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A17722 Thirteene sermons of Maister Iohn Caluine, entreating of the free election of God in Iacob, and of reprobation in Esau A treatise wherin euery Christian may see the excellent benefites of God towardes his children, and his maruelous iudgements towards the reprobate, firste published in the French toung, & now translated into English, by Iohn Fielde, for the comfort of all Christians.; Treze sermons de l'election gratuite de Dieu en Jacob et de la rejection en Esau. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1579 (1579) STC 4457; ESTC S107264 201,134 366

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further that which is heere giuen vs let vs apply for our helpe too make vs run on the more swiftly but if there bee any thing that hinder vs yea though it were our very eye as our Lord Iesus Christ saith that our eye may rather bee plucked out and wee rather desire too enter into the kingdome of Heauen blinde then hauing al our senses sounde to go into euerlasting destruction So then to conclude let vs rather loue hunger thirst then to cramme and stuffe our bellies and in the meane time not to regarde euerlasting lyfe For wee must not bee so snared in these corruptible and transitorie thinges that wee can not alwayes lift vp our senses and affections on high to the end through hope to be Citizens of the kingdome of heauen But nowe let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences praying him that it will please him in such sorte to make vs to feele them that it may serue to make vs there to open them and that wee may learne in such sorte to fight against all temptations that if wee must indure many pouerties and miseryes in this worlde howsoeuer it bee that this doe not turne vs to wickednesse and make vs to decline from the right pathe but that euery one maye heere resiste bothe him selfe as also all his desires and all his passions and that wee may serue our GOD in such sorte that if it will please him to proue our patience in leauing vs destitute of meanes and of the commodities of this worlde that wee may beare all with a quiet and peaceable courage vntill wee be receiued into this blessed inheritaunce where we shall not lacke any thing what soeuer it bee but there wee shall haue the fulnesse of all ioy and happynesse That not onely c. ❧ The sixth Sermon of Iacob and Esau Genesis 26. 1 Now there was a great famine in that land farre greater then that first famine that was in the daies of Abraham Wherefore Isaack went vnto Abimelech the King of the Philistines into Gerar 2 For the Lorde appearing vnto him had sayde Goe not downe into Egypt but dwel in the land which I shall tel thee 3 Be a straunger in this land and I will be with thee and blesse thee For to thee and thy seede I will giue all these countryes that I may establish the othe which I haue sworne to Abraham thy father 4 I will multiply thy seede that it may bee infinite as the starres of Heauen and I will giue vnto thy seede all these Countryes and all the nations of the Earth shall repute them selues blessed in thy seede 5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voyce and obserued my ordinaunce my commaundementes my statutes and my lawes WEE sawe yesterday howe Iacob forsooke his meate for that spirituall benefite which GOD had promised vnto him and heereby it appeareth that he had more care of his soule than of his body Here we haue an example though not altogither like in Isaack his father yet cōming very neere it For we see how Isaack had more regarde to the spirituall inheritance than to all that concerned this brittle and transitorie life Hee was oppressed with famine there is no doubt but that it was not his ease to goe into Egypt But when he was let by an expresse commaundement it was a signe that his courage tended thitherwardes because his commoditie likewise drew him God staieth his iourney and hee obeyeth Wee see then that Isaack lefte not onely a messe of Pottage but hee seeing that hee coulde endure much woe for a yeeres space notwithstanding hee withhelde himselfe and sought no refuge in Egypte and remayned in the land of Gerar which specially coulde not be altogither exempted frō pouertie which was a parte of that countrie For it is impossible when there is any famine but that the neighbour and neere places must also feele it It may easily be gathered that then there was no dearth in Egypt So that Isaack heere sheweth vs that although temptations be great if we bee destitute of that which is necessary to maintaine vs that yet notwithstanding we must alwaies hold vs to the wil of God and rather forget all our cases and prepare our selues patiently to suffer al wante and necessitie than to seeke our commodities as it were against the will of god This is the first poynt that we haue to marke in this history Nowe it is sayde There was a great famine in the land a greater then that former that was in the dayes of Abraham For there had beene twoo that Moyses already had rehearsed vnto vs Assoone as Abraham was arriued into the land of Canaan hee was faine to depart this was a very hard combate vnto him seeing that God had shewed him that land that he had cōceiued great ioy for that he shuld be put in possessiō therof now a little after he must be chased out and become as it were a poore vagabond and go downe into Egypt because he found not any succour else where The secōd time he also withdrewe himselfe into the lande of the Philistines which was of the very same countrie that was promised vnto him and vnder the Kinge of Gerar not he of whom now mention is made for all called him Abimilech which is asmuch to say as My father the king this was not only an honorable title but also expressed