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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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the King being wroth fortifyed Windsore Castell and beganne to build Towers and other strange things The Abbot of Saint Denis in France béeing sent Legate from the Pope to demaund the legacie that King Edwards father gaue to the holy land did earnestly request King Edward to remoue from him Peter Gauaston with whose conuersation all the world was as it were infected Then the King appoynted a Parliamente at North-hampton determining from thence to passe into Scotland the Barons came to this Parliament well furnished but the King sente them worde he woulde not come there yet at the last he came to Stony Stratford whither were sente to him by the Barons the Earles of Warwike and Clare who requested him to come for his owne profite and the commoditie of the Realme at length he went in the habite of a Squire and the Barons met him without armour and in the ende louingly embraced and were made friends and the voyage to Scotland was reiourned til another time After Michaelmas the Parliament was holden at London vnto the whiche Parliamente came Lewes the French Kings brother with the Bishop of Poytow from the Kyng of Fraunce to entrenie vnitie betwixt the King and his Lordes and there were diuers get ordinaunces made And once agayne though sore agaynst the Kings mind he caused Pierce to obiure with condition added by the Barons that if he were founde agayne in any lande subiecte to the Kings dominion he shoulde be taken as a common enimy and condempned This beyng done● he passed into Flanders and from thence to other Countries séeking reste which he coulde not finde Iames of Saint Edmond Roger Palmer the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 1310 Anno reg 4. Thomas Romaine the 28. of October Pierce of Gaueston conceyuing a trust in the friendshippe of the King and the Earle of Gloucester whose sister he had marryed taking with him many straungers returned into Englande And a little before Christmas he came to the Kyngs presence who fo● ioy of his comming forgettyng all othes and promises receyued hym as a heauenly gift The King kept his Christmas at Windsore where Walter Langton Bishop of Chester and the Bishop of Saint Andrews in Scotland were released out of prison The seconde daye of September at night an horrible tempest of thunder happened so that Hedges and Trées loste their gréenenesse and the Church of Middleton in Dorcetsnire wyth the Stéeple Belles Ornamentes and all other monuments of that place were consumed wyth the lightning the Monkes being at Mattins Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne and Conestable of Chester W. Shep. dyed at London and was buryed in the newe worke of Paules Simon de Co●pe Peter Blackney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 10. Rouse Richard R●●●am Mercer the 28. of October Bl●ckeney deceassed in whose place succeeded Iohn ●● Combridge A Prouinciall Counsell was holden at London agaynste Templers condempned Thomas Dele the Templers in England vppon Heresie and other articles where of they were accused who denyed the facte sauing one or two of them ● notwithstanding all did confesse that they coulde not purge themselues and therefore were condempned to perpetuall penuance in seuerall Monasteries where they be haued themselues very well At Paris in Frauuoe liiij of the Templers were brent by 1311 iudgement of the French King Thomas who had maryed the daughter of Henry late Earle of Lancaster hel de in hys handes the Earledomes of Lancaster Lincolne Salisbury Leyoester Ferra●s the Libertie of Pickering and the Honoure of Cokermore besides greate landes in Wales and in the Earledome of Arthoys in France King Edwarde wyth Peter Gauaston hys companion went to Yorke where the King was lodged in the Palace of the Archebyshoppe and Peter in the Castle they caused the Citie to be fortified and the walles to be repayred and sent to Robert Bayliol of Scotlande for ayde againste his Lordes but Robert made answeare he woulde not forth of Scotland neyther woulde he disquiet any man the lyke aunsweare was made by the Welchmen The Earles assembled at Bedford Gilber Earle of Glocester being one of them they came to London and ordayned the Seas to be kept leaste straungers shoulde enter to ayde the Kyng After Easter the brother of Pierce of Gauaston was taken with greate treasure whiche he hadde conueyed oute of the Kyngs Treasurie his shippe beyng tossed wyth tempeste on the Sea was driuen where it was taken and the treasure was brought to London in Carles About this time King Edward for his recreation tooke the Sea leauing Peter of Gauaston at Yorke where vpon the Barous brought their power entred the citie of Yorke but Peter fled to Scarborough then the Barons besieged Scarborough where they took him and committed him to y e custody of Aymerde Valence Erle of Penbroke who brought him to the Manor of Dedington which is betwixt Oxford Warwike ● there left him to be kept s●fer but y e next day in y ● morning Guy Earle of Warwike with a company of armed men took him from thence and brought him to Warwike Castell after deliberation taken the Earles of Lancaster of Warwike and Iohn Treklow Pierce of Gauaston beheaded Anno reg 5. of Hereford caused in their presence in a place called Gauesice or Blacke Lowe the xix of June his head to be stricken off his body by the Frier Preachers was conuayed to Oxford and there kept more than two yeares till the King caused the same to be translated to his manor of Langley and there in the Friers Church which he had builded to be buryed Simon Merwood Richard Wilford the 28. of Septemb Sherifes Maior 1312 Tho. de la More The Roades vvonne by the Christians Sir Iohn Gisors Peperer the 28. of October Quéene Isabell was deliuered of hir first sonne named Edward at Windsore the xiij day of Nouember The Knightes of the order of Saint Iohn Baptist called Saint Iohn of Hierusdlem put the Turkes out of the Isle of Roades and after that wan vpon the sayde Turkes dayly for a long time after This Religion was greatly preferred by the fall of the Templers whose possession was giuen to them by a Counsell holden at Vienna Anno reg 6. Robert de Bruce gote againe almost all Scotland the Castels with munitions the English Garrisons being cast out he tooke agayne into his power This yeare therefore Tho. de la More Hugh Spencer the yonger by consent of the Prelates and certayne nobles Hugh Spēcer the sonne was appoynted the Kings Chamberlayne in place of Peter of Gaueston whome they the rather preferred bycause they knew the King hated him neuerthelesse not long after by his great diligence he brought himselfe into the Kings fauour The Father of this Hugh béeing olde was yet liuing a Knight of great vertue in counsell wi●e in armes valiant whose confusion and shamefull end he wanne vnto himselfe by naturall loue though disordinate towardes hys sonne who was
fiftéene dayes they were not deliuered from thys séege they should deliuer to the King the Towne and Castell and when the day was come they perfourmed promise and this was the first Bridge ouer the Riuer of Seene that the King subdued to his power After the King had thus obteyned that Bridge ouer the Riuer of Seene and that there was none other Riuer or floud mighte lette his iourney with all the hast he might he entred hys iourney towardes Roane The Citizens hearing the approche of their enimies and fearing least they shoulde bée lodged in the Suburbes whiche were muche larger than the Citie was within the walles and was also muche replenished with Monasteries Churches and Towers burned the same and made all euen with the grounde To this Citie on the thirtith day of Julye thys victorious King approched agaynste whome came the Citizens with theyr Garrisons and men of warre where the more parte of all that day they continued in battell and fought sore on both partes but the Frenche were forced to séeke their succour within the walles of the Citie whome in theyr recoyle the King pursued still before the Citie where hée ordered his séege in this maner First the King with a noble company of yong hardy men lodged himselfe before the gate of Saint Hillarie The Duke of Clarence with his power was lodged before the gate of Caulx The Duke of Excester after he was c●me to the king was lodged with his people before the gate of y e Castel called Beanuice Erle Marshal was lodged before y e gate called Markeuile The Earle of Warwicke after he was come from the Castle of Donfrounte was lodged vpon the Hil where the strong Monasterie of Saint Katherie was The Erles of Salisburie and Huntingdon were lodging ther vpon the other side of the Riuer of Seene vpon whom their enimies made many assaults and bycause the Riuer of Seene diuided the English hoaste in two partes the King caused to be made a strong bridge of Tymber ouer the same Riuer that when néede shoulde require they might haue frée passage on foote and horsse and bycause their enimies shoulde not approch vnto it w t their ships or Galleys the K. caused to be made a great cheyne to be drawen ouer the Riuer betwixt the citie and the Bridge At that tyme the King of Portingale co●● to the King of England sent a nauie of shippes wel manne● into the Kings ayde whom the King commaunded to lye betwixte the Citie and the sea to enclose the Citie from all succours by Water The towne of Caudbeke fearing the daunger of the time couenaunted with the King of England that when the Citie of Roane were taken and deliuered into the Kings obeysaunte they in like manner woulde yéelde them to him without any assaulte and vnder the same appointed according with the King xiiij other defensible Townes and Castels that were nigh borderers vnto Roane After many cruell battayles and assaultes the Citizens fearing at lēgth to be famished dayly put out of the Citie gret number of poore people and other but the hunger encreasing they were forced to eate their horsses dogges cattes rattes and mise and these and other like things were consumed eaten Then the plague of famine entred the Citie so that the people for defaulte of reliefe dyed that the liuing might scarcely burie the deade whereby that noble Citie was brought into so muche miserie that it is not lesse maruayle than pitiful to heare In this mean time during this siege of Roane The duke of Excester besieged the Citie of Eneroys also about the xx of August king Henrie had thrée maruellous victories in Normandie The first was that one hundered Englishmen take iij. great Lords at a place called Kilbuife and put to flight thrée hundred and fourescoure persons besides The second was foure hundered of his enimies entred within the suburbes of the Towne of Ebroicens and eleauen Englishmen chased them away and toke foure of them and slew twelue tooke 40. of their horsses The thirde was the enimies would indéede haue taken the town which was called Leuers but the Captaine of the same with an hundered of our men wente out against a thousand of them and ouercame them toke 180. gentlemen of the enimies Aboute thys tyme also Captaine de la Bouche toke the Towne of Pontoys by Paris The Parson of Wrotham in Norffolke whiche haunted New market Heath and there robbed and spoyled many was with his Concubine brought to Newgate of London where he dyed in prison Iohn Brian Ralphe Barton the. 28. of Sep. Iohn Parnesse Sherifes the. 28. of October This Iohn Brian Sherife as he came one a time from Wapping in the Woose thinking to haue eased himselfe beyond Saint Katherines Mill fell into the Thamis and was dragged vp againe by his men and the Miller but dyed therof within a seauen-night in whose place was chosen Iohn Parnesse William Seuenoke Grocer the. 28. of October Maior This William Seuenoke when he was a newe borne babe was founde at a Town called Seuenoke in Kent where by charitable people he was christened by the name of William and for that hys father or mother could not be known they gaue him to surname Seuenoke being by thē broughte vp till he was able to serue they then bounde him prentise with a Citizen of London where after his good seruice God indued him with such wisedome and wealthe that he came to be Maior of that Citie who being not vnthankefull to God and the common wealth among other his charitable workes founded in the Towne of Seuenoke where he hadde bin nourished a Frée schole and thirtéene almes houses When the Citizens of Roane perceyued themselues maruellously afflicted by famine as is before shewed and also to be in dispaire of succour from the Frenchmen nowe after halfe a yeares siege and more vpon certaine conditions they deliuered to the king of England their Citie castle Tower Abbayes Churches houses Citizens Captaynes Garisons and generallye all things that were within the Citie whatsoeuer they wer The xix day of Januarie there had dyed within this Citie as was sayde for defalt of victuals during this siege mo than xxx thousand people This Anno reg 7. 1419 noble King the rather to relieue this oppressed Citie ordayned the same to be the chiefe Chamber of all Normandie and ordayned hys exchequer hys Treasurie and hys coynage to be kepte in the same he also ●dified a strong tower behinde the Castle Whilest the King ordered his businesse at Roane he sente diuerse Lordes with strong puissaunce of people to receyue the Castelles of Townes borderyng vppon Roane amongst whom the Duke of Clarence in short tyme redused to the King the mightie Castell of Galiarde the Towne of Vernon the Towne of Naunte the Castall of Bandmounte and manye other strong places and holdes The Earle of Salisburie wyth the Garrison to hym assigned tooke the Town of Hounslowe the
the Archbishops Sea but afterwards transposed to Canterbury a Cittie in Kente placed in a soyle amiable and pleasaunt London standeth in Middlesex on the Northe side of the Thames That most excellent and goodly riuer hath first the name of Ise and beginneth in Coteswolde in Glocestershire about a mile from Titbery and as much from the high waye called Frosse and it taketh firste the name Tamis● néere to Dorcester bridge where the riuer Tame and the forsayde I se méete and so with a maruellous quiet course it passeth by London and then breaketh into the French Ocean by maine tydes whiche twice in xxiiij houres space doeth ebbe and flow more than lx myles to the great commoditie of trauellers by whiche all kindes of Marchandice be easilye conueyed to London the principal store staple for al cōmodities within this realm Upō y e same riuer is placed a stone Lōdon Bridge bridge a work very rare and maruellous which bridge hath reckning y e draw bridge xx arches made of foursquare stone of height lx foote of bredth xxx foote distant one frō another xx foote compacte ioyned togither with vaults and cellers Uppon both sides be houses builded that it séemeth rather a continual stréete than a bridge The Oceā sea doth bound England the first part of Brytaine East South Wales Cornwal West The riuer of Twede deuideth England Scotland North. The length of the Iland beginneth at Portsmouth in y e South parte endeth at Twede in the North contayning 320. myles Thys Realme aboue other is moste fruitefull on thys syde Humbre for beyonde it is fuller of Mountaines And althoughe to the beholders of that Countrey a farre off it maye séeme playne yet it is full of manye hilles and those for the moste parte voyde of trées the valleyes whereof be verye delectable inhabited for the moste part by noble men who according to auntiente and old order desire not to dwel in Cities but neare vnto valleyes and riuers in seuerall villages for auoyding of vehement windes bicause that Iland naturally is stormie Humbre hath his beginning a little on this side Yorke by and by runneth Southward and then holdeth his course Eastward and so into the maine Sea greatlye encreased by the Riuers of Dune and Trent Trent beginneth a little from Stafforde running through Darbishyre and Leicestershire passing by Litchfielde Notingham on y e right hand Dune on the left hād so that both those riuers do make an Ileland whiche is called Auxolme and then ioyning togither on this side Kingstone vpon Hul a goodly marchaunt Towne they fall into Humbre by whiche riuer they may ariue out of Fraunce Germanie and Denmarke England is fruitefull of beastes and aboundeth with cattel wherby the inhabitants be rather for the most part grasiers than ploughmen bycause they giue themselues more to féeding than to tillage So that almoste the third part of the Countrey is employed to Cattell Déere red and fallowe Gotes wherof there be store in the North parts Conies for euery where there is iolly maintenaunce of those kindes of beastes bycause it is full of great woods where of there ryseth pastime of hunting gretly exercised specially by the Nobilitie and Gentlemen Andrew Bourd sayth there be moe Andrevv Bord Parkes in England than in all Europe beside Scotland an other part of Brytain wherof in this place I Scotland haue thought good to treate at large that no further mentiō of the situation therof might be made hereafter began sometime at the Hill called Grampius nowe called Grantsbeyn stretching to the furthest coaste Northwarde but after the ouerthrowe of the Pictes it began at the Riuer Twede and sometimes at the Riuer of Tyne the fortune of warres altering the same as it doth al other things Therfore the length of Scotland from Twede to the furthest coaste is estéemed to be 480. miles But as Scotland is longer than Englande so it is narrowe and endeth like a wedge For the mountayne Grampius is euil fauoured and craggie which Tacitus in the Cornelius Tacitus life of Iulius Agricola doth remember pearcing throughe the bowels of Scotland from the coast of the Germaine sea that is to say from the mouth of y e Riuer of Dee to the Irishe sea euen to the Laake of Lomunde whiche lyeth betwéene that Countrey and the same hil The riuer of Twede which springeth out of a little hyl not far beyond Roxborough is mingled with the Germaine Ocean ioyning Southward with that Countrey whiche is called the Marches being the east bounds betwéen England Scotland The said riuer of Twede separateth y e Marches from Northumberland the furthest Countrey of Englande hauing prospect to the Germaine Sea the chiefe town wherof is Barwicke nowe in possession of the English The Westerne limit of Scotlande whilom was Cumberlande whiche the Riuer of Solue deuideth from Annandale Betwéen these two Regions the Cheuiot Hils appere Next to the Marches Pictlande bordereth nowe tearmed Loughdean bounding vpō the East a very hillie Countrey barren almost of any trées The most famous townes of the same be Dunbar Hadington Leith Northberwik Edenborough the Kings seate where also is the Castel of Maydens a very strong and defensible place The same Citie the riuer of Forthea commōly called the Frith doth water and passe by whiche being caried into the Germaine Ocean maketh greate armes or meres commonly called the Scottish sea wherein besides other is the Iland of Saint Columbe by name called Aemonia The same riuer agayne deuideth from Loughdean a Countrey adioyning aboundant of all things called y e Fife in whych Country are many townes as Donfermile Cupre but the notable town of Saint Andrewe speciallye famous for the Uniuersitie and beautified with the sea of the Archbishoppe and primate of all Scotlande On the other side towardes the Irishe side Northwarde is Nidisdalia so called of the Riuer that passeth therby where bee the strong townes of Douglasse and Donfriese Upon the South adioyneth Galloway more aboundaunte of Fodder for Cattel than of Wheate wher is the Towne of Candida Casa now called Whitherne and the auntient tēple of Saint Ninian adourned also with an Episcopal Sea In those parts besides the towne of Wighton is a laake of a wonderfull nature bycause the one side in Winter doeth fréese and the other not By that standeth the Countrey of Caricta once renoumed wyth the towne Caricton whereof perchaunce it tooke the name Aboue Caricta towardes the West is Elgonia by which name Ptolome calleth the Countrey bordering vppon the Ocean wherein is the Laake Lomunde whiche is very brode and large contayning manye Ilandes situate at the foote of the mountaine Grantesbeyn eyght myles from the Castell of Donbriton besides the riuer Bodotria now named Leuinus entring into the riuer of Glota or Clude Here some do contende that the name of Bodotria is not well applyed to Leuinus bycause it appeareth by Cornel. Tacitus that
