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A50476 Parthenopoeia, or, The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples with the dominions therunto annexed and the lives of all their kings : the first part / by that famous antiquary Scipio Mazzella ; made English by Mr. Samson Lennard ... ; the second part compil'd by James Howell, Esq., who, besides som [sic] supplements to the first part, drawes on the threed [sic] of the story to these present times, 1654 ; illustrated with the figures of the kings and arms of all the provinces.; Descrittione del regno di Napoli. English Mazzella, Scipione.; Lennard, Samson, d. 1633.; Howell, James, 1594?-1666. 1654 (1654) Wing M1542; ESTC R9145 346,662 279

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Sambarbato Somewhat lower into the said Valley is a Country called the water of Mela of the Latines named Aqua Malorum where died Queen Margarite of Durazzo wife to Charls the third King of Naples Near to the said Country is a certain River which passeth a few miles but dives under the earth running through certain holes and Channels in the ground unseen the space of a hundred paces and then riseth out again so great and clear as at the first On the right hand of the Valley and of the River upon a hill is the City of Cava so named by the situation where it standeth For that Adalferio Pappacarbone a noble Salernitan in the year 910. drawn with holy zeal to do penance for his sins retired himself into this place abiding in a certain Cave The fame of his vertuous and holy life encouraged many to do the li●e whereupon in process of time it came to pass that place was much frequented for the worship and reverence of the sacred Hermitages and Churches that were there for the which Guaimaro the sixth Prince of Salerno in the year 940. built for the benefit of the Monks of the Order of S. Benedict a sumptuous and stately Monastery and indued it with great Revenues In process of time following the said Monastery was given in commendum to certain Prelates but came afterward into the possession of the Cardinal Olivero Carrafa who understanding the good life of the said Monks restored it to them again Pope Leo the tenth agreeing thereto at which time the Cavaioli desired of the said Pope a Bishops Sea which they obtained and moreover was ordained that for maintenance of that Pastoral Charge the Monastery aforesaid should give yearly to the Bishop a thousand and eight hundred Duckets of Revenue and so it appeareth that the Cavaioli had made a great beginning to their Cathedral Church Thus much concerning the original of this City where are these Noble Families Anna de Curtis Gagliardo Longo Ponza Rocca and Tosone The Cavaioli are ingenious men and of great Traffick but above all full of spirit and courage wherein generally appeareth in them a ready inclination to fight and are very obstinate in their opinions and therefore very litigious and full of contention with every one Returning to the shore of the Sea from Nuceria eight miles leaving the Castle Amare and on the left hand also passing by a great and mighty high Hill where from the side that lieth towards the North is Gragnano and Littere small Countries in the Plain going by the side of high and spacious Mountains which pass along to the Terrene Sea makes the Cape of Minerva or Ateneo called also Pren●sso Sirreo and the Hill Equano which is now so called by the Amalfi in which arm of Land are these Cities Vico Sorrento and Massa which we have described in the Province of the Land of Lavoro being so divided by the Kings Court. In the aforesaid arm of Land endeth the Haven of Crattera or rather the Gulf of Surrento made of two Promontories that is by Miseno and Ateneo which lieth towards the South Now all the circuit which is in that bending which is of this Promontory towards the East even to the nearest places of the Territory of Salerno now belonging to old Campania as Strabo affirmeth is called as ●ath been said the Coast of Amalfi from the City of Amalfi where lieth a pleas●nt and an excellent Country to the South which is in length little less then twenty miles Here between the stony and craggie Rocks and steep Hils lieth Pasetano Praiano Trani and the noble and pleasant City Amalfi in the which in a most sumptuous and stately Church is preserved with great reverence the body of St. Andrew the Apostle where continually attendeth a Priest which hath charge thereof which they say accustometh to bestow on every one that comes thither certain Viols full of clear and sacred liquor by the Citizens called Manna which as they say continually issueth from that holy body the which was brought thither by Pietro Capoano of Amalfi and Cardinal of St. Marcel which was in the year 1208. The head of the said glorious Saint in the time of Pope Pius the second was transported to the worthy City of Rome in the year 14●4 where now it is most religiously kept There is also the Church of the Capuocini called the Canonica the way whereof is very rough and difficult where is a Reliquary made by the said Cardinal wherein is preserved a great number of the Reliques of Saints When I was there I repuested the Keeper of the place to give me a Note of them the which because he could not instantly do it he sent it me afterwards to Naples written by that good religious man in Verse which followeth the which pleased me so well as to impart unto posterity those reverend and holy Reliques Religio vel casus si huc te duxerit hospes Condita Sanctorum cernere corde kara Clauditur ô tectis quantus thesaurus inistis Accedens sacris collige sisquo memor Lumine nam tremulo spectabis brachia Cosmae Carne cruore cute cum unguibus illa simul Sanguis inest Christi quo dura ex morte redemptus Es mortalis homo respice plange geme Emicat hic ligni pars sancta ex cruce recisi Et tumuli sacri spinaque morte Dei. Nam caput hic Dioniedis adest venerabile cruce Ictu Iacobe alto est saucia calva tua Basilii caput est Romani signa colenda Accedunt mentes Eustachii ●ssa pias Hic Stephani hic Zacheriae fulgentis ossa Insontis turbae frustula mult● jacent Pangratii cerebrum est Catharinae ac optima mala Vrsula jamque suo sanguine corde movet Ossa hic Marci adsunt Grisostomi ossa Ph●lippi Qui moveant nostras excipiani que preces Plurima sanctorum monumenta hic deinque fragrant Quae carvere suo haud nomine nota mihil Haec ut scuta potes miserae tutamina vitae Voce vocare diu quaerere mente pi●i Haec tibi succurrent posituro morte dolores Namque sodalis eris dum soci usque comes Namque dies aderit supremi transitus orbis Qua potes istorum scandere laetus ope Nunc calamum sumpsi nunc haec tibi scripta notavi Vive praecor felix memor ipse mei Of what great Power and Authority the said City hath been the stately Buildings that were therein sufficiently testifie where at this present a great part of the sumptuous Arsenal or Store-House is yet standing wherein the Amalfitani kept their Arms and Weapons In what time or by whom the said City should be builded there is no certainty for some believe that in the year 520. certain worthy Romans which departed from the City of Melfi and here residing should build the said City calling it Amalfe Others attributing
borders of the Province of happy Campania and the said City is invironed by two little Rivers the one called Atro and the other Tempsa the which are full of fish and the Territory thereof is part plain and part hilly where are thick Woods of Oak and therefore very good hunting both for Fowls and Beasts the plain thereof is almost all full of Olive Trees and Vines and in the desert Hils are often taken goodly airs of strange Falcons Of this City was the holy man St. Antonio a Monk of the Order of St. Benedict who in the year 625 being created by his Monks Abbot in the Monastery of the City Sorrento went thither where living godly there died afterward whereupon in token of his good life God shewed after his death many miracles and in particulars towards those which are visited with evil spirits whose holy body the Sorentini with great reverence keep within their City neither stick they to say that he was their Citizen There are in the said City these noble Families Bernalla Campanino Ciminello Greco Guerrieri de Nigris Viviano Tercasia and others Now liveth with much honour to this City Augustino and Detio Bernalli both Doctors of the Law and very learned and great lovers of vertue The said City was in the time of the ancient Kings indued with the dignity of a Count but in the year 1530. the Emperor Charls the fifth advanced it to the Title of a Marquiss in the person of Honorato Grimaldo Genoway Lord of Monaco under the enstalement to speak like a Lawyer to hold it as a feuditory liegman and not with the succession of inheritance whereby he that is Lord of the Castle of Monaco and shall defend it at the pleasure of the King of Naples doth succeed to the said Marquiship Eight miles distant is the Country of Conturso the which is compassed with the Rivers Sele and Negro it hath a most pure Climat and a plentifull Territory of the said Country was that excellent and learned man Antonio Pepi called by his sirname Peperone which was judge of the great Court of the Vicaria in Naples and writ a book de omni vero officio Iohn Cola Pepi was very inward with the King Farnando which for his great skill and experience in the Laws was by the said King made his Counceller and to Iames his brother he gave the Bishoprick of Capaccio No less learned in these daies is Sertorio Pepi a man singularly qualified and very faithfull This Noble Family hath for a long time ruled the said Country with other Castles Going then four miles is Quaglietta a little Castle and no more then 12 miles distant but from Salerno 18. we come to the fair and ancient Country of Evolo by Ptolomy called Ebulum which was builded by the people Eborini so naming it by the first son of Iupiter King of Athens the said City stands not far from the River Sele and the River Tusciano the current or stream passeth along by the Walls thereof named by the Country people Toliero which Virgil calleth Tanagro when he saith Sicci ripa Tanagri The River Sele called by Strabo Siler riseth in the Apennine where the River Aufido hath his beginning which runneth by Apulia and falleth into the Ionian Sea near Barletta three miles but Sele runneth towards the South and leaving Campania by Basilicata in the end falleth into the Tirrene Sea The said River according to Strabo Pliny and Sillio Italico hath the property to change into a stone whatsoever is put therein keeping the colour and the first form thereof It is reported by grave and credible Authors that in the time of Ione of Angio the first of that name Queen of Naples took the Scepter of the Kingdom a woman of Ev●li having brought forth a son became her self a man It is also verified that in the year 1460 in the same City a woman called Emilia maried to one Antonio Sponsa after she had lived 12 years with her said husband was changed to a man and Pontano which knew her testifieth that afterward she exercised the office of a man and besides took a wife and that allowing her a dowry by commandment of King Ferdinando the Judge inforcing the said Antonio to yield it her The same Iohn Pontano a man rather divine then mortal witnesseth in his tenth book of Celestial things which Antonio Panormita reciteth that a woman of Gaera after 14 years she had been used by her husband her natural member suddenly altered and she became a man wherefore to avoid the scorns that were made thereof both by men and women became a Frier and so lived all the remainder of her life where the said Pontano affirmeth to have known her and that she was buried in Rome in the Temple of Minerva Therefore that seemeth not so wonderfull which Pliny writeth in the fourth Chapter of the seventh Book of his natural History which things with all that appertain seem rather impossible then miraculous nevertheless for my self I cannot deny the authority of such persons and especially that which Philosophy cannot only not deny but also approve for that according to Philosophers and Phisicians the man differeth not nor is known from the woman by any member but by being either too hot or too cold because the nature of man without all doubt is more hot then that of women and by the power of this heat it so falleth out that nature driveth out that member in men which in women by reason of their coldness remaineth inward whereupon it may be that after some certain time or by some meat or the air or by some other occasion that coldness may be so inflamed and heated that it may now do that which in the birth it could not But returning to Evoli the said City hath very fertile Territories and spacious fields abounding with all good things beneficial for the use of living creatures whereof the said City glorying beareth for Arms the four Elements The bones of St. Berniero lie with great reverence in it in a glorious Church dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle at whose Sepulchre as they say God sheweth wonderfull miracles towards those which are possest with evil spirits From the said Country eight miles near to the River Silare is the reverend Church of St. Vito where resteth his said holy body together with Modesto and Crescentia the Nurse whereupon all those which are bitten with mad-dogs repair hither and by the intercessions of the said St. Vito as they say are presently healed There are in the said Country these noble Families Caravita Clario Corcione Christophero Crispo Fulgione Fiorenza Gentilcore Granato Giuliano Ligoro de Loisio Malacarne Marcancione Mirto Monaco Millone de Novellis Orso Della Porta Perretta Ragoni Raghi Russo Saceo Troiano and others Going from Evoli no more then twelve miles is Aquaro a good Country so called for the abundance of water which invironeth it
round about That R. Padre Matthia Iuono sirnamed Aquario of the Order of Preachers hath given great honour to this Country of the learning of this man many Works written by him are sufficient testimony that is to say certain learned discourses upon all the principles of Logick natural Philosophy Metaphisick and the Soul upon the four Books of Sentences and another book in particular of the exquisite learning of the controversies between St. Thomas and all the other Doctors and Philosophers with a brief discourse de memoria artificiali de significationibus terminorum juxta doctrinam Sancti Thomae The said learned man died in the year 1591. Walking a little forward is the Country of Olivito the natural Country of Camillo Borrello an excellent Lawyer Olivito was so named because the Territory thereof is full of Olives But leaving these Mediterranean places and walking the ruinous way by the shore we come to Agropolo where is reported that through the delicacy of the air women at twelve years of age are capable of husbands like to the Cipriots which at that time lose their virginity After we come to the Castle of Abbate is the Cape of Licosa first called the Promontory of Possidoniate hard by is the Castle of Bruca a relique of old Velia with the River Electe which taketh the name from the City of Elea and hither the Romans sent to celebrate their accustomed sacrifice to Ceres their Goddess Before the Country of Elia are the two little Isles of Enotrie which have two little artificial Havens the one called Isacia and the other Pontia Afterward appeareth upon a high hill Cammerota in a small circuit of ground builded as some affirm by the reliques of the ancient City of Molpa which standeth but a little distant Going afterward some few miles is a goodly Fortress Near Policastro with the Gulf which the Ancients call the Haven Saprico is the City of Sapri now named Bonati Within the Land is Capaccio Novi and the Valley of Diano a litle from whence upon a hill is a Country called Atane on the other side is Polla Tito and Sala so called because the hils are full of Sage whereupon because in this Valley riseth a great Spring of water which the City of Diano takes the name from Atane of Atteone Tito of Titan which is the Sun Apolla of Apollo it seemeth from the resemblance and near affinity of these names and from the pleasantness of the Country the Fable might here have had its beginning of Atteone the son of Aristeo with Diana After followeth the Fenn with the rich Monastery of St. Laurence possessed by the Carthusian Monks and not far distant is Laurino Saponara and Marsico with many other places But to conclude touching this Province it remaineth that I now declare the disposition and nature of these people which are of a strong constitution and naturally merry ready in arms desirous of learning wary in their affairs and given both to pleasure and profit they are also painfull and industrious and inclined to Traffick the Gentlemen are comely and neatly attired nothing differing from the manner of the Neopolitans but the common people respect not so much civility for as much as they cloth themselves with cloth made of course wooll and base attires on the head All the men in general are very jealous both of their honour and their wives whereupon proceeds the old Proverb Picentinorum Zelotypia In bargaining and contracting their affairs it behoveth a stranger to be very wary for what with deceitfull and flattering speeches and many oaths they easily deceive those that buy any thing of them The Arms of this Country is per fesse ar Sa unto a Sea-compass four wings extended and fixed in Salter with the North-star in chief sinister or The which said arms declare unto us that in this Province was found as hath been said the Mariners Compass with the vertue of the Adamant stone and the Sea-card by Flavio di Gioia whereupon the two fields the one signifieth the day the other the night the four wings which are joyned to the Sea-Compass declare the four Cardinal Winds and chiefest in the world that is to say the East the West the North and the South the shining Star signifieth the North Star wherewith through that excellent invention Pilots and Mariners might sail both day and night with any wind The PRINCIPALITY On the other side the third Province in the Kingdom OF NAPLES THe people of the Principality on the other side are part of the ancient Irpini and derive this name from Lupo which conducted them into this Province to inhabit for so much as the Sabines call Lupo Irpo the which Strabo declareth in the end of his first Book saying Ordine de hinc sunt Hirpini ipsi Samniticae gentis Qui quidem ex Lupo nomen adepti fuerunt qui eis in deducenda Colonia Dux oblatus est Samnites enim Lupum vocant Hirpum The limits of these people were on the East Lucania at this present called Basilicata on the South a part of the said Basilicata with the Picentini and the happy Campania on the West the Sabines and the Vestini on the North the Apennine Hils and the Plain Apuglia now called Capitanato with the Saracins and the Peligni There is also contained in this Province a Country now called the dale of Beneventana the principal part of all Sannio where have been done greater exploits and more in number then in any other part of Italy This Country hath higher hils then the Apennine from whence proceed in certain places little brooks and from almost immeasurable Cliffs and Rocks which is the cause of many Rivers Streams Lakes and Springs it stretcheth in length going along by the Apennine 80 miles from the head of Vulturno to the beginning of the River Silare in Basilicata and of so many Rivers which water this Valley except some few all first fall into the River Sabato and afterward into Vulturno so that from the lower part Sabato seemeth a snag or a branch of a Tree among all the other boughs thereof In Matese which is a Promontory of the Apennine did inhabit the most valiant people of all Sannio Of these people which remained upon these hils Livy saith that they were alwailes faithfull to the Sannites neither could the Roman Army go much before them The principal City of this Region is Benevento edified as Servio affirmeth by Diomedes the Greek and Livy saith that it was first called Malvento and that it was made a Colony of the Romans at the same time with Arimino under the Consulship of P. Sempronio and Ap. Claudio The said City was maintained many years in great peace under the Government of the Romans untill the coming of Tottila King of the Goths into Italy who destroyed it with great slaughter and so remaining ruinated for certain years was afterward repaired
and possest by the Longobards more then two hundred years at which time they became Lords of Italy and established their siege or ●ea● in the said City and named it the Dukedom of Benevento the which Dukedom contained all happy Campania which we now call the Country of Lavoro except Pozzuolo and Naples the greater part of the Sannity of Benevento Isernia and Guasto even to the River Pescara which of the Ancients was called Aterno and all that which was contained under the name of Feligni of Marsi and of Marrucini now commonly called Abruzzi The first Duke of Benevento which began to reign in the year 573 was Zotone which reigned twenty years to whom succeeded in the Dukedom Arechi sent thither by Agisulfo King of the Longobards who ruling 50 years died left his successor Aione his son which died in the year 645. Aione dead Rodoaldo five years quietly possest the Dukedom who died in the year 649. and left Grimoaldo his brother to succeed him a worthy Warrier who became King of the Longobards the year 666. whereupon Romoaldo his natural son remained Duke of Benevento which reigned 16 years and died in the year 681. whom Grimoaldo the second his son succeeded which reigning three years and died the year 694. and left the Seigniory to Gisulfo his brother who having reigned as Erechemperto saith 24 years died the year 707. and left Romoaldo the second his son successor and heir of the Dukedom which held that Seigniory 26 years and died in the year 733. By the death of Romoaldo Gisulfo the second his son succeeded in the State and died in the year 750. After Gisulfo Luitprando took that Dukedome which reigned 5 years died the year 755. and Arechi the second succeeded him which was a valiant and a worthy Prince and as we have elsewhere said was the first of all the Dukes of Benevento which caused himself to be entituled Prince and perhaps Lord of all others which untill that age had but the particular title of Lordship He would also wear a Crown upon his head and caused himself to be anointed by Bishops and in the end of his priviledges and Letters Papents and other writings caused this to be added Scriptum in nostro sacratissimo Palatio the which dignity in what manner he obtained it is not known except it were granted by King Desiderio whose son in-law he was Great were the Wars of this King which he made with the Romans and the Bishops that lived in those daies in Rome so that Adrian which at that time ruled the Apostolick Sea was inforced for his refuge to slie to King Charls for aid of the French in such manner that Stephen the second his predecessor through the to●l and travel which King Astolfo urged him unto was constrained to submit himself unto the power of King Pepin the second father of the said Charls who for his great enterprises was afterward sirnamed the great Then came King Charls in the aid of Adrian and overcame King Desiderio and took him prisoner in the year 774. in the month of May and absolutely took the Kingdom of Italy from the hands of the Longobards the which for the space of 2●6 years possest the same but he thought himself no absolute Conqueror unless he subdued the Prince Arechi especialy for that by the right of his wife he pretended a title to the Kingdom of Italy he made War against him But the Prince knowing his power unable to resist the puissance of so mighty a King which was now come to beleaguer the City of Benevento was constrained to accept such Conditions as were offered unto him acknowledging himself from thence forward to be under the Crown of France Many notable things are written by the Longobards of this Arechi for because that when Charls sent unto him Ambassadors from Salerno to perform the Covenants agreed between them disguised himself through the fame of his great renown into the habit of a Royal Ambassador to see himself the Prince Arechi and having seen the Magnificence and splendor of his Court the number of Knights that attended him his great abundance of Plate his Stables full of excellent Horse and the majesty with the which he gave audience and the wisdom wherewith he answered returned to his people with great admiration often times saying that the Prince Arechi and his Court was far more excellent then the fame thereof He bestowed much labour and great cost to repair and newly to fortifie Salerno that he might have one secure Fortress upon the Tirrene Sea There repaired unto his Court Paolo Diacono when he fled to St. Mary of Trimiti whether he was confined by Charls the great and was by him and his wife well entertained Finally Arechi being of the age of 53 years died the 26 of August in the year of our Lord 787. having reigned Prince 29 years and 5 months Arechi dead Grimoaldo the third his son succeeded in the State which with King Charls and Pepin made great Wars and died the year 807. having reigned 19 years and 6 months By the death of Grimoaldo was created Grimoaldo the fourth son of Delrico which was Treasuror of Prince Grimoaldo but making himself odious to some was slain in the year of our Lord 820. having reigned 12 years lacking 5 months Great contention suddenly arose among the Beneventani about the Principality but in the end Sicone a noble Lord was created which died in the year 832. and reigned 12 years and 6 months Sicone dead his son Sicardo succeeded in the State which made great wars with the Saracins that molested the Kingdom But perceiving afterward they had set foot in Sicilia and therefore doubting left in time they would overrun all the Islands of that Sea sent through all those places to search out the bodies of Saints which were there found and caused them to be brought to Benevento with great reverence Among which the most excellent and worthiest work he did was that he caused the body of St. Bartholmew the Apostle to be brought from Lipare Sicardo was slain the year 839. having reigned 7 years wanting 2 months After the death of Sicardo Radelchi his Treasuror got the Principality of Benevento which reigned 12 years and died the year 850. in whose Principality succeeded Radelgano his son which died the year 853. and left his successor Radelchi his brother though by some Writers he is called Adelgisio which fled into Corsica the year as Regione saith 873. Afterward Gauderi the son of Radelgario got the Principality of Benevento who held it but two years and half and to him succeeded the year 876. Radelchi his Cousin son of the Prince Radelchi and held the Principality 3 years lacking 9 months The Principality of Benevento came into the possession of Aione the year 879. under whose Regiment and the ensuing Lords the Saracins being almost the space of 40 years setled in
Controviero a man of Princely behaviour was in great account with Paul the sixth by whom he was created Bishop of the City of Penna and Vice-Legat of Bologna and had been advanced to greater honour if the death of the Pope had not hindred it Gabriel de Blasio being a man of great vertue was made Judge of the Vicaria and of the Kings Councel Two men of the Family Bilotta have carried great honour in their Country which florished in the time of our fore-fathers the one called Iohn Camillo the other S●ipio of whom the first being a man much learned in many Sciences was by the King imployed in divers honourable affairs and was created the first Exchequer-Advocate of the Vicaria and afterward of the Sommaria And the second was a most vertuous and a good man and was general Commissary of the Kingdom against Malefactors which through his good Government brought them into peace and tranquility and in reward had the Office of Exchequer-Advocate of the Vicaria which his brother held and had enjoyed if untimely death had not prevented it This famous City hath also brought forth many excellent men in Arms of whom omitting to speak I refer the Reader to the Histories which largely discourse thereof among whom two have been very famous in the time of our fore-fathers as Hectore Savariano a valiant Souldier of his age of whom Giovio in the life of Leo the tenth maketh honourable mention And Andrea Candido Prior of Barletta Knight of the Rodes There are in the said City these Noble Families Aquino Avolos Bilotti Bottini Candidi Capassi Calendi Capobianchi Caraccioli del Leone Contestabili Controvieri Del ' Aquila Di Blasio Di Enea Del Sindico della Vipera Egittii Filingieri Grisi Laurentii Leoni Mascambroni Mazzei Mazzilli Monforti Morri Pesci Sallaroli Savariani Tu●i Vico Vintimiglia Vitro the Arch-Bishop of this City hath 24 Bishops his Suffraganes which number no other place of Christendom hath equalled This City is situate in a plain place near a Plain full of little brooks of water with many hils round about very plentifull and distant from Naples 30 miles Writers affirm that in the division that was made of the Roman Empire between Charls the great and F.L. Nicesero the Greek the Dukedom of Benevento and the City of Venice were appointed as the limits and confines between the one and the other Now because we have sufficiently discoursed of Benevento we will declare the quality of this Country the which although it be full of hils is nevertheless very pleasant through the variety of the situation high low plain and very commodious for tillage because the Country is wholly inhabited and aboundeth with all good things The Hils are covered with Vines and fruitfull Trees the Dales and Plains with Corn and Gardens there are also thick Woods and watered with many Rivers and store of Cattel of Corn Wine Oyle Flax Apples Chesnuts both great and small Nuts Pears and other fruits of great goodness and perfection whereby in time of Harvest it doth appear that it contends in equal comparison with other plentifull Provinces and above all there is excellent hunting both for fowles and beasts The Aire is subtle and wholsome although cold There are moreover in this Country in the Territory of Prata Mines of Gold and Silver which for that they yield no great profit are not much regarded Distant from Benevento little less then ten miles is the Valley of Caudina where was the ancient City of Caudio the reliques whereof yet appear and not far from thence is the ancient Harpino now called Arpata which is very near to the Gallows of Caudine very famous for the overthrow which the Romans had there where the Consul and the Roman Army by deceit inclosed were constrained by the Sannites to pass shamefully under the yoke the which place the Country-people now call the streit of Arpaia which stands but a little distant from the City the which is indued with the dignity of a Marquiss subject to the house of Guevara On the other side of the Valley Caudina are these Countries St. Martino St. Angelo a Scala afterward cometh the same River which joyneth with the River Sabato which riseth from Montevirgine a high and spacious place in the Valley whereof the first Country which is there is Altavilla afterward is the Castle of Montefredano and near the Valley is the ancient City of Avellino which is now written in the Exchequer Roll Avellinensis but in the Books of the Roman Court Avellinus Episcopus and the Territory thereof aboundeth with great store of small Nuts and therefore by the Latines they were called Avellanae nuces The said City is dignified with the Title of a Prince which the family Caracciola the Red possesseth Then followeth Mercuriale now called Mercugliano the Country of the holy Hospital of the Annunciation of Naples and above that Hill is the noble Church and Monastery of Montevirgine of white Monks of the Order of St. Benedict which was builded in old time in honour of Cibele mother of the Gods but changed by the Christians into the honour of the glorious mother of God our Saviour the Virgin Mary a place of so much beauty and sanctity which not only excelleth in fame through all this Kingdom but through all Italy and beyond whereupon at two several times of the year that is to say at Whitsontide and our Lady day in September there concurs and flocks together from far and near places innumerable people bringing all sorts of Presents This Monastery is the head of the said Congregation of Montevirgine and therein are continually resident 200 Monks In the Church there is a Reliquary which the Monks of the same place say that a greater is not in all Christendom for so many bodies of Saints and other reliques that are therein among which there are to be seen as they say the entire bodies of the three children which were put into the flaming furnace There are other notable things as the Sepulchres of Kings and other Princes The Founder of this holy place was William of Vercelli of whose life manners and miracles and of the things abovesaid who desireth to have a full and true satisfaction thereof he may read the History of the Original of the notable things of Montevirgine Six miles from Benevento upon a very high Hill is seen the Country of Montesuscolo where resideth the Kings Audit of the Province and every Sunday is held a Market with great concourse of people And a little distant is the Castle and Montemileto which hath the Title of a County Afterward we come to the Hils of the Apennine which are called Monti Tremoli where ariseth the River Sabato which passing by low places in the end is joyned with the River Vulturno Antonio in his book of remembrance calleth this River Sabbatum but the people of the Country name it the River of Benevento
haunted an evil spirit a long time for the death of Hippolitus the companion of Vlysses which was there slain against all humanity whereupon rose the Proverb among the Ancients Aderit genius Temeseus Noting hereby that Gods vengeance never faileth to reward such wickedness if by humane means it be not punished The said City was built by the Ausoni which Strabo affirmeth in his sixth book saying Alao prima urbs Brettiae Tempsa quam Auxonii condiderunt nostrae autem aetatis homines Tempsam etiam vocitant Temesa was a Bishops Sea as appeareth in the Councels when Hillary the Bishop thereof came to the fourth Roman Sinod under the Popedom of Agathon And the Territory thereof is very fat and fertile and yieldeth excellent Wine Oyle Hony fine Silk Grain and other Corn and all kinds of Fruits and from heaven descendeth Manna and there is made great store of Bird-lime and Glue Hard by is Foscaldo where is great abundance of Sugar Hony Wine Corn and other Fruits The said Country is honoured with the dignity of a Marquiss A little higher is the Country of Lattarico which by Livy is called Hetriculum hard by standeth Torano and Regina called in old time Herinium built by the Enotri in whose Territory is made great abundance of Oyle there is also Mines of Brimstone Saltpeter and Alabaster and a little farther is situate the City Montalto by Barrio called Vffugium it had sometimes a Bishops Sea which dignity was joyned to Cosenza It hath a good Territory which yieldeth Grain Oyle and other Fruits and there is made great abundance of Silk there is also Alabaster and Brimstone and every year there is a very great Fair. It hath the dignity of a Dukedom the Lady whereof is the Lady Mary of Arragon in whom endeth the line of old Alfonsus of Arragon King of Naples the which State by marriage fell into the Family of Moncada Going now towards the Sea we may behold Paula a name corrupted derived from ancient Patycos very famoms for being the natural Country of St. Francis the Author of the Order of the Minimi hard by is St. Nocito very famous for the excellent sweet Wine then cometh Castellofranco with the River Campagnano called in old time Acheronte where was slain even as he was foretold by the Oracle Alexander King of Molossi mean while he not understanding the cautions of the devil rested secure having avoided another River of the same name in Epiro The words of the Oracle were these Aeacida cave accedas ad aquam Acherusiam Et Pandasiam quod ibi tibi laetum decretum est Near hand is seen Cerisano called in old time Citerium and upon the side of the River Crati and of Basenta is the famous City Consenza full of people rich and very ancient it was a Colony of the Lucani in old time it was the chief City of the Brutii but now the head of this Province The said City is situate between hils and dales it hath before it a great Plain which stretcheth very near forty miles and is called the Villey of Crati it is compassed with 85 Hamlets or Villages which for the most part are very great It aboundeth in all things which may be desired either for profit or humane pleasure it hath brought forth many excellent men and among others the Abbot Giacchino indued as Dant saith with a prophetical spirit who was of one of the Villages of Cosenza called Celico St. Thelesphoro Iano Parassio Antonio Telesio Iohn Baptista d'Amico Coriolano Marticano and Berardino Martirano which was also Secretary of the Kingdom Pi●tropaolo Parisio a famous Doctor of Law which was made Cardinal by Pope Paul the third Borardino Telesio which writ against the Philosophy of Aristotle Iohn Maria Barnauda Sertario Quattromani Giovanpaolo d' Aquino Prospero Parisio and Iacobo of Gaeta In this City are these noble families Abenante Aquino Andriotto Aloe Amico Arnoni Alimena Arduino Barono Bernando Beccuto Bombino Bonconto Britto Bovi Bonaccursi Cavalcante Ciacci Caputo Casella Cozzi Cicala Caroleo Curatore Celso Clavelli Dattil● Donato Domanico F●rrao Farrao d' Epaminonda Farrao d' Antonello Fera Favoro Figlino Franza Gaeta Gaeta d' Marc. Antonio Garofalo Giannochiri Gaeli Gioanni Giaccino Gadi Longo Longobuccho Migliar●se Marano Monaco Martorano Maurello Minardo Moyi Materi Massaro Mirabello Mangoni Nero Poglisi Peloso Pellegrino Pascale Passalacqua Poerio Parisi di Ruggiero Parisi di Mario Pantuso Quottromani Roccho Ruggiero Rangi Russo Scaglione Spatasora Ser●alo della Motta Sersale di Guido Sambiase Spirito Sirisanto Spina Sanf●lice Stocca Tilesio Testo Toscano Tarsii Tirello Velle and others The Arms of this City is seven Hils vert in a field or From hence on the right hand lieth the Wood Brutiana which the people of the Country call for the excellency thereof Sila not so hideous and terrible in Winter through continual snow and ice as it is pleasant and delightfull in Summer where the fresh and cheerfull air with many Rivers full of excellent fish and the divers sports of fowling and hunting of wild beasts and the infinite heards of Cattel which there seed upon the plentifull fruits thereof represent in effect that which the Poets feign of their Arcadia Not far distant lieth Carolei called by the Latines Ixias built by the Enotri And walking a little farther appeareth Bisignano a good and plentifull City much inhabited which hath the Title of a Principality subject to the Family Sanseverina Stifano calleth this City Besidia which according to Barrio was built by the Ansoni and very near lieth Tarsia called Capresis Returning towards the Sea we come into these Countries Fiumefreddo Bello-monte and the City Amontea which was an Episcopal Seat but now united with the Church of Trop●ia A little farther is Aiello called by Bario Tylesium which hath a strong Castle and a fruitfull Territory with a Wood where is great sport in the hunting of divers living creatures This Country holdeth the Title of a Marquiss and the Lord thereof is Alberico Cybo Prince of Massa no less worthy of honour for his Learning then his Chivaldri Near to Aiello is the Hill Cocuzzo where it seemeth that the Apennine exceeds it self in height Then followeth Martirano corrupted from the ancient name of Mamerto whose Citizens shewed themselves no less faithfull to the people of Rome then valiant in Arms they only fighting with Pyrrhus one of the best Souldiers of the world the which they performed so couragiously that Pyrrhus being mindfull of the valour of the Brutii and of the death of his Alexandro durst not any farther hazard his fortune From thence afterward lieth on the side of the Sea Nocera the reliques of the ancient Terinia which was destroyed by Hannibal they being not able to defend it and here runneth according as the Ancients affirm Ligia one of the Sirenes upon the mouth of the River Saccuto Then
Territory is very fertile for it bringeth forth Grain Barley Beans Fitches and other Corn there are also planted great store of Sugar Canes a thing very rare in Italy This Country is adorned with the dignity of a Duke After followeth Soriano whch hath the Title of a Count. Then cometh Arena and ascending up the Apennine is the goodly Monastery of St. Stephen del Bosco built by Rugiero the Norman where is kept as we have said with many other reliques the body of St. Bruno From hence on the right hand appeareth Borrello and Melito an honourable and an ancient City which was builded by the Milesii a people of Asia for as Herodotus writeth in his sixth book Mileto a City of Asia being conquered and overcome by Darius the inhabiters which departed from the ruine thereof being deprived of their natural Country came with their wives and children together with the Sanni into Regio where they were received by Anasilao Lord of the Country to whom he gave so much Territory as they built therein a City to inhabit the which they called as we have said Melito these in process of time the Country being too little many of them went into Messina but being expel'd by the inhabiters of the Country went to the Isle of Malta There is to be seen in the said City of Melito a stately and magnificent Church under the name of the Trinity which is beautified with stately Pillars of Marble which the Duke Ruggiero the Norman caused to be transported from the ancient Hipponio the said Church was by the mediation of the said Duke consecrated by Pope Calisto the second in the year of our Lord 1122. where at this present is to be seen the fair and costly Tomb of Marble of the Duke Ruggiero That holy Paolo of the Order of Preachers was of the said City Walking towards the shore of the Sea is Briatico which hath the Title of a Marquisat and Tropea hath this name from the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for that ariving there the Current of Faro is turned back very dangerous to Sailers near which Hercoles arived coming from Spain whereupon that place was afterward named the Harbour of Hercoles Here butteth out into the Sea the Cape of Vaticano and near at hand is Ioppolo and Nicotera augmentned by the ancient ruins of Medama and Rosarno there is the River Metramo in whose waves according as the Ancients were accustomed feeling themselves opprest with any sin were freed by their washing themselves therein as Orestes who thought hereby to be purged from the murther of his mother a little farther was the ancient Metauro which boasted much of Stesicoro though with little right the Sicilians challeng him to themselves and after is discovered Tauriano and from hence on the Sea is Gioia A little distant remaineth Seminara a Countrey well inhabited in whose Territory the Frenchmen were overcome by Consalvo Fernandes of Aghilare in the time of Lewis the 12 King of France And near the Mediterrane under a great descent of the Apennine called by the country-people Aspromonte riseth as it were a rock between two Rivers the Country of Sinopoli is adorned with the ancient dignity of a Count the jurisdiction whereof is from the house of Ruffa There was born in this Country that holy man Paolo of Sinopoli Fryer of the Order of Saint Francis called the Minori of Osservanza whose reliques are reverendly preserved in the City of Nicotera Going a little farther is Oppido which hath the Title of a Count and Terranovo a populous City which is adorned with the dignity of a Dukedom Not very far is Polistena against the Castle whereof lie the Isles Eolie the which have this name from Eolo which the Poets feign to be the God of the winds knowing by the nature of the place their change and alteration of these Isles Lipare was only inhabited whose circuit is 16 miles sometimes a Colony of the Gnidii which were very strong at Sea and made long resistance to the improvident assaults of the Toscans and of their first fruits they oftentimes consecrated to the Temple of Apollo at Delphus The said Isle is distant from Sicilia 20 miles Strabo and Pliny call this Isle Meligone which is very famous as wel for the fruitfulness of the ground as also for the delicacy and sweetness of the fruits and the great plenty of Alume which it yieldeth the said Isle was at the first ●nhabited by Lipareo the son of Ausonio King of Italy who being at discord with his brothers came hither with divers soeldiers to remain and here built a City which by his own name was called Lipari the which City was alwaies faithfull to the Kings of Naples from whom in recompence it obtained many priviledges and freedoms but finally in the month of Iuly 1544 it was destroyed with sword and fire by Ariadeno Barbarossa Captain of the Turkish Army but it was suddenly repaired again by the Emperor Charls the fifth The other Isles are not manured nor inhabited whereby their ancient names yet continue that is to say Stromboli and Vulcano from whence continually riseth smoke and sometimes flames of fire with horrible noise and thundring Here we may see Bagnara where the women for their beauty and comliness appear like Nymphs and here is the general fishing for the Sword-fish called by Pliny Xiphia the which is done as Strabo declareth in his first book of Geography in this manner following which manner is also recited by Polybius First of all one is appointed as a spie to stand in a high place being as a common guard or defence for all the fishers the which are dispersed into many little boats of two oars remaining in every one two of them one which guideth the boat with two oars the other to wound the fish with an armed Sphear which he standing on the fore-deck or head of the boat holdeth in his hand so soon as the spie maketh a signe that the fish is discovered rising with the third part of his body above the water he with the oars roweth near the boat and the other preparing his blow wounds him with a wonderful agility then snatching out the sphear the iron remans behind which being broad-headed and so wel accommodated that easily a man may wound with it and as easily leave it in the wound to the iron is tied a long little cord which goes so far with the wounded fish that beating himself and labouring to escape becometh weary Then they draw the fish to the shore or get him into one of their little boats if he be not over-great and if it so fall out the sphear be cast into the Sea it cannot therefore be lost because that being made part of Oak and part of Firr so well joyned together the weight of the oak drawing one end under the water the lightness of the firr causeth the other end to rise up so that it may