that kings gouerned not by tyranny did deuoure vp their subiectes but had a fatherly care ouer them whom God had committed to their charge When then it is saide that this famine came as the other this is to shewe vnto vs that altogither like as God had proued the faith of Abraham and his constancie so likewise he would call his sonne to the like tryall For as Isaack was heyre of the promise so also must it needes be that he succeed his father in that which was promised to the childrē of God For we must shewe by the effect that we so esteeme heauenly benefites to which God hath called vs that we passe through the worlde and that we faile not howsoeuer we be afflicted after diuers sundry maners Marke then wherto Moyses hath regarde when he compareth these two famines that is to shewe vs that when Abraham was tempted it was not onely for his owne cause but his sonne also muste be like him But by the way we are called the sōnes of Abraham and of Isaack it behoueth then that our faith be examined as it shall seeme good vnto god It is very true that wee shal be more confounded and that is because we haue not receiued so great a measure of strength Marke therefore the cause why God supporteth our infirmitie but yet this is not to the ende that our faith shoulde bee idle So then we are heere warned by the spirit of God that beeing in this worlde wee must be subiect to many miseryes and
with the blood of our Lord Iesus Christ for otherwise they shal be but prophane defiled but when the bloud of our lord Iesus Christ shal be applied therin certainely our Prayers shal be pure they shal be cōsecrated in such sort that God wil accept of thē And when wee shall call vpon God euery one in the secret of his owne hearte let vs laboure also to drawe our neighbours therto to the intent that he may be gloryfied in the middest of vs with one accorde And as we ought to be knit togither in one Fayth so also let vs haue but one mouth too protest that we holde him for our father and Sauiour and that we are wholly his But now wee will fall downe before the maiestie of our good God in the acknowledgement of our faultes praying that it will please him in such sorte to make vs feele them that it may bee to make vs to bee displeased with our selues for them and to make vs to lament before his iudgement seate to the intente wee may bee absolued through his mercie forasmuche as wee shoulde iustly bee condemned by his iudgemente And that it will please him to strengthen vs so as wee fainte not whatsoeuer miseryes wee haue too suffer in this worlde but wee may meditate in his woorde in such sorte that the onely promise which he hath giuen vnto vs to holde vs for his children may content vs and that wee may be armed therewith to the ende to submit our selues to his wil peaceably to beare all afflictions that he shall send vs that we may gloryfie him also in our heartes without any faigning or hypocrisie and that wee may labour also to show the frutes of our faith before men and that by this meanes he may bee honoured of all bothe of small and greate And that hee will not onely shewe vs this grace but also to all peoples nations of the Earth c. ❧ The tenth Sermon of Iacob and Esau Genesis 26. 26 Nowe Abimilech comming vnto him to Gerar with Achuzath his friende and Picol the Captaine of his hoast 27 Isaack sayth vnto them why came you vnto me seeing you hated me and haue sent me away from you 28 Who saide vnto him vve savv for asuretie that Iehouah was with thee therefore we sayd Let there be an othe betweene vs that is betvvene vs thee Let vs therfore strike a couenant with thee 29 Aske vengeance vpon thy selfe if thou shalt hurt vs like as vve haue not touched thee and like as wee haue don thee good and haue sente thee away vvith peace Doe thou consent now thou hlessed of the Lord. 30 When therefore he had made them a feast they did eate and drinke And rysing in the morning they svvore either to other And Isaack led them foorth and they vvent from him vvith peace 31 And it came to passe that the selfe same day Isaacks seruantes comming vnto him shewed him concerning that wel which they had digged and said vnto him we haue found waters 32 And he called the same Sohibbah therefore the name of the Citie is Beer-schebah euen vntill this day Chapter 27. verse 1. NOW when Esau was fortie yeeres olde he maryed a wife named Iudith the daughter of Beer the Chithite and Basmatha the daughter of Elon the Chithite 2 Who were a greefe of minde to Isaack and Rebecca HOwsoeuer men liuinge in this worlde are subiect to many miseryes and afflictions yet neuerthelesse the moste parte of the euils that they indure proceede from them selues euery one of them being as a Woolf to his companion We are compassed about with sauadge beastes who are altogither our enemyes there is neither Heauen nor earth nor other elements that doe not bring with them a thousand hurts We knowe not howe to goe vpon the water but we must be within halfe a foote of our death There needs but one torment to swallow vp a people The earth also hath many annoyaunces as if God had threatened vs on euery side But when we shall make comparison there are no wilde beastes nor heauen nor earth nor any thing whatsoeuer which so much annoyeth men as eche one annoyeth his neighbour Nowe for this cause we ought to think it a singular benefit of God bestowed vpon vs whē he giueth vs peace that we are not oppressed wrōged on euery side when no mischief is deuised against vs no hurt nor damage done vnto vs It must needes be that the protection of God haue a hand in it seing that euery man will alwayes bee as a Woulfe vnto his neighbours as we haue said And this is the marke whereunto this present story tendeth For Moyses would shewe that after God had