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A43326 A new discovery of a vast country in America extending above four thousand miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the great lakes, cataracts, rivers, plants and animals : also the manners, customs, and languages of the several native Indians ... : with a continuation, giving an account of the attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the mines of St. Barbe, &c., the taking of Quebec by the English, with the advantages of a shorter cut to China and Japan : both parts illustrated with maps and figures and dedicated to His Majesty, K. William / by L. Hennepin ... ; to which is added several new discoveries in North-America, not publish'd in the French edition.; Nouvelle découverte d'un très grand pays situé dans l'Amérique entre le Nouveau Mexique et la mer Glaciale. English Hennepin, Louis, 17th cent.; La Salle, Robert Cavelier, sieur de, 1643-1687.; Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700.; Marquette, Jacques, 1637-1675. 1698 (1698) Wing H1450; ESTC R6723 330,063 596

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A New Discovery of a Large Country in AMERICA by Father Lewis Hennepin A New Discovery OF A Vast Country in AMERICA Extending above Four Thousand Miles BETWEEN New France and New Mexico WITH A Description of the Great Lakes Cataracts Rivers Plants and Animals Also The Manners Customs and Languages of the several Native Indians And the Advantage of Commerce with those different Nations WITH A CONTINUATION Giving an ACCOUNT of the Attempts of the Sieur De la SALLE upon the Mines of St. Barbe c. The Taking of Quebec by the English With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Iapan Both Parts Illustrated with Maps and Figures and Dedicated to His Majesty K. William By L. Hennepin now Resident in Holland To which is added Several New Discoveries in North-America not publish'd in the French Edition LONDON Printed for M. Bentley I. Tonson H. Bonwick T. Goodwin and S. Manship 1698. TO His Most Excellent Majesty WILLIAM III. King of Great Britain c. SIR THis Account of the greatest DISCOVERY that has been made in this Age of several Large Countries situate between the Frozen Sea and New Mexico I make bold humbly to Dedicate to your Majesty Having liv'd Eleven Years in the Northern America I have had an Opportunity to penetrate farther into that Unknown Continent than any before me wherein I have discover'd New Countries which may be justly call'd the Delights of that New World They are larger than Europe water'd with an infinite number of fine Rivers the Course of one of which is above 800 Leagues long stock'd with all sorts of harmless Beasts and other Things necessary for the Conveniency of Life and bless'd with so mild a Temperature of the Air that nothing is there wanting to lay the Foundation of one of the Greatest Empires in the World I should think my self very happy and sufficiently Rewarded for my Laborious Travels if they could any ways contribute to make those Countries better known under the Glorious Name of your Majesty and if through your Royal Protection I might serve as Guide to your Subjects to carry into those Parts the Light of the Gospel and the Fame of your Heroical Virtues My name would be bless'd amongst those numerous Nations who live without Laws and Religion only because no body endeavours to instruct them and they would have the Happiness of being Converted to the Christian Faith and the Advantage of seeing at the same time their Fierceness and Rude Manners softned and civiliz'd by the Commerce of a Polite and Generous Nation Rul'd by the most Magnanimous King in the World This Enterprize is worthy of your Majesty who never Frames but Noble Designs and pursues them with such a Prudence and Vigour that they are always crown'd with a Glorious Success I dare not presume to give here a particular Account of what your Majesty's unparallell'd Valour and Prudence have done for the Felicity of England Scotland and Ireland and the United Provinces the Happiness of your Kingdoms and the Mildness of your Majesty's Government proclaim that Truth to all th● World as also the Tranquility of the United Netherlands amidst a dreadful War which ravages most Parts of Europe Your Majesty drove back a formidable Enemy who had penetrated into their very Heart and keeps him since at such a distance that they have nothing to fear from his Ambitious Designs The rest of Europe is no less indebted to your Majesty than your own Kingdoms and the United Netherlands for your Majesty exposes every Year your Life at the Head of your Armies and Theirs to protect their Country and preserve their Liberties from a fatal Invasion The Allies know and own with Gratitude That your Majesty's Prudence and the great Respect which so many Princes have for your Personal Merit are the only Cement that was able to maintain the Great Alliance wherein Europe is enter'd for its Preservation Your Majesty's Glorious Atchievements being a Theme above my Pen I must not presume to speak of them but my Religion obliges me to mention what I have seen with my own Eyes and publish to all the World That I have seen your Majesty Preserving with the utmost Care Our Churches in the Netherlands while Others who by a Principle of Conscience were oblig'd to Protect them left them expos'd to the Insolence of their Soldiers violating in the face of the Sun the Respect all Christians owe them It is this great Generosity and Equity of your Majesty as much as your other incomparable Exploits which have gain'd you the Esteem and the Hearts of all Christian Princes one alone excepted and have engag'd the King of Spain my lawful Sovereign the most Catholick Prince in the World to make so strict an Alliance with your Majesty That Great Monarch being too remote from the Netherlands to defend his Dominions has found in your Majesty a Valiant and Trusty Defender who being Seconded by the Invincible Elector of Bavaria protects the Spanish Dominions against a Prince who makes all possible Efforts to deprive his Catholick Majesty thereof notwithstanding their Proximity of Blood and his Professing the Same Religion His Catholick Majesty having therefore so often experienc'd that your Majesty's Royal Word is more firm than other Princes Treaties and Solemn Oaths could not also but leave his Dominions to your Disposal shewing by that unparallell'd Piece of Trust how much he relies upon your Majesty's Honour and what Esteem he has for your Royal Vertues which are mix'd with no manner of Imperfections I don't question but many out of Envy or Malice will blame me for entring into your Majesty's Service but I care very little for what they say since it is by the Permission of his Catholick Majesty the Elector of Bavaria and the Superiors of my Order I design to keep the Integrity of my Faith and serve Faithfully the Great Monarch who has Honour'd me with his Royal Protection I owe my Services to the Generous Protector of my Country and of our Altars who besides has so kindly receiv'd me at his Court while other Princes neglected me or forbade me their Presence It is then out of Gratitude that I devote my self to your Majesty's Service and in order to contribute to the Conversion of the several Nations I have discover'd and to the Advantage of your Subjects if they will improve this Opportunity and make Plantations in a Country which is so fertile as to afford Two Crops every Year The Gentleman with whom I began this Discovery had form'd Great Designs and especially upon the Mines of St. Barbe in New Mexico but his Tragical Death prevented their execution I humbly beseech your Majesty to accept this Publick Mark of my Respect and Gratitude having pray'd the Almighty for the Preservation of your Sacred Majesty's Person and the Prosperity of your Reign I beg leave to subscribe my self with all the Submission and Respect imaginable SIR Your MAJESTY 's Most Humble most Faithful and Most Obedient
Newly DIScovered in the NORTHERN AMERICA Situated between NEW MEXICO and the Frozen Sea together with the Course of the Great River MESCHASIPI Dedicated to his Maty WILLIAM III King of Great Britain By Father LEWIS HENNEPIN Missionary Recollect and Apostolic Notary A CONTINUATION OF THE New Discovery OF A Vast Country in AMERICA Extending above Four Thousand Miles BETWEEN New France and New Mexico Giving an ACCOUNT OF THE Attempts of the Sieur De la SALLE upon the Mines of St. Barbe c. The Taking of Quebec by the English With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Iapan By L. Hennepin now Resident in Holland To which is added Several New Discoveries in North-America not publish'd in the French Edition LONDON Printed in the Year 1698. TO WILLIAM III. KING of Great Britain SIR BEing come with your Majesty's Approbation and by Permission of my King of his Electoral Highness of Baevaria and of my Superiours into these happy Provinces of Holland in order to publish an Account of our great Discovery I hope that since Your Majesty did me the Honour to receive the First Volume You will also be graciously pleas'd to accept of this Continuation which I presume to lay at Your Majesty's Feet I relate in it the Voyages of a Man whom I have accompany'd for several Years in America and whose sudden Death occasion'd by the Fury of his own Soldiers prevented the Designs he had upon the Mines of St. Barbe in New Mexico The Observations I make upon this last Voyage will shew to Posterity that a Man must never be ungrateful to his Friends and that in imitation of Your Majesty we never ought to be reveng'd of our Enemies any farther than it concerns the Publick Good which should always prevail over a private Interest This Maxim GREAT SIR is the distinguishing Character of Your most Illustrious House of Nassau which has heretofore fill'd the Imperial Throne whose Triumphs you pursue in the Field of Honour and Glory and which we now see vested with Sovereign Authority over Three great Kingdoms in Your Majesty's Royal Person SIR All the Universe does avow that by a Concurrence of Nature and Grace a perfect Idea of all the Christian Politick and Military Virtues of Your Ancestors is happily reconcil'd in Your Majesty's Person I mean the Sublimity and Extensiveness of an Universal Genius in which nothing appears but what 's Noble and Great a Heart Magnificent and Bountiful so worthy of Your Majesty's Birth a Temper ever good and kind even to Your own Enemies a winning Sweetness which gives a free and easie Access to Your Majesty a Greatness of Soul which alone has supported You in all the Changes of Fortune in which You have shew'd Your Valour Justice and Uprightness an Evenness of Temper both in Prosperity and Adversity and a Mind full of Piety always Superiour by Courage and Resolution All these SIR are the Paramount Qualities which have been as it were the Soul of Your Majesty's Conduct in the Management of Publick Interest ever since two and twenty Years of Age when You begun GREAT PRINCE to shew Your self at the Head of Armies and freed these Potent States of Holland from a foreign Yoke giving every where signal Proofs of Your Valour and of the deepest Wisdom of the greatest General of our Age appearing even then like a Tre● loaden with Fruit in the Spring that promises still a greater Crop in the Autumn Never did any Prince know better how to soften the Humour of so many different Nations manage their several Interests watch their Designs dissipate their Factions fix the Instability of stirring restless Minds and create at once in them both Love and Fear Obedience and Respect So that during the Presence or Absence of Your Majesty no Man ever durst make any Rupture among Your Subjects altho' they have been powerfully sollicited to it by Your dreadful Enemies All these Advantages SIR have been gain'd without Effusion of Blood in Your Dominions and therefore they are only owing to Your Majesty's Wisdom and Vigilance and those great Blessings which GOD has been pleas'd to bestow on the Uprightness of Your Intentions His only Honour having been the Chief Spring of Your Majesty's judicious Conduct without the least regard to Your private Interest If GOD Almighty SIR has permitted that so Just so Equal and Peaceful Conduct should be obscur'd by some interposing Clouds through the wicked Designs of some disaffected Persons 't is only the better to establish the solid Merit of Your shining Virtues heighten Your Glory with a new Lustre and give an Opportunity to all the High Allies of expressing publickly their Approbation of Your Majesty's Wisdom GOD Almighty had also reserv'd to Your Majesty the greatest Share in the Honour of saving Europe from being ruined in the Present Wars after You had so happily contributed to dispose all things for a lasting Peace for which all the World will be eternally oblig'd to Your Majesty Your Glory SIR shines with so bright a Lustre that it will never be in Your Enemies Power to obscure it We behold every Year Your Majesty at the Head of Your own Armies and those of the other Potentates Your Allies toiling for the Liberty of Europe which was ready to be oppress'd You maintain the good Understanding which makes the Strength of their great long and unparallel'd Union and which alone can keep so many Countries from falling under a foreign Yoke Your Wisdom like that of Caesar Your Valour which surpasses that of Alexander and Your rare Prudence SIR whereby like another Annibal You lead those great Armies in so admirable a Manner keep up that Glorious Alliance and will give it a happy issue for the Tranquillity of drooping and exhausted Europe GREAT SIR Providence that over-rules the Universe and entertains the Order and Beauty of this great World amidst the Changes and Revolutions which continually alter its Face has rais'd Your Majesty and plac'd You at the Head of Three Powerful Kingdoms that whilst You promote the Good of Your own Subjects You may at the same time procure the Felicity of Europe and deliver its several Nations from this dismal and bloody War SIR I beg Your Majesty's Pardon for presuming to take this Occasion to complain to You of some private Persons of this City who though professing the same Religion as I do in outward appearance industriously endeavour to render me odious and defame me among the simple under the colourable Pretence That a Franciscan Friar prints in this City Two Volumes dedicated to Your Majesty of the History of the great Discovery I have made in the Northern America Yet since I do it with Your Majesty's gracious Approbation and by Permission of the High and Mighty States of this Province those Persons do not reverence as they should the sacred Authority of Your Majesty and the Protection You were pleas'd to grant me no more than the Honour which their Lordships have done me
he would have an Opportunity to make more exact Observations than I had been able to do in 1680. because they design'd to go thither with a great Force to secure them from the Insults of the Savages The Voyage of the Sieur la Salle from that River of the Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico was made only Two Years after mine viz. in 1682. Besides after the Sieur la Salle had been so unadvis'd as to do me such an ill Office with respect to Father Hyacinth le Fevre who as I have said before in my Advertisement to my foregoing Volume procured my Banishment from France upon pretence that I was a Subject to the King of Spain after all that I say he could not imagine but that I would impart the Knowledge of our great Discoveries in America to those who would have more Charity for me than the said Father Hyacinth and the Sieur la Salle After all Men are only for a time and all their Intrigues shall have quite another Face before God Almighty's Tribunal By all this it appears that they never saw any thing but what I had seen before them and that most of their Relations are taken out of my Iournal which they have in their Hands by means of the said Reverend Fathers Hyacinth le Fevre and Valentine le Roux Therefore the Reader may depend upon the Truth of my History and all I relate of those vast Countries which I have viewed first of any European 'T is true I have had there many Monsters to overcome and Precipices to go over but through God Almighty's Assistance I have at last surmounted all There 's a Place in the Island of Montreal in Canada which is Twenty five Leagues in Circumference where the Sieur la Salle begun some Settlements which ●●nce are increas'd to a great Village now ironically call'd China because while he liv'd there the Inhabitants had often heard him say That as soon as he had made himself Master of the Islands of St. Barbe in New Mexico he design'd to go to China and Japan through the Discoveries we have since made together without going over the Equinoctial Line and that he would find a Way to go to the South-Sea which bounds the Lands of our Louisiana as the Reader may see in the General Map of my former Volume And the Hopes which were the predominant Passion of this great Traveller during our Stay in the Fort of Frontenac did run upon nothing else but upon the great Design of possessing himself of the Mines and going to the Pacifick Sea contiguous to our Louisiana And those who understand my Maps will easily acknowledge the Truth of what I say There are several Authors skill'd in the Mathematicks and Geography who assure us that Japan is contiguous to the Lands of the Northern America and the Famous Monsieur Graevius one of the most Learned Historians of our Age having maturely consider'd our great Discovery did me the Honour in an Assembly of Men of Learning and distinguish'd Merit in this City of Utrecht to tell me That he thought in effect that Japan is no Island as they commonly make it but that the Lands of that vasts Empire border upon the Continent of our Louisiana To all these Opinions of Great Men I have added in the 37th Chapter of the foregoing Volume a Proof of that Truth drawn from the Savages who came upon an Embassie from the Western Lands to the Issati and Nadouessans where I liv'd as adopted Son to one of the first Captains of those Barbarians in whose great Hutt those Embassadors have assur'd me by an Interpreter That there was no such thing as the Streights of Anien as 't was generally believ'd Which is a good Argument that the vast Countries of the Northern America are contiguous to Japan I have said before That whatever Endeavours the English and Dutch the greatest Sailers in the Universe have used before to go to China and Japan through the Frozen Sea they could never bring it about But if the Sovereign Princes and States that have done me the Honour to employ me send us again into our vast Discoveries we will infallibly find an ●asie Passage from our Louisiana into the Pacifick Sea through great Rivers that carry Ships of great Burden which run beyond the famous River Meschasipi from whence it will be easie to go to China and Japan without sailing twice over the Equinoctial Line as they are oblig'd to do hitherto with the loss of a great many Men. Now to shew how far I believe the Possibility of bringing this laudable Undertaking about I readily off●r my self to return to our great Discoveries In which generous Design of promoting God's Glory I ought to shew my self no less zealous than our former Recollects have done in the Kingdom of Voxu in the Eastern Part of Jap●n the King of which Country by means of their Sermons acknowledg'd the Religion of the True God caus'd above Eight hundred Idols to be burnt all over his Empire and sent a famous Embassie of a Hundred Gentlemen who embark'd on the 28th of October 1613. and landed in Spain the 10th of November 1614. under the Conduct of the Reverend Father Lewis de Sotello a Recollect who presented the Embassador of the said Kingdom of Japan to our most Catholick King and afterwards to His Holiness assuring them That his King and Subjects acknowledg'd the True God of the Christians and renounc'd Idolatry The Reader ought to take notice That in the Years 1540 and 1541 Spain had already conquer'd above a hundred Kingdoms and a vast Tract of Land three times as large as all Europe together whilst our Franciscan Friars the first and only Evangelical Labourers had submitted part of the Subjects of Japan to the Empire of Jesus Christ. I ought to shew no less Emulation for the accommplishing of our great Discoveries than did the famous Christopher Columbus who being accompanied by our Franciscans in 1492 and 1493 made the great Discovery of the West-Indies otherwise America The Short Cut to China and Japan by means of our Discoveries will be as much and more profitable to future Ages as any Discoveries that have been made hitherto in the East-Indies New Mexico West-Indies and Northern America And as through God Almighty's Grace I have Patents and Leave from my General and the Senior Superiors of my Order to return into all the Parts of America in quality of Missionary the Issue of my Return into so many vast Countries if the Higher Powers desire it will I hope in God make known to all the World the Uprightness of my Intentions And I may averr without any Vanity That if we can find at our Return as I am morally assur'd we shall a Short Cut to China and Japan This Discovery of mine which I hope to accomplish with God's Help will be one of the finest and the most memorable of this present and future Ages The Reader may also observe That the Settlements
the good Will of some of the Chief among them who are observ'd to be best affected towards the Europeans Then this Chief will perhaps adopt them which always ends in a Feast This Chief or Captain having thus adopted them either for his Sons or Brothers according to their Age and Quality every body thenceforward looks upon them as Natives of the Country and Relations of the Captain 's By this means they are Admitted of the Family and have their Degrees assign'd 'em accordingly The Missionaries also the better to secure their Repute among the Barbarians now and then get a Council call'd where they always display their Parts to some purpose It must be observ'd that here they call all manner of Assemblies Councils which are held by Order of the Chiefs or Captains Those that meet at these Assemblies all sit on the Ground either in a Tent or in the open Field They keep an exact Silence while the Chief is making his Speech As to the rest they are Religious Observers of what they have once concluded and agreed upon In these Assemblies the Missionaries vent their Sentiments either by themselves if they know the Language of the Country or by Interpreters where they do not They give 'em to understand that they come among 'em to promote a Friendship and Allyance and to invite 'em to a Trade and Commerce with their Nation Afterwards they entreat the Salvages to give 'em leave to stay in their Country to instruct them in the Law of God which is the only way to Heaven Hereupon the Salvages often accept the Profers made by the Missionaries and profess themselves willing to be instructed but still the best way to bring over these Barbarians were to begin with the Body and so to proceed to the Soul by degrees Then the Missionaries make em Presents of Hatchets Knives and other such Trifles brought from Europe which those principally that have never had any Converse with the Europeans esteem at a great Rate We never treat with 'em about any the least matter without first making them a Present of this or the like Nature and which they always set a greater value upon than we in Europe do on Gold and Silver After this these Barbarians will be enclin'd by Degrees to Adopt such as make them Presents which entitle them to the Privileges of the Country and they are then publickly declared Citizens and Natives thereof and moreover according to their several Ages they are saluted by the Salvages with the different Titles of Brothers Sons Cosens and the like according to the several Degrees of Parentage Also when they are thus initiated and adopted they are lookt upon by them as their own Children or Kindred I forgot to relate in the former Volume how the Great Captain of the Issati Oüasicoud call'd me Brother This was an extraordinary Honour done me by this great Man who is altogether absolute in his Dominions He acquir'd this great Authority by his Courage having been several times in War with about Seventeen or Eighteen Nations his Neighbours who were Enemies to him Such as are truly Valiant and Couragious are in great Esteem among the Salvages Their Arms are commonly a Bow Arrows and a Club all which they are very expert in the use of They are well shap'd and easy in their Postures and for the most part very strong I never met with any Blind Hook-back'd or any other ways Distorted among them CHAP. XVII The Manner of the Salvages Marriages in Northern America MArriage among these People is no more than a Civil Contract The Husband and Wife never intend to live together all their Lives They only join themselves for so long a time as they can reasonably Agree and afterwards they are at Liberty to be disengag'd Whilst they are dissatisfy'd with each other they think it an unreasonable thing to be oblig'd to live together and therefore without much Ceremony they easily part and live in the greatest Indifference These Barbarians sometimes marry their Daughters at Nine or Ten Years of Age but this not that they think them fit for Marriage but because they expect some Advantage from their Son-in-Law whom they have pitch'd upon for that Purpose And in effect so it often happens for returning from Hunting together the Father-in-Law has always the Disposal of the Skins and Flesh which they have taken in Hunting Tho' the Daughter be not yet old enough to live with her Husband yet she must enter upon her Duty to him immediately for she is to prepare his Sagamit or boil'd Indian Corn with other Victuals when ever he has occasion At the time of their Marriage they have great Feasting and Joy Sometimes the whole Village is invited and every one generally finds wherewithall to be well satisfied After the Repast is ended they Sing and Dance like the Europeans but always after their own Way They always marry without Noise There is only one Word necessary to compleat that Ceremony The Salvage who is not marry'd seeks out for a Maiden or Woman who is not marry'd likewise He cries out to her without Ceremony Will you come along with me and you shall be my Wife To which she answers nothing at first but stands considering holding her Head between her two Hands Whilst she is thus resolving what to do the Man likewise stands in the same Posture in great Silence After the Woman or Maid has considered a good while if she yields she looks up and cries Netho or Ni●oua which implies I am content When the Man starting up with Joy replies Oné which signifies then the Business is done At Night the Wife takes an Hatchet of Iron if those of that Nation have any Commerce with the Europeans or if they have not a sharp Stone made into the same Form with which she goes to the Wood and cuts a good handsome Load when returning to the Hut of her Husband s●e lays down ●he Wood at the Door and entring claps herself down by him who all this while never offers to embrace her in the least When they have sat thus a good while without speaking a Word at length the Husband in the Iroquoise Tongue cries Sentaoüy which signifies It is tim● to repose lye down and go to rest Some time after the Man lies down by her and goes to rest likewise in his Turn You shall rarely meet with Love made there after the European Fashion as by Laughing Jesting Fooling Wantoning and the like They engage in that Passion with the same Indifference that they quit it They easily part without much ado when they are thereto dispos'd They need only say one to the other I am off from you and the Business is done From thence forward they become as great Strangers as if they had never seen one another Sometimes they have a Battle before they part but that happens rarely Amongst the Northern Salvages there are some that have two Wives but that is only for a little while When
great Pots of Earth which are curiously made They go n●ked and wear their Hair very short boring their Ears which they adorn with Rings of Glass-Beads but their Women are cover'd with Skins having their Hair divided into two Tresses which they throw behind their Back without any other Ornament Their Feasts are without any Ceremony They serve their Meats in great Dishes and every one eats as much as he pleases Their Language is very difficult and I could never pronounce any Word Their Cabins are made with the Barks of Trees and are generally very long they lie at the two ends their Beds being about two foot higher than the Floor They keep their Corn in Paniers made of Rushes or in great Gourds They have no Beavers and all ●heir Commodities are the Skins of Wild Oxen. It never Snows in their Country and they have no other Winter than some violent Rains which makes the only difference between Summer and Winter They have no other Fruit but Water-Melons though their Soil might produce any other did they know how to cultivate it They held a Council wherein some proposed to murther us because of our Commodities but their Chief oppos'd that base Design and having sent for us danc'd the Calumet in our Presence which he presented me with to seal our common Friendship M. Ioliet and I in the mean time call'd our Men together to advise whether we shou'd proceed any further or return home from thence and having consider'd that the Gulph of Mexico lying in the Latitude of 31 Degrees and 40 Minutes cou'd be but within three or four Days Journey from the Akamsca and that therefore the Mississipi discharg'd it self into it and not to the Eastward of the Cape of Florida or into the Californian-Sea as it was expected it was resolv'd to return home We consider'd likewise that the Advantage of our great Voyage wou'd be altogether lost to our Nation did we fall into the hands of the Spaniards from whom we cou'd expect no other Treatment but Death or Slavery and therefore it was more prudent to content our selves with this Discovery and make a Report thereof to those who had sent us So that having rested another Day we left the Village of the Akamsca on the 17 th of Iuly having follow'd the Mississipi from the Latitude of 42 to 34 and preach●d the Gospel to the utmost of my Power to the Nations we visited We went up the River with great Difficulty because of the Rapidity of the Stream and left it in the Latitude of 38 Degrees and went into a River which conducted us into the Lake of the Illinois which Way is much shorter than the other by the River Mescousin thro' which we came I never saw a more pleasant Country than the Banks of that River The Meadows are cover'd with Oxen Stags Wild-Goats and the Rivers and Lakes with Bustards Swans Ducks Beavers We saw also abundance of Parrots Several small Rivers fall into this which is deep and broad for 65 Leagues and therefore navigable almost all the Year long There is but a Portage of half a League into the Lake of the Illinois We found on the Banks of the said River a Village of Illinois call'd Kuilka consisting of 74 Cabins They receiv'd us with all the Kindness imaginable and oblig'd me to promise that I wou'd return to instruct them and live in their Country Their Captain with most of their Youth accompany'd us to the Lake of the Illinois from whence we return'd to the Bay of Puans where we arriv'd towards the latter end of September having been about three Months in our Journey Altho' my tedious Journey shou'd be attended with no other Advantage than the Salvation of one Soul I shou'd think my Pains sufficiently rewarded and I hope I may presume so much for having preach'd the Gospel to the Illinois of Perouacca for three Days together in our Return my Words made such an Impression upon that poor People that as we were imbarking they brought to me a Dying Child to Christen him which I did about half an Hour before he dy'd by a special Providence of God who was pleas'd to save that innocent Creature Frequent mention having been made in the preceding Iournal of M. d● Salles it may be expected some Account should be given of his latter Discoveries the unfortunate Success thereof and his own Tragical End which so discourag'd the French that they never after made any further Attempt MR. du Salles with divers French who did accompany him fell down to the Mouth of the Great River where it disembogues it self into the Gulf of Mexico but neither he nor any of his Company understanding Navigation or wanting Instruments fancy'd they were in the Latitude of 27 Degrees whereas really it was 29 and not being able to inform themselves of its Longitude or distance from the most Westerly End of the Gulf they presum'd they were within a few Leagues of the River of Magdalen which is 60 Leagues North of the River of Palms and 120 from the River Panuco as it is represented in Hennepin's Chart and on the Great Globe of Coronelli which great Mistake was the cause of all his Misfortunes For after his return up the River and through the Great Lakes to Canada he embrac'd the next Opportunity of returning by Shipping for France where he to the King and his Ministers gave such a favourable Representation of the Country and Commodities therein contain'd the Populousness of the Country Civility of the Inhabitants far exceeding all the other Natives of America they had the Knowledge of The King thereupon order'd him a Fleet and a very considerable Equipage viz. a Man of War carrying 56 Guns a great Fly-boat a Patache and a Brigantine with things convenient for establishing a Colony and Traffick with the Natives This Fleet was Commanded by M. Beaujeau an Experienc'd Sea-Captain who was Victuall'd for a Year and M. du Salles had under his Command 150 Land-men who were to settle in the Country The Fleet pass'd by Martinico and Guardaloupe where they took in fresh Provision and Water together with divers Voluntiers and by M. du Salles's Direction sail'd thence to the North-West end of the Gulf in 27 Degrees When they arriv'd there they were in great confusion not being able to come near the Coast of Florida by reason of a long Bank Reciff or as the French call it Contre-coste which they search'd for some hundred Miles It was no-where above a Musket-shot over and every 20 or 30 Miles there was a Breach by which the Waters issu'd out of a vast Lagune whose breadth they could not learn They went in their Ship-Boat above 40 Miles and could not gain sight of the main Land or Continent This Lagune was shallow in some Places six foot in few above nine or ten there are scatter'd up and down in it divers sma●l Islands upon one of them they found above four hundred Indians who did not inhabit
the great Bay of the Puans 255 Chap. 68. The Author and his Company stay some time amongst the Puans Original of the Name They celebrated the Mass here and winter at Missilimakinak 258 Chap. 69. The Author's Departure from Missilimakinak He passes two great Lakes Taking of a Great Bear Some Particulars relating to the Flesh of that Beast 263 Chap. 70. The Meeting of the Author and a certain Captain of the Outtaouacts nam'd Talon by the Intendant of that Name upon the Lake of Erie who recounts to him many Adventures of his Family and Nation ●urther Observations upon the great Fall or Cataract of Niagara 265 Chap. 71. The Author sets out from the Fort which is at the Mouth of the River Niagara and obliges the Iroquois assembl'd in Council to deliver up the Slaves they had made upon the Outtaouacts 274 Chap. 72. The Author sets out from the Tsonnontouans Iroquois and comes to Fort Frontenac 277 Chap. 73. The Author sets out from Fort Frontenac and passes over the rapid Stream which is call'd The Long Fall He is kindly receiv'd at Montreal by Count Frontenac 279 Chap. 74. A great Defeat of the Illinois that were attack'd and surpriz'd by the Iroquois 284 Chap. 75. The Savages Kikapoux murther Father Gabriel de la Ribourde a Recollect Messionary 290 Chap. 76. The Author's Return from his Discovery to Quebec and what hapned at his Arrival at the Convent of Our Lady of Angels near that Town 295 A MAP of A NEW WORLD between NEW MEXICO And the Frozen Sea Newly DIScovered by Father LEWIS HENNEPIN Missionary Recollect and Native of Aht in Hainault Dedicated to his Majesety of GREAT BRITAIN WILLIAM III A New Discovery OF A Country greater than Europe Situated in America betwixt New-Mexico and the Frozen Sea The Occasion of undertaking this Voyage MEN are never weary of pursuing the Objects they have in View such as present them with Millions of ravishing Qualities capable to afford 'em both Satisfaction and Instruction The Wonders they there meet with are so surprising and as it it were enchanting that they are necessarily engaged to survey the same with all possible Exactness in order to satisfie their natural ●uriosity and inform their Minds The Condition of Travellers is very near the same They 're never weary of making new Discoveries They 're indefatigable in rambling through unknown Countries and Kingdoms not mention'd in History feasting their Minds with the Satisfaction of gratifying and enriching the World with something unheard of that no Thought could ever reach before 'T is true such Enterprizes expose 'em to infinite Fatigue and Danger But the Hopes they 've conceiv'd of contributing thus to the publick Good and advancing the Glory of God and at the same time gratifying their natural Inclinations are their chief Solace and Comfort encouraging them to suffer all with Constancy and Pleasure Those whose only Aim in undertaking Voyages is to enlarge the Bounds of Christ's Kingdom and advance the Glory of God do upon that Prospect alone valiantly venture their Lives making 'em of no Account They endure the greatest Fatigues in traversing the most unpassable Ways and horrid Precipices for the Execution of their Designs being push'd on by the Hopes they entertain of Promoting by these means the Glory of him who created 'em and under whose Conduct they undertake such toilsome Voyages It 's usual to see some undaunted Men boldly encounter the most fearful Death both in Battels and in dangerous Voyages such as are not discouraged by all the Hazards that surround 'em both by Sea and Land nothing being able to withstand the Valour and Courage that prompts 'em to attempt any thing Therefore is it that we oft-times see 'em succeed in obtaining their Designs and compassing their most difficult Enterprizes Yet it 's to be acknowledg'd that if they took a serious View of the Perils they 're about to encounter and consider'd 'em in cold Blood they might perhaps find Difficulty to persuade themselves into such resolute Thoughts at least they wou'd not form their Designs after such a daring and fearless manner But generally they do not survey their Dangers before-hand but in the Bulk and with a passing View and having once set their Hands to the Work Occasion engages 'em insensibly and entices 'em further on than they cou'd have believ'd at first Insomuch that many of the great Discoveries owing to Voyages are rather the Result of Chance than any well form'd Design Something of the same Nature has happen'd to my self in the Discovery I now bring to Light I was from my Infancy very fond of Travelling and my natural Curiosity induc'd me to visit many Parts of Europe successively But not being satisfied with that I bended my Inclinations yet further and was eager upon seeing remoter Countries and Nations not yet heard of and in gratifying this natural Itch was I led upon this Discovery of a vast and large Country where no European ever was before my self 'T is true indeed I could not foresee the Embarassing Difficulties and Dangers I was oblig'd to encounter in this my painful Voyage Nay perhaps the very Thoughts of 'em might have discourag'd and s●ar'd me from attempting a Design so laborious and toilsome and environ'd with such fearful Difficulties But maugre all these Discouragements I 've at length perfected my Design the Undertaking of which was enough to frighten any other but my self In which I 've satisfy'd my Desires both in regard of the Curiosity I was possess'd of for seeing new Countries and strange Faces and also upon the Account of my Resolution to employ and dedicate my self to the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls Thus it was that I discover'd a wonderful Country never known till now of which I here give an ample Description and ●s I think circumstantiate enough It being divided into several small Chapters for the Conveniency of the Reader I am hopeful the World shall return me thanks for my Pains because of the Advantage shall accrue to 'em by the same In fine their Approbation shall sufficiently recompense all the Trouble and Dangers I 've gone through I am not insensible that such as never dar'd to travel themselves or never read the Histories of the Curious and Brave who have given Relations of the strange Courtries they had occasion to see I say Idoubt not but that sort of Cattle shall account of this my Discovery as being false and incredible But I shall not be amus'd at what Men of that Gang have to say They themselves were never Masters of the Courage and Valour which inspires Men to undertake the glorious Enterprizes that gain 'em Reputation in the World They are confin'd in narrow Bounds and can never have the Soul to atchieve any thing that can procure 'em a distinguishing and advantageous Character among Men. It were better for 'em to admire what they cannot comprehend and rest satisfied in a wise and profound Silence than thus
foolishly to blame what they know nothing of They generally accuse Travellers of venting an Infinity of Lies and Impostures But Men of a magnanimous and firm Courage are plac'd far above such silly Raveries For when they 've done all to blacken our Reputation we shall still receive for our Reward the Esteem and Approbation of Men of Honour who being endow'd with knowing and penetrating Souls are capable to give equal and impartial Judgment of Travels and of the just Merit of such as have hazarded their Lives for the Glory of God and the Good of the Publick This is the happy and agreeable Recompence which redounds to the daring Travellers that so valiantly expose themselves to all manner of Fatigue and Danger that by so doing they may become useful to Mankind CHAP. I. The Motives which engag'd the Authour of this Discovery to undertake the Voyage here related I Always found in my self a strong Inclination to retire from the World and regulate my Life according to the Rules of pure and severe Virtue and in compliance with this Humour I enter'd into the Franciscan Order designing to confine my self to an austere Way of Living I was over-joy'd then when I read in History the Travels and Voyages of the Priests of my own Order who indeed were the first that undertook Missions into any Place And oft-times represented to my self that there could be nothing more great or glorious than to instruct the Ignorant and Barbarous and lead 'em to the Light of the Gospel and having remark'd that the Franciscans had behav'd themselves in this Work with a great deal of Zeal and Success I found this begat in my Mind a Desire of tracing their Footsteps and dedicating my self after their Example to the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls In reading the History of our Order I observ'd that in a general Assembly held in the Year 1621 it was reckon'd that since the first Passing of the Reverend Father Martin de Valence one of our first Reformers into America there had been more than five hundred Convents of Recollects establish'd in that New World and distributed into Two and twenty Provinces As I advanc'd in Years this Inclination to pass the Seas fortify'd it self more in my Mind It is true one of my Sisters married at Ghent whom I lov'd very tenderly did dissuade me from my Design as much as she could and never ceas'd to redouble her Sollicitations to that purpose while I had occasion to be with her in that great City whither I had gone to learn the Dutch Language But being sollicited on the other hand by many of my Friends at Amsterdam to go to the East-Indies my natural Inclination join'd to the Influence of their Requests did move me much and had almost determin'd me to undertake a Sea-Voyage Being then that all the Remonstrances of my Sister could not dissuade me from travelling I first commenc'd a Journey into Italy and in obedience to the Orders of my Superiour visited all the great Churches and most considerable Convents of our Order both in that Country and in Germany which did in some measure gratifie my curious Temper But having return'd to the Netherlands the Reverend Father William Herinx late Bishop of Ipres did oppose himself to the Resolution I had of continuing to travel detaining me in the Convent of Halles in Hainault where I was oblig'd to perform the Office of Preacher for a Year After which with the Consent of my Superiour I came into the Country of Artoìs from whence I was sent to Calais to mendicate there in time of Herring-salting Being there I was passionately in love with hearing the Relations that Masters of Ships gave of their Voyages Afterwards I return'd to our Convent at Biez by the way of Dunkirk where I us'd oft-times to sculk behind the Doors of Victualling-houses while the Sea-men were giving Account of their Adventures The Smoke of Tobacco was disagreeable to me and created Pains in my Stomach while I was thus intent upon giving ear to their Relations Yet nevertheless I was very attentive to the Accounts they gave of their Encounters by Sea the Perils they had gone through and all the Accidents which befel them in their long Voyages This Occupation was so agreeable and engaging that I have spent whole Days and Nights in it without eating for I always came to understand some new thing concerning the Customs and Ways of Living in remote Places and concerning the Pleasantness Fertility and Riches of the Countries where these Men had been Thus I fortified my self more and more in my ancient Resolution and that I might advance it yet further I went Missionary into most part of the Towns of Holland and stopp'd at length at Mastreicht for eight Months together administring the Sacraments to more than Three thousand wounded Men In which Occupation I ventur'd many Dangers among the Sick People being taken ill both of a Spotted Fever and a Dysenterie which brought me very low and near unto Death But God at length restor'd me to my former Health by the Care and Succour of a very skilful Dutch Physician The next Year by a singular effect of my Zeal I was engag'd in promoting the Salvation of Souls happening then to be present at the bloody Battel of Seneffe where I was busied in administring Comfort to the poor wounded Men Till at length after having endur'd all manner of Fatigue and Toil and having run the risque of extreme Dangers at Sieges of Towns in the Trenches and in Fields of Battel where I never ceas'd to expose my self for the good of Mens Souls while these bloody Men were breathing nothing but Slaughter and Blood I happily found my self in a condition to satisfie my first Inclination For I then receiv'd Orders of my Superiours to go for Rochel in order to embark in quality of Missionary for Canada Within two Leagues of that City I perform'd the Function of Curate near two Months being invited so to do by the Pastor of the Place who had occasion to be absent from his Charge But afterwards I totally resign'd my self to the Providence of God having commenc'd my Passage through a long Tract of Sea the greatest perhaps and the longest of any that is in the Ocean I embark'd then in Company of Mr. Francis de Laval created then Bishop of Petrée in partibus Infidelium and since Bishop of Quebec the Capital City of Canada Then my Design of Voyaging receiv'd fresh Augmentations Yet I staid in that Country Four Years and was sent thence in Mission while the Abbot of Fenelon present Archbishop of Cambray resided there I shall not here recount the several Adventures of our Voyage nor the Fights we were engag'd in with the Ships of Turkey Tunis and Algiers who attempted several times to have taken us but without success Nor shall I stay to relate our approach to Cape Breton where we beheld with incredible Delight the Battel ordinarily fought betwixt
