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A29737 A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight. Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. 1643 (1643) Wing B501; ESTC R4846 871,115 630

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was of Body leane and spare yet of great strength of statu●e somewhat higher than the common sort his Eyes gray his Teeth single his Haire thinne of a faire complexion and pleasing countenance Concerning his Conditions ●e had in him the virtue of a Prince and of a private man affable yet reserved We might say he was Politick if not rather that he was Wise for though he used 〈◊〉 of Cunning sometimes yet solid Circumspection more He loved not Warre but in case of necessity alwayes Peace but with conditions of Honour Never ●●y Prince was lesse addicted to bodily pleasures of any kinde than he Three pleasures he had but in three Cares One for Safety another for Honour and the third for Wealth in all which hee attained his end His great respect of the Church was seen by his great imployment of Church-men for through the hands of Bishop Morton Bishop Foxe and his Chaplaine Vrswick the greatest part of all his great negotiation passed He was Frugall from his youth not Covetous till ancient and sickly and therefore what defect he had in that kinde must be attributed to age and weaknesse This City of London was his Paradise for what good fortune 〈◊〉 befell him he thought he enjoyed it not till he acquainted them with it His Parliament was his Oracle for in all matters of importance he would aske their advice and he put his very Prerogative sometimes into their hands He was no great lover of women yet all his great fortune both Precedent and Subsequent came by women His own title to the Crown was by a woman His Confirmation in the Crown was by a woman His Transmission of the Crowne to his Posterity was by a woman The first by the Lady Margaret descended from Ioh● of Gaunt the second by the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter of King Edward the fourth the third by the Lady Margaret eldest Daughter of himselfe King of England and maried to Iames the Fourth King of Scotland by meanes whereof as he was the Prince that joyned the two Roses in one so he was the Founder of joyning the two Kingdomes in one And lastly it may be said of him as was said by one of August●● Caesar Hic ●ir hic est ti●i quem promitti saepius audis for Cadwalloder last king of the Britaines seven hundred yeeres before had Prophesied of him and of later time King He●ry the Sixth plainly fore-shewed him Of his Death and Buriall IN the two and twentieth yeer of his Reigne he began to be troubled with the Goute but a Defluction also taking into his Breast wasted his Lungs so that thrice in a yeer and specially in the Spring he had great fits and labours of the Tissick which brought him to his end at his Palace of Richmond on the two and twentieth day of April in the yeer of 1508. when he had lived two and fifty yeers Reigned three and twenty and eight moneths Being dead and all things necessary for his Funerall prepared his Corps was brought out of his Privy Chamber into the great Chamber where it rested three dayes and every day had there a Dirge and Masse sung by a Plelate Mitred and from thence it was conveyed into the Hall wherein it remained also three dayes and had a like service there and so three daies in the Chappell Upon Wednesday the nineth of May the Corps was put into a Chariot and over the Corpes was a Picture of the late King laid on Cushions of Gold and the Picture was apparelled in the Kings rich Robes with a Crown on the head and a Ball and Scepter in the hands when the Chariot was thus ordered the Kings Chappell and a great number of Prelates set forward praying then followed all the kings Servants in Black then followed the Chariot and after the Chariot nine Mourners and on every side were carried Torches to the number of six hundred and in this order they came from Richmond to St. Georges field where there met with it all the Priests and Religious men within the City and without the Major and Aldermen with many Commoners all cloathed in Blacke met with the Corpes at London-bridge and so the Chariot was brought throught the City to the Cathedrall of St. Paul where the Body was taken out and carried into the Quire and set under a goodly Hearse of Wax where after a solemne Masse was made a Sermon by the Bishop of Rochester The next day the Corps in like manner was removed to Westminster Sir Edward Haword bearing the kings Banner In Westminster was a curious Hearse full of lights which were lighted at the comming of the Corps and then was the Corpes taken out of the Chariot by six Lords and set under the Hearse which was double railed when the Mourners were set Gart●r king at Armes cryed For the Soule of the Noble Prince king Henry the seventh late king of this Realme The next day were three Masses solemnly sung by Bishops and after the Masses was offered the kings Banner and Courser his Coat of Arms his Sword his Target and his Helm and at the end of the Masse the Mourners offered up rich Palls of Choath of Gold and Bodkin and when the Quire sang Liber● me the Body was put into the Earth then the Lord Treasurer Lord Steward Lord Chamberlaine the Treasurer and Comptroller of the kings houshold brake their Staves and cast them into the Grave Then Gartar cryed with a loud voice Vive le ●oy Henry le ●●itiesme Roy d'Angleterre de France syre d' Irlande and thus ended the Funerall Of men of Note in his time OF Men of Valour and Armes they are to be seene in the History of this Kings Reigne For men of letters in his time of forreigners were Sancts Pagui●●s a great Hebrician Leonicenus Gattinaria Cabellus and Optatus Phisitians Augustinus Niphus Iacobus Faber Stapulensis and Pighius Philosophers Bembus● and the famous Clerke Rheudin who restored againe the knowledge of the Hebrew Tongue Of our own Country there lived in his time George Rippley a Carmelite Frier of Boston who wrote divers Treatises in the Mathematicks and after his death was accounted a Necromancer Iohn Erghom borne in Yorke a Black-Frier studious in Prophesies as by the Title of the workes he wrote may appeare Thomas Mallorie a Welshman who wrote of King Arthur and of the round Table Iohn Rouse borne in Warwickshire a diligent searcher of Antiquities and wrote divers Treatises of Historicall Argument Thomas Scroope sirnamed Bradley of the Noble family of the Scroopes entred into divers orders of Religion and after withdrew himselfe to his house where for twenty yeeres he lived the life of an Anchorite and after comming abroad againe was made a Bishop in Ireland and went to the Rhodes in Ambassage from whence being returned he went bare-footed up and downe in N●rfolk teaching the ten Commandements and lived till neere a hundred yeeres old Iohn Ton●eys an Augustine Frier in Norwich who
Arthur whose Raigne is so uncertaine that some say he raigned onely two some three yeares some againe thirty and some three and thirty After Conanus succeeded Vortiporus who after many victories against the Saxons and foure yeares Raigne died After whom succeeded Malgo Conanus and Raigned six yeares After him Careticus who setting upon the Saxons and beaten ●led into the Towne of Chichester whereupon the Saxons catching certaine Sparrowes and fastning fire to their feete let them fly into the Towne where lighting upon ●traw and other matter apt to take fire the whole City in short space was burnt and thereupon Careticus flying secured himselfe amongst the Mountaines of Wales where he dyed after he had unprosperously Raigned three yeares and from that time forth the Britaines lost their whole Kingdome in the East part of the Island and were confined in the West by the rivers Severne and Dee After Careticus succeeded Cadwan who Raigned two and twenty yeares After him his sonne Cadwallo who Raigned eight and forty yeares and then died whose body was buried in St. Martins Church neere Ludgate and his Image of brasse placed upon the same gate for a terrour to the Saxons In his time the doctrine of Mahomet began to spread it selfe all the Easterne world over After Cadwallo succeeded his sonne Cadwalladar in whose time so great a Famine and afterward Mortality hapned continuing eleven yeares that the Land became in a manner desolate in so much that the King and many of his Lords were driven to forsake their native Country and Cadwalladar himselfe went to his cousin Alan King of little Britaine in France At which time the Saxons taking advantage of his absence came over in swarmes and dispossessed the forlorne Britaines of all they had and divided the Land amongst themselves Whereupon Cadwalladar obtaining assistance of his cousin Alan was comming over to restraine their insolencies when making prayers to God for good successe an Angell appeared to him or at least to his seeming hee heard a voyce that forbad him the enterprise declaring that it was not Gods will the Britaines should rule this Land any longer and therefore bade him hie him to Rome and receive of Pope Sergius the habit of Religion wherein he should die and rest in peace Which accordingly he did and in him ended the blood of the British Kings in the yeare 689. So as Britaine now was no longer Brit●ine but a Colony of the Saxons And now is time to speake of the Heptarchy of the Saxons so much spoken of by all Writers● and to shew by what degrees the Britai●es lost and the Saxons got the whole possession of this Island for this Heptarchie or division of this Island into seven Kingdomes came not in all at once nor yet in an equall partition but some good distance of time one after another and as the Invadour had strength to expell the Natives The first Kingdome being of Kent THe first Kingdome of the Saxons began by Hengist in the yeare 455. containing all Kent and continued 372. yeares during the raignes of seventeene Kings of whom as many as performed any memorable Act shall be remembred and for the rest it will be no losse to passe them over in silence Of these seventeene Kings Ethelbert being the fifth was the first Saxon Christian King of this Island converted by Austin the Monke whom Pope Gregory sent hither to that purpose with forty others in the yeare 595. to whom King Ethelbert gave his chiefe City of Canterbury and his owne Royall Palace there made since the Cathedrall of that See withdrawing himselfe to Re●ulver in the Isle of Thanet where he erected a Palace for himselfe and his successors He gave him also an old Temple standing without the East wall of the City which he honoured with the name of St. Paneras and then added a Monastery to it and Dedicated it to St. Peter and Paul appointing it to be the place for the Kentish Kings Sepulchers But in regard of Austin the procurer both Pan●ras Peter and Paul were soone forgotten and it was and is to this day called St. Austines which Abbey St. Austin enriched with divers Reliques which he brought with him from Rome amongst which was a part of Christs seamelesse Coate and of Aarons Rodde This King after his owne conversion converted also Sebert King of the East Angles and assisted him in the building of the Cathedrall Church o● St. Paul London as also the Church of St. Peter on the West of London then called Thorny and himselfe at Rochester built the Cathedrall Church there which he Dedicated to the Apostle St. Andrew and dying when he had Raigned six and fifty yeares was buried at Canterbury And thus by this first Saxon Kingdome was all Kent lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was their first impairing and this happened in the Raigne of Ambrosius before spoken of The sixth King of Kent was Ethelbald who at first an Apostata was afterwards converted and built a Chappell within the Monastery of St. Peter and Paul at Canterbury The seventh King was Ercombert a vertuous and religious Prince who first commanded the observing of Lent and in his daies the Archbishop Honorius divided Kent into Parishes The eighth King was Egbert who obtained the kingdome by murthering his Nephews whose sister the Lady Dompnena founded the Abbey of Minster in Kent The eleventh King was Withred who founded the Priory of St. Merton at Dover The last was Baldred who overcome by Egbert King of the West Saxons left Kent a Province to that Kingdome in the yeare 827. The second Kingdome being of the South Saxons THe second Kingdome of the Heptarchie was of the South Saxons and began by Ella in the yeare 488. containing Sussex and Surrey and continued 113 yeares during the raigne of five Kings onely of whom Cissa being the second founded the City of Chichester and raigned as some say threescore and sixteene yeares And then Berthan being the last King was overcome by Ine King of the West Saxons and his Country became a Province to that Kingdome in the yeare 601. and thus as Kent before so now Sussex and Surrey were lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was a second impairing which also happened in the Raigne of the British King Ambrosius The third Kingdome being of the West Saxons THe third Kingdome of the Heptarchie was of the West Saxons and began by Cerdic in the yeare 519. containing Cornwall Devonshire Dorse●shire Somersetshire Wiltshire Hampshire and Barkeshire and continued 561. yeares during the Raignes of nineteene Kings of whom this Cerdic was the first in whose time Porth a Saxon landed in the West at a place from him called afterward Portesmouth and ayded Cerdic in his conquest And this happened in the Raigne of King Arthur and as Kent Sussex and Surrey before so now these seven other shires were lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was a third impairing The sixth King of the West
then Emperor in honour of whom in his owne Court hee ever placed her in a chaire of Estate with all other Majesticall complements of a Q●●ene contrary to the Law of the West Saxons formerly made which so much displeased his Lords that for it they were ready to Depose him but howsoever hee lived not long after having Raigned one and twenty yeares His yongest sonne Neoto was much addicted to learning and was one of the first Divinity Readers in the University of Oxford and Founded a Monastery in Cornwall which of him was called Neotestock and being dead his body was Interred in the County of Huntington at a place then called Arnulphsbury and afterward in regard of his Interment St. Neotes and now St. N●edes This King was famous for having foure sons who all of them were Kings of this Land successively First after him Raigned his eldest sonne Ethelbald in the yeare 857. who to his eternall shame tooke to wife Iudith his fathers widdow Raigned but two yeares and dying was buried at Shirborn in Dorsetshire at that time the Episcopal See From this Iudith married afterward to the Earle of Flanders after divers descents came Maude the wife of William the Conqueror from whom are descended all our Kings ever since Next to the eldest Raigned the second sonne Ethelbert all whose Raigne which was onely five yeares was perpetually disquieted with Invasions of the Danes which yet were at last repelled He died in the yeare 866. and was buried at Shirborne in Dorsetshire Next to the second Raigned his third sonne Ethelred whose Raigne was more disquieted with the Danes then any others before for they Invading the Land under the leading of Hungar and Hubba spoyled all the Country as they went not sparing Religious places amongst other the goodly Monasteries of Bradney Crowland Peterborough Ely and Huntington they laid levell with the ground the Monkes and Nunnes they murthered or ravished at which time a rare example of Chastity and Fortitude was seene in the Nunnes of Coldingham For to avoyd the ba●barous pollutions of these Pagans they deformed themselves by cutting off their upper lips and noses Nine battailes in one yeare this King fought with the Danes in most o● them victorious but at last received a wound whereof he died and was buried in the Church at Winborne in Dorsetshire Next to the third Raigned his fourth son Alfred in whose time came over greater swarmes of Danes then ever before and had now got footing in the North the West South parts of this Island leaving this King nothing of all his great Monarchy but only Somerset Hampton and Wiltshire and not these neither altogether free so as he was forced sometimes to flie into the Fennes and Marish grounds to secure himselfe where he lived by Fishing and Fowling and hunting of wilde beasts till at last learning policy from adversity and gathering courage from misery hee ventured in the habit of a common Minstrell to enter the Danes Campe where having viewed the manner of their Encamping and observed their security he returned backe shewing his Lords in what condition he found them whereupon setting upon them at unawares he not onely made of them a great slaughter but brought upon them a greater terrour for presently upon this the Danes sue for Peace and deliver Hostages for performance of these Conditions that their King should receive Baptisme and their great Army depart quietly out of the Land But though upon this agreement they departed for the present into France yet the yeare following they returned with greater Forces forraging all parts of the Countrey in most cruell manner though still encountred by this Valorous Prince till hee ended his life in the yeare 901. after he had Raigned nine and twenty yeares The vertues of this King if they were not incredible they were at least admirable whereof these may be instances The day and night containing foure and twenty houres he designed equally to three speciall uses observing them by the burning of a Taper set in his Chappell there being at that time no other way of distinguishing them Eight houres he spent in Contemplation Reading and Prayers Eight in provision for himselfe his Health and Recreation and the other eight in the Affaires of the Common-wealth and State His Kingdome likewise he divided into Shires Hundreds and Tythings ordaining that no man might remove out of his Hundred without security by which course he so suppressed Theeves and Robbers which had formerly encreased by the long warres that it is said a boy or girle might openly carry a bag of gold or silver and carry it safely all the Country over Besid●s his great Piety he was also learned and ●s farre as it may be a commendation in a Prince a skilfull Musitian and an excellent Poet. All former Lawes hee caused to be survayed and made choyce of the best which hee translated into the English tongue as also the Pastorall of St. Gregorie the History of Bede and Boetius his consolation of Philosophie the Psalmes of David likewise he began to translate but died before he could finish it And so great a love he had to learning that he made a Law that all Freemen of the Kingdome possessing two Hides of land should bring up their sonnes in learning till they were fifteene yeares of age at least that so they might be trained to know God to be men of understanding and to live happily His buildings were many both for Gods service and for other publike use as at Edlingsey a Monastery at Winchester a new Minster and at Shaftesb●ry a house of Nunnes whereof he made his daughter Ethelgeda the Abbesse but his Foundation of the University of Oxford exceeded all the rest which he began in the yeare 895. and to furnish it with able Scholars drew thither out of France Grimbaldus and Scotus and out of Wales Asser who wrote his life whose Lectures he honoured often with his owne presence And for a stocke of Frugality he made a Survey of the Kingdome and had all the particulars of his Estate registred in a Booke which he kept in his Treasury at Winchester He Raigned seven and twenty yeares and dying was buryed in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Peter at Winchester though removed afterward into the Church of the new Monastery without the North-gate of the City called Hyde His Wife Elsewith Founded a Monastery of Nunnes at Winchester and was there buryed Their second daughter Ethelgeda tooke upon her the Vow of Virginity and by her Fathers appointment was made a Nunne of Shaftesbery in the County of Dorset in the Monastery ●ounded there by him who is also accounted the Founder of the Towne it selfe King Alfred being deceased his sonne Edward called Edward the Elder succeeded not so learned as his Father but in Valour his Equall and Superiour in Fortune For first he overcame his Cousin Ethelwald who aspired to the Crowne then the Danes whose chiefe leader he ●lew in battaile lastly the Welsh
landed at Gainsborough to whom the Northumbrians and the people of Lindsey yeelded themselves So that now over all the North from Watlingstreete he Raigned sole King and exacted pledges of them for their further obedience From the North he passed into the South subduing all before him till he came to London where he was so valiantly encountred by the Londoners that he was glad to retire in which retyring notwithstanding he entred Bathe where Ethelmore Earle of Devonshire with his Westerne people submitted himselfe to him Yet after this betweene him and the English was strucke a fierce battaile which had beene with good successe if the treachery of some in turning to the Danes had not hindered it After this the Danes proceeded on victoriously and had gotten most part of the Land and even London also by submission whereupon the unfortunate King Ethelred sending his Wife Emma with her two sonnes Edward and Alfred to her Brother Duke of Normandy himselfe also the Winter following passed thither leaving the Danes Lording it in his Realme Sweyne now as an absolute King extorted from the English both Victuals and Pay for his Souldiers and demanding such a Composition for preserving of Saint Edmunds Monastery in Suffolke as the Inhabitants were not able and therefore refused to pay he thereupon threatned spoyle both to the Place and to the Martyrs bones there interred when suddenly in the middest of his jollity saith Hoveden he cryed out that he was strucke by Saint Edmund with a sword being then in the midst of his Lords and no man seeing from whose hand it came and so with great horrour and torment three dayes af●er upon the third of February he ended his life at Thetford or as others say at Gaynsborough And now who would not thinke but this was a faire opportunity offered to the English to free themselves wholly from the Danish yoke but when all was don● either crossed by treachery or frustrated by misfortune nothing prospered I● is true upon this occasion of Sweynes death King Ethelred returned out of Normandy but at his comming Canutus the sonne o Sweyne had gotten the peopl● of Lindsey to be at his devotion and to find him both Horse and Men against their owne King so as Ethelred was now to encounter as well his owne Subjects● as the Danes which he did so valiantly that he made Canutus glad to returne into Denmarke as utterly hopelesse of any good to be done in England And now one would certainely thinke the Danes had beene removed Roote and Branch out of England and never like to trouble the Land any more and indeed there was all the appearance of probability for it that could be But it is a true saying That which will be shall be let all be done that can be For now Turkill the Dane who had before revolted to King Ethelred growing sensible of his fault which was this or no way to be redeemed and tender of his Countrymens case which was now or never to be helpt with nine of his Ships sailed into Denmarke and first excusing himselfe to Canutus for his former defection as though he had done it of purpose to learne all advantages against the English which now he could discover to him he so prevailed with Canutus once againe to try his fortune that with a Navy of two hundred Ships he set saile for England and landed at Sandwich where he gave the English a great overthrow and passed victoriously through the Counties of Dorset Somerset and Wilts When Ethelred lying dangerously sicke at Cossam the managing of the Warre was committed to Prince Edmund his sonne who preparing to give the Danes battaile had suddenly notice given him that his Brother in Law Edricke meant to betray him into his Enemies hands which made him suspend his proceeding and Edricke perceiving his designe to be discovered cast off the masque and with forty of the Kings ships fled openly to the Enemy and thereupon all the West Countries submitted themselves unto Canutus By this time King Ethelred having recovered his sicknesse prepared to goe on with the Battaile which his sonne Edmund had intended but his Forces being assembled he likewise had suddenly notice given him that his Subjects meant to betray him to the Danes Hereupon he withdrew himselfe to London as the place in which he most confided where falling into a relapse of his former sicknes he ended his unfortunate dayes in the yeare 1016. when he had Raigned 37. yeares and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul whose bones as yet remaine in the North wall of the Chancell in a chest of gray Marble adjoyning to that of Sebba King of the East Saxons He had by his two Wives eight Sonnes and foure Daughters of whom his youngest named Goda was marryed to one Walter de Maigne a Nobleman of Normandy by whom she had a sonne named Rodolph which Rodolph had a sonne named Harold created afterward by King William the Conquerour Baron of Sudeley in the County of Glocester and Ancestor to the Barons of that place succeeding and of the Lord Chandowes of Sudeley now being Ethelred being dead his third sonne Edmund called Ironside of his ability in enduring labour but the eldest living at his fathers death succeeded and was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Levingus Archbishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1016. A great part of the English both feared and favoured and indeed out of feare favoured Canutus especially the Clergy who at Southampton ordained him their King and sware Feaalty to him but the Londoners stood firme to Prince Edmund and were the principall authors of his Election Canutus before the death of King Ethelred had besieged the City and now with a large Trench encompassed it but the new King Edmund comming on raised the siege and made Canutus flie to the Isle of Sheppey where having stayed the winter the Spring following he assayled the West of England and at Penham in Dorse●shire a battaile was fought and the Danes discomfitted After this in Worc●stershire at a place called Sherostan another battaile was fought where the Danes were like againe to be discomfited but the traiterous Edrick perceiving it he cut off the head of a souldier like unto King Edm●nd both in haire and countenance and shaking his bloody sword with the gasping head cried to the Army of the English Fly ye wretches flie get away for your King is slain behold here is his head but King Edmund having notice of this treacherous stratagem hasted to shew himself where he might best be seen whose sight so encouraged his men that they had gotten that day a finall Victory if night had not prevented them Duke Edrick excused his fact as being mistaken in the countenance of the man and desirous to save the blood of the English upon which false colour hee was received into favour againe After this Canutus secretly in the night brake up his Campe and marched towards London which in a sort was
not succoured within three dayes then to surrender it King Henry hearing of this agreement promiseth to succour them by that day But here King Lewis useth a trick gets that by fraud which he could not doe by force for he sends to King Henry that if he were willing to have peace with his sonnes he should meet him at a place appointed at such a time and he doubted not to effect it King Henry glad of such an offer and with that gladnesse perhaps blinded and not suspecting any deceit promiseth to meete and comming to the place at the day which was the day he should have succoured Vernoill he stayed there all day looking for King Lewis comming who instead of comming sent word to Vernoill that King Henry was defeated and therefore their hope of succour was in vaine whereupon the Citizens thinking it to be so indeed because he came not according to his promise surrendred the Towne which King Lewis finding himselfe unable to hold set it on fire and so departed But King Henry when he perceived the fraud followed him with his Army and tooke a bloody revenge of his fraud with the slaughter of many of his men At the same time also King Henries forces encountred Hugh Earle of Chester and Robert Fulger who had taken Dole in Britaine tooke them prisoners and brought them to King Henry and about the same time likewise in England Robert Earle of Leycester thinking to surprise Raynold Earle of Cornwall and Richard Lacy King Henries Generals at unawares was himselfe by them overthrowne and the Towne of Leycester taken which onely the site of the place defended from being battered to the ground Robert Earle of Leycester being thus defeated● passeth over into France and being supplied by King Lewis with greater forces then before is together with Hugh Bigot sent backe into England to draw the Countrey to Henry the sonnes party who at first assault take Norwich and then setting downe before Bury they are in a great battell by Richard Lacy and other of King Henries Captaines overthrowne with the slaughter of tenne thousand men and as many taken prisoners amongst whom Earle Robert himselfe Yet were not Roger Mawbray and Hugh Bigot so daunted with this overthrow but that together with David the King of Sco●s brother they gather new forces and invade Northumberland and Yorkshire when Robert Scoccee Ralph Granula William Vesci and Barnard Bayliol of whom Baynards Castle in London first tooke the name Knights of those parts as●emble together and fighting a great battell with them overthrew them and tooke the King of Sco●s prisoner with many others Yet is not Hugh Bigot daunted with this neither but gathers new forces and takes Norwich and Robert Ferris Nottingham the newes whereof when King Henry the sonne heard he recovered new spirits and obtaining new assistance from King Lewis prepares himselfe afresh for warre which King Henry the Father hearing returnes speedily into England and to appease Saint Thomas Beckets Ghost goes to visit his Tombe and there askes him forgivenesse This done he goes into Suffolke and at Framingham Castle which belonged to Hugh Bigot stayes with his Army when suddenly moved by what instinct no man knowes unlesse the appeasing of Saint Thomas Ghost did worke it both Hugh Bigot delivers up his Castle into King Henries hands and likewise Roger Mawbray Robert Ferris and many others of that party come voluntarily in and submit themselves to the Kings mercy Hereupon King Henry returnes to London about which time he committed his wife Queene Eleanor to prison for her practises against him In the meane time King Lewis understanding that Normandy was but weakly guarded together with his sonne the young King Henry and Philip Earle of Flaunders he besiegeth Roan which the Kings forces valiantly defended till he came himselfe in person and thereupon King Lewis despairing of any good to be do●e sends messengers to King Henry for a truce and appointed a day to meete at Gysors where he doubted not to make a reconcilement betweene his sons and him K. Henry agreed willingly but of the meeting nothing was done It seemes it was but one of King Lewis his old tricks to come fairely off After this truce made with King Lewis King Henry hearing that his son Richard had in the meane time possest himselfe of a great part of the Province of Poicto● goes thither with an Army where Richard at last after some hesitation as doubting his forces submits himselfe to his Father and askes his pardon which his Father as freely grants as if he had never committed any fault and thereupon King Henry imployes him to King Lewis and his brother Henry to perswade them to peace who wearied now with the warres were easily drawne and so reconciliation on all parts is made and to confirme the reconciliation betweene the two Kings Henry and Lewis his daughter Adela is affianced to King Henries sonne Richard as Earle of Aquitaine and because the Lady was but young she was committed to the care of King Henry till she should be fit for marriage Upon this King Henry sets Robert Earle of Leycester and Hugh Earle of Chester giving hostages and oath for their Allegeance at liberty and William also King of Scots paying a certaine mulct for which he delivered in pawne the strong Castles of Berwick Roxborough and Sterling to King Henry and was fined also to lose the County of Huntington and never to receive any Rebels into his protection These things done the King with his sonnes returnes into England where with all joyfulnesse they were received It was now the yeare 1179. when King Lewis beganne againe to grow discontented with King Henry because his daughter was not yet married to his sonne Richard as was agreed but King Henry making him promise to have them married within a few dayes gave him satisfaction though indeed he meant nothing lesse for it was thought he kept her for himselfe as with whom he had before that time had unlawfull familiarity The yeare after was memorable for nothing or for nothing so much as the death of the young King Henry who died then whose Widow Margaret returning into France was afterward married to Bela King of Hungary Now King Henries sonne Richard no longer enduring to have his marriage delayed which his Father often promised but would never suffer to be performed fals into his old fit of discontentment wherein though he cannot perhaps be justified yet he may justly be excused for to be kept from a wife at that time of his age for which a wife was most proper and especially having beene affianced so long before which could not chuse but make his appetite the sharper must needs be if not a just cause at least a strong provocation to make him doe as he did Howsoever from this fit of discontentment he fals into a relaps of Rebellion and infecting with it his brother Iohn and a great part of his Fathers Adherents they all take part
with Philip now after the decease of Lewis King of France who willing to make use of their assistance before the streame of filiall awfulnesse should returne into the naturall Channell takes them along with him and besiegeth the City of Ments in which King Henry at that time was himselfe in person who apprehending the danger and then resenting the mischiefe of falling into his enemies hands gets him secretly out of the City leaving it to defend it selfe till he should returne with greater forces but hearing afterward that the Towne was taken he fell into so great a distraction of minde that it made him break out into these blasphemous words I shall never hereafter love God any more that hath suffered a City so deare unto me to be taken from me but he quickly recollected himselfe and repented him that he had spoken the words Indeed Ments was the City in which he was borne that to have this City taken from him was as much as to have his Birth-right taken from him and to say the truth after he had lost this City he scarce seemed to be alive not onely because he shortly after died but because the state of Majesty which had all his life accompanied him after this forsooke him for now he was faine to begge peace of his enemies who often before had begged it of him now he was glad to yeeld to conditions which no force before could have wrested from him It is memorable and worth observing that when these two Kings had meeting betweene Turwyn and Arras for reconcilement of differences there suddenly happened a Thunderbolt to light just betweene them with so terrible a cracke that it forced them for that time to breake off their conference and afterward at another meeting the like accident of Thunder happened againe which so amazed King Henry that he had fallen off his horse if he had not beene supported by those about him which could be nothing but drops let fall of the Divine anger and manifest presages of his future dysasters And thus this great Princes troubles which beganne in little ones and were continued in great ones ended at last in so great a trouble that it ended his life and left him an example of desolation notwithstanding all his greatnesse forsaken of his friends forsaken of his wife forsaken of his children and if he were not himselfe when he blasphemed for the losse of Ments forsaken of himselfe which might be exemplar in this King if it were not the common Epilogue of all greatnesse Of his Acquest of Ireland RObert Fits-stephen was the first of all Englishmen after the Conquest that entred Ireland the first day of May in the yeare 1170. with 390. men and there took Werford in the behalfe of Deruntius sonne of Marcherdach called Mac Murg King of Leymster In September following Richard Earle of Chepstow surnamed Strong-bow sayled into Ireland with twelve hundred men where he tooke Waterford and Dublin and married Eeve the daughter of Deruntius as he was promised From these beginnings King Henry being then at rest from all Hostile Armes both at home and abroad takes into his consideration the Kingdome of Ireland as a Kingdome which oftentimes afforded assistance to the French and therefore purposing with himselfe by all meanes to subdue it he provides a mighty Army and in the Winter season saileth thither taking Shipping at Pembroke and landing neare to Waterford where entring into consultation what course was fittest to be taken in the enterprise suddenly of their owne accord the Princes of the Countrey came in and submitted themselves unto him onely R●d●rick King of Connacht stood out who being the greatest thought to make himselfe the onely King of that Nation but King Henry forbearing him for the present who kept himselfe in his fastnesses of Bogges and Woods and was not to be followed in the Winter season takes his journey to Dublin the chiefe City of the Countrey and there calling the Princes and Bishops of the Nation together requires their consent to have him and his heires to be their King which they affirming they could not doe without the Popes authority to whom at their first conversion to the Christian Religion they had submitted themselves the King sent presently to Adrian the then Pope an English man requiring his assent which upon divers good considerations he granted and hereupon the King built him a stately Palace in the City of Dublin and having thus without bloud possest himselfe of the Kingdome the Spring following he returnes joyfully into England About foure yeares after Rodorick also sends his Chancellour to King Henry to offer his submission with a tribute to be paid of every tenne beasts one sufficient After this in the one and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne he sent his sonne Iohn to be the Governour there His Taxations and wayes for raising of money TAxations in his time was chiefely once when he tooke Escuage of Englishmen towards his warres in France which amounted to 12400. pounds but confiscations were many because many Rebellions and every Rebellion was as good as a Mine Also vacancies of Bishopricks and Abbeys kept in his hands sometimes many at once no time without some He resumed also all Lands which had either beene sold or given from the Crowne by his Predecessours but a principall cause that made him plentifull in money was his Parcimony as when he was injoyned for a Penance to build three Abbeys he performed it by changing Secular Priests into Regular Chanons onely to spare cost And it was not the least cause of alienating his sonnes from him that he allowed them not maintenance answerable to their calling And it could be nothing but Parcimony while he lived which brought it to passe that when he died there were found in his Coffers nine hundred thousand pounds besides Plate and Jewels Lawes and Ordinances in his time IN the beginning of his Raign he refined and reformed the Lawes of the Realm making them more tolerable more profitable to his people then they were before In the one and twentieth year of his Raign he divided his whole kingdom into six several Circuits appointing in every Circuit three Judges who twice every year should ride together to heare and determine Causes between man and man as it is at this day though altered in the number of the Judges and in the Shires of Circuit In this Kings dayes the number of Jewes all England over was great yet wheresoever they dwelt they might not bury any of their dead any where but in London which being a great inconvenience to bring dead bodies oftentimes from farre remote places the King gave them liberty of buriall in the severall places where they lived It was in this Kings dayes also ordained that Clergy-men offending in hunting the Kings Deere should be punishable by the Civill Magistrate according to the Lawes of the Land which order was afterward taken with them for any offence whatsoever they committed Though it be
and sword in one dayes labour takes it and had made great slaughter in it if King Richard had not beene moved to compassion with the Messanians teares but chiefely with King Tancreds offers both to pay his sister Iane her Dower and to marry his daughter to King Richards Nephew Arthur Duke of Britaine and to give a good part of the Portion in hand But King Philip was not well pleased with these conditions yet he breakes not out into open dissention till more fuell was afterward cast upon the fire of his anger In the Spring King Philip sayles with his Army to Ptolemais otherwise called Acon which the Christians had long besieged and with them he joynes while King Richard taking his sister Iane and Berengaria the young daughter of the King of Navarre with him in 190. Ships and 50. Galleys puts to Sea for the Holy Land but is by tempest cast upon the Coast of Cyprus where the Ilanders seeking to hinder his landing he sets upon them with his forces and invading the Iland easily subdues and brings it under his subjection and the King of the Cou●trey being taken prisoner and intreating King Richard not to put him in bonds of Iron King Richard gives him his word and keeps it but puts him in bonds of Silver In this Iland he solemnizeth his marriage with Berengaria and then leaving Richard de Canvile and Robert de Turnham his Lieutenants in Cyprus he passeth on to Ptolemais which City was defended by Saladine and had beene besieged now two yeares when the enemy seeing and fearing the encrease of the Christian forces propounds conditions upon which accepted they deliver it up in August the yeare 1192. At the taking of this Towne there fell out an accident seeming an honour to King Richard for the present but proving a disgrace at least a great trouble and charge to him afterward For Leopold Duke of Austria had first set up his Colours upon the wall which King Richard caused to be throwne downe and his owne to be set up but this was no place to stand a quarrelling it came not to the reckoning till some time after When Ptolemais was taken Saladine fearing the Christians further proceeding dismantles all the best Townes that were neare it as Porphyria Caesarea Ascalon Gaza but of Ioppa King Richard takes a care and placeth in it a Colony of Christians For Ioppa is a City of Palestine that was built before the Floud and hath belonging to it a Haven of great convenience And now the King of France though valiant enough himselfe yet thinking his owne great acts to be obscured by greater of King Richards he beganne besides his old hating him now to envie him For indeed emulation when it is in Vertue makes the stronger knot of love and affection but when it is in Glory it makes a separation and turnes into the passion of envie and malice and so did it with King Philip who pretending the aire of the Countrey did not agree with his body but was indeed because the aire of King Richards Glory did not agree with his minde obtained King Richards consent to returne home swearing first solemnly not to molest his Territories in his absence But this fell out for the present enterprise most uns●asonably For the departure of the King of France though it diminished not much the strength for he left Od● Duke of Burgundy in his place yet it diminished much the shew of assistance and indeed Saladine who was at this time in termes of surrendring Ierusalem when he saw the King of Franc● departed as knowing there must needs be a conclusion where there was a beginning doubted not but the rest would follow soone after and thereupon st●ied his hands and grew more confident then he was before At this time Guy of Lu●ignan was possest of the City of Tyre and with it of the right of the Kingdome of Ierusalem with him King Richard makes an exchange that G●y should have the Iland of Cyprus which King Richard had wonne and King Richard should have the kingdome of Ierusalem to which Guy had a right and upon this Title the Kings of England were stiled Kings of Ierusalem a long time after as likewise the posterity of the said Guy hath by this exchange held the kingdome of Cyprus to this day Now was King Richard more hot upon taking Ierusalem then ever before and had cert●●nely taken it but that by ill counsell diverted because the Winter drew on and indeed by the drawing backe of Odo Duke of Burgundie who envied that King Richard should have the honour of taking it he removed for that season to Askalon after which time the Enemy growing stronger and the Christians weaker all opportunity of taking it was utterly lost and they could never come to the like againe And shortly after King Richard was advertised of the King of France his invading Normandy contrary to his oath at his departure which forced King Richard much to his griefe to conclude a peace with Saladine and that upon conditions not very honourable for the Christians and himselfe presently to retu●ne home and so sending his wife Berengaria and his sister Iane with a great part of his Army into Sicilie and from thence into England he passeth himselfe with some few in his company by the way of Thrace and was by tempest brought into Dalma●iae from whence being to passe through Germany and particularly through Duke Leopolds Countrey of Austria he remembring the old grudge changed his apparell and travelling sometimes afoote and sometimes on horsebacke he used all meanes possible to keepe himselfe from being knowne but destiny is not to be avoyded for as soone as he came to Vienna partly by his tongue and partly by his expenses it was presently found he was an Englishman and withall some great man and by and by a rumour was spread that it was Richard King of England who finding himselfe to be discovered and no meanes possible to escape he puts off his disguise putting on his Princely apparell and avowes himselfe which Duke Leopold understanding sent presently to have him apprehended but King Richard refusing to yeeld himselfe to any but to the Duke himselfe the Duke himselfe came and led hi● to his owne Palace honourably enough but yet strongly guarded whereof as soone as Henry the Emperour heard he sent with great instance to Duke Leopold to send King Richard over to him under pretence of safer custody but with a purpose indeed to be a sharer in his Ransome And the Duke though well knowing his meaning yet knowing withall that it was not safe for him to deny the Emperour he sent him over to him who soone after put him into a prison he had called Trivallis into which no man was ever knowne to be put that escaped with life though done perhaps to him but in terrorem to draw the better Ransome from him That with which King Richard was charged beside the wrong done to Leopold in
