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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23588 [The cronycles of Englond]; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1482 (1482) STC 9992; ESTC S121383 314,856 338

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the whiche nobly he let entier in the castel of Tours ther that he had entered Turyn his cosyn How Brute arryued at Totnesse in the yle of Albyon And of the bataylle that was bitwene Coryn and Gogmagog Capitulo quarto WHan all this was done brute wold no lenger ther duelle for to fyght ne no mo lese of his peple For kyng Goffayus peple myght euery day encresse mo and mo and Brutes lassen and therfor he toke al his men and went vnto the see had wynd and weder at wyll and the fyfthe day afterward they arriued in an hauen at Totnesse and comen in to the yle of Albyon and ther fonde nether man nethir woman as the storye tellith ▪ but Geants they dwellyd in hilles in caues Brute sawe the sonde was fayr at his lykyng good also for hym for his folk as dyane the goddesse had hym byhyght Tho was brute wonder glad and late assemble vpon a day all his folk to make a solempne sacrifice a grete fest in honour reuerēce of diane the goddesse thurgh whos coūseyll he was comen in to that land And whan they had hir solēpnite made as they vpon a day sate at mete ther comen in vpon hem sodenly xxx geantz slewe of brutes men xxx Brute his men anone starten vp foughten with the geantz slewe hem euerychone but one geant that was mayster of all that was callyd gogmagog that was stronger and hygher than ony of the other geants brute kepte hym saued his lif for enchesen that he shold wrestel with Corin for corin was gretter higher than ony of brutes men from the gerdelstede vpward Gogmagog and Corin vndertoke for to wrastlyn y fere and so to geder they wrestled long tyme but at the last gogmagog helde Corin so fast that he brake two rybbes of his side wherfor Corin was sore angry toke tho gogmagog bitwene his armes cast hym doune vpon a roche so that gogmagog brake al to pyeces so dyed an euyl deth therfore the place is callyd yet vnto thys day the saute of gogmagog and tho yaf brute all that countre to Corin and Corin called it after his name cornewayle his men he called Cornewaylles and so shal men of that countre ben callid for euermore And in that coūtre duellid Corin his men made tounes howses inhabyted the lond at hir wylle How Brute made london called this lond Brytaygne and Scotland Albyne and walys Cambyr Capitulo quinto BRute and his men wenten forth and sawe about in diuerse places where they myght fynde a good place and couenable that they myght make a Cyte for hym and for hys folke soo at the last they comen by a fayre ryuer that is callyd the thamys there brute bygan a fayr cyte lete calle it newe Troye in mynde remembraunce of the grete troye from whiche place all hir lygnage was comen this brute lete falle a doune wodes and lete erye and sowe londes done mowe medes for sustenaunce of him of his peple he departed the land to hem so that euerychone of hem hadde a certayne place for to duelle vpon And Brute lete calle al this lond britayne after his owne name and his folk he lete calle bretons And this brute had goten on his wyf Gennogen thre sonnes that were worthy of dedes the fyrste was callyd lotryn the second albanac the thyrd Camber and Brute bare corone in the cyte of newe troye xx yere after tyme that the cite was made and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden and this Brute was wonderly wel byloued among all men and brutes sones also loued wonderly wel to geder And whan brute had sought al the land in lengthe and in brede he fonde a lande that Ioyned to brytayne in the north and that lond Brute yaf to albanac his sone lete calle it Albania after his name that now is callyd Scotland And Brute fond an other countre toward the weste and that yaf to cambyr hys other sone and he lete calle it Camber after his name and now it is called wales And whan brute had regned xx yere as byfore is sayd ▪ he dyed in the cyte of newe troye and there his sone him entered with moche honour and lotryn brutes sone was crouned kyng with moche solempnyte of al the land of Britayne after whan he was crowned albanac and camber his two bretheren wente ageyne in to her owne countrey ▪ lyued with mykel honour And lotryn her broder regned and was kyng and gouerned the lande wel wysely for he was a good man and wonder wel byloued of all his lond And it befell so that Albanak duellyd in his owne lande with moche honoure and worship thenne cam kynge humbar of hunland with a grete power arriued in albanye and wold haue conquerd the land and began to werre vpon albanac and hym slewe in batayl whan Albanac was slayne the folk of the lond fled vnto lotryn and tolde hym for he was kynge of bretayne how that his brother was slayne and prayd hym of help for to auenge his broders deth Lotryne anone lete assemble alle the Brytons of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of kestefen and of lyndesey and whanne they were al assembled they sped fase toward their enemies for to yeue hem batail Lotrine had sent to Camber his broder that he shold come also to hym with al the power that he myght make hym for to helpe and soo he dyd with good wyll and so they comen al to geders and toke her wey preuelyche for to seche humbar where they myght hym fynde And so it befell that this humbar was besides a water that was 〈◊〉 gre te riuer with his folk hym for to disporte and tho come Lotryn and camber his broder with al hir folke sodaynly ●…r that ony of that other wyst And whan humbar saw hem come he was sore adrad for as moche as his men wist it not also they were vn armed and Anone humbar for drede lepte in to the wa●…er and drenchyd hym self ▪ and so dyed he and his men were alle slayne that none of hem escaped and therfor is that water callyd hum bar and euermore shal be callyd thus for enchesen that kynge humbar was theryn drenchyd And after that Lotryne wente to his shippes and toke there gold and syluer and as moche as he fand vnto hym self and alle that other pilfre he yaf vnto other folke of the hoost 〈◊〉 they foūden in one of the shippes a fair damisel that was kyng humb●…rs doughter and was callyd estrylde And whan Lotryne saw her he toke hir with hym for hyr fayrenesse for her was ouert●… with loue wold haue wedded her Thise tydynges come ●…o 〈◊〉 ryn anone he thought to auenge him vpon lotryne For as moch
as Lotryne had made couenaūt for to spousen Corines dough●…r that was callyd guentolen And Corin in hast went to hym vnto the newe Troye and thus said to Lotryne now 〈◊〉 quod 〈◊〉 ye rewarde me full euyll for al the paynes that I suffryd and haue hadde many tymes for Brute youre fader and therfor I wyll now anenge me vpon yow dro●…e his fauchon an 〈◊〉 and wolde haue slayne Lotryne but the damisell went bytwene hem made hem acorded in this maner that Lotryne shold spo●… se guentolen that was Corynes doughter And so Lotryne dyd And netheles that he had spoused Guentolen Corynes doughter preuelych he come to Estryld and brought hyr with child gate on hir a doughter that was callyd Abren Hit befelle anone after that Corin dyed and anone as he was 〈◊〉 Lotryne forsoke guentolen his wif made estrylde quene And Guento len wente thens al in wrath in to Cornewayll and seysed al the folke soo at the last they comen by à fayre ryuer that is callyd the thamys there brute bygan a fayr cyte bete calle it newe Troye in mynde remembraunce of the grete troye from whiche place all hir lygnage was comen this brute lete falle a doune wodes and lete erye and sowe londes done mowe medes for sustenaunce of him of his peple he departed the land to hem so that euerychone of hem hadde a certayne place for to duelle vpon And Brute lete calle al this lond britayne after his owne name and his folk he lete calle bretons And this brute bad goten on his wyf Gennogen thre sonnes that were worthy of dedes the fyrste was callyd lotryn the second albanac the thyrd Camber and Brute bare corone in the cyte of newe troye xx yere after tyme that the cite was made and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden and this Brute was wonderly wel byloued among all men and brutes sones also loued wonderly wel to geder And whan brute had sought al the land in lengthe and in brede he fonde a lande that Ioyned to brytayne in the north and that lond Brute yaf to albanac his sone lete calle it Albania after his name that now is callyd Scotland And Brute fond an other countre toward the weste and that yaf to cambyr hys other sone and he lete calle it Camber after his name and now it is called wales And whan brute had regned xx yere as byfore is sayd he dyed in the cyte of newe troye and there his sone him entered with moche honour and lotryn brutes sone was crou ned kyng with moche solempnyte of al the land of Britayne after whan he was crowned albanac and camber his two brethe ren wente ageyne in to her owne countrey lyued with mykel honour And lotryn her broder regned and was kyng and gouer ned the lande wel wysely for he was a good man and wonder wel byloued of all his lond And it befell so that Albanak duellyd in his owne lande with moche honoure and worship thenne c●…in kynge humbar of hunland with a grete power arriued in albanye and wold haue conquerd the land and began to werre vpon albanac and hym slewe in batayl whan Albanac was slayne the folk of the lond fled vnto lotryn and tolde hym for he was kynge of bretayne how that his brother was slayne and prayd hym of help for to auenge his broders deth Lotryne anone lete assemble alle the Brytons of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of kestefen and of lyndesey and whanne they were al assembled they sped fast toward their enemies for to yeue hem batail Lotrine had sent to Camber his broder that he shold come also to hym with al the power that he myght make hym for to helpe and soo he dyd with good wyll and so they comen al to geders and toke her wey preuelyche for to seche humbar where they myght hym fynde And so it befell that this humbar was besides a water that was 〈◊〉 gre te riuer with his folk hym for to disporte and tho come Lotryn and camber his broder with al hir folke sodaynly er that ony of that other wyst And whan humbar saw hem come he was sore adrad for as moche as his men wist it not also they were vn armed and Anone humbar for drede lepte in to the water and drenchyd hym self and so dyed he and his men were alle slayne that none of hem escaped and therfor is that water callyd hum bar and euermore shal be callyd thus for enchesen that kynge humbar was theryn drenchyd And after that Lotryne wente to his shippes and toke there gold and syluer and as moche as he fand vnto hym self and alle that other pilfre he yaf vnto other folke of the hoost they foūden in one of the shippes a fair damisel that