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A37779 The Roman history from the building of the city to the perfect settlement of the empire by Augustus Caesar containing the space of 727 years : design'd as well for the understanding of the Roman authors as the Roman affairs / by Laurence Echard ... Echard, Laurence, 1670?-1730. 1696 (1696) Wing E152; ESTC R34428 311,501 532

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all others He ●ad him farewell and tell his Subjects that by their strict Exercise of Temperance and Fortitude no human Power shou'd e'er withstand the Roman Arms and he wou'd always be a propitious God to 'em under the Name of Quirinus The Day in which he was said to be taken up was kept after that as a great Holy-Day and a Temple was built in Honour of him on one of the Seven Hills from him call'd by the Name of Quirinalis He reign'd 37 Years in which space he very much advanc'd the State of the City leaving in it 46000 Foot and 1000 Horse a happy Increase for so short a time After his Grand-Father Numitor's decease the Kingdom of Alba fell to him which he govern'd by Deputies and the more to please that People he allow'd 'em the Privileges of a Free-State which probably occasion'd the Senate to bear his Encroachments the worse So now the Roman Dominions consisted of a considerable part of the Sabines Country a small part of Hetruria and a mix'd part of Latium CHAP. II. From the Death of Romulus to the Death of Numa Pompilius the Second King of Rome Containing the Space of 44 Years I. ROmulus being dead or as some are pleased to believe taken up the City was greatly divided about the Election of another King but lest these Discords shou'd occasion Anarchy and Confusion in the Common-wealth the Senate agreed to divide themselves into Decurys or Tens and that Decury which was chosen by Lot should exercise the Regal Authority for fifty Days each Man governing in his Turn five Days the Authority then falling to another Decury and this they call'd an Inter-regnum This Government continu'd a whole Year till the People at last began to murmur saying It was a Trick of some few who intended to get the Power into their own Hands and that for one pretended Tyrant they had now got 200 real ones therefore they resolv'd that a King shou'd be chosen In the Election great Contests arose between the Romans and Sabines each believing it reasonable to have one of their own Country 'till at length they came to this Conclusion That the Party which elected shou'd chuse one out of the Body of the other so by that means the elected Prince might be oblig'd to favour both Parties one for their Votes and the other for their Alliance It falling to the Romans to chuse the Patritians fix●d upon Numa Pompilius a Sabine a Person of about forty Years of Age who by the Consent of the People was elected King Numa then resided at Cures being a Person of the greatest Vertue Knowledge and Abilities of that time and had withdrawn himself from the Noises and Troubles of the World therefore Ambassadors one a Roman and the other a Sabine were dispatch'd to him to offer him the Kingdom The Ambassadors finding him with his Father and Kinsman Marcius by their Speakers Proculus and Valesus told him the occasion of their coming To whom the elected King made this philosophical and modest Answer Since every Alteration of a Man's Life is generally hazardous in the Attempt as well as dangerous in the Consequence it wou'd be the highest Indiscretion for one who in his own Opinion is sufficiently Happy to endeavour or admit of any Change tho' there were nothing more in it than the preferring a turbulent and uncertain Life before a constant Quiet and certain Security For my part Romans I must freely tell you That I am not only discourag'd but even deterr'd from accepting your generous Offers even by what is commonly reported of your famous Romulus who was not only suspected of contriving Tatius's death but was likewise suppos'd to fall himself by the Rage of the Senate And if Romulus himself sprung as they say from Divine Race miraculously preserv'd and as miraculously brought up labour'd under such vast Inconveniencies how successful can I hope to be begotten by a mere Mortal and brought up the ordinary Way when I come to struggle with such insuperable Difficulties Besides you much mistake your Person as well as forget your Interest and Glory when you think I can be any ways serviceable to you For my Temper naturally leads me to Peace to Books and the Worship of the Gods but you Romans require a vigorous and active King who may diligently cherish that Warlike Humour which your late Success has excited And therefore such a Prince as shou'd come to inculcate Peace Iustice and Religion into the Minds of a Martial Nation must of necessity appear not only strange and ridiculous to the World but also mean and despicable to his Subjects The Romans were much surpriz'd at this Answer but still were very urgent with him to accept of the Kingdom in which they were not a little assisted by his Father and Marcius who return'd him this Reply Tho' you remain contented with your present fortune and court neither Riches nor Power yet you may reasonably imagine that such large Talents of Iustice Moderation and Piety were never given you by the Gods to lie useless and conceal●d And you are sensible these are Vertues that can never have a greater Influence upon Mankind than when they so publickly appear in the Person of a King Tatius tho' a Foreigner was highly esteem'd by the Romans and the Memory of Romulus was so precious to 'em that after his decease they voted him Divine Honours And if the Affections of the People shou'd break out into a furious Desire of War what can better manage the Reins of that Passion than such a moderating Hand as Yours And who knows but that the People being ever Victorious may be satiated with the Spoils and Trophies they have gain'd and gladly entertain a mild and peaceful Prince who being a lover of Iustice and Equity may settle the City in a strong and inseparable Union and in a sure and lasting Happiness These Reasons and Persuasions together with the Ambassadors Entreaties at last prevail'd upon Numa to accept of the Kingdom and after a solemn Sacrifice he went for Rome He was met by the Way by the Senate and People who with a general Consent invested him with the Regal Authority and so universal was the Joy that they seem'd not so much to receive a King as the addition of a new Kingdom II. Numa being a Person of extraordinary Wisdom and Policy as well as Devotion thought it most convenient to raise and strengthen that City by wholsome Laws and Religious Customs which had been founded upon War and Bloodshed judging it as necessary to employ a People well at home as to exercise 'em abroad The first thing he did was to disband the Royal Guard of the 300 Celeres lest the Maintenance of such a Force might seem to argue a Diffidence of them that chose him saying That he wou'd not Rule over that People of whom he conceiv'd the least Distrust Next he built a Temple to Ianus which was always to stand
Dominions abroad for when he found leisure he built the Walls of the City which before were patch'd up in haste with large square Stone each consisting of a Load Weight Then he took care of the other publick Buildings of the City adorning the Forum with lofty Portico's Galleries and Shops being a Prince much delighted with stately Buildings and noble Sights He likewise made many Cloacae or Common-Sewers to drain the City and carry the Filth of it into the Tiber a Work of such vast Charge and Labour that when they were afterwards stopp'd the Censors spent a Thousand Talents only to clear 'em a Work likewise so admirable that Dionysius thinks that from the Magnificence of these as well as their Aquaeducts and High-ways the Grandeur of the Roman Empire appear'd In the Circus Maximus that vast Place for Games and Exercises between the Palatine and Aventine Hills he caus'd Seats to be rais'd for the Spectators with great Skill and Charge and likewise distinguish'd all their Places according to their several Ranks and Dignities In the Sabine War he vow'd a Temple to Iupiter Iuno and Minerva if he got the Victory for that reason afterwards he with wonderful Cost levelled the Rock on the Capitoline and form'd a Plat for building it but liv'd not to go on with it any further and this was the beginning of the Capitol Tarquin had design'd after these things to have added three Centuries of the Celeres to those three Instituted by Romulus but was forbidden by Actius Naevius to alter the Constitutions of that King therefore without creating of new Centuries he doubled the Number of the former This Naevius was the most famous Augur that Rome ever knew and Tarquin one time to try him ask'd him If what he had in his Thought might be done he answering in the affirmative Tarquin jeeringly told him He thought of cutting a Whetstone with a Razor Naevius ●ad him strike hard and he cut it through This much enhanc●d the Reputation of Augury especially of Naevius's Skill therein but his being suddenly miss'd soon after was a great Prejudice to Tarquin For the two Sons of Ancus Marcius grudging him their Father's Throne accus●d him to the People of the Death of this Augur but his Son-in-Law answer'd their Objections and clear'd him of that Scandal Missing their Design they pretended Repentance and were easily receiv'd into Favour but three Years after they disguised several of their Companions like Shepherds and appearing in Court pretended a Quarrel and demanded Justice of the King Tarquin appearing they set upon him and kill'd him but were soon caught and receiv'd their just Reward Thus fell Lucius Tarquinius for distinction surnam'd Priscus after the last Tarquin had obtain'd the Kingdom in the Eightieth Year of his Age after he had Reign'd 38 Years and done many and great Services to the Common-Wealth The Roman Greatness and Magnificence began to appear much more in this Reign than in the former and this King was the first that ever Triumph'd in a Chariot Likewise the Roman Dominions were much encreas'd in this Reign by a larger Authority in the Sabines Country and by some considerable Additions in Hetruria and Latium CHAP. VI. From the Death of Tarquinius Priscus to the Death of Servius Tullius the Sixth King of Rome Containing the Space of 44 Years I. TArquinius Priscus being dead Servius Tullius his Son-in-law succeeded him which Tullius was Son to Ocrisia a considerable Woman taken Prisoner by Tarquin at Corniculum a Town in Latium and given to his Wife Tanaquil where she was deliver'd of Tullius surnam'd Servius in remembrance of her Bondage her Husband being slain at the taking of the Town Tullius being an Infant in his Cradle a Flame of Fire is said to have appear'd and encompass'd his Head which rais'd great Expectations in Tanaquil a Woman much esteem'd for such kind of Knowledge She brought her Husband to so good an Opinion of him that he both gave him Education and in time made him his Son-in-Law When the King grew old he manag'd his Publick Affairs for him both abroad and at home with that Valour Prudence and Integrity that he gain'd the highest Esteem of all People Tarquinius having no Sons but only two Grand-sons both Infants Tanaquil much desir'd that Tullius shou'd succeed him therefore she kept his Death private for a while pretending he was only dangerously wounded till Tullius had prevail'd with the People to banish the Marcii Being thus secure of that Faction he carry'd out Tarquin as newly dead to be bury'd and as Tutor or Guardian to the young Children executed the Office of King which Tanaquil out of the Window had told the People was her Husband's Will when she feign'd him still alive The Patritians were much concern●d at this not knowing how to come to an Election since they perceiv'd the People wou'd not approve of their Choice but wou'd be all for Tullius so they thought it better to let him Reign in an unlawful Manner that they might ever have a just Pretence against him than by stirring to procure him a legal Title Tullius discovering all their Designs and Practices immediately assembled the People in the Forum where appearing with his Mother Mother-in-Law the two Children and all his Kindred in deep mourning and all the utmost signs of sorrow he shew'd the People how sad and lamentable his Condition was through the Contrivances of the Patritians against him which he had no otherwise deserv'd than by his good Services to his Country That they had design'd to recall the Marcii who had treasonably Murder'd Tarquin and to expose the Posterity of him whose Mem●ry ●ught to be so precious to 'em as well as himself to the same Cruelty But if it was the Pleasure of the People he wou'd freely give up all Pretensions and rather than offend them undergo the severest Hardships A great Clamour immediately arose mix●d with the Prayers and Tears of those who besought him to retain the Government and some who were provided before-hand began to cry out He was to be chosen King and the Curiae were to be call'd to the V●te which thing was instantly resolv'd by the Multitude He thank●d 'em very heartily for being mindful of the Benefits receiv'd from him and promised to pay their Debts and divide the publick Lands among such as wanted if they wou'd elect him King and thereupon he appointed a day for the Assembly At the Comitia Curiata he was chosen King by the Votes of 'em all in spite of all the Opposition of the Senate who refus'd at last to confirm the Choice as their Cust●m was II. Not long after his Settlement according to his Promise he divided the publick Lands among the poorer Sort and in the Curiata Comitia preferr'd fifty several Laws concerning Contracts and Injuries He very much enlarg'd the City taking in three Hills to the four former namely the Quirinal the Viminal and the Esquiline on the latter of
sick Men into Bithynia whereof 15000 were intercepted and then to retire himself with the rest that could escape the great Slaughter which the Romans made in their Flight During the time of this double Siege Eumachus one of Mithridates's Commanders made Inrodes into Phrygia subdu'd Pisidia and Isauria and endeavoured to do the like to Cilicia 'till he was Repuls●d by Deiotarus one of the Governours of Galatia But Lucullus improv'd his Success by Land by gaining many Victories at Sea where he took several of Mithridates's Commanders and closely pursu'd the King himself Mithridates flying with more Speed than Discretion had been Cast away but that he was receiv'd into a Pirate's Vessel to which he was glad to commit himself in so great a Danger and at length after many Difficulties got into his own Kingdom whither Lucullus pursu'd him having taken in all Bithynia and Paphlagonia in in his Way and this was his first Years Expedition Mithridates made all possible Preparations for Resistance sending to Tigranes and others for Aid and within the space of a Year he got together 40000 Foot and 4000 Horse with which he once or twice gain'd some Advantage over the Romans and struck some Terror into the Soldier But Lucullus found Means to cut off● most of his Cavalry which with the Loss of a Battel soon after so terrify'd him that he quitted his Kingdom and fled into Armenia to Tigranes who entertain'd him like a King but refus'd to admit him to his Presence All Pontus except a few Places yielded to Lucullus in a Short space and Machares King of Bosphorus sent this General a Crown of Gold by which he purchas'd the Title of his Friend and Allie This was the fourth Year of his Expedition in which Year also was happily finish'd the War with Spartacus the Gladiator in Italy This Person with seventy four of his Companions having broken out of their Fencing School at Capua fled away and wandring through all the Country round and vastly encreasing in their Numbers commenc'd a dangerous War in Italy They at last had gather'd together an Army of about 70000 Men most Vagabonds and such kind of People and all pretenders to Liberty and had besides overthrown many of the Roman Commanders and two of their Consuls till at last they were Conquer'd and despers'd by Licinius Crassus the Prooon●ul in Apulia a Person of great Nobility and Riches and after many Troubles and Calamities in Italy the War was ended in the third Year by him About the same time a Lustrum being perform●d in Rome 450000 Free Citizens were Poll'd the City still encreasing in Bulk and People and the Inhabitants in Learning and Politeness as well as Corruption and Factions Lucullus having still the Management of the War against Mithridates follow'd him into Armenia sending to Tigranes King of that Country to demand him Tigranes was a very powerful Monarch having lately Conquer'd several Nations and Kings which made him so intolerably Proud that when he rode abroad he would have four of his Subdu●d Kings run by his side like Lacqueys and when he sat on his Throne to stand before him with folded Hands in token of Subjection Tigranes being now abroad in reducing Phoenicia Lucullus's Messenger found Opportunity to draw over many to his side who had been much dissatisfy'd at his proud and insulting Carriage Tigranes at his return refus'd to deliver up Mithridates and likewise to acknowledge Lucullus as a General because he had not given him the Title of King of Kings Whereupon Lucullus suddenly pass●d the River Euphrates with two Legions and about 3000 Horse which did not a little surprize Tigranes who first hang●d the Messenger of the News as a Disturber of the Peace and soon after sent Mithrobarzanes with 2000 Horse to Incommode his Passage leaving Mancaeus to cover the City Tigranocerta which he had lately built and went himself to Levy Forces While he was drawing together a vast Army of 250000 Foot and ●0000 Horse against the Romans Mithrobazanes was repell●d and Mancaeus driven from the Cover of the City and the Place immediately Invested Mithridates upon this advis●d him not to hazard all in a Battel but rather to starve the Romans but he slighted this Motion and contemn●d the Smallness of their Numbers saying That if the Romans were all Ambassadours they were a great many but if Soldiers very few pretending to over-run 'em with great Facility But Lucullus posting himself upon a Hill sent his Cavalry to provoke and draw out the Enemy so as he might break their Ranks and then setting upon the Carriage Beasts so successfully caus'd 'em to drive their Foot among their Horse that great Confusio● follow'd and a dreadful Slaughter continu'd all the day and Tigranocerta was surrender'd by means of certain dissatisfy'd Greeks in the Place After these Defeats another great Army was rais'd and committed to the Conduct of Mithridates They both endeavour'd to ●hem in Lucullus but were disappointed in their Design by his extraordinary Vigilancy and thus both Sides continu'd with little Action till want of Provisions constrain'd 'em to remove Tigranes Marching farther into his Kingdom and Mithridates into his with Lucullus not far behind him Fabius who had been left in Pon●us by Lucullus was overthrown by Mithridates and after him Triarius who imprudently Engag'd with him and lost ●000 of his Men. Soon after Mithridates taking with him all the Necessaries he cou●d carry and destroying the rest March'd into the Lesser Armenia Lucullus wou●d gladly have follow'd him and might have put an End to the War but that now Acilius Glabrio this Years Consul by Glabinus the Tribunes Procurement was appointed to carry it on in his Place This being known in the Army Lucullus was lighted by his Men and Mithridates and Tigranes began to be more Successful than formerly In a short time Glabrio arriu'd at his Province and sent about to give Notice That the Senate being displeas'd with Lucullus for prolongging the War had disbanded his Army and wou'd Confiscate the Estates of such as shou'd disobey its Order Upon which all his Army abandon'd him except some few poor Men who had no great Cause to fear any loss of Estates and Lucullus being out of his Command Mithridates recover'd almost all his Kingdom and did much Damage to Capp●clocia Glabrio not so much as coming to his Army but lying idle in Bithynia This hapned in the seventh Year after Lucullus had undertaken the War III. About this time Pompey began to come into great Esteem among the Romans having now a new Occasion of shewing his great Abilities in War which was this The Pirates who had been first employ●d by Mithridates finding their Profit so great had now got together many thousands of several Nations making choice of Cilicia for their Rendezvous and seeing that the War continu'd they thought it more Wisdom to damnify others than lose their own Estates They were now grown so Numerous and Powerful that
was disappointed with considerable Loss and to his great Surprize was surrounded by Pompey with an Intrenchment of above eighteen Miles Circuit Whereupon hearing that Marcius was join'd Pompey he betook himself to Flight having first killed all such as were sick and useless about him But Pompey pursu● d him so close that before he cou'd pass the River Euphrates he forc'd him to an Engagement in the Night The Moon being very low and on the Backs of the Romans so lengthen'd their Shadows that the Enemies thinking ●em nigher than really they were shot most of their Arrows without doing Execution Here Mithridates lost many Thousands of Men but he himself broke through with 800 Horse of which only 300 stay'd with him Then sorrowfully wandring through the Woods with his Horse in his Hands he accidentally met with some Mercenaries and about 3000 Foot by whose Assistance he was convey'd into a Castle where he had laid up much Treasure From hence he sent to Tigranes who now refused to receive him alledging that his Son upon his Account had rebell● d against him Whereupon Mithridates fled to Colchis which he had formerly conquered and Pompey followed him thinking he would not have stirr'd thence but he immediately passed into Scythia where partly by Force and partly by Perswasions he oblig● d the Princes of that County to be of his Party bestowing his Daughters in Marriage upon some of 'em having still vast Designs in his Mind even of passing through Thrace Maced●nia Pannonia and so over the Alpes into Italy it self Pompey in a short time left Colchis and getting clear of the Ambuscades laid for him by the Albanians and Iberians directed his March to Armenia against Tigranes who now resolv● d not to fight upon the Account of the Rebellion of his three Sons he had by Mithridates's Daughter two of which he had executed and the third after an Overthrow had fled to Pompey Tigranes's Ambassadors coming to desire a Peace this Son so far prevail'd that they cou'd not be heard shortly after Pompey invested the City Artaxata which Tigranes immediately surrender'd and shortly after came himself into Pompey's Camp making him Mediator between him and his Son who wou'd not so much as rise up to his Father or shew him any Respect whatsoever But Pompey received him with extraordinary Civility allowing him the greatest Part of his former Dominions and his Son the rest but took away all his Conquests and fin'd him 6000 Talents of Silver for the Charge of the War Tigranes was by these Articles oblig'd to quit many conquer●d Territories particularly all Syria and Phoenicia and Euphrates to the Sea but his Son was still very refractory refusing Obedience and threatning the Death of his Father for which he was shut up in Prison by Pompey and reserv●d for a Triumph and not long afterwards he was put to Death Tigranes being now reconcil'd to the Romans paid more than his Fine and made Presents to every Officer and Soldier for which he was esteem'd a Friend and Allie of the Romans Pompey restor'd Cappadocia to Ariobarzanes giving him also Gordiena and Sophena with Cabala a City of Cilicia and other Places after which with some Opposition he constrain'd the Albanians and Iberians to beg Peace Thus prosperous was this great Commander who still design'd larger and more glorious Conquests and therefore passing over the vast Mount Taurus he march'd against Darius the Median and Anti●chus King of Syria for molesting the Roman Allies or assisting their Enemies Whereupon Phraates King of Parthia who had been call'd into Gordiena by Tigranes's Son terriy●d at his great Exploits sent to beg Peace of him which he granted not but sent Afraneus into into Gordiena to expel his Forces and restore that Country to Tigranes Phraates upon this invading Armenia Tigranes sent to Pompey for Succour who being unwilling to commence a War with Phraates without positive Orders from Rome sent three Commissioners to make an Accommodation But for Anti●chus to whom Lucullus had granted Syria for his Inheritance he first intended to betake himself to the Assistance of Phraates but upon mature Deliberation he resolved to yield himself to Pompey ●S Generosity But Pompey having now possess'd himself of all his Country without Resistance refus●d to grant him what he expected and what he knew he was unable to keep from the Incursions of the Jews and Arabians on both sides of him And the better to excuse himself told him That since the Romans had been at such Charges and Pains to conquer Tigranes it wou'd be unreasonable that the Reward shou'd fall to another Therefore he only allow'd him that Part of Syria call'd Comagena and in a short Time after extending his Conquests farther over the Ituraeans and Arabians he reduc'd all Syria into a Roman Province The Time that Pompey was proceeding in these Successfull Expeditions Mithridates sent to him to desire Peace but being order'd to come to him himself he refus'd it and proceeded in his Preparations for War After which many of his Places revolted and many of his Friends with one of his Sons were executed upon that Account Yet still he design'd to pass into Europe there to join with the Gauls and invade Italy but the Unwillingness of his Soldiers to this difficult Expedition and the Rebellious Designs of his Son Pharnaces caus●d his Army●s Revolt and his Ruine his Son being shortly after faulted King Mithridates now under Confinement seeing this from an Upper-Room sent to his Son to ask leave to depart but in vain who bidding his Father Die he cry'd out with many bitter Imprecations That he might one Day hear the same Words from his own Children Then coming down to his Wives Daughters and Concubines he gave 'em all Poison and fearing to be delivered up to the Romans he took some himself but having much us'd his Body to Antidotes particularly to that Sort which still goes by his Name the Poison wou'd not operate whereupon he wounded himself but that not dispatching him soon enough he call'd to one Bitaeus a Gaul who got in through the broken Wall and by his Hands he dy'd Thus fell Mithridates a Man who sometimes in Fortune and at all times in Courage was of the highest Rank in Direction a skilful Commander in Execution a great Soldier and in Hatred to the Romans a second Hannibal having made longer Opposition than he And thus ended the Mithridatick War after twenty five Years and eleven since it last broke out a War which in the Beginning happened to be dangerous to the Roman State as creating other Mischiefs but in the End prov●d very glorious and advantageous to it by the Addition not only of all Mithridates's Dominions but likewise of many other rich Countries in Asia Pompey when the News of Mithridates's Death was brought to him was near Iericho marching towards Ierusalem against Aristobulus King of Iudea who had depos'd his elder Brother Hyrcanus and usurp'd his Kingdom Hyrcanus
Containing 44 Years CHAP. VII From the Death of Servius Tullius to the Banishment of Tarquinius Superbus the seventh King of Rome which caus'd the Dissolution of the Regal State Containing 25 Years BOOK II. The Consular State of Rome From the Beginning of that Government to the Ruine of it by the first Triumvirate Containing the Space of 449 Years CHAP. I. From the Banishment of the last King to the first Dictator which was the first Intermission of the Consular Power Containing 10 Years CHAP. II. From the Creation of the first Dictator to the great Retrenchment of the Consular Power by the Tribunes of the People Containing 5 Years CHAP. III. From the Creation of the Tribunes of the People to the second Intermission of the Consular Power by the Decemviri Containing 42 Years CHAP. IV. From the Creation of the Decemviri to the third Intermission of the Consular Power by the Military Tribunes Containing 8 Years CHAP. V. From the Creation of the Military Tribunes to the Burning of Rome by the Gauls which almost ruin'd the Roman Nation Containing 54 Years CHAP. VI. From the Burning of Rome by the Gauls to the Wars with the Samnites when the Romans began much to extend their Conquests Containing 46 Years CHAP. VII From the first Wars with the Samnites to the Wars with Pyrrhus King of Epirus the first Forreig●er they had to deal with wherein the Romans began to learn the Arts of War Containing 63 Years CHAP. VIII From the Beginning of the Wars with Pyrrhus to the first Punick or Carthaginian War when the Romans first set Foot out of Italy Containing 16 Years CHAP. IX From the Beginning of the first Punick War to the Beginning of the second the Romans now growing Powerful by Sea as well as by Land Containing 17 Years CHAP. X. From the Beginning of the second Punick War to the finishing of it by Scipio Africanus when the Romans became perfect in the Arts of War Containiny 17 Years CHAP. XI From the End of the second Punick War to the End of the third and the Destruction of Carthage when Rome got clear of all her Rival States Containing 55 Years CHAP. XII From the Destruction of Carthage to the End of the Sedition of the Gracchi which much shook the Government and was the first Step to the Ruine of the Consular State Containing 23 Years CHAP. XIII From the End of the Sedition of the Gracchi to the End of the first Civil War in Italy and to the perpetual Dictatorship of Sylla which was the second great Step to the Ruine of the Consular State Containing 41 Years CHAP. XIV From the perpetual Dictatorship of Sylla to the first Triumvirate namely Caesar Pompey and Crassus which prov'd the Ruine of the Consular State and was the first Step to the setting up of the Imperial Containing 22 Years BOOK III. The Mix'd State of Rome From the Beginning of the first Triumvirate to the perfect Settlement of the Roman Empire Containing the space of 33 Years CHAP. I. From the Beginning of the first Triumvirate to the Death of Crassus one of the Combination which broke and divided that Party Containing 7 Years CHAP. II. From the Death of Crassus to the Death of Pompey which made way for Caesar's Absolute Authority and was the second Step to the Imperial State Containing above 5 Years CHAP. III. From the Death of Pompey to the Death of Caesar which finish'd the first Triumvirate but still kept down the Consular State Containing 4 Years CHAP. IV. From the Death of Caesar to the Defeats and Deaths of Brutus and Cassius by the second Triumvirate Octavius Anthony and Lepidus which ruin'd the Remains of the Common-wealth Containing above 2 Years CHAP. V. From the Deaths of Brutus and Cassius to the Banishment of Lepidus which vary'd the Course of the Triumvirates Power Containing 6 Years CHAP. VI. From the Banishment of Lepidus to the Death of Anthony which made way for Octavius's Absolute Authority and was the last Step to the Imperial State Containing 6 Years CHAP. VII From the Death of Anthony to the perfect Settlement of the Empire by Octavius which ended all Disturbances and brought Rome to its utmost Glory Containing 3 Years THE Roman History BOOK I. The Regal State of ROME From the Building of the City to the Overthrow of that Kind of Government Containing the Space of 245 Years The INTRODUCTION Of the Original of Rome and its Inhabitants I. IN relating such great and remarkable Affairs as those of the Romans it will be necessary to give some Account of the Original of that People And to make the Account as clear and intelligible as I can it may not be amiss first to observe that that Country which was anciently call'd Italy of which Rome was afterwards the chief City did not contain above one half of what now goes by that Name But as small as it was it contain'd many distinct Nations and People the principal of which were the Aborigines Sabines Hetrurians or Tuscans Umbri Samnites Campani Apulii Calabri Lucanii and Brutii and others of inferior Note which were often dependant on these As for the rest of what is now call'd Italy that was principally possess'd by the Gauls who had driven out the Hetrurians and settl'd themselves in these Parts being distinguish'd into several Names as the Senones the Insubres c. This Part went by the Name of Gallia Cis-Alpina and Togata to distinguish it from that Gaul which is now call'd France and was almost the same with the present Lombardy The chief Inhabitants of it besides the several Nations of the Gauls were the Ligures and the Veneti Of all the foremention'd People the Aborigines afterwards call'd by the Name of Latines were of principal Note not upon the account of any particular Excellency but as being better known and much more enquir'd after by all Historians These were of the Posterity of the Oenotrians a Grecian People of Arcadia who had driven out the Siculi the first Inhabitants of these Parts of Italy They possess'd the Country of Latium a small Country along the River Tiber about 30 Miles in length and 16 in breadth containing near a fourth Part of that little Province in the Pope's Dominions now call'd Campagna-di-Roma We find these govern'd by their own Kings nigh 200 Years before the destruction of Troy and above 1300 before Christ the first Kings we hear of in Italy or in all Europe except Greece These Kings kept their Courts at Laurentum a City about 5 Miles off the Mouth of the River Tiber and were Governors of a mixt People For first some Pelasgians out of Thessaly settled among 'em soon after Saturn from Creet who fled from his Son Iupiter which occasion'd their changing of their Names to Latines à latendo from his lying hid there next Evander from Arcadia then Hercules from Greece with their several Followers But the last who settled in this Country according to Dionysius were some
