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A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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he beginneth this worke of his eternall decree to bring his sonne into his kingdome all the Angels of heauen shall worship before him and shal a mortal man so farre exalt himselfe in his wisedome in his richesse in his honour in his nobilitie in his crowne in his kingdome that he shall thinke it a disgrace to giue all his life to the Gospell Can fleshe puffe it selfe vp so farre aboue the Angels O dearely beloued if we be happie let vs learne this and let vs further the worke of the Lorde the Angels worke with vs If we will not we shall pine away in our owne enuious idlenesse and without vs the Sainctes and Angels shall giue Christ his glorie Another thing here we may marke howe it is attributed to God the Father this glorifying of Christ for so he saith when he bringeth his first begotten sonne into the world Whereby we learne that it is the worke of God and let not vs boast for though he vouchsafe to set our hande to his businesse yet our hande that is but vanitie doeth wither awaye in the worke except God giue it vertue that it should haue fruite We cannot so much as speake except he put his spirite into our mouth and when we do speake with a good measure of grace yet the ignorant do not heare vs except he prepare their hearts and still our worke is nothing worth but he alone worketh al in al. And for this purpose that we shoulde giue him the glorie of his owne woorke and not seeke our owne praise therefore hee hath chosen his workmen as you see Not many wisemen of the worlde not many mightie not many noble but commonly men of small account a few in number he giueth them tongs to speake and they carie his Gospel ouer mightie kingdoms and make it flourish when al the powers of the realme haue armed them selues against it And all this that we shoulde confesse as here the Apostle saith it is he it is not we that giue this kingdome vnto christ And seeing it is his worke who is able to bring all his purposes to passe it shal be our wisedome to further that which God himselfe will make to flourish and prosper whether we will or no. And where it is here saide Let all the Angels worship him he giueth our Sauiour Christ a cleare testimonie so to be the sonne of God in petson that he is also in nature one the same God with his father For whome shoulde the angels worship but God alone who in themselues haue suche power giuen them of God that one is able to destroye whole kingdomes and suche glorie that our eyes cannot beholde them And seeing God hath made this law Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him alone shalt thou serue and yet the Angels worship Christ how cleare a proofe is it that Christe is God for we knowe their perfect and willing obedience and therefore we pray Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen So that the Iewes might throughly know that seeing the Angels did worship him and had so their charge from God therfore Christ was one God in the maiestie of the father And most true it is our sauiour Christ without that nature had neuer taken that honour vpon him The Apostles of Christe Paule Peter Barnabas other men of excellent gifts and singular power to worke mightily sighes and miracles yet would they neuer heare the name of worship Peter vtterly refuseth Paule and Barnabas they rent their clothes being rauished with zeale of gods glorie when it is once offered them Nay the Angels them selues whiche are greater then all kinges they cannot abide it as manifestly we see in the Angel whiche appeared vnto Iohn when Iohn would haue fallen downe at his feete to worshippe him the Angel gaue him streight charge Take hede thou do it not for I am but a fellow-seruant with thee and then teacheth him that which heere we learne that worship only apperteineth to God so that this text serueth the Apostles purpose very fitly both to the cōfession of the godhead of Christ in his preferring so farre aboue Angels that the Israelites might more equally beare it that he should be preferred before Moses In the 7. verse wher he saith he maketh his Angels ministring spirits wee muste note that this name the Apostle giueth them as that wherein is their greatest honour For otherwise if he named in the Angels thinges of least account it had bene no proofe of the glorie of Christ but naming that by which they most excelled yet exalting Christ so farre aboue them it is cleare proofe of his excellēt glorie aboue all creatures So I say here we must note that that holie ghost attributeth this to the Angels as their highe honour that they are ministring spirites wherin let vs wel consider what it is to serue the liuing God and how truely it is said his seruice is perfect freedome If he be an Angel hee hath no greater glorie and who are wee and what are our fathers houses that can fancie vnto our selues more honour then to feare before God and walke obediently in his commaundements Howe many times doe Abraham Isaak Iacob Iosue Moses Dauid and all the good kings of Iudah how many times doe they intitle them selues the sonne of GOD how many times doth God shewe foorth his great loue and fauour vnto diuerse men vnder this name to call them his seruants Or who was euer heard of except Senacharib or Pharaoh or men like vnto them that would boast otherwise and say Who is the Lord that I should heare his voice I knowe not the Lorde neither will I let his people go Praye dearely beloued that wee may haue eyes to see and cares to heare and hearts to vnderstand vnto what honour in this day we bee called for most assuredly true it is and all the Angels of heauen beare wittnes vnto it that in the world there is no greater glorie then to serue the lord If thou were as highe as the Prophet Dauid yet Dauid had no greater glory to boast of then this Behold Lord for I am thy seruant I am thy seruat the sonne of thine hand maide Or if thou were a king aboue all kinges full of wisedome riches honor as Solomon king of Israel yet to be the seruaunt of the Lorde were thy greatest dignitie aboue titles of kingdomes and countries this were most honourable Solomon the preacher the sonne of Dauid Yea the Angels of whom we speake they haue al their glorious names of Thrones Powers Rules Principalities Dominions in this respect that they be the seruantes of the Lorde to execute these his mightie workinges and take away from them this seruice of God you take away the honour of their highe calling So assuredly we may beleeue confesse it boldly that amōg men there is no other honour but this If God haue made my life to