differences in the Country But now the King of Spaine pretends a title to Aquitaine and to take him off King Henry sends to treate of a marriage betweene Prince Edward and his Sister Eleanor which being accepted by the King of Spaine the Marriage is solemnized at Burgos where the King of Spaine knights the Prince and quits his claime to Aquitaine for him and his Successours for ever and King Henry invests the Prince and his Wife in it and gives unto him besides Ireland Wales Bristow Stamford and Grantham and from hence it came that ever after this the Kings eldest Sonne was immediately upon his Birth Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester After this King Henry prepares to returne home and well he might having spent in this and his former Journeyes into those parts the summe of seven and twenty hundred thousand pounds More then all the Lands if they had beene sold were worth which when the King was told he desired there might be no words made of it for his credite And now being to returne he is desirous with the King of Frances leave to passe thorow France and comming to Paris with a thousand Horse where he stayed eight dayes is there most Royally Feasted by the King of France and he as royally Feasts the King of France againe But it is the Londoners and the Iewes that are like to pay for all For comming home about Christmas when the Londoners presented him with a hundred pounds in money and afterwards with two hundred pounds in Plate it was so sleighted and so ill taken that a hole was presently found in their coate for an escape of a Prisoner which cost them three thousand Markes Yet was not this enough but he takes good Fleeces from the Iews and then lets them out to Farme to his Brother Richard for a great summe of money and he to make what more of them he could Yet after all this he complaines of his Debts which he saith are at least three hundred thousand Markes which must needes be the heavyer to him because he had diminished his own● meanes by the allowance of fifteene thousand Markes per annum to his Sonne the Prince The onely hope is in the Parliament but a Parliament being called they fall presently upon their old Grievances complaining upon the King for breach of Charters and renuing their Claime to have the Chiefe Justiciar the Chancellour and Treasurer to be chosen by themselves so nothing was done for the King at this time and the Parliament being prorogued till Michaelmas after as little then by reason many of the Peeres came not as not being summoned according to the tenour of Magna Charta And now while the King was using meanes to winde himselfe out of Debt there happened occasions to put him further in For now Thomas Earle of Savoy the Queenes Brother being at warre with the City of Thuryn must be supplyed with money towards it by the King of England Now the Elect Bishop of Toledo the King of Spaines Brother comes into England and must be sumptuously Feasted and have great gifts presented him Now Eleanor the Princes Wife arrives with a multitude of Spaniards and must all be entertained at the Kings charge and have no small presents given them at their departure Now comes Rustandus from the Pope with power to Collect the Tenth of the Clergy for the Popes use and the Kings and to absolve him from his Oath of the Holy warre so he would come to destroy Manfred Sonne to the Emperour Fredericke now in possession of the kingdome of Sicilie and Apulia And this man likewise hath great gifts bestowed upon him besides a rich Prebend in Yorke But the Pope by too much seeking his profit loseth credit and all for the Clergy sleights him and will give him nothing and when he would have borrowed of the Earle of Cornwall five hundred Markes the Earle answered he liked not to lend his money to one upon whom he could not Distraine But King Henries greatest charge was his purchasing a kingdome for his Sonne Edmund for now comes the Bishop of B●nonia from the Pope with a Ring of Investiture to Prince Edmund in the kingdome of Sicilie which he pretends to be at his disposing and King Henry takes it in so good earnest that after this he cals his Sonne Edmund by no other name then King of Sicilie But all this was done by the Pope but to angle away King Henries money as indeed upon this hope he had drawne the King into the engagement of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes for to draw the King on it was given out that the Pope had dele●ted all Manfreds Forces and was thereby in possession of the kingdome when the truth was that Manfred had defeated the Popes Forces and was thereby himselfe established in the kingdome The yeare 1275. the King keepes his Christmas at Winchester where new Grievances arise The Merchants of Gascogny having their Wines taken from them by the Kings Officers without satisfaction complaine to their Lord the Prince he to his Father and his Father having beene informed before-hand by his Officers that their clamour was unjust as relying upon the Princes favour he falls into a great rage with the Prince and breakes out into these words See! now my Blood and my owne Bowels impugne me but afterwards pacified he gives order the injuries should be redressed And now the Princes Followers themselves come to be a Grievance who relying upon their Master commit many outrages and spoyle and wrong men at their pleasure and the Prince himselfe is not altogether free of whom it is said that meeting a young man travailing by the way he caused one of his eares to be cut off and one of his eyes to be put out and many such prankes plaid by him and his Followers in Wales made the Welsh breake out into open Rebellion which the Prince would faine have suppressed but there was no money to be had towards the doing it And now the King fals to shifts he comes into the Chequer himselfe and there layes penalties upon Sheriffes that returne not their moneys in due time then he fals upon measures of Wine and Ale upon Bushels and Weights and something he gets but London is his best Cheq●er and every yeare commonly he hath one quarrell or other to the Londoners and they are sure to pay And now fals out an accident seeming of great honour but certainely of no profit to the kingdome Richard Earle of Cornwall the Kings Brother is Elected King of the Romans for although Alphonsus King of Spaine the great Mathematician were his Competitour yet Earle Richards money wrought more then his Learning and the Arch-bishop of C●llen comes over to fetch him and Crowned he is at Aquisgrane This Earle of Cornwall is reported able to dispend a hundred Markes a day ●or ten yeares besides his Revenues in England But now as a man that payes deare for an Office lookes that his
well he performed the third charge of his Fathers Will for subduing of Scotland It was now the sixth yeare after the death of his Father King Edward and Robert Bruce now gotten to be King of Scotland had stayed all this while to see how this new King Edward would prove and when he found by the courses he held that he was like to prove a good easie Enemy he thereupon tooke heart and began to stirre and in a very short time had brought almost all Scotland under his obedience and finding no opposition he entred the English Borders tooke and burnt Townes that now King Edward unlesse he would sit still and suffer Bruce to come and pull his Crown from his head he could not chuse but doe something to stop his proceeding Hereupon he prepares an Army but like himselfe fitter for a Court then for a Campe Many men and great Bravery but readie● to take spoiles then to make spoile and accordingly they sped For going to raise the siege at Str●veling defended for King Edward by the valiant knight Philip Mowbray the Kings Army consisting of a hundred thousand was defeated and overthrowne by the Scots Army consisting of scarce thirty thousand So true is that saying of an ancient Souldier There is more hope of an Army where the General is a Lion though the Souldiers be but Sheepe then of an Army where the Generall is a Sheepe though the Souldiers be Lions But indeed the Scots besides Valour used Policy For having in their owne Army none but Foot no Horse at all they had made Trenches in the Ground three foot deepe covering them with Twigges and Hurdles where the English Horsemen were to passe who Floundring in those Trenches were killed no lesse by their owne Fellowes then by the Enemy In this Battell called of Bannocks borough were slaine the Lord Mawle the Lord Clifford the Lord Tiptoft the Lord William Marshall Sir Giles Doctor Argenton and seven hundred Knights and Squires specially Gylbert Earle of Glocester who had shewed much Valour that day and whom the Scots would willingly have kept for ransome if they had knowne him but he had forgotten to put on his Coate of Armes whereby to be knowne The slaughter of common Souldiers was certainely great though perhaps not so great as Hector Boetius speakes of who saith they were fifty thousand There were taken Prisoners Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford Iohn Seagrave Iohn Claveringham William Latimer and Sir Roger Northbrooke bearer of the Kings shield the King himselfe with the Bishops the Earles of Hartford and Pembroke and Hugh Spenser saved themselves by flight Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford was afterward released in exchange for Bruces Wife who had beene long kept a Prisoner in England After this many English fell away to the Scots and all the North parts from Carlile to Yorke came under their Subjection and the English grew so faint-hearted and into such contempt that three Scots durst venture upon a hundred English when a hundred English durst scarce encounter with three Scots And what can be thought the cause of this great dysaster to this King but the want of his Fathers blessing for not performing the charge he gave him dying which is commonly accompanyed with the want of a higher blessing without which a Vacat is set upon the labours of men that makes them all frustrate But Bruce not satisfied with his Acquests in England sends his Brother Edward into Ireland also who so farre prevailed that many Irish came in unto him and in the end Crowned him King of a great part of that Island and so continued the space of three yeares till the Primat of Armagh and the Lord Brinningham Justiciar of Ireland gathering Forces together opposed him and in a Battaile taking him Prisoner at Dundalke cut off his head with the slaughter of many thousands of the Scots besides With which the Scots are so incensed that they invade againe the English Borders forraging as farre as Yorke whereupon a Parliament is assembled at London wherein an ayde is granted of Armed men to goe against them London sets forth two hundred Canterbury forty Saint Albons ten and so proportionably for all Cities and Boroughs whereby a great Army was levyed which comming to Yorke through mutiny emulation and other impediments was soone dissolved and returned backe without effecting any thing Not long after the Towne of Berwicke was betrayed to the Scots through the treason of Peter Spalding the Governour and other Englishmen whom the King of Scots to make them an Example caused to be hanged for being Traitors to their Country King Edward hearing of the surrendring of Berwicke raiseth an Army and beleaguers it but the Scots to divert his Forces enter upon England by other wayes and were like to have surprised the person of the Queene lying then neare ●orke The siege of B●rwicke is notwithstanding eagerly continued and the King in great possibility to have regained the Towne had not the Earle of Lancaster with his foll●wers withdrawne himselfe upon discontent hearing the King say he would give the keeping thereof to Hugh Spen●●r the younger who was now grown a speciall favourite of the Kings and theref●r● not to be en●ured by the Earle In the mean 〈◊〉 the Scots wonne the Castles of 〈…〉 and Mid●ord so as they possessed the greater part of all North●mberland burning all before them 〈◊〉 they came to ●●●pon which Towne they spoyled● and carrying there three dayes they received ● thousand Markes to save the Towne from burning as they had done the Townes of Nor●hallerton Bor●ugh-bridg● and others In their returning backe they 〈◊〉 Knaresborough and Shipton in C●●ven and all other afore them carrying into ●●land a marvellous number of Cattell besides prisoners men and women● The● ●●●●shire men thus grievously endammaged gather together to the number of ten thousand and at the Towne of Mitton tenne miles from Yorke encounter the Sco●● where they lost three thousand of their men and were defeated● which b●ttell because of the many Spirituall men that were in it was called the white battell Whereof when the King heard● he left the siege of Be●wicke to follow the Scots but they returned another way The yeare following King Edward once againe with a great Army entred Scotland but the Scots having destroyed all afore the King oppressed with famine was forced to re●urne● whom the Scots followed and in a place of the Forest of Blackmore se● upon him that he hardly escaped where were taken Iohn Earle of Britaine and the Lord of Sil●ac● the French Kings Embassadour and many others After this King Edward finding the Scots either too strong or too wily for him made a Truce with them for two yeares some say for thirteene And this was the successe of this unfortunate King in his warres with Scotland Of his tr●●bles at home BUt his troubles abroad were not so grievous as those at home or rather they were those at home that made his
of the Scots which came to the rescue thereof at Hallidowne-hill utterly defeated where were slaine seven Earles ninety knights and Bannerets foure hundred Esquires and about two and thirty thousand common Souldiers as our Writers report as theirs but foureteene thousand and with this effusion of bloud is Baylioll returned to his miserable kingdome and to hold good correspondence with the King of England hereafter doth him Homage for his Realme of Scotland and the Ilands adjacent But though he had a kingdome yet he had not quietnesse for many of the Scots aided by the French made warre upon him divers yeares after during all which time King David with his wife remained in France If any man marvell why King Edward would aide Bailioll against King David who had married his sister he may consider that Alliances how neare soever weigh but light in the Scales of State About this time the I le of Man is conquered by William Montacute Earle of S●lisbury for which service King Edward gave him the Title of King of Man Of his Acts after he came of age ANd now Robert of Arthois banished out of France comes into England whom King Edward makes Earle of Richmond and of his Counsell This Robert perswades King Edward to make warre upon France to which Crowne he said he had more right then he that held it with whose perswasions King Edward is at last resolved to undertake the enterprise and to furnish himselfe of Noble Chiefetaines he at one time in a Parliament at Westminster the eighth yeare of his Raign creates sixe Earles Henry of Lancaster he made Earle D●rby William Montacute he made Earle of Salisbury Hugh Audeley Earle of Glocester William Clinton Earle of Huntington and Robert Clifford or Ufford Earle of Suffolke also twenty knights of whom Thomas de la Moore who writ the life of the Kings Father was one withall he enters League of amity with many Princes abroad with the Dukes and E●rles of Gelders Iulyers Cleves Heynault and Brabant and with the Arch-bishop of Colen and Valeran his brother as on the other side the King of France got to take his part the Bishop of Liege Iohn King of Bohemia Earle of Luxemburg Henry Count Palatine Aubert Bishop of Mets Otho Duke of Austria Ame Earle of Geneva with many other Princes and Captaines out of Germany Spaine and other Countries King Edward thus resolved in himselfe and furnished with friends abroad goes over into Flanders with his Queene and children makes his residence at Antwerp where by perswasion of the Flemings he takes upon him the Stile Title and Armes of the King of France for by this they accounted themselves disobliged of the Bond of twenty hundred thousand crownes which they had entred into never to beare Armes against the King of France and hereupon the League was established betweene them and King Edward And now King Edward for a beginning to put his claime in execution sets upon Cambray and enters France by the way of Vermandois and Thierach on the other side King Philip seiseth on the Dutchy of Guienne and sends thither the Conte d' Eu Constable of France with the Earles of Foix and Armigniack At last both Armies came so neare together that a fight was appointed the Friday after but upon better consideration the English thought it no discretion to give battell to an Army so much greater then their owne if they could avoid it and the French thought it as little discretion for them to hazard the person of their Prince within his owne kingdome and perhaps were not a little moved with the warning given them by Robert King of Sicilie a great Astronomer that he fore-saw by the Starres some great misfortune to threaten the French if they should that day fight with the Engli●h King Edward being present and thus both Armies having their severall reasons to decline the battell they parted without doing any thing onely an accident happened scarce worth remembring yet must be remembred A Hare starting out before the head of the French Army caused a great shout to be made whereupon they who saw not the Hare but onely heard the shout supposing it to be the onset to the battell disposed themselves to fight and foureteene Gentlemen for encouragements sake as the custome is were knighted called afterward in merriment knights of the Hare But now King Edward must a little looke home and therefore leaving the Queen in Brabant he passeth himselfe into England about Candlemas having beene in Brabant about a yeare and landing at the Tower about midnight and finding ●t unguarded was so much displeased that he presently sends for the Major of ●ondon commanding him to bring before him the Chancellour and Treasurer with Sir Iohn Saint Paul Michael Watch Philp Thorpe Henry Stratford Clergy men who it seemes were Officers for his Receipts and Iohn Sconer Justice of the Bench all which except the Chancellour were apprehended and committed to prison as were afterward in like manner divers Officers of Justice and Accomptants upon inquiry made of their unjust proceeding During the Kings abode in England William Montacute Earle of Salisbury and Robert Ufford Earle of Suffolke le●t in Flanders to oppose the French having performed divers great e●ploits were a● last in an encounter about Lis●e so overlaid by multitude as they were both taken and sent prisoners to Paris Besides about this time two accidents happened that were thought would be great rubs in King Edwards proceeding one that his Wives Father William Earle of Hayn●ult dying and leaving his sonne to succeed this son left his brother King Edward and fell to take part with the King of France the other that the Duke of Normandy thinking himselfe as strong as ever William Du●● of Normandy was that conquered England he saw no reason but he might conquer it as well as that William and thereupon makes preparation by Sea and Land to attempt the enterprise but these were but vapours that never came to be winds at least brought no stormes for Iohn Earle of Haynault had quickly enough of the King of France and was soone after reconciled to his brother King Edward and the Duke of Normandy went no further then preparations for indeed King Edw●●d prosecuted his courses against France with such heate that all the neighbouring Princes seeing a fire kindled so neare their owne borders were glad to looke ●o themselves at home But now to impeach the King of Englands returne into Fra●ce● King Philip had provided a mighty Navie in the Haven of Sluce consisting of tw● hundred saile of Ships besides many Gallies and two thousand armed men in th● Port ready to encounter him upon his landing whereof King Edward being adve●tised prepares the like number of Ships and sets out to Sea upon Midsommer Eve is m● the morrow after with a Navy likewise from the North parts conducted by Sir ●●bert Morley and encounters his enemy who lay to intercept him with such force and courage and such
as the Poict●●ins Xaingtonois and Lymo●sins in a sort consented to it yet the Count of Armigni●ck the Count of Comminges the Viscount of Carmayn and many others so much distasted it that they complained thereof to the King of France as to their Supreme Lord who upon examination finding their complaint to be just he thereupon by advise of his Councell Summons Prince Edward to appeare in person to answer the complaint whereunto Prince Edw. made answere that if he must needs appeare he would bring threescore thousand men in Armes to appeare with him and had certainely brought his Army that Summer against Paris if he had not fallen into Symptomes of a Dropsie which Walsingham saith was wrought by Enchantments But upon this answer of the Prince King Charles sends defiance to King Edward who thereupon prepares Armes both by Sea and Land to oppose him The French enter upon the Territori●s of the Prince and defeate divers of his Troopes in revenge whereof Iohn Chandos the Princes Lieutenant assaults Terrieres in the Province of Tholouse and takes it The Count of Perigourd a●saults Royanville in Quer●y and puts all the English to the sword in revenge whereof Iames Audeley Sene●chall of Poicton assaults the City of Brosse and takes it In the meane time Robert Knols by some called Robin and by others Arnould or Reynold Knoll had drawne Perducas de Albert to the party of the English and thereupon wen● and encamped before the Fort of Darc●ell in Quercy which Iohn Chandos understanding went also and joyned with him in the Siege but finding they could doe no good there they removed and Besieged the City of Damme and when they could doe no good there neither they marched forward tooke the Fort of Froyus Rochevaudour and Villefranche and that done returned to the Prince at Angoulesme At the same time the Earles of Cambridge and Pembroke having spent nine weekes at the Siege of Bordeille at last tooke it but other Captaines of the English did yet more for they scaled Belleperche in the Province of Bourbon where the Mother of the Duke of Bourbon and of the Queene of France was and take her prisoner About this time Philippa Queene of England King Edwards Wife died and was buried at Westminster but this hindred not the proceeding of the English in France the Earle of Pembroke enters Anjou where he takes many Townes the Duke of Lancaster doth the like about Callice and marching forward plants his Campe before Harfleur with a purpose to burne the King of France his Navy but being watched by the Count Saint Poll was forced to forbeare that designe and so passing other wayes and spoyling all the places where he passed he returned to Callice Winter now was drawing on and Iohn Chandos desiring to recover the Abby of Saint Silvin in Poictou which not long before had beene betraied to the French was in the enterprise discovered and being assaulted by greater forces was slaine in the place to the great griefe of the Prince of Wales and of the English Lords but dying without issue his estate which amounted to foure hundred thousand Franks came to the Prince At this time the Dukes of Anjou and Berry with two great Armies enter upon the Territories of the Prince of Wales whereof the Prince advertised assembles Forces to oppose them but when the newes was brought him of the taking of Limouges he was so much troubled at it by reason of the Bishop of that place was his Gossip and one in whom he specially had affiance that he resolved to recover it at any price and not to spare a man that had any hand in the rendring it up and thereupon taking it by force he commanded to sacke and pillage it and would not be staied by the cries of the people casting themselves downe at his feete till passing through the Towne he perceived three French Captaines who themselves alone had withstood the assault of his victorious Army and moved with the consideration of their valour he then abated his anger and for their sakes granted mercy to all the Inhabitants So much is vertue even in an enemy respected by generous minds In the meane time David King of Scots died without issue and Robert Stuart his Nephew succeeded him in the kingdome and was Crowned at Scone At this time Robert Knolls with a great Army is sent into France where making many attempts with valour enough but with little successe he was comming home though with no gaine yet with no losse till Bertrand de Gueschlyn assaulting him slew the most part of his men and so this great Army on a sudden came to nothing It seemes Knolls his action was the lesse succesfully by reason some young Lords that wen● with him sco●ning to ●e 〈◊〉 his command as being but a new man and risen fro● a low estate were refractory to hi● directions And indeed what can a Generall do if he have not as well reputation of person as of place And now the Prince of Wales his eldest sonne Edward dying 〈◊〉 Bu●de●●● the 〈◊〉 with his wife and his other sonne Richard come over into England at whi●● time the vallant knight Walter de M●●ny died at Lond●n and was buried in the Monastery of the Chartreux which he had builded leaving one onely daughter married to Iohn Earle of Pembroke This Earle of Pembroke was soone after sent Go●ernour into Aquita●ne but set upon by the way by Spaniards in favour of the Fr●●ch was by them taken prisoner and carried with other into Spain●● who being chained together as the manner is one Evans a Welsh Fugitive● who gave ●●●selfe out for the right Heire of Wales cam● unto him foolishly playing upon him with scornfull language as though to insult over another mans misery could s●●le for a co●diall to mitigate his owne And now upon the taking of this Earle the Princes Dominions in France are either taken away or ●all away faster then they ●ere gotten Gueschly● enters Poictou and takes Montm●rillon Chauvigny Luss●● and Mo●t●onti●r straight after followes the Countrey of Aulnys of Xaintoigne and the rest of Poic●ou then Saint Maxen● Neele Auln●y then Benaon Marant Surg●rs 〈◊〉 and at last they came to Thouars where the most part of the Lords of Poic●o● that held with the Prince were assembled at which time King Edward with the Pr●●ce the Duke of Lancaster and all the great Lords of England set forward to their succour but being driven back● by tempest never came to give them assistance so as Thouars yeelded upon composition Yet did this preparation of the King stand him in nine thousand Markes that it may be truly said it cost him more now to lose Townes then it had cost him before to win them so great oddes there is betweene the Spring and Fall of Fortune After this the Duke of Lancaster is sent over with another great Army who passed up into many parts of the Country but King Charles resolved to hazard no
the moneth of Aprill In the fourth yeare of his Raigne a solemne Justing or Turnament was holden at London in Ch●●pside be●wixt the great Crosse and the great Conduit 〈◊〉 S●per-la●●● which lasted three dayes where the Queen Philippa with many Ladies fell from a Stage set up for them to behold the Justing and though they were not hurt at all yet the King threa●●ed to p●nish the Carpenters for their negligence till the Que●ne in●●●ated pardon for them upon her knees as indeed she was alwayes ready to doe all good offices of mercie to all people In the eleventh yeare of his Raigne was so great plenty that a quarter of Wheate was sold at London for two shillings a fat Oxe for a Noble a fat Sheepe for sixe pence and sixe Pigeons for a penny a fa● Goose for two pence and a Pigge for a penny and other things after that rate Of his Wife and Children HE married Philippa the daughter of William Earle of Haynault at Yorke a match made up in haste by Queene Isabell his mother for her owne ends although a better could never have beene made upon deliberation for King Edwards ends for though her Parentage were not great and her portion less● yet she made amends for both in vertue for never King had a better Wife By her King Edward had seven sonnes and five daughters his eldest sonne Edward Prince of Wales and commonly called the Blacke Prince but why so called uncertaine for to say of his dreadfull acts as Spe●de saith hath little probability was borne at Woodstocke in the third yeare of his Fathers Raigne he married Ioane the daughter of Edmund Earle of Kent brother by the Fathers side to King Edward the second She had beene twice married before first to the valiant Earle of Salisbury from whom she was divorced next to the Lord Thomas Holland after whose decease this Prince passionatly loving her married her by her he had issue two sonnes Edward the eldest borne at Angoulesme who died at seven yea●es of age and Richard borne at Burdeaux who after his Father was Prince of Wales and after his Grandfather King of England This Prince had also naturall issue Sir Iohn Sounder and Roger Clarendon Knights the latter being attainted in the Raign● of King Henry the fourth is thought to have ●eene Ancestour to the house of Smiths in Essex He died at Canterbury in the sixe and fortieth yeare of his age and of his Fathe●● Raigne the nine and fortieth and was buried at Christs Church there His second sonne William was borne at Hatfield in Hertfordshire who deceased in his childhood and was buried at Yorke His third sonne Lyonell was borne at Antwerpe in the twelveth yeare of his Fathers Raigne he married first Elizabeth the daughter and Heire of William Burgh Earle of Ulster in Ireland in who●e Right he was first created Earle of Ulster and because he had with her the honour of Clare in the County of To●mond he was in a Parliament created Duke of Clarence as it were of the Countrey about the Towne and Honour of Clare from which Dutchy the name of Clarentieux being the title of the King of Armes for the South parts of England is derived This Duke had issue by her one onely daughter named Philippa afterward wife of Edmund Mortimer Earle of March mother of Earle Roger Father of Anne Countesse of Cambridge the mother of Richard Duke of Yorke Father of King Edward the fourth The second marriage of this Duke was at Millaine in Lombardy with the Lady Vi●lanta daughter of G●leac●● the second Duke thereof but through intemperance he lived not long ●fter King Edwards fourth sonne named Iohn was borne at Ga●●t in the foureteenth yeare of his Fathers Raigne he had three wives the first was ●l●nch daughter and Coheire and in the end the sole Heire of Henry Duke of Lancaster sonne of Edmund sirnamed Crouch back by whom he had issue Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Derby after Duke of Hereford and lastly King of England named Henry the fourth who first placed the Crowne in the house of Lancaster By her also Iohn of Gaunt had two daughters Philip wife of Iohn the first King of Portugall and Elizabeth married first to Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington and after him to Sir Iohn Cornwall Baron of Fanhope Iohn of Gaunts second wife was Constance the eldest daughter of Peter King of Castile and Leon in whose Right for the time he intitled himselfe King of both those Realmes by her he had issue one onely daughter named Katherine married to Henry the third sonne of King Iohn in possession before and in her Right after King of both the said Realmes Iohn of Gaunts third wife was Katherine the Widow of Sir Hugh Swinford a knight of Lincolnshire eldest daughter and Coheire of Payn Roet a Gascoyne called G●●en King of Armes for that Countrey his younger daughter being married to Sir Geoffrey Chawcer our Laureat Poet. By her he had issue born before matrimony and made legitimate afterward by Parliament in the twentieth yeare of King Richard the second Iohn Earle of Somerset Thomas Duke of Exeter Henry Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall and Ioane who was first married to Robert Ferrers Baron of Wemme and Ou●sley in the Counties of Salop and Warwicke and secondly to Ralph Nevill the first Earle of Westmerland She and all her brethren were sirnamed Beaufort of a Castle which the Duke had in France where they were all borne and in regard thereof bare the Portcullis of a Castle for the Cognisance of their Family This Duke in the thirteenth yeare of his Nephew King Richard was created Duke of Aquitaine but in his sixteenth yeare he was called home and this title re-called and the third yeare after in the sixtieth of his age he died at Ely house in Holbourne and lieth honourably Entombed in the Quire of Saint Paul King Edwards fifth sonne Edmund sirnamed of Langley was first in the yeare 1362. created Earle of Cambridge and afterward in the yeare 1386. made Duke of Yorke he married Isabell daughter and Coheire to Peter King of Castile and Leon his sonne Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke tooke to wife Anne Mortimer Heire of the foresaid Lyonell elder brother to Edmund of Langley King Edwards sixth sonne William sirnamed of Windsor where he was borne died young and is buried at Westminster King Edwards youngest sonne Thomas sirnamed of Woodstocke where he was borne was first Earle of Buckingham and after made Duke of Glocester by his Nephew King Richard the second He was a man of valour and wisdome but the King surmizing him to be a too severe observer of his doings consulted with Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke how to make him away whom Mowbray unawares surprising convaied secretly to Callice where he was strangled the twentieth yeare of King Richards Raigne He had issue one sonne Humphrey Earle of Buckingham who died at Chester of the Pestilence in the yeare 1400. and two daughters
whatsoever he thought whereof he faithfully promised there should never come hurt and peradventure more good then he would thinke and withall that himselfe intended to use his secret Counsell which he said was the only cause for the which he had procured of the king to have him in his custody The Bishop humbly thanked him and said In good faith my Lord I love not to talke much of Princes as a thing not all out of perill though the word be without fault for so much as it shall not be taken as the party meant it but as it pleaseth the Prince to construe it And ever I thinke on Aesops Tale that when the Lyon had proclaimed on paine of death that no horned beast should abide in a certaine Wood one that had in his forehead a bunch of flesh fled away a geart pace the Fox that saw him run so fast asked him whither he made all that haste who answered in faith I neither wot nor reck so I were once hence because of the Proclaimation made of horned beasts why foole quoth the Fox thou mayest abide well enough the Lyon meant it not by thee for it is no horn that is in thy head No mary quoth he that wote I well enough but what if he call it a horne where am I then The Duke laughed at the Tale and said My Lord I warrant you neither the Lyon not the Bore shall picke any matter at any thing here spoken for it shall never come neere their eare Then said the Bishop In good faith Sir if it did the thing I was about to say taken as well as a fore God I meant it could deserve but thank and yet taken as I ween it would might happen to turne me to little good and you to les●e Then longed the Duke much more to heare what it was whereupon the Bishop said My Lord as for the late Protectour sith he is now king in Possession I purpose not to dispute his title but for the weale of the Realme I could wish he had in him those excellent virtues which God hath planted in the person of your Grace and there left again The Duke somewhat marvelling at his sudden pause said My L. I cannot but note your sudden stopping in your speech so as your words come not to any direct sentence whereby I may have knowledge eith●r what your inward intent is now toward the king or what your affection is toward me I therefore intreate you to use no more such obscurity but plainly to disclose your minde unto me who upon mine honor will be as secret in the case as the deafe and dumb person is to the singer or the Tree to the Hunter The Bp. then upon confidence of the D. promise said● my Lord I plainly perceive the kingdome being in the case as it is under such a King as now we have must needs decay and be brought to confusion but one hope I have that when I consider and daily behold your noble Personage your Justice your ardent love towards your Country and in like manner the great love of your Country towards you I must needs thinke this Realme fortunate that hath such a Prince in store meet and apt to be a Governour in whose person consisteth the very undoubted Image of true honour And then taxing the present king with many cruelties and oppressions he concluded saying And now my Lord if either you love God your Linage or your native Country you must your self take upon you the Crown and Imperiall Diadem of this Realme but if your selfe will refuse to take it upon you I then adjure you by the faith you owe to God and by the love you beare to your native Country to devise some way how the Realme may by your Princely policy be reduced to some convenient Regiment under some good governour by you to be appointed And if you could devise to set up againe the Linage of Lanc●ster or advance the eldest daughter of King Edward to some puissant Prince not onely the new Crowned king should little enjoy the glory of his dignity but all Civill Warre should cease and Peace and Profit should againe flourish When the Bishop had ended his saying the Duke sighed and spake not of a good while which sore abashed the Bishop and made him change colour which the Duke perceiving he said Be not afrayd my Lord all promises shall be kept so for that time they parted The next day the Duke sent for the Bishop and having rehearsed unto him the Communication had between them the day before he went on and said My Lord of Ely since I perceive your true heart and sincere affection toward me I will now discover unto you all that hath passed my own imaginations After I had found the dissimulation and falsenesse of king Richard and specially after I was informed of the murther of the two young Princes to which God be my Judge I never condiscended I so much abhorred the sight and much more the company of him that I could no longer abide in his Court but feigning a cause to depart I tooke my leave of him he thinking nothing lesse then that I was displeased and so returned to Brecknok to you but in that returning whether it were by inspiration or els● through some melancholike disposition I had divers imaginations how to deprive this unnaturall and bloody Butcher of his Royall seat and dignity First● I fantasied that if I list to take upon me the Crown Now was the time when this Tyrant was abhorred and detested of all men and knowing not of any that could pretend Title before me In this imagination I rested two dayes at Tewkesbury in my journey from thence I mused and thought that it was not best nor convenient to take upon me as a Conquerour for then I was sure that all men and specially the Nobility would oppose me but at last there sprung up a branch in my head which I surely thought would have brought forth faire flowers but they turned indeed to dry weeds For I suddenly remembred that the Lord Edmund Duke of Somerset my Grandfather was with king Henry the ●ixth in two or three degrees of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lanc●ster so that I thought certainely my Mother being eldest Daughter to Duke Edmund that I was next heire to king H●nry the sixth of the House of Lanc●ster This Title pleased well such as I made of my Counsell and much more it eleva●ed my ambitious intent but while I was in a maze whether I were best suddenly to set this title open amongs● the Common people or else keep it secret a while see what chan●ed As I ●ode between Worcester and Bridgenorth I met with the Lady Margaret Countesse of Richmond now wife to the Lord Stanley who is the daughter and sole heire to Iohn Duke of Somers●t my Grandfathers elder brother which was as cleane out of my minde as if I had never seen her so that she and her
Hell so that Callice were in the poss●ssion of the French brake up his siege and returned to Helding with as much shame as the English to Callice with honour A little before this t●me Francis Duke of Britaine dying left onely one daughter the Lady Anne affianced to Maximilian King of the Romans and in so solemne a manner that she taking upon her to be the Bride and being laid in her bed was contented to permit Maximilians Deputy in presence of many Noble witnesses as well men as women to put his legge stript naked to the knee between the spousall sheets accounting that Ceremony to amount to a Consummation The King of France likewise had been contracted to the Lady Margaret daughter to the foresaid Maximilian and had received her to that end Yet all this notwithstanding out of a violent desire to joyne the Dutchy of Britaine to the Crowne of Fr●●ce he disanulled and made void both the Contracts But to the end he might doe it without opposition of the King of England he sent Ambassadors the Lord Francis of L●●zemburg Charles Marignane and Robert Gaguine to King Henry partly to conclude a Peace but chiefly to procure king He●ries good will to make voyd the foresaid contracts to which though king Henry was not willing to give consent yet he consented willingly to have a Treaty for Peace and to that end sent over Tho●as Earle of Ormond and Thomas Goldenston Prior of Christs Church in Canterbury to the French King about it But during this Treaty and before conditions of Peace could be agreed on the French King had gotten into his poss●ssion the Lady Anne of Britaine and solemnly maried her Which under-hand dealing so incensed King Henry that he presently called his High Court of Parliament and there declared the just cause he had of War with France desiring their Benevolence towards the charge thereof which was as readily granted as desired and great summes of money were soon collected In the yeere 1491 being the sixth yeere of the Kings Reigne on the sixth of April the Nobility of the Realme assembled in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul in London where also was the Major and Aldermen and principall Citizens in their liveries to whom D. Morton Lord Chancellour made an Oration declaring from his owne letters that the King of Spaine had wonne the great and rich City and Country of Granado from the Moores which had been in their possession above seven hundred yeeres and having in places of their superstition built Churches to the honour of Christ was thereupon intituled the Catholick King For joy whereof Te De●m was sung with great solemnity In the moneth of May was holden a solemne Justing at the kings Palace of Shee●e now called Richmond which continued the space of a moneth sometimes within the Palace and sometimes without upon the green before the gate in which Justs Sir Iames Parker running against a Gentleman named Hugh Vaughan by reason of a faulty Helmet was strucken into the mouth at the first course so that his tongue was borne to the hinder part of his head in such sort that he dyed presently upon the place And now Maximilian having received back his daughter from the king of France was so displeased that he presently sent an Ambassadour one Iames Contibald to king Henry requiring him to take his part in a warre against the French king towards which he promised to provide ten thousand men with pay for two years king Henry consented to it and having p●ovided himselfe of a puissant Army on the sixth day of October sayled to Callice but sending his Almoner Christopher ●rswi●ke and Sir Iohn Resley to Maximilian requiring his promised forces they found him altogether unprovided of either men or money which brought king Henry into a great streight what he should doe To proceede in the warre with his own forces alone would be ●ull of hazard To return home without doing any thing would bring an imputation upon him amongst his Subjects as though he had used the pretence of war but as a trick to get money at last he resolved to doe something and thereupon went and besieged Boloigne having in his Army of chiefe Lords Iasper Duke of Bedford his Lieutenant Generall Thomas Marquesse Dorset the Earles of Arundell Oxford Suffolke Shrewsbury Darby Ke●t Devonshire and Ormond sundry Barons as D●wbeney Aburgayny De la Ware Zouch Hastings Cobham and others During his siege of Boloigne in which there were but few slaine and no man of note but Sir Iohn Savage who riding to take view at what place the town might best be assaulted was set upon by certaine French men and by them slaine King Henry was secretly dealt with by the Lord Cordes Governour of Heynault on the king of France's behalf to accept of certaine conditions of Peace Who thereupon sent Richard Fox Bishop of Exceter and Giles Lord Dawbeney to conclude them which amongst other Articles were That king Henry without quitting his claime to France should for a Peace to continue during the two kings lives receive in present of Charles king of France for his charges in that warre seven hundred forty and five thousand Dockets which in English money amounts to one hundred eighty six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds and five and twenty thousand crowns yeerly towards the expenses he had been at before in aiding the Britaines which by the English called Tribute was duly paid during all the Kings Reigne and also to king Henry his Sonne afterward longer then it could continue upon any computation of charges There were also assigned by the French king unto all king Henries principall Counsellours great pensions besides rich gifts for the present Which whether the king did permit to save his own purse from Rewards or to communicate the envy of a businesse that was displeasing to his people was diversly interpreted for certainly the King had no great fancy to own this Peace and therefore a little before it was concluded he had underhand procured some of his best Captaines and Men of Warre to advise him to a Peace under their hands in an earnest manner in the nature of a Supplication that he might have it shew for justifying himselfe and to give some allay to the discontentments of many who had sold and engaged their Estates upon the hopes of the warre After the Peace thus concluded he went to Callice where he stayed some time and the seventeenth of December following came to Westminster where he kept his Christmasse Soon after his return he elected into the order of the Garter Alpho●sus Duke of Calabri● Sonne and Heire to Ferdinand King of Naples to whom Christopher Vrswicke the kings Almoner was sent to Naples to carry it which as soon as Alphonsus had received he apparelled himselfe presently in the Habit before a great assembly indeed to shew what favour he was in with the king of England There had been disturbance in the Realme before by a Counterfeit Sonne
