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A69788 The history of Poland. vol. 1 in several letters to persons of quality, giving an account of the antient and present state of that kingdom, historical, geographical, physical, political and ecclesiastical ... : with sculptures, and a new map after the best geographers : with several letters relating to physick / by Bern. Connor ... who, in his travels in that country, collected these memoirs from the best authors and his own observations ; publish'd by the care and assistance of Mr. Savage. Connor, Bernard, 1666?-1698.; Savage, John, 1673-1747. 1698 (1698) Wing C5888; ESTC R8630 202,052 410

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Crown'd and that the King his Uncle sent him the Character of Envoy to compliment him upon his Accession to the Throne He us'd to admire the Government of England and to say that it was the best in Europe except that of his own Country and the chief Reason he gave me why he preferr'd the Constitution of Poland was that the King of England had a Power of turning People out of Employments and the common People had the Benefit of the Law and could buy Estates as well as the greatest Noble-man This Prince shew'd me an old Roman Scimiter which his Father brought from Jerusalem and told me it was that with which St. Peter cut off Malcus's Ear which a great many had either Faith or Superstition enough to believe and paid it a great deal of Respect The year after I came into England the King of Poland's Symptoms encreasing more and more the Embassador Monsieur Zalowski Bishop of Ploskow sent me from Warsaw to London the following Letter desiring Advice concerning his Majesty's Distemper which was very uncommon and extraordinary A Monsieur le Docteur Connor à Londres Varsovie 2 Juin 1696. Monsieur EN Attendant que Je vous Envoye les Memoires que vous Souhaitez pour l' Histoire de Pologne de nôtre Roy qui requierent quêque loisir que Je n'ay pas encore pû prendre comme Je tacheray de faire le plutôt qu'il me serà possible Vous obligeriez beaucoup sa Majesté si sur l' Information que vous verrez au bas de cette Lettre touchant l' Etat de sa Santé Vous vouliez bien prendre la peine d'en donner vos Avis Conseils d'en prendre aussi des plus habiles Gens de la Profession dont votre Royaume est si fertile Vous asseurant que vous en aurez du Merite auprez de leurs Majestez que vous travaillerez à votre propre Gloire que Je Soûhaiteray de voir par là augmentée étant Monsieur Votre tres-humble Serviteur E. de Ploskow Information de l'Etat de la Santé du Roy de Pologne SA Majesté à les pies les jambes les cuisses même la Region Inferieure du bas ventre tumifiées considerablement depuis quêque tems que ces Tumeurs sont augmenteezde jour en jour depuis cette Eté quelles avoient commencé à paroitre quoique l'on appliquât les plus efficaces remedes interieurs exterieurs pour en empecber le Progrez pour les dissiper Lors qu'on presse du doit ces Tumeurs il ne reste aucun vestige du doit Carces Tumeurs ont la dureté du Fer la pesanteur du Plomb Quand sa Majesté marche elle croit avoir un poid pesant attaché à ses jambes la dureté de ces Tumeurs ne peut étre amollie cependant lors qu'on frotte avec un linge chaûd les parties embarrassées affligées elles semblent d'abord être Degagées Soûlagées Mais peu apres elles retournent à leur premier Etat La Couleur de ces Parties tumiflées n'est point Pale mais Pourprée tirant vers le rouge English'd thus Warsaw the 2d of June 1696. SIR I Will send you as soon as possible the Memoirs you desire for the History of Poland and of our King which require more leisure than I could have hitherto had In the mean time you would mightily oblige his Majesty if upon the Information you will find at the bottom of this Letter concerning the State of his Health you would please to give your Opinion and Advice thereupon and likewise consult with the Ablest of your Profession who are so very numerous in your Kingdom about it I assure you you will greatly gain their Majesties Esteem thereby and advance your own Reputation which I wish encreas'd by these means Being SIR Your most humble Servant E. Ploskow An Account of the State of Health of the King of Poland HIS Majesty's Feet Legs and Thighs as likewise the lower Part of his Belly have been considerably swell'd for a good while These Swellings have daily encreas'd since they began this Summer notwithstanding the most effectual Remedies both Inward and Outward which have been made use of to prevent their Progress and to discuss them When these Tumors are press'd with one's Finger they do not pit for they are almost as hard as Iron and as heavy as Lead When his Majesty walks he imagins he has a great Weight ty'd to his Legs The hardness of these Tumours cannot be softned Nevertheless when the swoln Parts are rubb'd a little with a hot Cloth they seem immediately to be abated and eas'd but soon after they return to their former condition The Colour of the Swellings is not pale but reddish something enclining to Purple A Week after I receiv'd this Letter news came that this Prince was dead as I could not but reasonably expect he would be labouring under so rare and dangerous a Disease being a Dropsy turn'd into a Schirrus or into a hard and insensible Tumor Cases of this nature my Lord are very seldom seen I have spoke lately with some old Practitioners in Physick that had never met with any for my part I have never observ'd any Disease like it and I was at first surpriz'd that the King's Legs that us'd to pit an Inch deep when I was at his Court should become so very hard and so heavy afterwards but considering that in our Mass of Blood there is even naturally a great deal of earthy Parts or Dregs and that these Lees may by way of Sediment fall into the Legs and that their Weight and Quantity can hinder them from ascending to the Heart with the circulating Fluids I rather admir'd why Cases of this nature do not more frequently happen particularly in old and Plethoric People as the King was These hard Swellings of his Legs hinder'd the Blood to circulate downwards and so drove up all the Humours to the Head which oppressing and overflowing the Brain caus'd an Apoplexy of which he died the 17th of June fifteen days after the date of my Letter in the Year 1696 in the sixty sixth Year of his Age and the 22d of his Reign He was the oldest King then in Christendom He kept his Subjects in great Awe and the greatest Noblemen paid him all the Respect imaginable they never us'd at Court to eat with him at his Table He din'd always in Publick and the Great Men waited upon him serv'd him with drink and none of his Subjects ever cover'd themselves in his Presence And I admir'd to see the Persons that abus'd him in the Parliament-house and spoke to him with all freedom when he sat on the Throne pay him so great a Submission and Respect every-where else But the Liberty of a Member of that Parliament is such that he can speak what he
effected many glorious Enterprizes died peaceably leaving three Nephews Borcus Cunossus and Spera all which separately succeeded him in his Dominions Borcus took for his Share part of Samogitia where he built a Castle on the River Juria a Branch of the Niemen and call'd it after his own Name and that of the River whereon it stood Jurburg which continues even at this day Cunossus extending his Dominion a different way built Kunossow another Castle calling it after his own Name and which remains to this day Spera likewise built a Castle near the River Swenta where he began his Reign At length Borcus and Spera dying Cunossus seiz'd on both their Dominions but soon after di'd also and left two Sons Kyernus and Gybutus whereof Kyernus settled in Lithuania and built the Castle Kyernow which he made the Place of his Residence and Gybutus resided in Samogitia which he likewise govern'd Both these Brother 's joining together made huge Devastations in Russia and carried away great Booty but upon their return home found Samogitia serv'd the like Sauce by the Livonians To revenge which they forthwith enter'd Livonia and burnt and plunder'd all that Country wherever they came Kyernus dying was succeeded in Lithuania by his Son Zivibundus and Gybutus in Samogitia by his Son Muntwil which last having reign'd but little dy'd and left his Son Vikint to succeed him in Samogitia but Zivibundus liv'd a great while after and prov'd no small Victor over the Russians and Tartars for being willing to shake off the Russian Yoke he sent his Brother Wikinti Erdzivil to invade that Country who so far succeeded as to take the City and Castle of Novogrodec and to fix the Seat of a Dutchy there And after proceeding further he built the strong Castle of Grodno on the River Niemen Then he descended into Podlachia where he took several Towns and soon reduced all that Province Afterwards he conquer'd Kurdassus Prince of the Tartars at a Town call'd Mozera near the River Okuniowka This Erdzivil after many Heroick Actions and succeeding his Brother Zivibundus di'd and left two Sons Mingailus and Algimuntus and divided his Dominions between them Algimuntus chose for his part Samogitia and Mingailus rul'd over Lithuania and Polocz which last Country he took from the Russians and likewise extended his Dominion over all the Dutchy of Novogrodec This Duke died and left two Sons Skirmunt and Ginvil Skirmunt having perform'd his Father's Obsequies enter'd upon the Government of Lithuania with the Dutchy of Novogrodec And Ginvil by natural Right seiz'd upon Polocz which having govern'd for some time he died and left to his Son Boris who rul'd a great while in Polocz and built a famous Church there with Brick calling it Sancta Sophia He likewise founded several other famous Edis●●ces with the Town and Castle of Borissow upon the River Beresina To him succeeded his Son Basilius Rechwold who liv'd to a great Age and left behind him a Son called Hlebus and a Daughter nam'd Poroskavia Hlebus surviv'd his Father but a little while and Poroskavia wholly devoted her self to the Greek Religion but afterwards went to Rome where she died and was Canonized for a Saint Now to return to the Dukes of Lithuania Skirmunt obtain'd great Conquests over the Tartars and Russians and dying left his Uncle Kukovoitus to succeed him in Lithuania and Samogitia who having govern'd a good while died and left his Dominions to his Son-in-Law Giedrussus who had marri'd his Daughter Poiata This Duke dying left for his Successor his Son Ringolt who having perform'd his Father's Funeral-Rites after the Pagan manner enter'd upon the Government of Lithuania and Samogitia Against this Duke the Russians join'd ●●y the Tartars march'd with great fury to reduce him to pay Tribute but he timely opposing them with equal Force gave them a signal Overthrow near Mohilna on the River Niemen At length this Ringolt famous likewise for several other Victories died and left his Dominions to his Son Mindog or Mendog in the Year 1240 who had various Conflicts with the Dukes of Smolensko and Volhynia both which at last he totally subdu'd He likewise fought several Battels with Boleslaus the Chast King of Poland and Daniel Emperor of Moscovy in most of which the Christians were worsted with great slaughter He frequently made Incursions into Masovia Dobrina Cujavia c. and return'd with great Booty He also had bloody Wars with the Teutonic Knights of Prussia and Livonia But at length in the Year 1252 being over-perswaded by the then Great Master Henricus de Zalcza he gave up all his Dominions to that Order in acknowledgment of several Honours and Services done him and moreover consented to turn Christian and afterwards sent to Rome to pay his Devoir to that See Whereupon Innocent IV. deputed his Brother Heinderic to consecrate him King But whether it were that Mindog repented the loss of his Dominions or for any other Cause it is certain that he