was kyng humbers doughter and was callyd estrylde And whan Lotryne saw hyr he toke hir with hym for hyr fayrenesse for her was ouertakē with loue wold haue wedded her Thise tydynges come to Coryn anone he thought to auenge him vpon lotryne For as moch as Lotryne had made couenaūt for to spousen Corines dough●…r that was callyd guentolen And Corin in hast went to hym vnto the newe Troye and thus said to Lotryne now certeo quod he ye rewarde me full euyll for al the paynes that I suffryd and haue hadde many tymes for Brute youre fader and therfor I wyll now anenge me vpon yow drowe his fauchon an hyg●… and wolde haue slayne Lotryne but the damisell went bytwene hem made hem acorded in this maner that Lotryne shold spou se guentolen that was Corynes doughter And so Lotryne dyd And netheles that he had spoused Guentolen Corynes doughter preuelych he come to Estryld and brought hyr with child gate on hir a doughter that was callyd Abren Hit befelle anone after that Corin dyed and anone as he was dede Lotryne forsoke guentolen his wif made estrylde quene And Guento len wente thens al in wrath in to Cornewayll and seysed al the londe in to hyr honde for as moche as she was hir faders heyr vnderfong feaulte homages of al the men of the lond and after assembled a grete hoost and a grete power for to ben vpon Lotryne auengyd that was hir lord to hym come yafe hym a strong batail ther was lotryne slayne his men discomfyted the v●…yere of his regne Guentolen lete take estrild Abram hir doughter bynde bothe hondes feete and caste hem in to water And so they were drenchyd wherfore that water was euermore callyd after abram after the name of the damysel that was estril dys doughter and englyssh men callith that water Seuerne and walsshmen calle it abram in to this day And whan this was done Guentolen lete crowne her quene of that londe
dred lest Mortiger wold put hem to deth thurgh his treason and falsenes as he had done hir broder beforne And therfor they were lad ouer in to lytil Britayne and the king hem resseyued with moche honour and leete hem to norysshe And ther they duellyd til they bycome fair knyghtes and strong and fiers and thought to be auengyd vpon the deth of Constance hir broder whan they sawe her tyme and so they dyd as ye shull here telle afterward Hit was not longe after that the tydynges ne come oner see to the kynred of tho honderd knyghtes of peh●…s that were dampned and put to deth thurgh vortiger in thys lond therfore they were wonderly wroth and sworen that they wolde ben auengyd of hir kynnes deth and comen in to this land with a grete power and robbed in many places and slowe and dyd all the sorow that they myght Whanne Mortiger it wist he made moche sorowe and was sore annoyed And in another place also tydynges cam to hym that aurilambros and ●…ter his broder or deyned and assembled a grete hooste for to come in to moche Britaigne that is to say in to this land to ben auengid vppon Constance hir broders deth Soo that in one halfe and in that other he was brought in to so moche sorowe that he ne wyste whydder to wende How Engyst and xj thousand men come in to this lande to whome vortiger yafe a place that is callid thongcastell Ca ●…vj ANd sone after this sorowe tydynge come to vortiger that a grete nauye of strangers were arryued in the coūtre of kent But he wyste not whens they were ne wherfore they were come in to this land The kyng sente anon a messager thyder that some of hem sholde come and speke with hym for to wytte what folk they were and what they axed and in to what contrey they wold gone Ther were two bretheren maystres and princes of that strong companye that one was callyd Engyst that other horsse Engyst went to the kynge and told hym encheson wherfor they were ther ariued in his lande And sayd Sir we len of a countre that called is saxon that is the lande of ger mayne wher 〈◊〉 is so moche so●…we that of the peple ●…e so moche that the land may not hem susteyne The maystres and princes that haue the land to gouerne and rule make to come be fore hem men and women that boldest ben among hem for to fyght and that best may trauayll in to dyuerse landes And soo they shul hem yeue hors and harnoys Armu●… and alle thyng that hem nedeth And after they shal say to hem that they gone in to another countrey wher they mo●…e lyuen as hyr auncestres dyde byforne hem And therfore s●…re kyng yf ye haue ought to do with our company we be come in to your land with good wylle yow will serue and your land kepe helpe and defende from your enemyes yf that yow nedeth ▪ Whan wrtiger herde this tydyng he sayd he wold gladly hem with old vpon suche cou●…nant yf they myght delyuer his lond of his enemyes he wolde y●…ue hem resonable lādes wher they shold duelle for euermore Engyst thanked hym goodly in this maner he his company with x●… M shold dnelle with the kyng ●…r tiger and so moche they dyd thurgh hyr ●…oldenesse that they deliuerd the land clene of his enemyes Tho prayd Engyst the kyng of so moche lande that he myght make to hym a Cyte for hym for his meyne The kyng ansuerd ▪ it was not for to done without coūceyll of his britons Engyst prayd hym eftsones of as moche place as he myght compasse with a thong of a skynne ▪ wherupon he myght make hym a maner and for hym to duelle on And the kynge graunted hym frely ▪ Tho toke engyst a bulle skynne and cut●… it as smal as he myght al 〈◊〉 to a thwonge al rounde ▪ and therwith compassed he as moche land as he made vp a fayr castel And whan this castel was made he lete it calle thwongcastel For as moche as the place was markyd with a thwonge ▪ Of Ronewen that was Engystes doughter how the kyng Mortiger spoused hyr for hir beaute Capi●… quinquages●…mo septimo WHan this castel was maked and ful wel a●…ayed Engyst sente by letter p●…nely in to the countrey that he came of after an honderd shippes fylled with straunge men that were bol de and wel fyghtyng in al batails that they shold b●…nge with hem Ronewen his doughter that was the fayrest creature ▪ t●…at ony man myght see ▪ And whan the peple was come that he had sente after ▪ he toke hem in to the castel with moche Ioye And hym self went vppon a day vnto the kyng and prayd h●…m ther worthely that he wolde come and see his newe maner that he had made in the place that had he cōpassed with a thong of t●…e skyn The kyng anon graunted it hym frely ▪ and with hym went thyder and was wel apayd with the Castel and with the fayre werke ▪ and to geders ther they eten and dronken with moche ●…ye And whan nyght come that the kynge Mortiger shold gone in to his chambre for to take ther his nyght rest Ronwen that was Engistes doughter come with a coupe of gold 〈◊〉 hyr honde and kneled byfore the kyng and sayd to hym wassaylle and the kynge wist not what it was to mene ne what he shold ansuer for a●… moche as hym self ne none of his Britons yet coude none Englyssh speken ne vnderstonde it but speken tho the same 〈◊〉 that Britons yet done Netheles a latymer told the kyng the full vnderstondyng ther of ●…assaylle and that other shold ansuere drynk haylle And that was the fyrst tyme that wassayle and drynk haylle come vp in this land and from that ●…me vnto this tyme it is wel vsyd in this lond ▪ The kyng Mortiger sawe the fayrenesse of this Ronewen 〈◊〉 his armes laid about her neck thryes swetely kyssed hyr anone right he was anameryd vpon hyr ▪ that he desyred to haue h●… to wif and asked of Engist hi●… fad●… And En●…yste graun●… hym vpon this conenaunt that the kyng shold yeue hym a●…e 〈◊〉 coūtre of kent that he myght duelle in and his people ▪ The kynge him graunted preuely with a good will and anone after he spo●… sed the damisell that was moche confusion to hym self And therfor alle the britons bycome so wroth for 〈◊〉 that he hadd spoused a woman of mysbyleue wherfor they went alle from hym and no thyng to hym toke kepe n●… helpe hym in thyng that he had to done How Mortimer that was Mortigers sonne was made kynge and Engyst dryuen on●… and how Mortimer was slayne Capitulo lviij THis Engyst went in to kent and seysed all the lande in to his bande for hym ▪ for his men ▪ and bycome in a lytel whyle of soo grete power and
vnderstonde well that Aurilambros shal be kynge but he shall be en poysened and lytel tyme regne Of kynge Aurilambros how he pursued Mortiger engyst how they dyden Ca lxiiij OErlyn and his moder departed fro the kyng turned 〈◊〉 to karmardyne And soo after tydyng come to the Briton●… that Aurilambros and ●…der his broder were arryned at Totnesse with a grete hoost the britone anon assembled hem and wente to vnderfonge Aurilambros and ●…ter with grete noblesse and lad hem to london and crouned ther aurilambros and made hym kynge and dyden to hym homage And he axed Wher vortigr that was kyng myght be founde for he wolde be auengyd of hys broders deth and after he wold werre vpon paynyms And they told hym that vortiger was in walys so they lad hym thiderward vortiger wyst wel that the bretheren come hym to conque re and fledde thens in to a Castel that was callyd gerneth that stode vpon a highe montayne and ther hym helde Aurilambros ●…r his broder and hyr fol●… had besyeged the ●…stel full ●…g tyme For the castel was strong and well arrayed So at the last they caste wyldefyre And brente 〈◊〉 and men and alle hyr arraye and as moche as was within the castel So that vortiger was brents among all other so dyed he with moche sorow Tho was Engyst in kent and regned ther and herd this tydyng and anone fled and wold haue gone in to scotland for to haue hadde socour but Aurilambros his men mette with hym in the northcoūtre yafe hym batayll engyst his men hem defended whiles that they myght but he and his folk were discomfyted and slayne And Otta his sone fled vnto york And Aurilambros hym folowed egrely Otta a lytel whyle ageynst hym stode but afterward he put hym to his mercy And Aurilambros vn derfenge hym to hym his men he yaf the coūtrey of gale weye in Scotland ther they duellyd The kyng Aurilambros wente tho thurgh oute the land put awey the name of Engysteland that engist after his name had callyd it byfore Tho lete he it calle ageyn grete britayne lete make ageyn Chirches howses of reli gyon Castels Cytes burghes Townes that the saxons had destroyed come to london lete make the walles of the cyte whiche eugist his folk had cast a doune The britons led hym to the mount of Anbrian wher somtyme was an how 's of relygi on that tho was destroied thurgh painyms wherof a knight was called Anbry that somtyme was founder of the how 's therfor the hylle was callyd the mount of brian and after was callyd Ambresbury and shal for euermore How Aurilambros dyde redresse the land of grete Britayn that was destroyed thurgh saxons Ca lxv HOw the kynge Aurilambros lete amende and redresse the hous of Amlesbury and therm put monkes but now ther be nonnes a lytel from the place that was callyd Salysbury ther tho the saxons slewe