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A48299 Lex Londinensis, or, The city law shewing the powers, customs, and practice of all the several courts belonging to the famous city of London ... : together with several acts of Common Councel, very useful and necessary to be known by all merchants, citizens, and freemen of the said city : and also, a method for the ministers within the said city to recover their tithes : with a table to the whole book. City of London (England). Court of Common Council. 1680 (1680) Wing L1858; ESTC R2792 111,597 280

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then the said Orphan or Orphans or every of them shall forfeit and lose three shillings for every pound due or to be due unto her or them by virtue of any Orphanage or Custom had or used within the said City one shilling of the said three shillings of every pound to go or to be to the use of the Chamber of the said City in such manner and form as is aforesaid and the other two shillings so forfeited of every pound to go to the use of such other Orphan or Orphans as then shall remain unmarried or else for default of such Orphans or Orphan to remain to the next of the Kindred of the Orphan so offending Also be it further Enacted Ordained and Established by Authority aforesaid for and in discharge of divers Variances Contentions and Suits that daily heretofore have and hereafter may ensue That if a Freeman's child man or woman fortune to be married hereafter in the life time of his or their Father by this consent and not fully advanced of and to his and her full part or portion of his or her said Fathers Goods as he shall be worth at the time of his decease according to the ancient Laws and Customs of the said City That then every such Freemans child so being married in the life time of his or her Father shall be to all intents and purposes disabled to demand any further part or portion of his or her Fathers Goods after the decease of his or her Father but shall be adjudged reputed or taken to be fully advanced according to the Law and Custom of this City and hath been long time out of mind except his or her said Father do mention certainly in the last Will or Testament or by some other writing signed with his own proper name or mark the certainty of the sum or sums Goods or Chattels and the value of them that the Father gave paid or departed withal or otherwise assured or hereafter shall give pay depart withal or otherwise make assurance of unto him or her before at or after the marriage of him or her or otherwise in his life time for and towards their advancement in the name of his or her part or portion and then every such Orphan or Child which after the decease of his or her said Father can bring forth the said Testament or other Writing signed or marked with the Fathers hand or mark wherein the certainty of such Money Goods or Chattels as they gave or shall have received of their said Father or by the same Father assured by Specialty or otherwise shall have as much more of the ready Money Goods Chattels and Debts of the said Father as with that which he or they shall have received towards their advancement in the life of the said Father shall make up a full childs part of his Goods and Chattels as he shall be worth at the time of his decease the same to be demanded asked and claimed or sued for against the Executor or Executors Administrator or Administrators of the Goods and Chattels of the said Father by Bill original to be commenced in our Sovereign Lord the King's Court holden in the utter Chamber of the Guildhall of the said City before the said Lord Major and Aldermen of the same City for the time being any Law or Custom heretofore made or used to the contrary notwithstanding In which Action no wager of Law or Essoin shall be admitted or allowed Provided always and it is further enacted That if any Freemans Son being of full age which shall hereafter be married with the consent of his Father or any other person being of full age which shall hereafter marry any Freemans Daughter do at the time of the Espousals or at any time after confess themselves by writing fully satisfied of his or their portions or do otherwise or discharge the said Father of such Sons or Daughters of all their part and portion due or to be due by the Law and Custom of the City that then every such person so confessing acquitting or otherwise discharging shall be reputed and taken as fully advanced of his or their whole part or portion and shall not be able to demand any further or greater part of the Substance Goods and Chattels of his or her Father this Law or any other Law or Custom heretofore made or used to the contrary notwithstanding And further Forasmuch as it is thought very prejudicial and hurtful to the Fatherless Children and Orphans when the Mother or Mother-in-law being Executor of the last Will and Testament of her late Husband by whom and after whose death the Orphans are entituled to an Orphanage according to the laudable Customs and Ordinances of this City do divers times marry or contract Matrimony some with forreigners and persons unknown and some with Freemen before a just Inventory of the Goods Chattels Plate Iewels and ready Money of the Testators be by them brought in by reason whereof many times they either for fear or affection of their Husbands or for some other sinister cause do bring in very suspicious Inventories omitting therein either ready Money Plate Iewels or Debts or some other thing or things whereby some benefit should redound to the Fatherless children to the great loss and hinderance of the Orphans and sometimes slander to the Lord Major and Aldermen