol. 197 The Province of Bucker or Buckor Its Borders and the Trade of the Chief City Suckera Fol. 198 The Kingdom of Send or Sind otherwise call'd Diu and Tatta The Etymologie of its Name Its Borders Tatta a Place of good Trade The Chief Commodities ibid. The Provinces of Sorit Jesselmeer and Attack Their Borders Limits and Boundaries ibid. The Province of Penjab or Pengab The Signification of its Name The Description of its Chief City Lahor The Nature of the
From the Mouth of Pontus to the Mouth of Maeotis Eratosthenes reckons XV. XLV or 1545 Miles which together comes to XLI LXXXIV or 4184 Miles But Artemidorus and Isidorus reckon the Whole with Aegypt as far as Tanais LXXXVIII or 8800 Miles Pliny himself by whom all these Authors are quoted in more express Terms affirm'd the Length of Asia to be LXIII DCC Miles which to hold proportion with the former Numbers can be but 7050. However here the Plinian Interpreter forgetting himself suffers it to run on to 630750 perhaps because of the DCC that comes after the LXIII But this as it would exceed the Proportion formerly observ'd so it would bring back that Contradiction to common Sense and Reason which he seem'd before to endeavor to avoid The Breadth from the Aethiopick Sea to Alexandria XVIII LXXV or 1875 Miles reckoning the Miles as the manner then was by so many thousand Paces Strabo speaking of the Mountain Taurus running through the midst of Asia from West to East and measuring the Length of Asia by it affirms the Length of the Mountain to be 45000 Furlongs which comes to 5625 Italian or English Mile Matthias Quadus though he almost follows the Words of Strabo yet he makes a longer Mount Taurus for he accounts the Length of it 58060 Furlongs that is 7257 of our Miles and four Furlongs over and without particularizing the Breadth affirms it to exceed the Breadth of Europe and Asia put together Mercator extends the Length of Asia from the most Western Meridian passing through the 57th Degree of Longitude to the most Eastern passing through the 178th Degree including 121 Degrees which reduc'd to Miles comes to 7260. The Breadth he reckons from the Aequator to the 80th Degree of Northern Latitude which amounts to 4800 Miles Cluverius allots to Asia between the Hellespont and Malacca the farthest Emporium of India the length of 1300 German Miles which is of our Miles 5200 And for Breadth between the Mouth of the Arabian Gulph and the Promontory Tabis which is at the Streight of Anian 1220 German Miles which is of our Miles 4880. With this Measure Golnitius and Lucas de Linda exactly agree Martiny determines the Extent of Asia from West to East that is from the Archipelago to the Chinese Ocean to be 1750 Leagues from South to North that is from Malacca to the Sea of Tartary 1550 Leagues P. du Val accounts its Length from West to East that is from the most Western Parts of Anatolia to the Eastern Parts of China 2500 French Leagues the Breadth not comprehending the Isles 72 Degrees that is 1700 of the same Leagues and all under the Septentrional Temperate Zone except some Peninsula's which are found in the Torrid Zone Now to reduce all these several Computations to one Standard viz. of our own Miles there will be no great difference among the three Moderns last mention'd provided we reckon in Martiny's Account three Leagues to a Mile and in P. du Val's two French Leagues to a Mile according to which Reckoning all the Modern Accounts come short of the Ancient which is the more strange in regard late Discoverers have penetrated into such remote Easterly Parts of Asia as were altogether unknown in Strabo's Pliny's or Ptolomy's time and therefore may well be suppos'd to have stretch'd it to a far greater extent But some Mistakes may possibly arise from our not exactly enough accommodating of the Ancient Numbers or Measures to our own as may evidently appear by the vast Error that might easily have slipt from an inanimadvertency of Pliny's Numbers Of the Lakes or Seas of Asia THE greatest Lake if it be not more properly call'd a Sea not onely of Asia but generally so reputed of the World is the Hircanian Lake which contains in Length 270 German Miles in Breadth above 100 and although there be no visible Entrance of any other Sea into it yet in regard its Waters are generally Salt it is suppos'd to communicate with the Ocean or some other Sea by certain Subterraneous Passages as undoubtedly it partakes also of several great Rivers since in many Places it hath Fresh Water and abounds with some sorts of Fresh-water or River Fish The Ancients believ'd this to be a Bay of the Scythian Ocean but Herodotus one of the most ancient of the Greek Writers as also Aristotle and Diodorus were of a different Opinion affirming it to be a particular Sea by it self as being no where mix'd with the Ocean And Ptolomy for that Reason would rather have it call'd a Lake than a Sea to which Opinion of his many other Writers have given their Suffrage However it hath commonly had in times past the Appellation of The Caspian Sea and at present is term'd Mare di Sala or The Sea of Sala The next great Asian Lake is call'd Lacus Asphaltites or The Lake of Brimstone the same which in Holy Writ is call'd Mare Mortuum or The Dead Sea in regard the Water remains fixt and immovable in so vast a Circuit Upon this Lake stood the Cities of Sodom and Gomorra Admah and Zeboim the two first whereof are mention'd in Sacred Scripture to have been destroy'd by Fire from Heaven whereupon it hath been also known by the Name of The Lake of Gomorra And if the fore-mention'd much more this may be term'd a Lake in regard it is but very small in respect of that Over this Lake like as over that of Avernus or Aornus in Campania no Birds endure to fly neither are any Fish able to live in it by reason of the evil and noxious Savour and intollerable Stench of the Water which is not mov'd or stirr'd by any Wind because the Bituminous Quality thereof resists by condensing the Surface of the Water which is so thick that the heaviest Creatures are born upon it without swimming But it is not Navigable by any Ships both in regard of the thickness and immovableness of the Water and the noisomness of the Lake to all Passengers The next is the Lake or Sea in Persia call'd El-Catif The fourth is the Lake of Genesareth otherwise call'd Tiberius and by some The Sea of Galilee The fifth is the Lake Samochonites between which and that of Gennesareth the River Jordan flows Of the Chief Rivers of Asia THERE are many Rivers of Principal note in Asia as Euphrates Tigris Jordan Indus Ganges Ob c. Euphrates riseth in Great Armenia and is call'd by the Inhabitants generally Phrat But in its Progress through several Countries it changeth its Name for some space from its first rising it is call'd Pyxirates towards its entrance into the Mountain Taurus Omira again coming forth from out of the said Mountain it takes the Name of Euphrates afterwards it toucheth upon Mesopotamia on the Left Hand and Syria Arabia and Babylonia on the Right and then divides it self into several Arms one whereof takes its Course to Seleucia and falls into the River Tigris another runs through Babylon and loseth
describe the manner of the Conception of Pearl in those sorts of Shell-fish which ingendred them of which in those days great Traffick was made by the Natives that were expert in diving for them But at present as there is much more of India and other Parts of Asia discover'd than was formerly so we have a more perfect and certain Account of all the Chief Places of Trade and what the peculiar Productions and Exportations are of the several Provinces and Emporiums of Persia India c. Olearius Tobacco in Asia For the Province of Chilan in Persia abounds with Silk Oyl Wine Rice Tobacco Lemons Oranges Pomegranates and other the most delicious sorts of Fruit. The Provinces of Iruan Nachtxuan Kerabath Aderbeitzan and Chorasan bring forth in very great plenty Cotton which the Persians call Pambeh The Trade of Pearl-fishing is most especially eminent in three Places near the Isle of Baharem in the Persian Sea near the Isle of Manar upon the Coast of India and near that of Ainan towards China Near the City Saha in the Province of Erac grows abundance of Cotton and Rice in which the Inhabitants drive a great Trade In the City Katschan is a great Trade driven of Silk Stuffs and Gold and Silver Brocados At Caswin the Chief City of Erac are bought Turqueses which the Natives call Firuse and which are found near Nisabur and Firusku as also Rubies and Granats very cheap At Scamachie the Principal City of Media Atropatia the Chief Commerce lies in Stuffs of Silk and Cotton as also Gold and Silver Brocadoes and rich Scymitars The Provinces of Kilan and Sahetzan are noted for Silks Near Baku are several Sources of Nefie From the Salt-pits of Kutb Urum Kemre Hemedan Bisethun Suldus and Kilissim there is drawn out great quantity of Salt as clear as Crystal The Country of the Malabars in India Mandelslo i. e. from the City of Goa as far as the Cape of Comory is very fertile of Spices but particularly of the best Pepper of the Indies The principal Commerce of the City of Cochim is in Pepper Ginger and Cinnamon The Isle of Ceilon produces Cinnamon all sorts of Precious Stones except Diamonds Pearls somewhat-inferior to those of Baharam but the best Ivory of the World It abounds also in all sorts of rich Fruits as Ananas Bananas Cocos Jacques Mangas Citrons and hath whole Forests of Oranges and Lemons and also Mines of Brass and Iron and it is thought of Gold and Silver especially in the Kingdom of Candy The Soil also is very Productive of Corn Wine Oyl Cotton several Roots for Dyers Ginger Nutmegs Cardamoms Mirobalans Corcoma and divers other Medicinal Drugs In the City of India the Chief City of the Province Odya the principal Commerce consists in Stuffs brought from Suratta and the Coast of Coromandel all sorts of China Commodities Precious Stones Gold Benzoin Wax Copper Lead Indico Calamba Wood Brasil Wood Cotton Saphires Rubies Likewise great quantities of Rice are hence transported to the neighboring Islands and Deer-skins to the Japoneses The Isle call'd Java Major is term'd by Julius Scaliger in his Exercitations against Cardanus The Compendium of the World because there is not that Animal Plant Fruit Metal nor Drug which is not here in greater plenty than in any other part of the Universe beside Particularly the costly Drugs of Java are Wild Cinnamon Carcapuli Costus Indicus Zorumbet Galanga Benzoin Sandale Ginger Anacardium call'd by the Portuguese Java di Malacca the Wood call'd Pala di Cuebra Lignum Aloes call'd Palo d' Aguila and by the Indians Calamba the Drug Pody the Root Carumba the Wood Conjuapi the Root Samparentam the Fruit Gatogamber with innumerable others At Bantam they vend great store of Gum Lacca of which they make Spanish Wax and the curious Varnish wherewith the Cabinets and other choice Pieces of Art of China and Japan are overlaid also Anil or Indico Sandal-wood Nutmegs Cloves Tortoise-shell whereof they make Cabinets and Ivory which the Mandorins who have their Chairs made of it prefer before Silver The Island of Sumatra is rich in Diamonds and other Precious Stones Silk Spices Wax Honey Camphire Cassia White Sandal in great abundance and Cotton There is said to be also in this Island a Fountain of Balsom incessantly running It likewise contains rich Mines of Gold Silver Copper Iron Brass and abounds with Rice Millet and the most delicate of Fruits as Oranges Lemons Bananas Tamarinds Batalas and that rare Tree call'd in the Malayan Tongue Singadi by the Persians and Turks Gul and by the Portuguese Arbor triste di Dia of which we shall speak more particularly in its proper place having already spoke sufficiently concerning the Riches of Asia in general Of the several Religions profest in Asia OF the four Religions profest in this Quarter of the World viz. The Jewish the Mahumetan the Pagan and the Christian the last is here of the smallest extent and the Mahumetan of the greatest But here it was that they were all first planted Idolatry or the Pagan Religion was first broach'd among the Syrians Judaism among the Hebrews Christianity began in Palestine or the Holy Land Mahumetanism in Arabia Several Missions have been appointed by Christian Princes for the Propagating of the Christian Religion that is to say Those of Turkie under the Protection of France Those of India under the Protection of Portugal Those of the Philippines under the Protection of Castile In the East-Indies are four Archbishopricks and seven Bishopricks There also the Jesuits have three Provinces that of Goa that of Malabar and that of Japan From France the Bishops of Heliopolis Metellopolis Beritus and Coesarea were sent to propagate the Christian Religion in China Mahumetanism hath been receiv'd by the four Principal Nations of Asia Turks Arabians Persians and Tartars The Turks are the most free the Arabians the most superstitious the Persians the most rational and the Tartars the most simple Of the Mahumetans there have been reckon'd sixty two Sects which nevertheless are reduc'd to two Principal ones that of the Turks which follows the Doctrine of Homar and that of the Persians following the Doctrine of Ali. The Persians have their Patriarch at Ispahan the Turks theirs at Bagdat The Christians of these Parts are principally those of the Greek Church who have also their two Patriarchs the one at Antioch the other at Jerusalem The other Chief Sects are the Jacobites who have a Patriarch at Caramit the Nestorians the Cophites the Georgians the Sirians so call'd from Sirus their first Teacher not from the Country of Syria the Armenians who have their two Patriarchs the one at Massivan in Media the other at Ciz in Cilicia and lastly the Maronites who have theirs at Canobin in Mount Libanus Of the Ancient and Modern Division of Asia THE Ancients divided the whole Continent of Asia into Asia the Less or Asia properly so call'd and Asia the Greater which is also subdivided into the
the same length reckoning from Araxis to the River Indus a thousand eight hundred and forty English Miles and the breadth from Oxus to the Persian Sea eight hundred and ten Botteras makes the breadth from North to South to be eighteen Degrees a Tract of eight hundred and ten Miles But Olearius confutes all these Writers in this Point and affirms That Persia hath 12 Degrees in breadth from North to South for if you take the utmost Limits or Corners which lie at both the opposite Seas viz. the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf you will find that the City Hasum by the Inhabitants call'd Resht is situate scarce two Leagues from the Caspian Sea under 37 Deg. and Ormus at the Persian Gulf in 25 Degrees so that the extent of this breadth is but 12 Degrees a Tract of two hundred and eighty German Miles Its Borders This Kingdom hath for Borders in the East the River Indus the Mogol's Countrey as also the Countrey of Zakatey On the West it conterminates with Diarbek and Great Armenia the Countries of the Turks the River Tigris and the Lake Giocho on the North it verges with the Caspian Sea or Bachu besides the Tartars from Usbeki or Zagatey and a part of Muscovy to the Eder or Vola and on the South is partly wash'd by the Persian Gulf the rest limiting with Ormus and a little part of the Indian Sea Cluverius affirms That the Empire of Persia is on the North inclos'd with the Caspian Sea the River Oxos and Mount Caucasus on the East with the River Indus in the South with the Indian Sea and Persian Gulf and in the West with the Euphrates and Tigris the Nifean Mountains and River Araxis The same Borders are set down by Golnitius viz. on the East the Stream Indus and a part of Tartary on the North the Tartars besides the Oxos and the Caspian Sea on the West the Turks the Lake Giocho and Euphrates Tigris and Araxis and on the South the Persian Gulf call'd Elkatist and the Indian Sea In ancient Times Persia also compris'd the Countries of Gedrosia Carmania Drangiana Arachosia Paropamisis Bactriana Marigana Hyrcania Aria Parthia Persis Susiana Assyria and Media most of them in this Age having receiv'd new Names as shall be made appear more at large hereafter The same Cluverius divides the Modern Dominion of the Sofi into the following Countries or Provinces to wit Sark Cusistan Elaran Tarsi Arak Elsabar Diargment Corasan Sablestan Candahar Sigestan Sigesimur Kirman and Goadel besides the Kingdom of Ormuz and the Indian Province of Guzaratte but this last is now under the Great Mogol This Dominion comprehends the Province of Persia or Forsistan which comprises the Regions of Lahor and Sofian Servan Adherbajon Arak or Hierak divided into the Provinces of Casbin and Armadan the Countrey of Guilan or as Texeira saith Gheylon or Kilan Sayabat Strava Diargument besides the Substitute Countries of Mazandaran beyond which Texeira places along the Caspian Sea Bostam Sabzabah and Nixabur formerly Metropolises of so many Kingdoms but of late reduc'd to peculiar Lordships or Dominions But the Persians at this day possess Korazan Candahar the Kingdoms of Sistan and Hucenche besides the three Kingdoms of Curdistan one of which is peculiarly call'd Malaga or Miraga containing part of Chaldea and Assyria and extends to Bagdat Sagistam Tabastan Kablestan or Sablestan Nimruz Stakar Lorestan or Luristan Ciran Eri Kirman and several other Isles are also under the Jurisdiction of the Persians The most eminent Provinces in Persia are at this day as Olearius affirms Pasargadas the most South-East Province of Persia Erak Fars Schirwan Kilan Adirbeitzan Thabristan or Mazanderan Iran or Karabach Chorasan Sablustan Sitzestan Kirman Chusistan Tzisire and Diarbek Others make the Kingdom of Persia to contain the Province of Persia in the Country Language call'd Fars Erak Adirbeitzan Iran or Karabach Drangiane or Sagistan Nixabur Kilan Mokan or Mogan Betziruan Mazanderan Chusistan Carmania Gedrosia or Cirkan Kache Guadel Nakran Mogostan Lorestan Chorazan Siston Aria or Erie Dagestan and Amadan The Province of Persia or Fars THE Province of Persia anciently call'd Persis from which the whole Kingdom is so call'd is in the Country Language nam'd Fars and Farsistan which last properly signifies The Country of Fars for Stam in the Persian Tongue generally signifies A Country Niger besides several others call it Azamia and the Turks according to Megisser Farsik It is a great Country and hath on the East the two Carmania the West part thereof borders at Susiana now call'd Suse or Suster otherwise call'd Kusistan the North verges with Media now Sarch and the South shoots to the Persian Bay or Sea of Ormus The Coast of Persia is every where an open and sandy Plains and without Harbors yet the Inhabitants call all those Places where Boats can put in Brendor that is A Haven The Sea-Coast of this Province comprehends the Country inhabited by the Nautaques Arabians and Mihelus or Nichilu which have their Name from that Sea-Coast and maintain themselves by Piracies They pay Tribute to the Sefi yet some of them own the Portuguese and Sail freely with their Passes which secures them from being molested by the Portuguese Carraks On the Bay of Persia stands the Fort Rexel and more Northward into the Country lies Resh Ceyfadin that is The Tract of Sand of Ceyfadin The Metropolis of this Province is Schiras by the Italians and Sir Walter Raleigh nam'd Siras and according to Mr. Herbert from the pronunciation of the Persians themselves Scheraz By reason of its Situation on a Plain some term it Imurezam that is A Plain-City Ben Jonas calls it Syahaz Osirus Niras Sephanus Cynebatha and Ctelius Cyropolis though mistaken as Mr. Herbert affirms because all the ancient Geographers place the City of Ciropolis near the River Cyrus in Hyrcania lying in 39 Degrees and a half Northern Latitude whereas Sciras lies in 28 Degrees and 44 Minutes Aelian affirms That there is a Ciropolis in India and Pliny hath observ'd a River of the same Denomination in Armenia but none of the Ancients make mention of any City of that Name yet nevertheless Garcias de Sylva and Fiqueroa certainly believes Schiras to be the ancient City of Ciropolis lying in the Province of Pasargadas Herbert would have Scheraz to be deriv'd from the word Sheer which signifies Milk in the Persian Tongue or else from Sherap which is A Bunch of Grapes for no Place in all Asia affords better Vines Some but especially Philips of Ferrara would have Sciras to be the ancient City Persepolis or at least that Sciras was built out of its Ruins on the same Foundation but this is a grand Mistake because Schiras is not an ancient City and the Place where Persepolis stood is above ten Persian Miles to the Northward from Schiras Yet nevertheless Mr. Herbert affirms that Schiras was raised out of the Ruins of Persepolis Some ascribe the building of this City to Jamshid
fifth King of Persia who as the Chronicle makes mention was succeeded by Chedorlaomer not long after the Death of Noah Botterus tells us That Schiras was built when Grand-Cair was but a Village but according to the Registers of the Country it was built not above seven hundred and fifty years ago a considerable time after the Arabians made themselves Masters of Persia Moreover if ancient Traditions may be credited which are there certainly believ'd this City is much elder especially if it be true what is related of an Asian General call'd Jenpsit who is said to have liv'd many Ages before their Account of Time And though they differ amongst themselves in the Time and Reign of the foremention'd Heroe yet 't is very probable that he liv'd a thousand years after the Flood They affirm that he was the Person who made the great and strange cut Channel which so abundantly waters the whole Country of Schiras by undermining and cutting through the great Mountains that lie between the City and Springs and thereby brought them to their present Perfection and by this means they furnish the City with such an abundance of Water that if all the Channels were cut into one they would make a very large River The City of Schiras lying in 28 Degrees and 44 Minutes Northern Latitude is situate about ten Leagues from the Ruins of Persepolis near the Stream Bendamir or Bendimir on a great Plain inclos'd with Mountains except on the side where you go over a Bridge from Pasa into the same two Leagues distant from the City but on the North scarce half a League This City was formerly much bigger and had many more magnificent Buildings than at this day as plainly appears both within and without its Walls And the Arabian Geographer Ulug Becig Nephew to Tamerlane affirms that it was in his Time three Leagues and a half in Circumference The like bigness Contasing ascribes to the same as also the number of twenty four thousand Houses In the beginning of this Age Schach Abbas to punish the Insurrection of one Jacob Chan Governor or Lord of Schiras pull'd down that part of the Wall which was then remaining and fill'd up the Moat and Trench which surrounded the City Both without and within the City are many Mosques or Temples amongst which some are built very magnificent and beautiful and especially one which being of an extraordinary bigness hath a much higher Steeple upon it than any of the other These Towers which the Persians call Alcorons are narrow but high having without two or three Galleries one above another from whence the Marabouts a sort of Priests publickly read their Prayers with a loud and strong Voice three times a day and walking round about the Gallery that they may be the better understood There are very few handsom Structures either without or within the City except the Mosques for besides three Royal Palaces of which one is in the City and the other two in the Suburbs there is not one fair House 't is true that of the Chan or Sultan thoug it be not very beautiful on the out-side yet large and hath many Painted and richly Gilded Apartments within besides Galleries Gardens Orchards and pleasant Walks All the other inhabited by Citizens and other eminent Persons are small and mean the Rooms except the Hall and two or three Chambers are so little that an indifferent Tradesman here hath better Accommodation than a Nobleman there The City hath several Gates one of which respects the River Pasargadas and is call'd Darvaza Pasa that is The Gate of Pasa anciently Pasargadas it is very little and supported only by the Relicks of an old Mud Wall Opposite to this Gate towards the West is another call'd Darvaza Achem that is Iron Gate at which begins a very fair Street above 2000 Paces long and every where exactly 90 Paces broad On each side of this Street is a Wall of about sixteen Foot high Plaister'd over with Mortar and without any Houses behind are spacious Gardens and Orchards full of Fruit-trees and curious Banqueting-houses which belong to the King and are neatly built with large Galleries and pleasant Prospects In this fair Street the Persians run Races and perform their Exercises on Horseback At the end of the Streets stands the King's Palace very handsomly built with Balconies and Terrace Walks Before the Court you ascend by two Steps to a little Plain which is rais'd higher than the Street At the Entrance and near the Gallery in the midst of the Plain lies a fair and large Pool of Water Most of the Inhabitants of the City appear every Friday being the Mahumetan Sabbath in a spacious Plain both on Foot and Horseback and are there Exercis'd and Train'd and afterwards dispose themselves to other Recreations as they think fit Near the King's Palace is a fair House with a pleasant Garden the Work of the Great Ismael Sofi very curiously built three Stories high in the second of which among other very convenient Apartments is a large and spacious Hall having in the middle an Arch'd Lover full of Glass Windows In this Apartment as also in the rest on this Story are divers Pictures of Women most of them Cloth'd after the Italian manner Under the Galleries which surround this Structure two are much bigger than the other one of which being over the Gate looks into the Street and also to that Gate of the City which is call'd Darvaza Pasa The other standing above the first is over the Gate through which you pass to go into the Garden and respects the West Each of these have three Doors one against another so that being in the Hall which is in the middle of the Edifice you have the Prospect not only of the foremention'd Streets and Walks but also of the City Gate and that of the Haram or Seraglio in the middle of the Garden which may justly be accounted a Wood of all sorts of Fruit-trees divided into Walks but those of the Cypress and Palm are the chiefest which begin at the Court Gate and extend nine hundred Paces in length and thirty in breadth the Walks are very straight and even Planted on both sides with tall Cypress-trees which are so big that three Men can scarce fathom them and so high and straight that they represent great Obelisks At the bottom of the Trees is rais'd a Gravel Path or Bank somewhat higher than the middle Walk and about five or six Foot broad where all People walk for they go not into the middle part because that must be kept always green At the bottom of these Cypress-trees on the out-side of the Walk runs a pleasant Brook which afterwards dividing it self into several Branches waters all parts of the Garden At the end of the Walk is the Haram or Seraglio built after the same manner as the House before mention'd but not so large nor high It is erected on a Plain rais'd seven Foot higher than the Garden On
each side of this Structure is forty Foot of Ground in which are ten eight-square Ponds which are each half a Fathom deep to serve the House with Water This Edifice is not cover'd with Tyles but with Lome and chopt Straw or Chaff which being temper'd together and bak'd becomes so hard that no Water will soke through but runs off into Gutters join'd to the Wells On this Roof as also on those of all other Houses stands a Marble Pillar of about three or four Foot long and one thick On the top of the Seraglio you have a Prospect of the whole Garden as also a cool walking-place in the hot Summer Nights This Garden affords all sorts of European Fruits but especially Pears and Grapes of divers sorts beautiful to the Eye and very large also Pistacho's Almonds and Filberds Sixty or seventy Paces from the Haram appears a square Fountain with a handsom Ascent each Square is about a hundred Foot long and Wall'd with Marble also fill'd with Water in which are kept two Pleasure-boats for the Women to recreate themselves with All the Walks are on both sides Hedg'd in with Province-Roses out of which they Distill abundance of Rose-water and send it in great quantities to Ormus and India and other remote Countries In this large Garden are abundance of great Pheasants Woodcocks and other Fowls which are there as in a Cage breeding and hatching up their Young Ten Leagues from Schiras is a Village call'd Maragaskan otherwise Mardash it lies in 28 Degrees and 48 Minutes Northern Latitude four League North-West from the Village Mahin between which the Way is very straight pleasant and delightful being overgrown with Grass This Village contains about two hundred Houses so inclos'd with Trees that at a distance it appears to be a Wood divided into several small Parks The Air thereabouts is very temperate and the Water good and fresh besides which all sorts of Provisions very cheap Near Mardash at the end of a neighboring Plain nigh the Foot of a high Mountain not far from the Brook Sirt may be seen the Ruins of an old Castle in the Persian Tongue call'd Tzehilminar that is Forty Towers though at this Day only thirty of them remain viz. nineteen high ones and eleven broken ones but as Della Valle affirms there are not above twenty which may be true and the Place not misnam'd for though now so few remain without doubt there were more at first the Persian word Thehil signifying Fort and Minar A Tower Joseph Barbaro affirms that the Towers before mention'd are as big as three Men can Fathom and as Mandeslo relates consists of black and white Marble The Persians relate that this Edifice was erected by a King call'd Tzemshied Schach famous for Wisdom but Olearius questions that Others say That King Solomon built it and some believe that Darius was the Founder thereof and that Iskander which is Alexander the Great ruin'd it But Aelian ascribes the erecting thereof to King Cyrus The Foundation or Platform of this Structure is about eighty Yards being cut out of an intire Rock of Marble They ascend the same on four pair of Stairs consisting of ninety five Steps cut out of white Marble On the top not far from the Stairs appear four Pieces of a broken Wall that seem to have been two large Gates on the first two are cut two great Horses with strange Furniture and on the other two are other kind of Beasts with Bodies like Horses but Heads like Lyons with Crowns upon them and Wings at their Shoulders Not far from hence on the right side stand the thirty foremention'd Pillars A little distant from these Towers and somewhat higher were two indifferent large Chambers of which are remaining some of the Doors and Windows which are of Marble as also the Walls which are so polish'd that one may see their Face therein as in a Looking-Glass Farther in on the side near the Doors are all manner of ancient Shapes and Figures hewn in Stone and bigger than the Life some sitting others standing with long Hair broad Beards and long Coats down to their Feet with wide Sleeves a Sash about their Middle and strange round Caps on their Heads Not far from these Chambers stands a square Pillar with a great polish'd Stone in the top which some judge to be a Jasper on this also as on several other Columns are strange Characters Engraven which none can Read All that remains of the Relicks or Ruins of ancient Persepolis we find very well describ'd in Mr. Herbert wherefore we shall give you the Description in his following words The Ribs or Ruins of Persepolis saith he are at this Day call'd Chill-Manor or Chehel-Manor that is Forty Towers in the Idiom of Persia and might more properly have said Hashtot-Manor or Eighty Towers for so many are easily told two Yards out of the Ground and if from so many Pillars as are perfect and lofty then may they say Nouzda-Manor or Nineteen Towers at this Day no more standing one excepted at the East below above a Bowe-shot thence The whole Basis is cut by incredible toil out of the solid Marble Rock twice the compass of Windsor Castle ascended by fourscore and fifteen easie Steps dissected from the durable black Marble so broad that a dozen Horses may go abreast the Perpendicular is two and twenty Geometrick Feet and where the Stairs are not the Rock is precipitious near the highest Step is the Entrance into the Palate the Breadth is visible in despight of Flame and Weather on one side of the Gate stands a monstrous great Elephant on the other a Rhinoceros the distance is about twenty Foot the Portraicts are cut out of the shining Marble ten Yards high either of them fixt and perpetual A few Paces thence are of like Work Bulk and Matter two gallant Towers and to finish the Porter's Lodge near them is another Ruine a Pegasus an Invention of the Sculptor to illustrate his Art And being past this Portal the Apollo opens a fair even Ground deplorable in many Ruins a hundred white Marble Pillars whole and broken dignifying this once most excellent Structure Upon many of these white Marble Pillars the Storks have builded their Nests where the rage of Wind and Weather is more offensive to them than any dread they have of the People who inhabit near them In all unseasonable stormy or cold Weather they forsake the Region and fly where the Sun can comfort them The Persians have many superstitious Stories concerning them and suppose them as else-where I have noted the Emblems of Piety and Gratitude The Pillars which are at this day standing but seem to groan under the Tyranny of Time are betwixt fifteen and twenty Cubits and rise beautifully in forty Squares or concave Parallels every Square having full three Inches whereby the Circuit may be gather'd Most excellent is the Matter most elegant the Work and no less commendable the Order and Shape how they are
take them away On the North side of the City as you go to Ispahan lies a Mountain over which you travel along a Stony Road through which runs a Stream which waters all the adjacent Gardens and Orchards Three Leagues to the Northward of Schiras stood a large Caravansera which though half ruin'd yet by its great Walls and Arches sufficiently testifies its former Magnitude This Province contains four great Cities besides Schiras viz. Casirum Bunitzan Firusabath and Astar as also the Towns Arboy Chiminar Sava the Metropolis of Savas formerly the Country of the Massabates It comprises likewise Firusbate Berdezzil Senorgande Cazaran by Texeira call'd Carriu and by Ananie Casrum also Camara Zemilen Bendarepe Serustan Agiane c. Texeira also places in this Province these Towns and Villages viz. Tarum Iaharom or Jarum Lasta or Lastan Stahabanon Neriz Pacah Daragued and Duzgun near Lastan between Comoron and the City Lara eighteen Leagues from Ormus There are also the Cities of Rey and Gibal The first City of this Province according to Figueroa is Guin as also Benaru with the Ruins of the Castle Gabriel in the utmost Confines of the Kingdom of Lara though both Places lie very near one another in a great Plain The City Guin is separated from the rest of Persia by high Mountains over which you must travel to go to Jarum and thence with the Caravans through the Desart It is apparent that this City hath been built many Years and Peopled by a Colony of Persians because the Inhabitants are of a better Spirit and more Morallised than the neighbouring wild Arabians Their Complexion also is whiter and the Habit of the Women neater and more Civil On the left Hand going from Guin lies a Village call'd Denia full of fair Houses About two days Journey from Guin lies the little City Horum so call'd from its Beauty and great plenty of Dates as also another of the same denomination between Cabrestan and Lara Between Guin and Horum you meet with a barren and uninhabited Desart of three days Journey not having in all that way above two Pits of Water The Village Tarum which is the Chief of many Villages was much decay'd Anno 1630. The Inhabitants thereof are subject to the Prince of Lar. It hath under its Jurisdiction the Village Seid Geuder beyond which is a large Plain and at a small distance runs the Brook Absciur which signifies Salt Water A little further is a Village call'd Pelengon that is A Panther so nam'd from the great number of that sort of Beasts breeding thereabouts Two Leagues from Pelengon you come to a narrow way between the Mountains in the Persian Tongue call'd Der Tenghi Cebar Rud that is The narrow Gate of four Streams because in Rainy Weather four great Currents which come from several Places unite their Waters there After three or four Leagues travelling through a pleasant Way you come to a Place call'd Curihazirgon that is The Merchants Grave perhaps so call'd because a Merchant died and was buried there Four Leagues further lies a solitary and ruin'd Place nam'd Ser Zehi Rizevon about which stands onely a few Huts shaded on one side by a Grove of Date-trees And four Leagues further is Tastek inhabited by none but the Rabdary or Watchmen to guard the Way Two Leagues from Tastek along an even Way between the Mountains lies a Place call'd Abi Dungher the utmost extent of the Dukedom of Lar and the beginning of the Country which belong'd to the King of Ormus when he was absolute Master of Persia and Arabia The Road from Schiras to Ispahan Travelling from Schiras to Hispahan you pass by these Places viz. First the Village Zargan in which is a handsom and well-built Mosque Four Leagues further you come to Mahin which being an open Town contains between five and six hundred Houses but is so inclos'd with Gardens and Orchards of all sorts of Fruit-trees that it rather seems at a distance a shady Grove than a Town A little forward from Mahin you come to another Village call'd Amanzada consisting onely of a few Houses all enclosed within a Wall'd Caravansera in which stands also a rich Pagode out of whose Revenue all Travellers that rest there are maintain'd for three days The whole way from Mahin to this Caravansera is very craggy and troublesom to travel and is border'd on the left Hand by a high Mountain whose top lies crown'd with Snow till the middle of Summer Three Leagues from Amanzada lies Ugion a Village on a Plain and between both a very steep Mountain whose Southern side is full of Lentisk Trees out of which drops Mastick In this Place stands a Mosque to which the Natives shew great Reverence by reason of a Tomb in which lies Interr'd one of Aly's Successors and the Villagers report that many sick blind and decrepit People have receiv'd Health and been restor'd to their Sight and Limbs by imploring the aid of the foremention'd Person whom they account a Saint The Plain on which this Village is situate is water'd by a small River whose Stream though muddy is yet very full of Fish Four Leagues from Ugion is Acopas a small Village enclos'd with a Mud-wall and surrounded with high Mountains In the middle of the Village on a Mount stands a small decay'd Fort round about which and within the Walls are above a hundred Houses most of them Inhabited by Circassians Hard by stands a large Caravansera and not far from it a Garden planted with divers sorts of Fruit-trees and curious Walks of Cypress and Palm-trees which one Alavardy Chan planted a little before his death Four or five Leagues from Acopas lies Curcuzar a small Fortified Town with a Caravansera adjoyning All the way between Acopas and Curcuzar is low and Morassie the Air also is unwholesom Wherefore the Persians have not without great reason call'd this Place Curcuzar which signifies Infectious Air. Beyond this is the Village Dergriger three Leagues from which stands a Caravansera and another pretty Town next to which follows Comixan containing about fifteen hundred Families A little beyond Comixan lies the Dorp Mahiar And lastly between that and Hispahan about a League from the latter is a Village nam'd Jarustan The Province of Persia is water'd by a large River call'd Cur which is a corrupt Name of Cyrus Philip of Ferara in his Geography Olearius and others will have this to be the same River which the Latins call'd Begradas But Della Valle contradicts this Opinion affirming That Bendemir is the Name of a Bridge which lies cross the River near the way coming from Ispahan to Schiras but its right name is Curis as is before mention'd for Bend-Emir signifies The Bridge of Emir because the Persians call a Bridge Bend and Emir was the Name of the Builder The ancient Writers make mention of two Rivers in Asia which bear the Name of Cyrus the one whereof having washt Armenia and Albania discharges its Water into the Caspian
Sea and as Olearius says is at this day call'd Cur or Aras The other which we now speak of glides from the North to the South through Persia by the Walls of the City Schiras and falls into the Persian Gulph From the Banks of this River the famous Cyrus was thrown in his Infancy and gave his Name to the Place and not to that where he was born which was call'd Agradat Most of the Persian Geographers as Olearius Garcias de Sylva Figueroa and others judge the River Cur or Bendemir to be the same with Araxes This Araxes is the biggest of all those Rivers which water the Provinces of Persia and Lara notwithstanding which it is not very broad but runs in a narrow Channel in many Meanders between high Mountains being well replenish'd with all sorts of Fish This River takes its Original out of the Mountain Jessel lying between the famous Cities Suster and Margascan formerly call'd Susa and Persepolis and first directingits Course Southward bends afterwards to the East separating the ancient Province of Susiana from the Western part of Carmania and so enters into the Kingdom of Persia and after having receiv'd the Waters of many little Rivolets and divided the Province of Kerman and the ancient Caramie Foelix finding its Current to the Sea stopt by the exceeding high Mountains it returns with great force to the North-East being grown bigger than before and much deeper by the Waters which fall from the fore-mention'd Mountains thence it again runs Southward visiting the ancient Gedrosie and at last falls into the Indian Sea making a spacious Bay Near the Ruins of Cehil Minar and the ancient Persepolis glides the River Pelevar which takes its Course towards the South and falls into the Cur after having first water'd one of the fruitfulest Parts of Persia Persia is very Mountainous in several Places but they are not altogether sterill for the Mountains of Neriz have many Iron Mines and some relate that many Smaragds are found in this Province About ten or twelve Leagues from Schiras are several high Hills full of Palm and Lentisk-Trees where breed many Wild Hogs The Inhabitants of Schiras which is common to all the other Provinces of this Kingdom are very white the Women generally beautiful and the Men well-proportion'd There is also a great Trade driven in Schiras occasion'd by the Caravans which coming from Samarcand and Zagatay pass through this Place with great Quantities of Silk Musk Rhubarb and Turcoises all which those of Chorazzan receive from the Merchants which come from Catay or the Northern China And by this means Schiras furnishes other Countries with Provisions as Wooll Copper and many other things besides Distill'd Rose-water for they make another sort than we in Europe by decocting the Roses They also get abundance of Silk from the Silk-worms they breed here and have likewise Rubies Balayses which come from the City Balasan and great store of Lazuus Stones and Tutty Persia or Fars is not very cold though its Situation be more Northerly than the other Provinces for in December all the Gardens about Schiras are green and the Trees retain their Leaves because the Ground being moisten'd by so many Rivers is not onely preserv'd from all extraordinary Scorchings but so cooled and the Fruit becomes ripe so late that it may be preserv'd all the Winter and kept very good till March. The Country about Schiras and the Plains between the Mountains and the River Pasa is naturally dry and barren The Country about Rexel near the Sea-coast yields very excellent Wheat and also good store of Fruit That Tract of Land which extends Southerly produces abundance of Dates as also the Ground about the City Com but no Vines The Country of Tarom with the other neighboring Places are all planted with Date-trees under whose the Inhabitants sow Cotton There is also abundance of Sweet-briar out of whose Flowers the Inhabitants distill a sort of Water which they call Gulaep that is Rose-water Out of the gaping Ciefts of a high Mountain in the Country Stahanon distils a Liquor or Juyce which the King of Persia causes to be gather'd by Persons sworn for that purpose which yearly take up thirty Meticals or about forty or fifty Ounces of the said Distillation which by the Persians is call'd Monmaky Cony that is Precious Water and is kept onely for the King's Use it being as they affirm an excellent Antidote against all Poyson and an infallible Remedy against inward Bruises as also outwardly apply'd for Sinew-strains Contusions and the like The King many times bestows some of it upon those Princes that are in League with him as an extraordinary Mark of his Favor In stead of this the Turks use Terra Sigillata the Mahumetans of the Eastern Countries Pazar Cony which is a kind of Jews-Gum gather'd at Maxulpata or Musulipatan in India but is not of that Vertue and Power as this of India About Schiras the Persians find a sort of bitter Root by the Apothecaries call'd Cost from the example of the Arabians and Persians though they generally add the Word Talk to the same viz. Cost-Talk that is Bitter Cost to distinguish it from the common Indian Cost which they call Cost Xerir that is Sweet Cost The Bitter Cost hath a Root very hard and firm of a yellow Colour somewhat inclining to white if it be fresh and good but if it be digg'd out of season or carelesly dry'd it becomes blue or brown The Shell or Rind is streak'd and the Pulp white and bitterish The old Roots are very unsavory and ill-tasted It is brought into Europe either in round Pieces or else in long Slices The Country about Lastan produces abundance of Ingo by the Apothecaries call'd Assa foetida In Fars and Persia especially about Schiras they have very excellent Wine the best in all Persia which they call Xarao or Charab and it is sent to all Parts of the Country especially to the Court for the King and his Nobles drink no other and if any Person of Quality entertains another he always treats him with this Wine This Province also produces Bezoar-stones which the Persians properly call Pazahar which is a Compound Word of Pa and Zahar the first signifying Against and the other Poyson They are chiefly found in a County call'd Stabanon three days Journey from Lara where also grows in the Fields a Plant like Saffron which the Goats eating causes the foremention'd Stones to grow in their Stomachs and are esteem'd above all other Gems by the King of Persia Nay the Fields wherein the said Goats graze are constantly guarded and the collecting of the Stones look'd after by Officers appointed particularly for that purpose There is also a Stone by the Physicians call'd Lapis Judaicus that is The Jews Stone and by the Persians and Arabians Ager Alyud that is The Stone of Judas There is likewise the Armenian Stone otherwise call'd Lapis Lazuli and in the Persian Tongue nam'd Ager Armeni
that is The Armenian Stone Amongst many other Beasts which breed in Persia there is one peculiar to this Province which the Persians call Castar and the Spaniards Adives and is perhaps the Hyena of the Ancients They breed for the most part in the Hedges about Schiras and are as Garcias de Sylva affirms a kind of Dogs bred first in Barbary They come in great companies out of the Hedges in the Night to seek for Prey making a hideous howling They are naturally so subtile that if they were not so very greedy they could not be taken They tear up the Graves in the Fields and devour the Dead Bodies and often when hungry they venture into Houses where if they find any thing they call their Companions by making a great noise whereof the Inhabitants taking notice surround and catch them This Province of Persia comprehends the ancient Kingdom or Dukedom of Lar or Lara with a Metropolis of the same denomination from whence the Laryns a Coin so current in all the Eastern Countries had their name as we observ'd before The Province of Lara is by Figueroa accounted part of the old Carmanie as Oëssa commonly call'd the Kingdom of Monbareca the other part besides the Countries of Mogosthan This ancient Dukedom was formerly possess'd by a peculiar Prince who Govern'd with an Arbitrary Power and not subject to the Crown of Persia The last Prince according to Gaspar Bernardino was call'd Abrahi Mochom but by Della Valle Ibrahim Chan by Figueroa Hambrain Chan and by our Mr. Herbert Erahim Cawn an Atheistical and bloody-minded Person But Alvaredy Chan Sultan of Schiras invading him Anno 1602. by the Command of Schach Abbas storm'd the City of Lar and kill'd the King besides all the Nobility and Gentry to the number of five thousand causing also the Castles to be pull'd down and the Walls thrown to the Ground leaving nothing standing that was of any Strength or Consequence And in this manner the Kingdom of Lar was joyn'd to the Crown of Persia and added to the Dominion of Schiras The City Lar at Lara is a very ancient City and of great note amongst the Arabians being the Metropolis as Figueroa supposes of the old Carmanie It is situate in 27 Degrees and a half of Northern Latitude at the end of a great Plain so enclos'd with Mountains that they leave onely a little Opening or Way which leads to Schiras When this City was first built cannot certainly be resolv'd Some ascribe the Age thereof to that of our first Forefathers others say it was founded not much above a thousand years ago The Walls of the Houses are made of Sun-dry'd Bricks and Clay and plaster'd over with a kind of Mortar made of chopt Straw and Earth which the Persians use in all their Buildings especially in the Provinces of Lara Querman and Persia Most of them are but one Story high having few Windows and those very small and cover d with Lattices or stopt with Mats In this City is an ancient Palace formerly the Residence of the Prince with a large Court before it which had stood empty a considerable time when the Chan of Schiras came to Lar to take possession thereof Here are likewise two other remarkable Places The one a Castle or Fort the other the Bazar or Exchange The first being almost half a League in circumference is built of Free-stone on the West side of the City on a little Hill and fortified with thirty eight strong Bulwarks which defend the City from any outward Attempts and also Commands it Figueroa affirms That the Castle covers the whole top of the Mountain which is Oval and fortified with a Stone Wall and a Breast-work with divers Loop-holes for small Shot It is very large in circumference and hath a Well with excellent Water above two hundred Fathom deep for it reaches quite down to the City yet is the Water nevertheless very easily drawn up with a Wheel turn'd by an Ox. The other Place of note in this City is the Bazar that is A Street full or Shops like the Exchange This Bazar was the Work of Alvaredy Chan the before-mention'd Sultan of Schiras and is without doubt one of the fairest and best in all Asia It consists of an exact Square enclos'd within high Walls of white Stone each Square being 150 Paces and in every one a large Gate through which you enter into a fair Walk that opens into four Rows of Shops each twenty Foot broad making a Cross-way in the middle whereof is a very high Turret full of large Windows built on four Arches of Stone which taking their beginning from thence cover the four Walks The Materials so neatly painted and polish'd that they out-vie Marble The Ground is also very curiously pav'd In four other Squares but much less than the former are four other small Cross-ways which have also a Turret in the middle of each from whence as from the great one run four other lesser Arched Walks of fifteen or sixteen Foot broad Almost in the middle under the great Turret or Arch is a Spring of Fresh Water which is brought thither in Pipes from Places far distant and convey'd from thence to all Parts of the City In the Bazar are sold all manner of Merchandises as well in the Shops by the Inhabitants as by Foreign Merchants who stay here all day to vend their Goods and return to their Lodgings in the Evening when the Bazar is lock'd up and guarded by a Company of Soldiers appointed for that purpose In some of these Shops are sold both Green Dry'd and Preserv'd Fruit as also In-land Bread call'd Hapas or Curichas But the Country-People which bring their Commodities to sell have no peculiar Shops but lay their Merchandise on Stalls before the Shops leaving a sufficient space between for the People to pass Near the Bazar is the Mint where they Coin the Laryns before-mention'd There are few Mosques here but amongst those which are there is one built round to represent Eternity after the same manner with the Alcaba or Holy Mosque at Mecha which Schach Abraham is said to have brought from Heaven On some Places thereof are Arabian Letters Cyphers and short Sentences graven after the Mosaick manner It is a low Structure having in stead of Windows onely Carv'd Ballisters The Entrance into the same is through a Copper Gate near which hangs a great Looking-glass There are also many Lamps some of which are kept continually burning and others hang onely for Ornament Some of the Persian Prophets lie here interr'd and amongst others one call'd Emir Ally Zedday Amir who if what they affirm upon Oath may be credited hath been there above 1500 Years viz. 600 Years before Mahomet yet nevertheless they stick not to affirm that he was a good Muselman or Mahumetan At Lar is the usual meeting-place of the Caravans or Cafilas which travel from Persia Querman and other Places to the Isle of Ormus and come from thence and
Arabia to these Provinces Wherefore this City is much frequented by Merchants as well Persians and Arabians as Benjans and Jews and to that purpose are built many Caravanseras for the accommodation of strange Merchants that come thither with their Commodities This City hath been much ruin'd by Earthquakes one of which in Anno 1400. threw down above a hundred Houses and another Anno 1593. above three hundred or as Texeira affirms five hundred at which time also many Water-Cesterns and the greatest part of the City Walls were spoil'd The ancient Castle formerly built by a Georgian call'd Melek on a Stone Rock on the East side of the City was also cast down A League from Lar is a Caravansera call'd Charcaph The last Place in this Dukedom of Lar at the entrance of the Country which belong'd to the King of Ormus when he was absolute Master of his whole Kingdom on the Main Continent of Persia and Arabia is Abi Dunger Concerning the Climate we cannot say there is any great Cold at Lar the Air being so temperate that in March you can scarce get into the City for the abundance of Flies and Gnats which in great Swarms fill the Air. But in June there blows such a hot and dry Wind that on all Places over which it passes it leaves Impressions as of Fire and withal scorches the Faces Hands and Legs of Strangers to their great trouble and pain call'd therefore by the Persians Bad Semum that is An infectious and burning Wind. The whole Country of Lar is very destitute of Water for there are neither Brooks Springs nor Wells onely in several Places on the Road are plac'd Troughs which catch the Rain-water which serves for the accommodation and refreshment of Travellers Mr. Herbert says this Water is very unwholesom and occasions many Distempers as well in the Inhabitants as Strangers viz. Rheums Sore Throats and Worms in the Legs which causes Itching and Lameness and is not to be cur'd without taking out the Worm and this must also be done with great care for if the Worm chance to break it causes Putrefaction and Numbness in the Part affected which is only to be remedied by continual cutting and slashing of the Flesh There is nothing worthy of praise in all the Country about Lar but the Charitable Inclinations of divers of the Inhabitants who besides the Cesterns which the ancient Kings of Lara and their Governors made for the Publick good and Refreshment of the Inhabitants and Travellers which come daily hither in their last Wills appoint certain Persons to build with their Estates Cesterns Caravanseras and Alms-houses some great and others little according to their Capacities and Zeal in their Religion and by this means there are so many Cesterns that the adjacent Plain is full of them and the Water therein is very clear and cool in Summer notwithstanding the great Heat About Lar and the Parts adjacent are several sorts of Fruit-trees as Oranges Lemmons and the best Dates in all Persia Most of the Inhabitants live on Dates partly by making them their Food and partly by selling and bartering them for other Necessaries Between Lar and Gamron grows abundance of Assa Foetida by the Maleyans and Javanners call'd Hin The ancient Inhabitants of this Country were Arabians of which there are yet many living SCHAMACHIE Schirwan or Scerwan in ancient Times call'd Media Atropatia or Little Media The modern Names of Media Atropatia THis Province anciently a Kingdom is at this day in the Countrey Language call'd Schirwan and Xirwan or Xyruan and generally by the Europeans Serwan Magin supposes Xyruan to comprehend all Media though it be onely a part as Minadoi Leunclavius Olearius and others have observ'd who take it onely for old Media or Atropatia Our Mr. Jenkinson will have the same to be Hircania But Schirwan is rather the Northern Media as appears by the nature of the Soil for accordtng to Herodotus and Strabo that part of Media is mountainous as the Countrey now call'd Schirwan is found to be The Bounds This Province conterminates in the East with the Caspian Sea on the West with Georgia on the North with Albany and somewhat higher with the wandring Tartars which inhabit between Mount Caucasus and the River Volga and in the South it juts out against Great Armenia where the River Canack running betwixt serves for a Boundary and thence passes on till at last it comes to limit Great Media It s whole length is accounted about a hundred Miles The Metropolis of this Province of Schirwan is by divers Writers differently nam'd by Bizarro and Barbaro Sumachia by others Samachia and by the Spaniards Namachi but the common Name is Schamachie of which Namet here is but one City in Media or Persia notwithstanding Ferrarius in his short Geography makes mention of two one anciently call'd Ciropolis and the other Samunis It lies in 84 Degrees and 30 Minutes Longitude and 40 Degrees and 50 Minutes Latitude about six days Journey from the City Derbend or Demircapi by reason of the turnings and by-ways which you must travel through the Mountains but it is not above two days Journey along the Caspian Sea through Bacuy and the Mountains of Lahats and very passable either on Foot or on Horseback The Cammels commonly go the first Way finishing the Journey according as they are laden It is situate in a Valley betwixt Mountains which prevent its being seen till you come just upon it The Castle thereto belonging stands on a Hill near the City Walls which together with the City was built as the Persians affirm by King Schirwan Sehach The Description of the City Schamachie This City formerly was much bigger in circumference than at this day having been much ruin'd in King Abbas's time by the Turkish Wars It was anciently divided into two parts each being severally inclos'd with a Wall but the foremention'd King seeing that the Turks aim'd at nothing but strong and well fortifi'd Places for the better maintaining of their Conquest and never medled with open Villages also observing that the Forts lying in the middle of the Countrey and not on his Borders did him more hurt than good he caus'd the Walls of the Southern part of the City to be pull'd down and likewise those that inclos'd the Cities Tauris or Tabris Nachtzuan and Kentze This South part of Schamachie lies like a peculiar Town separated from the Northern by a little Hill which serves as a publick Market-place to both It is said that when the Turk conquer'd this City and went about afterwards to fortifie it he demolish'd the Persian Tombs to repair the City Walls with the Material thereof The North part of the City lies at the foot of another Hill and being somewhat less than the foremention'd South part is surrounded with a sleight Stone Wall so ruin'd that though the Gates which are five in number belock'd you may get into the City at any time of the Night over the
in their Ears and as many more inferior Servants Then said Tzumtzume to Eissi Who are you and what is your Religion To which the Prophet answer'd I am Eissi who teach the true Belief Tzumtzume reply'd hereupon Then I will embrace your Belief After which he begg'd of Eisi that he would permit him to die again for he rather chose to die than to be depriv'd of that happy Life he formerly enjoy'd Whereupon his Request was granted by Eissi and Tzumzume suffer'd to return a lifeless Carcase to his Grave Near the same Tomb stands an old Tree on a Bank rais'd in form of a Stage inclos'd within a Wall four Yards high and seven in the square to which rhere is an Ascent by several Degrees or Steps One side of Derbend is noted for Tomb-stones and Monuments amounting to several thousands most of them three Foot broad and on the top of them Arabick and Syriack Characters Engraven The Persians relate the following Story of the foremention'd Tomb viz. That not many Ages after after Mahomet a King call'd Cassan Reign'd in Media who in a Battel against the Tagestan Tartars whom the Persians call Lesgi losing many thousands of his Men caus'd the chiefest of his Officers to be bury'd in the foremention'd place with Tomb-stones and Inscriptions to perpetuate their Memory There is yet another peculiar Coemeterie or Burying-place towards the Sea surrounded with a Wall within which are to be seen four of the foremention'd kind of Tomb stones together by the Persians call'd Tziltenan and by the Turks and Tartars Kerchler They say also that forty Princes all devout Men who dy'd in the aforesaid Fight lay bury'd there Wherefore the Persians both Men and Women come daily to kiss the Tomb-stones and laying their Hands upon them Pray very devoutly In the City Derbend dwell no Christians but onely Mahumetans and Jews of the Tribe of Benjamin There is no considerable Trade driven here except that the Tartars bring their stoln Children as also full grown Turks and Russians to sell which afterwards are sent farther into Persia The Tombs of Pyrhr Mucur and Imam Churchud A quarter of a League from the City where the Borders of Persia and Tagestan are separated by a small Brook are two Sepulchres of Mahumetan Prophets The first being that of Pyrhr Muchar stands in a Plain and the other of Imam Curchud in the Mountains of whom the Tradition goes that he was ally'd to Mahomet and that being always with him he was instructed by him and liv'd three hundred years after him Moreover that going to the King of Cassan he so prevail'd with him by playing on a Musical Instrument and Singing that he drew him to side with the Lesgi or Tagestan Tartars But when he undertook to Convert the Lesgi who were Heathens and began to Preach amongst them they conspir'd against him and murder'd him His Grave is in a great Cavity cut in a Rocky Mountain the Coffin being onely four Planks nail'd together without any Ornaments and to be seen by all People onely with the leave of an old Woman who sits continually by to watch it But when they come hither to make Offerings they cover the Floor with Straw Mats and hang Tapestry before the Cavity in which the Coffin stands Women and Maids repair thither in great numbers from the City and other remote places and go bare-footed into the Sepulchre kiss the Chest and kneel down to Pray by it which done they make their Offerings to the old Woman who is reverenc'd as a holy Person and keeps a Lamp burning all Night long in the Tomb. Their Offerings consist in Cheese Butter Milk Bread Money Wax and the like The City Bachu Another City call'd Bachu or as others write Bacuse lies also near the Caspian Sea and is a safe Harbor for Ships insomuch that some Writers have given this Sea the Name of Mare de Bacu or The Sea of Bacu. The Mountain Barmach Three Leagues from the Village Tachousi lies the Mountain Barmach which appearing at a great distance is round and hath a very high steep Rock on the top which in the Turkish Language they call Barmach that is A Finger because it reaches above other Mountains like a pointing Finger From the Valley there leads a Way up to the same which is dangerous to be ascended by those that are unacquainted with it On the top of this Mountain the Air is so cold that the Grass and Herbs are as it were candy'd or crisp'd over with Ice when yet it is very pleasant and warm Weather below The broken Walls and other pieces of Ruine sufficiently testifie that it was anciently crown'd with a strong Castle and is said to have been built by Alexander and ruin'd by Tamerlane for at the foot of the high Rock is a Plain of fifty Rods square about which are to be discern'd the Foundations of an ancient thick Wall with Bulwarks In the middle thereof is a deep Well wall'd about and not far from thence two Tombs cover'd with great round Stones On the North side also and at the going up to the Rock stands a great piece of a Wall and heaps of Stone which without doubt are the Ruines of another Castle from whence several Steps lead to the top of the Rock where there is another Arch which serves for a third resting place Near the old Wall on the Stone Rocks grow Fig-trees in several places The Trade of this Province The Inhabitants of this Countrey drive a great Trade in Silk especially in the City Serwan where it is sold in such abundance that it is Transported from thence through all Muscovy and the East Countrey The City Ere 's also was formerly famous for the abundance of white Silk which the Merchants call'd Mammodees but through the long Wars and destruction of Serwan both Staples formerly so famous are now fail'd The Military Strength The Military Strength of this Province of Schirwan herein chiefly appears that the City Schamachie alone is able in time of need to set forth eighteen thousand Horse The natural Fortifications are also no less considerable the chief whereof is that foremention'd Pass call'd The Iron Gate being one of the strongest Bulwarks in the whole Province securing the Way against the Albains Russians Turks and Tartars Change of Government The ancient Kings of this Province with their several Dynasties and Revolutions are sufficiently known in History but the last of the native Median Kings was Aydar who was slain by Farrock Yacar whose Son Xa Ismael Sophi reduc'd the Kingdom to a Province since which time it hath been Govern'd by his Chans or Lieutenants There belong to the Province of Schirwan the Territory call'd Muscur extending along the Caspian Sea from Derbend to Kilcan comprising two hundred Villages But the chief Town in this Territory which is Govern'd by the Sultan of Derbend and lying near the Sea is call'd Schabran Description of the Countrey of
