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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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mutinous Earles and by their instigation was set into that flame as he raised all his vtmost forces to be reuenged on his brother The King touched in Conscience with the fowlenesse of a fraternall war which the world would take he being the mightier to proceed out of his designes stood douotfull what to doe when Pope Paschall by his Letters written with that eloquence saith Malmesburie wherein hee was quicke perswaded him That herein hee should not make a ciuill Warre but doe a Noble and memorable benefit vnto his Countrey Whereby paide for remitting the Inuestitures hee held himselfe countenanced in this businesse Whereon now he sets with more alacrity and resolution And after many difficulties and losse of diuers worthy men in a mighty battaile neere the Castle of Tenechbray his England wins Normandic enemies with much adoe were all defeated Whereby England won Normandy and on the same day by Computation wherein forty yeares before Normandy ouer-came England such are the turnings in the affaires of men And here Robert who stood in a faire possibility of two Crownes came to bee depriued 1106. Anno. Reg. 7. of his Dutchy and all hee had brought prisoner into England and committed to the Castle of Cardiffe Where to adde to his misery hee had the misfortune of a long life suruiuing after he lost himselfe 26 yeares whereof the most part he saw not hauing his eyes put out whereby he was onely left to his thoughts a punishment barbarously Robert Duke of Normandy is imprisoned by King Hen. inflicted on him for attempting an escape He was a Prince that gaue out to the world very few notes of his ill but many of his Noblenesse and valour especially in his great voyage wherein hee had the second command and was in election to haue beene the first preferred to the Crowne of Ierusalem and missed it hardly Onely the disobedience in his youth shewed to his Father which yet might proceed from a rough hand borne ouer him and the animation of others rather then his owne Nature sets a staine vpon him and then his profusion which some would haue liberality shewed his impotency and put him into those courses that ouerthrew him All the Reuenues of his Dutchy which should serue for his maintenance hee sold or engaged and was vpon passing the City of Roan vnto the Cittizens which made him held vnfit for the gouernment and gaue occasion to his Brother to quarrell with him And thus came Henry sreed from this feare and absolute Duke of Normandy had King Henry Duke of Normandy many yeares of quiet gathered great Treasure entertained good intelligence with the Neighbour Princes Scotland by his Match and doing their Princes good hee held from doing him hurt clearing them from vsurpations Wales though vnder his Title yet not subiection gaue him some exercise of action which he ordered with great wisdome First he planted within the body of that Countrey a Colony of Flemings who at that time much pestred this Kingdome being admitted heere in the raigne of King William the first marrying their Country woman and vsing their helpe in the action of England where they dayly encreased in such sort as gaue great displeasure to the people But by this meanes both that grieuance was eased and the vse of them made profitable to the State for being so great a number and a strong people they made roome for themselues and held it in that sort as they kept the Welch all about them in verie good awe Besides the King tooke for Ostages the chiefe mens sonnes of the Country and hereby quieted it For France hee stood secure so long as Phillip the first liued who wholly giuen ouer to his ease and Luxury was not for other attempts out of that course but his sonne he was to looke vnto whensoeuer he came to that Crowne With the Earle of Flanders he had some debate but it was onely in words and vpon 1107. Anno. Reg. 8. this occasion King William the first in retribution of the good his father in law Baldouin the fift had done by ayding him in the action of England gaue him yearely three hundred markes and likewise continued it to his sonne after him Now Robert Earle of Flaunders of a collaterall line returning empty from the Holy warres and finding this summe paide out of England to his Predecessors demaunds the same of King Henrie as his due who not easie to part with money sends him word that it was not the custome of the Kings of England to pay tribute If they gaue pensions they were temporary and according to desert Which answere so much displeased the Earle that though himselfe liued not to shew his hatred yet his Sonne did and ayded afterward William the sonne of Robert Curtoys in his attempts for recouery of the Dutchy of Normandy against King Henry Thus stood this King in the first part of his raigne in the other hee had more to doe abroad then at home where hee had by his excellent wisdome so setled the gouernment as it held a steady course without interruption all his time But now Lewis le Grosse succeeding his father Philip the first gaue him warning to looke to his State of Normandy and for that he would not attend a quarrell he makes one taking occasion about the City of Gisors scituate on the Riuer Epre in the confines of Normandy King Henry quarrels with the King of France whilst Louys was trauailed with a stubborne Nobility presuming vpon their Franchises within their owne Signories whereof there were many at that time about Paris as the Contes of Crecy Pissaux Dammartin Champaigne and others who by example and emulation would bee absolute Lords without awe of a Maister putting themselues vnder the protection of Henry wo being neere to assist them fostred those humors which in sicke bodies most shew themselues But after Louys by yeares gathering strength dissolued that compact and made his meanes the more by their confiscations Now to entertaine these two great Princes in worke the quarrell betweene the Pope and the Emperour ministred fresh occasion The Emperor Henry the fift hauing 1108. Anno. Reg. 9. by the Popes instigation banded against his Father Henry the fourth who associated him in the Empire and held him prisoner in that distresse as hee died toucht afterwards with remorse of this act and reproach of the State for abandoning the rights of the Empire leauies sixty thousand foote and thirty thousand horse for Italy constraines the Pope and his Coledge to acknowledge the rights of the Empire in that forme as Leo the fourth had done to Otho the second and before that The Popes Oath to the Emperour Adrian to Charlemaigne according to the Decree of the Counsell of Rome and made him take his Oath of fidelity betweene his hands as to the true and lawfull Emperour The Pope so soone as Henry was departed home assembles a Counsell nullifies this acknowledgement as done by
notwithstanding himselfe graunted the same in his agreement with Stephen alledging They were of the Demaynes of the Crowne and could not be alie●ed Onely he suffered him to inioy such lands as his father King Stephen held in England in the time of Henry the first Then goes he Northward and recouers the Citty of Carlile seizes all Cumberland into his hands and after takes the Towne of New-castle with the Castle of Bamberge and so resumed all Northumberland which his Mother the Empresse had before granted to Dauid King of Scets her Vnkle Grand-father to Malcolin who now reigned as being not in his Mothers power nor his to giue away any part of the Kingdome Notwithstanding he was content Malcolin should inioy the Earledome of Huntingdon which King Stephen had giuen to Henry Prince of Scotland father to Malcolin as being a peece in the heart of England whereof he could make no vse but at the Kings pleasure and besides was a meanes to hold him his Homager and to performe those seruices belonging to that Earledome And the same course tooke he with the Alienations and vsurpations formerly made of the Demaines of the Duchy of Normandy and forced Theobald Earle of Blois to resigne into his hands two Castles and Petroch Earle of Perch other two These reuocations whereby so many were indamaged in their estates and Grants both of his Predecessors and his owne vtterly nullified might seeme to be an act of great iniustice and in a new Gouernment of little safety But in regard the Common-wealth had thereby a benefit and but few though great interessed it passed as a worke vniuersally necessary seeing his Maintenance otherwise must be made vp out of publicke taxations which would turne to a generall grieuance But the resuming of the Earledome of Aniou The King resumes the Earledome of Aniou out of his brother Geffryes hands contrary to his Oath cannot but be held a strayne beyond conscience and good nature For his father Geffrey Plantagenet desirous to leaue some estate to his second sonne Geffrey ordained by his Testament That when Henry had recouered the Kingdome of England the other should haue the County of Aniou and in the meane time put Geffrey in possession of the Castles and Townes of Chinon Lodun and Mirabel whereby he might both haue maintenance for his estate and a readier meanes to come to the rest when occasion serued And least his sonne Henry should not performe this Will he got certaine Bishops and other Nobles to sweare that they would not suffer his body to be interred till Henry who was then absent had sworne to fulfill his Testament Henry rather then to suffer his Fathers body to lye vnburied With great vnwillingnesse takes this oath But afterward being inuested in the Crowne of England and Geffrey seazing vpon the Earledome of Aniou he passes ouer into France and not onely takes from him the Earledome but also those three Townes he had in possession alledging It was no reason a forced Oath vpon such an occasion should bind him to forgoe the inheritance of his Birth-right being all the Patrimony that was to discend vnto him from his Father and though he had recouered the Kingdome of England that was not his Fathers worke but by an other right And although he held his brother deere vnto him yet hauing Children of his owne he was to prouide that what was his should discend to them But yet was content to allowe his brother an honorable pension of a thousand pounds English and two thousand pounds of Aniouin money yearely for the maintenance of his estate and obtained of Pope Adrian the seuenth an English man borne a dispensation for his Oath made in this case 1156. Anno. Reg. 2. And now the first occasion that put him here into action of warre was the rebellion of the Welsh who according to their vsuall manner euer attempted some thing in the beginning of the Raigne of new Princes as if to try their spirits and their owne fortunes Against whom hee goes so prepared as if hee ment to goe through with his worke Wherein at first he had much to doe passing a streight among the Mountaines His first expedition into Wales where he lost with many of his men Eustace Fitz Iohn and Robert Curcy eminent persons and himselfe noysed to be slaine so much discouraged that part of the Army which had not passed the Streights as Henry an Earle of Essex threw downe the Kings Standard which he bare by inheritance and fled but soone the King made it knowne hee was aliue discomfited his enemies and brought them to seeke their peace with submission The Earle of Essex was after accused by Robert de Monfort The punishment of Corwardize for this misdeed had the Combat was ouercome pardoned yet of life but condemned to be shorne a Monke put into the Abbay of Reading and had his Lands seised into the Kings hands It was now the fourth yeare of the raigne of this King when all his affaires were in 1158. Anno. Reg. 4. prosperous course his State increasing his Queene fruitefull and had borne him three sonnes in England Henry Richard and Geffrey his eldst sonne William to whom hee had caused the Kingdom to take an Oath of fealty died shortly after his comming to the Crowne so that now the same Oath is tendred to Henry and all is secure and well on this side The King of France who would gladly haue impeached the mighty current of this Kings fortune was held in and fettered with his owne necessities his iourney to the Holy Land had all exhausted his Treasure and since his comming home the Pope had exacted great summes of him for dispensing with his second marriage which was with Constantia daughter to Alphonso King of Galicia a feeble alliance and farre off so that all concurred to increase the greatnesse of this King of England who The resignation of Nants to the King of England hauing now almost surrounded France by possessing first all Normandie with a great footing in Brittaine by the resignation of Nants with the Country there about which Conan the Duke was forced lately to make vnto him then the Earledome of Maine Poictou Touraine Aniou with the Dutchy of Guien he also laies claime to the rich Earledome of Tholouse vpon this Title William Duke of Aquitaine granfather to Queene Elioner married the daughter and King Henries claime to the Earldome of Tholouse heire of the Earle of Tholouse and going to the holy warres ingaged that Earldome to Raymond Earle of Saint Gayles and neuer returned to redeeme it William his sonne father to Queene Elionor either through want of meanes or neglect delayed likewise the redemption thereof so that the Earle of Saint Gyles continuning in possession whilst hee liued left it to his sonne Raymond of whom King Louys of France hauing married Elionor the daughter and heire of the last William demanded the restitution with tender of the summe for which
an euent For hauing taken vp by the way three Gallies to conduct him to Ragusa for three hundred Markes of Siluer disguised vnder the names of Pilgtimes hee was by his lauish expences discouered to bee the His discouery King of England which note once taken it was impossible for him to lay anie couering thereon that could euer hide him more though vpon warning thereof he presently left all his company and with one man onely takes horse and through all the daungers of a wilde desart and rocky Country trauayling day and night passes into Austrich where Fame that was a speedier post then himselfe was before him And comming to a Village nere to Viena and reposing himselfe in a poore hosterie was taken a sleepe by meanes of his companion going forth to prouide necessaries for him King Richard taken prisoner who as hee was changing money was knowne taken and brought before the Duke of Austrich and vpon examination confessed where his maister was of which prise the Duke was most ioyfull in respect of his reuenge for the disgrace hee did him at the entring of Acon and presently sends him to the Emperour Henry the sixt whom likewise he had offended for ayding Tancredi the base sonne of Roger in the vsurpation of the Crowne of Sicilia against Constantia the lawfull daughter of the same Roger whom this Emperour had married Newes hereof is presently sent by the Emperour to the King of France that he might likewise reioyce at this fortune and hee tells him That now the Enemy of his Empire and the disturber of the Kingdome of France was fast in holde and all the manner how The State of England is likewise soone certified of this heauie disaster and great meanes is made to redeeme their King out of captiuitie who is sayd to haue borne his fortune with that magnanimitie and so cleered himselfe of the scandalls layd on him for the death of Conrade the Emperours kinsman other his actions in the East in such sort as he won the affection of the Emperor so that he professed a great desire to restore him and reconcile him to the King of France But yet wee finde That King Richard deposed King Richard deposed himselfe of the kingdome of England himselfe of the Kingdome of England and deliuered the same to the Emperour as his supreame Lord and inuested him therein by the deliuering vp his hat whch the Emperour returned vnto him in the presence of the Nobility of Germany and England to hold this Kingdom from him for 50 thousand pounds sterling to be payed as an annuall tribute And yet notwithstanding all this the King of France combining with the Earle Iohn preuailed so much with the Emperour as hee held him his prisoner a whole yeare and sixe weekes through their offer of mighty summes they made vnto him For he and the Earle Iohn fully accounted that he should haue beene held a perpetuall prisoner and vpon that reckning the Earle Iohn did his homage to the King of France for the Dutchy Earle Iohn doth homage to the King of France for Normandy of Normandy and all the rest of those transmarine territories and for England as it is sayd and besides resignes vnto him Gisors with the Country of Vexin sweares to marry his sister Alice and to bee diuorsed from his other Wise the Daughter of the Earle of Glocester The King of France couenants to giue him with his sister that part of Flanders which hee had taken from that Eareldome and sweares to ayde him in the attayning both of England and whatsoeuer else the Lands of his brother Then goes the Earle Iohn ouer into England carrying many strangers with him and presently the Castles of Wallingford and Windsor are rendred vnto him then comes hee to London and requires of the Archbishop of Rouen and other the Commissioners the Kingdome of England and that fealty bee made vnto him affirming his brother was dead but they not giuing credit vnto him and denying his desire with rage and strong hand hee fortifies his Castles and in hostile manner inuades the Lands of his brother finding many partakers to ioyne with him The Queene mother the Iustices of England and all the faithfull seruants of the King guard and defend the ports against the inuasion of the French and Flemings who in great numbers seeke to ayde the Earle Iohn and also they labour the redemption of the King whose ransome the Emperour rates at 100 thousand Marks with the finding of fiftie Gallies ready furnished and two hundred souldiers to attend his seruice in the holy warres for one yeare In Normandie the Officers and Seruants of the King of England defend with no lesse faith and courage the right of their Maister against the King of France who withall his powre labours to subdue them and by his large offers to the Emperour prolongs his redemption and inhaunces his ransome This toyle and charge is the world put into through the misfortune and weakenesse of their hardy King who onely in respect of his valour being otherwise not worth so much and the Holy worke hee vndertooke whereby hee obliged the Clergie which then managed all got the opinion and loue of his subiects in such sort as they straine euen beyond their ability to recouer and preserue him and so wrought in the end that the Emperour compounds with King Richard in this manner that hee should send his Commissioners to London and receaue an hundred thousand Markes of pure siluer of Cologne The Emperors composition with King Richard waight to be sealed vp and safely conducted to the bounds of the Empire at the perile of the King of England and other fifty thousand Markes of siluer whereof twenty thousand for the Duke of Austrich and thirty thousand for the Emperour to be payd at seauen monethes after and pledges to be giuen three score to the Emperor and seauen to the Duke Besides the King of England sweares to send his Neece the sister of Arthur Earle of Brittaine to be married to the Duke of Austrich c. And the Emperour granted to the King of England by his Charter the Soueraignty of the Prouince Vienne and Viennoys Merseilles Narbona Arls Lyons and whatsoeuer hee had in Burgogne with the Homages of the King of Arragon the Earles of Dijon and Saint Giles In which countries were fiue Archbishop-ricks thirty three Bishopricks but the Emperour could neuer haue domination ouer them nor they receaue any Lord that hee presented them So that this great gift consisted but in title which yet pleased King Richard that hee might not seeme to part with all his substance for nothing And the same wind he sends to Hubert the new Archbishop of Canterbury lately made his Vicegerent in England to be blowne ouet all the Kingdome by a letter he wrote vnto him wherein he hath these words For that sure I am you much desire our deliuerance and greatly reioyce therein we will that you be
they had the Ifle of Thanet allowed them to inhabite then the whole Countrie of Kent was made ouer to Hengist by transaction Hengist and Horsa the Leaders of the Saxons vnder couenant to defend the Land against the Picts and Scots And vpon the mariage of Vortigern with the Daughter or Neece of Hengist an exceeding beautifull Lady brought ouer of purpose to worke on the dotage of a dissolute Prince larger priuiledges were granted so that by this allyance and the fertillity of the Land were drawne in so many of this populous and military nation that Kent in short time grew too narrow for them and Hengist to distend their power into other parts aduised Their first plantation Vortigern to plant a Colony of them in the North beyond Humber to be a continuall guard against all inuasions that way Which being granted he sends for Otha his brother and sonne Ebusa with great supplies out of Saxony to furnish that designe And so came the Saxons to haue first domination in Kent and Northumberland which contained all the Countrie from Humber to Scotland And now became they of seruants maisters to contemne their entertainours and Vortigern is deposed commit many insolencies Whereupon the Brittish nobility combine themselues depose Vortigern the Author of this improuident admission and elect Vortimer his sonne Vortimer elected King of Brittain a Prince of great worth who whilst hee liued which was not long gaue them many fierce incounters but all preuailed not for the Saxons being possest of the principall gate of the Land lying open on their owne Countrie to receiue all supplies without resistance had the aduantage to weare them out of all in the end And besides force they are said to haue vsed treachery in murthering three hundred of the Brittish Nobility at an assembly of peace at Amesbury where they tooke their King prisoner and would not release him but vpon the grant of three Prouinces more Also the long life of Hengist a politique leader of almost forty yeares continuance made much for the settling here of their estate which yet they could not effect but with much trauaile and effusion of blood For the Brittaines now made martiall by long practise and often battailes grew in the end so inraged to see their Countrie surprized from vnder their feet as they solde the inheritance therof at a very dearcrate Wherein we must attribute much to the worthinesse of their Leaders whence the spirit of a people is raised who in these their greatest actions were especially Ambrosius the last of the Romans and Arthur the noblest of Brittaines A man in force courage aboue man King Arthur and worthie to haue been a subiect of truth to posterity and not of fiction as legendary writers haue made him for whilst he stood hee bare vp the sinking State of his Countrie and is said to haue encountred the Saxons in twelue set battailes wherein he had either victory or equall reuenge In the end himselfe ouerthrowne by treason the best men consumed in the warres and the rest vnable to resist fled into the mountaines and remote desarts of the West parts of the Isle and left all to the inuadors daily growing more and more vpon them For many principall men of Saxony seeing the happy successe and plantation here of Hengist entred likewise on diuerse coasts to get Estates for themselues with such multitudes of people as the Brittains making head in one place were assaulted in another and euery where ouerwhelmed with new increasing numbers For after Hengist had obtained the dominion of Kent which from him became to be a kingdome and Otha and Ebuse possest of all the North-countries from Humber The severall entries made by the Saxons to Scotland Ella and his sonnes conquered the South-East parts and beganne the kingdome of the South Saxons contayning Sussex and part of Surrey Then Cerdic and his sonnes landed at Portsmouth inuadeth the South and West parts and began the kingdome of the West Saxons which after contained the Countries of Hamshire Berkeshire Wiltshire Dorcetshire Somersetshire and Devonshire And about the same time Vffa invaded the North-East parts and beganne the Kingdome of the East Angles containing Northfolke Suffolke Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely Erkenwin beganne the Kingdome of the East Saxons containing Essex Middlesex and a part of Hartfordshire Having thus in a manner surrounded the best of the whole State of Brittaine they after invaded the inner and middle part And Cridda beganne the Kingdome of Mercna-land or middle Angles contayning Lincolnshire North-hamptonshire Huntingdonshire Rutlandshire Bedford Buckingham Oxfordshire Cheshire Derbie Nottingham and Staffordshire with parts of the shires of Hereford and Hartford Warwicke Shropshire Lancaster and Glocestershire And with all these Princes and Leaders before they could establish their dominions the Brittaines so desperately grappled as plant they could not but vpon destruction and desolation of the whole Country whereof in the end they extinguished both the Religion Lawes Language and all with the people and name of Brittaine Which having beene so long a Province of great honour and benefit to the Roman Empire could not but partake of the magnificence of their goodly structures Thermes Aquaducts High-waies and all other their ornaments of delight ease and greatnesse all which came to bee so vtterly razed and confounded by the Saxons as there is not The Brittaines vtterly subdued by the Saxons left standing so much as the ruines to point vs where they were for they being a people of a rough breeding that would not bee taken with these delicacies of life seemed to care for no other monuments but of earth and as borne in the field would build their fortunes onely there Witnesse so many Intrenchments Mounts and Borroughs raised for tombes and defences vpon all the wide champions and eminent Hills of this Isle remaining yet as characters of the deepe scratches made on the whole face of our Countrey to shew the hard labour our Progenitors endured to get it for vs. Which generall subversion of a State is very seldome seene Invasion and devastation of Provinces haue often beene made but in such sort as they continued or recovered with some commixtion of their owne with the generation of the invadors But in this by reason of the vicinage and innumerous populacie of that Nation transporting hither both sexes the incompatibility of Paganism and Christianity with the immense bloud-shed on both sides wrought such an implacable hatred as but one Nation must possesse all The conquest made by the Romanes was not to extirpate the Natiues but to master them The Danes which afterward invaded the Saxons made onely at the first depredations on the coast and therewith for a time contented themselues When they grew to haue further interest they sought not the subversion but a community and in the end a Soveraignty of the State matching with the women they here found bringing few of their owne with them The
of this Kingdome which could not but be likesome to the State in generall and all preferments and dignities conser'd on his to be either by vacancies or displacing others which must needs breed very feeling grieuances in particular And yet wee finde no great men thrust out of their roomes but such as put themselues out by reuolting after his establishment and their fealtie giuen as appeares by the controuersie betweene Warren the Norman and Sherburn of Sherburn Castle in Norfolke which castle though the King had giuen to Warren yet when Sherburn alledged How hee neuer bare Armes against him Cambden Nors that hee was his subiect as well as the other and held his Lands by that Law which he had established amongst all his subiects the King gaue iudgement against Warren and commanded that Sherburn should hold his Land in peace So that it seemes hee contented himselfe and his for the time onely with what he found here ready and with filling vp their places who were slaine in the battell or fled as many were with the sonnes of Harald out of the Kingdome Such Gentlemen as he could not presently preferre M. S. and had a purpose to aduance hee dispersed abroad into Abbeys there to liue till places fell out for them and 24 he sent to the Abby of Eley whereby he not onely lessened the multitude of attendants and suitors at Court eased that eye-sore of strangers but also had them a watch ouer the Clergie who then were of great and eminent power in the Kingdome and might preuaile with the people But the English Nobility incompatible of these new concurrents found notwithstanding 1067. Anno. Reg. 2. such a disproportion of grace and darkning of their dignities by the interposition of so many as must needs lessen their splendour that many of the chiefest doubting to be more impayred in honour and estate conspired together and fled some into Scotland and some into Denmarke to trie if by ayde from abroad they might The English Nobility forsake the kingdome recouer themselues and their lost fortunes againe at home Amongst which the chiefe was Edgar Atheling termed Englands Dearling which shewed the peoples zeale to his bloud who with his mother Agatha and his two sisters Magaret and Christin intending to retire into Hungarie their natiue Country were driuen by tempest on the coast of Scotland where they were in all Hospitable manner entertained by Malcolin the third whose former suffrings in his exile had taught him to compassionate others like distresses and whom it concerned now to looke to his owne his neighbours house being thus on fire and to foster a pattie against so daungerous an in-commer that was like to thrust them all out of doore Which induced him not onely to entertaine this Prince dispossest of his right but to enter league with him for the publique safetie And to inchaine it the stronger hee takes to wife Margaret the The King of Scots enters league with the English Nobility and marries Edgars sister sister of Edgar a Ladie indued withall blessed vertues by whom the bloud of our auncient Kings was preserued and conioyned with the Norman in Henry the second and so became English againe Vnto Edgar in Scotland repaired the Earles Edwin and Morchar Hereward Gospatric Siward with others and shortly after Stigand and Aldred Arch-bishops with diuers of the Clergie who in the third yeare of this Kings raigne raised very great commotions in the North beyond Humber and wrought most egarly 1068. Anno. Reg. 3. to recouer their lost Country but being now to late and the occasion not taken before the settling of the gouernment whilst it was new and branling they preuailed nothing but gaue aduantage to the Conquerour to make himselfe more then hee was For all conspiracies of subiects if they succeed not aduance the soueraigntie and nothing gaue roote to the Norman planting here more then the petty reuolts made by discattred troupes in seuerall parts begunne without order and followed without resolution whereas nothing could be done for a generall recouery but by a generall sulleuation of the people for which all wary preuention was vsed and they had waites enough laide on to hold them downe And though these Lords imbroiled themselues and held him doing in the North yet hee hauing all the South parts setled vnder his domination with well practized and prepared forces there could bee little hope of good whilst all their great estates furnisht the Normans both in state and meanes to ruine them The Earledome and all the Lands which Edwin held in See the Charter in the Appendix Yorkeshire were giuen to Alain Earle of Brittaine kinsman to the Conqueror The Arch-bishopricke of Canterburie confer'd on Lanfranc Abbot of Caen. That of Yorke on Thomas his Chaplaine and all the rest both of the Clergie and others which were out had their places within supplied by Normans And after King William had appeased a Commotion in the West which the sonnes of Harald with forces out of Ireland had raised also repressed the rebellions of Excester and Oxford he takes his iourney in person Northward with all expedition least the enemy there should grow to high in heart and opinion vpon the great slaughter of his people made at Yorke and the defeiture of his Brother and Leiuetenant Robert Earle of Mortaigne slaine with seuen hundreth Normans at Durham where at his first comming he so wrought that he either discomfeited or corrupted the Generals of the Danicque forces newly arriued to ayde the Lords sent by Swaine King of Denmarke vnder the conduct of his two sonnes Harald and Knute with a Nauie of three hundreth saile and after sets vpon the Army of the Lords weakened both in strength and hope by this departure of their Confederates and puts them to flight Which done he vtterly wasted and laide desolate all that goodly Countrey betweene Yorke and Durham the space of 60. miles as it might be no more a succour to the enemy And the like course he used on all the Coasts where any aptlandings lay for inuasions and so returnes to London Most of the Lords after this defeit came in vpon publique faith giuen them and were conducted to Barkehamsted by the Abbot Fredricke where vpon their submission and Oath of Allegeance re-taken they had their pardon and restitution of grace graunted by the King who it seemes was so willing to acquiet them that againe he takes his personall Oath before the Arch-bishop Lanfrancke and the Lords To obserue See the Appendix the Auntient Lawes of the Realme established by his Noble Predecessors the Kings of England and especially those of Edward the Confessor Whereupon these stormy dispositions held calme a while But long it was not ere many of these Lords whether vpon intelligence of new 1074. Anno. Reg. 8. hopes from Prince Edgar who was still in Scotland or growne desperate with new displeasures at home finding small performance of promises made rupture
