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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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all thyng To you present and take this halfe golde rynge Whiche ye gaue hym of almesse and charyte And bade vs say that ryght sone ye should him se ¶ Whiche ryng he set together there anone And that ylke place he called ay after hauerynge And that same place where they it braste alone He called ay after that tyme Claueryng In Essex be bothe fayre standynge Where that he made two churches of saint Iohn Theuangelyst and halowed were anon ¶ Sone after that he dyed and went to blysse But fyrste he made duke Herold protectoure Of his cousyne to gouerne and to wysse Edgar Athelyng full yonge a gouernoure Whome he ordeyned to be his successoure As very heyre to Edmonde Ironesyde But thus Herolde then set all that asyde When he had be kyng .xxiiii. yere He dyed the yere a thousande syxtye and fyue At Westminster canonyzed is full clere All newe he made the churche there in his lyue All were he not ryght heyre as men in stryue A confessoure he is full hye in heuen With God to dwell euermore and beleuen Herolde by strength then crowned was for kynge Forsworne that was vpon the euangelystes For to crowne Edgar Athelynge And hym protecte and defende in all wyse Vnto his age that none the realme suppryse This was his othe of whiche he was forswore All yf he made Edgar an Earle therfore ¶ The earle Tosty then of Northumberlande That brother was vnto the kyng Herolde By kyng exyled out of the lande To Englande came with kyng Herold full bold Of Norwaye then in Chronycle as is tolde But kyng Herolde of Englande with them met At Staūford brydge to death they both wer bet ¶ Besyde yorke was this batayl ful sore smyten Where kyng Herolde of Englande had the felde And slewe Herolde Harngrey as was wryten Kyng of Norwaye and earle Tosty vnder shelde That neuer after myght armes welde And thousandes fell of Danes and Norwayes He kylled there that daye as Flores sayes A yere he reygned whom Willyam Conquerou● That duke was then of all fayre Normandye Hym slewe in batayle for his ymagyned erroure Agayne hym that he dyd so cruelly And not wolde mende ne yet satisfye The duke Willyan so the felde then conquered With strokes sore for whiche the lande was ferd This kyng Herolde at Waltam whiche he found Of foure score chanons full fayer was buryed At the hye aulter as a kyng was crownde All yf he were intrusor notifyed And in batayl slayne and victoryed Of gentylnesse the Conquerour bad so All yf he were afore his mortall fo ¶ Willyam Conquerour kyng of Englande and Duke of Nor mandye beganne to reygne the yere of Chryste a thousande .lxvi. and reygned .xxiiii. yere and dyed the yere a thousande lxxxx and the sayde Conqueroure founded the Abbaye of Batayle for the soules of the people slaine there the fourenene daye of October in the yere of Chryste a thousande thre score and syxe The C .xxi. Chapiter THe .xiiii. daye of October accompted The duke Wyllyam that was of Normandye At London was crowned and annoynted In trone royall to hauethe Monarchye By his conquest and his victorye Withoute tytle of ryght to hym discente But onely of his tryumphall entente ¶ The yere of Chryste was when Alurede hym crowned Tharchbyshop of Yorke hye primate A thousande hole .lxvi. well founde Quene Mawde his wyfe to hym assocyate He crowned also that tyme in her estate The abbay of batayle that then he bounded And for the soules there slayne he founded ¶ He called it so then for a memorye Of his batayle by whiche Englande he gate In token of his myghty victorye That Englande there he had so well ouerset To praye for the soules slayne as was his det Whiche abbaye is in Sussex in that stede Where the batayle was and the people dede ¶ The South part of England then he rode And dalt it largely vnto his menne The North again hym rebelled then abode With help of Danes in that countre were then And Scottes also that false wer when and whē But kyng Wyllyam that worthy conquerour Discomfite theim with long and sore labour ¶ To Normandy he went then right anone And with hym had Edgar called Athelyng Edwyn and Morkar afore that were his fooen For cause they should not then make more risyng In his absence while he were ther abidyng But at his home commyng with hym again He brough theim all of whiche the folke were fain ¶ Gospatrik that then was erle of Cumberland That not again stode king Malcolin in his werre When he distroyed therldome and his land But hym withdrewe out of waye full ferre Wherfore the kyng as saieth the chronicler Hym disherited and gaue to Rauf Mesthyne His erldo meto whom menne did enclyne The C .xxii. Chapiter ¶ Homage of Scotlande dooen to kynge Willyam conquerour at Birmithi in Scotland and also howe the kyng of Fraunce scorned the kyng Wyllyam he quit it hym after THen rode the kyng into Scotlād anone And brent the land vnto Abirnythy Where kynge Malcolyne submitted hym with great mone And homage leege hym did full humbly And amended there all his iniury Then went he furth to Duram wher he offred And to the churche he gaue great good vncoffred ¶ He thē his lawe and peace alwaye proclaymed Officers made in euery shire about And so held on to London vnreclaymed Wher his iustice he sett that land throughout The kyng of Fraunce thus scorned hym out of doubt That kyng Wyllyam in Gesine had lyen long And tyme hym wer been kyrked with good songe ¶ When he this hard to Fraunce he went anone There to bee kirked he offrid his candill bright A thousand townes he brent as he did gone At theim he prayed the kyng of Fraunce to light His candill then if that he goodly might Whiche at his kirkehale and puryficacion To Mars he thought that tyme to make his oblaciō ¶ Edwyn therle proclamed of Leicester After decesse of Algary his father dere And erle Morcare his brother that after Dyed bothe twoo Lucy their suster clere Of Leicester then and Lyncolne bothe in fere The coūtesse was whome kyng William maried To Iue Tailboys erle of Angeou magnified ¶ To kyng Wylliam then came full glad again At Wynchester he held his parliament Wher he then slewe for wrath and greate disdain The duke Waldiue that no harme to hym ment But onely for he counselled and consent To erle Edgar to gette his heritage Of England whole and made to hym homage ¶ Who duke was then of Northumberland And erle create was also of Huntyngton By chronicles olde as menne can vnderstand Entitled whole as of all Northampton Beheded was at Wynchester towne Whose hedde together grewe to the necke again Buried at Crowland for sainct the soth to sain ¶ The kyng then made as I vnderstand The bishop then of Duresme that Walter hight Erle proclamed of Northumberland Whom at Catteshede