between the Lady Margaret the 〈◊〉 eldest daughter and him where the Earle by Proxie in the name of king Iames 〈◊〉 Mas●er affied and contracted the said Ladie which Contract was published at 〈◊〉 Crosse● the day of the Conversion of Saint Paul for joy whereof Te Deum 〈…〉 and great fires were made through the City of London and if such joy we●e made when the match was made what joy should be made now at the issue of the match when by the Union of those persons is made an Union of these kingdomes and England and Scotland are but one great Britaine The Ladies portion was ten thousand pounds her joynture two thousand pounds a yeer after king Iames his death and in present one thousand When this match was first propounded at the Connsell Table some Lords opposed it objecting that by this means the Crown of England might happen to come to the Scottish Nation To which King He●ry answered what if it should It would not be an accession of England to Sco●la●d but of Scotland to England and this answer of the kings passed for an Oracle ●nd so the match proceeded and in August following was Consummate at Edi●b●rgh conducted thither in great State by the Earle of Northumberland Prince Arthur after his marriage was sent againe into Wales to keep that Count●y in good order to whom were appointed for Counsellours Sir Richard Poole hi●●insman and chiefe Chamberlaine Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crof●s Sir David 〈◊〉 Sir William Vdall Sir Thomas Englefield Sir Peter Newton Iohn Walleston 〈◊〉 Marton and Doctor William Smith President of his Counsell but within five moneths after his marriage at his Castle of Ludlow he deceased and with great sole●●ity was buried in the Cathedrall Church at Worcester His Brother Henry Du●e of Yorke was stayed from the title of Prince of Wales the space of halfe a yeer till to women it might appeare whether the Lady Katherine the Relict of Prince Ar●●●● were with childe or no. The towardlines in learning of this Prince Arthur is ve●y memorable who dying before the age of sixteen yeers was said to have read over al● or most of the Latine Authours besides many other And now Prince Arthur being dead and the Lady Katherine of Spaine left a young widdow King Henry loath to part with her dowry but chiefely being desirous 〈◊〉 continue the Alliance with Spaine prevailed with his other Sonne Prince Henry though with some reluctation such as could be in those years for he was scarce ●welv● years of age to be contracted with the Princesse Katherine his bro●h●rs widdow for which marriage a dispensation by advice of the most learned men at that 〈◊〉 in Christendome was by Pope Iulius the second granted and on the five and twentieth day of Iune in the Bishop of Salisbury●s house in Fleet-street th● marriage was solemnized A little before this time 〈…〉 Earle of S●ffolke Son to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and Lady Eliz●b●t● Sister ●o king Edward the ●ourth had in his fury kill'd a mean person● and was thereupon I●dighted of Murther for which although he had the kings Pardon yet because he was brought to th● Kings-bench-b●rr● and there arraigned he took it for so great 〈…〉 his honour that in great rage he fled into Flanders to his Aun● the Lad● M●●garet where having stayed a while when his p●ssion was over he return●d againe ●ut after the marriage between Prince Arthur and the Lady 〈◊〉 w●●ther it were that in that solemnity he had run himselfe in debt or 〈◊〉 he were ●rawn to doe so by the Lady Margare● he passed over the second time with his b●other Richard into Fl●nder● This put the king into some doubt of his intention● whereupon he hath recourse to his usuall course in such cases and Sir 〈…〉 Captaine of Hamme● Castle to feigne himselfe one of that Conspiracy the●●by to learn the depth of their intentions And to take away all susp●●ion of his imployment ●he first Sunday of November he caused the said Earle and Sir Robert C●rson with five others to be accursed openly at Pauls Crosse as Enemies to him and his Realme In conclusion Sir Robert Curson acquainted the king with divers of that faction amongst whom Willia● Lord Court●ey and Willia● de la Poole brother to the foresaid Earle of Suffolke who were taken but upon suspition yet held long in prison but Sir Iames Tyrrell the same that had murthered the two young Princes in the Tower and Sir Io●● Windham who were proved to be Traytor● were accordingly attainted and on the sixth day of May at the Tower-hill beheaded Whereof when the Earle heard despairing now of any good successe he wandred about all Germany and Fr●●c● where finding no succour he submitted himselfe at last to Philip Duke of Austria by whom afterward he was delivered to king Henry by this occasion Ferdi●a●d king of Aragon by his Wife Isabella Queen of C●stile had onely two Daughters the eldest whereof named Ioa●e was married to this Philip Duke of Austria the younger named Katherine to Arthur Prince of England and now Queen Isabella being lately dead by whose death the kingdome of Castile descended in Right of his Wife to this Duke Philip they were sayling out of Germany into Sp●ine to take possession of the kingdome but by tempest and contrary windes were driven upon the coast of England and landed at VVeymouth in Dorsetshire where desiring to refresh themselves a little on shore they were invited by Sir Thomas Tre●cha●d a principall knight of that Country to his house who presently sent word to the king of their arrivall King Henry glad to have his Court honoured by so great a Prince and perhaps upon hope of a courtesie from him which afterward he obtained ●ent presently the Earle of Arundell to waite upon him till himselfe might follow and the Earle went to him in great magnificence with a gallant troope of three hundred Horse and for more State came to him by Torch-light Upon whose Me●●●ge though king Philip had many re●sons of haste on his journey yet not to give king He●ry distaste and withall to give his Queen the comfort of seeing the Lady Katherine her Sister he went upon speed to the king at VVindsor while his Queen followed by easie journeys After great magnificence of entertainment king Hen●y taking a fit opportunity and drawing the king of Castile into a roome where they two onely were private and laying his hand civilly upon his arme said unto him Sir you have been saved upon my Coast I hope you will not suffer me to wrack upon yours The king of Castile asking him what he meant by that speech I mean it saith the king by that haire-brain'd fellow the Earle of Suffolke who being my subject is protected in your Country and begins to play the foole when all others are weary of it The king of Cas●ile answered I had thought Sir your felicity had been above those thoughts but if it trouble you I will
London where they were lodged at Marchantailors Hall The last of September the Embassadours went to the King at Greenwich where after long communication an Agreement was at last concluded under pretence of a marriage to be had betweene the Dolphin of France and the Lady Mary Daughter to the King of England that in name of her marriage money Tourney should be deliveted to the French King he paying to the King of England for the Castle he had made in that Citty six hundred Thousand C●ownes in twelve yeeres by fiftie Thousand Crownes yeerly and if the marriage should chance not to take effect then that Tourney should be againe restored to the King of England for performance of which article Hrstages shotld be delivered namely Monsi●ur de Memorancye Monsieur de Monpesac Monsieur de Moy and Monsieur Morett and moreover the French King should pay to the Cardinall of England a thousand markes yeerly in recompence of his Revenewes received before of his Bishoprick of Tourney All things thus concluded the Cardinall made to the Embassadours a solemne Banquet and after presented them with a stately Mummery The eighth of October the King feasted them at Greenwich and at night presented a stately Maske of Knights and Ladies with reare devises and great magnificence The next day Sir Thomas Exmew Major of London feasted them at Goldsmiths-Hall and then delivering their foure Hostages they tooke their leave At whose departure the King gave to the Admirall of France a Garnish of guilt vessell a paire of covered Basons gilt twelve great guilt Bowles fower paire of great guilt Pots a standing Cup of Gold garnished with great Pearles and to some other he gave Plate to some other cheins of Gold to some rich Apparell to the great comendation of his liberality Shortly after their departure the Earle of Worcester Lord Chamberlaine the Bishop of Ely the Lord of Saint Iohns Sir Nicholas Vaux Sir Iohn Pechy and Sir Thomas Bullen as Embassadours from the King of England accompanied with Knights Gentlemen and others to the number of above foure hundred passed over to Callice and from thence went to Paris where after Royall Entertainment by the King with di●erse Maskes and stately shewes they tooke their leaves and rode to Tourney to see the Citty delivered to the French men on the eighth of February to the great griefe of the English Garrison After the English Embassadours were returned King Henry to cheere up the foure French Hostages left heere for performance of covenants on the seaventh of May presented a solemne and stately Maske wherein himselfe the Duke of Suffolke and the French Queene were Actors and on the eight of March following was a solemne Just holden and with great magnificence performed In the eleventh yeere of King Henries Raigne died the Emperour Maximilian for whom the King caused a solemne obsequie to be kept in Paules Church After whose death the French King and the King of Spain endeavoured by sundry plots each of them to get the Empire but in conclusion Charles King of Castile afterwards called Charles the fifth was elected Emperour for joy whereof a solemne Masse was sung at Pauls the seaventh of Iuly at which were present the Cardinall Campeius the Cardinall of Yorke the Duke of Buckingham Norfolke and Suffolk with the Embassadours of Spaine France Venice and Scotland and this yeere the King kept Saint Georges feast at Winsor with great solemnity At this time diverse young Gentlemen that had been in France after the manner of that Country carried themselves so familiarly with the King that the Lords of his counsell thought it a disparagement to him and thereupon with his leave first obtained they banished them the Court and in their places brought in more staied aud graver men namely Sir Richard Winkefield Sir Richard Ierningham Sir Richard Weston and Sir VVilliam Kingston In the summer of this yeere the Queene lying at her Mannor of Havering in Essex desired the King to bring thither the foure Hostages of France to whom shee made a Royall Banpuet and in September following the King lying at his Mannor of Newhall in Essex otherwise called Beaulieu where he had newly built a stately Mansion invited the Queen and the French Hostages thither where after a sumptuous Banquet he presented them with an extraordinary Mask for the Maskers were the Duke of Suffolk the Earl of Essex the Marquesse Dorset the Lord Aburgaveny Sir Richard VVinkfield Sir Richard VVeston and Sir VVilliam Kingston the youngest of whom was fifty yeeres old at least that the Ladies might see what force they had to make age young againe At this time the French King was very desirous to see the King of England with whom he had entred into such a league of alliance and to that end made meanes to the Cardinall that there might be an Enterview betweene them at some convenient place to which the Cardinall no● so much to satisfie the French King as to shew his owne greatnesse in France e●sily condiscended and thereupon perswaded King Henry how necessary it was that such an Enterview should be and then were sent unto Guysnes under the rule of Sir Edward Belknap three thousand artificers who builded on the plaine before the Castle of Guysnes a most stately Pallace of timber curiously Garnished without and within whither both the Kings in Iune next following agreed ●o come and to answere all commers at the Tilt Tournies and Barriers whereof proclamation was made in the Court of England by Orleance King of Armes of France and in the Court of France by Clarentius King of Armes of England whilst these things were preparing on Candlemas Even as the King and Queene were come from Even-song at their Mannour of Greenwich suddainly there blew a Trumpet and then entred into the Queenes Chamber foure Gentlemen who brought with them a waggon in which sate a Lady richly apparelled which Lady acquainted the King that the foure Gentlemen there present were come for the love of their Ladies to answer all commers at the Tilts on a day by the King to be appointed which day was thereupon appointed on Shrovetuesday next ●nsuing where they all behaved themselves with great valour to the great delight of the King and Queene By this time King Henry was ready for his journey into France and so removing from his Mannour of Greenwich on Friday the five and twentieth of May he with his Queene arived at Canterbury where he ment to keepe his Whitsontide At which time the Emperour Charles returning ou● of Spaine arrived on the coast of Kent where by the vice Admirall of England Sir William Fitz-Williams he was conducted to land and there met aud received by the Lord Cardinall in great state After which the King himselfe rode to Dover to welcome him and on Whitsunday earely in the morning conducted him to Canterbury where they spent all the Whitsontide in great joy and solace The chiefe cause that moved the Emperour at this time
restrained from these Games fell some to drinking some to stealing of Conies and Deere aud such other misdemeanours also in this yeere was an inhauncing of Coyne for preventing the carrying it over to places where it went at higher rate so that the Angell which went before but for seven shillings should now goe for seven and six pence and every ounce of Gold should be five a●d forty shillings which was before but forty and other Coynes accordingly In his twentieth yeer Sir Iames Spencer being Major of London the watch used on Mid-somer night was laid downe In his three and thirtieth yeer in a Parliament then holden an Act was made that whosoevet should poyson any person should be boyled to death by which Statute one Richard Roose who had poysoned diver●e persons in the Bishop of Rochester place was boyled to death in Smithfield to the terrible example of all other In his two and twentieth yeer three Acts were made one fo● probate of Testaments another for Mortuaries the third against plurality of benefices Non-Residence buying and taking of Farmes by spirituall persons In his thirtieth yeer it was ordained by Cromwel the Kings Vicar General that in al Churches a Register should be kept of every Weddng Christning and buriall within the same Parish for ever In his one and thirtieth yeer the King first instituted and appointed fifty Gentlemen called Pensioners to waight upon his person assighning to each of them fifty pounds a yeer for the maintainance of th●mselvs and two horses in his six and thirtieth yeer Proclamation was made for the inhancing of Gold to eight and fort● shillings and silver to foure shillings the ounce also he caused to be coyned base money mingling it with brasse which was since that time called downe the fifth yeere of Edward the sixth and called in the second yeer of Queen Elizibeth In his seven and thirtieth yeer the brothell houses called the Stewes on the Bank-side in Southwarke were p●t downe by the Kings Commandement and was done by proclamation and sound of Trumpet In his three and twentieth yeer it was enacted that Butchers should sell their meat by weight Beef for a half-peny the pound and Mutton for three farthings also at this time forraigne Butchers were permitted their flesh in Leadenhall-market which before was not allowed in his time also the Government of the President in the North was first instituted and the first President there was Tunstall Bishop of Durham Affaires of the Church in his time IN the yeer 1517. the eighth yeer of this Kings Reigne Martin Luther of VVittemberg in Germany a Frier of the Order of the Hermisses taking occasion from the abuse● of Indulgences began to Preach against the Authority of the Pope and to bring in a Reformation of Religion for repressing of whom the Counsaile of Trent was called by Pope Paul the third in the yeere 1542. which continued above forty yeers but was never received in the Kingdome of France● which Counsaile by decreeing many things to be poins of faith which were not so accounted before hath made no small distraction amongst P●pists themselves against this Luther King Henry wrote a booke with great bitternesse and with as great bitternesse was answered at the same time with Luther there arose also in the same Country other Reformers of Religion as Zuingliu● Occloampadious Melancthon who differing from Luther in some few points made the difference which is at this day of Lutherans and Protestants so called at first Auspurg for making a protestation in defence of their Doctrine which soon after spread all Christendome over King Henry in the sixth and twentieth yeer of his Reigne had excluded the Popes Authority ou● of his Realme but thinking the worke not sufficiently done as long as Abbeys and Prio●ies kept their station which were as it were his Forteresses and Pillars there w●s not long after me●nes found to have them suppressed for aspersio●s being l●id upon them and perhaps no more then truth of Adulteries and Murther● they by Act of Parli●ment in his eight and twentieth yeer at lest neere foure hundred of them suppressed and all their lands and goods conferred upon the King In his one and thi●tieth yeer all the rest and lastly in his five and thirtinth yeer all Colledge● Chantries and Hospitals so as the hives being now all removed there have never since any Bees or Drones been seen in the Country in this Kings time the Citty of Rome was taken and sacked by the Imperiall Army forcing the Pope to fly to his Castle Saint Angelo and there kept a prisoner till he agreed to such conditions as his Adversaries propounded In the two and twentieth yeere of this Kings reigne a Proclamation was set forth that no person should purchase any thing from the Court of Rome and this was the first blow given to the Pope in England In his three and twentieth yeer the Clergy submitting themselves to the King for being found guilty of a Praemunire were the first that called him supream head of the Church In his foure and twentieth yeere a Parliament was holden wherein one Act was made that Bishops should pay no more Annats or money for their Buls to the Pope and another that no person should appeale for any cause out of this Realm to the Court of Rome but from the Commissary to the Bishop and from the Bishop to the Archbishop and from the Archbishop to the King and all causes of the King to be tried in the upper Ho●se of the Convocation In his six and twentieth yeer in Iuly Iohn Frith was burnt in Smithfield a●d with him at the same stake one Andrew Howet a Tailor both for denying the Reall presence in the Sacrament and in a Parliament holden t●is yeer an Act was made which Authorized the Kings Highnesse to be supreame head of the Church of England and the Authority of the Pope to be abolished and then also was given to the King the first fruits and tenths of all Spirituall livings and this yeer were many put to dea●h Papists for denying the Kings Supremecy Protestants for denying the Reall presence in the Sacrament and it is incredible what numbers for thes● two causes were put to death in the last ten yeers of this Kings Reign of whom if we should make perticular mention i● would reach a great way in the Book of Martyrs in his eight and twentieth yeer the Lord Cromwell was made Vi●a● General under the King over the Spiritualty and sate divers times in the Convocation House amongst the Bishops as head over them and in September thi● yeere he set forth injunctions commandi●g all Parsons and Curates to ●each their Parishoners the Pa●er Noster the A●e and Creed with the ten Commandements and Articles of the Christian F●ith in the English tongue I● his one and thirtieth yeer was set forth by the Bishops the Book of the six Articles condemning all for Hereticks and to be burnt that should hold 1. That the body
Secretary Iohn Cheeke one of his Schoolmasters Henry Dudley and Henry Nevill were made Knights and that which perhaps it had bin happy if it had never bin Sir Robert Dudley one of the Duke of Northumberlands sons the same who was afterward the great Earle of Leicester was sworne one of the six orninary Gentlemen of the Kings Chamber for after his comming into a place so neere about him the King enjoyed his health but a while The aspiring thoughts of the Duke of Northumberland were now growne up to be put in execution He was advanced in title of honour equall with the highest in authority and power above the highest he had placed his politicke Sonne neere about the Kings person the next thing was to remove the Duke of Somerset out of the way and for this also he had prepared instruments Sir Thomas Palmer Crane Hamond Cecill and others who brought severall accusations against the Duke some trenching upon the King and Kingdome but one specially against the Duke of Northumberlands person whose practises when the Duke of Somerset found and had cause to feare he went one day Armed into the Duke of Northumberlands Chamber with a purpose to kill him but finding him in his bed and being received with much kinde complement by him his heart relen●ed and thereupon came away without any thing done at his comming out one of his company asked him if he had done the deed who answered No then said he you are your selfe undone and indeed it so fell out for when all other Accusations were refelled this onely stucke by him and could not be denyed and so on the first of December he was arraigned at Westminster where the Lord William Pa●let Marquesse of Winchester and Lord Treasurour sat as high Steward of England and with him Peeres to the number of seven and twenty the Dukes of Suffolke and Northumberland the Marquesse of Northampton the Earles of Derby Bedford Huntington Rutland Bathe Sussex Worcester Pembrooke and Hert●ord the Barons Aburgaveuy Audeley Wharton Evers La●ymer Borough Zouth Stafford Wentworth Darcye Sturton Windsor Cromwell Cobham and Bray The Lords being set the Indit●ments were read in number five containing a charge for raising men in the North parts of the Realme and at his house for assembling men to kill the Duke of Northumberland for resisting his Attac●ment for raising London for assaulting the Lords and devising their deaths To all which he pleaded Not guilty and made a satisfactory Answer to every point though the Kings learned Councell p●essed them hard against him This done the Lords went together where exception was taken by some ●s a thing unfit that the Duke of Northumberland the Marquesse of Northampton and the Earle of Pembrooke should be of the Jurie seeing the prisoner was chiefely charged with practises against them But to this the Lawyers made answ●r that a Peere of the Realm might not be challenged so after much variation of opinions the prisoner was acqui●t of Treasor but by most voyees found guilty of Felony and that by a Statute lately by his owne p●ocureme●t made That if any should attempt to kill a Privie Councellour although the Fact were not done yet it should be Felonie and be punished with death But upon his being acquit of Treason t●e Axe of the Tower was presently laid downe which m●de people conceive he had beene acquitted of all who thereupon for joy gave so great a shout that it was heard as farre as Charing-Crosse but the Duke was little the better for being acquitted of Treason seeing he was found guilty of Felonie and had Judgement to dye It is thought by some he might have saved his life if he had demanded his Clergie but it is rather thought that in that Statute Clergie w●s denied Two moneths after his condemnation much against the Kings will Hee was brought to the Tower-Hill to execution wher● b●ing ●scended the Scaffold hee entred into a Speech wherein though he justified himselfe for any matter tending to the hurt of the King or Kingdome yet he confessed he was justly by the Law brought to th●● d●●●h and thanked God that had given him so large a time of repentance spe●ially that he had opened his eyes to see cleerely the light of the Gospell and going on in his Speech a sudden noyse arose of some crying away ●way which made some thinke a Pardon had beene come but was indeede the voyce of some that had beene warned to be at the Execution and were come somewhat late but the tumult being appeased the Duke went on with his Speech and at last commending his soule to God with a coun●enance not shewing a signe of feare or perturbation onely his cheekes a little redder then they use ●o be he peaceably laid downe his head upon the blocke and in a moment with one stroke of the Axe had it strucken off The death of this Duke made the Duke of Northumberland more odious to the people then he was before and there were some that dipped H●ndkerchiffes in his blood and kept them to upbraide the Duke of Northumberland withall when he came himselfe afterward to the like end After execution of the Duke Sir Ralph Vane and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged at the Tower-hill Sir Michael Stanhope and Sir Thomas Arundell were there beheaded After the Dukes condemnation it was thought fit to have something done for averting the Kings minde from taking thought and to that end one George Ferrers a Gentleman of Lincolnes-Inne was appointed in the Christmas-time to be Lord of Misrule who so carried himselfe that he gave great delight to many and some to the King but not in proportion to his heavinesse About this time was a call of seven Serjeants at Law who kept their Feast at Grayes-Inne of whom Master Robert Brooke Recorder of London was the first and the next Master Dyer who was chosen Speaker the next Parli●ment About this time also the Lord Paget was committed to the Tower ●or what cause is not certaine and being a Knight of the Order his Garder was taken from him by Garter king at Armes upon this pretence that he was said to be no Gentleman either by Father or Mother and the Garter was then bestowed on the Earle of Warwicke the Duke of Nor●hum●erlands eldest Sonne and the Lord Rich Lord Chancellour was put off from his Place and the Seal then delivered to Doctor Thomas Goodricke Bishop of Elye About this time also three great Ships were set forth at the Kings charge for discovery of a passage to the East Indies by the North Seas the chiefe Pilot and directour in this Voyage was one Sebastian Gabato an Englishman borne at Bristow but the son of a Genoway these Ships at the last arrived in the Countrey of Muscovia but not without losse of their Captain Sir Hugh Willoughby who being tossed and driven by tempest was afterward found in his Ship frozen to death and all his people At this time al●o the Duke of Suffolks three
man to be King of Bohemia and accordingly was elected by the States of that Kingdome but he was no sooner invested in the Crowne but the Emperour with great Forces assaulted him in Prague and not only drove him with his wife and children from thence but tooke from him also his owne Patrimony the Palatinate so as though now a King he was fayne to flye to the States of the Low Countries for a place of residence King Iames though he had never given his consent to the Palsegra●es taking upon him that Kingdome as foreseeing in his great judgement what the event will bee yet in this distresse he could no● forbeare to take care of his daughter and thereupon sent Sir Richard Wes●on the same that was after Lord Treasurer in Embassage to the Emperour to sollicite the restoring of the Palatinate to the Palsegrave but he returning without successe the King had then conference with Count Gund●mar the King of Spaines Ligier in England what course might bee taken to procure the restoring it who made him answere there could be no better course than to make a marriage betweene his sonne the Prince of Wales and the Infant of Spaine which he said would easily be effected if the Prince might have leave to make a Iourny into Spaine King Iames though he considered the inveterate grudges betweene Spaine and England and as dangerous it might be● to put the heire of the Kingdom into the Spaniards hands yet grounding himself upon the saying Fide lem si putaveris facies and drawne on by the insinuating speeches of Count Gundomar not perhaps without some Indinction in the Marquis of Buckingham was contented at last the Prince should goe And so Prince Charles sending his ships about and taking along with him only the Marquis of Buckingham who in the time of his being in Spaine was created Duke of Buckingham Endymion Porter and Mr. Francis Cottington two that were well acquainted with the Language and affaires of Spaine he tooke his Iourney by the way of France went to Paris and secretly in disguise to the Court there where he had the sight of that Lady that might well have stayed him from going further but yet on he went In the meane time Gundomar a cunning man and one that besides his Masters had ends of his owne and could play his Game no lesse for his owne profit than his Masters Honour as he had perswaded the King of the facility of the Match with Spayne so he perswaded a certainty of it especially amongst Catholick Ladies by which meanes he brought no small store of Grists to his owne Mill receiving from one Lady three hundred pounds to bee made Groome of the Stoole when the Spanish Princesse should come of another a good round summe to be made Mother of the Maydes and of diverse other the like for other places But the Prince being arrived in Spayne was received indeed with all the demonstrations of love and kindnesse that could be devised so as the charge of his entertainment was said to stand the King of Spayne in nine and forty thousand Duckats but yet his acquaintance with the Lady was much restrained for in all the time of his staying in Spayne which was no lesse than eight moneths being from February to October he saw her but very seldome and that at good distances never spake with her but twice and that before company besides that his speeches were limited how much and what he should say farre from any meanes of tying the knot betweene them which was pretended what the cause should bee was much in obscurity some thought that a difference betweene the Duke of Buckingham and the Count Olivares the King of Spayne's great Favorite was a great hinderance of the proceeding but other and more likely that the Spanyard indeed never really intended the Match at all but had drawne the Prince into Spayne for other Ends but what those ends were was no lesse uncertaine one thought it was done to hold the Prince in a treaty of marriage with a Daughter of Spayne till the Daughters of France should bee bestowed thereby to keepe him from that allyance but others and more likely that the King of Spayne entertayned this Treaty with the King of great Brittayne meaning to spinne it out till he had compassed some designes in the Low-Countries and the Palatinate at least to make King Iames most vigilant for those pa●ts But when much time had beene spent in protracting upon pretence of difficultities in obtaining the Popes dispensation King Iames partly wearied with delay but chiefely angred with delusion sent to the Prince with all speed to returne into England which the Prince presently signified to the King of Spaine and had his leave to depart but upon promise to continue the treaty of the marriage still Though it was said the Prince was gone but a few dayes on his journey when a Post was sent to have stayed him if he had been overtaken But whether it was so or no it was Gods providence that he came safely to his ships and in them safely into England arriving at Portsmouth where he was beheld of the people with no lesse gladnesse than the Sunne after a long Eclipse and now his safe returning did both justifie King Iames his judgement in suffering him to goe and the King of Spaines justice in suffering him to come back and was cause that the people began to have a better opinion of the Spanish faith than they had before But now it presently brake out that this match with Spaine could never take effect for King Iames having received Declarations of the Articles touching the marriage found many very strict and large for exercise of the Catholike Religion but none at all for restitution of the Palatinate which made him so much discontented that he presently brake off all treaty of the marriage and signified as much not onely to the King of Spaine but to divers other Princes of Christendome Vpon which breach two great Points were presently had in consultation One for preparing forces for recovering the Palatinate by way of Armes which could not be done by a way of friendship and for this purpose a Councell of warre was called and a proposition resolved on both of men and money for undertaking the enterprise as also a great contribution by way of benevolence was collected towards which the compiler of this worke gave himselfe fifty pounds as many other farre greater summes though the collection went not thorow the whole Land● by reason there was hope given of a peaceable reconcilement so as many that were not over-hasty in their payments escaped without contributing at all The other point was for providing a fit wife for the Prince in some other place It was said the States of Holland offered a very great portion in marriage to the Prince if hee would match with some Lady of that Countrie but matches are made in heaven and there was a young Lady of France
75 Philip Commines a knight of Flanders writ the lives of Lewis Charles the Eighth Kings of France wherein he handles many passages betweene them and the Kings of England their contemporaries Of the Moderne These 76 Richard Grafton a Citizen of London writ a Chronicle from the beginning of the world to the beginning of the Reign of Queene Elizabeth in whose time he lived 77 Raphaell Holinshed a Minister writ a large Chronicle from the Conquest to the yeare 1577. and was continued by others to the yeare 1586. 78 Doctor Goodwin Bishop of Hereford writ the Lives of King Henry the eight King Edward the sixth and Queen Mary lived in the time of Qu. Elizabeth 79 Doctor Heyward writ the History of the first Kings William the Conquerour William Rufus and Henry the first also the Reigne of King Henry the fourth and Edward the sixth and lived to the time of King James 80 Samuel Daniel writ a Chronicle of the Kings of England to the end of King Edward the third and is continued by John Trussell to the beginning of King Henry the seventh 81 Sir Francis Bacon Viscount Viscount S. Albans hath written a History of the Reigne of King Henry the seventh in a most elegant stile and lived in the time of King James 82 John Fox writ three large Volumes of the Acts and Monuments of the Church particularly treating of the English Martyrs in the Reignes of King Henry the eighth and Queene Mary and lived in the time of Queene Elizabeth 83 Thomas Cowper Bishop of Winchester writ Chronicle Notes of all Nations specially of England from the beginning of the world to his owne time and lived in the time of Queene Elizabeth 84 William Camden King at Armes writ the life of Queene Elizabeth and a Description of Britaine and lived in the time of King James 85 William Martin Esquire writ the Reignes of the Kings of England from William the Conquerour to the end of King Henry the eighth to which was afterward added the Reignes of King Edward the sixth Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth 86 Francis Biondi an Italian Gentleman and of the Privy Chamber to King Charles hath written in the Italian tongue the Civill Warres between the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke from King Richard the second to King Henry the seventh Translated elegantly into English by Henry Earle of Monmouth now living 87 Henry Isaacson a Londoner hath written a Chronology of all kingdoms from the beginning of the world to the yeare 1630. being the fifth yeare of King Charles his Reigne 88 Nicholas Harpsefield Arch-deacon of Canterbury hath written a Chronicle of all the Bishops of England to which Edmund Campian the Iesuite made an Addition 89 John Stow Citizen of London writ a Chronicle from Brute to the end of Qu. Elizabeth and is continued to this present time being the 18. yeare of King Charles by Edmund Howe 's a Londoner 90 John Speed a Londoner writ the Story of Britaine from the first beginning to the yeare 1605. being the second yeare of King James 91 William Abington Esquire hath written the Reign of King Edward the fourth in a very fine stile and is yet living 92 Thomas Fuller Batchelour of Divinity and Prebendary of Sarum hath written the Holy Warre in very fine language wherein he relates the Acts of our Kings of England in the Holy Land and is now living 93 Andre du Chesne a Frenchman Geographer to the King of France hath written the History of England Scotland Ireland from their first beginnings to the seventeenth yeare of our present Soveraigne Lord King Charles The end of the Catalogue of Authors A CHRONICLE OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND from the time of the Romans Government unto the Raigne of King CHARLES Of the first knowne times of this Island ALthough we begin the Aera of our Computation from William called the Conquerour as though he were the first King of our English Nation Yet before him were many other excellent Kings and their Acts perhaps as worthy to bee knowne if they could be knowne But seeing after ages can know nothing of former times but what is Recorded by writing It hath followed that as the first Writers were Poets So the first writings have been Fictions and nothing is delivered to Posterity of the most ancient times but very Fables Such as is the story of Albina of whom they say this Island was called Albion though others say ab albis rupibus of the white cliffes that shee should be● the eldest of the two and thirty daughters of Dioclesian King of Syria such as never was who being marryed to two and thirty Kings in one night killed all their husbands for which fact they were put in a shippe themselves alone without any Pylo● so to try their adventure and by chance arrived in this Island of whom Gyants were begotten And if you like not of this then have you the story of Albion the sonne of Neptune of whom the Island tooke its name But when these are exploded there followes another with great Attestation and yet as very a Fable as these namely the story of the Trojan Brute of whom the Island they say was called Britaine though many other causes are given of the name as likewise the story of Brutes cosin Corinaeus of whom they say the Country of Cornwall had its name to whom it was given for overcomming the Giant Gogmagog and that Brute having three sonnes Lectrine Albanact and Camber he gave at his death to his eldest sonne Locrine all the land on this side Humber and called it Lo●gria to his second sonne Albanact all the land beyond Humber of whom it was called Albania now Scotland and to his youngest sonne Camber all the land beyond the river of Severne of whom it was called Cambria now Wales with other such stuffe which may please children but not riper Judgements and were first broached by Geoffry Archdeacon of Monmouth for which all the Writers of his time cryed shame upon him and yet can scarce keepe many at this day from giving credit to his Fictions And when we are once gotten out of Fables and come to some truth yet that truth is delivered in such slender draughts and such broken pieces that very small benefit can be gotten by the knowing it and was not till the time of Iulius Caesar a thousand yeares after the Fable of Brute at which time the Island was yet but in manner of a Village being without Walls as having no shipping which are indeed the true Wals of an Island but onely certaine small vessels made of boards and wicker And as they had no ships for defence without So neither had they any Forts for defence within scarce any houses but such as were made of stakes and boughes of trees fastned together Neither was it yet come to be a Kingdome but was Governed by a number of petty Rulers So as Kent onely had in it as Caesar calleth them foure Kings
Cingetorix Carvilius Taximagulus and Segonax which division as it made the Britaines the more easie to be conquered so it made the Romans the longer in conquering For if they had beene one united body one or two battailes might have made a conquest of the whole where being thus divided there was need to be as many battailes as there were divisions So as it was many yeares before the Romanes could conquer the whole Island even from the time of Iulius Caesar to the time of the Emperour Domitian not much lesse then two hundred yeares It is true after Caesars first comming the Island grew sensible of this defect of their division and thereupon by consent of a great part made choyce of Cassibelan King of the Trinovants who had his seate at Verulam to be Generall of their warres which made indeed some little stoppe to the Romanes proceedings but after the losse of a battaile or two they fell againe into a relapse of their former defect and thought it better to secure every one his owne by his owne meanes then by a generall power to hazard all at once whereby it came afterward to be true Dum singuli pugnant universi vincuntur Yet before the Cou●try could bee wholly Conquered at first by reason of the Nations valour seeking to keepe themselves free and afterward by reason of the insolency of the garrison souldiers that sought to make them slaves many great oppositions were made amongst which the most memorable was that of Voadicia a certaine Queene of the Country who having beene by the Romane souldiers herselfe abused and her daughters ravished used meanes to levy an Army of six score thousand men whom she led herselfe into the field and set upon the Romanes in their chiefe townes which were London Verulam and Camalodunum now Malden in Essex of whom she flew above seventy thousand but then in a second battaile had fourescore thousand of her owne Army slaine after which defeate for avoyding of slavery she poysoned herselfe This Island for a long time was so much esteemed of the Romanes that their Emperors sometimes came hither in person as first the Emperor Adrian in the yeare 124. who made a great wall of earth betweene England and Scotland and having set the Country in order returned After him sometime Severus the Emperor in the yeare 212. came over into Brit●ine to represse the Incur●ions of the Picts and Scots by whom in a battaile neere Yorke he was wounded and thereof dyed or as others say he dyed of age and sicknesse Afterward in the yeare 305. Constantius the Emperor came into Britaine and ended his life at Yorke making that City famous for the death and buriall of two great Emperors and yet more famous for the honor done to Constantine the Great sonne of Constantius who in that City was first saluted Emperor But notwithstanding the great estimation the Romanes a long time made of this Island yet at last after five hundred yeares they had kept it in subjection they voluntarily left it the charge of keeping it being greater then the benefit for to keepe it in subjection they maintained no fewer than fourescore thousand souldiers in pay and when warres grew amongst themselves at home they could no longer spare so many abroad but recalled them home but then though they left Britaine yet they left not the Britaines but carried them at least a great part of them away with them of whom the most were slaine in their service and the rest planted in that part of France which of them was afterward and is to this day called Britaine And now one would thinke the Island should be in good case being freed from them that kept them in subjection but it proved to bee in worse case being at liberty then it was before in servitude for being deprived of their ablest men and at the same time their King Lucius happening to dye without issue they were left as a few loose sticks without the bond of a Governour which the Picts and Scots observing thought now was the time to make the Country their owne and thereupon made invasions upon it with all their Forces Whereupon the Britaines having none left of their Native Kings to succeed and knowing they could ill manage the Body of an Army without a Head they make choyce of Vortigerne Earle of Cornwall one extracted from the British Line and he whether so advised by his Cabinet Counsellor the Propheticall Merlin or as finding his owne strength too weake to make resistance implores first ayde of the Romanes and they making answer they had businesse enough to do of their owne and leaving them to themselves he then fled to the Saxons for ayde a warlike people of Germany and who had greater swarmes then their hives would well hold And here we may plainly see how dangerous a thing it is for a Nation to call in strangers to their ayd and especially in any great number for though they come at first but mercenaries yet once admitted and finding their owne strength they soone grow Masters as here it proved with the Saxons But before we speake further of the comming in of the Saxons who were at that time Infidels and brought with them their two Idols Woden and Frya whereof two of our weeke dayes Wednesday and Friday take their names it will be fit to say something of the state of the Christian Church in this Island First then it is recorded that in the yeare 63. what time Arviragus raigned here Ioseph of Arim●thea who buried the body of Christ came into this Island and laid the foundation of the Christian Faith in the Westerne parts at a place called then Hvalon now Glastenbury and that there came with him Mary Magdalen Lazarus and Martha and more then this that Simon Zelotes one of the Apostles suffered martyrdome here in Britaine and more then this that both St. Peter and St. Paul came into this Island and Preached the Gospell all which and more to this purpose is Recorded by Authors of good Account though it be hard believing That persons and specially women of so great age as these must needes be at this time should take so long a journey But howsoever it was certaine it is that the doctrine of Christianity was about this time planted in this Island though it made afterwards but small progresse and that with some persecution as in which time St. Alban suffered martyrdome at Verulam and at Liechfield shortly after no fewer then a thousand After this in the yeare 180 what time Lucius was King of this Island Eleutherius then Bishop of Rome sent Faganus and Damianus to him upon whose preaching the Temples of the Heathenish Flamins and Arch-flamins one and thirty in number were converted to so many Bishops Sees whereof London Yorke and Caerleyn now St. Davids were made the Metropolitans of the Province And there is a Table remaining at this day in the Parish Church of St. Peter on Cornhill London which