of Oath and all other respects brake out againe The Earle Edwyn making towards Scotland was murthered by his owne people The Lords Morchar and Hereward betooke them to the Isle of Eley meaning to make good that place for that Winter whether also repaired the Earle Syward and the Bishop of Durham out of Scotland But the King who was no time-giuer vnto growing dangers besets all the Isle with flat boates on the East and made a bridge of two miles long on the West and safely brought in his people vpon the enemy who seeing themselues surprized yeelded all to the Kings mercy except Hereward who desperatly marched with his people through the Fennes and recouered Scotland The rest were sent to diuerse Prisons where they died or remained during the Kings life Those Lords who persisted loyall vpon this last submission were all imployed and well graced with the King as Edric the Forrester and first that rebelled in his Raigne was held in cleere trust and neere about him Gospatrice he made Earle of Northumberland and sent him against Malcolin who in this time subdues the Countries of Tisdall Cleueland and Comberland Waltheof sonne to the Earle Syward he held so worthy to be made his as he married him to his Neece Iudith though he had beene a principall actor in the Northerne commotion and in defending the Citty of Yorke against him is sayd to haue striken off the heads of diuerse Normans one by one as they entered a breach to the admiration of all about him shewing therein that true touch of the noblest nature to loue vertue euen in his enemies And now seeing Scotland to be the especiall retraite for all conspirators and discontented in his Kingdome yeelding them continuall succour and assistance and where his compecitor Edgar liued to be get and nurse perpetuall matter for their hopes and at hand for all aduantages he enters that Kingdome with a puissant Army which incountring with more necessities then forces soone grew tired and both Kings considering of what difficulties the victory would consist were willing to take the safest way to there ends and vpon faire ouertures to conclude a peace Articling for the bounds of each Kingdome with the same title of Dominion as in former tunes All delinquents and their partakers generally pardoned Heere with the vniuersoll turne of alteration thus wrought in England Scotland being Scotlād before this time gene rally spake a kind of Irish. a part of the body of this Isle is noted to haue likewise had a share and as in the Court of England the French tongue became generally spoken so in that of Scotland did the English by reason of the multitude of this Nation attending both the Qacene and her brother Edgar and daily repairing thither for their safety and combination against the common enemy of whom diuerse abandoning their natiue distressed Countrey were by the bounty of that King preferred and there planted spread their off-spring into many noble families remaining to this day The titles for distinguishing Titles of honor in Scotland degrees of honour as of Duke Earle Baron Rider or Knight were then as is thought first introduced and the nobler sort began to be called by the title of their Signories according to the French manner which before bate the name of their Father with the addition of Mac after the fashion of Ireland Other innouations no doubt entred there likewise at the opening of this wide mutation of ours fashion and imitation like weedes easily growing in euery soyle Shortly after this late made peace Prince Edgar voluntarily came in and submitted Edgar Atheling submitted him selfe to King William himselfe to the King being then in Normandy and was restored to grace and a faire maintenance which held him euer after quiet And it made well at that time for the fortune of the King howsoeuer for his owne being thought to haue ill-timed his affaires either through want of seasonable intelligence or dispaire of successe in making 1075. Anno. Reg. 9. too soone that submission which was latter or neuer to be done For in this absence of the King Roger Fits Auber the young Earle of Hereford contrary to his expresse commandement gaue his sister in marriage to Raph Waher Earle of Northfolke and Suffolke and at the great Solemnization thereof the two Earles conspired with Eustace Earle of Boloigne who secretly came ouer to this festiuall and with the Earle Waltheof and other English Lords to call in the Danes and by maine power to keepe out and dispossesse the King Who hauing thus passed ouer so many gulfes of forraine 1076. Anno. Reg. 10. dangers might little imagine of any wracke so neere home and that those whom he had most aduanced should haue the especiall hand in his destruction But no rewards are benefits that are not held so nor can euer cleere the accounts with them that ouer-value their merits And had not this conspiracy bene opportunely discouered which some say was by the Earle Waltheof moued with the vglinesse of so soule an ingratitude they had put him againe to the winning of England But now the fire bewrayed before it flamed was soone quenched by the diligence of Odon the Kings Vice-gerent the Bishop of Worcester and others who kept the Conspirators from ioyning their forces So that they neuer came to make head but were either surprized or forced to flye The Earle Roger Fitz Auber was taken and some say executed and so was shortly after the Earle Waltheof whose dissent from the act could not get him pardon for his former consent though much compassion in respect of his great worthinesse But the 1077. Anno. Reg. 11. wide distent of these tumors fed from many secret vaines seemed to be of that danger as required this extremity of cure especially in a part so apt for infection vpon any the like humours For this Conspiracy seemes to take motion from a generall league of all the neighbour Princes here about as may well be gathered by their seuerall actions First in the King of Fraunce by defending Dole in Brittaigne a Castle of Raph de Waher against the King of England and in likelihood imploying the Earle of Boloigne to wards the Conspirators In Swayne King of Denmarke by sending a Nauy of two hundreth saile vnder the conduct of his sonne Knute and others In Drone King of Ireland by furnishing the sonnes of Harald with 65. ships In Malcoline and the Kings of Wales by their readinesse to assist But the Danes being on the coast and hearing how their confederates had sped with the great preparations the King had made after some pillage taken vpon the coast of England and Flanders returned home and neuer after arriued to disturbe this land Though in Anno Reg. 19. Knute then King of Denmarke after the death of Swaine intending to repaire the dishonour of his two last aduentures past and to put for the Crowne of England his predecessors had holden prepared a Nauie
Dissolute persons expelled the Court. forbidden them vpon great penalty since the beginning of William the first Many other good orders for the gouernment of the Kingdome are ordained and besides to make him the more popular and beloued hee matches in the Royall bloud of England taking to wife Maude daughter of Margueret late Queene of Scots and Neece to Edgar Atheling descended from Edmond Ironside A Lady that brought with her the inheritance of goodnesse shee had from a blessed mother and with much adoe was won from her Cloister and her vow to God to discend to the world and be a wife to a King Thus stood he entrenched in the State of England when his brother Robert returning from the holy warres and receiued with great applause into his Dutchy of Normandy Robert Duke of Normandy returnes from the holy warre shakes the ground of all this businesse the first yeare threatning the second arriuing with a strong Army at Portsmouth to recouer the Crowne appertayning vnto him by the course of succession hauing a mighty partie in England of the Norman Nobility who either mooued with Conscience or their discontent a sickenesse rising of selfe 1101. Anno. Reg. 2. opinion and ouer expectation made any light occasion the motiue of reuolt The Armies on both fides meete and are readie to encounter when for auoyding Christian bloud a treatie of peace was moued and in the end concluded with these Articles 1. That seeing Henry was borne since his father was King of England which made him the The agreement between Henry and his brother eldest sonne of a King though the last of a Duke and now inuested in the Crowne by the act of the Kingdome hee should enioy the same during his life paying to Robert 3000 markes per annum 2. And Robert suruiuing to succeed him 3. That all who had taken part with Robert should haue their pardon and receiue no detriment 1102. Anno. Reg. 3. This businesse thus fairely passed ouer Robert of a generous and free Nature staies and feasts with his Brother here in England from the beginning of August till Michaelmas and then returnes into Normandy When Henrie ridde of this feare takes Henry claymes the inuestitu●es of Bishops to a higher straine of Regality and now stands vpon his Prerogatiue for the inuestitures of Bishops and collation of other Ecclesiasticall estates within his kingdome oppugned by Anselme who refused to consecrate such as he preferred alledging it to Anselm oppugnes the Kings prerogatiue be a violation of the Sacred Rites and Ceremonies of the Church lately Decreed concerning this businesse in so much as the King dispatches an Ambassage to Pope Paschal with declaration of the right hee had to such inuestitures from his Predecessours the Kings of England who euermore conferred the same without interruption till now The King sends to the Pope of late Anselme followes after these Ambassadours goes likewise to Rome to make good the opposition The King banishes him the Kingdome and takes into his hands his 110. Anno. Reg. 4. Bishopricke The Pope stands stifly to the power assumed by the Church but in the end seeing the King fast strong and lay too farre off out of his way to bee constrained and hauing much to doe at that time with the Emperour and other Princes about the same businesse takes the way of perswasion to draw him to his will solliciting him Anselme followes Vide Append. with kind Letters full of protestations to further any designes of his that might concerne his State if he would desist from this proceeding The King prest with some other occasions that held him in and hauing purposes of The King and Anselm accorded that Nature as by forbearance of the Church might be the better effected consents to satisfie the Popes will and becomes an example to other Princes of yeelding in this case Anselme is re-called after a yeares bannishment and the Ambassadours returne with large remunerations Whilest these things were managing at Rome there burst out here a flame which The Earle of Shrewsburies combination consumed the parties that raised it and brought the King more easily to his ends then otherwise he could euer haue expected Robert de Belesme Earle of Shrewsbury sonne to Roger de Mongomerie a very fierce youth presuming of his great estate and his friends fortifies his Castles of Shrewsburie Bridgenorth Tickhill and Arundel with some other peeces in Wales belonging to him and combines with the Welch to oppose against the present State out of a desire to set all in combustion for his owne ends that were altogether vncertaine which put the King to much trauell and charge but within thirty dayes by employing great forces and terrors mixt with promises hee scattered his complices and tooke all his Castles except that of Arundell which rendred vpon condition that the Maister might bee permitted to retire safe into Normandie which the King easily granted seeing now hee was but the body of a silly naked Creature that had lost both Feathers and wings And it made well for the King his going thither For from the loosing of his owne estate in England and thereby aduancing the Kings reuenues hee goes to loose Normandy also and brings it to this Crowne For as soone as he came thither hee fastens amity with one of like condition and fortunes as himself an exiled man whose insolency had likewise stript him out of all his estate in 1104. Anno. Reg. 5. England and much wasted that in Normandy which was William Earle of Mortaigne sonne to Robert halfe Brother to King William the first Who being also Earle of Cornewal made sute likewise to haue that of Kent which his Vncle Odon lately held but being denied it and also euicted by Law of certaine other parcels of Land which hee claimed retires with great indignation into Normandy where not only he assaults the Kings Castles but also vsurpes vpon the State of Richard the yong Earle of Chester then the Kings Ward These two Earles combine themselues and with their Adherents committed many outragious actions to the great spoile and displeasure of the Countrey whereof though they complained to Duke Robert they found little remedy For he being now growne poore by his out-lauishing humour began it seemes to be little respected or else falne from action and those greatnesses his expectation had shewed him was as commonly great mindes dasht with ill fortunes are falne likewise in spirit and giuen ouer to his ease Wherupon the the people of Normandy make their exclamations to the King of England who sends for his Brother Robert Reprehends him for the sufferance of these disorders aduises him to act the part of a Prince and not a Monke and in conclusion whither by detention of his pension or drawing him being of a facile Nature to some act of releasing it sends him home so much discontented as hee 1105. Anno. Reg. 6. ioynes with these
obstinately brake all besides hee was certainely informed that shoe and hers had plotted both against his dignitie and life But God in his mercy contrarie to her desire had turned the businesse so as hee escaped the daunger and his brother was deliuered out of bands And therefore hee from the part of God and the Pope willed them with all their vtmost power to aide the King annointed by the consent of the People and the Sea Apostolique and to Excommunicate all the disturbers of the peace that fauoured the Countesse of Aniou There was in the Councell a Lay Agent for the Empresse who openly charged the Legat That in respect of the faith he had giuen the Empresse to passe no act there preiudiciall to her Honour hauing sworne vnto her neuer to aide his brother with aboue twentie souldiers that her comming into England was vpon his often Letters vnto her and his cause it was that the King was taken and held prisoner This and much more sayd the Agent with great austerity of words wherewith the Legat seemed not to bee mooued at all nor would stoope to reply Both parts thus set at libertie were left to worke for themselues holding the State broken betweene them and no meanes made to interpose any barre to keepe them asunder Their borders lay euery where and then the ingagements of their Partakers who looke all to be sauers or to recouer their stakes when they were lost which makes them neuer giue ouer entertaine the contention But the best was they were rather troubles then warres and cost more labour then bloud Euery one fought with Bucklers and seldome came to the sharpe in the field which would soone haue ended the businesse Some few moneths after these inlargements stood both sides at some rest but not idle casting how to compasse their ends The Empresse at the Vies with her Councell resolues to send ouer her brother into Normandy to solicit her husband the Earle of The Earle of Glocester gets to Normandie Aniou to come to aide her with forces from thence Her brother the better to secure her in his absence setles her in the Castle of Oxford well furnished for all assaults and takes with him the sonnes of the especiall men about her as pledges to hold them to their fidelity Stephen seekes to stop the Earles passage but could not and then layes siege to the Castle of Oxford which held him all the time the Earle was abroad Geffrey Earle of Aniou desirous rather to haue Normandie whereof in this meane time he had attained the most part and in possibility of the rest then to aduenture for England which lay in danger refused to come in person but sends some small aide and his eldest sonne Henry being then but eleuen yeares of age that he might looke vpon England be shewed to the people to try if that would mooue them to a consideration of his right which proned of more effect then an Army The Earle of Glocester safely returning makes towards Oxford to releeue the Empresse The Earles retuine with the Empresses eldest sonne Henry who had secretly conueyed her selfe disguised out at a posterne gate onely with foure persons got ouer the Thames passed a foot to Abington and from thence conuayd to Wallingford where her brother and sonne met her to her more comfort after hard distresses Stephen seeing his enemy thus supplied and like to grow labours to winne friends 1143. Anno. Reg. 8. but money failes which made diuers of his Lords and especially his mercinaries wherof he had many out of Flanders to fall to the rifling of Abbayes which was of dangerous consequence And for Armies there was no meanes onely about Castles with small powers lay all the businesse of these times and they being so many were to small effect but onely to hold them doing which was for many yeares The Earle of Glocester the chiefe pillar of the Empresse within two yeares after his The Earle of Glocester dies last comming out of Normandie died and shortly after Miles Earle of Hereford an especiall man of hers which had vtterly quasht her but that in stead of a brother shee had a sonne grew vp to bee of more estimation with the Nobility and shortly after of ablenesse to vndergoe the trauailes of warre His first expedition at sixteene yeares of age was Northward to combine him with Dauid King of Scots his great Vncle to whom his mother had giuen the Country of Northumberland After him followes Stephen with an Army to Yorke least hee should surprize that Citie and to inter cept him in his returne but according to his vsuall manner and French-like after the first heate of his vndertakings which were quicke and braue hee quailes nothing was effected and both returne without incountring Now to aduance the State and meanes of Henry fortune as if in loue with young Princes presents this occasion Louys the seuenth King of France going in person to the Holy warres and taking with him his wife Elenor the onely daughter and heire of William Duke of Guien grew into such an odious conceipt of her vpon the notice of her lasciuious behauiour in those parts as the first worke hee doth vpon his comming backe hee repudiates and turnes her home with all her great dowrie rather content to loose the mightie estate she brought him then to marry her person With this great Lady matches Henry before he was twenty yeares of age being now Duke of An. 1151. Normandie his father deceased who had recouered it for him and had by her the possession of all those large and rich Countries apertayning to the Dutchy of Guien besides the Earldome of Poictou Whereupon Louys inraged to see him inlarged by this great accession of State who was so neere and like to be so dangerous and eminent a neighbour combines with Stephen and aydes Eustace his sonne whom hee married to his Sister Constance with maine power for the recouery of Normandie wherein hee was first possest But this young Prince furnished now with all this powerfull meanes leaues the management of the affaires of England to his friends defends Normandie wrought so as the King of France did him little hurt and Eustace his competitor returned home into England where shortly after hee died about 18 yeares of his age borne neuer to see out of the calamities of warre and was buried at Feuersham with his mother who deceased a little before and had no other ioy nor glorie of a Crowne but what we see Stephen whilst Duke Henrie was in Normandie recouers what hee could and at length besieges Wallinford which seemes in these times to haue beene a peece of great importance and impregnable and reduced the Defendants to that extremitie as they sent to Duke Henrie for succour who presently thereupon in the middest of Winter ariues in England with 3000 foot and 140 horse Where first to draw the King from Wallingford he layes siege to Malmesbury and had most
take it his passionate committing the cause of the Church with his soule to God and his Saints the place the time the manner and all aggrauates the hatred of the deed and makes compassion and opinion to be on his side The vnfortunate Gentlemen hauing effected this great seruice rifled the Arch-bishops house and after waighing the foulenesse of what they had committed and doubtfull whether the King though they had done him a great pleasure would seeme so to acknowledge it withdrew themselues into the North parts and from thence pursued The Murtherers miserable ende fled into seuerall Countreys where they all within foure yeares after as is reported died miserable Fugitiues Soone ranne the rumor of this deed with full mouth ouer all the Christian world euery pen that had passion was presently set on worke The King of France himselfe The King of Fraunce informes the Pope of Beckets murther informes the Pope of the whole manner with aggrauation of the souienesse thereof and incites him to vse the most exquesit punishment he could To vnsheath Peters sword to reuenge the death of the Martyr of Canterbury whose bloud cries out for all the Church and whose diuine glory was already reuealed in miracles Theobald Earle of Bloys a great and graue Prince elder brother to King Stephen The Earle of Bloys informes likewise sends likewise his information to the Pope and shewes him how he was at the peace-making betweene the King of England and this blessed Martyr and with what a cheerefull countenance with what willingnesse the King confirmed the agreement granting him power to vse his authority as it should please the Pope and him against those Bishops which had contrary to the right and dignity of the Church of Canterbury presumed to intrude the new King into the Royallthrone And this he would iustifie by his Oath or howsoeuer and in this peace saith he the man of God doubting nothing puts his necke vnder the sword this innocent lambe the morrow vpon Saint Innocents day suffered Martyrdome the iust bloud was shed where the shot of our saluation the bloud of Christ is offered And then how Court dogges the Kings familiars and domesticks were his ministers to execute this horrible act concluding with an exhortation likewise of reuenge But William Arch-bishop of Sens comes with a more maine outcry as if he would wake the Pope were he neuer so dead asleepe and tels him how he was appointed ouer The Arch-bishop of Sens writes to the Pope Nations and Kingdomes to bind their Kings in fetters and their Nobles with manacles of iron that all power both in Heauen and Earth was giuen to his Apostleship bids him looke how the Bore of the wood had rooted vp the Vineyard of the Lord of Saboath c. and all in that most powerfull phrase of holy writ And after hauing bitterly inueyed against the King vses these words It imports you O most milde keeper of the walles of Ierusalem to reuenge that which is past and prouide for the future What place shall be safe if the rage of tyranny shall imbrew the Sancta Sanctorum with bloud and teare in peeces the Vice-gerents of Christ the foster children of the Church without punishment Arme therefore all the Ecclesiasticall power you may c. Such and so great was the vprore of the Church raised vpon these motiues as notwithstanding The King declares his innocency by Embassage to the Pope the King of England then the greatest Prince of all the Christian world imployed the most especiall men could be chosen in all his Dominions for reputation learning and iudgement to declare his innocencie to the Pope to vowe and protest that he was so farre from willing such a deed to be done as he was from doing it himselfe and how grieuously hee Pope Cardinals denied audience refused conference tooke the matter when he heard thereof yet so deepe was the impression setled before hand and his name made so odious at Rome as not onely the Pope denied Audience to his Ambassadors but euery Cardinall and all other his Ministers refused to haue any conference with them Which with the hard passage they had in going thither by the many dangers and restraints they indured and now the contempt they found there did as they signified to the King much discourage them Yet for all this were there those braue Spirits among them as great Princes haue alwaies great Ministers that neuer gaue ouer working to cleere their maisters honour by Apologies remonstrances and all whatsoeuer wit could deuise and delt so as they kept off the great confounding blow of the highest Censure though it were euery day threatned and expected And hauing by grauely vrging the mischiefes might follow in the Church if a King of so great a State and stomacke should bee driuen to take desperate courses giuen some pawse and allay to the first heare they timed it out all that Spring and a great part of the next Sommer when although they could giue the King no great security yet they aduertise him of hope But the sending of two Cardinals a Latere Gratianus and Viuianus downe into Normandie did exceedingly vexe him For they were rough against him and would haue interdicted him and his Dominions but being forewarned of their comming and intention hee appeales to the presence of the Pope and so put off that trouble Returning out of Normandie into England hee giues strict commandement That no briefe carrier of what condition or order soeuer without giuing good security for his behauieur to the King and Kingdome bee suffred to passe the Seas Notwithstanding all the vexation the Church put this King into hee left nothing The Conquest of Ireland vndone that concerned the aduancement of his affaires but as if now the rather to shew his powre and greatnesse takes this time for an expedition into Ireland hauing commanded a Nauie of foure hundred shippes to bee ready at Milford-Hauen for the transportation of Men Victuals and Armour and sets soorth in the beginning of Nouember an vnseasonable time both for those Seas and the inuasion of a Countrey not well knowne But the businesse it seemes was well prepared for him hauing had an intention thereof euer since the second yeare of his raigne in which hee sent a solemne Ambassage to Pope Adrian the fourth to craue leaue for the subdument of that Countrey vnder pretence of reducing those rude people from their vicious fashions to the fayth and way of truth Which the Pope willingly graunted and returnes the Ambassadours with an autenticall concession thereof in writing to this effect First shewing how laudable a thing it was and how fitting the magnificence of so mighty a King to propagate his glorious name on Earth and heape vp reward of eternall felicity in Heauen by extending the bounds of the Church reducing rude and vnlettered people from their vicious manners to the veritte of the Christian faith and ciuilitie And
