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A55118 A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer. Palmer, Thomas, b. ca. 1620. 1659 (1659) Wing P253; ESTC R17862 95,299 212

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hath been fulfill'd in it and upon it that there is little to be accomplished I shall wholly pass over the State of Rome under all these former Governments and onely speak to the Imperial When the Romans had ended their War in France Civil War arose amongst themselves between Julius Caesar and En. Pompey his kinsman Pompey and Caesar were both Roman Generals and had great interest in the people But Pompey laying his design to get into sole power would have Caesar put out of his Consulship unlesse he would disband his Army Caesar could not think himself safe to dismiss his Souldiers yet did offer that he would do it if Pompey would do the like Yet this equal motion not being accepted Caesar presently speeded to his Army in France marched into Italy and there possessed himself of divers strong Holds This news being brought to Pompey he rallied his Army and gave Battel to Caesar. But in this Fight Pompey's Army was routed and Pompey himself fled into Egypt But where Pompey looked for requital of former kindness his low estate was now despised and Ptolomy King of Egypt fearing uprores in his Country by harbouring Pompey he caused Pompey to be treacherously slain and so Caesar came to sole power In the 5. year of this Civil War Julius Caesar returned to Rome and now enemies being vanquished abroad and the people pacisied at home Julius Caesar had the honour of Dictator but having the power of the sword he assumed Supreme Authority to himself chose Senators of his own party and conferred honours and Offices of the Weale-publike upon whom he pleased By this usurpation Caesar was lost much in the affections of the people in general and hated by divers So that conspiracies were made against him and at last he was murdered in the Senate the 15. of March the 5. moneth after he came to Rome by those he had shewn great kindness to The Roman Monarchy here took beginning and from hence I intend to trace the Emperours so long as the Roman Empire lasted and give a view to the world what beastly Monsters most of them were according to the Visions of them to Daniel After the death of Julius Caesar Octavius Augustus Caesars sisters son drew the Souldiers after him and pretended to put himself into Arms for the Wealepu like At this time the Government of Triumviri were established and the Rule given to Augustus and two of his friends But the greedy ambition of sole Authority ingendred strife amongst the three Governours M. Lepidus was soon deposed for conspiring against Augustus And not long after Augustus made War upon Antonius who had married the sister of Augustus for putting her away and marrying the Queen of Egypt In this War Augustus overcame and made Antonius and Cleopatra his new wife to kill themselves And thus Augustus came to the Empire of Rome Historians say Our Saviour Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin in the 42. year of the reign of Augustus That Christ was born in the reign of Augustus the Scripture assures us but to finde out the particular year of his reign we must consult Chronologers John Sleidan saith It was the 29. year of Augustus c. Yet these may be thus reconciled accounting 13. years of Augustus his reign as Triumviri and 29. in sole Government as Emperour the birth of Christ falls in the 42. year of Augustus after which he reigned 14. years and in all 56. and died Anno Christ. 15. After Augustus Tiberius his son in law took the Empire At first he seemed hard to be perswaded to accept the Crown and for some time did nothing of moment without the Senate But when he was well setled in the Throne he did what he pleased In the 15. year of Tiberius Jesus Christ was Baptized and entered upon his publike Ministry and suffered death in the 18. or beginning of the 19. of the reign of Tiberius Cytreus upon the 21. of Mat. hath it thus Our Saviour Christ Jesus when he had lived here on earth 33. years and something more suffered death for the Salvation of mankinde the 25. day of March in the 18. year of the reign of Tiberius In his reign also Steven was stoned John Baptist beheaded and Paul called In all Tiberius reigned 22. years and odd moneths An. Christ. 