about the World on Duldul Aaly's Horse to convert all People to the Alcoran wherefore it is call'd Metzid Mehedi Saheseman which words are inscrib'd over the biggest Gate in Persian Characters At the end of the great Hejat or Court before the Metzit is a Gallery or rais'd place Pav'd with square Stones in the midst of which is a large Cistern of Water where those that go to Pray wash themselves Behind this Cistern you ascend by Steps to a Porch through a Row of Marble Pillars and one Step higher to the Temple it self that being very large and high and supported with large Marble Pillars where the Meherab or Altar and the Cahib or Vestry is The Gate is of fine Marble and as high as that at Sulthanie at the Meschaich of Chodabende the entrance through which is under an Arch of an exceeding heighth of blue Stone Gilded beyond which is a broad Walk the Floor whereof is spread with Mats on which the Persians kneel when they Pray Over the lower Walks are lesser ones like Galleries supported by Marble Columns gilded On the right-side of the Mosque is a large Garden The greatest splendor and magnificence of this Mosque is that all the Walls Galleries Gardens and the chief Temple are from the bottom four Yards high upwards cover'd with polish'd Marble each piece which is for the most part white and excellently well polish'd being five or six Foot square The Marble is all cut out of one Stone except the two Pillars on each side of the Pulpit Schach Abbas caus'd the like Metzid though smaller to be built at Tabris in honor of the same Mehedi all of pure white Marble and as slick as Glass being fetch'd from the Mountain Erwan Places of Games and Exercises In the middle of the City not far from the King's Palace stands a Pole not unlike our Posts in which we put the ●ings that are to be run at on which they often put a Melon Arupus or Apple and sometimes a Silver Plate with Money upon it at which the King and his Chans run full speed for great Wagers and whoever hits off the same comes off with great honor and applause but the Money which falls from the Plate is taken up by the Pages and Footmen Great Lords also have another Exercise call'd Kuit Schaucan which they perform in the same place viz. Riding full speed they strike a Ball with a crooked Stick to a set Mark and also toss the Tziud or Bar. Near the Maidan stands a little woodden Hut nam'd Chaneschin which is set upon four Wheels for the conveniency of its moving from place to place in which the King often sits a Spectator of the foremention'd Games Hereabouts especially on the West side not far from the Dewletchane sit divers Soothsayers Houses of Entertainment Opposite to the Northern part of the Maidan stand several Houses of Entertainment the first whereof is the Schire Chane to which resort the most loose und debauch'd sort of People who hire the Surkers or Dancing-Boys as also common Strumpets to Dance before them naked with all kind of leud and obscene Postures The second is the Tzai or the Chattai Chane that is The Catayan or Chinese Tee-house in which they generally play at Chess The third is the Caweh Chane or Coffee and Tobacco-house These three Houses are also frequented by their Pot-Poets and Comedians who commonly sitting in the midst of the House on high Stools tell all manner of pleasant Tales and talk continually with a little Stick in their Hands like our Juglers Barbers Shops Not far from these Houses two sorts of Barbers keep their Shops some whereof practising Chirurgery and call'd Tezerrah never shave or Trim Men the other call'd Dellack shave and cut Hair and are made use of to Circumcise Children To this last sort of Barbers there is continual resort of People because they always keep their Heads shav'd and every one brings his own Rasor with him because the Persians fearing the Venereal Distemper will not suffer a strange Rasor to touch their Heads From the North part of the Maidan you go directly to the Bazar or Street full of Shops where there is a square large Portico under which are all manner of rich Merchandise to be sold over the Entrance of which is a stately Dial which is said to have been made in Schach Abbas's time by an English-man call'd Festy which at first there being then no Clocks nor Dials in all Persia was look'd upon as a great Wonder The Bazar or Market-house it self is divided into many Divisions with Passages between them like little Lanes which are most of them cover'd on the top where all manner of Goods that the Countrey affords are to be sold every thing in a peculiar place The famous Coffee-house in Ispahan In the Caravansera near the Bazar where the King receives foreign Ambassadors is a House which is one of the fairest in the whole City Ispahan and call'd The Coffee-house from the Liquor which is sold in it In this House also are brought up Youths of several Nations but most Mahumetans though some are of Christian Parentage as Circassians Georgians and Armenians who are taught all manner of Dances At the Entrance of this House is a Court with a Fountain in the midst of it The King oftentimes Dines here with foreign Ambassadors but is satisfi'd with few Dishes having sometimes but two whereof one is Mutton the other roasted Poultrey which whil'st he is eating the Youths Dance before him in a very strange and ridiculous manner In Ispahan dwell also Merchants and Shop-keepers of several Nations of which some sell their Goods by Wholesale others by Retail for besides the Persians Indians Tartars from Chuaressam Chineses and those from Buchare there are English Dutch French Italians Spaniards Portuguese Turks Jews Armenians and Georgians The Indians who generally have their Shops next to the Persians Trade in Silk Cotton and other such like Stuffs By reason of the great Trade in Ispahan there are many Caravansera's where the several Commodities are dispos'd of by Wholesale Amongst other places the Kings Parks for wild Beasts are none of the meanest having towerd Lodges call'd Kelemenar inclos'd with Walls made of several sorts of Deers and other Beasts Horns mix'd with Earth The Garden Izarbag Without the City Walls not far from the great Bridge on the South side is a Garden call'd Tzarbag which hath not its equal for curiosity and delight in all Persia Tzarbag signifies a Garden or whatsoever else divided into four parts this being so branch'd into four Squares by cross Ways and a Brook nam'd Vendemith about a Mile in compass and having four Gates and four stately Banquetting-houses one on each side On the South side stands a Hill plain on the top in the middle whereof and on each side are three Aqueducts of Stone whose Channels are a Yard broad which lying very steep cause the Water to
descend in great abundance from whence there are lesser Pipes that convey the Water under Ground which supplies with much variety several artificial Fountains which gliding from thence fall into a Lake on the farther side of the Garden The Suburbs of Ispahan About this City of Ispahan are several Suburbs the greatest of which they call Tzulpha having in it three thousand Houses and twelve Mosques or Churches which in beauty are not inferior to any within the Walls being the Residence of rich Armenian Merchants whom Schach Abbas remov'd from Armenia thither they pay the King yearly two hundred Tomans for Tribute On the other side of the River Senderuth lie the Suburbs Tabrisabath otherwise Abasabath so call'd because Scach Abbas brought the Inhabitants thither from Tabris Another part of the Suburbs call'd Hassenabath is inhabited by Castilians brought thither from Georgia they are great Merchants and like the Armenians travel from one Countrey to another The Manners and Religion of the Kebbers Another eminent part of the Suburbs lieth on the West side and is call'd Kebrabath and the Inhabitants thereof Kebbers who are also rich Merchants they have long Beards and wear other fashion'd Clothes than the Persians viz. long wide Coats which are open in no place but about the Neck and on the Shoulders where they tie them together with Ribbons The Women go without Shoes and bare-fac'd They are accounted a civil and courteous People Extracted from an ancient Pagan Family and to this day suffering themselves neither to be Baptiz'd nor Circumcis'd They have neither Temples nor Priests neither do they with Hottinger's good leave worship the Fire as the ancient Kebbers did When any one dies they drive a Cock into the Fields out of the House of the Deceased which if it be caught by a Fox then they believe that the Soul of the Deceased is taken up into a better World but if this proof chance to be hindred by any Accident then they try another way on which their assurance chiefly depends viz. they carry the Corps clad with their best Apparel and adorn'd with Gold Chains and other Ornaments to the Church-yard where they set the Body up against the Wall propping up the same by placing a Pole under the Chin where if the Fowls of the Air pick out the right Eye then they assuredly believe the Soul to be ascended to Heaven but if the left they judge it to be gone to Hell They have also two sorts of Graves in one they tenderly lay the Bodies of their supposed Saints and into the other those whom they believe to be Damn'd are thrown headlong In a small circumference about the City Ispahan are reckon'd a thousand four hundred and sixty Villages and Hamlets all inhabited by Weavers The City Jarustan A League from Ispahan and seven from the Village Mahier lies the City Jarustan pleasantly situated as it were in the midst of a Garden on the Bank of a River It is full of Inhabitants and hath plenty of all manner of Provisions and several fair Structures but one more magnificent than all the rest surrounded with a Gallery and containing many handsom Rooms the biggest and chiefest whereof is built after the fashion of the Chappels belonging to the Jesuits Cloysters in Europe with many Windows on the top The Persians tell us that this Structure was formerly a Colledge wherein Schach Thamas's time Disputations were held Near this House is also a Garden with several Springs and Fountains in it but not always flowing KOM SABA In the Way from Casbyn to Ispahan are several Places whence Salmon is brought salted from Kilan where the best Salmon is caught in the Mouth of the River Araxes From Ispahan runs a straight and pleasant Way on both sides of which are several fair Houses and delightful Gardens Situation and Description of the City Cashan The City Caschan or Cashan lies according to the Persians in thirty five Degrees Longitude and thirty four Northern Latitude But Olearius after three days observation found the same to lie nine Minutes more Southerly It being built long extends half a League from East to West and is surrounded with Walls and Bulwarks of a clayie sort bf Earth round about the same is good arable Land On the South side of the City is a kind of a Tilt-yard with a Post in the middle where the Persians use to run at the Ring On the left side of the foremention'd Way is one of the King's Orchards in which are two Banquetting-houses one near the High-way and the other in the middle which last hath very many Windows which according to the manner of the Persian Gardens open the Doors into as many Walks two Doors amongst the rest generally stand open opposite one against another the Walls are a Yard thick When the King comes hereabouts he commonly takes up his Residence in this Garden Cashan is one of the most populous and greatest Cities of Trade in all Persia having many fair Houses stately Caravansera's and above all a magnificent Bazar and Maidan set out with arch'd Portico's and Rooms and being every where so neatly built that no City in Persia is comparable to it It is inhabited by all manner of People but especially Persians and Indians who have every one their peculiar Trade or Manufacture which they exercise in Shops open to the Streets but most of them are Weavers of Cloth-of-Gold and Silks The several Names with the Description of the little Town Natens Twelve Leagues from Caschan lies the little but pleasant Town call'd Natens but by Contareno in the Description of his Travels Nethas and by Clavius and Herbert Natan by Anan●as Jes●i by Texeira Yazd and by Thevet Jex from whence it is said that this Province hath receiv'd the Name of Jez The several Streams of fresh Water which run through the same make the Countrey very fertile in the production of Corn and Grapes It lies in a pleasant Valley at the end whereof towards Ispahan appears a fruitful Mountain over which they travel to Ispahan The Valley is full of little Villages interspers'd with neat Gardens and lying at so small a distance from each other that they seem to be one entire Town and therefore have no peculiar Names Opposite to the City lie two high spiring Rocks or Mountains on the highest of which stands a Turret which Schack Abbas built in commemoration of a Falcon that conquer'd an Eagle for the foremention'd King travelling by this Place took up one of his Falcons which spying an Eagle broke loose and flying at him after a long and fierce Combat brought him down According to Mandeslo's observation the Tower on the foremention'd Mountain is built of eight-square Brick or Coctile Stone and runs up sharp with a glaz'd Roof about which is a narrow Walk The Arch underneath is eight Paces crossways and by the multiplicity of Windows and Doors is very light Besides this there are several other Structures upon
what occasion built we find not on the said Mountain but the greatest Wonder is how such a quantity of Brick or Stone could be carry'd up such a vast heighth it requiring above three hours time to get to the top by reason of the steepness of the Mountain Situation and Description of the City Saba The City Saba is by the Persians accounted to lie in eighty five Degrees of Longitude and in thirty of Northern Latitude but Olearius hath found the same to lie fifty six Minutes more Northerly and Rui Gonzales de Clavaco places the same in thirty Degrees and eighteen Minutes Northern Latitude The Plains about the City are in some places Morassy the City it self built on a Plain which on the right side hath the Mountain Elwend which rising exceeding high appears very pleasant at a distance This City which is not very big lies inclos'd with a slight Wall and hath many ruin'd Houses The glory of this City is the Gardens and Orchards which are full of Pomegrate and Almond-Trees Not far from the City the Inhabitants plant Rice and Cotton in which their chief Trade consists The City Rhey A day and a halfs Journey Eastward from Saba in the same Latitude lies a City call'd Rhey now very ruinous and the adjacent Countrey red and infertile occasion'd as the Persians say from a War rais'd against Hosseyn one of their great Saints by Omarsand who getting the better and having possess'd the Countrey by right of Conquest suddenly had a Curse upon his impiety in shedding innocent Blood for he had slain Hosseyn in Battel whereupon the City then populous and the Countrey fertile suddenly became desolate and barren Situation and Description the City Com. Eleven Leagues from Saba lies the City Com which according to the Persians observation lies in 85 Degrees and 40 Minutes Longitude and in 34 Degrees and 40 Minutes Northern Latitude but Olearius makes the same to lie 18 Minutes more Southerly viz. in 34. Degrees and 23 Minut●o Northem Latitude Com an ancient City and by Ptolomy call'd Guriane was formerly very big as appears by several Ruines of Houses and of an old Wall at a good distance round about it It lies in a Plain like Saba and being inclos'd within a Wall hath the Mountain Elwend on the right side which appears white with sandy tops at a great distance from whence descend two Streams which are convey'd through the City in a broad Chanel which by melting of the Snow in March often overflows much of the Town and some years the Flood hath been so great that it hath wash'd away many Houses but in the Summer it is pretty dry The Suburbs belonging to the City extend half a League When any Strangers come into this City the Women either through Superstition or the Jealousie of the Men are not suffer'd to shew themselves and especially to Frenchmen yet nevertheless they make shift sometimes to procure private access Description of the Village Casmabath A days Journey from Com lies the great Village Casmabath where the Houses are most of them joyn'd to one another with Arches Four Leagues from Com lies another Village call'd Caem Abao According to Texeira Erack comprises also the Cities Nahaoand Targazin and Damaoand formerly counted within the Jurisdiction of Aderbajon Davity tells us that Damaoand is the City which Minadoi names Diagman and places the same on the Borders between Persia properly so call'd and great Media Texeira also writes that the City Taharon is the same with Giem which Davity would have to be John the Persian's Guieche being the Metropolis of a Kingdom near Aderbajon Swaert also places in this Province the Countrey of Thaparstam which he supposes to be the ancient Pathienne a Countrey lying Northward and the Passage through inaccessible Mountains and troublesom Ways into Hircania but this is certainly the Countrey Taberstam which Texeira onely names with Hinel its Metropolis The City Casbin Casbin as the same Texeira and Olearius have it is a City belonging to the Province of Parthia or Erack notwithstanding John the Persian makes it a peculiar Kingdom and is in some Maps plac'd near Aderbajon in others farther towards the North-East than Rey Xarear It s Situation and Description The City Casbin or Caswin by others call'd Casbin and formerly Arsatia lies as the Persians and Arabians inform us in 85 Degrees Longitude and 36 Degrees and 15 Minutes Northern Latitude as Olearius hath also observ'd It is situate on a barren and sandy Plain about half a days Journey from which on the South side begin the high Mountains Elwend which extend South-West towards Bagdat or Babylon The City is a League in circumference hath no Walls nor any Soldiers in Garrison because it lies a great way from an Enemy yet as they say hath a hundred thousand Inhabitants out of which on all occasions a good Army might easily be rais'd The ordinary Houses are built of Stone after the Persian manner which though they seem mean on the out-side yet are handsome and well contriv'd within having several Apartments white or else curiously Painted All the Streets being unpav'd and the Ground naturally sandy the least Wind raises Dust and makes it very troublesom walking to the Inhabitants There are no Springs nor Wells but all the Water is convey'd from the Mountains in Pipes laid under Ground into publick Cisterns where it is free for every ones use There are also many Conservatories wherein they keep Ice and Snow to use in Summer The City hath two great Maidans or Market-places the chiefest whereof is call'd Atmaidan being somewhat longer than that of Ardebil though not so broad On the South side thereof stand large and magnificent Structures built most of them by the Princes or Chans of Persia In the Bazars or Shops of this Market-place as also in the Senke Maidan which lies more Westward commonly all manner of Rarities and rich Merchandizes are to be had at reasonable Rates especially Turkoises Rubies and Granates But after Sun-set another kind of Trade is driven on the East side of the Maidan viz. divers Cahbeha or Girls of Pleasure stand in a long Row with cover'd Faces holding up their Coats and behind every one of them an old Woman call'd Delal who carries a Cushion and Blanket or Cotton Quilt on their Backs and an unlighted Candle in their Hands which as soon as any one comes and discourses with the Cahbeha she lights and presents the Party whereupon he turning up their Vails bids her whom he fancies best follow him In this City are likewise above fifty Metzids or Temples Temples whither the Persians daily go to their Devotions the chiefest is Tzame Metzid towards the South not far from the Maidan where their Sabbath or Friday Meeting is principally celebrated There are also many well built Caravansera's for strange Merchants and likewise many publick Baths The King's Palace Near the great Maidan is a large and
Royal Palace with an Orchard of vast extent belonging to it built by Schach Ismael some say Schach Thomas the Portico's and Arches are of Stone Painted and Gilded but the Rooms within are adorn'd with Sculpture and Imagery richly Gilded also and Painted all in Grotesque-work after the Persian manner Over against this Palace is another Orchard a Mile in circumference in which are divers Banquetting-houses and handsom Walks Set with all sorts of Fruit-Trees as Apples Pears Peaches Morello's Granates Almonds and the like but the cross Ways are the pleasantest being neatly Planted with tall Tzinar and Cypress-Trees which make a very delightful Prospect Tarantula Schahesade's Tomb. On the East side of the City is a Church-yard near which Scahesade one of Hosseins Sons lies bury'd in a handsom Metzid and because he is accounted one of the chief Saints the Persians are usually cited to this Tomb as to several others where their Saints lie bury'd to make Oath of such Matters as require solemn attestation and also upon common occasions if one Party doubts what the other saith he immediately calls him thither and puts this Question to him Hossein Pile Musef that is Dare you affirm what you say by this holy Tomb and the great Alcoran This City Casbin hath been the Residence and Seat of the Kings of Persia ever since the Reign of Schach Thamas who is said to have been the first that remov'd his Seat from Tabris thither The Village Achibaba whence denominated About four Leagues from Casbin lies the Village Achibaba at the foot of the Mountain near the Road to Sultania and Ardebil This Village receiv'd its Denomination from an old Man nam'd Achibaba to whom Schach Sefi gave the Village because he got a Ceild after he was a hundred years of age by a Woman almost as old as himself This Achibaba's Tomb is seen to this day in a great Vault Temperature of the Air. It is almost incredible how cold it is in Ispahan from November till March notwithstanding the City lies in one and thirty Degrees and a half of Northern Latitude but of this no other reason is generally given but the pureness and thinnes of the Air. Nature of the Soil The Soil about Ispahan is much lower than the Stream Senderuth by which means Nature prevents the great inconveniences which the excessive Heat would occasion here in Summer the Inhabitants being able to overflow their Lands and Gardens when they please which John the Persian says infects the Air but this is contradicted by Davity and it is certain that the Air about Ispahan is the wholsomest of all Persia except in some places near the Caspian Sea In and about Ispahan is plenty of all sorts of Provisions and the Mountains lying on each side of the City are also very fruitful and the Way from Ispahan to Arabia full of great Woods The same Countrey also produces excellent Wine the best whereof is as good as Canary and of all sorts of Fruits the best in the World Moreover the Countrey about Caxion abounds with all manner of Fruits About the City of King Xarear the Inhabitants gather abundance of Manna but it is not so pure and good as that of Hrey This Province likewise abounds with Horses and Mules and such lusty strong Cartel that they carry near double the Burthen of others Scorpions of Cashan There is no place in all Persia that is more infested with Scorpions than Cashan wherefore if they would wish any ill to befall a man they commonly say Acrab Cashan de Bestet stenet that is May Cashan Scorpions sting you in the Head Some that are most poysonous are Coal-black and about the bigness of a Man's Finger in thickness and length They run very fast and are in shape not unlike a Cra-fish onely they have a blunter Head and less Body By reason of these Animals the Inhabitants never sleep in Ground-Rooms but in upper Stories call'd Tzarmi The Townsmen say that a Stranger coming into the City and crying Men Caribem that is I am a Stranger the Scorpions will not meddle with him The most general Cure against the Stings of these Scorpions is a piece of Copper suddenly clapt on the Wound wherefore the Inhabitants continually carry the Copper Coin call'd Pull about them which they immediately lay on the place where they are bit and letting it lie a pretty while they afterwards anoint it with Honey and Vinegar The Tarantula of Persia There is likewise another sort of Animal about the City Cashan almost like a Spider for some hang by Threds and Cobwebs on the Trees and are by the Petsians call'd Eubureckhan and by the Italians and Spaniards Tarantula they breed in Rocky places for the most part under a certain Shrub with broad and strong scented Leaves by the Persians nam'd Tremne and by the Turks Jauschan These Vermine touching any part of a Man's Body leave a drop of Poyson on it like a drop of Water which causes great pain and strikes into the Stomach makes the Head to ake and benumming all the Limbs casts the Party into a deadly Sleep out of which he cannot be awak'd by any means whatsoever so long as the Poyson remains upon him being for the time bereav'd of natural Sense The best Remedy is to kill the Animal and lay the same on the benumm'd parts which they say draws out the Poyson again but if none of them can be got then they lay the Patient on his Back poure as much Milk down his Throat as possibly they can notwithstanding he immediately disgorges the same then they put him into a Trough which hanging up by three Strings they turn round till the Patient's Head being very giddy he is provok'd to vomit up all he hath in his Stomach and to Urine though not without great pain a white and thick Water which eases the Patient who nevertheless at certain times in the year endures great pain occasion'd by the remaining Poyson But that which is the greatest wonder of these Animals is that the Sheep run very eagerly after them and eat them without the least hurt The Tarantula of Puglia in Italy These Tarantula's of Persia seem to differ very much from those of Puglia in the Kingdom of Naples both in the strange operations they produce in the Persons stung by them as their admiring and being enamor'd of Colours especially Green their delighting to walk about some with a naked Sword others with a Glass of Water in their Hands their desire to paddle in Tubs of Water wherein green Leaves lie floating and such like fantastick Humors as also their wonderful manner of Cure namely by the Sound of Musick which stirs them up to such a furious fit of Dancing that by the violent motion of their Bodies they sweat out by Degrees the virulence of the Poyson and by often repetition of the Action at last recover their Health but of these things Athanasius Kircher hath a
more full Discourse in his Book De Arte Magnetica and we shall have occasion to speak more largely thereof when we come to treat of the Provinces of Italy in our Volume of Europe The Gardens about Com abound with Fruit especially Melons Both within and without the City Com are Gardens full of all sorts of Fruit and amongst others a sort of Melons about the bigness of an Orange speckled with all manner of curious Colours and of a sweet smell wherefore they are call'd Shammane and carry'd in the Hand to smell to like a Nosegay but their taste is not so good as that of other Melons which there are as sweet as Sugar The same sort of Melons are to be found in several other places in Persia as also a very strange kind of Cucumbers which are near three Yards long crooked and about the thickness of a Man's Arm and therefore call'd Schunchiar or Crooked Cucumbers which like Gurkins are laid in Vinegar and Salt and eaten raw Several Fields about the City are Sow'n with all sorts of Grain and Cotton Till within six Leagues to the Northward of Sultanie the Countrey is exceeding pleasant and fruitful the Fields being either Planted with Fruit-Trees or flourishing with Corn They belong to the Lords or Possessors of the several Villages thereabouts Four days Journey from Ispahan near the City Niris the Mountain Demawend incloses an Iron and Steel-Mine The Inhabitants of Cashan and Com are accounted a very thievish sort of People Cutlers and Potters the chief Trades of Cashan and Com. The chief Trades in these Cities are the Sword-Cutlers and Potters the best Sword-Blades in all Persia being made there the richest whereof are valu'd at twenty Crowns apiece The Potters Bake all manner of Earthen Ware and especially Cruises and Jugs which are sent from thence to all the Cities hereabouts that which sets the greater value on them is the Water thereabouts with which being fill'd and let stand a while soon after they are made they are exceedingly cool'd and consequently much hardned Besides the foremention'd Manufactures there are a great number of People employ'd in making of Silk Clothes Embroider'd with Birds and sorts of Imagery as also Lanskips and the like The rich Trade of Ispahan Yasde and Coxom Ispahan as being a Place of great Trade hath many large Caravansera's that is to say Inns or Store-houses where the Merchants with their Horses Cammels and other Beasts of burthen take up their Lodging and lay up their Goods for which the King receives a certain Revenue But the places where the great Riches of this City appear most visibly are the several Shops of the Maidan and Bazar where there are continually to be seen Bars of Gold and Silver Damask Pearls Precious Stones raw Silk and Cloths of all sorts There are also vended here great quantities of Anniseeds and divers other Drugs which the Jews and others put off at a dear Rate The Carpets from Yasde made after the Turkish manner are the richest and finest in the whole World The same Place also produces abundance of Silk and Rose-water Caxom also is very famous for the abundance of Silk which comes from thence Lastly this Province is noted for Horses of an excellent kind both for shape and swiftness of foot which the Parthians for the most part make use of in their Wars SOLTANIE The Province of Aderbeitzan or Aderbajon formerly Great Media or Satrapene The several modern Names of Great Media THe Countrey of Aderbeitzan or according to Della Valla Adherbaigan or as Texeira will have it Aderbajon was anciently call'd South or Great Media Castald who names it Adilbegian takes it onely for a Tract of Media by Ptolomy call'd Daretis and Della Valla for a great part of Media but the Places which Aderbeitzan compriseth sufficiently testifie that it is Great Media yet by some modern Writers this Countrey is call'd Franck-Armenia because the Franck-Armenian Christians inhabit the same The Geography of Nubius makes mention that it was anciently the Northermost part of Assyria for it borders on Curdistan the ancient Assyria The Bounds of Aderbeitzan Aderbeitzan borders in the North and North-West at Schirwan in the South at Persia in the East at the Countrey of Kilan and Parthia or Hierack and in the West at Great Armenia But according to Olearius it juts against Curdistan and is separated from Schirwan by the Desart of Mogam and a by certain nnameless River from Carabach It is accounted ninety Leagues in length and compriseth several other lesser Counties viz. Erscheck Chalchal Meschin Tharumat Kermeruth Suldus Serah Utzan and others The chief Cities are Tabris or Taurus Sencan Sultanie Ardebil Merraga Nachtschuan Merend Rumy Chouy and Selmaseck The Description of the City Tabris The Metropolis of this Province is Tabris commonly call'd Tauris and by the Turks Tebris and is the City Terva of Paulus Jovius the Tigranoama of Nigro but according to Ortelius the same with the ancient City Ecbatane formerly the Seat of the Kings of Persia which is also affirm'd by Ananias Schrotterius and Hornius with many demonstrable Reasons out of Minadoi It lies at the foot of the Mountain Orontes perhaps the Mountain Carabag which Texeira places by Tabris eight days Journey Northerly from the Caspian Sea with which it conterminates on the West and on the South with Persia It hath no Walls but lies open on every side as most of the Cities in Persia do and was formerly according to Minadoi inhabited by about two hundred thousand People but John the Persian lessens the number above a half part before its destruction by the Turks There are many Caves under Ground and most of the Houses being very low are either built of a kind of Bitumen or Clay hardned by the Sun Within the compass of a hundred and fifty years last past this City hath undergone sundry Mutations both by the great Turk and the Persians for in the Year 1514. it was surrendred to Selymus the Turk who contrary to his Word exacted a great mass of Money from the Inhabitants and carry'd away with him three thousand Families amongst whom were the best Artificers in the City Afterwards in the Year 1535. it was by Solyman wholly given up to merciless rage and avarice of his Soldiers who left neither House nor Corner thereof unplunder'd abusing the miserable Citizens with all manner of insolency besides the most stately Palace of King Thamas together with the most sumptuous and rich Houses of the Nobility were by the great Turk's Commandment all ras'd down to the Ground and the greattest part of the best Citizens and beautifullest Persons of what Condition or Quality soever were carry'd away Captives And in the Year 1585. it was miserably spoyl'd by Osman Visier unto Amurat the Third and remain'd near four and thirty years under the Turkish Slavery during which time the poor Inhabitants suffer'd most unheard-of Miseries through the countenanc'd Outrages
the troublesom Valley of Perdelisk and the other extends Eastward Three Leagues from Chivi lies another Village call'd Hoin and beyond it a Valley that is scatteringly inhabited Five Leagues from the before-mention'd Hoin appears the City Scial at the foot of a Mountain so inconsiderable that it is scarce worth the mentioning from whence you go through narrow Roads very foul and troublesom which brings you first to Derram in the Countrey of Taron where all the Fields quite to Caswin are Planted with Cotton Eight Leagues from Derram is the Village Ibrahim so denominated from the Builder thereof A League farther runs the Stream call'd Chizil-Uzen which augmented with several Brooks and Rivulets falls into the Caspian Sea From thence you soon arrive at Caswin The Province of Iran or Carabach Situation and Description THe Province of Iran by most especially by the Vulgar call'd Carabach lies between two famous Rivers viz. the Araxes and Cyrus now call'd Aras and Cur It compriseth part of Armenia and Georgia or Gurtz and is divided into sixteen Counties viz. Cappan Tzulfa Schabus Sisian Keschtas Sarsebil Eruan or Iruan Kerchbulach Achstawa Aberan Schorgel Sarschat Intze Thaback Meleck Thumanis Alget and Vzilder In these Counties are several fair Cities Villages and Fortresses of which the best known are Berde Bilagan Schemcur Kentze Bercuschat Nachtschuan Ordebat Bajefied Macu Magasburt Tiflis and Tzilder It is a very fertile Countrey abounding especially in Silk and hath been often Invaded by the Turk who borders upon it Drangiane or Sagistam Borders of Sagistam DRangiane at this day call'd Sagistam borders in the North and West with Aria in the East with Arachosia or Cabul and in the South at a part of Gedrosia The several Names of its Metropolis According to Olearius and Ananias the Metropolis of this Province is call'd Sistam which Ananias will have to be the City Propstasia of Ptolomy otherwise nam'd Phrada whereas Davity saith Sistan and Sagistam are two several Provinces and will rather have the City which Ana●ias calls Asiam to be the Propstasia of Ptolomy by reason of the similitude in the Names which will not hold good if as some are of opinion Sistan be a contraction of Sagistan The other Towns according to the same Ananias are Bigui which is the Begis of Ptolomy Canasi Mulete Bachagi Aeloud perhaps the ancient Aricada of Ptolomy and Timocaim of which last Marcus Paulus Venetus makes mention The chief Towns The chiefest Towns in this Province according to Olearius are Sistan Chaluck Ketz c. Ptolomy also places the River Drange in this Province which glides Southerly from the side of the Mountain Bagoe In the Maps and by Ananias this River is call'd Ilment but the whole Countrey being surrounded with Mountains hath so pent it up that it can scarce find any Passage There are but few Towns in this Province the People are under the Subjection of the Persian Sophi and use Persian Manners and Customs Here Texeira makes us believe contrary to the receiv'd Opinion that there is a Mountain on which some of the Persians to this day worship their ancient God Orimasda or the never-dying Fire The Countrey of Nixabur or Nisabur Situation of Nixabur THe Countrey of Nixabur is by Texeira plac'd between that of Carason Usbeck Tartary and Turkestan The Metropolis is also call'd Nisabur and according to Olearius not far from Mesched being in 102 Degrees and twenty Minutes Longitude and in 38 Degrees and 40 Minutes Northern Latitude The Countrey is full of Sandy Desarts which are in a perpetual motion as if they boyl'd though there be no Wind. Near the City Nisabur lieth a Mountain on which are found excellent Turkoises so call'd perhaps from the Name of the Countrey in which the Hill lies namely Turkestan The Province of Kilan or Gilan Denomination and Situation of Kilan THe Province of Kilan or Gilan by the Ancients call'd Hircania hath receiv'd that Denomination from a peculiar People nam'd Kileck It lies between high Mountains and the Caspian Sea like a Cross on an even Plain which being clayie Ground is much fertiliz'd with many Brooks and Rivers that fall from the neighboring Mountains but in some places it was heretofore unpassable by reason of the Water untill King Abbas rais'd a Cawsey which crosses the whole Countrey from Astarabath to Astara so that you may now travel with great ease It conterminates in the South with the Province of Erack in the North with the Caspian Sea and in the West and North-West at Schirwan or the Mountains of Schamachie and the Plains of Mocan This Province af Gilan is divided into twenty Counties Division in which there are several Towns Villages and Hamlets viz. Kisilagatsch Maschischan Buladi Cilekeran Disekeran Rihk Lahetzan Deschtewend Lengercunan Schichkeran Howe Lissar Kesker Masanderan Marancu Astara Nokeran Lemur Tzeulandan Rescht and Astarabath You enter this Province on the South from Erack through a narrow but well known Road by Writers call'd Caken or The Straight of Hircania but in the time of Alexander it was call'd Pylae and is the same which Olearius calls now The Caspian Gate The Way is very narrow through which you come into the Province of Kilan At the Mouth of this Pass are two Streams that coming from the right and left side of Erack conjoyn their Waves and gliding along come at last to a Stone Bridge which being Vaulted and accommodated with several Rooms of Entertainment supplies the place of a Caravansera and passing thence divide again and fall by two Mouths into the Caspian Sea Beyond the Bridge you come into a fair Road which presently divides it self into two Ways one leading to Ardebil and the other to Kilan the first is very troublesom and dangerous by reason of many Rocky Descents and steep Passages incumbred with great Stones and often so narrow that a Camel and a Horse can scarce pass one by another but the right Way that leads to Kilan is rather worse having such Caverns and Precipices that Travellers are forc'd to walk afoot and lead their Horses over the Mountains of which at the same Season one side is very cold and the other extream hot but more Northerly through Kilan are very pleasant Shades with all manner of Fruit-Trees and others fit for Timber In a Valley near the Stream Isperuth lies a Village call'd Pyle Rubar encompass'd with Hills Though this Village be at the Entrance into Kilan yet the Persians will not allow it to belong thereto but to the Mountains of Tarum A League from Pyle Rubar in the middle of the River Isperuth are to be seen the Ruines of an old Wall and Bridge destroy'd as they say by Alexander the Great The Country of Rescht The County of Rescht borders North on the Caspian Sea West with Kesker and East with the River Isperuth It hath a City of the same Name which is also the Metropolis it stands two Leagues
from the Caspian Shore and half a League Eastward from the Persichan by the Arabians call'd Husan plac'd in 85 Degrees and in 10 Minutes Longitude and in 37 Decrees Northern Latitude to which Olearius adds 35 Minutes The Houses in the City are not so beautiful as in other places though most of them are cover'd very artificially to keep out the Rain which falls there very often and in great abundance About the Houses are Planted Orange-Trees which bear twice a year There is also a Maidan or great Market-place which is very well supply'd with all sorts of Provision for the Table to be had at a very cheap Rate The Villages that belong to this County are Kisma Pumen or Fumen Tallum Scheft Dilum and Massula This County hath several Rivers which descending from the Hills are very well stor'd with Fish which yield the King a good Revenue by granting Licences to such as take them They discharge their Waters 〈…〉 the chiefest Persichan half a League Westward from the City Rescht More Westward Chestecan a little League farther Westerly Pischeru and Lissar over which lie several high Bridges and at last follows the Stream Tzomus The County Kesker The Territory Kesker borders Eastward with Rescht Northerly with the Caspian Sea and in the West with Lissar In this County are three and twenty Towns and Villages the first and chiefest is Kesker which gives Denomination to the whole Countrey the rest are Schacherruth Curab Enseli Dulab Schab and more Northerly Ruesseru Mianschaker Sengerbasara Howe Choseckkadehene Lenkeran and Kisikgatz and between the Mountains Kuawer Marancu Deschtewend Subel Drich Malule Busler Dubilcha Tifebihi and Talischeran The City Curab Curab vulgarly call'd also Kesker is situated like Rescht in a Wood two Leagues from the Caspian Shore yet hath great Respect and Priviledges as being the Birth-place of Schach Sefi the Son of Sefi Myrsa whose Queen fell in Labor as he went his Progress that way This County of Kesker hath store of fertilizing Streams the chiefest whereof are Feslei and Nasseru and boasts also a great Lake call'd Enseli abounding with Fish The Countrey of Kilan in the South is full of Woods and juts with two Promontories into the Sea one Eastward from Mazanderan and Ferabath and the other Westward from the Province of Astara In the Province of Lissar Westward from the Stream Nasseru run fourteen Rivulets the chiefest whereof are Dinatsar three Leagues from the Stream Nasseru Schiberu Chalesera Alarus and Nabarrus which last runs in the Province Lissar by the Village Sengerhasara More Westerly are many other Rivers the eminentest whereof in the Counties of Howelemur Nokeran und Astara are Lome Conab and Beskeschan over which lie great Bridges In the Province Astara the Stream Choskedehene disembogues into the Sea near a River of the same Denomination Choskedehene signifies properly A Dry Mouth because the Sea in that place is so shallow that no Fish can get over the Sands into the River Decription of Astara In the Territory of Astam lies the Town Astara which though it be the Residence of the Chan yet it hath no Walls Westward beyond Astara lies the Mountain Schindan before made mention of and upon it a Village call'd Schach Sahadan Borders of the County of Langercunan The County of Langercunan borders in the East with the Sea in the West with Astara and in the North at Maschischan This County hath a narrow Passage towards the side of Astara because at the foot of the wooddy Mountains which reach down to the Shore it is border'd by a deep Morass through which onely runs a narrow Cawsey at the farther end whereof a River call'd Serdane glides from the Mountains beyond which is the Village Lenkeran wash'd by a Brook nam'd Warasaruth This County and Village hath the Denomination of Anchor-Ground and Haven notwithstanding there is onely a little Inlet where the Land runs into the Sea with two Horns like a Half-Moon one of them lying before Lenkeran is cover'd with Woods and the other before Kisilagats with Canes None but small Boats can go into the same by reason of the shallow Water and is also very dangerous to Anchor in the Wind blowing hard from the North-East wherefore the Boats are generally hal'd ashore The Curtzibachi or Governor hath this Harbor and adjacent Villages for a part of his Revenue notwithstanding others say it belongs to Ardebil Through this Countrey from the Village Lenkeran to Kisilagats four indifferent deep Brooks under several Bridges r●n into the Sea In the County Kisilagats about half a League from the Shore lie three or four Isles in the Sea viz. Saru so call'd from the redness of the Soil Alibaluch and Kellechol all which as also the main Shore are cover'd with Reeds The unwall'd Town Kisilagats signifying Red Mold lies two Miles North-West into the Countrey on a Plain near a Brook call'd Willeschi It was formerly bought by Sulsagar Chan of Ardebil and after his Decease Inherited by his Son Hossein Sultan who had possession of it in the Year 1635. The Kilan Mountains extend from hence North-Westerly and lessening stretch to the Desart of Mocan Not far from hence in a Hilly Countrey lie the Counties Cuawer Marancu Deschtewend and others and in the neighboring Mountains the Village Dubil otherwise call'd Chatifekekis which Village those People that inhabited it in the time of Schach Abbas were for their leud manner of living their promiscuous Sensualities Rapes and Incests committed one amongst another rooted out by the said King and the Village re-peopled with new Inhabitants Nature of the Soil The rich Countrey of Kilan hath a fat clayie Soyl and in some places where it is low deep Morasses Moreover between the Mountains and the Caspian Sea is a smooth Plain moistned by many little Brooks and Streams which fall out of the Mountains into the Sea It was formerly a troublesom Way to travel but Schach Abbas caus'd a Cawsey to be made through all Kilan from Astarabath to Astara by which means it is both safe and convenient to travel either on Foot by Horse or with Camels Productions of the Countrey The most peculiar Products of this Countrey are Silk exceeding large Grapes Tobacco Oranges Pomegranates Figs and Calabashes The Stock of the Vines about Astara grow generally to the thickness of a Man's Body the Calabashes are guided up by Poles like our Scarlet Beans for if they lie on the Ground they are apt to rot Wild Beasts The Mountains which look upon the Caspian Sea are overgrown with Woods wherewith indeed the whole Countrey of Kilan is environ'd and they abound with wild Beasts as Hogs Deer Goats with Horns of an exceeding length but not so crooked as those of Europe besides Beasts of prey as Tygers Leopards Wolves and Bears the first of which are so numerous that they are brought ten or twenty at a time to be sold and taught to follow the Chace in
regard of their swift running and withal made so tame that the Huntsmen carry them on their Horses and most Gentlemen keep them as we in England do Mastives for the security of their Houses The Rivers abound with all sorts of Fish Fish so that Kilan hath not onely sufficient for her own Provision and Store but enough to furnish both her Neighbors and Strangers at remoter distance Constitution of the Inhabitants The Inhabitants of this Countrey are of two sorts viz. the Talians who for the most part possess the Mountains and the Kilaneans who inhabit the Plains The Kilaneans by reason of the Climate they live in are generally of a more sallow Complexion than the Persians being a surly and self-conceited People especially those that dwell between Mazanderan and Kesker who relying on the Strength of their Countrey often bid defiance to the Kings of Persia Their Apparel The Habit of these People in general is much shorter than of other Persians occasion'd by the wetness of the Place wherein they live onely herein they differ that the Kilaneans wear Caps of course Linnen and the Talians of black Sheep-skins The Talian Women being of a better compos'd Countenance than the other wear not so many Head-clothes as their Neighbors Virgins braid their Hair in many Locks which hang down about their Shoulders some above forty but Women have onely eight or twelve They wear in stead of Shoes woodden Sandals which are fastned on by a Button between their great Toes yet they trip very nimbly with them even in the most plashy Ways And the Men go barefoot which is the cause that they generally have such broad Feet Their Language The Language of this Countrey as the People is two-fold The Kilanean and the usual Persian differ onely in some few Letters but the Talian hath so little resemblance with it that they scare understand each other for proof whereof we give this Instance Speck in the Talian Language signifies a Dog in the the Persian they call it Seck and the Gilans say Seggi But in Mazanderan they speak the common Persian Tongue There is no Province in Persia wherein the Women have so much Respect and do so little Work as Kilan where they employ themselves onely in points of Huswifery as Spinning Weaving making Dubarsita or Syrrups which they sell in great quantities to Houses of publick Entertainment for in other Places they Till the Ground and Sowe Rice and whil'st the Man Ploughs the Ground the Woman in her best Apparel brings the Seed into the Field in Baskets which he takes and scatters abroad she Weeds whil'st he Waters the Land and as he Reaps the Corn she binds it up in Sheaves which being brought home by him she Threshes Sifts and Sells And here we are to observe that every mans particular Ground lies behind or about his Dwelling This Countrey by reason of its strong Situation seems almost invincible being surrounded by a continu'd Ledge of Rocky Mountains through which there are but four Passages the first whereof runs Northward by the Desart of Mocan through the Province of Lengercunan the second South-West through Mazanderan Ferabath and by Astarabath through Chorazan These Ways or Passages are as Oleareus supposes the Portae Caspiae or Caspian Gates mention'd by Strabo Pliny Solinus Ptolomy and others of the Ancients and they might so be call'd because they led out of Persia to the Caspian Sea and are indeed so narrow that through some of them two Horses or Camels cannot go abreast and in others scarce one as particularly appears by the Description of Pyle Kubar Within this Province is reckon'd the City Derbend near the Caspian Sea where there is also a narrow Passage being the Iron Gate before mention'd out of Tartary into Persia Camels go with ease along this Way to Gilan but Men that ride that way excepting some desperate People are forc'd to lead their Horses over the Mountains wherefore a few Men plac'd at these Entrances may keep a great Army out of the Countrey And that the Way over the Mountains might be kept secure a great Wall was built from that City fifty Leagues in length down to the Caspian Sea and onely one Gate through it and this in part is manifested by the Name Derbend for Der signifies a Gate and Bend a Line Moreover as we hinted before whoever takes notice of this City and the Countrey about it will certainly conclude that Derbend is the strongest and safest Door to those that will travel by Land through Persia and that if the same be secur'd it is impossible for any on that side to come thither And they are no less safe by Sea in regard no Ships can approach the Shore by reason of the many Sands and shallow Water the Cossacks onely now and then with their small Vessels pilfer along the Sea-Coast Their Religion Most of the Inhabitants are either down-right Mahumetans or of the Sect of Hanifa and keep Aaly's Feast on the twenty fifth of January Their Government This Kilan was heretofore under the Heptarchy of seven petty Kings yet all having or at least assuming to themselves an arbitrary Power and as they gain'd an opportunity took advantage of each other and yet some of them continu'd in Power till Schach Abbas a little before his Death subdu'd the same The Plains of Mocan or Mogan Description of the Plains of Mocan NOrthward from Kilan near the Sea lies a Champain Countrey water'd by several narrow but deep Rivulets the chiefest whereof are Uskeru and Butaru which have Bridges over them towards the Sea The whole Tract of Land ere you come to the Mountains is very full of Villages Garrison'd with the King's Soldiers each under a peculiar Captain to resist the Invasions of the Turks to which purpose those Villages are assign'd for their Maintenance and the Rusticks not onely pay a certain Tribute to them but they have Lands also set out which they must Till for the Soldiers This Champain contains sixty Leagues in length and twenty in breadth bordering in the South at Kilan and in the West verging the Province and Mountains of Betziruan On this Plain which the Turks call Mindualuck that is A thousand Chimneys and the Persians Mogan or Mocan dwell several sorts of People which in the Reign of Hossein making an Insurrection under one Jesid being vanquish'd were condemn'd thither and not permitted to live in any other Towns or Villages they are by one general Name call'd Sumeck Rajeti According to our Law-Term they hold in Villenage that is The Kings Villains because from Generation to Generation they are the King's Slaves and have small Allowances according to that most inferior Qualification Their chief Support is gain'd by keeping of Cattel which they drive in the Summer to the Mountains where they ●●nd good Pasturage and wholsom Air but in the Winter they return to the Plains Their Children go stark naked in Summer but
of which so many breed here that the Fishermen dare not go into above four Fathom Water which Pomponius Mela seems to have observ'd when he saith in his Geography This Sea is more dangerous than any other by reason of the many Monsters that breed therein It hath been reported that in Kilan over against the Mountain Sahebelan where they breed most they are taken with Hooks fastned to thick Lines and Baited with Flesh Divers other sorts of Fish Nor doth it onely breed Monsters for contrary to the Opinion of Contareno and Bizarro it produces several sorts of excellent Fish as Salmon Sturgeon Carps an Ell long a sort of Herrings great Breams call'd Chascham Scwit or Schivit and a sort of Barbels a Yard and a half long but others less which are tough and not fit to be eaten The Inhabitants there catch another sort of Salmon-Trouts which they dry in the Smoak and Dress after this manner viz. They lay the smoak'd Fish wrapt in a Linnen or Cotton Cloth upon a hot Hearth and then cover it with Ashes till it be enough whereby it gaineth a most delicate taste This abundance of Fish breeding in the Sea causes the King of Persia to Farm out the Fishing thereof towards the Mouth of the fresh Rivers which brings him yearly considerable Sums of Money This Fishing Farm begins in September and lasts to the end of March during which time the Rivers are shut up to prevent Intruders that have no right to Fish there but all the rest of the year not onely the Rivers but the Sea it self lies free and open to all Persons This Sea in the Summer the Persians Tartars and Russians Navigate in sleight and miserable Vessels with which they dare not Sail but onely before the Wind nor venture from the sight of the Shore There are but few Harbors and those neither good nor safe the place between the Island Tzenzeni and the main Land is counted one of the securest and therefore the Persians always Anchor there in the Night they also us'd to Ride with their Vessels near Bacu Lenkeran and Ferabath according as the Wind favors them But the best in all that Sea is towards the East on the Tartars side and is call'd Chuaresm and Minkischlack but by some nam'd Manguslave This Sea according to Herodotus Ptolomy and Aristotle is distinct from all other being wholly inclos'd within the Land so that it may justly be call'd a Mediterranean from whence appear the Errors of Dionysius the Alexandrian Pomponius Mela Strabo Pliny Solinus Basilius Magnus and others who would make it to mix with the Scythian or Tartarick Sea or else a Bay of the Northern Ocean and not totally surrounded by the Land The Province of Mazanderan Borders of the Province of Mazanderan THe Province of Mazanderan or Mazanderon conterminates in the West with Gilan or Kilan the East Borders upon Estarabat the South touches Erack Media and a part of Gilan and the North verges with the Bacu or Caspian Sea Its length is accounted to be thirty Leagues and Compriseth twenty five Cities the Metropolis of which bears the same Denomination with the Province but Della Valla and Olearius name it Ferhabad and aver that formerly it was call'd Tahona Description of Ferhabad The City Ferhabad which lies about two thousand Paces from the Caspian Sea is in a great Plain and as Della Valla witnesseth in a few years after the first Building grew to the bigness of Rome or Constantinople but was not inclos'd with Walls Nor have the chief Cities in this Countrey any such Inclosures The Teggine Rude that is The Swist-River runs through the middle of the City over which there is but one Bridge but that neatly built in that place where commonly the greatest concourse or People is in other parts a good distance from the Bridge they Ferry over in slat-bottom'd Boats made of one great Tree This Place by reason of its nearness to the Caspian Sea and convenience of the beforemention'd River is accounted a Sea-port Town because the Ships Sail up to the aforenam'd Bridge where they drop their Anchors and though the Vessels are not very big yet all that drive this Trade viz. to the City Gilan Esterabad Bacu Demircapt and to Astracan in Muscovia lade and unlade here King Abbas not long since call'd it Ferhabad that is The City of perfect Joy which is an Arabick word compounded of Fer which signifies Joy and Habad that is Finished Two Reasons induc'd the King to build this City the one was a desire he had to beautifie his Kingdom and extend the Limits thereof for he built divers Cities in several other places the other was his kindness to this particular Region partly because it was the Birth-place of his Mother and partly because it was the strongest part of his Dominions for it lies on one side surrounded with the unnavigable part of the Caspian Sea and on the other with inaccessible Mountains through which none can come but by narrow and craggy Paths besides all which this Countrey lay remotest from the Enemy especially from the Turks The Houses in the beginning were not above a Story high and cover'd onely with Canes to keep out the Weather The Walls consist of a certain Stuff very common in this Countrey which being mix'd with Straw is call'd Calghil that is Straw and Earth to which a quantity of Sand being added and beaten like Mortar makes a most strong and durable Cement But the King's Palace is built of Sun-dry'd Brick which in the time of a great Fire proving a safeguard to it self and all within caus'd the King to command all the Houses to be built of the like Materials The City Eskerf Eastward from thence lies a City call'd Eskerf about two Leagues from the same Sea at the end of a large Plain near the foot of a Mountain which environs the same on the South side This City was also built by Abbas at the same time with Ferhabad It hath many Gardens and a great Bazar or Street full of Shops besides divers other meaner Houses standing without order among shady Groves in a delightful Plain which is full of Inhabitants sent thither by the King and is much frequented especially when the Court Resides there which is the greatest part of the Summer for in Winter Ferhabad was the Royal Chamber and this the King did to draw Inhabitants thither and cause a Trade and likewise because it was well seated for Hunting and other Recreations The Houses are built under high Trees and so shaded with the Boughs that they are scarce to be seen insomuch that one may doubt whether Eskerf be a City erected in a Wood or a Grove inhabited like a City In the middle of the Gardens behind the Houses stand Chambers or rather Galleries because they are onely cover'd on the top which being about a Man's heighth above the Ground are ascended to by Steps and serve both for Eating
a great Wood through which is a broad Way shadow'd by high Trees This Road is very plashy because many little Brooks run in it which in the Winter makes it so deep and rotten that the Camels though they have long Legs often sink up to the Knees Four Leagues from this Village lies a strong large and populous Place call'd Saru where the King hath a magnificent Palace and thereby has gain'd the repute of a City though consisting chiefly of a sort of Thatch'd Houses except a few scatter'd Dwellings that are Tyl'd It is call'd Saru which signifies Yellow from the abundance of Oranges and other yellowish Fruits that grow about the same Beyond Saru lie several great Plains which in former Ages were overgrown with Woods but since that being clear'd and Manur'd they are become very fertile and the Ways which then were very deep are now the Ground lying open to the Sun become very hard and some places of late made into Pav'd Cawseys These Plains are also inhabited by several People most of them Christians sent thither from divers Countreys An. 1620. to make several Plantations especially from Armenia and Georgia The Way from Saru hath all along the sides Houses rais'd onely of Boughs and Mud viz. of the Trees which were cut down in the same place by the Inhabitants to make the Countrey fit for Cultivation This Province is divided from the South to the North by the River Teggine Rude which taking original out of the Mountains more Southward of the Rice-Valley runs through it as also the City Ferhabad two thousand Paces from which it discharges its Waters into the Caspian Sea having in the Way receiv'd so many Brooks Streams and Rivulets that from the City Saru it is Navigable with flat-bottom'd Boats made on purpose of the Bodies of great Trees to Row with Oars Some of them can carry ten or twelve Men or Goods of the like Burthen The Townsmen of Ferhabad often go out a Fishing for their Pleasure into the Caspian Sea with such Boats and make use of them in the City to go from one place to another The Brook Cinon About a League from Ferhabad glides the Erook Cinon which also sends its Water into the Caspian Sea and is somewhat broader than the Teggine Rude The Countrey Lahetzan The County Lahetzan where the best Silk is to be had campriseth the Towns Lenkeru Cutzesbar and Amelekende The Countrey of Chusistan Situation of Chusistan with us several Denominations CHusistan that is The Countrey of Chus lies between Fars or Persia and the Stream Ditzel and was anciently by Mercator and since by Olearius call'd Susiana and as the same Olearius believes comprised Elam from whence came the Elamites Cluverius will have Chusistan to be the ancient Assyria and Susiana the Countrey at this Day call'd Elaran in which he partly agrees with Olearius Bounds of Susiana Susiana as Ptolomy saith conterminates in the North wi●h Assyria in the West with Babylon in the East hath * Properly so call'd Persia and in the South Borders at part of the Persian Gulf. Susiana compris'd anciently Meltilene Elimais Cabamene Characene Cissia Chaltapitis and the fertile Countrey of Dera The eminentest Rivers which water'd Susiana Rivers were Moseus Oroates by Ptolomy nam'd Rhunates by Ammianus Vatrochites and Euleus by the Prophet Daniel Ulai both which had such exceeding clear Water that the Kings would have no other to drink The Inhabitants of Susiana were Elamites and Cossites Inhabitants Chief Cities The chiefest City was anciently call'd Susa mention'd by Daniel in the place where he speaks of the destruction of Persia and foretells the beginning of the Grecian Monarchy It is now nam'd Desu not far from which was the Royal Palace Susan lying at the Stream Ulai by Pliny call'd Uleus where Ahassuerus who Reign'd over a hundred and twenty seven Provinces made the great Feast to all his Princes mention'd in sacred Writ The other populous and Trading Cities are Alewas Ramehormus Schabur Asker and Arhan The Inhabitants who have the Mountains to the Northward of them are forc'd by the violent heat to retire amongst them during the Summer Carmania or Kermon otherwise Kirman The several Names THis ancient Countrey by Ptolomy call'd Carmania is at this day nam'd Kirman and by Niger Kerman from its Metropolis According to Cluverius it compris'd anciently these Territories viz. Modomastice Parepaphitis Cabadine and Chantonice but at this day onely Kirman Goadel and Ormus It is inhabited by the ancient People Isaticheans Zuthians Gadanopidrans Camelobocians By what People inhabited Sozotes Agdenites Rhudians Arians Charadreans Pasargades and Armozens The ancient Cities were Carmania Samydace Alexandria and Armuze It is water'd by one River nam'd Samydace hath the Mountain Semiramis and the Wilderness Reobarle Kermon or Carmania is divided into two Parts the one Great Carmania Division which conterminates with the Sea and is by the Persians call'd Erach Ajan the other which lies farther into the Country and was anciently nam'd Wild Carmania hath now the Denomination of Dulcinde or as Corsal saith Rasigut Erack Ajan compriseth yet two Kingdoms viz. Macran and Guadel Besides these two Carmania's this Countrey comprehends Mogostan and the Kingdom of Ormus Wild Carmania borders according to Ptolomy in the North upon Parthia the West verges Persia the South looks upon Great Carmania and in the East it lies terminated by Aria The old Wild Carmania compriseth the well known Kingdoms of Lara and Oessa commonly call'd The Kingdom of Monbareca or Mombareck from the Name of the Governor besides the Countreys of Mogosthan The Countreys which lie to the Northward from the Tigris and Euphrates at the side of Persia were formerly possess'd by one Mombareck Son to a mighty Arabian which Texeira places hard by Bagdad or Babylon where there are many good Cities as Magdon Oexa and Ooreca surrounded with rich Land yet lying waste for fear of the Turks who have many Garrisons in this Mombareck's Countrey to guard those which pay him Tribute The greater Carmania borders in the North upon Wild Carmania in the East faces Gedrosia the West looks upon a part of Persia and a part of the Persian Gulf and the South is limited by the Indian Sea The River Bagrada so call'd by Ptolomy and plac'd in Wild Carmania is now nam'd Bintmir or as others Budmir by Niger Biserti and in the Arabick as Thevet affirms Biquelmick This Countrey Davity tells was possess'd by Zizaerian Arabians that formerly dwelt in Bassora Wild Carmania as Maginus writes hath not one City nor indeed doth Ptolomy mention any therein Great Carmania boasts the River Bassiri and the Cape Jasquette or Jasques about twenty five or twenty six Leagues from Ormus near the Persian Gulf opposite to Arabia Felix Ortelius says Ptolomy call'd it The Cape of Ormus Up into the Countrey lie the Towns Sirgian Tesirco Serent and Kirman or Kirmon the chief City of the Region
According to Olearius Kirman is a great Countrey and lying between Farsi and Sagistan extending Northerly to the Sea and the Isle of Ormus Beyond Kirman Northerly lies a great Desart but Southward towards the Sea Kirman hath much till'd Land and many fine Towns the Names whereof are Bersir Bermasir Bem Chabis Tzirefft and Gamron which lying near the Sea is often call'd Bender or Bander Gamron that is The Haven of Camron for Bender in the Persian Tongue signifies a Haven This Town of Gamron or Bender Gamron by Della Valle call'd Cambru lies in 27 Degrees of Northern Latitude West-South-West about three Leagues from the Isle of Ormus being formerly a little Village inhabited by Fishermen who came thither for its convenient Situation near the Persian Gulf. But since the conquering of the famous Isle of Ormus and driving the Portuguese from thence Gamron being frequented by the English Hollanders and Moors Vessels grew to a handsom Town and is enlarg'd daily by the Merchants and Travellers which come thither in November for then the heat of the Weather is over either from the Court at Ispahan or other adjacent Cities The Houses are built having the Foundation three or four Foot deep in the Sand of Free-stone Manner of b●●lding their Houses joyn'd together after this manner They take Clay chopt Straw and Horse-dung beaten together with salt Water and making Cakes thereof dry the same in the Sun then they lay Brambles or Straw on the Ground to cover them over which again they lay Cakes and so a Layer of Btambles and a Layer of Cakes till it rises to the heighth of a Man and then set fire on the Heap which when extinguish'd they mingle and beat together with salt Water and daubing the Materials therewith make a good Mortar which grows as hard as Flint upon this Foundation they raise their Walls of square pieces of Clay dry'd in the Sun after the manner of our Bricks and then laid in moist Clay in stead of Mortar they likewise make square Pillars of the same Clay after the same manner for Supporters of the inner Roofs and that the Rain may not soke through the Walls they daube them all over with the beforemention'd hard Plaister which makes them seem to be built all of Stone With this Mortar also they make handsom Arches Their Rooms of Office are even with the Ground and for want of Stone unpav'd Over these are their Lodgings open round about for coolness The Streets are very crooked narrow and dirty The chiefest Houses as those of the Sultans the English and Hollanders Store-houses stand on the Shore against which the Sea oftentimes beats with great violence yet they are very convenient to lade and unlade Goods The Ships Ride about a Cannon shot from the Land in five or six Fathom Water There are also many little Huts of Boughs and Date-tree Leaves which are much us'd here and because there are no hard Stones hereabouts and the Timber extraordinary scarce many stately Houses have been pull'd down on the Isle and the Materials thereof carry'd away to build Houses on the Main On the East side of the Countrey stands a Fort built after the ancient manner with Towers Upon the Shore also about a Gun-shot from the Water is another Fort built of Free-stone surrounded with a dry Trench a low Vaumure and on the West side a Stone Redoubt of sufficient Strength against any sudden Onset Description of the Village Cambru The great Village Cambru according to Della Valle stands upon the Sea-shore in 27 Degrees of Northern Latitude The Streets are generally very narrow and the Bazars on Shops but indifferently furnish'd with Wares The Walls of the Houses are of Lime or Clay and may rather be call'd Barns than Houses being nothing but large and inclosed places cover'd with a Roof for a shelter in bad Weather and to keep off the heat of the Sun which in these Countreys is very powerful Here is a general Toleration of Religion for besides the Mahumetans there are abundance of Jews Banians from India and many other People of divers Beliefs The Fort Cambru There is a Fortress in a low Tract of Land near the Sea and not far from it the Fort of Cambru which being square is encompass'd with a double Wall the first hath no Redoubts nor Flankers but the outmost hath some Sconces and Curteyns sufficient to bear Musquet-shot The inner Wall is somewhat higher and hath several little round Turrets built at certain distances one from another between each of which lies a great Stone which in time of need may be thrown down on the Enemy Over the Gate appears a square place like a Gallery full of Port-holes through which the Soldiers with Musquets defend the Passage to the Gate Outermost is abroad and deep Moat fortifi'd with Half-moons and Breast-works but so weak that they may be batter'd down with a small Field-piece On the Shore of Cambru lie abundance of Sea-Cockles by which the Coast may easily be known The Ferry from Cambru to Ormus is not above a days Sailing in Vessels as big as Sloops by the Persians call'd Cuibet The Portuguese in former times had another Fort near the Shore which the Persians after their Conquest pull'd down but they built the foremention'd Fort in stead thereof farther up in the Countrey and afterwards in the Year 1623. in January they rais'd another on the Shore in the same place where that belonging to the Portuguese stood finding that so far up into the Countrey unable to defend the Ships and Haven which is much frequented from several Places in Persia India and Arabia There is also a Governor of the Town and another of the Fort and a Judge call'd Cadhi Once a year commonly there happens an Earthquake in Cambru which often overturns several Houses In the Way from Schiras to the Haven of Cambru whither the English come yearly with the Caravan to ship their Silks are the following Places viz. the Burrough of Passa the Plain of Gigangli the Village Haian Havask the Caravansera of Mamui the City Passa Tambustan or Temerista the barren place between the Mountains Seciah that is The three Pits because of certain Pits there and beyond that the Village Zirevan some Leagues from which the Way parts into two the one runs to the City Darabghierd and the other to Dechair a Village a days Journey beyond this parting of the Road. The many Dates and other Trees which grow in Darebghierd make it seem a very pleasant Place which extending a great way hath abundance of Inhabitants There is nothing remarkable in the same but a Brook which running through the Market makes a standing Pool in the middle However it is very eminent for its Antiquity and Name which it hath preserv'd to this day viz. from the ancient Persian King Darius who built it and call'd it Darab according to the Name which this Place bears viz. Darabghierd or Darabkera