Mouth of the River Tiber he built a Town call'd Ostia nigh ten Miles South of Rome to secure the Advantages of Trade to his Subjects for thither Commodities being brought by Ships were in lesser Vessels convey'd up the Tiber to this City and about this Town many Salt-pits were made This Prince as well as his Predecessors was very ready and careful to incourage Strangers and by reason of the frequent Advancement of such and the great Privileges they receiv'd many came daily hither and often such as were of good Note Among these Lucumon an Hetrurian was one a Person of great Accomplishments as well as large Possessions who came hither from Tarquinia in Hetruria with his Wife Tanaquil and several Followers He was Son to Demaratus a rich Merchant of Corinth who had left his Country upon the account of the Troubles at that time and settled in Tarquinia where marrying a noble Matron he had this Son besides another who died Childless Lucumon finding no Incouragement in his own Country being the Son of a Foreigner remov'd to Rome where by his Hospitality and Bounty he soon became known to the King having now taken upon him the Name of Lucius adding that of Tarquinius from the Place of his Birth He was honourably treated by Ancus to whom he generously offer'd his whole Patrimony for the Publick Good and by that means obtain'd Freedom for himself and Followers with Lands both for Building and for Sustenance Ancus in a little time chose him into the Senate for he was greatly esteem'd by the King and as much belov'd by the People no Man being more hardy in War or more prudent in Councel Ancus bestow'd most of his latter Time in inriching his Subjects and improving the City and at the end of 24 Years Reign he died a Prince not inferior to any of his Predecessors either for the Glory he gain'd in Peace or War He left behind him two Sons both under Age which he committed to the Guardianship of the foremention'd Lucius Tarquinius as the fittest Person he cou'd employ in such an Office The Roman Dominions were now encreas'd beyond what they were in the last Reign by a larger Part of Hetruria taken from the Veientes and a much better Footing in Latium CHAP. V. From the Death of Ancus Marcius to the Death of Tarquinius Priscus the Fifth King of Rome Containing the space of 38 Years I. ANcus being dead the Senate receiv'd Power from the People to order the Affairs of the Commonwealth and created certain Interreges as formerly In this short Interregnum Tarquin was extremely busie about the Election of a King having great hopes of it himself Therefore to remove all Obstacles to his Designs he sent Ancus's two Sons out a Hunting the eldest being then nigh 14 Years of Age and assembling the People he made a plausible Speech to 'em wherein he plainly begg'd the Kingdom urging the Examples of Tatius and Numa the first an Enemy as well as a Stranger and the second wholly unacquainted with the City whereas he himself was so great a Friend to the City that he had spent all his Riches upon it and so well acquainted with it that he had been train'd up several Years both in Civil and Military Affairs under their King Then he cunningly insinuated his past Services and insisting more than ordinary upon his Liberality he obtain'd the Kingdom being the first who obtain'd it by his own ambitious seeking At the beginning of his Reign the better to gain the Love of the Common People he chose out 100 of the Plebeians who for Valour or Wisdom were most Eminent and added them to the Senate which made up the Number 300 those of Romulus's Creation being call'd Patres Conscripti these were call'd Patres minorum Gentium that is Senators of a lower Rank He likewise encreas'd the Number of Vestal Virgins from four to seven but Plutarch says there were but two before His first War was with the Latines from whom he took several Towns among the rest Collatia a Place five Miles North-East of Rome over which pe plac'd his Nephew Aruns Tarquinius for Governour the Posthumus Issue of his Brother surnam'd Egerius from his want of Patrimony and Collatinus from the Place which Surname continu'd to his Posterity Notwithstanding the Latines great Supplies from Hetruria he soon forc'd 'em to beg Peace and then turn'd his Arms against the Sabines who had again risen up against Rome Both Armies met upon the Banks of Anio where the Romans made use of a Stratagem by sending a Party of Men to burn a great Heap of Wood that lay by the River-side and to throw it in which being driven forwards by the Wind much of the flaming Wood got hold on the Wood of the Bridge and set it on fire This not only terrifi●d the Sabines while they were engaging but when they were routed hinder'd their Flight their Bridge being burnt down and therefore many of 'em tho' they escap'd the Sword perish'd in the Water whose floating Arms being carry'd down the Tiber to Rome discover'd the Victory there almost before the News cou'd be carry'd Tarquin proceeded to march into the Sabine Territories where the Sabines tho' with small Hopes met him with an undisciplin'd Army and being defeated a second time they were forc'd to beg Peace Over the Sabines Tarquin obtain'd his first Triumph Soon after the Sabine-War was finish'd all Hetruria or rather the Neighbouring Parts combin'd against him upon the Account of his detaining some Prisoners of theirs whom he had taken among the Sabines They had made a Law among themselves That whatever Town refus'd to join against the Romans shou'd not be accounted of their Body and they soon after possess'd themselves of Fidenae a Roman Colony But he was so successful against 'em as to overthrow 'em in several Battels and upon his preparing for another Campaign they were humbled and to purchase Peace they own●d him for their Prince and in tokens of Allegiance sent him all the Ensigns of Sovereignty which their Kings were usually adorn'd with These were a Crown of Gold an Ivory Chair a Sc●p●re with an Eagle on the top a Purple-Coat wrought with Gold and a Purple-Gown pink'd almost like the Robes of the Persian and Lydian Kings only it was not four-square but of a semi-circular Figure From hence also came the R●bes and Coats us'd by the Augurs and Heralds with many of their Ornaments us'd in Rome afterwards the Axes they had before tho' now they receiv'd 'em again Over these People Tarquin triumph'd a second time This War finish'd which continu'd nine Years he fell a second time upon the Sabines who now alone contended with the Romans for Superiority over whom he obtain'd a third Triumph and providing for another Expedition they yielded whom he receiv'd on the same Terms with the Hetrurians II. Tarquin was no less mindful of strengthning the City at home than of enlarging his
with a Mixture of Sadness and Amazement at the Greatness as well as Strangeness of the Act but while they were lamenting over the dead Body Brutus catching at this Opportunity now threw off his long Disguise giving them to understand How far different he was from the Person they always took him for and further shew'd 'em most manifest Tokens of the Greatness of his Spirit and the Depth of his Policy He told 'em That Tears and Lamentations cou'd never he heard whilst Vengeance cry'd so loud thereupon in a great Rage going to the Body and drawing the bloody Knife from out the Wound swore by Mars and all the Celestial Powers above Utterly to exterminate Tarquin with his Impious Wife and Fr●ge●y to prosecute them and all their Friends with the utmost Rage of Fire and Sword and never after to suffer the Tarquins or any other to reign in Rome Then he deliver●d the Knife to the rest who all wondring at so extraordinary a Change in Brutus swore as he had done and turning their effeminate Sorrow to a masculine Fury they resolv'd to follow his Instructions and extirpate Kingly Government Brutus as soon as he could procur'd the Gates of the City to be shut that all might be kept secret from Tarquin till such time as the People might be assembled the dead Body expos'd and a publick Decree for Tarquin's Banishment procur'd The Senate being assembled all shew'd their Willingness to banish Tarquin but at first had very different Opinions concerning the new Modelling of the Government which probably might make it a tedious Business Brutus represented to 'em the absolute Necessity of a quick Dispatch and immediately prescrib'd 'em a Form of Government shewing them That before Tarquin's violating his own and his Predecessors Oath Rome had been happy and famous both for her Acts abroad and her Constitutions at home and that the Regal Power had at last been dangerous and almost destructive to the Security of the State and the Safety of the People and therefore was not to be trusted in one Man's hands but two were to be chosen who shou'd govern with equal Authority and Command Then because Names alone were offensive to many People he thought that of Kingdom was to be left off and the other of Common-wealth to be assum'd and instead of the Title of King and Monarch some more Modest and Popular was to be invented as likewise were some of their Ensigns to be laid aside and others to be retain'd That the main and only thing to keep these Magistrates in Order was to prevent their perpetual Power and if they were Annual after the manner of Athens each might learn both how to be Subject and how to Govern Lastly That the Name of King might not be wholly lost the Title was to be given to one who shou'd be call'd Rex Sacrorum who having this Honour for Life and Immunity from Warfare shou'd only concern himself with those Religious Rites which the King had Charge of before The Particulars of this Speech were all approv'd of by the Senate who immediately issued out a Decree for the King's Banishment in this Form That the Tarquinii should be banish'd with all their Off-spring and that it should be Capital for any one to speak or act for their Return Brutus having procur'd thus much the Comitia were immediately a●sembled by him and the Body of Lucretia all dismally bloody brought and set there for a pittiful Spectacle to all the People There Brutus to their great Surprise discover'd himself telling 'em the Reasons of his long and strange Dissimulation and the great Occasion of their present Meeting withal shewing 'em the Senate's Decree Then he fell to enumerating all the several Crimes and Villanies of Tarquin particularly That he had Poyson'd his own Brother Strangled his Wife Murder'd his lawful Sovereign and fill'd Di●ches and Common-Sewers with the B●dies of the Nobility That he came to the Kingdom on Usurper and continu'd in it a Tyrant being treacherous to his greatest Friends and barbarous to all Mankind That his three Sons were of a Temper as Insolent and Tyrannical as himself especially the Eldest of which they now had a s●d and doleful Instance before their Eyes That since the King was absent and the Patricians all resolv'd neither Men M●ney nor Foreign Aid shou'd be wanting to 'em had they but Courage for the Enterprize Urging withal that it was a shame to think of Commanding the Volsci Sabines and Nations abroad and be Slaves to others at home and to maintain so many Wars to serve the ambitious Ends of a Tyrant and not undertake one for their own Liberty And that as for the Army at the Siege their own Interest in all Respects w●u'd oblige 'em to joyn in what ever was agreed upon in the City The Multitude transported with the Hopes of Liberty and charm'd with the Person and graceful Behaviour of Brutus with loud Acclamations gave their Assent and immediately call'd for Arms. Lucretius was appointed Inter-rex for holding the Comitia who strait adjourn●d it to 〈◊〉 Campus Martius where Magistrates were elected in their Armour There he nominated Brutus and 〈◊〉 to exercise the Regal Power as they before had agreed on among themselves and the Centuries confirm●d 'em by their Suffrages In the mean time Tarquin having heard something of these Transactions came riding in all haste to the City with his Sons and some of ●is most trusty Friends to prevent the Mischiefs that threatned him but finding the Gates fast shut and the Walls full of Armed Men in great Grief he return●d to the Camp But Brutus foreseeing his sudden Coming had industriously got before him to the Army another Way and acquainted them with the Decree both of Senate and People pressing 'em hard to a Revolt Immediately their Suffrages were call'd over according to their Centuries and they unanimously agreed to do exactly as their Friends in the City had done so that when Tarquin return●d they refus'd to admit him Thus frustrated of his Hopes he went to Gabii or to Caere in Hetruria now Grey-headed having reign'd 25 Years Herminius and Horatius Chief Commanders of the Army made a Truce with the Enemy for 15 Years and raising the Siege before Ardea return'd to Rome with all their Forces IV. Such was the End of the Regal State of Rome 245 Years after the Building of the City in the first Year of the 68th Olympiad A. M. 3496 31 Years after the Ruine of the Babylonian Empire and the setting up of the Persian 179 before the beginning of the Macedonian and 507 before our Saviour Christ occasion'd by a Man who knew neither how to govern according to the Laws nor yet to reign against them The Roman Dominions now contain'd most of Old Latium with the greatest part of the Sabines Country a considerable part of Hetruria particularly of the Veientes Caeretanes and Tarquinii besides some small Parts of the Volsci and Aequi being much
about 40 Miles long and 30 broad a Spot of Ground not so large by a fourth part as either the Dukedoms of Modena Parma or Mantua and not much larger than the Territory of the Commonwealth of Luca so that this was rightly term'd by Historians the Infancy of Rome especially since most of these Parts were both able and ready to Revolt upon every little Occasion as the Romans often found afterwards so that it cost 'em many Years trouble and many hazardous Wars before they cou'd wholly subdue 'em and much enlarge their Dominions If we look upon the City it self at this time we may find it encreased after a far greater Proportion than formerly and its large Extent its numerous Inhabitants and its magnificent Structures were happy Fore-runners of its future Grandeur and Empire And these together with the wise Institutions of its Prince and the great Prudence and Gravity of its Senate were the main Supporters and Preservers of it in the midst of so many envious Neighbours and powerful Enemies tho' indeed the Inhabitants themselves were an extream rough and unpolish'd People little acquainted with Knowledge and Learning and far unlike their Successors in Skill and Conduct Their Engagements were more like so many Tumults than real Battels where Obstinacy in Fighting generally supply'd the place of Discipline in War only they had the good Fortune to deal with Neighbours who had more Barbarity and Ignorance than themselves In short what may truly be affirm'd of the old Romans is they were a People of most extraordinary Courage and Fierceness a People of prodigious Hardiness and Austerity of Life a People of indefatigable Industry and wonderful Lovers of their Country and from these main Springs afterwards proceeded many great and noble Actions Before the Conclusion of this First Book to make the Roman History as clear and intelligible as possible it may be convenient to give a Hint of the several Countries the Romans afterwards became Masters of First Gaul which was then inhabited by an unciviliz'd tho' a Warlike People was broken and divided into a great number of petty Governments Spain and Germany was much in the same Condition and Britain not much better as likewise was Dacia and Illyricum Greece was in a most flourishing wealthy Condition under several Monarchs of Renown and powerful Common-wealths but not long after became subject to the Macedonian Empire Asia Minor was almost in the same Condition then subjected to the Persian and next to the Macedonian Empires but at last partly freed from the latter Armenia was a considerable Monarchy Syria Chaldea Assyria and Mesopotamia were all powerful States but successively subject to the Persian and Macedonian Empires the first of which prov'd a separate Kingdom Iudaea was a small but noble Kingdom Egypt was also a flourishing Kingdom subject to its own Kings Africa was a powerful and growing Common-wealth who had Sicily in a great measure As for Italy it self that was divided among many petty Nations and People as was observ'd in the beginning The End of the First Book THE Roman History BOOK II. The Consular State of ROME From the Beginning of that Government to the Ruine of it by the first Triumvirate Containing the Space of 449 Years CHAP. I. From the Banishment of the last King to the first Dictator which was the first Intermission of the Consular Power Containing the space of 10 Years I. THE State of Affairs in Rome was now wholly alter'd and the Government quite chang'd Restoration of Ancient Priviledges was the Peoples constant Discourse and an odd mixture of Fury and Cunning ran through the whole Body of the Nation which caus●d 'em to put down Kingly Government and set up that of Consuls These High Officers were two in Number first call'd Praetors next Iudices and afterwards Consuls à Consulendo from Counselling or Consulting the Common Good of the People They were yearly elected by the People in the Centuriata Comitia out of the Patricians being Persons no less than 43 Years old or nigh and of excellent Qualifications as long as there was little or no Corruptions The Consular Power was at first equal to the Regal till in a short time Poplicola brought in the Liberty of Appealing to the People Yet after this their Authority was very large for they were the Heads of the People and Senate superiour to all other Magistrates govern'd the State dispos'd of the Publick Revenues administer'd Iustice call'd and dismiss'd the Senate and all General Assemblies had all the Laws enacted in their Names led Armies appointed Officers treated with all Foreign Princes and Ambassadors and transacted many other Things in their own Names They had also the Royal Ornaments us'd by the Kings as the Golden Crown Sceptre Purple Robes White Robes the twelve Lictors with the Axes and Fasces the Ivory and Curule Chairs only to prevent the People's Jealousies the Crowns and Sceptres were never us'd but upon extraordinary Days of Triumph and commonly one was attended by the Axes and the other by the Rods changing each Month. The first Consuls were L. Iunius Brutus and L. Tarquinius Collatinus who had been the Authors of this Settlement and they immediately reviv'd the Laws of Servius Tullius concerning Publick Meetings and Assemblies with other things that conduc●d to the Satisfaction of the common sort who look'd upon their ancient Rights as newly recover'd Before Affairs were perfectly settled in the Common-wealth some Ambassadors from Hetruria arriv'd at Rome in behalf of the late King Tarquin who was now so mortifi'd and so sensible of his Mismanagement that he made very large Promises of observing all regular Administration for the future If they wou'd receive him as their lawful King When this Proposal cou'd not be heard the Ambassadors only desir'd That he might have his Goods return'd him at least such as were his Grand-father Priscus ' s who had deserv'd no Ill at their hands But Brutus very violently oppos'd that Demand as being almost as dangerous as the other he esteeming it no good Policy to furnish an Enemy with Money against themselves however his Collegue Collatine most readily comply'd with it but putting it to the Vote it pass'd in the Negative the Voices being very nigh equal The Ambassadors meeting with no Success according to their Instructions made several plausible Excuses for tarrying in Rome longer than ordinary and in that time by their cunning Management and fair Promises found means to draw over some of Collatine's Family to their sides namely two of the Aquilii and three of the Vitellii together with Brutus's two Sons Titus and Tiberius These with some other all join'd in a Conspiracy keeping their private Meetings at the House of the Aquilii there to consult about and manage their Designs which were to kill both the Consuls and to endeavour to re-inthrone Tarquin These Conspirators cou'd not long conceal their Practices but were discover'd by a Slave call'd Vindicius who had accidentally hid
whom the People out of Gratitude bury'd at the publick Charge because he dy'd Poor and Money was bestow'd on his Children Now likewise was the Census perform'd and 110000 Heads were cessed II. The Year following there was a great Famine in the City occasion'd chiefly by the want of Tillage during the late Separation This put the Senate upon sending to Sicily and several Parts of Italy to buy Corn but notwithstanding this Care the Common sort now extreamly pinch'd with Want grew very turbulent laying all the Blame upon the Patritians This Advantage the Volsci endeavour'd to improve but were diverted by a grievous Plague which so rag'd among 'em that Velitra a Noble City of that Country being exhausted of its Inhabitants they begg'd of the Romans to send a Colony thither Which occasion'd many of the Romans tho' unwillingly to be sent thither and also to Norba a Latine Town Upon which the rest were so inrag'd imagining it a Design to destroy 'em that they call'd the Tribunes into the Comitium where they and the Consuls had a violent Contest which occasion'd a Law to be made That no Man shou'd dare to interrupt the Tribunes when they spoke to the People This still bred greater Aniniosities between the Senate and People but the Consuls to divert 'em and to ease their Wants offer'd to lead 'em into the Enemies Country but few or none wou'd List themselves so that Marcius Coriolanus with some Patritians and a few of their Clients made Incursions and return'd home laden with Booty the Knowledge of which put the poorer sort into a fresh Murmuring against the Tribunes who had disswaded them from the Expedition So that now the City was almost all in a Flame and Confusion but more from the Infirmity of the Government than the Disposition of the People These Tumults and Disturbances were considerably appeas'd by the happy Arrival of great Quantities of Corn from Sicily which was bought at a cheap Rate and half given in by Gelon of Sicily Now the Patritians considering at what Rates to dispose of the Corn Coriolanus incens'd at the Behaviour of the Commons counsell'd 'em to keep it up at a high rate and to shew no Favour nor give any Incouragement to the Insolence of the Tribunes and the Rabble but wholly to take away the Tribune ship as the only Way to remedy the Disorders of the State Upon Notice of this the Multitude in a mad Fury wou'd have fall'n upon the Senate but were stopp'd by the Tribunes who laid all the Blame upon Coriolanus and sent the Aediles to apprehend him and bring him before the People The Aediles going to execute their Office were repuls'd and beaten by the young Patritians who were gather'd about Coriolanus This put all in a greater Flame than ever and the whole City tumultuously assembled together where the Tribunes decreed that Coriolanus shou'd immediately be cast down headlong from the Tarpeian Rock The Aediles strait seiz'd on him and the Patritians again rescu'd him and there was nothing but Tumults and Uproars in all Places But the Senate by selling of Corn at low Rates and by good Words and Entreaties so far appeas'd 'em that the Tribunes null'd their former Decree and set him a Day to Answer for himself before the People The Consuls finding their Authority was like to be much weakned after long Debates and much Difficulty procur'd the Tribunes to sue out this Decree from the Senate which was granted and the third Market-day after was appointed for his Tryal Coriolanus demanded of the Tribunes what they wou'd lay to his Charge who after some Consultation told him They intended to accuse him of Aiming at Sovereignty and Tyranny whereupon he chearfully put himself upon Tryal not refusing the severest Punishment if they cou'd prove that against him When the appointed day was come all Persons were fill'd with great Expectations and a vast Concourse of Country People early in the morning had plac'd themselves in the Forum and the Tribunes assembled the People separating the Tribes from one another with Cords and ordering them to give their Votes according to their Tribes and not according to their Centuries which Innovation the Patritians much complain'd of but after some Debate admitted it Minucius the Consul began first Declaring the great Worth of the Person to be try'd signifying that the Senate became Petitioners in his Behalf and desiring the Tribunes that they wou'd keep wholly to their first Impeachment namely his aiming at Soveraignty which they promis'd to do Sicinius one of the Tribunes enviously urg'd all he cou'd imagine would make for his Purpose putting the worst Construction upon all his Actions But when Coriolanus came to speak his Affairs soon seem'd to be in a more favourable Condition for his graceful relating all his great Services to the State his shewing his Scars receiv'd all over his Body and the Cries and Lamentations of such as he had sav'd in the Wars made such a powerful Impression upon the People that they generally cry'd out He was to be releas'd But Decius another of the Tribunes a cunning and spiteful Fellow stood up alledging That he wou'd wave all Words and Expressions and insist on his Actions which wou'd make good the Charge of Tyranny There was a certain Law that all Booty and Plunder gain'd in War shou'd be appropriated to the Publick Use and be given into the Hand of the Quaestor untouch'd by the General Now whereas that Law had ever been look'd upon as inviolable Coriolanus had wilfully broke it For in the late Incursion into the Territories of Antium where he had got great plenty of Slaves Cattel and Provisions he neither deliver'd these things to the Quaestor nor paid any Money into the Treasury but divided the Booty among his Friends which was a manifest Argument that ●e design'd to Enslave his Country it being the constant Practice of all that affect Tyranny by such Means to procure themselves Instruments for their Purpose Coriolanus was strangely surpriz'd at so unexpected a Charge and the Consuls and Patritians being likewise utterly to seek for an Answer the Tribunes immediately nam'd perpetual Banishment and gather'd the Votes of the Tribes where only nine of the one and twenty clear'd him so he stood condemn'd by the Majority This was the first Sentence pass'd by the People upon any Patritian and henceforth the Tribunes usually set a Day to whomsoever they pleas'd whereby the Power of the Commons was very much enlarg'd and the Interest of the Patritians more and more diminish'd Coriolanus accompany'd home with the Sighs and Tears of a great many took his leave of his Mother Wife and Children who all made lamentable Complaints but he like a true Roman with small Appearance of Concern bad 'em bear all chearfully and departed the City without any thing to bear his Charges attended only by a few of his Clients Thus he went to Antium and apply'd himself to Tullus Attius a Man of great