the britons where Engyste he sholde haue made a loue day in whiche tyme ther were slayne a M. lxi knyghtes thurgh treson of engyst The kyng therof had grete pyte and thought to make in mynde of hym a monument of stone that myght endure to the worldes ende And of this thyng they toste hir counceill what ther of was best for to done Tho spaste to the kyng the bisshop of london that was callyd Ternestyn that he shold enquere after merlyn for he coude best telle how this thyng myght be made merlyn after was sought solide come to the kyng the kyng told hym his will of the monumēt that he wol de haue made Tho ansuerd merlyn to the kynge and sayd Ther ben grete stones in Irland and longe vpon the hyll of kydn that men callyd geants kawll and yf they were in this place as they ben there here they wold endure for euermore in remēbraūce of tho knyghtes that here ben entered ●…r ma foy quod the kyng as hard stones be in my land as in Irland Soth quod Merlyn But in al your land ben none suche For geanntes sette hem for grete goode of hem self For at euery tymes that they were woū ded or in ony maner hurt they wes●…hen the stones with hote water and thēne wesshe hem therwith and anone they were hoole How the Britons went for to seche the grete stones in Irlond Capitulo lxvj WHan thise britons had herd of this thyng they went swo re amonge hem that they wold go seche the stones toke with hem meet the kynges broder to ben hir chyueteyne xv M men and merlyn counceylled hem for to gone in to Irland so they diden And whan the kyng of Irlond that was callyd gui●… somer herd telle that stranngers were arryued in his londe he assembled a grete power fought ayenst hem but he and his folke were discomfyted The Britons went byfore till they come to the moūte of kylyan and clymed vnto the moūt But whan they s●… we the stones the maner how they stoode they had grete 〈◊〉 ylle sayd bitwene hem that noman shold remeue for no strēgth ne engyne so huge they were so long but merlyn thurgh hys ●…afte and queyntise reineued hem brought hem in to hir sh●… come ageyne in to this land And merlyn sette the stones ther that the kynge wold haue hem and sette hem in the same maner that they stoden in Irlond whan the kyng sawe that it was made he thanked merlyn and richely him rewarded at his own wylle that place lete calle stonhenge for euermore How passent that was vortigers sonne the kyng guyllomer come in to this land how a traitour that was called Co●… enpoysoned the kyng Aurilambros Ca lxvij And men shal vnderstande that passent that was mortigers sone lyued in the same tyme and come in to this land with a grete power and drryued in the north countre and wold ●…n auenged of his faders deth Mortiger And strongly trusted vpon the companye that he had brought with hym out of the land of germanye had conquerd all the north countrey vnto yor●… and whan kyng Aurilambros herd this he assem●…d a grete power of britons and went for to befyght hym and 〈◊〉 his peple were discomfyted but passent escaped thens with some of his folk fled thens in to Irlond come to kyng gui●…met and prayed hym of helpe socour The kyng graunted hym with good wyll and sayd he wold helpe hym with good wylle vpon that couenaunt that I my self muste gone with yowe with alle my power in to Britayne and I wold auenge me vpon the britons rather than they in to my lond comen token the stones with strength that called is geaūts ●…ll the styng guyllomer 〈◊〉 ordeyne his shippes and went to the see with xv M men arryued in walys bygonne
rad al men it herd they were annoyed al that were at that solempnyte the butons wold haue slayn the messagiers but the kyng wold not suffre hem said that the messagyers shold haue none harme mowe by reson none deserue but cōmanded hem to be worshipfully serued And after mete he toke counseyll of kynges ersts barons what ansuer he myght yeue ageyne to the messagers and they counceylled hym attones that he shold assemble a grete power of all the landes of whiche he had lordship manly auenge hym vpon the emperour of the despyte that he had sente hym such a letter they sworen by god by his names that they sholde hym pursue brenne as moche as they myght sayde that they wold neuer faylle kyng Arthur and rather to be dede they lete wryte a letter to sende to thēperour by the same messagyers in this maner Of the bold ansuet that kyng Arthur sent to themperour of Rome and to the Romaynes Ca o lxxxj UNderstondeth amonges yowe of Rome that I am kynge Arthur of butayn frely it hold and shal hold and at rome hastely I wil be not to yeue yow truage but for to axen tru age For Constantin that was eleynes sone that was emperour of Rome of al the honour that therto bylongeth maximian kyng conquerd al fraunce almayne mount Ioye passed con querd al lumbardye these two were myne auncestres that they helde had I shal haue thurgh goddes wylle Of the reuerence that arthur dyd to the emperours messagyers of Rome Ca lxxxij WHan this letter was made and ensealed kyng Arthur to the messagyers yafe grete yeftes and after that the messagyers toke hir lene and went thens and come to the court of Ro me ageyne and tolde themperour how worthely they were vnderfongen and whiche a ryall companye he had hym to serue and 〈◊〉 he was more ryally seruyd than the emperour or ony kyng lyuyng in the world And whan the emperour had seen the letter herd what was therin sawe that Arthur wolde not be ru ●…d after hym he lete assemble ordeyne an huge hoost for to destroye kyng arthur yf that he myght And kyng Arthur as tou chyng his power and partye ordeyned his power and knygh●… of the round table Of the kynges and lordes that comen to helpe kyng Arthur a geynst the emperour Capitulo lxxxiij THe kynge of Scotland and of Irlond and of gutlande of denmark of almayne euery of hem had ten M men The dust of normandy Gascoyne Flaundres ●…hyto of Bosoyn had four M geryn of chartres had x M Hoel of butayne bod xij M hym self of his owne land xij M and of Arbalastyers of archyers of other folk in fore that no man coude hem nō bre whan al were redy for to wende kyng Arthur his lond gūnore his wyf toke to kepe to one of his neueus that was a wise knyght and an hardy that was called mordred but he was not al t●…we as ye shal here afterward kyng Arthur toke all his 〈◊〉 ame to this mordred sauf only the croune And after that kyng Arthur toke his hoost went to southampton ther that the shippes were brought the folke assembled and they dyden hem to the see had good wynde wether at wyl also sone a●… they myght they arryued at harflete and as sone as they myght they went oute of his shippes spradden all the countre How kyng Arthur fought with a geant in spayne that was callyd dynabus that slewe eleyne that was kyng ho●…ls cosyn of lytel britayne Capitulo lxxxi●… KYyng Arthur had not duelled in the coūtre but a 〈◊〉 why le that men ne told hym that ther was comen a grete geant in to spayn had rauysshed fayr eleyn that was cosyn to hoel of britayne hadde brought hir vppon an hylle that is callyd the mount of saynt bernard ther was no man in that countrey soo hold ne soo hardy that dursie with hym fyght ner come nere the place ther that geant duellyd he was callyd Dynabus that moche sorow dyde in the countrey whan kyng Arthur herd this tydyng he called key ●…dewere comanded hem to go priuely espye wher the geant myght be founde they comen to the ryua ge there that men shold go to the mount that was all enclosed aboute with water and yet is and euer shal be And they saw a brennyng fyre vpon the hille ther was also another hill nygh that ther was therupon another fyre buennyng Prey ●…ede were come to the next hille foūden a wydueopen hede syttyng besydes a tombe sore wepyng and grete sorow made ofte she said Eleyne Eleyne and key and Bedewere axed what hir was wherfor she made so moche sorow and who lay in that tombe O quod she what sorow misauenture fayr lordes seke ye here for yf the geant may yow here fynde ye worth dede anon be still gode wyfe quod they ther of dismay ye not but telle vs the soth why thou makest so moche sorowe wepyng Syrs quod she for a damisel that I norisshed with my brest that was callyd Eleyne that was nece to hoel kynge of britayne here lyeth the body in this tombe that to me was bytaken to noryssh So ther come a deuel a Geant and cauysshed hir me also lad vs both awey and he wolde haue forlayne that mayde that was soo yonge tendre of age but she myght it not suffre so grete and so huge as the geant was and yf he now come as he is woned to do certes he wyl yow ●…lee both to And therfor fast wende ye hens And wherfor sayd they go ye not thens Certes Sir qd she whan that eleyne was dede the geant made me to abyde to done and haūte his wyll and me must nedes it suffre and god it wote I do it not with my goode wyll for me leuer were to be dede than with hym to dele so moche payne I haue whan he me forlyeth whan stey Bedewere bad herde al that this woman had told they retorned ageyn come to kyng Arthur and told hym all that they had seyn herde Arthur anone toke hem both with hym went preuelyche by nyght that none of his hoost it wist and come on the morow erly to the geant fought with hym strongly atte last hym slowe And Arthur bad bedewere smyce of his heede and bring it to the hoost to shewe hem for a wonder for it was so grete and so huge whan they comen ageyne to the hooste they tolden wherfor they had ben oute shewed to hem the hede and euery man was glad and Ioyeful of the worthy dede that kyng Arthur had done that was hyr lord hoel was ful sorowfull for his nece that was so loste And after whan he had