River which waters this Countrey is now call'd Barbarum and formerly Arabis Commodities of Cache The Kingdom of Cache produces plenty of Hemp and Flax of which the Inhabitants make Linnen Cloth and affords Oyl of Gegelin and other sorts in great abundance There are likewise many Horses call'd Cachis from the Name of the Countrey which are as good as the Persian or Arabian Guadel hath its peculiar Xeque or Vice-Roy and Macran a particular Prince but Cobinam is under the Jurisdiction of the Sophy The Province of Moghostan Bounds of Moghostan THe Province of Moghostan which signifies Date-Tree Wood because that Tree grows all over the Countrey conterminates on one side with the Dukedom of Lar and extends from thence East and South of the places which verge with the Persian Gulf. There is another Moghostan anciently so call'd for the reason before mention'd but quite differing from this by Diodorus Siculus mention'd to lie in Arabia Felix not far from the Arabian Gulf. The Village Ciuciululion The first place in this Province as you travel out of the Countrey of Lar is Ciuciululion consisting of about forty Houses built a good distance from each other in a Wood of Dates Olive and other Trees which bear no eatable Fruits but onely Leaves from whence this Village hath receiv'd its Name Five Leagues from Ciuciululion passing towards the Metropolis Mina is a very mean Hamlet call'd Dazrack Near the Sea lies Benderi du Ser a small Town that is A Haven with two Mouths Not far from which is the Shore of Scechierri or Sechierri The Haven of Combru is about two days Journey from Mina and was formerly so call'd by the Portuguese but the Persian King Abbas taking it from them gave it the Name of Abassi from his own Name The Metropolis Mina The Metropolis of Moghostan call'd Mina which is two days Journey from Ciuciululion and twelve with Camels from Lar lies in 26 Degrees and 35 Minutes Northern Latitude and hath two Fortresses on the East side inclos'd within a Wall which runs directly through the Town and at a certain distance having some sleight Towers the biggest hath two great Gates one respecting the North and the other the South and almost quite surrounded with Water In the City Mina are two Baths near neighbors to each other the first is very large and formerly had several Shops and Houses about it which were most of them ruin'd Anno 1632. the other being much less is built upon a Hill on the East side of the great one and being wash'd by a little Brook is inhabited by the Beigh and his Guard which keep Watch all the Night and call aloud at certain hours according to a Custom amongst the Eastern People Not far from Mina lies Binder Ibrahim that is The Haven of Ibrahim Cuhesteck is a Town lying on the Coast of Mina near Ormus where the Air is so unwholsom that most Strangers coming thither are afflicted with the Disease of the Countrey in so violent a manner that few escape The Houses in Mina are made of the plash'd Boughs of Date-Trees In this Province grow abundance of Trees Trees by the Arabians call'd Nebo and by the Persians Conar which bear a small Fruit with a Stone in the middle like our Cherries the dry'd Leaves thereof rubb'd to Powder and put in Water not onely turn the same white but make it Lather like Soap which most People use when they Bathe themselves Here also grows a Tree call'd Amba brought from India In Moghostan and other Places in Persia Beasts breeds a strange sort of Beast in colour and shape like a Tyger but hath a Head and Snout like a Hog it makes a great screeking in the Night and desires to prey upon the dead Bodies of Men which it endeavors to scrape out of the Graves wherefore Della Valla believes it is the same Beast which the Latines and Greeks call Hyena or a Mungrel Wolf The supream Governor of Moghostan is styl'd Sceheriari and being subject to the Chan of Schiras keeps not his Court in the Metropolis Mina but in a neighboring Village where one Schach Sefi Reign'd Anno 1630. Lorestan BEsides the Provinces before mention'd those of Nimruz Sichar and Lorestan are reckon'd Members of the Crown of Persia though we onely know the Names of the two former but Lorestan some call Luristan and Paulus Venetus onely Lor which perhaps is the Name of its Metropolis for Stan is a vulgar word in Persia for Land or Countrey John the Persian places Lorestan ninety Leagues from Casbin and makes Cormana to be the Residence of the King of Persia but Texeira who calls it Cormatu and Cormavat affirms that it is onely a strong Place in this Province the Kings of which paid as a yearly Tribute fifty thousand Ducats The Province of Chorazan THe Province of Chorazan or Carason by Olearius taken to be the ancient Bactriana contrary to Davity who makes Bactriana a part of Zagatey or Usbeck Carason according to Davity compriseth the ancient Countrey of Margiana bordering upon the River Gehun by some styl'd Geichon and by others Oxus which according to Ptolomy conterminates in the North with Margiana Chorazan saith Davity comprises also a great part of Aria and Texeira places Kerman or Carmania between Persia and Carason and Ptolomy borders Carmania in the West with Persia and in the East at Ery Cluverius nevertheless takes Margiana for Elsabat which is accounted a part of Tartary and Zagatey Castaldus calls the ancient Margiana Jezelbas or Jesilbax that is Green Head the general Name given by the Tartars to Zagatey who formerly possess'd this Countrey and was first taken from them by Ismael Seff but afterwards being lost was by Schach Abbas re-taken and ever since kept Herbert divides Chorazan into three great Territories viz. Hery Farihan and Tocharistan anciently call'd Aria Paropamisa and Tocharia Chorazan according to Olearius conterminates in the East with Mazanderan and is divided into many lesser Counties amongst which Hery is the chiefest Chorazan taken for the ancient Margiana borders in the East upon Bactriana m the West faces Hircania or Starabat the South verges with a part of Aria and the North looks upon a part of Tartary or Scythia viz. from the Mouth of the River Oxus to a part thereof near Bactriana The City Mesched This Countrey comprehends many large Cities the chiefest whereof is Mesched otherwise Maxad and by the Persians call'd Thus. This City standing on a Hill near the River Habin is environ'd with Walls and strengthned with Moats Towers and other Fortifications insomuch that Texeira affirms there are three hundred Towers a Musquet-shot from each other and that with the Gardens and Banquetting-houses the City is accounted to be six Leagues in circumference and inhabited by a hundred thousand People In this City may be seen a stately Tomb of one of the twelve Persian Imams or great Saints of the Family of Aaly call'd Imam
dry'd They cover them also with a Hair Cloth Lin'd with Wool The Persians have been Masters of these excellent Horses since the Death of the Sultan Borisir whom the King of Persia caus'd to be put to death after his coming from Carmania into Persia with many beautiful Horses to the number of ten thousand of all which he made himself Master and from them the Persians have had such excellent Breeds that the Turks are inferior to them They bring up and diet their Horses for the Race and those that are swift-footed they style Badpay that is Wind-footed they also colour the Tails Mayns and Bellies of their white and dapple Horses red or yellow They are very curious in their Furniture and therefore Persons of Quality Embroider their Sadles Bridles and Cloths with Gold and Silver which is an ancient Pride of the Persians ever since the Reign of Xerxes These Horses though employ'd night and day in a Battel can endure thirty hours without Meat There are also a sort of Stags by the Turks call'd Tzeirra and by the Persians Ahu of a sad colour have great Horns and being very swift-footed are to be seen in no place but the Province of Mocan and by Schamachie Carabach and Mearaga The Inhabitants likewise keep many Mules especially to Ride on being us'd by great Lords nay by the Kings themselves to travel on they are valu'd at as dear a Rate as the Horses and those that are any thing handsom are sold for a hundred Crowns Moreover some have reported that there are wild Mules found in several places in Persia but being very rare they are onely sent as Presents to the King and Chans and as Asia breeds more Asses than any other Place in the World so Persia exceeds any of the Eastern Countreys The several sorts of People IN Persia are divers sorts of Inhabitants viz. First Strangers of several Nations which come thither to Traffick amongst which the Indians are the most as also Banians who come thither out of the Province of Guzaratte There are likewise several sorts of Christians Assyrians Nestorians and Maronites but the greatest number are Georgians and Armenians who drive a very great Trade and by reason of their Wealth monopolize as it were most of the Commodities into their own hands especially the Silk in the Countreys near the Turks and dwell in great numbers in the Suburb Zulfa in Ispahan where several People out of Europe have their Residences as English Hollanders Portuguese and others to Trade The Natives of Persia are of two sorts viz. Persian Mahumetans and Gauren that is Unbelievers notwithstanding they name themselves Behdun Description of the Gaures that is People of a true Faith Olearius calls them Kebbers and others the true Offspring of those ancient Persians that liv'd in the time of Alexander the Great they are by their Wars with several Princes reduc'd to a small handful of People which live onely in three or four Towns in Persia and among others in Ispahan where they reside as Olearius saith in one of the four Suburbs call'd Kebrahath or as Della Valle hath it in Gauroston for Gauroston signifies The Countrey or Residence of the Gaures which Place according to Della Valle is very well built the Streets straight and broad and much better than those in the Suburb Ciolfa but the Houses are not above one Story high without Ornaments according to the State of the Persians that dwell in them for the Gaures are a poor People i● outward appearance driving no Trade and Till onely so much Land as will maintain their Families They are strong Limb'd like the modern Persians but shave not their Cheeks and Chins after their manner but suffer their Beards to grow like the Turks moreover they wear long Hair on their Heads like the ancient Persians as Herodotus describes them in former times The Men go all after one fashion in their Habits their Caps are round like those of the present Persians commonly quite white without any other colours The Women are also Cloth'd after one manner but their Apparel hath greater resemblance with the Arabian or Chaldean than the Persian On their Heads they wear a handsom long Veyl of a green colour which hangs down to their Wastes before and touches the Ground behind they always walk unvey'ld in the Streets for a distinction from the Mahumetan Persian Women They are very simple and speak a peculiar Language differing from the modern Persian and use different Characters which they Carve on the Doors of their Houses They worship and keep to this day the Orimasda or ever-burning Fire after the same manner as the ancient Priests did in the time of Cyrus and Darius They never go to Wars without the consecrated Wagons adorn'd with Gold wherein the Fire was kept burning on Silver Altars They also Pray three times a day viz. Morning Noon and Evening and Believe in one onely God Creator of all things who is invisible and omnipotent wherefore the Mahumetans have unjustly given them the Name of Gauren or Idolaters It hath been written by several that they worship the Sun Moon and Stars for lesser Angels or rather as they say them-themselves by the Names of Angels They curse Mahomet and take him and all his Followers for Unbelievers They abhor and are afraid of Frogs Tortoises Lobsters Crabs and the like They neither bury nor burn their Dead but keep them above Ground in a certain Wall'd place where setting them upright with their Eyes open as if living they prop them up with Forks and so leave them till dropping down they dissolve by putrefaction The Agemi Della Valle makes the Mahumetans in Persia of two sorts the one are those properly cay'd Agemi or Agiami Extracted from Agem or Agiam which hath the same signification with the word Pars or Fars though the Learned use the Name Agiami to express in general and without distinction all Inhabitants of this Kingdom of what Province soever for the Name Persi belongs properly to those in the Province of Persia The Quizilbasci The second sort of Mahumetans are the Quizilbasci or Nobility and Gentry in high esteem in Persia who being Extracted from the Turks made themselves Masters of the Countrey and assum'd the absolute Government thereof till Ismael Sefi's time the first Raiser of the present Royal Family They are call'd Kisilbasch that is Red-Heads which Name was first given them by the Turks in derision but of late they delight therein and are proud to be so call'd pretending that a great Mystery of their Religion is express'd thereby The word Kisilbasch is by Eurorean Writers spell'd several ways but the right Name according to Olearius is Kisilbasch being a Turkish word compounded from Kisil that is Red and also signifies Gold and Basch that is A Head and apply'd to them by reason of the several sorts of red Caps they wear According to Jovius and Bizarro the first Inventer of these Caps amongst
abundance of Cooks Shops Abundance of Cooks Shops wherein they sell Meat ready drest which is so common that Persons of great Quality though they have Cooks in their Houses when desirous of Varieties of Meat well drest they send to those Shops for them Those tyfeats which they baste with their Butter at first seem very ill tasled to a Palat not accustom'd thereto but afterwards obtain a more pleasing Rellish They also have a Bak ' d-meat call'd Perian and another call'd Carik dress'd after the Indian manner There are also preserv'd Cucumbers which are very palatable and in the midst of Summer cooling They have likewise a dainty Dish call'd Peluda made up of Ameldonk or Amelcores in the manner of a Tart either made white like Snow or else they colour them with Saffron The Tart cut in pieces is put into a China-Dish and Rose-water and Sugar pour'd over it and a great piece of Ice laid by it which melting in the Rose-water with the Sugar makes a delicious and cool Liquor into which are put Almonds and the Herb Purslan cut into small pieces which give it a very pleasing Rellish This Liquor put into the same Dish with the pieces of Tart is both Meat and Drink and a choice Delicate in the midst of Summer In the Southern Countreys especially Westward about Ormus they use many Herbs in their Drinks as also Brandy and other hot Liquors amongst which one call'd Jarkin which is in great esteem in the Island of Java and all the Southern Provinces of the Eastern Countreys they use also much Sale and though between Ispahan and Ferhabad there is a large Plain that yields great quantityes the Soyl being full of Salt yet they use another sort contemning this though good by reason of it's great plenty Before and after Meals the Persians both in Winter and Summer have warm Water to wash their hands which they wipe with their Handkerchiefs After Supper They paint their Skins they commonly present their Guests with dryed Leaves of Hanna or Alkanna to colour their Hands and this Ceremony is as much to the satisfaction of the Eastern Countrey-people as a Ball with Dancing or Musick after a Banquet Some discolour their skins all over in this manner when they please viz. they lay the Alkanna tempered in water on their Hands or that part of the Body which they intend to colour and binde it on with a String that it may not fall off this the Women do for the most part after Supper before they go to Bed that so the Colour lying on all Night may make the better Impression in the Morning the Paste being dry falls off and leaves an Orange-tincture on the Skin but if over-dawb'd it makes them Red or Black Amfion or Opium Thee Coffee and Tobacco MOst Persians use Amfion or Opium that is Juice or Oyl of Poppy by them call'd Offiuhn and Tiriak as the Berry Chas Cehask and by the Turks onely Maslac which they making up in little Pills like Pease swallow Those that use themselves to it may take a quarter of an Ounce or more at a time Some take it every other or third day onely to set them into an intoxicating Extasie where they please themselves with strange Imaginations They are gathered in several Places of Persia especially about Ispahan after this manner The white Poppy being cut produces a milky Juice which having stood a while and becoming black is taken and made fit to be used The Druggists and Apothecaries make great advantage thereof But Opium is not onely used much in Persia but also in Turky and India It is also said that some Women when their Husbands and they cannot agree contrive their dispatch with a Dose of Opium Coknar a sort of Drink and the use thereof From the Husk or Shell the Persians also extract a Juice which they call Coknar much drunk by the Soldiers especially in the time of Schach Abbas when they were forbidden to drink Wine for it revives the Spirits for the present but is nothing so wholsome for soon after their Bodies are so debilitated that they are unfit for Service wherefore Schach Abbas prohibited upon pain of Death either to make or fell this Liquor Moreover all Vessels with this Liquor wherever they were found were broken no and stav'd immediatly before their Doors But after all this and the before mention'd first Law made by King Abbas he preferring an Inconvenience before a Mischief permitted the People to drink Wine again as formerly in stead of Cocknar Take much Tobacco They are great Takers of Tobacco insomuch that People of all sorts and Degrees Smoak it in their Temples and other publick Places They have it from Bagdad or Babylon and Curdistan but so ill prepar●d that they desire our European Tobacco which they call Inglis Tambacu because the English bring the greatest quantities thither They take it not as we do but suck it through two Pipes joyn'd together but first they take a Glass Bottle or Indian Nut or a Cabach which is a kind of Shell that holds about a Pint into which they put more or less sometimes sweet Water leaving sufficient room for Smoak then they put the two Pipes through the Mouth of the Bottle the one contains the Tobacco in one Bowl and through the other goes the Smoak the end of one Pipe stands as far from the bottom as the end of the other is from the Water viz. about a Thumbs breadth The Persians generally with their Tobacco drink Coffee made from the Arabian Caowa or Persian Cahwee which they dry and pulverize and after decoct as we now use and have learn'd from them of which we shall enlarge when we come to Arabia the Place where it grows They use also Tee or Tea being very common and sold in publick Houses by them call'd Chat tai Chane that is Houses of Catayan Tzai or Thee of which likewise in its proper place Of their Marriages Use Poligamy PErsons of Quality in this Countrey are seldome satisfied with one Wife and of old had many which they may turn off when they please which as Strabo relates was anciently for the Childrens sake for the Kings gave Annually Presents to those that had most Children But at this day they affect not this Multiplicity having not so many Wives as formerly yet they make no more of Wedlock than a Play of Fast and Loose turning them off when they please and are still for Variety and this Liberty they take the rather because Mahomet in his Alcoran allows Polygamy Rich Merchants who Trade in divers Places in the Countrey make a great Convenience of it having at their Countrey-houses and where else they Trade not onely Furniture but a Wife so that where e're they come they are still at Home They Marry their nearest Relations but not so incestuously as of old they were wont to do for in antient times as Brissonius affirms out of several Writers they
Sweet-meats and Snow in the midst of Summer to such places where they expect the Army to come For their better accommodation the Inhabitants of those Countreys in hopes of gain store up great quantities of all manner of Provision against the time that they expect the Army to come thither where they dispose of them at their own Rates which is not ordinary The Pay which a Trooper receives Their pay amounts yearly to five Tomans each Toman is sixteen Crowns with which he may maintain himself very handsomly there the Officers pay is either more or less according to their places Olearius tells us that the yearly pay of a private Soldier viz. of a Curtschi or Bow-man is three hundred Crowns with which he must maintain himself and his Horse and that of a Tufenktschi is two hundred The pay allow'd certain persons of Quality exceeds all the rest and extends to two or three hundred Tomans a year these also maintain whole Companies at their own Charge notwithstanding these Grandees are listed but as private Soldiers in the King's Book All the Persian Soldiers which receive the Kings pay are oblig'd to be ready upon his Command and if need require immediately to go to such places as they are call'd to No orderly Discipline in Battels The Persians observe no order of Marshalling their Forces in Field Battels the King onely placing the Chans over the Sultans and other Commanders according to the number of men which they have under them The Office of a Captain is onely to guard the place where he is appointed The Soldiers are not drawn out in good Order but confusedly mixt together and it often happens that the Musquettiers Bow-men Pikemen are all intermingled after a confused manner March close near an Enemy They for the most part make a running fight and turn about so soon as they have discharg'd upon their Enemy like our Men who retreat so soon as they have fir'd to make way for others Moreover when they draw near the Enemy or they come to a place where they apprehend any danger they keep close together in one Body Their Bag and Baggage with their Wives follow them at a good distance Their Train and Baggage riding on Camels if they go to meet the Enemy but at their return they ride before and the stoutest men between them and the Enemy their Encamping themselves is also in a confus'd manner and without Order taking up as much room as they can which though it be for their ease yet many times proves dangerous By this means the Ordu that is The Camp like a City the Army or Camp is like one of the greatest Cities in Persia and stor'd with all manner of Provision like a Market They cut off the Hair of their slain Enemies and carry the same about with them according to the Custom of the Countrey as a certain testimony of their Victory and Valor Rewards of valiant Men. Such Commanders as behav'd themselves valiantly are Presented with Suits of Cloth of Tissue as a requital for their good and faithful Service which as soon as they have receiv'd they immediately put on and give that which they put off to the Bearer Their Tents They use certain little Huts Tents or Pavilions in the Fields which are call'd Scervanli from the Province of Scervan where they are made They are for the most part cover'd with a strong Stuff and wrought like a Quilt which is very substantial against the Cold and Rain as also against excessive Heat they are round on the top like a Canopy and oval in form at the bottom There are likewise other smaller places of repose call'd Saivan or cover'd Places which serve onely as Tilts to keep off the Weather and the Sun Their Coyn. Their several sorts of Money THe currant Money in Persia is Silver and Copper The Silver Coyns are an Abas or Abascy Garem Abas or Chodabende Schahi Bisti Laryns or Lari Piasters and their Copper Coyn call'd Pul or Casbechi An Abascy is about a Crown in value though not above a quarter of an Ounce in weight These Abascies have their Denomination from Schach Abbas who caus'd them to be Coyn'd as also the half Abas and the Chodabendes because Schach Chodabende was the first maker of them The Schahis make each a quarter of an Abas and two Bisties and a half being the least Silver Coyn one Abascy The Laryns or Lari are two pieces of Silver of a certain weight bow'd together in two parts and stamp'd at the end with the Governor of Lar's Arms and hath its Name from the City or Dominion or from the Princes of Lar when they were absolute and not subject to the Kings of Persia And because the value of this Coyn consists onely in the weight and goodness of the Silver it passes currantly through all the Eastern Countreys and not onely allow'd by the Chans and Princes of Lar who first Coyn'd it but by all the Princes of Asia for the Turks Persians Mogulls and others Coyn the same with their proper Names But after the uniting of the Dukedom of Lar with the Persian Realm this Coyn hath much declin'd as Olcarius affirms In former times they had another Coyn call'd Lari which was of bended Silver Plate beaten out and stampt in the middle Some account five Laryns to make a Spanish Ryal and one Laryn passes amongst the Hollanders on the Island of Ceilon for twelve of their Stivers In Persia as also in all other Countreys passes a Coyn call'd Piaster each piece whereof is valu'd at a Crown Their Copper Money is in general call'd Pul and in particular Casbechi of which forty make an Abascy Each great City hath its peculiar Copper Coin which goes in no other Place and no longer than one year because the Stamp is alter'd every year The Coyn of one City is mark'd with a Deer and of another with a Goat Satyr Fish Serpent or whatever they fancy Moreover against their new Year which happens in February the old Casbechies are either call'd in or cry'd down after which two are not worth one and are forc'd to be brought to the Mint again where they are beaten out and stamp'd anew A Pound of Copper is sold here for one Abas of which they make sixty Casbechies They have also Xerafs or Xerafies or Xerafins of Gold which make eight Laryns and likewise Deniers which are about one Spanish Ducat and a half apiece But Texeira doth not clear this Point because in one place he saith that a Million of Gold Deniers makes almost twelve Millions of Spanish Ducats and in another place that fifteen hundred Deniers are near upon two thousand Spanish Ducats and in another place that fifty thousand Deniers are about seventy thousand Spanish Ducats But a Xerafin is by the Hollanders on the Island Ceylon accounted to be four Shillings Others affirm that the Coyns in Persia are Besorchs Pays Soudy Chay Mamoudy Laryn and
Tomams Ten Besorchs make a Pays which is Copper and made like a Dutch Doit four Pays a Chay or Four-pence-halfpeny English twenty Pays a Mamoudy or Nine-pence English twenty five Pays a Laryn five Laryns a Crown and a hundred Mamoudies a Tomam which is sixteen Crowns How they value Commodities Rich Commodities are valu'd by Tomans or Tumains each Toman reckon'd at fifty Abascies and notwithstanding this sort of Money which amounts to so much is not stamp'd yet they reckon them by the number as the Russians do their Rubbles and we here by Pounds Sterling A Toman is six Rixdollers or Three Pound twelve Shillings English Anno 1644. according to the Kings Command no Person whatsoever durst carry or convey any Ryals Ducats or new Money to Hindostan on pain of extream Punishments because the old Money was much lighter and of worse Metal than the new Their Weights and Measures AS for their Weights and Measures they are of two sorts the one is the King 's and the other that of Tebris the King's Weight or Measure is double to that of Tebris though the last be much more us'd First there is a Weight call'd Patman which according to the Measure of Tebris weighs compleat nine Venetian Pounds This Patman is divided into nine Cehareck or four Quarters the Quarters into Siahs the Siahs into Mithicali But Manchia is a Weight about ten Pound and a half Texeira also makes mention of a Weight call'd Man or Men perhaps one and the same with Patman which the Portuguese in the East-Indies call Mano but the value and weight thereof is distinct according to the several Countreys and is by Zacharia King of Chorazan who made a great Book of the Weights and Measures of Persia call'd Mim Davity will have this Mano to be the Batman which Vincent Della Alexandri makes mention of in his Relation of Persia and that ten of them make forty Venetian Pounds each Pound being twelve Ounces so that one Batman should make four such Pounds Others will have three sorts of Man viz. a Man which contains seven Pound Dutch a Man Cha of twelve Pound and a Man Sarat of thirty Pound Olearius tells us that they weigh their Goods all with Batmans which according to the several Places are different A Batman of Tebris contains six Pound a Schach's or King 's Batman which is most us'd in Kilan is twelve Pound a Schamachies or Carabachs Batman is sixteen Pound Howi they reckon the distances of Places The distance of Places from one to another through all the parts of Persia is reckon'd by Miles which they call Ferseng deriv'd from the old Name Parasanga of which Herodotus Xenophon and others make mention The length of a Furlong is according to Della Valle about one Spanish or four Italian Miles as also in the time of Herodotus who affirms that a Parasanga compris'd thirty Furlongs of which according to Strabo's Account eight make an Italian Mile In the Turkish Language which is spoken through the whole Countrey the Miles are call'd Agag that is Trees Their Trade What Merchants Trade into Persia with the Commodities they carry thither and what they bring back in Return THe English Netherlanders and Portuguese Trade through the whole Countrey of Persia onely the Portuguese though having the same Trade are not permitted to come to Ormus Gamron Lareca Cismy c. At Bander-Gamron the Netherlanders have their Factories as also in Lar and Ispahan The Persian Trade being very considerable to the Holland East-India Company doth not a little add to their Gain from the Indian Commodities for the Trade which the said Company drives from the Island Ceylon and the Coast of Malabar to Persia is not onely for the utterance of their Pepper Cinamon Cardamom and other Commodities which are Transported to Persia and turn to a good Account but chiefly for the ready Money which they carry from Persia to Ceylon for they Import yearly unto Persia about eight hundred thousand Pound weight of Cardamom seventy thousand of Japan Wood and between twenty and thirty thousand of Cinamon The Hollanders us'd also from Taiowan to send Chinese Commodities to Persia as Pepper Sugar-Candy Japan Camphire Porcelane Preserv'd Ginger China Roots China Anniseeds Tee c. They also carry'd thither Cloves Nutmegs Mace round and long Pepper Cinamon from Ceylon Gum Wax Benjamin Sandal Ebony and Aguil Wood Copper Cubebs Cauna and most of the Indian Commodities but especially Cloves Tin and Sugar The Merchandise which the Netherlanders bring in Return from Persia to Batavia consists in Pearls which are purchas'd in Barain and Congo red Skins dress'd red Earth from Ormus pack'd up in Bales several Jewels compos'd of Diamonds and Rubies Emeraulds Rings Rose-water and other Commodities but especially Silk which is most plentiful in the Northern Provinces of Persia and also their so much esteem'd Persian Carpets But they are not the onely Traders there for the Banians Moors and other Eastern People supply their Markets with the like Merchandise For the promoting of Trade in Ispahan the Hollanders are forc'd every year to make great Presents to the King and his Courtiers who believe that they are oblig'd thereto if they receive but a Grant to buy thirty or forty Cara's or such inconsiderable quantities of Silk from peculiar Persons for else they are bound to Deal onely with the King for their Silk which they Transport without paying any Custom The Portuguese having a Factory on the Island of Barain receive half the Custom there as also divers Sums of Money of all Moorish Vessels and Arabian Pearl-Ketchers extending their Trade into the Persian Bay near Bassora Congo Bander-Gamron Cabo de Jaques and several other Places From Persia are likewise Transported to India abundance of Tukoises which are to be had there at reasonable Rates What the Persian Metchants carry out and whither The Persian Merchants carry also great store of Wine in Flasks and Cases to Mogostan and Ormus whither they Travel in like manner with great Cafiles or Caravans from the particular Provinces to Trade with the Christians and other People there resident The Merchandise which they carry thither are Gold Silver Silk Silk-Stuffs Brocades Carpets Horses Allom Tutty Rhubarb Rose-water and the like which they barter for Cinamon Cloves Pepper Cardamom Ginger Nutmegs Mace Sugar Tin Sandal and Japan Wood Chinese Porcelane Musk Amber Aloes Precious Stones Pearls Indigo Wax and the like The Inhabitants and Foreigners may travel whither they please and Trade to all Places paying onely the Custom and some small Imposts to the Crown But this is of special remark that by virtue of an Agreement made between the Turks and Persians they drive an unmolested Trade both in or out of the Countrey as well in times of War as Peace the Caravans travelling from place to place without any disturbance to the great advantage of both Countreys Their Artificers Manufactures and several Employments THe Employments which
are more in number than all the Christians of the East and yield Obedience to the Patriarchs of Constantinople Antioch Alexandria and Jerusalem The Opinion of the Manichees concerning two Gods Manichees viz. one good and one bad of which the bad Governs all things on Earth without contradiction of the good reigns still in Persia and likewise in many other Countreys of the East Besides all these Religions there is also that of the Franck-Armenians so call'd because they are of the Opinion of the Latine Church who by the Eastern People are call'd Francks as also all other European People except the Greeks One Bartholomew Petit a Dominican Dominicans was Anno 1330 sent by Pope John the Twelfth to Convert the Armenians and was the first Arch-bishop Naxivan lying in Parsamenia or Adherjon from which Petit the Inhabitants of this Countrey receiv'd the Roman-Catholick Religion which they preserve to this day and are call'd Franck-Armenians of whom there are several thousands under the Obedience of the Arch bishop of Naxivan These Franck-Armenians reside in the Towns of Naxivan Abbaran Abbragon Calva Saltach Hascassent Carsan Xabunis Giahug Caragus Chensug and Artach where there are many Cloysters of the beforemention'd Order of St. Dominick Their Festivals Their Festivals THe Persians keep several Festivals and amongst others one in commemoration of Aaly celebrated every year with great Ceremony especially at Ispahan on the twenty fourth of the Moneth Ramadan on which day they make two Processions whereat are present not onely many Persons of Quality but also the King himself The Procession therein In the Head of this Procession are lead two Horses richly caparison'd after the manner of the Countrey on the Saddles lie Bowes Arrows Shields and Swords and on the Pummels thereof hand two Turbants and which things represent the Arms of the Deceased Aaly then come several Men carrying huge Pennons or Flags next follows the Bier cover'd with black Velvet under which lie all manner of offensive and defensive Armor as also Plumes and other such like Ornaments about this go divers sorts of Musical Instruments and Singers Persons of Quality follow on Horseback but the vulgar sort on foot Those that accompany this Procession take a turn about the Maidan stopping a while before the Gate of King's Palace and also before that of the great Mosque where after having pour'd forth their Prayers every one returns to his own Habitation The Visier of Ispahan and the King's Treasurer also appear on the Maidan one on one side and the other on the other accompany'd by many Horsemen which keep off the throng of People and likewise prevent Quarrels The Festival of Roses The Festival of Roses is kept when Roses blossom and continues as long as that Season lasts At this Feast they have peculiar Dances after their barbarous Musick not onely in the Evening but at Midinight and Noon-day in publick places and Coffee-houses the Servants whereof being all expert in their manner Dance from Street to Street with great delight and use several postures like our Morris-Dancers follow'd with great Acclamations of the People with lighted Torches Lanterns and Basons full of Lamps which they carry on their Heads and strewing Roses in all places as they pass for which every one that meets them gives them a small piece of Money In other places especially out of the City the Men and Women flock together Frolicking and making Garlands of Roses so that this Feast seems to have some resemblance with that of the Goddess Flora. All the Mahumetans according to an ancient Custom make many Offerings on the tenth of the twelfth or last Moneth Difilhatze killing two or three Lambs in each of their Houses where they eat one part thereof and give the other part to the Poor Customs in Persia differing from the Turks But they have another Custom in Persia much differing from that us'd among Turks and Arabians for in all eminent Towns and Places where the King resides whether in a City or in the Camp they Offer a Camel with great Ceremony because they say Abraham in stead of his Son who they believe was Ismael and not Isaac Offer'd a Camel and not a Ram as the Scripture makes mention but the Turks affirm that it was a Ram and not a Camel and therefore mock at the Persians Offering of Camels though perhaps they agree in that of Ismael They Offer their Camels after the following manner Three days before the Biram they lead the Camel prepar'd for Offering about and through all places of the City The manner of their Camel-Offerings and being hung full of Garlands and cover'd with Flowers and Herbs is attended by several Men playing on Pipes and beating on Drums which are follow'd by a Molla or Preacher who Sings their Creed and several Hymns whil'st the Spectators endeavor as the Camel passes by to pluck off some of the Hair which if they obtain they judge themselves born in a happy hour and preserve the same as a holy Rellick wherefore if those who are appointed to clear the Way did not prevent them the poor Beast would undoubtedly be torn in pieces before it could possibly be brought to the place of Offering or at least come thither with a naked Skin After having thus led the Camel about three days all the Nobility together with King go on the fourth or Biram day richly Habited to the Muffale that is The House of Prayer which every City hath a little distance from it set a part on purpose for this Offering whither the Camel being brought one of the chiefest amongst the Company being Porter to the Kings Haram or some other noted Person takes a Spear and runs it into the Camels right side being laid bound on the Ground whereupon several fall on promiscuously with Battel-Axes Clubs Knives and Swords cutting the Beast into a thousand pieces What remains of this Camels Flesh is boyl'd some part of it fresh and the rest salted and kept which they looking upon as Consecrated preserve with great care as being an infallible Cure against all Distempers and therefore never eat thereof but when sick onely the Head is according to the Custom of the Countrey sent to the King 's Court. This Biram Day is proclaim'd at the rising of the Sun with Trumpets Drums and other Instruments as also by the discharging of great Guns The great Feast Asciur On the first day of the new Moon which happens in the latter end of December or in the beginning of January or if the Moon appears first in the night on the succeeding day they begin to keep the high Feast Asciur in commemoration of Hossein which lasts ten days during which the Persians manifest their sorrow for his unhappy Death the manner whereof hath been already related They Habit themselves like People overwhelm'd with Grief and Despair neither shaving the Hair nor bathing themselves not onely abstaining from what their Law forbids but
up of the Belly flaying alive and hanging up by the Heels which last is perform'd after this manner They make two Holes in the Malefactors Legs behind the Ancle between the Bone and the great Tendon through which they put a Rope whereby they hang them on a Tree so high that their Heads do just touch the Ground in which manner if the Malefactor be condemn'd to die they let him hang two or three days till after an intolerable number of Pains he gives up the Ghost or if he die not in that manner then they shorten his time by ripping open his Belly Others for smaller Offences are hang'd up an hour or two with their Head downwards He that Ravisheth a Woman and is convicted by her Swearing three times or commits Sodomy hath his Genitals cut off Usury forbidden Their Laws forbid the putting of Money out to Use which nevertheless they do privately but if any one be accus'd and found guilty thereof he is accounted worse than a Jew and not permitted to come in company with any Persons of note In Ardebil dwelt one who lending Money by the Moneth at a Dollar and a half per Cent. had his Teeth knock'd out with a Hammer Such Persons as practise this are call'd Suchur which signifies Usurer But at they permit the Mortgaging of Lands for a Sum of Money which the Lender repays himself by the Rent without receiving any other Interest Schach Abbas and Schach Sefi us'd strange and horrid ways to punish Criminals some they caus'd to be made fast betwixt two Boards and then Saw'd in two in the middle A Persian Ambassador being on a time sent to the King of Spain and treating his Servants ill in his Journey thither and they complaining of it the King at his Return into Persia with his own Hands cut off his Nose and Ears and a piece of Flesh out of his Arms which he forc'd him in his Presence to eat It is also a very common Punishment at Ispahan to throw down Malefactors from the Steeple built on the Mosque Haron Viliaier and afterwards to burn them To this Death Women which have committed any hainous Crimes are condemn'd When any Person of Quality that is in the King's Service hath committed a Crime which he supposes may hazard the loss of his Life he goes with a naked Sword hung about his Neck before his Majesty's Privy-Chamber to beg pardon for his Offence Robbers and Highway-men are set in the Ground up to the Middle and the upper part of their Bodies inclos'd with great Posts six Foot high and so starv'd to death Good travelling in Persia But because Persia is inhabited in most places it is very secure travelling insomuch that the whole Countrey is free from Thieves If any be robb'd in his Journey though it be by his own Servants the Villages near which the Fact is committed or the Magistrates thereof upon the Complaint of the Person robb'd either pay the value or restore to him the like Goods taken from him There is also Guards for the security of the Roads which are call'd Rabdari to whom Travellers give small Sums of Money Strangers enjoy their own Lawes As all the strange people in Persia enjoy the Liberty of Conscience so they also judge and determine Causes amongst themselves according to the Laws of their native Countreys as well in Matters of Life and Death as Debts and the like insomuch that the King's Courts of Judicature have nothing to do with them which Custom is at this day so common that not onely the People but also every person of Quality that is a Stranger in Persia as Agents and Ambassadors from Forreign Princes c. enjoy the same Priviledge unquestion'd as if they were at Home The several Officers of the Court. At the Court are divers Officers which have each a Title according to their employments and follow one another in their several Degrees Eahtemad-Dowlet is the Chancellor whose business it is to look after the Revenue of the Realm and to increase the same from whence he bears his Title and is like a Vice-Roy and not onely publick but also all manner of private Business doth pass through his Hands A Curtzibaschi is a Commander over ten or twelve thousand Bowe-men which being first rais'd by Schach Ismael dwell in several Parts of the Countrey as a Free-people and upon any occasion march to a known Rendezvouz where the said General meets and commands them Meheter is a Gentleman-usher who is constantly with the King in his Chamber or at any publick Meeting and in the Seraglio and therefore is often permitted to speak with more freedom than the Chancellor Wakeunis is a Privy Councellor and Secretary who writes the King's Letters and Edicts and also keeps an Account of the Revenues of the Crown to which purpose he hath eleven Clarks or Under-Secretaries allow'd him Every Precinct or Ward of a City hath a peculiar Governor or Magistrate whom they call Aksacal that is Grey-beard though never so young which amongst other Affairs take care of the King's Guests that are lodg'd in any Caravansera standing within their Liberty that they want nothing they are desirous to have Assas is a Constable of the Watch but hath greater Power for he is not onely authoriz'd to take or apprehend any suspitious Persons but also to punish them nay take away their Lives according to Martial Law provided the Offender be taken in the Fact The Diwanbeki though a Supream Judge and often sitting on the Bench with the Seder and Casi is forc'd when the King punishes any person of Quality with Death to perform the Office of Executioner himself The Culargasi bears Command over the Culams that is Slaves or Servants who have sold themselves to be the King's Servants who performing the Office of Soldiers are eight thousand in Number and like the Curtzi are Quarter'd in the Countrey at the King's charge Eischicagasi-Baschi is the chief Marshal or Commander of forty Eischicagasi who though they dwell in several Parts of the Countrey wait by turns five at a time and generally stand at those Doors through which you must go into the presence of the King from whence they are call'd Door-keepers When any strange Ambassadors have Audience before the King then the Eischicaga-Baschi having a Dekemek or Staff leads them up by the Arm. The Jesaul Sohebet or Master of the Ceremonies places all Strangers that are invited to eat at the King's Table in their proper Places wherefore he always attends with a Staff in his Hand before the Pallace Gate to receive and complement such strange Guests The Nasir is the Steward whom they also call Kereckjerack who provides all manner of Necessaries for the Court The Tuschmal or Purveyor takes care for all sorts of Provisions and commands the Kitchin Mohurdar is the Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal The Dawattar is the Secretary who always carries a little Ball like our Printing Balls with which when
of Cloth-of-Gold or embroider'd Sattin with rich Fringe The Dishes wherein the Meat is brought to the Table are of massie Gold as also their Drinking-Cups which hold about a Pint and a half But Schach Abbas had all his serv'd up in Glass for a distinction from others They deliver with every Cup a great woodden Spoon or Ladle with a long Handle which they use more to drink out of than to eat withal neither do they make use of any other Spoons but what are made after that manner and of sweet-smelling Wood which having been once us'd are never brought to the Table again They never use Forks or Knives but the Steward who performs the Office of a Carver cuts the Meat with a great square Golden Slice which he always carries in his Hand How their Meat is serv'd up In the setting the Meat on the Table the Servants bring not the Dishes together but standing in a row from the Kitchin they hand them from one to another to the Table They commonly have but one Mess for they set all their Dishes at once upon the Table Each Person also receives Wine from a Waiter in order according to his Quality out of a golden Tumbler Every one is permitted to rise from Table without shewing Reverence to any and if their Occasions chance to call them out of the Room they go away without taking leave of any though the King himself be present The Water with which they wash their Hands is brought in gold en Basons The King and other great Persons seldom drink any Wine without Ice or Snow The Ice which they use is made of the clearest Water after this manner viz. Not far from the City in a great Plain a Bank is rais'd or cast up directly from East to West which being about a hundred and fifty Foot long and very thick is so high that it shadows the Plain from the Sun-beams when the Sun is at the heighth At the end of this Bank are two Arms which extending from the South to the North are full as high as the main Bank and about twenty four Foot long and keep off the Morning and Evening Sun so that this Plain lies shaded all the day long In this shady place is a Moat of about twenty or thirty Foot deep extending from the one Arm of the Bank to the other In the midst of Winter when it Freezes hardest they Plough this Plain which lies open to the Northern Winds full of small Furrows about three or four Fingers deep and so letting in the Water overflow it which in one Night freezing to the bottom is the next Morning before the rising of the Sun thrown into the Moat and Water pour'd upon it to make it condense the harder and this Practice they continue for a whole Moneth together or longer till the Moat is fill'd to the top with Ice then they cover it with Straw to prevent the melting thereof by the heat of the Sun and to keep it from Rain In the Summer this Ice being broken with Pick-axes is carry'd through the City to be sold on Horses or Mules two or three pieces being a sufficient Burthen The Ice being broken with a Hammer into greater or lesser pieces is either put into the Vessel with the Wine or into the Cups when they drink They also lay pieces of Ice in their Dishes with Fruit and other Cates which is very pleasing to the Eye especially if that which lies under the Ice appears through it The King's Dishes Urns and Drinking-Cups which he uses at his Table are all of massie Gold The Chans and other Nobles have their Pilao or Rice colour'd black and yellow and made savory with Herbs or else dulcifi'd with Sugar brought on their Tables also in Gold and Silver Dishes The Government of the peculiar Provinces How the Provinces are Govern'd ALl the Provinces in Persia which are remote from the King's Court are Govern'd by Chans Sultans Calenters Darago's Visiers and Caucha's The King chuses the Chans who are as much as Princes or Vice-Roys and makes them Governors of what Provinces he pleases but commonly he elects them who by their valiant Exploits Piety or other noble Vertues have gain'd the love of their Countrey wherefore many in hopes to attain to that Honor behave themselves very valiantly in any Engagement and desperately venture their Lives for the Title of Chan. But the Children of those who are thus chosen Inherit not amongst the Persians for though they are held in great Respect and enjoy their Father's Goods yet they are not honor'd with his Title nor succeed him in his Office except they are judg'd worthy thereof by their own Merits But Della Valle tells us that the King gives the Dignity of Chan to one of his Subjects not onely for his Life but also permits his Children to succeed him after his Death and that there are Families found that have enjoy'd this Title above two hundred years As soon as the King hath made any one a Chan he immediately gives him Lands and Men to support his Grandeur which he enjoys as long as he lives but if at any time he chance to be suspected by the King he is immediately turn'd out of his Employment and all his Goods seiz'd Each Province hath a Chan and a Calenter who resides in the Metropolis thereof The Chan being the King's Vice-Roy Executes the Law doth Justice to all and passes Sentence of Death on Criminals without any special Order from the Court. The chiefest Chan is he who Governs Sciras the Metropolis of the Province of Persia properly so call'd who is able to bring an Army of thirty thousand Men into the Field the Countrey which he Commands being said to be bigger than Portugal The Calenter is as a Collector or Treasurer of the Province gathering all the Revenues and giving an Account thereof either to the King or Chans A Darugo or Darago otherwise Hacom is like a Governor or Mayor of a City every City having one A Caucha is as much as an under Sheriff The Equipage of Ambassadors The King usually sends the Chans and Sultans as Agents to foreign Princes and fits them out after this manner viz. The King orders them to give great Presents to those Princes unto whom they are sent of which the one half is given out of the King's Treasury and the other part as also all other Necessaries the Province which the Chan Governs is to provide which often causes great disturbance and confusion In some Provinces the Chans must maintain a certain number of Soldiers for the King which besides their own must be ready for Service on all occasions but then the King receivs no Tribute from them The Chans make great Presents to the King The Chans commonly on New-years-day make great Presents to the King Some Provinces especially where there are no Chans but onely Darago's and therefore no Soldiers kept as in the Towns of Caswin Ispahan
which they travell'd always Entertain'd them at a Banquet on which they spent above twenty or thirty Talents They generally Din'd alone but sometimes their Wives and Children were permitted to sit with them at their Table as also the Kings Mother and Brothers If the King invited any to eat with him they sat with a Curtain drawn between them in such a manner that the King could see them and not be seen again King Cyrus as Xenophon observ'd plac'd those in whom he repos'd greatest confidence on his left and others on his right side because they say the left side lies more open to those that design to do Mischief than the right But these Entertainments were without freedom because the Guests were forc'd to cat with bowing Heads and cast-down Eyes The Kings never appear'd on foot to the People but always came out of the Palaces either in a Coach or else on Horseback Their care in visiting their Provinces They were wont to visit their several Provinces or else to send faithful Lieutenants to such Places where they could not go themselves to give order to all Husbandmen to let no Ground lie waste that the Merchants should promote their Traffick and Handicraftsmen be diligent in following their Employments that so they might be the better able to pay them their Tribute They also kept several Noblemen call'd Megistanes who always waited at their Doors to receive their Commands besides the Surene or Magistrate who set the Crown on the Kings Head and several who constantly attended to receive Ambassadors or all such as had Business with the King into whose Presence they could not be permitted without them Great numbers of Eunuchs were also kept at the Kings Court who attended on the Queens and Concubines The Kings Secretaries The Kings likewise kept their Secretaries who going into the Wars with them writ down all the Passages thereof as also the Edicts or Letters Patents which were given to the Governors the beginning whereof were to this effect The King saith thus Moreover when he writ to his Commanders he wish'd them Peace as also they to him His Letters were not onely written in one Language but in the several Languages of those People whom they Govern'd There were also some whose Office it was to tell the King the hour of the day and many other such like Officers amongst whom were some call'd The Eyes and Ears of the King Those Kings that liv'd lasciviously endeavor'd to die without pain by means of a Poyson which they kept onely for themselves and their Mothers This Poyson was made of the Dung of a small Indian Bird call'd Dicodre a piece whereof about the bigness of a Barley-corn being put into their Liquor caus'd them to die an easie and also a sudden Death They had stately Tombs at Persepolis Their Tombs Pasargades and Ecbatane on all which were Motto's and Inscriptions Engraven Education of their Sons The Kings Sons were highly reverenc'd and taught in the seventh year of their Age to Hunt and Ride the great Horse The eldest who was to succeed in the Throne was in his fourteenth year committed to the Charge of four Tutors who amongst the Persians were accounted the most wise just sober and valiant Men in their Dominions the first taught him Wisdom and the Rules of Government the second admonished him to affect Truth the third to curb the Desires of the Flesh and the fourth to fear nothing The Reward of approved Counsel If it hapned that any Man undertook to give the King Advice or Counsel in Business of great consequence he was plac'd on a square Cushion of Gold which he was permitted to carry away with him if his Advice was approv'd of but if not he was whipt about the Court. One of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber wak'd the King every Morning and desir'd him to rise and mind the Concerns of the Kingdom which the God Merosomasdes had given to him They themselves judg'd and determin'd Causes pass'd the Sentence of Death on Criminals whom they kept some time in Prison before they were Executed They never condemn'd any Man for one single Crime but enquir'd what the general course of his Life had been and if they found that he had done more good than bad Deeds they releas'd him but if otherwise he was punish'd They also chose their Judges out of the most experienc'd Men in the Persian Law who enjoy'd their Places during their Lives What their Law prohibited Their Laws forbad Stealing Burglary to use violence to any and to rebell against their Princes Malefactors were committed to Prison with silver Shackles and golden Handbolts In the lat●er time of the Persian Monarchy they had a Prison call'd Lethe into which were onely put Criminals that were condemn'd to die The Punishment of Nobles If any of their Nobility had committed a a Crime they de-oculated them but others were punish'd after another manner They cut not their Heads off with an Ax but a Rasor Sometimes they cut off the Head and right Hand of a Malefactor and nail'd them on a Cross others they burnt flay'd alive or ston'd to death Such as have many Children highly rewarded The King gave Gifts to all those that increas'd their Families by many Children and Registred the Names of those that at any time had done them good Service that when time and opportunity serv'd they might be requited nay they permitted them to sit by them kiss'd them and gave them a Silk Coat made after the fashion of the Medes and gave them leave to wear a Chain of Gold about their Necks and golden Armlets also a golden Simiter which is the greatest Mark of Honor amongst the Persians and as highly reverenc'd as the Star and Garter by us besides golden Reyns for their Horses They also gave them the Revenue of some Towns and the Command of an Army but the greatest of all his Royal Gifts was a golden Slipper The Division of the Countrey The whole Kingdom was divided into Satrapia's Counties or Lordships though Writers differ in the number of them for as some affirm Darius divided the same first into 360 Lordships over which three more principal Satrapae were plac'd Others write that Darius had onely a hundred and twelve Satrapia's or Lordships whose Governors were forc'd to give an Account of their Government to the first three Some also make more and others less But after the Parthians had made themselves Masters of Persia they divided the whole Realm into twenty Satrapia's several of them being Govern'd by one Person These Lordships were given to the Kings Sons and the King often in his Will gave all the Cities thereof to his youngest Son The Office of these Governors was to Command the Inhabitants protect their Goods gather in the Revenues and advise the King of all Transactions Besides these Governors of Countreys there were others who order'd Husbandmen Tradesmen and other People to be
diligent in their Employments and not be idle and others were Commanded to prevent the Soldiers or any Enemy from oppressing the Inhabitants In this place it will not be amiss to subjoin the several Dynasties of the Kings of Persia that have had the Government of this renowned Empire wherein by way of Entrance we will note That when this Countrey was first peopled the several Tribes were under the Command of their own Princes among which was Chedorlaomer who was overthrown by Abraham as holy Writ mentions By this means their Princes were scarce known till the time of Perses who wrested the same from Sardanapalus the Assyrian Monarch and first laid the Foundation of this great Empire in whose Race it continu'd six Descents in this Order The first Dynastie Anno Mundi 3590 1. PEerses the Conqueror of Sardanapalus who Reigned Anno Mundi 3059. succeeded by his Son 2. Achaemenes from whom his Successors were termed Achaemenides and his Subjects Achaemenii as Propertius witnesses where he writes Non tot Achaemeniis armantur Susa sagittis where by Achaemeniae sagittae he means Persian Arrow he left the Royal Seat to 3. Cambyses by Herodotus sometimes call'd Darius 4. Cyrus the Ancestor of Darius Histaspis as we will shew anon 5. Cambyses the Second the Son of Cyrus 6. Cyrus surnam'd the Great Son of Cambyses and Mandane the Daughter of Astyages King of Media who overthrew the Babylonian Monarchy and translated it to the Medes and Persians Of his strange preservation from his Grandfathers cruelty Education amongst Rusticks acting the King among his Playfellows with several other remarks we have at large in Herodotus and Justine His first Expedition was against his Grandfather Astyages whom having vanquish'd he march'd against rich Craesus of Lydia whom he overthrew took and made one of his Council then fell upon the Greeks of Ionia afterwards set upon Babylon as we said before and lastly going against the S●ythians was by Tomyris slain as most Histories agree Institut Cyr. lib. 8. yet Xenophon gives him a peaceable departure in his Bed with an excellent Farewel to those about him His Successor was his Son 7. Cambyses the Third 3423 Herodot lib. 3. who overthrew the Egyptians with their King Psamniticus the Son of Amasis His deriding and wounding Apis their God This was he that overturned the whole Learning and Religion of the Egyptians and open'd the unviolated Conservatories of their long preserved Princes then becoming Mummies worshipp'd in the likeness of a Calf and the flaying of Sisamnis an unjust Judge and hanging his Skin over the Tribunal to be a warning to his Son Othanes whom he put in his Place to do better are Passages worth the taking notice of His Death came by a wound in the Thigh from his own Sword falling out of the Scabbard as he was taking Horse to go against the Magi who had rebell'd against him He dying without issue the seven Counsellors of State or Magi resolv'd to chuse one from amongst themselves and by that consent and the timely neighing of his Horse at Sun-rising the Scepter was obtain'd by 8. Darius Histaspis descended from Cyrus the fourth King of Persia He Marry'd Atossa Cyrus's Daughter for the strengthning of his Title recover'd Babylon by the Stratagem of Zopyrus over-ran a great part of Asia and assail'd the Greeks who by their General Miltiades totally routed him at the Battel of Marathon Herod lib. 6. Justin lib. 2. registred as Plutarch saith by almost three hundred Historians which Loss while he study'd to repair the Quarrel of his Sons about the Succession broke his Heart and the youngest Son carry'd it viz. 9. Xerxes the Grandchild of Cyrus by his Daughter Atossa This was that Emperor whose Queen was Vasthi who made that great Feast mention'd in the Book of Hester He went to revenge his Fathers Quarrel upon Greece with an Army of seventeen hundred thousand Men Sir Wa●●er Rawlegh but was so terrifi'd by several Defeats that he return'd towards his Countrey over Hellespont in a Cock-Boat This was he that pretended to put a Bridle upon the Sea and at last was slain in his Bed by Artabanus his Uncle leaving to succeed him the Son he had by Queen Hester nam'd 10. Artaxerxes surnam'd Longimanus His entrance was good doing Justice on his Uncle for the Death of his Father and Brother His Generosity likewise is much commended to that great Captain Themistocles who was forc'd by his ungrateful Citizens to cast himself upon such an Enemy Though he was more favorable to the Jews in regard of his Mother yet such strong opposition was made by the Faction against them that the building of the Temple was by his Decree prohibited After him follow'd 11 Darius Nothus Son-in-law to Longimanus by Marrying his Daughter Parysitades In his time Amyrteus the Egyptian rebell'd and deliver'd his Countrey-men from the Persian Servitude He is noted in Scripture for setting forward the building of the Temple Ezra 6. which by his Father had been interrupted By his Wife Parysitades he had two Sons of which the elder 12 Artaxerxes Mnemon so call'd for his great Memory succeeded He slew in Battel his Brothee Cyrus surnam'd the Younger who affecting the Empire had made War upon him and call'd in the Greeks to his aid whose memorable Retreat back to their own Countrey is describ'd by Xenophon a principal Commander in this Expedition Lib. 7. de expedit Cyr. Justin lib. 10. This Mnemon is said by Plutarch to have had a hundred and sixty Sons by Concubines onely three in Matrimony of which Darius was Executed for Rebellion with fifty more of his Brethren whom he had drawn into the Conspiracy This breaks the Father's Heart his youngest Son 13. Ochus takes Place He recover'd Egypt by his Generals Mentor and Bagoas and subdu'd Assyria Cyprus and some part of India But his Tyranny growing intolerable he was slain by Bagoas who set up in his Throne 14. Arses one of his Sons otherwise Arsames who was in a short time sent after his Father by the same Hand and was succeeded by 15. Darius the Third surnam'd Codomannus Cousin-german to Arses who being set upon by Alexander the Great and vanquish'd in three pitch'd Battels viz. at Granwick Issus and Arbela was the last of this Race of Persian Kings After this the Name of the Persians was almost forgotten how it was reviv'd you may read in Herodian in these words After Darius had lost his Kingdom to Alexander and the Victor himself was dead also the more potent Captains shared Asia amongst them till at length Arsaces of the Parthian Nobility perswaded the People of the East and amongst them the Persians to cast off the Grecian Yoke To which purpose he took upon him the Title of King and became the Head of the Arsacidan Family of Parthia who successively held the Crown in this following Order The second Dynastie Anno Mundi 3718 3741 1.