reciteth not but for our times it hath a verie good instruction the Prophet thus concludeth The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed●… shal stand fast in thy sight because Christ had ioyned his Church to himselfe he the head they the bodie by him who endured longer then the Heauens the Prophet knew his people could neuer perishe and in his thought if the Prophet had comfort against the tyrannie of the kingdome of Babylon what comforte may we haue now against the enimies of the church of Christ They thinke they be many strong and rich and wise and they will preuaile their Pope shall vp againe they will haue Masse they will exalte the Church of Rome they will become slaues to a vile person as they were before they will do I cannot tell what Alas poore soules how fast they hold a lye in their right hand The shame that they seeke for they shall neuer finde For what are they Or what is their strength How much are they better then grasse or then the flower in the field What is their life more then a vapour or then a smoke that vanisheth away yet they boast them selues against the Church of Christ which is knit vnto the sonne of God liueth in his life standeth in his strength whose right hand hath made all thinges and whose yeres endure for euermore while we trust in this our hope is sure and all our enimies shal be ashamed And let vs pray that it would please God our heauenly father of his great goodnesse to haue mercie vpon vs that by his spirit the eyes of our mindes may be lightened to see what great Saluation he hath giuen vnto vs in Iesu Christ who is his onely sonne heire of althings creator of the world who ruleth and gouerneth all things and shall shewe vs his glorie in immortalitie when all these creatures shall haue their ●…haunge And the Lord graunt that in these dayes of our vanitie while yet we are walking to the day of rest we may in the meane season see his grace and glorie in all his creatures in whiche we haue our pleasure that we may enioye them to his praise and with wise heartes measuring his times who shall endure for euer when all these thinges are past we may mourne in spirite to see the time approch when we with him shall bothe see and inherite his immortalitie through his sonne Iesu Christ who hath purchased it for vs and with his mightie power will keepe vs in safetie vnto it against that day to whom with the father and the holie Ghost our onely comforter beal honour and glorie nowe and euer Amen The sixte lecture vpon the 13. and 14. verses 13 Vnto whiche also of the Angels saide he at any time Sitt at my right hand till I make thine enimies thy foote stoole 14 Are they not all ministring spirit●…s sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal be heires of saluation NOWE the Apostle maketh the fifte comparison betweene the Angels and our Sauiour Christe in which it is plaine he is exalted aboue all Angels And this comparison is out of the saying of the Prophet Sitt on my right hand vntill I make thine enimies thy foote stoole A singular honour aboue all that euer Angel had for it signifieth that God hath taken him into the fellowship of glorie and giuen him all power in Heauen and in earth Touching this Psalme as it is moste true so it is confessed of all that it is a prophesie of our Sauiour Christ how he should be King of his Church and vtterly subuert all his enimies and be our priest after the order of Melchisedech who should bring an end to the priesthood of Leuie and according to this meaning of the Prophet so the Apostle alledgeth this sentence for proofe of this excellencie of the sonne of God aboue all Angels And with this testimonie our Sauiour Christe him selfe confuteth the Phariseis when they denyed his diuinitie resoning of the force of this word LORD because the comparison then was with Dauid These wordes of the Apostle To which of the Angels said hee at any time c. they shewe plainely what glorie it is to sitt on the right hand of god For when the Apostle sayth The like was neuer said to Angels that is such glorie was neuer giuen them what can it else meane but that Christe is confessed to be one God with his father Or what can we vnderstand to be higher then all Angels but God alone If the right hand of God could signifie his presence the Angels are in his presence and of them thousand thousandes are before him and as our Sauiour Christ saith They see the face of our heauenly father If his right hand could signifie the fruition or sight of his glorie the Angels are all blessed spirites and see his glorie euen as it is If his right hand did signifie any inferiour power though it were greater then all the worlde such power haue also Angels so that one of them haue smitten whole armies of men and whole Countries and therefore bee they also called principalities and powers because no strength in the world can resist them But seeing his right hand noteth vnto vs that honour whiche neuer Angel was receiued vnto and aboue the angels we know none but God alone therefore the Scripture speaketh plainely in setting Christe on the right hand of his father farre aboue Angels that he is one God and equall with his father Besides this sith it is saide Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enimies thy footestoole it is plaine that this is the right hand of God the power of God giuen vnto Christe in which he shall ouercome all his enimies and sith this is the ende of that glorie that glorie is nothing but the power by which this is brought to passe and when this shal be accomplished that all his enimies shal be confounded then this shall bee finished for him to sitt on the right hand of his father not that Christ shall ceasse to be equal with his father but that this kingdome of Christ our mediatour betweene God and vs in which he keepeth vs that shall cease and he shall giue it vp vnto his father and God shall be vnto vs all in all And thus farre of all these honourable titles giuen vnto Christ in all which the Apostle proueth him greater then all Angels The first is that hee is called the naturall sonne of god The second that the Angels haue commaundement to worship him The third that he is a King of glorie reigning for euer in trueth and righteousnesse The fourth that he is Creatour of the world and indureth when the world shall perish And fiftly that he sitteth on the right hand of high maiestie all whiche are proper titles to the sonne of God and greater then can be giuen to any Angel and therefore Christ to be exalted aboue them all Now in the 14. verse