of this City notwithstanding the great care and travel that they take for the good ordering and true answering of the said Orphans It is therefore by like Authority ordained established and enacted That if after the First day of November next ensuing any Widow which is or shall be made Executor of the Testament and last Will of her late Husband being a Freeman or shall take upon her the Administration of the Goods and Chattels of her late Husband being a Freeman do not upon her Oath bring in and exhibit or cause to be brought in or exhibited before the Lord Major and Aldermen of this City for the time being at and in a Court of Aldermen a just and perfect Inventory to their knowledge of all the Goods Chattels Plate and Iewels ready Money and Debts as were her said Husbands at the time of his death appraised according to the Law of the said City before she do ensure herself in marriage or contract marriage or else according to the Laws of the Realm do perfectly solemnize or consummate marriage with any person before such time as aforesaid that then every person so offending shall forfeit and lose eight shillings of every pound of her portion of the Goods of her late Husband due to her by the laudable Customs of the said City the same to go to the use of such Orphan or Orphans as then shall be intituled to have or demand any Orphanage or Portion after the death of his or her late Father the same so demanded asked claimed or sued against such Executor or Administrator and by Bill original of Debt to be commenced in our
memory King Henry the Eighth as a course thought fit and agreeable for that time Ordain establish and enact that no manner of person or persons being estrange from the liberties of the said City from thenceforth should hold or keep any open Shop or Shops within the said City or Liberties of the same neither with any Lattice before nor yet without Lattice certain numbers of poor men occupying the Seat of Botchers Tailors and Coblers only except upon pain of Imprisonment and also to forfeit and pay Forty shillings to the use of the Commonalty of this City as often times as he or they should do the contrary And where also the Lord Major Aldermen and Commons of the same City did afterwards the Twentieth day of January in the said Seventeenth year of King Henry the Eighth reciting that whereas a Common Councel holden the Sixteenth day of May in the Seventeenth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eeighth It was ordained and enacted That no manner of person or persons being estrange from the Liberties of this City from thenceforth should hold or keep any Shop or Shops within this City or the Liberties of the same neither with any Lattices before nor yet without any Lattice upon pain of Imprisonment further ordain and establish That if any person or persons being Forreign should hold and keep any open Shop or Shops as is aforesaid he should forfeit for every time so doing Forty shillings to be levied by distress to the use of the Commonalty of the said City by the Chamberlin for the time being or other Officer of this City And also have Imprisonment by direction of the Major and Aldermen for the time being Now forasmuch as divers and sundry Strangers and Forreigners from the Liberties of the said City nothing regarding the said ancient Charters Franchises Customs or Liberties of the said City and Acts and Ordinances heretofore made according to the same but wholly intending their private profit have of late years devised and practised by sinister and subtil means how to defraud and defeat the said Charters Liberties Customs good Grders and Ordinances and to that end do now inwardly in privy and secret places usually and ordinarily shew sell and put to sale their Wares and Merchandizes and use Arts Trade Occupation Mysteries and Handicrafts within the said City and Liberties of the same to the great detriment and hurt of the Freemen of the said City who pay lot and scot bear Offices and undergo other Charges which Strangers and others not Free are not chargeable withal nor will perform For reformation of which disorders and avoiding of such prejudice and damages as thereby groweth to the Freemen of the said City and is now more of late used then was in any time heretofore suffered and to provide for the common profit and good of the Freemen and Citizens of this City It is therefore by the Lord Major and Aldermen and Commons in this Common Councel assembled ordained and established that no person whatsoever not being Free of this City of London shall at any time after the Feast of St. Michael now next ensuing by any colour way or means whatsoever either directly or indirectly by himself or by any other shew sell or put to sale any Wares or Merchandizes whatsoever by Retail within the City of London or the Liberties or Suburbs of the same upon pain to forfeit to the Chamberlin of the City of London for the time being to the use of the Major and Commonalty of the said City the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England for every time wherein such person shall shew sell or put to sale any Wares or Merchandizes by Retail within the said City Liberties or Suburbs thereof contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof And it is further ordained and established That no person whatsoever not being free of the City of London shall at any time after the said Feast of St. Michael now next ensuing by any colour way or means whatsoever directly or indirectly by himself or by any other keep any Shop or other place whatsoever inward or outward for shew sale or putting to sale of any Wares or Merchandizes whatsoever by way of Retail or use any