refus'd to receive this Nuncio and the very same Year together with all his Country returned to their former Idolatry Nevertheless the Teutonic Knights suffer'd him to continue King and under him in conjunction with the Lithuanians Samogitians c. invaded Masovia and made great Havock of that Country But afterwards Mendog being unmindful any farther of the Civility of those Knights turn'd his Arms against their Country destroying most of their Cities and returning with great Spoils Next Mendog having gathered together a great Army and being likewise assisted by Swarno Duke of Russia marched against Semovitus Duke of Masovia whom together with his Son Conrade he surpriz'd in his Palace of Jasdow where Swarno struck off Semovitus his Head with his own hand but Conrade was preserv'd by Mendog and afterwards ransom'd by his Countrymen Soon after this the Lithuanians and Russians having made great Devastations in Masovia retir'd with the Spoils and Captives into their several Countries The next Year the same People not being content with their former Irruptions march'd again into Masovia but scarce finding any thing left to prey upon by reason of their last Year's Work they only burnt and plunder'd a House belonging to the Arch-bishop of Gnesna and so return'd home At length Heaven thought fit to favour the Polish Christians by taking away King Mindog who was murder'd by his Nephew Stroinat and his Son-in-Law Dowmant in the Year 1263. Stroinat begun his Reign in the Year 1263 by the murder of his Brother Towcivil Duke of Polocz but not long afterwards Woisalk Son of Mendog tho then a Russian Monk being mindful of his Father's Death depriv'd him also of Life and immediately seiz'd on his Dominions Woisalk took upon him only the Title of Duke and began his Government with frequent Irruptions into Poland Mascovia and Prussia But in the Year
Iohn iij King of POLAND Great Duke of Lithuania Russia Prussia Samogitia c Pag. 163 The History of POLAND IN Several LETTERS to Persons of Quality Giving an Account of the Antient and Present State of that Kingdom Historical Geographical Physical Political and Ecclesiastical VIZ. It s Origin and Extent with a Description of its Towns and Provinces the Succession and remarkable Actions of all its Kings and of the Great Dukes of Lithuania The Election Power and Coronit●●● o●● the King The Senate or House of Lords The 〈◊〉 and Form of Government The Privileges of the G●●●●ry their Religion Learning Language Customs Ha●●●s Manners Riches Trade and Military Affairs together with the State of Physick and Natural Knowledg 〈◊〉 also an Account of the Teutonick Order and of the Duke of Curland his Family and Territories With Sculptures and a new Map after the best Geographers With several Letters relating to Physick VOL. I. By BERN. CONNOR M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society and Member of the College of Physicians who in his Travels in that Country collected these Memoirs from the best Authors and his own Observations Publish'd by the Care and Assistance of Mr. SAVAGE London Printed by J. D. for Dan. Brown without Temple-Bar and A. Roper in Fleetstreet M DC XCVIII THE PREFACE HAving neither a Genius nor a Talent for History much less for Politicks and having passed but a very small time at the late King of Poland's Court I can neither promise the Criticks nor Politicians that Politeness of Stile nor those exact Rules and Circumstances of History they generally expect and are accustom'd to meet with in Rela●●ions of this nature For the Memoirs I collected and the Remarks I made in that Nation as well as in other Foreign Countries were first intended for my own Curiosity until being come some few Years ago from my Travels into England and finding there had not been yet publish'd in our Tongue any Account of this vast neighbouring Kingdom I was often discours'd chiefly during this last Election about the Constitution of that Country and was desir'd to communicate to the Publick what I knew of it This gave me occasion to revise my Memoirs and to consider that if they were put into good order they might perhaps be of some use because the Form of Government in Poland is in some respect like that of ours But the first Year I came over I spent some Months at Oxford to publish a small Latin Treatise of Physical Matters and to communicate to the Ingenious Gentlemen there what small Insight I was thought to have in Anatomy and in the Materia Medica The Summer following I made some Chymical and Anatomical Demonstrations at Cambridg These two last Winters I have been much taken up here in Town in trying a great many Chymical and Anatomical Experiments and in publishing my Treatise de Medicina Mystica and besides being busied in my other Occupations in the Practice of Physick to which I have entirely applied my self of late as being more sutable to my Temper and Profession than Historical ones I neither could take any Delight nor have any Leisure to write over or to put into due method the Memoirs I brought from Poland so that the Publick is indebted to my ingenious Friend Mr. Savage for without his help this Account of Poland could not doubtless have thus appear'd these several Years I hope Ingenuous and Candid Persons will excuse the Faults and Defects they will undoubtedly meet with in this Historical Relation since what I design'd only to do at my own leisure in some Years I have dispatch'd with too much Precipitation in few Months to satisfy the Curiosity of People during the late Election in Poland who long'd to see some Account of that Kingdom publish'd Wherefore I neither deserve nor desire any other Reputation by it than that being the first that has given any History of that Country in our Language I give occasion to others that may travel after me in Poland to give a more satisfactory Account thereof I admire our English Gentry who travel into Germany have never the Curiosity to go either from Berlin through Prussia or Posnania to Warsaw or from Vienna through Silesia to Cracow They may with ease perform this Journey in three Months time and not think their time lost for tho there are not so many Rarities to be seen nor that Conveniency of travelling ●●s in most other Countries yet they may observe the most remarkable Places in Poland the peculiar form of Government the Splendor of the Court and the extraordinary Grandeur of the Nobility who are not so barbarous nor so unpolish'd as they are generally represented For these sixty or seventy Years past the Poles have taken a Humour to travel and have of late refin'd themselves extreamly having had French Queens and French Factions reigning amongst them during the four last Reigns successively which has produc'd this good Effect contrary to the private Designs of France that not only the rough Temper of the Poles is made more polite and their Behaviour more civil but likewise their Judgment improv'd and they themselves rendred more capable of knowing their own Interest and more wary than formerly of a Despotic Power which their Kings of late assisted by the French have labour'd to introduce for the Poles are now sensible that the French King who is absolute at home and well known to be ambitious enough to enlarge his Conquests abroad has just reason to think that it would have been casier for him to manage his Interest against the Empire with a King of Poland who was likewise absolute than it is now with one who entirely depends on the uncertain Resolutions of a free Parliament Because let a King of Poland be ever so Despotic his Kingdom being poor he will always want Money either to satisfy his Pleasure or to gratify his Ambition and will scarcely ever be proof against fifty thousand Louis-d'Or's The Poles are not only watchful against the encroaching Factions of France but likewise they begin to consider the unhappy Condition of their inslaved Neighbours the Muscovites Swedes Danes Germans and Turks who groan under the heavy Yoke of the unlimited Power of their Soveraigns These visible Examples make them so very jealous of their Kings and so extream fond of their Liberty that they will not only always keep their Crown elective but likewise oblige their new King to enlarge their Privileges which are at this time more ample than ever they have been before And it is not to be imagin'd that the King of Poland will become Despotic as the King of Denmark did because in Denmark the King Clergy and common People being kept under by the exorbitant Power of the Nobility join'd together and soon brought the Nobility to declare the King Absolute choosing rather to be under one Master than under several petty Tyrants But in Poland both Gentry and Clergy who are very numerous and
his Death Suentopelus declared himself Duke of Pomerania and Conrade and call'd into Poland the Knights of the Teutonic Order who were then banisht out of Syria by the Sarazens and settled in Germany to help him against the Prussians who were wont to make frequent Incursions into his Country to whom for Recompence he gave the Territory of Culm and some other small Places on condition they should act vigorously against the Prussians but after they had conquer'd those People they were to resign Culm c. and have the half of their Conquests to themselves These Auxiliary Troops prov'd afterwards very pernicious to Poland having been the Cause of many bloody Wars in that Country This Agreement between the Knights of the Cross as they were likewise call'd and Conrade was approv'd and confirm'd by Pope Gregory IX in the Year 1228. In a short time these Knights effected what they undertook This Lescus lies buried in the Cathedral at Cracow and left behind him a young Son BOLESLAUS V. surnam'd the Chast whose Guardians he order'd to be his Brother Conrade and Henry Duke of Breslaw his Cousin This young Prince notwithstanding the many Intrigues and Cabals Conrade form'd against him who design'd to make himself King was elected in the Year 1228 and reign'd to the Year 1278. He marry'd Cunigunda Daughter to Bela King of Hungary but after they were bedded he had not the courage to consummate the Marriage and therefore by mutual Consent both made a Vow of Chastity 'T was in this Prince's Reign the Tartars made their first Irruptions into Poland whereof there were three at several times In the first they ravag'd all the Country about Lublin and Russia and carry'd away an incredible Number of Prisoners with great Riches In the second they return'd with more fury and not being contented with the Plunder of Poland spread likewise all over Silesia where near Lignitz they entirely defeated the Confederate Army of the Christians wherein Henry Duke of Breslaw Boleslaus Son to the Duke of Moravia Pompo Great Master of the Teutonick Order and several other Persons of Note were kill'd The Number of dead Bodies was so incredible that they fill'd nine great Sacks with the Christians Ears cutting off each Head but one after the same manner as Hanibal at the Battle of Cannae fill'd several Bushels with the Rings cut off from the Fingers of the Roman Knights only that were there kill'd Boleslaus had not the courage to march in Person against the Tartars when they came a second time to invade him but retir'd with his Court into Hungary and thereby left his Subjects to the Mercy of their Enemies Which base Action the Poles being extremely offended at intended to have elected a new King whereupon Boleslaus Son to Henry Duke of Breslaw that was kill'd in the Battle afterwards was nam'd but Conrade vigorously opposing him and pretending to have more Right the Gentry to prevent Civil Wars recall'd their former King Bolestaus from Hungary and in the mean time Conrade dy'd Not long after the Tartars together with the Lithuanians which were hitherto Pagans made Incursions a third time into Poland when they pillag'd the Country up as far as Cracow which City meeting with no body in it to resist'em