appeared to Isaack he yet farther declareth his fauor vnto him in that the Kinge of Gerar came vnto him sought his amitie and friēdship hereby was Isaack honoured and specially it was vnto him a great aduantage because he might alwayes haue beene in doubte in asmuche as hee had beene greatly inuied in the countrie and had beene constrayned to departe from thence notwithstanding he had liued amongst them in all humanitie and courtesie He might therefore haue beene alwayes in great suspence fearing the rage of his neighbours But God made them to come vnto him of their owne accorde and not onely to shew themselues friends but they flatter him feare that he wil hurt them and therfore they demaund a couenant to bee made betweene them with a solemne othe Now we haue to note here first of all that God hath the heartes of men in his owne hand to mollifie their hardnes when it pleaseth him to abate al their rage and to turne them to curtesie kindnes for certainly the king of Gerar had not changed his nature when he came to Isaack on the other side if he feared Isaack he might haue cōspired with his subiects neighbors and so haue set vpon him altogither On the other side hee had giuen no occasion to doubte of him in asmuch as Isaack had not giuen him any argumente of distrusting him hee rather had behaued himselfe in such sort that he plainly declared that he desired not to greeue any no not so much as his presence For we haue seene howe hee departed from their company It must needs be therefore that God stirred vp these prophane people to cause them to come vnto Isaack and to submit themselues as they doe with such humilitie that they intreate a poore man a stranger who had no great credite amongst them nor had any but his owne familie which he kepte aparte without giuing any token of attempting any such matter Before God had laid the bridle in their neck but this was to proue the patiēce of his seruāt For whē he was denied water that in the end it was said vnto him that he was strōger then they that he could be no longer suffred there is no doubt but that God then
she had regard vnto Gods election and that she alwayes held that which had byn said that Iacob must be preferred we haue here to iudge that she was not passionate and affected as women that would lightly set themselues against their husbands when they see that some of their children shall not bee so much esteemed they will the more set their affections vpon them But wee cannot iudge so of Rebecca and why so Because we see as I haue already said that she alwayes referred her self to God ment to obay that which he had pronounced She would vndoubtedly that both the children might haue beene reserued in the Church but seeing shee sawe the one shut out and that there was none but the lesser and inferiour that God allowed off she yeelded thereto Nowe heere we see that our Lorde sometimes will suffer those which haue the more vertues and greater giftes of the holy Ghoste yet neuerthelesse to fall and that they who were not yet so aduaunced as they should outgoe them I meane in some respect For if wee make comparison of Isaack with Rebeca it is certaine that hee hauing beene brought vp in the house of his father hauing receiued so great instruction in his youth had generally a greater faith then Rebecca But beholde a particular action wherin he fayleth and wherin his vice sheweth it self And yet Rebecca who lately crawled out of a den of idolatrie as we knowe that in her fathers house there was nothing but superstitions the countrie was altogither corrupted this poore woman although she knew not God in her youth yet notwithstanding she was so wel taught and instructed of the holy Ghoste that she out-went her husband Nowe for this cause they too whom God hath reached out the hande betimes and whom he hath lifted vp to be as mirrors vnto others let thē learne alwayes to walke with greater carefulnesse And why so For there needeth but one wrye step to make them to fall so grosely that euery one wil be ashamed of them And therefore let vs learne that allbeit our Lord haue generally framed and fashioned vs by his holy spirit in such sorte that euery one hath vs in admiration that yet in particular cases we may offende Therefore let vs alwayes stand vpon our watch Moreouer they which are the moste excelent whē they shall come to faile in some poynt let them not make a buckler of this that they haue done so many good deedes and worthy of praise let them not alleadge their valiant deedes as they say but let them acknowledge them selues for such as they be and say Wel I perceiue that God would haue me to acknowledge that I am a weak man and farther that I should acknowledge in general that it is not in men to vphold thēselues for there needeth but one faulte alone to cause vs to be cut off frō the church And whē God hath cast vs of what shal become of vs So let vs learne al these thinges in the person of our father Isaack when we see that he was so blinded and that he neuer remembred that he was as a rebel to God in esteeming that which God had reiected and despising his younger sonne too whome notwithstanding God had giuen this testimony That he must rule in his house Now in the meane tyme although that Rebecca had bin wel guided in her affection and that shee had sought to obay God yet it could not be but there must be some quarel betwene thē as oftentimes it falleth out And this is that which Moyses saith That Isaack loued Esau and Rebecca loued Iacob and when hee speaketh so it is as if hee woulde shewe that there was some strife in the house and that they coulde not agree togither to say that the husbād the wife shuld loue their children alike as by nature they ought to haue bin enclyned thereto or rather that they knewe