Angels Where it followeth here that all transgression of that lawe was punished no doubte he respecteth the people of Israel in the wildernesse where of so manie hundred thousandes all died in their sinnes except Caleb and Iosua who were of an other spirite which fearefull example of this people is likewise alledged by Sainct Paule in the firste to the Corinthians the tenth Chapter to admonish the Corinthians that by their example they should learne And where the Apostle addeth Howe shall wee escape if we despise so great saluation howe true this is we cannot doubt if we will open our eyes this day and looke about vs What is become of the Churches of Corinth Galatia Ephesus Philippi Colossos Thessalonica all whiche Paule so highly commendeth What is become of the churches of Pontus Cappadocia Asia Bithynia to which Peter writeth What is become of Smyrna Pergamus Thiatyra Sardis Philadelphia Laodycea y churches mentioned in the Apocalypse In all Asia Graecia Macedonia Syria Palestina and many famous countries else where are nowe their churches Yea to come yet nearer home What is become of the Churches in many Countries and Islands which our eyes haue seene to flourish The famous kingdome of Hungarie the great Countrie of Liuonia howe haue barbarous tyrants layde them waste that scarce one Church of Christ hath peace within them These are the punishementes which God hath executed for the contempt of his Gospell and our eyes and the eyes of our children this day haue seene it If we will not be warned but doe as we do despise the Gospell more then all nations round aboute vs suffer mockers and scorners to make their banquets among vs giue leaue to proude men to haue their pleasures at home and come not once to the church in xiiii or xv yere let the wolues loose whose rauening teeth are yet red and their bellies ful with the bloud of Gods saincts if we will do greater abhominations then these I wil not appoint times and seasons for so God hath not sent me hither a Prophet but as the scourge will surely come so I dare boldly say The wiseman seeth the plague comming and hideth him but the foole goeth on forward is snared It foloweth in the Apostle in the 3. and 4. verse Which at the first began to be preached c. The Apostle continueth yet his reason added to this exhortation of taking heed to the Gospel which as he did before of the excellencie of Christ the teacher of it so repeating that he addeth also for the more glorie of it the way and manner in whiche it was taught respecting heerein the glorious manner how the law was giuen lest thereby any should lesse regarde the Gospel And this manner of teaching he magnifieth first by the authour who was no Angel but the Lord himselfe then by the minissters of it who were not one but many and euerie one in as honourable and assured a calling as Moses himselfe Thirdly that the preaching of it was with signes wonders powers and sundrie special gifts of the holy ghost euen as it pleased God to distribute them So that they shal be without excuse all the despisers of it Heere some haue thought that this epistle can not be Paules because he sayth They which heard this Gospel of Christ himselfe they haue cōfirmed it to vs which thing Paul neuer saith but always standeth vpon this that he receiued it by Reuelation This reason is not vnlikely neither yet is it necessarie for S. Iude being an Apostle yet saith Remember the wordes which before this you haue heard of the Apostles And as Paul would not lightly haue spoken it in his owne person so heere his name beeing concealed and making him selfe one with those to whome hee writeth he might well speake it And it is not to be pretermitted that he saith not it was taught vs but it was confirmed vnto vs which might be said euen of Paule him selfe being confirmed by Ananias and conferring with Peter Iames Iohn c. and manie other wayes Therefore this is a thing still doubtful and whether it were Paule or not Paule we cannot tell That he sayth heere of signes woonders and powers he calleth miracles signes because they were testimonies seales to vs of the doctrine to be from God hee calleth them woonders because they were straunge and shewed an vnwonted woorke not knowen of men he calleth them powers because they had an euident profe of the power of God the sundrie distributions of the spirite hee calleth the extraordinarie giftes which followed those that did heleeue as our Sauiour Christ promised whereof S. Paule speaketh at large 1. Cor. 12. And thus the Apostle endeth this exhortation that we would carefully hearken to the Gospell giuen by Christe preached by the Apostles confirmed by the gifts of the holie ghost whose contempt God our heauenly Father will moste assuredly reuenge Now let vs examine againe the words and applie them to our particular instruction In the firste verse wher it is said we ought more diligently to harkē to the things that we haue heard we learne one lesson verie necessarie for our time and with which we may stopp the mouths of a great many papists when we reason with them about the studie of the scriptures howe all men ought to knowe them if we alledge the moste cleare places as in the vj. of Deuter. These words shal be in thine hart Thou shalt rehearse them to thy children thou shalt talke of them at home in thy house and when thou art in thy way when thou liest down whē thou risest vp Thou shalt binde them for a signe vpon thy hands and they shall be as a frontlet betweene thine eyes Thou shalt write thē in the entrie of thine house and graue them vpon thy gates These and such like places they haue learned thus to answere All that was ment in y olde lawe now Christ hath giuen the holie ghost to the church and it can not erre therefore we must heare her Whether this be not wilfully to be blind see nothing nowe iudge when you heare the Apostle making comparison namely betweene our fathers of the olde testament and vs he sayth that wee are more bounde to the doctrine taught by Christe in his gospel then all our fathers to the law of Moses But they say God hath giuen his holie spirit to the church to guide it in all trueth First I answere this helpeth them nothing for it is a common argument which all sectaries and scismatiques may like wise boast of it But let them proue first that the church of Rome is the church of christ Now touching this gift of Gods spirite powred vppon vs I say it is a promise to the particular comforte of euerie one that wee shall neuer fall from the grace and loue of God it is not a warrant generally to all that the church shal be euer in open rule gouernement no blemish within