Art Trade Occupation Mystery or Handicraft whatsoever within the said City or the Liberties or Suburbs of the same upon pain to forfeit the sum of Five pounds of lawful money of England for every time wherein such persons shall keep any Shop or other place whatsoever inward or outward for shew sale or putting to sale of any Wares or Merchandizes whatsoever by way of Retail or use any Art Trade Occupation Mystery or Handicraft whatsoever within the said City or Liberty or Suburbs of the same contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof All which pains penalties forfeitures and sums of money to be forfeited by virtue of this Act or Ordinance shall be recorded by Action of Debt Bill Plaint to be prosecuted in the name of the Chamberlin of the City of London for the time being in the Kings Majesties Court to be holden in the Chamber of the Guild-hall of the City of London before the Lord Major and Aldermen of the said City wherein no essoin or wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed for the Defendants And that the Chamberlin of the City for the time being shall in all Suits to be prosecuted by virtue of this Act or Ordinance against any Offender recover the ordinary Costs of Suit to be expended in and about the prosecution thereof And further that one equal third part of all Forfeitures to be recovered by virtue hereof The costs of the Suits for recovery of the same being deducted and avowed shall be after the recovery and receipt thereof paid and delivered to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital to be imployed towards the relief of the poor Children to be brought up and maintained in the said Hospital and one other equal third part to him or them which shall first give Information of the Offences for which such Forfeitures shall grow and prosecute Suit in the name of the Chamberlin of the said City for recovery of the same any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided always that this Act or Ordinance or any thing herein contained shall not extend to any person or persons for bringing or causing to be brought any Victual to be sold within this City or the Liberties thereof but that they and every of them may sell Victual within the said City and the Liberties thereof as they might lawfully have done at the making hereof any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding If a Freeman of London shall imploy a Forreigner to work within the City or Liberties he forfeits 5 l. a day and an Action lies against him for the same In like manner pursuant to an Act of Common Councel made in the Majoralty of Sir William Garrard Knight which Act is as followeth
Interest for any Money that shall be paid into the Chamber of London by any Executor or Administrator belonging to any Freemans Estate until such time as the Executor or Administrator of such Freeman do bring in and exhibit upon Oath a true and perfect Inventory to his knowledge of all the Goods Chattels Plate Jewels ready Money and Debts which did belong to such Freeman at the time of his death It is the interest and advantage of all Executors and Administrators of Freemen to exhibit Inventories of the Estates of such Freeman within the time limited and appointed by the Court of Aldermen for the doing thereof especially such as shall leave no greater Estate then to pay their Debts For if upon the bringing any Inventory into the Court of Aldermen it shall appear to the Court that the Testator did not leave more Estate then to pay his just Debts in such case the Court will discharge such Executor or Administrator of the Recognizance he gave for exhibiting an Inventory without paying any Fee to any Officer whatsoever Provided such Executor or Administrator bring in such Inventory when he shall have notice from Mr. Common Crier so to do The Court of Aldermen do commit the custody of Orphans to such person or persons as they shall think sit and if any person whatsoever do intermarry with any Orphan without the consent of the same Court first obtained such person may be fined by the said Court according to the quality and portion of the Orphan and unless such person do pay the Fine or give Bond to pay the same in some reasonable time the Court of Aldermen may commit him to Newgate there to remain until he submit to their order And although such person shall have ten times a better Estate then the Orphan he intermarries yet he must submit to pay such Fine as the Court shall impose upon him But if he settle an Estate upon the Orphan as the Court shall direct and make application to the same Court by Petition to have the Fine remitted they will in probability shew favour to such person as they have done in the like cases This Custom hath been adjudged reasonable and was argued in the Court of Kings Bench in the Case of a Merchant that had a good Estate who intermarried with an Orphan without the consent of the Court of Aldermen The Orphan had but 200 l. or thereabouts in the Chamber of London but her Portion was 800 l. and upon hearing the matter in the Court of Aldermen the Merchant did seem to justifie himself because he had the consent of the Orphans Relations Thereupon the Court ordered him to pay 40 l. as a Fine which he refused and was committed to Newgate And after some considerable time he brought a Habeas Corpus which was allowed and the cause of his Imprisonment returned and upon perusal of the Return and after long debate had by Counsel on both sides the Court of Kings Bench remanded the Gentleman back to Prison and directed him to submit to the Court of Aldermen which he did by paying the Fine and was thereupon discharged but upon his humble Suit to the