Brytaines is written with y. that is the Gréekes little u. whyche Oracles althoughe they were not the Sibils owne worke as some suspecte Oracula Sibili yet are they very antient indéede and that they might séeme more auntient vse the moste auntient name of Countreys and peoples And some Englishe writers aboue an hundred yeares since vsually doe name it Brutan and not otherwise ● Mandeuil through a large historie of thys lande translated oute of Frenche Brute builded the Citie of newe Troy now called London he stablished therein y e Troian laws gaue y e vttermoste Westerne parte of the Realme to his companion Corineus of whose name it was called Corinea and to thys Iohn Harding Iohn Hanuile Nichol. Vpton day Cornwal Iohn Harding sayth that Brute bare Gules two Lions rampant endorced Ore Also a Banner of a Uertdian of Golde fichule crowned and entronized that were Aeneas armes when he entred the land of Latins Iohn Hanuil in Archinis and Nicholas Vpton saith he bare Ore a Lio●● passant Gules When hys death approched he diuided the whole Ilande among his thrée sonnes whiche he had by Innogen his wife Locrine Camber and Albanact Unto Locrine he gaue the middle parte betwéene Humber and Seuern whiche of him was called Loegria To Camber he gaue all the region beyonde Seuern which of him tooke the name of Cambria and is now called Wales To Albanact he gaue all the lands beyond Humber whyche of his name was called Albania after whiche partition he deceassed when he had raigned 24. yeares and was buryed at newe Troy LOcrine the eldest sonne of Brute raigned xx yeares hée 1084 Gaufride chased the Hunnes whiche inuaded this realme and pursued them so sharpely that many of them with their Kyng were drowned in a riuer whiche then parted Englande and Scotland And forsomuch as the king of Hunnes named Hūber was there drowned the riuer is til this daye named H●mber This king Loctine had to wife Guendoline daughter Hovve Humber tooke that name of Corineus Duke of Cornwall by whome he had a son named Madan He also kept as Paramour the beautifull Lady Estrilde by whom he had a daughter named Sabrine And after the death of Corineus hée putte from hym the sayde Guendoline and wedded Estrilde but Guendoline repayred to Cornwall where shée gathered a greate power and foughte with King Locrine and slewe hym Hée was buried at newe Troy She drowned the Lady Estrilde with hir daughter Sabrine in a Ryuer that after the young Seuerne maydens name is called Seuerne GVendoline the daughter of Corineus and wife to Locrine 1064 Gvvendoline a Queene raigned Gaufride Flores Historiar forsomuch as Madan hir son was too yong to gouerne y e lande was by common assent of all the Brytaines made ruler of the whole Isle of Brytaine whiche she well and discretely ruled to the comforte of hir subiectes xv yeares and then left the same to hir sonne Madan MAdan the sonne of Locrine and Guendoline was made 1049 ruler of Brytain he vsed great tiranny among his Britons and being at his disport of hunting he was deuoured The King deuoured by VVolues by wild Wolues when he had raigned xl yeres He left him twoo sons named Mempricius and Manlius One olde pedigrée saith he builded the city of Madan now of the riuer Doncaster builded Don called Doncaster MEmpricius the son of Madan being King by treason slue 1009 A travtor to hys brother deuoured of vvilde beastes his brother Manlius after whose death he lyued in more tranquilitie where-through he fell in slouth so to lechery taking y e wiues daughters of his subiects lastly became so euil that he forsooke his wife and concubines and fell to the sinne of Sodomie with beasts whereby he became odible to God man And going on hūting he lost his company was destroyed of wilde Wolues wherof the land was then ful when he had raigned xx yeares EBranke y e son of Mempricius was made ruler of Brytaine 989 Gaufride he had xx● wiues of whom he receyued xx sons and. xxx daughters whyche were sente by their fathers to Alba Flores Histariarū Siluius the fourth King of Albanois in Italy to be marryed to the Albanes This Ebranke firste after Brutus attempted to inuade Fraunce wyth an armye 〈…〉 s Iacobus Iacobus Bergomas Iacobus Lessabeus Bergomas sayeth in hys sixte of hys Chronicles and Iacobus Lessabeus in the description of Henault affyrmeth the same and that he was driuen backe by Brunchildis Lord of Henault with no small losse of his men Assaracus the second Germanie toke the name of Ebranke his sonnes vvho conquered the same sonne of Ebranke with the rest of his yonger brethren 18. at the least by the aide of Alba Siluius cōquered all Germanie which was then no great matter for then Europe was very smally inhabited saue only about the Sea coasts as Dalmatia Italie and the coasts of France as in reading the histories may easily be séene how the East people at sundry Bergoma● Hector Bo●nu● times came swarming into Europe Of these brethren had Germanie the name à Germanis fratribus that had subdued it Ebranke was a founder of many Cities sayth Bergomas as Alcluid in Albania now Scotland whiche is after Dunbretain Edenbrough Bamburgh and Yorke builded Hector Boetius Dunbretaine but other thinke the same to be cleane destroyed He made the Castell of Maidens now called Edenbrough He made also the Castel of Bamburgh in the. xxiij yeare of his raigne he builded Kayrbranke nowe called since by the Saxons Euorwike nowe corruptely Yorke wherein he builded a Temple to Diana set there an Archflame and was there buryed when he had raigned lx yeres Iohn Rouse sayeth he builded Caior Manour after it was called Bellositum at length Caior Bossa Rhydichen and Oxenford of a certaine Forde which Iohn Leiland calleth Isis in Englishe Ouse and saith it is namely called Oxforde for Ouseforde BRutus 2. the eldest son of Ebranke succéeded in the kingdome 929 and for that his father had receyued suche a repulse at the hands of Brunchildis Lord of Henault he in reuēge thereof inuaded Henault with a great army in the Fennes and Marshlande at the mouth of the Riuer Scaldis of olde time named Stadus and encamped him selfe vppon the Riuer Hania where betwéene Brutus and Brunchildis was foughten a strong battaile in that place which to this day is called Estam bruges of the station and campe of Brutus as Iacobus Lessabeus writeth in hys description of Henaulte This Brute of his lustie courage was surnamed Gréeneshielde he raigned xij yeares and was buried at Yorke LEill the sonne of Brute Greeneshielde béeyng a louer of 917 Iohn Bradshaw peace builded Carleile and repaired Carleon whych was since by the Romaines reedified when a legion of Souldiors was sent thither and by them named The City of Legions nowe called
that is to say y e Fleete of Wepped where they slew xij Dukes or Captaynes of the Britaines with many other where as on the part of y ● Saxons there was one only man slaine whose name was Wepped The fourth battell was fought by Hengest Eske against the Britaines who obtaining the victory gote an innumerable spoile in whiche battell the Britaines fledde from the Angles VOrtiger obteined againe the Kingdome and shortly after 460 Hengest which was chased into the I le of Thanet entred the land with a number of Saxons but when he hearde of the great assembly the Britaines had made against him he treated W. Malme for peace which in fine was cōcluded Shortly after Hengest by a guile which before he had deuised bid his son in law iij. C. of his Nobles vnto a feast or banquet where when he The Barons of the Britaine 's slaine at a banquet had ouerlaid his guests with ouermuch Wine he fel to quarelling with taunting talke pinched euery one of thē and straight fel to fighting wherthrough the Britaines were slaine euery one The King was taken prisoner and forced to giue The King taken prisoner for his ransome Kent Sussex Suffolke Northfolke This murther of the Britans was on y t plaine of Salesbury Then Hengest began his dominion ouer Kent Vortiger fled into Wales Hengest King of Kent builded there a Castel of which building lōg let of y e same and of his Prophet Merlin Geffrey Monmouth and others speake many things Great cōpanies of y e Saxōs dayly flocked Beade into this Iland grew so strong y ● the people of y ● Countrey which sent for thē stoode in great feare of their puissance for those Saxons had taken league with the Picts began to turne their force vpō the Britaines and to be short the fire once kindled A miserable state of the Britaynes in y t lands of the Paganes there tooke iust reuenge of y ● wickednes of the people raging first vpō the Cities Countrey next adioyning after from the East sea to the Weast ouerwhelming all the whole Iland without resistance both publike priuate houses were ouerthrowne to y e groūd the Priests were slaine standing at the altare the Bishops with their flocke were murthered without respect of their dignity nor there was any that woulde bury the slaine some of the miserable leauings being takē in the hilles were there killed other being sterued with hunger were faine to créepe out of their caues buy their victuall at their enimies hāds with sale of their libertie for euer if yet they were not killed out of hand other fled ouer the Seas with an heauie hearte other tarying stil in their coūtrey in feare of death lacke of foode liued ful miserably in y e Mountaines woods Cliffes Aurelius Ambrose and Vther bréethren of Constantine y t was before slaine in France landed with a Nauie of Ships at Totnes made war vpon Vortigerne and buried him in his Castell in Wales when he had secondly raigned vj. yeares AVrelius-Ambrose was ordeined king of Britaine in whose time the Britaines by little little began to take strength 466 Beade Wil. Malme and courage vnto thē comming out of their caues in whiche they lucked before and with one consent calling for heauēly help that they might not for euer be vtterly destroyed they had then for their Captaine a Romane called Ambrosius Aurelius a gentle natured man which only of all the bloud of the Romanes remayned then aliue his parents being slayne whiche bare the name of King of the Countrey This man being their Captayne they assembled themselues togither and prouoking the victors to the fighte through Gods assistance atchieued the victorie and from that day forward now the men of the Countrey now the enimie had the victorie vntill the yeare that Bathe was beséeged where they gaue their enimies a greate ouerthrowe which was about the xliiij yeare of their comming into the land but of this we shall speake more héereafter This Ambrosius caused the Churches to be repaired Brute Booke whiche had bin spoyled by the Saxons He caused the greate Stonehenge besides Salesburie Gadeasins Tilberiensis stones to be sette on the playne of Salesburie whiche is called Stonehinge in remembrance of the Britaines that were slaine and buryed there in the time of Vortiger at the banquet and communication of Hengist with the Saxons A Saxon named Cella with his thrée sonnes and a company Kingdome of the South Saxons Agar●a Scot. Brute Booke of Saxons landed in the South part of Britaine A Saxon named Porth landed with his two sonnes Byda and Meagla at an Hauen in South-hamptonshire after whome the Hauen is named Portesmouth The third Kingdome of the East Saxons began in Britain Kingdome of the East Angles vnder Duke Vffa Aurelius Ambrosius being poysoned dyed when he had raigned 32. yeares and was buryed at Stonehinge called Chorea Gigantum VTher Pendragon so called for that he caused alwayes a 498 Gafrid Arbor Succes Dragon to be borne before him in his battels was crowned King of Britaine he vanquished Otta and Oza at Windgate by Coquet Riuer He was enamored vppon Igren the Dukes Wife of Cornewall and to obtayne his vnlawfull lust made warre vpō hir husband Goilen and slew him in battell at Duvilioc On hir he begat Arthure He raigned eyghtéene yeare and was buryed at Stonhinge ARthure the sonne of Vther borne in Cornewall at the age 516 of fiftéene yeares was crowned King of Britaine as some say at Caerleon other at Winchester one old namelesse pamflet saith at Cilicester by Dubritius Archbishop of Legions Nene●iu● This Citie of Cilicester in British is called Caier segent and was scituate néere Reading It was so called for that Constantius the sonne of Constantine the great dyed Sea Cr● there his Sepulture might once haue bin séene there besides the Citie as the Letters engranen on it in stone did declare He tooke to Wife Guinouer Cousin to Cador Duke of Cornewall and Daughter to the King of Biscay Of this King there be many fabulous reportes but certayne Wil. Malmesbery he was a Prince as Malmesberie saith more worthy to haue aduancement by true Histories than false Fables being the only proppe and vpholder of this his Countrey In the beginning of his raigne Lotho and Conradus his Aurea Histor allies enuying his prosperitie made Warre against him but he valiantlye vanquished them with their Pictes and Scottes at his pleasure and appoynted them a Gouernoure Sea Cr● Neni●● named Anguisell He fought twelue fieldes against the Saxons and alwayes bare away the victorie of whiche the last was fought at Bath where by his owne prowesse and manhoode he vanquished nine hundred Afterward he raysed the Malmesberie séege which the Saxons had planted about Lincolne and slewe them in great numbers Thus hauing abated the
rage of the Saxons and reduced his Countrey to quietnesse he constituted the order of the Round Table round Table into which order he only receyued such of his nobilitie as were most renowmed for vertue and chiualrie This round Table he kept in diuers places but especially at Cairleon Winchester and Camalet in Somerset-shire There is yet to be séene in Denbigh shire in the parish of Leyland Llansanan in the side of a stonie hill a place compasse wherein be foure and twentie seates for men to sit in some lesse and some bigger cut out of the maine Rocke by mans hand where children and yong men comming to séeke their Cattell vse to sitte and play they commonly call it Arthures round Table So hauing established all things well at home he with his nobilitie made an expedition into Norway where he atchieued Norway subdued sundry notable and maruellous exploytes and subdued the same with all the Regions thereabout to Russia Leges S. Edwardi placing the limite of his Empire in Lapland He caused the people of those Countreys to be Baptised and receyne the Christian Religion He also obtayned of the Pope to haue Norway confirmed to the Crowne of this Realme calling it the Chamber of Britaine Norway the Chamber of Britaine Then sayling into France he forced Frolo Gouernoure there for the Romaynes to flighte and afterward in Combate manfully slew him Shortly after he addressed deadlye Warre againste Gaufridus Lucius Hiberus who claymed a Tribute of Arthure for Britaine and had assembled greate powers to ouercome Arthure but Arthure encountring with him after a long and bloudye fighte discomfited his Armie killed him and sente his body to the Senate of Rome for the Tribute While Arthure was thus valiantly occupyed in his warres beyond the Seas and had conquered thirtie Kingdomes Flores Historiar such as they were in those days Mordred to whome he had committed the gouernement of Britaine confederating himselfe with Cerdicus first King of the Weast Saxons trayterously vsurped the Kingdome of which treason when Battayle at Douer relation came to Arthure he spéedily returned into Britaine and at Richborow néere to Sandwich gaue battell to him and wanne the fielde Anguisell of Scotland Gawin and Cador were there slayne then pursuing him into Cornewall gaue him battell there agayne by the Riuer of Alaune of some histories called Cablan where Mordred was slayne Wal. Conu●● Mordred slayne Ann. Glasco And Arthure béeing deadly wounded was conueyed to Glastenburie where he dyed and is buryed after he had most victoriously gouerned this Realme sixe and twentie yeares COnstantine kinsman to Arthure and sonne to Cador Duke of Cornewall was ordeyned King of Britayne and 542 B●●te Booke raigned thrée yeares Thys man was by the two sonnes of Mordred gréenouslye vexed for they claymed the Lande by the righte of theyr Father but after many Battayles they fledde the one to London the other to Winchester whyche Cities they obteyned and tooke them but Constantine Mordreds children slayne followed and subdued and tooke the foresayde Cities