of health as Sainct Paule saith in which they might haue ben heard But god at the last hath visited vs this vanitie is scattered away I would y remēbrance of it were gon with it An other propertie is here attributed to Christ that he was faythfull that is constant and vnmoueable in his loue til he had finished our reconciliation a lesson vnto vs y loue should not faint within vs nor we be wearie with the labour and trauell of it for true it is loue is not an idle affection to say I would hee were well Or God helpe him but loue is painefull to helpe in time of neede and well willing that no paine can wearie it So S. Paul saith Eternall life is giuen to thē which looke for it in continuāce of wel doing And in another place he bideth vs not to be wery of wel doing for we shal reape the fruit of it not be wearie a thing dearely beloued cōfessed of al men yea the verie Gentiles knew it y all my well doing is nothing worth if at last I would leaue my brother in miserie not help him stil. But it is a thing practised of verie few when I haue once or twise traueled in my brothers cause not to be wearie but to helpe him stil this corruption of y world let vs take heede of it correct the frowardnes of our own nature Tell me I pray if I saw a man like to drowne in y mids of the Thames what if I came vnto him and brought him nigh to the shore and then lest him drowning by the banck side what good did I to him Sure no more then he that looked on and let him alone in the middes only I made him languish with a vaine hope whereby his death was the bitterer And tell me thou fainting wearie friende if Christ should haue done so with thee how great had beene thy miserie If he had endured for thee the paine of his birth the trauel of his life the affliction of his flesh the reproches of men the tentatiōs of the diuel then had left thee in bondage of death whiche thou couldst not escape what hadst thou beene the better Let vs learne then to be faithfull as he was faithfull endure to the ende in well doing I speake this with griefe to see y world how euerie man is left in his righteous cause faire words goodly countenances are not hard to gett but a faithfull heart to deliuer the iust out of trouble I haue seene it in Christ I haue not else found it in one Yet this I am sure of he that is faithful in this behalfe he is like vnto Christ and Christe liueth in him And thus farre of the last verses of this second Chapter Now let vs come to the third Therfore holie brethren partakers of the heauenly calling cōsider the Apostle high Priest of our professiō Christ Iesus Now y Apostle leaueth to make any further description of the persō of Christ wherof we haue heard beginneth a more particular declaration of his offices first how hee is our Prophet to the 14. verse of the next chapter And now let vs learne to be fruitefull hearers and this exhortatiō let it make vs wise that carefully diligently we may hearken and learne the my sterie of y Lord Iesu in which we be saued that we may haue the testimonie in our selues that we be y children of the Newe testament Therefore holy brethren c. Let vs marke diligently euerie woorde in this excellent exhortation for they are not onely a wise persuasion to moue vs to care and diligence in learning but the exhortation is so gathered out of the former doctrine that this one sentence is a plaine expositiō of all the doctrine taught before from the eleuenth verse to the end of the Chapter He saith first Therefore Or for this cause as if he would say Seeing it is so with vs seeing God hath receiued vs into this grace seeing such an excellēt prophet is giuē vnto vs let vs heare him So in the first worde he sheweth that this exhortation is according to his former doctrine Then he calleth them Holie alluding to that he spake in the eleuenth verse He that sanctifieth they that are sanctified are one to teach vs that we be holie that we are one with Christ and y by his spirit sanctifying vs we be receiued into his felowship He calleth them Brethren repeating that he taught in the 11. 12. verse that Christ hath taken our nature we are euen as his brethren fellow-heires with him in the kingdome of his Father and that this is the meaning of Brethren the words following declare Partakers of the heauenly calling these wordes shewe what brotherhood he speaketh of that is a heauenly brotherhood which we haue with Christe for Christ the sonne of God who hath brought downe heauenlie giftes hath imparted himselfe vnto vs made vs fellowes with him in these heauenly blessings first reuealing his fathers wil then defending vs from our enimies and at last presenting vs faultlesse before God abolishing the diuel and the feare of death of whiche heauenlie giftes he spake in the 12. 13. 14. 15. verses After he addeth The Apostle and high priest of our profession In these words he teacheth what offices he had before attributed to Christ in y texts alledged first y he is our prophet calling him by the name of Apostle that is the messinger of God to teach vs our profession verse 12 then y he is our priest to present vs before God as verse 13. And although as I haue often tolde you his kingdome is also manifestly proued by that is saide afore yet by this place I gather that the Apostle hath especially and of purpose onely taught this that Iesus Christ God and man is only our Prophet priest to declare and worke our saluation exhorting vs now to learne carefully so great a mysterie Now let vs consider further this exhortation to see what profitable thinges we haue to learne in it where we are first called Holie Brethren we may see in these wordes a good image of the Churche of Christe Brethren as is said noteth our vnitie with Christ our head by the participation of his spirit so the church is a people graffed into Christ y is made members of Christ and sanctified with his spirite This is our knowledge of the church which is true and catholique it is not in any obseruation of time of place of person but where this brotherhood is a people ioyned to the Lord Iesus and sanctified by him there is the church to talke of any places it is great follie Christ will not haue his Churche to be known by countrie or kinred or respect of persons but only by this that they are graffed in him and made a holy brotherhod And here let vs learn what is true holinesse euen to be made partakers of