37. Caius Caligula now took the Imperial Scepter This Emperour abounded in cruelty Idolatty and pride forgetting he was but dust he claimed to himself the honour of God causing the people to pray to him and dedicated the Lords holy Temple in Jerusalem never before so defiled to new Caius as a famous God In the time of Caius Pilate who past Sentence of death upon Christ fell into a tormenting disease and to end his misery kill'd himself Also Herod that beheaded John was put down and banished Caius himself was also slain by his own Guard when he had reigned 3. years and 10 moneths An. 42. Claudius Uncle to Caius came next to the Throne He was a great Warrior and reduced many Countries to obedience to the Roman Scepter amongst others this Nation of England and married his daughter to Arviragus the King and in memory of that great solemnity he built Kaerlow now Glocester An. 44. When Claudius had borne the Crown 13. years 8. moneths and 20. daies he died An. 56. Nero took the next turn He past the former part of his reign quietly But after he was setled he fell into abominable wickedness his malice carried him beyond the bounds of humanity that he tormented to death his own mother his brethren and his wife Nero to all other evils raised the first persecution against the Christians In this persecution Peter and Paul the Apostles suffered Martyrdom and by this means the Gospel was much spread at which time it 's said The Gospel was brought into England by Joseph of Arimathea Upon the cruelty of Nero divers Countries rebelled and great troubles were raised in the Roman State but to prevent a deserved death by the sentence of the Senate Nero became his own executioner when he had reigned 13. years and 8. daies An. 69. The Empire at the death of Nero was in great disorder and the Sword bare the greatest sway By this means Galba was set upon the Throne yet he kept it but 7. moneths and 7. daies but was beheaded Otho succeeded Galba yet he continued his honour but for 3. moneths and he was slain Vitellius took the next turn who was Emperour but 8. moneths and he was dispatched Vespatian being now General of the Roman Armies sent against the Jewes the Army proclaimed Vespatian Emperour of Rome Hereupon the Emperour left the Government of the Army to his son Titus and himself returned to Rome At this time the Lord fulfilled the word of Prophesie in a great measure upon
Salsbury Plain and took the King prisoner In this low condition the King was constrained to give Kent Sussex Suffolk and Norfolk to Hingest and there he set up his Kingdom In this interim of time Aurelius Ambrosius son to Constantine brought over an Army out of France to recover his right and falling upon Vortiger burnt him in his Castle in Wales when he had reigned 6. years more An. 466. Aurelius Ambrose being set in the Throne hasted speedily with an Army against Occa son of Hingest at York In that battel he took Occa prisoner and soon after set up the great stones upon Salisbury Plain in memory of the Brittains that were buryed there who were treacherously murdered by the Saxons as before In this Kings time the Saxons grew fast They set up the South Kingdom of Saxons containing Somersetshire Dorsetshire and Cornewall Also Porthe set up the East Kingdom of the Saxons containing Norfolk and Suffolk Not long after Aurelius Ambrose was poysoned when he had reigned 32. years An 498. Uter Pendragon then bare the royal Diadem No Lady would please him but the Duke of Cornewall's wife and on her he begat Arthur Pendragon and reigned 18. years An. 516. Arthur the son of Uter succeeded his father He fought twelve battels with the Saxons when Arthur had much subdued these enemies at home he committed the Government of Brittain to one Mordred and followed the Wars beyond Sea But in his absence Mordred confederated with the King of the West Saxons and set up himself King of Brittain The news of this coming to Arthur he speedily returned to Brittain with an Army and gave battel to Mordred in Cornewal where Mordred was slain and Arthur deadly wounded yet they brought him to Glastenbury where he died when he had governed 16. years An. 532. Constantine a kinsman of Arthur got the Crown after him But Aurelius a Brittain raised War against him and slew him when he had reigned 3. years An. 535. Aurelius Conan Nephew to Arthur was crowned King of Brittain about An. 545. There was now great strife for the Kingdom and it appears that for some time one King was kill'd before another got to the Throne At this time Arthurs brother was next heir to the Crown but Aurelius his Couzin got it by great hand having the longer Sword and kept his Uncle a prisoner In the time while these were striving for the Crown the Saxons got ground and set up the fifth and sixth Kingdoms of the Saxons Aurelius reigned 33. years An. 578. Vortipor succeeded his father Conan He was a vile person he put away his wife and kept his daughter for his Concubine He reigned 4. years An. 582. Malgo-Conan then had the rule He delighted in the filthy sin of Sodomy he kill'd his wife and took his brothers daughter In wickedness he reigned 4. years An. 586. Cara next got the Crown This King was so vile abominable and wicked that the people moved the Saxons and the King of Ireland to make War against him and after two years they drove him out of his Kingdom An. 588. The Brittains were now exceedingly wasted the Christian faith before received neer worn out The Saxons prevailing against the Brittains