ladyes many were drowned as was sene And then the kyng wed Hadelyse the quene The duke Godfrey daughter that was of Loreyne Of his mournyng to comforte him agayne ¶ And in the yere a thousande fully accompte And an C. twenty and also fyue Themperour Henry the death surmounte And passed to God fro Maude that was his wife Who to her father king Henry came belyfe Abode with hym in Englande then ▪ two yere Maude Empryce was called then full clere ¶ And in the yere of Chrystes incarnacyon A thousande was an C. twenty and seuen When kyng Henry in greate prosperacyon His doughter Maude thempryce to neuen The earle Geffrey Plantagenet euen Earle of Angeou the sone of Fowke Tailboys So maryed had of fame that had the voyce ¶ On whome he gate a sonne that Henry hyght By surname called Henry fitz Empryce Then dyed his eme Alexaunder forth ryghte The kyng of Scottes a prīce of great enterpryce That homage dyd for Scotlande as suffyce So dyed then to whome Dauyd succede His brother was saint Margarete sonne in dede ¶ That to kyng Henry made his homage And then to Maude the foresayde Empryce By hole assent of all his Baronage By letter wryten and sealed as maye suffyce which Iohn Hardīg in Scotland brought of p̄ce with many mo for foure C. marke and fyftye At biddīg cōmaundement of the with king Henry ¶ Cadwalan prynce of Wales at Wadeyet In batayle faught where kyng Henry him slewe And greate people of Wales that there forset Were slayne that daye to hym that were vntrewe Of whiche batayl Wales maye alway rewe The yere a thousande an C. and thyrtye And there tyll two as made is memorye ¶ Then went the kyng to Normandye agayne And there abode and kepte all Normandy To tyme he dyed of whome that lande was fayne But Englande then of it was full heuy When he had reygned so full worthy He dyed in the syxe and thyrtye yere At Boys Leon of his reygne then full clere ¶ Of Chrystes date was then a thousande yere An hundreth also and. ix and thyrtye moo Buryed at Redynge as well it doth appere In the abbaye whiche there he founded so Of monkes blake where euer they ryde or goo That pray for hym for quene Maude his wyfe Who eyther other loued withouten stryfe The C .xxvii. Chapiter ¶ Stephan of Bloys kynge of Englande reygned .xix. yere beganne the yere of Chryst a thousande C. and. xxxix and dyed in the yere a thousande C .lviii. STephā of Blois his sister sōne was croūd A manly mā was thē of great power And king was made of England that stound Withoute stryfe or any maner warre To Normandy he went and seazed all there and gaue it to his sonne syr Eustace And made hym duke therof with great solace ¶ Thus Eustace then duke of Normandy To Parys went to kyng lewys of Fraunce His homage made for his lande so in hye And put oute then with greate contraryaunce The offycers that dyd to Maude pleasaunce And wed the suster of kyng Lewes to wife For supowaill of it without strife ¶ The kyng Stephā to Englād thē home came And tidynges had howe kyng Dauid had distroied The North parties dooen full muche harme Wherfore he brent Edenburgh then and noyed And the countree aboute he sore accloyed For wiche Dauid his soonne to Henry then sent To bee his manne thens furth at his entent ¶ To whome kyng Stephan therldō of Hūtyngton Then gaue and erle therof hym so create Who then for it by verey due reason His homage did as it was ordinate Whiche Hēry dyed and neuer had kynges estate For whiche the Scottes seyn thei owe no seruice To Englishe kynges but onely of this wise ¶ Kyng Stephan then bet the castell doune In England so that stode hym to defence His menne thei gaue to their enheritesoun And all foon for cause of their offence He disherite with might violence Diuers erles and lordes he disherite And many other of his frendes enherite ¶ The yere of Christ a thousand was then gone An hundred thirty and eight also Kyng Stephan brake all his othes a none That he had made vnto the barons tho For whiche thei rose full sore again hym so And warred hym felly on euery side And he on them also with mikyl pryde ¶ The yere a thousande an C. thyrty and nyne Maude Empryce in England claymed her right With earle Robert of Gloucestre her brother fine And earle Randolf of Chester with all his might Syr Bygot earle of Northfolke then hyght Awbrey Ver then earle of Oxenforde And Willyam Bawne that then was earle of Herforde ¶ Willyam Legroos earle of Almarle tho Robert Louell Willyam lorde Percy Kyng Dauyd her eine and many other mo Of earls and barons that were full hardy The castell then Lyncolne gate on hye The cytee helde of Lyncolne with also With hoste full greate lyggyng with them so ¶ Where then the kyng y● castell seged longe Tyll he it had by treaty and conuencyon And bode therin with power greate and stronge Tyll Maude and he as made is mencyon With stronge batayles and great discencyon Besyde Lyncolne where then she had the felde And Stephā taken hurt sore through his sheld To Brystowe then earle Roberte Clare hym led And in the towre there kepte in stronge pryson The Empryce Mawde with power that she had To Wynchester then she rode segyng the towne Where the quene Maude as made is mencyon Kyng Stephā his wyfe it rescowed with batayl sore And toke the earle Clare his eme thore The C .xxviij. Chapiter ¶ Thenterchaunge of kyng Stephan and of tht duke Robert Clare duke of Glocester FOr which cause thē to haue hir eme again Themperesse and quene Maude accordid To enterchaunge that kyng so then full fain For erle Robert without more concordid This enterchaunge thus made and recordid The kyng hir sued vnto Oxenford Fro whens she went by night to Walyngford ¶ Vpon the frost in the wynter season In her smocke alone with hir vncle dere That none hir knewe of theim without the towne So like hir smocke and the snowe was in feer The kyng knewe not in what place that she wer For Oxenford he gate and Awbray slewe Of Oxenford that was an erle full trewe ¶ The kyng Stephan a castell then began At Wilton where kyng Dauid with power And erle Robert of Glocester that was then Hym droue awaye out of that place full clere And bet it downe to the ground full nere To Walyngford the kyng with power went Themperesse to sech was his entent ¶ Hir partie then droue hym then awaye With greate slaughter of menne and occ●sion And euery lorde on other made greate affraye And spoyled other through al this region By greate impression and cruell sore raunson The kyng treated with erle Randolf full trewe But false then was his treaty as menne knewe ¶ For when