time only but daily we our children after vs are admonished instructed and taught in their preaching so when the prophet Esaie reproueth the people for vsing their owne counsel seeking helpe of the Aegyptians whē they were inaduersitie y we should know it was not only then Gods will that his people should trust in him not make thē vaine 〈◊〉 of men but that alwayes he should be our onely refuge the prophet saith Now go and write it before them in a table note it in a book that it may be for the last day for euer euer So the Prophet Ieremie mentioneth howe Baruche wrote all his wordes making them an instruction vnto the posteritie that should reade then This our sauiour Christ ment whē he said one soweth another reapeth meaning the prophets laboured and we eate the fruite of their labour and so Peter saith that Not to them selues but to vs they ministred those things which nowe are preached vnto vs not onely meaning that they are witnesses of our faith vnto vs but our hope our loue all is grounded vpon that foūdatiō A lessō derely beloued wel to be marked for there be many now a days which make to small account of Gods prophets their boldnesse in their ministerie their sharpe condemning of mans foolish policie their rules of iustice and iudgement a great many cast them off as things of another worlde or another people but we shal see that God is vnchang able and his righteousnesse is one for euer and he hath made his prophets our scholemaisters and the same worde indureth for euer I speake not of figures and suche outward lawes as the Iewes had for an appointed time but Gods iustice gouernment which is eternal is contemned of vs if we cast away the instructions of rule and of righteousnesse wherof the Prophets preache but we because we wil not bringe our neckes vnder the yoke of the Lord therefore wee make light account of their prophesies though as the prophet saith they be writtē for euer and ●…uer and thus farre of this Nowe let vs see howe in these woordes follow ing the Apostle applieth this exhortatiō he saith For certein ●…hen they had heard prouoked hi●… to anger howbeit not al that came out of Aegypt c. ●…s if he should also adde but let it not be so with vs let not vs walke in the way of these sinners whiche thus prouoked the Lorde and he was angrie with them but let vs followe better aduice and wiser guides they did not all murmur that came out of Aegypt nor all prouoked God let vs followe those that obeyed and if they were fewe in number yet let vs striue to walke with those fewe for their way is better then the way of the multitude this is the exhortation heere made and it ought to be often considered of vs. Many times in the scripture we be taught to set out y examples of good men vnto vs but especially suche examples as are in the scripture we ought still to remember them for for the same purpose they are written vnto vs and if we set them not before vs to follow we regarde not the voice of God whiche we heare this verie example whiche the Apostle biddeth vs now consider S. Paul saith It was written to teach and admonish vs vpon whom the latter ends of the worlde are come and in the eleuenth chapter of this Epistle the Apostle reciteth a greate number of godlie and faithfull men by their example prouoking vs that seeing we haue suche a cloude of witnesses we should cast off sinne that wrappeth vs about and ioyfully runne in the fellowshipp of so manie sainctes This is written to moue vs and this oughte to moue vs and this wil moue vs if wee quench not the grace of God that is giuen vs for who of vs this day would not be as Paule or Peter as Abraham or Isaake as Iosias or Dauid Who I say that is wise in hearte would not walke in their wayes liue their liues and leaue their memories behinde them Or who had leuer be as Simon Magus or Iudas as the Scribes or Phariseis as Ieroboam or Achab And why then be we yet foolishe If our owne heartes doe sufficiently instruct vs and the voice of the Apostle doe so earnestly exhort vs why doe we not learne not to tempt God as many haue tempted him and are destroyed but to obey and heare his voice as many haue obeyed and their remembraunce is in blessing let vs heare therefore this exhortation It followeth But not al that went out of Aegypt this is added of the Apostle to comfort any y were weke harted for some would think hath God so destroyed our fore fathers and made their carcases to fall in the wildernesse they that were in multitude as the sand of the sea did he make them so few in number of sixe hundred thousand mē and more were there so few left that dyed not in their sinnes what hope can I haue o●… how shall I stand before the face of God thus I say if any man should feare the Apostle addeth a notable comfort they did not all prouoke God that came out of Aegypt but with whome was he angrie fourtie yeres was it not with those that were disobedient Heere we learne wisely to trie and examine our selues whether we be in the fauour of God or no and that is by searching our owne heartes whether we would obey his voice or no it skilleth nothing what other men are before vs or what come vnto them but all is in this what our owne hearts are before God and how we obey him if when any nation haue filled vpp their iniquities and God roote them out yet let not the faithful of that nation feare for God is their God vnto saluation put thy trust in the liuing God and though a thousand fall on thy left hand and tenne thousande on thy right yet shall no hurt approch vnto thee denie not the words of the holie one and though the earth be moued yet thou shalt be in peace for God regardeth thee not by thy father or mother or by thy countrie but if thou wert borne among the moste barbarous people yet by thy faith thou shalt liue A notable example we haue in Paule who shewing the great sinnes of his people the vengeance that God had executed against them he maketh streight this obiection hath God then cast away his owne people and answereth God forbid for I am an Israelite he held the assurance of his Election not by his countrie or brethren but by testimonie of his owne spirit whiche feared not at the fall of other but stood in the assurāce of his owne predestination Thus here the Apostle comforteth the weake it is true God destroyed an infinite multitude of his people yet feare not thou if thou abide in his obedience for whom destroyed he but those whose