and one of the yong men hée founde in an Abbey at London and slewe hym néere the Aulter cruelly and buried hym nigh Vter Pendragon at Stonehinge The other Gildas Arbor successio young manne hée founde at Winchester and slewe hym flying into the Churche of Saincte Amphibalus Aurelius Conanus a Britayne raysed mortall warre against Constantine the King and after sore fight slew him in the field when he had raigned thrée yeares and was buryed at Stonehinge A Vrelius Conanus Nephew to Arthure was Crowned 545 King of Britaine He cherished such as loued strife and dissention within his Realme ● and gaue light credence to them which accused other were it right or wrong He emprisoned by strength his Uncle whiche was right heyre to the Crowne He raigned thrée and thirtie Flores Historiarū yeares The Kingdome of Northumberland began first in Britaine The fifth Kingdome of the Saxons 578 Gildas Gaufrid vnder a Saxon named Ida. VOrtiporus the sonne of Conanus was ordeyned King of Britayne a vicious King and cruell tyrant who put from him his Wife and kept hir daughter for his Conc●bine In diuers battels he discomfited the Saxons He raigned foure yeares MAlgo pulcher Canonus of Northwales beganne his 581 raigne ouer the Britaynes and gouerned them fiue yeares This Malgo was in proportion of body greater than all the Dukes of Brytaine but he delighted in the soule sinne of Sodomie He slewe his first wife and then tooke to wife his Gildas owne brothers daughter CAreticu● began to rule the Brytaines This man loued ciuill 586 Warre and was odible both to God and to his subiects They moued the Saxons being accompanied with Gurmundu● King of Ireland to make warre vpon Careticus in such wise that he was sayne to take the Towne of Cicester where they assaulted him so sore and fired the Corne by tying fire to the wings of Sparrowes that he with his men fledde from thence into Wales by whiche meanes he lefte a great part of his dominion and ended his life when he had raigned thrée yeares Sea Cro. This Gurmund burned vp the land of Britaine from Sea to Sea and the more part of that I le called Leogrea he gaue to y e Saxons The Britaines gaue place and fled into the Weast parts of Cornewall and Wales Theanus Archbishop of Lōdon Thadeocus Archbishop of Yorke whē their Churches were al destroyed to the ground they with their Cleargie fledde into Wales many of them into little Britaine This plague came on the Britaines for their couetousnesse cauine and ●echerie Gurmund builded Gurmondchester Gurmunchester buylded 61● Paulus Diaconus CAdwane Duke of Northwales was made soueraigne of the Britaines who gaue strong battell to Ethelfride King of Northumberland and forced him to intreate for peace After which concord being made they continued al their life time louing friends He raigned xxij yeares The Kingdome of the East Saxons beganne vnder Erchenuin●s Sixt Kingdome of Saxons about the yeare of Christ 614. The Kingdome of Mercia or middle England began vnder Seauenth Kingdome of Saxons 635 Penda 626. CAdwalin the sonne of Cadwane raigned ouer y e Britaines he warred strongly vppon the Saxons and made Penda King of Mercia tributarie to him He raigned xlviij yeares and was buryed at London in a Church of S. Martine néere vnto Ludgate whiche Churche was then new founded and buylded by the Britaynes in Anno. 677. CAdwalladar was ordayned king of the Brytaines and 685 ruled only thrée yeares he vanquished and slew Lothier king of Kent and Athelwold king of south Saxons and thē forsaking his kingly authoritie he went to Rome there to be christened who after became a Monke and was buried in S. Peters Church at Rome He was laste king of Brytain After which time the Brytaines were called Walshmen whiche name was
giuen them by the Englishmen or Saxons who vsed to call all men Walshmen that be straungers vnto them NOw are we come to y e time wherin God who for y e sins of the people translateth kingdomes dispossessed the Brytaines of theyr auntient habitation rule of this land who by the victorie of Saxons were enforced eyther to miserable seruitude or driuen into the Westerne partes of the I le now called Wales Cornewall where they now inhabite or else to their countrymen the Brytains in France But the Saxons enioying the fertile soyle of this Realme parted it in processe of time into seuen kingdomes Kent Southsex East-angles East-saxons Mercia Northumberlād and West-saxons whych the learned call the Heptarchie of the Saxons of which kingdomes I purpose for auoiding of confusiō to treat seuerally setting down the limits of these Countries with the succession actes and ciuil battayles of their pettie Kinges vntil the time that this Heptarchie or gouernement of seauen was reduced to a Monarchie or regiment of one Kentish Saxons KEnt the first Kingdome possessed by y e Saxons contained 456 that countrey that stretcheth fro the East Ocean to the riuer of Thamis hauing on the Southwest side Southrey on the West London vpon the Northeast the said riuer of Thamis It hath the Archbishoprick of Canterbury Metropolitane and primate of all Englande and the Bishoppricke of Rochester and had Kings as followeth HEngest the sonne of Widgils the sonne of Victa the son of Wecta the first son of Wodē and Fr●a was the first of the Saxons that made himself king of Kent as before yée haue hearde ●yght yeares after his firste entring into thys Ilande in the yeare from Christes byrth 456. He raygned xxxiiij yeres dyed honorably sayth Marianus Scotus but Peter de ●kham and others say that by the counsel of E●dad Bishoppe of Gloucester Edel Duke of Glocester caused hys Marianus Petre de l●k● Floria Wigor 490 514 536 562 heade to be cut of at Cones●orow ESke or Vske succéeding his father Hēgest raigned peaceably xxiiij yeares ¶ Otta sonne of Eske raigned xxij yeares ¶ Ermericus the sonne of Otta raigned xxv yeres EThelbert the son of Ermericus had the gouernemente of that Kingdome by the space of liij or after Beade lvj yeares This Ethelbert in the beginning of his raigne W. ●alme being but a child was troubled with warres on euery side so that he coulde hardly defende his own coastes In hys first battaile against Ceauline king of the Weste Saxons and Cuthe his son he was forced to make his flighte into Kent hauing two of his Dukes Oslaue and C●eb● ano slayne in a place called Vuibbadune but when he came to more age and was more cunning in warre in short space he ouercame all the Kingdomes of the Saxons rounde aboute him saue the Northumbers And to the end he would haue acquaintance with forraine Princes he made affinitie and alliance with the King of Fraunce by marrying of his daughter Berta a Christian woman to whom he permitted to vse the lawes and rytes of hir Countrey and to haue a Bishoppe whose name was Letardus to remaine with hir for hir better instruction in the lawes of GOD. By thys meanes the barbarous and Heathen Saxons kéeping company with y ● Frēch and agrée to haue all one lawe and like customes besides this the chast and vertuous life of Letardus the Bishop and the other French whiche came with the Quéene chaunged the Kings minde vnto the knowledge of Christ whereby it came to passe that afterwards he did so sone giue place to y e preaching of Augustine At thys time saith Beade the Brytaines Beade being at quiet little regarding the stormes paste in theyr fathers dayes and hauing respect onely to the present prosperous éstate in the which they then liued were so set to breake all good orders of truth and iustice that scante anye token or remembraunce thereof remayned but onelye in a fewe among many other of their doings which their own Gildas Historigrapher Gildas doth lamētably set forth in writing he sayth of them thus that they neuer toke care to preache the Gospel of Christe vnto the Angles and Saxons which inhabited the land among them But yet the goodnesse of God prouided for the sayde nation of the Angles muche more worthy preachers by whome they might be brought to the faith POpe Gregorie moued of godly instinction in the hundred 596 Marianus Floriacen Beade fortie and seuen yeare after the arriuall of the Angles in Brytaine sent Augustine Melitus Iustus Iohn with sundry other Monkes that liued in the feare of God to preach the Gospell to the nation of the Angles in Brytaine whiche Austē came into Brytaine Ethelbert vvas the first Christiā King of the Saxons landed in the I le of Thanet and were first receyued by Ethelbert king of Kent whom they conuerted to the Christian Faith with diuerse of his people in the. xxxiiij yere of his raigne and king Ethelbert delaying no time gaue vnto Augustine the Cittie of Canterbury who furthered thus by the King receiued at his handes an old Church sometyme founded there by the faythfull Romaines and dedicated y ● same to our sauiour Jesus Christ whiche since was called Saint Austins Augustine consecrated Melitus and Iustus Bishops and Saint Augustins at Canterbury builded appointed Melitus to preach vnto y ● East Saxons who wyth theyr King Sebert the nephew of Kyng Ethelberte at the preaching of Melitus receyued the worde of lyfe King Ethelbert founded the Church of Saint Paule in London Saint Paules in London S. Andrevves at Rochester builded Iustus was made Bishoppe of Rochester wher Ethelbert builded for him and his successours the church of S. Andrew Augustine ordayned Laurence to succéede him in the Archebishopricke and shortely after departed this life Ethelbert raigned lvj yeares and was buried with Berta his wife at Saint Austens by Canterbury AThelboldus the sonne of Ethelbert not onely refused the 616 ●ayth of Christ but also toke to wife his mother in lawe He was oftentimes grie●ed with woodnesse and distraught but by Laurence the Archbishop of Canterbury he was conuerted to leaue his Idolatrie and vnlawful sinne and was turned again to the Faith He founded the Priory of Fulkestone in Kent and raigned xxv yeres ERcombert the sonne of Adbold by Emma his wife hée 640 first suppressed the temples of the Idols and bycause his people were giuen to excesse commaunded a solempne fast of xl dayes long to be obserued throughout all his Kingdome and raigned xxv yeares About this time Henorius Archbishop of Canterbury deuided his prouince into Parishes EGbert his sonne succéeded whose quiet gouernement for 667 a long season was after defaced by the cruell murder of Ealbert and Egelbright his cousin 's Germās whom eyther W. Malme he slewe himselfe or procured to be slaine he raigned nine yeares LOtharius succéeded his brother
Egbert who being assaulted oftentimes by Edrike the sonne of Egbert in a cruel 674 fight was shot through with a dart whereof he dyed vnder his Surgeons handes when he hadde raygned thirtéene yeares EDricke the sonne of Egbert within the space of two yeres 686 lost both life and Kingdome After his death y ● kingdome being sometime gouerned by vsurpers and sometime by forreners beganne to decay The Kentishmen by casting of fire did cruelly burne Moll the brother of Cedwal King of the West Saxons and twelue of his Knights with him wherewith Cedwal being moued to fury did miserably harry and spoyle all Kent so that by the space of sixe yeares there was no King in that Country VVIthredus the sonne of Egbert purchasing peace wyth 698 money was then established king in which state he behaued himselfe very honorably both in peace and warre He founded the Priory of Saint Martin at Douer and raigned xxxi●j yeres with whō king Swebhearde raigned ioyntly in one part of his kingdome EDbert the sonne of Withred walked in his fathers ordinaunces 731 and had like successe and raigned thrée twentie yeare EDelbert his brother succéeded in whose time the Citie of 754 Canterbury as is to be thought was burned by chance he raigned xj yeares ALricke the thirde sonne of Withred ruled Kent after hys 765 brethren and was vanquished in a fought field againste the Mertians he raigned xxxiiij yeares EDelbert or Egbert otherwise called Pren thē vsurped the kingdome and leauyed warre against the Mertians by 799 whom he was taken prisoner and not long after resisted but the Kentishmen woulde not receiue him Cuthred then vsurped bare a title of a Kentish king for the space of viij yeares BAlbrede then toke on him Princely dignity but Egberte 807 Kyng of West Saxon so discomfited him in battayle that hée fled and forsoke hys Kingdome when he had raigned xx yeare whereby thys kingdome of Kent was vnited to the Kingdome of the West Saxons South Saxons SOuthsex the second Kingdome cōtained the Counties of Southsex and Surrey which had on the Easte side Kent on the South side the Sea on the Weste side Hampshire and on the North the riuer of Thamys it con aineth the diocesses of Chichester and part of Winchester AEle the eight from Woden with his thrée sonnes Cimē 478 Plencing Cissa came into Brytaine with itj. ships landed in a place called Kimenesore there slew many of the Brytaines and forced the rest to make their flighte into a woodde whiche is called Andredsleage Afterwarde fighting wyth the Brytaines in a place néere vnto Marerodes burne slew many of them and put the reste to flight Then he and Cissa his sonne after long siege brake into the Citie of Andreds Cester and slewe the inhabitantes from the greatest to the smallest and so beganne the Kingdome of Southsex hée raigned xxxvj yeares CIssa hys sonne succéeded he builte the Citie of Chichester 514 and named it after hys owne name he raygned lxxvj yeares EThelwulfus whom Bede nameth Edelwach was christened 590 Eeade First Christened King in Southsex in the prouince of the Mercies in the presence and at the exhortation of King Wulfhere who also at the font was his godfather and in signe of that adoption gaue him two prouinces that is to saye the I le of Wight and the prouince of Manures in the West part of England Wilfride the Bishop came to the prouince of the South-Saxons vnto them did he minister the worde of Faith by the permission and gret reioysing of the King This Bishop Christened the chiefe Lordes and Knightes of the Countrey and the rest of the people at the same time or sone after were Christened by other Priestes The Quéene Ebba was christened in hir I le which was in the prouince of the Vicctans for she was the daughter of Eanfride who was Eanheres brother whiche were both Christian men and all their people But al the prouince of South Saxons had neuer before that time hearde of the name of God nor the faith This Wilfride preached the Gospell and not onelye deliuered the people from the perill of damnation but also from an horrible moraine of temporall death For in thrée yeares before it had not rayned in all those quarters whereby a famine destroyed the people by heapes in somuch that diuerse tymes fortye or fiftie in a companye béeing famished for hunger woulde goe togyther to some rocke or Sea bancke and caste themselues all downe eyther to be killed with the fal or drowned in the Sea but on the same day they receyued Baptisme and Faith there fell a plentifull shoure of rayne wherewith the Earth flourished againe Thys Bishop also taught the people there to get their sustenance by fishing Edilwach gaue vnto Byshoppe Wilfride the lande of fourscoure and seauen tenements where he might place his companye the name of the place was Seolesey In thys Selsee Monestarie in Southsex place he founded a Monasterye to be hys Episcopall Sea CEadwall a valiaunt yong manne of the Weaste Saxons being banished from hys Countrey came wyth an hoste of men and slewe King Edilwach wasted that prouince cruelly murdered and spoyled euery where Edilwach raigned xxv yeares And soone after Ceadwall was driuen out by two Captaines of the Kings Bertham and Anthun which from that tyme dyd holde and kéepe the Dominion of that prouince the chiefe of whyche two was afterwarde slayne of the same Ceadwall being then King of the Weast-Saxons and the prouince subdued and the latter was slaine by Ina. East Angles EAstangles the thirde Kingdome contayned the Countryes of Norffolk and Suffolk Cambridge and the I le of Ely which had on the East and North sids the sea on the West Saint Edmondes Dike with a part of Hertfordshyre and on the South side Essex It contayneth the diocesses of Norwich and Ely VFfa the eight frō Woden first king of East Angles raigned 492 vij yeares ¶ Titulus raigned xx yeares 499 REdwaldus the tenth from Woden as men write this is he that for the fauour of Edwin killed Edelfride king of 519 W. Malme Northūberland The same Redwalde was by y ● perswasion of Edwyne baptised but after by his wiues coūsel he fell frō the fayth agayn but his sonne Dorwaldus in pure and vncorrupted Christianitie was slaine by the heathen Rochbert Redwaldus raigned xxv yeares ¶ Gerpenwalde raigned xij yeares 554 566 East Angles baptised SIgebertus being broughte vp in Fraunce when he fled the enmitie of Redwald was there baptised wherevpon after his retourne comming to the Crowne of the East Angles and desiring to followe the godly order whiche he had séene in Fraunce set vp a Schole to bring vp children by the helpe and ayde of Byshop Felix whom he toke out of Kent for that purpose appointed them maisters and teachers after the manner of Kentishmen This Felix ●orne in Burgonia was made