Britain greate giftes and rewardes to the entent thei might moue the ladie Anne to giue her troweth to hym and also sent to herself many princely giftes tokens the she would beare loue to hym And that she might not feare but that she might lawfully marie to hym certified her the the promise was of none effecte that she had gyuē to Maximiliā for that it was geuē made wtout his cōsent whiche had the gouernaunce dominion ouer all the countre And this was the cause that no concorde or peace could bee kept betwixt theim And where as that the kyng had taken Maximilians doughter ladie Margaret to bee his wife he saied that it might bee lawfully dissolued because the ladie was vnder age and not ripe to bee maried This ladie Anne of Britain through the persuasion of many noble menne of that countree was contented to bee his wife and ladie And when the kyng was certified of this he hastened the mariage with all the expedicion and celeritee that he could So that the Englishe ambassadours returned again to their countree and nothyng dooen or agreed vpon in their matter When the kyng was certified of this by his ambassadours he purposed to make battaill against hym and to reuenge the naughtie entent of his with the swerde and assemblyng his counsaill together showed theim the matter and the iuste cause he had to fight desteryng theim for the maintenaunce of thesame warres to helpe hym with money neuerthelesse that menne should not thynke it to bee extorte of theim he willed euery māne to gyue as muche and as litle as he would and theim to bee estemed and taken as his moste beste and assured frendes that gaue the most money When this somme was gatheryng and preparaunce made for battaill Maximilian the kyng warred sore with the Frenchemen whiche kyng was taken a litle before at a certain brunt and skirmishe made and cast in prisone after the whiche tyme kyng Henry sent to hym Giles Dabeney capitain of Calais to aide hym with three thousād harnissed mēne At the length Maximilian hauyng the better hand of the Frenchemen entēded to reuenge hymself of the Frēche kyng for that he had repudiate his doughter ladie Margarete and taken to hym as wife quene Anne but because he was not fully hable of hymself to sustein that battaill he sent Iames Conti●alde ambassadour to kyng Henry for helpe whiche Iames when he had dooen his message the kyng promised that he would dooe for hym all that he could in mainteinyng his warres In this tyme Charles the Frenche kyng maried ladye Anne chalengyng by this mariage the dominion and gouernaunce of the Brytaines Maximilian the kyng beyng certified of this was greately moued for that he did not onely forsake and repudiate his doughter ladye Magarete but also receiued in mariage the ladye and quene Anne to his wife and in this furie he sent to kyng Hēry desieryng hym to prepare an armie for he would goo vpon the Frenche menne and kepe open battaill with theim whiche kyng Henry gathered an hoste of menne and proclaimed battaill in all his realme after the whiche proclamacion there came to London an houge armie of menne with their capitaines whiche herafter ensewe and folowe Rycharde Thomas with a greate compaignie of Welshe menne The erle Thomas of Derbie George erle of Shrowesburie Thomas erle of Harundell Edmunde duke of Suffolke Edwarde erle of Deuenshire with his noble young soone Thomas erle of Ormōdye George erle of Kent Lorde Thomas Dorcet Marques Ihon Cheyney Gyles Dabeney Richard Gylforde Ihon Raynsforth Iames Terell Ihon Sauage Thomas Baro of Heltō Wyllyam Bulmerey Edwarde Stanley with other After that all this armie was araied the kyng sent sir Christopher Vrswycke and sir Ihon Ryseley knyghtes to the kyng Maximilian to certifye hym that thei were all in a redynesse to kepe battaile when he would haue theim When they had dooen their message thei returned backe again to their kyng certifiyng hym that Maximiliā was so poore and nedye of monye and menne that he could not be hable to susteyne any battaile neuerthelesse his mynde and will was good if his power and habilitee had been correspondent to it The kyng after the receipte of these letters was displeased muche with hym albeit consyderyng he had gooen so farre in it and had suche furnyture of all thynges prepared least that menne shoulde impute it to hym as cowardnesse to faynt frō battaile he proceded forth towarde Fraunce and about the .vi. daye of Septēbre he landed at Calise there rested his armye Wher worde was brought to all the hoste for thei did not knowe of it before that Maximilian could make no preparaunce for lacke of mony At the whiche thei maruailed greatly consideryng that he had suche vilanye shewed hym not longe before at the kynge of Fraunce hand Yet thei wer neuer discoumfeyted at it but like stoute and valiaunt warryars had great confidence in their owne power and strengthe wyth whō the kyng of Fraunce after that he perceaued it best for his profite ease would gladly haue been reconciled although he had a ready hoste to fight against theim withstāde their power And especially he desyred peace for this cause that he might haue the loue of his neighboures to the entent his realme might bee in better sauegarde and quietnes whē he should warre against Ferdinād kyng of Napels at the desyre of Ludouike Sfortia duke of Millayn whiche at that present tyme did inuite hym to it wherfore he did sende Philip Desquerd chief of Annonye to desyre kyng Henrye of peace whiche Philip did send the letters to hym before he came into the countre hymself wherin he signified that he would take suche paines in bryngyng his purpose about that he would if it should so please his grace reconcile bothe hym and their kyng to loue eche other as thei haue dooen heretofore and saied that it should bee for his honour to take thesame condicion whiche condicion if he would send certain of his capitains to mete with hym in any parte of Fraunce and there to determine of it he should haue it there promised hereafter duely to bee performed The kyng after he had red these letters did send the bishop of Exceter and Giles Dabeney to the forenamed Philip for peace to be agreed vpon concluded the whiche after a space determyned vpon certain condicions whiche here after shal bee shewed that peace should bee had on bothe parties When thei were thus consultyng the kyng hauyng his hoste at Caleis remoued from that place to Bononye there pitchyng his tētes beseeged the toune with all the power he might whiche toune because it was strongely defended furnished with all thynges necessarye for warre it could not bee ouercome without greate labour before that he either could or did ouercome any parte of it woord was brought that a peace was cōcluded and made whiche heard as it was pleasure to the Frenchemen so it was