vnbeleeuing and vnfaithful therfore wee that are beleeuing and faithfull wee shall inherite that reste This I think to be the meaning of these words folowing As it is said to whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my reste Nowe because the Apostle hath reasoned long and much out of this place of the Prophet and will yet reason longer he wisely foreseeth what might bee heere aunswered of the Iewes ▪ that this place is of the people of Israel meant of their entraunce into the lande of Canaan vnder condition of obedience of the law of Moses and therefore rather teacheth them to keepe stil those ordinances then to change them for new follow this Iesus of whomethey haue not heard before This cogitation might easilie arise and they might soone be so persuaded that the prophet spake of the present time now therfore in the words following the Apostle taketh away this offence and doubt teaching that not vnto them onelie but to vs also it was spoken and with this caution proueth with other arguments the former doctrine that by faith grounded in our prophet Iesu Christ we shall enter into his rest And he saith thus Especially seeing his woorkes were finished from the foundation of the worlde The woorde which is heere commonly translated although I english it thus Especially seeing which I doe because the sence wel agreeth and I knowe nothing to the contrarie but the word may well beare it so nowe touching the obiection before made the Apostle aunswereth thus Neither can this bee ment of the rest of the land of Canaan in obeying the lawe of Moses for when neither the law was yet giuen neither the land once promised yet then was this reste of the Lord into which his people did enter for the scripture saith euen at the beginning The Lord rested the seuenth day from all his workes Now this obiection thus beeing confuted there is also in these woordes the seconde reason for proofe of this doctrine before taught that they enter into the Lords rest which doe beleeue and the reason is this Seeing God finished his woorkes streight from the foundation of the worlde so that then he was said to rest the seuenth day men entred not into that rest by the obseruation of the lawe of Moses which was not giuen nor by any woorkes of fleshe whiche were euer vnprofitable but it is cleare then wee entred by fayth according to this which is written To day if you heare his voice harden not your harts this argument is plaine in these words Especially seeing his works were finished from the foundation of the world for he saith in a certeine place of the seuenth day thus and God rested in the seuenth day from al his workes but of this argument we wil speake again in the ninth verse Heere the Apostle may seeme to some of vs to reason not verie stronglie for how proueth he that it is one rest of which it is saide ye shall not enter into my rest and againe the Lord rested the seuenth day for the one semeth to be of God alone the other a figuratiue promise set out vnto vs but this doubt is soone taken away for when it was sayd God rested the seuenth day was it not also said he blessed the seuenth day and h●…lowed it whiche is he appointed it to this holy exercise that mā should leaue off his other thoughts and consider the power and wisdome and goodnesse of God in all his creatures wheron after he gaue his law writen Remember thou keepe holie the sabboth day six daies shalt thou labour but the seuenth c by which it was plaine that this reste was the same vnto whiche they were after called and thus we see the Apostles words how apte they be to his purpose It followeth now And in this place againe if they shall enter into my rest In these words the Apostle teacheth that this is also the same rest which the first was where we see that the rest of the land of Canaan was that they should there enioy peace and in his holie place praise God day night who had deliuered thē out of the cruel bondage of Aegypt from all hurt of the great terrible wildernesse in steade of which he had giuen them a moste pleasaunt countrie that flowed with milke and honie Now vpon the warrant of all this trueth that one rest hath bene from the beginning though the name may bee often named in sundrie respects as first it was so called because God rested from his workes againe because the people entred into a peaceable land in stede of a perilous desert so vpon other occasions this name of rest is named but all in one spirituall sense that is now a ceassing from our owne works to do the workes of God and after this to dwell in the peace and rest of his glorie for euer therfore where promise of entrance into his rest is it is a promise made vnto all and of all ages vpon this I say the Apostle saith further Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therinto they to whome it was first preached entred not because of their vnbelief againe he appointed in Dauid a certeine day by to day saying after so long time as it is alredy alledged to day if you if you wil heare his voice harden not your harts in all these words he cōcludeth as he taught before that seing this rest hath ben euer set out to our first fathers to the people of Israel yet they entred not for vnbelief seeing it can not be but some must needes enter for the graces of God must needes be enioyed therefore in Dauid it is againe said To day if you wil heare his voice that it might be knowen y we which do beleeue shall enter into his rest So in these two verses is the conclusion of the two former arguments to proue that only by fayth we shall enter in to his rest And this I take to be the naturall meaning of these wordes in the 3. 4. 5. 6. and 7. verse It followeth in the 8. verse For if Iesus had giuen them rest he would not haue spoken of any other rest after These woordes proue by an other reason that the former prophecie is not ment of the land of Canaan according to the obiection before spoken of his reason is this Iosua led them into the lande of Canaan a great many yeares before the Prophete Dauid made this exhortatiō if therefore it had bene ment of that land to what purpose did Dauid speak thus so long after could it be threatned vnto them they should not enter into that rest into which they had alreadie entred and dwelt there foure hundreth yeares Vppon this reason he concludeth in the ninth verse Therfore there remaineth yet a rest vnto the people of God. In the tenth verse he sheweth at the last what this rest is that wee should no longer walke in our will but