in the Market at Rome where when the Citizens beheld them and wondred at their comelynesse and beautie of face amongst other Gregory the Archdeacon of the Apostolicall seate being one asked of what Nation they were vnto whome it was answered that they were the children of Englishmen of the prouince of Deires and subiect to Alla their King but were Painims wherevnto Gregory sayd they shall be taught to sing Allelu●a there during the raigne of Alla ouer the Deires ADda the eldest sonne of Ida raigned vpon the Bernitians seauen yeares ¶ Elappea fiue yeares ¶ Theodwald one yeare ¶ Frethulfe seauen yeares ¶ Theodrike seauen yeares ¶ Aethelfride two yeares and all in the life of Bernitianus AEThelrike the sonne of Ida raigned in both prouinces of 582 Wil. Malme Deirie and Bernicia fiue yeares EThelfride brother to Ethelricus made greater spoyle of Marianus Floriacensis the Britaines than all the other Kings of the Angles and vnpeopled and subdued more of their Countreys and made the same tributarie and habitable for Englishmen wherefore Aadan King of the Scottes being greately moued with his happie successe came against him with a mighty Army but was ouercome and put to flight of a few Saxons whiche battell was fought by Ethelfreth in a place called Degsastan in the eleuenth yeare of his raigne and in the first yeare of Phocas the Emperoure This King also long after this time leuyed a newe power and according as Augustine the Archbishop of Canterbury had before spoken marched toward the Citie of Legious which of the Britaines is called Cairlegion and there first slew 1200. Monckes assembled to make prayer vnto God 1200. Monkes slayne for the good successe of their Souldioures in the battell and afterward he ouerthrewe the whole power of the Britaynes host He was slayne by Redwall King of the East Angles in a battell néere vnto a Riuer whiche is called Idle in the yeare of Christ 616. when he had raigned xxvij yeares EDwyne succéeded and droue out the seauen sonnes of 617 First Christian King of Northumberland Marianus Floriacen Wi. King Ethelfride In Anno 626. Paulinus being the thirde Bishop of Rochester was constituted by Iustus then Archbishop of Canterburie to be Bishop ouer the Northumbers and sente by Eadbald to Edwine the King of that nation with his Wife being the daughter of King Ethelbert and sister of the sayde King Eadbald A certayne desperate fellowe named Eomer was sente vnto King Edwine by Guicheline King of the Weast Saxons who came vnto him on Easter day and hauing a naked weapen vnder his garment assayled the King but Lilla his seruant thrust himselfe before y e stroke yet notwithstanding the Kyng was with that stroke wounded throughe the bodye of his faithfull seruaunt The same night the Quéene his wife was deliuered of a daughter whyche vppon Whitsondaye nexte after was the firste that was baptized of Paulinus the Byshop and named Eanfleda In the yeare of Christ 628. Edwine the most mighty king of the Northumbers and his people receiued the word of God at the preaching of Paulinus the Bishoppe this was done in the xj yeare of hys raigne and in the 230. yeare after the arriuall of the Angles in Brytaine Edwine gaue vnto Pauline a Byshops Sea in the Citie Cathedrall Church of Yorke founded of Yorke and began the Cathedrall Church of S. Peter there whiche Church was after finished by King Oswald his successor after this in encreasing of the Christian Faith and heauenly kingdome his earthly possessions did wonderfully encrease for he first of al the Angles broughte Brytaine wholy vnder his subiection sauing the Kingdome of Kent Edwine in the xvij yeare of his raigne and xlviij of hys age was slaine in a battel whiche he fought at Headfeld with the moste valiant Painime Penda King of the Mercies and Ceadwalla Kyng of the Brytaines Paulinus the Bishop buylded Lincolne Minster founded Beade the great Church at Lincolne In the raigne of King Edwine suche was the peace and tranquilitie throughe all Brytaine whiche way soeuer King Edwines dominions lay that a weake woman mighte haue walked with hir newe borne babe ouer all the I and without any domage Moreouer for the refreshing of wayfaring men he ordained cuppes of yron Cuppes of brasse by the high vvayes or brasse to be fastned by such cleare Wels and Fountaines as did runne by the wayes side whych Cuppes no man durst touch further than to his owne present vse necessity for the loue good wil they bare to their prince who was for y e time of his raigne so honored and loued that the triumphant banners were borne before him not in war only but in peace to wheresoeuer he went abroad After the death of Edwine the Kingdome of Northumberland was againe diuided OSriche the sonne of Elfrike who was Edwins vnckle succéeded 633 in the gouernance of Deira And Eanfride the sonne of Ethelfride ruled y e Bernicians but both these forsaking the Christian profession wherein they were instructed yéelded themselues to be defiled with the filth of Idolatry but thys Apostacie was reuenged by Cedwall King of y e Brytans who slewe them bothe and with tragicall slaughter spoyled Northumberland OSwald brother to Eanfride then gouerned this Kingdom 634 who with a small army ouercame the Brytans and slewe Cedwall theyr King at Deniseburne He sent for Aidan a Scot to aduance y e Christian religion among his people assigning to him the Isle of Lindisfarne or holy Iland for his Sea Hée greatly enlarged his Kingdome reconciled the Deirians and Bernitians whych did deadly hate one the other And when he had raigned viij yeres was slaine in a cruel battel at Maserfielde by Penda King of Mercia and canonized a Sainct OSwine brother to Oswald succéeded he buried the heade 642 and armes of Oswald whyche Penda commaunded to be hanged vpon poles His gouernment was greatly disquieted by inuasion of the Mercians rebellion of his own sonne Aelfride and insurrection of Adilwald sonne to Oswald Hée murthered Oswy the sonne of Osrike who ruled Deira béeing traiterously deliuered vnto him at Ingethling where Liber Lichfield ● Rudbern● afterwarde a Monasterie was erected But at length he deliuered his Country from forraine inuasion vanquished the Mercians with Penda in a foughte fielde neare the riuer Iewet brought them to his subiection and caused them to be instructed in the Christian Faith He builded a Churche among the Mercians called Lichefielde Lichfield Churche a Byshops sea founded and procured the same to be a Bishops sea in Anno. 657. Duina was first Byshoppe there of Mercia and also of Lindisferne for there were then so fewe Priests that one Byshoppe was compelled to gouerne two Prouinces King Oswine ended his life quietly when he had raigned xxxij yeres EGfride his lawfull sonne then inherited Northumberland 670 he deposed Wilfride of the Bishoprike and appoynted two Bishops ouer the Northumbers Mildred otherwise
called Etheldred his wife would by no meanes accompany hir husband but continued a Uirgine and after she had bin maried twelue yeares tooke at the handes of Wilfride the vaile and habite of a Nunne and builte the Monasterie of Eely where she was Abbesse Egfride hir husband fought a battell with Edilfride King of Mercia but after they were reconciled by Theodore the Bishop Then turning his power against Ireland he sente Berte thither who miserably destroyed the séely people But the yeare following he marched against the Pictes contrarie to the good counsell of S. Cuthbert whome he made Bishop and was slayne by them in an ambush when he had raigned fiftene yeares ALfride bastard sonne of Oswine succéeded after his brother 685 Egfride He did repaire y ● decayed state of Northumberland but coulde not recouer all that Picts Scottes and Brytaines tooke frō the Northumbers at the death of his brother He raigned ninetéene yeares OSred his sonne a child of eyght yeares succéeded who 704 whē he had wickedly raigned eleuen yeares was murthered by his kinsmen Kenred and Osricke KEnred when he had slaine Osred ruled Northumberland 715 two yeares OSricke obteyned the Kingdome after xj yeares and elected Ceolnulph brother of Kenred to be his successor CEolnulph raigned in this prouince with great pietie 728 victorie viij yeares then forsooke the estate of a King and tooke the habite of a Moncke in the holy Iland Benedict who firste broughte Masons Paynting and Glasing into this Realme to the Saxons flourished at this Glasing brought among the Saxons Bede famous time Beda also that famous learned man liued at this time who dedicated his Historie of the Church of England to the forenamed Ceolnulph EGbert cousin germane to Ceolnulph raigned in Northumberland 736 Wil. Malme twenty yeares peaceably and then forsaking the Worlde entred into Religion and became a Monke his brother bearing the same name was Archbishop of Yorke which Sea he greatly aduanced and founded there a most woorthy Librarie replenished with all good Librarie at Yorke Authours OSwulfe succéeded his Father who was slayne by the 757 people in the first yeare of his raigne MOllo then tooke the regiment and after eleuen yeares 758 was traytecously murthered by Alerede ALered raigned after him eleuen yeares and was enforced 76● by the people to leaue the Countrey AThelred or Etheldred the sonne of Mollo was aduanced 780 to the regiment of Northumberland by the people and the fifth yeare after was by them depriued AELfwold then was proclaymed King of Northumberland 785 and when he had raigned eleuen yeares was slayne by his subiects he lyeth buryed at Haugustald OSredé the sonne of Aelerede then succéeded but the firste 796 yeare he was depriued AEThelred or Etheldred who was before deposed now receyued 797 the Kingdome and when he had ruled foure yeares was also miserably slayne After his death thys Kingdome decayed and was pitifully ransacked by ciuill sedition and foraigne inuasions for the space of 30. yeares in whiche space there ruled héere withoute title of Kings ¶ Eardulfe ¶ Alfwold ¶ Eandred Lib. A●tonensis ¶ Ethelred ¶ Readulfe ¶ Osbert which two last were slaine at Yorke by the Danes in a place yet to this day called Elle Crafte This Osbert rauished a Lady of his Countrey wife to Bernebokard in reuenge whereof the same Bernebokard fléeing into Denmarke returned againe with the Danes Hinguer and Hubba and ariued in holy Iland and so came to Yorke and there slew King Osbright ¶ Egbert then obteyned Northumberland RIcsy then vsurped it and after him Cuthred frō whome Sitricke the Dane gote it vnto whome King Athelstane the Monarche gaue his daughter in mariage Weast Saxons THe seanenth Kingdome was of the Weast Saxons which conteyned the Countreys of Barkeshire South-hampton Wiltshire Dorcetshire Somersetshire Deuonshire and Cornewall and hath dioceses Bathe and Welles Sarisburie and Exester hauing on the East side Southsex on the North side Thames on the South and the Weast the Sea Ocean This Kingdome although it tooke beginning long after the first comming of the Saxons yet the same endured longest and ouercomming all the other Kingdomes broughte them againe to one Monarchy CErdic the tenth from Woden with his sonne Kenrike landed in Britaine at a place called Cerdike shore and slew Natanleod King of the Britaines and fiue thousand men of whose name the Countrey as farre as Cerdikes foorde was called by the name of Natanleod CErdike and Kenrite began to raigne as Kings and 519 the same yeare they fought with the Britaine 's in a place called Cerdikes foorde and departed vanquishers After that they fought with the Britaynes in a place called Cerdicks lege They tooke the I le of Wight and gaue the same to their Nephewes Stuffe and Withgare and slewe the Britaines in Wethgarbirg He raigned xvij yeares Withgare the Nephew of Cerdic was buried at Withgarbrig or the Citie of Withgar KEnrike the sonne of Cerdic fought with the Britaine 's at 5●6 Searesberige and afterwards at Beranbrige and at both times put them to flight and raigned xxv yeares CEaulin the sonne of Kenrike tooke vpon him the Kingdome 560 of the West Saxons In the beginning of his raigne he discomfited Ethelbert King of Kent and slew his two Dukes Oslaue and Cnebban at Wibbandune Afterward his brother Cutholfe vanquished the Britaines at Bedford and wanne from them the townes of Liganburge Egelsburge Bensington and Eignesham Sixe yeres after Ceaulin slew thrée kings of the Britaines Commeaile Condid●n Fariemeile at Deorham and tooke thrée Cities from them Glocester Cirencester and Bathancester After he fought with the Britaine 's at Fethanleah in which Tho. Rudborne Leyland he had the victorie but lost his sonne Cutha for now his fortune changed and when he had raigned xxxiij yeares he was ouercome at Wodnesbeorhe or Wannes ditch in Wilshire and expelled out of his Kingdome by the Britaines CEalrike the sonne of Cutholfe ruled the West Saxons fiu● 591 yeares CEolnulfe son of Cutha before named succéeded who had 598 continuall warres either with the Englishmen with Britaines with the Scottes or with the Pictes and lastly moued warre against the South Saxons and there dyed when he had raigned fourtéene yeares KInegilsus the sonne of Ceolrike succéeded He brought his 611 Marian. Floria. W●g host against the Britaines into Beandune and there ●lew of them two thousand xlvj He also fought with Penda King of Mercians néere vnto Cirencester and after made peace with him And shortly after VVestsex baptised in the yeare of Christ 635. by the preaching of Berinus King Kinegilsus and all his people receiued the Christian faith to whome King Oswald was Godfather at the Font of which Kings the said Berinus had granted to him the Citie of Dorchester and builded there an house of Canons for Vita Berini his Bishops Sea Kinegilsus raigned xxvij yeares
committing adulterie with a lay man and cast out of the Monasterie she ended hir life in pouertie miserie Houeden as of many that haue séene hir we heard sayth mine Author Asserius Asser EGbrichus obtayned the gouernement of the Weast Saxons 802 He tamed the Welchmen vanquished Bertulphus King of the Mercians at Hellendune and subdued to his obeysance W. Malme the Kentish Saxons East Saxons and Northumbers He caused the brasen Image of Cadwaline King of the Britaines to bée Scal. Croni throwen downe and this Lande no more to be called Britaine but Anglia or England He was Crowned at Winchester Britaine first named England In the 33. yeare of his raigne the Danes ariued at Lindisferne Danes arriued heere Sca. Cro. and foughte with the Englishmen at Carham where two Bishops two Earles and a greate number of the English people were slayne Two yeares after y ● Danes ariued in West Wales where Egbright ouercame them at Hengistendon He raigned ouer the most part of England the space of seauen and thirtie yeares and seauen monethes and was buryed at Winchester ADelnulfus the sonne of Egbrichus beganne his raigne ouer 8●9 Wil. Malme the more parte of Englande He tooke to wife Iudith daughter to the King of France and had by hir four sonnes which were Kings after him In his time there came a great armie of the Pagan Danes Alredus Riusall with 350. Ships into the mouth of Thamis and so to London and spoyled it and put to flight Beorthulfe King of Mercia Danes spoyle London with all his power which came to bid them battel and then the Danes went with their armie into Southerie then Adhelnulfus with his sonne Adhelbald and a great army came against the foresayd Danes and at a place called Aolea they fought a cruell battell wherein the most parte of the Danes were slayne The same yeare Adhelstane the sonne of Adhelfus and Sca. Cro. Calchere y ● Earle slew a great armie of the Paganes at Sandwich in Kent and tooke nine of their Shippes Adhelnulfus sent his sonne Alfride to Rome with a great number of noble men and other at which time Pope Leo confirmed the said Alfride and tooke him to his sonne by adoption and also consecrated him King This Adhelnulfus did make the tenth part of his kingdome Tenth giuen to the Church by King Adelnulfus frée from tribute and seruice to the King and gaue it to them that did serue Christ in the Churche and the same yeare he wente to Rome where he repaired the Englishe English Schoole at Rome repayred Schole which was first founded by Offa King of the Mercies In the meane season his sonne Adhelbald rebelling vsurped the Kingdome so that when Adhelnulfus returned he was forced to deuide the Kingdome and to take the worse part He raigned eightéene yeares and was buryed at Winchester sayth Asser Asser ADhelbald raigned after his Father against God the 857 worthinesse of Christianitie yea and cōtrarie to the custome of all Paganes he presumed to hys Fathers marriage bedde and with greate infamie married Iudith the French Kings daughter He raigned after his father Flori Wigor two yeares and was buryed at Shirborne AThelbrict brother to Athelbald tooke vnder his dominion 860 Kent Southery and Sussex In this time the greate Armie of the Paganes inuaded Danes inuade and spoyle VVinchester and spoyled the Citie of Winchester who when they returned with a great pray towards their Ships Osrike Earle of Hampton and his folke and Adhelnulfus the Earle with Barkeshire men met them and farre from any Towne they ioyned battell where the Paganes were slayne in euery corner and the Christians kept the field The Normans and Danes made a firme league with the Kentishmen who promised them money to kéepe the league but notwithstanding the Paganes brake priuilie out of their Danes make a league and breake it Castels by night and spoyled all the East parts of Kent Athelbrict raigned fiue yeares and was buryed at Shirborne ETheldred brother to Adhelbrict receyued the Kingdome 866 of the Weast Saxons In the firste yeare of his raigne a great Nauie of Paganes came into England and remayned all the winter in the Kingdome of East England Anno 871 the Paganes came to Reading in Barkeshire where they cast a great ditch and wall betwixt the two Riuers Thames and Kynetan on the right side of the said towne Adhelnulfus Earle of Barkeshire and his armie mette with the Paganes in a place called Englefield where the Paganes had the worst and many of them slaine and the rest put to flight Etheldred King of the Weast Saxons and Aelfrede his brother came to Reading where was foughten a fierce and cruell battell but at the last the Christians fled and the Paganes had the victorie The Christians within four dayes fought a battell with the Paganes in Assendune but the Paganes deuided themselues Battayle at Assendune into two battels for then they had two Kings which when the Christians sawe they likewise deuided their armie into two companyes It was determined that King Ethelred with his battell shoulde goe againste the two Pagan kings with their battell and that his brother Aelfrede with his armye shoulde set on all the Pagan Dukes and theyr armye Battayle at Assendoune All things thus ordered when the king farried long in hys prayer and the Pagans being readilye prepared came to Chipenhane where the battel was pitched Aelfred séeing he muste either retire or sette on his enemies Sca. Cron. before his brother did come he straight ways set vpon them though the place of battel was vnequall for the Pagans had gotten the higher grounde and the Christians brought their battel from the valley There was in that place one onely thorne trée very short about which trée the battels met and ioyned wher when they had a long time fought Hubba one of the kings fiue Earles and many thousandes moe of the Pagans being slaine the other were chased A great heape of stones was layd copped vp where Hubba was buried and the place called Hubbeslow Hubbeslovv This being done King Etheldred and his brother Aelfrede Sca. Cro. shortly after gathered their power againe to fight wyth the Pagans at Basing where after a long and sore battayle the Pagans had the victorie After this battayle came another armye of Pagans from Pagans vanquished beyonde seas and ioyned with the first When King Etheldred had raigned fiue yeares he was slaine of the Pagans at Whitingham and buried in the Monasterie of Winburne with thys Epitaph In hoc loco quiescit corpus sancti Etheldredi regis Westsaxonū Sca. Cro. Marians Scotus martyris qui anno Domini 872. 23. die Aprilis per manus Dacorum Pagan●rum occubuit His armes a crosse Florie Anno. 870. Saint Ebbe Abbesse of Coldingham sixe myles Flores Historiarū Chastitie before beautie preferred a rare example