dyd lye And shortlye after folowed his wife quene Iohan. After they two had cōmoned of many thinges together at the laste they beganne to treate of a league and perpetuall amitee to bee had And firste Kynge Henrye desired to haue Edmonde Poole banished man vnder his captiuitee and bondage To whome the Earle aunswered saied that it was not in his power to restore hym yet after muche entreating and praiyng the kyng graunted at the laste that he shoulde hee sente to hym righte shortly After thus for prolonginge of time that he might haue his desyre he brought Philyp the Earle to London and there shewing hym his citie retourned frome thence with hym Then Edmonde Poole seyng that there was no more hope to bee had in foren Princes and trusting that kyng Henry would put hym at libertee came to Englande willingly to proue his gentlenes that yf vpon this expectacyon and hope he were deceiued yet he might at the laste dye and be buryed in his natiue countree weare when he had receyued this garment he did send Balthesar Castillio a Mantuan borne vnto kyng Henry whiche receiued of the knightes a garter in token that he should be a knight of the same ordre When this busines was dooen Lewes the Frenche kyng mistrustyng that he shoulde neuer haue manchild maryed his eldest doughter Lady Anne to Frances Valese Dolphine Duke of Engosye which was sure a litle before to Charles the kyng of Castell And when kyng Henry knewe of this he thought beste to mary his doughter Lady Mary to this Charles kyng of Castell which mariage was confirmed and made at Calise by the byshop of Winchester the ambassadours of Flaunders the Ladye beyng but .x. yeres of age And now were the thre yeres expired at whiche tyme kyng Henry thought his fatal daye to draw nyghe Therfore to the entente that the people myghte wyshe and praye for hym after his deathe for his kindnesse that he shewed to theim he caused a generall pardon to bee geuen vnto all offendours sauinge onely theues and murderers because that they dyd not offende hym but another manne For this goodnesse shewed to the people processyon was in euerye place of the Realme for the safegarde of the kyng Neuerthelesse his time was come the God would haue hym so that he died the .xxi. daye of Apryll in his palaice of Richemoūde the whiche was the yere of oure Lorde a thousand fyue hundreth and eyght His corps was buryed at Westminster in a chappell the whiche he caused to bee buylded He reigned thre and twentye yeres and more then seuē monethes liued .lii. Also he had by his wife the quene .viii. children .iiii. menchildren .iiii. women children of the whiche .iii. remained aliue Hēry prince of Wales ladie Margaret ladie Marie He was a manne of bodie but leane spare albeit mightie strong therwith of personage stature some what higher then the meane sorte of menne be of a wondrefull beautie and faire complexion through al his bodie of a merie laughyng countenaunce especially in his cōmunicaciō thinne tethed thinne heared of witte in all thynges like Salomon of a princely redoubted stomake and in greate affaires and matters of weightie importaunce verie wittie For suche thynges as he went aboute he did theim warely not without greate deliberacion breathyng Besides this he was sobre moderate buxome bounteouse without all pride highnes of stomake in so muche that he was hard rough with theim the were noted of that crime for no man had so great autorite with him that either durst or could dooe any thyng as his owne fātasie did serue hym without the consent agrement of other Yea he kept this point so wel that he would not suffre his owne mother to haue her will For this was his saiyng * that a kyng was a ruler that should rule not be ruled He was also verie iust defended the matters causes of many poore people frō the power of greate menne And so liuyng all his tyme in vertue renowne glorie and valiauntnes of merciall prowesses gaue vp his ghoste at the laste whiche vndoubtedly is in that place where euerlastyng ioye and gladnes remaineth for euer and euer ¶ Henry the eyght OVRE MOSTE GRACIOVS souereigne lorde kyng Henry the eyght the soonne of Henry the seuenth beganne his reigne the .xxiiii. daie of Appryll in the yere of our Lorde M ccccc ix was crouned at Westminster in the feast of the natiuite of sa●net Ihon Baptist then nexte folowyng Aboute the midle of the moneth of Iuyn the 〈…〉 nges highnes was maried and the .xxi. daie of thesame moneth he came frō Grenewiche by land so roade through Graschurch strete to the towre with whom came many noblemen and gentlemen well apareled but specially the duke of Buckyngham̄ whiche roade in a goune of goldsmythes woorke a thyng of greate richesse and so the kyng ●ested there from Thursdaie till Saterdaie in the whiche season he created certain knightes of the Bathe And vpon Saturdaie aboute foure of the clocke at after noone the kyng came ridyng through cornehill in moste honourable wise before whom roade thesaid knightes of the Bathe in blewe lōg gounes with hoodes vpō their shoulders spreade after the maner of masters of arte and tasselles of white and blewe silke fastened vpon one of their shouldres The duke of Buckyngham̄ roade next before the kyng except the mayre of London certain sergeauntes and herauldes The whiche duke roade in a long goune of nedle woorke right costly and riche bare a litle white staffe of siluer in his hand in signe and token that he was high and chief steward of the feast of coronacion And thesaid duke had aboute his necke a broade and flat close chein of a newe deuise not before vsed fret with precious great rubies and other stones of greate value And ouer the kyng was borne a riche canapie by the foure barones of the foure portes and there folowed seuen foloers wherof the first was trapped in the armes of sainct Edwarde the second in the armes of sainct Edmond the third in the armes of S. George the fourth in the armes of Englād the fifth in the armes of Fraūce the sixth the. vii in sondry trappors of riche cloth of gold with costely deuices After the foloers came a gentlemā ledyng a spare horsse moste richely garnisshed And after hym sir Thomas Brandon then maister of the kynges horsse right well goodly apointed and well horssed and richely trapped the whiche horsse with the apparell was to the kyng belongyng And when the cōpaignie was thus with all honoure passed ymediatly ensued a goodly compaignie of gentlemen well apointed And after theim came the quene sittyng in a horsse litter alone clothed in a riche mantell of tissue in her heare with a circulet of silke golde and perle aboute her head But whē her grace was a litle passed