After the death of Athelstan his brother Edmund the fifth sonne of his Father succeeded and was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames but no sooner was the Crowne set upon his head but the Danes were upon his backe and in Northumberland made Insurrections whom yet he not onely repressed in that part but tooke from them the Townes of Lincolne Leycester Darby Stafford and Nottingham compelling them withall to receive Baptisme and to become his Subjects so as the Country was wholly his as farre as Humber Cumberland also which had beene an entire Kingdome of it selfe and was now ayded by Leolyn King of South-wales he utterly wasted and gave it to Malcolme King of Scots to hold of him by Fealty After his returning home he ●et himselfe to ordaine Lawes for the good of his People which Master Lambert hath since transla●ed into Latine But after all his noble Acts both in Warre and Peace he came at last to a lamentable end for at his Manour of Pucklekerks in the County of Glocester interposing himselfe to part a fray betweene two of his servants he was thrust through the body and so wounded that he dyed and was buryed at Glastenbury after he had Raigned five yeares and seven moneths leaving behinde him two young Sonnes Edwyn and Edgar King Edmund dying his brother Edred in the minority of his Nephewes was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 946. Not as Protector It seemes that kinde of Authority was not yet come in use but as King himselfe though with purpose to resigne when the right Heire should come of age which at this time needed not for while the right Heire was scarce yet fourteene yeares old he resigned to him the Kingdome by resigning his life to Nature after he had twice repressed the rebelling Northumbrians and twice forgiven their rebelling which yet was not a simple Rebellion for they had sent for Anlafe the Dane out of Ireland and made him their King which place for foure yeares he held and then weary of his government they thrust him out and take one Hericus to be their King whom not long after they put downe also and then partly allured by the lenity of King Edred and partly forced by his Armes they submit themselves to him and aske forgivenesse to whom he as a mercifull Prince giants an Act of Oblivion and received them againe into protection This Prince was so devout and humble that he submitted his body to be chastised at the will of Dunstan Abbot of Glastenbury and committed all his Treasure and Jewels to his custody The stately Abbey of Mich at Abington neare Oxford built by King Inas but destroyed by the Danes he newly re-edified endowing it with revenues and Lands the Charters whereof he confirmed with seales of Gold He ordained Saint Germans in Cornwall to be a Bishops See which there continued till by Canutus it was annexed to the Episcopall See of Kyrton in Devonshire Both which Sees were afterward by King Edward the Confessor translated to the City of Exceter He left behinde him two Sonnes Elfred and Bertfred and was buryed in the old Minster without the City of Winchester whose bones with other Kings are to this day preserved in a gilt Coffer fixed upon the wall in the South side of the Quire After Edred not any of his sonnes but his Nephew Edwyn the eldest sonne of King Edmund succeeded and was annoynted and Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 955. This Prince though scarce fourteene yeares old and in age but a childe yet was able to commit sinne as a man For upon the very day of his Coronation and in sight of his Lords as they sate in Counsell he shamefully abused a Lady of great Estate and his neare kinswoman and to mend the matter shortly after slew her Husband the more freely to injoy his incestuous pleasure And whether for this infamous fact or for thrusting the Monkes out of the Monasteries of Mamesbury and Glastenbury and placing marryed Priests in their roomes as also for banishing Dunstan the holy Abbot of Glastenbury out of the Realme a great part of his Subjects hearts was so turned against him that the Mercians and Northumbrians revolted and swore Fealty to his younger brother Edgar with griefe whereof after foure yeares Raigne he ended his life and was buryed in the Church of the New Abbey of Hyde at Winchester After Edwyn succeeded his younger brother Edgar at the age of sixteene yeares but his Coronation when and where and by whom so uncertaine that some say he was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the first yeare of his Raigne others say not till the twelfth and William of Mamesbery not till the thirtyeth Another Chronicle saith in his eleventh yeare and that in the City of Bathe by the hands of Dunstan Arch-bishop of Canterbury This King by reason of the tranquillity of his Raigne was surnamed the Peaceable for as he was something inclined to the Danes so the Danes never offered to stirre in all his time and as for the Saxons they acknowledged him their sole Soveraigne without division of Provinces or Titles His Acts were some Vertuous some Politick some Just some Pious and yet all these not without some mixture of vice To represse dunkennesse which the Danes had brought in he ma●e a Law Ordaining a size by certaine pinnes in the pot with penalty to any that should presume to drinke deeper then the marke It was a Politicke device which he used for the destruction of Wolves that in his dayes did great annoyance to the Land For the tribute imposed on the Princes of Wales by King Athelstan he wholly remitted appointing in lieu thereof a certaine number of Wolves yearely to be paid whereof the Prince of North-wales for his part was to pay three hundred which continued for three yeares space and in the fourth yeare there was not a Wolfe to be found and so the tribute ceased He had in his Navy Royall three thousand and sixe hundred ships which he divided into three parts appointing every one of them to a severall Quarter to scowre the Seas and to secure the Coasts from Pirats and left his Officers might be carelesse or corrupted he would himselfe in person saile about all the Coasts of his Kingdome every Summer It was a notable Act of Justice that in his Circuits and Progresses through the Country he would take speciall account of the demeanour of his Lords and specially for his Judges whom he severely punished if he fonnd them Delinquents Warres he had none in all his Raigne onely towards his end the Welshmen moved some rebellion against whom he went with a mighty Army and chastised the Authours but when his Souldiers had gotten great spoyles and made prey upon the innocent Countrey people he commanded them to restore it all backe againe which if it made some few English angry it
made the whole Country of the Welsh well pleased and sound forth his praises His Pious Acts were that he built and prepared seven and forty Monasteries and meant to have made them up fifty but was prevented by death But now his mixture of Vice marred all especially being a Vice opposite to all those Vertues which was Lasciviousnesse For first he deflowred a sacred Nunne called Wolfchild on whom yet he begot a Saint the chast Edyth After her another Virgin called Ethelflede for her excellent beauty surnamed the White on whom he begot his eldest Sonne Edward for which Fact he did seven yeares penance enjoyned him by the Arch-bishop Dunstan After this he chanced to heare of a Virgin Daughter to a Westerne Duke exceedingly praysed for her beauty and comming to Andover commanded her to his Bed But the Mother tender of her Daughters honour brought in the darke her mayd to him who in the morning making hast to rise and the King not suffering her to depart she told him what great worke she had to doe and how she should incurre her Ladies displeasure if it were not done by which words the King perceiving the deceit turned it to a jest but so well liked her company that he kept himselfe true to her ever after till he marryed But now his marriage it selfe happened by a greater vice then any of these For hearing of the admirable beauty of El●rida the onely daughter of Ordganus Duke of Devonshire Founder of Tavestocke Abbey in that Country he sent his great Favorite Earle Ethelwold who could well judge of beauty to try the truth thereof with Commission that if he found her such as Fame reported he should seise her for him and he would make her his Queene The young Earle upon sight of the lady was so surprized with her love that he began to wooe her for himselfe and got her Fathers good will so as the King would give his consent Hereupon the Earle posted to the King relating to him that the Mayd was faire indeed but nothing answerable to the Fame that went of her yet desired the King that he might marry her as being her Fathers heire thereby to raise his Fortunes The King consented and the marriage was solemnized Soone after the fame of her beauty began to spread more then before so as the King much doubting that he had beene abused meant to try the truth himselfe and thereupon taking occasion of hunting in the Dukes Parke came to his house whose comming Ethelwold suspecting acquainted his wife with the wrong he had done both her and the King and therefore to prevent the Kings displeasure intreated her by all the perswasions he could use to cloathe her selfe in such attire as might be least fit to set her forth but she considering that now was the time to make the most of her beauty and longing to be a Queene would not be accessary to her owne wrong but decked her selfe in her richest Ornaments which so improved her beauty that the King at her first sight was strucke with admiration and meant to be revenged of his persidious Favourite yet dissembling his passion till he could take him at advantage he then with a Javelin ran him through and having thereby made the faire Elfrid a Widow tooke her to be his Wife This King founded the Monastery of Ramsey in Hamshire Raigned sixteene yeares Lived seven and thirty and with great Fun●rall pompe was buryed in the Abbey of Glastenbury He had children by his first wife Ethelfleda one sonne named Edward and by his second wife Elfrid two sons one named Edmund who dyed young the other Ethelred He had also one naturall Daughter named Edgyth by a Lady named Wolfchild the daughter of Wolholme the sonne of Birding the sonne of Nesting which two latter beare in their names the memory of their Fortunes the last of them being found in an Eagles nest by King Alfred as he was a hunting This Edgyth built the Monastery and Church of Saint Dennis at Wilton and was there buryed After the death of King Edgar succeeded his sonne Edward but not without some opposition for Queene Elfrid combined with divers of the Lords to make her Sonne Ethelred King saying that Prince Edward was illegitimate on the other side the Arch-bishop Dunstan and the Monkes stood for Edward abetting his Title as being lawfully borne but while the Counsell was assembled to argue their Rights the Arch-bishop came in with his Banner and Crosse and not staying for debating De Iure De Facto presented Prince Edward for their lawfull King and the Assembly consisting most of Clergy men drew the approbation of the rest and thereupon Prince Edward was admitted being but twelve yeares of age and was Crowned King at Kingstone upon Thames by Arch-bishop Dunstan in the yeare 975. In the beginning of his Raigne it fell into debate whether marryed Priests were to be allowed to live in Monasteries upon the revenues of the Church The Mercian Duke Alferus favouring the cause of the marryed Priests destroyed the Monasteries in his Province cast out the Monkes and restored againe the ancient revenues to the Priests and their wives On the other side Edelwyn Duke of the East Angles and Brithnoth Earle of Essex who stood for the Monkes cast marryed Priests out of their Provinces The matter being debated in a Councell at Westminster the Monkes cause was like to have the foyle till it was referred to the Rood placed on the Refectory wall where the Counsell sate For to this gréat Oracle Saint Dunstan desired them devoutly to pray and to give diligent eare for an Answer when suddenly a voyce was heard to say God forbid it should be so God forbid it should be so This was thought authority sufficient to suppresse the Priests till they perswading the people that this was but a cunning practise of the Monkes in placing behind the wall a man of their owne who through a Trunke uttered these words in the mouth of the Rood whereupon another Assembly was appointed at Cleve in Wiltshire whither repaired the Prelates with most of all the Lords and Gentlemen of the Kingdome The Synod being set and the matter at the heighth of discussing it happened that the Joysts of the roome where the Synod was held suddenly brake and the floore with all the people thereon fell downe whereof many were hurt and some slaine Onely the Arch-bishop Dunstan then President and mouth for the Monkes remained unhurt which whether it were done by practise or were miraculous it served the Monkes turne for justifying their cause and marryed Priests were thereupon discarded It were infinite and indeed ridiculous to speake of all the Miracles reported to be done by this Saint Dunstan which may be fit for a Legend but not for a Chronicle But now a most lamentable dysaster comes to be remembred For King Edward hunting one time in the Island of Purbacke not farre from Corfe Castle where his mother in Law Queene Elfrid with
still besieged by the Danish ships but King Edmund hearing of his departure followed him and with small adoe removed the siege and in Triumphant manner entred the City After this neere unto Otford in Kent was another great battaile fought in which Canutus lost foure thousand five hundred men and King Edmund onely six hundred the rest of the Danes saving themselves by ●light whom if King Edmund had pur●ued it is thought that day had ended the warres betweene these two Nations for ever But the ever traiterous Edrick kept King Edmund from pursuing them by telling him of Ambushes and other dangers So as Canutu● had leisure to passe over into Essex but thither also King Edmund followed him where at Ashdone three miles from Saffron Walden another battaile was fought in which ●he Danes being at the point to be overthrowne the traiterous Edrick with all his Forces revoulted to their side by which treachery the English lost the day There died of King Edmunds Nobility Duke Alfred Duke Goodwyn Duke Athelward Duke Athelwyn Earle Urchill Codnoth Bishop of Lincolne Woolsey Abbot of Ramsey with many other The remembrance of which battaile is retained to this day by certaine small hils there remaining whence have beene digged the bones of men Armour and horsebridles After this at Dereherst neere to the river Severn● another battaile was ready to be fought when suddenly a certaine Captaine steps forth and for saving of blood u●ed great perswasions that either they should try the matter by single Combat or else divide the Kingdome betwixt them Upon this the Combat is agreed on and the two Princes entering into a small Island called Alney adjoyning to the City of Glocester in compleat Armour assayled each other at first on horsebacke and after on foote when Canutus having received a dangerous wound and finding himselfe overmatched in strength desired a Compromise and with a loud voyce used these words What necessity should move us most Valiant Prince for obtaining of a Title to endanger our lives were it not better to lay malice aside and condescend to a loving agreement let us therefore become sworne brothers and divide the Kingdome between us This motion was by King Edmund accepted and thus was the Kingdome divided betweene these two Princes Edmund enjoying that part which lies upon the coast of France and Canutus the rest But now Duke Edrick hath his last and greatest Act of treachery to play for King Edmund being retired to a place for natures n●cessity he thurst from under the draught a sharpe speare into his body and then cutting off his head presented it to Canutus with these fawning words All hayle thou sole Monarch now of England for here behold the head of thy Copartner which for thy sake I have adventured to cut off Canutus though ambitious enough of soveraignty yet aba●hed at so disloyall a fact replyed and vowed that in reward of that service his own head should bee advanced above all the Peeres of his Kingdom which soone after he performed for by his command the false Edricks head was cut off and placed upon the highest gate in London The death of this King in this manner some say was acted at Oxford other that he died of naturall sicknesse in London but howsoever he came to his death his Raigne was but onely seven months his body was buried at Glasten●ury neere to his Grandfather King Edgar This King Edmund had by his wife Algyt● two sonnes the eldest named Edward surnamed the Outlaw because he lived out of England in Hungary as a banished man for feare of King Canutus but when his Uncle King Edward the Confessor had obtained the Crowne he was recalled and honourably entertained till he died He married Agatha sister to Queene Sophia wife to Salomon King of Hungarie and daughter to the Emperour Henry the second by whom he had Edgar surnamed Atheling the right Heire of the English Crowne though he never enjoyed it King Edmund had also two daughters Margaret and Christian of whom the younger became a Veyled Nunne at Ramsey in Hampshire the elder Margaret after sole Heire to the Saxon Monarchie married Malcolme the third King of Scotland from which Princely bed in a lineall Descent our High and Mighty Monarch King Iames the first doth in his most Royall person unite the Britaines Saxons Normans and Scottish Imperiall Crownes in one Of the first Danish King in England CAnutus being possest of halfe the Kingdome by composition with King Edmund now after his death seised upon the whole and to prevent all further question he called a Councell of the English Nobility wherein it was propounded whether in the agreement betwixt Edm●nd and him any claime of Title to the Crowne had beene reserved for King Edmunds brethren or sonnes to which not daring to say otherwise they absolutely answered no and thereupon tooke all of them the Oath of Allegeance to Canutus Being thus cleered of all Opposites he prepared with great solemnity for his Coronation which was performed at London by the hands of Levingus surnamed Elstane Archbishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1017. being the first Dane that Raigned Monarch of England But Canutus not thinking himselfe sufficiently safe as long as any that might pretend were in the peoples eye caused first Edwyn the sonne of King Ethelred and brother of Edmund to abjure the Realme who was yet afterward recalled and treacherously murthered by his owne men and his body buried at Tavestock in Devonshire Next were the two sonnes of Edmund Ironside Edward and Edmund whom to the end the people might not see him shed the blood of Innocents he sent to his halfe brother King of Sweden to be made away Then remained Edward and Alfred the sonnes of King Ethelred and them their mother Queene Emma had sent away before to her brother the Duke of Normandie there to be in safety so as none of the Royall blood was now left in the land to give Canutus any feare of competition After this he tooke to wife the vertuous Lady Emma the Relict of King Ethelred by which match he procured to himselfe three great benefits one that hee wonne the love of the people by marrying a Lady whom they so entirely loved another that he got the Alliance of the Duke of Normandi● a neighbou●ing Prince of great power the third that by marrying the mother hee secured himselfe against the sons as likewise Queene Emma was not unwillingly perswaded to the match upon agreement to make her issue if he had any by her to inherit the Crowne of England And to winne the love of the people more hee caused great numbers of his Danes who pestered the Country to return home bestowing amongst them for their satisfaction foure score and two thousand pounds And to winne the love of the people yet more he now set himselfe to the making of good lawes● in a Parliament at Oxford whereof for a Patterne of those times some that concerne Religion may not
Monasteries and all the gold and silver of either Chalices or Shrines he tooke to his owne use Likewise he Sessed all Bishops and Abbots what number of souldiers they should finde to serve him in his warres also the strangers which he maintained in Pay he dipsersed into Religious houses and some also among the Nobility to bee maintained at their charge Many other taxations he made but last of all in the eighteenth yeare of his Raigne by the advise of Roger Earle of Hertford he caused the whole Realme to be described in a Censuall Roll whereof hee tooke a President from King Alfred so as there was not one Hyde of Land but both the yearely rent and the owner thereof was therein set downe How many Ploughlands what Pastures Fennes or Marishes what Woods Farmes and Tenements were in every Shire and what every one was worth Also how many Villaines every man had what Beasts what Cattell what F●es what other goods what rent or commodity his Possessions did yeeld This booke was called the Roll of Winton because it was kept in the City of Winchester By the English it was called Doomesday booke either by reason of the generality thereof or else corruptly instead of Domu● Dei booke for that it was laid in the Church of Winchester in a place called Domu● Dei. According to this Roll taxations were imposed sometimes two shillings and at this time six shillings upon every Hyde of Land a Hyde containing as some account it twenty Acres bu● as Master Lambert proveth a hundred Acres In all those Lands which he gave to any man hee reserved Dominion in chiefe to himselfe as also a yearely rent and likewise a Fine whensoever the Tenant did alien or dye These were bound to him by Oath of Fealty and Homage and if any died his heire being within age the King received the profits of his Lands and had the custody and disposing of the heires body untill his age of one and twenty yeares To be short his greedinesse of money was so great that he spared not his owne brother Odo but found accusations against him● to the end he might seise upon his Treasure which was infinite great and which he had gathered in hope to buy the Papacy Onely one kinde of profit he forbare to meddle with that is Vacancies of Abbeys and Bishopricks which he alwayes reserved for the Successours but then he tooke another course of farre greater profit for he compelled all men to make new Fines at his pleasure for confirmation of any Grant or Priviledges formerly granted by any Prince of the Realme by which devise he got into his possession the greatest part of all the riches of the Land as well of the Clergie as of the Laity And one particular may not be omitted that is reported of him which was this The Monkes of Ely to purchase their peace agreed to give him seven hundred Markes when comming to pay it there wanted a Groat in the weight for in those dayes greater summes were not payd by tale but by weight which the King understanding denied them all composition for Peace untill with much suite he was intreated to accept of a thousand Markes more Of his Lawes and Ordinances and Courts of Iustice erected by him ALthough at his Coronation he had taken an Oath to observe the Lawes of King Edward then in use yet afterwards perhaps counting his Coronation Oath but a matter of course he abrogated many and in their stead brought in the Lawes of Normandie commanding them to be written in French and also that all Causes should be Pleaded and all matters of Forme dispatched in French upon a pretense to dignifie the French tongue but with a purpose to intrappe men through ignorance of the language as indeed it did or perhaps to make the Normans language predominant in the Kingdome as he had made their persons which yet hee was so farre from effecting that there is not so much as any footsteps remaining of the Norman language in the English tongue Formes of Judgement and trials by Fire and Water called Ordeal formerly used were in short time after the Conquest disused and in the end utterly abrogated by the Pope as derived from Paganisme That of Combat continued longer but of no ordinary use and all actions both criminall and reall began now to be wholly adjudged by the Verdict of twelve men according to the custome of Normandie where the like Forme is used and called by the name of Enquest with the same cautions for the Jurours as it is here continued to this day though by the Lawes of Ethelred it appeares that the triall by twelve men was in use long before his time And where before the Bishop and the Alderman were the absolute Judges to determine all businesse in every Shire and the Bishop in many Cases shared in the benefit of the Mulcts with the King now hee confined the Clergie within the Privince of their owne Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction to deale onely in businesse concerning rule of soules according to the Canons and Lawes Episcopall And where the Causes of the Kingdome were before determined in every Shire and by a Law of King Edward all matters in question were upon speciall penalty decided in their Gemote or Conventicle held monethly in every Hundred Now he ordained that foure times in the yeare for certaine daies the same businesses should be determined in such place as he would appoint where he constituted Judges to attend for that purpose Also he Decreed there should be Sheriffes in every Shire and Justices of Peace for punishment of Malefactors Finally he ordained his Councell of State his Chancery his Exchequer Scaccarium corruptly called so of the word Statarium or rather of the Boord or Table where the Officers sate also his Courts of Justice which alwayes removed with his Court These places he furnished with Officers and assigned foure Termes in the yeare for determining controversies among the people The place of these Courts was Westminster where King William Rufus afterward built a stately Palace Now for his provisionary Revenues the Kings Tenants who held Lands of the Crowne payd him no money at all but onely Corne and other victuals and a just note of the quality and quantity of every mans ratement was taken through out all the Shires of the Kingdome and levyed ever certaine for maintenance of the Kings house Onely the Kentish men procured the continuance of their ancient Lawes by a trick for King William riding towards Dover at Sw●nscombe two miles from Gravesend the Kentish men met him but in the forme of a moving wood by reason of the great boughes they had cut and carried in their hands and compassing the King about they onely made suite for the continuan● of their Lawes which the King without any great scruple granted and glad he was so ridde of them A strange conceite in the Kentish men to hazard themselves more for the preserving a simple Custome then for
the King the estate of his kingdome and the oppressions of Popes inquiry was made of the Revenues which the Romans and Italians had in England which were found to be annually sixty thousand Markes being more then the yearely Revenues of the Crowne which so moved the King that he caused the same to be notifyed with all other Exactions to the Generall Councell now Assembled at Lyons and this with the ill usage of his Agent Martin so vexed the Pope that he is said to have uttered these words It is time to make an end with the Emperour that we may crush these petty Kings for the Dragon once appeased or destroyed these lesser Snakes will soone be trodden downe But upon the Popes rejecting the consideration of these grievances of England and despi●ing the Kings message who he said began to Frederize it was absolutely here ordained under great penalty that no contribution of money should be given to the Pope by any Subject of England and the King for a time assents unto it but being of an irresolute and wavering nature and afraid of threats he soone gave over what he undertooke so as the Pope continued his former rapine and though he had promised never to send any more Legats into England ye● sent he other Ministers under the title of Clerkes that had as great power as Legats and effected as much And now for the other part of the State new occasions also of complaint were offered Peter of Savoy Earle of Richmond comes into England bringing with him certain Maides to be marryed to young Noble men of this Countrey the Kings Wards of whom Edmund Earle of Lincolne hath one and Richard de Burgh another and the same yeare three of the Kings Brothers by the Mother Guy de Lusignan William de Valence and Athelmar Clerke are sent over to be provided of Estates in England also Thomas of Savoy sometimes Earle of Flanders by Right of his Wife comes with his sister Beatrix Countesse of Provence the Queenes Mother who are againe Feasted and Gifted for which the King is taxed the next Parliament in Candlemas Terme and besides sharply reprehended for his breach of Promise having Vowed and Declared by his Charter never more to injure the State in that kinde also for his violent taking up of provision of Waxe Silke Roabes and specially of Wine contrary to the will of the sellers and many other grievances they complaine of all which the King patiently heares in hope to obtaine his desire but yet nothing is effected and the Parliament being Prorogued till Midsummer following and the King growing more obdurate then before it afterward brake up in discontent But the Parliament not supplying him he is advised to furnish his wants with sale of his Plate and Jewels of the Crowne being told that though they were sold yet they would revert againe unto him and having with great losse received money for them he askes who had bought them Answer is made the City of London That City said he is an inexhaustible Gulph If Octavius Treasure were to be sold they surely would buy it And now to vexe them he appoints a Faire to be kept at Westminster forbidding under great penalty all exercise of Merchandise within London for fifteene dayes and all other Fayres in England and namely that of Ely but this Novelty came to nothing the Inconvenience of the place as it was then and the foulenesse of the weather brought more affliction then benefit to the Traders That Christmas also he requires Newyeares gifts of the Londoners and shortly after writes unto them his Letters imperiously deprecatory to ayde him with money and thereby gets of them twenty thousand pounds for which the next yeare after he craves pardon of them And notwithstanding his continuall taking up all Provisions for his House yet he lessens his House-keeping in no honourable manner And then seeing he could get nothing of the States together he calls unto him or writes to every Nobleman apart declaring his poverty and how he was bound by Charter in a debt of thirty thousand pound to those of Burdeaux and his Gascoynes who otherwise would not have suffered him to depart home at his last being in France but fa●ling herein of Temporall Lords he addresseth his Letters to the Prelates of whom he findes as little reliefe by much importunity and his owne presence he got of the Abbot of Ramsey a hundred pound but the Abbot of Borough had the face to deny him though the King told him it was more Almes to give money to him then to a Begger that went from doore to doore The Abbot of Saint Albons yet was more kind and gave him threescore Markes To such lownesse did the necessity of this indigent King through his profusion bring him The Iewes ever exposed to his will feele the weight of these his wants One Abraham found a Delinquent redeemes himselfe for seven hundred Markes and Aaron another Iew protests the King had since his last being in France taken from him at times thirty thousand Markes of Silver besides 200. Markes of Gold given to the Queene But now the Lords assemble againe at London and presse him with his promise made unto them that the Chiefe Justiciar Chancellour and Treasurer should be appointed by the Generall Councell of the kingdome but by the absence of Richard Earle of Cornwall which was thought to be done of purpose they returne frustrate of their desire And now the Bishopricke of Winchester falling void the King sends presently to the Monkes of the Cathedrall Church to Elect his Brother Athelmar and because he would not be denyed he goes thither himselfe in person and there enters the Chapter house as a Bishop or Prior gets up into the Presidents Chaire beginnes a Sermon and takes his Text Iustice and Peace have kissed each other and thereupon useth these words To me and other Kings who are to governe the people belongs the rigour of Judgement and Justice to you who are men of quiet and Religion Peace and Tranquillity and this day I heare you have for your owne good beene favourable to my request with many such like words whereby the Monkes finding the earnestnesse of his desire held it in vaine to deny him and Athelmar is Elected but with this reservation if the Pope allow it Shortly after followes the memorable Case of Sir Henry de Bathe a Justiciar of the kingdome and a speciall Counsellour to the King● who by corruption had attained to a mighty Estate and is said in one Circuit to have gotten two hundred pound land per annum He is accused by Sir Philip D●rcy of falsehood in the Kings Court and the King is so incensed against him that in the Parliament at this time holden in London Proclamation is made that whosoever had any Action or Complaint against Henry de Bathe should come and be heard One of his fellow Justiciars accused him of acquiting a malefactor for a bribe The King seeing Henry
de Bathes friends to be many and strong● breakes out into rage protesting that whosoever would kill Henry de Bathe should be acquited for the deed But afterward by intercession of the Earle of Cornwall and the Bishop of London the King becomes pacifyed and Sir Henry is released paying two thousand Markes and after is restored to his former place and favour The King keeping his Christmas at Yorke the marriage is solemnized betweene Alexander King of Scots and Margaret his Daughter to the Feast of which solemnity it is said the Arch-bi●hop gave sixe hundred fat Oxen which were all spent at one meale and besides the Feast cost him foure thousand Markes About this time the Pope solicits King Henry to undertake the Crosse and so doth Alphonsus King of Castile offering to accompany him in person to rescue the King of France who was now held Prisoner by the Souldan And because a ransome collected for him in France was by tempest cast away at Sea the Captive King offers to restore Normandy to the King of England so he would come to his rescue Upon this solicitation of the Pope and the grant of a tenth of the Clergy and Laity for three yeares to come the King undertakes the Crosse rather it seemes to get the money then with any purpose to performe the Journey which had it beene collected saith Paris would have amounted to six hundred thousand pounds to the utter impoverishing of the kingdome And now the King by Proclamation cals the Londoners to Westminster and there causeth the Bishops of Worcester and Chichester to declare his Intentions and to exhort the people to undertake the Crosse and attend him but few are moved by their perswasions onely three knights of small note whom thereupon the King in open view imbraceth kisseth and cals his Brethren checking the Londoners as ignoble Mercenaries and there himselfe takes his Oath for performing it and to set forth upon Midsummer day next In taking his Oath he layes his right hand on his Breast according to the manner of a Priest and after on the Booke and kist it as a Layman About this Tenth granted by the Pope but not by the People a Parliament is called at London where the Bishops are first dealt withall as being a worke of Piety and they absolutely refuse it then the Temporall Lords are set upon and they answer as the Bishops which put the King into so great a rage that he drove out all that were in his Chamber as he had beene madde Then he ●als to perswade them apart sending first for the Bishop of Ely and deales with him in all kind manner recounting the many favours he had done him The Bishop replies Disswading him from the Journey by the Example of the King of France and to that purpose useth many good reasons which the King hearing in great passion commanded his servants to thrust him out of doore perceiving by this what was to be expected of the rest and thereupon fals upon his former violent courses and first the City of London is compelled to the Contribution of a thousand Markes and the Gascoyners being upon revolt unlesse speedy succour be sent them generall Musters are made and commandement given that whosoever could dispend thirteene pounds per annum should furnish out a Horseman This occasions another Parliament wherein it seemes the State beganne wisely to consider that all their oppositions did no good the Kings turne must be served one way or other therefore they agreed to relieve him rather by the usuall way then force him to those extravagant courses which he tooke but yet so as the Reformation of the Government and the ratification of their Lawes and Liberties might once againe be solemnely confirmed And after fifteene dayes consultation to satisfie the Kings desire for his holy Expedition a Tenth is granted by the Clergy and Scutage three Markes of every knights Fee by the Laity and thereupon those often confirmed Charters are againe ratifyed and that in the most solemne and Ceremoniall manner that State and Religion could possibly devise The King with all the Great Nobility of England all the Bishops in their reverent Ornaments with burning Candles in their hands assemble to heare the terrible sentence of Excommunication against the infringers of the same And at the lighting of those Candles the King having received one in his hand gives it to a Prelate that stood by saying It becomes not me being no Priest to hold this Candle my heart shall be a greater Testimony and withall laid his hand spread upon his Breast all the time the sentence was read which was thus Pronounced Authoritate Dei Omnipotentis c. Which done he caused the Charter of King Iohn his Father granted by his free consent to be openly read In the end having throwne away their Candles which lay smoaking on the ground they cryed out So let them who incurre this sentence be extinct and have no better savour then these snuffes and the King with a loud voyce said As God helpe me I will as I am a Man a Christian a Knight a King Crowned and annoynted inviolably observe all these things and therewithall the Bels rung out and the people shouted for Joy Yet was not all so quieted by this Grant but that there were grievances still whereof the first fals upon his Brother Richard Earle of Cornwall for the King having seven and twenty yeares before given him the Province of G●scogne now that he had a Sonne of his owne he would take it from his Brother and give it to his Sonne and the Earle refusing to deliver his Charter it is plotted to imprison him but he escaping out of Burdeaux comes over into England The King to win the Nobility of Gascogne to turne to him promiseth them thirty thousand Markes which they accept so as he binde himself● by his Oath and Charter to performe it This strictnesse of theirs the King takes in ill part and thereupon sends Sim●● Montford Earle of Leycester a sterne man to be their Governour who with his insolent Government so discontents them that after three yeares suffering they send the Arch-bishop of Burdeaux with other great men to complaine of his Insolencies whereupon Montford is sent for and because the Lords tooke part with him the King takes part with the Gascoyners which Montford tooke so ill that he upbraides the King with breaking his Promise to whom the King in great rage replyed that no promise was to be kept with an unworthy Traytor at which word Montford riseth up protesting that he lyed and were he not Protected by his Royall Dignity he would make him repent those words The King commands his Servants to lay hold on bim but the Lords would not permit it Yet after this great affront to the King is Montford sent over againe into Gascogne though with a more limited Authority and shortly after the King with a Fleete of three hundred Ships goes thither himselfe and soone composeth all
if his fortune had beene to love good men his owne goodnesse would have made him happy Two Vertues were eminent in him above all his Predecessours Continence and Abstinence So continent that he left no base issue behind him So abstinent that he tooke no base courses for raising of money They who despised him being alive so much honoured him being dead that they could have found in their hearts to make him a Saint Of his Death and Buriall MAny wayes were attempted to take away his life First they vexed him in his dyet allowing him nothing he could well endure to eate but this succeeded not Then they lodged him in a chamber over carion and dead carkasses enough to have poysoned him and indeed he told a workman at his window he never endured so great a misery in all his life but neither did this succeed Then they attempted it by Poysons but whether by the strength of his constitution or by the Divine Providence neither did this succeed At last the pestilent Achit●phel the Bishop of Hereford devised a Letter to his keepers blaming them for giving him too much liberty and for not doing the service which was expected from them and in the end of his Letter wrote this line Edwardum Octidere ●●lite timere bonum est Craftily contriving it in this doubtfull sense that both the keepers might find sufficient warrant and himselfe might find sufficient excuse The keepers guessing at his meaning tooke it in the worst sense and accordingly put it in execu●ion they tooke him in his bed and casting heavy bolsters upon him and pressing them hard downe stifled him and not content with that they heated an iron red hot and through a pipe thrust it up into his Fondament that no markes of violence might be seene but though none were seene yet some were heard For when the Fact was in doing he was heard to roare and cry all the Castle over Gourney and Matrevers his murtherers looking for reward had the reward of murtherers For the Queene and Bishop Torleton disavowing the command threatned to question them for the Kings death whereupon they fled beyond Sea and Gourney after three yeares being taken in France and sent into England was in the way upon the Sea beheaded Matrevers flying into Germany had the grace to repent but lived ever after miserably Thus dyed this King in the yeare 1327. more then halfe a yeare after his deposing when he had Raigned almost 19. yeares lived 43. His body was c●rryed to Glocester and there without any Funerall Pompe buryed in the Monastery of Saint Peter by the Benedictine Fryers Of Men of note in his time IN this Kings time of Martiall men were many whose Acts have beene spoken of in the late Kings life Of Learned men also many as Iohn Duns the great Logician called Doctor Subtilis borne in Northumberland at Emildune a Village three miles distant from Al●wi●ke though both the Scots and the Irish challenge him for thei●s Robert Walsingham a Carmelite Fryer who wrote divers Treatises Robert Baston borne in Nottingham-shire a Carmelite Fryer of Scarborough whom King Edward tooke with him into Scotland to write some Remembrances of his victories but being taken by the Scots was constrained by Robert Bruce to write Remembrances of his overthrowes William Rishanger a Monke of Saint Albans an Historiographer Ralph Baldocke Bishop of London who wrote a History intituled Historia Anglica Iohn Walsingham a Carmelite Fryer who wrote divers Treatises Nicholas de Lyra a Jew by birth who wrote many excellent Treatises in Divinity William Ockam a Fryer Minor who wrote divers Treatises and namely against Iohn Duns and also against Pope Iohn the 23. in favour of the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria Thomas Haselwood a Canon of Leedes in Kent who wrote a Chronicle called Chronicon compendiarium Robert Perscrutator borne in Yorkeshire a blacke Fryer and a Philosopher or rather a Magician and lastly though not least worthy to be remembred Iohn Mandevile the great Travellour a Doctor of Physicke and a Knight THE LIFE and RAIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE THIRD Of his comming to the Crowne and Acts done in his minority EDward of Windsor eldest sonne of King Edward the second by Order of Parliament upon his Fathers Resignation was proclaimed King of England on the five and twentieth day of Ianuary in the yeare 1327. and because he had not yet received the Order of knighthood he was by Henry Earle of Lancaster gi●t solemnly with the Sword and on the first day of February following was Crowned at Westminster by Walter Reginolds Archbishop of Canterbury and thereupon a generall Pardon is Proclaimed which hath since beene used as a Custome with all the succeeding Kings that at their first comming to the Crowne a Generall Pardon is alwayes granted And because the King was under age scarce fifteene yeares old though Froyssard saith he was then Eighteene there were twelve appointed Governours of him and the kingdome● namely the Arch-bishops of Canterbury and Yorke the Bishops of Winchester Hereford and Worcester Thomas of Brotherton Earle Marshall Edmund Earle of Kent the Kings Unkles Iohn Earle Warren Thomas Lord Wake Henry Lord Percie Oliver Lord Ingham and Iohn Lord Rosse but though these were appointed and bore the name yet the Queen and Roger Mortimer tooke all the authority to themselves The first action that was undertaken was an expedition against the Scots for Robert Bruce though now old and sickly and as was said Leprous yet considering the youth of the new King and the distractions of the kingdome thought it now a ●it time to doe some good upon England and entring the English borders with an Army sent defiance to King Edward whereupon an Army is raised and the Heyna●lders whom the Queen had brought over are joyned with the English but a variance falling out betweene the two Nations made the action not successefull For the Kings Army encountring the Scots at Stanhope Parke in Weridall in the Bishopricke of Durham though three times as many as the Scots as being thirty thousand yet through this variance but more through treason of some great men suffered them all to escape their hands and the Scots returned home in safety the English with dishonour and after this the English seeing the Heynaulders could doe them no good sent them away to their owne Countrey In King Edwards second yeare his marriage with Philippa of Heynault is solemnised a dispensation being first gotten because of their nearenesse in bloud and a Parliament is holden at Northampton where the King made three Earles Iohn of Eltham his brother Earle of Cornwall Roger Mortimer Earle of March and Iames Butler of Ireland Earle of Ormond and in this Parliament a dishonourable peace is concluded with the Scots and confirmed by a match betweene David Bruce Prince of Scotland being but seven yeares old and Ioane sister to King Edward not so old at which time by the secret working of Queene Isabell Roger Mortimer and