had desyred it for as moche as they were of Engystes kynrede that fyrst had all the land of bri tayne and tho lete hem be callyd Englysshe men for encheson of Engystes name And the land they lete calle it Englond in hyr langage the folk ben callyd englysshmē for as moch as in his tyme it was callyd engystes lond whan he hadde conquerd it of Mortiger that had spoused his doughter but from the tyme that brute come fyrst in to englond this land was callyd britayn the folk britons but syth the tyme that this gurmond eftsones conquerd it and yafe it vnto the saxons and they anone right chaū ged the name as byfore is sayd And whan this was done gurmond passed ouer in to Fraūce and ther conquerd many londes and destroyed al cristen peple ther that he come the saxons duel led in this land and bygan it fast to Inhabyte at hir owne wyl And they wolde haue made newe kynges and lordes but they myght neuer assenten to haue only one kyng for to be to hem en tendaunt and therfor they made many kynges in dyuers shyres as it was in engystes tyme The fyrst kyngdom was kent that other southsexe and the thyrd westsexe the fourth estsex and the v northūberlond the syxth estangle that is to say norfolke southfolke the seuenthe merchenorth that is the Erldome of nychol hūtingdone herford gloucestre wynchestre warwyck and derby and so departed the englyssh al englond in vij partyes And after that it befell that tho kynges werryd oftyme to geder and euer he that was strengest bynome hym that was feblyst And so it was long tyme that they ●…ad no kyng crouned amōges hem ne noo cristen man was tho amonges hem ne Crystendome nother But were Paynyms tylle that Saynt Gregorye was pope of Rome that hadde seen childeren of the Nacyon of Englond in the cyte of Rome that were wonder fayr crea●…res and had grete wylle and desyre hem to byholde axed of the marchaūts whens they were of what nacion m●…n told hym that they were of Englond and Englyssh they were callyd but they al the peple of englond were paynyms and byleued not vpon god Allas quod seynt gregorye wel mow they be callyd englissh for they haue the visage of angels therfor wel ought they to be cristen And for this encheson saynt gregory sente seynt Austyn in to englond xl good men with hym that were of gode lyf and holy men to preche and teche to conue ●…te the englisshe peple and hem turne to god and that was in the sixth yere that saynt gregory had ben pope that is to saye after the Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist v C lxxxvij yere as the cronycles tellen How saynt Austyn baptised conuerted kyng adelbright the bisshops that made his felawes Cao. lxxxxvijo. WHan saynt Austyn come fyrste in to englond he arryued in the I le of Tenet and so passed forth come vnto Caunterbury and ther soiourned And kynge Adelbryght of kent that was of the lygnage of Engyst fayr vnder fenge saynt Austyn his felaws with moche honour and hem fonde al that hem neded And ferthermore he yaf hem a fayr place that now is called the abbey of saynt austyns in whiche place he lyeth hym self shrined This kyng Adelbryght was a good man with good will herd seynt Austyns predicacions yafe hym leue to preche thurgh al his land to torne and conuerte to hym al the peple that he myght It befell soo afterward thurgh goddes grace that in lytell tyme the kyng hym self was conuerted to god alle his people of his land was baptysed And in the mene tyme whyle the peple turned hem to god Seynt Anstyn come to Rouchestre there preched goddes worde The paynyms therfor him scorned and cast on hym reygh taylles soo that al ●…s mantel was honged ful of reygh taylles and for more despyte they caste on hym the gutres of reyghes of fissh wherfor the good man saynt austin was so re annoyed greued prayd to god that alle the children that shold be born afterward in that Cyte of Rouchestre must haue tai les whan the king wist herde of this vēgeaūce that was falle thurgh saynt Austyns prayer he lete make an hous in honour of almyghty god wherin women shold be delyuerd of hir children at the bridges ende in whiche hous yet women of the cyte ben delyuerd of childe whan seynt gregory had herd telle how thēg●… were tuurned to god and conuerted he sent to seynt Anstyn his passion by a bisshop that was callyd paulyn made hym p●…mat and Archebisshop of Englond and sent word that he than shold ordeyne make bisshops in the land And ●…non as Austyn had the passyon of the dignyte of the archebisshop he made two Bisshops of his felawes that come with hym from Rome that one was callyd mellyte he duellyd at london And that other was called Iustyn that helde the dygnyte of Rochestre this Bisshop mellite tho wēt to preche in to estsex baptised the kyng of the coūtrey that was callyd Sygeberte that was kyng adelbryghtes cosyn his sustres sone This Instyne went to preche in southsex turned moc●… of the peple to god And seynt Austyn went●… hym self prechyng thurgh out Englond How saynt Austyn wente in to wales there that the britons were how they nold not be obedyent to the Archebisshop of ●…ū terbury Cao. lxxxxviiio. WHan all Englond was baptysed turned to god Seynt Austyn wente in to that land ther that the britons were for to kepe hem from Englysshmen that is to seye in to wales And ther he founde monkes and abbeyes vij bisshops For the britons destroyed alwey the custen peple that seynt Austyn had cōuerted said to the bisshops that he was a legate of rome pri mat of al englond that they shold by all wason to hym be obe dyent they sayd that they nold But to archebisshop of 〈◊〉 on sayd they wold neuer for no maner thyng ben obedyent to the englisshmen for the englisshmen they said ben our aduersaryes our enemyes haue dryuē vs out of our own coūtrey we be ●…sten men euer haue ben the englysshmen euer haue ben pay●… but now late that they ben cōuerted Seynt austyn myght of hem none ansuer haue other wyse but saiden aper●…ly that they nold neue hem meke to hym ne to the pope of Rome seynt au styn torned ageyne to kyng Adolbryght that was kyng of kent tolde hym that his folke nold not be to noman obedyent but to the archebisshop of Caerlyon And whan the kynge herd this he was sow annoyed and sayde that he wold hem destroye sente to ●…lfride kyng of northumberlond that was his frende that he shol de come to hym with al the power
anon after he yaf hym the lordship of wallyngford and it was not longe after that he ne yafe hym therldome of Cornewayle ageynst all the lordes wyll of the Royamme And tho brought he Syre walter of langeton bisshop of chestre in to pryson in to the Cour of lonton with twoo knaues allone hym to serue For the kynge was wroth with hym For cause that Syre walter made compleynt vpon hym to his fadre wherfore he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troylbastone And the. forsayd Pyers of ganeston made so grete maystryes that he went in to the kynges tresorye in the Abbeye of westmynstre and toke the table of gold with the trestelles of the same and many other ryche Iewellys that somtyme were the noble and good kyng Arthures toke hem to a marchaunt that was callyd Aymery of Fryscombande For he shold bere hem ouer the see in to gascoyne soo he wente the●…s they come neuer ageyne after wher for it was grete losse vnto this lande And whan this pyers was so Rychely auaunced he bycome so proude and so stoute wherof alle the grete lordes of the Reame had hym in despite for his grete beryng wher for Syr Henry the lacy erle of nychol Syr guy erle of warwyck the whiche good lordes the good kynge edward Syr Edwardye kynge of Englond his fadre charged that pyers of Ganestone shold not come in to Englond for to bringe his sone Edward in Ryott And all the lordes of englond assembled hem at a certayn daye at the Freres prechours at london speken of the dishonour that kyng edward dyd vnto his Royamme and to his croune so they assented all both erles comons that the forsayd pyers of ganeston shold ben exyled out of Englond for euer more And so it was done For he forswore Englond and wente in to Irlond and there the kyng made hym chyuetayne and go uernoure of the lande by his commyssyon And there this Pyers was Chyuetayne of alle the lande and dyde ther alle that hym liked and had power what he wolde and that tyme were the templers exyled thurgh al Crystente for encheson that men putte vpon hem that they shold done thyng ayenst the feyth good be leue Kyng Edward loued pyers of Ganeston soo moche that he myght not forlete his companye so moch the kyng yaf behight to the peple of englond that the exylyng of the forsaid Pyers shol de ben reuoked at staūford thurgh hem that hym had exyled wherfore pyers of ganeston come ayene in to Englond whan he was come ayene in to this land he despysed the grettest lordes of this land callyd Syr Robert of Clare erle of gloucest●… ho●… sone And the erle of nychol Syr henry the lacy brostebely sir Guy erle of warwyk the blac hoūde of Arderne and also he cal led the noble Erle and gentil Thomas of lancastre Cherle and many other scorues and shame hem said and by many other gre te lordes of Englond wherfor they were towards hym full angry so●… annoyed in the same tyme died therle of nychol but he charged er he was dede thomas of lancastre erle that was his sone in lawe that he shold mayntene his quarell ageynst the same Pyers of ganestone vpon his beneson And so it was ordeyned thurgh helpe of therle of lancastre and of the erle of warewyck that forsayd sir Pyers was byheded at gauersyche besydes warwyk the xix day of Iuyn in the yere of our lord a M CCC xij wherfore the kyng was sow annoyed prayd god that be myght see that daye to ben auengyd vpon the deth of the forsayd Pyers And so it byfell afterward as ye shal here allas the tyme For the forsayd erle of lancastre many other grete barons were put to pytous drth martred for encheson of the forsayd que●… The kynge was tho at london helde a parlement and ordeyned the lawes of Syr Symond Mountford wherfor the erle of lan castre and the erles and al the clergye of Englond made an othe thurgh counceylle of Robert of wynchelsee for to mayntene the ordynaunces for euermore How Robert the Brue come ageyne in to Scotland gadred a grete power of men for to werre vpon kynge edward Capitulo C lxxxviij ANd whan Syr Robert the Brues that made hym kynge of Scotland that was fled in to norwey for drede of dethe of the goode kynge Edward And he herde of the debate that was in englond bitwene the kyng his lordes he ordeyned an hoost come in to englond in to northumberlond cleenly des troyed the countrey And whan kyng edward herd this tydyng he let assemble his hoost mette the scottes at Estreuelyn in the day of natiuyte of seynt Iohan baptist in the vij yere of his reg ne and in the yere of our lord Ihu crist a M CCC xiiij Allas the sorow losse that ther was done For ther was slayn the no ble erle gillebert of clare sir Robert of Clyfford baron many other of other peple that noo man coude nombre ther kynge Edward was scomfyted Syr Edmond of maule the kynges styward for drede went and drenched hym self in a fressh Ryuer that is called Bannokesborne wherfor the scottes said in reproue and despyte of kyng edward for as moche as he loued to gone by water also for he was discōfited at bannockesborne therfor maydens made a songe therof in that coūtre of kyng edward of Englond in this maner they songe Maydens of englond sare may ye morne for tyȝt haue ye lost your lemmans at bannokesborne with heualogh what wende the kyng of Englond to haue gete scotland with Rombylough WHan kynge edward was discomfyted he was wonder sory and fast fled with his folk that was left on lyue wente to Berwyck ther helde hym And after he toke good hostages that is to wytte seuen children of the rychest of the toune and the kyng went to london toke coūseyl of thynges that were nedeful vnto the reame of englond And in the same tyme it byfel that tho was in Englond a Rybaud that was callyd Iohan Cāner and he went and sayd that he was the good kyng edwardys sone and lete hym calle edward of Carnarian therfore he was take at oxenford ther he chalengyd the Fre●… Carmes chirche that kyng edward had yeue hem the whiche chirch sōtyme was the kynges halle And afterward was this Iohan lad to north hampton drawe there honged for his falsenesse er that he was dede he confessyd sayd byfore all the peple that ther was that the deuyll lehight hym that he shold be kyng of Englond that he had seruyd the deuyll thre yere How the toune of Berwyk was take thurgh treason how two Cardynals were robbed in Englond Cao. C lxxxixo. ANd in medlenten sondaye in the yere of our lord Ihesu