haue so greate gladnesse of hearte O Lorde what are the Heauens of Heauens where we are citizens which is our countrie where our bodie is glorious and crowned with life where thy maiestie shal shine in perfect beautie before vs where all thinges shal be our owne and we shal bee thine A happie lordship a happie Earledome a hap pie man whose honour teacheth him thus to know the Lord who hath had mercie vppon him These and such like meditations thoughts which carrie vp our mindes from the Creatures to the Creatour and from our worldly calling to him that hath called vs these doe leade vs into the rest of the Lorde these are our holie woorkes on the sabbaoth dayes and this is our wisedome in enioying all the benefites of god But of this meditation I spake before vnto you in the exposition of the sixt verse of the second chapter Nowe touching this woorde whereof we haue heard so much that is the rest of God we must marke how the scripture vseth it sometime for the trueth which is euer one somtime for the figures whiche haue beene diuerse The true and perfecte rest is that which is now begonne in vs the resting from our owne workes that is our dyinge vnto sinne the crucifying of the olde man that wee may giue ouer our bodies vnto the Lord to be seruants of righteousnesse and that onely his spirite may reigne in vs that as Paule saith it be not nowe we that liue but that it be Christ that liueth in vs and this rest shal be made perfecte in the resurrection of the iust when we shal be ioyned vnto Christe our head and God shal be vnto vs all in all The figures of this rest as I saide haue beene diuerse The first figure was the rest of the sabboth day called our rest because wee were without bodily labour only in spirituall exercise to consider the works of God his greatnesse and power and goodnesse therby to learne with al our harts to serue him to glorifie him as our only god so y al the seuenth day longe while the sunne shined it preached vnto the people that they should ceasse from sinne and serue God die vnto the world and liue in him An other figure of this spirituall rest was the lande of Canaan called their rest because they ceassed from the fearefull trauell of the solitarie wildernesse and from feare of enimies which alwayes rose againste them from their bondage before in Egypt now inhabiting a quiet countrie full of all fruit and pleasure and their spirituall exercise in this rest was to see from what miseries God had deliuered them what blessings he had giuen them howe mightilie he saued them from al hurt of man and beast and euerie creature and therfore now in a holy rest and quietnesse to be thankful vnto him to serue him to trust in him to rest vnder the shadow of his wings An other figure of this rest was also y tēple of whiche it was said This is my rest for euer here wil I dwel for I haue a delight therin called also the rest in respect that before the tabernacle and the Arke was carried from place to place but nowe it was settled for euer in mount Sion the spirituall exercise of this rest was that God had now made knowen vnto them his statutes and ordinaunces in which they should liue his couenauntes and promises were sure vnto them and that they shoulde not immagine vaine thoughts or followe their own deuises but abide in the waies of God acknowledging them alone to be the wayes of life and so giue ouer them selues to walke in them These were the figures of this spirituall rest which abideth for euer and vnto vs nowe to whō figures haue ceassed this rest is set out clearlie in it self that we should liue in it ceasse from our owne workes doe the woorkes of our God and worship him in spirit and trueth hauing according to this exhortation of our Apostle our Sauiour Christ our onely prophet to rest in his woorde our onely priest to rest in his sacrifice for sinne our only king to rest in his defence our only head to rest in his nourishment who only with his blessed spirite feedeth vs to eternall life and worketh in vs all in all This is that kingdome of God whiche we are taught to pray that it may come and prosper and this is that the prophet Esay sayth of the roote of Ishaie that in those dayes his rest should be glorious this is the trueth sigured in all the former restes of the Sabboath of the lande of Canaan of the temple as Zacharias ful of the holie ghost doth most plainly shew This is saith he the othe which he sware to our father A brahā that he would graunt vnto vs that we beeing deliuered out of the handes of our enimies might serue him without feare in holines righteousnes al the dayes of our life and this rest hath in it as Paul saith a pure heart that is vn●…ed cōstant loue a sincere saith that is holy and true religion and a good corscience that is peace toward God through Iesus Christ and these properties of our rest deerely beloued mark them wel that we may knowe the place where we dwell in peace and lest we thinke foolishly that we are at rest when yet we are tossed in the tempestuous sea our religion must be pure and vntouched from the curious and entising fancies of Philosophie from traditions and decrees of men from superstition of the elements of the worlde as meate drinke daies times and such other to be short pure from al thinges which Christ our only prophet hath not taught vs And how can we thinke then that we are yet in this rest if we be holden with decrees Touch not tast not c. if counsels and fathers whiche are diuerse and daily renued do lead vs with their sūdrie indgments what rest is in my religion if thus I muste walke vncerteinly It was said of the first rest What I commaund thee do that onely this rest is nowe abundantly confirmed vnto vs more amplie thē before as Christe is greater then Moses and how then do we seeke after any instruction but onely after the word of Christe alone Againe seeing in our rest is vnfeigned loue contention and strife quarels are cast out how do we say we are entred into our rest when this dissention is amōg vs one with another let vs looke vnto it wel to whom it belongeth It is a greuous thing to trouble the peace of the church so is it a greuous thing to see trueth lye hidden or despised therfore iudge not you rashly nor condemne any mans worke before it be tried We are called vnto a rest and let vs nourish our peace who soeuer fall out with vs let vs not fall out with them but let vs seeke the truethe in loue and so shall be built vp the