soonne was of good kyng Edwarde That wedded dame Blaunch ful of feminytee Duke Henryes doughter and heire afterwarde Of Lancastre by lawe of kynde and forwarde Who gat and bare the fourth kyng Henry That kyng Rycharde deposed wrongfully ¶ Who gatte Henry the fyfth lyke conqueroure Of Normandy and mykill parte of Fraunce That excelled bothe kyng and Emperoure In marcyall actes by his gouernaunce Who gatte Henry the sixte at Gods pleasaunce Of suche symplenesse and disposicion As menne maye se by his discrecion 〈◊〉 For when Henry the fourth first was crouned 〈…〉 ny a wyseman sayd then full commenly 〈…〉 third heyre shuld not ioyse but be vncrouned And deposed of all regalitee To this reason they dyd there wittes applye Of euill gotten good the third should not enioyse Of longe agone it hath bene a commen voyse ¶ Howe the maker of this booke saieth his auyse in briefe for the duke of Yorke ¶ O my lorde of Yorke God hath prouyde In this for you as men sayen commenly So that no slouth you from his grace deuyde But take it as he hath it sent manly And rule well nowe ye haue the remedye But neretheles let euery man haue the right Both frende and foo it may encrease your might ¶ Treate well Percy of marchys lyne discended To helpe your right with might and fortifye By tender meanes to holde hym well contented Remembryng hym by wyttie polycye Howe by processe of tyme and destenye Your right might all bene his as nowe is yours Through gods might make thē your successours ¶ Edmoūde was then the .iiij. sonne at Langlay Borne as knowen was well in the lande A noble prince after as men might say At battayle of Orray that fought sore with his hāde And Iohn of Gaunt his brother I vnderstande That fought ful sore for Ihō of Mountfortright Agayne Charles of Bloys a manly knight ¶ This Edmoūde was after duke of Yorke creat And had a sonne that Edward had to name Whom kyng Richarde made to be denominate In all his writtes exaltyng his fame Kyng of Portyngale his father yet at hame Lyuyng in age I trawe of .lxxx. yere A fayre person as a man might se any where ¶ Thomas Woodstoke the .v. sonne was in dede Duke of Gloucester that tyme made and create By kyng Richarde murdered whom for his mede Kyng Henry quyt with death preordinate By Goddes dome and sentence approbate Who sleeth so shall he be slayne by his sentence Well more murder whiche asketh ay vengeaunce ¶ Who laye afore Paris amoneth daye With hoste royall without any batell Of all enemyes moste dred he was alwaye And Scottes moste hym bred without any fayle For as they trowed by theyr owne rehersaile Of prophecyes he shulde theyr lande conquere And make the kyng to Englande homegere ¶ Nowe haue I made vnto your owne knowlege A remembraunce of Edwardes sonnes fyue Your exampler to geue you a corage So noble princes I trowe were none alyue After my wytte as I can discryue The eldest sonne whose lyfe I haue lefte oute Who that in Fraunce all landes was moste doute ¶ Of the ryghte and tytles that my Lorde of Yorke hath to Fraunce and Spayne with Portingale other landes by yonde the sea Ierusalem and other landes ¶ At batell of Poytiers tooke kynge Iohn With greate honoure triumphe and vyctory By merciall actes and verteous life aloone And in Spayne as made is memorie The kyng Petro by knightly victorie To his kyngdome he did restore again By his brother putte out with muche pain ¶ The appoinctement bytwixt duke Iohn duke Emund who should bee kyng of Castle and Lyon and what the maker of this booke sawe and red at Londō to syr Robert Vmfrewill then lorde Vmfrewill ¶ This kyng Petro to giue hym to his mede Had nothyng els but doughters twoo full faire Whiche he betooke to that prince in deede For his wages for cause thei where his heire With whome he did to Englande so repaire And Constaunce wedde vnto his brother Iohn Emund his brother the younger had anone ¶ Dame Isabell the younger hight by name Bytwene these brethren was appoinctment The first heire male whiche of the sisters came The kyng should been and haue the regiment To you my lorde of Yorke this dooeth appent For your vncle Edwarde was first heire male To whome your father was heire with out faile ¶ So kyng of Spayne and also of Portyngall Ye should nowe bee by lyne of bloodde discent By couenaunt also and appoinctement whole As I haue seen of it the mununent Vnder seale wryten in all entent Whiche your vncle to my lorde Vmfrewill At London shewed whiche I red that while ¶ For Spayne Portyngale beare the renoume And commen name as I haue herde expressed Both to the realmes of Castyll and Lyon And so the kynge of Spayne hath aye adressed His royall style in wrytyng well impressed Kyng of Castill and also of Lyon Accompted both so for his region ¶ Nowe be ye knowe of your title to Englande By consequens to Wales and Scotlande For they perteyne as ye maye vnderstande Of auncient tyme to the crowne of Englande By papall bull ye haue the right to Irelande Gascowe Paitowe and Normandye Pountyf Bebuile Saunxie and Sauntignye ¶ And all the lande beyonde the charente Of Dangolesme Dangolismoys Luyre zyne Of Caoure Caourenō Pyridor Pirygūt coūtre Of Rodis Ronegeauis Dagō Dagenoyse that fine Tharbe Wigor Gaure shoulde to you enclyne With all the fraunchyses and all souerayntie As hath the kyng of Fraunce in his degre ¶ Nō that I Ihon Hardyng maker of this booke delyuered to kyng Henry the syxte the copie of the treatie of this land as kyng Edward the thyrd treated and had them after the battayll of Poytours ¶ Calys Marke Colne Hāmys Oye Wale Sandegate Guysons with all the whole coūtre With all the landes and townes betwene thē all With all fraunchyses and royall souerayntie All those of right be yours in propertie What by treate and what by veraye right As kyng Edwarde them had of mykyll might ¶ To Ierusalem I saye ye haue great right For erle Geffraye that hight Plantagenet Of Aungeoy erle a prince of passyng might The eldest sonne to Fouke and first begette Kyng of Ierusalem by his wife dewly sette Whose sonne Geffray foresaide gatte on his wyfe Henry the seconde that knowen was full ryfe ¶ Yet haue ye more fro Bawdewyn Paraliticus Kyng afterward to thesame kyng Henry The croune sente and his banner precious As veraye heyre of whole auncestrie Descent of bloode by tytle lynyally From Godfray Boleyn and Robert Curthose That kynges were therof and chose ¶ He sente hym also the Sepulture keyes Resygnyng wholy vnto hym all his ryght For to defende the lande from Sarizenes For he was sicke and had therto no might And all the lande destroyed was to sight By the