fell all from themselues and with the same emulation they had in libertie stroue for their seruitude who should be first to receiue a forraine maister From Waterford the King goes to Dublin where hee holds an Assembly of all these subiect Kings with the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of Ireland for the further ratification of their allegiance and the ordering and reformation of the State Which done hee causes the Bishops with the Clergie there to assemble at Cassell and appoints an especiall Chaplaine of his owne with the Archdeacon of Landaff to bee assistants and aduisors vnto them for reformation of Church-businesses which seemes to haue beene Henries reformation of Ireland as disordred as the people for though the Irish had beene long before Christians it was after a wilde and mixt fashion and therefore according to his promise made to the late Pope and to doe a worke pleasing to the present it was decreed That all Church-lands should be free from the exaction of secular men and that from thence foorth all Diuine things should bee ordered and vsed in euerie part of Ireland according to the manner of the Church of England being fit as saith the Cannon that as Ireland hath by Gods mercy obtained a Lord and King out of England so from thence they should receiue a better forme of life and manners then heretofore they vsed His Christmasse he keepes at Dublin where he royally feasts all his Kings great men of the Countrey the rest of his being there he imployes in fortifying and planting Garnisons where most need required he makes Hugh Lacy Iustice of all Ireland giues him the keeping of Dublin and besides confirmed vnto him and his heires by his Charter the Countrey of Meth to hold the same in Fee for the seruice of a hundreth Knights he bestowes on Robert Fits Bernard the keeping of the Townes of Waterford and Weisford which he tooke from Fits Stephen the first inuador with charge to build Castles in them and to humble the Earle Strongbow and leuell him with the rest of his subiects he takes from him all his dependants and makes them his So was it but his winters worke to get a Kingdome which though thus easily won it proued more difficult and costly in the keeping by reason the prosequution of a full establishment thereof was neither by him or his successors hauing other diuertments euer throughly accomplished On Easter monday he sets out for England where he makes no stay but takes the young King along in his company and passes ouer into Normandy to meete other two Legates Theodinus and Albertus who were sent from Pope Alexander but in milder fashion then the last to examine the murther of the late Arch-bishop Becket Foure moneths were spent in debating the matter and in the end the King by his Oath taken vpon the Reliques of Saints and the holy Euangelists before the two Legates in the presence of King Henry the sonne the Arch-bishop of Rouen and all the Bishops and Abbots of Normandy in the Citty of Auranches purged himselfe of either commanding or consenting to the murther Yet for that he doubted least they who committed His purgation for Beckets murther the same might be moued thereunto by seeing him disturbed and in passion he tooke the same Oath that in satisfaction thereof he would faithfully performe these Articles following First neuer to forsake Pope Alexander nor his Catholicke Successors so long as they vsed him as a Catholicke King Secondly That Appeales should freely be made to the Pope in causes Ecclesiasticall Prouided that if any were suspected to worke euill to him or his Kingdome they should then put in security before they departed Thirdly That he would from Christmas next for three yeares to come vndertake the Crosse and the sommer fol lowing in person go to Ierusalem vnlesse he were stayed by the Pope or his Successors or imploied against the Sarasins in Spaine Fourthly That in the meane time he should deliuer so much money into the Templars hands as by their opinion would entertaine two hundreth souldiers in the Holy warre for one yeare Fiftly call home all such as had endured banishment for the Arch-bishop Sixtly Restore his possessions Seuenthly and lastly abolish all such customes as in his time had beene introduced to the preiudice of the Church After himselfe had sworne he caused Both Kings sweare to these Articles King Henry his sonne to sweare to all these Articles except such as concerned his owne person And for a more Memory in the Roman Church he caused his Seale to be set vnto them with that of the two Cardinals So ended this tedious businesse that made more noyse in the world then any he had and bowed him more beeing his ill fortune to grapple with a man of that free resolution as made his sufferings his glory had his ambition beyond this world set vp his rest not to yeeld to a King was onely ingaged to his cause had opinion and beliefe to take his part Which so much preuailed as the King seeking to maister him aduanced him and now is he faine to kneele and pray to his Shrine whom he had disgraced in his person and hauing had him aboue his will whilest he liued hath him now ouer his Faith being dead And yet 48. yeares after this saith the French History it was disputed among the Doctors of Paris whether he were damned or saued And one Roger a Norman maintained he had iustly deserued death for rebelling against his Soueraigne the Minister of God To make the better way to the ending of this businesse and content the King of Henry the sonne is again crowned with Margaret his wife Fraunce Henry the sonne is againe Crowned and with him Margaret his wife with permission shortly after to goe visite Paris where this young King apt inough though not to know himselfe yet to know his State receiued those instructions as made his ambition quite turne off his obedience and conceiue How to be a King was to be a power aboue and vndeuideable And to further the birth of this apprehension fell out this occasion The Father euer awake to aduance his greatnesse takes a iourney in person into Auergnia and so to Monferrato and there purchases a match for the price of fiue thousand Markes for his yongest sonne Iohn with Alice the eldest daughter of Hubert Earle of Mauriena then as it seemes Lord of Piemont and Sauoy with condition to haue with her the inheritance of all those Countreys containing many great Signories Citties and Castles specified in Roger Houeden with all the circumstances and couenants very remarkeable Vide Append. of the contract So vnto greatnesse that easier increases then begins is added more meanes and euery way opens to this actiue and powrefull King aduantages of State 1173. Anno. Reg. 19. in so much as the King of France was euen surrownded with the powre dependances of this mightie King of Eng. whose fortunes most
Country but being not able to resist the Kings forces in the field they with all the great men in those parts and that side of France recouered the Castle of Dole where they fortified and kept themselues till King Henry the Father came in person besieged and tooke it and with them about foure score Lords men of name and action Whereupon all the rest of the Countrey yeelded themselues This ouerthrow being of such import so terrified the aduersaries as they negotiate a Peace and a Parle is appointed betweene Gisors and Try wherein the King of England though hee had the better of the day condiscended to make offer to his sonne of halfe the reuenues of the Crowne of England with foure conuenient Castles therein or if hee had rather remaine in Normandy halfe the reuenues thereof and all the reuenues of the Earledome of Aniou c. To his sonne Richard hee offers halfe the reuenues of Aquitaine and foure Castles in the same To Geffrey the Land that should come vnto him by the daughter of the Earle Conon Besides hee submitted himselfe to the arbitration of the Archbishop of Tarento and the Popes Legates to adde any allowance more as in their iudgements should be held fit reseruing vnto himselfe his Iustice and royall powre which yeelding grants shewed how much he desired this peace But it was not in the purpose of the King of France that the same should take effect for such peruersnesse and indignitie was offred to King Henry in this Treaty as Robert Earle of Lecester is sayd to haue reproched him to his face and offered to draw his sword vpon him so that they breake off in turbulent manner and their troupes fell presently to bickering betweene Curteles and Gisors but the French had the worse The Earle of Leicester with an Army makes ouer into England is receiued by Hugh Bygot into the Castle of Fremingham Richard de Lucy chiefe Iustice of England and Humfrey Bohun the Kings Constable being vpon the borders of Scotland hearing thereof make truce with the King of Scots And haste to Saint Edmondsburie where the Earles of Cornwall Glocester and Arundell ioyne with them they encounter the Earle of Leicester at a place called Farnham ouerthrew his Army slue tenne thousand Flemings tooke him his Wife and diu●●s great prisoners which were sent vnto the king in Normandie who with his Army was not thereidle but dayly got Castles and Forts from his Enemies vntill Winter constrained both kings to take truce till Easter following and the like did the Bishop of Duresme with the king of Scots for which hee gaue him three thousand Markes of siluer to bee payed out of the Lands of the Barons of Northumberland The Spring come on and the truce expired king Henrie the Sonne and Phillippe Earle of Flaunders are readie at Graueling with a great Armie for England 1174. Anno. Reg. 20. The King of Scots is entred Norththumberland and sends his brother Dauid with a powre to succour the remnant of the forces of the Earle of Leicester which held the Towne of Leicester but without successe for Richard Lucy and the Earle of Cornwall had before rased the Citie and taken Robert Moubray comming likewise to ayde those of the Castle King Henry the Father vpon his Sonnes preparation for England drawes his forces Henry the fathers arriuall in England from his other imployments and brings them downe to Barbfleet ariues at Southampton with his prisoners Queene Elioner Margueret the wife of his sonne Henry the Earles of Leicester and Chester and from thence goes to Canterbury to visit the Sepulcher of his owne Martyre and performe his vowes for his victories And they write how comming within sight of the Church Hee alights and went three miles on his bare feere which King Henry visits Beckets Sepulcher with the hard stones were forced to yeeld bloudie tokens of his deuotion on the way And as if to recompence the merit of this worke they note How the verie daie when hee departed from Canterburie the King of Scots to bee ouerthrowne and taken at Alnwick by the forces of the Knights of Yorkeshire which are named to bee Robert de Stuteuile Odonel de Humfreuile William de Vescy Ralph de Glanuile Ralph de Tilly and Bernard Baliol. Lewis King of France hearing of King Henries passage into England and the taking of the King of Scots calls backe Henrie the sonne and the Earle of Flaunders from Grauelin where they stayed expecting the winde and besieged Roan on all sides sauing that of the Riuer The whilst King Henrie is quieting and settling the State of England where hee had first the Castle of Huntingdon rendred vnto his mercie sauing the liues and members of the defendants then the Castles of Fremingham and Bungaie which the Earle Bygot helde by force of Flemings for whom the Earles submission could hardly obtaine pardon but in the ende they were sent The King of Scots his prisoner home From thence hee goes to Northampton where hee receiues the King of Scots his prisoner and the Castles of Duresme Norham and Aluerton rendred into his hands by the Bishoppe of Duresme who for all his seruice done in the North stood not cleere in the Kings opinion There came likewise thither Roger de Mowbray yeelding vp himselfe with his Castle of Treske the Earle Ferrers his Castles of Tutsburie and Duffield Anketill Mallory and William Diue Constables of the Earle of Leicester the Castles of Leicester Montsorill and Groby so that within three weekes all England was quieted and all without drawing of sword which in those manly daies seemed only reserued for the field This done and supplied with one thousand Welshmen King Henry with his prisoners the King of Scots the Earles of Leicester and Chester passes ouer into Normandie to the releefe of Roan where those thousand Welshmen sent ouer the riuer Siene entred and made way through the Campe of the King of France slue a hundred of his men and recouered a wood without any losse of theirs After which exploit the King of England causing the gates of the Citie to be set open the Barracadoes taken away the trenches they had made betweene the French Campe and the Cittie to bee filled King Henry fauours the French army vp againe with rubbish and timber marched foorth with troupes to prouoke the enemy but without any answere at all In the end the King of France sends away the weakest of his people before and followed after with the rest vpon sufferance of the King of England by the mediation of the Archbishop of Sens and the Earle of Bloys who vndertooke that hee should the next day come to a parle of peace which hee performed not But shortly after seeing this action had so little aduantaged either him or those for whom hee pretented to haue vndertaken it hee imployes the former Agents The King and his sonner reconciled as the Charter of Peace shewes Reg. Houed againe
committing rapin and sacrelidge to supply their necessities feed their followers And in the end the young King hauing much strugled in vaine through griefe and vexation of spirit which caused the distemprature of body fell into a burning His death feuer with a fluxe whereof within few dayes he died A Prince of excellent parts who was first cast away by his Fathers indulgence and after by his rigor not suffering him to be what himselfe had made him neither got he so much by his Coronation as to haue a name in the Catalogue of the Kings of England The sorrow of the Father although it be sayd to be great hindred not his reuenge vpon the Barons of Aquitaine whom he now most eagerly persecuted seazed on their Castles and rased to the ground that of Limoges Geffrey vpon his submission is receiued into grace and the yeare after died at Paris Earle Geffreys submission and death hauing in a conflict bene troden vnder horses feete and miserably crushed so that halfe the male issue wherein this King was vnfortunate he saw extinct before him and that by deaths as violent as were their disposition The other two who suruiued him were no lesse miserable in their ends Now the young King of France Phillip the second in whose fate it was to do more then euer his father could effect vpon the death of Henry the sonne requires the deliuery of the Countrey of Vexin which was giuen in dowre with his Sister Margaret but the King of England not apt to let go any thing of what he had in possession was 1184. Anno. Reg. 30. content to pay yearely to the Queene dowager 17050. pounds Aniouin And the more to hold faire with this young King whose spirit he saw grew great and actiue and with whom he was like to haue much to do did homage vnto him for all he held in Fraunce which he neuer did to the Father being the first discent of Maiestie he euer Henry the second doth homage to Phillip King of France made to any secular power And beside tooke his part against Phillip Earle of Flanders who opposed against him and was in those dayes a Prince of mighty power and had euer stood fast vnto King Lewes the father But now Phillip the sonne otherwise led or affectioned quarrels with him and demaunds the Countrey of Vermendois as appertaining to the Crowne of Fraunce and withall vpon allegation of consanguinity repudiates his wife Neece to this Earle of Flanders giuen vnto him by his Fathers choyce a little before his death The Earle followed by Odo Earle of Borgogne the Earles of Champague Hainalt Namur Saint Pol and others warres vpon the King of The Earle of Flanders compels the King of France to compound France and commits great spoyles within his territories so that hee was faine in the end to compound with him to his disaduantage After this the Kings of England and France meete betweene Gisors and Tri where the King of England sweares to deliuer Alise vnto Richard his sonne And the King of France her brother graunts her in dower the Countrey of Velxin which Margueret his other Sister had before But these tyes held them not long together for the yong King of France so wrought with Richard as hee drew him from his Fathers obedience and they liued together in 1185. Anno. Reg. 31. that amitie as on bed and boord is sayd to haue serued them both which so iniealosed the olde King as he called home his sonne and before his Bishops and Nobility caused him to sweare vpon the Euangelists to obserue fealty vnto him against all persons whatsoeuer which hauing done and ready to passe ouer into England hee is informed of the great preparation made by the King of France who gaue out that hee would spoyle and ransacke both Normandie and the rest of the Kings of Englands territories in France vnlesse he would presently deliuer vp his Sister Alice vnto Richard or render Gisors and the Countrey of Velxin into his hands Whereupon the King returnes backe and comes againe to a parle betweene Gisors and Try Where the Archbishop of Tyre sent from the East to call vp ayde for the Holy warre did with that powre of perswation so vrge his message as it let out all the humour of priuate rancor and contention The Kings of England and France accorded and prepare for the holy war betweene these two great Kings altred their whole Councells their pretentions their designes turned them wholly to vndertake in person this laborious action and resolue to leaue their Kingdomes their pleasures and all the things of glorie they had at home to prosecute the same through all the distempratures of climes and difficulties of passages whereunto that voyage was obnoxious so that now no other thing was thought or talked on but onely preparations and furnishments for this businesse And to distinguish their people and followers who all stroue which should bee most forward it was ordred that they who followed the King of England should weare a white Crosse France a red and Flaunders a greene And for a further ingagement in the businesse the King of England writes to the Patriarch of Antioch a most comfortable and pious letter in the end whereof he hath these words Amongst other Princes I and my Sonne reiecting the glory of this world and dispising all the pleasures thereof in proper person with all our strength will God willing visit you shortly Then to rayse money to defray this great enterprise it was ordained by the two Kings their Archbishops Bishops Earles and others in France that all whosoeuer as well Clerke as Lay sauing such as went the voyage should pay the tenth of all their reuenues of that yeare and the tenth of all their Moueables and Chattles as well in gold as filuer And many excellent orders were made for restraynt of licentiousnesse both in apparell and manners as was fitting for the vndertakers of so ciuile and deuout an action The King of England hauing layde this imposition vpon all his Dominions in France comes ouer calls a Councell of his Bishops Abbors Earles Barons both 1186. Anno. Reg. 33. of the Clergie and Layty at Gayntington and by their consents imposes the same taxation vpon his Subiects of England Sub Eleemosinae titulo vitium rapacitatis includens sayth Walsingham and presently sends foorth his Officers into euery Shire to collect the same according as it was done in France But of euery Citie in England he caused a choice to be made of the richest men as in London of two hundred in Yorke a hundred and so according to the proportion of the rest and caused all these at a certaine time and place to appeare before him of whom he tooke the tenth of all their Moueables by the estimation of credible men which knew their Estates such as refused hee imprisoned till they had payde it of which example and exaction we must
married the Lady Berenguela and caused her to bee Crowned Queene These mischiefes suffred these two famous Isles of Christendome in the passage of these mighty Princes against Pagans who peraduenture would haue as well vsed them for their goods and treasure as these did but Armies and powre know no inferior friends it was their Fate so to lie in the way of great attempters who though in the cause of Piety would not sticke to doe any iniustice From hence passes this famous king to the Holy Land with the spoyles and treasure of three noble rich Islands England Sicile and Cyprus besides what Normandy and Guien could furnish him with all and there consumes that huge collected masse euen as violently as it was gotten though to the exceeding great renowne of him the nation Heere for the better vnderstanding this businesse it is not amisse to deliuer in what sort stood the Estate of those affaires in Asia which so much troubled these mighty Princes and drew them from the vtmost bounds of Europe thus to aduenture themselues and consume their Estates It was now foure score and eight yeares since Godsrey of Bologne Prince of Lorraine with his company recouered the Citie of Ierusalem with the Countrey of Palestina and a great part of Siria out of the hands of the Sarazins obtayned the Kingdome thereof and was Crowned with a Crowne of Thornes in example of our Sauiour raigned The State of Palestina one yeare died and left to succeed him his brother Baldwin who gouerned eighteene yeares and left the Crowne to another of that name Balwin de Burgo who raigned thirteene yeares and left a daughter and his Kingdome in dissention Fulke Earle of Aniou marries this daughter and enioyes the Kingdome eleuen yeares and left two young sonnes Baldwin and Almerique Balwin raignes foure and twenty yeares and after him his brother Almerique twelue and leaues Baldwin his sonne to succeed him who being sickly and dispayring of yssue made Baldwin his Nephew sonne to the Marquesse of Monferrato and Sibilla his Sister his successor and commits the charge of him with the administration of the Kingdome to Raymond Earle of Tripoly whom Guy de Lusignan who had married Sibilla the Widdow of Monferrato put from that charge and vsurped the Gouerment and at length the Kingdome not without suspition of poysoning the young King Raymond making warre vpon him Lusignan drawes in Sultan Saladin of Egipt to his ayde who glad of that occasion to augment his owne State destroyed them both with their Kingdome and wonne the Citie of Ptolomeide Asoto Berytho Ascalon and after one months siege the Citie of Ierusalem foure score and eight yeares after it had beene conquered by Godfrey Now to recouer this confounded State come these two Great Kings from a farre and a different clyme with an Army composed of seuerall Nations and seuerall humours English French Italians and Germaines against a mightie Prince of an vnited powre within his owne ayre neera at home bred and made by the sword inured to victories acquainted with the fights and forces of the Christians and possessed almost of all the best peeces of that Countrey And heere they sit downe before the City of Acon defended by the powre of Saladin The Kings of England and France besiege Acon which had beene before besieged by the Christians the space of three yeares and had cost the liues of many worthy Princes and great personages whose names are deliuered by our Writers amongst whom I will remember these few of especiall note Conradus Duke of Suenia sonne of Frederic the Emperour which Frederic was also drowned comming thither with the Earles of Perch Puntif and olde Theobald Earle of Bloys that famous Stickler betweene the Kings of England and France Stephen Earle of Sancerre the Earle of Vandosme Bertoldus a Duke of Germany Reoger and Ioselin Earles of Apulia c. And lastly Phillip Earle of Flaunders and of our Nation Baldwin Archbishoppe of Canterbury Robert Earle of Leicester Ralph de Glanuile Chiefe Iustice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. And notwithstanding all the forces of these two kings they held out foure monthes after and then rendred themselues vpon composition At their entring into the Citie the Ensignes of Leopold Duke of Austrich beeing planted on the walles were with great scorne taken downe by the commandement of King Richard and those of the two Kings erected which bred great rancour and was afterward the occasion of much mischiefe to the king of England Besides during this siege diuers stings were ministred or taken of displeasure and malice betweene the two kings apt to bee set on fire by the least touches of conceipt The king of France full of disdaine for the reiection of his Sister and the marriage of the king of England with Berenguela besides competition of honour which their equality was subiect vnto made any iot of the least disproportion thereof a wounde without cure And daylie occasions in so great hearts fell out to worke the same The Article of equall deuiding their gaines in this voyage concluded between them is questioned The king of France claimes halfe the Isle of Cyprus the king of England halfe the Treasure and goods of the Earle of Flaunders whereon the King of France had seised and therein neither is satisfied Then are there two pretenders to the Crowne of Ierusalem Guy of Lusignan and Conrade Marquis of Monferrato Guy pleads the possession thereof which he had by his wife Sibilla the King of England takes part with Guy the King of France with Conrade And with these differences are they kept in imbroylements and continually distempered in so much as by their owne heats and the contagion The Kings of England and France dangerously sicke of the Country they fell into a most daungerous sicknesse that cost them both their haire being more then they got by the voyage But being recouered the King of France had no longer will to stay there where hee saw no more likelihood of honour or profit and at home hee knew was better good to be done with lesse danger and the rather by the death of the Earle of Flaunders whose state lay so neere as it tooke vp part of his whereof he had a purpose to abridge his successor and therefore craues leaue of the King of England for without leaue of each other it was couenanted neither of them should depart to returne home which King Richard was hardly wonne to grant in respect he knew the daunger it might worke him in his absence to let such an offended Lyon loose But in the end through the earnest sollicitation of the King of France and his assurance The King of France departs from the Holy warre confirmed by Oath not to doe anything offensiue to his Dominions in France during his absence he yeelds thereunto And so departs this great Prince leauing the Earle of Borgogne Lieutenant of his forces And King Richard betakes him
remaine in the obedience of an excommunicated King and so without The Archd. of Norw forsakes the kings seruice his torture death leaue retired himselfe home and was the first subiect of his maisters wrath Who presently sent Sir William Talbot with force to apprehend him and lay him fast in fetters in a most straight prison and afterward vpon the kings commandement he was put into a sheete of lead wherein with the waight and want of victualls he soone perished This excommunication of the King of England was accompained the same yeare with that of the Emperour Otho his Nephew and are noted to be straines of an vniust nature especially for being both done in cases of the Popes owne particular interrest seeking to extend The Emperor Otho excom a predomination beyond the bounds allowed vnto piety which was onely to deale with means soules and not their Estates For in the aduancement of this Emperour Otho the third the Pope had an especiall hand opposing for his owne ends the Election of Phillip Sonne to the Emperour Frederick Barbarossa And in the vancancy of the Empire had seised vpon certaine peeces in Italy appertayning therevnto which Otho seeking to reuoke procured vndeseruedly the Popes displeasure who sent vnto him diuers messages willing him to desist both from the prosecution of this recouery as also from that which Frederick King of Sicile who was vnder the tuition of the Apostolike Sea had seised vpon The Emperour is said to haue answered the Popes Nuncij in this manner If the Pope vniustly desires to vsurp what apertaines to the Empire let him absolue me from the Oath he caused me to take at my Coronation Which was that I should reuoke whatsoeuer rights were distracted from the same and I will desist But the Pope refusing the one and the Emperour not yeelding vnto the other the sentence of excommunication is pronounced against him And all the states as well of Germany as the rest of the Roman Empire are absolued of their fealty vnto him Thus were these two mighty Princes the greatest of all the Christian world leaft to the mercy of their subiects who though they were by this meanes all vntyed from obedience yet many were not so from their affections or other obligations that held them firme vnto their Souraignes For there are so many ligaments in a state that tye it together as it is a hard thing to dissolue them altogether vnlesse it is by an vniuersall concurrency of causes that produce a generall alteration thereof And it is seldome seene of what temper soeuer Kings are but they finde an eminent party in the greatest defections of their people As this King the first of England we finde put to this straight had yet many noble members of power besides the chiefe officers of the kingdome whom their places confirme that stuck vnto him Whose names are recorded in Mat. Par. and other writers And the better to hold his reputation and his people in action hauing now no imployment abrode hee seekes to secure all other members of the Crowne of England 1210. Anno. Reg. 12. which were vnder his dominion And hauing ransackt great treasure from the Iewes makes an expedition into Ireland vpon intelligence of some reuolt and disorder there And at his first ariuall all the great men which held the maritime Castles and the Champion countries came in and did homage and fealty vnto him at Wublin such as inhabited the remote partes and fastnesses of the Kingdome kept them selues away and refused King Iohn reformes Ireland to come Here to reduce the country into better order he ordaines the same to be gouerned by the lawes and customes of England causes English money to be coyned there and to be of equall valew with that of this Kingdome and currant alike in both With many other orders which had they beene with that care continued as they were aduisedly begun would as wise men deeme haue setled that Kingdome in an intire obedience and saued all that great toyle and expence which the neglect thereof cost this state in succeeding ages And now hauing deputed Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich Iusticiar there after onely three moneths stay hee returnes into England The Clergy pay to the K. 100000. ster where presuming now vpon his new gathered strength hee summons all the Prelates of the kingdome to appeare before him at London of whom saith Mat. Par. he extorted for their redemption the summe of an hundred thousand pounds sterling And the next yeare being the twelfe of his raigne with this treasure hee reduces Wales that had rebelled to his obedience and takes eight and twentie children of 1211. Anno. Reg. 13. the best famelies for pledges of their future subiection Returning thence exacts of euery Knight that attended not his Army in that expedition two marks and at Northampton is pleased to receiue the Popes Agents Pandolphus and Durandus sent to make peace betweene the Kingdome and Priesthood by whose exhortation and the consideration of the State of his Kingdome hee consented that the Archbishop and the Monkes of Canterbury with all the exiled Bishops should in peace returne to their owne But refusing to make satisfaction for their goods confiscated the Agents depart vnsatisfied to the greater preiudice of the King whom now the Pope finding to be yeelding in any thing falls to bee more imperious to constraine him to all whatsoeuer he desired And absolues all the Kings subiects of what condition soeuer from their obedience strictly forbidding them vnder paine of excommunication his Board 1212. Anno. Reg. 14. Councell and Conference Which notwithstanding preuayled not to diuert the subiect from the seruice of their King Who about this time takes occasion vpon the breaking out of certaine poore Mountainers of Wales that make pillage vpon the Borders to raise another Army to inuade the whole Countrey And being at Nottingham prepared for this action before he would sit downe to dinner caused those eight and twenty children the innocent pledges of the Welsh to be all hanged in his presence But before hee had dyned letters came that gaue him intelligence of a conspiracie intended for his owne distruction and that if he went forward in this warre he would be either slaine of his owne people or betrayed to the enemy Whereupon he returnes to London againe requires and hath pledges of those Nobles he suspected and here Eustace de Vescy and Robert Fitz Walter are accused of the conspiracie who fled the one into Scotland the other into France But now the Pope for the last and greatest sentence that euer yet was giuen against 1213. Anno. Reg. 15. any Soueraigne King of this Kingdome pronounces his absolute deposition from the Royall gouernment thereof and writes to the King of France that as hee looked to haue remission of his sinnes hee should take the charge vpon him and expell King Iohn out of the Kingdome of England and possesse the same for him