his Feet Embracing and Kissing 'em which with the lamentable Sighs and Tears of the fair Train so far mov'd his great Spirit that lifting 'em up and embracing 'em he cry'd O Mother you have gain'd the Victory most fortunate for my Country but most destructive to my self and accordingly drew off the Volsci into their own Country Tullus who now envy●d his Glory represented this Act to the Volsci as the highest Piece of Treason against 'em and procur'd him to be cut in Pieces scarce allowing him to speak for himself as Dionysius relates it This was against the Consent of the greatest Part of the Volsci who bury'd him Honourably adoring his Tomb with Arms and Trophies as a Great General and a Famous Warrior and the Roman Women themselves were permitted to mourn for him 10 Months all acknowledging him to be the most valiant and most couragious Man in this age III. Great and many Publick Rejoycings were made at Rome for Coriolanus's Retreat and the Senate decreed to grant the Women what Honours they wou'd demand but they only desir'd to have a Chappel ded●cated to Woman's Fortune built in the same Place where they had deliver'd their Country which was done at the Publick Charge The Consuls soon after took the Field with a considerable Army but had no occasion to use it for the Volsci and Aequi joyning Forces had such violent Contests about a General as they almost ruin●d each other The year following the New Consuls Aquilius and Sicinius overthrew one the Hernici and the other the Volsci among whom fell Tullus their General The next Year the Consuls Virginius and Cassius took the Field the Aequi falling to the former as the Volsci and Hernici did to the latter But the Volsci immediately begg'd Peace having lost their best Men in the last Battel as soon after did the Hernici who now refus'd any longer to contend with the Romans for Superiority Cassius having receiv'd Money and Provisions from 'em as Persons who own'd themselves Conquer'd made a Truce but referr'd the Articles to the Senate But the Fathers after resolving to accept of their Alliance left the Conditions of the League to Cassius's Discretion who now affecting Sovereignty and desiring Popularity granted 'em equal Privileges with the Latines which together with his Triumph lately obtain'd without performing any thing for it procur'd him much Envy and Hatred Cassius now grown Insolent by his three Consulships and his two Triumphs was resolv'd to push on his Design of Sovereignty and the more to gain the Favour of the People propos'd the Division of some late conquer'd Lands among the Meaner Sort together with such Publick Grounds which through the Neglect of the Magistrates had been seiz'd on by the Rich. Then he recounted to the People his many Services to the State under his three Consulships insinuating That his extraordinary Care and wise Management in those Times had shewn him no less than sole Governour and that since he had already taken Charge of the Common-wealth it was but just and reasonable he shou'd continue to do it This Speech tho' so strongly ●avouring of Tyranny wou'd have been far more serviceable to him had he not brought in the Latines and the Hernici as Sharers in these Lands which he did to gain their Favours tho' with the weakning his Interest with the Common People This Proposal concerning the Lands met with many Oppositions in the Senate created Fears and Jealousies among some and caus'd various Discourses among others But the Commons Forwardness and the Disturbances that were like to follow caus'd the Senate after many Debates to publish their Resolution for dividing the Lands among the Commons withal excluding all new Allies and Associates as having no Reason to expect a Share of what was gain'd before their Times This was the famous Agrarian Law which afterwards occasion'd such Mischiefs and Disturbances but at present the Promise of it appeas'd the People and ruin'd Cassius's Designs For the year after his Consulship the Quaestors set a day to him to answer to the Charge of Aiming at Tyranny before the People where he was accus'd of a Multitude of Crimes of that Nature and notwithstanding his premeditated Orations his many Services and the Intercession of all his Friends and Clients in Mourning he was condemn'd to be thrown down the Tarpeian Rock and was straight executed accordingly Soon after his Death the Commons were very urgent for the Execution of the Agrarian Law which Cassius had set on foot but the Senate being resolv'd to divert it as much as possible caus'd the Consuls to prepare for an Expedition The Plebeians inrag●d at their Disappointment and the Loss of a Person whom they expected to have been so serviceable to 'em refus'd to List themselves the Tribunes always protecting 'em from Punishment but the Name of a Dictator and their suspecting Appius to be the Man soon frighted 'em into a Compliance so Cornelius one of the Consuls wasted the Territories of the Veientes as Fabius the other did those of the Aequi. Not long after the Commons refusing to List themselves the Consuls found means to sit in the Campus Martius out of the City where the Tribunes had no Authority and there they severely punish'd and fin'd such as did not appear to the great Mortification of the Popular Faction A third time the Consuls gain'd their Designs by getting over one of the Tribunes to their side a way they were often forc●d to make use of afterwards In the mean time they had several Wars abroad with the Volsci and Aequi and soon after the Veientes there being many Ravages on both sides with some Battels but of no great Note or Consequence At home were greater Contests and Quarrels between the Consuls and Tribunes concerning this Agrarian Law the former always declining the execution of it and the latter as constantly urging it but with no other effect than the blowing up of Dissentions and the increasing of Factions And this was the troublesome and unhappy State of Rome for about five Years together as may be seen at large in Dionysius IV. In the midst of these Troubles when Fabius and Virginius were Consuls two Years after Xerxes's Expedition into Greece the Veientes by the Assistance of other of the Hetrurians march'd with a powerful Army against the Romans Virginius oppos●d 'em with another but was so overpower'd by 'em that he had lost his Army had not Fabius came from the Aequi with timely Succour and brought him off Upon the Roman Retreat the Veientes made Incursions almost to the Walls of Rome to the great Injury and Dishonour of the City and what added more to their Inconveniencies was the lowness of the Treasury and the Discontents of the People about the Agrarian Law This reduc'd the Senate to very great Extremities till at last the whole Family of the Fabii a noble Stock generously offer'd their Service to be a constant Guard to the Frontiers
After this taking his leave of his Wife he departed for the City There Quintius partly by Cunning and partly by Threats restrain'd the Tribunes from preferring the Law and carry'd himself so as to be a Terror to the Multitude when ever they refus'd to List themselves and their greatest Incourager when their Behaviour was such as deserv'd it He perform'd his Office with that Prudence and Justice and likewise with that Civility and Courtesie that the Commons were now of Opinion that they stood in no need of new Laws Then having finish'd his Consulship he to the Concern of the whole Senate betook himself to his little Cottage and his former laborious Course of Life The Year following the Aequi surpriz'd Tusculum but were worsted by the Romans together with their Friends the Volsci and were forc'd to beg Peace And in this Year there were found 119000 Free Citizens according to Eutropius In the next Consulship the Aequi and Volsci were drawn to revolt by Gracchus Claelius a ruling Man among 'em who by his Industry so hemm'd in and block'd up the Roman Army that it was in great danger of being lost This put the City into a great Consternation so that they were glad to have recourse to a Dictator and Quintius Cincinnatus was immediately resolv'd upon The Messengers found him sweating and labouring as before but he seeing himself made Dictator by the 24 Axes the Purple the Horses and other Royal Ensigns was so far from being pleas'd with the Honour that he said with great Concern This years Crop will also be lost and my poor Family must be Starv'd At his entring the City he encourag'd the People what he cou'd and chose Tarquinius for his Master of the Horse then drawing out his Troops he fell upon Claelius and forc'd him into his Intrenchments and Besieging him a while brought his whole Army to his Mercy who were forc'd to yield at Discretion They were all made Prisoners of War and in token of Servitude Quintius made 'em pass under the Iugum which was two Spears set up with a third cross like a Gallows and likewise made 'em deliver up Corbio He order'd the choicest Plunder for Rome and the rest to be given to his Soldiers then return'd to the City with a more Magnificent Triumph than any before him having defeated a powerful Army and plunder'd and fortify'd a City of the Enemy within Fourteen Days after his Creation He immediately resign'd his Office and when the Senate and his private Friends wou'd have inrich'd him with publick Lands Plunder and Contributions he utterly refus'd all betaking himself again to his Cottage and his old Course of Life which is one great Instance of the Abstinence of the Romans at that time The Year following the Sabines with the Aequi retook Corbio against whom when Levies were to be made the Tribunes who were all created a Fourth time withstood them again Whereupon the Fathers with weeping Eyes made use of Entreaties offering to go in their own Persons if they refus'd which so sensibly mov'd the People That they promis'd all manner of Obedience if they wou'd permit the Number of their Tribunes to be encreas'd to Ten Which the Senate after some Debates Granted reasonably supposing that their Number wou'd prove the most probable Means to divide 'em but then with this Proviso as Livy says That they shou'd never chuse the same Tribunes twice This done Levies were made and a successful War was carry'd on against the Sabines and Aequi. VII The Domestick Troubles seem'd for a while to be allay'd but in a Years time the Tribunes uniting all together made farther Incroachments than ever and ventur'd so far as to Assemble the Senate by their own proper Authority moreover requiring Mount Aventine for the People to build on which being a Mile and an half in compass was not yet fully inhabited but Common and full of Wood. The Senate after most violent Quarrels on both sides out of hopes it might be a Means to suppress the Agrarian Seditions granted those Parts that were Common to the People who spent the remaining part of the Year in Building to the considerable Encrease of the City This Grant satisfy'd the Commons but for a short time for the next Year their former Complaints were renew'd and carry'd on with all the violent Heats und Animosities that cou'd be imagin'd often proceeding to Blows till at last the Tribunes having thrown off all Respect and Reverence insolently set a Day to the Consuls themselves to answer before the People But this appear'd so odious to many that they were prevail'd upon to let such a Matter fall as being most dangerous both to themselves and the whole State of Rome But at the same time they made a firm Resolution to prefer the Agrarian Law which they agreed to do in the next Assembly and for that Reason they appointed a day apart for the Comitia At this Assembly were gather'd together great Numbers of all Ranks and Qualities where the Tribunes having spoken very largely on that Subject several of the Plebeians related what good Services they had done the Commonwealth and how little Reward they had for their Pains Among which was Siccius Dentatus a Man of admirable Shape and Courage 58 Years of Age and well furnish'd with Military Eloquence for a Seditious Attempt who told 'em He had serv'd his Country in the Wars forty Years had been an Officer thirty first a Centurion then a Tribune had fought one hundred and twenty Battels in which by the Force of his single Arm he had sav'd many Patritians Lives recover'd several Standards perform'd many great and dangeros Exploits gain'd 14 Civick Crowns 3 Mural Crowns and 8 Golden Crowns besides 83 Golden Chains 60 Golden Bracelets 18 pure Spears and 23 Horse-Trappings whereof 9 were for killing Enemies challeng'd to single Combats moreover he had receiv'd 45 Wounds all before and none behind particularly twelve in that Day the Capitol was recover'd Yet notwithstanding he had fought so many Years serv'd in so many Expeditions receiv'd so many Wounds help'd to gain so many large Territories for his Country and had spar'd no Cost or Labour nor refus'd any Danger or Difficulty yet neither he nor any of his Fellow-sharers in his Dangers had receiv'd the least Portion of those Lands they had gain'd by their Swords but that they were possess'd by others who had not the least Title or Merit to shew for 'em and to such too whose private Attempts and sinister Designs better entitl'd 'em to a disgraceful Punishment than to any Publick Reward These Particulars he urg'd at large withal accusing the Patritians of many Designs against the Privileges of the People and the Publick Peace of the City which he did with such Rhetorick and Cunning that the Commons were almost transported with the Man Yet still the Patritians by their wonderful Prudence and cautious Management tho' with extream Hazard to themselves so far defeated
their Designs that the Law cou'd not be pass'd These Disturbances were a little diverted by the Enemies March as far as Tusculum against whom Siccius went as Volunteer where the Consuls put him upon a most desperate Attempt which gain'd him the highest Honour instead of procuring his Ruin as they imagin'd it wou'd have done A notable Victory was gain'd over the Aequi by his Means and he reveng'd himself upon the Consuls by preventing their Triumph this Year and by getting 'em fin'd the next when he himself was made one of the Tribunes Upon which a Law pass'd in the Centuriata Comitia That all Magistrates shou'd have Power to punish such as violated their Authority which before was only the Priviledge of the Consuls But not by any Fine exceeding two Oxen or thirty Sheep which Law was long observ'd by the Romans This new Law pleas'd the People and all now being a little more moderate the whole Body of Rome began to consider of Ways and Methods to settle the Government more firmly and to prevent all dangerous Feuds for the Future thereupon it was agreed That Ambassadors shou'd be sent to the Greek Cities in Italy and to Athens to bring such Laws from thence as were most excellent and most convenient for the good of the Commonwealth For this great Design Posthumius Sulpicius and Manlius were fix'd upon and Gallies assign'd for their use suitable to the Majesty of the Roman People The Year following there hapned a great Famine and a most grievous Plague to the great Damage of the City And the Year after the Ambassadors return'd out of Greece with their Laws presently after which the Tribunes requir'd that Law-makers might be appointed and after many grave and prudent Debates and some Opposition it was Granted The Method that they all agreed upon was That Ten Men out of the Chief of the Senate shou'd be elected whose Power continuing for a Year shou'd be the same with that of Kings and Consuls and that without any Appeal that all other Magistracies shou'd lay down their Authorities till they might be renew'd according to the Laws This was agreed on by the Senate and confirm'd by the People and the Consuls elect immediately resigning their Office were made part of the Decemvirate and also the Tribunes Aediles Quaestors c. were divested of all Power and Authority This was a most remarkable Change of Government as great as that from Kings to Consuls and was the second sort of Intermission of the Consular Power which hapned in the second Year of the 82d Olympiad 302 Years after the Building of the City 57 after the Banishment of Tarquin 30 after Xerxes's Expedition into Greece and 450 before our Saviour's Nativity CHAP. IV. From the Creation of the Decemviri to the Third Intermission of the Consular Power by the Military Tribunes Containing the space of 8 Years I. THE ten Persons chosen by the Centuriata Comitia for this high Office were Appius and Genutius the late Consuls elect Posthumius Sulpicius and Manlius the three Ambassadors Sextius and Romulius former Consuls with Iulius Veturius and Horatius all Senators These being invested with almost absolute Power agreed that only one of 'em at one time shou'd have the Fasces and other Consular Ensigns to which they were to succeed by Turns for a certain limitted Time till the Year came about And he whose Turn it was for the time being assembled the Senate confirm'd the Decrees and did all other Things that belong'd to a chief Magistrate to do the rest to avoid Envy and Suspicion differ'd little in Habit from private Persons having only an Accensus or a sort of a Beadle going before ' em These great Men for a time manag'd all things with such Justice and Moderation that the Commonwealth seem'd most Hapy under them and Appius above the rest grew exceeding Popular carrying away the chief Praise from the whole Colledge having indeed greater and more secret Designs than the rest At length having made a Model out of such Laws as were brought from Greece and their own Countries Customs they expos'd 'em to the View of all Men in Ten Tables that any one might make Exceptions When all were approv'd of a Senatus Consultum pass'd Nemine contradicente for the ratifying of these Laws and the Question being put to the People in the Centuriata Comitia they were most Religiously and Ceremoniously confirm'd in the Presence of the Pontifices Augurs and Priests then they were ingraven in Brass some say Ivory and plac'd for publick View in the most conspicuous Part of the Forum The Year being almost expir●d the Decemviri mov'd the Senate for a Continuance of this Office and after a great Debate it was resolv'd by them to have the same kind of Magistracy for the following Year because something seem'd yet Wanting to the new Model but especially because this Office Suspended the Tribune-ship which had been an intolerable Burden to the State A Comitia was appointed on purpose where the most Ancient and Honourable of the Fathers stood for this Office fearing if it fell into the Hands of turbulent Persons it might prove very dangerous to the Peace of the Common-wealth Appius had now gain'd the Hearts of the People and his Behaviour and Actions were extoll'd to the Skies therefore they labour'd earnestly to retain him in his Place but he cunningly desir'd to be excus'd the Undertaking such a troublesome and ungrateful Work But at last overcome as it were by the Intreaties of the People he plac'd himself among the Candidates where by a crafty Insinuation of his own Services and a malicious Accusation of the other Patritians as owing him a Spight for his publick Spirit he not only made way for himself but for his Friends too He procur'd to be chosen with himself Fabius a former Consul Cornelius Servilius Minucius Antonius and Rabulius all Patritians and Petilius Duellius and Oppius all Plebeians whom he took in the more to Ingratiate himself with the Rabble saying It was very just that the Commons shou'd have a Share in that Magistracy which was to Govern and Command all On the first Day after their Creation they all made their Appearance with Regal Ensigns which exceedingly terrify'd the People especially the Axes now added again to the Rods which Poplicola had laid aside to prevent the Dissatisfaction of the Common Sort. The first thing the Decemviri did was their promising each other by Oath To be of one Mind to retain the Power in their own Hands to be of equal Authority among themselves and to admit none into their Number never to make use of Senatus Consultum ' s and Plebiscitum ' s but in Case of Necessity Acting most Things by Vertue of their own Power These things they observ'd with great Exactness nothing valuing the Roman Senate and People and exercising their Authority with all Licentiousness By which Means it came to pass that they being both Legislators
Quintius who had both been Consuls before In this Year the Consuls finding the Publick Business to increase to ease themselves procur'd two new Magistrates to be created call'd Censors so nam'd because the Business of the Census which had been instituted by Servius Tullius the Sixth King of Rome was one great part of their Office These Magistrates at first made no great Appearance but in a short time they became Persons of extraordinary Dignity and Power having all the Ornaments and Ensigns of Consuls except Lictors At the beginning they were created for five Years which space was call'd Lustrum as was formerly observ'd but soon after their time was shortned to a Year and half but still they were chosen but once in five Years the Census being no oftner perform'd Their Power was very large and their Office very extensive for tho' at first they only perform'd the Census making an Estimate of Men's Estates distributing them into their several Classes and Centuries taking the Numbers of the Inhabitants c. yet in a short time they became Publick Inspectors of Men's Lives and Manners and were therefore frequently call'd Magistri Morum and took upon 'em to degrade Senators upon Misdemeanors to take away Horse and Ring from Equites or Knights and to turn Plebeians out of their Tribes and put 'em into a Lower and many other things of the like Nature The two first Censors were Papirius and Sempronius both Patritians and the two last Years Consuls and these high Officers were for nigh 100 Years chosen out of the Patritians and only such as were Eminent and Famous and had formerly been Consuls till the Plebeians found the way to this as they did to all other Offices Afterwards the Roman Colonies had their Magistrates call'd Sub-Censors who gave an Account to these of the Number of Inhabitants and their Wealth which was immediately register'd in the Censor's Books The Fathers were extreamly satisfy'd that they had got these Magistrates created out of their own Body and the Tribunes esteeming their Power to be inconderable were willing enough to agree to it In this same Year the Ardeans as being Allies sent to the Romans for Succour against the Volsci who were call'd in by some dangerous Factions among themselves and had reduc'd them to great Extremities The Romans were ready to serve the Persons they had so lately injur'd about their Lands and immediately Geganius the Consul was sent with a considerable Army against the Volsci and he soon reliev'd the Ardeans and clear'd the Country of the Enemy This Victory was very memorable and the Consul had a noble Triumph Clulius the Volscian General being led before the Chariot Ardea had now been so dispeopled with the Factions and the late Wars that they were willing to accept of a Roman Colony which the Senate sent soon after and to shew a further Piece of Generosity restor'd all the Lands they had before adjudg'd to the Publick Use tho' with the great Complaints of many of the Commons II. The Heats of the Commons were still kept alive but for some time were of no dangerous Consequence till three Years after Sp. Maelius a rich Knight incourag'd upon these Contentions by his large Bounty to the Poorer Sort in time of a great Famine began to affect Popularity and by that means to aspire to the Sovereignty His Designs were soon guess'd at and he was accus'd of this by Minucius who had the care of the Provisions which thing in these unsettled times so startled the Senate that by advice of Quintius the Consul they order'd a Dictator to be immediately created the Tumult hourly increasing Quintius Cincinnatus now 80 Years old was the Person who chose Servilius Ahala for his Master of the Horse The Dictator presently summon'd Maelius to appear who being well back'd and supported by the Mob refus'd to obey now breaking out into open Rebellion whereupon Ahala set upon him in the Forum and kill'd him and was justifi'd by Quintius who commanded his Goods to be sold and his House to be demolish'd The Tribunes inrag'd at the Death of their great Friend Maelius procur'd Military Tribunes instead of Consuls to be created for the following Year now six Years after their first Institution hoping that some Plebeian might get into the number of Six which might give 'em an Opportunity of revenging his Death But Three only were created all Patritians too and their Expectation wholly unanswer'd The following Year Consuls were created again and in the same Year Fidenae a Roman Colony revolted to Tolumnius King of the Veientes and to inhance their Crime by his Instigation they treacherously murder'd the Ambassadors sent thither who dying thus for the Publick the Senate generously appointed Statues to be erected in their Honour This War in the beginning prov'd so dangerous and threatning to the Romans that they were forc'd to create a Dictator to manage it Mamercus Aemilius being the Person who made choice of Quinctius Ci●cinnatus an Eminent Youth of the City for his Master of the Horse Aemilius the Dictator obtain'd a great Victory over the Enemy in which Battel Cornelius Cossus a Tribune in the Army slew King T●lumnius with his own Hands and by that means obtain'd the Honour of the Opima Spolia or Royal Spoils which were the only Spoils of that Nature since the Reign of Romulus These Spoils were a great Grace to Aemilius's Triumph and a great Honour to Cossus they being with extraordinary Pomp and Ceremony consecrated to Iupiter Feretrius Two Years after this there hapned a great Plague in the City and the Fidenates and Veientes press'd so hard upon the Romans that they were forc'd to have recourse to another Dictator and Servilius Priscus was created who chose Aebutius Elva for his Master of the Horse Servilius was so successful as not only to drive the Enemy back but to take the Town of Fidenae which he did by a Mine The taking of Fidenae was so disadvantageous to the Enemy that the Veientes sent to all their Neighbours about for Succour threatning no less than entire Destruction to Rome These formidable Preparations put the Romans upon creating another Dictator a little above a Year after the last which was Aemilius who had been Dictator three Years before and he chose Posthumius Tubertus for his Master of the Horse In a short time the Romans found that the Veientes cou'd procure no Aid so the Dictator had little Employment abroad but resolving to do something at home he caus'd the Censorship to be reduc'd to a Year and a half which was eight Years after its first Institution and then laid down his Office The Censors from this took an Occasion to remove him out of his Tribe which so inrag'd the People that the next time they procur'd Military Tribunes to be brought in again after there had been Consuls four Years And in this Election notwithstanding the great Industry of the Tribunes of the People they
he pray'd That if his Banishment were unjust and meerly the effect of the Rage and Malice of the Multitude they might suddenly repent it and that it might visibly appear to the World how much the Romans were oblig'd by his Actions and stood in need of his Presence Thus like Achilles leaving his Imprecations on the Citizens he went into Banishment being fin'd 15000 Asses IV. About this same time many thousands of the Gauls finding their own Country too narrow for them and desirous of removing under the Conduct of Brennus their King broke into Hetruria and invested Clusium a City in Alliance with Rome These were the Galli Senones a very numerous and warlike People inhabiting most of that Part of Italy which now goes by the Name of Lombardy and which the Hetrurians had been Masters of before them a People vast in Body rude by Nature barbarous in Conditions and wandering as Rovers over many Countries The Inhabitants of Clusium much affrighted at their great Numbers and dreadful Looks sent immediately to Rome begging that State to interpose by sending Ambassadors and Letters to disswade these unjust Aggressors from proceeding in their Enterprize The Senate willing to perform this friendly Part dispatch'd Ambassadors to the 〈◊〉 chusing out three of the Family of the 〈◊〉 Persons of the greatest Quality and the most Honourable in the City for that Office The Gauls at first receiv'd 'em courteously enough and coming to a Conference with 'em the Ambassadors demanded the Reason of this their present Undertaking and what Injury the Clusians had done them Brennus made answer somewhat sharply That they had much injur'd 'em by refusing to part with some of their Lands when they had more than they themselves cou'd easily manage and this was nothing more than what the Romans themselves had done to the Albans the Fidenates the Ardeates the Veientes and many other People that they made War with These Reflections so enrag'd the Ambassadors that they immediately stirr●d up the Inhabitants to make a Sally against the Besiegers they themselves heading ' em It hapned that in the midst of the Fight Fabius Am●usius one of the Three kill●d a Gaul of huge Bulk and was discover'd while he was disarming of him whereupon Brennus mov'd with a just Indignation immediately broke up the Siege and march'd directly for Rome Brennus that he might not seem to do any thing meanly or unjustly sent first to Rome demanding the Ambassadors to be deliver'd up as having broken the Law of Nations But Favour so far prevail'd above Equity that the Matter being referr●d from the Senate to the People no Satisfaction cou'd be had from either Nay further the Ambassadors themselves were with three others created Military Tribunes for carrying on the War The Gauls hearing this in a great Rage hastned their March breathing out nothing Revenge and Destruction to Rome The Places through which they march'd were so terrify'd with their Numbers the Fierceness of their Natures and their dreadful Preparations of War that they gave their Countries for lost But contrary to their Expectations they did no Injury as they march'd crying That the Romans only were their Enemies and that they took all others for their Friends The Romans met 'em at the River Allia 11 Miles from the City with an Army of 40000 Foot but most of 'em raw and unskilful Men and what was more dangerous under the Conduct of several Commanders In this Condition they engag'd the Gauls without either Order or Discipline or scarce any Courage and were miserably defeated The Left Wing was immediately driven into the River and there intirely cut off The Right escap'd better tho' with great Loss some dropping into Rome the rest as many as escap'd stole by Night to Veii giving Rome for lost and all that was in it for ruin'd This Day was ever after branded for an unlucky Day by the Romans wherein no Work of Note was to be done and was call'd Alliensis in their Kalendar Never was Rome in the like Consternation as at the News of the loss of this Battel and the sudden Approach of the Enemy Nothing but miserable Howlings and Lamentations were heard on all Parts some leaving the City others creeping into Holes Priests hiding their Relicks Women running like distracted Persons with their Children in their Arms and every one shifting for himself so that Rome became abandon'd and was left open to the Rage and Fury of the Enemy For they who resolv'd to stay at Rome quitting the rest of the City betook themselves to the Capitol which they fortify'd in order to hold out a Siege Only some of the Pontifices and Priests and the most ancient of the Senators such as had been honour'd with several Consulships and Triumphs who cou'd not endure to think of leaving the City put on all their Robes of State plac'd themselves in the Forum on their Ivory Chairs resolving since they had liv'd in Honour to die in State and in that noble Posture expected the utmost of what wou'd follow On the third Day after the Victory the Easiness of which much amaz'd the Gauls Brennus appear'd with all his Forces before the City and finding the Gates wide open the Walls unguarded and all things defenceless began to suspect at first some Stratagem of the Romans but after a little Consideration he enter'd the City and marching into the Forum he was more surpriz'd than ever to find so many Men sitting all in that remarkable Order and profound Silence like so many Statues Their splendid Habits and Ornaments their steddy Unconcern'dness their Majestick Gravity their venerable Looks together with that Air of Greatness which appear'd in 'em made the Gauls imagine 'em to be an Assembly of the Gods or at least somewhat more than Human till one Bolder than the rest stroaking Papirius's Beard was struck by him with his Ivory Staff whereupon he immediately kill'd the old Man Upon which began the Slaughter the rest of the Gauls following his Example set upon the rest and kill'd 'em all without Mercy or Distinction and continuing their Rage and Fury dispatch'd all that came in their Way In this Manner they proceeded Sacking and Plundering the Houses for many days together then setting the whole City in Flames burnt down every House to the Ground Thus was the famous City of Rome laid all in Ashes except the Capitol occasion'd by the Romans manifest Breach of Justice and the Laws of Nations This hapned 364 Years after it was first built 119 after the Expulsion of the Kings Anno Mundi 3615 in the third Year of the 97th Olympiad 60 Years before the Ruine of the Persian Empire and the setting up of the Macedonian by Alexander the Great and 388 before our Saviour Christ's Nativity CHAP. VI. From the Burning of Rome by the Gauls to the War with the Samnites when the Romans began much to extend their Conquests Containing the space of 46 Years I. ROme now felt the utmost