drive them to the desolate Mountains in Wales and got the whole Dominion of this Land In the time of the Saxons the Inhabitants of this Land were called Angles or Anglishmen and now English-men and the Brittains Welch-men But though the Brittains were driven into Wales yet there they elected Kings over them and as they had strength made War upon the Saxons until King Cadwalladar Anno 687. The Saxons being now masters of Angland or England they set up their Heptarchy or seven several Kingdoms and every King had his Dominion But when other competitors were gone Ambition and a varice set them at variance until one Kingdom had swallowed up all the other Alas alas It 's not Towns or Countries or some Nations that will satisfie aspiring spirits Time and great experience hath proved this Possibly it may be expected that I should go through the Lines of these several Saxon Kings But I find them treading in the same steps of those that went before them and those that follow after are the right sons of their Progenitors Therefore I will enter again with Monarchy and pass all the rest from the expulsion of the Brittains into Wales and the whole Land as divided amongst the Saxons until the Nation was again run up into one Monarchy which was from An. 588. to 872. In the time of the Saxon Heptarchy the Danes made their first inroad into England by Portland Island in the West but were then repulsed An. 800. Yet after they came with redoubled force and entered in Northumberlaud against whom Ethreldred King of the West Saxons who had greatest strength of the Saxon Kings gave them battel but the King was there slain when he had reigned 5. years and the Danes still kept their hold about An. 871. Alfred or Alured last King of the West Saxons began the first Monarchy of the Saxons in England He put the Saxons Laws into English he restored and repaired the City of London and made it again habitable which was wasted and burnt by the Danes An. 839. It is thought also that this King was the first Founder of the University of Oxford He reigned 29. years and 6. moneths Ann. 900. Edward the elder succeeded his father Alfred He subdued the Kings of Scotland and Wales He built divers Towns and Nottingham-Bridge and reigned 24. years An. 924. Adelstain or Athelstain son to Edward took the Throne and did much in his time He expell'd the Danes out of the Land and reigned 15. years Anno 939. Edmund succeeded his brother Athelstain and was slain when he had reigned 5. years An. 344. Edmund left two sons young and Eldred brother to Edmund took on him the Government as Protector but soon after he was Crowned King and reigned 9. years An. 953. Edwin the son of Edmund succeeded his Uncle Eldred and in the day he was Crowned he ravished his own kinswoman the wife of a Noble man and put her husband afterwards to death that he might have her For this and some other abominable acts his Subjects deprived him of his Royal dignity when he had reigned 4. years An. 957. After Edwin Edgar his brother was set on the Throne He was a good Commonwealths-man and reigned 16. years An. 973. Edward the second son of Edgar succeeded his father but was murdered when he had reigned 3. years Anno 976. Etheldred the second son of Edgar murdered his brother and set up himself in the Throne But by this bloody act and other ill carriages he lost the hearts of
Provence In his time there fell great strife between the King and the Barons At first they kept Parliaments apart and after their consultations raised Armies and in a battel the King with his sons Edward and Richard and many Nobles were taken prisoners But Edward being set at liberty got up an Army and fell on afresh so at last the Earl of Leicester and many great ones were slain in the battel of Evesham This begot bloudy wars and brought woful desolations to poor England And to the merciless sword the Lord brought fearful judgements of Plagues Famine Earthquakes and many other strange wonders in heaven and earth But Henry resigned all to death the 16. of November 1273. when he had reigned 56. years and 28. days Edward the eldest son of Henry succeeded his father He married Elianor the daughter of the King of Spain in his fathers life-time Ann. 1254. King Edward banished the Jewes this Nation In the memory of Queen Elianor he built stately Crosses where the Corpes rested every night In his reign there was great wars with the French Welch and especially with the Scots who oft rebelled but were as oft subdued yet in those wars the King got a bloudy Flix of which he died the 7. of July An. 1308. when he had reigned 34. years 7. moneths and odd days Edward the 2. succeeded his father He was said to be a dissolute Prince hated of his Nobles and contemned of the Common people He married Isabel daughter to the French King In his time also the Scots rebelled vanquished the Kings Army and after besieged him in York and burnt the Suburbs The Barons also raised War against