meschyef greuous dysese anon he toke his coūceyll and as ked what was best to done And they ansuerd sayd yf it liked hym to yeue hym ony good hit were wel y do and as touchyng his peple to trauaylle so ferre in to out landes it were a grete Ieopardye And so the kyng yaf hym gold siluer many Rych yeftes and ●…e welles betaught hym to god And so he passyd ayene out of englond And in this same yere kyng richard with a ryal power went in to Scotland for to werre vpon the scottes for the falsenesse destruction that the Scottes had done vnto en glisshmen in the marches than the Scottes come doun vnto the kyng for to entrete with hym with his lordes for trewes as for certeyne yeres and so our kyng his coūceill graūted hem trewes certeyne yeres vnto her askyng And our kyng torned hym home ayene in to Englond whan he was come vnto york ther he abo de rested hym theye And there Syr Iohan holond the Erle of kentes broder slowe therles sone of stafford and his heyr with a daggar in the Cyte of yorke wherfor the kyng was sore ameued g●…eued rem●…ued thens come to london and the mayer with the aldermen the comyns with al the solempnyte that myȝt be done riden ayenst the kyng brouȝt hym rially thurgh the ate so forth vnto westmynstre vnto his owne paleys And in the ●…x yere of kyng Rychardes regne he helde a parlement at westmynster ther he made ij dukes a marquys v Erles The fyrst that was made duk was the kynges vncle Syr Edmond of langle erle of Cambridge hym he made duk of york And his other vncle Syr Thomas of wodestoke that was Erle of Bukkyngham hym he made duk of gloucestre And Syr ●…y on ●…eer that was erle of Oxfford hym he made markuys of dyue lyn And henry of Bolyngbroke the dukes sone of lācastre hym he made erle of Derby And syr Edward the dukes sone of yorke hym he made erle of Ruttelond Syr Iohan holand that was the erl●… of kentes broder hym he made Erle of Huntyngdon syr Thomas mombray Erle of Notyngham and Erle marchal of Englond and Syr mychel de la pole knyght hym he made Erle of Southfolk and Chaunceler of Englond And the Erle of the marche at that same parlement holden at westmynstre in playn parlement amonges al the lordes and comunes was proclamed Erle of the marche and heyre apparant to the croune of Englond after kyng Rychard the whiche Erle of the marche went ouer sce in to Irland vnto his lordshippes londes for the erle of the marche is erle of vlster in Irlōd by right lyne heritage And ther at the castel of his he lay that tyme And ther come vpon hym a grete multitude in busshemētis of wild Irisshmen hym for to take destroye he come out fiersly of his castel with his peple māly fought with hem ther he was take hewe al to pyeces ther he deyde on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And in the x yere of kyng Richardys regne therle of Arundel went vnto the see with a grete nauye of shippes enar med with men of armes good Archyers And whan they come in to the brode sce they met with the hole flete y t comen with wyn y lade from Rochel the whiche wyne were enemyes goodes and ther our nauye set vpon hem toke hem all brouȝt hem vnto dy uerse portes hauenes of englond som to london ther ye myȝt haue had a tonne of Rochel wyn of the best for xx shyllyngster lynges so we had grete chepe of wyne thurgh oute the reame at that tyme thanked be god almyghty How the fyue lordes arisen at Rattecotte bridge Cao. C C ●…lj ANd in the regne of kyng Richard the xj yere the v lordes a risen at Rattec●…t bridge in the destruction of rebelles that weren that tyme in al the reame The fyrste of the v lordes was sire thomas of wodstok the kynges vncle duk of Gloucestre the seconde was sir Rychard erle of Arundel the thyrd was sir Richard Erle of war wyk the fourth was sir henry bo●…ng bro ke erle of derby the. v. was sir thomas mōbray erle of notynghā And these v lordes saw the meschyef mysgouernaūce the fal senesse of the kynges coūceyll wherfor they that weren that tyme chyef of the kynges coūceyl fledden out of th●…o land ouer the see that is to say Sir alysander neuyl the Archebisshop of york and Sir Robert le veer markuys of deuelyn erle of Oxfford sir Michel de la pole Erle of southfolk and Chaūceler of Englond And these thre lordes wenten ouer the see come neuer ageyne for ther they deyde And than these v lordes aboue sayd maden a parlement at westmynstre And ther they toke Syre Robert Tresilian the Iustyce and Syr Nychol brembre knyght and Cytezeyn of london and Syre Iohan Salysbury knyght of the kynges houshold and ●…ske sergeaūt of armes and many moo of other pe ple weren take Iugged vnto the deth by the counceylle of these fyue lordes in hir parlement at westmynstre for treason that they put vpon hem to be drawen from the toure of london thurgh once the Cyte and soo forthe vnto Tyborne and there they sholde be hanged and hyr throtes to be cut and thus they were seruyd dyed And after that in this same parlement at westmynstir was sir symond Beuerle that was a knyght of the garter and syre Iohan beauchamp knyght that was styward of the kynges hou shold and syr Iames berners were foriuged vnto the deth and than they were lad on fote to the toure hylle and there weren hir hedes s●…yten of many other mo by these v lordes In this same parlemēt in the yij yere of kyng Richardes regne he lete crye ordeyne a generall Iustes that is called a turnement of lordes knyghtes squyers And this Iustes turnement was holde at london in smythfeld of al maner of straungyers of what loude or coūtre that euer they were thyder they were right welcome and to hem to al other was holden open houshold And grete festes and also grete yeftes were yeuen to al manere of straungyers And of the kynges side weren al of su●…e here co●… hyr armure sheldes hors t●…ppure And al was whyte hertes with crounes aboute hyr nekkes and chayne 's of gold hangyng therupon the croune hangyng lowe byfore the hertes body the whiche hert was the kynges lyuery that he yafe to lordes ladyes knyȝtes squy ers for to knowe his houshold frō other peple And in this f●…st comyng to hir Iustes xxiiij ladyes lad these xxiiij●… lordes of y e gar ther with cheynes of gold and al the same sute of hertes as is a fore
right worthely And in the same yere was a grete frost in englond that dured xv wekes And in the tenth yere of kyng henryes regne the fourth come the neschal of henaude with other meyny to seke Auntres and to ge te hym worship in dedes of armes both on horsbak on fote at al maner of poyntes of werre And the Seneschal chalengyd the erle of Somersete and the erle delyuerd hym manfully of al his chalenges put his aduersarye to the wers in al poyntes wanne hym there gre●…e worship and the gre of the feld And the next daye after come in to the felde an other man of armes of the Seneschals partye And ageynst hym come Syr Rychard of Arundel knyght And the henewyer had the better of hym on fo●… in one poynt for he brought hym on his knee And the thyrdde day come in another man of armes in to the feld ageynst hym come Syre Iohan Cornewayll knyght and manly knyghtly quytte hym in al maner poyntes ayenst his aduersarye and had the better in the feld And on the iiij day come another man of ar mes of henaude in to the feld and ayenst hym come Syr Iohan cheynes sone and manly quytte hym ageynste his aduersarye for he cast hors man in to the feld the kynge for his manhode at that tyme dubbed hym knyȝt And the v day ther come another man of armes of the henewyers partye in to the feld to hym come in Syr Iohan styward knyȝt manfully quytte hym ther in al maner of poyntes had the better And the vj day come an other henewyer and to hym come william porter squyer 〈◊〉 m●…ful ly he quyte hym had the better in the feld And the kyng dub bed hym knyght the same tyme And the vij day come another henaude in to the felde and to hym come Iohan standyss●… squyer manfully he quytte hym on his aduersarye had the better in the feld there the kyng dubbed hym knyȝt the same day And on the same day come another henewyer to hym come a squyer of gascoyne proudely manly he quytte hym on his aduersarye and had the better And anon the kyng dubbed hym knyȝt And on the. viij day come in to the feld ij men of armes of ●…nawde to hem come ij soudyours of Caleys that were brethe ren that were callid Burghes and wel and manly quytte hem on hir aduersaryes and the better in the feld And thus ended the chalenges with moche worshippes And the kyng at the reuerence of the straūgyers made a grete fest and yaf hem ryche yeftes they token hir leue went home to hir owne coūtre And in the xj yere of kyng henryes regne the iiij ther was a grete bataylle done in smythfeld bytwene ij squyers that one was callid glouces tre that was appellaunt Arthur was the defendaunt wel manly foughten to geder long tyme and the kyng for hir manfulnesse and of his grace toke hir quarel in to his honde made hem to goo out of the feld at ones so they were deuyded of hir bataylles and the kyng yaf hem grace And the xij yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth Ris die a squyer of walys that was a rebell a ryser supporter to owen of glendor that dyd moche destruction to the peple of walys was taken brought to london and there he come afore the Iustyces was dampned for his tre son and than he was leyd on an hurdel so drawe forth vnto tiborne thurgh the cyte there he was honged lete doune ageyne and his hede smyten of and his body quartred sent to foure t●…u nes and his hede sette on london bridge And in the xiij yere of kynge henryes regne tho deyde Syr Iohan Beauford the Erle of Somersete that was Capitayn of Caleys and was beryed at the Abbey of the Tourehill on whos soule god haue mercy amē And in the sau●…e yere the lord Thomas kyng henryes sone wed ded the Coūtesse of Somersete And in this same yere come the Enbassatours of fraūce in to englond from the duk of Burgoyn vnto the prince of englond kyng henryes sone heyre for helpe socour of men of armes and archyers ayenst the duk of Orle aū ce And tho wen●…e ouer the see the erle of Arundell Syr Guyllebert vmfreuylle Erle of kyme and the lord Cobham Syr Io han Oldecastel and many other good knyȝtes and worthy squy●…rs and men of armes and good Archyers in to fraūce come to Parys to the duk of Burgoyne and there he resseyued welcomed these englisshmen the lordes and al other meyny And then it was done hym to wyte that the duk of Orleaūce was come to semt●…lowe fast by parys with a grete nombre of men of armes Arbalystyers thyder went oute englisshmen and foughten with hem and gate the bridge