Court a great part of his Fine was returned The Lord Major Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Councel have made several good Acts and Orders to prevent Freemens Children from marryi●● without the consent of their Parents and Guardians and to keep them from vicious Courses more particularly by an Act of Common Councel in the Majoralty of Sir Andrew Judd Knight in the Fifth year of King Edward the Sixth It is enacted and established for a Law perpetual to be observed and kept within the said City as followeth viz. FIrst If any Manchild or Woman-child shall maliciously go about or attempt to do or cause to be done any bodily harm death or destruction to his or their Father or Mother or if any Mankind do hereafter marry or contract marriage in the life of his Father or Mother by whom he will claim any portion under the age of One and twenty years without the consent of his said Father or Mother by whom he will claim any portion or if any Woman-child do hereafter marry or contract marriage in the life time of her Father or Mother or other Parents by whom she shall claim any portion before the age of eighteen years without the consent of her Father or such other Parent by whom she shall or may claim any portion or if any Manchild be a Chief or a Felon or common Whore-hunter or common Dicer or common player at unlawful Games notoriously known or if any Womanchild shall hereafter commit any whoredom or be a common picker that then every of the persons so offending shall be barred and excluded to have or demand any portion Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Father or Mother of any such Child or Children to give and bequeath in Legacy to such Child or Children asmuch as the portion of such Child so offending shall amount unto by the Custom of the said City and then such child thereby to be enabled to have and demand the same as portion this Act notwithstanding so that the same Legacy be contained in his or their Testament in writing and not otherwise and that then and from thenceforth his said child or children to be admitted and restored to claim such Legacy or Legacies in such sort manner and form as if there had been never such offence done or committed by any such child Item It is further ordained enacted authorized and established by Authority aforesaid That if any Womanchild being an Orphan and under the age of One and twenty years at any time hereafter after the death of her Father do censure or contract herself in marriage or else according to the Ecclesiastical Laws of this Realm do perfectly solemnize or consummate marriage with any Freeman of this City the consent and agreement of the Lord Major and Aldermen of the said City of London for the time being not obtained and had that then for every such default and offence committed or done by any Orphan or Orphans of the said City the same being confessed or sufficiently proved by two Witnesses or otherwise before the Lord Major and Aldermen of the said City of London for the time being at and in a Court of Aldermen she or they that so happens to behave her or themselves as is aforesaid shall forfeit and forego and lose 12 d. of and for every pound so due or to be due unto her or them by reason of any such Orphanage the said sum of 12 d. for every pound to go or be to the use of the Chamber of the said City according to the ancient Custom before this time in such case used And if the said contract or marriage of such Orphan or Orphans be made with any forreign not being free of this City at the time of any such contract or marriage made that
passage pickage lastage pontage murage prisage of Wines or any like Custome of the said Citizens their Attorneys Factors Assigns or Servants contrary to the said Priviledges Franchises Liberties and free Customs for and in right of the said Citizens after that they or any of them shall so lack and default of right in that behalf the Sheriffs of the said City of London shall take within the said City of London therefore Distress or Distresses of other person or persons and parties resorting to the said City of London of the Town Burrough Place or City where the said Citizens of London were so grieved molested troubled or vexed or toll prisage lastage pirage pontage paunage murage prisage of Wines or any other Customs shall be free had or taken contrary to the said Liberties Franchises Priviledges and free Customs aforesaid Therefore in our Friendliest manner we pray require and exhort you and every of you in eschewing of further troubles and variances that you nor any of you molest or trouble or cause to be molested or troubled by any means or in any wise our well-beloved Citizen R. G. Citizen and Draper of London for his Goods Wares and Merchandizes contrary or against the tenour or effect of the said Freedoms Franchises Liberties Customs and Priviledges aforesaid and if ye have troubled or molested or suffered or caused to be troubled or molested or shall at any time or times hereafter trouble or molest our said Citizen his Servants Factors Attorneys or Assigns or any of them Or if you take or have taken of the same our Citizen or any of his Attorneys Factors or Servants any thing contrary to the tenour and effect of the Freedoms Liberties Franchises Customs and Priviledges aforesaid we pray and require you and every of you to discharge or cause to be discharged our said Citizen his Factors Servants and Goods and that restitution or amends be made to him them or one of them as of right it ought to be so that for default of Iustice we be not constrained or compelled to execute or cause to be executed the penalties and pains in the said Charters and Grants