Latines Aprutium because it is mountenous and full of wild hoggs Others affirm that a part of Abruzzo being sometimee inhabited by the Precutini time having corrupted the word instead of Precutio was called Aprutio I name this Province Abruzzo as it is by the Kings Court and as at this present it is commonly called changing the letter P. into B. The bounds of Abruzzo had on the East the River Fortore Tronto on the West on the North the Adriatick Sea and on the South the Apennine Hils and moreover also it had on the East the Plain Puglia with the River Fortore on the West part of the Sabines Picentini and Campani with Latium the Equicoli along the Apennine as much on the one side of the said Hill as is on the other It now taketh its beginning from the mouth of the River Pescara and goeth along the shore of the Adriatick sea even to the mouth of Fortore where it ends with Capitanato leaving by that Province the City of Teramo and between the Land with Abruzzo on the other side and that branch of the River Pescara which rising from the streight of Valata passeth by the foot of the Apennine against the Land of Popoli and near it entreth into the Valley called Itramonti leaving all the country which hath the River on the right side and a little higder above the Marsi are the Apennine Hils where the River Sangro springeth which riseth from that obscure Valley of Barrea which they call the Kings Valley in the Plain near the castle of Sangro which divides this Province from the county of Molise This Province is partly plain and partly mountainous and hath great plenty of Rivers and great and thick Woods and the Territory thereof is very fertile for it bringeth forth Wine Grain Oyle Rice Barley and other Corn and everywhere is gathered great abundance of excellent Saffron And although the air be somewhat cold nevertheless the amenity of the country is sweetned thereby with so good a temper and such plenty of fruits and heards of cattel and abundance of wild beasts besides ravenous creatures as wolves and bears Some think that the Frentani were the most valiant people of all Italy but as I think they were much deceived having not first well considered the words of Pliny who describing the Region of the Frentani saith it makes the fourth which from the River Tiferno beginneth the fourth Region of the Frentani so that by these valiant people he meaneth the Frentani themselves and the Marrucini which came afterward and the Peligni and the Precutini and who readeth the Roman Histories may know that the squadrons of the Peligni were preferred before all the Latine Nations The principal city of this Region is called at this Present Civita di Chieti named by Ptolomy Teatea and of Pliny Theate and also of Strabo Theate and was so called by Theata the mother of Achilles Both these said Authors write that this city was the chief and principal head of the Marucini as likewise Silio affirms the same saying Marhucina simul Frentanis aemula pubes Corfini populos magnumque Theate trabebat This city is situate upon a very high hill distant from the Adriatick Sea no more then seven miles it was destroyed by Pepin the son of Charls the great for taking part with the Longobards but it was about two hundred years following repaired again and became so pleasing to the Normans for the most pleasant situation thereof that Gotfredo the brother of Ruberto Guiscardo in the time of Pope Nicholas the second possessing this Province made the said City the head of all the Country of Abruzzo the Territory thereof is very excellent and bringeth forth all necessary things as well for profit as pleasure beyond the River Sangro among the Peligni is the ancient City of Orton upon the Sea being by Strabo called Ortonium and of Cato Ortonum but Ptolomy nameth it Orton And Strabo writeth that it was in old time called Petra Piratorum because the Rovers and Pirats retired hither when they had robbed at the sea in the which City is to be seen in a very stately Church where with great reverence is preserved the body of St. Thomas the Apostle with his ancient Tomb in which Church appeareth alwaies upon the Steeple when any ship is in danger at sea the miraculous light of St. Heramo which the Ancients attributed to Castor and Pollux although Philosophers affirm that it naturally proceeds from the repercussion of the air through the winds and water which seemeth very unlikely because there is not so much as the leaf of a tree that moveth without the providence of God how should this light casually chance the sea presently becoming calm and the sailers in safety which in that perilous state called faithfully upon the name of God Neither can it be by the means of any evil spirits for never is shewed any deed of piety but by some celestial and divine means and especially towards the faithfull Not far distant from Ortona is to be seen Ferentana at this present corruptly called Francavilla because it was often possest by the French this City was according to Razano the head of the Frentani From the River Sangro or Sanguine called in old time Saro four miles distant and as far from the sea is Lanciano a noble City called by Pliny Anxium and of Ptolomy Anxanum Here at two several times in the year that is to say in the month of May and August do Merchants assemble almost from all parts of Europe Asia and from other parts where is a principal Mart or Fair very famous through all the world on the right hand of Lanciano at the foot of the Hill is Maiella and Palumbaro and on the right hand of the River Sangro near the Sea is the Monastery of St. Iohn where sometimes was the famous Temple of Venus and above are these Countries Fossaceca and the Fort of St. Iohn and a little higher on the side of Sangro are seen the great ruines of the City of Bica which the country people call Seca on the right hand cometh the River Aventino and joyneth with Sangro and near the foot of Maiella are these Countries Civitella and Lama and on the right hand of the River Aventino is Palena the word being corrupted in place of Peligno near the which appears the ruines of the ancient City sometimes the chief and head of the Piligni called Superequani This Country is ennobled with the dignity of a Count the Lord whereof is Matteo of Capoa Prince of Couca a very rich Lord and a great lover of Learning But returning behind Lanciano going along the shore of the sea we come to the mouth of the River Foro which riseth from the Mount Maiella where it entreth into the Sea near the which is the Castle Tollo and on the left side thereof near unto it is Miglionico and a little higher is Fara and before it is
Campobascio sixteen miles is the Castle Celantia and from hence seven miles is Riccia opposite to whom is Gambatesa and after eight miles is the Castell of Motta and a litle higher are these Cities and Castles St. Gintiam Coletort Geldono and in the top is Circo the great where the river Fortore springeth six miles from thence is Vinchiaturo afterward is Baronello Busso Ratino Rocchetta Montesaggiano and following that way neer the river Fortore are these Countries and Castles Petrella Castel de Lino Morrone and Giovenisso Then we come to very large and spacious fields which continue the space of eighteen miles even to the sea and therein are to be seen the ruines of the ancient Gerione so often named by Livy neere whose walls he writeth that Hanniball made his stay Upon the Hills which joyn with the Apennine and are above the fountain of Vulturno on the right hand are these Castles Montenegro Riofreddo and a little below is the Castle Forolo so called also in old time then coming down by the course of the river three miles neer Fornello is a new countrey but very populous and rich which yeilds the best wine in all the countrey Directly against Fornello there belongs to Vulturno a vally called Porcina and then somwhat lower there entreth into Vulturno a River which comes from Esernia an ancient Colony of the Romans to which City that learned Lawyer Andrea of Rampino called by the Surname of Esernia hath given much honor whose works are of great estimation with learned men he was a man of great account and of the counsell of Queen Ione the first and as Liparulo writeeth was slain by Currado of Gottis a Dutch Baron for giving judgment against him This Citie hath a very fruitfull Territory and the Citizens for the most part are imployed in merchandise Not far off is Supino a fair and an ancient citie called in old time Sepinum of whom Pliny calleth the Inhabiters Sepinates Ascending then towards the Mediterrane within a mile of the river Fortore and eight miles from the sea is the noble Castle Guilliniaco and as much more higher is Guardia Alferes so named above the which is Lupara Cartabuttaccio and Lucito which hath a fair and fertile Territory the Lord thereof is Alfonso Pescicello a Neapolitane Gentleman a generous young man and wise and much inclined to learning And keeping on that way there is to be seen Limosano Castelpignano Rochetta Casal reparando and Lespineto which was repaired by Queen Ione the first by the mediation of Pietro Cardillo a Neapolitan her Favorite Of the which mention is made in the Register of the Exchequer Rolls of the said Queen of which Family there remains at this present a branch of the old stock even that learned Ottanio Cardillo a man indewed with much knowledge and liveth with great renown Then a little forward appears Boiano a City once esteemed the richest as it were the principall of Sannio whereof Livy maketh oftentimes very honorable mention and sometimes saith that it was sack 't and ransack't by the Romans and was more prey'd and spoyl'd then ever was all Sannio besides Moreover Silio Italio maketh mention thereof when speaking of the Samnits he saith Affluit Samnis nondum vergente favore Ad poenos sed nec veteri purgatus ab ira Qui Batulum Mucrasque colunt Boviana quique Exercent lustra aut Caudinis faucibus haerent Et quos aut Rufrae aut quos Aesernia quos ve Obscura incultis Herdania misit ab agnis Brutius haud dispar animorumque una juventus Lucanis excita jugis Hirpinaque pubes In the Book of the Colonies is thus written Bovianum oppidum lege Iulia milites deduxerunt sine iter Colonis populo iter amplius non debetur quam pedes Ager ejus per centurias Scâmna est designatus Ptolomy calleth the said Citie Bucianum The said Citie is adorned with the dignity of a Duke Not very far from Boiano is the Hill Fiterno which proceedeth from the Apennine from whom the river Fiterno now called Fortore hath the name Passing from thence towards the sea and going towards Termine is the mouth of the river Trinio which Pliny calleth Trinium Portuosum on whose left side five miles off is Castelluzzo Roccavivara and the noble citie of Trivento honored with the title of a County possessed in the time of the King of Aragon by Iacobo Caldora a most valiant Captain but it is now governed by the house of Afflitto The most reverend Bishop thereof Iulius Caesar Mariconda a Neapolitan Gentleman and a Prelate of no lesse learning then sincere life graceth now this citie with his great vertue Then follows Salicito Fossaceca Bagnulo and Civita nova And coming now to an end of this province I will speak of the Inhabiters thereof which are very strong and valiant and much inclined to Arms they are also obstinate in their opinions and in bargaining with strangers very crafty and subtile for the most part they exercise merchandise and husbandry they apparel themselves more for their own ease then with any decent or comely civility although the women more respect strait lacing then seemly attire This Province useth for the Arms thereof in a field gu a star of 8 points ar within a border of Ceres What the said Arms doth signifie I do not well understand yet thus much I may say that the garland of Ceres signifieth the great plenty of corn which this countrey yeilds and by the star argent noteth the great good will love of the people which they have to retain the memory of the family of Balzo which in former time governed almost all this whole countrey with other places of great importance in the kingdom whereto I give so much the greater credit insomuch as the house of Balzo gave in their Arms a star ar in a field gu Therefore I think it very fit not to neglect this opinion in the present description of this province although some think that the Star signifieth the prosperity of the countrey whereof the Poet saith subitoque fragore Intonuit latuum de coelo lapsa per umbras Stella facem ducens multa cum luce cucurrit Among the Romans the star was placed above the heads of Romulus and Remus which sucked the teat of the Wolfe signifying the custody of their proper Genio or good spirit who preserved them being children CAPITANATA The twelfth Province of the Kingdom OF NAPLES THis noble and fruitfull Province of Pugliapiana which at this present is called Capitanata was anciently named Iapygia Daunia Mesapia and Apulia The said Province stretcheth from the river Lofanto where the country of Bary endeth and passeth to the river of Frontone now called Fortore containing in breadth all between the Apennine hils where are the Irpini and the Sanniti and the Adriatick or rather Ionian Sea so that on the East it hath the country of Bary with the
river Lofanto on the South the Apennine with the Irpini and Sanniti on the West the Ferentani and Carraceni with the river Frontone and on the North the Adriatick or Ionian Sea Iohn Pontano in his second book of Histories handling many things saith that in the time of the first Normans and afterward the Greeks this Province was called Catapaniata because those that were sent to rule here by the Emperors of Constantinople were called in the Greek tongue Catapini and that afterward by corruption of the word it was called the Province of Capitanata and those that governed it Capitani The words of Pontano are these Apuliae pars ea que ab ●rentone flumine hodie Fortorium est ab Aufidi ripas sua nunc appellatione est Capitanata quae Normanorum prius ac Graecorum temporibus fuerat Catapaniata quòd qui ejus moderatione esset ab Imperatore Constantinopolitano praepositus diceretur Graeco nomine Catapanus quae vox contractis atque immutatis literis recentioribus versa est in Capitanatam quique Catapanus fuerat in Capitinium Quae verò Calabriae pars olim fuit in qua Tarentum Brundusium ac Salentinorum maritima est ora ea ab Hydrunto oppido ad quod est ab Macedonia Epiroque quam brevissima ad navigatio Hydruntina hodie terra dicitur At qui est ab Au●ido tractus ad Calabriae hoc est Hydruntinae fines terrae quo intractu sunt ad mare posita Barolum Tranum Vigilae Melficta Iuvenatium Barum Polygnanum Monopolis ab urbe Baro quae caput olim regionis fuit Barensis vocitata est terra regiorum quaestorum constitutione ac jussu Post eam montana loca quaeque olim fuere illinc Lucaniae hinc Apuliae iisdem illis temporibus vocari coepta Basilicata Quae appellatio unde potissimum ducta sit jure anceps est ac dubium Sunt enim qui existiment haud satis tamen certis auctoribus Constantinopolitano olim ab Imperatore regionem eam filiae ac genero traditam dotis nomine veri autem aliis videtur esse similius à Basilio quodam fortissimo viro dictam qui per illa tempora loca ea tenuerit deque regione ipsa tractumque omni Salentino Graecos industria sua pepulerit atque Poenos c. This Province as is said was in old time called Iapygia of Iapyge the son of Dedalus as Herodotus affirmeth but as Servio saith upon this verse of Virgil Victor Gargani condebat Iapygiis agris He saith that Iapygia was a part of Puglia wherein standeth the Hill Gargano which reacheth even to the Adriatick Sea It was also called Mesapia of the people Mesapii which inhabited in a part thereof although others say that it was so named of King Mesapo the son of Neptune Being afterward possest by Dauno the son of Pilumno and of King Danae the Grandsire of King Turnus all that country was called Daunia After him Diomedes coming with a great number of the people Etoli there to inhabit he divided the country between himself and Diomedes Afterward it was named Apulia of Apulo a most ancient King of these places which came hither to inhabit a long time before the Wars of Troy Ptolomy divideth Puglia the one part from Ti●erno to the city of Bary called Daunia and from thence unto the Salentini which are the people of the cou●try of Otronto called Peucetia Puglia came to the knowledg of the Romans rather through Wars then friendship for as Livy writeth with the rebellion of the Sannites the Romans had also Puglia their enemy whose Territory was laid waste and spoiled by them and at sundry times after as it appears in Livy came into the power of the Romans All this region was from the beginning in great prosperity but Hannibal and other Wars that succeeded him destroyed it and left it desolate the which Strabo confirms in his sixth book when writing thereof he saith Priori tempore universae hujus terrae secunda fortuna florebat postea vero Annibal sequentia bella desertam illam reddiderunt This most fruitfull Province bringeth forth great store of wheat barley and other corn and more plentifull then any other part of Italy although many fields are reserved for the pasture of sundry flocks of sheep which are brought from Abruzzo The earth or soil although it be sandy and light and the grass which grows thereon be small and slender it is nevertheless very fruitfull and storeth Naples Slavonia Venice and Tuscane with plenty of flesh This region indureth much water whereupon the Poet Horace saith that Apulia is full of silk and in some places it wanteth trees the air is temperate but in the summer season it is so much 〈◊〉 ●ith heat that it is not only hurtfull to strangers but even to the natural 〈◊〉 of the country All this region is very plentifull of every thing both horses and excellent sheep the wool is softer then that of Taranto but not so fine the hony there is much commended the vallies which lie by the plains makes it a very pleasant country whereby all the Province is much inhabited so that it hath in all ten cities and 52 towns and castles the cities are St. Angelo Manfredonia Siponto Lesina Vieste Ascoli Bovino Volturara Te●mole Troia This Province containeth the Hill Gargano with the appurtenances thereof which stretching out as it were an arm of the Apennine towards the Adriatick Sea compasseth in the lowest descent thereof which ends in the plain ●00 miles where appears all the ri●hes of Puglia with plenty of water it is also very well garnished and also richly furnished with trees and phisical herbs for the which there repairs from far countries i●finite Herbalists and Simplis●● whereupon it seem● that nature hath indued it with so great perfection 〈◊〉 ●or the p●e●●den●e and p●ima●y with all the other Hils of the Orient Diomedes purposed to make the said Hill an Island because the Istmus thereof is no more then two miles broad but this and other works he undertook were left imperfect because he returned home to his own house where he ended his life although some write that he remained here during his life Others feigning report that he vanished into the Isle of Diomedes and that his companions were transformed into fowls In this Country is bred the Tarantola whose venom as is before declared is cured with sounds and singing Here also breeds the Chersidri or the Cavalette which the country people call Brucoli which being dispersed here and there do feed and wholly devour all the fields with infinite hurt and spoil In the top of the said hill is the famous and noble city of St. Angelo from the which at this present for the most part the hill is so called for the Archangel St. Michael which appeared there where is to be seen the most devout and honourable Cave and holy Temple
Beccarini Gentile del Avantaggio Caverletta Minadois Nicastro Visco Tontoli and others But first before I proceed any farther to declare what the Monte Gargano is here towards the sea I will finish that which lieth upon the River Fortore Above Sanseverino four miles is Torre the great which is a Country that hath the title of a Dukedom subject to the house of Sangro which lieth from Fortore twelve miles and as much above Torre the great is Castelluccio and a little from thence is Monte Rotano and somewhat higher is Celenza which hath a very fruitfull Territory and is adorned with the title of a Marquisat the Lord whereof is Carlo Gambacorta a Neapolitan Gentleman a very famous and worthy Lord whose honourable actions are well known having many years with so much wisdom and valour governed through the grace and favour of King Philip the two Povinces of Principato and Basilicata and at this present with great honour ruleth and governeth this present Province Not far from Cilenza is a country called St. Marco and near that is Volturara which hath a good Territory and the Lord thereof holdeth the title of a Marquiss and not far off is the country of St. Gaudio and a little above is Rosseno and beyond that near the river of Fortore is the Castle Montefalcone The River Fortore runneth into the Sea near the Lake of Lesina which contains 40 miles in compass and a mile from this Lake and four from the Sea is the city of Lesina from whence the Lake hath taken its name the which city was built by the men of the Isle of Lesina of Slavonia some say that the Saracins spoiled the said city Leandro Alberti believeth that the aforesaid Lake is named by Pliny in the 10. chapter of his third book Lacus Pantanus which breeds good fishes and great Eels and at all times there is good fowling for wild Geese Mallards and Swans Within the land four miles above Lesina and within a mile of Fortore upon a high hill is Cerra Capriola in a populous and a civil country the which is well known through all the Kingdom for the toll or custom of cattel which pass through it from divers countries to winter in Puglia and for the custom of sheep where they pay in that place so much for every beast by the head Somewhat higher are these countries and castles St. Martino Colletorto S. Guilian Macchia which is adorned with the dignity of a Count subject to the house of Regina and not farr off is Petra di Cratello Campo di Pietra Geldono and in the top is Circomaggiore near the which springeth the river Fortore then on the left hand of Fortore is St. Nicandro five miles from the Sea and near the Lake of Cesina on that side which is nearest the Mount Gargano then farther within the land is Porcina a populous and a civil country where is also a very stately magnificent Palace made by the Emperor Frederick the second for a retiring house of pleasure after his sports of hunting in those parts Going six miles forward we come to St. Seniero a country very rich noble civil and populous whose Territory is so fertile that it is not inferior to any in this Province the said country hath lately been innobled by the Kings favour with the dignity of a Prince which the Family of Sangro possesseth Strabo writeth in his sixth book that in the Territory of Daunio although that imperfect and corrupt book nameth it Saunio at a hill named Drio in the manner of a Wood was in his time two Temples the one in the very top assigned to Calcante that whosoever came to demand any thing of the Oracle sacrificed a black ram lying down themselves upon the skin The other Temple was dedicated to Podalirio below at the very foot of the Hill distant from the Sea a hundred furlongs From the which Temple did spring a little brook very wholsom and comfortable to cure the infirmities of cattel therefore it may the better be believed that such Temples have been in these places hereabout for Strabo saith In agro Daunio circa tumulum quem Drion nominant basilicae monstrantur una quidem Calchantis in summo ●erti●è cui petentes oracula ingrant●m im●lant arietem strata in pelle dormiunt Altera Podalirii in insima montis radice posita abest à mari stadiorum circiter C. Ex ea rivulus manat ad omnis p●corum morbos salutaris Now it is time to return to the Mount Gargano or rather St. Angelo to the end I may the better describe certain places which are there In the midst then of the said hill where is the fair and spacious plain of ●lorishing and pleasant pasture is to be seen the country of St. Iohn Ritondo where every year on the 11 of Iune are assembled the Bailiffs and Officers thereabout a chief and principal magistrate coming thither in the name of the King the which after they have well considered the store of grain barley and other corn with a general consent they proclaim a price of all victuals Not far from the said place are Cagnano and Carpino which have a fruitfull Territory the Baron thereof is Antonio Nava so honourable and worthy a Lord and so vertuously given as he is generally honoured and loved of every one and hath been the special occasion that this work is published the second time At the foot of the said hill near Manfredonia is St. Vito a very great country but wholly abandoned for the great abundance of Serpens that are therein Not far off is the Castle Arignano and St. Nocandro Departing then from the foot of the Mount Gargano and leaving the places near adjacent we come to Foggia in a populous country which hath a very fertile and fruitfull Territory yielding great plenty of grain barley and other sustenance Some say that it was built of the ruines of the ancient city of Argirippa the which as Strabo●aith ●aith was in old time one of the greatest cities in Italy and was first called Argostippium afterward Argyripa and at the last Arpe and saith that it was builded by Diomedes At this present liveth with great honour to the said city Giovanbattista Vitale a very plausible and pleasant Poet of our age But it is not fit I should smother in silence the custom of the sheep of Puglia which is one of the greatest revenues that the King hath in the Kingdom and consisteth in the rents of the herbage which cometh every year into the Kings Exchequer by the Officers for the pasture of sheep and greater cattel of the which rents in truth some pay 13 duckets for a hundred sheep and some 12. and some 10 and a half and some 9. and some 6. and some 3. and some 15 carlins for a hundred and others 12 crowns for a thousand But of greater cattel some pay 37
the year 1562. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was decreed that to the Kings Majesty should be given a million of gold the which donative the Barons and people of the Kingdom paid In the year 1564. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was given to his Majesty a million of gold and sixty thousand duckets to the renowned Prince of Spain and Duke of C●lauria his son the which sum of money the Barons and people of the Kingdom payed In the year 1566. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was given to the King a million and two hundred thousand duckets the which donative the Barons and people of the Kingdom paid In the year 1568. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was decreed that to his Majesty should be given a million and 200 thousand duckets the which donative was paid by the Barons and people of the Kingdom In the year 1572. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was concluded that to the Kings Majesty should be given a million and 200 thousand duckets the which donative the Barons and people of the Kingdom paid In the year 1574. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was given to his Majesty a million and 200 thousand duckets the which donative was divided between the Barons and the people of the Kingdom In the year 1577. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was concluded that to the Kings Majesty should be given a million and two hundred thousand duckets the which donative was devided between the Barons and the people of the Kingdom In the year 1579. was held a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was decreed that to his Majesty should be given a million and two hundred thousand duckets the which donative was paid by the Barons and people of the Kingdom In the year 1581. was held according to the accustomed manner a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence where was concluded that to the Kings Majesty should be given a million and two hundred thousand duckets the which donative was devided between the Barons and people of the Kingdom In the year 1583. the second day of Ianuary was held a publick and general Parlament and was decreed that to the King should be given a millon and two hundred and fifty thousand duckets the which donative was paid by the Barons and people of the Kingdom In the year 1585. was held according to the usual manner a publick and general Parlament in St. Laurence of Naples where was concluded that to the Kings Majesty should be given a million and two hundred thousand duckets the which donative was paid two parts by the people of the Kingdom and one by the Barons of which payment only the City of Naples and the Territories of the Annuntiation were free In the year 1587 according to the custom was given a donative to the King of a million and two hundred thousand duckets In the year 1589. was given according to the usual custom a donative to the King of a million and two hundred thousand duckets In the year 1591. was given by the Barons and people of the Kingdom a donative to the King of a million and two hundred thousand duckets In the year 1593 was given according to the accustomed manner a donative to the King of a million and two hundred thousand duckets In the year 1595. was given a donative to the King of a million and two hundred thousand duckets A Description of the Rivers Lakes Fountains Baies Mines Hils and Woods which are in this Kingdom A THe River Acida runneth near Niceto now called Donato The River Amaseno runneth near Abbadia The River Alabro runneth near Supino The River Albula otherwise called Matrino runneth near Musignano The River Aterno now called Pescara runneth near to Civita di Chieti The River Avinio runneth near Fratte The River Aventino runneth near the Fort of Rasino The River Alandra runneth near Sala The River Acheronte now called Campagnano runneth near Castello Franco called in old time Pandosia where was slain as he was foretold by the Oracle Alexander King of Molossus whilst he understanding not the deceits of the devil remained secure having escaped another River of the same name in his own Country of Epire. The River Ancitula runneth near Francica The River Alaro called in old time Sacra runneth near Roccella The River Aesaro called also Aesano runneth near St. Severina and the City of Cotrone The River Alex runneth near the City of Alesio The River Areus runneth near Cosenza The River Arentho runneth near Cosenza The River Abuceto hath his original from the Hill Abuceto which is in the Isle of Ischia The River Angitula runneth near Angitula The River Agatha runneth near Regio The River Aterno now called Pescara runneth near Pescara The River Alba runneth near Manupello The River Asinella runneth near Vasto The River Ag●ra is in Calauria and runneth into Faro of M●ssina The River Alore in Calauria The River Au●ido hath his original from the Hils Hirpini and runneth by Canosa and after into the Adria●ick Sea by some it is called Canne in respect of a City of the same name not far off which is very famous for the great victory of Hannibal by the overthrow which he gave to the Roman Army by which victory Hannibal had from the hands of the Roman Knights three bus●●ls of Rings of gold the said River is now called Lofanto The River Anfure now called Ufente runneth near the City of Terracina called in old time Ansure The River Acri runneth near Saponara The River Arnone runneth near Castelluccia B THe River Bathino called in old time Tordino and Juvatino is near Montepagano The River Basento runneth near Cosenza which River is very famous for the Sepulchre of Alaricus the Goth with certain treasure that is there hid and the ●light of the Emperor Otho which was overthrown by Basilius the Greek The River Bato runneth near Scalea The River Bradano runneth through Basilicata C THe River Calore runneth near Benevento and riseth in the Mountains of Crepacore The River Cervano runneth into the Haven of Taranto called the little Sea The River Coraco runneth near Roccella The River Croccia runneth near Simari The River Crate runneth near Cosenza the water whereof maketh hair yellow and woll white The River Cratallo runneth near Catanzaro The River Cacino runneth near Seminara The River Cardono runneth through the territory of Cosenza and is full of golden sand The River Cato Castro runneth near Mantea The River Cochile called in old time Sibari whereupon Sicel●o in the year of the world 2409. saith the ancient City Sibari was builded the which increased through the amenity of the Country in such greatness that it could arm sometimes three hundred thousand men this River runneth near Cassano The River Coloneta runneth near Rossano
Instruments of a King XXX The late Kings Declaration in Latine French and English XXXI Bella Scoto-Anglica or the Traverses of War twixt England and Scotland XXXII Mercurius Hybernicus XXXIII The Process and pleadings in the Court of Spain for the death of Mr. Ascham in Fol. Three of all which Books are Translations the rest his own Compositions Vfent is a River near the City of Ansure now called Terracina for the roughness thereof It was builded by Ansurus the son of Iupiter The Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples See Virgil in the end of the fifth Book of Aeneid●s where he saith Iamque adeo scopulos syrenum c. The Isles of Diomedes called by Cornelius Tacitus in his 4 book Trimerus The praise of the Kingdom Men and women endued with divers Sciences St. Thomas Aquinus see lib. of Metheora Turia is a Country of Calauria anciently called Meta●tos Marinus florished in the time of the Emperor Hadrian and writ many questions of Philosophy as Suida noteth See Stasius in the end of his 3 Book to Claudia The length and breadth of the Land of Lavoro Campania Felix why it was so called The nature of the Land of Lavoro Trees flourish twice a year in this Province The great plenty both of fowls and wild beasts in the Land of Lavoro The fishes which the Sea of this Province bringeth forth Mines and Baths Of the Wine Oyle and living creatures which are in this Province See Plutarch The praise of this Province The excellent Conserve of Naples The nature condition of the people of this Province Fondi Pliny lib. 14. cap 6. The Lake Fondano Mamurry Gaeta Galasius second Bishop of Rome Mola Formia The Village of Scipio and Lelius See Martial lib. x. epig●a The Castle Honoratus Horace lib. pr. The River Garigliano The overthrow given to the Saracins by Pope Iohn the 10. Consalvus Ferrandus grand Captain of Cordova Tratetto Minturne The Land of Lavoro Garigliano Trifano Sinope called Sinuessa Turpillus the Comical Poet. The Hill Massico The Fort of Mondragone The Villages of Sessa The City Sessa Why it was called Sessa Augustine Nifo Carinola The Fields Falerni what they were and how far they stretched The Fields Stellato Calvi Cajazza Tiano Caianello Vulturno Patria Of the Fountain Acidula and the property thereof The City Cuma The Town of Servilio Vacia Miseno Trumpeter of Aeneas Bana the Lake Averno and Pizzolo why they were so named Soffatara The Hil Asturno Listroni The Village of Cicero where the Emperor Adrian was buried Hot-Houses The soul of Pascasio Cardinal See also Iohn ●●ki● in his 2 book of Purgatory Pausilipo a most delightfull place which according to Dion was possessed by Vedio Pollione a Roman a man famous for no other cause then his wealth and cruelty because in that place he had certain Fish-ponds wherein he used often times to cast in men as food for his fishes and dying le●t Augustus his heir of Pausilipo Virgil his Sepulchre Chiaia Giacomo Sanazaro The Castle of Vovo Naples alwaies faithful to the people of Rome The praise of the City of Naples The Gulf Cratera The Arms of the City of Naples The Tower of Greece and of Nuntiata The Hill Somma casteth out fire The death of Pliny The Wholsome House a most delightsome place builded by King Charls the second The City Massa The Temple of Minerva The Isle of Sirenuse see Virgil in the end of his 5 Book of Ene●dos now these Islands are called under one name Gallo where is the Isle of Capri. Procita why it was so called Dyonisius of Alicarnaseo in the first of the Histories of Rome Iohn of Procicla Author of the Sicilian Evening Ieronimo Zurita in the History of Arragon The Family of Procita in Catalogna The Isle Ischia Of the Giant Tipheo the Poets speak diversly for Virgil in the 9 of Aeneidos saith that here he was strucken with lightning by Iupiter in the which opinion agreeth Lucan but Ovid saith it w●s in Sicilia Alfonsus King of Arragon and Naple was of the House of Medina so saith Laonico Calcondile Athenian in the History of the Turks in his fift Book Gironda an ancient City of the Isle Bartholmew Perdice Genoway The Book of the Antiquities of Pozzuolo written by the Author of this Work The body of St. Restituta Virgin The Isle Nisita why it was so called Gaiola why ●t was so called The City Capoa Capoa destroyed The Sepulchre of Capi the builder of Capoa Capoa destroyed by Genserico King of the Vandals Capoa newly builed The Lombards destroy Capoa Capoa re-edified Conradus King of Naples cast the Walls of Capoa to the gr●und Capoa sacked by the French The Land of Lavoro why it was so called F. L. Sosipatro Charisso Vittore Bishop Peter of Vineis Iohn Antonio Campano The City Atella The City Aversa by whom it was built Aversa destroyed by Charls of Angio King of Naples Don Pietro Orsino The famous men of Aversa Marigliano The City Acerra why it was built Acerrr why it was so called The Temple of Iupiter Feretrio Propertio in 4. The river Glanio and the originall thereof Sessula The river Isclero Aierola The City Caserta by whom it was built Lonardo Santoro Mataloni Venafro The City Sora. The Sorani cut in pieces the Roman Colonies The Romans take Sora. The Romans send another Colony to Sora. Sora destroyed by the Emperor Frederick the second The River Fibreno and the beginning thereof The River Liris now called Garigliano An Island a most beautiful Country called by the Ancients Interamnia Comino a pleasant Country was ●o called by an ancient City of the same name The City Atina The River Melfa The City Arpino The Arms of Arpino The City Arce The City Aquino Giovenal a Satyrical Poet. Victorino a Geometrician Pescenio Negro Emperor St. Thomas of Aquin. Gio Menardo in the 6 book of epistles in the 5 epistle Adinolfo Count of Aquino and Duke of Gaeta Monte Casino Totila King of Goths Paulo Diacono in his 6 book of histories The City Theano The City Calvi The City Lauro by whom it was built Palma The Plain of Palma The City Nola. The death of the Emperor Octavius Augustus Flora and her Riches The Temple of Flora. St. Felix Bishop St. Paulino the Inventer of Bels. The Arms of Nola. The first Counts of Nola Romano Orsino was the first of that Family that had Lordship in the Kingdom Wherefore the Rose was adjoyned to Arms of the House of Orsina Iohn Antonio Orsino Prince of Tarento Counts of Nola. The names of the Noble Families of Nola. The Arms of this Province of Lavoro Arechi Duke of Benevento in the year 755. The Confines of the Picentini Where the Picentini dwelt Why the Picentini were driven away by the Romans The City Picentia Sundry opinions of the Picentini The fertility of the Province Noceria Sanseverino The water of Mela. Cava and the beginning thereof in the year 910. Adalferio