his expences and debts in France he giues fiue thousand markes as if remayning The King calls his officers to accoumpt of the summe hee had promised And for the rest of the Poictouins their preferments and rewards were to be had by the displacing and spoyles of his Officers Receiuors and others whom now hee calles to accoumpt and castes for defrauding him in their offices of whom Ralph Breton treasorer of his Chamber is first who was committed to prison and grieuoulsy fined then Hubert de Burgh his chiese lusticiar a man who 1228. Anno. Reg. 13. had long ruled all vnder him in a place euer obnoxious to detraction and enuy is called to accoumpt for such treasure as passed his office which was then for all reliefes and subsidies whatsoeuer raysed on the subiect and notwithstanding he had the kings Charter for it during life yet is he thrust out of his office and besides accused of haynous crymes of treason No sooner was this great officer and inward councellor falne into the Kings displeasure but presently a whole volly of accusations which feare in time of fauour held in were discharged vpon him and euery act of his examined and vrged according to the passion of the complainers The city of London laies to his charge the execution of their citizen Constantine in the time of a ryot committed betweene their people and those of Westminster at a wrastling in Saint lames feilds Anno. Reg. 4. as done without warrant and law and craue Iustice for his bloud Hubert to auoyd this sodaine storme comming vpon him fled to the Church of Merton for Santuary whence by armed men sent to pursue him he is drawne out by force and committed to prison Of which violence done contrary to the priuiledge of that sacred place the Bishop of London in whose dioses it was complaines and so wrought that he is brought back againe to the same chappell But yet all that could not shelter him from the Kings wrath who giues strict commandement to the Shriefes of Hartford and Sussex to set a guard about the place that no sustenance be brought him Hunger inforces him to commit himselfe to the Kings mercy and away is he sent prisoner to the Vize his money left in the custody The King remoues his officers of the templars is brought forth and seazed into the Kings hands clayming that and much more as stolne out of his exchequer Stephen de Segraue is put into his office a worse minister for the common-wealth which seldome gaynes by such shiftings and who must shortly runne the same fortune Walter Bishop of Carliel is likewise thrust out of his office of Treasorer and William Rodon Knight of his place of Marshall of the kings house and all the chiefe Councellors Bishops Earles and Barons of the Kingdome are remoued as distrusted and onely strangers preferred to their roomes Peter Bishop of Winchester lately returned from the holy warres to be the author of most vnholy discord at home is charged to be the cause hereof and with him one Peter de Riuallis now the sepeciall minion about the King These straines of so strange and insufferably violences so exasperate the Nobility as many whereof Richard now Earle Marshall vpon the death of his brother William was chiefe do combine themselues for defence of the publique and boldly do shew the King his error and ill aduised course in preferring strangers about him to the disgrace and oppression The Lords combine for the publike defence against the K. of his naturall liege people contrary to their lawes and liberties and that vnlesse he would reforme this excesse whereby his crowne and Kingdome was in eminent daunger he and the rest of the nobility would withdraw themselues from his councell whervnto the Bishop of Winchester replies that it was lawfull for the King to callwhat strangers he listed about him for defence of his crowne and Kingdome thereby to compell his proud and rebellious subiects to their due obedience With which answere the Earle and the rest depart with more indignation vowing that in this cause which concerned them ail they would spend their liues Herevpon the King sodenly sends ouer for whole legions of Poictouins and withall sommons a Parliament at Oxford whether the Lords refused to come both in regard they found themselues dispised and holding it not safe by reason of those multitudes The Lords refuse to come to Parliament vpon summons of strangers Then was it decreed by the Kings Councell that they should be the second and third time sommoned to try whether they would come or not And here from the Pulpit whence the voyce of GOD and the people is vttered the King is boldly shewed the way to redresse this mischiefe of the Kingdome by one Robert Bacon a Fryer Predicant but more comically by Roger Bacon in pleasant discourse asking the king my Lord what is most nocent to Sea-men and what feared they most the King replies Seamen know that best themselues then my Lord I will tell you Petrae et Rupes alledging to Petrus de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester After this the Lords were summoned to a Parliament at Westminster whether likewise they refused to come vnles the King would remoue the Bishop of Winchester 1232. Anno. Reg. 17. and the Poictouines from the court otherwise by the Common-councell of the Kingdome they send him expresse word they would expell him and his euill councellors out of the land and deale for the creation of a new King Vpon this threatning pledges are required of the nobility to be deliuered by a certeine day for security of their alleagiance But no act passed in this Parliament though 6. Parliament though diuers Lords came thither as the Earle of Cornewall Chester Lincoln Ferrers and others in regard the Earle Marshall the Lord Gilbert Basset and other Nobles were not present Then are Writs sent out to all who held by knights seruice to repaire to the King at Glocester by a certaine day which the Earles Mareschall and his associates refusing the King without the iudgement of his court and their Peeres cause to be proclaimed outlawes seizes vpon all their lands which he giues to his Poictouines and directs out Writs to attach their bodies wheresoeuer in the kingdome The Bishop of Winchester to weaken the party of the Mareschall wonne the Eatles of Chester and Lincoln with a thousand markes and the King had so pleased his brother the Earle of Cornewall as hee likewise left them Wherevpon they withdraw them into Wales and confederat with Lewelin and other great men in that country whither also came Hubert de Burgh escaping out of the Vize Castle and ioynes with them taking their oath intermutually that no one without other should make their accord The King goes himselfe in person with an Army against these revolted Lords into Wales Where he had the worst of the busines and much dishonour returnes to Glocester The K. with an
army against the Lords imployes new forces of strangers but all without successe Wherevpon a Fryer of the Order of Minors is imployed to confer with the Earle Mareschall and to perswade him to come in and submit himselfe to the kings mercy whom he had heard to say that notwithstanding his great offences he would pardon and restore to his estate vpon submission and besides giues him so much of Herefordshire as should conueniently mayntaine him Besides the Fryer told him what he heard of other Councellors about the King concerning the wishing of his submission and in what forme they desired Vide Appond it should be imparted in priuat And then as of himselfe he vses all inducements possible to draw him therevnto shewing how it was his duty his profit and safty so to doe Wherewithall the Earle nothing moued told the Fryer what iniuries hee had receiued and that hee could not trust the King so long as hee had such Councellors about him who onely sought the distruction of him and his associats who euer had beene his loyall subiects And after many obiections made by the Fryer with vrging the Kings power his owne weaknes and the danger hee was in the Earle concludes that he feared no danger that he would neuer yeeld to the Kings Will that was guided by no reason that he should giue an ill Example to relinquish the iustice of his cause to obay that Will which wrought all iniustice whereby it might appeare they loued wordly possessions more then right and honor c. So nothing was done the war continues with much effusion of bloud all the borders of Wales vnto Shrowesbury are miserable wasted and made desolate At length meanes is vsed to draw the Earle Mareschall ouer into Ireland to defend his estate there which was likewise seized vpon by authority giuen vnder the Kings hand and Seale and all those great possessions discended vnto him from his Ancestor the Earle Strongbow the first conquerors of that country spoyled and taken from him And here seeking to recouer his liuelihood hee lost his life circumuented by treachery his death gaue occasion of griefe both to his friends and enemies The king disauowes the sending 1234. Anno. Reg. 19. of this commission into Ireland protesting hee neuer knew thereof and discharges himselfe vpon his councellor A poore shift of weake Princes After two yeares his affliction a Parliament is assembled at Westminster wherein the Bishops grauely admonish the King by his Fathers example and his owne experiene 7 Parliament of the mischiefe of dissention betweene him and his Kingdome occasioned through the ill councell of his ministers to be at vnion with his people to remoue from him strangers and others by whose instigation for their owne ends these disturbances are fostered and his naturall Subiects estranged from him to the great alienation of their affections which was of dangerous consequence Wherefore after recitall of the Greeuances of the State and the abuses of his Ministers which were such as all corrupted times produce they humbly besought him to gouerne his according to the example of other Kingdomes by the natiues of the same and their Lawes otherwise they would proceed by Ecclesiasticall censure both against his Councellors and himselfe The King seeing no way to subsist and get to his ends but by temporizing consents to call home these Lords out of Wales restores them to their places and possessions amoues those strangers from about him and calls his new Officers to accompt The Bishop of Winchesler Peter de Riuallis and Stephan Segraue thereupon take Sanctuarie but afterward vpon mediation they obtayned with great fines their Liberty dearely paying for their two yeares eminency and grace Things thus appeased the King giues his sister Isabel in marriage to the Emperour Frederic the second successor to Otho and grand-child to Frederic Barbarossa the Archbishop of Cologne and the Duke of Louaine were sent for her Shee is conducted Isabel the Kings Sister married to the Emperor by the King her brother to Sandwich with three thousand horse The marriage is solemnised at Wormes She was the third wife of this Emperour an alliance that yeelded neither strength or benefit though that were both their ends to either Prince The continuall broyle which this Emperour held with all the Popes of his time Innocent the third Honorius Innocent the fourth Gregorie the ninth was such and so great as all hee could doe was not enough for himselfe For not to let goe that hold of the Empire he had in Italie with his hereditarie Kingdomes of Naples and Sicil which the Popes wrought to draw to the Church he was put to be perpetually in conflict neuer free from vexations thrust from his owne courses enioyned to vndertake the Holy warres to waste him abroade weakened at home by excommunications and fines for absolutions for which at one time hee payde eleuen thousand markes of Gold And in the end the Popes so preuayled that in the Graue of this Frederic was buried the Imperiall Authority in Italy after hee had thus raigned foure and thirty yeares leauing his sonne Conrad successour rather of his miseries then his inheritance Hee had a sonne by Isabel named Henrie to whom hee bequeathed the Kingdome of Sicile and a hundred thousand ounces of Gold but hee liued not to enioy it To the marriage of this Sister the King qiues thirty thousand markes besides an Imperiall Crowne and other ornaments of great value towards which is raysed two 1236. Anno. Reg. 20. Markes vpon euery Hide Land And the next yeare after himselfe marries Elianor daughter to Raymond Earle of Prouince a match in regard of the distance of the place with the meanes and degree of Estate little aduantagious either to him or his Kingdom but the circumstance of alliance drew it on with some other promises which were not obserued So that hee is neither greater nor richer by these alliances but rather lessened in his meanes hauing no dowre with his wife full of poore kindred that must draw meanes from this Kingdome After the solemnization of this marriage which was extraordinarily sumptuous a Parliament is assembled at London which the King would haue held in the Towre whither the Lords refusing to come another place of more freedome is appoynted where after many things propounded for the good of the Kingdome order is taken that all Shriefes are remooued from their Offices vpon complaint of corruption and Shriefes remoued for corruption others of more integritie and abler meanes to auoyde briberie put in their roomes taking their Oathes to receiue no guifts but in victualls and those without excesse Here the King displaces his Steward and some other Councellors and offers to take from the Bishop of Chichester then Chancellor the great Seale but the Bishop refuses to deliuer it alledging how hee had it by the common Councell of the kingdome and without assent of the same would not resigne it and hauing carried himselfe
Anno Reg. 38. hauing first deposed Simon M. from the gouernment there and makes voyde his Charter by Proclamation Monfort retyres from thence and is offred intertaynment by the French but refuses it Before Winter the King had in some fort appeased the Gascoignes and taken in such Castles as had long held out against him and the late gouernour For they hauing put themselues vnder the protection of the King of Spaine who being so Alliance with the King of Spaine neere a neighbour and the discontents and factions of the country strong caused the King of England with more hast and care to looke to his worke and the rather for that the King of Spaine pretended title to Aquitaine of whom that King Henry might be the more secure he sends to treate with him of a mariage betwixt Prince Edward 1254. Anno. Reg. 38. and his Sister Elionor wherevnto the King of Spaine willingly consents The King of England keeps his Christmas at Burdeux The Queene sends him a New-yeares guift of 500. Markes and the next Sommer with the Prince goes ouer vnto him The marriage is solemnised at Burgos where the king of Spain knights the Prince Prince Ed. marries Elionor sister to the King of Spaine and by his Charter quits his claime to Aquitaine for him and his successors for euer The king of England inuestes the Prince and his Wife therein and besides giues vnto him Ireland Wales Bristow Stanford and Grantham This businesse dispatched the king prepares to returne hauing consumed all whatsoeuer hee could get in this iourny which with the other two hee had before made was reckned to haue cost him 27. hundred thousand pounds and was said to be more then all the Lands he had there should they be sold were worth which when he was told he willed it might not be reuealed in publike to his disgrace Now in regard of danger by sea hee obtaines leaue of the King of France lately returned King Henry comes to Paris with 1000 horse is teasted by the K. of France from Captiuity to passe through his Country and comes to Paris with a 1000 horse besides Sumpters and Carts where he stayes 8 daies is sumptuously feasted and with as great magnificence feasts the King of France This meeting in regard of the two Queens Sisters and their other two Sisters the Countesse of Cornwall and Prouince who were likewise afterward Queenes was made the more triumphant and splendidous The King about Christmas ariues in England and the first that payde for his comming home were the Londoners and the Iewes The Londoners presenting him with He returnes into England fines the Londoners 100 pounds were returned without thanks then being perswaded that plate would be better welcome they bestow 200 pounds in a faire vessell that had some thankes but yet serued not the turne An offence is found about the escaping of a prisoner for which they pay 3000 Marks Now complaines hee of his debts which hee saies to bee 300 thousand Marks and how his owne meanes was deminished by the preferment of the Prince who carried away 15 thousand Marks per annum and mony must be had howsoeuer First he begins to serue his present turne with loanes and borowes great sums of the Earle of Cornwall vpon pawne after the King had wrung what he could from the Iewes he lets them out to farme to this rich Earle to make the best of them Then a Parliament is called in Easter Terme which yeelds nothing but returnes of 1257. Anno. Reg. 41. greeuances and complaints of breach of Charter with requiting their former pretended rights in electing the Iusticiar Chancellor and Treasurer After much debate to no purpose the Parliament is prorogued til Michelmas after whē likewise the Kings motion for money is disappointed by reason of the absence of many Peeres being not as 16. Parliament adiourned was alledged sommoned according to the Tenor of Magna Charta New occasions of charge and dislike arise Thomas Earle of Sauoy the Queenes brother hath warres with the City of Thuren and must be supplied by the King and Queene and his brother Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury The elect Bishop of Toledo brother to the King of Spaine with other great men come ouer lie at the Kings charge and are presented with great gifts Shortly after Elionor the Princes wife ariues with a multitude of Spaniards and she must be met and receiued by the Londoners in sumptuous manner and her Pope Alexander 4. people after many feastings returned home with presents The Pope sends the Bishop of Bononia with a Ring of inuestiture to Edmond the Kings second sonne for the Kingdome of Sicile with the hope of which Kingdome his Predicessor Innocent the 4 Edmond the Kings second sonne is promised the Kingdome of Sicile had before deluded the King himselfe and hee is returned with a great reward Then comes Rustandus with powre to collect the Tenth of England Scotland and Ireland to the vse of the Pope and the King and also to absolue him from his Oath for the Holy Warre so that hee would come to distroy Manfred sonne to the Emperot Frederick now in possession of the Kingdome of Sicile and Apulia And this man likewise hath great guifts bestowed on him besides a rich prebend in Yorke but yet hee obtained not what he came for of the Clergie who protested rather to loose their liues and liuings then to yeeld either to the will of the Pope or the King who they said were as the Shepheard and the Wolfe combined to macerat the flocke The Pope sent likewise to borow of the Earle of Cornwall 500 Marks in regard of his Nephewes preferment to the Kingdom of Sicile but the Earle refused it saying he would not lend his mony to one on whom hee could not distraine So this proiect came to nothing though all meanes were vsed to draw it on Newes was spred that Manfreds forces were vrterly defeated and himselfe either slaine or taken prisoner wherewith the King is so much ioyed as he presently vowes with all speed to make an expedition thither and giues his sonne Edmond no other title but King of Sicile This vaine hope had already by the cunning of the Popes inwrapt him in obligations of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes But shortly after this newes prooues false and the contrarie is notified Manfred is victorious and the Popes powre defeated by those of Apulia who tooke such indignation that the Pope should giue awaie their Country without their consent to an vnknowne Stranger as with all their maine powre they ioyne to establish Manfred who is now found to bee the legitimate sonne of Frederick and confirmed in his right which a strong sword will make howsoeuer The King keepes his Christmas at Winchester where the Merchants of Gascoigne The complaint of the Merchants of Gascoigne hauing their wines taken from them by the Kings Officers without due satisfaction complaine
themselues pleased And now the King of France dayly getting vpon them hauing wonne Lisle Doway Courtray Bruges and Dam and the Emperour Adolph fayling of his ayde and personall assistance as vn-interessed confederates often doe especially hauing receiued their gage before hand as had this Emperour to the summe of 100 thousand Markes draue the King of England into great perplexitie and held him with long delayes to his extreame trauaile and expences which forced him to send ouer for more supply of Treasure and giue order for a Parliament to be held at Yorke by the Prince and such as had the manage of the State in his absence Wherein for that he would not bee disapointed he condiscends to all such Articles as were demaunded concerning the great Charter promising from thenceforth neuer to charge his subiects otherwise then by their consents in Parliament and to pardon such as had denied to attend him in this iourney For which the A Parliament held at Yorke in the absence of the King Commons of the Realme granted him the ninth penny of their goods the Archbishop of Canterbury with the Clergie of his Prouince the Tenth penny Yorke and his Prouince the Fifth so the Kings instant wants are relieued and the Kingdome satisfied for a present shift But it is not well with a State where the Prince and people seeke but to obtaine their seuerall ends and worke vpon the aduantages of each others necessities for as it is vn-sincere so it is often vn-successull and the good so done hurts more then it pleasures The King thus supplied staies all this Winter in Gaunt where his people committing The Gantois take armes against the English many outrages so exasperats the Gantois as they tooke armes made head against them slue many and put the Kings person in great daunger so that doe what the Earle Guy and himselfe could to appease them in satisfying such as had receiued wrong and giuing the rest faire words he hardly could escape safe out of the Country King Edward in danger which rather desired to haue the English commodities then their companies This was the successe of his iourney into Flanders which he leaues at the Spring of the yeare hauing concluded a truce with the King of France for two yeares And Hee returnes into England the poore Earle Gay left to himselfe is shortly after made the prey of his enemy and his Prisoner in Paris where he his daughter both died of griefe And Flanders is reduced to a possession though not to the subiection of the King of France For after they had receiued him for their Lord his exactions oppressions vpon them contrary to their ancient Liberties so armed the whole people being rich and mighty as they gaue France the greatest wound that euer before it receiued at one blow which was at the famous battell of Courtray wherein the Earle of Artoise Generall of the Army Arnold de Neel Constable of France and all the Leaders with Twelue thousand Gentlemen were slaine And to show what this King of France got by seeking to attaine The History of France this Soueraigntie of Flanders as well as we shall heare of the King of Englands getting vpon Scotland for the same title It is recorded in their Histories that in the space of Eleuen yeares this quarell cost the liues of 100 Thousand French men Besides it draue the King likewise to consume the substances of his people as wel as their blood and to loade them with new impositions as that of Malletoste and the Tenth Denier vpon the liure of all Merchandises which in the Collection bred great outcries and dangerous seditions among his Subiects And these were the fruits of these great attempters Now for King Edward of England he presently after his returne falles a new vpon Reg. 27. Anno. 1300. Scotland which in his absence had beaten his officers and people almost out of the Countrie slaine Sir Hugh Cressingham with 6000 English recouered many Castles and regaind the Towne of Berwick And all by the annimation and conduct of William Wallice a poore priuate Gentleman though nobly discended who seeing his K. Ed. prosecutes his Scottish businesse Will. Wallice animates the Scots against the subiection of England Countrie without a Head and thereby without a Heart all the great men either in Captiuity or subiection assembles certaine of as poore and desperate estate as himselfe and leades them to attempt vpon whatsoeuer aduantages they could discouer to annoy the English And hauing therein good successe it so increased both his Courage and Company as hee afterwards comes to be the generall Gardian of the whole Kingdome leads their Armies effects those great Defeits vpon the Enemy and was in possibility to haue absolutely redeemed his Countrie from the subiection of England had not some priuate Emulation amongst themselues the speedy cōming of King Edward with all his power preuented him So much could the spirit of one braue man worke to sett vp a whole Nation vpon their feet that lay vtterly cast downe And as well might hee at that time haue gotten the Dominion for himselfe as the place he had but that he held it more glory to preserue his Countrie than to get a Crowne For which he hath his immortall honour and whatsoeuer praise can bee giuen to meere Vertue must be euer due vnto him And now King Edward to bring his worke neere together remoues his Eschequer K. Ed. remoues his Escheker and Courts of Iustice to York and Courts of Iustice to Yorke where the continued aboue Six yeares And thither calles hee a Parliament requiring all his Subiects that held of him by Knights setuice to be ready at Roxborough by a peremptorie day where are assembled Three thousand men at Armes on barded Horses and Foure thousand other aimed men on Horse without bards with an Army on foot answerable consisting most of Welsh and Irish besides Fiue hundred men at armes out of Gasconie and with this power makes he his second expedition into Scotland The Earles of Hereford and Norfolke notwithstanding their former contempts attend him And although he were thus guirt with all this strength and in the midst of his mightinesse they vrge the ratifications of the Two Charters and their Pardons which they held not sufficient to secure them in regarde the King was out of the Realme at the late granting thereof The Bishop of Duresme the Earles of Surrey The famouse Battell of Fonkirk Warwicke and Glocester vndertooke for the King that after hee had subdued his Enemies and was returned hee should satisfie them therein And so these two Earles with the Earle of Lincolne Led his Vauntguard at the famous Battell of Foukirke The Scots ouerthrowne which the King of England gat wherein are reported to be slaine 200 Knights and Forty thousand foot of the Scots But William Wallice with some few escaped to make more worke And here againe that