ARsaces the first Parthian King of Persia 2. Mithridates or Arsaces the Second invaded by Antiochus the Great but with little effect 3. Pampatius 4. Phraartes Son of Pampatius 5. Mithridates the Second Brother of Phraartes He conquer'd the Medes and very much enlarged his Dominion 6. Phraartes the Second 7. Artabanus Uncle to Phraartes the Second 8. Pacorus Son of Artabanus 9. Mithridates the Third the Brother of Pacorus 10. Horodes Brother of Mithridates whom he kill'd and took the Crown This was he that fought with and vanquish'd M. Crassus the great Roman Consul but brought under by Ventidius one of the Lieutenants of Mark Anthony and at last slain by his Son 11. Phraartes the Third who after a long War submitted himself and Kingdom to Augustus Caesar restoring the Ensigns and freeing the Captives taken at the Defeat of Crassus He was kill'd by his Son 12. Phraartes the Fourth who succeeded him 13. Horodes the Second Son of Phraartes the Fourth slain in a Tumult 14. Vonon took his Place but was depos'd by 15. Tiridates with whom the People being displeas'd for his submission to the Roman Power one Artabanus a Stranger to the Blood of the Arsacidae taking advantage thereof kill'd Tiridates seiz'd the Kingdom and became the Head of another Parthian Family of which we find upon Record the Names of twelve Kings as follows The third Dynastie 1. ARtabanus 2. Bardanes 3. Goteres 4. Vonones 5. Vologeses 6. Artabanus the Second 7. Pacorus 8. Chosroes who lost Armenia and Mesopotamia to the Emperor Trajan 9. Parmaspates 10. Vologeses the Second 11. Vologeses the Third 12. Artabanus the Third This was the last King of this new Parthian Race from whom the Diadem was once more translated to the natural Persians by Artaxerxes a Nobleman who became the Head of the next Race The fourth Dynastie of natural Persian Kings Anno Christi 228 1. ARtaxerxes the first Raiser of the Family 2. Sapores who took Prisoner the Emperor Valerianus 3. Ormisdates 4. Vararanes the First 5. Vararanes the Second 6. Vararanes the Third 7. Narses He discomfited Galerius and ruin'd his Army but was afterwards defeated by him 8. Misdates 9. Sapor the Second a great and puissant Prince but a Persecuter of the Christians 10. Artaxerxes the Second 11. Sapor the Third 12. Vararanes the Fourth 13. Isdigertes a great Favorite of the Emperor Arcadius 14. Vararanes the Fifth 15. Vararanes the Sixth 16. Peroses 17. Valens 18. Cabades depos'd a Friend to the Christians 19. Lambases 20. Cabades restor'd 21. Chosroes the Great a constant Enemy of the Romans 22. Hormisda 23. Chosroes the Second a great Enemy to the Emperor Heraclius from whom he took Mesopotamia Assyria and the Holy-Land which when the Emperor recover'd in despight he caus'd all the Christians to turn Nestorians 24. Siroes the First 25. Adhesir 26. Sarbatus 27. Barnarius 28. Hormisda the Second and the last of this Dynastie who being first weakned by Civil Dissentions was at last vanquish'd by Haumar a Saracen Calif who held it for a while These Arabians or Saracens carry'd it so absolutely that the Persians were forc'd to deny their Names but their Deputies quarrelling amongst themselves one Tangrolipix of the Turkish Race Founded a new Dynastie The fifth Dynastie being of the Turkish Line Anno Ghristi 1030 1. TAngrolipix the first Raiser of this House 2. Axan the Son of Tangrolipix He dispossess'd the Christians of a great part of Asia Minor 3. Balak Sultan of Persia in the beginning of the Wars in the Holy-Land 4. Cassanes the last of this Race being absolutely conquer'd by the Cham of Tartary An. 1202. The sixth Dynastie being Tartarian Kings of Persia Anno Christi 1260 1. THe Cham of Tartary having utterly extinguish'd the whole Family of the Galif of Bagdet in the Year 1260 made Haalon or Vlah Kukkan King of Persia and the first of that Line and was succeeded by his Son 2. Habkakaihon the Son of Haalon 3. Nikador-Oglan the Brother of Habkakaihon a Mahumetan 4. Argon Khon the eldest Son of Habkakaihon 5. Gemotakhon Brother of Argon 6. Badukhon Uncle to the last 7. Gazun the Son of Argon Khon who made Casbin his Imperial Seat 8. Aliapta who remov'd the Court to Tauris and built Sultania a City of Media 9. Abusaid the Son of Aliapta and the last of this House After his Death there was nothing but confusion every neighboring Prince seizing into his own hands what he could lay hold of till at last the Armenians got the Diadem and began the seventh Dynastie The seventh Dynastie Anno Christi 1472 1. Ussan Cassanes Son of Tracheton a poor Armenian Prince began this Dynastie by a Victory obtain'd against Zeuzes one of the most powerful Rulers of Persia and having held the Crown some years left it to his second Son 2. Jacub who beat the Mamaluckes out of Mesopotamia and Assyria but was at last poyson'd by his Wife 3. Julaver a Kinsman of Jacubs kill'd by 4. Baisinger a Prince of the Blood that liv'd in Adultery with Jacub's Wife 5. Rustan set upon by Aider or Schach Aider of the Sophian Race which now began to appear in great Eminence and Power 6. Alamat the last King of this House Fought with the beforemention'd Aider and slew him but his Son Ismael Sofi taking up the Quarrel and having overcome and slain Alamat and his Son Elwan he was Crown'd King or Shaugh of Persia and became Head of the present Royal Family in that Dominion The eighth Dynastie being of the Sophian Race Anno Christi 1505 1. Ismael Sofi the Founder of this Family had great Wars with the Turks especially with Selimus the First 2. Tamas the Son of Ismael overcome in some Fields by Solyman the Magnificent who tore from him divers great Countreys having been part of his Dominions 3. Aider the second Son of Tamas by the Imprisonment of his Brother seiz'd the Kingdom but was quickly depriv'd of it and made away by his own Sister Periancona 4. Ismael the Second eldest Son of Tamas Reigned two years at the end of which he was murther'd by the same Periancona his Sister 5. Mahomet Chodabend being advanc'd to the Throne immediately caus'd her to be Beheaded Before he was well setled Amurath the Third took from him a great part of Armenia Media and Georgia 6. Abas commonly call'd Schach Abbas second Son of Chodabende having murther'd his elder Brother stept into the Throne and undertaking with great resolution the War against the Turks regain'd the greatest part of what his Predecessor had lost and withal made a large addition of the Kingdoms of Ormus Heri Candahor and Hircania 7. Soffye the Nephew of Abas by his Son Myrza succeeded his Uncle at the age of fifteen years but after his coming to age very fortunately maintain'd the War against the Turks The Countrey of Georgia Extent of Georgia THis Countrey comprehends all that Land which the Ancients nam'd Colchos
and Iberia as also a part of Armenia and some of Albania within whose Limits as Strabo tells us is inclos'd the Countrey inhabited by the Moschi for Georgia extends in length from the Eastern Shore of the Black Sea almost to the Caspian Others make Georgia comprise the ancient Iberia and the Countrey of Georgia mention'd by Pliny and Mela. It hath for Neighbor on the East the Countrey of Albania now under the Jurisdiction of the Persians and wherein the Towns of Bacu and Demircapi or Derbend lie and bending from thence a little Southerly it touches upon the Province of Scirvan in the West it verges with the Black Sea Its Bounds in the North fronts the Caspian Mountains which are Branches of Mount Caucasus and extend along from the Black to the Caspian Sea and defend Georgia from the Northern Blasts as also from the Invasion of the Salvages on the South it conterminates with that part of Armenia which borders upon Media and somewhat lower Westerly towards Trebizonde with a part of Cappadocia and is by the Circassian and Caspian Mountains divided from Muscovy It s several Denominations The right Name of this Countrey according to Texeira is Gurgistan that is The Countrey of the Gurgians It is also call'd Garia and Chartuelaba as a Georgian in the Countrey Language Chartueli or Kartueli which word Della Valle affirms to signifie a Christian The Turks name them Kurchin or Gurgin or Jurian to which must be added the Turkish word Lar a sign of the plural Number and is pronounced Jurianu-Lar The Name of Georgia or Georgians some suppose they have receiv'd from St. George whom they highly reverence and carry his Picture in their Standards though Postellus affirms from the information of the Georgians in Constantinople that the Name of St. George is altogether unknown to them Division of the Countrey Georgia is by some divided into several Provinces the chiefest whereof are Imereti or Busciaciuk Cacheti Cardel or Carduel Curiel and Mengrelia This Countrey of Georgia is very fertile It s Fertility and in many places produces plenty of Corn Wine and other Fruits Most of the Vines grow up by the Trees There are likewise many Woods and Mountains and abundance of Mulberry-ttees for the feeding of Silk-worms which furnish Persia with great quantities of Silk Wild Beasts are also here in great numbers Wild Beasts and likewise Faulcons and Eagles which they call Avigi Rivers and Lakes It is water'd by the Rivers Araxes now call'd Aras Cyrus now Cur and the Canak The Cyrus or Cur which the Natives of the Countrey call Ser the Turks Chur and others Elkar takes its original with the Araxes out of Mount Taurus in Armenia from whence it glides down to the Plains of Georgia where augmented with the Waters of many Rivers and at last united with the Araxes disembogues into the Caspian Sea There are also two very eminent Lakes the one call'd Geluchalatdu in the North is four days Journey in circumference and hath on its Banks the Castle of St. Leonard the other nam'd Esechie is taken for the ancient Lake Licinitis The People very courteous The Georgians are very civil and courteous after their manner The Nobles are call'd Asnaure which going continually Arm'd always maintain War against the Unbelievers or Mahumetans But they are not so much inclin'd to Learning as the Greeks neither are they so ambitious proud and subtle but very meek and honest of an affable nature and so easie of belief that their greatest misfortunes have fall'n upon them from the Mahumetans through their too much credulity Cootwick tells us that the Georgians are much inclin'd to Drinking and that they will not Engage with an Enemy before they have drank their Fill. The Women are very courteous civil modest and the best featur'd in all Asia both Men and Women are tall and slender having generally brown Hair black full Eyes white and ruddy Complexions occasion'd perhaps by the abundance of Wine which they drink The Language one through the whole Countrey Through the whole Countrey is but one sort of Language spoken which being peculiar and common to these People is by them call'd Cardueli it is written with two distinct Characters or Letters the one call'd Cudsuri which is us'd onely in godly Books and in their Churches and the other Chedroli is us'd in all other Affairs The Alphabet of the vulgar Georgians hath thirty six Letters shap'd like those represented in the Sculp Figueroa tells us that the Georgian Characters differ from the Caldean Hebrew and Armenian and that they write like the Europeans from the left hand to the right They are of the Greek Church The Georgians receiv'd the Christian Religion in the time of the Emperor Constantine who kept his Court at Constantinople from the Greeks by means of a strange Slavess of whom they relate many great Wonders but to this day none of them know her Name yet the Roman-Catholicks in their Book of Martyrs call her Ancella And as they receiv'd the Christian Religion from the Greeks so they likewise observe their Church Ceremonies and Liturgies They perform Divine Service in their own Language and not in the Greek as Minadoi and others affirm nor do they boast the antiquity of their Church as the Greeks do and though they acknowledge the Patriarch of Constantinople yet nevertheless they are not subject to him for they chuse their own Church-Rulers They bear great reverence to Rome St. Peter St. Paul and the Pope to whom contrary to the Greeks they attribute the antiquity of their Church They shun the company of the Armenians and abhor their Superstition but affect the Latines and Roman-Catholicks and what Conquests soever the Turks and other People have gain'd over them yet they have always remain'd firm in the Christian Faith and though their Princes have very often apostatiz'd and forc'd many after several ways to change their Opinions yet nevertheless the Christian Religion hath gotten the upper hand and the Christians have regain'd the Dominions which they had lost or forc'd their Princes again to embrace Christianity which they had forsaken Many Ways lead into Georgia especially three the first and shortest whereof is through Constantinople from whence they travel thither by Land viz. through Scutarie in Asia with the Caravans who go along the Way of Trabizonde and finish their Journey in a Moneth though it is much shorter over the Black Sea viz. in five or six days more or less according to the Season The second Way is through Persia from whence they go easily with the Caravans into the Prince Luarsab's Countrey The third and last Way is through Poland cross the Black Sea from whence in a few days you arrive in Georgia as we said before This Countrey was formerly Govern'd by a King Government whom the Persians as Texeira affirms call'd Schach of Gurgistan for Anno 1430. Cara-Issuf falling into Gurgistan
another notwithstanding they were nearly related for Teimuraz his second Wife was Sister to Luarzab and had undoubtedly given Battel to one another their Armies being already drawn into the Field if they had not been prevented by means of some faithful Councellors who offering themselves to be Mediators between them in order to a Reconciliation discover'd to them that their Difference was occasion'd by the King of Persia who sought nothing but their utter ruine Moreover the King of Persia bred also Discontent and Difference between Teimuraz and his Mother Ketevan Dedupali or Queen Ketevan who then was a Widow for he perswaded Teimuraz into a belief that she was resolv'd to Marry with an eminent Commander in whom for his valor and grand policy in State Affairs she repos'd great confidence and that she endeavor'd first to destroy him that so she might bestow the Realm on another Son which she might have by her second Husband all which so incens'd the innocent Teimuraz that he caus'd the foremention'd Commander who was the prime Man of the Countrey to be put to death and took the Government from his Mother but being young unexperienc'd and little regarded by his Nobility he found himself involv'd in great troubles for the King of Persia still prosecuted his Design making him to be despis'd and esteem'd but a Child amongst the Nobles who whensoe're they came into Persia were courteously receiv'd by the King who also gave them great Presents and permitted them to use their own Religion which highly satisfi'd and pleas'd them and by this means they grew Strangers to their natural Prince After the King had for a considerable time thus acted his part he march'd with a great Army into Georgia and conquer'd the same Anno 1613. The Persian Invades Georgia under pretence that Teimuraz had Marry'd the Princess of Chaurascian Sister to Luarzab who had first been promis'd to him against his Consent Wherefore coming upon their Borders he commanded both Teimuraz and Luarzab to come into his Army to give an account of their Transactions and bring the Bride with them whom he himself had so long desir'd and that he might break off the Match with Teimuraz which had been so long before celebrated as if that which the Mahumetans make a common practice were also allow'd amongst the Christians The Georgian Princes being betray'd by their Nobles who freely shew'd the King the Way into this Countrey were exceedingly amaz'd not knowing what they should do but Luarzab being the weakest surrendred himself to his Majesty who sent him to the Province of Esterebad near the Caspian Sea very remote from Georgia where the Chan of that Countrey kept him a long time though with all civility imaginable giving him liberty to go wheresoe're he pleas'd whil'st the King without any opposition or going thither himself sent one Rairei or Bagred Myrza to Govern his Countrey And though this Bagred Myrza was of the same Family and Grandson to Luarzab yet he had long before deny'd the Christian Faith and turn'd Mahumetan Luarzab imprison'd and murther'd About the Year 1621. there Reign'd one of the said Rairei's Sons not as absolute Prince but Tributary to the Persian After Luarzab had spent some years in Esterabad the King that he might the better be assur'd of his Person commanded him to be sent to the Province of Fars or Persia where he was kept in a strong Prison not far from the City Schiras and lastly Anno 1621. when those of his Party had greatest hopes of his Enlargement and the King on a certain day had appointed to see him it fell out contrary to all their expectations for the King being inform'd by an eminent and powerful Georgian a Mahumetan and an Enemy to Luarzab who had formerly promis'd to take one of his Sisters to Wife which he afterwards refused and despised that he would never possess Luarzab's Countrey in quiet so long as he liv'd because his Subjects had a natural affection for him and had still hopes during his Life at one time or other to have him again Whereupon the jealous Persian pretending that he had discover'd a Plot of some Georgians against his Person wherein Luarzab was concern'd commanded that he should be strangled with a Bowe-string in the Castle where he was kept Prisoner But Teimuraz being more subtil would no ways venture to come to the King though commanded but excus'd himself alledging that he durst not come for fear of his Majesty's exceeding displeasure which he was inform'd of neither was it possible for him to send his Wife it being contrary to the Custom of the Christians nor would his Honor give him leave to deliver his Wife yet to shew how willing he was to obey him he sent his own Mother and Sister then a young Virgin in his stead and also his two little Sons Levan and Alexander hoping thereby to reconcile and pacifie him but all in vain for he would by no means be reconcil'd unless he might enjoy the Princess Chuarascian Teimuraz's Consort and though he knew that his Request was unreasonable and that which Teimuraz neither could nor would grant he again commanded Teimuraz to come and surrender himself which he refusing the King kept his Mother never suffering her to return but sent her with her Grandchildren to Schiras to be kept there by Imaneuli Chan of that Place and Son to Allackverdi Chan. And besides this the King march'd with his Army into Georgia that was under the Jurisdiction of Teimuraz to whom all the Nobles treacherously submitted Whereupon the Georgian Prince seeing his destruction so near at hand and having no Army ready nor time to raise one fled with his Wife and a great number of Christians into the strongest part of the Province of Imereti where he stay'd a while with the Prince of that Countrey and after that going farther tarry'd with the Prince of Odisci or Dadian whil'st many of the Nobles tempted with vain hopes surrendred themselves freely to the King of Persia deny'd their Religion and took up Arms against their own natural Prince The Persian quits the Countrey By this means the Persians possess'd Georgia but weighing the difficulty and charge of maintaining their new Conquest they not onely resolv'd not to keep the Countrey but judg'd it convenient to march thence with their Army the nearest and safest way But though they could not keep the Countrey yet they would not lose so great a Booty of so many brave People as they had taken and such as perhaps were worth more to them than the Countrey it self for which reason they forc'd them all both Men and Women as well Noble as Ignoble great and small with what Moveables they were able to carry to forsake their native Countrey whil'st the King's Army marching behind drove them into Persia where afterwards they were sent into several Provinces remote from Georgia and by this means the Provinces of Persia proper Kirman or Garmania Mazanderan at the
Black Sea The first of them which rises Eastward is the Stream by the Ancients call'd Fasis and now Faso or Fas by the Scythians according to Thevet Debbassetcha and by the Inhabitants Rione which as Procopius affirms falls with such force and violence into the Sea that it makes the Water fresh for some Miles But this is contradicted by Agricola And Archangel Lamberti who hath seen the same several times says this River at first runs very swift from its Fountain Head but coming amongst the Plains it is so slow that 't is scarce discern'd to move and yet certain it is that its Water doth not commix with the Sea The Stream Faso disembogues it self into the Sea through two Mouths between which it makes an Island by the Ancients call'd Ea wherein the Turks in the Year 1578. built a Fort which was since pull'd down At the same time the Turkish Emperor Amurat took the City Teflis from the Persians supposing it would have been a very convenient Harbor for him to keep his Galleys in that from thence they might go with the more ease to conquer Persia which then he design'd and make himself Master of the City Colatis the Entrance and Key into the Countrey on that side to which purpose his Galleys also went a great way up the Stream But the Georgians having fortifi'd themselves at the Entrance of the River where it is narrowest Entertain'd them so roughly that they forc'd them to return Above the Island the Stream is above half a Mile broad where its Banks are also overgrown with Trees and frequented by Fishermen who come thither to catch Sturgeon Farther up into the River lie many small Islands of which several are Inhabited To each House which is built on the same belongs a small Barque made of a hollow Tree in which the Women Row from place to place Arrianus who by the Emperor Adrian's Command went to discover this River saith in one of his Letters that on the left side of the Mouth of the River he saw the Image of the Goddess Rhea in a Temple which in the time of the Emperor Emperor Zenon was Dedicated to the Virgin Recas The next River is Sceni-Skari that is The Horse-River by reason of its swiftness Arrianus and all those Geographers that follow him place other Rivers between the Faso and Sceni but by mistake for it is certain that the Sceni is the first Stream which falls into the Faso but afterwards receives the Abassin and Tachut the Abassin is the Glaucus of Strabo and the Tachut the Sigam of Arrian though he places it towards Copo There is at this day another Tract of Land through which this Stream flowing receives its Denomination TABULA COLCHIDIS HODIE MENGRELIE Next follows the River Enguria anciently call'd Asteltes which Arrian places near the Cianeus It falls with extraordinary swiftness from the Mountains inhabited by the Sovanies and swelling with the melted Snow that likewise glides from them to that heighth that it cannot be cross'd without a Barque The next in order to the Enguria is the Rivulet Heti which is not found in the Maps by reason of its smalness but is very eminent for a strange sort of Fish which is taken therein It discharges its Water into the Black Sea at a place call'd Gahbidas Another River nam'd d'Ochums glides through a Tract of Land call'd Tarscen from which perhaps the Name Tarsura had its original and by which it is mention'd in the Maps The next is the Echalis and after that the Stream Moquis which borrows its Denomination from the City and Bishoprick of Moquis through which it passes The last is the Stream call'd Coddors anciently Corax This divides Mengrelia from the Abascians as the Fasis from Guriel and Georgia In many places of Mengrelia are great Lakes especially on the Plains where the Ground sounds hollow when any one Rides over it which is no small testimony of the affinity between the Black and Caspian Seas to which may be added that in these two Seas one sort of Fishes are found for there is abundance of Sturgeon in the Black as well as in the Caspian Sea Several sorts of Sturgeon At the Mouth of the Paso and Enguria the Inhabitants catch abundance of Sturgeon from April till August of which they have three sorts one of which call'd Zuthi being of a far better taste than the rest is carry'd to the Court and dres'd for the King's Table The second sort call'd Angiachia differs not much from the first onely it is the bigger and the Flesh not altogether so good The third sort nam'd Poronci is yet larger and almost like a Buffalo but its Flesh is not comparable to the other The Inhabitants cut these Fish into pieces of two Hands breadth which the Salting dry in the Sun and afterwards use as Rarity Of the Rocs they make Caveare which putting into small Vessels they Salt setting it in the Sun till it condense into a Body or thick Substance The least Sturgeon call'd Zuthi hath a bigger Roe than the rest neither is any part of thrown away but the flat Bones which stick in the top of the Skin besides which it hath no other except a Gristle about a Finger thick which extends from the Head to the Tail The Fishermen have certain signs whereby to know when it is best Fishing as by the hollowness of the Water which from the melted Snow falling into the same is greedily coveted by the Sturgeon They also take here another sort of Fish call'd Suia and by the Turks Calcan Baluch which signifies a Pilcher being exactly of that form and cover'd with little Scales but hath two Eyes on one side the one grey and the other white This Fishing begins in December and continues till April In some Seasons there are abundance of Herrings in this Sea and the greater the number of them is the more Sturgeons they are sure to catch that year Anno 1642. the Sea had thrown so great a number of Herrings on the Shore between Trebizonde and the Countrey of the Abcassians that they lay above half a yard thick upon one another like a Bank There are also Oysters which the Fishermen throw into the Sea again when they catch them in their Nets yet some of them have course Pearls in them such as Pliny writes he saw in the Bosphorus of Thracia The Rivers are full of Voorn of which there are two sorts the one call'd Calmakka is very small and the other Aragoli which is bigger the first sort are catch'd in the North Sea and the other onely in the Rivers in which and on whose Banks are likewise Beavers contrary to Aristotle's opinion who affirms that no four-footed Beasts can live in the Sea Venison carry'd hence into Greece The Countrey abounds also with all manner of Venison and great numbers of Pheasants which Bird hath its Denomination from the River Fasis about whose Banks it breeds as also through all
Mengrelia from whence if Marshal may be credited the Argonautes carry'd them into Greece There are all manner of Birds of prey but especially Goshawks Birds which they teach in eight days time and use for the taking of Quails whose Season being over they set them at liberty to seek for their Food where they can get it Eagles are likewise very common here and are taken by the Inhabitants onely for their Wings the Feathers whereof they fallen to their long Arrows Every Man in Mengrelia though never so poor Beasts keeps a Horse for it costs them nothing Some Noblemen have two hundred and the Prince himself two thousand which are every year Train'd in the Field they never shoe them but in the time of War Sheep do not thrive well in this Countrey by reason of the moistness thereof yet their Wooll is exceeding fine In the Mountains breeds also a certain Beast which is half like a Goat and half like a Stag and of the same bigness with brown Hair its Horns are like a Goats bending backwards The Flesh of this Beast is very delicate and accounted better than that of a Stag. They also breed in Circassia There are likewise all sorts of wild Beasts which are in Europe and many white Bears especially on the Mountain Cyrus which seem to be peculiar to that place because there are none in any of the neighboring parts On the Borders of the Abcassians are said to breed wild Buffalo's and Wolves which do great mischief to the grazing Cattel which get together in a Body and defend themselves with their Heels There are no Foxes but a Beast call'd Tourra which resembles them but are somewhat bigger and hath more shaggy Hair they go together in Herds and make a great noise in the Night they are very mischievous besides their Prey carrying away Shoes Boots or other Apparel from such People as lodge in the Fields This Countrey hath great variety of Fruits On the Banks of the River Fasis grows sweet Wood. In this Countrey is also the best Honey in the whole World Honey although Strabo and some of the ancient Writers affirm that it is very unwholsom and causes vertiginous swimmings in the Head They have also another sort of white and hard Honey like Sugar Its colour perhaps caus'd Pliny to affirm that there bred white Bees about the Pontus Euxinus or Black Sea which the Inhabitants contradict affirming that the Bees which make this Honey are like others and that the whiteness thereof proceeds from the abundance of Dew which falls in this Countrey out of which the Bees extract the Honey This white Honey is much coveted in this Countrey but not carry'd to Constantinople like the other because gather'd in Winter when they drive no Trade the Sea being lock'd up The Inhabitants oftentimes put their Honey into the Rind or Shells of bitter Citrullen from whence Strabo writes that the Honey which is gather'd on the Mountains in the time when the Lawrel blossoms makes all those vomit that eat of the same and therefore is taken by them for a Vomit in Physick It is certainly believ'd that there is plenty of Gold and Silver on that part of Mount Caucasus which verges this Countrey but the Inhabitants conceal it because they would not intice the Turks thither They get abundance of Gold near the City Arudan in the Province formerly subject to the Prince Artabegi There is also Antimony Some have reported that the Prince of Imereti keeps divers Men at work in the Mines in his Dominions but so privately that he caus'd one of his Subjects resident in Dadian at his Return from Constantinople whither he had carry'd a Proof of the Gold and Silver which was digg'd out of those Mines to have his Hands and Feet cut off as a Punishment for his holding Correspondence with the Turks They say there is also a Gold-Mine in the Bishoprick of Cavis Several sorts of Mengrelians The Mengrelians are of several Degrees and Qualities the first call'd Ginasca are eminent Lords the second Ginandi are Nobles the third Sakkurs are the Rich and the fourth nam'd Moinalli are the Commonalty The Ginasca onely attend upon the Prince and are themselves serv'd by the Ginandi and these again are waited upon by the Sakkurs and Moinalli None can attain to a higher degree of Honor than the Family in which they were born for he that is born amongst the Commonalty can never rise higher though he be the richest Man in the whole Countrey The Moinalli or common sort of People do all servile Offices for the Nobility viz. chop their Wood follow them on foot carry their Baggage when they travel and the like The richest of them must give a Cow a Basket full of Corn Bread Wine and Fruits for an acknowledgment of their Vassalage nay further they must Lodge all Strangers which the Nobility send to them and also Entertain their Landlords whensoe're they are minded to visit them When a Family of the Peasants is wholly extinct their Lords inherit their Goods and sometimes when all are dead except one they sell him to the Turks so that their greatest Riches consists in having many Slaves All the Mengrelians spend their time in Tilling and Manuring their Lands and the rather because they have no manner of Corn brought them from any other Parts Their greatest Labor after they have Sow'd their Corn is Weeding to which purpose the Fields are always full of Workmen who are Entertain'd by their Master with great Feasting for after their Day-labor is finish'd they go Singing to his House where is provided for them great store of Meat as also Wine which that they may not want at that time they generally in Harvest-time Consecrate some Tuns of their best to St. George with promise not to taste it till the Feast-day of St. Peter and St. Paul which is the time before mention'd but when that is come they bring a Priest in all his Habits into their Wine-Cellar where reciting some Prayers he broaches the Cask and sends a Pot full of the Wine to St. George's Church Their first Money Before Prince Dadian invited the Armenians to Trade in his Countrey there was no Money but they barter'd Commodities for Commodities but this Prince to his great benefit and advantage caus'd a Coin to be made with Arabian Hieroglyphicks like that which passes in Persia and is call'd Abassi notwithstanding the Inhabitants rather affect Pieces of Eight and other strange Coin They Trade with the Turks in several places and at several Fairs the biggest whereof is kept in September just before the Church of Cipourias and the other in St. George's Church Trade with the Turks The Turks about this time coming from Constantinople bring Carpets Stools Bowes Arrows Cloth Iron Copper Wooll Cotton-Clothes Salt c. for which they carry back Honey Flax Yarn Swords Beaver Skins Slaves and Box-wood by which they gain great Sums of Money for
Cup to him When Dadian saw himself thus deceiv'd not regarding the Kings Presence he fell upon Artabeg and cut off his Beard which Injury Artabeg respecting the King's Presence would not at that time revenge but not long after Dadian pursuing a Stag into the Governor Artabeg's Dominions his Subjects finding him separated from his Company seiz'd on him and brought him to their Lord who put him into a Dungeon under Ground in the mean while his Followers suspected that he had broke his Neck by Riding down some steep Rock and accordingly bemoan'd his Death but at length having remain'd a considerable time in Prison Artabeg went to visit him where amongst many other Discourses Dadian declar'd his intention that he had to make himself absolute Master of his Territory shewing him also the easiness to accomplish it Whereupon Artabeg promis'd him his aid and assistance telling him that he had the same Design so they both invented ways to execute their intent and made their Subjects to acknowledge them their Kings who before had the same Power though derivative under the Title of Eristaves The King himself was forc'd not being willing to hazard the remaining parts of his Kingdom to acknowledge his Servants for his Companions insomuch that his Successors entred into a League with them yet nevertheless they went to War with him The present King of Mengrelia The Chesilpes or King which now Governs Mengrelia nam'd Levan Dadian is the fifth of that Family and Son to thc King of Munacchiar who upon a certain time going a Hunting Rode with such force unawares againft another Horseman that his Horse tumbling backwards broke his Rider's Neck whil'st Prince Dadian was yet very young so that one of his Uncles nam'd George Lipardian Govern'd the Realm during his Minority This young Prince Marry'd afterwards a Daughter of the Prince of the Abcassians of the Family of Sciarapsia which is very much affected by this Nation Lipardian though very ancient also Marry'd a young Virgin who Name was Dareggian out of the Family of Ciladze but this Lady delighted more in the company of Dadian who was equal to her in years than in her Husband Lipardians of which Dadian taking notice and resolving to slip no opportunity to satifie both his own and her desire took advantage of this occasion One of his prime Nobles call'd Paponia insinuated himself into the Queens Favor which being nois'd abroad about the Countrey was fo ill resented by the King that according to the Custom of the Greek Church he Divorc'd her cut off her Nose and sent her in the Head of an Army to her Father and committed Paponia to Prison under the custody of the Prince of Guriel his Nephew After this more publickly declaring his Amours towards his Uncle's Wife he took her out of his House and made all his Subjects acknowledge her for Dalboda or Queen In the interim whil'st Dadian kept his Nuptial Feast with all the signs and testimonies of Joy Lipardian in his House perform'd all the Funeral Ceremonies as if his Wife had been dead going with his whole Court into Mourning and crying for forty Days together according to the usual Custom each Person also sympathizing with him he was also visited daily by many of the Nobles till at last being poyson'd his Wife became absolute Queen After this the Countrey had remain'd quiet a long time had not Paponia to revenge himself of Dadian perswaded the Prince of Guriel to proclaim War against him and also contriv'd a Plot betwixt him the Abcassians and the Prince of Basciaciuk the design of which was to kill Dadian and to Crown one of his Brothers nam'd Joseph in his stead to which purpose they hir'd an Abcassian who on a set-day as Dadian was looking over a Balcony ran him through the Back with a Lance which done the Assassinate immediately fled and was never heard of after but one of the Officers that stood by when the King received the Stab which was not mortal being committed to Prison discover'd the Plot upon which Paponia was Strangled and his Body being cut into divers pieces was ramm'd into a Cannon and shot into the Air his Brother also was condemn'd to have his Eyes put out and committed to perpetual Imprisonment the Prince of Guriel was likewise taken Prisoner and his Eyes put out his Wife and Children taken from him and his Territory given to the Patriarch his Uncle call'd Malachia Moreover Dadian afterwards Warred against the Abcassians Dadian conquers the Abcassians who during these Disturbances had made Incursions into his Dominions in revenge of the Disgrace done to his first Wife their Prince's Daughter but he in a short time reduc'd them and made them pay Tribute Makes War upon Imerets Dadian having finish'd the Civil Wars bent his study how to conquer Imereti and accordingly proclaim'd War against it and though to this day he hath not made himself absolute Master thereof because the foremention'd Prince always secures himself in the Castle of Cottis which could never yet be conquer'd yet he hath miserably harras'd all his Territories Dadian an excellent Ptince This King Dadian which now Governs this Countrey is of such excellent Parts that had he been bred amongst a civiliz'd People he would undoubtedly have been one of the greatest Princes in his time for he abhors Gluttony and Drunkenness to which the Natives are much inclin'd often dispensing with his Dinner to dispatch Business he is of an undaunted Courage Prudent Generous and a great lover of his Subjects whom he supports and assists on all occasions suppressing all manner of Tyranny and Oppression And that the Turk his too near Neighbor may not have an itching desire towards his Countrey he uses this policy When he expects Agents from Constantinople he sends several of his Nobles to meet them upon his Borders and to conduct them through Mountains Woods and the worst Ways they can find and also to Lodge them in mean Huts where they have nothing but a little Straw to lie on and Cheese to eat When they are admitted to Audience he receives them sitting under a Tree on an old Carpet in mean Clothes with a great many Servants in pitiful Habits standing about him After Audience they are Lodg'd in a House which will scarce keep the Weather out where they are so ill Entertain'd that the Agents returning to Constantinople affirm this Countrey to be the meanest in the World 'T is not long since he caus'd one of his Noblemens Eyes to be put out for endeavoring to extol his Subjects He Entertains both Jews and Armenians in his Dominions and by that means gains a considerable Trade he also sends for Workmen out of all the adjacent Countreys whom he obliges to stay by giving them Wives and Lands He also makes daily great Presents to the Temple and Spiritual Persons and wants nothing but Architects to build magnificent Churches The Panishment of Malefactors Of all Punishments which
Church-doors be lock'd then they say Mass in the Church-yard Their Caps are of Wooll and Calabashes serve them for Oyl-pots They believe to have perform'd all the Christian Commandments by strictly observing the Fasts On Easter-day they do no Pennance nor receive the Sacrament but go two hours before day-light to Church and so quickly return to Feasting Their greatest Festival is that of St. George being celebrated on the twentieth of October at the Church bearing his Name St. George's Feast whither on the Feast-Eve the Prince after Sun-set goes accompany'd with a great Train and sets his Seal on the Church-door which finding untouch'd in the Morning he again takes off and opening the Door discovers an Ox which is certainly believ'd by the common People to have been put in there by St. George miraculously and presage from the motions thereof future Events viz. If the Ox defends himself against those that endeavor to touch him then they believe there will be Wars in the Countrey If he be very dirty it is a sign of a fruitful year If he hath red Hair great Sickness will rage both amongst Men and Beasts of all which they write to every part of the Countrey as a Matter of great consequence There is also one Family amongst these People which hath the priviledge to kill this Ox and distribute the several parts thereof in this manner The Head with the Horns they send to the Prince who adorns the fame with Gold and Precious Stones afterwards each Tribe or Family in the Countrey hath a part thereof the rest being cut into small pieces is divided amongst the People who dry the same and keep it as an infallible Remedy against all Distempers They strictly maintain their Fasts Their Fasts as we said before on the three last days whereof for they continue seven Weeks together beginning on the Monday after Quinquagesima they eat no Flesh On Saturdays and Sundays they eat three times a day the rest they keep after the manner of the Greeks eating nothing till the Stars appear There is not a more superstitious People under the Sun than the Mengrelians Superstions which sufficiently appears by their Conceits which they hold of the Moon accounting all their Misfortunes to proceed from thence and therefore they abstain from all manner of Food on Mondays He that first discovers the new Moon gives notice thereof to his Neighbors whereupon he that wears a Sword draws it out or else a Knife wherewith they threaten it They also keep Fridays for it is certain that those who in the time of Constantine embrac'd Christianity also kept that day in commemoration of the Passion of our Saviour At the Birth of their Children they advise with their Priest asking him what they must do to make them Happy who pretending to consult with their Books counsels them to abstain from Venison and all things of the like nature Ceremony at a Funeral They carry not the Corps of their Dead into the Church but onely into the Church-yards after which they perform Divine Service in the Church where in stead of the Corps they set up the Spade with which they made the Grave They adorn the Front of their Churches with the Heads of Stags and wild Bears which they account an Ornament very acceptable to God and believe that it is of great consequence to have a good Fishing Season if their Boats be made in a lucky time When they are out at Sea and the Wind fails them all that are in the Vessel blow to fetch it again and when the Wind is good they permit no body to Sew any thing Aboard or use any Needle or Thred alledging that the Wind with the turning backward and forward of the Needle would be at a stay They commonly impute all their Misfortunes which befall them from the Curses of their Enemies which to prevent some of the Nobility cause the Images of their Saints to becarry'd before them that so they may clear the Air. When they buy any thing they always give a Present to the Seller to bless the same neither do they ever give the thing which they sell into the Hands of the Buyer but fetor lay it before him being perswaded that if they should do the contrary all things would be lost out of their House without being able to prevent it When they wish for Rain to refresh their Corn they take an Image of one of their Saints and set it every day in Water till it Rains and the first which falls they conclude to proceed from hence Avogastes or Avogasie Names and Borders A Vogastes formerly the Territory of the Saono-Colchans of Ptolomy is by some call'd Vocasie and by others Avocasie but peculiarly Afgasie which is a part of Mengrelia and from which Government onely separates it as being under a peculiar Prince It borders an the North and East at Circassia with the Stream Faso between both Towns as likewise at Mengrelia by the River De Cupa The Towns thereof are Pezzonde which Niger calls Prezunde and takes it to be the Dioscurias of Ptolemy as Sevastopoli for the ancient Siganeum the other Towns are Sothia and Matriga The several sorts of People about Mengrelia and Mount Caucasus The Inhabitants of Mount Caucasus MOunt Caucasus is inhabited by a wild sort of People of several Languages The nearest to Mengrelia are the Lesgissian Tartars Sovanians Abcassians Alans Circassians Ziques and Carocholians They all boast themselves Christians though they have neither Faith nor Religion amongst them The most civiliz'd are the Sovanians who willingly desire to be instructed they possess a great part of the Mountains towards the side of Odisci and Imereti and serve the Prince of Imereti Vice-Roy to the King of Dadian They are of a large Stature and well Limb'd but ill Featur'd they are valiant Soldiers good Archers and have the Art of making Guns and Powder but yet they are so very slovenly that it would be loathsom to any nice Person to touch them They have plenty of Provisions yet come every Spring to Georgia where they enter into Service work in the Fields and after Harvest return carrying away with them Copper Plates Kettles Iron Linnen Cloth Carpets and Salt but with Silver they will not meddle and about the beginning of Winter carry Wood to Odisci which is much wanting there The Inhabitants of Mount Caucasus which dwell more Northerly by the Turks call'd Abasses or Abcassians are well proportion'd of a good Complexion and strong for all laborious Employments The Countrey which they inhabit is very healthful pleasant and full of fruitful Hills A fruitful Countrey and is water'd by two Rivers the one call'd Soutbesu and the other Subasu There is also a brave Harbor nam'd Eschissumeni They possess great Herds of Cattel They never eat Fish though they have great quantities thereof both in the Sea and Rivers and utterly abhor Lobsters and Crabs mocking their Neighbors the
made by one to another in the presence of one single Witness without any farther Ceremony How they order their Children The Women being generally Deliver'd of their Children on Beds of Straw and Chaff made for that purpose carry the Child to the next River though full of Ice and washing it give it the Name of the next strange Person that comes into the House When a Noblemans Child comes to the age of three or four years it is given to one of his Servants to be brought up and instructed after their manner Their manner of living They live for the most part upon Sturgeon and other Fish though sometimes they eat both tame and wild beasts Their Bread is principally of Barley and the usual Drink of the common People is Water but they make a Liquor of a sort of Grain which they call Boeza or as John de Luca saith they mix their Water with Honey and Barley which letting stand ten days to soak they afterwards boyl whereby it becomes pleasant to the taste and as strong as Wine In stead of Cups or Glasses the Vulgar use the Horns of wild Buffalo's or other Beasts but the Nobles drink out of Golden Cups worth from three to five hundred Ducats some also are of Silver out of which they drink with great deliberation and Ceremony and commonly in the Name of God and their Saints or deceased Friends They commonly sleep with a Coat of Mayl under their Heads in stead of a Pillow and with their Arms by them As soon as they rise they put on the foremention'd Coat of Mayl The Men and Women lie together but Head to Feet yet on one Bed which is commonly made of Leather and fill'd with Rushes and Rose-Leaves John de Luca affirms That the Houses are made of two rows of Poles stuck in the Ground between which they lay plash'd Boughs which they cover with Mortar and Straw nor are the Princes Palaces built of better Materials though bigger The Circassians often Engage with the Tartars for there is not a year passes but the Tartars as well Mogaians as others make Incursions into their Countrey on purpose to get Slaves The continual Alarms in which their Enemies keep them Their Arms. hath made them the best Horsemen in all these Parts They use Arrows which they shoot forward and backward and wear a Sword by their Sides and a Helmet on their Heads which covers their Faces they also use Lances and Javelins all which they handle with extraordinary dexterity They never make any difficulty to rob one another Thievery encourag'd which makes Stealing common here for they never punish those which are taken in the Fact may ancient People and Persons of Quality never proffer any Drink at Meals to young Folks if they have not committed some notable Robbery Their Opinions in Religion The Circassians are of different Opinions for some follow Mahumetanism others the Greek Church but the number of the Mahumetans is far the greater for though the Priest who is at Derki Baptizes yet he instructs them little in Matters of Religion wherefore they daily turn Turks and retain nothing of the Greeks but the Custom of carrying Meat to the Graves of the Dead and to keep some Fasts In the Countrey of Cudosci or Holy Places are abundance of Rams Heads which be Relicks of the Curbans or Offerings made there On the Trees also hang Bowes Arrows and Swords which are sighs of the Promises they made to the Deceased and therefore are so revereric'd that the greatest Robbers will not touch them The Circassians incline much to Paganism and though they suffer themselves to be Circumcis'd and Believe in God yet they have neither Scripture Priest nor Temple but at some set-times make their own Offerings especiallyon Elias's day Ceremonies at the Death of a Nobleman Upon the Decease of a Nobleman both Men and Women coming into the Field kill a Goat at for an Offering and hanging his Skin Upon a Pole having first made Merry with the Flesh some Men stepping forth Pray to the Skin one after another which done they all depart home The Skin remains on the Pole till such time as they take it down to make room for another After this they raise a great Bed of Earth in the Fields on which they lay the Corps having first been imbowel'd and for the space of eight days his nearest Relations Friends and Vassals come to visit him and bring him Presents of Silver Cups Bowes Arrows and other things then they take a great Tree hollowing the Body into the form of a Chest into which they put the Corps with the foremention'd Presents and so carry it in great State to the Burying-place Some of these Circassians as Soranzo affirms are free others pay Tribute to the Precopenses or Crim Tartars but as others assert they neither acknowledge the Turks nor Tartars but are Govern'd by five prime Heads George Interian attests Their Degrees that there are Nobles Subjects and Slaves amongst them the Nobles being the chiefest have many Vassals under them whom they Govern by an arbitrary Power allowing none to be above them but God neither have they any Judges nor any written Laws but make use of their own Authority in deciding of Differences Some affirm that they Serve the Turk Persian and Muscovites for Pay They have no Money in this Countrey especially in those Places lying up into the Land No Money here but value all things by Bokissins which are pieces of Linnen or Woollen Cloth They Fight on Horseback Arm'd with Bowes Arrows Swords and Lances There are no Fotts in all the Countrey but onely a few old Towers to which the People repair in time of War They Fight daily against the Tartars who inclose them in all parts but are so much valianter that a few Circassians are able to put a considerable number of Tartars to flight because they are much nimbler stronger and generally better Arm'd Albania EAstward from Georgia lies Albania so call'd from the River Albanus by Nicephorus Zuirie and by others Chipiche and Zitracha as also according to Castaldus Garzena because the Inhabitants are inclin'd to Prognostications which the Hebrews call Garazenes But the Names Dhipiche and Zatracha are given them from two great Cities whose Jurisdictions were very large Cluverius tells us that Albania is the Eastern part of Georgia between Iberia and the Caspian Sea Dagestan is also accounted a part of Albania which borders in the East upon part of the Caspian Sea in the West at Georgia in the North faces a part of the Asiatick Sarmatia near Mount Caucasus and in the South looks upon part of Great Armenia towards the side of the River Gur or Chiur anciently Cyrm It lies between very high and almost inaccessible Mountains which soon lose the Way out of Tartary into Persia The Cities and chief Towns of Albania The Towns of this Territory according to Niger are Chipicher Tarracosia
Sobai Chobartei and Abacuas Ananias places also in this Countrey the City Derbend which he takes for the ancient Alexandria but Derbend is by others justly plac'd in the Province of Schirwan Niger makes the City Scamachie which he supposes to be the Samunis of Ptolomy in Albania but Olearius and others place the same rightly also in Schirwan One of the fairest Cities of this Countrey is Zitracha which Thevet calls Zitrack at present a City of great Trade Thevet makes the Metropolis of this Countrey to be Bambanach but Boterus Stran or Stranu formerly call'd Getara or rather Gagara which Niger supposes to be the City Bachu Ananias places here the Countrey of Hanse and Paults Jovius Gorgora of which he makes the Royal City Agazapes though Davity will rather have it to be the Gagara or Gangara of Ptolemy than the Stran or Bachu of Boterus The Air of this Countrey The Air of this Countrey is very healthful and temperate notwithstanding there is a Valley near Hanse constantly cover'd with thick Mists The Countrey near Armenia is partly low and partly mountainous and exceedingly fertiliz'd by the Rivers Cur and some others producing all sorts of Fruit-trees and Plants which are always green and with small trouble yield a fifty-fold increase Vines also thrive here nor want there tame and wild Beasts Scorpions and Spiders otherwise call'd Tarantula's Paulus Jovius tells us that the Albaneses are a valiant People and exceed herein the Mengrelians but Niger on the contrary that they are for the most part Herdsmen and take no delight in Matters of War Anno 1492. Mahomet the Turkish Emperor march'd with an Army against this Countrey from whence he return'd without effecting any thing by reason of the Cliffs and high Mountains over which the Horsemen were not able to pass About the Year 1500. Agasappas Govern'd Albania or at least a part thereof Government and pay'd Tribute to the Sophy of Persia This Countrey according to Thevet is under the Jurisdiction of him who Governs the Tartars which perhaps is the Chan of Zagatey The Inhabitants are Christians who live like the Georgians after the manner of the Greek Church The Province of Curdistan CUrdistan that is The Countrey of the Curdes by Davity reckon'd to be in Great Armenia was anciently by Ptolomy nam'd Gordene by Dion Corduene and by others The Countrey of the Cordiaques or Gordians Della Valle supposes this Countrey had no peculiar Name but was divided amongst many People of several Nations and that the Carduchans deserting the Army forc'd Xenophon with his Army to return back from whence he came They possess according to Purchas the City Bitlis and some other Villages and Mountains of the Countrey of Curduene as also the City Manuscute The Bounds of Curdistan The Curdes are a People who have their Residence in the Mountains which divide Media from the Province of Susiana now call'd Suster It also divides Turky from Persia and bordering at Aderbeitzan hath from East to West not above ten or twelve days Journey in breadth but extends a vast way in length from the North to the South It begins between the Countrey of Babylon and the Province of Chusistan towards the side of the Caspian Sea and extends Northward beyond Ninive between Armenia and Media near the Black Sea It is a strong Countrey and very difficult to come into by reason of the many Mountains which inclose the same It might justly be call'd an Arm of Mount Taurus which parting from it runs through Asia in this part quite into the Caspian Sea so that Nature seems to have delighted her self in making this Countrey as a Bulwark between these two great Realms of Persia and Turky as it was anciently a Boundary between that of the Romans and Parthians Some will have these People deriv'd from the Chaldeans and Mesopotamians for we find what they alledge many Princes of the Curdes in the Countrey of Bagdad Chaldea Carahemid and Diarhekir Moreover Chaldea is by the Turks and Persians call'd Curdistan from the People Curdes who Planted it The Habit of these People agrees with that of the Turks and Persians but is very mean The Habit of the People The Women go bare-headed and are very familiar with all manner of People Their Language and Living Their Language is peculiar and different from the Turks Arabian and Persian but hath most affinity with a certain course Speech of the Persians Many of them live in Huts in the Countrey and range up and down with their Cattel like the Tartars others live in Caves but all that have any Knowledge or Breeding dwell in the Towns They have no manner of Fruits but Feed on Butter Milk and Flesh They are very quiet and free from Pride The Government thereof The Eastern part of Curdistan which separates Media from Susiana or Suster near the City Hamadan and a Boundary of Persia was Anno 1618. Govern'd by one Hilao Chan who besides the annual Tributes and Acknowledgements sent his Son Myrza Chan to the King of Persia thereby to manifest the zeal he had to his Majesty's Service but because of the nearness of the Turks on the side of Assyria and a part of Susiana gave some suspicion to the King he resolv'd to assure himself of the Sons Inclination by placing him in his Father's stead in order to which the King sent for Hilao Chan to come with speed to Casbin where he then kept his Court there being a Report at that time that the Turk intended with a strong Amy to fall into the Countrey through the Borders of Media Hilao Chan not daring to disobey the King's Order fearing to run the same fate of many other Curdistan Lords his Neighbors who unawares offended a Prince that never let any Injury pass unpunish'd went with his Wife and Children and the rest of his Family to the Court where he no sooner arriv'd but the King receiv'd him very graciously telling him that he had great need of his Counsel on all occasions and therefore sent for him to stay by him whil'st his Son should Govern in his stead When the King went from Casbin to Sultania he told him that he would not give him the trouble to follow him in his Journey in respect of his age but order'd him to repair to Ispahan where he expected to find him at his coming thither The Nobility and primest Persons are free from this kind of Servitude Some of the also exceeding the rest in Might and Power are able to bring an Army of ten or twelve thousand Horse into the Field The Powerfullest of the Nobles shew not that Obedience as the Deputies and Subjects to their supream Governors in Europe for theirs consists onely in an acknowledgment that they live under the protection of one of the two Lords for notwithstanding they acknowledge them yet they live free Out of hopes of Gain the Curdes often change their Masters and as Cezy makes mention in his
Journal ten thousand Curdes Subjects to the Turk deserting their Countrey went and desir'd other Lands of Schach Abbas King of Persia who giving them a sufficient Maintenance occasion'd a War between the Turks and Persians They have absolute Command in some parts of their Territory as in Gozire a City of Mesopotamia built on an Isle in the River Tigris and in the Mountains by the Inhabitants call'd Tor. The Inhabitants are very valiant and are look'd upon to be able to do great prejudice to the Turk against whom they commonly maintain War Their Arms are Bowes Arrows Shields and Simiters Their Religion Their Religion is that of the Mahumetans either according to the Turkish or Persian way as they see convenient Moreover they are strongly inclin'd to divers Superstitions which are peculiar to them and savor much of Idolatry Some affirm that they worship the Devil because he should not do them or their Cattel any hurt Many Chaldean Christians of the Sect of the Nestorians or Jacobites live in the Dominion of the Curdes and Serve them in the Wars THE EMPIRE OF THE Great Mogol AND INDIA Of India in general India why so call'd INDIA is so call'd from the River Indus and the Word East generally added to India because it is the most Easterly part of Asia and hence America or the New-found World has borrow'd the Name of West-India in opposition to it It s Division Extent and Bounds Ptolomy affirms that anciently and to this day India is divided into two great parts whereof one which extends from the River Indus to Ganges is by the Persians call'd Indostan that is The Countrey of Indus and by the Greek and Latine Writers India intra Gangem or India within Ganges The other part is call'd Mangi or India extra Gangem or Without Ganges The first comprehends all the Countreys under the Great Mogol's Jurisdiction as also the Kingdom of Narsinga or Bisnagar Kannara Orixa the Coast of Cormandel and Malabar the Kingdom of Golconda and many others The second part without Ganges contains the Kingdom of Bengala Arracan Pegu Siam Malacca Cambaya Champa or Tzampa Lao Cochinchina besides many lesser and lastly the vast Empire of China Both these parts also comprehend divers Islands amongst which Japan if so it be is the most Eastern as also the most eminent This whole vast Countrey according to the ancient and modern Writers conterminates on the West with the River Indus the Countrey of Arachosia and Gedrosia on the South with the Indian Sea on the East with the Eastern Shore and on the North with some Branches of Mount Taurus or Imaus a part of Taurus Texeira tells us that India begins at the end of the Kingdom of Macran The largeness of its Circuit lying in 106 Degrees of Longitude and extends to 159 from East to West a Degree being reckon'd to be fifteen Leagues a Tract of eight hundred Leagues in a direct Line India also extends from North to South from the Equinox to the Cape of Malacca almost to the 40. Degree the utmost part of China a Tract of about six hundred Leagues not reckoning the Indian Isles some of which lie a great way to the Southward of the Equinoctial The most eminent Rivers of India are the Indus and Ganges Rivers which come from the Northward out of the Mountains Imaus and Caucasus by the Inhabitants according to Castaldus call'd Dalanguer and Nangracot and both as the Inhabitants affirm spring from one Head though some Geographers make the distance between them to be a hundred and eighty Leagues and others but a hundred and thirty though the first seems most probable because the Ganges takes its course Easterly and the Indus Westerly Philostratus places the Head of the River Indus in Mount Caucasus and makes the same in some places to be a League and a half broad and transplanting abundance of Soil along with it which like the Nile in Egypt makes the adjacent Grounds exceeding fertile MAGNI MOGOLIS IMPERIVM The Course of the River Indus The Indus or Send thus enrich'd with the Waters of other Rivers takes its course Southward through the Provinces of Attack Backor and Tatta and near the City Dul which gives its Denomination to the same it discharges its Water through two Mouths into the Ocean and not through seven as Texeira affirms These Openings are in 23 Degrees and 35 Minutes Northern Latitude Most Maps and many Geographers are greatly mistaken in placing this River as if it fell into the Sea near the utmost Point of the Gulf of Cambaya but this is a great error and as wide from the truth as the whole Countrey of Zuratte is broad for the Indus runs not from the East to Zuratte as it should do if it disembogu'd at Cambaya but the River which discharges its Water into the Bay of Cambaya is another call'd Mehi The River Indus hath divers Isles especially near its Mouth which are very pleasant and fruitful and one City nam'd Varaxes Pliny affirms that nineteen Rivers contribute their Waters to the Indus the chiefest whereof are the Hydaspes now call'd Moltan which receives four other lesser Streams the Catabra the Hypasis and Acesina The Course of the River Ganges The River Ganges now call'd Gangia arises from Mount Caucasus and bends its course to the South through or between the Rocks of the Province of Siba and soon after becomes very broad then proceeding on its course Southward it receives by the way the Waters of thirty Rivers as Ananias saith or according to Pliny ninety so that it swells exceedingly and spreads above four Miles in breadth yet not above eight Fathom deep and at last after a long course falls through many Mouths into the Sea the chiefest whereof and most Westerly is Satigan or Satiguam so call'd from a City of that Name built on its Banks a Sea-port Town where the Portuguese us'd to drive a great Trade the other being the most Easterly is also near a famous Sea-Harbor and is call'd Chatigan both which are under the Jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Bengala The Ganges at last discharges its Water through two noted Mouths into the Bay of Bengala These Mouths Ptolomy places in the eighteenth and nineteenth Degree of Northern Latitude but Barros and Linschot set them in twenty two or twenty two Degrees and a half Accounted holy and why Those of Bengala as the same Linschot writes affirm the Head of Ganges to be in the terrestrial Paradise and therefore account the Water thereof holy and for that cause the Benjans and other Indian Heathens go thither in Pilgrimage to bathe themselves and to drink of it and the Inhabitants of Bengala lying on their Death-beds cause themselves to be thrown into the said River or at least to have their Feet dipt in A Pint of Water a thing very remarkable of the Ganges Lighter than other Water is not above half so heavy as that of
any other Water in India and is also very wholsom and hath a good relish In the middle of the Ganges lie many great and small Isles which are very fruitful and all of them overgrown with wild Fruit-trees but most of them at this day lie waste by reason of the French Pyrates from Racau yet they have store of wild Swine and divers sorts of Fowls on the same as also Tygers which swim from one Island to another and therefore it is very dangerous to Land on any of them The Ganges is suppos'd to abound with Gold and Pearls Its Riches and from its bottom are fetch'd all manner of Precious Stones on some of which are perfectly represented the shapes of Beasts Plants and other things There is another Ganges being onely two Streams joyning their Waters which rise first Eastward of Gavel near the Mountain Gate in 18 or 19 Degrees of Northern Latitude The River which comes out of the Northermost Spring is call'd Kinsuar as that out of the Southern Benhora but by their conjunction losing their former Denominations are call'd Ganga like the other But this River at last discharges its Waters into one of the Mouths of the Ganges between Angely and Picholda in about 20 Degrees of Northern Latitude The Inhabitants also hold this Water in great veneration by which means it is very advantageous to the Mahumetan Lords of the Countrey through which it runs because they permit no Person to wash his Face in the same without paying them a certain Sum of Money The River Bark rises from another Spring on the West side of Mount Gate and empties it self through the Gulf or Bay of Bombain separating the Kingdom of Zuratte or Cambaya from that of Decan The Stream Aliga likewise discharges its Water on the West side of the same Mountain against the middle of the Isle Anchedive in 14 Degrees of Southern Latitude having before separated the two Kingdoms of Decan and Canara The great River Nagundy gliding from Mount Gate which is beyond Cananop and Calicut runs Northerly but within sight of the Aliga changes its course Eastward and passes on through the Metropolis of Bisnagar and the Province of Orixa and afterwards loses it self in the Bay of Bengala between the sixteenth and seventeenth Degree where the two Towns Guadenary and Masulipatan are built The Lake of Chiamay lying in the North towards Tartary is the Head of six great Rivers The Lake of Chiamay of which three uniting one with the other make a large Stream which cuts through the middle of the Kingdom of Siam as the other three fall into the Bay of Bengala Many more Rivers and Lakes hath India and the Mogol's Countrey which in our following Discourse shall be describ'd in their proper places Floating Bridges Cross the Rivers near which any High-ways lie are almost no other Bridges made than of Ships by reason of the Waters in the rainy Seasons which would carry away any other that do not float In several places of India are Wells or Cisterns on which the Inhabitants bestow great Cost being very large and spacious rais'd up with Free-stone neatly joyn'd together and cover'd on the top with an Arch the Water is drawn up by Oxen in little Pales or Buckets The Stagna's or Ponds which are all artificial of which there are very many in India may justly be accounted amongst the best of their Rarities though they account them for things of small consequence they are made in low places and some of them very deep and broad and a Mile or more in circumference and are able to furnish a populous City with Water a whole year most of them are inclos'd within a low Stone Wall having several Doors and about the inside of the Wall are many Steps leading down to the bottom which is pav'd with Free-stone These kind of Ponds are near populous Towns for the accommodation of the People and built for the most part at the charge of the Publick they are fill'd with Water in the rainy Seasons being first made clean that so the Water may be clear and it continues so sweet that not onely Men and Beasts drink of it but they also use it upon all other occasions The Mountains As to what concerns the vast Mountains in this Countrey the most famous are those of Balla-Gate which begin in the North and extend Southward to the Cape of Comory by the Inhabitants and also by Ptolomy call'd Cory a Tract of a hundred and twenty Leagues they begin to raise their tops near the River Carnate not far from the Cape and Mountain Dely and are good Marks to those that Sail along the Coast and lying in twelve Degrees and a half of Northern Latitude divide the Kingdoms of Decan Cuncan Canara and Malabar from Balla-Gate the Coast of Cormandel and Fish-Coast of which particularly and their general Denominations more hereafter India abounds with great and small Beasts Beasts as Oxen Cows Goats Sheep Hogs and all manner of other Cattel the Flesh whereof is not so well tasted as ours by reason of the great heat of the Countrey They seldom kill any Oxen because they use them to work Mutton is little esteem'd so that all sick Persons are prohibited to eat thereof but Pork is reckon'd very wholsom Food The Horses here are but ordinary the best being brought thither from Arabia and Persia by the Portuguese and of late from Usbeck are yearly brought twenty or thirty thousand as also a great number through Candahor out of Persia some also are transported hither by Sea from Ethiopia Arabia and Persia out of the Havens of Moca Bassora Bander and Abassy But here are great numbers of Buffalo's of whose Milk the Owners make little dry and salt Cheeses and when they do not yield that plenty they kill and eat them Here are also many Elephants and Rhinocerots call'd Abadas as also abundance of Apes and Bats as big as Cats which some call Flying-Cats In Malacca Siam and Bengala are abundance of wild Goats whose Horns are good against Poyson the Portuguese call them Cabras de Mato that is Wild or Forrest-Goats In India likewise are great numbers of Fowls as Pheasants Partridges Pigeons Parrots and Parraketo's of all sorts of colours There are also Camelions divers sorts of Serpents and Hedghogs In Balagate are Rams without Horns yet notwithstanding are so strong that a Youth may easily ride on them In many places of India up into the Countrey breed abundance of Tygers especiall in Bengala near Mount Caucasus and the Island of Iava insomuch that the Natives for fear of them dare not venture to gather such quantities of Gum Benzoin as they would Some say this Beast is about the bigness of an Ass others that it is no bigger than a Greyhound but Nearchus swells it to the bigness of a Horse affirming to have seen the Skin of one above five Foot long it much resembles a Cat having a thick Head spotted
Skin glittering Eyes sharp Teeth Claws with Talons and long Hair upon the Lips which is so poisonous that if either a Man or the Beast it self should swallow one of them it would certainly kill him and the Inhabitants have observ'd that it never goes to drink in any River but always with its Mouth before the Stream and never against it that so the Water infected by its poysonous Hair may not occasion its own death and for the same reason it never drinks out of Lakes Pools or any standing Waters and therefore all Persons are forbidden by the Great Mogol to keep any of the Bristles of a dead Tyger but on pain of death must send them all to his Court where by the King's Physician most poisonous Pills are made thereof which are given to those whom the King condemns to die at his pleasure The Tygre exceeds all Beasts in ravening for he is said to be the most voracious and fiercest Creature in Bengala and that he will follow a Ship from which he receives the least injury above thirty Leagues along the Shore and therefore the Inhabitants are greatly afraid of him and call him by several Names Pliny saith the Tyger is a Beast of wonderful swiftness which Bontius contradicts affirming that he is very flow and therefore lurks or rather watches for Man-kind who are not so swift as Stags wild Swine and other Beasts which may easily escape from him by flight wherefore he never catches any Beast except it be by surprize lying sculking in a Hedge or Thicket from whence he leaps suddenly upon them and if he chance to miss his prey then he returns growling back and runs into the Wood to see what he can find there he generally strikes his Tallons into the Necks of those Beasts he seizes and beats the strongest down with one stroke and having first suck'd out the Blood drags the remaining part into the Wood to satisfie his Hunger with the Flesh by Meals He keeps generally in the Woods water'd by Rivers that when other Beasts come to drink he may surprise and prey upon them There are likewise Jackalls in the Greek call'd Hyena Camelions and Lizzards besides vast numbers of Ravens which flying into the Houses if the Windows be open carry away the Meat from the Table The Rats of this Countrey are as big as sucking Pigs which do much mischief to the Houses by undermining the Foundations and eating through the Walls Another fort of Rats which are lesser and have red Hair smelling like Musk also molest this Countrey and therefore the Inhabitants set their Chests and Cupboards on four Pillars a good distance from the Wall placing Tubs with Water underneath for else they would immediately swarm with the said Insects Besides these there are other Pismires which being a Finger long do great mischief to Plants This Countrey stor'd with Plants This Countrey is stor'd with all manner of Plants and though there grows little Wheat yet it abounds with Rice and Barley as also Maiz or Indian Corn and abundance of Shell-fruit There are few or no Apples Pears Cherries Plums Peaches and fewer Grapes except in China But in stead of them there are many other Trees Plants and Fruits unknown in Europe The chiefest of the Trees is the Coco-tree which bears Coco-nuts and affords many other Commodities The other Plants Fruits and Drugs are Banana's or Pisang Anana's Jaca Mangas Kaions Jambes Jambolins Jangomas Carambolas Brindoins Durions Papaios Inj●mes Areka Betel Cubebs Tamarind Myrobalanes Ambare Caranda's Mangostans Pepper Ginger Cloves Cinnamon Nutmegs Cardamom Galanga Cost Spikenard Aloes Camphir Calambak Sandal-wood Benzoin Amphion or Opium Indico Ambergreece Musk Civet Assafoetida China Roots Great Canes and many other Plants and Fruit. Chewing of Betel very common with its Description The chewing of Betel with Areca and Chalk is very common through India and therefore ought to be briefly described The Betel or Betre is by the Arabians as Avicenna testifies call'd Tembur or Tambul by the Turks Japrach Industani by those of Decan Zuratte and Canaria Pan. This Betel runs up by Poles like our Hops and also on the Bodies of Trees Some to their greater advantage permit them to grow up by the Pepper or Areca Trees They constantly water their Betel the Leaves whereof are like those of the Lemmon-trees but a little bigger longer and sharper at the end This Plant according to Garcias resembles that of the Pepper so exactly in Twigs Leaves and manner of growth that one who doth not very well know it cannot distinguish them The Betel also produces a Fruit like that of the White and Long Pepper or rather like a Rats Tail which the Malayans call Syriboa and is for its strange shape in greater esteem than the Betel Leaf it self The Description and Use of Areka The Fruit Areca or Arecka so called in general by the Indians and by the Portugues with a corrupted Name Arequero is in Zurratte and Decan call'd Suppary on the Island of Zeilan Paoz in Malacka by the Javans Pinang in Cotzyn Chacany by the Arabians Fausel and by Avicenna Filfel and Fufel on the Coast of Malabar by the Vulgar Pak but by the Nobles Areca Vartoman calls the Tree Areca and the Fruit Coffol The Tree it self on which this Fruit grows shoots up with a straight Body having so smooth a Bark that none can climb up without some help The Boughs shoot not downwards but upwards and also turn up at the ends and therefore at some distance seem Globular The Leaves thereof grow like the Teeth of a Comb one by another The Fruit grows on the undermost Boughs ten or twelve of them in a Cluster at a thick long Stalk and being cover'd with a rough yellow Shell is about the bigness of a Nutmeg or small Acorn and before it grows hard it is like a Date full of pale red Veins and flat at one end Yet nevertheless there are three several sorts of it the first is flat on one side and on the other broader and bigger the second being less blacker and harder is by the Indians call'd Checanum and grows for the most part in Cotzyn It draws the Rheum Its Vertues and makes the Mouth look of a reddish black colour like the Mulberry The third sort makes a man giddy and intoxicates the Brain though this quality is ascrib'd only to the unripe Fruit There is also a white sort which grows in great abundance in Zeilan Out of the great Fruit by the power of Fire and Glass Instruments the Inhabitants distil a Water which is a most excellent Medicine against a Flux The Fruit grows very plentifully in Malabar on the Island Zeilon and also in Zurratte Decan and Malacka but the best of all on the Island Mombain and in Basaim How they use it The Indians break this Fruit into four pieces if it be pretty big or else into two and roul them up in a Betel Leaf with a little Ashes
