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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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feates of armes of all men moste ignoraunt His crueltie made him odious to his subiectes and his cowardise encouraged straunge enemyes to inuade his kingdome By meanes whereof this lande was sore afflicted with warre famine and pestilence In his time decayed the noble king●dome of Englande and became tributary to the Danes Lothayre kinge of France inuaded Lorayne and spoyled the countrey nere to Aquisgrane At whych tyme Otho the emperour was so sodaynly by him distressed that hardly he escaped the daunger who shortlye after assembled a stronge armye and recouered the prouynce of Lorayne Wherfore Lothayre returned to Paris ▪ whom Otho pursued entred the lande of Fraunce and burnt and destroyed the countrey about Parys But in his returne as he passed the ryuer Axona he was greatlye endamaged ▪ bothe by the vyolence of the water and also by the Frenchemen whiche set vpon his rear●warde and slewe ma●● of his souldiours The emperours of Greece coming with an army into Italye The yere of the worlde 4940 The yere of Christ 979 destroyed Math●ra conquered the citye ●arum Anni regum Angli 2 and slew the citizyns thereof After whiche time the countrey of P●●l and Calabre by agremente was restored againe to them The yere of the worlde 4941 The yere of Christ 908 Otho the emperour goinge towarde Italy Anni regum Angli in his iourney inuaded Sclauonie and Dalmacie and with greate praye and riches came to Rome The Danes arriued in sundry places of Englande as in the I le of Thenet in Cornwall and Suffer 〈◊〉 after many domages by them done and ryche giftes receyued of the kinge they retourned into their owne countrey Otho the emperour entendinge to subdue the countrey of Puel and Calabre to the Romayne empire The yere of the worlde 4942 The yere of Christ 981 Anni regum Angli 4 ledde an army agaynst the emperours of Greece At whiche tyme his hoste was discomfyted ▪ and he hym selfe taken as he fled in a litel fisher bote of certayne Pyrates and caryed into Sicilie From whens when he was after delyuered he tourned all his wrathe vppon the people of Boneuente which in the foresayde battayle trayterously forsoke him and were chiefe cause of that discōfiture whose citee he toke spoyled and destroyed Otho the .iii. of that name Anni regum Angli 7 after the death of his father by the consent of the nobles of Germanye The yere of the worlde 4945 The yere of Christ 984 was admitted emperour beinge but a childe and reygned .xiiii yeres notwithstandinge the malyce of Henry duke of Bauarie and other which a certayne space repined Iohn the .xv. and his successour Iohn the .xvi. byshop of Rome for theyr crueltie and wickednesse were sla●ne of the Romaines The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 985 Crescentius Anni regum Angli 8 vnder the name of consull toke on hym the gouernaunce of the citee of Rome Lewys the .vi. and last kyng of the pr●ge●●● of Pipine was made kyng of France and reigned as some wryte iii. yeres ●ut more verely one yere The yere of the worlde 4948 The yere of Christ 987 Anni regum Angli 10 Hugh the sonne of Robert The yere of the worlde 4949 The yere of Christ 988 who descended of Hugh Legraunt Erle of Paris Anni regum Angli 11 vsurped the crowne of Fraunce Charles Duke of Loraine the sonne of Lothayre The yere of the worlde 4950 The yere of Christ 989 and vncle to Lewys the laste kynge Anni regum Angli 12 as moste rightfull heyre made clayme to the crowne of Fraunce But at the citee Laone by the treason of the bishop Auseline he with hys wyfe was geuen into the handes of theyr enemies whiche sent him to Orliaunce there safely to be kept The Danes p●rced this lande in so manye places that the kyng Etheldrede was to seke Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 990 to whiche cost he should fyrst goe to withstande his enemies In conclusyon for auoyding of further danger he was campelled to appeace theim with great summes of money But whan the money was spente they felt to newe robbyngs and than the kynge gaue to theim more money but they ceassed not to spo●le the lande and lastly besieged London Elfri●●s ▪ a●mirall of Englande tra●●rouslye fledde to the Danes and after beynge reconsyled fled to theim the seconde tyme. Wh●le this persecution continued in England by meane of a bishop named El●h●gus a peace was concluded at whiche time as Polidore 〈◊〉 the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of .x. thousande poundes in fewe yeres was raysed to .50 thousande The blo●●dye fluxe the burnyng feuer with dyuers other maledies 〈◊〉 the people throughout al England Anni regum Angli 16 Otho the emperour comyng to Rome was receyued of Crescentius and the other Romaynes The yere of the worlde 4954 The yere of Christ 993 with greate obeysaunce Anni regum Angli 18 Otho ordeyned Gregorye the .v. bishop of Rome The yere of the worlde 4956 The yere of Christ which was a Saxone borne UUhan Otho was yet scarcely departed out of Italye Crescentius and the Romains findyng theim selfe greeued with the election of Gregorye expelled him out of the citee and chose in hys place Iohn the .xvii. a Grecian and a man excedyng riche Crescentius foreseing trouble and warre to be at hand repa●red and fortified the walles and gates of the cytee The yere of Christ 996 The emperour re●●urned againe into Italie and besieged the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4957 Crescentius and the newe byshop Anni regum Angli fled for theyr sauegarde into the mounte Adrian From whens they were by strenght taken and Crescentius put to death and Iohn the bishop bereft of his sight Gregorye was agayne aucthorysed byshop who by the consente and counsayle of Otho ordeyned the princes of Germayne electours of the emperour whiche order and maner is kept to this day Richarde the second of that name was ordeined Duke of Normandie who for his manlinesse policie in warre was greatly praysed ●●●eldrede kynge of Englande toke to wyfe Emma she syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandye The yere of the worlde 4959 The yere of Christ 998 Anni regum Angli 21 whiche for hir beautie was called the flower of Normandie Roberte the sonne of Hugh Capet Anni regum Angli 22 begane hys reigne ouer the land of France This was a vertuous man and cunning in many sciences The yere of the worlde 4960 The yere of Christ 999 muche geuen to study and fauoured well good letters He made dyuers ●y●●nes sequences and respondes and builded many churches and castels In the beginnynge of hys reigne by the ayde of Rycharde Duke of Normandye he r●●ored Erle Bowcharde to his castel of M●●ion The yere of Christ 1000 Stephene was made the fyrste kynge of Hungary Anni regum Angli and reigned ●9
subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled Baldwine emperour of Constantinople and Raimunde Erle of Tolows Anni regum Angli 29 coming into Italy The yere of the worlde 5203 The yere of Christ 1242 obteyned of Friderich that the .ii cardinals whych he kept in prison might be sette at libertee Aldermen first chosen in the citee of London Anni regum Angli Kinge Henrie of Englande The yere of the worlde 5204 The yere of Christ 1243 by the stering of a Frencheman named Erle of Marche sayled into Normandie with a fayre companye purposinge to recouer Poyters Fuyan and other countreys but after manye bakerynges somewhat to the losse of the Englishemen Henrye founde meanes of peace whiche was concluded for the space of v. yeres Innocent the .iiii. being ordeined bishop of Rome fled to Lyons in Fraunce for feare of Friderich emperoure where he called a counsayle This man gaue redde hattes first to the cardinalles Henrie the firste was kinge of Spayne .ii. yeres being but a childe He maried his kinswoman the kynges doughter of Portugall and died as he was playing with children by the falling of his throte Ferdinande the fourth a man of great noblenesse The yere of the worlde 5205 The yere of Christ 1244 was king of Spayne .xii. yeares Anni regum Angli He conquered well nere all Spayne from the dominion of the Sarasens Gino Can the .iii. emperour of the Tartarians vnder him Batho vanquisshinge the Scythes made his royall seate in Cathay Anni regum Angli 28 The Tartarians ouerran Asia called Georgiana and after that inuaded Armenia entred euen to Iconium The yere of the worlde 5206 The yere of Christ 1245 the royal palace of the king of Turkes An other company of the Tartarians vnder their leader Bato wyth most cruel inuasions wasted the countrey of Polonie Hungarie Russia Gasa and with great tirannie afflicted the same At Tollet in Spayne a Iew digging in the grounde to enlarge his vineyarde ▪ found a holow stone wherin was a boke of the bignesse of a psalter written in greke latine and hebrewe the mattier whereof was of .iii. worldes to come and declared the coming of Christ to be the beginning of the thirde which was expressed in this maner In the beginnynge of the thirde worlde the son of god shal be borne of a mayde By occasion of this booke the Iew was turned to the faith of Christ. The yere of the worlde 5207 The bishop of Rome assembling a counsayle at Lyons excommunicated Friderich the emperour The yere of Christ 1246 Anni regum Angli 29 and depriued him of al imperiall auctoritee commaundinge that he should no more be called Cesar. The emperour committed the gouernance of Italy and Lumbardie to his sonne Eu●ius king of Sardinia and then besieged Parma which he toke and destroyed and buylded a newe citee in the same place called Uictoria About this time was a terrible earthquake in Englande and in Fraunce Grossioni a people of Arabie by the steeringe of the Souldaine of Babylon The yere of the worlde 5208 The yere of Christ 1247 Anni regum Angli 30 cruellye afflicted the Chrystians in all Asia and vsed most spitefull vilanie towarde the sepulchre of Christ in Ierusalem The electours of Germanie hearing of the deposicion of Friderich ordeined the Lanthgraue of Thuring to be king of Romains who shortlie after disceassed and then they chose William erle of Hollande At this time were many preachers in Sueuia whych sharpelye rebuked the abuses of the bishop of Rome and his cardinalles namely his false vsurped Pardones The yere of the worlde 5209 The newe citee Uictoria was taken spoyled and destroyed by the friendes of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of Christ 1248 Anni regum Angli 31 and the emperour Friderich chased Lewis the Frenche kinge departed fro Paris in his iourney toward the holye land with many other nobles and bishops of Fraunce Shortlye after his arriuall he broug ht to his subiection the citee Damyet of Egipt Friderich notwithstandinge the bishop of Romes cursinge subdued well nere all Italye excepte a fewe cityes which fauoured his enemies Kinge Henrie of England seised the franchesses of the citee of London for a iudgment geuen against a widow named Margaret Uyell But shortelye after they were restored ¶ Alexander the thyrde .ix. yeares of age succeded hys father in the kyngedome of Scotlande and reigned 3● yeares He hadde perpetuall amytee with the kynges of England Anni regum Angli 33 Friderich ordeyned Manfrede his bastarde son The yere of the worlde 5211 The yere of Christ 1250 prince of Tarentum Ehunrade his sonne by his wyfe Iole he ordeyned his heyre and shortly ther●pon payed hys debte to nature in P●ell Some wryte that he was p●●soned and not vnlyke for the blessed fathers thought theim neuer in quiete vntil they had dyspatched that good emperour oute of lyfe After whiche tyme Italye was still dyuided into the faccions of the Guelphes and Gibelynes In Italie bloud issued out of bread as oute of woundes flesshely cut Anni regum Angli 34 and blouddy cloudes appeared The yere of the worlde 5212 The yere of Christ 1251 Lewys kynge of Fraunce ▪ entendyng to besiege Babilon by sickenesse and other maladies lost a great part of his armie and in the ende was hym selfe taken prysoner of the Souldaine with his .ii. bretherne Charles and Robert the Erle of Poyters the Erle of Angeow ▪ the Erle of Flaunders the Duke of Britain the Erle of Scisons which were al deliuered vpon a great raunsome In Fraunce a company of younge men namyng them selfes shepherdes vowed to restore their kyng to libertee but for the hooredome and robbynge that they vsed the people of the countrey about the dead se● set vpon them slewe theyr capitains disp●rced that simple felowshyp Chunrade the sōne of Friderich toke on him the kingdome of Puell He was cursed also by the byshoppe of Rome Iames kynge of Arragon by the ayde of Ferdinande kyng of Castile Anni regum Angli 35 subdued the iles called Beleares The yere of the worlde 5213 The yere of Christ Mango Can the fourth emperoure of the Tartarians Chuarade kyng of Puell was poysoned by his brother Manfrede who was suspected also for the death of hys father King Henry of Englande maried his daughter Mary to Alexander kinge of Scottes and receyued homage of the same Alexander for the realme of Scotlande The Augustine friers beganne to inhabite in Wales Aboute this tyme the Tartaryans vnder theyr kynge Mango or Metho receiued the fayth of Chryst and after made sharpe warre vpon the Turkes toke from theym many countreis Accursius that made gloses on the lawe Compostellanus and Ostiec●is that wrate on the decrees Bertrucius a physycyon Uincent an hystoryographer Alexander Gallus a grammaryan and Stanslay the holy byshoppe were famous Anni regum Angli 36 Lewis kynge of fraunce retourned out of Asia into his countrey The yere of the worlde 5214 The yere
of the worlde 5278 The yere of Christ spared neyther man woman nor childe To this mischye●● was ioygned so exceding dearth scarcitee that wheate was solde for .iiii. markes a quarter the common people did eat horsefleshe and diuers other vile beastes and many dyed for hunger At the same time was a great dearth in Fraunce Robert le Bruze leauing Iames Douglas gouernour of Scotland went into Irelande to ayde his brother Edwarde King Edward assembled a newe hoste and went into Scotland where he layed siege to Berwike But in the meane time the Scottes by an other way inuaded the borders of England and wasted the countrey euen to Yorke wherby Edward was constr●yned to breke hys siege and retourne with great daunger At this time sir Hugh the Spensers the father and the sonne were of great power in Englande and by the feuour of the king practised suche cruelty and bare them selfe so haughtly and so proude that no lord of this land might gainesay thē in any thing that they thought good whereby they were in greate hatred and indignacion amonge the nobles Iohn the .xxii. was bishoppe of Rome xviii yeres He was a cruel and wicked tiranne geuen only to heaping vp of riches and vexed greatly the emperour he proclaymed them heretikes which taught that Christe and hys apostels had no possessions in this worlde Albert and Lewis encountred the second time at Brusco a riuer of Alsacia where Lewes was f●ine to forsake the fielde Anni regum Angli 12 The lordes and nobles of Englande detesting the outragious pride of the Spensers The yere of the worlde 5280 The yere of Christ whereby they wroughte dayly both great dishonour to the king and hinderance to the common weale in suche wise conspired agaynste theim that they caused the king halfe agaynst his mind to remoue from him the Spensers and banyshe theym the realme The Irishemen by the ayde that they had out of Englande droue the Scottes out of their lande at whyche time manye of the noble men of Scotlande were slayne amonge the whiche was Edwarde le Bruze the kinges brother In Italy Huguicio Duke of Py●e vanquished the people of He●curia at the mountayne called Catinum The yere of the worlde 5281 The yere of Christ 1329 Kinge Edwarde contrarie to the minde of his lordes reuoked the Spensers from banishmente Anni regum Angli 13 and set theym in like auctoritee as they before had bene to the greate disturbance of the realme and not long after pursued the Barons and chased them so egrelye from place to place that in shorte space he put to death about the nombre of xxii of the greatest men of his realme The Flemminges made league with the Frenchmen Italie was miserablye tourmented with diuers commocions and sedicions of the Guelphes and Gibelines In all these debates the Guelphes fauoured the byshops partye and the Gibelines the emperour or some other noble men The yere of Christ 1321 After that kinge Edward hadde put to deathe manye of his lordes The yere of the worlde 5282 Anni regum Angli 14 he ordeyned M. Roberte Baldoke a man of euel fame to be chaunceller of Englande The two noble men whiche contended for the empyre of Germanie ioyned in battayle betwene Milberge and Oetingen where Lewys obteyned the victory and Friderich was disconfited and taken The leipres or lazars by the counsayle of the Iewes poysoned diuers wels in France and were therfore put to shameful death In Englande the sonne appered as bloud Anni regum Angli and so continued .vi. houres The yere of the worlde 5283 The yere of Christ 1322 Lewis the emperour ordeyned in the cities of Italye certayne deputyes to gouerne the same to his behoulfe The Scottes inuaded the realme of Englande Rainerius Lampertus de Rāponibus Ioannes Andree lawiers Uarignana Platearius phisicious Raimundus Lull●us Franciscus Maronis Nicholaus de Lyra and William Occham were famous The citisins of Luke and Pyse in Italy expelled Huguicio with his sonne Nerius and toke for their gouernour one Castruciꝰ which was before time imprisoned in the citee of Luca by the forenamed Huguicio Charles the third and sonne of Philippe the fayre began his dominion ouer France and reigned .v. yeres Kinge Edwarde with a mightye armie entred Scotlande Anni regum Angli 16 but with syckenesse and other mysfortunes that chaunced amonge his souldiers The yere of the worlde 5284 The yere of Christ 132 he within shorte space was forced to retourned into Englande wherof sir Iames Douglas and the Scottes hauing knowlage pursued him in suche wise that they slewe many Englyshemen and had wel nere taken the kynge Charles of Fraunce warred vpon the landes of king Edwarde in Gascoyne and Guyan Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 5285 The yere of Christ 1324 and toke ther many townes and castels Kinge Edwarde sent his wife Isabell to entreat with her brother Charles for peace or as Frosard sayth the quene her selfe fearing the tirannie and mischiefe of the Spensers fled with her yong son Edward into France and was gentelly receyued of her brother whych made great promise to ayde her agaynst the iniurie tiranny of the Spensers Robert duke of Puell after he had obteyned the citye of Gean expelled the Gibelines from Soana Galaeceus chased the Guelphes out of the citee called Uercelle Anni regum Angli 18 Charles king of France The yere of the worlde 5286 The yere of Christ 1325 partly being corrupted with money partly fearing the manassinges of the bishop of Rome whiche was in lyke maner bribed with riche giftes by the Spensers forsoke his sisters quarel and commaunded her to auoyde his lande Quene Isabell by the ayde and healpe of sir Iohn of Heinalt Anni regum Angli 19 with a small company of Henowayes The yere of the worlde 5287 The yere of Christ 1326 retourned into Englande to whom the nobles and commons gathered in great noumbre and pursued the kynge the Spensers and other enemies so narowly that shortly after they toke them and kept the king in prison at Bar●clei where not longe after he was murdered by sir Roger Mortimer sir Hugh the Spensers Iohn Erle of Arundell Robert Baldoke and other tirannes whyche of longe time had greued the realme they put to worthye punishement EDward the thirde after the deposinge of his father was crowned kinge of Englande and reygned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 5288 The yere of Christ 1327 Anni regum Angli 1 This man besyde al other giftes of nature was endued with passing comely beauty and fauour of witte prouident circumspect and gentil doing nothing without great wisedome and consideracion He was a man of excellent modestie and temperaunce and aduanced suche persons to high dignities as did most passe other in integritie and innocency of lyfe In feates of armes he was very experte as the noble prowesse by hym atchieued doe well declare Of his liberalitee clemencie he shewed many great
in Picaroye in Bry in Campaine and destro●ed and spoyled well nere all the countrey Moreouer the kings of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandy Thus was the realme of France miserably beset at this time on all sides Anni regum Angli A finall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of England and of Fraunce on this condicion The yere of the worlde 5321 The yere of Christ that kinge Edwarde should haue to his propre possession the countreys of Gascoyn and Guyon Poyters Limosin B●leu●le Exanctes Cales Guines and diuers other lorshippes townes castels and all the landes to theym belongyng without knowlaging of any soueraigntee obeisāce homage or subiection for the same and that the king of Fraunce shoulde pay for his raunsome .30000 scu●●s King Iohn retourned into Fraunce The Nonnes of S. Brigettes order began first The citye of Bononia in Italy which belonged to the lordes of Millaine came to the possession of the churche of Rome by the treason of one Aulegianus in rewarde wherof the towne of Firmium was geuen to hym Greuous warre betwene the citesins of Pise Florence The Duchye of Burgoyne tel by heritage to king Iohn of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 35 The yere of the worlde 5322 The yere of Christ The warre cōtinued stil in Britaine betwene Charles de Bloys and the countesse of Mounfort and her sonne Iohn Erle of Mountfort After the peace cōcluded betwene England France remayned diuers felowships of robbers called companions that liued only by rauen and pillage which wasted and robbed the countre of Fraunce in most cruel wise and could not be expelled by any meanes but in sundry conflictes ouercame the lordes of Fraunce They vered and disquieted also Italy and Germanie and robbed in those partes verie sore The yere of Christ 1362 A great death and pestilence in the realme of Englād Anni regum Angli 36 The yere of the worlde Urbane the .v. beynge ordeyned bishop of Rome at Auignon sent Aeg●dius his cardinall and legate with a great puisance into Italy who by his meanes incensed Lewys Gonzaza Nicolas Estensis Francisce Cacrarius agaynst Bernabas lord of Millayne in suche wyse that he was of them sore beaten and in the ende so vanquisshed and wounded in battel that he scantly escaped the daunger With those exaumple other being sore abasshed submitted them to the church of Rome Thusmekely and godly came that wicked church to her great possessions whiche her patrones will nedes father vpon the godly emperour Constantine In England as Fabian writeth were sene castels and hostes of men in the ayer Melchella souldaine of Egipte Amuraies kinge of the Turkes vsing the ships of the Genowayes passed Helespoute and arriued in Europe The yere of the worlde 5324 The yere of Christ 1363 Anni regum Angli 37 where he conquered the townes of Hadrianopolis and Calliopolis with other citees and with a great puisāce ouerthrewe them which encountred him at his coming A great wind in Englande wherwith steples and towers were ouerthrowen King Iohn of France came into England and shortely after dyed at the Sauoy in London Prince Edward toke possession of the duchy of Guyan and Aquitane Charles the .vi. or after some .v. was ordeyned kynge of France The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1364 He was of witte righte sage and subtile Anni regum Angli 38 that well appeared all his life time For althoughe he kepte him priuy in his chambre taking his plesure and sport yet he conquered agayne that which his predecessours had lost armed in the fielde and theyr swordes in theyr handes Sir Bertram of Clesquy in the quarell of the French kinge ●ye to Coch●r●l vanquyshed and toke prisoner a capitayne of the king of Nauarre called the Captall de Beuffe and slewe a great nombre of his souldiours Albergothus Balens Angelus lawiers Iohannes de Lineriis an astronomer Iohannes Bocarius Heuricus de Hassia were famous Charles de Bloys encountred with Iohn Mountfort which long before hadde striuen for the duchye of Brytaine of whom he was vanquyshed taken and slayne many Frenchmen and Britaynes which toke his parte After whiche time the erle Mounfort had quiete possession of that Duchye Henry the bastard not susteyninge the iniury and cruell tirannye of Peter hys brother kinge of Spayne by the counsayle and comfort of the Romayne bishop and ayde of the Frenchemen and Arragones expelled hym out of the realme and toke on him the crowne Charles gaue to his brother Phylyppe the Duchy of Burgoyne Dampeter of Spayne fled to prince Edward of Aquytayne Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 5326 The yere of Christ 1365 to whom he made complaynt of the violēce of his brother Henry that expelled him out of his kingdome There was an heretike burned in Spire whose opinions were these that Christ in the time of his passiō was so forsaken of his father that he doubted of his saluacyon that Christ on the crosse for wonderfull tourmentes and peynes cursed his mother that bare him the erth that receyued his bloud that a man may so much profit in this life that he nedeth not to fast and pray Prince Edward entred Spayne The yere of the worlde 5327 The yere of Christ 1366 with a gret puisance where he ouercame the Spaniards and Frenchmen in a stronge and fierse battaile Anni regum Angli 40 and expelled Henry the bastarde settinge Peter in his former estate as kynge of Spayne But not lōg after the princes returning home Henry repayred his army and warred vpon his brother so fiercely that in the ende he vtterly vāquished him and put him to death and then withoute resistence possessed the kingdome of Spayne Uinceslaus was ordeyned the .xii. king of Boheme by his father Charles the emperour Witcliffe about this time was famous in Englande who for speaking agaynst the vsurped power of the Romayne bishop and other enormities thā accustomed in the churche was called an heretike Kinge Edwarde of England gaue commaundement that Peter pence shoulde be no more gathered payed to Rome The yere of the worlde 5328 The yere of Christ 1367 Prince Edward to arrere a fowage set great taxes and imposicions vpon the people of Aquitaine Anni regum Angli 41 whyche thing the erle of Arminake of Bret of Berigort and other nobles would not in any wise consent vnto but appealed to the french king for remedy and in suche wyse perswaded him that he contrary to the league summoned the prince to appere at Parys by meane wherof the peace was broken open warre agayne proclaymed betwene both princes to the great mortalitee and desolacion of the people on bothe partes but the more losse domage fell alway to the kinge of Englande In so muche that in the ende he lost the more parte of the landes whiche was graunted him by the composicion and agrement of peace And fortune whyche the space of .xl. yeares had pleasantly smiled vpon
The yere of the worlde 5344 The yere of Christ 1383 or thē selfes take armes warre agaynst the Clemētines in like maner had Clemente done before to his adherentes agaynste the Urbanistes so that eyther of the partes reputed other as heretykes and miscreantes Henry Spenser bishop of Norwiche at the commandement of Urbane passed with great power of spirituall men and other into Fraunce and so into Flanders and cōquered the countrey before hym but by the great puissance of the frenche king they were constreigned to retourne without great worshyp and loste as muche as they had wonne Marie the king of Hungaries doughter guyded that kingdom after her father wel nere the space of .ii. yeres Lewys Duke of Angeow dyed in Italy and the Frenchemen retourned into theyr countrey Charles de La Payx conquered to his seignory the kingdome of naples About this time the Turkes wasted and burnt Bossina Croatia Anni regum Angli 8 and the farther partes of Illyria The yere of the worlde 5345 The yere of Christ 1384 The erle of Northumberlād with certayne other borderers made a viage into Scotlande and spoyled the countrey euen to Edenbourgh Kynge Richarde maryed a doughter of Uinceslaus emperour of Almayne After the death of Lewys erle of Flaunders the herytage thereof fel to the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1385 Warre in Portugall and Castile in Flaūders in Prouince in Fraunce in England in Scotlande and in Italy Iohn surnamed Galetius erle of Uerone toke Bernabos lorde of Millayne his vncle and kept him in prison all the dayes of his life se●singe to his owne vse the whole lordship and seignory of Lumbardy The nobles of Hungarye finding them greued that they were gouerned by a woman sent for Charles king of Naples and Sicilie and ordeyned him theyr king at the citee of Alba who by the treason of Mary the quene and her mother Elizabeth shortlyafter was murdered In reuenging wherof a noble man called Iohannes Banus of Horuach slewe the erle Palatine and one Blasyus that were the doers of that myschyefe and drowned Elizabeth the quenes mother in the riuer Dunaw kepīg Marie her daughter in prison vntill he harde of the coming of her husband Sigismunde brother to the kyng of Boheme and emperour of Rome An army of Frenchemen sayled into Scotland where thei acōpanied with the Scottes perced the borders of Englande and spoyled the countrey cruellye Agaynste whom kinge Richarde sped him with so great puisance that they were glad to geue backe into Scotlande and shortly after retourned into France wyth great disworshippe At this voyage the kyng of Englande burnte the towne of Edenbourgh and al the countre therabout King Iohn of Portugall disconfited the kinge of Castile in a great battail nere to Iuberoth In this conflict were slayne many noble men of Frauce and other coūtreys that came to ayde the Castilians The Sarasens about this time vexed the emperour of Constantinople other countreys of Grece The Turkes warred in Hungarye Where manye of them were slaine at the streycte entring into the countrey The k●ng of A●men●e was chased out of his countrey by the Sarasens The yere of the worlde 5347 The duke of Lancastre Anni regum Angli vncle to kinge Richarde of England The yere of Christ 1384 sailed with a cōpany of souldiers into Spaine to make claime to the realme of Castile for so much as he had taken to wife the eldest doughter of kinge Peter that was expelled his kingdome by Henry his basterde brother He conquered the countrei of Galice and made aliance with the kinge of Portugall But by great mortalitie whiche fell amonge hys people he was fayne to dimisse his armye and shortely after loste all that he had wonne The king and the lordes of France made wonderfull preparacion for the expedicion of a viage into Englande Ther was redye apparailed with great costes and charges in the hauen of Sluse and els where .1500 shyppes with so great plentie of prouision and all thinges necessary that the lyke therof was neuer sene in Fraūce But this vyage was stopped and broken by the meanes and counsaile of the Duke of Berrei Great fowages and tares were reised in France and lykewyse in Englande whiche was after cause of great myschiefe Marueilous discencion The yere of the worlde 5348 The yere of Christ 1387 and trouble in Englande betwene the kyng and his counsaile and other nobles and prelates of the realme Anni regum Angli 11 The commons by the ayde and comfort of the kinges vncles other lordes of the realm that is the Duke of Gloucester the Duke of Yorke the Erle of Darbie of Arundell and of Nottingham put to deth dyuers of of the kinges counsaile and chefe officers and chased the Duke of Irelande and other oute of the realme for that thei caused the king to burdeine his people with exactions and coulde make no iuste accompt of the same whan they were required Whyle Scalager of Neron and Frauncisce Carrary us of Padua kepte mortall warre in Lumbardy eche against other Galeatius of Myllaine wanne from them bothe their cities and adiuigned theim to his seignorye The Scottes inuaded the borders of Englande Sigismunde kynge of Hungarye .xii. yeares He subdued Bosna and Croatia A great breach betwene the French king and the Duke of Bretayne bycause that he for enuy toke prysoner and raunsomed the Constable of Fraunce by mene wherof an other viage was geuen vp that the French lordes had prepared in Englande The Scottes spoyled the towne of Calingfurd in Irelande The Duke of Britaine alie● with the Englyshmen The Scottes this yeere brake into the borders of Englande robbed Cumber and Northumberlande besieged New Castell The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1388 Anni regum Angli 12 and discomfited and toke prisoners the .ii. sonnes of the lorde Persie of Northumberlande A mariage entreated and finished betwene katharyne the Duke of Lancasters doughter and Henry the kinge of Castiles sonne his other daughter Philip was maried to the king of portugal wherby the warre in Spayne was finished The Duke of Britaine reconciled him selfe to the Frēche kinge and sware to be true vnto him A great iustes and feast was holden this yere in Englande The yere of the worlde 5350 The yere of Christ 1389 Anni regum Angli 13 Pazaites kynge of Turkes besieged Constantinople .8 yeeres After the death of Urbane Boniface the .ix. was ordeyned bishop of Rome in Italy the Antipape Clement continued still in Auinion in Fraunce Robert Erle of Fiffe and the second sonne of king Robert was made gouernour of Scotlande because his father was waxen olde and not able to gouern the realme This Robert inuaded Northumberland and spoiled the countrey The vniuersities of Coloyne and Erphurd about this tyme were firste founde A truce betwene England Fraunce and Scotland for iii. yeres The lordes of
descended the house or family of Iulius Orestes after the death of Egysthus ruled the Micenes Tanteus the .29 emperor of Assyria reigned .xl. yeares The yere of the worlde 2790 The yere before Christe 1173 Coleyne vppon the Rine and Lisbone in Portugall were builded Mesentius king of Etruscians in this time liued ¶ After Iepte Abessan the tenth iudge The yere of the worlde 2793 The yere before Christe 1170 ruled the Israelites seuen yeres ¶ Francus the sonne of Hector was receyued of the Frenchemen for theyr lord From this place vnto the tyme of C. Cesar euery sort of people of this nacion had theyr priuate princes The yere of the worlde 2800 The yere before Christe 1163 Aelon or Ahialon the .xi. iudge of Israell gouerned them ten yeres The yere of the worlde 2802 The yere before Christe 1161 The children of Hector toke againe Ilium or Troye expelling the posteritee of Anthenor Rhampsinitus the sonne of Proteus toke vpon hym the gouernance of Egipt The yere of the worlde 2803 The yere before Christe 1160 Zeusippus king of Sicyonia reigned .32 yeres Pyrrhus was slayne by Orestes in the temple of Apollo at Delphos Tissamenus the son of Orestes reigned in Mycoenas ▪ Ascanius The yere of the worlde 2809 The yere before Christe 1154 leauing his kingedome to his stepmother builded Alba longa and vertuously brought vp his brother Siluiꝰ Posthumus the sonne of Aeneas Lauinia Abdon the .xii. iudge gouerned the iewes .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde 2810 The yere before Christe 1153 Alba was builded .xxx. yeres after Lauinium The yere of the worlde 2814 The yere before Christe 1149 Oxyntes in Athenes reigned .12 yeres The yere of the worlde 2817 The yere before Christe 1146 Samson the .13 iudge was the son of Manne of the tribe of Dan. The yere of the worlde 2818 The yere before Christe 1145 He ruled the israelites .20 yeres ▪ deliuered thē from the subiection of the Philistines vnto whome they payed tribute .40 yeres he was a man most strong whyche with his hand strangled a lion and with the cheeke bone of an asse slue .1000 Philistines puttinge the resydue to flight Finallye by the fraude of Dalila beinge deceiued he was taken of his enemies blynded and playing before the princes of Palistine toke in his armes the pillers whereon the buildinge stoode he ouerthrewe the house wherein were destroyed .iii. M. Philistines Amazons burned the temple of Diana in Ephesus The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1139 Syluius Posthumus the thyrd king of the Latines reigned .xxix. yeres The yere of the worlde 2827 The yere before Christe 1136 he was called Syluius because he was brought vp in the coūtrey and Posthumus because he was borne after the death of his father of him all the kinges of the Albanes were called Siluii Ocnus ruled the Thuscanes .xlvi. yeres Aphidas in Athenes reigned one yere after whom succeded Timoētes .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1134 The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1133 Thineus the .xxx. emperor of Assyria reigned .30 yeres Here ended the kyngdome of the Sicyonians In the time of Syluius Homere the poete flourished as Cassiodorus witnesseth Hytherto the house of Ericteus reygned in Athenes which beyng destroied Melanthus succeded in the kingdome and reigned .xxxvii. yeres Hely the high priest and .xiiii. Iudge of Israell reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 2838 The yere before Christe 1125 after whome the holy arke was possessed of straungers The Boeotiās being driuen out of Arna by the Thessalians inhabited the land The yere of the worlde 2842 The yere before Christe 1121 whiche nowe is called Boestia before named Cadmeia Samuel was aboute this tyme borne ¶ The begynnyng of Britayn and the fyrst kyng thereof ALBEIT THAT this roialme of Englande maye easily contend with any other nacion for the antiquitee therof as being cōtinually inhabited with people from that tyme that all other countreys receiued inhabitantes yet forasmuche as by the often ciuil warres and inuasions of outwarde ennemies the monumētes and remembraunces of the hystories passed beyng destroied it hath caused no litell ambiguitee and darknesse to the certayne knowlage of the originall begynnynge therof Wherfore by this occasion compelled I wil brefly ouerrunne the actes and yeres of those kynges which reigned vnto the tyme that this lande was knowē vnto the Romaynes The historie of which tyme is full of errours and hath in it no manifest apparance of truth as beyng written neither of no ancient tyme nor yet by no● credible hystorian For if there had remained any veritable monument of these tymes surely the worshipful Beda and Gildas our countreie men yea and Cesar the cōquerour therof wolde nothaue omitted them Neuer the lesse I wil not discent from the cōmon opiniō therof but wyl also folow it as nere as I may obseruing the iust computacion of the yeres and the conferment of histories BRVTE after the vulgar opinion sonne of Siluius Posthumius in this time arriued in this Ilande wherin he begā the first to reigne The yere of the worlde 2855 The yere before Christe 1108 and named it Britaine Before Britayne knovven 1058 whiche before was called Albion and therin foūded the noble citee of London whā he had reigned .xxiiii. yeres he diuided this wholle empire among his thre sonnes vnto Locrine he gaue the middel part of Britayne ▪ nowe called Englande with the superioritee of all this I le vnto Cambre he gaue Wales and to Albanact Scotlande After whiche particion he deceassed The yere of the worlde 2856 The yere before Christe 1107 Aeneas Syluius the fourthe kyng of Latines reigned xxxi yeres Before Britayne knovven 1057 The yere of the worlde 2860 The yere before Christe 1103 Dercylus the .xxxi. emperor of Assyria reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 2863 The yere before Christe 1100 ¶ The kyngdome of the Lacedemons and Corinthians began Before Britayne knovven 1053 Eurysteus the fyrst king of the Lacedemons reigned .xlii. yeres Athletes likewise fyrst kīg of Corinth reigned .35 yeres Pypinus gouerned the Thuscanes Codrus kynge of Athenes reigned .xxi. yeres He in the Peloponesian warres The yere of the worlde 2875 The yere before Christe 1088 Before Britayne knovven for the saluegard of his countrey in a poore weede wylfully gaue hym self into the handes of his ennemies to bee slayne whereby those warres were fynyshed The yere of the worlde 2878 The yere before Christe 1086 ¶ The arke of god was taken by the Philistines in whiche warre perisshed the two sonnes of Hely Before Britayne knovven 1036 with ●000 hebrues and Hely hym self brake his necke Six mōthes was the arke among the Philistines and than sēt to the house of Aminadab where it continued .xx. yeres ¶ Samuel the .xv. iudge Before Britayne knovven and high priest of the Israelites The yere of the worlde 2878 The yere before Christe 1085 gouerned thē a leuē yeres according to