it was opened veines for more to follow and procured a most hidious reuenge which shortly after insued Thus is the beame of power turned and Regality now in the heuier scale weighes downe all And presently vpon this Maister-worke the King both to busie the mindes of his people and to Keepe their hands doing whilst the terrour thereof lasted marches from Yorke with a mighty hoast but small prouisions into Scotland Where the Scots conuaying themselues and all succours out of his way put that want vppon him as confounded his great Armie without blowes forcing him to returne with much dishonour And hauing passed farre within his owne Countrie they assayled him at vnawares and had like to haue taken his person as well as they did The Kings ill successe in Scotland his treasure with the Earle of Richmond with whom hauing miserably ransackt all the Countrie ouer euen to the walles of Yorke they returne loaden with mighty Reg. 16. Anno. 1323. spoyles safe into Scotland this was the successe of this vnfortunate King not borne for triumphes in his third Scottish expedition And now being at leasure in a calmer homour it seemes hee began to haue a sense of the Execution of the Earle of Lancaster which hee discouers vpon this occasion Some about him making earnest sute to grant a pardon to one of the Earles followers a man of meane estate and pressing him hard thereunto hee falles into a great passion exclayming against them as vniust and wicked Councellors which would vrge him so to saue the life of a most notorious varlet and would not speak one word for his neare kinsman the Earle of Lancaster who saide hee had hee liued might haue been vsefull to mee and the whole kingdome but this fellowe the longer hee liues the more mischiefe hee will commit and therefore by the soule of God hee shall die the death hee hath deserued Sir Andrew Harckley who was the man which tooke prisoner the Earle of Lancaster at Burrough Brigges being aduanced for his seruice to the Earledome of Carliel inioyed his honour but a while for the next yeare after either thrust out into discontent by the Spencers enuying his high The E. of Carleil degraded executed preferment or combyning with the Scots allured with the hope of a great Match as he was accused is degraded of all his honours drawne hangd and quartered at London for treason and remaines amongst the examples of sodaine downefalls from high places vnder an inconstant and ill gouerning Prince Occasion drew on a Parlement to consult amongst other important businesses Reg. 17. An. 1324. concerning the Sommons lately sent to King Edward from the new King of France Charles le Bel who succeded his brother Phillip le Long to come and doe his homage For Gascoine and it was by the common consent of all decreed that the King shoould not goe in person at that time but send some especiall men to excuse or deferre A Parlement his appearance Besides in this Parlement the King required a Subsedie both of the Cleargie and Laitie for the redemption of Iohn Brittaine Earle of Richmond lately taken prisoner The King is denied a Subsidie by the Scots But it was denied and alleadged that no contribution ought of right to be made but for the redemption of the King the Queene or Prince and so nothing was there gotren but more displeasure The Bishop of Hereford was arrested and accused of high The Bishop of Hereford accused of treason treason before the King and his Councell for ayding the Kings enemies in their late rebellion but hee refused to answere being a consecrated Bishop without leaue of the Archbishop of Canterbury whose Suffragan hee was and who hee saide was his direct Iudge next the Pope or without the consent of the rest of his fellow Bishops who then all arose and humbly craued the Kings clemencie in his behalfe but finding He refused to answere him implacable they tooke away their fellowe Bishop from the Barre and deliuered him to the custodie of the Archbishop of Canterbury till some other time the King should appoint for his answere to what hee was charged withall Shortly after hee was againe taken and conuented as before which the Cleargie vnderstanding The B. taken from the Bar. the Archbishops Canterbury Yorke and Dublin with ten other Bishops all which with their Crosses erected went to the place of iudgement and againe tooke him away with them charging all men vpon paine of excommunication to forbeare to lay violent hands on him with which audacious act the King was much displeased and presently commanded inquirie to bee made ex officio Iudicis concerning those obiections against the Bishop wherein he was found guilty though absent and had all his goods and possessions seised into the Kings hands This act lost him the Clergie and added power to the discontented partie which The B. being absent is condemned ex officio was now growne to bee all in generall except the Spencers and their followers who inriched with the spoyles of the Barons gouerned all at their pleasure selling the Kings fauours and shutting him vp from any others but where they pleased to shew The presumption of the Spencers him and in this violence which knowes no bounds they presume to abridge the Queene of her maintenance and lessened her houshold traine which was the rocke whereon they perished The proceeding of the King of France against the King of England for the omission of his homage was growne so farre as that all his territories there were adiudged to bee forfeited and many places of importance seised on by the French The Earle of Kent sent into Gascoine whereuppon Edmond Earle of Kent the Kings brother is sent into Gasconie but to little effect the King of France was before hand his power ready and his people in those parts yeelding that way where they saw most force So that either the King of England must goe in person to appease this trouble or send his Queene to her brother to mediate an accord otherwise all was there in danger to be lost For the Kings going in person the Spencers held it vnsafe both for him and them if hee should leaue his kingdome at home in so great and generall discontent as then it was Wherefore the Queene with a small traine is sent ouer to accomodate the The Queen is sent to accomodate the businesse of France businesse which shee negotiates so well as all quarrells should bee ended vppon condition the of King England would giue to his sonne Edward the Duchy of Aquitaine with the Earledom of Ponthieu and send him ouer to doe homage for the same which after many consultations the King is wrought to yeeld vnto The Prince is sent with the Bishop of Exeter and others to the Court of the King The Prince is sent to doe his Homage for the Duchy of Aquitaine of France where hee
to palliat a wrong did but the more discouer it Within 5 daies after was he crowned at West by Walter Archbishop of Canterbury at which solemnity the Q. made shew of great sorrow hevinesse but being after pacified by the inlargement of her Ioynture which tooke vp three parts of the Kings revenewes she beganne to be of better cheere Twelue especiall The Queene hath her ioynture inlarged Twelue especiall men chosen for the government men are here appointed to manage the affaires of the Kingdome till the King were of fit yeeres to governe of himselfe the Arch-bishops of Canterbury and Yorke the Bishops of Winchester Hereford and Worcester Thomas Brotherton Earle Mareschall Edmond Earle of Kent Iohn Earle Warrein Thomas Lord Wake Henry Lord Percie Oliver Lord Ingham and Iohn Lord Rose but the Queene and Roger Lord Mortimer vsurped this charge and tooke all tooke all wholy to themselues And to busie the present and An expedition into Scotland vphold this Change an expedition instantly is vndertaken for Scotland wherein those strangers still retained which the Queene brought over with her are imployed vnder the conduct of the Lord Iohn Beaumont brother to the Earle of Haynault and at Yorke the whole Army were to meete where the English being not all of a party quarrell with those strangers and so great a conflict arose betweene them as cost some bloud and was hardly appeased an ill presage of that iourney At Stanhop Parke the English Army incounter the Scottish and though the English were thrice greater and might easily haue vanquished them yet by the treason of some great men as it was bruited they escaped all away and nothing was done so The Scots retyre from Stanhope Parke ●● nothing done that the yong King borne for victories was deprived the honour of his first action which yet being not conducted by his own Spirit was held more dishonorable to others then to him Vpon their returne all the Hannowayes and Stipendaries are sent home into their own Countries During this businesse the deposed King remaines prisoner at Killingworth with the allowance of 100 markes a month for his expences deprived of all those comforts the world should yeeld him His wife whom he loved though now the author of all his misery sends vnto him letters and apparell but excuses her comming as being not permitted by the State Neither was he thought safe enough where hee was nor so straitly lookt unto as they desired to haue him being in the custody of his Vnckle the Earle of Lancaster And therefore they commit him to other guardians and men of the most rough Natures could be found the Lord Matrevers and Thomas Borrney who from thence removed him to the Castle of Berckley in Glocestershire where long hee The miserable estate of the imprisoned King staid not but was conveyed to Corfe Castle and thence to other places vp and downe to beguile and disappoint his friends by the vncertainety of his being if any plot were laid which they doubted to restore him Besides to disguise him the more and that hee might not be easily knowne they shaue his Head and Beard which as a servant of his Sir Thomas de la More a Knight of Glocestershire reports who wrote his life was done in the open fields by the commandement of Gourney who most barbarously caused the miserable King to sit on a Mole-hill whilst the Barbor shaved him and to take cold water out of a ditch to wash him withall which the patient King saith this Reporter seeing told them That yet in despight of them he would haue warms water at his Barbing and therewithall shed aboundance of teares Other vile reproches this savage Iaylor put vpon his annointed Soveraigne as here-conveyed him backe to Berckley He is murthered at Berkley Castle Castle where shortly after he and Matrevers caused him to be murthered in a most hideous manner by thrusting vp a hot Iron into his bowels thorow an hollow instrument whereby no outward Note might appeare to bewray how hee came by his death For the body being after laid forth and vewed by many substantiall Citizens of Bristoll and Glocester called thither for that purpose they could finde no signe either of wound or poyson so that their Evidence confirmed the report that was given out how he died of extreme greife This was the end of Edward the 2 within eight months after his deposing The deed-doers Matrevers and Gourney though they had commission and great hopes giuen them to do as they did yet being by those who were ashamed to avow it they durst not abide the triall but as Fugitiues fled presently their Countrey Gourney three yeeres after was taken at Merseilles and murthered on the Sea before he came to England that hee might tell no tales who set him on work But this was not all the bloud this deed cost the iudgement of God fell heavily not onely vpon the great contrivers but even vpon the whole Kingdome and what the yssue of this present Prince whose throne though without his guilt was thus set vp on his fathers bloud sustained in after times the many imbrued Scaffolds the divers bloudy fields the infinite slaughters in the civill discord of their divided families which the consumed race of the most part of all this present Nobility will testifie But now for the present the authors of this change vse all meanes to increase and fortifie their owne fortunes whilst the State in generall receiues no great satisfaction thereby Mens expectations are not answered in that manner as they were conceived The Queene mother and her Minion Mortimer lately created Earle of the Marches of Wales guide all and all that is not well done or amisse in the Governement is now attributed to them and their councell So that discontentments in gender new Factions according to the Nature of turbulent times The Kings marriage with Phillippa of Haynault is solemnized and a Parlement is 1328. Anno. Reg. 2. held at Northampton where a dishonourable peace is concluded with the Scots and confirmed by a match between David Bruce Prince of Scotland sonne to Robert Bruce and Ioane sister to the King of England which match by reason of the tender age of the Prince being but seven yeare old could promise little good Besides by the secret working of the Queene Mother the Earle of March and Sir Iames Douglasse The King surrenders by his Charter his Title of Soveraignety to the Kingdome of Scotland A Parlement at North. restores divers Deeds and instruments of their former Homages and Fealties with the famous Euidence called the Ragman Roole and many ancient Iewels and Monuments among st which was the Blacke Crosse of Scotland c. Moreover any Englishman is prohibited to hold Lands in Scotland vnlesse he dwelt there In consideration whereof King Bruce was to pay 30 thousand Markes Shortly after another Parlement is held at Winchester A dishonorable peace made with Scotl. where
sides to treate and conclude a Peace The chiefe Article in deliberation was That the King of England should enioy all the Lands of his Duchy of Aquitaine without holding the same by resort or Treatie of Peace homage of the Crowne of France and in consideration thereof should resigne all his Clayme and Title to that Kingdom And this was in a manner then fully agreed on yet in the end broken off by the French Alledging they could not alienate any thing from the Bodie of that Crowne to their farther confusion and mischiefe hauing beene better to haue spared a formall Ceremonie appertaining to a part then to haue had the whole so miserably rent and torne in pieces as it was And yet in the end were they faine to make their agreement vpon the same very Article at the Treatie of Britigny But now the Commissioners returning without effecting any thing the King of Anno Reg. 27. England grew so displeased as hee would not hearken to any further prorogation of Truce though it were instantly vrg'd by two Cardinals sent from Auignion by Pope Clement the 6. who being a French-man borne laboured much for the peace of his Countrey and preparation is made for fresh wars The Prince of Wales now grown a man is appointed by Parliament to goe into Gascoigne with 1000. men at Armes 2000. Archers and a great number of Welshmen and in Iune following sets foorth with 300. Sayle attended with the Earles of Warwick Suffolk Salisburie and Oxford the Lord Chandos the Lord Iames Audley Sir Robert Knoles Sir Franke de Hall with many others About Michelmas following the King himselfe passes ouer to Calais with another King Edward passes with an Armie into France Armie taking with him two of his Sonnes Lionel of Antwarpe now Earle of Vlster by the right of his wife Elizabeth Daughter and Heire to William Brugh And Iohn of Gant and Earle of Richmont There met him at Calais of Mercinaries out of Germanie Flanders and Brabant a thousand men at Armes So that his Armie consisted of three thousand men of Armes and two thousand Archers on horse-backe besides Archers on foot The Citie of London sent 300. men at Armes and 500. Archers all in one Liuerie at their owne charge But all this great Powre effected nothing at that Returnes with out doing any thing time the French king would not be drawne to any incounter both in regard of the potency of his enemy and some turbulencies happening amongst his owne people but he so disfurnishes the countrie where the English were to passe of all prouisios to sustaine them as the King of England was forced to returne The distemperatures of France that this time diseased it grew from the violent humors of Charles King of Nauarre who had married Iane the French kings daughter a Prince of a stirring spirit subtile haughty and presuming vpon his great Estate and high blood being the sonne of Louys Conte d' Eureux and Iane daughter to king Louys Huttin which Iane was put by the inheritance of the Crowne of France by Phillip le Long her Vncle in regarde of their Salicque Law and by him preferred to be Queene of Nauarre in whose right this Charles her sonne bare both the title and state of that kingdome with many other great inheritances all which The King of Nauarre disturbes the French King could not yet content him but holding himselfe wronged that hee had not also the Counties of Champagne and Bry which appertained to his mother by the same right as did the kingdome of Nauarre enters into violent courses And daring not to complaine directly of the King hee falles vpon the Constable of France as chiefe of his Councell and one of whom hee was iealous in regarde of the Kings perticular fauour vnto him and in the end caused him to be murdered in his bed at L' Aigle in Normandy rushing himselfe vp into his Chamber accompanied with his brother Phillip of Nauarre two of the Harecourts and diuerse other of his owne retinue After the deed done hee retyres to his owne Citie of Eureux and iustifies the act to be lawfull The French King though extreamely stung herewith yet was faine to temporise and promises the king of Nauarre if hee would come and craue pardon he should haue it Whereupom hee appeares at Paris before the Councell to render reason for his act is condemned as guilty of treason notwithstanding the Kings promise committed prisoner Three Queenes are earnest sutors for him his mother the old Queene of Nauarre his sister the widdow of the late King Phillip de Valois and his owne wife daughter to the French King His release is obtayned and away hee goes with the rancour of this wound which had beene better not giuen vnlesse it had beene home offers his seruice to the King of England who knew well how to make vse of such a powerfull member and withall surprises certaine peeces in Normandy practising all hee could to withdraw the peoples affections and aydes from their King when hee had most need of them These insolencies notwithstanding the French king is faine to endure and dissemble vntill hee might againe take him vpon some aduantage to vse force hee saw was dangerous both in regarde of his party and the time An occasion at length fell out whereon he seazes Charles his eldest sonne being lately inuested in the Duchy of Normandy is visited by all the great men in the Countrey amongst whom as chiefe comes the King of Nauarre and The French King commits the King of Nauarre prisoner is royally feasted at Roan Whereof the French king hauing notice sets out of Paris sodenly takes him at dinner with his sonne and without farther processe causes foure of the principall which massacred the Constable to bee presently executed of which two were the Harecourts brethren and withall sends away Nauarre vnder sure guard to Arras and his chiefest seruants to diuerse prisons The Duke of Lancaster sent into Normandy to ayde the King of Nauarres brother and others This sudden execution though it gaue a present amazement yet it wakened the partisans of Nauarre and especially Phillip his brother who with Geoffrey Harecourt Vncle to the two brethren post ouer into England exclayming against this violent murther inuoking King Edward in a case of so notorious iniustice to ayde them offering their harts their goods their townes and hauens to let him into Normandy The occasion is intertayned the Duke of Lancaster is sent ouer with Anno D. 1335. Reg. 29. foure thousand men at Armes and by the assistance of this great party winnes many strong Townes King Edward to be furnished for so great actions hath by Parliament granted vnto him fifty shillings vpon euery sacke of wooll for sixe yeares next ensuing by Fifty shillings granted by Parliament of euery sacke of wooll for sixe yeares which imposition it was thought say our Histories the King might dispend a thousand
for the reformation of the State Besides they compose a Councell of themselues whereof the Bishop of Laon the Primier President the Prouost with some of the Vniuersity were chiefe assuming a Soueraigne power to order all affaires of the State as a Common-wealth So that wee see in what a miserable confusion that kingdome stood being without a head and how apt it was then to shake off all authority and dissolue the gouernement into parts shewing vs that it was no new proiect amongst them to Cantonize as the great Townes and the Princes of late practised to doe in their leagues during their ciuile combustions The Dauphin thus disgraced with much a doe gets out of this tumultious City and retyres into Champagne and at Vertus assembles the States of the Countrie whom hee found loyall and ready to yeeld him all succour The rest of the great Townes refusing with much disdaine to ioyne with the City of Paris offer him likewise their ayde So that hee was put into some heart and likly to effect his desires in short time had not the King of Nauarre who sought his destruction still raysed new broyles in the State and taken Armes against him Now besides these confusions greater mischiefes arose in that miserable kingdome the poore Paysants that had beene eaten out by the Souldiers and troden vnder foote by their Lords colleague and arme themselues in the Country of Beauuoysis France spoyled by the souldiers and others on all sides and turne head vpon the Gentry and such as had done them wrong spoyling sacking burning their houses killing their wiues and children in most outragious manner This was not all troupes of souldiers which had no work or meanes to liue ioyne together in mighty Companies ouer-runne and rauage other parts of the kingdome The forces in Brittaine vnder the conduct of Sir Robert Knoles breake out vpon the confining Countries and returne loaden with inestimable booties of wealth All which miserable calamities enough to haue vtterly dissolued a State prolong the imprisonment of their King in England so that nothing could bee effected for his ransome which King Edward thinkes long till he haue in his Treasury and vrges likewise for his part very hard conditions requiring say they besides infinite summes that King Iohn should doe homage and holde the kingdome of France of the Crowne of England which hee with great disdayne refuses as being not in his power to alien what was vnalienable vowing that no misery of his should constrayne him to doe any thing preiudiciall to his successors to whom hee would leaue the State as hee receiued it But yet at length offers other and more large conditions then the French were willing to yeeld vnto which being long in debating and nothing concluded after foure yeares expectation King Edward in great displeasure resolues to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession King Edward goes to take possession of the kingdome of France of the kingdome of France And ouer hee passes to Calais with a Fleete of eleuen hundred Sayle His Army hee diuides into three battailes one hee commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the third hee leades himselfe And first hee marches to the City of Aras which hee takes within three dayes Thence into Champagne where the Cities of Sens and Neuers are rendered Anno Reg. 34. vnto him The Duchy of Burgogne terrified with these examples redeemes it selfe from spoyle vpon paying two hundred thousand Florins of gold Furnished with which treasure and booties by the way vp King Edward marches to Paris where the Dauphin who had now the title of Regent hauing lately ouercome the faction and executed the principall of the Mutiners was with great forces which in the common danger flocked together to defend their Countrie and would not by the example of his father and Grand-father be drawne out to hazard vpon any attempt but stood onely vpon his defences which the King of England seeing after many prouocations raysed his siege and returnes into Brittaine to refresh his Army In the meane time the Regent layes in mighty store of victualls prouides that the Souldiers should haue enough without pressing the inhabitants and with extreame dilligence so fortifies the City as King Edward returning with all his refreshed power was vtterly disappoynted of his hopes to doe any good there Thus that great Citty which was like to haue endangered the whole kingdome of France was the onely meanes to preserue it From hence King Edward takes his way towards Chartres with purpose to besiege that City but being by an horrible tempest of haile thunder and lightning that fell vpon his Army so terrified as hee vowed to make peace with the French King vpon any reasonable conditions as he shortly after did at the treaty of Britigny The Treatie of Accord concluded at Britigny neere Chartres vpon these Articles That the country of Poicton the Fiefs of Thouars and Belleuille the Countrie of Gascoigne Agenois Perigort Limosin Cahors Torbe Bigorre Rouergne Angoulmois in soueraigntie with the Homages of the Lords within those Territories Monstruel on the Sea Ponthieu Calais Guines La Merk Sangote Boulogne Hames Vales and Onis should bee to the King of England who besides was to haue three Millions of Scutes of gold whereof sixe hundred thousand presently in hand foure hundred thousand the yeere following and the Surplus in two yeeres after insuing vpon reasonable payment And for this the King of England and his Sonne the Prince of Wales as well for them as their Successors for euer should renounce all their right pretended to the Vid. Append. Crowne of France the Duchy of Normandie the Countryes of Touraine Aniou Maine the Soueraigntie and Homage of the Dutchy of Britagne and the Earldome of Flanders and within three weekes King Iohn to bee rendred at Callais at the charge of the King of England except the expences of his House For assurance of which Accord should be giuen into his hand Hostages Louys Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry King Iohns sonnes Phillip Duke of Orleance his brother Iohn Duke of Burgogne the Conts of Bloys Alenson Saint Pol Harcourt Poncian Valentinois Grand Pre de Brenne des Forrests the Lords Vaudemont Couscy Piennez de Saint Venant de Preaux de Momerancy de Garanciecis La Roche guion Estou-teuille Le Dauphind ' Auergne d' Andrigil de Craon sufficient cautions for the sayd Summes and conditions The Scots not to be ayded by the French King nor the Flemmings by the English Charles King of Nauarre and his brother Phillip are comprehended likewise in these Articles c. This Treatie of good accord and finall Peace signified by both Kings was ratified King Iohn deliuered by their two eldest Sonnes Edward and Charles and sworne vnto by the Nobilitie of both Kingdomes The Hostages are deliuered vnto King Edward who departing from Honfleur brought them into England leauing the
Court at Paris to these complaints Now had the Lords of Arminiaque D'Albert Peregort Cominges and many others Anno Reg. 43. 1369. made their protestations against the King of England for the Crowne of France which they say they were by nature to obey and not to a strange Soueraigne that it was absolutely against the Fundamentall Law of the Kingdome to disseuer them from the Crowne that the Contract was made in prison and therefore inciuile and not to be held by the right of Nations So that they were resolued to spend their liues and estates rather then bee vnder the gouernment of England By their example the Cities of the County of The Emperor Charles 4. makes a iourny into France to reconcile the two Kings Ponthieu rendered themselues to Guy Conte de Saint Poll and Guy de Chastillon The King of England complaines of this breach of accord to the Pope and the Emperour Charles 4. who made a iourney into France to reconcile the two Kings and determine the businesse Before whom our Ambassadours first declare how this Accord hauing beene more for the good of France then vs in regard we resigned thereby not The allegations of the English Ambassadours before the Emperour onely our Title to Normandie Touraine and Aniou the fairest and richest Countreys of France But also our Title to the Crowne to the end we might hold in Souraigntie the Duchy of Aquitayne the Country of Ponthieu with some other peeces which by Hereditary right appertained to the Crowne of England whereby the effusion of Christian blood was stayed France had peace and their King restored in faire manner after a faire imprisonment and vpon the most resonable Conditions could bee deuised Notwithstanding the French King who Vid. Appen himselfe with the whole Councell of France contracted the Accord and solemnly swore to obserue the same hath contrary to the Law of God and Nations after he had recouered his Hostages by fraud seazed both vpon the Duchy of Aquitayne and the Country of Ponthieu without denouncing Warre by his Heraldes c. The French Reply How we by the Accord were bound immediately to with draw our The Reply of the French Army out of France which they say wee did not during all the Reigne of their King Iohn That the Peace was thereby made more offensiue then the Warre they being constrained to purchase the departure of our Souldiers with greater charge then would haue maintained an Armie That the breach was on our side for that the Souldiers were ours That King Edward was bound to renounce his Title to the Crowne of France in open Assembly of the States of both Realmes which they say was not done And concerning the releasing of their King they say it cost France more gold then the redeeming of Saint Louys their King his brother the Peeres and the whole Armie taken by the Soldan an Infidell Thus both sides defend their cause being easie for Princes who will breake out of their Couenants to finde euasions The French King it seems though willing to get in what he could yet was very loath to renue a Warre and therefore with many Presents courts the King of England Who seeing himselfe thus deluded prepares to haue out his Sword And Anno Reg. 44. hauing borowed great Summes of the Clergie sends ouer Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Humphry Bohun Earle of Hereford with a mightie Armie to Calais to inuade France on this side whiles the Prince of Wales works to recouer the reuolted Townes on the other But little was effected The Duke shortly returnes And then Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke with fresh supplyes is sent ouer who dyes in the iourney Forces sent into France Sir Robert Knoles a man renowned in those times for valour and counsaile is made Leader of an Armie Consisting of many great Lords who disdayning to bee commanded by him whom they helde their inferiour ouer-threw themselues and the Action Thus all went backe and the French King growes both in State and Alliance Anno Reg. 45. Margueret sole daughter and Heire to Louys Earle of Flauders to whom King Edward sought to match his sonne Edmond is wonne to marrie Phillip Le Hardy Duke of Burgogne brother to the French King And this much vexes King Edward who A Subsidie granted by Parliament the maner of seyzing the same the better to furnish himselfe for reuenge calles a Parliament at Westminster wherein he resumes his claime to the Crowne of France and requires ayd of his Subjects and hath it The Clergie graunted him 50. thousand poundes to be payd the same yeere and the Laitie as much For the leuying whereof euery Parish in England was rated first to pay 23 shillings foure pence the great helping the lesse vpon supposition there had beene Parishes ynough to haue made vp that summe But by certificate vpon the Kings Writs sent out to examine what number of Parish Churches were in euery Shire they found it came short and then rated euery Parish at fiue pound sixteene shillings the greater to helpe the lesse and so of 8600. Parishes found to be in the 37. Shieres 50. thousand 181. pound 8. peence was raised But in regard of the great pouertie of Suffolk and Deuon Shire the 181. pound was abated and the King answered 50. thousand pounds for the Laytie Vpon this Supply the King grants that the great Charter and the Charter of The Duke of Lancaster sent into Aquitaine Forrests should bee obserued in all points which in most Parliaments of his is euer the first Act as may be seene in the printed Statutes And now Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Edmond Earle of Cambridge are sent with Forces into Aquitayne to ayde the Prince of Wales who after he had sacked the Citie of Limoges that was reuolted his health failing to performe any more leaues the prosecution of the Warre to his brother and with his wife and young sonne Richard borne at Burdeaux returnes The Prince of Wales returnes into England home into England and here resignes vnto his father the Duchy of Aquitayne The Duke of Lancaster after the departure of the Prince did little but being now a widdower his wife dying two yeares before in the third great Pestilence in which yeare also Phillippe wife to King Edward ended her life hee marries Constance eldest daughter to Peter King of Castile by whom hee had the empty title of King The Duke of Lancaster marries Constance daughter to the King of Castile and was after the death of his father-in-law stiled King of Castile and Leon. This Constance though shee were the daughter of a wicked father and infamous mother yet was so happy that the daughter shee had by this Duke of Lancaster named Katherine became after Queene of Castile and Leon being married to Henry 3. in possession before and in her right King of both those Realmes and left her posterity Kings of Spaine Edmond Earle of