the King for defending Piercy and the Spencers his creatures against justice In which straits the King sent the Queen to mediate with her brother the French King She took with her her son Edward But she not returning so soon as her husband appointed her and with all discovering some compliance with some Nobles sled out of England to France the King proclaimed them all to be banished But the Queen her son Edmund Woodstock all of Kent the Kings brother with many Nobles came into England and joyned with the Barons and City of London by which they raised a great Army took divers strong Holds and at last the King and his creatures The King was committed prisoner to the Earl of Lancaster but the creatures were hanged headed and quartered The Queen her son and Barons came presently to London and the next day called a Parliament where the King was deposed when he had reigned 19. years 6. moneths and some daies An. 1328. Edward the eldest son of Edward the 2. was set up in his fathers stead at 14. years of age It is said His father was soon after murdered in Corfe-Castle But the young King was much ordered by his mother A peace was made with the Scots and Davi●● Scotland married Joan King Edwards ●●ster But to keep all quiet at home the old Queen who contrived the death of King Edward her husband also plotted the death of his brother the 〈◊〉 of Kent and caused him to be beheaded at Winchester the 3. year of King Edward the 3 's reign In the 6. year of Edward the Scots rebelled and possessed Barwick The King laid siege before them and the Scots endeavoured with their Forces to raise the siege But were overcome in battel where were shin of the Scots 8. Earls with 1300 horse and 35000. footmen Upon this Barwick was delivered the King placed Edward Baliol Governour who was after King of Scotland About the 11. year of this King War arose with France King Edward ●●ised a Navy of about 200. sail of Ships and went to Flanders where in a Sea-sight he overcame the French and Normans and stiled himself King of England and France Thi● King took Calice and made great inroads and wo●● desolations in France and the 〈◊〉 i● the Scots upon England They burnt Calice Penneth and came killing and burning down to Durham But after King Edward made peace both with the French and Scots upon honourable terms After this the King of Spain was driven out of his Kingdom by his Bastard brother and Edward Prince or Wales went to the Kings relief with a great Army and in a battel put the Bastard to flight King Edward reigned 50. years and 4. months who departed this life the 21. of June An. 1378. Richard the son of Prince Edward his father being dead succeeded his Grand-father Edward the 3. He came to the Crown at 11. years of age As he was young he hearkned to young Counsellours and neglected his old and wise Council which brought sad troubles to the Nation and woful misery to himself In the first year of his reign the French made great inroads and wasted many Towns in England and at this time Guns were invented The King in these straits laid a great Tax upon the Nation Upon which some Countries rose in Arms went to London and did great hurt but were after appeased by the King through fair promises This Richard married Anne daughter to the King of Bohemia who brought hither the use of women riding side-ways on horseback Some Earls and Barons seeing the King missed and the Nation misgoverned by a few persons they considered how it might be reformed and thereupon raised an Army of 40000. and came to London to the King upon this the King called a Parliament suddenly in which Parliament Sir Robert Tresilian chief Justice of England and divers others were convicted of Treason and put to death An. 1388. Richard sent to the City of London Ann. 1392. to borrow of them 1000. li. but they refusing he called the Maior Sheriffs and Aldermen of London to a Council at Nottingham and there appearing the King Arrested and imprisoned them and nulled all their liberties Queen Anne dying the King took Isabel the King of France's daughter to wife and so made peace there The King now grew high again and put to cruel death the Earl of Arundel and divers others for dealing with him about his ill Government This King shed much bloud of the Nobility and Bishops besides others which lay in the bosoms of many and not forgot though he carried it with a high hand But the King going into Ireland Henry Duke of Hereford and Lancaster with others who were out of the Land came into Yorkeshire to whom went the Earl of Northumberland the Earl of Westmerland and many Lords and gathering up an Army they laid siege to Bristol where they took the Lord Treasurer and some others and beheaded them The King hearing of this hasted out of Ireland and landed in Wales and more fully understanding the Dukes strength took to the Castle of Conway and desired a Treaty The Duke of Lancaster met the King but the