of semtklowe and there they slowe moche peple of frensshmen and Armynakes the remenaunt fl●…d and wolde noo lenger abyde And than oure Englisshmen comen ageyne to parys and there they token hir leue of the duk comen home ayene in to englond in saufte the duk y●… fe hem grete yeftes Anon foleweng the duk of Orleaūce sent em bassatours in to englond to kyng henry the iiij besechyng hym of his help socour ayenst his dedely enemye the duk of Burgoyne And than the kyng made Thomas his sone duke of Clarence and his other sone Iohan duk of bedford And his other sonne Humfrey duk of Gloncestre and Sir Thomas Beauford erle of dorset and the duk of Aumarle he made duk of york And than the kyng ordeyned his sone sir thomas duk of Clarence sir Thomas Beauford erle of dorset sir Iohan Cornewayll with ma ny other lordes knyghtes squyers men of armes archyers to gone ouer the see in to fraūce in helpyng strengthyng of y e duk of Orleaūce And these worthy lordes with hir retenue shypped at hampton sayled ouer in to normandy and londed at hogg●…s And there met with hym the lord hambe at hir londyng with vij M men of armes of frensshmen thre sergeaūtes of armes with hem al were put to flyght taken of hem vij C men of armes CCCC hors withoute tho that were slayn in the feld and so they riden forth thurgh oute fraūce token castellee townes slowe moche peple of frensshmen that withstode hem token many prisoners as they ryden soo they passed forth til they come to Burdeux and there they rested hem a whyle set the coūtre in pees and rested til the vyntage were redy to saylle And than the duk with his meyny come home in to englond in saufete thanked be god And in the same yere was the kynges Coyne chaunged thurgh oute englond by the kyng his coūseil that is to sa●…e the noble half
westmynstre and ther was Iustes thre dayes duryng within the sayntuarye to fore the abbey This yere the priour of kilmyan ap peled therle of ●…rmond of treason whiche had a day assygned to them for to fyȝt in smythfeld the lystis were made feld dressyd but whan it cam to poynt the kyng cōmāded that they shold not fight but toke the quarellys in to his own hond this was done at the Instaūce labour of certeyne Prechours doctours of london as maister gylbert worthyngton parson of seynt Andrews in holborn other Also this same yere cam a grete enbas sade in to englond out of fraūce for to haue cōcluded a perpetuelle pees but in conclusyon it torned vnto a tryews of a yere Aboute this tyme deyde seynt bernardyne a gray frere whiche bygan the newe reformacyon of that ordre in many places in so moche that they y t were reformed ben callid obseruaūtes which obseruaūces ben encrecyd gretely in ytalye in Almayne This bernardyn was canonysed by pope nycholas the v In the yere M CCCC l Iohānes de capestrano was his disciple which profited moch to the reformacion of y t ordre for whome god shewed many a f●…u myracle also here is to be noted y t from this tyme forward kying Henry neuer proufyted ne went forward but fortune began to tourne from hym on al sydes as wel in fraūce Normādy guyan as in Englond sōme men holden opoynyon that kyng lenry gafe cōmyssion plenarly to syr edward hulle syr Robert Roo●… dene of saynt seueryns and other to conclude a mariage for hym with the erle of Armynaks suster whiche was promysed as it was sayd cōcluded but afterward it was brokē he wedded quene mar grete as a fore is said whiche was a dere maryage for the reame of englōd for it is knowen veryly that for to haue her was de●…uerd the duchye of Angeo the erldome of mayne whiche was the keye of Normandy for the frensshmen tentre And aboue this the sayd marquys of Suffolk axyd in playne parlement a yv and an half for to fetche hir out of fraūce lo what a mariage was this as to the comparison of that other maryage of armynak for ther shold haue ben delyuerd so many Castels Townes in guy an and so moche good shold haue ben yeuen with her that al Englond shold haue ben ther by enriched but cōtrary wyse fil wher fore euery grete prynce ought to kepe his promyse for bycause of brekyng of this promyse for mariage of quene margrete what losse hath had the reame of Englond by losynge of Normandy and guyan by dyuysyon in the reame the rebellyng of Comyns ayenst theyr prince and lordes what dyuysyon amōg the lordes what murdre sleyng of them what feldes foughten made in cōclusyon so many that many a man hath loste his lyf in conclusyon the kyng deposed the quene with hir sone fayne to flee in to Scotlād and from thens in to fraūce so to lorayne the pla ce that she come first fro Many men deme that the brekyng of the kynges promysse to the suster of the erles of Armynak was cau se of this grete losse and aduersyte How the good duk of Gloucestre Humfrey the kynges vncl●… was arestyd at the parlement of bnry and his deth and how an geo in mayne was delyuerd Capitulo Ducentesimo liijo. IN the yere xxv of kyng henry was a parlement at bury called saynt edmondes burye about whiche was commāded al the comyns of the coūtre to be there in theyr most defensable araye for to awayte vpon the kyng to which parlemēt come the duk of gloucestre vmfrey the kynges vncle which had ben protectonr of Englond alle the none age of the kyng and anone after he was in his lodgyng he was arestyd by the vysecoūt bemond the conestable of englond whome accompanyed the duke of Bokyngham many other lordes And forthwith al his ser uauntes were commaunded for to departe from hym xxxij of the chyef of them were also arestyd and sent to dyuerse prysons anone after this saide areste the said duke was sone after deede on whos soule god haue mercy amen but how he deyde and in what maner the certeynte is not to me knowen sōme saide he deide for so rowe sōme saide he was murdred bitwene two fetherbeddes othir saide that an hote spitte was put in his fūdament but how he dei de god knoweth to whome is no thyng hyd And then̄e whan he was so dede he was leid open that al men myȝt see hym so both lordes knyghtes of the shyres with burgeyses come saw hym lye dede but woūde ne token coude they perceyue how he deyde here may men marke what this world is this duk was a noble mā a grete clerke and had worshipfully ruled this reame to the kyn ges behoof and neuer coude be founde faute to hym but enuye of them that were gouernours and had promysed the duchye of an geo and the Erledom of mayne caused the destructyon of this no ble man for they drad hym that he wold haue enpesshed that delyueraūce And after they sent his body to saynt Albons with cer teyne lyghtes for to be buryed And so syr Geruays of clyfton had than the charge to conueye the corps And so it was b●…ed at seynt albons in the abbey v persones of his houshold were sent to london and there were rayned Iuged to be drawen honged and quartred of whome the names were syre Rogyer chāburlayn knyght one myddelton a squyer Herbard a squyer arthur a squyer Richard Nedham whiche v persones were drawen from the tour of london thurgh chepe vnto Tyborn ther hā ged and late doune quyke and thenne stript for to haue ben heded and quartred And thenne the marquys of Suffolk shewed ther for them the kynges pardon vnder his grete seal soo they were pardonned of the remenaūt of the execucion had theyr lyues And soo they were brought agayne to london after frely delyuerd Thus bygan the trouble in the Reame of Englond for the dethe of this noble duk of Gloucestre Alle the comyns of the royame bygan for to murmure for it and were not content After that pope Eugenye was dede Nycholas the fyfthe was electr ●…o pe This nycholas was chosen for Eugenye yet hangyng the scis me Notwithstōdyng he gate the obedyence of al Cristen royames For after he was elect and sacred pope certayne lordes of Fraun ce and of englond were sente in to sauoye to pope Felix for to entrete hym to cesse of the papacye And by the special labour of the bisshop of Norwiche and the lord of saynt Iohans he cessed the se cond yere after that pope nycholas was sacred And the sayd Fe lyx was made legate of fraunce and cardynal of sauoye And resygned the hole papacye to Nycholas and after
armager tho was kyng gouerned the land wel nobly al his lifs tyme And this Armager gote a sonne on his wyfe that was callyd westmer And whiles that this armager regned seynt peter pre ched in antyoche ther he made a noble chirche in whiche he sate fyrste in his chaier ther he duellyd vij yere and after he wente to Rome was made pope til that nero the emperour lete hym martren tho prechyd openly al the apoostles in diuerse landes the right fayth And whan Armager had regned xxiiij yere he dyed and lyeth at london How kyng westmer yaf to Berynger an yland forlet and ther this berynger made the toune of Berwyk Ca xlj ANd after this Armager regned his sonne westmer a good man a worthy of body wel gouerned the lande Hit befell so that tydyng ca in to hym on a day that the kyng Roderick of gascoyne was come in to his land with a huge nombre of pe ple and was duellyng in staynesmore whan kynge Westmer herde tho tydynges he leete assemble an huge boost of britons come to the kyng roderyk yaf him batayll kyng westmer slewe roderik with his owne hondes in playn batayll whan king roderykes men sawe that hir lord was dede they yolden hem alle vnto the kyng westmer bicomen his men for euermore he yaf hem a coūtre that was forleten wherin they myght duelle thyder they went duellyd ther all hir lyfes tyme ix c men ther were of hem no mo left at that batayll Hir gouernour prin ce was callid berynger and anon he bigan a toun that they myght ther in duell haue resorte lete calle the toun berwyk vp●…wede ther they duellyd and bycame riche but they had no women amonges hem and the Britons wold not yeue hir doughters to the strangers wherfor they wit ouer see in to Irlond brought●… with hem women tho hem they spoused but the men coude not vnderstande the langage ne the speche of the women therfore they spoken to geder as scottes and afterward thurgh changyng of hyr langages in al feaunce they were callyd tho scottes and so shullen that folk of that countrey for euermore How kyng westmer lete arere a stone in the entryng of west merlād ther that he slow roderik and ther he bigan first housyng Capitulo xlij ANd after this bataill that is aboue said whan roderik was dede kyng westmer in remēbraūce of his vyctorye lete are●… ther besides the wey a grete stone an high and yet hit stant and euermore shal stande and lete graue in the stone lrēs that thus sa yd The kynge westmer of britayne slewe in this place Roderick his enemye and this westmer was the first man that made toun and hous in englond and at that stone begynneth westmerland that westmer lete calle after his own name whan westmer had so done he duellid all his lifes tyme in that countre of westmerlond for he loued that countre more than ony other coūtre And whan he hadde regned xxv yere he dyed and lyeth at Carleylle Of kyng Coyl