royaltee Endewed theim all in lande and tenemente Sufficiently with all establyshemente ¶ He wedded Elfbede that dukes doughter Ozmere On whom he gate a sonne both good and fayre That after was saynt Edwarde the marter Who was his eldest sonne and his heyre A lykely prince towarde both comly and fayre Elflede died he wedded Elfrith to wyfe That doughter was to duke Orgare be life ¶ On whom he gate Ethelbert so anone The kynges of Wales he had in subieccion The Scottes kynge Kynowth withouten moon Made hym homage without obieccion Thus all were vnder his proteccion And rode with hym alwaye in warre and peace In all his tyme withouten leas ¶ So trewe he was and in his dome wyse That for no mede nor fauoure wold he false The trewe leuers his lawe did not despyse He socoured euer and felons hanged hy the halse Conspiratours murtherers and traytours al 's The cōmon weale aboue all thyng preferred Which euery prince shuld se wer wel obserued ¶ He taxed not his commons ne supprysed Ne holy churche nor yet the clergie But lyued on his owne as it was assised Vpon his rentes and landes morallye His officers hym ruled full no tably In euery shire he went in priuetee To spie and knowe who hurtes the commontee ¶ He was a kyng full worthy and condigne That let not for his ease nor his laboure To searche and see defautes that were maligne And theim correcte he was a gouernoure God set neuer kyng to be a ryotoure To trippe on tapettes and lyue in ydelnesse But for to rule with all kyndes of busynesse ¶ He died the yere .ix. hundreth sixty and eleuen When he had reygned full eyghtene yere Buried he was at Glastenbury to neuen His corps to the earth his soule to heauen clere When he had been dead foure and twenty yere Byshop Oswald of that same diocise By counsell of thabbot that was wyse ¶ Abbot Edwarde of that place that hight Who layde hym in a toumbe made of newe For it was shorte he brake his legges wight Of whiche the bloodde as rede and freshe of hewe As euer it was sprent out all hote and newe Into his eyen by whiche he lost his sight Men sayd it was for he had so hym dight ¶ Edwarde his sonne that eldest was and heire Saynt Dunstan then as made is mencion Tharchbyshop of Cauntorbury fayre So crowned hym kyng of this region Whom dame Alfrith of false presumpcion His stepmother to crowne syr Ethelrede At Cornisgate so cut his throte in dede ¶ As he with her did drynke of good entent And buryed was at Warham then anone But afterwarde the B. of Rome to England sent To take hym vp and laye hym hye anone In a toumbe made of siluer gold and stone As a marter then hym canonized At Shaftesbury where he is autorized ¶ And dyed in the yere of Christ .ix. hūdreth clere Sixty also accoumpted and fyftene That reigned had in Englande but .iiii. yere His soule to blysse went then as is well sene Where nowe he muste euer dwell and been In ioye eterne emonge the sayntes of heauen And there with Christ goddes sonne beleuen The C .xvi. Chapiter ¶ Kyng Ethelrede kyng of Englande reigned .xxxviii. yere and dyed in the yere of Christ a thousande and thirtene THen Ethilrede withouten tariyng At Kyng stone tho by all the baronage Crowned was fayre royally as kyng His brother was and heyre of heritage But saynt Dunstan then by his trewe language Prophecied and sayd withouten leas In all his tyme he should not reigne in peace ¶ For to this realme he sayd he had no right But by murther and cruell homycede Of your brother that for you was dight Whiche murther euer asketh vengaūce on euery syde Wherfore he said serue God what so betyde And then it is the fayrest chastisement To be put out fro that same regyment ¶ Saynt Dunstan died and went to heauen The kyng rode forth to London his citee And as he rode he sawe a cloude full euen As rede as bloodde as all the people did see Whiche Englande hole ouerspred in quantitee Fro whiche the bloodde reyned vpon the ground That men trouwed to haue ben peryshed that stound The next yere after the Danes at Southhāpton Arryued and brent the countre there aboute Also they spoyled and sore brente the towne And so they dyd all Cornewayle throughout And Deuenshire also and somerset no doubte With Dorsetshire and Wylshyre Barkeshrye brent And to London came or euer that they stent The suburbes there they spoyled sore and brent Two dukes then of Denmarke and Norwaye Northfolke Southfolke Essex or they stent Brent and spoyled and so forth helde the waye To London then where theyr felowes laye So assembled they and passed into Kente Where that countre they spoyled sore and brent ¶ The lande of kent to them graunted truage To lyue in peace and home agayne they went But in Northfolke an other hoste their passage Made then and so to Lyncolne or they stent All Lyncolneshyre throughout then they brent And Yorkeshyre also and home they went againe With pylage great of which they were full faine ¶ The king might get no helpe with them to fight For which he treated with king Anlaaf of Norway And with king Swaan of Denmarke for his right That destroyed had the lande in fell araye And truage hight them furthwarde to paye For they had no power amongest thē to prayse And was full fayne the warres for to cease But yet kyng Swayne wold nothīg rest for this He came agayne and crowned was for kyng Greate tallage of all this lande a mysse He toke alwaye and specyally all other thyng Saynt Edmūdes landes he hurt by great taskīg And tallage which of it that he raysed Vnegally he pondred then and peysed For whiche warrys quene Emme to Normandy To her brother duke Rycharde the thyrde With her sonnes Alurede and Edwarde her by And Edmunde Ironesyde then it so betyde All these the toke and in a shyppe she dyd And with kyng Ethelrede by the sea led pryuely For helpe to haue gotte his lande there by ¶ In whiche tyme whyls he in Normandye Was so●ournyng kyng Swayn full lowde then cryed And sayde vnto his men fast gan crye I am but deed saint Edmunde hath me spyed And with a speare hath me here mortifyed Wo worth that day I noied S. Edmundes ground For with his speare my hert he hath sore wounde ¶ He dyed ryght so without confessyon And whyther he went I ne wote ne whare But well I wote in good and true professyon Saynt Edmonde king dyed and made his fare To blysse eterne withoute any care But then the Barons and lordes of Englande Sent worde to Ethylrede with hym for to stande And wrote to him how that kyng Swayn was deed And bade hym come to his lande agayne And so he dyd by councell and theyr rede He exyled all the Danes