in banishement Castinus pardoned Aetius a noble man for by his meanes he quieted the Hunnes whyche had armed theim againste the Romains Ualentinian by the ordinaunce of Theodotius was proclaimed Augustus The yere of the worlde 4388 The yere of Christ 427 emperour of the weast partes Nere about this time the Britains were inuaded again by the Pictes and Scottes which notwithstanding the foresaied walle that was made by the Romaines spoyled the countrey verie sore So that they were driuen to seke for newe healpe of the Romains who sent to them a company of souldiours which againe chased the Pictes and made a walle of stone of the thickenesse of .viii. foote and in heyght .xii. foote Whiche thing whan they had done comforting the Britains and admonishinge them hereafter to trust to their owne manhode and strengthe they retourned againe to Rome Bonifacius before mencioned was famous in great auctoritee in Afrike The yere of the worlde 4390 The yere of Christ 429 so that his power was suspected of Ualentinian the emperour Who therfore sent against him two Romaine capitaines Manortius and Galvi● whiche bothe were of Bonifacius vanquisshed Than was that warre committed to a Duke named Sigisuldus whiche somewhat preuailed and abated the power of Boniface who mistrusting his owne strength entised the Uandales out of Spaine into Afrike which at theyr cōming spoyled the countrey of Mauritania and Afrike with great crueltee of whiche tyranny sainct Augustine complaineth Nestorius byshoppe of Constantinople endeuoured to bringe into the churche a newe heresie The yere of the worlde 4391 The yere of Christ 430 teaching that the onely manhode of Christ was borne of the virgine and his deitee geuen to him after for his merite Aetius the Romaine recouered the parte of Gallia liyng about the riuer Rhine The frenchemen subdued Orliaunce and Paris with muche of the countrey annexed therto The yere of the worlde 4392 The yere of Christ 431 Clodius the sonne of Pharamunde was made kinge of France which was also named Crinitus This man to enlarge his kingedome made warre vpon the Turinges and Germaines inhabitinge the countrey beyonde Rhine theim subdued Whan he had ruled the frenche men .xix. yeres after many victorious deedes he dyed Gensericus king of the Ale●es and Uandales in Afrike besieged the cite Hippone where sainct Augustine being bishoppe in the thirde moneth of that siege ended his life The Scottes and Pictes yet ones agayn entred the lād of Britaine and spoiled the countrey and chased the cōmons so cruelly that they were altogether comfortlesse and brought to suche misery that eche robbed and spoyled other and ouer this the ground was vntilled wherof ensued great scarcitee and hungre and after hungre death In this necessitee they sent for ayde to Aetius the Romaine capitaine being then occupied in warres in a part of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4394 The yere of Christ 433 But they had no comfort at his hande And therfore were forced to sende ambassade to Aldroenus king of litle Britaine to desyre ayde and comforte which they obteynēd on condicion that if they atchieued the victorie Constantine his brother should be ordeyned kinge of great Britaine for to that day they had no gouernour Which thing of the ambasadours being granted the sayd Constantine gathered a company of ouldiours and went forth-with theym whan he had manfully vanquished their enemies and obteyned the victorye according to promise made he was ordeyned theyr king and guided this land .x. yeres with suche manhode and policie ▪ that he kepte it in quyetenes and from daunger of straunge enemies ¶ Here endeth finally the dominion and tribute of the Romaines ouer this lande of Britaine whiche had continued the space of .483 yeres from that time that Brutus began to rule this lande .1541 and after the citee of Rome was buylded a thousand fiue hundred eyghtie and fiue ¶ The ende of the first boke ¶ The prologue to the seconde boke HItherto we haue compediouslye noted the gestes and actes of Britons and theyr princes while the lande was subiecte and tributarie to the Romans For the more credite annexing alwayes the histories of the Romains and other externall realmes in which was done anye thinge woorthy memorie Menglinge also the most notable thinges perteining to christes church and our faith In whiche as nere as my simple witte and learning could compasse I haue diligently obserued the continuall course and ordre of the histories of euery countrey whose actes be in this woorke touched that according to my first promise the diligent reader may be hold as in a mirrour or glasse the state and condicion at all times not onely of Englande but also of Italy Fraunce Spaine other partes of the world After whiche sorte god willing I purpose to go foreward in the part folowing concerning this realme of England is chiefelye to be marked how the Saxones after they first entred this land by craftie meanes augmented theyr rule and dominion vntil at lēgth they chased the Britons and by force of armes droue theim all together out of theyr countrey and for that they were named Angli called this Iland after them Anglia whiche was deuided a certaine of time into .7 kingdomes after reduced to one monarchye by Aluredus king of west Saxones here also ye may note the increase of the kingdom of France the great ruine decay of that most flourishinge victoryous empyre of Rome Whiche in puisaunce so farre surmounted all other monarchies and kingdomes as the fierce Lyon in might and courage dooeth passe the other common beastes whiche notwithstandinge was so ouer ronne of the barbarous people in those later daies that the citee of Rome which .700 yeeres had continued as lady and empresse of the worlde within the space of .100 yeare was foure times taken and most cruelly spoyled with all the countree of Italy to the manifest example that nothing in this world is of suche strength and power that it may alway continue and endure But let vs retourne to our purpose ¶ The seconde boke THEN IT FOLOVVETH The yere of the worlde 4394 The yere of Christ 433 whan Constantine Anni regum britannie 1 brother of Aldroenus had chased and ouercome the Pictes Scottes as is before sayde he was crowned kinge of great Britaine ● guided the lande the space of .x. yeres in quietnes In the time of this Constantine of Britaine reigned among Scottes one of the same name whiche was a wicked prince geuēwholy to filthy lust and pleasure and without all vertue of policie or noblenesse Wherefore in the and he was slayne for rauishing a noble mans doughter A synode of .200 byshops was assembled at Ephesus in the which Nestorius and Pelagian were condemned Anni regum britannie Bonifacius retourninge from Afrike to Rome The yere of the worlde 4395 The yere of Christ 434 ouercame Aetius in battayle and war aduaunced to be mayster of the chiualry Within short space
buried in Meaws by his mother Hildegarde Not longe after the death of Lewys great distaunce and warre chaunced betwene the .iii. bretherne for the diuision of theyr fathers landes For Lewis and Lothayre maligned against Charles theyr yonger brother because the chiefe of their fathers landes that is myddle Fraunce was assigned for his porciō Wherfore ere it were longe for this cause most cruell warre was arrered In whiche Charles with his souldiours behaued theim so manlye that his bretherne were vanquished in battaile and forced to forsake the fielde At whyche conflict were moe Frenchmen slaine than euer was afore that daye When this battaile was thus blouddyly ended entreatie of peace was made by agrement whereof Fraunce was diuided into .iii. partes Anni regum saxo 9 The yere of the worlde 4802 to Lothayre was geuen Austracie with the landes of the empyre The yere of Christ 841 to Lewys Germany and Guyan to Charles middle France and the prouinces of Normandy and Burgoyne Sergius was ordeyned pope The yere of Christ 843 who before was called Osporc● that is hogges snoute Anni regum saxo 11 whiche name The yere of the worlde 4804 because it semed vile and vncleane he was permitted to chose the name of one of his predecessours popes whiche custome remaineth amonge them to this daye An other company of the Danes inuaded Englande and vexed the inhabitantes with al crueltee and especially the countrey of Kent But in the ende they were constreigned to forsake the lande and flie to theyr shippes bearing with them great riches and treasure Alphons king of Spayne The yere of Christ 844 mistrusting that his three bretherne hadde conspired by priuy meanes to dispatche him out of lyfe Anni regum saxo 12 commanded their eien to be put out The yere of the worlde 4805 and them to be cast in prison The discorde of the Frenchmen caused many foraine enemies to inuade the landes of the empyre The people of Germanie called Abroditi The yere of Christ 845 forsakinge the dominion of Lewys were brought againe in subiection Anni regum saxo 13 The yere of the worlde 4806 The Normanes or Danes The yere of Christ 846 inuaded the countrey of Aquitaine Anni regum saxo 14 The yere of the worlde 4807 The Britains rebelled against whom Charles warred .x. yeres Michael the sonne of Theophilus gouerned the east empyre togither with his mother Theodora .xi. yeres A great earthquake in Rome Anni regum saxo 15 Ethelwolphus kinge of England yode to Rome where he repaired the Englishe schole The yere of the worlde 4808 The yere of Christ 847 whiche was first founden by Offa kinge of Mertia This schole was after tourned to an hospitall for Englishemen which came to Rome The Sarasens of Mauritania vanquished the Grecians and people of Uenece in a great battaile on the sea and after inuaded Delmatia and thē with their power entred Italye where they toke and most cruelly spoyled and cast to ground the citee Ancona At the citee Ostia in Italy Anni regum saxo 17 the Romans foughte prosperously The yere of the worlde 4810 The yere of Christ 849 and vanquished the Sarasens The Normains or Danes perced the realme of France by the riuer Leyr and ouerrode the countrey of Guyan and toke and spoiled many famous citees as Burdeaux Sanctone Engolisne Turone Poicters Paris and other at whiche time Charles warred in Britaine Lothayre made Lewis his sonne felowe in the empyre The yere of the worlde 4811 The yere of Christ 850 Ethelwolphus kinge of Englande Anni regum saxo 18 first founded the vniuersitee of Oxenforde whiche summe writers attribute to Offa king of Mertia that was in the time of Charles the great .60 yeres before this time Anni regum saxo 19 The yere of the worlde 4812 The yere of Christ 851 A great famine and death in Germanie Anni regum saxo 22 The yere of the worlde 4815 The yere of Christ 854 Iohn the .vii. pope This was an Englishe woman whiche in her youthe being arayed in a mans apparell companied a learned man whiche kept her to the citee of Athenes where by her witte diligence and daylye hearinge of learned men she became excellent in the knowlage of good letters Wherfore she dissimulinge still her propre kinde came after to Rome and for the opinion of hir great learninge was chosen pope But by her lightnesse she declared her selfe to be a woman For not long after she trauayled with childe in the middes of the strete in procession time EThelwaldus after the death of his father Anni regum saxo 1 beganne his reigne in Englande The yere of the worlde 4816 The yere of Christ 755 He maried a woman whiche his father had kept before as his concubine and dyed whan he had reigned not fully one yere Donalde the .v. of that name a vicious and wicked prince reigned in Scotlande .vi. yeres In his time Osbert and Ella capitaines of the Englishemen and Brytaines made warre vpon the Scottes toke their kinge and subdued al the countrey from Striuelinge to the Irishe seas and frome the water of Forth and Clide to Cumber Lothayre forsoke the dignitee of the empyre and became a monke He diuided his landes betwene his .iii. sonnes to Lothayre the part of France called Lorayne to Charles the countrey of Narbone to Lewys the gouernaunce of the empyre whiche he guyded .xxi. yeeres EThelbert the brother of Ethelwalde was ordeyned king ouer the more part of Englande Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4817 The yere of Christ 856 In the beginninge of his reigne the Danes ent●red the weaste parte of the realme and spoyled the countrey afore them till they came to Winchester and by strengthe toke the citee But by the king and his Dukes they were forced to leaue Winchester and in fleynge towarde their ships loste a great noumbre of theyr men Charles when he hadde vanquished Homeuoi●s and Crispoius capitains of the Britains and brought them in dew subiection was proclaimed king of that countrei and retourned into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 2 Theodora which gouerned the east empyre The yere of the worlde 4818 The yere of Christ 857 because she contemned images was of hir owne sonne Michaell inclosed in a monasterie and kept as prisoner After whyche time Michaell reigned alone .xiii. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Lewys kinge of Germanie in dyuers battayles vanquished the Sclauines The yere of the worlde 4821 The yere of Christ which refused his dominion and toke their prince Rastiz whom because he hadde broken his league he bereft of his sight Tyber ouerflowed Rome in suche wise that they vsed botes At Brixium a cite of Italye .iii ▪ dayes together it ra yned bloudde Constantine the seconde a good and vertuous prince reigned in Scotland .xiii. yeres ETheldrede the .iii. sonne of Ethelwalphus tooke on him the gouernaunce of weast Saxones Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4824 The yere
Sedechias a Iewe whom he vsed for his physicion Carsius the sonne of Alphons kinge of Spaine .iii. yeres Charles surnamed the .iii. spedde him towarde Italy to clayme the imperial crowne Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4840 The yere of Christ 879 but Iohn the pope not willinge to make him emperour but woulde the imperiall auctoritee shoulde remaine with the Frenchemen fled into Fraunce and auctorised king Lewys the stammarer and sonne of Charles the balde But after .ii. yeres he retourned to Rome and annointed Charles the thirde Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 4842 The yere of Christ 881 and crowned him with the imperial Diademe by which meanes the empire came again to the Germaines This Charles defended Italy from the inuasion of the Sarasens Lewys and Charlemaine the sons of Lewys the stammarer were proclaymed kinges of Fraunce Betwene whom and Lewis of Germanie fel strife and debate by the meane of two Frenche gentilmen called Gossellne and Conrade whiche excyted Lewys the Germaine to warre vpon the .ii. yonge kinges Ordinius succeded his brother Garsius in the kingedome of Spayne and reigned .viii. yeres The Normains or Danes inuaded robbed and pylled the countreys of Fraunce about the riuer Maze Ordonius kinge of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4843 The yere of Christ 882 by the vntrouth deceyued and put to death the .iiii. Erles of Galyce Anni regum Angli 11 For whyche deede the prouince of Gallice forsoke his dominion and ordeyned to them certaine iudges to whom they cōmitted the gouernance of theyr realme The Normains continually robbed Fraunce and possessed many partes therof as Campaine and the countrey about the riuer Lyger Martine the .ii. was pope one yere Lewys kinge of Germanie died wherefore Charles the emperour departed from Italye to take possession of his brothers landes The Danes conquered brent and cast to the grounde Treuersand vanquished the Frenchmen Anni regum Angli 13 Lewys kinge of Fraunce ended his life The yere of the worlde after whom Charles or Charlemaine his brother The yere of Christ 884 fel at communicacion of peace with the Danes And finallye concluded that Godfrey their kinge to confesse the faythe of christ and to be christened shoulde enioye the whole prouince of Frise. After this time the space of .60 yeeres the empyre of Rome was vexed with ciuile warres and al kinde of misery in so muche that by the iniurie of these times honest●e greatly decayed and the name of learning and good letters was almoste forgotten Alurede of Englande was sore ouerset with newe companies of the Danes But at lengthe takinge to hym a valyant courage he enterprised to espy the maner of his enemies in this wise He did on him the habite of a mynstrel and with his instrument of musike entered the tentes of the Danes and in shewing them pastime and sōg he espied all theyr flouth and idlenesse and harde muche of theyr counsayle Than priuily retourninge to his army with a chosen companye fell vpon the Danes in the night and slew of them a great noumber and lastly concluded a peace on condicion that as many of theym as woulde be christened shoulde inhabite the prouinces of Eastangles and Northumberlande the other to depart into Fraunce Adrian pope one yere He obteyned that the emperours auctoritee shoulde not be loked for in the creacion of the pope The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 886 Charles the emperour Anni regum Angli 15 after the death of his kinsman was made kinge of France By the counsayle of Notus Alurede king of England ordeyned the first grammarschole in Oxenford fraūchesed that towne with manye great libertees The Normains besieged the citee of Paris and afier yode to Soysons The yere of the worlde 4847 The yere of Christ 887 destroying the countrey before them Anni regum Angli 16 Leo the sonne of Basile emperour of Grece The Hunnes a people of Scithia breaking out of their owne countrey inuadde Pannonie expelling the Gepides and Auares and ioygned them with theyr kynsmen the Hungares Phroilla expelling his brothers children Anni regum Angli 18 toke on him the kingdome of Spaine The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and when he had reygned one yere died being taken with the leaprie Certaine of the Danes retourned againe into France into Englande and besieged the towne of Rochester and were driuen backe by kinge Alurede Anni regum Angli 20 Charles the emperour for his negligence The yere of the worlde 4852 The yere of Christ 891 was deposed by Arnolphus his nephew chosē emperour in his place who reigned .xii. yeres Eudo sonne of Robert Duke of Ang●●w was made king of France and protectour of the yong prince Charles the simple The Lumbardes partly desyringe to renew their kingdome partly contemning the feblenesse of the Romans ordeyned Beringarius to be emperour an other company dissenting from theim made Uuido kinge of Italye whiche was before Duke of Spoletum betwene which two noble men was arrered deadly warre Alphons the .iiii. reigned .v. yeres Leo the emperour by ayde of the Turkes at the first encounter vanquished the Bulgares But afterwarde trusting to their false pretended peace he was putte by theim to great domage Anni regum Angli 21 The Danes with most egre crueltee entred .iiii. partes of this lande together The yere of the worlde 4853 The yere of Christ 892 and when they were expelled frō one parte foorthwith they passed to an other Yet that notwithstanding the good and valiaunt kinge Alurede behaued him so wisely that by the redy assistence of his people he had of them alwaye the vpper hande Uuido king of Italye chased Beringarius out of his countrey to Arnulph the emperour whiche as then was occupied in the warres against the Normains whō he subdued At election of Formosus popewas great strife and variance but in the ende he by Mars and money obteined the bishoprike Arnolph entred Italy against Uuido The yere of the worlde 4855 The yere of Christ 894 and tooke Bergamum and honge theyr erle Ambrose vpon a gibbette Anni regum Angli 23 Zuuentebaldus Duke of Morauia rebelled agaynst Arnolph whiche had committed to him the Dukedome of Boheme whome for so muche as he could not bringe in subiection by his owne power he desyred helpe of the Hungares by whose assistence he brought the Duke to due obeysance Donalde the .vi. reigned in Scotlande .xi. yeres He made a law that all men that did forswere them selfe or speake of the diuell should be burned in the lyppes with a hote yron The Normains besieged Paris the second time Englande was vexed with .iii. maner scourges warre of the Danes The yere of the worlde 4856 The yere of Christ 895 great mortalitee of men Anni regum Angli 24 and moreine of beastes Arnolph went into Italye the seconde time and by force entred the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4857 The
first kyng of Nauarre After whome reygned his sonne ●arsias which fought also prosperously against the Sarasēs and augmented his kyngdome Otho ▪ emperour of Almaine Anni regum Angli 4 spedde hym towarde Italy The yere of the worlde 962 The yere of Christ 4923 to quiete the furye of Beringarius and Iohn whiche in a sedicion was made bishoppe of Rome and whan he came into the citee was of all the people saluted by the name of Augustus and by the whole consente of the Italians proclaimed emperour The yere of the worlde 963 The yere of Christ 4924 The emperour depriued Beringarins Anni regum Angli 5 and Adelbert his sonne of the kyngedome of Lumbardye and condemned theim to banishmente the tone to Austriche the tother to Constantinople Otho aduertised Iohn the byshop of Rome to refourme his noughty lyfe and forsake the concubines whyche he nourished openlye but all was in vayne Wherefore Otho called a counsayle by aucthority whereof Iohn was condemned and fearing his punishment fled into desert and one Leo was chosen bishop The Romaynes beinge the kinsmen of Iohn deposed Leo Anni regum Angli 6 and set Iohn agayne in the bishoprike The yere of the worlde 4925 The yere of Christ 954 Which with in short space was taken in aduoutrye and slayne After that the people contrary to the minde of Otho chose Bennet But he forced theim to adm●●te Leo and depose the foresayd Bennet At whiche tyme the electyon of the b●shoppe was transferred frome the people and ●largys of Rome to the emperours Bennet the .v. was byshop of Rome .vi. monethes and after him Leo the eight one yere Alphons the .v. kynge of Spayne reigned 37. ye ares he profered his syster in mariage to a prynce of the Sarasens to the entent he shoulde ayde him agaynst the kinge of Cor●uba But the mayden would in no wyse be coupled with the Heathen Pagane Iohn the .xii. byshoppe of Rome .vii. yeres He was taken and caste in prison Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 4927 The yere of Christ 966 by Ioferde Erle of Campayne through the counsayle of Peter prouost of the citee King Duffus reygned among the S●cottes .iiii. yeares and was slayne by the treason of a noble mā called Danewalde After his death appeared no sonne moone nor sterre in the firmament the space of .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 10 Otho the younger was sente for to Rome by his father and there crowned proclaimed partaker of the empyre The yere of the worlde 4929 The yere of Christ 968 Anni regum Angli 11 Otho expelled the Sarasens out of Italye whiche of longe time hadde holden by force the mounte Gargarus from whens as out of a castell they oftentymes inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 4930 The yere of Christ 969 He subdued also the Grecians whiche inhabyted Calabre and made them tributary The people of Constantinople hearing the ouerthrowe and discomfiture of their Grekes in Italye leyde all the wighte of that domage to Nicephornus theyr emperour because he denyed to giue his doughter in maryage to the yonger Otho Wherfore by the consente and ayde of hys wife and sonne The yere of the worlde 4933 The yere of Christ 972 he was murdered in the night season Anni regum Angli 14 and Iohn his sonne chosen in his place to be emperour which reigned .vi. yeres A signe appeared in the element lyke fyre Iohn emperour of Constantinople gaue his syster in mariageto the younger brother Otho Cu●ine a vicious and wicked tyran reigned among the Scottes He defloured his owne systers and rauished other mens wifes and doughters wherfore he was slayne the .v. yere of his reygne Bennet the v● bishop of Rome was caste in prison by Cynthius a citisin The yere of the worlde 4934 The yere of Christ 973 that was at that time of great power in Rome Anni regum Angli 15 Edgare king of England tamed the Welshemen whiche re●elled and spoyled the countrey of Glamorgan Otho the emperour gaue place to nature after whom succeded his son named also Otho who reigned .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 4936 EDwarde the sonne of Edgare by his firste wife Anni regum Angli 1 beganne his reigne ouer this realme of England The yere of Christ 975 contrary the minde and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her aliance In all kindes of honest vertue this man mighte be well compared to his father and began his soueraigntee with such modestie myldenesse that he was worthilye fauoured of all men excepte onely Elfride which euer maligned agaynst hym for so much as the desire● to haue the gouernance of the realme for her owne son Egelrede All the time of this Edwarde was great discorde betwene the priestes and monkes of Englande Because Edgare in his time had expelled certayne seculer priestes out of their colleges and geuen the possession thereof to monkes In which controuersie throughe certaine counterfayte● miracles the monkes had the vpper hande The yere of the worlde 4937 Otho the emperour subdued Henry duke of Bauarye The yere of Christ 976 Iohn emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 2 after he had expelled the Ro●olanes out of Bulgarye and annexed that prouince to his owne signorye and for his victorye triumphed was by treason of certain of his sabiectes poysoned· B●silius and Constantine the .ii. sonnes of Romanus were made emperoures of the easte Anni regum Angli 3 whiche inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Surie The yere of the worlde 4938 The yere of Christ 977 and expellinge the Sarasens recouered the yle of Crete Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xxv yeares In his tyme he D●nes 〈◊〉 in ●ngus with a great company and wasted the countrey veraye sore with whom the Scottes mette and after sore fighte and great slaughter by the manhode of one Hay ▪ an v●landishe man and his .ii. sonnes obteyned the victorye Thys Kenneth was slayne by meane of a lady called Fenella because she had poysoned Malcolme prynce of Cumber The emperour of Germany vanquished the Bohemes and wasted their countrey Edwarde kinge of Englande while he was hunting in new forest by chaunce loste his company and rode alone to refreshe him at the castell of his stepmother Alphrede where he was by her counsayle trayterouslye murdered as he satte on his horse After his death god shewed for hī diuers myracles Wherfore he is noumbred amonge the saynctes and martyres Before the death of this Edward appeared in this lande a blasinge sterre of a marueylous greatnesse ▪ EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kynge Edgare and Alfrede Anni regum Angli 1 was ordeyned kinge of Englande The yere of the worlde 4939 The yere of Christ 978 He was goodly of shape and visage but wholy geuen to idlenesse and abhorred all princelye exercises a louer of riote lecherie and dronkennesse ▪ and vsed extreme crueltee towarde his subiectes hauinge his eares open to all vniust complaintes In
yeres The yere of the worlde 4961 Alphons kyng of Spaine besiegeyng the citee Uese●m was wounded with an arrowe and thereof dyed after whom was chosen U●remunde that reigned .x. yeres Ege●rede ▪ kyng of Englande being greatly enhaunced in his owne minde for the mariage of the Dukes sister of Normandye sente sorthe into all partes of his realme secrete and streicte commissions chargyng the rulers that vpon a certaine daye and ho●re assigned the Danes whiche proudlye vsed great crueltee in the land should be sodeinely slaine And so was it dooen Whiche thinge was after cause of great misery Constantine reigned amonge the Scottes .iii. yeres by meane of hym and Malcolme the s●onne of Kenneth the realme of Scotlande was miserably tourmented with ci●ste warre Henry Duke of Burgoyne ended hys lyfe The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ who for so muche as he died without issue Anni regum Angli 25 by hys will ordeined Robert kyng of Fraunce to be hys heyre But the Burgoynes refusing to be vnder his dominion rebelled and were by hym vanquisshed and brought in due obeysaunce Sueno or Suayne kyng of Denmarke hearing of the murder of the Danes in England and beyng sore moued therwith landed with a strong armie in dyuers partes of this realme so cruelly withoute mercy and pitee spoyled the countrey and slewe the people ▪ that the Englysshemen were brought to most extreme and vnspeakeable miserye but yet after a certaine space a peace was entreated for whiche the Englisshmen payed .30000 poundes howbeit diuers princes of the Danes stil continued wastyng the land in dyuers places Grime reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres agaynste hym Malcolme made fierce warre for the crowne whiche was appeased by the counsaile of a byshop called Fothadus Henrye Duke of Bauary The yere of the worlde by the consent of the princes electours of Germanye Anni regum Angli 26 was ordeyned emperour The yere of the worlde 4964 who was famous as well for hys godly wisedome as for his marcyall prowes and manye notable victoryes that he knyghtlye atchiued of his enemyes At his fyrste entre he subdued certayne rebelles as the Bohemes the Uandales and quieted Loraine and Flaunders Anni regum Angli 28 Godfrey succeded Otho in the Dukedome of Lorayne The yere of the worlde 4966 The yere of Christ 1005 Anni regum Angli 29 A great famine and pestilence afflicted almost the whole worlde The yere of the worlde 4967 The yere of Christ 1006 The Sarasens The yere of the worlde 4968 deuidynge theyr hostes in two sundrye partes Anni regum Angli landed in Italye toke Capua The yere of Christ 1007 and besyeged Barum Againste whome Urceolus Duke of Uenice and Gregory a capitaine of Constantinople ioygninge together theyr puisaunce went in all haste and obteyned of theim a noble victorye The Turkes toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4970 Anni regum Angli The citisins of Adria vexed the borders of Uenice The yere of Christ with robbing and pillyng the countrey whom Uiscolus with so great murder vanquished that neuer after they attempted to inuade thyr neyghbours The Scottes not susteigning the tiranny of theyr kyng Grime rose vp against him wherof ensued much trouble in Scoctlande Malcolme vanquished and slewe Grime toke on hym the kyngdome and reygned .xxxi. yeres to hym the lordes of Scotlande graunted fyrst the wardes and mariage of theyr heyres Henrie the emperour fyrste founded the byshopryke of Babenberge in Germayne The yere of the worlde 4972 The yere of Christ 1011 Anni regum Angli 34 Ferdinande the son of Sanctius Erle of Cast●le was made kynge of Spayne He maryed the daughter of Alphons kyng of Legio and syster of Ueremunde whereby he was king of ●egio in the ryght of his wife Sueno or Suaine kynge of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 35 repented hym of the former couenauntes made with the Englissheme●● and thinkyng to atteine the whole dominion of this land The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1012 with a stronge armie entred fyrst Northumberland than myddle Englande or Mertia and so wente forthe tyll he came to the citee of London whiche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kente At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despeiryng of all recouery not ones proferynge to resiste his enemies with hys wife and children fledde to Richarde Duke of Normandy And than possessed ●ueno the whole kyngdome of this realme About this tyme Olauus and Onetus .ii. capytayns of the Danes inuaded Scotlande vanquisshed kynge Malcolme and subdued Murraye but not longe after Malcolme repatred his armye discomfited the Danes slewe Onetus Henry the emperour of Germany yode toward Rome where he was annoyncted emperour 〈◊〉 the bishoppe The yere of the worlde 4974 The yere of Christ 1013 Anni regum Angli 36 and then takyng with hym the imperiall Diademe marched with his armie towarde C●pua He vanquysshed the Sarasens and forced theim to forsake Italye he pursued also with great wrath Bubaganus a capytain of the emperours of Constantinople whiche fauoured the Sarasens He wanne the citee Tro●● whiche the Grecians had builded where sometime Annibal pitched his campe Camus another capitaine of the Danes inuaded Scotlande and nere to Farre was disconfited and slayne the place at this day is called Camustand Canutus by commaundement of Sueno brake againe into Scotland The yere of the worlde 4975 The yere of Christ 1014 with whom the Scottes fought a terrible battayle Anni regum Angli 37 to the great domage of both patees after which battale a peace was agreed S●a●e the Dane after much scathe done to the realme of Englande ended his lyfe And then succeded Canutus his sonne but the Englishmen sent agayne for Etheldred out of Normandy who by the helpe of the Normaynes and present assistence of his commons expelled Canutus Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothinge Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 4977 The yere of Christ 1016 that mighte be destroyed wyth swoorde and fire In this tyme kynge Etheldrede ended his life when he had reygned .38 yeres After whose death variaunce fell betwene the Englishemen for the election of their king for the citisyns of London wyth certayne other named Edmunde the sonne of Etheldrede ▪ a yonge man of lusty and valiant courage in marciall aduentures bothe hardie and wise and could very wel endure al prines Wherfore he was surnamed Ironside But the more parte fauoured Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene this two martiall princes were foughten many great battayles in the which eyther parte spedde diuerslye to the great slaughter of them that toke theyr partes But lastly it was agreed that the two captaynes shuld trye theyr quarel betwene them selfe ▪ onely In w●●c●e 〈◊〉 although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hande yet he condescended to deuide the realme and make Canutus felow with him in the kingedome whiche agreement was at last concluded IN this time
