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A17018 The iudgement of the Apostles and of those of the first age, in all points of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England, as they are set downe in the 39. Articles of their religion. By an old student in Diuinitie. Broughton, Richard. 1632 (1632) STC 3898; ESTC S114820 265,017 428

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assuage their contention The other haue the Pope as a common Father aduiser and conductor to all to reconcile their Iarres to appease their displeasures to decide then difference aboue all things to drawe their religion by consent of councels to vnity And this is euidently and experimētally knowne to be true by all men no Prince or Potentate spirituall or temporall except the Pope of Rome either hauing or pretending to haue any such power as is necessary to call assemble a generall Councell And for Protestant Princes none clayming such prerogatiue but onely in his owne temporall dominions it is absolutely vnpossible that any such assembly of Bishops which could deserue the name of one halfe or third or lesse part of a generall Coūcell from all Christian Kingdomes and contries should at any time or place be called and gathered together by any such pretended power And if wee should allowe meere lay and prophane men Souldiars The Subscriptiōs of these Protestants confessions Captaines Rebels and heretikes without knowledge in diuinity or humane duty to haue decisiue voyces in Ecclesiasticall matters and to offord to euery common Artizan the place and office of holy and learned Bishops in such assemblies Iudgmēts it were a thing most ridiculous And further to say that all the Bishops and Catholike Cleargy men in all those contries where Protestant confession haue beene kept were present and consented vnto them all those assemblies and conuenticles could not come to be the halfe of a fourth part of a Councell generall out of the whole Christian world There was not in any of forreine conuenticles and conciables any one man bearing the name of a Bishop which inuented them or subscribed vnto them as is euident in their subscriptions neither any one such at this day amōg them except in Scotland whether some of King Iames his bastard Bishops haue crept sent or appointed by his regall supremacy from the newly hatched broode of England which neither now hath or had any one true and lawfull Bishop at the enactinge and first shaping of these articles called forsooth Anglica confessio the confession of England and now scarcely a man to be founde in England Scotland Fraunce or other contry where those confessions were first vented which consenteth vnto them Diuers of them of late as of Bohemia the Palatinate of Rhyne and others in Germany wholly ouerthrowne and all returned to the Catholike faith and the rest so farre at variance and distastes with their confessions as wee see in England the late bookes of Doctor Montague and him that gathered the booke of prayers priuiledged by the present Protestant Bishop George of London both them iustifiable by this booke of articles their communion booke and other allowed rules of their religion are esteemed and accompted for straūge wonders among the present called Protestants And to shew of what validity these pretended peeces of Protestants Councels and confessions were from the beginning in their owne Iudgment disablinge all such as be not gathered together by the commaundement and will of Princes except here in England where a woman was head in al● things both temporall and spirituall there was n●● either the commaundement will or assent of a●● true lawfull and cheife Prince to those confession● but the contrary those assemblies and Confessio● being gathered and concluded by refractory disobedient and vndutifull people as is euident in th● very Protestant proceedings and histories of the● all In the confession of Ausburg the Protestant p●blishers of it say that Ihon Duke of Saxony E●ctour George Marquesse of Brandeburge Ernestus Duke of Luneburge Philip Lansgraue ● Subscriptio confessionis Augustanae Hesse Ihon Frederike Duke of Saxony Franc● Duke of Luneburge Walfangus Prince of Anha● the Senats of Nurnberge and Reutling subscribe● but by their owne confession they subscribed ● subiects to the Emperour and protesting their fidelity vnto him Caesareae maiestatis v●strae fideles o● subditi And the Emperour their Supreame Lord and Prince neuer consented vnto it No Prince ●● Potentate Protestant that consented vnto any ● these confessions neuer had or claymed any Iuridiction or power spirituall or temporall ouer ● other or any one other Prince or contry and so no● generall Councell euer was or can be called b● any right or