made a Bishops Sea This City was very faithfull to King Ladislaus from whom for this cause it attained many priviledges and so strong was the Castle thereof that it was held one of the Keys of the Land and therefore was there alwaies held a strong Garison of Soldiers Gaeta hath alwaies the best Haven which as Spartianus writeth was repaired with great cost by Antonius Pius This City had great honour by Galasius second Bishop of Rome by that famous Thomas of Viao of the Order of Preachers General and after Cardinal of the Church R. this excellent man past to a better life at Rome the 9 of August in the year 1534. And moreover about our time Iohn Tharcagnota hath been very famous whose History is generally known to all Following on the said way there are seen even to Mola which are five miles delightfull Gardens near the crooked shore of the Sea under Gaeta full of green flourishing Oringes Lymons and other pleasant fruits environed with delightfull Christaline streams yielding much content to the beholders thereof Proceeding somewhat forward in following the aforesaid pleasant way on the sea-side is seen the beautifull City Mola built by the ruines of the ancient City Formia now called Ormia which a little distance are seen the Foundations of Formia built by the Laconi according to Pliny and was so called by the conveniency of the Haven as Strabo writeth this ancient City was the habitation of Antiphate King of the Lestrigoni most cruel Tyrants Mola hath very fair and fruitfull Territories some think that Mola was so named of the Wharfs or rather of the Mills which are therein turning by the continual course of water which plentifully riseth from the bottom of the Hils In this Country was the fair and delightfull Village Formiana of Scipio and Lelius the true and faithfull friends which afterward was purchased by Cicero and throughout all this Country which is from Mola to the River Garigliano are seen the ruins of great buildings whereby it may be thought that those places in ancient time were much inhabited being the most delightfull pleasant and fruitfull that the Roman Empire had After Mola three miles upon a little Hill is the Castle Honorato in the way Hercolantea builded by Honoratus of Gaeta County of Fondy Not far off is the Hill Cecubo which stretcheth to the Gulf of Gaeta this Hill is much renowned for the excellency of the Wines thereof which are much commended by Horace by Martial and Strabo following that way towards the mouth of the River Garigliano where it runneth into the Sea before Clanino is Liris so much celebrated for the overthrow which the Saracins had by Pope Iohn the 10th and for the Victory obtained by Consalvo Ferrando of Cordova against the French to whose only valour was attributed the Victory of them and the flight of the Turks whereby he gained the glorious sirname of Great Captain a favour vouchsafed from heaven whereof the world hath so few This said River riseth from the Appennine Mountains and passeth by the Territory of Vestino near to the Country of Fregelle now a famous City and goeth by Luco or rather the Sacred Wood sometimes honoured of the Minturnesi which was near the said City On the left side of the said River is seen upon a little Hill the City of Traietto builded near to the place where was the City of Minturne the ruines whereof are now to be seen and almost the whole Theatre and the ancient aquiducts Minturne was builded by the Ausoni and was afterward a Roman Colony and was divided by the River near the mouth thereof It was in the time of Pope Marcellinus honoured with a general Councel and it was one of the Cities which for the grievance of the air was priviledged by the Romans both from the Wars and other burthens and Impositions Cai. Marius flying hither secretly hid himself in a moorish or fenny place and beholding an Asse to go very pleasantly to the water to drink took it for a good presage or a token of good fortune re-inforced his Army and putting to Sea entred Rome victoriously From thence leaving the Confines of this Region of Latium we enter on the right hand into the Land of Lavoro and the Hill which is in the entrance of the Land of Lavoro very near to the mouth of Garigliano hath many famous names for in some place it is called Gauro in other Massico and in some other Gallicano that part thereof that is nearest to Garigliano is called Gauro from whence the River hath been called Gaureliano Pliny saith that this Gauro as also the Hill Vessuvio near Naples yieldeth Sulphur or Brimstone which the hot-waters sufficiently declare which at this present are seen to issue and boyle where now is the Tower of the Bathes and the Bathes themselves After Minturn the first Land that is nearest in the Land of Lavoro on this side was Trifano situated by Livy between Minturn and Sinuessa the next following was Sinuessa five miles as Strabo saith from Minturn but it is ten miles as it now appeareth Livy saith that there were two Colonies brought about the Territory Vestino and Falerno one at the mouth of Garigliano which was Minturn as is said and the other in Vestino which confineth with the Territory of Falerno where first there was a Greek City called Sinope which was builded by the Sinopesi and was by the Roman Colony called Sinuessa because it joyned near to the City Sessa Here died old Turpillus that comical Poet many ruines of this City are to be seen on the land but more in the Sea and the Haven thereof had a large Key or Wharlf made by mens labour at the top of the Hill called Dragone saith Livy that Fabius Maximus led his Army by the top of the Mount Massico forbidding passage to Hannibal and that the Souldiers of Hannibal sackt the Country even to the water Sinuessano from whence it seemeth that the Mount Massico whereon Fabius Maximus held his Army is a part of the same Hill which reacheth from Sessa to Carinola In the place of Sinuessa two miles from thence upon the Hill is the Fort of Mondragone honoured with the dignity of a Dukedome the Town whereof stands in the Plain less then a mile from the Sea where Sinuessa was is nothing seen but the Baths which as Strabo saith doe cure many diseases and especially help women that ate baren After the Fort of Mondragone upon the Hill Massico which is full of Villages from the part towards the Sea there is no land or Castle but from that part which is towards Garigliano between the Sea Garigliano the way Appia and the Mount Massico is no more plain then eight miles every way and is manured and inhabited with much people and is now called the Villages of Sessa which Plain in the happy time of the Romans was
have been many learned as Bartholmew of Donato which writ a discourse de Corporeitatis Luca Prassitio which subtilly and wittily writ ten Disputations against Augustine Nifo of Sessa very learned are these Treatises De immortalitate animae and de prestantia literarum supra arma wherein he exprest great learning and in these daies together with these the reverend Father Alfonso of Marco of the reformed Order of Preachers who for his good and examplary life shineth as the Sun in darkness he hath learnedly writ upon Logick natural Philosophy the soul Metaphysick and de ente rationis and he is now commenting the same of St. Thomas and if God permit him life we may expect other learned Works to proceed from him In the aforesaid City are these Noble Families Altimaro Cutinario Gargano Grimaldo Landulfo Pacifio Scaglione Silvestro Simonello Tufo Ricardo Della Valle and others Not far from Aversa is Marigliano in a good Soil and is wholly walled about and by the Ancients called Merlianum and Marianum the Citizens whereof say that it was so called by C. Marius the Founder thereof and it is now indued with the dignity of a Marquiss under the jurisdiction of the House of Montenegro Innocentius the third Bishop of Rome hath much honoured this Land being born there and at this present R. D. Iacobo Marotta a learned Philosopher who hath written upon the predicables and predicaments of the Logick of Scotus de triplici intellectu Humane Angelical and Divine and read in the common Schools of Naples the Metaphisicks with a wonderfull concourse of Students Afterward appeareth the City Acerra called by Strabo Acerrae which was burnt by Hannibal the Carthaginian But was again newly re-edified by the Romans whereof Livy often maketh mention and Virgil calleth the Territory thereof very good and fertile Near to which City runneth the River Glanio very hurtfull to the Country through the continual inundations and therefore is almost disinhabited Acerra was builded by the people Nasamoni who in honour of Iupiter Feretrio made a high Altar after the fashion of a little Ship whereupon they burnt great abundance of sweet Odours wherefore it was called Acerra by the Nasamoni which opinion Alexander of Alexandro Neopolitan confirmeth in the 7 Chapter of his third Book speaking of their Gemali Acerra erat ara constituta ubi odores incenderet quae acerra dicta erat à Nasamonibus populis Some are of opinion that an Altar so called was only devised by the Nasamoni but that Numa Pompilius erected the Temple of Iupiter Feretrio Festo believeth that Feretrio was so called by bringing of peace although Plutarch saith that he should be so named by the wounding of enemies whereupon Propertio writeth a learned Elegy of Iupiter Feretrio thus Nunc Iovis incipiam causas aperire Feretrii Armaque de ducibus trima recepta tribus To which Temple the Ancients when they obtained victory of their enemies consecrated all their best and richest spoils Departing from Acerra is the River Glanio which springeth from the Hill above Sessua by ancient Writers named Clanius whereof Virgil maketh mention in two of his Georgicks thus Talem dives arat Capua vicina Vesevo Ora jugo vacuis Clanius non aequus Acerris Probus writeth that the River Clanio took that name from the Giant Clanio Afterward is seen Sessula distant from Acerra four miles called by Strabo Suessula and by Livy in many places and in his seventh Book sheweth that in this City was a great battel between the Romans and the Samnites where the Samnites were put to flight by M. Valer. This City is almost now ruinated Afterward appeareth from the North part the Hils of Capoa called by Livy Tifata these Hils are above Capoa and above all this Country the which pass along even to the Territory of Nola. Afterward is the River Isclero and the River Sorritello and not far off upon a fair Hill is the Aierola an excellent Country honoured with the dignity of a Dukedom under the Family Caracciola From Aierola five miles is in a fair Plain Arienzo a Country full of worthy and honourable people called of the Latines Argentum the Territory whereof is very fertile and full of Fruit and especially of Percope where they grow more common in this Country then any other verily these fruits are to be preferred before all others for their delicacy and great goodness these said Trees live not above five years and it is necessary that the seeds or carnels thereof be sowed towards the East in a place where the cold cannot hurt them for cold is a great enemy to these Trees the Fruit thereof is of the colour of Gold with red spots and a slender rine and weighs a pound and more according to the place where they be planted Not far off upon a steep and pleasant little Hill is the City of Caserta replenished with worthy and honourable people the original whereof is uncertain the Citizens of it affirm by ancient tradition that it was builded by the Sessulani and Galatini others believe from the reliques of the second Capoa in the Hill Trifisco and last of all others say that it should be builded by the Longobards and was made a Cathedral Church by Alexander the fourth Bishop of Rome The Lords of Aquino ruled this City a long time afterward it came under the Counts of Tilesia of the Noble Family Siginulfa and lastly Giulio Antonio Acquaniva a noble Lord possest it with the Title of a Prince The noble Family of Santori hath much honoured this City of which that excellent Doctor of Law Lonardo hath been much renowned who left to the world a worthy and honourable issue from whom descended the famous and reverend Giulio Antonio Santoro Cardinal of the Church of Rome and Francesco Antonio Archbishop of Severin● his brother men no less famous for Learning then for sincerity of life Going a little farther is Mataloni of some called Magdaloni and of others Metalionis which hath the dignity of a Dukedome subject to the noble Family of Carrafi Near which upon a Hill is the fair City of Venafro named by Strabo Venafrum the Plain whereof Pliny calleth fertile and full of Olives whereupon Martial praising the Oyle saith Hoc tibi Campani sudavit bacca Venafri Vnguentum quoties sumis istud oles This City in the time of our Ancestors had the Title of a County under the Pandoni Gentlemen of Naples after the which it came under the Dominion of the worthy Lords of Lanoia Princes of Sulmona but now it is in the Kings hands Going a little farther is the noble ancient City of Sora so called both now and in old time which in the time of the Romans was the principal City of all Sannio Pliny placeth it in the first Region and Ptolomy in Latium and Strabo describeth it in happy Campania We following the
division of the Kings Court place it in this Province of the Land of Lavoro or happy Campania Livy saith that the said City was made at one and the same time a Colony of the Romans with Alba which was of the Territory Vestino but possest by the Samnites This which Livy saith that Sora should be of the Territory Vestino is true for this reason that the City Vestina being near Garigliano in the Plain of Sessa that which was from the mouth of the River even to Sora by the River Garigliano all under one only name of Vestini became so called and Garigliano and Sessa were comprehended under the self-same of Vestini Livy saith that the Sorani becoming rebels and joyning with the Samniti went against them with all their force and saith that in this rebellion the Sorani cut in pieces the Roman Colonies that were there which stirred so great desire of revenge that at length the City was taken by Treason one of Sora bringing in ten Romans secretly into the Castle whereupon the Citizens broke up the Gates in the night and fled away and the Roman Army freely entred in and there were taken 325 of the Sorani Authors of the Rebellion and the death of the Roman Colonies and were carried bound to Rome and cruelly beaten in the Market-place and afterward put to death to the great contentment of the people which desired as their proper interest that in their Colonies their Citizens might be secure But within awhile following the Romans sent another Colony to Sora under the Consulship of L. Genutio and of Servio Cornelio the which for a long time remained there peaceable But in the time afterward of Gregory the ninth was destroyed by the Emperor Frederick the second and for all this was by the same Citizens repaired and in process of time increased in much honour and riches and is now reputed one of the best Cities in all that Province and is adorned with the Title of a Dukedome The said City on the one side is compassed with a stately and strong Wall and the other is defended with the River Fibreno which hath its beginning under the Mountains of Capistrello which is a Country in the Apennin eight miles above Sora which River entreth into Garigliano called in old time Liris near the Monastery of St. Dominico of Cisterniensi This River aboundeth with water and seemeth to be that which according to Pliny cometh from the Lake Fucino which in the beginning is divided into two branches whereof that on the left hand by means of the high and steep Mountains is very swift but that on the right hand running by a Rock and falling not from that hight as the other passeth with a pleasant current very calm and beautifull These two branches being joyned again together under Sora make an Island very delightfull and of much traffick which the Ancients have called Interamina Following the course of these Rivers are these Countries following Torre Campolato Isoletta and Colledrago Now above the Isle before named which with those two Arms makes Garigliano there are very high Hils and almost wholly disinhabited and on the right hand there is a Country above those rough and cragge Hils very pleasant called Comino which is invironed with very high Hils and hath seven Countries wel inhabited that is Vicalvo Alvito Santo Donato Settefrati Piacinisco Gallinaro and Casalviero This Country was in old time called Comino of a City which was there so called whereof Livy speaketh in many places and chiefly in the tenth Book where he saith that it was taken by Spurio Carvillo Consul being entred within it and his Souldiers retired which had the Guard of the Market-place there was given to Papirio the Consul eleven thousand and thirty men the first being killed by four thousand three hundred and eighty In this same Country on the right hand under the Hils is Atina an ancient City which was one of those five which made Arms for the aid of Turnus against Aeneas according to Virgil in the seventh of Eneidos Quinque adeo magnae positis incudibus urbos Tola novant Atina potens c. At the side of the said City runneth the River Melfa which riseth in the Apennin Hils and entreth into Garigliano near Pontecorvo a City whereof Virgil and Livy make mention Coming down into the bottom of this Country on the side of the said River under the Castle of Casalviero on the left hand is a little Country which they call Schiavi and yet lower upon a very rough and craggie Hill is Arpino a famous City whose stately Walls yet standing declare the greatness thereof and although it hath been the natural Country as well of Caio Marius as of Marcus Tullius the one the mirror of Chivalry the other of Eloquence yet that preferring Learning before Martial Affairs used for the Arms M. T. C. Under Arpino on the left hand near the River Melfa is Fontana a little Country and hard by is Arce a worthy City the Territory whereof aboundeth with great store of excellent Fruits and hath a goodly Fortress and is beautified with the Title of a Dukedom Not far off followeth the City Aquino called in old time Aquinum which is almost ruinated whose Reliques manifestly declare what great estimation it had in former times where apparently are seen the ruines of stately Buildings with goodly Statues of Marble Both now and ever Aquino hath received much honour by Giovenale a Satyrical Poet and Victorino an excellent Geometrician who flourished in the time of Leo the first according to the opinion of some he found the computation of Easter according to the course of the Moon at the perswasion of Pope Hillary Moreover Pescenio Negro Emperor of Rome hath honoured this Country as Herodian declareth in his second Book of his Cesars And although the said City be almost ruinated nevertheless it hath the dignity of a County Here Robert Guiscardo the Norman was created with great solemnity Duke of Apuglia and Calauria by Gregory the seventh Bishop of Rome in the year 1073. as Biondo writeth in his Histories and Platina in the life of the said Gregory But above all that Angelical Doctor St. Thomas hath most honoured Aquino the which though born in Naples is sirnamed of Aquino because his Ancestors possest that Country with other Cities and Lands Iohn Menardo saith that the said Angelical Doctor was of the House of Frangipane others say that he was of the Noble Family of Sammacula and that afterward from that Seignory as we have said which they had of Aquino they were sirnamed of Aquino the which Family was much advanced by Adinolfo County of Aquino for as much as by the common consent of the Gaetani he was created Duke of their City among the ancient Poets Rinaldo of Aquino hath been very excellent of whom Monsignor Pietro Bembo maketh mention in his Epistles
caput urbium Capua quodam inter tres maximas Romam Carthaginemque numerata c. The PRINCIPALITY On this side the second Province of the Kingdome OF NAPLES THe ancient Inhabiters of this Province were called the Picentini But Arechi the second 14th Duke of Benevento in the year 755. much enlarged his Dukedom for as much as he not only subdued by force of Arms the Picentine people but also the Irpini whereupon growing proud usurped the Title of Prince and was the first in Italy that attributed to himself that Title and so commanded that his State should be no more called a Dukedom but a Principality And from hence perhaps it so came to pass that within a while after from that new Title of Prince all that part of the Picentini and of the people Irpini by one only name were called Principato The Confines of the Picentini according to Strabo Ptolomy and Sempronius hath on the West the happy Campania on the North the Irpini on the East the River Silaro and Basilicata and on the South the Tirren Sea This said Country was within the said limits in breadth 16 miles and in length beginning from Sirenuse even unto the mouth of the River Silaro 260 furlongs which is 33 miles But according to Pliny only 30. the circuit of which Country contained a part of old Campania The Romans brought these people from Adria to inhabit here about the borders of Pestano But afterward being Confederate with Hannibal the Carthaginian the Romans for this cause became afterwards their enemies who in disdain drove them out of the Country and were forced to dwell elsewhere as some report their principal City was Picentia as Pliny testifieth the which are also so named by Pomponius and Silius in his eight book from the which these people derive the name Picentia of the Picentini as some say Others affirm that the Sabines having chosen of a new people ce●ain Colonies sent them under the Conduct of Pico which brought them into the borders of Pestano and there built the City of Picentia from whence they were afterward called Picentini Others say that they were so called of Piceno from whom their fore-fathers draw their first original and that from their City the people were so called And last of all others say from Pico their Captain they had that name which led the first Colony of Sabines into a part of Pestano The Territories of this Province are very fruitfull in many places of all sorts of Corn and have sufficient store of Cattel and where there is not that abundance of these things yet that great Mother Nature yieldeth other things very plentifull which in time of Harvest sufficiently appears that even among themselves there seems a certain emulation Besides this the Sea which every where with great abundance of divers sorts of Fishes both shel-fish and others furnish it as it were glorying it self comes nothing behind the other To conclude the greatest part of this Region bringeth forth Corn Wine Oyl Rice and all other sorts of pulse And those places which are any thing scarce of these things besides divers excellent Fruits yield Hony Silk Bombace and Saffron whereupon many say this Region is seasoned and tempered with all the graces It is also adorned with pleasant Woods and thick and shady Groves and hath high and stately Mountains and delightfull Hils with great plenty of Springs and sweet waters On the Sea-side it hath many secure safe Havens and goodly Shores and the places much inhabited it hath besides all sorts of fruitfull Trees and particularly those which were transported by Hercules unto us out of Media as Citrons Limons and Oringes which the beautifull Nymph Amalfi planted in the pleasant Vallies of this Country a place which seemeth to the beholders thereof a most beautifull Embrodery or Arras work where the nearer a man cometh the more pleasure increaseth both to the eyes and the nose besides the Mirtle Trees the Bayes the Gelsomine the Roses the Rosemary and Flowers of sundry kinds and other the like Plants from whence proceeds such a fragrant smell which mingled with divers odours yields an admirable sweetness Who can be able to declare the ornament and furniture of the Vines from whence are had such sweet and delicate Wines Verily the places of this Region are so delightfull and pleasant that they are worthy to be numbred among the most beautifull and most delicate of all Italy And here the air is temperate and wholsome and through all the year excellent hunting both for fowls and beasts In truth the Territory of this beautifull Region is such that all Italy hath not almost the like wherefore it may be called a perfect work of Nature In praise whereof that learned Iulius Cesare Scaligero composed these Verses Quae Borcae g●lidas furias contemnit ovantis Torva procellosi despicit arma Noti Medorum silvis foecundas provocat auras Fundit à biseris Indica dona jugis Protinus Autumnus veris cum tempore certat Et ver cum Autumni tempore certat item Huc accessit hyemes venerantibus uda capillis Et peperit mirans sibi poma legit Tuta mari fruitur terrae dominatur amarae Et coeli mutat jura quid ergo Dea. But having now made a description of this Country which beginneth at the mouth of the River Sarno leaving the Castle of Stabie going by the Mediterrane four miles distant from the said River is the City Noceria whereof M. Tullius and Livy makes often mention now called of the Pagans Nueera because the Saracins held it a certain time their Army being overthrown at Garigliano by Pope Iohn the tenth This said City is indued with the dignitie of a Dukedom under the Family of Carrafa And in this City among others are these Noble Families Pagano Rinaldo and Vngro On the right hand of Nucera are certain Hils in the midst whereof lieth the Land of Tramonti so called because it is situated between the Hils At the side of these Hils on the left hand near to a very pleasant Valley is Sanseverino a good and an excellent Country from whence as some affirm the noble Family of Sanseverino derive their original whereof have descended more excellent Warriers then were in the Trojan horse of whose noble deeds Histories make sufficient mention and whereof we have also discoursed in the noble Families of Naples whereto I refer the Reader But returning to the said Country although it be of a later time nevertheless is very famous for the excellent Wines that are had out of the fertile Valleys thereof which the Latines call Amineum vinum whereof Virgil saith Sunt Animeae vitis firmissima vina Some had opinion that from the ruines of the ancient City of Aminio Sanseverino should be builded in which noble Country are many worthy Families as the Curiale Capacini Caiano Folliero dell ' Abbadessa Pandone Pescara of Sarno
because it runneth near the said City Afterward we come to these Countries Montefalcione Candida and Serpito but above the high and difficult mountains called Monti Tremoli above named appeareth the City Vulturara Above Benevento little more then the third part of a mile runneth the River Calore into the River Sabato on the right hand whereof which bendeth towards the Hils and Mountains which we have said to be above Benevento are these Castles and Countries Pia Chiusano the old Castle and a little above Montella an excellent and goodly Country indued with the Title of a Count. Over the River Calore two miles from Sabato the Emperor Valentine made a great and magnificent Bridg joyning with the way Appia which was therefore called Valentino which is now all ruinated On the left side of the said River are these Countries Apice where was another goodly Bridg which was joyned with the said way Appia and then Mirabella Tauraso Cursano Bagnulo Cassano Nusco And afterward beginneth the Apennine to rise where springeth the River Calore and on the other side of the Hill in like sort riseth the River Ausido which the Country people call Lofanto which passeth through Apuglia and runneth into the Adriatick Sea Then cometh on the right hand of Calore the River Tripalto which is near the populous Country of Tripalta which hath the honour of a Dukedom in the principal Church whereof lieth with great reverence the body of St. Ipolistro Martyr and Priest On the right side of the said River is a long and spacious Wood called by the same name Tripalta near the which on the side of this River are situated these Countries Bonito Grottamenarda Flumari and Vico. On the left side of the said River is Melito Amando Zuncoli and then up towards the Apennine is a great back of the Hill called Gr●m● which through the great difficulty to climb up is called Crepacore upon the which Hill springeth the River Moscano which runneth into Calore in the same place where entreth the River Tripalto On the right hand of Moscano is Corsano and Montecalvo and in the distance which is between the said rivers upon a pleasant hill is the City of Ariano called in old time Ara Iani of a famous Temple which was there and dedicated to Ianus On the right side of Moscano are these Countries and Castles Montemale Buon Albergo Casalalbore and the Freemens Castle Afterward is to be seen the mouth of the River Tamaro which runneth into Calore and hath as great plenty of water as any other above named and between the said two Rivers as it were in the midst is Paluda a populous and principal Country and somewhat higher on the right side of Tamaro are these Countries and Castles Sain●● Iorio Molinara Reino Santa Maria del Colle where died Iacobo Caldora a famous and a valiant Captain Cercello Cassano and Santa Croce Here beginneth a mighty great Wood which incloseth on both sides the Apennine Hils so that one part stretcheth even to Fortore a River of Puglia the other to Tamaro the which Wood is four miles in breadth and twenty in length On the left hand of Tamaro are these Countries Pietrapulcina Pavoni Pestolo Fragnito Campolottara the Monastery of Giulietto Morcone and in the Apennine Supino an ancient Country whereof Livy maketh mention Then followeth Altavilla before named which hath the dignity of a Count subject to the noble house of Capoa above the which in a hill of the Apennine is to be seen Castellovecchio near which riseth the River Tamaro Having now described this Region it remaineth that we now discourse something of the Inhabitants therein the which are very sturdy and strong and of healthfull complexion and all are exercised and expert in arms and in learning they grow excellent which apply themselves unto it But in Merchandize they are little imployed which so falleth out because every man is contented with his own goods Those in general which dwell in the Country are attired after the fashion of the Neopolitans but not the women the which go diversly apparelled and very few use to wear a mantle upon their gown they dress their heads with base attires only covering them with a broad linen cloth neither do they wear pantosles but shooes and chopineos The natural colour of the people inclines more to white then a swart colour in reasoning and discoursing they are very stately and disdainfull and great braggadochios but very obedient to their superiors The arms which this Region have used is a field per fesse gu and argent a Crown in chief or the which Arms I think signifie no other then that new title of Prince which the valorous Arechi the second the fourteenth Duke of Benevento gave in the time that he subdued the Picentine people to his dominion whereupon by the field gu and ar would manifest the vertue and courage of this Country which was in the said Arechi and for the Crown of Gold which little or nothing differeth from a regal Crown I think signifieth the new Lordship as hath been declared BASILICATA The Fourth Province of the Kingdom OF NAPLES A Part of Montagna sometimes named Lucania and another of Puglia were in ancient time called by one only name Basilicata but from whence the said name should proceed is not certainly known But some think although they have it not from any great authority that this Province was by an Emperor of Constantinople given in dowry with one of his daughters Others affirm and more probably that it was so called by Basilio a man very valiant in Arms which in those daies possest all these places and from this Province and from the Country of Otranto with his industry and valour drove away the Greeks and Carthaginians that were established therein The River Silare divideth this Province from Vestini and from happy Campania It hath on the South the Tirrene Sea on the East the River Lavo with the Brutii and part of Magna Gretia and on the North the Pugliesi the Pecutii with a part of the Irpini These people Lucani had their original according to Pliny from the Sanniti which are now called Abruzzesi but first the Possidoniati inhabited there a people of Magna Grecia afterward the Morgeti Seculi Italiani Enotri and Pelasgi and at length the said Sanniti were afterward called Lucani the which were a long time popularly governed by themselves and were so called by Lucano a Captain which with a Colony of Sanniti came into this place to inhabit The first Elephants that were ever seen in Italy were brought hither in the Wars of King Pyrrhus and were called Lucan Buls in respect of Lucania which was in the year after the building of Rome 47● This Province is for the most part mountainous and hilly but yet very fertile in all sorts of grain and yieldeth excellent Wines for the Vines grow to a wonderfull greatness which proceeds through
the perfect temperature of the air and the ground where they are planted and for the most part were joyned to the Oppi and embracing and taking hold of them stretch out their boughs on every side and in time of Vintage is often seen one only Vine to be able to make a But or Hogshead of Wine Moreover this excellent Country yieldeth in abundance Corn Oyl Hony Wax Annis Corianders Saffron and Bombace of which things the Country of Tursi called in old time Tarsia doth most exceed In this excellent Province through the delicacy of the air the Trees and Roses florish twice in a year where in every place is seen great abundance of divers sweet and pleasant fruits there are also most beautifull Gardens the which for so much as they are watred with pleasant Rivers bring forth excellent Citrons Oringes and Limons On that part which stretcheth towards the Sea the pleasant fields yield no small delight to the beholders thereof and all the year there is excellent hunting both for fowls and beasts And it is no less plentifull in heards of Cattel and Hoggs wherewith the people of the Country make great store of Sausages and Sopressate very excellent and good which the Lucan Latinists so call because they were invented by the Lucani whereupon Martial thus saith Filia Picenae venio Lucanica porcae Plutibus hinc niveis grata corona datur The Sea thereof aboundeth with excellent Fish and yieldeth shel-fish of a delicate and pleasant taste which have within them an excellent Pearl But in describing the Country of this Province I will begin from the mouth of the River Sele where it runneth into the Sea that is to say here from it I will follow along the shore of the Sea even to the River Lavo where it runneth into the Sea afterward I will describe the places of the Medeterrane Departing then from the mouth of Sile and walking along the shore of the Tirrene Sea we come to a place where was the Temple of Iuno the Argive built as Strabo affirmeth by Iason and going from thence seven miles is the place where was Possidonia by Strabo called Pesto which was built near the Sea by the Doresi and afterward magnificently inlarged by the Sibariti Servio reciting the authority of Virgil in the fourth book of his Georgicks saith thus Biferique rosaria Peste He placeth the said City in Calauria wherein he was deceived it standing in Basilicata Also Ovid maketh mention of this City in his first book de arte Amandi saying Caltaque Pestanas vincat odore rosas The Ancients call the Gulf of the Sea which lieth hereby Sinus Pestanus but now Mariners call it the Gulf of Agropoli and others of Salerno the which Gulf beginneth at the shore of the Picentini and so compasseth even to the Promontory of Possidoniato Peste was called by the Greeks Possidonia the which City the Ancient ruinated buildings are now to be seen half in the Sea little more then eight miles farther on the shore is to be seen Agropoli and Castello del Abbate where is made the best Malmsie directly against it is a little Isle called Leucosia by the name of a Sirene which did there inhabit and going no more then nine miles appeareth Castello amare of Bruca with the large and spacious Wood where was the ancient Hyela by Virgil called Velia Opposite to the place where Velia stood are in the Sea to be seen two little Islands called Enotrie the one is named Pontia the other Isacia And for as much as I have written of these six places in the Province of the Principality on this side I will speak no farther thereof and especially having counted them among the places of the said Region though perhaps they rather belong to Basilicata A little farther is to be seen Pisciotta by Strabo called Pyxuntum oppidum And from thence two miles appeareth the Cape of Palinuro named by the Ancients Promontorium Palinuri which was so called by Palinuro the Pilot of Aeneas ship of whom Virgil writeth in his sixth book Having past the Cape of Palinuro there is to be seen upon a Promontory the ruines of Molpa which was by Bellisario Captain of the Emperor Iustinian destroyed Entring now into the Land from the Sea a mile on the side of the hill is to be seen the Emperial Fortress and among the hils standeth Francavilla where is a sumptuous Monastery of Cathusians Afterward at the foot of the Mountain is Noia and farther within the hils is St. Arcangelo Roccanova Castelonova and Episcopia a Country very fertile whereof the ancient Lord is Francesco Antonio of Porta a Gentleman of Salerno whose worthy Family was much ennobled by the Kings of this Kingdom Then followeth Claramont Senisi and the City Tursi distant from the Sea fifteen miles and from the River Acri two and the said City hath the dignity of a Duke which lately King Philip gave to Don Carlo d' Oria the son of Iohn Andrea Prince of Melfi Admiral of the Sea A little farther among the hils is St. Mauro and Ferrandina in a populous Country made by Ferrandino the son of Alfonsus the second King of Naples being Duke of Calauria Walking yet among the hils appeareth Pesticcie and returning by the shore of the Sea is the mouth of the River Vaisento where it falleth into the Sea going a little farther we discover a large and a goodly Plain and half a mile from the Sea is to be seen the ruines of the noble City of Metaponte built by the Pilii which came hither from Troy with Nestor Metaponte was destroyed by the Sannites In the said City dwelt Pithagoras a long time where he died which after his death the Metapontini made of his house a Temple and there adored him as one of the Gods To the which City Ippaso a most excellent Philosopher Disciple to Pithagoras hath given much honour Now upon the said ruinated City is Corn sowed and in the end of the Territory thereof as Strabo declareth ended the limits of Grecia Magna Leaving the place where stood Metaponte four miles and from the Sea but one upon a place somewhat elevated is to be seen twenty high and mighty Pillars of Marble placed in two ranks which the Country people say that there was the School of Archita the Tarantine and passing within the Country is the River Vasente and two miles from the said River at the foot of the hill is Pomarico a good Country and the hill Miglionico and six miles distant stands Grottola adorned with the dignity of a Marquisat the Lord thereof is Alfonso Sances Decano one of the Councel of State and going not far is Grassano and Montescagioso Within a mile of Bradano Descending towards the Sea at the foot of the Hils appeareth Tricarico a very honourable and beautifull City and ascending up the Hils is the City of Montepeloso And ten miles from hence following
Greeks called Hesperia because it is situate in the West Five hundred sixty seven years before the destruction of Troy it was called Enotria by Enotro of Arcadia which with a Colony came to inhabit in the middle of Ausonia where he builded many Cities the principal whereof was Pandosia This name of Ausonia continued many and many years untill Italo was by the Enotri created King from whom they named the said Region Italia This Italo being a man very ingenious taught the Enotri the manner to till and ear the ground and to shear their sheep and lived but nineteen years and left Morgete his son heir of the Kingdom the which ordained that by his name Italy should be called Morgetia Morgete dead and the people not contented to continue his name in as much as he was odious unto them the name of Italy was renewed again and they called the Country Italia the which name continued a long time untill the Greeks came to inhabit there and then they called it Magna Gretia for the frequency of the great number of learned Scholars which came thither to hear the Philosopher Pithagoras but as the Poet Archilao saith t●was so called through the great multitude of Greeks which inhabited there being drawn through the fertility and pleasures of this Countrey whereupon Ovid in his fourth book de factis thus saith Itala nam tellus Graecia major erat It was afterward by the latter Greeks which came thither to inhabit called Calauria which in our tongue signifieth abundance of all good things and truly so is it because there is no place I will say not only in all Italy but in all Europe that may contend with this there being not any thing necessary for the life of man or which may yield delight that is not in great abundance and with all perfection so that corresponding in every part the effects agree with the name thereof as plainly appears that nature it self cannot be more delighted in it self yielding so many benefits as any Country whatsoever All this Country was devided by the Apennine into two parts and that part which was toward the Ionian Sea was called Magna Grecia the which also contained a part of Lucania now called Basilicata and did stretch from Regio even to Taranto The other part was by the Greeks called Bretia from Bretio the son of Hercules and of the Latines Brutia and stretched from Regio to the River Laus now called Laino It hath lately been divided by the Kings Court into two Provinces whereof the one is called Calauria on this side the other Calauria on the other side that on this side containeth a great part of Magna Grecia and of the Brutii and endeth with Basilicata and from the one side where is the head of the River Acri and of the other where runneth the River Lavo stretcheth from one sea to the other except that part which lieth in the East and is joyned with Calauria on the other side As touching those people which dwell upon the Tirrene Sea where the Brutii in old time inhabited are both in nature and manners more temperate and staid then those near the Ionian Sea who are more fierce and craftie as also their colour bewraieth for the other are white and red these dark and brown And for so much by the Kings Court it is divided into two parts as hath been said in the superior and inferior in the one is the Cape Cosenza in the other Catanzaro the one hath 30 Cities the other 16. and in all three hundred sixty seven with Countries and Castles But entring into the particular description of Calauria on this side having past the River Turbolo the ancient bounds of the people Lucani there appeareth Turture in the Territory whereof grow many Sugar Canes almost opposite standeth the Isle of Dimi Scalea and the River Lavo even where the ancient Lucani did arrive Then followeth Cerella Belvedere Bonifati and Citracro where are often made many Vessels through the great commodity of Timber and Pitch whereof that Country doth much abound within upon the banks of Lavo is the City of Lanio built upon the ruines of the ancient Lau and the said City is honoured with the dignity of a Marquiss subject to the Family of Cardin●s Not far off is Campotenese which had this word from the ancient Temesini having been their Territory On the right hand is the Hill Apillonio where is such plenty of excellent Pasture that the best Cheese is there made in all those parts on the left side is Morano a populous and a rich Country which Antonio Pio in his Commentaries calleth Summuranum where is made excellent Cloth and every year there is a Fair with great concourse of people there about the Territory thereof is very fruitfull and fertile and there is made very fine Silk and Manna gathered and on the Hill there are infinite store of excellent simples Not far distant from the said Country springeth the River Sybari where was the ancient Syphei the ruies are to be seen whereof Livy maketh mention Going thence four miles is Saracena in a good Country called by Stefano Sestium which was built by the Enotri in whose Territory is made singular Wine and excellent Oyle it hath besides Mines of Gold and of Lead of Alabaster and Cristal Near hand about five miles distant is to be seen the ancient Country of Altemonth called Balbia which is not certainly known whether it was built by the Ausoni or Enotri The Wines which are there made have a very delicate taste whereof Pliny in his 14 book much commends and prefers before all the Wines of Calauria from whence in their most costly and sumptuous banquets was alwaies the Wine of Balbano And Atheneo making mention thereof in his first book thus writeth Vinum Balbinum generosum admodum austerum semper seipso melius nascitur In the principal Church of this Country lieth with much reverence the body of St. Paolo of Malta brother of St. Dominico There are in the said Territory natural Hils of white salt and they are no otherwise cut then if they were stones and there is Alabaster and two rich Mines of Gold of Silver and Iron and the Azured Lazul stone And at the foot of the Apennine in the Territory thereof groweth Cristal and white Chalk and the River Grondo passeth through the said Territory being very full of Eeles and Trouts This Country was given with the Title of a Count in the year 1462. by King Ferrant of Arragonia to Luca Sanseverino Prince of Basignano which now in the said house is maintained Next after followeth the City of St. Mark called by the Latines Argentanum and a little distant is the ancient City Meluito so called for the plenty of Vines which grow there but in old time it was called Temesa in which place by the providence of God
