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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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he liued for a great Priest Montanus was of Phrygia of a Towne called Ardaba Hee called himselfe the Paraclet Hee forbadde marriage and inuented and instituted Fastes Against those Heretickes writte Apollinaris Hierapolitaine and before him Milciades and Apollonius Appelles the Disciple of Marcian whome Theodotius called the great Hereticke put a beginning to God Also that Christ appeared in a fantasticke bodie Tatianus and his followers Encratites and Seuerians in this time These abstained from all kindes of flesh and drunke no wine They blamed Marriage as well as fornication They cast off the Epistles both of S. Paul and S. Peter The Doctrine of Christian libertie beganne at this time to bee greatly obscured and by little and little the errour tooke encrease For although yet there was no forbidding to vse the good thinges or God yet the Historie of Alcibiades recited in Eusebius Booke 5. Chap. 3. sheweth that by little and little men beganne to place a certaine Religion in seruices forged at pleasure This Alcibiades was one of the Martyres which suffered death in Gaul vnder Marcus Antonius Verus the Emperour Hee vsed to liue so austerely as hee did eate onely bread and drunke water In so much that beeing in prison hee would vse no other diet Attalus a Romane a man renowned amongst the Martyrs being also imprisoned shewed Alcibiades a better way and brought him to this point that after hee vsed indifferently the creatures of God without scruple and with thankesgiuing Eleutherius borne in Greece at Nicopolis ruled at Rome 15. yeares and more Hee made a commaundement against the heresie of the Seuerans which then raigned that no Christian for any ceremonie should reiect any sort of meates whereof there is an accustomed vse Also that none should be dismissed of his Office vnlesse first hee be accused and conuinced of crime That Bishops should finish nothing in an accusation intended against a Bishop without knowledge of the Pope but they might determine by Sentences the causes of other Church people That a Clarke may not be drawne into any cause but before his Bishop from whom if there were cause of suspition he might appeale Christian Religion then greatly augmented and came into farre greater suertie then before Lucius King of England and his Countrey receiued the Faith Many Nobles of Rome with their wiues and children were conuerted and Baptized The said Lucius left his Kingdome and went to preach the Faith first in France after in Almaine where hee was martyred Smyrna in Asia whereof Policarpus was Bishop was ouerthrowne by Earthquake and for the repaire of it tributes and tallages were laid Commodus the 18. Emperour raigned 13. yeares cruel luxurious incestuous of his owne Neeses hee held in his Pallaice three hundreth Concubines and three hundreth buggering boyes In a wicked rage he slew Lucilla his sister Being at the hot houses and but pricked with a Flea he cast the maister of the house into the Furnace Ireneus Bishop of Lions flourished The Temple of Serapis burnt in Alexandria The Capitoll at Rome and the Librarie burnt by lightning Apollonius a Senator of Rome accused to be a Christian presented to the Senate a booke conteining a defence of the Christians He was beheaded because the Imperiall lawe had so ordeined it Heereby appeares that Popes or Bishops of Rome were not as at this present they are Apollonius a man of authoritie could not shunne the sentence of death onely because he was a Christian hauing so many friends at Rome The Imperiall Lawe then was that such as were in Iudgement conuicted to be Christians should be punished with death Commodus made die many Noble persons It is recited in the History of the Martyrs of Gaule that the Painims sollicited and by torments constrained the seruants of Christians to confesse of their maisters things impossible once to be imagined Namely that they did eate the flesh of litle children that they committed paldiardizes and whoredomes such as is vnlawfull to name In so much as they which before had vsed some moderation in Christians causes gaue themselues greater licence to exercise crueltie against them This happened at Lions and at Vienne Eusebius reciteth it in his Epistle of the faithfull of Lions and of Vienne in Chap. 1. of the 5. booke At Rome the Pallace and the Temple of Vesta and of Peace and the greatest part of the Towne was consumed by fire Commodus the 13. yeare of his Empire was strangled of the age of 32. yeares by the counsell of Martia his chiefe Concubine who fauoured the Christians and other her friends which he had condemned to death because they shewed him certain his insolencies but they by this meanes preuented him and little there wanted that the bodie of this Tyrant was not drawne into Tyber by the common people Aelius Pertmax the ninteenth Emperour held the Empire by the space of sixe moneths His couetousnesse caused his death for retaining his souldiers wages He was of the age of seuentie yeares Didius Inhanus of Millaine 20. Emperour raigned foure or seuen or two moneths as some say Hauing slaine his predecessor hee was slaine of his Successor of the age of 56. yeares For his auarice he was hated of all Some say he was slaine by a souldier of little estimation within his Pallaice Victor Bishop of Rome borne in Affricke ruled tenne yeares He ordeined that such as would not reconcile themselues should be depriued of the Table of the Lord. Hee instituted that vnlesse it were in cases of necessitie Catholicke Baptisme should be celebrated in the time of the feast of Easter As we may see in the first Decretall Epistle attributed vnto him It were incredible if all Historians did not witnesse it that for the day of celebratiō of the feast of Easter so great a schisme should happen in the Church that of a dissention and question thereof so terrible a warre should come and all by this Victors meanes who would needs haue the feast of Easter celebrated on the Sunday because of the mysterie of the resurrection and would not haue the Fastes broken but on that day Victor writ to Policrates who was a Ruler amongst the Bishops of Asia and gaue commaundement in his Letters whereat all the Bishops of Asia were greatly offended Septimus Seuerus Pertinax borne in Affrica 21. Emperour raigned 18. yeares and dyed of the age of 70. yeares in England Many Sinodes were held in diuers Prouinces touching the Feast of Easter vpon what day it should be celebrated and by common accord it was agreed that the saide Feast of Easter should be celebrated vpon the Lordes day on which was his Resurrection and on no other day But the Bishops of the Countrey of Asia were of a contrary opinion saying that they should keepe the customes of of their Auncestors touching that Which Victor seeing would needs haue depriued generally all the Churches of Asia and
thing worthy of remembrance the great constancie of a woman called Denise and the exhortation she made to her sonne called Maioricus Remember said she my sonne that we were baptised in the name of the Trinitie wherefore let vs not loose the garments of our saluation Also an other called Victoria who neither by the solicitation of her husband nor the teares of her children could be perswaded c. Naucler Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a very graue man brought into peace and concord the people of Liguria and brought from Burgonie many Captiues as well by his Siluer as his holie life whereby he entreated the redemption of 6000. Captiues Paul Diaconus and Naucler after him Seuerin an Abbot in Noric was now of great renowne Odoacer King of the Gothes as he passed by Noric into Italie went vnto him for his blessing Odoacer occupied Italie and was made King thereof and the Gothes raigned there by the space of 70. yeares The West Empire takes here an end after Augustulus had deposed himselfe the yeare of Christ 472. Sidonius Bishop of Auuerne a famous Poet in this time Clouis the fift King of France and the first Christian King raigned 30 yeares That is fifteene a Painim and fifteene a Christian Hee reuenged himselfe of them which cast out his Father Childerike out of his kingdome Going to Soisons hee tooke it by force and draue away Siagre the sonne of Giles the Romaine who occupied the kingdome against Childeric as hath bene said And at his returne tooke Melum and chased away the Romanes He amplified the kingdome of France hauing subiected to it all the Cities and Townes which the Romanes held betwixt the Riuers Rhene and Seine also all such as were betwixt Seine and Loire The histories of France say that in a certaine battel against the Almaines being at a strait he remembred the admonitions which Clotilde his wife had often giuen him to imbrace the Christian faith and religion In such sort that being pressed he lifted vp his eies to heauen and said Lord God deliuer me from this perill wherein I am thus enuironed with mine enemies and I will beleeue in thy name I all my people It came to passe not only that he was deliuered from perill but also that he had victorie vpon his enemies wherefore he was baptized by Remy Bishop of Rhemes his two sisters and more then 3000. of the noblest of his people besides women and children The inuention and fable of the holy Ampoule as they call it wherwith the kings of France are annointed is reported of this time Clouis for recompence gaue to the Church of Rhemes many great gifts lands signories and rents S. Remy afterward had great authoritie and was principall Councellour of king Clouis Some say he builded the Church of Laon and that hauing erected it a Bishops place gaue vnto it the land of Laon. Patricius the brother of S. Remy Earle of Soissons was after Bishop of Soissons and also gaue to the said Church the Earledome which the Bishop there holds at this day For you must vnderstand that S. Remy and his brother were children of the Duke of Laon and of Soissons of a noble and auncient race The Annales of France make mention that Alaric King of Visigots then occupied a great part of Gaul namely all the country along the Riuer of Loire from Orleans euen to mount Pirenes which do seperate France and Spaine Item the countries of Berry Auuerne Limosin Quercy Perignex Angolmois Agenois Languedoc Prouence and other nigh places against which Clouis willing to make warre as he passed nie Tours he sent to make his offerings to S. Martin to haue his succours against the said Visegoths and that after the victory he himselfe came to Tours and offered great gifts to the Temple of S. Martin If this be so for a first Christian king he was partly instructed in the Christian faith and felt yet his Paganisme because in the place of his old Gods he reclaimed called now vpon Saints The fault may be imputed to the Bishops Pastors which then were more superstitious then religious and more foolishly deuout then well and diuinely instructed in the word of God As S. Brice Patrice Fourcy Medard Gildard Vaast Remy Severin Germanie Loupe Nicaisius Aguien and other Saints of like branne were canonized after their deaths Vnder Zenon there happened such a fire in Constantinople that the greatest part of the Towne was brought into ashes and more then sixe score thousand volumes were lost and consumed Clouis had in marriage Clotilde the daughter of Chilperic King of Burgonie who was slaine by his owne brother called Gondobaldus and his wife mother of the said Clotilde was drowned Felix the third of that name borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome 8. or 9. yeares his Father was a Priest called Felix The consecrations of Temples and their dedications yearly are attributed vnto him Germain Bishop of Capua in this time Vaast Bishop of Arras Vedastus in Latin Fulgence Bishop of Rupe in Affrike Auitus Bishop Vienne Solemus Bishop of Chartres preached Christ and Fourcy that came new from Ireland The Councell of Orleans the third at this time after Iohn le Maire In the first Melanius was President In the saide Councell which was vnder Clouis it was agreed that the goods of the Cleargie should be imployed for the mainteining of Priests for the reliefe of the poore for the deliuerance of prisoners and for the repairing of Churches In the Councell of Tarrascon in Spaine Church-men were enioyned not to buye good cheape with intent to sell the same thing dearer for then they should be deposed Meane cares occupied the assemblies of Bishoppes Anastatius the Emperour called Dicorus for the chaunge of colours which appeared in his eye-browes succeeded Zeno and raigned 27. yeares he commaunded straightly to worship a quaternitie that is to say foure persons in the Diuinitie which pernitious heresie was by him maintained Gelatius of Affricke gouerned the Romaine Church fiue yeares his Father was a Bishop named Valericus Naucler The distinction of Autentike and Apocrypha bookes of the scripture are attributed vnto him Hee declared many bookes Apocryphaes as the booke called the Assumption of the Virgine Mary Item the Canons of the Apostles such like In the 1 volume of the Councels The Manicheans againe are condemned and exiled and their bookes burnt He shewed how Anastatius the Emperor might be excommunicated Hee is numbred amongst them which chiefly ordained the Canon Te igitur clementissime c. Some attribute to him the ordinance of Bigamies that is of such as haue bin twise married that they should not be promoted to orders vnles it were by ordinance of the Apostolike sea That orders should be made foure times a yeare and on the Saterday only He made Hymnes Collects Responds Graduels Prefaces of the Masse and brought all into order He
to keepe all the aforesaid things And if any had not inough each day to spend eight pence and if he promised not to be confessed and to haue good contrition and to forgiue all iniuries his enemies had done vnto him Moreouer his wife must consent vnto him Finally the Emperour forced them to leaue off these toyes and bables and the Pope forbad them vpon paine of excōmunication from thenceforth not to whip themselues Yet in repentant maner they might whip themselues secretly Imbert Daulphin of Vienne renouncing the glory of the world as they speake tooke the habit of a Iacobin in the Couent of Lyons vppon Rhosne solde the Countrey of Dolphine to the king of France vnder conditiō that the kings of France should not aliene it and that their eldest children should beare the title thereof And this did he in despight of such as should haue bin his heires which had done a thing contrary to his will See the French Histories Bartholus the Legist or Lawyer was in this time and Petrus Bercorij who translated Titus Liutus into French at the King Iohn his commaundement and made the Breuiarie vpon the Bible and the Morall Reportorie Phillip de Valois 49. king of France the Coozin-germain of the three former kings hauing raigned 22. yeares died at Noogent le Roy of the age of 57. yeares Iohn his sonne Duke of Normandie was crowned at Reims the fiftieth king of France and raigned 14. yeares The brotherhood of the order of the starre began in the house of S. Oyon nigh Paris at the instance of King Iohn The knights of this order carried a starre in theyr hattes or on their coates About this time the Iewes were sent out of Almaine because they had infected and poysoned the Fountaines and Pits of water Fasci Temp. Clement the sixt died suddenly being stroken with an Aposteme the yeare 1353. Innocent Pope sixt of that name succeeded borne of Limoges first called Stephen Aubert hee was an aduocate Doctor in the Lawes and the Decrees after he was Bishop of Cleremont and Cardinall of Ostia After he had taken possession of the Popedome looking prudently for his profit in time to come he suspended certaine reseruations made by Clement his predecessor and straight ordained that all Prelates and beneficed men should retire vnto their Churches not to the end to preach the Gospell but to magnifie and maintaine all abuses and Papish rights And that they might gather the fruites thereof to liue in all Idlenesse and dissolution He said well that Sheepe ought to be kept by their owne Sheepheard and not by an hireling This Pope would needs gather a tenthe of all the rents and reuenewes of the Cleargie but the Prelates of France would not consent therevnto therefore it was not leuied yet hee did what he could in Almaine in the Dioces of Spice See Nauclerus The dearenes of victualls was extreame in France for the warres of the Englishmen the quarter of good wheat was at eighteene pounds at Paris He diminished his ordinarie expences which was great in reducing his familie to a certaine number yet not very honest as may be seene in Petrarke He would haue no person in his house but such as should serue either his profit or affections and he very straightly by Edict enioyned all his Cardinalls that they should do the like And said that his life and that of all Ecclesiasticall persons ought to serue for an example to others so that all Christian people may take heed to follow our examples Moreouer hee ordained a certaine sallary or stipend for the Auditors of his Pallace to the end they should steale nothing He was sparing in his diet and liuing say some authors but in expences of warre very large The Vniuersitie of Prage in Bohemia is instituted and endowed with priuiledges by Innocent at the request of the Emperour Charles the 4. Naucler Charles the 4. going to Rome to be crowned his wife was taken at Pise and carried with her Damzels into a Stewes to despite the Emperour but shee escaped from thence in great danger and then appeared the vertue of the Almaines Nauclerus The yeare 1355. Charles the 4. was crowned at Millaine and after at Rome on Easter day vpon condition straight to depart out of Italie Naucler What pride was this to commaund the Romane Emperour to retire out of his owne countrey Franc. Petrarke The Iourney of Poitiers was to the great dammage and confusion of all France and victorie of the English There were slaine the Duke of Bourbon and the Constable of Fraunce the Marshall and others to the number of eight hundreth knights The King of France was a prisoner Phillip his fourth sonne and others as well Counts as knights and men of armes at least 17. hundreth See the Histories of France The yeare of Christ 1359. was held an Imperiall Iourney at Magunce whether the Pope Innocent sent his Legate for the subsidies of the Apostolike Chamber and the said Legate had power to dispence with all Ecclesiasticall persons touching Benefices which they had obtained otherwise then the holy Canons permitted In this assembly were the Archbishop of Magunce Treuers and of Colongne the Dukes of Saxe Bauiere and others The Emperor then called the Legate vnto him said The Pope hath sent you into Almaine to exact a great summe of siluer without reforming the Cleargie After hee said to a Canon of Magunce deliuer mee your hatte and gaue him his which was much worse Then said he to the Princes which were there Locke not I with this hatte more like a warriour then a man of the Church Then turned hee againe to the Archbishop of Magunce and said Wee commaund that you reforme your Cleargie and take away the superfluitie in their garments shooes hattes and other things The Popes Legate hearing this went away all confounded and as it were flying tooke a boate and got him to Cologne Naucler This Pope a true Tyrant of Babilon commaunded that Iohn de Roquetaillaid should be burnt in Auignon because he said something against the Cleargie This man saith Peter de Premonstre prophecied many things should come to passe touching Antichrist and the Popes and therefore was he held suspected of heresie For he began to prophecie the yeare of our Lord 1345. in the time of Clement the sixt and many things were seene come to passe of that he had foretold This Pope ordained the Feast of Iesus Christs Launce and nailes to the end those dead Idolls might bee adored by the Christians Hee Inuironed Auignon with walles and ditches and without the towne founded the Monasterie of Chartreux Before this Popes death there was a great Ecclips of the Sunne such as was neuer seene the like to shewe that that very time was so full of darknesse that scant was there any remainder of the light of truth in the Church There was also seene in his time a a flame after the
at the houre that he yeelded the spirit the fire flamed in the pallace of Auignon which could not be put out vntill the greatest part of it was burnt And after that followed a schisme in the Popedome the greatest of all the others Then saith Masseus the people and Cleargie of Rome assembled towards the Cardinalls and prayed them to chuse some Italian and no French man Vrbain sixt of that name a Nepolitain by Nation called before Bartholemewe Archbishop of Bar being not yet of the order of Cardinalls and absent at the great pursuite of the Romanes was created Pope He was saith Crantzius a cruell man of whom by prayers nothing could be obtained Being come to the Popedome he would not procure that peace might be amongst Christians as his dutie was but sought to reuenge himself of iniuries done him by Cardinals and by Iane Queene of Sicilie Clement Pope 7. of that name was also chosen and ruled in Auignon 15. yeares And thus began the 22. Schisme the cruellest and horriblest which endured long This came to passe for that after the death of Gregorie 11. the Cardinals parted themselues into two bandes the Italian Cardinals by constraint of the Romanes did chuse the said Bartholemewe Archbishop of Bar and called him Vrbane the 6. but because he reprooued and reprehended the Cardinals for their lightnesse they all departed from him and went into the Cittie of Tendes where vpon enuie with the Frenche Cardinals they chose one called Robert borne at Geneua Cardinall of the title of the twelue Apostles and called him Clement the seuenth who came to dwell in Auignon because of the schisme Nauclere saith that this Clement was borne at Catalongne and was chosen 3. moneths after the promotion of Vrbain 6. For the French Cardinals for the heate of the time demaunded lycence of the Pope to goe into Anagnia and from thence were transported into Pouille where they elected the said Clement When Vrbane sawe himselfe thus left of his Cardinalls he created thirtie new vpon one day This schisme endured fortie yeares vntill the Councell of Constance whervpō came great disorder The King of France and all his kingdome Item Spaine and England held the part of Clement the 7. The other Countries that is to say Italie Almaigne Hungarie c. followed Vrbane the 6. and on both sides there was great contradiction The kingdome of France endured great euils about this schisme For Clement had good 35. Cardinals maintained liuing chiefly of the said kingdome and all held the best Prelateships benefices and dignities The kingdome there also was sore greeued with Impositions Annuities Tenths expectiue graces and other inuentions Insomuch that the poore Clarkes Students of the Vniuersitie of Paris could get no Benefices but all were occupied for Cardinals and other Courtiers of Auignon who had euer hired people to enquire of the value of Benefices Vrbane was cautelous seditious and vncurteous memoratiue and reuengefull of iniuries and one that tooke pleasure to sowe dissentions amōgst Christian Princes rather thē appease them Neither could he liue in peace with the king of Hungary and of Naples He would haue depriued Charles king of Sicilie of his kingdom Insomuch that Charles came against him and cōstrained him to flie to Genues by sea and as he passed on the Pope caused 5. or 6. Cardinalls to be drowned because he thought they fauoured Clement the 7. who was at Auignon Two other Cardinalls fled towards the said Clement and were welcommed but Vrbain excommunicated them Clement absolued them and the two Popes one excommunicated an other and their adherents Naucler Vrbain absolued the Florentines of an excommunication to acquire their grace and fauour To shewe himselfe deuout he instituted the Feast of the visitation of the Virgin Mary in the Mountaines He went to Naples to put Ladislaus sonne of Charles king of Naples and Iane his sister from their heritage but it was in vaine Therefore he returned to Rome wherein he was poysoned and died The said Charles at the sollicitation of Pope Vrbain the 6. came from Hungarie to Naples where being he slew the Queen Iane to please the Popes apppetite All the Archbishops Bishops Abbots and Priests which adheared vnto the said Iane were depriued of their Benefices by the Pope and in their places other were instituted See Naucler So Charles remained king of Naples fiue yeares afterward he returned into Hungarie but by the subtiltie of the Queene he was poysoned and died the yeare 1385. So wickedly as hee had caused Queene Iane of Sicilie to be slaine So the Queene of Hungarie slew him But the cause why Vrbane sent for Charles to Naples was in despight of Queene Iane who had receiued his Cardinalls into her kingdome wherfore he depriued her thereof and was crowned King of Sicilie by the Pope the yeare 1381. vnder conditiō that he should leaue to his Nephew certaine Duches Counts in Sicilia But because the said Charles was poore the Pope sold the Churches goods yea and the goods of certaine Monasteries euen amounting to 8000. Florence he aliened also and sold certaine ornaments of Gold and Siluer Crosses and Images with which helpe he obtained the kingdome of Naples as is said Charles the sixt sonne of Charles the fift was sacred King of France very yong He would beare but three Fower deluces in the French Armes His Father left him 1800000. Scutes Gaguin saieth 18. Millions and yet at the beginning of his raigne he had no mony For it was dissipated and dispearsed by diuers Tutors and Gouernours The aforesaid Clement 7. crowned Lewis King of Naples who by armes occupied the Prouince going into Italie against the said Charles and Vrbane hauing in his Campe 30. thousand fighters but hee dyed two yeares after hee was in Italie The Fountaines and waters were impoysoned wherof he dyed and all his Nobilitie Naucler The said Iane Queene of Sicilie Countesse of Prouence the wife of Charles Duke of Calabria sonne of Robert King of Sicilie and Nauarre and the sister of the King of France Philip had made the said Lewis Duke of Aniou her heire For she had now raigned 30. yeares without hauing any line The Sea of Histories Lewis Archbishop of Magdebourge as hee daunced in the Towne of Caluin with Ladies and Damozels vntill night sell vpon the ground and brake his necke and beat out his braines with one of the Ladies which he led The same hist The yeare 1381. Hugo Aubriot born at Bourgongne who before had bene great Gouernour de Finances of France by the meanes of the Duke of Bourgongne was made Prouost of Paris and during his gouernment the policie of Paris was well administred Many buildings were made as the bridge of S. Michael the walles towards the Bastile S. Antonie and the length of the Riuer of Seine the litle Bridge the litle Castle and many other places Hee was accused of many crimes and aboue all
Iohn they proceeded also against Pope Gregorie the 12. who was cyted to appeare in person but he would not come there yet either by faire meanes or force hee sent Malateste Lord of Armenia with an ample procuration and power to resigne the said right hee had in the the Papall dignitie into the hands of the said Councell The which was done and the said Gregorie 12. was created Legate in the Marquesdome of Ancone where he died soone after with mourning in the Towne of Racany which is a Port of the Adriatike Sea Iohn le Maeire There remaineth yet the third Antipope Peter de la Lune Of him it was that Gerson often said We must needs take away this man of the Moone called Benet the 13. who would not obey the Councell but died obstinately in the Kingdome of Arragon and commaunded his Cardinalls on his death-bed that as soone ar he was dead they should elect an other which they did and elected Clement the 8. borne at Barselone wherein they profited litle For the Pope Martin as shall bee saide had the Popedome whole and had the obedience of all the Princes in Christendome yet the saide Clement the eight was after made Bishop of Maiorque See Iohn le Maire That Pope Benet troubled much the Emperour Sigismond For seeing hee would not consent to any agreement the said Emperour was constrained in person first to goe into France vnto the King then to the King of England to make an attonement betwixt those two Kings Item towards the King of Arragon in Spaine with certaine Embassadors deputies of the saide Councell to exhort them to hold the hand to the vnion of the Church and to perswade the said Pope to doo as others did which hee would neuer be brought vnto Then the Princes of Spaine the Arragonians the Cathelains Armignaes and the Kings of Fraunce and England seeing his obstinacie followed the opinion of the Councell and withdrew themselues from the obedience of Pope Benet the thirteenth which Sigismond signified to the said Councell Naucler Sigismond returned after to Constance about Candlemas and the Councell with burning Candles excommunicated and depriued the said Benet of his Popedome after declared him an heretike a schismatike the 18. day of March 1417. Naucl. This Pope Iohn whilest he was placed in the Romane seate amongst other Ieasts of a Pope he did that which followeth in diuers Authors He had stirred maruellous warres against the king Ladislaus and assembled a Councell at Rome to find means to driue him from his kingdome He also commanded to make a procession with the head of S. Iohn Baptist for that subtilly and cautelously he had determined to sell it to the Florentins He approoued the Sect of such as named themselues De la Chemise or Frisonniers which lifted themselues vp in the territorie of Luques and admitted the congregation of that new reformation in the Monasterie of S. Iustine commenced at Padoue by Lewis Barbe As Pope Martin the fift was at Florence this Pope beeing deliuered from prison contrarie to the opinion of all so that all that were present maruelled thereat came thither towards him and after he had kissed his feete acknowledged him as his Pope the successor of S. Peter saluted him as if he had bin some earthly God Martin mooued with affection certain daies after receiued him into the number of Cardinals and hee made him Bishop of Tusculū but after certain moneths he finished his life sad and grieuous the yeare of the Lord 1419. in the same Towne of Florence where he was honourably buried with great pompe in the Temple of S. Iohn Baptist by Cosme de Medicis who euer bore him great loue In the said Councell the Counts of Cleues and Sauoy were erected to Duchez by the Emperour Sigismond Things being effected as is said the Emperours will was that there should now be an handling to correct the maners of Ecclesiasticall persons and to reforme the Church but it was said that this could not well bee done during the vacation of the Apostolike seate wherefore it was concluded to proceed to a new election of a Pope Naucler Martin Pope fift of that name called Otho a Romane Cardinal Deacon of the house of Colonnois of one same accord and will by the consent of all was chosen of 33. Cardinalls at the Councell of Constance and was called Martin because hee was consecrated on S. Martins day hee gouerned fourteene yeares The Emperour Sigismond very ioyfull that the Cardinalls had chosen such a Pope and so necessarie to the Christian common-wealth entred into the Conclaue where without regarding his dignitie falling on his knees before the Pope in great reuerence hee kissed his feete On the other part the Emperour receiued him beningly and heartily thanked him for the diligence and paines which he had taken to establish the vnion of the Church Naucler After that the Emperour had long time trauelled to assemble this Councell of Constance desiring to see the particular reformation of the Church excused it that Rome had bene long without an head and the time would not permit to begin a reformation for the Councell had long endured Wherefore an other Councell should bee assigned at Basil where that should be done and so the Emperour was frustrate of his purpose and hope for seeing a reformation in the Church-people In the said Councell was dispatched Letters and Bulls to Lewis Duke d' Aniou to goe take possession of the kingdome of Pouille for him and his Naucler Martin Pope returning from Constance to Rome remained two yeares at Florence and for recompence of his entertainement he ordained that the Bishop of that place should bee a Metropolitane and subiected there vnto the Church of Volaterre Pistorie and Fesides The Hussites came vp at this time which reiected all humane traditions more purely preaching the doctrine of Iesus Christ which engendred many contentions betwixt Lay-men and Clarkes A pestilence was at Florence where died more then 16. thousand men Chron. Euseb Mahomet Emperour of the Turkes died after he had raigned 14. yeares Wencelaus died taken with feare because of a tumult raised at Prage hee fell into an Apoplexie and from that euill into a palsie which within 18. daies tooke away his life the yeare of his raigne 20. Charles 7. of that name king of France the onely sonne of Charles the 6. succeeded his father Hee was assailed by the English and Bourgonions and hauing lost as it were all the Countrey of the Frontiers tooke his recourse into Bourges and there remained a certaine time and therefore the enemies in mockerie called him king of Bourges Henry sonne of Charles his sister called himself in his titles king of England of France and at Paris was crowned king of France A pucell or maide plaide the part of a man at Armes and gaue succours to Orleance which was besieged constrained the enemies to leaue the siege conducted the king
from the Sonne as the Father They agreed also to Purgatorie and the Romane Pope to be the primate of the Catholicke Church which they had neuer done before now but euer were of contrarie opinions But as soone as they were come to their Countrey againe at the perswasion of Marcus Bishop of Ephesus they againe denied the two last Articles Plat. Vola and Naucler It is straunge that the Grecians which haue beene so slowe to acknowledge and confesse so true a doctrine of the holy Ghost are now so quick and light to accord so friuolous and false a thing that is to receiue and beleeue against all holy scripture that there is a Purgatorie and Romane Pope to be Primate of the Catholicke and Vniuersall Church wherevnto the first generall Councell had openly resisted in the time of Constantine the great In the said Councell of Florence the Armenians and Indians were also brought into the vnion of the Romane Church and promised to keepe and maintaine the Sacrament of Confirmation Naucler This Pope Eugenius confirmed Annates vpon all Benefices Hee Canonized S. Nicholas Tolentin of the order of the Hermits of S. Augustine Bessarion Cardinall flourished and his house at Rome was open to euery man of knowledge like a Colledge Vadian Sigismond of the age of 70 yeares died and was buried in Hungarie in the citie called Albe His wife Barbara was without all religion and without God insatiable in all paliardize and whoredome Shee mocked her damzels because they fasted and prayed saying they must liue iocondly and merily and take all their pleasures during this life for after death the soule perisheth with the bodie The Councell of Basill continued still and proceeded against Eugenius the fourth who after many times cyting and not appearing was publikely deposed by the authoritie of the Councell the tenth of Iuly Eugenius mooued herewith incited the Dolphin of France who after was called king Lewis the 11. to lead a great Armie in to the Countrey of Ferrara and Alsarce and to come to Basill Wherefore the said Councell brake vp and herevpon came many mischiefes See Naucler Albert the fift of that name Duke of Austrich and second king of the Romanes of that name sonne of Albert the fourth Duke of Austrich was scant 10. yeares olde when his father died of poyson fighting against Iosse Marquesse of Morauia but being yer vnder Tutors which were his vncles there was great strife betwixt them for his tutelage Therefore Vienna and all the Countrey of Austrich endured great calamities till Albert came to age and was dispatched of his tutelage and planted a peace in Austrich which was before full of theeues and of Intestine warres After the yeare 1422. he espowsed Elizabeth the doughter of Sigismond and had with her in marriage the noble Townes of Maruia But after the death of Sigismond he was chosen king of Hungaria by the consent of all the principall of the Countrey and Crowned the yeare of grace 1438. After this he was also made king of Bohemia and that came because there was a great alliance betwixt the Kings of Boheme and the Dukes of Austrich whereby they had ordained betwixt them that whensoeuer one of the houses remained without heire-male of the other they should create a king He was also chosen king of the Romanes by the common accord of all the Princes Electors The yeare 1459. the 17. day of Nouember in the Councell of Basill after the deposition of Eupenius the Cardinalls elected Amedeus of Ayme Duke of Sauoy and called him Felix the fift so came into the Church the 23. schisme and diuision which endured the space of sixteene yeares Some followed Eugenius others Felix some said they were newters and so obeyed neither one nor the other The Kings of France England Spaine Scotland obeyed the Pope Eugenius For although he was deposed yet held he good during his life This Councell of Basill assembled with great authoritie was notwithstanding dissipated and broken by one onely Pope That of Constance deposed three and ordained the fourth This could not bring about to depose one Fasci Temp. In the Councell of Basill it was forbidden that secular Princes Councellors and Communalties vpon paine of excommunication should not bee so hardie to greete and submit the Churchmen with tallies and common collection Fasci temp Augustine of Rome was condemned an heretike in the said Councell and there was confirmed the Conception of the Virgin Marie to bee kept as a solemne Feast But to the contrarie see Epiphanius in his 3 Booke and 12. Tome 68. and 69. heresie See also S. Bernard in the Epist 154. to the Canons of Lions The said Councell then confirmed that the Virgin Marie was conceiued without originall sinne it also confirmed her visitation In this time was a Councell held of the French Church at Bourges in Berry and there was published the pragmatike sanction which is all the marrow and substance of the Canons of the Councell of Basill to bee expresly obserued for euer Iohn le Maire The Duke Aime of Sauoy after the death of his wife Margarite of Bourgongne had left his Ducall estate and withdrew himselfe into an hermitage pleasant and delightfull called Ripaille vpon the Lake of Lansanne which he had caused to bee sumptuously builded and so left the gouernment of his signiories to his eldest sonne Lewis father of Duke Phillebert of Sauoy Beeing then in his said place of Ripaille the said Duke Anne with tenne knights all hermits wearing great beardes and simple cloathing and writhen staues full of knottes in great renowne of sanctetie of life was by the said Councell elected to be Pope as is said the 17. of Nouember the yeare 1439. and the 17. day of December the election was denounced vnto him and he went vnto Basill and was there solemnly crowned in the presence of two of his eldest sonnes Before this ceremonie his Beard was taken from him and in a small time he learned the Romane office He created some Cardinalls of great estimation and vertue Iohn le Maire The Emperour being called to goe into Hungarie sound himselfe greatly tormented in the moneth of August with an intollerable heate which hee thought to haue taken away by colde viands which brought to him a fluxe of the belley euen to bloud whereof he died the yeare 1439. nigh Strigoma after hee had beene Emperour almost two yeares Hee left two daughters and his wife with childe who soone after brought forth Ladislaus Frederic Duke of Austrich after Albert was Emperour of Rome He loued peace and rest restrained and brideled easily them of Austrich which stirred strifes and commotions So extinguished he the warre alreadie commenced by Matthias king of Hungarie by agreement with him Likewise this Frederic making warre against the Flemmings to haue his sonne Maximilian whom they detained prisoner appeased and contented them by the punishment of some and so taking and receiuing his