was an englyshe earle called ●dr●cus which by his falshode had broughte suche hurt to his natural countrey Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4978 The yere of Christ 1017 and lastly was auctour of the deathe of the noble king Edmunde And therof him selfe brought fyrste knowledge vnto Canutus the Dane-saying in this wyse Thus haue I ●o●e Canutus for the loue I b●are towarde you To whom he aunswered seeinge for my loue thou haste murdered thyne owne soueraygne lorde whom I loued most entyrelye I shall in rewarde thereof exalte thy head aboue all the lordes of Englande And forthwith commaunded him to be beheaded and hys head to be set vpon a spere on the highest gate of London The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1018 VUhan Canutus was stablished in the kyngdome Anni regum Angli 1 he had knowledge howe Olauus kinge of Norway in his absence inuaded the countrei of Denmarke Wherfore in all haste he spedde hym thytherwarde and by the manhode of the Englyshe souldiours obteyned of theim a noble victory and recouered Norway to his sygnorye Wherefore when he retourned into Englande he demeaned him toward all men as a sage gentyll and moderate prynce and so continued .20 yeres The yere of Christ 1025 Chunrade was chosen emperour of Rome Anni regum Angli and reigned xxv yeres The yere of the worlde 4989 he caused his sonne Henry to be made Cesar at Aquisgrane The yere of Christ 1026 Canutus called a parliament at Oxenforde Anni regum Angli 9 where it was decreed that Englyshemen and Danes should holde the lawes of Edgare late kynge The yere of the worlde 4987 The yere of Christ 1027 Constantine after the death of his brother Anni regum Angli 10 gouerned the empyre of Constantinople .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4988 Robert was ordeyned Duke of Normandy which was the father of William conquerour Chunrade after he had quieted the Sweues yode to Rome there was crowned with the imperyall dyademe Henry the son of Robert was named king of Fraunce to whom his mother Constance was so vnkynde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1029 Anni regum Angli 12 that she would haue preferred her yonger sonne Wherfore Henry was forced for succour to resorte to Roberte Duke of Normandie of whom he was gently receyued and by his healpe restored to hys kyngedome and reconsyled to hys mother Romanus emperour of Constantinople reygned .v. yeres and .vi. monethes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1030 Anni regum Angli 13 C●u●rade emperour of Rome went with an armye agaynste the Hungares and theim subdued A noble man of Spayne called Roderike expellyng the Sarasens toke the famous citee Ualentia The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Canutus yode in Pilgramage to Rome Anni regum Angli 15 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1033 The Bargonious submitted them to the obedience of Anni regum Angli 16 Chunrade the emperour by whyche meanes Burgoyne was d●uyded in two partes the tone bu●●●ng vppon Campayne was subiecte to the French kyng the tother next to Bizance obeyed to the emperour Henrye king of Fraunce warred vppon the Erles of Campayne and Flaunders and wan from them diuers castels and townes Canutus entred Scotlande wyth a stronge power and theim subdued whych at thys time refused his empyre Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 4995 The yere of Christ 1034 Michaell surnamed Paphlagon when he had murdered Romanus Anni regum Angli 18 maryed his wife Zoen The yere of the worlde 4996 The yere of Christ 1035 and vsurped the imperyall crowne of Constantinople .vii. yeres and .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 19 Henrye cesar the son of the emperour Chunrade The yere of the worlde 4997 toke to wife the doughter of Canutus king of Englande The yere of Christ 1036 Anni regum Angli 20 The Normains The yere of the worlde 4998 which a season had helde by force the countrey of P●el in Italye neare to the ryuer Aufidius The yere of Christ 1037 fought a stronge battayle with the Grekes for the possession of the same in whyche fighte the Grecians were chased and slayne W●llyam the sonne of Robert after his father departure towarde Hierusalem was proclaimed Duke of Normandy being yet ve ry yonge Canutus king of Englande dyed who for hys vertue and honest lyfe was worthy to liue perpetuallye He was a man of great magnificence and vsed suche iustice and temperaunce that in his dayes was no prynce of such renowme and notwithstandinge that he was so puissante a prynce yet towarde god he shewed him selfe humile and lowe as by an notable history appeareth which is wrytten of Polidore in the ende of his ▪ vii booke of the Englyshe history Anni regum Angli 1 HArolde the sonne of Canutus by his wife Elgina The yere of the worlde 4999 The yere of Christ 1038 for his swyftnesse surnamed harefoote began hys reigne ouer this realme of Englande In the beginninge he shewed some token of crueltee in that he banished his stepmother Emma and toke from her suche Iewelles and treasure as she had The Danes of Denmarke chose to their king Canutus the younger otherwise called Hardikinitus the sonne of the elder Canutus by Emma The Norwayes ordeyned king a noble man called Magnus and thus sodaynly was the noble principate of the Danes seuered in .iii. partes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Peter the seconde king of Hungary .ii yeres Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde 5002 The yere of Christ 1040 Henry the third of that name a man of noble courage Anni regum Angli 3 was chosen emperour of Rome and reygned .xviii. yeares At his first entringe he warred vppon Ulderike king of Boheme But he hauinge ayde of the Hungares putte him to the worse Dulcane was king of Scottes Maked●walde and certayne other vnruly persons rebelled In this tyme as sayeth the Scottyshe historye Sueno king of Norway inuaded Scotlande Which thinge by conference of hystopries shoulde seme to be somewhat before this tyme. Dulcane when he had reygned .vii. yeres was slayne by his brother germaine Makbeth The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1041 HArdikinutus Anni regum Angli 1 king of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was ordeyned kinge of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to be taken out of the sepulcre and smyting of his head cast it into the riuer of Thames He burdened his subiectes with exactions and tribute and in meate and drinke was so prodigall that hys tables were spred .iiii. tyme in the daye and the people serued with great excesse When he had reygned .iii. yeares he dyed sodeinly nai without suspection of poysoning The yere of the worlde 5003 The yere of Christ 1042 In this yeare was an erle in Englande called Godwine a man of great
entred the lande To whom Harold gaue strong and sharpe battayle in the ende wherof William by pollicie obteyned the victory chased the Englyshmen slewe Harolde and toke on him the gouernaunce of this lande This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arryual of the Saxones or Anglis in which space they reigned diuersly First beganne the kyngdome of Kente the yere of our lorde .475 vnder Engistus and after that .vi. other kyngdomes at sundrie tymes toke their beginning which al at the last were brought into one monarchie and subiect to the weast Saxones by king Adelstane the yeere of our lorde .ix. hundred thirtie and eight whiche monarchie continued .129 yeres debatinge of thē fiue and twenty yeres which space the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde The ende of the seconde booke ¶ The thyrde booke Anni regum Angli 1 WYLLYAM DVKE OF Normandie surnamed conqueroure The yere of the worlde 5028 The yere of Christ 1067 bastard son of Roberte the .vi. duke of that duchy nephew vnto kinge Edward the confessour beganne his dominion ouer this realme of England the .xv. daye of October and reygned xxi yeres one moneth wyth great seueritee and cruelnesse towarde the Englishemen bourdeininge them alwayes with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flye out of the lande some to Scotlande some to Denmarke and other countreys And for so muche as he obteyned his kingdom by force and dente of sworde he changed the whole state of gouernaunce of this common weale and ordeined new lawes at his owne pleasure profitable to him selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and gilefull riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified a fayre speker and great dissimuler a mā of comely stature but some deale fatte in the bealy stern of countenaunce and stronge in armes and great pleasure in hunting and making sumptuous feastes The towne of Exiter anr the Northumbers rebelled which both were subdued and greuously punished The yere of the worlde 5029 The yere of Christ 1068 Anni regum Angli 2 Kinge Willyam buylded .iiii. stronge castels twaine at Yorke one at Nottingham an other at Lincolne whiche garisons he furnished with Normains The yere of the worlde 5030 The yere of Christ 1069 Canutus king of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 3 being steered vp by certaine Englyshe outlawes inuaded the Northpartes of Englande and entred euen to Yorke From whens he was chased by Wyllyam forced to flie to his countrey Henry the emperour inuaded the countrey of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5031 The yere of Christ 1070 Otho duke of Bauarie vanquished the Thuringes vexed sore Saxonie with diuers inuasions Godfrey succeded his father in the kingdome of Lohayne The Scottes with theyr kynge Malcoline inuaded Northumberlande and robbed the countrey Endochia and her sonnes ruled Constantinople .vii. mone thes Romanus surnamed Diogines maryed Endochia possessed the empire The yere of the worlde 5032 The yere of Christ 1071 Anni regum Angli 5 Otho Duke of Bauarie whiche had often rebelled againste the emperoure Henrie submitted him selfe and obteyned pardon Willyam king of Englande made such warre vpon the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5033 The yere of Christ 1072 Anni regum Angli 6 that he forced Malcoline to sweare to hym both homage and fealty Willyam by the counsayle of the Erle of Herforde caused the money and riches of the abbeies to be brought into his treasourye He made also the newe forest in the countrey of Southampton which to bring about he cast downe dyuers townes and churches the space of .xxx. myles and replenisshed it with wylde beastes and made sharpelawes for the mayntenaunce and encrease of the same Great contencion was betwene Lanfranke byshop of Canturburye and Thomas of Yorke for the primacie whiche at lenghte was iudged to the Archebishopryke of Canterbury The Saxones for certayne iniuries to them done The yere of the worlde 5034 toke armes against the emperour Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of Christ 1073 Demetrius kynge of Ruscia expelled his brother oute of the kingdome desyred ayde of the emperour Henrie The Saxones were quyeted and reconsiled to the emperour Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 5035 The yere of Christ Gregorye the .vii. beyng made byshop of Rome ordeyned contrarye to the lawe that was made by Henrye the iii. that no emperour shoulde haue to dooe with the eleccyon or confyrmacion of the Romayne byshoppe and excommunicated all them that receiued any spyrituall promocions at the emperours hand and made other in their places where as before tyme the emperour had full power to ordeine such byshops as were within his dominion With these ordinaunces Henrie the iii● beyng than emperoure was greatlye dyspleased This Gregorye decreed also that priestes shoulde haue no more wyfes and that they whiche all readye had shoulde be diuorsed and that no man shuld thensforthe be admitted to priesthode but they vowed perpetuall chastitee Against this decree repugned the byshoppes and pryestes of Germanie and withstode it a good season Aboute this tyme the people of Galloway and shortlye after the Murrais and other rebelled in Scotlande and robbed the countreis which were brought to obedience Michael the sonne of Constantine Dukas The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ was ordeyned emperoure of Constantinople and reigned vi yeres Anni regum Angli 9 Salomon kyng of Hungarye vanquisshed and ouercame the Hunnes whiche with an huge great armye entred the boundes of Pannonie And after that inignyng battayle wyth the Greekes and Bulgares obteyned the victorye But at the laste fill greate debate betwene hym and a noble man of hys countrey called Ge●sa of whom after sore fyght he was vanquyshed and depryued of his kyngdome and than reigned Ge●sa .vi. yeres Henrie the emperour sped hym with an armye against the Saxones the secounde tyme which by the stee rynge of certayne Prynces refused his empyre whome he constreigned by force to submit theim selfe and sharpely punisshed the chiefe capitaines of that conspiracie The yere of Christ 1076 Gregory byshop of Rome excommunicated the emperour The yere of the worlde 5037 because he woulde not obey his ordinances Anni regum Angli and depryued hym of the imperyal title and assoyled the people of theyr othe of allegiaunce wyllynge also the princes of Germanie to chose a new empero ur By whiche meanes dyuers prynces rebelled and the countrey was wonderfully spoyled and vexed with ciuyle warres Dyuers byshoppes of Germanie calling a counsaile did excommunicate Gregorye as a cruell tyranne and misse liuer The cruell tyrannie outragious pride diuellisshe sorcery and detestable lyfe of this Gregory is sette foorthe at large by Beno the cardynal where ye maye see the very picture of his crueltye Roger Erle of Her tforde and another named Raulffe conspired against kyng Wylliam of Englād being then in Normandye whiche both were by him outlawed
The yere of the worlde 5073 The yere of Christ 1112 for that he folowynge hys counsayle Anni regum Angli 12 armed hym against his natural father For at this tyme whan he came to Rome he could not by any meanes obteine to be crowned of the bishop with the imperyall Diademe onlesse he would vtterly grant that as wel the bishops of Rome as all other shoulde be chosen and admitted without the emperours cōsent But he by force toke the bishoppe and hys cardynalles and constreigned theim both to annoynct hym emperour and also to geue to hym the former pryuileges of the election of the byshops of Rome and the inuestiture of other byshops At whiche tyme was suche rufflynge in the citee that yf the emperour had not manfully defended hys owne person he had at that present ben slaine Bishop Pascale assemblyng a counsayle not onely reuoked the priuileges The yere of the worlde 5074 The yere of Christ 1113 Anni regum Angli 13 whiche he had graunted to the emperour saiyng that he was forced therto but also excommunicated hym At Shrewsbury in England was a great earthquake And the riuer of Trent was so dried that thespace of one daye men went ouer drieshode A blasyng sterre appered soone after and there vpon folowed a hard winter death of men scarcitee of vitailes moraine of beastes A great sedicion in Rome against bishoppe Pascale for the death of Peter The yere of the worlde 5075 The yere of Christ 1114 prefect of the citee Anni regum Angli 14 The emperour came againe into Italie And there subdued and spoiled many of the bishops townes and citees And expulsyng Pascale out of Rome was againe crowned emperour of a bishop called Mau ritius About this time in Aemilia and Flammania it rained bloudde Anni regum Angli 15 The Turkes Sarasens Arabes The yere of the worlde 5076 The yere of Christ 1115 nere to the mount called Regalis vanquished chased and putte to flyghte Baldwine kinge of Ierusalem and slewe many of the Christian people Henrie kinge of Englande subdued the Welshemen whiche oftentimes rebelled and made theym sweare to him fealtie and obeisaunce and to deliuer pledges to the more certayn confirmacion and suert●e therof He gaue also his doughter in mariage to the emperour with great dower and ordeyned Willyam his sonne duke of Normandie wherof beganne the custome and vsage that the kinges of England made theyr eldest sonnes Dukes of Normandie Stephene the .ii. kynge of Hungarye reygned .xviii. yeres He had continuall peace with the Comanes He toke to wife the doughter of Robert Guiscard and died without issue About this time king Alexander of Scotland was in great daunger to haue bene murdered in his chambre Anni regum Angli 16 Mathildis or Maude a noble woman of Italye dyed who all her life time fauoured greatlie The yere of the worlde 5077 The yere of Christ 5116 and mainteyned the bishops of Rome and at her death bequethed to the churche of Rome the parte of Hetrucia nowe called S. Peters patromonie Anni regum Angli 17 Calo Iohannes succeded his father Alexius The yere of the worlde 5078 The yere of Christ 1117 in the empyre of Constantinople and reygned ●xv yeres The citisens of Pise in Italy ▪ expulsed the Sarasens and conquered the iles called Baleares by Spayne ▪ Anni regum Angli 18 The warre was reuiued betwene king Henry of Englande and Lewis of France The yere of the worlde 5079 The yere of Christ 1118 Lewis inuaded Normandie with much crueltee and toke the citee Lingues in Cause wherfore Henrie gatheringe a strong army met with Lewis in plaine field and fought with him a deadly and cruel battaile in the ende whereof Lewis was ouercome and constreigned to forsake the field Baldwin erle of Flaunders slain and Hēry recouered the towne of Lyngues Gelasins the .ii. bishop of Rome one yere At whyche time in Fraunce a sowe farowed a pygge which had a face like to a man a cocke was hatched that hadde .iiii. feete the winter was maruellous harde and vnseasonable wherof ensued a great dearth moreyne of cattaile Innumerable byrdes were sene fightinge in the ayre of which many fell dead to the grounde An horrible earthquake .40 dayes together in Italy The yere of the worlde 5080 The yere of Christ 1119 Calistus the .ii. being ordeined bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 19 made peace and attonement with the emperour Baldwine of Burgoyne was made the .iii. kynge of Ierusalem Willyam duke of Normandie and Richarde the sonnes of kinge Henrye of Englande The yere of the worlde 5081 The yere of Christ 1120 Anni regum Angli 20 and Mary his doughter Richarde erle of Chester with his wife the kynges nice and other to the noumber of 16● ▪ persons passinge from Normandie into England by ouersight of the ship maister were drowned sauing one butcher which escaped the daunger Roger Duke of Sicilie in the absence of Duke willyam inuaded the countrey of Calabre and Puel and named him selfe king of Italye Baldwine king of Ierusalem toke Gazim kinge of the Turkes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1121 whiche inhabited the lesse Asia Anni regum Angli 21 and wyth like successe vanquished and toke prisoner the kinge of Damascus Iohn ▪ a cardinall was sent of Caliest into Englande for reformacion of diuers matters perteining to the clergie Who in open counsaile with moste bitter wordes enuied and thundred againste such priestes as nourished concubines but in the next euening he was taken hym selfe wyth a strumped to his open rebuke and shortly after retourned to Rome with shame enough Bernard the monke Ruduerte Hugo of Paryse and Haliabas a phisicion flourished Dominicus Michael ▪ duke of Uenice with a well furnished nauie The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1122 sailed into Asia Anni regum Angli 22 and at the citee Ioppen vanquished the Sarasens toke of them a great numbre and conquered the citee T●rus In his retourne for dyspleasure kendled toward the emperour of Constantinonople which caused him to be sente for home he spoyled Rhodes and Chius and subdued Sanius Lesbus Milene and dyuers other places whyche belonged to the empire of Constantinople Roberte erle of Myllaine inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Normandye and was vanquished taken by the souldiours of king Henrie of Englande Bishop Calixt by force of armes subdued Burdinus The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1123 which by certaine noble men was proclaymed bishop of Rome agaynst him Anni regum Angli 23 And brought the sayd Burdine in a triumph to Rome vpon an asse backe in great despite setting his face to the tayle of the beast Anni regum Angli 24 Charles erle of Flaunders The yere of the worlde 5085 The yere of Christ 1124 by meane of the prouost of Bruggis ▪ was slayne in the churche as he was hearing diuine seruice After whose deathe Lewys kynge of Fraunce
for the castell of Gisours Kynge Philip of Fraunce warred vpon the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 29 for the castell of Uerginde The yere of the worlde 5144 The yere of Christ 1183 Andronicus after he had murdered Alexiu● toke on him the imperiall crowne and reigned .ii. yeres Baldwine the v. being but a childe was proclaimed king of Hierusalem Saladine kinge of Turkes inuaded and spoyled the countrey about Ierusalem and broughte much trouble to the Christians William kinge of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5145 The yere of Christ 1184 for certane iniuries done to the Latines Anni regum Angli 30 ledde a huge armie both by water and by lande against the emperour of Constantinople and toke the citee Thessalonica of Macedone and subdued manye citees of Thrace and Grece to his obeisaunce Guydo toke on him the kingdome of Ierusalem ▪ for the which was great contencion betweene him and the Erle of Tripolis named Raimunde which discord gaue occasion to Saladine the Turke more cruelly to assaute the Christians in Asia Heraclius Patriarke of Ierusalem whiche had bene in diuers partes of Europe Anni regum Angli 31 came to king Henrie The yere of the worlde 5146 The yere of Christ 1185 desyring him of ayde against the Turkes Isacius vanquished put to death Andronicus emperour of Constantinople and reygned there .xvi. yeres Urbane the .iii. bishop of Rome .ii. yeres Friderich emperour of Germanie ordeined his sonne Henrie gouernour of the citees of Italie In England the Iewes crucified a childe in the towne of Burie Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5147 The yere of Christ The Sarasens were chased and sleine at the citee An●●●e Saladine the Turke besieged Tiberiadis slewe the Christians toke prisoners king Guydo and the maysters of the templates He receyued by agreement the citee Ascalone and possessed Ladirea Then he wente to Ierusalem and conquered againe the citee .92 yeares after it was taken by the Christians In the meane time the people of Antioch chased slewe the Turkes in great numbre ¶ Here endeth the kingdome of Ierusalem The citee of Antioch was geuen vp to Saladine by the Patriarke for a great summe of money The yere of the worlde 5148 The yere of Christ 1187 Anni regum Angli 33 Gregorie the .viii. bishop of Rome .57 dayes and after him Clement the .iii. three yeres .v. monethes Richard erle of Poytow made warre againste kynge Henrie of Englande his father The yere of the worlde 5149 The yere of Christ 1188 Anni regum Angli 34 and takinge parte with the French king wanne from him diuers citees townes and castels and namely the citee of Ci●omanna For sorow wherof shortly king Henrie ended his life About this time the Uenecians bought the ile of Cret● or Cādy of one Boniface surnamed Monti Ferratensis The yere of Christ 1189 RYcharde the first of that name for his valiant and lustie courage The yere of the worlde 5150 Anni regum Angli 1 surnamed Cor de Lyon the second sonne of Henrie was crowned king of Englande and reigned xi yeares .ix. monethes .xx. dayes He was bigge of stature and hadde a merye countenaunce in the which appeared as wel a pleasaunte gentlenesse as a noble and princely maiestee to his souldiours he was fauourable bountifull to his friendes straungers a greuous enemie and harde to be pleased desirous of warre and abhorring idlenesse He inclined somewhat to pryde lecherie and auarice but mooste of all he is to be blamed because he semed to be impious toward his father The Londoners obteined .ii. officers to guyde theyr citee whiche were called bailiffes Great preparacion was made for the recouerie of Ierusalem and to ayde the christians in Asia by Friderich emperour of Almayne Rycharde kynge of Englande Philip of Fraunce Oddo Duke of Burgoyne the Uenecians Pisones William king of Sicilie and other The Frisones Danes and Flemminges with sword and fire destroied the sea costes of Afrike and Mauritania belonging to the Sarasens Friderich the emperoure after he had subdued the lesse Armonie and conquered diuers citees of Asia by misfortune was drowned in the riuer Selephius Phillip kyng of Fraunce and Richarde of Englande The yere of the worlde 5151 The yere of Christ 1190 went forwarde in theyr iourney toward Hierusalem Henrye the .vi. and sonne of Friderich was ordeyned emperour of Almayne Anni regum Angli 2 The bishop of Coloine and other bishops with the princes of Burgoyne rebelled Alphons the .viii. surnamed the good recouered hys fathers kyngdome of Spayne and reigned .53 yeres He take to wyfe Elenoure the daughter of kynge Henrye of England lately disceased Kynge Rycharde in his iourney towarde Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 5152 The yere of Christ subdued the Iland of Cipres Anni regum Angli 3 and than iuigning his puisaunce with the Frenche kyng in Asia conquered Acon where was kenled betwene kynge Rycharde and Philip kynge of France a greuous dyspleasure For whiche cause Phillip shortly after departed thens and comynge into Fraunce inuaded the countrey of Normandye and excited also Iohn the brother of kynge Rycharde to take on him the kingdome of Englād in his brothers absence Celestine the .iii of that name byshop of Rome .vi. yeres .viii. monethes The bishop of Rome gaue Constance the doughter of Wylliam kyng of Sicilie to Henrie the emperoure by whiche meanes Sicilye became subiecte to hym Aboute this tyme the emperour was occupied in warre in Puel Saphandinus expellyng his kinsmen was made soule daie of Aegypt Kynge Rycharde of Englande restored to the Christyans the citee of Ioppe and in manye battayles put the Turkes to great sorow Warre betwene the citees of Uenice and Pise Wylliam bishop of Elie to whom kyng Rychard had committed the gouernaunce of England The yere of the worlde 5153 The yere of Christ 1192 practised much crueltee and vsed to ryde with a thousande horses wherby he greeued the places 〈◊〉 the whiche he soiourned Kynge Rycharde exchanged Cypres with Guye of Lesingham for the kyngdome of Hierusalem Wherfore the kyng of Englande a longe tyme after was called kynge of Hierusalem Kyng Rycharde hauyng knowlage that Philip of Fraunce inuaded Normandye and that Iohn his brother by hys counsayle aspired to hys kyngdome made peace with the Turkes for .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1193 Anni regum Angli 5 and with a smal company retournyng whomward by Thrace traiterouslye was taken prisoner by the Duke of Austrige and brought to Henry the emperour ther kept in streit pryson a yere and .v. monethes where it is sayed that he slew a lyon and toke out his hert Emericus kynge of Hungary reigned viii yeres The yere of the worlde 5155 The yere of Christ 1194 Kynge Rycharde paiynge hys raunsome of .100000 poundes was deliuered 〈◊〉 retournyng to hys countrey Anni regum Angli 6 made sharpe warre vppon the Frenche kinge and Iohn his brother at whiche time was
a charge but by the helpe of his mother Blaunch he quieted his enemies and reigned .xliii. yeres The abbot of Ursburge an historiographer Petrus de Uineis a lawier were famous Anni regum Angli 12 Friderich the emperour toke his vyage toward Asia The yere of the worlde 5190 The yere of Christ 1229 where he behaued him so knightly that he recouered Ierusalem and diuers other citees which he repaired and fortified and thā made peace with the Souldaine for .x yeres King Henrye of Englande sayled with an army into Britaine agaynst Lewis king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5191 The yere of Christ 1230 Anni regum Angli 13 where after spoyling of the countrey a peace was cōcluded betwene the two yonge princes The yere of the worlde 5192 The yere of Christ 1231 Notwithstanding the great vilanie that Gregory byshop of Rome had shewed to Friderich the emperour as well by inuadinge his landes while he was absent ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 and spreading a false rumour of his death in Asia as also in reiecting his louing letters and publishinge him to be an enemy of Christian religion an d no lesse to be hated than a Sarasen or Turke Yet ceassed not thys gentyll prince at his returne to entreat meanes of concord whiche he could not obteyne vntil he had payed to the bishop in the of penaunce .120000 ounces of golde and than was he agayn proclaimed emperour of Almayn king of Sicilie Blondus Platine Sabellicus and other Italian historiographers cast al the faut vpon the emperour and make him worst of all men But the abbot of Ursberge whiche was in those dayes sheweth the pride auarice and stubbourne frowardnesse of the Romayne bishop Uariaunce chanced betwene the studentes of Paris the citisins in so muche that the scholars were mynded to haue departed from the citee A great discencion and ruffling betwene the bishop of Rome and the citesins for their auncient liberties customes and gouernance of their citee wherof ye may read in Blondus De inclinatione Romani imperii the .vii. booke by what meanes the bishoppe extorted from theim their libertees The Welshemen aboute this time rebelled Great harme was done in the citee of London with fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1232 Anni regum Angli 15 Uariance kendled betwene king Henry of Englande and his lordes The yere of the worlde 5194 The yere of Christ 1233 Anni regum Angli 16 because he put from his seruyce English men and trusted straungers as wel in his counsaile as other offices nere about him The citie Uerona came agayne to the obedyence of the emperour Theobalde of Campaine was kinge of Nauerre The emperour retourned the .iii. tyme into Germanie and warred in Austrich against the Hungares wher he toke Macheria Gaza and Uienna whiche he ordeyned to be the imperiall citie and there made his sonne Chunrade Cesar. Edwarde of Pountnay was ordeyned byshop of Canturbury Anni regum Angli 18 Kynge Henry beganne the foundacyon of S. Iohns hospytall in Oxenforde The yere of the worlde 5196 The yere of Christ 1235 In this yeere fell verye vnseasonable weather of thūder lightning ▪ and erthquakes wherof ensued a famine and pestilence Kyng Henry put from him the strāgers and receiued the Englysh men to their offices The Irishemen rebelled The Iewes dwelling in Norwych were accused for steling of a childe whom they purposed to crucifie Friderich the emperoure maried Isabell the syster of kinge Henrie of Englande King Henry toke to wyfe Elenour the doughter of the Erle of Prouince Anni regum Angli 19 The yere of the worlde 5197 The yere of Christ 1236 In Englande appeared as it were hostes of men fighting in the element The statute of Merton was first inacted ▪ or after some in the thyrteth yere of this kinge Henrie Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5198 The yere of Christ 1237 Theobalde king of Nauarre Almarith Erle of Moūtfort Henrie Erle of Campaine with a great multitude of souldiours went into Asia where at the beginnynge they wente forwarde prosperously and gathered muche prayse but in the end betwen Ptolomais and Gaza thei were vanquisshed of the Turkes and a great noumbre slaine Myllaine and certaine other famous cities of Italy rebelled againste the emperoure whiche he vanished and brought in due obeisaūce And therfore was againe cursed of Gregorye and proclaimed an heretike Whiche thyng caused great trouble in Italye Deadly warre betwene the citie of Gean and the Uenecians for the I le of Crete ¶ Bela the .iiii. succeded his father Andrew in the kyngdome of Hungary and reigned 3● yeres The Uenecians ouercame certaine Grecians whiche hadde beclipped the cytie of Constantinople with a hard siege The yere of the worlde 5199 The yere of Christ 1233 The Rhodes became subiect to Uenice Anni regum Angli 21 At the Uniuersitee of Parys it was concluded that no priest vnder payne of deadly synne coulde haue .ii. benefyces The yere of the worlde 5200 A clerke of Oxenforde or more verily a certaine souldiour feignynge him selfe mad The yere of Christ 1239 Anni regum Angli 22 enterprised to haue slaine king Henry of England but he was taken put to deth The yere of the worlde 5201 The yere of Christ 1240 Partes were taken in Italie for the emperour and the bishop of Rome they whiche fauoured the bishop Anni regum Angli 23 were called Guelphi the other Gibelini of whiche discencion rose most cruell and deadly warres For the byshop promyssed eternall lyfe to all theim that fought against the emperour and desyred healpe of the Englyshemen and Frenchemen He called also a generall counsaile ▪ wherin he depriued the emperour of his auctoritie and ordeyned Salue regina c. and that belles shoulde be ronge at the consecracion of the sacramēt and to the praise of our Ladie with suche other ioyly thinges The emperoure toke .ii. cardinalles and kepte theim in prison at Amalphia he subdued Rauenna and the Seneses came to his parte The yere of the worlde 5202 The yere of Christ 1241 After the death of Gregorye Colestinus was bishop of Rome .xviii. dayes Anni regum Angli 24 and than was the see of Rome voide xxi monethes The great Cahan prince of the Tartarians after he had wan from the Turkes much of the east landes with an arme of 500000. men inuaded Hungary with whō Be la their king encountring was vanquished and fled into Dalmacia Than the Tartarians conquered Uacia Uaradinum Stridoniam wyth other places so distroyed the countrey wyth sword and fyre that the inhabitauntes were constreigned for hunger to eate their owne children whiche crueltee contynued thre yeeres And at the last the heythen Pagaines being forced with ●emyne were faine to departe out of the countrey Iames kinge of Arragon Friderich the emperour subdued to him Fauercia Parma Bononia and transferred the studentes from Bononia to Padua Henrie king of Englande
of Christ 1253 Alexander the .iiii. was bishop of Rome .vii. yeres He was so muche occupied in mainteining the ciuile warres betweenes the Guelphes and Gybelynes that he sent abrode preachers to steere men agaynst the Gibelines to the great disturbance of all Italie He excommunicated also Manfrede the sonne of Frideryche Nayles yelded to the bishoppe The Gibelines were driuen out of their countrey The Florentines vanquysshed the Pisanes and subdued Uolate●ra The yere of the worlde 5215 The yere of Christ 1254 Manfrede founde meanes Anni regum Angli 37 that he was proclamed and crowned king of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5216 The yere of Christ 1255 Alphons kynge of Castile gaue Elenour his daughter in mariage to prince Edwarde Anni regum Angli 38 the sonne of kyng Henry of Englande to whom hys father gaue the principate of UUales and gouernance of Gulan and Irelād UUherof began first that the kinges of England ordeined theyr eldest sonnes princes of UUales Alphons the .ix. and sonne of Ferdynande was kynge of Castile .xxviii. yeres About this time certaine noble mē of the hous of Cumminges rebelled against the kyng in Scotland and held him in prison a certaine time Uariaunce betwene the electours of Germanie for the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1256 parte named Alphons kynge of Castile Anni regum Angli parte Rycharde the brother of kynge Henrye of Englande but because neither of theim was receiued by the whole empyre the imperial auctoritee was counted ●oide the space of .xvii. yeres The king of Scottes 〈◊〉 his quene came into Englād Dyuers lordes of Almaine came into Englande and did homage to syr Rycharde Erle of Cornwall and the kinges brother who vpon ascencion day after was crowned kyng of Romaines at Aquisgrane Anni regum Angli 40 The yere of the worlde 5218 The yere of Christ by the bishoppe of Coloine and other of his friendes King Henry went into UUales to subdue Lewline whiche with his UUelshemen rebelled against hym and hys sonne prince Edwarde Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquine Bonauenture and Peter Hispanus were famous Anni regum Angli 41 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Great variaunce betwene kynge Henrye and the Londyners in so muche that the Maior Aldermen and shyriffes were depriued of theyr offices and the gouernance of the citee committed to certayne persones of the kynges appoynting The secte of S. Augustines armites began For so much as kyng Henry had promised oftentimes the restitucion of certaine aunciēt lawes and ordināces whiche were more easie and commodyous to his people and by his longe delaye brought nothing to effect the lordes of England began to murmure and grudge against hym wherfore to appeace theyr malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenforde whiche was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges were therin enacted againste the kynges prerogatiue whiche proued after to the confusion of the realme and death of manye noble men For the confyrmaciō of these actes were chosen .xii. pieres called Douze pieres ▪ whiche had auctoritee to correcte the breakers of theyr ordynaunces These pieres transposed and altered many thynges according to theyr owne pleasure greatly to the discontentynge of the kynges mynd and disquieting of the whole realme as in the Englishe histories doeth appeare Rycharde the kynges brother returned out of Almaine into England Anni regum Angli 42 The yere of the worlde 5220 The yere of Christ Manfrede fortified the citee of Sen●s with a great garrison against the bishoppe of Rome Ecelinus whiche fauoured the Gibelines vanquyshed the byshoppes armie and toke his legate Brixia was geuen vp to Ec●linus Deadly warre betwene the Uenecians and Genoways for the possession of a church in the citee of Ptolomais in Ph●nicia Guye duke of Florentia The yere of the worlde 5221 The yere of Christ The Florentines fauouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke part to Bononi Anni regum Angli 43 and forsoke their owne citee whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons was brought in the subiection of Manfrede and the Gi●elines and fortified with their fa●●ours This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time Michael Paleolo●us a noble man of Grece depriued William of his principate of Achaia and by the helpe of the Genowais nauie toke Constantinople slew Baldwine the emperour put to deathe the son of Theodorus Uattaris and vsurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres The Uenecians ouercame the Genowais at Ptolomais and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis King Henrie of England fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a final peace on this condicion that Normandye Angeowe and Cenomanna shuld euer after be in the possession of the frenchemen and the king of England to haue Guyan and that Lewis should geue to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000 crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000 after which peace fynyshed the kynge retourned into England De●dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought vnder the subiection of Manfrede and the Guelphes expelled Anni regum Angli 44 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1261 About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme of the which the tone fled into Affrike the tother into France entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to inuade Castile Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi with great plōtie of pardone Anni regum Angli 45 King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1262 for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to vtter their malice whiche they had long before conceiued agaynst the kinge and caused an insurrection that continued .iii. yeres The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge Anni regum Angli 46 The yere of the worlde 5224 The yere of Christ and al this yere houered about London and other places without any notable act of rebellion sauing that they robbed and spoyled alianes and certaine other persones whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr●●ince might come into Italy with an army against Māfrede where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland wherof A●ho