A LITTLE VIEW OF THIS OLD VVORLD IN TVVO BOOKS I. A Map of Monarchy Wherein the state of the World is represented under Kings with their entrance Reign and Ends from King Saul to King Charls II. An Epitomy of Papacy VVherein is discovered the rise of Anti-christ with the Entrance Reign and Ends of the Popes of Rome for 740 years till the Pope was fully declared to be the Anti-christ A Work fitted for the Press Five years agone and now published by Tho. Palmer Pastor of a Church of Christ in Nottingham LONDON Printed for Livewell Chapman and are to bee sold at his Shop at the Sign of the Crown in Popes-head Alley 1659. To the Council of State of the Common-Wealth of England Honourable Worthies THe Lord God Almighty is the original of all Created beings and his glory is the great end he is carrying on both in Earth and Heaven Wisdome Grace and Power are the Essence of God and from himself he made and governs the whole Creation independently and none can say Why hast thou done thus There is some parity between a Saints Soul-state and the true Church-state Darkness and bondage precedes light and comfort sufferings goe before rest Abrahams true Seed are in AEgypt they pass the red Sea and wander in a houling Wilderness before they can possess the promised Land of Canaan and all these former dealings of God with his people in Covenant were written for examples and types for us upon whom the ends of the world are come Jehovab hath not usually made great promises to his people and inriched them with his Free Grace but he hath brought them to live upon him by faith for the performance of the word that went out of his mouth yet as God saw the state of future times he was pleased still to discover and fore-tell to his suffering Saints the enemies fall and the Churches advance and glory in this world The state both of the Jewish and Christian Church as to their sufferings union and glory were fully represented in Daniels Visions and Johns Revelations When Jesus Christ was in the Flesh hee was frequently Preaching and in Parables representing the Churches suffering and raised estate and after him the Apostles taught the same things The Prophets and Apostles spake not only of the Churches future sufferings under the Beasts false Prophet the Dragon and the Whore but God was pleased also to compute and measure the time of Saints sufferings to their promised Redemption In Christs fore-telling the events of time after his Resurrection hee gives not his Disciples the number of years but leaves with them several fore-going signs of their promised Redemption that both by computation of time and by signs the Saints might the better finde the time of the Beasts reigns and the appearing and Kingdome of Jesus Christ. Indeed Chronologies are imperfect and I judge the very year of the Beasts fall and Churches deliverance cannot be asserted by man yet I humbly conceive that both from computations and signs God hath begun his Churches deliverance in these Nations The Churches Restoration is as fully promised as her afflicted state fore-told and when the Dragon and the Whore have had their time of tyranny over the Saints why should we not certainly beleeve and look for promised rest If you please here to take a view of the Kings of the Earth and examine Antichrists plots and practices they have fulfilled the Word of God by the mouthes of his Prophets and answer them exactly as face answers face in a Glasse Great Senators I may be bold to say God hath honoured England above all the Nations of the earth and you above many Sons of men in making use of you to begin and prosess your resolutions for the establishment of Truth and Holiness in these Lands it was only the Lords free mercy that brought and hath continued the Gospel in England above any Country and Kingdom in Europe and may we not upon that ground beleeve that appearing and kingdom of the Son of Man promised shall here begin and from hence run from Nation to Nation till all the Vials of Gods Wrath be poured out upon the Churches enemies that great voyce out of the Temple in Heaven be fulfilled saying The Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever Truely the night is not yet past and the Lords work in your hands is attended with great difficulty yet you shall ever have a Pillar and a Cloud to guide and defend if you keep your eye upon them I think I may say God now calls you to an unwonted work the bringing in of the New Heavens and New Earth wherein dwelleth righteousness which is the Kingdom of Saints in this World Carnal Counsellours and worldly Politicians know little of the Lords designs at this day and will doe as little in his work God is now staining worldly glory God is now fulfilling promises to his Son and his Saints and none but the Spiritual-wise understand the work before you I beseech you look much to God hearken after the teaching and light of the Spirit in the Churches of Christ and so act that you may render up your account with