Design I look'd upon the Employment of a Missionary as a most Honourable Post for me so that whenever I found the opportunity of a Mission I willingly embrac'd it tho' it oblig'd me to travel more than Twelve hundred Leagues off Canada Yet I perswaded several to accompany me in my Voyage and neglected not any thing that might tend to the furtherance of my Design At first for a Trial I was sent in Mission about a Hundred and twenty Leagues beyond Quebec I went up the River St. Laurence and arriv'd at length at the brink of a Lake call'd by the Natives Ontario which I shall describe afterwards Being there I perswaded several of the savage Barbarians to cultivate the Ground and dress some Wood for building a Lodge to us I caus'd 'em make a Cross of an extraordinary heighth and bigness I caus'd 'em likewise build a Chapel near to the Lake and establish'd my self there with another of my own Order by Name Father Luke Buisset whom I had induc'd to come along with me and who dy'd since in our Franciscan Convent upon the Sambre I shall have occasion afterwards to speak of him for that we cohabited in Canada for a long time and were Fellow-Labourers in our Establishment at Catarockouy which was the Place where we oft-times concerted the Measures of making this Discovery I am about to relate I there gave my self much to the reading of Voyages and encreas'd the Ambition I had to pursue my Design from what Light the Savages imparted to us in that matter In fine I plainly perceiv'd by what Relations I had of several Particulars in different Nations that it were not a matter of great difficulty to make considerable Establishments to the South-East of the great Lakes and that by the conveni●ncy of a great River call'd Hoio whch passes through the Country of the Iroquois a Passage might be made into the Sea at Cape Floride While I resided in that place I made several little Tours sometimes with the Inhabitants of Canada that we had brought along to settle at our Fort of Catarockouy sometimes in company of the Savages alone with whom I convers'd frequently And as I foresaw that the Iroquois might become jealous and suspicious of our Discoveries I resolv'd to make a Tour round their Five Cantons and in pursuance of this Design threw my self among 'em being accompany'd only with a Soldier of our Fort who travell'd with me Seventy Leagues or near the Matter on this Occasion we having our Feet arm'd with large Rackets to prevent the Injury of the Snow which abounds in that C●untry in time of Winter I had already acquir'd some small Knowledge of the Iroquois Language and while I travell'd in this manner among them they were surpriz'd to see me walk in midst of Snow and lodge my self in the wild Forests that their Country is full of We were ●blig'd to dig Four foot deep into the Snow to make Fire at night after having journey'd Ten or Twelve Leagues over-day Our Shooes were made after the Fashion of those of the Natives but were not able to keep out the Snow which melted as soon as our Feet touch'd it it having receiv'd heat from the motion of us walking along We made use of the Barks of Trees to cover us when we went to sleep and were carefully sollicitous to keep on great Fires to defend us from the nipping Colds in this lonesome Condition spent we the Nights wai●ing the welcom● return of the Sun that we might go on in our Journey As for Food we had none save the Indian Corn grinded small which we diluted with Water to make it go down the better Thus we pass'd through the Countries of the Honnehiouts and Honnontages who gave us a very kind reception and are the most Warlike People of all the Iroquois When they saw us they put their Fore-fingers on their Mouths signifying the surprizal they were in at the troublesom and difficult Journey we had made in the middle of Winter Then looking upon the mean and mortifying Habit of St. Francis they cry'd aloud Hetchitagon that is Barefoot and did with all manner of passion and astonishment pronounce the Word Gannoron intimating that it must needs have been a Business of great Importance that mov'd us to attempt such a difficult Journey at so unseasonable a time These Savages regal'd us with Elk and Venison dress'd after their own fashion which we eat of and afterwards took leave of 'em going further on in our Journey When we departed we carry'd our Bed-cloaths on our Backs and took with us a little Pot to boyl their Corn in We pass'd through ways quite inundated that would have been absolutely impracticable ●o any European For when we came at vast Marshes and overflowing Brooks we were oblig'd to climb along by the Trees At length with much difficulty we arriv'd at Ganniekez or Agniez which is one of the Five Cantons of the Iroquois situated about a large Day 's Journey from New-Holland call'd at present New-York Being there we were forc'd to season our Indian Corn which we had us'd to bruize betwixt two Stones with littl● Frogs that the Natives gather'd in the Meads towards Easter when the Snow was all gone We stay'd some time in this Kingdom lodging with a Iesuite that had been born at Lions to transcribe an Iroquiese Dictionary When the Weather began to be more favourable we chanc'd one day to meet with three Dutch-men on Horse-back who had come thither to treat about the Beavers They were sent and order●d thither by Major Andrews the Man who subdu'd Boston and New-York to the King of England and is at present Governour of Virginia These Gentlemen alighted from their Horses that we might mount em taking us along with them to New-Orange to be regal'd So soon as they heard me speak Dutch they testifi'd a great deal of Friendship to me and told me they had read several Histories of the Discoveries made by those of our Franciscan Order in the Northern Parts of America but had never before seen any wear the Habit in these Countries as we did They likewise express'd great Gladness to see me abiding among them for the Spiritual Comfort and Advantage of many Catholicks who had come from our Netherlands and setled there And I should very willingly have yielded to their Intreaties in residing there but that I was afraid of giving any umbrage to the ●esuites who had receiv'd me very kindly and besides was aware of offending the Colony of Canada because of the Commerce they had with the Savages of my Acquaintance in Beavers and Skins We therefore return'd all Thanks to the Gentlemen for their Kindness and return'd again to Catarockouy with much less difficulty than we went But all this had no other effect than to augment the Itching I had to discover remoter Countries CHAP. V. A Description of the Fort Catarockouy call'd since Frontenac THis Fort is situated a Hundred Leagues from
the way is very good and the Trees are but few chiefly Firrs and Oaks From the great Fall unto this Rock which is to the West of the River the two Brinks of it are so prodigious high that it would make one tremble to look steadily upon the Water rolling along with a rapidity not to be imagin'd Were it not for this vast Cataract which interrupts Navigation they might sail with Barks or greater Vessels more than Four hundred and fifty Leagues crossing the Lake of Hurons and reaching even to the farther end of the Lake Illinois which two Lakes we may easily say are little Seas of fresh Water Sieur de la Salle had a design to have built a Fort at the mouth of the River Niagara and might easily have compass'd it had he known how to keep himself within bounds and to have confin'd himself there for one Year His design was to curb and keep under the Iroquois and especially the Tsonnontouans who are the most numerous People and the most given to War of all that Nation In fine such a Fort as this might easily have interrupted the Commerce betwixt these People and the English and Dutch in New-York Their custom is to carry to NewYork the Skins of Elks Beavers and several sorts of Beasts which they hunt and seek after some 2 or 300 Leagues from their own home Now they being oblig'd to pass and repass near to this mouth of the River Niagara we might easily stop them by fair means in time of Peace or by open force in time of War and thus oblige them to turn their Commerce upon Canada But having remark'd that the Iroquois were push'd on to stop the execution of this Design not so much by the English and Dutch as by the Inhabitants of Canada who for a great part endeavour'd by all means to traverse this our Discovery they contented themselves to build a House at the mouth of the River to the Eastward where the Place was naturally fortifi'd To one side of this House there is a very good Haven where Ships may safely ride nay by help of a Capstane they may easily be hall'd upon Land Besides at this Place they take an infinite quantity of white Fish Sturgeons and all other sorts of Fishes which are incomparably good and sweet insomuch that in the proper Season of Fishing they might furnish the greatest City in Europe with plenty of Fish CHAP. VIII A Description of the Lake Eri● THe Iroquois give to this Lake the Name of Erie Tejocharontiong which extends it self from East to West perhaps a hundred and forty Leagues in length But no European has ever been over it all only I and those who accompany'd me in this Discovery have view'd the greater part of it with a Vessel of Sixty Tun burden which we caus'd to be made on purpose about two Leagues above the fore-mention'd Fall of Niagara as I shall have occasion to observe more largely hereafter This Lake Erie or Tejocharontiong encloses on its Southern Bank a Tract of Land as large as the Kingdom of France It divides it self at a certain place into two Channels because of a great Island enclos'd betwixt them Thus continuing its course for fourteen Leagues it falls into the Lake Ontario or Frontenac acquiring the name of the River Niagara Betwixt the Lake Erie and Huron there is almost such another Streight thirty Leagues long which is of an equal breadth almost all over except in the middle that it enlarges it self by help of another Lake far less than any of the rest which is a of a circular Figure about six Leagues diameter according to the Observation of our Pilot. We gave it the Name of Lake St. Claire tho' the Iroquois who pass over it frequently when they are upon Warlike Designs call it Otsi Keta The Country which borders upon this most agreeable and charming Streight is a pleasant Champain Country as I shall relate afterwards All these different Rivers which are cloath'd with so many different Denominations are nothing else but the continuation of the great River St. Laurence and this Lake St. Claire is form'd by the same CHAP. IX A Description of the Lake Huron THe Lake Huron was so call'd by the People of Canada because the Savage Hurons who inhabited the adjacent Country us'd to have their Hair so burn'd that their Head resembled the Head of a Wild Boar. The Savages themselves call'd it the Lake Karegnondy Heretofore the Hurons liv'd near this Lake but they have been in a great measure destroy'd by the Iroquois The circumference of this Lake may be reckon'd to be about seven hundred Leagues and its length two hundred but the breadth is very unequal To the West of it near its mouth it surrounds several great Islands and is navigable all over Betwixt this Lake and that of the Illinois we meet with another Streight which discharges it self into this Lake being about Three Leagues long and one broad its course running West-North-West There is yet another Streight or narrow Canal towards the upper Lake that runs into this of Huron about Five Leagues broad and Fifteen Leagues long which is interrupted by several Islands and becomes narrower by degrees 'till it comes at the Fall of St. Mary This Fall is a Precipice full of Rocks over which the Water of the upper Lake which flows thither in great abundance casts it self with a most violent impetuosity Notwithstanding which a Canow may go up it on one side provided the People in it row strongly But the safer way is to carry the Canow over-land for so little space ●ogether with the Commodities that those of Canada carry thither to exchange with the Savages that live to the Northward of the upper Lake This Fall is call'd the Fall of St. Marry Missilimakinak It lies by the mouth of the upper Lake and discharges it self partly into the mouth of the Lake Illinois towards the great Bay of Puants all which shall afterwaads be more fully discours'd when I come to relate our return from Issati CHAP. X. A Description of the Lake call'd ●y the Savages Illinouack and by the French Illinois THe Lake Illinois in the Natives Language signifies the Lake of Men for the word Illinois signifies a Man of full Age in the vigour of his Strength It lies to the West of the Lake Huron toward the North and is about a Hundred and twenty or a hundred and thirty Leagues in length and Forty in breadth being in circuit about Four hundred Leagues It is call'd by the Miamis Mischigonong that is The Great Lake It extends it self from North to South and falls into the Southern-side of the Lake Huron and is distant from the upper Lake about Fifteen or Sixteen Leagues its Source lies near a River which the Iroquois call Hohio where the River Miamis discharges it self into the same Lake It is navigable all over and has-to the Westward a great Bay call'd the Bay of Puans by reason that
the Savages who now inhabit the Land surrounding this Bay had dese●ted their former Habitation because of some stinking in French Puans Waters towards the Sea that annoy'd them CHAP XI A short Description of the Upper Lake THis Superiour Lake runs from East to West and may have more than a Hundred and fifty Leagues in length Sixty in breadth and Five hundred in circuit We never went quite over it as we did over all the others I 've hitherto mention'd but we sounded some of its greatest Depths and it resembles the Ocean having neither Bottom nor Banks I shall not here stay to mention the infinite numbers of Rivers that discharge themselves into this prodigious Lake which together with that of Illinois and the Rivers that are swallow'd in them make up the source of that great River St. Laurence which runs into the Ocean at the Island of Assumption towards New-found-land We travell'd upon this River about Six hundred Leagues from its mouth to its Source I 've already observ'd That all these Lakes may well be call'd Fresh-water Seas They abound extreamly in White Fish greater than Carps which are extraordinary good nay at Twenty or Thirty Fathom Water there are Salmon-Trouts taken of Fifty or Sixty pound weight It were easie to build on the sides of these great Lakes an infinite number of considerable Towns which might have Communication one with another by Navigation for Five hundred Leagues together and by an inconceivable Commerce which would establish it self among ' em And to be sure the Soil if cultivated by Europeans would prove very fertile Those that can conceive the Largeness and Beauty of these Lakes may easily understand by the help of our Map what course we steer'd in making he great Discovery hereafter mention'd CHAP. XII What is the Predominant Genius of the Inhabitants of Canada THe Spaniards were the first who discover'd Canada but at their first arrival having found nothing considerable in it they abandon'd the Country and call'd it Il Capo di Nada that is A Cape of Nothing hence by corruption sprung the Word Canada which we use in all our Maps Since I left that Country I understand that all things continue very near as they were whilst I resided there Those who have the Government of Canada committed to their Care are mov'd with such a malignant Spirit as obliges all who do not approve their Design to moan secretly before God Men of Probity that are zealous for Religion find nothing there of what they expected but on the contrary such Repulses and and ill Usage that no body could have foreseen Several resort thither with a design to Sacrifice their Repose and Life to the Temporal and Spiritual Succour of an Infant-Church but the loss of Reputation and Honour are the Sacrifices they 're oblig'd to make Others go thither in the hopes of spending their Lives in Peace and perfect Concord whereas they meet with nothing but Jarrs Divisions and a Sea of Troubles In lieu of their fair Hopes they reap nothing but Crosses and Persecution and all for not pleasing the Humours of Two or Three Men who are the over-ruling Wits of that Country What an immense distance there is betwixt the Humour of these Men and our Flemish Sincerity I mean that Candour and Evenness of Mind which make up the true Character of a Christian and is observ'd every where else But without entring farther into any Particulars I leave the Judgment of all unto God and shall only say that we who are Flemings by Birth went to Canada without any other private Design having renounc'd our Native Country meerly for the Service of our Religion after having quitted all other Enjoyments for embracing a Religious Profession And therefore it was not a small Surprize to us upon our arrival in that Country to see our Sincerity and Uprightness of Heart so sorrily entertain'd There is a certain sort of People to whom every thing is suspicious and whom it is impossible to retrieve from under the first Impressions they 've receiv'd Though a Man were never so complaisant yet if he be not altogether of their Stamp or if he endeavours to represent Things fairly and rationally unto them tho' with wise and soft Remonstrances yet shall he pass among 'em for a Fellow of a turbulent Spirit Such Conduct as this does not savour of Christianity nor bespeaks any other Prospect than that of temporal Interest This Consideration mov'd me oft-times to say to the Three Flemish Monks I had brought to Canada with me That it had been much better for us who had quitted all our Enjoyments and exchang'd them for the Poverty of a Monastick Life to have gone in Mission among Strangers to preach Repentance to Infidels and propagate the Kingdom of our Saviour among the barbarous Nations And indeed kind Providence seconded my Good Intentions for the Reverend Father Germain Allart Recollect late Bishop of Vence in Provence sent me Orders to undertake the Discovery which I am about to relate CHAP. XIII A Description of my first Imbarkment in a Canow at Quebec the Capital City of Canada being bound for the South-West of New-France or Canada I Remain'd Two Years and a half at Fort Frontenac till I saw perfected the House of Mission that Father Luke Buisset and I had caus'd to be built there This engag'd us in Travels which inseparably attend New Establishments Accordingly we went in a Canow down the River St. Laurence and after a Hundred and twenty Leagues sailing arriv'd at Quebec where I retir●d into the Recollects Convent of St. Mary in order to prepare and sanctifie my self for commencing this Discovery And indeed I must frankly own that when at the foot of the Cross I pensively consider'd this important Mission weighing it in the Scales of Huma● Reason and measuring the weight of its Difficulties by Human Force it seem'd a●together terrible rash and inconsiderable But when I look'd up to GOD and view'd it as an effect of his Goodness in chusing me for so great a Work and as his Commandment directed to me by the mouth of my Superiours who are the Instruments and Interpreters of his Wi●l unto me These Thoughts I say presently inspir'd me with Courage and Resolution to undertake this Discovery with all the Fidelity and Constancy imaginable I perswaded my self that since it was the peculiar Work of God to open the hard Hearts of that barbarous People to whom I was sent to publish the Glad Tidings of his Gospel it were as easie for Him to compass it by a feeble Instrument such as I was as by the most worthy Person in the World Having thus prepar'd my self for the Voyage of my Mission and seeing that those who were expected from Europe to bear part in this Discovery were now arriv'd that the Pilot Seamen and Ship-Carpenters were in readiness and that the Arms Goods and Rigging for the Ships were all at hand I took with me from our Convent a
portable Chapel all compleat for my self and afterwards went and receiv'd the Benediction of the Bishop of Quebec together with his Approbation in Writing which I likewise receiv'd of Count Frontenac who was a Man that testify'd a great deal of Affection for our F●emish Recollects because of our Candour and Inge●uity and who was pleas'd to give publick Testimony to the Generosity of my Undertaking while we were set at Table In fine I embark'd in a little Canow made of the Barks of Birch-Trees carrying nothing along with me save my portable Chapel one Covering and a Matt of Rushes which was to serve me for Bed and Quilt and this was the whole of my Equipage It was concerted so that I should go off first that my Departure might oblige the rest to expedite their Affairs with speed The Inhabitants of Canada upon both sides the River of St. Laurence betwixt Quebec and Monreal entreated me to officiate among them and administer the Sacraments For they could not assist at Divine Service oftner than five or six times a Year because there were only Four Missionaries for the extent of Fifty Leagues I Baptiz'd a Child at a certain Place call'd St. Hour and acquainted the absent Missionary of the Place with the same which done I continu'd my Voyage and as I pass'd by Harpentinie the Lord of the Place of one of the ancientest Families in Canada would have sent one of his Sons to voyage along with me but the Canow was too narrow for Four Persons At length I arriv'd at Trois Rivieres which is a Town only surrounded with Palisado's lying about Thirty Leagues higher than Quebec Not meeting there Father Sixte a Recollet-Missionary who was gone from thence in Mission the Inhabitants beseech'd me to preach and perform Divine Service on the First of October The next day the Sieur Bonivet Lieutenant-General Justiciary of that Place convey'd me a League up the River St. Laurence The most laudable Enterprizes are oft-times retarded by surprizing and unexpected Obstacles for when I arriv'd at Monreal they debauch'd and entic'd away my Two Boat-men so that I was forc'd to take advantage of an offer which Two other Men made to conduct me along in their little shatter'd Boat Thus was it that those who envy'd the success of my Undertaking began to oppose themselves to it and endeavour'd to hinder the most considerable and famous Discovery that has been made in that New World in this Age. In going up the River as I pass'd the Lake of St. Louis a little above the Isle of Monreal which is about Twenty five Leagues round I observ'd that this River St. Laurence ●ivides it self into Two Branches of which one leads to the ancient Country of the Hurons the Outaouacts and several other Nations situate to the Northward and the other to the Country of the Iroquois We went up this last for about Sixty Leagues in most rapid and horrible Currents full of great Rocks where the noise of the Water roars night and day like Thunder for Three or Four Leagues together All which does not hinder the Boatmen and their Canow's to run down among these huge Rocks with a swifness so great that those who are in the Canow are quite blinded They generally carry Elks-Claws and Skins which they exchange for other Goods with the Savages of that Country I shall not offer to give any circumstantial account of the Accidents that befel me which are inseparable Companions of all great Voyages What is needful to be said is That I arriv'd at Fort Catarockouy or Frontenac about Eleven a Clock at Night the next Day after All-Saints where our Recollet-Fathers Gabriel de la Ribourde and Luke Buisset Missionaries receiv'd me with all Expressions of Joy into our House of Mission which we had caus'd to be built the Year before upon the brink of the Lake Ontario near to Fort Frontenac This Fort lies about Forty four Degrees and some Minutes of Northern Latitude I had forgot to acquaint you that this Lake Ontario is form'd by the River St. Laurence and tha● it is deep enough for big Vessels for at Seventy Fathom we cou'd discern no Ground The Waves there are toss'd by mighty Winds which are very frequent and their Surges are full as high as those of the Sea but much more dangerous for they are shorter and steeper so that a Vessel riding along cannot yield and keep touch with ' em There are likewise some very plain appearances of a Flux and Reflux for they observe the Water to flow and ebb by little Tides and that it flows oft-times against the Wind when very high The Fishing of this Lake as of all the other Lakes before-mention'd is very considerable for all manner of excellent Fishes especially for Salmon-Trouts which are there much bigger than our biggest Salmons The adjacent Country is very fertile as is confirm'd by the Experience of those who cultivated it in several places The Game of that Country is well serv'd for all sorts of Wild Beasts and Fowls Their Forests are replenish'd with the prettiest Trees in the World Pines Cedars and Epinetes a sort of Firr-tree very common in that Country They have likewise very good Iron-Mines and no doubt but other Metals might be found it sought after While I abode at Catarockouy waiting the coming up of the rest of our Company I had time to conferr with the Reverend Fathers of our Order concerning what Measures we were to take for converting unto Christ Jesus such a numerous Train of Nations that had never heard of the Gospel for it is certain that such poor helpless Priests as we of the Franciscan Order destitute of all temporal Enjoyments and cut off from all human Means and Assistance cannot be too cautious in managing the Concerns of so important a Mission because of the infinite variety of the Tempers of those that were to accompany us in this Voyage for we had in company some Flemish some Italians and some Normans who were all of different Interests and it was a very difficult Task for us to comply with and please so many different Humours especially when engage'd in such a Voyage as this in which Laws could not be observ'd with the same Exactness or retain the same Rigour as in Europe where Men may be entic'd to Good and scar'd from Evil by the love of Rewards or fear of Punishment But I resign'd my self wholly to the Exercise of my Duty leaving the Conduct of all unto God's Providence and being ready to encounter whatever Accidents might fall in my way The Iroquois whom we had brought to settle near this Fort as was above related came oft-times to visit us and made us Presents of the Flesh of Elks and Roe-bucks in lieu of which we gave 'em little Knives and some Tobacco which we had for that-purpose These Savages when they reflected upon our designed Voyage us'd to clap their Four fingers on their Mouths as they generally do when
touch'd with the Admiration of any thing they cannot comprehend cry'd aloud Otchitagon Gannoron that is Bare-Feet what ye are about to undertake is of great Importance They added That their most valiant Adventures had much ado to extricate themselves out of the hands of those barbarous Nations we were going to visit It is certain that the Iroquois had a most tender Respect for the Franciscan Monks having observ'd them to live all in common with out reserving any particular Possessions The Food of the Iroquois is in common among ' em The ancientest Women in the House distributes about to the other Persons in the Family according to their Age. When they sit at their Meals they give freely to eat unto all that come into their Houses for they would rather chuse to fast for a whole Day than suffer any one to go from their Houses without offering them a share of all they had The Sieur de la Salle arriv'd at the Fort some time after me God preserv'd him as he did me from the infinite Dangers he was expos'd to in this great Voyage betwixt Quebec and the Fort having pass'd the long Precipice mention'd last and several other most rapid Currents in his way thither The same Year he sent off Fifteen of our Boat-men who were to go before us They made as if they had been going in their Canow towards the Illinois and the other Neighbouring Nations that border upon the River call'd by the Illinois Meschasipi that is a great River which Name it has in the Map All this was only to secure to us a good Correspondence with the Savages and to prepare for us in that Country some Provisions and other Necessaries for going about this Discovery But there being among them some villainous Fellows they stopp'd in the upper Lake at Missilimakinak and diverted themselves with the Savages that live to the Northward of that Lake lavishing and squandering away the best of the Commodities they had taken with 'em instead of providing such Things as were needful for building a Ship which we necessarily wanted for passing from Lake to Lake to the River Meschasipi CHAP. XIV A Description of my second Imbarkment at Fort Frontenac in a Brigantine upon the Lake Ontario or Frontenac THat same very Year on the Eighteenth of November I took leave of our Monks at Fort Frontenac and after our mutual Embraces and Expressions of Brotherly and Christian Charity I embark'd in a Brigantine of about Ten Tuns The Winds and the Cold of the Autumn were then very violent insomuch that our Crew was afraid to go into so little a Vessel This oblig'd us and the Sieur de la Motte our Commander to direct our course Northwards to shelter our selves under the Coast against the North-West Wind which otherwise would have forc'd us upon the Southern Coast of ●he Lake This Voyage prov'd very difficult and dangerous because of the unseasonable time the Winter being near at hand On the 26th we were in great danger about Two large Leagues off the Land where we were oblig'd to lie at an Anchor all that Night at Sixty Fathom Water and above but at length the Wind turning North-East we set out and arriv'd safely at the further end of the Lake Ontario call'd by the Iroquois Skannadario We came pretty near to one of their Villages call'd Taiaiagon lying about Seventy Leagues from Fort Frontenac or Katarockouy We barter'd some Indian Corn with the Iroquois who could not admire us enough and came frequently to see us on board our Brigantine which for our greater security we had brought to an Anchor into a River tho' before we could get in we run aground three times which oblig'd us to put Fourteen Men into Canows and cast the Balast of our Ship over-board to get her off again That River falls into the Lake but for fear of being frozen up therein we were forc'd to cut the Ice with Axes and other Instruments The Wind turning then contrary we were oblig'd to tarry there till the 15th of December 1678. that we sail'd from the Northern Coast to the Southern where the River Niagara runs into the Lake but could not reach it that Day tho' it is but Fifteen or Sixteen Leagues distant and therefore cast Anchor within Five Leagues of the Shore where we had very bad Weather all the Night long On the 6th being St. Nicholas's Day we got into the fine River Niagara into which never any such Ship as ours enter'd before We sung there Te Deun● and other Prayers to return our Thanks to God Almighty for our prosperous Voyage The Iroquois Tsonnontouans inhabiting the little Village situated at the mouth of the River took above Three hundred White Fishes bigger than Carps which are the best relishing as well as the wholesomest Fish in the World They presented us with all those Fishes imputing their Good Luck to our Arrival They were much surpriz'd at our Ship which they call'd the great wooden Canow On the 7th we went in a Canow two Leagues up the River to look for a convenient Place for Building but not being able to get the Canow farther up because the Current was too rapid for us to master we went over-land about three Leagues higher tho' we found no Land fit for culture We lay that Night near a River which comes from the Westward within a League above the great Fall of Niagara which as we have already said is the greatest in the World The Snow was then a Foot deep and we were oblig'd to dig it up to make room for our Fire The next Day we return'd the same way we came and saw great Numbers of Wild-Goats and Wild Turkey-Cocks and on the 11th we said the first Mass that ever was said in that Country The Carpenters and the rest of the Crew were set to work but Monsieur de la Motte who had the Direction of them being not able to endure the F●tigues of so laborious a Life gave over his Design and return'd to Canada having about two hundred Leagues to travel The 12th 13th and 14th the Wind was not favourable enough to sail up the River as far at the rapid Current above mention'd where we had resolv'd to build some Houses Whosoever considers our Map will easily see that this New Enterprize of building a Fort and some Houses on the River Niagara besides the Fort of Frontenac was like to give Jealousie to the Iroquois and even to the English who live in this Neighbourhood and have a great Commerce with them Therefore to prevent the ill Consequences of it it was thought fit to send an Embassie to the Iroquois as it will be mention'd in the next Chapter The 15th I was desir'd to sit at the Helm of our Brigantine while three of our Men hall'd the same from the Shore with a Rope and at last we brought her up and moor'd her to the Shore with a Halser near a Rock of a prodigious heighth lying by
the rapid Currents we have already mention'd The 17th 18th and 19th we were busie in making a Cabin with Palisado's to serve for a Magazine but the Ground was so frozen that we were forc'd to throw several times boiling Water over it to drive in and beat deep the Stakes The 20th 21st 22d and 23d our Ship was in great danger to be dash'd in pieces by the vast Pieces of Ice that were hurl'd down the River to prevent which our Carpenters made a Capstance to hall her-a-shore but our great Cable broke in three pieces whereupon one of our Carpenters surrounded the Vessel with a Cable and ty'd thereunto several Ropes whereby we got her a-shore tho' with much difficulty and sav'd her from the Danger of being broke to pieces or carry'd away by the Ice which came down with an extream violence from the great Fall of Niagara CHAP. XV. An Account of the Embassie to the Iroquis Tsonnontouans THese Savages being the most numerous Nation of that Country it was requisite to avoid giving them any manner of suspicion and in order thereto we thought fit to prepossess those of the little Village of Niagara with a favourable Opinion of our Design We told them that we did not intend to build a Fort on the Bank of their River Niagara but only a great Hanger or Store-house to keep the Commodities we had brought to supply their Occasions We accompany'd our Discourse with some small Presents and told them that we should remain with them whilst Six or Seven of us would go to the great Village of the Tsonnontouans to treat with their Chief Captains And truly it was absolutely necessary to go thither to remove the Suspicion the Enemies of our Discovery had suggested to that People concerning our Designs As I was building a little Cabin of Bark to perform Divine Service therein M. de la Motte who was still with us desir'd me to accompany him in his Embassie which I was very unwilling to comply with and therefore intreated him to suffer me to stay there with the greater number of our Men. But notwithstanding the Arguments I us'd he told me that he was resolv'd to take along with him 7 Men out of 16 that we were in all that I understood in a manner the Language of their Nation having been often in conference with them at the Fort of Frontenac that the Glory of God was concern'd in this Undertaking that he would not trust those that were to accompany him and in short that if our Enterprize should miscarry upon that account the blame would lie at my door These with some other secret Reasons oblig'd me to comply with his Desire and to follow him We travell'd with Shooes made after the Indian way of a single Skin but without Soles because the Earth was still cover'd with Snow and past through Forests for thirty two Leagues together carrying upon our Backs our Coverings and other Baggage lying often in open Field and having with us no other Food but some roasted Indian Corn 'T is true we met upon our Road some Iroquois a Hunting who gave us some Wild-Goats and fifteen or sixteen Black Squirrels which are excellent Meat However after five Days march we came to Tegarondies a great Village of the Iroquois Tsonnontouans and were immediately carry'd to the Cabin of their Principal Chief● where Women and Children flock'd● to see us our Men being very well dress'd and arm'd An old Man having according to custom made publick Cries to give notice of our arrival to their Village the younger Savages wash'd our Feet which afterwards they rubb'd over with the Grease of Deers Wild-Goats and other Beasts and the Oil of Bears The next Day which was the First of the Year 1679. after the ordinary Service I preach'd in a little Chapel made of Barks of Trees in presence of Two Jesuites viz. Father Garnier and Rafeix and afterwards we had a Conference with 42 Old Men who make up their Council These Savages are for the most part tall and very well shap'd cover'd with a sort of Robe made of Beavers and Wolves-Skins or of Black Squirrels holding a Pipe or Calumet in their Hands The Senators of Venice do not appear with a graver Countenance and perhaps don't speak with more Majesty and Solidity than those ancient Iroquois This Nation is the most cruel and barbarous of all America especially to their Slaves whom they take above two or three hundred Leagues from their Country as I shall show in my Second Volume however I must do them the Justice to observe that they have many good Qualities and that they love the Europeans to whom they sell their Commodities at very reasonable Rates They have a mortal Hatred for those who being too self-interested and covetous are always endeavouring to inrich themselves to the Prejudice of others Their chief Commodities are Beavers Skins which they bring from above a hundred and fifty Leagues off their Habitations to exchange them with the English and Dutch whom they affectionate more than the Inhabitants of Canada because they are more affable and sell them their Commodities cheaper One of our own Men nam'd Anthony Brossard who understood very well the Language of the Iroquois and therefore was Interpreter to M. de la Motte told their Assembly First That we were come to pay them a Visit and smoak with them in their Pipes a Ceremony which I shall describe anon And then we deliver'd our Presents consisting of Axes Knives a great Collar of White and Blue Porcelain with some Cloaks We made Presents upon every Point we propos'd to them of the same nature as the former Secondly We desir'd them in the next place to give notice to the Five Cantons of their Nation that we were about to build a Ship or great woodden Canow above the great Fall of the River Niagara to go and fetch European Commodities by a more convenient way than the ordinary by the River St. Laurence whose rapid Currents make it dangerous and long and that by these means we should afford them our Commodities cheaper than the English and Dutch of Baston and New-York This Pretence was specious enough and very well contriv'd to engage that barbarous Nation to extirpate the English and Dutch out of America For they suffer the Europeans a-among them only for the Fear they have of them or else for the Profit they make in Bartering their Commodities with them Thirdly We told them farther that we should provide them at the River Niagara with a Blacksmith and a Gunsmith to mend their Guns Axes c. having no body among them that understood that Trade and that for the conveniency of their whole Nation we would settle those Workmen on the Lake of Ontario at the Mouth of the River Niagara We threw again amongst them seven or eight Cloaks and some Pieces of fine Cloth which they cover themselves with from the Waste to the Knees This was in order to engage them
that is in their Language Most pen●trating Wits For they could not apprehend how in so short a time we had been able to build so great a Ship tho' it was but 60 Tuns It might have been indeed call'd a moving Fortress for all the Savages inhabiting the Banks of those Lakes and Rivers I have mention'd for five hundred Leagues together were fill'd with Fear as well as Admiration when they saw it The best Designs are often cross'd by some unexpected Accidents which God permits to happen to try Men's Constancy as I experienc'd at that time One of our Crew gave me notice that the Sieur de Tonti our Commander entertain'd some Jealousie of me because I kept a Journal of all the considerable Things that were transacted and that he design'd to take the same from me This Advice oblig'd me to stand upon my guard and take all other Precautions to secure my Observations and remove the Jealousie that Gentleman had of me For I had no other Design but to keep our Men to their Duty and to Exercises of Piety and Devotion for preventing Disorders and for the furtherance of our Common Undertaking In the mean time our Enemies spread very disadvantageous Reports of us in Canada where we were represented as rash and inconsiderate for venturing upon a dangerous Voyage age from which in their Opinion none of us would ever return This together with the Difficulties we labour'd under for transporting the Rigging of our Ship and the other Inconveniencies necessarily attending a Voyage through an unknown Country Lakes and Rivers where no European had travell'd before and the Oppositions from the Iroquois caus'd me an unparallel'd Vexation But these Reports were still more prejudicial to M. la Salle whose Creditors without enquiring into the Truth of the matter or expecting his Return from Fort Frontenac seiz'd all his Effects in Canada tho' that very Fort alone the Property whereof belong'd to him was worth twice more than all the Debts he ow'd However it being impossible to stop the Mouth of our Enemies who had no other Design but to oblige us to give over our Enterprize notwithstanding the Trouble and great Charge we had been at for our Preparations we resolv'd to wait with patience the Opportunities Divine Providence would present us with and to pursue with Vigour and Constancy our Design Being thus prepar'd against all Discouragements I went up in a Canow with one of our Savages to the Mouth of the Lake Erie notwithstanding the strong Current which I master'd with great difficulty I sounded the Mouth of the Lake and found contrary to the Relations that had been made unto me that a Ship with a brisk Gale might sail up to the Lake and ●urmount the Rapidity of the Current and that therefore with a strong North or North-East Wind we might bring our Ship into the Lake Erie I took also a view of the Banks of the Streight and found that in case of need we might put some of our Men a-shoar to hall the Ship if the Wind was not strong enough CHAP. XVII The Author's Return to Fort Frontenac BEfore we could go on with our intended Discovery I was oblig'd to return to Fort Frontenac to bring along with me two Monks of my own Order to help me in the Functions of my Ministry I left our Ship riding upon two Anchors within a League and a half of the Lake Erie in the Streight between the said Lake and the great Fall Niagara Mr. Charon an Inhabitant of Canada desir'd to return with me to avoid the ill Usage he receiv'd from M. Tonti who was an irreconcileable Enemy of all the Subjects of the King of Spain having been as he thought hardly us'd by the Spaniards in the Revolution of Naples in which he was concern'd as well as his Father We embark'd in a Canow with one of our Savages and fell down the Streight till we came to the great Fall where we went ashoar and carry'd our Canow over-land to the Foot of the great Rock already mention'd and from thence we continu'd our Course to the Mouth of the Lake Ontario where we found the Bark or Brigantine we have spoken of which the Sieur la Forest had brought from Fort Frontenac M. la Forest having spent some Days in that place for Bartering his Commodities with the Natives we embark'd on board his Brigantine together with fifteen or sixteen Savage Women who took that opportunity to make forty Leagues by Water which otherwise they had been oblig'd to travel a-foot over-land through the Woods but they not being us'd to this way of Travelling fell so sick that their Vomiting created an insufferable Stink in our Ship Being arriv'd into the River of Aoueguen M. la Forest exchang'd some Brandy for Beavers-Skins but I must confess this Commerce of Strong-Waters was never accepable to me for if the Savages drink but a little too much of that Liquor they are worse and more dangerous than mad Men. Having done our Business in that Place we sail'd from the Southern to the Northern Coast of the Lake and the Wind being favourable we quickly pass'd by the Village which lies on the other side of Keute and Ganeousse but were becalm'd not far from Fort Frontenac which oblig'd me to get into a Canow with two Savages to manage it We landed in the Island of Goilans so nam'd from Sea-Fowls of that Name who abound in that Place and lay their Eggs upon the Sand where they are hatch'd by the Heat of the Sun I carry'd away along with us four Baskets full of them which we found very relishing in Omelets and Pancakes I was kindly receiv'd by Four Missionaries of my own Order that I found there viz. Father Gabriel de la Ribourde Luke Buisset Zenobe Mambre and Milithon Watteau all Natives of the Spanish Netherlands They told me that they knew how much I had suffer'd in my Mission during the Winter and chiefly from that Italian who deserted the Service of his Natural Prince that is Tonti I have already spoken of I conceal'd part of the Discouragements I had met with because I design'd to engage Fathers Gabriel and Zenobe in our Voyage and also because I knew that M. de la Salle whose Temper I was acquainted with by my own Experience made a constant use of this famous Maxim Divide impera to dispose with a greater facility of the Men under him to compass his own Designs And having as great a Passion as he to discover some New Countries I thought it best to make no Complaints which he took very kindly and receiv'd me in a very obliging manner That Gentleman was Judicious and of extraordinary Parts and very desirous to make himself famous by some New Discoveries about which we had frequent Conferences He told me several times That he knew no Religious Order so fit as ours for improving New Colonies and he was a very good Judge in those Matters having spent nine or ten Years
in another Order of which he had disingag'd himself by Consent of the General who in the Act of his Dismission under his own Hand gives this Noble Character of him That he had liv'd amongst the Monks of his Order without giving the least suspicion of Venial Sin These are the very Words of the Act having perus'd it my self He likewise told me That being perswaded that we might be very useful to him in his Designs he was resolv'd to do something in favour of our Order and having call'd us together on the 27th of May 1679. he acquainted us That being Proprietary and Governour of Fort Frontenac he would order in his Will That no other Religious Order but ours should he suffer'd to settle themselves near the Fort he afterwards mark'd out a Church-yard and having created a Publick Notary he order'd him to draw up an Instrument whereby the said M. la Salle gave to our Order the Property of Eighteen Acres of Ground along the side of the Lake Ontario near the Fort and above a Hundred Acres more in the next Forest to be clear'd and grubb'd up We accepted this Gift in the Name of our Order and sign'd the Deed which was the first that ever was transacted in that Country The Notary's Name was la Meterie This being done he desir'd those Franciscans that were to come with me to prepare themselves for their Voyage but the Wind being against us we had a sufficient time for it and to take our Measures concerning our dangerous Mission We made frequent Visits to the Savages whom we had perswaded to settle themselves near the Fort who together with their Children whom we had taught to Read and Write lamented much our Departure and assur'd us That if we did return in a short time they would perswade the rest of the Inhabitants of the Village of Ganeousse to come and settle themselves in the Neighbourhood of the Fort. CHAP. XVIII An Account of our Second Embarkment from Fort Frontenac AFter some few Days the Wind presenting fair Fathers Gabriel Zenobe and I went on board the Brigantine and in a short time arriv'd in the River of the Tsonnontouans which runs into the Lake Ontario where we continu'd several Days our Men being very busie in bartering their Commodities with the Natives who flock'd in great numbers about us to see o●r Brigantine which they admir'd and to exchange their Skins for Knives Guns Powder and Shot but especially for Brandy which they love above all things In the mean time we had built a small Cabin of Barks of Trees about half a League in the Woods to perform Divine Service without interruption and waited till all our Men had done their Business M. la Salle arriv'd in a Canow about eight Days after he had taken his course by the Southern Coast of the Lake to go to the Village of the Tsonnontouans to whom he made several Presents to engage them in our Interest and remove the Jealousie they had conceiv'd of our Untertaking through the Suggestions of our Enemies All these Impediments retarded us so long that we could not reach the River Niagara before the 30th of Iuly On the 4th of the said Month I went over-land to the Fall of Niagara with a Serjeant call'd la Fleur and thence to our Dock within six Leagues of the Lake Ontario but we did not find there the Ship we had built And met with a new Misfortune for two young Savages robb'd us of the Bisket we had for our subsistence which reduc'd us to a great Extremity We found at last a half-rotten Canow without Oars which we mended as well as we could and having made an Oar we ventur'd our selves in that weak and shatter'd Canow and went up the Streight to look for our Ship which we found riding within a League of the pleasant Lake Erie We were very kindly receiv'd and likewise very glad to find our Ship well Rigg'd and ready fitted out with all the Necessaries for Sailing She carry'd Five small Guns two whereof were Brass and three Harquebuze a-crock The Beak-head was adorn'd with a Flying Griffin and an Eagle above it and the rest of the Ship had the same Ornaments as Men of War use to have The Iroquois were then returning from a Warlike Expedition with several Slaves and were much surpriz'd to see so big a Ship which they compar'd to a Fortt beyond their limits Several came on board and seem'd to admire above all things the bigness of our Anchors for they could not apprehend how we had been able to bring them through the rapid Currents of the River St. Laurence This oblig'd them to use often the Word Gannorom which in their Language signifies That is wonderful They wonder'd also to find there a Ship having seen none when they went and did not know from whence it came it being about 250 Leagues from Canada Having forbid the Pilot to attempt to fail up the Currents of the Streight till farther order we return'd the 16th and 17th to the Lake Ontario and brought up our Bark to the great Rock of Niagara and anchor'd at the foot of the Three Mountains where we were oblig'd to make our Portage that is to carry over-land our Canow's and Provisions and other Things above the great Fall of the River which interrupts the Navigation And because most of the Rivers of that Country are interrupted with great Rocks and that therefore those who sail upon the same are oblig'd to go over-land above those Falls and carry upon their Backs their Canow's and other Things they express it with this Word To make o●● Portage of which the Reader is desir'd to take notice for otherwise the following Account as well as the Map would be unintelligible to many Father Gabriel tho' of Sixty five Years of Age bore with great Vigour the Fatigue of that Voyage and went thrice up and down those three Mountains which are pretty high and steep Our Men had a great deal of trouble for they were oblig'd to make several Turnings to carry the Provisions and Ammunition and the Portage was two Leagues long Our Anchors were so big that four Men had much ado to carry one but the Brandy we gave them was such an Encouragement that they surmounted cheerfully all the Difficulties of that Journey and so we got on board our Ship all our Provisions Ammunition and Commodities While we continu'd there M. la Salle told me That he understood by some of our Men that I very much blam'd the Intrigues of some Monks of Canada with the Iroquois and their Neighbours of New-York and New-Orange which oblig'd me to tell in his presence my Brethren the Franciscans That I perceiv'd that M. la Salle would surprize me and oblige me to revile some Persons whom he represented as Traders and Merchants and then abating somewhat of my Tone I concluded That notwithstanding the false Reports that had been made to him I would entertain a good Opinion of those