that the wil of God was that they shoulde haue loued the yonger Now we are warned in this behalfe that albeit our affections be wel grounded tend to a good ende that notwithstanding there ●●e alwayes crossings which are blame woorthy As for example I seeke to followe God and fully to conforme my selfe vnto his will but there are resistings it must needes be that I must incurre displeasure of the one and purchase an enemie of the other if I discharge my dutie Likewise it is true that the beginning shal be good when I shall desire too doe well and that I shall onely looke vnto God but eueranon it wil befall vnto vs that in our good zeale we shall be too excessiue that we shal haue carnal passions in vs To be short they which shal be the best guyded and who haue greatest perfection it is very certaine that they shal yet passe measure in this place and that they shal shew themselues men and so much the more ought we to suspect our passions and albeit wee see that the end be not good yet we shall not cease to fall therin Againe we also haue a good warning to leaue all contradictions For it is not without cause that the scripture exhorteth vs so oftē vnto this vnion to be of one minde and of one mouth And why so For when we agree in such sorte eche one stirreth vp his neighbour helpeth to bring him vnto god But contrariwise whē we are quarrelling in contention and strife not onely one letteth and hindreth another as it is cōmonly said there needs but one restife Horse to hinder the whole teame but yet ther is a worse matter to wit that when wee striue for the seruice of GOD wee cease not to forgette our selues in some respects and many things escape vs the which we woulde not let slip if we were out of strife contention This therfore is the matter we haue to learne And these examples are dayly seen amongst vs in the church For the best seruāts of God they that are indewed with most excellēt graces yea who striue for the trueth yet neuertheles cannot alwaies so bridle themselues that they be not quarrelling showe themselues men and yet God alloweth their zeale and that which they doe And why so For bicause they haue a good beginning and they haue a right end but as I haue said there is alwaies infirmitie mingled therewith Let vs therfore say I alwaies marke this in this example of Isaack and Rebecca Againe wee haue farther to note that if some times we shall not agree so as we ought as were meete conuenient as we ought to bend enforce our selues that yet neuerthelesse wee must make no deuorse betwixt our selues neither bee quite separated asunder For although this was a notable vice that Isaack Rebecca were thus diuided in the loue which they bare vnto their children yet they cōtinued to serue God Isaack did neuer pretende to abolishe this oracle that is to say this same answere
to the ende that the shortnesse thereof be not obscure vnto vs we haue further more perfection in the gospel Seeing God then hath reueled vnto vs that which is profitable for vs to knowe vvee muste not desire visions at this day but as often as wee shall be in any perplexitie or doubte wee must haue recourse vnto the Scriptures and when wee shall think vpon the meanes let vs marke whether the same be permitted vnto vs and whether God allowe of them And whē we shall find that the meanes which shall come into our heades be not agreeable to the wil of God according as it is contayned in the lawe and in the Gospel that we then forsake all Marke how we haue to followe our father Isaack yea to ouercome this temptation which is very heauye and troublesome that is to say when we haue nothing wherewith to bee nourished and fed but a very small pittance For oftentimes the vnbeleeuers are founde to haue thirtie times more then is necessary for them likewise a man shal find prodigal dissolute persons that wil wast and spende all the benefites of God yea and they will make hauock of them But what of the poore faithful ones hauing traueled for to maintaine their life yet scarsely doe they finde in the ende howe to get their bread When therfore we see that God wil oftentimes thus proue those that are his let euery one prepare him selfe thereto and let vs not be abashed although that our Lorde doe handle vs with such rigour and seueritie Neuerthelesse this is not to defeate vs of that which hee hath promised vs or not to holde vs for his childrē let vs acknowledge that the office of feeding and nourishing vs appertaineth vnto him and that he wil doe it although not according to our desires and fantasie And moreouer when we see that God presseth vs not thereto that hunger should driue vs as they say from doore to doore let vs knowe that he beares so much with vs by reason of our weakenes This is the summe of that we haue to learne cōcerning the example of Isaack But heere a question mig●● be asked Why God permitteth our father Abraham to goe into Egypt and forbiddeth his sonne Isaack But concerning this wee haue to note that God knoweth who we are what our strength is and according to this also he suffereth vs not to be temted aboue our strength as S. Paule hath spoken calling him faithfull in this behalfe God then knoweth that which he hath put into vs for that which is there of nature shall alwayes be to throw vs downe but when he hath giuen vnto vs any power of his holy spirit he knoweth whether it be in little or in great portion ▪ according to this also he exerciseth our faith our patience when he seeth that we are weake he suffereth vs not to be tempted so strongly Marke then how this came to passe and this diuersitie which is heere put betweene Abraham Isaack is to showe that the faithful shall not alwayes be alike handled of God for this reason that I haue alledged Isaack was the successor of Abraham