time by reason the King of France would not be drawne to any Encounter and had so disfurnished the Country of all provisions that the King of England was forced to returne King Edward solicited by the King of Navarre to aide him against the King of France sends over the Du●e of Lancaster with foure thousand men at Armes who winnes many Townes● and the Prince enters G●yenne passeth over Langn●d●c to Tholouse Narbonne Burges without any Encounter sackes spoyles and destroyes where he goes and loaden with booties returnes to Burdeaux The French King thus assaulted on all ●ides gathers all the power he possibly could and first makes against his E●emies in N●●●●●dy recovers many of his lost Townes and was likely to have there prevaile● but that he was drawne of force to oppose 〈◊〉 fresh Invader the Prince of Wales who was come up into Tourayne against 〈◊〉 he brings his whole Army consisting of above threescore thousand where●●●● the Prince whose Forces were not likely to be able to encounter him being 〈◊〉 for one was advised to retire againe to Burdeaux But the French King to preve●● this course followes and within two leagues of Poyctiers hath him at a 〈◊〉 advantage at which instant two Cardinals came from the Pope to mediate ● Pe●ce But the French King supposing he had his enemy now in his mercy would accept of no other conditions but that the Prince should deliver him foure Hostage● ●nd ●s vanquished render himselfe and his Army to his discretion The Prince wa● content to restore unto him what he had gained upon him but without pr●ju●●●● of his honour wherein he said he stood accomptable to his Father and to his C●u●tr●y But the French King would abate nothing of his demands as making hims●lf● sure of victory and thereupon was instantly ready to set upon the Princ● 〈◊〉 seeing himselfe reduced to this straight takes what advantage he could of th● 〈◊〉 and providently got the benefit of Vines Shrubs and Bushes on that part 〈…〉 like to be assailed to impester and intangle the French horse which he saw 〈◊〉 ●ome furiously upon him The successe answered his expectation for the 〈◊〉 of his enemies upon their first assault were so wrapt and encombred 〈◊〉 ●he Vines that his Archers galled and annoyed them at their pleasure For 〈◊〉 Fre●●h King to give the honour of the day to his Cavallery imployed them onely without his Infantery so as they being disordered and put to rout his whol● Army came utterly to be defeated In this battell were taken prisoners King Iohn himselfe with his yo●ngest sonne Philip by Dennis de Morbecque a knight of Ar●h●is Iaques de Bourbon Conte de Ponthieu the Arch-bishop of Sens Iohn de Arth●is Conte de En Charles de Arthois his brother Count de Longueville Iohn de 〈◊〉 Count de Tankarvile the Counts of Vendosme Va●demont Estampes Salbourg 〈◊〉 and La Roche also Iohn de Ceintre accounted as Froissard saith the 〈◊〉 ●night of France with many other Lords besides two thousand Knights and Gen●lemen in so much as the Conquerours holding it not safe to retaine so many le●●●ny of them goe The French who can give best account of their owne losses ●●por● there died in the battell a thousand seven hundred Gentlemen amongst which were fifty two Bannerets the most eminent Peter de Bourbon the Duke of Ath●●s Constable of France Iehan de Clermont Marshall Geoffrey de Charmy High Chamberlain● the Bishop of Chalons the Lords of Landas of Pons and of Cham●●y There escaped from this battell three of the French Kings sons for he brought them all thither Charles Prince Daulphin Louys after Duke of Anjou and Iohn Duke of B●●ry● all great actours in the time following The special great men of the English i● th●● fight were the Earles of Warwicke Suffolke Salisbury Oxford Stafford the Lord●● Cobham Spenser Barkeley Basset of Gascoynes Le Capital de Beuff the Lords Pumyer Chaumont and others The Lord Iames Andeley wonne honour both by his valour and his bounty for having vowed to be foremost in this fight he pe●formed his word and sealed it with many wounds for which the Prince having rewarded him with the gift of five hundred Markes Fee-simple in England he p●esently gave it to foure of his Esquires whereupon the Prince demanding whether he accepted not his gift he answered that these men had deserved the same as well ●s himselfe and had more neede of it with which reply the Prince was so well pleased that he gave him five hundred Markes more in the same kinde A rare example where desert in the Subject and reward in the Prince strive which should be the greater And now though King Iohn had the misfortune to fall into the hands of his enemy yet he had the happinesse to fall into the hands of a Noble enemy for Prince Edw. used him with such respect and observance that he could not find much d●●ference betweene his captivity and liberty After the battell which was fought the ●in●●●enth day of September in the yeare 1357. Prince Edward leads King Iohn and the captive Lords to Burde●ux where he retaines them till the spring following but 〈◊〉 present newes of his victory to his Father who thereupon causeth a generall Thanksgiving all England over eight dayes together and in May following King Iohn rather comming over with the Prince then brought over by him is lodged at the Savo● a Palace belonging to Henry Duke of Lancaster and the fairest at that time about London And King Edward as though he thought it honour enough to have one King his prisoner at once at the suite of his sister Queene I●ane he sets her Husband David King of Scots at liberty after he had beene prisoner in England eleven yeares but not without paying a Ransome which was a hun-thousand Markes to be paid in ten yeares After this by mediation of Cardinals sent by the Pope a Truce for two yeares is concluded betweene the two kingdomes of France and England and in the time of this Truce Articles of Peace betweene the two Kings are propounded● King Edward requires the Dutchies of Norm●●●● and G●yenn● the Counties of Poicto● T●uraine Mayne and Anjo●● with all their ●ppur●e●ances as large as King Richard the first held them and many other Provinces besides and to hold them all without Homage or any other service to which Articles King Iohn weary of imprisonment assents and seales but the 〈◊〉 ●nd Councell of France utterly reject it whereupon King Edward in great disple●sure resolves to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession of the kingdome of France and leaving his younger sonne Thomas Gove●●our of his kingdome at home with a Fleet of ●leven hundred saile and taking all the great Lords of the Realme with him he passeth over to Callice dividing his Army into three battels whereof one he commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the ●hird he leads
Kings Writ Affaires of the Church in his time IN the second yeere of this Kings Reigne there came messengers from the new-elected Pope Vrban to require the Kings ayd against such Cardinals as he named Schism●ticks that had elected another Pope whom they named Clem●nt which Cardinalls sent messengers likewi●e to crave his ayd for them but through perswasion of the Archbishop of Canterbury Vrbans request was granted and Clement rejected In his fourth year Iohn Wickliffe set forth his opinion touching the Sacrament of the Altar denying the doctrine of Transubstantiation in such sort as the Church of Rome did then teach In his sixth year Henry Spencer Bishop of No●wi●h received Bulls from Pope Vrb●n to grant all priviledges of the Crusado to all such as would come over and assist him against the Anti-Pope Clement which being debated in Parliament It was after much opposition agreed that it should go forward and thereupon the Bishop not only gathered much money from such as would contribute to the expedition but drew many great Captaines to go themselves in person as namely Sir Hugh Calverley sir William Farington the Lord Henry Beau●●●t sir William Elmham sir Tho●as Tryvet and divers others The money raised by contribution came to 25000 Franks and the Army to 3000 Horse and 15000 Foot with which Forces the Bishop passing over into Flanders wonne the Towns of Graveling Dunkirke and Newport but at last encountred by a mighty Army of the French he was put to the worse and returned into England In the twelveth yeare of this Kings Reigne an Act was made that none should passe the Seas to purchase promotions or provisions as they tearmed them in any Church or Churches Also in this yeare Thomas late Earle of Lancaster by reason of miracles reported to be done by him was Canonized for a Saint At this time also the Wickliffs mervelously increased Preaching against Pilgrimages and Images whose greatest opposer was the Bishop of Norwich In his thirteenth yeare Proclamation was made that all Beneficed men abiding in the Court of Rome should return into England by a certain day under pain of forfeiting their Benefices and all other not Beneficed under a certain pain likewise Also about this time a Statute was made that no Ecclesiasticall person should possesse Manours Houses Lands Revenues or Rents whatsoever at the hands of the Feoffee without the Kings Licence and the chiefe Lords In his eighteenth yeare the Wickliffs were persecuted and excommunication pronounced against them by the Archbishop of Canterbury In this Schisme of the two Popes the French Clergy wrote in behalfe of Clement their Pope and sent it into England the Clergy of England on the contrary wrote in behalfe of Pope Vrban and so nothing was agreed Works of Piety in his time IN the 20th yeare of this Kings Reign William B●teman Bishop of Norwich builded Trinitie Hall in Cambridge In the third year of his Reign Iohn Philpot Major of Lo●don gave to the Citie certain Tenements for the which the Chamberlain payeth yearly to thirteen poore people to every of them seven pence the week for ever and as any of those thirteen persons dyeth the Major appointeth one to succeed and the Recorder another In the one and twentieth yeare of his Reign King Richard caused the great Hall at Westminster to be repaired both the Walls Windows and Roofe In his time Si●●● Archbishop of Canterbury slain by the Rebels upon Tower hill built the West-gate of Canterbury and from thence to the North-gate commonly called the long wall Thomas Fits-Ala● or Arundell being Bishop of Ely built the great Gatehouse of Ely house in Holborne and being after Bishop of Canterbury he built a faire spire steeple at the West-end of his Church there called to this day Arundell steeple and bestowed a tuneable ring of five Bells upon the same Of Casualties happening in his time IN his third yeare so great a mortality afflicted the North parts of England that the Country became almost desolate In his sixt yeare on the 24 day of May there happened so great an earthquake or as some write a watershake that it made Ships in the Havens to beat one against the other In Iuly in the year 1389. whilest the King was at Sheene there swarmed in his Court such multitudes of Flyes and Gnats skirmishing with one another that in the end they were swept away with brooms by heaps and bushels were filled with them In his twelveth yeare in March first there were terrible Windes afterward followed a great mortality and after that a great dearth that a bushel● of wheat was sold for thirteen pence which was then thought a great price for the years before it was sold for six pence and Wooll was sold for two shillings a stone In his fourteenth year on Christmas day a Dolphin was taken at London-bridge being ten foot long and a monstrous grown fish Ind his eighteenth year an Exhalation in likenesse of fire appeared in the night in many places of England which when a man went alone went as he went and stayed as he stayed sometimes like a wheele sometimes like a Barrell sometimes like a timberlogge but when many went together it appeared to be far off Also in a Parliament time ther was a certain Image of waxe made by Necromancie as was sayd which at an houre appointed uttered these words The Head shall be cut off the Head shall be lift up aloft the feet shall be lift up above the Head and then spake no more This happened in the Parliament called the Marvellous Parliament not long before the Parliament that wrought wonders In his one and thirtieth yeare a River not far from Bedford suddenly ceased his course so as the channell remained dry by the space of three miles which was judged to signifie the Revolting of the Subjects from their naturall Prince In his two and twentieth yeare almost through all England old Bay-trees withered and afterwards grew green againe which was supposed to import some strange event About the yeare 1380. the making of Gunnes was found by a Germa●e which may well be reckoned amongst casualties seeing it was found by casualty for this Germane having beaten Brimstone in a morter to powder and covered it with a stone it happened that as he struck fire a sparke chanced to fall into the powder which caused such a flame out of the morter that it raised the stone a great heigth which after he perceived he made a Pipe of iron and tempered the powder with some other ingredients and so finished that deadly Engine The first that used it were the Venetians against the inhabitans of Geneva Of his Wives KING Richard in his time had two Wives the first was Anne Daughter to the Emperour Charles the Fourth and Sister to the Emperour Wenceslaus who lived his wife ten years and dyed without issue at Sheene in Surry in the year 1392 whose death King Richard tooke so heavily that he caused the buildings of that
Lords and having heard their opinions he ●urned to the Commons asking them if they would joyne with the Lords in choosing Henry of Lancaster for their King who all with one voyce cryed Yea Yea whereupon going to the Duke he bowed his knee and taking him by the hand led him to the Royall seat and then began a Sermon taking for his Text out of the first Booke of the Kings cap. 9. Vir dominabitur in populo wherein he declared what a happinesse it is to a Nation to have a King of wisedome and valour and shewed the Duke of La●caster to be such a one and as much the defects in both of the late king Richard The Sermon ended the king thanked them all for his El●ction and testified unto them that he meant not to take advantage against any mans estate a● comming in by Conquest but that every one should freely enjoy his own as in times of lawfull succession And now a time was appointed for his Coronation and accordingly upon the 13th day of October following the very day wherein the yeere before he had been banished he was Crowned at Westminster by the Archbishop of Canterbury with all Rites and Ceremonies accust●med At his Coronation he was anoynted with an Oyle which a Religious man had given to Henry the first Duke of Lancaster together with this Proph●re That the kings anoynted with this oyle should be the Champions of the Church This oyle comming to the hands of king Richard as he was looking amongst his Jewels going then into Ireland he was desirous to be anoynted with it but that the Archbishop of Canterbury told him it was not lawfull to be anoynted twice whereupon putting it up againe at his comming afterwards to Fli●t the Archbishop got it of him and kept it till ●he Coronation of king Henry who was the first king of the Realme that was anoynted with it The day before the Coronation the king in the Tower made one and ●orty some say but twelve knights of the Bathe whereof foure were his owne sonnes Henry● Thomas Ioh● and Humfry all then alive and with th●m ●hree Earles a●d five ●●rons Upon the Feast-day many claimed Offices as belonging to their Tenures ●o which upon shewing their Right they were admitted And now the King ●ade divers new Officers The Earle of Northumberland he made Constable of Eng●●nd the Earle of Westmerland was made Lord Marshall Sir Iohn Serle Chancellor ●ohn Newbery Esquire Treasurer and Sir Rich●rd Clifford was made Lord Keeper of ●he Privy Seale The Lord Henry his eldest sonne being then about thirteen yeers ●f age was created Prince of Wal●s Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and ●oone after also Duke of Aquitaine and the Crowne was by Parliament E●●ailed ●o King Henry and the heires of his body lawfully begotten After this a Parliament was holden in which the Acts made in the Eleventh yeere of King Richard were revived and the Acts made in his one and twentieth yeere were wholly repealed and they who by that Parliament were attainted were re●tored to their Lands and Honours whereupon Richard Earle of Warwick was de●ivered out of Prison and the Earle of Arundells sonne recovered his Inheritance ●nd many other also that were banished or imprisoned by King Richard were then ●ully restored to their liberty and estates Also the King gave to the Earle of West●erland the County of Richmond and to the Earle of Northumberland the Isle of M●n to be holden of him by bearing the sword wherewith he entred into England And now was the time for shewing of Spleens Sir Iohn Bagot then Prisoner in the Tower accused the Earle of A●merle for speaking words against the Duke of Lanc●ster now King also the Lord Fitzwater accused him for the death of the Duke of Glocester the Lord M●rley appealed the Earle of Salisbury of Treason and one Hall accused the Duke of Exceter for conspiring the death of Iohn of Gaunt the Kings father But King Henry having entred the Throne in a storme was willing now to have a Calme and therefore laying aside the ones Accusations he accepted of the others Excuses and received the Duke of A●merle and the Duke of Exceter into as much favour as if they had never been accused And to qualifie the hard opinion which forraigne Princes might conceive of King Richards Deposing He sent Ambassadours into divers Countries to make it knowne by what Title and by what favour of the People he came to the Kingdome To the Court of Rome he sent Iohn Trenevant Bishop of Hereford Sir Iohn Cheyny Knight and Iohn Cheyny Esquire Into France he sent Walter Sherlow Bishop of Durham and Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester Into Spaine he sent Iohn Trevor Bishop of Assaph and Sir William Parre and into Germany he sent the Bishop of Bangor and certaine others Most of these Princes seemed either not to regard what was done or were easily perswaded that all was done well onely Charles King of France was so distemper'd with this indignity offered to his sonne in Law K. Richard that by violence of his Passion he fell into his old pangues of Frensie but somewhat recovered he resolved to revenge it wherein many Lords of France shewed themselves forward but specially the Earle of S. Paul who had maried K. Richards halfe-sister yet having prepared an Army in readinesse when afterward they heard of King Richards death they dissolved it againe as considering the time was then past The Aquitaines also and specially the Citizens of Burdeaux as being the place where K. Richard was born were mightily incensed but Sir Robert Knolls Lieutenant of Guyen and afterwards Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester being sent to them by the King so perswaded them that with much adoe they continued in obedience It was about this time moved in Parliament what should be done with King Richard for he was not as yet murthered Whereupon the Bishop of Carlile ● learned man and wise and who had never given allowance to the Deposing of King Richard now that he was in a place of freedome of speech he rose up and said My Lords The matter now propounded is of marvellous weight and consequence wherein there are two points chiefly to be considered the first Whether King Richard be sufficiently put out of his Throne the second Whether the Duke of Lancaster be lawfully taken in For the first how can that be sufficiently done when there is no Power sufficient to doe it The Parliament cannot for of the Parliament the King is the Head and can the Body put down the He●● You will say But the Head may bow it selfe downe and so may the King ●esign● It is true but what force is in that which is done by force and who knowes 〈◊〉 that King Richards Resignation was no other But suppose he be sufficiently ou● yet how comes the Duke of Lancaster to be lawfully in If you say by Con●uest you speak Treason for what Conquest without Arms a●d can a subj●ct
her Sonne at Barwick entred Northumberland tooke the Castle of Bamburg made Captaine thereof Sir Ralph Grey and then came forward to the Bishopprick of Durham whither resorted to her the lately Reconciled and now againe revolted Duke of Somerset Sir Ralph Percy and divers others who altogether made a competent army King Edward hearing hereof makes preparation both by sea and land and first he sends Viscount Montacute with some Companies into Northumberland whom he in person followeth with his whole power The Viscount marcheth towards king Henry and by the way encountreth the Lord Hungerford at Hegley-moore but he with Lord Basse upon the first charge ran away leaving Sir Ralph Darcy alone with his own Regiment who there valiantly fighting dyed After this the Viscount understanding that king Henry was encamped in Levels plaine neer the river of Dowell in Hexamshire marcheth thither by night and set upon him in his Campe whose charge the Northern men receive with a desperate resolution but were in the end with great slaughter overcome Henry Beaufort Duke of Somerset the Lords Basse Molins Hungerford Wen●worth Hussey and Sir Iohn Finderne knight with many others are taken prisoners king Henry himselfe by the swiftnes of his horse escaped but very hardly for one of his Hench-men that followed him was taken who had on his head king Henries Helmet or as some say his high Cap of Estate called Abacot garnished with two rich Crowns which was presented to king Edward at Yorke the fourth of May. The Duke of Somerset was beheaded presently at Exam the other Lords and knights were had to Newcastle and there after a little respite were likewise put to death Besides these divers others to the number of five and twenty were executed at Yorke and in other places This Duke of Somerset was never married but had a naturall Sonne named Charles Somerset who was afterward created Earle of VVorcester Sir Humfry Nevill and VVilliam Tailbois calling himself Earle of Kyme Sir Ralph Grey and Richard Tunstall with divers others that escaped from this battell hid themselves in secret places but yet not so closely but that they were espied and taken● The Earle of Kyme was apprehended in Riddesdale and brought to Newcastle and there beheaded Sir Humfry Nevill was taken in Holdernesse and at York lost his head After this battell called Exam-field king Edward came to the City of Durham and sent from thence into Northumberland the Earle of VVarwick the Lord Montacute the Lords Fawconbridge and Scroope to recover such Castles as his Enemies there held which they effected and taking in the Castle of Dunstanburg they found in it Iohn Gois servant to the Duke of Somerset who was brought to Yorke and there beheaded and taking in the Castle of Bamburg they found in it Sir Ralph Grey whom because he had sworn to be true to king Edward and was now revolted to king Henry● they degraded from his Order of knight-hood at Doncaster by cutting of his gil● Spurs renting his Coate of Arms and breaking his sword over his head and then beheaded him In this mean time king Henry upon what occasion no man knows but onely led by the left hand of destiny ventring in disguise to come into England and shifting from place to place was at length discovered and taken by one C●ntlow or as others say by Thomas Talbot sonne to Sir Edward Talbot of Bashall who deceived him being at his dinner at VVaddington Hall in Lincolnshire and brought him towards London with his legs tyed under the horse belly in whose company were also taken Doctor Han●ing Deane of VVindsor D. B●dle and one Ell●rton whom the Earle of VVarwicke met by the way ●nd brought them all to the Tower of London whils● the distressed Queen with her sonne once again is driven to fly for shelter into France whither the new Duke of Somerse● and his brother Iohn sayled also where they lived in great misery and the Earle of Pembr●●ke went from Country to Country little better then a Vagabond At this time king Edward to reward his followers distributeth the Lands and Possessions of those that held with king Henry amongst them but first made Proclamation that whosoever of the contrary faction would come in and submit should be received to grace and restored to their Patrimonies In the fourth year of king Edward in Michaelmas Tearm were made eight Serjeants at Law Thomas Young Nicholas Geney Richard Neale Thomas Brian Richard Pigot Ioh● Catesby and Guy Fairfax who held their feast in the Bishop of Elyes place in Holborn where the Lord Grey of Ruthin then Lord Treasurer of England was placed before the Lord Major of London being invited to the feast which gave such a distaste to the Major that he presently departed with the Aldermen and Sheriff● without tasting of their feast and it was Registred to be a president in time to come And now king Edward no lesse intentive to perform the Office of a king in peace then he had been before of a Captaine in warr● considering with himselfe that seditious and civill dissensions must needs breed disorders in a state and that disorders bred by troubled times are not like troubled waters that will in time settle of themselves and recover cleernesse but are rather like weeds which once springing up and let alone will in time over run the whole gro●nd where they grow He like a good Gardener seeks to weed them out before they grow too rank and endeavours to make a generall reformation of abuses and to that end in Michaelmas Term in the second yeare of his Reigne Three daies together he sate publikely with his Judges in Westminster-hall on the Kings Bench to acquaint himselfe with the Orders of that Court and to observe what needed Reformation in it either at Bench or ●t Barre as likewise he ordered the officers of his Exchequer to take more moderate Fees and to be more intentive to the benefit of the Subject than to their own unjust gaine He also daily frequented the Councell Table which he furnished for the most part with such as were gracious amongst the Citizens whom he imployes about references and businesses of private consequence whilest mysteries o● State were intimated only to such whom he selected to be of his more private Cabinet Counsaile by whom he being now of the age of three and twenty years w●● advised that it was now time to provide for posterity by taking a wife and to provide also for the present time by taking a fit wife which they conceived to be no where so fitly found as in France both thereby to bury old grudges between the two Nations and also to avert assistance from Queen M●rg●ret the onely disturber of the State and this being concluded it onely remained to make choice of a fit man for that imployment for which none was thought so fit as Richard Nevill Earle of Warwick he therefore is presently sent into Fra●ce to treate of a Marriage to
the Duke of Glocester his brother the L. Hastings his Chamber●●●●● who having married the Earle of VVarwick● sister yet co●tinued ever true to 〈◊〉 Edward and the Lord Scales brother to the Queen he departed into Li●col●shire and c●mming to Lyn he found there an English Ship and two Hul●s of Holland ready to make sayle whereupon he with the forenamed Lords and about seven or 〈◊〉 hundred persons entred the Ship having no provision with him but only the apparell they wore and so bare of money that he was faine to reward the Master of 〈◊〉 Ship with one of his Garments and thus making course towards the Duke of 〈◊〉 Country they were presently chased by eight great Ships of Easterlings op●n Enemies both to England and France which drove him before a Towne in the Country called Alquemare belonging to the Duke of Burgoigne where by ch●nce the Lord Grunture Governour of that Country at that time was who defended them from the Easterlings and brought them to the H●ge in Holland where they had all things ministred to them by order from the Duke of Burgoigne At this time upon news of the Earle of VVarwick● approach Queen Eliz●beth fo●saketh the Tower and secretly taketh sanctuary at VVestminster where in great p●nury forsaken of all her friends she was brought a bed of a sonne called Edward who like a poore mans childe was Christened the Godfathers being the Abbot and P●y●r of Westminster and the Lady Scroope Godmother And now the Earle of Warwicke entring the Tower removes king He●ry out of his hold of durance whe●e he had been almost nine years into his own lodging where he was served according to his Estate which the Ear●e did more congratulate then t●e king himselfe Upon this sixth day of October king Henry accompanied with ●he Archbishop of Yorke the Pryor of S. Iohns the Bishop of London the Duke of Cl●rence the Earle of Warwicke and other Noblemen apparelled in a long gown of ●lew Velvet was conducted through London ●o the Bishops Palace where he rested ●ill the thirteenth of ●hat moneth on which day he went in solemne proces●●●●●bout Paul● Church wearing his Imperiall Crown the Earle of War●ick bearing up his trayne and the Earle o● Oxford the sword before him The next day in all usuall places about London king Edward was Proclaimed an Usurper 〈◊〉 all his partakers Traytors to God and the king whereof Iohn Lord Tip●of● Earle of Worcester as a partaker with king Edward was made the first example Thi● Lord had been Lievtenant for King Ed●ard in Ireland where having done something 〈◊〉 which he fled he was afterward found on the top of a high Tree in the Forres● of VV●●bridge in the County of 〈◊〉 ●nd being there taken was brought to Lo●do● Attain●ed and 〈…〉 the Tower hill and af●er buried at the Blackfry●rs About this time happen●● 〈…〉 to be related Sir Willi●● H●●kesford knight● one of 〈…〉 Jus●i●●s ●t the L●w● who dwelt at Anno●y in D●vo●s●ire a man of grea● 〈◊〉 and ●●ving no so●ne ●he Lord Fitz●a●re● Si● Io●● S●●●●eger and Sir Willi●● 〈◊〉 m●rried his d●ughte●● and were his heires● This m●n grew into such ● deg●●● of Melancholy● th●t one 〈◊〉 he called to him the Keeper of hi● Par● ch●●ging him 〈◊〉 n●gligence in suffering his Deere to be stoln and thereupon comm●nded him ●hat if he met any man in his circuit in the night-time that would not stand or 〈◊〉 he sho●ld not spar● to kill him whatsoever he were● The knight having th●● la●d hi● found●tion and meaning to end his dolefull dayes in ● certaine darke night se●●●●ly conveyd himselfe out of his house ●nd walked alone in his P●r● The Keeper in hi● night-walk ●e●ring one stirring and comming towa●ds him asked who was there but no answer being made he willed him to stand● which when he would not doe the Keeper shot and k●lled him and comming to see who he was fo●●d him to be hi● Master On the twentieth d●y of 〈◊〉 a P●rli●ment is held at VVestmi●ster wherein King Edward and all his p●rtak●●●●re ●ttain●ed of high Treason and al● their Lands and Goods seized on to King 〈◊〉 use Ge●●ge Pl●●t●gene● Duke of Clarence is by authority of this Parliament adjudged heire to Richard Duke of Yorke his father and that Dutchy setled upon him and his heires notwithstanding the Primogeniture of Edward upon him also wa● entailed the Crown of England in case heires males of the body of King He●ry f●iled Iasper Earle of Pembrooke and Iohn Earle of Oxford are fully restored ●o their Lands ●nd Honour● and VVa●wick and Cl●rence are made Governours of the King and kingdome● To this Parliament came the M●rquesse Montacute e●cusing himselfe that ●or ●eare of dea●h he had taken King Edwards part which excuse was accepted Que●n Margaret i● sent for into France but by reason of contrary windes was kept back all that Winter About this time Iasper Earle of Pembrooke going into VVales to view his lands in Pembrookeshire found there the Lord Henry borne of Margaret the onely daughter and heire of Ioh● the first Duke of Som●rset not being then full ten years of age kept in manner like a captive but honourably brought up by the Lady Herbert him he brings with him to Lo●do● and p●esents him to King Henry whom when the Ki●g had a good while beheld he said to the Lords about him Loe this is he to whom both we and our adversaries leaving the possession of all things shall hereafter give place Which if it be true It shews a very Propheticall Spirit to have been in King Henry that could so long before● foretell a thing so unlikely to happen for this was he that was afterward King H●●ry the Seventh before whom at that time there were many lives in being of bo●h the hous●● of Yorke and L●ncaster Shortly after this by the Duke of Burgoignes means King Edward is furnished with eighteen tall ships two thousand Dutchmen and fifty thousand florens of gold and thus furnished he took to Sea and landed at Ravenspurre in Yorkeshire where he found but cold entertainment neverthelesse he made a wary march to Yorke where likewise he found no great expression of welcome so as he was forced to change his pretence swearing deeply and receiving the Sacrament upon it that he came not to disturbe King Henry but only to recover his own inheritance and for the more shew thereof wearing an Estrich● feather Prince Edwards livery which ●roposition seemed so ●easonable that many who resisted him before were as ready to assist him now and if he be blamed for breaking his Oath it must be considered It was Reg●i causa to recover his Kingdome which perhaps was the Inheritance he meant when he took his Oath that he intended nothing but to recover his Inheritance and so he brake not his Oath neither From Yorke he marched towards Wakefi●ld and Sendall leaving the Castle of Pomfret upon his left hand● where the Marquesse Montacute with his Army
from Dover to the end he might not seem to surprize him he sent an Herauld named Garter a Norman by birth with a letter of Defiance to the French king so well written saith Co●●●●s that he thought it not of any English mans enditing as though Englishmen could not endite aswell as the French Requiring him to yeeld unto him the Crown of F●●●ce his unquestionable Inheritance which if he should dare to deny ●e 〈◊〉 then endeavor to recover it by the Sword This letter the French king read thereupon withdrawing himselfe caused the Herauld to be brought to his presence● to whom in private he gave this answer That the Duke of Burgoigne and the Earle of Saint Paul the Constable by whose instigation he knew the king of E●gland was drawn to this Designe would but delude him for that they were Dissembler●●nd Impostors and therfore said It would conduce more to the honor of the king of 〈◊〉 to continue in League with him though an old Adversary then to hazard th● fortune of the warres upon the promised assistance of new-come Dec●ivers●●nd so commend me saith he to the king thy Master and say what I have told ●he● and then with an honourable reward of three hundred Crowns dismist him The Herauld promised to doe all that in him lay and beyond his Commission shew●d the French king wayes by working upon the Lords Howard and Stanley by which he might enter into a Treaty for Peace which he doubted not would sort to a good Conclusion The French king glad to he●r it gave the Herauld besides the other reward ● piece of Crimson Velvet of thirty yards long and withall sent to king E●ward the goodliest Horse he had in his Stable as also an A●●e a Wolph and a wild●●ore bea●ts at that time rare in England and then the Herauld returning to Callice delivered to king Edward the French kings ●nswer And now to make good the French kings a●●egation to the Herauld the Duke o● Burgoigne who had promised in the word of a Prince to bring to Callice by this time two thousand Launces and foure thousand Seradiots or ●ight ho●se failed to come whereupon the Lord Scales is by king E●ward sent to the D●ke to put him in minde of his promise and to ha●ten his comming with his promised forces But the journey was to little purpose onely it occasioned the Duke with a small ●roop of horse to come to ●he king formally to excuse himselfe for having been so backward but the cause he said was for that having been imbroiled in the siege of N●z he could not depart thence without infinite disgrace if neither composition nor submission were enforced which now notwithst●nding● because he would not too much trespasse upon his pat●ence he was enforced to doe by the ob●t●nacy of the besieged but promised to supply all defects both with his presence and power and that speedily The Constable likewise by his letter perswades the king of England to proceede in the action and not to doubt both from the Duke and himself to be sufficiently every way accommodated King Edward thus encouraged passeth on but in his way found no performance of promises either on the Dukes or Constables part for the Duke did not accommodate the souldiers at their comming to Pero●●● with victuals or lodging in such manner as was requisite and expected and the Constable in stead of surrendring up Sain● 〈◊〉 according to agreement made a sa●ly out upon such as were sent from the king of E●gla●d to take possession and plaid upon them with his great Ordinance whereupon k. Ed●ard began to suspect the truth of the French k. description of the Dukes and Constables conditions and from thence forward stood upon his own guard and gave no further credit to their Protestation which the Duke of Burgoig●e resenting pretended occasions for the hasting forward his forces● promising speedy return together with them taketh his leave and departeth which did not a little increa●e the kings suspition The French king having intelligence of the Duke of Burgoignes departure forecasting the danger if they should unite their forces resolved with himselfe to 〈◊〉 what might be done to mediate a Peace in the Dukes absence and yet so to 〈◊〉 that if it took not effect he might disclaime the knowledge of the overture whereupon he privately dispatcheth a messenger in ●hew an Herauld but was indeed● fellow of no o●●ice or estimation and not known to any of the Kings household but to Villiers the Master of the Horse who only was acquainted with the plot and party This counterfeit Pursuivant at Arm● with a coate made of a Trumpets Banne●towle addressed himselfe to the king of E●gla●d and upon admission to his pesence insinuates the French Kings desire which was to have Commissioners on both parts assigned to conferre of the means to reconcile the differences between the two Kings or at least to conclude a cessation from arms fo● some time And so well this Messenger delivered his errand that it was credited and the kings request grant●d and thereupon letters of safe conduct are sent of both sides for such Commissioners as to this purpose should meet at A●ye●s For king Edward came the Lord Ho●●●d Sir A●tho●y Se●tleger and Doctor Mor●on after made Lord Chancelour of E●gla●d For king Lewis came the Admirall of France the Lord Saint Piers and Heberg●●shop ●●shop of E●reux After long Conference Articles of Peace were concluded on ●o this effect That the French king should pay presently to the king of E●gla●d threescore and fifteen thousand Crowns and from thence forth annually fifty thous●nd Crowns during the life of king Edward That within one yeare the French king should send for the Lady 〈◊〉 the king of Englands daughter and joyn her in marriage to the Dolphin That the Lord How●rd and Sir Iohn Cheyney Master of the Horse should remaine in hostage there till the English army had quitted France and ● generall peace for nine yeer● wherein the Dukes of Burgoigne and Britt●●●e are ●●cluded if they will accept thereof This Conclusion was the more easily compassed by the king of France his following the Herauld● Counsell fo● he distributed sixteen thousand Crowns amongst king Edwards Counsellours and Favorites two thousand Crowns to the Lord Hastings the kings Chamberlaine and to the Lord 〈◊〉 Sir Iohn Cheyn●y Sir Anthony Sentleger and Mo●●gomery the residue besides great store of Plate and Jewels distributed amongst inferiour Officers of the Court The Duke of Glocester onely opposed this accord as not suiting with his designe Neverthelesse it proceeded and not●ce thereof is presently sent to the Duke of 〈◊〉 who thereupon onely with fifteen horse comes posting to the English Campe whom king Edward perswades to enter into the peace according to the reservation but he in a great chafe reproacheth king Edward for entring into it himselfe saying that his predecessours had by many brave exploits gotten fame and rep●tation upon the French and now