No creature at all shal yelde his seruice vnto them the elememtes of the worlde shall seeme to melt away This state of miserie Christe entred into and sunke downe deepe in this confusion and who can expresse his sorrow Beeing full of goodnesse he had the reward of euil full of obedience he was punished as wicked full of faith yet had the reward of a sinner inheritour of all things and Lord of all yet nothing at al to doe him duetie the King of Kings and Lord of lordes yet made an outcast and abiect of the people the ruler of all and God of glorie yet compassed with shame and great confusion the authour of life yet wrapped in the chaynes of eternall death the onely begotten of his father and his best beloued yet cast off as a straunger and chasticed as an enimie the brightnesse of glorie and the beautie of the highest heauens yet crucified in dishonour and throwne downe into hell O picture of perfect wretchednesse and image of miserie howe iust cause founde he to crie out alowde My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee his whole bodie and nature like vnto vs altogether broken with the rewarde of sinne his soule powred out into all calamitie the wrath of his father and condemnation resting vpon him How truely may we here say and confesse the article of our faith He descended into hell How liuely do we see it perfourmed that the Prophet speaketh of The snares of death compassed me and the paines of hell tooke holde vpon me I found trouble and sorrow This was the cōpassion that he had towardes vs by whiche he suffered with our infirmities more then Aaron or all the priestes of the lawe coulde possibly haue done for vs If we could possiblie consider dearely beloued as we should we would gladly imbrace him as the high priest for euer of the new testament when we shal be made of one fashion with him throughe some measure of his afflictiō to feele the weight of our sinnes then we shall confesse what cause he had of complayning and how dearely hee hath bought the honour of the high Priest and Mediatour The Lord lighten the eyes of our minde that with open countenāce we may behold him who for our sakes endured such a death of the crosse wee shoulde not then need many exhortations the remembrance of the latter end would keepe vs safe from sinne But let vs now see what the Apostle further teacheth vs and while our sauiour Christe is in these greate extremities what fruite of well doing he hath learned by it It followeth And although he were the sonne yet learned he obedience by the things he suffored Lo dearly be loued this was no little profit of all his troubles he learned thereby how and what it was to obey his father that when these things rested all vpon him yet he could say in meekenesse of spirit Not my will my father but thy wil be done he might haue great boldnesse that his obedience was perfect The shame of the worlde the afflictions of the flesh the vexations of the minde the paines of Hell when these coulde make him vtter no other wordes but Father as 〈◊〉 wilt so let it be done what hope what faith did he surely build on that his obedience was precious in the sight of his father this example is our instruction We knowe then best how we loue the Lord when wee feele by experience what we wil suffer for his sake It is an easie thing to be valiant before the combate or to dreame of a good courage before the hart be tryed but in dede to be vnshaken in the midst of the tempest and to stand vpright when the ground vnder thee doth trēble this is to knowe assuredly thou art strong in deede and to say with boldenesse thou shalt neuer be moued this our Sauiour Christe might throughly glorie of The heauen earth and elementes they were all his enimies his Father in whome he trusted shewed him an angrie countenaunce he that fainted not but cryed stil Thy wil be done O Father he may be bold of his obedience there is no creature can make him falsifie his faith If this be the fruite of our afflictions the Apostle speaketh not without great occasion Account it for an exceding ioy when ye fall into sundrie troubles For what can bee more ioyful vnto the soule that is oppressed then to giue this in experience that neither hight nor deapth shall remoue him from the lord The glory of Abraham was exceeding great when he had sealed it with practise that he would forsake his countrie his kinred and his fathers house at the commaundemēt of God to go whether he would shew him then he knew by good proofe hee was made worthy of Christe when he could forsake Father mother house lande and all thinges to come vnto him The patience of Iob was not thoroughly knowen till all his goods were spoyled and he left exceedinge bare in that case when he spake so boldely Naked came I out of my moothers womb and naked shal I returne again the Lord hath giuen the Lord hath taken away as the Lord wil so is it done the name of the Lord be praysed for euer Nowe might Iob be sure of the strong patience which should bring foorth hope that neuer should be confounded Our brethren before vs whiche so constantly haue holden the professiō of their faith that y flames of fire could not make it wauer they had a good witnesse that their election was sure when they might speake by experience that neither life nor death coulde remoue them from the loue of God. Thus the good grounde is knowen what it is when the heate can not scorche it nor bryers and thornes turne the good corne into weedes but thoroughe all stormes it will giue nourishment to the seede til it giue greater increase to Gods honour and glorie The best of vs all let vs thanke God for this profitable experience for before it come vnto vs we knowe not howe great the rebellion of the fleshe will be The Apostles of Christ they bragged not a little that they woulde neuer forsake their maister Christ he alone had the wordes of eternal life and they would not chaunge him for another they beleeued him they knewe him to be Christ the fonne of the liuing God and there was no other sauiour But when they sawe the swordes and staues the rulers offended the people in an vprore the crosse at hande their courage fell downe they forsooke him all and fled away Peter was not a litle stoute as himselfe was persuaded he would neuer forsake Christe though he should die for his name and for proofe of his courage he drewe his sword stroke so venterously that he had almoste slaine one he seemed to be at a point and fully resolued that he would not leaue his maister till the sworde shoulde diuide them but alas this boldnesse was