he had the promise and in this that hee was tryed and examined by diuers afflictions it is euidently seene that God made him to passe by one and the selfe same path but notwithstanding as I haue already said it followeth not that hee had one and the like rule in all pointes For our Lorde supporteth whome he will and when hee suffreth men to be more hardly intreated by and by hee likewise fortifieth and strengtheneth them Abraham forsooke not to returne to the countrie of Canaan after he had dwelte in Egypt but God also draweth him out of Egypt as if hee had hild him by the hand For hee might longe time haue remained there seing himselfe rich there but he might haue beene hated of the inhabitantes therfore God draweth him from thence he might lykewise haue done the like to Isaack but we must not set him a lawe If any man reply heere could not God haue giuē aswel an inuincible constancy to Isaack that he should not haue slepte there and could he not haue made aswell him to haue returned Yes very wel but can we binde him to that It behoueth that he gouerne vs according to his infinite wisedome and not according to our foolish dreames and fantasies Let vs mark well then that when there is such a diuersitie in the tentations of the faithfull it is because God knoweth what euery one will be able to beare And alwayes let vs haue recourse to this sentence of S. Paule That wee hope in him if he examine vs if he place vs in the battel if he trye vs with many greefes that notwithstanding he will prouide for this that we shall not bee altogither ouercome or vanquished Marke wherfore it was forbidden Isaack to goe into Egypt Now it is said vnto him That he should dwel in the countrie of Canaan and that God will alwayes be with him and that he wil fulfill the othe which he had sworne vnto his father Abraham This is to say that he would multiply his sede as the stars of heauen that in his seede all the nations of the earth should be blessed Here we se why god suffred not Isaack to go into Egipt that is that he might not forget the promise which had by giuen vnto him concerning the land of Canaan likewise that he should content himselfe therein and altogither rest him self there Now if Isaack who was so excellent in the faith as wee see by all his life to whom the holy Ghost hath giuē such a testimonie had such need neuertheles to be so bridled what shal become of vs Euē so we ought not to maruel if our Lord doe oftētimes holde vs as it were chained in and that he giue vs not licence to roue heere and there for he knoweth that this shall be to cast vs to vtter confusiō So in asmuch as we haue so slippery a memorie insomuch as there needeth nothing to cause vs to stray so as we knowe no more which shal be our right way this is the cause why our Lord giueth vs not so great libertie as we would And likewise as often as we are holden within straighter boūdes than our fantasie desireth let vs knowe that if our Father Isaack had such neede thereof we by greater reason who are come nothing so neere to such excellencie of vertue as he haue greater neede Nowe in the meane time wee see that in Isaack which ere while was declared to bee in Abraham God saith vnto him that hee will giue him all those countryes that hee sawe and through which he walked yea but notwithstanding hee sayeth vnto him Thou shalte dwel there as a straunger Marke twoo thinges which yet seeme contrary For if God will giue him that land for a possession Why doth he not hasten it Why doth hee suffer him
off that by good right But if heerein wee suffred alone there were no daunger the worste is that the name of God is blasphemed through our wickednesse So then let vs learne by this example to become so tractable apte to be taught wrought vppon that when GOD shall reprooue vs wee willingly suffer our selues to bee condemned of him and that we be ashamed of our selues to the ende that our shame and infamie be not discouered and laide open to the whole worlde Loe then what we haue farther to learne of this place But it is saide that Abimilech complayning to Isaack added It was not farre off that some of the people had not lien by thy wife and thou caused greate euil to come vppen vs. Concerning the first pointe heere Isaack is reproued of his inconsideration and follie For that asmuch as was in him hee layde his wife open to be defyled And why so Wee haue seene beefore that the husband ought to be as a vayle or couerture to his wife When a woman shal be maryed and that her husband shall liue with her doeing his duetie this is to the end shee may be there as it were in sauegarde and that none come to deceaue nor defile her Now therfore Isaack for the discharging of his dutie ought to haue beene as a vaile or couerture to his wife that is to say vnder the name of a husband and of mariage he ought to haue let that none should haue attempted to withdrawe her whether it were to haue her to wife or after any other manner For mariage is as a sauegarde as wee haue saide and God woulde haue it honoured in all ages And although adulterers woulde abandon it as Swine and Asses yet notwithstanding they haue alwayes had remorse in it and euermore euen amongst he Panims adulterers went not vnpunished It is knowē that if euer any thing in this world was priuiledged it was mariage yea thefts other crimes ought a great deale rather to bee borne with then such enormities to wit when the couenant cōpany which God hath dedicated in his name to the ende it should be holy as it were separated from prophanation is violated When therefore this was violated the Painims knewe that it was so greate an abhomination that in no wise it ought to bee borne with Now therefore by the way Abimilech findeth faulte with Isaack concerning this that hee had