very Persons whom he design'd to make my Enemies and that I would rather give over our Enterprize than be impos'd upon at that rate This vigorous Answer su●priz'd M. la Salle who told me That he was perswaded that those who had made him those Reports were not honest Men and that therefore he would take all imaginable care of my Person during the Voyage and espouse my Interests on all occasions He was indeed afraid that I should leave him which had been a great disappointment to his Affairs for Father Gabriel would have left him also That Good Man was come with us without any leave of his Superiour only upon a Letter from the Provincial Commissioner of Canada whose Name was Valentin le Roux wherein he told M. la Salle that the said Father Gabriel might go along with him However he did not believe that he would do so without an Order in Writing and for that reason came some Days after our departure to Fort Frontenac where M. la Salle obtain'd that Order from him for fear of being accus'd to have expos'd a Man of that Age to so dangerous a a Voyage in which he was like to perish as really he did as we shall see by and by M. la Salle understanding that I and the said Father Gabriel were gone to view the great Fall of Niagara he came to us with some Refreshments to reconcile himself with me and prevent my return to Canada He met with no great difficulty for the great desire I had to discover a New Country made me very easie so that we return'd on board our Ship in the beginning of August 1679. CHAP. XIX An Account of our Third Embarkment from the Mouth of the Lake Erie WE have already observ'd that the Spaniards were the first Discoverers of Canada and that the Recollects are the first Religious Order who attended the French Colonies in that Country Those Good Men liv'd in great Friendship with the Savages call'd Hurons by whom they understood that the Iroquois made frequent Excursions beyond Virginia and New-Sweden near a great Lake from whence they brought a great many Slaves which gave occasion to the Hurons to call that Lake Erige or Erike that is to say the Lake of the Cat. The Inhabitants of Canada have softned that Word and call it Erie as we have already observ'd We endeavour'd several times to sail up that Lake but the Wind being not strong enough we were forc'd to wait for it In the mean time M. la Salle caus'd our Men to grub up some Land and sow several sorts of Pot-Herbs and Pulse for the conveniency of those who should selttle themselves there to maintain our Correspondence with Fort Frontenac we found there a great quantity of Wild Cherries and Rocambol a sort of Garlick which grow naturally in t●at Ground We left Father Melithon with some Workmen at our Habitation above the Fall of Niagara and most of our Men went ashoar to lighten our Ships the better to sail up the Lake The Wind veering to the North East and the ship being well provided we made all the sail we could and with the help of twelve Men who hall'd from the shoar overcame the Rapidity of the Current and got up into the Lake The Stream is so violent that our Pilot himself despair'd of success We sung Te Deum and discharg'd our Cannon and other Fire-Arms in presence of a great many Iroquois who came from a Warlike Expedition against the Savages of Tintonha that is to say the Nation of the Meadows who live above four hundred Leagues from that Place The Iroquois and their Prisoners were much surpriz'd to see us in the Lake and did not think before that we should be able to overcome the Rapidity of the Current They cry'd several times Gannorom to shew their Admiration Some of the Iroquois had taken the measure of our Ship and immediately went for New-York to give notice to the English and Dutch of our sailing into the Lake For those Nations affording their Commodities cheaper than the French are also more belov'd by the Natives On the 7th of August 1679. we went on board being in all four and thirty Men including two Recollects who came to us and sail'd from the Mouth of the Lake Erie steering our Cou●se West-South-West with a favourable Wind and tho' the Enemies of our Discovery had given out on purpose to deter us from our Enterprize That the Lake Erie was full of Rocks and Sands which rendred the Navigation impracticable we run above twenty Leagues during the Night tho' we sounded all that while The next Day the Wind being more favourable we made above five and forty Leagues keeping at an equal distance from the Banks of the Lake and double a Cape to the Westward which we call'd the Cape of St. Francis The next Day we doubled two other Capes and met with no manner of Rocks or Sands We discover'd a pretty large Island towards the South-West about seven or eight Leagues from the Northern Coast that Island faces the Streight that comes from the Lake Huron The 10th very early in the Morning we pass'd between that Island and 7 or 8 lesser ones and having sail'd near another which is nothing but Sand to the West of the Lake we came to an Anchor at the Mouth of the Streight which runs from the Lake Huron into that of Erie The 11th we went farther into the Streight and pass'd between two small Islands which make one of the finest Prospects in the-World This Streight is finer than that of Niagara being thirty Leagues long and every-where one League broad except in the middle that it stretches it self forming the Lake we have call'd St. Claire The Navigation is easie on both sides the Coast being low and even It runs directly from North to South The Country between those two Lakes is very well situated and the Soil very fertile The Banks of the Streight are vast Meadows and the Prospect is terminated with some Hills covered with Vineyards Trees bearing good Fruit Groves and Forests so well dispos'd that one would think Nature alone could not have made without the Help of Art so charming a Prospect That Country is stock'd with Stags Wild-Goats and Bears who are good for Food and not fierce as in other Countries some think they are better than our Pork The Turkey-Cocks and Swans are there also very common and our Men brought several other Beasts and Birds whose Names are unknown to us but they are extraordinary relishing The Forests are chiefly made up of Walnut-trees Chesnut-trees Plum-trees and Pear-trees loaded with their own Fruit and Vines There is also abundance of Timber fit for Building so that those who shall be so happy as to inhabit that Noble Country cannot but remember with Gratitude those who have discover'd the way by venturing to sail upon an unknown Lake for above one hundred Leagues That charming Streight lies between the 40 and 41 Degrees of Northern
Latitude CHAP. XX. An Account of what hapned in our Passage from the Lake Erie unto the Lake Huron I Had often advis'd M. la Salle to make a Settlement upon the Streight between the Lake Erie and Ontario where the Fishery is more plentiful for that Settlement would have been very advantageous to us to maintain our Communication with Fort Frontenac I told him also that it were fit to leave in that Settlement the Smith he and M. la Motte had promis'd to the Iroquois and that it would be a means to engage that wild Nation into our Inteeest and to trade only with us whereby he would grow rich in a little time But M. la Salle and the Adventurers who were with him would not hearken to my Advice and told me that they would make no Settlement within 100 Leagues of their Fort lest other Europeans should get before them into the Country they were going to discover This was their Pretence but I soon observ'd that their Intention was to buy all the Furrs and Skins of the remotest Savages who as they thought did not know their Value and so inrich themselves in one single Voyage I endeavour'd also to perswade him to make a settlement upon this charming Streight for being in the midst of so many Nations of Savages we could not but have a good Trade amongst them This was the Argument I made use of but the main Reason which I kept to my self was to have an Opportunity to preach the Gospel to those ignorant Nations M. la Salle would by no means hearken to my Advice and told me he wonder'd at my Proposal considering the great Passion I had a few Months before for the Discovery of a New Country The Current of that Streight is very violent but not half so much as that of Niagara and therefore we sail'd up with a brisk Gale and got into the Streight between the Lake Huron and the Lake St. Claire this last is very shallow especially at its Mouth The Lake Huron falls into this of St. Claire by several Canals which are commonly interrupted by Sands and Rocks We sounded all of them and found one at last about one League broad without any Sands its depth being every where from three to eight Fathoms Water We sail'd up that Canal but were forced to drop our Anchors near the Mouth of the Lake for the extraordinary quantity of Waters which came down from the Superiour Lake and that of Illionois because of a strong North-West Wind had so much augmented the Rapidity of the Current of this Streight that it was as violent as that of Niagara The Wind turning Southerly we sail'd again and with the help of twelve Men who hall'd our Ship from the Shoar got safely the 23d of August into the Lake Huron We sung Te Deum a second time to return our Thanks to the Almighty for our happy Navigation We found in that Lake a large Bay the Banks of which the ancient Hurons inhabited They were converted to the Christian Religion by the first Franciscans that came into Canada but the Iroquois have in a great measure destroy'd that Nation CHAP. XXI An Account of our Navigation on the Lake Huron to Missilimakinak HAving thus travell'd above 300 Leagues from Quebec to the Lake Huron notwithstanding the rapid Currents and Lakes we went through we continu●d our Voyage from the Mouth of this Lake steering our Course North-North-East but the next Day finding our selves near the Land we steer'd North-North-West and cross'd a Bay call'd Sakinam which may be thirty Leagues broad The 24th we run the same Course but were becalm'd between some Islands where we found but two Fathoms Water which oblig'd us to make an easie sail part of the Night to look for a good Anchorage but in vain and the Wind turning then Westerly we bore to the North to avoid the Coast till the Day appear'd We sounded all the Night long because our Pilot though a very Understanding Man was somewhat negligent The 25th we lay becalm'd till Noon but then run North-West with a brisk Southerly Gale The Wind turning South West we bore to the North to double a Cape but then the Wind grew so violent that we were forc'd to lie by all the Night The 26th the Storm continuing we brought down our Main Yards and Top-Mast and let the Ship drive to the Mercy of the Wind knowing no place to run into to shelter our selves M. la Salle notwithstanding he was a Courageous Man began to fear and told us we were undone and therefore every body fell upon his Knees to say his Prayers and prepare himself for Death except our Pilot whom we could never oblige to Pray and he did nothing all that while but Curse and Swea● against M. la Salle who as he said had brought him thither to make him perish in a nasty Lake and lose the Glory he had acquir'd by his long and happy Navigations on the Ocean However the Wind being somewhat abated we hoisted up our Sail and so we drove not above two Leagues The 27th in the Morning we continu'd our Course North-West with a South-East Wind which carry'd us the same Day to Missilimakinak where we anchor'd in a Bay at six Fathoms Water upon a slimy white Bottom That Bay is shelter'd by the Coast and a Bank from the South-West to the North but it lies expos'd to the South which is very violent in that Country Missilimakinak is a Neck of Land to the North of the Mouth of the Streight through which the Lake of the Illinois discharges it self into the Lake Huron That Canal is about three Leagues long and one broad About fifteen Leagues to the Eastward of Missilimakinak there is another Point at the Mouth of the Streight whereby the Superiour Lake runs into that of Huron which Streight is about five Leagues broad at its Mouth and about fifteen Leagues long but it grows narrow towards the Fall of St. Mary which is a rapid Stream interrupted by several Rocks However a Canow may go up by one side but it requires a great Fatigue and therefore the safest and easiest way is to make a Portage above the Fall to go and Trade with the Savages inhabiting the Banks of the Superiour Lake We lay between two different Nations of Savages those who inhabit the Point of Missilimakinak are call'd Hurons and the others who are about three or four Leagues more Northward are Outtaouatz Those Savages were equally surpriz'd to see a Ship in their Country and the Noise of our Cannon of which we made a general Discharge fill'd them with a great Apprehension We went to see the Outtaouatz and celebrated the Mass in their Habitation M. la Salle was finely dress'd having a Scarlet Cloak with a broad Gold Lace and most of his Men with their Arms attended him The Chief Captains of that People receiv'd us with great Civilities after their own way and some of them came on board with us
the Savages made a great Shout and rose and began to dance We made them some Excuse because of our Men having taken some of their Corn and told them they had left the true Value of it in Goods which they took so well that they sentimmediately for more and gave us the next Day as much as we could conveniently carry in our Canow's They retir'd towards the Evening and M. la Salle order'd some Trees to be cut down and laid cross the way to prevent any Surprize from the Savages The next Morning about ten a Clock the Oldest of them came to us with their Calumet of Peace and entertain'd us with some Wild-Goats they had taken We return'd them our Thanks and presented them with some Axes Knives and several little Toys for their Wives with which they were very much pleas'd CHAP. XXV A Continuation of our Discovery with an Account of our Navigation to the farther End of the Lake of the Illinois in our Canow's WE left that Place the 2d of October and continu'd our Voyage all along the Coast of the Lake which is so steep that we could hardly find any Place to land and the Violence of the Wind oblig'd us to carry our Canow's sometimes on the top of the Rocks to prevent their being dash'd in pieces by the Waves The stormy Weather lasted four Days during which we suffer'd very much for every time we went a-shoar we were forc'd to step into the Water and carry our Canow's upon our Shoulders and to do the like when we embark'd again The Water being very cold most of us were sick and our Provisions fail'd us again which together with the Fatigues of Rowing caus'd old Father Gabriel to faint away in such a manner that I verily thought he could not live however I brought him again to his Senses by means of some Confection of Hyacinth which I found very useful in our Voyage We had no other Subsistence but a handful of Indian Corn once every four and twenty Hours which we roasted or else boyled in Water and yet we rowed almost every Day from the Morning till Night Our Men found some Hawthorn-Berries and other wild Fruit which they ate so greedily that most of them fell sick and were thought to be poison'd yet the more we suffer●d the more by the Grace of God I was strong and vigorous so that I could out-row all our other Canow's Being in that distress He that takes care of the meanest Creatures afforded us an unexpected Relief We saw upon the Coast a great many Ravens and Eagles from whence we conjectur'd that there was a Prey and having landed on that Place we found above the half of a fat Wild-Goat which the Wolves had strangled This Provision was very acceptable to us and the rudest of our Men could not but praise the Divine P●ovidence who took so particular a care of us Having thus refresh'd our selves we continu'd our Voyage directly to the Southern Parts of the Lake finding every day the Country finer and the Weather more temperate On the 16th of October we met with abundance of Game Our Savage kill'd several Staggs and Wild-Goats and our Men a gr●at many Turkey-Cocks very fat and big wherewith we provided our selves for several Days and so embark'd again On the 18th we came to the farther end of the Lake where we landed Our Men were immediately sent to view the Country round about that Place and found a great quantity of ripe Grapes the Corns whereof were as big as Damask-Plums We fell'd several Trees to gather them and made pretty good Wine which we kept in Gourds and bury'd in Sand to prevent its growing sour All the Trees in that Country are loaded with Vines which if cultivated would make as good Wine as any in Europe That Fruit was more relishing to us than Flesh because we wanted Bread Our Men discover'd some fresh Prints of Men's Feet which oblig'd us to stand upon our Guard without making any noise till we had rested some time That Order was not long observ'd for one of our Men having espy'd a Bear upon a Tree shot him down dead and dragg'd him to our Cabins M. la Salle was very angry with him and to avoid any Surprize put a Sentinel near our Canow's under which we had put our Goods to shelter 'em from the Rain There were sixscore Savages of the Nation of the Outtouagamis inhabiting the Bay of Puans encamp'd not far from us who having heard the Noise our Man had made took the Alarm and sent some of our Men to discover who we were These creeping upon their Bellies and observing a great Silence came in the Night to our Canow's and stole away the Coat of M. la Salle's Footman and part of the Goods that were under it But the Sentinel having heard some noise call'd us and every body run to his Arms. The Savages being discover'd and thinking we were more numerous cry'd That they were Friends but we answer'd them That Friends did not come in so unseasonable Hours and that they look'd rather like Robbers who design'd to murther us Their Captain reply'd That having heard the noise of a Gun and knowing that none of their Neighbours use Fire-Arms they thought we were a Party of Iroquois and were come with a Design to murther them but th●t understanding we were some Europeans of Canada whom they lov'd as their Brethren they could hardly wait till Day to visit us and smoak in our Calumet or large Pipe This is the usual Compliment of the Savages and the greatest Mark they can give of their Affection We seem'd to be satisfy'd with their Reasons and gave leave to four of them only to come to us telling them that we would not suffer a greater number because their Youth was addicted to Steal and that our Men could not suffer it Four Old Men came to us whom we entertain'd till Day and then they retir'd After they were gone we found we had been robb'd and knowing the Genius of the Savages and that if we did suffer this Affront we should be expos'd every Night to their Insults it was resolv'd to exact Satisfaction from them Accordingly M. la Salle went abroad with some of our Men to endeavour to make some Prisoners and having discover'd one of their Hunters he seiz'd him and examin'd him concerning the Robbery they had committed He confess'd the Fact with all the Circumstances whereupon he left him to the custody of two Men and advancing farther into the Country took another whom he brought along with him and having shew'd him his Companion sent him back to tell their Captain That he would kill him unless they return'd what they had robb'd CHAP. XXVI An Account of ●he Peace made between us and the Outtouagamis THe Savages were mightily puzzl'd at the Message sent by M. la Salle for having cut in pieces the Coat and other Goods they had stoll'n and divided the Buttons they could not make a full
meet with some of that Nation and gain them by Presents to learn their Language concluding That altho' all his Men should run away he would remain alone with our Savage and find means to maintain the Three Missionaries meaning I and my Two Brethren Having therefore call'd his Men together he told them That he was resolv'd to expect the rest of their Companions and propos'd to build a Fort in that Place for securing our Ship for we did not know then that it had perish'd as also to secure our Goods and our selves too in case of any Disgrace Our Men seem'd very much dissatisfy'd but he us'd so many Reasons that they told him at last They would entirely follow his Direction CHAP. XXVII An Account of the Building of a Fort and a House near the River of Miamis JUst at the Mouth of the River there was an Eminence with a kind of a Platform naturally fortify'd It was pretty high and and steep of a Triangular Figure defended on two sides by the River and on the other by a deep Ditch which the Fall of Waters had made We fell'd the Trees that were on the top of that Hill and having clear'd the same from Bushes for about two Musket-shot we began to build a Redoubt of forty Foot long and eighty broad with great square pieces of Timber laid one upon the other and prepar'd a great Number of Stakes of about twenty five Foot long to drive into the Ground to make our Fort the more unaccessible on the River side We imploy'd the whole Month of November about that Work which was very hard tho' we had no other Food but the Bears our Savage kill'd Those Beasts are very common in that place because of the great quantity of Grapes they find there but their Flesh being too fat and lushious our Men began to be weary of it and desir'd leave to go a hunting to kill some wild Goats M. la Salle deny'd them that Liberty which caus'd som● Murmurs amongst them and it was but unwillingly that they continu'd their Work This together with the approach of the Winter and the apprehension M. la Salle had that his Ship was lost made him very melancholy tho' he conceal'd it as much as he cou'd We had made a Cabin wherein we perform'd Divine Service every Sunday and Father Gabriel and I who preach'd alternatively took care to take such Texts as were suitable to our present Circumstances and fit to inspire us with Courage Concord and brotherly Love Our Exhortations produc'd a very good Effect and hindred our Men from deserting as they design'd We sounded in the mean time the Mouth of the River and having found a Sand on which our Ship might strike we planted several great Poles with Buoys to mark the Canal thro' which they were to come and for a greater Precaution two Men were sent back to Missilimakinak to wait there till the return of our Ship and serve as Pilots The 20th of November M. Tonti arriv'd with two Canow's laden with Stags and Deers which was a welcom Refreshment to our Men but he did not bring above the half of our Men with him the rest being left on the other side of the Lake within three Days Journey from our Fort. M. la Salle was very angry with him upon that Account being afraid that they would run away They told us that our Ship had not put into the Bay of Missilimakinak as they were order'd and that they had heard nothing of her since we sail'd notwithstanding they had enquir'd as much as they could from the Savages inhabiting the Coast of the Lake This confirm'd the Suspicion or rather the Belief we had that she was cast away However M. la Salle continu'd the Building of his Fort which was at last perfected and call'd Fort Miamis The Winter drawing so nigh and M. la Salle being afraid that the Ice would stop his Voyage sent back M. Tonti to fetch the Men he had left and command them to come to him immediately but meeting with a violent Storm their Canow was driven against the Coast and broke in pieces whereby they lost their Guns and Equipage and were oblig'd to return over-land Few Days after all our Men arriv'd except two who deserted so that we prepar'd our selves to continue our Voyage the Rains that fell about that time having melted the Ice and made the Rivers navigable CHAP. XXVIII Continuation of our Voyage from Fort Miamis to the River of the Illinois WE embark'd on the Third of December being Three and thirty Men in Eight Canow's and having left the Lake of the Illinois went up the River Miamis which we had sounded before We made about Five and twenty Leagues to the South West but cou'd not discover the place where we were to land and carry our Canow's and Equipage into the River of the Illinois which falls into that of Meschasipi that is in the Language of the Illinois the Great River We had already passed the place of the Portage but not knowing whereabouts we were we thought fit to stay there to expect M. la Salle who was landed to view the Country We staid a great while and seeing he did not come I went very far into the Woods with two of our Men who fir'd their Guns to give him notice of the place where we were and in the mean time two others went up the River in their Canow in order to find him out but all our Endeavours were in vain so that we return'd towards Evening The next Day I went up the River my self but hearing nothing of him I came back and found our Men very much perplex●d fearing he was lost but about Four a-clock in the Afternoon he return'd to us having his Face and Hands as black as Pitch He brought along with him two Beasts as big as Musk'd Rats whose Skin was very fine and like Ermins He had kill'd them with a Stick as they hung by their Tails to the Boughs of Trees He told us that the Marshes he had met in his way had oblig'd him to fetch a great Compass and that being much annoy'd by the Snow which fell very thick it was past Midnight before he could arrive upon the Banks of the River where he fir'd his Gun twice and that hearing no answer he concluded we were gone up higher and had therefore march'd that way He added that after three Hours March he saw a Fire upon a little Hill whither he went directly and hail'd us several Times but hearing no Answer he approach'd and found no Body near the Fire but only some dry Herbs upon which a Man was a little while afore laid which he conjectur'd because they were still warm He suppos'd that it was a Savage who lay thereabouts in an Ambuscade and therefore call'd to him in two or three Languages but no Body answering he cry'd as loud as he could that to shew he was not afraid of him he was going to lie in his
Room However for fear of any Surprize he cut several Boughs and Bushes to embarass the way and sat down by the Fire which had made his Hands and Face black as I have observ'd Having thus warm'd and rest himself he lay down upon the dry Herbs the Savage had gather'd under a Tree and slept very we●l notwithstanding the Frost and Snow Father Gabriel and I desir'd him to remain with his Men and not expose himself for the future because the Success of our Enterprize depended only upon him and he promised us to follow our Advice Our Savage who remain'd behind for Hunting finding none of us at the Place of the Portage came up higher the River and told us we had mist it therefore he was sent back with all our Canow's exeept one which I kept for M. la Salle was so weary that he was oblig'd to lie there that Night I made a little Cabin with Mats of Marish Rushes wherein we lay together but were in great danger of being burnt for it took Fire by an unhappy Accident while we were fast asleep The next Morning we joyn'd our Men at the place of Portage where Father Gabriel had made the Day before several Crosses upon the Trees that we might not miss it another time We found there a great quantity of Horns and Bones of wild Oxen as also some Canows the Savages had made with the Skins of Beasts to cross the River with their Provisions This Portage lies at the farther End of a Champagne and at the other End to the West lies a Village of the Savages Miamis Mascouteins and Oiatinon who live together The River of the Illinois has its Source near that Village and springs out of some Marshy Lands that are so quaking that one can scarcely walk over them The Head of the River is only a League and a half from that of Miamis and so our Portage was not long We mark'd the way from Place to Place with some Trees for the convenience of those we expected after us and left at the Portage as well as Fort Miamis Letters hanging down from the Trees containing M. la Salle's Instructions to our Pilot and the other five and twenty Men who were to come with him CHAP. XXIX An Account of our Embarkment at the Head of the River of the Illinois THis River is navigable within a hundred Paces from its Source I mean for Canow's of Bark of Trees and not for others but it increases so much a little way from thence that it is as deep and broad as the Meuse and the Sambre joyn'd together It runs through vast Marshes and tho' it be rapid enough it makes so many Turnings and Windings that after a whole Days Journey we found we were hardly two Leagues from the Place we left in the Morning That Country is nothing but Marshes full of Alder-Trees and Rushes and we could have hardly found for forty Leagues together any Place to plant our Cabins had it not been for the Frost which made the Earth more firm and consistent Having past thro' great Marshes we found a vast Plain in which nothing grows but only some Herbs which were dry at that time and burnt because the Miamis set them on fire every Year for hunting wild Oxen as I shall mention anon We found no manner of Game which was a great Disappointment to us our Provisions beginning to fail Our Men travell'd about sixty Miles without killing any thing else but a lean Stag a small Wild-Goat some few Swans and two Bustards which was no sufficient Maintenance for two and thirty Men. Most of them were so weary of this laborious Life that they would have run away if possible and gone to the Savages who were not very far from us as we judg'd by the great Fires we saw in the Plain There must be an innumerable quantity of wild Oxen in that Country since the Earth is cover'd with their Horns The Miamis hunt them towards the latter end of Autumn We continu'd our Course upon this River very near the whole Month of December but toward the latter end of the said Month 1679. we arriv'd at the Village of the Illinois which lies near one hundred and thirty Leagues from Fort Miamis on the Lake of the Illinois We suffer'd very much in this Passage for the Savages having set the Herbs of the Plain on Fire the wild Oxen were fled away and so we cou'd kill but one and some Turkey-Cocks God's Providence supported us all the while and when we thought that the Extremities we were reduc'd to were past all hopes of Remedy we found a prodigious big wild Ox lying fast in the Mud of the River We kill'd him and had much ado to get him out of the Mud. This was a great Refreshment to our Men and reviv'd their Courage for being so timely and unexpectedly reliev'd they concluded that God approv'd our Design CHAP. XXX A Description of the Hunting of the wild Bulls and Oxen by the Savages of the bigness of those Beasts and of the Advantages and Improvements that may be made● of the Plain where they Pasture and of the Woods thereabouts WHen the Savages discover a great Number of those Beasts together they likewise assemble their whole Tribe to encompass the Oxen and then set on Fire the dry Herbs about them except in some places which they leave free and therein lay themselves in Ambuscade The Oxen seeing the Flame round about them run away thro' those Passages where they see no Fire and there fall into the Hands of the Savages who by these means will kill sometimes above sixscore in a Day they divide these Beasts according to the number of each Family and send their Wives to slay them and bring the Flesh to their Cabins These Women are so lusty and strong that they carry on their Back two or three hundred weight besides their Children and notwithstanding that Burthen they run as swiftly as any of our Soldiers with their Arms. The Flesh of these Beasts is very relishing and full of Juice especially in Autumn for having grazed all the Summer long in those vast Meadows where the Herbs are as high as they they are then very fat There is also amongst them abundance of Stags Dears and wild Goats and that nothing might be wanting in that Country for the Convenience of those Creatures there are Forests at certain distances where they retire to ruminate and shelter themselves against the violence of the Sun They change their Country according to the Seasons of the Year for upon the approach of the Winter they leave the North to go to the Southern Parts They follow one another so that you may see a Drove of them for above a League and stop all at the same Place and the Ground wher● they use to lie is cover'd with wild Purslain which makes me believe that the Dung of Oxen is very fit to produce that Herb. Their Ways are as beaten as our great Roads
of but for the Good of thy Nation and not for its Destruction as our Enemies would make thee believe This Discourse mov'd them very much and they sent after Monso to bring him back but the Snow which fell that Night spoil'd the Track and so he could not be over-taken He had remain'd for some Days not far from us to know what would be the success of his Embassie However some of our Men lay under such terrible Apprehensions that we could never recover their Courage nor remove their Fears so that six of them who had the Guard that Night amongst which were two Sawers the most necessary of our Workmen for Building our Ship run away taking with them what they thought necessary but considering the country thro' which they were to travel and the Season of the Year we may say that for avoiding an uncertain Peril they expos'd themselves to a most certain Danger M. la Salle seeing that those six Men were gone and fearing that this Disertion would make a disadvantageous Impression upon the Savages he order'd his Men to tell the Illinois That he had resolv'd to send after them to punish them as they deserv'd but that the Season being so hard he was loth to expose his Men and that those Deserters would be severely punish'd in Canada In the mean time we exhorted the rest to continue firm in their Duty assuring them That if any were afraid of venturing themselves upon the River Meschasipi because of the Dangers Nikanape had mention'd M. la Salle would give them leave to return next Spring to Canada and allow them a Canow to to make their Voyage whereas they could not venture to return home at this time of the Year without exposing themselves to perish with Hunger Cold or the Hands of the Savages They promis●d Wonders but M. la Salle knowing their Inconstancy and dissembling the Vexation their want of Courage and Resolution caus'd him resolv'd to prevent any farther Subornation and to leave the Camp of the Illinois but lest his Men should not consent to it he call'd them together and told them we were not safe among the Illinois and that perhaps the Iroquois would come in a little time to attack them and that these being not able to resist they were like to run away and betake themselves to the Woods and leave us expos'd to the Mercy of the Iroquois whose Cruelty was sufficiently known to us therefore he knew no other Remedy but to fortifie a Post where we might defend our selves both against the Illinois and Iroquois as occasion should require These Reasons with some other Arguments which I added to the same purpose proved powerful enough to engage them to approve M. la Salle's Design and so it was resolv'd to build a Fort in a very advantageous Place on the River four Days Journey below the great Village of the Illinois CHAP. XXXIII Reflections upon the Temper and Manners of the Illinois and the little Disposition they have to embrace Christianity BEfore I speak in particular of the Illinois I think fit to observe here that there is a nation of the Miamis to the South-West of the Lake of the Illinois who inhabit the Banks of a ●ine-River within fifteen Leagues from the Lake in the Latitude of 41 Degrees The Maskoutens and Outtouagamis live more Northward on the River Melleoki which runs into the Lake in the Latitude of 43 Degrees To the West of it live the Kikapous and Ainoves who have two Villages and to the West of these there is the Village of the Illinois Cascaschia situated towards the Source of the River Checagoumenans The Authoutantas and Maskoutens-Nadouessians live within one hundred and thirty Leagues of the Illinois in three great Villages on the Banks of a fine River which discharges it self into the great River Meschasipi We shall have occasion to talk of these and several other Nations Most of these Savages and especially the Illinois make their Cabins of flat Rushes which they sew together and line them with the same so that no Rain can go through it They are tall strong and manage their Bows and Arrows with great dexterity for they did not know the use of Fire-Arms before we came into their Country They are Lazy Vagabonds Timorous Pettish Thieves and so fond of their Liberty that they have no great Respect for their Chiefs Their Villages are open and not enclos'd with Palisado's as in some other Places because they have not Courage enough to defend them for they fly away as soon as they hear their Enemies approach Besides the Arrows they use two other Weapons a kind of a Pike and a Club of Wood. Their Country is so fertile that it supplies them with all the Necessaries for Life and especially since we taught them the use of I●on Tools to cultivate it The Hermaphrodites are very common amongst them which is so much the more surprizing because I have not observ'd any such thing amongst the other Nations of the Northern America Poligamy is allow'd amongst them and they generally marry several Sisters thinking they agree better than Strangers They are exceedingly Jealous and cut the Nose of their Wives upon the least suspicion Notwithstanding they have several Wives they are so lascivious as to be guilty of Sodomy and keep Boys whom they cloth with Women's Apparel because they make of them that abominable use These Boys live in their Families amongst Women without going either to their Wars or Hunting As to their Religion I observ'd that they are very superstitious but I could never discover that they had any Worship nor any Reason for their Superstition They are great Gamesters as well as all the other Savages that I have known in America As there are some stony Places in this Country where there is a great quantity of Serpents very troublesome to the Illinois they know several Herbs which are a quicker and surer Remedy against their Venom than our Treacle and Orvietan They rub themselves with these Herbs after which they play with those dangerous Serpents without receiving any hurt They take the young ones and put them sometimes into their Mouth They go stark naked in Summer-time wearing only a kind of Shoes made of the Skins of Oxen but the Winter being pretty severe in their Country tho' very short they wear Gowns made of th● Skins of Wild Beasts or of Oxen which they dress and paint most curiously as I have already observ'd The Illinois as most of the Savages of America being brutish wild and stupid and their Manners being so opposite to the Morals of the Gospel their Conversion is to be despair'd of till Time and the Commerce with the Europeans has remov'd their natural Fierceness and Ignorance and thereby made 'em more apt to be sensible of the Charms of Christianity I have met with some who were more teachable and Father Zenobe told me that he Baptiz'd two or three of them at the point of Death because they
desi●'d it and shew'd some good Disposition to induce him to grant that Demand They will tamely suffer to Baptize their Children and would not refuse it themselves but they are incapable of any previous Instruction concerning the Truth of the Gospel and th● Efficacy of the Sacraments Would I follow the Example of some other Missionaries I could have boasted of many Conversions for I might have easily Baptiz'd all those Nations and then say as I am afraid they do without any ground That I had converted them Father Zenobe had met with two Savages who had promis'd to follow him every where whom he instructed and Baptiz'd but tho' they were more tractable than the rest they would not leave their Country and he understood afterwards that one of them whose Name was Chassagouache was dead in the hands of the Iunglers and consequently in the Superstitions of his Country-men so that his Baptism serv'd only to make him duplo Filius Gehennae CHAP. XXXIV An Account of the Building of a New Fort on the River of the Illinois nam'd by the Savages Checagou and by us Fort Crevecoeur as also a Bark to go down the River Meschasipi I Must observe here that the hardest Winter lasts not above two Months in this charming Country so that on the 15th of Ianuary there came a sudden Thaw which made the Rivers navigable and the Weather so mild as it is with us in the middle of the Spring M. la Salle improving this fair Season desir'd me to go down the River with him to chuse a Place fit to build our Fort. After having view'd the Country we pitch'd upon an Eminence on the Bank of the River defended on that side by the River and on two others by two Ditches the Rains had made very deep by succession of Time so that it was accessible only by one way therefore we cast a Line to join those two natural Ditches and made the Eminence steep on every side supporting the Earth with great pieces of Timber We made a hasty Lodgment thereupon to be ready to defend us in case the Savages would obstruct the Building of our Fort but no body offering to disturbus we went on diligently with our Work Fathers Gabriel Zenobe and I made in the mean time a Cabin of Planks wherein our Workmen came to Prayers every Morning and Evening but having no Wine we could not say Mass. The Fort being half finish'd M. la Salle lodg'd himself in the middle with M. Tonti and every body took his Post. We plac'd our Forge along the Courtin on the side of the Wood and laid in a great quantity of Coals for that use In the mean time our Thoughts were always bent towards our Discovery and M. la Salle and I had frequent Conferences about it But our greatest Difficulty was to build a Bark for our Sawers being gone we did not know what to do However ●s the Timber was cheap enough we told our Men that if any of them would undertake to saw Boards for Building the said Bark we might surmount all other Difficulties Two Men undertook it and tho' they had never try'd it before they succeeded very well so that we began to build a Bark the Keel whereof was forty two Foot long Our Men went on so briskly with the Work that on the 1st of March our Bark was half built and all the Timber ready prepar'd for the finishing of it Our Fort was also very near finish'd and we nam'd it the Fort of Crevecoeur because the desertion of our Men and the other Difficulties we labour'd under had almost broke our Hearts Tho' the Winter is not harder nor longer in the Country of the Illinois than in ●rovence the Snow remain'd upon the Earth in the Year 1680 for twenty Days together which had ●ot been seen in the Memory of Man This caus'd a great Surprize to the Savages and brought upon us a world of Inconveniencies besides the many others we suffer'd In the mean time we perfected our Fort and our Bark was in such a forwardness that we might have expected to be in a condition to sail in a very short time had we been provided with all other Necessaries but hearing nothing of our Ship and therefore wanting the Rigging and other Tackle for our Bark we found our selves in great perplexity and did not know what to do in this sad Juncture being above five hundred Leagues from Fort Frontenac whither it was almost impossible to return at that time because the Snow made the travelling very dangerous by Land and the Ice made it impracticable to our Canow's M. la Salle did not doubt then but his Beloved Griffin was lost but neither this nor the other Difficulties dejected him his great Courage buoy'd him up and he resolv'd to return to Fort Frontenac by Land notwithstanding the Snow and the unspeakable Dangers attending so great a Voyage We had a long Conference about it in private wherein having examin'd all things it was resolv'd that he should return to Fort Frontenac with three Men to bring along with him the necessary things to proceed on our Discovery while I with two Men should go in a Canow to the River Meschasipi and endeavour to get the Friendship of those Nations inhabiting the Banks of that River Our Resolution was certainly very great and bold but there was this essential difference that the Inhabitants of the Countries thro' which M. la Salle was to travel knew the Europeans whereas those Savages whom I design'd to visit had never heard of us in their Life and had been represented by the Illinois as the most barbarous Nations in the World However M. la Salle and I had Courage enough to undertake our Difficult Task but we had much ado to persuade five of our Men to follow us or to engage to expect our Return at Fort Crevecoeur CHAP. XXXV Containing an Account of what was transacted at Fort Crevecoeur before M. la Salle's return to Fort Frontenac and the Instructions we receiv'd from a Savage concerning the River Meschasipi BEfore M. la Salle and I parted we found means to undeceive our Men and remove the groundless Fears they had conceiv'd from what the Illinois thro' the Suggestions of Monso had told us concerning the Dangers or rather the Impossibility of Sailing upon the River Meschasipi Some Savages inhabiting beyond that River came to the Camp of the Illinois and gave us an Account of it very different from what Nikanape had told us some other Savages own'd that it was navigable and not interrupted by Rocks and Falls as the Illinois would make us believe and one of the Illinois themselves being gain'd by some small Presents told us in great Secresie that the Account their Chief had given us was a downright Forgery contriv'd on purpose to oblige us to give over our Enterprize This revived somewhat our Men but yet they were still wavering and irresolute and therefore M. la Salle said that he would fully
afraid of our Canow But when we saw the Danger over we continu'd our Course sounding the River to know whether it was navigable There are three small Islands over-against the Mouth of the River of the Illinois which stop the Trees and Pieces of Timber that come down the River which by Succession of time has form'd some Banks But the Canals are deep enough for the greatest Barks and I judge that in the driest Summer there is Water enough for flat-bottom-Boats The Meschasipi runs to the South-South-West between two Rows of Mountains which follow the great Windings of the River They are near the Banks at the Mouth of the River of the Illinois and are not very high but in other Places they are some Leagues distant and the Meadows between the River and the Foot of those Hills are cover'd with an infinite number of wild Oxen. The Country beyond those Hills is so fine and pleasant that according to the Account I have had one might justly call it the Delight of America The Meschasipi is in some places a League broad and half a League where it is narrowest The Rapidity in its Current is somewhat abated by a great number of Islands cover'd with fine Trees interlac'd with Vines It receives but two Rivers from the West side one whereof is call'd Otontenta and the other discharges it self into it near the Fall of St. Anthony of Padoua as we shall observe hereafter But so many others run into the Meschasipi from the North that it swells very much toward its Mouth I am resolv'd to give here an Account of the Course of that River which I have hitherto conceal'd for the sake of M. la Salle who wou'd ascribe to himself alone the Glory and the most secret Part of this Discovery He was so fond of it that he has expos'd to visible Danger several Persons that they might not publish what they had seen and thereby prejudice his secret Designs CHAP. XXXVII The Course of the River Meschasipi from the Mouth of the River of the Illinois to the Sea which the Author did not think fit to publish in his Louisiana with an Account of the Reasons he had to undertake that Discovery THere is no Man but remembers with Pleasure the great Dangers he has escap'd and I must confess that when I call to Mind the great Difficulties I was under at the Mouth of the River of the Illinois and the Perils I was expos'd to in the Discovery of the Course of the Meschasipi my Joy and Satisfaction cannot be express'd I was as good as sure that M. la Salle wou'd slander me and represent me to my Superiors as a wilful and obstinate Man if I presum'd to go down the Meschasipi instead of going up to the North as I was desir'd and as we had concerted together and therefore I was very lo●th to undertake it But on the other Hand I was expos'd to starve and threatned by my two Men that if I oppos'd their Resolution of going down the River they wou'd leave me a Shore during the Night and carry away the Canow where-ever they pleased so that I thought it was reasonable to prefer my own Preservation to the Ambition of M. la Salle and so I agreed to follow my Men who seeing me in that good Disposition promis'd that they would be faithful to me We shook Hands to seal these Promises and after Prayers imbark'd in our Canow the 8th of March 1680. The Ice which came down from the North gave us a great deal of trouble but we were so careful that our Canow receiv'd no hurt and after six Hours rowing we came to the River of a Nation call'd Osages who live toward the Messorites That River comes from the Westward and seems as big as the Meschasipi but the Water is so muddy that 't is almost impossible to d●ink of it The Issati who inhabit toward the Source of the Meschasipi come sometimes in their Excursions to the Place where I was then and I understood afterwards from them having learn'd their Language that this River of the Osages and Messorites is form'd from several other Rivers which spring from a Mountain about twelves Day 's Journey from its Mouth They told me farther that from that Mountain one might see the Sea and now and then some great Ships that the Banks of that River are inhabited by several Nations and that they have abundance of wild Oxen and Beavers Tho' this River is very big the Meschasipi does not visibly swell but its Waters continue muddy to its Mouth albeit seven other Rivers fall into it which are near as big as the Meschasipi and whose Waters are extraordinary clear We lay every Night in Islands at least if it were possible for our greater Security and as soon as we had rosted or boyl'd our Indian Corn we were very careful to put out our Fire for in these Countries they smell Fire at two or three Leagues distance according to the Wind. The Savages take a particular Notice of it to discover where their Enemies are and endeavour to sur●rize them The 9th we continu'd our Voyage and six Leagues from the River of the Osages discover'd on the South-side of the Meschasipi a Village which we thought to be inhabited by the Tamaroa who had pursu'd us as I have related Seeing no body appear we landed and went into their Cabins wherein we found Indian Corn of which we took some Bushels leaving in lieu of it six Knives and a small quantity of little Glass-Beads This was good luck for us for we durst not leave the River and go a hunting for fear of falling into th● Hands of the Savages The next Day being the 10th of March we came to a River within 40 Leagues of Tamaroa near which as the Illinois inform'd us there is a Nation of Savages call'd Ouadebache We remain'd there till the 14th because one of our Men kill'd a wild Cow as she was swimming over the River whose Flesh we were oblig'd to besmoak to preserve it Being thus provided with Indian Corn and Flesh we left that place the 14th and saw nothing worth Observation The Banks of the River are so muddy and so full of Rushes and Reeds that we had much ado to find a place to go a-shoar The 15th we discover'd three Savages who came from Hunting or from some Expedition As we were able to make head against them we landed and march'd up to them whereupon they run away but after some Signs one return'd and presented us the Calumet of Peace which we receiv'd and the others came back We did not understand a Word of what they said nor they I suppose what we told them Tho' having nam'd them two or three different Nations one answer'd three times Chikacha or Sikacha which was likely the Name of his Nation They gave us some Pelicans they had kill'd with their Arrows and we presented them with part of our Meat Our Canow being too little to