joy not with fear This is the end and all of my desires in this little peice I humbly present you with who shall rejoyce to bee found serviceable in his generation to promote the great design of Jesus Christ and shall abide Your Honours real and faithful Servant in my Lords Work Tho. Palmer From my Lodging upon London Bridge the 4th Mon. 1659. To all that beleeve and look for the Kingdom of Christ and glory of the New-Testamen-Church in this World Precious souls IT was the providence of my dear Father when he took me from more rough imployment in the Warrs of England to call me to preach the Gospel of Light in a dark corner which was not without success and comfort to my soul and refreshing to many at home and abroad but after a little time Satan raised so great opposition against some few painful Servants of the Lord who with my self joyned freely to preach the Gospel on week-days from Town to Town where we were invited by any of the Lords people that after the continuance of this course for about two years and some light especially in the order of the Gospel brake forth the Parish Ministers shut the doors of the Comman Meeting-places against us and by degrees put an end to those fruitful and blessed exercises My more publick Ministration of the Gospel being so prevented and my preaching in my Parish-relation by the same spirit of Antichrist made very ineffectual that young Converts were staggered about Church-order and many Christians drew back It was upon my heart to imploy my spare hours to prepare something for the Presse and preach in Print when I could not preach in other mens Pulpits
deferring his baptism to be baptized in Jordan where Christ was baptized Constantine had three sons to whom he divided his Empire First Constantine whom he made Emperour over the Western parts of his Empire in the 10. year of his reign Secondly Constantius whom he set over the Eastern parts of his Empire in the 20. year of his reign Thirdly Constans had his Empire assigned to him in the 30. year of his fathers reign The division of the Roman Empire is given more particularly Thus 1. Constantine had the Alpes France Spain England Ireland the Isles of the Orchades and Thile 2. Constantius had the Countries of Asia and Thracia 3. Constans had Italy Affrick with the Isles Sclavonia Macedonia Achaia Peloponnesus and Grecia Of all the Empire Constantine the great delighted in Byzantius a City in Thracia which he made the Emperial seat and called it Constantinople In the 65. year of his age and the 31. of his reign Constantine fell sick and for the recovery of his health went to the hot Baths in Helenopolis But finding his sickness to increase he left the Baths and came to Nicomedia and without the walls of the City was baptized into the faith of Christ by Eusebius Pastor of the Church in Nicomedia Constantine greatly rejoyced in his baptism and after made his Will and the 22. day of May in the 65. year of his Age and the 31. of his reign he departed this life An. 340. Though the Empire was divided by Constantine in his life time to his three sons and each had large Dominions Yet as ambition can keep no bonds Constantine made War upon his brother Constans and invaded some of his Countries This stirred up Constans who went against his brother where Constantine the Elder brother lost his Army and life together This gave encouragement to Constans who past the Mountains and in two years possessed himself of all his brothers Dominions But upon the death of Constantine the Souldiers chose Magnentius Emperour who prosecuted the War against Constans and in a short time had him murdered by conspiracy Thus in a little time the Eldest and youngest of Constantines sons came to sudden if not sad ends Constantius the only son of Constantine now living having knowledge of these things left Gallus his brother in law his Lieutenant in Asia and with a great Army came into Italy against Magnentius Upon the first Battel the Army of Magnentius was totally routed but himself escaped away with life Magnentius in this low condition sent Ambassadours to Constantius for peace But that being refused by Constantius Magnentius resolved to try his fortune in another pitched battel which also proved unhappy to him and not finding now a way open to save his life he slew himself and so the whole Empire came into the hand of Constantius But in the absence of Constantius Gallus rebelled and set up himself Emperour of the East Yet Constantius by a wile got Gallus into France and when he had him there soon took off his head and so ended that strife Constantius then took Julian his brothers son into Government and left him in France Julian prospered in War and growing into the affection of the Souldiery they elected him Casar Augustus The news of this sorely displeased Constantius who was drawing down his Army against Julian But in the way Constantius died of an Apoplexia the 3. day of November in the year 