Stanley to come presently to his presence which if he refused to doe he swore by Christs Passion that he would strike off his sonnes head before he dined whereto the Lord Stanley answered That if he did so he had more sonnes alive and he might doe his pleasure but to come to him he was not then determined Which answer when king Richard heard he commanded the Lord Strange immediately to be beheaded but being at the very time when both Armies were in sight of each other his Lords perswaded him it was now time to fight and not to put to Execution and so the Lord Strang● escaped Of his Taxations WEE must not looke for Taxations in kinde in this kings reigne for he drew from his Subjects not money so much as blood and the money he drew was most by blood which drew on confiscation whereof let never any Prince make a president for where Taxations properly doe but Tondere the●e did Deglu●ere Yet in his second yeere he called a Parliament wherein besides the great confiscations of those that were then attainted he imposed upon the people a great Tax which what it was is not Recorded Of his Lawes and Ordinances HAving gotten the Crowne by Pestilent courses he sought to Establish i● by wholsome Laws for in no Kings reigne were better Laws made then in the reign of this man Amongst other of his Laws It was enacted that from thence forth the Commonalty of the Realme should in no wise be charged by any imposition called a Benevolence nor any such like charge and that such exactions called a Benevolence before this time taken shall be taken for no example to make any such like charge hereafter but shall be damned and annulled for ever Many other good Laws were by him made that we may say he took the wayes of being a good King if he had come to be King by wayes that had been good Affaires of the Church in his time IN his time the troubles of the Temporalty kept the Clergie at quiet and though there were complayning in the streets there was none in the Church Only ●hores wife might complaine why shee should doe Penance for offending lightly against onely the seventh Commandement and king Richard doe none for offending heavily against all the ten but that perhaps he had gotten some good fellow to be his Confessour Workes of Piety done by him AS bad as this King was yet some good workes he did he founded a Colledge at Middleham beyond Yorke and a Collegiate Chauntry in London neere unto the Tower called our Lady of Barking He endowed the Queens Colledge in Cam●●●●ge with five hundred Marks of yeerly revenue and disforested the great field of Whitchwood which king Edward his brother had inclosed for Deere Of Casualties happening in his time IN his second year at the time when the Duke of Buckingham meant to passe with his Army over Severn so great an inundation was of wa●er that men were drowned in their beds houses were overturned children were carried about the fields swimming in Cradles beasts were drowned on hills which rage of water conti●●ed ten dayes and is to this day in the Countries thereabout called the great water or the Duke of Buckingham● water Of his wife and issue HEE marryed Anne the second Daughter of Richard Nevill the great Earle of Warwicke being the widdow of Edward Prince of Wales the Sonne of king He●●y the sixth she lived his Wife to the last yeer of his reigne and then to make way for another was brought to her end and layd a● rest in the Abbey of Westminster by her he had onely one Sonne born at Middleham neer Richmond in the County of Yorke at foure yeers old created Earle of Salisbury by his Uncle king Edward the fourth at ten yeers old created Prince of Wales by his Father king Richard but dyed soon after Of his Personage and Conditions THere never was in any man a greater uniformity of Body and Minde then was in him both of them equally deformed Of Body he was but low crooke-backt hook-shouldred splay-footed and goggle-eyed his face little and round his complexion swarsie his left arm from his birth dry and withered born a monster in nature with all his teeth with haire on his head and nailes on his fingers and toes And just such were the qua●●ties of his minde One quality he had in ordinary which was to look faw●●ngly when he plotted sternly when he executed Those vices which in other men are Passions in him were Habits and his cruelty was not upon occasion but naturall If at any time he shewed any virtue it was but pretence the truth of his minde was onely lying and falsehood He was full of courage and yet not valiant valour consisting not only in doing but as well in suffering which he could not abide He was politick and yet not wise Policie looking but to the middle wisdome to the end which he did and did not And it was not so much ambition that made him desire the Crown as cruelty that it might be in his power to kill at his pleasure and to say the truth he was scarce of the number of men who consist of flesh and blood being nothing but blood One Miracle wee may say hee did which was that he made the truth of History to exceed the fiction of Poetry being a greater Harpy than those that were feigned He would faine have been accounted a good King but for his life he could not be a good Man and it is an impossible thing to be one without the other He left no is●ue behinde him and it had been pitty he should at least in his own Image One such Monster was enough for many Ages Of his Death and Buriall BEing slaine in the Battell at Bosworth as before is related his body was left naked and des●oyled to the very skin not so much as a c●out left about him to cover his privy parts and taken up was trussed behinde a Pursuivant at Armes one Bla●ch Senglyer or White-boare his head and armes hanging on one side of the horse and his leggs on the other and all besprinkled with mire and dirt he was brought to the Gray-Friers Church within the Towne of Leicester and there for some time lay a miserable spectacle and afterward with small Funerall-pompe was there interred But after this King He●ry the Seventh caused a Tombe to be made and set up over the place where he was buried with a picture of Alablaster representing his person which at the suppression of that Monastery was utterly defaced Since when his Grave overgrowne with nettles and weeds is not to be found onely the Stone-chest wherein his Corps lay is now made a drinking-trough for horses at a common Inne in Leicester and reteineth the onely memory of this Monarchs greatnes But his body as is reported was caried out of the City and contemptuously bestowed under the end of Bow-bridge which giveth passage over a branch of
as ●he Parliament was dissolved he fled secretly into Fl●nders to his Aunt the Lady Margaret D●tchesse of Burgoigne between whom it was concluded that he and the Lord L●vell should goe into Ireland and there attend upon the Counterfeit Warwicke and honour him as king● and with the power of the Irishmen bring him into England but it was concluded withall that if their actions succeeded● then the Counterfei● Warwicke should be deposed and the true be delivered out of prison and anoynted King And to this purpose the Earle of Lincol● by the aide of the Lady Margaret had gotten together two thousand Almaines with one Martin Swart a valiant and expert Captaine to be their leader With this power the Earle sayled into Ireland and at the City of Dublin caused young Lambert the Counterfeit Warwicke in most solemne manner first to be Proclaimed and after to be Crowned king of E●gland and then with a great number of beggerly and unarmed Irishmen under the Conduct of the Lord Thomas Gerardine Earle of Kild●re they sayled into England and landed at a place called the Pile of Fowdray not farre from Lancaster hoping there by the meanes of Sir Thomas Broughton a powerfull man in that Country to have their Army both furnished and increased King Henry hearing that the Earle of Lincolne was landed at Lancaster assembled a great Army Conducted by the Duke of Bedford and the Earle of Oxford and with these he marched to Nottingham and there by a little wood called Bowres he pitched his field whither there came unto him the Lord George Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury ●he Lord Strange Sir Iohn Cheyney and divers other Knights and Gentlemen In which mean time the Earle of Lincolne being entred into Yorkeshire passed quietly on his journy without doing spoile or hurt unto any trusting thereby to have won the people to come to his aide but when he perceived few or none to resort unto him he then determined to venture a battell with the Army he had already and thereupon tooke his way from Yorke to Newarke upon Trent King Henry understanding which way he took came the night before the battell to Newarke and going three miles further neer to a little Village called Stoke there waited the approach of the Earle of Lincolne So the next day they joyned battell where after a long fight of at the least three houres though the Almaines and specially their Captaine Martin Swart behaved themselves most valiantly yet their Ir●sh being in a manner but naked men were at last overthrown foure thousand slaine and the rest put ●o fl●ght but not one of their Cap●aines for the Earle of Lincolne the Lord L●vell Sir Thomas Broughton Martin Swart and the Lord Gerardine were all found dead in the very place where they had stood fighting that though they lost the battell yet they wonne the reputation of hardy and stout souldiers Onely of the Lord Lovell some report that attempting to save himselfe by flight in passing over the river of Trent was drowned On the kings part though some were slaine yet not any m●n of note This battell was fought on a Saturday observed as alwayes fortunate to king Henry being the sixteenth of Iune in the second year of king Henries reigne The young Lambert and his Master Simond the Priest were both taken and both had their lives saved Lambert because but a Childe S●mond bec●use a Priest yet Symo●d was kept in prison Lambert was taken into the kings kitchin to turn the spit in the turne of his fortune and at last made one of the kings Fau●kners In the beginning of his third yeer king Henry having been in Yorkeshire to settle the m●ndes of that people about the midst of August came to Newcastle upon Tine and from thence sent Ambassadours into Scotland Richard Fox lately before made Bishop of Exceter and Sir Richard Edgecombe Comptroller of his House to conclude a Peace or Truce with Iames king of Scots A Peace by reason of the peoples backwardnes could not be obtained but a Truce was concluded for the term of seven yeers with a promise from the king that it should be renued before the first seven yeers should be expired At this time Ambassadours came from the king of France● to king Henry who declared that their Master king Charles was now at warre with Francis Duke of Britai●e for that he succoured the Duke of Orleance and other Rebels against the Realme of France and therefore requested that for the old familiarity that had been between them he would either a●●ist him or not assist the Duke but stand Ne●ter King He●ry answered that having received courte●ies from them both he would doe his uttermost endeavour to make them friends and to that end as soon as the French Ambassadours were departed he sent Christopher Vrswick his Chaplain over into France who should first goe to the French king and after to the Duke of Britaine to mediate a Peace between them In the time of Vrswicks Ambassage king Henry caused his Wife the Lady Elizabeth to be Crowned Queen on Sai●t Katherines day in November with all solemnity and at the same time delivered the Lord Thomas Marquesse Dorset out of the Tower and received him againe into his former favour Vrswick travelled between the two Princes to procure a Peace but they though making a shew to incline to Peace yet prepared for warre and offers on neither side would be accepted In which time Edward Lord Wood●ile Uncle to the Queen made suite to the king for leave to goe over with a power of men in aide of the Duke of Britaine which su●e though the king denied yet the Lord Woodvile would venture it and with a power of ●oure hundred able men got secretly over and joyned with the Britaine 's against the French This the French king took ill at king Henries hand but being informed that it was against the kings will he seemed sati●fied and a Peace was concluded between Fr●●●e and England to endure for twelve months But in conclusion king Henry finding that the French king dealt not r●ally with him but only held him on with pretences● he called his high Court of Parliamen● requiring their advice what was fit to be done where it was con●●uded that the Duke of Britaine should be aided and to that end great ●ummes of money were by Parliament granted This Determination of the Parliament king Henry signifies to the French king hoping it would have wrought him to some terms of Peace● But the king of France little regarding it proceeded on in his violent cour●es against the Britaines so as at last on ●he eight and twentieth day of Iuly the Britaines gave battell to the French neer to a Town called 〈◊〉 having apparelled seventeen hundred of the Britai●● in Co●● with ●ed ●rosse● after the English fashion to make the Frenchmen believe ●hey were all English although in ●eed they had no more English than the foure hundred of the Lord Woodvile But
for which boldnesse I humbly intreat ●our Graces pardon The King not onely pardoned him but bestowed presently upon him the Deanery of Lincolne and soone after made him his Almoner In this state King Hen●y the eight found him with whom also he grew into such favour that he made him of his Councell and having won Tourney made him Bishop of that Citie and returning into England the Bishopricke of Lincolne falling void by the death of Doctor Smith made him Bishop of that Diocesse And thus far the story hath now brought him but soone after he was raised higher for Doctor Bambridge Archbishop of Yorke dying he was translated from Lincolne to that See and that he might not be inferiour to the Archbishop of Canter●ury he procured of the Pope to be made Cardinall and Legat a Latere and after by the King was made Lord Chancellour of England and being come to this height of dignity he so carried himselfe in Expences of Houshold in number of Retinve and in all circumstances of State that no Subject before or since hath in any degree come neere him And if we may say it he was the first Debaucher of King Henry for to the end he might have the managing of all matters himself he perswaded the King that he should not need trouble himselfe with frequenting the Councell Table as he did but take his pleasure and leave those things to his Councell whereof himselfe would alwa●es give him ●nie Information This was plausible Councell and no marvaile if it were embraced of a yong King coming from the mouth of so great a Prelate In this fifth yeer of the King the Citizens of London finding themselves grieved with the Inclosures of the common fields about Islington Hogsdon and Sh●rdich and other places adjoyning went one morning and threw downe all the Hedges and filled up all the Ditches whereat though the Kings Councell were at first offended yet the Maior and City shewed them such reaso●s that they rested satisfied and the fields were never since hedged On the nineteenth of May this yeer Pope Iulius the second sent to King Henry a Cap of Maintenance and a Sword and being angry with the King of France transferred by Authority of the Lateran Councell the title of Christianissimo from him upon King Henry which with great solemnity was published the sunday following in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul but this solemnity must not passe without Revelling Maskes and Justs wherein the King and the Duke of Suffolke were defendants against all commers who having the Duke of Longuevyle and the Lord of Clermont to be spect●tours spread the fame of their Chivalrie into forreigne Nations And now the great love that had been long between King Henry and the Flemings began to abate upon this occasion King Henry the seventh had concluded a match between his daughter Mary and Charles Prince of Spaine but by reason of her young yeers and for want of assurance of Joynture the match was deferred during his time but now King Henry the eight seeing his sister of convenient yeers began to call upon it and signified so much to the Councell of Flanders but they whether having other ends or out of Spanish delayes put him off with excuses and at last sent him word plainly they could doe nothing in it that yeer The King of France had soone Intelligence how much King Henry distasted these Spanish dealings and meant to make some good use of it for the ends he began to propose to himselfe which were to get the Lady Mary for himselfe and thereby procure peace with England being now old and weary of the War And for this purpose he got the new Pope Leo the tenth to be his mediatour and both of them send Embassadours to King Henry the Pope to perswade him to have peace with France the French King to treat about a Marriage with the Lady Mary upon whose Embassages King Henry partly to satisfie the Pope and partly to advance his sister did not unwillingly hearken to the motions but whilst this was in working Pryor Iohn who knew nothing of these intentions began again to play his Pra●ks and coming with his Gallyes on the coast of Sussex burnt Bhighthem-steed and took away the goods he found in the Village whereupon the Lord Admirall sent Sir Iohn Walloppe to sea with divers ships and eight hundred men who for one Village that Pryor Iohn burnt in England burnt one and twenty Villages and Townes in France to the great honour of himselfe and his countrey And now King Henry by advice of his Councell and specially of Woolsey Bishop of Lincolne concluded both the peace with France and the Marriage of his Sister the Lady Mary with the French King but yet it stuck a while upon some differences King Henry demanding Bulloigne and the King of France Tourney in conclusion these demands were waved and the principall conditions were● first concerning the Ladies Joynture that she should have two and thirty thousand Crownes of yeerly revenues if she survived the King and then concerning ths peace that the French King should pay yeerly to King Henry for five yeers one hundred thousand Crownes and the peace to continue between them during their lives and a yeer after and bound reciprocally to assist each other with ten thousand foot if the warre were by land with six thousand if by sea All things thus concluded the Lady Mary was brought to Dover by King Henry and his Queen and on the second of October taking shippi●g was conducted by the Duke of Norfolke the Marquesse Dorset the Bishop of Durham● the Earle of Surry the Lord De la ware the Lo●d Berners the Lord Monteagle Sir Maurice Berkely Sir Iohn Pechye Sir William Sands Sir Bulleyne● Sir Iohn Carre and many other Knights and Ladies but being not past halfe way over the sea their ships by tempest were dispersed and the Lady with some jeoperdy landed at Bullen where Sir Christopher Garnish was faine to stand in the water and take her in his armes and so set her on shore and there the Duke of Vendosme with a Cardinall and many other great States received her From Bullen the eight of October she came to Abbevyle where the Dolphyn received her on the morrow being Saint Dennis day she came to Saint Dennis where the marriage between the King of France and her was solem●ized though some write it had been solemnized before at Abbevyle The fifth of November she was Crowned Queene of France at which time the Dolphyn held the Crowne over her head as being too massie for her to weare and the day following she was received into Paris in most magnificent manner In honour of whose Marriage and Coronation the Dolphyn had caused a solemne Justs to be proclaimed which should be kept in Paris the seventh of November Upon report of this Proclamation in England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset and his four Brothers the Lord Clinton Sir Edward Ne●●ll
Lord Berners Lieutenant of the Towne On Munday he tooke ship at Callice and landed at Dover where the Cardinall with three hundred Lords Knights and Gentlemen received him and in great State brought him to the Castle where he was lodged On Wednesday being Ascention Even the King came to Dover and there with great joy and gladnesse the Emperour and he met On Friday in the afternoone they departed from Dover and came that night to Canterbury and from thence next day to Greenwich where the Queene received her Nephew with all the joy that might be Here to honour the Emperours presence Royall Justs and Turneys were appointed where the King the Earle of D●vonshire and ten Aydes kept the place against the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset and other ten Aydes on their part On Friday the sixth of Iune the Emperour and the King with all their companies went to London where the City received them with Pageants and other as rare device● as at a Coronation and the Emperour was lodged at the Blackf●yers and all his Lords in the new Palaces of Bridewell On VVhitsunday the King and the Emperour rode to the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul where the Cardinall sung M●sse and had his Traverse and his Cupboord Before Masse two Barons gave him water and after the Gospel two Earles and at the last Lavatory two Dukes which pride the Spaniards much disdained After many Feastings in other places at last they rode to VVindsor where they stayed a whole weeke and there on Corpus Chris●i day the Emperour wore his Mantle of the Garte● and sate in his owne Stall On the same day both the Princes received the Sacrament and took their oathes to observe the League concluded betweene them On the morrow after they came to Winchester before whose comming thither there was come to Hampton the Earle of Surrey Admirall of England with all the Kings Navy and with him the Lord Fitz-Water the Barron Curson Sir Nicholas Carew Sir Richard Wink●●eld Sir Richard Ierning●am Francis Brian Sir William Barentine Sir Adrian Foskew Sir Edward Donne Sir Edward Chamberlaine Sir Richard Cornwall Sir Antony Poynes Sir Henry Shirborn and the Viceadmirall Sir William Fitz-Williams Sir Edmund Bray Sir Giles Capell Sir William Pirton Iohn Cornwallis Sir Iohn Walloppe Sir Edward Ichingham Sir VVilliam Sidney Anthony Browme Giles Hus●ey Thomas Moore Iohn Rus●el Edward Bray Henry Owen George Cobham Thomas Old●all Thomas Lovell Robert Ichingham Anthony Knevet Sir Iohn Tremaile Sir VVilliam Skevington Master of the Ordinance and Iohn Fabian Serjant at Armes by whom chiefly a diss●gne was moved though now noised onely that it was but to scowre the seas for the safe conducting of the Emperour For the Earle of Surrey having wafted the Emperour over to the co●st of Biskay upon his returne made to the coast of Brittaine and there landing seven thousand of his men marched to the Towne of Morleys and by assault took it having ●onne this Towne the E●rle called to him certaine Gentlemen and made them Knights as Sir Francis Brian Sir Anthony Browne Sir Richard Cornwall Sir Thomas Moore Sir Giles Hus●ey Sir Iohn Russell Sir Iohn Rainsford Sir George Cobham Si● Iohn Cornwallis Sir Edward Ridgley and some others and after the Earle had lien a while on the Coast of Brittaine he was commanded home by the Kings letters who thereupon brought back his whole fleet to a place ca●led the Cow under the Isle of Wight and then went on land leaving diverse of of his ships under the Governa●ce of the Vice-admirall Sir William Fitz-VVilliams In this meane time diverse exploits were atchieved between them of the Garrison in the marches of Callice and the French men of Bulloigne where the French commonly had the worst but being of no great moment may well be passed over without relating Likewise at the same time the Lord Rosse and the Lord Dacres of the North appointed to keepe the Borders against Scotland burnt the Towne of Kelsie and fourescore Vilages and overthrew eighteene Towers of stone withall their Bulwarkes King Henry intending now to goe seriously on with his warres in France levied an Army which under the conduct of the Earle of Surrey he sent over to C●llice whither the Earle being come he divided his Army into three battailes the first was led by Sir Robert Ratcliffe Lord Fitz-water the middle-ward by himselfe and his brother the Lord Edmund Howard the reare-ward by Sir VVilliam Sands and Sir Richard VVinkfield both of them Knights of the Ga●ter and Sir Edward Guildford was Captaine of the horsemen In this order the Earle entred the French ground the second of September and took his Journey ●owards Hedring By the way there came to him a great Power of ●●rgognias sent by the Lady Margaret according to the Articles of the League All the Townes Villages and Castles in the Countrey through which they passed they burnt and sacked as the Towne and Castle of Selloys the Towne of Brun●rigge Senekerke Botington and Manstier with divers others On the sixteenth of September they came before the Castle of Heding and laid siege unto it but the Castle being wel fortified the Earle having not battering Ordnance which by reason of the foule weather he could not bring with him after eleven dayes he raised his siege and passing from thence to Dorlens burnt the Towne and raced the Castle as also the Towne of Dortyer and then the yeer being farre spent came back to Callic● the sixteenth of October At this time the Duke of Albany being established Governour of Scotland raised an Army of fourscore thousand men with which he approached the b●●ders but made no Invasion as thinking perhaps that the onely report of his great Army would fright the English but yet this stayed not the Lord Marquesse Dorset Warden of the east and middle Marches to enter into Tividale and so forward ten miles into Gallaway burning all townes and Villages on every side as he passed All that night he tarried within the Scottish ground and the next day being good-Friday withdrew back into England with a head of four thousand cattell having burned Grimseley Mowhowse Donford Myles Ackforth Crowling and many other Townes and Villages In King Henries fourteenth yeer on the fifteenth of Aprill began a Parliament which was holden at the Blackfryers whither the King came and there sate downe in his Royall Seate at his feet on the right side sate the Cardinall of Yorke and the Archbishop of Canterbury and at the Raile behinde stood Doctor Tunstall Bishop of London who making an Oration told there the causes of calling this Parliament which were as he said for remedying of mischiefs by the common Law as Recoveries Forraigne Vouchers and corrupt Trialls● and for making new Lawes for the good of the Common-wealth whereof notwithstanding no one word was spoken all the time of the Parliament nor any other thing done but a Subsedie granted but howsoever being commanded to chuse their Speaker they
at Hampton Court created Earl of Essex Sir William Parre knight unckle to them both was made Lord Parre of Horton and Lord Chamberlin to the Queen and on New-yeers-day Sir Thomas Wriothsley the Kings Secretary was made Lord Wriothsley of Tichfield In Iune this yeer Matthew Earl of Lenox fled out of Scotland and came into England whom King Henry received kindly and gave him in marriage the Lady Margaret his Sisters daughter by whom he had Henry Father of our late King Iames of blessed memory Thomas Audley Lord Chancellour being lately dead Thomas Lord Wriothsley succeeded him in the place and now was an Army levied to goe for France the Duke of Norfolke and the Lord Privie Seal accompanied with the Earl of Surrey the Dukes Son the Lord Gray of Wilton the Lord Ferrers of C●artley and his Son Sir Robert Devereux Sir Thomas Chainey Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports the Lord Montjoy Sir Francis Byran Sir Thomas Poynings Captaine of Guysnes with many other Knights and Gentlemen about Whitsontide passed over to Callice and marching toward Muttrel joyned with the Emperours forces under the leading of the Count de Buren which two Armies laid siedge to Muttrel wherof Monsseur de Bies one of the Martials of France was Captaine but being then at Bulloign and hearing of the siedg of Muttrel he left Bulloigne and with his forces came thither which was the thing that was desired to draw him from Bnlloign and thereupon was the Duke of Suffolke appointed to passe over with the Kings army accompanied with the Earl of Arundell Marshall of the Field the Lord St. Iohn the Bishop of Winchester Sir Iohn Gage Controlor of the Kings house Sir Anthony Browne Master of the Kings horse with divers others who the ninteenth of Iuly came and incamped before Bulloigne the four and twentieth of Iuly the King in person accompanied with divers of the Nobility came to Callice and the six and twentieth incamped before Bulloign on the north side many batteries and assaults were made so long till at last the Town upon composition yeelded and the Duke of Suffolke entred and tooke possession suffring six thousand French as was agreed with bag and baggage to depart The eight of September King Henry entred the town himselfe and then leaving the Lord Lisle Lord Admirall his Deputy there he returned into England landing at Dover the first of O●tober Many enterprises after this were made by the Dolphin of France and by Monsieur de Bies for recovery of Bulloigne but they were still repulsed and the English kept the towne in spight of all they could doe although at one time there came an Army of eighteene thousand foot at another time an Army wherein were reckoned twelve thousand Lance-knights twelve thousand French foot-men sixe thousand Italians foure thousand of Legionarie souldiers of France a thousand men of Armes besides eight thousand light Horse great Forces certainly to come and doe nothing Whilst these things were doing about Bulloign the ships of the west Country and other places wa●ted abroad on the Seas and took above three hundred French ships so that the Gray-friers Church in London was laid full of wine the Austin-friers and Black-friers full of herrings and other fish which should have bin convayed in France About this time the King demanded a Benevolence of his Subjects towards his wars in France and Scotland to which purpose the Lord Chancelour the Duke of Suffolke and other of the Kings Counsaile sate at Baynards Castle where they first caled before them the Major and Aldermen and because Richard Read Alderman would not agree to pay as they set him he was commanded to serve the King in his wars in Scotland which the obstinate man rather choose to doe then he would pay the rate he was required but being there he was taken prisoner by the Scots to his far greater damage then if he had agreed to the Benevolence required For at this time Sir Ralph Evers Lord Warden of the Marches after many fortunate Roades into Scotland assembled four thousand men and entring Scotland now againe was encountred by the Earl of Arraigne by whom he and the Lord Oagle and many other Gentlemen were slaine and diverse were taken prisoners of whom Alderman Read was one It was now the seaven and thirtieth yeer of King Henries Reigne when on Saint Georges day Sir Th●mas Wriothsley Lord-Chancelour was made Knight of the Garter also Trinity Tearme was adjourned by reason of the warres but the Exchequer and the Court of the Te●thes were open At this time the English fleet went before New-haven but being there encountred by a farre greater fleet of French they ret●rned with whose retreate the French Admirall emboldned came upon the Coast of Sussex where hee landed Souldiers but upon firing of the Beacons was driven back after which he landed two thousand men in the Isle of Wight but was there repelled though reported to have in his ships threescore thousand men In Angust this yeer died the valiant Captaine the Lord Poynings the Kings Lievtenant of his Towne of Bulloigne and the same month also died at Guildford the noble Duke of Suffolke Charles Brandon Lord great Master of the Kings House whose Body was honourably buried at Windsore at the Kings cost About this time the Scots having received aide out of France approached the English Borders but durst attempt nothing whereupon the Earle of Hertford Lievtenant of the North parts raising an army of twelve thovsand men English and strangers entred Scotland and burnt a great part of Mers and Tividale as Kelsay Abbey and the Towne the Abbeys of Medrosse Driborne and Yedworth with a hundred Townes and Villages more when on the sixteenth of September an Army of Scots and French attempted to enter into England on the East borders but in a streight were set upon by the English who slew and tooke of them to the number of seven score amongst whom was the Lord Humes sonne and a principall French Captaine in another roade which they made into the West Borders the Lord Maxwels sonne and diverse other were taken but then at another time such is the chance of war five hundred English entring the West Borders of Scotland were discomfited and the greatest part of them either taken or slaine And now to revenge the presumptious attempts of the French upon the Isle of Wight the Lord Admiral with his fleet approached the Coasts of Normandy landed six thousand men at Treport burnt the Suburbs of that Towne with the Abbey destoryed thirty ships there in the Haven and then returned not having lost above fourteen persons in the whole voyage At this time the Earle of Hartford lying at Bulloigne had in his Army above fourscore thousand men and many skirmishes passed between him and the French till at last by mediation of the Emperour and diverse other Princes a meeting was appointed to treat of a peace between the two Kings of England and France hereupon there
of them backed with a thousand men at Armes yet the Scots resolutely maintained the fight three houres and more but in the end overlaid with number they were put to flight and chased almost to the edge of their Camp In this fight the chiefest force of the Scottish Hors-men was defeated the Lord Hume by a fall from his Horse lost his life his sonne and Heire with two Priests and six Gentlemen were taken prisoners and about fifteene hundred slaine the next day the Protectour and the Earle of Warwick rode towards the place where the Scottish Army lay to view the manner of their incamping As they returned an Herauld and a Trumpeter from the Scots overtook them who having obtained Audience the Trumpeter said that the Lord Huntley his Master to spare effusion of Christian blood would fight upon the whole quarel either with twenty against twenty or with ten against ten or else try it between the Lord Generall and himselfe the Protectour answered that for number of Combatants it was not in his power to conclude any bargaine and as for himselfe that being in publick charge it was not fit he should hazard himselfe against a man of private Conditions which otherwise he would most willingly accept here the Earle of Warwick intreated the Lord Generall that he might accept the Challenge and Trumpeter saith he bring me word that thy Master will performe the Combat with me and thou shalt have an hundred Crownes for thy paines nay rather saith the Lord Generall bring me word that thy Master will abide and give us battaile and thou shalt have a thousand Crownes for thy paines and thereupon when no other agreement could be made a generall battaile was resolved on in the Army of the Scots were five or six and thirty thousand men in the Avant-guard commanded by the Earle of Angus about fifteen thousand in the Battaile over whom was the Lord Governour about te● thousand and in the Arreare as many led by the valiant Gourdon Earle of Hackbutters●hey ●hey had none nor men at Armes bur about two thousand Hors-men Prickers as they terme them the rest were all on foote we'●l furnished with Jack and Scull pikes daggers Bucklers made of boord a●d slicing swords broad and thin every man had a long Kirchiffe folded twic● or thrice about his neck and many of them had cheines of Lattin drawne th●ee or foure times along their hoses and doublet-sleeves they had also to affright the enemies Horses great ●attles covered with parchment or paper and small stones within put upon staves three ells long And now both Armies joyned in battaile where a long fight and much variety of fortune on both sides at length the victory fell to the English in this fight divers of the Nobility of Scotland were slain of the inferior sort about ten or as some say fo●rteen thousand of the English were slain onely one and fifty Horse-men a●d on footmen but many hurt the Lord Gray was dangerously thrust with a pike in the mouth which struck two inches into his neck the Scottish prisoners accounted by the Marshals booke were about fifteene hundred the chiefe whereof were the Earle of Huntley the Lords Yester Hobley and Hamilton the Master of San●-Poole and the Lord of Wimmes the Earle of Huntley being asked whilst he was a prisoner how he stood affected to the marriage made this answer that he liked the mariage wel enough but he liked not this kinde of woing This victory of Muskelborough against the Scots was on the tenth of December the very same day on which thirty yeers before a victory had bin had against them at Flodden field so as it seems this day was fatall to the Scots and confirms the opinion of Astologers that there are dayes to some men fortunate unfortunate to others if they could be known This victory strook such a terror into many of the Scots that the Earl Bothwel and divers chiefe Gentlemen of Tividale and Meers submitted themselves to the King of England and were received by the Prorectour into his protection after this the English army took many towns and Castles and then for want of Provision returned into England having not stayed above five and twenty dayes in Scotland and not lost above threescore men But notwithstanding this great overthrow at Muskelborough the Governour of Scotland would not yet be quiet but assembling the people made unto them a long Oration exhorting them to defend the liberty of their Countrie and not to be daunted with any event of warre In this mean time many distractions and troubles hapned in England partly in matters of Religion and partly about Inclosures ●nd first for inclosures the Lord Protector caused Proclamation to be set forth commanding they who had Inclosed any Lands accustomed to lye open should upon a certain pain before a day assigned lay them open again and then in matter of Religion certain Injunctions were set forth for removing of Images out of Churches and divers Preachers were sent with Instructions to disswade the people from praying to Saints or for the dead from use of Beads Ashes Processions from Masses Durges praying in any unknown tongue and for defect of Preachers Homilies were appointed publickly to be red in Churches many for offering to maintaine these Ceremonies were either punished or forced to recant Edmund Bonner Bishop of London was committed to the Fleet for refusing to receive these Injuctions Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester was likewise committed first to the Fleet and after to the Tower for that he had preached It were well these changes in Religion should be stayed untill the King were of yeers to govern by himselfe for the like causes Tunstall Bishop of Durham Heath Bishop of Rochester and Day Bishop of Chichester were in like manner committed to prison and all of them dispossessed of their Bishopricks and that which was worse the Bishopricks themselves were dispossessed of their Revenues in such sort that a very smal pa●t remained to the Bishops that came after And now a Parliament was held in the first yeer of the King and by Prorogation in the second wherein divers Chantries Colledges free Chappels Fraternities and Guildes with all their Lands and goods were given to the King which being sold at a low rate enriched many and ennobled some and thereby made them firme in maintaining the change also it was then ordered that no man should speak against receiving the Eucharist in both kindes and that Bishops should be placed by Collation of the King under his Letters Patents without any election preceding or confirmation insuing and that all Processes Ecclesiasticall should be made in the Kings name as in Writs at the Common-Law and that al Persons exercising Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction should have the Kings Armes in the Seales of their Office and further the Statute of the six Articles and other Statutes concerning punishment of Lollards were repealed and the Kings Supremacy over the Church of England was confirmed
in the time of King Edward had refused to signe a writing for disinheriting the Lady Mary and the Lady Elizabeth a fact worthy at least of a kinde remembrance from the Lady Mary now Queene yet now for that at a quarter Sessions in Kent he gave charge upon the statutes of King Henry the eight and King Edward the sixth in derogation of the Primacy of the Church of Rome he was first committed to the Kings Bench then to the Counter and lastly to the Fleet where he grew so troubled in minde that he attempted with a Pen-knife to kill himselfe and being afterward recovered of that hurt and brought to the Queenes presence who gave him very comfortable words yet could never come to be quiet in his minde but in the end drowned himselfe in a River not halfe a mile from his house the River being so shallow that he was faine to lye groveling before he could dispatch him●elfe of life And now another sprinkling of mercy came from the Queene for the Marquesse of Northampton and Sir Henry Gates lately before condemned to dye were now pardoned and set at liberty The Lady Iane also was allowed the liberty of the Tower not without hope of life and liberty altogether if her father the Duke of Suffolke had not the second time been cause of her destruction About this time also a Synod was assembled for consulting about matters of Religion and the point specially of the reall presence in the Sacrament The Prolocutour was Doctor VVeston and of the Protestant side were Iohn Almer and Richard Cheyney both Bishops afterward in Queene Elizabeths time also Iohn Philpo● afterward burnt Iames Haddon and others After long disputation where reasons were not so much weighed as voyces numbred the Papall side as having most voyces carried it and thereupon was that Religion againe restored and the Masse commanded in all Churches to be celebrated after the ancient manner It was now the yeer 1553. when Queene Mary was come to the age of seven and thirty yeers and therefore high time now to thinke of marriage at least if she meant to have issue of her body but a hard ma●ter it was to finde a husband in all points ●itting for her yet three at this time in common fame at least were taken into consideration one was the Lord Courtney M●rquesse of Exceter a goodly Gentleman and of Royall blood but there was exception against him because inclining as was thought to Lutheranisme another was Cardinal ●oole of a dignity not much inferiour to Kings and by his Mother descended from Kings but there was exception against him also because foure and fifty yeers old as old a Batchelour as Queen Mary was a maid and so the lesse hope of issue betweene them but the third if he might be had was without exception and this was Phillip Prince of Spaine the Emperour Charles his eldest sonne with whom being a Spaniard she was the fitter matched as being by the Mother a Spaniard her selfe And now very oppertunely came in the beginning of Ian. Embassadors into England about it amongst others the Cou●● of Egmond Admirall of the L●w Countryes and Iohn of Memorancy Lord of Curryers whose message was so kindely entertained that the marriage in short time was absolutely concluded though it seemed something strange to many that she should now be wife to the sonne who thirty yeers before should have been wife to the father But so it is Queenes are never old so long as they are within yeers of bearing children And indeede the match was concluded with conditions of farre more advantage to Quee●e Mary then they were to King Phillip as on the fourteenth of Ianuary Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancelour of England openly in the Presence Chamber at Westminster declared to all the Lords and Gentlemen there present for it was agreed that after the mar●iage King Phillip should have the Title of all the Queenes Dominions and be assumed into fellowship of the government but yet with reservation to the Queene of all Priviledges and Customes of the Kingdome and free disposition of all Offices and Honours as likewise the Queene should be assumed into the fellowship of all the Kings Dominions and surviving him should have a Joynture of two hundred thousand Pounds a yeer Then for the issue betweene them if she had a Sonne that he should inherit the Low Countryes and Burgundy and King Phillips sonne Charles which he had by a former wife should inherit all his Dominions in Italie and Spaine but if his sonne Charles should fail without issue then the sonne he should have by Queene Mary should inherit his Kingdomes of Italie and Spaine also And the like good provision was also made for daughters But notwithstanding these great ●dvantage● of the ma●ch yet such was the precipitant rashnesse of some that thinking themselves wiser then the Queene and the Councel they sought by all meanes to oppose the match giving out that it ●ended to bring England under the yoke of Spaine and to make the Countrey a slave to strangers This was the generall murmuring of people but the first that shewed himselfe in Armes was Sir Thomas Wyat of Kent who having communicated the matter with the Duke of Suffolke the Lady Ianes father with Peter Caroe a Knight of Devonshire and divers others intended onely to make secret provision but not to stirre till Prince Phillip should be come that so their cause of taking armes might have the better colour On the fifteenth of Ianuary Robert Dudley sonne to the Duke of Northumberland was arraigned at the Guildhall of high Treason who confessed the indictment and had judgement given by the Earle of Sussex to be drawen hanged bowelled and quartered But now in counsels communicated to many it is a hard matter to have counsell kept and Sir Peter Caroe finding that their plot was discovered fled privily into France where lurking for a time he was afterward taken at Bruxells and brought captive into England as likewise at the same time and place Sir Iohn Cheeke King Edwards Schoolmaster was taken who being drawne by terrours to embrace the Papall Religion with very griefe afterward of his errour pined away and dyed Sir Peter Caroe lived many yeers af●er and dyed in Ireland though it be falsely recorded they were both burnt for Religion in Iune of this yeer Wyatt hearing of Sir Peter Caroes flight and that all their purpose was discovered was driven before his time to enter into armes giving out for the cause that it was not to attempt any thing against the Queene but onely to remove ill Councellours and chiefly to repell Prince Phillip least by this mariage the Kingdome should come in subjection to the Spaniard With Wyatt were joyned Sir Henry Isley Sir George Harper Anthony and William Knevet and divers other Gentlemen of the County against him were the Lord Abuegaveny Sir Thomas Cheyney Lord Warden of the Ports Sir Sobert Southwell Sheriffe of Kent Sir