they both plunder'd and burnt Afterwards they went to Vratislaw which they found ready fir'd to their hands for the Townsmen having had timely notice of the coming of the Barbarians had got all their Treasure together and fled whilst the Souldiers distrusting the Strength of the Place and searing it might become a Prey to the Enemy set fire to it and retir'd into the Castle which having greatly incens'd the Tartars they laid Siege to the Castle with all imaginable Vigour and would soon have taken it had they not been frighted from before it by a Prodigy During this Boleslaus march'd in Person against the Lithuanians whom he overthrew and kill'd their Duke Mindacus The Prussians likewise being yet Pagans sided with the Lithuanians when the Teutonick Order which was then settled in Prussia call'd to their Assistance Ottocarus King of Bohemia who quickly reduc'd the Prussians and the better to keep them in Awe built a Fort call'd Koningsberg or Royal Hill Boleslaus was a pious and good Prince and lies bury'd at Cracow in a Monastery founded by himself He built other Religious Houses and reign'd near 50 Years and having made a Vow of Chastity left no Children Wherefore his Uncle's Son by the Father LESCUS VI. surnam'd the Black succeeded him being elected in the Year 1279 and reign'd only to the Year 1289. In the beginning of his Reign the Russians summon'd by the Lithuanians and Tartars made Incursions into Poland under Command of Leo their Duke but were defeated first by Varsias the King's General and afterwards were beat by the King himself out of a Village where they had entrench'd themselves which from that General 's Name has been since call'd Leopol and is now a sine City Upon this Defeat the Enemy were forc'd to retire with great Loss Not long after they return'd again but more to their prejudice than in the former Irruption for then tho their Army consisted of a Prodigious Number of Men and an innumerable Company of Mastiff Dogs train'd up to War yet were they a second time routed by Lescus insomuch that a certain People call'd Jazyges who then inhabited a part of Lithuania and came only to plunder in Poland were so totally destroy'd that there remains nothing left of 'em except the Name But at Length the Tartars making another Irruption had better success for they not only vanquish'd Lescus but also carry'd away besides Men marry'd Women and Children above twenty thousand Maids into Captivity After this Defeat an Insurrection was rais'd against Lescus by Paul Bishop of Cracow for that under the Reign of Boleslaus the Chast Lescus had kept him about a Month in Prison Hereupon Conrade Duke of Masovia was invited to accept the Crown who coming into Poland for that purpose was met at Sendomir by General Varsias Paul the Bishop and a great Number of the Nobility Upon this Lescus perceiving himself forsaken fled into Hungary to King Vladislaus but the City of Cracow still bearing a respect to him continu'd Loyal and prepar'd to sustain a Siege Whereupon having been summon'd to surrender their Answer was That they could not be trea●●berous to their lawful Soveraign Lescus but would defend his Right to the last drop of their Blood Hereat the Nobles being grievously nettled resolv'd to sit down with their Army before that City but upon their Approaches finding it empty the Inhabitants being retir'd into the Castle they set sire to it thinking by those means to bring the Enemy sooner to a Compliance This done Lescus having obtain'd a considerable Army of King Vladislaus was marching directly towards Cracow to relieve his
besieg'd Friends when meeting with Conrade who came to oppose him near the River Raba he entirely routed him and forc'd him back again into his own Country This hapned about the Year 1285. This Prince dy'd and was bury'd in the Monastery of the Trinity at Cracow Lescus the VI. leaving no Children his Kingdom consequently fell into great Distractions for Vladislaus Locticus his Brother seiz'd on the Palatinate of Siradia and Boleslaus Duke of Ploskow Brother to Conrade Duke of Masovia on the Palatinates of Cracovia and Sendomir but this latter was soon dispossess'd by HENRY Duke of Breslaw surnam'd the Honest of the Family of Piastus in the Year 1290 who was likewise not long after turn'd out by Locticus but soon restor'd and reign'd in quality of King for the space of five Years tho I do not read he was crown'd He appointed Premislus Duke of Great Poland for his Successor being of the Family of Piastus likewise This Premislus also had the Province of Pomerania left him by Miescingus Prince of that Country PREMISLUS in the thirty eighth Year of his Age was crown'd King at Gnesna by James Swinka Archbishop of that City in the Year 1296 which was an Honour that had not been done to any Prince of Poland before for above two hundred Years since Boleslaus the Bold kill'd Stanislaus at the Altar but Premislus did not long enjoy this Title for seven Months after his Coronation he is said to have been murder'd by some Brandenburg Emissaries that Marquess being afraid of this King who was Master of Pomerania which join'd to his Country He was bury'd among his Predecessors at Posnan After the Murder of King Premislus ULADISLAUS LOCTICUS so call'd from the word Lokiec an Ell having his Name from his low Stature Brother of Lescus the Black was chosen in the Year 1296 and reign'd only four Years He went upon an Expedition against the Silesians that were enclin'd to assist the Bohemians against him who then pretended a Right to the Kingdom of Poland These Locticus subdu'd and having considerably ravag'd their Country return'd home where he afterwards gave himself up to a lewd and debauch'd Life insomuch that he neglected the care of all Publick Business and minded nothing but his own private Pleasures These his intolerable Vices brought upon him the Ill-will of his Subjects insomuch that after three years Reign they pronounc'd him unworthy of the Scepter and resolv'd to elect another Hereupon Locticus being dethron'd they invite WINCESLAUS King of Bohemia to accept their Crown who was marry'd to Rixa Daughter of King Premislus and crown'd King of Poland in the Year 1300 but reign'd only to 1305. After he came to reign he persecuted Locticus who hid himself for some time but was forc'd at last to quit the Kingdom When Winceslaus thus saw himself secure at home by the flight of Locticus and after having put Bohemian Garisons into the several Cities of Poland which seem'd very uneasy to that Nation he thought it high time to go and settle Affairs in Bohemia During this Vladislaus Locticus having a considerable Party in the Kingdom which daily encreas'd on account of discontent against Winceslaus and having got together several Troops out of Hungary he march'd directly towards Poland hearing that the Bohemian Government was somewhat burdensom to that Nation At first Locticus had considerable Advantage over the Bohemians but by the Death of Winceslaus which followed soon after he had all the Success he could desire for the Bohemians who had possession of the Garisons finding themselves in a strange Country and moreover hated and ill thought on by the People were afraid of an Insurrection against 'em and therefore made no great difficulty of surrendring to Locticus all those Cities and Towns they had possession of as Cracow Sendomir c. In the mean time young Winceslaus coming with an Army to dispute his Father's Kingdom with Locticus was murder'd in the Expedition 't is thought by Orders of the Emperour Albert and since his time the Bohemians have ever been govern'd by foreign Princes Winceslaus King of Poland and Bohemia dy'd and was bury'd at Prague in the Year 1305. After the Death both of Winceslaus the Father and Son Vladislaus Locticus was restor'd almost by common Consent in the Year 1305 and reign'd to the Year 1333. And this they did either because they thought he had had time to repent and mend his former Life or by reason they were afraid of Civil Wars if they should elect any other Notwithstanding the Palatinates of Posnania and Kalisch having a fresh Memory of his past dissolute Life would never acknowledg him their King Also the Governour of Pomerania which then belong'd to Poland being brib'd by the Marquess of Brandenburg deliver'd up to him all the Cities of that Province as likewise the City of Dantzic except the Castle which the Governour thereof one Bogussa being truly loyal to his King would by no means surrender In these days the Knights of the Teutonic Order were fully settled in Prussia being both very Strong and very Rich. They were establish'd there by Agreement with Conrade Brother to King Vladislaus Lasconogus for assisting him against the Prussians when he was oppress'd by them They there built some years before the City of Marienburg appointed for Residence of their Great Masters Here Locticus was oblig'd to crave their Aid against the Rebels of Pomerania and Dantzic which they readily granted on condition that half the Garison of the Castle of Dantzic should be of their Troops by which means they soon became Masters of the whole for they afterwards not only turn'd the Poles out of the Castle but both Brandenburghers and Pomeranians out of the City of Dantzic it self and likewise under pretence of assisting the King of Poland conquer'd all Pomerania for themselves when being Masters thereof they offer'd to buy the Title of Locticus for Money which he refus'd Then they offer'd the same Summ to the Marquess of Brandenburg to renounce his Right to that Province which he tho he had no Title to sell yet was wise enough to accept their Prosser The Poles were very sensible of all these Affronts and Injustices offer'd 'em by the Teutonic Order but before they proceeded to Revenge they thought it advisable to acquaint the Pope therewith who liv'd then at Avignon who after four years Delays and Debates order'd the Knights to give due fatisfaction to the Poles but they having had four years respit to fortify themselves and to make strong Alliances with some Neighbouring Princes and besides having a very considerable Army on foot answer'd his Holiness That they had often done great Services for Poland that that Kingdom ow'd them Sums of Money and that they presum'd that not only the Lands they were in possession of in Prussia and Pomerania