little fire to raise it otherwhere casts an especiall eye on this Prouince to make it the pompous matter of his triumph And to prepare the way without aduenture of himselfe foresends Publius Ostorius Scapula a great warrier Pro-praetor into Brittaine where he met with many turbulencies and a people hardly to be driuen howsoeuer they might be led yet as one who well knew his mestier and how the first euents are those which incusse a dauntingnesse or daring imployed all means to make his expeditions sodaine and his executions cruell Notwithstanding did Carodocus one of the British Kings hold these great Romanes worke for nine yeares together and could not bee surprized till betrayed by his owne Nation he was deliuered into their hands and brought to Rome captiue with his wife and children to be the subiect of their triumph whereof notwithstanding the glory was his But Claudius had the honour of taking in the whole Isle of Brittaine to the Romane Empire which though thus wonne was not till a long time after ouercome For now the Brittaines vnderstanding the misery of their dissociation how their submission brought but the more oppression colleague themselues against the Romanes taking their occasion vpon the outrages committed on the person and State of Queene Voadicia widow of Prasutagus King of the Iceni a great and rich Prince who at his death had left Nero his heire and two daughters hoping theeeby to free his house from iniury but it fell out contrary for no sooner was he dead but his kingdome was spoyled by the Ceuturions his house ransac'kt by slaues his wife beatē his daughters rauished Besides the chiefe men of the Iceni as if all the Region had beene giuen in prey were reft of their goods and the Kings kinsmen esteemed as captiues with which contumely and feare of greater mischiefe they conspire with the Trinobantes and others not yet inured to seruitude to resume their liberty And first set vpon the Garrisons of the Veteran souldiers whom they most hated defeited the ninth legion whereof they slew all the foote forced Cerialis the Legat and leader to flight and put to the sword seuenty thousand Romans and associats inhabiting their municipall Townes London Virolame Camolodunum now Maldon Camolodunum before Suetonius Gouernour of the Prouince could assemble the rest of the dispersed forces to make head against their Armie consisting of 12000 Brittaines conducted by Voadieia who with her two daughters brought into the field to mooue compassion and reuenge incites them to that noble and manly work of liberty which to recouer she protests to hold her selfe there but as one of the vulgar without weighing her great honour and bir●h resolued either to winoe or dye Many of their wiues were likewise there to be spectators and incouragers of their husbands valout but in the end Suetouius got the victorie with the slaughter of foure score thousand Brittans whereupon Voadicia poysons herselfe and the miserable Country with their heauie losse had also more weights layd vpon their seruitude And yet after this made they many other defections and brauely struggled with the Romans vpon all aduantages they could apprehend but the continuall supplies euer ready from all parts of that mightie Empire were such as the Brittans hauing no meanes but their owne swords in an vncomposed State layde all open to inuasion spent their bloud in vaine And in the end growing base with their fortune as loosing their vertue with their libertie became vtterly quailed and miserably held downe to subiection by the powrefull hand of foureteene Garisons disposed in seuerall limits of the Land with their companies consisting of sundry strange nations computated in all to be 52. De Notitia vtr Imper. Pancioroul thousand foote and 300. horse besides 37. companies contayning 23. thousand foote and 1300 horse which continually guarded the North parts where that which is now Scotland and obeyed not the Roman Empire was excluded from the rest with a wall or trench first raysed by Agricola after reedified by Adrian Seuerus and others And in this sort continued the state of Brittaine whilst the Romans held it induring all the calamities that a deiected nation could doe vnder the domination of strangers proud greedy and cruell Who not onely content by all tyrannicall meanes to extort their substance but also constraine their bodies to serue vnder their ensignes The misery of the Brittaines vnder the Romans when or wheresoever their quarrellous ambition would expose them And besides they being at the will of their rulers in their obedience they were forced to follow them also in their rebellions For after the election of the Emperours grew to bee commonly made by the Armies many possessing those mighty Roman force here were proclaimed Caesars and put for the whole Empire As first Carausius and after him Alectus whom Constantius the associate of Maximianus in the Empire at his first comming into Brittaine by Asclepiodorus the Praetorian Praefect vanquished with all such as tooke part with him After that the Caledonians and Picts from the North parts made irruptions into the State and much afflicted the Britaines whom to represse Constantius then sole Emperour of the West came the second time into this Land and in an expedition made against them died at Yorke whither his sonne Constantine a little before his death repaired out of Illiria escaping a traine laid for him by Galerius Emperour of the East with whom he was in the warres against the Sarmatians when his father came first into Brittain against Alectus And here was hee now first saluted Emperour for which it seemes he much esteemed the Country as that which gaue birth to his dignity And re-ordring the government thereof for a future security devides it into fiue Provinces to be ruled by one Vice-gerent fiue Rectors two Consulars and De Notitia vtrinsque Imper. three Presidents After whose time we haue no certaine nor apparant marke to direct vs which way the State went till the raigne of Valentinian the elder who sends Theodosius the father of him who was after Emperour of that name into Brittaine against the irruption of the Picts Attacotti Scoti Saxones Franci which of all sides invaded and spoiled the Country and after Theodosius had by the forces of the Battaui and Heruli cleered it Ciuilis was sent to governe the Province and Duleitius the Army men of faire names for good offices In these warres with Theodosius was one Maximus a man borne in Spaine but of Roman education who after in the time of the yonger Valentinian having the charge of the Army was here proclaimed Caesar and to subvert the present Emperour transports The people of Brittaine consumed in the factions of the Emperours the whole power of Brittaine and first in his way subdues Gaule and there furnishes every place of defence with Brittish shouldiers and they say peopled the whole Countrey of Armorica now called Brittaine in France with the same nation
seruice of his body eight in the affaires of his State Which spaces hauing then no other engine for it hee measured by a great waxe light deuided into so many parts receiuing notice by the keeper thereof as the seuerall houres passed in the burning With as faire an order did he proportion his reuenues equalling his liberties to all The first suruay of the kingdome his other expences whereof to make the current run more certaine he tooke a precise notice of them and made a generall suruay of the kingdome and had all the particulars of his estate registred in a booke which he kept in his treasury at Winchester And within this circumference of order hee held him in that irregularity of fortune with a weake disposition of body and raigned 27 yeares leauing his sonne Edward a worthie successor to maintaine the line of Noblenesse thus begun by him EDWARD though hee were farre inferiour to him in learning went much beyond him in power for he had all the kingdom of Mercna-land An. 900. in possession whereof Alfred had but the homage some write held Edwardus Senior soueraigntie ouer the East Angles Northumbrians though we finde in the ioynt Lawes that he and Guthrum made together they held the same confederation fore-concluded by Alfred He also subdued the Brittaines in Wales fortified furnished with garrisons diuerse townes in England that lay fit to preuent the incursions of the Danes and was all his raigne of 23 yeares in continuall action and euer beforehand with fortune And surely his father he and many that succeded during this Danicque warre though they lost their ease wonne much glory renowne For this affliction held them so in as hauing little out-lets or leisure for ease luxury they were made the more pious iust carefull in their gouernment otherwise it had been impossible to haue held out against the Danes as they did being a people of that power vndauntable stomack as no fortune could deterr or make to giue ouer their hold And the imbecility of some vnactiue Prince at that time had beene enough to haue let them quite into the whole Which may be the cause that in the succession of some of these Kings were certaine ruptures made out of course in respect of their ablenesse As first after the death of this renowned King Edward Senior his sonne ATHELSTAN of full yeares and spirit was notwithstanding the bracke An. 924. in his birth preferred before his legitimate sonne Edmond vnder age Nor Athelstan a Bastard preferred before the lawfull sonne did Athelstan disappoint the kingdome in this worke but performed all noble parts of Religion Iustice and Magnanimitie after sixteen yeares raigne died without issue EDMOND his brother succeded him A Prince likely to haue equalled An. 940. the worth of his Predecessors had he not vntimely perished by the hand of a base Out-law in his owne house at a festiuall amidst his people that dearely Edmond loued and honoured him And though he left two sonnes yet was EDRED his brother preferred to the kingdome before them who making An. 946. no variation from the line of Vertue continued by his ancestors was Edred or Eldred held perpetually in work by the Danes during the whole time of his raigne which was of ten yeares EDWIN his nephew the eldest sonne of Edmond succeded him an irregular Edwin youth who interrupting the course of goodnes liued dissolutely died wishedly Otherwise had Edgar the other sonne of Edmond continued that rare succession of good Princes without the interposition of any ill which is not in the Fate of a kingdome EDGAR though he were but sixteen yeares of age yet capable of counsell An. 959. was by the graue aduise of his Bishops who in that time of zeale held especially Edgar the raines on the hearts and affections of men put directed in the way of goodnesse and became a most heroicall Prince Amongst other his excellent actions of gouernment hee prouided a mighty Nauy Edgar prouides shipping to secure his coasts from inuasion which now he found though late was the onely meane to keepe out those miseries from within that thus lamentably afflicted the land euer before negligent or not inured to Sea-affaires For when the Romans first subdued the same there was no shipping but a few small vessells made of wicker and couered with hides whereby they and after the Danes both mighty as those times gaue in shipping found that easie footing they had Yet Egbert is said to haue prouided a strong Nauy about the yeare 840. And Alfred thirty or forty yeares after did the A most vsefull progresse like But either now dis-used or consumed by the enemy Edgar re-edifies and sets forth a Fleet consisting as some write of 1600 saile others a farre greater number those hee deuides and places in foure parts of the Realme making his progresses yearly with part of his mighty Nauy round about the whole Isle whereof hee assumed the title of King And to reduce it all to one name Monarchie he was intitled King of all Albion as testifies his Charter granted to the Abby of Maldesmesbury in these words Ego Edgarus totius Albionis Basileus nec non Maritimorum seu insulanorum Regum circum habitantium c. For he hauing first of all other made peace with the Danes and granted them quiet cohabitation through all his dominions had the soueraigntie ouer them And Kenneth King of Scots did him homage whether for Cumberland and Westmerland giuen to that Crowae by King Emond his father or for his whole Kingdome I cannot say And fiue Kings of Wales did the like for their Country and came all to his Court at Cardiffe So that hee seemes the first and most absolute Monarch of this land that hitherto we finde The generall peace that held all his time honoured his name with the title of Pacificus and rendred his Kingdome neuer before acquainted with the glory of quietnesse very flourishing But as if the same had beene giuen to shew and not to vse like a short calme betwixt stormes it lasted but little beyond his raigne of sixteene yeares being too short to close the diffeuered ioynts of a commixed Hee raigned 16. yeares Kingdome which was onely to haue beene the worke of Time and that none of these late Princes who were best like to haue aduanced and confirmed the State of a Monarchie were ordained to haue But all as if things would another way Saint Edward were put off from their ends by their vntimely deaths as was this glorious young An. 975. Prince in the two and thirtith yeare of his age leauing his sonne Edward a child to vndergoe the miseries of nonage to bee made a sacrifice for ambition and a Saint by persecution through the hand of a step mother who to aduance her owne Ethelred brake in ouer the bounds of
where as before the English liued loose in little homely cottages where they spent all their reucnewes in good fare caring for little other gaiety at all Now after the Norman manner they build them goodly Churches Malmsbury Maurici is Bishop of London An. Dom. 1087. new built the Church of S. Paule in London of stone brought out of Normandy and stately houses of stone prouide better furnishments erect Castles and Towers in other sort then before They inclose Parkes for their priuate pleasure being debard the generall liberty of hunting which heretofore they inioyed whereupon all the termes of building hunting tooles of workemen names of most handy-crafts apperteining to the defences and adornements of life came all to be in French And withall the Norman habits and fashion of liuing became generally assumed both in regard of nouelty and to take away the note of difference which could not be well lookt on in this change The Charter of William 1. grāted to this Church see the Appendix Before this time the Chur ches were most of Timber And though the body of our language remained in the Saxon yet it came so altered in the habit of the French tongue as now we hardly know it in the auntient forme it had and not so much as the Character wherein it was written but was altred to that of the Roman and French now vsed But to the end we may the better know the man and the nation that thus subdude vs we must take our course vp to the head of their originals The Normans we find to haue issued out of Norway and Denmarke and were of like maners as the rest of those Northerne countries which by reason of the apt mixture William 1. built the white Tower afterwards walled incastelled underneath by William 2. and Henry 1. of their Phlegmatique and Sanguine complexions with their promiscuous ingendring without any tye of marriage yeelded that continuall surchargement of people as they were forced to vnburthen themselues on other Countries wheresoeuer their violence could make them roome And out of this redundancy Roul or Rou a great Commander amongst them furnished a robustious power in the time of King Alfrid and first landed in England that euer lay in the Roade to all these inuadors where finding no roome empty nor any imployment was content vpon some reliefe receiued The Saxon habit and Characters first altered to vse his forces otherwhere which he did against Rambalt Duke of Frize and Re●gnier Duke of Chaumont and Hennalt with whom he had many violent incounters and committed great spoiles in their Countries Which done he passed along the coast The Originall of the Normans Roul or Rou the first Norman that landed in Englād of Fraunce entred the mouth of Seine and sackt all the Countrey vp to Roan where the people hauing beene lately before miserably afflicted by Hasting another inuador of the same Nation were so terrified by the approach of these new forces that the Archbishop of Roan by the consent of the people offered him the obedience of that Citty and the Countrey about on condition he would defend them and minister Iustice The History of Normand Roul the first Conqueror of Normandy frō the French calling it Norman according to the Lawes of CHRIST and the Customes of the Countrey For Charles the Simple then King of Fraunce yeelding no present succour being otherwise imbroiled about the right of his Crowne gaue him the opportunity to plant in that place and to grow so powerfull as shortly after he attempted the Conquest of Paris and gaue many notable defeits to the French Leaders So that in the end Charles was faine to buye his peace with the price of an alliance and the whole Countrey of Nuestria or Westrich which of the Normans was after called Normandy And thereupon Roul became a Christian and baptized had the name of Robert giuen by Robert brother to Eudes late King of Fraunce who then stood in competition for that Crowne with Charles the Simple and is sayd to haue vnder-aided Roul secretly of purpose to make him friend his deseignes though after he vrged it in an article against Charles the giuing away his Countrey and the sauouring of strangers And thus came Roul to establish a State to his posterity ordering the same with that iudgement and equity as he left his name in a perpetuall reuerence and his successors a firme foundation to plant vpon From him in a direct line descended sixe Dukes of Normandy in the space of 120. yeares William 1. Richard 1. Richard 2. who had two sonnes Richard and Robert that successiuely inherited the Dukedome Robert after he had gouerned eight yeares either meerely for deuotion which charitie ought rather deeme or expiation for some secret guilt wherewith his conscience might stand charged about his brothers death which because it was vntimely might be thought vnnaturall resolues to visite the Holy Sepulchre And acquainting his Nobility therewithall was by them much diswaded in regard he had no issue and for that already they sayd Alain Earle of Britaine and the Earle of Burgogne were in contestation who should succeed him in the Dutchie so that vpon his death and their strife the Country was like to become a prey to the souldier from which in conscience he was bound by his best meanes to secure it The Duke willed them to bee content I haue said he a little Bastard of whose worthinesse I haue great hope and I doubt not but he is of my begetting him will I inuest in the Dutchie as mine heire And from hence forth I pray you take him for your Lord. The Earle of Brittaine notwithstanding his competition to shew the affiance I haue in him I will constitute his gouernour and Seneschall of Normandie the King of France shal be his Guardian and so I will leaue him to God and your loyalties Shortly after the Bishops and Barons did their homage to this base sonne named William who was the sixt Duke of Normandie after Roule begotten on Arlette a meane woman of Falaise And Duke Robert taking his intended iourney deliuers the Child with his owne hand to Henrie the first King of France whom before hee had mainely aided in preseruing his Crowne left him by his father King Roberts Testament against his elder brother and his mother Constance which with a great side of Nobility stood for the right of Primogeniture according to the custome of France And therefore might the more presume if good turnes done to Princes could weigh so much as their selfe-respects would not turne the skale to haue had a faire discharge of his trust and him for a Protector whose power was best able to bee so And causing the Childe to doe homage for his Duchie of Normandie commits him to his Royall faith departs his Court and shortly after his life in Asia Whereupon his successor but nine yeares of age became obnoxious to all the miseries thar afflict Princes
alteration though in the best kinde with this change of State And to giue entertainment to deuotion hee did all he could to furnish his Church with the most exquisite ornaments might be procured added a more State and conueniencie to the structure of religious houses and beganne the founding of Hospitals Hauing long struggled with indefatigable labour to hold things in an euen course during the whole raigne of this busie new state-building King and after his death seeing his successor in the Crowne established especially by his meanes to faile his expectation out of the experience of worldly causes deuining of future mischiefes by present courses grew much to lament with his friends the teadiousnesse of life which shortly after hee mildly left which such a sicknesse as neither hindred his speech nor memory a thing he would often desire of God William Fiz Auber as is deliuered was a principall councellor and instument in this action for England wherein hee furnished forty ships at his owne charge A man of great meanes yet of a heart greater and a hand larger then any meanes would well suffice His profuse liberalities to men of armes gaue often sharpe offence to the King who could not indure any such improuident expences Amongst the Lawes hee William Fitz Auber Earle of Hereford made Lawes in his Prouince made which shewes the power these Earles then had in their Prouinces he ordained That in the Countie of Hereford no man of or souldiour should bee fined for anie offence whatsoeuer aboue seuen shillings when in other Countries vpon the least occasion of disobeying their Lords will they were forced to pay 20. or 25. shil But his estate seeming to beare no proportion with his minde enough it was not to be an eminent Earle an especiall Councellor in all the affaires of England and Normandie a chiefe fauorite to so great a Monarch but that larger hopes drew him away designing to marrie Richeld Countesse dowager of Flanders and to haue the gouernment of that Countrie during the non-age of Arnulph her sonne of whom with the King of France he had the tutelarie charge committed by Baldouin the sixth Father to Arnulph whose estate Robert Le Frison his Vncle called by the people to the gouernment vpon the exactions inflicted on them by Richeld had vsurped And against him Fitz Auber opposing was with Arnulph surprized and slaine And this was in the fate of the Conqueror to see most of all these great men who had beene the especiall actors in all his fortunes spent and extinct before him As Beaumont Monfort Harcourte Hugh de Gourney Vicount Neele Hugh de Mortimer Conte de Vannes c. And now himselfe after his being brought sicke to Rouan and there disposing The death of William the first his estate ended also his act in the 74 yeare of his age and the one and twenty of his raigne Three dayes the Corpes of this great Monarch is sayd to haue layne neglected while his seruants attended to imbessill his moueables in the end his yongest sonne Henry had it conueyed to the Abbey of Cane where first at the entry into the Towne they His Corps lay vnburied 3. dayes who carried the Corpes left it alone and ran all to quench a house on fire Afterward brought to be intombed a Gentleman stands sorth and in sterne manner forbids the interment in that place claiming the ground to be his inheritance descended from his His interment hindered Ancestors and taken from him at the building of that Abbey appealing to Row their first founder for Iustice whereupon they were faine to compounded with him for an Annuall rent Such adoe had the body of him after death who had made so much in his life to be brought to the earth and of all he attained had not now a roome to containe him without being purchased at the hand of another men esteeming a liuing Dogge more then a dead Lyon He had a faire issue by Maude his wife foure sonnes and sixe daughters To Robert His issue his eldest he left the Duchy of Normandy to William the third sonne the Kingdome of England to Henry the yongest his treasure with an annuall pension to be payd him by his brothers Richard who was his second sonne and his darling a Prince of great hope was slaine by a Stagge hunting in the new Forrest and began the fatalnesse that followed in that place by the death of William the second there slaine with an arrow and of Richard the sonne of Robert Duke of Normandy who brake his necke His eldest daughter Cicilie became a Nunne Constance married to the Earle of Brittaine Adula to Stephen Earle of Biois who likewise rendred her selfe a Nunne in her age such was then their deuotion and so much were these solitary retires affected by the greatest Ladies of those times Gundred married to William de Warrein the first Earle of Surrey the other two Ela or Adeliza and Margaret died before marriage Now what he was in the circle of himselfe in his owne continent we find him of The description of William the first an euen stature comely personage of good presence riding sitting or standing till his corpulency increasing with age made him somewhat vnwildy of so strong a constitution as he was neuer sickly till a few moneths before his death His strength such as few men could draw his Bow and being about 50. of his age when he subdued this Kingdome it seemes by his continuall actions he felt not the weight of yeares vpon him till his last yeare What was the composition of his mind we see it the fairest drawne in his actions and how his abilities of Nature were answerable to his vndertakings of Fortune as pre-ordained for the great worke he effected And though he might haue some aduantage of the time wherein we often see men preuaile more by the imbecility of others then their owne worth yet let the season of that world be well examined and a iust measure taken of his actiue vertues they will appeare of an exceeding proportion Nor wanted he those incounters and concurrencies of sufficient ●●●le Princes to put him to the triall thereof Hauing on one side the French to grapple withall on the other the Dane farre mightier in people and shipping then himselfe strongly sided in this Kingdome as eager to recouer their former footing here as euer and as well or better prepared His deuotion and mercy For his deuotion and mercy the brightest starres in the Spheare of Maiesty they appeare aboue all his other vertues and the due obseruation of the first the Clergie that loued him not confesse the other was seene in the often pardoning and receiuing into grace those who rebelled against him as if he held submission satisfactory for the greatest offence and sought not to defeit men but their enterprises For we find but one Noble man executed in all his Raigne and that was the Earle Waltheof who But
one Noble man executed in all the time of this Kings Raigne had twice falsified his faith before And those he held prisoners in Normandy as the Earles Morchar and Siward with Wolfnoth the brother of Harald and others vpon compassion of their indurance he released a little before his death Besides he was as farre from suspition as cowardize and of that confidence an especiall note of his magnanimity as he gaue Edgar his competitor in the Crowne the liberty of his Court And vpon his suite sent him well furnisht to the holy warre where he nobly behaued himselfe and attained to great estimation with the Empetours of Greece and Almaine which might haue beene held dangerous in respect of his alliances that way being graund-child to the Emperour Henry the third But these may be as well vertues of the Time as of Men and so the age must haue part of this commendation He was a benefactor to Nine Abbeys of Monkes and one of Nunnes founded by his Predicessors in Normandy and during his owne time were founded in the same Prouince seuen Abbeys of Monkes and sixe of Nunnes with which fortresses as he His workes of piety sayd he furnisht Normandy to the end men might therein fight against the flesh and the Diuell In England he founded a goodly Abbey where he fought his first Battell whereof it had the Denomination and two Nunneries one at Hinching-Brooke in Huntingdon shire and the other at Armthewt in Cumberland besides his other publique workes Magnificent he was in his Festiuals which with great solemnity and ceremony the formall entertainers of reuerence and respect he duly obserued Keeping his Christmas at Glocester his Easter at Winchester and Penticost at Westminster whither he summoned his whole Nobility that Embassadors and Strangers might see his State and largenesse Nor euer was he more milde and in dulgent then at such times And these Ceremonies his first Successor obserued but the second omitted The end of the Life and Raigne of William the first The Life and Raigne of William the second WILLIAM second sonne to William the first not attending his Fathers funerall hasts into England to recouer the Crowne where by the especiall 1087. Anno. Reg. 1. mediation of the Arch-bishop Lanfranc his owne large bounty and wide promises he obtained it according to his Fathers will to whom by his obsequiousnesse he had much indeered himselfe especially after the abdication of his elder brother Robert He was a Prince more gallant then good and hauing beene bred with the sword alwayes in action and on the better side of fortune was of a nature rough and haughty whereunto his youth and Soueraignty added a greater widenesse Comming to succeed in a Gouernment fore-ruled by mature and graue Counsell he was so ouer-whelmed with his Fathers worth and greatnesse as made him appeare of a lesser Orbe then otherwise he would haue done And then the shortnesse of his Raigne being but of thirteene yeares allowed him not time to recouer that opinion which the errors of his first Gouernment had lost or his necessities caused him to commit For the succession in right of Primogeniture being none of his and the elder brother liuing howsoeuer his fathers will was he must now be put and h●●● in possession of the Crowne of England by the Will of the Kingdome which to purchace must be by large conditions of relieuements in generall and profuse guifts in particular Wherein he had the more to do being to deale with a State consisting of a two fold body and different temperaments where any inflammation of discontent was the more apt to take hauing a head where-to it might readily gather Which made that vnlesse he would lay more to their hopes then another he could not hope to haue them firmely his And therefore seeing the best way to winne the Normans was by money and the English with liberties he spared not at first to bestow on the one and to promise the other more then befitted his estate and dignity which when afterward failing both in supplies for great giuers must alwayes giue and also in performances got him farre more hatred then otherwise he could euet William the second resumes his owne Graunts haue had being forced to all the dishonorable shifts for raising moneys that could be deuised and euen to resume his owne former graunts And to begin at first to take the course to be euer needy presently after his Coronation he goes to Winchester where his Fathers Treasure laye and empties out all that which with great prouidence was there amassed whereby though he wonne the loue of many he lost more being not able to content all And now although his brother Robert had not this great Engine mony he had to giue hopes and there were here of the Normans as Odon his Vnkle Roger de Mongomery Earle of Shrewesbury with others who were mainly for him and worke he doth all hee can to batter his brothers fortunes vpon their first foundation And for this purpose borowes great summes of Robert of Normandy borrowes summes of his brother Henry to purchase the kingdome of England his younger brother Henry to whom the father and mother had left much Treasure and for the same ingages the Country of Constantine and leauies an Army for England But William newly inuested in the Crowne though well prepared for all assaults had rather purchase a present peace by mediation of the Nobles on both sides till time had better setled him in his gouernment then to raise spirits that could not easily bee allayed And an agreement betweene them is wrought that William should hold the Crowne of England during his life paying to Robert three thousand Markes Per annum Robert hauing closed this businesse resumes by force the Country of Constantin out of his brother Henries hands without discharge of those summes for which hee had ingaged it Whereupon King William obrayds Henry with the great gaine hee had made by his vsurie in lending money to depriue him of his Crowne And so Henry got the hatred of both his brothers and hauing no place safe from their danger where to liue surprized the Castle of Mount Saint Michel fortifies him therein gets ayde of Hugh Earle of Brittaine and for his money was serued with Brittains who committed great spoyles in the Countries of Constantin and Bessin Odon Bishop of Bayeux returning into England after his imprisonment in Normandie Odon for malice to Lanfranc seekes to distract the Kings forces and restored to his Earledome of Kent finding himselfe fo farre vnder what he had beene and Lanfranc his concurrent now the onely man in councell with the King complots with as many Norman Lords as hee found or made to affect change and a new maister and sets them on worke in diuers parts of the Realme to distract the Kings forces as first Geoffery Bishop of Constans with his nephew Robert de Mowbray Earle of Northumberland fortifie themselues in Bristow