that countre slewe doune right The kyng then made a lord that Awbryke hight Erle of that countre that durst not Scottes withstande Wherfore he gaue Robert Mowbray that lande ¶ And made hym erle of Northumberland The kyng then sent vnto euery shire Iustices to sitte throughout all the land Of all lordshipis and knightes fees enquere What temporales he had to knowe he had desire And what perteined vnto his royall croune And what the churche had of deuocion ¶ Vnto his soonne eldest then generate All Normandy he gaue in heritage And England whole to Wyllyam nominate His second soonne gaue with all thauauntage And to Henry his third soonne young of age Therldome gaue then of Gloucester sea With the honour of slede for euer in certente ¶ He dyed the yere a thousand four score and ten And of his reigne twenty yere and four tho At Cane buried in thabbey that hight then Sainct Stephēs abbey by Cane that stādeth so His doughter Ade afore had maried tho Vnto therle Stephē of Bloyes a prince of might Of warres wyse and a full manly knight The C .xxiij. Chapiter ¶ Wyllyam Rufus kyng of England reigned thirtene yere and began to reigne in the yere of our lorde a thousand four score and ten dyed that yere a thousand one hundred three HIs soōne Wylliam Rufus as he deuised Was crouned then with great solempnitee But after soone duke Robert was auised To clayme England by his priorite And Normandy also as for his proprete As he that was his eldest soone and heire With hoste full greate in England game repeire ¶ And made greate warre vpon his brother so Three yere all out betwene theim so continued Till at last thei bothe betwene theim twoo Did condiscende as well to theim perteined With whole herte and will nothyng feined The iudgement of kyng Philip of Fraunce To vndergo and bide his ordinaunce ¶ In whiche meane while his brother erle Hēry The castels all belongyng to the croune As high constable of England properly Then seazed had in his possession As his office by good dereccion Asked of right and of good consuetude To kepe theim sure to the crounes excelsitude ¶ The kyng Philip by his auised parliament Gaue iudgement betwene the brethren twoo As kyng Wyllyam their father full ment All Normandy Robert should haue euer moo And Wyllyam England frendes should bee so And liue in peace without any clayme And either other releace and whole disclayme ¶ Th erle Henry of England then constable Deliuered all the castels and citees right To kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable As he was bound and fully so had hight Duke Robert then his brother a worthy knight To England came to sport hym with his brother At whiche tyme either was glad of other The C .xxiiij. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Malcolyn of Scotland warred in England for his wife 's right pretendyng that she was right heire of England and afterward he did homage to kyng wyllyam Rufus for the realme of Scotland His Malcolin of Scotlād greatly claimed T To haue England then by his wifes right Margarete suster of Edgar heire ꝓclamed Of England whole that expelled was by might Of kyng Wyllyam conquerour by vnright So for his right the Northland he destroyed And home he went again nothyng annoyed ¶ But then the kyng and his brethren twoo To Scotland rode and wasted sore the land Till Malcolyne came and did his homage By letter wrytten and sealed I vnderstand Whiche Hardyng gaue in to kyng Henryes hād Without reward or any recompence Of mayne labour his costagis and expence ¶ The duke Robert went home to Normandy And kyng Malcolyne his soonne then Edward Warred again Northumberland in hie But erle Robert that kepyng had and ward Of Northūberland with hym then faught full hard Byside Alnwike at Malcolyne well were slain There Malcolyne and Edward his soōne certain ¶ Whē quene Margret so of that tidynges knewe She eate neuer meate for sorowe dyed anone At Dunfermelyn buryed as then was dewe But nowe she is there shryned in fleshe and bone Workyng miracles as sayeth many one Entombed faire and in the firetree translate Of whiche abbey nowe is she aduocate ¶ The Scottes then made Dunwalde so their kyng Malcolynes brother that to it had no right But Dunkā sonne of Malcolyne that knowyng With helpe of kyng Wyllyam and royall might Of Scotlande so droaue hym awaye to flight And crouned was as chronicles vnderstande And homage made to wyllyam for his lande ¶ Sone after kyng Dunkan of Scotland slayn By treason was and Dunwall restitute Vnto the croune of Scotlande then agayne Whome Edgare then by succoure and refute Of kyng Wyllyam droue out all destitute Of any helpe and crouned was in Scotlande To kyng Willyam did homage for his lande ¶ Of whose homage Iohn Hardyng gaue that letter Full clerely made written well and sealed The whiche also with other letters better That by reason maye not be repeled The whiche yf he would haue enbeseled The kyng Iames vnto his waryson A M. marke hym hight of his discrecion ¶ And in his tyme Roes that Richarde hight The kyng of Wales in battayl strong was slayn Besyde the castell of Brekenham then full right Fro whiche tyme forthe theyr kynges seazed full playn And princes called they were soth to sayn The kyng with hoste on Robert Monbraye rode Who with the kyng faught of his traytourhode ¶ And discomfite helde Bamburgh castell then And the kyng enduryng full .vii. yere Consentyng with the lordes that so began For to depose the kyng of his croune clere And duke Robert his brother with great power To croune and make the kyng of all Englande With Normandy to ioyse I vnderstande ¶ The kynge exiled Anselme of Cauntorbury Tharchebyshop that withstode his wronges Doen to the churche and to the prelacie To the commons also that theim belonges Seuētene tounes with also many churches amōges And abbeys foure he wasted and confounde The newe forest in Hamshire for to founde ¶ He buylded the Newcastell vpon Tyne The Scottes to gaynstande and to defende And dwell therin the people to enclyne The towne to builde and walle as did append He gaue theim ground golde ful great to spend To buylde it well and wall it all aboute And fraunchised theim to paye a free rent out ¶ The rentes frutes to tharchbishop ꝑteinyng And to the byshoppes of Wynchester Sarum And also .ix. abbeys lyuelod conteynyng In his handes leazed and held all and some But for his workes buylynges held eche crome With whiche he made then westmynster hall And the castel of Newecastell withall ¶ That stādeth on Tyne therin to dwel in warre Agayne the Scottes the countree to defende Whiche as men sayd was to hym mekill deer And more pleasyng then otherwyse dispende And muche people for it did hym cōmende For cause he dyd the commen wealthe sustene Of marchers vnnumerable to mayntene The