Afflictions and Severities of Fire and Sword and was the true Scene of all kind of Misery and Desolation the Town deserted by its Inhabitants and all its stately Buildings a heap of Rubbish no hopes being left but in the Capitol which was now closely besieg'd by the Gauls and in the Banish'd Camillus whose Presence was now heartily wish'd for While the Gauls lay before the Capitol they sent out many Parties to Forage in all the Country about who ravag'd and destroy'd all the Towns and Villages they arriv'd at and that with the greatest Carelesness and Security imaginable conceiving no sort of Opposition or any manner of Danger But the greatest and best order'd Body of their Forces approaching Ardea Camillus who had liv'd there a retir'd Life began to rouse himself from the sullen Resentments of his Wrongs to the moving Considerations of the Miseries of his Country and by a brave and incouraging Speech perswaded all the Ardeans that were able to bear Arms to fall upon the Enemy in the Night time which was done so effectually that scarce any were left to carry the News of the Defeat The Fame of this Victory began to revive the fainting Spirits of the Romans who now found that these dreadful People were not invulnerable and the Romans who lay at Veii now finding Camillus's readiness immediately sent to him to be their General begging of him to forget all former Injuries and succour his distressed Country He objected his banish'd Condition and refus'd to Act unless by Commission from those in the Capitol whom he consider'd as the true Body of the surviving Roman State This modest Answer was extreamly well taken but they cou'd not imagine by what means to send to the Capitol while the Enemy was in full Possession of the City But for the Undertaking this desperate Attempt one Pontius Cominius offer'd his Service which being kindly accepted of he thus perform'd Putting on a poor Garment carrying Corks underneath he went for Rome and arriv'd at the City when it was dark The Bridge he cou'd not pass by reason of the Guards but taking his Cloaths and binding 'em about his Head he swam down the Tiber upon his Corks and avoiding those Quarters where he perceiv'd the Enemy to be awake which he guess'd at by the Lights and Noise he got into the City and from thence to the Capitol climbing up in the steepest Place with extream Danger and Difficulty The Besieged were much surpriz'd at the Greatness of the Attempt and presently giving him his Instructions sent him back the same Way he came and this part of his Expedition he perform'd with the same good Success that he had done the other and upon his Return delivered to Camillus an Order of the Senate to make him Dictator Camillus chose Valerius Potitus for his Master of the Horse and getting together an Army of above 40000 Men he prepar'd to march against the Enemy In the mean while at Rome some of the Gauls hapned to discover some Foot-steps and Prints made by Pontius at his climbing the Hill which being privately told to Brennus their King he order'd a select Party of Men in the dead of Night to climb up the same Way and take the Capitol by Surprize These Men perform'd their Office with great Difficulty and much Time not any of the Dogs appointed for the Watch perceiving it nevertheless it so hapned that some Sacred Geese which were kept by the Temple of Iun● by their Gaggling and clapping their Wings discover'd them The Romans every one snatching what Weapon he cou'd did their utmost on this sudden Occasion and Manlius a Patritian of great Courage was the first that made Head against 'em boldly mounting the Rampier and presently tumbling down two of the Enemy at once Others soon came in to his Assistance and drove down all the rest not a Man escaping and the next Morning the Captain of the Watch was thrown Headlong down the Rock and Manlius rewarded as well as Circumstances wou'd permit Henceforwards the Affairs of the Gauls were in a worse Condition first wanting Provisions then infected with the Plague which rag'd much among 'em but still the Besieged cou'd have no Relief being reduc'd to a languishing and desponding Condition for want of Provisions and Necessaries So that after a seven Months Siege they were forc'd to Capitulate and it was agreed That the Romans paying down 1000 Pound weight of Gold the Gauls should immediately quit the City and Territories This Agreement being confirm'd by Oath and the Gold brought forth the Cauls out of Covetousness us'd false Dealings in the weighing pulling back the Balance as they thought fit at which the Romans complaining Brennus cast in his Sword and Belt into the Scales scoffingly crying Vae Victis Woe to the Vanquish'd which afterwards became a Proverb Whilst this Difference lasted Camillus was arriv'd with his Army and hastning with a choice Party of Men to the Place where the Gold was a weighing he came boldly and took it out of the Scales telling the Gauls that it was the Custom of the Romans to deliver their Country with Iron not with Gold Therefore he null'd the Compact because made without his Consent who alone as being then their Dictator had the sole Power of making Peace Upon this therefore a Fight immediately ensu'd where after a most bloody Contest the Gauls were intirely routed and such great Execution done upon 'em in the pursuit that all the Roman Territories were in a short time clear'd of ' em Thus was Rome unexpectedly taken and in seven Months as unexpectedly recover'd Camillus for his excellent Services having a noble Triumph being now deservedly look'd upon as their second Romulus II. After this War was finish'd the Tribunes of the People began to urge once more for the removing to Veii which caus'd the Senate to procure Camillus to hold his Office of Dictator for a whole Year which was six Months longer than the usual time Camillus with kind Words and gentle Language appeas'd the Multitude shewing 'em How unworthy and dishonourable a Thing it wou'd be for 'em to forsake the venerable Seat of their Ancestors and all their Sacred Rites which were appropriated to this Place to inhabit a conquer'd and inslav'd City Upon this therefore Rome was order'd to be rebuilt with all Diligence and all Persons were employ'd about it but it was carry'd on with that Haste and Hurry that the City wanted much of its former Beauty and Regularity and the Water-courses formerly laid in the Streets now ran for the most part under private Houses When Camillus's second six Months were out Military Tribunes were chosen and in the same Year the Aequi Volsci and Hetrurians all took up Arms and invaded the Roman Territories The Military Tribunes were soon block'd up by the Enemy and were brought to such Straits that the Senate made Camillus Dictator a third time and he chose Servilius Ahala for his Master of the
young Men who Jeared one another at first began with Rude and Artless Verses call'd Versus Fescennini from Fesc●nninum a City of Hetruria This was about 40 Years after the Deaths of Sophocles and Euripides in Greece Still the Plague continu'd which with the Overflowing of Tiber made the Romans Consider of some other Ways and some of the elder People reporting That a Pestilence was formerly asswag'd by the Dictator's driving of a Nail the Senate immediately created a Dictator which was Manlius Capitolinus who appointed Pinarius Natta for his Master of the Horse This Nail with great Ceremony and Superstition was driven on the right side of Iupiter's Temple in the Capitol just by that of Minerva and this was the first Dictator created upon this Account The Year following the Ground cleaving asunder in the Forum to a vast Depth M. Curtius a brave young Soldier is said to have rode into this Gulph Arm'd and with great Solemnity and so being swallow'd up purchas'd the Deliverance of his Country according to the Declaration of their Gods The same Year the Hernici being up in Arms against Rome Genucius the Plebeian Consul marching against 'em was slain and his Army routed which threatning Danger caus'd the Senate to create a Dictator which was Claudius Crassinus who made Cornelius Scipio his Master of the Horse and gain'd so much Advantage over the Enemy as to obtain an Ovation Within a Year after the Gauls were gather'd together in great Numbers and had march'd within three Miles of Rome which put the City into such a Consternation that according to their usual Way in such Cases they created a Dictator and this was Quintius Pennus who had Cornelius Maluginensis for his Master of the Horse The Armies being drawn up on both sides a Gaul of vast Bulk and Stature challeng'd any of the Romans to meet him in a single Combat which Challenge was accepted of by T. Manlius a Courageous young Man who with great Bravery and Agility overthrew his mighty Foe and slew him Then taking a Torques or Golden Chain from his Neck return'd and was Honourably receiv'd by the Dictator and from thence he and his Posterity had the Sirname of Torquatus The Gauls were so discourag'd at this Action that they fled by Night and retired into the Tiburtines Country a People of Latium and the Dictator return'd in Triumph The War with the Tiburtines and Hernici gave the Gauls Opportunity to do much Injury to the Roman Territories which occasion'd the Creation of another Dictator which was Servilius Ahala who chose Quintius Capitolinus for his Master of the Horse and soon quell'd the Gauls but Paetileus the Consul who had been employ'd against the Hernici hapned to come off with the greatest Honour In a Year after Peace was made with the Latines which was advantageous enough to the Romans by reason of their frequent Auxiliaries from them But the Year following the great Preparations of the Gauls caus'd the Senate to create another Dictator which was Sulpitius Peticus who appointed Valerius Poplicola for his Master of the Horse and marching against the Enemy obtain'd a Signal Victory over ' em In this Year were two new Tribes added to the former five and twenty Namely the Pomptine and the Publican About two Years after this the whole Body of the Hetrurians took up Arms against Rome led on by the Tarquinii and Falisci in which great time of Danger Marcius Rutilus a Plebeian was made Dictator which was the first Commoner that ever obtain'd this Honour it being now 143 Years since their first Creation He appointed Plantius Proculus for his Master of the Horse a Plebeian likewise and tho' he was oppos'd by the Patritians as much as they cou'd yet he did great Service against the Enemy and Triumph'd but still against the Senate's Consent The Patritians were so enrag'd at this that at the next Election they took away the Consul-ship from the Commons after they had enjoy'd it ten Years and this hapned in the 399th Year of the City This occasion'd many violent Heats and vast Disturbances between both Parties for three Years successively when some of the Hetrurians press'd so hard upon the Roman Territories that another Dictator was created namely Manlius Torquatus who made Cornelius Cossus his Master of the Horse but the Enemy out of Fear was soon brought to a Peace and so little was perform'd by him Now the Contests and Quarrels at home were grown to that height that the Senate was forc'd to give the Commons once more the Privilege of the Consul-ship four Years after they had taken it from 'em and because Usury again was grown exceeding Burthensome to the poorer Sort they appointed five Men to order the Payment of Debts out of the Treasury So now all Differences were again reconcil'd Soon after this a groundless Apprehension of the Hetrurians who were reported to be all united against Rome occasion'd the Creation of another Dictator which was C. ●fulius who made L. Aemilius his Master of the Horse but he had so little Employment that he left all to the next Consuls who were both Patritians And they went against the Tarquinii and Falisci who were not yet quieted and brought 'em to a Peace for the Term of 40 Years V. Now Rome was for a while at Peace abroad and might have been longer so at home had not Marcius Rutilus the Plebeian Dictator stood for the Office of Censor and rais'd new Disturbances The Plebeians urg'd it hotly but the Patritians the better to oppose 'em procur'd a Dictator to be created which was M. Fabius Q. Servilius being his Master of the Horse but still without Success for after many Contests the Plebeian Faction prevail'd and Marci●s was made one of the Censors which was the first Plebeian Censor in this City it being 92 Years after their first Creation The next Year a considerable Victory was obtain'd over the Gauls who now grew troublesome again and one of the Consuls being wounded and the other sick the Senate was forc'd to create a Dictator for assembling the Comitia for a new Election of Consuls which was Furius Camillus who made Cornelius Scipio his Master of the Horse and this was the Dictator created upon this account Camillus himself was chosen for one Consul and the Death of his Collegue soon after and the pressing Wars with the Gauls caus'd the Senate to give him the sole Authority so that he was almost the same with a Dictator Camillus led a noble Army against the Gauls and when they were in sight of each other a Gaul remarkable both for his Stature and the Richness of his Arms challenged any of the Romans to a single Combate M. Valerius a brave young Colonel of the Foot met him and in a little time slew him but in the midst of the Combat a Crow came and sitting upon Valerius's Head with Beak and Wings assisted him in his Fight
Xantippus a brave Lacedaemonian for their General soon after gave Regulus a dreadful Overthrow he himself being taken Prisoner and most of his Army cut off the rest escaping to Clupea But Xantippus met with more Barbarous and Ungrateful Usage than Regulus for the Carthaginians pretending to conduct him home Honourably commanded the Sea-men to throw him and his Companions over-board least so great a Victory shou'd be ascrib'd to the Laced●emonians as Appian relates it The Romans were Besieg'd in Clupea till their Enemies perceiving the small probability of reducing 'em broke up the Siege and made all Preparations for the opposing the Succours sent under Aemilius Paulus and Fabius Nobilior the following Years Consuls These Consuls putting to Sea with 350 Sail were met with by the Carthaginians night hir own Coasts whom they entirely defeated taking 30 Ships and sinking 104 with the loss only of Nine of their own After this the Consuls took in the Roman Garrison from Clupea and set Sail again for Sicily expecting to have several Towns there surrender'd to 'em upon the News of this Victory but before they cou'd make the Shore there arose such a dreadful Storm that most of their Ships were swallow'd up or split upon Rocks so that the Shore was fill'd with dead Bodies and broken Pieces of Ships Both the Consuls perish'd and those few that escap'd Hiero kindly receiv'd and furnishing 'em with Cloaths and other Necessaries convey●d ●em safe to Messana Karthalo the Carthaginian immediately taking Advantage of this great Misfortune besieg'd Agrigentum and soon after took it and demolish'd the Fortifications of it The Romans nothing discourag'd at the great Losses sustained by the Tempest immediately set about Building 220 Vessels which they prosecuted with that extraordinary Diligence and Expedition that in three Months time they were both Built and Launch'd On the other side Asdrubal the Carthaginian with his Veterane Troops and Levies arriv'd at Sicily with a Fleet of 200 Sail Old and New The Consuls Attilius and Cornelius being order'd for Sicily this Year manag'd the War so prosperously as to take several Towns after which they return'd Their Successors Servilius and Sempronius in the following Spring pass'd into Sicily with the whole Fleet and from thence to Africk where Coasting about they Landed in many Places but perform'd nothing very Memorable At last they touch'd upon the Island of the Lotophagi call'd Meninx nigh the lesser Syrtis where being ignorant of these Coasts they fell upon certain Quick-sands but getting off with much difficulty they return'd to Panormus in Sicily in a flying Posture Then sailing for Rome through the Straights very unadvisedly they were taken in a Storm and 150 of the Ships lost This same Year the Censors calling over the Senate turn'd out 13 Members for Misdemeanours and performing the Lustrum 297797 Free Citizens were Poll●d Tho' the Senate and People of Rome were extremely vigorous in all great Attempts being push'd on by an extraordinary Desire of Glory yet the Losses at Sea had now been so great and numerous that they were constrain'd to omit Naval Preparations and place all their Hopes in their Land-Forces Caecilius and Metellus were sent into Sicily with the Legions and 60 Transport Vessels only for Necssearies and they did not only yield the Dominion of the Sea to the Carthaginians but fear●d 'em also at Land by reason of their great Preparations but especially for their Elephants which had oftentimes much annoy●d ' em Asdrubal the Punick General understanding their Fears and that one of the Consuls was now return'd into Italy with half the Army with great Assurance and Confidence ravag'd all the Country about Panormus and with the more Carelessness and Security because Metellus kept himself within the Walls But the Consul taking an Opportunity so well plac'd his Men against the Elephants that when Asdrubal came nigh the Town he gave him a dreadful Overthrow killing 20000 Men and taking 26 Elephants for which he had a noble Triumph The Carthaginians immediately lost all Sicily except Lilybaeum and Drepanum to the former of which Places Asdrubal escap'd but being Condemn'd at Carthage he was taken and put to Death as soon as he return●d the Unhappy Fate of many Carthaginian Generals III. The Carthaginians now finding themselves great Losers and weary'd out with a Tedious War which had now continu●d 14 Years began to sollicit for Peace and sent to the Senate to Treat about it With the Ambassadors Regulus also was sent who had been Five Years Prisoner and was now Bound with an Oath to return to Carthage in case there was no Peace nor Exchange of Prisoners made Regulus contrary to the Expectation of all openly in the Senate discovered the Weakness of the Carthaginians and advised the Romans to make no Peace shewing withall both how honourable and profitable it might be to the State to prosecute the War The Senate seem'd well satisfied with the Advice if it were to be follow●d without Prejudice to the Adviser whom they Pity●d as well as Admir'd and cou'd not determine any thing to the Ruin of a Person who had deserv●d so well at their hands Upon that Account they desir'd him to stay but he with an Undeunted Resolution told ●em That he knew that Death and the extreamest Tortures were preparing for him at Carthage but still he cou'd not comply with their Requests who might have better us'd their Commands had he been still his Countries Servant as he was Africk ' s Slave and upon that account not capable of living as became a Citizen of Rome yet however he had so much of the True Spirit of a Roman that he cou'd do nothing that was base or dishonourable and that he less fear'd the Tortures of a cruel Rack than the Shame of an infamous Action for the former only touch'd the Body whereas the latter pierc'd the Mind All Means were us'd to perswade Regulus to stay both by his Friends and others which he avoided as much as possible refusing to speak with his Wife and shunning the Embraces and Kisses of his little Children And when the Negotiation was at an end he return'd to Carthage there ending his Days in great Torments For first they cut off his Eye-lids keeping him in a dark ● Dungeon for a while then brought him out in the midst of the Day with his Face turn'd full against the Sun At last he was put into a Chest or Barrel stuck with Nails with the Points inward and so narrow that he cou'd have no Ease where he died with the Extremity of the Pain When the Senate heard of the Barbarous Usage of Regulus in great Rage they deliver'd up some Prisoners of the Highest Note and Quality to Marcia his Wife who shut 'em up in an Armory stuck round with Iron Spikes designing to torment them after the same manner that her Husband had been and keeping 'em five days together without Meat in which time Bostar the Carthaginian with Pain and Hunger died
of Ianus continued shut and in the sixth was open'd by a War with the Illyrians a People nigh Greece who inhabited that Country which is now call'd Dalmatia for Teuta Queen of that Nation elevated by her Prosperity in Peace gave her Subjects Commission to rob all they met with at Sea some of which happen'd to be Merchants of Italy whom they used very Barbarously Upon Intelligence of this the Romans dispatch'd two Ambassadors Caius and Lucius Coruncanus to Illyricum to demand Satisfaction Teuta told 'em That she would take care that no publick Injury shou'd be offer'd to the Romans but she thought it was never the Custom of Princes to hinder their Subjects from making what private Advantage they cou'd from the Sea But Lucius smartly told her That the Romans had learn'd a better Custom which was to punish Private Injuries with a Publick Revenge and to relieve the Distressed and they by the help of the God's would take care to reform her Princely Customs The Queen took this Freedom so heinously that contrary to the Law of Nations she sent after the Ambassadors and slew Lucius This so enrag'd the Romans that War was immediately Proclaim'd against her and the two Consuls sent to Illyricum Fulvius with a Fleet and Posthumius with a Land Army Fulvius had Corcyra surrender'd to him at his first Appearance before it and soon after took Apollonia then the Armies joyning the Consuls reliev'd Dyrrhachium which was Invested by the Illyrians Soon after most of the Illyrick Towns were surrendred to the Consuls whereupon the Queen retir'd with a few Followers to Rhizon a strong Town and the Spring after sent to Rome to beg Peace which was granted upon these Terms First To pay a yearly Tribute Secondly To quit all Illyricum except a very few Places And Thirdly Not to Sail beyond the River Lissus with more than two Barks and those unarm'd Thus ended the first Illyrian War in less than two Years time V. These Wars in Illyricum still Inlarg'd the Roman Dominions and their generous Behaviour gain●d 'em as much Love as their Valour had got 'em Reputation in those Parts particularly among the Athenians and Corinthians the latter of which pass'd a Decree in Honour of 'em which made 'em free of the Isthmian Games one of the Four Solemn Exercises of Greece And this same Year were the Praetors encreas'd to Four one being sent to the Province of Sicily and another to that of Sardinia In the mean time Domestick Disturbances about the Division of Lands taken from the Gauls awakened that Nation who concluding that the Romans Fought more out of Covetousness than Glory began that War which the Latine Historians call'd Bellum Gallicum Cisalpinum These fierce People now joyn'd in Confederacy sent ●ver the Alps for other Gauls call●d Gessatae nigh the River Rhosne who came over with a Prodigious Force and joyning with the rest made an Irruption into Hetruria with an Army of 50000 Foot and 20000 Horse The Romans to oppose 'em made the greatest Preparations that had been known all Italy being up in Arms to the number of Seven or Eight hundred thousand Men which were plac'd in several Parts to be in readiness upon all Occasions And the Consuls themselves led a particular Army of 50●00 Foot and 4200 Horse The Gauls now entring Hetruria wasted all with Fire and Sword till they came to Clusium about three Days Journey from Rome where they were block'd up by the Romans the Praetor on their Back and the Consuls before possessing themselves of all the Passes Insomuch that they were forc'd to form Two Fronts and Fight very disadvantageously both by reason of their Nakedness and the Unfitness of their Arms. But the Vanity of the Gessatae prov'd the most injurious to 'em for they throwing off all their Cloaths would needs fight naked and begin the first Charge and these being easily broken so discourag'd the rest that all fled The Gauls were miserably slaughter'd 40000 of 'em being kill'd and 10000 taken Prisoners among the rest Concolitanus a King of the Gessatae The Consuls obtain'd a most Splendid Triumph for this Victory scarce any being more remarkable for the Number of the Prisoners or the Variety and Value of the Spoils The next Year great Inroads were made into the Territories of the Gauls they being several times overthrown At which time the Consuls being abroad a Dictator was created to hold the Comitia for a new Election which was Caecilius Metellus and Fabius Buteo his Master of the Horse or Lieutenant The Gauls were now so harass'd and weakned that they sent Ambassadors to Rome to beg Peace on any Terms but Claudius Marcellus and Cornelius Scipio put a stop to that Affair and stirr'd up the Multitude to continue the War Whereupon the Gauls now grown desperate resolv'd to make their last Efforts and procur'd ●0000 Auxiliaries from the Gessatae The Consuls March'd into the Country of the Insubres and open'd the Campaign with the Siege of Acerrae whereupon the Gauls invested Clastidium a Confederate Town of the Romans Marcellus with two Thirds of his Cavalry and a small Detachment of Light-Arm'd Foot-men March'd both Night and Day towards the Enemy and notwithstanding the great Inequality of the Numbers and the extraordinary Fatigues of the long Marches he fell upon 'em and after a Bloody Battel overthrew ' em Marcellus with his own Hands kill'd Virdomarus King of the Gessatae and dedicated the third Opima Spolia or Royal Spoils to Iupiter Feretrius obtaining likewise a Noble Triumph Those that escap'd fled to Mediolanum now call●d Milan the Chief City of the Insubrian Gauls which being shortly after taken the Gallick War was ended after Six Years Continuance to the considerable Enlargement of the Roman Dominions Colonies being planted not long after at Cremona and at Placentia About this time a Multitude of Libertini or Freed Slaves which liv'd dispers'd among all the Tribes gave great Disturbances to the City which occasion'd the Censors at the next Lustrum to confine all these to four Tribes namely Esquilina Palatina Suburrana and Collina at which time were also 170213 Free Citizens cess'd In the same Censorship C. Flaminius one of the Censors built a Cirque and Pav'd the High-way as far as Ariminum 130 Miles both which great Works were afterwards call'd by his Name Within a Year after the Illyrians revolting were reduc'd by Aemilius and Livius the Consuls tho' with some Difficulty and Trouble But the greatest Concern the Romans had now was the successful Progress of the Carthaginians in Spain who now had gain'd a great Part of that Country and more than all had taken Saguntus a Town in Alliance with R●m● after they were desir●d to desist This caus●d the Romans to send their Ambassadours to Carthage to require their General Hannibal to be deliver'd up and if that were not granted to denounce War The Ambassadours finding the Carthaginians very little inclin'd to give any Satisfaction
having met with a more formidable Enemy or a more expert General II. The Loss of these two Battels caus'd the Romans to be more diligent in the Preparations for the next Campaign for the Managing of which C. Flaminius and Servilius Geminus were chosen Consuls The former of these had a good Faculty of Speaking but no great Skill in War Hannibal having all this while kept in the Country of the Gauls where he had recruited and strengthen'd his Army now resolved to change the Seat of the War and march into Hetruria and after some Consultation about the Way thither he fixt upon that of the Fens as short and unexpected to the Enemy tho' far more difficult to pass Here they found a miserable Passage being forc●d to march three or four Days and Nights through nothing but Water without any Sleep or Rest which sorely distress'd his Men many of the Beasts were left dead in the Mud and the Hoofs came off the Horses Feet Hannibal himself riding upon an Elephant which was the only one left alive escap'd with his Life but got intolerable Pains in his Eyes and lost one of them entirely Being at last arriv'd upon dry ground and understanding Flaminius's fiery Temper the better to entrap him he pass'd by his Camp and march'd farther into the Country wasting it with Fire and Sword This enrag'd Flaminius who thought himself slighted and despis'd by the Enemy and when he was advised by some To use great Caution and not rashly pursue especially by reason of the Enemies Cavalry but above all things to stay for the Conjunction of his Collegue's Forces he cou'd by no means bear their Words but rising with all his Troops he began his March as if nothing had been more certain than the Victory his Army being follow'd with a greater number of Rabble laden with Chains Bonds and the like for the Prisoners and Booty Hannibal was now at a Lake call●d Thrasymene nigh which were certain Mountains and between them and the Lake was a narrow Passage leading to a Valley just by encompass'd with a Ridge of Hills These Hills Hannibal made choice of placing and disposing his Men round about so that when Flaminius follow'd him into the Valley he was immediately hemm●d in and attack'd on all sides to the cutting off of his whole Army and the loss of his own Life and this was done almost before they cou●d see who engag●d 'em by reason of a Mist which was risen from the Lake About 15000 of the Romans fell in the Valley and 6000 escap'd to a Village where they were forc●d to yield themselves Prisoners Hannibal gathering all his Prisoners together to the number of 15000 kept the Romans but dismiss'd the Latins without Ransome and he sought also for the Consul●s Body to bury it but cou'd not find it Servilius the other Consul who lay at Ariminum having Intelligence of Hannibal's March into Hetruria with all speed detach'd a Party of 4000 Men commanded by Centinius to joyn Flaminius if possible before the Battel Hannibal hearing of this Supply immediately after his Victory detach●d out a sufficient Party under Maharbal who cut off one half of the Romans and forc●d the rest to a Hill where they yielded themselves Prisoners The Romans were now in a great Consternation at these vast Losses and upon mature Deliberation they found it necessary to have a General with absolute Authority whereupon they resolv'd upon a Dictator which was Fabius Maximus a Person of extraordinary Wisdom and Experience in whom was a happy Mixture of Caution and Boldness He made choice of Minutius Rufus for his Master of the Horse who was of a Temper more hot and violent than himself Having made what Preparations he was able he set forward to meet Hannibal with little Intention to fight him but rather to wait his Motions straiten his Quarters and cut off his Provisions which he knew wou'd be the most effectual way to ruin him in a Country so far from his own He always encamp'd on the highest Grounds free from the Insults of the Enemies Cavalry still keeping pace with 'em when they march●d he follow●d ●em when they encamp'd he did the same but at such a distance as not to be forc●d to engage by which means he gave them no Rest but kept 'em in a continual Alarum This cautious way of proceeding which got him the Name of Cunctator made Most Men suspect his Courage except Hannibal himself who was extreamly troubled and inrag'd at it using all possible Artifices to make Fabius and his Actions become despicable sometimes by braving him in his Camp and other times by wasting the Country round him Soon after Hannibal designing for Casinum was by a mistake Conducted to Casilinum nigh Campania where entring a Valley inviron'd with Mountains Fabius detach●d 4000 Choice Men who possess●d themselves of the Entrance and with another Party cut off 800 of his Rear putting his whole Army into some disorder Hannibal finding himself block'd up and in a dangerous Condition one Night he ordered small Fagots and lighted Torches to be ty'd to the Horns of 2000 Oxen which by their tossing their Horns and scattering the Fires so frighted the Party that guarded the Entrance that they quitted their Posts and by this Stratagem Hannibal drew off his Army and escap'd tho' with considerable Damage to his Rear This Action tho' excellently well manag'd by Fabiu's procur'd many Complaints against him and Hannibal to improve their Hatred ravag●d the Country about but carefully spar'd Fabius●s Lands to render him suspected of a secret Correspondence with him These Suspicions and Fabius's want of Courage as his Men believ●d prov'd so prejudicial to him that in his Absence soon after Minutius his Master of the Horse having skirmish'd with some Success procur'd so much Favour from the Multitude that his Power was made equal with the Dictator's which was a thing beyond all Example Minutius was so exalted with his late Successes and this new Honour that he resolv'd contrary to all the Perswasions of Fabius to engage Hannibal with his Part of his Army which he did where he was cunningly drawn in by Hannibal to a disadvantageous Place and was in great danger of being intirely defeated when Fabius who had been a careful Observer of this Action from an Eminence in his Camp came in and falling upon the Enemy with extraordinary Skill and Courage soon forc'd 'em to retreat and sav'd Minutius Hannibal after this Battel told his Friends That he thought the Cloud which had so long hover'd upon the Mountains wou'd some time break upon 'em with a Storm As for Minutius he was so far convinc'd of his former Rashness that he confess'd his Errour to Fabius whom he now call'd his Father and renouncing his new Power again subjected his Office freely to the Dictatorship Soon after Fabius's time was expir●d a Dictator was created for holding the Comitia for a new Election of Consuls which was