title claymed or pretended in their religion all Protestants agree the true Church e●● had hath and shall haue true discipline Sac●ments and due ministration of them and true d●ctrine in all things necessary none of these co●fessions thus agree together And the Protestan● of England with their temporall Princes spiritua● Supremacy with two onely Sacraments and d●uerse points of necessary doctrine differ from the● all Neither euer was there any Christian temporall prince King or Emperour or euer like to be that did or shall Reigne ouer all prouinces and contries where Christians did doe and are to liue hereafter yet councels haue beene kept and lawfully called euen such as be named generall from the beginning and before any Christian King was in the world and were lawfully kept and called contrary vnto and against the temporall Princes will and commaundement The Apostles themselues kept diuers councels in such manner The Scripture witnesseth that S. Peter and the Apostles assembled in Councell to be called generall for that time consisting of all the Apostles hiomnes erant perseuerantes vnanimiter Act. cap 1. and almost 120. Petrus in medio fratrum dixit erat autem turba hominum simul f●re c●ntum viginti when Sainct Matthias was chosen in the place of Iudas It was a generall Councell also for that time Act. cap. 6. which was called and kept by the Apostles When Sainct Stephen and the other 6. Deacons with him were chosen remembred in the 6. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles For both all the Apostles and disciples being then very many crescente numero Act cap. 6 discipulorum were present at it called thither by Apostolike authority both without and against the consent will or liking of any temporall Prince It was also a generall Councell for that time when S. Paul S. Barnabas with others Paulus Barnabas Act. cap. 18. Clem. Rom. const Apost l. 6. cap. 12. quidam alij went a long Iorney to the rest of the Apostles and disciples at Hierusalem about the question then moued concerninge circumcision For these were receaued by the Church Apostles and others of the Clergy there Suscepti sunt ab E●clesia ab Apostolis senioribus And the Apostles with the disciples and rulers of the representatiue Church gaue resolution and sentence vpon that doubt Placuit Apostolis senioribus cum omni Ecclesia So wee may say of the councels wherein the Canones Apostol Const Apost l. 6. c. 12. Canons of the Apostles and their constitutions registred by S. Clement and remembred in many auncient writers Greeke and Latine were made The like is also set downe by S. Clement when Clemens
nuncupamus quod sit vniuersalis diffundatur per omnes mundi partes ad omnia se tempora extendat nullis vel locis inclusa vel temporibus Seing alwayes there is onely one God one mediatour of God and men I●sus the Messias also one Sheepheard of the vniuersall flocke one heade of this body to conclude one holy Ghost one saluation one saith one testament or league it necessarily followeth that there onely is one Church Which therefore wee name Catholike because it is Vniuersall and diffused through all parts of the world and extendeth it selfe to all times not concluded within any places or times This holy Church of God is called the house of the liueinge God builded of liuely and spirituall stones and seated vpon an vnmoueable rocke and vpon a foundation on which no other thing can be placed and therefore it is called the pillar and supporter of truth Haec Ecclesia Dei sancta vocatur domus Dei viuentis extructa ex lapidibus viuis spiritualibus imposita super petrā immotā super fundamentū quo aliud loc ari nō potest ideo nuncupatur etiam colūna basis verit ati● 1. Tim. 3. The Lutheran Religion or confession of Wittemberge saith credimus confitemur quod vna sit Confess Wirtemberg cap. de Eccl. sancta Catholica Apostolica Ecclesia iuxta Symbolum Apostolorum Nicaenum Quod haec Ecclesia ● Spiritu sancto ita gubernetur vt conseruct eum perpetuo ne vel erroribus vel peccatis pereat Quod in hac Ecclesi asit verapeccatorum remissio Quod haec Ecclesia habeat ius iudicandi de omnibus doctrinis Quod haec Ecclesia habeat ius interpret and aescripturae Ecclesia habet certam promissionem perpetuae praesentiae Christi Cap. de Concilijs gubernatur à Spiritu sancto Wee beleeue cōfess● that there is one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church according to the Creede of the Apostles and Nicen Councell That this Church is so gouerned by the holy Ghost that he preserueth it for euer that it perish not either by errours or sinnes That in this Church there is true remissiō of sinnes th●● this Church hath authority to Iudge of all doctrines That this Church hath authority to interpret the Scripture