about 100000 Captives of which the greatest Part were Russians The Moldavians and Valachians quickly return'd home but the Turks out of covetousness of Plunder stay'd till the great Frosts and Snow surpriz'd 'em when not being us'd to such excessive Cold as this Country is subject to above 40000 of them were frozen to death Some among 'em that escap'd were forc'd to cut open their Horses bellies and thrust themselves into them to preserve their natural Heat After this John Albert made peace with the Valachians and Bajazet Emperour of the Turks Next he went in Person into Prussia to oblige Frederic Duke of Saxony then Great Master of the Teutonic Order to take Oath of Fidelity to him which he had for some time refus'd but dy'd suddenly at Thorn before he could effect his design Albert leaving no Children the Diet thought fit to elect his Brother ALEXANDER Great Duke of Lithuania the better to renew their Alliance with that Country This Prince being proclaim'd King comes to Cracow where by his Brother Frederic Cardinal and Archbishop of Gnesna he was crown'd in the Year 1501 and reign'd only five Years but the Archbishop refus'd to do the like Office for his Queen Helena because she was of the Greek Church being Daughter to John Great Duke of Muscovy which Country are all of that Persuasion Soon after that he was crown'd his Father-in-Law the Great Duke made War upon him and besieg'd the City of Smolensko Capital of a large Province of the same Name but Alexander coming in time to relieve it oblig'd the Muscovite to make Peace for six Years In his time also the Moldavians and Tartars made Irruptions into Poland but were beaten back with great Loss insomuch that 't is said there were kill'd only of the Tartars in that Action near 20000. The King was not in Person at this Victory he then lying sick at Vilna Capital of Lithuania where he dy'd soon after and was buried in that City He was of a middle Stature had a long Visage and black Hair was very strong built but exceeding dull-witted and consequently but a little Talker He exceeded all his Brothers in Generosity and was wont to delight much in Musicians and such trifling Artists Nevertheless this his Liberality was generally esteem'd but Prodigality insomuch that some were so hold as to say That he dy'd in time or else both Poland and Lithuania might have been lavish'd away To prevent the like pernicious Generosity for the future the Diet made a Law calling it Statutum Alexandrinum by which they revok'd all this King 's profuse Gifts Alexander leaving no Children and but two Brothers the Archbishop of Gnesna dying before him SIGISMUND was preferr'd to Vladislaus King of Hungary and Bohemia either because the Gentry were more affected to him being bred among 'em or by reason they were afraid of Vladislaus's great Power He was elected at Petricovia in the Year 1507 and reign'd forty one Years When Sigismund left his Government of Lithuania to come into Poland he substituted one Glinski a great ●●avourite of the late King 's in his room This Palatin having great Authority among the Lithuanians became so ambitious as to think of making himself Absolute which concealing for a good while at length he agreed with Basilius Great Duke of Muscovy to allow him his share of that Province in case he would afford him his Assistance which Proposal the Great Duke being pleas'd with readily consented to and with all Expedition dispatch'd away an Army to Glinski but as such great Designs are not to be carried on without great Noise and Suspicions Sigismund came soon to hear of this treacherous Enterprize whereupon drawing up all his Forces to oppose the intended Invasion he meets and defeats their Army ravages and destroys their Country and at last obliges them to sue for Peace which he not without some difficulty granted Afterwards the Valachians and Tartars making Incursions into Russia and Poland he forces them to return home with great Loss The Muscovites likewise making War upon him a second time and taking the City of Smolensko with all the Country about it he beat their Armies in several Engagements and having kill'd in all above 30000 of their Men retook Smolensko and made 'em accept of a Peace the second time for five Years He soon after married Buona Sforza Daughter to John Galeatio Duke of Milan Afterwards he made War with the Knights of the Teutonic Order the reason of which was because Albert Marquess of Brandenburgh his Sister's Son and then Great Master refus'd to take an Oath as it was agreed in the late Wars Hereupon Sigismund took from him some Towns and had great Advantages over him in several Engagements but however Albert having considerable Succors sent him from Germany prolong'd the War for a good while in Prussia About this time Martin Luther's Doctrine came to be known in these Parts and most of the Citizens of Dantzic embrac'd it for which at first the King was very severe with them but at length fearing that to preserve their Religion they might side with the Teutonic Order against him he granted them Liberty of Conscience All this while that Order made vigorous Resistance and with equal Loss on both sides fatigu'd the Polish Army till at last it was agreed by both Parties to make the Emperor Charles V. and Lewis King of Hungary Arbitrators who determin'd that Sigismund should relinquish to the Marquess of Brandenburg all the Eastern part of Prussia which is above half of that great Province and that he and his Heirs should for ever enjoy it as they have actually done ever since without any disturbance from Sigismund but the Marquess of Brandenburg as Duke of Prussia for himself and his Heirs was to take an Oath of Fidelity to the Kings of Poland and to send to their Service every Year in time of War a hundred Horse ready equipt which those Kings were to maintain at their own Charges from the time they went out of Prussia At this time the House of Austria was not a little jealous of the exorbitant Power and vast Dominions of the Family of Jagello for not only Sigismund possess'd Poland the great Dutchies of Lithuania Smolensko and Severia and likewise all the Countries between the Euxine and Baltic Seas but also his Nephew Lewis Son of Vladislaus was King of Hungary Bohemia and Silesia insomuch that they secretly rais'd several Enemies against them whereupon the Muscovites Moldavians and Tartars came a third time to molest Poland but were forc'd to withdraw after having done some Mischief About this time Solyman the Great Emperor of the Turks made War with Hungary and gain'd the famous Battel of Mobac where King Lewis and the flower of his Army were slain and the better part of Hungary subjected to the Turk This King Lewis left only one Daughter which was
then busied in other Wars answer'd he could spare 'em none but gave 'em leave to have recourse to whose Protection they thought fit Some therefore among them put themselves under Eric King of Sweden but the Arch-bishop of Riga and the Great Master of the Teutonic Order with all the Nobility and Gentry requested the Assistance of Sigismund King of Poland who would by no means grant it them unless they would submit themselves entirely to his Obedience and take Oath of Fidelity accordingly next that they should give up all their Towns and Country and lastly annex Livonia for ever to Poland To these Terms the Livonians were neither ready nor willing to submit however at length they thought it better to condescend to these Proposals than be forc'd to accept of worse from the irresistible Fury of the Muscovites and therefore having maturely deliberated on the matter consented that Gothotred Ketler a Gentleman of Westphalia then Great Master and General of their Army should publickly abdicate his Mastership and give up to Nicholas Radzivil Palatin of Vilna deputed for that purpose by the King the City and Citadel of Riga and declare Livonia from thenceforward subject to Poland which was accordingly done and at the same time by Order of the King his Master Radzivil proclaim'd Gothotred Ketler Duke of Curland and Semigallia which are two Provinces of Livonia and next day by further Orders declar'd him Vice-roy and Governour of Livonia These two Provinces of Curland and Semigallia Ketler's Posterity have enjoy'd ever since by Hereditary Succession but still as Vassals to Poland Upon this Agreement the King declares War immediately against the Muscovites who were then very strong having just before taken from the Tartars the Kingdoms of Astracan and Casan nevertheless he defeated their Army upon the Frontiers of Lithuania and forc'd 'em to retire into their own Country but they soon return'd a second time commanded by their Czar John Basilowits tho with as little success as before This Czar is reported to have been a most cruel Tyrant it having been his chief Diversion to invent new ways of torturing insomuch that 't is said that to boil and roast both his own Subjects and the Prisoners he took was the least Punishments he made 'em suffer It would be both tedious and horrid to hear all the Tortures he us'd towards Men Women and Children He was wont to recompense such as invented new ways of Torture but these his inhuman Cruelties did so exasperate his Subjects that Sigismund found no great difficulty to force him to a Peace After this Sigismund sent a small Army into Valachia to support Bogdan in his Intentions to make himself Prince thereof but the Valachians assisted by the Turks soon oblig'd the Poles to return home In this King's Reign the Lutheran Religion got great ground in Poland the cause of which was a Quarrel upon account of a Whore between the Courtiers and Scholars which induc'd the latter to retire into Germany where they first imbib'd these Principles and which upon their return they not a little propagated in their own Country The first Person of note that embrac'd this Religon was Johannes a Lasco Palatin of Lanschet who in the Year 1540 left his Government and went into Holland and England and at his return converted several to that Perswasion All this while the King gave disturbance to none that abjur'd the Roman Faith but rather favour'd them having heard several of their Preachers in his Court particularly two Johannes Cosminis and Laurencius Prasnitius which occasion'd most of the Bishops to be enclin'd to that Belief Here cannot well be omitted a great Escape King Sigismund had at Koningsberg in Ducal Prussia whither being invited by Albert Marquess of Brandenburg and at his Reception saluted with all the Cannon by negligence of a Gunner a Bullet was left in one of them which when fir'd came so near the King as to dash out one Wisnoviec's Brains who march'd just behind him In Sigismund's time flourish'd the jocular Commonwealth of Babina consisting of several merry Gentlemen of Lublin who met together at a place call'd Babin to exercise their Wits upon all occasions This Meeting to procure the greater respect for their Proceedings they modell'd into the form of the Government of the Kingdom electing a King and Senate together with divers Officers and Magistrates As whenever any among them talk'd out of his Sphere and meddled with matters that did no ways belong to him they created him an Arch-bishop or Palatin such a one as made a great many Blunders and delighted in Contradictions they chose for their Speaker or Chancellor and whoever boasted too inordinately of his Valour they prefer'd to be their General passing immediately a Patent for that purpose and which was to be presented to him with a great deal of Submission by the Bragadochios of a Minor Character but if the Person elect refus'd this Command they persecuted him with hissing and hooting till he had accepted it Thus they created several other Senators of different Qualities whence it followed that in short time they became judicious Censurers wary Talkers modest Observers humble Performers and true Relaters of any Exploit Whenever they admitted any of their Society they first enquir'd into his Abilities and requir'd a Specimen of his Parts and this to determine the better what Office or Employment he was fittest to execute in their Commonwealth they having several others of an inferior Rank besides those we have already mention'd As if any one introduc'd an impertinent Discourse of his Hounds or his Hawks him they immediately made either their Huntsinan or their Faulkoner Likewise if a Man run out too much upon Religion he was constituted their Chaplain and where any dealt too much in Matters of Controversy he was forthwith ordain'd their Inquisitor lastly where a Man was too exuberant in his Discourse about Horses or Houshold Affairs him they either promoted to be their Master of the Horse or their Majordomo By these means in a little time they reform'd most of the Abuses and Indecorums crept into the Government of Poland and prov'd than the force of Satyr is of no less benefit than that of Oratory At length this pleasant Constitution came to the King's Ear who was often delighted with hearing of their Transactions and one day enquiring after their dignified Members he ask'd whether they had any King among them to which the Starosta of Babina who was most celebrated for his pleasant Countenance and jocular Humour reply'd Far be it from us most Serene Monarch that we should make choice of any other King while your Majesty is living Which Answer so extreamly pleas'd Sigismund that he laugh'd heartily and was so far from shewing any signs of Dislike that by several Expressions which dropt from him he occasion'd great Mirth in all the Company Afterwards there arising some grave Disputes in this Society