and came to take me into it The Savages saw nothing of it of which I was very glad for tho' they were our own perhaps they might claim part of them upon some Pretence or other I made several signs upon the Sand to make them apprehend what I thought but with what success I don't know for I could not understand a word of what they said their Language having no affinity with those of their Neighbours I have conv●rs'd withal both since and after my Voyage to the Mouth of the Meschasipi I got into the Canow and went by Water to the Village of the Akansas while they went by Land but our Men row'd so fast that they could hardly keep pace with us One of them who was a good Runner arriv'd at the Village before us and came to the shoar with the Women and Children to receive us which they did even with more Civility than they had express'd the first time Our Men suspected that this was only to get our Commodities which they admir'd but they are certainly a good People and instead of deserving the Name of a Barbarous Nation as the Europeans call all the Natives of America I think they have more Humanity than many Natives of Europe who pretend to be very civil and affable to Strangers It would be needless to give here an exact account of the Feast and Dances that were made for our Entertainment nor of the Melancholy they express'd upon our departure I must own that I had much a-do to leave them but my two Men would not give me leave to tarry a Day seeing these Nations having had no Commerce with the Europeans did not know the value of Beavers Skins or other Furrs whereas they thought that the Savages inhabiting about the Source of the Meschasipi might have been inform'd thereof by the Inhabitants of the Banks of the Superiour or Great Lake which we found to be true as we shall observe anon We left the Akansas upon the 24th of April having presented them with several little Toys which they receiv'd with an extraordinary Joy and during sixty Leagues saw no Savage neither of the Nation of Chikacha or Messorite which made us believe that they were gone a Hunting with their Families or else fled away for fear of the Savages of Tintonha that is to say inhabiting the Meadows who are their irreconcileable Enemies This made our Voyage the more easie for our Men landed several times to kill some Fowls and other Game with which the Banks of the Meschasipi are plentifully stock'd however before we came to the Mouth of the River of the Illinois we discover'd several Messorites who came down all along the River but as they had no Pyrogues with them we cross'd to the other side and to avoid any surprize during the Night we made no Fire and ●he reb●y theSavages could not discover whereabout we were for doubtless they would have murther'd us thinking we were their Enemies I had quite forgot to relate that the Illinois had told us that towards the Cape which I have call'd in my Map St. Anthony near the Nation of the Messorites there were some Tritons and other Sea-Monsters painted which the boldest Men durst not look upon there being some Inchantment in their face I thought this was a Story but when we came near the Place they had mention'd we saw instead of these Monsters a Horse and some other Beasts painted upon the Rock with red Colours by the Savages The Illinois had told us likewise that the Rock on which these dreadful Monsters stood was so steep that no Man could climb up to it but had we not been afraid of the Savages more than of the Monsters we had certainly got up to them There is a common Tradition amongst that People That a great number of Miamis were drown'd in that Place being pursu'd by the Savages of Ma●sigamea and since that time the Savages going by the Rock use to smoak and offer Tobacco to those Beasts to appease as they say the Manitou that is in the Language of the Algonquins and Accadians an Evil Spirit which the Iroquois call Otkon but the Name is the only thing they know of him While I was at Quebec I understood that M. Iolliet had been upon the Meschasipi and oblig'd to return without going down that River because of the Monsters I have spoken of who had frighted him as also because he was afraid to be taken by the Spaniards and having an Opportunity to know the Truth of that Story from M. Iolliet himself with whom I had often travell'd upon the River St. Laurence I ask'd him whether he had been as far as the Akansas That Gentleman answer'd me That the Outtaouats had often spoke to him of those Monsters but that he had never gone farther than the Hurons and Outtaouats with whom he had remain'd to exchange our European Commodities with their Furrs He added That the Savages had told him that it was not safe to go down the River because of the Spaniards But notwithstanding this Report I have found no-where upon that River any Mark as Crosses and the like that could persuade me that the Spaniards had been there and the Savages inhabiting the Meschasipi would not have express'd such Admiration as they did when they saw us if they had seen any Europeans before I 'll examine this Question more at large in my Second Volume CHAP. XLI A particular Account of the River Meschasipi Of the Country thro' which it flows and of the Mines of Copper Lead and Coals we discover'd in our ●oyage FRom thirty Leagues below Maroa down to the Sea the Banks of the Meschasipi are full of Reeds or Canes but we observ'd about forty places where one may Land with great Facility The River overflows its Banks now and then but the Inundation is not very considerable because of the little Hills which stop its Waters The Country beyond those Hills is the finest that ever I saw it being a Plain whose Bounds I don't know adorn'd now and then with some Hills and Eminences cover'd with fine Trees making the rarest Prospect in the World The Banks of the small Rivers flowing thro' the Plain are planted with Trees which seem to have been disposed into that curious Order by the Art of Men and they are plentifully stock'd with Fish as well as the Meschasipi The Crocodiles are very dangerous upon this great River as I have already observ'd and they devour a Man if they can surprize him but 't is easie to avoid them for they don't swim after Men nor follow them a-shoar The Country affords all sorts of Game as Turkey-Cocks Partridges Quails Parrots Wood-Cocks Turtle-Doves and Wood-Pigeons and abundance of wild-Oxen wild-Goats Stags Beavers Otters Martins and wild-Cats But as we approach'd the Sea we saw no Beavers I design to give a particular Account of these Creatures in another place in the mean time we shall take notice of two others who are unknown in
cry'd all the Night upon us to oblige by their Tears their Companions to consent to our Death This Lake is form'd by the Meschasipi and may be seven Leagues long and five broad Its Waters are almost standing the Stream being hardly perceptible in the middle We met within a League above the Lake another River call'd The River of the Wild Oxen because of the great number of those Beasts grazing upon its Banks It falls with a great Rapidity into the Meschasipi but some Leagues above its Mouth the Stream is very gentle and moderate There is an infinite number of large Tortoises in that River which are very relishing A Row of Mountains fence its Banks in some places There is another River which falls forty Leagues above this last into the Meschasipi thro' which one may go into the Superiour Lake by making a Portage from it into the River Nissipikouet which runs into the same Lake It is full of Rocks and rapid Streams We nam'd it The River of the Grave or Mausolaeum because the Savages bury'd there one of their Men who was bitten by a Rattle-Snake They us'd great Ceremonies in his Funeral which I shall describe in another place and I put upon his Corps a white Covering for which the Savages return'd me their publick Thanks and made a great Feast to which above an hundred Men were invited The Navigation of the Meschasipi is interrupted ten Leagues above this River of the Grave by a Fall of fifty or sixty Foot high which we call'd The Fall of St. Anthony of Padua whom we had taken for the Protector of our Discovery There is a Rock of a Pyramidal Figure just in the middle of the Fall of the River The Row of Mountains fencing the Banks of the Meschasipi ends at the Mouth of the River of Ouisconsin and there we likewise observ'd that that River which runs from thence to Sea almost directly North and South runs then from the Westward or the North-West The Misfortune we had of being taken Prisoners hindred us from going as far as its Source which we cou'd never learn from the Savages who told us only that about twenty or thirty Leagues above the Fall of St. Anthony there is ano●her Fall near which a Nation of Savages inhabit at certain Seasons of the Year They call those Nations Tintonha that is The Inhabitants of the Meadows Eight Leagues above the Fall of St. Anthony we met with the River of the Issati or Nadouessians which is very narrow at the Mouth It comes out from the Lake of the Issati lying about seventy Leagues from its Mouth We call'd this River The River of St. Francis and it was in this Place that we were made Slaves by the Issati The Course of the Meschasipi according to our best Computation is about 800 Leagues long from Tintonha to the Sea including its Windings and Turnings which are very great and may be navigable from the Fall of St. Anthony for flat-bottom'd-Boats provided the Island were clear'd from Trees and especially from Vines which having ty'd the Trees together wou'd stop a Boat in many places The Country about the Lake Issati is a Marshy Ground wherein grows abundance of wild Oats which grow without any culture or sowing in Lakes provided they are not above three Foot deep That Corn is much like our Oats but much better and its Stalks are a great deal longer when it is ripe The Savages gather it and live thereupon several Months of the Year making a kind of Broath thereof The Savage Women are oblig'd to tie several Stalks together with White Bark of Trees to fright away the Ducks Teals or Swans which otherwise wou'd spoil it before it be ripe This Lake of Issati lies within sixty Leagues to the Westward of the Superior Lake but 't is impossible to travel by Land from one to the other unless it be in a hard Frost because of the Marshy Grounds which otherwise sink under a Man but as I have already said they may use their Canow's tho' it be very troublesome because of the many Portages and the length of the Way which by reason of the Windings of the River is about 150 Leagues The shortest Way is by the River of the Grave thro' which we went in our Return We found nothing but the Bones of the Savage we had bury'd there the Bears having pull'd out with their Paws the great Stakes the Savages had beat deep into the Ground round about the Corps which is their usual Way of burying their Dead We found near the Grave a Calumet or Pipe of War and a Pot in which the Savages had left some fat Meat of wild Oxen for the use of their dead Friend during his Voyage into the Country of Souls which sheweth that they believe their Immortality There are many other Lakes near the River Issati from which several Rivers spring The Banks of those Rivers are inhabited by the Issati the Nadoussians the Tintonha or Inhabitants of Meadows the Ouadebathon or Men of Rivers the Chongasketon or Nation of the Wolf or the Dog for Chonga signifies either of these Creatures There are also several other Nations which we include under the general Denomination of Nadoussians These Savages may bring into the Field eight or nine thousand Men They are Brave Bold great Runners and good Marksmen with their Arrows It was a Party of these Savages that took us Prisoners and carry'd us to the Issati as I am going to relate in the following Chapter CHAP. XLV The Author and his Canow-Men are taken by the Savages who after several Attempts upon their Lives carry them away with them into their Country above the River Meschasipi WE used to go to Prayers thrice a Day as I have elsewhere observ'd and my constant Request to God was That when we shou'd first meet the Savages it might happen to be by Day Their Custom is to kill as Enemies all they meet by Night to enrich themselves with their Spoils which are nothing but a Parcel of Hatchets Knives and such like Trifles which yet they value more than we do Gold or Silver They make no Scruple to assassinate even their own Allies when they think they can handsomly conceal the Murder for by such Exploits it is they hope to gain the Reputation of being great Soldiers and to pass for Men of Courage and Resolution 'T was with a great deal of Satisfaction that we survey'd the Pleasures of the River Meschasipi all along our Passage up it which had been since the First of April Nothing as yet had interrupted our Observations whither it were navigable above or below In our Way we kill'd seven or eight Bustards or Wild Turkeys which in these Countries increase mightily as well as all other Wild Creatures We had also plenty of Bulls Dears Castors Fish and Bears-Flesh which last we kill'd as they were swimming over the River And here I cannot forbear seriously reflecting on that secret Pleasure and Satisfaction
us understand his Thoughts This White thing wou'd they add must needs be a Spirit which teaches him to understand all we say Hence they concluded that neither of the Canow-Men had so much wit as my self because they cou'd not work upon that which was White So that this Qualification in me made them fondly imagine that I cou'd do any thing else One Day seeing the Rain fall in such abundance that they fear'd 't wou'd spoil their hunting they order'd me to bid it cease Itold them pointing with my Finger to the Clouds That He who was the Great Captain of Heaven was the sole Master of the Rain and Sunshine That he was the Great Disposer of all the Events that happen to Mortals or the Universe in general That what they bid me do depended not on me but the First Mover who had sent me thither to teach them to acknowledge him for their Creator and Redeemer Observing me distinguish'd from the Canow-Men by my Habit and having no Notion of Celibacy they wou'd often ask what Age I was and what Wives and Children I had Their way of reckoning their Years is by Winters These Wretches void of Light and Instruction were strangely surpriz'd at the Answer I made them I told them pointing to the two Canow-Men whom I was come three Leagues to visit That with us one Man might marry but one Wife and that nothing cou'd separate him again from that One but Death That for my self I had promis'd the Great Master of Life never to marry any but to come and dwell amongst and instruct them in the Commands of the Great Master of Heaven and Earth and to live poorly amongst them far from my own Country where all good Things did abound 'T is true says one of them here is little or no Hunting in these Parts and thou sufferest much But have but patience till Summer we shall then go into the hot Countries where we shall kill Bulls enough and then thou wilt make thy self sufficient amends for the time thou hast spent here I had been well content had they let me eat as their Children did but they hid the Victuals from me and wou'd rise to eat in the Night when I knew nothing of it And altho' Women have usually more Compassion than Man yet they kept the little Fish that they had all for their Children They consider'd me as a Slave whom their Warriors had taken in their Enemy's Country and preferr'd the Lives of their Children before any Consideration they had for me as indeed it was but reasonable they shou'd However some of the Elders wou●d come often and mourn over me in a very doleful manner One wou'd call me Grand●on another Nephew and all wou'd say to me I am strangely afflicted to see thee so long without eating and to understand thou hast been so ill treated in thy Iourney Those were young Warriors without Courage who wou'd have kill'd thee and who robb'd thee of ●hat thou hadst If thou wou'dst have had Robes of Castors or Wild Bulls to dry thy Tears we wou'd have given 'em thee but thou wou'dst accept of nothing we have presented thee CHAP. LVI The most considerable Captain of the Issati and Nadouessians upbraid those that took us T●e Author baptizes the Daughter of Mamenisi OUasicoude that is to say The Pierc'd Pine the wisest and most considerable of all the Chiefs of the Issati and Nadouessians made it publickly appear that he was highly incensed against the Warriors that had us'd us so very ill He said once in a full Council That those that had robb'd us of our Things were to be compar'd to famish'd Dogs which having stole a piece of Flesh out of a Dish sneak away with it when they have done That they that had acted much after the same rate in regard of us ought to be look'd upon as Dogs who cou'd put such unworthy Affronts upon Men who brought them Iron and other Merchandizes which they had no knowledge of tho' they were found to be so useful That for Himself he shou'd one Day have an Opportunity of being reveng'd on him who had been Author of all our Sufferings This Reprimand was worthy the Character of a Person of Ouasicoude's Authority And th● Generosity of the Action redounded since to the Benefit of the whole Nation as we shall see anon Going one Day as I often did to visit the Cabins I found the Infant-Chi●d of one call'd Mamenisi very sick Having a little examin'd the Symptoms of its Distemper I found the Child past hopes of Recovery I desir'd our two Canow-Men to give me their Opinions telling them I thought my self oblig'd in Conscience to baptize it Michael Ako cou'd not be prevail'd with to enter the Cabin where the Infant lay He said in excuse That I cou'd not forget what a Risque we had run once already of being murder'd by the Savages thro' my obstinancy in persisting to say my Breviary whence 't was to be fear'd that what I was now going to do might expose us again to the same Danger The Wretch had rather comply with certain Superstitions of the Barbarians than assist me in so Pious a Design Being follow'd then by none but the Picard du Gay who assisted as Godfather or rather Witness of the Baptism I christen'd the Child and nam'd it Antonetta from St. Anthony of Padua and the rather because the said Peter du Gay ●s Name was Anthony Auguelle Native of Amiens and Nephew of Monsieur du Canroi Proctor-General of the Premonstres and since Abbot of Beaulieu to whom I presented him safe at our return from Canada But toproceed for want of more proper Utensils I took a Wooden-Dish and having put some common ordinary Water into it spilt it upon the Head of the little Savage pronouncing the following Words Creature of God I baptize thee in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Then I took half my Altar-Cloth which I had snatcht out of the Hands of a Savage who had stole it from me and spread it o'er the Body of the Infant The Baptism was accompany'd with no other Ceremony because I was no longer in a Condition to say Mass my Sacerdotal Robes being all taken from me I believ'd the Linen cou'd not serve to a more proper End than a Winding-Sheet to the first Infant of the Country that had the happiness to be baptized I know not how far its Pains might be asswag'd by Virtue of the Linen or what Alterations it might feel I am sure I saw it laughing the next Day in its Mother's Arms who believ'd I had cur'd her Child However it dy'd some time after which affected me more with Joy than Grief Had this Child recover'd 't was much to be fear'd 't would have trod in the Steps of its Forefathers and been over-grown with their infamous Superstitions for want of a Preacher to instruct it For indeed if those of its Nation dwelling in Darkness and
Ignorance continue to Sin without Law they shall also Perish without Law as we are told by the Apostle Upon these Considerations I was glad it had pleas'd God to take this little Christian out of the World lest it might have fallen into Temptations had it recover'd which might have engag'd it in Error and Superstition I have often attributed my Preservation amidst the greatest Dangers which I have since run to the Care I took for its Baptism CHAP. LVII An Embassy sent to the Issati by the Savages that inhabit to the West of them Whence it appears that there is no such thing as the Streights of Anian and that Japan is on the same Continent as Louisiana UNder the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. the Fathers Recluse of our Order were the first that were sent by his Command into New-Mexico since which time there have been of them beyond the Vermilian-Sea The most remarkable Epoque of the Streights of Anian commences from the time of that most excellent Religious of our Order Martin de Valencia who was the First Bishop of the great City of Mexico We have spoke of him elsewhere In process of time 't was believ'd that the said Streights were only imaginary Many Persons noted for great Learning are of this Opinion and to evince the Truth of it I will here subjoin one evident Proof to those which are already produc'd by them and it is this During my Stay amongst the Issati and Nadou●ssians there arriv'd four Savages in Embassy to these People They had come above five hundred Leagues from the West and told us by the Interpreters of the Issati that they were four Moons upon the Way for so it is they call their Months They added that their Country was to the West and that we lay to the East in respect of them that they had march'd the whole time without resting except to sleep or kill Game for their Subsistance They assur●d us there was no such thing as the Streights of Anian and that in their whole Journey they had neither met with nor passed over any Great Lake by which Phrase they always mean the Sea nor any Arm of it They farther inform'd us that the Nation of the Asseni-poulaes whose Lake is down in the Map and who lie North-East of the Issati was not above six or seven Days journey from us That none of the Nations within their Knowledge who lie to the West and North-West of them had any great Lake about their Countries which were very large but only Rivers which coming from the North run cross the Countries of their Neighbouring Nations which border on their Confines on the side of the Great Lake which in the Language of the Savages is the same as Sea That Spirits and Pigmies or Men of little Stature did inhabit there as they had been inform'd by the People that liv'd farther up than themse●ves and that all the Nations which lie beyond their Country and those which are next to them do dwell in Meadows and large Fields where are many Wild-Bulls and Castors which are greyer than those of the North and have their Fleck more inclining to Black with many other Wild-Beasts which yield very fine Furrs The four Savages of the said Embassy assur'd us farther that there were very few Forests in the Countries thro' which they pass'd in their way hither insomuch that now an● then they were so put to it for Fuel that they were forc'd to make Fires of Bull 's Dung to boil their Victuals with in Earthen-Pots which they make use of as neither having nor knowing of any better All these Circumstances which I have here inserted make it appear that there is no such thing as the Streights of Anian as we usually see them set down in Maps To assert the Truth of what I say I here frankly offer my self to return into these Parts with such Ships as His Britanick Majesty or their High and Mightinesses the States General shall think fit to send thither in order to a full Discovery in which I have no other Aim but the Glory of God the Propagation of the Gospel Instruction of those blind and ignorant People who have been neglected for so many Ages Improvement of Trade which the better 't is understood the more will it daily increase between the Subjects of the King of Spain my Master and those of His Britanick Majesty and States General And lastly That Correspondence and Union so necessary to be maintain'd amongst them that they may live and labour together for the Common Good I declare I have no other Design that my Intentions are sincere and upright and that my Desire is to be serviceable to all Europe Respect being first had as I am in Duty bound to my natural Prince the King of England and the States to whom I am singularly engag'd for the good Reception they were pleas'd to honour me with Others perhaps wou'd have us'd me ill in return of all my Services and the many dangerous Voyages I have made with no other Design but to contribute what in me lay to the Glory of God the Salvation of Souls and the Good of all Christendom I know well what I say But to return Whatever Efforts have been made for many Years past by the English and Dutch the People of the World who are the greatest Voyagers at Sea to find out a Passage to China and Iapan thro' the Frozen-Sea they have not as yet been able to effect it But by the help of my Discovery and the Assistance of God I doubt not to let all Europe see that a Passage may still be found thither and that an easie one too For Example One may be transported into the Pacifick-Sea by Rivers which are large and capable of carrying great Vessels and from thence 't is easie to go to China and Iapan without crossing the Equinoctial-Line Those that read my Relation and will never so little examine the Maps which are annext to it will soon acknowledge the Truth of what I say CHAP. LVIII The Issati assemble to hunt the Wild-Bull Refusal of the two Canow-Men to take the Author into their Canow in order to go down the River of St. Francis AFter three Months or thereabouts spent very ill amongst the Issati and Nadouessians these Nations assembl'd to hunt the Wild-Bull and their Captains having assign'd them their Stations that they might not fall in with one another they separated themselves into many Bands Aquipaguetin the Chief that had adopted me or his Son wou'd have carry'd me to the West with about 200 Families But remembring the Reproaches which th● great Captain Ouaficoude had made him upon the Score of our ill usage I was apprehensive lest he shou'd lay hold of this Opportunity to avenge himself on me I told him therefore I expected some Spirits which in their Language is as much as to say Europeans at the River Ouisconsin which discharges it self into the River Meschasipi that
didst cover covers thine while alive He has carry'd the Tydings of it to the Country of Souls for these People believe the Transmigration of Souls What thou didst in respect of the Dead is highly to be esteem'd All the Nation applauds and thanks thee for it After this he gently reproach'd the Sieur du Luth that he did not cover the Dead as I had done To which the Sieur desir'd me to answer That he never cover'd the Bodies of any but such Captains as himself To which the Savage answer'd Father Louis for so he heard the Europeans call me is a greater Captain than thou His Robe speaking of my Brocard Chasuble which they had taken from me and was afterwards sent as a Present to our Allies who liv●d three Moons distance from this Country was finer than what thou wearest When these Savages speak of a Journey of three or more Moons they mean Months They march well and will travel fifteen Leagues a Day By which the Reader may judge what an extent of Ground they can go in three Months CHAP. LXV The Author takes his leave of the Savages to return to Canada A Savage is slain by his Chief for advising to kill us Dispute between the Sieur du Luth and me about the Sacrifice of Barbarians TOwards the end of September seeing we had no Tools proper to build a House to dwell in during the Winter amongst these People and considering that we were destitute of Provisions necessary to subsist there as our Design was at first to have done we resolv'd to let them understand that to procure them Iron and other Merchandizes which were useful for them 't was convenient that we shou'd return to Canada and that at a certain time which we shou'd agree upon between us they shou'd come half the way with their Furrs and we the other half with our European Commodities That they might let two of their Warriors go with us whom we wou'd carry into our Country and likewise bring back again the next Year to the Place appointed for meeting from whence they might proceed to acquaint them of our return in order to their meeting us with their Effects Upon this they held a great Council to consider whether they shou'd send some of their Nation with us or no. Two there were who were for it and offer'd themselves to be the Men But they alter'd their Opinion the Day of our Departure alledging for a Reason That we were oblig'd to pass thro' many Nations who were their sworn Enemies and wou'd be sure to seize their Men and take them out of our Hands either to burn them or put them otherwise to Death by exquisite Torments and that without our being able to hinder it being so few in Number as we were I answer'd That all those People whom they were afraid of were our Friends and Allies and that in consideration of us they wou'd forbear to injure any of their Nation that were with us These Barbarians want no Wit on the contrary their Natural Parts are extraordinary They told us in return that since we were to pass through these People who were their sworn Enemies we shou'd do well to destroy them at whose Hands they had receiv'd so many Injuries that then their Men shou'd go and return with us to fetch them Iron and other Commodities which they wanted and wou'd gladly treat with us about From whence we may gather that these Barbarians are full of Resentment and Thoughts of Revenge Dispositions not altogether so well prepar'd to receive the meek Doctrine of the Gospel In fine Ouasicoude their chief Captain having consented to our Return in a full Council gave us some Bushels of Wild-Oats for our Subsistence by the way having first regal'd us in the best manner he cou'd after their fashion We have already observ'd that these Oats are better and more wholsom then Rice After this with a Pencil he mark'd down on a Sheet of Paper ●which I had left the Course that we were to keep for four hundred Leagues together In short this natural Geographer describ'd our Way so exactly that this Chart serv'd us as well as my Compass cou'd have done For by observing it punctually we arriv'd at the Place which we design'd without losing our way in the least All things being ready we dispos'd our selves to depart being eight Europeans of us in all We put our selves into two Canows and took our leaves of our Friends with a Volly of our Men's Fusils which put them into a terrible Fright We fell down the River of St. Francis and then that of the Meschasipi Two of our Men without saying any thing had taken down two Robes of Castor from before the Fall of St. Anthony of Padua where the Barbarians had hung them upon a Tree as a sort of Sacrifice Hereupon arose a Dispute between the Sieur du Luth and my self I commended what they had done saying The Barbarians might judge by it that we disapprov'd their Superstition On the contrary the Sieur du Luth maintain'd That they ought to have let the things alone in that Place where they were for that the Savages wou'd not fail to revenge the Affront which we had put upon them by this Action and that it was to be fear●d lest they shou'd pursue and insult us by the Way I own he had some grounds for what he said and that he argu'd according to the Rules of Humane Prudence But the two Men answer'd him bluntly that the things fitted them and therefore they shou'd not trouble their Heads about the Savages not their Superstitions The Sieur du Luth fell into so violent a Passion at these Words that he had like to have struck the Fellow that spake them but I got between and reconcil'd the Matter For the Picard and Michael Ako began to side with those that had taken away the things in question which might have prov'd of ill consequence I assur'd the Sieur du Luth that the Savages durst not hurt us for that I was persuaded their Grand Captain Ouasicoude wou'd always make our Cause his own and that we might relie on his Word and the great Credit he had amongst those of his Nation Thus the Business was peaceably made up and we descended the River together as good Friends as ever hunting the Wild-Beasts as we went When we were got almost as far as the River Ouisconsin we made a Stop to smoak after the manner of the Country the Flesh of the Bulls which we had kill'd by the Way During our stay here for the Reason aforesaid three Savages of the same Nation which we had lately left came up to us in their Canow to acquaint us that their Grand Captain Ouasicoude having learnt that another Chief of the same Nation had a Design to pursue and murder us he came into the Cabin where the said Captain and his Associates were consulting about it and gave him a Blow on the Head with so much Fury
Country A Chaouanon Confederate to the Illinois returning from their Country home came back again to give them notice that he had discover'd them notice that he had discover'd an Army of Iroquois and Miamis who were already enter'd into their Country on purpose to surprize them This News frighted the Illinois yet the next Day they appear'd in the Field and march'd directly to the Enemy and as soon as they were in sight they charg'd them The Fight was very sharp and a great many Men were kill'd on both sides M. Tonti whom M. la Salle had left in the Fort of Crevecoeur to command there in his Absence hearing of this Irruption was in fear for the Illinois's Sake for tho' their Army was more numerous than that of their Enemy yet they had no Guns therefore he offer'd himself to go Askenon that is Mediator carrying the Calumet of Peace in his Hand in order to bring them to an Agreement The Iroquois finding more resistance than they thought at first and seeing that the Illinois were resolv'd to continue the War consented to a Treaty of Peace accepting M. Tonti's Mediation and hearken'd to the Proposals he made them from the Illinois who had chosen him for Mediator M. Tonti represented to them tha● the Illinois were Onontio's 't is the Name they give to the Viceroy of Canada Children and Confederates as well as themselves and that it wou'd be very unpleasant to him who lov'd them all to hear that they had begun the War therefore he earnestly intreated them to return home and trouble the Ilinois no further seeing they had religiously observ'd the Treaty of Peace These Proposals did not please some of the young Iroquois who had a great mind to fight and therefore charg'd on a sudden M. Tonti and his Men with several Shots and a desperate young Fellow of the Country of Onnontaghe gave him a Wound with a Knife near the Heart but by chance a Rib warded off the Stroke Several others did fall upon him and wou'd take him away but one taking notice of his Hat and that his Ears were not bor'd knew thereby that he was not an Illinois and for that reason an old Man cry'd out That they shou'd spare him and flung to him a Collar of Porcelain as to make him Satisfaction for the Blood he had lost and the Wound he had receiv'd A young Man of the Iroquois's Crew took M. Tonti's Hat and hung it on his Gun to fright the Illinois therewith who thinking by that Signal that Tonti Father Zenobe and all the Europeans that were in his Company had been kill'd by the Iroquois were so much surpriz'd and disquieted with that horrid Attempt that they fancy'd themselves deliver'd up into the Hands of their Enemies and were upon running away Yet the Iroquois having made a Signal to Father Zenobe to draw near that they might confer with him about the means to prevent both Armies to come to fight they receiv'd the Calumet of Peace and made a Motion as if they had a mind to withdraw But the Illinois were hardly come to their Village that they saw the Iroquois's Army appearing upon some Hills which were over-against them This Motion oblig'd Father Zenobe at the Illinois's Request to go to them to know the reason of a Proceeding so contrary to what they had done in accepting of the Calumet of Peace But that Embassie did not please those Barbarians who wou'd not loose so fair an Opportunity Father Zenobe did run the hazard of being murther'd by these unmerciful Men yet the same God who had preserv'd many of our Fellow-Missionaries in the like Encounters and my self in this Discovery kept him from the Hand of these furious Men. He was a Man of a short Stature but very couragious and went boldly among the Iroquois who receiv'd him very civilly They told him that the Want they were reduc'd to had forc●d them to this new Step having no Provisions for their Army and their great Number having driven away the Wild-Bulls from that Country Father Zenobe brought their Answer to the Illinois who presently sent them some Indian Corn and all things necessary for their Subsistence and propos'd to them a Treaty of Commerce having in that Country a great plenty of Beaver's-Skins and other Furs The Iroquois accepted of these Proposals they did exchange Hostages and Father Zenobe went into their Camp and did lie there to lose no time to bring all Matters to an Agreement and conclude a Treaty between them But the Iroquis repairing in great Numbers into the Quarters of the Illinois who suspected no ill Design they advanc'd as far as their Village where they wasted the Mausolaeums that they us'd to raise to their Dead which are commonly seven or eight Foot high They spoil'd the Indian Corn that was sown and having deceiv'd the Illinois under a false pretence of Peace fortify'd themselves in their Village In this Confusion the Iroquois join'd with the Miamis carry'd away eight hundred Illinois Women and Children and their Fury went so far that these Antropophages did eat some Old Men of that Nation and burnt some others who were not able to follow them and so return'd with the Slaves they had made to their own Habitations which were four hundred Leagues off the Country they had so cruelly plunder'd Upon the first News of the Approach of the Iroquois the Illinois had sent most part of their Families on the other side of a little Hill to secure them from their Fury and that they might get over the River Meschasipi and the others that were fit for War did flock together on the Tops of the Hills that were near their Habitations and then went on the other side of the River to look after their Families and provide for their Subsistence After this perfidious Expedition these Barbarians wou'd fain alledge some Pretences to excuse their Treachery and wou'd persuade our Fathers to retire from the Illinois's Country since they were all fled away and that there was no likelyhood they shou'd want them for the future to teach them their Prayers as the Atsientatsi or the Black-Gowns do in their Countries meaning the Jesuites whom they call by that Name They told Fathers Gabriel and Zenobe that they should do better to return into Canada and that they would attempt nothing against the Life of the Children of Onontio Governour of Canada desiring to have a Letter under their Hand to shew it as a Testimony of their honest proceeding in this occasion and assuring them that they would no more stand by their Enemies Our two Fathers being so forsaken by their Hosts and finding themselves expos'd to the Fury of a Cruel and Victorious Enemy resolv'd to return home according to the Iroquois Advice and being supply'd by them with a Canow they embark'd for Canada CHAP. LXXVII The Savages Kikapoux murther Father Gabriel de la Ribourde a Recollect Messionary GOD has given me the Grace to be insensible of
the Wrong I have suffer'd from my Enemies and to be thankful for the Kindnesses I have receiv'd from my Friends But if ever I had reason to be thankful to those that have taken care of my Instruction certainly I must confess it was to this Good Father Gabriel who was my Master during my Novitiate in the Monastery of our Order at Bethume in the Province of Artois therefore I think that I am bound in Duty to mention so Honest a Man in this Relation of my Discovery especially having had so sad a Share therein as to be murder'd by the Savages Kikapoux as I will relate it It must be observ'd That M. Tonti could stay no longer at Fort Crevecoeur after the Illinois Defeat therefore he desir'd Fathers Gabriel and Zenobe to get with two young Boys that were left there into a Canow and return into Canada All the rest of the Inhabitants had deserted that Country since that unfortunate Accident by the Suggestion of some Men of Canada who were the Predominant Genius of the Country who had flatter'd them with great Hopes to oblige them to forsake M. de la Salle's Design Our said Fathers being so forc'd to leave that Country after such a Defeat embark'd the 18th of September following wanting all sorts of Provisions except what they could kill with their Guns but being arriv'd about eight Leagues from the Illinois their Canow touch'd and so were forc'd to land about Noon to mend it While they were about careening the same Father Gabriel charm'd with the fine Meadows the little Hills and the pleasant Groves in that Country which are dispers'd at such distances that it seems they have been planted on purpose to adorn the Country went so far into those Woods that he lost his Way At Night Father Zenobe went to look after him as also the rest of the Company for he was generally lov'd by all that knew him But M. Tonti was suddenly seiz'd with panick Fears thinking that every moment the Iroquois would fall upon him so that he sent for Father Zenobe and forc'd all his Men to retire into the Canow and so got over the River on the Illinois-side and left the Old Father expos'd to th● Barbarins Insults without any respect to his Age or to a his Personal Merits 'T is true that in the Evening one of the Young Men that were in the Canow with Father Zenobe fir'd a Gun by M. Tonti's Order and lighted a great Fire but all was in vain The next Day M. Tonti seeing he had behav'd himself cowardly on this occasion went back again by break of Day to the Place where we had left the Day before Father Gabriel and continu'd there till Noon looking after the poor Old Man But tho' some of his Men enter'd into the Groves where they saw the fresh Steps of a Man which were also printed in the Meadows along the Bank of the River they could never hear of him M. Tonti said since to excuse himself for having so basely forsaken Father Gabriel That he thought the Iroquois had laid an Ambuscade to surprize him for they had seen him flying away and they might fancy he had declar'd himself for the Illinois But M. Tonti might have remember'd he had given his Letters for Canada to these Iroquois and that if they had form'd any Design upon his Life they would have executed it when he was among them But they were so far from it that when he was wounded they presented him with a Collar of Porcelain which they never do but when some unlucky Accidents happen The Savages don't use so much circumspection and therefore this Excuse is groundless and frivolous Father Zenobe has left us in writing That he would stay for Father Gabriel But M. Tonti forc'd him to embark at Three a Clock in the Afternoon saying That certainly he had been kill'd by the Enemies or else he was gone a-foot along the Banks of the River and that they would see him in their way However they could hear nothing of him and the farther they went the greater Father Zenobe's Afflictions grew They were then in such a want of Provisions that they had nothing to feed upon but Potatoes Wild Garlick and some small Roots they had scratch'd out of the Ground with their own Fingers We have heard since that Father Gabriel had been kill'd a little while after his landing The Nation of the Kikapoux who as one may see in our Map inhabit to the Westward of the Bay of Puans had sent their Youth to make War against the Iroquois but hearing that these Barbarians were got into the Country of the Illinois they went seeking about to surprize them Three Kikapoux making the Vanguard met with Father Gabriel and came up to him as near as they could hiding themselves among the Grass which is very high in that Country and tho' they knew he was not an Iroquois yet they knock'd him down with their Clubs call'd Head-breakers which are made of a very hard Wood. They left his Body on the spot and carry'd away his Breviary and Journal which since came to the hands of a Jesuite whom I will mention in my Third Volume wherein I design to speak of the First Introduction of the Faith into Canada These Barbarians took off the Skin of his Head and carry'd it triumph to their Village giving out that it was the Hair of an Iroquois whom they had kill'd Thus dy'd this Good Old Man to whom we may apply what the Scripture says of those whom Herod in his Fury caus'd to be slain Non erat qui sepeliret There was no body to bury him This Worthy Man was wont in the Lessons he made us in our Novitiate to prepare us against the like Accidents by Mortifications And it seems that he had some foresight of what befel him So Good a Man deserv'd a Better Fate if a Better might be wish'd for than to die in the Functions of an Apostolical Mission by the hands of those same Nations to whom the Divine Providence had sent him to convert them Father Gabriel was about 65 Years old He had not only liv'd an exemplary Life such as our Good Fathers do but had also perform'd all the Duties of the Employments he had in that Order either when he was at home Guardian Superiour Inferiour and Master of the Novices or abroad when he was in Canada where he continu'd from the Year 1670 until his Death I understood several times by his Discourses that he was much oblig'd to the Flemings who had maintain'd him a long time He often talk'd to us about it to inspire us by his Example with some Sentiments of Gratitude towards our Benefactors I have seen him mov'd with Grief considering that so many Nations liv'd in the Ignorance of the Way to Salvation and he was willing to lose his Life to deliver them out of their Stupidity The Iroquois said of him That he had brought to bed because his Great
Belly was become flat by his frequent Fastings and the Austerity of his Life M. Tonti can never clear himself of his Baseness for forsaking Father Gabriel under pretence of being afraid of the Iroquois For tho' they are a wild Nation yet they lov'd that Good Old Man who had been often among them But M. Tonti might bear him some secret Grudge because Father Gabriel after the Illinois Defeat seeing that M. Tonti had overladen the Canow with Beavers-Skins so that there was no room for him he did throw many of these Skins to the Iroquois to shew them that he was not come into that Country to get Skins or other Commodities Father Zenobe had neither Credit nor Courage enough to perswade M. Tonti to stay a while for that Good Father who was thus sacrifi●'d to secure some Beavers-Skins I do not doubt but the death of that venerable Old Man was very precious in the sight of God and I hope it will produce one time or other its Effects when it shall please God to set forth his Mercy towards these Wild Nations and I do wish it might please him to make use of a feeble means as I am to finish what I have through His Grace and with Labour so happily begun CHAP. LXXVI The Author's Return from his Discovery to Quebec and what hapned at his Arrival at the Convent of Our Lady of Angels near that Town COunt Frontenac Viceroy of Canada gave me two of his Guards who understood very well to manage a Canow to carry me to Quebec We set out from Champlein's Fort mention'd above and being near the Town I landed and went a-foot through the Lands newly grubb'd up to our Monastery bidding the Guards to carry the Canow along with them I would not land to Quebec because the Bishop had given order to his Vicar-General to receive me in his Episcopal Palace that he might have more time to enquire about our Great Discovery But Count Frontenac had expresly order'd his Major that was in the Town to prevent that Meeting and to take care that I might first be brought to our Monastery to confer with Father Valentin de Roux a Man of a great Understanding and Provincial-Commissary of the Recollects in Canada There was then in our Monastery of Our Lady of Angels but Three Missionaries with the said Commissary all the rest were dispers'd up-and-down in several Missions above a hundred Leagues from Quebec One may easily imagine that I has welcome to our Monastery Father Hilarion Ieunet seem'd surpriz'd and told me with a smiling Countenance Lazare veni for as Whereupon I ask'd him why he did apply to me what had been said of Lazarus To which he answer'd That two Years ago a Mass of Requiem had been sung for me in the Monastery because some Savages had given out for certain to a Black Gown i.e. a Jesuite That the Nation whom the Iroquois call Hontouagaha had hung me to a Tree with St. Francis's Rope and that two Men who accompany'd me had been also in a very cruel manner put to death by the same Savages Here I must confess that all Men have their Friends and their Enemies There are some Men who like the Fire that blackens the Wood it cannot burn must needs raise Stories against their Neighbours and therefore some having not been able to get me into their Party spread abroad this Rumour of my Death to stain my Reputation and that Noise had given occasion to several Discourses in Canada to my Prejudice However for I will if please God declare my Mind farther upon this matter in the Third Volume I ought to acknowledge that God has preserv'd me by a sort of Miracle in this great and dangerous Voyage of which you have an account in this Volume And when I think on it with attention I am perswaded that Providence has kept me for publishing to the World the Great Discoveries I have made in Eleven Years time or thereabouts that I have liv'd in the West-Indies It must be observ'd that a great many Men meddle with Business that don't belong to them and will conceive a Jealousie against those that won't conform to their Humour The Provincial-Commissary of whom I have spoken before was very urgent to have a Copy of the Journal of the Discovery I had made in a Voyage of almost four Years telling me he would keep it secret I took his Word for I thought and I think still he was a Man of Honour and Probity Besides I did consider that he could instruct the Bishop of Quebec and Count Frontenac with what they had a mind to know of this Discovery and satisfie them both without exposing my self For this purpose were intended all the Care he took of me and all the extraordinary Civilities he did shew me in entertaining me with all he could get then and calling me often the Rais'd-again He desir'd me to return into Europe to acquaint the Publick with the great Discoveries I had made and that by this way I should avoid the Jealousie of these two Men that it was very difficult to please two Masters whose Employment and Interests were so different He had then before my Return into Europe all the time that was necessary to copy out my whole Voyage on the River Meschasipi which I had undertook against M. de la Salle's Opinion who has made since a Voyage from the Illinois to the Gulph of Mexico in the Year 1682. and two Years after me He had had some suspicion I had made that Voyage yet he could not know the Truth of it at my Return to Fort Frontenac because he had then undertook a Voyage to the Outouagamis not knowing whether the Savages had murther'd me as it had been given out I follow'd our Commissary's Advice and the Resolution to return into Europe but before I set out I shew'd him that it was absolutely necessary for the Settlement of Colonies in our Discoveries and make some progress towards the establishing of the Gospel to keep all these several Nations in peace even the most remote and assist them against the Iroquois who are their Common Enemies That these Barbarians never make a True Peace with those that they have once beaten or they hope to overcome in spreading Divisions among them that the common Maxim of the Iroquois had always been such and by this means they had destroy'd above two millions of Souls The Provincial Commissary agreed with me upon all this and told me that for the future he should give me all the necessary Instructions for that purpose I will give an account if please God in my Second Volume of the Ways and Measures that are to be taken for the establishing of the Faith among the many Nations of so different Languages and how good Colonies might besetled in those great Countries which might be call'd the Delights of America and become one of the greatest Empires in the World Jane Williams FINIS A MAP of a Large Country