that was westmers sone that helde his lande in pees his lyfes tyme Ca xliij AFter this kyng westmer regned his sone Coill a good ●…ā and a worthy and of good condicions and wel gouerued his lād and of al men he had loue and pees and in his time was neuer contaek debate ne werre in britayne and he regned and was kyng in pees al his lyfes tyme. and whan he had ben kyng xj yere he dyed and lyeth at york How kyng lucye regned after coill his fadre that was a gode man and after he bycome cristen Ca xliiij AFter kyng Coyll regued lucye his sone that was a good man to god and to al the peple he sent to rome to thapposthe enlenthere that tho was pope said that he wold become a cri stē mā and resseyue the baptisme in the name of god and tourne to the right byleue eul●…there sent ij legats that were callyd pagā and elybayn in to this land and baptised the kyng and al his meyne and after went fro toune to toune and baptised the peple til all the lande was baptised and this was in the C lvj yere af ter thyncarnacion of our lord ihu crist and this kyng lucye made tho in this lande ij Archebisshops one at caūterbury an other at york and other many bisshops that yet be in this lande whan these two legats had baptised al that londe they ordeyned prestes for to baptyse children for to make the sacrament after they went ageyne to Rome the kyng duellyd in his land regned with moch honour xij yere and after dyed and lyeth at gloucetre How this land was long withoute a kyng and how the bretons chosen a kyng Ca xl THis kyng lucye had none heyr of his body bigotē that was afterward grete harme sorow to the land For after this kyng lucyes deth none of the grete of the land wold suffre an other to be kyng but lyued in werre in debate amonges hem L yere without kyng but it befell afterward that a grete prince come fro Rome in to this land that me callyd Seuerye nought for to werre but for to saue the right of Rome but netheles he hadd not duellyd half a yere in this lande that the Britons ne slewe hym whan they of Rome wyst that seuerye was so slayne they sent another grete lorde in to this land that me callid Allec that was a strong man and a mighty of body duellyd in this lād long tyme did moche sorowe to the britons so that after for pure malyce they chosen hem a kynge amonges hem that me callyd astlepades assembled a grete hoost of Britons went to london to seche allec ther they foūden hym slewe hym all his felaus one callyd walon defended hym fyersly and fought long with the britons but atte last he was discomfyted the britons toke him and bonde handes and feet and cast him in to a water wher for that watir afterward was callid euermore walbroke tho reg ned astlepades in quyete till one of his erles that me callyd Coill made a fayre toune ageynste the kynges wyll and lete calle the toune colchestre after his name wherfor the king was ful wroth and thought destroye therle and bygan to werre vpon hym and brought grete power yaf batail to therle therle defended him fyersly with his power and slowe the kyng hym self in that bataylle tho was coill crouned made kyng of this lande This Coyl regned and gouerned the royalme wel and nobley for he was a noble man wel byloued amōg the britons Whan they of Rome herde that astlepodes was slayn they were wonder glad and sente another grete prynce of Romayns that was callyd constance and become to the kyng coyl
te And this peanda was soo proude that he nold graunte hym pees for no manere thyng but for all thyng he wold with hym fight so at the last ther was sette a day of batayll And oswy euer hadde trust vpon god And this peanda trust to moche vpon his pryde and vpon his hoost that he had to geder they s●… egrely but peanda anone was discomfyded slayne this was after thyn●…rnacion of our lord Ihesu crist vj C lv yere and this Oswy tho regned xxviij yere and a kyng that was callyd Oswyne that was peandais cosyn w●…rryd vpon kynge Oswy to gedre foughten but oswy had the victorye of oswyne oswyn was discomfyted slayne and lyeth at Cynnemouth How kyng Cadewaldre that was Cadewaleyn●… sone regned after his fadre and was the last kyng of briton●… Capitulo C ij o AFter the deth of Cadwaleyne regned his sone Cadwaladre wel nobly his m●…der was the suster of kyng peanda whan he hadde regned xij yere he fell in to a grete sykenes than was ther so grete discord bitwene the lordes of the land that euery werryd vpon other and yet in that tyme ther felle so grete derth and scarsyte of corne other vytaylles in this lond that a man myght go iij dayes or iiij fro toune to toune that he shold not fyn de to bye for gold ne for syluer brede wyne ne none other vytaill werwith a man myght leue but only the people lyued by rotes of herbes for other lyuyng had they none so moch was it failled alle about Fysshes wylde beestes al other thyng so that yet to this mysauenture ther fell so grete mortalyte pestylence among the peple by the corrupcion of the eyer that the lyuyng peple ne suffysed not to burye the dede bodyes fer they deide so sodenly both grece smale lord seruaunt etyng goyng spekyng so that ne uer was herd of more sodayne deth among the peple for he that went for to burye the body with the same dede body was buryed They that myghten flee fledden forsoke hir landes howses as wel for the grete honger derth scarsyte of corne of other vytayle as for the horryble mortalyte pestylence in the land wen●…n in to other landes for to saue hir lynes left the land all desert and waste so that ther was not ony man to trauayll till the lond ne ere ne sowe so that the lād was bareyn of cornes all other fruites for defaute of tylyers this mysauenture 〈◊〉 ●…ed enlenen yere and moo that no man myght ere ne sowe How Cadwaladre went out of this land in to lytel britayne CAdwaladre sawe the grete honger mortalyte pestylence and the lond al poure and faylyng cornes other vytaylles his folke perysshed and sawe also the moost partye of hys land al wasted and wide of peple he apparaylled hym his folk that were left on lyue and passed ouer in to lytel britayne with a lytel nauye vnto kyng aleyne that he moch loued that was his cosyn that his fader had moche loued in his tyme and as they sayled in the see he made gre●…e lamentacion so dyd al tho that were with hym and sayd Dedisti nos domine tamquam oues escarum in gentibus dispersisti nos ANd than bygan Cadwaladre to compleyn hym to his folke pytously and sayd Allas sayd he to vs wretches and Caytyf For why for oure grete synnes of the whiche we wolde not amende vs while we had space of repentaūce is comen vpon vs thys mysauenture whyche chaceth vs oute of oure owne realme propre soyle fro oute of whiche somtyme Romaynes Scottes ▪ Saxons ne danes myght not exylen vs But what au a yleth it now to vs that byfore tyme oftsides haue goten many other landes syth it is not the wyll of god that we abyde duel le in our owne lond God that is veray Iugge that al thynges knoweth byfore they be done or made he seeth that we wold not cesse of our synnes and that our enemyes ne myght not vs ne our lygnage exylen fro and out of our realme he wold that we amende vs of our folyes and that we seen our propre defaultes therfor hath he shewed to vs his wrath will chastyse vs of our mysdedes Sith that he doth vs withoute bataylle or strength of our enemyes by grete companyes wretchedly to leue our own realme and propre lande Tourne ageyne ye Romaynes turne ageyne ye scottes Tourne ageyne ye Saxons tourne ageyne ye Fraunsoys now sheweth to yow Brytayne al desert the which your power myght neuer make desert ne yet your power hath not nowe put vs in exyle but only the power of the kyng almygh ty whome we haue oft offended by our folyes the which we wol de not leuen vntil he chastysed vs by his dyuyne power Among the wordes and lamentacion that the kyng Cadwaladre made to his folk they arryued in lytel britayne and come to kyng aleyne before sayde And the kynge resseyned hym with Ioye and made hym to be serued wonder nobly and there he duellyd longe tyme after The englyssh peple that were left on lyue and were escaped the grete honger and mortalyte lyued in the best wyse that they myght and moche peple sprong and come of hem And they senten in to Saxon wher they were ●…rne to hy●… frē des for men women children to restore the cytees with peple other tounes that were al wide of peple and for to labour traua ylle and tillen the erthe whan the saxons had herd this tydyng they comen in to this lande wonder thykke in grete companyes And lodged and herburghed hem in the countrey al aboute where they wold For they founde no man hem to lette ne withstonde And so they woxen and multyplyed gretely and vsed the custom mes of the countreyes wherof they were comen and the lawes and the langage of hir owne land And they chaunged the names of citees tounes castels burghes yaf hem names called hem as they be now callyd And they helden the Countres baronages lordshippes and trees in maner as the britons byfore tyme had compaced hem And among other grete companyes that co me fro germanye in to this land came the noble quene that was called sexburga with men and women withoute nombre and ar ryued in the countre of northumberlond and toke the lande from Albyone in to Corne wayle for hir for hir folk For ther was none that myghten letten hem for al was desolat wide of peple But it were a fewe poure britons that were left in montaynes and wodes vn till that tyme And fro that tyme forth losten Bri tons the royame for al dayes And the englysshe peple begonne to regne and departed the land bytwene hem and they made ma ny kynges aboute by dyuerse