in bréedth 30. myles The same yere Hastings came with 80. shippes into the Milton mouth of Thamis and made a strong town Middleton in the Beaufleet South side of y e Thamis and another on the Northside called Beaufleete The yeare following the Citie of Yorke was taken by the Normans but Seber the Bishoppe by Gods prouision escaped The same yeare also Aelfred fought against the Normans at Fernham where he slewe them wounded their King and Fernham chased the remnant through the Thamis into Eastsex wherby many of them were drowned Aelfrede hearing that a great number of the Pagans were arriued at Exanceastre he toke with him a greate army and by battayle ouercame and chased them away In the meane season Adhered Earle of the Mercies and Beaufleet taken from the Pagās the Citizens of London with other came to Beaufleete and besieged the Castell of the Pagans and brake into it where they tooke excéeding riche spoyles of golde siluer horsses and garmentes among whiche was taken the wife of Hastings and hys two sonnes whiche were broughte to London and presented to the King who commaunded them to be restored againe But Hastings came againe into Beaufleete and repayred to the Castell whiche they hadde broken downe From thence he wente to Sceabridge and there builded a Sudbury strong Castell there was ioyned vnto hym the armye that remayned at Apuldrane and other that came from the East Englishe and from the Northumbers who altogyther spoyled Apuldo● and robbed tyl they came to the bancke of Seuerne and there at Bultingatume they made a strong towne but by Adhered Earle of the Mercies and other they were besieged shortly through famine forced to come out where many on bothe Floren●● Cronica cronicaruin Marianus Scotus sides were slaine but the Christians had the victorie In the yeare 895. the Pagans wintered in a little Ile called I le of Mersey Ley a riuer that then bare ships vnto VVare Asserius Mer●ig in the East part of Essex scituate in the sea and the same yeare they sayled by the riuer of Thamis after by the riuer of Ligea and twentie myles from London began to build a Fortresse In the Sommer following the Londoners and other néere adioyning did séeke to destroy the fortresse of the Danes but they being put to flight king Aelfrede pitched ● fielde not farre from the Citie least the Pagans should take away the Haruest of the Countrey and viewing the riuer one daye perceyued that the Chanel mighte be in one place dammed vp that the Danes should not get out their shippes he forthwith commaunded on both sides the riuer a damme to be cast and deuided that riuer into thrée streames so that where shippes before had sayled now a small boate coulde scantly rowe which when the Pagans perceyued they leauing theyr wiues and ships flée a foote to Quatbridge there Novv called Catvvarebrig or Catvva●d bridge building a Fortresse lodged there the Winter following whose shippes the Londoners bring some to London the other they brake downe and destroyed Anno. 897. the Pagans came from Quatbridge parte into East England part into Northumberland some got them ships and sayled into Fraunce After al these verations by the cruel Danes committed folowed farre greater the space of thrée yeres by death of cattaile and mortalitie of men XX. Danish ships were taken being Pirates and the Pyrates slaine or hauged on the gallowes This victorious Prince the studious prouider for Alfred deceased wid●wes orphanes and poore people moste perfect in Sa 〈…〉 Poetrie moste liberall indued with Wisdome Prayse of King Alfrede fortitude iustice and temperaunce the most patient bearer of sicknesse wherewith he was dayly vexed a moste discrete searcher of trueth in executing iudgement a moste vigilant and deuout Prince in the seruice of God Alfrede the. xxix yeare and sixth month of his raigne departed this life the xxviij daye of October and is buried at Winchester in the new Monasterie of his foundation He founded a Monasterie of Monkes at Ethelingsey and another for Nunnes at Shaftsburie He ordayned the hundreds and tenthes whiche Wil. Malm● Floriac●ns Reg. Hig. Sea Cro. Regist Hyde T. Rudburn● Vniuersitie in Oxforde Marianus Scotus men call Centuaries and Cupings he sent for Gr●●balde to come into England that by his aduice he might erect y ● studie of good learning cleane decayed By the counsell of Neotus he ordayned common scholes of diuerse sciences in Oxēforde and tourned the Saxon lawes into Englishe with diuerse other bookes He established good laws by the which he brought so gret Regist Hid● a quietnesse to the Countrey that men might haue hanged golden bracelets and Jewels where the wayes parted and no man durst touch them for feare of the law He caried euer y ● Psalter in his bosome y ● whē he had any leysure he might read it ouer with diligence He deuided the xxiiij houres of the daye and nighte into Asserius thrée parts he spent viij h●ures in writing reading praying eight in prouision of his body viij in hearing and dispatching Marianus Scotus the matters of his subiects He deuided his yerely reuenues into two partes and the first he deuided into thrée one part he gaue to his seruāts the second part to his workmen which were occupyed in building the third part to strāgers The second part of y ● who le he deuided into iiij parts the first part wherof he gaue in almes to the poore the second to Monasteries by him founded the third to scholes which he had erected and gathered of many both noble mens other mens sons of his nation the fourth part he distributed to the next Monasteries in all the English Saxon. Alhfwido wife to king Alfrede founded the monasterie of Nuns in Winchester EDward surnamed Senior the son of Aelfred was annoynted 900 Speculum histo Ri. C●ren Adhelvvold● reuolteth king shortly after Adhelwoldus cousin germaine vnto king Edwarde reuolted and wente to the armie of the Pagans who forthwith chose him to be their Kyng in Northumberlands Ioannes Leoafer in his thirde booke of the description ●● Iohns Leoafer Africa writeth that about this time to say about the yere ●● our Lorde 905. the Englishmen at the perswasion of the Gothes besieged the great Citie Argilla in Barbarie which the Affricanes call Arella being 70. myles distant frō the streight of Marrocho Southwarde hoping thereby to withdraw the Sarazens out of Europe where they fought with so great courage and good successe that they wanne the sayde towne and so ransacked it with fire and sworde that scant one escaped there and the towne laye desolate and without inhabitant● for the space of thirtie yeare We account thys to haue hapned in the foresayde yeare bycause the aucthour after the ●●shion of the Sarazens doth referre it to the. 314. yeare of M●homets Hegira which by cōference of theyr places
doth séeme to beginne in the yeare of our Lord. 591. which number being added do bring forth 905. Adhelwoldus King of the Pagans brought a great armye from Eastsex and the East English whiche robbed and spoyled through all Mercia and the Weaste Countrey vntill they came to Crickalde and there went ouer the Thamis and tooke great spoyles about Bradney King Edward gathered an army and went towarde the Danes but while he tarried his army out of Kent Adhelwolf King of the Danes came vpon him with a great power and badde him battayle wherein Cochricus Adelwolfe kings of the Pagans were slaine In the yeare 910. a battaile was fought at Wodnesfielde a mile North from Wolfrune Hampton in Staffordeshire where VVodnesfielde in Staffordshire VVlfrune Hampton Cowilfus Healidene kings of y ● Pagans with many Erles and Nobles were slaine but of the common people innumerable Aethered Earle of the Mercies dyed and king Edwarde toke into his Dominion London and Oxenforde and all the Countrey adioyning therevnto In the yeare 913. by the Kings commaundement at Hertforde betwixt the riuers of Memeran Benefician and Legian in the North side a Citie is builded In the yeare 914. the Pagans of Northumberlande and Leycester in the Countie of Oxforde toke spoyles and in the kings towne called Hokenorton and in manye other places they slew many people and retourned home againe another army of y ● Danes being horssemen were sent into Hartfordeshire towardes Legeton with whom the men of y ● Countrey encountered and slaying manye of them put the rest to ●●ight taking theyr horsses and armour with a great praye King Edward leauing certaine to builde a Citie in y ● South Maldon i● Essex part of the riuer L●gea with more parte of his armye wente into Essex and encamped at Mealdune where he tarried til a Towne was builded at Witham In the yeare 915. a great Nauie of Danes sayled aboute the West Countrey and landed in diuerse places taking gret prayes and went to their shippes againe The King for strengthning of the Countrey made a Castel at y ● mouth of the water of Auon and another at Buckingham the thirde fast by that is on eyther side of the riuers course one then wente into Northampton and Bedfordshires and subdued the Danes there with their leader called Turketils King Edward builded or new repayred the towns of Tocester Tocester VVigmore and Wigmore In the yeare 918. the Kentish Southrey and East Saxons besieged Colchester and wanne it by force and slew all therein Cogshal a fewe excepted that escaped by flight The same yeare king Colchester in Essex Edward wente to Colchester with an army repayred y ● wals and put a great garrison of souldiours into it The next yeare died the noble Princesse Elfleda wife to Hērie Bradshaw Reynul● Hygden Etheldredus Duke of Mercia and was buryed in the Monasterie of Saint Peter whiche hir Lorde and she before had builded in the Towne of Glocester whiche Monasterie was after throwen to the grounde by the Danes but Aeldredus Bishoppe of Yorke of Worcester made there another which is now the chiefest Church in the towne This noble woman Elfleda réedified the Cittie of Chester she repayred the towne of Tomworth beside Lichfielde Chester Tomvvorth Lichfielde Stafford VVarvvike Shrevvesburie VVatersburie Eldesburie Leycester repayred Runcorn tovvn and castell and Brimsbery vvith the bridge builded Stafford Warwicke Shrewesburie Watrisburie Eldisburie Legeceaster with a towne and Castell in the North ende of Mercia vpon the Riuer of Merse that is called Runcorne she builded a bridge ouer Seuerne called Brimesberie bridge c. When she had once assaied the paines that women suffer in trauayling with childe she euer after refused the embracing of hir husbande saying it was not séemely for any noble woman to vse such fleshly lyking whereof shoulde ensue so great sorrow and paine tamed the Walchmen and in diuerse battayles chased the Danes after whose death Edward helde that Prouince in hys owne hande King Edward builded a newe town against the old town of Notingham on the South side of the Riuer of Trent made Marianus Scotus Wil. Thorne Henrie Hunting Alredus Riual Thilvval built Manchester repayred a bridge ouer the sayde riuer betwéene the two townes he subdued the kings of Scotland Wales he builded a town in y t North end of Mercia by y ● riuer of Merse named it Thilwal and repayred the Towne of Manchester after al which déeds by him done he deceased at Faringdon and was buried at Winchester in the new Church whiche hys father A●lfrede had builded when he had raygne xxiiij yeares A Delstane after the deathe of Edwarde Senior his father 924 Alfridus Beuerla Iohn Leyland Speculum histo Rich. Cirenc was Crowned at Kingstone by Athelmus Archbishoppe of Canturburie His corenation was celebrated in the market place vpon a stage erected on hic that the King mighte bēe séene the better of the multitude He was a Prince of worthy memorie valiant and wise in all his actes and brought W. Mal●● thys lande into one Monarchie for he expelled vtterly the Danes and quieted the Walchmen He caused them to paye hym yearely tribute twentie pounde of golde 300. pounde of siluer and 2500. heade of Neate with houndes haukes to a certaine number And after that he had by battayle conquered Scotlande hée made one Constantine king of Scottes vnder him adding this Princely word that it was more honoure to hym to make a King than to be a King He made seuen coyning mintes at Canturburie foure for the King two for the Archbishoppe and one for the Abbot at Rochester iij. two for the king and one Canturb recordes for the Byshoppe besides these in London eight in Winchester W. L●●b●●● Sax. Lawes sixe in Lewes two in Hastings two in Chichester one in Hampton two in Warham two in Excester two in Shaftesburie two and in euery good towne one Coyner He founded Saint Germaines in Cornewal which was since T. Rudborn Girardus Co●●ubi a Bishops sea he founded Saint Pe●rocus at Bodmin he founded Pilton Priorie Midleton and Michelney In his time Guy Earle of Warwicke in acombate slewe Guy of VVarvvicke slevv Colbrond Colbrond the Danish Giant in Hide Meade neare vnto Winchester Athelstane raigned fiftéene yeares and was buried at Io. Lidgat Malmesburie EDmunde the brother of Adelstan tooke on him the gouernaunce 940 of thys realme whose shorte raigne tooke from him the renoume of moste hyghe prayses that should haue redounded to this posteritie for he was a mā disposed Marianus of nature to noblenesse and Justice hée toke out of the Danes handes the Townes of Lincolne Notingham Darbie Leicester and Stanforde and brought all Mercia to hys Dominion he expulsed the two kings Anlafus the sonne of Sithricus Io. Taxtor and Reginalde the sonne of Cuthberte out of Northumberlande and subdued the Countrey to
get the good wyll of the people who had conceyued an ill opinion of hym of thys arose ciuill warres within the Realme and often dissention and discordes as well of the Nobles as of the common sort Anno. 982. a great part of the Citie of London was brent Thomas Rudburn which Citie at this time had most building from Ludgate towarde Westminster and little or none where the harte of the Citie is nowe except in diuerse places was housing that stoode without order so that manye Cities as Canturburie Yorke and other in Englande passed London in building but after the Conquest it encreased and nowe passeth all other A disease not knowen in England in time past to witte Asser Flux of men c morraine of Cattaile Bishops Sea at Excester Feuers of men with the Flix and Morren of cattayle killed many Anno. 994. King Ethelred erected a Byshoppes sea at Excester The same yeare Anlafe Kyng of the Norwayes Sweyne King of Danes on the daye of the Natiuitie of our Lorde in xviij Galleys came vp to London whiche they attempted to breake into and to set on fire but they were repulsed not without their greate detriment and losse by the Citizens wherevppon they being driuen with furie leauing London set vpon Eastsex and Kent by the sea coastes brent Townes and wasted the fields without respect of sex or age killed al wasted with fire sword al what they may not carry away At length being pacified with a Tribute of 16000. pounds departed to theyr shyppes and Wintered at Southampton Anno. 995. a Comet apeared The Bishoprick of Lind●fer Bishops sea a● Durham or Hol●e Iland was remoued to Durham In the yeare 1002. King Etheldred caused al the Danes in The Danes 〈…〉 thered Burton vpon Trent England to be slayne vpon the day of Saint Brice The same yeare Vl●ricus Spote founded a Monasterie at Burton vppon Trent In Anno. 100● Swayn King of Denmark with agret army inuaded Englēd with fire and sword 1004 they fought a great battell at The●forde against Vlfekettel Carle of East-Angle Asser The yere 1009. they fought another battel against Vlfekettel at Rengemore The yere 1011. they destroyed Canturburie for that y ● Archbishoppe Elfegus woulde not yéelde to them he was first imprisoned there after carried to Grenewiche and there stoned to deathe Christes Churche is spoyled and brent the Monkes with all other men are ●●●●hed Tirāny of the Danes in Englande nine of euery ten being put to death the tenth suffered to liue in miserie the number of them that were left aliue was four Monkes and of lay people eight hundred so that y ● number slaine was 36. Monkes and. 8000. of the lay people In Anno. 1012. they toke tribute of 48000. poundes and Record eccle Ca● Marianus Tloriacensis at the last after diuerse ouerthrowes giuen to the mē of this Iland they possessed the same and putte king Etheldred to flight constrayning him to liue in exile among the Normās This Etheldred had two wiues Ethelgina an Englishe Ethelgina and Emma vviues to Etheldred Alured and Edvvard the sons of Etheldred woman and Emma a Norman of the first he had two childrē of which sauing of Edmonde who succéeded hym in the kingdome it were nothing to our purpose to speake Of the secōd that was Emma sister to Richard Duke of Normandie there were borne two sonnes to witte Edward and Alured And that I do here contrarie to that is commonly vsed set Edward before Alured as elder brother I am moued therevnto by no smal aucthoritie which I haue taken out of the historiographers W. Gemeticensis Encomium Emma of that age out of Gemeticensis a most diligē● writer of Genealogies and one other author who in hys Commentarie written in praise of Emma the Quéene affirmeth that Edwarde was the elder brother whom I doe the better beléeue bycause it is not like that he séeing the things wyth his eyes shoulde mistake the matter especiallye writing to the Quéene who was mother to them both Swanus in the meane time subdued al Englande and the people for feare yelded vnto hym on euery side ouer whome most cruelly he tryumphed But not long after he departed this life at Geynesburge and left Canutus his sonne successour in the Kingdome Etheldrede hearing that Swanus was dead leauing in Normandie with Duke Richard his sisters sonne Emma his wife and the children that he hadde by hyr returned with al spéede into Englande with Edmunde his sonne by hys firste wife being then at mās state by the trustinesse of his own men and the ayde of the Normans moued warre against his enimie Canutus finding himselfe vnable to matche with him went into Denmarke minding to returne hither immediatly againe Etheldred being contrarie to his expectation thus restored to his kingdome shewed great crueltie vpon the Danes that remained in England sparing neither man nor woman yong nor old Therefore Canutus being very desirous to reuenge the same prepared a new armie and came into England against Etheldred with al spéede he could raging wide and side with fire and sword Etheldred in the meane season whether by sicknesse or for sorrow dyed when he had raigned ●o Taxtor Wil. Malme Alfredus Beuers lacensis eight and thirtie yeares and was buryed in the North I le of Paules Church in London aboue the high Aulter EDmond the sonne of Etheldred by his first wife succéeded 1016 Edmond Ironside W. Malme in the Kingdome who whether it were for the greate strength of his body or for that he alwayes vsed to go in armour was surnamed Ironside He had sixe battels against Canutus King of the Danes Leyland at Penham hard by Gillingham in Dorcetshire He put the Danes to flight after that at Shirestone He held euen hand with them in the field notwithstanding that the Englishmen at the first beganne to flée by the policie of Edricus Duke of Lincolne and of Merce who cryed Edrike a Traytor runne away wretches Edmond your King is slayne After this King Edmond came to London to deliuer the Citizens whome part of the enimies had beséeged as soone as he was gone from thence He had made a ditch also round about the Citie where Ditch about London the Riuer of Thamis doth not runne The Danes fléeing the King followed them and passing ouer Brentford he vanquished them with a notable victorie The rest of y e Danes which remayned with Cnute whiles London beseeged both by land and by vvater Edmond rested him and set his matters in order did againe beséege London both by water and by lande but the Citizens stoutely withstoode and repulsed them wherefore they shewed their anger vpon the Countrey of the Mercies spoyling Townes and Uillages with robbery burnings and murther and caryed their pray to the Shippes whiche they had gathered togither in the Riuer of Medway which runneth by Rochester from