to all the pious vndertakers that none were esteemed to containe any thing of worth which would stay behind Each giues hand to other to leade them along and example addes number The forwardnesse of so many great Princes passing away Peter the Hermit gets 300000 men to recouer the Holy Land their whole estates and leauing all what the deerenesse of their Country contained drew to this warre 300000 men all which though in armes passed from diuerse Countries and Ports with that quietnesse as they seemed rather Pilgrimes than Souldiers Godefrey of Bouillon Nephew and heire to the Duke of Lorraine a generous Prince bred in the warres of the Emperour Henry the fourth was the first that offered vp himselfe to this famous voyage and with him his two brothers Eustace and Baudouin by whose examples were drawne Hugh le Grand Count de Vermondois brother to Philip King of France Robert Duke of Normandy Robert le Frison Earle of Flanders Stephen Earle of Blois and Chartres Aimar Bishop of Puy William Bishop of Orange Raimond Earle of Tholouse Baudouin Earle of Hainaut Baudouin Earle of Rethel and Garnier Earle of Gretz Harpin Earle of Bourges Ysoard Earle of Die Ramband Earle of Orange Guillaum Conte de Forests Stephen Conte de Aumaul Hugh Earle of Saint Pol Rotron Earle of Perche and others These were for France Germany and the Countries adioyning Italie had Bohemond Duke of Apulia and England Beauchampe with others whose names are lost Spaine onely had none being afflicted at that time with the Sarazins Most of all these Princes and great personages to furnish themselues for this expedition 1097. Anno. Reg. 10. sold or ingaged their possessions Godefrey sold the Dutchie of Bologne to Aubert Bishop of Liege and Metz to the Citizens besides he sold the Castle of Sarteney and Monsa to Richard Bishop of Verdun and to the same Bishop Baudouin his brother sold the Earledome of Verdun Eustace likewise sold all his liuelihood to the Church Herpin Earle of Bourges his Earledome to Philip King of France and Robert morgaged his Dutchie of Normandie the Earledome of Maine and all hee had to his brother King William of England Whereby the Pope not onely weakened the Empire with whom the Church had to the great affliction of Christendome held a long and bloudie businesse about the inuestitures of Bishops tooke away and infeobled his partisans abated as if by Ostrocisme the power of any Prince that might oppose him but also aduanced the State Ecclesiasticall by purchasing these great tempo more honorable for the sellers then the buyers vnto a greater meanes then euer For by aduising the vndertakers seeing their action was for CHRIST and his Church rather to make ouer their estates to the Clergie of whom they might againe redeeme the same and bee sure to haue the fayrest dealing then vnto Lay men he effected this worke Whereby the third part of the best Fiefs in France came to bee possest by the Clergie and afterward vpon the same occasion many things more sold vnto them in England especially when Richard the first vndertooke the voyage who passed ouer diuers Mannors to Hugh Bishop of Durham and also for his mony created him Earle of Durham as appeares in his life This humor was kept vp and in motion almost 300 yeares notwithstanding all An Emperour of Germany 2 Kings of France with their wiues a King of England and a King of Norwey went all thither in person the discouragements by the difficulties in passing the disasters there through contagion arising from a disagreeing clime and the multitudes of indigent people cast oftentimes into miserable wants It consumed infinit Treasure and most of the brauest men of all our West world and especially France For Germanie and Italie those who were the Popes friends and would haue gone were stayed at home by dispensation to make good his partie against the Emperour who notwithstanding still strugled with him but in the end by this meanes the Pope preuailed Yet these were not all the effects this voyage wrought the Christians who went out to seeke an enemy in Asia brought one thence to the daunger of all Christendome and the losse of the fairest part thereof For this long keeping it in a warre that had many intermissions with firs of heates and coldnesses as made by a league consisting of seuerall Nations emulous and vnconcurrent in their courses taught such as were of an entire bodie their weakenesses and the way to conquer them This was the great effect this voyage wrought And by this meanes King William here was now ridde of an elder brother and a Competitor had the possession of Normandy during his raigne and more absolutenesse and irregularity in England Where now in making vp this great summe to pay Robert he vsed all the extreme meanes could be deuised as hee had done in all like businesses before Whereby he incurred the hatred of his people in generall and especially of the Clergie being the first King which shewed his successors an euill precedent of keeping their Liuings vacant and receiuing the profits of them himselfe as he did that of Canterbury foure yeares after the death of Lanfranc and had holden it longer but that being dangerously sicke at Glocester the sixth yeare of his raigne his Clergie in the weakenesse of his body tooke to worke vpon his minde so as hee vowed 1099. Anno. Reg. 12. vpon his recouerie to see all vacancies furnished which he did but with so great adoe as shewed that hauing escaped the daunger hee would willingly haue deceiued the Saint And Anselme an Italian borne though bred in Normandy is in the end preferred to that Sea But what with his owne stiffenesse and the Kings standing on his regalitie he neuer enioyed it quietly vnder him For betweene them two began the first contestation about the inuestitures of Bishops and other priuiledges of the Church which gaue much to doe to many of his successors Anselme not yeelding to the Kings will forsooke the Land whereupon his Bishopricke was re-assumed and the King held in his hands at one time besides that of Canterburie the Bishoprickes of Winchester Sarum and eleuen Abbayes whereof he tooke all the profits He vsually sold all spirituall preferments those would giue most and tooke fines of Priests for fornication he vexed Robert Bluet Bishop of Lincolne in suite till hee payd him 5000 pounds And now the Clergie vpon this taxe complaying their wants were answered That they had Shrines of Gold in their Churches and for so holy a worke as this warre against infidels they should not spare them Hee also tooke money of Iewes to cause such of them as were conuerted to renounce Christianity as making more benefit The Kings shew of religion by their vnbeleefe then their conuersion Wherein hee discouered the worst peece of his nature Irreligion Besides his great taxations layd on the Layetie he set informers vpon them and for The antiquity of
it was ingaged Raymond refuses it and stands to his possession as of a thing absolutely sold or forfeited but being too weake to contend with a King of France fell to an accord and married his sister Constans widdow of Eustace sonne to King Stephen and so continues the possession Now King Henry hauing married this Elionor and with her was to haue all the Rights shee had tenders likewise as the King of France had done in the same case the summe formerly disbursed vpon the morgage of that Earledome And with all makes ready his sword to recouer it and first combines in league and amity with such whose Territories bordred vpon it as with Raymond Earle of Barcelona who had married the daughter and heire of the King of Arragon a man of great Estate in those parts intertayning him with conference of a match betweene his second sonne Richard and his daughter with couenant that Richard should haue the inheritance of the Dutchy of Aquitaine and the Earledome of Poictou Besides hee takes into his protection William Lord of Trancheuille possessing likewise many great Signories in the Countrey and one who held himselfe much wronged in his Estate by the Earle of Tholouse These ay des prepared he leauies an Army and goes in person to besiege the Citie of Tholouse and takes along with him Malcolin King of Scots who comming to his 1159. Anno. Reg. 5. Court to doe him homage for the Earledome of Huntingdon and to make claime for those other peeces taken from his Crowne was entertayned with so many faire words and promises of King Henry as drew him along to this warre The Earle of Tholouse vnderstanding the intentions of the King of England craues ayde of his brother in Law the King of France who likewise with a strong Army comes downe in person to succour Tholouse and was there before the King of England could arriue with his forces whereupon seeing himselfe preuented and in disaduantage King Henry fell to spoyling the Countrey and takes in Cahors in Quercy where he places a strong Garrison to bridle the Tholousains and so returnes into Normandy gaue the order of Knight hood to King Malcolin at Tours augments his forces and enters the Countrey of Beauuoisin where he destroyes many Castles and commits great spoyles And to adde more anoyance to the King of France he obtained of the Earle de Auranches the two strong Castles Rochfort and Monfort which furnished with Garrisons impeached the passage twixt Orleance and Paris in so much as the warre and weather grew hote betwixt these two great Princes and much effusion of bloud was like to follow but that a mediation of peace was made and in the end concluded With a match betweene the young Prince Henry not seuen yeares of age and the 1160. Anno. Reg. 6. Lady Margaret eldest daughter to the King of France scarce three weake linkes to hold in so mighty Princes The yong Lady was deliuered rather as an Ostage then a Bride to Robert de Newburge to be kept till her yeares would permit her to liue with her Husband In the meane time notwithstanding many ruptures hapned betweene the Parents The first whereof Prince Henry contracted to Margaret daughter to the King of France grew vpon the King of Englands getting into his owne hand the Castle of Gisors with two other Castles vpon the Riuer Eata in the confines of Normandy deliuered vp before the due time By three Knights Templars to whom they were committed in trust till the marriage were consummated And this cost some bloud the Knights Templars are persecuted by the King of France and the King of England receiues them But now the aduantage of power lying all on this side and the King seeing himselfe at large and how much he was abroad beganne to be more at home and to The King seekes to abate the power of the Clergy the cause therof looke to the Prerogatiues of his Crowne which as he was informed grew much infringed by the Clergy which since the time of Henry the first Were thought to haue inlarged their iurisdiction beyond their vocation and himselfe had found their power in the election of King Stephen with whom they made their owne conditions with all aduantages for themselues whereby they depriued his Mother and her issue of their succession to the Crowne And though afterwards by their mediation the peace twixt him and Stephen was concluded and his succession ratified yet for that might he thanke his Sword the Iustice of his cause and strong party in the Kingdome What they did therein shewed him rather their power then their affection and rather put him in mind of what they had done against him at first then layed any obligation on him for what they did afterward And his owne example seeing them apt to surprise all aduantages for their owne aduancement made him doubt how they might deale with his Posterity if they found occasion and therefore is he easily drawne to abate their power in what he could To this motion of the Kings dislike the Lay Nobility emulous of the others authority layed more waights alledging how the immunities of the Clergie tooke vp so much Complaints against the Clergie from the Royalty as his execution of Iustice could haue no generall passage in the Kingdome the Church held their Dominion apart and free from any other authority then their owne and being exempt from Secular punishments many enormious acts were committed by Clergie-men without any redresse to be had and it was notified to the King that since the beginning of his Raigne There had beene aboue a hundreth Man-slaughters committed within the Realme of England by Priests and men within Orders Now had the King a little before vpon the death of Theobald Arch-bishop of Canterbury 1161. Anno. Reg. 7. preferred Thomas Becket a creature and seruant of his owne to that Sea A man whom first from being Arch-deacon of Canterbury he made his Chancelor and finding him Diligent Trusty and Wise imployes him in all his greatest businesses of the State by which tryall of his seruice and sidelity he might expect to haue him euer the Thomas Becket preferred to the Sea of Canterbury readier to aduance his affaires vpon all occasions And besides to shew how much he respected his worth and integrity he commits vnto him the education of the Prince a charge of the greatest consequence in a Kingdome which shall be euer sure to find their Kings as they are bred At the beginning of this mans promotion this reformation of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction is set vpon a worke in regard of that time of deuotion of great difficultie the Bishops hauing from the beginning of Christianitie first vnder the Saxon Kings principally swaded the State and though at the entrance of the Norman they were much abriged of their former liberties they held themselues if not content yet quiet For albeit they had not that power in temporall businesses as
then giues him powre to inuade the same and to execute whatsoeuer should bee to the Honour of God and good of the Countrey with reseruation of Church-rights and Peeter-pence a penny of euery house yearely which hee had promised by his Ambassadors and so concluds with an exhortation to plant men of good and examplar life in the Clergie c. But the King at that time hauing other occasions left off the purpose of this which comes now of late to bee againe imbraced by this meanes Dermot Mac Marrgh one Dermot complains against O Conor to King Henry of the fiue Kings which then ruled that Island comes vnto him into Aquitaine to craue his ayde against Rodorick the Great called O Conor Dun King of Connaught who contending for the Soueraigntie of the whole had chaced him out of his Dominion of Lemster The King of England glad to finde a doore thus opened to his intention that might yeeld passage of it selfe without being broken vp intertaines this eiected King with promises of ayde and though hee could not as then furnish him being ingaged in other great affaires he yet permits such of his subiects as would to aduenture their fortunes with him But the occasion of the dissention betweene these two Irish Kings was indeed fowle on the part of Dermot who had corrupted and stolne away the wife of Rodoricke and for that odious iniury with his iniustice to his people the common causes Dermots offences of ruininge and transferring Kingdomes hee was by strong hand chaced out of his Dominion of Lemster and thereupon makes out for forraine aide And hauing thus delt with the King of England he betakes him into Wales where first he wrought one Robert Fits Stephen a man of a desperate fortune yet able to draw many voluntaries to contract with him and afterward Richard of the house of Clare surnamed Strong-bow Earle of Pembrooke commonly called of his chiefe seate in Monmoth-shire Earle of Chepstow or Strigil a Lord of high courage and worthinesse which made him well followed and of great possessions both in England and Normandy which gaue him meanes for his entertainements Fits Stephen was perswaded by promise of rich rewards The Earle of marriage with Eua the daughter of Dermot the succession of the Kingdome of Lemster Fits Stephen with Maurice Fits Gerard his halfe brother by the mother passed ouer The conqnest of Ireland first with a small company and landed at the place called by the Irish Bagg-bun which in English signifies Holy and therefore interpreted as presaging good successe whereof this time retaines yet the memory At the head of Bagge and Bun Ireland was Triginta Mili tibus lost and wonne And the next day after arriued at the same place Maurice de Prendergast with other men at armes and many Archers in two ships parcell of Fits Stephens forces which from thence marched to the Citty of Weishford with Banners displayed The beginning of May. in so strange a forme and order though their number were not foure hundreth as the Irish vnacquainted with so vnusuall a face of warre were ouercome with 1170. Anno. Reg. 16. feare and rendred vp themselues to their mercy with their Citty of Wcishford which with the Countrey about was giuen by Dermot to Robert Fits Stephen for an encouragement to him and hope to others And there was planted the first Colonie of the English which euer since hath continued retaining still in a sort our antient attire and much of our language proper onely to that Citty and Countrey about and called by a distinct name Weisford speech The next yeare are new supplies sent out of Wales and after vpon intelligence of 1171. Anno. Reg. 17. good successe the Earle of Pembrok ariues in the Bay of Waterford with two hundred men at armes and a thousand other souldiours takes the towne which was then called Porthlarge puts the inhabitants to the sword to giue terror to others and make roome for his owne people and there Dermot giues him his daughter in marriage with the dowry of his Country which after his wickednesse had vndone hee liued not to see more yeares hauing had to many by this and dies miserably leauing the Stile of Ningal which signifies the strangers friend added to his name in memory of his vnnaturall forsaking his owne Nation Strongbow after hauing secured the places gotten marches with those small forces he had ouer the Island without resistance Rodoricke the Great shewing himselfe but a little Prince kept in the Wildes and fastnesses of Connaught and neuer came to appeare before the enemy who passing through the Country at his pleasure takes what pledges he would of the inhabitants to secure their obedience and with as little labour possest himselfe of the Citie of Dublin the head of the Island Thus Wales got vs first the Realme of Ireland and which is most strange without stroke of battaile a thing scarce credible that a Country so populous a Nation of that disposition should not lift vp a hand to defend it selfe hauing it seemes either neglected the vse of Armes or else neuer beene acquainted with them other then in a naked manner of domesticke fight one with another whereby the terror of strange and neuer before seene forces in order of warre layd them prostrate to the mercy of the Ouer-runner But the King of England aduertised of the prosperous successe of these Aduenturers and the Estate of the Country grew in iealousie of them thinking they presumed farther then their subiection would allow and would make themselues that which they must bee made by him and take away the glory of the worke that should bee onely his causes proclamation to be made That no vessell should carry any thing out of his Dominions into Ireland and that all his subiects should returne from thence and leaue off their attempts otherwise to forfeit their Estates at home And withall sends ouer William Fitz. 1172. Anno. Reg. 18. Adelm and Robert Fitz Bernard with some forces to prepare the way for him who followed shortly after and lands eight miles from Waterford the Eue of Saint Luke Anno 1172. being the third yeare after the first Inuasion made by Fitz Stephen At his first landing a white Hare starting out of a bush was taken and presented to him interpreted as a presage of a white victory The next day hee marches to Waterford where he staied fifteene dayes and thither came to him of their owne accord the Kings of Corke Limricke Oxerie Meth and all of any powre in Ireland except Rodoricke King of Connaught who still kept himselfe in the fastnesse of his Countrey and submitted themselues withall the Clergie taking their Oath of Fealty to him and the young King The Irish kings submission and their Successors for euer so these deuided Princes holding no common Councell for the publique safty rather then to ioyne those hands that had so often scratched each other
them doubtfull what to resolue vpon in regard of the tender youth of Henry and their Oath made to Louys But such was the insolence of the French making spoyle and prey of whatsoeuer they could fasten on and now inuested by Louys contrarie to his Oath in all those places of importance they had recouered as made many of the English to relinquish The confession of the Viscont Melun at his death their sworne fidelitie and forsake his part Which more of them would haue done but for the shame of inconstancie and the daunger of their pledges remayning in France which were great tyes vpon them Besides the popular bruit generally divulged concerning the confession of the Viscont Melun a Frenchman who lying at the point of death toucht with compunction is said to reueale the intention vow of Louys which was vtterly to extinguish the English nation whom he held vile neuer to be trusted hauing forsaken their own Soueraign Lord wrought a great auersion in the hearts of the English which whither it were indeed vttered or giuen out of purpose it was so to be expected according to the precedents of all in-brought farreiners vpon the deuisions of a distracted people And first William Earle of Salisbury mooued in bloud to succour his Nephew tooke Diuers Lords reuolt from Louys away a maine peece from the side of Louys and with him the Earles of Arundle Warren William sonne and heire to the great Marshall returne to the fidelity of Henry after 6 months they had reuolted to the seruice of Louys which now may be thought was don but to temporise and try the hazard of a doubtfull game otherwise a brother would not haue forsaken a brother nor so Noble a father and sonne haue deuided their starres Notwithstanding Louys found hands enow to hold London withall the Countries about it a whole yeare after so that the young King was constrained to remaine about Glocester Worcester and Bristow where his wakefull Ministers faile not to imploy all means to gather vpon whatsoeuer aduantages could be espied at length so wrought as they draw the enemy from the head of the kingdome downe into the body first into Leceister-shire to releeue the Castle of Montsorell a peece apertayning to Saer de Quincy Earle of Winchester a great partisan of Louys and after by degrees to Lincoln where a Noble Lady called Phillippa but of what famely time hath iniuriously bereft vs the knowledge had more then with feminine courage defended the Castle the space of a whole yere against Gilbert de Gant the French forces which were possest of the town The Earle Marshall Protector of the King and kingdom with his sonne William the Bishops of Winchester Salisbury and Chester the Earles of Salisbury Ferrers and Albemarle William de Albinet Iohn Marshall William de Cantelupe Falcasius Thomas Basset Robert Veypont Brent de Lisle Geffrey Lucy Philip de Albinet and many other Barons and marshall men being with all the powre of the young king whose forces as he marched grew dayly greater come to a place called Stow within 8 miles of Lincoln the Legat Guallo to adde courage resolution to the army caused vpon confession of their sinnes the Eucharist to be ministred and giues them a plenary absolution solemnly The forces of Louys ouerthrowne accursing Louys with all his adherents as seperated from the vnity of the Church which done they set forth and with such violence assaile the City on all sides as the defendants after the Earle of Perch valiantly fighting was slaine were soone defeited and all the principall men taken prisoners whereof these are nominated Saer Earle of Winchester Henry de Bohun Earle of Hereford Gilbert de Gant lately made Earle of Lincoln by Louys Robert Fitz Walter Richard Monfichet William Moubray William Beauchamp william Maudit Oliuer Harcort Roger de Cressy William de Coleuile William de Ros Robert de Ropsley Ralph Chandnit Barons besides foure hundred Knights or men at Armes with their seruants horse and foot The number and quality of the persons taken shew the importance of the place and the greatnesse of the victorie which gaue Louys his maine blow and was the last of his battailes in England The spoyles were very great being of a City at that time rich in Marchandize The spoyle of Lincolne whereupon the winners in derision tearmed it Louys his Faire Many of those who escaped and fled from this ouerthrow were slaine by the Country people in their disorderly passing towards London vnto Louys who vpon notice of this great defeat sends presently ouer for succours into France and drawes all the powre he had in England to the Citie of London whether the Earle Marshall with the young King bend their course with purpose either to assaile Louys vpon this fresh dismay of his losse and the distraction of his partakers or induce him by agreement to relinquish the Kingdome The first being found difficult the last is propounded whereunto Louys would not The Peace was concluded the 11 of Sep. be brought to yeeld vntill hearing how his succors comming out of France were by Phillip de Albenie and Hubert de Burgh with the forces of the Cinke-ports all vanquished at sea he then hoplesse of any longer subsisting with safty condiscendes to an accord takes fifteene thousand markes for his voyage abiures his claime to the Kingdome promises by Oath to worke his father as farre as in him lay for the restitution 1218. Anno. Reg. 3. of such Prouinces in France as appertayned to this Crowne and that when himselfe should be King to resigne them in peaceable manner On the other part King Henry takes his Oath and for him the Legat and the Protector to restore vnto the Barons of this Realme and other his Subiects all their rights and heritages with those liberties for which the discorde beganne betweene the late King and his people Generall pardon is granted and all prisoners freed on both fides Louys is honorably attended to Douer and departs out of England about Michelmas aboue two yeares after his first atiuall hauing beene here in the greatest part a receiued King and was more likely to haue established himselfe and made a Conquest of this Kingdome being thus pulled in by others armes then the Norman that made way with his owne had not the All-disposer otherwise diuerted it Such effects wrought the violence of an vnruly King and the desperation of an oppressed people which now notwithstanding the fathers iniquitie most willingly imbrace the sonne as naturally inclyned to loue and obey their Princes And in this recouery the industrie of Guallo the Legate wrought much though what he did therein was for his owne ends the pretended interest of the Pope whose ambition 1219. Anno. Reg. 4. had beene first an especiall cause of this great combustion in the Kingdom but as they who worke the greatest mischiefes are oftentimes the men that can best repaire them