will not suffer them to come into their Houses nor touch any thing that belongs to them The Brahmans have their Denomination from one Brahma or Bramma Original of the Brahmans from whom they boast their Extract and though they ascribe the original of the other Tribes likewise to him yet they affirm that they have gotten the Name or Bramma because they proceed from the chiefest part of him viz. the Head as the Settrea's out of the Arms the Weinsja's out of the Thumb and the Soudra's out of the Feet The Vedam is the Book of their Law How and from whence this Brahman had his original some of his Sect relate out of their Vedam after this manner Before the World was created Wistnow that is God had some inclination to have a new place to recreate and delight himself in are and that upon the Leaf of a Tree he swam on the Water for according to their opinion there was nothing but God and Water before the Creation like a little Child with his great Toe in his Mouth in the form of a Circle in testimony that he is without beginning or end and that God caus'd a Flower in the Countrey Language call'd Temara and by us a Water-Llliy to grow out of his Navel and not long after out of that this Bramma sprang So soon as he had receiv'd Life he stood with great admiration and consider'd from whence lie was deriv'd which because he could not possible find out God declar'd it to him whereupon he shew'd great signs of thankfulness and obedience wherewith Westnow was so well pleas'd that he gave Bramma power to create the World who thereupon created the same and gave Life to all things in it Barthruerri an Indian Writer in his Book of the Way to Heaven confirms this and says One of great prudence and understanding created this World and more plainly in another place Why hath Bramma made the Mountain Merouwa and again in another Bramma hath made nothing in the World that is constant by which it appears that this is really these Pagans opinion viz. That this Bramma was the first Man as they say that by the power which God gave him created the World with all things therein Yet nevertheless few amongst them positively ascrib'd the Creation of the World to one Man but either to God himself or his Son whence we may suppose that the Brahmans judge their foremention'd Chief to be the Head of the Angels or the Son of God These further affirm that this Bramma had anciently five Heads but from the power which had been given him growing more ambitious he attempted to defile Eswara Wistnow's Consort which when he heard he was so enraged that he caus'd her to bring forth the Daemon Beirewa the chief of the Devils who with his Claws scratch'd off the middlemost Head of Bramma as a punishment for his bold attempt so that he kept onely four Heads with which he is represented in their Pagode Not long after which Bramma made many Verses in praise of Eswara who was so delighted therewith that she promis'd to let him live in great Honor and Repute with his four Heads and put the fifth on her own The same Bramma as the Brahmans affirm shall in the other World serve in a lower Degree and that Annemonta a faithful Servant to Wistnow shall enjoy his Place all which will be inflicted on him as a punishment for his ambition But the Brahmans do not onely ascribe the Creation of the World to this Bramma but also the Government thereof God as they say not once taking cognisance of it for they alledge that as a King will not take the trouble upon him to Govern his Realm himself but appoint Vice-Roys or Lieutenants for that purpose so likewise God doth not concern himself with the Government of this World but gave the Charge thereof to Bramma The same Brathrouherri in the foremention'd Book ascribes the limitation of time which a Man is to live here on Earth to Bramma saying The longest time which Bramma hath granted Men to live is a hundred years and All things which happen to Mankind on Earth is by the appointment of Bramma which in his Book of good Conversation he thus expresses According as Bramma designs so it shall be for it is with a Man as with the Bird Tzataca who whether it Rains much or little he gets not above one drop thereof His meaning is That though a Man strive never so much to raise his Fortune it will be in vain for whatever Bramma hath appointed for him he shall attain to and no more The Bird Tzataca as the Brammans relate drinks not of the Water which falls on the Earth but in rainy Weather holds open his Bill to receive the Drops so that whether it Rains much or little it avails not the Bird not being able to take above a Drop at once The same Author affirms in another place that whatever Bramma hath decreed for Mankind that will happen to him and if any one be poor it is by his appointment For saith he he hath appointed the Winds to feed the Serpents and the Grass for Beasts whereby it appears that this Bramma is the principal who hath some others under him to whom he commits the care of some peculiar Places but these are not accounted Gods but onely Geweta's or Angels The most eminent of them is a Dewendre who bears great sway and is chief over all the Heads of the eight Worlds to seven whereof they say those that have liv'd well here go after their Decease and are all commanded by Dewendre otherwise call'd Indre as the supream Governor besides whom every Place hath a peculiar Tutelary Angel who Commands one of the eight Worlds which are plac'd above the Earth Next follow the foremention'd eight Worlds lying between ours and Bramma-lokon that is The Residence of Bramma the one in the North the other in the South the Brahmans call them as followeth viz. the first Indre-Lokon where Dewendre or Indre hath his Residence the second Achmi-Lokon the third Jamma-Lokon which is Hell wherein the Wicked are punish'd the fourth Niauti-Lokon the fifth Warronna-Lokon the sixth Cubera-Lokon the seventh Wajouvia and the eighth Isangja-Lokon But these Worlds are not such as we inhabit onely places of happiness like the Elysian Fields Besides the care which these Governors have of their peculiar Places they have other Concerns to look after viz. Achmi hath the Charge over the Fire Warrouna commands the Waters Wajouvia the Wind Cubera Riches c. Some account this Bramma to be the same with Pythagoras and accordingly the Brahmans have some Books which they firmly believe to be Pythagoras's own Works which agrees with what Jarchas according to Philostratus told Apollonius Thyaneus viz. That the Indians believ'd that which Pythagoras taught them concerning the Soul and instructed the Egyptians therein But Diogenes Laertius who writ the Life of Pythagoras makes mention in no
which might defile them by touching any dead thing neither as they believe can the Devil approach any that wear it The Water Tiertum they say cleanses them from all their sins which they have committed from their very Childhood When the Brahmans have thus wash'd and mark'd themselves they sprinkle a little Tiertum towards those that are near them and burn some Myrrh These Ceremonies perform'd they go again to their Idol strew Flowers upon him or else Toleje setting Meat that is dress'd for them before it for they are not allow'd to eat any Meat but what hath first been plac'd before the Idol After Dinner they cleanse themselves again Towards the Evening before the Sun set they wash and mark their Bodies as before and also say their Japon that is naming God twenty four several times and throw Water upon the Ground in honor of the Sun as in the Morning In this manner the Brahmans are by their Law oblig'd to behave themselves though many of them give themselves more liberty Those which do not perform all these ceremonies in stead of their Heads wash their Bodies and in stead of their Bodies their Hands and Feet but are by no means to neglect the repeating of Gods Name twenty four times nor the Tiertum yet if onely one Person in a House performs the foremention'd Ceremonies it is sufficient and look'd upon as if every individual Person had perform'd the Service The ridiculous Tale of Gasjendre Mootsjam The History of Gasjendre Mootsjam which the Brahmans Sing in the Morning doth briefly declare that the Heads of the Elephants are preserv'd for Gasjen signifies an Elephant Indre a Head and Mootsjam Preserv'd or Preservation of which they tell this ridiculous Fable viz. In the Sea which they call The Milky Sea is a Mountain call'd Tricoweta Parwatam very high and ten thousand Leagues broad with three Spires the first of Gold the second of Silver and the third of Iron each adorn'd with all manner of Precious Stones a Deweta call'd Indre Doumena who with a Charriot travell'd through the Heavens and all the World as swift as the Wind coming upon this Mountain to a Lake Bath'd himself with his Wives when at the same instant there pass'd by a Mouswara who are accounted a holier People than the Deweta's of whom the Deweta taking no notice so highly incens'd the Mouswara that he passionately said You shall become an Elephant and instead of your Wives You shall converse with the Elephants whereupon the Deweta terrifi'd with this Saying not onely shew'd him Reverence but begg'd his pardon for his neglect yet nevertheless he was transform'd on the Mountain into an Elephant and had ten Lack-Coti of Females each Lack is a hundred thousand and every Coti a hundred Lack with whom he liv'd a long time without fear of Lyons Tygers or other ravenous Beasts nevertheless it hapned that a Crocodile took fast hold of the Deweta's Foot as he was drinking out of the Lake in the shape of in Elephant yet after much pulling he got loose again but was afterwards seiz'd by the same Crocodile as he came to drink a second time and held so fast that the Deweta spent two thousand years in striving with the Crocodile whose power being in his own Element the Water still increas'd whil'st that of the Elephant decreas'd but when the Deweta was almost quite tir'd out Witsnow passing by on Garrouda came to him and gave him his Weapon call'd Jeckeram which was richly set with Precious Stones wherewith striking he broke the Crocodile's Head and immediately fell down and shew'd Reverence to Wistnow who seeing of him weary touch'd him and thereby restor'd him to his former strength and shape A vain Conceit of the Brahmans The Brahmans affirm also that God himself spake to them saying Those which read these your Histories daily shall have forgiveness of their sins for which words and promise of God they read the History of Gasjendre Mootsjam every Morning The Brahmans and other Indians never Let-blood when they fall sick though the abundance of Blood be the occasion thereof but they make their Patients Fast several days not permitting them to eat the least bit of any thing They Pray over the Dead When any one lies a dying a Brahman reads several Prayers by the Bed side for which he receives Alms from the sick Persons Relations whil'st the dying Man calls upon the Name of God till his Speech fail but if the sick Person dies with the Name of God in his Mouth not breathing afterwards he is certainly suppos'd to go immediately to Heaven for God according to their Vedam or Law-Book promises to be with those in their greatest extremity that call upon his Name If a Person that lies a dying hath not lost his Reason he asks his Wife if she will accompany him after his Death she according to the Custom of the Countrey is oblig'd not to refuse for the Women when they enter into the state of Matrimony promise to their Husbands in the presence of a Brahman and before the Fire Homam that they will never forsake them They also believe that a Woman cannot live after her Husband without great sin except she hath Children for whose sake she may be spar'd and if she seem to be afraid to leap into the Fire she cannot beforc'd for no honest Woman that loves her Husband will refuse it their Vedam affirming it the duty and part of an honest Woman to delight in all things that her Husband delights in and not to despise that though it be bad which pleases her Husband and to this purpose to work the more upon their easie Beliefs they tell us this fabulous Story viz. One Draupeti who in her life-time was a very religious Woman was withal affectionately loving to her Husband being never displeas'd at him although he had spent his whole Estate and so weakned his Body that he was no longer able to visit his Strumpets yet his inclinations were still such that he declar'd he could not live unless he might see his Mistresses whereupon Draupeti out of extraordinary affection taking him one Night on her Shoulders carry'd him to his Concubines but going along in the Dark she unawares ran against a Stake on which a holy Man nam'd Galowa sat and hit him with such force that she overturn'd and hurt him whereupon he cry'd He that did me this Injury let him die before the Sun rises which Draupeti hearing and pitying her Husband said Then let not the Sun rise and so it hapned the Sun not rising for several years after Hereupon the People pray'd to Indre and Deweta to permit the Sun to rise but they either could or would not grant their Request Then they address'd themselves to Bramma who with the Deweta's went to the fore-mention'd Woman saying What will you have and we will satisfie you that the Sun may rise whereto she reply'd The Sun may rise but I desire my
Husband which last word Husband she repeated five times whereupon they answer'd This shall be done in the other Life then she immediately dy'd and the Sun arose the next day as before Liverty given to Women A Woman may Dress her self when her Husband is from home or be merry during his absence but she must die with her Husband or presently after and in confirmation of this some Brahmans maintain that the Women ought to hold their Husbands in so great esteem that they must be the first thing in their thoughts and spend their whole time in studying how to oblige them telling them that though they spend their time without one thought of God yet it is no sin especially if they will die with them A Brahman's Funeral When a Brahman is dead and his Body brought to the place where it is to be burnt they wash their Hands and lay each a little Rice on the Deceased's Mouth which done they wash their Hands a second time then a Beteani which is a Perrea one of those which beat on small Drums when a Corps is to be burn'd goes thrice about the Body which is laid on a Pyle of Wood and afterwards makes an Oration to the People after his manner speaking earnestly in the Name of the Deceased alledging that he Governs over all young and old rich and poor and that those which do good in their life-time shall be requited after their Death and those that do ill shall meet with the same But all the Bodies of the Brahmans are not burnt but some are bury'd Likewise the Bodies of the Wistnowa's and Smarta's are always burnt but those of the Seivia's and Sanjasies are bury'd The two first give this Reason for the burning of their Bodies viz. because the Fire purifies the Souls from sin for those that have serv'd Wistnow never so faithfully are not wholly free from sin and therefore must on necessity be purifi'd by Fire The Defunct whether those which are to be bury'd or burnt are in some places clad in rich Apparel as if living and sitting in a Sedan and so carry'd to the place of Interment the Sedan being open before that the Corps may be seen behind follow several Persons carrying Vessels of Oyl which are to be thrown into the Fire with the Body A Woman may not Marry after her Husbands Death A Woman is not permitted to Marry after her Husbands Death but the Man may neither will any Marry her because she would be accounted Dishonest to have had two Husbands These severe and strict Laws prove very prejudicial to young Widows who being cautious to preserve their Reputation by continuing single do privately prostitute themselves to People of another Religion or to any else others on the contrary abhorring so wicked a Life suffer themselves to be burnt with their Husbands dead Body which is done after this manner How she is burnt with his Corps As soon as the Breath is departed out of the Man's Body if his Wife hath resolv'd to follow him at his death they immediately make ready all Necessaries thereto belonging for then the Woman cannot go back from her word of recall her promise if she be a Brahmans Wife she is carry'd to the Funeral Pyle in a handsom Sedan under a Canopy accompany'd by all her Friends who encourage and extol her resolution present her with Betel and delight her Ears with the noise of Cymbals and Drums The Settrea's and Soudra's mix their Betel which they give to the Woman with a certain Powder which takes away all apprehensions of fear and makes them courageous and bold but this is never done by the Brahmans they being not permited to force perswade or use any means to a Woman to gain her consent to be burn'd If she be of the Family of the Settrea's or Soudra's then she carries a Lemmon in one Hand and a Looking-glass in the other but if of the Brahmans or Weinsja's Tribe onely a few red Flowers such as they strew in the Pagodes on their Idols and have already been Offer'd to them Coming to the place where her Husband is to be burn'd she first go's to a Pool of Water to wash her self giving away her Jewels if she hath any after which a Brahman says a Prayer this done and the Woman having put on a yellow Garment she goes with great joy to the place from whence she is to leap into the Fire which is made of glowing Coals in a deep Pit and that she may not be terrifi'd with the sight of the Fire they put Mats quite round to prevent her looking into it At the side of the Pit is a little rising Ascent made on which she sits down against the Mats and takes leave of her Relations and Friends who still encourage her Undertaking Lastly having thus taken her leave she throws a Pilang or Pestle with which she us'd to stamp Rice a small Ricepot and the like Kitchin Utensils over the Mat into the Fire poures also a Pot of Oyl over her Head and Body whereupon the mat being taken away she suddenly leaps with the Pot of Oyl into the Fire round about which stand divers People with great pieces of Wood in their Hands which they throw upon her as soon as she is in the Fire and cover her therewith above a Man's heighth Thus the Women of the Settrean Weinsja's and Soudrean Tribes come to their ends but those of the Brahmans endure far greater pain viz. they leap not into the Fire but are laid on a Pyle of Wood by their dead Husbands as if they were to sleep by them then they lay over them a great heap leaving onely their Heads bare on which they pour Oyl and other such combustible stuff Not allow'd amongst the Mahumetans This Burning is not allow'd in those Countreys which are under the Mahumetans unless the Governor of the Countrey gives consent thereto who first examines the Person whether she be willing which if he find then he gives permission Neither is this Custom at all observ'd except amongst People of great Quality who are more exact in preserving their Honor than other People for Noblemens Wives account it a great testimony of their love and fidelity to their Husbands to be burnt with their dead Bodies Others are carry'd on Horseback about the Towns in State with a Lemmon in one Hand and a Looking-glass in the other in which they look as they ride and in a mournful tone sing certain Elegies whil'st many other Men and Women follow them on foot over her Head they carry an Umbrella after the Custom of the Countrey and before her walk several beating on Drums In all their Passage they shew a pleasant and undaunted Countenance not shedding one Tear expressing more sorrow for the death of their Husbands than their own and seeming more joyful to go to him in the other World than sorry to leave this But some chuse to be burnt alive with him after
of Brandy out of Dates Sugar and Palm-wine Persons of Quality in the Mogol's Countrey drink Chirassan Wine for they have no Wine of their own there being no Vines planted in all India They take strong Tobacco and chew Betel Most of the Indians take very strong Tobacco but after a peculiar manner agreeing most with the Persians All Indians likewise as well Moors as Pagans constantly chew the Betel Leaf with Areca and a little Chalk or Ashes of burnt Oyster-shells Have good skill in Herbs The Pagan Indians especially those of Zuratte and the Coast of Cormandel have extraordinary understanding in the nature of Herbs knowing how to distinguish the good from the bad for as these People according to the Pythagorean manner do not eat of any thing that hath Life but onely Roots and Herbs so they know by daily experience how to distinguish the eatable Herbs from the medicinal or venomous The Indians never use any Table-cloths but in stead thereof lay a great Leaf of the Tree Mauz which also serves them for Dishes and Trenchers neither do they use Spoons but wholly make use of their Hands and Fingers They commonly wear Jewels and Pendants in both Ears especially all the Idolaters who also highly esteem all Strangers or Christians that wear them Their Apparel The Apparel of the Indians is for the most part of Cotton or Callico either fine or course according to every ones Quality for Linnen they wear none because India produces no Flax. These Clothes are put on over their bare Skins and from the Middle upwards serve at once for Vest and Shirt being very narrow at top wide at bottom and reaching down to their Knees From the Middle downwards they wear a pair of Drawers of the same Stuff which reaching below their Legs touches their Feet All the Indian Women who for the most part are swarthy and have long Legs but short Bodies go barefoot both at home and abroad Women of Quality have commonly great Umbrella's carry'd over their Heads to keep off the Sun As to what concerns the Men some go barefoot others that are of higher Degree either wear Slippers or Sandals but in most places they go barefoot Their Sandals are very easie because of the extraordinary Heat of the Countrey They wear likewise according to the Custom of their Predecessors very long Hair quite contrary to the manner of the Mahumetans who shave it all off as also the lower part of their Beards On their Heads they wear a fine Turbant flat on the top and almost square The whitest People generally wear a Turbant whipt with divers colour'd Ribbons upon a white Ground and sometimes also Gold Their Girdles are of white Cotton but the richer sort have silken ones stitch'd with Gold They ride on Horseback with a Simitar by their Sides a Shield about their Necks and a little broad Dagger sticking at their Girdle They anoint their Bodies The Indians both Men and Women anoint their Bodies against the heat of the Sun as also to make their Joynts nimble and pliable This Ointment is made by the Women of all the sorts of Sandal Wood pulveris'd the Leaves of Chanpock the Flowers Mogori of each a handful Camphire so much as will give it a scent all these Ingredients being ground like Colours are mix'd with Oyl of Coco-nuts or Roses which is brought thither from Persia and made thick like Paste and though these People look very strangely with this Ointment as if colour'd with Saffron yet the smell thereof is very pleasant For the same purpose also they make another Ointment of the Flowers of a certain Tree which is not very high and hath Leaves like a Peach-Tree both Leaves and Flowers are by the Indians call'd Sampaga otherwise Champacka and Champe which are of great esteem amongst them for the Indians especially the Moors are extraordinary lovers of sweet and pleasant Smells and chiefly those of Flowers wherefore there are scarce any Women that walk along the Streets but wear those or the like Flowers in their Hair to render them the more acceptable to their Husbands or Suitors Through all India are likewise highly esteem'd the Leaves of a Tree by the Arabians call'd Alcanna of which we have spoken before at large Moreover in the hot Seasons Persons of Quality whether lying on their Floors or sitting have several Servants stand by them who continually fan them with Leather Fans with which they not onely cool them but also keep off the Flies whil'st they cause their Barbers to rub their Backs Shoulders and other parts of their Bodies so to cause the motion of the Blood Places of Recreation Their places of Recreation consist in Woods and Orchards in which grow many pleasant Fruit-trees as also in their Gardens wherein amongst other Plants grow small Vines which bear extraordinary sweet and delicious Grapes which they eat green or dry'd for Wine they make none because most People by their Law dare not drink any There are also many Pomegranate-trees besides divers other excellent Flowers In the middle of their Gardens are livers Springs or Fountains which are considerably rais'd above the Ground From these Springs the Water is convey'd through narrow open Channels for they know not the use of Leaden Pipes to all parts of the Garden in the droughty Season of the Year Moreover there are round Cisterns to Bathe in rais'd up and pav'd with Free-stone and cover'd with fine Plaister The Furniture of their Houses very mean In their Houses they have neither Stools Tables Beds or Bedsteads for all their Ornaments consist in the Floors which are made very even of fine Earth or Plaister on which they lay rich Carpets as well in their Houses as in their Tents laying a worse Cloth underneath to preserve the other On these they sit both when they eat and drink after the Eastern manner with their Legs across under them and without their Sandals which are left off partly for neatness and partly to keep their Feet cool They also sleep in the Night on these Carpets or else on a hard Quilt or Hammock call'd Cot but whereever they lay themselves to sleep they stretch themselves out to their full length and for the most part lie on their Backs without either Pillow or Bolster under their Heads The common People sleep on the Floor in the dry Season of the Year covering themselves from Head to Foot with a white Cotton Cloth so that they appear like dead Bodies laid out The Hammocks or Cots hang by two Ropes a little above the Floor which being made fast at four corners are by the Servants mov'd to and again to rock them asleep They go always Arm'd The Indian Pagans as well as Mahumetans go always Arm'd whether walking in the City or way travelling with a Sword Shield Bowe and Arrows nay perform all manner of Offices though in their own Houses thus Arm'd never leaving their Armor off but when
they go to sleep How Persons of Quality live Persons of Quality live after a noble manner and when they are either in a Coach or on Horseback cause a Taffaty Flag to be carry'd before them The priviledge of the Inhabitants here is very great in this point for not onely great Persons but also every private Man of what Countrey or Religion soever may live at as high a rate as he pleases and imitate the King in his Fashions if he fancy them and his Estate be able to maintain it Every one that is able keeps a great number of Servants wherefore most of them live like Lords which they may easily maintain partly because the King notwithstanding he sees his Subjects richly Cloth'd and that they live with a great Retinue like Princes which have great Revenues yet he lets them live in quiet and undisturb'd never taking any thing from them though it justly belongs to him because the Indians are naturally inclin'd thereto for by reason of the abundance of mean People and cheapness of Provisions they may live nobly for a small matter allowing a Servant not above three Ropia's a Moneth each Ropias being 2 s. 6 d. Sterl to buy him Provisions and Clothes with There are likewise an innumerable company of Slaves which cost little or nothing the keeping for they wear nothing but a white Cotton Coat which is very cheap and eat little else but Rice and Fish a very common Food in this Countrey so that with small charge they can keep a great Family and the rather because the Commodities and Goods which are made by the Inhabitants are many and the increase of their Land by reason of its extraordinary fruitfulness almost incredible The Women good Dancers The Women are very expert in Dancing to the sound of divers Bells and other such like Instruments on which the Men play In Zuratte and divers other places in India are several Women-Dancers who are hir'd to Dance for Money having Rings about their Legs Strings of Pearl about their Necks and many other rich Ornaments Some also wear Breast-plates of Leather almost round like a Shield beset with Precious Stones and the like which glitter exceedingly in the Sun The Chans and other Nobles cause the foremention'd Dancers to Dance before them after Meals either to their own Voices or to the sound of a Cymbal and Tumbeck which is a kind of Tabor and two small Drums These People go stark naked from one City to another nay through the whole Countrey and sometimes to the Borders of other Countreys and maintain themselves onely by Dancing and Singing They wear gilded Rings on their Fingers Toes and in their Noses and each of them five gilded Copper Rings and two red Silk Armlets with Gold Buttons below their Elbows on their Arms. After the same manner they adorn their Legs also These Women besides their Dancing prostitute themselves to all those who desire them Their Games and Pastimes The Indians especially the Mogolleans spend much of their time in Hawking and for that purpose keep several sorts of great and small Hawks Their Dogs with which they Hunt are as Terry tells us like our Greyhounds though much smaller but Peruschi affirms that they have no Hunting Dogs but make Leopards and Tygers tame and teach them to Hunt and at one Leap to seize and kill the Game They also carry Guns with them when they go a Hunting and kill their Game with a single Bullet for smaller Shot they have none They are very expert in Shooting with a Bowe and Arrow their Bowes are made of Buffalo's Horns and their Arrows of Canes with which they shoot Birds flying and Beasts as they run at full speed The wild Fowl which keep in the Water they catch after a subtil manner viz. a Man going into he Water with an artificial Bird of the same kind which he designs to take imitates its Voice whil'st he swims under Water in such a manner that the artificial Bird being on the Crown of his Head appears just above the Water by which means coming near the Birds he pulls them down by the Legs and takes as many of them as he pleases As to what concerns their Pastime within their Houses they have Cards though differing from ours in the Pictures and in the number they also are expert in playing at Draughts They delight very much in the company of Quacks Juglers and the like the Quacks carrying poysonous Serpents in Baskets and suffering themselves to be bitten or stung by them at their pleasures the stung part swelling they immediately cure the same with Oyl and certain Powders which they lay thereupon afterwards proffering to sell the same Medicaments to the Spectators Juglers Their Juglers also are very dexterous in their Art and do strange things by the sleight of Hand viz. they set Dishes or wide open Baskets on the Ground three or four one above another which seem to be all empty as they set them down but in the taking them up one after another there seems to be living Birds in them either Turtle-doves or others which they seemingly cover again with the same Dishes turning them backwards and forwards as if they took them away the Birds being afterwards no more to be seen the Spectators not being able to discern either how they are brought thither or taken away The manner of the Great Mogol's Hunting The Great Mogol often goes a Hunting with a thousand sometimes two thousand Men. About Agra and Dely along the Stream Gemna as far as the Mountains as also on each side of the High-way which runs to Lahor is a large quantity of untill'd Land some parts are wooddy others overgrown with Grass of a Man's heighth In all these places are many Game-keepers who go from place to place to prevent Hunting or Hawking there except for Partridges Quails and Hares which the Indians catch in Gins or Snares so that there are abundance of wild Beasts in all places When these Keepers of the Game know that the King or Mogol is in the Field a Hunting and near their Station they acquaint the chief Master Huntsman with the quality of the Beast which is Hunted and where there are most of them whereupon all the Avenues to that place are guarded that Travellers may not go through that place but pass by on one side or other They Hunt several Beasts as Gazelles What Beasts they chiefly Hunt Nilgaux or grey Oxen Lyons Cranes and others They Hunt Gazelles with tame Leopards after this manner When they discover a Herd of Gazelles for they commonly graze five or six in a company they unchain the Leopard that lay Chain'd in a little Wagon where they are kept he being let loose doth not immediately run at them but goes creeping along to hide himself till the Gazelles passing by he leaps with incredible swiftness upon them and seizing one of them strangles the same satisfying himself by onely sucking the Blood
Valiant Massaaan Boyling Miniehi Singing Pingan A Dish or Platter Ecot A Tail Lari To shun or avoid Macanan Spittle Negri A City Cuntsican To whistle Basiudi To play Molam In the Evening Tombo Pounding Maganti A Cobweb Baiki Sending Connyt Saffron Pandecan Striking on an Anvil Pande bissi A Smith Totan To be indebted Becatta Saying Jemma Sunday Tydon Sleeping Timor Sweet Tompa To spill Tsiusi Pure or clean Gapit Snuffers Calmari Since yesterday Pande contsi A Lock-maker Gyla Folly Brossu A stink Ini brossu To stink Baiparas Fair. Sappangan A Piece Mansuiri To stick Caiu A Stick Antra To play Paian The Sight Coran Small Barat Heavy Sadab To taste Pangali A Spade Caersia baiki To furnish Sompa To swear Tsiarri To tear Battu A Stone Jurtilis A Secretary Tidor To sleep Fellimo A Sheet Andrior To melt Becatta To speak Terran To shine Prande rebor A Musician Boatsiamar To defile Romal A Napkin Suruan Sending Matti Dying Barnan Swimming Cappal A Ship Oran tua paran A Mariner Antrante To spin Itam Black Gallam To stop Campon manaro To save Dosa Sin Pucol To beat Jalan The Street Marri Tearing Tiaermin A Looking-glass Malon Disgracing Manys Sweet Addeparapas A Sister Doduer To look Baon The Shoulders Dyem To be silent Apon Fair. Matary Salt Peca Silver Tehylacca Sin Corni Business or Affairs Negle Steel Bantatan Dying Pienning A Dish Goethieng A pair of Scissers Calvenetten To pin Padang A Sword Salwacke A Shield Pockul To stand Byte secate I am sick Cras Strong Domba A Sheep Prau A Boat Dia She. Gergafien To saw Lear de caesia To look in a Glass The Speech the same but the Character different According to Della Valle all the Provinces in India have one and the same Language though peculiar Letters for notwithstanding that the Language or Speech is understood in divers Countreys yet the Characters are different The Learned sort or Brahmans have a Language and Letters by Kircher call'd Nagher which being accounted Sacred is onely known to their Tribe or Family and us'd amongst them as Latine amongst the Learned in Europe Their Characters are fair and large taking up much room They also differ much from the Letters us'd by the Benjan Merchants in Surat According to Mr. Edward Terry the Vulgar Tongue of the Countrey of Indostan hath great Affinity with the Persian and Arabian Tongues but is pleasanter and easier to pronounce It is a very fluent Language expressing many things in few words They write and read like us viz. from the Left to the Right Hand The Court-Language is wholly Persian In India and the Countreys under the Mogol's Jurisdiction the Persian Tongue is more common Indian being generally spoken by the Nobility at Court and us'd in all Publick Businesses and Writings which cannot seem strange to any considering the Mogollean Princes have their Extract from Tartary and Samarcand whence the Persian Tongue was first brought The Vulgar Mahumetans Peruschi tells us speak the Turkish Tongue but not so eloquently as the natural born Turks Learned Persons and Mahumetan Priests speak the Arabick in which the Alcoran and other Books are written The Malayan Tongue much us'd But no Language extends further and is of greater use than the Malayan so call'd from the City Malacka from whence it hath its Original It is spoken in all the Isles lying in the Straights of Sunda and through the adjacent Countrey but especially us'd by Merchants Linschot tells us That many People of divers Nations which came to build the City and settle in Malacka made this peculiar Language of all the other Indian Tongues consisting of the most pleasing Words and neatest manner and way of speaking of all other the Neighboring People which makes this Language to be the best and most eloquent of all India and also the most useful and easiest to learn For there is not one Merchant which comes from the neighboring Countreys to Trade here but learns this Tongue The Netherland East-India Company have lately printed a Dictionary of the Common Discourse in that Tongue as also the New Testament and other Books in the same Language Moreover the Holland Ministers in their several Factories in India teach in the Malayan Tongue not onely in their Churches but Schools also The Creation of the World in Ten Bodily Appearances of Wistnow or Mahadeu The Creation of the World THe Creation of the World as we have already mention'd the Brahmans ascribe to one Bramma by the Power given him from Wistnow or Mahadeu But these People rest not in the making of one for they form divers imaginary Worlds which in the form of an Egg drive on the Water which being without the Principal World is God himself as shall be declared hereafter more at large Some have not stuck to affirm That Bramma made fourteen Worlds agreeing with the Parts of Humane Bodies viz. the first and uppermost Celestial World out of the Brain the second out of the Eyes the third out of the Mouth the fourth out of the Left Ear the fifth out of the Roof of the Mouth the sixth out of the Heart the seventh out of the Belly the eighth out of the Privities the ninth out of the Left Thigh the tenth out of the Knees the eleventh out of the Legs the twelfth out of the Toes of the Right Foot the thirteenth out of the Toes of the Left Foot and the fourteenth out of the Air round about him Out of these Worlds he also created Man according to the qualities of Humane Bodies viz. Out of the first he created Men with Prudence and Understanding out of the second with Conduct in Transitory things out of the third good Orators out of the fourth subtile and crafty People out of the fifth Gluttons and debauch'd Persons out of the sixth Noble and Famous Men out of the seventh Slovens and Ill-natur'd out of the eighth Lascivious and Venerial Humorists out of the ninth Handicrafts and Husband-men out of the tenth Gard'ners and Rusticks out of the eleventh poor Laborers out of the twelfth Murderers Robbers and Thieves out of the thirteenth Oppressors of the Poor and out of the fourteenth People endued with all manner of excellent qualities In this manner they describe the great Bramma Creator of so many People and Worlds which they believe so firmly in every particular that they represent his Image in all their Pagodes or Temples with a Circle on every of the foremention'd Parts in stead of a World The World as we said before they affirm to drive on the Waters in the form of an Egg which incloses Heaven Earth and Hell In this Egg they also know how to find the fourteen Parts of the World Under the Earth they place Patalam that is The Infernal Pit above it the Surgam that is Heaven or Brammar-Lokon and above that Kailosom Lilaweicontam and Weicontam in which three last Places they say God himself resides The Earth or Globe of the
and to throw the same into the Sea and further that they should cause therein such violent emotions as should force it to throw up and disgorge that Wealth which was the occasion of its Pride Whereupon Mahadeu himself assisted on Bramma's side and the Deytes or Giants on the other so moved the Sea by shaking this Mountain that first it threw up the Money call'd Lecseny secondly the invaluable Jewel Consenchmany or a Carbuncle which in the night gives as great a Light as the Moon Thirdly the Tree Paersatich Fourthly her Silver Pot with the Water Sora Fifthly the Physician Dannewanter Sixthly Indema or the Moon Sevently the white Cow of Superfluity Camdoga Eighthly the Water of Everlasting Life call'd Ammaril Ninthly the Elephant with seven Trunks call'd Hierawanesti Tenthly the beautiful dancing Maid Remba Eleventhly the seven-headed Horse Exmognogora Twelfthly the Bowe Dennock Thirteenthly the Horn Sank And lastly the Poyson Sahar The Sea having by this great motion vomited up all these things became very calm Whereupon Mahadeu commanded the Mountain Meerparwat to be carried again to its place and left the Serpent Signage or Soesja to perform the same Then giving the conquer'd Treasures to several Countreys and People he return'd to Heaven Thus Kaurams Altar ended having lasted in the first Age 2500 Years Waras or Warrahas Altar the third WHen in the First Age the World was wholly spoil'd and no Belief amongst Men the Serpent Signage or Seesja with a hundred Heads who supported the World fainted through the weight of the Peoples sins insomuch that not being able to bear the same up any longer he went from it and thereby turning the whole World topsie-turvey at last thrust it into a bottomless Sea where all the Creatures were drown'd Thereupon Bramma the four-headed God implor'd Wistnow to fetch the World out of the bottomless Water and place it on the dry Land again Mahadeu's strange shape in his third appearance Mahadeu consenting to his Request descended in the following Shape viz. He had a Head like a Hog with two mighty Tusks bigger than those of an Elephant a Body like a Man with four Arms and Hands in one of which he held the great and terrible Sword Godda and on the first Finger of the other Hand a Ring in the third the before-mention'd great Horn which they call Sank and in the fourth the Book Kittaep In this manner Mahadeu descended first no bigger than a Dwarf but grew ere long to that horrible bigness before he came quite down that had the Earth been above the Waters and he stood upon it he would undoubtedly have touch'd the Heavens with his Head In this horrid Shape he div'd into the Deep where he kill'd the Monstrous Giant Hirnacks or Hirnacas which colour'd the whole Sea as red as Blood and Mahadeu made him his Footstool to tread on and striking his Tusks into the World pull'd up the same out of the Waters and calling the Tortoise and thousand-headed Serpent Signage to him he plac'd the Tortoise above the Waters and upon the Tortoise the Serpent Signage and above him the World This done he ascended again into Heaven and with one word Bramma created new Men. The Brahmans and other Tribes of the Indians seem highly to esteem this Appearance of Wistnow in the shape of a Man with four Arms and a Hogs Head for in the City Trimottam about Zinzi is a Pagode or Temple call'd Adi Warraha in which a Hogs head stands to publick view which the Brahmans affirm grew out of the Ground and worship as the Image of Wistnow in commemoration of his Birth in that shape Above Wistnow or Mahadeu sits the fair dancing Maid Remba with her Legs across under her The Giant Hirnacs representation The Giant Hirnacs lying under Mahadeu's Feet is represented in the shape of a horrible Demon with two Horns on his Haed mighty great Ears and bristly Hair on his Forehead and the Crown of his Head Cross his left Shoulder hangs a Black String his Body from Head to Foot full of bloody Spots His Fingers are like those of a Man but his Toes are rather Claws Thus ended Waras Altar having lasted 2700 Years in the First Age. Narsings Altar the Fourth WHen in the First Age the Giant Hirrenkessep had by great Penance and Religious Exercises moved Bramma the four-headed God to appear unto him and had obtain'd his Request he ask'd him what he desir'd whereto Hirrenkessep replied Hirenkessep's Request to Bramma Most powerful Bramma make me by your Favours a Monarch and mighty Prince on Earth and thereby grant that I may never be kill'd either by Heaven Earth Water Sun Moon Planets Clouds Wind Hail Snow Rain Thunder Lightning Birds Beasts Fishes Men Devils Serpents Adders Poyson Swords Arrows nor by any other Weapons neither without my House nor within it by Day nor by Night All which Bramma promising him the Giant Hirrenkessep raised himself and left off imploring Bramma any longer but marching into the Field conquer'd many Towns and Countreys and by Degrees subdu'd the whole World Which done he publish'd an Edict His Edict whereby he commanded all Men on pain of death to worship no Deity but him onely and that all those which should be found to do the contrary should die without mercy Waras of Warrahas autaer de derde Narsings autaer de vierde Wamans autaer de vyfde Mahadeu having perform'd all this in three days ascended up to Heaven again and so ended the fourth Altar in the first Age Cortesingke after a Reign of seventeen hundred twenty eight thousand years in which hapned all the foremention'd Wonders And notwithstanding the time of these Miracles doth not amount to more in all than seventy seven hundred years and three days yet it is to be understood that the seventeen hundred and twenty thousand years and three hundred and sixty two days were expir'd before between and after the Miracles Vanam's Altar the Fifth begins with the second Age Tretrsingke MAhadeu in the first Age had plac'd a Ragia Inder in Heaven to Govern the happy Souls as a Reward for his pious Life and continual Offerings which whil'st he liv'd on Earth he made every day in honor of Mahadeu with promise mo●●over that he should enjoy that place till some body else should exceed him for he had made a hundred Siasjas which are costly Offerings in honor of Mahadeu and besides all that forsook his Estate Wife and Children nay his own Life and spent all his time in Fasting and Praying Moreover in this second Age was born a Bell Ragia who growing up to a Youth betook himself to the reading of holy Books and amongst many other things read that a King was plac'd in Heaven to Govern the happy Souls till such time as some one should exceed him as abovesaid Since which this Ragia being a powerful King to exceed Ragia Inder in Piety spent whole days in searching and reading of holy Books nor
Arrow who by that means was bereav'd of all his Strength insomuch that he was afterwards no more than an ordinary Brahman Thus with Prasseram's Power also ended his Altar after a Reign of a thousand years after which Ram's Altar immediately commenc'd Ram's or Ram Kata's otherwise Dajeratha Rama's Altar the Seventh Rams of Ram Katas anders Dajerratha Ramas autaer de zevende There was at the same time in the Countrey of Assouthan a Ragia or King call'd Dasserat who had three Wives one of which nam'd Consila bore him a fair Son which by the Brahmans was call'd Wissote Ram who grew up in extraordinary Wisdom and Knowledge The second Wife Keggy bore a Son nam'd Barrat the third nam'd Sonnettry bare two Sons the one call'd Lekkerman and the other Setteroukan Ram was by the Brahman Wismawerter instructed in all Arts and Sciences in which he made so great a progress that after many extraordinary Atchievements he went up to Heaven and left his Authority to Hanneman a great Ape who had been his Assistant on Earth to whom he promis'd that he should be immortal that consecrated a Pagode in honor of him and that he would always protect his Servants on Earth This concluded the whole work of Ram's Altar and also the Tretangke or second Age which had lasted one Million two hundred sixty nine thousand years of which Ram had Reign'd two thousand years For the good Services done by the Apes to Ram in his time they are held in great veneration by the Indians and in the Kingdoms of Pegu Ceilon and other Places they set up several Figures of Apes in their Pagodes and this is affirm'd by Linschot who saith That in former Ages there was no greater nor more precious a Relick in all India than an Apes Tooth which being tipt with Gold and beset with Precious Stones was kept in a Pagode on the Mountain Piko d' Adam on the Island Ceilon to which place the Indians went in Pilgrimage from all places thereabouts nay some came thither out of several Countreys lying four or five hundred Leagues from thence The Portuguese coming to this Island about the Year 1555. to assist the lawful King who was depos'd by a Rebel they went up the foremention'd Mountain where ruining the Pagode they found nothing else but a small Cabinet full of Precious Stones and the Apes Tooth all which they carrry'd to Goa which when the Kings of Ceilon Bengala Bisnagar and others heard they sent Agents to the Portuguese Vice-Roy at Goa to request the restauration of the Tooth proffering as a Ransom for the same besides many Presents a Sum of seven thousand Ducats of Gold which upon the perswasion of the Arch-bishop was refus'd by the Portuguese who burnt the Tooth and threw the Ashes into the Sea Kistnas or Cristnas or Krexno the eighth Altar IN the beginning of the third Age Duapersingke a Ragia call'd Cans otherwise Campsa of the Family Brommerakkes who are a degree above the Deytes in the City Mottara lying about twenty or twenty five Miles beyond Agra the Court and Metropolis of the Great Mogol near the River Siemmena or Jemni This Ragia having a young Sister call'd Denki otherwise Deweki whose time being according to the Custom of the Countrey near at hand to be Marry'd he sent through all the City to find a young Man that might deserve her but what care and diligence soever he us'd he could meet with none whom she could fancy wherefore he sent some Persons on the same Errand to the next City Goggel or Gokalam lying three Miles from Agra on the opposite side of the Stream Siemmena The Agents at their return brought word that they had sound a pious Brahman call'd Wassendeu or Wassoudewa whom they judg'd might very well deserve her The Ragia Kans upon their recommendation sending for him gave him his Sister in Marriage and when she had attain'd to the twelfth year of her age and the Brahman to the nineteenth or twentieth the Chan according to Custom shew'd them to all his Subjects after which he commanded Denki and a certain Brahman call'd Naret experienc'd in the Art of Astrology or rather Cheiromancy and lately come into that Countrey to come before him requiring the said Brahman to look in Denkies Hand and to tell him whether she should be fortunate or unfortunate rich or poor have few or many Children be short or long liv'd live joyfully or sorrowfully what degree of Honor she should attain to and in short what would happen to her strictly charging him to declare the plain truth without flattery or dissimulation The Brahman looking into her Hand upon the Kings Command and having view'd the same bespake him after this manner My Lord and King according as the Lines appear here she will be the Mother of seven Children viz. six Sons and one Daughter the last whereof will bereave you of your Life and Crown and Reign in your stead This Prognostication of being destroy'd by his own Blood made the King exceeding sorrowful insomuch that he commanded Denki to depart out of his Presence as not worthy to see his Face nay he gave order to lock her and her Husband up in the Castle and to set strong Guards about the same and commanded all the Midwives that as soon as ever Denki was Deliver'd of a Child it should immediately be brought to him which was accordingly perform'd for no sooner was the unhappy Denki Deliver'd but the Infant was instantly carry'd to her Brother who forthwith kill'd it Thus he did six several times viz. to five Sons and one Daughter and when Denki had Conceiv'd the seventh time and Kans inform'd thereof he caus'd a stricter Guard to be kept upon her than before locking her up in a Chamber with seven Iron Doors and setting a hundred Soldiers to guard them strictly charging them that as soon as they heard the Child cry they should give him notice thereof that he might dispose of it as he had done of the rest In the Moneth Sawanne or Srawanam which is our August on the Day Aerhem being the eighth of the dark Moon the time of her Delivery approaching she was exceedingly troubled to think that this her last Child of which she expected to be Deliver'd should be so cruelly murder'd as all the former had been Sitting thus melancholy she was on a sudden without pain about Midnight deliver'd of a most beautiful Son whose Face was resplendent like the Moon in the Full insomuch that he enlightned the whole Room At this Denki rejoyc'd exceedingly and wondred not a little at her beautiful Son but very much lamented to think what hard fortune was decreed him But Mahadeu who had inspir'd this Child with his Divine Power gave him also Speech so that he comforted his sorrowful Mother with these Words viz. That she should rest satisfied and he would find means to escape his Uncles bloody Hands and also deliver her from her Imprisonment And turning to his Father he
Kings of the Countrey or famous Heroes who for their heroick Exploits were very highly reverenc'd amongst them honoring them as the Greeks and Romans did Jupiter and Mars Mahumetanism professed in some places These divine Heroes are not all one and the same but very different for those on the main Land of India which is under the Great Mogol's Jurisdiction are quite contrary to those in the Kingdom of Coutzyn and in the Countreys lying near the Sea as also others in Pegu Siam China and Japan This is to be concluded from the several Names that differ exceedingly which possibly may arise from the several Languages us'd in the various Countreys where they are worshipped yet nevertheless these Demi-gods are but the same as he who anciently by the Egyptians was worshipp'd by the Name of Osyris was by the Greeks reverenc'd under the Name of Bacchus Their high esteem of Ramna The number of these ancient Heroes amongst the Indians is almost infinite amongst others one nam'd Crusen is highly esteem'd by them but the chiefest of all is Ramo or Ram or Ramna which Name is in such veneration amongst them that they use the same in their Salutations and in stead of bidding one another Farewel at their departure they say Ramo Ramo This Idol is very eminent amongst the Japanners and known by several Names as Sotoqui Siacka Amida and Saka amongst the Chineses by that of Sekia or Saka amongst the Tungkindans by that of Tecka What this Ramo did during his stay on Earth we have already related They have Houshold Gods Besides Ram and many other Gods they make another every New-years-day of some Creature or other every one selecting that which prov'd successful to him on the first day of the new Year They also carefully preserve that thing which they have elected for their Idol in their House and worship it as the Romans their Dii Penates or domestick Gods committing all their Concerns to their discretion About the latter part of the year they repair to the River Ganges to throw their old Idols into it that they may chuse new ones as they had done the year before Idosl giving answer like Oracles In many places of India are also Idols which by the delusion and instigation of the Devil are like Oracles resolving Questions after the same manner as in the time of the Greeks and Romans They make their Demands and speak to them after this manner viz. the Implorer having said several Prayers puts a Flower or any such like thing into the Hands or Bosom of the Idol which they desire either to throw to the right Hand if their Business shall be successful but if not to the left whereupon as they say the Idol immediately casts the Flower to the one or other side according to the intended good or bad success of the Business but if the Idol chance to keep the Flower some time before he throws it away then they desire him not to delay and judge also that the longer he keeps it the more difficult it will be to accomplish their Designs They worship the Sun The Brahmans also worship the Sun when it rises and sets building Pagodes in honor of it wherein they shew Reverence to its Image Good Angels they call Dewetaes and evil Spirits Raetsjasjaes which they believe were begotten by a Man viz. the Brahman Cassiopa who was Father to both his Wives the one call'd Deti Mother of the Dewetaes and the other Aditi or Caddrowawiuneta Mother of the Raetsjasjaes Moreover the Cassiopa before mention'd some suppose to be Adam and Aditi to be Eve for they maintain that Cassiopa was the first Brahman who had a Son by Bramma And as we have already mention'd they do not make God to be the Creator of Mankind but one Bramma whom they affirm to have created nine in the beginning and out of these nine and those which he begot by his Wife Saraswati the whole Generation of Mankind proceeded Outward zeal in Religion they judge very necessary as appears by their following the Commandments written by Bramma wherein consisted according to his testimony the Service of Wistnow and Eswara who require as well the outward Worship as inward Devotion and to that purpose they have these Commandments viz. The Commandments impos'd by the Brahman I. A Man must not be proud but wholly give his Thoughts and Soul to God II. He must remain God's Servant III. He must always be a great Friend to God IV. He must think on his Might and Omnipotence Those which concern their outward Worship are these I. A Man must always be ready to hear any Discourse of God II. He must often call on his Name and speak of his Glory III. He must make use of and perform his Laws according to the Explanation of the Brahmans IV. Their Images they must adorn and beautifie with Ornaments V. Lastly they must worship their Images The Brahmans affirm that those who for a certain time faithfully perform and obey the foremention'd Commandments shall attain to great knowledge nay to that perfection that they shall never need more to observe the outward Ceremonies but do God great Service by onely thinking on him and thereby merit Heaven As to what concerns their outward Worship they first according to the Contents of these Rules build Temples in honor of Wistnow and Eswara which are not onely bigger than those erected for lesser Deities but have also indifferent high Steeples which the other have not And because the Disciples of Wistnow and Eswara are scatter'd through the whole Countrey therefore there is a Pagode in every Town dedicated to these two Deities The several Pagodes of Wistnow and Eswara in the Realm of Carnatica In the Realm of Carnatica the most noted Pagodes are these following which are all dedicated to Wistnow and Eswara In Madure the Pagode Jockenata which is very large and magnificent In Trisinapoli the Pagode Sriringam In Wistow Canje the Pagode Warderason In Trivelour the Pagode Wireragna In Seva Canje the Pagode Ecaubranata in honor of Eswara for Prettevi or the Earth In Triwanacawere the Pagode Jembounateswara consecrated to Eswara for Apou or the Water In Trinamula the Pagode Aranajaleswara in honor of Eswara for Tseejem or the Fire In Calist the Pagode Calist Eswara in honor of Eswara for Waijou or the Wind. In Settamberam the Pagode Settamberam Eswara in honor of the same for Acasjem or the Air. In Tripeti the Pagode Winket Eswara besides more in several places of India Strange things related by the Brahmans of their Pagodes To make these Pagodes esteem'd and reverenced the Brahmans relate strange things of them which make such an impression upon the Minds of the ignorant People that they are thereby mov'd to bestow rich Gifts thereon towards their Maintenance viz. either in honor and praise of the Idol which is erected in the Pagode or else some wonderful or remarkable thing which either hath or
is to happen there At Jembrenata they affirm that a Fruit call'd Nerou Pandou should appear constantly every day at Noon at the Feet or the Idol That at Sirateni about the foremention'd time there grows daily a Flower out of a Stone lying in a Trough full of Water before the Idol Eswara The Pagode at Trisinapoli is become famous by means of an Image standing in the same which is said to have worshipp'd Bramma in Person as we have already related at large Though the Pagodes of Wistnow and Eswara are of a considerable bigness being much larger than those of the lesser Numens yet are they not comparable to the Churches of Europe being very low and flat yet some of them have high Steeples as amongst others the Pagode near Tegnepatram commonly call'd The White Pagode In many places the Pagodes are built in the Fields and are without Windows or Holes so that no Light comes into them but through the Doors so that they are generally very dark they are commonly divided into three Walks the first being a Vault resting on Stone Columns into which any one may come it being always open In it are several Statues of Elephants Oxen Horses c. which are us'd in the Service of the Idol who is often drawn upon them through the Streets of the Cities The second having a strong Gate is open onely in the day-time but the Brahmans who inhabit the same suffer none to come in thither which is generally furnish'd with Images of horrid Shapes as Men with many Heads and Arms. In the third Isle which is lock'd up with a strong Door stand the Images of Wistnow and Eswara They represent their God Wistnow or Mahadeu according to Della Valle in the likeness of a small Stone Column which grows less and less from the bottom upwards The Name Mahadeu amongst the Indians signifies properly Great God whose Vertues they highly extol believing him to be very wonderful adding moreover that whil'st he liv'd on Earth he daily grew bigger and bigger nay that his Image still grows greater as it stands in their Temples They also represent Mahadeu in another Shape of Crystal and make Offerings at his Fet which consist in Milk Oyl Rice and the like They also represent him like a Man but having sixteen Arms on each side Round about the Pagodes is a large inclos'd Plain full of smaller Buildings serving for their lesser Deities In the Pagode of Wistnow Laetsemi Consort to Wistnow hath a Chappel as also Garrouda and Annemonta both faithful Servants of Wistnow The Image Garronda is represented like a Man with Wings that of Annemonta or Hanneman with a Face like an Ape On the foremention'd Plains stand Cisterns in which grows the Herb Toleje which with its use is mention'd before They never go on these Plains about the Pagodes but always with their right Side towards the Temple The Brahmans account their Pagodes to be the Houses and Residences of their Gods and therefore enter into them with great Reverence Part of the Customs for Goods sold and bought are bestow'd on them as also part of the Sandal Wood Benjamin and long Pepper and likewise of all Monies that are Coin'd They also go in Pilgrimage to the Pagodes and upon certain Feast-days make great Presents and Offerings to them By means of the great concourse to this Pagode it hath great advantages amounting to a vast Revenue which arises wholly from the Presents brought thither none of the Heathens going with empty Hands but discharging their Promises and Vows there which they make for the obtaining of Health or accomplishing any Business The manner of worshipping Wistnow and Eswara They seldom have any publick Meetings in their Pagodes nor any set-day for Worship but frequenly carry die Image of Wistnow and Eswara on their Shoulders through the Streets of the City viz. they carry Eswara's about every Month on the Amawasi or first day and on the ninth day after the new Moon that of Wistnow They are carry'd after this manner The Image is plac'd on a woodden Horse with his fore Feet rais'd and his hinder Legs standing on a Plank and so carry'd on the Shoulders of several Men before the Horse they bear lighted Torches and Umbrella's over its Head near the Horse stands one who constantly fans the Image to keep the Flies from it and when they have done they return it to the old place in the Pagode again where some appointed for that purpose Dance before the Image whil'st others Sing Anthems in praise of the Idol playing on Cymbals and beating on Drums It is also a Custom in this Countrey to devote young Virgins to the Pagodes after which they are bound never to Marry but spend their Lives onely in Dancing before their Gods to whom as they say it is so acceptable that they shall merit Heaven by it Each Person also according to his Sect by virtue of their eighth Commandment of internal Religion studies to do honor to his Idol bestowing on it all manner of Service which he supposes to be best pleasing to it The Wistnowa's strew their Images erected in honor of Wistnow with Flowers put rich Clothes on it adorn'd with Diamonds Rubies and other Precious Stones thereby to make him appear glorious In the Eyes of all Men. But their God Eswara they affirm delights in something else viz. to be wash'd constantly with sweet Waters which his Worshippers are no way negligent in performing but continually wash the aforesaid Deity with all sorts of perfum'd Waters They also carry these Images every year on their Festival days through the most eminent Streets of their Cities in a Wagon as high and large as an ordinary House those which draw it are Fishermen and the like mean People accompany'd by a a great number of divers Tribes which is a Custom observ'd through the whole Countrey The Image of Wistnow every year on the tenth of January in the afternoon they carry out of the City into the Fields on a woodden Horse where they let loose a Ram which they endeavor to kill as he runs as also a Fox which they strive to destroy with their Clubs but he commonly escapes them Towards the Evening they carry the Image home again through the Streets accompany'd with abundance of People carrying lighted Torches and at last set it in the old place The following day they shew honor to the God Eswara by carrying of his Image into the Fields after the same manner as also on the twelfth though not on Horseback but onely on Mens Shoulders The Feast Gawri Dewi On the eighth of January all the Marry'd Women of the Brahmans keep a Feast call'd Gawri Dewi and by the Seiva's Maha Secti in honor of Parvati to obtain long Life for their Husbands and that they may never be Widows This Feast lasts ten days and is kept after this manner viz. The Women make an Image of Meal Rice and a sort of red Grain for
Persons of Quality drink is Persian Wine they also drink Spirits distill'd out of Dates and Sugar also Palm-Wine call'd Terri or Tori which they drink when fresh tapt out of the Palm-trees The Habits of the Mogollans The Habits both of Men and Women are almost of one and the same fashion and made either of Cotton-Linnen or Silk or Cloth of Tissue each according to his Degree and Quality Their Coats call'd Cabaya are narrow at the top and close about their middle hanging down to their Knees Their Breeches hang in divers Pleits down to their Feet Their Shoes made after the fashion of the Countrey either of Leather or rich Silk they tread down at the Heels that they may pull them off with the more ease when they go into their Temples or Houses or sit down on their Floors which are cover'd with white Carpets On their Heads they wear Turbants after the Turkish manner generally made of fine white or red Callico wrought with Silk and Gold which they never take off when they salute one another About their Shoulders both noble and ignoble wear in stead of a Cloak a yellow red green white or other colour'd Cloth call'd Pomerys against the Cold or Rain About their Middle they wear a Girdle wrought with Gold and Silk and over it another small white Linnen one pleited Persons of Quality wear a short Sword or Dagger by their Sides the Hilt and Scabberd being of Gold and often beset with Precious Stones this Weapon they call Ginda or Kitteren The Women commonly adorn themselves with Diamonds and Pearls and also wear Gold and Silver Pendants and Armlets each according to their Qualities Christians disperced all over India In divers places of India are many Christians from all parts of Europe as also Jews and native Heathens converted to Christianity by the Catholicks and Protestants residing amongst them Moreover there are Thomists or Followers of St. Thomas in the Countrey Language call'd Armenians Abyssines c. each of a peculiar Sect. In Zurratte is a Sect or Tribe of Heathens which the Moors call Guenure the Persians Atexperes Zarduxt Kebbers and Gauri and the Indians Persi which Name they give themselves because they derive their original out of Persia Thus much concerning India in general we shall now give a Description of the Mogol's Realm and Kingdom in particular running through all the Provinces in order into which this whole Kingdom is divided The Realm of the Groat Mogol otherwise Hindostan or Indostan The Bounds of the Kingdom THe Kingdom of the Great Mogol or Mogor which for its bigness and Power over the Substitute Kingdoms deserves the Name of Empire is on the West bounded by the River Indus and Eastward by the Ganges in the South it verges with one part at the Ocean and with the other at the Kingdom of Cuncan or Visiapour in the North it borders at Usbeck the Mountains of Tibeth and the Kingdoms of Srinagar Caparangue and Radock and lastly in the East at the Kingdom of Neckbal Edward Terry makes this Kingdom border in the East at the Kingdom of Maug or Mavy in the West at Persia in the South at the Ocean the Kingdom of Decan and Gulph of Bengala and in the North at the Mountains of Caucasus and Tartary Texeira conterminates the same on one side onely with the Indus and on the other with the Ganges According to Peruschi the Mogols Kingdom is properly the Main Land lying between the Indus and Ganges just like the Holy Land between the Tigris and Euphrates Others as Bulaye le Gouze and Daviti bound this Kingdom in the North at the Countrey of the Great Cham of Tartary and at Samarcan in the South at the Kingdom of Visiapour the Gulph of Bengala the great Indian Sea Diu and Damaon both Countreys lying under the Jurisdiction of the Portuguese in the East at the Kingdom of Pegou Edrabat and Thebet in the West at Agemistan or the Empire of the Schach or King of Persia But there can be no certain Boundaries ascrib'd to this Kingdom because of the continual losing of old and taking in of new Provinces Anno 1582. the Mogol's Dominions extended Northward to the Mountain Imaus now call'd Cumae which separates the Mogol's from the Tartars in the South it border'd at Calecut the Gulph of Bengala and the Indian Sea along Cambaya in the East at the utmost Borders of Bengala in the West at the Stream Indus and the Border of Persia This Countrey of the Mogols compris'd within these Bounds viz. from the River Indus to Ganges the Ancients call'd Inward India or India within the Ganges otherwise Indostan or Hindostan that is The Countrey of the Indus for Stan signifies Countrey The Circumference and Extent The Circumference of the whole Realm was at that time 900 French Miles the Length from East to West 600 and the Breadth from North to South 400. Others affirm That it is at least a thousand Cos from East to West two Cos being an English League or three Miles Terry tells That this Kingdom 1615. had in length from the North-west to the South-west above 2000 English Miles and from North to South about 1400 laying the utmost South Point in twenty and the utmost North Point in forty three Degrees of Northern Latitude And that the Breadth at that time from the North-east to the South-west was about 1500 English Miles The Division Purchas according to the Instructions of Mr. Hawkins divides the Realm of the Great Mogol into five Kingdoms the first whereof is call'd Pengab by Davity taken to be the Countrey lying near the River Hind otherwise call'd Pangab which signifies Five Waters the Metropolis whereof is call'd Lahor the second Bengala its Metropolis being Sonargham the third Malua with its Metropolis Vagain the fourth Decan whose Chief City is Barampor the fifth Cambay with the City Amadavar Boterus maintains That the Great Mogol Governs over forty seven Kingdoms According to Edward Terry the Great Mogol Anno 1615. had thirty seven Provinces anciently peculiar Kingdoms under his Subjection the Names whereof being by him copied out of the Mogol's Books of Account are these Candahor Cabul Multan Haiacan or Bolochi Buckar Tatta Soret Jesselmeera Attak Peniab Chismeere Banchish Jengapore Delii Bando Malway Gwaliar Ayra Sanbat Bakar Chytor Guzarat Chandis Berar Narvar Nagrakat Siba Cacares Gor Petan Canduana Patna Jesuat Mevat Udessa and Prugale A Province is by the Inhabitants call'd Soubach The South side of the Mogol's Countrey between the Bay of Cambaya and that of Bengala extends a vast way Southerly in the form of a Triangle There are neither Gold nor Silver Mines in Hindostan Bengala a fertile and rich Kingdom The Kingdom of Bengala is exceeding fruitful the whole Countrey being stor'd with rich Commodities as Silk Cotton Indico and the like This spacious Countrey possesses fruitful Plains and abundance of all sorts of Provisions it lying between the two great
Rivers of Indus and Ganges which with their Branches water the whole Countrey like a Garden besides many other Rivers which make this Countrey exceeding fertile The Tract of Land from Surat to Brampore is exceeding pleasant and full of Rivulets and Springs but the way from Brampore to Agra is Mountainous and troublesom for the Camels to Travel yet it is free from Robbers The Countrey affords good Wheat Rice and Barley besides many other sorts of Grain and Bread-Corn which may be bought at easie Rates Of the Wheat which is fuller and whiter than the European the Inhabitants bake good and savory Bread upon the Lid of a Pot which hangs over the Fire The Countrey is beautified with many Woods Orchards and Gardens Yet nevertheless in this vast Tract of Land are many Places which are nothing but sulphureous and unfruitfut Mountains and therefore uncultivated and desolate From Cambay to Lahor are sandy barren and unfrequented Desarts but twenty Leagues on this side of Lahor the Ground is fruitful and fat There are very few Springs or Rivulets in all this way and nought but dry Sand which being often rais'd by impetuous Winds up into the Air blows into Travellers Eyes and is ready to smother them partly by reason of these great Wildernesses where there is no Provisions nor Water to be had For fear of robbing most People in India travel in great Companies which the Arabians call Caravans and the Persians Cafila sometimes to the number of four or five thousand People Caravan in the Arabick signifies properly a Company of Travellers Out of the whole Caravan they chuse a Guide who when it is time to proceed forward on their Journey beats three times upon a Drum at the first beating they put up all the Tents under which they sleep in the Night at the second beating they prepare their Camels and Wagons and at the third they set forward When they travel in the Night to prevent all Persons from going astray they give notice by beating on Drums when they shall stand still as also when they meet with any Water-pits by the way which sometimes are digg'd above forty Cubits deep out of which they draw the Water with Oxen. Indostan supplied with Elephants and Horses from other Parts There are many Elephants in the Mogol's Dominions which are us'd in War and for other occasions of the King and the Nobility they also serve them for Carriage in stead of Camels of which there are but few And though the Elephants do not breed here yet they are brought hither in great numbers from the Kingdom of Bengala and Siam and from the Island of Zeilan There are also few Horses or Mules here but what are brought from Persia and Arabia Those Horses that breed here are small and well-truss'd like those of Norway fit to carry Loads like the Asses of which there are great numbers in the Countrey There also many Buffaloes which are put to very hard Work Their Flesh is not edible but their Milk is accounted very wholesom especially for sick People Caravanseras or Houses of Entertainment In the Countreys of Indostan and Surat are no Inns to entertain Travellers onely in the greatest and chiefest Towns and in some Villages are uninhabited Houses in the Arabick call'd Caravansera's that is Caravan-houses otherwise Serrays or Sarraas which are whole Streets and Wards appointed for strange Merchants and other Travellers who take up what Rooms they please and put Locks upon them Each Caravansera hath a Backal or Porter who at set times every Evening locks up the outward Gates which are not opened till the Sun rises This Porter also keeps a Cooks Shop where Travellers may either have Meat ready dress'd or dress it themselves When they set forward on their Journey again and leave the Town they pay a Jeckas of Copper for a Beast to carry their Goods besides their Diet. But in the Caravanseras which are built in the Countrey they need not give any thing for their Lodging whilst the have their Meat from the Porter but these words Salom alecun Peace be with you These Serrays or Caravanser as are built by some eminent People out of Charity for the accommodation of Strangers Idostan very rich Hindostan possesses great quantities of Gold and Silver notwithstanding it hath neither Gold nor Silver Mines but is all brought thither by Strangers never returning out again For they melt down the European or Forreign Coins and recoin them with the Mogol's Stamp Moreover all Ships as well Indian as English Portuguese and Hollanders which carry Commodities yearly from Hindostan to Pegu Tanasseri Siam Zeilan Achem Maoassar Maldives and other Places carry also much Gold and Silver back to Hindostan the Hollanders also carry great quantities of Silver thither from Japan Lastly for all the Gold and Silver which is transported thither from England Holland and Portugal nothing comes in return thereof from thence but Commodities the Money being all kept in the Countrey They have no Pepper Copper Cloves Nutmegs Cinnamon Lead Cloth nor several other Commodities but what are brought from Japan the Molucco Islands Zeilan and Europe Moreover Hindostan is destitute of Fruits which are carried thither from Samarcand Balk Bocara and Persia as Almonds Apples Pears Grapes Raisins which are sold all the Winter long at Dely though very dear They have also from the foremention'd Places several sorts of dry'd Fruits as Almonds Pistachioes Nuts Plums Apricocks Raisins c. There are also little Sea-Cockles taken near the Island of Maldivia which in Bengala and other places go currantly for small Money They have also Ambergreece from the same Island and from Mozambick and likewise Rhinocerots Horns Elephants Teeth Ethiopian Slaves Musk Porcelane Pearls besides many other Commodities The Indians manner of Sailing Texeira affirms That the Mogol's Ships carry greater Burdens than those of Europe and may be compar'd to those Gallions of the Grand Signior which go from Constantinople to Alexandria but are built after another fashion They use neither the Compass nor Quadrant but Sail from India to Persia Bassora Mocha Mozambick Mombas Sumatra Macassar and other Places onely by the help of the North-Star and the Rising and Setting of the Sun The Inhabitants of Indostan There are divers sorts of People in the Great Mogol's Dominions the Chiefest and most numerous whereof being the Natives are Heathens or Idolaters and next them the Moors otherwise call'd Mahumetans from Mahomet the Instituter of their Religion also Mogols or Mogolleans from the Tartar Tribe Mogol from which the real Mogolleans are deriv'd for not all those which at this day bear the name of Mogols are extracted from the Tartar Mogols but also those are call'd Mogols who though Mahumetans are in the Mogol's Service notwithstanding they are Turks Persians or Arabians But there are generally a hundred Heathens to one Mahumetan The Inhabitants of Indostan were anciently all Heathens and are generally call'd Hindoes or Hindous but