an Ambuscade a Valiant Soldier who was call●d the Sword as Fabius 〈◊〉 Buckler of Rome His Collegue Crispinus also 〈◊〉 a Wound which in a little time kill●d him 〈◊〉 nominated a Dictator for holding the Comiti●●● new Election which was Manlius Torquatus his Master of the Horse being C. Servilius The following Year Asdrubal was order'd to leave Spain and go for Italy to the Assistance of his Brother Hannibal Whereupon Livius the Consul was order'd to meet and oppose him whilst his Collegue Nero observ'd the Motions of Hannibal but Nero having met with some Success against Hannibal made a choice Detachment of 6000 Foot and 1000 Horse and with great Secrecy and as great Expedition March●d towards his Collegue Having joyn'd him they surrounded Asdrubal who by the Treachery of his Guides had led him into a dangerous Place and cut him and his whole Army in pieces Nero immediately return●d to his Camp and before Hannibal knew of his Departure cast his Brother's Head in his Camp by which to his great Grief he knew of his Defeat At the finishing of this Consulship a Dictator was created for the holding of the Comitia for a new Election the Consuls being both in the Field which was Livius Salinator his Master of the Horse being Caecilius Metellus The Year after this Scipio after the obtaining many great Victories and the performing many noble Exploits in Spain wholly reduc'd that Country to the Obedience of Rome having taken or driven out all the Carthaginian Commanders and gain'd as much Reputation by his Mild Sweet and Generous Temper as he did by his Courageous and Valiant Acts. This happen'd Five Years after his undertaking this Charge and Twelve after the Beginning of this War IV. The Romans now found themselves in a much better Condition than they were at the Beginning of these Wars especially by the happy Reduction of two such considerable Provinces as Spain and Sicily which had been great Diversions to ●em but still Hannibal in the Bowels of Italy was a severe Curb and a grievous Burden to ●em upon which Scipio at his Return being made Consul at 29 Years of Age greatly desired to be sent into Africk as the most effectual Means to finish the War declaring to the Senate That he doubted not but to manage Affairs so as that the Carthaginians should be forc●d to recall Hannibal out of Italy for the Defence of his own Country Fabius most earnestly and with some Heat oppos'd this and thereupon a considerable Difference arose but at length Sicily was granted him for his Province and Leave given him to pass over into Africk if he saw it convenient for the Common-wealth All the first Year he spent in Sicily in providing Necessaries for his Expedition at the end of which a Dictator was created for holding the Comitia for a new Election of Consuls namely Caecilius M●tellus his Master of the Horse being Veturius Philo The next Lustrum being soon after 215000 Free Citizens were Cess●d which was 77892 more than at the last a happy Encrease for Five Years time This same Year which was the 14th of this War Scipio arriv'd at Africk with a brave Fleet where Masanissa King of Numidia who had joyn'd with him in Spain came in to his Assistance Scipio was not long in Africk without Employment for in a short time Hanno oppos●d him and was slain himself with 3000 of his Men which so encourag'd Scipio that he immediately Invested Utica but Syphax King of Numidia who had dispossess'd Masanissa of his Kingdom Marching with the Carthaginians to relieve the Place Scipio broke up the Siege and departed to his Winter Quarters But in the Winter he again Invested Utica and understanding that the Enemy was encamp'd not far off he sent his ablest Soldiers in the Habits of Slaves with his Commissioners to view their Camp This done he suddenly set Fire to their Coverings of Mats Reeds dry Boughs and the like which they not suspecting but thinking it came by Accident were cut in pieces in the midst of the Hurry and Confusion to the Numberof 40000 Men 6000 being taken Prisoners Not long after he gave them another great Overthrow which so terrify'd the Carthaginians that they were oblig●d to recall their great Champion Hannibal out of Italy who himself likewise had been in declining condition for a considerable time An Embassage was immediately dispatch'd to Rome with a Design to obtain a Ces●ation of Arms till Hannibal cou'd safely retire from Italy But their Aim being sufficiently understood their Message was slighted and came to no Effect During these Endeavours Syphax finding his Kingdom wou'd probably return to Masanissa the True Inheritor had gather'd together a Numerous Army of Unexperienc'd Strangers and with them March'd against Scipio but was soon defeated and himself taken Prisoner Masanissa the better to regain his Kingdom March'd with all speed to Cirta the Chief City and by shewing them the King in Bonds procur'd the Gates to be open'd every one striving to gain the Favour of him who as they perceiv'd wou'd be their King Among the rest Queen Sophonisba Syphax ●s Wife a Woman of incomparable Beauty who very earnestly and humbly besought him That she might not be deliver'd up into the hands of the Romans Her Powerful Charms so recommended her Suit that young Masanissa forthwith granted it and the more effectually to perform his Promise Marry'd her himself that Day This Action was much disapprov●d of by Scipio at his Arrival soon after letting him to understand That the Romans had a Title to her Head as being their Captive one of their greatest Enemies and the Principal Cause of all Syphax ' s Treachery Upon this therefore Masanissa in desperate Passion sent her a Bowl of Poyson at the receiving of which she only said That if her Husband had no better Token to send to his new Wife she must accept of that adding That her Death had been more honourable if her Marriage had been farther from it and so boldly drank it oft Scipio the better to comfort the Melancholy Prince had him immediately Proclaim●d King of Numidia with the greatest Pomp and Solemnity that cou●d be expected having now setled him in his Throne without any farther Opposition V. Hannibal had now made his greatest and utmost Efforts in Italy and had perform'd more than any other Commander when he was recall'd by his Superiours and with great Concern and Reluctancy was forc'd to quit that Country after he had spent 15 Years in it with various Fortune He complain'd much of his Senate and of Himself of his Senate because they had so badly supply●d him with Money and other Necessaries when he had been so long in an Enemies Country of Himself for giving the Romans time to recover themselves after he had so often overthrown ' em It is said likewise that before he Embark'd he built an Arch nigh the Temple of Iuno Lacinia where in Punick and Greek Letters
suffer'd the Scipio's to pass the Hellespont into Asia without Opposition This was the first time that the Romans got Footing in Asia which so startl'd Antiochus that he offer●d to quit all Places in Europe and such Asia as were Friends of Rome to pay half the Charges the Romans were at in this War and rather than not obtain Peace to part with a Portion of his own Kingdom The Ambassadors who carry'd these Proposals us'd their utmost Endeavours to procure the Favour of Africanus offering him the Restitution of his Son who had been taken Prisoner and many other great and honourable Advantages if it cou'd be effected But Africanus wou●d promise nothing more than only private Offices of Kindness modestly letting 'em to know That since Antiochus was now in such a declining state Peace was not probably to be purchas'd at so easie a Rate as formerly Whereupon Antiochus made what Provision he cou'd for a Battel and Africanus falling sick soon after to comfort him and to gain his Favour he sent him his Son without Ransom upon which the other in way of Requital advis'd him not to engage with his Brother till he cou'd return to the Camp Antiochus therefore having received this Message declin'd fighting what he cou'd till Scipio the Consul press'd so hard upon him nigh Magnesia that he was forc'd to draw out his Men to the Number of 70000 Foot and 12000 Horse Scipio oppos'd him with a much less Army but in a few Hours time entirely defeated him where his own Chariots arm'd with Sithes being driven back upon his own Men contributed much to his Overthrow Antioc●us now was glad to procure Peace of the Romans upon their own Terms and Ambassadors were dispatch'd accordingly where Africanus told 'em That the Romans were never wont to insult over their conquer'd Enemies and therefore nothing should be requir'd of him more than formerly The Terms were To pay 15000 Talents of Eubaea for the Expences of the War to quit all their Possessions in Europe and likewise all Asia on this side Mount Taurus to deliver up Hannibal and other Incendiaries and to give 20 Hostages for securing the Peace Thus ended the War with Antiochus the Great much to the Advantage of Rome within two Years time or less twelve Years after the second Punick War Lucius Scipio having gain'd the Surname of Asiaticus as his Brother had of Africanus III. The Romans had now but little Employment abroad besides chastising the Aetolians in Greece which was soon effected by Manlius Scipio's Collegue and by the same Consul an Expedition was undertaken against the Gallo Graecians or Galatians in Asia with good Success but Luxury and Idleness was first brought into Rome by his Army out of Asia The same Year the Census being perform'd 258328 Free Citizens were cess'd In the third Year after the ending of the War with Antiochus Scipio Africanus was maliciously accus'd of defrauding the Treasury of the Booty taken in the War and of too nigh a Correspondence with Antiochus and of Matters of the like Nature Some write that his Accusers were incited to it by Cato who hated him for his being frequently saluted King in Spain by the Inhabitants there and occasion'd him to have a Day set him by the Tribunes to answer it before the People The Day of Hearing being come and the Tribunes having taken their Places in the Rostra this great Man enter'd the Assembly with a mighty Train of Friends and Clients all the People having their Eyes fix'd upon him with Admiration Silence being made he with an undaunted Bravery put on his Triumphal Crown and with the Voice of a Conqueror cry'd This very Day O Romans I did overcome the fierce Hannibal and vanquish the powerful Carthaginians therefore let us lay aside private Contests and go as many as can to the Capitol to Thank the Gods for giving me the Will and Power of d●ing such eminent Services for my Country Whereupon going up to the Capitol the Whole Assembly follow●d him as also to all the Temples in the City insomuch that the very Viat●rs and Clerks left the Tribunes alone who from Accusers were turn'd Admirers Shortly after the Tribunes accus'd him in the Senate-House and desir'd he might be brought to his Answer Scipio boldly rising up produc'd his Books of Accounts and ●ore 'em in pieces before 'em all disdaining to give an Account for so small a Matter in comparison of those vast Summs be himself had brought into the Treasury The next Day of Appearance he absented himself and his Brother declaring his Indisposition he was excus●d and another Day appointed before which time he withdrew himself to Linternum a Sea-Town of Campania and there liv●d a Retir●d Life In his Absence the Tribunes were very violent against him yet through the Interposition of Gracchus one of 'em he was not Condemn'd His Brother Asiaticus was shortly after call'd to an Account about Matters of the same nature but by Gracchus's means likewise escap'd Publick Punishment The Year following many Scandalous Abuses of the Feasts of Bacchus were strictly enquir'd into and reform'd Three Years after which the Great Africanus dy'd who according to Val. Maximus order'd Ingrata Patria ne ossa quidem mea habes to be engraven on his Tomb My Ungrateful Country shall have none of my Remains This same Year was Remarkable for the Death of Two other Famous Men Philopoemen Captain of the Achaeans in Greece and Hannibal the latter of which had fled to several Places to escape falling into the hands of the Romans and at last to Prusias King of Bithynia who out of Fear was about delivering him up when Hannibal took Poyson which 't is said he carry'd about him in his Ring first Invoking the Gods of Hospitality as Witnesses of the Violated Faith of King Prusias and upbraiding the present Romans with degenerating from their Ancestors who had honourably prevented the Murder of their Mortal Enemy Pyrrhus whereas these had basely sent to Prusias to Murder his Guest and Friend The Romans were for about 12 Years after this chiefly employ'd in Wars with their Neighbours the Ligurians and Istrians with the Sardinians and Corsicans and likewise with the Celtiberians in Spain all which they reduc'd to Subjection In which space of time the Works of Numa Pompilius the Second King of Rome after they had been Buried in a Stone Chest 535 Years were taken up and Burnt by Order of Senate and in a Lustration not long after 273244. Free Citizens were Cess'd About Two Years after this Pers●us King of Macedon the Son of Philip invited by his Father●s Preparations before his Death and pleas'd with his own Strength and Imaginary Successes renounc'd the League made with the Romans and so began the Second Macedonian War 25 Years after the finishing of the First and 18 after that with Antiochus Upon this Quintus Marcius and others were sent into Greece to secure and establish the Confederates in their Fidelity
rest divided among such Poor as had nothing And least any shou'd go about to enlarge their Portions by Purchase Triumviri or Three Men were Yearly appointed to Judge what Lands were Publick and what were Private These Matters tho' at first carry'd on with sufficient Moderation extreamly disgusted the Nobility and Richer sort who by Vertue of this Law were to part with much of their Estates and for that Reason they frequently insinuated to the People That Gracchus had introduc'd this Law with a Design only to disturb the Government and to put all things into Confusion But Gracchus being a Person of great Abilities and Eloquence easily wip'd off those Aspersions and in a Publick Speech told the People That while the Savage Beasts and Destroyers of Mankind wanted not their Places of Repose and Refuge those Men who expos'd their Lives for their Countries were forbidden all Enjoyments but the open Air and Sun-shine That their Commanders before the Battels ridiculously Exhorted 'em to Fight for their Temples and Altars and their Ancestors Seats when they had none of these to defend o● care for They had the Honour indeed of gaining large and rich Dominions but had not the Profit of enjoying the smallest and meanest Possessions and likewise had the Honour of being styl'd Lords of the Universe but had not the Command of one Foot of Land This Speech and some others of his had great Effects upon the common People who before were forward enough in promoting a Law so very advantageous to themselves but Gracchus meeting with much Opposition on one side as well as Encouragement on the other began now to proceed with greater Heat and Violence and being oppos'd by Octavius one of his Collegues he so manag'd him both by Cunning and Violence as he was forc'd to quit his Office into whose Place he chose Mummius one of his own Faction This Action of his being without all Precedent much alienated the Minds of many of the Multitude and his own Party who judg'd he us'd too Great a Freedom with the Sacrosanct Office of the Tribuneship Gracchus perceiving this first made a very plausible Defence and the more to ingratiate himself with the People he offer●d to prefer a Law for distributing the Money of Attalus King of Pergamus which he had lately left together with his Kingdom to the People of Rome This caus'd Greater Disturbances among the Senate and Nobility than before and all Things were carry●d on with more violent Feuds than ever so that Gracchus's Death began now to be thought on and design'd as the surest Means to quiet all Disturbances and to compose all Differences The Senate being assembled to consult the most proper Method in this Juncture and all being of Opinion that M●tius Scaevola the Consul shou'd defend the Commonwealth by Arms he refus'd to act any thing by Force Whereupon Scipio Nasica Gracchus's Kinsman taking up his Gown under his Left-arm held up his Right-hand in great Passion crying Since the Consul regards not the Safety of the Common-wealth l●t every Man that will defend the Dignity and Authority of the Laws follow me Upon this he went directly up to the Capitol being accompanied with most of the Senate many Equites and some Commoners arm'd with Clubs Staves and such like Weapons who knocking down all that resisted open'd their Way into the Capitol where Gracchus was speaking to the People and endeavouring to be chosen Tribune for the following Year In which Place they fell upon both him and his Hearers of whom they kill'd 300 and with them himself with a piece of a Seat as he was endeavouring to save himself by Flight This was the first Insurrection among the Romans that ended with Effusion of Blood since the Abrogation of Kingly Government for all former Seditions tho' many of 'em were very great and lasting were constantly ended by the two Parties yielding to one another and submitting all to the Good of the Publick for then Riches and Private Interest were not understood among the Romans At this time there were some Risings at Athens and at Delos being as Sparks of that Fire kindled by the Slaves in Sicily the Year before which with some Trouble were extinguish'd neither was Italy it self altogether free from them But a greater War ensu●d about the Kingdom of Asia for Attalus King of Pergamus or Asia by his last Will had left the People of Rome his Heir as was before observ'd But after his Decease Aristonicus his Bastard-Brother seiz'd on the Kingdom as his own Inheritance and Right Licinius Crassus the Consul was first sent against him but was unfortunately overthrown in the first Battel and being taken Prisoner struck one of the Soldiers on the Eye on purpose to provoke him to kill him which he did He thus miscarrying tho' with the Assistance of several Kings his Successor Perp●nna hasted into Asia set upon Aristonicus unawares before he was recover●d of his Security contracted by his Victory first overthrew him in Battel then besieg'd him in Stratonice where by Famine he forc'd him to a Surrender shortly after which he dy'd himself at Pergamus The Remainder of the War was finish'd by Aquilius the following Year's Consul who having settled the Province with sufficient Oppression of the People led Aristonicus in Triumph tho' he had been taken by another and afterwards by Order of the Senate he was strangl'd in Prison about 4 Years after the Death of Tiberius Gracchus a little before which tiem a Lustrum being perform'd 330●23 Free Citizens were cess'd III. The Civil Dissentions occasion'd by Gracchus did not die with him his Law for the Division of the Lands being still in Force of which the People were so fond that many Disturbances were rais'd upon that Account Now Gracchus had a younger Brother call'd Caius who with Flaccus and Papirius had been made Triumvirs for dividing the Grounds He with his Collegues undertook the Patronage of this Law and performing his Office with great Vigour such Trouble arose about the Divisions the Reckonings the Accounts and Removals that the Italians finding themselves Severely press●d upon betook themselves to Scipio Africanus for Ease Scipio did not altogether reject their Suit nor yet wou'd he make any Objections against the Law it self so he only moved in Senate That the Executive Power of it might be taken from the Triumviri and lodg'd in some others The Senate most willingly agreed to this and conferr'd it on Sempronius T●ditanus the Consul but he finding the Work troublesome and ungratefull retired from the City under Pretence of the War in Illyricum There being none at present to fly to in this Juncture the People were much incens●d at Scipio accounting him ingrateful and a Favourer of the Italians more than themselves● which ill Opinions of him were encreas'd by his Approving of the Senior Gracchus's Death and his Reprimanding the Multitude for being dissatisfy'd with it But such was his Fortune that being one Night retired to his
the Army he either forc●d or by former Agreement brought Albinus to submit upon most dishonourable Terms In this Condition did Metellus the following Consul find Affairs and the whole Army was almost ruin'd for want of Discipline to the great Dishonour of the Roman State and the grievous Vexation of the honester sort in the City Metellus having with much difficulty brought his Soldiers into good Order within the space of two years overthrew Iugurth several times forc'd him out of several Towns and pursu'd him beyond her own Frontiers which constrain●d him to submit and beg Peace but he in a short time broke the Conditions of it and so the former Hostility return'd At this time one C. Marius was Legatus or Lieutenant to M●tellus a Person of Frugality Policy and Military Experience and of vast Courage in War a Contemner of Pleasure but very ambitious of Honour which made him extreamly desirous to gain the Consulship To obtain this he privately blam'd Metellus to the Merchants of Utica avowing That he was able with half the Army to take Jugurth Prisoner and that within few Days By these and the like detracting Discourses he procur●d many Complaints to be written to Rome against Metellus and getting leave to go thither obtain●d the Consulship and had likewise the management of the War committed to him Notwithstanding the People were so grateful to Metellus that at his return being satisfy'd as to his Behaviour they both granted him a Triumph and bestow'd upon him the Surname of Numidicus as an additional Honour Marius shew'd himself a very expert Warrior and in a short time took the City Capsa a place very rich and strong and after this another call'd Mulucha `fugurth now finding himself too weak to oppose him any longer procur'd Bocchus King of Mauritania and his Father-in-Law to joyn with him who by the Assistance of his Numerous Cavalry much harrass'd the Roman Army Marius had Invested Cirta and Bocchus approaching to raise the Siege partly by the Number of his Horse reported to be 60000 and partly by the violent Heats and great Dusts the Romans were sorely distress'd and the Fight continu●d dangerous and terrible to them for three Days at the end of which a Tempest of Rain falling spoil'd the Enemies Weapons and reliev●d Marius's Men almost famish'd with Thirst and now the Course of Fortune changing the Two Kings were entirely defeated In another Battel Marius 't is said kill●d 90000 after which Bocchus began to repent of his Enterprise and sent to Rome to enter into a League which he could not procure nevertheless he obtain'd Pardon for his Crime Not long after Marius took Iugurth in an Ambuscade whither he had drawn him by specious Pretences and deliver'd him up to Sylla his Quaestor who had brought over some Forces from Italy and under Marius he learnt that Skill in War which he afterwards employ'd against him Iugurth with his Two Sons were led in Triumph by Marius and shortly after by Order of Senate he was put to Death and so the Iugurthine War ended after it had continu'd about Seven Years III. At the same time a War was carry'd on against the Cimbri a Vagabond People of Cimbrica Chersonesus now call'd Denmark who joyning with the Teutones a Nation of the Germans made dreadful Irruptions into several Parts of the Roman Dominions particularly Gaul and Spain where they had overthrown several Consuls in the last Battel killing 80000 Romans after which they resolv'd to pass the Alps into Italy Rome began now to be in a great Consternation and Marius having just vanquish'd Iugurtha they made him Consul a ●d time as the only Man thought able to Manage so Threatning a War and to preserve the State While they continu'd in Spain Marius March'd against their Friends the Tolosans in Gaul where King Copilus was taken by Sylla his Lieutenant Being made Consul again the following Year he declin'd Fighting till the Enemies Force was weakned by Delays The next Year in his Fourth Consulship the Enemy in Three several Parties were just upon passing the Alps into Italy and as he attended their Motions it happened that his Army was extreamly afflicted with Thirst the Teutones and Ambrones lying between them and the Water which Necessity brought him to an Ingagement with 'em and in Two Days time he by his excellent Conduct utterly destroy'd 'em taking Theutobocchus their King Prisoner The Cimbri escap'd him and fled over into Italy notwithstanding the Winter-Season and the Alps cover'd with Snow being in vain oppos'd by Catulus both at the Alps and at the River Athesis nigh Verona The Year following Marius was again made Consul and joyning with Catulus was challeng●d by the Enemy to give Battel Whereupon he fell upon their numerous Army and gave 'em a most dreadful Overthrow their Wives all the while making a wonderful Resistance from the Chariots and when they saw all things in a desperate Condition they in a great Fury first kill'd all their Children and after that themselves About 140000 were slain in this Battel and 60000 taken Prisoners which ended this War after it had continu'd 12 Years Marius the Fifth time and Aquilius Nepos being Consuls The former was then esteem'd the Preserver of his Country and contented himself with one Triumph when he might have had more and his Collegue had now also finish'd the Second Servile War in Sicily which had lasted almost Four Years Notwithstanding these Dangers abroad the City was not without Domestick Troubles which were occasion'd by Saturninus one of Marius's Friends who having been Quaestor at Ostia during a Famine was turn'd out of his Place by the Senate to revenge which usage he procur'd the Tribune-ship But after his Year was expir●d Metellus Numidicus formerly mention'd being Censor endeavour'd to remove him from the Senate but was hinder●d by his Collegue This so enrag●d him that he stood again for the Tribun●-ship and Nine of the Ten Tribunes being chosen by the Assistance of Marius he Murder●d Nonius his Competitor and so obtain'd the Place Now being once again in Power he preferr●d a Law for the Division of such Lands as Marius had recover●d in Gaul and compell'd the Senate to Swear to it which Oath Numidicus refusing he set him a day to Answer it before the People but for fear of him and Marius together Numidicus fled to Smyrna in Asia Saturninus procuring the Tribuneship a Third time and finding Memmius Candidate for the Consulship he also caus'd him to be Murder'd to make way for Glaucius the Praetor one of his own Party These base and ungenerous Practices rais'd several Troubles and Commotions in the City and the Senate resolv●d to make him Answer it whereupon Marius now a Sixth time Consul perceiving him in a declining Condition very politickly withdrew himself from his Friendship The Consuls were now as in some other Dangerous Times Invested with an unusual and Dictatorian sort of Power the manner of conferring of which was by a
also perform'd many great Actions overthrowing the Samnites and Storming Two of their Camps which success so elevated him that he immediately stood for the Consul-ship and obtain●d it having the Honour likewise of Finishing this dangerous War nigh Three years after it was begun a War so destructive that it consum'd above ●00000 of the Youth of Italy according to Paterculus This War was ended with a Disturbance in the City about Usury and the unexpected Privileges of the Conquer'd Italians who had the Freedom of the City given 'em just as the others had a short time before and so all things were happily quieted V. But Quiet and Peace was too great a Happiness for Rome at this time for the Social War was scarce finish'd when Two others broke out one the Cause of the other This first was with Mithridates King of Pontus in Asia Minor a Prince famous for his Knowledge and Learning mighty in Riches and Power of a boundless Ambition and a Former of vast Designs This King by several Actions had gain●d the Enmity of Ronie particularly by procuring Tigranes King of Armenia to Declare against the Roman State and by his over-running his Neighbours the Bithynians Phrygians Mysias Lycians Pamphylians and other Allies of Rome And which was more Provoking than all the rest he had taken Q. Oppius and Aquilius the latter of which he kill'd by pouring Melted Gold down his Throat continually upbraiding the Romans with Avarice and Corruption Upon all these Accounts the Romans Proclaim'd War against him and Sylla and Pompeius Rufus being Consuls it fell to the former's share to Undertake it But Sylla having not yet quite finish'd the Social War Marius stirr'd by the Desire either of Profit or of Honour perswaded Sulpicius Tribune of the People of prefer a Law for transferring the Management of this War from Sylla to him He made what Parties he cou'd and drew the People of Italy to his Side who had lately been made free of the City by promising em equal Privileges with those in the 35 Tribes which as yet they wanted so that Matters were carry'd on with Violent Heats and Contentions and Pompey's Son and Son-in-Law to Sylla was kill'd in the midst of these Tumults and Disturbances Sylla hearing of these dangerous Commotions hastned to the City easily perswading his Army to stand by him in all Exigencies for they were very unwilling to have any other go on that Expedition from which they promis'd themselves such Great Advantages His Collegue Pompey joyn'd with him and tho Marius and Sulpicius the Tribune made all possible Opposition yet after some Difficulty and Bloodshed they enter d the City and Marius with his Accomplices were forc'd to betake themselves to flight and thus began the other War which was the first Civil War of any Note among the Romans as the Troubles of the Gracchi were the first in which there had been any Blood-shed of Note Sylla did no Injury to the Citizens in General but Revers'd all that Sulpicius had done regulated the Senate procur'd Marius Sulpicius and Ten other Leading Men to be Declar'd open Enemies to their Country made it Lawful for any Person to kill them and set their Goods to Publick Sale Shortly after this he departed upon his Expedition against Mithridates who now had very much extended his Conquests even to the subduing a Great Part of Greece it self Sulpicius was in a short time taken and put to Death but Marius hid himself in the Fens of Minturnum where being discover'd a Gaul was sent to kill him but he was so dash'd and amaz'd at the Nobleness of his Presence that he cou'd not perform his Order So that Marius being convey'd out of that Place escap'd into Africk where he was joyn'd by cethegus and other who had fled into Numidia expecting a convenient Opportunity to Invade their own Country Pompeius Rufus the Consul to secure Italy was at the same time appointed to Receive and Command the Army of Pompeius Strabo who had done great Service in the Social War and had so far gain'd the Affection of his Men that they finding they were like to part with their Old General stood up and slew the Counsul himself so that now there were great Dangers and Disturbances in all Parts Cornelius Cinna and C. Octavius were made Consuls for the following Year Cinna corrupted as some are of Opinion immediately declar'd himself for the New Citizens and recall d Marius with the rest of the Exiles which Actions were so violently oppos'd by his Collegue Octavius that Cinna was by Force driven from the City and Merula put in his Place Cinna upon this going about to the Italian People by giving 'em fresh Hopes of equal Privileges with the Romans and pretending That all his Troubles and Sufferings were purely for their Sakes obtain'd great Summs of Money Marius also coming over to him shortly they together rais'd a Considerable Army and Cinna March'd directly to Rome and sat down before it to the Great Surprize and Terror of the Inhabitants Marius at the same time March'd against Ostia and took it by Force but Cinna before Rome finding he was not like to carry the Place broke up the Siege and Invested Ariminum which he soon after Storm'd Marius after the taking of 〈◊〉 advanc'd with his whole Army and pos●ed himself upon the Hill Ianiculum joyning to Rome which again put the Inhabitants into a Great Consternation especially for that he was soon after joyn'd by Cinna The Consuls finding they cou'd not recall Sylla from Countries so far distant sent to Metellus then lying with an Army in Samnium but he differing with them about some Conditions shortly after join'd himself with Marius At which time the City was nigh being betray'd by Ap. Claudius a Tribune of the Army who was invested with the Command of the Janiculum but tho' He and Cinna Broke in they were repell'd by Octavius and Pompeius Strabo the Proconsul who was shortly after kill'd with a Thunder-bolt Marius after this took in several Towns about Rome where Provisions lay and Cinna by the fair Promises of Liberty drew great Numbers of Slaves out of the City which the Senate perceiving dispatch'd Ambassadors to Cinna and Marius desiring them to come into the City peaceably and spare their own Country-men Cinna refus'd to admit of any Address made to him as a Private Man so that they were forc'd to treat with him as Consul and desir'd him to swear that he wou'd shed no Blood Oinna absolutely refus'd to take such an Oath but promis'd that knowingly and willingly he wou'd not be the Cause of any Man's Death Marius stood by him and said nothing but gave sufficient Testimony by the Sourness of his Countenance and the Sternness of his Looks that he wou'd shortly fill the City with Massacres But the better to dissemble his Rage he at last broke Silence telling the Ambassadors that he was then in Exile and banish'd his Country by course of Law that