Fall of Water of Niagara of which I have given a Description and which is the most prodigious Cascade in the Universe since it falls Six or Seven hundred Foot deep and issues from those great Lakes which form the great River of St. Laurence What 's more extraordinary than to describe a Country by us discover'd larger than Europe and inhabited by above Two hundred Nations of different Language never mention'd by any Historian before me and not to be found in any particular or general Maps besides mine Those Criticks would do much better to admire what they cannot apprehend and adore in silence what they cannot express by Discourse because they never saw any thing uncommon as living in a narrow limited Corner of the World 7. Men of narrow Understanding and little acquainted with the Knowledge of Foreign Countries are generally apt to blame what they cannot apprehend They think themselves impos'd upon when we speak to them of a Country larger than Europe because they can fancy nothing of greater Extent than this part of the World which they inhabit They are also apt to imagine Canada as circumscrib'd within the narrow Bounds of the least Part of America Those who peruse the Relations of divers Voyages through the several Parts of the World in order to discover them are perswaded to the contrary and that nothing can be more false than that Conceit In effect I have shewn in the foregoing Volume That Canada for an Example is a Country of above Seven hundred Leagues extent from the Pierced Island and the Great Bay up the great River St. Laurence I have travell'd up to its Fountain-head and have found that it is formed out of several great Rivers and the foremention'd Five grea● Lakes or Fresh●water Seas which we have sail'd over in Ships or Canows of Bark as may be seen in our Maps I may say the same of the incomparable River Meschasipi which is still of greater Extent than that of St. Laurence I have set down also in the General Map of my Discovery the great River of the Amazones which is beyond the Aequinoctial Line in the Southern America but I do not think it to be either s● great or extended as the Meschasipi nor so rapid as the River of St. Laurence The Reason of it is That on the Side of these Two last Rivers are to be found vast Provinces inhabited by above Two hundred Nations of different Speech All which inclines me to believe that the Continent I have lately discover'd is of much greater Extent than all Europe together and that in effect there may be founded the greatest Empire in the World My Design in this Volume is to describe the several Countries I have survey'd and give an Account of their Soil the Fruits that grow in them the Trade and Commerce one may drive there and at the same time the Genius and Manners of the Inhabitants at least as far as 't is necessary for the understanding of the Matter I treat of To which purpose I think it also proper to add to it the Voyage which the Sieur la Salle has made since me I shall give here in the mean time a summary Account of all Things for the Direction of the Reader and divide this Volume into Chapters as I have done the former I shall take notice towards the end of this Book how few the Conversions of the Savages have been notwithstanding the pious and constant Endeavours of zealous and skilful Missionaries who have toil'd and labour'd almost an Age in the Vineyard of the Lord in Canada Which Consideration obliges us to acknowledge with a Religious Respect the incomprehensible Goodness of God who has been pleas'd to call us to his Knowledge whilst he leaves so many Nations in Darkness and Ignorance being without either God Faith or Hope and having their Eyes shut to the Light of Evangelical Truths As for the rest I am morally convinc'd that all the Nations we have discover'd along the River Meschasipi will be more susceptible of Christianity than the others because they are more docible and tractable and less fierce than the Nations that live towards the North. These on the contrary are generally more wild and fierce and consequently more difficult to be perswaded and more obstinate than the Northern Nations To render this Volume the more intelligible to the Reader I have made some Remarks upon the last Voyage of the Sieur la Salle of which I give an Account because I am better acquainted with those vast Countries than the Reverend Fa●her le Clercqz now Definitor of our Recollects in Artois who has publish'd the History of it This Father for whom I ●ver had an Esteem ●nd Friendship has a perfect Knowledge of the Gaspesian History which he has given to the Publick and of Canada where we have lived in great intimacy together but he could not speak so knowingly as my self of the People of our Louisiana He never went further than Canada and Gaspea which lies betwixt Baston and the Pierced Island where I lived in quality of Missionary during a whole Summer on account of the Fishermen that come there every Year with several Ships so that he could not speak of a Country he had never been in but only by Relation The great Bay of Gaspea in Cadia betwixt the Ocean and Canada where the said Father le Clercqz has been Missionary is above Twelve hundred Leagues distant from the Lands of our Louisiana Besides Father le Clercqz has had the Iournal of my Discovery communicated to him by the Reverend Father Valentine le Roux Provincial Commissioner in Canada whom I had suffer'd to take a Copy of it as I have already mention'd in my former Volume To which Father le Clercqz has added what he has been able to gather from the Memoires of Father Zenobe Mambre a Recollect whilst he was at Quebec And furthermore it is plain that Father le Clercqz's Style is Word for Word the same as that of Father le Roux I do not at all think it strange that Father le Clercqz should eadeavour to advance the Credit of Father Zenobe his Cousin who had been my Companion in the beginning of my Voyage but he went no farther with me than the Illinois where he staid while I was pursuing my Discovery as I have hinted in my other Volume I am glad to let the World know that Father Zenobe was my Friend and that upon that account I do not pretend to wrong his Reputation There ever was betwixt him and me a cordial Affection and Intimacy and Father Zenobe upon his Return from America made me a Visit in our Convent of the Recollects of Chasteau Cambresis where I was then Vicar and actual Superior Having given him a very kind Reception he told me he was going back into those Countries with the Sie●r la Salle in order to go down the River Meschasipi from the Illinois to the Mexican Gulf and that when he came there
of the New Colonies in our Discoveries may be made by Degrees by Secular and Laick Persons So that Poople may be assur'd that after a great many Ages the Franciscan Friars shall have no more Right than they have at Present to the Ground and Lands of those vast Countries Whereas if there were sent a great number of Missionaries they would in time be possess'd of the principal Mannors and best Lands and grow Masters both of the Temporality and Spirituality as we may shew in another Volume in this City Utrecht if it be thought proper for the Good of the Publick which I shall ever prefer to my Private Interest My Design is not in all this to give Offence to any body no not to those very Persons who have a Spite against me without any manner of Cause and who have been so base and ungrateful to me as to blemish my Reputation and with-hold the Money I had put in their Hands for my Subsistence for which I stand oblig'd to His Majesty of Great Britain with whose Approbation I am now in this City and who did me the Honour to demand me of my Superiors A TABLE OF THE CHAPTERS Chap. I. THE Sieur la Salle undertakes the Discovery of the Meschasipi through the Gulf of Mexico and plants a sort of Colony at the Bay of St. Louis Chap. II. Vnfortunate Adventures which befall the Sieur la Salle Chap. III. Vnfortunate Adventures of the Two Voyages the Sieur la Salle undertakes to go to the Illinois Chap. IV. The sequel of the Sieur la Salle who sought the River Meschasipi He is kindly receiv'd by the Cenis from whence he pursues his Discovery Chap. V. A Short Description of Fort St. Louis Of its advantageous Situation and adjacent Lands Chap. VI. The Sieur la Salle's Departure from the Bay of St. Louis to go to the Illinois Chap. VII The Sieur la Salle is unfortunately murder'd by the Men under his Conduct Three Men kill'd before him Chap. VIII Reflections of the Author of this Work upon the Life and Death of the Sieur la Salle whose Murderers kill'd one another Chap. IX The Cenis put the Sieur Cavelier a Priest Father Anastasius and their Companions in a way of pursuing their Iourney through several barbarous Nations Chap. X. A Voyage of the Sieur Cavelier a Priest and Father Anastasius a Recollect in a Canow in order to go to the Illinois and several other Circumstances concerning their Return Chap. XI Reflections of the Author upon the Voyage to China The Belief of most Savages in the Northern America touching a sort of Creation of the World and the Immortality of the Soul Chap. XII Means whereby Savages may be converted Who are those which ought or ought not to be Baptiz'd Chap. XIII The Savages of the Northern America acknowledge no Deity Of the pretended Souls of Terrestrial Animals Chap. XIV Of the great Difficulties in Converting of Savages Of the Prayer by Rote and Martyrdom Chap. XV. How the Savages Feast among themselves Chap. XVI How Europeans are Adopted among the Savages Chap. XVII Marriages of the Savages in the Northern America Chap. XVIII The Remedies us'd by the Savages when sick There are Quacks amongst them The Opinion they had of the Christening of a Child whilst the Author was amongst them Chap. XIX Of the Complexion or Temper of the Savages Chap. XX. Description of the Savages that are cloth'd and those that are not Chap. XXI Of the Games and Diversions of the Savages Chap. XXII How the Savages wage War They are very revengeful Chap. XXIII Cruelty of the Sav●ges in general and of the Iroquois in particular Chap. XXIV Policy of the Savage Iroquois Chap. XXV How the Savages hunt De●r Admirable Industry of Castors Chap. XXVI How Savages are us'd to Fish Chap. XXVII Vtensils us'd by the Savages in their Hutts Extraordinary way of striking Fire Chap. XXVIII How Savages interr their Dead Of their Feasts of the Dead with some Reflections upon the Immortality of the Soul Chap. XXIX Of the Superstitions of the Savages and their ridiculous Opinions Chap. XXX Obstacles which occurr in the Conversion of Savages Chap. XXXI Barbarous and rude ways of the Savages Chap. XXXII Of the indifferent Humour of the Savages Chap. XXXIII Of the Beauty and Fertility of the Country of the Savages That great and powerful Colonies may be planted in the North and South Chap. XXXIV How the Savages hold their Councils Their Policy and Stratagems against their Enemies and Cruelties against the Europeans How they are to be stopp'd Chap. XXXV Proper means to plant good Colonies Thoughts of the Savages about Heaven and Earth Chap. XXXVI History of the Irruption of the English into Canada in 1628. The Taking of Quebec the Capital City of that Country in 1629. The very civil Vsage they shew'd to the Recollects of that City Chap. XXXVII How Franciscan Friars have out-don● the Jesuits in their Missions over all the Habitable World Chap. XXXVIII Sentiments a Missionary ought to have in the small Progress he meets with in his Labours Several other Accounts of New Discoveries in America A VOYAGE THROUGH A Vast Country Larger than EUROPE Lately discover'd betwixt the Frozen Sea and New Mexico CHAP. I. The Sieur la Salle undertakes the Discovery of Meschasipi through the Gulf of Mexico and plants a sort of Colony at St. Louis-Bay MEN ought to be satisfy'd with Reason upon all occasions and when they cannot intirely excuse the intention of those at whose hands they have receiv'd some ill Treatment they should at least like good Christians rather ascribe it to an erroneous Prepossession than downright Malice I have lived near Three Years in Quality of Missionary with the Sieur Robert Cavelier de la Salle in the Fort of Katarakoüy or Frontenac of which he was both Owner and Governour During our long Sojourn there he and I together used to bestow great part of our Time upon the Reading the Travels of Iohn Pontius of Leon Pamphilus Narvaëz Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Soto and several other great Travellers the better to fit our selves for the Discovery we design'd to make The Sieur la Salle had a Mind equal to the greatest Undertakings and he may justly be rank'd among the most famous Travellers of many Ages since in effect he has exhausted himself to accomplish the greatest the most important and the most difficult and thwarted Discovery that has been made in our days He has preserv'd his Men in those Countries where all the other Adventurers except Christopher Columbus have perish'd without reaping any Advantage by their Undertakings although they have employ'd above Two hundred thousand Men about them Never did any Person before the Sieur la Salle and me ingage in such a Design with so few Men among so many unknown Nations as we have discover'd Our first Thought whilst we were yet at Frontenac was to find out if possible the Passage so long sought before to the South Sea without going
of Britany who had a great deal of Fire and Courage It had been to be wish'd that all the rest of the Seamen and Soldiers had been so well chosen But those who had that Commission given them while the Sieur la Salle was solliciting his Business at Court pick'd up about a hundred and fifty poor Fellows that begg'd about the Streets some of which were lame or had distorted Limbs and were not able to shoot off a Musket The Sieur la Salle had also given Orders to get him Workmen three or four of every sort But he was still so ill serv'd in this that having set them to work at his landing they were found to be ignorant of their Trade There were eight or ten Families of pretty good sort of People who offer'd themselves to begin the Colony They were readily accepted and great Advances given them as well as to the Tradesmen and Soldiers All things being ready they set sail on the 24th of Iuly 1684. but a Tempest arising some few Days after they were oblig'd to put into Chef-debois to refit some of the Masts they had sprung in the Storm They put out to Sea again on the 5th of August steering their Course to St. Domingo But they fell into a second Storm which parted the Fleet on the 14th of September yet the Pink call'd the Amiable kept company with the Frigat la Belle and both together arriv'd at the Little Guaves in St. Domingo where they had the good Fortune to meet with the Ioli As for the St. Francis which had Goods and Merchandise a-board she could not follow the rest and therefore she staid in the Harbour of Peace from whence she parted after the Storm was over in order to rejoin the Fleet. But during a calm Night the Pilot and Sea-men neglecting to keep their Watch they were surpriz'd by two Spanish Pyrogues which made themselves Masters of that Ketch Formerly being in Canada with the Sieur la Salle we often discours'd at the Fort of Frontenac about the Project of this Great Undertaking He us'd to tell me That he would die content if he could but make himself Master of the Mines of St. Barbe in the New Mexico And as he often repeated the same thing to me tho' he knew me to be subject to the King of Spain I could not forbear one day to shew my Affection for my Sovereign and told him these famous Words Vincit amor Patriae The Love of one's Country still prevails I had not perhaps suffer'd so much as I have done since if I had known how to dissemble my secret Sentiments but I was not able to contain my self upon that occasion However that same Inclination I ever had for my Natural Prince has suggested me this Reflection which is That our Spaniards having had the Cunning of seizing upon this Vessel which the Sieur la Salle had laden with Merchandise upon his own account they broke the Design he had upon the Mines of St. Barbe and in the mean time made themselves amends for his good Intentions This first unlucky Accident began to cross their Voyage All the Ships-Company were under the greatest Consternation and the Sieur la Salle who was just recovering out of a great Fit of Sickness was most grievously affected with it They stay'd some time in St. Domingo where they took in a great deal of Victuals and good Provision of Indian Corn and all sorts of Cattel to stock the New Country they were bound to The Sieurs St. Laurence Governour-General of all the Islands Begond the Intendant and the Gussi Particular Governour of the least Part of St. Domingo the Spaniards being Masters of the Principal favour'd them in all things and moreover renew'd a mutual good Understanding so necessary in such-like Undertakings for the Sieur la Salle had secret Enemies who thwarted underhand all his Designs In the mean time the Soldiers and all the Sea-men dissolving into all manner of Intemperance and Debauchery as 't is usual in those Countries they spoil'd themselves so much and contracted so dangerous Distempers that some of them died in that very Island and the rest were never well afterwards This little Fleet thus reduc'd from four Ships to three they weigh'd Anchor on the 25th of November 1684. and went on their way with a favourable Wind along the Islands of the Caimans Having past the Island of Peace where they anchor'd for a day to take in fresh Water they reach'd the Port of St. Anthony in the Island of Cuba where the three Ships came also to an Anchor The Beauty of that pleasant Place and the advantageous Situation of the Haven invited them to stay in it and even to go a-shoar I know not for what Reason the Spaniards had left there several sorts of Provisions without any body to look after them but however they fairly made the best of them and after they had refresh'd themselves for two days they parted from thence in order to pursue their Voyage towards the Gulf of Mexico They had made the Sieur la Salle believe in St. Domingo that the Streams of that Gulf ran with increcredible rapidity into the Channel of Bahama This he had told me a hundred times before he undertook this Voyage This false Advice put him quite out of his way for thinking he was more Northwards than he really was he past the Bay del Spiritu Santo without so much as viewing it and went all along the Coast a great way beyond the River Meschasipi They would still have follow'd it farther had they not perceiv'd by the Bow it makes towards the South and by the Elevation of the Pole that they were about forty or fifty Leagues from the Mouth of that River What still confirm'd them in this Thought was That before the Meschasipi discharges it self into the Gulf it runs along the Sea-Coast Westwards and tho' they could not take the Longitude as being a thing unknown to Sailers yet they found that they were a good way past the Parallel of that River The unfortunate Adventures of the Sieur de la Salle CHAP. II. Vnfortunate Adventures which befel the Sieur la Salle THE Sieur la Salle had order'd the Captain of the Pink not to come into the Channel of St. Louis's Bay without taking with him the Pilot of the Frigat in whom they repos'd a great deal of Trust Besides he had commanded him to put the Cannon and fresh Water in the Boat in order to lighten the Ship And above all things he had strictly enjoin'd him exactly to follow the way he had caus'd to be mark'd with Buoys He did nothing of all this and the perfidious Villain contrary to the Advice of a Sea-man who was on the Scuttle and bid him Loof-up steer'd the Ship to a place where she struck and was grounded so that they could never fetch her off again The Sieur la Salle was on the Sea-shoar an Eye-witness of this unlucky piece of Work and was
sorts they were surrounded on the sudden by several Companies of Savages arm'd with Bows and Arrows But these three Men stood upon their Defence kill'd the Chief of those Barbarians and cut off his Hair This Action frighted the Enemy and dispers'd them nevertheless some time after they kill'd an European whom they found stragling On the 13th of October the Sieur la Salle considering how he was continually insulted by the Savages and being willing besides to get either by fair or foul means some of their Pyrogues or Canows of Wood which he had great occasion for resolv'd to make War upon them in order if possible to bring them to an advantageous Peace He therefore march'd out with sixty Men arm'd with Corslets of Wood proof against the Arrows of the Barbarians He at last arriv'd at the Place where they were got together and in several Rencounters he had with them both by Day and Night he put part of them to flight wounded a great Number kill'd as many and took several Prisoners most of which were Children Among these there was A Girl three or four Years old who was Baptiz'd and died some few Days after She was as the First Fruits of this Mission In the mean time those that were come in order to lay the Foundation of the Colony begun to build Houses and plough the Ground of that Desart They sow'd Corn that had been preserv'd in the Ear which therefore turn'd to better account than the other had done They went over to the other side of the Bay in Canows of Wood where they found near a great River a vast quantity of Game especially wild Bulls and Cows with some Turkey-Cocks Over and above all these they bred all sorts of tame Cattel and Fowl in their Plantations such as Cows Swine Hens c. which multiply'd apace The War they had made upon the Savages had secur'd for a while the Ease and Safety of the Colony But a new Misfortune succeeded to all the former The Sieur la Salle had often entertain'd me in our Voyages about the unheard-of Cruelties which the Spaniards had exercis'd in Peru and New Mexico over the People of those Great Empires where they had destroy'd as far as they could both Men and Women and had only preserv'd the Children to make in some measure a New People of them He highly disapprov'd that Conduct of the Spaniards and blam'd it as unworthy of Men that profess'd themselves Christians I said all I could to excuse them and gave him to understand That unless they had destroy'd a great number of Mexicans they would certainly have perish'd in their Enterprizes That whole Armies had often fallen upon them with design to cut them in pieces and that Policy had oblig'd them to take away so many Men's Lives to secure their Conquests It seems to me as if the Sieur la Salle had forgot what he blam'd in the Conduct of the Spaniards with respect to his New Discoveries He might very well have imagin'd that the Savages who never forgive after they have been once provok'd as Experience convinces us by the Iroquois who reveng'd themselves upon the Canadians after a seeming Reconcilement would never fail to get Satisfaction of the War he had made upon them And indeed we see that the Iroquois are still actually in War with the Inhabitants of Canada whereas they never made any Hostility upon the Dutch The reason of which is that the Dutch never offer'd to insult them altho' they had often an opportunity to do it The Sieur la Salle who had a penetrating Wit and with that the Talent of winning upon the Savages ought to have consider'd that sooner or later either he or his Men would suffer in the setling of the Colony for the open War he made upon those People Besides he did by that very thing lay a great Obstacle to the Conversion of those Barbarians and ruin'd before-hand all the Labour of the Missionaries he had taken along with him For indeed any Christian that designs the Conversion of Souls ought to use none but fair means This is the Lesson which our Saviour gives us Himself in these Words Learn of me for I am meek and humble of Heart The Sieur la Salle had order'd the Captain of the Frigat which was the only Ship he had left to sound very exactly the Bay where he design'd to make a Settlement and view the Ground as he went along and above all things he had strictly charg'd him to cause all his Men to retire every Night a-board the Frigat But theCaptain and Six of the best and stoutest of his Men charm'd by the Mildness of the Season and the Beauty of the place having left their Canow and their Arms on the Mud it being low Water advanc'd about a Musket-shot into the Meadow to rest themselves on dry Ground They hapned to fall asleep which being perceiv'd by a Company of Savages they presently fell upon them being favour'd by the Night butcher'd them in a most cruel manner and broke their Canow and Arms in pieces A tragical Adventure which put the whole Camp under the greatest Consternation After they had perform'd the Funeral Rites of these unfortunate Wretches the Sieur la Salle leaving six Months Provisions to those who remain'd in the Camp set out with twenty Men and the Sieur Cavelier a Priest his Brother in order to seek by Land the Mouth of the River Meschasipi This Bay which he found to lie in 27 Degrees 45 Minutes of Latitude is the Receptacle of several Rivers of which none seem'd broad or deep enough to be one of the Arms of that Great River The Sieur la Salle run them all over thinking that either those little Rivers were form'd a little higher by an Arm of the Meschasipi or that by going further cross the Country he would find out the Running of that River He was a longer time than he expected about this Discovery being oblig'd to cross the Rivers he met in his way with Cajeux and over and above all that to intrench himself every Night against the Insults of the Barbarians The continual Rains render'd the Ways very difficult and made Torrents in a great many places However he thought at last to have found the River he was in quest of on the 13th of February 1686. They built there a Fort in which the Sieur la Salle left one half of his Men and taking the other half along with him pursu'd his Discovery through the finest Countries in the World crossing several Villages inhabited by numerous Nations who treated him with great Humanity At last he went back to his Men and arriv'd at the General Camp on the 31st of March charm'd with the Beauty and Fertility of the Country the incredible quantity of all manner of Game and the numerous Nations he had met with in his way But GOD Almighty prepar'd for him a greater Trial than all the former which was the loss of his Frigat This
only Ship he now had left and with which he hop'd to sail along the Sea-Coast and afterwards go over to St. Domingo in order to get fresh Supplies This Vessel I say was unfortunately run a-ground through the fault and carelesness of the Pilot all the Goods on board were entirely lost the Ship stav'd to pieces on the Coast the Sea-men drown'd the Sieur Chefdeville a Priest the Captain and four Persons more hardly escaping the same Fate by means of a Canow which by a sort of Miracle they found near the Coast. They lost there six and thirty Barrels of Meal a great deal of Wine the Trunks Clothes and Linnen of the Men and the greatest part of their Tools One may imagine what a mortal Grief this was to the Sieur la Salle His great Courage had certainly sunk under its Weight had not GOD Almighty supported him by a particular Help of His Grace CHAP. III. Unfortunate Adventures which happen to the Sieur la Salle in the two Voyages he undertakes to go to the Illinois THose who are a little vers'd in the History of Discoveries know very well that ●hose who go about them are oblig'd to make several Attempts which often prove vain and fruitless before they can compass their Design and that generally there befals them a thousand tragical and surprizing Adventures They will not therefore wonder to see here the Miscarriages and Disappointments with which God was pleas'd to cross the great Discovery we are treating of and the Settlement of a Colony in the vast Countries of Loüisiana Several Historians have been inquisitive into the Reasons of God Almighty's Conduct with relation to those Enterprizes which seem'd to concern his Honour in the Conversion of barbarous Nations to the Faith of the Gospel But it does not belong to us to dive into those Secrets which are an Abyss to Humane Understanding 'T is enough for us to adore the Wonders of Providence and admire the Prodigies of this Discovery and the Force and Courage of those who have accomplish'd it under his Divine Conduct Among the rest we must here acknowledge the great Resolution of the Sieur la Salle who was never discourag'd by any Disappointment but carry'd on his Designs to the last Since I am more concern'd than any Man to know what pass'd upon the great River Meschasipi over which I sailed the first of any European I shall follow what Father Anastasius now Vicar of our Recollects at Cambray has writ about the Sieur la Salle's Voyage which will give me an opportunity to examine whether in effect the said la Salle was at the Mouth of that River when he return'd to Canada through the Lands of America Here you have what I have learn'd from the History of Father Anastasius When the Sieur la Salle saw his Affairs irrecoverably ruin'd by the loss of the two Ships that were cast away in the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico and that he had no way left him to return into Europe by Sea he was forc'd to go by Land to the Illinois in order to repair to Canada from whence he might send to France the News of all his Misfortunes Now to put this Design in execution the Sieur la Salle chose twenty of his best Men including a Savage of the Nation of the Chaouens nam'd Nika which in the Illinois Language signifies Comrade This Man had accompany'd him from Canada into France and from France to the Gulf of Mexico The Sieur Cavelier a Priest Brother to the said la Salle Moranger his Nephew and Father Anastasius of Douay a Recollect join'd themselves with him to go upon this great Journey They provided nothing for that purpose besides four Pound of Powder six Pound of Shot two Hatchets two dozen of Knives Beads of several Colours and two Kettles The Sieur la Salle would have taken other Provisions along with him but that he hop'd to return to the Fort as soon as he was arriv'd at the Illinois Therefore after they had perform'd Divine Service in the Chapel of the Fort and implor'd GOD Almighty's Assistance he departed with his Company on the 22d of April 1686. directing his Course towards the North-East It is to be observ'd that the River Meschasipi runs from the North to the South to discharge it self into the Gulf of Mexico so that the Illinois whither the Sieur la Salle intended to go lie on the North-East of the Way he took 'T is very likely that the said la Salle wanted Pyrogues or Canows there being none in the Countries through which he was to travel but only among the Northern Nations So that Father Anastasius mentioning no Ship in his History there 's reason to believe that they made this Journey by Land for want of Canows or that the Sieur la Salle was not sure of having found the Mouth of the River Meschasipi for if he had it had been easie for him to go to the Illinois by Water After three Days march Father Anastasius tells us they found the finest Country in the World and saw a great many Men some on foot others on horse-back galloping towards them booted and spurr'd and having Saddles These People invited them to their Habitations but because they were out of their Way they thank'd them for their Kindness after they had enquir'd of them what way they were to take which is to be suppos'd they did by Signs since none of the Sieur la Salle's Men understood the Language of those People who had some Acquaintance with the Spaniards They went on their Journey the remaining part of the Day and hutted themselves towards Night in a little Fort intrench'd with Stakes which they continu'd to do ever after for their Security The next Day they pursu'd their Journey and march'd two whole Days through a continu'd Meadow as far as the River which they call'd Robeck The found there such vast numbers of wild Bulls call'd by the Spaniards Cibola that the least Herd of them seem'd to be of two or three hundred The Sieur la Salle and his Men kill'd presently eight or ten of them and dry'd part of the Meat because they did not care to stay above five or six Days in that Place A League and a half farther they met with a fine River greater and deeper than the Seine at Paris Its Banks were hedg'd with the finest Trees in the World which look'd as if they had been planted on purpose with Meadows on one side and Woods on the other They pass'd it with Cajeux and call'd it Malign Thus crossing those fine Countries and pleasing Meadows intermix'd with Vineyards Orchards and among the ret Mulberry-Trees they came in few Days to a River which they call'd Huens from the Name of a German of the Dutchy of Wirtemberg who sunk so in the Mud of it that they had much ado to fetch him out of it I believe that Father Anastasius mistakes about the Name of Huens and that it ought to be
Hans which signifies Iohn One of these Travellers cross'd that River swimming with a Hatchet on his Back another follow'd him presently and being both on the other side they fell'd great Trees whilst the others did the same on the opposite side These Trees falling on both sides a-cross the River met about the middle of it and form'd a sort of Bridge which made an easie Passage from one side to the other This is an Invention they have us'd above thirty times to cross the Rivers they met in their way which seem'd more secure than that of the Cajeux which are a sort of Float-boat made of several Branches of Trees fastned together which they shove with a Pole in the crossing of a River 'T was in this Place that the Sieur la Salle chang'd his Course from the North-East to the East for some Reasons he never told and which his Companions could never guess at He had done a great deal better not to have been so reserv'd with them and would have prevented a great many Misfortunes especially being in a Country where Europeans can find no help After some Days march through a pretty sort of Country wherein however they were forc'd to cross many great Brooks with Cajeux they entred a Country far more agreeable and pleasant where they found a numerous Nation who entertain'd them with all Demonstrations of Kindness The Women were so forward as to embrace the Men that were with the Sieur la Salle and causing them to sit on very fine Matts they plac'd them on the upper end near the Captains who presented them the Calumet or Pipe of Peace adorn'd with Feathers of several Colours and made them smoak with it in their turn They regal'd them amongst other things with a Sagamite or Potage made with a certain Root which they call Tique or Toquo This is a Shrub resembling a Briar without Prickles having a very great Root which being well wash'd and dry'd up is afterwards pounded and reduc'd to Pouder in a Mortar The Potage these People make with it is well tasted but a little astringent Those Savages presented them with Hides of Wild Bulls well dress'd and soft and fit to make Shoes which are very necessary in those Parts to keep one's feet against some cutting Weeds that grow there and in return they gave them some black Beads which are in great esteem among them They stay'd some few Days among that Nation during which the Sieur la Salle with his insinuating way gave them great Ideas of the Grandeur and Glory of the King his Master giving them to understand that he was greater and higher than the Sun which ravish'd those Barbarians in Admiration The Sieur Cavelier a Priest and Father Anastasius us'd all their Endeavours to give them the First Notions of the True GOD. This Nation is call'd Biskatronge but the Europeans call'd them the Nations of the Weepers and gave the same Name to their River which is very fine The reason of it is that at their arrival those People fell a-crying most bitterly for a quarter of an Hour This is their Custom whenever there comes any Strangers afar off amongst them because their arrival puts them in mind of their deceas'd Relations which they imagin to be upon a great Journey and whose return they expect every hour At last those good People gave Guides to the Sieur la Salle furnish'd his Men with all Necessaries and ferry'd them over their River in their Canows They cross'd three or four other Rivers the following Days during which there hapned nothing considerable save that their Savage of Chaouen having made a shoot at a Roe-buck near a great Village the report of the Gun so alarm'd the Inhabitants that they abandon'd their Houses and ran away The Sieur la Salle commanded his Men to their Arms in order to enter the Village in which were above a hundred Hutts They went into the fairest of all which was that of the Chief Captain where his Wife happen'd to be still not having been able to follow the rest because of her old Age. They Sieur la Salle gave her to understand that he and his Men came amongst them like Friends Three of her Sons who were stout Men observ'd what past at a distance and when they saw that things were carry'd on amicably and no Hostilities committed they recall'd all their People and began to treat of Peace which done they danc'd with the Calumet till Night The Sieur la Salle not trusting too much to all this fair show encamp'd beyond the Reeds that were in that Place that if in case those Barbarians design'd to give him any disturbance by Night the noise of the Reeds might give him notice of their approach This was found to be no small piece of Wisdom for a Troop of Warriours arm'd with Bows and Arrows made towards them in the Night but the Sieur la Salle without going out of his Intrenchments threatned to make a discharge upon them and spoke to them with so much Resolution that he oblig'd them to retire The remainder of the Night past very quietly and the next Day after many reciprocal Demonstrations of Kindness at least in appearance from the Savages they continu'd their March five or six Leagues beyond that Place They were wonderfully surpriz'd to find a Troop of Savages who with a kind and civil look came to meet them with Ears of Indian Corn in their Hands They embrac'd the Sieur la Salle and his Men after their own way and invited them very pressingly to their Villages They Sieur la Salle seeing their Frankness consented to go along with them These Savages gave him to understand that there were cruel and wicked Men towards the West who destroy'd the Nations round about them Father Anastasius conjectures that they meant the Spaniards of the New Mexico for no doubt but M. la Salle told him so These Barbarians then made them understand that they had War with those People It being nois'd all over that Town that M. la Salle was arriv'd with his Men every one strove to make them welcome and to press them to stay and join with them in War against those pretended Spaniards of Mexico M. la Salle amus'd them with Words and with the hope of making a strict Alliance with those People who are call'd Kirononas He promis'd to come to them again very soon with more numerous Troops And so after all this Feasting and an interchange of Presents the Wild Men helped them to pass over the River in their Pyrogues While M. de la Salle continu'd his Journey Eastwards through fair and pleasant Meadows after three Day 's march he was for some time retarded by an unlucky Accident His wild Huntsman whose Name was Nikana cry'd out aloud on a sudden that he was a dead Man and they running to him understood that he had been severely bitten by a Rattle-snake They made him take some O●vietan-Pouder and having scarify'd the Wound to draw out
their coming amongst 'em was by the express Order of GOD to instruct them in the Knowledge of the Truth and bring them into the way of Salvation They employ'd ten or twelve days in this Business to the third of Iune I don't doubt but M. Cavelier the Priest and Father Anastasius us'd all possible Endeavours to bring the Nassonians to the Light of the Gospel and to dispel their Ignorance But the other four Europeans who were with 'em were not numerous enough ●o frighten the Spaniards who are us'd to Fire-Arms Moreover they did not understand the Tongue of those People I cannot well then apprehend how they could gather from the Discourses of the Nassonians that the Spaniards exercis'd great Cruelties on the People of America They had no Interpreters with them therefore they could in no wise understand what those People could say who had seen no other Europeans but them Moreover since the Emperour Charles the Fifth's time when the Spaniards made themselves Masters of New Mexico 't is certain they never exercis'd any Cruelty upon the Neighbouring People for want of Men to preserve those vast Countries they have conquer'd there They live then in Peace with their Neighbours and do molest no body unless attack'd first CHAP. IX The Cenesians put the Sieur Cavelier a Priest Father Anastasius and their Companions in a way of pursuing their Iourney through several barbarous Nations THE Cenesians appointed two Wild Men for Guides to these six Europeans who continu'd their Journey through the finest Countries in the World towards the North and North-East They pass'd over several Rivers and Brooks whose Banks are peopled with several Nations They found the Hakesians at the East the Nab●ri's or Nansi's powerful People who are in war with the Cenesians In fine they approach'd on the 13th of Iune near the Cadodaccho's One of their Guides went before to tell them of their Coming The Heads of the Families and the Young Men whom they met with at a League 's distance from their Village receiv'd them with the Sound of the Pipe and gave them Tabacco to smoak Some led their Horses by the Bridle and others carry'd them as it were in Triumph They said that they were Spirits come from the other World All the Village being assembled together as their Custom is they came to wash their Heads and Feet with warm Water Afterwards they led them to a rais'd Ground covered with very neat white Matts Then they begun to feast them and to dance at the Sound of the Pipe with other Publick Rejoicings which lasted Day and Night These People do not know the Europeans but by Fame These People according to all appearance have some Shadow o● Religion But all their Idea's are very confus'd and intricate They it seems do worship the Sun because they send to him the Smoak of their Tabacco though they feel first the Benefit of it ● Their Ceremonial Habits are ordinarily imprinted with the Figures of two Suns and on the rest of the Body are Representations of wild Bulls Deers Serpents and other Animals This gave occasion to M. Cavelier the Priest and to Father Anastasius to give them some Instructions concerning the True God and the Principul Mysteries of Christianity We ought to suppose that all this was perform'd with Signs GOD afflicted them in this place with a Tragical Accident M. de Marne against all good Counsel to the contrary would go and wash himself at Night on the 24th of Iune M. Cavelier Nephew to M. de la Salle accompany'd him as far the side of the River which is near that Village This Gentleman stepping briskly into the Water disappear'd at the same time It was a bottomless Pit where he was drown'd in a Moment A little while after they took his Corps out of the Water and carry'd it to the Captain 's House The whole Village lamented his Death with great Ceremony The Captain 's Wife put him up very handsomely in a clean fine Mat while the Young Men digg'd a Grave which was consecrated by Father Anastasius then the bury'd him with all possible Solemnity The Savages admir'd the Ceremonies of the Burial and especially the Singing of the Psalms They took occasion from thence to give some Instructions to the Savages about the Immortality of the Soul for 8 days together during their stay in this fatal place They bury'd the dead Corps on an high Ground near to the Village His Grave was surrounded with Pallisadoes and a great Cross was set upon it Afterwards they departed from that Place on the second of Iuly These People live on the side of a River where three Famous Nations are seated the Natchoos the Na●chetes and Ouïdiches Our Travellers were very courteously receiv'd by them From the River of the C●nesians Castors and Otters begin to appear and they are seen in greater numbers the further you go Being amongst the Ouïdiches they met with three Warriours of two Nations call'd the Cahinnio's and the Mentous five and twenty Leagues further towards the East-North-East who had seen the French Europeans they offer'd themselves to accompany them thither and upon the Road they were oblig'd to pass over four Rivers in Cajeux They were receiv'd by those People with their Calumet or Pipes of Peace in their Hands with all possible Demonstrations of Esteem and Joy Several of the Savages spoke to them of an European who was a Captain and had but one Arm it was M. Tonti a Neapolitan whom I have already mention'd in my First Volume They added that a greater Captain than he would perhaps shortly pass through their Country It was M. de la Salle they meant The Captain lodged them in his Cottage having sent his Family into another They were treated there for several days with all sorts of Meats They made a publick Feast where the Calumet or Pipe Dance was danced during four and twenty hours with Songs fitted to that purpose which the Chief man amongst them tuned with all his strength They called them the Ambassadours of the Sun sent for to defend them against their Enemies with Claps of Thunder they meant of Guns which Arms were unknown to them before In the midst of these Rejoicings M. Cavelier the Younger Nephew to M. de la Salle discharg'd his Pistol thrice crying God save the King which was repeated by those Barbarians who added to it Let the Sun live for ever These Savages have a prodigious number of Beavers and Otters the transportation whereof might be easily effected by a River not far distant from that Village They would have loaded their Horses with them but they refus'd it to shew how disinterested they were and presented them with Knives and Axes and departed from thence with two Cahinnios for their Guides after having receiv'd the Ambassadors of the Analacs and Tanicos and of some other Nations of the North-West and South-East They had the pleasure for some Days to pass through the finest Countries in the World
Which distance indeed is not to be taken in a streight Line through the Meadows but according to the many Windings of the River Meschasipi otherwise there would be but five days Journey thence They pass'd then over the River Ouabache on the 26th of August and they had about 60 Leagues travelling up the River Meschasipi to the Mouth of the River of the Illinois About six Leagues lower than that Mouth is found to the North-West the famous River of the Massourites or Ozages which is at least as broad as the River into which it runs It is form'd by a great number of other Rivers known and navigable all over the Countries adjacent to which are inhabited by very numerous Nations as the Panimohas who have but one Head and 22 Villages the lesser whereof consists of 200 Cottages the Paneassas Panas Panelogas and Matotantes none of which are inferiour to the Panimahas Amongst them are comprehended also the Ozanges who make up seventeen Villages on the River of the same Name which loses it self into that of the Massourite Our Maps as well as those of M. de la Salle have also spread thither the Name of Ozanges The Akansas were formerly seated at the upper part of one of those Rivers which conserves yet their Name to this Day which I have also mention'd towards the middle of the way from the River Ouabache to that of the Massourites There stands the Cape of St. Anthony of Padua and those Parts are inhabited by the Savages of the Nation call'd Mansopolea At last on the 5th of September M. Cavelier a Priest of the Seminary of St. Sulpicius at Paris and Father Anastasius a Recollect Friar of Douai arriv'd at the Mouth of the Illinois River from whence they reckon to Fort Crevecoeur about 100 Leagues as I have observ'd in my First Tome All that Road is very commodious for Navigation even for big Ships A Chaovenon nam'd Turpin having perceiv'd them from his Village ran by Land to carry the News of it to M. Bellefonteine Commander of that Fort. He could not believe what the Man said but they following the Savage very near entred the Fort on the 14th of September They were immediately conducted to the Chapel where the T'e Deum was sung for a Thansgiving The Canadians having put themselves in Arms with some Savages gave them a Salvo with the firing ōf their Guns M. Tonti who was design'd by M. de la Salle to Command in Crevecoeur Fort was gone to the Iroquois Countrey to endeavour to manage the Spirits of those Barbarians But these Travellers nevertheless met there with all the good Reception that was possible and M. Bellefonteine forgot nothing to express his Joy of their arrival to comfort them of their Misfortunes and to refresh them after their Fatigues We ought to confess that it is not possible for any to avoid his Destiny This notwithstanding one cannot but acknowledge that M. de la Salle's case was very fatal He did undertake that Journey with the Design to find out the Mouth of Meschasipi and he died without success in it and a little after his Death his Brother with Father Anastasius and those who accompany'● them in their Journey by means of that River do arrive into the Country of the Illinois 'T is certain however that there is a very fine Port at the Mouth of that River according to my Observation in the Year 1680. The Entry into it is very fine as it may be easily perceived Of three Branche● which do compass that Mouth I have always follow'd the middle Channel the Mouth of it is commodious and there are several Grounds fit for to build Fortresses upon out of danger of being worsted by the Waters as it was supposed heretofore The Countries about the lower parts of the River are habitable and even inhabited by several Salvage Nations which are not very far distant from it The biggest Vessels may go up the River above two Hundred Leagues from the Gulf of Mexico and so mount to the Mouth of the River of the Illiniens which River is Navigable more than an Hundred Leagues and then discharges it self into Meschasipi I had almost forgot some other Nations which are situated towards the lower end of the same River as the Pichenos Ozanbogus Tangibaos Ottonicas Movisas and several others which do easily slip out of ones Memory for want of Time and Conveniency in Travelling and of making due Observations upon the● It is very probable that Mr. d● la Salle who not finding that the Mouth of that River discharged it self into the Sea thought that the Bay of St. Lewis was but Forty or Fifty Lagues distant from the Mouth of one of its Arms at least it seem'd so in a streight Line But by misfortune he never was there and so did not find ●it out God having set Limits to all the Enterprizes of Men and Bounds to their Hearts as well as to the vast Ocean God no doubt hath permitted it so to be to the end Father Anastasius who is now Vicar of the Recollect Fryers of Cambray should make the Discovery of one Hundred and Ten Nations upon his Road instead of Mr. de la Salle's not reckoning several other wild People known to those through whom he took his Way by reason of their Trading one with another and yet are unknown at this day to the Europeans These Nations as I have observed have Horses for all sorts of Use in great Numbers and the Salvages think to have made a good Bargain when they get an Ax for an Horse Father Anastasius was departed from the Bay of St. Lewis in the Gulf of Mexico with design to fix his abode amongst the Coenesians and Establish there his Mission Father Zenobe Mambre a Recollect who remained in that Bay was to go and join him for to spread it among the Neighbouring Nations and they expected more Labourers from Europe But the fatal Death of Mr. de la Salle having obliged him to go further he doubts not but the said Father Zenobe is gon to look after him And perhaps he is now in those Countries with Father Maximus a Recollect of L'Isle in Fland●rs having left Mr. Chefdeville a Missionary of Saint Sulpitius to look after the Mission in the Port of that Bay He made choice himself of that place because there were nine or ten European Families with their Children there Moreover there are some of Mr. de la Salle's Men who have Married wild Women for the increase of their little Colony This is an Abstract of what Father Anastasius hath writ of his laborious Journey and no body knows what is become of those poor Men since Father Anastasius concealed the deplorable end of Mr. de la Salle it being his Duty as well as of Mr. Cavelier the Priest to give the first News of it to the Court and to secure by this secrecy the Effects belonging to the Deceased Mr. de la Salle in the above mention'd