themselues to drinking and gulling and spent both day and night in such exercises till they vomited The Saxons ware their garmentes to the midde knée their heare rounded and their beardes shauen all saue the ouerlip their armes adorned with golden bracelets and W. Malme their skinne paynted and printed c. ¶ Thus endeth the Reigne of the Saxons who were first sent for by Vortiger about the yeare of our Lord. 450. and had nowe continued sometimes in warres with the Britaines then with the Danes and now with the Normans the space of sixe hundred yeares Verses A thousand sixe and sixtie yeare it vvas as vve do reade When that a Comete did appeare and Englishmen lay dead Of Normandie Duke William then to Englandvvard did sayle And conquerde Harold vvith his men and brought this Land to bale ¶ King VVilliam Conquerour WIlliam Duke of Normandie Anno. reg 1. surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Robert the sixte Duke of that Duchie and Coosin germane vnto King Edward on the mothers side beganne his dominion ouer the Realme of England the fourtéenth day of October being Saterday in the yeare of our Lord 1066. After the battayle at Hastings Duke William came to London where with great ioy he was receyued both of the Cleargie and people and was proclaymed King When the Citie of London was thus yéelded vnto him he tooke his iourney towardes the Castell of Douer to subdue that and the rest of Kent also which when the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin the Abbot of Saint Augustines being as it were the chiefest Lords and gouernours of all Kent did perceyue and consider that the whole Realme was in an euill state and that whereas in this Realme of England before the comming of the foresayd Duke William there were no bondmen now all as well noble men as the common people were without respect made subiecte vnto the perpetuall bondage of the Normans taking an occasion by the perill and danger that their neighbors were in to prouide for the safegard of themselues and their Countrey they caused to assemble at Canterbury all the people of the Countie of Kent and declared to them the perils and dangers imminent the miserie that their neighbours were come into the pride and insolencie of the Normans and the hardnesse and griefe of bondage and seruile estate wherevpon all the people rather choosing to end their vnfortunate life than to submit themselues to an vnaccustomed yoke of seruitude and bondage with a common consent determined to méete Duke William and to fight with him for the laws of their Countrey And y ● foresayd Stigand the Archbishop and the Abbot Egelsin choosing rather to die in battell than to sée their nation in so euill an estate being encouraged by the examples of the holy Machabees became Captayne of the armie And at a day appoynted all the people met at Swanescombe two miles west from Graues-end and being hidden in the woods lay priuily in wayte for the comming of the foresayd Duke William And bycause it can not hurt to be very wary in such cases they agréed before hande that when the Duke was come and the passages on euery side stopped to the end he should no way be able to escape euery one of them as well Horsemen as footemen should beare boughes in their hands The next day after whē the Duke was come into the fields and territories néere vnto Swanescombe and saw all the Countrey set and placed round about him as it had bin a stirring mouing wood and that with a meane pace they approched and drewe néere vnto him with great discomfiture of mind he wondered at that sight And as soone as the Captaynes of the Kentishmen sawe that Duke William was enclosed in the middest of their armie they caused the trumpets to be sounded their banners to be displayed and threw downe their boughes and with their bowes bent their swords drawne and their speares and other kinde of weapons stretched forthe they shewed themselues readie to fight Duke William and they that were with him stoode as no maruell it was sore astonied and amazed and he which thought that he had already all England fast in his fist did now dispaire of his owne life Therefore on the behalfe of the Kentishmen were sent vnto Duke William the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines who told him their message in this sort My Lord Duke behold the people of Kent commeth forth to méete you and to receiue you as their liege Lord requiring at your hands the things which pertayne to peace and that vnder this condition that all the people of Kent may enioy for euer their antient liberties and may for euermore vse the lawes and customes of the Countrey otherwise they are ready presently to bidde battell to you and them that be with you and are minded rather to die héere altogither than to departe from the lawes and customes of their Countrey and to submit themselues to bondage whereof as yet they neuer had experience The Duke séeing himself to be driuen in such a straight and narrow pinch consulted a while with them that came with him prudently considering that if he should take any repulse or displeasure at the hands of this people which be the key of England all that euer he had done before should be vndone againe and of no effect and all his hope and safetie shoulde stande in danger and ieopardy not so willingly as wisely he granted the people of Kent their request So when the couenant was established and pledges giuen on both sides the Kentishmen being ioyfull conducted the Normans who also were glad vnto Rochester and yéelded vp to the Duke the Earledome of Kent and the noble Castell of Douer Thus the antiente liberties of Englande and the lawes and customes of the Countrey whiche before the comming of Duke William out of Normandy were equally kept throughout all England do through this industrie and earnest trauell of the Archbishop The antient liberties and lavves of England remayne in Kent only Thomas Sprot Wil. Thorne Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines remayne inuiolably obserued vntill this day onely in the Countie of Kent Thus farre Thomas Sprot after him William Thorne After this Duke William wasted Sussex Hampshire Southery Marianus Floriacen Wigor Middlesex and Hertfortshire not ceassing to burne Townes and sley the people till he came to Barkehamsteed where the Archbishop Alredus Wolstan Bishop of Worcester Wilferus Bishop of Hereford Clito Edgar the Earles Edwine and Morcare and euery one of the noble men about London came to him and giuing pledges submitted themselues and sware fealtie to him with whome also he made a league neuerthelesse permitted his army still to burne Townes and to take spoyles Chro. S. Albani There was at that time an Abbot of Saint Albons called Frederike Abbot of S. Albons his policie against Duke VVilliam Fretherike who hearing of the comming of Duke William
Abel Awgers Angenoun Archer Asperuile Amonerduil● Arey Akeny Albeny Asperemound Bertram Buttecourt Brahus Byseg Bardelf Basset Bygot Bohun Baylife Bondeuile Barbason Beer Bures Carta W. Reg● de S. Martin ●● g●●●d● Bonylayne Barbayon Berners Braybuf Brand. Bonuile Burgh Busshy Blundell Breton Bela●yse Bowser Bayons Bulmere Broune Beke Bowlers Banastre Belomy Belknape Beauchamp Bandy Broyleby Burnel Belot Beufort Baudewine Burdon Berteuylay Barre Busseuile Blunt Beawper Bret. Barret Bainard Barnevale Barry Bodyt Berteuile Bertine Belew Bushell Beleners Buffard Boteler Boteuile Brasard Belhelme Braunche Bolesur Blundel Burdet Bagot Beawpount Bools Belefroun Barchampe Camos Canuille Chawent Chauncy Couderay Coluyle Chamberlaine Chambernoune Cribet Corbine Corbet Coniers Chaundos Coucy Chaworth● Claremaus Clarell Camuine Chaunduyt Claruays Chantilowe Colet Cressy Courtenay Constable Chaucer Cholmelay Corneuile Champeney Carew Chawnos Claruaile Champaine Carbonell Charles Chereberge Chawnes Chawmont Cheyne Cursen Conell Chayters Cheynes Cateray Cherecourt Chaunuile Clereney Curly Clyfford Denauile Dercy Dine Dispencer Daniel Denyse Druell Deuaus Dauers Doningsels Da●el Delabere De la Pole De la Lind. De la Hill De la Wate De la Watche Dakeny Dauntre Desnye Dabernoune Damry Daueros De la Vere De Lee. De la Warde De la Planch Danway De Hewse Disard Durant Drury Estrange Escutauile Escriols Engayne Euers Esturney Foluile Fitz Water Fitz marmaduk Filberd Fitz Roger. Fitz Robert Fanecourt Fitz Phillip Fitz William Fitz Paine Fitz Alyne Fitz Raufe Fitz Browne Foke Freuile Faconbrige Frissel F●lioll Fitz Thomas Fitz Morice Fitz Hughe Fitz Warren Faunuille Formay Formiband Frison Finer Fitz vrcy Furniuall Fitz Herbert Fitchet Fitz Iohn Gargraue Graunson Gracy Glaunuile Gouer. Gascoyne Gray Golofer Grauns Gurly Gurdon Gamages Gaunt Hansard Hastings Haulay Husie Herne Hamelyn Harewell Hardel Heck●t Hamound Harecord Iarden Iay. Ianuile Iasparuile Karre Karron Kyriell Le Strange Leuony Latomere Loueday Logenton Leuel Le Scrope Lemare Litteril● Lucy Lislay Longspes Longschampe Lastels LindSey Loterell Lindsey Longuaile Le Vawse Loy Laue. Le dispenser Marmilou Moribray Moruile Manley Malebranche Malemaine Muschampe Musgraue M●nilebillers Mortmaine Muse Marteine Mountbocher Maleuile Mountney Maleherbe Musgros Musard Mautrauers Merke Murres Montague Mantalent Mandute Manle Mal●ry Merny Muffet Menpincoy Mainard Morell Morley Mounrmartin Myners Mauley Mainwaring Mantell Mayel Morton Neuile Newmarche Norton Norbet Norece Newborough Neele Normanuile Otenell Olibef Olifaunt Oysell Oliford Oryoll Pigot Pery Perecount Pershale Power Paynel Peche Peuerell Perot Picard Pudsey Pimeray Pounsey Punchardon Pynchard Placy Patifine Pampilion Poterell Pekeney Peruinke Penicord Quincy Quintine Rose Ridle Rynel Rous. Russell Ro●d Richmond Rocheford Reymond Seuche Seint Quintine Seint Omer Seint Amond Seint Leger Someruile Sanford Somerey Seint George Seint Les. Sauine Seint Clo. Seint Albine Seint Barbe Sandeuile Seint More Seint Scudemor Towrs Toget Talybois Tuchet Truslot Trusbut Traynel Taket Talbo● Tanny Tibtote Trusell Turbeuile Turuile Totet Tauers Torel Tirell Totels Tauerner Valence Vancord Vau●sour Vender Verder Verdon Aubrie de Vere Vernoune Venables Ven●ure Verlaud Verlay Vernoys Verny Vilan Vmframuile Vnket Vrnall Wake Walenger Warde Wardebus Waren Wate Wateline Wateuile Woly Wyuell THis yeare through the greate suite and labour of Williā the Norman then Bishoppe of London King William grāted the Charter and liberties to the same William Byshoppe VVherefore the Mayor and Citizens of Lōdon repayre to Poules and Godfrey Portgreue and al the Burgies of the Cittie of London in as large forme as they enioyed the same in the time of Saint Edwarde before the Conquest in rewarde whereof the Citizens haue fixed on hys graue being in the middest of the great West I le of Saint Paules Church in London this Epitaph following GVilielme viro sapiētia vitae sanctitate clar● qui primùm Epitaph of VVilliam Byshop of Londō diuo Edwardo Regi Confessori familiaris nuper in Episcopum Londinensem erectus nec multò post apud inuictissimū Principem Guilelmum Angliae regem eius nominis primum ob prudentiam fidemqúe singularem in consilium adhibitus amplissima huic vrbi celeberimae priuilegia abeodem impetrauit Senatus populusque Londinensis bene merenti posuit Sedit Episcopus annos 20. Decessit anno à Christo nato 1070. HAEc tibi clare pater posuerunt marmora ciues Praemia non meritis aequiparanda tuis Namque sibi populus te Londoniensis amicum Sensit huic vrbi non leue praesidium Reddita libertas duce te dotaque multis Te duce res fuerat publica muneribus Diuitias genus formam breuis opprimat hora Haec tua sed pietas benefacta manent Obijt anno 1070 Sedit Episcopus annos 20. The same in English TO William a man famous in wisedome and holynesse of life who first with Saint Edward the king and Confessour being familiar of late preferred to be Byshoppe of London and not long after for hys prudencie and sincere fidelitie admitted to be of counsel with the moste victorious Prince William king of Englande of that name the first who obteyned of the same great and large priuiledges to this famous Citie The Senate and Citizens of Lōdon to him hauing well deserued haue made this He continued Bishop xx yeares and died in the yere after Christ his natiuitie 1070. THese Marble monuments to thee thy Citizens assigne Rewardes O Father far vnfit to those deserts of thine Thee vnto them a faithfull friend thy London people founde And to thys towne of no small weyght a stay both sure and sounde Their liberties restorde to them by means of thee haue been Their publike weale by meanes of thee large gifts haue felte and seen Thy riches stocke and beautie braue one houre hathe them supprest Yet these thy vertues and good deedes with vs for euer reste KIng William leauing his brother Odo Byshop of Bayon Marianus Ypodigm● Neustri● and William Fitz Osberne whom he had made Earle of Hereforde to be Wardens of England retourned into Normandie which at that time was bent to shrink from him Hée toke with him Edgare Etheling Stigandus Archbishoppe of W. de W●lum Canturburie Frederike Abbot of Saint Albons Egelnothus Abbot of Glastenburie Edwyne Duke of Mercia Morcarus duke of Northumberlande Walden Earle of Northampton and of Huntington Roger late Earle of Hertford Renulphe Earle of Cambridge Gospatrike Earle of Cumberlande Gualter the son of Siward and manye other nobles of England thinking they woulde be truer to him in a forraine Countrey than in their owne by theyr diligence he subdued the rebelling Normans When Winter was at hand King William retourned and set an importable tribute on the Englishmen After this going into Deuonshire he besieged Excester Excester besieged which the Citizens and other English men helde againste him The Countesse Githa mother of King Harolde and sister to Swanus king of Denmarke with manye other fléeing out of the Cittie escaped and got them ouer into Flaunders and the Citizens yéelded to the King Anno