contained In witness c. The Lord Major of London may grant his Warrant to Distrein the Goods of Forreigners who shall refuse to pay the Duties of Balliage for Wares and Merchandizes brought to the City of London by Water westward The Form of which Warrant is in these words Lond ' ss TO all Christian People to whom these presents shall come or the same shall see hear or read Sir T. D. Knight Lord Major of the City of London sendeth Greeting Whereas the Duties for Tolls and Balliage due and payable for Goods and Merchandizes brought to this City and Liberties thereof and carried and conveyed from the same as well by Water as by Land by Strangers and Forreigners from the Liberties of the same City and other persons not lawfully discharged from payment thereof time out of mind have appertained and still do appertain to the Major Commonalty and Citizens of the said City and time out of mind have been accustomed to be demanded gathered and levied by certain Officers and Ministers thereunto appointed and authorized who have answered and still do answer several Rents for the same towards the Fee-farm of three hundred pounds yearly paid into the Court of Exchequer which Duties of Toll and Balliage are by the Franchises of the said City confirmed by Parliament to the said Major Commonalty and Citizens of London which time out of mind they have enjoyed and ought to enjoy And whereas I am informed that the said Duties are many times wrongfully detained to the prejudice of the Franchises and Liberties of this City These are therefore to require all Barge-Masters Hoy-Masters Liter-men and all Masters of Vessels whatsoever that bring or carry Goods to or from this City from London-Bridge westward at all time and times whatsoever to give a particular account of the said Goods in their Vessels and the several persons they belong unto to T. C. who is deputed and appointed under the Common Seal of the said Major Commonalty and Citizens to collect levy and receive the said Duties for all Goods Wares and Merchandizes whatsoever coming in or passing forth by water from London-Bridge westward to or from the said City or Liberties thereof And these are further to authorize the said T. C. to raise levy and receive the said Duties And upon denial of payment thereof or any part thereof to Distrein on the Goods and Chattels of the person or persons so offending or denying as well by Water as by Land within the Liberties of the said City and for refusal to make sale thereof immediately and return the overplus according to Law And for want of such Distress from time to time and at all times as often as occasion shall require to bring before me or some other of His Majesties Iustices of the Peace within this City and Liberties the person or persons so offending refusing or neglecting payment resisting or breaking the Peace And these are in his Majesties Name strictly to charge and command all Constables Wharfingers and Meters of Sea-coals Corn and Salt and all other Officers and Ministers whatsoever within this City and Liberties that they from time to time as often as occasion requireth be aiding and assisting to the said T. C. And that they from time to time do their best endeavours to see the said Duty paid and his Majesties Peace kept in the due execution of the Premisses And that they or some of them bring before me or some other of his Majesties Iustices of the Peace within this City and Liberties all and every such person and persons as shall break or at least disturb the Peace or use any violence or opposition in the lawful and due execution of the Premisses or that shall refuse to pay the Duties aforesaid or any part thereof And hereof I require the said Constables and all other Officers and Ministers or any other person or persons being thereunto required not to fail as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their perils c. His Lordship may also grant a Warrant against Hawkers with Flesh-meat The Form whereof is as followeth London ss WHereas I am informed that divers Butchers and other persons having often times heretofore in Lanes Alleys Inns Warehouses Streets Stalls Passages and other places within this City and Liberties thereof offered and there put to sale by way of Hawking in secret manner Beef Deal Pork Mutton Lamb and other Flesh refusing to bring the same to be sold in any Butchers Shop or Markets of this City which Flesh so offered to be sold hath oftentimes been corrupt rotten and unwholsome And such practices are contrary to ancient Customs of this City and in particular contrary to the late Act of Common Council made in the Majoralty of Sir George Waterman Kt. late Lord Major of this City whereby it is provided
that the Flesh so offered to be put to sale shall be forfeited and disposed of to such Prisons of this City as the Lord Major for the time being shall direct and appoint Now it being found by Experience that such secret Offenders shun and escape all search and due punishment and the Markets of this City are thereby neglected and decayed And such secret sales of Flesh are also found to be a means of encouraging many thievish idle and ill-disposed persons to steal Cattle in the Country and parts adjacent to this City to the great deceipt and damage of his Majesties Subjects and scandal of the Government of this City For the prevention whereof for the future These are in his Majesties Name straitly to charge and command you forthwith on sight hereof to be from time to time Aiding and Assisting unto the Bearer or Bearers hereof and every of them who shall from time to time give you notice of such Offenders And you are hereby required to apprehend and bring before me