thus prostituted his wife asmuch as lay in him And we are taught by this doctrin to meete with daungers afore hand and not to tempte God by our rashnesse and follie Let vs take good heede therefore howe wee cloke euill and as a man would say shut the doore against God so that through our rashenesse and vnaduisednesse God be offended Loe then the wisedome which wee ought to haue and therefore because we haue it not we must aske it of god But now for the seconde matter Abimilech sayth Thou haddest made great euill to come vpon vs. And howe when any of the people had committed adultery that he had so offended what greefe soeuer it had beene hee should onely haue deserued to be punished and ought then a whole countrie to haue answered it Nowe we see heere that a miserable heathen an vnbeleeuer and a poore blinde person knewe that the land shoulde be defiled by an adulterer and that if this remained vnpunished notwithstanding before God loe an whole people culpable therein in respect of the temporall punishment It is true that God knoweth how to turne the chastisements that hee sendeth to them that are innocent from that faulte to their profite For if they suffer which consented not vnto the euill this shall not bee altogither as if they had beene faultie But God turneth this to their saluatiō In the meane while so it is that he neuer chastiseth thē without cause if we see it not now with our eye yet when all those registers shal be opened then we shall finde that God hath not gone as they say indirectly and awry And when hee sendeth generall punishmentes vpon a whole people for one particular fault as it semeth neuerthelesse he knoweth well that all bee not innocent therein as it is expressely said heere and as also Abimilech vnderstoode For when adulter●●● are committed and be not punished loe an infection which creepeth ouer the whole land but shall we yet say that a man is innocent therin when we close our eyes when we suffer all this to ouerflowe Although a man be no iudge but a priuate person yet he ought to oppose himself asmuch as lyeth in him Nowe on the otherside there is not any one but he spreadeth the sayle in steade that hee should let the euill if wee had the courage and zeale of God we would procure that he might bee serued and honoured as he is woorthy But this wee doe not there is a certaine faintnesse and sluggishnesse in all To be short vices neuer raigned and had swaye in any Countrie but bothe greate and small were partakers therein by reason of their too much patience or dissimulation or coldenesse Marke then why God punisheth sinnes not without cause But moreouer concerning adulterie wee see what a miserable Heathen hath pronounced Let vs therefore bee ashamed when such a greate euill shall raigne in the middest of vs and let vs know that there shal neede no other Iudge to condemne vs vs I say that haue beene baptised in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe when we shall maintaine such filthynesses infections seeing a poore miserable blinde Heathen knewe well what haynous enormitie there was in such a vice Loe then what we haue to learne that wee may make our profite of this place And farther let vs learne to honour Mariage seeing God hath dedicated it and that it is a couenaunt which he hath consecrated in his name that also it bee maintained in his honour and dignitie and that bothe Husbandes and Wiues dwell in such honestie one with the other that eche one may gouerne their houses in peace and quietnesse and that there bee no loosnesse amongst vs but that wee knowe that we haue better profited in the Schoole of GOD then our Father Isaacke had doone in this poynt forasmuch as hee declined therein But now let vs prostrate ourselues before the high maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences praying him that it will please him to make vs feele the infirmities vices that are in vs to the end that we may bee displeased therwith in such sorte that we may fight against them and not to giue our selues any libertie therein and when we haue offended that we may bee touched with such repentaunce that we may returne to him and mourne for them vntill he haue reformed vs by his holy spirit and haue drawen vs into a good way after that we shall haue strayed from it And that withall he would in the meane while so supporte vs in
our weakenesse that we neuer leaue to be his Children albeit we honour him not as our father as were meete And that he will not onely shewe vs this fauour but also to all peoples nations of the earth c. ❧ The eight Sermon of Iacob and Esau Genesis 26. 11 And Abimilech commaunded all his people saying He that shall touch this man or his wife he shall vndoutedly dye the death 12 Now Isaack sowing in that lande he got euery yeere an hundred measures so did Iehoua blesse him 13 So did that man increase and growe on with a continual increase euen vntill he was very rich 14 For hee had great possession of flockes and possession of droues and so great a familie that the Philistians inuied him ▪ 15 And they dammed vp all the Welles which his fathers seruantes had digged in the time of his father Abraham filling them vp with earth 16 So as Abimilech said vnto Isaack Departe from vs for thou art made more mightier then we 17 Therefore Isaack departed from thence and pitching his tentes in the valley of Gerar he setled there 18 For Isaack had digged againe the wels of water which they had digged in the time of Abraham his father and which the Philistines had dammed vp after the death of Abraham he had giuen them names according to the names which his father had giuen them 19 And the seruants of Isaack digging in the same valey they found there a well of liuing waters 20 Now the Shepheards of Gerar contended