45. of his age when he had reigned 11. years with his father Constantine and 25. years after him An. 365. Julian now succeeded in the Empire and the 11. day of December following the death of Constantius was proclamed Emperour At Julians first coming to the Empire he found the people greatly divided but being unsound in Religion to which he much pretended to please his Uncle and get the Crown now he set himself to please men In Policy he applyed himself to every sort and framed his behaviour to every humor He slattered some he allured others with gifts and places of preferment and gave all their liberty in Religion to establish himself Julian's hypocrisie and dissembling of the Christian Religion was undiscovered until this time But now having got his design and setled in the Throne he manifested himself a desperate Apostate soon opened the Idol Temples and offered sacrifice therein After this the Christians were banished his Court and the vilest persons taken into favour Julian now persecuted the Christians with bitter hatred and studyed how to root out Religion He would not put Christians to death because Martyrs had so great honour but as Learning was a great help to maintain the Doctrine of the Gospel Julian made a Law that Christians should not be trained up in the Schools of Literature And further to trouble the Christians he called in again the Jewes and gave them Authority and supplies to build the Temple in Jerusalem there to offer sacrifice The unbelieving Jewes rejoycing in this opportunity set themselves busily to work But though the seasonable word of Cyril was slighted by them yet the righteous hand of God was upon them by which the word of the Lord was fulfilled In that very night following the Lord caused an Earthquake by which the very foundations of the Temple was cast up and fire as lightening which burnt the Tools of the Work-men c. About this time Julian drew his Army into Persia where he was shot with a poysoned Arrow of which wound he died the 26. of June the 31. year of his age in the 3. year of his reign alone An. 367. Jovinian was next chosen Emperour by the Army He gave some liberty to the Christians but died the 17. of February in the 33. year of his age when he had reigned but 7. moneths Valentinian was chosen Emperour by the Souldiers the 25. day of February This Emperour being married and yet having a minde to a beautiful Maid that pleased him much he made a Law That as many men as would might have two wives and so took Justina to be his second wife After this he broke a Vein in his Lungs whereat the bloud streamout until he died thereof which was the 16. of November in the 45. year of his age and the 13. of his reign An. 380. After the death of Valentinian there arose great strife between his sons Some chose Gratian who came by the first wife and some chose Valens who was by the second wife But the bastard carryed it Valens was an Arrian by profession and sadly persecuted the Christians In his reign the Goths driven out of their own Country by the Huns were taken into protection by the Roman Emperour and placed in Thracia But soon after the Goths laid siege against the Imperial City of Constantinople and the Emperour coming against them in battel was slain the 9. of August in the 3. year of
his reign An. 383. Gratian now came to the Throne The Roman State was now greatly weakened and the barbarous people strengthened so Gratian took into Government to him Theodosius a Spaniard But Maximus a Captain under Gratian conspired the death of Gratian who was murdered when he had reigned 15. years Theodosius being established in the Government with Gratian set himself to suppress this bloudy Tyrant and therefore drew his Army neer to Maximus But when the Souldiers of Maximus understood that the Emperour Theodosius came against them with a mighty Army they soon took Maximus bound him and brought him to Theodosius who as soon caused the Tyrant to be executed Theodosius was very laborious and in his time called several Councils to finde out the truth and to advance the purity of Religion This Emperour had two sons Arcadius and Honorius whom he took into Government when they were both young Theodosius being at Millain and finding bodily sickness increase he sent for his son Honorius who came to his father forthwith but he departed this life the 17. of January the 60. year of his age when he had reigned 16. years An. 414. Arcadius and Honorius after the death of their Father divided the Roman Empire Arcadius went to the East and Honorius rul'd t●e West At this time Christian Religion began greatly to flourish and spread so that the greatest troubles did arise from the ambition of Bishops which after I shall speak more to In the reign of Honorius by the treachery of Stilicus the Goths took Rome but stay'd not long I finde no certain account given of Honorius his death or the time of his reign Valentinian had the Empire of Rome and desired