or some other of his Majesties Iustices of the Peace the body or bodies of all such Offenders as shall hereafter be found to sell or offer to be put to sale in such manner any Beef Pork Mutton Lamb or Deal by way of Hawking in any Inn Lane Ware-house or other obscure place or open Street within this City or Liberties thereof to be examined and dealt withal as to Law and Iustice shall appertain And also that you seize such Flesh so offered to be put to sale by way of Hawking in such manner and bring it before me or some other of his Majesties Iustices of the Peace to the end that it may be disposed of as by the said Act is limitted and appointed And hereof fail not Given under my Hand and Seal c. To all and every the Constables within the City of London and Liberties thereof This Warrant is usually granted pursuant to an Act of Common Councel Intituled An Act for the settlement and well-ordering of several publick Markets within the City of London Which Act is in these words FOr the better Order and Regulation to be had of the Market at Leaden-hall and the Greenyards there with the other Market Grounds thereunto belonging and of the Market at Wool-church and the Market of Honey-lane or Milk-street as also the Market near Newgate and all other Common Markets already settled and appointed or which hereafter shall be settled and appointed within the City of London Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Major and the Aldermen his Brethren and the Commons in this Common Councel Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Rules Orders and Directions hereafter prescribed he duly observed by all persons that are or may be concerned therein And first whereas by former Acts of Common Councel the sale of Beef hath been restrained and appointed to be only in Leaden-hall and the Greenyards there which if now observed would be very inconvenient to the Inhabitants of this City in regard the late Butchery of the Stocks and St. Nicholas Shambles which heretofore furnished with Beef and other Flesh Victuals those parts of the City are now removed and otherwise disposed of Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Butcher and Butchers Poulterer and Poulterers other then such as are hereafter excepted Country Farmer Victualler Lader or Kidder who keepeth Butchers or Poulterers Shop or Shops within the City of London or Liberties thereof or within two Miles distance of the Liberties of the same City may from and after the publication of this Act take to Farm or hire Standings Stalls or Places in any the aforesaid respective Markets and there sell utter and put to open shew or sale his or their Beef Mutton Veal Lamb Pork and other Butchery or Poultry Wares or other Provisions upon the four days of the week in manner as is hereafter expressed viz. upon Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays weekly between the Feast of the Annunciation and the Feast of St. Michael from six of the Clock in the Forenoon until eight of the Clock in the Evening of the same day and between the Feast of St. Michael and the Annuntiation from eight of the Clock before Noon until five of the Clock in the Evening of the same day and upon every Saturday in the Week all the Year long from the aforesaid respective hours of six and eight of the Clock before Noon until eight of the Clock in the Evening of the same day for so long time only as he or they shall furnish the said Stalls Standings and Places with wholsom Flesh and other Provisions in his or their own right and not as Servant or Servants or otherwise in behalf of any others any thing in any former Act of Common Councel contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always That no Butcher or Poulterer whatsoever who keepeth no Shop or Shops within the City of London or Liberties thereof or within two Miles distance of the same City shall in the said respective Markets sell utter or put to open shew or sale his or their Butchery or Poultry Wares upon Mondays and Fridays weekly upon pain that every such Butcher or Poulterer shall for every time he or they shall sell utter or put to open shew or sale in the said Markets his or their Butchery or Poultry Wares upon Monday or Friday in any week forfeit the sum of ten shillings And to the end the respective hours aforesaid may the better be observed in the said Markets It is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that a Market Bell in all the several Markets within the City of London shall Ring twice every day that is to say the first Ringing from the twenty fifth of March yearly until the twenty ninth day of September at seven of the Clock before Noon except upon Monday and then the first Ringing shall not begin till eight of the Clock in the Forenoon And from the twenty ninth day of September yearly until the twenty fifth day of March at eight of the Clock before Noon and not before except upon Monday and then the first Ringing shall not begin till nine of the Clock before Noon and that the second Ringing of the Market Bell for raising of the said Markets shall begin to Ring from and after the twenty fifth of March yearly until the twenty ninth day of September except on Saturdays half an hour after four in the Afternoon and to continue Ringing till five of the Clock and from and after the twenty ninth day of September until the twenty fifth day of March yearly except on Saturdays to begin to Ring half an hour after three of the Clock and to continue Ringing until four of the Clock in the Afternoon And that the second Ringing of the Market Bell upon Saturday weekly throughout the year shall begin half an hour after seven of the Clock and to continue Ringing