traitours to be bestowed gyuen abrode also the banished menne that fled as rebelles and false to their countree to bee brought in that if any grudge or eiuill will wer betwixt any one or other of the nobilite that ther it should bee forgottē turned to loue lastly that certain mony should bee payed to the kyng towardes that greate charges of his werre When he had thus studied determined to liue quietly set his realme in good ordre Charles the duke of Burgoin sēt for aide to hym against Lewes the Frēche kyng so that he could neuer bee at rest but one thyng or other shuld disquiet hym for he could not deny hym helpe consideryng the benefites that he had receiued of hym at diuerse sūdry tymes before that that he nowe fought against his dedly enemie whiche aided the erle of Warwike bothe with menne mony to come against hym Wherfore he assēblyng his coūsaill together shewyng theim the matter sent woord to the duke that he would kepe one piece or parte of a battail agaīst the kyng For in deede at that same tyme there was mortall battaill betwixt the duke Lewes that kyng because that the same Lewes was a very harde manne churlishe also hurtefull aswell to his frēdes as to his foes many Frēchmen abhorryng his cōdicions did consent to hold with that duke And emong many other one Lewes of Lucēburge did apoinct with the duke to dooe mischief to hym one waye or other so that the kyng was bothe in daūger of his owne coūtree menne also of the duke beyng a straūger The duke shewed this to kyng Edward that he might the soner allu●e entise hym to battaill And vpō this kyng Edward toke his voiage to Fraūce takyng besides his tribute that he had certain mony of the lordes commons of the realme which thei of their owne gētlenes gaue vn to hym to the sustenaūce maintenyng of his armie And for that the kyng called that tribute leuiyng of mony beneuolēce whiche neuerthelesse was giuen with an eiuill will of many one But he vsyng suche gētle fassions towardes theim praiyng theim so hartely of their assistaunce that thei could none other wise dooe but geue it hym Whiche whē he had he gathered his armie whiche was .xx. M. went to Caleys the .iiii. daye of July Whō Charles that duke did mett reioysyng gretely at his victory did instantly desire hym that he would sticke stoutely to this battaill that he might haue of that Frenche kyng that he had lost by hym But when Lewes that kyng hard that Edward came with his armie he encreased the nombre of his people as muche as he could the more nigher the daunger that he was the sooner hastely he came vpon theim And with this armie he sent foorthe Robert of Stoteuill a noble capitain to the coostes Atrebatium to resyst the power of the Englishe menne And the kyng hym self taried at Siluanect castyng with hymself what waye he might make a league of peace betwixt that duke that kyng of England hym Heryng therfore that that king was gone to Atrebates he sēt ambassodours to hym for peace whose myndes when that kyng had knowē although he had foūd but litle frēdship at his hādes in tymes past yet consideryng that all his substaūce treasure was wasted in ciuile battail that he was not hable to maintein a newe hoost if nede shuld be nor yet vnneth sustein theim whom he had vnder his bāner thought best euē for pure necessite to leaue to peace growe to atonemēt with Lewes that kyng The whiche thyng he might dooe also sauing his honour cōsideryng that bothe the duke Robert of Lucēburge aforenamed had not dooē accordyng to their promise So that at the desire of the ambassadours he went to speake with the kyng at Pinquinake a toune in Ambiā shire wher noble mēne dooe assēble together there found y● kyng Thē bothe that kynges after due salutaciō either to other had long communicaciō at the last a peace was cōfirmed stablished for many yeres for the a●●emēt wherof the Frēche kyng gaue vnto Edward toward his charge cost lxcv M. crounes from thēs forth yerely l. M. crounes After that truce made mony paid kyng Edward wēt to Caleis from thēs to Englād In this battaill none was slain sauyng onely that duke of Exceter the whiche māne was in sētuary before cōmaunded to folowe y● kyng was put to death cōtrary to that promise made This was the yere of our lord M CCCC .lxxv. frome that tyme foorth Lewes that kyng payed duely his raunsome to Edward vnto the laste yere before he dyed at what tyme he denyed the paymente as though he knewe before his laste dayes But the duke of Burgoyne and Roberte of Lucenburgh after they had knowen that Edwarde had made a league wyth Lewes the kynge they freted sore with hym and wrote sharpe letters of thretenyng and tauntyng hym saiyng that he was the cause that they reuenged not theimselfes of the kyng Whose fyrye and thundryng wordes the kyng no more passed vpon then of the turnyng of his hāde And as for Lucenburgh he was taken prysoner and for his proude and malicious writyng behedded at Lutece Thus kyng Edward beyng in quietnes both in his countre and abrode also although he mighte wel thynke hymself to lyue so perpetually for that he had been so great a conquerour yet consideryng that the erle of Richemōde was of nigh affinitee to Hēry the .vi. he was not out of feare daunger Therfore he thought ones to attempte the duke of Britayn agayn with giftes promyses faire wordes that he might haue y● erle whō he thought to rule as he would after that his auncestrie was geuen The ambassadours came to the duke with a great substaunce of mony that their request might bee the honestier they shewed the duke that they came to desire the erle of hym that he mighte marye the kynges doughter so that by affinite al euil wyll grudge might be forgotten and sedicion vtterlye reiected although they entended not so to cause al suche thynges to bee forgotten but by the death kyllyng of hym The duke after longe and muche deniyng theim at the laste thorowe muche entreatyng and also great rewardes that was brought gaue the earle to theim sendynge a letter to the kynge in prayse and commendation of hym not thynkynge that he commytted the lambe to the woulfe but the soonne to the father The ambassadours was verye glad that they had got hym and sayled into Englande in all the haste they coulde But the earle knowynge well that he wēt to hys death for sorowe and care that he conceaued in hys mynde was caste in an agewe When he was goone one Ihon Chenlet suche a man as could not bee found agayne in al the countre in great fauour with the duke hearing of