for if a Father Commanded over a thousand Horse he will make the Son Commander over fifteen hundred and afterwards increase or decrease his number according to his Deserts The King's Treasure is not a little increas'd by the many Presents which are made to him for none whether Stranger or Subject may appear before him without a Present especially on Neuruz or New-years-day for then rich Presents are sent him from all parts of his Dominions They make their Presents with great Ceremony and Cost some giving ten nay a hundred and twenty thousand pound Sterling worth in Jewels Moreover he receives Custom from the Commodities of his Countrey and causes all Travellers to pay Toll at every Town through which they pass Weight Measure and Coin THe Weight in Zurratte being all of one sort is call'd Mao that is A Hand with which they weigh Butter Flesh Sugar Indigo Wood Salt and the like each Mao containing forty Ceer that is thirty pound and a half English and a Ceer eighteen Peyses a sort of Copper Money like our Farthings each Peyse weighing three quarters of a pound Troy weight In Measuring they use two sorts of Ells nineteen of the biggest making about seventeen Yards and a half The least differ onely an Inch from the Dutch Ell or three quarters of a Yard The Mogol Coins several sorts of Money in divers places of his Dominions viz. Mamoedys and Ropias both of Silver The Mamoedys which are Coin'd in Zurratte of course Silver are worth about an English Shilling and go currant onely in the Towns of Brochia Cambaya Brodera and Zurratte The Ropias otherwise Ruky Rupias and Copias Chagamy make each 2 s. 2 d. they are good Silver and pass through all Zuratte There are also Tols Savoys and Jagaries the Tols make each a silver Ropia and ten Tols a golden Ropia a Savoy is one Tol and a half and five Jagaries six Tols On the Coast of Cormandel is a Coin call'd Pagode from an Idol which is stamp'd on the same and goes for 7 s. 8 d. There is likewise a Coin call'd Fanos of ordinary Gold which are pieces like the Scales of Fish and go for Five-pence-halfpeny Their small Money being of Copper is call'd Peysa and resemble our Farthing but are heavier according to the common Accompt ten Peny Weights five or six and twenty of them make a Mamoedye and three or four and fifty a Ropia Moreover Almonds in the Shells pass for Money thirty six of them making a Copper Peysa as also a sort of Cockles with a black Speck in the Countrey Language call'd Cauries which are found on the Shore along the Sea-coast eight whereof make a Peysa There are also Laryns a Persian Coin of good fine Silver of an oval fashion each worth 1 s. 6 d. Moores or Xeraphins Eckbars so call'd from King Eckbar who first Coin'd them is a golden Coin worth thirteen Ropias and a half but are not very common the Nobility usually hoarding them up There is also another sort of Coin call'd Jeckas or Jeckai The Money of this Countrey doth not always bear one Price but rises and folls very often according to the Exchange in which many Benjans drive a vast Trade to their great advantage for they buy all the Gold and Silver upon the coming of the English Dutch and other European Ships and the Moors Vessels from Aden and Persia when commonly they are at the lowest and afterwards raise the Money when any quantity is to be sent up to the places lying up in the Countrey All the Gold and Silver both Coin'd and uncoin'd which is brought thither out of other Countreys is melted and Coin'd into Money stamp'd with Persian Characters expressing the Name and Dignity of the Kings But there is great deceit in this Coin wherefore in many places and corners of the Streets sit Benjan Exchangers of Money call'd Parastes who for a small Reward looking upon the Money try the same with such nimbleness and exactness that they distinguish all the good from the bad so that few receive any Money without shewing it to these Parastes who are oblig'd after it hath been shewn to them if there be any clipt or nought amongst it to make it good but this seldom happens because they are very exact in the telling and looking of it over They reckon great Sums by Crous otherwise Carroras or Caroor and by Lecks though there be no Coin of so great a value a Carrora being a hundred thousand Tun of Gold or as others affirm a hundred Lecks a Leck being a hundred thousand Ropias They reckon also with uncoin'd Gold or other precious things by a certain Weight call'd Barman or Maun which is fifty five pound English Their manner of Travelling They travel on Horseback Mules and Camels both Men and Women as also in Coaches or Chariots The Grandees use Elephants and Palakins which are carry'd on the Shoulders of several Men especially Noblemen and Persons of Quality who account it a great Disgrace to go on Foot In Zurratte and several other Places in India and most part of the Mogol's Countrey they travel in a pretty sort of Chariots with two Wheels the bottoms whereof are square and rais'd very high from the Ground above the Wheels there are no Seats in the same but they sit on the Floor after the Eastern manner with their Legs across under them both before and behind are Cushions to lean against These Chariots are very like those us'd by the ancient Indians and mention'd by Strabo they are for the most part us'd in the Plain-Countrey to travel withal from one Town to another and also to ride abroad in for Recreation they being very light and easie When they come to a bad Way or Hills they take out their Oxen and the Wheels from the Chariot which also if occasion require may be taken in two pieces and with ease carry'd by two Men on the top of a Mountain or Hill and put together again when they are past the troublesom Way After our manner of sitting two would scarce be able to sit in one of these Chariots but after the Indian manner four with ease They are drawn by Oxen in stead of Horses two to each Chariot generally fastned to the Axletree which is made like a Yoke These Oxen are of a curious shape and colour the best are generally white and some speckled black they are very slender and have on their Shoulders towards their Necks a Bunch like the Camels they trot and gallop as fast as Horses and are able to travel thirty five or thirty six Miles in a day they are guided by a Cord run through Holes made in their Noses and are as easie to be commanded therewith as Horses In like manner the Chariots are neatly adorn'd with the like crimson Cloth or else with Velvet When any Women ride in these Chariots they shut them close round about to keep them from being seen Persons of Quality who are allow'd
King of Bisnagar and the Northern by the King of Sceherberder Those that afterwards came to be the Chief Princes thereof were formerly but mean Officers who took the Dominion of their Supreme Lords upon them and dividing the Countrey amongst themselves Govern'd as Absolute Princes over their several Territories not owning any Person to be above them Amongst all these Princes the Chiefest were the Kings of Decan Golconda and Telengone who lay nearest to the Mogol's Countrey possess'd large Territories and were able to bring great Armies into the Field Adil Schiach a King of Golconda having an Army of a hundred thousand Men. The King of Persia was generally in a League with all the three and they often corresponded by Ambassadors and Presents and were always in Amity one with another which Leagues they maintain'd onely to be the better able to resist the Mogol whose Power they dreaded exceedingly The signification of Chan. These three Princes were formerly call'd Nizam Chan Adil Chan and Cutb Chan for Chan among the Turks hath the same signification with Meleck or Malack which signifies King in the Arabick after the same manner as Schach among the Persians And in regard these three Languages are very common amongst the Moors therefore they use these Words without distinction But it seems that the then reigning Princes have since laid aside the Names of Meleck and Chan and taken upon them that of Schach that is King which they like best as being newer and better agreeing with their Authority wherefore they have lately been call'd Nizam Schach Cutb Schach and Adil Schach But at last all these peculiar Princes and Kings besides many other Governors in India were one after another reduc'd under the Mogol's Jurisdiction The Extract and Descent of the Mogol Kings The Great Mogol from whom descended THe present Great Mogol and his Predecessors boast their Descent from Tamerlane or rather from one of his Nephews or Grand-children But after what manner this hapned deserves to be declar'd here at large When the Mogols whose greatest or most powerful part were by a peculiar Name call'd Giagatynse or Zagatayse Tataas or Tartars dwelling South-east beyond the Mountain Imaus had brought all the other Tartars or Scythians for so they were anciently call'd especially the Eastem by the Conduct of the General Amochtan Chan under subjection he having setled his Dominion took upon him the Title of Chingiz or Tzingiz and was the first that had the Sirname of Great Chan which was about the Year of our Lord 1214. This Tzingiz Chan drawing out his Army consisting of four hundred thousand Horse after a peculiar manner viz. into Parties of eleven thousand one hundred and ten in each Company the one part he order'd to march towards the East and the other towards the West where falling upon China Machina and Catay he conquer'd the powerful King of the Chorasmians Gelalodan Another Expedition After this Anno 1224. he made another Expedition to Catay though with the loss of many of his Men three Years after which he dying was succeeded by his third Son Ocotay Chan or Octay Cahon who by Abraham Zacuth is call'd The King of the Catayans He being setled in his Dominions by Laws Arms and Conquest also died and was succeeded by his Son Gayung Chan who likewise Reigning but a short time was with the consent of the Princes and Supreme Governors succeeded by Mango Chan who being Nephew to Tzingiz Chan was chosen Emperor Anno 1255 he sent his Brother Hulako Chan with an Army beyond the River Oxus to Assyria to compleat the Conquest whereof he took Bagdad or Babylon and destroy'd all the Inhabitants thereof in the space of seven days and here fell Mustasem the thirty fifth Calif or Emperor of the Abbasidas After the death of Mango Chan his youngest Brother Coblai Chan was Crown'd in his stead After the expiration of four years Prince Hulako Chan eldest Brother to Mango Chan also dying left his Son Abgai Chan to Govern the Western parts of his Dominions being Media and Assyria Next Coblai Chan Temur Chan Nephew to Coblai and youngest Son to Mango Chan succeeded in the Throne All these six Chans or Princes Govern'd over Cathay and China besides a great many other Countreys The eleventh was Buzengir Chan or Bugancan the original or first Parent of the Mogol Kings and Father to the famous Temur Chan by some call'd Teimurlang and Tamerlane that is Teimur the Decrepit or Maimed This Tamerlane the thirteenth in order from Chingiz Chan who dy'd on the Mogol's Borders at a Place call'd Anzar Anno 1403 had four Sons viz. John Guyr who being the eldest dy'd a year before his Father and left two Sons the one call'd Mahumed Sultan and the other Pyr Mahumed the last of whom succeeded Tamerlane in the Kingdoms of Oaznehem and India and being afterwards slain by Pyr Aly left a Son call'd Abusaid The second Son of Tamerlane nam'd Hamar Xeque being Governor of Persia was in his Father's time kill'd in a Wood belonging to Chormatu now call'd Cormawata in Orestan The third nam'd Mirunxa succeeded his Father in Governing of the Countreys of Hierack Aderbajon and the Lands extending to Damas he was slain by Cara Issuf Anno 1401. or as others say Anno 1407. This Mirunxa had two Sons viz. Homar Lord of Bagdad was taken by his Brother but at last getting his Liberty he conquer'd him and became King of Tabris or Tebris Not long after which he was defeated by Cara Issuf in the Year 1407. and forc'd to flie first to Corman and afterwards to Siston from whence coming the next year with a great Army he was kill'd The fourth Son to Tamerlane being Myrza Xarack always accompanying his Father succeeded him in the Throne Abusaid succeeding his Father Pyr Mahumed Son to John Guyr conquer'd Myrza Adulla King of Maurenahar of whose Kingdom he became Master in the Year 1452. After the death of Abusaid his Son Myrza Sultan Hamed became King of Maurenahar and having Reign'd twenty eight years dy'd Anno 1495. Myrzah Babor Nephew to Hamed inheriting the Kingdom of Maurenahar was driven thence by Xaybeck Chan King of Usbeck in the Year 1500. and forc'd to flie to Garnehem and from thence into India where he setled himself and after a Reign of thirty eight years dy'd An. 1532. leaving two Sons Hamayon Myrza and Camoran who were both created Kings after his Death This Myrza Babor is by some as Peruschi call'd Baburxa who drove the Patanes from Indostan of which they had made themselves Masters and forc'd them to flie to the Isles before the Bay of Bengala After Babor's Death Hamayon Myrza obtaining the best and richest Kingdom of India kept a Vice-Roy call'd Xyrcan who mutinying maintain'd War against him and forc'd him to desert his Kingdom and flie to Persia where King Schach Tamas Son to Ismael Reigning at that time lent him twelve thousand choice Soldiers under the Command of Byrancam who
restor'd Hamayon to his Kingdom and slew the Rebel Xyrcan A Tartarian Prince settles in India and becomes Founder of the Royal Family there Della Valle writes That a Nephew of one of the Tartarian Princes after Tamerlane had distributed his vast Dominions amongst his Children and Grandchildren travell'd over the Mountain Imaus or Taurus to seek his Fortunes in India at a Prince's Court who possess'd a great part of the Countrey where by means of the chiefest Persons in the Kingdom and many good Services done for the State he so insinuated himself that he got firm footing in the Countrey insomuch that in process of time and several vicissitudes one of his Successors attain'd to the Throne and was made the Founder of the Royal House which Reigns at present and of which Schach Selim who Reign'd about the Year 1620 was the Fourth The Successor of Hamayon Myrza was his Son Gelaladin Eckbar or Ackbar or Akebar otherwise Achabar that is Great or Most powerful Peruschi calls him Mahomet Zelabdin He was born in a Territory call'd Chaquata which lies Northward between the Tartars and Persians and borders Southward upon India SCHACH SELIM Ecbars Death and Character This Eckbar dy'd on the twenty seventh day of October Anno 1605. in the sixty third year of his Age He was belov'd by all his Subjects fear'd by his Nobles and courteous to all he deported himself with equal moderation to Strangers and to the Natives whether Christians Mahumetans or Heathens which oblig'd all Parties to him and rendred them devoted to his Service He Pray'd to God constantly every Morning and Evening Noon and Midnight abhorr'd Cruelties insomuch that by virtue of a Law made by him none were to die unless Sentence had been pronounc'd against them three times and easily pardon'd Criminals if they could but make any reasonable Excuse Mean Presents he receiv'd with as great kindness as those of biggest value regarding onely the good will of the Presenter He fed sparingly eating Flesh not above three or four times in a year the rest of the time his Diet being Rice Milk and Preserves He gave Audience to his Subjects and others twice a day out of a Window He could neither Write nor Read yet nevertheless understood very well all the Affairs of his Realm for the News that his Deputies writ him from all Places he caus'd to be read to him as also several Books He made strict enquiry of Strangers concerning the Power of their Princes and manner of Traffick He order'd a silver Bell to be hung at a Chain of fifteen yards long to the end that all those who could not obtain Justice from his Officers should come and complain to him thereof giving him notice of their being there by pulling the Bell which he no sooner heard but immediately came forth and saw that they had Right done them He had three Sons and two Daughters the eldest who succeeded him in his Throne was Scieco to which as a Title of Honor was added Gio which in the Countrey Language signifies Soul so that Scieco-Gio signifies The Soul or Person of Scieco The second was call'd Pahari by Jarrick Sultan Morad and by Peruschi Sultan Horad who being deliver'd to some Jesuits to be instructed by them in the Romish Religion was slain in the Wars of Decan The third was call'd Dan or Daniel Texeira calls the eldest Xequa Patxa the second Pary Patxa who dy'd of some Distemper Anno 1602 and the third Sabelxa Patxa But the eldest is by Purchas Della Valle and others generally call'd Selim. Scieco Gio succeeds his Father by the Name of Schach Selim. When Scach Selim was born his Father nam'd him Sceichu for Eckbar who till that time had no Male issue believ'd that he had obtain'd him from God by the Prayers of one Schach a Man accounted very holy and religious But his Father about the twelfth or thirteenth year of his Age changing his first Name according to the Custom of the Countrey call'd him Schach Selim which in the Arabick signifies A Peaceable King supposing this Name to agree best with his Temper and Disposition On the the eighth day after Eckbar's Death Selim in the beginning of his Reign to gain the favor and good opinion of the Mahumetans whom he had promis'd to defend their Laws caus'd their Temples to be cleans'd and took upon him the Name of Nurdin Mahumed Jahanair or according to Della Valle Nura Eddin Muchamed Gihon Ghir that is The Light of the Belief of Mahomet and Conqueror of the World because he publickly declar'd to be a Mahumetan notwithstanding in his heart he neither esteem'd Mahomet nor his Laws nor did he regard any Religion yet he kept the Name of Schach Selim by which he was call'd amongst the common People This Scach Selim amongst all his Women had one who was acknowledg'd as a Queen and being honor'd above all the Ladies of his Court bore a great sway nothing being done in the Kingdom but by her Conduct and Power She was a native Indian but of Persian Blood viz. Daughter to a Persian who deserting his native Countrey came into India to serve the Great Mogol as many Persians do who for the many good Services which he had done him made him a Chan and Vice-Roy of a Province A Persian Lady gains to be made Queen by her resolute Carriage This Queen was first Marry'd to another Persian Nobleman who was also in the Mogol's Service after whose Death by some means or other she came acquainted with Schach Selim who falling in love with her desir'd her to go into his Haram or Seraglio amongst his other Concubines which she modestly refusing said That she had once been the Wife of one who in all Places had given proofs of his Valor being never daunted by any of his Enemies Moreover that she was the Daughter of such a Father as accounted Honor the greatest Good wherefore she could never be brought to forget her self so much as to be guilty of any unchaste Action neither would her Birth and Quality permit her to be put into the King 's Haram and us'd as a common Slavess but if the King had so great an Affection for her as to make her his lawful Consort she should never be wanting in the Duty which she ow'd to the King but at all times be subject and ready to obey his Commands This her bold Answer so incens'd the King that it wanted very little but he had forc'd her to Marry one of those Persons call'd Halalchor who are those that without scruple eat of all sorts of Meat and are the most despicable and scorn'd People of all India yet nevertheless she remain'd so firm and constant that she resolv'd rather to die than change her Mind The King more and more overcome by her Beauty at last consulted to Marry her as his lawful Wife and caus'd her to be acknowledg'd as Queen and chief of all the King 's Haram which
not knowing what to do and began to fear his own Person as if he foresaw what afterwards befell him to lock them up in Govaleor which is a Fort where Princes are generally secur'd and invincible by reason of its situation on an inaccessible Rock and the abundance of fresh Water and Provisions for the Souldiers in Garrison was no small Business they being already very powerful and liv'd in the State and Splendor of Princes Moreover he could not in honor send them away to any Place without giving them Dominions according to their Birth and therefore timorous that they might rebell and make themselves absolute Princes in their respective Jurisdictions as indeed afterwards they did yet nevertheless out of fear least they should destroy one another in his Presence which might chance to happen if he kept them at his Court he resolv'd to send them away The Sons sent to Govern several Provinces onely the eldest stays at the Court. and accordingly seat Sultan Chasousa to the Kingdom of Bengala Oranchzef to Decan Moradbeck to Zurratte and gave the Government of Cabul and Multan to Darasja The three first left the Court well satisfi'd with their new acquir'd Dominions where they made themselves supream Governors and kept the Revenues of the Countreys for the maintenance of strong Armies under pretence to keep their Subjects and Neighbors in quiet But Darasja being the eldest and Heir to the Crown dwelt not from the Court which was the Design of Schach Jehan who always fed him up with a Promise that he should succeed him and also granted him to give Commissions and had a small Throne underneath his amongst the Omrahs so that there seemingly were two Kings but as two equal Powers can scarce agree so Schach Jehan notwithstanding Darasja was very respective to him and shew'd him great Reverence was still in fear of being poyson'd by him and the more because Darasja was jealous of Oranchzef whom for his excellent Parts his Father judg'd fitter to succeed him than any of his other Sons Schach Jehan's Wife being exceeding beautiful was call'd Tage Mahalle that is The Crown of the Female Sex But for the better explanation of this Story concerning the foremention'd four Princes and the Mogol Schach Jehan we must relate what hapned a little before these Troubles between Oranchzef the King of Golconda and his Visier Emir Jemla because this will declare the Nature and Constitution of Oranchzef who afterwards came to be the Mogol and King of India Hereby also it will appear after what manner Emir Jemla was employ'd to lay the first Foundation of Oranchzef his Royalty At the time of Oranchzef's residing in Decan the King of Golconda kept the foremention'd Emir Jemla as his Vice-Roy and General of all his Forces He being a Persian born and very famous in India was of no high Extract yet a Man fit to undertake any Design being a great Captain and of a noble Spirit He had amass'd together great Riches not onely by his careful management of State Affairs but by the Trade of those Ships which he sent to divers Coasts as also by the Diamond Mines which he alone Farm'd under borrow'd Names keeping always many Men at work in them insomuch that that the whole Countrey talk'd of him and his abundance of Diamonds which were not reckon'd but by Bags full He also rendred himself very famous and powerful by keeping several Troops of very choice Men besides the King's Army at his own proper Charge and had also very good Artillery which was manag'd and look'd after by Franks or Christians In short he was rich and potent especially after he had found out a means to get into the Kingdom of Carnate and pillag'd all the Heathen Temples in that Countrey that the King of Golconda beginning to grow jealous of him resolv'd to do him a great Discourtesie and the rather because he was not able to bear what he heard of him for it was reported as if he had been too familiar with the Queen his Mother who was very beautiful Yet nevertheless he made no Person privy to his Design but waited with patience till Emir Jemla should come to the Court he being at that time with his Army in Carnate But not long after when he was told of several other Passages that had hapned between his Mother and him he was not able to contain his Passion but flew out into many threatning Invectives which quickly came to Emir's Ears he having many of his Wives Relations at the Court who inform'd him thereof and the King's Mother who no ways hated him was also inform'd thereof who oblig'd Emir with all speed to write to his Son Mahomet Emurcan he being then at the Court giving him order upon sight of his Letter under pretence of going a Hunting immediately to come away to him Emurcan neglected not to use many means but because the King commanded him to be always near him and kept a continual Eye over him he was not able to stir out of his sight which exceedingly troubling Emir made him take a strange Resolution which put the King in no small danger of losing both Life and Crown insomuch that the Proverb was here verifi'd That he which knows not how to dissemble Emir Jemla's Plot against the King of Golconda knows not how to Govern He therefore wrote to Oranchzef who then was in Daulet Abad the Metropolis of Decan and fifteen or sixteen days Journey from Golconda that the King of Golconda intended to ruine him and his Family notwithstanding the great Services which he had done him wherefore he was forc'd to flie to him and beg that he would please to receive him under his protection Moreover if he would take his advice and repose confidence in him he would so contrive the Business that he would at once deliver both the King and Kingdom into his Hands and to make the Business seem the easier he inform'd him to this effect You need not pick above four or five thousand Horse out of the Army and march speedily with them to Golconda reporting along the Way that you are an Ambassador sent from Schach Jehan about extraordinary Business to Bagneguer The Dabir who is the Person to whom all Agents that have any Business with the King make their first Addresses is my real Friend and Creature therefore think of nothing but to make speed I will so order that you shall come safe to Bagnaguer's Gates out of which when the King shall come according to the Custom to receive his Letters you may easily secure him and all his Attendants and do with him what you think fit his House where he resides having neither Walls not Moat about I will be at the charge of this Expedition my self and allow you fifty thousand Ropias a day during the time of your March The King of Golconda escapes narrowly from the hand of Oranchzef Oranchzef who always watch'd for such an opportunity would not
how thereby the Scale turn'd to Oranchzef's advantage Darasja perceiving that his left Wing was in great disorder was inform'd that Custam-kan and Chatresale were both kill'd that Ramseingue Routle having advanc'd very far had forc'd the Enemy and made way through the midst of them but was now encompass'd by them and in great danger all which made Darasja desist from his Design of making directly towards Oranchzef and turn to assist his left Wing where the Fight in the beginning was very smart but Darasja at last got the Victory forcing and routing all that oppos'd him yet not so but that there still remain'd some to resist and stop him Mean while Ramseingue Routle fought with great courage and valour wounded Moradbeck and came up so near to him that he began to cut the Girts of his Elephant so to throw him down to the Ground but the valour and good fortune of Moradbeck allow'd him not time enough for it Moradbeck's valor for never any Man fought and defended himself more bravely than Moradbeck did on this occasion who though he had received several Wounds and was press'd by the Ragipous and Ramseingue Routle who were routed about him yet he was not in the least daunted nor retreated one step but knew so well how to watch his opportunity that although besides defending himself he was forc'd to cover his young Son not above seven or eight years old who sat by his side with his Shield he let flie an Arrow so luckily at Ramseingue Routle that it struck him dead to the Ground Darasja soon hearing the sad news of this Disaster was much troubled thereat but was somewhat comforted when he receiv'd information that Moradbeck was in very great danger the Ragipous fighting furiously like Lions to revenge their Master's Death and though he saw that the Way on that side was very difficult and still found some small Bodies opposing yet he was resolv'd to rush through to rout Moradbeck and doubtless this was the best course he could take to repair the Neglect he was guilty of in not doing his Business effectually with Oranchzef but his bad fortune kept him from it A notable piece of Treachery and the effect thereof or one of the most subtil pieces of Treachery that ever was imagin'd which occasion'd the utter loss and ruine of Darasja for Callalullacan who Commanded the thirty thousand Mogols in the left Wing which was alone able to have routed Oranchzef's Army stood still whilst Darasja and his lest Wing fought with so much courage and success with his Arms across as if he were unconcern'd in the Fray and suffer'd not one of his Men to let flie an Arrow under pretence that they were design'd for a Reserve and that he had express order not to fight but in the last Extremity But the true cause was an old Affront put upon him by Darasja when he commanded him to be struck which still lay corroding in his Breast But after all this Treachery would have done no great mischief if this infamous Man had contented himself with this first effect of his old Grudge but see how far he carry'd his Rage and Revenge for he deserted his main Body and taking onely a few Men with him rode with all possible speed to Darasja at the same time when he was forcing his way up to Moradbeck and call'd to him with a loud voice saying Mohbareck-bad Hazaret Salamet Elhamd-ulellah Much joy to you I rejoyce to see your Majesty in health you have obtain'd the Victory what will you do any longer upon your Elephant is it not enough that you have expos'd your self so long to danger if the least of those Shots that have been made into your Dais had reach'd your Person what would have become of us are there Traitors wanting in this Army in the Name of God come down quickly and take Horse what remains more to be done then but to pursue these Run-aways let us not suffer them to escape our hands If Darasja had at this instant been but so quick of apprehension to have discover'd this Cheat and likewise to have consider'd the pernicious consequence of his not appearing still upon his Elephant in the view of his whole Army which ey'd him continually and withal to have caus'd the Head of this parasitical Traitor immediately to have been cut off he had undoubtedly been Master of all but the good Prince suffering himself to be deluded by the fair words of this treacherous Villain hearkned to his Advice as if it had been sincere and free from base Dissimulation and descending from his Elephant mounted himself upon a Horse when scarce a quarter of an hour being past he perceiv'd the Treachery and too late repented his too easie credulity and looking round about him ask'd what was become of Calullakan calling him Traitor and vowing his Death but the perfidious Villain being fled it was too late to threaten him In the mean time the Army not perceiving Darasja on his Elephant presently imagin'd Treachery and that he was slain and were all struck with such a pannick fear that they thought on nothing but how to escape the fury of Oranchzef and save themselves in short all things were in a confusion the Army disbanded and fled a strange and sudden alteration he that saw himself but just now victorious finds himself in few moments vanquish'd abandon'd and forc'd to flie for the safeguard of his Life whilst Oranchzef by sitting but a quarter of an hour longer upon his Elephant had the Crown of Hindostan on his Head and Darasja for coming down but little more than a minute too soon saw himself precipitated from the Throne and become the most unfortunate Prince in the World Thus Fortune seem'd to recreate her self to make the gain or loss of a Battel and the obtaining of a great Empire to depend as it were on a meer Nothing These great Armies of the Indians its certain do often great things but when once terror seizeth and disorder cometh amongst them there is no stopping of them but they are like a great River which breaking through its Banks overflows all the adjacent Countreys Oranchzef's Behavior after the Battel Oranchzef encourag'd by such wonderful success was not idle in employing his skill subtilty and courage to promote his interest by all the advantages which so favorable an occasion had put into his hand Calullacan coming to him proffer'd him his Service and all those whom he had kept of his Troops for which he made him many Promises yet was cautious in receiving them in his own Name but carrying him to Moradbeck he was receiv'd by him with stretch'd-out Arms. Oranchzef congratulating Moradbeck extoll'd his valour giving also the honor of the Victory wholly to him and gave him the Respect of a King in the presence of Calullacan shewing himself as submissive as a Subject ought to be to his Prince yet in the interim was not negligent of his own Interest and Concern
but wrote to all the Omrahs making sure every day one or other of them whilst Chah-kestcan his Uncle a great Enemy to Darasja by reason of an Affront which he had receiv'd from him did the same for him on his part setting all People and raising Parties against him In the mean time Oranchzef practis'd his subtilty for whatsoever he acted treated of and promis'd was not as he pretended professing that he design'd himself to live a Fakier upon his own account but for Moradbeck by whose Command he did all things he being the Person design'd to be King Darasja's sad Case Mean while the unfortunate Darasja went in despair to Agra where he durst not visit his Father remembring the words which he spake to him at his departure viz. That he should never think to see him if he lost the Battel Yet Schach Jehan sent secretly a trusty Eunuch to comfort him and assure him of his affections and also to declare to him his trouble for his misfortune and to demonstrate to him that the case was not yet desperate considering that there was a good Army with Soliman Chekouh his Son and that he should go to Deli where he would find a thousand Horse in the Royal Stables and that the Governor of the Fortress had order to furnish him with Money and Elephants Moreover That he should be as little absent as he could and write often to his Father And lastly That he should find out a way to chastise and punish Oranchzef It is said that when the Eunuch brought this News from his Father Darasja was in such a sollitary and despairing humor that he did not give the Eunuch one word in answer nor send any Messenger to his Father but after having sent several times to his Sister Begum Saheb he went privately at midnight with his Wife Daughter and youngest Son Sepechekouh to Deli in the company of not above two or three hundred Persons Thus leaving him a while on his Journey to Deli we will stay a little at Agra to consider the dexterity and craft wherewith Oranchzef proceeded to manage Affairs How Oranchzef manag'd his Affairs after the Battel He well knew that Darasja and those of his Party had yet some hopes in the Victorious Army of Soliman Chekouh and therefore he endeavor'd to bereave him thereof or at least to make the same useless to him To this end he wrote divers Letters to the Raja Jesseingue and to Delilcan the Prime Commanders of Soliman Chekouh's Army telling them That there was no more hopes to be built on Darasja and his Party That he had lost the Battel his whole Army having abandon'd him and submitted themselves to him and that he being fled alone to Deli could not possibly escape his Hands he having laid wait in all Places to seise on him As to what concern'd Schach Jehan he told them That he was in a desperate condition and beyond any hopes of recovery That they should take great care what they did and if they were People of understanding and desirous to share in his Fortune and to be his Friends they should seize on Soliman Chekouh and bring him to him Jesseingue found himself sufficiently perplex'd in what he had to do exceedingly fearing Schach Jehan and more to lay Hands on a Royal Person well knowing that at one time or other some mischief might befal him even from Oranchzef himself Besides he knew that Soliman Chekouh had too much Courage to suffer himself to be taken after that manner and that he would rather die in defending himself Wherefore having consulted with Delilcan his great Friend and after they had renew'd their Oaths of Mutual Fidelity he went directly to the Tent of Soliman Chekouh who with great impatience expected him he having also heard the News of his Father's being defeated and had already sent for him several times He then made the Prince a free discovery of all things shew'd him the Letter of Oranchzef told him what course was best for him to take represented to him the danger he was in adding That there was no reason he should repose any confidence in Delilcan or in Daoudcan or any of the rest of his Army but that as soon as was possible he should flie to the Mountains of Serenaguer which would be the best Expedient he could take for the Raja of that Countrey being in unaccessible Places and not knowing Oranchzef would undoubtedly receive him with much freedom and from thence he might from time to time see how things would go and always be ready to return again when he pleas'd But the young Prince immediately apprehended by this Discourse that henceforth there was no great confidence to be put in Jesseingue and that there was no safety there for his Person because he knew Delilcan to be of his Party so that he saw there was a necessity of making use of Jesseingue's Counsel Whereupon commanding his Baggage to be pack'd up he immediately march'd towards the Mountains Some of his most affectionate Friends as a good number of Mansebdars Saieds and others went along to attend him whilst the rest of the Army altogether astonish'd remain'd with Jesseingue But that which was very mean and a base and sordid act of such eminent Persons was that Jesseingue and Delilcan sent a Party after him to rob him of his Baggage and also among other things an Elephant laden with golden Ropias which caus'd great disorder amongst those small Troops that follow'd him occasioning many to desert him and return to the Army and to compleat his misfortune the Countrey People also set upon his Men pillaging and destroying several of them Yet nevertheless he got to the Mountains with his Wife and Children where the Raja of Serenaguer receiv'd him with all the Honour and Civility he could desire assuring him also that he was as much in safety as the King of that Countrey and that he would protect and assist him with all his Forces Mean while Affairs were carried after the following manner at Agra Oranchzef comes to Agra Three or four days after the Battel at Samonguer Oranchzef and Moradbeck came directly to the Gates of the City Agra into a Garden about two Miles from the Castle whither Oranchzef sent a trusty Eunuch with Salutations to his Father and a thousand Protestations of his Affection and Submission and that he was exceeding sorry for what had pass'd and for having been forc'd by reason of the Ambition and evil Designs of Darasja to proceed to all these extremities moreover that he rejoyc'd extremely to hear that he began to find himself better and that he was come thither for no other end than to receive his Commands Schach Jehan was not wanting to express much satisfaction to the Eunuch as to the Proceedings of Oranchzef and receiv'd the Submissions of his Son with all possible appearances of Joy though he very well saw that matters had been carried too far and sufficiently knew the reserv'd and
Oranchzef with whom he was not able to Encounter Darasja's management off Affairs cavill'd at by Statesmen The Statesmen of this Countrey have had great Disputes about this Action of Darasja for it is said that if Darasja at his going from Lahor had gone to the Kingdom of Cabul as he was advis'd he would have found there above ten thousand Soldiers which were kept to guard the Countrey against the Augans Persians and Usbeques and Commanded by Mohabetcan one of the most powerful and ancientest Omrahs in Indostan and one that had never any kindness for Oranchzef moreover he would there have been on the Borders of Persia and Usbeck and it is certain that wanting no Money the whole Militia and also Mohabetcan would have embrac'd his Party and assisted him besides he might not onely have had Aid from Usbeck but also out of Persia as in times past Homayon Myrza whom the Persians setled in his Dominions and help'd him against Zahercan King of the Pattans who had driven him from thence But Darasja was too unfortunate to take any good Advice but in stead of following it he went to Scindy where he setled in his Fortress of Tatabacar a famous and strong Place lying in the midst of the River Indus Oranchzef seeing him take that Way did not think it convenient to follow him any farther but sent eight or ten thousand Men after him under the Command of Mirbaba his foster Brother and return'd directly with the same speed with which he came fearing that one thing or other might fall out near Agra and least some of the potent Rajas should attempt to release Schach Jehan out of Prison or least Soliman Chekon with the Raja of Serenaguer should descend from the Hills or Sultan Sujas approach too near to Agra In this his Return from Multan to Lahor he saw Jesseingue coming to meet him with four or five thousand of his chief Ragipous in a very good Equipage which sufficiently surprs'd Oranchzef who having left his Army behind very well knew that this Raja was much inclin'd to Schach Jehan and therefore fear'd that he might have taken hold of this opportunity and secur'd him till he had releas'd Schach Jehan which then he might easily have done and indeed no Man knows but that this Raja had some such Design he having march'd with extraordinary speed insomuch that Oranchzef had no manner of information thereof but believ'd him yet to be at Deli but what cannot Resolution and the help of a noble Spirit do for Oranchzef without seeming daunted in the least and without changing his Countenance rode directly to him and beckned to him with his Hand as far as he could well see him crying aloud Salamet Bached Rajagi Salamet Bached Babagi that is Joy Lord Raja Joy Lord Father and when the Raja was come near him he said I have expected you with great impatiencn the Work is done Darasja is lost he is left alone I have sent after him Mirbaba from whom I am certain he cannot escape and out of extraordinary kindness towards him took off his Necklace of Pearl and put the same about the Raja's Neck and the sooner to rid himself handsomly of him for he wish'd him a thousand Miles off he said thus to him Go with all speed to Lahor and make Preparations for me and my Army there which is somewhat tir'd for I apprehend that something or other may else happen there I make you Governor of that Place and put all things into your Hands Moreover I am exceedingly oblig'd to you for what you have done with Soliman Chekon Where have you left Delilcan I shall find a time to revenge my self upon him Be careful of your Charge and hasten away Farewel Salamet Bachet Darasja betaking himself to Amadabad is Entertain'd by Schach Navazecan Mean while Darasja being arriv'd at Tatabacar made a politick and generous Eunuch Governor thereof with a considerable Garrison of Pattans and Sayeds besides a great number of Musquetiers all Franks as English Portuguese French and Dutch who had follow'd him upon the great hopes he had given them for had his Business fall'n out successfully and he attain'd the Crown he would have made the Franks all of them Omrahs He also left a great part of his Treasure there yet carrying a sufficient Stock of Gold and Silver along with him he march'd after having staid two days there with two or three thousand Men along the River Indus to Scindy and cross'd with incredible celerity all the Countreys of the Raja Catche and Zurratte and arriv'd at the Gates of Amedabad of which Schach Navazecan Father-in-law to Oranchzef being Governor had a considerable Garrison sufficient to resist him Yet nevertheless whether it was because he wanted courage for although he was of those ancient Princes of Machate yet he was no great Soldier though a Man of a very courteous and obliging Temper he did not oppose Darasja but on the contrary receiv'd him very honourably insomuch that Darasja was wrought no● onely to confide and at length to communicate to him his Designs shewing him the Letters he receiv'd from Jesseingue and many other of his Friends who prepar'd themselves to come to him but it prov'd too true what every one told him and his Friends confirm'd by Letters that this Schach Navazekan would most certainly betray him Never was any Man more surpris'd than Oranchzef when he heard that Darasja was in Amadabat well knowing that he wanted not Money and that all his Friends and also the discontented Party which was numerous would not fail to betake themselves by little and little to him and on the other side he found it not safe to go and find him out himself in a Place lying so far distant from Agra and Schach Jehan and to intangle himself with a tedious March through the Countreys of Jesseingue and others in those Parts besides he knew that Sultan Chasausa was approaching with a strong Army and was already at Elabas and for fear that the Raja or Serenaguer should descend from the Hills with Soliman so that he was sufficiently perplex'd and troubled not knowing which way to turn At last he concluded it best to leave Darasja quiet for a time where he was and go thither where his Presence and Army was most necessary which was towards Sultan Sujas who had already possess'd the River Ganges at Elabs This Sultan Sujas having Encamp'd in a little Village secur'd a great Taleb or Pond of Water which is near the High-way whilst Oranchzef came and plac'd his Army on the Banks of a small Rivulet about a League from Agra between which and the Village is a spacious Plain convenient for a Battel Oranchzef Engageth with Sultan Sujas Oranchzef being impatient till this War had an end march'd the next day very early to Engage Sujas leaving his Baggage on the other side of the River and fell upon the Enemy with great fury and courage Emir Jembla who had been kept
Govaleor Thus Oranchzef freeing himself from great perplexity told his second Son that the Point of Reigning was so ticklish a thing that Kings must be jealous of their own Shadow Therefore if he were not discreet and careful the same thing might happen to him as had befallen his Brother but that whilst he kept himself within the bounds of his Duty and Obedience he should find him a loving and indulgent Father Protesting likewise That he intended not to offer the least violence to the Person of Schach Jehan his Father But Oranchzef had at this time no occasion to suspect his Son Sultan Mazum or to be dissatisfied with him for never was any Slave more humble nor did ever Oranchzef himself appear more careless of Greatness nor more given to Devotion than Sultan Mazum Yet some knowing Persons believ'd that he was not so in reality but by superlative Policy and Craft like his Father of which we may have a Proof in time Whilst Matters were thus transacted in Bengala and Sultan Chasausa oppos'd Emir Jemla the best he could Emir marching first on one side of the Ganges and then on the other Oranchzef kept about Agra marching from Place to Place and having put Moradbech into Govaleor he went to Deli where he began to act the Part of an Absolute King giving Order for all Affairs of the Kingdom and especially he plotted means to take Darasja and get him out of Surat for the Reasons beforemention'd And by his great Fortune and exceeding subtilty he soon drew him thence in the following manner Oranchzef's Policy to catch Darasja Jessomseingue who was retir'd into his Countrey had with the Booty which he had gotten in the Battel of Cadjore rais'd a considerable Army and wrote to Darasja to hasten to Agra promising to joyn his Forces with him on the Way Darasja who had already gotten a great number of Men and hop'd that several of his Friends when they should see him joyn with Jessomseingue and approach Agra would undoubtedly unite their Forces with his march'd speedily to Asmeer six or seven days Journey from Agra But Jessomseingue kept not his Word with him for the Raja Jesseingue interpos'd to make his Peace with Oranchzef and fasten him to his Party or at least to retard his Design which was capable to ruine him and make all the Raja's rebell Therefore writing to him several Letters he made him sensible of the great danger he underwent to expose himself in that manner That Oranchzef would never pardon him That he was a Raja himself That he should think on sparing the Blood of the Ragipous That if he thought to draw the Raja's to his Party he would find those that would attempt to hinder his Design In a word That it was a Business which concern'd all the Gentry of Indostan and would expose them to danger if such a Fire were suffer'd to kindle which could not be extinguish'd at pleasure But if he would leave Darasja to himself Oranchzef resolv'd to forget all that was past restore again whatever he had taken from him and at the same time make him Governor of Surat which would be very advantageous to him because that Countrey lay near to his Lands and that there he might be in safety so long as he pleas'd In short this Raja prevail'd so much that he made Jessomseingue return to his own Countrey Mean while Oranchzef approach'd with his whole Army to Asmeer and incamp'd in sight of Darasja And now what could this poor Prince Darasja do He fees himself abandon'd and frustrate of all his hopes To return with his Army safe to Amadabad he saw was altogether impossible because it is above thirty five days Journey and in the midst of Summer and he wanted Water the Countreys likewise through which he was to pass belonging to the Raja's all Friends or Allies to Jesseingue or Jessomseingue and that also Oranchzef's Army would certainly pursue him Wherefore said he we must die on the Spot and therefore let us resolve though we are very unequal to them in Power to give them Battel and hazard All. But in vain does he exhort his Soldiers for he is not onely abandon'd by them but having Chah-Navazecan with him in whom he repos'd great Confidence he was by him betray'd and all his Designs made known to Oranchzef It is true that Chah Navazecan was slain in the Battel either by Darasja's own Hand as many believe or more probably by Oranchzef's Soldiers who being private Friends to Darasja found out a means to seize upon and kill him for fear he might have some knowledge of a Letter they had written to Darasja and so discover them The Battel between Darasja and Oranchzef The Battel began in the morning about nine or ten a Clock Darasja's Artillery was planted on a Hill and sufficiently heard but most believ'd they shot nothing but Powder so great was the Treachery of his Officers And indeed this was properly no Fight but a meer Plot to ruine him for the Fight was scarce begun when Jesseingue finding himself near Darasja perswaded him that unless he was resolv'd to be taken Prisoner he should fly So that Darasja exceedingly amaz'd was forc'd at the same instant to retreat in such confusion that he had not time to load away his Goods and Carriage but with great difficulty escap'd with his Wife Moreover it is certain that if the Raja Jesseingue had pleas'd Darasja could never have escap'd but he was always ways inclin'd to be favourable to the Royal Family or rather he was too subtile and politick and too sensible of future things to hazard the danger that might ensue for laying hands on a Prince of the Blood Daraja's Flight and Misery Thus this unfortunate Prince abandon'd by all except two thousand Men which accompanied him was necessitated in the midst of Summer without Tents or necessary Accommodations to travel through all the Countreys of the Raja's which lie between Asmeer and Amadabad whilst the Koullys the Rusticks of this Countrey and the greatest Villains and Robbers of all India pursuing him day and night kill'd and robb'd all those which they found straggling from the Main Body if they lagg'd never so little behind Yet notwithstanding Darasja made shift to get within a days Journey of Amadabad hoping the next morning to refresh himself in the Town and endeavor once more to raise some Forces But all things fell out contrary to the expectation of this unfortunate Man for the Governor whom he had left in the Castle of Amadabad had already receiv'd both menacing and promising Letters from Oranchzef so that his Courage failing he declar'd for his side wherefore he wrote to Darasja That he should not come any nearer for the Gates of the City were shut and every Man up in Arms against him F. Bernier Physician to this Prince and attending then on him saith When he oblig'd me to follow him having then no other Physician about him and
the night before he receiv'd this News from the Governor of Amadabad he did me the Honor to make me come into the Caravansera where he was out of fear to be set upon that night by the Coullys and I was a thing incredible in Hindostan where all Noblemen are so exceeding jealous so near to this Princes Consort that the Cords of the Canates or little Houses for they had not so much as a Tent were fastned to the Wheels of my Chariot I relate this Circumstance by the by onely to shew the Extremity Darasja was reduc'd to When the Women heard the foremention'd sad News That they could not get into the City which was about the break of day they broke forth into strange Cries and Lamentations and all things were in an inexpressible confusion every one looking upon his Neighbor and none knowing what to do or what would become of them Soon after Darasja coming forth strangely terrified first spoke to one and then to another even to the meanest NURMAHAL Soldier But seeing them all amaz'd and ready to abandon him what Counsel can he take Whether can he go He must fly instantly but whether he knew not And you may judge of the extremity he was in by this small accident I shall here relate viz. Of three great Oxen which drew my Chariot one died the day before another in the night and the third was not able to go for during the small time I was with him we march'd night and day the Heat and Dust being intolerable so that to my good Fortune he left me behind not being able to get either Oxen Horses or Camels for me I saw him march away with Tears in his Eyes accompanied with four or five hundred Cavaliers at the most and with two Elephants which were said to be laden with Treasure with intention to go to Tatabacor seeing he could do no better though it seem'd almost if not altogether impossible in respect of the few Men which he had left and the vast Sandy Desarts for the most part without Water which he was to cross in the heat of Summer which destroy'd many of those that follow'd him especially several of his Women who perish'd either of drought the unwholesom Waters tiresom Ways ill Food or by the Coullys beforemention'd Yet nevertheless with much pains he reach'd the Countrey of the Raja Catche though it had been happier for him to have died also in his March thither Darasja betray'd by the Raja Gatche This Raja at first gave him a very good Reception even so far as to promise him assistance with all his Forces provided he would give his Daughter in Marriage to his Son But Jesseingue inform'd thereof soon prevail'd with this Raja as he had done with Jessomseingue so that Darasja observing the kindness of this Barbarian to cool on a sudden and that consequently his Person was in danger there he betook himself to the pursuit of his Expedition to Tatabacar Whilst Darasja proceeded forward in his Journey the War continu'd still in Bengala and much longer than was expected Sultan Chasausa using his whole endeavor to conquer Emir Jemla Yet this troubled not Oranchzef so much because he knew it was a great way between Bengala and Agra and being sufficiently assur'd of the Fidelity and Valor of Emir Jemla but that which disquieted him was to see Soliman Chekouh almost at his Gates for it is not above eight days Journey from Agra to the Mountains and being perpetually allarm'd by the Rumors which were spread That he was coming out of the Mountains with the Raja And indeed it was very difficult to draw him from thence but he compass'd his Design after this manner He made the Raja Jesseingue write divers Letters to the Raja of Serenaguer promising him very great things if he would surrender Soliman Chekouh to him and threatned to proclaim War against him if he refus'd to comply with his desire But the Raja reply'd That he would rather lose his Estate than do so unworthy an action Whereupon Oranchzef seeing his resolution march'd with his Army directly to the Foot of the Mountains where by an infinite number of Workmen he cut a Passage through the Rocks But the Raja laugh'd at his vain Attempt and indeed he had no cause to fear though Oranchzef cut never so long the Mountains being inaccessible for an Army and the Rocks able to withstand all the Powers of the Indostans which forc'd Oranchzef to return without effecting any thing The Siege of Tatabacar Mean while Darasja approaching the Fortress of Tatabacar and being come within two or three days Journey of the same receiv'd Advice That Mirbaba after having Besieg'd the Place a considerable time had at length reduc'd it to the utmost extremity insomuch that a Pound of Rice or Flesh was sold for a Crown and all other Provisions accordingly Nevertheless the Governor holding out made divers Sallies which extremely incommoded the Enemy and express'd all possible Prudence Courage and Fidelity deriding the Proposals of Mirbaba and all the Menaces and Promises of Oranchzef And when he heard that Darasja was not far off he redoubled his Liberalities and knew so well to gain the Hearts of all his Soldiers and to encourage them to fight bravely that there was not one but what resolv'd to Sally out upon the Enemy and to hazard all to raise the Siege and force Darasja's Entrance Mean while he sent Spies into Mirbaba's Camp to assure the Soldiers that they had seen Darasja approach with great Resolution and considerable Forces which struck such a fear amongst the Soldiers that had Darasja come at that instant as it was expected the Enemies Army had on sight of him undoubtedly Disbanded and a great part thereof gone over to him But he was still too unfortunate to atchieve any thing for his own advantage wherefore considering with himself that it was impossible for him to raise the Siege with such a handful of Men as he had he resolv'd to cross the River Indus and get into Persia which could not have been done without great trouble by reason of the Desarts and want of Water which is in those Parts besides those Countreys are Govern'd by Petty Rajas and Patans who acknowledge neither the Persian nor Mogol for their Superior But his Consort disswaded him from that Resolution for this weak Reason viz. That if he went into Persia he must be contented to see his Wife and Daughter Slaves to the King of Persia which was a thing no ways befitting the Grandeur of his Family and that he ought rather to die than undergo that Infamy Darasja being in this perplexity at last remember'd that not far from thence resided a Powerful Patan call'd Gimcan whose Life he had formerly twice sav'd when Schach Jehan had commanded he should be cast under the Feet of an Elephant for having rebell'd divers times against him Therefore he resolv'd to go to him hoping that he would give him sufficient
Succors to raise the Siege of Tatabacar for he made full account to fetch his Treasure from thence and going with it to Candahor find out a means to get into the Kingdom of Cabul And this he thought the more feasible because he repos'd great confidence in Mahobetcan who being Governor of that Place was exceedingly belov'd and obtain'd his Government by Darasja's means But his Nephew Sepe Chekouh though very young observing his Resolution threw himself down at his Feet and begg'd of him not to enter into the Countrey of that Patan His Wife and Daughter also did the same remonstrating to him That he was a Robber a Revolted Governor and that he would infallibly betray him That he ought not to stand upon raising of the Siege but rather endeavour to gain Cabul which would not be altogether so impossible because it was very improbable that Mirbaba would raise his Siege to follow him and prevent his getting into the foremention'd Countreys But Darasja being carry'd headlong by the violence of his unhappy Destiny rejected this Counsel and would hearken to nothing that was propos'd to him alledging as was true that the March would be very difficult and dangerous and being confident that Gioncan would not be so base as to betray him after all the good Service which he had done him wherefore he went thither notwithstanding all that could be said to him and went to prove at the price of his Life that no trust is to be put in a wicked Man This Traitor believing at first that he had numerous Troops following of him gave him the fairest Reception that could be and to all appearance Entertain'd him with great civility and kindness Quartering his Soldiers here and there amongst his Subjects with strict Orders to treat them well and give them what Refreshments the Countrey afforded but as soon as he found that Darasja had not above two or three hundred Men he quickly appear'd what he really was It is uncertain whether he receiv'd any Letters from Oranchzef or whether his Avarice was not tempted by some Mules which were said to be laden with Gold being all that could be sav'd hitherto as well from the hands of Robbers as from those that convey'd it But whatsoe're it was one Morning when all Persons thought themselves most secure and the wearied Soldiers took no care but how to rest and refresh themselves believing all to be safe behold this Traitor who had bestirr'd himself all Night to get Armed Men from all Parts fell upon Darasja and Sepe Chekou Darasja is made Prisoner by Gioncan kill'd some of their Men who stood up to defend themselves seiz'd on the Mules and Camels and all the Womens Jewels and caus'd Darasja to be ty'd fast upon an Elephant commanding an Executioner to go behind him and cut off his Head on the least sign given in case he should be seen to make any resistance or if any one should attempt to rescue him In this manner he was carried to the Army at Tatabacar and deliver'd to the General Mirbaba who caus'd him to be conducted in company of this vile Traitor to Lahor and from thence to Deli. When Darasja was come to the Gates of Deli Oranchzef consulted whether he should be brought through the midst of the City or sent directly to Govaleor Many were of opinion that he ought to travel guarded to prevent any Disorder that might happen to arise or lest some Attempt should be made to rescue him which would be a great dishonor to the Royal Family Others maintain'd the contrary viz. That it was absolutely necessary he should pass through the Town to astonish the World and manifest the absolute Power of Oranchzef and to free the common People from their doubtings who else might more firmly be perswaded in their Minds that it was not he as indeed many Omrahs were and also take away all hopes from those that entertain'd any affection for him Is carried in teiumph through Deli. which Arguments prevailing he was set upon an Elephant with his two Nephews on each side and behind him Badurcan in stead of the Executioner This was none of those stately Elephants from Geylon or Pegu richly caparison'd on which he us'd to Ride but an old poor dirty Beast with a ragged Cover and a pitiful Seat all open He had then no more the Necklace of Pearls which those Princes use to wear nor those rich Turbants and embroider'd Vestures his Garments being a Vest of dirty course Linnen and a Turbant of the same with a tatter'd Scarf of Cackmire over his Head like a Varlet his Son Sepe Chekouh was in the same Equipage In this miserable posture he was made to enter into the Town and to pass through the high Streets to the end he might be seen by all People and by that means fully satisfie all those who till then very much doubted that it was not he Most People were exceedingly amaz'd at the boldness of making him pass through the Town and the more because he was but ill guarded and exceedingly belov'd by the Vulgar who at that time exclaim'd highly against the cruelty and tyranny of Oranchzef as one that kept his Father in Prison and also his own Son Sultan Mahmoud and his Brother Moradbeck but not one Man had the boldness to draw his Sword onely there were some of the Fakiers and some poor People who seeing that infamous Gioncan ride by his side began to rail and throw stones at him and to call him Traitor and indeed all the tops of the Houses and Shops being throng'd with Spectators there was nothing heard but loud Outcries and Lamentations with Invectives and Curses heap'd upon Gioncan in a word both Men and Women great and small so compassionate are the Indians were ready to melt into Tears yet none durst attempt to rescue him Being thus conducted through the City he was put into a Garden call'd Heider Abad A Consultation held whether to put him to death or send him to Govaleor Several Persons of Quality that were there present were not wanting to tell Oranchzef that most of the People seeing Darasja pass by lamented for him very much and cursing the Patan that had deliver'd him were ready to stone him to death and consequently there was great fear of an Insurrection or Disturbance Whereupon the Council being call'd they again consulted what was best to be done viz. Whether they should send Darasja away to to Govaleor as they had before concluded or whether they should put him to death without any farther delay Some were of opinion that he ought to be carry'd to Govaleor with a strong Party of Horse upon which Daneck Mendcan though an old Enemy of Darasja's insisted very much But Raichenara Begum in prosecution of her hatred against this Brother of hers perswaded Oranchzef immediately to destroy him and not run the hazard of sending him to Govaleor In like manner all his old Enemies as Calullacan Chahestcan and especially
the Castle to be hung with rich Tapistry and at the entrance into the Seraglio she proffer'd him a great golden Bason fill'd with her and her Father Schach Jehan's Jewels and receiv'd him so splendidly and courteously that she obtain'd pardon for all her former Offences and participated of his Favors The Mogol's Ambassador abus'd Anno 1666. the Great Mogol sent an Ambassador to Schach Abbas King of Persia for the negotiating an Affair not very pleasing to the the said King who quarrell'd also at his styling himself in his Letters King of all the World which the King of Persia resented so ill that he caus'd the Mogol's Ambassador's Beard to be pull'd off and the Presents which he had sent him to be burnt all which made the Ambassador resolve to go away without taking leave But the Persian Chancellor acquainting the King that this was a Business of great consequence he dismiss'd the Agent with rich Presents and amongst others forty brave Persian Horses and many Pieces of Gold and Silver Stuffs sending also with him a Herauld at Arms to proclaim War against the Great Mogol who when his Agent told him the Disgrace he had sustain'd he was so exceedingly offended at him that he caus'd him by an Allegoer or common Executioner to be driven out of the City and the Horses which the King of Persia had sent him to be kill'd publickly as also the Gold and Silver Stuffs to be burnt and speaking to the Herauld which came from the King of Persia said thus unto him Go tell thy Master that I will treat him thus in his own Realm Whereupon raising a mighty Army he march'd to the Borders of Persia the King whereof came also to meet him with a puissant Army but coming within two days Journey of the Mogol The King of Persia dies he dy'd and immediately his Son Schach Soliman aged about twenty five years and present with the Army being proclaim'd King sent an Agent to acquaint the Mogol with his Father's Death requesting him that he would not impute that to him which had hapned between him and his Father he being no way guilty thereof and desiring nothing more than to live in Peace with his Neighbors The Great Mogol granting his Request made Peace with him and so each march'd back to their own Jurisdictions Thus having given you an Account of the Mogols Countrey and India in general we will now give you a particular Account of all the Kingdoms and Territories which it comprehends and begin from the West side towards the North with Candahar which though it be said to be under the King of Persia's Jurisdiction yet it may conveniently be describ'd here partly for its Neighborhood to the Mogol's Countrey and partly because it anciently belong'd to the same Paropamisa or Candahar Sablestan and Balassy THe Countrey of Candahar was anciently by the Greeks according to Cluverius and Golnitius call'd Arachosia by Minadoi Paropamisa though as Niger writes some call Paropamisa Dacha Castaldus Ananias Della Valle hold Sablestan or Sabelestan for the ancient Paropamisa but Della Valle will have Candahar to be Paropamisa or at lest a part thereof so that the ancient Paropamisa seems to contain two several Provinces as Candahar and Sablestan Ananias places in Paropamisa the Kingdom of Balassan by Pol call'd Balassan Bounds of Paropamisa and the Inhabitants The Territory of Paropamisa hath as Ptolomy saith in the West Aria in the East a part of India and in the South Arachosia The ancient Inhabitants of Paropamisa were the Bolites Aristophilians Ambants Parietes and Parsiers who were all call'd by one general Name Parapomisades or Paropamisades from the Mountain Paropamisus which Castaldus calls Calichistas and is a part of Mount Taurus and as Pliny saith rises to an exceeding heigth Arrianus and Diodorus Siculus tell us that Alexander the Great 's Soldiers call'd the said Mountain Caucasus though improperly for the real Caucasus lies between the Euxine and Hircanian Sea The utmost parts of these Mountains are according to Strabo by the Barbarians call'd Eodae and Himaon The Head of the River Indus Out of this Paropamisus the River Indus hath its Spring being by Pinetus and Gerard Mercator call'd Pamer This is also said to be the highest part of the Earth Coropius Becanus tells us contrary to the opinion of the Fathers that Noah's Ark rested on this Mountain This Territory of Candahar The Extent so call'd from its Metropolis lies according to Mr. Edward Terry Northwest from the Mogol's Jurisdiction and borders Westward upon the Kingdom of Persia at the Stream Abi Saba or Abi Bust Don John of Persia reckons the length of it to be sixty Leagues and some affirm the circumference thereof to be thirty days Journey The chief Towns Ptolomy places in the ancient Paropamisa the Towns of Nacka Belcas Eadras Canda Aclama and Bagsius the Metropolis of the County of Basoia from whence they enter into Balassan But the Metropolitan City of Paropamisa or Candahar is call'd Candahar or Candor or according to Jarrick Candacar from the Province it self Castaldus affirms that the ancient City Carure of Ptolomy or Ortospane of Strabo is the modern City Candahar which though it be but small yet it is very strongly situated and surrounded with two Mud Walls and a Moat ten Foot broad between both It stands on the Borders of Aria now call'd Arat and on those of India near the High-way by which the Merchants travel when they come from Persia and Chorazan to Sinde as on the other side those that come from Lahor to Agra and the Countreys of India travel along the same to Chorazan Media and Persia the Caravans being forc'd to make use of this Way either in their going to Persia or coming from thence to go for India SEGUM SAHEB The King of Persia esteem'd this Place to be of great consequence because he intended in the beginning of this Age to make it the Metropolitan City for the Trade which was formerly driven in the Red-Sea and to Ormus to which purpose he kept a strong Garrison in the City of Candahar under the Command of a loyal Person A Place of great Trade In peaceable Times the Persians Jews Armenians and Benjans drive a great Trade in this City especially with Indian Commodities Moreover there come Merchants thither from China and all Parts of India Temperature of the Air. The Province of Candahar is naturally warm and hath no hard Winters and though it Freezeth there a little in the Nights in January it Thaws again at the rising of the Sun the Inhabitants also keeping their Cattel abroad both Winter and Summer which is the reason they make no Hay But nevertheless it is so cold in Winter in the Mountains Bellor that Strangers cannot travel though them without great Fires It is a very fertile Countrey producing abundance of Barley Wheat Rice French-Beans Pease Negur and Cotton besides all sorts of Indian and Persian
noted Towns are Sim the Chief of a County Sapurgan and Baglian Most of the Inhabitants are Benjans Their Houses are low and small They possess two strong Castles in one of which King Babar was born By reason of the abundance of Robbers spread through all the Countrey they us'd to spend three Moneths in the Journey from Cabul to Lahor whereas now they finish it in twenty days for a certain King of Cabul to prevent all Robberies caus'd very strong Houses to be built along the High-way in stead of Inns at a certain distance one from another and put Soldiers to inhabit the same by which means many of those Places are grown very populous and become Towns This Countrey produces a certain Fruit by the Druggists generally call'd Mirabalones It hath this many years been under the Mogol's Jurisdiction and generally maintains twelve or fifteen thousand Men in Arms for a Defence against the Persians Augans Balouchs and other Inhabiters of the Mountains Between Candahar and Cabul dwell a People in the Mountains call'd Afgans or Augans which range up and down the Countrey without having any certain Habitations but live onely by Robbing like the Arabians and demand Toll from such as travel through their Countrey The Territory of Multan THe Territory of Multan The Borders by Texeira Multon borders on the North at Candahar and Cabul on the West at Persia on the South at Haiacan or the Countrey of the Balouchs and in the South on Penjab Daviti Texeira and others place it far into the Countrey from Indus or Indostan and as it were in the heart of this great Countrey making it to border at the Kingdom of Mandou and the Countrey of the Hindouns but certainly they understand by Multan the Kingdom of Lahor otherwise Penjab which lies farther into the Countrey The Metropolis thereof according to Terry and Ananias bears the Name of Multan though Texeira makes Lahor the chief City of the Kingdom and affirms that the Multans dwell in the Countrey of Lahor Excellent Bowes and Arrows This Countrey is famous for the many excellent Bowes and Arrows which are made in it and are better and much neater than any other in all India The Bowes are made of Horn curiously joyn'd the Arrows are of small Canes both richly colour'd and varnish'd The Countreys of the Bullochs or Bobochs or Kingdom of Ballochy otherwise Haican or Hangi-Chan THe Countrey of the Bullochs is properly call'd Haiacan The Borders or Hiacan and by others Hangican It borders Northerly at the Province of Multan Eastward at the Province of Penjab and the River Indus South-East at Buckor Southward at the Territory of Taffa and Westward at the Mountains which separate Persia from India Some make this Countrey border on one side of the Pattans or Bottans Terry saith that this Countrey hath no nominated City but Davity calls the Metropolis Buckara which lies on the midst of an Island in the River Indus Others make Seckara the first City towards the side of the Kingdom of Multan But Buckara and Seckara seem to be one and the same City and is by Terry made the Metropolis of the Province of Suckor Next you come to the City Gorra after having travell'd three days through great Woods and five days farther to that of Norry the least Town in this Countrey towards the side of the Pattans This is perhaps that City which Ananias from the information of the Persian Anvadet calls Negariot The nature of the People The Bullochs who are Neighbors to the Pattans are a very resolute strong valiant and mighty People like Agents though mild in their Conversation yet stubborn Man-eaters Robbers and Pyrates yet some affirm that they are a very faithful People and will rather lose their Lives than suffer any as they travel in the Caravans to have their Goods taken away by Robbers They maintain themselves by carrying of Goods from Place to Place on Camels and other Beasts of Burthen of which they keep many They also till their Lands and worship the Sun The Province of Buckar or Buckor THe Province of Buckor or Buckar The Borders is divided by the River Indus to its great benefit It borders on the North on the Territory of Haiacan and Astack in the East at Jesselmeer in the South at Tatta and in the West at Haiacan before mention'd Terry calls the chief City of this Province Buckor-Suckor lying in an Island on the River Indus Others call this City Buckara or Buckero and Suckera and make it to be the Metropolis of the Countrey of the Bullochs and some as we said before make it to be the Metropolis of Multan The Trade of Suckera At Suckera a great Trade is driven with Indian Clothes and other Commodities The Inhabitants are Mahumetans The Chan or Governor which the Mogol keeps at Buckor-Suckor generally keeps a great number of Soldiers in the Castle to curb the Bullochs who are exceedingly addicted to Mutinying The Kingdom of Send or Sind otherwise call'd Diu and Tatta The Name and Borders THe Kingdom of Send or Sind so call'd by the English Portuguese and Spanish from its chief River Send or Sind anciently Indus near which it lies and by Terry from its Metropolis Tatta or the Countrey of the Abinds and by the Arabians The Kingdom of Diu Maffaeus seems to call it Dulcinde and makes it border in the South upon the Kingdom of Cambaya But Terry makes it border in the North with Buckar in the East upon Jesselmeer and Soret in the South touches the Indian Sea in the West faces the Mountains lying on the Borders of Persia and the Mogol's Countrey It is divided by the River Indus otherwise Sind which in its course through this Countrey makes many pleasant and delightful Isles and at last falls into the Sea near the City Sinde famous for many Handicrafts Tatta a Place of good Trade The Metropolis Tatta is very eminent for the Trade there driven formerly by the Portuguese Some English Travellers call'd it Gutu Netgar Tutta though commonly by the Natives Tutta onely without addition of the other Names The other Towns lying on this River are Cossompacco and Callitallowny and the Fortress of Seyvon beyond Tatta This Fort prevents the passage of such as come down the River The chief Harbor The chiefest Harbor is Lowribandel or according to Texeira Singlybandel three days Journey from the prime City Tatta This Haven of Lowribandel hath one Property beyond the rest viz. the Ships that come to an Anchor in the same are not eaten by the Worms as in the Havens of Sovally Chaul Dabul Daman Goa and other Places This Countrey is rich and fruitful and frequented by the Indians Portuguese and other People for Trade Here are divers sorts of fine Cotton-Linnen made The Commodities which the Inhabitants call Jarrin Turbants Oyl of Coco-nuts and abundance of Butter It also affords plenty of Sugar-Canes Pitch Rosin Leather-works wrought with