presents amounted to the value of 100000 Rix Dollars The Hospodar of Moldavia sent her a pair of Pendants of a considerable Value This Custom of making Presents to the Bride is not only for Kings Daughters but for every one else according to their Quality and the Gentlemens Daughters do not so much reckon upon the Portion their Fathers give them as upon their Number of Relations and Friends who are to make them Presents and the Husband is as diligent to know how many Relations she has as how much her Father will give her Upon the day of Marriage Prince James the young Bride's Brother took upon him by the King and the Elector of Bavaria's Consent the Quality of Embassador for that day by reason that the Court would not receive as was secretly whilsper'd Embassadors from the Duke of Bavaria as being not an absolute Prince He went three Miles out of Town in the Morning and about two of the Clock in the Afternoon made a most solemn Entry on Horse-back having his Brothers Prince Alexander on his Right-hand and Prince Constantine on his Left preceded by a great Number of Coaches with six Horses and a noble Cavalcade of the Polish Gentry who went two by two Thus he march'd through the City to the Palace where he was receiv'd by the King and Queen and after half an hour the great Officers of the Crown the Palatins and other Senators with an incredible Number of Gentry began to march from the Palace on Foot two by two upon Scarlet Cloth spread all along to St. John's Church being about three hundred Paces after them Prince James led the Bride the French Embassador Monsieur de Polignae led the Queen and the King came last alone with a grave majestick Countenance The Ceremony of the Marriage was perform'd by Cardinal Radziouski the present Primate who was the King's Relation Afterwards they returned to the Palace where they were nobly entertain'd for four days together with Feasts Balls Fire-works and an Italian Pastoral in nature of an Opera made upon this occasion by the Secretary of the Pope's Nuncio After the Ceremony was over a splendid Equipage was prepar'd for the Princess's Journey from Warsaw to Brussels The Bishop of Ploskow was named Embassador and the Palatine of Vilna's Lady Prince Czartoriski's Daughter was appointed Embassadress Monsieur Zalowski the Bishop's Brother and his Lady were likewise nam'd besides abundance of Gentlemen and about forty of the King's Life-guard to attend her Electoral Highness The Embassador represented to their Majesties that in such a long Journey of near 1000 Miles and in frosty Weather it was necessary to send a Physician with the Princess for fear of any Accident or Distemper by the way one Signior Revelli an Italian and several other Physicians made Interest for this place but the Queen would by no means employ any of them having no Opinion of their Skill Hereupon my Lord I spoke to Mr. Alberti your Brother Minister there from the Republick of Venice who had great Interest with the King and Queen and desir'd him to get me imploy'd in that Journey for I longed to be out of that remote Country tho I had not been a twelve Month in it to come for England for tho the King and Queen had a great deal of Kindness for me and Prince James whom the Court Party look'd upon to be the King's Successor promis'd me a considerable Pension after the King's Death yet seeing that the King then being sixty four Years of Age very corpulent and labouring under several Distempers as the Dropsy Gout Rheumatism and Oppression of the Lungs could not live long and that Prince James was not beloved and besides having never had any mind to engage my self to live in any Foreign Country I resolv'd to come out of that Kingdom Their Majesties not knowing my private Resolution of coming for England did me the Honour to name me Physician to wait upon the Princess in her Journey which I was very ready to comply with tho to outward appearance I did not seem much desirous of it this my Lord gave me opportunity to come out of that Country sooner than I could have decently done till the King was dead which I must owe intirely to the Friendship and Interest of Mr. Alberti who is a great Lover of the English Nation The Princess set forward on the 11 th of November following with a Retinue of about two hundred Persons all which came to Brussels with her besides abundance of the Nobility who waited upon her Highness to the Frontiers of Brandenburg The Palatins of the Provinces receiv'd and entertain'd her in all the Towns she pass'd through with a great deal of Splendor and Expence our first Reception was at Lowitz the Cardinal Primate's Castle here the Princess lay one Night and was most magnificently entertain'd The next was at Posnan a considerable City in the Province of Posnania where she lay two Nights the Palatin and the City made her a Present entertain'd all her Retinue and got Fire-works ready for her Reception From thence we went to Frankfurt upon the Oder in the E. of Brandenburgh's Country where his Electoral Highness sent his chief Officers to attend and compliment her from thence we went to Berlin where the Elector and Electoress came two Miles out of Town with a numerous Attendance to receive her they took her into their own Coach and march'd in order to the Palace giving her with roaring of Cannons and ringing of Bells all Demonstrations of Respect Here she lay two Nights the Court appear'd most splendid and very numerous and the Elector got some Fire-works which represented the King and Queen of Poland and the Elector and Electoress of Bavaria's Names there were Balls both Nights and English Country-Dances which the Electoress of Brandenburg being descended from the Blood-Royal of England delighted extreamly in it was the first time the Princess of Poland had seen any and therefore was extreamly pleas'd I was glad to see some of our English Gentlemen who travell'd in Italy in my time as Mr. Archer Mr. Ward Mr. Duncomb and the late deceased Mr. Tent made so much of at this Court and behave themselves so handsomly at the Balls The Princess of Poland made Presents to the Electoress of Brandenburg and to most of the chief Officers of the Court and the Electoress of Brandenburg likewise made her a rich Present of a Poesie set with Diamonds and to the rest of her chief Officers other Presents Afterwards we set forwards on our Journey and were entertain'd for twelve days together in the Elector's Country it 's usual with him to defray the Charges of all Princes while they are within the limits of the Marquisate of Brandenburg But when the Princess of Poland went out of it into the other Territories of his Electoral Highness she bore her own Expences the chief Towns notwithstanding as Magdeburgh and Menden entertain'd her as
did likewise the Elector of Hanover the Bishop of Heidelsheim and the Bishop of Munster for we past through some Skirts of their Territories I must take notice to your Lordship that passing through a part of the Elector of Hanover's Country we receiv'd News that Count Koningsmark a Swede thought to have been familiar with the Princess of Hanover the Elector's Daughter-in-law was made away with at that Court and never heard of since At last we arriv'd about the latter end of December at Wesel a fortified Town belonging to the E. of Brandenburg upon the Borders of the Rhine near six days Journey from Brussels the Elector of Bavaria with his Court came hither to receive his Princess but the River being full of great Flakes of Ice he could not pass it in two days but at last being impatient to see his Bride he ventur'd over in a little Boat with Prince Chimay Baron Simeoni and two or three more of his Courtiers I hapned to be in the Room when he came in alone by way of the back Stairs and saluted his Princess with all the tender Expressions of Joy and Affection and after having spent about half an hour with her in Compliments he turn'd to the Embassador and to the rest of the Company and thank'd us all for the Trouble and Fatigue of so long a Journey then he and the Princess with the Embassador and Embassadress withdrew into another Room where they past about an hour and an half In the mean time a great many other of the Elector's Retinue came in so that the Court was very numerous at Nine of the Clock at Night and thus the Elector past till Ten of the Clock then went to sup abroad and immediately after Supper came to wait on the Princess again and about One of the Clock in the Morning he left her and went to Bed to his Inn. He came to her the next Morning to make his Court and to desire her Consent that the Marriage might be consummated that Night which being accordingly done he sent a Courier after Midnight to the King his Father-in-law to acquaint him therewith The next Morning there was a rich Hungarian Sute of Clothes given him to wear that day from the King of Poland valued at 30000 Rix Dollars it was a long Coat of Crimson Velvet the Button-holes set with Clasps of Massy Gold and a Wastcoat of Cloth of Gold set with Diamond Buttons and a Girdle of fine Turky Leather wrought with Gold with massy Gold Clasps likewise set with Jewels a Scimiter with the Handle richly adorn'd with Diamonds and Rubies and an Emerald Ring of great Value with a rich Zibelin Muff. In the Afternoon we all past the River and next day the Baggage followed all the Coaches the King's Guards and most of the Retinue return'd back into Poland for by the Articles of Marriage no body was to stay with her except two Pages two Women and a she Dwarf The Elector's Guards and Coaches were on the other side of the River to receive the Princess She went through Antwerp to Mecklin and from thence to Brussels where we arriv'd after two Months Journey on the 12 th of January I need not acquaint your Lordship with all the Preparations made here by his Highness for the Reception of his Electoress nor of the Presents he gave to her Retinue nor the Opera's and Comedies purposely made for the Solemnity of her Marriage I will only say that I never saw a genteeler Court better Order more Formalities more variety of Dresses nor the Punctilio's of Honour and Courtesy more strictly observ'd There were great Rejoicings all the first Week until the Court receiv'd the unwelcome News of the Death of our late Queen Mary Sometime afterwards having left the Care of the Princess's Health to Monsieur Pistorini the Elector's Physician I took my Leave of her Highness and went for Holland from whence I arriv'd at London in the Month of February in the Year 1694 5. The King of Poland had no near Relations except one Sister who was married to that Duke Radzivil who writ in Latin his Travels into the Holy Land and describes the Pyramids of Egypt he has been dead several Years and his Dutchess died at Warsaw in my time What small Reputation I got in that Country in the Practice of Physick was by her Death for when I arriv'd at Warsaw the King made me consult with all the Physicians of the Town which were about ten concerning her Disease His Majesty's first Physician was Dr. Jonas an Italian and professed Jew for your Lordship must understand that in Poland particularly at Court Religion is no Objection against any Person especially a Physician since the King at his Coronation promises to protect four Religions the Roman which he must seem to be of himself the Protestant the Greek and that of the Jews I examined the Princess's Disease and found it was an Ague fomented by an Abscess in the Liver which made her vomit up all that she took I thought her Case very desperate tho her ordinary Physicians made no account of it thinking it was only an Ague which the constant use of Jesuits Pouder would infallibly cure I discover'd they were not acquainted with the inward Cause of her Disease being not vers'd in Anatomy wherefore I desir'd that most of the Learned Gentlemen at Court would be present to hear their Reasons and mine Dr. Jonas who spoke first gave his Opinion that there was no fear and that she should persist only in the use of the Bark with which they had cram'd her for three Months before all the rest follow'd his Opinion I spoke last and summ'd up all their Arguments to compare them with her Distemper and declar'd against their Method and intimated that I believ'd she could not live long let them change their Method ever so much for the better This alarm'd the whole Court in a quarter of an hour The Physicians assur'd the contrary and urged that I was a Stranger to the Climate and to the Princess's Constitution and Disease and they promised in a little time tho some of them began to be dissident to set her upon her Legs again notwithstanding she grew worse and worse every day and died in a Month's time in the 62 d Year of her Age. The Queen order'd her to be open'd and three Bishops were present but none of the Physicians would come but my self we found not only an Abscess in her Liver but likewise a great many square Stones like Dice in her Gall Bladder and other Stones in one of her Kidnies besides a great deal of Gravel in her Liver which grated and crumbled its whole Substance into putrid Matter This Princess left only a Son and a Daughter Duke Radzivil her Son married a Relation of Prince Sapieha and her Daughter was married to Prince Lubomirski Duke Radzivil told me that he travell'd here in England when King James II. was