sonne Maximilian he gently buried all occasion of warre commenced Hee was crowned at Rome his wife Helenor which he espoused at Naples in king Alphonsus his Court. At his departure from Rome he went to Naples vnto the said king Alphonsus his wiues nigh kinsman of whom and after of the Venetians he was entertained with great honour and prouision and so euer after hee loued the Venetians He would often say to his wife vnto whom her Phisitian counselled to drinke wine to auoyd barrennesse that he could better loue a sober barren woman then one fruitfull giuen to wine Naucler Chron. of the Emper. Printing inuented The noble Art of printing with Letters made in Brasse was found out in this time a verie diuine inuention worthy of memorie and admiration yet were it more admirable if it were not so much prophaned The inuention was Germanike and very straunge at the beginning and of great profit Iohn Gutemberge Knight was the first Author of this goodly inuention The thing was first assayed at Magunce 16. yeares before it was divulged in Italie One saith that Iohn Faustins called Gutman inuented it with Peter Sheffer Eun. 10. Dionysius Charthusianus in this time writ vpon Daniel The Pope Engenius retiring from Florence came and dwelt at Rome where he was welcomed because hee diminished their tallies and subsidies Naucler The Swisses except Berne and Soleure made warre against some of their Allies called in Latin Duricenses because contrarie to their alliances they ioyned with the Dukes of Austrich and the said Swisses obtained victorie against their said Allies Naucler Foure thousand Swisses were put to death against the Armie of the aforesaid Dolphin which was of 25. or 30. thousand horsemen besides footemen and was ouerthrowne nigh the Hospitall of S. Iames by Basill The said Dolphin hauing wasted the Countrey of Alsarce returned with great losse of his Campe. The yeare of Christ 1444. on S. Martins euen the Turke Amurathes gaue battaile against the King of Polone Vladislaus and the Cardinall Iulian who was president in the Councell of Basill The said Iulian the Apostolike Legatein Hungarie fled after the battaile was lost but as he let his horse drinke he was perceiued and knowne of the Hungarians who slew him thinking he had had much money about him and hauing dispoyled him they left him naked See Naucler This Legate vppon the exhortation of Pope Eugenius councelled the King Vladislaus to breake his faith with the Turke and to assaile him in his Countrey the which hee did with 30000. combatants all which vnluckily perished in that warre whereof rose infinite mischiefes and carnall and mortall warres throughout all Christendome The King fell from his horse had his head cut off which was carried on a Launce throughout all the Countrey The bloud of many Princes and Prelates was shead Two Bishops were cause that the Chrstians lost the victorie For beeing willing to pursue the Turke they kept not the places which they had in charge In so much as the Turkes as it were vanquished returned againe into battaile and entred into the Christians Armie Iohn Huniades fled from the battaile with a great number of people to the number of tenne thousand Hungarians Francis Caldemonio a Cardinall of Venice Nephewe vnto Pope Eugenius the fourth being Legate and chiefe of the Armie by sea ordained to keepe the straight of the Arme S. George that the Turkes should not passe that way to goe to the succours of their people and although he had a great and puissant Armie of the Christians yet vpon treason and cowardise hee let passe through that straight an hundreth thousand Turkes with Amurathes their Prince and which is worse hee vsed not diligence to aduertise the Christian Armie A Carack of Genoua ledde their way whose patron was of the house Grimald and made the said passage vpon a couenant with the said Turkes namely to haue a Ducat for euery head The said Grimald of Genoua Patron went from thence into Flaunders to employ his hundreth and 60. thousand Ducats which hee had gotten but he was consumed before he came there with a Sea-tempest Constantine Paleologue the brother of Iohn Paleologue was the last Christian Emperour of Constantinople and raigned eight yeares Eugenius the 4. died the 20. day of the moneth of Aprill of the age of 64. yeares hee did many good things to the Towne of Rome and in diuers places caused it to be repaired and paued Amurathes the second of that name being Victor did not pursue the Christians after the discomfiture nor shewed himselfe merrie as his custome was being demaunded why he was so sad not reioycing at his victorie Hee answered I would not alwaies thus ouercome Soone after hee dismissed himselfe of his dominion and principalitie and left the gouernment to his sonne Mahomet he after made himselfe a Monke of the straightest religion that was amongst them See Nauclerus Nicholas Pope fift of that name borne at Genes ruled at Rome eight yeares before hee was called Thomas de Sirsone or Sarresane in the signiorie of Lucan Cardinall of Bolongne sonne of a Phisitian Suppl Chron. This Pope in lesse then a yeare was made Bishop of Bolongne Cardinall and Pope of Rome hee was elected the sixt of March and crowned the ninteenth of the said moneth the yeare 1447. yet ceased not the schisme of the Church For still liued Felix the fift of Sauoy who accounted himselfe Pope Nicholas was esteemed a great Theologian In this time writ Laurentius Valla Blundus the Historiographer Trapezontius the Rhetoritian and Theodorus Gaza The King of Fraunce recouered Normandie which the English men held And recouered the yeare after the Countrey of Aquitaine The Sea of Hist The yeare of Christ 1448. after some 1449. Felix the 5. renounced his Popedome and sent to salute Nicholas the true successor of S. Peter so was obedience giuen vnto Nicholas and by that meanes ceased the 23. schisme Then brake off the Councell of Basill which for that purpose was assembled This treatie and composition of that Session was made as Lausanna by many Princes of France Almaine England and Sauoy for the vnion of the Church And this was at the sollicitation of the Emperor Frederic and the request of Pope Nicholas The King Charles the 7. to bring a peace in Christendome caused a Councell to be assembled of the French Nation at Lyons to appease all Iohn le Maire This yeare brought the first inuention of the Francarchers in France Nicholas Pope sent the Cardinalls Hatte to the said Felix appointed him Legat a Latere in Saouy in France and in Almaine This Felix or Ayme de Saouy was of litle stature a deuout man founder of the Monasterie of Rapaille vnder the rule of S. Augustine wherein hee was sumptuously buried Fasci Temp. Whatsoeuer hee said Felix had done and decreed during his Papaltie was ratified and held for good Iohn le Maire The yeare of Christ 1450. the Pope
onely sonne of Selim aforesaid succeeded him in the Empire of the Turkes Anno 1518. Soliman three yeares after tooke Belgarde in Hungarie which was the Fortresse and defence of the Christians and from thence about other three yeares he tooke Rhodes by composition hauing in his Armie 200000. Turkes and 400. Gallies and two yeares after that he destroyed the Country of Hungarie with fire sword vanquished the King of the Country and tooke Bude But the 14. of his kingdome comming to besiege Vienna in Hungarie with a great puissance he was put backe by God his grace and the force of the Almaines By nature he was hautie and glorious hauing so great dominions and victories Hee pretended that the Empire of Rome and of the West appertained vnto him For he said he was the true successour of Constantine who transported the Empire from Rome and vnto Constantinople His ordinary reuenew is of sixe millions of skutes some say seuen for each yeare and whensoeuer it pleaseth him to make warre he gaineth more thereby then he leeseth because of the great store of siluer he taketh of his subiects He hath more treasure and precious stones then all other kings together as Paulus Iouius saith who also attributeth the losse of Rhodes to the carelesnes and negligence of the Pope Maximilian deceased in Austriche the 12. Ianuary after the obteining of the Empire 27. yeares Charles 5. the sonne of Phillip Archduke of Austrich of the age of 19. yeares was chosen Emperor of Rome the 25. Iune and succeeded his graundfather Maximilian The Pope would haue hindered his election because he was king of Naples and that the kings of Naples were bound to the Pope to denounce that Empire whilest they should be kings of Naples but it was in vaine Zuinglius is called from Glarone to Zurich to read teach Theologie The bookes of Luther are burnt the Popes partakers in Almaine Luther also for his part publikely burnt at Wittemberge the Popes Canon lawe as also a new decree whereby hee was condemned and after yeelded a reason of his so doing The Emperour at the instance of Frederic of Saxonie sent the 6. of March to Luther that vnder his faith and safegard he should come to a Iourney held Wormes whither hee came against the aduise of his friends and entering there the 16. of of Aprill he came out againe the 26. of the said moneth Ferdinand the Emperours yonger brother Prince of Austrich tooke to wife Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus King of Hungarie and of Boheme the sister of Lewis the last King of the line of Hungarie Luther apposed by Eckins the Lawyer at the Iourney at Wormes constantly maintained the truth The Emperour writ Letters to Princes wherby he declared his aduise that Luther should be abandoned to whosoeuer would sley him He is excōmunicated anathematized by Pope Leo. The Sorbonists of Paris assailed him so did Henry the 8. King of England by his owne writing Wherevpon the Pope gaue him the title of Defendor of the Church A Decree at Wormes published by the Emperours Letters Patters against Luther and his fauorites Adrian Pope sixt of that name borne at Vtrict in the country of Holland come from a poore house passed his youth in studie at Louaine norished and brought vp amongst the poore of the Colledge called du Pourcean From a Doctor in Diuinitie and Doyen of S. Peter de Louaine he was called to be a Pedagoge and Schoolemaister of Charles the fift after Emperor Erasmus hauing bene cast off as a suspected person because of the doctrine which after Luther published afterward being sent Embassador towards Ferdinand King of Spaine he obteined the Bishoppricke of Derthuse The Emperour passing into England to goe into Spaine made alliance at Windsore with Henry the 8. to espowse Marie his daughter then of the age of seuen yeares when she should be of full age Iohn Rouchlin restorer of the Hebrew tongue in Almaine this yeare died Rhodes besieged in the moneth of Iune by Soliman Emperour of the Turkes the seuenth moneth following is taken by composition to the great damage and dishonour of the Christians Christierne King of Danemarch Noruege and Snede for feare that for his great tyrannie and ill gouernment he might fall into some daughter of his person this yeare fled into Zeland with his children and his wife Isabel the Emperours sister brought vnto great necessitie We may learne by such examples to feare God his iudgements when hee chastiseth both Countries and Kings for our instruction Charles Duke of Bourbon Constable of France willingly departed partly drawne by the Emperors faire promises turned himselfe against the French King to the great misfortune both of his owne person and of France The bookes of a Phisitian Magician were burnt at Rome some of which were brought vnto Adrian whereof hee made great account and they were after his death founde amongst his secret papers And some thought he came to his Popedome by an euil art Paralip Chron. Abb. Vrsp The Pope Adrian after like others he had persecuted the truth of the Gospell in the person of Luther and Oecolampadius died of a death suspected of poison in September the second yeare of his Popedome Clement Pope seueth of that name a Florentine of the Sect of Knights of S. Iohn of Ierusalem Prior des Cappes succeeded Adrian He before was called Iulius but admonished by his familiar Cardinalls he tooke the name of Clement Functius Some write him the Nephew others the sonne of Leo others his bastard brother of the house of Medices At Zuric there was a disputation three dayes whether the Masse and Idolls should be abolished The 20. of Ianuarie following the Iourney of the Swisses was held at Lucerne where they wholy cōfirmed the Popes doctrine and condemned that of the Gospell The Swisses in common complained of them of Zuric Bourbon besieged Marceill in vaine from whence hee retired into Italie where he was pursued of the French King who tooke Millaine and in winter besieged Pauie vppon Tesin Anthonie Duke of Lorraine sharpely persecuted such as bare any fauour to Luthers doctrine About the ende of this yeare certaine Countrey-men or peasants of Snabe beganne to rise and rebell against the Count de Loupae their Lord and after their example their neighbours did the like vnder the colour of certaine charges wherewith they complained to be burdened This stirre was after verie pernitious and brought great troubles and effusion of blood A battaile giuen at Pauie betwixt Charles de Lauoy a Gentlemen of the Country of Hainaut the Emperours Lieutenant and the French King wherein the said King was taken in the combat and from thence carried by sea into Spaine Zuinglius agreed not with Luther in an Article of the Supper He said that in the words of Iesus Christ there is a figure such as there is found in infinit places of the scripture
into Flaunders He passed then through France from Spaine with great receiuing and entertainment of the king and his subiects The Emperor and the King sent their Embassadors to the Venetians to ioyne with them for making warre vpon the Turke but without any thing beeing mooued with that Embassage they incontinently sent towards the Turke to make peace with him Some say they were behinde counselled herevnto by the French Embassador They of Gaunt are punished by the Emperour many are beheaded and otherwise punished and after he had taken their liberties from them he caused a strong Forte to be there builded to bridle them The French king seeing himselfe out of hope to recouer Millaine he began to contract with the Duke of Cleues cōcerning a marriage betwixt him and the Princesse of Nauarre Iohn de Vainoda king of Hungarie died leauing a little child called Stephen borne of Elizabeth daughter of Sigismond king of Polonia Phillip Chabot Admirall of France is condemned at Melnue vpon treason and in seuen hundreth thousand Scutes as a fine and after banished into the wood of Vincenne but a litle after hee was againe restored vnto all his goods and estates The disputation of Remsbourge began in Aprill betwixt the Protestants and them which they called Catholickes Phillip Melancton Bucer Pistorius other Theologians were there on the Protestants side against Eccius Iulles Pffug and Iohn Gropper Caesar Fregosa and Antonie Rincon which the French king sent Embassadors to the Turke as they passed the Pan to drawe towards Venice they were taken by the Imperialists and put to death The Marquesse Alphonsus Daual the Emperours Lieftenant in Lombardie is accused of that murder by the Lord de Langeay The King dispatcheth his Embassadors to the Iourney at Reiusbourge to complaine of that wicked act After hee stayed at Lyons George d'Austriche bastard sonne of the Emperour Maximilian Archbishop Valence as he passed through Fraunce from Spaine vnto the Emperour who was in the lowe Countries Francis sonne of Anthonie Duke of Lorraine espowsed Christierne widowe the daughter of Christierne king of Denmarke which displeased the king of France Ferdinand besieged Bude a Towne in Hungarie where the Queene Dowairie was shut vp with her litle sonne but the Turkes comming downe in great numbers in the moneth of Iuly he was glad to leaue his siege The Turkes arriuing a litle while after tooke the Towne of Pest and discomfited a great part of Ferdinands people After whether the said Dowairie would or no he forced her to appropriate Bude vnto him vnder the colour that shee could not defend it against Ferdinand So the litle King and his mother were banished into Transiluania The Emperour came to Lupues to speake with the Pope And to hinder the Turke of an other side to withdraw him from Hungarie hee embarked himselfe with his Armie in the Porte of de Venere and passing by the Iles of Corseigne Maiorque and Minorque he made saile to Argiere where he tooke land the third of October but there arose a great and horrible tempest of the sea which scattered and dispearsed a great number of his sayles so that hauing lost a good part of his Artillery and almost all his furniture of warre he was constrained to retire into Spaine The French after they vnderstood of this losse tooke occasion to mooue warre The principall Lords of Austriche euen to the number of 24. and with them tenne Cities presented a request vnto the King Ferdinand the third of December at Prague to this end that according to the decree of the last Iourney at Reiusbourge they might reforme their Churches Ferdinand answered that that that Decree onely appertained vnto the Protestants therfore he commaunded them to attend the issue of a generall or Nationall Councell of Almaine promised by the Emperour at the said Reiusbourge The beginning of the Councell of the Trent Paul Pope published the Councell at Trent the first day of Nouember Edicts of extreame rigour were published at Paris against such as they called Lutherans namely to bring vnto certaine deputed Theologians all such as were any thing spotted therewith And that all Stationers and Booke-binders should bring in within a certaine time all suspected bookes Priests also had set downe a certaine forme of Interrogating such as came to confession if they knew any Lutherans A generall Procession on is made and Geneuiefue the Parisians Goddesse trotted through the streetes in great pompe The French king sent the Lord de Longueuil to the Duke of Cleues there with Martin de Rossem to leauie people and to attend occasion to begin their enterprise After in the moneth of Iuly following warre is denounced to the Emperour Longueuil Rossem pilled spoiled in Brabant all the Countrey but they wanted powder and furniture for Artillery They of Rochel in Xantoinge mutined against the king for a Garrison placed there against the custome and for extreame tollages Gernac is sent thither by the king Whilest the king goeth vnto Parpignan Guillame Poyet Chauncellor of Fraunce is by iustice apprehended in the night time in his bed and lead to prison who foreseeing this tempest made himselfe a Priest a litle before to shun the punishments which he knew to be due for his deserts The Papall Priesthood serueth for a good cloake to couer all maner of infection The Scots about the beginning of December fought very vnluckily against the English The cause of the warre was because the king of Scotland came to Yorke as he had promised to end a controuersie which they had together about the limits of their Countries The Emperour made Crowne his sonne Phillip king of Spaine and gaue him in marriage Marie the daughter of Iohn king of Pontugall Sigismond the sonne of Sigismond king of Pologne tooke in marriage Elizabeth the daughter of Ferdinand king of the Romanes Clement Marot retiring to Geneua set out in French verses 20. Psalmes of Dauid He had before published 30. at Paris wherevpon he was persecuted by the Sorbonists The Emperor and Henry of England ioyned themselues to make warre vpon the French king who tooke Landrecy and fortified it The Hauen and Towne of Nice taken and the Castle besieged by the Prince d' Anguien after that Barbarossa conducted by the Captaine Poidin had taken land with his Armie by Sea at Tolon The Duke of Cleues chastised by the Emperor forsooke the alliance of France The Princesse of Nauarre in the way against her will with the Cardinall de Ballay for her conduction vnto Cleues was stopped with great ioy of the marriage broken Trouble in Scotland by such as demanded that their young Queene might be accorded vnto Edward sonne of king Henry The king of France did so much that he pacified the Nobilitie to drawe vnto himselfe that alliance The Vauldois a people in Prouence are put to the spoyle for the Gospell wherefore the Historie is faithfully described and
all should haue bene consumed by fire The next morning which was Sunday there was found so many dead bodies stinking that in all hast of necessitie a great ditch was made to burie them by Cartfulls Of wounded there were found more then an hundreth and fiftie A woman great with child was found stiffled who being opened the childe receiued baptisme A damzel casting her selfe out of a bed to open a windowe in the streete called Blochstranssem the tempest so cut off her necke that the head hung at the remaining skinne a very sad and horrible spectacle In a corner of a street where is the Pallace Bernard a Tauerner called Croes beeing discended into a Seller to drawe Beere for his ghuests of which one company were playing at Cardes the house in a moment was throwne on the earth and the gamesters ouerwhelmed wth their Cardes in their hands none of that house remained safe but the Host by meanes of the vaulted Caue or Seller into which he was discended Three or foure dayes after this accident there were many found in Caues and Sellers which were dead of hunger others stiffled others lay in traunses and swounds with feare and incredible stench of the thunder There was a man and a woman found that were carried away and hanged betwixt the braunches of a Tree The Towne which before was adorned with exquisite buildings was now altogether disfigured and as it were rent in peeces The Suburbes of Neckerfpful was almost all ruinated The Pallace of Bergues and that of Madame Margarite and the Emperours were cleane ouerthrowne The house of Lombards they are they which lend siluer to vsurie from top to bottome was ruinated The Hosterie of the Postmaister was destroyed and the stable with the horses were all carried away One part of the Monasterie of the Augustines and of the Temples and Churches of the Towne were broosed and broken downe And if the storme had not broken his forces in the ouerthrowe of the house of the Count d'Hostrat there had beene no likelihood that any house in the Towne or thereabouts had remained whole There were found many hewen stones throwne by the Tempest sixe hundreth paces off to the great damage of the places where they fell The glasse windowes through all the streetes were broken The fall of Tyles and the cry of persons was horrible and fearefull Thus the Lord sometimes makes men feele his terrible and fearfull power In Iune the Emperour sent the Cardinall of Trent to Rome to conclude that cōfederacie with the Pope who had now deliuered siluer to the Captaines of warre for the warre in Almaine On the other side the Duke of Saxe and the Lantgraue leuied people in all haste The Emperor being demanded the causes of the warre he answered it was onely meant against rebells culpable of treason He sent Embassadors to the Swisses praying them to remaine stil in their auncient amity And that hee onely determined to chastice certaine mutinous people The Protestants purposed in August to besiege Seiusbourge so meaning to fight against the Emperor but as they passed leisurely ten thousand footmē of Italie came to the Emperors succours the last of August and 500. horsmen whose Captaine was Octauius Farnese the Popes sonne in lawe The Count de Bure who had leuied people in the lowe Countries passed Phine in the moneth of August nigh Mets and in September ioyned himselfe to the Emperour Great troupes of the Popes friends of all estates ranne vnto the Councell of Trent In the number of which amongst others were two notable Archbishops the one of Vspale in the Countrey of the Gothes called Olaus the great and the other of Armacane in Ireland They were poore Archbishops which had litle but winde and smoake of Archbishops and were entertained of the Pope at fifteene crownes a moneth and therefore thought hee good they should be at this Councell vnder those titles and to take place amongst others that the world might beleeue that there were yet found in farre Countries as Gothia and Ireland people which reuerence his name and submit themselues to his obedience Herman Archbishop of Colongne by the counsell and aduice of his Estates and of his meer will surrendred and gaue ouer his estate of a Prince and his Electorship and withall remitted vnto the people the oath of fidelitie wherby they were bound vnto him Adolp Schauembourge is chosen in his place who straight chaunged Religion through all the Countrey of Colongne At Genes a sedition rose vp The Count Fliscan was Captaine of them who fell into the sea and was drowned whereby the furie of the seditious was much lessened Yet the Lord Ioanuin d' Aure was there cut in peeces The Emperour laid the cause vpon the Farneses and amongst others vpon Peter Lewis Duke of Plaisance Henry king of England dyed about the end of Ianuarie hauing instituted Edward his sonne of the age of nine yeares and after him he substituted Mary his daughter by his first wife and after her Elizabeth by his second wife Vnder this young King Edward the doctrine of the Pope was driuen out of England and the Gospell put in the place by the authoritie of the Duke of Sommerset his Tutor and Vncle by the mothers side and of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie The Councell of Trent diuided some of the venerable Fathers retired to Bolongne because a Phisitian who was in the Popes wages told them that the aire of Trent was not wholesome The other Bishops which were vnder the Emperors obedience remained at Trent A sedition at Naples of the Bourgesses against the Spaniards because that Peter de Tolledo Viceroy sought to bring in the Spanish Inquisition concerning Religion The last of March Francis king of France after hee had raigned 32. yeares died at Ramboillet Henry 2. of that name his son succeeded him in this yeare and the same day he was borne that is to say the last of March. Anne de Montmourancie now hauing bene absent from the Court sixe yearers was againe called Such as before were in honour and credit some were laid in prison others were deposed or lost their credit and honour Peter Martir a Florentine professor of Theologie is called from Strasbourge into England and Bernardin Ochinus a man renowmed in Ilalie for his eloquence Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus the last king of Hungarie and Boheme the wife of Ferdinand king of the Romanes a fertile mother for children died about this time The 24. of Aprill the Emperor vsing extreame diligence and subtiltie passed the Riuer of Abis and suddenly tooke the Duke of Saxonie who hauing but a weake Armie was discomfited and be himselfe after he had fought all the day wounded in the left cheeke was taken and carried away prisoner The seuenth of May the Emperor condemned him to be beheaded yet at the earnest intercession of the Elector of Brandebourge he yeelded him his life and in the place thereof
first day of Aprill They of Magdebourge opposed themselues with might and maine against them of Wirtemberge and Leipsic and taxed and reprooued them greatly for that concerning indifferent things they had made a way and entry for the Popes doctrine The 10. of Iune the Queene of France was crowned at Saint Dennis In the said moneth of Iune Henry king of France made his entry into Paris commaunded a generall procession and dedicated it with the blood of certaine poore Christians which hee made to be burned for Religion See the booke of Martyrs Le sieur de Veruin for yeelding Bullen to the English men was beheaded at Paris and le sieur de Biex his Father in lawe was condemned to perpetuall prison The Cantons of Basil Schaffuse in Swissia made alliance with the King of France whereof euery one greatly maruelled because he persecuted their Religion with fire and blood Zurie and Berne refused that alliance Sedition in England partly for the chaunge of Religion and partly for common grounds occupied by Gentlemen for their priuate vse there was great bloodshead In the meane time the King of Fraunce tooke certaine holdes about Bologne whereby he put the English in great distresse The fault of all this was laid vpon the Duke of Somerset and therefore he was imprisoned at London This Pope Paul of the age of 82. yeares dyed the 10. of Nouember On all sides Cardinalls ranne to Rome to elect a new Pope Iulius the third of that name borne at Aretio called before Iohn Maria de Monte who was President in the Councell of Trent and Bolongne was chosen Pope the 10. of February after that the Cardinalls which were in great number had long time debated in the cōclaue Some say that this Pope promised by oath vnto the Ferneses to leaue Parme to Octauius Bernese Whilest the Cardinalls were in the Conclaue to chuse the Pope Iulius certaine Letters came into the handes of some of them which were written the 26. of Ianuary by an houshold seruant of the Cardinall of Mantoue called Cornelius Oliue to a friend of his called Hanniball Contin and with them certaine verses made in the vulgar Italian language wherein speaking of his good affection towards him the desire he had to see him he vseth so infamous and dishonest words that hardly can any recite them without shame blushing Hereof came the taunt of such as said it signified that some infamous dishonest Pope should come out of that Conclaue from whence such proceeded They which read these Letters saide as well in Italie as in Almaine they neuer read any more villanous detestable Hereby Reader maist thou iudge what the spirit is which the Papists vaunt so much to haue in their Masses in the election of their Popes The 22. of Frebury Iulius is crowned Pope by the Cardinall Cibo two daies after he had opened the gilded gate with a golden key and celebrated the yeare of Iubile which his predecessor Paul the third had so much desire to see And because of an auncient custome the new Pope might giue his red hat to whom he thought good he made Cardinall a young boy called Innocent whom he had sometimes abused whē he was Legate at Bologne notwithstanding the other Cardinalls approoued it not yea resisted it Moreouer hee receiued him into his house into the number of his Domestickes and familiars A brute went through the towne of Rome yea it was divulged by certaine diffamitorie Libells that Ganymedes was entertained by Iupiter although he was not faire This Pope himselfe dissembled it not but customably in a maner of pastime would account his follies therein Paulus Vergerius hath left in writing this Historie Pope Iulius saith hee determined to make a young youth called Innocent a Cardinal who not only came frō a father and mother of base condition but that was of a most wicked and dishonest conuersation Wherfore as on a certain day he had made this motiō in the presence of the Cardinalls that there was no man which resisted it not but that more is as certaine Cardinalls said freely I pray you what finde you in this young man who deserueth that we should doo him that honour Iulius answered And I pray you what found you in mee to doo mee that honour as to make mee Pope without any desert aduance this young man and hee will merit it The Masse which had bin banished Strasbourge the space of 21. yeares was set vp againe in three Churches the first of February A great number of children ran thither to see so straunge and new a thing The Priests were affraied at it and complained vnto the Emperour The Emperor and the King of France one after the other made publish each in their Countries very cruel Edicts against the Lutherans as they called them About the ende of May the Emperour with Phillip his sonne departed from Bruxelles to come to the Iourney at Auspourge and brought with them the Duke of Baxe captiue leauing the Lantgraue in prison at Malignes In the time of this Pope was Iohn de Case a Florentine Archbishop of Beneuent and Legate of the seate in the territorie of Venice This man who made so magnificall a profession of Popish singlenesse was not ashamed to make a Booke in Italian Rime wherein he praiseth and exalteth that horrible and detestable sinne of Sodomitry yea euen to name it a diuine worke and affirmeth that he tooke great pleasure therein and that he knew no other kind of palidiarzing or whoredome The booke was Imprinted at Venice by one Traian Naun Behold notable Archbishops of the Papall seate with such Iudges doo the Pope and his maister the diuel serue themselues in their Consistories to condemne as heretikes such as teach and write the truth with puritie In a Catalogue of bookes prohibited which he made whilest he was Legate he comprehendeth no other therein but such as make profession of the pure Euangelike doctrine Francis Spiera as is abouesaid fearing the tyrannie of tormentors renied the veritie of Iesus Christ and dyed in extreame dispaire Sleidan also makes mention of the Sodomitike booke aboue spoken of It would be here too long to rehearse the gests and deeds of Iulius the third concerning the Iubile which was in his time the Councell of Trent the confirmation of that Idol de Laureto the debate which he had with the Bishop of Aremin his Steward for a Peacock and many such like things Amongst other viands hee greatly delighted to eate the flesh of Swine Peacocks But his Phisitian had aduertised him that hee should take heed that he eate no swines flesh because it was contrary vnto the Gowt wherewith hee was often tormented but yet hee would not abstaine therefrom The Phisitian secretly aduertised the Clarke of his kitchin that no porke flesh should be serued As then there was none serued the Pope perceiuing it demaunded of his Steward where his dish of
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