in Rome in the solemnysyng wherof the fyrste daye he shewed hym selfe to the people in his pontificalibus and gaue free remission of synnes to as many as came to Rome out of all partes of the worde the seconde daye beyng arayed with imperiall insignes he commaunded a naked swoorde to be caried before hym and saied with a lowde voyce Lo● beholde the power and auctorite● of both swoordes Othomannus a man of vnknowen byrth steered with desyre to beare a rule toke on hym the kyngdome of the Turkes and subdued to his seignory a great part of Bithynia and other countreis of him descended linially the kynges of Turkes to this daye whose generacion hathe wrought much scathe to the Christians UUarre was reuiued betwene Fraunce and Flaūders in the which the Flemminges were put to great damage and losse of men shortly after peace was concluded Anni regum Angli 28 New faccions rose in Italie where The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ as before 〈◊〉 they were called Guelphes and Gibelines so were they nowe called Al●i and Nigri by the which Italye was wonderfully disquieted with sedicion and warre At this tyme sprange a new heresie not vnlike to the A●nabaptistes the folowers wherof were named Fra●●●cel● ▪ Tamor Can the sixt Emperoure of the Tartarians 〈◊〉 Cathay a prince exceding riche Henricus de Gandano Arnoldus de Uilla noua Gordonius Mundinus Scotus The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and Dante 's the poete liued at this time Anni regum Angli 29 Boniface ▪ for his priuate displeasure dyd excommunicate kyng Phillip of France proclaimed him not to be kyng Phillip set at libertee Sarra a noble man whome the bishop had depriued of all his landes and possessions In this yere the Scottysshe historie maketh mencion of a great ouerthrow geuen by the Scottes to the Englishemen at Roslyng and that kyng Edward beyng therwith meued perced the realme of Scotlande and wente through all the lande from the north to the southe partes therof and forced them all to sweare to hym homage and feaultee whiche seemeth to be the same conquest that we spake of in the .xxv. yere of his reigne Boniface crowned and confyrmed Albert in the empire on this condicion that he would take on him the crowne of Fraunce and expell Phillip but the .ii. prynces wyselye agreed betweene theim selfe and contemned the tyranny of bishop Boniface Uenceslaus whiche of the Hungares is called Ladyslaus the sonne of the kyng of Boheme reigned in Hungary .iii. yeres Anni regum Angli 30 Boniface bishoppe of Rome was cast in prisō by Sarra whom he had expelled out of the citee The yere of the worlde 5264 The yere of Christ in whiche pryson he dyed Of this byshop it is wrytten that he entred into the bishoprike lyke a foxe reigned lyke a woulfe and died lyke a dogge Anni regum Angli 31 Bennet was bishop of Rome .viii. monethes The yere of the worlde 5225 The yere of Christ he assoyled the Frenche kynge the byshoprike was voyde .xi. monethes Uenceslaus the .vii. kynge of Boheme for his dronkennesse and lechery was slaine in Mora●ia The yere of the worlde 5266 The yere of Christ 1305 Anni regum Angli 32 Faccions sedicions commocions and deadly warres in most miserable wise tourmēted the countrey of Italy Sir Robert de Bruze the Scotte stole priuilye oute of Englande and fledde into hys countrey where he slewe the Erle sir Iohn Cummyn because he hadde in certaine letters ●etrayned hym to kyng Edward as going about to steere vp the Scottes to a new rebellion Seraph or Melecnasser Souldaine of Aegypte he was sor● ou●●set by the Tartarians ¶ Otho Duke of Bauarie was ordeyned kynge of Hungary 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 The yere of Christ 1306 Clemen●e the 〈◊〉 was bishop of Rome .viii. yeres Anni regum Angli 33 He transferred the bishoppes see of Rome The yere of the worlde 5267 from Italye into Fraunce where it continued the space of .74 yeres A great sedicion in Paris betwene the noble men and the commons for enhau●sing of rentes Wylliam Wallaice which had done so many 〈◊〉 asures to kynge Edwarde in Scotlande was 〈◊〉 and hanged The nobles of Scotlande in a 〈◊〉 at W●estminste●r voluntarily swore to be true to the king of Englande and to kepe the lande of Scotlande to hys vse against al persons At the coronacion of Clement byshop of Rome by the fall of a walle the Duke of Britayne was slayne and kynge Phillip of France maimed A carbuncle was striken out of the bishops miter whiche was in value worth vi thousande crownes The byshop ordeyned .iii. cardynalles whiche as it were .iii. senatours shoulde gouerne the countrey of Italye to hys beho●lffe He gaue also the ilande of Sardinia to Friderike kynge of Sicilie to the entent he should expel the Sarasens The emperour Albert ordeined his son Rodoulph king of Boheme and expelled Henry the Duke of Carinth The Scottes by the counsaile of the Abbotte of Stone Anni regum Angli 34 purchased a dyspensacion of the byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1307 for the othe that they had made to the kynge of Englande and ●hose to their kinge Robert Le Bruze When king Edwarde hard of this treason he wente with all hast into Scotlande where in a playne nere to S. Iohnes towne he encountred vanquished and chased sir Robert le Bruse and all the ●●wer of Scotlande and toke manye of the noble men prisoners amonge the whiche were certayne bishops and an abbotte that were armed in the 〈◊〉 contrarie to their trouthe and al●giance Robert le Bruze fled into Norway Henrie that was expelled by the emperour was againe made king of Boheme All the templares were put downe in France and their goodes and possessions throughout all Christendome geuen by the bishoppe of Rome to the knyg●●e● of s. Iohn Baptiste This order was destroyed for their d●sta●le he●e●ie and other enor●●t●es The hospitelars recoue●ed Rhodes from the Sarasens Conti●●i●g the war in Scotland the noble kinge Edwarde ended his life who at his death charged his lordes to bo●e his bodie till the fleshe seuered from the bones and then to burie his fleshe in Englande and kepe still the bones and as often as the Scottes rebelled to assemble the people and carie with them his bones trusting that if they were present that froward people should the soner be vanquished EDward the second sonne of the first Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5269 The yere of Christ and prince of Wales Anni regum Angli 1 begane his reigne ouer England and reigned .xviii. yeres This Edwarde was fayre of bodie but vnstedfaste of maners and disposed to lightnesse For he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and haunted amonge villaines and vile personages He gaue him selfe also to ouer muche drinkynge and lightlye woulde disclose thinges of great couns●yle and besides that he was geuen to these vices of
nature he was made much worse by the couns●ile and familiarit●e of certaine euell disposed personnes as Pi●rse of Gaueston Hugh the Spensers and other whose wanton counsaile he folowing gaue him selfe to the appetite and pleasure of the body nothing ordering his common weale by sadnesse dyscrescion and iustice whiche thinge caused first great variance betwene him and his nobles so that shortly he became to them ●dible and in the ende was depriued of his kingdome This Edwarde toke to wyfe Isabell the doughter of Philip the fayre king of France The Scottes did homage to kinge Edwarde at Dumfreis Otho king of Hungarie was taken and cast into prison by a noble man called Ladislaus ¶ Alphons the .xi. kinge of Castile reigned .xl yeres Robert was king of Naples Iohn nephew to Albert the emperour slewe his owne vncle betwene the two riuers of Heluecia called Risa and A●ula nere to Rhine the place to this daye is called kinges fielde where the quene of Hungarye buylded an abbey After the death of Albert was great vnquietnesse in Italie for euerie citee desired a peculiar gouernoure And Philip of France was put in hope by the bishop of Rome to obteine the empire and therfore came into Italye wyth a great power and toke manye townes but failed of his purpose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Henrie the .vii. was ordeined emperour of Germanie and reigned .v yeres .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 2 He was a noble and victorious prince therewith gentill liberall and of great iustice and honestye He assembled .iii. mig●tye ar●●●es of the whiche one he sent agaynst the Duke of Wirtenburge from whens he toke 72. cast●●s An other he sent with his sonne Iohn into Beheme to obtein that kingdome the third him selfe led into Italie against the citees Bri●ium Florence Cremons and other rebelles which fauoured the Guelphes to whom he brought suche terrour and feare of his name as ●ew●mpe ours b● do●e before ti●●e At Millaine he was crowned wyth a crowne of yron The crouch friers came first into Englande Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 5271 The yere of Christ 1310 So great a dearth 〈◊〉 Scotlande that the common people did eate horse fleshe and other vnaccustomed meates to sust●ine their liues Charles was chosen king of Hungarie and reigned xxxiii yeares He hadde successiuely .iii. wifes Marye the doughter of the king of Polonie Beatrix the doughter of Henrye the emperour and ●elisabeth the daughter of the Duke of Boheme of the laste he receyued iii. sonnes Ladislaus Lewes and Andrew Robert Le Bruze began to be of power againe in Scotlande discomfited sir Iohn Cummin Erle of Bucham and certaine other whiche helde on the Englishe part A counsaile holden at Uienna The yere of Christ 1311 where the name of the templares was abolished Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5272 Roberte Le Bruze expelled the Englyshmen out of a great part of Scotland and inuaded the borders of Englande Anni regum Angli 5 At Rome Henry the emperoure receyued the imperyall Diademe of the cardinals The yere of the worlde 5273 The yere of Christ 2312 He assigned certaine lieuetenantes to the cities of Lumbardye The Flemminges rebelled against kinge Philyp of France The pride and tirannye of Piers of Gaueston caused grudge and malice betwene king Edwarde of England and his nobles so that for this cause the saied Piers by suite of the nobles was twise or thrise banished the realme and styll called againe by the kinge Wherfore in thys yere the lordes beyng confederate slew him beside war wike to the great discontentyng of the kinges mynde ¶ Iohn the emperous sonne was king of Boheme Of Andronicus and his successours emperours of Cōstantinople I finde no certaintie howe longe time they reigned I wyll therfore name as many of theym as I know gessing as nie the time as I can Egnacius saieth that Michaell Paleologus reygned about .xl. yeares next to hym he setteth Audronicus which had longe contencion with the younger Andronicus Blondus setteth betwene theim Carolo●oannes Anni regum Angli 6 Henrye the emperour besieged the cytie Florence The yere of the worlde 5274 The yere of Christ he made peace with Friderich king of Sicilie and ledde an armye against his mortal enemy Roberte Duke of Naples Not long after he was poisoned by a monke whyche in ministring the sacrament gaue him poyson The Englishemen encountred Robert Le Beuze his Scottes at Estriualin Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5275 The yere of Christ wher was foughten a strong but taile in the ende wherof the Englyshmen were discomfited and so egrely pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slaine as the Erle of Gloucester sir Robert Clifforde sir Edmunde of Maule with other lordes to the nomber of .xlii. and knyghtes and baron●●tes 67. beside .xxii. men of name whiche were taken prysoners and .10000 other common souldiours slaine or after the Scottishe historye .50 thousand after this time the forenamed Robert Bruze reigned as kinge of Scotlande The ci●●syns of Pise in Italy chose for theyr Duke a noble man called N●●uicio ¶ Lewis the leueuth sone of Phillip Le Beaue was ordeined kyng of France and reigned .ii. yeres He led an armye against the Fleminges but he atchiued nothing worthy memory A vilayne called Iohan Tanner in dyuers places of England named him selfe the sonne of Edward the first and saied The yere of the worlde 5276 The yere of Christ 1315 Anni regum Angli 8 that by a false nourse he was stollē out of his cradell and Edwarde that was nowe kinge put in hys place But shortly after he was conuict of his vntrouth and confessed that he dyd it by the mocion of a familyar spirite The Scottes inuaded Irelande and kept warre with the Irish men the space of .iiii. yeres Lewys was emperour of Almaine .33 yeres betwene him and Friderich Duke of Austrich was longe warre For part of the electours chose Friderike part Lewis of Bauarie These two Cesars with their armyes mette first at Frankforde but thei i●igned not in bataile than Leopalde a Duke of Austriche comynge to healpe hys brother profered battayle to Lewes but he gaue backe and fled to Eslengham wher was betwene theim a sore conflict so greatly to the losse of bothe partes that neyther of them claimed victorye The byshoprike of Rome after the death of Clemente was voyde .ii. yeres .iii. monethes The castell of Berwyke was yelden vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng The yere of the worlde 5277 The yere of Christ 1316 Anni regum Angli A great moreine of beastes in Englande and therwith pestilence and other sickenesse Philippe the .v. for his heyghte surnamed the Longe was made king of Fraunce and reygned .vi. yeres The Scottes entred the borders of Northumberland and most cruelly robbing and hariyng the countrey Anni regum Angli 10 The yere
of the common people Kyng Phillip of Fraūce made great preparacyon for a viage into the holy lande Bennet the .xii was bishoppe of Rome .vii. yeares He by the counsaile of Phillip king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5296 The yere of Christ confyrmed the censours and cursinges that Iohn hys predicessour had published against Lewys the emperour Mastinus Scaliger lorde of Uerone Brixia and Pergamum in Itali subdued of him Parma Luca and Patalum against him conspyred the Uenecians Florentines and dyuers princes of Italye betwene whom were ●o●ghten dyuers batailles greatly to the losse of bothe partes but in the ende peace was made with Scaliger on this condicion that he shoulde forsake Patanye Brixia and Pergamum holde in his possession Uerone Uincence Parma and Luca. Warre was proclaymed betwene the kynges of Englande and Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5297 The yere of Christ 1336 The bishop of Rome beyng in France Anni regum Angli 10 sent ambassade to Rome requiryng of the people that the .ii. senatours whiche before tyme were created to gouerne the citie in the name of the emperour myght hensforth be ordeyned in the bishoppes name and gouerne the cytie to his beh●ulfe whiche was grraunted and that dignitie geuen for the space of .v. yeres to Stephene de Columna a cardinall some write that the byshop him selfe had certaine yeres before vsed the auctoritie of a senatour in the emperours name and now required it in his owne T●uleros a diuine Cinu● Olradus Paulo● Perus●nus lawyers M●cheus Syluaticus Nicolaus de Rhegio phisicions and S Roke liued at this tyme. About this tyme as Fabian mencioneth by reason of scarcitie of money was suche plentie of vytailes and other m●rcim●nies in thys realme of Englande that the lyke had not be● le●n For a quarter of wheate was sold for .ii. s. a fatte gose for .ii. d. a pigge for a penye a fatte oxe for .vi. s. v●ii d. a fatte shepe for .vi. d. and .viii. d. vi pigeons a penye King Edward Anni regum Angli 11 for the expedicion of his warres against the Frenche kynge The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1337 sent ambassadours into the partyes beyonde the sea to alye wyth him the Erle of Heynalde and others lordes whyche obeied not the Frenche kyng Where by meanes of Iaques Dartuel he hadde great comfort of the Flemminges and dyuers lords and princes of the empyre Kinge Edwarde sent a company of men in ships to conquere the towne of Gagaunt which vanquished the Flēminges that were set ther by the Erle to stoppe his passage into Fraunce Kyng Edwarde for more sure stablishement of amytie betwene hym and the Holanders The yere of the worlde 5299 The yere of Christ 1338 Selanders Anni regum Angli 12 and Brava●●ers sailed to Antwerpe wher he concluded the mat●●er with his aliaunces ▪ and by the consent of the emperoure Lewis proclaymed vicare general of the empyre The yere of the worlde 5300 The yere of Christ 1359 The kinge of Englande Anni regum Angli 13 ouer and besyde a great army of Englishe souldiours hauing with him well nere the whole power of the empyre began to entre the borders of the french kinges dominion ▪ and made claime to the whole realme of Fraunce as his rightfull inheritaunce and for more auctoritee named him selfe kinge of france and entermedled the armes of England with the armes of Fraunce as it remayneth to this daye In this passe time a certayne of Frenchmen had entred the hauen of Southampton and robbed the towne and vpon the sea had taken .ii. great Englysh shippes called the Edward and the Christofer Franciscus Petrarcha was famous in Italye made poete Laureat in Rome Diuers robbinges bickeringes ▪ and small battailes were betwene the Frenchmen and the Flemminges the Henoways and other frendes of kinge Edwarde Anni regum Angli 14 King Edward saylyng toward Flaunders The yere of the worlde 5301 me to the hauen of Sciuse mette with the frenche kinges nauye The yere of Christ where was foughten a cruell batayle wherof the king of Englande had the victorie and the french flete that was in noumbre .400 sayle was wel nere al destroyed and the souldiours taken slayne and drowned so that of .33000 there scaped not one Shortly after the king besieged Turney continuinge the time of whiche siege diuers outridinges and enterprises were ventured by the Henoways Almains and other his frendes to the great hurte of bothe partes but the more fell still to the Frenchemen At the ende of .xi. wekes a peace was agreed vpon for the space of .xii. monethes ▪ and kinge Edward retourned into Englande In this passetime the Scottes by steringe and ayde of the frenchemen recouered a great part of that land and in most cruell wise vexed the englyshe garisons Bennet bishop of Rome ▪ saying that the whole empire was fallen into his handes ▪ because it was of long time voyde for he reputed Lewys as no emperour ordeyned rulers ouer the citee of Italye at his will and pleasure by whom Luchinus and Iohn his brother obt●ined the gouernance of Myllayne Mastinus Scalaget of Ue●on and Uincentia and other of dyuers other places at his appoinctment Robert Stewarde gouernour of Scotlande and Wylliā Douglas cōquered Berth St●tueline Edenbourgh and other holdes from the Englyshemen After the deth of Iohn duke of Britain Anni regum Angli 15 mortal warre ensued betwene Charles de Bloyes The yere of the worlde 5312 The yere of Christ 1341 and Iohn earle of Mountfo●te for the possession of that Dukedome Iohn of Mountfort was taken and caste in prison at Parys ▪ but the warre was still mainteined by his wife a womā of valiant courage who with the ayde of the Englysh●men defended her housbandes quarell vigorouslye and with a great stomacke Alexander Ramsel a Scotte inuaded the borders of Englande Edward Bailoll fled out of Scotlande into Englande and left all the gouernance of the realme that he helde to the vse of kinge Edwarde Kinge Edwarde went towarde the Scottes but for so muche as he was disprouided of vitayles for his armye at the request of the lordes of Scotland he made league for .iiii. monethes King Dauid of Scotland retourned out of Fraunce into his owne countrey The erle Gaul●ier of Manny a noble hardy knight was sent of kinge Edwarde to ayde the countesse of Britaine agaynst Charles de Bloys where he by his manhode and pollicie atchieued many enterprises The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1342 Clement the .vi. by the labour of kynge Philyppe of France succeded Bennet in the bishoprike of Rome Anni regum Angli 16 He was in like maner a mortall enemy to Lewis the emperour and cōfirmed the sentences published against him before time and stered many princes of great power to make warre vpon him ▪ but the emperour dooinge lyke for lyke inuaded the possessions of the churche of
Rome and ordeyned therein many deputees and rulers at his pleasure King Dauid of Scotland with muche cruelt●e diuers times vexed the englyshe borders and destroyed the towne of Durham wherfore kinge Edwarde sped hym thitherwarde in all haste but a peace was entreated for ●i yeres without any notable battaile Kinge Edwarde sente Robert Dartoys Erle of Rych●mount with the countesse of Britaine into her countrei who wasted and destroyed those partes veray sore and shortly after died of a wound that he receyued at the citee of Uannes Anni regum Angli 17 The yere of the worlde 5304 The yere of Christ 1343 Clement bishop of Rome toke vpō him to geue diuers bishoprikes and benefices which than fel voyde in Englande wherwith the king was greatly discontented In so much that he sent out commissions and streight commaundementes that no man should present or induct any suche person ▪ that so by the bishoppe was promoted without the agremente of the kinge because it touched his prerogatiue Whan Lewys the emperour at the instance of his nobles with great humilitee made diuers meanes for entreatie of concorde with Clement the bishop his outragious pride prescribed to him so shameful and vnworthye conditions as vneth the vilest slaue in the world would haue condescended vnto amonge the whiche were that he should openly acknowlage his errours and dysobedyence therwith to resigne the empire neuer to receyue it but at the bishops pleasure and moreouer to yeld him selfe his children with al his goodes into his handes Kinge Edward with a strong armye sayled into Britaine and besi eged the citee of Uannes Renes Nauntes toke the towne of Dynant By meane of two cardinalles peace was concluded for a certayne space Anni regum Angli 18 The order of the garter The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1344 first inuēted and ordeyned by king Edwarde The erle of Derby was sent by king Edwarde wyth a company of englishe souldiours to make warre in Gascoyne where he wanne the towne of Bargarath the rioll with many other townes and castelles before Anberoche the erle of Derbye by the pollicie of Walter of Manni ▪ with a thousande Englishemen disconfited and slew .x. thousand Frenchmen and Gascoynes and toke prisoner the erle of Lay their chiefe capitayne with dyuers other nobles and subdued the countrey Iohn duke of Normandy the sonne of king Philippe The yere of the worlde 5306 The yere of Christ 1345 Anni regum Angli 19 came with a great army into Gascoyne against the erle of Derby Godfrey of Anicourte was banished out of Fraunce and fled to king Edward whom he incensed and stered to inuade Normandie Iaques Dar●uell a great friende of kinge Edwarde was murdered at Gaunt in Flaunders G●ulter duke of Athenes vsurped tirannie at Florrence .x monethes whom Angelus Acciolus expelled and restored them to their libertee The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1346 The king of England with his son prince Edwarde sayled into Normandye and ouerrode spoyled Anni regum Angli 20 and destroyed the countrey before him euen to Parys and gathered wonderful riches of Pray whiche he sente into England Shortly after he encountred the french kinge me to the forest of Cress●e where he had not in his host the ryght man in comparison of the frenche armye and obteyned of them a noble and triumphant victorye by the manhode of his archers In that battell was slayne the floure of the chiualrie of Fraunce for there fell on that part the kinge of Boheme with ten other great princes foure score banners .1200 knights and mo than .30000 of the common souldiours after this victorye king Edwarde went toward Cales and besieged the towne the space of a leuen monethes Bishop Clemēt with most dispituous wordes enueyghed in a sermon against Lewis the emperour caused certaine of the electours to chose a newe emperour While king Edward besieged Calys Dauid of Scotland by exciting of the frenche kinge warred vpon the borders of England But the Quene assembled a strōg armie as well of the clergye and priestes as the other commons and nere to Durham toke in bataile the king of Scottes prisoner with many of his greatest lordes and erlee and slewe one and other 15000. souldyoures After this victorie the Englishemen tooke the castell of Rorhurgh subdued Anandale Galloway Mers Teuida Twedale and Ectrike forest The warre was quickened againe in Britaine and sir Charlos of Bloys taken prisoner by the Englyshemen but the warre continued fiercely The yere of the worlde 5302 The yere of Christ 1347 Anni regum Angli 21 betwene his wife and the forenamed Counteise of Mouuntforte Charles king of Boheme was chosē emperour while Lewys was yet a liue who not longe after dyed After the deathe of Robert kinge of Sicilie and Apulya his doughter Iohan toke to her husbande Andrew the sonne of Lewys kinge of Hungarye whom not longe after she murdered and maried Lewys Duke of Tarent Edwarde Bayloll and the Erle of Northumberlande spoyled Louthiall and Cliddisdale in Scotlande Lewis king of Hungarye came with a strong army in to Italye to reuenge his sonnes death where he chased the queene Iohan and obteined her kingdome of Apulia Diuers of the cities of Germany vehemētly withstode the tiranny of the Romaine byshop toward Lewis their emperour Nicolas a man of vnknowen byrthe takynge on hym great auctoritte in the cytie of Rome expelled the senatours and saied he woulde restore the citye to her pristynate libertie But shortly after he was taken of Charles the emperour and sent into Fraunce to the byshop About this tyme the emperour solde the Duchy of Orliance and Delphinoys to the French kynge Cales was yelded vp to kinge Edwarde of Englande Lewys whan he had subdued to him the kyngdome of Apulia Anni regum Angli 22 retourned to Hungary The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1348 ¶ Peter the first was ordeined kinge of Spaine He passed all his predicessours in crueltie manslaughter and other myschefe he put to death all the nobylitie and the chiefe of his affinitie and kynred Wylliam Douglas the sonne of Iames Douglas wan againe certayne landes in Scotlande that the Englysh men had subdued A great and wonderfull famyne and pestylence raged throughout all the worlde In Italye scante the .x. person of an hundred was left on liue In the city of Parys in Fraunce dyed .50 thousande In. S. Denys .1400 in one yere A treason was conspired by the capytaine of Cales to betraye it againe to the Frenchmen The hystory wherof declareth wonderfully the great manhode pollicy lyberalitie and gentylnesse of the noble kynge Edwarde reade Frosarde the .156 ca. c. of his first boke Certaine of the electours of Germanye agreed not to the election of Charles The yere of the worlde 5310 The yere of Christ 1349 Anni regum Angli 23 and therfore profered the empire to king Edwarde of England who refused it as
kinge Edwarde now in his later dayes frowardly frowned chāged her copye The yere of the worlde 5329 The yere of Christ 1368 Charles the emperoure yode toward Italy with hys wife and children Anni regum Angli 42 In his iorney he subdued to the empire of the citees of Luke and Miniate whych a certaine time had rebelled were in subiection the one to Pise the other to Florence The duke of Lancastre arriued at Calys and entred Fraunce with a company of souldiours where not far from Arde the duke of Burgoyne lodged within a myle of his army with a great power the space of xviii daies and neuer profered battaile but lastly stole away priuylye in the nighte and then entred the Duke further into Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5330 Urbane bishop of Rome retourning into France left Iohn Haucuth an englisheman The yere of Christ 1369 Anni regum Angli 43 as hys chefe capitaine to defende the right of the churche against the rebels and other enemies and not longe after dyed Phyllyp Duke of Burgoyne toke to wyfe Margaret doughter of Lewys Erle of Flaunders Queene Phillyp of England dyed whiche was a woman of great sanctimony and bulded the college in Oxford called Quenes college Sir Robert knoles entred the realme of Fraunce with a stronge army and passed euen by Parys ranged in batayle and throughtout the countreys of France robing and spoilyng as he went without any notable bataile at whiche viage by reason of discention that ha●ned in the Englyshe hoste dyuers men were slaine and taken prisoners of their enemnes Sir Bertam of Clesqui a noble and valyant knyghte was ordeined Constable of Fraunce He wanne againe many cities townes castels and holdes in Po●cters Limosin ▪ and other countreys from the kyng of England and restored theim to the signorye of Fraunce Gregorye the .xi. byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli Kyng Dauid of Scotlande makyng prouisiō to go on pylgremage to Ierusalem ended his lyfe ¶ Robert Stewarde succeded Dauid of Scotlande and reigned .xix. yeres Charles the emperour by meanes of giftes whiche he promysed the electours obteined his soonne Uinceslaus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 45 to be made Cesar The yere of the worlde 5332 The yere of Christ 1371 and caused them of the empyre to sweare to hym feaultie and homage The Erle of Penbroke comyng on the se to rescue the towne of Rochell was encountred with a flote of Spaniardes whiche king Henrie of Castile had sent to ayde the Frenche king Of these Spaniardes after cruel fight the Erle was taken with sir Guiscarde de Angle and other to the noumbre of an .160 personnes and the more parte of his men slayne and drowned Kynge Edwarde beyng sore displeased with the takyng of the Erle of Penbroke sent hys soonne the prince into Fraunce who by contrary wyndes was kepte on the sea the space of .xi. weekes and than retourned agayne into Englande Amurates kinge of Turkes inuaded Seruia and Bulgaria Lazarus king of Seruia was slayne in battaile and Amurates not long after murdered of his owne seruaunte The yere of the worlde 5333 The yere of Christ 1342 Anni regum Angli 46 Bertram of Clesqu● Constable of Fraunce warred so fiercely vpon Iohn Erle of Mountforte Duke of Brytayne bycause he semed to fauour the kyng of England that he was forced to forsake his landes and fly to kinge Edward ▪ and that Duchy was well nere all seised to the vse of the Frenche kynge Iohn of Gaunte Duke of Lancaster entred by Cales into France and passed throughout the reamle by Uermendois and Campaine iust to Burdeaur in Aquitaine without batayle Not withstandyng the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes and countreys as they passed The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1373 Pazaites the .iiii. kynge of Turkes Anni regum Angli 47 The Genowayes for certaine disworship doen to them inuaded and spoyled the contrey of Cypres and conquered the citie of Famaugusta Thei constreigned also their king Petrine to pay vnto theim a great tribute the space of certaine yeres Diuers entreties of peace were made betwene the king of Englande and Fraunce ▪ by meane of the byshoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anni regum Angli 48 The yere of the worlde A great dearth ve●ed the countrey of Italye .ii. yeres The yere of Christ 1374 The yere of the worlde The people of Florence desirous of lybertie Anni regum Angli 49 gaue occasion to many cyties of Italye to for sake the byshoppe of Romes domynion The yere of Christ 1375 wherby ensued great tumultye and warre in all the countrei The people that fyrst rebelled were the Tybernates the P●rusines Tudertines Spole●āes E●gubines the citisyns of U●●erbium Foroliuium and Asculum Many wonderfull sickenesses fell amonge the people as well in Italye as in Englande wherof they died merua●lously Warre and rufflyng betwene borderers of Englande and Scotlande The Duke of Britaine by the healpe of Englishemen recouered againe many castels and townes Gregory the .xi. contrarye to the minde of the Frenche kyng departed out of Fraunce and retourned to Rome 70. yeres after the byshops see was first transferred out of Iataly into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 50 The yere of the worlde 5337 The yere of Christ 1376 Byshop Gregory excommunicated the Florētines but they lytell regarded his course and cōs●eignedtheir prestes to minister diuine seruice Prince Edwarde of Englande departed out of this life who was in his tyme the floure of chiualrye Andronicus expelled his father from the imperiall dy●gnitie of Constantinople whom the Uenec●ans restored againe to the empyre Whereby ensued great warre betwene Uenice and Genoway for the one toke part with the father the other with the sonne Kinge Edwarde the .iii. ended his life in Richemonte the .xxii. daye of Iune The yere of the worlde 5338 The yere of Christ 1377 The duke of Angeow the constable of Frāce Owen of Wales with many other of the frenche parte made sore warre in Gascoyne Guyan Poyters and Britaine and conquered agayne diuers castels townes citees subiecte before to the king of England Owen of Wales besieged Mortaine a yere an halfe ther was slayne by the treasō of one of his seruauntes RYcharde the .ii. the sonne of Prynce Edwarde of Wales was ordeined king of England being as yet but a seuen yeres of age Anni regum Angli 1 in bounty and lyberalitie he farre passed all his progenitours but he was ouer muche geuen to rest and quietnesse and loued lyttel deedes of armes and marcyall prowes and for that he was younge he was most ruled by young consaile and regarded nothynge the aduertisementes of the sage and wyse men of his realme For the chiefe about hym were of no wysedome nor estimacion which thing turned his land to great trouble and of him selfe in fine to extreme myserye The Frenche king sent a
Englande and Fraunce at the intercession of the Genowaies The yere of the worlde 5351 The yere of Christ 1300 Anni regum Angli 14 made a vage into Afrike against the Sarisons where they besyeged the cytie of Tunes and spoyled the countrey there about in the end a league was agreed and the siege geuen vp on this condicion that the sarasens should holde them within theyr boundes and absteine frō the sea costes of Italy Fraunce and the ylādes lying betwene Afrike and Europe But Frosard maketh mencion of no such thinge but sayeth that the Christians departed sodenlye from the citye of Tunes without any league or truce making fering dyuers perilles and incidentes that might els haue chaunsed to theim He therto P. Aemilius continued his his historye In Englande it was decreed that the auctoritie of the byshop of Rome shoulde be ended with the Occean sea and that it shulde be lawfull hensforth to no man to appeale to the byshop of Rome or make suite that any Englysheman shulde be cursed by his auctory neyther that any man shulde execute such commaundemēt though it were obteined of the byshop on peine to lese all his gooddes and his bodye to perpetuall prison ¶ After the death of kynge Robert of Scotlande Iohn Erle of Carreke his eldest sonne succeded reigned .16 yeres whom the Scotes called Robert after hys father because thei thought Iohn an vnluckie name in a kinge he was maymed with the stroke of an horse in his youth therfore was vnhable for the gouernance of the realm Wherfore duke Robert of Albanie continued as gouernour all the tyme of his reigne Cruell warre in Lumbardy betwene Galyatius lorde of Myllaine and the people of Florence and Bonony The Erle of Armynack comyng with a great army to ayde the Florentines nere to the citie of Alexandrya receiued a wounde wherof he dyed Anni regum Angli 15 Peace betwene Galiatius and the Florentines After the death of Clement the Antipape The yere of the worlde 5352 The yere of Christ Bennet the xiii was chosē of the cardinalles in France ▪ the schisme still continued betwene the .ii. byshops This Clement graunted to the Frenche kynge the tenthes of the clergy Kyng Charles of Fraunce gaue the Dukedome of Orliaunce to his brother Lewys The king of fraunce making war into Britaine was sodeinely taken with a phrenesy Anni regum Angli 16 Peter Gambacurta lorde of Pise and his sones were slayne by one Appian a cōmon scribe which Appian toke on hym the gouernaunce and lordshib of that citie The yere of the worlde 5353 The yere of Christ Sigismunde king of Hungarie ledde an army against the people called Walachi whyche desyred ayde of the Turkes whom notwithstandyng Sigismund vanquished ▪ and by force toke the towne Niko● Gersō Gorrā diuines Ancoranus a famous lawier Nicolaus Florentinus and Marsilius de S. Sophia phisicions Iohannes de sacro Busto an astronomer flourished Kyng Rycharde of England conceiued a great displeasure towarde the citie of London for a certaine outrage or riotte commited by the citisyns For whiche cause he depriued them of their liberties but the citye was shortly after restored to the kinges fauour by the ernest suyte and labour of Doctour Grauisend byshop of London in memory wherof the maior with his brethern resort yerely .ix principall dayes to S. Paules church The yere of the worlde 5354 The yere of Christ 1393 A truce prolonged betwene Fraunce and England for iii. yeres This yere died queene Anne Anni regum Angli 17 wife to king Rycharde Iohn and Albriche lordes of Cume Anni regum Angli 18 reduced all Italie into one felowship or companie of S George The yere of the worlde 5355 The yere of Christ 1394 and teachinge theim to beare armes in defence of theim selfe expelled from them all foreine souldiers and straunger as Germaines Englishemen Bretaines and other whose ayde and helpe they had vsed before tyme in defendynge their countrey Kynge Rycharde made a viage into Irelande whiche was more to his charge than honour A great tempest of wynde in Englande Galias lorde of Myllayne was made a Duke by the emperour The yere of the worlde 5356 The yere of Christ 1395 Anni regum Angli 19 this Galeas fauoured the Turkes was a lied with their kinge A truce for .30 yeares betwene England and France and kyng Rycharde toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kinge The kinge of Hungarie with ayde of the Frenchmen passed the riuer of Dunaw The yere of the worlde 5357 The yere of Christ 1396 Anni regum Angli and ledde a great army into Bulgarye and Turky wher by force they conquered dyuers townes and besieged Nicopolis but than Basaach or Pazaitos kynge of Turkes encountred theim wyth great puisaunce the by pryde of the Frenchemen vanquished and slewe manye Christians and toke prisoner Iohn the sonne of the Duke of Burgoyne wyth dyuers lordes of of Fraunce the kyng of Hungary escaped hardly in the chase The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the erle of Arundell and other was put to cruell deathe for so much as they rebuked the king in certaine 〈◊〉 ouer liberally Anni regum Angli 21 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1397 and endeuoured to excyte the commōs to breake the peace made with the frenchemen and to depose the king whom they accused of slouthfulnesse negligence and misgouernynge of the common weale Anni regum Angli 22 Henrye Bolinbroke Duke of Hereforde and the duke of Northfolke were banyshed out of the realme The yere of the worlde 5359 The yere of Christ 1398 Kinge Richarde let the realme of Englande to serme to sir William Scrope erle of Wilshire and certayne other knyghtes Emanuel Chrisoloras brought agayne the knowlage of the Greke tongue in Italy whiche hadde bene as it were banyshed out of that countrey the space of .v. ages King Richarde went with an army into Irelande At this time reygned in Scythya a cruell fierce and blouddye tyrann● named Tanberlanis which subdued to him well nere all the east part of the worlde and lastly with an vnnumerable multitude of men inuaded the Turkes landes with whom Pazailes theyr kinge met and in the confines or marches of Gala●ia Bithinia nere the mountaine St●lla g aue to him a sore bataile in the whiche fell on the Turkes partye 2●000 and Pazai●es the kynge him selfe was taken prisoner After whiche tyme this Tartarian Tāberlanis conquered al the landes betwene Tanais and Nilus and vanquished in battaile the great souldaine of Egipte chased hym beyonde Nilus and toke also the citee Damascus ▪ Mahomet kinge of Turkes after Pazai●es reigned xvii yeres and wrought muche scathe to the Christiās Henrye Bolinbroke duke of H●rforde whyche was banished into Fraunce being sent for of the Londoners came into Englande with a small power to whom the cōmons gathered ī so great multitude and forsoke their prince that not longe