followeth Castiglione the Cape of Subero where Pyrrhus disbarked himself coming from Sicilia after cometh St. Eusemia which Stephano saith is called Lametia where is a Gulf so named very full of Coral and the best Tunny and a little distant lieth Nicastro and here the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa made for delight and pleasure convenient Baths and excellent hunting both for wild beasts and fowles the first which began in Italy to be delighted in hauking with Falcons which in former time was unknown although some write that Anasilao was the first Not very far is Tiriolo the reliques of old Tirio where the Apennine is drawn into so narrow a point that the rain-water which descendeth from the ridg of some one house falleth on the left side into the Terrene Sea and on the right into the Adriatick And coming now to an end of this Province which hath for the Arms thereof a Cross bastonesa in a field Ar. the which Ensignes and Arms had its original in the time that Boemundo the Norman Duke of Calauria came with twelve thousand choice souldiers in aid of the holy Land whereby through his prowesse and valour was afterward made Prince of Antioche and forsomuch as the enterprise was very famous and honourable therefore I believe the said Province gave these Arms representing thereby the great Voyage which the said Duke made CALAURIA On the other side the Sixth Province of the Kingdom OF NAPLES CALAVRIA on the other side is a Province which containeth a good part of Magna Grecia and of the Brutii and passeth from the one and the other side of the Apennine to the Ionian and Terrene Seas and is divided from Calauria on this side by the Mediterrane above Cosenza going by a direct line to the one and the other Sea into the Ionian near Stromboli and into the Terrene at the Gulf Ipponiate which is the Gulf of St. Eufemia and these are only the Confines of the said Province where the Brutii sometimes inhabited From that part which lieth towards the North except a little is wholly compassed with the Sea on the East is the Ionian on the South Sicilia and on the West the Terrene which is the utmost limits of the Kingdom It is partly plain and partly mountainous it hath fair and fruitfull Hils Woods Rivers and Fountains great plenty of Corn Vine Olives and every other thing necessary for the sustenance of living creatures There are horses and heards of cattel very plentifull and great abundance of woll and of the best and finest silk In this Province are pits of gold of silver and great plenty almost of all mettals it hath many hot baths which cure divers infirmities and to conclude it is a Country indued with all good things for the which it may be called a most happy Region The men of this Country as also of all Calauria after other ancient names which they had were called Bretii and they were so called from Brettio the son of Hercoles as Stephano writeth in his book of the City and Ermolao upon Stephano and as it appeareth by many Greek Monuments which are declared with great Learning by Pierio Valeriano and by many Antiquaries Iustine and Trogo say that they were called Brutii of Brutia a maid Iohn Annio affirmeth that they were so called by Bruto Ombrone a most valiant Captain Calepino and Nicholas Perotto say they are called Brutii A Brutis moribus but this is a vain thing and an idle conjecture of them Guarino not well understanding Strabo addeth to his translation many things of his own conceit Strabo saying that Brutii fuerunt rebelles Lucanorum he addeth here that they were fugitives a name which was given to servants but we finding in Histories and principally in Iustine that these were children and not servants of the Lucani forsomuch as the Lucani were accusto●ed to bring up and foster their children in the field after the manner of the S●ar●ans but their children misliking that manner of education opposed themselves against their fathers that is to say the Lucani and went to inhabit in Calauria These people in process of time became so mighty that they feared not any whereby for as much as their Country was not well able to contain them they made spoil of the places near unto them and expel'd the natural inhabitants the which they often attempted being allured through the sweetness of the booty The ancient limits of the Brutii were the River Lavo or Lao now called the River Laino measuring along the shore of the Sea and the streight of Sicilia the space between these bounds is according to Strabo 1350 furlongs which contains 169 miles but according to the description of Ptolomy these were the limits on the West the River Lavo with the Lucani on the South the Terrene Sea with Faro of Messina on the East part of the Ionian Sea on the North Magna Grecia with the River Chrati And to make a description of this Province I will begin from the Cape of Subero where Pyrrhus King of the Epirots coming from Sicilia disbarkt himself Not far off is Triolo the reliques of old Tiro where the Apennine Hils are very narrow and then is Malda built by the Saracins which hath a very fruitfull Country From hence on the Sea at the mouth of Amato is Angitola where Dionisius often desired to unite the said Haven with that of Squillia Afterward appeareth Pizzo in a very spacious and pleasant place with the little Islands Itacensi which perhaps had this name because Vlysses arrived there Then cometh Bevona planted with goodly Gardens of Citrons and Oringes the ancient Harbour of Hipponio which the Countrey people now call Monteleone which lieth in a pleasant prospect with many fields round about the said City was founded by the Greeks and they called it Hipponium because it was builded according to the likeness pnd similitude of a horse for that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greek tongue signifieth a horse the which City as the Histories thereof recite was in compass eight miles wholly built with bricks the ruines whereof are at this present to be seen this noble City had very pleasant and delightfull fields which compast it round about Poets have feigned that when Ceres travelled in search of her daughter Proserpina that was stoln away remained here that Winter to gather Roses and other pleasant Flowers where also continues the three Festival daies which the Tyrant Agatocles so long since ordained Pestino a famous Writer was of this City which is celebrated by Macrobio in his sixth book de Saturnali in this word Transmicto Dominico Pizzimetti a learned Philosopher was also of the same City which translated out of Greek into Latine the predicaments of Archita Tarentino The ancient Vibo was destroyed by the Agareni in the time of blessed Nilo and the like ruine sustained Terino Tauriano and Trischene And this noble
easily be taken Moreover it falleth out sometimes that he which roweth is wounded in the boat so great is the sword of the fish and his fierceness that this labour is no less dangerous then the chasing of the wild Boar. Some say that this fishing was learned in the time of Vlysses which came into these places Afterward appeareth upon a great Rock Sciglio by Pliny called Scylleum Oppidum which also holdeth the name of Scilla the daughter of Forco which while the Ancients say should be turned into a Rock according to the Fable was a horrible and hideous Monster which devoured ships noting that great danger of Pharaoh where the roaring and terror of the waves and the fearfull aspect of the sands represent very often to passengers which there sail the great horror and dreadfull fear oftentimes bringing death it self This place was fortified by Anasilao against the Tuscans where Spartaco was overcome by Marco Crasso he in vain purposing to escape in the dead time of the night And the said City is adorned with the dignity of a Prince Continuing the beautifull Coast of this Country we may behold the ancient Cemi now called Coda della Volpe and Catona with Fiumara di Muro and Regio called of the Latines Regium Iulium which is one of the most ancient Cities of all Italy builded as hath been said by Eschenes the Nephews son of Noe to whom the Greeks gave this name because from that place Sicilia was separated from Italy through the violence of an Earthquake the which Virgil confirmeth in his third book of Eneidos saying Haec loca vi quandam vasta convulsa ruina Tantum aevi longiqua valet mutare vetustas Dissiluisse ferunt cum protinus utraque tellus Vna foret venit medio vi pontis undis Hesperium Siculo latus abscidit arvaque urb●● Lictore deductas angusto interluit aesto This City maintained the Commonwealth thereof a long time and was destroyed by Dionisius of Siracusa but being afterward repaired and beautified by Iulius Cesar suffered many ruines and last of all by Ariadeno Barbarossa that famous Captain of the Turkish Navy In the Territory of this City on the right side the Grashoppers make a wonderfull noise and on the left they are still the which by Poets is attributed to the cursings of Hercoles being therewith disquieted in his sleep but more truly it so hapneth by the dew which falleth there in the night because those creatures receive not so much heat to make a noise although some affirm they have another kind of voice then the other where also they declare the Fable which chanced to Ariston and Eunamo the Musician of the Grashopper supplying to the one the sound of the string which he brake in his Citaren the which the Ancients kept in remembrance a long time In Regio is made the best silk and excellent Wine whereof Atheneo in his first book thus saith Vinum Rhegium cum Surrentino pinguius sit usque ad annum quintumdecimum est utile The earthen Vessels that are there made are much commended and in old time also were made excellent dishes and vessels as Pliny reporteth in his 35. book saying Rhegium inquit siglina plastice nobilitatur And in another place saith nobilitatur Rhegium patinis This City had in old time many excellent Philosophers and learned men as Aristides Aristocrates Demostenes Athosione Calais Eurchyde Eliacone Hipporco Mnesibolo Obsimo Phytio Selinusio and Theocle of the which Eliacone Hipparco and Phytio were excellent Philosophers to Hipparco Plato entituled a book de studio lucrandi Androdamo and Theetheo were also of Regio two Philosophers and Lawyers Now going a little further we come to the Promontory of Leucopetra so called by the shining stones that are there which Mariners now call the Cape dell arme Afterward appeareth the Promontory of Hercules which the Countrey-people at this present call the Cape of Partivento A little further is Mendalaia afterward Brancaleone Bruzzano this Cape in old time was called Zeffiro where the Moors arived in the year 1126. which afterward destroyed a good part of the Kingdom Strabo speaking of this Cape thus saith Zephirum Promontorium agri Locri à quo Locrenses Zephiri dicti sunt Pliny saith that in this Promontory is included the first Harbour of Europe from the which the Seas have their name Then follows Bianco from whose Country is had great store of Wine going a little further is discovered Potamia which aboundeth with great store of the best hony and a little below is Motta Bovalina whose Territory is very fertile yielding good Wines and there is gathered no small quantity of Manna and in the pleasant fields do naturally grow great plenty of medicinable hearbs here through the amenity of the air is seen as it were a perpetual Spring and in every place is excellent fowling for Partridges Quails and other Fowls Gismondo Loffredo possesseth this Country which by the grace and favour of King Philip hath besides it newly obtained the Title of a Marquiss Not farr off is to be seen Condoianni called in old time Vria the which Country hath the dignity of a Count. And a little distant from hence is the ancient and noble City of Geraci called in old time Locri. By whom the said City should be built Writers hold divers opinions for Dionisius Aphro in his book de situ orbis writeth that Locri was builded by the Queen of the Locresi and thus saith Hinc ab boream Zephiri quae summa vocatur Sub qua sunt Locri celeres qui tempore prisco Illuc Reginam propriam venere secuti Ausoniamque tenent qua currit slumen Halecus Others hold opinion that it was built by Aiace Oileo or by the Naricii his companions confirming it with the words of Virgil in his third book of Eneidos saying Hic Nariiti posuere moenia Locri This first City used of all others the written Laws of the Greeks and were a long time governed by that commonwealth and grew very famous for the Government of Zeleuco their Lawgiver who was so severe against Adulterers that he refused to pardon his own son taken in adultery he would to the end the rigor of his Laws should be observed which commanded that the proof of this crime should be deprivation of both the eyes he reputing these two as it were one thing was himself first deprived of one eye and his son of another This City also was very famous through Timeo the Philosopher and Eunomo the Musician and Eutimo Atleta who was so strong that he did bear upon his shoulders a stone which two Oxen were scant able to draw Likewise this City hath been very glorious for the sumptuous and admirable Temple of Proserpina whereof Livy maketh such honourable mention in his 29 and 31 book The said Temple was spoiled for the riches therein by Pyrrhus and by Dionisius the Tyrant and last
born in this Country and Telesiano the Philosopher the which hath learnedly writ eight books of disputations against the Peripateticks in favour of Berardino Telesio and is now at this present writing De sensu rerum where he shews he understands all things A little distant is Santa Caterina and Badolato a Country very delightfull where is made excellent Wines Oyl Hony and very fine Silk and also is gathered great store of Manna to the which Country Giulio Berlingiero and Giovandomenico Greco excellent Lawyers at this present yield much honour After followeth Satriano called of the Ancients Caecinnum from whom the River taketh the name which runneth but a little from thence of the which Thucidides in his third book maketh mention saying Laches Atheniensis egressi è navibus nonnulla loca locridis juxta caecinnum amnem Locrenses ad arcendam vim occurrentes cum Proxeno Capatonis silio circiter trecentos caeperunt detractisque armis abierunt Afterward is to be seen Petrito a little Castle situate in a pleasant seat where is made excellent good Wine not very far is Claravalle which for the goodness of the Flax contends with Alexandria for the precedence Then followeth Soverato whose Territory is garnished with beautifull Gardens of Citrons Limons and Oringes where near to the Fountain Meliteo is to be seen an Oak whose leaves never fals And afterward is Squillaci a noble and an ancient City built as some affirm by the Ausoni or by the Enotri Of this City thus writeth Strabo Scyllaceum Atheniensium Colonia qui Menestei comites fuere From the name of this City the Gulf of Squillaci taketh its name so perilous to Sailers whereof grows the Proverb Naufrag●● Scyllaceus Squillace was a Colony of the Romans as C. Velleio Patercole writeth in his first book to the which City Cassiodoro Munk of the Order of St. Benedict hath given great ornament which writ many books upon divers matters and among others composed the Tripartite History in 12 books and a book de ratione animae and another upon the Canticles he writ another book of Etimologies with a Catalogue of all the Roman Consuls He lived in the time of Iustine the old Emperor and died in the year of our Lord 575. The said City is honoured with the title of a Prince subject to the house of Borgia wherein with much reverence is preserved the body of St. Agatio Here leaving the River Crotalo and Roccella upon a high Hill is Catanzaro a noble and populous City the which was builded by Fagitio Lieutenant in Italy for the Emperor Nicephero And Catanzaro was so called of the Greek word Catizo which in Latin signifieth sedeo to which the excellent situation and the workmanship of Silk and Cloath bringeth great profit it is one of the fairest and principal Cities of Calauria and at this present it is the head of this Province and in it resideth the Kings Audit In the chiefest Church thereof lie with great reverence the bodies of St. Vitaliano and Theodoro Martyrs whose holy lives are written by the reverend Paolo Regio Bishop of Vico. Hard by is to be seen the City of Taverna which standeth near the Wood Sila This City had its original from the ancient Treschinesi the which being in the year 1068. ruinated by the Saracins was afterward reedified within the land in a most strong and inpregnable place but sustaining afterward divers calamities was again newly built by the Citizens thereof two miles distant under a most delicate temperature of air In the Territory of this City groweth the odoriferous Turpentine which Macedonia Damasco and Syria so much esteemed the having thereof This City hath received much honour by Iohn Lorenzo Anania an excellent Divine and Cosmographer which hath writ the Universal Fabrick of the world and a learned discourse of the nature of devils Towards the Sea-side is to be seen Simari and a little distant is the City Trichenesi which had very stately buildings in the old time but at this present the reliques are scant to be seen Then followeth the City Belcastro which some say was the ancient Chona This City boasteth much of St. Thomas of Aquin affirming that he was there born where they say he did the miracle of the Roses for which they cease not to contend with the Neopolitans saying he was of their City this worthy Saint died in the Monastery of Fossanova in the Territory of Terracina in the year of our Lord 1274. Near unto it is Mesuraga called in old time Reatinum builded by the Enotrii of the which Country was the worthy Matteo Vidio of the Order of the Minori whose body with honour lieth in the City of Taverna Not far distant standeth Policastro called by the Ancients Petilia which was builded by Philotete the son of Piante companion of Hercoles Of this City Virgil in the 3. book of Aeneid saith thus Hic illa Dulcis Melibaei parva Philoctetae subnexa Petilia muro This City was a Colony of the Romans the which was many times defended with much valour against the assaults of Hannibal by whom being at length taken was destroyed Then follows Siberna an ancient and an honourable City now called Santa Severina which is situate on a high Hill in the mids between two famous Rivers very strong by nature and after is the Rock where are digged great hils of Salt From hence leaving the River Tacina appears Cutro which aboundeth with excellent Flax and a little above is the Castle which some say should be the place named by the Latines Castra Hannibalis Then appeareth the Isle and the Cape of Pillars before called the Promontory Lacinio and was so called of Lacinio a famous Pirat which went robbing up and down and was afterward slain by Hercules who built there a sumptuous Temple to Iuno which Eneas honoured with a Cup of Gold this place was very famous for the School of Pithagoras and for the ashes of Filotete which laid upon the Altar was not dispersed with the wind This Cape of Pillars in these latter times was so called by the many and great Pillars which are there standing of the said ruinated Temple Leaving this Cape where beginneth the second gulf of the Mediterrane is the famous City of Cotrone in old time one of the greatest and chiefest Cities of Maegna Grecia The opinions of Writers are divers by whom the said City should be builded for some affirm that it was built by Lacinio Corcireo Ovid and Strabo say it should be Misilo Pithagoras more ancient then these writeth that Hercules built it This City was very famous because the Philosopher Pithagoras was a Citizen thereof from whose School proceeded more Philosophers then were Captains in the Trojan horse and also for Orpheus the Poet and Democides the Phisician so much esteemed of the King of Persia besides the beauty of the women have been much
commended for Zeuxses portraying Images in the Temple of Iuno took them for his pattern and for the sports and exercises of Atleta where was Milo so strong that he used to carry a Bull and Egone which in running overtook the young Heifers cutting from them their hoofs and making afterward a present thereof to his Amarillis Walking along we come to the City Cariati which hath the dignity of a Prince and not far off lieth Calopizzato Crusia and the noble and ancient City Rossano built by the Enotri Iohn the 7. Bishop of Rome which was born there honoureth much this City A little farther within the Land is Longobucco where are sound certian Mines of Silver from thence descending towards the Sea we may see Corigliano and not far off is Cassano in so fair and temperate a Country as it is not inferior to the best part of all the Land of Lavoro and here within the circuit of this pleasant Country was the ancient City of Turio which at this present the people of the Country call Terranova Trogo writeth in his 20 book that the said City was builded by Filottete the which was much ennobled by Herodotus having writ therein his Histories in which City he also died as Pliny saith from the same City Octavius Augustus had his beginning And this City hath also been the natural Soil of many Roman Bishops Then appears towards the sea-side Trebisazze Albidona Amendolara and the River Semio called in old time Siri by the City of Siro which stood very near which was afterward named Heraclea to whom the Statue of Minerva bred great wonder in turning and rouling the eyes against the Ionii which sacking and spoyling the City respected it not The men of this Province are of a white complexion of indifferent stature and strong crafty firm and resolute in their opinions hardy and stout much inclined to Learning and Arms they use Daggs Swords and Pikes The Gentlemen attire themselves after the Neopolitan fashion and likewise the women but those which live in Villages are very rude and barbarous The Arms of this Province are per salter or .4 pates gules and on the second partition or so many crosses bastone Sa. The which two Crosses signifie the two Calaurias and the other partitions are the Arms of Aragon These Arms were invented by Don Ferdinando of Aragon Duke of Calauria the son of Alfonsus the first King of Naples for that he would not otherwise express them that although the Region of Calauria was divided by his Father into two Provinces nevertheless he was Lord of them both The Countrey of OTRANTO The seventh Province of the Kingdom of NAPLES THe fair and rich Province of the Country of Otranto called in old time Iapigia as Solon saith of Iapige the son of Dedalus which came thither with many people to inhabit These people had their original from Latii and as others say from the Cretians which with the Illerians came into this utmost bound of Italy This Province was also called Salentina from the Promontory Salentino at this present named the Cape of Santa Maria but as Festus saith of Salo which is to say the Sea which compasseth it almost round about except a little part which joyneth with the firm land others affirm that it was called Salentina of the people Salentini which came with the Cretians hither to inhabit It was afterward called Messapia of the Captain Messapo which came from Peloponesus with a Colony into this Region And not long after it was named by the Creeks Calauria And finally from the City of Otranto all this Region is called the Country of Otranto The figure and form of this Province is an out cape of land which is one of the three angles or corners of Italy wherein endeth one of the two principal capes wherein is a part of the Apennine and here as is commonly thought ends the Adriatick Sea and is united with the Ionian Verily this Province seemeth as another Chersonesus lying under a pleasant air The circuit thereof is little more then 200 miles whose Istmus is between Taranto and Monopoli not exceeding the space of 40 miles in the which Peninsula although the superficial part of the earth for the most part be rough and stony nevertheless being ploughed up discovereth excellent mould and although there be little store of water it yields good pasture for Cattel and bringeth forth Wheat Wine Barley Oats Olives Citrons excellent Musk-millions Figgs Apples Pears Limons Oringes Oxen Asses Mules of the best breed and such abundance of Saffron that it seems to be rather the proper fruit of this Country then of Carthage The great plenty of O●l which is there made seemeth a thing incredible to those which have not seen it whereby all the Kingdom doth not only abound therewith but also the greatest part of Italy and every where is excellent fowling and hunting both for Conies and hares And although the air be very wholsome yet the leprosie is very common by the means as I think of eating Pork and drie Figgs the ordinary food of the common people The springs of water are partly sweet and partly gross and brackish In this Country is bred the Tarantola whose venom is driven away with sound and singing the which Galen also affirms with the authority of Theofrastus of certain other creatures There are also bred the Chersidri and there is no part of Italy more troubled with Grashoppers which devour all things where they come and in one night consume the ripest fields But nature hath provided a remedy by the means of certain Fowls which they call Ganie which destroy this vermin The Hail also much hurteth this Province which almost every year doth some spoil The Thunder is there felt as in the Country of Lavoro both in Summer and Winter But coming to the description of this Province beginning at the River Bradano is Taranto a worthy and an ancient City which some say had that name from the River Tara and others from Tara the son of Neptune and others impute the original to Hercoles This City so increased by the means of Falanto the Spartan who governing under the Democratical Regiment contended sometimes with the Lucani and sometimes with the Senate being alwaies aided by strange Captains having sometines the help of Alexander and sometines of Pyrrhus became so rich that there was no City except Siracusa that brought greater riches to the people of Rome it glorieth much in her Archita that admirable Mathematician which caused a Dove of Copper to fly round about the City and of Aristosseno the Musician Taranto lieth between two Seas whereof the one is called the great the other the little in the lesser which is in compass 18 miles there runneth in many springs and the River Galeso by means whereof and the calmness of the water there are many fishes and no less then in the Sea of Constantinople
Rapino and near to Maiella is Penna After the mouth of the River Foro is to be seen on the sea the mouth of the River Lento which also riseth from Maiella On whose right side but yet very near distant from the Sea but five miles appears Villamania above the which nevertheless under Maiella is the Castle Petrono near to the which is the Fort of Montipiano and above the fountain from whence the River Lento springeth is Castel Menale And somewhat lower upon the Mediterrane is Bucchianico a civil Country honoured with the dignity of a Marquisat the Territory whereof is very fertile and hath great plenty of Olives going a little farther we come to the noble and fair City of Solmona by Strabo called Sulmo and likewise Ptolomy and Cato so name it the said City was built by Solemo of Frigia the companion of Aeneas That eloquent Poet Ovid Nasone was here born as he witnesseth in the 4 book of de Tristibus in his tenth Elegy Sulmo mihi patria est gelidis uberimus undis Millia qui novies distat ab urbe decem And the Poet Martial in the first book of his Epigrams declares the same saying Mantua Virgilia gaudet verona Catullo Pelignae gentis gloria dicar ego This City hath the dignity of a Principality the Lord thereof is Don Horatio of Noia a most generous Knight Departing from Sulmona we come to the River Aterno now called Pescara from the City of Pescara which is very near built by the ancient City of Aterno from whence the River hath its name The said City is ennobled with the dignity of a Marquisat possest by the Family Davolo Going a little farther towards the Mediterrane is the little Castle of Cantalupo situated at the foot of a Hill under the which most miraculously doth flow a liquor called the stony oyle the which is very carefully gathered for the vertue and medicinable operation Afterward appears Caramanico a noble Country the Territory whereof is very fertile and a little beneath is to be seen Cusano in whose higher parts the River Librata endeth in Pescara in old time called Albula into the which runneth two little Rivers which also descend from Maiella in the midst whereof is the Country of Lietto Manupello in whose Territory is a Mine of Pitch which was found the year 1577. And it is in the manner of Tarr Being now come to an end of this Province it remains that I declare somewhat of the Inhabitants The people of this Country are very tall and strong and in countenance not much unlike the French Nation in bargaining with strangers they are simple and courteous full of courage and much affected to the profession of Arms wherein they grow to great perfection they are not very costly in their apparel but much given to hunting they are also well inclined to Learning and apply themselves much to the study of the Law and Phisick The Arms belonging to this Province is or a wild Boars head couped in pale on bas a yoke in chief gu noting as I think thereby the great abundance of wild Hoggs that are therein and with this that memorable exploit that chanced between these people and the Romans as it is before recited moreover it may be said that these two charges should signifie the same service placing the head of the Boar as a fierce and cruel beast for the arrogancy of the Romans put under the yoke But I refer my self to better judgment ABRUZZO On the other side the tenth Province of the Kingdom OF NAPLES THe worthy and renowned Alfonsus of Aragon the first of this name King of Naples willing to take away the continual strife which fell out among the Collecters of the Impost and Custom of Abruzzo divided the said Province into two parts and so that which is included in Aterno and the Hills of Marsi is called Abruzzo ulteriore which I am now to handle This part contained the Marrucini Piligni and Ferentani and part of the Sanniti Abruzzo is now divided from Campania of Rome between the Region of the Equicoli and a little River of obscure name having on the one side certain Vaults and Caves and on the other a high Hill It is divided from the Province of Abruzzo on this side by a branch of the River Pes●ara running from the foot of the Apennine above Raiano and directly against Popoli endeth its course and a little higher by the Apennine Hils near the head of the River Sangro between Pesco and Sarli and Gioia and above the Lake Fucino in the utmost parts of the Marsi By the same Hils which lie towards the South it is also divided from the Country of Lavoro by the River Garigliano even at the spring which riseth by the Valley of Orvito under the Fountain near to Balzorano cometh Abruzzo on this side to joyn with the Territory of Sora. And these places end not only with the Marsi the Marrucini the Peligni the Ferentani the Vestini the Sanniti and the Preguntini of Abruzzo but also with the Territory of Naples This Countrey is both in men and situation very strong it hath great plenty of Corn heards of Cattel and Wine it hath many Rivers and an excellent air there is great variety both for hunting and fowling there are also Bears and great store of Wolves But now coming to describe in particular the Rivers and the Cities which are in this Province I will begin from the shore where is a Castle called Montepagano and going along twelve miles upon the Sea-side is to be seen the River Viciola which springeth from the Apennine near the Mount Corvo and running along entreth into the River Tordino by Pliny called Iuvan●●o which also floweth from the Apennine near to the foot of the said Hill Corvo Among the said Rivers appears Teramo a City full of civility the Bishop thereof is ennobled with many Titles of dignity and the Lord is called a Duke The said City is the head of all this Country named by Pliny and Ptolomy Interamnia the which name it had because it is situated among the Rivers for a little above it runneth into Tordino a swift stream called Fiumicello near the which are three Countries so near that they are all called by one only name Campio Above the Fountain of the River Vicola are these Castles Bisigno and Rugnano from the River Tordino to the River Vomano by the sea-side are only six miles and between the one and the other are many Countries and Castles some in the midst and others nearer to the one then the other because the Rivers in their courses make many turnings It were requisite to declare with what order all these are placed from the head to the feet and first is Murro Locaristo Guardia di Vomano the old Castle Transmondo Cauti●no Forcella Miano Rapino Colle Vecchio Forna●olo Montorio Poggio Vmbreco and Rosseo and where Vomano springeth from the Apennine are
many Villages well inhabited as Compotosto and Poggio which is a Castle and Massione on the left hand of Vomano and within the Country are situated these Castles Motola Monteverde and Montegualco and here endeth as Pliny saith the Precutini And following the same course we come to speak of the Marrucini which Livy saith caused themselves voluntarily to be enrolled among the Souldiers that went with Scipio into Africa Now then after the River Vomano comes another River called Piomba where is another Castle which is called Porto d'Adria and a little higher is a Country called Silva five miles within the Land and almost in the midst between the said two Rivers upon a high Hill is the City of Atri called in old time Hadria which was a Colony of the Romans Here was born as Celio the Spartan writeth the Roman Emperor Adrian P. Vittore believeth that the Adriaetick Sea had its name from this City the which also Sesto Aurelio affirms in his book of Cesars Above Atri or Hadria upon the right hand of the River Piomba is the Castle of Celino and above where this River springeth is the Country of Schiarano on the left side of Piomba two miles within the Land is Civita S. Angelo which Pliny and Ptolomy names Angolo above the said Country near the River is the little Country of Hece From Piomba three miles from the Sea is another River called Salino on the right hand whereof on the shore is a Castle called Porto S. Angelo and a little above within the Country entreth into Salino another River called Sino which floweth from the Apennine at the foot of the Hill Corvo on whose right side are eight Countries and Castles the which shall be named the one after the other Cassilento Montesicco Pignano Bisento Corvignano Serra and Valviano and a little below the mouth of the River Sino doth also run into Salino another River called Tavo which riseth near Corvo in the Apennine In the midst of these Rivers five miles distant from the Sea is Civita di Penna an excellent Country and very famous in old time Pliny calleth this City Pinna and placeth it among the Vestini Of this City was the most valiant young man Pluton of whom Valerius Maximus maketh mention but much more it is honoured for bringing forth that famous Lawyer called Luca of Penna who learnedly writ upon the three books of the Code wherein appears his great knowledg both in Divinity and the Law and particularly of the constitutions in the municipial Laws and customs of this Kingdom as he sheweth to be very judicious and skilfull in divers places and especially in Law-Causes de senten advers fiscum latis retractandis lib. 12. In the Rubrick C. de Magistris sacr scrinioruus lib. 12. where he teacheth the Office of a principal Secretary of the Kingdom And in the l. à palatinis C. de privilegiis corum qui in sacro palatio militant where very diffusedly he disputeth of one of the prin●ipal constitutions of the Kingdom alleadging Andrea of Isernia Prince of the Feudists All this I thought good to declare what a worthy man hath been of this City although otherwise modern writers have fasly christned him for a Frenchman defrauding his Country where at this present in the Hall of the publick Palace is to be seen his ancient Picture with the late named young Pluton and besides yet standeth his house where he dwelt Afterward not much distant from the River Tavo appears above the Hils the pleasant country of Laureto and the Hill Corvino Then cometh near upon the shore the mouth of the river Aterno now called Pescara which is one of the principal rivers of the country and near the Monastery of Casanova runneth into it another river which riseth on the right hand on the side of the Apennine called Nuria on whose right side are Montesilvano Spotorio Moscuso Pianello and Capogatto all Castles and under the fountain of the said river is the noble Monastery of Casanova of the Order of Cistello which is not only beautified with sumptuous buildings but with great riches Above Nuria on the right hand of Pescara are Rossano Alendo Petranico the Towers of Antonello and a little above is Castiglione And coming down from thence we incounter a river called Capod ' acqua who hath a very great spring and near the fountain is Offena and on the left hand is Busso between the which two Castles but two miles distant is Capistrano the natural place of the holy Iohn Capistrano of the Order of the Minors of St. Francis who in his life did many miracles Above Capistrano within the Land is Carapello and at the ascent of the Hils near to the river Pescara is Vetorito and Raiano and going but a few miles higher upon the ridg of a Hill is to be seen the ruinated City of Amiterno by Strabo named Amiternum whose magnificent buildings both of the Theatre and certain great Churches and mighty Towers declare what greatness it was in old time and Livy writeth that Spurio Cornelio Carvilio the Consul took Amiterno and there were cut in pieces 2800 Citizens and 4280 made prisoners and notwithstanding the same Livy addeth that L. Scipio going into Africa they voluntarily offered themselves to go with him in that action with the Umbri Norcini and the Reatini Amiterno is called by Virgil full of Towers There are to 〈◊〉 among the ruines of the said City graven in Marble the triumph of the Sannites when they caused the Roman Army to pass under the yoke at the Gallows of Caudine and the Sepulchre of the daughter of Druso and near to the Theatre is the Temple of Saturn the founder thereof This City had among other famous Citizens Caio Crispo Salustio Proconsul for Cesar in Africa and the first writer of the Roman History and the Bishop Vettorino who died for the faith of Christ as Ptolomy and Lippomano saith in the Empire of Nerva whose name remaineth in a Castle built 〈◊〉 the stones of those ancient ruines where are his bones and 83 Martyrs by whom the said City was destroyed I cannot yet understand Going from hence two miles 〈◊〉 Civita Tomassa a little Castle in whose circuit are to be seen many ruines of ancient buildings with many inscriptions which apparently shews that here was the ancient City of Foruli celebrated by Virgil in his seventh book of Eneid and of Silio Italico in his eight book and Strabo maketh also mention thereof and placeth it among the Sabines And following that way about three miles there are to be seen great foundations of square stones which the country-people call Furconio whereupon it is not to be doubted that there stood the City of Furconio the which was not so ancient nor populous nor so rich as Amiterno but of greater dignity and honour in the time of the Christians for in all the Councels for the space of