of Flaunders the 18. of Ianuary he made a solemne entry into Antwerpe In the moneth of February Henry Duke of Brunswic espowsed the sister of Sigismond king of Pologne The 26. of the same moneth died at Aitsem Frederick Count Palatin Elector now very old and there succeeded him Otto Henry his brothers sonne who long time before had receiued the Gospell and for that cause was in daunger to haue lost all his goods Shortly after he had receiued his peoples oath of fidelitie he made an Edict that no person shuld sing any Masse or exercise any other ceremonies any where in his countries Mary Queen of Englād did what she could that church goods and lands might be restored because Pope greatly vrged her thervnto But many Princes great Lords held them therfore it could not be done During this Parliament many Innectiue and biting bookes were dispersed in London amongst which some were sufficient to haue stirred the common people to sedition against the Spaniards and to haue with drawne the Queenes loue frō King Phillip Search was made for the authors of these libels but it was not possible to finde them out Before the Assembly was departed affaires dispatched the Bishop of Winchester the Chauncelor died of a dropsie Thomas Heth Archbishop of Yorke who had sometimes bene in Almaine with him before of Canterbury and once had knowledge of the true Religion was come into his place About the fift of Nouember died the wife of Duke Iohn Frederic of Saxonie the Lantgraues daughter The Duke of Venice Francisco Venerio was deposed from his estate for ill dealing in the charge of victualls and hauing much more regard vnto his particular profit then to the publike weale About the end of February of this yeare the Mo●r●a●●e called Dupetit S. Bernard on the valley side of Aouste which is in the subiection of the Duke of Sauoy was seene couered with red snowe and certaine white snowe fell but the whitenesse vanished away and the rednesse remained This was notoriously knowne and seene and the red snowe touched by many inhabitants of the said Countrey These prodiges and maruels admonish vs to beseech the Lord to turne away the tribulations and calamities which the poore world ceaseth not to draw vpon it selfe by his rebellion A frost of three weekes was so sharp in December that Seine was frozen wherevpon followed great mischiefes Oziander with his new doctrine of Iustification had long time stirred trobles in Pruse but after as it were al learned people had condemned him by their writings the Duke of Pruse Albert declared by a publike writing that therein hee would follow the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge and so enioyned the Ministers of the Churches to teach accordingly and gaue them full licence And to the end the thing might be so fully and surely accorded that the wound might no more renew and be worse Iohn Albert Duke de Megelbourge the Duke of Pruse his sonne in lawe a Prince very well instructed in Letters went into the said Countrey of Prusia and by the meanes of certaine learned people whose labour he vsed hee did so much with Iohn Functius which was hee that chiefly maintained the opinion of Ozeander that publikely he confessed his fault and withall protested that he would neuer teach but according to the tenor of the confession of Ausbourge Others did the like So the Theologians were receiued into fauour and the estate of the Church pacified The 4. day of March began to appeare a Comet which was seene by the space of 12 dayes There is a litle Towne in Auls●i● three leagues from Strasbourge called Oberene in that Towne a certaine Gardiner the tenth of Aprill in the absence of his wife was the murderer of his owne children of a girle of the age of 7. yeares of a boy of the age of 4. yeares and of an other yet in the cradle not past sixe moneths old The 10. of may the Duke d' Arscot who was a prisoner in the wood de Vincennes nigh Paris escape and came safe into his Countrey The Bauarois sollicited their Prince Albert to haue libertie of their religion as well as they of Austrich and almost at one time the Prince seeing that Ferdinand his father in law had permitted to his people the same thing was content to doo the like And because there was then some question for siluer he suffered his subiects for a time to receiue the Lords Supper whole and to eate flesh on dayes prohibited when necessitie driues them therevnto Yet he made great protestations that he would not diuide himselfe from the religion of his Auncestors and that this should onely be till by publike authoritie it were otherwise ordained About this time certaine great Lords of Transiluania reuolted from Ferdinand There became also great mutinies in England where diuers Nobles were imprisoned others beheaded and some saued themselues in other Countries As for such as died for the truth of the Gospell we haue amply deducted their estate and extracted their confessions in our bookes of Martyrs Albert de Bauieres began the Imperiall iourney at Ratisbone in the name of king Ferdinand who then was busied in holding the estates in Boheme● and Austrich The Emperor hauing attend 〈…〉 of Septembe● and from 〈◊〉 Countries accompanied 〈…〉 ●●●ior Dowary of France and Mary Que●●● of Hungary 〈…〉 cauing al the rule of the lowe Countries to king Phillip his sonne and the administration of Almaine vnto his brother King Ferdinand Dauid George who after called himselfe Iohn de Bruck borne at Delphes in Holland a very pernitious seducer author and Prince of the vilest Sect that euer was making himselfe king and immortall Christ died this yeare 1556. the 24. day of August his wife being dead a litle before He retired with his family which was very great into Basill the yeare 1544. making himselfe a fugitiue from his owne countrey for the cause of the Gospell He bought houses in the Towne and a Castle nigh the Towne called Binningen with possessions of a great reuenew It was easie for this man being very cautelous and subtill and hauing his eyes looking on all sides to gaine the hearts of many and to procure outward reputation who was greatly sustained and augmented by that he had great summes of money and very pretious moueables daily brought him from base Almaine and Flaunders There hapned certaine prodigious signes before his death One of his houses he had two in Basill was burned with fire of lightning and the other which he had sumptuously builded in the Medowes was also consumed by fire and all his pretious moueables which were therin soone after the chamber floores of his house where he made his residence fell downe suddenly yet they say nothing hapned vnto him more intollerable to beare before his death then this that one of authoritie in base Almaine came to the Towne of Basill and
at that seruice but he refused to kisse the dish or pax offered by the Cardinall of Ausbourge who sung the Masse whereat the Cardinall was so despited that he said vnto him If thou wilt haue no blessing receiue a curse euerlasting Other deputies of the Townes and Princes of the confession of Ausbourge entered not into the Church Certaine time after Othon Henry Elector Palatin left his dignitie and estates to Frederick who reformed his Countrey after the pure doctrine whereof he shewed himselfe a constant and faithfull protector with an admirable wisedome and moderation The Diethmarsois yeelded themselues vnto Frederick the 2. of that name king of Denmarke about the end of the moneth of Iune after they had couragiously maintained the war and receiued diuers battailes before they gouerned themselues without yeelding any subiection vnto any person But now they yeelded to gouernment about 35. yeares after the death of Henry de Supphon minister of the word of God whom they had cruelly put to death in the Towne of Meldorf where the truth of the Gospell encreased greatly by the preachings of that man The first day of Ianuary that Christian king of Denmarke of the age of 56. yeares died and about three weekes after died also Christierne his Cosin and predecessor who for his vniust wicked dealings was driuen away of his subiects straying out of his own kingdome the space of 10. yeares thinking to come thither again was taken vpon these and after locked in prison where he reamined 17. years vntil his death being vs the age of 78. Laurence Priarli Duke of Venice Heroides Duke of Ferrare died the same year y e one in●●● the other in Octo. Paul 4. hauing bin Pope 4. yeares 2. moneths 27. daies died the 18 day of August 1559. of the age of 85. yeares Scant had he yeelded vp his spirit but the Romane people which wished death vnto him because of his warres exactions and 〈◊〉 brake the prisons of the Inquisition deliuered the prisoners fired the whole building threw downe the Popes Image cutting off the head and right hand 〈…〉 which were drawne three dayes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 cast 〈…〉 And it was 〈◊〉 that the Armes of the family of ●●r●ffes should be plucked downe from all places of the towne and burst in peeces which was 〈◊〉 the same day His body was in daunger to haue bene handled as his Images and so had bene but that they kept certaine dayes 〈◊〉 a●●●d and strong hand from the people He was also very violent in his Popedome not only toward his enemies many of which were yet in prison but also towards his seruants and friends The 26. day of the said moneth of August Phillip d' Austrich king of Spaine hauing set in order his affaires in Flaunders and the lowe Countries made saile from the Hauen of Flushing into Spaine pretending to set vpō the Turke seeing he was agreed with the king of France Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the dead king Henry being accorded vnto him for wife and committed vnto the king of Nauarre other to conuoy her euen vnto the frontiers of Spaine But being embarked with a great number of ships and all the riches which his father had heaped vp out of Almain Italy with a great quantitie of the rich Tapistry of Flaunders as he approached the port of S. Iames in Galicie so great a tempest arose that of all that magnificall furniture and riches gotten together with so long time and so great trauell nothing arriued in safetie but the sea was made heire of those riches euen in the sight of the Spaniards As for him that tempest spared him so litle that scant could he set foote in any 〈◊〉 but the vessel wherein he was was ready to sinke into the bottome of the sea This losse chafed him so much the more against them of the Religon especially of the lowe countries which were there persecuted with fire and sword before after his depart●●● In England the Churche got vp vnder the pe●c●●ble gouernment of Elizabeth As for Scotland many came vnto the Gospell and they so multiplied that soone after they remained maisters The Papall seate being vacant the space of foure moneths by the aduise of the Cardinalls Iohn Angelus de Medicis Cardinall was chosen Pope about the end of December and was crowned the sixt day of Ianuary 1560. naming himselfe Pius the fourth he liued in the throne of error fiue yeares eleuen moneths and fifteene dayes He confirmed the election of the Emperour Ferdinand which his predecessour would not approue hee also iustified and set at libertie out of prison certiane Cardinalls and Bishops At the beginning of this said moneth Elizabeth of France was brought to the limits of Spaine deliuered into the hands of the Cardinall de Burges of the Duke d'el Infantasque King Phillip his deputies vnto whom they brought her and there was great triumphs in the celebration of the marriage which they called the firme bond to holde vnited the kingdomes of France and Spaine Charles Prince of Spaine receiued the homages of many Townes insomuch that for a time there was nothing but reioycings Iusts Feasts and Bankets through all King Phillips Countries but this mirth endured no long time as shall be seene hereafter For the estate of France the Churches had many troubles this yeare For the violent and illegitimate domination of the house of Guise which ruled the king and the kingdome at their pleasure the recoyling of Princes and great Lords the despising of the states and other cōfusions brought in by these new gouernours stirred a great part of the Nobilitie to ioyne themselues together to get the King out of the hands of such people and to procure by good order that things might return into their auncient estate And because this could not be executed but by armes they assembled certaine troupes vnder the conduct of Godfroy de Barry seur de la Renaudie and other valiant Captains to come vnto Amboise to seaze the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Lorraine to make an account of their administration But hauing bene discouered and betrayed long time before they came into the field this enterprise did but ●●uenome make more cruell the Lords of Guise Insomuch that they put to death a great number of Lordes Captaines Gentlemen and souldiers at Amboise And because the most part of them professed the true religion then in France called Lutherisme the Cardinall charged the Churches that they had made this enterprise yea they dealt with y e princes of the blood royall namely with Anthonie de Burbon king of Nauarre and his brother Lewis de Burbon prince of Conde after with the houses of Montmorencie of Chastillon determining to roote vp churches houses all at once to effect which the Lordes of Guise made infinit preparatiues all this yeare both within without the realme they also found meanes to draw the king of Nauarre
the English men gaue ouer Hance de grace or New Hauen vnto the French king The same time they of Lubec and the king of Denmarke made warre vpon the king of Snede Henry de Brunswic made many courses into Almaine into the lands of the Bishop of Munster The eight day of September Maximilian king of the Romanes was crowned king of Hungary The 24. of September Charles the ninth king of France caused his Maioritie to be published declaring to the Parliament of Paris that he would take vpon himselfe the managing of the affaires of the kingdome The 28. was published and affixed at Rome on the part of the Cardinals Inquisitors a monitorie personal adiournament against Iane d' Albret Queene of Nauarre who because of the profession of the Gospell was cited to Rome to answere in the Popes consistory therefore and for want of appearance within sixe moneths her Countrey to be giuen vnto the first conquerer thereof and her vassalls and subiects absolued from their oath of fidelitie This was but a subtill deuice tending to an other end and the king of France tooke into his hand the cause of this Princesse so that for that time the Popes thunderclaps turned into smoake The second day of October the Bishop of Wirtzbourge was slaine his Towne occupied and raunsomed wherevpon followed great troubles in Almaine and at that time of Automne the pestilence was vehement in the quarters about Francfort Nuremberge and in the coastes about the Balthique Sea which carried away nigh three hundreth thousand persons The ninth day of Nouember the Armies of Denmarke and Snede encountred together and had a bloudie battaile wherein were slaine 3000. Snedes with great losse of their Artillery and baggage The fourth day of December was ended the Councell of Trent Betwixt the first and last session whereof were eightteene yeares In it all the Articles of the Popish doctrine were confirmed There was a great strife betwixt the Embassadors of France and of Spaine for the primer seat but he of Spaine got it at that time In the same yeare and the 13. day of August died Wolfangus Musculus Doctor in Theologie at Berne a man who by his writings greatly serued and yet doth the Churches of God He was then of the age of 66. yeares The 26. of Ianuary 1564. the Lithuaniens got a great victorie vpon the Muscouites which lost nine thousand men vpon the field with their baggage and many flying perished in pooles and Isy Marishes The first day of February died at Marpurge a Towne of Hesse Andrew Hiperius a very learned Theologian amongst thē of our time who left many profitable bookes to the edification of the Churches of God He was then of the age of 53. yeares In the moneth of April Frederick Elector Count Palatin came with Christopher Duke of Wirtemberge into the Abbey of Malbrun nigh to Spire where by the space of 7. daies their Diuines disputed some against others of two Articles in the doctrine of the holy Supper that is to say of the vbiquitie or presence of the body of Christ Iesus in all places and the interpretation of the words of the holy Supper This is my body After long contestations and strifes they departed without according any thing and after that their debate waxed hotter to the ruine of Churches and to the great contentment of the Pope and his adherents The 27. of May about eight of the clocke at night dyed Iohn Caluin a professor in Theologie a Minister of the word of God in Geneua a person of singular pietie memorie viuacitie of iudgement and admirable diligence of a solide doctrine wherin he hath comprehended the pure Theologie as his writings read without preiudice or sinister affection do apparantly shewe He was moreouer endowed with incredible zeale and prudencie in all the course of his Ministery hauing serued to the aduancement of the doctrine of the Gospel and to the edification of the Churches amongst all the excellent persons raised vp in our time to ruinate the tyrannie of Antichrist and to establish the throne of the celestial veritie He was of the age of 55. yeares saue one moneth and 13. daies he was buried without pompe hauing left many bookes very profitable for such as would seeke to aduance and goe forward earnestly in the intelligence of the holy scripture and an honorable memorie vnto all reformed Churches About this time the Maritimal and Sea Armies of the kings of Denmarke and Snede encountred vpon Balthique Sea in battaile wherein the Snedes remained victors and carried away three great ships of warre with a number of prisoners which the king of Snede caused afterward to be cruelly handled But about the end of Iune they of Denmarke and Lubec had their reuenge and ouercame the Snedes vpon the Sea conquering one ship though inexpugnable vntill then after hauing sunke many moe The Emperour Ferdinand a gentle and peaceable Prince died the 25. day Iuly at Vienna in Austrich hauing liued 61. yeares foure moneths and an halfe leauing for successor to the Empire his sonne Maximilian who soone after was elected and crowned The beginning of his yeare 1565. was very sharpe and colde in many Countries of Europe and there fel an extraordinary quantitie of snowe which beeing frozen and after melted in the spting time there followed great Invndations The Churches of France maintained themselues in some estate whilest the young King guided by his Councell made his voyage of Bayonne A warre in Hungary against the Turkes with losses and ruines on both parts The Churches in the lowe Countries began also to lift vp their heads especially vnder Charles the fift The encrease of the French Churches encouraged them they also published their confession of faith The Ecclesiasticke Romanes that which afterward came to pass e amongst other practises sought to establish the Spanish Inquisition and certaine yeares before made new Bishops to the end more easily to maintaine the Popes authoritie After this erection by the space of foure or fiue yeares whilest Margarite Dutches of Parma gouerned the lowe Countries for her brother the king of Spaine some ceased not to cōtend against others by remonstrances bookes and diuers practises some to abolish others to giue entry and authoritie vnto the Inquisition The I le and Towne of Malte was furiously assailed by the Turkes in the moneth of May but they were Iustained and pushed backe by the knights of Malta being assisted with the succors which were sent from many places In the monethes of Iune and Iuly were great deluges and ouerflowings of waters in diuers quarters of Almaine especially in Thuringe A very sharpe warre was in Hungarie betwixt the Turkes and the Almaines with diuers accidents that befell on both sides The eight of December the Pope Pius the fourth died of the age of 66. yeares and 8. moneths hauing bene Pope about six moneth
which the Elector sent away safe forbidding them to maintain opiniōs or teach in his countries The 25. of May the Pope the King of Spaine and the Venetians made a league against the Turke The fourth day of Iune it rayned great abundance of Turnep-rootes Peas and other kinde of corne at Goldtberge Lemberge and Lauben in Solesia whereof the peisants and poore Countrey people made bread and were nourished in a great famine which afflicted the Countrey On the other side in base Saxonie in a litle Towne called Leubourge nie to Lunebourge and Hambourge two Vsurers and sellers of corne were destroyed through a maruellous iudgement of God The one fell dead suddenly as he opened his barne doore the corne whereof also was eaten and carried away with vermine And the other Corne-seller as he was going to drowne himself was taken and carried to prison where he hanged himselfe the night following About the same time the Muscouites made courses and strange forragings vppon the frontiers of the Kingdome of Snede and meaning to enter further they were constrained to retire to goe to defend their owne countrie which the Tartarians put to fire and sword The first day of August Famagoste a capitall Towne in the I le of Cyprus hauing sustained a long siege and diuers furious assaults was yeelded by composition to Mahomet Bassa who in the place to keepe his promise caused to be slaine all the Christian Captains and souldiers which came towards him and certaine daies after caused one Mark Anthony Bragandin a Venetian Gentleman Gouernour of Famagoste to bee scorched and broyled aliue and so got all the whole I le for Selim whose successors are at this day peaceable possessors thereof The 29. of September almost through all Almaine the Sun was seene of the colour of bloud The same day the Towne of Reuel the chiefe Towne of Liuonia was sucked and spoyled by the Muscouites The seuenth of October the memorable Nauall battaille in the gulfe of Lepante in the Mediterrane Sea betwixt the Army of the League and that of the Turkes Selim lost there 15. thousand men and the most part of his Vessels The Christians tooke a great number of prisoners This victorie greatly abated the pride of the Turkes yet the Venetians certain time after perceiuing the estate of their affaires required peace they sought and obtained it of Selim. The tenth day of October the Theologians and Ministers of the Electorship of Saxonie assembled at Dresde to prouide for troubles alreadie come for matters of Religion and they agreed to publish a confession of the person and incarnation of Iesus Christ of his maiestie ascention and sitting on the right hand of God also of the Supper of the Lord. The other Theologians of Saxonie opposed themselues by writings Imprinted against the said confession wherevpon many debates followed A coniuration against the Queene of England was miraculously discouered and the Duke of Northfolke Captaine of that coniuration arrested and condemned vpon Letters and after executed to death Almaine was greatly afflicted in many places with daungerous diseases and with extreame famine in Snabie and in Bauiere The Churches of France were a good quietnesse because of the good countenance that the King shewed vnto them of the Religion The sixt day of Ianuary The Riuer of Vistule passing in the Duchie of Pruse nigh vnto Thorne was conuerted into bloud the space of three dayes to the great feare of all the people hauing againe taken his ordinary colour about nine of the clocke at night there was a straunge Earth-quake two cloudes rent and let fal their waters with so great a force that fortie houses were carried away by the furie of the Riuer sixe Arches of Thornebridge ouerthrowne and 300. persons drowned There fell also from heauen stones of ten pound waight wherewith many people were slaine The 22. of the same moneth the Towne of Inspruck was troubled with so terrible an Earthquake which endured three dayes that the most part of the houses the Pallace of the Arch-duke of Austriche the Church and the Printing-house went downe by meanes wherof the Arch-duke was constrained to retire into a great Parke where were nourished diuers sorts of sauage and wilde beastes euery man iudging the world should haue ended Munchen in Bauiere and Ausbourge had their part of this feare The Castle of Wirtzbourge was burnt the 29. of that moneth so suddenly that the Bishop had no leisure to carrie any thing away but his shert He lost by that fire all his Registers titles and papers The winter hauing bene very sharpe this moneth continued all Ianuarie and Februarie exceeding sharpe and extraordinarie In the moneth of February the Duke of Alua thinking to haue come to the vpper hand of all his purposes laid vpon the Flemmings great exactions and amongst other the tenth penney perpetual And notwithstanding remonstrances vnto him of the impossibilitie thereof and that without the aduise of the Estates of the country he could not charge nor taxe them yet resolued he to put it in execution But the people especially of Bruxelles sought all means to exempt themselues from it Such as were absent beholding this ouerture thus made gathered in companies here and there to busie the Spaniard as they did soone after For the first day of Aprill the Count de la Marche sieur de Lumey arriuing secretly frō England surprised the Ile the Towne of Brielle in Holland straight Flusshing a notable hauen of Zeland and Emchuse forsooke the Duke of Alua his part who to remedie it sent the Count de Bossu with an Army of Spaniards into Holland who the ninth of the same moneth sacked Roterdam and slew a great number of the Burgesses The Count Lodowick the Prince of Orange his brother hauing obtained a new Army in France with certain Lords of the Religion by the Kings consent suprised Monts in Hainaut the 24. of May where shortly after hee was enclosed by the Duke of Alua his troupes houering thereabouts and stopping the passages Valenciennes was also take but straight againe recouered by the Spaniards Then also it seemed that France should haue bin peaceable for a long time that the reformed Churches should no more be disquieted in time to come namely in regard of a marriage concluded of Henry Prince of Nauarre with Margarite the kings sister as also that then the Admirall seemed in great credit in the Court by means wherof the most part of men especially they of the Religion imagined already a Gospell without the Crosse and a worldly Christ Pope Pius the fift died the first day of May and the 13. after his obsequies ended the Cardinalls elected for Pope a Boulognois Doctor of the Canon lawe called Iaques Boncompagne against the purpose of diuers competitors He called himselfe Gregorie 13. and for his entry gaue order for warre against the Turkes confirmed the decrees of the Councell of
the Territories of the Church whereof sixe hundred were vnder the conduct of Thomas Stukely an English man who fled out of England for treason who a litle before had obtained the title of a Marquesse from the Pope were embarked at Ciuitauechia in a ship of Genua to be transported into Ireland the which arriued at Lisbone in the time that they made preparation for the warre of Affrike The King hearing of their arriuall and that for want of money he could haue no Italians out of Tuscane desired to see them with intent to retaine them and vse them in the warre of Affricke and hauing caused them to disimbarke and to lodge at Oeicas neare to the mouth of Tagus hee went one day to view them and hauing had some conference with Stukely hee perswaded him to promise to goe with him into Affrike The Catholicke king because he would not shewe himselfe a partie would not contradict it The Pope was so farre of that before the newes could come vnto him he gaue them impresse and they remained for his seruice The 24. of Iune beeing Midsommer day Sebastian hauing a prosperous winde the whole Army set saile to his great pleasure and contentment who young and vnskilfull guided by some sinister starre or by that diuine permission which would punish this people went into Affricke to a dangerous although a glorious enterprise leaning the Realme emptied of money naked of Nobilitie without heires and in the hands of ill affected gouernours In this most fierce and bloudie battaile between the Portugalls and the Moores three kings died The king Sebastian the 4. of August when both the battailes were ioyned fought so valiantly that those which saw his valour wondred at it for although they slew three horses vnder him without any whit daunting him yet was he neuer wearie to change strike succour all parts of the Army where was greatest daunger Many of his Nobilitie which remained yet on horsback seeing the Army in rout sought the King in all parts to saue him but the Standard which was carried before him as a marke to knowe him was now taken and the bearer slaine and being deceiued with an other some what like vnto that which Edward de Moneses carried they followed the one instead of the other so as the king remained as a mā lost with some of his most trustie seruants about him and one Renegado who laboured to saue him hauing in vaine sought to flie being aduised to yeeled with his Armes he would by no means agree vnto it One amongst thē holding vpon the point of his foote a white Napkin in signe of peace went towards the Moores as an Embassador for the rest to yeeld but they either barbarous or wilfull tooke the messenger prisoner and charged the rest who being fewe in number wearied and without courage they were all slaine Some say there grew a controuersie amongst them about the Kings owne person and for that occasion they slew him They sent afterward to seeke his body and by a notable example of the inconstancie of this world they carried it naked vpon a saddle pomell into the royall Tent of Moluc where letting it fall to the ground it was carefully viewed by the Nobilitie who were there present and a publike certificate that it was he keeping it after at Alcazar-Quiuer Ieronimo Conestaggio Mulei Moluc seeing his men at the first to flie although he were sicke vnto the death mounted to horse in choller going towards them that ranne away to stay them and encourage them the shot of the Christians drawing neare he made shewe to match himselfe foremost but his fauourites came about him entreating him not to hazard himselfe But he persisting his resolution and they to stay him he grew in choller laying hold on his sword to disperse them at what time being seazed with a deadly fit of an Apoplexie he swowned and fell from his horse but being taken downe by them about him hee was laid in his Litter where putting his finger into his mouth in signe of silence suddenly or as some report before he was laid downe gaue vp the ghost Mulei Mahamet escaped his enemies hands but his too great haste to passe Mucazez and to recouer Azzill was the cause he was drowned in his passage Those whom Idlenesse had made curious did note the diuersitie of these Princes deaths for being all lost in one battaile within the space of sixe houres the one died of his naturall death the second by the sword the third was drowned Hamet was proclaimed King of the Moores Hee caused the body of Mulei Mahamet to be found out and causing it to be fleied filled the skinne with straw and carried it in triumph to the end to take from the Moores all the hope they had conceiued in him Monsieurs the king of France his brother after the example of the Arch-duke Mathias went into Flaunders there to make worke for the king of Spaine where he made a goodly entrie but an euill retreit Henry the third this yeare by the example of Lois the eleuenth to vnite great persons in concord and inuiolable amitie both for the benefite of the estate and countrie he instituted the order of the holy Ghost D. Chytraeus Of him this Anagrame was made Henricus Tertius In te verè Christus In this yeare and the next the estate of France and of the lowe Countries and of Almaine remained as before In France the Prince of Conde retiring vnto Fere a Towne vnder his gouernment of Picardie warre flamed which continued in diuers places by the taking holds on either part but more slowly then in former yeares The strongest was in Dauphine and in Guienne Fere Mouire and other places hauing bene yeelded by composition These tempests ended by a negotiation of peace In the Augustine Friars at Paris this also was done in remembrance of his birth day and the two Kingdomes of Poland and Fraunce falling to him as vpon that day expecting as then the third Crowne in heauen of which this Symbole was made Manet vltima coelo He made 26. Knights of the order before spoken of and gaue them yearely pensions out of Abbies and Ecclesiasticall liuings in despight of the Pope This yeare Iohn Fox William Wickney and Robert More English men hauing bene prisoners in Turkie about the space of 13. or 14. yeares with more then two hundred and sixtie other Christians of diuers Nations by killing their keeper maruellously escaped and returned to their natiue Countries I. Stowe The Towne of Maistricht was taken by force of the Spaniards the 29. of Iune where they slew a great number of people After the estates sought a protector and addressed themselues in the yeare 1580. to the Duke of Alenson who dealt with them The Turkes leauing Europe in quietnesse after peace made with the Venetians waged warre against the Persians and after many battailes lost especially for the Turkes they
with plaine force wonne the Towne and Castle of Calais in spight of all the Kings Forces and the resistance of the besieged There dyed in the taking heereof a great number of the Nobilitie of France The Cardinall following this new wonne victorie besieged the strong Towne of Ardres in the beginning of May and became maister thereof the 23. of the same moneth seuen daies before Fere was yeelded to the King vpon composition Chytraeus The Emperour appointed Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara Generall against the Turkes who thirtie yeares before in the time of Maximilian the second the father of Rodolphus had waged warre against them at his owne charges But hee beeing the last Duke that was of his house and hauing had no issue by his three wiues was very desirous to leaue a certaine successor before hee departed and therefore he desired the Pope that Cardinall Est might be his heire and to that end offered him a great summe of gold but the Pope stifly denying to do it the expedition for Hungary was intermitted by the Duke of Ferrara D. Chytraeus Christian the fourthking of Denmarke the sonne of Fredericke the second of the age of twentie yeares was crowned King In the moneth of Iune the Queene of England sent a Fleete of 16. sailes well appointed with munition and vittaile vnder the conduct of Robert Earle of Essex into Spaine who with a prosperous gale hauing passed the bound of France and Portugall the 20. of Iune arriued neare Gades and lighted vpon the 12. Apostles of the king of Spaine of the which S. Phillip carried 900. souldiers and 62. peeces of Ordinance and 57. Marchants ships bound for the Easterne Indies But when in these straits they had fought with them valiantly and happily and had set S. Phillip on fire the rest conueying themselues into the deepe the Earle came on land with part of his company and when he came neare the Citie the gouernours and knights of the Citie to the number of 400. came out who seeing the English so well appointed drew backe into the Citie but such was the courage of our men that following some of them got into the Citie with them some at the assult got vpon the walles and recouered the Market place although they were much troubled by the Citizens from out of theyr houses and house tops The same euening the greatest part of them got into a Castle the lower part of the Citie was spoiled the vpper part was ransomed for 12000. Ducats And for the Indian fleet they offered great store of gold But the Duke Medine would not let it be redeemed and therefore set it all on fire The losse of which was 12. Millions of crownes The English Nauie in August following returned to England D. Chytraeus The Spaniards greatly incensed with this daring enterprise of the English of their owne free will gaue a great summe of money to their king whereby to make new ships and leuie new forces against them and in the moneth of October the Fleete loosed out of the mouth of Tagus into Corouis a Hauen in Spaine towards the farthest North in the territories of Gallicia which Ptolomey calleth the harbour of the Artabry a people by the Promontory Artabrum which is in Portugall But when the Nauie came neare the coasts of Gallicia by night it ranne vpon the Rockes where 30. of the Spanish ships perished the rest went forward to Corouis and attempted nothing else this winter The Emperour appointed Arnold Baron of Echwartzenberge in Belgia Marshall of the field in Hungarie against the Turke in the place of the D. of Ferrara whom the Pope Clement the 8. would not graunt that his adopted heire should succeed him Anne Q. of Poland the widow of Stephen the sister of Sigismond Augustus died this yeare being 70. yeares of age leauing great store of treasure behind her which shee gaue to her sisters Catherines children Q. of Suetia Sigismond the 3. king and Anne his sister The last of Aprill deceased Syr Iohn Puckering Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale he died of a dead Palsie and was buried at Westminster In Prussia a Prouince in the kingdome of Poland the chiefest Bishops armed with the kings decrees against the true Churches of the Gospell remooued many Preachers out of their Parishes into the Countrie and vpon S. Iohn Baptists day tooke possession of the chiefe Church in the Citie of Turon the like was done at Meua and Stargardia besides they earnestly desired that the Church of S. Maries which was neare the Market place might be deliuered to them with the Monasteries of S. Briget and that therein their religion might bee freely exercised and all their causes belonging to the Consistorie to be referred to their Officialls in the Citie and to be iudged by them Iacobus Fabritius Gouernor of the Colledge was peremptorily cited to Subcouia for that he allowed preached maintained publikely the doctrine of Caluin and as they inferred against the expresse priuiledges of the Citie the constitutions of the Commissaries and the decrees of the Senate concerning religion But the Senate excusing him said that the Citizens were not bound to appeare out of their Citie the Bishops sent their Commissaries into the Citie who with their Officialls should there proceed against him The King himselfe likewise commanded that the Senate should deliuer vp the Church to the Bishop of Subcouia within certaine daies or should agree with him But Agria a neare neighbour to Poland being newly taken by the Turkes and the Court was busied in counsell how to auoyd new dangers the Dantiscanes were quiet till Easter the yeare following The estate of the vnited Prouinces of Belgia Geldria Zutphen Holland and Westfrizeland Zeland Vtricht Friseland the Groine c. with the Q. of England and the K. of France entered a league of defence for themselues and offence of their enemie the K. of Spaine None of these could make peace with him without the consent of all Which was also agreed betweene the king of France and the vnited States of Belgia that the kings of Scotland and Denmarke should be vnited to the societie of this league The 22. of Iuly the right honourable H. Cary Baron of Hunsdon and Lord Chamberlaine to the Queene deceased at Sommerset house in Strandstreet and was honourably buried at Westminster The second of Iune the Emperour Rodolphe caused all the Princes Electors and others of his dominion with the Embassadors of those that were absent to come before him in the Pallace of the Bishop of Ratisbone who all appeared the next morning and accompanied him to the Church and from thence to the Court where when euery one according to their calling had taken his place Philippus Ludouicus stood vp and made an Oration in the name of the Emperour Rodolphus Caesar wherein he shewed how the Emperour of the Turkes Sultan Amurathes had broken the truce which was made in the yeare 1591. by Haly Bassa in