ambassadour frō the emperour The bishop of Tarbe the Uisecount of Torayne and Antony Uescy seconde presidente of Paris came in ambassade to the king out of Fraunce Ambassadours also came from the king of Hungary desiring ayde agaynst the Turke The cardinall of Englande went with great pompe into Fraūce where he concluded a leage betwene kinge Henry of England and the Frenche king whiche bothe by the cardinalles meanes sent their defiance to the emperour and a strong army into Italye to deliuer the byshop and driue the emperours power out of y● countrey The great maister of Frāce came to Londō with great triumph for the conclusion of the forenamed league The emperou●s sonne of Tartarie with great puisāce inuaded Pannonie but in the ende he was vanquished and taken This yere were sene .iii. sonnes which in some places wer● included with a double rainbow Arthur Biln●i Geffray Lome and Garret were abi●red by the cardinall for speakinge agaynst the bishop of Romes auctoritee The citee Gean was brought to the French kinges dominion Lord Lawdrike and the French kinges souldyours toke and spoyled Pauie Ferdinand made warre vpō a noble man of Hungary named U●auoyda and toke from him diue●s castels townes Charles the emperour made open protestacion diuers times before the kinges heraldes of England France that what soeuer was done in Italye by his souldioures agaynst the bishoppe was contrary to his wil and commaundement Lord Lawdrike capitayn of the french kynges armye in Italye in takinge the towne of Melffe loste ten thousand men Open hostilitee warre betwene the kinges of Englande and France and the emperour And the marchantes and ships of all partes were arested The yere of Christ 1528 Corne was very deare in England and had bene mu●che dearer The yere of the worlde 5489 Anni regum Angli 20 had not bene the good prouision of the marchantes of the Stilyarde and an abstinance of warre betwene England and Flaunders Charl●s Duke of G●lders inuaded Holland and was discomfited by the lord Isilsteine whom Ladye Margaret ●egent of the countre sent agaynst him The famous and excellent clerke Iohannes Reucline ended his lyfe by whose great learning and diligēce the knowlage of the .iii. tonges and especially Hebrew was agayne restored to the world On S. Denis day a legate came from Rome to kynge Henry The sweating sickenesse raged in diuers partes of E●land The emperour sente the Duke of Brunswike with a great puisance into Italye The Millanours were styll miserablie oppressed by the emperours soul●iours The Duke of Brunswike tooke the citee of Pauie whyche shortly after was taken agayne by the frenchemen the walles beaten downe E●treme warre pestilence and famine in all Italy Aboue 2400● of the Frenche armye that besyeged Naples dyed of the pes●ilence beside the most parte of all theyr horses and beastes so that there was not lest passing .v. thousand men in all In this yere in the moneth of Iune the legates satte at the blacke friers in London concerning the kinges mariage diuorsemēt from the princesse Dowagier which had bene his bro●hers wife The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 21 In October the cardinall was deposed from the chancellourship of England Ferdinande of Hungary recouered many places whiche before were taken from him by the Turke expuls●d out of the realme his enemy Iohn Uuauoyda which making claime to the crowne of Hungary fl●d for ayde to the Turkes The Frechemen and Uenecians wente with an army of .40000 men t●●ubdue Naples vpon whom the emperous souldiours came sodeinly in the night and slewe of theim a great noumber and afte●warde in plaine battaile discomfited th●ir wh●le power wherwith the frenche kyng beyng greatly moue● sent a nauy into Spaine whiche spoyled the countrey but in the ende they were all well nere taken and slaine The Turke in the quarell of Uuauoyda pe●ced Hungary with a terible puisāce hauing in his army .250000 fighting men and exercised towarde the inhabytauntes most extreme cruelty for some thei berefte of their ●ight some thei rent and mangled in diuers pieces cutting of their noses eares handes armes priuye membres and other partes of theyr bodies Uirgines in most dishon●st wyse they rauyshed of other women the pulled of the pappes and openyng their wombes whiche were great with chylde burned the yonge babes Afterwarde he besieged Uienna a citie of Austrich and assayled the same very cruellye twenty tymes he came to the walles and styll by the Christians was expel●ed and driuen back In fine aboute the Idus of October by the manhode wyse●dome and pollicy of Philip Erle Palatine of Rhine and the Duke of Bauary whiche were there as soueraygne capitain●s the Turkes were faine to retourn into their countrey with the losse of .60 thousande souldiours A synode holden at Marsburge where communicacion was had betwene Luther Melancton O●●olampadius Zuinglius for an agreement concerning the sacramentes whiche controuersye had caused great varyaunce amonge the preachers of Germanye at whiche tyme the mattier was not concluded because the sweatyng sickenesse that raged sore in that citie dissolued the counsaile A great famine and derth in Uenice and the countrey ther about wherof a gret noumbre dyed for lacke of sustinaunce Geane in the tyme of a great pestilence was recouered from the Frenchemen by the emperours souldiours Wylliam Tindale fyrst translated the new Testament into Englyshe The sweatyng sickenesse vexed Brabante and a great part of Germiane wherof very many dyed and especially in Antwarpe wher in thre dayes space it consumed .v hundred persons A peace was agreed vpon betwene king Henry of England the emperour the Frenche kinge the king of Boheme and Hungary and Clement the byshop of Rome ▪ for the conclusion wherof and the deliuerance of his children the Frenche kinge was bounde to pay to Charles the emperour .20 hundred thousande crownes besyde dyuers other condicions Fraunces Sfortia was restored to his Duchye of Millaine paied therfore to the emperour .900000 crownes The cardynal was cast in a premunire forfayted all his landes and goodes to the kyng● A parliament begon at Westmynster wherin a reformacion was taken for dyuers enormitees vsed of the spiritualtie as probates of testamētes mortuaries pluralitie of benefices none residence bying sellyng and taking of benefices by spyrituall persones c. also the loan of money borowed in the .xv. yeere of the kinge was releases The emperoure Charles with great solemnitye Anni regum Angli 22 was crowned with the imp●riall Diademe by Clement the .7 byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde 5461 The yere of Christ at Bonony after whiche time he went to Augusta in Germanie ▪ wher was holden a counsaile for preparacion of Warre against the Turke and for agrement of mattiers in Almaine Iustus Ionas Breucins Urbanus Rhegyus Mart Bucere and dyuers other with their ●rechyng and writyng sowed the sedes of heresy in Germany Ripa Shlamonius Stella famous
AN EPITOME OF CRONICLES Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England as al other coūtreys with the succesion of their kinges the time of their reigne and what notable actes they did much profitable to be redde namelye of Magistrates and such as haue auctoritee in commō weales gathered out of most probable auctours Firste by Thomas Lanquet from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe Secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth by Robert Crowley Anno. 1559. LONDINI In aedibus Thomae Marshe ¶ To the ryghte hyghe and myghtye Prynce Edward by the grace of God Duke of Somerset gouernour of the kynges maiestees most royall person and protectour of all his hyghnesse realmes dominions and subiectes Thomas Cooper wysheth all wealth and perfite felicitie AL be it righte excellente prince your affabilltye and clemencie is such and so great that all people of euery state and degree as well poore as riche maye at all conueniente times haue free accesse to your grace and haue their reasonable suites complayntes and peticions benignely heard and accordynge to equitee iustice and good conscience depeched so that therby it is verye likely that the true knowledge of the state and condicion of the weale publike is at all tymes to your grace reueled opened Yet because well nere in all common weales and aboute all suche noble and good princes there haue ben some which for their owne commoditee aduancement displeasure or other affection haue so letted and hindered true report that it could not frankly come foorthe it is a thyng much to be feared and with all wisedome and prudence to be foresene lest any such might perchance hereafter couertly crepe in fauour as by flatterye and dissimulacion would endeuour to abuse your godly gentilnesse as suche haue dooen the like natures of other most vertuous and worthie gouernours before tyme and by that meanes not onely blemyshe greatly the immortal prayses that your grace shoulde moost woorthily deserue of all men for your godly and politike gouernaunce but also tourne this noble realme to muche trouble and hindrance For neuer did there chaunce greatter mischiefe to any comm●n weale neuer were the vertuous natures of greate rulers so soone corrupted as either when they haue ben misinstructed and wronge infourmed by flatterers or els when those that were in moste fauour and credyte dissimu●ing the trueth in stede of equitee iustice haue wrought their owne purposes Was not the good kyng Darius by wicked persuasiōs induced euen against his conscience to committe Daniel the prophete of god to the daunger of the cruell and hungrie lions had not the diuelish counsaile of Haman persuaded Assuerus without cause to destroy the whole nacion of the Iewes for malice that he bare to Mardocheus ne had the singuler prouydence of God in Hester preserued theim to what misgouernaunce and vicious liuyng did Perennius Cleander other bring the emperour Commodus notwithstanding the graue and sage counsailours lefte hym by his father Marcus Antonius did any thing so much corrupte the nature of the valiant conqueroure Alexander and so greatly blemish his fame and glorye as that he had his eares so open to flatterers whiche made hym to thinke that he was the sonne of their greate god Iupiter yea almoste that he was a god and no mortall man Wherfore the wyse emperour Gordian had good cause to saie that he was a wretched prince from whom v ertuous counsaile the trueth of matters was hidde by flatery Yea in mine opinion it were farre more tollerable that the soueraine were euyll him selfe then that hys nere friendes seruauntes or famylyars whome he trusteth should bee flatterers couetous or malisyous For suche persons shal not onely theim selfes dooe muche euyl but also by false informacion corruptinge the high ruler if it be possible allure hym to dooe the lyke to the peryll and daunger bothe of hym selfe and of the weale publike Therfore wisemen haue alwayes iudged them most worthie to be extremely punished to the example of al other like as the noble emperour Alexander for his sharpe iustice named Seuerus caused Vetronnis Thurinus with smoke to be smuddered to death because in matters of suite he had taken bribes for false reporte of the emperours fauour For the noble gouernour suspecting no such eueil to be in them for how long wold it be ere the wilie waies of such subtile re●nardes maye be spyed out may lightly be misledde and do the more ●o he wold not if he wist surely how the truth went And this daunger hath alwayes bene so much the thynge be feared as that witty men perceyuyng thinges to be in suchewise mishandled by theim that were in great fauour with their princes durst not or at the least wold not speake and discouer the greuous hurtes of the commen weale some for feare to be hindred by those familiars so to lose their dignitees offices auctoritees some for great hope that they had to be by their reporte commended and therby aduaunced to some promocion or high roome in the common weale So that I gather hereby righte excellente prince that of all other it is a thinge mooste difficile and harde to rule well and for a chiefe magistrate and gouernour to be truly and without dissimulacion informed in euerye case as the notable saying of king Antiochus doth well declare who on a time of hunting being strayed from his company and benighted was fayne to take for his harborowe a poore cotage of the countrey and there as he was vnknowen at supper with the vplandishe people through communication heard diuers thinges frelye talked of his owne behauour Therfore on the morow when his ministers brought to him his purpre raiment and diademe he tourning to those ensignes sayed Sins the time I first began to were you yesterday only and neuer before I herd the truth frankly spoken Wherfore the best and most sure waye for a noble gouernour after the counsaile of the excellent philosopher Demetrius is to reade such bookes as most wittily and pithilye treate of the states of common weales and namely histories in the which he shall playnelye see sette foorth before his eyes what best beseemeth him to dooe what to eschew what maye aduaunce the state of his common weale what maye hurte and hynder the same howe and by what meanes hatred and grudge is bredde toward him and howe and by what wayes he maye wynne loue and fauour What maketh his realme weake what maketh it stronge What maketh it wealthye and riche what maketh it poore and beggarly what maketh it floryshe many yeres ▪ what maketh it miserable in short space in bookes shall he lerne to know the wilie flattering foxes from his sure and trustye friendes good and faythfull ministers from false feigning dissemblers Whom and how he ought to chose his
In this yere God destroied Sodome Gomorre Adama and Semois The cause Ezechiell writeth in this maner This vvas the iniquitye of the Sodomytes pryde superfluytee of meat abundance and idlenes they reched not theyr handes to the poore and dyd abhomynacions agaynst nature This place is now called the deed sea whose lengthe and bredth conteineth certeine miles and at this daye is full of pitche which boileth out continuall vapours and is a witnes of the deuine indignacion punisshment for so great wickednes Therfore in this wise god sheweth oftentimes to the worlde that he wyll iudge and punishe synners and also preserue the righteous Neuerthelesse Lot was saued with his doughters but his wife loking backe contrary to the commaundement of god was tourned into a salte stone Then Lot by the incest of his doughters begat Ammon and Moab the fathers of the Ammonites and Moabites Damascus the moste noble citie and principall sea of Iury was first founded by the seruauntes of Abraham This citie is distaunt from Hierusalē sixe daies iourney In the which the holi apostle Saint Paule was baptised and was afterwardes by him conuerted It was a certain while possessed of the chrysten men But Saladin the great Souldan toke it from vs. ¶ Isaac the sonne of Abraham by his wife Sara was in this time borne a man beloued of God The yere of the worlde 2050 The yere before Christe 1913 of whose lignage Christe descended He represented the fygure of Chryste whan God commaunded his father to offre him in sacryfice wherby was sygnifyed that Chryste should be an oblacion which should satisfye for synne and deathe When he therfore should haue bene sacrificed by his father and was come both to the altare and to his deathe he exhorted his father that with a good heart he should fulfyll in him the commaundement of god saying My father it were not iuste that any should be borne yf he woulde refuse the iudgementes of god and his father or wold not shewe him selfe obedient to theyr willes After when he came to the age of .xl. yeares he tooke Rebecca to wife who being long time barreyne at the last by the fauour of god brought forth twochyldren the fyrst Esau prynce of the Idumeis and Iacob although the yonger yet by the pleasure of god bothe blessed of him and also endued by his father with the right of the fyrste borne was father to the .xii. patriarches Finally after many troubles and temptacions with age also made blind he gaue hys blessing not to Esau to whome he woulde but to Iacob to whom he would not And so deceased a man endued with all vertue and of a .180 yeares ¶ Brigus reigned amonge the Spaniardes The yere of the worlde 2057 The yere before Christe 1906 ¶ Aurunus the sonne of Cranus opteined the dominion of the Italyans The yere of the worlde 2061 The yere before Christe 1902 ¶ Isaac the sonne of Abraham was sacryficed by his father in the .13 yeare of his lyfe as Aben Esra and Salodoo write But Iosephus affirmeth it to be doone in the xxv yeare The yere of the worlde 2066 The yere before Christe Aegedius the syxte kynge of Peloponessus reygned ▪ xxxiiii yeares The yere of the worlde 2068 The yere before Christe 1895 ¶ Aralius the seuenth emperoure of Assyria reigned .xl. yeares he flourished in witte and knowledge of warfare and fyrst had in estimacion pompes precious stones and suche womanly delycates Amongest the Germanes reigned Herminon Bardus among the Gaules by the inuēcion of sōges and musike was had in great honour The yere of the worlde 2086 The yere before Christe 1877 Sara payed her debt to nature and was buryed in Hebron After whose deathe Abraham maried an other wife called Cetura by whom he had sixe sonnes And gaue Rebecca the doughter of Bathuel to his sonne Isaac in mariage The yere of the worlde 2090 The yere before Christe 1873 Aurunus in Uetulonia halowed a wood to Cranus reckening him for a god He also dedycated a temple and ymage to Ianus Uortumnus and buylded a chapell to the god Razenuus Apher one of the sonnes of Cetura the wyfe of Abraham inhabited Libya whose posteritee called the countreie Aphrica The yere of the worlde 2100 The yere before Christe 1863 Thumirachus the .vii. kinge of Peloponessus reygned xlv yeares The yere of the worlde 2102 The yere before Christe 1861 Aurunus deceassed after whome amonge the Italyans succeded his sonne Malot Tages The yere of the worlde 2106 The yere before Christe 1857 Phaeton with his people came into Italy to Malot Tages where findinge al the east part and mountaines enhabited with Frenche men and Aborigines the plaine countreis wyth Ianygenes he possessed the weste partes and shortly after retourned into Aetheope The yere of the worlde 2108 The yere before Christe 1855 The kyngdome of the Argiues began where Inachus first reigned .50 yeares Bal●us surnamed Xerxes the eight Emperoure of Assyria reigned .30 yeres he was called Xerxes that is a conquerour or triumpher because he ruled double the nacions that Aralius did In warre he was hardye and fortunat and enlarged his dominion euen vnto the Indees In the .61 yeare of Isaac the barreine Rebecca his wyfe The yere of the worlde 2110 The yere before Christe 1853 by the will of god brought forth two chyldren Esau and Iacob Of Esau the Edomites had theyr begynninge in Arabia Esau was called Edom that is redde because he solde his birth right which God had blessed for a mease of read potage contempning the blessinge and benefite of god for the bealies sake Iacob was surnamed Israel that is the prynce of God of whome the people of Israel had theyr begynnynge Afterwardes in the .71 yeare of his life when Iacob had gotten the blessinge of hys father he went into Mesopotamia that he might auoid the displeasure of his brother and to take a wife where he serued seuen yeres his vncle Laban for Rachael his doughter whiche fulfylled Lya the elder was put in her stede alledginge that it was not the custome that the yonger should be first maried Thā he taried seuen dayes and toke Rachael to wife vpō condicion to serue other seuen yeares for her Upon these wiues and theyr two handemaydes beg at he the .xii. holye patriarches from whome descended the .12 trybes of the Iewes Of whose lyfe myghte innumerable thynges be written as of theyr fortitude prudēce and godlinesse Finally after many aduersitees by him susteined he descended into Aegipte to his sonne Ioseph where he dyinge blessed his children and nephews whose corps his sonne Ioseph sent agayne into the lande of Canaan ¶ They that be desyrous to reade the histories of Iacob at length may resort to the holye byble where in the end of the boke of Genesis it is abundantly set foorth ¶ Not longe afore his death he prophicied most plainly of Christ and the vocacion of the Gētiles whose prophecye as Uincentius Gallus reherseth was this Of
the stocke of my sonne Iuda shal be borne a virgyn of whom the lambe immaculate shal be borne which is the lambe of god that by grace shall saue all men whose kingdome shal be euerlastinge and neuer corrupted Therfore the great lord shal appeare in earth as a man and shall take vpon him a mortall bodye and shall eate as a man His sterre shal arise in heuen and he shall shyne in the earth as the sonne The heauens shall open ouer him and out of the temple no lyttel sanctificacion of glory shall come to him He shall poure out the spirite of grace vppon vs and you shall be his chyldren in the truth He shal be from Leui a priest and from Iuda a kyng he shal be bothe god and man medyator betwene god and man and shal take awaye all darkenesse whiche is vnder the heauen and there shal be peace through the vniuersall worlde The voyce of the yll doers shall be agaynst him not knowing his resurrection But the bloud of his innocēcie you shal receiue on your hedes And in his passion the stones shal cleaue a sunder the sonne shal be darkened and all other thinges shal be troubled the inuisible spirites shal tremble and helle shal be spoyled he shall open the gates of paradyse and shal make the thretnynge swoorde agaynst Adam to stande and shal geue vnto his saynctes to eate of the wood of lyfe Belial shall be bound by him Then shal ye se Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac and me your father rising in ioye from the ryght hande of god and shal geue power to his chyldren to ouercome pernycious spirites and as many as beleue in him on the erth shal also reioyce Then shal all men rise agayne the godly to glory and ioye the vngodly to shame and perpetuall damnacion and most specyally he shal iudge Israel whiche would not beleue in him c. Tagus surnamed Orma reigned ouer the Spaniardes The yere of the worlde 2114 The yere before Christe 1849 by whom the countrey was called Taga At the same time beganne Marsus his reigne ouer the Germaynes Abraham the most holy patriarch in this tyme finished his last daye The yere of the worlde 2124 The yere before Christe 1839 After whose decesse there arose a great famine in the land of Canaan for whyche Isaac wente to soiourne with Abimelech king of Palestine Apis was the fyrst that was supposed to bee a god in Aegypt The yere of the worlde 2128 The yere before Christe 1835 whom some cal Serapin Armatrites the ninth emperour of Assyria reygned .38 yeares who beynge wholly giuen to voluptee and delycacies dyd bothe inuent and amplifie those thinges whiche apperteined to pleasures The yere of the worlde 2138 The yere before Christe 1825 ¶ Sicanus the sonne of Malot Tages The yere of the worlde 2141 The yere before Christe 1822 begā to reigne ouer the Italians of whom the coūtrey Uetulonia was named Sicania In this time Longho reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2143 The yere before Christe 1820 Betus began his reigne ouer the Spaniardes of whom the realme was called Betica Leucippus the eyghte kynge of Peloponessus The yere of the worlde 2145 The yere before Christe 1818 reigned 53. yeares In this season arose the ragious flod of Achaia The yere of the worlde 2151 The yere before Christe 1812 wherby the hole prouince was almost destroyed Osyris in Tracia distroied the giant Licurgus Phoroneus the son of Inachus the second kinge of Argiues reigned .60 yeres The yere of the worlde 2158 The yere before Christe 1805 He fyrste gaue lawes and iudgementes vnto the Grecians Not longe after the begynninge of his reigne Telchises and Carpathius kepte greuous warre againste him with doubtfull hope of victorie But they beinge vanquisshed by him in battayle were driuen out of their countrey and ignoraunt of al thinges supposynge them selues to haue ben vtterly excluded from all mēs company toke for a sure possession the yle of Rhodes before that tyme called Ophiussa Thessalus the sonne of Grecus The yere of the worlde 2166 The yere before Christe 1797 fyrste reigned in Thessalia whiche before was called as Plinye testifyeth Emonia Deabus amonge the Spanyardes vsurped tirannously the kyngedome he was so called for the golde mynes and ryches which he inuented got oppressyng his subiectes Bardus the yonger reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2171 The yere before Christe 1792 Belochus the tenthe Emperoure of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2176 The yere before Christe 1787 reigned .35 yeres He had that name bycause that with the rule of his Empire he exercised the offyce of the highe prieste of Iupiter Belus and alwayes was occupied aboute diuinacions and prophesyes Gambriuius a valiant man in armes reigned ouer the Germans and as their histories witnesse was the fyrste that woore a crowne ▪ He inuented the makinge of beere and taught his people to brewe it ¶ In Aemathia nowe called Macedonia Macedon the son of Osyris began to reigne of whome the prouince receiued that name The yere of the worlde 2117 The yere before Christe 1786 And aboute this time Osyris suppressed giantes whiche began to vse tyrannie The yere of the worlde 2180 The yere before Christe 1783 ¶ Iacob fled from his brother Esau and wente to his vncle Laban where after seuen yeares he maryed Lya and Rachell and by theim and theyr handemaydes had the .12 Patriarches The yere of the worlde 2198 The yere before Christe 1765 ¶ Messapius the .ix. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .47 yeares The yere of the worlde 2200 The yere before Christe 1763 ¶ Ioseph the sonne of Iacob and Rachaell a man mooste chaste and vertuous was in this time borne He in his youthe by his excellente fauoure vertue and wysedome excelled all his brethren and was of his father aboue all the other beloued for whiche cause and for his dreames he was of his brethren had in great despite and by theym sold into Aegipt where after long imprysonement in the 30. yeare of his age he expounded the dreames of Pharao by whome he was made presidente of Aegypte and called the sauyour of the worlde For God woulde that by thys meruellous occasyon he shoulde come into Aegipte that his power might be there knowen and that helpe myght be ministred to Iacob and his familye in the tyme of famine This Ioseph taught the Aegyptians bothe relygyon and ciuill policies whiche is moste worthye to bee obserued that a man inspired with the holy ghoste shuld institute so harde and seuere maner of administracion and to drawe togither the hole royalme of Aegypte a countrey so large and wyde as it were the membres of one body Wherby we may learne that seuerite is moste meete to keepe people in obedyence and that it is of god approued For gentilnes corrupteth the common people But to returne to our purpose After Ioseph had gouerned the royalme of Aegypte by the space of .80 yeares
rose amōgest thē For which cause they elected ten men whom they sēt in to greece to write out the lawes of Solon and to learne the customes also of other great cities vsynge moreouer the counsel of the wyse philosophers The ten tables wer drawen out whiche were hanged openly in the courte of Rome This is the originall of the Romain lawes whiche they borowed of the Grecians ¶ Famaine pestilence inuaded the cytee the Consule Nuintilius dyed The yere of the worlde 3511 The yere before Christe 452 Before Britayne knovven in whose place was substituted Sp. Furius The ambassadours retourned from Greece with Solons lawes The yere of the worlde 3512 The yere before Christe 451 Before Britayne knovven 401 The people of Rome altered the state of their commō weale The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 450 for in place of their Consules Before Britayne knovven 400 they created tē men who had power geuen them to stablyshe lawes The lawe of the ten tables was confirmed in Rome Anaxagoras a notable philosopher mayster of Pericles in this time liued Sophocles a poete of Athenes and a wryter of tragedies flourished Pericles the valiant capitain of the Atheniens in this tyme was renoumed for his wisdom and prowes In all his tyme he nothing encreased his reuenues but alwais enriched the commune weale Finally beyng sycke vnto death the noble men of the citee coming to comfort him talked among them selues how by his marciall prowes he was victour in nyne great batailes Whiche wordes Pericles hearing saide vnto them That he muche maruailed that they extolled so much that thing whereof the more part was in fortune and had happened to other as well as to him and that whiche was most to be praised they spake nothing of it For neuer man saied he in this cytee by myne occasion had cause to mourne Appius Claudius with his felowes Before Britayne knovven 398 by force obteyned the souerain dominion The yere of the worlde 3515 The yere before Christe 448 To the first .x. tables two more were added The .x. men were deposed for their tyranny and lasciuiousnes specially for the death of Sicius and rauyshment of the daughter of Uirginius whom hir father to kepe hir vndefiled with his owne handes slue ¶ The Consules wer created again and Appius cast in prison and after exiled Pericles capitaine of the Atheniens made truse with the Lacedemones for .xxx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 349 Hitherto writeth Dionisyus Halicarnasseus The yere of the worlde 3517 The yere before Christe 444 Before Britayne knovven 391 MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Clotē The yere of the worlde 3522 The yere before Christe 441 duke of Cornwall reduced his royalme into one monarchy beinge before by ciuyl warres and dissention lacerated and broughte into dyuers dominions He was the firste that was crowned kinge and constituted good lawes which long after were called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuileges vnto temples and ploughes and began to make the .iiii. notable wayes in Britayn In london called then Trenouant he buylded a great temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules some Blackewell haul Finally when he had brought this royalm to welth and quyetnes reigninge herein .40 yeres he dyed honorably leauinge after him two valyaunte and noble sonnes Belinus and Brennus The office of Censores instituted in Rome Before Britayne knovven 388 A famin in Rome The yere of the worlde 3525 The yere before Christe 438 by which many for lacke were forced to throwe them selfe into Tiber. An earthquake chāced also The Fidenates rebelled agaynst the Romains Before Britayne knovven 386 Tolumnius kinge of Ueientes The yere of the worlde 3527 The yere before Christe 436 commaunded the Romaine ambassadours to be slayne Before Britayne knovven 385 The Romanes in reuenging the deth of theyr ambassadours warred against the Fidenates and Uetentes The yere of the worlde 3528 The yere before Christe 435 Tolumnius was slayne and the Romaines triumphed Before Britayne knovven 383 Iudas the sonne of Eliasib was constituted high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3530 The yere before Christe 433 About this time the Atheniens confederated them selfes with the Corcirens The Corinthians kept greuous sea warre with the Corcirens in whiche bothe partyes gloried to be victours ¶ Aboute this time the warres of Peloponessus began For the citees of Grece after they had expulsed the Persians being of greater strēgth and power waxed proude and insolent and therby fell at discorde and variance among them selfes and for lyghte and smal causes vexed eche other with cruel deadlye and continuall warres in so muche that by them Grece was vtterly destroyed and lastly lost their libertee and were brought in seruage vnder kynge Phillip of Macedon and for their honest and commendable lawes and fourme of gouernance which thei had vsed before time succeded a dissolute order of al thinges and great corrupcion of maners The first occasion of this warre began betwene Corcyra and Corinth with whom the other citees toke part so that all Grecia was deuided And the cheife leaders of one part were the Atheniens and of the other the Lacedemoniens These warres as Xenophon witnesseth contynued .28 yeres with great varietee and change of Fortune For somtimes the Atheniens by the manhode and policie of theyr capitaines had the vpper hand sometime the Lacedemones But in the ende the Atheniens were vainquished their countrey destroyed and the walles of the citee beaten to the grounde and thei put vnder the seruage of .30 tyrannes An Eclipse of the Sonne Archelaus the king of Macedone reigned .24 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 431 Archidamas king of Lacedemon Before Britayne knovven 381 The Atheniens in battayle on horsebacke ouerthrewe the Peloponenses in Phrigia Cleopompus capitayn of the Atheniēs toke Throniū vanquished the Locreās droue the Aegineis out of their countrey to whom the Lacedemones gaue landes to inhabite vpon A sore pestilence toke the Atheniens Before Britayne knovven 380 The Lacedemones ambassadours The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 430 taken by Sadocus were slain of the Atheniens ¶ Sitalces kynge of Thrace warred vpon Perdiccas Before Britayne knovven 379 and wasted the countrey of Macedone The yere of the worlde 3534 The yere before Christe 429 but by the counsaile of Setheus to whome Perdiceas had promised his sustre Stratenices in mariage Sitalces retourned againe into his countrey The Lacedemoniens beseged Platea in Grece which was confederate with the Athenians Lesbus forsoke the frendshyp of the Atheniens The Chalcidenies ouerthrue and slue the Atheniens The Atheniens by theyr capitain Phormio ouercame the Corinthians Pachetes capitaine of the Atheniens toke agayne Myti●ene and Lesbus Platea was taken by the Lacedemones and beaten downe Before Britayne knovven 378 The yere of the worlde 3535 The yere before Christe 428 And Athenes shaken with diuers erthquakes likewise the yles of Euboea and Atulanta A greuous sedicion and ruffling in Corcyra where many of