reg 2. 1068 Ypodigma Mathild wife to King William came forth of Normandie and on Whitsonday was consecrated Quéene by Aldred Archebyshop of Yorke After this Marleswin Gospatricke and other noble menne of Northumberlande to auoyde king Williams roughe and boysterous dealings taking with them Edgar Etheling and his mother Agatha with his two sisters Margaret and Christian wente by sea into Scotlande where they were receiued and well entertayned of Malcoline king of Scottes who tooke Margaret the sister of Edgar to wife Iohn Rouse King William with his armye wente to Notingham and Castel at Notingham Yorke and Lincolne builded there builded a Castel he went to Yorke and made there two Castels and put in them garisons he cōmaunded also Castels to be made at Lincolne and other places This yere Henrie the kings sonne was borne in Englād T. Rudborne Earle of Northumberlande slaine for his eldest sons Robert and William Rufus were borne in Normandie before he Conquered England King William gaue to Robert Commin the Earledome Liber Dunelme Anno. reg 3. of Northumberland who entred by force into Duresme but for his outrages there done he and 900. of his men were slaine by the men of that Countrey in the Bishoppes palace that Sea Cro. had himselfe receyued him honourablye and king William came Afterward vpon them and slewe them euery one Agelricus bishop of Durham being accused of treason was 1069 imprisoned at Westminster And his brother Egelwine being made Bishop there was soone banished The Englishmen that were fledde out of Englande hauyng Edgar to be their Captaine returned out of Scotlande and sodainely set vpon the garisons that King William had sette at Yorke put them to flighte slewe them possessed the Citie and pronounced Edgar to be King but not long after King William came with a great armye and recouered thr Citie constrayning Edgar to retourne into Scollande Edgar seeing he coulde not make his partye good with king William adioyned vnto hym Canutus king of the Danes promising hym halfe of the kingdome Thus they entred Englande and came to Yorke The Normaines that were left to defende the Citie sette Yorke brent their suburbes on fire that their enimies shoulde haue no commoditie of it but the winde droue the fire on high and set all the Cittie on fire so that the garisons were forced to flée into their enimies hands In the ●kirmish were slaine 3000 Normans wherevppon all the North parte of England fell from William to Edgar When William had word of the slaughter of his men hée with great trauel came to Yorke where he fought with hys enimies and put them to flighte Canutus with a few Danes got to their shippes but Edgar and the Englishmen which escaped retourned into Scotland King William spoyled all the Countrey beyonde Humber Such a dearth was in England that men did eate horsses Anno reg 4. Mans flesh good meate Ioh Taxtor 1070 Monasteries rifled cattes dogges and mans flesh King William bereaued all the Monasteries and Abbayes in Englande of theyr golde and siluer sparing neyther chalice nor shrine appropriating the sayd Monasteries and Abbayes to himselfe he also brought vnder Knightes seruice all those Bishoprickes and Abbayes that held Baronies which had bin frée from all secular bondage appointing them howe many souldiours they should finde him and his successours in time of warre In a counsel at Winchester Stigand was deposed as an Ypodigma Stigand deposed Apostata Archebishop who for money got his Bishopricke and Lanfranke was chosen Archbishop of Canturburie Anno. reg 5. 1071 Edwine Earle of Mercia Marcherus Earle of Northūberlande and Swardus an Earle with Egelwine Bishop of Durham and many other of the cleargie and laitie kéeping the Noble men fled wooddes for that they were not able to abyde the Kings displeasure at the last came into the I le of Elie Herewarde being their Captaine who sore afflicted that Countrey but king William besieging the I le they all sauing Herewarde submitted them to his plesure who committed some to perpetual prison some he put to death and some he ransomed but Hereward by strong hande broughte his men out of the I le and escaped The Castell of Ledes in Kent was builded by Creueken Anno. reg 6. Ex libro Nor● Castel of Leder and of Oxforde builded Iohn Rouse 1072 Mathew Paris Yorke subiect to Canturburie Anno reg 7. 1073 Anno reg 8. and the Castel of Oxforde by Robert de Olly two noble men that came into England with William Conquerour In a Counsel holden at Windsore the primacie of y ● church of Canturburie ouer the Churche of Yorke being examined it was founde by good aucthoritie of olde writings that the Church of Yorke ought to be subiect to the Church of Canturburie and faithfully to obey the same King William with a great power inuaded Scotland and forced Malcoline to do him homage and fealtie King William with a greate power of Englishmen wente into Normand●e which rebelled and subdued it spoyling the Cities townes vineyardes corne c. Gregory the seauenth Pope excommunicated all committers 1074 Maried priestes remoued Ypodigma Mathew Paris of Simony and remoued maried Priestes from executing of deuine seruice whereof rose greate troubles in England Ranulph Erle of y e East-English by y ● counsel of the Erles Woltheopus Roger trauelled to expel K. Williā out of his kingdome The cōspiracie was concluded at a mariage in y ● Conspiracie Citie of Norwich forthwith they sente to the King of Denmarke desiring his ayde and hauing confederated with the Walchmen euerye one where they came robbed the Kyngs townes King William came sodainly out of Normandie and toke the Earles committing them to prison but the Walchmen he caused to haue theyr eyes put out and some to be hanged Kanut the sonne of Swayne and Hacon the Earle came Anno reg 9. out of Denmarke with 200 saile but when they heard y ● theyr fautors were ouercome they tourned into Flaunders King William caused a castell to be builded at Dirham 1075 Ypodigma commaunded Waltheothus Earle of Northampton and of Huntindon son to Siward duke of Northumberland to be beheaded at Winchester who was buried at Crowland The king sayled into Brytaine and besieged the Castel of Dolens but preuayled not Walter Bishoppe of Durham bought of king William the Bisshop murdered Anno. reg 10 Earledome of Northumberlande wherin he vsed such cruelty that at the length the inhabitants slewe him and an hundred of his men by the riuer of Tine where the Bishop helde his courtes The Earth was harde frozen from the Calendes of Nouember 1076 T. Castleforde Iohn Leyland Anno. reg 11 till the middest of Aprill King William gaue the castel with the town of Pontfrait with land lying there about to Hilbert Lacy a Norman The castel town lāds about Pontfraite longed before y ● Cōquest to
one Richard Ashnalde who had issue Ailricke who had Swane who had Adam of whom came two daughters one of them maried to Gaulfride Neuile the other to Thomas Burgh but neyther of them had anye part of the Towne or lands about Pontfrait Robert sonne to Hildebert Lacy founded the Priory of Pontfraite Robert the first sonne of King William bycause he could not possesse Normandie which his father had giuen him before his cōming into England in the presence of Phillip king of Fraunce he went into Fraunce and through ayde of Kyng Phillip he fetched prayes in Normandie brent townes slewe men and brought his father into no small perplexitie Upon Palme sondaye aboute noone appeared a Blasing 1077 Anno. reg 12 1078 Ypodigma starre neare vnto the sunne Malcoline King of Scots wasted Northumberland slew many and toke a great pray with him into Scotland The Cathedral Church of Hereford was brent by Grifin and Algare sonne to Leof icke Earle of Merce While King William gaue battayle vnto his eldest son Robert before the Castell of Kerbothead which King Philip King VVilliam vvounded had lent him he was wounded by hym in hys arme and caste besides his horsse but as soone as Robert knew him by his voyce he straight alighted and required his Father to mount on his horsse and suffred him to depart many of king Anno. reg 13 Williams men were slaine and his son William with many other sore wounded Trustin Abbot of Glastenbury committed a filthy acte in his 1379 Murder Mathew Paris Church for he caused thrée Monkes to be slaine which were layde vnder the Altare and xviij men to be wounded that their bloud ran from the Alter down y ● steps to y ● pauement This yeare was a great wind on Christmas daye And Anno. reg 14 1080 Anno. reg 15 1081 Anno. reg 16 Tutsbury Liber Tutsbury 1982 Bermondsey Anno. reg 17 1083 a greate Earthquake and roarings out of the earth the vj. of Aprill Henry Erle Ferrers founded a Priory within hys Castel of Tutsbury the late new Church was builded in Anno. 1407. when the Normans were put out Alwin Child a Citizen of London founder of the Monasterie of S. Sauior at Bermondfeey in Surrey gaue vnto the Monkes there dyuers rents in the Cittie of London Matild the Quéene daughter to Baldwin Earle of Flaunders and wife to King William died and was buryed at Cane in the Monastery of Nunnes whych she had builded Richard sonne to King William died in the new Forrest and was buryed at Winchester King William caused inquirie to be made howe manye Acres of land numbred ●● Rouse Anno. reg 18. 1084 A greate taxe acres of lande were sufficient for one ploughe by the yeare howe many beastes to the tilling of one hide how many Cities Castels Farmes Oranges Townes Riuers Marshes and Woods what rent they were by yeare and howe many Knightes or Souldiors were in euery shire all whych was put in writing and remayneth at Westminster King William tooke homage and othe of allegiaunce of all Englande of what tenor or fée soeuer they were and tooke Anno. reg 19 of euery hide of land sire shillings and then fayled into Normandy When the Normans had accomplished their pleasure vpon 1085 the Englishmen so that there was no noble man of that nation left to beare any rule ouer thē it became a reproch to be Nev●●●●rrest called an Englishman Wicked customes sprang vp and the more the people spake of equitie the more wrōg was done the Justiciers were the authors of al vnrighteousnes Who so did take a Deare or a Goate had hys eyes putte oute It was broughte to passe that for the space of more than xxx Mathew Paris Bishop at Lincolne miles good profitable corne ground was turned into a chace for wilde beastes Remingus Bishop of Dorchester remoued his Sea to Lincolne Anno reg 20. where he bu●lded a new Church to be his seate King William kept his feast of Christmas at Gloucester Flori. Wigmore where to thrée of his Chaplaines he gaue thrée Bishoprikes to Mawrice the Bishopricke of London to William that of Thetford and to Robert that of Chester There was a greate water floude so that hils were made 1086 VVater floude softe and consumed with their fal ouer whelmed many villages King William founded the Abbeys of Battel where hée ouercame Harolde of Selbe in Yorkeshire and of Cane in Normandy Battell Abbey in the which he was buried He founded the Priory of Saint Nicholas at Excester He gaue greate Priuiledges to Saint Martins le Graunde Liber S. Mar. Anno reg 21 Saint Martins le grand in London which Church was founded before the Conquest by Ingelricus and Ewardus his brother cousins to king Edward the Confessor he also gaue to y e Chlledge as appeareth by his Charter in these words I do giue Creeplesgate of London but a Posterne and all the grounde adioyning vvas a Doore or Marishe and graunt to the same Church al the land and more without the Posterne which is called Criplesgate on either parte of the posterne that is to say from the North corner of the wall as the riuer of the Wells there running departe the same more from the wal to y e rūning water which entreth the Citie c. This yere was a great death of Cattel and sore distemperancie 1087 of ayre many dyed first of feuers and after of famine In the mean time a deuouring fire spread ouer al the principall Famine and Pestilence Cities of Englande The Church of Saint Paule in London was brent with the more part of the Citie which fire began London and Poules Churche brent 〈…〉 Erkenwaldi at the entry of the West gate consumed so y e East gate Mawrice then Bishop of London began the foundation of the new Church of Paules Richard his successor did wonderfully encrease the walles of the said Church and of his owne cost Floria Wig. purchased y ● large stréetes about it where were wont to dwel many laye men and compassed it with a strong wall In a prouince of Wales called Rose was found the sepulchre of Gawen vpon the sea shore who was sisters sonne to Wil. Malme Mens bones of large sixe Arthur king of the Britaines being xiij foote of length King William being at Roane in Normandie Philip king of Fraunce saide that he kept his Chamber as women do in childbed nourished his fat belly but when he is churched I will offer a thousand candles with him King William hearing of these scornes went with a great army into Fraunce spoyling al things as he passed Last of al he burned the Citie of Meanx with our Lady Churche and two Anchers that were enclosed there who perswaded themselues they ought not to forsake their house in such extremitie whereat the King reioysing cheared his men to féede the fire came
10 Iohn Fleming 11 Oliuer Saint Iohn 12 Williā Easterling now for shortnes called S●radling Thus was the Lordship of Glamorgan Morgannoke wonne out of the Welchmens hands whiche Lordship conteyned in length from R●mid bridge on the East side to Pallekinan in the West side 27. miles The breadth from the Hauen of Aberthaw on the South side to the confine of Breknokeshire about Morleys Castell is 22. mi●●● In this Prouince are neath vpon a Riuer of the same name Pontfaine that is to say Stone bridge sometimes called Cowbridge Lantwid Wenny Dinwid Townes and Castels besides Caer Phili a most antient Castell fortresse which by reporte was erected by the Romanes and Caerdid the Humfrey L●●yd principall Towne of the Shire standing vpon the Riuer Tafe Englishmen tearme it Cardid or Gardife Also within the body of the said Lordship were eightene Castels and ●6 Knightes fées and a halfe that helde of the same Lordship by Knights seruice besides a great number of frée holders Also the saide Lordship being a Lordship Marcher or a Lordship Royall and holden of no other Lordship the Lordes thereof euer since the winning of the same owing their obedience only to the Crowne haue vsed therein Iura regalia with the triall of all actions as well reall as personall and pleas of Crowne with authoritie to pardon all offences Treason only excepted King William W 〈…〉 Northumberland where he repaired 1091 Nevv Castell Sarisburie Anno reg 5 such Castels as the Scottes had impayred and builded the newe Castell on Tine Osmond Bishop of Sarisburie founded the Cathedrall Church of old Sarisburie and on the morrow after the dedication thereof the Stéeple was fiered by lightning In England fell wonderfull abundance of rayne and after 1092 Great Frost Mathew Paris Wil. Malme ensued so great frost that horsses and cartes passed commonly ouer great Riuers which when it thawed the Yse brake downe many great bridges Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente into Normandy for Abbey of Chester Anselme by his counsell to builde an Abbey at Chester of Saint Werbridge King William lying sicke at Glocester for feare of death Mathew Paris promised to correct the wicked Lawes He gaue the Archbishoprike of Canturbury to Anselme Anselme Archbishop and to his Chancellour Robert Bloet the Bishoprike of Lincolne but when the King had recouered his health he was sorie that he had not sold the Bishoprike of Lincolne Malcolme King of Scottes comming into Englande was King of Scottes flayne met withall and sodeinly ●●ayne with his sonne and heire also by Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland Iohn Bishop of Welles by noynting the Kings handes Bishopricke at Bathe Levves in Suffex Anno reg 6. 1093 Carelile repayred and the Castell builded Famine ●● Beuerla Thomas Rudburn transposed his Bishops seate to Bathe William Waren first Earle of Surrey and Gundred his wife founded the Abbey of Lewes in Sussex King William builded againe the Citie of Carelile which was destroyed by the Danes 200. yeares before He also builded a Castell there and out of the South parts of England sent men to inhabit This yeare was a great famine and after so great a mortalitie that the quicke were scant able to bury the dead King William made great warres in Normandy against his brother Robert through the whiche both England and Normandy were fore oppressed with exactions Exactions VV●l●chmen vvon Angle●ey The Welchmen spoyled the Citie of Glocester with a part of Shrewsburie and woonne the Is●e of Anglesey The Bishopricke of Thetford was translated to Norwich Bishopricke at Norvvich Anno reg 7. 1094 Northumberland spoyled by Herbert Losing Bishop there King William sent his brother Henry into Northumberland with a great power bycause Robert Mowbrey Earle of that Countrey refused to come to the Kings Court the Countrey was spoyled the Earle was taken and many were disherited Some had their eyes put out c. King William with a great power entred Wales but not King VVilliam inuaded vvales being able to followe the Welchmen among the hilles he builded two Castels in the borders and returned Great preparation was made by the Christians to goe Anno reg 8. 1095 〈…〉 to Hierusalem against the Infidels at Hierusalem Peter the Hermite being their first leader and after Godfrey of Lorraine called Godfrey of Bolleine Robert Duke of Normandy tooke his iourney towards Anno reg 9. 1096 Normandy pavvned An. reg 10. 1097 Nice and Antioch vvoon Hierusalem and layde Normandy to gage to his brother King William for 6666. poundes of siluer The Dukes Godfrey Beamonde and Robert beséeged the Citie of Niece with 6000. horsemen and 10000. footemen and tooke the same with the wife of Soliman and his sonnes They also tooke the Citie of Antioch King William with an armie of horsemen and footemen wente the seconde time into Wales meaning to kill all the male kinde there but he could vnneth kill or take any one of them All the lands in Kent that sometime belonged to Earle Hector Boetius Godvvin sands Godwine by breaking in of the Sea were couered with Sands and therefore is yet called Godwine Sands King William was in Normandy and gaue himselfe to Exactions An. reg 11. 1098 An. reg 12. 1099 Hierusalem vvonne warres there so that with exactions and tributes he did not only shaue but flea the people of England Hugh Earle of Shrewsburie was slayne in Anglesey by the Irishmen The Christians tooke the Citie of Hierusalem and placed there a King and a Patriarche After King Wilham was come out of Normandy he kept his Courte at Westminster in the new Hall which he had then caused to be builded the length whereof is 270. foote VVestminster Hall P. Patauiensis and the breadth 74. foote and hearing men say it was too bigge he answered this Hall is not bigge ynough by the one halfe and that it was but a Chamber in comparison Io. Euersden of that he was about to make A diligent searcher might Mathew Paris Io. Rouse yet find out the foundation of the Hall which he had purposed to builde stretching from the Thames side vnto the common strééte King William being a hunting in the new Forest word was brought him that his people were beséeged in Mayne he forthwith tooke shipping though he were vehemently perswaded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whome he answered he neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time he gote more honor VVord of VVilliam Rufus Mathew Paris than euer he did in all his life for he chased his enemies and returned with victory In this Sommer bloud sprang out of the earth at Finchamstede Anno reg 13 in Barkeshire King William on the morrow after Lammas day hunting 1100 There stande●● a Chappell King VVilliam slayne Wil. Malme Mathew Paris Radulphus Niger in the new Forrest of Hampshire in a