successively for above eight hundred Years But hereafter it is likely to prove otherwise for the Gentry of Poland are so jealous of their own Kings and so covetous to be enrich'd by foreign Princes that probably henceforward they will choose no Native Besides the Pope will undoubtedly always use his utmost Authority and Interest in that Kingdom to get Protestant Princes elected For when I was formerly at Rome I heard the Politicians say that the best method to make the Protestant Princes of the North Roman Catholicks was to elect them successively to the Crown of Poland So that if the Pope sees that the present King of Poland's Children are confirm'd in the Doctrines of the Church of Rome he will doubtless after his Death make the same Endeavours to advance to that Throne either the King of Sweden the Elector of Brandenburg or the Elector of Hanover as he has done in favour of the Elector of Saxony who has been elected to the Crown of Poland not so much by the Power of his Wealth and Credit in the Kingdom as by the Influence of the Clergy privately instigated by the Authority of the Pope This I gather from a Letter sent me last Summer from Warsaw by my Friend Baron Scarlati Envoy Extraordinary at that Court from the Elector of Bavaria Thus my Lord I have given you as large an Account of John the IIId's Life and of what pass'd remarkable at Warsaw in my time as we need perhaps know of so remote a Country or I could my self learn in so short a time as I had the honour to reside at that Prince's Court where I was so much taken up in the Practice of Physick that I had neither Opportunity nor Time to make all the Political Remarks which another perhaps that had nothing else to do but to converse with Courtiers and Ladies might have leisurely done I cannot therefore pretend to give as is usual a Character of the King's Favourites nor of other Great Men about him nor to acquaint your Lordship with the different Cabals and private Intrigues of that numerous Court That were a Subject fitter for a Statesman than for me to write of my Genius and Profession prompting me only to make Observations in Physick and not in State-Affairs I hope therefore your Lordship will excuse the deficiency of this Letter when you consider it was writ by a Physician and one who values himself only upon it in being with all Respect My LORD Your Lordship 's most obedient humble Servant B. C. LETTER V. To the Right Honourable CHARLES Lord Townsend Of the Extent and Products of Poland together with a Description of the chief Towns and Provinces of the Kingdom My LORD I Know your natural Sagacity improv'd so much by your Travels and constant Application to Sciences and Politicks is no less inquisitive after the Extent and Products of Countries than after their Maxims of State and Forms of Government And this I discover'd in your Lordship as well when I met you some years ago in Holland as since your return to England and because you then discours'd me often about my Travels into Poland I thought a Geographical Description of that Country might not be unacceptable to you I must confess I were not long enough in that Kingdom to survey it exactly therefore have taken pains to learn not only from the Natives themselves but also from their correctest Authors an Account of such Parts of that Kingdom which I could not visit my self I must first take notice to your Lordship that the King of Poland's Dominions are divided into two different States which are the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Dutchy of Lithuania The Constitutions Language Customs and Genius of both which Nations are as different as those of England and Scotland except that one Parliament or Diet serves both which must nevertheless have one Session in Lithuania to two in Poland and the Senators and Deputies of each Nation must meet together as well in the Great Dutchy as in the Kingdom for no Law can be legally made without the mutual Consent of both Poland therefore being a distinct Nation of it self I will here as I have promis'd present your Lordship with a short Description of it alone My Lord POLAND when first founded by Lechus in the Year 550 like all other Nations in their minority was but a small Tract of Land in respect of what it afterwards grew to be for at first it contain'd only High and Low Poland with Silesia but in process of time either through Marriages or Conquests it became the largest and most powerful Kingdom in Europe and rais'd as well the Envy as Jealousy of its Neighbours The first Acquisition to this Crown was the Province of Pomerania conquer'd by Lechus by his having kill'd Regulus its Prince Boleslaus Chrobry likewise made Bohemia Russia Moravia and Prussia Tributary But Casimir II. entirely conquer'd all Prussia in the Year 1183 and Casimir the Great subdu'd all Russia in the Year 1338 when Maslaus the Duke of Masovia also submitted to the Polish Crown Some time after Valachia and Moldavia were united to Poland by Conquest and the Great Dutchy of Lithuania added by Jagello's Marriage with Hedwigis Queen of Poland The large and fertile Province of Livonia was conquer'd about the Year 1500 and afterwards the Poles extended their Conquests towards Moscovy when they took the Great Dutchies of Smolensko Severia and Czernicovia and in Vladislaus the VIIth's time conquer'd all that Country They in like manner enlarg'd their Dominions towards the Black Sea for they made themselves Masters of all Vkraina Over and above these vast Conquests the Poles likewise grew very considerable by electing several potent Neighbours for their Kings whereby they added to their own Strength that of Bohemia Hungary Sweden and Transylvania as they have likewise at this juncture that of the Electorate of Saxony In short the Poles in process of time grew so exorbitantly Powerful from the XIIIth to the middle of the XVIIth Century having in their possession all the Lands between Austria Moscovy and the Baltic and Euxine Seas that they gave their Neighbours the Turks Tartars Muscovites Swedes and Germans just reason to grow jealous of them Whereupon these several Potentates at different times made most bloody Wars upon them till by degrees they had brought their Territories to a narrower Compass and made themselves Masters of the greater part of them For the Emperour got from them the several Countries of Hungary Bohemia Transylvania Silesia and Moravia Valachia and Moldavia now chuse Hospodars or Governours of their own tho they are nevertheless Tributary to the Turk The Turks and Tartars are Masters of Podolia and the best part of Vkraina which they over-run in King Michael Korybuth's time and the Muscovites conquer'd the other part of it Kiovia as likewise all the vast Dutchies of Severia Smolensko and Czernicovia The King of Sweden also is now in possession of
Gules The second Palatinate of the Province of Masovia is that of Ploskow lying towards the East between the Vistula and Prussia It is divided into four Districts viz. The Districts of Ploczkow Zancren Mlava and Stenen In all which are these principal Cities and Towns viz. Ploczkow Bish Cap. Sieprcz Srensko Mlaw and Radzanow The Capital of all which is Ploczkow or Ploczko Metropolis of the Palatinate of that Name which stands on a high Bank of the Weissel or Vistula from whence one may have a very fair Prospect of a pleasant and fruitful Country This City is considerably inrich'd by the Navigableness of its River is very populous and has been long dignified with a Bishop's See Besides the Cathedral there are divers other Churches and Monasteries richly endow'd especially the Abby of Benedictins in the Suburbs where amongst other Relicks the Head of St. Sigismund is kept in Gold which was given by King Sigismund III. Sieprcz a Wooden Town built on a Hill among the Marshes and about five Miles from Ploczkow Srensko a Timber-built Town seated in a Plain with a Castle founded among the Bogs This Place is about ten Miles from Ploczko Mlaw a Town built on the Confines of Prussia and wash'd by the River of its own Name It is also about ten Miles from Ploczkow Radzanow a Timber-built Town on the River Vkra with a Castle founded upon a Rock amongst the Marshes This Town is about eight Miles from Ploczkow The Senators of this Palatinate are The Bishop Palatin and Castellan of Ploskow The Castellans of Sieprcz and Radzanow The Standard or Arms of this Palatinate are an Eagle expans'd Sables with a P on the Breast All in a Field Gules The third Palatinate of the Province of Masovia is that of Dobrina lying towards the West between Cujavia and Prussia It abounds with all sorts of Fruit and Fish and is divided into three Districts viz. The District of Dobrina Ripin and Slonsk In all which are these principal Cities and Towns viz. Dobrina Cap. Ripin Slonsk and Gorzno The Capital City of this Palatinate is Dobrina a Timber-built City seated on a Rock near the River Vistula It had formerly a Castle which was demolish'd by the Teutonick Knights Ripin a Wooden Town built in a Plain on the River Odleck It is about five Miles from Dobrina Slonsk a Town in a Plain situate upon the River Vistula and about two Miles from Dobrina Gorzno or Gurzno a Wood-built Town tolerably well defended by Nature and Art It is about six Polish Miles from Dobrina This Palatinate was formerly the cause of frequent Wars between the Poles Teutonick Knights and Prussians The Senators of this Palatinate are The Castellans of Dobrina Ripin and Slonsk The Arms and Standard of this Palatinate are a Man's Head proper doubly crown'd Or and Argent All in a Field Gules The Sixth PROVINCE of this Kingdom is Samogitia having in it no Palatinate tho many Capitanies of which the chief Starosta is he of the Province who has a Place in the Senate tho no other of the same Dignity have the like throughout the whole Kingdom except he be otherwise qualified This Province is indifferently large and fruitful tho it be very much over-run with Woods To the North it is bounded by Curland and the Baltic Sea On the West it has Ducal Prussia and the Baltic and towards the South and East it borders on Lithuania It has several Cities as well belonging to the King as the Gentry which for the most part are all built with Wood. This Province takes its Name from its Situation which is low and marshy the word Samogitz in the Language of this Country denoting as much It