with Isaacks shepheardes saying These waters are ours Wherefore they called the name of that wel Hesek because they had mooued strife with them of their owne accorde 21 Afterwards when they had digged another Wel they contended also for that Wherfore he called the name of that Sitnah WEE haue seene howe God had pittie vppon Isaack althoughe hee was woorthy to haue beene forsaken in the time of his necessitie For this was a singular fauour that Rebeccaes chastitie was kept because Isaack had giuen it ouer asmuch as was in him forsaken it for the sauegarde of his owne life Loe a distrust which deserued rather seuere chastisement but yet would God supporte him and be the protector of his wife who otherwise was forsaken Now it is said heere that God stretched out his mercy farther that is to say that he would haue Isaack to be in safetie for the time to come and that none should molest him either in his owne person or concerning his wife And in very deede it must needes be that this prouision was frely giuē him For it might haue byn layd in his dish that he had not greatly passed that his wife had byn put to shame and reproch And this was to cause him euery day to haue many quarrels But heerin God tryeth him and yet he vseth the King of the coūtrie to the end he might be in rest to the end that none shuld come to assaile him It is therfore ordained that none shal touch him vpon pain of death Now this was don by special priuiledge according to that we haue aleaged out of the Psal. That God for the fauour he did beare to Abrahā Isaack euen chastised Kings rebuked peoples but yet so much as we may gather that Abimilech beeing seazed with feare made a decree the which was very right And why was not this lawe perpetual Because that men who haue not the liuely roote of the feare of God doe nothing but by force and violence there is no holde nor constancie in them as we shal finde oftentimes But in asmuch then as Abimilech perceiued that if Isaack were offended or that any did him any wrong that this shoulde not remaine vnpunished that God would take vengeaunce of it Loe why he was thus brideled Now this is rehearsed vnto vs aboue all to the ende wee might knowe how God hath kept his owne though they haue dwelt amongst wicked cruel people as it were amongst sauage beastes neuerthelesse hee hath mayntained them by his power this is to the end that we likewise shuld trust in him For the goodnesse of God which he vsed towards our olde fathers is not only rehearsed vnto vs to the end that we should know that he was then pitifull towards them which trusted in him but that we should not doute that he wil suffer vs to be molested at this day so that wee haue our refuge vnto him and when we knowe that he will be on our side that we be also certaine that he wil maintaine our parte and that his protection wil be inough for vs against whatsoeuer men shal be able to attempt or deuise against vs. When therfore we shal haue such an affiaunce the example of Isaack which is here rehearsed vnto vs ought too serue vs for an instruction as if God should shew vs his hand stretched out to help and succour vs in our neede And specially when our enemyes shal be strong and mightie and that nothing shal be able to let them here belowe from oppressing vs then let vs knowe that God wil not cease to put to his helping hand For we knowe what he hath saide by his Prophet Esay touching his Churche that it is more precious vnto him than all the Realmes and Empires of this world Nowe admitte wee be neuer so much despysed of worldlings that wee seeme not woorthy too them as a man woulde say to be caste too the Dogges Yet howsoeuer it be forasmuch as God hath once declared that wee are his flock and that he hath taken vs into his charge let vs assure our selues that he wil not fayle vs when we shall bee assaulted of them who torment vs and to whome it seemeth that God must not touch them But moreouer Moyses addeth That Isaack sowing he gathered an hundred measures That is to say an hundred times asmuch as hee sowed Heere a question might be asked seeinge Isaack had not one foote of land how hee coulde sowe But some imagine that hee had purchased some there but this were against all reason For it must bee that the fathers content them selues with the promise which was giuen them and that they dwell in the land of promise as straungers And in deede it is said soone after that Isaack pitched his tentes to declare that he had no certain house nor building We see therefore that he was a vagabonde in earth as was his father Abraham but he might well hyer some land to sowe therin For he had a great familie as we sawe Abraham him selfe had who gathered out of his house more then foure hundreth chosen men to enter into battel Isaack had not much diminished it as wee see likewise it must be that he could not bee much encreased especially dwelling in a straunge country he had hyred some farme or taken some lande to sowe therin according as we knowe that the ancient fathers although God had inriched them yet they ceased not