Fort of the Illiniens because he had advanc'd him all things necessary for his Enterprise He left the Illiniens in the Spring of the Year 1688 with Father Anastasius the young Cavelier Mr. Sout●l and one of the Salvages who is now setled near Versailles They arrived at Quebec on the 27 th of Iuly and sail'd for France on the 20 th of August following and by the Grace of God they are happily arriv'd at Paris after having undergone an incredible number of Dangers They gave an Account of their Journey to the now deceased Monsieur the Marquess of Seignelay This is the History of Mr. de la Salle's first Voyage which I have thought fit to make Publick it being as it were a Continuation of mine and a Confirmation of several things which I have related in my History I pass now to the Description both of the Religion and Manners of those Barbarous Nations which I have discover'd in my Journey CHAP. XI Reflections of the Author upon the Voyage to China The Belief of most part of the Savages in the Northern America concerning the Creation of the World and the Immortality of the Soul 'T IS a common saying that Truth is the Essence and Soul of History therefore this Treatise of the Customs and Manners of the Northern America Salvages needs no other recommendation as being done with the utmost sincerity Both the Novelty and the Variety will join their Charms together though I bring here upon the Stage none but raw and barbarous People Thus I hope that the Description of near two Hundred different sort of People I have either seen my self and whereof I have made mention in my former Volume or whom some of our Religious Order have discover'd shall give some sort of satisfaction to the Curious The Son of God having fore-told that his Gospel should be Preached throughout all the World the Faithful People have constantly applyed themselves to the Accomplishment of that Prophecy by endeavouring to Convert those Barbarous Nations to whom the true God is yet unknown It is true that this great Multitude of Barbarians who are spread all over those vast Countries of America have had hitherto their Eyes shut against the Light of Truth But we have already begun to preach to them Jesus Christ Crucified as well as we could to bring them into the way of Salvation And we hope that those who are animated with the Zeal of God will henceforth endeavour to perfect what we have but begun and apply themselves to promote the Salvation of so many Souls who perish only because the Christians do not their endeavour in labouring to draw them from their Natural Ignorance Therefore in order to facilitate to them the means for doing it we are going to treat of the Idea's which those People have of Religion and speak at the same time of their Manners That one may consider which means are the best for to instruct them and render them capable of Truth and Salvation As by our Discoveries we have made known the greatest part of the Northern America so I dont question if his British Majesty and our Lords the States would send us thither to finish that which we have already so happily begun but that it would be an easy matter to discover what the best Endeavours could not yet bring to Light It hath been impossible hitherto to go to Iapan by the Frozen or Icy Sea The going thither that way hath been several times attempted but without Success and I am morally certain that it can never be effected unless the Continent of those Countries which are between the Frozen Sea and the new Mexico be first wholly discovered God it should seem hath preserved me from those extraordinary Dangers I have been exposed to in my long Voyages only to bring about that happy Discovery I profer my self yet to the effecting of that Design being persuaded that God will give his Blessing to it if I can but be supplyed with the means necessary to the performance of it I am not surpris'd to see the Learned agree that they are yet in the dark how America was peopled and how that infinite Number of Nations which are found there came to be settled in that vast Continent America doth form half the Globe of the Earth The most perfect Geographers have not yet a Total Knowledge of it and the very Inhabitants of that new World whom we have discovered and who according to all reason should be best informed of it do not themselves know how their Ancestors came thither Certainly were we in Europe as those People without the ingenious Art of Writing which gives in a manner Life to the Dead which recalls to remembrance what is past and preserves the Memory of things to future Ages it is certain that we should be no less ignorant than these poor Salvages Most part of the Barbarians which do inhabit the Northern America believe commonly a kind of a Creation of the World They say that both the Heavens and the Earth and all Men were made by a Woman who governs the World with her Son They add that her Son is the Principle of all Good Things and the Woman of all Evil. They do believe that both do enjoy a perfect Happiness They say moreover that this Woman fell down from Heaven being big with Child but falling on the Back of a Tortoise she was saved from being drowned And when it is objected how ridiculous their Belief is they answer ordinarily that this Objection is good for those who make it but of no force against Them because They are otherwise made than the Europeans Other Salvages of the same Continent believe that a certain Spirit which the Iroquois call Otkon and other Barbarians who live at the lower part of the River St. Lawrence Atahauta is the Creator of the World and that one named Messou was the Repairer of it after the Universal Deluge They say that this Messou or Otkon going once to Hunting his Dogs were lost in a great Lake which overflowing covered the whole Earth in a little time and made but a bottomless Pit of all the World They add that this Messou or Otkon gathered a small quantity of Earth by the help of some Animals and with it repaired the World They also believe that the Europeans do inh●bit another World different from theirs So when you set forth before them the true Oeconomy of the Creation of the Universe in order to disabuse them of their Folly and instruct them in the Truth their Answer is that all this may be true for the World which we inhabit but that it is quite otherwise with theirs They ask even very often whether there be a Sun and a Moon in our Europe as in their Country Some Salvages which live at the upper end of the River St. Lawrenec do relate a pretty diverting Story They hold almost the same opinion with the former that a Woman came down from Heaven and
matters of Religion tho' in those of Trade and Profit they are very subtle and expert They are nevertheless Superstitious to the greatest Degree imaginable CHAP. XII Means whereby the Salvages may be converted Who are those among them that Baptism ought to be refus'd to OUR Ancient Missionary Recollects of Canada and those who have succeeded them in that Work have always own'd as I must do with them that it is impossible to convert the Salvages without first endeavouring to make them Men before we think of making them Christians It is absolutely necessary therefore for the thorough civilizing of them that Christians of Europe be mixt with them and they habituated to our Conversation all which however cannot possibly be effected unless our Colonies be considerably augmented in those Parts But here it must be acknowledg'd that the Canada Company are the greatest Obstacle to this Design for they seeking only to enrich themselves and having no regard to so pious a Work as the Conversion of stray'd Souls would never yet suffer any particular Establishments to settle in this Country nor permit the Missionaries to fix the Salvages to any Place without which it is impossible ever to convert these Infidels Thus the Covetousness of those who would needs grow rich all of a sudden has very much retarded the Propagating of the Christian Faith among these Salvages The ill Example likewise set by these Christian Traders has occasion'd no small Prejudice to our Religion By all this it may appear that a Mission among these Populous Nations is both troublesome and hazardous and it must be granted likewise that to effect this great Work no small number of Years would be sufficient they being a People so extreamly Ignorant and Dull For this reason therefore except in some few Cases not a little dubious likewise one would not venture to administer the Sacraments to Adults who perhaps seem only to be converted and this I presume has been the Cause that in so many Years Mission so little Progress has been made though so great Pains has been taken Thus it is certain that the Christian Religion will never be in any wise advanc'd among the Salvages if due care be not taken to fortifie the Colonies with a great number of Inhabitants both Artificers and Labourers Trading also with the Salvages must be allow'd indifferently to all the Europeans Moreover these Barbarians must be fixt and settled and new moulded after our Manners and Laws Colleges also might be Establish'd among 'em by the Zeal of well affected Europeans wherein the young Salvages might be Educated and Instructed in the Light of the Gospel These in Conjunction with the Missionaries might work Wonders on their Companions in a very short time Without doubt the fortifying of the Temporal and Spiritual Authority in these new Colonies were the only Way to bring this design about But on the contrary we may there observe Men only given to Gain and Commerce and who at the same time have little or no regard to call down the Blessing of God upon them by employing themselves to the Advancement of his Glory God is often pleas'd to experience his Servants Love by Means most sensible and amongst them those chiefly who busie themselves about the Salvation of Souls But nevertheless the Hazards Troubles Sufferings and the very Sacrificing their Lives would be welcome to them if by thus devoting themselves to the safety of their Neighbours they might see their Undertakings crown'd with Success It is impossible when we consider the great Number of People mention'd in this Relation and the little Progress hitherto made in their Conversion that we should not admire at the Unsearchable Judgments of God and cry out with the Apostle O the Profound Riches of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! A vast number of secular Priests very learn'd and several others of our Order have labour'd indefatigably at this great Work but it seems God has a Mind to convince us that the Conversion of Souls is only the Effect of his Grace which has not yet been in our Power to lay any Claim to in that Degree He contents himself therefore to see us labour under a Dependence on his Power He is Witness of our Wishes and Endeavors He hears our Prayers receives our Vows and accepts our most ardent Supplications that he would be pleas'd through Mercy to draw forth these miserable Wretches from the Abyss of Darkness and Ignorance Yet he is still dispos'd to let the Workmen prepare the Vine while they are to expect the Fruit only from his Hands God no doubt will bring all about in the time he has prescrib'd by his Providence and without Question will prove a just Rewar●er of those who shall continue faithful Labourers in this great Work however he does not yet think convenient to flatter our Ambition with Success I must observe here with a great deal of Concern that there is no common difference between our Modern Missions into America and those which our Recollects have formerly begun in this New World and continu'd ever since in South America particularly in Peru. They there converted every day Millions of Souls but now in Canada we have the greatest Reason to reproach it as an ungrateful barren and unfruitful Land There alone is to be met with an unconceivable Blindness Blockish Insensibility and a prodigious Remoteness from its Maker as likewise an entire Opposition to the Mysteries of our Faith Whole Ages would scarce be sufficient to prepare those Barbarians for the Benefits of the Gospel and to augment our Misfortune God has permitted this Country to be under the Power of a Company of Merchants who have greater regard to their Wordly Interest than any such good Works The Missionary-Recollects our Predecessors never granted the Sacrament of Baptism to the Salvages 'till they were well satisfied of them for fear that Sacred Mystery might be profan'd by those Barbarians Nay even to this Day we may perceive that those People are not well dispos'd to receive the Christian Religion seeing they have hardly any Idea of Religion at all and seem to be wholly incapable of the most common Reasonings which bring other Men to the knowledge either of a true Deity or a false These poor blind Creatures look upon all our Mysteries of Faith as Tales and Dreams They have Naturally a great many Vices and are very much addicted to several Superstitions which have no meaning at all in 'em They have many barbarous and brutal Usages amongst them They would suffer themselves to be Baptiz'd six times a Day for a Glass of Aqua vitae or a Pipe of Tobacco They frequently offer their Infants to the Font but that without any manner of Motive or Zeal Those whom one had Converted in a whole Winter as it happen'd I had instructed a few while I was at the Fort of Frontenac do not discover any greater knowledge of matters of Religion than the rest which has occasion'd many dreadful
they are killed on the spot without any further Formality These poor blind Wretches are moreover engag'd in several other Superstitions which the Devil makes use of to Ensnare ' em They believe there are many living Creatures which have Rational Souls They have a very unaccountable Veneration for certain Bones of Elks Beavers and other Beasts and therefore never give them to their Dogs but lay 'em up in Repositories with a great deal of Care These they never throw into Rivers but with a great reluctancy They say That the Souls of these Animals observe how they deal by their Bodies and consequently advertise both the Living and Dead of that kind thereof so that if they treat 'em ill they must not expect that those sorts of Beasts will ever suffer themselves to be taken by them either in this or the other World We may affirm that the Corruption of Sin has o'r●shaded the Souls of these unhappy Creatures with a strange Blindness and an entire Insensibility for all sorts of Religion in a manner that nothing is to be found like it in all History 'T is true they have several Superstitious Observations which they cleave to with a great deal of Obstinacy but nevertheless they have not the least Principle or Motive of Religion Their Zeal is only Frenzy and Infatuation for when they have an Argument struck home to 'em they sit down sullenly and answer not a Word When our Mysteries are propos'd to 'em they commonly hear 'em with the same indifference that they talk of their own Whimsies I have met with some who seem'd to digest this Truth That there is a chief Being who has made all the rest Nevertheless this does but only glance upon their Minds for they commonly receive little or no Impression by it but soon relapse into their wonted Drowsiness and accustom'd Sottishness CHAP. XIV Of the great Difficulties met with in keeping the Salvages from Praying by Rote THE great stupidity of these Barbarians proceeds chiefly from their not caring to be well instructed They never come to us but out of pure Fancy or Curiosity either as we are Strangers or that we treat 'em well or flatter 'em or on account of the benefit their Sick receive by us or else through hopes to get something by us in Trade Or lastly because we being Europeans they look upon us as more Valiant than themselves and therefore hope to be defended by us against their Enemies They are taught Prayers indeed but they repeat 'em like so many Children at School without the least attention For the most part they that have learnt longest and been Catechiz'd oftnest are very wavering except a very few They will throw down their Books of a sudden and return to the Woods and their former Superstitions upon the least Freak that takes them in the Head I cannot tell whether their Predecessors have been acquainted with any Deity or not but sure I am that their Language which is otherwise very Expressive is so very Barren in that that they have no word to express God or any the least of our Mysteries This is the greatest difficulty we meet with in their Conversion There is also another pretty considerable Obstacle in the Converting of these People which is that the greatest part of 'em have several Wives and in the Northern Country they change 'em as often as they think fit They cannot comprehend how it is possible for a Man to be subject to the Bonds of Marriage Dont you see cry they when we urge our Arguments most home to 'em how little Reason you have for what you stick so much for My Wife is not pleas'd to live with me neither am I at ease to live with her My Neighbour such a one perhaps may like h●r better and I may like his who does not much care for him Therefore why should you oblige us for to live like Doggs and Catts together when only changing one with another we live at quiet Another great Hindrance proceeds from their Custom never to contradict any body for they hold that every Man ought to be left to his own Opinion without molestation wherefore they always either believe or seem to believe what you say which frequently baffles us in our Endeavours All this comes from an innate blockishness and indifference as to every thing but more especially for matters of Religion which they mind least of all A Man must not go to America that has a mind to become a Martyr for his Faith These Salvages never Murder any body upon that score they leave every one at liberty to believe what he pleases They are only e●amour'd with the outward Ceremonies of our Church These Barbarians engage in Wars only on account of their Common Interest They kill no body at home except upon particular Quarrels proceeding severally from Lust Drunkenness Revenge or Infatuation by a Dream or some other extravagant Vision They are altogether against taking away a Man's Life upon account of difference in Opinion The Brut● generally presides in their Inclinations They are naturally Gluttons and know no greater Happiness than what they find in the pleasure of Eating and Drinking This brutish Humour may be observ'd to run thro' all their Diversions for they never have any of this kind but what begin and end with Feasts The Spirit of Revenge likewise to which they are much addicted is no common Obstacle to Christianity They have a great deal of Softness and good Nature for their own Nation but are Cruel and Revengeful to the highest degree towards their Enemies They are naturally Unconstant and Foul-mouth'd great Jesters and immoderate Lechers In fine among all the Virtues they can any way pretend to there is not one that savours in the least either of Religion or Morality And this without doubt is another Cause that renders their Conversion t●e more difficult To gain any thing upon them or to dispose 'em the better for Instruction the only way were to be very familiar with them and to Converse frequently among ' em This could not easily be effected 'till the Colonie● were considerably augmented After they have been among us for some few Weeks they always pre●end to be oblig'd to go a Hunting for Sustenance and that without dispute extreamly debauches 'em from the Faith They must therefore be fix'd to some particular Abodes and brought to Till and Cultivate the Ground and to Work at their several Trades like th● Europeans before there can be any good wrought upon ' em For by this means their Manners would of course be civiliz'd and they render●d more tractable I intend hereafter to speak of other Nations of the South who seem better dispos'd to receive the Gospel than these of the North and of the shallow River of St. Laurence CHAP. XV. The manner of the Salvages making their Feasts THEY have Feasts of Parting of Acknowledgment of War of Peace of Death of Marriage and of Health They spend both Night
the Husband and Wife part she carries away all her Cloaths and Skins But sometimes she is permitted only to have her Silk Band which serves her also for a Wastcoat Most commonly the Children follow their Mothers who take care to maintain them the Sustenance of each Family or Tribe being in common There are some of these Brats that will go along with their Fathers but generally these Salvages who are divorc'd from their Wives cry the Children are not theirs and they will not be troubled with them and which I believe they are generally in the right of for I fancy there are very few of these Salvage Ladies who are Proof against but an ordinary Present When their Children are begot by an European it is easily discover'd either by their Countenances or their Eyes Those of the Salvages are altogether black besides they differ very much in their Eye-lids from those of Europe Hence it comes to pass that their Sight is stronger and more percing than ours If Salvage Women could have been brought to be subject to the Contract of Marriage we cou'd have marry'd as many of 'em as we pleas'd to the Europeans but they have no manner of Disposition to the Marriage Bonds They would run away from their Husbands on the least or no Occasion This Experience has throughly convinc'd us of besides their common Discourse upon this Subject which has made them sufficiently known When any Salvage who has no Wife passes thro' any Village where he likes a Woman he may hire her for a Night or two or longer if he thinks convenient whereat her Parents are not at all displeas'd being glad to see their Daughter get some Cloaths or Skins by the Bargain There are all sorts of Humours among the Salvages as among the Europeans Some love their Wives to Excess others cannot endure 'em and there are some will beat and misuse them most shamefully There are some likewise that are Jealous of which I knew one that beat his Wife because she had danc'd with another Man Those that are the best Hunters have all the Choice of the Women while the others are forc'd to take up with the homely and haggar'd When these Barbarians grow old they seldom forsake their Wives and when they do it is for great Reasons There are some among 'em that have liv'd Twelve or Fifteen Years with their Wives who are almost ready to despair when their Husbands being good Huntsmen are forc'd to leave them and this is the occasion sometimes of poisoning themselves I knew one who did this whose Life I sav'd by making her swallow good Store of Mithridate When these Barbarians go about the Spring time to Hunting of the Beaver they leave their Wives in the Villages to sow Indian Wheat and Gourds They always hire another Woman to go along with them to whom at their return they give one or two Beaver-Skins for Recompence and so send her packing Then take up again with their Wives as soberly as if they had never wrong'd them Nevertheless if this last pleases him best he makes no Conscience to put away his Wife and take her and these Salvages do not a little wonder at us Europeans who are us'd to the contraray One Day whilst I was upon my Mission at Fort Frontenac among the Iroquois the Husband of one of our Canada Women was gon about Twenty or Thirty Leagues off whereupon the other Salvage Women paid their Visits to this Man's Wife and upbraided her with her intended Constancy after this Manner Hast thou no Wit Since thy Husband is absent take another Man for the present and when he returns thou mayst have thy own again This great Inconstancy and the continual Changing of Wives among them are things very opposite to the Gospel which we endeavour to inspire into these Salvages Nay it is one of the most considerable Obstacles we meet with in this great Work It is not the same in the Southern parts of America and in the Meschasipi where Polygamy reigns to an excessive Degree Throughout the whole Country of Loüisiane you shall meet with Salvages that have Ten or Twelve Wives apiece They will also marry three or four Sisters together giving for Reason that such are more likely to agree with one another than Strangers As soon as ever a Man has made his Presents to the Father and Mother of the Daughter which he has a mind to marry she is immediately his for his Life if he thinks fit without more ado Sometimes the Parents take their Daughter's Children and restore the Presents they had receiv'd from their Son-in-Law but this happens very rarely If any of these Women are found to be inconstant the Husband cuts off her Nose or her Ear or else gives her some other frightful Gash in the Face with a stone Knife If he happens to kill her he soon stops the Mouths of her Parents by a small Present Nay this is the common practice among them in such Cases I have known several who have had these Marks who nevertheless have afterwards had Children by those very Husbands Those of these hot Countries are generally more jealous of their Women than those of the North which may appear in that they sometimes wound and oftener kill themselves out of an unaccountable rash Love-fancy What is surprizing enough is that those young Salvages that follow the Wars never care to lye with their Wives 'till they are thirty Years old Because say they Women weaken Mens Limbs and render them unfit either for War or Hunting Those that do not observe this Rule are never esteem'd fit for either of these Exercise● but are generally scoff'd at and counted effeminate The Men of the South are most commonly Naked but the Women are generally cloath'd in some measure with a Skin especially in cases of Dancing or other Ceremonies Maids wear little Curls or Padlocks well oyl'd Women most commonly wear their Hair after the Bohemian manner Theygrease it with wrapping their Knives up in it and paint their Faces with various Colours as well as Men. CHAP. XVIII Of the Remedies the Salvages make use of in their Dise●ses There are several Quacks and Mountebanks among them The Opinion they had upon the Baptizing of a Child whilst the Author was with them WHEN the Salvages have been much fatigu'd they immediately go into a Stove or Bath to strengthen their Limbs and if they feel any Pain about them either in their Thighs or Legs they immediately take a Knife or sharp Stone which comes to Hand first and scarifie the Part therewith in several places especially where they perceive the Ailment When the Blood begins to gush out they scrape it away with their Knives or sharp Stones 'till it ceases running and then rub the Wound well with Bears Oyl and Dears Fat which two things they find to be a Sovereign Remedy in these Cases They do the same likewise when either their Heads or Arms ake To cure Tertain or Quartan Agues
black Tobacco which they love mightily theirs is not so well prepar'd nor so strong as that of Martenico of which sort mine was I gave them to understand I gave it them to Smoak and not the Dead Man because he had no need of it Some of the Salvages there present heard what I said very seriously and attentively concerning the other State and appeared very ready to listen to me but the rest said in their Country Dialect Tepatoui that is behold what is good In the mean time they fell to smoaking in good earnest without concerning themselves any further about being benefited by my Discourse I took notice that the Tears which they shed for the Dead and the Ceremonies they used upon that account by rubbing his Corps with Bears Oil and the like things were more the effect of Custom and Ancient Prescription to which they are tyed by Traditions that seem to have something of Judaism in them than any proper Application of theirs to these Usages I do not absolutely despair of the Salvation of these Barbarians but do believe that God will find proper means for the enlightning them in the glorious Light of the Gospel since this Holy Doctrine must be preached to all the Nations of the Earth before our Blessed Saviour com●●●o Judge the Quick and the Dead CHAP. XXIX Of the Superstition of the Savages and their ridiculous Beliefs I Know long since that all the Arts and Endeavou●s used by Man for the Conversion of Infidels will signifie nothing till such time as it shall please God to bless their undertakings to that end How shall they believe who have not heard says the Apostle Paul How shall they understand without a Preacher And who shall Preach if there be none sent The sound of the Apostles is gone through all the Earth and their word● have reached to the utmost bounds of the World I heartily wish that the sound of the Apostles successors would bring to Life those vast numbers of Savages which I have seen in my Travels they have laboured there a long time but generally speaking no considerable Progress hath been made therein to this day these blinded People are so wedded to their Superstitious ways Some of these Barbarians are more Superstitious than others especially the Older sort of them and the Women maintain the Traditions of their Ancestors with a strange o●●●ionativeness when I told them they were void of Understanding to believe such Dreams and idle Fancies and that they ought not to be wedded to Follies of this kind They wou'd say to me Of what Age art thou Thou dost not seem to be above Five and Thirty or Forty Years Old and dost thou pretend to know things better than we who are Old Men Fie thou knowest not what thou fayest thou may'st know what has past in thy own Country added these Old Dotards For thy Ancestors have told thee of them but thou canst not know what hath passed in ours before the Spirits that is to say the Europeans came hither I made answer to these Barbarians that we know all by the Scriptures which the great Author of Life hath given us by his Son that this Son Suffered Death that he might deliver all Men from a place of Everlasting Burnings from which there had been no Redemption unless he had come into the World to free us from Sin and Death that all Mankind became Guilty and sinned in Adam The first Man c. These Savages who had admirable natural Wit readily retorted upon me Are you assured that we were here before you Europeans came into these Countries and being usually answered No we are not Then said they you do not then know all by the Scriptures they do not tell you every thing It s not to be doubted but much time is required to make them sensible of the falsity of their Superstitions and much more to perswade them of the Truths of the Gospel There is none but God alone that by the anointing of his Spirit and Grace can incline their Hearts and make known unto them the Truths appertaining to their Salvation but yet it does not follow hence that those who labour in the Gospel should give over their Endeavours this way The time will come when Men shall prefer the interests of Jesus Christ before their own and then there shall be but one Shepherd and one Fold all foreign Nations shall come in in the time of God's allotment for this grand Event There are many of the Savages who laugh at those things which their Old pretended Sages relate unto them and others that give credit to what they say 〈◊〉 I have already recounted the Sentiments they have concerning their Original and the Cure of their Diseases They have some notion of the Immortality of the Soul for say they there is a very delicious Country towards the West where there is rare Hunting and where they may kill as many Wild Beasts as they please 't is there say these poor blinded ones that Men's Souls go and they hope then to see them all again in that place but they are much more ridiculous in what they say concerning the Souls of Kettles Muskets Fire-Forks and other Arms which they place near the Sepulchres of their Dead that they may go with them and serve for their use in the Soul's Country as they do here One Day a Savage Maiden being Dead after she had been Baptized and the Mother happening to see one of her Slaves at the point of Death also she said my Daughter is gone alone in●o the Country of the Dead among the Europeans without Relations and without Friends Lo now it 's Spring time she must therefore sow Indian Corn and Gourds Baptize my Slave added she before he Dies that he may go also into that Country whither the Souls of the Europeans after their Deaths go to the end he may serve my Daughter there A Savage Woman being at the point of departure she cried I will not be Baptized for the Savages who die Christians are burnt in the Country of Souls by the Europeans and certain Savages said one day that we Baptized them to make them Slaves in the other World I have been asked by others if there was good Game for Hunting in that Country whither I would have their dying Infants to go after being Baptized and when I made answer that they live there without Eating or Drinking because they are fully satiated with the Contemplation of the great master of Life we will not go thither said they because we must not eat and when I have added that there would be no occasion for Food there they clapt their hands to their Mouths as a sign of admiration and said Thou art a great Lyar is there any thing can live without Eating A Sa●age was pleased one day to relate unto us the following Story One of our Old Men said he happening to Die and being come to the Country of Souls he presently met with
Teach them The Merchants who usually Traffick with the Savages out of a design to be Gainers thereby are oftentimes the cause of the small progress that is made in the Conversion of these People It 's long since that St. Augustine Speaking of them has Said Continua est in illis meditatio doli tritura mendacii They have no other intentions than to lye and deceive that they may grow quickly Rich and put off their Goods to good advantage there is no stratagem they will not make use of to get the Furrs from the Savages at a Cheap Rate they are stock'd with Frauds and Lyes to put off their effects with and to gain double by them if they can and this no doubt is a great means to alienate the Minds of the Savages from a Religion which they see accompanied with so many Cheats and Artifices in those who make a profession of it It may be also said that there are some Missionaries who are partly the ●ause of the small progress which the Preaching of the Gospel has ordinarily made amongst th●se Barbarians It 's very difficult to learn their Languages because they differ very much one from another and no affinity between them there is therefore much time required for the insinuating our Mysteries into them and without the holy Spirit do operate in an extraordinary manner for their Conversion there is but little fruit to be expected from all the Missions made among the Savages Besides the different methods that are made use of to instruct them contributes very much towards retarding t●eir Conversion some beginning with the sensitive part whilst others think it more proper to fall first upon that which is Spiritual there are diversities of Beliefs among Christians every one abounding in his own Sence and Believing that his Faith is the purest and his method the most effectual to the end therefore things may succeed well among these People it 's necessary there be an uniformity in their belief and manner of Teaching them as there is but one Truth and one Redeemer hence it comes also that these People seeing so much difference in the Faith of Christians and in their method of Teaching they know not which to take to and this without doubt is a means to retain them in their Ignorance and ordinary Blindness I make a great deal of difference between the Zeal and indefatigable labours of the Missionaries and the pretended success they are believed to have and of which they make so much boast in the World It 's not doubted but those who have entirely disengaged themselves from the love of all Temporal things and been Missionaries among the Natives of South America have made very great progresses in those Countries there are Forty or Fifty Provinces of our Order where Publick Service is performed where they have full Freedom to Preach the Gospel after having first routed out the Idolatry and abominable Superstitions which in times past reigned amongst them But it must be confess'd that those who have laboured in this work in North America have not made the same progress their method has been to endeavour first to Civilize those Barbarous People render them susceptible of some Government and to put a restraint as much as they could upon their Brutal Extravagances and then they laboured to Disabuse them of their old Superstitions and this is the way they have gone to prepare the way of Lord in the mean time it must be owned that they have made but very little progress therein These Barbarous Nations I know not by what fatality of Interest are still almost as much Savages as ever and so wedded to their old Maxims Prophane Usages Gormandizing Pride Revilings Cruelty and other abominable Vices that you are to seek to this day for any sentiments of Humanity amongst them and especially amongst the Iroquois where I have Lived a long time They are still the same People they were Forty Years ago and upwards and yet how many Books have been Published that Treat of the great Conversions they have made say they among the Iroquois and Hurons And they would assure us at the same time that those Barbarians had built as many Churches and Chapels as they had ruined before and say that the untameable Philistines had made a very great Progress in the Faith In the mean time Experience makes it appear to this very day that these People are the same as they were at all times being of a fierce and cruel Nature and above all Enemies to the good rules of Christianity I will not pretend to say in this place that the Missionaries have not faithfully discharged their Ministerial Function but I would rather believe there has been nothing wanting for the Instruction of the Savages either from the Zeal or Assiduity with which they have laboured amongst them But after all the Seed of the Word is fallen upon a Barren and Ungrateful Land upon the High-way or among the Thorns and if these People reject the Light and Salvation tendred to them it 's at least evident that they are hereby rendred inexcusable and God is justified in the Condemnation of these Barbarians However it be 't is yet much that they do Baptize Infants and some adult Persons before their Departure who Desire it but as for those who are in Health the number of Converts among them is very inconsiderable and that of those who persevere in the Christian Religion still much less especially if regard be had to the Travels of a great number of Labourers who have been imploy'd upon Missions thither these Three or Four-Score Years but after all the Cares and entire Sacrifice of a Missionarie's Life would have met with an happy recompence if they had had the Glory to Convert and save one single Soul The principal function of the Missionaries consists in Administring the Sacraments to such Persons as travel into those Parts on purpose to Trade with the Savages and indeed it may be truly affirm'd that as soon as the Traffick for Furs and Beaver-Skins begins to cease among them the Europeans retire from thence and are no longer to be found in the Country This Reflection was made by those Barbarians one day in the presence of Monsi●ur de Frontenac even in a full Council held at the three Rivers in Canada with respect to certain Missionaries who were not of our Order of St. Francis During the whole time tha● we had any store of Beaver-Skins and other Furrs said a Savage C●●tain the Person who was wont to pray with us was constant in his attendance instructing our Children and teaching 'em to say their Prayers and Catechism he was our inseparable Companion and did us the honour sometimes to assist at our Festivals But when our Merchandizes were once Exhaus●ed those Missionaries thought sit to leave us imagining that their presence was altogether unprofitable It may be also averr'd for a certain truth that the most part of the Missions that were
peasure Therefore 't is absolutely necessary that endeavours be first us'd for the Civilizing of all these Nations before they be sollicited to embrace the Christian Religion For as long as they remain free from the yoke all attempts made for their Conversion will be attended with very little success at least if the Divine Grace do not interpose in an extraordinary manner by working some miracle in Favour of those People These are my Sentiments as to this Affair grounded on the experience that I have had as well as many other Franciscan Friars that accompany'd me in America But I may give a more particular account of these matters in a Third Tome and shall only inculcate thus much here that what I have freely declar'd was not with a Design to give Offence to any Person whatever but only to write the truth without Partiality or Dissimulation CHAP. XXXIII Of the pleasantness and frutfulness of the Country of the Savages That powerful Colonies may be easily settl'd in the Northern and Southern Parts BEfore we enter upon a particular Description of those pleasant Countries which are situated to the North and South of Northern America it will be expedient to speak a word or two concerning the Northern Territories to the end that it may appear from thence that powerful Colonies might be easily Establish'd therein it must be acknowledg'd indeed that there are Vast Forests to be clear'd from Canada to the Land of Louisiana along the Banks of the River Meschasipi so that much time must of necessity be spent in performing this Enterprize But every one knows that all new settlements are accompany'd with great Difficulties nevertheless a considerable Progress soon follows a good Beginning and the whole work after much pains may be at last happily brought to perfection Very great advantages have been formerly reap'd and no small profits as yet arise even at this day from the catching of Fish part of which was usually dry'd and became a Staple Commodity in the hot Countries insomuch that this Fishery-Trade was carry'd on in the preceeding Age with above a Thousand or 1200 Vessels The great shelf of Terra nova the neighbouring shores the adjacent Ilands Cape Breton the perforated Island and Acadia are the most convenient places in the World for Fishing but I do not here speak of the Northern Fishery which is claim'd by the French by vertue of their being the first Possessours in those Parts And indeed these Fish-Marts were inexhaustible Mines for the Kingdom which cou'd not have been taken from it if they had been supported by good Colonies Thus a great number of Vessels might pass from thence every Year to Fish for Porpesses Whales and Sea-Wolves out of which may be taken many Barrels of Oyl proper to be us'd in domestick Manufactures and even some part of it may be Transported into foreign Countries It is well known that the Fishery-Trade alone which is manag'd on the Coasts of Canada gave occasion to the first considerable Settlements that were made in those parts of America It is true indeed that they had as yet no opportunity to search the Country in orde● to observe whether there were any Mines yet many Veins of Tin Lead Copper and Iron were found in several places and without doubt much more may be discover'd hereafter if due Application were made to that purpose Besides the Country affords good store of Wood necessary for the carrying on of the Mine-Works by reason of the spacious Forests in which are many pla●es where there are Quarries of a kind of Bastard-Marble and large Mines of Pit-Coal proper for Smith's Forges There is also a certain sort of Plaister which very much resembles Alabaster By how much farther a Man advances into this Countrey so much the greater number of fine Forests and Woods will appear to his view abounding with divers sorts of Gummous Trees which are of singular use for the making of Tar and Masts for Vessels besides good store of Pine-Trees Firr-Trees Cedars and Maples fit for all sorts of Mechanical Works more especially for the Building of Ships As for Naval-Tackle which may be made there the Sea-Men may be constantly employ'd and easily find means to maintaine their Families They might also inure themselves more to the Sea by Traffick and the Weste●n Navigation because many more Voyages are made thither than to the Levant and in regard also that the Vessels are there more numerous In the beginning of the Settlement which was made of a Colony in Canada their Profi● amounted Yearly to a Hundred Thousand Crowns without comprehending the Gain of Private Persons In 1687. this Summ was Tripled and above by the means of the Skins with which the Vessels were Laden at their return and although they are sought for a great deal farther than at first nevertheless their considerable Commerce will never cease as we have observed by the great discoveries which we made in those parts It is certain that there are no Nations in Europe that have so great an inclination to the settling of Colonies as the English and Hollanders the Natural Disposition of that People not suffering them to remain Idle in their Houses Thus the vast Countries of America of which I have given the Description may hereafter constitute the chief Mart of their Traffick and Private Persons who undertake it without engaging their Countrey will not fail of their wish'd for Success They may easily contract Alliances with the Savages and find means to Civilize 'em The Colonies which they establish there will be soon Peopled and may be Fortify'd in those places with a moderate Expence Indeed they must be at first content with a light Gain but afterwards they will get great Profits by the means of a considerable Commerce maintain'd by 'em in that Country In England and Holland there is a very great quantity of Manufactures of all sorts which cannot be vended nor consum'd in the Wars upon which account Commerce may be yet augmented and render'd much more advantageous by transporting these Commodities into America where a prodigious utterance of 'em may be made incessantly Thus we may come to a clearer understanding than we have hitherto done of the wonders of Divine Providence which has not thought fit that all the Countries of the World shou'd be equally furnish'd with all sorts of Provisions to the end that mutual Society Communications and Traffick might be maintained among the different Nations of the Universe as also that the Evangelical Truth might by that means be promulgated throughout the whole Globe of the Earth and that the several Na●ions which are spread abroad on all sides might be partakers of Salvation and of the benefits acquir'd for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed it seems to be somewhat great and glorious to gain Battels and to subdue Rebellious Subjects but for certain 't is infinitely more Glorious to gain Souls by freeing them from their profound Ignorance and natural Blindness And indeed I