we purposed to speak we will at this time omit The said City hath brought forth many excellent men and famous as well in Arms as in Learning as Ansalda of Aquila General of the Army of William the evil King of Naples and Sicilia Antonuccio Camponesco General of King Ladislao and Captain of the Venetians and was afterward by Pope Eugenio the fourth created General of the holy Church Minicuccio Vgolino Captain of King Alfonsus of Aragon Guelfallione Fonticulano was General of the Perusini against Braccio and took in battel Nicolo Piccinino and to his great honour defended Padova from the fury of the Venetians Geronimo Gaglioffa was a Colonel of Charls the eight King of France and Master of the Camp of King Lewis the twelfth in the Conquest of the Kingdom of Naples Francesco Rustico was Captain of the Crossbow-horsmen of King Ferdinando the second In Learning there have been very famous men as Pietro called Scotello of Aquila a religious Frier of the Order of St. Francis which learnedly writ upon the four books of the Master of Sentences Iohn Aquilano a Frier also of the Order of Saint Francis a famous Preacher of his time he composed a book which he entituled Viti●rum lima Francesco Vivio a most famous Lawyer who now liveth and hath lately publisht the Forest of divers opinions and hath done many things besides and of the decisions of the Kingdom of the Audience of the Country of Bary where he was the Kings Auditor whose works are very profitable to the professors of the Law Giovanni Crispo called de Monte writ three books of Law one de Gradibus the other de Haered qui ab intest de and the last de actionibus Gioseppo Rustici a Doctor of great account which is now a Counceller of the great Duke of Tuscane hath written and published a Treatise An quando liberi in conditione positi vocentur and very shortly he is to publish another discourse De utraque conditione si sine liberis decesserit ad L. cum avus F. de cond demonst Iacopo Carli a learned Doctor hath written in Law a book entituled Gemmatus Pavo in quo juris canonici civilis materiae tanguntur Alexander Trentacinque a most noble and renowned Doctor of Law writ de Substitutionibus with other subtile and witty advisements Iohn Aquilano a famous Phisician writ a discourse de sanguinis missione in pluritide Bernardino Cerillo writ the Annals of the City of Aquila his natural Country and the History of his time Serifino Aquilano was the mirror of his time for Poetry whose Works are well known over whose Sepulchre Aretino caused these Verses to be ingraven Qui giace Serafin Partirti hor puoi Sol d' haver visto il sasso che lo serra Assai sei debitore a gli occhi tuoi Here lieth Serafin depart in peace Enough thou art indebted to thy eyes To have seen the stone under which he lies Sebastian Aquilano a Phisician hath published a discourse de Morbo Gallico and another de febre sanguinis Cesar Campana which now abideth at Vicenza hath writ with an eloquent stile in the vulgar tongue the History of the World Iohn Angelo Contecelli hath published a discourse de differentiis febrium and another de Sanguinis missione Blasio Pico a Phisician hath writ the contemplative Grammer Angelo Fonticulano a worthy Historian writ very eloquently in the Latin tongue the Wars of Braccio of Montone with the Aquilani There remain many other noble and learned men which have much ennobled this City as I have understood but because I have no true information thereof I think it not amiss to omit them The Territory of this City brings forth besides other things great abundance of Saffron which as the Aquilani themselves affirm there is made thereof every year more then ●0000 crowns Above Aquila in the Apennine under the River of Pescara is Monte Reale called in old time Monte Pireo but inlarged and beautified by King Charls the second of Angio abandoning the first name it is a city very fair civil and rich compassed round about with a very strong Wal here with great reverence lieth in the church of St. Mary of Piano the body of Saint D●minick of whom the Chronicle of St. Francis maketh mention and in the church of St. Augustine is to be seen the body of St. Andrew which in token of his holy life it pleaseth God as they say to shew many miracles There now liveth with much honour to this country Pe●tio Pompeo and Iohn Circii all three Doctors of Law and great learned men of whom there is much commendation by Vivio in the Forest of common opinions The Territory of this country is very fertile for the spacious vallies and pleasant hils yield grain wine fitches beans slax hemp and other fruits A little distant from the said country is the River Pescara and at the mouth thereof on the left side is the city called Pescara named by Pl●●y and Ptolomy Aterno a most ancient city which they also so called the said River which according to the common opinion was held the swiftest and cold●st of all the Rivers in Italy The said country is honoured with the dignity of a Marquisat subject to the house of Avolo Somewhat higher in Pescara runs another River called Alba and into Alba cometh two little streams which flow from the Mount Maiella between the which is Manopello and a little higher on the side of Maiella is the Fort of Molise and undernea●h is Cosano and upon the bank of Pescara is Torre a little country and on the side of the River Pescara is Lucolo a populous country and not very fa● is Caramanico a very good country and hard by lieth Cantalupo in whose Territory riseth under a Hill a quick spring of Petronical Oyl Near the bank of Pescara is the country of Tocco which hath an excellent Territory wh●re is made the best Oyl in all Abruzzo and the purest Wine and four mile 〈◊〉 Popoli a most noble and populous country which hath the title of a Dukedom it is very strong every way partly by the Rivers which cannot be past as a pl●sh of water and also by the Forts which guard it as a Wall And going certain miles we come to Tagliacozzo a country well inhabited and very rich but not very ancient it hath the title of a Dukedom governed by the Family Colonna But we are now come to the country of the Marsi destroyed long since by Hannibal with all the other people round about in this country was a city called Valeria the natural country of Pope Boniface the fourth who obtained of the Emperor Phocas the Temple Pantheon in Rome dedicated to all the gods of the Gen●iles which he dedicated to all the Saints This city in the time of the Longobards had the name of Marsi changed into Valeria Pliny saith that Marsi was a city
other side not only because it is on this side Tronto but also for that in former time it was under the jurisdiction of the Kings of Naples but Queen Ione the second restored it to the church The said city is situate upon a very strong place fortified with a good wall and compassed with high hils it aboundeth with all things necessary for the sustenance of living creatures Bettutio Barro a most eloquent Orator was born in Ascolo to whom Cicero gave the honour of the victory above all the Poets of that age as it appears in Bruto and Ventidio Basso the victorious Captain of the Romans which went with an Army against the Parthians of whom were written these words but too nipping Now he is made a Consul which lately was a Mule-keeper forasmuch as before he had the command of Mules of whom the Satyrical Giovenal saith in the seventh Satire Si fortuna volet fies de Rhetore Consul Si volet haec cadem fies de Consule Rhetor. Ventidius quid enim quid Tullius an ne a●iudque Sydus occulti miranda potentia fati Ascolo had also Pope Nicholas the fourth a learned wise and a vertuous man as Petrarck and Platina among the Pontifical Bishops declares although Biondo saith he was the third likewise Cecco de Ascolo was a Citizen thereof an Astronomer a great Philosopher and a famous Negromancer And Enoc an eloquent Orator indued with the Greek and Latine tongues through whose diligence were found out Marco Celio Apitio and Pomponio Porfirione upon Horace in the time of Pope Nicholas the fifth The same City hath also brought forth Gratiadio of the Order of Preachers an excellent Divine and Philosopher which writ the Commentaries upon the old art eight books of natural Philosophy and three of Aristotle de anima wherein he sheweth his great learning Afterward going along from Vallecastellana we come to the rich and populous country of Amatrice situated under the fountain of Tronto Then followeth Civitella lying not far off among the hils in a country very strong through the nature of the place and the strong wall that compasseth it round about which country was valiantly defended by the Duke of Guise Now being come to Tronto in the which place are not only the bounds of the Pregutini and Sanniti which are in Abruzzo but also of the Territory of the Kingdom of Naples I am now forced to finish the description of this Province somewhat noting the nature of the inhabitants which are of a bigg and tall stature strong bodied of a white complexion fierce countenance and a resolute mind courteous towards strangers in bargaining simple accustomed to the mannaging of Arms and much inclined to Wars and very cruel to their enemies They are also very forward in learning The men which inhabit in the city are seemly and civilly apparelled but those that live abroad in the hils and mountains are very barbarous and unhandsom for they cloath themselves with very course and base cloath The Arms of this Province is Azure upon three mounts united and fixed in bass or an Eagle displayed ar● crowned of the second The which Arms some think that the Eagle signifieth the Standard which was taken in battel from the Romans although others suppose it signifies the Emperor Adrian which was born in Hadria a city of the Province and say that three Hils or declares the fertility and riches of the country neither are their opinions to be mistaken which say that the Eagle signifieth the city of Aquila it self the head and principal of all the country The County of MOLISE The eleventh Province of the Kingdom of NAPLES THe County of Molise is the least Province in the Kingdom for it is part of Sannio wherein is Esernia and Boiano This Province was so called from the city of Molisia from whence they also had their name which governed this country and Pontano witnesseth that in his time there was also standing the noble house of Molisia the which he setteth down in his fifth book of the History of the Neopolitan War Cui adjungitur ab iisdem quaestoribus Sannii quoque pars ea in qua est Bovianum Aesernia qui ager recenti nomine est Molisius Molisio ab oppido à quo originem duxere qui agro quondam imperaverunt Qua re familia quoque Molisia hodie agnoscitur The inhabiters of this country are the Sanniti Frentani and Caraceni the confines of the which people anciently were according to Ptolomy the river Fortoro on the East the river Sanguine on the West the Adriatick Sea on the North and the Apennine Hils on the South At this present the bounds thereof extend not so far in respect of the new division made by the Kings Exchequer of which country now a great part is under Capitanato the Principality on the other side the country of Lavoro and Abruzzo Pliny declaring the confines of the Frentani writeth thus Flumen portuosum Frento Teanum Apulorum itemque Larinum Cliternia Tifernus amnis inde regio Frentana and in another place saith In ora Frentanorum à Tife●no flumen Trinium portuosum Oppida Histionium Buca Ortona Aternus amnis Intus Anxatini cognomine Frentani C●rentini supernates infernates Lanuenses These people were so named of the Citie Frentana neer to Teano of Puglia the which Citie at this present is called Francavilla These people becoming very puissant made war against the Romans but being overcome as Livy writeth by the Consull Q. Aulio in the year 433. with one battell were sworn to the keeping of their faith and so obtained peace from the Senate Caesar maketh mention of the Frentani in the first book of his Commentaries and also Polybius And Cato writeth that these people had their originall from the Liburni and Dalmati and afterward from the Toscous and their principall Citie was Larino This Province is almost wholly plain and hath a very plentifull Territory for it yeildeth grain in great abundance and all other sorts of corn there is also flax silk bombace saffron annice corianders hony and good wines and very fruitfull trees and great plenty the air is temperate and healthfull sweet rivers and great store of cattell there is excellent hawking and hunting but no ravenous creature is therein except Wolves I will begin to describe this Countrey from Campobasso a City built in the midst of the Hills on this side the Apennine from Boiano twelve miles distant for here begins the first countrey of Puglia The said countrey is very populous and rich from whence the counties of Campobascio have had their originall and surname Going from this countrey towards Luceria four miles is Campo di Pietra which hath a good Territory and following that way no more then six miles appears upon the top of a high hill the Castell Pietra and from hence five miles is Macchia which hath the title of a County And from
The River Calabrice entreth into the River Sibare and runneth near Pagiano The River Clanio called also Glanio runneth near Cerra The River Canne runneth three miles distant from the City of Venosa and entreth into the River Lofanto near the which Rive was in old time the beautifull City Canne called of the Latines Canusium the which place is so famous both by Poets and Historians so much named for the great overthrow which Hannibal gave to the Romans thorough the tim●rity and presumption of Terentius Varro as Livy apparently declares in his 21 book and Sillio Italico in his 9 book Plutarch in the life of Hannibal and of Scipio with many other Writers in the which overthrow was slain the Consul P. Emilio L. Ascilio L. Furio Bicacculo Treasurers of the Wars 21 military Tribunes and many Pretors Councellers and Ediles whereof were Gn. Servilio and Gn. Minutio Numantio the which had been the year before Master of the Cavaliery and 80 Senators There was slain in this great overthrow 40000 footmen and 2700 of the Roman Cavalry and as many of their friends and con●ed●rates and many prisoners taken Ptolomeus otherwise nameth this place Canusium and Martial making mention of Canne thus saith Haec tibi turbato Canusina simillimamulso Munus erit gaude non fiet cito anus The River Clanto runneth near Loriano The River Cosano runneth near Asserolo The River Casinio now called Sanguino runneth near Venafro The River Cales runneth near the ancient City of Cales now called Calvi The River Cerbalo runneth near Civitella in Puglia The River Calabrice runneth near Fagliano and entreth into the River Sibare D THe River Diama passeth near to Cerella E The River Esaro runneth near the City of Corrone The River Eterno passeth near Teano The River Evoli passeth near Evoli F THe River F●●miceilo runneth near the City of Termole The River F●umiculo runneth near Civitella The River Fiterno now called Salino passeth near the City of S●lino The River Freddo passeth near the City of Freddo The River Frento otherwise called Fortore runneth near Larino a ruinated City The River Furore passeth near Vieteri The River Fanes called also Siris runneth near the City of Benevento The River Fineto passeth near Regina The River Fibrena runneth between the City of Arpino and Sora G THe River Glanco passeth near Valerosa The River Gineto called also Thieto runneth near the said Country The River Gronde passeth near the territory of Balbino in Calauria The River Garga runneth two miles distant from the Country of Summoranno The River Grande runneth near Altomonte The River Galesso runneth into the haven of Taranto called the little Sea The River Garigliano called in old time Ganicus and now Liris passeth near the ancient City of Minturna destroyed long since I THe River Isauro passeth near the City of Nieto now called Donato The River Isclaro passeth near the City of Caserta The River Isauro runneth near the City of Agatha The River Ispica passeth near the City of Pietra Fitta The River Ipoleto passeth near Nicastro L THe River Lite called in old time Liris and sometime Glanicus is now called Garigliano the said River runneth between Arce and Sora Pliny saith that this River hath its original from the Lake Fucino The River Librata of the Ancients and among others Pliny calleth it Albula for the whiteness thereof the said River passeth into Abruzzo and runneth not far off from Civitella of Tronto This River springeth from the Apennine The River Leudo runneth near the Country of Paolo The River Lavo called also Laino runneth near Scalea The River Lento passeth near the Monastery of St. Liberatore and the City of Frantana now called Francavilla this River springeth from the Hill Maiella The River Lucinio passeth near Rossano The River Linterno passeth not very far from the River Vulturno The River Lofanto called also Aufido runneth near Canosa by Pliny it is named Aufidus and it is also so called by Strabo by Pomponius Mela and by other ancient writers This River riseth from a little Fountain of the Apennine hils among the Irpini not far distant from the City of Nosco and from hence descendeth as a little brook of water which in summer the course or current thereof can hardly be perceived to run 30 miles but in the winter season it is so much augmented by other Rivers and streams which pass into it and besides through the showers and dews that are very often in that season it overfloweth the greatest fields of Puglia so comforting and watering the Country that it seems a large long and great sea The River Larasca springeth in Taranto M THe River Melpi runneth near the City of the ancient Atinagia now ruinated The River Moscano passeth near Piesco The River Metauro runneth near Maida The River Mesina runneth near Policastro The River Moro passeth near Ortona to the Sea The River Moncata runneth near Lacania and Maida in Calauria in the Territory of which Country grow the Plantane Trees a thing very rare in Italy The River Medama passeth near Belloforte The River Metauro passeth near Nicotera The River Marno passeth near Terranova The River Melfa runneth near the ancient City of Atina which was one of the five Cities which were built for the defence of Turnus against Eneas as Virgil saith in the seventh book of his Eneidos The River Musanio springeth in the mountains of Crepacore N THe River Nursa passeth near the Abby of St. Clement The River Neta passeth near Torana and Regia The River Neeto passeth neere Crotrone O THe River Ocinaro called also Sabatio passeth near Martorano The River Obvio passeth near Capestrano P The River Piomba runneth near Toritto The River Paola runneth near the City of Paola The River Pratello passeth near Piedemonte The River Petrace runneth near Gioia Lhe River Pesipo runneth near Nicastro The River Panopleto passeth near Maida The River Pitornio runneth near the Lake Fucino The River Plumba passeth near Hadria R THe River Rufeo runneth near Caramanico The River Raino runneth near Paleno The River Reatio runneth near Messuraca called in old time Reatium S THe River Sabuto passeth near Nocera and the ancient City of Teberina which was destroyed by Hannibal of Carthage and as the Ancients do affirm Ligia one of the Sirenes inhabited upon the mouth of the said River The River Sebeto called by the Latines Sebethos is a little River which passeth without the walls of the noble City of Naples which the Neopolitans call the River Magdalena by reason of a Church dedicated to the said Saint near which the said River passeth Papin Statio makes mention of the said River u● his first book de Selve saying Et pulchra tumeat Sebethos alumna It is also named by Virgil by Statio and by Colomella and by many other writers The River Senno called in old time Siri runneth near Amendolara and the ancient City of Sino which was afterward named Heraclea where the Statue of Minerva is very
by Strabo it is named Sirreum Atheneum prenussum Now it is called the Cape of Campanella because there stands a Tower as a guard which with the sound of a Bell makes a signe of the discovery of such Ships and Gallies as sails upon the Coast. Maiella is a very high Hill which is separated from the Apennine and standeth in the Province of the Peligni and Sanniti now called Abruzzo the said Hill is discovered very far through the great height thereof whose top is almost continually covered with snow it is very rough and craggie and the passage very difficult to the top on every side near to the which are many Cities and Towns many Rivers flow from it and there are many Woods full of wild beasts and chiefly Bears and Wolves St. Peter of Morovo the Hermit inhabited in this high Hill being afterward called Pope Celestine the fifth from whom the Religion of the Celestini had their original Olibano now called the Hill Libano The said Hill stands but a little distant from Pozzuolo and is full of very hard flint-stones and therefore very barren and without Trees it was called Olibano because in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is as much as to say all and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 barren Suetonius saith in his fourth book c. 37 that the Roman Emperor Ca. Caligula caused the said Hill to be cut and digged and commanded that all the Streets in Italy should be paved with the flints thereof Antonino Panormita makes mention of the said Hill in his fifth Epistle directed to Nicolo Piscicello Archbishop of Salerno At the foot of the said Hill on that side which lies towards the Isles of Nisita are two Baths the one called the little Bath and the other the stony Bath it was called the little Bath for the little Fountain thereof nevertheless it is of so great vertue and efficacy that the weak and diseased think that here is not only water but even God himself because it comforteth the head the stomack and all the other parts of the body it cleareth the cloudie thickness of the eies and restoreth a weak sight it drives away the Quartane continual and quotidian Feaver and to conclude it cureth any grief caused by what disease soever The Neopolitans were wont to make use of this water before any other Whereupon the worthy Poet Eustasius of Matera speaking of this Bath saith Inter aquas Pelagi proprè littus sub pede rupis Magnus in effectu fons breve nomen habet Balneolum dictum tantae virtutis amicum Vt patiens illic sentiat esse Deum Nam morbo quocunque dolet seu rheumate quovis Lotus aqua tali tempore liber abit Et caput stomachum renes caetera membrae Comfortat tepidam si renovabis aquam Haec prodest oculis oculorum nube fugata Consumptos reficit quos tenet aegra fames Materiamque rudem consumit amphimerinen Plus aliis hoc gens Parthenopaea sovet Of this Bath Savanarola Vgolino and Franciotto makes mention calling it Balneum foris crypte Mengo saith that the Mine thereof is Alume Copper and Iron Under the Rock of the said Hill Olibano as we have before said is the stony Bath and is so called because the said Fountain springeth from a Rock this Bath breaketh the stone in the bladder provoketh urine purgeth the sand and expelleth gravel it healeth the pain of the head cleareth the sight maketh the deaf to hear and driveth the sound and noise from the ears it greatly comforts the heart and the stomack The water of the said Bath drank luke-warm purgeth the intrails and inward parts Of this stony Bath thus writeth Eustasius Cui Petra dat nomen mirum reor esse Lavacrum Quod lapidem possit frangere nomen habet Infestos capiti solet hoc arcere dolores Auribus auditum praestat addit opem Lumina tergit nebulis maculosa fugatis Pectoris cordis esse medela potest Vesicas aperit renes expurgat arena Interiora lavat potus hujus aquae Quam pluries vidi calidam potare petrosos Queis Vrina fuit post lapidosa satis Vos igitur quibus est durus cum pondere mictus Assiduus talis liberat usus aquae From that part of the Hill which lyeth towards Pozzuolo at the foot thereof is another Bath called Ortodonico and is so named because it springeth in the Bishops Garden the passage into it is to be descended by certain stairs and the dore thereof standeth towards the South and therefore it is very dangerous for a man to enter into it because the South wind blowing the heat of the exhalations inclosed seeking to get out easily stisleth whosoever is within it but the water being carried out it reviveth and comforteth the bodies which are made faint and feeble through feavers helpeth the stomack and taketh away the nauseousues and desire to vomit and cureth the feaver Alcadino writeth of this Bath in this sort Haec manet absconso telluris lympha meatu Hanc via sub terris plena timoris habet Tu cave ne subeas thermas spirantibus Austris Ne calor inclusus sit tibi causa necis Haec aqua mira nimis consumptis est bona valde Restaurat corpus nobilis usus aquae Infirmos sicubi febris tenuaverit artus Et putat extremam tristis ad esse diem Has fidens intrabit aquas sepe frequentans Sentiet in robur se rediisse vetus Phthisis ephermerine febres nausea turpis Pellitur his thermis hectica victa fugit Palinuro is a Promontory so named in the Province of the Principality on this side and of the Ancients was called the Promontory of Palinuro from which a little distant was in old time the ancient City of Hielia which was afterward called Velia and as Strabo saith was endued with excellent Laws and Statutes and invironed with a strong Wall and valiant people and contended a long time with the Lucani and Possidoniati Of the which City the ruines are to be seen and was distant from Possidonia as Strabo saith 200 furlongs Writers affirm and especially Pomponius Mela and Servio upon this Verse of Virgil. in 6. Nigens crudelis c. That the said Province of Palinuro was so named of Palinuro of Phrigia a Stiler of Eneas ship which was there buried of which mention is made in many places and among others in the seventh book where he doth describe very particularly his death and his grave much commending him The Promontory Poss●untio of the Province of Principato on this side is now called the Cape of Pisciotta Strabo calleth the Country the River and the Haven Possiuntum Pausilipo is a very pleasant and fruitfull Hill of Campania felix wholly manured and adorned with goodly Towns and Villages and is but a mile distant from Naples and stretcheth towards the South even to the Sea making many dales which
of Terracina This City had also the immunities and priviledges of Anzo and of Hostia the which were likewise suspended at the coming of Asdrubale into Italy Acherusa is a Fenn or Moor which is now called Coluccia and are certain waters of a rusty iron colour which amaze whosoever see them and overspread much ground between Capoa and Aversa infecting the air and making the earth unfruitfull through the great abundance in that Plain whereby the Country becomes altogether unprofitable It stretcheth even to Cuma overflowing every place the which is so plain that the water runneth not but in summer is accustomed to be drie Of the which water none in old time would taste believing it was an infernal water which distilled from the near adjacent waters through the great heat of Fl●giton whereupon they builded there a Temple to Pluto the God of Hell The Ancients have also said that Hercules at his departure from Hell took the Crown from the head of Oppius and planted it for a memorial on the side of the said Moor whereupon the Poets afterward feigned that all the Poppies that grew there had black leaves Pliny makes mention of this Moor in his 3 book Strabo in the 5 book Sill. in the 8. Virgil in the 6 of Eneid saying Vnum oro quando hic Inferni janua regis Dicitur tenebrosa palus Acheronte refuso Of LAKES ANsanto of the Latinists called Amsanctus is a Lake which lieth between Lucania and the Irpini the water whereof yieldeth a stinking savour like Brimstone and therefore all the fowles that fly over it fall down dead to the earth Cicero nameth this Lake in the 1 of Divinat saying Mortifera quaedam pars est ut Amsancti in Hirpinis in Asia Plutonica quae vidimus And Virgil in the 7. of the Eneid Est locus Italiae in medio sub montibus altis Nobilibus fama multis memoratus in oris Amsancti valles Agnano is a Lake which lieth near Pozzuolo and is invironed with high Rocks the said Lake is very deep and yieldeth not any thing but Frogs In the Spring time there are often seen many heaps and bundles of Serpents which are smothered and stifled in the water by divine providence the which permitteth not that they multiply and increase being so pernicious to humane nature Averna is a deep Lake which is three miles distant from Cuma and is called of the Latinists Avernus it was so named as Nonio Marcello saith for the mortal and deadly savour of the water against birds and fowles which incontinently die if they fly but over it It is compassed round about with high Hils except at the entrance Round about it are very delightfull and pleasant places in this Lake were men sacrificed and here also as Homer declareth was Elphenore slain by Vlisses and sacrificed and likewise Miseno by Eneas The water of this Lake hath a brackish and salt taste and a black colour In old time the said Lake was invironed with thick Woods through the shadow whereof it was alwaies obscure and fearfull whereupon Augustus caused all the Woods to be cut down On the left hand in the turning of the Lake is the Cave of Sibilla and a little farther near the water is the Temple of Mercury the ruines whereof are yet to be seen Of this Lake Aristotle maketh mention de admirabilibus mundi Valer. Flac. lib. 2. Seneca in Troade 9. Curt. lib. 8. Dion in 5. of Antiquities Vibio Sequestre Nonio Marcello Strabo Pontano in the 2. and especially Virgil in the 6 saying Inde ubi venere ad fauces graveolentis Avern● Tollunt se celeres And a little farther Quam super ●aud ullae poterant impune volantes Tendere iter pennis talis sese halitus arris Faucibus effundens supera ad convexa fetebat Vnde locum Grai dixerunt nomen Averni Very near the Lake Averno is the Lake Lucrino whereof we will speak in its place Andoria is a Lake in Puglia and named by Pliny Mandarium and by Boccas in his book of Lakes Andurium from a Castle very near unto it called Andurio the said Lake is not very far from the shore The Lake Fucino named by Strabo Lacus Fucinus and likewise by other Writers the said Lake is commonly called Celano This lake is in the Country of the Marsi now called Abruzzo on the other side it is in compass 30 miles and is very full of excellent fishes where is also great fowling for Mallards wild-Geese and Swans Round about the Lake are the Castles of St. Apetito and St. Iona and these other places and Cities also Paterno Transaco Giagano Avezzano Magliano and Celano is under the title of a Count a very rich and populous Country from whose name this Lake was also called Celano The River Giovento entreth into the said Lake and runneth upon the water easily to be perceived in such manner that as it entreth in and runneth upon it so also it returns without mingling it self with it In the said Lake was swallowed up the magnificent City Archippa built by Marsia King of the Lidi Iohn Pontano declareth in his book de Magnificentia that the Emperor Claudius maintained eleven years continually 30 thousand men to dam up this Lake the which water Martia in his Edileship conveyed to Rome and called it by his name which was esteemed and commended before any other water that was brought thither Martial besides makes mention of this Lake saying Fucinus pigri taceantur stagna Neronis Lusina is a Lake so called of Lusina a City of Capitanata this Lake is distant from the said City little less then a mile near to the which the River For●ore runneth into the Sea This Lake is forty miles in compass and by Pliny is called Lacus Pantanus which breedeth excellent fishes Lucrino is a Lake near the Gulf of Bain in Campania felix directly against Pozzuolo it is commonly called the Lake of Licola This Lake Lucrino was fortified by Hercoles to keep his oxen he brought from Gerion It was afterward much better amended and ordered by Agrippa Strabo saith that he made it in that sort that boats might pass into it some say that this Lake Lucrino was so called de Lucro that is to say from the gain and commodity that arise of the fishes that are therein taken and from this Lake there goeth a way to Averno In this Lake Lucrino there is plenty of Oysters whereof Martial speaketh Non omnis laudem preceumque Aurata meretur Sed cui solus erit Concha Lucrina cibut And in another place saith Ebria Baiano veni modo Conca Lucrino Nobile nunc sitio luxuriosa Garnum Pliny writeth in the 9 lib. cap. 8. that in the time of Augustus there was a Dolphin in this Lake Lucrino and that a poor mans son which daily went to school to Baia by Pozzuolo seeing him began to call him Simon and very often with pieces of bread which
terra Lennia and terra Sacra it is much commended by Galen and many other Physitians as an excellent remedy to heal wounds and the bloudy flux and pestilent diseases and the biting of venomous creatures and to preserve a man from poyson and to vomit poyson already taken and for other infirmities There is also a Mine of natural and artificial Salt-peter In the Province of Calauria on this side In the Territy of the Country of Martorano is a Mine of Steel In the Territory of the City of Cosenza near the River Iovinio are Mines of Gold and Iron and in a place commonly called Macchia germana is a Mine of Gold of Lead and Brimstone and a little farther in another place called Miliano is a Mine of Salt and Alume In the Territory of Pietr● fitta near the River Ispica are Mines of Steel Lead and Salt In the Territory of the Country of Regina are Mines of Alabaster of Brimstone and of Coperas In the Territory of the Country of Longobucco are Mines of Silver and Quicksilver In the Territory of Rossano are Mines of Salt and of Alabaster and the Marchesite stone In the Territory of Alto monte are Mines of Gold of Silver of Iron and of Alabaster and there grows Cristal and there also mighty Hils of white salt In the Province of Calauria on the other side In the Territory of the City of Regio are Mines of Alabaster of Brimstone and Saltpeter In the Territory of the City of Taverna is a Mine of Antimonium which is a stone of the colour of lead and very brittle like that which grows in Britany In the Territory of the Country of Agata is a Mine of Iron and Steel and of the Adamant stone In the Territory of Belforte is a Mine of Gold and of Iron and there grows Coprass and Cristal In the Territory of Calatro is a Mine of Iron In the Territory of Belvedere are Mines of Silver of Iron of Brimstone of Alume of Salt and of white and black Alabaster and there grows a stone which shineth like Silver In the Territory of Soriano is a Mine of Quicksilver In the Territory of Nicastro is a Mine of Quicksilver and there are also goodly Hils of mixed Marble In the Territory of Mesuraca is a Mine of Earth which yields a colour called of Latinists Giluus In the City Cotrone grows a Thistle which yieldeth Mastick and also it grows in Castrovillare and in many other places of Calauria And to conclude Calauria is a very goodly Region and yieldeth plenty of all good things The Castles and Forts of defence which are in the Kingdom of Naples with the number of Souldiers which remain in every Guard and their monthly pay The names of the Castles The number of souldiers The pay what it monthly imports In Naples are these 3 Castles   Duckets 1. The new Castle 167 775.2.12 2. The Castle of Eramo 110 452.2.9 3. The Castle of Vovo 25 90.4.11 The Castle of Baia. 69 233.0.13 The Castle of the Isle Ischia 34 116. The Castle of Gaeta 86 322.3.3 The Castle of Capoa 51 200.1.13 The Castle of Aquila 53 197.1.13 The fortified Castle of Brindesi 56 175.3 The Castle of Leccie 54 201.1.13 The Castle of Otranto 86 144.1.13 The Castle of Civitella 94 Duckets 321.0.13 The Castle of Pesara 62 303.2.10 The Castle of Viesti 36 247 1.13● The Castle of Momfredonia 34 137.1.13 The Castle of Barletta 52 194.1.13 The Castle of Bary 28 118.1.13 The Castle of Monopoli 29 140. The Castle of Brindesi 41 151. The little Castle of Brindesi 63 223.4 The Castle of Cosenza hath only a Capt. with the pay of 10 crowns monthly 1 10 The Castle of Gallipoli 30 Duckets 125.1.13 The Castle of Taranto 46 176.0.4 The Castle of Cotrone 39 136.3.6 The Castle of Bi●eglia hath but only a Captain 1 10 The Castle of St. Germano hath only a Captain with the allowance of 200 duckets yearly 1 17 The Castle of Trani hath only a Captain with the pay of 10 crowns monthly 1 10 In the Isle of Nis●ta the Court maintain●th a Ga●ison   Duckets The Fort of the City of Aman●e● maintaineth 6 souldiers 6 20.4 The Fort of St. Cataldo maintain there 6 262. In the Isle of Tipare are two Gunners 2 2 A CATALOGVE Of the Earls and Dukes of Puglia and Calauria and of all the Kings of Naples Normans S●evi Angioini Durazzeschi Aragonesi Castilliani Austriaci ALthough I have more at large written in another book of the lives of all the Kings which have ruled the Kingdom of Naples but being now to speak of the same subject I will handle every thing with as much brevity as may be hoping that as it will be no small ornament to this work so it will give no little contentment to the Reader It is then to be understood that in the year of our Lord 987. the last year of the reign of Lewis the fifth King of France avaliant Norman souldier and of great magnanimity called Tancred having twelve sons which he had by two wives that is to say of Moriella Lucha his first wife he had Frumentino Gotfredo Sarno Tancred Malugero Dragone Godfredo and Alberedo of the second wife called Fresanda Rotaria the daughter or as some write the sister of the Earl of Altavilla he had Guglielmo Feraback Vnfredo Ruberto Guiscard and Ruggieri Bosso with these twelve sons Tancred determined to seek out some new Country to inhabit and to try some new and better fortune with hope to find some other place to live better and more richly through his industry and wit and coming into Italy first arived in Romagna and perceiving that Landolfo Prince of Salerno was much opprest through the excursions and outroads of the Saracins sent in his aid six of his sons who being well provided by the Prince both of horse and arms in three battels wherein they incountred the enemy made an admirable slaughter of them whereupon they returned as it were in triumph to Salerno and were by the Prince and all the people received and with much intreaty were sollicited to remain in that Court But they declaring that what they did was not for any human pomp nor for any other end but the service of God refusing all gifts returned to their own habitation But within a few years following there fell certain controversies between Pandolfo of St. Agata and Guaimaro Prince of Salerno Pandolfo sent Ambassadors into Romagno requesting Guglielmo Dragone and Vmfrido three sons of Tancred with many promises and offers to serve under his pay which that he might the better do in the manner of another Narsetes sent them not only rich furniture for horses and costly apparel for themselves but great store of money These worthy men made no delay to come to the Prince Pandolfo through whose assistance the enemy being foild was forced with shame and sorrow to retire but Pandolfo being brutish and ungratefull made no great account of them
Jewels Treasure to Erfrando of Tours Governor of the Rhodes This Marquess William had the government of Ierusalem but being a weak impotent King did notwithstanding many famous and worthy deeds but he little enjoyed the benefit of his victories for that in the beginning of the second year of his reign he died and left after him one onely son called Baldwin Baldwin the King being desirous to provide for his Nephew married again his sister Sybell to Guy of Puite Lubrun son of Hugh Lubrun Duke of Merchia and Governor of Lusignon in France with this agreement that after his death the said Guy should govern the kingdom till Baldwin his Nephew were of sufficient age But Guy carrying himself haughty and over-proud in the government of the said kingdom was dismist again by Baldwin the King This was in the year 1183. Moreover he procured Pope Lucius the third to annoint and crown his Nephew King Baldwin the fifth being but a child and appointed him Bertrand Count of Tripoly his Governor and protector of the kingdom Thus King Baldwin the fourth reigning 6 years died leaving Count Tripoly Tutor as is said of young Baldwin the fifth but he resigning his charge being withstood by Sybel the mother of the Boy and Guy her husband But in the beginning of the eighth moneth the little king Baldwin died whose death the mother concealed so long as the effecting of her intended purpose required insomuch that what with flattering and fair words and with large gifts she wan the Patriark Eraclio with the Nobility and principal men of authority in the kingdom to create Guy her husband King The Count understanding this fuming thereat being incensed with rage and envying the prosperity of Guy made peace with Salandine King of the Sarasins promising to aid him against King Guy The Salandine being now at peace with the Christians found opportunity by the discord of these Princes to break it because the Christian Prince of Montreale which governed the countrey from that to the river Iordan being on every side inhabited with Sarasins who continually carried their commodities to Ierusalem without the Kings knowledge suddenly brake the truce for the Salandine saw the time was now come which he long expected assembled together fifty thousand Horsmen and an infinite company of Footmen without number and got many cities of the Christians and increasing their Army with the people of the countrey took Ierusalem by covenant after they had besieged it one moneth This was done the second of October 1187 in the third yeare of King Guy having been in the possession of the Christians 89 years Salandine entring Ierusalem caused first the steeples and bells to be thrown down and of the Churches he made stables for his horses onely he reserved the Temple of Solomon which was washed with Rose-water at his first entrance Afterward he went to Tolomayda and besieged it wherein was the King and Sybel his wife with four children who with the children died together of a bloody flux Now as we have said before was promised to Erfrando of Turon Master of the Rhodes a noble young man Isabel to wife the sister of Sybel a virgin and also the daughter of Baldwin the fourth and sixth King of Ierusalem who now by the death of Sybel was next heir to her Fathers kingdom This expectation increased a better regard of the Barons and Christian Princes towards Erfrando But Conrado Longspath Marquess of Monferrato understanding the sudden death of Sibel and her children being desirous of Soveraignty and also enamored of Isabel his neer kinswoman secretly stole her away but with her own consent and conveyed her to Tyre and there privatly married her And so all the right of the kingdom of Ierusalem came to him by his wife Isabel whereupon he was intituled King of that kingdom The year 1190 after Philip King of France had sollicited Richard King of England to go into Soria but King Richard defer'd his going till the year following Richard afterward observing his promise came to Messina in the moneth of September where Philip also was from whence they departed having a prosperous wind Philip in a short time arrived at Tolomayda but Richard by a tempest was driven to Cyprus where Chirsack Duke of the Island denied him harbour whose discourtesie he took with such discontent as by meer force surprized the Island and sacking it planted a strong guard of his own people and from thence passed to Tolomayda to joyn with the Christian Army Not long after he sold the said Island to the Knights of the Temple for a hundred thousand crowns who ill governing the same were forced by the power of the Cypriots to depart thence and so the Knights restored it again to Richard who likewise returned them their money and with the same conditions the year 1193 gave it to Guy of Puite Lubrun Lusignon in France husband to Isabel sister of King Baldwin who before was enforced to flye Ierusalem in consideration whereof he resigned unto him all the Title and Interest he had to the kingdom of Ierusalem and for this cause the King of England began to be called King of Ierusalem and King Guy took the possession of Cyprus and was called King of the said Isle The which right to the kingdom of Ierusalem was nothing because the same by all law now justly belonged to Isabel the daughter of King Baldwin wife of Conrado Marquess of Monferrato therefore can no right or title be attributed to the King of England herein Not long after the King Conrado of Monferrato was slain in Tyre by two Sarazins called Arsacides not leaving any male children but one onely daughter called Mary The Queen Isabel married again and had to her husband Henry Count of Campania who indowed her with the Signiory of Tyre but that unhappy young man living not many years with his wife unfortunately sell from a loft or chamber in his own Palace and so died leaving three daughters Agnesa Melisina and Alicia Queen Isabel remaining thus a widow married again the third time with Almerick Puite Lubrun Lusignon King of Cyprus who by the death of Guy his brother succeeded in the said kingdom and was second King of Cyprus and in the right of Isabell his wife was also called King of Ierusalem by whom he had three children Amarin Sybilla and Melisenda but Amarin died young King Almerick married Sybil to Livon King of Armenia and Melisenda the youngest daughter was married to Raymond Rupini Nephew of the said King of Armenia and his successor in the kingdom the which Raymond was then Prince of Antioch Of this Melisenda wife of Prince Raymond Rupini was born that Mary who in the year 1276 resigned to Charls of Anjou King of Naples the claim and Title she pretended to the kingdom of Ierusalem At length King Almerick died leaving his kingdom of Cyprus to Hugo his son whom he