faders deth the seuententh yere of his regne How Artur that was the sone of Vter was crouned after his fadres deth how he drofe Colegryne and the saxons 〈◊〉 of Almayne oute of this land Ca 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 WHan Arthur was made kyng of the lād he was but yong of age of xv yere but he was fayre and bolde and doubty of body and to meke folke he was good and courtoys and large of spendyng made hym wel byloued among al men there that it was nede And whan he bygan to regne he swore that the saxōs neuer shold haue pees ne rest til that he had dryue hem out of his land lete assemble a grete hoost fought with Colegry ne thr whiche after tyme that Otta was dede the saxons maynte ned And this Colegryne was discomfyted fled vnto yorke toke the toune ther he helde hym And the kyng besyeged that toun but he myght nothyng spede for the toune was so strong●… they within kepte the toune wel orpedly and in the mene tyme Colgryne lete the toune to bladulf fled hym self to cheldri●… that was king of Almayn for to haue of hym socour the kyng assembled a grete power come arryued in scotland with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shippes whan Arthur wyst of this tydyng that he he had not power strēgth ynouw for to fight ageynst cheldri●… he lete ●…en the siege went to london sent anon his lettres to the kyng of 〈◊〉 britayn that was callid ●…oel his neuew his sustres sonne that he sholde come to hym with al the power that he myght he assembled a grete hoost arryued at southhampton And whan kyng Arthur it wyst he was glad ynow went ayenst hem hem re sceyued with moche honour so that tho two hoostes hem assēbled token hir wey euen to nychol that chelderyk had besyeged but nought yet taken And they come vpon cheldryk vpon his peple er they it wyst ther that they were hem egrely assaylled The kyng cheldryk his meyny defended hem manly by hyr power But kyng Arthur his men slewe so many saxons that ne uer er was seyn suche a slaughter And cheldryk his men that were leften alyue fledden aweye And Arthur hem ponrsued drofe hem in to a wode that they myght no ferther passe cheldrik his men sawe wel that they were brought in so moche dysese hem yolden to Arthur in this maner that he shold take hir hors hir armour and all that they had they must only gone a fote 〈◊〉 to hir shippes so they wold gone in to hyr owne land neuer come ageyn in to this land vpon assuraūce of this thyng they yeuen hym good hostages Arthur by coūceylle of his men graunted this thyng resseyued the hostages And herupon the other went to hyr shippes And whan they were in the hygh see her wyll changed as the deuyl it wolde they retourned hir nauye come ageyne in to this lande arryued at tottenesse and went out of hir shippes toke the land clene robbed it moch peple slew and token all the armure that they myght fynde so they wente forth til they come to bathe But the men of the toun shit fast hyr yates and wold not suffre hem come within the tou ne and they defended hem wel orpedly ageynst hem How Arthur yafe bataill to the saxons whan they come ayen and besyeged the tonne of bathe hem ouercome Ca Lxxiiij WHan Arthur herd this tydyng anone he lete honge the hostages and lefte hoele of britayne his neueu for to kepe the marche toward scotland with half his peple and hym self went to helpe reskew the toune of bathe whan he come thyder he yafe a stronge batayll to cheldryk slewe al most al the peple that he had for noo man myght hym withstond ne endure the stroke of his suerde And ther bothe were slayne Colgryne and 〈◊〉 his broder And cheldrik fledde thens wold haue go ne to his shippes ▪ but whan Artur it wyst he toke x M knyghtes to Cador that was erle of Cornewayle for to lette stoppe his co myng And arthur hym self went toward the marche of scotlond For messagers told hym that the scottes had besyeged hoel of bri tayne ther that he lay seke and therfor he hasted thyderward And Cador pursued after Cheldryk toke him er he myght come to his shippes slewe Cheldryk and his peple And whan Cador had done this vyage he hasted hym ageyne as fast as he myght towardes Arthur and fonde hym in scotland ther that he had re seued hoel of britayn But the scottes were al ferre within mon ref And ther they helde hem a whyle but Arthur hem pursued they fled thens in to lymoygne that were in that countre ●…x Iles and grete plente of briddes grete plente of egles that were woned to crye fyghte to geders make grete noyse whan folke come to robbe that land and werren as moche as they myght and so they dyden for the scottes were so grete rauenours that they to ke al that they myght fynde in the land of lymoygne without ony sparynge And therwith they charged ageyne the folk in to scotland for to wende How kyng Arthur axed of Merlyn the auentures of six the last kyn̄ges that weren to regne in englond how the land shold ende Ca lxxv SIr qd merlyn in the yere of yncarnacion of Ihesu criste M CC xv shal come a lambe oute of wynchestre that shal ha ue a whyte tonge and trewe lyppes he shal haue wryten in his herte holynesse This lambe shold make many goddes houses he shal haue pees the moost part of al his lyfe And he shal make one of the fayrest places of the worlde that in this tyme shall not fully be made an ende And in the ende of his lyf a wolf of a straūge lond shal do hym moche harme sorow thurgh werre but at th ende the lambe shal be mayster thurgh helpe of a rede fox that shal come oute of the northwest and hym shal ouercome and the wolf shal dye in water and after that tyme the lambe shal lyue no whyle that he ne shal dye His fede than shal ben in a straūge land the land shal be without a gouernour a lytel whyle ANd after his tyme shal come a dragon melled with mercy and este with wodenes that shal haue a berd as a goot that shalle yeue in Englonde shadowe And shalle kepe the lande from colde and hete his owne foote shal be fet●… in wy●…e that other in london he shal enbrace inhabytacions he shal open his mouth toward walys the trembling of the hydour of his mouth his ere 's shal stretche toward many habit●…ūs countreis his breth shal be ful swete in straūge land And
in his tyme shal the Ryuers renne with blode and with brayne and he shal make in places of his land walles that shull doo moche harme vnto his se ed after his tyme. Than shal ther come a peple oute of the northwest duryng his regne that shal be ladde thurgh out a wykked hare that the dragon shal done croune kyng that afterward shall flee ouer the see without comyng ageyne for drede of the dragon And in that tyme the sonne shal be as rede as blode as me shull see thurgh al the world that shal bytoken grete pestyle nee deth of folk thurgh dent of swerd and that peple shal ben faderles til the tyme that the dragon shal dye thurgh an hare that shal meue ayenst hym werre vnto the ende of his lyf that shal not fully ben ended in his tyme This dragon shal be hold in his tyme the best body of the world and he shal dye besyde the marches of a straū ge land the land shall duelle faderles withoute a good gouer nour and me shal wepe for his deth from the yle of shepey vnto the hauen of marcyll wherfore allas shal be the commune songe of faderles folk that shal ouerlyuen in his land destroyed ANd after this dragon shal come a goot oute of kar that shal haue hornes and a berde of siluer and ther shal come oute of his nostrel a domp that shal betoken honger sorowe greete deth of the peple and moche of his land in the begynnyng of his regne shal be wasted This goot shal goo ouer to Fraunce shal opene the flout of his lyf and of deth In his tyme ther shal arryse an egle in Cornewayle that shalle haue fethers of gold that of pride shal be without pere of the lād and he shal despyse lordes of blode and after he shall flee shamefully by a bere at Gauerseche and after shul be made bridges of men vpon the costes of the see and stones shal falle fro castels 〈◊〉 many other townes shul be made playn In his tyme shall seme that the bere shal brenne and a bataylle shal be done vpon the armes of the see in a feld ordeyned as a s●…de And at that bataylle shal dye many whyte heedes wherfore his bataylle shal be callyd the whyte bataylle And the forsayd bere shal done this gote moche harme and it shal come oute of the southwest of his blode than shal the gote ●…se moche of this lande til at the tyme that shendship shal hym ouercome than he shal clothe hym in a lyon skynne than shal he wynne that he hadde loste more therto For a peple shal come out of the northwest that shal make the goot sore adrad he shal auenge hym of his enemyes thurgh counceyl of two owles that fyrst shall be in perylle for to bene vndone but the olde oule shall wende a certayne tyme after he shal come ageyne in to this lond These two owles shullen done grete harme to many on so they shal eoun●…eylle the gote that he shold arere werre ageynst the for sayd bere at the last the goot and the owles shall come at bur ton vp Trent and shal wende ouer and for drede the bere shalle flee and aswan with hym fro his companye to burton toward the north ther they shul ben with an hard shour and the swan shal ther be slayne with sorow the bere taken byheded alther next his nest that shal stonde vpon a broken brydge on whome the son ne shal cast hyr bemes many shal hym seke for ver●…u that fro hym shal come In the same shal dye for sorow care a peple of his land so that many landes shal ben on hym the more bolder af terward and tho two owles shul doo moche harme to the forsaid flour of lyse and hir shull lede in destresse so that she shal passe ouer in to Fraunce for to make pees bitwene the goot the floure delise ther she shal duelle till a tyme that hir seed shal come se che hir they shullen he stylle till a tyme that they shull hem clo the with grace they shull seche the oules shul put hem to des pytous deth And after shal this gote ben brought to dysese and grete anguyssh and in sorowe he shal leue al his lyfe AFtre this gote shal come out of wyndesore a bore that shal haue an hede of whyte a lyons herte and a pytous so●…yng His vysage hal be rest to seke men His worde shal be stanching of ther●… To hem that ben a thyrste hys worde shall be Gospell His beryng shall be meke as a lambe In the fyrst yere of his regne he shall haue grete payne to Iustyfye hem that ben vntrewe And in his tyme shalle his lande bee multyplyed with Alyens And this ●…ore thurgh fyersenes of herte that he shal haue shalle maste wulues bycome lambes And he shalle bee callyd thurgh oute of the world bore of holynes fyersnes of noblesse and of mekenes he shal done mesurably al that he shal haue to done vn to the burgh of Ierusalem he shal whette his teeth vpon the ya tes of parys and vpon four landes Spayne shal tremble for dre de Gascoyne shal swete In fraunce he shal putte his wynge hys grete tayl shall rest in englond and softely Almayne shal quake for drede of hym This bore shal yeue mantels to two townes of Englonde and shal make the Ryuer renne with bloode wyth brayne he shal make many mede wes reede and he shal gete as moche as his auncestres dyden and er that he be dede he shal bere thre crounes and he shal put a land in to grete subiection and af terward it shal be releued but not in his tyme This bore after he is dede for his doughtynesse shal be entered at Coloygne and hys land shal than be fulfylled of all good AFter this bore shal come a lambe that shal haue feet of bede an hede of bras an hert of a loppe a swynes skyn and an harde and in his tyme his lande shal be in pees the fyrste yere of his regne he shal do make a Cyte that all the world shal spe ke therof this lambe shal leue in his tyme a grete part of his lōde thurgh an hidous wolfe but he shal recouer it yeue a lordship to an egle of his londes and thys Egle shall wel gouerne it til the tyme that pryde shal hym ouergone Allas the sorowe For he shal deye of his broders suerd and after shal the lande fall to the forsayd lambe that shall gouerne the land in pees all his lyfe tyme And after he shall dye and the land be fulfylled of all maner good AFter this lambe shal come a mold warpe cursed of goddes mouth a caytyf a coward an hare he shal haue an erthely skynne as a gote vengeaunce shal falle