cannot but declare that the principal end I propos'd to my self in Publishing this great Discovery was to animate the Christians to extend the Lord's Kingdom by bringing the Barbarous Nations to the knowledge of the Gospel in order to enlarge his Dominions and by that means to contribute to the Everlasting Felicity of so many Poor People who stand in so much need of being instructed and enlightned It is certain to return to Trade that the Furrs which may be procur'd in the North Country are capable of ●aising very great Profits for there are to be found the Skins of Elks or Orignaux as they are call'd in Canada of Bears Beavers Ounces and Black Foxes which are of a wonderful Beauty and were formerly valued at Five or Six Hundred Franci a piece by reason of their rarity as also the Skins of common Foxes Otters Martens Wild Cats Roe-Bucks Stags Porcupins Turkey-Cocks that are of an extraordinary largeness Bustards and an infinite number of other Animals the Names of which are unknown to me There may be caught by Fishing as I have already intimated much variety of Sturgeons Salmons Pikes Carps Bremes extreamly large Eels armed and Gilt Fishes Barbels of a prodigious size and other sorts of Fish without number There is likewise much divertisement for the Hunters particularly innumerable multitudes of Sea-Larks which are as it were so many Gobbets of Fat Partridges Ducks of all sorts and Huars which imitate Humane Voice by their Cries and are of an Admirable Beauty and diversity of Colours as also Turtles Ring-Doves Cranes Herons Swans Bustards that have the Taste of all sorts of Meat and very great store of all other kinds of Game The Great River of St. Lawrence which I have often mention'd runs through the middle of the Country of the Iroquois and there makes a large Lake which the Savages call Ontario that is to say the Fine Lake It is extended near an Hundred Leagues in Length and by its vast compass one may take an estimate of the number of Towns and Villages that might be built upon it These Places having a Communication with New-York judicious Persons may easily determine how advantageous that Commerce wou'd prove which might be maintain'd by the means of these Settlements upon whic● occasion it may not be improper to observe that the mid●le of th●s River is nearer to N●w-York than to Quebec the Capital Town of Canada The Riv●r of St. Lawrence on the Southern side has a branch which proce●ds from a Nation call'd Out taouacts or the People with Bored Noses and on the North the Algonquins are settled whom the French have subdu'd The Eastern parts are Inhabited by the Wolf-Nation near New-Holland or New-York and to the Sou●h of the same River New-England or Boston is Situated where a great number of Vessels are fitted out for Tra●fick To the South-West lies Virginia which jointly with New-Holland was formerly known by the Name of New-Sweden and to the West appears the Countrey of the Hurons so call'd by reason that they Burn their Hair and only leave some few upon their Head in form of a Wild-Boars-Head which in French is termed Hure This last Nation was almost entirely destroy'd by the Iroquois who have incorporated the rest of the Hurons among themselves but I have added many other Countries to the North of St. Lawrence's River in the General and particular Maps which are annex'd to the First Volume of our present Relation The Large Bay of Hudson is likewise markt to the North of this River having been discov●r'd by the Sieur Desgroseliers Rochecoü●rt with whom I have often pass'd by Water in a Canou during my Residence in Canada The English have Granted him a Pension and Mr. ●aithwait Principal Secretary for the War to William III. King of Great Britain told me last year that the said Sieur Desgroseliers was still Living in England This Hudson's Bay is Situated to the North of New-France of the same River of St. Lawrence being extended above Four Hundred Leagues every way although by Land 't is not very far distant from Quebec as it may be observ'd in my Maps nevertheless Eight Hundred Leagues are reckoned at least in passing down the River from the said Town of Quebec to the Sea neither can the Navigation of this Bay be perform'd without some difficulty The Sieur Desgros●liers was one day oblig'd to put a stop to his course and cou'd not get ashore till the Second Attempt and indeed 't is very difficult to get on Board or to Land by reason of the almost continual Frosts which are there predominant When I resided at Quebec the Canadians told me That the Sieur Desgroseliers had much ado to make them believe his Assertions concerning the great difficulty of arriving there by reason of the huge cakes of Ice Seven or Eight Foot thick came floating thither from the North and carrying along with 'em whole Trees and even some heaps of Earth There were also seen several Flocks of Birds making their Nests upon these Mountains of Ice which by that means appear'd as it were so many little Islands Indeed I dare not positively Affirm that the circumstances were altogether such as I have now Represented 'em but the said Sieur Desgroseliers and others have ●ssured me that they have pass'd between those cakes of Ice which cannot be avoided for the space of Four Hundred Leagues and that they are of a prodigious bigness being often heap'd one upon another by the force of the Winds even beyond the height of the Towers of the largest Towns and sometimes very steep as it were Rocks planted in the Sea Therefore it ought not to be admir'd that we are inform'd by some Sailers that they have set Forges upon these vast Shelves of Ice where their Smiths have upon occasion Forg'd Anchors and other sorts of gross Iron-work for the use of their Vessels The English as yet retain in this Bay of Hudson the Forts of Nelson and Neusavan The Court of France formerly gave Orders to the Navigators of Canada to drive out all the English from thence but the latter having receiv'd timely information did not fail to frustrate the Enterprize of the Canadians by sending Four large Ships to the Assistance of the Inhabitants of those places As for the condition of the North-Countries and of St. Lawrence's River there are divers Mines of Iron and Steel capable of a●fording Forty or Fifty per Cent. Profit when they are wrought There are also others of Lead which may yield about Thirty or Forty per Cent. and of Copper that may produce Eighteen besides that according to all appearance some Mines of Gold and Silver might be discover'd if they were sought for Indeed some Miners were actually sent thither during my Residence in those Parts But the French are somewhat too hasty in the Management of th●ir undertakings coveting to become Rich in too short a space of time therefore they were soon dishearten'd and desisted from the attempt
because these Mines did not afford 'em all at once that Plenty which was expected Mr. Ienins the Father and ●he Son who were dep●ted to s●t the Miners on work told me then that in regard that the Company took no Care to furnish them with those Provisions which were promis'd they had taken a resolution to return home to Paris But if the French who then Inhabited Canada had had as much Phlegm as other Nations as Mr. Ienins the Elder express'd himself to me at that time they wou'd undoubtedly have carry'd on their design with good success The Territories about St. Lawrence's River bring forth all sorts of Herbs and Seeds and there are actually to be seen all manner of materials requisite for the Building of Ships of all sorts as also Oak-Planks and all other kinds of Timber but more especially a prodigious quantity of Firr-Trees that yield abundance of Gum for the making of Pitch and Tar. Moreover the above-mentioned Skin-Trade and the Cinders that may serve ●o make Pot-Ashes the Profit of which might amount to a Hundred and Fifty Thousand Livres every Year and which employment alone will afford Maintenance to a great number of Poor People all these things I say must needs produce a very considerable advantage for the Colonies which might be founded in that Countrey But 't is more remarkable that they who are once Mas●ers of these Territories may keep under Command above a Thousand Vessels which pass every Year to the Fishery and bring back Whales Salmons and Oyl in abundance to furnish whole Kingdoms with those Commodities All these Vessels must of necessity arrive at the Perforated-Island where the R●collects or Franciscan Friars have a little Missionary-House near the Huts of the Fisher-Men who come thither during the Summer-Season because there is no other Landing place except in that Countrey neither is there any Fort erected at the mouth of the River at least none that I have seen A convenient settlement which might be made in that place wou'd without doubt create a flourishing Trade which might be extreamly Augmented if a good Colony were established therein which might be very easily effected In the Description that we have Publish'd of Louisiana and the Southern-Countries which may be very properly call'd the Delights of America we have given some account of all the above-mention'd Animals but besides these there are a great number of Wild Bulls and Cows bearing a kind of curled Wool which may be tam'd and kept to Till the Ground They may also serve for Food and may be shorn every Year as Sheep to make as good and as fine Cloth as any in Europe The Savages who inhabit these Territories were never able to destroy those Animals which pass out of one Countrey into another according to the succession of the Seasons There are also many Medicinal Herbs altogether unkown in Europe the efficacy of which is infallible as the Barbarians have found by Experience who make use of 'em to heal all their Wounds as well as to Cure Tertian and Quartan Agues to asswage the Nephritick Pains to serve as Purges and for other Applications of the like Nature To those may be added several sorts of Poyson particularly the Bark of the Wild-Lemon-Tree and others which are us'd by those People to put their Enemies to Death Serpents are frequently seen in certain places more especially Adders Aspes and another sort of Serpents that have a kind of Rattle at their Tail and are therefore call'd Rattle-Snakes These last are of a prodigious length and thickness and their Biting often proves fatal to Passengers nevertheless they do not Assault any Persons unless they happen to touch the Herbs or pieces of wood on which they lie But Sovereign Remedies against their Venom are to be had in the places which they frequent There are in like manner certain Frogs of a surprizing thickness the croaking of which is as loud and shrill as the bellowing of Oxen. The same Trees that are common in Europe are likewise to be seen in those Countries but there are some of another kind as I have already observ'd particularly Cotton-Trees and several others These Trees ●ak● very deep Rooting and shoot up to a vast height which sufficiently shews the Richness and Fruitfulness of the Soil But the greatest advantage that can arise from our Discovery in the Frozen-Sea and New Mexico consists as I have already intimated in the Consideration that by the mean● of these southern-Southern-Countries a passage may be found out to China and Iapan without being oblig'd to traverse the Equinoctial-Line CHAP. XXXIV The manner how the Savages hold their Councils The Politick Wiles Practised by them against their Enemies and the outrages committed by them upon the Europeans by what means a stop may be put to their irregular proceedings IT often happens that these Savages commit very great outrages upon the Europeans under pretence that they have done them some Injury These Barbarians cause the Proclamation of War to be made by Three or Four Old Men in all the Towns and Villages who do it with so loud a Voice and with so lamentable a Tone that all they who remain in the Huts as well Men as Women are ready to tremble for fear Their Compassion being thus mov'd they are animated to take Vengeance of their Enemies At first all the Elders and those who are appointed to hold their Councils r●pair with all speed to the largest Hut in which are the Quarters of the principal Captain of their Na●ion There one of the Chief Officers makes a Speech and always Expresses himself in this form of Words My Brothers and Nephews such a Nation has kill'd some of our People for although never so light occasion of discontent were only given 'em yet they wou'd not fail to give it out that some of their Companions were kill'd Therefore it is requisite continues the Commander in Chief to Maintain a War against 'em to extirpate 'em and to Revenge the Injuries they have done us If all who assist in this Consult answer one after another Netho or Togensk● and if they Smoak in the Pipe or Reed of War whilest a Young Savage takes care to stuff Tobacco into the Head of the Pipe this is taken for the unanimous consent of the whole Nation and their Allies Then the Troops of Warriours appear upon all occasions and rove up and down endeavouring to surprize their Enemies although they be often altogether innocent of those misdemeanors which some disaffected Savage has thought fit to lay to their charge One day the Iroquois being Exasperated by reason of some Affront offer'd 'em by a certain French Man of Canada determin'd not to Attack the whole Nation but contented themselves with discharging their Fury upon Two among them whom they cut to pieces with Hatchets Afterward having fastned their Dead Bodies to great Stones they threw them into the River and let them pass with the current of the Stream on purpose to
carry on the Missions and to Convert other Nations to the Christian Religion Indeed these Monks do actually expose their Lives and are inur'd to all manner of Fatigues on purpose to propagate the Gospel throughout all the Regions of the World A Remonstrance was formerly made by our Monks that it was requisite that the Christian Religion and the authority of publick Justice shou'd be maintain'd by a good Garrison settl'd in some convenient place of Northern America which might keep in Subjection the Country for the space of above Eight Hundred Leagues along the Banks of St. Lawrence River There is no place convenient for Landing but at the mouth of the said River so that the chief Mart being once settl'd their Commerce might by that means be very much promoted and even render'd extremely Advantagious which might also be improv'd by the power of the Prince who might make himself Master of it and might enlarge his Dominions with the extent of a large River To these may be annex'd many spacious Countries which might be possess'd in this vast Continent on the Banks of the great River Meschasipi which is infinitely more convenient than that of St. Lawrence for the Establishing of New Colonies by reason that all sorts of Grain may be there reap'd twice a Year and even in some places thrice not to mention a very many other Advantages to which it may be added that a great number of People who wou'd come to visit these New Colonies might by that means be render'd Tributary Indeed I shall be always ready to contribute as far as it lies in my power toward the promoting of so noble an Enterprize and even to spend the remainder of my Life in that Service But in order to bring the Matter to a happy conclusion it wou'd be requisite First That the Princes or States who design to reap the benefit of our Discoveries shou'd cause Justice to be administer'd in those New Dominions with a great deal of exactness The beginnings of Colonies are always carry'd on with much difficulty which makes it necessary to prevent Robberies Murders Debauches Blasphemies and all other Crimes that are but too common among the Europeans who inhabit America Secondly It wou'd be expedient to cause a Fort to be built at the Mouth of St. Lawrence's River and more especially on that of Meschasipi which are the Landing places for the Vessels and to maintain a sufficient number of Men for the Defence of these Forts In the mean while the Inhabitants might go out in Parties and employ themselves in clearing the Lands Twenty or Twenty Five Leagues round about There they might get in three Crops every Year and yet spend some time in taming Wild Oxen which may be afterward serviceable on many occasions Besides other Profits that might arise from the above-mention'd Mines and the Sugar-Canes which are found there in much greater quantities than in the American Islands the reason is because there are more spacious Tracts of Land proper for the Planting of these Sugar-Canes on which may be sown divers sorts of Grain these will not thrive nor come to maturity in those Islands The Climate of the Territories situated between the frozen Seas and the Gulph of Mexico is much more temperate along the River Meschasipi than in the said Islands the Air being very near of the same Temperature as in Spain Italy and Provence and the Soil is extremely fruitful The Men and Women always go there with their Heads uncover'd and are of a more advantageous size than the Europeans As for the Sentiments of these Barbarous People concerning the Heaven and Earth if it be demanded who was the Creator of them There are some Old Men among them of a more quick apprehension who make Answer That for the Heaven they know not how it was made nor by whom first created Indeed if we had ever been there say they we might have come to some knowledge of it But thou seemest it to be void of discretion continue they to ask what we think of a place so far advanc'd above our Heads where 't is impossible for Men to ascend How woulds't thou have us speak of a thing that no Man has ever seen It plainly appears that thou art destitute of Vnderstanding to propose to us such sort of Questions But say they can'st thou by Scripture of which thou talkest so much shew us a Man who has come down from the top and the manner how he ascended When we reply'd That our Souls being separated from our Bodies are endu'd with admirable Agility and that they fly up to Heaven in the twinkling of an Eye to receive the Rec●mpence of their Works from the great Creator of the World These Savages who shew a great deal of indifference to every thing that is told 'em and are very subtil in making a shew of admitting whatever is propos'd to 'em being urg'd usually answer to this effect That is very well for those of your Country but we Americans do not go to Heaven after death We only pass to the Count●y of Souls where our People are employ'd in Hunting fat Beasts and where they live more peaceably than we do in the places where we now have our abode All that thou hast told us tends to the advantage of those Men whose Habitation is beyond the great lake For so these Wretches call the Sea Then proceeding in their Discourse they add that as for their parts they are created after a different manner from the Europeans Hence it appears that he who Plants and he who Waters does little or nothing towards the Conversion of the People and that 't is God who gives the increase Therefore from him alone is to be expected that happy moment when these ignorant People will be ready to embrace the Christian Faith As for their Opinion concerning the Earth they make use of the Name of a certain Genius whom they call Mic●boche who has cover'd the whole Earth with Water as they imagine and relate innumerable fabulous Tales some of which have a kind of Analogy with the Universal Deluge These Barbarians believe that there are certain Spirits in the Air between Heaven and Earth who have a power to foretell future Events and others who play the part of Physicians curing all sorts of Distempers Upon which account it happens that these Savages are very Superstitious and consult their Oracles with a great deal of exactness One of these Masters-Jugglers who pass for Sorcerers among them one day caus'd a Hut to be erected with ten thick Stakes which he fix'd very deep in the Ground and then made a horrible noise to Consult the Spirits to know whether abundance of Snow wou'd fall ere long that they might have good game in the Hunting of Elks and Beavers Afterward he bawl'd out aloud from the bottom of the Hut that he saw many Herds of Elks which were as yet at a very great distance but that they drew near within seven
or eight Leagues of their Huts which caus'd a great deal of joy among those poor deluded Wretches It ought to be observ'd here that although this Juggler or pretended Prophet had fail'd in his Prediction the Savages wou'd have no less esteem for him it being sufficient that he had hit the Mark once or twice by chance to gain him a lasting Reputation Whereupon I took an occasion to tell them that the great Creator of Heaven and Earth disposes of all things at his pleasure and that we ought to pray to him for whatever we want The Barbarians answer'd me That they did not know him and that they were very desirous to be inform'd whether he cou'd send 'em any Elks or Beavers such is the gross Stupidity and Brutishness of those ignorant People I told 'em one day That we Europeans had so much Vnderstanding as to know how the whole World was created and by whom But all that they said by way of Answer was That if we wou'd come and live with them they wou'd give us their Children to be instructed Thus it plainly appears from these Sentiments of the Savages that the greatest fruit of the Ministerial function that can be expected among them consists only in Baptizing a few Infants at the point of Death As for the adult Persons 't is requisite to use all manner of endeavours to render them Sedentary and Civiliz'd and to accustom them by degrees to hear Preaching To which purpose a great deal of pains must be taken and yet little progress can be made in gaining the Ascendant over their Minds The Missions in Northern America are very different from many others for nothing is to be found there ●hat is pleasing to the natural disposition nor any thing that is n●t contrary to the se●sual appetit● It is requisite to undergo terrible fatigues and to be fitly dispos'd for ●oilsom and unprofitable Labours Very little success is to be hop'd for in carrying on the Conversion of Souls and the Obstacles that hinder it are many and almost insuperable However those Persons who set themselves about this Work with a due zeal readily acknowledge that there is a secret Charm therein which allures them insomuch that when they are diverted by any urgent occasion they find themselves much discompos'd and as it were under a violent Restraint Indeed this has always seem'd to me to be a good Omen with respect to the Missions of that Country upon the Reflections I made that the Divine Providence will not always abandon the Inhabitants of it to their natural ignorance and I am apt to believe that there may be just grounds to hope for their Conversion by reason of that powerful Attractive that engages the Missionaries to continue their Labours As for the vertue of Patience it is absolutely necessary for all those Persons who have any Inclination to follow this Employment During our Travels in America we took our repast on the ground or upon a Mat made of Bulrushes when we were in any Hut of the Savages A Billet or Faggot of Cedar-Wood serv'd us instead of a Bolster in the Night and we had only our Cloaks for a Coverlet for want of our own Bed-Cloaths which we Charitably bestow'd upon some Sick Savage The Floor or else our Knees serv'd for a Table because we were not accustom'd to sit on the ground as the Barbarians We always took our places on some Logs or Billets which were our ordinary Seats and instead of Napkins we had only the Leaves of Indian Corn or the Grass of the Meadows spread abroad We had a few Knives indeed but they were of no manner of use to us at Meals for want of Bread to cut Except at the time of the general Hunting or at certain particular Seasons of the Year Meat was so scarce that we have often spent Six Weeks or Two Months without eating any unless it were a small piece of the Flesh of a Wild Dog Bear or Fox which the Savages gave us dur●ng their Festival Entertainments Our ordinary Diet was the same as that of the Savages that is to say Sagamite or a sort of Pap made of Water Indian Corn and Gourds but to give it a better Relish we were wont to intermix with it Sweet Marjoram wild Purslain and a certain kind of Balm with small wild Onions which we found in the Woods and Fields Our common Drink was fair Water which we took out of the Springs Rivers or Lakes but if any one of us were indisposed at the time when the Trees were in Sap more especially if he were afflicted with an Oppression or Weakness of the Stomach we usually made a Cleft in the Bark of a Maple-Tree out of which issued forth a kind of sweet Liquor which was receiv'd into a Dish made of Birch-Tree Bark This Liquor was drank as a Sovereign Remedy althô in reality the effects of it were not very considerable There are great store of Maple-Trees growing in the Vast Forests of those Countries and Distill'd Waters may be drawn from them Insomuch that having caus'd them to boil for along time we made a Reddish sort of Sugar much better than that which is taken from the ordinary Canes in the Islands of America Our whole stock of Spanish Wine which we carry'd with us in our Journeys being exhausted we made another Sort with Wild-Grapes which prov'd very good We put it into a little Barrel that had before contain'd the Wine which we brought and into some Bottles A Wooden Mortar and one of our Altar-Cloaths serv'd instead of a Press and our Vat was a Bark-Pail which was not capable of holding all our Wine Therefore that none might be lost we made a Confection of Grapes which was of no less value than that of Europe and we made good cheer with it on Festival Days Our Candles were made of small Rolls of Birch-Tree Bark which we lighted but they lasted only a very little while However we were oblig'd to write and read by Fire light in the Winter which inconvenience created us no small trouble During our abode at the Fort of Frontenac Twenty Leagues distant from Quebec the Capital Town of Canada to the South we Cultivated a Garden and enclos'd it with good Pallisadoes to hinder the entrance of the Savage Children The Herbs Pease and all manner of Pulse that we Sow'd there throve very well and there wou'd have been very great plenty of them if we had been furnish'd with all the Tools that are requisite for tilling the ground in the beginning of the Settlement of that Fort which was then blanked only with thick Stakes Insomuch that we were oblig'd to make use only of sharp-pointed Sticks neither cou'd we procure any other Instruments of Husbandry All the Consolation we had in this course of Life was the hopes of seeing the Gospel planted one day in these vast Provinces by the Divine Blessing upon our Labours Indeed these Barbarous People shew'd some desire of
being instructed in our Mysteries being attentive and very constant at Prayer althô their Mind was not as yet sufficiently enlighten'd to embrace in a due manner The Truths of the Christian Religion and none came to ●eek instruction any otherwise than induc'd thereto by Interest to obtain of us Knives Awls and other Toys of the like nature Perhaps it may not be improper here to subjoyn certain Reflections for which I am indebted to an excellent Monk of our Order whose name I may have occasion to produce in a Third Volume if I shall be permitted through the Divine Mercy to accomplish my Design There is undoubtedly a great deal of difference between the Zeal Labour and indefatigable Industry ●f true Missionaries and the pretended Success of some Impostors that have been so often boasted of without any appearance of Truth The least piece of Justice that can be done to the Memory of divers Apostolical Persons in New France is to acknowledge that they have really surpass'd every thing that can be express'd concerning them and that they have at least come very near if not altogether equall'd the Enterprizes Courage and Sufferings of the Apostle St. Paul who was expos'd to very great dangers to hunger and thirst and to violent Persecutions nay their silence has been great and commendable amidst the clamours and malicious slanders of their Enemies But the Conduct of these Missionaries justifies it self and set 'em above the like Reproaches as well with respect to Canada as every where else I formerly us'd my utmost Efforts in that place as well as other Missionaries among the Iroquois to Civilize those Barbarians to render 'em capable of admitting Laws and Civil Government and to put a stop to their Brutish Outrages as far as it was possible I have endeavour'd to bring 'em off from their vain Superstitions and thus in some measure have prepar'd the ways of the Lord according to my ability However it must be confess'd that very little progress has been made in this Reformation since these People are as Savage as ever always equally adhering to their ancient Maxims and profane Customs as being extremely addicted to Gluttony Drunkenness Pride and Cruelty and even uncapable either of Instruction or Obedience Altho' a Man shou'd seek for a reformation of Manners or even some marks of Humanity among the Iroquois as long as he shou'd think fit nevertheless they wou'd be always found to be such as they were Thirty or Forty Years ago Since the French of Canada have concluded a Treaty of Peace with them and the Jesuits resided among 'em in quality of Missionaries altho ' they have built as many Churches and Chappels as were destroy'd by 'em before yet these Iroquois who may be very justly call'd the Invincible Philistines have made no very great progress in the knowledge of the Christian Faith To speak the truth we as yet see the contrary even at this day These Barbarians ar● now carrying on a Cruel War with the French who remain in those Countries altho' I confess indeed 't is difficult for me to comprehend that Christians shou'd be engag'd in a War against a Brutish sort of People whom I have manag'd with all the Circumspections of which I was capable during Six or Seven Years that I resided among them either by the Embassies with which I was charg'd or by the Ins●ructions I had given 'em as to Reading Writing and even Religion it self However we have constantly endeavour'd to keep this Warlike Nation in Peace as far as it lay in our power The Iroquois who always treat our Monks with the Title of Chitagon that is to say the Bare-feet have often lamented their absence at the Lake Ontario or of Frontenac where they had a Missionary Mansion-House I have frequently heard say that when a Priest of St. Sulpitius a Jesuit or some other Clergy-man of Canada demanded of the Iroquois How it came to pass that they gave them no share of their Game or Provisions got by Hunting as they had done to the Bare-feet These Savages reply'd that our Recollects were accustom'd to live in Common after their fashion and that they had no recompence for all the Presents they made them and that they did not take any Skins of which all the other Europeans are so greedy nor any other thing by way of Retaliation for what they had done for them This shews that it wou'd be requisite to begin with Temporal things in treating with those People and afterward to proceed to Spiritual For if as it happen'd in the Primitive Church the present Christians were only one Heart and one Soul if they were willing to act generous●y without regard to their private Interest or Advantage or at least if they only took in Exchange of the Savages a reasonable Equivalent with respect to what they had given them without doubt more might be gain'd of them and the Conversion of these Barbarous Nations might be easily effected It is true indeed that during my Residence in Quality of a Missionary at the Fort of Frontenac among the Iroquois whilst the Jesuits were dispers'd up and down in their Cantons those Religious Persons were engag'd in Employments very different from mine For in regard that these Barbarians acted only according to the direction of their Senses they then look'd upon the Missionary Jesuits as so many Captains or Men of great Quality that is to say as the Envoy and perpetual Residents of the French Colony at Canada whose Office it is to maintain a good Correspondence between them to dispose of Peace and War and to Reside in their Cantons to serve as a Pledge or security for those People when they went to Treat with the Inhabitants of Canada Otherwise those Barbarians wou'd have lain under perpetual diffidence and fear of being arrested for want of having Hostages in their own Countrey for the safety of their Lives and Fortunes It has been already observ'd that the above-mention'd Missionaries are wont to take upon them the Tuition of the Savage Children and discharge that Office to very good purpose By those means they draw in the Barbarians to their place of Residence and employ them in clearing the Lands of their Cantons which contributes much to the Advantage of the Colony and even of the Church it self Thus it happens that to their Reputation and Zeal are owing many considerable foundations for the Foreign Missions which have been obtain'd of divers Potent and well disposed Persons whose liberal Contributions as well as the Endowments and Annual Gratuities given by the King are apply'd to the same use To conclude these Missionary Mansions are the proper Places for the forming of true Saints by the means of an indefatigable Zeal a fervent Charity accompanied with Patience and Humility by a great dis-engagement from self-interest by an extraordinary Gentleness and by a pure and li●ely Faith Indeed this is a kind of Apostolical Discipline very different from that which is commonly
seen among the other Nations of the World But to add a Word here concerning the progress of the other sort of Missions I have even now mention'd can it be possible that that pretended prodigious number of Savage Converts cou'd escape the fight of a Multitude of French Canadians who Travel every Year Three or Four Hundred Leagues among them and even as far as the farthest bounds of their known Countries where they remain some Years in order to carry on the Affairs of Commerce How comes it to pass that these Churches so Devout and so numerous shou'd be invisible to me when I pass'd through so many Countries and Nations and to the Eyes of our Franciscan Friars who have visited so many Savage People as well as so many other Persons of a Profound Judgment and Sagacity Besides 't is well known that the Savages resort Yearly in great Crowds to Canada with their Canon's Laden with Skins where is to be seen the concourse of all sorts of Savages who are as it were the Flower of those different Nations The whole Countrey can testifie that in their Demeanour and manner of dealing they make nothing appear that is not Barbarous and Savage without shewing any mark of Religion All the proofs that can be produc'd consists in their being present only as i● were so many Stocks at the Celebration of our Mysteries Prayers and Instructions Upon the whole matter they are found to be indifferent without any manner of attension or appearance of Faith and destitute of the Spirit of Religion Forasmuch as they are naturally addicted to Idleness and Sloth and besides in regard that our Ceremonies appear new to them they often afford us their presence but it is only for Fashion sake by way of Complaisance and meerly out of a desire to satisfie their Curiosity Some are indeed induc'd to come by reason of their Private Interests others by Motives of Fear or upon account of a particular esteem they have for the Person of some Missionary whom they look upon as a considerable Captain Insomuch that all that can be done is to get out of the midst of the Woods certain Families that seem to be more docible and then to dispose them to settle in the Inhabited Cantons There are two Villages not far from Quebec the Capital Town in Canada and two others Situated higher on St. Lawrence's River near Mont-Real which are separated from the Commerce of the Europeans so that the Church of the Savages is only found in those places and although their Language as well as their manner of Living is always Barbarous nevertheless ●hese new Converts are kept within the bounds of Obedience A great deal of Pains is taken to inure them to Piety yet none can prevail much with them in order to a Reformation Indeed there are some among 'em who are Christians in reality but there are many and even whole Families who make their escape from time to time out of the custody of the Missionaries after having dwelt with them Ten or Twelve Years and return to the Woods to their former Living It will possibly be answered that we daily see many Christians in Europe who swerve from their Duty and dis●onour their Profession by a course of Life as Vicious Irreligious and Prophane as those of whom we speak But the Question here is not concerning the corruption of the manne●s of these Barbarian Neophytes but how they stand dispos'd to entertain the Doctrine of Christianity Certain it is that at present they have Abandon'd the very profession of it and willfully stifled in their hearts the few Notions of Religion that were Imprinted there through an Apostacy as great as is their Blindness and amazing stupidity The contrary I know hath been Published in France in divers Relations which have been handed about on this Subject and recommended to the Reading of the Pensioners of the Vrsulines 'T is likewise affirmed that the Indian Converts are in great numbers and some of them instructed so far as to be fit for confirmation others to be admitted even into first orders Would to God all the Churches which are mentioned in these Relations were as real as the Inhabitants of Canada and all Wise and unprejudiced Men know them to be otherwise If they had once a being what is become of them within less than these Hundred Years that they are no longer to be seen The Colony of Canada grows greater and greater every day Trade improves in those parts and the Europeans are better acquainted with it now than ever So that one would think it would be no hard matter to discover this vast number of Converts and yet alass they are no where to be found Possibly it is that th●y h●ve some art to make these New Christians disappear as they have done by their Relations which of late they have forborn to Publish In this indeed they have acted prudently and made some amends to the publick whom they have hereby in some mea●ure disabused of so gross a mistake For otherwise what will those think that shall come after us when they see Printed in the Supplements to Baronius and read Year after Year of the vast Progress of Religion in these parts but that Antiquity had a mind to impose upon us out of Vanity and pure Oftentation Or at best that these Churches dwindled away by little and little through the negligence of the Miss●onaries Formerly when these Stories were read in France and Men not so well acquainted with Canada as they are at present they were easily credited by those that read them out of an hearty desire it shou'd be so Then indeed it was easie to impose upon the World in this respect But for me who have been upon the spot and have always accustomed my self to speak with freedom and Sincerity I shall e'en refer my self for the truth of what I say to as many as there are Inh●bitants at present in New France which were about Fifteen or Sixteen Thousand but are doubtless now more since my leaving them by the increase of the French Church I am sure they will all naturally tell you there is hardly any thing of Christianity even now amongst the Savages excepting some particular persons very few in number and those wavering and inconstant ready at every foot to Abandon their Religion for the smallest interest So that there is no other real Church now in Canada than what was there at the ●●rst Establishment of the Colony from whence we must conclude that there was either a Church then begun by the Ministry of the Religious of our Order or that at present there is none at all 'T is possible they may have advanced something towards the Civilizing the Natives and the making them a little more polished than they formerly were But all the Countrey knows they are no more Christians now than ever Yet according to all appearance they would have been much better inclined to our Religion had the others
trod in the steps of the first Missionary of our Holy Order and been careful in maintaining a solid Peace and good Understanding with the Iroquois and other the Savage Nations and mingled and incorporated them by degrees with the Europeans to have rendered them the more tractable and accustomed to our Manners During my Mission in Canada I bethought my self one day to ask some sensible Person how it came to pass that we saw no more annual Relations of the Mis●●ons of Canada Those of whom I demanded it making me no answer One that designed no harm by it made bold to tell me that the Court of Rome had ordered that the Relations of all foreign Missions should be precisely true and that the matter of Fact which they contained should be as clear as the Sun at Noon Day and that the Congregation de Propagand● fide had enforced it by a seco●d Order importing that no more of them should come out at least if what related were not known to be notoriously true This answer seemed to me to come from a Man perfectly well vers'd in Affairs Upon the whole whilst we admire the Judgments of God upon these Barbarous Nations we ought ever to acknowledge his great goodness to us whom he has caused to be born of Parents enlightned by the Faith and in a Country where it is secured to us by our Laws and our selves model'd by it to the practice of virtue and true Piety and where the multitude of Graces from within and assistances from without afford us the means of making our Salvation sure provided we are not wanting to our selves in faithfully improving them To him ought we to give the Glory that is due for the excellent lights which we have Received which distinguish us so advantageously from the many Nations that remain in the darkness of Error and Illusion In a Word 't is what ought to oblige us to take care to make our calling and Election sure by every good work having always before Eyes that we must one day give account before the dreadful Tribunal of God what use we have made of all those Graces he hath been pleased to make us partakers of CHAP. XXXVI History of the Irruption made by the English into Canada 1628. Taking of Quebec the Capital of the Country 1629. Civil Vsage which the Recollects of the City Received at the hands of the English I Think my self obliged to communicate to the publick the Observations which I have taken out of the Reverend Father Valentine le Roux Provincial Commissary of our Recollects of Canada a person of singular merit I have observed in my First Volume how I communicated to him my Journal of the Discovery which I made of the whole River of Meschasipi This Father who is a person of great Sagacity has published under a borrowed Name what he knew of the Intrigues of Canada in which work he makes appear the wonderful conduct of Gods Providence and how it accomplishes its designs by means unsearchable in their Beginning Progress and Execution It Seems says this wise Religious that some Years since the Colony of new France did by little and little begin to form it self Discoveries were daily made Trade improved Inhabitants encreased Chapels and Oratories built in divers places and the Country in short assumed a new Form of Government when it pleased God that all was undone again of a suddain by a Descent from the English who pretend that their King is not only Sovereign of his Three Kingdoms but also of the Ocean Some English out of zeal for their Country equipped a Fleet in 1628. To make themselves Masters of Canada under the Reign of Lewis the 13th Fa●her of the present French King Two Turtles of which there are great numbers in these Parts fell down of ●hemselves when the weather was very Fair into the Castle of Quebec on the 9th of Iuly in the same Year which the Inhabitants took to be Ominous and a Presage of the disastrous Revolution which fell out just after i● The English in their way had taken a French Ship which lay at the Mouth of the River St. Francis in a certain place of the Isle which they called Bored by reason of a Point of Land which runs out into the Sea thro' the middle of which there runs a great Arch naturally wrought thro' the Rock andunder which the Fisher-Mens biggest Shallops always pass as they return from Fishing for Cod. The English sailed all along up the River and advanced as far as Tadoussac which is another River that falls into that of St. Francis and comes from the Lands that lie towards Hudsons-Bay as will appear by the Map Here the English Found a Bark which they made use of to set a Shore Twenty of their Soldiers who were to endeavour to seize on Cape Tourment so called by reason of the danger that ships ride in here during a Storm which are more frequent in this place than any other in the whole River Two Savages that lived amongst the Europeans having discovered them gave notice of it at Quebec which is not above Seven or Eight Leagues from the Cape Mounsieur Champelin who was governour of the City as soon as he heard the News desired Father Ioseph le Caron superior of the Recollects to take a Canou of Bark and go and find out the Enemy and see what was in it The News proved but too true for he met the Confirmation of it within Five Leagues of Quebec and had but just time to get a shore and save himself in the Woods The two Religious which we had there escap'd by Land to Quebec as also the Sieur Faucher Commandant of the place to bring the News of the taking of the Cape The English possessed themselves of all the Effects that were of Service to them but the Inhabitants gained the Woods There were but Three in all that fell into the hands of the Enemy one of which called Piver with his Wife and his Nice appeared soon after before Quebec accompanied by an Officer of Mounsieur Kirk Admiral of the English Fleet. The Officers business was to Summon the Town to Surrender by a Letter which was presented the Governour from the Admiral But the Governour brave in his person tho' otherwise mightily surprized at this suddain Invasion remained firm and intrepid and returned an answer so resolute that the English thô a People that will sooner die than quit what they once undertake concluded from the briskness of the Reply that the Fort of Quebec was in a much better condition to Defend it self than it really was For which reason they let alone the attempting it at this time and set Sail for England deferring the Execution of their Design to a more favourable Opportunity The English Admiral designing to return the next Year satis●ied himself I say at this time with making abundance of Prisoners whom he carryed into England and amongst the rest a Young Huron Savage
France the Religious would once more find themselves in a condition to carry on their ordinary Ministry in Canada and support the Establishments which they had begun They were yet the rather invited to it by reason of the great marks of Friendship which the English General had shown Father Ioseph In short two of our Religious profer'd themselves to go And Father Ioseph himself was almost of the same mind But there was no time to lose in consideri●● those that would go must do it that very day as some of the French did who retired with the Savages in their Canou's 'T is a lamentable thing that Missionaries and Pious Men should be stop'd by force from prosecuting their just designs The Council of Quebec and the other leading Men oppos'd their departure with reasons meerly politick and secular Whether that they were afraid of the reproaches which as they pretended they should be liable to in France upon their account should they leave them behind or that they distrusted the Providence and Protection of God over those they should leave or rather that they believed the French would never return to Canada However it were the Fathers were forced to give way and this was the only time that his Enemies could ever fix any complaint at Court and more particularly amongst our Recollects of the Province of St. Denys against Father Ioseph whom they accused of want of Zeal and Resolution on this occasion It must be owned had they continued amongst them that those Savage Nations who had so much confidence in the Recollects would in all probability have been better dispos'd through their means to receive the Gospel than we find they have been ever since Father Ioseph justified himself as well as he could maintaining he had done nothing but executed the Orders of the Council of Quebec as appears by the Answers which he gave in to the Definitor of the Province after his return when he was called to give an account of his Mission Next day being the 20 th of Iuly 1629. th● Sieur Champelin having been aboard the English Admiral the Articles of the Capitulation were Signed on both sides And the English being Landed were put in Possession of Canada by the Governour Father Valentine le Roux Provincial Commissary of the Recollects of Canada whom I saw at my return from my great Discovery has left nothing behind him of the Articles between the French of Quebec and the English Be it as it will the latter took Possession of all Canada But 't is said that the Sieur Champelin secured his 〈◊〉 and all his Effects He likewise obtained some other Advantages in the Capitulation by the Civility of the English The French Inhabitants who were then in the Country had twenty Crowns apiece given them the rest of their Effects remained to the Conquerors of which there was great complaint made because some particular people inriched themselves on this occasion Those who were willing to stay in the Country obtained great advantages of the English especially the Family of Monsieur Hebert with whom I have often conversed at Montroyal when I have passed by there in my way to Fort Frontenac As for our Recollects I must ever own they were beholding to the Generosity of the English for many singular favours for which I shall always have an extraordinary esteem for that brave Nation The Admirals Parole was punctually observed to suffer no injury to be done to our Convents of Nôtre Dame des Anges and Quebec nor to our first Residence which was then in the very place where the Cathedral of Quebec now stands our Religious since that having been Re-established near the said Church And yet whatever care the English Officers could take to prevent it one of their Soldiers had made a shift to carry off a Silver Chalice at which the Officers who are naturally generous were highly disturbed and protested solemnly to the Religious he should severely pay for it could they but discover the Author The Jesuits who came not into Canada till Fourteen or Fifteen Years after the Recollects who therefore must needs be allowed to be the first Missionaries of America met with a contrary treatment in all respects Their House was Plundered and every thing in it given in Prey to the Soldiers Themselves were forced to Embark the next day with the Sieur Champelin and the rest of the French for Tadoussac Whereas Colonel Lewis and Thomas Kirk Brothers one Admiral the other Vice-Admiral of the English suffered those of our Order to stay at Quebec The English likewise publickly declared that they left them in Canada purposely to instruct the Natives in the Principles of Christianity and that with the permission of the King their Master they would even hinder them from withdrawing themselves into France They likewise bid them be free with them in any thing they could serve them and come visit them with the same liberty they had before the taking of Quebec And so far were they from interdicting the exercise of the Roman Religion that they desired them to accept of some Wine and carry it home with them for the Mass which was to be said for the Ordinary Service of the Church which likewise they bid them freely make use of Our Recollects lived thus above six Weeks after the taking of Quebec and received abundance of Civilities from the English who even pressed them to stay amongst them leaving them at full liberty to instruct the Savages that were of their Acquaintance This lasted till the 9 th of September following when they Imbarked with the Sieur de Pont-gravé who was left at Quebec by reason of his Illness to go and joyn the Sieur de Champelin the Jesuits and the rest of the French who had been sent to Tadoussac the day after the Surrender of Quebec I leave you to imagine what must be the sorrow of the poor Missionaries when they saw themselves thus forced to abandon a Mission which they had been hitherto propagating with so much application However in hopes of returning quickly they hid in several private places good part of their Utensils and lockt up close in an Elk-Skin-Trunk which they secured in a strong Chest that would let in no Air the principal Ornaments of the Church after which they departed for Tadoussac The Fleet set Sail the 14 th of September for England and arrived at Plimouth the 18 th of October where our Recollects having tarried Five or Six days were sent from thence to London with some other French From London they arrived at Calais the 24 th of the same Month and from thence at our Convent in Paris The Reader may observe that the English preserved our Convents of Quebec and Nôtre Dame des Anges which last the Jesuits found in so good a Condition as to be fit to receive them at their return till such time as their own could be rebuilt Our Religious had instructed them at their going over with the knowledge