saith that the Towne was dedicated by him the yeare of his Empire 28. and as he had taken the Empire diuided and vnited it in his person so he diuided it againe as a paternall heritage and made a partition thereof amongst his children whom whilest he liued he created Cesars one after an other that is to say Constantine his eldest sonne Anno. 10. Constantius the second Anno. 20. and Constans the youngger Anno. 30. Whose Empires were very turbulent and endured but 24. yeares 5. moneths 12. dayes according to the Chronicle of Hierome Constantine the Father died at Nicomicha after he had liued 66. yeares and raigned 31. yeares Pompon Laet. Licinius the sonne of Constantia sister of Constantine the great and Crispus sonne of the said Constantine the great with his said son Constantine the eldest were created Caesars the yeare of the Lord 316. But the wickednes of Fausta the wife of Constantine the great caused the death of Licinius and Crispus and many other noble personages See Aure. Victor and Pompo Laet. Crispus was instructed by Lactantius Constantine the eldest sonne of Constantine the great was Emperour with his two brethren after the father the yeare of our Lord 338. The Empire was thus parted namely that Constantine should enioy Gaul Spaine and England Constance should haue Italie with Slauonia and Greece And Constantius should holde Constantinople with the East This partition contented not Consantine hee raised warre against his brother Constance being proud of his Army of Gaul but warring more couetously then warily was ouerthrowne by an ambush nigh to Aquilea and being wounded in diuers places dyed there hauing raigned but three whole yeares and liued 25. See Bapt. Egnat and Pomp. Laet. Constance after he had vanquished his elder brother passing the Alpes came to make warre in Gaul and in two yeares with great difficultie conquered the Countrey which his brother had in partition He at the beginning gouerned well but after gaue himselfe to pleasures and at last became odious to all men So that in the end they conspired against him as he was at hunting and was slaine by the deuice and treason of Magnentius who vsurped his Empire yet he had saued this Magnentius his life Constance liued thirtie yeares and raigned fourteene See Pomp. Laet. Constantius had for his part the Empire of Constantinople with the East Hee vanquished Vetranio who made himselfe Emperour in Hungarie after the death of Cōstance Moreouer to reuenge the death of his said brother Constance hee made great warre against Magnentius In the first battaile there were slaine of one part and the other 53000. fighting men Magnentius had the worst And againe making head was ouercome nigh Lions Constantius was suspected vpon enuie and ambition to haue made away Dalmatius his Cousin-germain a vertuous man who better resembled Constantine the great then his owne father and who was appointed for a copartner with the said Constantius when he had his partition But Constantius liued not long after For as he was going the second time against the Persians vnderstanding that Iulian had made himselfe Augustus he tooke a Feuer and dyed the yeare of his age 40. and of his Kingdome 24. See Eutrop. Aurel. Vict. Pompon Laet. and Bapt. Egn. The Sinode of Sardis in her Sinodall Letters calleth Iulius their friend and companion Theodoret. lib. 2. chap. 8. It followeth that the Bishop or Archbishop of Rome had not the pretended superioritie It seemeth that Iulius was dead when Constantius hauing tamed the tyrannie of Magnentius and Syluanus hee was in Italie to appease the discordes of Athanasius his cause Liberius borne in Rome his father being called Augustus succeeded Iulius the yeare of Christ after S. Hierome 352. about the 12. yeare of Constance Empire his confession was agreeing vnto the Catholique faith and writ to Athanasius very Christianly of God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost as may be seene in his Epistle which is affixed to the workes of Athanasius Athanasius in the Epistle to them which leade solitary liues rehearseth how Liberius was subuerted The Emperour Constans sent to Rome one named Eusebius an Eunuke with Letters wherby he threatned him exile and on the other side tempted him with presents to induce him to cōsent with Arrius and to subscribe to the condemnation of Athanasius Liberius despised both his menaces and gifts as a sacrifice of blasphemie Whereat the Emperour being exceedingly grieued found meanes to get him out of Rome and being come to him threatned him with death But Liberius manfully answered I am ready to endure all rather then of Christians we should be accounted Arrians Why what art thou said the Emperour that with one wicked man troublest all the world The word of Faith said Liberius dependeth not vpon multitude He was then banished by this Emperour Constans into Berrea which is a Towne in Thrace Where after hee had bene two yeares he was called home as saith Theodoret his restitution after some was accorded by the Emperour at the request of many Romanes and of the Westerne Bishops The same saith Athanasius in the before alleadged Epistle Also that Liberius after his two yeares exile feared with threatnings and apprehension of death sealed to the condemnation of Athanasius Ruffin saith the same and Hierome as Baleus saith writeth that by ambition Liberius fell into the heresie of Arrius being once fallen from the integritie of faith We finde some constitutions of Liberius namely not to make noises in fasting time that times of fasting and Lent bee not polluted by the act of marriage that in time of famine and pestilence men should appease the Lords anger by fasting almes and prayers An aduertisement The principall felicitie and ornament of the Church of this time was the multitude of excellent Doctors which by their doctrine sought so farre as in them lay to conserue multiply the puritie of doctrine But this felicitie was greatly obscured partly by the multitude of heretickes and partly by the rage of seditious people and schismatickes In so much that since the time of the Apostles there was no Church that hath endured more dissentions combats and diuisions within it then that of this world Wherevpon by good right Basile the great in a certaine poeme writing of the iudgement of God complaineth saying I haue liued the age of a man and I haue seene great concord amongst the Arts and Sciences But in the Church of God alone for which Iesus Christ dyed I haue obserued so many dissentions that it is altogether dissipated and wasted And comming to the cause As I searched saith he the cause I remembred the place of the booke of Iudges where it is written That then euery one did whatsoeuer hee thought good in his owne eyes Great persecutions were vnder Constantius after the death of Constans against the Catholike Doctors and Bishops by the Arrians Many were put to death euen within the Temples others
Gothes then entered into Italie by the disloyaltie of Rufin which as it is said fell vpon his owne head by the iust iudgement of God Stillico a Vandall by Nation hoping to lift vp Euchere his sonne to bee an Emperour raised vp the Sueuians Vandales and Alenems and other people to the number of 200000. conducted by theyr King Redegastus or Radagastus who afterward was discomfited in the straite of Appenin After Radagastus a new Armie of Gothes came into Italie hauing for their Captaine Alricus or Alaricus who was sollicited by the Emperour Honorius to leaue the Countrey of Italie and to discend into Fraunce which then was so occupied with French Burgonians and other Nations that Honorius dispaired to hold it But as Alaricus prepared his departure Stillico thought to haue surprised him on the sudden beeing vpon Easter day there being a truce betwixt them not yet expired Alaricus the next morning came against Stillico and to be reuenged besieged the Towne of Rome Honorius being at Rauenna The treason of Stillico being disclosed hee caused him to bee beheaded so receiued hee the reward of his infidelitie Then was there found no Captaine for the warre to leuie the siege before Rome wherefore the Towne was taken by Alaricus after it had endured long time the siege This was about the fifteenth yeare of the Empire of Honorius and of the Lords Natiuitie 412. and from the foundation of Rome 1164. Alaricus neither burnt nor wasted Rome but gaue commaundement that they should be spared which fled vnto the Temples of the Christians He died soone after Adolphus succeeded him and came to Rome but by the meanes of Placidia the sister of Honorius he spared Rome and tooke his way towards Gaul and Spaine and so the Gothes left Italie and occupied Spaine which Alaricus before had inuaded and got the domination thererof In so much that the kings of Spaine that came after discended of them Diminution or the Romane Empire From henceforward the fourth Monarchie receiued such calamities that in place to rule and haue straunge people in subiection it selfe was made a seruant vnto barbarous Nations The Towne of Rome the seate of the said Monarchie in lesse then 139. yeares was foure times taken by the Gothes Vandales and other barbarous people The first is that alreadie recited by Alaricus The 2. by Gensericas the Vandall vnder Martinian the yeare 456. The 3. by Totila King of the Gothes which was the most grieuous oppression that euer Rome endured For it was taken and burnt the yeare 21. of Iustinian and from the foundation of Rome 1300. and of Christ 548. The 4. it was sacked three yeares after the other namely the yeare of Christ 551. as shall be seene in this Historie The Pope Siricius added the Anthems to the Psalmes He made a Lawe that orders that is to say the ceremonies and obseruations which they vse in the consecration of their Church-people should be celebrated and giuen by certaine spaces of time betwixt one an other Ambrose Bishop of Millaine was his familiar and writ vnto him some Epistles which are amongst his workes One in the number 49. and the other in the number 54. wherein hee calles him his Father He died about the yeare 399. hauing occupied that seate 15. yeares after Socrat. lib. 7. chap. 9. and Sozom. lib. 8. chap. 25. Anastasius the first of that name borne at Rome succeeded him and gouerned about three yeares Hee ordained that euery one should heare the Gospell standing and not sitting Hee cast out of the Ministerie such as wanted or were maimed in any of theyr members or subiect to any disease Hee ordained that none beyond the Seas should bee admitted to any Ecclesiasticall estate without hauing a Testimoniall sealed with fiue Bishops This was because of the Manechies which came from Affrike to corrupt Churches Chrysostome borne at Antioch disciple of Libanius the Sophister and an Auditor of Andragatius a Philosopher forsooke the estate of an Aduocate and followed Euagrius with two other his companiōs Theodorus and Maximus which after were Bishops after they had well profited in holy scriptures in the Monasteries For then Monasteries were publike Schooles and Abbots or Priors which gouerned them did publikely teach the holy scriptures Innocent the first of that name borne at Albe preferred the seate at Rome before all others and ordained that it should not be subiect to any other He commaunded the faithfull to fast on the Saterday to the ende that that day they might with Mary Magdalen mourne for Iesus Christ being in his graue He ordained that the Pax should be giuen at Masse and that a Temple which once had beene consecrated should be so no more Hee made certaine lawes concerning the Iewes Painims and Monkes and made the Sacrament of Vnction of such as were sicke Chrysostome was often sicke of a disease of the stomacke therfore he abstained from eating in company He was hardie and liberall in reprehension and aboue all in his publike Sermons and therefore was he hated of the Cleargie He resisted Gaiuas an Arrian who begged of the Emperour a Temple in Constantinople for his people See the Tripart Hist Chap. 6. Lib. 10. Constantinople was diuinely aided against Gaiuas who sending souldiers in the night to burne the Emperours Pallace a great multitude of armed men were seene come against them three nights which made them desist and leaue off their enterprise Chrysostome was sent in ambassage towards the said Gaiuas who had wasted all the countrey of Thrace who met the said Chrysostome and commaunded his owne children to kisse his knees and he himselfe kissed his hand Certaine Monkes Egipt Antropomorphites maintained that God had a body whereabouts came many contentions amongst the Bishops Insomuch that the Arrians and Catholiques in the night slew one an other There was an earthquake in Constantinople The siluer Image of Eudoxia was placed nigh to the Temple of S. Saphie and playes celebrated in her honour Chrysostome crieth out against it and in a Sermon vnder the name of Herodias taxeth Eudoxia whereof beeing angry she suborned people to sley Chrysostome but the people guarded him both day and night he was afterward exiled into Pontus The Church of Constantinople so increased by the Chrysostonites that many of them were put to diuers torments After his exile there happened at Constantinople in September a great haile and foure dayes after died Eudoxia See the forealleadged booke Chap. 15.16 20. The Pernitious errour of Pelagius In the time of Innocent Pope of Rome there was in the Countrey of England one called Pelagius who began to teach that we are not iustified by Gods mercie for Iesus Christes sake without Merite but that through our owne workes and naturall vertues we acquire true and perfect righteousnesse before God Against this Pelagius many good Doctors of this time writ but aboue all Augustine hath shewed that by faith onely we are Iustified
Possidonius writ his life Sedulius Possidonius Sozomenus Socrates and Theodoriretus were Authors of the Tripartite Historie which afterward was brought into one by Cassiodorus Valentinian was made Emperour with Theodosius and they raigned together the one in the East the other in the West Clodio a Painim King of France raigned 18 yeares Hee recouered from the Romaines Torney and Cambray where he was buried Superstition was now farre entred into the houses of great men In so much as Eudoxia the wife of Theodosius the yonger went vnto Ierusalem and frō thence brought the chains wherewith S. Peter was bound by Herode which were ioyned with them of Nero wherevpon afterward was instituted the feast of S. Peter in bonds Item the Relikes of S. Steuen S. Hierome in his Epistle to Eustochius counteth them otherwise Sixtus the third of that name a Romaine gouerned the state of Rome 8. yeares Hee was accused by a Priest of great credit called Bassus to haue committed Incest and to haue violated a religious woman named Chrysogonus and so did Bassus vnderstand of a seruant of the said Sixtus called Peter But in a full Sinode of 55. Bishops by Valentinian Augustus libertie was left to Sixtus to iudge himselfe For it is not lawfull saith he to iudge nor giue sentence against the hie and great Bishop He then tooke his oath that he was innocent of the matter and so was absolued by the Sinode and Bassus banished and all his goods confiscate and giuen to the Church The beginning that the Pope should not be iudged Sixtus then instituted the feast of S. Peter in bondes the first day of August in place of an other Feast which was before made for the victorie of Augustus Caesar which he obtained against Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra Suspition or Idolatrie chaunged but not abolished The Vandales which from the outward parts of Almaine vnder Gratian came into France and after into Spaine finally vnder the conduction of Genserich came into Mauritania and after sell vpon Carthage and there occupied Affricke more then 77. yeares Victor Bishop of a Towne in Numidia which is in Affricke called in Latine Cattena made a booke against the Arrians and presented it to Genseric King of the aforesaid Vandales an Arrian Polychronius Bishop of Ierusalem is chased away Hee in the time of a famine sold all his goods and gaue it to the poore For which chatitie and mercy he was after restored againe Sixtus ordeined that none should bee promoted in the Cleargie into anothers Diocesse or Parish He also before his death gaue all his goods to the poore Hillarie Bishop of Arles left all his goods and went into an hermitage where he composed the life of Saint Honorius Abb. Tritem He had done better if hee had preached constantly and opposed himselfe against the peoples vices Arcadius Probus Paschasius and Eutichius were in great estimation and honour with Gensericus but seeing he could not draw them vnto Arrianisme after many euils finally he martyred them with others yea hee cast certaine Bishoppes out of their places and bookes of Religion and the Christian faith were burnt The Councell of Ephesus the second was assembled by Theodosius wherein Eutiches the heretike was restored and Flauianus a true Catholike condemned by a false accusation For there was Dioscorus Bishop of Alexandria President who was of the sect of the said Eutiches This Councell was corrected by the Councell following which was assembled vnder Leo the Pope first of that name as followeth The Towne of Rhemes was taken by Attila and put to fire and sword Nicasius Bishop of the saide place a very auncient man was slaine and his sister Eutropia put to death Leo a Tuscan first of that name gouerned the Romaine Church 21. yeares He ordained that whosoeuer vnreuerently should handle the Images of Saints should be seperated and depriued of the communion of the faithfull He added to the Masse Orate pro me fratres c. Also the Deo gratias is attributed vnto him He added to the Canon Sanctum sacrificium immaculatam hostiam Item hanc igitur oblationem c. Attila sacked all Italie At the sacking of Aquilia one of the honourablest women called Digna cast her selfe from an high Tower into the water for feare to be rauished by the Barbarians For the fairest women were reserued from death that they might be forced of those barbarous people Naucler Merouee the third King of France raigned ten yeares He also was a Painim and was not the sonne of Clodio but the maister of his horse-men Yet to him the king Clodio recommended the gouernment of his kingdome of his wife of his three children trusting vnto his loyaltie which hee had sworne and promised vnto him in the presence of his Princes But soone after the death of the said Clodio Merouee chased away his said three children and caused himselfe to be chosen King When the three children came to age they made warre vpon him and tooke from him all the Countrey of Austria Lorraine Brabant Namure and Hainault Leo ordeined that there should be but one God-father or God mother at Baptisme and at confirmation Some attribute vnto him the ordinance that Alleluya and Gloria in excelsis Deo should not be sung from Septuagesima vntill Easter Letanies were first in Constantinople and after in the West by Lupus Bishop of Troy receiued and approued Item by Mamerus Bishop of Vienna for an Earthquake that happened and further to appease it was sung the Sanctus Deus Sanctus Fortis Sanctus immortalis miserere nobis From hence-forward thou shalt see infinit superstitions traditions and heapes of Councells and Relikes He ordeined fasting the three Rogation dayes Attila Captaine of the Hunnes tooke Rome before whom Leo came at the first and obtained of him to touch nothing at Rome And Attila being asked wherefore so easily he agreed therevnto answered that hee sawe the Angell of God with a sword drawne who threatned him if hee graunted not his request Paul Diaconus The general Councel of Calcedon of 630. Bishops against Eutiches Abbot of Constantinople vnder Martian In this Councell 16. Chap. this decree is set downe If any Virgin vowe and dedicate her selfe to God and likewise a Monke it shall bee no more lawfull for them to marry but if they be found to marry then to remaine excommunicated yet we ordaine that the Bishop of the place if he thinke good may shew the same humanitie and fauour The Narration or Fable of the 17. sleepers named Malchus Maximianus Martinianus Dionisius Ioannes Serapion and Constantinus raised again as it were 200. yeares after their death and preaching the resurrection of the bodie against certaine heretikes affirming the contrary is forged about this time Long great persecution was against the Christians in the Country of Persia In so much that Theodosius made peace with them that they would cease the persecution Abb. Vsp. The Tripartite
obserued as the Gospell which is a sacriledge to compare humane ordinances with the eternall word of the liuing God It was there also ordained that no Bigamus should be ordained Priest and that Priestes accused of the people should haue this authoritie that by oath they might purge thēselues and approue their innocencie By this meanes they would be all innocent Monkes were forbidden to carry any to baptise and women that they should not enter into anye Monasterie of Monkes In Italie after a great drought there came an innumerable multitude of Grashoppers which consumed all the graine and fruite whereof came a great famine in Italie which endured two yeares Chro. Euseb The Legends of Saintes were forged at this time of such liues as these Fathers writ Many Relikes were found out by the subtilties of Sathan As Christes Coate vppon which the souldiers cast Lottes is said to be found in a Coffer of Marble in the Towne of Zapha and frō thence carried into the towne of Ierusalem Abb. Vrsperge and Naucler Such foule absurdities merit no recitall but that the greatest of the world haue bene deceiued with these inuentions of Relikes Argentuel nigh Paris made a Banner of this Coat Agilulsphus king of the Lombards was 2. yeares before Rome and the Arrabian Sarrasins entered into Sicilie and by fire wasted it Mauricius otherwise a good Prince who had many victories especially against the Persians in the end became odious to his souldiers because of his infinit couetousnesse which is a very detestable vice in a Prince He by his auarice dissembled rapines and murthers and payed not his souldiers but not them especially which serued vpon the Frontiers of Sarmatia to resist the fiercenesse of the Scithians They remained in barraine places enduring great necessities For this cause the souldiers conspired against him and Phocas was designed Emperour Who caused his M. Maurice his head to be cut off in Chalcedone the heads also of his wife three Children Theodorus Tiberius and Constantine the rehearsall thereof is worthy memorie that Maurice seeing his children murthered by Phocas and that hee himselfe straightway must be put to death he often cryed in this voice which is in 145. Psalme and verse 12. Lord thou art iust and thy iudgements are also And so dyed of the age of 63. yeares and the 20. yeare of his Empire We may learne by the example of the Emperour who was not of the worst in great cruell temptations in such sort to bridle our thoughts that the iustice of God may alwayes haue his praise and be vnto vs a buckler against all temptations Colomban of Scotland a very renowmed Bishop dyed the yeare 598. Abb. Trit The Lombards were conuerted to the Faith by S. Gregorie who writ his Dialogues and presented them to Theodelinde the wife of Agilulphus their King Supplem Chron. Eutropius a Bishop at this time Abb. Trit Phocas 42. in number and the 19. of the Grecian Emperours of Constantinople which ruled in the East from a Gouernour of Scythia after he had wickedly slaine his maister was chosen by the vnlucky Armie whereof he had charge a verie slaue of couetousnesse who handled secret matters with Courtiers after the manner of the Persians and solde the Offices of Magistrates Iudgements and dearly loued such as tormented the people by rapine and extortion This is hee who first ordeined that Rome should first be the chiefe of all Churches yea though it were Constantinople Gregorie the first besides so many ceremonies and superstitions made certaine ordinances and gaue permissions and lycences Amongst others he suffered diuorces for the long disease of a woman which cannot yeeld her dutie to her husband if he cannot conteine vpon condition notwithstanding that he helpe and succour his said wife in her disease This is in the second Epistle to Augustine the English man And in the second volume of Councells But why then did he not rather vse moderation towardes men and women which were cast into Monasteries when they cannot conteine wherefore constraine they them not to marry See the same Epistle Hee made many bookes amongst many others the Dialogues of the miracles of Saints in foure bookes which are full of Fables whereby he pretendeth to prooue that the soules of the dead returne againe and that we must pray for them These Fables inuented to pray for the dead gaue great authoritie to Masses which after came in great credit Sauinian Pope a Tuscane after Gregorie gouerned the Church of Rome two yeares He is accounted the third Pope noted of abhominable infamie an insatiable man and a sworne enemie of his predecessor Gregorie euen to cause his bookes to be burnt He being once admonished to follow the liberallitie of the said Gregorie towards the poore he answered that he dissipated and wasted the goods of the Church to get a good report and the fauour of the people Hee passed not his Popedome without inuenting and ordaining something namely that there should bee burning Lampes kept continually in the Temple and the houres of the day should be distinguished and rung in Churches The sea of Histories Boniface Pope the third of that name a Romane after Naucler ruled in the Church of Rome one yeare fiue moneths In a Sinode at Rome of 72. Bishops 30. Priests and some Deacons it was ordained vnder paine of excommunication that none should be elected Pope or Bishop but three daies after the death of his predecessour and by the consent of the Prince or of the Lord of the place It was also ordained that all such as by gifts fauour came to any Episcopall dignitie should be excommunicated Then it followeth that all their Bishops at this day are excommunicated This Pope ordained that the Aultar should be couered with cleane cloathes That the corporall of the Aultar should be kept cleane This Phocas as is said the murtherer of his M. the Emperour ordeined Boniface Bishop of Rome the soueraigne Bishop of all Chistianitie and the Romane Church chiefe of all the Churches of the world Abb. Vrsp. The primacie then of the Romane Church was established by an homicide and a traytor who died miserably Cosroes King of the Persian vnderstanding his Father in lawe Maurice was put to death by the ambushes of Phocas detested so that treason that he rebelled against the Empire In such sort that he wasted Siria and tooke Ierusalem where there were nintie thousand men slaine And the Chronicles adde that the wood of the holy Crosse was then taken and carried into Persia and the Bishop Zacharie was also prisoner The East Empire beganne to decline The Hans likewise reuolted against the Empire and with their great multitude they ouerranne the Romane Prouinces The Persians occupied Mesopotamia and Assiria and from Ierusalem ranne euen to Cappadocia and Gallatia and succoured all the Country euen to Chalcedone On the other side the Sarrazins wasted Egipt Boniface Pope 4. of that
At this time in Italie Calabria and Pouille the Sarrasins did infinit mischiefes Leo 5. of that name gouerned 40. daies Supp Chron. A Cardinall Priest his familiar called Christopher imprisoned him and by violence obtained the Papacie Leo died of griefe seeing himselfe thus handled of him vnto whom hee had done so much good In what authoritie is this Papall seate which is so easily vsurped by a priuate person by force and faction in a moment saith Naucler Christopher Pope ruled at Rome 7. moneths as hee acquired the Papacie so lost he it For he was deposed and imprisoned Some say he was constrained to make himself a Monke which was the onely refuge of the miserable For at this time Church-men being insolent and giuen to wickednesse were not sent to the Iles but for their disorders were deteined and enclosed in strong Monasteries Naucler and Chron. Abb. Sergius then third of that name was Pope and ruled seuen yeares and three moneths after some eight yeares and 15. or 16. dayes This was he who in the election of Formosus was cast off and who returning into France secretly returned into Rome and vsurped the Popedome yet fearing that Christopher should worke some treason he caused him to be drawne out of the Monasterie and put him in a common prison and yet putting him in a straighter prison poorely and miserably he finished his dayes Suppl Chron. The Westerne Empire diuided The Occidentall Empire was at this time diuided For there was one Emperor in Almaine and an other in Lombardie The first in Italie was Beringer who made a great Armie against the Emperour Lewis the third and gaue him battaile in the Plaine of Verone and discomfited him whose eyes afterward he caused to be put out so the Lombards for a time had the Empire by force A Monster was presented to Lewis the third which had a dogges head and all the other members as a man A figure of that time For men were then without an head and as dogges barked one against an other yea both the Popedome and Empire were diuided Fasci temp The Hungarians pilled and destroyed the Countries of Saxe and Turinge Chro. Abb. Vrsp And from thence entred into Italie vsing the like crueltie Thē was there the Duke of Fornil called Berēger who vsurped the title of the Empire in Italie and raigned 4. yeares against whom came the Emperour Lewis the third But he was betrayed by his people who in the night time tooke Berenger into the Towne of Verone In so much that he was taken and had his eyes put out so he dyed soone after Thus the Empire which had endured an hundreth and tenne yeares in France since Charlemaigne was transported vnto the Lombards Chron. Sigeb and Naucler Conrade first of that name Duke of Franconia was made Emperour after Lewis the third who deceased without a sonne so that this Conrade is esteemed the last of the race of Charlemaigne which had the gouernment of the Empire more then an hundreth yeares All the Great men of Germanie did elect without consent Otho Duke of Saxe but Otho feeling himselfe olde excused himself and appointed them this Conrade a magnanimous man sonne of Conrade Earle of Franconia and Hesset And Arnold the wicked sonne of the Emperour Arnulphe was Duke in Bauiers In the succession of Arnulphe aforesaid there are amongst the Historiographers some vncertain things touching their genealogie But we haue here set in order all such as discended of Charlemaigne to shewe the maruellous change in the greatest things of this world Who can read them without being rauished in admiration when we consider the greatest Kingdomes and dominations to flourish for a time and in the end being mingled with turbulent deuotions are in such sort debilitated and weakned as they come to nothing Wherein we must acknowledge the admirable prouidence of God Charlemaigne the sonne of Pippin left his sonne Lewis de Bonaire Emperour who had Lotharie Emperour who had Lewis of Bauiers King of Germanie who brought vnder the Bohemians had Charles le Chauue Emperour Lewis Emper. 1. of that name Lewis the young king of Germanie Franconia and Turinge Lewis Emperour 3. of that name surnamed le Begue which raigned but two yeares had Lothairie King of Austrasia called Lorraine Charles le Grosse Emperour who tooke the Empire frō Lewis le Begne Charles le Simple 30. King of France Charles king of Prouence Carloman Duke of Bauiere and of the kingdome thē called Teutonique had Arnulphe Emperour who was father of Lewis Emperor 3. of that name and of Conrade last Emperour of the race of Charlemaigne The Empire then of Germanie was transported frō the ligne of Charlemaigne to Conrade Duke of Franconia but the kingdome of France remained certaine yeares in the house of Charlemaigne seeing there was yet some remaining of the race of Charles le Simple Anastasius Pope 3. of that name gouerned at Rome two yeares and two moneths Supp Chron. He bare himselfe honestly without committing any act worthy of reprehension Laudo Pope a Romane ruled at Rome fiue or sixe monethes About this time the Venetians obtained a licence and priuiledge of the Emperour to beate money Hubert in Lorraine flourished now was made a Saint The Sarrasins destroyed Calabria Ponuille Beneuent and other Regions of the Romanes The Sea of Hist. Beringer second of that name raigned in Italie 7. or 8. yeares Some say he was chased away the third yeare of his raigne by Rodolphe king of Burgongne and that the same Rodolphe hauing raigned three yeares was after also driuen away by Hugues king of Arles Iohn Pope 11. of that name before Archbishop of Rauenna hauing bene deposed by a popularie tumult ruled after at Rome 13. yeares and two moneths Naucler He was Pope Sergius his sonne and prooued no better then his father sauing hee was a good souldier For he chased the Sarrasins out of Calabria with the helpe of one called Alberic Marquis of Tuscane Finally as the saide Iohn gloried in his victorie attributing all by great insolencie to his owne prowesse hee stirred against himselfe the furie of his owne souldiers who stiffled him to death Iohn le Maire Hee had cast out of Rome the said Marquis Albert who to auenge himselfe of the Pope brought the Hungarians into Italie which pilled and wasted all Finally he was put to death by the Romanes Henry first of that name Duke to Saxe surnamed the Faulconer sonne of Otho Duke of Saxe who had refused the Empire was chosen Emperour by Conrade his predecessor who being sicke in his bedde sent his brother Eberard towards the saide Henry with the Mantle royall the sword the Lance the Diademe and other Imperiall ornaments who found him at his pastime with his Haukes which was cause that hee was called the Faulconer For there he was saluted Emperour Nauclerus He made warre against the Hungarians Slauonians and Bohemians The combat of Tournois
was inuented by him Hugues raigned in Italie tenne yeares whom Lotharie his sonne succeeded King Charles the Simple was by treason taken of Hubert Earle of Vermandois and poysoned in the Castle of Peronne where he died and was buried in the Church of S. Foursi See the Sea of Histories Rodolphe Bourgongne 31. King of France raigned two yeares Before this time there were not so many degrees amongst Gentlemen and Noblemen nor so great diuersitie as there are at this Dukes Marquesses Counts or Clarkes simple Counts and Knights were rather names of offices then hereditarie Seigniories For Dukes Marquesses Earles or Counts were Gouernours of Countries and Lands wherevpon they were committed by Emperours and Kings Duke was a soueraigne chiefe or head of souldiers as may be seene by auncient Letters Count or Earle was a Iudge and Goueruernour ordained in a certaine Towne or Region and so Germanie was full of Countes amongst which some were called Lantgraues that is to say Countes of Regions or Countries Some Maruegraues or Marquis that is Countes of certaine Marshes or Countries Some Countes de Palatin which were Gouernors of some Kingdome subiugated or conquered This may bee seene in the second booke of the Lawes of the Lombards Some were gouernors of Bourgages and so were named Bourgraues The most auncientest name of dignitie after Kings and Princes is the name of Baron which signifieth Lord whose sonnes were called young Lords And this say some was the estate of the Nobilitie before the Othons raigned After their time all things chaunged For then Counts were made hereditarie and were lifted vp aboue Barons Marquesses Lantgraues and Palatins and that more is Bishops haue bene made Princes yea many Counts Abbots Abbesses haue obtained the title of Prince Lewis 4. of that name surnamed Vltramarin 32. King of France the sonne of Charles le Simple after his fathers imprisonment got with his mother Ogine towards his Vncle King of England but as soone as he retutned he was in strife for the Kingdome with Rodulphe of Burgongne who died about eight yeares after at Auxerre Anno. 937. and so Lewis raigned alone Leo Pope sixt of that name ruled at Rome 7. moneths and 15. dayes The Danes at this time were conuerted to the faith Stephen Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 2. yeares and 12. dayes Supp Chron. The Duke of Bohemia Spireneus receiued the Christian faith at the perswasion of the Emperour Henry Suppl Chron. Iohn Pope 12. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares 10. moneths and 15. dayes Supp Chron. He did nothing worthy of memorie a coward and is not numbred in the Catalogue of Popes after some Historiographers Lotharie the sonne of Hugues raigned in Italie two yeares The Sarrasins in Italie tooke the towne of Geans and spoiled it Naucler Berenger third the Nephewe of Berenger the first raigned in Italie 11. yeares with his sonne Adelbert In this place Histories are very confused The Emperour Henry the first dyed of the Palsey the yeare of his age 60. and of his Empire seuenteene hauing ordained Otho the great his sonne successor of the Empire by the consent of all the great and Noble men who after was consecrated by the Arch-bishop of Magunce Hildebert Hee had three Competitors which would needs hinder him to bee Emperour that is to say Henry his elder brother Giselbert Duke of Lorraine his brother in lawe and Eberhard Earle of Franconia but he droue them all away and reduced all vnder his obedience Wencelaus Prince of Bohemia was slaine by his brother Boislans vppon ambition to raigne But Otho reuenged the death of the said Wencelaus making warre vpon Boislans which endured fourteene yeares and finally hauing vanquished him he brought the Countrey into his obedience Chron. Sigeb and Supp Chron. Leo Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares 6. monethes and 10. dayes Supp Chron. The heresie of Anthropomorphites which say that God hath a corporall forme was at this time renued Rotherius Bishop of Verone writ against them Stephen Pope eight of that name an Almaine or a Romane after some ruled at Rome three yeares foure moneths and 12. dayes R. Barns Some say he was murthered by certaine Romanes in a sedition In so much as he was neuer publikely seene Chron. Abb. France was afflicted by an horrible pestilence and by inward contentions The faction and puissance of Hugues of Paris troubled King Lewis exceedingly Martin Pope 3. of that name a Romane ruled 3. yeares 6. moneths and 14. dayes He was peaceable and gaue himself to repaire Temples and nourish the poore saith Supp Chron. Agapetus Pope second of that name a Romane a magnanimous man ruled at Rome 9. yeares 7. moneths and 10. daies Supp Chron. He called againe the Emperour Otho to Rome against Berenger Berenger 4. the 7. Emperour of the Lombards raigned 13. yeares The Sea of Histories The Hungarians againe in Italie Chron. Abb. Vrsp Iohn Pope 13. of that name a Romane ruled 9. yeares and three monethes His father called Alberic seeing himselfe one of the greatest power at Rome caused all the noblest and principallest rulers of the Citie of Rome to promise and sweare that after the death of Pope Agapetus they should elect his sonne Octauian Which promise was kept and he was called Iohn This Pope was so excessiuely giuen to lecherie that he maintained a publike stewes for the shame wherof some Cardinals writ to the Emperour Otho that he would remedie the publike scandall and infamie which the Church then suffered and that it was needfull he should in haste come to Rome As soone as the Pope heard of this newes he caused the nose of a Cardinall a Deacon called Iohn to be cut off beeing the principall councellor herein hee commaunded also that the hand of an other Cardinall a Subdeacon called also Iohn to be cut off because hee writ the Letters When the Emperour vnderstood that for no admonition the Pope would amend he caused him to be deposed with note of infamie Otho was crowned by him after he hauing sworne that hee would exalt the Romane Church and the Pope and that in nothing hee would hurt him as more at large is contained Dist 63.100 Tibi domino Otho remained a certain time at Rome after his coronation and admonished this Pope to change and amend his wicked life whereof hee was blamed Otho departing came against Berenger his enemie Albert the sonne of Berenger who with his father retired at Otho his comming seeing Otho departed came to Rome and with the Pope complotted against the Emperour Two Cardinalls aduertised Otho of this conspiracie and of the Popes wickednesse Otho then returned to Rome and the Pope fled after he had reuenged himselfe of the two Cardinalls Otho beeing at Rome caused the Pope to be thrice called commanding him to returne and feare