if his Presence were necessary they must repeal the former Act of his Banishment by a new Decree that he might be received as a religious Observer of the Laws and might enter the City free from Fear or Oppression Upon this all Matters were adjusted and the Law for banishing Marius and his Associates abrogated Upon their Entrance into the City great Plunderings and miserable Slaughters began in all Places Octavius the Consul tho' he had the Oath of Cinna and Marius yet refusing to fly from his Charge was kill'd and his Head set upon the Rostra to which was added that of M. Antonius Grand-Father to the triumvir with Augustus an excellent Orator who by the Charms of his Eloquence defended himself a a considerable time against the Rage of the Soldiers and several others Dreadful Tumults and Out-crys were in all Places and none were spared either for the Dignity of their Worths or their Ages The dead Bodies being barbarously mangl'd and abominably abus'd were left to be torn in Pieces and devoured by Dogs and Fowls none daring to bury ' em All Sylla's Friends were slaughter'd without Mercy his House demolish'd his Goods set to Sale and he himself judged and declared an Enemy to Rome Merula tho' he never sought the Consulship and Catullus having their Days set 'em to answer for their Lives destroy'd themselves Cinna and Marius having thus satiated themselves with the blood of others made themselves Consuls for the following Year but Marius dy'd about a Month after in the 70th Year of his Age within less than two Years after the breaking out of this Civil War being a noble Soldier and a brave ominander but much more serviceable to his Country in the Time of War than in Peace and the only Person who had the Honour of the Consulship seven times VI. In the Time of these unhappy Troubles at home Sylla perform'd many noble Exploits against Mithridates who not long before her Arrival had commanded in one Day 80000 some say 150000 Romans and Italians in Asia to be murder'd in cold Blood Sylla first over-threw Archelaus his General nigh Athens so effectually that of his 120000 Men scarce 10000 were left then he gave him another great Defeat recover'd Greece Maccdonia Ionia Asia and other Countries which Mithridates had got into his hands and withal took his Fleet from him insomuch that Mithridates was very willingly to come to a Treaty which Sylla notwithstanding Mithridates's high Provocation before was not much averse to being in want of Money and very desirous to return to Italy and to revenge himself of those who had declar'd him an Enemy to Rome The principal Articles of the Peace were that Mithridates shou'd pay the Charges of the War and that for the future he shou'd be content with his Fathers Kingdom which were ratified in less than Three Years after the Beginning of the War Sylla severely fin'd Asia for its Revolt and fetling Affairs according to the present Occasion he return'd for Italy He took Athens in his Way from whence he carry'd the famous Library of Apellicon the Teian in which were most of the Books of Aristotle and Theophrastus then not vulgarly known He soon after wrote to the Senate at Rome recounting all his great Services he had done for the State and how ungratefully he had been us'd by Marius's Party telling them plainly that he was coming to revenge both himself and the Publick by punishing the Authors of those Injuries though the rest he wou'd spare whether they were old or new Citizens The Senate extremely dreaded the effects of Sylla's Return well knowing it would be fatal to many and even to some who had unwillingly join'd with Mariu● therefore they sent to treat with him offering all their Endeavours for his Satisfaction if he would quickly make known his Demands And that there might be the less Blood-shed they order'd Cinna to discontinue his Levies but he finding there was no Way of supporting his Interest but by Arms only return'd 'em a plausible Answer and proceeded to raise Soldiers designing to make himself and his Collegue Carbo Consuls for the following Year that there might be no Necessity of returning to Rome for a new E●ection He sent over part of his Troops into Dalmatia there to meet Syll● but those behind were driven back to Italy by a Storm after which they absolutely refus'd to fight against their own Country-men so that all the rest who as yet had not put to Sea refus'd to go on Board Hereupon Cinna going to speak with 'em one of his Officers who made way before him struck one of 'em at which the Soldier struck him again and being apprehended for this Crime a great Tumult and Mutiny arose among the rest of the Men wherein Cinna himself was run through and thus perish'd in his fourth Consulship a Person worthier to have dy'd by the Command of the Conqueror than by the Fury of the Soldiers Carbo continu'd Consul by himself for the remaining Part of the Year Sylla before this time had receiv'd the Senate's Proposals and return'd for Answer That be wou'd never be reconcil'd to such wicked Persons as Cinna and Carbo who besides many pernicious Practices against their Country's Good had procur'd War to be decreed against him who had done it so much Service But if the People of Rome wou'd grue 'em Indemnity be shou'd not oppose it yet be thought all such as came over to him to be far more safe since he had so considerable an Army at his Devotion This sufficiently declaring his Intentions he also demanding Restitution of his Estate his ancient Dignity and Honours but the Messengers coming to Brundusium and there hearing of Cinna's Death and the Disturbances of the Common-wealth return'd back to him Sylla then cros'd the Sea with a Fleet of 1600 Ships and ●0000 Men and landed at Brundusium where he was join'd by M●tellus Pius who had retir'd from Rome for fear of Marius and Cinan and likewise by Pompey afterwards surnam'd the Great who from this time became Sylla's great Favourite Besides these came also Cethegus who having before join'd with Cinna now begg'd Pardon and was receiv'd into Favour Norba●ts and Scipio the present Consuls together with Carbo made all necessary Preparations for Resistance and the first Trial at Arms was at Canusium where Norbanus lost 6000 Men and fled to Capua His Collegue Scipio shortly after throughout Treachery of his Army fell with his Son into the Hands of Sylla who civilly dismiss'd them both After this Sylla sent to Norbanus to treat of Peace but not being thought serious perhaps had no Answer●return'd him Italy now began to feel all the Desolations and Miseries of a Civil War Sylla making great Devastations on one side and Carbo on the other who getting into Rome procur'd Metellus and the rest who join'd with Sylla to be declar'd Enemies to the State Both Parties diligently sent up and down to the Italian Cities labouring by
all possible Ways and Methods to procure Forces and thus was the rest of the Summer spent in which time the Capitol was burnt down none knowing by what means it was done this hapned about 430 Years after it was first built The following Year Carbo a third Time and young Marius the Son of the former were made Consuls the latter at 27 Years of Age. In the beginning of the Campaign Carbo's Lieutenant Carinus was overthrown by Metellus and Marius himself by Sylla Marius was driven into Praeneste where being closely besieg'd and almost despairing of Relief he in a great Rage wrote to Brutus then Praetor at Rome to use some Pretence to call the Senate and then to kill the principal of 'em who were his Enemies which Order was executed with great Cruelty so that whatsoever Side were Conquerors Rome was still a miserable Sufferer Metellus having by this time overthrown Carbo once more and Pompey defeated Marcius another of that Party Sylla march'd directly to Rome which Place he easily enter'd great Numbers of the opposite Faction being fled into the Country The Inhabitants of Rome were extremely terrify●d at Sylla's Entrance but he only put the Goods of the Persons that fled to Sale wishing the People not to be dejected for he was oblig'd to act as he did Then leaving a sufficient Garrison in the City he departed to Clusium where he and his Officers several times overthrew Carbo's Armies Carbo being now upon the defensive sent eight Legions to Praeneste to relieve his Collegue Marius but they were met by Pompey in a narrow Passage where he ●lew many of 'em and dispers'd the Rest. Soon after Carbo being join'd with Norbanus engag'd with Metellus and had 10000 of his Men slain and 6000 yielded whereupon great Numbers went over to Sylla's Party which presently became Masters of all Gaul on that side the Alpes Norbanus fled to Rhodes where fearing to be deliver'd up he kill'd himself and Carbo fled to Africk tho he had 30000 Men at Clusium besides other Forces all which soon after were broken and dispers'd by Pompey But Carinus and Marcius with other Commanders by the Assistance of the Samnite Troops endeavour'd to force the Trenches at Praeneste and relieve Marius but finding it impracticable they advanc'd to Rome where meeting with Sylla a most bloody Battell was sought at the very Gates in which many thousands were slain on both sides But Sylla at last obtain'd the Victory and Carinus and Marcius were taken and their Heads sent to Praeneste to be shewn to the Inhabitants at which sorrowful Sight they surrender'd to Lucullus and Marius kill'd himself whose Head was set up in the Pleading-Place at Rome All his Faction in Praeneste with the Natives and Samnites were put to Death without Mercy only the Romans escap'd with their Lives and this rich City was plunder'd Norba a little after was taken and the Inhabitants setting the Town on Fire all destroy'd themselves some one way and some another So now all Italy came under the Power of Sylla Sylla having been thus successful against his Enemies at home sent Pompey into Africk against Carbo and gave him Charge to pass from thence into Sicily against others of that Party Pompey in a short time drove Carbo into Sicily and thence into Corcyra where he took him and caus●d his Head to be cut off and sent to Sylla But Rome in the mean time now severely felt the dreadful Effects of Civil Contests for Sylla calling the People together told them That he wou'd put 'em into a better Condition if they were obedient to his Commands but as for his Enemies be was resolv'd to prosecute them with all sorts of Miseries and Calamities which he did with more Severity than any before him killing and butchering many thousands after a most barbarous and inhumane Manner Eight Thousand were put to Death together in the Villa Publica a large House in the Campus Martius Men were slain in the Embraces of their Wives Children in the Arms of their Mothers and Liberty was given to the Soldiers to kill all they met without distinction till Furfidius a little stopp'd the Current of his Rage by putting him in mind that he ought to leave some to reign over Sylla then publish'd Tables of Proscription for particularly Persons these being the first ever known in Rome wherein were proscribed 80 Senators and 1600 Equites to which he afterwards added more promising great Rewards to the Discoverers and threatning Death to the Concealers of them Of these Out-law●d Persons some were slain in their Houses others in the Streets and others prostrate at his Feet begging their Lives and those that fled their Goods were seiz●d on Marius Brother to Sylla's great Enemy had his Eyes first pull'd out then his Hands and Legs cut off at several times that he might die with the greater Torment ● Iulius Caesar a young Man of wonderful promising Abilities who had marry'd Cinna's Daughter very hardly escap'd the common Miseries of these Times of whom Sylla was wont to say after a Prophetick Manner That in Caesar were many Marius ' s. Rome was not the only Sufferer in these dreadfull Calamities for this Proscription was carry●d throughout all the Cities of Italy where the merciless Effusion of Blood was such that neither the Temples of the Gods nor all the Sanctuaries cou'd afford Protection to any Man Both the Consuls being now destroy'd Sylla withdrew himself from the City and order'd the Senate to create an Inter-Rex which they most willingly did naming Valerius Flaccus He wrote to him to ask the People that since Affairs were yet much unsettled a Dictator might be created and that not for any limited Time but till all publick Evils and Grievances should be redress'd not forgetting to mention himself This the People were constrain'd to yield to he having then all the Power in his own Hands and so this Office which had been intermitted for 120 Years was conferr'd on him without any Limitation of Time And thus ended the first Civil War in Italy tho' not in all other Places about 6 Years after it began and four after the first Marius's Death in the 672d Year of the City in the 3d. Year of the 174th Olympiad 427 Years since the Beginning of the Consular State 248 since the setting up of the Macedonian Empire and 80 before our Saviours's Nativity CHAP. XIV From the Perpetual Dictatorship of Sylla to the first Triumvirate namely that of Caesar Pompey and Cra●sus which prov'd the Ruin of the Consular State and the first Step to the setting up the Imperial Containing the Space of 22 Years THE Government of Rome was now for some space chang●d to a Monarchy Sylla's Power being unlimited as to Time and tho● to keep up a Shew of a Common-wealth he permitted Consuls to be made yet he plainly reign●d alone having 24 Lictors with their Fasces and Axes and a great Guard constantly to attend his Person as the
Rebel as both small and inconsiderable Upon this the Senate judged Catiline an Enemy to the State and likewise Manlius who had join'd him in Hetruria Lentulus also was depriv'd of his Office of Praetor by whom the Ambassadors had been perswaded over who confess'd that they had often heard him make his Conjectures from the Sibyllime Oracles Cicero shortly after summon●d the People again and made another Oration to 'em wherein he reported the Particulars of the Discovery with the Arraignment and Conviction of many of the Conspirators Lentulus Cethegus Statilius Cassius and several others being now secur'd Cicero call'd the Senate and propounded to the Fathers to consider what was to be done with the Prisoners But while the Senate was sitting great Disturbances arose in the City for the Slaves and Dependent● of Lentulus and Cethegus had gather●d together a great Number of Artificers and Rabble who endeavour●d to break in upon the back-side of the Praetor's House and res●●e the Prisoners Upon Notice of this Cicero left the Senate House and appointing a Watch and sufficient Guards return●d asking the Opinions of the Senators Now a great Debate arose concerning the Punishment of the Prisoners Silanus design●d Consul for the next Year being first ask'd his opinion according to Custom was for putting 'em to Death as were several others till Nero diswaded in and Iulius Caesar standing up in a plausible Speech pleaded much for Mercy and disapprov'd of Death as an irregular Way of proceeding speaking to this effect If any Punishment might be found to equalize their Faults then I shou●d approve your Design but if the Vastness of their Crimes surpasses all our Inventions we ought to make use of such 〈◊〉 the Law provides Tho' I must confess that all the Tortures is the Wor'd are inferiour to their Offences yet most Men still remember what comes last and in the Sufferings of the most Impious forget the Fact and discourse of nothing but the Punishment if more severe than ordinary and since the Porcian Law only punishes Capital Offenders with Exile we ought not to bring in Innovations for certainly their Wisdom and Vertue was greater who rais'd so vast an Empire from such small Beginnings than ours who can hardly preserve what they so bravely won Caesar's Advice was likely enough to have taken till P●rcius Cato Grandson to the great Moralist stood up and with some Heat oppos'd him saying That he had never pardon'd in himself the least Error of his own Thoughts and therefore cou'd not easily forgive the Misdemeanors of a turbulent Passion and Ambition in others That among the Ancient Romans Manlius Torquatus had caus'd his own Son to be put to Death only for fighting the Enemy contrary to his Command And if that valiant Youth was so severely chastis'd for his over-hasty Courage shall the present Generation hesitate what to decree against the most bloody of Parricides and the greater Monsters of Mankind Cicero after these Speeches made one himself which was his fourth upon this Occasion wherein he with a cunning sort of Mildness and Ambiguity inclin'd to Cato ' s Side telling them That his Earnestness did not proceed from any Malice or Anger but from a singular Tenderness and Compassion That they ought to consider that it was not T. Grachus who requir'd a second Tribuneship nor C. Gracohus who claim'd the Publick Lands nor yet Saturninus who shew Memmius that was to be call'd in Question but Burners of the City Murderers of the People and Assistants of Catiline himself and likewise that this Mischief was already diffus●d over all Italy and beyond the Alpes and therefore impossible be crush'd with Forbearance and Delays By Cicero ' s Speech the Senate were induc●d to put 'em all to Death which the Consul saw Executed before the House arose but 〈◊〉 Mildness and Peculiar Management in this Affair made several suspect he himself had some Hand in the Conspiracy As for Catiline himself he was shortly after overtaken by C. Antonius Cicero ' s Collegue nigh the Alpes as he was passing into Gaul to compleat his Levies where engaging most obstinately he was slain but his Men desperately sought it out to the last and scarce any of 'em remain●d to be taken or were found out of their Places when dead Thus was this most dangerous Conspiracy quash'd chiefly by the Vigilance and Diligence of Cicero the Consul Publick Thanks were given him for his great Care and Pains and at the Instance of Cato he was first of all others stil'd Father of his Country and that with loud Acclamations of the People who said That tho' indeed they were indebted to several Commanders of that Age for Riches Spoils and Power yet it was to Cicero alone that they ow'd the Safety and Security of all these Blessings V. After these Disturbances were over the Affairs of Rome were in a much more quiet Posture but neither Catiline's Defeat nor Death was sufficient to settle the City in a firm and lasting Peace but still she lay expos'd to the sinister Designs which some more Ambitious Senators than the rest were always forming against her Liberty Nor cou'd their Inclinations of that kind meet with Greater Temptations since the Gaining of this only City must carry with it so Great a Part of the World And now it was that Caesar began to make a Greater Appearance in Rome than ever being this Year made Praetor He had before gone through the two Offices of Questor and Aedile in the latter of which by his Magnificence in Shews and Buildings he had acquitted himself with much Reputation having also the Advantage of being descended from one of the most Illustrious Families in Rome He afterwards stood for the High-Priesthood and by his Great Liberality carry'd it from two of the most Powerful Men in Rome and his Seniors and scarce any Man in the City was more Remarkable either for the Freeness of his Presents or the Largeness of his Bribes He was now also arriv'd to a very high degree in Learning as well as an Admirable Skill in Eloquence having already disputed the Prize with the most famous Orators and scarce anything appear'd impossible for his Great Genius to undertake Little was perform'd by him during this Time of his Praetorship besides composing some Disturbances occasion'd by one Clodius a young Man of a Noble Family but of a Scandalous Life who being in Love with Caesar's Wife Pompeia had in a Woman●s Habit enter'd his House in the time of a particular Festival when only Women were permitted to be present This brought Clodius into much Trouble and Danger for Prophaning those Sacred Institutions and caus'd Caesar to put away his Wife privately who being Ask'd the Reason said He did not believe her Guilty but Caesar's Wife ought to preserve her self from the Suspicion as well as the Guilt of the Crime The Violent Heats and the Parties with the Factions and Divisions upon this and other Occasions sufficiently shew'd that
the State was ready for a Change and liable to become a Prey to Men of the Greatest Power and Ambition This Caesar well knew and thought of nothing so much as the Greatness of Pompey and of surpassing or at least equalizing him in the Honour of his Exploits Therefore upon the expiring of his Praetorship he procur'd the Government of Spain but having contracted extraordinary Debts by his too Bountiful Way of Living he was retarded in his Journey by the Prosecution of his Creditors Whereupon he was forc'd to apply himself to Crassus a Person of vast Riches of Great Wit and Eloquence and of no contemptible Valour who being wrought upon by the Importunities of his Wife Tertulla one who no less Lov'd Caesar than Clodius did Pompeia became Security for 830 Talents It was in this Government that Caesar viewing the Statue of Alexander at Gades Wept to think That he had done none nothing Great and Memorable at an Age wherein that Prince had Conquer'd the World And he gave indeed sufficient Marks of his Bravery and Desire of Glory for instead of spending his Time in bare Administration of Justice he pierc'd with his Arms farther into the Country subduing several Nations before untouch'd and collected together so vast a Treasure to himself in the Name of the Common-Wealth as enabled him afterwards to imitate that Alexander whom he so justly admired Shortly after Caesar's Departure for Spain Pompey after a Five Years Expedition return'd to Rome cover'd with Glories for his mighty Exploits and Great Conquests He had upon his Arrival in Italy sent back his Troops to prevent such Suspicions as might arise from his appearing at the Head of an Army so that he obtain'd the Honour of Triumph with a General Applause and with so much more Splendor and Magnificence in regard that he now Triumph'd over another Third Part of the World after his receiving the same Honour for the Conquest of Two Part of it before The Triumph lasted Two Days and yet they were much streightned for time and therein were expos'd the Names of 15 Conquer'd Kingdoms and 860 Cities with the Re-peopling of 39 and 1000 Castles Among the Prisoners led in Triumph appear'd the Son of Tigranes King of Armenia with his Wife and Daughter as also Zozima the Wife of King Tigranes himself and Aristobulus K. of Judea the●ter of King Mithridates with her Five Sons and some Ladies of Scythia There were likewise the Hostages of the Albaniaus and Iberians with those of the King of Comagena besides a vast Number of Trophies answering directly to each particular Battel wherein he was Conqueror The Gold Silver and Jewels that made up Part of this Publick Pomp amounted to the value of 20000 Talents which is 3740000 Pounds of our Money He made it appear by an Account plainly stated that he had advanc'd and improv'd the whole Revenue of the Common-Wealth 12000 Talents being above one Third Part by this Expedition without mentioning those large Sums he had distributed among his Men whereof the meanest Soldier 's share was nigh Forty Pounds Pmpey tho' he had obtain'd vast Honour of the Senate yet was much fear'd and hated by many as appear'd by the great Opposition he met with shortly after in his demanding a Confirmation of all that he had transacted in Asia and certain Lands for a Reward for his Soldiers He had already prevail'd by his Credit in the Election of both the Consuls Metellus Certicus and Afranius but in a short Time found himself mistaken in his Choice For Afranius being wholly given to his Pleasure never acquired much Authority in the Senate and Metellus cancell●d all former Obligations upon the Account of the Disgrace that was done to his Sister Mutia whom Pompey had put away upon Suspicion of her too great Familiarity with Caesar. Cato on the other side set all his Power against the Interests of Pompey and Lucullus did the like desiring and obtaining of the Senate that those Decrees of his which Pompey had formerly repeal●d might be in Force and that those made in reference to the Conquer●d Countries might be null'd and withal stopp'd his intended Law for rewarding his Soldiers Pompey upon this Usage apply●d himself to the Tribunes which Office he and Caesar had restor'd after Sylla had put it down one of which by Name Flavius propos'd the Law for the Reward of the Soldiers Metellus the Consul oppos'd it very sharply till the Contest rising even to Blows and Bloodshed the Tribune caus'd Metellus to be sent to Prison and when the whole Body of the Senate offer'd to make themselves Prisoners with him Flavius plac'd his Tribunal at the Prison-Door and forbad 'em Entrance Upon which the Fathers caus'd the Walls to be broken down in another Place and the Constancy of the Senate began to shake the Resolution of the People who always Judg●d of Things by their Outward Appearances This Pompey quickly perceiv●d and desir'd the Tribunes to Accommodate the Matter pretending Commission from Metellus for his so doing now too late Repenting his Inconsiderate leaving his Army and exposing himself to his Enemy●s Hatred At the same time Caesar return'd from Spain the Election of now Consuls being at Hand Caesar had good Intelligence of all these Disturbances and the Reasons of Pompey's Dissatisfaction so that he now resolv●d either to Improve his own Authority with the Senate or find a good Opportunity of quitting their Interest His Services in Spain had sufficiently deserv●d a Triumph wherefore he desir'd it of the Senate declaring at the same time his Design also of standing for the Consulship Now these Desires were inconsistent for the Law forbad Entrance into the City to any one who desir●d a Triumph and requir●d also that whoever su●d for the Consulship shou'd do it in his proper Person Caesar therefore Wrote to the Senate desiring that these Formalities might be dispenc'd withal but Cato stood up for the Maintaining the Laws to their utmost Rigour and his Opinion prevail●d so that Caesar chose to decline his Triumph and went to Rome and stood for the Consulship which Honour he very eagerly pursu'd And well understanding Pompey's Credit and his Quarrel to the Senate this he thought a fit Conjucture to engage himself into his Interests Pompey on the other side was no less pleas'd to gain a Man of such extraordinary Merit especially when Caesar promis'd him to confirm all his Acts if he cou●d procure him to be elected whereupon a close Agreement was made between ' em After this Caesar made it his Business to bring his Friend Crassus into the League who finding his own Interest was weak separately was easily perswaded to joyn with 'em and a former Breach between him and Pompey was who●ly accommodated These three made a firm Combination or Conspiracy That nothing shou'd be done in the Common-wealth against any of their Interests or Approbations which they most solemnly confirm'd with mutual Oaths and Promises This was the first Great