The Church hath certaine promise of the perpetuall presence of Christ and is gouerned by the holy Ghost By this it is euident by all Testimonies of this Apostolike age and these Protestants themselues that the true Church of Christ neuer did shall or can erre in any Iudgment decree sentence or profession in matters of faith but is pure Catholike and Apostolike in all such in all times and places And this article either denying or doubting of such power and prerogatiue in the true Church is very Idle or Antichristian taking away all certaine and holy Religion of Christ As also that the Church which was when these heresies began euen Catholike and vniuersall in all places and had beene so in all times before hath beene so euer since and still so continueth and florisheth is that true holy Catholike Apostolike Church which the holy Scriptures Fathers of this age and the Article of our Creede giue testimony vnto And the Protestant particular Confessions and congregations of Heluetia Fraunce England Scotland Belgia Poland Argentine Ausburgh Saxony Wittemberge the Palatine of Rheine Boheme and perhaps some others being onely of particular Contryes or Townes and onely of some and not all persons of them cannot be possibly Catholike for place and as vnpossibly for time the eldest of them by their owne testimony and confession vnknowne vntill the yeare of Christ 1530. the Confession of Ausburge first began not printed vntill the yeare 1540. the Confession of Boheme 1532. Heleutia 1536. Saxony 1551. England 1562. Scotland 1581. the like of the rest These nor any of them by the same reason can be Apostolike arising so many hundreds of yeares after the Apostles time None of all these can be that one Church which was euer those being diuers from that among themselues at warres both for Sacraments discipline doctrine None of their cōgregations or cōfessions yet hath brought forth any one man or woman knowne which in their owne Iudgment or sentēce is honoured or calendred for a Saint though their calenders chronicles and histories be full of Saints which were of the Roman Church and Religion They haue taken away and ouerthrowne many thousand foundations of holynesse and piety their owne first foundation in such kinde is yet to begin this cannot be the one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church of Christ which our Creeds doe teach vs being in all respects diametrically opposite or rather contradictory to whatsoeuer is or can be defined or described as they themselues define the true Church by those attributes properties or distinctiue differences to be one to be holy to be Catholike and vniuersall in all times places and points of doctrine and Sacraments and to be Apostolicall continued without intermission from the Apostles in sound and Apostolicall Christian Religion in all articles and matters of faith And thus it was confessed and professed by our Christian Britains from their first couersion in the Apostles time as these men themselues haue before deliuered THE IX CHAPTER The 21. Article so examined and condemned THE Article which followeth 21. in number is intituled of the authority of generall Councels And in these their words Generall Councels may not be grathered to gether without the commaundement and will of Princes And when they be gathered for asmuch as they be an assembly of mē whereof all be not gouerned with the spirit and word of God they may erre and some time haue erred euen in thinges pertaining vnto God wherefore things ordained by them as necessary to saluation haue neither strength nor authority vnlesse it may be declared that they be taken out of holy Scripture Hitherto this English Protestant Article The first part of it requiring of necessity the commaundement and will of Princes for the validity of Councels is singular not onely against Catholiks but all Confessions of Protestants not any one consenting in this matter with our English Protestants as is euident in those confessions Neither doe the Protestants of Britaine agree herein but all they whom they terme Puritans or Disciplinarians are quite of an other opinion And the Parlament Protestants themselues of best Iudgment doe euen with publike allowance condemne it Thus with such approbation they write of themselues Protestant relation of Religion cap. 47. The Protestants are seuered bandes or rather scattered troopes each drawing diuers wayes without any meanes to pacifie their quarrels to take vp their controuersies No Prince with any preeminence of Iurisdiction aboue the rest no Patriarcke one or more to haue a common superintendance of care of their Churches for correspondancy and vnity no ordinary way to assemble a generall Councell the onely hope remaining euer to