but euen our owne soules and not onely as is said in an other place to leaue their father and mother but also to hate them yea our owne liues Briefly Iesus Christ would that we should be readie to forsake all when the confession of his truth requireth it There are learned people of our age which say they haue seene foure bookes which he writ Intituled a Collection of the Catholike and Canonicke scripture He writ also a booke Intituled the fiftie markes and signes of false Prophes Hee writ against Bonauenture who then was the chiefe Buckler of the begging Friars Matheus Paris an English Historiographer writes that in this same time there was in the schoole of Paris great disputations against Monkes which by multitude would needs oppresse and oppugne all the schoole hauing forged a new booke full of errors and blasphemies which they then reiected and intituled Euangelium eternum that is the euerlasting Gospell which they would needs bring into light But to appease this tumult there were sixe delegates of all the schoole which were of the greatest estimation in all the Vniuersitie amongst which was Guilliam de S. Amour to send them to Rome vnto the Pope and shewe the insolencies and blasphemies of those Monkes The Monkes also sent thither on their part and after great contention their errors were condemned touching their eternall Gospell But the Pope with certaine Cardinals Monkes repressed nothing the tirannie of the begging Friars thinking it was needfull that such his black gard should become mightie ouer all These be the words of Matheus Paris who was in this time Wee also finde a booke written in this time intriuled de periculis mundi of the daungers of the world which the Papists attributed vnto Guilliam de S. Amour making him alone of that opinion but it seemeth to haue bin written by many and conteineth complaines against those new rising Monkes with an aduertisement vnto the Church that by them great mischiefes would follow This S. Amour was condemned an heretike wherevpon great stirres fell out amongst the schooles at Paris but to obey the Popes commaundement Guilliam S. Amour was banished from France We heare that some of his bookes are yet at this day in the librarie at Sorbone and many other Doctors haue since written the like as in our discourse shal be said Truth is alwaies banished yet still getteth the vpper hand of all Alexander being come to Viterbe to make peace betwixt the Venetians and Geneuois died there and the seate was vacant foure moneths Albert the great and other studious people were at this time at Paris An Aduertisement From Siluester the 2. that diuellish Magician vntil this time 1260. Popes haue raigned as Incarnate diuels in all trumperies deceites oppressions of the good and manifest tirannies Their Cardinalls Legates and Bishops haue come out from them as Sathans to trouble the world The greatest Monarkes haue bene tormented by their infernall furies Examples for all are the two Emperours Henry the fourth and fift the two Fredericks first and second and other Princes of the earth From henceforward from Innocent the fourth and Alexander the fourth the Popes by a new forged Armie established and priuiledged by them they wasted and destroyed all that is to say by foure Sects of Mendicant Monkes which like true Locusts deuoured and consumed by their Sophistike doctrine whatsoeuer was greene of the word of God From which like theeues which enter into the sheepfolde by breaches and mines nothing can bee looked for henceforth but thefts robberies persecutions and murthers of the true faithfull which God gaue and raised vp to maintaine the eternall veritie Vrbain Pope 4. of that name French borne at Troy in Campagne a Monke of the order of Cysteaux Patriarke of Ierusalem ruled at Rome three yeares one moneth and foure dayes The Greekes recouered Constantinople which the French had held 55. yeares Chron. of the Kings of France and the Sea of Hist. Vrbain instituted the Feast of the Sacrament and the Octaues with Indulgences whereof he was free to such as obserued the said Feast Martin fift Pope doubled them and added yet others to such as fasted the eue and as went to the Precession and Communion that day S. Thomas d' Aquin Iacopin made the office of the said feast with the Prose and the Hymne and sent it to the Pope who for a recompence of such an inuention sent him a Doue of siluer c. Naucler The yeare of Christ 1263. Vrbaine sent to S. Lewis King of France that he would send him his brother Charles Count Angiou and Count de Prouence with a good Armie then hee would crowne him King of Sicilie and giue him Pouille Calabria Hee said that the said Kingdome was held of the Romane Church and that the king of Sicilie was the Popes man Vrbain caused the Croisado to be preached in France against Manfroy who occupied the said Sicilia The said Charles came and marched in battaile against Manfroy and after against Conradin and ouercame them both and so obtained the Lands but the end was miserable For the Sicilians after in the yeare 1282. rebelled against him maintaining the quarell of the king of Arragon whom they would needs haue for their king And they marked the doores and gates of whatsoeuer houses the French men lay in in the Countrey then at an euening slew them all indifferently and opened which they knew to be great with childe with the French men and cast away their fruite that there might remaine none of that generatiō in that Countrey This occasion was afterward ordinarily called The Euensong of Sicilie In this time Bonauenture Generall of the Friers wrote two bookes against M. Guilliam de S. Amour The one of the pouertie of Christ and the other an Apologie of the poore The Bishoppricke of Ratisbone was offered vnto him but he refused it louing better to follow his studies and died of the age of 80. yeares Chron. Abb. Vnder this Pope the Idolatrie of Chaplets was inuented at Amiens in Picardie called Peter the Hermit See Peter Viret of the spring of Chapelets The Souldane made a great Armie in Siria A Comet seene 3. monethes together This Pope died at Peruse and for troubles the seate was vacant 10. monethes Clement Pope fourth of that name borne at Narbone ruled at Rome 3. yeares 9. monethes and 21. dayes before hee was called Hugo Falcodius hee had bene an aduocate and was after the king of France his Councellor After the death of his wife he was Bishop of Puy and after Archbishop of Narbone lastly Cardinall and Bishop of Sabine Finally by the Pope Vrbane hee was sent into England for the reformation of peace and being in that Legation was chosen Pope at Peruse after the death of Vrbain He caused to come info Italie Charles brother of the king of France and made him Senator of Rome and sent two Cardinalls into the Church of
Others that they would not pay it and so was there a schisme in the Churches of Almaigne Naucler Petrarke dyed about this time So did Boccace of the age of 62. yeares Abb. Trit Simon de Cassia was in this time and S. Bonauenture whom Gregorie 2. made Cardinall and Bishop of Albe Abb. Trit Amurathes was slaine with the blowe of a Dagger by the seruant of a Christian called Seruianus For that the said Amurathes had slaine his maister Peter de Premonstre hath left by writing that in this Popes time there was a kinde or new Sect of diuellish people as well men as women which without any shame daunced hardely And he said that in the yeare of the Lord 1375. they came frō Aix in Almain into Henaut and from thence into France Some said this signified the returne of Pope Gregorie his Cardinals to Rome These thought they daunced in a flood of blood although such as were present with them saw no such thing The common people iudged that these people were ill baptized by Priests which keep whores and harlots and therefore they determined to haue risen vp against the Cleargy to slay them and pill their goods but that God remedied it by the meanes of certaine coniurations that which followeth in the said author The yeare of Christ 1375. the English men and Brytons with other people to the number of fortie thousand and more fell vpon the Countries of Alsarce and Sangania and tooke Cities and Castles and raced them to the ground violated virgins and wiues burned Churches and Monasteries and after many other tyrannies they attempted also vpon the Bernois but a great multitude of them and their Duke were slaine and discomfited by the said Bernois at Frowenbrun the rest were assailed by other Swisses and were ouerthrowne and so they all perished miserably Fascic temp The Emperour Charles sought to stretch out the limits of his kingdome of Boheme partly by siluer and partly by warres and other meanes which was cause that he gaue to Iohn Henry his brother the Countrey of Morauia to the end he might renounce the right he had in the kingdome of Boheme Long time after he also caused the Princes Electors to elect Wencelaus his sonne King of the Romanes Finally after many requests hee obtained that he demaunded the yeare of grace 1376. and gained the Princes which elected Wencelaus King of Romanes being but 15. yeares of age After his coronation he espoused Ihehanne or Iane daughter of Albert Counte of Holland and Duke of Bauiere But the yeare following Charles dyed which was the yeare of grace 1378. and of his Empire 33. Hee was an Emperour worthie of praise sauing that he regarded more his kingdome of Boheme then the publike weale of his Empire For knowing his Sonne should succeede him in the Empire hee corrupted the Electors by great and faire promises the which being not able to accomplish hee gaged vnto them the publike taxes and tributes and brought the Romane Empire into that calamitie wherein it is at this day For the Electors retaine that vnto themselues which should be the Emperours A great number of the poore of Lyon were burnt at Paris in the place de Greue The Sea of Histories The Colledge of Benuais was founded at Paris the yeare 1372. otherwise called the Colledge des Dormans because it was founded by three brethren called Dormans the one was Bishop of Beauuais the other Archbishop of Angiers and the other Chauncellour of France Wencelaus sonne of Charles fourth of that name was chosen king of the Romans beeing but 15. yeares of age at the pursuite of his Father and crowned at Aix la Chappelle with his wife the daughter of Albert Duke of Bauiere and Counte of Holland But this Wencelaus was euil made of bodie and spirit his bodie crooked and of an effeminate courage He was borne at Nuremberge and his mother dyed at his byrth Assoone as hee was made king of Boheme and of the Romanes incontinently he gaue himselfe to all Idlenes and dissolution following his pleasures caring for nothing but to make good cheare And because he vsed great tyrannie in the end the Barons of the kingdom tooke him kept him in prison the space of 4. moneths til he was brought forth by his brother the Marquesse called Iohn but he became no better His subiects then seeing that all the Country was infected with his orders tyrannies whoredomes dissolutions they complained to his brother Sigismond king of Hungarie and he was againe taken and imprisoned in Austriche but escaping out of prison he returned into his kingdome and returned to his first manners The Electors of the Empire often admonished him but hee cared not therefore he was depriued of his Empire at Bopard Baiazet fourth King or Emperour of the Turks the sonne of Amurathes after the death of his Father slewe his brother Soliman traiterously and so alone enioyed the Empire of the Turkes the yeare of the world 5335. after Christes Natiuitie 1373. To reuenge the death of his father he made war against Marke Lord of Bulgaria ouercame and slewe him and so subiected a great part of his Country A little after he ouerranne Hungarie Albania and Walachie and did great hurt tooke many Christians and led them into Thracia prisoners In his enterprises and affaires he was so hotte and so suddaine that he was called Baiazet Hildrin that is to say thunder from heauen He brought vnder as it were all Greece being aided with the goods and graces of nature both in body and spirit He besieged Constantinople by the space of eight yeares Wherevpon the Emperour sailed into France requiring succours which was graunted him yet got Baiazet victorie of the French Hungarians Almaines Syrians and Misians in one assembly against him after hee returned to Constantinople and there was no other meane to conserue the Empire of Constantinople but that Tamberlan who was Lord of a certaine Countrie of East Scythia towards Parthia hauing as it were an infinit number of people put to the sworde in one onely battaile on the Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates 2. hundreth thousand Turkes and ouercame Baiazet and bound him with chaines of Gold and put him into a Cage of Iron and so ledde him through all the Countreys of Asia and Syria In the which miserable estate the said Baiazet died He raigned twentie and sixe yeares Edward King of England who had so many victories in France died of the age of 74. yeares the yeare 52. of his raigne Charles the 4. and Wencelaus his sonne came into France to accord the French and the English but they returned without doing any thing because of the death of the Queene and her daughter Isabel The Pope Gregorie after he had done all that belonged to a good Pope as Platina saith being tormented with an intollerable paine of the blather deceased the yeare of the Lord 1378. Some say that
Charles to bee crowned at Rheims passing through the places which the enemies held The English after were driuen from Paris The Taberlites Adamites Orebites heretikes in Boheme were in this time See Naucler Sigismond with the Pope and Almaine banded themselues together to make war against the Bohemian Hussites but they got nothing but were faine to leaue them Naucler Iohn Gerson maintained in this time that wee must rather beleeue the sentence and opinion of one Doctor approoued and confirmed by the Canonicke Scripture then the Popes declaration Item that wee ought rather to beleeue a Doctor well learned in the holy scriptures and alleadging a Catholick authoritie then a generall Councell A Councell began at Pauie but the pestilence became so great there that they were constrained the place and time and was ordained at Pise the yeare 1424. and from thence remitted to Basill seuen yeares after in the yeare of Christ 1430. The Venetians corrupted with store of siluer the Captaine generall of the Duke of Millaine called Carmagnolle a valiant man but a Traitor who stole from the said Duke the strong Towne of Brixe and the yeare following the Towne of Pergamum and their appendances which places King Lewis the 12. recouered the yeare 1509. after that the Venetians against all right and reason had avowed themselues to be right possessors thereof the space of 80. years Iohn le Maire The Pucelle or Maide aboue mentioned called of Orleance borne in Lorraine called Iane did things incredible in warlike affaires for the King of France his succour Finally hauing found meanes by force and subtiltie to enter into the Towne of Campaigne which was besieged making sallies vpon the enemies was taken by Iohn de Luxembourge and from thence sent to Roane to the Duke of Sommer set where hauing beene kept certaine time she was burnt She was accused to be an Enchauntresse See the Annales of France The Pope Martin of the age of 63. yeares died at Rome of an Apoplexie He commanded before his death to assemble the Councell of Basill For in the Councell of Constance it was concluded that from 10. yeares to 10. yeares there should be held an Vniuersall Councell of the Church which was not obserued Eugenius 4. of that name borne at Venice of the order of Celestines called before Gabriel Condelmer the sonne of one called Angelus being Cardinall Priest of the title of S. Clement obtained the Papall dignitie in the place called Minerua as Platina saith by this meanes When Gregorie the 12. who was of the house of Corrariens and Venetians by Nation was chosen Pope being before Canon of the Celestines of the congregation of S. George in the place of Alga he carried with him this Gabriel who was of his profession Henry King of England of the age of 12. yeares was crowned in the great Temple of Paris as King by the Cardinall of Winchester Sigismond went to Rome and was Crowned Emperour by the Pope Eugenius after he had raigned 23. yeares Chron. Euseb At the instance of certaine reporters and flatrerers which said that Martin his predecessor had bene very curious to gather great treasures some brought this man into such a rage that he caused his Vice-chauncellor with all his familiars and Nephewes to be taken and dispoiled of their goods After this the Romanes applying themselues to recouer their auntient libertie crying let vs goe to Armes and hauing driuen away all Eugenius his officers and taken Francis Condelmer his Nephewe or bastard and his Chamberlaine they created new Magistrates which they called Gouernours and had power of death and life ouer all Eugenius amongst so many troubles being vncertain what to doo began to thinke to flie away hauing then chaunged his habit and taking a Monkes frocke onely with a Monke called Arsennius put himselfe in a fishers boate and without that they which kept him perceiued he retired to Ostia by the Riuer Tiber Then when certaine of the Romanes knew that he was fled they assailed him as well as they could with stones and shot From thence he went vnto Pise and after vnto Florence in certaine Gallies which purposely had beene prepared for that purpose Where making his residence certaine yeares hee made sixteene Cardinalls amongst which there were were two Grecians namely Bessaron who was a cunning man in Philosophie borne at Nice and Isidorus of Russia and Guillam de Stouteuile Archbishop of Rouan The Coucell of Basill After the Councell of Constance there was an other held at Basill which Cardinall Iulian began by the Popes commandement beeing forced so to doo by the Emperour Sigismond And because then Sigismond was gone into Italie as is said to receiue the Imperiall Crowne the Italians sought to perswade the Pope to breake the Councell of Basill and bring it vnto them that the Townes of Italie might bee inriched with the great summes of money that should be brought thither and that the Countrey should not bee subiected vnto straungers alleadging for a shewe that Sigismond came for no other cause but to make himselfe Lord ouer Italie Sigismond after his Coronation returned vnto Basill This Councell endured tenne yeares and there the Cardinall Iulian called of S. Angelo was President The Bohemians being called vnto the said Councell with sure accesse and safe conduct proposed 4. Articles wherin they differed from the Romane Church 1 The Communion giuen to the people vnder both kinds 2 That ciuill dominion is forbidden by diuine right to the people of the Church 3 The preaching of the people ought to be free 4 That publike sinnes ought not to be borne if it were but to shunne a greater mischiefe In the said Councell the Bohemians were permitted to communicate vnder both kindes as a thing lawfull by the authoritie of Christ and profitable and healthfull to all such as duly receiued it Vadian Naucler In the time of this Councell of Basill was Papistrie set vp in Bohemia by the great meanes and industrie of Sigismond but incontinently after they came to that they did before Naucler About the yeare of Christ 1436. as saith Naucler or 1438. after others Eugenius would needs transport the Councell of Basill to Ferrara for his commoditie and after vnto Florence his excuses were because the Greeke Church would rather agree there with the Romane Church then at Basill notwithstanding the Councell proceeded against him and he was cyted three times but would not appeare There was against him proposed that he was a fauourer and a louer of warres a persecutor of Church men and a man of bloud and scandalous Naucler In the Counccell of Ferrara were presented the Pope Eugenius the Patriarke of Constantinople and the Emperour of the same place Iohn Paleologus with his brother and fiue hundreth men so was the said Church of Greece revnited with the Romane Church The said Councell was transported from Ferrara to Florence the yeare 1439. The Grecians accorded the holy Ghost to proceed as well
at large The Councell of Laterance was begunne by Iulius this yeare 1512. Leo his successor continued the said Councell the ende whereof was the 16. of March 1517. This horrible monster died the yeare following after he had begun the said Councell that is the yeare 1513. hauing committed an infinit number of murders and wickednesses vnheard of before he died the yeare 1513. the 21 of Februarie before the Councell which he had assembled at Rome was ended See Functius in his Commentaries There was an Almaine called Conrade Garbelius who made of him Tetrastike in Latine verses whereof the sence was this Hee that hath for his father a Genoua for his mother a Grecian and that is borne in the Sea it is impossible he should be good The Genouaes are deceiuers the Grecians are lyars and there is no securitie nor faithfulnesse in the Sea Thou Iulius hast in thee all these things We read a certaine Commētarie of the Doctors of Paris against the Lutherans being drawne on by a diuellish rage had by force the carnall company of two young children of a noble house which the Queene Anne of France had sent to Roberte Cardinall of Nantes to teach Melancton amongst others hath written certaine Latine Verses how that Iulius meaning to go to warre cast S. Peters keyes into Tiber and tooke the sword of S. Paul saying Seeing the keyes of S. Peter serue vs to no purpose it may be S. Pauls sword will do something Gaston de Fouex the Kings Nephewe was sent into Italie and tooke Bolongne and Bresse by force The Swisses alreadie practised by the Pope passed into Italie On Easter day the yeare 1512. the French got a battaile at Rauenna and tooke the Towne against the Pope the Spaniards and the Venetians Gaston died there aduauncing himselfe with too small a company vpon his enemies Iulius practised with the Emperour and the King of England to assaile the King of Fraunce in diuers places of his Kingdome Ferdinand king of Spaine tooke and occupied against all right vnder colour of excommunication the Arrathame of Iulius the kingdome of Nauarre The King of England beeing assured of succours from Flaunders discended to Calais but the king of Scotland Iames the fourth and the king of France his Allie entered into his Countrey but lost a great battaile and was himselfe slaine They did litle in Guien or Normandie whether they sent two Armies Afterward the French and they fought vpon the Sea Two faire Ships well furnished that is the Regent of England and the Cordelier of France grapled one with the other And the most part of such as were within were either burnt or drowned A peace was published betwixt the King and the Venetians The English men besieged Terwine At the Iourney of Sporrs the French fared ill The Townes of Terwine and Tornay were taken by the English Anne de Britaine the wife of king Lewis the 12. and before the widowe of Charles the eight dyed at this time leauing two daughters Claudia which afterward espowsed Francis de Valois and Renee at this present widowe of the Duke of Ferrara Leo the tenth of that name borne at Florence of the house of Medices before called Iohn de Medices being Cardinall of the title of S. Mary in Dominica beyond all mens expectation was elected Pope and succeeded Iulius Hee had beene very diligently instructed in good Letters in his first youth and had had learned schoolemaisters Amongst others Angelus Politian a man very learned as well in the Greeke as Latin tongue this was the cause he loued so much men of learning and knowledge Being of the age of thirteene yeares hee was chosen Cardinall by Innocent the 8. and in the 30. of his age he was chosen Pope of Rome This Leo of his owne nature was debonaire gentle and peaceable but he was too much gouerned by such as were enemies of rest and cruell after whose wills many things were done very disloyally The King Lewis died the first day Ianuarie 1514. hauing raigned 17. yeares He was called the Father of the people a title which fewe kings had after him The greatest pleasure that Pope Leo had was delicately to nourish himselfe in all things pleasant to the flesh and such delights as would soonest drawe men into all wicked concupiscences He tooke great pleasures in Singers and Musitians to recreate his spirit at Table as hee dranke and made good cheare Hee bare an irreconciliable hatred vnto the Gospell of the kingdome of God which he persecured in the person of Luther and many others For as one day the Cardinall Bembo vttered before him a certaine thing drawne from the Gospell he answered him mocking It hath euer sufficiently bene knowne what profit that Fable of Iesus hath brought vs and our company This marchant gaue hereby sufficiently to be knowne that he was that Antichrist which S. Paul called the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition He spread abroad through the world certaine pardons and Indulgences full of all impietie yea and ridiculous to the end to heape vp siluer to maintaine his pleasures to nourish his whores and enrich his bastards And heerein he serued himselfe with Mendicant beggers which in infinit number traced and ranne ouer all Christian kingdomes One called Sampson of Millaine a Friar heaped vp by that meane so great a summe of siluer in diuers Countries that the world was astonished thereat as a thing contrarie to nature For he one day offered the summe of an hundreth and twentie thousand Ducats for the Papacie This Pope Leo created in one day one and thirtie Cardinalls and by that meanes pursed vp a great sum of siluer And that same day were seene very horrible signes and wonders the yeare 1521. at which time Soliman Emperor of the Turkes tooke Rhodes On the day of Christs Natiuitie as Leo went out of his chamber to goe sing Masse at the breake of the day after their maner a marble couer well couched and laid fell suddenly downe so that many of his company were there slaine and amongst others the Captaine of the Swisses gard By such a presage God shewed that the Popedome should shortly perish because of the enormeous and detestable wickednesse committed therein He greatly inriched at other expences his bastards and erected and lifted them vp to principalities and dignities as well Secular as Ecclesiastice Hee created Duke of Mutine Iulian whom some said was his Nephewe his sisters sonne and Laurence Duke of Vrbin and married the one that is to say Iulian with the Duke of Sauoyes sister and the other with the the daughter of the Countesse of Bolongne But hee had depriued the true Duke of Vrbin of the possession of the Duchy to the ende hee might establish one of them in his place hee sought also to doo the like to the Duke of Ferrara but it was in vaine As for his Nephewe Iulius hee made him a Cardinall The yeare 1421. and
the first of December vnderstanding that the French had bene vanquished at Millaine by the Emperours people and chased out of all Italie which also was not done without his meanes drinking making good cheare hee maruellously reioyced at this newes and herein suddenly died as they say Hee which neuer beleeued there was either hell or heauen after this present life There was a Poet called Sannazarius which made a Distiche that is two Latin Verses of the death of the said Leo which because they seeme to be wel made are set downe Sacra sub extrema si forte requiritis hora. Cur Leo non poterat sumere vendiderat The sence of these Verses is If you aske wherefore Leo could not take the Sacraments beeing so nigh his death the reason is he had sold them before That which is aboue spoken of the taking of Rhodes and of the wonders seene the same day that agreement was made to yeeld the Towne into the Turkes hands cannot accord with that which is spoken of the death of Leo. For it is a certaine that Rhodes was taken by Pope Adrian his successor and was yeelded to the Turkes Anno 1522. An Aduertisement touching a certaine coniecture of the supputation of time It would bee noted in this place that the yeare after the Incarnation of Iesus Christ 161. Paulus Samosatenus beeing Bishop of Antioche began to disgorge his blasphemies against Iesus Christ denying that he was the true and eternall sonne of God Which most daungerous and pernitious heresie of all others was afterward augmented by Arrius and Mahomet and is yet at this day by that Antichrist the Pope Moreouer the Monkes which began as it were the same yeare vnder Paul the first here vnto haue nourished and maintained the same heresie in theyr diuers maners of life and theyr wicked doctrines whilest Antichrist raigned in the Temple of God and dealt with preaching and teaching publikely in the Church namely by the space of 42. moneths or of 1260. dayes which is all one which dayes if wee take them for yeares as they ought adding thervnto the first number of 261. yeares they will come to the yeare 1521. after the Natiuitie of Iesus Christ But that you may vnderstand this secret That yeare was discouered that great aduersarie of God who lifted himselfe aboue all that ws called God or worshipped as God This yeare then that error which so long time had beene mainteined vnder the tyrant of Antichrist began to bee shaken and to fall because the truth and righteousnesse of Faith through the spirit of Iesus Christ were reuealed by the meanes of certaine learned persons For in the said yeare 1521. Martin Luther beeing well fortified by the spirit of God in the presence of all the Estates of the Empire assembled at Wormes confessed and maintained constantly and hardily the true doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ which the aforesaid heretikes denied And since this confession the true Church of our Lord Iesus Christ hath againe begun to renew it selfe and his kingdome to take and gather more greater forces And the kingdome of Antichrist hath begun to diminish and approacheth his ruine This which followeth is extracted out of the book of Christien Masseus The yeare of the Lord 1515. Frances King of Fraunce receiued of Leo a Iubile that is to say pardons to sell to be published through all France which was also spread through all Christendome This was a bottomelesse depth of all euills for vnder the shadowe of fighting against the Turkes they heaped vp inestimable treasures They which had this charge and commission perswaded the simple people that whosoeuer would giue tenne French soules should deliuer the soule for whom hee gaue them from the paines of Purgatorie For they held this for a certaine rule that God would doo whatsoeuer they would according to that which is said All that you doo on earth c. So that if there had wanted but one farthing lesse then the said tenne soules they said all could profit nothing Such like marchandise displeased many good men and they began to debate this question touching the Popes power whereof the old Bishops neuer heard speake Martin Luther was then in Almaine who then began to cry very sharply against Indulgences against whom one called Iohn Bekins opposed himselfe and they two entered into great disputations and contentions touching this matter Pope Leo the tenth thundred a great processe against Martin Luther and condemned him as an heretike and reiected him from the communion of the faithfull He straight appealed vnto the Councell to come After this Leo commaunded that his bookes should be burnt at Rome and on the other side Luther burnt at Wittemberge his Canons and Popish Decretalls saying As they haue done to me so haue I done to them Thus farre Masseus The rest of this historie you may see in Sleidon Baptista Mantuanus had before exhorted the said Leo to doo his office thus speaking vnto him in the fourth booke de fastis Yet there remaineth many things for thee to doo of great importance holy Father If they be great and waightie thou must enterprise them with great courage But there are there amongst others which are most worthy wherin thou shouldest employ thy selfe and trauell therein The first is warre wherewith Italie alreadie tyred and the fields thereof bedeawed with humane bloud An other is That the Romane Court is infected with a daungerous poison which spreadeth it selfe ouer all Nations Lastly there is a Faith which is oppressed and on all sides offered a pillage vnto all cruell and barbarous Nations All these things cry after thee and demaund succours of thee helpe them for the Commonwealth of Christ staggereth and Faith is sick and alreadie nigh her death Leo hauing gathered a great summe of siluer for pardons which he sold inriched his parents bankers and listed them vp into great dignities Martin Luther a great Theologian began to preach the true and pure doctrine against the hypocrisie of Papists and from thence forward the Popedome ceased not by litle and litle to fall into ruine Francis de Valois Duke de Angoulesme as the nighest and meetest to succeed in the Crowne was King 57. yeares after the death of Lewis the 12. whose eldest daughter called Claudia he married Selim hauing driuen away and after poysoned his olde father because he liued too long was Emperor of the Turkes in the yeare 1510. Vnto this wickednesse he added the murdering of his bretheren and the strangling of his Nephewes He vanquished and droue the Sophie away and in many battailes ouercame the two Souldans Campson Tonombeus with the Mammelus and Arabians hee added to his Empire Egipt and Arabia and tooke the great Caire Afterward returning the into his Countrie an Vlcer engendred in his loynes which still encreasing as a Canker killed him the 7. yeare of his raigne See hereof Munster in his Cosmographie Paulus Iouius and Ritche the first booke Soliman the