for C. Antonius had gain'd him the Hatred of the Triumvirate And having setled Affairs thus and finish'd his Consulship he departed for Gaul with some Precipitation in regard he was threatn'd to be call●d to Account for his Conduct in his Consulship and tho' some of the Tribunes prevented his publick Censure they cou'd not secure his Quaestor from Condemnation In Caesar's absence Pompey and Crassus were not idle and the former had fill'd the City with Soldiers and since both the Consuls were of that Party the Senate's Authority was much weakn'd But Clodius bestirr'd himself more than any a Man so ambitious of the Tribureship that he procur●d himself to be adopted by a Plebeian because he was uncapable of holding of it before Cicero immediately perceiv'd that his Ruin was aim'd at and his chiefest Hope was in Pompey who had always shown himself his Friend but Pompey had now sacrific'd all to the Interests of Caesar and Crassus and had lately been extreamly offended with Cicero for his eternal Itch he had to be Jesting Pompey nevertheless assur'd him of his Protection and Caesar had offer●d to make him his Lieutenant in his Gallick Expedition to which Imployment he had a strong Inclination but Pompey advis'd him not to leave Rome and Clodius found some Artifice to delude him with false Hopes of Reconciliation that he might be confounded and born down before he was sufficiently sensible of his Danger In short all the World conspir'd to deceive him and that Piercing Judgment and Quickness of Apprehension he us●d so much to value himself upon which became altogether unserviceable to him now and he cou'd find no Way to avoid the Blow when it came Clodius by his Distributions of Com among the Poor daily grew higher in the Favour of the People and afterwards preferr'd a Law to forbid Water and Fire to any who had put to Death any Roman Citizen unheard which amounted to as much as Banishment Now all Persons saw the Danger which threatned Cicero all his former Constancy forsook him and he went up and down the City soliciting his Cause in Mourning Robes long Beard and unregarded Hair attended by 20000 Equites supplicating in his behalf besides many young Noblemen whom he had taught the Rules of Eloquence among which were the very Sons of Crassus But Clodius still follow'd with a Party of Soldiers insulting and jearing him with the Poorness of his Spirit till they almost came to throwing of Stones at each other But the Respect to the Sacrosanct-Office hinder●d Cicero's Side from returning the Injuries yet nevertheless the Senators design●d to order a General Mourning but the Consuls stopp●d that Debate and Clodius summon'd 'em all to appear before the People where Piso only said He took no delight in Cruelty but Gabinius immediately condemn'd what Cicero had done as to Catiline's Conspiracy Cicero's last Retreat was Pompey's Favour who was able enough to have done him Service but he wou'd have nothing to do in the Matter and when Cicero came to preferr his Cause to him he slipt out at a Back-door to avoid seeing him He found himself now reduc●d to the last Necessity of taking up Arms for his Defence which he might have done successfully enough but not being able to bear the Bloodshed of his Country-men he resolv'd upon the Advice of Cato and the rest of his Friends to withdraw himself So he left Rome in the Night-time and went to Sicily After his Retreat Clodius caus'd him to be banish'd by the Votes of the People 400 Miles from Italy demolishing his Villages and his House on the Plot whereof he built a Temple to Liberty and set his Goods to Sale Cato was shortly after by Clodius's Means sent away under Pretence of doing him Honour against Ptolemy King of Cyprus Lucullus had retir'd himself from the City and Crassus minded only his private Affairs So that now the greatest part of the Government of the City seem'd to lie between Pompey and Clodius II. During these Transactions in the City Caesar was extraordinary busie and diligent in his Expedition by which he propos'd vast Ends and Advantages to himself having not only Cisalpine Gaul allotted him but the other also which comprehended all that Space of Land which is now call'd France with a great Part of the Low-Countries and some of Germany His first Enterprize was against the Helv●tians who had wholly abandon'd their Country burnt down their Towns and Houses destroy'd their Provisions and were marching into Gaul through his Province to the number of above 300000 of all sorts Caesar upon Intelligence of this hastned to Geneva and broke down the Bridge there which caus'd 'em to send to him and desire to pass that way without Molestation But Caesar resolving not to grant 'em Passage delay●d Answering till he cou'd gather all his Troops together in which Space he threw up a large Intrenchment from the Lake of Geneva to Mount Iura 19 Miles long which forc'd 'em to turn aside and enter Gaul by the Way of Sequania Caesar follow'd 'em with great Diligence and defeating a considerable Party of 'em they sent a second time to desire a Treaty but that breaking off upon the account of great Demands on both Sides 4000 of Caesar's Cavalry were repuls'd by pressing too forward upon ' em But they dearly paid for this Advantage for Caesar after observing their Motions a-while easily drew 'em to a general Battel wherein they were intirely defeated and not above 110000 remain'd of their whole Number their Wives and Children desperately fighting among the Carriages till they were cut in pieces Caesar crown'd his Victory with a more glorious Action by gathering all who had escap'd and sending of 'em all in safety into their own Countries Caesar resolving not to continue without Action while the Season permitted immediately turn'd his Forces against Ariovistus King of the Germans who had seiz'd on the best Part of Sequania and used the Inhabitants with intolerable Severities and Oppressions The Sequanians being Roman Allies humbly begg●d Assistance of Caesar as a Man of undoubted Renown and Valour who first sent to Ariovistus without Success and at last came to a personal Enterview where Ariovistus's haughty Language and the Treachery of some of his Troops brought both Armies to a Battel shortly after Upon the nigh Approach of Caesar Ariovistus was much dishearten'd for seeing the Romans come fearlesly to engage the Germans whom he imagen'd they cou●d never withstand it was so unexpected a thing that he admir'd at Caesar's Courage and found his own Army seiz'd with a kind of Consternation But what added most to their Fears was a superstitious Fancy rais'd by their Augurs which when Caesar understood he immediately attack'd 'em even in their Trenches and upon the Hill where they were posted till he so provok'd 'em that they came down with great Fury to the Engagement But they were all put to the Rout and he closely pursu●d 'em for several Miles
together as far as the River Rhine covering all the way with Spoils and dead Bodies to the number of 80000 as some relate it Ariovistus himself escap'd in a little Boat with a small Retinue two of his Wives and as many Daughters being taken Prisoners by Caesars These two great Wars were dispatch'd by Caesar in his first Year●s Expedition which he manag'd with extraordinary Skill and Dexterity In the beginning of the next Spring Caesar was alarm'd by a great Confederacy against the Romans of all the Belgae who inhabited a third Part of Gaul and were esteem'd the most powerfull People in the whole Country He hearing that they had rais●d above 280000 Men directed his March to●em with all Speed and bravely attacking 'em just as they were plundering his Allies the Gauls he defeated and put to slight a mighty Number of em insomuch that the Marshes and deep Rivers became passable to the Romans by the prodigious Number of the Dead Bodies as Plutarch relates it But among Several Reveral Revolters all that liv'd nigh the Ocean yielded without Fighting Wherefore he led his Army against the Nervians the most savage and war-like People in those Parts These inhabited a thick woody Country where bestowing their Children and all their Goods in some close and convenient Place in their Forest they set upon Caesar with 60000 Men before he thought of engaging or had time to encamp himself They fell on with such uncommon Fury that they broke the Roman Cavalry then surrounding the twelfth and seventh Legions they kill●d all the Officers and if Caesar himself had not hastily catch'd up a Buckler and rush'd through his Men into the midst of the Enemy and his tenth Legion run in to his Assistance and broke the Enemies Ranks they had all been cut off But tho' by the Encouragement of Caesar's extraordinary Valour they fought beyond their Strength yet all they cou'd do was not sufficient to make the Nervians fly who obstinately stood their Ground till they were all cut in pieces not in of 'em being sav●d This was Caesar's second Years Expedition and the Renown of his Victories made him formidable even in Germany so that several Nations beyond the Rhine sent and submitted themselves to him Upon the News of Caesar's last Exploits at Rome the Senate decreed a solemn Festival for 15 Days which was a greater Honour than any had received before him Not long before which violent Stirs and and Commotions had been rais●d in the City upon the account of Clodius who after he had freed himself from his Enemies began to prove an intolerable Plague and Vexation to many of the Nobility and even to Pompey himself so that now he found it very much for his Interest to get Cicero reall'd from his Banishment Whereupon he employ●d Milo one of the Tribunes and of great Courage for that purpose and using his Interest with many others the Matter was at last propounded to the Senate where it was generally agreed to But Clodius oppos'd it with the utmost Violence and when the Matter was propos●d to the Body of the People and promoted as much as possible by Milo and his Collegue Sextius Clodius assisted by a Party of Gladiators suddenly set upon the Multitude raising the greatest Disorders imaginable Many of the People were kill'd the Tribunes were wounded and Quintus Cicero's Brother was almost overwhelm'd with Dead Bodies and the rest all fled After a day or two Milo seiz'd upon Clodius and carry'd him before the Praetor Whereupon a great Contest arose and Clodius's Party by the Assistance of Pompey's Gladiators after some Blood-shed were beaten off Pompey immediately mediately possessing himself of the Forum put the people upon giving their Suffrages who with universal Consent and Applause voted Cicero's Restitution The Senate likewise decreed Honours to such Cities as had entertain'd him and that his House and Villages shou'd be re-built at the Publick Charge So Cicero after 16 Months Banishment return'd in great Pomp and Glory sufficiently revenging himself upon Piso Gabinius and others by his Writings afterwards He return'd in the second Year of Caesar's Wars in Gaul The following Year Caesar designing for Italy himself sent out Servius Galba one of his Lieutenants with the twelfth Legion and part of the Cavalry against the Antuates Veragres and Seduni Nations seated from the River Rhosine as high as the Alps in order to clear a Passage and secure all manner of Traffick in those Parts Galba in a short time defeated a very great Party who had been so bold as to attack him in his Camp Caesar not long after returning found that the Ven●ti and several other Nations of that part of Gaul call'd Celtica had revolted he turn●d a great Part of his Forces against them And these caus●d him extraordinary Trouble and many Difficulties by reason of their Naval Strength by which means they continually shifted themselves and remov'd from Place to Place But at last Caesar having procur'd a Fleet attack'd the Veneti at Sea and there overthrew 'em Crassus one of his Lieutenants the mean time subdu'd the Sontiates with the greatest part of Aquitain as Sabinus another of ●em did the Unelli and all the Maritime Parts Towards the latter End of the Campaign Caesar march'd against the Morini a People nigh Calais and the Mcnapii also which two Nations were still up in Arms. But the Season being too far advanc'd the Rains and foul Weather secur●d 'em in the Forests and Marshes and caus'd Caesar to put his Men all into their Winter-Quarters which ended his third Years Expedition in Gaul III. As Caesar's Conquests establish'd his Reputation in Rome so his Humanity and other excellent Qualities absolutely gain'd him the Hearts and Affections of his Soldiers He had now got great store of Wealth by which he not only discharg'd his Debts but likewise made many great Friends by his Magnificent Presents especially to the Ladies corrupting also the Aediles Praetors and Consuls themselves In this Winter he pass'd into Italy to Luca where he took up his Head Quarters where there was so great a Concourse of People to pay him their Respects that 200 Senators were present together and so many Praetors and Pro-consuls that 120 Bundles of Rods were seen there at a time Here the Triumvirate took new Measures and Caesar fearing he might be recall'd from Gaul procur'd Pompey and Crassus to endeavour at the Consulship the following Year and so continue him in his Imployment for five Years longer This Design was so displeasing to the Senate and the Dissentions so violent concerning it that they went into Mourning as in publick Calamities saying That the Proceedings of the Triumvirate were dangerous to the Quiet and Liberty of Rome Cato with great Eagerness set up Domitius to stand against 'em but Pompey resolving to remove all Obstacles sent some Armed Men against Domitius as he was going to the Election who kill'd the Slave that carry'd the Light before 'em and dispers'd
Disturbances in those Parts and relieving ● Cicero Brother to the Orator and one of his Lieutenants who was besieg'd by the Eburones he finish'd his fifth Year's Expedition The next Year Caesar perceiv'd that many of the States of Gaul were dispos'd to a general Insurrection in a great measure upon the account of an imperfect Settlement of Affairs the last Year whereupon he re-inforc'd his Army with three Roman Legions and as many Auxiliaries as he cou'd well procure He pursu'd his Business with great Vigour and open●d the Campaign sooner than ordinary thereby to break or at least to weaken their Union He soon subdu'd and reduc'd several Nations of the Gauls as the Nervii first and shortly after the Senones Carnutes and the Menapians while his Lieutenant Labienus reduc'd all the People about Triers After this he built a Bridge and pass'd the Rhine a second time by reason that several of the Germans had enter'd into a Confederacy with the Gauls where after he had made some Attempts upon the Su●vi with little Success upon the account of their flying into Woods and impassable Places he turn'd his Arms against the Eburones But while he was ravaging their Territories the Sigambri crossing the Rhine suddenly set upon Cicero's Camp kill'd many and caus'd a great Consternation among his Men but at last were forc'd to retire at the News of Caesar's Approach who after that fell a-fresh upon the Country of the Eburones then call'd a Council in Gaul for the Punishment of all Revolters and providing his Army with all Necessaries drew it into their Winter-Quarters and so ended Caesar's sixth Year's Expedition in the 701st Year of the City IV. During these great Actions in Gaul Pompey and Crassus upon the expiring of the Time of their Consulships began to take care about their several Governments that were allotted ' em Crassus was extremely elevated with the Thoughts of his Expedition into Syria and Parthia promising himself greater Success and Glory that even Pompey himself Therefore he was very forward and diligent in his Preparations The Tribunes hinder'd the raising of Men as much as they cou'd and labour'd to repeal the Laws made for their Expeditions Pompey was well enough satisfy'd sending his Lieutenants into his Provinces being unwilling to leave the City as he pretended because of the general Charge of Provisions committed to him an Honour which Cicero in Recompence for his Ressitution had procur'd him from the Senate that so he might have Authority all over the Roman Empire But Crassus betook himself to Force which when the Tribunes saw themselves unable to withstand they desisted but loaded him with horrible and unheard-of Curses and Imprecations and many exclaim●d against it as an unworthy Thing to injure the Parthians who deserv'd no Ill at the Romans Hands but were now in Peace with ' em But Crassus heeding no Reproaches in this case after he had got all things in a Readiness set forward to his Province Pompey the mean time kept himself wholly to the City still contriving how to make himself more great and powerfull in his Country But the Fame of Ceasars Conquests which daily fill●d the City began to prove very ungratefull to him who feared nothing so much as a Rival in point of Glory and therefore he set himself to do all that was in his power to diminish the Reputation of Caesar obliging the Magistrates not to publish any Letters they receiv'd till he had forestall'd the Credit of 'em by spreading selfe and disadvantageous Reports This gave great cause of Trouble to many discreet and wise Persons who foresaw the Miseries that wou'd follow from a Rupture between two such Extraordinary Persons and what still augmented their Fears was the Death of Pompey's Wife Iulia Daughter to Caesar which hapned at the same time Pompey most passionately lov'd her and her Wit and Vertue had always a great Ascendant over the Dispositions both of Caesar and Pompey The people of Rome gave sufficient Testimony of the Respect they bore her by publick Demonstrations of their Sorrow and when Pompey wou'd have carry'd her Body to one of his Houses nigh Alba the people wou'd not suffer it but bore it into the Field of Mars where they bury'd it with the greatest Magnificence imaginable From this Moment Pompey resolv'd to pursue nothing but his own particular Advancement and for the restoring himself to the Favour of the People he caus'd a stately Theatre to be built which he dedicated by Plays and other magnificent Shews which were no ways pleasing to Cicero as appears from one of his Epistles While Pompey was managing his Affairs at home and Caesar in the midst of Gaul Crassus was pursuing his Expedition with all Vigour In his Journey he march'd through Ierusalem where he ri●led the Temple of a great Treasure to the value of 10000 Talents which Pompey to his great Reputation had spar'd He spent many Days in weighing the Treasure of the Idol Goddess in Hierapolis or Ed●sia in Syria and in his whole Passage he shew'd more of Covetousness than Valour listing many Men and then discharging 'em again for Money He likewise neglected his Opportunities of falling upon the Parthians unprovided despiss●d the Friendship of the Armenian King who gave him leave to pass through his Country to Parbia and took no care about the refreshing of his Men some City till he had certain News of the Enemy and neglected to pass down the River Selucia as he was advi●'d where he might have been supply●d with Provisions by Water This latter Counsel he rejected by means of the cunning Insinuations of Abgarus the Osroenian who having formerly been a Friend and Alley of the Romans was now in the Interests of the Parthians and feeding Crassus with Money to gild over his Treachery gave 'em Notice of all that pass'd in the Roman Camp He likewise persuaded Crassus to lay aside all Thoughts of Selucias and C●esiphon and march directly against Surenas the Parthian General This Advice he follow'd and thereby first losing his Son a very hopefull Youth he himself was circumvented by Surenas under Pretence of a Treaty and either slain by his Enemies or kill●d by some of his own Men to prevent his falling into their Hands His Men were miserably slaughter●d to the Number of 10000 besides 10000 taken and his Head carry●d to Orodes King of Parthia who caus'd melted Gold to be poured into his Month crying Now satisfy thy self with Gold of which thou always hast been so insatiably greedy Thus fell Crassus in the second Year after his setting out one of the richest Men in all the Roman Empire and by this one of the Heads of the Triumvirate was cut off This laid the foundation of the following Civil War between the other two for while he liv'd he was a Check to ●em both and ballanc'd their Interests but after this an open Field was left for their Ambition and Emulation to work in This happen●d in the
701●●ear of the City nigh seven Years after the beginning of the Triumvirate and 51 before our Saviour's Nativity A. M. 3952 CHAP. II. From the Death of Crassus to the Death of Pompey which made way for Caesar's Absolute Authority and was the second step to the Imperial State Containing above Five Years Space I. THE same Year that Crassus was slain most violent Disturbances and Dissentions were rais'd in the City Factions daily encreasing nothing manag'd with the ancient Equity and Moderation and all Offices purchas'd with Bribes and Money or else gain'd by Swords and Clubs The Consuls finding themselves debarr'd by the Power of the Triumvirate from waging War and leading Armies as formerly made it their sole Business to enrich themselves out of the Publick Revenues or from the Bribes as well as the Sallaries depending upon their Offices Pompey conniv'd at all this hoping that the Infirmities of the State wou'd occasion him to be created Dictator and for that reason he retir'd himself for a while that his Friends might have a fair Opportunity of insinuating the Necessity of his Presence as well as Authority for the preserving of the Peace of the City At the time for the new Election of Magistrates there was such a violent Contention among the Candidates that for Eight entire Months none cou●d be Elected And what still heighten'd these Mischiefs was the Death of Clodius kill●d by his Great Enemy Milo who met him by Accident by his Country House The Body was immediately brought to Rome and ex●os'd all Bloody to the People which caus●d great Disturbances among the Multitude who immediately ran furiously to Milo's House to set it on Fire but he being well provided to receive 'em repuls'd and kill'd several of the Assailants Upon which they return'd to the Body where they pull'd all the Magistrates Seats in pieces made a Funeral Pile of 'em and set Fire to it with so much Rage that all the stately Building where the Senate us'd to Assemble was burnt with Clodius's Body After this the Mutineers dispers'd themselves all over the City where under pretence of searching for Milo's Friends they committed the most insupportable Violences imaginable so that the whole City was fill'd with Murthers and Quarrels till no Body durst walk the Streets unarm'd These fatal Mischiefs turn'd all Mens Eyes upon Pompey as the fittest Person to redress all but while they were consulting about creating him Dictator Cat● by many Perswasions procur'd the Senate to make him Consul alone that so if occasion were he might be afterwards accountable for any Male Administration This was soon after done having the Authority of a Dictator conferr'd on him under a Gentler Name a thing never known in Rome before but upon some extraordinary Occasion and for some few Days when Commission was sometimes given to the Consuls to take care that the Common-wealth receive no Damage New Troops were allotted to Pompey 1000 Talents allow'd yearly for their Pay and the Government of Spain was continu●d to him for Four Years longer which he Administred by his Deputies Milo was shortly after Accus'd by Appius Clodius's Brother and tho' Cicero himself undertook to defend him yet it happen'd that by his Fear of Pompey's Souldiers who surrounded him as he was Pleading he was put out in his Speech and so M●lo for his Insolence was Banish'd And when Cic●ro afterwards sent him his Oration in Writing the Excellency of it made him Answer That it was happy for him that Cicero was out in his Harangue for otherwise he shou'd not have liv'd so well at Marseilles as now be did for that was the Place of his Exile Pompey having hitherto executed the Office of a Dictator took Scipio Metellus for his Collegue whose Daughter Cornelia he had lately Marry'd a Lady of no less Accomplishments than Beauty This considerably strengthen'd Pompey's Interests who therefore now thought it no ways difficult to overthrow the Fortunes of Caesar waiting only till Affairs were somewhat more ripe for Execution But Caesar by his Great Policy and Inudstry by his noble Exploits abroad and his bountiful Presents at home still secur'd himself a sufficient Party in the City He caus'd a New Forum to be set up at Rome the Place whereof cost him 100000 Sesterces He gave also to the People certain Plays and a Publick Feast in Acknowledgement of the Honours done to his Daughter Iulia being likewise a particular Incourager of Learning At this time among many other Learn'd Men flourish●d Salust a most excellent Historian both for matter and stile Caesar had now almost compleated his Conquests in Gaul when the Troubles in Rome and his Absence occasion'd many of the Nations to endeavour once more the Recovery of their Liberty pursuing their Designs with Greater Vigour than ever chusing Vercingetorix for their General Caesar resolving to lose no time forc'd his way over the Mountains through vast deep Snows and after some various Success against the Enemies numerous Armies he overthrew Vercingetorix who upon that retir●d to Alesia a City of the Mandubii shutting himself up with no less than 80000 Men and made all necessary Provisions for a Siege Caesar not withstanding the Hazzard of such an Attempt shortly after invested the Place and here he shew'd an admirable Skill and indefatigable Industry in his vast and prodigious Works he rais'd against this Place both to defend himself and distress the Town well knowing the great Numbers of the Succours that were Marching to relieve it For tho' the City by the extraordinary Height of its Walls and the Multitude of its Defendents appear●d to be impregnable he encounter'd with Greater Difficulties without being in a short time besieg'd himself by 250000 of the choicest of the Gauls Yet by means of his double and treble Trenches his mighty Lines of Contravallation and his wonderful Management and Vigilance he repuls'd the Relievers and soon after he became Master of the Town to his Great Honour and Reputation all other Places submitting without delay And thus ended Caesar's seventh Year's Expedition in these Parts which as it was the most hazardous and dangerous so it was the most honourable and glorious that ever he undertook The Gauls notwithstanding their Great Losses and the irresistible Power of Caesar's Arms resolv'd to try their Fortune once more and many of their Nations joyn'd again in Confederacy Caesar having Intelligence of their Designs began his March from Bibracte and made great Devastations throughout the Territories of the Bituriges in Aquitain and subdu'd several of the People about those Parts C. Fabius one of his Lieutenants also reduc'd some Parties of 'em in the mean time and Caninius another of his Lieutenants defeated likewise several other Parties after which Caesar joyn'd him and invested Uxellodunum a City of the Cadurci a Place very strong by Situation yet he obtain●d it with little or no Bloodshed by turning the course of the Springs that supply●d the Place with Water After this the
him Still Pompey thought it most convenient to send to Caesar with Proposals of Accommodation which he did by Lucius Caesar his Kinsman and Roscius the Praetor But the Demands on both sides cou'd not be agreed upon for Pompey's Business was only to gain Time having his chief Reliance upon the Forces of the East which were absolutely in his Interest Caesar too depending upon the Valour and Affections of his Soldiers had no Design of quitting his Arms but only to make it appear as fairly as he cou'd that he had taken 'em up with Justice Caesar now without losing any further Time seiz'd upon the Towns of Picenum which lay in his Way and in a very short time became Master of all that Province This Progress redoubled the Fears at Rome and Lentulus who was come back to seize the publick Treasure was oblig●d to betake himself to Flight In the mean time the twelfth Legion came to joyn Caesar who marched to Asculum which Lentulus had possess'd himself of with ten Cohorts but upon Caesar's Approach retreated in Confusion a great part of his Soldiers deserting him as they had done Curio not long before Caesar march'd directly after Pompey not offering to attack Rome as knowing it wou'd fall of Course to the Conqueror and the first Place that made any Resistance was Corfinium the Metropolis of the Country of the Peligni which was possess'd by Domitius who had lately rais●d 20 Cohorts out of those Parts Now as this was the first Town that durst make head against Caesar all Persons with great impatience expected the Success of the Enterprize Caesar made his Approaches with two Legions and was engag'd by five Cohorts who defended a Bridge about three Miles from the City but were soon driven back to the Gates of Corfinium which thereupon was immediately invested Domitius prepar●d himself for a vigorous Defence and wrote to Pompey That now he had a fair Opportunity to hem in Caesar if he wou'd come up That it wou'd not be for his Reputation to leave so many Senators and Knights which were now besieg'd as well as so many Soldiers to the Mercy of the Enemy Pompey's Answer was That he was not then in a Condition to hazard all in a Battle what Domitius had engag'd himself in Corfinium contrary to his Opinion and theref●re he ought to think of making as fair and speedy a Retreat as was possible Upon this Refusal it was that Cicero became so angry with Pompey as appears from one of his Epistles to Atti●us Domitius conceal'd Pompey's Answer giving out that Pompey wou'd bring speedy Relief but at the same time consulted with his Friends how to make a private Retreat which being at last discover'd his Men seiz'd on him and sent to Caesar offering to deliver him up and surrender the Place Caesar concluded the Offer ought not to be rejected but however kept his Men from entering that Night to prevent all Violences Lentulus being in the Town came out to him and humbly begg●d Pardon putting him in mind of their Ancient Friendship and acknowledging the many Favours he had formerly receiv'd at his Hands Caesar interrupting him told him That he came not from his Province to injure any Man but for his own Security and the Restoration of the Tribunes Office and the Liberty of Rome Lentulus sufficiently incourag'd by this Answer desir'd leave to return into the Town to give the like Encouragement to others who were now desperate as to their Fortunes and the next day Caesar sent to the Senators and Knights who were in Town with their Children and the Officers of the Garrison to come forth All these he protected from the Insolence of the Soldiers and having a little insisted upon the Point of Ingratitude he gave 'em all their Liberty to go where they pleas'd and to shew that he as little sought after Money as the Lives of his Enemies he restor●d to Domitius 6000 Sesterces which he had deposited in the Bank at Corfinium tho' he was satisfy●d that it was publick Money and given out by Pompey to pay Soldiers He caus'd Domitius's Men to take the Military Oath to himself and after seven Days respite at Corfinium he march'd through the Confines of the Marrucini Tarentini and Larinates and then enter●d Apuli● Pompey having Intelligence of what pass'd at Corfinium immediately retreated to Brundusium where the Consuls strait embark●d for Dyrrachium in Epirus with thirty Cohorts Pompey continuing in the Town with twenty others Caesar shortly after arriv'd before the Place and having taken Magius an Engineer of Pompey's freely set him at Liberty with Orders to tell his General That it might be for the Common Interest of 'em both as well as the Good of the Republick for them two have an Enterview and not to trust Matters to a third Person Magius brought him no Answer back which caus●d Caesar to endeavour the Blocking up the Entry of the Port. To this purpose he order'd a Bank or Dam to be rais'd on each Side the Haven where it was narrowest and the Water shallow enough but where it was too deep he caus'd several Vessels to be fastn'd together thirty Footsquare moor'd with Anchors at each corner and placed them over against the Entry of the Haven with Design to Form a sort of a Stacade or Chain The first Bridge of these Vessels was cover●d with Earth and green Turf that the Defendents might have firm Footing to sight upon and the two Sides were furnish'd with Hurdles in the nature of Parapets and every fourth Float carry'd a Tower two Stories high to defend the Works from Attacks and from Fire It was easie to judge for what Design all this great Labour and Pains was undertaken therefore Pompey endeavour●d to ruin the Works and to that purpose made use of several Merchant-Ships that were then in the Haven upon which he rais●d Towers of three Stories high furnish'd with Engines and all sorts of Darts These he sent against Caesar's Vessels hoping to separate em and hinder the Continuation of the Work which occasion'd daily some little Skirmishes with Darts and Arrows Caesar was still forward enough to come to an Accommodation and sent to have an Enterview with Pompey but Answer was return●d That the Consuls being absent no Prop●sitions of that kind cou'd be receiv'd From this time he set his Thoughts wholly upon the War half his Business being already compleated by reasons the Vessels which transported the Consuls were return'd from Dyrrachium which Opportunity Pompey thought fit to make use of for withdrawing himself and to secure his Retreat he caus●d all the Gates of the City to be wall'd up and several Houses to be demolish'd in the cross Streets The Avenues of the Port were cut off by certain Pits fill●d with Stakes and cover'd with Hurdles and Earth two only being left free and those strongly defended with Palisado●s and Joysts planted after the manner of Fraize After these Precautions he caus●d his Soldiers to embark