in Marriage his Couzen Endoxia daughter to Theodosius the second Emperour of the East The motion being accepted Valentinian went to Constantinople where the Marriage was solemnized Long it was not but Valentinian was slain by the treason of Maximus and to revenge this treason Endoxia call'd in Genzericus King of the Vandals but by him Rome was burnt and the Western Empire brought to great desolation After the death of Maximus Avitus took the Imperial power but was taken away by the Plague when he had reigned 8. moneths The Empire now was vacant for some time but in the year following Majorinus took the Government upon him but was soon murdered by Severus Severus now come to the Imperial Diadem and Rome lying in her ashes he made Ravenna the chief seat Woful confusions now wasted the Western Empire yet Severus kept the Crown 4. years In the distractions and distresses of the Roman State between Genzericus and others Ambassadours were sent to Leo the second Emperour of the East to desire him to send an Emperour to Rome Hereupon Leo sent Anthemius and with him a great Army to settle him in the Roman Empire But Anthemius was slain when he had governed 5. years Olimbrius then ascended the Imperial Throne and was dispatched in seven moneths Glicerius next succeeded in the Roman Empire but after 5. years was deposed by Nepos Nepos took the Crown but had it taken again from him by Orestes when he had worn it but 56. daies Orestes possest the Empire but gave it to his son Augustulus Augustulus was the last Emperour of Rome and reigned but one year It is said that Odoazer succeeded Augustulus but so low was the Roman State that he refused the title of Emperour and took only the stile of King Thus this Roman Empire which had been the glory and terror of the World for the space of 500. years was now through sedition pride and cruelty brought to woful ruine In these distractions several Provinces of the Empire fell off and set up Kings amongst themselves and here the Roman Empire ceased The Monarchy of England IT is agreed by Writers that England was a Province of the Roman Empire Some suppose it was first subjected by the Emperour Severus who in the 18. year of his reign was slain at York Ann. Christ. 213. But it 's granted that Constantine the great upon the division of the Empire to his three sons France Spain England and Ireland were sub-Kingdoms given to his eldest son Constantinus about An. 343. Our Chronologers acknowledge Brittain continued a Roman Province until the time of Theodosius the second At this time the Emperour had drawn the strength of this Nation over into France and in those Wars were much wasted so that Brittain was very weak of men and upon this advantage the Picts and Scots made Inroads into England and invaded some Countries and did great hurt Hereupon the Brittains required aid of the Romans But the Roman Empire was now brought very low and they having at that time Wars in Italy and in France they neglected poor Brattain who were forced to provide for themselves as well as they could and so Brittain cast off the Roman Government about the 16. year of Theodosius the 2. about Anno Christi 441. The Brittains when left to themselves continued in doubtful Wars with the Picts and Scots about 6. years and then with one consent they Elected Vortiger to be their King An. Christi 447. Vortiger was the first Brittish King In whole time the Land was greatly wasted by a destroying Plague that the living could scarcely bury the dead This woful mortality gave the cruel Picts and Scots advantage again to enter England who did make great spoil while there was no strength to resist them Hereupon Vortiger sent for aid into Germany from whence came Hingest and Horsus with some Saxons When Vortiger had beat back the Picts and Scots He gave the Isle of Thanet in Kent to the Captains and their Companies to inhabit as the reward of their good service Captain Hingest grew into great favour and King Vortiger married to him his daughter Rowan who was a very beautiful creature Upon this match the Saxons did come into the Land abundantly and carryed so high that the Brittish people complained to the King fearing they might invade the Land But by the Queens interest the peoples complaints were slighted and the Saxons encouraged Whereupon the people deposed Vortiger from the Crown and made Vortimer their King in his fathers stead when Vortiger had reigned 7. years An. 454. Vortimer hotly pursued the growing Saxons who as stifly stood it out But he got the better of them in divers battels yet in revenge Rowan his Stepmother poysoned him when he had reigned 6 years An. 460. Vortiger the father of Vortimer once again obtained the Crown and shortly after Hingest entred the Land again with an Army of Saxons Hingest finding a great preparation of the Brittains against him desired a Treaty for peace and while they were treating he treacherously slew 440. Earles and Barons upon