abounds with Lakes and inaccessible Mountains yet affords great quantities of Honey purer than that either of Lithuania or Livonia and breeds Horses which are very much admir'd for their Swiftness The ordinary People here live in Cottages for the most part seated near Lakes or Rivers and cover'd either with Thatch or Boards They plough the Ground not with Iron but Wood tho the Soil be most commonly fat and stiff which Custom they are addicted to even to Superstition for when a certain Starosta of that Country thought to introduce Iron Plowshares among them and the Season not happening to prove as kind as usual they attributed all the cause to this change of Instrument whereupon they were permitted to return to their old way for fear of an Insurrection Their Horses are generally so small that one would wonder how they could undergo the Fatigue they put 'em to Most of the Inhabitants of this Country differ little in Manners Habit or Language from the Lithuanians yet some of them still retain several Idolatrous Worships especially in the Deserts where they pay Devotion to a four-footed Serpent under the Name of Givosit and you 'll hardly find a Family in these Parts without one of these Houshold Gods Nay even at this day in many Villages both of Prussia and Lithuania the poor Peasants altho they profess Christianity yet keep Adders in their Houses to which they pay a more than ordinary Veneration imagining that some great Mischief would befal them if these Idols should come to any harm To be more particular with this Country your Lordship may understand that their Houses except only those of the Gentry are built low and long-ways with an Hearth in the middle and but one Room which serves not only for themselves but their Cattel The better sort drink out of Horn Cups and eat out of Wooden Platters The Honey here is extraordinary having but little Wax and some of it is perfectly white with which the Woods are every where almost lin'd The manner of the Pagan Sacrifices and Feasts in Samogitia kept at this day about the end of October is as follows First the Place of meeting being assign'd the Men with their Wives Children and Servants punctually appear thereat when spreading a Cloth upon the Straw several Loaves are set in due order and between each Loaf a large Pot of Beer then Beasts of divers kinds both Male and Female are brought in and sacrific'd after the antient Custom thus First the Augur or Priest after having mumbled over some few words strikes 'em with a Wand he holds in his hand on the Back Belly c. when all that are present likewise follow his Example crying out O Zimiennick for so they call their God these Offerings we make to thee for protecting us so mercifully hitherto and we most humbly implore thee to have the like Compassion on us for the future as to preserve us from Fire Sword Pestilence and our Enemies Which said they immediately fall to but first cut off a bit from every Plate and throw 'em about the Room crying O Zimiennick graciously partake of our Sacrifices and favour thy Adorers After
1267 endeavouring to subdue Russia he was circumvented by Leo Duke thereof who built Leopol and slain in the Monastery of Wrowsko With him the Family of the Dukes of Lithuania being extinct Vtenus or Vcienus descended from the Kitauri Princes in that Country was unanimously elected first Great Duke of Lithuania and Samogitia who having had divers Wars with the Russians and Prussians died and left his Dominions to his Son Swintorohus who reigning but little tho very well died and left behind him his Son Germontus who rul'd also a very little while and was succeeded by his Son Trahus who govern'd well both in War and Peace for some time and built a Town and Castle after his own Name This Great Duke left behind him five Legitimate Children viz. Narimundus Dowmantus Holsanus Giedrutus and Troidenus who all separately succeeded their Father in his Dominions Narimundus the Eldest had for his part the Great Dutchy of Lithuania with Samogitia both which he had a Right to by the Prerogative of his Birth He translated the Ducal Seat from Novogrodec to Kiernow His first Wars were in conjunction with his Brothers upon Poland Russia Masovia and Prussia Then he declar'd War against his Brother Dowmant for taking away his Wife whom he soon recovered and drove his Brother out of his Dominions who flying to the Russians of Polocz was universally receiv'd for their Prince This Duke is recorded in the Russian Annals to have been the first Inventor of the Lithuanian Arms which are in a Field Gules a Person arm'd Cap-a-pe Sables riding full speed on a Horse Argent and flourishing a Sword over his head of the third To him succeeded his Brother Troidenus but first an Account of the other Brothers Dowmant had for his Share the District of Cosnia where he built the Castle of Vcian Holsanus the third Brother was allotted his Division beyond the River Wilia towards the East Giedrutus or Giedrotus the fourth Brother built a Castle upon a Lake calling it after his own Name and where he fixt the Seat of his Dutchy Whose Descendants are famous even to this day The fifth Brother Troidenus succeeded Narimundus in Lithuania and Samogitia who having gathered together an Army of about 30000 Men divided them into three Parts one whereof he sent against Masovia and the other two against the Teutonick Knights in Prussia where having destroy'd divers Towns he return'd with a great Booty of Captives and Cattle The same Year Cujavia was over-run by the Lithuanians Some small time after which Dowmant Prince of Polocz being provok'd to see his younger Brother on his Father's Throne hir'd three Rusticks to murder him as he went into a Bath which they effected But Dowmant marching with a formidable Army to take possession of Lithuania was met and vanquish'd by Rimunt Son to Troidenus who thereupon succeeded his Father for a while but afterwards calling a Diet at Kiernow he publickly renounc'd his Right and retir'd to a Monastical Life constituting Vithenes of the Family of the Kitauri descended of the Roman Princes Great Duke This Prince was a Person of a brave and warlike Spirit Wherefore Rimunt when it was demanded of him Why he put by the Families of his Vncles Giedrutus and Holsanus answered Because there were none but Children among them when a Prince of Lithuania ought to correspond with the Arms of that Country invented by his Vncle Narimund which were a Warrior on Horseback arm'd Cap-a-pe and posting to subdue his Enemies This Great Duke Vithenes began his Reign in the Year 1281. The Year following he invaded the Palatinate of Lublin and continued destroying it for fifteen days together till at length Lescus the Black King of Poland being animated thereto by a Vision met and fought him between the Rivers Narew and Niemen where the latter gain'd a signal Victory In testimony whereof he founded a Parochial Church at Lublin and dedicated it to St. Michael the Arch-Angel In the Year 1287 the Lithuanians Prussians and Samogitians made a Descent upon Dobrina and surprizing the Capital City thereof on Sunday when its Inhabitants were busi'd at Devotion kill'd and carry'd away great Numbers of them into Slavery Afterwards in 1289 the Lithuanians to the number only of 8000 invaded a part of Prussia burning killing and destroying wherever they came but before the Country could make head against them they were retired with great Spoils To requite which next Year the Prussians march'd into Lithuania where they kill'd and took vast numbers of the Inhabitants as likewise possessed themselves under the Conduct of the Commendador of Koningsberg of the strong Castle Merabde Afterwards Memer great Master of Prussia enter'd Lithuania with a formidable Army and entirely destroy'd two Districts Not long after this Vithenes invaded Cujavia and burnt and destroy'd all the Country about Bressici and likewise carried away great Numbers into Captivity In the Year 1293 Conradus Stange Commendador of Ragneta took the Castle of Mindog in Lithuania which Vithenes soon requited by entring Prussia and destroying it eighty days together Afterwards in 1294 Vithenes with a Body only of 1800 Horse marching thro' Woods and By-roads surpriz'd a great Concourse of People met in the Collegiate Church of Lanschet whereof the greatest part he kill'd and the others consisting chiefly of Ecclesiasticks he carri'd away for Slaves The Church he rob'd and those that fled he stifled by firing all the House around them After which marching about the Country he drove away all their Cattel but upon his return meeting with Casimir Palatine of Lanschet he was bravely oppos'd for a while till Numbers suppli'd the defect of Valour and he entirely routed the Christians near So●●aczow which having effected he return'd peaceably into his Country This Vithenes had a Master of the Horse nam'd Gediminus who being of a haughty and ambitious Temper conspir'd together with the Great Dutchess to take away his Master's Life which in a short time he brought about and having marry'd his Princess he seiz'd upon the Crown Gedeminus became Great Duke of Lithuania in the Year 1300 in the beginning of whose Reign the Prussian and Livonian Knights having got together a numerous Army invaded Samogitia which they soon over-run burning and destroying wherever they came and taking the strong Castle of Kunossow by Assault wherein they made Prisoner the Grand General of Lithuania The Year following Gedeminus to revenge these insupportable Injuries having rais'd a considerable Body of his own Subjects together with the Assistance of the Russians and Tartars march'd directly against the Teutonic Knights when meeting them near the River Okmiena both Armies came to Blows and so continu'd for several Hours till at length the Samogitians forsaking the Knights side came over to Gedeminus whose Strength thereby being greatly augmented as that of his Enemies weakned he fell furiously in among them and soon put
them to flight This Victory being thus luckily obtain'd Gedeminus prosecuted it into the very heart of Prussia where he found nothing able to withstand him except only the two Castles of Ragneta and Cilza but which nevertheless he took in a short time Afterwards having made a miserable havock in that Country as also totally regain'd his Dutchy of Samogitia he return'd peaceably home In the Year 1304 this Great Duke having a Quarrel with some of the Russian Princes made great Preparations against them when marching forthwith into Russia he first met and fought Vlodomirus Duke of Volhynia whom he slew and routed his whole Army Then he bent his force against Leo Duke of Luceoria whom he also vanquish'd and took his chief City Lutzko both which Princes being thus defeated made him absolute Master of all Volhynia Next Spring being tir'd out with Idleness he carry'd his Arms against Stanislaus Duke of Kiovia whom he overthrew together with several Princes his Neighbours that came to assist him With this Victory Gedeminus being not a little encourag'd proceeded and took most of the Cities and Towns of Russia when after having compleated a glorious Conquest he return'd Triumphantly into his own Country Afterwards Gedeminus going to hunt about five Miles beyond the River Wilia occasionally built a Castle there near a Lake and a City naming it Troki whither he then translated his Court from Kicrnow After this in the Year 1305 Gedeminus going a Hunting again towards the East after various Fortune became greatly fatigu'd with that sport Whereupon Night drawing on he was forc'd to take up a Lodging upon a Mountain then call'd Krzyunagora now Turzagoria or Lissa where soon falling asleep he dreamt that he saw and heard roar a huge Iron Wolf which had above a hundred Wolves of the same Mettle in his Belly which roar'd likewise after an amazing manner whereat being extreamly frighted he wak'd and next Morning put this Dream to his Courtiers