Kingdom of great and little Tibet and those of the Raja Gamon which are its next Neighbors The first Mountains that inclose it viz. those which lie nearest the Plains are of an indifferent heighth and overgrown with Trees and Grass which serve for Pasturage for divers sorts of Beasts as Oxen Cows Sheep Goats Horses Stags Hares and a certain Beast which produces Musk as also Bees in great abundance But there are which is a strange thing in India no Serpents Tygers Bears nor Lions or but very rarely to be found here Beyond these indifferent high Mountains rise others which being very high are cover'd all the year with Snow and reaching above the Clouds and the usual foggy Damps carry upon their tops calm and serene Weather These Mountains of Caximir cannot be travell'd without great difficulty with Camels they being so very steep and craggy Eleven or twelve days Journey from Lahor and five from Caximir are the Mountains Bember which are high spiry black and barren and are as a mighty Wall of that part of the World Great Heat in March and the effects of it Between Lahor and Caximir near Bember it is intolerable hot in March which proceeds from those high Mountains that lie Northerly and prevent or break off all the cool Winds which come from that side and reflecting the Sun-beams back on the Fields scorch and burn them neither are there any Clouds seen nor one Blast of Wind stirring insomuch that the Horses often fainting fall down under their Riders Strangers that travel this way break out full of red Pimples which prick like Needles all over their Bodies nay many of them die of the extream Heat When you travel in March out of the Mountains of Bember into those of Caximir you come out of a torrid into a more temperate Climate and that which is more strange Travellers find so great an alteration as if they were transported out of India into Europe the Fields being overgrown with all kind of European Plants Grain and Herbs except Hyssop Thyme and Rosemary the Woods full of Elms Ash Chesnut and Palm-trees whenas there is not one Shrub to be seen in the scorch'd Fields of Indostan Difference of Air in one Mountain A days Journey and a half from Bember is a Mountain which on both sides is overgrown with Plants but with this distinction viz. on that side which respects the South towards India is a mixture both of Indian and European Plants but on the North side grow none but European just as if the Southern part of the Mountain did participate with the Temperature of the Air of Europe and India and the North side onely of Europe In the Valleys and deep Precipices between these high Mountains lie hundreds of Trees one above another some wither'd and others rotten with age and also many young ones which are sprung out of the Roots of the rotten There are likewise some scorch'd Trees either set on fire by Lightning or by the motion of the Wind in the midst of Summer which causeth them to clash one against the other or as the Inhabitants say they take fire of themselves when grown old and dry The highest Mountain of all is call'd Pirepenjale from which at a great distance you discover the Countrey of Cachemire and travelling over this Mountain in March you are sensible in less than an hours time both of Summer and Winter for in ascending it your are exceedingly perplex'd with the intolerable heat of the Sun but coming to the top you find frozen Snow through which you must cut your way being often so extraordinary cold that it chills the Traveller An odd Hermite Anno 1664. F. Bernier travelling over this Mountain found an ancient Recluse on the top thereof who had dwelt on the same ever since the Time of Schach Selim his Religion was not known to any but he had the power as the Inhabitants affirm to perform great Miracles viz. to cause Thunder Lightning Wind Hail Rain and Snow whensoever he pleas'd He appear'd to Bernier who went to visit him in his Cave like a Salvage with a long grey Beard asking Alms of him and desir'd that his Pitchers which he had set together on a great Stone might be fill'd with Water after which he beckned with his Hand to him and his Company that they should not stop but pass over the Mountain with all the speed they could and frown'd at those who stood still or made any noise alledging that it would occasion great Tempests there and told Bernier that Oranchzef had done well in not suffering any to make a noise there as also his Father Schach Jehan but that Schach Selim scorning his Advice caus'd Drums to be beaten and Trumpets to be sounded there whereupon there arose such a mighty Tempest that he despair'd of getting alive from thence In or between the Mountains which belong to Cachemire are many fertile Plains and amongst others one which pays Hides and Wooll for Tribute which the Governor sends for yearly The Women here are very handsom chaste The Women handsom and Laborious The Merchants of Cachemire go yearly from Mountain to Mountain to buy up the Wooll of which they make a certain Stuff call'd Chales There is yet another Place very remote from Cachemire which also pays Tribute in Hides and Wooll and possesses very many pleasant and fruitful small Plains and Valleys which produce Wheat Rice Apples Pears Apricocks Melons and Grapes of which the Owners make excellent Wine The Inhabitants have often refus'd to pay Tribute on the account of the troublesom and almost inaccessible Ways that lead into their Countrey but there have ever been means found to get into their Jurisdiction to reduce them to Obedience Moreover in the Mountains which lie farther off and not under the Jurisdiction of Cachemire are very pleasant Tracts of Lands inhabited by a white and well shap'd People who seldom come from thence There are some that are under no King nor have they any Religion onely some account it a sin to eat Fish Out of all these Mountains rise many Springs and Rivulets which the Inhabitants convey to their Rice-Fields along great Ditches which having fill'd many lesser at last make a great navigable River for Ships of a considerable Burthen This Stream having pass'd round about the Kingdom and through the middle of the chief City Caximir seeks a passage out at Boramoule between two spiry Rocks from whence falling with great force it receives by the way the Waters of many little Brooks which also spring out of the Mountains and at last discharges its Waters near Attack in the River Indus All these Rivulets gliding from the Mountains make the low Lands exceeding fertile insomuch that the whole Kingdome is like a Garden which being all over green hath here and there some Villages situate amongst the Trees and is divided into several Beds Sow'n with Rice Wheat and other Grain besides Saffron and Hemp interwoven
with Water-courses Channels and some little Lakes and Rivulets and every where planted with European Trees and Flowers as Apples Pears Plumbs Apricocks Nuts and Vines European Plants and Herbs here in great abundance In the private Gardens of this Countrey grow Musk-melons Patequos or Water-melons Beets Raddishes most of our Potherbs and some which we have not yet these Fruits are not so good as those in Europe which proceeds rather from the ignorance of Gardners than the Soil wherefore the Mogols have not improperly call'd this Countrey The Terrestrial Paradice neither did the Great Mogol Ecbar without just reasons take so much pains to get it from the lawful Kings and his Son Schach Selim was so much taken therewith that he could not possibly forsake it often saying That he would rather lose all his whole Kingdom besides than Cachemire When Oranchzef came Anno 1664. from Deli to recreate himself in this Countrey in the Month of March all the Poets strove to exceed one another in making Verses in praise of the same which Oranchzef receiv'd rewarding the Authors of them very bountifully The Description of the City and Lake of Cachemire The chief Town of this Countrey bears the same Denomination with the Kingdom and being without Walls is three quarters of a Mile long and half a Mile broad It is situate in a barren Field about two Leagues from the Mountains which seem to make a Semi-circle about a Lake of sweet Water of about four or five Leagues in circumference This Lake is made by running Springs and Brooks which glide from the Mountains and discharges its Water through a navigable Channel into a River which runs through the middle of the City and hath two Bridges over it This Lake is also full of Islands which resemble so many pleasant Gardens with delightful Walks and Arbors and are surrounded with Poplar and other Trees which have Leaves about two Foot broad and are as tall as the Masts of Ships with Boughs onely on the top like Date-trees On the other side of the Lake upon the hanging of the Mountains are also abundance of Banquetting-houses and Gardens for which that place is most convenient because it hath a delicate Air a Prospect on the Lake Islands and a City and is full of Springs and Rivulets The best of all the Gardens being the Kings is in the Persian Language call'd Schach-Limar that is The King's Garden Out of the Lake they go into this Garden through a Channel between two rows of Trees planted along its Banks about five hundred Paces long This Channel leads to the King 's Sugar-house which is also in the midst of the Garden where begins another brave Moat reaching to the upper end of the Garden The bottom of the foremention'd Channel is pav'd with Freestone and the sides thereof rais'd also with the same Stone in the middle thereof are many Springs of Water which being in a row fifteen Paces distant one from another shoot up above the other Water Moreover there are Receptacles of Water like Ponds out of which by means of several Springs the Water rises up in many small Streams which make divers Figures This Channel ends at another great Banquetting-house not much unlike the former The foremention'd Pleasure-houses built almost like Cloysters lying in the middle of the Moat are surrounded with Water between the two rows of Poplar Trees they have Galleries or Balconies built round about them and four Doors opposite one to another two whereof fronting the two rows of Trees have two Bridges which lead cross the Water one on each side the other two front the two ends of the Channel Each Summer-house consists in a great Room in the midst of four lesser which make the Square the Walls of both the great and small Rooms are richly Gilded and Painted and full of Inscriptions in large Persian Characters the four Doors are very stately of large Stones with two Columns fetch'd out of the ancient Pagan Temples which Schach Jehan caus'd to be ruin'd The value of these Stones is not known nor of what species they are unless Marble or Porphyrie Most of the Houses are built of Wood two Storeys high not for want of Stone there being many old ruin'd Deuras or Temples but for the cheapness by reason of the abundance of Wood which grows on the adjacent Mountains from whence it may be fetch'd for a small matter and carried to the City along a little River The Houses built along the River side have each of them a Garden which hath a Prospect on the Water The other Houses that do not stand near the River have Gardens also and many of them a little Channel which runs into the Lake into which they can Row from their Houses in small Boats At one end of the City appears a very steep Mountain at the foot whereof are many fair Houses with Gardens and on the top a Mosque with an Orchard and Garden belonging to it In regard whereof the Inhabitants in their Language call this Mountain Hary Porbet that is Green Mountain Opposite to this appears another Mountain being also crown'd with a Mosque and likewise an ancient Structure which seems to have been a Deura or Pagode but it is call'd Tackt Souliman that is The Throne of Salomon because as the Mahumetans say Salomon built it when he came to Cachemire A wonderful Spring At the Confines of this Kingdom two or three days Journey from the City Cachemire a Spring near the foot of a Mountain works Wonders as the Mahumetans affirm in May when the Snow melts on the Mountains viz. it ebbs and flows for fifteen days together three times in a day in the Morning at Noon and at Night after the first fifteen days its Course is not so exact and after a Months time it stops altogether the remaining part of the year except in the time of great and long Rains when it overflows like other Springs The Heathens have on the Brink of this Spring a little Deura or Pagode built in honor of one of their Idols wherefore they have call'd it Send Brary as if they would say Water of Brary whither many People go in Pilgrimage to Bathe themselves Many strange Relations they give concerning the original of this Spring the Mountain at whose foot it springs extends in length from North to South and appears at a distance like a Plain somewhat rising in the middle and is about a hundred Paces broad on the top the North side hath some Verdure but quickly decaying for want of the Suns influence the other side on the West is shaded with Trees and Brambles Some distance from the High-way is a pleasant Seat of the ancient Kings of Cachemire and at present of the Great Mogol call'd Achiavela The most remarkable thing belonging thereunto is a Spring whose Water runs round about the Structure and through all the Gardens in many little Channels This Spring boyls with such great force out
valiant of them use they often put their Enemies to flight This Countrey was formerly Govern'd by a peculiar King and belong'd not long since to the King of Pattan but of late hath been subdu'd by the Great Mogol who in the beginning kept his Court in the Metropolis thereof The Inhabitants are most of them Moors or Mahumetans the rest Heathens who live very miserably for being subdu'd by the Moors who bereav'd them of what they formerly possess'd they are forc'd to range up and down the Countrey from one place to another and are therefore call'd Joguez The Kingdom or Province of Mando or Bando THe Province or Kingdom of Mando otherwise Bando by the Inhabitants according to Texeira call'd Mandou and by Purchas Mandao borders in the East at Agra in the North at Dely in the West at Jesselmeer and in the South at the Province of Malway The Description of the City Maudo The Metropolis which bears one and the same Name with the Province hath six Miles in circumference It lies on a high Mountain the top whereof is flat and spacious The Ascent to the City is very high and steep and troublesom to walk up Not far from the foot of the Mountain is a large Town call'd Achabar Pore by which glides a broad River call'd Narbodag The top of the Mountain is overgrown with shady Trees in such a manner that it is very pleasant to ●●hold either from the foot upwards or from the top downwards This wooddy Mountain serves as a Recess for Lions Tygers and wild Elephants In this City the Great Mogol hath a House or spacious Palace built of square Stone in which he often resides Not far from this Palace is a Cave cut in a Rock which is no less artificial than pleasant by reason of its coolness The Countrey is barren sandy and mountainous full of Lions Tygers and wild Elephants and produces great plenty of Costus in the Malayan Tongue call'd Pucho and Amphion or Opium There is also abundance of Azur with which the Inhabitants Trade to China Cambaya and Ormuz It is said that the valiant Amazones Reign'd in this Countrey but at present they retain nothing of their Predecessors Qualities but onely to Ride well on Horseback with half Boots and Spurs Whenever the Queen Rides abroad she is accompanied by at least two thousand Women on Horseback The Province of Malway or Malva THe Province of Malway or Malva bordering in the East at Narrat in the South at Chilor and in the North and West at Jesel is very fruitful The chief City thereof is call'd Rantipore the other Towns are Toda and Upen which Thomas Rohous makes to be the Metropolis A pretty way from the City glides the Stream Cepra which is a Branch of the Ganges which is said to fall into the Bay of Cambaya Near this Stream lies the City Callenda formerly the Court of the Kings of Mando or Bando The Territory of Sanga or Chitor and Vtrad THe Territory of Sanga or Chitor formerly a great and ancient Kingdom borders in the North-East and East at Malway in the West at the Mount Ranas and Jesselmeer and in the South at Zurratte and Chandi half way between the Towns Chitor and Asmeer The City of Chitor anciently a glorious City The Metropolis is also call'd Chitor but anciently Taxila and was the chief City of India when King Porus went to Fight against Alexander the Great It lies in 25 Degrees Northern Latitude on the top of a high Mountain inclos'd within a Wall of about ten Miles in circumference Before the ruine thereof it was a fair City not onely for its Buildings but also its Bulwarks and Walls for which reason it was in the Countrey Language call'd Citor that is The Fan of the World It may compare for antiquity with any City in India but at present it is not above three Miles in circumference There are yet above a thousand ruin'd Temples seen in the same several large though decay'd Palaces besides many stately Columns There is onely one Ascent which leads up to the City to which they go through four stately Gates along a Path cut in a Rock The chief Inhabitants at this day are Birds and wild Beasts which the Benjans hold in great veneration By whom destroy'd This City was formerly possess'd by an ancient Prince call'd Ranas whom King Gelaladin Acbar forc'd in the latter end of the former Age to leave his Kingdom and to flie into the Mountains from him call'd Ranas where he setled in the City Odipore to which he was forc'd by a long Siege which the Inhabitants werre not able to hold for want of Provisions The City when surrendred was by the Conqueror laid waste and so continues at this day Others affirm that Badur Sultan of Cambaya Besieg'd the City and that when the Inhabitants saw no likelihood to preserve it any longer they burnt all their Gold and Silver Precious Stones and other things and also themselves insomuch that above seventy thousand perish'd by the Fire which lasted three days together after which Badur enter'd the City Not long after the Kingdom of Cambaya was totally subdu'd by the Great Mogol The Province of Utrad conterminates with that of Chitor and lies near the City of Sinde The chief City thereof bears the same Denomination Productions of the Province of Vtrad This Countrey affords Sal Gemmae or Stone Salt by the Inhabitants call'd Geucar a Name deriv'd from Geu which signifies Barley and from Car which signifies Salt This Province also produces a certain Dreg or Gum by Physicians in the Latine Tongue call'd Assa Foetida and in English for its ill scent Devils-Dung Avicenna and other Arabians call it Altit the Indians Juden and the Benjans Inguh or Hing That which grows here is the least bitter of any The Plant which produces it is of two sorts the one is a high Tree or Bush with little Leaves not unlike those of Rew the other is like a Raddish and hath several great and small Stalks with Leaves almost like the Fig-tree This Plant grows best in Mountains and barren places it is gather'd in Harvest for about die latter end of the Summer the Gum begins to run out of it Theophrastus Dioscorides and others take this Gum to be the Juice of a Plant which they call Laser or Laserpitium The Benjans of Zurratte use this Gum in all their Meat and account no Dish or Sawce to be well made without it They also anoint all their drinking Vessels therewith nay they are so us'd to it that the strong scent which turns the Stomach of others is sweet and pleasant to them The Kingdom of Zurratte or Cambaya THe Kingdom of Cambaya hath receiv'd that Denomination from the Portuguese who so styl'd it from the City of Cambaya which being a Sea-port Town is better known to the Portuguese than any other in this Countrey by reason of the vast Trade which they drive there
Cambaya erected in a Temple which is much frequented by the superstitious Benjans A Mile from the City is the Garden and Palace of Chanchonna Son to the great Byram Chan of Persia The Countrey of Cambaya to Amadabat is for the most part desolate and uncultivated In the Way are several Pits each above thirty Yards deep in which is salt Water though at a great distance from the Sea it is drawn out by Oxen. The Countrey about Amadabath is nothing but a vast Wilderness and the Ways very dusty and troublesom for Travellers The High-ways are Hedg'd in on both sides with a certain Fruitless and Leafless Plant which shoots forth onely little long Stalks of a deep Green both Winter and Summer out of which when broke asunder drops a milky Juice like that of green Figs and being very sharp eats into that part of the Skin on which it drops The Fields which border the High-ways are full of Ambe-trees which bear a Fruit like great Olives and also af Tamarind-trees Without the City are many great Tombs of Marble erected by the Moors and are much statelier than their Houses A League and a half from the City lies a great Village call'd Zirkes or Sirkesia where there is a very magnificent Tomb the whole Structure with its Floors being all of polish'd Marble and distinguish'd into three parts one whereof rests on a a hundred and forty Marble Pillars each thirty Foot high curiously adorn'd with Festunes and Pedestals after the Corinthian Order This Structure is said to be the Tomb of one Cacis Tutor to one of the Kings of Zurratte to whom they ascribe great Sanctity and Wonders and that the said King who with three other Kings lies buried in another Chappel built the same in commemoration of his Tutor At a certain time of the year most of the Mahumetans come hither in Pilgrimage firmly believing thereby to obtain pardon for their sins On one side of it is a large Pond About a Mile from the City is another fair Tomb of an eminent Mahumetan Merchant call'd Hajom Majom who being enamor'd of the Beauty of his Daughter and threupon Ravishing her was Beheaded by the King's Command and buried here with all his Family wherefore the Inhabitants to this day call the same Betychint that is The uncover'd shame of your Daughter De Stadt Souratte The Water of the foremention'd River is convey'd round the said Banquetting-house not far from which you come into another Garden over a high Stone Bridge four hundred Paces long and though this Garden be but small yet it is very pleasant and high and hath also at the end against the Bridge a brave Banquetting-house The Water in the droughty Season is drawn up but of the Wells by Oxen and put into two great Stone Cisterns before the Banquetting-house This Garden wherein commonly young Women Bathe themselves in the foremention'd Cisterns is call'd Nicunabag that is The Garden of Precious Stones and is said to have been made by a beautiful and rich Lady There is yet another delightful Garden with a Banquetting-house which was built by the Great Mogol Ecbar in commemoration of his conquering the last King of Zurratte call'd Sultan Mahomed Begeran in that very place whereby the Kingdom of Zurratte became subject to the Great Mogol Ten Leagues from Amadabath lies a little Town full of pretty Houses and Pagan Temples call'd Niervant Six Leagues from the said City also lies another Town call'd Mamadabad on the Bank of a pleasant River on the North side of it is a fair Palace The Inhabitants of this Town are for the most part Weavers Description of Suratte The City Surat or Surratte according to Davity the Village Surastra or Syrastra of Ptolomy is for its neatness by the Moors call'd The Mogol's Beard and lies in about 21 Degrees and about 30 Minutes Northern Latitude near the River Reinier or Reunier otherwise call'd Pani Hind that is The Water Indus and Tapi or Tapti and Tyndee two Leagues up into the Countrey from the Bay or Gulf of Cambaya The City extending along the Banks of the foremention'd River built square lies open towards the Water but inclos'd on the Land-side with Mud Walls and dry Ditches It hath three eminent Gates which are lock'd every Evening the one leads to the Village Brion which is a Throughfare for those that travel to Brotcha Cambaya and Amadabat the other to Brampour and the third to Nassary It is adorn'd with many fair Houses with flat Roofs built after the Asiatick manner There are also many stately Palaces in this City which for its defence hath a strong Castle near the River built after the manner of the Romans and surrounded with Walls of Free-stone and deep Moats which receive their Water out of the River Reinier It is an ancient Structure built by the Inhabitants long before the coming of the Portuguese into these Countreys or as some say by the Romans According to the Relation of the Inhabitants to Mandeslo the Turks coming thither with many Ships out of the Red-Sea and conquering several Places built this Fort which hath but one Gate towards the side of a great Plain or Market and is very strongly guarded none daring to come into the same but those that are upon Duty nor are any Persons Listed to serve in the same but native Indostans the Rasbutes though valiant Soldiers often mutinying against the Mogol the Benjans and Usbecks being accounted Enemies and the Benjans and Cambayans never serving for Soldiers accounting it a great sin to shed Blood Next to the Castle is the Nabab or Sultan's House and next to that the Custom-house and the Market to which the Inhabitants of the neighboring Villages and Strangers bring their Goods to sell The City Surratte is very populous and inhabited partly by native Indians and partly by Strangers and Foreigners for Trade The Indians of these Parts consist generally of Zurrattans Cambayans Benjans Brahmans Decans and some Rasbutes who are all generally Idolaters or Mahumetans the last mention'd are the smallest number and the Benjans are the richest driving the greatest Trade All these People live very quiet one amongst another for the Great Mogol though himself a Mahumetan makes no distinction amongst his People of several Religions but gives them Offices alike both at his Court and in his Army Amongst the Foreigners or Strangers the English and Hollanders drive the greatest Trade here besides which there are Portugueses Arabians Persians Armenians Turks and Jews wherefore Suratte is accounted one of the most eminent Cities for Trade in all India both in respect of its Haven and because the convenience of carrying the Commodities through all Suratte from Cambaya and other Places draws the Merchants thither The English and Dutch Traders have many fair Houses in the City very convenient to dwell in and also to stow their Goods The People of several Nations have each of them a Church here and their own Teachers Without
the City the Inhabitants have many pleasant Gardens and Banquetting-houses along the side of the River Chief Remarks in Suratte Amongst the Remarks which this City hath the chiesest is a mighty Pond with divers Angles rais'd with Free-stone in a manner like Steps on which the People descend to the Water in the middle of which lies an Isle that none can have access to but in a Boats or by swimming On one side of this Pond is a pretty long broad and deep Channel or Moat over which lie several Bridges that lead to another larger Pond which here would be accounted a great Lake though there it be look'd upon as a very small one This also hath many Angles and is wall'd about with Free-stone with which also the sides of the Moat are strengthned Between the great and lesser Ponds near the Moat stands a Tomb of two eminent Mahumetans which kill'd one another This Pond or Pool was in the beginning of this Age made by a rich Inhabitant of this City with the expence of his whole Estate insomuch that his Daughter became miserably poor none of the Townsmen once relieving her though her Father had for their accommodation and the publick good exhausted all his Treasure The Pool is call'd Gopi Telau from the Builder whose Name was Gopis Without the City towards the Sea side is a every pleasant Garden which formerly belong'd to the King of Suratte It is but little yet full of Trees Plants and Herbs There is also a little Kiosk or cover'd place built at the end of the Garden over a large Pool which is no less commodious to the Inhabitants than the Pool at Suratte Not far from thence stands a Mosque also built over a Pond before the Gates thereof sit commonly many People on the Ground begging Alms of those that pass by Within the Mosque near the Wall in a narrow dark Corner stands a little Marble Pyramid call'd Pyr that is Old which perhaps is the Burying-place of one whom they worship as an ancient Saint There is generally a great resort to this Mosque not onely of Mahumetans but also of Heathens or Idolaters who give sufficient testimonies of their superstitious and ridiculous Worship The Entrance is always crowded with People especially Women those that go into the Mosque strow Flowers and Rice for an Offering to which purpose there stand many at the Door who sell the same But the Idolaters are much more zealous herein than the Mahumetans On the North side of the City is another great Pool encompass'd with a Wall of Free-stone having eighteen Angles each twenty five Yards broad The Legend of Oman Hidal Chan. with Stone Steps to descend In the middle stands the Tomb of the Builder call'd Omar Hidal Chan a Mahumetan who as the Inhabitants relate was a General in his Life-time they also tell many strange Tales of him viz. That he Encountred with the Devil and conquer'd him but out of compassion releas'd him again That he convey'd the Stones to this Building by Leopards and Tygers And that he threw the Mountain Morna lying not far from Derman with his own Hands from the ancient City Reinier In this Pool they gather Rain-water which in the dry Seasons for it often happens that not a drop of Rain falls there in a whole year is wholsomer to be us'd than the Water out of the River Reinier which is brackish with the ebbing and flowing of the Sea On the North side of the City stands an Indian Wonder-tree under whose Boughs and Shadow may lie three or four thousand Men. Under the same Tree is a Chappel in which a Benjan Saint call'd Gemsch lies buried Before the Door stands an Image in a very horrid shape Divers Lamps burn night and day in this Chappel whither a great number of Idolaters repair to perform their Devotion About a League and a half Northward from the Mouth of the River Tapti or Reinier The Haven or Harbor of Sohali and four or according to Mandeslo two Leagues from the City of Suratte is a Road or Harbor by the Inhabitants call'd Sohali or Swali or Suhali from the neighboring Village It extends North-East and by East and South-West and by West under 21 Degrees and fifty Minutes between the Main Continent and the Sand-banks which are dry at low Water or very shallow It is defended from all Winds except the Southern and a Musquet-shot broad at the Mouth where the Ships lade and unlade and hath at high Water seven and at low five Fathom with a hard and even Ground The Goods are from thence carried by Land which is very plain in Carrs or in Boats up the River to the City Suratte The English and Hollanders have several Huts along the Shore where they first unlade their Commodities and afterwards put them into their Store-houses It is impossible for any Ship to ride at an Anchor here from May to September by reason of the great Storms and Tempests mix'd with Thunder and Lightning which to avoid the Ships go to the Cape of Comori Cormandel and Bengala till such time as the foremention'd blustering Season is over and then they return again All the Countrey about Surratte is very plain and the whole year round very green and pleasant About the Village Sohali grow many Coco Tamarind and other Fruit-trees Both within and without the City are many Gardens full of all sorts of Fruits as Oranges Lemmons Citrons Peaches and others Not far from the City lies a very fruitful Grove of tall Coco-nuts Citrons Oranges Tamarinds and other Indian Fruit-trees and is not only able to furnish the City with Wood but also the adjacent Towns nay they whole Province with Timber for the building of Houses and Shipping Fertility of the Soil The Soyl about the City is also very fertile and yields abundance of Rice Barley Beans and what else is requisite for humane subsistance There are also many excellent Pastures and consequently abundance of Cattel as Buffaloes Oxen Sheep Goats and all manner of Venison as also many Asses but few Camels and Horses This City under whose Jurisdiction are above four hundred Villages is Govern'd by a Sultan who determines all Cases in Surratte and the adjacent Villages and receiving the Customs and Revenues sends them to the Mogol Besides him there is another Officer appointed by the Mogol to Govern the Castle with whom the Governor of the City hath nothing to do they live both very magnificently especially he of the City the King's Standard being always carried before him and the Drums beating when he goes out The Derivation of the Name and Situation of Cambaya The City of Cambaya first receiv'd that Denomination though corruptly from the Portuguese for its right Name is Cambewath or Cambebath that is The City Cambe It lies in a pleasant Plain in the innermost Jaws of the great Gulf of Cambaya so call'd from the City near the Shore of the River Meli or Mai otherwise
Guandari at the place where it falls into this Bay sixteen Leagues Northward from the City Brotcha or Brotsch and according to Linschot fifty three Leagues from Diu. The compass and strength of it Cambaya being twice as big as Surratte is two hours walking in circumference and is surrounded with a double Stone Wall which hath twelve Gates It s chiefest Ornament consists in its great Suburbs The Streets are streight and broad and lock'd up every Night with a great pair of Gates The Houses are partly of Brick and partly of Free-stone but all kept very moist and consequently cool and would here be accounted but mean Houses yet are reckon'd the best in the Countrey being cover'd with Tyles and having Gutters to receive the Rain-water which in the three Summer Months falls in great abundance The Description The City is not very old and perhaps built out of the Ruines of some other It hath three great Market-places in the middle and fifteen pleasant Gardens full of Mangas-trees the Fruit whereof grows so plentifully here that they are sent to all the adjacent Countreys besides all which there are four Pools out of which the Inhabitants have Water all the year On one side of the City is a a square Pool rais'd with Marble and several Steps on which they descend to the Water for besides that which is sav'd in these Pools during the rainy Season there is little else in Cambaya This City hath no Haven of any great consequence put onely a bare Road by reason of the inconvenient Situation and low Shore yet it is call'd a Haven because of the great number of Ships which come thither from all Places At High-water the Ships may Anchor close before the City but lie dry at Low-water which are only small Vessels for Ships of Burthen are forc'd to lie a good distance from the Shore in deeper Water The Ebb and Flood of the Sea about Cambaya is exceeding swift the Sea rising in a moment and in less than a quarter of an hour to its usual heighth which is done with such wonderful swiftness that no Horse can out-run the same for it comes so furiously out of the Sea that like a great Current it overflows a vast Tract of Land Many Villages are under the Jurisdiction of this City where all Goods which are brought thither by Water pay Three per cent and Four if they come by Land This City was formerly the Seat of the King 's of Surratte and famous for Transporting of Agats and other Precious Stones Both without and within the City are many Hospitals for sick and maimed Beasts as is already mention'd which the Benjans look to and cure with great care for they abominate the killing of any Beast About a League and a half from Cambaya in the way to Amadabat lies a Village call'd Saima seven Leagues and a half farther Southwards another nam'd Mator and three from Cambaya another call'd Sarode which is inhabited by Rasbutes who Rob on the High-ways and Rivers Most of the Inhabitants are Pagans or Idolaters who are very careful in the preservation of their Laws the rest are either Moors or Mahumetans In the Village Cansari lying not far from the City stands a Pagode which hath several Cloysters and Walks on the out side built after a pretty kind of fashion as also the whole Structure which though it be not very big yet it is built in a handsom method Within this Pagode which belongs to the Indians call'd Vertias who shave the Hair from off their Heads stands upon a high Altar which is ascended by Steps an Idol with divers burning Lamps hung before him Hither resort many People to Offer Incense before the Idol Not far from hence is another square Pagode furnish'd with divers Idols A League from Cambaya lies the Village Agra which according to the Relation of the Benjans was anciently the Royal Seat and chief City of the Kingdom of Surratte Descriptio of the City of Brotcha The City of Brotch otherwise call'd Brotsch and Baroch and by Della Valle Barockci and Bebrug lies twelve Leagues Northward from Surratte and about two from the Sea side near the Northern Shore of the Stream Nardabat or Nardaba otherwise Nerheda which in a broad though shallow Channel glides by its Walls and coming down from beyond Decan and Mandou discharges its Water into the Bay of Bengala By reason of its great distance from the Sea it never comes up to the City though at high Flood The City which is pretty large lies on a Hill and is naturally well fortifi'd and by reason of its convenient Situation may be made the strongest Fortress of all India It is surrounded with Walls of hard Stone in manner like a Fort and strengthned with Bulwarks and hath three Land-Gates each with a Portal and according to the fashion of the Countrey is very strongly built besides two more along the side towards the River out of which the Water that is us'd in the City is fetch'd daily with Buffaloes There also with leave of the Receiver of the Customs many Boats with Wood are unladen On the Land they keep a strong Guard in several places without whose leave none may pass through them The Inhabitants relate and some old Rubies testifie that Brotcha was formerly a stately City but at present the best Houses are fall'n to ruine and few People of note inhabit the same Most of them being Benjans maintain themselves by making of Callicoes which they sell to a good advantage About the City or at the Foot of the Mountain lie two Suburbs call'd Poera inhabited by People of several Nations which also maintain themselves by making and Trading with Cotton Goods and they make the best Callico that is to be had in all Surratte and therefore send it to all parts of India They also make strip'd Stuffs half of Silk and half of Cotton which are much us'd and highly esteem'd in India for though it be wash'd never so often it changes not its colour The English have a Factory in this Town and pay Two per cent for all their Goods The Jurisdiction of this City The Jurisdiction of Brotcha extends over eighty four Villages and did formerly over three Towns which now have each a peculiar Governor Herbert affirms that it Commands over many great and remote Towns as Medapour lying seventeen Leagues from it Radgipour or Brodera six Leagues from thence Jown-basser seven Leagues from thence and many others which at this day have each their peculiar Lord of whom the Mogol receives yearly a Million two hundred and sixty thousand Momoedies for a Revenue The Harbor for Ships is before the River Nerheda in the open Sea without a shelter against the Winds For some Leagues about the City the Countrey is very plain and fertile being water'd by the River Navar or Nardabath Northward from Brotcha lies the Stream Dilavel and eight Leagues from the said City in the Way
which they have given sufficient testimony for about the Year 1644. when the Great Mogol's Son Besieg'd this City with ten thousand Men they behav'd themselves so bravely that the said Prince having lost a great number of his Men was forc'd to retreat from thence in a confus'd manner The Portuguese possess several Isles near Daman which pay Tribute to the King of Salsette wherefore he is call'd Choura of Daman Southwards from which lies a Place near the Sea call'd Dary beyond which is the Bay Kielme Mahi so call'd from two Villages lying near the Sea the one nam'd Kielme and the other Mahi and beyond them appears the City Bazaim The City Bazaim Sixty Leagues Southward from Deman near the Island Salsette lies the City Bazaim which Mercator affirms to be the Borace of Ptolomy in nineteen Degrees and a half Northern Latitude By reason of the many Rivers and Brooks the Way between Bazaim cannot be travell'd in less than three days The City being pretty large hath a convenient Harbor The whole Coast produces much Rice Pease and other Grain Oyl and Coco-nuts In the beginning of this Age many Houses were swallow'd up by an Earthquake in the room of which none have since been built On the Main Continent near the Island Salsette de Bazaim the Portuguese have a Fort call'd Manora and also a Village with many Hamlets near it ●● Bay ende Stadt DABUL gelegen ●●de noorder breets●●● The Rock Asserim The Fortress or Rock of Asserim lies up some Leagues farther into the Countrey up which they generally climb bare-foot that so they may take the surer footing it being very high steep and slippery insomuch that those who ascend the same are in great danger of falling from the top to the bottom or else if they ascend on the other side they climb up by Ropes with which they hoise up Cows and other things which they want And though this Rock lie between many other which may easily be ascended yet it is so high above them that it seems to be a Fortress which Commands over the rest And as this Place is the Key to all the rest which the Portuguese possess to the Northward in India so it is likewise a great Eye-sore to the neighboring Kings who have for that reason practis'd divers ways to conquer the same which to prevent the Portuguese are continually upon their Guard especially at those Places which yield a good Prospect On the top of the said Rock is a large Plain surrounded with many great Stones which they throw down upon those that come to invade them Not onely the Soldiers but also the Inhabitants of the Place watch every Night and carry Torches made of a kind of Wood like Canes which last a long time and cannot be put out by any Wind or Rain which rather makes them burn the better This Place is also a Sanctuary for all Criminals who repairing thither for shelter are receiv'd and kept there for Soldiers which with their Wives and Children amounted formerly to about seven hundred The Portuguese conquer'd this Rock in the time of the Governor Francis Borrero The Countrey of Surratte The Countrey of Surratte is interlac'd by many Rivers viz. the Nardabat which takes its course by the City Brotcha and divides it self into two Arms about four Leagues from the City towards the South near the Village Hansoot in some places it is one and in others two Miles broad and is divided by many other Streams which have Passages into the Sea The Soil is for the most part clayie and mix'd with Sand except near the City where it is all Sand it extends East North-East and West South-West The other Rivers are Wasset and Bate which last springs out of the Mountains of Gate and falling into the Gulf of Bambain divides the Kingdom of Decan and Countrey of Surratte or Cambaya The Tapta otherwise Tyndee also glides between the Countrey of Surratte and that of the Benjans The River May otherwise Mehi or Guandari along whose Banks the City of Cambaya is built is dry at low Ebb except in three or four places which having always about four or five Foot of Water are dangerous to wade through without a good Guide because of the strong Current that is in them This River ebbs and flows daily seven Fathom perpendicular At High-water the Ships come to an Anchor close before the City but are left quite dry at Low-water The Ground being sandy and mix'd with Clay is much better and easier for those Vessels that lie dry upon it than if it were hard Sand. About a League Southward from Cambaya glides the River Mihi whose Shore must be travell'd at the low Ebb of the Sea and not without great danger because the Sea rising flows up above five Leagues and at low Tide you are forc'd to wade through two or three deep places if any one should venture to wade through at the coming in of the Tide he would undoubtedly be swallow'd by the Sea for when the Water flows with greater strength and higher than ordinary for it observes no Rule but rises and falls more or less according to the course of the Moon it carries and washes away both Horse and Man and oftentimes with such force that an Elephant cannot withstand the same nor all his weight prevent him from being carried away wherefore all travellers wait for a certain time to wade through the same viz. when the Sea is low which is at the new Moon at which time they may go over it in Coaches or on Horseback without any danger Coaches are commonly held fast on both sides that they may not be overturn'd by the Waves those that go on foot strip themselves naked and tying up their Clothes carry them on their Shoulders many times a whole Caravan with abundance of People travel over the same some in Coaches some in Waggons some on Horseback and others on foot both Men and Women stark naked accounting it neither shameful nor immodest The Soil between both viz. between the said River and the City Cambaya is firm and hard and is not overflown though plain and not far from the Sea In most Places of the Kingdom is excellent Water except in the City of Cambaya where there is great want of it There are several Pools of Water in the Towns and some of them so big that the Inhabitants filling them in the Winter have enough to serve them all the year In those Countreys which lie near the Indian Sea is a certain rainy Season or Winter viz. four Moneths in the year beginning in June when the Sun enters into the Tropick of Cancer and ending in September If it Rains out of the Season it is unusual but betokens a fruitful year for in the other eight Moneths the Weather is so serene and clear that there is scarce a Cloud seen in the Skie neither doth it rain constantly during the foremention'd four Months as in Goa but
onely sometimes especially at the beginning of the New and Full-Moon The Winds blow also here six Moneths Northerly and six Months Southerly The Weather is exceeding hot here in April May and June and very unhealthful occasioning Feavers and other Distempers but when it begins to Rain the Wind blows very strong and tempers the excessive Heat but in the dry Season it it hath this inconveniency viz. it draws up the Dust like a Cloud and disperses the same on Travellers to their great annoyance In the rainy Season especially in May and June they Till their Lands and Sowe their Corn which being moistned by the Rain produces so rich and plentiful a Harvest and such abundance of Grain that all the adjacent Countreys are supply'd therewith for Surratte according to Linschot is the fruitfullest Spot of Land in all India The Countrey produces great quantities of Beans and Wheat but much bigger and whiter than ours also Barley Rice Tares and Pease which are less than those which grow in Europe Linseed and a small Seed call'd Thill out of which they press abundance of Oyl There is likewise a sort of Beans or grey Pease which they call Danna growing on little Stalks along the Ground and serving the Horses in stead of Oats The Inhabitants Sowe abundance of Mustard-seed and Tobacco which is much better than that of other Places but they cannot prepare the same so well as the People in the West-Indies The Productions of the Countrey In the Gardens which are very pleasant and near the Towns grow divers sorts of Herbs both for the Pot and Salleting also Raddishes Turnips Cucumbers Garlick Onions Beet-roots Potatoes and Colworts besides eight or ten sorts of Drugs and little Herbs as Turbith Galanga Spica-nardi Assa Foetida or Devils-dung Boran and some others There is much Cotton Silk Sugar Wax many Fruit-trees and Plants as Oranges Pomegranates Lemmons Limes Citterns Ananas Bananas Figs Jackas Coco-nuts in great abundance and in some peculiar Gardens Grapes though not in very great plenty and therefore are dearer than other Fruits The Fruit Mangas is much better here than in Ormuz but not so big yet of a more delicate smell and having a small Kernel in the middle They are transported to many Places especially to the Village Chirches two Leagues from the Metropolis Amadabat from whence it hath receiv'd its Name This Countrey hath plenty of Indigo Cassia Mirobolans Calamba Opium or Amphion two sorts of Cummin white and black Ginger which being Preserv'd is sent to Persia and other Places as also certain Leaves by the Indians call'd Tomalapatra Tamarinds and Palmito-trees besides many other wild Trees not known in Europe About Bazaim grows a Tree which bears the Fruit call'd Jangomes The Countrey near about Brotcha which is very low and without Mountains hath many Gardens planted with Palmito-trees out of which the Natives press a Wine in the Countrey Language call'd Terry or Tory which is drunk by many The Wine which drops from the foremention'd Tree in the Night is pleasant and wholsom but that which drops out of the same in the day-time being spoil'd by the Heat is very hurtful for the Brain It produces likewises plenty of Rice Wheat Barley all sorts of Rice and Cotton but not in such abundance as in Nederbaer and the adjacent Countreys The Mountains of Pindaetche are fertile in the production of Corn and other Grain the Soil being Clay mix'd with black Earth The Inhabitants of this Place make little Cheeses which are very dry and Salt In Surratte are few Date but many Coco-trees found The Trees and Fields are green all the year but the Grass in the Summer is scorch'd up by the Sun neither is the Grass Mow'd here as in Europe but just when they have occasion for it and as much at a time as may serve two or three days The Fields abound with a sort of Roses and Rosmary which have no scent nor have they have above two sorts of Flowers more all the year viz. the Mogeri which is white and the Schampi which is yellow both smelling very odoriferously and worn by Women about their Necks and strew'd in their Beds The Countrey round about Brodera and the adjacent Villages is very fruitful and produces Wheat Barley Rice and other Grain as also Cotton in great abundance The whole Coast of Bazaim hath plenty of Rice Pease and other Corn besides Butter Oyl and Coco-nuts There are many Hiacinthes in this Kingdom as also Diamonds Pearls Granads Topas's Cornalines Spinellaes and Amethists besides Alabaster red Marble Hematites or Blood-stones and Jaspers which are but little regarded The Inhabitants make green Dishes of their Jaspers and Plates which resemble those of Smerads There are likewise Bezoar Stones and also a Stone by the Portuguese call'd Olhos de Gata or Cats-Eyes and Agats in great abundance of which they make curious Hafts of Knives at Cambaya and many other Curiosities Abundance of Sealing-wax is made about the Village Amadabat but the greatest part in the Village of Sindickera eight Leagues Eastward from Brodera and in many other Places in Surratte It drops first out of several sorts of Trees not unlike the Thorn and Plumb-tree When the Wax is raw as it drops from the Tree it is of a dark-brown colour but being afterwards beaten to Powder and melted with red green or black colours according as they please and put on Sticks it is sold here in Europe to Seal Letters with They varnish many Ships therewith as also Tables Cabinets Stools Bedsteads and other Wood-woork which is the occasion that great quantities thereof are us'd in Surratte The Enamel which they use with their Silver and Gold-works as Hafts of Knives and the like they fill up with Wax within and cover the same with Gold so neatly that unless a Stranger were inform'd thereof he could not discover it from massy Gold Near the Village More twenty nine Leagues from the City of Surratte is a Spring which casts up boyling hot Water at the foot of a Mountain out of a hard Rock a piece of Meat wrapt in Callico is boyl'd in a short time therein neither need they put Salt to it because the Water is Salt yet of a good taste as if Alants Roots had been boyl'd therein Six clays Journey from the City Cambaya is a Mountain which produces Cornalines and Chalcedony which last the Inhabitants according to Barbosa call Bacayores A League from the City Brotcha is another rich Mine of Chalcedony and white Agats which are commonly carry'd to Cambaya and not to Brotcha they make abundance of round and oval Dishes and other small Vessels of the same for an Ornament in their Chambers In most Places of Surratte are abundance of Oxen Cowes Sheep from Persia with large Tails Goats and Buffaloes which yield good Milk and Butter and Flesh which tastes like Beef though spoil'd by the Heat of the Countrey The Oxen no way differ from ours onely they have a Bunch on
their Shoulder Between the City of Amadabat and Surrate are many Goats Stags and wild Swine Geese and other Fowl in great abundance the Inhabitants seldom kill any of them especially the Benjans There are also many Horses not onely of the Breed of the Countrey but divers others which being brought out of Tartary Persia and Arabia are sold at a dear rate because they are accounted the best of all India and they not onely take care to provide a Servant for every Horse but also give them good Provender viz. a sort of ground and boil'd Beans call'd Danna and both Morning and Evening two pound of Barley Meal mix'd with a pound and a half of Butter and a pound of Sugar They also keep many Camels Mules Rhinocerots Drommedaries and Elephants which are kept by the Mogol and Nobility in the Woods There are an innumerable company of wild Beasts as Stags Goats Elands wild Hogs Asses whose Flesh the Mahumetans eat in stead of Lamb and Hares which all Persons are permitted to catch except at the time when the King and his Nobles are Hunting for then it is forbidden on pain of Death Moreover the Woods are also the Recesses for Lyons Tygers Leopards but neither Bears nor Wolves mad Dogs which are call'd Jekkalla abundance of Catamountains and a Beast which being almost like a Ferret with a Tail like a Squirrel doth great mischief to the Fruit insomuch that the Husbandmen are forced to watch adays in the Fields when their Corn is ripe to keep them from spoiling it There are likewise abundance of tame Fowls as Hens Cocks Capons Peacocks Geese Ducks and Crop-Geese which breed near the Rivers or Pools besides Partridges which are there tame and Pigeons The Birds of prey are these Falcons Hawks Kites Parrots and other Birds not known to us in Europe Both within and without the City Amadabat are great numbers of Catamountains which breeding in the Woods fearlesly frequent the Houses and do great damage to those that deal in Fruit as Dates Almonds Figs Raisins and the like of which they take what they like best Between the City Cambaya and Amadabat near the Village Mater are abundance of excellent blood-colour'd Squirrels with curious large Tails which breeding on Trees leap nimbly from one to another Many Bats which are as big as Hens and have Heads resembling those of Cats frequent the Woods and are by some call'd Flying-Cats Between Cambaya and Amadabat are likewise Bats as big as Ravens There are also great numbers of Crows which flying through the Windows into the Houses take the Meat out of the Dishes without any fear of the People that are present They commonly sit on the Backs of the Buffaloes and peck off their Hair which is the reason that most of the foremention'd Beasts in these Parts are bald nor have they any other way to free themselves of the said Fowls but to run up to their Throats into a Morass Rats also breed here in great abundance and some of them are so big that no Cats dare venture to seize on them and oftentimes throw down Houses by undermining the Walls and Foundations thereof they do likewise great mischief to the Plants and Trees The Inhabitants are daily much infested with Bugs which filling the Houses in great swarms sting the People The Rivers especially the Indus and others abound with all manner of delicate Fish viz. Carps Bremes Eels Trouts Shrimps and many other European Fishes besides such as are peculiar to those Parts In the Stream Indus breed likewise many Crocodiles or Caimans Serpents and other noxious Creatures About Amadabat are abundance of poysonous Serpents and Scorpions which in all parts of India are not alike venomous for the Sting of a Scorpion on the Island of Great Java occasions great swelling and exceeding pain but is easily cur'd if Medicines be apply'd thereunto within the space of twelve hours after but if any one be stung by a Scorpion on the Main he certainly dies within the space of three hours if he doth not instantly cut the wounded part till it bleeds and then anointing it with Oyl of Scorpions sear it with a red hot Iron Moreover the oylie moisture which is extracted from the Scorpion which hath stung the Party is also an excellent Remedy if immediately laid on the Wound The Scorpions resemble in shape the Cra-fish or Lobsters Before they are boil'd they have a little round Tail which erecting it self reclines backward at the end thereof is the Sting which they never draw in or put out like other venomous Creatures but always have the same ready to sting those which approach them The Sting is very hard sharp and long like an Iron Hook The Scorpions and another sort of Vermin call'd Millepes from its number of Feet breed for the most part on old decay'd Walls There are also a sort of Scorpions with two Heads viz. one before and the other behind the Tail and it is said that they move one Head one year and the other another year and are by some in Greek call'd ' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies a thing that can go backwards or forwards These two-headed Serpents have occasioned great Disputes amongst the Philosophers for some as Aelianus Pliny Lucan Galen Nierenbergh and Olearius certainly believe that there are really such Serpents But Andreas Matthiolus in his Explanation of Dioscorides and John Faber Linceus in his History of Mexico contradicts this Opinion and looks upon it as a fabulous Tradition judging this mistake to proceed from hence viz. because the forementioned Serpents are as thick at their Tail as at their Head so that there can be no distinction made moreover that they creep as well back wards as forwards and have venomous Stings in their Tails as well as in their Heads Yet Nierenbergh relates that an eminent Philosopher call'd Cortavilla had one of the foremention'd two-headed Serpents at Madrid Moreover Gesner that a two-headed Serpent was taken in the Sea near the English Shore This Countrey is also exceeding pester'd with little Pismires which are no small annoiance to the Inhabitants who can scarce set any Meat out of their Hands but in a moment several hundreds crawl upon the same which to prevent they generally keep in their Houses stone Troughs full of Water in the middle of which laying a great Stone they lay their Meat upon it in a Cupboard made for that purpose By reason of the many Woods and Trees that are about and near Amadabat there are great plenty of wild Beasts and Fowls especially Parrots of all sorts some whereof are very big and are by several Europeans call'd Indian Ravens and some being no bigger than Pigeons are for their sweet Voices call'd Cacatu They are of a yellowish colour and have a Tuft of Feathers on their Heads They make their Nests under the Roofs of Houses and are found in great numbers in most Towns of all India Others which are less are red and green
another especially we that ought to be preserv'd Certainly your Valor will not be abated when I shall declare unto you my Condition and divide my Strength and Power with you nay rather being Friends we shall be capacitated for the Undertaking the greatest Enterprizes whatsoever and valiantly revenge all Injuries that shall be offer'd us Know then That the World is yet but like a young Child having far greater need of being replenish'd with People than bereft of them by force of Arms. Love and Nature teach us to study our own Preservation which may better be accomplish'd by being at Union than at Variance one with another Let us not therefore endeavor by forceable and unlawful Means to seek a Glory which may prove Mortal to both but let us rather study to settle a happy and everlasting Peace between us Toddikastre having with great attention hearkned unto a Proposal grounded on so much Reason after a little silence reply'd That notwithstanding she plainly discover'd sufficient marks of his Rage and Fury which might provoke her to Revenge yet she submitted to his Argument readily and freely consenting to his Proposal of Peace VVhereupon giving each other their Hands to confirm their new Friendship they of mortal Enemies became the greatest Friends in Nature and resolving to live and die together begat many Children producing a Race of Valiant and Heroick Spirits And thus was the VVestern Part of the World Peopled by these two Generous Enemies Shuddery the third Son of Pourous was sent Northward to Traffique as a Merchant taking with him his Weights and a Pair of Scales wherewith to weigh whatever was bought or sold Having travell'd a considerable way wishing to meet with an Adventure sutable to his Calling he came at last to a Mountain call'd Challa when beginning to Rain very hard he was necessitated to seek for shelter in a small Cave which was in the said Mountain The Rain ceasing the Sky began to clear up but the Water having cover'd most of the Ways kept Shuddery from Travelling that day But no sooner had the thirsty Earth drunk up the Water and the Sun dry'd up the remaining Moisture when in order to proceed on his Journey he leaves the Cave and scarcely arriv'd at the bottom of the Valley but he found several Shells which out of Curiosity opening he concluded by their Brightness and Beauty that they ought carefully to be preserv'd though altogether ignorant of the Value so putting them up very safe he went on and having scarce pass'd through the Valley he found himself near another Mountain upon which appear'd a Rock of Diamonds wich having been wash'd by the great Rain appear'd very glorious and sparkling causing a great admiration in Shuddery who judg'd it to have been a great Fire Passing on and perceiving the suppos'd Fire did not spread it self yet encreas'd in Lustre he was curious to be satisfied what it might be by touching the same with his Finger whereby he perceiv'd that though these glittering Diamonds sparkled like Fire yet they had not that Heat with them wherefore he resolv'd to expect the next Morning to see if he could make any further Discovery of this great Mystery But the Day caus'd a far greater alteration than he expected which no sooner appear'd but the Light of the Diamonds vanish'd nothing remaining but a Rock of whitish Stones of which he took as many as he could carry carefully observing the Place against his Return in case he should be better inform'd of the Value Whence proceeding he at last espy'd the Nymph that was ordain'd for him walking by the side of the Wood which border'd on the Plain he was crossing He directed his Course towards the Object which at that distance appear'd to him most pleasing and beautiful The Nymph was not a little surpris'd at the sight of him remaining in suspence whether to fly or stay till Shuddery approaching near her thus express'd himself Most admirable and beautiful Creature so nearly resembling me I beg your Company not onely for the likeness between us to our mutual admiration which I hope may oblige you to love me and entertain a good Opinion of one that follows you with no bad Intent but that I may be happy in your Conversation since the Similitude between us seems to challenge a more intimate Familiarity Visagondah for such was her Name express'd by her silence the pleasure she took in Shuddery's Presence no way distrusting her Safety at last she demanded of him how it came to pass that two Persons having never seen one another before could so perfectly understand each others Language To which Shuddery reply'd That God who had given their Bodies a like Shape had also endued them with one Tongue thereby to assist and discover their Secrets one to another Having thus shew'd great Testimonies of Friendship to one another staying some time in the Place Shuddery related to her his Adventures after which living many Years together they begat divers Children which grown up became Merchants with whom Shuddery work'd in the Diamond-Rock he had discover'd laying up great Quantities thereof and prizing them at a high Value made them so esteem'd of through the whole World And from the Issue of this Shuddery according to the Tradition of the Indians the Northern Parts of the World were Peopled Wyse the youngest of the four Brothers took his Journey towards the South taking with him the most useful Instruments which he had invented for the Benefit of Mankind for God had endu'd him with far more Understanding than any of his Brothers He was the Inventor of all Arts and taught his Children to Build Houses Towns and Castles to Till the Groud and all other things necessary to Humane Life for which reason he was call'd Viskarmah that is A Vertuoso because nothing was difficult to him that could be done Being endu'd with this great Knowledge and Skill in Husbandry and Building God order'd him to Travel Southward where in his way he pass'd by seven great Lakes leaving at each of them Marks of his Ingenuity and having pass'd the last he found himself in a Country call'd Derpe where he built a fair House near the Lake with many Apartments and a flat Roof Here he staid some time alone to refresh himself but he had not long enjoy'd the sweetness of his Repose when he was disturb'd by a strange Accident The Woman which was appointed for him passing by a neighboring Wood near the side of the Lake stood still to admire the Magnificent Form of the new-built Structure which she approach'd to view more narrowly having never before seen the like Wyse espying her so earnestly view his Habitation found himself struck with admiration at the sight of so surprising a Creature her Body being perfectly White and her Hair resembling the Colour of Gold wherefore he approach'd nearer the Person who at a distance had wrought a very great alteration in him whilst she was not a little abash'd to
see him come so near her and ask'd the Reason of his coming to disturb her in a Place where she us'd always to be alone Whereupon Wyse replying said God the Maker of Light who hath created all things visible hath sent me hither to behold and admire your Beauty which is so excellent that it ought not to be kept secret for God hath created you to be seen and to testifie the wondrous Works of his Hands And to enjoy your presence I have travell'd through many Dangers often adventuring my Life in the search of you and therefore I hope my Love will meet with a sutable Return Lastly he desir'd her to afford him the enjoyment of her Company and to look upon him as the onely Comfort sent by God in her solitary Life But she resolving not to change her manner of Life reply'd That during his Absence she could no way perceive that his Presence could be any Advantage to her nor at that instant whilst he was talking with her she could not find her self any ways inclined to receive his Proffers Wyse fearing to lose her Presence being desirous of a longer enjoyment of her Company requested her to walk into his House and to view the several Apartments thereof hoping when she had seen the wonderful Work of his Hands she would have a greater Respect for him But his Civility seem'd rather troublesom to her telling him That if he would not let her depart freely he would highly incur her displeasure and force her to vow never to see him more Whereupon going from him she gave him sufficient Testimonies of her Displeasure and that she was not to be compell'd to do any thing by force This reduc'd Wyse almost into Despair who durst not by any means prevent her going away but was compell'd to suffer himself to be bereav'd of all those Enjoyments he was possest of during her stay and having spent the following Night in condoling his Misfortune in the loss of the Person he esteem'd above his own Life he at break of day concluded to use all possible diligence to find her again and crossing the neighbor Places backward and forward he at last came into a Valley where he spy'd her picking of Flowers and accosting her began as follows O most Beautiful Creature much more sweet and excellent than all the Flowers this Earth produces the Love which I bear to you forces me a second time to view your most incomparable Beauty and to implore a Return of your Affections Oh fly not since you have have had sufficient Testimonies of the reality of my Affections He seeing that these words had prevail'd with her to stay began to discourse with her concerning the Creation of the World and inform her of what Parents he was extracted and after what manner his Brothers were sent into several Parts of the Earth And after many other remarkable Passages he told her he could not believe that God would have permitted him to Travel over seven Seas and undergo so many Dangers had not his Resolutions been to sweeten the toilsomness of his Lahors and Troubles by the happy Enjoyment of her Company She not delighting in his Discourse desir'd him to entertain some other things in his Thoughts and if he could give her no greater Testimonies of his Affection to leave her alone and not trouble her more with any such Discourse And so they parted Wyse thus depriv'd of all his Enjoyments and Happiness being extremely perplex'd in Mind went into a solitary Place where falling down on his Knees in a doleful Tone he utter'd these words O Lord to whom only belongs the Knowledge of my Being thou knowst that in obedience to thy Commands I have forsaken the Company of my Parents and also that of my Brothers and perhaps I shall never see them more Thou also knowest that I have endur'd great hardship during the time of my Travels and deserted all Company to range up and down the World alone But that which most perplexes me is the sight of a Person who in stead of comforting me with her Presence and Conversation adds to my Grief by denying me her Company O Lord do not reward all my Troubles so ill and destroy not all those good Parts thou hast given me by this great Misfortune And you blue Heavens and green Trees under which I kneel be Witnesses of my Misfortune and therefore O thou Creator of all things if thou hast the least kindness for thy Creature give me I beseech thee a sign thereof by comforting me in this unsufferable Affliction under which thy Servant groans No sooner had he ended his Prayers but a sweet Brieze of Wind came rushing through the Leaves of the Trees which was follow'd by a Voice saying What are thy Demands O Son of Pourous To which he answer'd That I may enjoy the Woman whose Face I so lately beheld and that we may be united by the inseparable Bond of Matrimony that so I may enjoy the sweetness of her Company till the Hour of my Death This was immediately granted him upon condition that he should build Pagods or Temples under the Shades of Trees there to serve God and worship the Images because God had heard his Prayer Immediately after Jejunogundah for so the Woman was call'd finding her self inclin'd to love Wyse went and gave him Testimony of her Affections granting him all his Wishes so that from that time forward living quiet in the mutual Enjoyment of each other they begat many Children By which means the Southern as well as the other Parts of he World came to be Peopled Lastly These four Brethren after having thus Peopled the World resolv'd to return again to the Place where they first receiv'd Life Brammon was the first who with his Extract after having Planted the East resolv'd to go and end the remaining part of his Days in the Place where he was born and there to instruct his People in the true Worship of God to the end there might be onely one way of Serving God throughout the whole VVorld which otherwise might breed a great distraction among the People Kuttery who was the second Brother and the first who had compleated his Journey after Brammon and perform'd all things he was design'd for had also an Inclination to see his Native Country to acquaint his Parents and Brothers with the Blessing that God had bestow'd upon him in a VVife and so many Children and also to relate to them the Adventures he had met withal during his absence The same Reasons mov'd Shuddery and Wyse to Travel to their Native Country Moreover God who would not frustrate their Designs by any ill Accidents that otherwise might have hapned suffer'd them all safely to meet at one Place after every one of them had perform'd those Offices which were enjoyn'd them to the great Satisfaction and Joy of their Parents and themselves and began like Men remov'd to a new Plantation to propagate their Generations at home also to
are in Power They prescribe to Wys or the Handicrafts the seventh and eighth Commandments because those kind of People require some Days for Recreation They are also forbidden to Steal to which they have great temptations and opportunities when they go to work in other Persons Houses Lastly notwithstanding they are oblig'd to obey all their Commandments in general yet every Tribe observes those two which are prescrib'd them with more Zeal than any of the rest The second Treatise of the Book given to Bremaw contain'd the usual Ceremonial Institutions to be observ'd on certain Occasions viz. the often washing of their Bodies and anointing them with certain red Salve the making of Offerings and Prayers and the manner of Marrying aad Burying Notwithstanding all which things are before declar'd at large yet it will be requisite to give you an account of them as Henry Lord Translated them out of their Book call'd Shaster partly for their coherence in some things and disagreeing in others First they are expresly commanded to wash their Bodies in a River which as the Benjans relate began in the second Age of the World and ordain'd among other Religious Ceremonies to mind them that the World was destroy'd once by Water for their Sins This Ceremony is us'd after the following manner First they daub their Bodies all over with Mud or Dirt taken from the bottom of a River to express thereby the natural Pollution of Man This done they go to the River with their Faces turn'd towards the Sun whilst the Bramine with a loud voice speaks these words O Lord this Man is foul and unclean like the Mud of this River but as the Water is able to wash of this Filth so we pray thee to cleanse him of his Sins This Prayer being ended they dive three times under Water while they are washing themselves the Bramine often calls upon the Name of the River which is call'd Tappee as also some other Streams in India which are held in great Veneration because of their washing themselves therein Among others that are thus accounted holy are the Rivers Ganja and Narboda Whilst the Bramine names these Rivers he that washes himself throws a handful of Rice into the Priests Lap as an Offering which they generally make to him After which receiving an Absolution of all their sins they depart Secondly They make use of a certain red Salve or Ointment with which they daub or anoint their Foreheads where they stick certain Grains of Corn signifying thereby that God hath chosen and mark'd them as a People peculiar to him but it serves only to preserve the memory of their Baptism they anoint themselves several times a day as often as they wash themselves They utter several words admonishing them of such things as they are commanded Thirdly They are commanded to make Offerings and say certain Prayers under the green Trees which Custom was Instituted by Wyse to whom God appear'd under a green Tree as we have already related commanding him to perform his Devotion in such Places The Persians call this Tree Lul the Indians Kasta the Portuguese Arbor de Raiz that is Root-tree because its Boughs shooting down into the Ground take Root and grow up anew so that one Tree often spreads it self into a great circumference whereby several hundreds of Men may shade themselves under them secure from the Heat of the Sun and from Rain In one Place of this Country of Surratte grows one of these Trees from which the Indians dare not pluck a Leaf fearing that they should that Year wherein they had so offended The Fakiers and other poor People sleep under the same in the Night They believe that great Sorrow will attend those that offer any Injury to this Tree breaking the least Bough from it under which when they meet each Man brings his Offerings along with him There they anoint their Bodies with several Ointments and pour forth their Prayers the number of which they express by the ringing of a Bell and in their Prayers they crave Health Riches and good success in all their Undertakings They often meet here in great numbers and keep great Feasts They also build under these Trees Pagods or Temples to their Idols to which they shew great Reverence Fourthly They are oblig'd to say several Prayers in their Temples which would have a greater similitude with the ordinary Worship were they freed from certain superstitious Ceremonies to which they are oblig'd These their Prayers chiefly consist in often calling upon the Name of God and extolling his glorious Works They also go in Processions whilst their Priests sing certain Prayers at the ringing of Bells and also making Offerings to their Images and many such like ridiculous Ceremonies Fifthly They are oblig'd to go to remote Streams as to the Ganga there to make Offerings and to wash their Bodies which to perform thousands go thither every Year carrying with them great quantities of Precious Stones and other Riches which they throw into the same They account those Saints who at their Departure have their Mouths fill'd with the Water of this Ganga or the Roof of their Mouths only moistned with the same Sixthly They have another sort of Worship which consists in calling upon their Saints to whom they ascribe the Power of effecting and prospering all their Undertakings Therefore those that desire to be happy in the State of Matrimony call upon Hurmount those that go about Building Pray to Gunnes in Sickness they call upon Vegenaut the Soldiers which desire to be Victors appeal to Bimohem the poor and decrepit to Syer and those which live happily implore Nykasser Seventhly They are oblig'd by virtue of the Law to worship God as soon as any of his Creatures appears to them after Sun-rising This Religious Ceremony and Sign of their Devotion they generally shew to the Sun and Moon which they call the two Eyes of God They also respect certain Beasts which they account more clean than others as Goats and Buffalo's to which they ascribe such innocency and goodness that they rub the Floors of their Chambers with the Dung of these Beasts fancying that thereby they are made Holy Lastly It is to be observ'd that the manner of Baptizing and giving of Names to their Children is not one and the same with the Tribe of the Bramines as with all the rest who only wash their Children with Water and afterwards one of their Relations taking a Pen seemingly writes upon the Babes Forehead and saith this short Prayer Lord do thou write good things on this Childs Forehead whereupon all those that are present cry We wish this may he effected which done they name the Child and anoint its Temples with red Salve to the end every one may know it is receiv'd into the Church and mark'd for one of the Children of God thus ending their Ceremony But the Children of the Bramines are not only wash'd as the others but anointed with Oyl whilst the Priest