any of the rest which he much resented in regard he had so earnest a desire to see the Prince and to speak with him he having bin the first who put the Treaty of alliance on foot therfore it was suspected that he wold have discoverd somthing unto him prejudiciall to Spain But to give Don Gaspar de Olivares his due he had solid and sufficient parts for a great Minister of state his passions were very high for the greatning of his Master to the transactions of whose affairs he indefatigably addicted himself He was a professd Enemy to all Presents he never usd to give audience to Ladies or any women but wold receive their busines by Letters Lastly the greatest fault which I find he could be guilty of was that he was not so succesfull as he was sedulous Thus fell that huge Swayer of the Spanish Monarchy above thirty yeers and it seems with the Kings favor his spirits quickly fayld him for removing from Loches to Toro he there met with his last about sixteen months after His body being opend there was found in his Skull above two pounds of Brains and at the day of his buriall there was a huge Tempest fell with extraordinary fulgurations and cracks of Thunder as we read that when Katherin de Medici was buried in France there fell such a hidious storm that fifty Sayl of Merchant-men were cast away upon the Coasts of Britany The sorest Enemy Olivares had was the Queen which made him say that Muger hizo echar el primer hombre fuera de'l parayso y muger hizo echar a mi fuera del palacio A Woman was the cause that the first man was thrust out of Paradice and a Woman was the cause that I also was thrust out of the Kings Palace The Conde de Castrillo brother to the Marquess of Carpio who was brother-in-law to Olivares was one of the chiefest Engins which helpd to pull down this great Tree being a sober and wise well weighd man He is now Vice-roy of Naples having succeeded the little Conde d Ognate who had done such signall supererogatory Services in suppressing those horrid tumults in Naples where the power of Spain was upon point of sinking and his wisdom was no less discernd in settling peace and stopping the wide breaches wherwith that Kingdom had bin so miserably rent as also in finding out and punishing the chiefest Incendiaries wherof there were divers who felt the sharp Sword of Nemesis And lastly for devising waies to raise sums countervaylable to those Gabels and Taxes which the King was enforcd to abolish by the fury of the people And now will I take leave of the gentle Parthenope that three Castled and high crested Citty but a few words further of her Pedigree before we part she was built presently after the Wars of Troy by a young Grecian Lady calld Parthenope whose statue is to be seen there She was Daughter of Eumelus Son to Admetus King of Thessaly after her Fathers death she consulted with the Oracle at Delphos what her Fortunes shold be the Oracle told her that she was designd for another Country to be the Foundress of a noble Citty which shold be famous all the Earth over therfore she embarkd her self with divers more and sayling along the Tyrrhen Sea she landed at last in the next Promontory to Naples whence as the Legend tells a white Dove conducted her to that palce where Naples now stands where she began to build and trace a Citty which she calld by her own name Parthenope or the Virgin Citty which appellation continued till Octavianus the Emperor who first calld her Neapolis or the City of Navigation she being in rising postures like an Amphitheater on the Sea-side and wonderfull comodious for trafic she abounds with Silks Oyles Flowers Fruits and a most generous Race of Horses as any place upon the earthly Globe As her Horses are generous so they are observd to be more docile and neer to rationall Creatures then any where else for which this instance shall be producd Cardinall Bentivoglio sent Henry the Fourth of France a choice Napolitan Courser with his Keeper when the Horse was brought before the King he commanded one of his Riders to mount him who neither with Switch or Spur wold scarce stir or shew any feats of activity the King herupon and the Beholders began to disparage the Horse taking him for som dull Jade hereupon the King desird an Italian Rider to mount him the Horse when he saw his own Rider ready to back him fell a trembling all over but the Rider being got up he began to prance and flounce so nimbly as if he wold have flown into the Air to the amazement of all the Spectators so King Henry with the Present beggd the Rider of the Cardinall whom he entertaind all his life-time The Napolitan being born in a luxurious Country is observd to be the greatest Embracer of pleasure the greatest Courtier of Ladies and the most indulgent of himself of any other Nation insomuch that no command of the King can make a Napolitan Gentleman to go upon any Service for three months in Sommer till the heats are over They are full of Noble Friendship one to another and somtime they make their love to men controul their lust to women As there was a notable example these late yeers in the person of the young Marquess Oliverio who being desperatly in love with the Countess of Castlenovo layd siege to her a good while and the Count going to a Country-house of his and taking his Countess and Family with him the Marquess being more and more enflamd goes to the Country hard by one day a Hawking and let flies his Hawk into the Count of Castlenovos Gardens where it chancd he and his Countes were walking the Marquess made bold to retreeve his Hawk the Count with very high Civilities did welcom him and causd a Banquet to be presently provided where he and his Lady entertaind him being gone the Count began to commend the Marquess telling his wife that he was one of the hopefullst young Noble men and the fullest of parts of any in the whole Kingdom These praises made such impressions in the Countess that a little after he gaind her so the time and place of pleasure being appointed he was let in a privat way to her Chamber where she being a bed as he was undressing himself to go to her she told him that he was beholden to the Count her Husband for this Favor for she never heard him speak so much in commendation of any Is it so sayd the Marquess then I shold be the arrantst Villan in the world to abuse so noble a Friend so he put on his Dubblet agen and departed but with much civillity in the very height and heat of lust though he had so commodious conjuncture of time as his heart could desire But as the Napolitan have a high noble method of Friendship amongst them so are they as
most plentiful i● this countrey The description of this Province Campobasso Campo di pietra Macchia Celentia Riccia Gambatesa The Castle of Motta St Iulian Colletort Gel●ono Circo The river Fortorio Vinchiaturo Baronello Busso M●rrone Gerione Livy lib. 2● Montenegro Riofredo Forolo Fornello The vally Porcina Esernia Andrea of Esernia a famous Doctor of th● law Supino Guilliniaco Lupara Catabuttaccio Lucito Limosano Castelpignano Rocchetta Casal reparande Lespinato Reg●st Reginae anno 134● litera A f●l 117 Boiano Livy lib. 9 10. Slio lib. 8. The hill Fiterno The river Fortore The river Trinio Roceavivara Trivento Iacobo Caldora Salicito Fossaseca Bagnulo Civita nova The nature and condition of the people of the countrey The Armes of this Province and what it signifieth The bounds of Capitanata Why it was called Capitanata P●ntano lib. 2. de bello Neap. Te●r● Hydruntina Barens●is regio B●silicatata Why it was called Iapigia Mesapia Daunia Apulia How Puglia came into the hands of the Romans Hannibal did much harm to Puglia Strab. lib. 6. The things which are most plentiful in Capitannta The nature of the earth The number of the cities countries and castles that ●re in the said Provinces The 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 hil Garga●● The city of S. Angelo The Saracins possest th●se places and when they were driven away The description of the holy cave of S. Angelo The cause why this church was dedicated to St. M●chael the Archangel An. 1●4 Pontano lib. 2. Templum S. Michaelis in monte Gargano Laurentio an●●sio Sipontum Vieste Vieste destroyed by the Turks King Ferdinando repaireth again Vieste The end of the Adriatick sea The Citie Salapia where Hannibal was inamored The Lake of Andoria Mansredonia Castelluccio Monte Rotano Celenza St. Marco Volturara St. Gaudio Rosseno Montefalcone Lesina The Lake of Lesina Serra Capriola St. Martino Colletorto St. Iuliano Macchia Campo di Pietra Geldono Circomaggiore St. Nicandro Porcina St. Seniero Strabo lib. 6. The Temple of Calcante of Podaliero St. Iohn Ritondo Cagnano Carpino St. 〈◊〉 Arign●no St. Nicandro Foggia 〈◊〉 The custom of the sheep The number of the cattel that were customed in the year 1592. The custom of the revenue of the sheep made in the year 1592. The payment for sheep hath bin very ancient in the Kingdom Alfonsus of Aragon King of Naples 〈◊〉 to the c●stom of sh●●p Luceria of the the Pagans Paolo Diacono lib. 5. Charls the 2 King of Naples drove the Saracins from Luceria and from all the Kingdom The body of St. Augustine in Luceria By whom Troia was built The Councel of Troia The bodies of Saints in Troia Ascolo di Satriano The Church of St. Leonard given to the Knights of St· Mary of Prusia The Isles of Diomedes now called Trinity The quality condition of the people The Arms of this Province The nature disposition of the people The Royal revenue under the Kings of the Normans was received by a price What a whole intire fee was Andrea d' Isernia Capece A feudary was bound but to 3 months service The Chap. of King Charls The feudary when he served not personally to what he was bound Afflitto Charls 2. Places of Demains which yay the Livery Extraordinary payments on whom and when it is imposed The imposition of 3 grains made by Don The sum of the imposition for the Castles The sum of the imposition for repairing the highway● The sum of the payment for the soldiers and men of arms The custom of the sheep of Apulia The custom of Puglia very a●cient The custom of Puglia newly instituted by King Alfonsus The cus●om of silk sold to the Prince of Bisignano The sum of the imposi●ion upon s●●k and saffron The custom or Iron and by whom 〈◊〉 w●s ●●s●ituted The great custom of Naples and the revenue thereof The sum of th● 〈◊〉 r●venue T●e reven●● of 〈◊〉 cu●●om of 〈◊〉 Of Oyl and Sope. Of Wine conveyed out of the kingdom The custom of Cards Of eggs birds and kidds Of Manna Of the race of Horses Of forfeitures to the King Of horses that are bought Of the conveying of corn The revenue of times why it was so called The aids of Tuscan The revenue of the City of Viesti and others A new imposition upon Brimstone The new imposition on hemp A new imposition on the infidels The due of Salnitro The industry and labour of Salt The duties of the commodities of grain and others The end of the lines of Barons and the Kings Offices that are void The revenue of Liveries of heirs and forfeitures and others The Cathedral Churches of the Kingdom The Abbats of the Kingdom Circes the daughter of S●le and Perse. Totila King of the Goths apparelled like a Page Petronio Petronasso reedified the Monastery of the Hill Casino A girl converted to a male The belief of the Au●h●r The Hill Cibele now called Monte Virgine The bodies of Sidrack Mesheck and Abedneg● preserved in Monte Virgine The admirable 〈◊〉 in Monte Virgine Flesh and milk carried into Monte Virgine become● full of worms The fertility of the Hill Gauro Why it was called the Hill Miseno The hill Miseno called in former time Aereo Aeneas kild his Trumpeter Miseno and sacrificed him to the Gods of Hell The Tower of Faro Octavius Augustus kept his Fleet in Ma●● Morto for the defence of the Tirrene Sea Pompey flouteth L. Lucullus The answer of Lucullus The Authors which make mention of the Hil Miseno The Hil Massico The wine F●lerni in great estimation with the Romans The Author● which make mention of the hil Massico The Authors which make mention of the Wine of Falerno Minervio Maiella Olibano The Emperor C. Caligula caused the hill Olibano to be cut The bath of the rock and the vertue thereof The bath Ortodonico why it was so called Palinuro The City Hielia Why it was called Palinuro Pausilipo Virgils Sepulchre A Bay-tree that grew naturally over the Sepulchre of Virgil. Sarno The Country of Pompeians one of the beautifullest parts of Campagna spoiled by fire of the Hill Vesuvio See Corn Tacitus in 15 book of Histories The Wine of Trifolino Lib. 13. Why it was called the Hill Vesevo Cornel. Cetego the Consul dried up the Fen Pontina Iupiter Ansure The Lake Averno Plin. lib. 2. cap. 106. Plin. lib. 3. cap. 10. The Lake Lucrino why it was so called The History of a Dolphin The Sepulchre of Scipio Africano A Proverb See the Elegy of Giovio in the life of Scipio Afr. Phil. lib. 14. Columella lib. 13. Vegetio l 4. The Saracius possess Sicilia Ferabach maketh Warr with the Greek● Guglielmo Ferabach Count of Puglia The death of Guglielmo 1042 〈◊〉 Count of Puglia The Count of Puglia consumed by the Emperor Henry the 2 to Dragone 1051. Vm●rid● Count of Puglia Anno. 57. Baielardo Count of Puglia Roberto Guiscard Count of Puglia Ruberto Guiscard attributeth to himself the title of Duke of Puglia and Calauria
PARTHENOPOEIA OR THE HISTORY OF THE Most Noble and Renowned Kingdom OF NAPLES With the DOMINIONS therunto annexed and the LIVES of all their KINGS The first Part By that Famous Antiquary SCIPIO MAZZELLA MADE ENGLISH By Mr. SAMSON LENNARD HERALD of ARMES The Second Part Compil'd By IAMES HOWELL Esq Who besides som Supplements to the First part drawes on the Threed of the Story to these present Times 1654. ILLUSTRATED WITH THE FIGURES OF the Kings and the Arms of all the Provinces Vidi sub Rupe micantem Parthenopem Egregiam LONDON Printed for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in S. Pauls Church-yard 1654. And as we read of one of her Princes Alphonso Duke of Calabria came and obtaind of Henry the Eight your Progenitor to be made Knight of the English Order of Saint George that thereby he might have protection from him being Soveraign of the Order against Charls the 8th of France as the Laws of the Garter tyed Henry unto so She comes to install herself in your Lordships Favor to be protected and sheltred against any blasts of Obloquy that may chance blow upon Her in this more bleak and colder Clime Lastly She coms with commission to inform the World how much for such frequent noble Favors I am London Calendis Maij 1654. MY MOST HIGHLY HONORED LORD Your obedient and truly devoted Servitor Iam Howell TO THE READER WHEN Rome shrunk into a Pigmies Skin from that Gigantic stature she was once of in those dayes when the Tyber did out-swell the Ocean Naples may be sayd to have stuck closest to Her of any and continues so still for to this day she ownes Her for her Mistress and Lady Paramount In recognition wherof the Spanish King payes Her a Heriot with a Rent of seven thousand Duckets every Saint Peters Eve till which be done he lyeth under the Curse of the Church which is quickly on and off Now the Kingdom of Naples being so delicat a peece of the Europaean Continent and having had such vicissitudes and various turns of Fortune may well deserve for those two respects to have a Chronicle of it self in one entire peece which was not done yet under this Meridian Touching first all do acknowledg that for delicacy of all things either for common use pleasure or wonderment Naples may be call'd Natures Darling who seems to study how to make her self admir'd in divers places Ceres and the God of Wine strive there for Mastery She abounds with Silks Oyles Fruits Flowers Roots Fowl Fish and Flesh with an incomparable Race of Horses as also with such a choice of fragrant Wines that She may be call'd Bacchus his Inner Cellar It is also the Country where Manna is gather'd and She hath the best Medicinall Baths that the Earth affords Now this rare fertility may be impted not so much to the heat of the Air as to the Sulphureous quality and heat of her Soyl also which though it be over-violent in som places causing Incendiums and Earthquakes the one if the irruption of the fire be deep the other if it be neer the Superficies yet this fire dilating it self up and down through her bowels it makes the Womb of the Earth more prolificall Touching the Territories annexed to her Dominions som of them as Apul●a may contend with Her for fecundity but others not specially Calabria which compard to Naples may be sayd to be a course List at the side of a peece of fine Scarlet Now for the Inhabitants wheron the second reason depends they may be sayd to have much of Vertue and no less of Vice and were they cast into a Balance one could hardly discern which Scale wold be traboccant and over-poising They are magnificent both in Houses and Habit they are free and full of Complement yet though the Hall be commonly open the Closet is shut though the face be unclouded Viso sciolto and free yet the Heart is close and reservd The same may be sayd of the Mouth and the Hand when the first open's widest the other is closest shut They are in their Method of Devotion pious and charitable their stately Temples and Monasteries demonstrat the one and their Lazarettos or Houses for the Poor do verify the other specially that of Monte de pietà an Hospital of 60000. Duckets of yeerly Revenue whose Officers upon som Festivals go in Gowns of white Sattin Now for the mass of ordinary peeple as there is a common Saying of England Inghilterra buona Terra mala Gente England is a good Country but the people are bad so there is a worse Saying of the Napolitan that it is Vn Paradiso piantato da diavoli It is a Paradis peepled by Devils Indeed the Napolitan according to the quality of the Soyl is of a fiery boyling Nature which makes the Spaniard ride him with a Bitt and a Martingall he hath as many Whirlwinds in his Brain and quicksands in his Brest as the French or any other Nation Witness else their sundry Innovations for Naples had in two yeers no less then five Kings of severall Countries Insomuch that I have not read of any Politicall Instrument so often out of tune having had forty popular Revolutions in less then four hundred yeers yet none that brought a Ruine with it Touching this last Revolution in the yeer 1647. it was the violent'st of all it was like a Candle burning at both ends the common peeple were all as mad as if they had bin bit by a worse thing then the 〈◊〉 In which Revolution there were so many prodigious things happend that were they not recent and don as it wer but t'other day they wold be held for meer Romances For it requires a strong faith to beleive that in so well a policed Christian Citty so replenishd with Nobility Gentry and Gown-men of all Professions as Naples is known to be there shold be such horrid Barbarismes committed That this Tumult from a small spark shold com to be so huge a fire from a little source shold com to be such a rapid Torrent that from a weak blast it shold so suddenly com to such an impetuous Whirlwind that it shold begin with a score of Boyes pursued and ended with so many thousands of Men That a young barefooted Tatterdemalian Retaylor of Fish shaking off his blew Wascot and red greasy Bonnet shold so suddenly com to have such an ascendent upon the spirits of the peeple as within three or four dayes to govern Naples in chief and being clad in Cloath of silver to ride so triumphantly with naked Sword in hand and his brother as despicable a thing as he in Cloath of gold attended with an Army of fifty thousand men and so march up to the Castle where the Vice-roy kept his Court where he forc'd him to grant whatsoever he proposed That in so short a tract of time he shold mount to such a despoticall or rather Imperiall power for nine dayes
say Pheasants Partridges Goodwittes Woodcocks Snites Quails and divers others In like sort there are of four-footed Beasts as wild Boars Harts Goats Hares Conies and Foxes of ravenous creatures there are Wolves and of those that are fatted it is very plentifull There are also in places near the Mediterranean shore great Vaults and Caves with the Foundations of sumptuous Buildings which yields no small wonder to every one that beholds them with other strange works wrought as well by the wonder of Nature as also by curious Art and the emulation thereof which procures no small admiration to all that knows not the powerfulness of Art and Nature The Sea of this most happy Province aboundeth with divers sorts of excellent Fishes as Sturgions Mullets Tonnies and sundry other fishes Neither is there less abundance in the kinds of Shel-Fishes as of Oysters Muscles Cockles Periwincles and infinite others Of Minerals it is very rich in Gold Silver Alume Brimstone Besides this it is endued with so many medicinable and wholsome Bathes which in the Spring and other times of the year heals infinite people of many strange and incurable diseases So that that great Grandmother Nature hath bestowed so great abundance of her benefits that it seems she is delighted therein The which the writer Polybius considering which was the Master of Scipio Africanus wrote these words near Sipontino Est enim Campanus ager copia rerum fertilitate regionis ac amaenitate pulchritudine loci excellentissimus nam in littore maris positus est ex eo universo terrarum orbe venientes in Italia innumerae gentes consunt And Hannibal that great Carthaginian Captain beholding the delightfulness of this happy Region and the beauty thereof purposing to assemble his Army which he caused to winter therein returned from thence nice dainty and full of the delicacie of Campania said as it is written in Strabo in the end of the fifth Book Victor ipse periclitor ne host is praeda siam quippe qui milites viros dederim faeminas recipiam The Campanians saith Cicero against Rullus of the Law Agraria Superbi bonitate agrorum magnitudine fructuum salubritate aeris pulchritudine regionis This Province doth likewise deserve great praise for the diversity of Wines which it bringeth forth so much esteemed both in ancient and later times as the most delicate of Sorrento which Tiberius Cesar and Physitians so much commended the Wine Massico now called Massaquano brought from the Mount Massico which is near Carinola in the Territory of the people Equani among which is Massa and Vico the most excellent Falerni so much pleasing to the Roman Emperors of whom Iulius Caesar as Pliny writeth honoured his Feasts and most sumptuous Banquets which he made in Rome and principally that wherewith in two and twenty thousand Chambers he feasted all the Romans There are the tears and Greek Wines so much celebrated by Pliny the most odoriferous Wine Nolano and that of Vico no less wholsome then pleasant in taste with others very excellent and delicate Wines which are preferred before all others in the plentifull Tables of the greatest Lords The Oyles are in no less esteem which are there made and chiefly those of Massa of Sorrento of Vico of Gaeta and of the Isle of Capre And no less fruitfull is this fortunate Country of the best Cattle as Oxen Cowes fat Weathers Hogges and Calves whereof the most excellent are those of Sorrento There is also made the finest silks which Merchants buy more then any others for the goodness thereof It is very plentifull in Heards and Droves of Cattel and serviceable Horses for Warr. And to conclude this Province worthily deserveth all praise for the excellent things that are therein wherefore it is no marvel if ancient Writers call this the most beautifull and excellent Region of the world having a most temperate and delicate air and so fruitfull a Country that in all times of the year there are heard divers and sundry birds to sing Here in the Spring time and even in the Corn where are not sowed do grow Lillies Violets and Roses of excellent and delicate savour so that the earth never ceaseth to bring forth for which cause it is commonly said that Campania yieldeth most Oyntment others say most Oyle being also made in Naples the best and most excellent Conserve that may be found through the great goodness of the Roses This Country bringeth forth people of an indifferent stature and of a fair complexion valorous minded and very wise both in Councel and the managing of worldly affairs ingenious and apt for learning and more then measurably warlike both on foot and horse from whence generally appeareth a certain mind to command Having now declared the sundry benefits and celestial favours of this most noble Region I will now handle in particular where I left at the City of Ansure now Terracina in a part of Latium was founded the City of Fondi standing placed in the way Appia twenty miles distant from Terracina of Strabo Pomponius Mela Silus an Italian and of Ptolomy called Fondi but of Antonius Fonde the Territory whereof bringeth forth excellent Wines which are much commended of Pliny and of Strabo and Martial writeth that by any means the Wines of Fondi must not be suffered to wax old Haec fundana tulit felix autumnus opimi Expressit mulsum Consul ipse bibet Soterus Bishop of Rome was born in this City who governed the Church of God 7 years 11 moneths and 18 daies This City suffered much loss by Ariadeno Barbarossa the Turk Captain General of the Navy of Soliman Emperor of Turks in the year 1534. at which time all the Citizens that were found therein were made slaves Passing along towards Formie on the left side is Villa Castello from whence descended the Roman Emperor Galba on the right side appeareth the Lake Fundano called by Pliny Fundano although it be written Fandano by some corrupt writers This said Lake is full of Fishes and very great Eeles Five miles from thence remaineth the foundations of the City Mamurri of whom Horace saith In Mamurranum lassi deinde urbe manemus Passing hence by the rough and stony way Appia near the most high steep Mountains is the Land of Atrio now called Itro the Country of the Lamury Citizens of Rome five miles almost but somewhat out of the way Appia on the right hand is Gaeta upon the shore so called as Strabo and Virgil affirm of the Nurse of Aeneas which died and was there buried and although the Gulf of Gaeta and the strong Rock thereof be sufficiently known and much renowned especially in ancient time yet was it not a City untill the Saracins destroyed Formie which was in the year of Christ 856. and then was the reliques of the worthy St. Erasmus transferred from Formie to Gaeta and it was by Pope Gregory the 4th
Near Naples is the Greek Tower first called Herculea of Hercules which came thither with many Ships after he left Nontiata near the ancient Stabie At this place standeth aloft that famous Hill of Somma called Vesevo and Vesuvio about which are situated many pleasant Villages except in the top where the Poets feign remain the shoulders of the Giant Porfirius In the time of the Emperor Titus with a general fear to all those in the fields and destruction of them which were nearest it cast out from the top thereof great flames of fire and Balls of Sulphure Mine and burning stones where Pliny died the great preserver of the Latine tongue whilst he desired to see the great exhalations of that Hill which cast the ashes even into Africa Going a little farther is the City of Castel by the Sea of Stabia so named by the City Stabbia which was not far off which had been destroyed by L. Silla this Castle is situated in a corner of the Mount Gauro where it beginneth to stretch towards the West which maketh the Promontory of Minerva Here about the distance of a mile through the delight of the place King Charls the second builded a Royal Palace calling it for the sweetness of the air the Wholsome House which afterward King Rubert enlarged giving it greater beauty and ornament which place is now possest by the Noble Family Nocera King Ferrant the first having bestowed it on Pietro Nocera his chiefest favorite which for his great valour was afterward by King Ferrant the second made General of the Gallies This Country aboundeth with great plenty of clear water and great store of the best Fruits and for the facility and easie access of the place hath much Traffick According to the division of Strabo of Ptolomy and of Sempronio this City should be placed in the Country of the Picentini which is now called the Province of Principato but we have thought best to confine it in the Land of Lavoro because it is situated in the Gulf of Cratero Within a little is the beautifull City Vico builded by the people Equani then followeth the City Sorrento very ancient and Noble situated on the top of the Hill whose prospect is the Sea Although it be not of that greatness as formerly it hath been it hath a very fertile and delightfull Territory garnished with Vines and Oringes and other fruitfull Trees This City was builded by the Greeks and was called Petra Syrenum In this City lived Antonio the Abbot a most holy man and famous for his miracles whose body remaineth even now as a testimony of his divine Miracles as they say towards those which are oppressed with Spirits Then from Sorrento a mile is the City of Massa newly named to the which Paolo Portarello that excellent Poet and great Humanist hath now and alwaies giveth everlasting glory From hence then is seen the solitary Hill Atheneo the which because it joyneth not with any other Hill passeth along towards the West and is otherwise called the Hill Massa it was also called Prenusso Sirreo Minervio and the Hill Equano in the top of the Promontory is to be seen a great part of the Temple of Minerva builded by Vlisses Under the side of the said Promontory are certain desart and stony Islands called the Sirenes in one whereof from that part which lieth towards Surrento in ancient time was a rich Temple where were certain very ancient gifts long since presented by the Inhabitants of the Country for the worship and reverance of that holy place the Reliques whereof are now to be seen Here endeth the Gulf called Cratera included within two Promontories Miceno and Ateneo which lie towards the South which Gulf is almost wholly planted with Houses and goodly Gardens opposite to the which riseth out of the Sea the Isle of Capri the first delightfull place of Tiberius Caesar but now ordained for Exiles and banished people Here twice in a year are Quails taken Directly against Miseno is the Isle of Prochita now called Procita the which according to Strabo is a part of Pitecuse Procita was so called as Pliny saith by the depth thereof for by miracle the said Isle rise of it self out of the bottom of the Sea But as Dionisius of Alicarnaseo affirmeth that it was named by a beautifull young man a Trojau called Procita which came thither to inhabit Whereof Servio upon these Verses of Virgil saith in his 9 Book Tum sonitu Prochyta alta tremit c. Saith that it had that name from Protheus which signifieth spread or dispersed to the which opinion agreeth the Greeks and almost all the Latines Silio the Italian in his 12 Book speaking of Procida saith thus Apparet Prochyta saevum sortita Numanta Apparet procul Inarime quae turbine nigro Fumantem premit Iapetum flammasque rebelli Ore rejectantem si quando evadere detur Bella Iovi rursus superisque iterare volentem Within this Isle is a fair Country well replenished with people which hath the same name and is very famous for the abundance of Corn that is gathered within it and for the taking of Partridges and Pheasants whereof there is great plenty The Lord of this Isle in former time was Iohn of Procida a Phisitian a man very famous who fearing not the power of King Charls of Angio to revenge a great injury took Sicilia with that famous slaughter of the French commonly called the Sicilian evening and he had done greater matters if he had been permitted This Iohn was in great esteem with Iames King of Arragon after whose death King Peter his son knowing the valour of Iohn Le dio dice il Zurita en el Reino de Valencia para el y sus successores las Villas y Castillos de Luxer Benyzano y Palma con sus alquerias He gave him as saith Zurita in the Kingdom of Valentia to him and his successors the Towns and Castles of Luxer Benyzano and Palma with their bordering Villages From this man descended the Family called Procita which are now very great in the Kingdom of Catalogna and enjoyeth the Countie of Almenare In the said Isle in a fair Church with great reverence is preserved the body of St. Margarite the Virgin and Martyre which was carried thither from Antiochia Salvo Selano the Phisician honoureth much this Isle now living in Naples with great renown who hath written upon the Aphorismes of Hyppocrates The said Isle is distant from Naples twelve miles and in composs seven A little from Procita lieth the Isle Ischia formerly called Inarime Pithecusa and Enaria very famous not only for the Fable which the Greeks feigne of the Giant Tipheo strucken with Iupiters Thunder-bolt but also for a Fortress there being so great that it is held the second Key of the Kingdom The said Castle was builded by Alfonsus of Medina King of Arragon first of this name King of Naples who because
it was so well fortified caused it to be called Ischia which hath given the name to the whole Island especially because all the other ancient names were forgotten This Castle is very strong by the natural situation thereof and is built upon a very high Hill and the passage thereto very steep and the way for the most part is cut out of the Rock with mens labour and the entrance is so difficult and streight that two Souldiers may easily guard it Hither Ferdinando the son of Alfonsus the second of Arragon King of Naples retired himself for his security when Charls the eight King of France had victoriously entred Naples In the year 1301. the said Island sustained great hurt for being therein certain veins of Sulphure whereof the Island is very full the fire kindled and running through it burnt a great part even to the City of Ischia now called Gironda and the fire continued one month and a half burning many men and other living creatures whereby the Inhabitants were inforced to abandon the place flying out of the Isle some to Procida some to Capri some to Pozzuolo and some to Naples And of this fire the marks yet appear where neither grass nor any other thing doth grow and that for the space of more then two miles which place the Citizens call the Cremata This Isle is in compass 18 miles where is a fair City to the which are subject eight Hamlets or small Villages This said Isle is very fertile and bringeth forth all so●ts of Corn and there is made excellent Wine and hath Mines of Gold which were together found with the Sulphure in the year 1465. by Bartholmew Perdice Genoway It is every where full of Villages very thick and close adjoyning there is one very high Hill which is very difficult for a man to climbe in the top whereof riseth a Spring called the Fountain Aboceto all the rest of the Isle hath great scarcity of water The Shores of this Isle are rather crooked then streight the air there is very healthfull and pleasant and in it are many and sundry Baths with those so marvelous sands all things fit to heal divers sorts of infirmities and many incureable of the which we have sufficiently written in the Book of the Antiquities of Pozzu●la by me not long since published to which I refe● the Reader This Isle was first inhabited by the Licii which after the death of Oroute their King were driven out by Eneas Afterward came thither the people Arimni and within a while the Calcidii There lieth with great reverence in two honourable Churches of this Isle the bodies of St. Restituta Virgin and Martyr and of St. Olivata her sister which as is said do infinite miracles Of this Isle was Fabius Seleucus Oronre that excellent Cosmographer and singular Poet. Sailing from hence more forward towards Naples near the Mount Pausilippo is the Isle of Nisita of the Latines called Nosium and Nesis which had a fair and goodly Fortress made by the Dutchmen of Amalsi with a most secure Haven called Agliono very commodious Nisita was so called as the Poets feign by a Nimph of the Sea the daughter of Nereus and Doride Gods of the Sea for the truth is that Nesis in Greek is an Island it was in ancient time the Town of Brutus that worthy Roman and in our daies there was found in a Sepulchre a dead body of wonderful greatness imbalmed which had about the neck a Chain with a Jewel of Gold with this Inscription M. A. Acilius C. F. I.I.I. R. Leaving this Isle is another much less which is rather a Rock I may say it was and is commonly called Gaiola but in my opinion it should be called Gaia if yet that particle ola were not adjoyned thereto for a diminutive signifying the smallness and beauty thereof at an instant for being very delightfull and pleasant and made in the fashion of a Theater where also appeareth the marks of an inclosed Park for the keeping of wild Beasts and the Temple of Neptune which was there in old time so that to every one that comes thither it seems a place of great delight These then are the Cities upon the Sea of happy Campania and the Isles that are thereabout But in the Land of Naples the principal City is Capoa situated on the side of Vulturno upon the way Appia twelve miles distant from the Sea it was in former time as great as any in Italy except Rome the first and chiefest the Senat of Rome once purposed to go to inhabit there The opinions of the building of this City are divers and first Cato and Sempronius saith that it was builded by the Osci others as Virgil Lucan Silius Dionisius of Alicarnassus and Suetonius say that it was builded by Capi the companion of Aeneas and that by him it was afterward so named Others say that Remus the son of Aeneas builded it and called it Capoa from Capi the Father of his Grandsire Strabo is of another opinion saying it had this name from the large Fields wherein it standeth whose first Inhabitors were the Opici and Ausoni and the Osci which were driven out by the Cumani and afterward these by the Toscans by whom Capoa was made the Head of twelve Cities builded by them in these places and of this opinion seemeth to be Eustaccius Livy Pliny and Annius Diodorus and others say that it was so called for the great capacity and largeness which it hath to produce and bring forth necessary things for the sustenance of living creatures and in truth the Territory thereof is most excellent above all other Countries of the world This City as Livy declareth particularly in many places was of great Wealth and Authority and in the time of the great prosperity and delights thereof was the seat and habitation and as it were a second natural Country to Hannibal and in the time of the siege of Casilino wintred there with his Army which became corrupt effeminate and lazie through the many delights and pleasures thereof But coming afterward into the power of the Romans it was as it appeareth to some that Capoa was by them utterly ruinated for being strong a near neighbour and alwaies their enemy But the utility and most fertile Territory was the safety thereof that it was not ruinated because the multitude of Colonies might have a place and a dwelling in this Country and Territory and the houses themselves were builded of the common Treasury of Rome Yet nevertheless there was not left any signe or any body of a City or Councel or any Authority the which Marcus Tullius declareth more largely in one of his Orations calling the Capoans proud and arrogant through the bounty of the earth and the abundance of all things which they had But there was since contrary to the opinion of Tully by Iulius Caesar in his first Consulship carried to Capoa one Colony of Romans and those
de Biscolis should not presume to bear for his Arms a Lion se●ant or with the tail through his legs and turning up towards the head above a fesse ar in a field gu declaring that these Arms were the ancient Ensignes and Coat Armor of the said Family Besides the said Family prospereth in many other Corporations in divers places as Pietro de Pezzo descending of Iohn went to Amalfi to the Government of that State was comprehended in the number of the Nobility of that City and Luke his brother serving the Duke of Amalfi Marquiss of Guasto in the Wars of Lombardy being a Captain of much renown in his return passing by Rome was by the Decree of the Senate made with his successors of the race and line of the Roman Senators the which line is now to be seen in the Segge of the Nobility of Campo in Salerno And Francesco del Pezzo the son of Pirro being by the favour of King Philip created Auditor of the same Province was reckoned among the Nobility of the Segge of Portaretese This Family hath alwaies had excellent men both in Learning and Military affairs And among others Don Ieronimo del Pezzo a noble man well qualified which for his excellent parts was by the favour of King Philip honoured with the Order of the Knights of St. Iames. And among the rest Iohn Andrea Knight of St. Iohn of Malta which valiantly fighting in the enterprise of Zara died there and now liveth with much honour Silvio Knight of the same Malta and of sincere life and singular learning besides the Lord Cesare del Pezzo Bishop of Sulmo What they were in old time their royal issue sufficiently declares the men of this Family have been Lords of many Castles and great revenues But in these daies they possess the Barony of St. Mango in Cilento and the Barony of Prato St. Pro in the County of Aquila● the one is Baron Tiberio del Pezzo descending of Luke a Lord of most pleasing behaviour and a great lover of vertue which is one of the rarest Noble men of these daies the other possesseth Hortenzio del Pezzo Doctor of Law and descended from Pirro before said Now returning to Salerno in whose reverend Churches the bodies of many Saints are in rest whereof Marc. Antonio Marsilio Colonna Arch-Bishop of the same City very largely discourseth Many ingenious and learned persons have given great ornament to the said City as in Phisick Matteo Silvatio who at the instance of King Rubert writ Aphorisms of Phisick Trota or Trotula de Ruggiero a woman of great learning which composed a book De morbis mulierum eorum cura and another de compositione medicamentorum Abella which very learnedly writ two books in Verses the one de Atrabile the other de natura seminis humani Mercurial composed four books the first de Crisi the second de febre pestilentiale the third de cura ulcerum exteriorum and the last de unguentis Rebecca Guarna writ de febribus de urinis de Embrione Boccuccio Grillo writ de differentiis pulsuum de febrium causis Iohn of Proeida although he were Lord of the Isle of Procida notwithstanding he was an excellent Phisician and composed a learned Work of Phisick and was the Author of the Sicilian Evening against the French In the same profession there have been in these latter daies very excellent men as Paolo Grisignano Francesco d' Alfano Antonello and Iohn Cola di Rugiero In the faculty of the Law were very famous Pietro Bailardo of whom the Gloss maketh mention in L. quinquepidum C. finium regendorum Iohn Cola de Vicario an expert Doctor which is much commended by Iohn Vincenza in the deciding and defining of freedoms and priviledges Charls de Ruggiero for his learning was a Counceller of great estimation of whom Afflitto testifieth in his definitions Tomaso de Simeone whose Works not long since were committed to the Press by Sebastian Maffa Iohn Angelo Papia a most worthy and famous Doctor now liveth and hath read 26 years continually in the publick Schools of Bologna Pirro Alfano a man of excellent fame whose writings are a sufficient testimony No less famous have been Iulio Pomponio Lieto Masuccio Guardato Iohn Andrea Longo and Andrea Guarna which composed that excellent and learned discourse entituled Bellum Grammaticale Benedetto Ruggio being a very famous Rhetorician was sent by King Alfonsus Ambassador to the State of Venice where he died whose funeral Marc. Antonio Sabellico performed in the behalf of the said State extolling his singular vertues Moreover this City hath no little fame for the two mighty Fairs which are there every year the one the third of May and the other the 21 of September the first continueth eight daies and the other ten where Merchants come almost from all parts of Italy Sicilia Schianonia Graecia and Asia and other Nations to sell their Wares This City contended with Capoa for the precedence and in the general Assembly of the States in the publick Parliament at Naples which could not be finished for the obstinacy and wilfulness of the Factions the claim and contention the Catholick King Ferdinando moderated so the matter that he appointed Capoa to speak saying that it should speak before Salerno The Arms of this City is in a field Azur under the Evangelist S. Matthew the protector thereof fix barrs Ar. and gu the which Ensignes are the Arms of Hungaria Which Charls the second of Angio King of Naples gave to the said City because his wife Mary the only daughter of King Stephen succeeded in the aforesaid Kingdom of Hungary the said King Charls being before as hath been declared created Prince of Salerno Leaving Salerno and Sanseverino twelves miles off upon the side of a Hill is Sarno the Town lieth beneath in the Plain and the Castle is seated higher upon the Hill which overlooketh both the Town and the Country From hence walking towards Naples about a mile and half we encounter the head of the River Sarno over the which is an entrance or passage guarded with a Tower naturally fortified by the River and the Hill the which place by the Inhabitants of the country is named the mouth of Sarno The said country is adorned with the dignity of a Count subject to the Family Tuttavilla There are in it these Noble houses Abbignente Alteda Balzerani Lupo Pandone Mont●oro Romandia de Specchio and others Six miles after we come to Montoro and not far off is the worthy Country of Montecorvino built in a beautifull valley at the foot of a Hill near the which in a place which they now call Pattipaglia are seen the ruines of the stately and ancient City of Picentia called by Strabo Picentum which was destroyed by the Romans because it was confederate with Hannibal the Carthaginian Eight miles off near Acerno is seen among the Hils Campana a City so called because it is situated in the