Religion then that of the Protestants Moreouer if they thought good of it hee had a great desire to send Theologians and learned men into Amaigne or else if they woulde they might sende theyr learned Diuines into Fraunce to communicate together of certaine points of Religion The Senate of Auspurge receiued the doctrine of the Gospell The 24. of Iuly the Town of Munster is besieged and by might taken by the Count d'Obersten Captaine of the Armie and by their Bishop About the end of the moneth of Ianuary Iohn de Leiden Head of the Anabaptists Coipperdolin and Chrechring his companions being tyed to postes were slaine at Munster the Head alone confessing his fault and something repenting Henry King of England had by his wife Anne Bullen a faire daughter called Elizabeth The Emperour entred into Prouence with his Armie but wanting victualls for his Campe he was constrained to retyre to Gene. A great number of his souldiers dyed and amongst others his Lieutenant Anthonie de Leue. Francis the King of France his eldest sonne dyed at Tournon vpon Rosne of the age of 18. yeares Sebastian de Moncucul an Italian was drawne with 4. horses For giuing him poyson as it is said Perone besieged by Henry Count de Nassau and by Adrian d'erouy Count de Reux There arose a great sedition in England against the King For that bee had plucked downe and banished the Popes authoritie The Emperour by Sea returned from Genes ouer into Spaine Alexander de Medices Duke of Florence is slaine by Lawrence his kinsman promising him the enioying of a Ladie his neighbour of excellent beautie Iames the fift King of Scotland espowsed Magdaline king Francis his eldest daughter The Emperours Armie in Artois vnder the conduction of Florent de Bure tooke by force S. Paul besieged Terouanne but could not winne it The eleuenth of October was borne Edwarde King Henry his sonne of England of Iane Semer which he tooke to wife after Anne Bullen Anne de Mont-mourancy is created Constabled France which is a soueraigne degree of honour which office had bene vacant 15. yeares since the reuolt of Charles de Bourbon The Emperour and the king Francis assembled Nice where the Pope was to make a peace betwixt them and although they accorded not in the principall yet they concluded a truce betwixt them for tenne yearers Margarite the Emperors bastard-daughter after the death of the aforesaid Alexander is married vnto Octauian the Popes sonne in lawe Henry of England caused the Relickes of S. Thomas of Canterburie to be taken out of his Schrine and made them publikely to be burnt The Emperour and king Francis met at Aignes mortes in Languedoc and entertained one an other Charles d' Egmond Duke de Gueldres deceased very olde and William Duke of Cleues possessed his Countrey as well by the dead mans will as by the Nobilitie of the Countrey Castelubro a Towne of Illyrica in the gulfe of Ambracia is taken from the Turke by the Emperour and the Venetians allied together Touching this Pope Paul amongst a great number of his acts I will recite but this litle following that the world may know how great their sanctitie is which the Papists maintaine with an his voyce to be Peters succors and the Vicars of Iesus Christ This Paul was an Astrologian a Magician and Diuine and amongst his most familiars had one called Denis Seuila a Magician whom therefore afterward hee made a Cardinall with one named Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Marcell Negromancians and wicked villaines Of these did hee enquire the fortune of himselfe and his bastards He got his red hatte in this maner Hee had a sister called Iulia Farnese which hee deliuered to Pope Alexander that hee might be a Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia and to finde meanes to pay his debts For those good Popes commonly are so inflamed with whoredome that they make no difficultie to promise redde hats and Bishopprickes to such as will bring them their sisters or else that which is more horrible their young bretheren to violate Many by such practises obtaine great riches fatte Benifices And as Agrippa saith there is no shorter way then that to come therevnto This murderer poysoned his mother and a Nephewe to this end that all the succession of the Farneses might fall vpon him Moreouer seeing the other of his sisters whose carnall company he had sometime had followed too openly the maners and conditions of them of the house of Farnese and that shee loued more the company of others then his hee poysoned her also Beeing a Legate in Marke d'Ancone in the time of Iulius the second hee most wickedly abused a maide issued of a noble house of that Towne For hee counterfeited and disguised himselfe feigning to bee one of the Gentlemen of the Legates house so vnder the colour of a promise to marrie her deflowred her Who after shee knew the truth what hee was and that shee was not his legitimate wife but his whore at the least by the Canon lawe shee became almost out of her wittes And of this marriage came that great Porteenseigne and Captaine of all Buggerers and Sodomites Peter Lewis As one Nicholas de Chesme found him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Farnese who was the saide Pauls Neece hee wounded him so well with his dagger that hee carried the marke thereof all his life Hee slewe with poyson Bosuis Sforza the husband of his daughter Constance whom before hee had often vsed as his whore to the ende hee might more at his ease and with greater libertie enioy her This Dotard very tyrannously oppressed them of Peruse and droue from the Seignorie Ascanius Columne a very iust Prince This detestable Robber and Rouer tooke and vsurped for himselfe the Towne of Camer after hee had driuen away the Lady thereof which was a woman endowed with a rare and singular religion and prudence and did so much with his practises with Cardinalls that hee exchaunged the said Citie of Camer which was not his owne with the townes of Parme and Plaisance to the end to make his sonne Lewis Lord maister of them Which act afterward by a iust iudgement of God was cause of the death of the said Peter Lewis He often consulted with his Cardinalls how hee might hinder a Nationall Councell in Almaine and commaunded his Embassadors that they should enflame the hearts all Princes against the King of England Anne de Cleues sister of William Duke of Cleues is accorded in marriage to the king of England In the moneth of Maya Comete appeared in the ayre and almost the same day deceased Elizabeth the Emperours wife In August Castelnouo in Illirica is taken againe vpon the Emperor by Barbarosse the great Turkes Lieftenant almost all the garrison of the Spaniards slaine The Citizens of Gaunt rose vp against Mary Regent in the lowe Contries for the Emperour for which cause it was need-full for him to haste
at large in the booke of Martyrs which I haue set forth At the Iourney of Carignan in Piemont nigh Cirisolles the Emperialists vnder the conduction of Alphonsus Dauall are discomfited by the Prince d' Anguien The Emperour taketh againe Luxembourge by composition he taketh Ligni and the Castle after S. Dedier where Rene Prince of Aurange was stricken with a bullet and died to the great griefe of the Emperour Anthonie Duke of Lorraine died not so much of age as of griefe to see the warre so nigh him yea euen as it were in his Countrey Francis his sonne succeeded him who married the Emperours Neece The King of England laid siege before Bologne and in the end tooke it by composition The Emperor being incamped vpon the Riuer of Marne the Count Guillam de Furstemberge was taken by certaine French horsmen as he sounded the Watch. The Emperor being at Soisson made peace with the king of France the 24. of September In the moneth of March Lewis Palatin Elector deceased and had Frederic his brother his successor Henry de Brunswic a sworne enemie of all vertue making no account of Marie the sister of Vlrich Prince of Wittemberge his wife but giuing himselfe to an whore one of his wiues Damzells by whome hee had seuen children was accused by the Protestants in a full Audience of Estates the fift of Aprill and to the end the thing should be more secret they caused to be made an Image like to an whore by certane Apostate women when this was done they caused her to bee buried with great pompe and magnificences after they had made all the Priests thereabouts say Masses Vigills and all the Seruice accustomed to be done by the Papists at the buriall of their dead To this he had nothing to answere but remained confounded The King of France caused a Fort to be built vpon the sea banke nigh Bullen to hinder the victualling of the Towne holding his Armie thereabouts Charles Duke of Orleance the king of France his sonne who should haue bene sonne in lawe or in other alliance of the Emperour the ninth day of September beeing of the age of 23. yeares was taken away by a malladie which held him but fewe dayes Guillam de Fustemberge prisoner at Paris after he had payed 30000. Skutes for his raunsome was set at libertie in the lowe Countrie with the Emperour who honourably and amiably receiued him The Sorbonists of Paris were assembled at Mèlun by the Kings commaundement to determine of Articles to propose at the Councell After long disputation they thought it best wholy to followe them which they had lately caused to be disputed on at Paris The Theologians at Louaine writ 32. Articles of the same subiect that they of Paris Peter Bridly minister in the Church of the Straungers at Strasbourge was secretly called vnto Tornay by such as were there desirous of the Gospell after hee had some litle while caught there the 19. of Februarie he was cruelly burnt with a litle fire See the booke of Martyrs Francis Duke of Lorraine died leauing a sonne a litle child The Bishop of Mets his Vncle and his mother were appointed his Tutors The daughter of Ferdinand married to the sonne of the king of Poland dyeth also This Pope Paul had assigned the Councell of Trent as is said not to remedie the euills of Christianitie for the tranquilitie of consciences or to place Religion in a good seate and estate to the honor and glory of God but to tread vnder feet his truth and to oppresse the Ministers of his word In which place seeing that he did not all he would the yeare 1546. vnder colour that the ayre was there corrupted he transported himself vnto Boulongne to the end by that meane hee might the better take away all libertie from Christians to say their opinions and to hinder the reformation of the Church This Antichrist raised horrible and straunge warres against the seruants of God pursuing them by fire sword imprisonments and all other sorts of punishments Yea he spared not his Cardinalls namely Fulger and Contarien after they had tasted the sauour of the word of God nor the Bishop of Pontus Iohn Baptist nor his brother Paulus Vergerius Bishop of Iustinopoli The chiefe amongst the tormentors were his Nephewes the Cardinall Farnese and Octaua Duke of Parma his brother which beyond all measure glorying therein the yeare of our Lord Iesus Christ 1546. as they were vpon their departure frō Italie into Almaine to make warre vpon the Protestants they vaunted brauely and fiercely that they would make such an effusion of the Lutherans bloud that their horses should swim therin And the meane while that good holy Father Paul tooke his pleasure with his daughter Constance after the old maner They say also that that old man stinking as a Goate sollicited to whoredome an other his Niece who was a very honest maide and no lesse laudable for her honestie and chastitie then for her excellent beautie This Pope as Baleus saith had in his Tables the number of 45000. whores whereof he exacted euery moneth tribute to the end they might haue libertie to exercise their whoredome and as saith the booke intituled Eusebius Captiue they are greatly esteemed they kisse the Popes feete they talke very familiarly with him they frequent day and night with him But such as trust onely in Iesus Christ and embrace the true doctrine are held by the Pope for heretickes and of him are banished set in prisons and stockes and punished by fire sword and Gallies The Elector Palatin reformed in his Countrey the doctrine and Popish ceremonies and receiued the Gospell The Conference of Reiusbourge is held See Sleidan The 7. of Ianuary the Councell began at Trent Alliance betwixt the Pope and the Emperour concluded the 26. of Iune to reduce the Almaines vnto the obedience of the Pantople The Pope binding himselfe to deliuer 200000. Ducats into the hands of the Venetians Moreouer to furnish ten thousand footemen Italians and fiue hundreth light-horsemen waged for sixe moneths Moreouer permitting the Emperour to sell of the reuenew of the Monasteries of Spaine to the valew of 100000. Crownes and to take the moitie of all Ecclesiasticall liuings In the end a peace was made betwixt the kings of France and England vpon conditiō that Bologne should remaine English vntil the king had payed the siluer by him promised On Satterday the 7. of August of this yeare 1546. the Towne of Maligues was in such sort handled with Thunder and Lightning that of long time there had not bene seene the like The Thunderbolt fell vpon a Tower called Saderpoort that is to say the gate of Canon powder where there was more then 800. Barels of Gunpowder which being on a flame augmented the tempest and first laid on the earth that which was about it after it so embraced the Towne that without abundance of raine mingled with the thunder it was thought
imposed vpon him lawes of extreame rigour Amongst others that hee should subiect himselfe to that which the Pope would ordaine vpon him touching Religion The Duke wished rather to die whereat the Emperor maruelling remitted that condition but yet he tooke from him all his goods sauing 50000. Crownes which the Duke Maurice vnto whom that spoyle came should giue him yearely The 21. of May Wittemberge yeelded it selfe by that Dukes commaundement after hee had acquited to his sonne and his subiects the oath of fidelitie they ought him and Maurice tooke season thereof An example of magnanimitie and constancie more then Heroicke that is Christiā which God giueth to his in the middest of the greatest afflictions of this world The estates of the Empire assembled at Vlme There the Emperours Embassadors purposed to make a league frō thenceforward to appease all troubles if any such arise like this last But the pestilence dissipated this conspiration against the Gospell and the estates retired to Ausbourge The Lantgraue of Hesse to obey the conditions of peace proposed vnto him came vnto the Emperour at Hale and after supper as he would haue departed he was stayed He complained that hee was betrayed and promises not performed vnto him The Emperour before the estates at Ausbourge declared the cause wherefore he set him not at libertie to be this That hee exhibited not the Letters and secrets of the League of Smalcalde And taketh witnesse vnto Maurice and Brandebourge that he neuer meant him lesse then a perpetuall prisoner The doctrine of the Papists dispenseth herein namly that vnto Heretickes men should keepe no faith Peter Lewis the Popes sonne was shine at Plaisance in his Castle by a Band of 36. which had cōspired against him They hanged his body in a chaine on the toppe of the Castle walls a thing much pleasing the people He was slaine the 10. of September on the same day wherevpon his Father Pope Paul being cunning in Negromancie had warned him to take heed The end of tyrants are miserable and horrible and should put vs in mind of Gods iudgement Certaine time after he had beene cast into the graues the Plaisantines themselues massacred him with the stabs of Daggers After Dom Ferdinand de Gonsague strengthned the towne with a Garrison The Masse was abolished in England by a decree iudgement of the publike Councell of all the Realme The Venetians after the Emperours fashion made a very rigorous Edict against such as are called Lutherans One called Francis Spiera of the Citadelle a Towne of the Territories of Venice for that in the said Venice before Iohn Cuse the Popes Legate he had renounced the truth of the Gospell which hee knew fell into dispaire and of a vehement and great apprehension thereof got a great malladie and sicknesse wherein hee could no way be comforted and whatsoeuer any alleadged of Gods promises of his mercie he would still answere that they nothing appertained vnto him because he said hee had sinned against the holy Ghost And in that dispaire finished he pitiously his dayes This is a great good example worthy to be earnestly thought on Maximilian the eldest sonne of Ferdinand from Trent arriued in Spaine and in great magnificence espowsed Mary the Emperours eldest daughter his Cousin-germaine Iane the onely daughter of the king of Nauarre who before was promised vnto the Duke of Cleues was giuen in marriage vnto the Duke of Vendosme The Emperour giueth charge to certaine traytors of the truth namely Iulles Pflug Michael Sidonius and Iohn Islebe Agricula with a Secretarie of Grauiele to build a booke of Religion and called it Interim This booke shooke Almaine more then all the grieuous persecutions that had bin before It was called the Emperours booke Ellenor the dead king Francis widowe left France and retired into her brothers lowe Countries The Bourdelois in Guienne mutined against the King because of a subsidie or taxation and slew the kings Lieftenant there whereof they were by the Constable chastised He constrained themselues to make the fire and to burne all their priuiledges He caused a great number of the chiefe of the towne to be put to death They were constrained to follow the Funeralls of the said Lieftenant slaine in the habit of Criminalls carrying Torches in their hands and demaunding mercie Ambrose Blaurer Minister of Constance and with him a great number of the Bourgesses left the Towne because of Religion The Princes and Townes of Almain are sollicited and forced by the Emperour to giue answere vnto the approbation of his booke The Emperor also caused to be set out a forme of Ecclesiasticall reformation for an outward shew which after they had heard recited they approoued and promised to cause them to be obserued in their Churches with the Popes good pleasure The Duke of Wirtemberge at the alone commandement of the Emperour straightway caused the booke to be read vnto the people forbidding them to do any thing to the contrary The Duke of Saxonie being prisoner was much sollicited to receiue the Emperours booke of reformation but he still remained constant without bowing or yeelding either by threatnings or promises which was cause that his gardes began to handle him more roughly and rudely The Preacher which he alwaies till then had with him fearing danger found meanes to escape A great diuersitie of courage betwixt the two Dukes The Duke Maurice returning into his Countrey proposed the Emperours decree caused the Diuines of Leipsic and of Wirtemberge to assemble and determine therevpon Which after they had two or three times assembled they ordained of things indifferent commonly called Adiaphores In the end they set out in writing at Leipsic a forme of Religion which all Duke Maurice subiects should follow The Bishop of Strasbourge summoned the Ministers and Regents of the schoole which held the Colledge of S. Thomas to receiue the Emperours decree Bucer and Phagius with the Senates leaue departed the first day of April to goe into England whither they were called by Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Thus the Lord prouideth for his After he hath taken his truth from one place he sendeth them into an other to doe his worke there The King of Fesse in Affricke being chased by a certaine Zepziphe king his neighbour who from low estate was growne vnto that greatnesse implored helpe of the Emperour at Auspourge Whilst Religion was thus troubled in Almaine the Pope thought it good to make his profit thereof Therefore he sent their Legates into Almaine with an Indult by which power was giuen vnto them to receiue all such as they would into the bosome of the Church and to permit by the Popes authoritie to communicate the Supper of the Lord vnder both kinds and to eate all kinde of meates at all times The Ministers of the Lantgraues Country refused the Indult Phillip of Austrich made his entry into Bruxelles where his Father was and is receiued in great magnificence and pompe the
that the Princes marched right to the Alpes to gaine the straights incontinently left all and tooke them to their feete Take counsell and it shall be dissipated speake the word and it shall not be established saith the Lord. Esay 8. Martin de Rossem conductor of the Emperours Armie in the lowe Countries pilleth and burneth Picardie Campagne and tooke Astenay The King Henry of France published in writing the causes of the said voyage and of the warre that he enterprised in Almaine namely to withdraw the Princes out of prison to bridle the Emperours ambition and to remit that Countrey into his first libertie He sendeth to them of Mets in Lorraine to prouide victualls for his armie which if they did he promised them fauour amitie but after he had takē Toul Verdun Townes of the Empire hee drew right into Lorraine and the third of May came to Sauernes Strasbourge sent him victualls The Prince of Salerne about some dissention betweene him and the Viceroy of Naples withdrewe himselfe from the Emperours seruice and turned directly vnto the King of France King Henry his Armie entred Lorraine they conducted into France the Prince of the Country The 10 of Aprill the Constable entred Metz vnder the colour of amitie and so laid hold of the Towne The King arriued there certaine time after and constrained that people to take of him an oath The King comming againe into France in May burnt the Country of Luxembourge tooke againe Astenay got also Iouy and Danuil●iers The Sennois chased away the Garrison of the Spaniards and by the helpe of the King of France destroyed the Castle which the Emperour built there and set themselues at libertie Metz besieged by the Emperour the 2. of October Albert not agreeing with the king of France for his estate nor for his companies pay turned on the Emperours side The Duke d' Aumaile beeing come into Lorraine with a great company of people assayling the Marquesse Albert was vanquished wounded and taken prisoner by the said Marquesse In December the Emperor was constrained by euill weather to remoue his Campe from Metz and to withdraw himselfe into the lowe Country where the third part of his Armie dyed In this time the great Turke Sultan Solyman committed a cruell act on the person of Soltan Mustapha his eldest sonne which he had of a Slaue This man hauing bene sent with his mother from his first youth into the Prouince of Amasia which had bene giuen him was so well and carefully nourished that he acquired and got with his yeares great estimation not only in the said Countrey but through all other his Fathers Regions This his mother beeing absent Solyman called to him an other Slaue named Roze which was endowed with admirable beautie accompanied with all delicacies and entisements possibly to be in a woman He had of her foure other sonnes Mahomet Baiazeth Solim Grangier with the Wenne and one daughter which was married vnto Bassa Rostan The said Roze could so well play her part with Soliman that hee was exceedingly rauished with her that with helpe of Muchly that is the high Priest of Mahomets lawe and vnder shadowe of Religion shee was not onely made of free condition but the legitimate and espowsed wife of Soliman vnto which no other euer came Beeing lifted vp into such honour and seeing herselfe entierly beloued and fauoured shee had no greater care then to drawe the Empire vnto one of her children after their Fathers decease For shee knowing that the singular vertues of Mustapha were so contrary vnto her and that as long as hee liued shee should neuer haue rest for that hee had obtained the loue of the people of warre and that all mens eyes were vppon him for the great hope they had of his excellent courage and singular dexteritie therefore sought shee to make him odious vnto Soliman Wherevnto her sonne in lawe greatly aided her because he gouerned all affaires Her reason was that Mustapha trusted so much in the loue and fauour which he had obtained of all men by a great liberalitie hardinesse and valiancie that he burnt with such lust and desire to raigne that euery one feared that in affecting the Empire hee would aduance the dayes of Soliman as Selim had before done to his Father Therefore shee incited Soliman and besought him with teares and lamentations to take order and prouide for his safetie And although that from the beginning she had profited little and that Mustapha had discouered her impoisonments and ambushes which she laid for him ordinarily yet left she not to continue it with the helpe of a Iew a renowmed Enchantresse who hauing giuen her certaine drugges shee caused the loue of Soliman towards Roze to redouble Insomuch that she assured her selfe to end her purposes though it were long first Finally after many practises she found meanes to suborne Mustapha his gouernor and caused him to write though falsly vnto Soliman that his said sonne would marry the daughter of the King of Persia This old man stirred yea tyred with the continuall complaints of Roze and Rostan easily beleeued these newes and aduertisements Wherfore in the yeare 1552. after hee had spred a brute fame of the dissent and comming downe of the Persians into Siria he sent thither Rostan with a puissant Armie for vnder the shadow to goe meet his enemies to seaze vpon Mustapha and to bring him prisoner to Constantinople with expresse commaundement to sley him if hee could not take him otherwise But Mustapha who was aduertised of all and knewe also that the Persians were not at all in the fielde met him with seuen thousand of his most experienced Souldiers which made Rostan returne without dooing any thing Soliman being more angred the yeare following made such an other brute of the Persians and hauing leuied a great Army as if he would haue gone against thē beeing arriued in Siria he sent to his son to will him come to his Camp Mustapha knowing certainly that it was he alone they would haue although he was praied and sollicited to withdrawe some other where and to shunne the furie of his Father yet hee trusting in his innocencie and thinking it a thing more commendable and worthie of his greatnesse to dye in obeying his Father then liuing to incurre the note of infamie and Treason yea though hee might haue had the Empire of the whole worlde thinking also that without hauing made any refusall by his presence hee might haue appeased his Fathers wrath he aduentured to goe thither to him and beeing arriued in Solimans Campe hee was suddenly taken and strangled in his presence And at the same instant the head of Bassa of the Prouince of Amasia was taken from his bodie This crueltie assoone as it came to the eares of Grangier one of the foure brethren hee manfully reiected the gift and spoyle that his Father gaue him and greatly lamented the death of his brother saying A cruell Traytor
the consent of all the Cardinalls This man being in Venice in his hypocrisie inuented a new Sect of Monkes called Iesuites as if our Sauiour Iesus had ingendred such Popish Idolaters After this beeing made Cardinall as he departed from Venice to Rome he said vnto his Monkes which asked him whither he went Whither I go you cannot come now Abusing the scripture and prophaning the Lords words hee meant hereby that he left them shut vp in a Cloister in pouertie and miserie that he went vnto Rome to come vnto an high and mightie estate and dignitie wherevnto they could not come He writ a booke sometimes vnto Paul the third touching reformation of the Church but being become Pope he cared neither for Iesus Christ nor his Church In that booke he confirmeth almost all the poynts that we vse to reprehend in the Papists namely that the Church is so ruinated in Poperie that it is no more the Church of Iesus Christ but of the diuell For saith he Popes heape vp Doctors after their owne fancies and desires That Cardinalls and Bishops are cause that the name of Christ is blasphemed amongst people which vnder the colour of keyes gather great summes of money That wicked people are prouided for That Symoniacke Marchandices are greatly practised That Prelates burne with ambition and couetousnesse That horrible sinnes and iniquities are committed in Monasteries That the Towne of Rome is full of whoredomes and many such like More enormious and wicked things are committed at Rome then that which Theatin rehearseth in that booke for hee there only toucheth the vices abuses that are found in their common maner of liuing without making any mention of the contempt of the doctrine there vsed On Thursday the 16. day of May of this yeare there hapned a tumult at Geneua about 10. of the clocke in the night by the conspiracie of some which had for their stirrers Captaines certaine of the petit Councell of the Towne which not being able to beare so happie a prosperitie of the Gospell determined to chase away such as into that Towne had come from France to shun persecutions And as in the night time they ranne too and fro they cryed as for a false ensigne and token that the French were in Armes and the Towne betrayed but the French men stirred not out of their houses The commotion was bridled and stayed by certaine Lords of the Towne As for the seditious people some amongst them were executed others saued themselues by flight But the cause wherefore they would haue driuen away the French amongst others was because lately there were many of them receiued for Burgesses by meanes whereof their faction was weakened and the other part strengthned by the number of the new Burgesses which had bene added therevnto The French at this time raced many Castles by the Count Montferrat that they might haue victuals in greater assurance For if the enemie had occupied them Casal had bene brought into great necessitie In these parts was there a Towne called Vlpian which is of great importance The Spaniards held it then and it was revictualled at the comming of the Duke of Albe who had gathered together a great number of people Mariembourge also which the yeare before had beene taken in the lowe Countries from the Emperour was at the same time againe victualled by the French In the Countrie of Grisons there is a Towne nigh Italie called Lucarne which appertaineth vnto the whole communaltie of the Swisses The Citizens thereof required that they might be permitted to liue according vnto the reformation of the Gospell But because their Superiours and they were not of one Religion there was vpon deliberation diuers opinions Some agreed vnto their demaund others sought to hinder it So that there appeared towards some intestine and ciuill dissention yet in the end they of the Towne preuailed which wished that they should remaine in the Religion of their Auncestors and that they amongst them which accorded not therevnto might goe dwell otherwhere So were there found a great number which forsooke their naturall Countrey and withdrew vnto Zurich where they were receiued ioyfully and much relieued in their pouertie A great number of Vessels laden with all kindes of Marchandize came by Sea from Spaine towards Flaunders but vpon the coast of Normandie they were assailed with all force by the French which had espied them The combat amongst them was horrible many ships both of the one part and of the other were burnt and many sunke many a valiant man died there as wel by the sword as by burning and drowning The French in the end carried away some number of ships which they tooke into Diepe Hauen from whence they departed This happened in the moneth of August in the end of which moneth Phillip of Austrich repassed from England into Flaunders accompanied with a great number of English Gentlemen to finde the Emperour his father at Bruxels In September George Count de Montbellard the Duke of Wittemberge his Vncle tooke to wife Barbe the Lantgraues daughter The dissention of the Lords Supper and the presence of Christs body which had continued the space of thirtie whole yeares amongst the learned renewed againe in this time and there were published by certaine Ministers of Hambourge and Breme certaine litle bookes namely against Caluin and Iohn Alasco Caluin after answered them in earnest so did also Bullinger and Alasco who dedicating his booke to the King of Polongne greatly complained that without knowledge of the cause that without any disputation or amiable talke but onely vpon a certaine preiudice their doctrine was condemned after the maner of the Papists who in lieu of arguments from holy scripture proceed not but by force and commaundement The Marquesse of Marignan dying at Millaine the Cardinall of Trent was sent into Lombardie by the Emperour and King Phillip to bee there Gouernour At Naples the Duke of Albe was constituted About Christmas day the Pope according to his custome created new Cardinalls and amongst others Iohn Gropper the Archbishop of Cologne his Councellor Then also the Cardinall Poole being made Deacon Cardinall prest as they say began to say Masse For by the Popes lawe Deacons haue not yet that power In the beginning of Ianuarie happened great stormes and tempests in Saxonie Misne and Boheme Thunders and Lightnings which endaungered many places especially Churches In the same moneth at Vitodur in Suetia a litle Towne within two leagues of Zurich appeared in the night in one of the towers of the Church there a sparkling fire making such a noise as the Burgesses on all sides ran to put it out being come thither they found no flame yet it twise appeared that is to say the 4. 14. of the said moneth After this certaine of the Cantons of Suetia sollicited by the Pope got them to Rome whereas many maruelled King Phillip after he had receiued of his father the gouernment
Dauid George knew well that by litle and litle hee should be discouered His Secretaries and disciples were maruellously astonished at his death because they were of opinion he should neuer haue died Although their hope was something maintained by that he had said as after was reported he would againe take life by the space of three yeares and bring to passe excellent things Hee held in his house a state almost royall And for the gouernment of his house and Castle it was well ruled euery one had his estate and office in that family and the labours were so distributed that he had no need in any thing to employ others then his owne In the gouernment of their common good they very strictly obserued three things to the end they might more and more conceale their so pernitious a Sect. First that none amongst them should publish the name of Dauid George Secondly that none should reueale of what state and condition hee had bene wherevpon many thought hee came of some great nobilitie others that he was some great Marchant hauing many factors both by sea and land Thirdly that they should not discouer any one article of their doctrine to any of Basill no not to any Switzer neither should they seeke to drawe any to their doctrine The summe of his accursed doctrine was That whatsoeuer had hitherto bene giuen of God by Moyses by the Prophets by Iesus Chirst himselfe by his Apostles and Disciples is imperfect and vnprofitable to make vs obtaine the true and perfect felicitie and was onely giuen to this vse that hitherto their doctrine might represse men and keepe them vnder as young men and children and so containe them in their offices But the Religion of Dauid George is perfect and hath in it sufficient efficacie and strength to make happie him that receiueth it he being the true Christ and Messias the we beloued of the Father in whom the Father taketh great pleasure borne not of the flesh but of the holy spirit of the spirit of Iesus Christ hauing hitherto beene kept in an vnknowne place for all his Saints to restore in spirit the house of Israel not by the Crosse or tribulations or death as the other Christ but for the loue and grace of the holy spirit of Christ O execrable monster or horrible efficacie of error deception or plasphemies drawne out of the deepe pit of hell In the yeare 1557. many good men mooued with affection to amplifie the kingdome of the Lord through many trauels and perills hauing passed the torride Zone and long time soiourned in the way they fell to inhabit in a Region on the South coast vnknowne vnto our fore elders full of Brasill which before in the yeare 1500. had bene discouered by the Portugales and it was called America of the name of their Captaine and cōducter Americ Vespucius The Inhabitants the eare very sauage and wilde without any forme of Religion or ciuilitie There it pleased the Lord in this time to erect a Church of certaine French men which one Villegagnon had sollicited and gathered together He receiued thē also at the beginning with good countenance and outward ioy seeing his enterprise commended by many notable persons But in the yeare 1557. and 1558. the said Villegagnon gaue sufficiently to know that he was neuer touched with any true zeale or feare of God For after he had persecuted both the Ministers and poore flocke of that Church by many tyrannies and impudent writings with seditious practises he hindred as much as in him lay the aduancement of the Lords glory who after raised vp the Portugales to take the Fortresse which he had builded in the I le by him called Collignyen Valois finding no resistance within because the said Villegagnon being retired into France taken with an apprehensiō that the sauage people would eate him had ordained no such company of people as were necessary for the defence of such a place And although in that number there were some valiant and wel experimented in Armes yet for as much as they were accompanied with such as had no knowledge therein and were ill maintained yea pined away with famine and diseases before they would abide the enemies furie they withdrew themselues with the sauage people Therefore was it easie for the enemies to enioy that Castle which had beene builded at the charges of the king of France and with the sweat and trauel of many good people and the Artillery marked with the Armes of France with certaine munitions of warre transported to Lisbone the principall Towne of Portugall in a trophee and triumph of the victorie The French retiring to land receiued the cruel yoake of that sauage people liuing without any forme of Religion a sad and lamentable thing to rehearse By all Histories as well auncient as moderne we my be instructed that Hypocrites and Apostates haue in all times hindred the course of the Gospell Charles the 5. Emperour after he had resigned by expresse Embassage into the hāds of the Princes Electors the Romane Empire hauing held it about 37. yeares died in his Country of Spaine the 21. of Septēber 1558. in a Monastery of S. Iust of the order of the Hieronymies nigh to Plascencia a Towne scituated betwixt the kingdomes of Castile and Andalonsia Ferdinand 1. of that name succeeded him was cōsecrated Emperor in the towne of Francfort vpon Mein by the Electors and Princes of Almiane with the accustomed solemnities After great and continuall warres by the space of 9. yeares at the instigation and by the practises and meanes of Popes Iohn Maria de Monte surnamed Iulius the third and his successors and adherents as well in Italie Piemont Almaine and France as in the lowe Countries of Flaunders Artois and Lorraine by the Spaniards and French Finally there happening great victories and prises one vpon an other to the ouerthrow and totall oppression of people and subects the third of Aprill 1559. after Easter at a Castle in Cambresis there was a peace concluded betwixt Henry the second of that name King of France and Phillip King of Spaine wherein they promised to yeeld one to an other the landes that were lately conquered They also compounded and agreed of all other controuersies and differances in regard of the Kingdomes of Naples and Sicilie and of the Duchie of Millaine vpon condition of the marriage of the said Phillip with the eldest daughter of Henry which lands should appertaine to the children comming of that marriage By the same treatie of peace there was yeelded vnto Emanuel Philibert Duchie of Sauoy and the principalitie of Piemont which the French had held from his father him more then 24. yeares by the meanes of a marriage betwixt him and Dame Margarite daughter of king Francis the first of that name and the alone sister of Henry reseruing certaine strong places in the said Piemont for a certaine time The yeare 1559. the fift of March the sonnes the sonnes in lawe and