of Ravisaldee an eminent Raja which hapned accordingly as may appear by the following Relation There was formerly as their Histories make mention a Raja call'd Syde Ravisaldee after whose Decease his Son built a stately Tomb in a Place call'd Sythepolapore so to express to his Successors the Affection and Reverence he bore to his Father When this magnificent Structure was finish'd with great Labor and Charge he consulted with the Bramines and desir'd to know of them if the stately Tomb he had built would be of any long continuance or would be subject to decay as well as other worldly things by whom it should be ruin'd Upon which a Madewnauger experienc'd in the Bramines Art answer'd That a certain Sultan call'd Alaudin King of Dely should ruine the same and make great Conquest in Surratte Syde Ravisaldee to prevent the ruine of this Structure sent the Bramine Madewnauger with great Sums of Money to Dely to this Alaudin to obtain of him that he would let his Fathers Bones rest and not destroy the Temple he had built for him But the Bramine coming thither could not find any Person of that Name in any Government or Command but after long search he was inform'd that a certain Wood-cutter living there had a Son of that Name whereupon going to this Man who was extremely amaz'd to see him he related to him his Journey whilst the Son of Alaudin standing behind his Father was preparing a Dish of Goats-flesh The Bramine going to him told him of the good Fortune that should attend him and that on a certain Day he would come to be King of Dely and make huge Conquests in Surratte and that Syde Ravisaldee had sent to proffer him a great Sum of Money requesting that when he should be Victor he would be pleas'd to defend the Temple which he had built as a Monument over his Fathers Grave at Sythepolapore Alaudin made this Answer That it was beyond all possibility he should be so powerful and attain such great Fortunes yet nevertheless if the Heavens had ordain'd it it was not possible to prevent it and it would be impossible for him to defend that Temple He also generously refus'd the Presents and the Money which the Bramine proffer'd him but his Father and Mother whom his Necessity gave good Advice to and knew better than he what was good for them persuaded him to receive the Presents partly to relieve themselves out of the present Indigency in which they were and make use thereof as an Instrument to attain to those things which were Prophesied Alaudin hereupon liking their Advice receiv'd them and gave to the Bramine a written Paper to this effect That since the Heavens had appointed he should fetch some Stones from this Structure he would only take them from one Corner without ruining it as well to perform that which was foretold him as to answer the Requests of Syde Ravisaldee With this Money Alaudin rais'd a considerable number of Soldiers and happily succeeded in all his Enterprizes insomuch that being press'd forward by his good success and emboldned by the Prophesie that he should do such valiant Exploits he at last attain'd to be King of Dely conquer'd Surratte and perfom'd that which he had promis'd Syde Ravisaldee and also ruin'd many Rajas to the great prejudice of the State of the Benjans who then began to decline But at last being wearied with the toil and care of War which continu'd a long time and was very ●roublesom because many Rajas retreated into inaccessible Places he appointed one Futter●on to compleat his Victories Alaudin seeing ●hat Fortune had rais'd him from nothing to the highest Degree of Honor he resolv'd to s●●re his Happiness with him who had the least thoughts thereof and seriously considering thereupon a whole Night he concluded to give the Government of all those Places which he possess'd in Surratte to the first that should come and offer him any Presents when just as if it had been appointed Futterkon came into his Chamber to proffer him a Glass of Wine which Alaudin receiv'd with great joy and immediately in the Face of his whole Army declar'd Futterkon Successor of all those Dominions which he had or should attain and commanded all his Officers to shew him the Respect due to him as his Successor and to obey and assist him in all things which were necessary for the carrying on and finishing the already begun Conquests After which Alaudin retir'd to Dely whilst Futterkon prosecuted his Conquests of Surratte which the other Mahumetans that succeeded him in the Government of his Dominions compleated to the destruction of the Realm of the Benjans As to what concerns their present Condition some Rajas that were in a good Condition and others that retir'd into the middle of the Country into Places which could not be conquer'd are yet in Being and Rob those Caravans which Travel by the Places of their Residence and often Sally out to the Gates of the most strong and populous Cities for Booty They have many brave Soldiers that accompany them in these Enterprises who are by some call'd Rasphootes or Rasboten and Rasbookes and by others Resbuten Raspouten Reisbutos and Ragipous which signifie Kings Children for being of the Tribe of the Kutteries in all probability they were deriv'd from those Noble Persons that were destroy'd in the Conquest of Surrate Among those that were not conquer'd and are at present living is one Raja Surmulgee whose Residence is at Raspeplaw another Raja Berumshaw at Molere the Raja Ramnagar Raja Burmulgee and the great Raja Rannah who have maintain'd many a Field-Battel against the Great Mogols Army There are above a hundred Rajas or Pagan Princes sprinkled up and down in this Realm that are not under Subjection to the Great Mogol nor pay any Tribute to him some of them dwell near others a good distance from Dely among them are fifteen or sixteen very rich and powerful but chiefly five or six as the Raja residing in the Country of Jesselmeer who formerly Reign'd as Emperor over the Rajas and is said to be Extracted from King Porous and likewise Jesseingue and Jessomseingue which are rais'd to that heighth that if those three would but joyn together they would keep the Mogol sufficiently employ'd each of them being able in an instant to bring twenty thousand Horse into the Field better Exercis'd and Arm'd than those of the Mogol The present Great Mogol's chiefest Soldiers are Rajas as Jesseingue Jessomseingue and others to whom he gives great Salaries to be always prepared with a certain number of Ragipouts their Subjects and maintains and keeps them as Omrahs that is to say as other strange Lords and Mahumetans sometimes among those Forces which he always has to Guard him and sometimes in the Field These Rajas are commonly oblig'd to perform the same Duties that the Omrahs do that is to be upon the Guard though with this distinction they do it not in any
Garrisons like the Omrahs but in their Tents for they cannot brook being lock'd up twenty four hours together in a Fort nor do they ever go into any of them but with a great Company of resolute Men which have sworn to die by them on the Spot as it sometimes happens when any Design has been plaid upon them The Mogol is oblig'd for several Reasons to keep these Rajas in his Service First because the Rajas People are very warlike and valiant and there are several of them able to bring above twenty thousand Horse into the Field Secondly that he may be the better able to keep in Subjection those Rajas which are under his Pay and force them to pay Tribute when they refuse or when out of fear or otherwise they will not venture out of their Country to come into the Field when the Mogol has occasion for them Thirdly to heighten or increase their Jealousies one among the other the more by shewing greater Favor to one than to another Fourthly to employ them against the Patans or his Enemies the Omrahs and Governors in case any should offer to rebell against him Fifthly to use them against the King of Golkonda when he refuses to pay Tribute or against the King of Visiapour when he offers to Plunder them or bring them under his Subjection at which time the Mogol cannot repose any confidence in his Omrahs which are most of them Persians and of another Religion viz. not Sounnys but Chias as the King of Persia and the King of Golkonda is Sixthly and chiefly to employ them against the Persians when any opportunity presents for then he cannot confide in his Omrahs who as we said before are most of them Persians and consequently can have no inclination to Fight against their natural King The Country of the Resbutes borders on the side of Persia to the Motages on the sides of the River Indus at the City Cambaya also to the Kingdom of Dely and Southerly to the Sea According to Purchas this Country lies in the Road that leads from Surratte to Agra and as Maffee affirms borders on the West at Carmania though more probably as Davity hath it Gedrosia or the Country of the Motages or Nautaques The Towns of this Country are Agra Crodi Vamista Argeng and Saurou which last hath a very strong Castle besides the great City Sarruna from whence it is fourteen Leages to Sinde the Metropolis of this Kingdom The Inhabitants also possess several strong Places amongst which is Dewras This Country is very fruitful and of an exceeding fat Soil producing abundance of all sorts of Provisions having plenty of all things on the very Mountains The Resbutes or Subjects of these Rajas or Indian Princes were anciently in the time of the Heathens Kings of Countries and Peers of this Realm who defended their Country against Invaders maintaining a continual War but ●ow they live in the Mountains maintaining Wars against the Moors to avoid paying Tribute This Tribe hath spread it self very much and is extreamly inclin'd to Robbing and Stealing from whence in India they call a Robber Resbut or Rasapout Ram granted them the liberty of taking as many Wives as they pleas'd as also other warlike Families that so the Soldiers might not settle their Affections in one Place but might be the freer to make Conquest and propagate wheresoe're they came for were they confin'd to one Woman they might perhaps take her along with them to their conquer'd Places and setling there be unwilling to depart thence The Resbutes are a rustick deceitful ill-natur'd but yet a strong valiant and undaunted People fearing no Dangers though threatned with Death whereas other Indian Heathens are mean spirited and timerous carrying their Arms in their Mouths and esteem Railing before Fighting They are very famous for Robbing and Stealing for they Plunder the Caravans and murder all Travellers they meet with if they make the least Resistance They have several little Harbors for small Barques with which they Pyrate along the Coast They go naked from their Navel upwards and wear Turbants which differ in fashion from the Mogols Their chiefest and only care from the eldest to the youngest is how to handle a Sword well The Rajas or Kings of the Ragipous give their Subjects Lands for their Subsistance on condition they shallal ways be ready to Fight when call'd to it so that they might properly be styl'd a sort of Nobles if the Rajas gave them Lands for them and their Children They drink Amfion in great abundance which they use from their Infancy and when at any time they go to meet their Enemies they take a double Portion for Amfion emboldning or rather inebriating makes them fearless of any Danger so that they maintain a Battel like so many ravenous Beasts never retreating but die resolutely at the Feet of their Raja They want nothing but good Discipline to make them good Soldiers for Strength and Valor they have enough It is very pleasant to see them intoxicated with the foremention'd Amfion how they embrace and bid each other farewel like Men making account of nothing but Death For among so many Sects of Hindouns or Heathens subject to the Mogol there is only one Tribe of Soldiers or Fighting People call'd Resbutees of whom the Great Mogol for their Valor and some other Reasons is necessitated though a Mahumetan and consequently a Heathen to entertain a great number in his Service treating them like other Omrahs and making use of them in his Army as if they were Mahumetans nay they are promoted to the greatest Offices and highest Employments under the Great Mogol as also under the King of Visiapour and Golkonda Their Arms are Half-pikes Swords or Simiters and Shields which being large and hollow are fashion'd like a Bee-hive and serve them to feed their Horses and Camels out of Most of the Rajas use Horses which are swift of foot handsom and strong and are always rid unshod The Resbutes eat all manner of Meat except Beef and the Flesh of Buffalo's which Beasts they hold in great Veneration They drink Palm-Wine and Brandy but not out of a Vessel out of which any other Tribes have drank before They are all of them Heathens and would never permit any Mahumetans to mix amongst them The Women resolutely leap into those Fires in which their Husbands were consum'd The third Tribe or Family which is that of the Schudderies derives its Name from Schuddery the third Son of Pourous and Parkoutee who was design'd for Trade for all Traders are comprehended under that Name and Tribe That which the Book given to Bremaw exprest concerning this Tribe consisted only in a few Commandments instructing them how to live Honorably in their Emyloyments to be Just as well in Words as Deeds and not to practise any Deceit or Fraud in their Trades either in Buying or Selling. Amongst this Tribe are those which by the Portuguese according to Texeira are call'd Beneans though he
this Castle were anciently kept according to the Custom of the Country seven Kings with their Families and Retinues which never came from thence except that King of the Country which was nearest related to him dy'd without a Male-Issue Within it is a Fountain of fresh Water The other Towns of this Country are Saddise lying near the River Tynde nine Leagues from the City Netherbey and two Days Journey from Brampour the next is Caddor fifteen Leagues from Brampour on the side of the Bulloits Country then follows Sawbon fourteen Leagues from Caddor Kanowe a great City three days Journey from Caddor fourteen Leagues farther flows the great River Andere which runs to Bengala where the utmost Limits of the Heathens terminate and crossing this River you go out of the Heathens Cou●try into that of the Bulloits Five Leagues Journey from Agra is a Castle call'd Hoffer the most eminent and the strongest of all the Province of Chandish it is built on the top of a high and steep Mountain incredibly fortifi'd by Nature and able to contain forty thousand Horse in the middle of it are Springs which water the Mountain and make the Earth so fruitful in the production of Grass Herbs and Corn that there is no want either of Provisions or other Necessaries it is also Planted round about with very fine Brass Guns which were brought thither by the last King of Surratte But the Water which springs out of this Mountain is very unwholsom to drink and causes Worms to grow in the Legs which was the only Instrument whereby Ekbar conquer'd this Place The Inhabitants of Brampour are very affable and courteous occasion'd perhaps by their converting commonly with many of the Nobility by whose Example the Vulgar are very much civiliz'd Every Person may Hunt freely without any interruption and those that will not go on foot may be furnish'd with a Horse at a very low Rate The Inhabitants of Kanowe drive a great Trade in Clothes Swords Musquets and a certain Fruit to Dye withal and those of Brampour in Cloth of Gold and Silver Silks and Woollen Cloth The Country is sufficiently fortifi'd against an Enemy for Anno 1609. the King of Kanowe came with an Army of fifty thousand Elephants thirty thousand Horse ten thousand Camels and three thousand Dromedaries to attack the same It is at this day Govern'd by a Substitute of the Great Mogol's The Inhabitants are Heathens and worship the Sun as their Supreme God They eat not the Flesh of any living Creature according to the manner of the Pythagoreans They adore all Creatures as Gods and worship that Beast they meet with first in the Morning for their God all that Day Anno 1600. the City of Brampour with the whole Kingdom and Fort of Sye was conquer'd by the Great Mogol Ekbar for at the coming of Ekbar with his Army after having conquer'd the Kingdom of Dekan King Miram deserted die City of Brampour and fled with all the Inhabitants and their Goods to the Fort Sye so that Ekbar got nothing but the empty City and therefore went from thence to Sye with an Army of 200000 Men. The Fortress was plentifully stor'd for many Years with Wood Corn and other Provisions for sixty thousand Men and was fortifi'd with three thousand Pieces of Ordnance In the Fort was besides King Miram and the seven other Heroick Princes which though of the Mahumetan Religion yet Extracted Portuguese who having the sole Conduct of this War fortifi'd the Fort with no less Care than Art so that the Mogol's Labor though he had besieg'd the Fort with two hundred thousand was all in vain for the Besieged by the convenient Situation of the Fort their continual discharging of great Guns and prudent management of Affairs they prevented him from taking the same by Storm When Ekbar saw that it was impossible to Conquer the Fort by Force he resolv'd to try what he could do by Policy wherefore he endeavor'd to attain his Ends by Money and Presents and desir'd to enter into Conference with King Miram swearing by his Head the greatest Oath imaginable that immediately after he had spoken wi●h him he should return in safety to the Fort again Miram being doubtful what might be the Event of this Busines entred into Counsel with his Officers about it where the Abyffinian Commanders and seven other Princes judg'd it altogether inconvenient for him to go out of the Castle but others who were entic'd thereto by Bribery seem'd to be quite of another Opinion whose Advice he following went out of the Fort having upon him a Garment in fashion of a Cloke which reach'd down to his Knees as a testimony of his Submission Coming to the Great Mogol whom he found sitting like an Image yet with a smiling Countenance he bid him welcom three times upon which Miram approaching nearer to him bow'd down his Head when one of the Mogol's Princes taking hold of him threw him on the Ground to which rude Affront 't was judg'd Ekbar consented notwithstanding he seemingly reprehended him for his rashness and mildly perswaded Miram to send Letters to the Watches which Guarded the outward Walls After which Miram requir'd liberty to return to the Castle but Ekbar not regarding his Oath would not permit him to go back again The Abyssinian Governor was no sooner inform'd of what had pass'd but he sent his Son with a Letter to the Mogol in which he tax'd him with Injustice for detaining Miram contrary to his Oath advising him to to let him return peaceably according to his Promise The Mogol hereby understanding that the whole management of Affairs were left to the Discretion of this Abyssinian thought if he could but corrupt him the Place might be easily subdu'd wherefore he ask'd the Son If his Father would not come thither in case King Miram should command him To which the Youth boldly reply'd That his Father was no such Person as he took him for neither would he leave his Castle to come and Consult with him that he must in vain expect to obtain the Fort with his Father's Consent and if he would not release Miram yet there should not long want a Successor Which confident Answer so incens'd Ekbar that he caus'd the young Man immediately to be Stabb'd which when his Father had notice of he presently sent the Mogol word That he would beg of the Gods never to behold the Face of such a perfidious Prince and afterwards taking his Sash in his Hand he went amongst the Soldiers and thus bespake them Oh Brothers the Winter approaches which will drive the Mogol from the Siege and to avoid their utter Ruin force them all to retire home None but God shall ever he able to Conquer this Place unless the Inhabitants thereof will surrender the same therefore resolve valiantly to defend the same Having ended this Speech he went and Strangled himself immediately After his Decease the Inhabitants defending the Place for some time kept
especially near Sandaye where the Fruit call'd Mangas and Sugar-canes grow in such abundance that they give them to their Horses in stead of Hay Sheep are here in incredible numbers whose Wooll being like the Spanish is by the Inhabitants us'd to make Cloth The Woods abound with Elephants Lions Tygers Apes and other Beasts There are Inns in most Places where Horses Camels and other Beasts are set up and fed at the Expence of the Publick without any Charge to the Traveller In the City of Gorra are kept four Publick Schools The Bulloits were formerly a deceitful and cruel People At this day they retain that barbarous Custom of burning the Women alive after their Husbands decease but if any Woman refuse thus brutishly to sacrifice her self they then cause her Hair to be cut off and clothe her in Black and she is ever after accounted so ignominious and dishonorable that not the meanest Person will vouchsafe to assist or visit her In Sandaye is great store of Wooll and Cotton with abundance of Swords Lances and o her Weapons Many Merchants have likewise recourse to this City as Benjans Mesulipatans and great Caravans come to Barrandon where are sold all sorts of Arms Hats made of Wooll and Elephants Teeth The Province of the Hendowns or Hindous THE Country of the Hendowns or Hindous hath on the one side the Kingdom of Agra or Indostan where it is separated by the River Paddar which also divides the Country Zurratte and discharges it self into the Persian Gulph On the North it conterminates with the Kingdom of Multan or as others affirm they Inhabit the Northern Parts of Asmeer and those Parts that lye next to Multan They are also spread through all Surratte and are employ'd as Soldiers to Garrison Towns and Fortresses they being stout and undaunted People and not inferior to the Raspoutes and Patannes The Metropolis according to Daviti is Hendowne which bears the same Denomination with the whole Country The next Town is Rimala and the great City Mearta then follows Towri and about twenty two Leagues from thence the City Geissemer seated in a very delightful Place The Country yields plenty of Corn Cotton Fodder for Beasts and abounds with Sheep and Fowls The Inhabitants are generally great Robbers They dress and eat their Meat in a round spot of Ground into which while they are about preparing and eating their Food they suffer no other Person to come The Women from their Infancy wear little Silver Copper and Iron Chains about their Legs and Pendants in their Ears in which they make holes as big as they may easily thrust their Fingers through and Armlets from their Wrists up to their Elbows In Mearta are weekly kept seven Markets where they drive a great Trade in Indico Callico and Woollen Cloth as also at Gasmeer Moreover the Hindous though abstracted from Heathens eat all sorts of Meats both Flesh and Fish except that of an Ox or Cow When they pray they strip themselves stark naked and maintain a Doctrine different from the Benjans The Province of Sanbat or Sanbal and Bakar THE Province of Sanbat or Sanbal or Sanbe borders on the North at Bakar on the West at that of Agra and is separated on the South by the River Jemni from the Province of Narvar Some as Herbert call this Province Doab that is Between the Waters or Streams for Ab in the Persian Tongue signifies Water and Do Between It lies triangular and is encompass'd by the Streams Ganges and Jemni which make the Country very fruitful and 't was anciently mighty Populous The Metropolie is also call'd Sanbat In this Province twenty five Leagues from the City Agra near the Place where the Jemni falls into the Ganges lies a stately Palace now call'd Helabassa but formerly Praye and founded by the Rajas of that Place in testimony of their Subjection to Ecbar when they submitted themselves to his Jurisdiction The most remarkable thing near this Palace is a large and dark Valley wherein are kept as precious Relicks some Images which the Inhabitants affirm to be of Adam Eve Seth Enoch Methusalem and others which as they relate liv'd in this Place Great Companies of Benjans come daily hither from all Parts to bless themselves here and purifie or wash themselves from all their Sins in the River Ganges which they account Holy They shave off all their Hair and ease themselves thereof as an unclean and unnecessary Burden and promise to themselves great Benefits by the loss thereof The Palace is surrounded with a treble Wall whereof the first is of square Red Stones the second of White and comprehends an Obelisk of seventy two Foot high erected by Alexander the Great The King spent above twelve hundred thousand Ropias to build this Palace of which the Kings of Patan have often endeavor'd to make themselves Masters because of the conveniency of the Rivers which are so near it There is also a Sanctified Tree which the Kings of Patan have endeavor'd to root out but could never attain to it Near Helabas is a magnificent Tomb which King Sanghir built in honour to his first Wife the Raja Maminseng's Daughter who poyson'd her self when she heard of her Son Sultan Gosrou's Insurrection The Territory of Bakar borders on the West at the Stream Ganges on the South at Sanbal on the West at Nagrakat and hath Bikaneer or Bikameer for its Metropolis The Province of Nagrakat THE Province of Nagrakat or Nakercut borders Westward at that of Bakar and at the Stream Ganges It is a Mountainous Country and the utmost to the Northward of the Mogol's Jurisdictions The Metropolis call'd also Nagrakat is adorn'd with a splendid Chappel for the Cieling and Floor is In-lay'd with Plates of Silver in divers Forms which are continually kept scoured It was built in honour of an Idol they call Matta which is erected in this Chappel whither the Indians repair to their Devotion and out of Zeal often cut a piece of their Tongues off as an Offering to the Idol In this Province is another eminent Holy place built on a Rock and call'd Jallamakee where from the cold Springs which run out from between the Rocks are daily seen to arise Flashes of Fire to which the Idolaters kneel down and worship The Provinces of Siba Kakares and Gor. THE Province of Siba lieth to the Northward of Nagrakat and is divided by the River Ganges from North to South The Metropolis call'd Hardware is seated near the Ganges which gliding thereabouts through great Rocks soon after makes a large River The most eminent Rock through which the Ganges takes its Course hath according to the supposition of the superstitious Heathens the form or shape of a Cows Head and they come hither daily in great numbers to wash themselves for they ascribe a certain Divine Power to the Water especially of the Ganges The Territory of Kakares lieth Northward beyond that of Siba and being separated from Tartary by the Caucasian Mountains
is the utmost Northern part of the Mogol's Jurisdiction The Chiefest Towns thereof are call'd Decalce and Purhola The County of Gor lieth North-east from Kakares and is very Mountainous The River Sersily takes its Original in this Country and after long Course Southerly discharges it self into the Ganges The Metropolis bears also the name of Gor. The Provinces of Pitan Canduana and Patna THE Province of Pitan conterminates Northwards at that of Kakares Eastward at the River Sersily Southward at the Territory of Patna and Westward at that of Siba It is water'd by the Stream Canda which empties it self on the Borders into the Ganges The Chief City is nam'd Pitan The County of Canduana verges Westward on the River Sersily which divides it from Pitan This and the Territory Gor are the furthest Limits of the Mogol's Jurisdiction to the North-east The Metropolis is call'd Carhacatenca The Province of Patna borders Westward at the River Ganges Eastwards at Sersily and the County of Jesuat and Northwards at Pitan The Territories of Jesuat Merat and Vdessa THE Territory of Jesuat borders on the West at that of Patna and on the East at Merat The Chief City thereof is call'd Raiapore Merat joyns On the East to Udessa and on the West to Jesuat It is a Mountainous Country and hath Nariel for its Head City The Province of Udessa is the furthest part of this Jurisdiction Eastward and hath Jekanat for its Metropolis The Kingdom of Decan THE Kingdom of Decan is according to Juan de Baroes generally taken for the whole Extent which the Country of Cuncan comprehends because the Inhabitants call that Tract of Land Cuncan which extends it self along the Sea from North to South to the River Aliga and from East to West from the Sea to the Mountains of Gate So that these People are call'd Cuncanyns and not as the Portuguese improperly stile them Canariins But the Coast of Decan which extends Eastward to the Mountains of Gate is call'd The Kingdom of Decan and the Inhabitants Decanyns and as Linschot hath it this Country is also call'd Ballagate that is The Upper Gate for Balla signifies Upper and Gate A Mountain Or rather the Country of Ballagate by Ananie call'd Bilagate is that Land which extends over and among those Mountains as appears by the Description of Linschot who makes three Kingdoms of this Country dividing it into Ballagate Decan and Cuncan All these three Countries taken together border on the North at the Kingdom of Cambaye or Zurratte with the Stream Bate between both and also at the Kingdom of Orixa on the East at the Kingdom of Narsinge on the West at the Sea on the South at Canara being parted by the River Aliga This Country extends it self along the Sea above 250 Italian Miles or as Ananie saith full sixty two German that is from the Mouth of the Stream Bate to that of Aliga or rather as Juan de Baroes hath it from Chaul to the River Aliga in Sintacora is sixty five Spanish Miles But Texeira and other Modern Writers rightly distinguish the Country of Decan from that of Cuncan or Visiapour by its extent to the North calling that Country Cuncan which extends to the South and that which lies more to the North and nearer to Cambaye Decan Decan borders on the North at Cambaye on the East at the Mountain of Ballagate on the South at Cuncan and on the West at the Sea It extends from the South to the North along the Sea-coast of Sifferdan to Negotana a Tract of twenty Leagues and runs up into the Country near Cambaye The Metropolis of Decan according to Texeira is call'd Hamedanager by Ananie and some others singly Danager by others Amdadanager who place it up in the Country and make it the King's Residence affirming That he made this the Seat of his Realm because of the pleasant Situation of the City and the delightful Gardens about the same Yet there are some that make Beder or Bider by Barbosa call'd Mavider the Metropolis of all Decan and Residence of the Kings Next to this is reckon'd the City of Decan In this Kingdom lies also a City built near the Sea-shore which Texeira calls Chaul but Baroes Chiaul by Della Valle Ciul and Chaul and by Barthema Ceuul which by Castald is taken for the ancient City Camane of Ptolomy It lies ten Leagues to the Southward of Bazzain in 19 Degrees and 50 Minutes of Northern Latitude two Leagues from the Sea near a River which by the help of the Flood coming from the Sea brings up Ships close to the Walls of the City It runs up a great way into the Country from whence it takes its Course trending through Hills and Valleys till it discharges it self into the Sea making a spacious Haven in the midst of the Bay below the City The Portuguese have two Forts here whereof the one was built Anno 1520. by Diego Sequeira who obtain'd leave of the King for it The other built by the Moors is on the other side of the Haven viz. on the Right hand when you enter into it To the Southward of this Haven lies a famous Mountain in the Portuguese Tongue call'd Il Morro di Ciul that is A Member of Ciul which commands both the City and Harbor having a Fortress built on the top which is in a manner inaccessible and belong'd formerly to the Moors of Decan that is to Nizam Schiah King or Lord over all the adjacent County This Fortress was conquer'd by the Portuguese who with discharging their Musquets at an Elephant which was by the Moors plac'd to defend the Gate with a great Chain in his Mouth so frighted him that he remov'd to one side and permitted the Portuguese to creep under his Belly and make themselves Masters of the Place But others relate that the Place was taken after this manner viz. When the Portuguese had first with a handful of People defeated a considerable Party of the Moors and put them to flight they retreated to the Fort Il Morro di Ciul where they thought to be secure from the fury of the Portuguese but an Elephant being wounded in the Battel and retiring amongst them towards the Fort fell down dead at the entrance of the Gate which then could not be shut against the Portuguese who by firing boldly upon their Opposers soon made themselves Masters of the Place which since that time they have made much stronger and by that means defended the City Chaul from the continual Assaults of the Moors Pyrard tells us That there are two Cities call'd Chaul in one of which inhabit abundance of Handicrafts and Tradesmen In this City is a famous Temple dedicated to the Goddess Crangene Without the City is a Toll-house Also the Chief Church of the Portuguese stands near the Sea-shore not far from which is a Cloister of the Jesuits with a Church dedicated to St. Peter Southward from Chaul by the Sea lies a Place by Barbosa
of the City Mirisdie Mirisdie otherwise Mirdsy is a large and desolate City fortified on the South-west side with a strong Castle which is so well furnish'd with Men and Amunition that the Great Mogol after the conquering of many Towns and Fortresses could not subdue this Castle with his whole Army It is adorn'd with a Metzid built after the Moorish manner in which lie buried two Kings of Dely which died about 500 Years ago their Graves being adorn'd with Hangings and other rich Ornaments are frequented by the Inhabitants and travelling People who shew great Reverence to the same Two Kos from Mirdsy lies the Village Epour and three Kos further on the Banks of the River Koecenna are two Towns the one call'd Great and the other Little Graeen about a Cannon-shot one from another Five Leagues and a half-from the River Koecenna is the great and rich Trading City Asta with the Villages Toncaa and Astacka in the Road about two Kos and a half one from the other between which two Villages is a Barry or Hamlet Three Kos from Asta stands the large and well-built City Ballouwa and three Kos further two Towns about a Cannon-shot one from the other call'd Oerem and Jesselampour the last of which hath a strong Castle with high Walls wherein the Governor for the King of Visiapour hath his Residence Two Kos from thence is a Village nam'd Taffet and three Kos further another call'd Cassegam and two beyond that the decay'd City Caljaer Two Kos from Caljaer is the Village Galoure and six Kos beyond that the City Tamba and Village Winge near the City Quelampour and another Town call'd Domo The City Tamba is large and well Peopled built along a Running Water which hath its Original out of the River Coyna Two Kos from Tamba is the Village Morel two beyond that Suppera and four Kos further Beloure two more from hence lies a great Village call'd Werad nine Leagues from the Ballagatean Mountains Not far from this place is the Village Patan formerly the Residence of a famous Robber call'd Hiewogy who forc'd Tribute from all Travellers which none could hinder him from notwithstanding all possible means were us'd to prevent it for so soon as any Forces were sent against him he immediately fled into the Mountains which were naturally inaccessible Another Village call'd Helewaek lies about three Kos beyond Werad by which runs the River Coyna Three great Kos or a League and a half from the River Coyna on the Mountains of Ballagate is the Village Gatamata so call'd in respect of these Mountains for Gata in the Persian Tongue signifies A Mountain and Mata Above or On the top Three Kos further lies another Village call'd Poly at the foot of the foremention'd Mountains which by reason of their steep narrow and Rocky Ways are very troublesom to travel Two Kos from Poly or the Foot of the Ballagatean Mountains is the Village Combaerly and sixteen Kos from thence at the River Ghaybeer a great Village nam'd Chipolone from whence is a passage by Water to the City Dabul All Goods that come out of the Country of Decan are carried in Boats from thence to Dabul and so farther up into the Country which makes this Place to be very populous and plentifully stored with all manner of Provisions The Merchandises and Commodities which are brought thither by Water pay for each Kandy or 450 Pound weight one Laryn and a half Freight to Dabul Four Gau or twelve Leagues from Chipolone down the River Helewacko lies the City Dabul or Dabrul anciently very famous but of late much ruin'd by the Wars and decreas'd in Trade It lies in 18 Degrees Northern Latitude or as others affirm in 17 Degrees 45 Minutes and is built along the Shore of the River Helewacko ten Leagues from Chaul It lies open onely on the South-side which fronts the Water where are two Batteries planted with four Iron Guns On the Mountains are several decay'd Fortresses and an ancient Castle but without any Guns or Garrison On the Northern Point where the Bay begins stands a little Wood which at a distance appears like a Fort and below this Wood near the Water is a white Temple or Pagode as also another on the South Point on the declining of the Mountain besides several other Temples and stately Edifices This City was taken from the King of Idalcan by the Portuguese Anno 1508. but was afterwards won from them again and ruin'd by the English Two Leagues Southward from Dabul lies a Promontory or Cape by the Portuguese call'd Dabul Falso that is False Dabul because in sailing by the same they often find themselves deceiv'd taking it for the Point of Dabul which it very much resembles Beyond this Cape is a Bay by them call'd Enceada de los Brahmannes that is The Bay of the Brahmines because many Brahmines dwell thereabouts Beyond this is the Ragiaputa and the Cape Caraputa the Enceada or Sea-Bay Calasi or Calesci lying not far from the Cape Carapeta and next to that Tambona Four Leagues from Dabul lieth the Bay of Zanguizara in 17 Degrees and a half of Northern Latitude Twelve Leagues from Zanguizara or rather from Dabul and twenty from Goa lies the Haven and Road of Ceitapour in 17 Degrees and 20 Minutes Northern Latitude behind an Island which secures it from all Winds This Haven hath at the lowest but three and at the highest not above six or seven Fathom Water Beyond the River three Leagues from this Island and the Road Ceitagour lies the City Rasapour one of the eminentest Towns of the Kingdom of Cuncan and Visiapour Travelling from the Sea-side about Goa up into the Country to the Metropolis Visiapour you pass by and through the following Cities and Villages First A great City call'd Ditcauly lying three Kos from Goa Not far from thence near the River Madre de Dios lies a Castle call'd Ponda Banda a mighty City is about one Gau or three Leagues from Ditcauly two from Goa two from Wingerla and three and a half or nine Leagues from Ballagate It is built near the River Dery which glides by this City into the Sea having broad Streets with many fair Buildings and several Pagodes or Temples Between Banda and the Ballagatean Mountains lie several Villages as Amby two Kos from Banda and Herpoli four Kos Eleven Kos from thence on the other side at the Foot of the lowest of the Ballagatean Mountains is the Village Amboly beyond which near the River Herenecassy is another Village of the same Name A Cannon-shot from Herenecassy in the Valley between the Mountains of Ballagate is a Dorp call'd Berouly and two Kos further another call'd Weseree three Kos further Outor six and a half more Berapour half a Kos beyond Matoura and one more the pleasant Village Calingra close planted about with Trees A Cannon-shot from Calingra is the Village Cangier a little beyond a place by a general Name call'd Bary for all those Places
which have no peculiar Name but belong to other Villages are in general call'd Bary One Kos from hence lies the Village Worry and two and a half further another call'd Attrowaad adorn'd with a Pagode built on a Mountain which may be seen at a considerable distance Two Kos and a half further lies the Village Badaraly and as much beyond that the Dorp Kerwes two Kos more from which is Secoery Five Kos from hence is a Pagode from whence you may plainly see the City Mirsie with its Castles and Towers Seven Kos from the Village Secoery lies Raiabaeg a pretty large and Trading In-land City fortified with a Castle and belonging properly to the King's Consort About one Kos from the City is a fair Well and two Kos further runs the River Gagni Three Kos and a half from this City of Raiabaag is another City call'd Gotterny which hath a Fortification at one of its Gates A Cannon-shot from thence are two Villages call'd Coetesy and Omgar and half a Kos further the eminent River Corstena one Kos and a half from which is the Village Eynatour beyond that the Dorp Caterna and one Kos and a half further the River Agery with the Villages Tangely and Erary Three Kos from Erary is the City Atteny and one Kos beyond the City Bardgie from whence to Agger is three Kos and a half more three Kos thence to the City Talsenge and as much from thence to Hamowaere Tickocata lies three Kos further and about six from Visiapour having Nouraspour and Sirrapour between both Tickocata is an In-land City provided with a large Sarry or Publick Inn for Travellers The Kingdom of Cuncan is water'd by several Rivers viz. A little to the Northward of Goa is the River Madre Dios and beyond the City Banda the River Dery falls into the Sea and is Navigable in small Vessels Two Kos from the City Kaiabaag glides the River Corstena which passes through the whole Country of Cuncan to the Jurisdiction of Masilipatan about three Kos from whence the Stream Agry hath its Course Between the two Towns Great and Little Graeen runs a large River call'd Coecenna on whose Banks those Towns are situate The River Coyna which signifies Great Water passing through the Village Helewaek hath its Original near the City Chaury lying twelve Gau or thirty six Leagues up into the Country and extends it self in several Branches beyond the Metropolis Visiapour and the whole Kingdom of Cuncan The River Ghayhkeer discharges its Water into the River Helewacko whose Shore is border'd by many Dorps and planted with Cocos and other Trees very delightful to the Spectators This River hath its rise out of the Mountains of Ballagata and posses by the City Eabul into the Indian Sea where it makes a convenient Bay From the North to the South Point cross this Bay is a Bank which at low Water is quite dry so that those which sail up the River to the City must pass along close by the South Point At the entrance is commonly five or six Fathom Water at low Tide Four Leagues to the Southward of Dabul and thirty to the Northward of Goa glides the River Zanguizar by Barbosa call'd Cinguicar Its entrance into the Sea is in 17 Degrees and 13 Minutes Northern Latitude and makes a large Bay or In-let with several commodious Roads for Shipping Next is the River Bardes which runs by a Town call'd Banda The Stream Aliga of Sintacora which rises in the Mountains of Gate from thence taking its Course to the Westward falls into the Sea opposite to the Island Anchedive in 14 Degrees and a half of Northern Latitude The many Rivers and Brooks which flow through this Country of Cuncan make the same very fruitful especially in the production of Rice which is sow'd in such Grounds as lie low and are overflow'd in the Winter Yet it produces but little Corn but abundance of Areka and Betel especially on the Banks of the River Betel The Fruit Mangas growing in Ballagate are highly esteem'd weighing about two Pound a spiece and are of a much pleasanter taste than those which grow in Charanna Quindor Mandanagor and Dultabado and especially those of Nisamoxa Ballagate and Decan produce also abundance of Grapes but inferior to those of Spain and also great Quantities of Cotton and Silk There are likewise divers sorts of Stones found in Ballagate as Amethysts Chrysolites and Hemathites or Blood-stones and by Decan beyond Ballagate very rich Diamonds are found on the Mountain which the Portuguese call Rocca Velha that is The Old Rock Some of these Precious Stones which are cut naturally are in the Country Language call'd Naiffez and are by the Indians esteem'd above all others By Ustabado is a certain Stone found by the Arabians call'd Hageramini and by the Portuguese Pedra Armenia that is The Armenian Stone because the same sort being of a blueish green are found in Armenia The Moors make use of them in their Sickness to provoke Urine About the Countries of Ballagate is a sort of excellent Varnish Here are also many Tygers and Serpents of a prodigious length and bigness The Natives of Decan and Cuncan are either Decangeans or Cuncanyns and corruptly by the Portuguese call'd Canaryns and Corumbyns but besides there are Moors Persians Benjans and other Heathen People which far exceed the Natives in Number Linschot tells us That the Inhabitants both in Complexion Constitution and Clothes do very much resemble those of Zurratte and the Benjans But Barbosa makes them Black and Barthema Sallow or Swarthy They are naturally Valiant being for the most part extracted from Strangers excellent Horse-men and well skill'd in managing of Elephants but they are very proud insolent and self-conceited Their Women are much enclin'd to Venery Their Clothes are either of Silk or Cotton except their Shoes which are open at the Toes and lac'd over their bare Feet on the top yet Pyrard saith That they are Red sharp-toe'd gilt and open on the top The Women walk with their Faces veil'd and the Children stark naked till their seventh or eighth Year They eat all things without distinction except Cows Hogs and Buffaloes which Beasts according to an ancient Custom of the Brahmines are accounted Holy nay they are so superstitiously grounded in this belief that they sleep a nights under these Beasts and catch their Dung in their Hands imagining that thereby they do their Gods great Service They also abstain from all sorts of Fish Most of their Houses are built of Straw with such little Doors that they are forc'd to creep in and out Their Furniture is inconsiderable for a Mat spread on the Ground serves them in stead of a Bed and a Hole digg'd in the Earth for a Mortar to stamp their Rice in There are many Gold and Silver-smiths among them and also very good Artists in the working of other Minerals besides many other Handicrafts and Tradesmen Physicians Chirurgeons Carpenters Masons and the like Every Child is
taught the Trade or Calling of his Parents The Rusticks maintain themselves with sowing of Rice and Fishing on which they live very poorly inhabiting near the Sea-shore and the Banks of Rivers for the convenience of the Coco-Trees which grow along the same The Decanders which dwell near the River Zanguizara maintain themselves with Tillage and keeping of Cattel People of more Ability Traffick in Pepper in which the chiefest Trade of this Country consists which coming out of Canara is sent by Sea to Persia Suratte and Europe They deal likewise in all sorts of Provisions for this Country is the Store-house for all its Neighbors The Inhabitants also drive a great Trade in Calico and another sort of Cloth call'd Beirames which being brought by Land from Indostan Golconda and the Coast of Choromandel is sold to great advantage for in most Towns are kept Weekly Markets to which the Merchants carry all their Commodities but especially Corn and Provisions which are generally bought up by a valiant sort of People call'd Venesars and transported through the whole Country of Indostan which they penetrate with Cafilas consisting of three four nay sometimes eight or ten thousand Beasts of Burthen accompanied with Women and Children which follow them like an Army In Visiapour dwell many Jewellers which Trade in Diamonds that come from Golconda and Pearls of a great value There is also a great Market wherein nothing but Diamonds are sold which are bought by the Benjans of Surratte and Cambaye and by them dispos'd of again at Goa and other Places Out of this Country is also carried great store of Betel to Ormus Aden and Cambaye The Portuguese of Goa drive a great Trade with the Inhabitants of Cuncan but chiefly with the Merchants of Ditcauly and Banda In the City of Raiebaag dwell many eminent Dealers which Trade in Pepper and other Commodities The Coins and Current Moneys of Cuncan are of different Valuations there being two sorts viz. Laryns and Pagods A Laryn of Dabul coyn'd of the ordinary Metal is valued at ten Pagods whereas those of Persia make but eight Moreover the Pagods are likewise of a different Value for some are worth seven and a half or eight Persian Laryns and ten In-land Their small Money is of Copper and is call'd Basarucus and Paysas two hundred and ten Basarucus and in some Places a hundred and eighty make a Laryn and twenty eight Paysas are of the same value Every Town and Village hath for the most part a peculiar Coin and Value on their Money in which is great deceit especially in Laryns and Pagods which the subtle Benjans make so artificially of Copper and other Metals that they cannot be distinguish'd from the good Wherefore few will receive Money without the presence of a Xaraf or Exchanger who for a small Reward looks over all the Money and makes good the Damage if there happens to be any bad Money among that which he receives And if it be found that an Exchanger so entrusted as is before-mention'd shall designedly put away bad Money he is immediately condemn'd to have his Hands cut off and all his Estate forfeited to the King notwithstanding which they practice it daily The Weight of this Country is like that of Surrat having onely some small difference for twenty seven Maons of Cuncan make but twenty Maons of Surrat The ordinary Maon of forty Ceeres a Ceer is sixty Peysses is about twenty seven English Pounds with which Weight they weigh all heavy Goods and with another Weight call'd Goemy each Goemy being twelve Maons they weigh their Pepper A Quintal which is also a common Weight makes four Maons and five Quintals or twenty Maons one Candy which is five hundred and forty English Pound weight There are many other Coins and Weights in use among them which every Person in buying or selling of Goods agree upon at their pleasure but these before-mention'd are the most common and generally us'd through all the Country The Arms which the Inhabitants of Decan and Visiapour use both for Horse and Foot are broad Swords Pikes Lances with a square Iron at the end about a Span long Bows and Arrows Shields Darts which they throw with great dexterity at their Enemies Their Defensive Arms are Coats of Mail and Coats lin'd with Cotton which they call Landa●hes When they march into the Field they carry with them Tents of Callico under which they sleep They make use of Oxen to carry their Baggage Their common way of Fighting is on Foot though when they march some walk others ride on Horses and some on Elephants of which the King keeps a great number for that purpose The King of Cuncan is said to be very powerful and able in a short time to bring eighty thousand or as some say two hundred thousand armed Men into the Field both Horse and Foot He keeps many Persians and Mogols constantly in his Service which commonly enjoy the most eminent Places under him He likewise maintains many valiant Rasepouts There are four very eminent Castles or Fortresses in Cuncan known by the Names of Ponda Perinda Salpoure and Bellegam Chapour The King hath divers great Guns in his Magazen and about two hundred Cannons Demi-Cannons and Culverins Round about the City and Castle-walls of Visiapour are planted many small Pieces as Drakes and the like In the City of Visiapour is a Copper Gun of an incredible bigness its Chamber being large enough to contain above five hundred Pound of Powder It was found in a conquer'd Castle call'd Perando from whence it was convey'd to Visiapour by ten Elephants fourteen hundred Oxen and an incredible number of Men. The Founder of this Piece is reported to have been a Roman who undertook the same to make his Name Immortal and that his Work might be admir'd by the whole World which is the more talk'd of because after he had finish'd this prodigious Piece he kill'd his own Son and sprinkled his Blood over it for an Offering It hapned also that whilst this Gun was Casting Braman the King's Treasurer coming to demand an Account of the Charge from the said Roman he caus'd a Fire to be made in the Pit wherein the said Gun was Cast and throwing the said Braman into it bid him take an Account of the Fire which consum'd the Silver and Copper The News carried to the King by the Relations of the Deceased he seem'd not at all concern'd thereat but rather displeas'd with the Complainants telling them he never gave his Treasurer any Order to demand an Account With this Cannon the King took an almost invincible Castle call'd Salapoure making a Breach in the Wall at the first Shot of fifteen Ells long and at the next batter'd down the whole side of the Wall which so amaz'd the Besieged that without any further resistance they surrendred the Castle The Inhabitants relate many strange and ridiculous things of this Gun as that it formerly Prophesied like the Oracle at Delphos They
the King's Grandfathers Seal The right Coronation of their Kings is perform'd at Chirer Ridder a principal Place in the Realm of Visiapour When the old King lay a dying Chan Channa was sent for to him by the Queen who being come the Queen told the King Here is Chan Channa but she receiv'd no Answer Soon after Fettechan being also call'd thither the Queen spoke to the King saying The Lord Fettechan is also here present but the King not answering lift up his Eyes and departed this life which when Fettechan perceiv'd he threw himself after many mournful Expressions on the Ground and shew'd great signs of sorrow The young King was committed to the Care and Government of Chan Channa being the second Person in the Realm whilst Fettechan sorrowfully repair'd to his House where he mourn'd eight days for the King's death no Man being able in that time to perswade him to come to Court notwithstanding the new King had several times invited him But at last Chan Channa sent him word That it was then no time to mourn the King's death any longer That there was a necessity for him to make his appearance before the new King which if he again refus'd to do he should be necessitated himself to fetch him and to bring him before his Majesty Upon which Message Fettechan made his appearance before the King and in all humility fell down at his Feet but was immediately taken up and embrac'd by the new-Crown'd Prince The Queen sitting ●ll this while silent behind a Curtain at last spoke thus to Fettechan Why would you obscure your self in this juncture of time when your Presence is so much requir'd in all Business 'T is true here wants no Counsel but we cannot in these dangerous times repose any Confidence in them Whereupon the young King added You must banish the death of his deceased Majesty out of your mind I intend to promote you higher and bestow more Honor upon you than hitherto you have enjoy'd Immediately after he gave him the Cane whereby he held his former Offices which Fettechan humbly receiving was presented by the King as a Testimony of his Favor with eight thousand Penas which he modestly refus'd saying That it was customary the Present should be made to Chan Channa Among several other Persons of Quality the Lord Abdullachan came to Complement the King with a Present of nine thousand Penas and to wish him a long and prosperous Reign But the King would not accept his Present telling him That in stead thereof he should encrease the number of his Horse The King likewise commanded all Officers that were unde his Subjection to appear at Court charging them on forfeiture of a hundred thousand Penas constantly to maintain a thousand Horse The Inhabitants were at this time in a great Consternation fearing to be surpriz'd by the Mogol Prince Oranchzef But the King causing an Edict to be publish'd commanded them to be at quiet and encourag'd them with the hopes he had to lie down in a short time with his Army before Agra The King professes the Mahumetan Religion as also the greatest part of his Subjects the rest are Pagans and Idolaters of which Opinion are the Canaryns of Goa the Naires and other Indians They observe several Fasts and other Religious Ceremonies like the Bramans Linschot mentions a sort of Religious Persons among them call'd Jogues In most Parts of the Country reside Portuguese who are permitted to Trade and enjoy all Privileges except Religion yet nevertheless they privately make many Proselites The Kings of Decan Visiapour and those of Golconda maintain the Religion establish'd by Mahomet after the same manner with the Turks and are therefore call'd Soanies yet the King of Golconda is said to encline to that of the Persians But notwithstanding they are all three Moors and have instituted the Mahometan Doctrine in their Countries yet they still retain many Idolatrous Customs of the Heathens The Netherland East-India Company have a Free Trade through the whole Kingdom of Visiapour and Store-houses in several Places the chiefest whereof is at Wingurla The Bay of Wingurla lies in 15 Degrees and 17 Minutes Northern Latitude Northward from Goa and three Leagues Southward from Ilhas Quimadas or The Burning Island It hath a pretty large River which runs some Leagues up into the Country and is Navigable by small Vessels At the entrance of this River several Streams of Fresh Water which come down from the Mountains fall into the Bay The King allows the Netherlanders great Privileges which are confirm'd to them by a Letter dated the tenth of May 1655. viz. That they may lawfully claim as their proper Goods all such Commodities or Things whatsoever as shall happen to be Stranded coming out of any of their Ships cast away upon his Coast And they are likewise freed from all manner of Taxes and Impositions as will appear more at large from the following Firman or Letter written to the Lord General John Maetzuiker GReat Firman to all Honweldares Tannadares and other Inferior Officers under the Jurisdiction of my Crown on the Request of Leonard Johnson Merchant who desires That if any Ships belonging to the Lord General John Maetzuiker which Trade along this Coast should happen by Storm Fire or other Misfortune which God forbid to be Cast away or Stranded near any of my Harbors nothing might be lost or taken away from them but all their Goods be deliver'd to them again Which Request I freely grant them Therefore I charge you by vertue of this Letter that no Honweldares or other Inferior Officers which have any Command in any of my Sea-Port Towns shall presume directly or indirectly to keep or detain any Goods or Merchandises which by the casting away of any of the Hollanders Ships shall happen to be found Stranded or floating on the Sea but on the contrary assist them in the saving of any of their Goods and Merchandize and freely without any Money restore such Goods as shall be taken up or found by any of you He that transgresseth herein shall be punish'd as an Example to all others I have also receiv'd lately several Complaints from the Hollanders concerning the paying of Customs and the detaining of their Servants of which they were formerly freed and Traded without any Molestation which is contrary to my former Edict Therefore I charge all those whom it may concern a second time not to demand any Custom or Duties of them nor trouble them in the least that I may not have any more Complaints concerning it And that they may freely Trade without any molestation through my whole Dominions let several Copies be taken of this Letter and sent to the respective Places that this Great Firman may be exactly perform'd in every particular Given at our Court at Visiapour the eighteenth day of the Month Jumandelaer in the 1055 Year after Mahomet's Death The End of the First Volume of Asia A TABLE OF THE KINGDOMS PROVINCES CITIES TOWNS
Air c. Fol. 199 The Kingdom or Territory of Caximir Its Borders Situation and Extent ibid. Great Heats in March and the Effects thereof The difference of Air in the Mountains The Women very handsom European Plants and Herbs here in great abundance Fol. 200 The Description of the City and Lake of Cachemire A wonderful Spring on the Confines of this Kingdom Fol. 201 A Description of the Mosque at Baramoulay A strange Fable of a Stone The Character of the Cachemirans Fol. 202 Caximir Conquer'd by the Mogol Fol. 203 The Territories of Banchish Jangapore and Jenba Their Situation and Boundaries c. ibid. The Kingdom of Dely. It s Situation and Limits Jehan Ahad a new City how Seated ibid. Sixty thousand Houses consum'd by Fire Anno 1663. Fol. 204 The Furniture of their Houses Dely stor'd with divers sorts of Fruit from other Parts The several sorts of Provisions in Dely. The Description of the Castle Fol. 205 The Course of the River Jemini Fol. 206 The Nature of the Tree Baxama Fol. 207 The Kingdom or Province of Mando or Bando The Description of the City Mando c. Fol. 207 The Territory of Sanga or Chitor and Utrad The Description of the City Chitor anciently very Famous ibid. By whom destroy'd Fol. 208 The Productions of the Province Utrad ibid. The Kingdom of Zurratte or Cambaya By whom and why call'd Cambaya It s Extent and Limits The Sea-Port Towns ibid. The City Amadabath or Ahmedabath The Reason of its Name and its Description Fol. 209 The Description of a stately Pagode and two Magnificent Tombs Fol. 210 The Description of Surratte with several Remarks of note therein Fol. 211 The Legend of Oman Hidal Chan. The Haven or Harbor of Sohali The Fertility of the Soil The Derivation of the Name and Situation of Cambaya The Compass and Strength thereof It s Description c. Fol. 212 The Description of the City Brotha The Jurisdiction of this City The Tomb of Polmedony whereunto Pilgrimages are made The Description of Goga The City Bysantagan Fol. 213 Pattan a very large City Daman a large City Conquer'd by the Portuguese Anno 1559. The City Bazaim Fol. 214 The Productions of the Country c. Fol. 216 Serpents and other noxious Creatures Fol. 217 The Ancient and Modern Inhabitants of Surratte The Apparel of the Persians of Surratte their Diet c. Fol. 218 The Description of the People Their several Feasts The Original of Fire-Worship Fol. 219 Their Ceremonies of Fire-Worship Their Initiation of their Children Their Marriages and Nuptial Ceremonies Fol. 220 Their Burying-places and Funeral Solemnities Fol. 221 The Riches and Trade of Surratte Fol. 222 The Government of Surratte Fol. 223 The State of the Chan or Supreme Governor Their Punishment of Criminals The Religion of the Surratteans The Opinion of the Benjans concerning the Creation Fol. 224 The Kingdom or Territory of Chandish or Sanda It s Name with the Description of its Metropolis call'd Brampore It s Strength and manner of Government Fol. 237 The Provinces of Berar and Narvar Their Borders and Principal Cities Fol. 238 The Province of Gwaliar or Gualier It s Chief City The Mogol's Treasure kept here ibid. The Kingdom of Agra or Indostan It s Name and Metropolis A great and famous Castle ibid. The Description of the Royal Court Fol. 239 The Jurisdiction and Extent thereof Fol. 240 The Product of the Country Fol. 241 The Country of Bulloits It s Situation and the Fertility of the Soil ibid. The Province of the Hendowns or Hindous It s Meteopolis Fertility of the Soil and Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants Fol. 242 The Province of Sanbat or Sanbal and Bakar It Borders Some Special Remarks A Magnificent Tomb ibid. The Province of Nagrakat It s Metropolis and the Splendor thereof c. ibid. The Provinces of Siba Kakares and Gor. Their several Metropolisses and other Chief Towns c. Fol. 243 The Provinces of Pitan Canduana and Patna Their several Boundaries and Principal Cities ibid. The Kingdom of Decan Its Borders Extent and Metropolis ibid. Chaul a great City where the Portuguese have two Forts The famous Mountain Il Morro di Ciul The Fertility of the Soil The Air c. Fol. 244 The first Conqueror of Decan The ancient Name of the Kings of Decan A Story of a prodigious Gun Fol. 245 The Kingdom of Ballagate It s Name Extent and the Cities therein contain'd Fol. 246 The Kingdom of Cuncan or Visiapour It s Extent and Chief Cities ibid. The Description of its Metropolis Visiapour Fol. 246 247 The City Tamba ibid. The Kingdom of Cuncan how Water'd Fol. 248 The Armenian Stone found near Ustabado The several Inhabitants of Decan and Cuncan Their Complexion and Constitution Their Habits and some Superstitious Customs The Arts by which they are maintain'd and their several Manufactures Fol. 249 Their several Coins and Weights Their Arms both Offensive and Defensive ibid. Their manner of Fighting A Gun of an incredible bigness The Inhabitants speak several Languages The manner of their Marriages and Funerals Fol. 250 The King's Name and Title His Court and Attendance Adel Schiah takes Goa twice from the Portuguese ibid. The King of Cuncan desires Assistance of the Netherlanders and grants them great Immunities Fol. 250 251 A Peace concluded between the King of Visiapour and the Portuguese Fol. 251 The King professes the Mahumetan Religion Fol. 252 Many Portuguese reside in Cuncan Fol. 253 DIRECTIONS For Placeing the SCULPS IN THIS First Volume of ASIA THe Title Persia sive Sophorum Regnum Fol. 1 Schamachie Fol. 9 Derbendt Fol. 11 Ispahan Fol. 13 Kom Fol. 17 Saba ibid. Cachan Fol. 18 Soltaine Fol. 21 Ardebeile Fol. 25 Caspise Zee Fol. 30 Tabula Colchidis Hodie Mengrelie Fol. 90 Magni Mogolis Imperium Fol. 104 The Ten Altars Matsias or Matx the first Fol. 135 Caurams or Courmas the second ibid. Warras or Warrahas the third Fol. 136 Narsing the fourth ibid. Vannams the fifth Fol. 137 Passerams or Paresje Ramas the sixth Fol. 138 Rams or Ram Katas the seventh Fol. 140 Kistnas or Cristnas or Crexno the eighth Fol. 142 Bhodes or Boudhas the ninth Fol. 143 Callenkyns the tenth ibid. The Court of the Great Mogol Fol. 160 Schach Selim Fol. 169 Schach Jehan Fol. 172 Schach Oranchzef Fol. 174 Nurmahal Fol. 188 Rauchenara Begum Fol. 193 Begum Saheb Fol. 194 De Stadt Souratte Fol. 211 Dabul Fol. 214 Visiapour Fol. 246
't is evident that for every four hundred Crowns-worth of Salt which they bring into this Countrey they get above five thousand of Wood. The Lords sell their Subjects for Slaves to the Turks and the Men their Wives whereof the chief Lord of the Soil always receives a third part the Parents of the Women another part and the Husband the rest A Nobleman once having a mind to a Turkish Horse gave his own Mother in Exchange for him The Mengrelians who account it a happiness to change their Habitations when they please Houses like the Tartars never bestow any great cost on their Buildings notwithstanding they have all manner of Materials to Build withal but especially good white Stone Common Houses are not divided into several Apartments but consist in one large Room in which the Master Mistress Servants and all both Men and Women dwell together They always keep a great Fire in the middle of the Hall in the Winter The Walls of their Houses are of Wood and the Roofs cover'd with Straw which makes them very subject to take fire Their Halls are generally full of Smoak and dark having no other Light than what comes in at the Door They leave these Houses with great willingness whensoe're they are minded to remove In the Winter they commonly goe into the Woods where being secur'd from the sharp Winds they spend their time in Hunting In the Summer they dwell on the Hills and in the Spring and Harvest they chuse such places for their abode where they may have the benefit both of warm Weather and cold but they always dwell a great distance from the Sea partly for the bad Aire and partly to be secure from the Invasion of Pyrates Before Noblemens Houses are generally large Squares surrounded with Moats and Gardens planted full of Trees round about the Squares are built divers Lodges at a certain distance one from the other to prevent Fire that which stands next to the Entrance is call'd Ochus where they receive all Strangers the rest serving either for Cellars Kitchins and Wardrobes which being stronger than the rest are built in the form of a Tower In the middle of all these Lodges or little Houses which stand round about the Garden inclosing the Square there commonly stands a Chappel wherein they all go to Mass The common People are generally very poor Habits wearing onely a woollen Lappet about their Bodies from their middle down to their Knees Persons of Quality Clothe themselves in foreign Stuffs but wear a Girdle cover'd with a Plate at which they hang their Sword and all other things which are requisite to be us'd on a Journey viz. a Knife a Hone a Leather of three Inches broad and half a Yard long a Tinder-box a little Bag full of Salt and another full of Pepper and other Spices and a Wax Candle The Shirts which they wear are wrought with Gold at the bottom and about their Necks and hang out over their Knees their upper Garment is also shorter than their Shirts In cold Weather they wear Furr'd Coats Their Bonnets or Caps are sharp on the top They account the European Hats an easie and commodious Wear but since none in that Countrey could learn to make them of Wooll some have made them of Straw and cover'd them with Sear-cloth as also with Woollen Cloth and other Stuffs which Hats they put on over their Bonnets or Caps in rainy Weather or else against the heat of the Sun Their homely manner of Entertainment By reason of the poorness of the Countrey they very seldom make any Feasts or great Entertainments yet they live plentifully and are very free of what they have Amongst other Dishes they boyl pounded Barley to a Dough which they set on a woodden Peel before their Guests who eat the same instead of Bread They bring this first to the Table and the Person appointed for that purpose runs with it from one Man to another which done he gives another sort of finer Dough to the most noble Person on a Chip the Cook serving up the other Dishes in the mean time They never set Chairs nor Stools for their Guests but they stand round about the Table which serves them also both for Dishes and Trenchers When they have any Spoon-meat they make a Hole in their Dough into which they put their Broths In stead of a Table-cloth they spread a Carpet of Leather which is thirty Foot long and so greasie that the sight thereof is enough to turn a squeamish Stomach As these People spend their whole Life-time in the Field so their greatest delight is Hunting in which every one recreating himself hath made a Proverb amongst them That a Mans Happiness in this World consists in a Horse a good Dog and a Hawk The Prince appoints set-times for Hunting to which he invites all his Nobles The time which Prince Dadian generally chose to Hunt in was when the Deer went a Rutting at which time going into the Thickets with his Attendants he ambuscado'd himself and shot the Stags as they pass'd by Amongst other Games and Pastimes Recreations they use to play with a Ball on Horseback after this manner The Gamesters standing in a row the Ball is thrown up into the Air by him that stands at the upper end whilst others following him endeavor with a Racket of four or five Foot long to strike the Ball forward he that catches it last throws it to the end of the Line and begins the Game again All trouble and charges of celebrating their Nuptials consist in Presents Nuptials which the Men are bound to give to the Brides Parents Some years since the Prince of Odisci Courted the Princess Casciach Mepe Daughter to the Prince of Circassia who demanded of him a hundred Slaves loaden with Cloth and Carpets two hundred Head of Cows and Oxen and a hundred Horses When a young Man or Suitor goes to visit his Mistress he is oblig'd to carry some Wine and an Ox with him with which her Parents Feast and make Merry On the Wedding Day if the Bishop or Priest be not present to Betroth them they go into their Cellar a place no less reverenc'd amongst these People than the Temples the Priest holding two Garlands and first setting one on the Bridegrooms Head says N.N. Be Crown'd the Servant of God for the Maid N. of God the second he sets on the Brides saying The Maid of God N. N. be Crown'd for the Servant of God N. which done he takes a Glass of Wine and proffers the same to the Bridegroom whil'st the Clerk holds the Garlands and after they have drank cuts the Thred which held their Clothes together and so ends the Ceremony When any of their Parents or Friends die Funerals all those that dwell in the House lament with many distracted signs of sorrow the nearest Relations pull off their Clothes and go naked from their Middle upwards then they divide themselves into two
unlimited is far greater than that of the Omrahs for at the Court are generally 2 or 300000 besides those that are up and down amongst the Army in the several Provinces The Rouzindars The Rouzindars are also Horsemen but in Pay onely for a day as the Word signifies Yet nevertheless it is often far greater than that of most of the Mansebdars but not in that Quality nor yet so Honorable The number of these People is very great but they perform small Offices for most of them are Secretaries Clerks and Sealers of Barattes or Bonds The Common Troopers are under the Omrahs the chiefest whereof and those that receive most Pay are such as keep two Horses which are mark'd with the Arms of their Omrahs Their Pay is not limited but is left to the discretion and generosity of the Omrah who can pay them as he pleases though according to the Mogol's Order their Pay is no less than 25 Ropias a Month or thereabouts and at that rate he reckons with the Omrahs The Mogol's Infantry The Salary of the Footmen is less They are generally Musquetiers but very unexpert for when they discharge they sit on the Ground and rest their Piece on a Stick being always fearful of burning their great Beards and Eyes and lest one or other Dogen or Evil Spirit might make their Musquets fly to pieces Yet some of them have twenty Ropias others fifteen and some but ten There are nevertheless some Musquetiers and Gunners who have great Pay especially the Franks or Christians as English French Portuguese and Hollanders who deserting the English and Dutch Service went over to them from Goa Before the Mogols knew the Use of Great Guns they gave very great Pay to the foremention'd Gunners to instruct them nay there are some who to this day have 200 Ropias a Month though the common Pay for a good Gunner is but 52. Their Guns are of two different sorts the first great and heavy the second light Some of their heaviest Guns must be drawn by 20 Pair of Oxen besides Elephants to help them by turning the Wheels of the Carriages round with their Trunks when they come into bad Way or go up a Hill When King Oranchzef Anno 1662. March'd with his whole Army to Caximir one of his Northern Provinces to spend the Summer there he carried 70 great Copper Guns with him besides 2 or 300 small Field-pieces which were carried on Camels Backs and 50 or 60 little Brass Guns mounted on handsom Carriages each drawn by two brave Horses adorn'd with red Flags and driven by the Gunner His whole Military Strength computed The Militia which is kept abroad differs no way from that which is kept by the King there being Omrahs Mansebdars Rouzindars common Troopers and Footmen in all Places Neither is there any difference but in the number for the Soldiers which are kept abroad are very numerous The Army which the Mogol is oblig'd to keep constantly in Decan only to curb the mighty King of Golconda and the King of Visiapour with all their Assistants is seldom less than about 25000 Horse The Kingdom of Cabul requires for its usual preservation against the Persians Augans Balouchs and other People which inhabit the Mountains 12 or 13000 Horse the Kingdom of Caximir above 4000 and the Kingdom of Bengala many more So that the number of the Horse which are really kept always by the King with the Horse of the Rajas and Patans amounting to 35 or 40000 added to those which are abroad in the Field will be found to be about 200000. The Foot as we said before is of little consequence for those which the King keeps by him with the Musquetiers and Gunners will scarce amount to 15000 from whence we may judge of the number which may be abroad in the Field-Army Wherefore the great numbers of Foot which some affirm to be in the Mogol's Army cannot be well apprehended unless they take in all those Sutlers or Tradesmen which follow the Army which being reckon'd up together with the Soldiery they may then account near 300000 Men in the King's Army onely and especially when he hath been long out of his Metropolis Pyrard affirms That the Mogol is able in a short time to bring 300000 Elephants 80000 Horse and 200000 Foot which are generally kept within five Leagues from the Place of his Residence into the Field When any come to speak with the King either about State or other Affairs they are conducted by the first Watch they meet withal to the second and so from one to another till they come to the Royal City where they are presented to those whose Office it is to receive them But the first Watch which conducts them to the second takes from the Commander of that Guard a Receipt for their delivery as also he from the third and so likewise the rest And by this means they have certain knowledge of all Persons that pass and repass The Kings Militia or Army with which he in Person march'd into the Field Anno 1630. to pursue the fled Duke Chaen Chan consisted of 154500 Horse besides many Camels Elephants Mules and other Beasts of Burthen yet nevertheless there remain'd 62400 Horse in Garison at Barampour According to a Custom amongst the Indians no Person may use any other Arms than what he hath been train'd up to nor change them though in the Wars from whence it happens that there are Soldiers which fight onely with the Sword others with Sword and Shield some with a Lance others with Bowes and Arrows and others with Musquets and so likewise every one with such Weapons as he hath been ever us'd to which makes them to be very expert and undaunted in any Engagements Most Troopers wear two great Tassels made of fine white Hair of certain wild Indian Oxen which are highly esteem'd fastned behind to the Saddle-tree and also two more before at the Pummel and two on the Rains near the Bit or Curb so that each Horse hath six of them The Horsemen ride half naked nor do the foremention'd Tassels any way trouble the Rider but swing to and fro with the moving of the Horse in such manner that at a distance they seem like Wings The Mogol punishes all Persons that do not behave themselves valiantly or that deal treacherously in the Wars after a severe manner Anno 1646. the third of February two Chans Hassan Aly and Sahad Chan were for surrendring the Fort Darund to the Usbecan Tartars condemn'd to die a miserable death viz. to be flea'd alive to the great sorrow of the Inhabitants One of the King's Eunuchs an intimate Friend to one of these Chans being assur'd that they were necessitated for want of Provisions and Supplies to surrender the Fort deliver'd a Petition to obtain their Pardon from the Great Mogol who was so inrag'd thereat that he immediately caus'd the Eunuch's Head to be cut off none being allow'd to intercede for those with