a place called Garigliano committed infinite evils through the Country of Lavoro Among other mischiefs which were done in the year 884. they burnt the Monastery of Monte Casino Not long after departed Basilio Emperor of Constantinople the year 886. to whom succeeded Leone his first begotten son in which time the Prince Aione taking occasion by the death of the Emperor the greatest part of his State revolted whereupon Leone having endured this injury certain years at length in the year 891 he sent against him a strong Army under the command of Simbatizio Patrizio who being three months encamped about Benevento happily subdued it 318 years after it had been possessed by the Lombards beginning from Zotone the first Duke of Benevento untill to this time Simbatizio Patrizio having possest the Dukedom of Benevento used the Authority of a Prince after whom came Giorgio Patrizio by whom the said State was Governed 3 years and 9 months Coming afterwards in the year 895 Guido Marquiss of Toscana drove away the Greeks and held the Seigniory about 2 years to whom presently followed Radelebi the which held it two others untill it was possest by At●nolfo Castaldo of Capoa in whose house the Principality of Capoa was joyned with that of Benevento who maintained it a long time in great prosperity Atenolfo being now made Castaldo of Capoa was afterward in the year 899. entituled Prince of Capoa and Benevento in the which house for the space of 163 years that Seigniory remained Atenolfo died the year 914. and Atenolfo and Landolfo his sons succeeded him in the Principality Atenolfo died about the year 946. and the Principality only remained to Landolfo which by that most valiant Prince Luitprando received many overthrows and died the year 951. and left that Principality to his son Pandolfo which was sirnamed Iron-head The Prince Pandolfo departed this life the year 966. and left eight sons whereof Landolfo his first begotten had the Principality and died the year 982. and Landenolfo took the Government of the State which was slain the year 991. The Prince Landenolfo dead his brother Laidolfo succeeded in the Seigniory which continued not long in the Principality in whose place was in the year 996. created Prince Pandolfo of St. Agata his son in which year the Emperor Otho the third was Crowned in Rome under whose Principality Historians recite that the Emperor going about to take away from Benevento the body of St. Bartholmew the Apostle there was given him instead thereof the body of St. Paolino Bishop of Nola of which deceit being informed made War with the Beneventani but growing grievously sick raised his siege and as he much desired returned into Germany little regarding the heat of Summer being come into his natural Country departed this life the year of our Lord 1001. and so the Beneventany were delivered of so grievous a War Henry the second succeeded in the Empire by the election of the Princes of Germany who in the year 1022. levying a mighty Army came into Italy to the prejudice of the Greeks and understanding the ill demeanor and most wicked proceeding of the Prince Pandolfo took the Prince prisoner and carryed him along with him into Germany and the Principality of Capoa he bestowed upon Pandolfo Count of Tiano Henry the Emperor having builded in Bamberg a City of Germany a noble Church in the honour of St. George and desiring that the same might be consecrated as a Cathedral Church Benedict the 7 consenting thereto obtained with condition that the said Church should give by way of tribute yearly to the Bishop of Rome a mark of silver with a white horse well furnished but within a while the Bishop receiving in gift from the Emperor Benevento the tribute from the Church of Bamberg was discharged by this means then Benevento came under the dominion of the Church which we have declared in our History of the lives of the Kings of Naples and after we have declared how Ruberto Guiscard having possest Benevento being desirous to expell the Saracins out of Italy came to the Parlament in the City of Aquila in the year 1060 with Pope Nicolas the second which was much laboured by the Roman Barons and Guiscard having with great humility adored the Pope made peace with him and he restored the City of Benevento and all other places which he held belonging to the Church whereupon the Pope did not only receive him into grace and favour but created him Duke of Puglia and Caulauria and so Ruberto was now made a vassal of the Church Benevento being afterward possest by Ruggiero the Norman King of Naples William his son who succeeded in the Kingdom restored it to Pope Adrian the fourth as a thing properly belonging to the Church whereupon he was by him confirmed in the Kingdom the Emperor Frederick the second and King of Naples having been excommunicated by Gregory the ninth disdaining the same ruinated and made spoil of the said City and threw the Walls even to the ground being afterward repaired by the Citizens thereof was by Charls of Angio the first of this name sacked because they were known to be favourable to King Manfred and although this City sustained so many spoils yet the Citizens thereof alwaies repaired it St. Gianuario Martyr was Bishop of Benevento whose body lieth with great reverence in the principal Church of Naples where as they say are seen many miracles of his holy blood There was born in Benevento Felix the fourth called the third Victor the third and Gregory the eight Bishops of the holy Church of Rome which were of exemplary life and indued with learning Orbillio Grammatico was very famous in the time of Cicero which for his austerity and severe speech was by Horace called the wonder Rofredo and Odofredo Lawyers of great fame were thereof from whence afterward descended the house of the Odofredi in Bologna Alberto Morra Cardinal and Dionisio which was also a Cardinal Angelo Catone a learned Philosopher was Count and Arch-Bishop of Vienna Marino Bilotta was President of the Chamber under King Ferrant the first Mercurio of Vipera was dearly beloved of the Roman Bishops and imployed in divers affairs and afterward made Auditor of Rota Pietro of the worthy Family Candida was Councellor of State and Captain of the principal Fortress of the Kingdom under King Ferrant the first Bartholmew Camerario a famous Lawyer having been from the beginning in most honourable imployments in the service of the Emperor Charls the fifth was made Lieutenant of the Kings Chamber with Title of Keeper of the Patrimony He was in great account with Pope Paul the fourth by whom he was created in Rome Purveyor of the Store and General of the Army he was afterward entertained by King Francis in France and made his Councellor Leonardo Grifo most expert in the affairs of the Church of Rome whereupon he was created Arch-Bishop of this Country Thomaso
the right side of the River Bradano is the City of Venosa called by Pliny Venusia Patercolo writeth that it was a Colony of the Romans the which Livy confirmeth which was in the year 552. under the Consulship of P. Galba and C. Cotta Horace that eloquent Lirical Poet hath given much honour to this City it is adorned with the dignity of a Prince subject to the Family Gesvalda From it fifteen miles appeareth Canoso whether Terentio Varonne the Roman Consul did retire with fifty of the remainder of the Cavaliery at that famous overthrow which Hannibal gave to the Romans at Canna where L Paulo Emilio the other Consul was slain Six miles after appeareth Lavella which hath the Title of a Marquisat subject to the Family of Tufo then cometh Potenza a populous and rich City upon the Apennine to the which Sebastian Barnaba a Neopolitan Gentleman the Bishop thereof now giveth no small ornament a Prelat of sincere life and indued with great learning The said City hath been a long time possest with the Title of a Count by the House of Gevara which through defect of issue male is now conveyed to the Family of Noia Prince of Sulmona Going on the left side is seen the noble and rich City of Melfi from whence Iohn Andrea d'Oria Admiral of the Sea by the grace and favour of King Philip hath the Title of Prince a Noble man well experienced in Sea affairs and very honourable And following the same way is Spinazzola and not far off is Stigliano which hath the Title of a Prince which Lewis Carrafa Duke of Mondragone enjoyeth a very rich Lord and much affected to Poetry Coming now to a conclusion of this Province the which produceth tall and strong men with black hairs azured eyes and of a white complexion and generally all are accustomed to cut their beards very short and also the hair on their heads their manners and conditions are divers and in their Apparel somewhat base and rude except those which inhabit in the City which go very civil and have good behaviour and conversation but the common people are very rustical and barbarous they imploy themselvs to nothing but tillage and hunting and wrestling and all practice Arms in so much as there is not a child that knows not how to discharge a Pistol and Caliver They little apply themselves to learning The women are not fair and basely attired without any ornament or handsomness but very painfull and carry great burthens upon their heads The Arms of this Province is or a fesse counterindented asure voided of the field in chief an Eagles head arrached proper and crowned of the first which arms signifie the victory which the Lucani had having expel'd and driven away all the Greeks out of their Country whereupon the Lieutenant of the Emperor of Constantinople flying with other Captains were drowned in the River Bradano CALAURIA On this side the Fifth Province of the Kingdom OF NAPLES TOwards the South in the utmost Confines of the Kingdom lieth the ancient Province of Calauria in the South part of Italy included within the Terrene Sicilian and Ionian Seas like the figure of a beast with six heads and is in circuit 544 miles In this excellent and fruitfull Province grows almost all things not only necessary for the sustenance of living creatures but also for the delights and pleasures thereof It is all full of pleasant and fruitfull Hils Mountains and Vallies the fields are like those of Campania felix they are watred with Springs and Christaline Fountains Here is had all sorts of Corn sundry Wines and in great abundance all kinds of Fruits Oyle Sugar Hony Wax Saffron Bombace Annis and Coriander seeds There groweth Gum Pitch Turpentine and liquid Storax In former time it was never without Mettals but at this present it doth much abound having in most places divers sorts of Mines as Gold Silver Iron Marble Alabaster Cristal Marchesite three sorts of white Chaulk Virmilion Alume Brimstone and the Adamant stone which being in the fifth degree draweth not Iron and is in colour black There groweth hemp and slax of two sorts the one called the male the other the female There falleth Manna from heaven truly a thing very rare and although there is not gathered such abundance of Silk yet I dare say there is not had so much in all Italy besides There are also Bathes both hot luke-warm and cold to cure many diseases Near the Seaside and likewise on the Mediterrane are goodly Gardens full of Oringes Citrons and Limons of divers sorts it is watered with many Rivers There are on the hils of the Apennine thick Woods of high Firrs Holms Platanes Oaks where grows the white odoriferous Mushrome which shineth in the night Here is bred the soft stone Frigia which every month yields a delicate and wholsome Gum and the stone Aetites by us called the stone Aquilina In this Province there is excellent hunting of divers creatures as wild Hoggs Staggs Goats Hares Foxes Porcupines Marmosets There are also ravenous beasts as Wolves Bears Lyzards which are quick-sighted and have the hinder parts spotted with divers colours This kind of Beast was brought from France to Rome in the sports of Pompey the great and Hunters affirm this Beast to be of so frail a memory that although he eateth with hunger if he chance to look back remembreth no more his meat and departing searcheth for other The Sea then which lyeth upon this happy Country aboundeth with great store of excellent fish and in many places grows both white and red Coral and near the shore is found the Touch-stone which trieth Gold and Silver from all other Mettals This Province is of greater antiquity then any other in all Italy because it was begun to be inhabited before the floud by Aschenaza the son of Gomero the Nephews of Noe into which place being come where now is Regio through the amenity and temperature of the aire very delightfull made there his habitation and founded a City which by his own name he called Aschenaza and the inhabiters thereof were called Aschenazei which that it may seem true Iosephus which lived in the time of the Emperor Titus in his first book of Jewish antiquities testifieth saying Aschenaz inslituit Aschenazeos qui nunc Rhegini vocantur à Graecis The same also St. Ierome confirmeth in his Hebrew questions upon Genesis saying Aschenas Graeci Rheginos vocant The like name of a City was not heard of among any other people except that in Calauria the which City was afterward by the overthrow called of the Greeks Rhegium Sicilia being in the same place divided from Italy through the violence of an Earthquake Calauria was called by sundry names at the first it was called Ausonia by the valiant Ausonii the inhabiters thereof or as some affirm by Ausono the son of Vlisses it was afterward by the Oriental
of all it was robbed by P. Plemnio the Roman Legat. Nevertheless they all sustained the punishment of Divine vengeance the one whilst he went up and down the shore through fear restored the sacriledg was afterward slain by Argus the punishment of the other was imposed upon his son being therefore deprived his Kingdom by God which often punisheth the sins of fathers in their children and the other by authority of the Senate died miserably in prison There are in the Territory of the said City excellent Baths of brinish and sulphure water which help and cure many diseases and are very good for barren women Here are made very fair earthen dishes and great abundance of the best and finest silk excellent oyl capers corianders and most delicate manna But to the end the Reader may be well satisfied I will say somewhat of the said manna which is so much commended by Phisicians Manna then as that learned Mattiolo saith is a certain dew or sweet liquor which falleth in the night from the air upon the leaves and the boughs of trees and upon the grass and herbs and upon the stones and likewise upon the earth the which afterward growing very thick within a certain space of time becometh grainy like gum and this is properly called manna on the leaves and is a small grain transparent and heavy like to a little grain of white mastick and of a sweet and pleasant taste After this that on the boughs holds the second place and the third is that on the stones and on the earth the which hath a bigger grain and nothing so pure a colour and this is gathered in the morning before the heat of the Sun forasmuch afterward as the Sun dissolving it it is easily converted into air and therefore some of them use which gather it when any great plenty falls to cut off the boughs of the trees in the morning betimes and to carry them into the fields in the cold air where through the hardness they gather it wi●h the greater ease Averroe was of opinion and many other besides him that the Ancients and especially Galen knew not this manna Manna falleth in the nights in the Summer season when the air is coldest and the day before very hot and dry for the learned interpreters of nature say this proceeds of the light vapours from the earth and the water Forasmuch as being first purified and concocted by the Sun it is to be thought that by the cold of the night following it becomes thick And besides it is to be understood that that Manna which falls upon fig-leaves and the Ash is whitest and most gummie but that which falleth upon the leaves of peaches of almonds or oaks is liquid and in taste and colour like honey Therefore we may easily believe that not by its own nature or of it self Manna becommeth gummy and is made thick like unto mastick but these accidents cause these effects upon the leaves and trees where it chanceth to fall Neither is that to be believed which many report thereof that manna before the canicular daies sweateth in Calauria without falling from the air even from boughs and likewise from the bark of the bodies of the ash and plum-trees and to be ingendred naturally of it self in these trees and to sweat out of them in like manner as gum sweateth from divers other trees wherein they are much deceived forasmuch as that which sweateth from these trees in the canicular daies is no other then the celestial manna descending there in the next succeeding months of May and Iune sucked up by the bark and drawn out again in such manner as a man draweth a drop of oyl out of a piece of woollen cloath that is fallen upon it and so it afterward comes to pass being incorporated with the rine of the tree issueth out again drawn by the violent heat of the canicular starr and is there thickned and becomes grainy in the manner of gum It is evidently seen that that which falleth from the air is better preserved by the ash and the plum-trees then any other kind of Tree or Plant whatsoever and therefore it is not to be admired if the most sottile and thin part entreth and penetrateth through the pores thereof being there preserved doth not corrupt in a long time Manna is according as Avicenne and Mesue relates of an equal temperature more inclining to heat then otherwise But according to Averroe it is hot and moist it loosneth the body although but weakly by it self alone and therefore it is given to women with child and to little children without any hurt or fear being mingled and wrought with medicines it increaseth their vertue It gently and easily purgeth choler taketh away thirst openeth and mollifieth the parts of the brest and of the throat but it cannot be preserved in the true perfection thereof above one year Leaving the said City two miles we come to the River Buthroto whereof Livy maketh mention and not far off is the little Castle of Siderono with the River Locano which is full of fish and a little above is Grotteria which is six miles from the Sea and from Ieraco ten Barrio is of opinion that the said City was builded by Idomeneo King of Candia called by the Ancients Castrum Minervae The Territory thereof is very fruitfull and fertile because that besides the great abundance of fruit of oyl of almonds of silk and of the best hony it hath very delectable and pleasant Gardens full of Oringes Citrons Limons and Pomgranates and in it are Mines of Gold and Lead The said Country is adorned with the dignity of a Marquiss subject to the house of Aragona d' Ayerbe Departing from Grotteria we come to Mottagioiosa called by Pliny and by Mela Ministra where is made good Wine Oyle and Silk and there is also Mines of Salt Near the Sea is Roccella called in old time Amphissia whereof Ovid in the 15 book of Met. maketh mention saying Levibusque Amphissia remis saxa sugit This Country hath lately been honoured with the dignity of a Prince by the favour of King Philip. Following the same way we come to the mouth of Alaro which the Ancients called Sacra after we incounter Mottapaganica we come to Monesteria very famous for the excellent Cheeses and Flax that are made there a little higher appears the ancient Promontory of Cocinto which is now called the Cape of Stilo which according to the opinion of some is the longest in all Italy there are digged round about it many Mines of Gold of Silver and Iron and of Steel From the point of the abovesaid Cape beginneth the Ionian Sea and afterward is Stilo a good and populous Country whose Territory is very rich of Mines of Gold and Silver and other Mettals And there is also made very excellent Flax Capers Saffron Bombace and it standeth from the Sea five miles Tomaso Campanella of the Order of Preachers was
The City standeth in an Island like unto a ship having bridges to pass over into the Continent here the ebbing and flowing of the Sea is very violent on the other side with a ditch made by mens labours is joyned the little sea with the great the which ditch is able to receive a gally where at this present is the City esteemed one of the strongest Forts of the Kingdom where was the first Fortress which Fardinando of Aragon King of Naples repaired Of this Country there is no more to be said then that which Horace saith Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes angulus ridet Coasting from hence is Cesaria a place ruinated by those of Gallipoli with the lower sea full of great skuls of fishes not very far is Gallipoli a City very fair and populous which Pliny calleth Anza but Pomponius Mela nameth it Gallipolis the said City was built by the Greeks which being afterward droven out by the Gauls called it Gallipoli The said City is situate in a narrow piece of Land running into the Sea in the fashion of a Frying-pan in whose utmost part is that most impregnable City both for the situation the Wall and the Castle because the steep and craggy Rocks rampire it where in the Wars between the Aragonesi and the French defended it self in the behalf of Aragon with great commendation That excellent Philosopher Iohn Baptista Crispo hath much ennobled this City who hath writ 23 books De Ethnicis philosophis caute legendis and three others de Animarum statu ex hac vita migrantium Departing from thence is Vgento and the Cape of Luca called in old time the Promonto y of Iapigio and in this place was the famous Temple of Minerva where was kept the Arms and the Chain of Diomedes this cape is now called the cape of Santa Maria in the end of the country so named at this present by the sumptuous church here builded in honour of the glorious mother of our Lord called of the Ancients Promontorium Iapigium and of Pliny Ara Iapigia This cape riseth out as a front or brow of Lacinio compassing on both sides the gulf of Taranto Then followeth Castro a place to be noted for the ruines it sustained by the Turks in the time that Soloman attempted the enterprise of Italy Not far from thence is the cape and the famous City of Otranto here Acomat Bascia first mustered his souldiers in Italy having destroyed this City according to the manner of Mahomet 2. his Prince he made new fortifications in the city whereupon were afterward made by our ancestors so many fortresses through all Europe that they seemed invincible And this city is so near to Greece that it is scant distant 50 miles and therefore in this place I think first Pirrhus and after M. Varro purposed to joyn Italy with Greece by a bridg of ships Here also begins the Adriatick Gulf which is divided from the Ionian sea as it were by a line or path although many say it hath its beginning from the Mount St. Angelo or rather according to some from Ancona This great gulf had its name from the city of Adria the which lying crooked as it were a horn more then any other gulf of the Mediterrane even to Tieste separating Italy from Sclavonia being on the right side full of Havens and having very few on the left and oftentimes so tempestuous whereupon grew this Proverb amond the Ancients Adria furiosior it is now called the gulf of Venice that famous City giving the name by a Ring of Gold which the Duke casteth in on the Ascention day the Popes Legat being present And continuing this course are to he seen near the Lake of Liminiti certain ruins which declare the greatness of the Emperor Adrian After comes the Haven of St. Cataldo and Brindesi which was sometimes one of the chiefest cities in Italy for all the shipping from the East arived here and now through discord and dissention it is half desart And therefore the aire is very unwholsome a thing which hapneth to all great cities why the air is no better is the want of inhabitants because they dry up the moist and moorish places with their tillage and cut down the woods that are too thick and with fire purge the ill air and with high buildings have that which is good so contrarily there is nothing worse then the solitude of great cities because not only they are deprived of the abovesaid helps but of the houses themselves and their ruine is the receptacle of corruption which appeared in Aquileia Rome Ravenna Alexandria in Egipt and also Bagdel For the which cause the Greeks did not too excessively inlarge their cities Plato would not that his should exceed five thousand Families Aristotle that all his people at one instant might hear the voice of the Crier The Haven of Brindesi is like to the head of a hart whose horns compass the city within it because it is divided in two it is barred up with a chain the outward part is guarded by two rocks and an Island the mouth of it is very deep but in the Wars between K. Alfonsus and the Venetians a ship sunk to the bottom which choked it in such manner that hardly a Gally can pass Here we incounter two Vallies digged by hand which brings in the sea on the right hand and the left side of the city lieth in such sort that it makes almost an Island It hath two fortresses one within the two horns built by the Emperor Frederick the second of square stone very beautifully built the other in the ●sle of St. Andrea At the mouth of the outward haven built by King Alfonsus of Aragon Strabo cals this city Brundusium and others write that it was builded by the Etoli and afterward inhabited by the Cretesi which came with Theseus and Gnoso and at last it was a colony of the Romans and in old time was of so great power that L. Floro saith it was the head of the Salentini M Pacuvio the Tragical Poet the nephew of Ennius on whose Tomb saith A. Gellio was ingraven this Epitaph Adolescens temetsi properas hoc te saxum rogat Vt se aspicias deinde quod scriptum est legas Hic sunt poetae Pacuvii Marsi sita Ossa hoc volebam nescius ne esses vale There lieth with great reverence in the principal church thereof the bodies of St. Theodoro and Pelino Martyrs and there is to be seen all the whole tongue of St. Ierome The noble Families that are in this city are these following Balzo Bove Caracciolo Catignano Cuggio d' Eredia Fornaro Pando Pascale Pizzica Ramondo Scomafora Sasso Tomasino Villanova Vacchedani and others Between Brindesi and Otranto every place is full of Olives but from Brindesi to Ostuni for the space of 24 miles there is nothing but bushes and woods Brindesi is distant from Rome 360 miles
and from Durazzo 220. On the Mediterrane lieth in a corner of the River Bradano Matera the which some say should be Acheronitia Matera is distant from Gravina twelve miles and is very famous for the strangeness of the situation thereof and for the multitude of people and in it is a Mine of Boalarmonack which is of excellent nature to heal a wound and the bloudy flux and the biting of venomous creatures and moreover there is a Mine of Saltpeter Eustachio said to be of Materea was a citizen thereof a Phisician which in verse writ of the vertue of the Baths of Pozzuolo and also M. Vito of Matera a very learned man of the Order of St· Dominick was a citizen thereof as the Chronicle of the Order of Preachers makes mention saying Nec defuit Italia dare nobis fratrem vitum de Matera sydus atque alterum longe clarius Following that way we come to Motola Misagne and Otra which hath the title of a Marquiss and a little farther appears the ruines of Baleso but without that famous fountain being either lost or otherwise having changed its course Afterward is to be seen Leccie where resides the Councel of State and the Nobility of the Province which hath such a residence such buildings and the precinct of such a country and so great civility that it seems as a little Naples Carlo Sigonio cals this city Aletium and others Licium which as some write was built by Idomeneo a Greek Captain of the Cretian souldiers and called it Litio of his own country Others say that it was not Idomeneo but Malennio King of the Salentini that built it but howsoever it is not to be doubted but it is ancient Afterward it increased in people by the ruine of Lupia and of Rudia the natural place of the Poet Ennius which as Cicero writeth upon his Tomb were ingraven these verses Aspicite O cives senis Ennii imaginis urnam Hic vestrum panxit maxima facta patrum Nemo me Lacrimis decoret nec funera fletu Faxit cur volito viva per ora virum This City hath an excellent fruitfull Territory with pleasant Gardens and about it is a Grove of Olive trees of forty miles which yields a very fair prospect Within the said city besides many goodly churches there are also 13 convents of Friers 8 of Munks and two honourable and worthy Hospitals The citizens thereof are generally given to Arms and Learning and all apparel themselves very costly This city hath brought forth among others excellent men of War as Leonardo Prato Knight of Ierusalem Bailief of Venosa which as Bembo writeth was one of the best Captains of his time and in the enterprise of the Rodes kild in a single combat a Turkish Giant which very often had overcome valiant Christian Captains he being very expert in the Wars served the Commonwealth of Venice with such general applause that after his death the said Commonwealth erected a Statue of Marble which at this present is to be seen in the Church of St. Iohn and Paul with this subscription Leornardum Pratum militem fortissimum ex provocatione semper victorem Praefectum Ferdinandi junioris Frederici Regum Neap. ob virtutem terrestribus navalibusque preliis foelicissimum magnis clarissimisque rebus pro veneta Republica gestis pugnantem ab hoste cesum Leonardus Loredanus Princeps amplissimus ordo Senatorius prudentiae a● sortitudinis ergo statua haec aequestri donandum censuit Scipio Ammirato an excellent Historian liveth at this present with much honour to this city which for his rare qualities is much esteemed by the Duke of Tuscan Going a little forward through this pleasant and delightfull country is situate upon a hill the City Ogento by Ptolomeo called Vxentum which hath the title of a Count subject to the house of Orsina and walking certain miles appeareth the fair country of St. Pietro in Galatina the natural country of Marc. Antonio Zimara and of Theophilus his son an excellent Philosopher Departing from thence and walking a mile appeareth Soleto called by Pliny Soletum of which place was Matteo called of Soleto the famous Nigromant Hard by is the worthy country of Galatena to the which Antonio called the Galatean hath given great honour a Philosopher Orator Poet and an excellent Cosmographer whose Works are well known he was dearly esteemed of King Fardinando of Aragon and of King Frederick from whom he obtained many bountifull gifts he departed this life with much honour in the year of our Lord 1509. in the city of Lecce on whose Tomb remaineth this Epitaph Qui novit medicas artes sydera coeli Hac Galateus humo conditus ille jacet Qui coelum terramque animo concepit Olympum Cernite mortales quam brevis urna tegit The fields of this country are fruitfull and yield all sorts of corn wine and oyle the Marquiss thereof is Cosmo Pinelli the son of Galeazzo Duke of Acerenza a Lord warthily qualified very vertuous and kind and as he hath an honourable presence and a Princely port loves not only Arms but Learning also wherein is added further perfection in the full felicity of a flowing wit graciously to express his noble and high magnanimity whereby he doth not a jot degenerate from his worthy progenitors Walking along we may discover certain small Villages and Castles here and there near these places which being of no great importance I think best to omit Going from Galatena six miles appeareth Paravita and Nardo a city very fair and ancient which Ptolomy calleth Neritum where is often seen in the air the southwind blowing as it were in a glass the likeness of those things which are round about the common people that knows not the reason or cause thereof imputeth it to a diabolical illusion whereas the reason is the disposition of the place and the quality of the air which is made thick through the superfluous and excessive humidity opposite unto it hard by are to be seen the ruines of Veste where not long since were discovered certain Epitaphs of the ancient Letters of Messapie Afterward we come to Casalnuovo edified by the ruines of the ancient Mandurio which hath a very fruitfull Territory But coming now to an end of this Province it remaineth that we declare something of the Inhabitants the which generally are very strong and of a comely constitution simple in behaviour and more neat then those that dwell near unto them their proper language seems to be divers for some speak with the pallat others with the pallat and the brest and in all appears a strong and ingenious wit and in their apparel very decent and comely They apply themselves much to Arms and those that are exercised in Learning prove very excellent Whereupon I do believe that which a wiseman feigned that here Mars and Minerva should incounter only for that it seemeth that the most
dedicated in honour to the Archangel St. Michael which as every one knoweth is one of the most famous Oratories in all Christendom and is at all times visited and frequented with great superstition of infinite people The said city is very populous and strong by nature and exceeds in the plenty of all things necessary for the sustenance of living creatures This place being possest by the Saracins they fortified it and held it a long time untill Grimoaldo the fifth Duke of Benevento and 11 King of Italy went with an Army against them and almost slew them all which was in the year 652. Grimoaldo being dead the Saracins newly possessed it again But the Emperor Charls the great and King of France coming into Italy after he had overcome them put them all miserably to death with the edg of the sword But now seeing a fitting occasion is presented unto me to declare what the said Church was and the beginning of the building and the great devision thereof Here is a cave or vault in a main rock in the aforesaid hill which descendeth many steps very low before the which descent are in the same rock certain buildings wrought by hand where are Tables written of infinite miracles and favour● by God vouchsafed unto men through the intercession as they say of that Saint Below in the cave is a great dore of brass very curiously wrought which entreth into that wonderfull vault the house of the most holy Archangel St. Michael which standeth towards the East and round about it is alwaies to be seen to distill a pure liquor In the midst is a little quire which is ascended by four steps but as a man approacheth near to the holy Altar of the Angel he is suddenly strucken with great devotion in the contemplation of high and celestial things There is to be seen the little Altar consecrated by the holy Archangel St. Michael where he hath left the print of his foot the which little Altar stands upon another Altar curiously wrought where the Priests commonly say Mass. On the left side are certain other Altars cut out of the rock all very commodious to say Mass. The floore of the cave is paved with white and red Marble well mixed and divided Without above the vault there is a very fair and pleasant Wood very strange and wonderfull to those that behold it because that through a great brow of the hill not any tree can be discerned and that which yields the greatest wonder of all is that so many great trees grow upon the main rock The cause why this place was dedicated to St. Michael our Ancestors say grew by this accident In the year of our Lord 494. in the second year of Pope Galasio the first and the third year of the Emperor Anastasius there was a citizen of Siponto called Gargano a man far richer in cattel then any one in the country the which under the custody of many heardsmen gras●ing upon the Hill Gargano had a Bull which was strayed among the Woods and seeking him a long time through those parts in the end one day found him feeding before the dore of the said cave wherewith Gargano being offended put an arrow into his bow and shot to kill him but scant had the arrow touched the Bull but it rebounded back and with the point strook Gargano the which being held as a great miracle by the Heardsmen that were there present perswaded Gargano to find out some holy man of sincere life and great authority to whom he 〈◊〉 this accident The which Lorenzo hearing which was accounted so religious a man admiring at so great a miracle caused the people to fast three dayes and with many prayers reconciling themselves unto God The Fast ended and divine Service solemnly celebrated the night following St. Michael appeared to Lorenzo said unto him By the will of God and through my means it is so come to passe O Lorenzo that the Bull hath discovered this place chosen by my self where I desire a Church should be made to my name that I might have a dwelling upon the earth amongst men Declare to the Citizens that in this place I am to pardon in the name of God the sins of the people which repair hither The which vision after Lorenzo had rendered due thanks unto God he declared it Then with generall procession and many ceremonies they went very religiously to the holy cave where with great devotion they said solemn service and so to the honor of St. Michaell the Archangell the place was dedicated The Pope understanding thereof sent three Bishops to consecrate the Church and the Angell appeared again saying that needed not to be consecrated by humane means which was consecrated by divine providence and that in token and sign thereof they should find the print of his foot upon the Altar The morning following they went in procession and so finding it after they had all yeilded due thanks unto God consecrated another hill hard by which at this present is called the holy Hill whither repair infinite people with great devotion on every side Now not long after the Neapolitane Army coming to Seponto after it had sack't Benevento the people betaking themselves to prayer after they had fasted three days the night following the Angell appeared in sleep to Lorenzo admonishing him that the next morning he should cause all the people to arm themselves and to assail their enemies Camp and he would aid them therein The people beleeving the words of Lorenzo marched with their army into the Fields and invaded their enemies upon whom came from heaven even at an instant so horrible a tempest with lightning and thunder that the enemies army was not onely scattered and disperst but most of them cruelly slain Now the faith and devotion of the people greatly increased and with much alms and great gifts of gold and silver the Church was very richly beautified and inlarged All this which is rehearst his own legend testifieth which you may believe if you please and also the learned Iohn Pontano in the second book of the Neapolitane war writeth whose words are these Nec vero alienum fuerit quoniam in templi mentionem maxime augusti incidimus ad cujus antrum ab ultimis terrarum finibus annis singulis plurimi mortales selvendis votis accedunt de ejus initiis quaeque ab antiquis auctoribus habeo comperta pauca pro meo instituto referre Est nativa specus durissimo è saxo in quam multis gradibus caeterum non lato admodum aditu descenditur specularibus quibusdam lumen praebentibus Vestit cam parte superiore qua nativa ipsa quidem ac perimosa testudo est è quercu vasta proceritate lucus muris tamen circundatus pecori nequa pateat ingressus Ante vero antrum in imum descenderis qua specus diffunditur mira animum religio subit loco ipso sub obscuro horrido solaque