be sought his highnesse he would not vrge him therevnto disswading him from that iourny by the example of the King of France on whom he might see the punishment of God to be The speech of Isabel Countes of Arundel to the king falen for his rapine made on his peoples substance wrerewith hee had now inriched his enemies who were growne fat with the infinite treasure of the Christians transported into those parts The King seeing the resolution of this graue Bishop in great passion commanded his seruants to thrust him out of doore perceiuing by this what was to be expected of the rest and so falls to his former violent courses During this Parliament an ill time for sutors Isabel Countesse of Arundel widdow comes vnto him a bout a Ward detayned from her in regard of a smale parcell of land held in Capite which drew away all the rest the King giuing her a harsh answere and turning away she said vnto him My Lord why turne you away your face from Iustice that we can obtaine no right in your Court you are constituted in the middest betwixt God and vs but neither gourne your selfe nor vs discrectely as you ought you shamefuliy vex both the Church and Nobles of the Kingdome by all meanes you may To which speech the King disdainefully replies Lady Countesse hath the Lords made you a Charter and sent you for that you are an Eloquent speaker to be their aduocate and prolocutrix No Sir saith she they haue not made any Charter to mee But the Charter which your father and you made and sworne so often to obserue and so often extorted from your subiects their money for the same you vaworthily transgresse as a manifest breaker of your faith Where are the Liberties of England so often written so often graunted so often bought I though a woman and with mee all your naturall and faithfull people appeale against you to the tribunall of that High Iudge aboue and Heauen and Earth shal be our witnesse that you haue most vniustly delt with vs and the Lord God of reuenge auenge vs. Here with the King disturbed asked her if shee expected no grace from him being his kinswoman How shall I hope for grace said the when you deny mee right and I appeale before the face of Christ against those Councellors of yours who onely greedy of their owne gaine haue bewitched and infatuated you As boldly though in fewer words is he reproued by the Maister of the Hospitall of The King reproued by the Maister of the Hospitall of Ierusalem Ierusalem in Clerken-well who comming to complaine of an iniurie committed against their Charter the King told him The Prelats and especially the Templars and Hospitalars had so many liberties and Charters that their riches made them proud and their pride mad and that those things which were vnaduisedly granted were with discreation to be reuoked and alledges how the Pope had often recalled his owne grants with the clause non obstante and why should not he cassat those Charters inconsiderately granted by him and his Predecessors What say you Sir Said the Prior God forbid so ill a word should proceed out of your mouth So long as you obserue Iustice you may bee a King and as soone as you violate the same you shall leaue to be a King The Fryers Minors to whom he had sent a load of Frees to cloath them returned the same with this message That hee ought not to giue Almes of what hee had rent from the poore neither would they accept of that abhominable guift With these and many such like bold incounters ill becomming the obedience of Subiects is this King affronted to shew vs the ill complexion of the time and how miserable a thing it is for a Prince to loose his reputation and the loue of his people whereby they both haue their vexations And dayly more and more hardned hee is against the English whereby Strangers Strangers cōmit ryots are made so insolent as they commit many ryots and oppressions in the Kingdome William de Valence whose youth and presumption went which way his will led him goes from his Castle of Hartford to a Parke of the Bishop of Ely lying neere his manner of Hatfield where after hauing spoyled much game hee enters into the Bishops house and finding no drinke but Ale causes the Cellar doore being strongly barred to be broken open by his people who after they had drunke their fill let out the rest on the floore But a greater violence then this was offred to an Officiall of the Archbisnop of Canterbury by the commandement of the Elect of Winchester the one brother to the Queene the other to the King which troubled them both and gaue them much to doe before it was appeased Guy de Lusignan the other brother of the King comming as a guest to the Abbot of Saint Albones violates the Rights of Hospitality and many other iniuties are reported by our Authour to haue beene committed by strangers and much complaint is made of that time wherein this was sayed to bee the vsuall exclamation Our inheritance is giuen to Aliens and our houses to Strangers which notwithstanding the King seekes still to preferre A daughter of Guy de Lusignan Earle of Angolesme is married to Richard or Gilbere de Clare Earle of Glocester a man eminent and deerely loued of the Nobility Learned in the Lawes of the Land and held a great Patriot which manacle of alliance lockt not yet his hands from defending the liberties of his Country the King promises her a dower of fiue thousand Markes which hee sought to borow of diuers but could not The City of London is againe compelled to the contribution of 1000 Markes and the Gascoyns being vpon revolt vnlesse speedy remedy were taken generall musters are made and commandement giuen that whosoeuer could dispend 13 pound per annum should furnish out a horse-man This with the extreame wants of the King occasions another Parliament wherein the State began it seemes wisely to consider that all their opposition did no good the Kings turne must bee serued one way or other some must pay for it and where it lighted on particulars it was far more heauy then it could be in generall and therefore they agreed to relieue him rather by the vsuall way then force him to those extrauagant courses which he tooke But so as the reformation of the gouernment and ratification of their lawes might be once againe solemly confirmed And after fifteene daies consultation to satisfie the Kings desire for his holy expedition A Tenth and Scutage granted by Parl. a Tenth is granted by the Clergy which yet by view of the Lords should vpon his setting forth be destributed for 3. yeares and Scntage 3. Markes of euery knights Fee by the Laytie for that yeare And now againe those often confirmed Charters are ratified and that in the most solemne and ceremonicall manner as Religion and State could euer
deuise to doe The King with all the great Nobility of England all the Bishops and chiefe Prelates 1253. Anno. Reg. 37. in their reuerent Ornaments with burning candles in their hands assemble to heare the terrible sentence of Excommunications against the infringers of the same And at the lighting of those Candles the King hauing receiued one in his hand giues it to a Prelate that stood by saying it becomes not me being no Priest to hold this candle my heart shal be a greater testimony and withall layd his hand spread on his brest the whole time the sentence was read which was thus pronounced Autoritate dei omnipotratis c. which done he caused the Charter of K. Iohn his Father granted by his free consent to be Vide Append. likewise openly red In the end hauing throwne away their candles which lay smoaking on the ground they cryed out So let them who incurre this Sentence be extinct and stincke in hell And the King with a loud voyce said As God me helpe I will as I am a Man a Christian a Knight a King crowned and anoynted inuiolably obserue all these things And therewithall the Bells rung out and all the people shouted with ioy Neuer were lawes amongst men except those holy commandements from the mount established with more maiesty of Ceremony to make them reuerend and respected then were these they wanted but thunder and lightning from heauen which if prayers could haue procured they would likewise haue had to make the sentence gastly and hydeous to the infringers thereof The greatest security that could begiuen was an oath the onely chaine on earth besides loue to tye the conscience of man and humaine society together which should it not hold vs all the frame of gouernment and order must needs fall quite a sunder Now the busines of Gascoigne that required present care is in hand which the The K. resumes Gasoigny from his brother Richard giues it to his sonne Prince Edward better to know we must returne to the head whence it sprung 27. yeares past the King by the councell of his Lords freely granted to his brother Richard all that Prouince who is there receiued as their Lord with their oathes of Fealty made vnto him and so continues vntill the King hauing issue of his owne by motion of the Queene reuokes his guift confers it vpon his eldest sonne Edward Richard though he were depriued of the possession would not yeeld to forgoe his right and at the Kings last being in Gascoigny many of them stand doubtfull whom to attend the King in great displeasure commanded his brother to resigne his Charter and renounce his right which hee refusing to doe the King commands those of Burdeax to take and imprison him but they in regard of his high bloud the homage they had made him and the kings mutability who might resent his owne commandement would not aduenture there on Then he assayles them with mony which effected more then his commandement the Earle is indaunger to be surprised escapes out of Bnrdeaux and comes ouer into England The King assembles the nobility of Gasconie at Burdeaux invaighs against his brother a man hee saide was couetous and a great oppressor a large promiser but a spare payer and that hee would prouide them of a better gouernour with all promises them thirty thousand Markes as a price of their obedience and so nullifies the Charter of his former donation with their homage and takes their oath of Fealty to himselfe Which yet they would not make vnto him till hee had inwrapt himselfe Simon Monford Earle of Leicester sent into Gascony both by his Charter and Oath for this promised summe wherevnto they so held him as thereby afterward they lost his loue And to be reuenged on them he sends Simon Monford Earle of Leceister a rough and Martiall man to Maister their pride makes him a Charter for 6. yeares to come and furnishes him with 10000. markes the better to effect his command Monfort by his sterne gouernment so discontents the Gascoins as after three yeares suffring they send the Archbishop of Burdeaux with other great men to complaine of his hard dealing and accuse him of haynous crimes their greeuences are heard before the King and his councell Monfort is sent for ouer to answere for himselfe the Earle of Cornwall for his receiued wrong in those parts and the Lords of England for their loue to him take Monforts part and that so egarly as the King comes about to fauour and countenance the Gascons against Monfort not for his loue to them but to awe and abate the other Wherevpon Montfort enters into vndutifull contestation with the King vpraydes him with his expencefull seruice wherein he saies he had vtterly consumed his Estate and how the King had broken his word with him and requires him either to make it good according to his Charter or render him his expences The King in great rage told him no promise was to be Monforts contestation with the K. obserued with an vnworthy traytor Wherewith Monfort ryses vp protesting that he lyed in that word and were he not protected by his royall dignity hee would make him repent it The King commands his seruants to lay hold on him which the Lords would not permit Monfort therevpon grew more audacious saying who will beleiue you are a Christian were you euer confessed if you were it was without repentance and satissaction The King told him he neuer repented him of any thing so much as to haue permitted him to enter into this Kingdome and to haue honored and it stated him as he had done The Gascoignes after this are priuatly sent for by the king who giues them all comfort and incourages them against Monfort whom yet he would againe send ouer to his charge but with clipt winges whereby both himselfe and they might the better be reuenged on him and withall confirmes the state of Gascoigne to his sonne Edward whom he promised them shortly to send ouer wherwith they are much pleased and after they had done their homage to the Prince depart The effect of this confused and ill-packt Monfort returned to his charge businesse was such as all indirect courses produce Monfort returnes in flames to plague the Gascoignes and they in like manner him but he by his great alliance in France drawes together such a power as beyond expectation hee ouer matches the Gascoigne whose Estates he exposes to spoyle and therewithall intertaines his great collected army They againe send ouer their complaints and vnlesse they were speedely relieued they of force must put their country into some other hand that would protect them And in this state stood Gascoigne now at the time of this last Parliament whither the King vpon this late supply granted omitting his Easterne enterprise goes with The K. goes ouer into Gasc with 300. great ships 300. Sayle of great ships and lands at Burdeux in August
murthers him in the Church Which Foundation laid on blood the Place the Person and the manner making it more odious much stained his beginning and effected not that security for which he did it but raised a mighty partie in Scotland against him King Edward though so late acquainted herewith as hee could not bee before hand with him yet would hee not bee long behind to ouertake him sends Amyer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke the Lords Clifford and Percy with a strong power to releeue his Wardens of King Ed. sends and prepates for Scotland Scotland who vpon this Revolt were all retyred to Berwicke whilst himselfe prepares an Army to follow Wherein to be the more free and Nobly attended Proclamation is made that whosoever ought by their paternall succession or otherwise had meanes of their owne for service should repaire to Westminster at the Feast of Penticost to receiue the order of Knighthood and a Military ornament out of the Kings Wardrobe Three hundred yong Gentlemen all the sonnes of Earles Barons and Knights assemble at the appointed day receiue Purples Silks Sindons Scarffs wrought with gold or Silver according to every mans estate For which traine the Kings house being too little by reason a great part thereof was burnt vpon his comming out of Flanders roome is made and the Apple Trees cut downe at the New Temple for their Tents where they attire themselues and keep their Vigil The Prince whom the King then likewise Knighted and guirt with a Militarie Belt as an ornament of that honour and withall gaue him the Duchy of Acquitaine kept his Vigile with his traine at Westminster and the next day guirds these Three Hundred Knights with the Militarie The Prince giues the honor of Knighthood to 300 Gentlemen Belt in that manner as himselfe received it At which ceremonie the presse was so great as the Prince was faine to stand vpon the high Altar a place for a more divine honour to performe this Which being solemnized with all the State and Magnificence could be devised the King before them all makes his vow that aliue or dead he would revenge the death of Iohn Cumyn vpon Bruce and the periured Scots Adiuring his sonne and all the Nobles about him vpon their Fealty that if he dyed in this Iourney they should carry his corps with them about Scotland and not suffer it to be interred till they had vanquished the Vsurper and absolutely subdued the Country A desire more Martiall then Christian shewing a minde so bent to the world as he would not make an end when he had done with it but designes his travaile beyond his life The Prince and all his Nobles promise vpon their faith to imploy their vtmost Reg. 34. An. 1307. power to performe his Vow and so vpon grant of the Thirtieth peny of the Clergie and the Laity and the Twentieth of all Marchants hee sets forth with a potent Army presently vpon Whitsontide and makes his last expedition into Scotland Anno Reg. 34. The Earle of Pembrooke with that power sent before and the aide of the Scottish partie which was now greater by the partakers of the Family of Cumyn being many mighty egar to revenge his death had before the King arrived in Scotland defeited in a battell neere S. Iohns towne the whole Army of the new King and narrowly missed the taking of his person Who escaping in disguise recovered an obscure shelter and was reserved for more and greater battailes His brother Nigell Bruce and shortly after Thomas and Alexander a Priest were taken and executed after the manner of Traytors at Berwicke so that K. Edward at his comming had not so much to do as he expected But yet he passed ouer the Country to shew them his power and to terrifie his enemies causing strict in quisition to be made for all who had been aiding to the murther of Cumyn and the advancement of Bruce Many and great Personages are A great execution made of the Scots found out being impossible amongst a broken people for any to remaine vndiscovered and were all executed in cruell manner to the terrour of the rest The Age of the King of England his Cholar Wrath desire of revenge made him now inexorable to spare none of what degree soever they were The Earle of Athol though of the Royall bloud and allyed vnto him was sent to London and preferd to a higher Gallowes then any of the rest The wife of Robert Bruce taken by the Lord Rosse is sent prisoner to London and his daughter to a Monastery in Lindsey The Countesse of Boughan that was aiding at the Coronation of Bruce is put into a woodden Cage and hung out vpon the walles of Berwicke for people to gaze on c. Which rigorous proceeding rather exasperates the Enemy and addes to the party of Bruce then any way quailed it desperation beeing of a sharper edge then hope And though Bruce now appeared not but shifted priuily from place to place in a distressed manner attended onely with two noble Gentlemen who neuer forsooke him in his fortunes the Earle of Lenox and Gilbert Hay yet still expectation loue and the well-wishing of his friends went with him and so long as hee was aliue they held him not lost this affliction did but harden him for future labours which his enemies who now neglected to looke after him as either holding him dead or so downe as neuer to rise againe found afterwards to their cost For this man from being thus laide on the ground within few yeares after gets vp to giue the greatest ouerthrowe to the greatest Armie that euer the English brought into the Field and to repay the measure of blood in as full manner as it was giuen All this Sommer the King spends in Scotland and winters in Carleil to bee ready A Parlement at Carliel the next Spring if any fire should breake out to quench it For resolued hee is not to depart till hee had set such an end to this worke as it should need no more And here hee holdes his last Parlement wherein the State mindefull of the Popes late action gott many Ordinances to passe for reformation of the abuses of his Ministers and his owne former exactions who being but poore sought to get where it was to bee had Wringing from the elect Archbishop of Yorke in one yeare Nine thousand fiue hundred Marks and besides Anthony Bishop of Duresme to be made Patriark of Ierasalem gaue him and his Cardinals mighty summes This Bishop Anthony is said to haue had in purchases and inheritances 5000 Marks per annum besides what belonged to his Myter which shewed the Pope the riches of this Kingdome The King and Pope deuide the benefite of the Cleargie and moued him to require the fruits of one yeares reuenue of euery Benefice that should fall voide in England Scotland Wales and Ireland and the like of Abbayes Priories and Monasteries which though
part Shortly after a Parlement is called at London wherein the King complaines of the great contempt was had of him by the Barons their rising in Armes their taking and murthering A Parlement Pierce Gaueston c. Whereunto with one accord they answer how they had not offended therein but rather mereted his lous and fauour hauing taken armes not for any contempt of his Royall person but to destroy the publique enemy of the Kingdome banished before by the consent of two Kings a man by whom his fame and honour was most highly disparaged his substance and that of the Kingdome wasted and a most dangerous dissention betweene him and his subiects raised Whereof otherwise with all their labour and trauaile they conld neuer haue had an end Besides they tell him plainely they would now no longer attend vaine promises nor be deluded with delaies as they had hitherto been concerning their required Articles Which stout resolution of theirs the Queene with the Prelates and the Earle of Glocester seeing they seeke by all perswasions to quallifie their heate and at length so farre preuailed with them as to appease the Kings wrath they brought them and their confederates in open Parlement to humble themselues to the King and to craue pardon for what they had done which they obtained and the King receiues The Lords are pardoned A Fifteenth granted them into grace as his loyall subiects grants them their Articles and particular pardons by his Charter for their indemnity concerning the death of Gaueston And for this the State vpon his great wants granted him a Fifteenth Guy de Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke is here appointed to bee one of the Kings Councell who Reg. 6. Anno. 1314. beeing a man much enuied by such as possest the King shortly after dies not without suspition of poyson Whilst the State of England stood thus diseased at home through the infirmity of a weake Head that of Scotland grew strong by the prouidence of a vigilant King who had not only ouercome the Scottish faction and recouered the most of his owne K. Bruce grows strong in Scotland Countrey but also made spoiles on this wasting all Northumberland in such sort as King Edward wakened with the out-cries of his people and the great dishonor of the K. Ed. goes with a mighty Army into Scotland kingdome is drawne to take armes for redresse thereof and enters Scotland with the greatest Armie that euer yet went thither consisting as the Scottish writers report of 100 Thousand men whereof were great numbers of Flemings Gascoines Welsh and Irish who in imagination had deuoured the Countrey before they came thither and thought not of Battailes but of deuiding the prey Besides the King had with him most of the Nobility and especiall men of England except Thomas Earle of Lancaster the Earles of Warwicke Warrein and Arundell who refused to goe for that the King protracted the execution of the foresaid Articles The Castle of Sterling is the peece that is to bee relieued which chiefly now held out defended by Philip Moubray a valiant Knight who seeing the daily successe of Bruce had manned and victualed the same for many moneths Neare to this place vpon the Riuer Bannocke is incountred this great Armie of England by Bruce with 30 Thousand Scots a small number say their writers in respect of their enemies but as men hardened with daily vse of warre and domesticall euills fierce and resolute carrying all their hopes in their hands of life estate and whatsoeuer was deare vnto them The aduantage of the ground was theirs hauing behinde vnaccessable Rocks to defend them before a Moorish vncertaine ground wherein they digged trenches The battail of Bannocks borough which they pitched full of sharpe stakes and couered them ouer with hurdles so that tht footmen might passe ouer safely without impediment but it so confounded the Horse as it gaue the Scots the day and the greatest ouerthrow to England that euer it receiued There perished in this Battaile called of Bannocks Bourough Gilbert The defeit of the English the last Clare Earle of Glocester a maine Arch of the State of England and Robert Lord Clifford the Noblest of our Barons with the Lord Tiptoft the Lord Mareschall the Lord Giles de Argenton the Lord Edmond de Maule 700 Knights Esquires and Gentlemen of sort of common souldiers theirs say Fifty thousand ours Ten taken prisoners Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford Ralph de Morthelmere who married Ioan de Acres Countesse dowager of Glocester with many others the King and those who were preserued escaped by flight This defeit put Scotland both into Armes and Wealth so that they held their owne the better for a long time after and discouraged so much this kingdome for many yeares as it wrought not though it often attempted any great reuenge King Eddward vpon his comming backe to Yorke shewed a great desire to repaire this dishonour but nothing was done his people grew colde home they returne and sitte downe by their losse The poore Borderers haue the worst of it and become so deiected as 100 of them would flie from three Scots saith Walsingham To such a sodain faintnesse are the inferiours brought when the nobler parts of a State which should giue them spirit are ill affected This disaster as mischiefe neuer comes alone was attended with inundations which brought forth Dearth Dearth Famine Famine Pestilence all which exceeded any that euer before had been knowne A Parlement is called at London vpon A Parlement at London the beginning of this Dearth to abate the prices of victualls which sodainely grewto be excessiue And therefore it was ordained that an Oxe fatted with grasse Reg. 8. An. 1315. should be sould for sixteene shillngs fatted with corne for twentie shillings the best Cow for twelue shillings a fat Hogge of two yeares old three shillings foure pence a fatte Sheepe shorne fourteene pence with the fleece twenty pence a fatte Goose for two pence halfe penny a fatte Capon two pence a fat Hen a penny foure Pigeons Rates for victualls a penny whosoeuer sould aboue should forfeit their ware to the King Heere seemes then to haue been no Calues Lambes Goslings Chickins young Pigges to be sould those dainties were not yet in vse After these rates imposed all kinde of victualls grew more scarce then before and such a Murrein followed of all kinde of Cattell with a generall failing of all fruits of A Dearth which lasted 3. yeares the earth by the excessiue raines and vnseasonable weather as prouision could not be had for the Kings house nor meanes for other great men to maintaine their Tables such a iust punishment had Excesse and Ryot inflicted thereon in those daies in so Reg. 10. An. 1317. much as men put away their seruants in great numbers who hauing beene daintily bred and now not able to worke scorning to begge fell to Robberie and spoyle which addes more miserie
Cornewall In anno Reg. 12. at a Parlement at Northampton as some write in the absence of the King was granted by the Laytie one halfe of their Wools but of the Clergie A Subsedie of Woll was levied the whole and they were caused to pay Nine Markes for every sacke of fine Wooll The next yeare after a Fifteenth was likewise paid in Wooll by the Comunaltie And K. Ed. goes into Fland. with his wife and children now for the better managing of his worke abroad hauing well accommodated the Scottish affaires hee goes ouer into Flanders takes with him his Queen and children lies at Antwerp where by perswasion of the Flemings hee tooke vppon him the Stile Title and Armes of the King of France whereby they held they might the better iustifie their partaking in his quarrell and dispence with their oath formerly made to the French King hauing besides bound themselues in 20 hundred thousand crownes neuer to beare Armes against the King of France and thereupon the league was established between them and King Edward The French King was not behind in his The French Kings partakers preparations and confederacies having to take his part the King of Bohemia the Count Palatine of Rhene who covenanted to serue him against K. Edward and his adherents with 300 horse for 56000 Florins The Bishop of Mets Albert Otho Dukes of Austrich Theodore Marquesse of Monferat Amè Earle of Geneva besides many Princes of Estate and divers great Captaines out of Germany French-County Sauoy Dauphine Spaine and other Countries So that all the best of the Christian World are Meanes to appease these two Kings either in Armes or aiding in this quarrell between these two mighty Kings Long were they preparing and making a noyse before they came to grapple and much was wrought by the Pope and the King of Sicile a great Astrologer who devined by skill hee had in the Stars of much future calamity to France to haue accorded them which would not be The Preface of this warre began on the Borders of each others State On this side King Edward sets vpon Cambray defended by the French Phillip on the other seises on The French King seises on Duchy of Guyen the Duchie of Guyen and thither sends Conte d Eu Constable of France with the Earles of Foix and Arminiacg who surprize many strong peeces thereof Besides he hath a great Navy at Sea which committed much spoile on the coast of England King Edward King Edward enters into France enters France by the way of Vermandois and Thierache approaches neere to King Phillip Both Armies were lodged between Vironfosse and La Flamenguere the day of the fight appointed vpon the Friday after the Battailes on both sides made ready the advantage of number was on the French But both Armies furnished with braue men of warre and circumspect depart without incounter The French esteeming it no discretion to put the person and state of their King to the hazard of Battell within his owne Kingdom And the English consisting of lesse number thought fit not to assaile them and so they passed the day in Countenances and nothing was done Onely this accident fell out which after gaue matter of sport A Hare starting before the head of the French Army a great shot was suddainely made which they who were behind Froissart supposing to haue been vpon the on-set of Battaile disposed themselues to fight some Knights of the Hare Esquires for their more incouragement are according to the custome presently Knighted who were ever after called Knights of the Hare The next morning earely both Kings dislodge the French retires to Paris the King of England into Brabant where after he had strongly fastened his confederated and disposed of his affaires he leaues the Queene and returnes into England about Candlemasse 1330. An. Reg. 14. having been in Brabant aboue a yeere lands at the Towre about Midnight and finding it vnguarded was much displeased sends for the Maior of London whom hee commanded to bring before him the Chancelor and Treasurer with Iohn S. Paul Michael Wath Phillip Thorp Hen. Stratford Clergie men who it seemes were officers for his receipts and Iohn Sconer Iustice of the Bench all which except the Chancellour were arrested and committed to prison as were afterward in like manner diverse officers of Iustice and Accomptants vpon inquirie made of their vniust proceeding A Parlement at London Great Subsides granted Custome at first but temporarie Then cals hee a Parlement at London in Lent which granted vnto him for custome of every Sacke of Wooll Forty shillings for every 300 Wooll-fells Forty shillings for every Last of Leather Forty shillings and of other Merchandizes according to that rate the same to indure from that Easter to the Whitsontide Twelue-month after Besides there was granted of Citizens and Burgesses a Nynth part of Goods of Forrain Merchants and other a Fifteenth of Husbandmen the Ninth Sheaffe the Ninth Fleece the Ninth Lambe for two yeares Also another Tenth of the Clergie And for his present supply hee hath Loanes of divers wealthy persons and the Citie of London lett 20 thousand Marks For the grant of which mighty Subsidie the King besides his Pardon to drivers kinds of offenders Pardons and Remission of antient Debts remits all Amercements for transgression in his Forrests Reliefes and scutage vnto the first time of his going into Flanders Besides all Aydes for the marriages of his Sonnes and Daughters during his raigne pardoning and remitting all ancient debts and arrerages both Retribution of his Fermors and others any way due in the time of his Progenitors and his owne till the tenth yeare of his raigne excepting such as were compounded for and determined to be paid into his Exchequer and here he likewise confirmes the great Charter During King Edwards aboade in England William Montague Earle of Salisbury and Robert Vfford Earle of Suffolke left in Flanders to oppose the proceeding of the French having persormed divers great exploits with happy successe and presuming overmuch The Earles of Salisbury and Suffolke taken prisonerg in France vpon their fortune were in an incounter about Lisle so overlaide by multitude as they were both taken and sent prisoner to Paris to the great ioy of the French King who now to impeach the King of Englands returne had prepared a mighty Navie in the Haven of Sluce consisting of 200 Saile of Ships besides many Galies and two thousand armed men in the Port ready to incounter him vpon his landing Whereof King Edward being advertised provides great strength with the like number of Shippes and sets out to Sea vpon Midsomer Eue is met the morrow after with a Navie likewise from the North parts conducted by Sir Robert Morley and in counters his enemy which lay to intercept him with such force and courage and advantage of winde and Sun as he vtterly defeited their whole Navie took or