the children within Bethlem and the borders beinge vnder the age of two yeres to be slayne whyche slaughter done he woulde haue killed him selfe but beyng let by his seruaunnt he died within fiue dayes when he had reigned .37 yeres Archelaus the .13 kynge of Iewes reigned .ix. yeres and finally was banished into Fraunce In the first yere of his reigne a sedicion was moued againste him Anni regum britannie 21 The yere of the worlde 3964 The yere of Christ 3 in whiche .3000 were put to death Anni regum britannie 23 ¶ An other sediciō began firste by Iudas Galileus and after by Simon the seruant of Herode The yere of the worlde 3966 The yere of Christ 5 who taking vpon him a crowne was vainquisshed and slaine by Gratus The last was raysed by Athonges a shepeherd For whyche there were hanged by Uarus .2000 men Anni regum britannie 26 A greate famine inuaded Rome The yere of the worlde 3969 so that Augustus expelled all straungers out of the citee The yere of Christ and a great number of seruauntes The cause Orosus doeth ascribe that Cesar praised his nephieu Caius in dispisinge to woorshyp the god of heauen whan he was thereto warned by the priestes at Hierusalē at what time he passed into Syria Anni regum britannie 27 Tiberius in .3 yere subdued al Illyria The yere of the worlde 3970 which lieth with in Italy Noricum Thrace Macedony The yere of Christ 9 the riuer of Donow and the Adriaticall sea This warre next vnto the warres of Carthage was most greuous Anni regum britannie Quintilianus Uarus with thre legions The yere of the worlde 3972 The yere of Christ 11 was slain by the Germains whose ouerthrow was as greuous to the Romans as was the viage of the Cimbrians into Italy Archelaus toke the wyfe Glafira his brother Alexanders wydowe contrary to the lawe And after throughe his insolency he was by Augustus vanisshed to Uienna in Fraunce Anni regum britannie 30 Here ended the kyngdome of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3973 The yere of Christ 12 and Iurye after thys tyme was redacted into the forme of a prouince and ioyned to Syria Iudas Gaulonites associatynge to him Sadducus a Pharisei and the chiefe of the sect of the Esseans moued a sedicion for paiyng of tribute whervpon ensued much thefte ▪ slaughter and burninge of the temple Tiberius with an army passed the Ryne to warre vppon the Germaynes Anni regum britannie 31 Iesu Christ our lorde beyng but .xii. yeres of age The yere of Christ 13 and thre monethes was founde at the feaste of Easter The yere of the worlde 3974 disputynge with the doctours in the temple and was brought home by hys parentes to Nazareth ▪ what other thinge he dyd vnto the .xxx. yere of his lyfe the Euangelistes make no mencion Augustus Tiberius mustering the people of Rome founde .9370000 men ¶ Germany beynge subdued Anni regum britannie 32 Tiberius triumphed ouer the Illyrians The yere of the worlde 3975 The yere of Christ 14 ¶ Augustus Cesar finished his lyfe at Nol● Anni regum britannie 33 and was buried at Rome in the fyeld Martius The yere of the worlde 3976 The yere of Christ 15 whose death the senat so lamented that they saide that they woulde eyther he had not ben born or els being born that he had not died Tiberius priuily caused Agrippa to be slaine The yere of the worlde 3977 ¶ Claudius Tiberius Nero Cesar Anni regum britannie 34 the .iii. emperour of Rome The yere of Christ 16 son bothe by mariage and adoption to Augustus reigned .23 yeres he was metely politike and fortunat in warre well learned and endued with muche eloquence but with a veraie mischeuous cruel couetous and disceitfull wit feygning to do that thing whiche he wolde not and not to do that whiche he would In sodeine answers he was better than in those whiche he studied for At the firste he feygned that vnwillingly he toke vpon him the greuous and troublous charge of the empyre And wheras certain of his counsail moued him to leauy exactions of the people he answered that it was the office of a good shepherde to shere his shepe and not to pyll theim It is written that he put to deathe a smith who had inuented to make a glasse flexible laiyng to his charge that if he should lyue and teache other that golde and siluer should nothinge bee estemed He suppressed the Getulians and craftily circumuented Marobodus the kinge of the Sueuians he poisoned also Drusus and Germanicus the sonnes of his brother Drusus ¶ The printer ¶ Hitherto the said yong man Thomas Lanquet continued this history called the Epitome of Cronicles was than attached with a greuous sicknesse whereof he dyed ▪ whan he was of age .xxiiii. yeres on whose soule god haue mercy and the same folowed and finished by Thomas Couper who after instāt request to him made was at length content to take vpon him the peine for he well considered what labour and trauaill it was accordinge to the first inuencion to searche and reade ouer so many and diuers histories and cronicles to accomplishe the saide purpose ¶ An epistle to the reader FRom the beginninge of the worlde to thys tyme of the byrth of our sauiour Christ the studious younge man Thomas Lanquet not without great laboure and diligence broughte hys Chronicle Whose enterprise and the honest affection that he therein declared towarde his countrey I thinke worthye memorye For if he might haue gon through as he begō and wel brought forwarde the same vndoubtedly it woulde greatly haue delighted theim that take pleasure to reade the notable and famous thinges done longe before our tyme. For he hathe briefely set foorthe the gestes and actes of forayne and straunge countreis and therwith iuigned the hystorie of this realme of Englande after the opinion of most writers euen from the firste arriuing of Brutus in such wyse that a diligent reader maye gather the variable state and condicion of all countreis and nacions at all tymes But deathe whiche spareth no man ne can bee eschewed brake his course and as it were trypped hym in the myddes of hys rase that he coulde not atteyne to the marke wherat he ranne Wherfore lest they that desyre the profitable knowlege of histories should be destituted of so great a commoditee and lest the fruites of so diligent a labour shoulde lye hydde and tourne to the profyte of no man At the instance of certaine of my nyghest frendes whose requestes the matter so standing I could not well denie I haue taken vpon me to fynishe this cronicle although in dede I greatly dispaired that I shulde be able to accomplishe the same But when I considered firste though it were an harde matter yet might it be ouercomen with labour than howe profitable the exercise should bee for me to reade and peruse so many good auctours as were necessary for the performaunce of the same
Theudis kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine .17 yeres Theodotus without cause banished Amalasiuntha into Tusci● and there commaūded her to be beheaded nothing mindful of the benefite whiche he hadde of hir receyued The yere of the worlde 4497 The yere of Christ 535 Anni regum britannie 20 Shortlye after he sent Agapitus Pope of Rome in ambasade to Iustinian to excuse his wicked de●de For he emperour threatned that he would reuenge the death of that noble woman Siluerius for money was made Pope by Theodotus Iustinian dismissed from warrefare all Paganes and heretikes Bellizarius vanquished the Uandales in Afrike and toke their kinge Gilamir in plaine fielde whom he sēt to the emperour He recouered agayne Carthage with all Afrike to the Romaine empyre .69 yeares after it was fyrst wonne and withholden by the Uandales The same Bellizarius Anni regum britannie 21 being sent of the emperour to deliuer Italye from the Gothes The yere of the worlde 4498 The yere of Christ 537 sped him first into Sycilie where he remayned a certaine time pretendinge no cause of enmitee with the Gothes but sedeynly set vpon the citee Chrina whiche he toke with other moe and by the last daye of his consulship subdued all Sicilia that was wholy before vnder the power of the Gothes The yere of the worlde 4499 The yere of Christ 538 Uigilius the .57 Pope .18 yeres Anni regum britannie 22 Bellizarius passed from Sicilia to Afrike to wythstand the tyrannye of Stoza who hadde beset Carthage with a strong siege And when he had subdued his enemies and quieted that prouince he hetourned into Italy In this pastime the Gothes inuaded Delmatia against whom went Mauritius a yong man of lusty courage the sonne of a noble manne called Mundus who in the fight was of theim taken and slayne whereof whan his father Mundus had wittinge as a man in rage or furie made towarde the Gothes and at the first encounter vanquished theim and pursued so egrely that vnwares he fell into the handes of his ennemies and of them was slayne G●ipa a capitaine of the Gothes toke the citee Solone and expelled the Romaines out of Delmatia Bellizarius cōminge to Italy toke Naples and diuers other citees Anni regum britannie 23 Theodotus for his cowardise The yere of the worlde 4500 The yere of Christ 539 was deposed of the Gothes and a valiant warriour named Uitigis chosen king in his place whiche reigned .v. yeres By the commaundement of this Uitigis Theodotus was slaine of Optaris Bellizarius was receyued into Rome and the Gothes expelled Constantianus one of the capitaines vnder Bellizarius recouered from the Gothes Delmatia and L●burnia Childebert Clodomir and Lothayr kinges of france made sharpe warre vppon Sigismunde kinge of Burgoyne in the whiche Clodomir was slayne But the other bretherne mainteined the warre in such wise that the toke Sigismunde with his wife and chyldren and obteined the portion of Burgoyne which by enheritāce was dewe to theyr mother Clotilde Anni regum britannie 24 Uitigis kinge of the Gothes compassed the citee of Rome with a herde and dangerous siege The yere of the worlde 4501 The yere of Christ 540 by mean wherof was great famine and scarcite in Rome Arthur the Britaine when after many and diuers battailes he had set his land in some quietnesse he betooke the rule therof to his nephew Mordrod and with a chosē armie as sayeth Galfride and other sailed into Frāce where he did meruailous thinges and vanquished Lusius Hybertus the Romaine capitaine which thinge semeth not to agree with other histories Childebert kinge of midle fraunce hearing that Almaricus king of the wisigothes in Spaine misse intreated his sister made warre vpon him toke the citee Talet and lastly him subdued and sette his sister in hir former astate Uitigis sent ambasade to Cosroes king of Persians The yere of the worlde 4502 The yere of Christ 541 willing him to make warre vpon the Romaine empire Anni regum britannie 25 The kinges of Fraunce warred against the wisigothes in Spaine and constreigned them by force to forsweare the heresie of Arrius embrace the true faith of Christ. The feast of the purificacion of our lady was first ordeyned for a great pestilence that reigned at Constantynople Syluerius Pope was banished of Theodora the empresse After that Belizarius hadde receyued newe ayde into Rome from the emperour Uitigis the Gothe lefte the siege and made league for .iiii. monethes Alb●ynas king of Lumbardie kepte deadly warre against the Gepides whome he discomfited and put to flight and slew in battayl their king Commundus and of his sculle made a masarre whiche he vsed euer after in his bankettes After whiche time the Gepydes hadde no king ouer them but were partly cōfounded with the Lumbardes partly subiecte to the Bauares The yere of the worlde 4503 The Hunnes inuaded Europe Anni regum britannie 26 and spoyled the countrey euen to Byzance The yere of Christ 542 they destroyed the citee Potidea and retourning to theyr coūtree toke with them .12000 prisoners Germanus the Romaine depute subdued Stoza whyche rebelled againe in Afrike Millaine with diuers noble citees forsakinge the Gothes yelded to Bellyzarius The Gothes besieged Arminum and were driuen from thens by the policie of Bellizarius Millaine was againe yelded to the Gothes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 543 Coiroes kinge of Persians breaking his league warred vpon the prouinces of the empire Anni regum britannie 27 and toke the citee Antioch Bellizarius by knightly force subdued Rauenna and toke Uitigis king of the Gothes and brought him to constantinople to the emperour the .v. yeare after he bigan to make warre in Italye After whyche tyme Fortune changed her copie and the Gothes by the negligence of the Romaine capitaines with wonderous successe had alway the vpper hand Morded whiche had the gouernaunce of Britaine in the absence of Arthur by treason was crowned kynge throughe the helpe of Cerdicus kinge of west Saxones Of whiche treason when relation came to Arthur being then in Fraunce with all haste he made into Britaine where he was mette of Mordred whiche gaue to him ● stronge battayles in the whiche many noble and valiāt knightes perished and lastly in a battayle foughten beside Glastenburie Mordred was slayne Arthur wounded vnto death The Scottes saye that this Mordred was king of Pietes and that Arthur was slain in battaile the Britains discomfited and Guanora the queene taken prysoner by the Scottes with great spoyle Anni regum britannie 1 COnstantine kinsman to Arthur The yere of the worlde 4504 The yere of Christ 543 by assente of the Britaine 's was ordeined king of Britaine and reigned .iii. yeres This man was by the two sonnes of Mordred greuously vexed for they claymed the lād by the righte of theyr father so that betwene theym was foughten sundrie battailes in the whiche lastly the two bretherne were vanquished and slayne Gildas the englisheman flourished
in the tyme of this Constantine Anni regum britannie 2 Ildouadus was chosen kinge of the Gothes in Italy The yere of the worlde 4505 The yere of Christ 544 and reigned .ii. yeres he subdued againe to his lordship all the countrey of Uenece and the lande lying betwene the riuer Po or Padus and the Alpes He ouercame in battayle Uitalis the Romaine capitaine and slew of his souldiours a great multitude Bellizarius was made capitaine against the Persians whiche breaking theyr league warred vpon the prouinces of the empyre the citee Sisauranum was yelded with others Anni regum britannie 3 Ildouadus putte to death a noble man of the Gothes named Urayas The yere of the worlde 4506 The yere of Christ 545 For enuy wherof he was slayne of his owne men and one Ardaricus chosen kinge in his place who reigned onely .v. monethes Aurelius Conamus a Britaine arrered mortall warre against Constantine the kinge and after sore fight slew him in the field e when he had reigned .iii. yeres AUrelius Conanꝰ was crowned king of Britaine he was noble Anni regum britannie hardie The yere of the worlde 4507 The yere of Christ 546 and therwith verye liberall But he was a man that cherished such as loued strife and discencion within his realme and gaue light credence to theim whiche accused other were it right or wronge He toke by strength his vncle which was right heyre to the crowne and died when he had reigned .iii. yeres Totilas a puissant and valiant warriour was chosen king of the Gothes in Italy and reigned .ii. yeres He was not onely mightie in armes but also benigne gētil and shewed great fauour to theim that were on him ouercome whereby he subdued more than by dinte of sworde By knightly force and policie he vanquished the Romaynes and toke in battaile all the imperiall insygnes The yere of the worlde 4850 The yere of Christ 547 The kingedome of northumberlande beganne first in Britaine vnder a Saxon named Ida. Anni regum britannie 2 This lordeshippe was first deuided into .ii. kingdomes the one was called Deyra whiche conteyned the lande frome Humbre to Tyne the other brenitia whyche included the countrey from Tyne to the Scottishe sea After this daye the Brytains discreased dayly in lordeshippe and rule and drew theim towarde Wales so that the countrey about Chester was the chiefe of their lordshippe Totilas the Gothe subdued Brutia Calabria Apulia and Lucania he vanquyshed and tooke Demetrius the Romaine capitaine and recouered agayne the citee of Naples VOrtiporius the sonne of Conanus was ordeined king of Britaine The yere of the worlde 4509 The yere of Christ 548 of whom is little memory left Anni regum britannie 1 sauing that Guydo testifieth him to be a victorious prince and that he in diuers battailes discomfyted the Saxones Iustinian the emperour made peace with Cosroes king of Persians for .vii. yeres The Herules about the riuer Dunaude ouercame the S●la●●nes Art●banes a Romain deliuered Afrike and Carthage from the crueltee of atyranne named Gontharis Iustinian was constreigned of necessitee to sende Bell●zarius againe into Italy to withstand the furie of the Gothes Iohn prouost of Afrike Anni regum britannie 2 subdued the people of Mauritania The yere of the worlde 4510 The yere of Christ 549 rebelling against the empire and chased theim to the vttermost partes of Afrike A generall synode holden at Cōstantinople against the errour of Theodorus where it was concluded that our ladie was the mother of god and not of man onely The yere of the worlde 4510 The yere of Christ 550 Totilas Anni regum britannie 3 by force of armes dearth and famine subdued well nere all Italie and after longe siege toke the citee of Rome and spoyled it with sworde and fyre ouerthrowynge the walles and toures euen to the grounde He expelled all the citisyns out and left the citee almost desert that it shuld not after ayde or succour his enemies A great earthquake was almoste in all partes of the worlde Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of the worlde 4512 The yere of Christ 551 In Misia a quaue of the earthe swalowed the mydle part of the citee with many of the inhabitaunce where the voice of them that were swalowed was herd criyng for healpe and succour The Sclauines inuaded Illiria by whom that countrey was after called Sclauonie Bellizarius recouered the citee of Rome being almost desolate And within the space of .24 dayes repayred the citee and builded the walles in suche wyse that he withstode many great dangerous assautes of Totilas Theudis kyng of Spayne was murdered of the gothes for that he in his arraye resembled rather a diserde or stage plaier than a prince and gouernour MAlgo a Duke of britaine The yere of Christ 552 begāne his reigne ouer the Britaines Anni regum britannie 1 and gouerned theim .35 yeares The yere of the worlde 4513 as writers accord this Malgo was the comeliest and most personable man of all the Britaines than liuyng and therwith endewed with knyghtly manhode but he delited in the foule synne of Sodomie and therfore was greatly persecuted of his enemies the Saxones The Barbarous people obteyned the dominion of all the weast partes of the empyre Tendesilius kyng of the wisigothes in Spaine whan he had reigned not ful one yere was deposed and put to death by his people because he rauisshed certaine noble matrones at Hyspali After hym was ordeyned Agila whiche reigned .v. yeres Anni regum britannie 2 The Romaines and the people called Lazi The yere of the worlde 4514 being with thē confederate vanquisshed the Persiās nere to Petra The yere of Christ 553 The Sclauines chased the Romaines in the countrey of Illiria Bellizarius retourned from Italy to Constantinople partlye by the intercession of hys wife Antonine partlye for that he dispeired that Italy might be recouered from the dominion of the Gothes whose power was at this time wonderfully encreased The Gothes spoyled and wasted the iland of Sicilie Germanus a noble man of Constantinople was sent into Italy by the emperour against the Gothes who in his iourney died in Illiria Totilas kinge of the Gothes Anni regum britannie 3 by the treason of certayne souldiours of Isauria The yere of the worlde 4515 The yere of Christ 554 obteined again the citee of Rome at whiche time he did not spoyle it as he hadde done before but so costly repayred many places and vsed suche clemencie and gentilnesse towarde the citesins that he was now counted as a father whyche before had bene a cruell tyranne and spoyler Lothayre kinge of Soysons in Fraunce committed the rule of the prouince of Guian to his eldest sonne Cramiris who contrarie to the minde of his father oppressed the people with exactions and was therfore commāded by his father to retourne from thens Cramiris being herewith greatly meued fled to his vncle Childebert whom he sterred to make warre vpon his owne father Chameris was taken
quiete Agatho the .77 Pope .ii. yeares v● monethes Theodorus bishoppe of Rauenna submitted him self and his church to the sea of Rome whose auctorite was before time equall with the Romaine bishop The yere of the worlde 4641 The yere of Christ 680 The Bulgares inuaded the countrey of Thracia Anni regum britannie 36 and after made league with the emperour and had geuen to them to inhabite the fertyll and plentiful countrey nere to the riuer Dunaw or Danubie The yere of the worlde 4642 The .vi. synode was holden at Constantinople of .289 bishops The yere of Christ 681 where was condemned the heresie of the Monotholites Anni regum britannie 37 In this sinode it was permitted to the priestes of Grece to haue wyues but not to the Latines Kenewynus king of weast Saxones vanqyisshed and chased the Britains Leo the seconde was Pope .x. monethes Edfryde kinge of Northumberland warred vpon the Scottes and Pictes and of them was discomfited and slaine Eboryne breaking out of the abbey The yere of Christ 68 wher he was encluded Anni regum britannie 38 by force constreigned Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4643 the kinge of Fraunce to obey to his pleasure in al poinctes make him maister of the palaice deposynge and puttinge to death Lyndesyle whiche was in possession of that office Bennet the .ii. was Pope .x. monethes In hys time Constantine the emperour published a law that al men should beleue that man to be the true vicar of Christe whiche the clergie the people of Rome the souldiours shoulde chose to be Pope without any taryinge for any auctoritee of the emperour of Constantinople or the deputie of Italy as the custome and faciō was euer before that daye Here the Pope wreasted his necke from the emperours subiection A blasing sterre appeared in Italy both day and night from Christmas day to Tweluetyde Tunipert succeded his father Grimoalde in the kingdome of Lumbardie Anni regum britannie 2 CAdwallader was ordeined king of Britaines and ruled onely .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 4644 The yere of Christ 683 He vanquisshed and slewe Lothayre kinge of Kent and Athelwold kinge of south Saxones Within the space of .vii. yeres had been in Rome .vi. Popes that 〈…〉 Leo Bennet Iohn Cono ▪ The yere of the worlde 4646 The yere of Christ 685 and 〈◊〉 Serg●●● Anni regum britannie 3 at whose election was greate stryfe and variaunce 〈…〉 the people for so much as a priest named Pascali● the Popes treasourer hadde with riche giftes corrupted Iohn the depu●●e of Italy that by force he m●ght be aduanced to the bishoprike by which meane the people were so deuided that the matter was lyke to haue bene dicided by den● of sword in the middes of the citee Aegip●a reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine .viii. yeres He slew a Duke named Fauilla to the entent he might haue his wyfe Eugenius the .v. of that name was kinge of Scottes and reigned .iiii. yeres In his tyme as sayeth the historie of Scotlande he warred vpon Edfrede kinge of Northumberland and flewe him in battaile Cadwallader kinge of Britaine forsoke his kingelye auctoritee and became a religious mā He was the last kinge of Britaine And this lande after his time was called Angtia and the inhabitātes therof Angles or Englishe men and the Britaine 's were called welshemen which name they toke of a duke called Wallus This happened 17●2 yeeres or as saythe Fabian .1822 after that Brutus first arriued in this ilād after the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres from the entring of the Saxones vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the time of Uortiger .236 or nere there about The yere of the worlde 4647 The yere of Christ 686 THe first yere of the Saxones reigne after the Britains were vtterly expelled Anni regum saxo 1 and theyr kingedome finished whose power was deuided into .vii. kingdomes as is before mencioned Martine and Pipine brotherne noble men of France made warre against Eborine maister of the kinges palaice and were of him put to the worse and cōstreigned to flie the one to the citee of Laon the other to Anstracie Constātine the emperour ended his last day at which time the Sarasens inuade and wonne by force of armes the countrey of Afrike and Lybia The yere of the worlde 4748 The yere of Christ 687 In Britaine amonge the west Saxones Anni regum saxo 2 reygned a noble man called Iewe of great power and wisedome and therwith valiant and hardy and in feates of armes very expert He mainteined suche warre against the 〈◊〉 Saxones that he constreigned them to seke and intreat menes of peace geuing to him for the same great giftes This man builded first the colledge of Welles and the abbey of Glastenbury He payed the Pete r pence ftrst to the pope Iustinian sonne of Constantine succeded in the imperiall aactoritee He vanquished the Sarasens and inforced them to be with him at leagu by condicions wherof he receiued agine Afrike and Lybia and had of theym for the space of .x yeres in waye oftribute euery daye a thousand nobles of golde one great horse and a seruaunt Cunibert king of Lumbardes died and left after him Lenthbrande his son and heyre in the tuicion of a noble man called Asprande Ragimbertus a duke of the Lumbardes findinge him selfe greeued Anni regum saxo 3 The yere of the worlde 4649 The yere of Christ 688 that Asprande was made protectour and preferred before him assēbled his power gaue sharpe battaile to Asprande nere to Honoria in whiche fighte he obteined the victorie and shortlye thereupon ended his life Eugedius the vi of that name reigned .x. yere Scotlande He made peace with the Northumbers and hated extremely the Pictes Iustinian the emperour contrarye to the league which was made by his father warred vpō the Bulgares and cruelly spoyled theyr countrey with sworde and fire at whiche time the Bulgares caused the streightes and narow places by the whiche he must nedes retourne to be well fenced with strength of men and so at length inclosed the emperour that he was faine to intreate meanes of peace and retourned to Constantinople with smalle woorship Pipine made warre vpon Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 690 king of France by force obteined to be maister of the palaice Anni regum saxo 5 after he had slaine Barthaire whiche was chosen to that office after the death of Eborine Arithbertus toke on him the kingdome of Lumbardye vanquished Asprande and toke the younge king Leuthprande Anni regum saxo 6 A duke of the Lumbardes named Rotharis The yere of the worlde 4652 The yere of Christ 691 made him selfe kinge against whom Arithbert went withall spede and at the citee Burgomum toke Rotharis and him comaunded to be put to death Clodouei the sonne of Theodorich beganne his domynion ouer the realme of Fraunce Of him writers lefte no maner of memorie sounding to good
worlde 4780 The yere of Christ 819 by the counsaile of certaine bishops gathered to him a great power and endeuoired to withhold from his dominiō the countrey of Italye whom he subdued and put to deathe and of his alies parte he banished parte he inclosed in monosteries as the bishop of Millaine the byshoppe of Cremona the bishop of Orlyaunce with others The countrey of litle Britaine rebelling was brought againe in subiection Conwallus succeded Achaius in the kingdome of Scotland and reigned .v. yeres Lewys the emperour made Lothayre his eldest sonne partaker of the empire Anni regum saxo 27 The yere of the worlde 4782 The yere of Christ 822 his secōd son Pipine he ordeined king of Guyan and his yongest called Lewys of Bayon or Bauarie Michael surnamed Balbas after he had traiterously murdered Leo by force obteined the empire of the easte and reigned .ix. yeres Ralmiris the sonne of Uaramunde reygned in Spaine vi ▪ yeres Lothayre the eldest sonne of Lewes Anni regum saxo 29 being sent of his father in Italye The yere of the worlde 4784 The yere of Christ 823 was there anointed kinge by the pope and named Augustus But because certaine of the Romaines refuced to dooe him due obeysaunce he retourned to his father to Pauie desiring of himayde to subdue his rebelles At this time saieth Fabian the Danes entred the seconde time into this lande of Britaine Lewes with the sworde spoyled the countrey of lyttle Britaine The yere of the worlde 4785 The yere of Christ 824 whiche refuced to obey him Anni regum saxo 30 Dongallus reigned in Scotland .vi. yeres and as he was going with an army against the Pictes in the quarell of Alpine a Scotte whiche claymed the crowne of Pictes was drowned in a riuer Aydo whom Lewis had made prouost of Guyan rebelled trusting to the ayde of the Sarasens in Spayne and by crafty meanes toke and spoyled the citee Ansonia Many citees in the hither Spaine yelded and became subiect to the Sarasens The Sarasens inuaded Crete and subdued the same well nere wholy to theyr dominion They vāquished the Greekes in two great battailes The yere of the worlde 4788 The yere of Christ 827 A great sedicion in the citee of Uenice Anni regum saxo 31 by meane of obelericus whiche was not longe after slaine by Particiacus then chiefe gouernour of Uenice The Sarasens in diuers quarters wasted most cruelly the landes of christendome The Sarasens of Spayne ouerranne the countreyes lyinge betweene Spaine and France They which were in Afrike spoyled and brente Sicilie and the Sarasens of Asia inuaded Crete Lewis the emperour ordeyned that the ministers of the churche and worde of god shoulde not be subiecte to anye humaine seruage and appoincted to them certaine liuinges wherby they shoulde not be constriegned by pouertee to forsake theyr duetie and office of preachinge Iudith the wife of Lewis whom he loued entierly and had receyued by her a sonne called Charles was against his wil from him deuorced by auctoritee of the pope and suite of his owne children Anni regum saxo 32 The yere of the worlde 4789 The yere of Christ 828 Boniface erle of Corsica with a strong nauye perced Afrike and robbed and spoiled the countrey betwene Utica and Carthage in suche wise that he caused the Sarasens to leaue Sicilie and returne to the defence of their owne countrey Ordinius reigned in Spaine .x. yeres Anni regum saxo 33 Lewis the emperour by strength recouered his wife Iudith to his company maugre all his enemies The yere of the worlde 4790 The yere of Christ 829 For whyche deede ●othaire his sonne with other Barones of France assembled theyr power and entended to haue depriued Lewis of all imperiall and kinglye dignitee Alpine the sonne of Achaius was made kinge of Scott●s he pursued the warre againste the Pictes and slewe theyr king Feredech but not long after he was vanquished and slaine by Brudus king of Pictes whan he had reigned .iiii. yeres Anni regum saxo 35 Theophilus was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4762 The yere of Christ 831 Anni regum saxo 1 EThelwolphus The yere of the worlde 4793 The yere of Christ 832 the sonne of Egbert began his reygne ouer the more parte of Englande This man in his youth was willing to haue bene a prieste and entered the ordre of subdeacone howe be it after he maried a wife of whome he receyued .iiii. sonnes whiche reigned after him successiuely The .iii. sonnes of Lewys deposed their father The yere of the worlde 4794 The yere of Christ 833 and kept him in prison Anni regum saxo 2 diuiding betwene them his empyre and other possessions Anni regum saxo 3 Lewis by the diligent meanes and labour of Guillian stuwarde of his landes and certaine other nobles The yere of the worlde 4795 The yere of Christ 834 was againe restored to his imperiall auctoritee and gentlye pardoned the obstinacie of his chrildren Theophilus emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4796 twise encountred the Sarasens Anni regum saxo 4 whiche spoyled Asia The yere of Christ 835 and was twise vanquished and put to flight The citee Amorium was taken and beaten to the ground by the Sarasens Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xx. yeres He maynteyned the warre against the Pictes so fiercely that he vanquished them in diuers great battailes slew their king and lastly chased thē vtterly out of the boundes of Scotlande a thousande .151 yeres as sayeth the Scottishe historie after they began to haue dominion in that countrei fro the coming of Scottes into Albion after their opinion .1421 yeres Lewis taking againe to him his wife Iudith was againe vexed with warre by his sonne Lothayre whiche shortly after mistrusting his strength submitted him to his fathers mercie which gently forgaue him About this time Gregorie the .iiii. ordeyned firste the feast of all sainctes The Sarasens Anni regum saxo 6 with a greater power than euer thei had done before The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 837 inuaded Italy besieged the citee of Rome and in most cruel wise destroyed the suburbes and countrey there about The Normains infested the Frenchmen Pipine sonne of Lewys the emperour dyed whiche often times had bene vnfaithful to his father Alphons the thirde surnamed the great reigned in Spaine .40 yeres The yere of the worlde 4800 The yere of Christ 839 Lewys made his younger sonne Charles king of Neustria or Normandy Anni regum saxo 7 The yere of the worlde 4801 The yere of Christ 840 Lewys when he hadde disposed his empyre and kingedome to his children ended his life Anni regum saxo 8 with mooste gentyll hert forgeuinge the vnkinde trespasse of his son Lewys whiche thrise hadde vexed him with deadlye warres At whiche time remembring the vnnaturall mindes of his owne children for sorowe he fel in suche lamentable weping that he could not speake a good space after He was
emperour The yere of the worlde 4892 whom Bernarde Anni regum Angli 7 and Thiatmarus his capitaines subdued and slewe and toke prisoners to the numbre of .220 thousande In Fraunce fell so great a dearth and scarcitye that a quarter of wheate was woorthe .xx. poundes of that money which is in value after sterlyng money .50 shillinges The yere of Christ 932 Arnolde Duke of Bauayer ledde an armye into Italye against Hugh the kyng The yere of the worlde 4893 Anni regum Angli 8 where he was receyued of the cytye Uerona and ioygnynge in battayle with Hughe was chased and with great losse of his men retourned into his countrey At the citye of Gean flowed a well of bloudde Iohn the ●i was byshop of Rome .v. yeres Wyllyam the .ii. Duke of Normandye sonne of Rollo was slaine by treason of Arnolde Erle of Flaunders He lefte after hym a soonne that was to younge to rule that Duchie whiche thynge caused great troubled betwene the Normains and Lewys kyng of France who endeuoyred to bringe that countrey againe to his dominion and toke of him the tuicion of the younge Duke named Rycharde R●imirus the .iii. beyng but a childe obteyned the kyngdome of Spaine and reigned .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 4895 The yere of Christ 934 The Hungares exacted trybute of the Saxones Anni regum Angli 10 and with a puissant army inuaded the Turinges whom Henry the emperour ouerthrewe The Sarasens landed on the sea coste of Galyce and were dryuen backe by the Erle of Gundesalue at Santium Anni regum Angli 11 The Sarasens of Afrike The yere of the worlde 4896 The yere of Christ 935 with a mighty company entred Italye and spoylinge the sea costes of Hetrucia toke G●ane and most cruelly intreated man womā chylde sparing no kinde condycion or age An other company perced the countrey of Germany euen to Aquisgrane where encountringe with the inhabytantes Sagitus theyr capitayne was slayne Henrye emperour of Almayne ouercame the Danes that warred on the Fresones and made them tributarye He caused also Nuba their king to receiue baptisme Inger king of the Northmains whiche be called Russi Anni regum Angli 12 came to Constantinople with a nauye of .1000 shippes The yere of the worlde 4897 The yere of Christ 936 where Romanus the emperour mette with them with a smalle numbre of gallies and casting fyre into theyr shippes destroyed theyr nauye and toke of theym many prisoners Leo the .vii. was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres The sonne of Sithericus the Dane that fledde into Scotland beinge alyed ▪ with Constantine the kinge and by him ayded retourned into Englande and warred uppon Ethilstane of whom they were vanquished slayne with many of their souldiours Ethylstane subdued also the Britaynes that dwelled at Herforde and made them tributary Anni regum Angli 14 The Hungares wasted wyth fire The yere of the worlde 4899 the countreys of Germanie Fraunce and Italy The yere of Christ 938 Otho the sonne of Henry was ordeyned emperoure after his fathers discease and reygned nobly .36 yeres This man was excellent as well in the gyftes of nature as of wytte and fortune whose fierce and valiant courage was so tempered with gentylnesse that he is worthilye noumbred among the most noble prynces For he did not onely profyte his realme in subduinge forayne enemyes but also in appeasinge the malicious furie of certaine rebellious traitours amonge the whiche were Euerharde Erle Palatine and Gisibert duke of Lorayne whiche set vp against him Henrye his elder brother with whom he fought diuers battayles and lastlye finished his warre that had continued .vi. yeres The Saxones put the Hungares to great domage and losse of men by meane wherof they were in more quyet a good space after FDmunde the brother of Ethilstane toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of England The yere of the worlde 4910 The yere of Christ 940 Anni regum Angli 1 whose shorte reigne toke frome him the renowne of moste hyghe prayses that should haue redounded to his posteritee for he was a man dysposed of nature to noblenes and iustice The Danes remayninge in Northumberlande with other that came out of Irelande and the ayde of straunge nacions inuaded this realme of Englande and by Edmunde were driuen backe and slayne Beringarius the .iii. whych before hadde entred Italye agaynst kinge Hugh perceiuinge the great preparacion that Hug he made to withstande hym fled to Harmanne Duke of Swaue Hugh king of Italy besieged Fraxinetum and by the helpe of Romanus the emperoure The yere of the worlde 4902 The yere of Christ 941 Anni regum Angli 2 burned and destroyed the nauy of the Sarasens Otho emperour of almaine began his warre agaynst Boizlaus of Boheme which trayterously murdered hys naturall brother Uinceslauo a man of great religion and iustice which warre continued to the .xv. yere of Otho Lewys king of Fraunce inuaded Lorayne and by Eberharde and Giselbert his capitaynes toke the cite Brisacum Stephene the .viii. bishop of Rome .iii. yeres At Andermake by the souldiours of Ottho The yere of the worlde 4903 Anni regum Angli 3 Eberharde the treitour was slayne The yere of Christ 942 and Giselbert in the flighte was drowned in the riuer of Rhine Whereof whan Lewys had witting he fled into Fraunce and Ottho recouered Brisacum The yere of Christ 934 Lewys kinge of Fraunce warred vpon the nobles of Normandy The yere of the worlde 4904 for the recouery of Richard the yong Duke Anni regum Angli 4 whyche was priuilye conueyed from his court to the erle Barnarde The Normains beynge ouerset submytted theim to the kyng and restored the childe Martine the seconde was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Alberike kyng of Rome The yere of the worlde 4905 The yere of Christ 944 Aboaram kynge of the Sarasens in Spaine was vanequished in battaile of Rada●yre the most Christiā kyng of Galyce Malcolme the sonne of Constantine reyned in Scotlād .xv. yeres and at the laste was slayne by conspiracie of certaine traitours Stephene and constantine the sonnes of Romanus emperour of Constantinople depriued theyr father of al imperial auctorytee and sente hym in exile And whiles they attempted to worke the same treason toward Constātine Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 4906 the soonne of Leo The yere of Christ 945 they were bothe taken and caste into a monasterye as into a perpetuall bondage after whyche tyme Constantine reigned in the east .xvi. yeres A blasing sterre appeared in Italie EDmunde kynge of Englande ended hys lyfe after whome succeded hys brother Eldred Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4907 The yere of Christ 946 For Edwyne and Edgare hys sonnes were thoughte to younge to take on theim so greate a charge This Eldrede had the earnest fauoure of his commons because he was a greate maynteinour of all honestye and moste infest enemye to naughtye