Gallipoli Monopoli Taranto Bary Brindesi with the Fortress of St. Andrea Barletta Otranto Manfredonia Monte de St. Angelo and towards the Mediterrane Capoa Cosenza Catanzaro Civitella Aquila All the men in general are strong valorous painfull well made and comely ingenious courteous inclined to piety and vertue desirous of novelty litigious given to pleasure religious aad devout the which the many and great magnificence of the Churches and riches of the Clergy do testifie In the wars they declare their valour and courage The Nobility are liberal magnanimous warlike and make particular profession of policy and chivalry Now forasmuch as we have spoken somewhat of the Revenues of the Crown in this Kingdom it will not be amiss to discourse more particularly thereof The REVENUES of the CROWN in the noble and most happy Kingdom OF NAPLES BEfore I discourse of the Revenues which the king of Spain hath in this noble kingdom of Naples it were requisite for the better satisfaction of the Reader first to declare in what manner the kings in former time have received it Therefore to let you understand that under the kings of the Normans the Revenues pertaining to the king was received by a price that is to say for every twelve marks of Revenue was paid three fiorines The which continued untill the time of the Emperor Frederick the second who disliking that kind of payment called a general Parlament where assembled all the Barons and Feuditarie persons of the kingdom subject unto him and thither also repaired all the chief Magistrates of the Cities and Countries after the king had made an excellent Oration in commendation of the kingdom he exhorted them all that for a general benefit and aid and confirmation thereof should be decreed and ordained a certain and ordinary Revenue to the end that the poor might not be oppressed by the rich and mighty but that every one might pay so much as were fit and requisite This Proposition of the King seemed unto all just and convenient and so willing to satisfie the desire of the king desired eight daies respit to consult thereon which was gently granted unto them After which time expired they met the 16 of April 1218. at the Parlament in the Castle of Vovo where was decreed and concluded by all the Barons Feuditaries and Burgises of the Cities and Countries that the Regal Revenues for the aid and defence of the Kingdom should be received by collections per aes libras that is to say he that had most wealth should pay most and who had not should pay least the which payments because they were not sufficient for the supply and succour of the Kingdom they increased it to the number of six collections and these were called ordinary Exchequer payments as Luca da Penna testifies in the L. 1. num 3. C. de indic lib. 10. and Antonio Capece in the invest ver feudorum clausulae ver collectis colum 5. in fi in prin and Andrea of Isernia in c. 1. extraordinaria in prin ●um 62. quae sint reg The which likewise Fabio Giordano Neopolitan in his Chro●●ele thus writeth Post quam Neopolitanum Regnum in Federici secund Imperatoris 〈◊〉 ionem veuit noluit ille ut redditus ad fiscum pertinentes licitacione exiger●t●● quemadmodum à superioribus Regibus factum erat nam usque ad ej●s tempora 〈◊〉 ●●odenis Marchis t●es argentei flor●ni solvebantur hinc animadvertus provi●●●●mperator pauperes haec ratione nimium vexari opprimi anno millesimo 〈◊〉 ducentesimum decimum octavum octavo Kalendas Maias in arcem Lucullia●●● Castellum Normandiacum etiam dictum publica comitia haberi voluit quò convenientibus omnibus fere Regni hujus Regulis feudatariis sic dictis oppidorism dominis atque etiam nonnullis urbis praetoribus Fredericus ex excelsa sede regalique solio elegantem ac doctam in Regni laudem orationem habuit universos abhortatus ut pro publico omnium commodo stabilique Regni quasi praecidio praecipuus ac certus quidam per singulos annos censu● designaretur ne singuli nimis ac ultra modum vexarentur Imperatoris oratio universis placuit à quo satis humaniter octo dierum spacium his fuit concessum ut ea de re inter se maturius deliberarent quo dierum curriculo elapso cuntis Regulis visum fuit ut Regni census post hac non licitacione sed per collectas colligerentur ut qui plura possideret bona plus solveret qui verò pauciora minus hic exactionis modus ad breve duravit tempu● ●am cum non esset satis ad Regni necessitatibus subveniendum procedente tempore crevit usque ad sex collectas quae ab omnibus solutiones siscales vocabantur This manner of receiving of Collections continued untill the time of the most famous and renowned King Alfonsus of Aragon who purposing better to establish the affairs of the Kingdom assembled in Naples the 28 day of February 1442 a general Parlament and required that in place of the six Collections should be levied on every Family ten carlines And although Matteo de Afflitto in the cap. plaustorum num 6. quae sint reg saith that that Parlament was held in the City of Benevento nevertheless in the chapters of the Kingdom cap. 1. Regis Alfonsi appears the contrary because he saith that the said Parlament was held in Naples in the Church of St. Lorenzo In the year following 1449 the 20 of September as it is noted in the Register intituled Literarum curae secundi anni 1451. fol. 133 which is preserved in the Royal Chamber of the Summary the said King being in the Greek Tower caused there a general Parlament to assemble where the King so propounded that he maintaining so great an Army as well by land as sea to no other end and purpose but to secure and defend the Kingdom from the incursions and invasions of enemies which neglected no oportunity to prejudice and indanger it the Royal Revenue of the Kingdom being not sufficient he was inforced either to increase it or to give way to the enemy therefore he had considered that for an universal benefit it would do well that there should be imposed five other Carlines on every Family besides the ten the which payment being not grievous nor heavy but lawfull and honest may be easily supported of all And to the end they may know it is not our purpose to impose new Taxes nor through a covetous and greedy desire to heap treasure together but only to secure them from the Tyranny of others and therefore at this present I promise to give to every Family of the Kingdom a bushel of salt The King having finished this Speech they all cryed out with a loud voice saying Whatsoever your sacred Majesty commands shall be done and in token of faithfull Subjects since that you have vouchsafed to bestow salt
famous which rouled the eys against the Ionii which sackt the City not respecting it The River Sapre runneth near the ancient City of Sapri now ruinated The River Semiro runneth near Squillace The River Seminara runneth near the said Country The River Sebatio called also Ocinaro passeth near Abatio The River Salinello called also Suino passeth near Villanto The River Sino runneth near Corvignano The River Sarno called also Scafato passeth near the City of Sarno The River Soricella runneth near Grotta The River Sabaro called by the Latins Sibaris runneth near the ancient City of Turia in Calauria the water whereof being drank by oxen sheep and other cattel makes their skins to become black where very near is the River Crate which worketh the contrary effect The River Saro now called Sangro passeth near Fossa Ceca The River Sento runneth near the hill Zalario The River Scosa passeth near Niceto The River Sagara very famous in Calauria for the cruel battel between the Locresi and the Crutonesi T THe River Targine passeth near Crotone The River Tauro passeth near Civita di Penna The River Tara riseth under Massafra near Taranto The River Tordino called by Pliny Vivantium runneth near the ancient City of Flaviano now called Castello nuovo The River Trinio runneth near Vasto aimone The River Tamaro passeth near Castello franco the City of Morcone The River Tiro runneth near the Territory of Baldino in Calauria The River Trero passeth near Ceccano The River Tavo runneth near the City of Tavo The River Tinnaria runneth near Paola The River Turbido passeth near Torano The River Triferno called also Piferno passeth near Termole The River Tropoalto runneth near Ariano The River Trigno hath his beginning from Vasto and fetching a compass divideth Puglia from Abruzzo The River Tronto called by Ptolomy in his third book Truentinum and by Strabo Druentum and by Pomponius Mela is named Truentium this River riseth from the Apennine Strabo and Pliny saith that in old time was builded the Castle Truento near the mouth of the River by the people Tiburni of Dalmatia and called it Truentium which at this present remains not any mention thereof neither can it be known whether the River was named from it or it from the River this River runneth within 5 miles of Crapolle V THe River Ufente called in old time Ansure from the ancient City of Ansure now called Tarracina The River Viciola runneth near Canzano The River Vomano called also Homano runneth near Calvano The River Volturno passeth near the ancient Volturno now it is called the River of Capua because it runneth by the said City The River Variano passeth near Cusano The River Verre runneth near Bello-monte The River Vado runneth near Sinopoli The River Verde springeth in the Hill Maiella between the Monastery of St. Martine and the Castle Faran of the Peligni now called Abruzzo the said River runneth near the City of Casale and of Colle Macine Vpon the bank of the said River was the body of Manfred King of Naples buried by the commandment of the Pope and upon his Tomb was ingraven this Epitaph Hic jaceo Caroli Manfredus Marie subactus Caesaris haerede non fuit urbe locus Sum patris ex odiis ausus confligere Petro Mars dedit hic mortem Mors mihi cuncta tulit Of the Hils which are in the Kingdom ABuceto is a very high Hill in the Isle of Ischia called in old time Enaria Inarime and Pithecusa upon the which Hill springeth a River of the same name Aburno is a Hill in the Province of Lucania now called Basilicata which was a part of Calauria This Hill is called of the Latines Alburnus because it is all white Virgil makes mention of the said Hill in the third of his Georgicks saying Primus Alburnum Volitans Atheneo a Hill called in old time Prenusso Sirreo Minervio and the Hill Equano and now it is called the Hill of Massa from the City of Massa which stands but a little distant from the City of Surrento There is to be seen on the said Hill towards the Sea a great part of the ancient Temple of Minerva Astruno is a high Hill which standeth but a little distant from Pozzuolo in the midst of which Hill is a Plain very low reduced into a circle two miles in compass where is a little Pool with Sulphure-water which issueth out on every side very comfortable and wholsome for those that are diseased and feeble Savonarola maketh mention of the said Baths calling them Astrana Vgolino cals them Struna balnea Circello named by the Latines Mons Cerces and Circeus and of Ptolomy Girceum promontorium This Hill lieth near to Gaeta and was so called of Circes the daughter of the Sun and the Nymph Perse sister of Aethe King of the Colchi the great Magitian who being married to the King of the Sarmatians poisoned him through the desire she had to domineer and bear rule her self the which was the cause that she was chased away by all the people and so she came to inhabit in this Hill which did abound with great plenty of excellent hearbs and there made her residence with the which hearbs the Ancients have feigned that she transformed men into beasts There was upon the said Hill in old time a very beautifull and goodly City of the same name with the Temple of Circes and the obscure Cave of Minerva where was shewed in the time of Strabo for the truth thereof a Cup wherein Vlisses drank Into the said City Tarquin the proud brought many inhabitants because the fields Pometini very large and fair were near the Sea subject to the said Plain as Dionysius of Alicarnassus writeth in his fifth book and Livy in the first Much is written of the said Hill in many places both by Dionysius Strabo Livy Pliny Pomponius Mela Solina Procopio and also Virgil in his seventh book The said City being afterward ruinated in place thereof was made a very strong Castle which was a secure passage for many Roman Bishops The Hill Carcino now called Capo di Stilo and by Ptolomeo named Promontorium Carcinum is the longest Promontory in all Italy as Pliny writeth by opinion of others Barbaro in the corrections of Pliny saith that it ought to be called Cocintum as the ancient books of Pliny declare and also of Polybius Barbaro besides saith that the book of Pliny was corrupted when he saith the Castle of Carceno was near to Petilia because he should have said Caecinum of which speaketh Filisto saying thus Caecinum est oppidum non multum à Sicilia distans The Cape of Squillace is a Hill upon the which in old time was the City of Squillac● called by Pliny Scyllatius and by Strabo by Solinus and by Pomponius Mela Scyllatius The said City was builded by the Atenesi the companions of Menestro which arived there Crepacore is a great back or brow of the Apennine the which for the steepness and difficult
the distance of 500 paces round about can be eaten or carried any flesh or eggs or milk or any white-meat whatsoever but presently it corrupts and becomes full of worms although it be powdered boiled baked rosted or howsoever the which thing is so manifestly known to all men that of all those which come thither at all times of the year none dare carry any thing and if any w●ll carry it will not be without that aforesaid signe Epopon was a Hill in the Isle of Ischia from whence fire ascended with great fury but is now become plain Falerno is a Hill near to Pozzuolo the which was so named of a man as Servio writeth The Wine took its name of Falerno which is very excellent that is had from this Hill whereof Sillio speaketh in his seventh book Gravidae cui nectare vites Nulli dant praelis nomen praeferre Falernis And Pliny in the sixth Chapter of his fourteenth Book doth largely discourse of the said Wine Whereupon Varro in praising Italy thus saith Quid in Italia utensile non modo non nascitur sed etiam non egregium non fit Quod far comparandum Campano Quod triticum Apulo Quod vino Farlerno Quod oleum Venafrano Many Writers make mention of the Wine Falerno among whom Tibullo thus saith Nunc mihi fumosos veteris proferte Falernos And the same saith Non tibi si pretium Campana terra daretur Non tibi si Bacchi cura Falernus ager Martial also speaketh of it saying Resinata bibis vina Falerna The said place is now called the Fort of Mondragone and the Territory thereof passeth along even to Volturno In the Plain of the said Hill is Campo Stellato now called the Territory of Carinola and also by the common people it is called Mazzone Of what excellency this field Stellato was may easily be understood by the words of Cicero written in his Orations against the Laws de Campi forasmuch as in it he was forced to perswade that the field Stellato by no means ought to be sold by the Magistracy of ten men when he saith At enim ager Campanus hac lege amittitur orbis terre pulcherrimos Whereupon Cicero declares that it was the proper ground of the people of Rome Suetonius writeth that Cesar divided the field Stellato between 2009 Citizens of Rome to get the good will of the people Guaro or Gualdo called by the Latines mons Guarus Gauros but now commonly called the Hill Barbaro the said Hill is not very far from the Lake Averno the foot whereof stretcheth even to Cuma and to Baia. This Hill bringeth forth very fruitfull Vines the which three times in a year yield excellent Grapes and very precious and pure Wine for which cause the Poets feigned that here was the habitation of the Nymphs Ausonius makes mention Idyl 8. Pli. 14. cap. 6. and 3 book cap. 5. Lucan lib. 2. Floro in lib. 1. cap. 16. Giovenal in the 8 and 9 Sat. Galen 12. Methodi de cib bonis malis suc cap. 13. 1. de Antidot Gioviano Pontano in the 2 Partheniae Cicero against Rullo Statio lib. 3. Gargano is a famous Hill and standeth in the Plain Puglia now called the Province of Capitanata There are in the said Hill some pleasant Woods and although for the most part it be without Trees nevertheless there are gathered many kinds of medicinable herbs for divers infirmities This high and famous hil proceeeth from the Apennine and the circuit round about even to the lowest dissent contains ●00 miles and on the top of the Hill is the renowned and noble City of St Angelo from the which all the Hill is now so called and there is a very fair and goodly Church in the honour of St. Michael the Archangel whether infinite people resorts from sundry places of Christendom with great superstition and frequency at all times Many ancient Writers make mention of this Hill Gargano among whom is Strabo Pliny Pomponius Mela and Virgil in his 11 book saying Victor Gargani condebat Iapygis And Lucan in the 5. Apulus Adriacas exit Garganus in undas And Horace in the second of his verses saith Querceta Gargani laborent Hermete is a pleasant Hill which approacheth even to the City of Naples and is commonly called the Hill of S. Hermo because in the top thereof there is a Castle of the same name made by King Charls the second of Angio. That excellent Poet Pontano saith in his Lepidinia that the said Hill was so called by the fair Nymph Hermete which dwelt in the eminent and highest part of this Hill Galen and Martial call it Trifolius mons of the three-leafed grass which grows there every where Hidro is a high Hill which is in the Province of the Country of Otranto the which hill is called by the Latinists Hydruntum and by Pliny and Strabo Hydrus and Hydruntis The Hill Miseno or the Promontary of Campagna felix stands but a little distant from Cuma it is named Misenus by Strabo Dionisius of Alicarn Pliny Antonino Virg. Tacitus in his 5 14 and 15 book and by Ptolomy it is called Promontorium Misenum Likewise Sillio makes mention in his 8. It was so named according to Dionisius in his first book by Miseno a worthy man and a follower of Aeneas which died there the which Virgil affirms in his 6 book of Eneidos when he reciteth that Miseno being dead Eneas wholly discomforted demanded of Achate what they should do and where they should bury him And at the last was here buried and of him was called Miseno for before the coming of Eneas the said Hill was called Aereo For Virgil saith in the sixth of the Eneid Praeterea jacet exanimum tibi corpus amici And somewhat lower Quem socium exanimum vates quod corpus humandum Diceret atque illi Misenum in lictore sicco Vt venere vident indigna morte peremptum Misenum Aeolidem quo non prestantior alter Aere ciere vos Martemque accendere cantu Hectoris hic magni fuerat comes And a little farther Nec minus intereà Misenum in lictore Teucri Flebant cineri ingrato suprema ferebant In describing the manner of his grave after a few Verses saith At pius Aeneas ingenti mole sepulchrum Imposuit suaque arma viro remumque tubamque Monte sub Aerio qui nunc Misenus ab illo Dicitur aeternumque tenet per secula nomen Pomponius Mela and Solinus say that this Miseno from whom the said Hill taketh its name was the Trumpeter of Eneas And Servio upon the third and sixth of the Eneid saith that Eneas being desirous to raise the souls of the dead which remained in Hell out of the Lake Averno but being unable to do it unless he first kil'd some man and after sacrificed him to the Gods of Hell to this effect he killed his beloved Trumpeter Miseno and after the sacrifice ended he obtained his
is the cause that all the discents and banks are very pleasant and delightfull through the many Va●lies There are also many Gardens full of fruitfull Trees and especially Oringes Citrons Limons and other fruit Pliny saith in his 9. book and cap. 53. that in this pleasant Hill Cesar had a very beautifull house with Fish pools wherein was cast a Fish by Pollione Vedio which lived 60 years Pollione was Lord of the said place and dying bequeathed it as Dion saith to Augustus This house was near to the highest part of the said Hill in the place which is now called the fatal Cave where at this present are to be seen the Baths which Cesar had there whereupon by this it may be judged how pleasant this excellent Hill hath been and especially for the banishing of sadness and melancholy from frail and feeble minds for which cause it hath that Greek name for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth in Latine queis and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is as much as to say sadness Near the side of this pleasant and delightfull Hill are to be seen round about infinite buildings of Antick stately workmanship which time hath utterly defaced and on the side towards Naples is the fair Village of the Prince of Stigliano called Serena and towards Chiaia at the foot of the Hill is the pleasant place of Morgilino so named by the swimming of the fishes where the learned Iacobo Sannazaro the darling of the Muses composed his divine Eg●ogues and reedified a Church to St. Mary of the birth in whose honour he composed Latine Verses a most excellent and rare work of the deliverance of the said Virgin in which Church in a goodly Tomb of Marble with his picture carved thereon is he buried on the which Sepulchre the Cardinal Pietro Bembo caused this Epitaph to be ingraven D. O. M. Da sacro cineri flores hic ille Maroni Syncerus Musa proximus ut tumulo At the foot of the Hill on the side towards the Sea is the delightfull place of St. Mary of Piedigrotta and on this side lieth the Cave of Cocceio which some attribute to Basso and some to Lucullus made after the manner of that of Cuma the which is wholly cut artificially out of the Rock Upon the hill in the right side towards the entrance of the Cave in the way towards Naples is Virgils Sepulchre the which neither Biondo nor Razzano could find But being found in these daies I went to see it with that excellent Lawyer Fabio di Giordano a worthy Poet and a great Herbalist and a searcher of Antiquities and with us also went the Lord Geronomo Colonna and Paolo Portarello persons of great judgment and wisdom Being come to the place we found upon the said Cave a Chappel smoothly vaulted round about with Marble and within were places for Images to stand in the midst was a Tomb of Marble with four little Pillars likewise of white Marble the which supported a Coffin whereon were ingraven these Verses MANTVA me genuit CALABRI rapuere tenet nunc PARTHENOPE cecini paseua rura Duces Opposite thereto without the Chappel was an Epitaph of white Marble with these modern Verses ingraven Qui cineres tumulo haec vestigia conditur olim Ille hoc qui cecinit pascua rura Duces After we had well considered the place and among other things worthy to be noted which we beheld looking up to the top of the said Chappel was a great Bay-Tree naturally growing for the roots thereof took hold through the chinks and crevises of the Wall Whereupon I presently thought that this was the very true Sepulchre of Virgil and that nature had caused that Bay-Tree to grow as a signe to discover unto us that here lay the ashes of that great Poet So Seignieur Colonna said my masters this requi●●th matter for us to do something worthy memory and he would not de●ert from thence till every one of us had made certain Verses and because I was the youngest of the company he said unto me Seignieur Scipio by the rule of the Law you ought to begin first And so presently we made those Verses Quod sacr● Va●is cincres tumulamque Maronis Sponte sua hic viridis laurus adulta t●gat Indicat musis di●is s●●iper amicum Virgilium speret cui fore nemo parem Then said the worthy Fabio Busta ubi grandi loqui s●eterant tumulumque Maronis Vastaque saculorum pondera saxa ruunt Delphica formosis increvic frondibus arbor Atque injussa sacras explicat alta comas Ne tanti cineres vati● sine honore jacerent Ossicium praestat laurus amica suum Seignieur Fabio having ended D. Paolo began to say Quod super hunc tumulum crevit Parnasia laurus Sponte sua manesque pios atque essa Maronis Atque loci genium viri●ant● protegat umbra Divini vd●is signat reverenter honores Vt quoniam nemo ante illum nec post erit unquam Qui sid ruris opes tali vel carmine reges Diceret illius vigat per secula nomen Laurus ut haec tumulo foliis frondentibus extat Observatque memor sacri monumenta poetae Sarno is a Hill so called of the City of Sarno which is situated at the foot of the Hill where also a River taketh its name which runneth hard by near to the mouth whereof was Pompey and not far from the Hill Vosco●o as Pliny saith they were named the Pompeians as Solino affirmeth by Hercoles which brought thither his oxen with great pomp from Spain The Pompeians had a long Country full of goodly Villages The said Country began at the point where is now the Tower of the Annuntiation and stretcheth even to Castello à mare beyond the River Sarno In old time as Strabo declares in these places did first inhabit the Osci and after the Toscani the Peligni and also the Sanniti the which were driven out by the Romans This pleasant Country yieldeth excellent Wines Pliny writeth in the 6. cap. of the 14 book that the said Wines grew still to their greatest perfection and goodness even till ten years age not any thing impairing them This fair and pleasant Country of the Pompeians was for the most part destroyed by an Earthquake in the time of Nero which was one of the best parts of the Province of Campania felix Taburo is a high Hill near Capoa in old time it was called Mons Taburnus as Virgil declareth in the 2 of the Georgicks Neu segnes jaceant terrae juvat Ismara Bacco Conserere atque olea magnum vestire Taburnum And elsewhere of the said Hill and particularly in the twelfth book is made mention saying At velut ingenti Sylvae summoque Taburno Trifolino is a Hill which joyneth even with the City of Naples and called by the common people the Hill of St. Hermo and sometimes of St. Martino because upon the top of the said Hill there is a very fair
he carried for this purpose so inticed and allured him whereupon the Dolphin grew greatly in love with him by which means being called by the boy at any time whatsoever though he were hid and in the bottom of the Lake nevertheless he would presently come and take the meat from the boys hand and afterward suffer him to mount upon his back laying down his sharp fin and so take him up and carry him to Pozzuolo playing with him through a great part of the water and in like manner would return with him and this he continued for many years until the boy died and the Dolphin coming to his accustomed place and missing him so lamented and sorrowed till in the end he pined away and also died with very grief The Lake of Patria is a very great Lake and full of fish and i● near to Linturno in Campania felix On the right hand of the said Lake not very far from the Sea is to be seen at this present a Tower not very ancient called Patrio built upon the ruines of Linterno which was the Town of Scipio Africano for Ptolomeo Pliny and Mela and Livio placed Linterno between Vulturno and Cuma Scipio Africano made choice to live rather in Linterno as a voluntary exile then to abide in Rome among such ungrateful people because he had experience of that true Proverb That a benefit is seldom rewarded but with ingratitude Scipio dying left in his Will that this Epitaph should be ingraven upon his Tomb Devicto Hannibale capta Carthagine aucto Imperio hos cineres marmore tectus habes Cui non Europa non obstitit Africa quondam Respice res hominum quam brevis urna praemit The Lake Fondano named Fandanus through the error of Pliny instead of Fundanus as the learned Barbaro noteth The said Lake is in the Province of the Country of Lavoro near Formia and Villa Castello There are very good fish had from this Lake and especially great Eels The fame and report being every where spread that S●ipio remained at Linterno thither repaired certain notorious Pirats to visit and honour him drawn by the fame and renown of his many victories By this clearly appears the force of vertue how powerfull and puissant it is even amongst all people that it inforceth not only the good to love it but also the wicked and reprobate to honour and embrace it Salapia is a Lake in Pugli● Daunia which is now called the Province of Capitanata The Lake Varrone called in old time Gerne lieth in the Province of Capitanata and is thirty miles in compass where are these Cities Cappino Cognato and Iscitella The said Lake breedeth very good ●ishes and Eels Of the WOODS AGnitia is a Wood which standeth near the City of Alba in the Territory of the Marsi now called Abruzzesie of it Virgil maketh mention in the seventh book The Wood Hami called in old time Sacer Lucus this sacred Wood is three miles distant from Cuma a City of Campania felix The said Wood with the Temple standing upon a high Hill was within a mile and half of the Baths of Tripergota the which Hill was planted on every side with sumptuous buildings even to the top Of this Hill Livy maketh mention in his third book ab urbe cond saying that they sacrificed there in the night We have written at large thereof in the book of the Antiquities of Pozzuolo whereto I refer the Reader Lusilla is a Wood in length three miles where are very goodly pastures for droves and heards of Cattle It is distant from Lusilla two miles and a little more from the ancient Lavo called Laino a City of Calauria on this side Daunia was in old time a very fair Wood all of Oaks in the midst whereof was a stately Temple dedicated to Iupiter Dodon●o whose Statue was very much honoured because it revealed things by the means of a Pidgeon This Wood stood in Puglia and was so called of Dauno the son of Pilumno and of Da●ao the Grandfather of Turnus which ruled Puglia the which Province was afterward called Daunia Sila called for the excellency thereof Sila Brettiana is a very fair Wood which contains 200 miles in compass and standeth near Cosenza a City of Calauria on this side this famous Wood is not so hideous and loathsome in Winter through the continual snow and ice as it is pleasant and delightful in Summer where the fresh air with delicate streams of water full of fish the sundry parts in fowling and hunting the infinite droves and heards of cattel which plentifully feed represent in effect that which the Poets feign of their Arcadia In this Wood are Trees which yield Pitch and excellent Turpentine whereof Strabo in his 6 book thus saith Est Syla picis ferax optime Brettiana dicta proceris arboribus aquis recentibus r●ferta ad 97 longitudinis Of this Sila Virgil maketh mention in the 12 book saying Ac velut ingenti Syla summove Taburno Cum duo conversis inimica in praelia tauri Frontibus incurrunt pavidi cessere magistri Stat pecus omne metu mutum mussamque juvencae Quis p●cori imperiet quem tota armenta sequantur Dioscorides in his first book doth much commend the Pitch which comes from thence and Galen also doth greatly praise it in his book de Antido and in the 3 de copia medicamentorum and in other places it is also commended by Paulo Agineta in the third book de arte medendi of Aetio in the fifteenth book of Pliny of Columella of Vegetio and of Scribonio an excellent Physician which florished in the time of the Emperor Tiberius Of the Mines in the Kingdom In the Province of the Country of Lavoro called in old time Campania felix IN the Isle of Ischia called in old time Enaria is a Mine of Gold and of Alume the which Bartholomeo Perdice Genoway found in the year 1465. In the Territory of Pozzuolo is a Mine of Alume of Brimstone of Copper of Iron and of Saltpeter In the Territory of Sessa is a Mine of Gold and Silver In the Hill of Somma called Vesevo and Vesuvio are Mines of Gold Brimstone and Alume In the Province of the Principality on this side In the Territory of Olibano is a Mine of Silver In the Province of the Principality on the other side In the Territory of Prata is a Mine of Gold and Silver In the Province of Abruzzo on this side In the Territory of Lietto Manupello is a Mine of Pitch in the manner of Tarr and is of the same operation that Pitch is this was found in the year 1577. In the Territory of the Country of Cantalupo at the bottom of a Hill doth flow a certain Liquor called Petronical Oyle which is very soveraigne and medicinable In the Province of the Country of Otranto In the Territory of the City of Matera are Mines of Bolearmenick and of a certain earth called by the Latinists
Pappacarbone Guaimaro Prince of Salerno the 6. an 940 Gargano Lettere The Cape of Minerv● The Caost of Amalfi Pasetano Praiano Trani Amalfi The body of St. Andrew the Apostle Pietro Capoan Cardinal in the year 1208. The Church of the Capucines A Note of the holy reliques which are in Canonica By whom Amalfe was builded and why it was so called Amalfo a Roman Captain of the Emperor Constantine Amalfa the d●ughter of M. Marcello Ruffo Roman The Calife of Egipt a great friend to the Amalfi anno 1020. Churches builded by the Amalfi in Ierusalem The Hospital of St. Iohn Baptist in Ierusalem Pope Honorius 2 in the y●ar 1127. Ramondo of Poggio first great Master of the Knights of the Hospital How Rodes came into the possession of the Knights of St. ●ohn The Amalfitani the founders of the Religion of the Knights of St. Iohn See the History of Henry Pantaleon de rebus memor●bilibus ordinis Johanitarum Rhodiorum ant Melitentium equi●um terra malique fortiter gestis lib. 1. f. 3 Flavio di Gioia the inventer of the Sea-card in the year 1300. How they sailed in old time Pilots and Sailers came every year to Amalfi Mairue The City Ravello The miracle of the bloud of St. Pant●●eon The noble Families of Ravello Paolo Fosco The City Scala The noble Families of Scala The cape of Orso The River Silare and Drumento The Gulf of Salerno by Strabo called Sinus Pestanus Horace in his Epistles Salerno why it was so called and by whom it was built Salerno a Colony of the Romans Strabo lib. 5. Salerno a Colony of the Romans Salerno under the dominion of the Longobards Sicardo Duke of Benevento slain Sichinolfo Prince of Salerno An. 〈◊〉 The Saracins of Sicilia enter Calauria Lodovico King of Italy maketh a division of the State Anno 847. The death of Sichinolfo Sicone Lodovico King of Italy recalled by the Longobards Adamario 2 Prince Danserio 3 Prince Guaiferio 4 Prince Guaimaro 5 Prince Gisulfo 6 Prince The body of St. Matthew the Apostle brought to Salerno Landolf 7 Prince Guaimaro the 8 Prince The Emperor Currado entreth Italy Guaimaro slain by the Salernitans Ruberto Normando Count of Puglia and Prince of Salerne King Charls 1 made Prince of Salerne Ramondo Orsino Count of Nola. Ruberto Sanseverino Prince of Salerno 1463. Salerno a R●gal City The University of Salerno founded by Charls the great an 8●2 The disposition of the Salernitans The 〈…〉 of Salerno Marc. Antonio Marsilio Colonna Archbishop of Salerno Famous men in Phisick Matteo Silvatio Trotula Abella Mercurial Rebecca Guarna Boccuccio Grillo Iohn de Proeida Author of the Sicilian Evening Paolo Grisignano Francesco de Alfano Antonello di Rugiero Pietro Bailardo Iohn Cola di Vicario Carlo di Ruggiero Iohn Angelo Papia Pirro Alfano Pomponio Lieto Andrea Guarna Benedetto Ruggio The Fairs of Salerno Sarno The River Sarno Montoro Montecorvino Picentia a famous City why it was destroyed by the Romans Acerno The City Campagna St. Antony the Abbat an 625. Conturso Quaglietta Evoli Virgil in the 3 of his Georg. A woman changed to a man Anno 1460. Iohn Pontano Li. 10. 〈…〉 Pliny lib. 〈…〉 a woman may turn to be a man The body of St. Bernier● The body of St. Vito The noble Families of Ev●ly The Country Aquario Matthia Iuono The Country of Olivito The Country of Agropoli The air of Agropoli and the effect therof The Castle of Abbate The Cape of Licosa The Castle of Bruca The River Electe The Isles of Enotrie Isacia and Pontia The Country of 〈◊〉 The City Molpa destroyed The Haven of Saprico now called the gulf of Pulicastro Saponara Marsico The disposition of the people of this Province A Proverb The Arms of this Province Strabo in his 5 book The ancient limits of this Principality The Vale of Beneventana the principal part of Sannio The length of the Valley of Beneventana The Rivers Sabato and Vulturno Matese a Promontory of the Apennine The City Benevento by whom it was built Benevento possessed by the Longobards more then 200 years The Dukedom of Benevento how much it contained The names of all the Dukes of Benevento Arechi the second of this name Duke of Benevento Who first undertook the dignity of a Prince in Italy Pope Adrian Charls the great The end of the Kingdom of the Longobards in Italy Charls the great was disguised as an Ambassador to see the Prince Arechi The City of Salerno fortified by Arechi Arechi died the year 78● The Saracins in Sicilia S● Bartholmew the Apostle Monte Casino destroyed by the Saracins in the year 884. Leone Emperor of Cons●antinople The Dukedom of Benevento possest by the Emperor of Greece Castaldo was a certain dignity which the Empero●s of Greece were accustomed to bestow on their favorites which some say signifieth a Lieutenant o● President Anno 996. The Emperor Otho the 3 goeth about to take away from Benevento the body of St. Bartholmew the Apostle Henry the 2 Emperor by many named the first Benedict the 7 by some called the 8. How Benevento came under the dominion of the Church Ruberto Guiscard created Duke of Puglia and Calauria Ruggiero the Norman King of Naples possest Benevento Bishops of Rome Orbilio Grammatico Rofredo and Odo●redo famous Lawyers Angelo Catone Marino Bilotta Mercurio of Vipera Pietro Candido Bartholmew Camerario Leonardo Grifo Gabriel de Blasio Iohn Camillo Bilotta S●ipio 〈◊〉 Hec●ore Savariano Andrea Candido The noble Families of Benevento Charls the great and F.L. Nicesero divided the Empire the year of our Lord 800. The quality of the Province The Valley of Caudina The City Caudio Hirpio now called Arpaia The Gallows of Caudine St. Martino St. Angelo on Scala Attavilla Montefredano Avellino Mercogliano Montevirgine Montesuscolo Monte Tremoli The River Sabato Montefalcione Candida Serpito Vulturara Pia. Chiusano Castello vetere Montella Apice Mirabella Tauraso Cursano Bagnulo Cassano Nusco The River Calore The River 〈◊〉 The River Tripalto Bonito Grottamenarda Flumari Vico. Melito Amando Zuncoli The Hill Crepacore The River M●●scano Corsano Montecalvo Ariano Montemale Casulalbor● The Freemens Castle Padula S. Iorio Molinara Reino S. Maria del Colle Cercello Cassano St. Croce The quality and nature of the people of this Province The Arms of this Province The limits of the Province of Basilicata The Lucani and their original Elephants brought into Italy see Pliny lib. 8. chap. 6. The fertility of the Province Martial lib. 1 The Temple of Iuno the Argive Possidonia The Gulf of Agr●poli Velia Pis●iotta The Cape of Palinuro Molpa The Imperial Rock Francavilla Noia St. Arcangelo Roccanova Castellonova Episcopia Claramont Senisi Tursi St. Mauro Ferrandina Pesticcie The River Vaisento Metaponte Pomarico Miglionico Grott●la Montescagioso The River Bradano Tricarico Montepeloso Venosa Can●sa Lavello Potenza Melfi Stigliano The condition of the Inhabiters of this Province The Arms of this Province The fertility of Calauria The divers Mines in Calauria The excellent hunting
in Calauria The sundry names of Calauria The City Pandesia King Italo King Morgete Why it was called Magna Grecia Why it was c●lled Calauria The ancient situation of Calauria Bretia The river Laus The River Turbolo The Isle of Dim Scalea Lanio The Hill Apollonio Morano The River Sibari Saracena Altomonte Hils of Salt St. Mark A Proverb Foscaldo Lattarico Torano Regina Montalto Paula St. Nocito Castellofranco The death of Alexander King of Molossi foretold by the Oracle Cerisano Cosenza The Wood Sila Bisignano Tarsia Fiumefreddo Bellomonte Amontea Aiello Marti●an● Nocera Castiglione St. Eusemia Nicastro Tiriolo The Arms of this Province The fertility of this Province Brutii why they were so called The error of some writers about the name Brutii The bounds of the Brutii Triolo Malda Pizzo Bevoua Montel●one Soriano Arena B●rrello Melito B●iatico Tr●pea Nicotera Metauro Tauriano Gioia Seminara Sinopoli Oppido Terranova Polistena The Isles Eoli Lipare Bagnara The taking of the sword fish how it is done and by whom it was invented Sciglio Coda della Volpe Fiumara di Muro Regio Grashoppers their natures The worthy men of Regio The Cape of Partivento Potamia Motua Bovalina Of Zeleuco the Law giver his ●everity Timeo the Philosopher Eunomo the Musician Eutimo atleta The Temple of Proserpina What Manna is and how i● cometh The temperature of Manna Livy lib 9. Siderono Grotteria Mottagioiosa Roccella Mottapaganica The Promontory of Cocinto now ● called the Cape of Stilo The Ionian Sea where it beginneth to be so called Stilo Badolato Satriano Petrito Soverato Squillaci A Proverb Catanzaro Taverna Treschinesi Simari Trischenesi Belcastro The Calaur●si say that S. Thomas of Aquin was born in Belcastro Mesuraga Policastro S. Severina Cutro The Cape of Pillars Castra Hannibalis Cotrone See Plutarch in Communio and St. Thomas in the 1 book of the Methe●ra of Aristotle Rossano Longobucco Turio The quality and disposition of the men of this Province The form and figure of this Province The circuit of this Province The quality of the earth The great plenty of fruit in this Province Why the disease of the leprosie reigneth in this country Chirsidri The description of the country Taranto Archita the Mathematician The river Galesio The situation of the city of Taranto Cesaria Gallipoli Vgento Castro Otranto The distance between Otranto and Greece Where the Adriatick Gulf beginneth Why it was called the Gulf of Venice The Lake of Liminiti Brindesi Plato and Aristotle how great they would have a City to be The Haven of Brundesi By whom Brindesi was built Matera The Mine of Boalearmonack The Poet Eustachio Motola Misagne· Otra Leccie The Epitaph on the Tomb of the Poet Ennius Bembo in the ● book of the History of Venice This Leonardo Prato Guicciardino and others say was of Naples but it is not true Ogento St. Pietro in Galatina Galatena Cosmo Pinelli Marquiss of Galatena Paravita Nardo Casalnovo Mandurio The nature quality of the inhabitants of this Province The arms of the region of Otranto The limits fertility of this country of Bari The fable of the nymph Fillida Barletta The city Trani Don Ferrant Gonzaga Prince of Molfetta Nicola di Giovenezzo companion of St. Dominick Monopoli The city Gravina why it was so called The batel which the stork makes with the serpent Bitonto Cornelio Musso Bishop of Bitonto Adri. Canosa The tarantole and their nature see Alexander of Alexandria in the 2 lib. of thes Geniale cap. 17 The quality and condition of the men of this Province The arms of this Province and the signification thereof The Sanniti their inhabiters How long the war continued between the Sannites and the Romans The valley of Caudine The confines of the country of the Sannites Who were the worthiest people of the Sannites Why it was called Abruzzo The limits of Abruzzo Where Abruz●● hath its beginning Peligni the most valiant people of all Italy Civita di Chieti the chief city of this Province Pepin the s●n of Charls the g●eat for what cause he destr●yed Civita di 〈◊〉 Gotfredo the the Norman made Civita di Chieti the principal city of Abruzzo Orton The body of St. Thomas the Apostle The light of St. Heramo which appeareth to sailers when they are in great danger The city Ferentana now called Francauilla Lanciano The river Foro Tollo Miglionico Fara Rapino Penna The river Lento Villamaina Petrono The sort of Montepiano Castel Menale Bucchianicho The city Sulmona the natural place of the Poet Ovid. The River Aterno now called Pescara The stony oyl which riseth in the territory of Cantalupo Caramanico Cusano The mines of pitch which are in Manupelli The nature condition of the people of this Province The arms of this Province and what they signifie The limits of Abruzzo on the other side The fertility of this Province Montepagano The river Viciola The river Tordino Teramo Campio Bisigno Rugnano Murro Locaristo Guardia di Vomano Caste Vecchio Transmondo Cautiano Forcella Miano Rapino Montorio Compotosto Poggio 〈◊〉 Monteverde Montegualco The river Piomba Porta d'Adria Silva Hadria now called Atri where the Emperor Adrian was born From whence the Adriatick Sea had its name Celino Schiarano Civita St. Angelo Ilece The river Salino Porto St. Angelo The river Sino Cassilento Pignano Serra The river Tavo Civita di Penna Valerius Maximus de pietat● erga parentes Luca de Penna Laureto The 〈◊〉 Corvino The river Aterno now called Pescara The river Nuria Montesilvano Moscuso Pianello Capogatto Rossano Alendo Castiglione Offena Busso Capistrano Carapello Vettorito Raiano Amiterno Livy lib. 10. Virgil. lib. 7. Crispo Salustio Civita Tomassa Foruli Furconio The hil Offido The City Aquila Robert Guiscard the Norman created Duke of Puglia and Calauria 1060. The number of the Churches of Aquila The nature● and manner of the Aquitani Pontano de bello Neapolitano The noble families in Aquila Monte Reale The river Pescare Pescara called in old time Aterno The river Alba Manopello The foot of M●lise T●rre Luculo Caramanico Cant●lup● 〈…〉 B●n●face the 4 Pop● When the n●me of the M●rsi were changed The Marruvii Virgil lib. 7. The Agnitii Virgi lib. 7. Livy lib. 2. M.T. Cicero abandoned the wars and applied himself to the study of learning The lake Fucino now called Celano The water Martia brought to Rome The city Archippa drowned in the lake Celano Pliny lib. 2. Vibio Sequestre Paterno Transacco Giviano Celano Wherfore the Emperor Frederick destroyed Celano The city Alba. Livy lib. 10. Cesa Pietro Marso The river Castellano The river Tronto Ascolo Ascolo restored to the church by Queen Ione the second Bettutio Barro a famous Orator The famous men of 〈◊〉 Ventidio Ba●● Pope Nicholas the 4. Amatrice Civitella The nature quality of this Province The arms of this Province Pontano lib. 5. The ancient bounds of this country Plin. lib. 3. c. 11 The originall of the 〈◊〉 The things