to expound when every one having deliver'd his Opinion a different way at last a Pagan Priest nam'd Ledzieiko said to have been found in an Eagle's Nest whose Practice was to foretel Futurities expounded it thus The Iron Wolf quoth he denotes a strong City and the other Wolves in his Belly a formidable Multitude of Inhabitants Hereupon he immediately advises Gedeminus to build a fortify'd City and Castle there Whence this Priest came to have the Name of Radzivil that is A Counsellor to build Vilna From this Person 's Family have descended a great many famous Heroes who have all sufficiently distinguish'd themselves both in times of Peace and War Gedeminus being easily mov'd by these Persuasions forthwith erected two Castles near that Place one on a high Hill and the other in a Plain adding moreover a City call'd Vilna from the River Wilia running by it which is now very populous and Capital of that Great Dutchy to which City he not long after transferr'd his Residence from Troki In 1306 the Lithuanians having had Intelligence that the Poles were lull'd in Sloth and Security march'd through Woods and By-roads into Lower Poland where they burnt and plunder'd Kalisch with several other Cities and Towns killing the old People and Children and carrying the others away Captive The same Year Henry de Pleczko a Saxon Great Master of the Teutonic Order in Prussia surpriz'd and took the Castle of Gartin in Samogitia and put all the Lithuanians found therein to the Sword They likewise proceeded in this War by help of the Germans and after having totally destroy'd the District of Karsouin return'd with great Numbers of Spoils and Captives into Prussia In 1307 the Lithuanians made an Irruption into Siradia and Kalisch where doing a great deal of Mischief they suddenly return'd into their own Country In 1308 Olgerdus Son of Gedeminus march'd with a great Army into Prussia where he made havock with Fire and Sword where-ever he came carrying off likewise great Booty These Favours the Lithuanians and Prussians did frequently and alternatively for one another within the space of few years In 1315 the Lithuanians surpriz'd the Territory of Dobrina where they made great Devastations and likewise took the City of that Name and burnt and plunder'd it In 1322 they likewise enter'd Livonia laying all wast for many Miles together In the same Year in Winter-time David Starosta of Gartin not being discourag'd by Cold destroy'd that Country up as far as Raval carrying away great Spoils and many Prisoners Afterwards in the same Winter they took the Castle of Memel and also enter'd Prussia and kill'd the Comendador of Capion in a set Battle David of Gartin likewise invaded Masovia at the same time and entirely ruin'd a great many Towns and Villages In 1323 the Lithuanians came clandestinely upon Dobrina again and did a great deal of Damage there In the following Year the Starosta of Gartin enter'd Masovia again near Ploczko wherein he destroy'd and burnt above one hundred and thirty Villages thirty Towns and carry'd away about four thousand Captives whilst another Army made a Descent upon Livonia and serv'd that Country after the like manner In 1325 Ann Daughter to Gedeminus marry'd Casimir Son to Vladislaus King of Poland by which all that had been formerly taken from the Polanders was restor'd and a Peace concluded between those two Nations Afterwards at the Siege of the Castle of Fribourg belonging to the Teutonic Knights in Samogitia this Great Duke Gedeminus receiv'd a Wound with an Arrow which cost him his Life This Prince had seven Sons Viz. Montividus Narimundus Olgerdus Keijstutus Koriatus Jauunutus and Lubartus with some Daughters one of which was marry'd as before Among these Sons he divided his Dominions while he liv'd giving to Montividus his eldest Kyernow and Slonim with the Territories thereunto belonging To Narimundus his Conquests and other Acquisitions in Russia On Olgerdus he bestow'd Krewo and all from thence to Beresina To Keijstutus he gave Samogitia Troki Witebsko c. To Koriatus the City of Novogrodec with its Territories But on his Beloved Jauunutus he conferr'd the Metropolis of Lithuania Vilna as also Osmian and Braslaw together with the supream Command over all his Brothers Dominions The youngest Son Lubartus had no share with his Brothers because by his Marriage with the Duke of Russia's Daughter in his Father's Life-time he had obtain'd the Succession to that Dutchy Among these Brothers Olgerdus and Keijstutus being most vex'd to see their younger Brother Jauunutus so highly promoted conspir'd together after their Father's Death to drive him out of Vilna for the execution of which they fix'd a certain time but Olgerdus happening then to be absent on some extraordinary Occasion was forc'd to fail of his Appointment Nevertheless Keijstutus firmly adhering to his Vow resolv'd to accomplish the Design alone and consequently marching secretly towards Vilna surpriz'd and took
it with both its Castles When Jauunutus flying towards a neighbouring Wood was there taken by Keijstutus his Men and being brought back to his Brother was by him order'd to be clapt in Chains A little while afterwards Olgerdus returning Keijstutus would have surrender'd to him the Crown as being his elder Brother but which Olgerdus refus'd saying It was due neither to his Fortune nor Merit and therefore he would not pretend to deserve it by Birth But at length they both agreed to divide those Dominions between them and Vilna with the supream Authority fell to Olgerdus but nevertheless they both bound themselves by Oath to intrench upon neither's Dominions To their Brother Jauunutus they yielded the Palatinate of Braslaw in Russia Olgerdus being thus possess'd of the Throne began his Reign with invading Prussia and Livonia where the Teutonic Knights did not dare to oppose him so that having over-run all those Countries and loaded his Army with Spoils he return'd triumphantly to Lithuania where he sacrific'd the Captive Knights to his Father's Ghost whom they had kill'd The same Year Olgerdus march'd silently against the Marquisate of Brandenburg which he destroy'd and plunder'd up as far as Frankfurt and all along the Banks of the River Oder Next he drove the Tartars out of Podolia about which time Caminiec was built by his Brother's Sons Afterwards Janowitz Czar of Muscovy being puff'd up with his great Power sent to Olgerdus then lying sick of a Fever at Witebsko That before a Month were at an end he would make him such Visit as should fright him into an Ague To which haughty Message Olgerdus only return'd That since he knew his Mind he would prevent his Journey and wait on him at Moscow Whereupon leaping out of his Bed he expos'd his Life to his Honour but which as it hapned did well enough for he recover'd in few days and getting speedily together a considerable Army he march'd forthwith into Moscovy laid Siege to Moscow and took it together with the baffled Czar whom he forc'd before he left him to agree to a dishonourable Peace and leave him in possession of great part of his Empire After which he reduc'd the major part of Russia which he join'd to his Dominions they having formerly been only wont to pay Tribute to Lithuania This Prince had by Mary his Wife twelve Sons of which Jagello and Skiergelo only were Great Dukes of Lithuania after him His Brother Keijstutus had six Sons whereof Vitoldus and Sigismundus came to be Great Dukes of Lithuania Olgerdus dying in the Year 1381 Jagello ascended his Throne with consent of his Uncle Keijstutus This Duke had a favourite Courtier one Voidilus a Man of an obscure Descent and whom he had rais'd from his Baker to be his Secretary and prime Minister This Person he affected so dearly that he gave him his Sister in Marriage which was highly displeasing to his Uncle who protested earnestly against it whereupon this subtle Upstart fearing lest Keijstutus might one day or other put him out of favour with his Prince he prevail'd with Jagello to look upon his Uncle as his Enemy and to proceed against him accordingly which Jagello being young was easily persuaded to do therefore clapping up a secret Truce with the Teutonic Knights with whom he was before in War he made all imaginable Preparations against his Uncle which Keijstutus being inform'd of was immediately alarm'd at till his Son Vitoldus quieted his Suspicions by persuading him that Jagello would never attempt any such thing but at length Jagello marching against the Russians of Polocz which were then his Uncle's Subjects his design was past all doubt and therefore Keijstutus got together what Forces he could upon so short a Warning and invaded his Nephew's Territories where he took Vilna and would have proceeded had it not been for his Son Vitoldus who still continu'd Jagello's Friend But afterwards Keijstutus being busy'd in subduing the Traitor Koributh Jagello not only retook Vilna but also besieg'd and gain'd Troki by Treachery which Keijstutus marching to recover he together with his Son Vitoldus was betray'd into Jagello's hands by means of his Brother Skergelo who pretended to bring these two Princes amicably together but Jagello having once got his Uncle into his Clutches detain'd him and threw him into Chains and afterwards order'd him to be strangled in his Prison at Kreva His Cousin German Vitoldus he ungratefully kept a long while in Bonds at Vilna who afterwards being remov'd to Kreva and a time appointed for his Death escap'd by means of his Wife who always having free Access to him by exchanging Habits with one of her Servants got her Husband away in her own Hence he fled to his Kinsman John Duke of Masovia but not thinking himself secure there he afterwards went into Prussia where at first he was reprov'd by the Knights of the Teutonic Order for having recourse to them only in time of Adversity but afterwards he was more courteously receiv'd and promis'd their Assistance to re-establish him in his paternal Dominions Whereupon together with the Samogitians who favour'd Vitoldus his Interest they made an Inroad into Lithuania and took Troki but they were afterwards nevertheless forc'd to surrender it At length Jagello by secret Messages recall'd his Kinsman out of Prussia and upon his Promise to be faithful to him settled him in his Hereditary Estate A little while after this the Throne of Poland becoming vacant by Lewis of Hungary's Death Jagello was invited thither to accept that Crown under certain Conditions which may appear more at large in his Life among those Kings Whilst Jagello was thus absent in Poland with great Numbers of his Subjects who went to wait on him into that Kingdom the Great Masters of Prussia and Livonia finding a fit opportunity enter'd Lithuania destroying with Fire and Sword as far as the Castle of Lucom in Russia which also they took and having furnish'd with all necessary Defence plac'd in it Andrew Jagello's Brother upon whose Request this Expedition had been undertaken About the same time Swetoslaus Duke of Smolensko invaded Russia and took Mscislaw and several other Places by force both which Actions Jagello being soon inform'd of immediately dispatch'd away his Brother Skirgelo and Kinsman Vitoldus into Lithuania who finding the Teutonic Army retir'd forthwith laid Siege to the Castle of Lucom which having taken they proceeded to Mscislaw which they likewise took and kill'd Swetoslaus who was in possession of it Afterwards having recover'd all the other revolted Dominions which had sided with Duke Andrew they made him Prisoner and carrying him into Poland he was order'd by his Brother Jagello to be cast into a noisom Dungeon whence upon the request of the good-natur'd Vitoldus he was not long after deliver'd After Jagello's Death tho there were several Great Dukes of Lithuania yet seeing they were Tributary to the Kings of Poland and Lithuania it self was afterwards united to Poland under