kept their Feast at Grayes Inne in Holborn Upon the Queens return from Oxford the Parliament began where they presently fell upon the m●tter of succession and moving the Queen to marry● in which points some went so far that they spared not to accuse the Queen as one carelesse of Posterity● to defame Cecill with libells and reproaches as if he were her Counsello●● in this matter but above all to curse Doctor Huic her Physitian who was thought to disswade her from Marriage by reason of I know not what womanish insufficiency At last in the Upper House it was agreed That Sir Nich●la● Bacon Lord Keeper their Orator should in all their names beseech the Queen to marry and withall to declare a Successor in the Crown if she should happen to die without Issue for which he gave many reasons declaring what mischiefs were likely to befall the Kingdom if she should die before a Successor were designed But in the Lower House there were some amongst whom were Bell and Mou●son two Lawyers of great account Dutton Sir Paul Wentwort● and other who grew to far higher tearms disparaging the Queens Authority and saying That Princes were bound to designe a Successor and that in not doing it the Queen should shew her self no better then a parricide of her Countrey The Queen was contented to bear with words spoken in Parliament which spoken out of Parliament she would never have endured but not willing to expostulate the matter with the whole number she commanded that thirty of the Higher House and as many of the Lower should appear before her to whom she delivered her minde to this effect That she knew what danger hangeth over a Princes head when a Successor is once declared she knew that even children themselves out of a hastie desire of bearing Rule had taken up Armes against their own fathers and how could better conditions be expected from kindred She had by reading observed That Successors in a collaterall Line have seldom been declared and that Lewis of Orleance and Francis of Angoulesme were never declared Successors and yet obtained the Crown without any noyse Lastly she said Though I have been content to let you debate the matter of Succession yet I advise you to beware that you be not injurious to your Princes patience With these and the like reasons she gave so good satisfaction that they never after troubled her with making any more such motion And though she consented not in plain tearms to declare a Successor yet soon after she gave some intimation of it for one Thornton a Reader of the Civill Law in London who in his Lectures called the Queen of Scots Right in question was clapped up in prison for his labour In the beginning of her ninth yeer Charles the ninth King of Fr●nc● sent his Ambassadour Ramboulet into England to the Queen with the Robes and Ornaments of the Order of S. Michael to bestow upon which two of her Nobility she pleased and she making choice of the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester they were by Ramboulet invested with them an Honour that had never been conferred upon any English but only K. Henry the eighth King Edward the sixth and Charls Brandon Duke of Suffolk though afterward prostituted almost to any without difference And now to return to the Affairs of Scotland The nineteenth of Iune last past the Queen of Scots in a happy hour was at Edinborough Castle dilive●ed of a Son that was afterward Iames the sixth of Scotland and the first Monarch of Great Britain whereof she presently sent word to Queen Elizabeth by Iames Melvyne who thereupon sent Sir Henry Killigrew to congratulate her safe deliverance and her young son with all demonstration of love and amity But now the love of the Queen of Scots to her husband the Lord Darly was not so hot at first but it was now grown to be as cold and she had not heaped honour on him so fast before but now as fast she taketh them off for where before in all publike Acts she had used to place her husbands name first now she caused it to be placed last and in the coyning of money began to leave it quite out This unkindenesse between them was fomented by one David Rizie an Italian whom the Queen had taken into her service first as a Musician and then taking a liking to him made him here Secretary for the French Tongue by means whereof he had oftentimes secret conference with her when the King her Husband might not be admitted This indignity the King himself being given to his pleasures of Hunting and Hawking resented not so much as some Lords that were his fri●nds who told him plainly That it stood not with his Honour to suffer this fellow to live By whose instigation the King drawn to plot his death One day taking with him the Earl of Reuven and other he rushed into the Queens Chamber at her Supper time where finding David Rizie at a Cupboord tasting some meat that had been taken from the Table he seized upon him dragged him forth into an outer Chamber and there murthered him the Queen at that time being great with childe and like by that affright to have miscarryed But the Fact being done the King came in to her again assuring her there was no hurt at all intended to her Person The man that had animated the King to do this fact was especially the Earl Murray of whom it is necessary to say something because his part will be the greatest of all the Scottish Actions of this time He was the base sonne of King Iames the fifth and so the base brother of the Queen made at first Prior of Saint Andrewes But not liking that Religious Title he affected rather some Temporall Honour which when the Queen being then in France denyed him then in an angry mood returned into Scotland where by the advice of Knox whom he held for a great Patriark brought the matter so to passe that in an Assembly of the States the Religion was altered and the French were banished out of Scotland Yet afterward as soon as the Queen was a Widow he posted into France and so insinuated with her that she created him Earl of Murray and promoted him to an Honourable Marriage Being thus exalted he returned into Scotland where for the further growth of his ambitious designes he sowed seeds of Sedition affirming often what a misery it was to be under the Command of a woman and that Royalty was not to be tyed to any Stock or Kindred but to Vertue onely whether the parties were legitimaie or no by this course making way to the Kingdom for himself To this end he used all the mea●s he could to keep the Queen from marrying again which when he could not effect he then sought wayes how to make discord between her and her Husband for which cause he had caused the King to murther Rizie Of the foulnesse of which Fact when the
taken by right of War and not to be dismissed till she had made satisfaction for assuming the Title of England and for the death of Darly her husband who was born one of the Queens Subjects In this diversity of opinions Queen Elisabeth out of her own judgement sent word by Middemore to the Regent of Scotland that he should come himself in person or else depute some fit persons to answer the complaints of the Queen of Scots against him and his confederates and render sufficient reasons wherefore they had deprived her otherwise● she would forthwith dismisse her and with all the forces she could settle her in her Kingdom To this Summons Murray obeys and comes to York the place appointed for this Treaty accompanied with seven more of his intimate friends who stood Delegates for the Infant King namely Iames Earl of Morton Ad●m Bishop of the Ork●neys Robert of Dunferm Patrick Lord of Lyndsey Iames Mac-gylly and Henry ●adinary and with these Lydington the Secretary and Ge●rge Buchanan And the very same day came thither Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk Thomas Ratcliff Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Saedler a Privie-Councellour appointed Commissioners for Queen Elisabeth For the Queen of Scots who took it hainously that Queen Elisabeth would not hear the caus● h●r self but refer h●r to Subjects being an absolute Prince and not ty●d to their proc●edings there appeared Iohn Lesley Bishop of Ross William Lord Levyng●●on Robert Lord Boyde Ga●●● of Kilwynnin Iohn G●urd●n and Iames Cock●urn Being met Lydingto● turning himself to the Scots in a wondrous liberty of Speech gave them this advice Maturely to consider what prejudice they should draw upon themselves by accusing th● Queen of Scots and calling her Reputation in question publikely before the English professed enemies of the Scottish Nation Likewise wha● account they shall be able to give hereof to the King when he shall grow to ●iper y●●rs and shall see what an injury this was to the Kingdom his Mother and his own per●on Wherefor● said he it seemeth requisite to forbear this businesse al●ogether unlesse the Queen of England will enter into a ●u●uall league of Offence and Defence against all those which under this pretenc● shall go about ●o molest us Upon this Speech of his the D●l●gates of the Que●n of Scots made Protestation That although it pleased the Qu●●n of Scots to have the cause between her and her disloyall Subjects d●●●ted befo●● the English yet she being a free Prince and obnoxious to no earthly Prince whatsoever did not thereby yeeld her self subject to th● Jurisdiction and command of any person On the contrary the English pro●est●d That they did in no wise admi● that Protestation in pr●judice to the right which the Kings of England have anciently challenged as superiou● Lords of the Kingdom of Sco●land The day after the Queen of Sco●s Delegates s●t forth at large the injurious dealing of Morton Murray Marre Gle●car● 〈◊〉 and others against the Queen and how they had compelled h●r for fear of death to resign her Crown which therefore they said was of no ●or●● Murray and his confederates make answ●r That they had done nothing but by consent of the Peers in Parliament and tha● in pros●cu●ing o● Bothwell the author of the Kings murther whom the Queen protected and as for her resignation ●hat it was voluntarily and freely done All this the Queen of Scots Delega●es answered and confuted affirming in particular That where there are 100 Earls Bishops and Barons more or lesse that have voices in the Parliament of Scotland there were not in that tum●ltous assembly they speak of above four Earls one Bishop an Abbot or two and six Barons wherefore their earnest request was that the Q●een of England would be ●●nsible of these indignities offered her and take some course for a speedy rednesse After this some new Commissioners from Queen Elizabeth were added to the former to some of whom the Queen of Scots took exception unlesse the French and Spanish Embassadors might be taken in and her self admitted into the presence of the Queen and them publickly to defend her own innocency and that Murray might be detained and ●ited whom she affirmed she was able to prove to have been the chief Plotter of the murther of her husband Darley This was held to be a just demand by the Duke of Norfolk the Earls of Arundell Sussex Leicester and the Lord Clinton But Queen Elizabeth waxing somewhat angry openly said that the Queen of Scots should never want an Advocate as long as Norfolk lived It was seen here which is said that the heart of the King is inscrutable for how Queen Elizabeth stood affected in this case of the Queen of Scots no man could well discern● she detested the insolency of her Subjects in deposing her and yet gave no assistance to restore her After long agitation of this businesse and nothing concluded Murray a little before his return into Scotland slyly propounded the mariage of the Queen of Scots to the Duke of Norfolk which he with a modest answer rejected as a thing full of danger But withall Murray the more to alienate Queen Elizabeths mind from the Queen of Scots gave ou● that she had passed away to the Duke of Andyn her Right to the Crown of England and that the transaction was confirm'd at Rome he shewd Letters also which the Queen of Scots had written to some friends whom she trusted wherein she accused the Queen for not dealing with her according to promise and boasted of succours she expected from some others This last clause something troubled Queen Elizabeth neither could she conjecture from whence any such succour should come seeing both France with the Civill Wars and the King of Spain in the Low-countries had eno●gh to do at home But at last it brake out that one Robert Ridolph a Florentine under the habit of a Merchant in London was suborned by Pope ●ius the fifth to make a secret commotion of the Papists in England against the Queen which he performed indeed with a great deal of secrecy and much cunning whereupon the Queen of Scots was removed from Bolton a Castle of the Lord Scroops where all the neighbouring people were Papists● to Tutbury more toward the heart of the Country under the custody of George Earl of Shrewsbury About this time the Guises in France and the Duke D'Alva in the Low-countries began to endeavour the utter extirpation of the Protestant Religion In France the Ministers of the Gospell are commanded within a limitted time to depart the Kingdom when Queen Elizabeth forgetting the ●icklenesse of the Protestants at New-haven once again takes upon her their protection supplyes them with two hundred thousand Crowns in money besides Munition in abundance and with all humanity receives the French that fled into England the rather for that they made solemn protestation they took not up Arms against their Prince but only stood upon their own defence In the Low-countries
at Louvayn But though the Queen were thus entangled with Rebellions at home yet she was not carelesse of the afflicted Protestants in France for she stirred up the Protestant Princes to defend the common Cause supplyed them with money taking in pawn the Queen of Navar 's Jewells and gave leave to Henry Champernoon to lead into France a Troop of a hundred Horse Gentlemen all and Voluntaries amongst whom were Philip Butshed Francis Barkley and Walter Raleigh a very young man who now began to look into the world But as the Queen of England assisted the French so in revenge thereof the King of France meant to assist the Scots but that he was taken away by death being slain by a shot at the Siege of S. Iohn D'Angelo There was at this time a Rebellion in Ireland also raised by Edmund and Peter brothers to Boteler Earl of Ormond but after many out-rages by them committed the Earl of Ormond first by perswasions obtained of them to submit themselves and when notwithstanding they were committed to prison he then obtained of the Queen they should not be called to the Barre being exceedingly grieved that any of his Blood should be attaynted of Rebellion The rest of the Rebells were pursued by Sir Humphrey Gilbert and soon dispersed And now the Earl of Murray Regent of Scotland when he had wrought all things to his hearts desire and thought himself secure at Lithquo riding along the streets was shot into the belly with a Bullet beneath the Navill and there fell down dead The actor was a Hamilton who did it upon a private revenge for that Murray had forced him to part with a piece of Land which he had by his wife who thereupon falling Lunatick he in a great rage committed this slaughter After Murrayes death the Countrey being without a Regent was cause of many disorders Tho. Carre and Walter Scot two principall men amongst the Scottish Borders and devoted to the Queen of Scots made In●odes into England wasting all places with fire and sword till by Forces sent out of England under the command of the Earle of Sussex and the Lord H●nsdon they were defeated In whose pu●suit three hundred villages were ●ired and above fifty Holds were over-turned For which service the Earl made many Knights as Sir William Drury Sir Thomas Manners Sir George Carie Sir Robert Constable and others and then returned And now to prevent further disorders the Lords of Scotland being ready to assemble about the election of a new Regent they asked counsell of Queen Elizabeth in the matter but she making answer she would not meddle in it because she would not be thought to work any thing prejudiciall to the Queen of Scots whose cause was not yet tried● they created Matthew Earl of Lenox Regent which Queen Elizabeth did the better like as conceiving he could not chuse out of naturall affection but have a speciall care of the young King being his Grand-childe But while Queen Elizabeth favoured the Kings Party in Scotland the Earl of Hun●ley the Duke of Castle-H●rald and the Earle of Argyl● the Queen of Scots Li●u●enants imploy the Lord Seton to the Duke D'Alva Requiting him for many great reasons to vindicate the Queen of Scots liberty alleadging how acceptable a work it would be to all Christian Princes and to the whole Catholike Church whereunto the Duke made answer They should finde him ready to the uttermost of his power to satisfie their Request At which time also the French King dealt earnestly with Queen Elizabeth to the same purpose and the Spanish Embassadour in his masters name urged it no lesse extremely but Queen Elizabeth assaulted with all these Importunities made answer That as she would omit nothing that might serve for the Reconciling of the Queen of Scots and her subjects so sh● must have leave to provide for her own and her subjects safety a thing which Nature Reason and her own Honor requires at her hands And now when these Princes prevailed not with Queen Elizabeth to set the Queen of Scots at liberty ou● comes Pope Pius Quintus with his Bull Declaratory which he caused to be fastened in the night time upon the gate of the Bishop of Londons Palace wherein all her subjects are absolved from their Oa●h of Allegiance or any other dutie and all that obey her accursed with Anathem● He that fastned up the Bull was one Iohn F●lton who never fled for the matter but as affecting Martyrdome suffered himself to be apprehended confessed and justified the Fact and thereupon arraigned was condemned and hanged neer the place where he had fastened the writing The same day that Felton was Arraigned the Duke of Norfolk seeming now extremely pontitent for his fault and utterly to abhorre the marriage was delivered out of the Tower and suffered to goe to his owne house but yet to be in the custodie of Sir Henry Neuill still Indeed Cecill being a good friend of the Dukes had told the Queen That the Law of 25 of Edward the third could not take hold upon him And now being in a kinde of liberty Cecill deales earnestly with him to marry speedily some other thereby to take away all suspition in that behalf yet some again thought that this liberty of the Dukes was granted him of purpose to bring him into greate● danger At this time died William Herbert Earl of P●mb●ook the grand-child of an Earl of P●mbrook yet the son but of an Esquire and grand-father to Phillip Earl of Pembrook and Mountgomery now living who lieth buried in Pauls under a faire Monument of Marble with an Inscription ●estifying his great deservings while he lived Many conspiracies were at this time to set the Queen of Scots at liberty amongst others there conspired Thomas and Edward Stanley younger sonnes of the Earl of Derby with others but the matter discovered they were soon suppressed and some of them executed And now the Lords of the Queen of Scots Party continuing to protect the English Rebells the Earl of Sussex once again accompanied with the Lord Scroop entereth Scotland burneth the Villages all along the Valley of Anandale and compasseth the Duke of Castle-Herald and the Earls of Huntley and Argyle under a Writing signed with their own Hands and Seals to forsake the English Rebells Whereupon the Earl of Sussex returned home he made these Knights Edward Hastings Francis Russell Valentine Browne William Hilton Robert Stapleton Henry Carwen and Simon Musgrave Queen Elizabeths minde being now in great suspension by reason of that Bull from Rome and the late conspiracy in Norfolk sent Sir William Cecill and Sir Walter Mildmay to the Q●een of Scots who was then at Chattesworth in Derby-shire to consult with her by what means the breach in Scotland might best be made up She re-invested in her former Dignity and her son and Queen Elizabeth might be secured● The Queen of Scots did little deplore her own afflicted condition putting her self wholly upon the Queens clemency when
to the Queen of England his deer Sister and doth now willingly make profer of the same Walsingham now dealt with him farther not to lay to the Queens charge what broyls had lately fallen out in Scotland sheweth how beneficiall to him and to both kingdoms Amity had been hitherto and would be in time to come also so it were not neglected and that the same might the better be confirmed if the variance between the Nobility were layd asleep by a Law of oblivion Enacted in Parliament The Peers which now were removed from the Court called back again Religion looked into and a firm League concluded between both kingdoms The King made answer that he gladly embraced Amity with England and that he would constantly defend the Religion already established Afterward he lovingly dismissed Walsingham though he held him no good friend to him and his Mother and carefully looking to matters with undestanding even above his yeers proposed and profered reconciliation to those that had surprized him if within a limited time they asked Pardon which they were so far from doing that the entred into new consultations to surprize him again whereupon they are commanded within a set time to leave the kingdom of which number Marre Glames Paslet and some other betook themselves into Ireland Boyde Zester Weeme Lochlevin into the Low-Countries Dumfermilin into France the Earle of Angus is confined to his Earldome Gowry onely to his owne ruine stayeth behinde after the limited time hatching new devises About this time happened a difference and thereupon a Warre between the Emperors of Muscovia and the King of Sweden when Iohn King of Sweden doubting himself to be no fit Match for the Emperour sent a Roy●●l Ambassage to Queen Elizabeth requesting her to intercede for him to ●●e Emperour which she did without delay and by her Ambassadour drew the Muscovian to a Peace upon reasonable Conditions B●t the Muscovian●●ortly ●●ortly after dying and Theodorus his Successor granting free Traffique to ●●rchants of all Nations that would come thither the Queen importuned him to admit of none but English Merchants requiring him to confirm the Priviledges which his Father had granted them Whereto by way of Answer he demanded Free Trading for all the English saying It was not fit that a small Company should exercise a Monopoly and all other be ●estrayned But as for Customes he promised to take lesse by one half of that Company then of any other because they first opened the way thither The next Summer Albertus Alasco a Palatine of Poland of a comely personage and great learning came into England to see the Queen who was nobly entertained both by her and the Nobility as also by the Scholl●rs of Oxford with learned Orations and other Recreations but having ●●rryed here four Months and run i●to much debt he secretly withdrew himself and departed This man I saw my self afterward in Crakow very bare though it was reported of him That he had in a Dowry with a wife fif●y Castles of great value but what Myne can bear the charges of prodigality This yeer proved fatall to divers great men for there died this yeer ●●●st Thomas Ratcliffe the third E●rl of Sussex of this Family a man of grea● spirit and great faithfulnesse to his Countrey There died also Henry Wriothsley Earl of Southampton one exceedingly devoted to the Romish Religion and a great favourer of the Queen of Scots which cost him Queen Elizabeths displeasure and imprisonment besides There died also Sir Humphrey Gilbert who was cast away at Sea in his return from the North p●rt of America whither he lately sayled with five Ships having sold his Patrimony in hope to plant a Colony t●ere There died also Edmund Grindall Arch-●ishop of Canterbury being blinde through age a gra●e and pious P●elate who stood highly in the Queens favour for a long time till he lost 〈◊〉 last by favouring as was said the Puritans Conventicles but the ●●ue cause indeed was for disallowing the Marriage of Iuli● an Italian Physitian with another mans wife against the Earl of Leicester's pleasure Grind●ll dying Iohn Whiteguyft succeeded in the See of Canterbury being transla●ed thither from the See of Worcester At this time certain popish Books written against the Queen and Princes Excommunicate withdrew divers from their Allegiance and particularly so intoxicated one Somervile an English Gentleman that he went privately ●o the Court and breathing out nothing but blood and death against all Protestants set upon one or two by the way with his drawn Sword Being apprehended he stuck not to say That he would murder the Queen with his own hands Hereupon he and upon his intimation Arden●is ●is father in Law a man of an ancient House in Warwick-shire Ardens wife their daughter Somerviles wife and Hall a Priest were brought to the Bar and all condemned Somervile as principall the rest as accessaries Th●ee dayes after Somervile was found strangled in the prison Arden was ●●●cuted and quartered the women and the Priest were spared Many pi●ied the old Gentleman Arden as misled by the Priest and as it was gen●rally believed brought to his end through the envy of Leicester whom he used to call Whore-master Upstart and many such opprobrious ●●mes In the Netherlands the English Garrison at Alost in Flanders being neglected the Governour Pigot and the other Captains for want of pay upon Composition yeelded up the Town to the Spaniard and then fearing disgrace at home joyned themselves to the Prince of Parma at whose hands finding themselves slighted by degrees they stole all away and came all to unlucky ends In Ireland the famous Rebell Gyrald-Fitz Gyrald the eleventh Earl of Desmond of this Family having a long time in lurking places escaped the English was now by a common Souldier found out in a poor Cottage and slain His head was sent into England and set upon London-Bridge This end had this great Lord descended from Ma●rice the son of Gyrald of W●ndsore an English-man famous amongst those who first set upon Ireland in the yeer 1170. He possessed whole Countries together with the County Palatine of Kerry and had of his own Name and Race at least five hundred Gentlemen at his command All whom and his own life also he lost within the space of three yeers very few of his House being left alive And this disaster he fell into by proving Trayterous to his Prince at the instigation of certain Popish Priests Of whom the chief was one Nicholas Sanders an English-man who at the same time died miserably of Famine being starved to death when as being forsaken and running mad upon his ill successe he roamed up and down the Mountains and Groves finding nothing to sustain him In his Scrip were found certain Orations and Letters written to hearten the Rebells and promising large rewards from the Pope and King of Spain Upon the Rebells ill successe Iames Fitz Eustace Viscount Baltinglas fled into Spain where he pined away with grief He
makes haste to the King and accuseth Patricke Grey as author of this commotion but whiles Arran was making provision for defence of the Town the enemies were ready to scale the Walls whereupon Arran being advised that only his life was sought gets secretly away with only one servant the rest betook themselves to the King in the Castle Then the Rebels get into the Market-place and display their Banners against the Castle the King sends Grey to know the reason of their comming they answer to submit themselves and in humble manner to kisse the Kings hands the King offereth restitution of all their goods if they would depart They desire to be admitted to his Pre●ence which upon these conditions the King granted That they should not attempt any thing against his li●e or those whom he should nominate nor make any innovation in the Government They protest They are ready to sacrifice their lives for the Kings safety and of any Innovation they had not so much as a thought onely they request to have their adversaries and the Fortifications of Scotland delivered up into their hands Hereupon after a dayes Consultation they are admitted into the Kings Presence and forthwith the Earls of Mount Rosse Crawford and Rothsay Colonell Arran's brothers and others were delivered to them The Earl of Arran who was fled into the Western Islands is called home the assaulters were pardoned and pronounced good subjects Hamilton is set over Dumbriton Castle Goldingknolls over Edinburgh the Earl of Angus over Tantallon the Earl of Marre over Stelyn and Glames is made Captain of the Guard Upon this all Proscriptions and Outlaries whatsoever against all persons since the Kings Inauguration sa●ing some few proscribed for the murder of the Kings Father are called in and with an unanimous consent of all parties the Treaty of a League with the Queen of England is agreed upon and Delegates nominated to that purpose In Ireland likewise was a Combustion this yeer first the Burkes descended of the ancient Family of the Burroughs in England provoked by the severe Government of Richard Bingham Governour of Conn●ght raise Rebellion but this was soon suppressed for Thomas Burk dyed fighting M●yler and Theobald Burke were taken and hanged After this the Clan-Gibbons Clan-Donells and Ioyes combined together in great numbers and say plainly They will have a Mac-William of their own one of the Burks to rule over them or some other Lord out of Spain they will admit of no Sheriff into their Countrey nor appear before the English Courts of Justice and thereupon harryed all the Countrey with Fire and Sword and neither by the perswasions of the Arch-bishop Tuan nor by the intreaties of the Earl of Clan-ricard the chief of the House of the Burks would be quieted till Iohn Bingham the Presidents brother following them into the Woods drave away five thousand Head of their Cattell so as after forty dayes half starved they came forth and submitted themselves But this was not yet an end for now the President understood That two thousand Scottish Islanders were landed and ready to break into Connaght whereupon he Musters his men to give them Battell but they flying to Bogs and Woods he retires back as though in fear thereby to draw them from the Bogs to firm ground and then with his whole Forces set upon them slew three thousand of them indeed all but fourscore amongst whom were Donell Garmy and Alexander Garmy the sons of Iames Mac-Conell who had long disquieted this part and those Burkes who were the first authors of this Rebellion This was a famous Victory for the good of the present and future times for hereby the name of the Mac-Williams in Connaght was utterly extinct and the insolent attempts of the Scottish Islanders absolutely crushed In the Low-Countries at this time the States were very hard beset so as they held a Consultation Whether to flie for protection either to the French King or to the Queen of England Monsieur Prunie the French Ambassadour shewed many advantages and gave many reasons why they should flie rather to the French King the English on the other side alleadged many reasons why they should flie rather to the Queen of England but in conclusion they have first recourse to the King of France and afterward being by him neglected to the Queen of England But then in England it was consulted Whether it were meet to protect them wherein the Councell was divided some were of opinion That it were good to receive and aid them lest the Spaniard first conquering them might have the better way to annoy England other again thought They were to be held no better then Rebells to their lawfull Soveraign and therefore unworthy of assistance After long deb●●ing the matter the Queen refuseth to take into protection much lesse to exercise Soveraignty over them Neverthe●esse to raise the Siege of Antwerp which was then beleaguer'd by the Prince of Parma she was content to supply them with four thousand Souldiers so as the Town of Sluce and the Ordnance belonging to it were given up into their hands but while this matter was discussing● the Town of Antwerp was fain to yeeld it self But the Queen better bethinking herself partly as fearing the growth of the King of Spain's power and partly as commiserating the afflicted of her own Religion at last resolves to undertake their protection upon condition of her part to supply them with five thousand Foot and a thousand Horse under a sufficient Generall paying them during the War And afterward the expences to be payed back upon condition on their part by way of Pledge to deliver Flushing and the Fort of Ramekyn the Town of Brill with the two neighbouring Forts and for the justifying of this her action ●he set forth a large Declaration And knowing that herein she incensed the King of Spain she thought best to turn his anger further from home and thereupon sent out Sir Francis Drake and Christopher Carlile with a Navy of one and twenty Ships wherein were two thousand Voluntaries and Marriners toward the West Indies who first surprized the Town of St. ●ago afterwards St. Dominick where five and twenty thousand Crowns were given them to spare the Town from burning afterward Cartagena which they held seven weeks till the Spaniards redeemed it for a hundred and ten thousand Crowns After this the Calenture waxing hot and diminishing their Forces they returned homewards passing by Virginia a Colony which Sir Walter Raleigh had there planted from whence Drake brings hom● with him Ralph Lane who was the first that brought Tobacco into England which the Indians take against crudities of the Stomack At this Expedition were lost about seven hundred men who for the most part died of Calentures their Booty amounted to the value of threescore thous●nd pounds Sterling besides two hundred and forty Brasse and Iron Pieces These things were done under the Torrid Zone in America when in the mean while Captain Iohn
his countenance for he was of an extraord●●ary beauty with the husks of green Wall-nuts and when they were hal● starved went to the houses of the Bellamies neer Harrow on the hill who were great Papists There they were hid in Barns and put into a Coun●●ey habit but notwithstanding all their shifting within ten dayes after they were discovered and brought to London The other Complices were soon after taken most of them in the Suburbs of the Citie Salisbury and Trav●●se in Cheshire and Iones in Wales who harboured them in his house after he knew they were Proclaimed Traitors Windsor only was never heard of Many dayes were spent in the examination of them who cut one the others throats with their own confessions All this while the Queen of Soits and her servants are so narrowly looked to by Pawlet that she knew nothing of all these passages Assoon as they were apprehended Thomas Gorge was sent to acquaint her with the whole matter which yet he did not do till she was got on horse-back to Ride a hunting and was not then suffered to return bu● in shew of curtesie was carried up and down to see the Houses of the Gentry thereabouts In which mean while Iohn Manners Edward Acton Richard Bagot and Sir William Waad took Nave and Curle the Queen of Sc●●s Secretaries and the rest of her servants and delivered them to Keepers apart that they might have no speech between themselves nor with their Lady the Queen of Scots Then they break open all doors and such Desks and Boxes as they found with any papers in them they set their seals upon and sent them to the Court In which being broken open before the Queen were found a number of Letters from Forreign parts the copies likewise of Letters sent to severall persons and threescore Alphabets at least of private Characters as also Letters to her from some of the English Nobility containing great proffers of love and service which the Queen notwithstanding took no notice of but passed over in silence according to her Motto Video Taceo I see and say nothing Gifford now who had all this while served their turn is sent into France but ere he went hence left an Indenture with the French Ambassador here in England with instructions that he should deliver no Letters to the Queen of Scots or the Fugitives in France but to him that exhibited an Indenture matching with that the which he sent underhand to Sir Francis Walsingham The twentieth o● September seven of the forenamed Conspirators were Arraigned and pleading guilty were condemned of High-treason Two dayes after seven other were called to the Bar who pleaded not guilty but notwithstanding were found guilty by their own confessions and condemned Pollie only though he were privie to all passages yet because he had disclosed many things to Walsingham was not called in question The twentieth day of the moneth the first seven in St. Giles Fields where they were wont to meet were hanged cut down instantly their privy members cut off and themselves yet living and beholding it were in cruell manner bowelled and quartered namely Ballard Babington Savage who the roap breaking fell dowd from the Gibbet and was presently taken by the hangman his privie members cut off and bowelled while he was perfectly living Barnwell Tichburne Tilney And Abbington The next day the other seven were drawn to the same place and executed in the same fashion but in a more gentle manner by the Q●eens speciall charge who detested the former cruelty for they were to hand till they were quite dead Salisbery first then Dun then Iones Cherno●k Traverse Gage and with them Hierome Bellam● who had concealed Babington after he was Proclaimed Traytor whose brother being guilty of the same fact had strangled himselfe in Prison When these men were executed Nave a Frenchman and Curle a Scots-man Secretaries to the Queen of Scots were examined concerning the Letters the copies of Letters and priviate Characters found in the Queen of Scots Closet who under their own voluntary subscriptions acknowledged that they were their own hand writings dictated in French by the Queen her self taken by Nave turned into English by Curle and copied out in secret Characters Hereupon Sir Edward Wootton was sent out of hand into France to make known to the King the order of the Treason and to shew him the copies of the Queen of Scots Letters confirmed by the testimony of sundry of the English Nobility that the French King might see what dangerous plots were by Charls Paget and the English Fugitives contrived against the Queen of England And now what should be done with the Queen of Scots was a great consultation wherein the Councellours were not all of one minde some conceived That it were not good to take any rigorous course against her but only to hold her in fast custody both for that she was not Authour of the Treason but only conscious to it and because she was crazie and not likely to live long Others out of a care of Religion were of opinion To have her forthwith Arraigned and put to death according to the Law Leicester thought it better to have her poisoned and sent a Divine to Walsingham to prove it lawfull but Walsingham protested against that course A difference then arose amongst them by what Law to proceed against her Whether by the Law of the 25. of Edward the Third In which they are Pronounced guilty of Treason who plot the destruction of the King or Queen raise War in his Dominions or adhere to his Adversaries Or else by the 27. of the Queen Enacted a year since Their opinion at last prevailed who thought best to proceed against her by this latter Law as being indeed in this case provided Whereupon divers of the Lords of the Privie Councell and other of the Nobility are Authorized by the Queens Letters to enquire by vertue of that Law and passe sentence against all such as raised Rebellion Invaded the Kingdome or attempted any violence against the Queen These Commissioners therefore upon the 11. day of October repaired to Fotheringay Castle in Northamptonshire where the Queen of Scots was then held prisoner and the next day sent unto her VValter Mildmay Pawlet and Edward Barker publick Notary who delivered her the Queens Letters which having with a setled countenance read She sayd It seems to me strange● that the Queen should lay her Command upon me to hold up my hand at the Bar as though I were a Subject seeing I am an absolute Queen no lesse than her selfe but howsoever I will never do any thing prejudiciall to Princes of my degree nor to my Son the King of Scotland After many meetings she standing still upon her innocency and upon her exemption from answering as being an absolute Prince and specially for yeelding to be tryed by the English Laws of which One she sayd had lately been made of purpose for her destruction It was at last told her
Lords Justices Adam Lofthouse Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellour and Robert Gardyner To this new Lieutenant Tir-Oen exhibiteth a Bill of his oppressions and greivances with request of pardon and at the same time stirreth up Mac-Hugh to a new Rebellion in Leinster In France at this time the French King being importuned by the Pope and by his own Subjects began to incline to a Peace with Spain which the Queen understanding she sent into France Sir Robert Cecill Herbert and W●lks who dyed at his landing in France The States likewise sent thither Iustine of Nassaw and Barnevolt and others likewise into England to disswade the Peace but notwithstanding all they could say or do the French King shortly after concluded a Peace to the great discontentment of the Queen and the States but to the great good and establishment of the French Common-wealth And now the Queen providing for her own and her peoples safety sent Sir Francis Vere to the States to know if they were willing to joyn in a Treaty of Peace with the Spaniard if not what they would afford toward a Warre and to deal earnestly with them about repayment of money due to her from them At home in the mean time a great Consultation was holden whither a Peace with Spain were convenient for England or no and many Reasons were on both sides alleaged Burleigh Lord Treasurer was for Peace Essex for Warre and so vehement in it that the Treasurer after a long debating in a strange manner of Presage reached forth the Book of the Psalms to him pointing him to that Verse The bloody minded man shall not live out half his dayes Which made Essex afterward to set forth an Apology with Reasons for justification of his opinion But now another Consultation was held about a fit man to be Deputy of Ireland The Queen intended to send Sir William Knolles Essex his Uncle but Essex was violent for Sir George Carew whom hee had a minde to remove from the Court and when hee could not by any means perswade the Queen to it hee then forgetting himself and his duty uncivilly and contemptuously turned his back upon the Queen mutteri●g certain words Whereupon shee growing impatient gave him a box on the ear and bid him be gone with a vengeance Essex laid his hand upon his sword hilt and swore a great oath That he could not nor would not put up such an Indignity and that hee would not have taken it at King Henry the Eighth his hands and so in a rage flun● avvay from the Court But aftervvard admonished by the Lord Keeper hee became more milde and in a short time returned into the Queens favour About this time William Cecill Lord Burleigh and high Treasurer of Eng●and finding himself to droop with age for hee was now threescore and seventeen yeers old sent Letters to the Queen intreating her to release him of his publike charge whereupon shee went to visit and comfort him but within a few dayes hee ended his life after hee had been the principall stay of the English Commonwealth for many yeers together One great good hee did to his country a little before his death that hee brought the States of the Low-Countries to a Composition for the payment of Eight hundred thousand pounds by Thirty thousand pounds yeerly likewise a new League to be concluded with them The King of Denmarks Subjects having lately seized upon some goods of the English as Prize to the value of a hundred thousand Dollers the Queen sent the Lord Zouch and Christopher Perkins Doctor of Law in Embassage to the Dane both to congratulate his late marriage with the Electors daughter of Brandenburg and also to crave restitution of the English goods who obtained that in lieu thereof Threescore thousand Dollers were repaid And now George Clifford Earl of Cumberland having with a Navie of eleven ships waited for Portingall Cariques and the American Fle●t till the season of the yeer was past they not daring to stirre forth he at last set upon Port-Rico and took it but seaven hundred of his men falling sick of Calentures and dying within forty dayes he was faine to returne home with some honour but little profit About this time one Edward Squire was Arraigned of high Treason he had been at first an ordinary Scrivener afterward a Groome in the Queen stable and going as a Souldier in Drakes last expedition was taken prisoner and carryed into Spaine there he came acquainted with one Wallpoole an English Jesuite who caused him to be put into the Inquisition for an Heretick and the fellow tasting of misery was easily drawn to become a Papist and afterward to attempt anything for the Catholique cause His ghostly father perswaded him it were meritorious to make away the Queen and the Earl of Essex and sent him into England with a certain poyson wherewith to anoint the pommell of the Queens Saddle and the chayre in which the Earl should sit which he accordingly performed but neither of them tooke effect whereupon Wallpoole suspecting Squires fidelity was bent to revenge it and sent one into England who in generall termes should lay this aspersion upon him whereupon Squire is called in question and never thinking that his Confessor would detect him directly denyed all at first but after seeing himself betrayed confessed all the matter and was executed This whole yeer the Rebellion was hot in Ireland For Tir-Oen notwithstanding his pardon lately obt●ined all on a suddain besieged the Fort at Blackwater to the raising of which siege the Lieutenant Generall for there was as yet no Deputy sent 13 Companies under the command of the Marshall Tir-Oens sworre adversary him Tir-Oen slew and put his whole Army to rout and atchieved such a Victory with so great losse to the English as they had never ●elt the like since they first set footing in Ireland● for thirteen valiant Commanders and fifteen Hundred Common Souldiers were slain at this Skirmish and soon after the Fort of Blackwater was yeelded up And now Tir-Oens fame began to resound as the Assertor of the Liberty of the Nation and upon a suddain all Munster brake forth into rebellion For the cherishing whereof Tir-Oen sent thither O●ny Mac-Rorye and Tyrell who originally an Englishman was growne a deadly enemie to the English Nation with four hundred Kernes Against these Thomas Norris President of the Province marcheth to Killmallock with a good force but finding that the Irish Souldiers of his Company were ready to revolt he was faine to disperse his Army and retire to Corke Hereupon the Rebells grew insolent spoyled the Countrey and in cruell manner put all the English to the sword Furthermore they declare Fitz Thomas to be Earl of Desmond● but upon condition he should hold of O-Neal● that is of Tir-Oen who now dispatched Letters to the Spaniard relating his victories to the full and vowing to accept no termes of peace with the English and yet at the same instant after his