himself in a Posture of Disputing the Empire with Forces equal to his Enemies Still Anthony began to grow more odious to the Roman People for having brought Cleopatra to Athens and there honouring her beyond any Mortal before her he sent to Rome with Orders to Octavia to leave his House with all her Children Octavia readily obey'd these unjust Orders without Murmuring only lamenting her hard Fate because she was made to serve for a Pretence to a War whose Consequences must needs be fatal to her Several of Anthony's Friends not being able any longer to bear with his Disorders abandon'd him and Octavius having got Anthony's Will into his Hands found new Matter to complain of to the Senate and People which was Anthony's ordering That if he dy'd in Rome his Body shou'd be carry'd in funeral Pomp through the principal Places of the City and then sent into Aegypt to Cleopatra To this a Report was added That Anthony design'd to give Rome to Cleopatra if his Arms were prosperous and to transferr the Seat of the Empire into Aegypt so that notwithstanding all the Care of the more prudent Sort and all their Endeavours to reconcile these two great Men it plainly appear'd that nothing but the Sword could decide the present Controversie III. As soon as Octavius found himself in a good Condition to carry on the War he publickly proclaim'd it against Cleopatra and divested Anthony of his Authority which he had in a manner already parted with in favour of that Princess The Decree imply'd besides That Anthony was now no longer Master of his own Will since Cleopatra with her Philtres had taken away the use of his Reason so that he was not to be esteem'd as a Person engag'd in this War which was only manag'd by Mardion her Eunuch and Iras and Charmia her Women who were all his Governours All Anthony's Followers were invited over with great Promises of Rewards but not declar'd Enemies partly to prevent their growing Desperate and partly to render Anthony more inexcusable in making War against his Country only for the sake of an Aegyptian Woman The Forces of these two Generals were answerable to the Empire they contended for one drawing all the East and the other the West to his Party All the several Kings of Asia that were Allies of the Romans follow'd the Fortune of Anthony some by their Persons and others by their Troops alone all which with Anthony's Forces compos'd an Army of 100000 Foot and 12000 Horse and his Fleet consisted of 500 Ships of War whereof many were of the largest Bulk Octavius in his Party had no Foreign Princes and his Army amounted to no more than 80000 Foot but was as strong in Cavalry as his Enemy's In his Fleet were 250 Vessels but all Light better Mann'd and more convenient than Anthony's This Year by reason of Anthony's recalling his Troops out of Media from the Protection of that Country the Parthians became Masters of it and Armenia was likewise lost The two great Men being now in readiness for Action they first began to shew their Hatred by reflecting Letters and when Octavius reproach'd Anthony with his Love to Cleopatra and the Prodigality of his Feasts he on the other side put him in mind of the famous Feasts of the twelve Gods where he and his other Guests represented the Deities they ador'd To which he added His prepostrous Match with Livia and his infamous Divorce of Scribonia for not bearing the Insolence of that new Mistress and all the Roman Ladies that Octavius had any great Familiarity with were brought upon the Stage He proceeded likewise to tax Octavius with Cowardice at the Battels of Mutina and Sicily whereupon Octavius wrote to him That it was childish to fight any longer with the Pen but if he wou'd approach at the Head of his Army he shou'd have Ports in Italy to land without Molestation that he wou'd draw his Troops so far from the Sea that Anthony shou'd want no room for Encamping and putting his Men in Battalia To make return to this Bravade Anthony tho' he were much the older challeng'd Octavius to fight a single Combat or if he pleas'd he wou'd give him Battel in the Plains of Pharsalia where the great Caesar and Pompey had formerly decided their famous Differences Anthony was now at Actium a Town on the Coasts of Epirus at the Entrance of the Gulf of Ambracia and while he lay there without Action Octavius pass'd over from Brundusium and surpriz'd Toryne a City nigh Actium This Exploit amaz'd Anthony's Soldiers because his Legions were not yet arriv●d but Cleopatra to re-assure 'em made slight of it and in a jesting Way said what Damage is it for Octavius to take the Scummer alluding to the Word Toryne which signifies a Scummer as if the Danger had been no greater than the taking of a Dinner Anthony had brought all his Ships into the Gulf whither Octavius the next Day after the taking of Toryne came forward and offer'd him Battel Anthony's Vessels were very ill Mann'd however he drew 'em into a fighting Posture with their Oars a-peek as if he intended to bear down upon the Enemy but Octavius durst not engage him in that narrow Passage and therefore stood off to Sea the other refus'd to follow but as he perfectly knew the Country thereabouts he cut off the Water from Octavius's Camp on every side which much distress'd his Army But the Success of Agrippa in taking Leucadia Petras and Corinth about this time much reviv'd the Soldiers and likewise occasion'd Amintas Deiotarus and Demitius to go over to Octavius To the latter of these Anthony according to his natural Generosity sent his People and all his Equipage which so sensibly touch●d Domitius who was Sick already that he was not able to outlive the Grief of abandoning a Man who thus by Kindness only had reveng'd his Perfidiousness In the mean time Canidius arriv'd with the Legions who now began to change his Mind concerning Cleopatra desiring Anthony To send her back and go himself into Macedonia where he might fight by Land with so much more Advantage because Dicomes King of the Getes had promis'd him a powerful Assistance He farther told Anthony That it would be a renouncing both Sence and Reason to put a Victory to the Hazard of the Seas and Winds which they were certain of at Land by the Valour and Experience of their General who to this Day had kept up the Title of Invincible and by the Hearts and Courages of their Soldiers who had been try'd in so many great Dangers Anthony was much inclin'd to follow this Advice but Cleopatra whose Words were Oracles byass'd him the other Way and oblig'd him against his Will to hazard both his Empire and Life in a Sea-Fight and this only that she might escape with more ease if Anthony should lose the Day Anthony had now resolv'd to fight by Sea and while he was putting his Fleet in Order
great Wisdom and Dexterity he regulated many Abuses and Corruptions in the State and tho' he wou'd not give up the least part of his Authority yet he exercis'd it with that Discretion and Moderation that the Common-wealth was more happy under his Government than when it enjoy'd all its Privileges He allow'd the People all their due Liberties only retrench'd the Liberty of making Factions and Dissentions in the State and to the Senate he restor'd their ancient Splendour but banish'd their late Corruption He contended himself with a moderate Power which wou'd not afford him the Freedom of doing Ill but he made it Absolute when it impos'd upon others the Necessity of doing Well So that the People were not less Free but in Matters of Sedition nor the Senate less Powerful but in Matters of Injustice and the Romans seem'd to have lost nothing of the Happiness that Liberty might produce but only the Misfortunes it might occasion Octavius having establish'd so good an Order found himself extreamly embarrass'd with various Thoughts and Opinions and long consider'd with himself whether he ought to retain the Government of the Empire or restore the People to their first Liberty The eminent Examples of Sylla and Iulius Caesar put him to many Doubts and Scruples when he consider'd that the former who had voluntarily quitted his Authority dy'd peaceably in the midst of his Enemies and the latter for retaining of it was assassinated by his most intimate Friends But then he consider'd on the other side that the Common-wealth had been so extreamly harrass'd and broken by violent Factions and Civil Wars that the Yoak wou'd prove their greatest Relief especially as he wou'd manage it He found likewise that the People of Rome had lost much of their ancient Vigour and Desire of Liberty and the Senate as much of its ancient Firmness and Resolution and that there were such numerous Corruptions and such dangerous distempers in the State that nothing but a Change cou'd cure or correct ' em As he consider'd that both Senate and People never wanted a Head so much as at present the Advantage of which they were in this short time sensible of so these Considerations gave him great Hopes and almost as great Resolutions However this most wary Prince thought it highly necessary for his own Security to consult his two intimate Friends Agrippa and Mecoenas the former most famous for his Courage and Valour and the latter for his great natural Endowments Octavius taking these two into his Closet ask'd their Advice telling 'em among other things That they were his Friends therefore he had made 'em his Iudges as Men that were able to speak Soundly and willing to speak Freely That he knew 'em to have a greater Care of his Honour than his Profit but more of the Common-wealth than of both Agrippa return'd the first Answer to this purpose You may well admire my generous Lord that I who am certain of an uncommon Promotion under your Empire shou'd advise you to a private Retirement but since I esteem your Honour above my own Profit and the Publick Good before my particular Preferrment I am sure You will pardon me You have now gloriously finish'd the Civil Wars and brought an honourable Peace to your Country but what will the Advantage be without a Restoration of that Liberty for which those Wars were begun Or what Benefit can the People reap from so noble a Victory if it be us'd only as an Instrument for their greater Slavery A Word so odious to the Roman Nation that whenever that has seem'd to have been aim'd at by any Person no Vertues could shield him no Merits protect him no Services secure him from the Rage of the People no not those of your great Father Julius And can you hope to escape But say That the Divine Power shou'd so protect you as to out-live such Dangers wou'd you also out-live your Glories Are you willing that Posterity shou'd brand you with Tyranny and perhaps with Baseness in curbing and putting a Stop to the Fame and Grandeur of your Country A Country which has gain'd all its Renown and Reputation and owes all its great and glorious Acts to a Government quite contrary to what you seem inclin'd to and a Government under which other Nations have generally been most prosperous and flourishing Therefore your Generosity shou'd lead you to set your Country free and since you are already Master of the World's Forces and without Rival in the Empire and have both Senate and People at your Mercy to do it now wou'd strike all Detraction dumb and make future Ages stand amaz'd at the Greatness of your Temper Mecoenas on the other side declar'd his Thoughts after this Manner Be not deceiv'd most noble Prince with the specious Shew of Words and Names but since just Heaven has ordain'd you a Father as well as a Master of your Country rather hearken to her real Wants and Necessities than to the fallacious Clamours of the Rabble who like Children cry for what wou'd prove their Ruine Our Republick is a Ship fraught with Multitudes of various Nations and destitute of a Pilot which for many Years has been miserably toss'd and shatter'd and is now ready to be cast away without your relieving Hand to save it In former times indeed this thriving Empire did not seem to want a Monarch but is is now grown too vast and unwieldy to subsist without one Formerly the Strictness of the Roman Discipline and Morality and the Fears of rival Nations kept the Common-wealth from sinking Yet in those pure Times what Commotions in State what Revolutions in Government what Divisions and Distractions were occasion'd by the Tribunes Rage and Peoples Madness Camillus Rome's second Founder and Scipio that Scourge of Carthage were disgrac'd and the great Coriolanus banish'd only because their Worth alone had lifted 'em above the ordinary Pitch of Subjects But then to mention all the numerous Troubles and dreadful Miseries of these latter Times were to revive our Sorrows which you in a great Measure have allay'd and since by your Means your Country has recover'd some of her Spirits it is your Duty to establish her in perfect Health which can be no Ways done but by retaining the Empire And this Advice is not only for the good of your Country but also for the Security of your Person for the resigning of your Authority wou'd be the Parting with your Safety Pompey was contemn'd after the Disbanding of his Army at Brundusium and tho' your Uncle Julius fell it was not for retaining his Power but for grasping of it too strongly which you know better how to manage In the gaining of an Empire there is no Medium between the Death of an Enemy and the Life of a Prince and since you have already gone so far you must either resolve to be Greatest in the State or Least among the People to be Caesar or Nothing Octavius thank'd 'em both for their friendly
Antonius Marcus Antiochian War or the War with Antiochus King of Syria 221 to 224 Antonius Caius the Consul defeats Cataline 288 Antonius Marcus his management in relation to Julius Caesar ' s Death 375 to 378. His Attempts of raising himself 379 380 381. Is beaten at Mutina 382. He joins in the second Triumvirate 384 385. His Acts against B●utus and Cassius 391 392. His Eastern Iourney 396 397. Falls in love with Cleopatra 399. His luxurious and prodigal Life with her 403 404 416 to 419. His Marriage with Octavia 405. His ill Success against the Parthians 414. Falls out with Octavius 417 c. He challengeth Octavius twice 421 429. Is beaten by him at Actium 424 425. Treats with Octavius 427. His Dispair Death and Character 430 431 432 Antonius Lucius his Brother raises a War against Octavius and is worsted 401 402 403 Appius one of the Decemvirate his ambitius Design 111 112. His Tyranny Lust and Death 116 to 119 Archimedes his famous Works and Death 209 Aristobulus King of Judaea conquer'd by Pompey 282 283 Augustus Caesar See Octavius Authors See Writers B. Battels the principal were at Actium 423 424 425. At Allia 137. At Cannae 205 206. At Dyrrachium 339 340. At Munda 363 364. At Pha●salia 343 to 348. At Philippi 392 393. At Trebia 200 201. At Thrasymene 202. At Regillus 76 77. At Zama 216 217 Brutus Decimus one of the Conspirators with M. Brutus against Julius Caesar his Actions and Death 381 382 Brutus Lucius Junius his Politick Designs 49 50. He everthrows the Kingdom of Rome 52 to 55. Causes the Execution of his owns Sons 62 63. His Death Brutus Marcus joins with Pompey 332. Together with Cassius conspires against Julius Caesar and kills him 370 to 373. His and Cassius ' s Success in the East 389 390. Sees a Ghost and his Discourse with Cassius concerning it 390 391. Another Discourse with him before the Battel at Philippi 391 392. Both their Defeats and Deaths 392 393 394 C. Caesar See both Julius and Octavius Calpurnia Wife to Julius Caesar her Dream 372 Calpurnius Flemma his great Valour 185 Camillus Furius takes the City of Veii 132 133. His extraordinary Generosity at Falerii 134. His Banishment 135. He saves his Country 141 142. His after Acts both at home and abroad 142 to 149 Capitolinus See Manlius Capitolinus Carthaginian War See Punick War Cassius the Consul his Ambitious Designs and Death 95 96 Cassius the Praetor surrenders his Fleet to Julius Caesar 350. For his other Actions See Brutus Marcus Cataline his Conspiracy against the State 283 284. Is repremanded by Cicero and leaves the City 285. Is defeated and slain 288 Cato Porcius the Elder his Behaviour towards the Women and his Soldiers 221. And towards Scipio Africanus 225. His great Enmity to Carthage 230 Cato Porcius the younger his Grandson his Management in Cataline ' s Conspiracy 287 288. Opposes Pompey 291. And Julius Caesar 292. His Opinion concerning Bribery 296. He is sent from Rome by Clodius ' s means 300. His nice Advice in Pompey ' s Camp 332 333. His remarkable Death 358 359 Caudium the dishonourable Treaty and its Effects 164 165 Cicero the renown'd Orator procures Pompey his first great Authority 277. His skilful Management in Cataline ' s Conspiracy 284 to 288. His Banishment 299 300. His Restoration 303 304. Pleads for Milo in vain 314. Desires a Triumph without success 319 320. Procures Anthony to be declar'd Enemy to the State 381. His Death by the second Triumvirate and Character 385 386 Cimbrian War 251 252 Cincinnatus Quintius is chosen Consul and Dictator both times from the Plow 105 106 Cinna the Consul joins with Marius and acts in the first Civil War 259 c. His Death 263 Cisalpine-Gallick War 195 196 Civil War the first between Marius and Sylla 258 to 271. The second between Julius Caesar and Pompey 321 to 348. Continu'd by Cato and Pompey ' s Sons 357 to 364. The third between the second Triumvirate and Brutus and Cassius 389 to 394. The fourth between Octavius Caesar and M. Anthony 420 to 432 Clelia her great Bravery 68 69 Cleopatra Queen of Aegypt her Enterview with Julius Caesar 352. The Favours she receiv'd from him 355. Her Character and famous Enterview with M. Anthony 397 398 399. Her Management of him 403 404 415. Her Prodigality 416 417. Her great Designs 425 426. Treats with Octavius 427. She retires to the Temple of Isis 428. Her Carriage towards Octavius 434 435. Her Lamentations over Anthony ' s Tomb and Death 436 437 Clodius his Attempts upon Julius Caesar ' s Wife 289. His Tribuneship 298 299 300. The Disturbances rais'd by him 303 304. His Death by Milo 358 359 Coecles Horatius his extraordinary Valour 67 Commanders See Generals Coriolanus Marcius his great Valour 86 87. His Behaviour exasperates the People 88. His Tryal and Banishment 89 90. Turns against his Country with great Success 91 92 93. Is persuaded by his Mother to desist and is afterwards slain 94 Corvus or Corvinus see Valerius Corvus Crassus his suppression of Spartacus 272. He joins in the first Triumvirate 293. Gains the Consulship with Pompey by Force 305. His Eastern Expedition Overthrow and Death 311 312 Curiatii see Horatii and Curiatii Curio his serviceable Assistance to Julius Caesar 318 319. His Death 331 Curius Dentatus overthrows Pyrrhus 177 178 Cursor see Papirius Cursor Curtius his incredible Bravery 150 D. Decimus Brutus see Brutus Decimus Decius Mus his dying for his Country 158 Decius Mus his Son his same Practice 168 Dentatus see Curius Dentatus and Siccius Dentatus Drusus his unfortunate Attempts and Death 254 F. Fabii their Generosity Valour and Destruction 98 99 Fabius Maximus his cautious Proceedings against Hannibal 203 204 205 Fabricius his great steadiness and Generosity 173 174 175 Flemma see Calpurnius Flemma Fulvia M. Anthony ' s Wife her Hatred to Cicero 386. Raises a Civil War against Octavius 401. Her Death 405 G. Generals or Commanders the principal were Romulus Tullus Hostilius Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus Coriolanus Cincinnatus Camillus Manlius Papirius Cursor and Curius Dentatus among the Ancient Romans Among the later were Fabius Maximus Marcellus Scipio the Greater Scipio the Less Aemilius Paulus Marius Sylla Sertorius Lucullus Pompey Julius Caesar and M. Anthony Gracchus the Elder or Tiberius his Laws Seditious Attempts and Death 237 to 240 Gracchus the Younger or Caius his many Attempts and Alterations in the State and Death 241 to 246 Gauls their principal Wars with the Romans 135 to 142 H. Hannibal the Carthaginian General his March over the Alps 199 200. Beats the Romans at Ticenum and at Trebia 200 201. At Thrasymene 202 203. And at Cannae 205 206. He declines 207 to 213. Is intirely beaten by Scipio 216 217. His after Acts 222 223. His Death and Reflections upon the Romans 226 Herod King of Judaea his Submission to Octavius and cruelty to his Wife 426 427 Hersilia her generous
Bible in Fleetstreet near Temple-Bar A New Description of Paris containing a particular Account of all the Churches Palaces Monasteris Colleges Hospitals Libraries Cabinets of Rarities Accademies of the Vertuosi Paintings Medals Statues and other Sculptures Monuments and Publick Inscriptions with all other remarkable Matters in that great and famous City Translated out of French The Second Edition to which is added a Map of Paris Country Conversations Being an Account of some Discourses which happen'd in a Visit to the Country last Summer on divers Subjects chiefly of the modern Comedies of Drinking of Translated Verses of Painting and Painters of Poets and Poetry Letters of Religion and Vertue to several Gentlemen and Ladies to excite Piety and Devotion with some short Reflections on divers Subjects A Guide to the Devout Christian. In Three Parts A Guide to Repentance Or the Character and Behaviour of the Devout Christian in Retirement Both these by I. Inett M. A. 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To which is annex'd a Table of 10000 Logarithms Log-Sines and Log-Tangents Illustrated with several Mathematical Sculptures on Copper Plates By Iohn Taylor Gen● A New Method of Fortification by Monsieur Vauhan Engineer-General of France Made English with Cutts The Second Edition To which are added exact Draughts of Dunkirk Maestricht Charleror Aeth and Mayence Xenophon's History of the Affairs of Greece In Seven Books Being a Continuation of the Peloponesian War from the time where Th●cidi●es ends to the Battel at Montinica As also his Life of Cyrus the Great Translated from the Greek by F. Digby late of Queen's-Colledge and Mr. Iohn Norris Fellow of All-Souls College Oxford In Two Volumes 8vo Printed for M. Gillyflower and VV. Freeman Old 〈◊〉 Latini Iupiter Indiges Iulii Tiber. Aventine New Latium A. M. 3209. Manipulares A. M. 3251. Pomaerium U. C. 1. King Tribe 〈◊〉 Decuria Comiti● Curiata Patritians Plebeians Patrons Clients Senate Patres Conscripti Presectus V●bis Celeres Tribunus Celerum Lictors U. C. 4. Opi●a Spolia Iupiter Feretrius U. C. 6. U. C. 12. Quirites Legions U. C. 18. U. C. 21. Nundin● Quirinus U. C. 38. Interrex U. C. 40. Ianus Pontifices Vestal Virgins Salii Feciales Pagus Mercedonius The Months U. C. 82. U. C. 41. Duumviri U. C. 85. U. C. 88. U. C. 115. U. C. 116. Feciales U. C. 117. U. C. 120. U. C. 127. U. C. 138. Patres minorum Gentium U. C. 139. U. C. 143. U. C. 153. Cloacae U. C. 176. U. C. 177. Classes Centuries Censi Comitia Centuriata Lustrum U. C. 187. Mancipia Pecunia U. C. 220. U. C. 223. U. C. 225. U. C. 232. U. C. 240. Capitol Sibyl's Books Quindecemviri U. C. 244. Rex Sacrorum U. C. 245. U. C. 245. Consuls Vindicta ●●sula Sacra U. C. 246. Quaestors U. C. 247. U. C. 249. Claudii Tribes encreas'd a second time U. C. 251. Ovation Triumph U. C. 252. U. C. 254. U. C. 255. Dic. i. U. C. 255. Magister Equitum Dic. ii U. C. 257. U. C. 258. Dic. iii. U. C. 259. Candidates U. C. 260. Tribuni Plebis U. C. 260. Aediles U. C. 261. U. C. 265. U. C. 266. U. C. 268. Lex Agraria U. C. 274. U. C. 276. U. C. 280. U. C. 282. Comitia Tributa U. C. 284. U. C. 293. Dic. iv U. C. 295. Iugum Tribunes en●reas'd U. C. 296. U. C. 297. U. C. 299. U. C. 302. Decemviri U. C. 303. The Twelve Tables Ius● Civil● Actiones Iuris Plebiscitum Ius Honorarium Senatus Consultum Principalis Constitutio Legatus U. C. 304. U. C. 309. U. C. 310. Tribuni Militum U. C. 311. Censors Dic. v. U. C. 314. Dic. vi U. C. 316. Dic. vii U. C. 318. Dic. viii U. C. 319. Dic. ix U. C. 322. Mil. Tribunes encreas'd U. C. 326. Dic. x. U. C. 327. Quaestors encreas'd U. C. 333. Dic. xi U. C. 335. Quaest. Plebeian U. C. 344. Dic. xii U. C. 345. ● C. 347. Mil. Tribunes encreas'd U. C. 348. Mil. Trib. Pleb U. C. 353. 〈◊〉 xiii U. C. 357. U. C. 36● U. C. 363. U. C. 364. U. C. 364. Dic. XIV U. C. 364. U. C. 365. Dic. xV. U. C. 366. Tribes encreas'd a third time U. C. 369. Dic. xvi U. C. 369. U. C. 372. Dic. xvii U. C. 373. U. C. 275. Dic. xviii U. C. 284. Dic. xix U. C. 285. Dic. xx U. C. 387. U. C. 388. Consul Pleb Military Tribunes put down Praetor Aediles cudules U. C. 389. Stage Plays first used U. C. 391. Die xxi U. C. 391. Dic. xxii U. C. 392. Dic. xxiii U. C. 393. Dic. xxiv U. C. 394. Dic. xxv U. C. 396. Tribes increas'd a fourth time Dic. Pleb xxvi U. C. 398. Dic. xxvii U. C. 401. Dic. xxviii U. C. 402. Dic. xxix U. C. 403. Censor Pleb Dic. xxx U. C. 404. Dic. xxxi U. C. 405. Dic. xxxii U. C. 408. Die xxxiii U. C. 409. U. C. 410. Dic. xxxiv U. C. 411. Dic. xxxv U. C. 413. Dic. xxxvi U. C. 414. Rostra Praetor Pleb U. C. 416. Dic. xxxvii U. C. 418. Dic. xxxviii U. C. 421. Tribe● encreas'd a fifth time Dic. xxxix U. C. 422. U. C. 424. Dic. xl U. C. 428. Dic. xli U. C. 431. Dic. xlii U. C. 432. Tribes encreas'd a sixth tim●● U. C. 436. Dic. xliii U. C. 437. Dic. xliv U. C. 438. Dic. xlv U. C. 439. Dic. xlvi U. C. 440. Dic. xlvii U. C. 441. Dic. xlviii U. C. 443. Dic. xlix U. C. 447. U. C. 449. Dic. 〈◊〉 U. C. 451. Dic. li. U. C. 452. Tribes encreas'd a seventh ●ime U. C. 454. U. C. 462. Triumviri capitales Dic. lii U. C. 467. U. C. 472. U. C. 473. U. C. 474. Dic. 〈◊〉 U. C. 477. U. C. 480. U. C. 484. Quae. encreas'd U. C. 489. U. C. 489. Dic. liv U. C. 490. Dic. lv U. C. 496. U. C. 497. U. C. 〈◊〉 Dic. lvi U. C. 504. Dic. lvii U. C. 50. U. C. 51● Tribes encreas'd the last time U. C. 514. First Trajedies and Comedies in Rome Ludi Saculares Dic. lviii U. C. 522. Praet encreas'd U. C. 527. U. C. 529. Dic. lix U. C. 350. U. C. 532. U. C. 534. U. C. 536. U. C. 537. Dic. lx U. C. 537. Dic. lxi U. C. 538. Dic. lxii U. C. 538. Dic. lxiii U. C. 539. Dic. lxiv. U. C. 541. U. C. 542. Dic. lxv U. C. 544. Dic. lxvi U. C. 546. Dic. lxvii U. C. 547. U. C. 548. Dic. lxviii U. C. 549. Dic. lxix U. C. 551. Dic. lxx U. C. 552. U. C. 553. Pr●●● encreas'd U. C. 556. U. C. 559. U. C. 53● U. C. 565. U. C. 571. U. C. 583. U. C. 586. U. C. 604. U. C. 608. U. C. 609. U. C. 621. U. C. 625. Equites Publican●s U. C. 631. U. C. 634. U. C. 643. U. C. 650. U. C. 654. U. C. 663. U. C. 666. U. C. 670. Dic. lxxi Perpetual U. C. 672. U. C. 680. U. C. 684. U. ● 65● U. C. 688. U. C. 68● U. C. 692. U. C. 694. The First Triumvirate U. C. ●95 U. C. 666. U. C. 698. U. C. 699. U. C. 700. U. C. 701. U. C. 702. U. C. 705. Dic. lxxi U. C. 706. U. C. 706 Dic lxxiii Annual U. C. 707. U. C. 708. Dic. lxxiv Annual U. C. 709. Dic. lxxv Perpetual U. C. 709. Imperator 16 Praetors 40 Quaestors 900 Senaors 6 Aediles U. C. 710. U. C. 710. U. C. 711. The Second Triumvirate U. C. 712. U. C. 712. U. C. 713. U. C. 714. U. C. 716. U. C. 718. U. C. 719. U. C. 720. U. C. 722. U. C. 723. U. C. 724. U. C. 724. U. C. 725. 1000 Senators U. C. 726. U. C. 727. Palatium Augustus
Note among the Volsci of a Magnanimous Spirit and a Violent Enemy of the Romans where throwing himself at his Feet he begg'd of him to Revenge his Countries Losses by his Death or his own Wrongs by Rome ' s Destruction which by her unnatural Carriage towards him had now forfeited all that Duty and Service she might have justly expected at his Hands Tullus most readily espous'd his Quarrel and by his Advice sent many of the Volsci to Rome upon pretence of seeing some Solemn Games at that time celebrated but with Design to make a Breach between the two Nations These Volsci procur'd a Person to go to the Consuls and accuse the Strangers of having some dangerous Design against the City which immediately occasion'd an Order from the Consuls That all Strangers shou'd depart by Sun-set This Order Tullus represented to his Country-men as a Breach of the Peace and so aggravated the Matter that he procur'd 'em to send to Rome to demand all the Towns and Territories which the Romans had taken from ' em The Senate receiv'd this Message with great Scorn telling them That if the Volsci were the first that took up Arms the Romans wou'd be the last that shou'd lay 'em down Upon which Answer the Volsci made all necessary Preparations for a War Coriolanus together with Tullus was made General of the Volsci and accordingly invaded the Roman Territories ravaging and laying Waste all such Lands as belong'd to the Plebeians but not suffering those of the Nobility to be injur'd in any part This rais'd new Commotions between the Nobility and Commons the former upbraiding the latter with Ingratitude to so considerable and deserving a Person and the latter charging the other with Treachery to their Country and saying It was by their Procurement that he invaded their Dominions Coriolanus returning with his Men richly laden with Booty was sent out soon after with the sole Command of half the Forces and taking Circaeum a Roman Colony he then fell upon the Latines who immediately sent to Rome for Succour but the Commons Averseness to the Wars and the approaching End of the present Consuls Office render'd their Message of no Effect But Coriolanus still proceeded with great Success taking Tolerium Lavici Pes and Bola all by Storm plundering them and making the Inhabitants Prisoners of War Such as yielded he treated mildly others he put to the Sword and the Volsci now so admir'd his extraordinary Courage and Conduct that they left their Towns bare flocking in great Numbers to him and owning him for their sole Commander At Rome there was nothing but Confusion and Despair and all the Peoples Satisfaction was by venting their Rage against one another but soon after when News was brought that Lavinium was invested the Commons all cry'd out That Coriolanus was to be restor'd and his Banishment repeal'd The Senate utterly refus'd to assent to this either out of Desire to oppose the People in all Things or out of Scorn to have his Restoration ascrib'd to the Commons or else out of a just Indignation against Coriolanus who was now become an open Enemy to all his Country in general Coriolanus understanding the Dissentions of the City immediately rose up from before Lavinium and advancing towards Rome Encamp'd at Clulius's Ditch five Miles from the City This struck the Romans with such a Terror that now both Senate and People unanimously agreed to send Ambassadors to him with Proposals of Restoration The Ambassadors behav'd themselves with all possible Respect notwithstanding which and their being Patritians and his Choicest Friends he receiv'd 'em with all the Sternness and Severity of a most Injur'd Person and in a Council of War made Answer That if they hop'd for Peace they must immediately restore all the Towns and Territories taken from the Volsci and make 'em Free of the City as the Latines were and for that he wou'd give 'em thirty Days to consider of it And this he spoke as he was General of the Volsci and not as he was a Roman ungratefully us'd and barbarously treated by his own Country-men This Space of Time he employ'd in subduing Seven great and strong Towns and at the end of it another Ambassy was dispatch'd to him declaring That they were still Romans and that neither Constraint nor Fear shou'd influence their Souls to stoop to any Thing that is Base but desir'd him to draw off his Troops and consult in Common And that if he thought the Volsci were to be gratifi'd they wou'd yield to him provided they wou'd lay down their Arms. Coriolanus a little more moderate repli'd That now he behav'd himself not as General of the Volsci but as a Roman Citezen and desir'd that having a Respect to Interest and Moderation they wou'd return in three Days with a Grant of his former Demands or else he must proceed in his Enterprize The Senate being reduc'd to this Extremity their Courages began to fail 'em and as their last Remedy order'd all the Pontifices Priests Governours of Religious Houses and Augurs all in their proper Ornaments and Habits to go in Solemn Procession and humbly to beg for an Accommodation But this Pompous Train with all their earnest Prayers and Supplications did not in the least move Coriolanus he still insisting That they shou'd either accept of his Proposals or else they must expect the utmost Severity of War and Bloodshed Upon the Return of the Priests the whole City was full of Tumults Trembling and Amazement the Men running in Disorder to the Walls and the Women in Confusion to the Temples especially to that of Iupiter in the Capitol Among which was Valeria Poplicola's Sister who put 'em in mind of going to Veturia Coriolanus's Mother with his Wife Volumnia to get them to intercede for their Country Veturia was very ready to undertake so pious a Work tho' with little hopes of succeeding and thereupon set forward accompani'd with many of these Ladies her Daughter-in-Law and her two Grand-Children Coriolanus discovering this Mournful Company fully resolv'd to give 'em a Denial but perceiving his Mother among 'em immediately descended from his Tribunal and went to meet her courteously receiving her with his Wife and Children and carefully listning to her Petition which she urg'd with all the Skill and Rhetorick she cou'd from the Consideration of the impending Ruine of his Country and of the certain infamy which he wou'd incur if Victorious and the unavoidable Dishonour he wou'd receive if he were Successless in his Attempts But this not prevailing she put him in mind How much the Sacred Ties of Nature and Religion together with her most tender Education of him in her Widowhood had ingag'd him to Obedience or at least to a Compliance Declaring likewise That he shou'd not stir one Foot towards the treading down of his Country without first trampling upon the dead Body of her who brought him into the World And in Conclusion with his Wife and Children cast her self at