had wonne from him the 〈◊〉 Normandie ended his life and his sonne Henrie succeded in that Dukedome Roger erle of Sicilie retourning from Constantinople was spoyled and robbed of the Uen●●l●us whiche mette him in his iourney Anni regum Angli 12 The yere of the worlde 5108 The yere of Christ 1147 Stephene kinge of Englande after longe warre and muche trouble was againe crowned kinge at 〈◊〉 Robert Erle of Gloucester made newe warre vpon the king and had the better hand of him at Wilt●n so that the king was like to haue fallen into Robertes daunger But he escaped with much payne Noradinus a Sarasen after the departure of the emperour other princes out of Asia besieged the citee of Antioch The yere of the worlde 5109 The yere of Christ 1148 Anni regum Angli 13 and toke and slew manye of the capitaines and souldiours of the Christian people Dominicus Maur●cenus Duke of Uenyce Anni regum Angli 14 subdued to his signorie Pola The yere of the worlde 5110 The yere of Christ 1149 Rubinum Parenticum Hemonian and Humagum Eustace bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 15 which was by the citisins expelled The yere of the worlde 5111 The yere of Christ 1150 came into Italy againe and partly by force partly by agrement recouered Taracine Norba certayne other places which were withholden from him About this tme Lewys king of Fraunce repudiated Alinour his wife whom Henry duke of Normandie afterwarde coupled to him in open maryage by meane wherof he became of great power For by his father he was Erle of Angeow by his mother Duke of Normandie and by his wife Erle of Poytow and Guyan Lewys king of France maryed Constance the doughter of Alphons king of Castile In England the riuer of Thamis was so strongly frosen that horse and carte passed ouer vpon the yse The yere of Christ 1152 Anastasius the .iiii. bishoppe of Rome one yere and an halfe The yere of the worlde 5113 Anni regum Angli 17 Henrie duke of Normandie in the quarell of his mother Maude with a great puisaunce entred into Englād and at the firste wanne the castel of Mulmesburie then the tower of London and afterwarde the towne of Nottingham with other holdes and castelles Betwene him and king Stephen were foughten many battails wherby this realme was sore troubled Friderich surnamed Barbarossa Anni regum Angli 18 was emperor of Almaine The yere of the worlde 5114 The yere of Christ 1153 36. yeres He was stronge in armes of lusty courage expert in martiall feates mighty of body in counsaile prouident manly in his affaires easie to be spoken to gentil to gētil persons haught minded toward the proud of witte sharpe and quicke and of good memory finally in noblenesse iust●ce a renowmed prince whiche though he were of nature gentle meke yet coulde he not saffer the shamefull iniuries done to hym by the Romayne bishops as it shal after somewhat appeare Ioachim Magnus of Calabre an abbotte that had the gift of prophecie Petrus Blesensis and Iohannes Mesue phisicions Alpetragius Marrocrila●us an astronomer Bosianus a lawier flourished Peace was agreed betwene Maude the empresse her sonne Henrie and king Stephene on this condicion that Stephene duringe his life time shoulde holde the kyngdome of Englande and Henrye in the meane tyme to be proclaimed heire apparaunt in the chiefe cityes throughout the realme Adrian an Englisheman bishop of Bome viii yeres The Romaines ceassed not to make ernest suite bothe with praiers manasinges that they might obteyne the free gouernance of consulles which thinge bishop A●ryan gainsayed and at length with cursing and banninge forced them to be at rest Willyam king of Sicilie ouerran and wasted the countrey about Boneuent and therfore was striken with the thunderbolte of excommunicacion by the bishoppe of Rome Friderich the emperour passing into Iialy in his iourney subdued Derdona Anni regum Angli 19 and then yode towarde Rome The yere of the worlde 5115 The yere of Christ 1154 where he was mette by the bishoppe and after crowned with the imperiall Diademe At whyche tyme was re●sed a great cōmocion by the people of Rome against the Germaines ¶ Malcolme the maiden being .xiii. yeres of age succeded his vncle Dauid in the kingdome of Scotlande and reygned ▪ xii yeaes Shortlye after one Somerled affected ehe crowne who was suppressed by Gilchrist Erle of Angus Anni regum Angli 1 HEnrie the second of that name the son of Geffrey Plantagenet Maude the empresse doughter of king Henrie the firste The yere of the worlde 5116 The yere of Christ 1155 began his reigne ouer thys realme of Englande and continued .35 yeres He was samwhat redde of face short of bodie and therwith fatte of sp●ace reasonable and well lettered and also noble in knighthod and fortunate in battaile of couragious hert wise in counsaile and loued wet peace liberall to straungers but hard to his familiars slow of answere vnstedfast of promyse geuen some deale to pleasure an open spousbreaker in religion negligent but not so muche as he is made of some writers whiche seme to be more meeued with affection towarde Thomas Becket then wyth the true consideracion of his actes and deedes In his tune by his great manhode and pollicie the signorye of Englande was muche augmented with the addicion of Scotlande and Ireland the iles Orcades Britaine Poytow Guyan and other prouinces of Fraunce Lewys king of Fraunce maried Ales his third wife the doughter of Theobalde erle of Blesence William kinge of Sicilie whan by faire entreatie he coulde not obteyne peace of the bishoppe of Rome with a great puysaunce spoyled the countrey of Puell chased the Grecians and then for frate was receyued into the bishops fauour The yere of Christ 1156 Uitalis Michaell duke of Uenice toke in battayle Ulrich the patriarch of Aquileta The yere of the worlde 5117 Anni regum Angli 2 with 70● of the nobles of Hungarie and Forum●●l●i and made the people of Forumtulii tributary to Uenice Henrie of England cast downe diuers castelles whiche were erected in the tyme of Stephene He wente into the Northpartes and receyued of the Scottes Cumberland and Northumberlande which they sayde were g●u●n to them by Maude his mother and sette an ordre in that countrey The variance began first betwene the emperour and the citee of Millaine whiche refused his dominion Anni regum Angli 3 and endeuoured to bringe other citees of Italie vnder her subiection The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1157 In Englande were sene in the firmament .ii. sonnes and in the moore appeared a red crosse Aboute the same time in Italie in the moneth of Nouembre appeared .iii. sonnes and the yere folowing .iii. moones Of the which the middelmost had a redde crosse King Henrye went with a stronge armie into Wales and quieted that countrey and after buylded the stronge castell of Rutland The yere of the worlde The yere
great nauie to the sea which entred in dyuers partes of this realme and dyd muche harme in the places where they landed By the entising of the Frenchmen the Scottes began to rebell and a squier of theyrs called Alexander Ramsei with .xl. other by stelth in a nighte toke the castell of Barwike which was rescued and recouered by the Erle of Northumberlande Warre renewed againe betwene the kinges of Frāce and of Nauarre The yere of the worlde 5339 The yere of Christ 1378 Anni regum Angli 2 who shortly after was alied with king Rycharde of Englande The Spaniardes of Castile warred vpon the kinge of Nauerre and besieged the citie Pampelon Charles emperour of almaine came into Frāce wher he beyng receiued with great honour and triumphe established with the kynge and his nobles perpetuall amitie and friendship All that the kynge of Nauerre had in Normandye became Frenche sauing one castell After Gregorye the leuenth a great schisme rose in the churche of Rome for the election of the byshop For the cardinalles of Italy chose an Italian byshop and named him Urbane the .vi. The cardinalles of Fraunce in the citie of Fondes electted Robert cardynal of Basyle and named him Clement the .vii. These two blessed bishops disalowed one the others election and cursed eche other with most cruel censures so that mortal warre betwene theim was arreared to the vtter disturbance of all Christendome Germanye Hungarye Englande Pannony and Italy fauored Urbane France Spaine Cateloine helde with Clement and thus beganne the schisme whiche continued .39 yere For neuer one of these holye byshops woulde geue ouer lest the tone shoulde seme more meke and lowly than the other The Germaines vexed theim selfes with moste cruell warres Pazaites king of Turkes desirous to reueng the death of his father made fierce warre vpon the Bulgares and vanquished their kynge Marcus in a great batayle and subdued to his s●ignorye a great parte of Bulgarie The lorde Neuell of England was sent with a company of souldiers to raise the siege before Mortaine in Po●ctou and to ayde the king of Nauerre agaynst the Spaniardes of Castile The yere of the worlde 5340 The yere of Christ 1379 Peace betwene the Spanyardes and the Naueroyes Anni regum Angli 3 shortlye theruppon died kinge Henrye Castile and his sonne Iohn succeded in the kingdome Fierce and deadly warre betwene the Genowayes and Uenecians wherby al the east part of Europe was fore disquieted the seas was greuously vexed and troubled The Genowayes vanquished the flote of the Ueneciās in the hauen of Pole Lewys king of Hungarie by the exciting of bishoppe Urbane led a puissant armye agaynste Iohan quene of Naples who fauoured the partye of Clement the Antipape and had geuen to him all her right and title to the kingedomes of Naples Apulia Sicilye Prouince and other countreys whiche he committed to the erle of Angeow Lewys at his first comming conquered the cite a retium which longe time had bene vexed by the faction of the Guelphes and Gibelines He receyued also by dedicion the citee of Naples Uinec●laus king of Boheme by the purchasinge and labouringe of his father was ordeyned emperour of Almaine He was farre vnlike his father in al princely vertues For he was cruell and outrageouslye desyroūs of pleasure and aschewed al labour and businesse more curious of wine and delicates than of the good orderynge and gouernance of the cōmon weale Wherfore he was slenderly beloued of the people of them ones or twyse cast in prison Pisanus capitaine of the Uenecians flote toke conquered and spoyled two citees called Catarum and Sibinicum belonging to the kinge of Hungarye Anni regum Angli 4 About this tune gunnes were first in vse The yere of Christ 1380 whych were inuented by one of Germany The yere of the worlde 5341 In Flanders through plentye and weith grew pride and enuye wherof not long after ensued a great rebell●ō and cruell warre betwene the commons of the towne of Gaunt and theyr erle This sedicion and warre contynued a long time to the great disturbaunce of the comtrey and ere it might be apesed it cost an hundred thousande mens liues The erle of Buckingham yongest sonne of kinge Edwarde the thirde passed by Cales throughout Fraunce into Britayne without battayle and euer destroyed the countrey as he went and skirmyshed with the frenchemen Warre betwene the king of Castile and of Portugal Charles the .vi. beinge .xii. yeres of age was ordeyned kinge of Fraunce vnder the gouernaunce of his vncles the Duke of Aniou the Duke of Berr●y the Duke of Burgoyne c. After longe and cruell warre bothe by sea and lande Anni regum Angli 5 peace was agreed betwene the genoways Ueneciās The yere of the worlde 5342 The yere of Christ 1381 The erle of Cambridge sayled into Portugall with a company of men to ayde the kinge agaynst the kinge of Castile By meanes of a payment that was set vpō the people of England the commons of the land and especially of Kent and Essex sodenlye rebelled and assembled together vpon blacke heathe to the nōbre of .60000 and aboue which had to their capitaynes Watte Tiler Iack Straw Iacke Sheaparde Tomme Myllar Hob Karter and other suche noble personages They caused muche trouble and businesse in the realme and chiefely about the citee of London where they practised much villanie in destroying many goodly places of the nobles as the Sauoy and other and being assembed in Smithfeld vsed them selfes very proudly and vnreuerently toward the kinge but by the manhode and wisedome of Willyam Waulworth mayre of London that rude companye was disceuered and fled as shepe to their owne houses Some write that these rebelles pretended cause of lybertee for that they were oppressed and vsed as slaues by the nobles of the realme Lewis duke of Angeow to whom ▪ bishoppe Clement had geuen the kingdome of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5343 The yere of Christ 5382 Naples Puell Anni regum Angli 6 and Calabre went with an army of .30000 men into Italy agaynst hys ennemy Charles de la Payes nephewe to the king of Hungarye who had cast the quene Iohan in prison and held by force muche of her landes and tooke part wyth the Urbanistes The rebellious flemminges of Gaunt after they had suffered great famine and pouerte ouercame their erle chased him so narowly that he was fayne to hide hym in the couche of a pore widowe in the towne of Bruges Charles the younge kinge of Fraunce perced the countrey of Flaunders with a puissant armie where he ●anquished the Gauntoys other Flemminges in a strong battayle and slewe of them wel nere .40000 A wonderful great earthquake in the realme of Englād the like wherof was neuer sene before that day nor sens Bishop Urbane published in England and other coūtreys Anni regum Angli 7 free remission A pena culpa to as many as wold eyther geue any thing
after at the caste●l of Flynte they toke kinge Richarde and helde him as prysoner in the tower of Lōdon where he yelded vp and resigned to the sayd Henry Duke of Herforde all his power and kingly title to the crowne of England and Fraunce knowlaging that he was worthely deposed for his demerite● and misgouerning of the common weale Warre in Lumbardy betwene Galias duke of Myllayne and the citees of Florence and Mantua Boniface bishop of Rome went to Perusia to set agrement betwene the nobles and the commons of the cytee which were fallen at variance A great noumbre of people in Fraunce were vexed and dyed of the plague Ipedimic The yere of the worlde 5360 The yere of Christ 5399 A blasing sterre was sene at the same tyme wyth beames of most feruent fire HEnrye the .iiii. was ordeyned kynge of Englande more by force as it appeared Anni regum Angli 1 than by lawful in●cession or election which thing turned him to muche vnquietnesse caused often rebellion in this realme of courage he was noble and valiant and after the ciuil warres was appeased shewed him selfe very gentil and louinge to his subiectes Henrie his sonne was made prince of wales Galias duke of Myllayne bought the citee of Pyse of Robert the sonne of Iames Ap●●an He receyued also by composicion and fayre promyses the citee of Perusium whiche belonged to the bishoppe of Rome and not long after brought to his subiectiō Bononia and Luca wherby his seig nory was greatly augmented This yere a certayne priest arayed all in white came out of the alpes into Italie bringing with him a nombre of men in the same appara●le called the white sect or felowship which secte of white companions Bonyface the bishop of Rome disperc●ed and burnt the priest that was theyr head and mayster Bishop Boniface at the intercession of his people retourned to the citee of Rome which thing he refused to dooe vntil they had graūted to receyue a senatour or gouernour of their citee at his appointment that a stranger and none of the citee according to the decrees of his predecessours this senatoure wss called Malatesta beyng before of the citee Pizaurie Mahomet the Turke murdered Orchane his brother The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1400 Sir Iohn Hollande Duke of Exeter Anni regum Angli 2 brother to king Richarde and the dukes of Amnarke and of Surrey with the erles of Salesburye and of Gloucester other that fauoured Richard of Burdeur conspired agaynste king Henrie and appoyncted priuily to murder him at a feast and iustes whych should be holden at Oxenford or as some write at a mumming in the castel of Winsor But howe it was theyr treason was disclosed and they all for the same put to death with as many knightes squiers as were of that alyaunce and confederacy King Richarde was put to death in the tower of London and caried through the citee that men myght se him and so conueyghed to the abbey of Lāglei there buried A certayne priest was burned in Smithfielde Uariance in Scotland betwene the erle Douglas and the erle of March for which the erle of Marche fled into Englande and after wrought the Scottes much wo. Sigismunde kinge of Hungarye caused to be put to death .xxxii. of the noble men of his realme wherefore in his absence certayne of the people sent for Ladyslaus from Naples and made him theyr kynge shortlye after Sigismūd recouered agayne his kingdome by strength and force of armes but yet it was not longe ere that he was agayne taken of the nobles of his realme and cast in prison at the towne of Soclos and there kept a good space being put into the handes of a wydow whose husband he had putte to death whom he entreated with so fayre wordes and promisses that he was sette at his lybertee and recouering agayne his kingdome putte to death Stephen Uuayuoda In Englande sir Roger Clarin●on a knight The yere of the worlde 5362 The yere of Christ with his ii seruantes Anni regum Angli 3 the priour of La. and .viii. gray friers were hanged at Tyburne for making of tauntinge and scoffing rimes and verses agaynst the king King Henry went towarde Wales to quiete a rebellyous sedicion which was arrered among the Welshemen by one Owen of Gleandere Warre betwene Galias of Myllayne and the Florentines Uinceslaus the emperour for his cowardise and vnhonest life was deposed and Rubertus or Robertus duke of Bauarie aduanced to the imperial auctoritee by the electours of Germanye This emperour went into Italy agaynst Galiatius of Millain but he preuailed nothing The bishoppe of Rome published a law that no priest shuld be admitted to a benefice vntill he had payed the first fruytes of the same whereby he was made lorde of the worlde Ladislaus the sonne of Charles who was before kyng of Naples was restored ag ayne to his fathers kingdom About this time sir Henrye Persie Erle of Northumberlande The yere of the worlde 5363 The yere of Christ made a viage into Scotlande Anni regum Angli 4 in the quarel of Mumbray erle of March. Patrike Hepburne inuading the borders of England was discomfited and many of his men slaine and taken prisoners Sir Thomas Percy Erle of Worcester Hēry Percye sonne to the erle of Northumberlande rebelled and gathered a great power agaynst king Henry of Englād with whom they encountred nere to Shros●bury but to theyr owne confusion for in that conflict was slayne sir Henrye Spenser with diuers noble men on both partes and prince Hēry the kinges sonne wounded with an arrowe in the face Sir Thomas Percye was taken after beheaded his brother the Erle of Northumberland fled for feare into Scotlande Galiatius duke of Myllayne departed out of this life and gaue to Iohn his sonne the duchye of Millayne to Philipye the lordshippe of Pauie After his decease rose many tyrannes in Italy which vexed that coūtrey with most cruell sedicion and warre For the nombre of xxv citees forsoke the dominion of the lordes of Millayne and chose to them priuate gouernours Mahomet the Turke when he had slaine his brother obteined alone the kingdome who after the death of the Tartacian Tanberlanis recouering again his fathers dominiō vexed with extreme murder and slaughter the Bulgares and Walaches toke the citee Hadrianopolis which he made his seat royall The yere of the worlde 5364 The yere of Christ The emperour Robert came into England only to se the countrey and commodityes therof Anni regum Angli 5 wher he was receiued with great triumph Cambaleschia Nepta●um and Quins●li great cyties of Scythia vnder the dominion of the Tartarians were first founden Great discencion and variance in France betwene the Dukes of Burgoyne and Orliance Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5365 The yere of Christ in so much that mortall warre was arrered on bothe partes to the great dysturbance and vnquietnesse of
be shewed him as at Bononia Ferr●ria Florētia or other where but by the aduertisement of the emperour he grāted it to procede at Basile but there present he wold not be for any thynge The yere of the worlde 5397 The yere of Christ 1436 Charles of France recouered by treason the citee of Paris Anni regum Angli 14 and wanne by force the towne of Harflew and of S. Denis expellinge and murderinge the Englishemen in great nombre Lewys the Dolphine sonne of Charles tooke to wyfe Margaret the doughter of the kinge of Scottes The duke of Burgoyne besieged the towne of Cales but when he hard of the comming of the duke of Gloucester protector of England he fled in al hast leuing much of his ordinaunce behind him to his great dishonor whō the duke of Gloucester pursued a .xi. dayes bournynge destroying the countrey as he wēt euen to S. Omers The sectes of the Bohemes called Orphanes and Thabor●tes were vanquyshed in battaile by the barones and noble men of the countrey after the discomfiture many thousandes of them burnt and destroyed with fire in the common barnes into the whiche they were gotten and inclosed by a trayne and deceyt inuented by the nobles ▪ After which time the countrey of Boheme became subiect to the emperour acknowlaginge him for theyr king 〈◊〉 continued al his life tyme. The kinge of Scottes was trayterously slaine of his owne men Anni regum Angli 15 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ which were after taken and put to most peinful death All the Lions died in the tower of London which had liued there a long time Sigismunde the emperour departed out of this life Albert duke of Austrich kynge of Boheme and Hungary was made emperour He was a religious and deuout prince for his liberalitie iustice and manl●nesse in armes greatly renowmed He subdued the Bohemes brought in subiection the people of Morauia and Marmacia and prepared a great power agaynst the turke About this time the turkes being vanquyshed and ouerthrowen in a great battaile by the Hungarians desired a truce for .x yeres The cardinal of the holy crosse by the appoyn●tmente of Eugenius bishop of Rome beganne the counsaile of Ferraria to the whiche came Iohn Paleologus emperour of Constantinople with the patriarke and diuers other noble men of Grece to the entent to treat a vnitee betwene the Latines and the Grekes whiche was there concluded and one churche made of them both The warre was renued betwene Philip of Millayne and the Uenecians to the great murder and desolaciō of both partes Eugenius by the auctoritee of the coūsaile of Basyle was deposed and Amodius duke of Sauoy in Fraunce chosen in his place but Eugenius notwithstandynge continued still as bishop and would not resigne Anni regum Angli 6 U●lla which restored againe the puritee of the Latyne tongue ▪ Trapezuntius Blondus The yere of the worlde 1499 The yere of Christ Iohannes de●mmola a lawier Guanerius and Hugo Senensis phisityōs Gazulus Rhagusinus and Iohannes Gnaundensis astronomers flourished About this time were sene in Italy .ii. great swarmes of Pissemers coming out of a peare tre which fought so fiercely eche with other that many were slaine on bothe partes and not long before in France a flock of crowes and another of Gossehaukes met in the ayre foughte so longe that the bloudde and feathers appered after in great plenty Zensa king of Persie he was a famous philosopher The counsa●le of Ferra●e by reason of a great pestylēce was transferred to Florence The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1439 Anni regum Angli 17 where the christians at Armenie and Indie consented to the Romaine church and the Greekes agreed that the holy ghost proceded frō the father and the sonne that there was a purgatorye that the sacrament ought to be celebrated onely with vnleauen bread made of wheate and that the bishop of Rome was Peters lawfull successour and christes glorius vicar in earth to whom all the world oughte to obey whiche they neuer consented to before this time neyther at this time did long continue in that belyefe So great a dearth in England and Fraunce that the poore people made theim bread of fetches pesin beanes and fearne rootes Nicolaus Pice●nius capitaine of the Myllanours besieged Briria and by treason toke the citee Uerona whiche Frauncisce Sfortia leader of the Ueneci●ns armie within .iiii. dayes recouered and brought in subiection Friderike the .iii Duke of Austrich after the deathe of Alberte The yere of the worlde 5401 The yere of Christ 1440 was ordeyned emperour of Rome Anni regum Angli 18 and reigned 15 yeres The warre continued betwene Englād and Fraunce and diuers townes and castels were wonne on both partes which were eftsoones recouered but the more losse tourned ●uer to the englyshemen A priest was bourned in London which of the common people was counted so holy a man that they made theyr prayers to him and had him in wonderfull great reuerence vntil a commaundement was geuen by the king to the contrary Albert kinge of Hungarie departing out of thys lyfe lette his wife Elizabeth great with childe whiche shortely after was delyuered of a son called Ladislaus whom immediatly she and certayne other proclaymed king of Hungary and Boheme and commited him to the tuicion of Friderich the emperour But diuers of the nobles chose for their kinges Uladislaus the kynges brother of Polonie by whiche meanes was deadly warre betwene the queene Elysabeth and the Polonians for the crown of Hungary and the realme of Hūgary diuided among theim selfe The Bohemes also profered their kyngdome to Albert Duke of Bauarye whiche refused it with great modesty In England Dame Elenour Cobham wife to the lord proctour Anni regum Angli 91 and certaine other persons were accused The yere of the worlde 5402 The yere of Christ 1441 that by sorcery and inchantmentes practised by an image of waxe they endeuoured to bring out of lyfe by littell and littell the kynges person In this yeere after some Amadeus Duke of Sauoye was chosen b●shop of Rome for Eugenius Anni regum Angli 20 The towne of Depe was besieged by the lord Talbote The yere of the worlde 5403 The yere of Christ 1442 and rescued againe by the Frenchemen Peace was concluded betwene Myllayne and Uenice after the warre had continued fiercely the space of .iii yeres Sfortia the Uenecians capitain toke to wife Blanch Duke Phillips daughter of Myllaine and hadde for hir dower Cremona and Pontremulin Anni regum Angli 21 The steple of S. Paules churche in London was sette on fyre with lightning The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and lastly quenched by great diligence and labour of many men Alphons king of Arragon after longe warre conquered the citie of Naples and expellyng Rhenatus Duke of Angeow obteined the kyngdome of Puell Eugenius the byshop retourned from the counsalle of Florence of
was crowned with the imperial Diademe at Rome and than yode to Naples wher he was receiued with great honor and triumph by Alphons the kinge The countre of Aquitaine was reconquered and wonne by the Frenchmen .297 yeres after it was first ioygned to the crowne and seignory of Englande by Henrye the secounde Anni regum Angli 30 The yere of the worlde 5413 The yere of Christ which was Duke of Angeow and .192 yeeres after it was by Henry the .iii. recouered from the Frenchemen which had won it by force of armes from king Iohn his father A commocion beganne this yere by the duke of Yorke and other noble men whiche was appeased for a tyme and the malice dissimuled Lewys the Dolphine sonne of king Charles of France rebelled agaynst his father and fled to the duke of Burgoyne with whom he was ten yeres One named Iohannes Faustius first found the craft of printinge in the citee of Mens in Germanie The lorde Talbote recouered by de●icion the citee of Burdeaus in Aquitaine Anni regum Angli 31 The yere of the worlde 5414 The yere of Christ where after long cruel fighte he was slayne with a gunne and the citee won agayn by the Frenchmen Mahomet prince of Turkes after .50 dayes of continuall assaut made by his innumerable multitude of turkes agaynst the citee of Constantinople with excedinge force power obteyned and conquered the same to the great hinderaunce and shame of Christendome a highe ●duancement of the turkes dominion Of the excedinge and vnspeakable crueltie that they vsed towarde all sortes of men women and children and the despiteous velanie that they shewed toward Christiā religion it wold r●e any christian heart to heare or read Anni regum Angli 32 The fyre of enuie The yere of the worlde 3415 The yere of Christ that a good space had couertly smoudered betwene the duke of Yorke a●●d the duke of Sommerset with other of the quenes counsaile at this time brake out in hote and fierce flames of warre in so much that betwene the kinge who defended these persons and the duke of Yorke with his alies at ● Albones a cruell battayle was fought in the ende wherof the victory fell to the duke of Yorke and on the kinges part was slayne the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Northumberlande ▪ the lorde Clifforde with many other honourable men of knightes and squiers After whiche time the duke with great reuerence broughte the kinge from S. Albones to London where by a parliamēt he was made protectour of the realme the Erle of Salesburie chauncellour and the erle of Warwike capitayne of Cales Peace and league was made in Lumbardye betwene Frauncisce Sfortia of Millayne and the Uenecians after the warre had continued wel nere .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 5416 The yere of Christ 1455 Calist the .iii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 33 made preparacion for warre agaynst the Turkes and sent agaynst theim with great prouision Lewys patriarke of Aquileia Messaraphus the souldaine of Egipte a man of great power Georgi●s Castrio●us called also Scanderberge duke of Epire and Albanie was famous in dyuers partes of Asia and Europe for his prowes noblenesse in armes and especially for such victories as he atcheued agaynst the Turkes Iames Picennius of Lumbardye made warre to the citye of Sennes The yere of the worlde 5417 The yere of Christ 1456 By meanes of the quene and other lordes Anni regum Angli 34 the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectourship which thīg was cause of new grudge and malyce A great riote committed in London against the Lumbardes Italians because a mercers seruaunt was cast in prison for striking an Italian Nere to the citee Taurinum that is now called Alba where as the riuers of Danubie and Saw do mete Mahomet the Turke was ouerthrowen chased and dryuen out of his campe by a smal company of Christians About this time were sene many strange syghtes and wonderfull thinges as well in the citee of Rome as other places of Italie In the place called Sabine a calfe was broughte forthe with two heades In Rome at the gate of Uenus and in ●yguria it reygned bloudde In Picene a child was borne with sixe teth A blasing sterre terrible to beholde was sene well nere all the moneth of Iune An horrible tempest vexed a part of Italy and especially Hetr●ria and Uenice many countreys of Italye were shaken also with a terrible erthquake in so muche that in Huel and Naples muche housinges and greate buyldinges were ouerthrowen and as writeth Cronica Cronicorum there peryshed .40 thousande Christian men At Eri●h within .xii. miles of London were taken The yere of the worlde 5418 The yere of Christ 1457 4. wonderfull fyshes Anni regum Angli 35 wherof one was called Mors marina the seconde a sword fyshe the other two were whales A flote of Frenchmen landed at Sandwike and spoyled the towne with great crueltee Alphons kinge of Naples made sore warre vpon the citee of Geane Anni regum Angli 36 A feigned agrement was made betwene the king the queene and the duke of Yorke with his retinew The yere of the worlde 5419 The yere of Christ which endured not longe Bessarion and Cusanus cardinalles Ludouicus Pōtanus Paulus Castrensis Antonius Rosellanus lawiers Cermisonus Sauonarola Ba●zizius phisicions Pe●●rbachius Blanchinus astronomers Argirople Philelphus Pero●●us Datus learned men flourished Fregosus capitaine of Gean gaue vp the cite to Charles of Fraunce because he was not able to defend it agaynst the violence of Alphons Ferdinande the bastarde son of Alphons suc●●ded his father in the kingdome of Naples betwene whom and Iohn duke of Angeow was sore warre for the right and title of the sayd kingdome Ladislaus king of Hungarie and Boheme ended his life after whom succeded in Boheme George P●ggeh● braicus or de Podebra in Hungarie Mathias the son of Huniades who made war agaynst the emperour Friderich for the crowne of Hungary betwene whom whē the warre had continued .vi. yeres a peace was concluded on this condicion that Mathias should be kynge for his life time but he should leaue no heyre after him Lewis the .xi. after some computacions was ordeyned kinge of Fraunce which for his crueltee and harde demeanour was called the sturdy and fell Lewis betwene him and his nobles was muche strife eneas Siluius a man of great witte learninge and eloquence was made byshop of Rome and named Pigs the .ii. he wrate the historye De origine boen●rum The warre that he entēded agaynst the Turkes was stopped by meane of the discencion among christian princes for th●n long after was great warre betwene Ferdinād of Naples and the duke of Angeow and in diuers other partes of Italy likewise The duke of Yorke the erles of Salesbury and Warwike with a great host mette the kinge and other lordes of Englande vpon Blore heath nere