Conrad Gesner of Zurich a Phisitian learned in the tongues and humane sciences laborious and painfull amongst others and who very diligently writ a perfect and full historie of all beastes foules fishes and creeping things died also in the moneth of December leauing infinite other writings in all sorts of litterature alreadie Imprinted and others to Imprint About the end of this yeare the King Phillip sent from Spaine into the lowe Countries an Edict wherby he ordained that the auncient and new placarts against them of the Religion should be executed that the Inquisition shuld be throughly established and the Inquisitors fauoured in the exercise of their charge that the decrees of the Councell of Trent should be receiued and obserued from point to point These Letters Patents were the cause of all the troubles following and not yet ended The 7. day of Ianuary 1566. Michael Gillier a Monke of Lombardie being come from one degree to an other till he was Cardinall finally was chosen Pope and called himselfe Pius the fift The 21. day of the said moneth the Emperour Maximilian second of that name held his first Imperiall Iourney at Ausbourge where the affaires of Religion was handled Frederick Count Palatin de Rhene and chiefe Elector of the Empire a Christian and magnanimous Prince constantly maintained the pure doctrine and the true reformation established in his Countrey by meanes whereof he made himselfe redoughted of all such is resisted him either openly or secretly and was well beloued of the Emperour and of the greatest in Almaine He was then accompanied with the Prince Cassimere his sonne who kept him good company and a great company of the Nobilitie In the moneth of March and in the other following hapned great troubles in Scotland and finally the King himselfe was strangled in the night and the chamber wherein hee was ouerthrowne with Cannon powder An Earle of that Realme espowsed his widow but being ouerthrowne in battaile by the Nobilitie he fled out of the Realme The Queene thingking to saue her selfe in France was stayed prisoner in England Iames the sixt the sonne of her and her slaine husband at this present King of Scotland of the age of fifteene or sixteene yeares is a Prince of great hope In the same moneth of March at the Imperiall Iourney at Ausbourge the Emperour there assisting it was decreed that the affaires of Religion should remaine in their present estate but for the affaires of the Empire they prouided especially for the warre against the Turkes In the beginning of Aprill certaine great Lords and Gentlemen of the low Countries leagued themselues in good number against the Inquisition pretending the same to be contrary to the liberties of the lowe Countrie The people banded themselues and the Assemblies of them of the Religion began to encrease In so much that the fourth of May there was publike preaching at Antwerpe without the Towne fiue weekes after within the said Towne At the same time such as were leagued against the Inquisition were surnamed les Gueux The cause hereof was for that some of the principalls going to present a request to the Councell of the estate the Sieur de Barlaimont their aduersary said to an other Councellor that sate nigh him Voici mes Gueux Great and litle after that tooke a deuise wearing apparell of gray cloath and peeces of money about their necke hauing on the one side the kings Image and on the other side a beggers dish with this Inscription Faithfull to the king euen to the begers dish In the moneth of Iune Iuly and the other following fell a sharpe warre in Hungary against the Turkes but the end was not very good for the Hungarians and Almaines lost many men in diuers encounters also many strong holdes especially at Zigeth which was besieged by Soliman himselfe who dyed a fewe dayes before the taking thereof Selim the second of that name succeeded his father Soliman was acknowledged and crowned Emperour of the Turkes in the moneth of September and soone after transported himself into Hungarie to prouide for the affaires of that warre and then straight departed towards Constantinople leauing one of his B●ss●es called Pertaw to continew who with a puissant Armie of Turkes and Tartarians forraged Hungarie and Transyluania committing very straunge saccagements and cruelties The Vainoda of Transyluania called this Bassa to his succours to recouer certaine places occupied by the Hungarians but perceiuing such succours did wholly ruinate ouerthrow himself he sound means to surprize the Tartarians cut them all in peeces and so dissipated all that Turkish Armie first himselfe beeing well chastifed for drawing such people into his Countrey Iohn Functius a learned Chronographer amongst all them of our time Matthias Horst and Iohn Shnell Ministers of the Gospell at Conigsprucke in Pruse were beheaded the 28. of October for the crime of conspiracie against the Prince Albert who had established the Osiandrisme that is to say the dreames and errors of one Andrew Osiander concerning Christian righteousnesse and other points of Diuinitie which errour these three maintained and would haue reuenged themselues of Albert who had purged his Countrey of that infection The death of Soliman the great whip of Christendome gaue some release vnto Almaine Selim preparing himselfe to make warre vpon Venetians but the Emperour decreed a new warre within Almaine it selfe against Frederick of Saxonie sonne of the dead Elector taken in battaile by Charles the fift The cause heereof was that Iohn Frederick supported and gaue refuge vnto William Grembach and other Gentlemen which were banished out of the Empire because of the murder of Melchior Zobel Bishop of Wirthbourge Augustus Elector Duke of Saxony the Cosin-germaine of Iohn Frederick had the charge of this warre whervnto he prepared himselfe in the moneths of October and Nouember and about the end of the yeare he laid siege before the Towne of Goth where there was a Citadell or Castle one of the strangest in Almaine Iohn Frederick Grombach and others were there which sustained the siege certaine moneths They of the Religion encreased maruellously in Flaunders Brabant and in many other Prouinces of the lowe Countries and their affaires got so forward that the 20. day of August the Images in the Churches of Antwerpe were broken in peeces The Images of other Townes were vsed incontinently after the like handling euen with an incredible swiftnesse by the simple people with such an astonishment of euery one that none of the Magistrates opposed themselues against them William de Nassau Prince of Orange Gouernour of Antwerpe hauing done what he could to hold things in an euennesse and considering that it should be impossible for him to withstand the tempest which he sawe comming gaue place to the time and resolued to retire himselfe into Almaine admonishing other Lords to do the like seeing men made account to think vpon meanes to conserue the priuiledges of the
Countrey but rather to yeeld themselues vnto the yoake of the Inquisition In the moneth of Ianuary the subiects of Iohn Frederick were absolued by the Imperiall authoritie of their oath fidelitie due to their Lord and were cōstrained to promise their obedience vnto Iohn William brother of the said Frederick This done the siege of Gothe continued About the ende of the moneth troubles began to arise in the lowe Countrey Valencienne was besieged beaten taken and rudely handled by the Sieur de Moircarmes because of Religion The Ministers of the word of God and certaine of the chiefe of the Towne were imprisoned and after put to death The 25. of Feebruary Henry de Bredenrode a Lord of great authoritie in the lowe Countries and very affectionate vnto Religion seeing the peoples heartie desires to haue publike exercise thereof presented a request vnto the Gouernesse in the name of him and his Associates that she might quickly puruey for the affaires as they presented themselues She made such answere as they might perceiue well that things tooke a way vnto troubles and confusions Indeed after certaine goings and commings from words they fell vnto Armes In so much that in the moneth of March there hapned encounters and combats betwixt them of the one and the other party The Towne of Antwerpe sawe it selfe in a maruellous diuision and vpon the point of her ruine but by the prudence of the Prince of Orange who yet was not departed the affaires it remained peaceable for certaine monethes In the meane while the king of Spaine aduertised of those chaunges gaue commission to the Duke of Al●a an olde and subtill Captaine to tame the Flemmings and chastice their heads and principall rulers that therby he might bridle the lowe Countries appointing for him a strong Army of Spaniards which about this time departed by sea and so came into Italy obtaining there a further strength of people which attended them with a good minde to gather booties in the lowe Contries The last day of March Phillip Lantgraue of Hesse a Christian Prince sage valiant and endowed with all the goodly parts required in a great Lord hauing in his life time executed many valiant and memorable exployts and especially for Religion died at Cassel of the age about 63. yeares leauing foure sonnes William Lewis Phillip and George and foure daughters Agnes first married to Maurice Elector and Duke of Saxonie after in her second marriage to Iohn Frederick Anne married to Wolfgang Count Palatin de Rhene Barbara to George Count de Montheliard and Christine to Adolpe Duke of Holsac Two daies after Ernest Duke of Brunswick a Prince fearing God wise couragious and constant and who bore himselfe well in the Protestants warre dyed in his Castle of Hertaberge The fourth of Aprill they of Gothe beeing besieged by the Elector of Saxonie laid hold of the proscripts banished men and the 13. of the said moneth yeelded the towne the Citadell Iohn Frederick was deliuered prisoner vnto the Emperours deputies which hapned the same day and 20. yeares after that his father Elector of the Empire was taken prisoner in battaile nigh Mulberge by the Emperour Charles the fift The Citadell of Gothe was destroyed Grombach and certaine of his complices executed to death and the Elect or Augustus being deliuered from great trouble caused to coine Dollers of siluer with this inscription on the one side Tandem bona causa triumphat At the beginning of May the Duke of Alua arriuing from Barcelone at Genes to goe into Flaunders began to giue order for the passage of his Army About the same time Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy the Bernois to yeeld him certaine lands by them conquered vpon the dead Duke Charles his father after certaine conferences betwixt them they yeelded him three Bailiwickes namely Gez Ternier and Chablais which enuiron Geneua with certaine conditions whereof the chiefe was that the said Bailiwicke should remain in the state they then were in namely with profession and publike exercise of the only Religion reformed certaine moneths after the Duke was put in reall possession of the said Bailiwickes About the beginning of Iuly the Duke of Alua departed Italy with a good armie of foote men Spaniards Piemontois Being entred Sauoy he made a countenance to stay before Geneua but fearing to receiue some shame he entred into le Franche Comte where he ioyned himselfe with certain new troupes conducted by the Court de Lodron and straight marched right vnto Bruxelles in Brabant At his arriual he published the Edict of the Inquisition established the bloodie Councell cut off-infinit heads confiscated the goods of all sorts of people about the end of the moneth of August And in September he sent prisoners into the Castle of Gaunt the Countes of Aigremont and of Horne and to found his bloudie executiōs that request presented by the principall of the Country to the Duchesse of Parma was declared to be but a coniuration against the Kings maiestie The Prince of Orange the Count Ludouic le Countes de Berge de Hochstrate de Culembourge le fieur de Brede●●●● many other Lordes Gentlemen guests and marchants which had signed or assisted the preachings or carried armes were adiourned to appeare in person before the Duke of Alua within sixe weeks and their goods noted The moneth of September following they were improied in taking prisoners the best they could lay handes on And then began confusion on all sides in the lowe Country About the end of October he begunne the Citadell of Antwerpe In the said time the second ciuil warre for matters of Religion lighted in France and a battaile was giuen betwixt Paris and S. Denis the tenth day of Nouember wherein the Constable was wounded to death and deceased soone after Many Lords Gentlemen and valiant souldiers remained in the field The armie of the Religion drew into Lorraine to gather the succours which the Duke Cassimere led A great deluges of waters was at Verone the two last dayes of October where there were 200 persons drowned and infinite goods wasted and destroyed Likewise certaine other places of Italie were in like maner so destroyed About the end of the yeare the Duke Cassimere with his Armie of 7500. horses and 3000. footemen ioyned himselfe vnto the troupes of the Prince of Conde at Pontamonsson in Lorraine and there was some conference about a peace which succeeded not In the month of Ianuary the Duke Cassimere made many remonstrances in writing to the King and his Councell for the pacifications of troubles in the kingdome of France This seruing for nothing his army set forward whilest the warre waxed hotte in diuers prouinces On the other side Iohn Guillaume Duke of Saxonie brought 4000. Reisters to the succors of the Catholicke Romanes in France The 18. day of the said moneth Phillip king of Spaine caused the Prince Charles his only sonne to be kept in a Chamber as
prisoner The Flemings in a certaine request presented vnto the Emperour and the states of Almaine assembled at Spire declared that that imprisonment was practised by the Inquisitors of Spaine because the Prince condemned the dealings of the Duke of Alua and the rigor of the Inquisition and bore great amitie vnto them of the low Countries against which they proceeded with a straunge violence which cōtinued more more In the month of February the Elector Palatin stayed in his hands a great sum of money descried in the country of the Empire which was going vnto the Duke of Alua into Flaunders by reason whereof there was great notice threatnings but in the end the marchants were faine to pacifie and content him The sixt day of March the Prince of Conde Cassimere besieged and assaulted the town of Chartres so that their troupes made ready to goe to the breach the king sent to offer a peace which was incontinently accepted and the second Edict of pacification published in the Campe the 30. day of the same moneth of the same tenor as the first But this accord endured not for so soone as the Duke Cassimere was retired they of the Religiō were assailed as they went homeward and in their houses and people were dispatched on all sides to seaze and take dead or a liue the Prince of Conde the Admirall the Lords Gentlemen and Captaines professing the Religion so that in a moment appeared the third ciuill warre on all sides what remonstrances soeuer the Prince could make to cause the contentions against the Edict to cease The 20. day of March died Albert Marquesse of Brandebourge Duke of Pruse of the age of 78. yeares a Prince right noble vertuous learned wise and fearing God He repurged his Countrey of the errors of Andrew Osiander Anne Mary of Brouswic his wife by his second marriage deceased the same day and left a sonne called Albert Frederick then of the age of 15. yeares The 25. day of Aprill William de Nassau Prince of Orange and Anthony de Ludain Count Hochstrate published their defences and iustification against the personall adiornament decreed vpon them by the Duke of Alua at the instance of the Proctor generall and shewed in their writings vnto whom the cause of all the troubles of the lowe Countries ought to be imputed and that they were nothing culpable of these stirres In the moneth of May certaine people being chased from diuers Prouinces gathered themselues together attending the Count de Hochstrate and other Captaines but they were ouerthrowne and the most part cut in peeces by the troupes of the Duke of Alua. In the same time the Count Lodowick tooke Armes and seazed vpon many places in Frise The Duke of Alua sent incontinently an Army of Spaniards vnder the conduct of the Count d' Aremberge They encountred the 24. of May where the Spaniards were ouerthrowne their Captaine slaine in the field the Count Adolphe Lodowicks brother was also slaine as hee pursued the victorie But because the Prince of Orange and others that were adiourned appeared not at the day assigned they were declared criminalls of treason The first of Iune the Duke of Alua greatly stirred with the death of the Count d' Aremberge caused to bee beheaded at Bruxells many Gentlemen amongst others the two Barons of Battembourge and foure daies after the Counts d' Aigment and de Horne which had done great seruice vnto the Emperor Charles and King Phillip The same day the house of the Count de Curembourge where the Lords of the League assembled when they made their request was sacked and destroyed and a piller placed in the middest thereof with a writing that it was raced for the execrable coniuration made therein against the Catholicke Romane Religion the Kings maiestie nor the estate of the Countrey At the same time the Count de Bure the onely sonne of the first marriage of the Prince of Orange a Student at Louaine was taken carried into Spaine against the priuiledges o● Brabant and of the Vniuersitie of Louaine After there was an Edict published forbidding ●●pon con●●●●●cie 〈…〉 any way or 〈◊〉 doe with 〈…〉 the Count Lodowick was alwaies in the field the Duke of 〈◊〉 ●●nt an Army to ouerthro●●● him who attended 〈◊〉 resolutely But at the ioyning his souldiers refused to fight so that hee was constrained to saue himselfe by swimming ou●● a Riuer nigh vnto that place had leauing many of his people there the 21. day of Iuly The Prince of Orange seeing that the Duke of Alua continued in his strange and bloudie actions after diuers sorrowful cōplaints vnto the king of Spaine wherof there was no account made published his iustifications and tooke Armes and conducted his Army with such speed that quickly he passed Meuse resolued to giue battaile to his enemie But vpon the point to fight his souldiers demaunded siluer which the Prince not able to do ledde a part of his troupes through Brabant and Hainaut and entred France where the Princes and Lords of the Religion called him to their succours Then the Churches of France and the lowe Countries were very desolate As for the lowe Countries the Duke of Alua and the bloudie Councell sought by all meanes to roote out Religion to plant the Inquisition and to ruinate all the Countrey killing publikely and secretly an infinit number of innocent persons The affaires of France were in no better case For from the peace made vntill the ende of August there were slaine in diuers fortes more people of the Religion in Townes and the fieldes without any distinction of Sexe age or estates then there died in all the second warre The 23. of Iuly died in prison Charles Prince of Spaine hauing attained the age of 23. yeares Certaine daies after deceased Elizabeth Queene of Spaine The 28. of the same moneth Iohn Duke of Einland was chosen king of Snede in the place of his brother Henry who for his demerites was deposed Three Moones were seene at one instant in heauen in egall and sufficient distance one from an other especially in 〈◊〉 the ninth day of August The Towne of Treuers long 〈◊〉 before besieged 〈◊〉 Archbishop thereof 〈◊〉 ●●●bg●t to 〈…〉 by the mediation of the Emperour and 〈…〉 In the same m●●●th the Emp●●●●● 〈…〉 many times bene desired at last permitted the Lords 〈◊〉 Gentlemen of Austrich profess●●● the Gospell to 〈…〉 in their Castles 〈◊〉 and ho●s●s 〈…〉 doctrine contained in the confession of Ausbourge The 23. of the said moneth the Prince of Conde being vpon the point to fall into the power of his enemies saued himselfe with his wife and children and departing from Noyers in Bourgongne accompanied with the Admirall of Sieur d' Andelot and of their traine passed the Riuer of Loire at a Forde and were constrained to saue themselues at Rochell Then began the third ciuill warre in France wherevnto both parties prepared
themselues Iane d' Albert Queene of Nauarre an excellent Princesse came thither to find her brother in lawe the Prince of Conde brought with her her son Henry then very young From that time that campe of the Religion was called the Army of the Princesse They presented and published many Remonstrances which serued for nothing and Churches were dissipated and dispersed in the most part of Prouinces and very rigorous Edicts published against them of the Religion Henry Duke of Aniou and brother of King Charles the ninth being then chiefe of the Army of the Catholicke Romanes The Chauncelor d'l'Hospitall perswading to peace was sent to his house and his Seales giuen to an other The Almaines and other Straungers were sollicited on both sides to come to their succours The Emperour behaued himselfe very wisely in this behalfe The 21. day of October sixe Theologians of the part of Augustus Elector of Saxonie and as many on the side of Iohn William Duke of Saxonie were assembled at Aldenbourge to agree the controuersies hapning amongst these Theologians vpon certaine points of Christian doctrine The Duke Iohn William assisted there personally that conference and disputation continued vntill the beginning of March in the yeare following and there was at large disputed vpon Iustification and many Articles depending thereon As the acts of the disputation do shewe The 25. of this moneth Paul de Ridnend sieur de Mouuans a braue and valiant souldier amongst the French Captaines much affectioned towards Religiō was ouerthrowne with his footmen of Prouence and Daulphine by the companies of horsemen of the Duke Montpensier of the Count de Brissa● and other Catholicke Romanes were slaine in the field with a great number of souldiers and losse of many Ensigne Such as escaped ioyned themselues to the Princes Army The 12. of Nouember the Captaine la Coche a Gentleman of Dauphine was ouerthrowne with his troupes by the Duke d' Aumale betwixt Metz and Sauerne He was taken and after put to death About the ende of Nouember the Prince of Orange not beeing able to take order in the affaires of the lowe Countries withdrew into Almaine with certaine warriours attending the departure of the Duke de Deux Ponts who prepared to giue succours to the Princes In the meane while the French Armies besieged and tooke diuers places remaining in the field notwithstanding the rigour of winter which killed a great number of souldiers Christopher Duke of Wittemberge and Count de Montbelliard died the 28. of December About the same time 5500. Reisters conducted by Philibert Marquesse de Bade and other great Lords of Almain passed Rhene and soone after they entred The Queene of England about the 23. of Nouember tooke three Spanish ships laden with great riches The sixt of Ianuary she made a reason of her action in an Imprinted writing Wherein she shewed how litle the Duke of Alua his menaces astonished her During the moneths of Ianuary and February the next Countrie to Strasbourge was seene full of people of warre Almaines readie to enter France The Prince of Orange was in great distresse about pleasing of the Reistres but in the end he appeased them and ioyned himselfe to the Duke de Deux Ponts who before he departed wrote largely vnto the King the reasons that mooued him to succour the Princes and them of the Religion and the next morning mounted on horsback and the 12. of March he mustered where there were found seuen thousand and sixe hundreth Reistres well mounted besides the troupes of the Prince of Orange and of certaine French Lords and Gentlemen and certaine Lansquenets footemen The last day of February the Duke of Alua adiourned by publike Edict all fugitiues of the lowe Countries to appeare in person within six weekes after vpon paine of confiscation of their goods They doubting his crueltie thought it better to loose the sleeue then the arme In so much that no person returned therfore the Duke fatted himselfe with confiscations and continued also to feede himselfe with the bloud of such faithfull as he could catch The thirteenth day of March Lewis de Bourbon Prince of Conde fighting valerously in the battaile fought nigh to Coignac in Poictu amongst the troupes and Army of the Catholickes was ouerthrowne from his horse to the ground taken prisoner vpon his faith and against all right diuine and humane slaine with a Pistoll behinde on his head by one called Montesquian The Catholicke Romanes made great reioycings at that death thinking to haue gained as much as if they of the Religion had now no helpe at all There were also great triumphes made at Rome Many Gentlemen and valiant Captaines were slaine with the Prince The Admirall de Chastillon hauing gathered together his troupes vnder the authoritie of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Nauarre and of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Conde sonne and successor of Lewis both of them as yet very young hartned so euery one that the Catholicke Romanes willing to pursue their victory with an inconsiderate boldnesse were beaten downe before Coignac had other notable great losses after that The Princes the Admirall the Lords Gentlemen Captaines and souldiers of the Army renewed their former oath to do their duties in opposing themselues against the violence of the enemies to procure a good peace to the glory of God to the rest of the churches of al the kingdome The Queene of Nauarre brought the Prince her sonne into the Armie and after hauing made many good remonstrances and reasons to encourage and stirre him to the performance of his dutie towards God and his Country she retired into Rochell Then waxed the warre hotter then before with diuers exploits and chaunces on both sides The estates of the Empire were assembled at Francford the 14. day of Aprill to prouide for the affaires of Almaine In the same moneth the Pope sent vnto the Duke of Alua as a recompence of so great paines as he had taken to maintaine the Popedome an helme and a paire of gloues blessed with great ceremonies on Christmas day Paul the third sent the like present vnto the Emperour Charles the fift after he ouercame the Protestant Princes The seuenth day of May Francis de Colligni Sieur d' Andelot Colonell of the French footemen very affectionate towards the maintaining of the true Religion a Knight without all feare and greatly dreaded of the Gospells enemies died of poison in the Towne of Saintes Many other great Lords and Gentlemen of the Religion died in the same manner before and after by the cunning art of certaine poysoners sent through Fraunce and better recompenced for such execrable acts then the wisest valiantest and faithfullest seruants of the Crowne The Duke de dreux Ponts being entred into France maugre the hinderance of Claude d'Lorraine Duke d' Aumale besieged and tooke Charite a Towne placed vpō the Riuer of Loire and passing forward to ioyne himselfe
the Count de Lodron theyr Captaine After by the space of certaine moneths hee remained peaceable in his gouernment of the lowe Countries which he forraged at his pleasure heaping vp a maruellous bootie to himselfe The third ciuill warre tooke an end in France and the Edict of pacification was published in the Parliament of Paris the 11. day of August Iohn Brencius a Minister in the Duchie of Witemberge of the age of 69. yeares and who had begun to preach write after the first Doctors of our time died the 11. day of September Certaine yeares before his death he had published by diuers Imprinted bookes a new opinion to maintaine the carnall presence of Iesus Christ in his holy Supper The summe of this opinion willing to attribute to the flesh of Iesus Christ a presence in all places as well as to his diuine nature was that the humane and diuine nature being inseperably vnited in one alone person the humane is in each place as well as the diuine But in the explication of this mysterie he maintained that the personall vnion of these two natures in Iesus Christ doo onely signifie that they are together not otherwise in Iesus Christ then in S. Peter and other seruants of God according to the essence But as to the efficacie that all the properties of the diuine nature are really and indeed dispersed and communicated to the humane nature so that thereby hauing egall maiestie and power with the diuine the said diuine nature worketh and doth nothing without it Although the authoritie of this person serued to the increase of this dangerous errour yet there wanted not for many learned men which opposed themselues betimes against this errour and prooued euen to Brencius himselfe without that either he or any of his Disciples could answer pertinently therevnto that if such an opinion of the vbiquitie of the flesh of Iesus Christ and of the personall vnion of the two natures according to the definition of Brencius were true the two natures of Iesus Christ should be seperated euen according to the essence as well in Iesus Christ as in S. Peter and other the faithfull and Christ should be God after the flesh Behold a blasphemie which establisheth the heresie of Nestorius seperating the two natures of Christ and which on the other side confoundeth the properties of those two natures as did the heretike Eutiches Notwithstanding that they discouered to Brencius the absurdities and blasphemies rising vpon his opinion yet left not he to maintaine it hauing a Disciple called Iames Andreas who with certaine other that after rose vp added errors vnto errors And which is worse Brencius in the end of his life in the place to humble himselfe before God for so molesting the Churches in the making of his testament thundred against the Churches which approoued not his vbiquitie being so farre audacious euen he alone who could not vnto the purpose reply to the arguments of certaine Doctors which liuely refuted him as to condemne all the Churches of France England Scotland Suetia and others This testament was maintained by his Disciples and from that time till this instant hath caused great euils and kindled a fire which cannot be extinguished if God set not too his hand in some especiall maner The last day of October East and West Friseland Holland Zeland Brabant and other places thereabouts were sore tormented and beaten with a straunge tempest of windes and two dayes after the Sea swelled and hauing broken and ouerthrowne her dikes and leuies drowned many Countries and infinite people and cattaile with such an astonishment of all that it was feared all the lowe Countries would haue bene swallowed vp There happened as much in the Balthike sea especially at Hambourge There was also great ouerflowings of waters in France about the end of this yeare About this time the Turke made quicke warre vpon the Venetians in the I le of Cyprus with a puissant Army which by assault tooke Nicosia one of the greatest Townes thereof wherein there was made a cruell and bloudie butcherie of the besieged in the moneth of September The fourteenth day of Nouember Phillip King of Spaine espowsed his Nieco Mario the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian The 17. of Nouember a great Earthquake hapned at Venice Ferrara and other places of Italy whervpon followed maruellous tuines and desolations especially at Ferrara The 26. and others following Charles King of Fraunce espowsed at Mezieres Elizabeth the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian The 16. of December the Riuer of Rhene so ouerflowed that in 80. yeares had not beene seene the like wherevpon many discourses published remembring the miseries passed and the wonders happening teach vs euery one to feare and preuent the euils to come The 11. of the same moneth the Emperor assembled the estates at Spire to prouide for the affaires of Almaine and to giue audience vnto straunge Embassadors The Kings of Denmarke and Snede made peace together the 13. of the same moneth hauing bene at warre together 10. yeares or there abouts The 20. of that moneth the Embassadors of the Protestant Princes made a long oration to the King of France beeing then at Villers to exhort him aboue all things to keepe his Edict of pacification which he promised to doo The French Churches lifted vp their heads after many stormes Ieachim Elector of Brandebourge died the second day of Ianuary and 11. dayes after deceased also his brother Iohn Marquesse of Brandebourge The 13. day of March Iohn Vaiuoda of Transiluania suffering himselfe to be gouerned by a pernitious heretike called Blandrata one that counterfeited himself a Phisitian was slaine by the drugges of the said Blandrata and died without heires by meanes whereof Stephen Bathory was chosen Vaiuoda in his roome The 28. day of May began a disputation betwixt Peter Datherius Minister of the Gospell and 15. Preachers Anabaptists in the presence of Frederick Elector Palatin who had giuen them safe conduct The Articles in the disputation to the number of 13. touched that which is in chiefe debate at this day betwixt them and the reformed Churches namely of the authoritie of Canonicke bookes of the old and new Testament of the vnitie of the diuine essence and of the destination of the three persons subsisting therein of the one flesh and humane nature of Iesus Christ borne of the Virgin Mary of the Israelitike and Christian Church of originall sinne of little children of iustification of the resurrection of the flesh of excommunication and diuorce of the proprietie and possession of goods of the Magistrate and of criminall iustice of an oath of the Baptisme of litle children and of the communion of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper This disputation was set downe in writing and continued from the 28. of May vntil the 19. of Iune without any fruite because of the obstinacie of the Anabaptists