have been honoured throughout the Earth and in which the Reverend Fathers the Jesuits have been pleased to mingle themselves But they have built on our foundation or rather we have had the advantage of their helping hand to carry on the Work whilst we act in concert and perfect Unity to advance the glory of God and his Holy Gospel which is our only aim For which reason also it was that the Recollects of Paris in Mission at Quebec called the Jesuits to their assistance that they might labour together to so good an end But 't is observable that when the English after having kept it Four Years had restored Canada to the French the Father Jesuits who had more interest than us returned thither whereas we were prevented by little intrigues and underhand dealings which could not but be very grievous to us since in all other parts of the Christian World we had preceded the Jesuits in our Missions But in New France alone could not be allowed the Consolation so much as to continue our Labour with them and so much the rather because the mutual Charity which was not in the least impared between the two Societies made us apt to believe that the Father Jesuits who abound in Goodness and Merit were as really concerned at the injustice that was done us as the Letters which they were pleased to write to us on that occasion did import Were I to set forth the many difficulties our Religious met with before they could be restored to their Missions in Canada and all the little Intrigues of some People who left no Stone unturned to obstruct it no less than another Volume would be sufficient to contain them But at last after about Thirty Years the Deputies of Canada who were impatient of their return told some of them more than they desired to know or indeed than Common Charity will permit me to report They said further that they were resolved to have some or other of them put into the Cure at Quebec and other Principal-Places of the Country That their Consciences were too much hamper'd to have to do with the same People as well in Spirituals as Temporals there being none there to whom they could disburden their Consciences but the Iesuits That therefore in case our Recollects should refuse it they were resolve to provide themselves elsewhere Messeurs of the Company of Canada being instructed by their Deputies talked much to the same purpose particularly Mounsieur Rose the Director Messeurs Margonne Des Porters Beruhier and others whose express words speaking to our Recollects were these 'T would have been much better Fathers that you had returned to Canada rather than any others 'T is a great injustice that has been done you and the Country and we know whence it comes but present your Address with your Reasons and it will be remedyed T●e Secretary of the Company said yet more Formerly Fathers I was against you but I have begged Gods pardon for it I was surprized but now am satisfy'd that I was in the wrong would to God that you had long since returned to Canada to have supplyed the Cure there the People want you mightily and can't have peace of Conscience without you Father Zachary Moreau a Recollect who dyed the death of the Just in my arms at our Convent of St. German en Laye and Paul H●●et who was my Father and Master of the Fasts at our Convent of Montergir told the Gentlemen of the Canada Company that in case they should permit us to return thither they would not pretend to meddle with any of the Curial Functions for ●ear of making some People jealous at least if the Reverend Fathers the Jesuits did not think ●it to return the Civilities which they had received from the ancient Fathers of our Order when in the year 1625. Father Ioseph le Caron Superior of our Convent at Quebec not only admitted but even invited them that there might be the better understanding between the two Societies to exercise with us by turns the Offices of the Cure of Quebec But all this signified nothing for the Company meerly to amuse them sent them back to the Council of Quebec which was made up of none but what were Creatures of the Jesuits as the Governor the Superior of the Mission ●he Syndic some of the Inhabitan●s whom they e●sily gained to the●r Party the Father Provincial of the J●suits and Fa●her Allemant Superior of the profession House who wa● then in France and Superior of the Missions but all this caballing could prolong our retu●n but for a while The Reader may believe that if the case of the Reverend Fathers the Jesuits had been ours and ours theirs we should not have failed to have received and backed their Reque●t and used our utmost interest in their behalf as we did formerly when we stood up against the whole Country for the admission of the Jesuites into Canada and afterwards supported them upon their arrival in 1625. when the Governour and Inhabitants were against their reception And Charity which should be simpl● and without guile makes us apt to believe that these Reverend Fathers did not want good will but Interest and Power in the Council of Quebec to return us the like curtesie as themselves were pleased to assure us in their Letter the year following Be it as it will you may imagine that the Resolutions taken this bout were not much in our favour for Monsieur de Lauzon Director General of the Company who notwithstanding all his fair promises had often underhand obstructed our return to Canada and was now gone Governour thither did not ●orget to continue the many good Offices hitherto done us We were no less mistaken in the Marquiss of Denouville who after I had made my great discovery was sent thither in the same quality and had made us much the same promises for the incouraging our discovery as did Monsieur Lauzon but was pleased likewise to forget them though he had particular Orders from Court to support our interest But he was soon recalled from his Government and the Count de Frontenac put in his room who has been since the true Father of the Recollects whom he has supported in their Missions at Canada as I have said at large in the description of my Louisiana and more in th● preceding Volume CHAP. XXXVIII Thoughts which a Missionary ought to have when he meets but with little incouragement in his Labours T Is held by the whole Christian World as a constant Truth and one of the first Principles of our Faith and Holy Religion that the Calling and true and sincere Conversion of People and Nations is the great work of the Mercy and Power of God and of the triumphant Efficacy of his Grace and Holy Spirit If this be true of those unbelieving and Idolatrous Nations which yet are Civilized and ruled and governed by good Laws and consequently have their Reason as we may say prepared to receive the
but five Leagues in a Day in our Return The Savages told us that the Current is not half so great in Winter The Banks of that River are cover'd with Woods down to the Sea but the Cotton-Trees are so big that I have seen some Canow's made of those Trees eighty Foot long and three broad which carry thirty Men. I saw 180 of those Wooden-Canow's in one Village of the Savages of 300 Cabins They have abundance of Holly-Trees and other Trees the Bark whereof is White Grapes Apples Plums Chesnuts Pomegranates Mulberries besides other Nuts unknown to Europe plenty of Turky-Cocks Parrots Quails Wild-Oxen Stags and Wild-Goats These Savages are affable civil and obliging and the first I met with presented me with a Pipe or Calumet of Peace which is a Protection even in a Fight Their Women and old Men take care of the Culture of the Ground which is so fertile as to afford three Crops of Indian Corn every Year They have abundance of Water-Melons Citruls and Gourds When they have sown their Corn they go a Hunting for Wild-Oxen whose Flesh they eat and the Skin serves for their Coverings having dress'd the same with a sort of Earth which serves also to dye them They have Axes and Knives from the French and Spaniards in exchange of their Beavers and Skins of Wild-Goats Those who live near the Sea have some Fire-Arms The Mississipi has few Windings and Turnings and runs directly to the South and having follow'd its Course till the 33 d Degree of Latitude I resolv'd to return home seeing that River did not discharge it self into Mar Vermejo which we look'd for as also because the Spaniards observ'd our Motions for six Days together The Savages told me that the Spaniards live within thirty Leagues to the West-ward The said M. Ioliet adds That he had set down in his Journal an exact Description of the Iron-Mines they discover'd as also of the Quarries of Marble and Cole-Pits and Places where they find Salt-Petre with several other things He had also observ'd what were the sittest Places to settle Colonies c. The Soil is very fertile and produces abundance of Grapes which might make delicious Wines The River of St. Lewis which hath its Source near Missichiganen is the biggest and the most convenient for a Colony its Mouth into the Lake being very convenient for an Harbour It is deep and broad and well stock'd with Sturgeons and other Fishes The Stags Oxen Wild-Goats Turky-Cocks and other Game are more plentiful on the Banks of the said River than any where else There are Meadows Ten or Twenty Leagues broad incompass'd with sine Forests behind which are other Meadows in which Grass grows six Foot high Hemp grows naturally in all that Country Those who shall settle themselves there shall not be oblig'd as we are here to bestow Ten Years for felling down the Trees and grubbing up the Land before it is fit for Corn whereas the Ground is ready for the Plough in that fortunate Country where they may have good Wine Their young Wild-Oxen may be easily learn'd to plough their Land and their long curl'd Hair or rather Wool may serve to make good Cloth for their wearing In short that Soil wou'd afford any thing necessary for Life except Salt which they might have another way AN ACCOUNT OF M. la Salle's Voyage TO THE River MISSISSIPI Directed to Count Frontenac Governour of New-France THE River of Niagara is navigable for three Leagues that is from the Fall to the Mouth of the Lake Erie but the Stream is so rapid that it is almost impossible for a Bark to sail up into the Lake without a strong Gale and the help of many Men to hale from the Shore at the same time But besides all this it requires so many other Precautions that one cannot expect always to succeed The Mouth of the Lake Erie is full of Sands which make it dangerous therefore to avoid that Danger and not venture a Ship every Voyage it will be safer to leave it at an Anchor in a River which runs into the Lake six Leagues from the River Niagara and is the only Harbour and Anchorage in this Lake There are three great Points which advance above ten Leagues into it but being chiefly made up of Sand they are so low that there is great Danger of running a Ship against them before they are discover'd and therefore a Pilot must be very skilful and careful to steer a Ship in this dangerous Lake The Streight or Canal between the Lake Erie and the Huron is very rapid and no less difficult than that of Niagara tho' much deeper The Streight of Missilikinac between the Lake Huron and that of the Illinois is attended with no less Difficulties for the Current is commonly against the Wind. There is no Anchorage in the Lake Huron nor any Harbour in that of the Illinois upon the Northern Western and Southern Coasts There are many Islands in both Lakes which make the Navigation of that of the Illinois very perillous for there being no Harbour to run into for shelter and the Storms being very terrible on that Lake 't is a great Providence when a Ship escapes being dash'd in pieces against those Islands However some Canals and Anchorages may be discover'd in time which will remove those great Difficulties as has hapned in the Lake of Frontenac the Navigation whereof is now easie whereas it was at first as dangerous as that of the Lake Huron or Illinois The Creek thro' which we went from the Lake of the Illinois into the Divine River is so shallow and so much expos'd to the Storms that no Ship can venture to get in unless it be in a great Calm Neither is the Country between the said Creek and the Divine River fit for a Canal for the Meadows between them are drown'd after any great Rain and so a Canal will be immediately fill'd up wi●h Sands And besides it is impossible to dig up the Ground because of the Water that Country being nothing but a Morass But supposing it were possible to cut the Canal it wou'd be however useless for the Divine River is not navigable for forty Leagues together that is from that Place to the Village of the Illinois except for Canow's who have hardly Water enough in Summer-time Besides this Difficulty there is a Fall near the Village We have seen no Mines tho' several Pieces of Copper are found in the Sand when the River is low There is the best Hemp in that Country I have seen any where tho' it grows naturally without any culture The Savages tell us that they have found near this Village some yellow Metal but that cannot be Gold according to their own Relation for the Oar of Gold cannot be so fine and bright as they told us There are Coal-Pits on that River The Wild-Oxen are grown somewhat scarce since the Illinois are at War with their Neighbours for now all Parties are continually
Hunting of them The Navigation is easie from Fort Crevecoeur to the Sea and N●w-Mexico is not above twenty Days Journey from the said Fort. The Nations of the Metontonta who live within Ten Days Journey from the said Fort came to see M. la Salle and brought a Horse's Hoof They told us That the Spaniards make a cruel War upon them and that they use Spears more commonly than Fire-Arms One may go by Water from Fort Crevecoeur to the Habitation of these Savages There are no Europeans at the Mouth of the River Colbert or Mississipi and the Monster of which M. Ioliet gives so dreadful a Description is a Fancy of some Savages and had never any Original It is within a Journey and a half from Fort Crevecoeur but had M. Ioliet gone down the River he might have seen a more terrible one That Gentleman has not consider'd that the Mosopolca of whom he takes notice in his Map were altogether destroy'd before he set out for his Voyage He sets down also in his Maps several Nations which are nothing but Families of the Illinois The Pronevoa Carcarilica Tamaroa Koracocnitonon Chinko Caokia Choponsca Amonokoa Cankia Ocansa and several others make up the Nation and the Village of the Illinois consisting of about 400 Cabins cover'd with Rushes without any Fortifications I have told 1800 fighting Men amongst them They have Peace now with all their Neighbours except the Iroquois and it wou'd be easie to reconcile them were it not to be fear'd that they wou'd afterwards fall upon the Outtouats whom they mortally hate and disturb thereby our Commerce so that we must leave them as they are for as long as they shall have occasion for us they will be ready ●o comply with any thing that we may desire from them and keep in awe the Nations inhabiting to the Westward who are much afraid of the Illinois The Banks of seven or eight Rivers which discharge themselves into the Mississipi or Colbert-River the least whereof runs above 300 Leagues are cover'd with Fine Timber for Building Ships M. la Salle has seen some Savages of three Nations thro' which Ferdinand Sotto pass'd with his Army viz. the Sicachia Cascin and Aminoya They told him that we might go by water from Crevecoeur into their Country It is highly necessary to carry on this Discovery for the River inhabited by the Sicachia which in all likelihood is the true Chukagoua has its Source near Carolina and consequently very near the Habitation of the English about three hundred Leagues to the Eastward of the Mississipi in the French Florida at the foot of the Apalachin Hills For had the English notice of it they might by means of this River Trade with the Illinois Miamis Nadouessians and other Savages and spoil for ever our Commerce The Winter has been as hard in the Country of the Illinois as at Fort Frontenac for tho' the Weather was there in Ianuary as temperate as in Provence yet the River was still frozen on the 22d of March and therefore I conclude 't is much the same Climate as the Country of the Iroquois The Country between the Lake of the Illinois and the Lake Erie is a row of Mountains for a hundred Leagues together from whence spring a great number of Rivers which run to the Westward into the Lake of the Illinois to the North into the Lake Huron to the East into the Lake Erie and to the South into the River Ohio Their Source are so near one another that in three Days Journey I cross'd twenty two the least whereof is bigger than that of Richelieu The top of these Mountains are flat and full of Bogs and Morasses which being not frozen have prov'd an insupportable difficulty and trouble in our Voyage There are now-and-then some Plains which I take to be very fertile they are cover'd with Bears Stags Wild-Goats Turkey-Cocks and Wolves who are so fierce as hardly to be frighted away by the noise of our Guns There is a River in the bottom of the Lake Erie within ten Leagues of the Canal which may very much shorten the way to the Illinois it being navigable for Canows till within two Leagues of theirs but the most convenient of all is the River Ohio which being navigable for Barks will save all the Trouble of making a Communication between the Lake of the Illinois and the Divine River and the great Expences of making the said River navigable to Fort Crevecoeur One must not fancy that the Ground in the Country of the Illinois is ready for the Plough some of them are too dry others too wet and in short all require some Toil and Trouble but I am sure they may sufficiently recompence in a little time those who will be at the pains to cultivate them The Nations through which we have pass'd have receiv'd us very kindly because of our Calumet of Peace which is a safe Conduct and a sufficient Recommendation amongst the Savages The Illinois offer'd to accompany us to the Sea in hopes as we told them that we will supply them that way with European Commodities for the want of Knives Axes c. makes them very officious The young Calves may be easily tam'd and very useful for setling our Plantations The Illinois have also many Slaves which may be of a great use to us There are as many idle Fellows amongst them as among other Nations and a great many more Women than Men. They marry several Wives sometimes nine or ten and commonly all Sisters if they can thinking they agree better in their Family I have seen three Children who have been Baptiz'd one call'd Peter the other Ioseph and the third Mary who nevertheless are like to live as their Father who has marry'd three Sisters for they have no farther Christian Instruction Father Allouez who Baptiz'd them having left that Country unless one would think that the Stick that Father left amongst them as a Mark that the Country belongs to him has any extraordinary Virtue to promote Christianity These are the only Christians I have found amongst them which I am sure cannot be such but in Fide Ecclesiae Father Allouez lives now in a Village of Miamis Maskoutens and Ochiakenens who have quitted their own Nation and ancient Habitations to confederate themselves with the Iroquois against the Illinois and for that purpose they sent last Summer an Embassie into the Country of the Iroquois with a Letter of Father Allouez The end of that Embassie was as I have said to oblige 'em to unite themselves with them against the Illinois and they were negotiating the Alliance when I arriv'd at the Village of the Tsonnontouans and upon notice thereof a Woman was sent to tell them to run away for fear the Iroquois should kill them They had however no design to do them any harm as it appear'd afterwards for the Iroquois having overtaken the said Ambassadors they were kindly us'd but they enter'd upon no Business as long
as I continu'd there I met with one of the said Ambassadors since that time in their own Country who told me such horrid things that I cannot entirely believe them and I rather suspect the Miamis to be Contrivers thereof However Father Allouez had no sooner intelligence that I was arriv'd at the Village of the Illinois that they sent one Monso one of their Chiefs with four large Kettles twelve Axes and twenty Knives to persuade the Illinois that I was Brother of the Iroquois that my Breath smell'd like theirs that I eat Serpents that I was sent to betray them and attack them one way while the Iroquois should attack them by another that I was hated by all the Black-Gowns who forsook me because I design'd to destroy the Miamis having taken two of them Prisoners and lastly that I understood Physick enough to poison all the World Their Suggestions were so ridiculous and so false that I had no great difficulty to convince the Illinois of the Malice of my Enemies and Monso was in great danger of losing his Life for his pains They told him he had an Iroquois Serpent under his Tongue meaning his Baseness and Malice that his Comrades who had been Ambassadors into their Country had brought that Venom and had breathed in the Malice of the Iroquois in smoaking in their Calumet I was oblig'd to interceed for him for else they would have murthered him 'T is certain that their Design is to engage Count Frontenac into a War with the Iroquois and having try'd in vain several Ways to succeed they think there is no better than to perswade the Nation of the Miamis who are our Confederates to settle themselves near the Illinois and make an Alliance with them insomuch that the Iroquois cannot attack one Nation without breaking with the other and thereby oblige your Lordship either to forsake our Allies or declare Wars against the Iroquois This is not a rash and groundless Judgment for these Miamis with whom Father Allouez lives have kill'd several Iroquois this Winter and having cut the Fingers to another they sent him back to tell their Nation that the Miamis are join'd with the Illinois against them Perhaps that Perfidiousness obliges Father Allouez to quit them next Spring as I understand he designs to do However I am confident to stop the Progress of this Cabal if your Lordship comes this Year to weep for the Death of the Onontake who have been kill'd for the Illinois have promis'd me to release some Slaves and forbear their Excursions against the Iroquois who having been inform'd of my Good Offices have express'd a great Gratitude thereof This Weeping is a common Ceremony among the Savages when any of their Warriors have been kill'd I do not wonder that the Iroquois should talk of invading our Allies for they are every Year provok'd and I have seen at Missilinaokinak amongst the Poutouatamits and the Miamis the Heads of several Iroquois whom they have kill'd by Treachery as they were a Hunting last Spring This is come to the Knowledge of the Iroquois for our Allies have been so impudent as to boast of of it and especially the Poutouatamits who dancing the Calumet at Missilinaokinak before three Agniez or Envoys of the Iroquois boasted of their Treachery and held in their Hands several Heads of Hair of Iroquois's I cannot forbear to take notice of the Discourse I had with a Savage of the Nation of the Wolf who being convinc'd of the Truth of the Christian Religion and pressed by some Missionaries to embrace the Catholick and by some English Ministers to embrace Theirs was in great perplexity which of the two he should chuse for as he told me these Men are very unlike the Apostles the former because of their great Covetousness and the latter because of their being marry'd But having observ'd in the Recollects both Chastity and the Contempt of the Riches of the World he was Baptiz'd by them I have seen in this Country abundance of Green Parrots bigger and finer than those of our Islands A DISCOVERY OF SOME New Countries and Nations IN THE Northern-America By Father MARQUETTE ON the 13th of May 1673. I embark'd with M. Ioliet who was chosen to be our Director in this Undertaking and five other French-Men in two Canow's made of Barks of Trees with some Indian Corn and boil'd Flesh for our Subsistence We had taken care to get from the Savages all the Intelligence we could concerning the Countries through which we design'd to travel and had drawn a Map of the same according to their Relation in which we had mark'd the Rivers and the Name of the Nations we were to meet and the Rhombs of the Wind we were to make use of in our Journey The first Nation we meet with is call'd the Nation of the Wild-Oats I went into their River to visit that People to whom we have preach'd the Gospel for several Years and amongst whom there are many good Christians The Wild-Oats from which they have got their Name is a sort of Corn which grows naturally in the small Rivers the bottom whereof is owzie as also in marshy Grounds It is much like our European Oats the Stem is knotted and grows about two foot above the Surface of the Water The Corn is not bigger than ours but it is twice as long and therefore it yields much more Meal It grows above the Waters in Iune and the Savages gather it about September in this manner They go in their Canow's in those Rivers and as they go they shake the Ears of the Corn in their Canow's which easily fall● if it be ripe They dry it upon the Fire and when it is very dry they put it into a kind of Sack made with the Skin of Beasts and having made a Hole in the Ground they put their Sack therein and tread on it till they see the Chaff is separated from the Corn which they vann afterwards They pound it in a Mortar to reduce it into Meal or else boyl it in Water and season it with Grease which makes it near as good as our Rice I acquainted that Nation with the Design I had to travel farther into the Country to discover the remotest Nations and teach them the Mysteries of our Holy Religion at which they were mightily surpriz'd and did their utmost to disswade me from that Enterprize They told me that I should meet some Nations who spare no Strangers whom they kill without any Provocation or Mercy that the War those different Nations had one with the other should daily expose me to be taken by their Warriors who are perpetually abroad to surprize their Enemies That the great River was exceedingly dangerous and full of dreadful Monsters who devour'd Men and even the Canow's themselves They added That a Devil stopp'd the Passage of the said River and sunk those who were so bold as to come near the Place where he stood and in short that the Heat was so excessive
in those Parts that we should never be able to preserve our Health I return'd them my hearty Thanks for their good Advices but told them I would not follow them since the Salvation of a great many Souls were concern'd in our Undertaking for whom I should be glad to lose my Life I added That I laugh'd at their pretended Devils and Monsters and that their Informations would oblige us to stand the more upon our Guard to avoid any Surprize And so having pray'd to God with them and given them some Instructions we parted from them and arriv'd to the Bay of Puans where our Fathers make a considerable Progress towards the Conversion of those Ignorant Nations The Name of this Bay sounds better in the Language of the Savages than in ours for according to the Word they make use of one may call it as well the Salted Bay as the Stinking Bay for they call the Sea after the same Name This oblig'd us to enquire whether there were in that Country any Salted Fountains as there is one among the Iroquois but we could find none therefore we think that this Name was given to this Bay because of the great quantity of Mud and Owze that is there from whence such Vapours arise that occasion the most dreadful Thunders that ever I heard in any Country This Bay is about thirty Leagues long and about eight broad that is to say in its greatest breadth for it grows narrower and forms a Cone at the extremity where one may easily observe that this Bay has its setled Tides just as the Sea This is not a proper place to enquire whether the Flowing and Ebbing of the Water of this Bay may be properly call'd a Tide or whether they are occasion'd by the Winds which never or very seldom fail to blow from the same Point upon the Moon 's ascending our Horizon but this I may say That in the greatest Calm the Waters in this Bay flow and ebb according to the Motion of the Moon tho' I will not deny but that the Winds which move the Waters towards the middle of the Lake may contribute to this effect We left this Bay to go into a River that discharges it self therein and found its Mouth very broad and deep It flows very gently but after we had advanc'd some Leagues into it we saw it was interrupted by several Rocks and rapid Streams and so shallow in some places that it would hardly bear our Canow's The bottom is full of Flints which are as so many Razors that cut the Canow's and made it impossible for our Men to walk therein to make the C●now's more light when the shallowness of the Water did not permit us to row away It is full of Bustard Ducks and Teals because of the Wild Oats in the Marshes thereabouts However we conquer'd those Difficulties and came to an Habitation of the Miamis Maskoutens and Kikabeux but before we arriv'd to their Village I had the Curiosity to taste the Mineral Water of a River near it and found a Simple of a wonderful Virtue against the Venom of the Serpents A Savage who knew it had shown it to Father Allouez who had often occasion to try its Virtues God having been pleas'd to provide that Country with that wonderful Antidote against the Serpents who are very dangerous in those Parts The Root of that Simple is very hot and tastes like Gun-powder they chew it and apply it upon the Part of the Body stung by the Serpents and this without any other Mystery cures the Wound and the Serpents have such an Antipathy with this Herb that they run away from any Man who has rubb'd his Body with the same It brings several Stalks about a foot high the Leaves are somewhat long the Flower is white and the whole looks like our Gilliflowers I took one into our Canow the better to examine it This Bay of Pu●ons had been hitherto as one may say the Ultima Thulae of the French for they never durst advance further into the Country This Village as I have intimated consists of three several Nations viz. Miamis Maskoutens and Kikabeux The first are more civil than the other and better shap'd as well as more liberal They wear long Hair over their Ears which looks well enough They are accounted valiant Men amongst their Neighbours but are so cunning that they seldom return from their warlike Expeditions without Booty They are apt to learn any thing for they love to hear the Europeans talk and Father Allouez told me That they had such a violent desire to be instructed that they often disturb'd his Rest to ask him Questions about what he had told them the Day before The Maskoutens and Kikabeux are more clownish and there is as much difference between the Miamis and them as between our Boors and Citizens As the Rind of Birch-Trees are scarce in this Country they are oblig'd to make their Cabins with Rushes which serve as well for covering the same as for Walls It must be own'd that these Cabins are very convenient for they take them down when they please and carry them by small Parcels where-ever they will without any trouble When I arriv'd there I was very glad to see a great Cross set up in the middle of the Village adorn'd with several White Skins Red Girdles Bows and Arrows which that good People had offer'd to the Great Manitou to return him their Thanks for the care he had taken of them during the Winter and that he had granted them a prosperous Hunting Manitou is the Name they give in general to all Spirits whom they think to be above the Nature of Man Their Village is situated on a Hill from whence one may discover the largest Meadows in the World a●orn'd at certain distance with Groves and Woods The Soil is very fertile and produces a great quantity of Indian Corn. They preserve also Plums and Grapes As soon as we were arriv'd M. Ioliet and I desir'd the Eldest of the Savages to meet us and I told them that M. Ioliet was sent by the Governour of Canada to discover new Countries and I from God Almighty to teach them the Knowledge of their Creator who being absolute Master of all his Creatures will have all Nations to know him and that therefore to comply with his Will I did not value my Life which I freely expos'd to all manner of Dangers Concluding That we wanted two Guides to put us in our Way which we desir'd them to grant us We enforc'd our Compliment with some Presents that were kindly accepted by the Savages who answer'd us likewise with a Present viz. a Mat which was our Bed during our Voyage They granted us also two Guides to accompany us for some Days The next Day being the 10 th of Iune the two Miamis who were to conduct us imbark'd with us in sight of all the Inhabitants of the Village who cou'd not admire enough that seven Europeans shou'd
venture upon so dangerous and extraordinary an Undertaking We were inform'd that within three Leagues of the Maskoutens there was a River which runs into the Mississipi and that we were to go directly to the West-South-West to find it but there are so many Morasses and Lakes between it that had it not been for our Guide we had never been able to find it and the River upon which we row'd to find the Place we were to land and carry our Canow into the other was so full of Wild-Oats that it lookt rather like a Corn-Field than a River insomuch that we cou'd hardly discover its Channel As the Miamis frequented this Place they conducted us to the usual Place of Portage and help'd us to carry our Canow over-land into the other River distant from the former about two Miles and a half from whence they return'd home leaving us in an unknown Country having nothing to relie upon but the Divine Providence We made a solemn Vow in this place and resolv'd to use some particular Prayers every Day to the Blessed Virgin to recommend our Persons and Enterprize to her Protection and afterwards embark'd This River is call'd Mesconsin It is very broad but the Sands make its Navigation difficult and this Difficulty is incrceas'd by an infinite Number of Islands cover'd with Vines The Country thro' which it flows is very sine the Groves dispos'd at certain Distances in the Meadows make a noble Prospect and the Fruit of the Trees discovers the Fertility of the Soil Those Groves are full of Wallnut-Trees as also of Oaks and of another sort of Tree unknown to us in Europe the Boughs whereof are arm'd with long Thorns We saw no other Game in these Meadows but abundance of Wild-Goats and Wild-Oxen Within thirty Leagues of this Place where we embark'd we found some Iron-Mines and one of our Company who had formerly seen such Mines told us that these were extraordinary good They are not above three Foot deep and are situate near a Row of Rocks the Foot whereof is cover'd with fine Woods After having row'd ten Leagues further that is forty Leagues in all from the Place where we embark'd we came into the Mississipi on the 17 th of Iune The Mouth of the Mesconsin is about 42 Degrees and a half of Lat●tude The Satisfaction I had to see this famous River is almost incredible for tho' the Savages had often spoken of it to our Men none of them had been so bold as to venture so far in this unknown Country This oblig'd me to consider this River with a greater Attention than otherwise I wou'd have done as the Reader will perceive in perusing the following Account The Mississipi is form'd by several Lakes in the north-North-Country from whence it s runs to the South It s Channel is pretty narrow at the Mouth of the Mesconsin being streighten'd by a Row of high Mountains on the other side but however its Stream is very gentle because of its depth for we found there 19 Fathom Water But a little below that Place it enlarges it self and is about three quarters of a League broad Its Banks are very fine but three Days after we discover'd a much better Co●ucirc ntry The Trees are higher and the Islands so beautiful that I verily believe there is nothing like it in the World The Meadows are cover'd with an infinite number of Wild-Goats and Oxen and the River with Bustards and Swans without Wings because their Feathers fall in this Country about that time We saw extraordinary Fishes and one of them was so big that our Canow was like to be broke into into Pieces because it run against it We saw also a very hideous Sea-Monster his Head was like that of a Tyger but his Nose was somewhat sharper and like a Wild-Cat his Beard was long his Ears stood upright the Colour of his Head being Grey and the Neck Black He look'd upon us for some time but as we came near him our Oars frighted him away This is the only one we saw We caught abundance of Sturgeons and another sort of Fish somewhat like our Trouts except that their Eyes and Nose are much lesser and that they have near the Nose a Bone like a Woman's Busk three Inches broad and a Foot and a half long the End whereof is flat and very broad insomuch that when they leap out of the Water the Weight of that Bone makes them fall backwards We saw also abundance of Turky-Cocks on the Banks of the River The Pisikious which we call Wild-Oxen are not much unlike ours they are not altogether so long but twice as big We shot one of them and Thirteen Men had much ado to drag him from the Place where he fell Their Head is of a prodigious bigness their Forehead broad and flat and their Horns between which there is at least a Foot and a half distance are all black and much longer than those of our European Oxen. They have a Bump on the Back and their Head Breast and part of the Shoulders are cover'd with long Hair They have in the middle of their Forehead an ugly Tuff of long Hair which falling down over their Eyes blinds them in a manner and makes them look dreadful The rest of the Body is cover'd with curl'd Hair or rather Wooll like our Sheep but much thicker and ruffer Their Hair falls in Summer-time and then their Skin is as soft as Velvet nothing remaining but a kind of short Downe The Savages make use of their Skins for Gowns which they paint with several Colours Their Flesh and Fat is excellent and the best Dish of the Savages who destroy abundance of them tho' they are very fierce and dangerous and if they can but take a Man with their Horns they toss him up and then tread upon him The Savages hide themselves when they have shot at them for else they shou'd be in great danger of their Lives those Beasts being fiercer when wounded They follow them at certain distances till they have lost so much Blood as to be unable to do them any hurt or to defend themselves They graze upon the Banks of the River and I have seen above 400 together We continu'd to fall down the River having seen nothing for above 100 Leagues but Beasts and Birds however we were always upon our Guard and especially during the Night for fear of any Surprize We landed in the Evening to dress our Supper and made but a little Fire and then left the Shore casting an Anchor near the middle of the River where we lay as the safest Place and yet one of us watch'd always by turns On the 25 th of Iune we went a-shore and found some fresh Traces of Men upon the Sand and then found a Path which led into a Meadow We call'd our Men together and it was resolv'd that our Men shou'd continue in the Canow's while M. Ioliet and I shou'd follow that Path and endeavour to
other because of those troublesom Flies They drive into the Ground big Poles very near one another which support a large Hurdle which serves them instead of a Floor under which they make their Fire and the Smoak drives away those Creatures who cannot abide it They lay upon that Hurdle the Roof whereof is cover'd with Skins against the Rain and serves also to shelter them against the Heat of the Sun The same Reason oblig'd us to make a Cabin over our Canow As we were considering the Country the Banks of the River being very low we discover'd several Savages arm'd with Fire-Arms waiting for us upon the Shoar where the Stream of the River carry'd us Our Men prepar'd themselves to fight and it was resolv'd to let them fire first of all and as we came near I spoke to them in the Language of the Hurons and shew'd my Calumet of Peace but they did not answer me which we took for a Declaration of War However we resolv'd to venture to pass but when they had seen us at a nearer distance they desir'd us in a friendly manner to come to their Habitations where they entertain'd us with Beef and Oil of Bears together with white Plums as good every bit as ours These Savages have Guns Knives Axes Shovels Glass-Beads and Bottles wherein they put their Gun-powder They wear their Hair long as the Iroquois and their Women are cover'd as they are amongst the Hurons They told us That they were only within ten Days Journey of the Sea that they bought those Commodities from Europeans who live to the Eastward that these Europeans had Images and Beads that they play upon Instruments that some were cloath'd as I was and that they were very kind to them However I could find nothing in them that could perswade me that they had receiv'd any Instruction about our Holy Religion I endeavour'd to give them a general Idea of it and presented them with some Medals to put them in mind of it The account given us by the Savages was a great Encouragement to us in hopes to see the Sea in a few Days and therefore we row'd with an extraordinary vigour The Banks of the River began to be cover'd with high Trees which hinder'd us from observing the Country as we had done all along but we judged from the bellowing of the Oxen that the Meadows are very near We saw some Quails on the Water-side and shot a small Parrot who had the half of his Head red and the other part and the Neck yellow and the rest of the Body green We found our selves in this Place in the Latitude of 33 Degrees steering directly Southerly and a little while afterwards we discover'd a Village on the River-side call'd Michigamea The Savages made a great noise and appear'd in Arms dividing themselves into three Parties one of which stood on the Shoar while the others went into their Wooden Canow's to intercept our Retreat and prevent our escape They were arm'd with Bows and Arrows Clubs Axes and Bucklers Notwithstanding these Preparations we row'd directly to the Shoar where their main Body stood and as we came near two of their young Warriors flung themselves into the Water to board my Canow which he would have done had not the rapidity of the Stream prevented his Design so that they were forc'd to return a-shoar having thrown at us their Clubs which by good fortune went over our Heads I presented my Calumet of Peace but they werè so busie that they could not see However as they advanc'd in a body to shoot at us the Old Men discover'd my Calumet whereupon they made an Out-cry commanding their Youth to stop and two of them advanc'd to the Water-side throwing their Ar●ows and Quivers into our Canow as a sign of Peace desiring us by signs to come a-shoar which we did tho' with great apprehensions I spoke to them in six different Languages of which they understood none but they brought an Old Man who spoke Illinois whom we told That we design'd to go to the Sea and made them some small Presents They understood what I told them on this matter but very little as I fear what I added concerning the CREATOR of the World They answer●d That we should learn whatever we desir'd ten Leagues lower at a great Village call●d Akamsca and presented us with their Sagometta and some Fish We lay there that Night in great Fears and the next Morning embark'd again with our Interpreter and ten Savages in one of their wooden Canow's and met within half a League from Akamsca two large Canow's full of Savages The Captain was standing in the first holding his Calumet of which he made several Motions according to the Customs of his Country I stood up likewise in my Canow with my Calumet at which they were so pleas'd that they met us with all imaginable Demonstrations of Joy attended with Songs and Shouts They presented us their Calumet to smoak and some Bread made of Indian Corn and then return'd home bidding us to follow him which we did at some distance They had in the mean time prepar'd a kind of Scaffold to receive us adorn'd with fine Mats upon which we fat down and the Old Men and Warriors near us the rest of the People standing off We found amongst them a young Man who spoke Illinois much better than the Interpreter we had brought with us from Mitchigamea and we desir'd him to acquaint his Nation with the Subject of our Voyage as he had understood it from us We made him some small Presents which they receiv'd with great Civility and seem'd to admire what I told them concerning GOD the Creation of the World and the Providences telling us by the Interpreter That they should think themselves very happy if we would remain with them to teach them They told us that we were within five Days Journey from the Sea but that they were not acquainted with the Nation inhabiting the same meaning doubtless the Europeans for their Enemies hindred them from keeping any Correspondence with them They added That their Axes Knives and Glass-Beads had been given them in exchange of other Commodities by some Nations inhabiting to the Eastward and by some Illinois who had an Habitation to the Westward within four Days Journey That the Savages whom we had met with Fire-Arms were their Enemies who hindred their Commerce with the Europeans and that we should be expos'd to great Dangers did not venture to proceed farther because those Savages were continually cruizing at the River In the mean time they brought us some Sagamettea with some roasted Corn and a piece of a Dog These Savages are very courteous and give freely what they have but their Provisions are but indifferent because they dare not leave their Habitation to go a Hunting for fear of their Enemies They have Indian Corn in great plenty and at all times having three Crops every Year They roast it or else boil it in
there but came accidentally being upon some Expedition They were all Archers very proper goodly Men their Hutts were cover'd with Skins of the wild crook-back Kine which the French call Pesikieus the Spaniards Corcobades or Crook-back'd They convers'd and traffick'd very friendly with the French divers Weeks until an unhappy Accident made a great Breach M. du Salles against the Opinion of the Pilots would adventure the Fly-boat through one of the Breaches into the Lagune apprehending he had found a Chanel of sufficient depth through which he might pass to the Continent But whither the Chanel was too shallow or that they mistook it the Fly-boat was lost and the Frigate drawing little Water escap'd The Indians upon the Island sav'd some small matter of the Wreck which the French would take by force from them They offer'd in exchange Skins and such other Commodities as they had The French when they could get no more took two of their Piroques or large Canow's which being absolutely necessary for them and without which they could not possibly return to the main Land from whence they came occasion'd a Skirmish in which the French lost fifteen Men and the Indians many more M. du Salles being almost distracted not knowing how to find the Mouth of the River took the Frigate divers Boats and Pinnaces together with a hundr●d and fifty Men and Provisions for a Month and cross'd the Lagune with an intention to search the Coast till he found the Mouth of the Great River M. Beaujeu waited ten Weeks and heard no Tidings from him it being in the Heat of Summer They wanting Water and Provisions besides abundance of his Men falling sick of Fevers and Bloody-fluxes he departed for France without any News of M. du Salle who after he departed from the Ships rambled some Days in the Lagune and coasted the Main chiefly towards the West which was directly contrary to the Course he should have taken the great River being distant above one hundred Leagues to the East But many believe M. du Salle was guilty of a wilful Mistake for he perswaded his Men That since they could not find the River and were come to the Rivèr of St. Magdalen being the North-Westerly end of the Gulf which was not above two hundred Leagues from the rich Mines of Endehe Santa Barbara la Parale and others in the Province of Saceatecas where the Spaniards are few and not Warlike they could not fail of a rich and easie Booty This Proposition occasion'd a great Division amongst his Men and deadly Feuds One part were ready to comply with his Project others for returning to their Ships a third Party for searching the Continent towards the East till they found the Great River and then return and Pilot the Ship thither and pursue their Instructions of Planting and Trading From Words they came to Blows many were kill'd in the Scuffle and amongst others M. du Salle very treacherously by one of his pretended Friends Upon his Death they divided and took several Courses They that return'd to seek the Ship found it departed and were never heard of since others scatter'd some Easterly some Westerly and Northerly When I receiv'd this Account which was above three Years after this disastrous Expedition not above Six were return'd to Canada and amongst them M. de Salle's Brother So that the Providence of Almighty GOD seems to have reserv'd this Country for the English a Patent whereof was granted above Fifty Years ago to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina who have made great Discoveries therein seven hundred Miles Westerly from the Mountains which separate between it Carolina and Virginia and Six hundred Miles from North to South from the Gulf of Mexico to the great inland Lakes which are situated behind the Mountains of Carolina and Virginia Besides they have an Account of all the Coast from the Cape of Florida to the River Panuco the Northerly Bounds of the Spaniards on the Gulf of Mexico together with most of the chief Harbours Rivers and Islands thereunto appertaining and are abou● to establish a very considerable Colony on s●●e part of the great River so soon as they have agreed upon the Boundaries or Limits with the Lords Proprietors of Carolina who claim by a Patent procur'd long after that of Carolina But there being space enough for both and the Proprietors generally inclin'd to an amicable Conclusion the Success of this Undertaking is impatiently expected For considering the Benignity of the Climate the Healthfulness of the Country Fruitfulness of the Soil Ingenuity and Tractableness of the Inhabitants Variety of Productions if prudently manag'd it cannot humanely speaking fail of proving one of the most considerable Colonies on the North-Continent of America profitable to the Publick and the Undertakers POSTSCRIPT I Am inform'd a large Map or Draught of this Country is preparing together with a very particular Account of the Natives their Customs Religion Commodities and Materials for divers sorts of Manufacturers which are by the English procur'd at great Expence from other Countries FINIS * Lille New Converts * Henepin calls it Meschasipi