.iiii. by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had lōg caused great diuision was knitt● together in one About this tyme Francisce Louel and Humfrey Stafforde r●●elled in the North which commocion was quieted by the pollicie of the Duke of Bedforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Nicolas an heremite of Helu●ci● and Hiernomous S●nonarola that had the spirite of prophecie Anni regum Angli 4 were famous Ferdinand king of Spaine by knightly force and man ●o●e conquered againe the kingdome of Granade and chased from thens the Sarasens Warre betwene the Uenecyans Sigismund Duke of Austrich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1447 A great businesse in England by meane of a priest called Rycharde Simon Anni regum Angli 5 whiche takyng with him a yonge childe called L●mbert fledde into Irelande ▪ and feigned to the nobles of that countree that he had brought wyth him the younge sonne of the Duke of Clarence nephew of king Edwarde the .iiii. lawefull heyre to the crowne ●f Englande wherwith the Irisshemen beyng excited alied with theim Margaret the syster of Edwarde an● dyuers noble men of England which gathering which theim a great power of Irishemen Englyshmen Germaines entred the lande and at Stoke mette with king He rye and his hoste and there fought a strong battail● in the whiche was slaine the Erle of Lincolne Francis Louell Thomas Broughton Thomas Gerardine of Irelande and Martine Swarte a Germaine which wer● chiefe capitaynes of the rebelles Rycharde the pryeste and Lambert the counterfeited king were taken in the fielde Fabian seemeth to auouch this to be dooen in the yere of our lorde 1487. Warre betwene Britaine and the Frenchemen Charles of Fraunce forsoke Marg●ret the daughter of M●ximilian whiche was to him f●aunced This yere was a fielde ●oughten in Flaunders by the lorde Daubene● in the quarel of Maximilian the emperours sonne and Erle of Flaunders In Englande was a taxe arrered of the tenth pen●e of mens landes and goodes by menes wherof the cōmons rose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 5490 and slewe the Erle of Northumberlande Anni regum Angli 6 For whiche cause Chamberlaine their capytaine with dyuers other were after hanged at Yorke Maximilyan recouered the parte of his Duchie of Au●strich which Mathias kyng of Hungarye had with holden from him a good season Anni regum Angli 7 The kinge of Scotes was slaine in battayle by the nobles of his realme The yere of the worlde 5452 The yere of Christ 1491 and Iames his sonne ordeined kynge in his place Maximilian by his deputie as the maner is of greate princes maried Anne the daughter of Frances Duke of Britaine after the death of her ●ather but that mariage notwithstanding Charles of Fraunce found such meanes that he toke her to his wi●e in open mariage and by her obteined the dominiō of Britaine For whych cau●e was great grudge and malice betweene him and Maximilian and so much the more because Charles did repudiate Margaret his daughter whiche was to him f●aunced and betrothed Kinge Henry arriued in Fraunce with a great army The yere of the worlde 5453 The yere of Christ entēding to ayde the Britaines against the French king but Charles by entreatie concluded peace Anni regum Angli 8 the condicion wherof was that he shulde pa●e to kinge Henry foorthwith for his expenses and charges in the warre a greate summe of money and yerely after as a certayne tribute 25. thousande crownes after whiche agreement Henrye retourned into England The Turke with a great power bothe by sea and land inuaded the inhabytantes of the hilles in Greece called Ceraunil and theim subdued to the Turkishe empire Certaine new ilandes were found in the Oeceā se first by Amerin●s U●spucyu● after by Christophorus Columbanus Ther were driuen ou● of Spaine by commaundement of the kinge .125 familyes of the Iewes of the whyche 30 thousande dyed of the pestylence in their iourney as they were departyng Alexander the .vi. byshop of Rome .xl. yeares a blouddie and cruell tyranne ¶ Maximilian succeded his father Friderych in the empyre Anni regum Angli 9 and reigned ▪ 27. yeres The yere of the worlde 5454 The yere of Christ 1493 Charles o● Fraunce made clayme to the kyngdome of Naples and Sicilie Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5455 The yere of Christ 1494 and for that cause went into Italye with a great army wher in short space he conquered Naples and compelled kinge Alphons to forsake the countrei and than retourned into France and in his iournye was encountred by the Ueneciās ▪ which endeuoured to stoppe his passage where after sore fyght to the losse of bothe partes he toke an other way About this tyme beganne the foule scabbe and horible sic●●nesse called the Frenche p●ckes The yere of the worlde 5456 The yere of Christ 1495 Anni regum Angli 11 Dyuers gentilmen in Englande appeached of treason and for fauouring the conspiracie of Perkin Warb●ck● of the whiche some were pardoned some put to death Perken Warbecke whiche by the coūsaile of Margaret of Burgoyne named him selfe Rychard● of Yorke kinge Edwardes seconde sonne arriued in ken●e wher● he was driuen backe by the vplandishmen and other inhabitauntes of the countrey with losse of dyuers of hys men Ferdinand the sonne of Alphons was restored againe to the kyngdome of Naples immediatly after the departure of the Frenchemen Sozimus and I●son lawiers Alexander Benedictus and Antonius Bemuenius phisicions Iohannes Nauclerus Raphael Uolateranus Robertus Gaguinus historiographers Rodulphus Agricolo a man of excellent learning Iohanes Iouinianus Pōtanus Petr●s Crinitus Stephanus Niger Ambrosius Calepinus Philippus B●r●oldus flourished Blanch Mary the princes daughter of Insubria was maried to Maximilian Uladisaus the kynge of Polonies sonne obtayned the kingdomes of Hugarye and Boheme He made league with Maximilian the emperour The Scottes brake into the North partes of Englande by the excityng of Perkin Warbeck The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1496 Anni regum Angli 12 dyd much harme to the borderers In Italy a stone of wonderful biggenesse fell out of the ayre whiche by the violence of the ●al as some say brake in .iii. great pieces the coloure of thys stone was ●s it had been burned with fyre In these dayes preached at Florentia in Italye a frier called Hierome Sauouarola whose sayengs were these that Italy should be purged with the scourges of God for the manyfolde off●nces of the princes as well of the clergie as the laitee and that ●ft●● the subuersion of the citees of Florence and Rome shuld folow a reformaciō and redresse in the church ▪ and moreouer that one shuld come ouer the Alpes like to Cyrus which shuld su●uert and destroy Italye Anni regum Angli While king Henrye of Englande made preparacion fo●warre into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5458 The yere of Christ 1467
with many other lordes and knightes was sent this yere into France by king Henry with an armye of 10000. men who passing the water of Sone without battaile toke diuers townes and castels and destroyed the countrey before him in December he retourned againe into England The Erle of Surrey brent Iedworth in Scotland and toke dyuers holdes The Duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and had in a redinesse a great army to inuade England But whā he had knowlage that the Erle of Surrei was coming against him he cowardly fled and gaue back in to Scotlande The emperour recouered the towne of Fountraby Clement the .vii. a florentyne borne was ordeyned bysshoppe of Rome and toke parte wyth the Frenchemen Intreatie w●s made by the Queene of Scottes for an abstinence of warre In the kingdome of Granade diuers citees were s●allowed and in Naples was so great tempestes of wynde ray●e thunder that many toweres great places and myghtie bygge trees were ouerthrowen and cas●e to the grounde The souldiours of Guines toke a great booty at a faire in the towne of Marguysan and sir Robert Ierninghā and certaine dimilances of Caleis toke dyuers Frenchmen prisoners The lorde of Campher and other came from the emperour to king Henry The yere of the worlde 5485 The yere of Christ 1524 Anni regum Angli 16 The byshop of Dunkell and other ambassadours came out of Scotlande A legate came from the byshoppe of Rome to entreat a peace betwene Englande and Fraunce Sharpe warre betweene the marches of England and Fraunce Sir Rau●●fe a Fanwike Leonarde Musgraue and Bastarde Heron were slaine in Scotland by to much hardinesse in pursuyng their ennemyes at whiche tyme .300 Scottes were taken prisoners by the Englishemen The Duke of Burbon made sharpe warre on the Frenche kynges dominions and dyd many enterprises The French kinge passed with a great army into Italye wher he besieged Paule shortly after was encountred by the emperours army and of theim vanquisshed and him selfe taken prisoner frō thens he was conueighed into Spaine to the emperour wher after certaine condicions of peace agreed vpon betwene theim he was deliuered Great triumphe and ioy in Englande for taking of the Frenche kinge The cardinal obteyned lycence of the byshop of Rome to suppresse dyuers abbaies to the entent to erect two colleges one at Oxenforde an other at Ipswiche and to indue theim with the landes whiche colledges he began so sumptuouslye tha● it was not lyke they woulde come to good ende Kynge Henry was lyke to haue been drowned by leaping ouer a dich in folowyng his hauke nere to Abindō A great and horrible insurrection in Germany of the rude and vplandyshe people The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1525 whiche dwelled in Alsacia Anni regum Angli 17 Suaue Francia Thuring and the countreis about the riuer Rhine whiche commocion was suppressed by the great power strength of the princes In ●o muche that within litell more than .iii. monethes an hundred thousand of that vplandishe people were slayne li●e beast●s by the iust iugemēt of god Furthermore one surnamed Sapherus wrate .xii. articles whiche he entiteled of Christian libertee among the which this was the chiefe That tributes ought not to be payd to princes ▪ Throughe thys doctryne to atteyne liberte men suppose that the gretest parte of that people was stered to rebel againste the magistrates In Mulhause● a towne of Thuring was a preacher named Monetarius which taught openly that he would reforme the state of the church and made his auant pryu●lye that reuelacions were shewed to him by god and that the sworde of Gedeon was committed to him to ouerthrow the tirannie o● the impious He led out greate companies commaunding them to spoile and robbe monasteries and the places of great men But wh●le the vnrulye people were scater●d and disceuered without ordre the princes of Saxonie sodenlyoppressed theym and toke their capitaines whom they put to worthy punishment This Monetarius was the first auctour of the dyuelishe sect and heresy of the Anapabtistes which longe time after vexed Germanye and is not yet all tog●th●r extinguyshed Coyne was enhaunsed in England A murmuring in al partes of the realme for paimēt of mony Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 5487 The yere of Christ 1526 And in Suff. 4000. men arose against the duke and other commissioners which were appeased by the duke of Northfolke and other A truce betw●ne England and Fraunce for a certain space and ambassadours were sent into Denma●ke for restoring of their kinge but the Danes wold graunt nothing they did hate him so extremely for his cruel●●e A peace betwene Englande ande Scotlande for .iii. monethes Doctour Barnes a f●ier Augustine bare a faggot before the cardinall in Paules Great death in London Frauncis the Frenche kinge was sette at liberty by the emperour vpon diuers con●icions whiche he sware to perfourme but after he reuoked his othe and sayd he was forced therto or elles he should neuer haue b●ne d●lyuered The emperour after the french kinges delyueraunce gaue to Charles duke of Burbon the whole Duchye of Millayne on condicion to paye 4000. ducates and find a certayne numbre of souldiours yerely Solemannus the great Turke inuaded Hungarie and spoyled the citee Buda With whom● Lewys the kynge and Paule Tomorus bishop of Coleine encoūtred in a great battaile and were of him vanquished and slayne with a great nomb●e of christian people Ferdinand Archduke of Austrich was chosen kinge of Hungarie and Boheme Charles maried Isabell the kinges sister of Portugall Uariance betwene the byshop of Rome and the house of Columnensis The bishop of Rome the Ueneciās and diuers citees of Italy proclaymed warre agaynst the emperoure by their intisement the french king was moued to warre agayne vpon the emperour In so muche that the emperours souldiours toke the towne and castel of Myllayne and sh●wed such crueltie towarde the citesins that they were in mind to haue forsaken their citee the confederates of Italy required to haue king Henry as protectour of their league but he chose rather to be an indifferēt in treater of peace betwene the two partyes The yere of the worlde 5488 The yere of Christ 1527 A proclamacion published in England agaynst al vnlawful games as Dice Cardes and Boules Anni regum Angli 19 which continued not long in effecte The emperours souldiours toke the cite of Rome spoyled itand besiged the bishop Clement with his cardynalles in the Mounte Adrian from whens he coulde not be dimissed by any meanes vntil he agreed with his souldiours notwithstanding that the emperour Charles him selfe being than in Spaine and fearing the thund●rbolt of excommunication which the souldiours nothing regarded did ex●use him selfe by letters that he knewe not of that his men had done and therfore willed the bishop to be sette at lib●rtee Don H●go de Mendosa a great man borne in Spaine came toking Henrie as
lawyers Falco Ionius Ruellius Cornarius Fuchsius phisiciōs Sarzorus Zieglerus Oroutius Apianus Munsterus exc●l●ent in the quadriuialles Urbanus Hessus Uidas Ursinus Glarean Sapidus poetes Pa●lus Riccius Rhenanus Sadoletus Gryneus Uines Aurogallus Doletus other innumerable learned men and most experte and cunnyng in all sciences lyued in these dayes whose woorkes declare them to the whole worlde Commaundment was geuen by kyng Henrie to the ●ishops that Tindalles translation of the new Testament should be called in and tha● they shulde see an other sette foorth to the profite of the people A great deluge in Brabant Holland Selande and the sea coastes of Flanders where the waters o● the sea and other ouerflowed all the countreies Muche harme was doon also about Rome by the greate risynge of the ryuer Tyber and vnseasonable tempestes of wyndes The wylde Irishemen perceiuyng the ●rle of ●ildare to be in Englande inuaded his landes and dyuers other countreis Whe●fore kyng Henry sent thyther the Erle of Klidare and sir Willyam Skeuington which shortly brought them to good order The byshop of ●ondon caused a great noumbre of the new Testamentes of Tyndals translation to be burned At Augusta the emperour helde a counsaile of the princis of Germany where it was consulted howe to mayntain warre against the Tu●ke to haue an vnitie in matters of religion Wherevpon the churches of Germanye offred their confession to themperour but nothynge was doone therin sauyng that certayne malicious friers toke vppon them to confute those confessions withoute scripture or reason The Cardinall was arested and on S. Andrewes day dyed at Leycester as he should haue been broughte to the Tower of London One boyled in Smithfielde at London for poysonyng The Emperour Charles made Ferdinand his brother kyng of Rome The yere of the worlde 5492 The yere of Christ 1531 Anni regum Angli 23 A great earthquake wel nere in al Portugall the space of eyght dayes In the citie of Ulisbone or Luxborne a thousande foure hundred housen were ouerthrowen and aboue .600 so shaken that they were redy to falle All the churches were caste to the grounde as it were heapes of stones This earthquake cam as it were by fittes seuen or eight tymes in a day the people forsooke the citie and went into the fieldes A great p●stilence rose by menes of the vapours of this 〈◊〉 A blasy●ge sterre appeared in Germanie Italye and Frau●c● towarde the wea●● three weekes togyther in the moneth of Auguste The Turke came ag●yne into Hungary entendyng to co●quere Uienna but he was ouerthrowen by the capitaynes that were l●fte in the garrisons and a great number of his men taken and slayne In the sea coastes of Hollande a fysshe was caste vp by the sea that was in lengthe .68 foote in the thyckenesse xxx the yaunyng of his mouthe was .xiii. foote wyde In this season were dyuers preachynges in this realme one agaynst an other concernyng the ●ynges mariage diuorsement from the lady Katherine The frenche kynges mother dyed The kyng of Polonie vanquished Uuauoyda and the Ualach●aus A battayle was foughten betweene the Tigurines and theyr neyghbours wherin Zuinglius was slayne Kynge Henry beganne to buylde his palaice at Westminster Anni regum Angli 24 The yere of Christ 1532 Kyng Henry went ouer the sea to mete with the french kyng The yere of the worlde 5493 with whom he went to Bulleyne and the French kyng came agayne with hym to Caleys where after feastyng and bankettyng eche toke leaue of other and returned to theyr realmes The kyng of long tyme had not kept company with the lady Katherine bycause his mariage was in controuersye and by dyuers vniuersities and learned men determined to be agaynst the lawe of God Wherefore on S. Erkinwaldes day he maried priuyly the lady Anne Bulleyne whiche on Whitsonday the next yeare folowynge was crouned Quene with great solemnitie It was ordeyned by acte of parliament that the kinges subiectes shuld no more paie annates or fyrst fruites nor susteyne any suche exactions or impositions they hadde before tyme paid to the sea of Rome for consecratyng electyng or geuyng of licences or dispensations But that they shulde haue all suche thinges within the realme and sue no further for the same King Henry was diuorsed from lady Katherine which had been his brothers wife Anni regum Angli 25 On Mi●somer daie died the Frenche Queene The yere of the worlde 5494 The yere of Christ 1533 wife to the Duke of Suffolke Ladie Elizabeth was borne at Grenewiche An esquire of Gloucestershyre called William Tracie by one Doctour Parker the byshop of Worcesters chancellour was taken out of his graue and burnte after he had been dead .iii. yeres because he sayde in his wyll he wolde haue no funerall pompe at his burieng neither passed vpon Masse and that he trusted in god onely hopyng in hym to be saued and by no saincte Within the space of these two yeares appeared .iii. blasyng sterres in dyuers partes beyonde the sea Thaamas Sophie of the P●rsians nere to Euphrates ouerthrewe the Turkes in a great battayle Kyng Henry sente the Duke of Northfolke the lorde Rocheforde and other in ambassade to the French kyng as then intendynge to mete with the bysshop of Rome at Nece Daily skyrmishing betwene the borderers of England and Scotlande and yet no warre proclaimed and many robberies murders and s●aughters doone on bothe partes and althoughe the commissioners of Englande and Scotlande satte at Newcastell entreatyng a truce and amitee yet the Scottes ceassed not to robbe bothe by land and Sea A peace concluded betwene Englande and Scotlande The bishop of Romecursed king Henry and the realme of England bycause of the diuorse from lady Catherin Certain m●nkes friers and other eu●ll disposed persons of a diuellyshe entent had put in the heades of many of the kynges subiectes that they had knowlage by ●euelation of god and his sainctes that he was highly displeased with kynge Henry for the diuorsement frome the lady Catherine and surmised among other thynges that God had reuealed to a Nunne named Elizabeth Bar●on whom they called the holye mayde of Kent that in cas●●he kyng proceded to the sayde diuorse and maried an other he should not be kynge of this realme one moneth after and in the reputation of god not one day nor houre This Elisabeth Barton by false dissimulation had often practised and shewed to the people meruaylous alterations of her visage and other partes of hir body as she had been rapt or in a traunce and in those feyned traunces by fals hypocrisie as thoughe she had been inspired of god spake many woordes in rebukyng synne and reprouyng newe opinions whiche she called heresi●s and amonge them vttered diuers thinges to the greate reproche of the kyng and the quene and to the establyshyng of ydolatry Anni regum Angli 26 pylgremage The yere of the worlde 5495 The yere of Christ 1534 and false worshippyng of god for whyche naughtyn●s she
of Suffolke whose mother beyng a great fauourer of pure religion shewed great kyndnes and frendshyp to Bucer bothe before and in his sickenes He died of the hickocks The .xxv. of Maie there was an earthquake in Sotherie and in parte of Middelsex About the same tyme there was a dutcheman burned in Smithfielde for holdyng the opinion of the Arrians At this season there fell amonge the englyshe nation a very daungerous sweate bothe in the realme and in strange countreys insomuche that many died in verye shorte space And muche fruite of the repentance of former lyfe appeared sodeynely For some abated their vnreasonable rentes and many soughte for the poore and nedy in prisons and els where to relie●● them But so soone as the sweate was ceassed they felle to their wonted synnes agayne and as it seemed repented them of their former repentaunce In Iuly the piece that was coigned for .xii. d. was by proclamation abated to .ix. d. the piece of .iiij. d. to .iij. d. And in August after from .ix. d. to .vi. d. and frome .iij. d. to .ij. d. And the piece of .ij. d. to a penye and the penny to an halfepeny In October the duke of Somerset was agayn appreapprehended and committed to the tower and with him syr Michel Stanhop syr Rafe Fane syr Miles Partriche and other For then was Iohn Erle of Warwyke mde duke of Northumberlande whose deathe he sayd the duke of Somerset had conspired The second day of Nouember the olde Quene of scottes came to London who was honourablye re●●yued and lodged in the byshops palaice Shortly after the Duke of Somerset was arrayned at Westminster and by his pieres acquit of Treason but condemned of felonie and so committed to the towre agayne where he remayned tyll he was brought forth to hys deathe In this meane while the younge Kynge was entised to passe time in maskeyng and mumminge And to that ende there was piked oute a sorte of misrulers to deuyse straunge spectacles in the courte in the tyme of Christmas to cause the yonge kynge to forgette yea rather to hate hys good vncle who had purged the courte of all suche outrage and enured the kynge vnto the exercyse of vertuouse learninge and hearynge of sermons This was the high waye firste to make an ende of the kynges vncle and after of the kyng hymselfe The .xiii. day of Ianuarye the sea brake in at Sandewitche Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5513 The yere of Christ 1552 in so muche that it dyd ouerflow al the marshes there about and drowned much cattell to the great losse both of the towne and countrey The .xxiij. of this monethe Edwarde duke of Somerset was beheaded at the towre hyll in London where at the tyme of his speakynge to the people there felle suche a sudden feare amonge the people by reason of a rumoure that ran abrode of the duke of Northumberlādes power of horsemen to be in a redinesse about the Citye and an horse man that came in hastilye at the northe syde of the towre hill that they fell to shufflynge and thrustynge as men that stoode in daunger of their lyues In so muche that of all the great number of the garde and other that stode ther with weapons to se execution done ther was not one left in his order about the s●ffolde In this sturre many were troden vnder fote and many thrust into the tower dytche At the laste whenne the people perceyued that there came no mo horsemenne they supposed that he that was comen had brought a pardon for the Duke and therefore they beganne to shoute and cast vp theyr cappes Whyche thynge when the duke perceyued he beckened with his cappe in his hande for silence And that obtayned he wylled the people to quiete theim selues to obeye the rulers and to loue theyr yonge kynge and to pray to god for hym that he myght long lyue and reigne ouer theym As for hym selfe he loked for no pardon other then at Goddes hand And so he prepared him selfe to the axe wherin he behaued hymselfe so soberly and humbly that none so harde herted about hym that dyd not shedde teares The .xxv. day of February there we●e hanged at the towre hyll for the dukes matter syr Rafe Fane and sir Myles Partriche knyghtes and syr Thomas Arundell and syr Myghell Stanhope beheaded The sommer folowyng the kyng wente in progresse into the weste countreye wherein his yonge affections were fedde by them that were about hym not withoute great daunger of his lyfe by outragious ridyng in haukyng and huntyng Towardes wynter he retourned to London frō thens he went to Grenewich wher was prepared matter of pastyme a fort counterfaited riding at the tylte and goodly pastimes at Christmas tyll the kyng had gotten a cough that brought hym to his ende The fyrst day of Marche was holden a parliament at Westmynster The yere of the worlde 5514 The yere of Christ 1553 Anni regum Angli 7 and continued there tyll the dissolution of the same whiche was the laste daye of the same monethe In this parlyament it was emong other thynges enacted that no maner of man shoulde selle or vtter by retayle to be dronken in his owne house any kynde of wyne vppon payne of forfaiture of tenne pounde for euery suche offence In this meane whyle there were three noble shyppes furnyshed for the great aduenture of the vnknowen viage into the easte by the northseas The great encourager of this voiage was Sebastian Gaboto an englisheman borne at Bristow but a Genoways sonne These shyp● dyd shortly after passe galla●tly by Grenewiche in the kynges presence one of the maryners standyng vpon the mayne topmaste of one of them At the same tyme there were other lyke shyppes sette forthe towardes the southe to seke aduentures All this meane whyle kynge Edwarde was sycke And his councellours linckinge them selues by maryages And muche talke ther was that the kynge was poysoned and some suffered imprisonment and punishmentes for so sayeng and also for sayeng that he was deade In fine the tenthe day of Iuly it was by proclamation declared in London that he dyed the .vi. day of that moneth And at the same tyme there was a prayer setforth in printe vnder the testimonye of syr Thomas Wroth one of the priuie chaumber and doctoure Owen one of the kynges phisitians with others wherein the kyng a lyttell before he departed besought God to preserue this realme from popery In the abouenamed proclamation whiche was sette forth by the consente of the duke of Northhumberlande and all the learned counsell of this realme very fewe excepted emong whome Iustice Hales of Kent was one and of the Mayre and Aldermen and common counsell of the Citie of London and moste parte of the Nobilitie ladye Iane daughter vnto Henrie Duke of Suffolke was proclaimed Queene contrarye to that order that was taken in parliamente for the succession of the Crowne in the later daye of
Citie were walkynge and shortely after Te deum solemnely song and processions set forth with Salue festa dies Wyth the best Crosses and Copes and besydes this bonefyres and bankets appoynted agaynst after none And many thretnyng words spoken against them that were not forwa●de in thys ouer spedye ●eioycynge At this tyme the Erle of Arundell beyng presydent of the Counsell lay● at his house wythout Temple ba●re And hering the great noise of belles he asked the cause therof And when they that were aboute hym had told him the newes he gaue no such credite to it but that he woulde sende to the Mayre of London to knowe the truthe And when he could learne there none other truth then that whiche the priestes and clarkes hadde confirmed with theyr singynge and rynginge he sente immediately to the courte and not contente to tarye the re●ourne of the messenger he rode afte● in poste hymselfe and so learned that the Quene and such as were aboute her had hearde nothinge of those ioyful newes But these newes stayed not there for they ran in post not only into al parts of England ▪ but 〈◊〉 al countreys of Europe also and some wer puniss●ed in s●me partes of Englande for sayinge it was a lye But after it was manifestlye knowne to be a lye the people were verie desyrous to so what s●ulde be borne to the staye of the succession of the crowne for the w●ole number of mydwyues and rockers were retayned still at the courte But at the laste all were sen●e awaye and neyth●r prince nor princesse borne The .xxxi. of May were bourned in Smithfielde Iohn Cardmaker otherwise called Taile● precher and chanc●ler of the churche of welles and Iohn warren vpholster of London The fourthe of Iune was hanged at Charing crosse for ●●bbyng a S●anyarde william Toly pulter of London Who at the t●me of hys death desyred the people to say Amen to his prayer whiche was thus From the tyrannie of the bisshop of Rome and all his detestable inormities good lord delyuer vs. For this cause he was after his death suffered to hange styll on the gallowes tyl he stanke and the● being buryed vnder the gallowes he was by the Bisshoppe of Londons officer summoned to appeare ●n the cōsistorie at Paules And for lacke of appearaunce he was condemned of heresye and adiudged to be burned And afterward taken vp and burned in the same place The x. of the same moneth was burned at Chemsford Thomas Wats linnen draper The xi day was burned at Cocke hall Thomas Hawkes gentleman whose examinations are written And Iohn Simson weuer at Rotchford Iohn Erdley housbandeman at Rayley Nycholas Chamberlayne at Colchester The xii of the same was burned at Maningtre Thomas Osmunde and at Harwyche Wil●iam Butler In this meane was the ladie Elizabethe syster to the Quene caried prisoner from the toure of londō to Wodstocke besyde Oxforde whither the Lorde Willihams of Tame dyd curteously conducte her But courrishelye dyd her keper Bennyngfielde behaue him selfe towards her both before and after In this moueth of Iune the lord Chauncellor of Englande the Erle of Arundell and the Lorde Paget went ouer the sea to Calice with commissiō to treat of a peace to be concluded betwene the French Kyng and the Emperour who had often communication with the French kyngs commissioners nere vnto Marke the Cardynall Poole beynge presidente there But they returned without concludinge any peace The firste of Iulye was burned in Smith●ielde Iohn Bradforde preacher Who as it is before declared was condemned with the firste but reserued in prisonne tyll nowe where he wrate diuerse worekes whyche were shortelye after put in prynte wyth hym was burned Iohn Leese an apprentise of London The .2 of this moneth william Mynge minister died in Maydeston prison The .xij. daie wer burned at Canterbury Iohn Bland Preacher Iohn Franckes vycar of Rownedon Nycolas Sheterden Humfrey Myddleton Iohn Wade at Dartford Derike Harman berebruer at Lewes Iohn Launder batchelar at Steuenyng Thomas Emerson bacheler at Chichester and Rycharde Hooke there also The .xxx. daye at Rochester Nicholas hall at Tunbridge Ioane Polley Aboute this tyme the Lorde Courtney and the ladye Elizabeth were deliuered of bandes but the ladie Elizabeth was appoynted her place enforced to haue masse in her house But Courtney was by the Cardinals procurement sent into Italy shortly after where he died as some thincke of poyson The laste day of this moneth Robert Far●er before named byshop of sainct Dauids was burned at Carmaerden The seconde day of August William Ayleward died in prison at Readyng where he was holden for that he wold not consent to the popes Antichristian lawes And at Saint Edmundes ●ur●e was burned that day Iames Abie● At Uxbridge Iohn Denby gentleman And at Stratforde the bowe was bourned the widowe of Iohn Wa●ren vpholster of London who was before burned wyth Ca●maker in Smithfielde The .xi. day ther was a terrible fight in the narrow seas betwene the dutch and French men xi ships brente and sonke sixe great ships on the one parte and v. hulkes on the other The xxiii daye were burned at Canterbury William Coker gentleman Richard Collier Henrye Laurence Wyllyam Hopper Wyllyam Sterie And Richarde Wryght The .xxiiii. day was burned at Taunton Roger Corier The xxvi were burned at Saincte Albones George Tankerfielde Coke and William Bau●forde The .xxix. day was burned at Uxbridge Partrike paPatingham felmonger who as it was reported renoūced the Arians opinion before he dyed The xxx daye were burned at Stanes Robert Smith pa●nter who in the tyme of his imprisonment wrate dyuers thinges in Metre which were after put in print At Stortford Stephan Horwode Alebruer And at Ware Thomas Fusse Ierkenmaker The xxxi daye wer b●rned Iohn Neweman yeman at Safron walden William Hales at Barnet Robert Samuell at Ipswiche This sommer there were buried at London in Morefielde● vnder an elmetree growyng in the corner of the field next the towne ditche a paynter that died in Lothbury and a poore olde woman that dyed in S. Myldredes paryshe bycause they refused to be houseled after the popes order in theyr syckenes A littell before this there was muche muttryng that the quene was deade bycause she had so longe retayned mydwyues and rockers and vpon a sodayn sent theym away wherfore beyng at westminster and determyned to go to Grenewiche by water she was by ●he counsell at the request and suite of the mayre of London persuaded to passe thorowe the citie to put all out of doubt And so she did the morowe after Bartholomewe day In the begynnyng of September kyng Philyp passed the seas to Caleys and so went to Brussels in Brabant to themperour his father The second day of September was bourned at walsyngham william Aleyn The thyrde daye of the same were bourned Thomas Cobbe at Thetforde and Thomas Coe at ●exforde The vi daye were bourned at Canterburye George Bradbridge Iames Tuttey George Catner Roberte
Rome The Swizers vanquished the Thuricenses in battaile and vsed towarde them so extreme rage and crueltie that in the same place wher they obteyned the vyctory great bankettes and seastes were by theim made in the which they vsed the dead corses of the aduersarys in stede of stoles and tables yea and more ouer opening their bodies dranke their bloud tore their hartes with their teeth The counsaile of Laterane was indicted Lewys Patriarke of Aqu●leia The yere of the worlde 5405 The yere of Christ 1444 began first to kepe dogges and horses Anni regum Angli 22 Charles of Fraunce by the counsaile of Eugenius the byishop of Rome sēt his sonne the Dolphine with a gret company against the Switzees and them of the coūsaile of Basile where the blouddy victour with rauine sword and fyre destroyed all the countrey of Alsatia after whiche time the counsaile of Basile by lyttle little was dyssouled the Frenchmen in their return were vanquished chased slaine lightned of great pray by the Slesstattines Kyng Henrye the .vi. by the aduise and procuremente of the Erle of Suffolke ▪ The yere of the worlde 5406 The yere of Christ 1445 Anni regum Angli 23 toke to wyfe Margaret the kynges daughter of Sicile and refused the doughter of the Erle of Armynake wyth whom he made his firste contracte whyche thynge was cause of muche myserye and trouble in England as first the losynge of Normandye the diuision of the lordes within the realme the rebellion of the commynaltye against the prince and fynallye the king deposed and the quene with the prince faine to flee the realme Henry Chechley byshop of Canturbury dyed who in his lyfe time builded two houses for studentes in the vniuersitie of Oxenford called Alsolne college and Bernard college The Hungaryans by menes of the byshoppe of Rome contrary to the othe and leagu made before with Ammurates arrered new war against the Turkes in the whiche Uladislaus and Iulian the byshoppes legate nere to Uarna were vanquyshed chased and fayne with great losse of Christian bloude At Basila in lyke maner Iohn Huniades of Hungarye was ouerthrowen and Peloponesus brought in subiection to the Turkes After the death of Uladislaus the Hungaryans wyth one consent agreed to haue to their king Ladislaus the young sonne of Albert and ordeined Iohn Huniades to be protectour of the realme Eugenius byshop of Rome made war vpon Sfortia a famous capitaine of Italy and toke from him P●●●num whiche before he had geuen to his possession and gouernaunce The warre was renewed againe bytwene the Uenecians and Myllanours The yere of the worlde 5407 The yere of Christ 1446 The Uenecians and Florētines Anni regum Angli 24 bytwene Cremona Tantu● vanquisshed the souldyours of Duke Phylyp and ouer●ode the countrey euen the suburbes of Myllaine George Poggeobratius gouernour of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 Humfrey Duke of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5408 The yere of Christ 1447 and protectour of England by the meanes of certaine malicious persons was steared cast in holde and strangled to death in the Abbey of Bury to the great displeasure and grudge of the commons which suspected the Marques of Suffolke of that cruell deede This Duke Humfrey for hys honorable and l●berall demeanour and good rule that he kept this realme in was called the good Duke of Gloucester William Wanflet a man of great deuocion wisedome and ●ustice was made byshop of Winchester and chācelour of Englande This man to the furtherance of letters and he●lpe of studious younge men erected the famous colege of Mar● Magdalene in Oxenford to whō I knowl●de my selfe to be greatly bounden for so much as that small learning that god hath sent me I haue obteined by his benefite and the ayde and sustināce of that worshipfull house Philyp Duke of Myllayne pased his debte to nature whose deth notwithstandyng the warre against the Uenecians styll continued for Sfortia which had forsaken the Uenecians warred vpon them in the quarell of M●llaine Nicolas the .v. byshop of Rome .viii. yeres Alphons kinge of Arragone and Naples made warre against the Florentines Francisce Sfortia discomfited the Uenecians in a gret ●at● le nere to Caranaz●um Anni regum Angli 26 The yere of the worlde 5409 The yere of Christ 1448 and shortly after beyng reconsiled to their amitie made so sharpe warre vppon the Myllanours that he subdued their citie to his obeisance Constantinus emperour of Constantinople Amadeus which was made byshop of Rome by the ordinance of the counsa●le of Basile through menes made by bishop Nicolas was compelled of the emperour Friderich to resigne his papacy Anni regum Angli 27 The yere of the worlde 5410 The yere of Christ 1449 and gaue place to the saied Nicolas and so the schisme was fynyshed that had continued .viii. or .ix. yeres Mahomete and sonne of Ammurates was emperoure of the Turkes he wrought much hurte to the Christ●ās The Marques of Suffolke was banyshed the lande for the space of .v. yeres to apeace the murmure and grudge of the commons of Englande The yere of the worlde 5411 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 28 for the death of the Duke of Gloucester In ●a●lyng towarde Fraunce he was met on the sea by a shippe of warre and ther presently beheaded by the capitaine called Nicolas Tower and the dead cor●es cast vp at Douer The commons of ●ent for grudge that thei bare to certaine noble men nere about the king as well for the geuing vp of the Duchy of Angeo● and Maine to the king of Sicilie as for diuers iniuris and oppressions that the pore people had suffered raised a great commocion and on black heath 〈◊〉 the leadyng of Iacke Kade ouerthrew the Erle of Stafforde hauing with him a good company of souldyers Than after they came to London where after thei had put to death the lorde Say with other and committed diuers robberies and cruel deedes their company was disperkled euerie man to his home and theyr capitaine taken and put to death and after that iust exe●ucion dooen vpon many of the rebelles by the king and his officers The byshop of Salesburye was murdered by the commons of the wea st country The Uenecians made peace with Alphons king of Naples and greed to make warre against Sfortia Duke of M●llaine with whom they were againe fallen at varya●nce because he wolde not stande to the peace made betwene theim and Millaine Charles of Frāce recouered againe Rhoan and diuers other townes of Normandy and Fraunce This was the yere of Iubiley of Rome The whole Duchie of Normandy was yelded vp to the Frenchmen by menes of the Quene The yere of the worlde 5412 The yere of Christ 1451 Anni regum Angli 29 the Duke of Sommerset and other of her counsaile whiche thinge caused so muche trouble and debate in Englande that mortall warre therof ensued Friderich the emperour with his wife Elenour