Yet notwithstanding the Churches were redressed and encreased in diuers places maugre the rage deuices of Sathan whilest the king called the Estates to Blois where he made his entry the 18. day of Nouember and all the remainder of the yeare after was imployed vpon diuers conferences amongst the Deputies The affaires of the lowe Country bore themselues as followeth In the moneth of February 1576. the Prince of Orange obtained a Fortresse of great importance called Crimpen in Holland whereby hee warranted Suindree and all other places thereabouts During the siege of Ziriczee the Commander died of the pestilence at Bruxelles the 5. day of March Then the gouernment of the lowe Countries was by the king remitted into the hands of the Councell of the Estate In the moneth of May following Ziriczee being not able to hold out any lōger was yeelded to the Spaniards who straight after began to mutenie vnder colour of paiments due vnto them and determined to haue surprised Bruxelles so to pay themselues The Inhabitants hereof aduertised prouided so well for theyr assurance that the Spaniards found the gates shut wherat they were so despited that without any resistance about the ende of Iuly entring Alost a Towne situate betwixt Gaunt Malines and Bruxelles they vsed there the inhabitants as in a place takē by assault And bicause they continued their disorders by the winking of certaine of the Councell of estate In the beginning of September the Captaine of Bruxelles well accompanied entred into the Pallace and in the name of the Estates of Brabant cōstituted prisoners amongst others the Counties of Mansfield and de Barlaiment Assonuile Councellor Barti Scharemberg Secretaries Soone after the Spaniards were declared Rebels enemies to the King his country by an Edict of the Councell of Estate published the 22. of September For all this the Spaniards left not running hither and thither putting to flight all such as in the field made head against them and by the intelligence they had with the Lansquenets they entered into the towne of Mastricht which they pilled This done they ioyned themselues together marched towards Antwerpe arriuing there they got in at the Citadel or Castle the 4. of Nouember and sodenly assailed the companies of souldiers and all the inhabitants of the Towne with a maruellous fiercenes resolution during many daies pilling sacking spoyling the towne one of richest fullest of marchandise in all Europe they massacred slew many thousands of persons of all ages sexes Estates and of diuers Countries burnt one of the richest quarters of the Towne with the magnificall and most sumptuous house thereof briefly they committed there all maner of wickednes The Estates of the fifteene Prouinces which till then had bene Spanish hauing learned to their cost that they which thus handled them looked for nothing so much as wholly to ruinat and destroy them made a peace with the Princes the States of Holland Zeland the 8. day of Nouember in the Towne of Gaunt During all those tempests God conserued the reformed Church of Antwerpe and certaine others also as sometimes in Babilon he conserued the companions of Daniel in the middest of the burning Fornace and Daniel himselfe in the Lyons den Incontinently after the spoyling of Antwerpe the Almaines would needs remooue their goods to Valenciennes but they were preuented by the Inhabitants and driuen away out of the Towne the 10. day of Nouember They of Groninghe in Friseland maintained themselues in the like sort and arrested prisoner their Gouernour who meant to haue spoyled theyr Towne And at this time all the lowe countries were in armes readie to runne vpon the Spaniards extreamly hated of them all Iosias Sinder an execellent Theologian professor of holy letters at Zurich dyed the second day of Iuly in his age of 45. yeares He left some bookes which were full of solide doctrine and especially exceellently refuting the Antitrinitaries and Vbiquitaries Stephen Bathori Vaiuoda of Transiluania hauing beene crowned King of Polonia the first day of May tooke order for the affaires of his kingdome and prepared himselfe for the war against the Moscouite He left the churches of Poland in peaceable estate The Emperour Maximilian hauing held his last Imperiall Iourney at Ratisbone dyed the 12. day of October beeing about the age of 55. yeares Rodolphus his eldest sonne King of the Romanes of Hungarie and of Boheme succeeded his Father Maximilian in the Imperiall dignitie being the second of that name Assoone as he was proclaimed Emperor he caused the Embassadors of Poland to be released and sent to Amurath to demaund truce which was without any difficultie graunted because that the Turke hauing had aduertisement of the warre which the king of Persia prepared against him could not any way assure himself to make resistance in so many places his Empire elsewhere being sorely weakened by the iust punishment of God with plague and famine Ieronimo Conestagio Frederic Elector Palatine of Rhene a Prince fearing God greatly affectionating true Religion the ornament true Iosias of all Almaine died the 22. of October being 26. years of age His eldest sonne Lewes succeeded him in the dignity of princely Electorship who chaunged the doctrine discipline which his father had happily established in the Countie Palatine In the moneth of Ianuary February and March the Estates of France were at Blois where the last Edict of pacification on was reuoked after infinit practises and the Duke Alenson forsooke the part of Polititians and of them of Religion From thence followed in sommer next a new warre against them of the Religion which lost the Townes de la Charite vpon Loire Issoire in Auuerne Melle and Brouage in Guien with great desolations especially at Issoire The Marshall also Danuile forsooke his confederates and did the worst he could vnto the Churches of Languedoc finally a sixt Edict of pacification was treated of at Bergerac and agreed on at Poitiers in the moneth of September by the meanes whereof the former was abolished and the Churches more troubled then euer they were insomuch that after that they had nothing assured yet notwithstanding God maintained them in many places against the opinion of great and title In old Saxonie which we now call Westphalia Salentinus Bishop of Padeborne and Archbishop of Coloine being the last of the honourable house of Eisenberge voluntarily resigned both his Bishopprickes and tooke to wife Antouia Witelma the daughter of Iohn Counte of Arenberge and sister to Charles Arenberge Whom in the Diocesse of Padeborne Henry Duke of Saxonie Archbishop of Breme succeeded and in the Electoriship Gebardus Truchesses the sonne of William Lord of Walnogh Dauid Chytreus Iohn de Austrich the bastard sonne of the Emperor Charles the fift was sent as Gouernor into the lowe Countries He before hee entered into Brabant confirmed the pacification of Gaunt and made an accord with
the Estates the 12. day of February The next morning the Spaniards forsooke the Castle of Vtrich according to the accord and the 20 of March folowing they which were in the Townes and Citadell of Antwerpe came out with their bootie The Almaines remained in the towne vnder the Colonels Foncquer and Fronsperge attending paiment the 2. of April the Spaniards came out of Mastricht Iohn de Austria made his entry into Bruxells by the 1. of May and tooke his oath according to the statutes of the Countries the eleuenth of Iune hee went to Malignes where hauing performed that he came for hee retyred vnto Namur and laide hold of the Castle the 24. of Iuly the Estates hauing discouered the drifts and practises of Iohn de Austria stood vpon their guardes and discouering what hee went about against them got the Castle of Antwerpe and constrained the Almaines quickly to dislodge seazing diuers places and dismanteling the Citadell or Castle of Antwerpe ioyned it to the Citie of Antwerpe the 28. of August and in the moneth following caused their iustification to be published taking armes for theyr defence calling the Prince of Orange to their succours Who arriued in Antwerpe the eighteenth day of September and fiue dayes after at Bruxells being of all receiued with great ioy hee was after the 22. of October chosen Gouernour of Brabant About the same time was there trouble at Gaunt and Groine which after was appeased Genebrardus Mathias Archduke of Austria the Emperours brother being called to be Gouernour of the lowe Countries made his entry into the Towne of Antwerpe the 21. of Nouember and the 17. of December he accepted the gouerment of the countries vpon the conditions proposed vnto him by the Deputies of the Estates The Churches of Holland and Zeland florish they of other Prouinces of the low countries begin to hope well Stephen Bathori King of Poland this yeare made warre vpon the Dantzick but after certaine encounters a peace was accorded vpon conditions Sebastian King of Portugall sent Peter d'Alascoua Embassador to Phillip King of Spaine with commaundement to treat of three point that is for aide in the action of Affricke for the marriage of his daughter and for enterview The Embassador obtained all three the promise of marriage with one of his daughters when she should come to yeares that the Catholick king should goe to Gradalupa to meet with K. Sebastian and as for succours he should furnish men gallies to vndertake the enterprise of Alarache the which was spoken very coldly Philip confirmed the succors of men gallies so as the Turke should send no mē into Italy and that they should vntertake Alarache in this yeare the whole being referred vnto their enterview at Gradalupa In the Parliament held at Blois Pierre d' Epinac Archbishop of Lyons rose vp and before them all declared his reasons touching the Cleargie the Lord of Senscey spake for the nobilitie and Versoris for the common The two first by a multitude of reasons wonderfull speeches concluded that it was most fit and conuenient that there should be but one Religion in the realme The third shewed that the people wholly desired the revnion thereof so it might be done by peaceable and quiet meanes without warres But the Cleargie and Nobilitie after many difficulties caused the Parliament to breake vp so that vnder the ashes of the last warres which as yet were hot there might be found the sparkes of a great fire For after many messages although in vaine sent by the King to the Protestant Princes the warre began again for the Prince of Conde rose vp in arms and swore not to leaue them vnder whose protestation was placed Deo victricibus armis vntil he had brought the realme into her former splendor dignity But the reasons that perswaded peace to the King got the vpper hand of those that desired warre and therevpon an Edict of peace was made at Poitiers with great contentment on both parts and the Prince of Conde the same night he receiued it caused it to be published by torch-light although with lesse aduantage on his side then the first for it restored the exercise of the Catholicke religion in the places where it had beene prohibited it suffered mens consciences to be free yet without publike exercise but onely in the Townes and places whereas then it was openly preached and to Gentlemen of qualitie and degree in their owne houses yet there was some difficultie in the execution and obseruation of this peace which the conference at Nerae betweene the Queene mother and the King of Nauarre soone auoyded but the wound not well healed did still bleede by means of the furious disorders of those that were his chiefe doers but the yeare one thousand fiue hundred eightie one it was wholly ioyned and drawne into a scarre See the Historie of France Syr Martyn Forbisher tooke his voyage by sea about the the end of May towards the North and West discouering vnknowne Countries and came againe rich laden into England about the end of September following The Pope forasmuch as this intended warre by Sebastian was attempted against Infidels opened his spirituall treasures graunting the Bull of the Croisada which till that time was not brought into the Realme The ninth of Nouember there appeared in the Zodiaque in the signe of Libra neare vnto the station of Mars the goodliest and greatest Comet that hath bene seene in many ages the which hapning in the progresse of this warre amazed many who looking to examples past said it was a signe of vnhappie successe and that comming frō a corrupt aire it did endamage the delicate bodies of Princes And for as much as the auncient Captaines with their diuines did interpret it to good not for that they beleeued it but to incourage the souldiers the Portugall likewise taking it for a fauour said that this Comet spake vnto the King saying Accometa which is to say in the Portugall tongue Let him assayle them not hauing any such beliefe but for flattery fearing more the Kings choler by reason of his rough inclination then the heauens Ieronimo Conestaggio After the sixt Edict of pacification in France the King hauing published certaine ordinances in regard of policie sollicited much the Prouinces of his Country to get mony of them wherevpon followed great discontentment In the meane while the souldiers being dispersed in many places and yet hauing weapons in their hands gaue them of the Religion to thinke they could not long continue in quietnesse yet the Churches maintained themselues in diuers places About the end of March the Towne of Geneua had great alarums many troupes appearing in diuers places to haue surprised it but their comming being discouered and the towne holding her selfe vpon her guards there followed no exployts of warre The Queene mother made diuers progresses through the Realme of France to maintaine said she the publike repose and so
downe to be admitted againe into the Cittie then the Iesuits the matter as then was left in suspence put ouer to the K. the Parliament of the realme But the Iesuits being importunate vpon the king the K. the yeare following sent one Iohannes Ostrouius into the Citie who instructed by the kings commandement demaunded that all those that were spoyled and eiected of the seditious communaltie might be put into possession of their Churches whose Oration was forthwith answered in the name of the Citie and the Senate by Dauid Hilcheuius theyr aduocate The 26. of August Peter Barrier alias Bar borne at Orleans was prisoner at Melena where he confessed that he was seduced by a Capuchin Friar at Lyons by the Curat Vicar of a certaine parish in Paris and also by a Iesuite closely to follow the king and to murder him with a two edged knife the which was found about him he further confessed that two Priests by him nominated were also come frō Lyons for the same intent and that he set himselfe the forwardest in the execution therof to the ende hee might get the greatest honour thereby For the which hee was executed At this time was the Duke of Nemours within Lyons from whence he would not stirre to goe to the Estates of the League although the Pope had giuen him commaundement the other chiefe Captaines thought it meet and his friends seruants desired him to goe he vouchsafed not so much as to send vnto them knowing that the Leaguers cast their eyes altogether vpon the D of Guise and that the D. de Maine his brother by the mothers side crost all his purposes and would worke all meanes for his death A certaine bold Friar of Lyons perceiuing well that this young Prince pretended to bring some new matter to passe within the League whereby he might at least haue some great hand in the gouernment by the aduice of two or three Councellors who were of his complices he compassed Lyons with many Fortresses which held on his side at Toissai Vienne Montbrison Chastillon de Dombres and other places Quilian forsaking him he bought it with a great summe of mony at the hands of the Lord of S. Iulian who was Gouernour thereof This done Lyon was inclosed as well by water as by land The Lyonnois did not withstand neither his prodigallities nor his Councellors nor his men of warre which forraged the plaine country receiuing the guerdon of their reuolt from the kings obedience In the end acknowledging themselues they rose vp against the D. of Nemours assisted by the presēce and counsell of the Archbishop sent by the D. de Maine and the 18. of Decemb. they tooke hold of Nemours who was seene three times at deaths doore committing him to close prison where hee continued certain moneths and at last escaping by cunning meanes spoyled of his succours chased from his Fortresses he went dyed farre from France in a litle Towne called Aueci scituate in Sauoy in the Country of Geneuois After the solemne funeralls of Henry the 3. late King of France were performed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Denis Henry the 4. King of Nauarre was publikely proclaimed king In the meane season the Popes Legat with the Embassador of Spaine vrged the election of the D. of Guise at Paris and cursed the K. of Nauarre for that he s oft had fallen and those Bishops with the Archbishop of Bourges by whom he had bin reconciled to the Church and absolued Likewise at Rome the Agents and Ministers of the K. of Spaine sollicited the Pope that he would confirne the excommunication pronounced by his Legate at Paris nor would admit any Embassadors from the hypocriticall king If he did they vowed as his Embassadors came in at one gate they would goe out at the other The 26. of Nouember the Duke of Neuers came to Rome sent by the K. of France for his absolution whom the Pope entertained with all kindnesse but a litle while after hee dismissed him not denying simply absolution to the K. but deferring it vntill he sawe more manifest signes of penitence D. Chytaeus The K. of France deliberated to assemble at Mante certaine of the chiefe Nobles of the Realme to take counsell of diuers matters at that time needfull The deputies of the reformed Churches were there present about the ende of Nouember whom the king caused to be called together the 12. day of the moneth following and hauing giuen them audience and heard the great sorrowe which they made vpon the infinite cōtradictions of his decrees and the complaints of the wrongs done vnto them through all his Prouinces hee answered that the change of religiō had not any way changed his affection frō them that he would redresse their griefes and make peace and concord among his subiects Hee receiued their Bills of complaints to haue them pervsed But these affaires were driuen to such length that the distance of many yeares hath buried all And the Captaines of the League hauing plunged the Realme into new miseries those of the religion almost in all parts of the kingdome continued as grieuous vnder the crosse as before Sigismond K. of Poland was perswaded to embrace that religion and seruice of God comprehended in his word the confessiō of Augusta as it had flourished in y e later time of Gostauus and the former daies of Iohn the 3. king of Poland and as it was receiued by the States of the land in the Councell of Vpsalem the yeare 1593. by a solemne testification for the confirmation and defence of the same religion hee voluntarily offered his oath which remaineth vpon record Chytraeus The same day that Sigismond K. of Poland and Vpsalem was inuested with the crowne of Suetia Iames the 6. K. of Scots had a sonne by Anne his wife the sister of Christian the 4. K. of Denmarke to whose christening the K. of France the Q. of England the K. of Denmarke Count Maurice H. D. Brunswic Vtricus Duke of Magapolis were inuited The 9. of April Ferdinādo E. of Darbie deceased at Latham Henry the 4. king of France and Nauarre was with great solemnitie crowned king at Chartres When the last yeare he sent to the Pope the D. of Neuers for absolution Pope Clement the eight then answered that hee stood in need of three fold benefite from the Apostolicke Sea first of absolution in Court of Conscience secondly in a lower Court of Conscience from publike excommunication thirdly in the Court of Rehabilitation as they say to the kingdome for the which before by reason of his heresies hee was held vnfit Paetrus Mathaeus Mathias Arch-duke of Austria was by the Emperour his brother chosen Generall of the Forces against the Turke and went to Vienna Idem The same time the Pope promised to send to the Emperour 5000. footemen and 500. horsemen for the leuying of which sixe Tents were gathered of the Cleargie throughout all Italie which amounted
Bosua who had forraged diuers of their frontiers and had spoiled and wasted Crotia and the fertile Region Tyropolia leading away many Christians captiues and that this Bassa beeing thereof explained to the Turke he was therefore bountifully rewarded and set in greater place and authoritie then he had before but at the siege of the Castle Zisekna he was driuen to flie and there receiued by death a iust reward for his trecherie This making the Turke more incensed hee made warre vpon the Christians and sent Beglerbegus of Creece who besieged the aforesaid Castle Ziseckna and forced them to yeeld it At this time also he sent diuers of his choisest Bassaes to inuade Hungarie and tooke there two Cities Vesprian and Palotta Besides hee imprisoned the Emperours Embassadour and Orator at Constantinople Caesars request therefore was that greater defence might be made against the Turkish powers and that all the Christian Princes of his Empire would conioyne to the resisting of this great enemie of Christ and Christendome Which forthwith was agreed vnto But in this Session a great dissention arose amongst the Protestant Princes the reason was for that the Elector Palatine did not so strictly and precisely keepe the confession of Augusta as the rest of them did that is to say Duke William Fredericke Administrator of the Electorship of Saxonie who in the administration of the charge of the Electors in their minoritie recalled and brought in the opinions of Flaccus Illiricus and Iacobus Andreas approoued of the aforesaid Electors and all those that withstood them or opposed themselues against either in Vniuersities Schooles or any place whatsoeuer hee cruelly persecuted and banished them as Caluinists and Zuinglians so that at Lipsia and other places vnder the pretext and colour of his execution against the Caluinists much spoile and hurt was done Many of these beeing let out of prison were receiued by the Elector Palatine and for this cause the Protestants of Saxonie would seperate themselues in this Session in the common petitions and propositions from them that held of the Count Palatine but the greater part of them desirous of peace did not consent thereto But when it was obiected to the Prince Palatine that hee was of a contrary religion to his father hee before them all made an orderly and modest confession of his faith and religion in this maner I haue not anyway digressed from the religion which my worthy father professed He whilest he liued beleeued not in S. Martin or S. Iames but in Christ The same beliefe the same grounds and principles of faith I do constantly hold and euer intend to do My father condemned the errours of Arrius Nestorius Eutychius and the Anabaptists and so do I his sonne not onely condemne them but with my soule detest and abhorre them The errours in the Sacraments which are two fold some of them who make Idolls of Sacraments and worship and reuerence the signes for the thing signed not obseruing nor considering the signification of the Sacraments other some that vnderstand them for naked and simple signes my father detested and so do I his sonne I come nearer My father reiected Caluanisme and Zuinglanisme and so do I his sonne If so be it be true that the Vbiquitaries and Flactians do faine that is to say if truth or omnipotencie or the whole presence of Christ should bee denied vpon the earth But in this errour I am happier then my father in that I know the true and right religion vnder the name of Caluine to bee defiled and scandalled by certaine seditious and ambitious persons in Germanie which my father had knowne if he had liued longer as now the two mightie Electors of Saxonie Augustus his sonne and Christian do vnderstand In this Session great consultation was had for composition for peace in the lowe Countries This yeare the Italians made great tumults in Brabant the reason was for that they were not so much esteemed of since the Duke of Parmaes death and that the Spaniards were preferred before them that they had pay daily and the Italians not regarded For this cause they left the Kings Campe and tooke the Towne of Sidien in Brabant and fortified it In this space no pay was sent wherfore they made great hauocke throughout all Brabant euen to the gates of Bruxelles Complaints were made hereof to the Gouernour the Arch-duke of Ernestus that hee was faine to send certaine companies of the Spaniards who had authoritie to bring them into order and make them obedient or driue them out of the Countrey This more incensed the Italians but the Spaniards draue them out of certaine of their holds And Graue Maurice fearing least they of enemies should become friends went to the Italians and politikely praised them and their dauntlesse spirits extolled their worthy acts and great victories that they got vnder their famous leader the Duke of Parma that the Spaniard had offered them such an iniurie and disgrace as the like was not to bee borne and therefore it behoued them to looke to their safetie and that there was no better way but to serue vnder the King of Fraunce as long as they might bee well payed The Italians mooued by his perswasion the last of Nouember wrote to the King of Fraunce humbly desiring him that he would receiue them into his charge and defence beeing in number 1023. footemen and 200. hosemen But the King commended the determining of these businesse to the States of Holland The Arch-duke Ernestus died at Bruxells as some say of a melancholy for that hee might not marrie the Infant of Spaine and that the names of his house of Austriche against the Turkes and his owne against the confederates had no better successe that he was not onely despised of the enemie but of the Spaniards and that hee had receiued no Letters a long time from the king amongst whose Councell hee had many enemies hee died of the age of 42. a very modest and sober Prince who was seldome seene to laugh This winter dyed Amurathe the 3. the 14. Emperour of the house of Othoman and the very best thereof beeing not so cruell as the other hee was much giuen to pleasure His eldest sonne succeeded him in the Empire beeing of the age of 29. yeares The Castle and Citie of Strigon by Ister after it had bene three and fiftie yeares vnder the tyrannie of the Turkish Emperour by the valour and industrie of Count Charles Mansfield was deliuered to the Christians which victorie hee sawe not for he died at the siege thereof of a lingring disease This Prince was from his childhood brought vp in martiall affaires and shewed himselfe a good subiect to the King of Spaine his maister The King of Fraunce hauing got absolution from the Pope sent by his Embassadors Letters and thankes to him and in them promised all obedience to the Apostolicke Sea of Rome Christopher Mountdragon a Spaniard Gouernour of the Castle of Antwerpe and Captaine of the
Subtilties of the Romane Court. Deceits of the Roman court Notable misteries O true Bulls That is of Sathan Marcel 2. The Popes Character is to be an enemie vnto the truth Marcel Inquisitor generall Ierome Vida Cremona The cause wherefore Vergerius was put from the Councel Paul 4. Theatin before hee was Pope confessed the truth A tumult at Geneua Vlpian victualled Mariēbourg The Lucarnois demanded the Gospell Dissention of the Supper renewed by thē of Breme Hambourge The death of Frederick Palatin A wonder in the Country of Aouste Pruse receiueth the confession of Ausbourge Iohn Functius Comete Parracide of three childrē Iourney at Ratisbone The returne of Charles the fift into Spaine The death of Dauid George Ferdinād 1. Of the Spanish Inquisition Martyrs of Spaine Other Marties of Spaine Diethmarsois brought vnder the yoke The death of Paul the 4. Pius the 4. elected Pope The marriage of Phillip King of Spaine with Elizabeth of France The state of France An. 1560. vnder Francis the 2. which died in the moneth of December The estate of Scotland The death of Melancton Warre in Piemont The begining of troubles in France Notable executions at Rome King Charls the ninth sacred Reconciliation of the Prince of Conde and Duke of Guise A conference at Poissy about matters of religion The death of Shuvenckfeld The state of France Frances Maximilian crowned king of the Romans and of Boheme The death of Peter Martyr The Duke of Guise slaine and peace made The estate of Almaine The Kings Maioritie A citation frō Rome against the Queene of Nauarre The Bishop of Wirtzbourge slaine Battaile betweene the Danes The end of the Councel of Trent The death of Musculus The death of Hiperius The death of Caluin A battaile betwixt y e Danes and Snedes Maximilian The death of Ferdinand The estate of the Flemish Churches War at Malte Deluges Warre in Hungary The death of Pope Pius 4. The death of Conrad Gesner An Edict against the Religion in the lowe Countries Pius 5. The violent death of the king of Scotland A league in Flaunders against the Inquisition War in Hungary Selim succeeded Soliman Iohn Functius others beheaded War against Iohn Frederick of Saxonie Images burst in the lowe Countries Troubles in the lowe Countries Continuation of troubles beginning of warre in the lowe Countries The death of the Duke of Brunswick Certaine Bayliwickes yeelded to the Duke of Sauoy The Duke of Alua commeth into the lowe Country and his first exployts The second ciuil warre in France Great deluges in Italie Cassimere bringeth succours to them of the Religion Reisters in France Siluer stayed The death of the Duke of Pruse The Prince of Orange and the Count of Hochstrate iustifie themselues Open warres in the lowe Countries The Counts d' Aigmont and d' Horne beheaded The Count Lodowick ouerthrowne The Prince of Orange taketh Armes The miserable estate of the Churches The death of the Prince of Spaine The king of Snede Three Moones at one instant Treuers besieged Exercise of Religion in Austrich The third ciuill warre in France A conference at Aldebourg Reisters in France The Queene of England tooke three Spanish ships The Duke de Deux Ponts leadeth an Armie into France Confiscations in the lowe Countries The Prince of Conde slaine An Imperiall Iourney The Popes present to the Duke of Alua. The death of the Sieur de Andelot Exercise of Religion in Austriche Great Duke of Thuscane An arrest against the Admirall The battle of Montcōtour Pardon of the Duke of Alua. A coniuration in England A continuation of warre in France Troubles for matters of Religion in Almaine The Turkes denounce war to the Venetians A Sinode in Polongne Exhortation vnto pacification A truce An Imperiall Iourney Executions to death The 3. Edict of pacificatiō The death of Iohn Brencius the father of vbiquitie Deluges in Friseland France and other Countries Nicosia taken Marriage of the King of Spaine Earthquakes Marriage of the King of France Deluges in France An Imperiall Iourney Peace betwixt Denmarke and Snede Vaiuoda of Transiluania A disputation against the Anabaptists A league against the Turke Raining of corne Rodes of the Muscouites Famagoste yeelded A strange Sun A Nauall battaile at Lepante A conference at Dresde The Duke of Nothfolke beheaded Strange wonders in Pruse Fire in Wirtzbourge A sharp winter Exactions of the Duke of Alua and resolutions in Flaunders Appearance of rest in France The death of Pope Pius the 5. and election of Gregory 13. The death of the Queene of Nauarre The ouerthrow of the Duke de Medina Coeli Alliance The Prince of Orange iustified himselfe to the Emperour The death of the King of Polongne War in y e lowe Countrie Horrible murders in Frāce A new starre Exploits of warre in Holland and Zeland Sieges of Rochel and Sancerre The siege and losse of Harlē Warre in Barbary Requescens ouerthrowne and Middlebourg yeelded Henry de Valois king of Polongne Peace betwixt the Venetians the Turke Troubles in France The ouerthrow of the Duke Christopher and of the Count Lodowick The death of Camerarius The death of Cosme de Medices Antwerpe pilled by the Spaniards The second besieging of Leiden A fire at Venice Bruxelles The taking and death of Montgommery The death of Charles 9. Leyden deliuered The death of Selym. The aftaires of France The estate of the lowe Countries The king of Poland lost his kingdome The death of Bullenger Rodolphe crowned king of Hungarie Boheme and of the Romans The estate of France The estate of low Country The death of Sinder A new king of Poland The death of Maximilian Rodolph 2. Rodolph 2. The death of Fr. Palatine of Khene The estate of France Salentinus Iohn de Austrich Mathias Archduke of Austria Sebastian King of Portugall The Parliament at Blois Syr Martin Forbisher Croisada A Comet Warre and other acccidēts in the lowe Countries Cassamire The Prince of Parma created Duke Free exercise of the reformed religion Malcontents The reformed Church at Antwerpe Prince of Parma An heretike burnt at Norwiche The estate of Almaine Irish rebellion Thomas Stukely The 2. voyage of Sebastian with his Army into Affrike The death of Sebastian Molucs death Mulei Mahamet drowned Hamet proclaimed king Monsieurs voyage into Flaunders Institution of the order of y e holy Ghost Maistricht taken The Turkes Almaine The death of Henry King of Protugall An Earthquake K. Phillip The death of the Duke of Sauoy The tyrannie of the Duke Alua. A blazing Star A Proclamation against Iesuites The death of Q. Anne Iesuites D. of Aniou The crueltie of a father Richard Atkins burned for religion The Queene of France discontented with king Phillip D. Alanson Ouids tombe The Prince of Orange shot Cardinall Albert. A Priest died for feare The death of the Duke of Alua. Charles Borgia The new Calender set forth by the Pope D. Saunders Amia banished Scotland The King of Nauarre Albertus Alasoo The death of Fr.
to the Princes Army arriued vpon the marches of Limosin where an hotte feauer tooke him and carried him out of the world the 11. day of Iune leauing for Commander of his troupes Wolrad Count de Masfeld who brought his Army nigh to the Princes foure daies after this accident and performed greatly his due with the other Lords that accompanied him in all the rest of this warre hereof is a witnesse that which happened in the encounter which was the 25. of that moneth at what time if a great ruine had not come the Army of the Catholicke Romanes had bene ouerthrowne yet they loft a great number of their auantgard and afterward the Princes got many places in Poictou Although the Princes were strong yet they neuer ceased to demaund peace but their Herauld was not suffred to carrie their request vnto the king so warre was continued and the Princes besieged Poiters where they lost time and many people by diseases happening in their Campe. Whilest things were thus confused in Fraunce and Flaunders the Emperour Maximilian the 18. day of August suffered the Lords and Gentlemen of the Archduche of Austrich to enioy a free exercise of Religion in their Townes Villages and Castles after the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge The 27. of the same moneth Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence was created and after solemnly proclaimed at Rome great Duke of Thuscane by the declaration of the Pope Pius the fift The Parliament of Paris condemned the Admirall as guiltie of treason who notwithstanding was of great authoritie in the Princes Army couragiously acquiting himselfe of the charge he carried without any apprehension of the daungers wherevnto he was still subiect by murderers and poisoners which were daily sent to sley him One of which who had once bene his chamberlaine was put to death for the like attempt by the sentence of the Princes Lords and Captains of the Army the 21. of September After the one Army had long time sought the other finally they encountred in the plaine of Montcontour the third of October and there was a generall battaile wherein after great losse of both sides but more of the Princes especially of their Lansquenets and a part of their French footemen the field remained vnto the Catholicke Romanes which made great triumphes thereof through Europe But in lieu of following their victory they stayed vpon the siege of the Towne of S. Iohn d' Angeli which was yeelded to them by composition at the end of certaine weekes during which time the besieged occupied themselues so well that the Catholickes lost many thousands of men and that of the most resolute of their troupes by meanes whereof the Princes had meanes to reassure theyr people to gather in their forces and to prouide for the affaires of warre so that the Catholickes found themselues againe to begin The sixteenth of Nouember the Duke of Alua caused to bee published in the lowe Countries certaine Letters of absolution and pardon of the king of Spaine for such as were absent and would returne into their houses but this deceit serued for nothing but to bring in birdes too much alreadie tamed with the too much violence of so bloudie a Fowler The 24. there was discouered in England a coniuration or rebellion of certaine Earles which would haue planted Poperie in that Kingdome But the Queene prouided there so well for all things that their forces remained wholy vnprofitable The third of December S. Iohn d' Angeli was yeelded by composition Sansac other Catholick Romanes were shamefully chased from before the Towne of Vezelay in Bourgongne after great losse of his brauest souldiers to the number of 150. The rest of the yeare passed in diuers exployts of warre heere and there to the great hurt of both parts and to the ruine of the kingdome In the beginning of the yeare 1570. the Princes and Lords of the Religiō of the kingdome of France desiring peace had diuers negotiations about it but at that time nothing was concluded but warre continued the Churches then being very desolate The Theologians of the Countrey of Saxony being then in great contention for the intelligence of certaine Articles of Christian doctrine namely of Iustification of free will of good workes of things indifferent and of the presence of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper By occasion whereof they assembled themselues in a Towne of the Duchie d' Aumale called Zeruest where by the stepping in of a certaine Doctor of Tubingue called Iames Andrew a man then very renowmed in all Almaine through the Prouinces whereof hee had not ceased certain yeares to runne to cause that monstrous opinion of the vbiquitie of Christs body to be receiued by the meanes whereof the errors of Nestorius and of Eutiches auntient heretikes and their complices are againe renewed there was made a certaine agreement which after was reiected and controwled by diuers Theologians Heerevpon afterward happened greater troubles which euen at this day doo endure by the practises and slaunders of that vbiquitarie Doctor Whilest the Christians contended with their voyces with their writings and blowes of sworde in diuers places of Europe and that the Westerne Antichrist sought by all meanes to maintaine his tyrannie the Antichrist of the East did what hee could by meanes of Selim Soliman his successor the Turke to encrease his domination For Selim sent his Embassador who arriued the 27. of March at Venice and denounced warre against the Venetians if they refused to yeeld him the I le of Cyprus Which they refusing there was preparation for warre on both sides The 4. of Aprill the Ministers of the Churches of Lithuania and Sathogitia comprehended in the kingdome of Polongne held a Sinode in the Towne of Sendomire where they agreed vpon certaine Articles touching the Mediatorship of Iesus Christ and the holy Supper to the end they might all agree in one concordance of doctrine During this time the troubles of France continued The Electors Palatin and of Saxonie assembled at Heidelberge with certaine Princes and great Lords of Almaine for to honour the marriage of Duke Cassimere who espowsed Elizabeth daughter of the Duke of Saxonie sent large Letters to the king to exhort and induce him to enter into a pacification About the end of Iune the king of Polongne and the Muscouite made a truce for three yeares The Muscouite was then sore troubled with extreame famine In the moneth of Iuly the estates of the Empire were assembled at Spire to prouide for the affaires quietnesse of Almaine The Emperor was there in person with his two daughters Marie and Elizabeth which were affianced vnto the kings of Spaine and France vnto which they were sent In the moneth of August the Duke of Alua put to death in the Towne of Antwerpe a great number of souldiers of the garrison of Valenciennes for a mutinie against