calling Esau his elder sonne he said vnto him My sōne who said vnto him Loe here I am 4 Then he saide Behold nowe I am waxed olde I know not the day of my death 5 Therfore take thy implements vnto thee I pray thee thy bowe and quiuer and goe into the fields and hunt some venisone for me 6 And prouiding some delicate dishes for me euē as I loue bring them vnto me that I may eate and my soule may blesse thee before I die 7 Nowe Rebecca heard Isaack when hee spake thus vnto Esau Esau went therefore into the fielde to hunt venison which he would bring 8 But Rebecca spake vnto Iacob her sonne saying Loe I heard thy father speaking vnto Esau thy brother saying 9 Bring mee venison and prouide mee some daintie dishes which I may eate afterwardes I will blesse thee before Iehoua before I die WE sawe yesterday howe Esau by his mariage shewed sufficiently ynough that he had no great care concerning that blessing whiche had bin promised to the house of Abraham his father For this was the stocke which must possesse the lande of Canaan It must therefore needes be that the people which dvvelled there then must be quite rooted out and this lande be vvholy dedicated to the people of god Likewise it must be purged from all polutions Loe howe Esau mingleth him selfe amongst them whom God had already condemned this therefore was a signe that he was falne from God for otherwise he could not haue drawen neare too that people And if he would haue bin an heire of the promise he should haue alwaies kept him selfe as one listed chained in and not haue mingled him self which was no other thing but to stoppe the course of the grace that was promised But as we haue seene he tooke wiues from amongest the Hethites Marke then howe hee renounced asmuch as lay in him the grace of God through vvhich the whole stocke of Abraham must possesse the lande of Canaan for an inheritance But there was yet a seconde faulte For hee tooke two vviues which vvas cōtrary to the lawe of mariage as wee haue seene For the sentence which God had pronoūced to rest vpō was that a man shall haue an helpe and not tvvoo nor three And further when Eua vvas created and that shee vvas giuē to Adā it is said that they should be two in one flesh Mark then the rule vvhich mē ought alvvaies to keepe So then vvee see that Esau euen brake the bounds of al honestie yea of nature it selfe that he vvas as a beastly man in this behalfe It is true that his graundfather Abraham had tvvo vviues but herein hee vvas too bee condempned And besides it was not his desire that prouoked him therevnto but his wife through ouermuch haste brought him to it And whē euery thing shal be wel waied it was an inconsiderat zeale that he had to enioy that which God had promised him that is to say that his seed should be blessed Nowe he had no childrē He tooke therfore a secōd wife but this was as I haue said to peruert the order that God had established He cōmitted euil therin but in Esau what can we alledge but that he was a dissolute man had nothing but vice wickednes in him so that hee could not distinguish betwene mariage and whoredome And this is the cause that he tooke two wiues Now it is very true that in this time mariage was il kept amongst the peoples of the East For they were alwayes much giuē to their fleshly lustes in such sort that beyond that which is called poligamie that is to say pluralitie of wiues they cōmitted incestes also very cōmonly And this was a natiō very beastly in this point that they made no accōpt to prophane mariage but this custome doth not therefore excuse Esau And so let vs marke wel that this shal be no excuse before God when wee shall say that euery man dooth so and that wee haue a great sorte of companions let vs not thinke too bee free thereby before him Notwithstanding when vices doo raigne in a countrie and men make a lawe against thē if some neglect them euery man flattereth himselfe and euery man taketh for his warrant those vvhich haue led him too destruction And say they such and such doe it well and after when men come vnto them and saye too them wherefore doe you so ô see such a one did it wel But we shall all bee put in a bundle togither and God knoweth very well howe too wryeth vs vp altogither like thornes when wee shall make a cloke of their vices who ought when they doe euill to bee an example vnto vs to make vs flye them But notwithstanding all this that Isaack is yet blinded with the loue of his sonne Esau hee sawe him nowe too degenerate out of kinde because that he wallowed as it were a Swine vpon a dunghill because hee made a couenaunte with those people whome God had reiected and farther peruerted the order and institution of mariage yet notwithstanding his father beareth all this It is saide that the wiues of Esau did as it were spurre him and that his harte was wounded therewith but so it is that the loue of his sonne did alwayes holde him back Nowe there might well bee some vertue but this meaneth not that euery thing was therefore praise woorthy in him no hee wanted mucn in that behalfe For he should haue had his sonne how olde soeuer he had beene in detestation forasmuch as he was so estraunged from God and because asmuch as lay in him he had made the promise of saluation of no effecte For what might haue become of the Church if the stock of Abraham had beene ioyned with those people Isaack therefore ought to haue beene more touched to see his sonne so prophane And seeing he sawe this beastlynesse in him that hee made no matter of it to haue two wiues and he woulde haue had them by dozens if he had byn able to haue kept them When therefore he beareth with these faultes in his sonne it is very certaine that he offended god For vnlesse fathers vse seueritie correctiō when neede requireth when they see their children too be so wicked they are gilty inasmuch as they faile in doing their dutie Our Lord hath giuen thē authoritie ouer their houses offspring And wherfore vnlesse it be to the end to keepe them in awe and to restraine them that they may render an account when any euill shal be committed in their familie Loe then a faulte shamefull inough in Isaack but yet hee exceedeth farther in doting so vpon his sonne Esau It is sayd that his eyes began to faile him forasmuch as his sight was dimme but it is certaine that this foolish loue which hee bare to his eldest soone blinded him much more then his age or the lack of his bodily senses For he ought to haue marked as the trueth