wonted treacherous manner proffered some kinde of submission to the Lieutenant but withall made unreasonable demands The State of Ireland being thus in combustion a serious consultation is holden whom to send to quench it the Queen and most of the Counsell thought Sir Charls Blunt Lord Mountjoy the fittest man● but Essex covertly intimated that he had no military experience and besides was too bookish to prove a good Commander he seem'd to aym at the place for himself though he made a shew modestly to refuse it and yet still ready with his exceptions if any other were nominated● many thought it dangerous to have an Army put into his hands for his followers talked of great matters that he forsooth was descended of the blood Royall of Scotland and England and had better Right to the Crown then any other of the Competitors In Conclusion he is appointed Vice-Roy with ample Authority to make Warre or conclude Peace and pardon all offenders even Tir-Oen himselfe An army is allotted him as great as he desired Indeed greater then ever Ireland had seen before Twenty Thousand Foot and Thirteen Hundred Horse with these and a great Retinue besides of the Nobility he passeth into Ireland where as soon as he had taken the Sword contrary to his Commission which was to go immediately against the arch-Rebell he marcheth towards Munster against the petty Rebels taketh the Castle of Cahir and driveth the Rebels into the Woods and Groves adjoyning His Forces being now impaired he tarrieth to make them up but in the mean time sendeth directions to Sir Coniers Clifford President of Connacht to set upon the Rebels in one place thereby to sever their forces while he assaulted them in another Clifford marcheth toward Belike with 1500. Souldiers where the Rebels are upon them at unawares under the conduct of O-Rorke his Sonne that was hanged here in England The English repell them at first with ease and march along but the Rebels finding they wanted Powder set upon them againe and put them to flight in which Skirmish Clifford and many of the old Souldiers were slain Essex having by this time received new supplies out of England and a check for neglecting the Queens Command setteth forth at length toward the Borders of Ulster with Thirteen hundred Foot and five hundred horse being come thither Tir-Oen by a Messenger requesteth Parley Essex refuseth saying he might speake with him the next morning between the two Armyes the next day word is brought to Essex that Tir-Oen craved the Queens mercy and that he might onely be heard speake appointing the shallow of Balla Clinch for a most convenient place thither came Essex alone with whom Tir-Oen riding his horse up to the girts had private conference a full houre A while after Con Tir-Oens base Sonne came to Essex requesting in his Fathers name a second Parley and that some of the chiefe on both sides might be present Essex consented so there came not more then six At the day appointed many words had not passed but it was argued that their Delegates should Treat the next day concerning a Peace between them it was concluded that a Truce should be held from six weekes to six weeks till May●day By this time the Qu. understanding that no more was done after so much time and money spent in a great anger taxeth the Earls proceedings and I know not how it fell from her to some others that stood by that he had other thoughts in his mind then the good of his Prince and Country And thereupon dispatched very sharp Letters to him blaming his delay and letting slip every faire opportunity with which Letters Essex was so netled and chiefely troubled that the Queen had now made Cecill Master of the Wards which he expected himselfe that he beganne to cast strange Projects within his minde and held private consultations of returning into England with part of his Forces to surprize his Adversaries But from this course the Earl of Southampton and Sir Christopher Blunt disswaded him as being dangerous and wicked Yet within a moneth over he went and came to the Court at Nonesuch to informe the Queen of the State of Ireland By the way the Lord Gray of Welton crossed him but saluted him not whom one of his followers offered to kill for his contempt but Essex would not suffer him And made such hast that early in the Morning he was upon his Knees before the Queen in the Privy Chamber She enteriained him courteously but not with the countenance She was wont and after a little talke bid him keepe in his Chamber And soon after Committed him to Custody in the Lord Privy Seales House where entring into Consideration of his case he giveth himselfe wholly to Divine Contemplation and writeth wonderfull Letters to his friends of the vanity of the things of this life It was now the yeer one thousand six hundred and the two and fortieth of Queen Elizabeths Kaign when after the departure of the Earle of Essex Tir-Oen began to carry himselfe as Monarch of Ireland and sendeth Kernes to make spoyle in the possessions of such as continued in their loyalty to the Queene under Mac-Guir their Captaine who lighting casually upon Sir Warham Saint Leger thrust him thorough with a speer and was himself thrust thorough withall Whereupon the Queen sent Sir Charls Blunt Lord Montjoy to take upon him the Deputies place who looseth no time but first of all marcheth towards Ulster buildeth a fort within eight miles of Armagh which in hononr of Sir Iohn Norris under whom he had his first military schooling he calleth by the name of Mount N●rris there he placed Edward Blanye who kept the Rebels in awe in those pa●●s from thence back he goeth into Leynster wherein the Glynnes he reduceth into order Donell-Spaniah Phelim Mac-Pheoph and the Rebelling Nation of the O-Tooles taking hostages of them then back into Ulster again being victor wheresoever he cometh and at Tradagh receiveth into protection Mac-Henry Mac-Cowly and other rebels who fell at his feet for mercy All this and more he did in his first yeer and no lesse successefull was Carew President of Munster who drave out of the County the Titular Earle of Desmond and having found Munster a turbulent Province in Aprill he overcomed and made it so quiet by December following that the Rebels maintained not one Fort in it against the Queen And now a new consultation was holden in England touching a peace with the King of Spaine the which he sought both by the French King and by Alb●rtus the Archduke who was now returned into the Netherlands out of Spain where he was marryed to the Infanta The Queen consenting to a Treaty left it to the French King to nominate both the time and place for the meeting of the Delegates who set down the Month of May and Bulloigne in France But now foreseeing that a question would arise about Precedency some were appointed to search Ancient Records concerning
was yet doubtfull The Earl content that Popham only should be freed but he refused unlesse the Keeper also might be dismissed Then Gorge freeth them all and goeth along with them to the Court by water Now when Essex thought to return he found a Chain fastened crosse the street at the West end of Pauls and men in Arms on the other side then he began to draw his sword and having once given the word Blunt letteth fly at them slew one of them incontinent himself being sorely wounded and taken Essex himself had his Hat shot thorow whereupon retiring he took Boat at Queen Hythe and went to Essex House where finding the Counsellors all dismissed he grew extreme angry and dismayed and cast certain papers into the fire saying They should tell no tales By and by the Admirall besiegeth the house commanding them to yeeld Southampton offereth if the Admirall would give Hostages to secure them they would present themselves to the Queen The Admirall answereth him by Sidney That Rebells are not to profer Conditions Within an hour Essex finding the case desperate resolved to rush forth and the Lord Sands the most aged in the company greatly urged it saying It were better to die valiantly than by the hands of a Hang-man But Essex his minde upon a little deliberation altering they fell upon their knees and deliver their weapons to the Admirall when it was ten a clock at night Owen Salisbury and one or two more were slain with Musket Shot and as many of the Besiegers The next day Thomas Lea Commander of a Company of Souldiers in Ireland who to one Crosse a Sea-Captain that detected him intimated how noble an exploit it were for six stout fellows to go to the Queen and compell her forceably to release Essex and Southampton was presently apprehended examined found guilty and executed Essex and Southampton were carryed first to Lambeth to the Archbishops house because it was a dark night but anon were sent to the Tower by the Queens direction and with them Rutland Sands Cromwell Mounteagle Danverse and Bromley the rest were put in common prisons On the nineteenth of February Essex and Southampton were called to their Arraignment before their Peers in Westminster-Hall where Buckhurst Lord Treasurer was appointed Lord High Steward of England for that time The Peers being severally called by their names Essex demanded If it were not lawfull for them to except against some of the Pee●s as private persons might do against the Jurors The Judges made answer That the credit and fidelity of the Peers of England was presumed to be such that in Tryalls they were not bound to take an Oath nor are they lyable to any exception Then were they joyntly indited of High Treason namely That they plotted to deprive the Queen of her life and Kingdom To surprize her in her very Palace And that they brake forth into open Rebellion by imprisoning the Counsellors of the Kingdom By exciting the Londoners to Re-bellion with vaine Fictions By assaulting the Queens loyall Subjects in the City and by defending of Essex House against the Queens Forces Hereunto they pleaded Not guilty Essex withall averring That they had done nothing but of necessity and the Law of Nature Yelverton aggravateth the specialties and Edward Cook Atturney argueth That the Earl could not excuse himself from the Law of Nature seeing Majesty is not to be affronted for private revenge The Earl of Essex with great confidence made answer That to his Prince and Countrey he alwayes had and would bear a loyall affection The Francis Bacon one that was little expected to speak against Essex by whom he had been raised in defence of Cobham Cecill and Raleigh aggravateth his crying out That the Crown of England was sold to the Spaniard wherto Essex replyed that he heard indeed that Cecill the Secretary should say to one of the Lords of the Councell That the Right of the Infanta of Spain to the Kingdom of England was as good as any of the Competitors Upon this Cecill who stood by as an Auditor steppeth in and falling upon his knees beseecheth the Steward that with his good leave he might quit himself from this foul aspersion which leave being granted him he provoked Essex if he durst to name the Counsellor but he would not therefore saith Cecill It is a Faction still Essex averreth it Then Cecill turning himself to Southampton besought him by all manner of Obtestations to name the man He referreth it to the Honorable Assembly and to Cecill himself if in Honour and good Reason he ought to do it they affirming He might Southampton nameth Sir William Knolles Essex his Unkle He being sent for at Cecills intreaty said That Cecill two yeers since told him that one Dolman in a Book had asserted the Right of the Infanta and had spoken no otherwise than so Now after the Judges had delivered their opinion what was Law in the matters alleadge● the Earls by the Stewards direction were taken aside Then the Peers rose and went apart and having consulted about an hour returned to their seats and in their order pronounced the Earls guilty of high Treason Then the high Steward advising Essex to implore the Queens mercy giveth Sentence and that done brake his Staff and departed The next day Sir Robert Vernon Sir William Constable Sir Edmund Baynham Littleton Cluff Captain Whitlock Iohn and Christopher Wright and Orell an old Souldier were called to their Tryall but the Queen informed by Sir Fulk Grevill That most of them were drawn unwittingly into the danger commanded that onely Littleton Baynham and Orell should have their Tryall the rest to be sent back to prison These were all condemned but their lives spared which favour Raleigh for a good sum of money received of Baynham procured Essex in the mean while requested he might speak with some of the Counsellors to whom he reconciled himself and to Cecill especially and then intimated That the Queen could not be in safety while he lived he requesteth he might be executed privately in the Tower He grievously inveigheth against some of the Conspiracy and wished to speak with some of them but specially with Blunt and Cuffe whom as soon as he saw he brake forth into these words O Cuffe ask pardon of God and the Queen for thou hast chiefly provoked me to this disloyalty Also he intimated Sir Henry Nevill ordinary Ambassadour in France to have been acquainted with the Conspiracy and that other in Scotland France the Netherlands and the Lord Mountjoy Deputy of Ireland knew of his purpose and other in England who being many in number and the Lord Mountjoy ordering the Affairs of Ireland in good fashion the Queen wisely would take no notice of it The five and twentieth day of February which was to be the fatall day there were sent to the Earl divers Ministers to give him ghostly comfort The Queen now wavering in her self one while remembring the ●●ci●nt kindenesse she had shewed
St. Edmonds berry being by chance set on fire continued burning till it had consumed 160. houses but by the Kings bountifulnesse giving 500. loads of timber and the City of Londons reliefe the Towne was forthwith new builded in a fairer manner than it was before In the yeare 1613● on the seventeenth of April in the parish of St●ndish in Lancashire a mayden child was borne having foure legges foure armes two bellies joyned to one back one head with two faces the one before the other behind like the picture of Ianus This year also on the 26. of Iune in the parish of Christs-Church in Hampshire on Iohn Hitchel a Carpenter lying in bed with his wife a yong child by them was himself the child both burned to death with a suddain lightning no fire appearing outwardly upon him and yet lay burning for the space of almost three dayes till he was quite consumed to ashes This yeare also on the seventh of August the Towne of Dorchister was quite consumed with fire begun on the house of a Tallow Chandler destroying all the houses except a few neare the Church and all their wares and goods to the value of two hundred thousand pounds yet not any man or woman perished About the same time also the Play-house called the Globe upon the Banks side neare London was quite consumed with fire by discharging a Piece of Ordnance and yet no man hurt and about foure years after a new built Play-house neare Golding-lane called the Fortune was by negligence of a Candle cleane burnt to the ground In the year 1614. the Town of St●atford upon Avon was burned and left the water should be behind in doing of mischiefe so great Iundations were at this time in Norfolke and Lincoln-shire that the sea entred twelve miles into the land In the yeare 1612 on the 18. of Novemb. a Blazing star bgan to be seene in the South-east about five a clock in the morning the flame or streame whereof enclined towards the west This comet in the opinion of D. B●mbridge the great Mathematician of Oxford was as far above the Moon as the Moon is above the earth what i● portended is onely known to God but the sequell of it was that infinite slaughters and devastations followed upon it both in Germany and other Countries In the year 1622 on Friday the 24. of October a Roman Catholike Priest preached in the after-noon at Hunsdon house in the Black Friers in London in an upper chamber where there were assembled above 300 men and women when about the middle of the Sermon a great part of the Floore brake and fell down with such violence that it brake down the next floor● under it in the fall whereof were slain the Preacher and almost 100● of his Auditors besides as many more hurt In this Kings time course paper commonly called white brown paper was first made in Engl. specially in Surry about Winsor Of his Wife and Children HE married Anne the daughter of Frederick the second King of Denmarke whose marriage was there solemnized in the yeare 1589. By whom he had borne in Scotland two Sons Henrie who dyed before him and Charles who succeeded him in the Crown and one daughter named Elizabeth married to Frederick the fi●th of that name Count Palatine of the Rheine by whom she had many children both Sons and Daughters King Iames had also by his wife Queen Anne two other daughters borne in England the Lady Marie and the Lady Sophia who both dyed young● the Lady Marie at about three yeares old the Lady Sophia the next day after she was borne and were both of them buried with great solemnity in the Chappell Royall at Westminster Of his Personage and Conditions HE was of stature somewhat higher than ordinary of a wel compacted body of an Ambourne haire of a full and pleasing vi●age● in his latter dayes enclining to be fat and bu●ley● of bodily exercises he tooke most delight in hunting● which yet some thought hee used rather as a retiring himselfe from the importunity of Sta●e affaires than for any great pleasure hee took in it It is said he had such a fashion in riding that it could not so properly bee said he rid as that his horse carried him for hee made but little use of his Bridle and would say a horse never stumbled but when hee was reined Hee was of an admirable pregnancie of wit and that pregnancy much improved by continuall study from his child-hood by which he had gotten such a promptnesse in expressing his mind that his extemporall speeches were little inferiour to his premeditated writings Many no doubt had read as much and perhaps more than he but scarce ever any concocted his reading into judgement as he did by which hee became so judicious that though hee could not Prophesie yet he could presage and his Conjectures were little lesse than Oracles In all the Liberall Sciences hee was we may say a Master of Arts but in Divinity a Doctor as he made appeare in the Conference at Hampton Court and is seene still by the learned Writings he hath le●t behind him And as for that part of the Politicks which concernes Monarchie Regere Imperio populos which himselfe used to call King Craft in this he excelled Hee knew how to take the inclinations of the people at their first bound and never suffer them to rise higher than hee could well reach them nor to grow stronger than he could either alter or divert them He would be sure to keep his Subjects in a temper of contentment which if he could not doe by preventives he would by lenitives He was so wise that hee could dissemble without seeming a Dissembler be free in opening his mind and yet keep counsaile He was as a provident Pilot that in a calme would provide for a storme and you should never finde him committing the fault of Non p●taram He was both Marti Mercurio but not tam morti quam Mercurio as being of his temper who said Cedant Arma Toga and indeed seeing peace is the end of both It were not wisedome to seeke it by Armes if it may be had by the Gowne as it is in the Aphorisme Consili● omnia experiri prius quam Armis sapientem Decet That which was bountie in him being a King would have beene frugality if he had beene a private person there being of both one radicall reason Of all the Morrall vertues he was eminent for chastity in which the Poet seemes to include all vertu● where he saith Nulli fas casto sceleratum in sistere limen By nulli casto meaning no vertuous person it was a manifest argument of his being an excellent Prince that comming next to the admirable Queen Elizabeth which was in a manner to compare them together yet there appeared no inequallity that it might not untruely be said King Iames was but the continuation of Queen Elizabeth the same vertue though different sexes and now to
preserving the Liberty of themselves and their Country But such is the violence of conceit till it be mastered by time or rather so very a Changeling is Humane Reason that what they then cut downe great Woods to defend they have since beene content to see abolished without cutting downe so much as a twigge But one Law especially he made extreamely distastefull to all the Gentry of the Land for where before they might at their pleasure hunt and take Deere which they found abroad in the Woods Now it was Ordained under a great penalty no lesse then putting out their eyes that none should presume to kill or take any of them as reserving them onely for his owne delight And indeed so great delight he tooke in that kinde of sport that he depopulated a great part of Hamshire the space of thirty miles where there had beene saith Car●on six and twenty Townes and fourescore Religious Houses and made it a Habitation for such kind of Beasts which was then and to this day is called the New-Forest But the lamentable dysasters that have happened to this Kings Issue doe plainely shew that there is a power that observes all our Actions and which we may know to be Memorem Fandi atque Nefandi But in the first yeare of this Kings Raign● he granted to the City of London their first Charter and Liberties in as large forme as they enjoyed them in the time of King Edward the Confessor which he granted at the suite of William a Norman Bishop of London in gratefull remembrance whereof the Lord Major and Aldermen upon the solemne dayes of their resort to Pauls doe still use to walke to the Gravestone where this Bishop lies interred Also this King was the first that brought the Jewes to inhabite here in England as likewise he made a Law that whosoever forced a woman should lose his genitals and in his time long Bowes came first into use in England which as they were the weapons with which France under this King Conquered England so they were the weapons with which England under after-Kings Conquered Fra●ce as if it were not enough for us to beate them if we did not beate them with their owne weapons This King also appointed a Constable of Dover Castle and a Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports with Immunities as they are at this day Affaires of the Church in his Raigne IN the twelfth yeare of his Raigne Lanfranke Arch-bishop of Canterbury held a Synod at London where amongst other things he removed Bishops Sees from small Townes to great Cities as from Silliway to Chichester from Kyrton to Exceter from Wells to Bathe from Shirborne to Salisbury from Dorchester to Lincolne and from Lichfield to Chester and from thence againe to Coventry and not long before the Bishopricke of Lindafferne otherwise called Holy Land upon the river Tweede had beene translated to Durham In the sixth yeare of his Raigne a controversie arising betweene the two Arch-bishops of Canterbury and Yorke they appealed to Rome and the Pope remitted it to the King and Bishops of England Hereupon a Synod is holden at Windsor where sentence was given on Lanfranks then Arch-bishop of Canterburies side that in matters of Religion the Arch-bishop of Yo●ke should ever be subject to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury Onely at Rome it was decreed for matter of Title that the See of Yorke should be stiled Primas Angliae and the See of Canterbury Primas totius Angliae as it is at this day And as the Arch-bishop of Yorke oweth obedience to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury So all the Bishops of Scotland owe obedience to the Arch-bishop of Yorke as to the Primate of Scotland But as this King tooke downe the Prelates in Temporalties for he ordained they should exercise no Temporall Authority at all So in Spiritualties he rather raised them as may be seene by a passage betweene Aldred Arch-bishop of York and the King for at a time upon the repulse of a certaine suite the Arch-bishop in great discontentment offered to depart when the King in awe of his displeasure stayed him fell downe at his feet desired pardon and promised to grant his suite The King all this while being downe at the Arch-bishops feet● the Noblemen that were present put him in mind that he should cause the King to arise Nay saith the Arch-bishop let him alone let him find what it is to anger Saint Peter And as by this story we see the insulting pride of a Prelate in those dayes So by another we may see the equivocating false-hood of a Prelate at that time For St●gand Arch-bishop of Canterbury would often sweare he had not one penny upon the Earth when under the Earth it was afterward found he had hidden great Treasure Also it is memorable but scarce credible of another Bishop who being accused of Simony and denying i● the Cardinall before whom he was to Answer told him that a Bishopricke was the gift of the Holy Ghost and therefore to buy a Bishopricke was against the Holy Ghost and thereupon bid him say Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghast which the Bishop beginning and oft essaying could never say and to the Holy Ghost but said it plainely when he was put out of his Bishopricke And yet was not the Church in that Age so barren of Vertue but that it afforded some good Bishops as William Bishop of Durham Founder of University Colledge in Oxford but specially Bishop Woolstan whom upon Lanfrankes reporting to be insufficient for the place for want of Learning the King commanded to put off his Pontificall Robes and to leave his Bishopricke when suddenly out of a divine Inspiration Woolstan answered A better then you O King bestowed these Robes upon me and to him I will restore them And therewithall going to Saint Edwards Shrine who had made him a Bishop and putting off his Robes he strucke his Staffe upon Saint Edwards Monument which stucke so fast in the stone of it that by no strength it could be drawne forth till he drew it forth himselfe which so terrifyed both Lanfranke and the King that they intreated him to take his Robes againe and keepe his Bishopricke Also Oswald Bishop of Salisbury who devised a Forme of Prayers to be daily used in his Church and was used afterwards in other Churches from whence proceeded the common saying of Secundum usum Sarum In this Kings time was Berengarius who denyed the true body of Christ to be in the Sacrament Also in his time Pope Gregory the seventh removed marryed Priests from executing Divine Service whereof great troubles arose in England Workes of Piety by him and others in his time THis King Founded the Abbey of Baltell in Sussex where he overcame Harold the Abbey of Selby in Yorkeshire and a third neere London called Saint Saviours He founded also the Priory of Saint Nicholas at Exceter and gave great priviledges to Saint Martins le Grand in London which
there 〈…〉 E●ward and his Queene with their Daughter Is●●●ll come over to 〈…〉 there the young Earle is aff●an●ed to her but returning after●●rds 〈…〉 as ●e found opportunity he went to King Philip and ●eft 〈…〉 and marryed afterwards a Daughter of the 〈…〉 this whi●●●he siege of Callice was continued and King Philip 〈…〉 come to relieve it sollicits King Edward to appoint some● place 〈…〉 would mee●e him But King Edward returnes answer that if he 〈…〉 owne way to come thither to him there he should finde him but 〈…〉 be would not pa●●● having laine there so long to his great l●●our and 〈…〉 b●ing now so neare the point of gaining the place● Two●●a●●●nals 〈…〉 the Pope to mediate a Peace but could effect nothing so as the 〈…〉 w●s forced to breake up his Army and retire to Paris leaving C●llice 〈…〉 the Besieger which when the Towne understood they sent to de 〈…〉 granted and therein received this finall answer that ●ixe of the chiefe Burgesses should be sent to the King bare-headed bare-footed in their shirts 〈…〉 their neckes● the keyes of the Towne and Castle in their hands 〈…〉 th●●●elves to the Kings will the rest he was content to take to mercy 〈…〉 condition and much difficulty who should be those sixe but 〈◊〉 up and out of love to his Country offering himselfe to be one the sixe 〈…〉 made ●p for now by his example every one strove to be of the 〈◊〉 who presenting themselves before the King he commanded them instantly 〈…〉 to death Great supplication was made by his Lords for their lives but 〈…〉 would not be drawne to alter his sentence till the Queene great with 〈…〉 on her knees and with teares obtained pardon for them which done 〈…〉 them to be cloathed and besides a good repast gives to every one of them 〈◊〉 Nobles a p●ece But though the King in this sentence shewed severity 〈…〉 Act before he had shewed mercy For when Victuals began to faile in 〈…〉 and all unusefull persons as old men women and children were put 〈…〉 Gates he forced them not backe againe as he might have done there●● 〈◊〉 sooner to consume their store but suffered them to passe through his Ar●y● 〈◊〉 them to eate and two pence a piece to all of them And thus was that strong 〈◊〉 of Callice gotten the third day of August in the yeare 1347. after eleven 〈…〉 siege and continued afterward in possession of the English two hundred 〈…〉 All the Inhabitants are turned out but onely one Priest and two 〈…〉 to informe of the Orders of the Towne and a Colony of English amo●gst which seven and thirty good Families out of London is sent to inhabit it● 〈…〉 and Queene enter the Towne triumphantly and make their abode there 〈◊〉 Queene was brought a bed of her Daughter Margaret The King made 〈◊〉 of the Town Ayme●y of Pavia a Lombard whom he had brought up from 〈…〉 and then with his Queene returnes into England at which time the 〈◊〉 Electours send to signifie● that they had chosen him King of the Romans but 〈…〉 refuseth to accept it as being an honour out of his way and scarce com 〈…〉 his State at home ●fter this Tr●●●s were made by mediation from one time to another for the 〈…〉 ●wo yeares in which time Geoffrey de Charmy Captaine of Saint Omer 〈…〉 Aymery of P●via whom King Edward had left Governour of Callice to 〈…〉 for twenty thousand Crownes which King Edward hearing of sent to A●mery and charged him with this perfidiousnesse whe●●●pon Ay●●●y comes to the King and humbly desiring pardon promiseth to h●ndl● the 〈◊〉 so as shall be ●o the Kings advantage and thereupon i● sen● backe to Callice The King the ●ight before the time of agreement● arrives with three ●und●ed men at 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 hundred Archers 〈◊〉 de Charmy 〈…〉 likewise the 〈◊〉 ●●ght from Saint Omers with his Forces and sent a hundred m●n before with the Crownes to 〈◊〉 the men are let in at a Posterne Gate● the crownes received ●nd assured to be all weight which done the Gates of the Towne are opened and out marches the King before day to encounter 〈◊〉 de Charmy who perceiving himselfe betrayed defended ●imselfe● the best he could and put King Edward to a hard bickering who for that ●e would not b● 〈…〉 person put hi●self● and the Prince under the Colours of the Lord 〈…〉 bea●en ●●wne on ●is knees by 〈…〉 ●hom he fought hand to hand and ye● recove●●d and 〈…〉 prisoner Charmy was likewise taken and all his Fo●●●● defeated Ki●g ●dward the night after which was the first of the New-yeare feasted with the Prisoners and gave ●ibo●●●nt in honour of his valou● 〈…〉 Chaplet of Pearle which himselfe wore on his head for a New-yeares gift forgave him his ransome and set him at liberty But the English not long after in the like practise had better successe and got the Castle of Guysnes a piece of great importance ne●r● Callice for a summe of money given to one Beaconr●y a French ●●n Of which C●s●le when the French King demanded restitution in regard of the Truc● King Edwar● returnes answer that for things bought and sold betweene their people there was no exception and so held it About this time Philip King of France dyed leaving his Sonne Iohn to succeed him in the beginning of whose Raigne Humber● P●ince of D●●lphin dying without issue made him his Heire and ther●upon Charles King Ioh●● Sonne was created the first Daulphin of France from whence it grew to be a Custome that the King of France his Heire should alwayes be called Daulphin of France About this time also the Duke of Lancaster was to perfo●me a combat upon a challenge with a Prince of B●h●mia but when they were entred the Lists and had taken their Oathes King Iohn interposed and made them Friends And now when after many meanes of mediation no Peace could be concluded betweene the two Kings the Prince of Wales being now growne a man is appointed by Parliament to goe into Gascoyne with a thousand men at Armes two thousand Archers and a great number of Welshmen and in Iune following he sets forth with three hundred Saile attended with the Earles of Warwick● Suffolke Salisbury and Oxford the Lord Chand●s the Lord Iames A●deley Sir ●obert Knolles Sir Francis Hall with many others About Michaelma● following● the King himselfe passeth over to Callice with another Army taking with him two of his Sonnes Li●n●ll of Antwerpe now Earle of Ulster i● Right of his Wife and Iohn of Gant Earle of Richmond There met him at Callice of mercenaries out of Germany Flanders and Brabant a thousand men at Armes so that his Army consisted of three thousand men at Armes and two thousand Archers on horse-backe besides Archers on foot The City of London sent three hundred men at Armes and five hundred Archers all in one livery at their owne charge but all this great Army effected nothing at that
he had brought his souldiers onely to shew them the Country and returne as they came adding withall that to make it appe●●e he was able without helpe of the English to subsist of himselfe● he utterly discl●●med any benefit by that Truce untill three months after the English were re●●●ned to their own Country and so in a great snuffe returned home For the better Confirmation of what wa● agreed upon between the two kings an 〈◊〉 is desired but before the same is e●●ectua●ed the French king sends to the Eng●●sh army an hundred Tonne of Gascoigne wine to be drunke out amongst the priv●●e ●ouldiers and therewithall free licence for Commanders and Gentlemen to recreate themselves in Amye●s where they were lovingly entertained by the Burgers of the Town by the kings expresse command The place of enterview of these two 〈◊〉 is agreed on to be at Picquency a Town three miles distant from Am●e●s seated in ●●ottome through which the river of Some runneth over which a strong bridge was bu●●t and in the midst thereof a gra●e made overthwart with ●artes no wider 〈◊〉 than a man might well thrust in his arme covered with boardes overhead● to avoid the rain●foure of the Bed-chamber on both sides are appointed to search the room● to prevent traps of instrumen●● of treachery and being by them certified that ●ll as was cleere the kings advance themselves King Edward being come in sight of the place made a stand being told that the circumstance of comming f●r●t to th● place was a matter of great disparagement in point of State but the French king ●o●e regarding subst●nce then circumstance gave the king of England the advan●●●● to come at hi● pleasure and went first to the barre appointed for conference 〈◊〉 the●e did attend king Edwards leasure He had in his Company Iohn Duke of 〈◊〉 with his brother the Cardinall and eight hundred m●n at Arms. King Ed●●●● h●d with him his brother the Duke of Clarence the Earle of Northumberland ●he Lords Chamberlaine and Chancellour and at his backe his whole Army in b●t●e●● The kings lovingly salute each other and complements of courtesie re●ipro 〈…〉 which finished They with their Noblemen there present take all ●heir 〈◊〉 upon the holy Evangelists in all to their ●ower to observe the Articles o● 〈◊〉 agre●d on After which In private the French king impor●u●es king Ed●●●● that the Duke of Brittaine might be left out of these Articles but after much 〈◊〉 to that purpose king Edward gave his resolute answer● that if king Lewis 〈◊〉 the frendship of Engl●nd he should not molest the Duke of Brittaine● for ●hat he was resolved at any time to come in person to relieve him● if he were distu●●ed King Edward pretended the many kindnesse he had forme●ly rec●ived of the Duke of Brittaine but it was conceived that the desire of compassing the Ea●les o● 〈◊〉 and Pembrooke now in the Duke of Brittaines Country were the greatest 〈◊〉 of his standing ●o ●irmely for him The money to be payd to king Ed●●rd 〈◊〉 the Articles is accordingly payd and thereupon the French Hostages are delivered and the Englis● Army re●●res to Callice and from thenc● is transported into 〈◊〉 and then the English Hostages are likewise delivered This Peace was 〈◊〉 ●o be made only by the holy Ghost because on the day of mee●ing a white Dove came and sate upon the king of Englands Tent though the Dukes of Glocester and Burgoig●e thought it was made by no good spirit King Edward being returned into England had his minde running still upon the dange● that might grow from the Earle of Richmond he therefore dispatched D. Stillington and two other his Ambassadors to the Duke of Bri●aine to send him over to him under this subtle pretence that he meant to match him in mariage with the Lady Cicill● his younger daughter and withall sent also no small store of Angels to speake for him which so prevailed with the Duke that he delivered the Earle o● Richmond to the Ambassadors who conducted him thence to Saint Malo● where whil'st they stayed for a winde the young Earle by the cunning plotting of Peter Landoi● the Dukes Treasurer more out of scorne that he was not gratified by the English Ambassadour to the proportion of his place than for any love to the Earle escapes into Sanctuary from whence neither prayers nor promises could get him cut Neverthelesse upon Peter Landois his promise he should be safely kept there the Ambassadors departed and returned home acquainted K. Edward with the Duke of B●●goig●●s courtesie in delivering him and their own negligence in suffering him to escape onely making amends with the promise of Peter Landois which might be to K. Edward some contentment but was no satisfaction At Christmas following being the sixteenth yeere of his Reigne he created his eldest sonne Edward Prince of Wales Duke of Cor●wall and Earle of Chester his second sonne he made Duke of Yorke giving the order of knighthood to the sonne and heire of the Earle of Li●col●e and many others He created also foure and twenty knights of the Bath whereof Brian Chiefe Justice and Littleton a Judge of the Common Pleas were two About this time there were two examples of severity seene not unworthy the relating if but onely to make us see how dangerous a thing it is Ludere cum sancti● to speake words that may be taken as reflecting upon the king The first was of one Walter Walker a wealthy Citizen dwelling at the signe of the Crown in Cheapside This man one day when his childe cryed bid him be quiet and he would make him heire of the Crowne which words being subject to interpretation he was called in question about them arraigned condemned and put to death The other was of Thomas Burdet of Arrow in Warwickeshire Esquire It happened that K. Edward hunted in his Parke he being from home and there killed a white Buck whereof Mr. Burde● made speciall account so as comming home and finding that Buck killed he wished it hornes and all in his belly that had counselled the king to kill it and because none counselled the King to kill it but himselfe it was thought those words were not spoken without a malignant reflecting upon the King and thereupon Burdet was arraigned and condemned drawne to Tiburne and there beheaded though M●rkh●● then Chiefe Justice chose rather to lose his place than assent to the Judgement And now began ambition to boyle in Richard Duke of Glocester whereof the first heate fell upon his brother the Duke of Clarence how to rid him out of the way to which end he seeks to raise Jealousies in King Edwards head against him telling him that some of Clare●ce his followers were Sorcere●s and Necromancers and had given forth speeches that one whose name begun with G. should disinherit his Children and get the Crown and for a colour of this suggestion one of the Duke of Clar●●ce his servants who came with him out of
he had left very able men to sit at the Helme there in his absence yet he knew that as it is the Masters Eye that makes the Horse fat So it is the Prince's presence sometimes that keeps out many distempers in a State that would otherwise creep in● and now when in his staying six Months there he had seen all things well setled both in the Ecclesiasticall State and in the Temporall and made it appeare that he resided not in England out of any neglect of Scotland but to the end he migt be in the place of most conveniency to both Kingdoms on the fifteenth of September he returned to London not more to the griefe of the Scots to leave him than to the joy of the English to receive him so much was King Iames as a just and wise Prince beloved of both the Nations Now comes to be related a matter of speciall observation Sir Walter R●wlegh had lived a condemned man many yeares in the Tower and now his Destiny brought him to his end by liberty which it could not do by imprisonment for out of a longing for liberty he propounded a project to the King upon which as he was a well spoken man and of a great capacity he set such coulours of probability especially guilding it over with the Gold he would fetch from a Mine in Guyana and that without any wrong at all to the King of Spa●ne if he might be allowed to go the Iourney that the King if he gave not credit that he could performe it at least gave way that he should undertake it and thereupon with diverse ships accompanied with many Knights and Gentlemen of quality he set forward on the Voyage but when after long search or shew of search no such place of Treasure or no such treasure could be found whether it were that he thought it a shame to returne home with doing nothing or that his Malus Genius thrust him upon the Designe He fell upon Saint Th●m● a Towne belonging to the King of Spaine sacked it pillaged it and burnt it and here was the first part of his Tragicall Voyage acted in the death of his eldest son the last part was Acted in his own death at his returne For Gundomore the Spanish Lieger did so aggravate this fact of his to the King against him that it seemed nothing would give satisfaction but Rawlegh's head without which he doubted there would follow a breach of the League between the two Nations Rawlegh excused it by saying that he was urged to it by the Spaniards first assaulting of him and besides that he could not come at the Myne without winning this Town but Gundomor was too strong an Adversary for him and the King preferring the publique Peace before the life of one man already condamned gave way to have the Sentence of his former Condemnation executed upon him and thereupon brought to the Kings Bench Ba●●e he was not newly Arraigned or Indicted as being already M●rtuus in Lege but only hath the former Sentence averred against him and so carryed to the Gate-house and from thence the next morning to the Parliament Yard a Scaffold was there erected upon which after fourteen yeares reprivall his head was cut off at which time such abundance of bloud issued from his v●i●es that shewed he had stock of Nature enough left to have conti●ued him many yeares in life ●hough now above threescore yeares old if it had not been taken away by the hand of Violence And this was the end of the great Sir Walter Rawlegh great sometimes in the ●●vour of Queene Elizabeth and next to Drake the great scourge and hate of the Spaniard who had many things to be commended in his life but none more than his constancy at his death which he tooke with so undaunted a resolution that he might perceive he had a certaine expectation of a better life afte● it so farre he was from holding those Atheisticall opinions an aspersion whereof some traducing persons had cast upon him About this time King Iames made a progresse to the Vniversity of Cambridge who delighted with the Disputations and other scholasticall exercises he stayed three whole dayes and could have been content to have stayed as many yeares for next being a King he was made to be a Scholler In the yeare 1619. being the seventeenth yeere of King Iames his Raigne that knot of love which above twenty yeares had beene tyed betweene him and his Queene was by death dissolved for on Tuesday this yeere the second of March Queen Anne dyed at Hampton Court whose Corps was brought to Denmark house and from thence conveighed to Westminster wherein the Royall Chappell with great solemnity it was interred a Princesse very memorable for her vertue and not a little for her Fortune who besides being a Queene was so happy as to be Mother of such admired children as she brought into the World But the dissolving of this knot cast the King into an extreame sicknesse and after some recovery into a Relaps from which notwithstanding it pleased God to deliver him as having yet some great worke to doe This yeare on Munday the third of May one Mr. Williams a Barrister of the Middle Temple was arraigned at the Kings Bench for civilling and for writing Bookes against the King and upon Wednesday following was hanged and quartered at Charing Crosse. But an action of another nature was performed this yeare the seventeenth of Iuly not unworthy the relating which was this that one Bernard Calvert of Andover rode from St. Georges Church in Southwarke to Dover from thence passed by Barge to Calice in France and from thence returned back to Saint Georges Church the same day setting out about three a clock in the morning and returned about eight a clock in the Evening fresh and lusti● In the yeare 1621. a Parliament was holden at Westminster wherein two great examples of Iustice were shewed which for future terrour are not unfit to bee here related One upon Sir Gyles Montpesson a Gentleman otherwayes of good parts but for practising sundry abuses in erecting and setting up new Innes and Alehouses and e●acting great summes of money of people by pretence of Letters Patents granted to him for that purpose was sentenced to bee degraded and disabled to beare any office in the Common-wealth though he avoyded the execution by flying the Land but upon Sir Erancis Michell a Iustice of Peace of Middlesex and one of his chiefe Agents the sentence of Degradation was executed and he made to ride with his face to the horse tayle thorough the City of London The other example was of Sir Francis Bacon Viscount St. Albans Lord Chancelour of England who for bribery was put from his place and committed to the Tower but after some few dayes enlarged in whose place Doctor Williams Deane of Westminster was made Lord Keeper The Count Palatine being now strengthned with the allyance of the King of Great Brittaine was thought a fit