place called Chorengham Sir Walter Tirell shooting at a Déere vnawares hitte the King in the brest that he fell downe starke dead and neuer spake worde his men specially that Knighte gate them away but some came backe agayne and layde his body vpon a Colyars Cart whiche one sillie leane beast did draw vnto the Citie of Winchester where he was Radul Cogshal buryed on the morow after his death at whose buryall men could not wéepe for ioy This King was taken out of the world in the middest of his vnrighteousnesse who being wicked to his owne people and to strangers was most wicked to himselfe The Countreys about him he prouoked with warres and England was so miserably oppressed vnder him that it Io. Rouse could not recouer for he and his trayne spoyled and subuerted all things He reigned twelue yeares and eleuen monethes lacking eyght dayes He gaue vnto the Monkes called De Charitate in Southwarke Register of Berna●dsey the great newe Church of Saint Sauioure of Barmonds eye and also Barmonds eye it selfe He also founded of an olde Monasterie of Monkes a Ex C●●● goodly Hospitall in the Citie of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation and finding of the poore as well men as women He gaue the Churche of Saint Peeter in the Citie of Bathe to be a Bishops Sea and the mother Church of Somersetshire ¶ King Henry Beawclerke HEnry brother to William Anno reg 1. Io. Rouse Rufus and y ● first of that name for his learning called Beawclearke brought vp in the studie of the liberall artes at Cambridge chieflye through the trauell of Henrye Nowborough Earle of Warwike who appeased all debates of that time to the The. R●dborne W. Malme contrarie obteyned the dominion ouer this Realme of Englande and beganne his raigne the first day of August in the yeare o●●ure Lorde 1100. and was crowned at Westminster on the fifth day of August by Mawrice Bishop of London bycause at that time Ge●●● Dor● Anselme Archbishop of Canturburie was by persecution of William Rufus exiled This Henry borne at Selbe in Englande was a noble Prince strong and mightie of body high of stature and amiable of countenance He was excellent in wit eloquent and fortunate in battaile and for these thrée he had thrée notable vices couetousnesse crueltie and lecherie He maryed Mawde the daughter of Malcoline King of Scottes of whome he begate William and a daughter named Mawde At the beginning of his raigne he restored the state of the Cleargie aswaged the gréeuous payments reduced againe Saint Edwards lawes and amended them He put out of his Court all nice and wanton persons He reformed the olde vntrue measures and made a Measures reformed W. Malme Vlno novv called a yard W. Malme measure by the length of his owne arme whiche was then called Vlno an Elle and now the same is called a yarde or metewand c. He restored to his Subiects the vse of lights in the night Vse of light in the night permitted which lightes and also fire had him forbidden by his father to be vsed after the ringing of a Bell at eyght of the clocke at night Edgar King of Scottes did homage to this Henry This yeare Iordan Briset Baron the sonne of Raufe the Saint Iohns by Smithfielde sonne of Brian Briset founded the house of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem néere vnto London by Smithfield The same Iordan gaue fourtéene Acres of ground lying Clarken vvell Register of Clerken well Ex Carta in the field next adioyning vnto Clarken well to build therevpon a house of Nunnes wherein he with Murioll hys wife were both buryed in the Chapter house Robert Shorthose Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest 1101 Anno reg 2. brother whiche was nowe returned from Hierusalem made warre vpon his brother Henry for the Crowne of England who assembled a strong armie and landed at Portesmouth but by mediation a peace was made on condition that Tribute to Robert Shorthose VVinchester and Glocester brent Liber Glocestr Tevvkesbery builded Cronica de Theoksbery Henry should pay thrée thousand markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one dyed without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester was brent the xvij of May and Glocester was brent the twentith of May Robert Fitzham who came with the Conquerour out of Normandy with Sibell his wife founded a new the Church of Theukesbery and was there buryed Robert de Belasine Earle of Shrewsburie eldest sonne to 1102 Robert de Belasme rebelled W●l Malme Floriacens●s Roger Mountgomery strengthned the Towne and Castell of Shrewsbury so did he the Castels of Bridgenorth Tichile and Arundell with vi●●uals and armed men against King Henry but the King being warned thereof he gathereth his power and beséegeth Bridgenorth whiche Towne was yéelded vnto him And this being knowne to them of Arundell they forthwith submitted themselues with condition that their Lorde Robert de Belasme might be permitted fréely to passe into Normandy Also they of Shrewsbury sent the keyes of their Castell and pledges of their obeysance and then Robert with his brother Ernulfus and Roger of Poytiers abiured this land for euer The Cathedrall Churche of Norwich was founded by Minster of Norvviche Anno reg 3. Register of Saint Barthelmew Hospitall of S. Barthelmevv 1103 Anno reg 4. Herbert Bishop of Norwich The Priorie and Hospitall of Saint Barthelmewe in Smithfield was founded by a pleasant I ester or Minstrell of the Kings named Reior who became first Prior there Before this time Smithfield was a laystow of all drdure and filth and the place where fellons and other transgressors were put to execution Roberte Duke of Normandy comming into Englande through the subtelty of King Henry his yonger brother released The yonger brother begyleth the elder to him the tribute of thrée thousand Markes of Siluer Hugh Lacy founded the Monasterie of Saint Iohn at Ex libre Lanthony Mathew Paris Lanthony founded Chro. Donmow Lanthony the Chanons of which place were since translated by Miles high Connestable and Earle of Here ford to a place néere vnto Glocester then called Hide since called Lanthony Iuga Baynard Lady of little Donmow caused Maurice Bishop of London to dedicate the Church of Donmow which the Priorie of Donmovv in Essex founded by the VViddovv of Baynard that buylded Baynards Castell in London had founded and the same day she gaue to it halfe a hide of land This Lady Iuga was late wife to Baynard that firste buylded Baynards Castle in London Great malice was kindled betwéene the two bréthren 1104 Anno reg 5. Robert and Henry wherevpon deadly warre ensued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blasing Starre King Henry remayned in Normandy making strong 1105 Anno reg 6. Saint Iohns in Colchester warres vpon his brother Robert and Rorsia his wife Eudo Dapifere or sewer to King Henry founded the Monasterie
of Saint Iohn in Colchester of blacke Channons and those were the first in England Simon Earle of North-hampton and Mawde his wife Saint Andrevve in North-hampton Ex Carta ●o Rouse 1106 Anno reg 7. Elder brother seeketh fauour of the yonger founded the Monasterie of Saint Andrew in North-hampton Robert Duke of Normandy came to his brother at Northhampton and friendly desired him to beare brotherly loue foward him but King Henry féeling his conscience accusing him for obteyning the Kingdome by defrauding of his elder brother and fearing men more than God first he reconciled the Nobles of the Realme with faire promises thinking afterwards to make amende for his great wrongs by founding of an Abbey The Duke returning into Normandy the King followed with a great power where betwéene them were many sore battayles fought but at the last the valiant man Roberte was taken This yeare appeared a blasing Starre from thrée of the A Blasing Starre Mathew Paris clocke till nine And on the Maundy Thursday was séene two full Moones one in the East and another in the West The first Chanons entred into the Church of our Lady T Rudborne Saint Mary Ouery Liber Roffensis ●o Reuerla 1107 Anno reg 8. in Southwarke called Saint Mary Ouery foūded by William Pountlarge Knight and Wiliam Daneys Normans Aigedus was first Prior there Whē King Henry had set in order Normady according to his pleasure he returning into England brought with him his brother Robert W●rlham of Morton put them in perpetuall prison frō whēce shortly after Duke Robert deceiuing The yonger brother puttet● out the eyes of his elder his kepers sought to escape but he was takē as he fled by his brothers cōmandement had his eies put out kept streighter till his dying day This yeare the Priorie of the holy Trinitie within 1108 Priorie of the Trinitie in London Liber trini Aldgate of London was founded by Matild the Quéene in the Parishes of Mary Magdalen Saint Michael Saint Katherine and the holy Trinitie all whiche are nowe but one Parish of Christ Church in old time called holy Roode parish W. Dunthorne She gaue to the same Priorie the port of Aldgate with the stocke therevnto belōging which was of hir demaynes and is now called Aldgate Warde King Henry with sundry expeditions brought vnder him the Welchmen and to pull downe their stoutenesse he Anno reg 9. W●it Malme Gerua Doro Flemings sent into VVales sent all the Flemings that inhabited England thither which of late were come hither when great part of Flanders was drowned and also in time of his father by aliance of his mother in so muche that through their greate multitude they séemed gréeuous to the Realme wherefore he sente them ali with their substance and kindred into Rose a Cōuntrey of Wales a● into a● stucke that he mighte clense the Realme of them and also suppresse the wildnesse of the enimie and not long after he made expedition thither compelling the Welchmen to giue him for pledges the sonnes of the Nobilitie with some money and much Cattell and returned Henry Emperour of Rome sente messengers into England requiring to haue Mawde the Kings daughter giuen 1109 An● reg 10. him in mariage which was granted by the King who then tooke thrée Shillings of euery hide of lande through England The King translated the Abbey of Eoly into a Bishopricke A Taxe Iohn Taxtor Eelȳ a Bishoprick Mathew Paris ●ibermōn Elie. and made Haruey Crust Bishop of Bancor Bishop there A Comete appeared after a strange fashion for it was risen out of the East and astended vpwards A great Earthquake was at Shrewesburie and the water 1110 Anno reg 11 A Comete Trent dried vp Floria censis of Trent at Nottingham was dryed vp from one of the clocke till thrée King Henry maryed Robert his bastard son to Mawde Floriacen daughter and heire to Robert Fatzham and made him the first Earle of Glocester who after builded the Castels of Bristow Castels at Bristovv and Cardife Saint Iames at Bristovv Kensham 1111 Anno reg 12 Mathew Paris and Cardeffe with the Priorie of S. Iames in Bristowe where his body was buryed And his sonne Earle William began the Abbey of Kensham King Henry went into Normandy to make war against the Earle of Angiew whiche kept Maine againste the Kings will and spoyled the whole Countrey William Baynard vnder whome Lady Iuga helde the Cro. Dun. title of Dunmow by misfortune lost his Barony and King Henry gaue it wholly to Robert the sonne of Richard the Robert Fit●● Richard sonne of Gilbert Earle of Clare and to his heires togither with the honor of Baynards Castell in London and the appurtenances This Robert was Cupbearer or Butler to the King Aboute this time Gefferey Clinton Treasourer and 1112 Anno reg 13 Kenelvvorth Priory and Castell founded Lib. Ken. Chamberlayne to King Henry the first founded the Priorie at Kenelworth of regular Chanons Geffery Clinton the yonger confirmed to the Chanons all which Geffery his father gaue them except those landes which his father reserued to make his Castell and Parke on in Kenelworth This yeare was a great mortalitie of men and moreine Mathew Paris of Beastes The Citie of Worcester the chiefe Church the Castell 1113 Anno reg 14. Floriacen Cro. Hautenprice and all other buildings one of the Monkes with two seruants and fiftéene Citizēs were all brent the twentith day of July The King subdued the Walchmen The King caused all his Nobles to sweare to William his sonne The tenth of October the Riuer of Medway by no small 1114 Anno reg 15 Thames and Medvvay dried vp number of miles did so fayle of water that in the midst of the Chanell the smallest Uessels and Boates coulde not passe The selfe same day the Thamis did suffer the like lack of water for betwéen the Tower of London and the bridge and vnder the Bridge not only with Horse but also a greate Thomas de Wike Walter Couen Iohn Taxtor William Sheepehead Liber Roffensis Chichester brent A blasing starre 1115 Anno reg 16 Liber trinitatis number of men and children did wade ouer on foote whiche defecte of water did endure the space of two dayes Chichester with the principall Monasterie was brent There was many stormes and a blasing Starre This yeare through an hard Winter almost all the bridges in England were borne downe with Yse Edgar sometime King of England granted vnto thirtéene Knightes a portion of grounde without the walles of the Citie of London lefte voyde in the East part of the same Citie Knighten Gild novv Portsoken vvard togither with a gilde which he named Knighten Gild that now is called Portsoken warde and now the Church of the holy Trinitie being founded within Aldgate of London by Mathild then Quéene as is afore shewed The successors of those Knightes to
wéete Radulphus fitz Algede Winiard le Douershe c. gaue the foresayde Lands called Knighten Gild to the same Church but Othowerus Accolinillus Otto and Gefferey Earle of Estsex Constables of the Tower of London by succession with-helde by force a portion of the same lande that is to say East Smithfield néere to the Tower to make a Uineyard and would not depart from it by any meanes till the seconde yeare of King Stephen when the same was adiudged and restored to the Church of the holy Trinitie King Henry hauing greate warres with Lewes King 1116 Anno. reg 17 Cro. Peter of France the Realme of England was sore oppressed with exactions The Towne of Peterborow with the stately Churche there was burned downe to the ground In March was excéeding lightning and in December 1117 Anno. reg 18. Tempest and Earthquake thunder and hayle and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into bloud This yeare in Lumbardy was an Earthquake continued fortie dayes whiche ouerthrewe many houses and that Floriacen whiche was maruellous to be séene a Towne was moued from his seate and set a good way off Mathild the Quéene wife to King Henry of Englande 1118 Anno reg 19. Mathew Paris deceassed at Westminster and was there buryed in the Reuostrie She founded the Priorie of Christes Church within the East gate of London called Aldgate and an Hospitall of Mathilds Hospitall Saint Giles in the fielde without the Weast part of the same Citie The order of the Templers began Knightes of the Temple Many sore battayles were fought in France and Normandy betwéene the King of England and of France 1119 Anno reg 20 1120 Anno reg 21. The Kings children drovvned W. Malme Mathew Paris King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacifyed Normandy returned into Engalnde in whiche voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonnes and Marye his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of one hundred and sixtie persons were miserably drowned the Sea being calme King Henry marryed Adelizia the Duke of Louans 1121 Anno reg 22. daughter at London from thence the King with a great armie wente towarde Wales but the Welchmen met him humbly and agréed with him at his pleasure The Citie of Glocester with the principall Monasterie was brent againe as before and Lincolne was burned 1122 Anno reg 23 Glocester brent Lib. Glocest Mathew Paris 1123 Anno reg 24. VVarvvike vvith the Colledge King Henry sayled into Normandy where he remayned long trauelling to quiet that Countrey Henry Earle of Warwike and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in y ● towne of Warwike And Roger de Belemound his sonne Earle of Warwike and Aeline his wife translated the same Colledge into the Castell of Warwike in Anno 1123. At that time were nine parishes in Warwike Saint Sepulcre Saint Hellens of these twayne were made one Priorie of Saint Sepulchre Alhalowes Saint Michaell Saint Iohn Saint Peter Saint Lawrēce Saint Iames these fiue last Liber Warwic●● Io. Rouse were ioyned to Saint Maryes in Anno 1367. Saint Nicholas Waleran Earle of Mellent is takē in Normandy by King 1124 Anno reg 25 1125 Anno reg 26 Mathew Paris Taxtor Coyners punished Henry and he with many other are imprisoned at Roane Iohn Thremensis Cardinall came into England who inueying sore against Priestes Concubines was himselfe detected of whoredome The King caused all the Coyners of England to haue their priuie members cut off and also their right hand bycause they had corrupted the Coyne Henry the fourth Emperour being dead as it was said 1126 Anno reg 27. The Empresse returned into England Giraldus Cambr. and Mawde the Empresse returning into England dwelte with the Quéene in hir Chamber bycause she was suspect of hir husbands death but some affirmed him to be long after in England lyuing as an Hermite and in the end to be buryed at Chester King Henry held his Courte with great magnificence Floriacen in his Castell of Winsore and there assembled all the nobilitie of his Realme where when the Archbishop of Yorke woulde haue Crowned the King equally with the Archshop of Canturbury by the iudgement of all menne he Archbishop of Yorke vvith his Crosse cast out of the Kings Chappell was repulsed the bearer of his Crosse togither with the Crosse was throwne out of the Kings Chappell for it was affirmed that no Metropolitane out of his owne Prouince might haue any Crosse borne before him The feast being ended the King with all the States of the Realme togither came to London and there at the Kings commandement William the Archbishop and the Legate of the Romish Churche and all other Bishops of the English Nation with the Nobilitie tooke an othe to defend against all men the Kingdome to his daughter if she suruiued hir father except that before his deceasse he begate some sonne to succéede him The King also granted to the Churche of Canturburie and to William and his successors the custodie and Constableship of the Castell of Rochester for euer The Archbishop of Canturbury assembled a counsell of Bishops 1127 Anno reg 28. Abbots and other Prelates at Westminster where they determined many causes concerning Ecclesiastical businesse and the King with his counsell confirmed them King Henry went with a warlike army into Fraunce bycause 1128 Anno reg 29 Lodowike the French King defēded the Erle of Flaunders the Kings Nephew and enimy At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they Men vveare haire like vvomen W. Malme 1129 Anno reg 30 Mathew Paris contended with women in length of haire King Henry helde a Counsell at London wherein it was graunted him to haue the correction of the Cleargie whiche came to an euill purpose for the King tooke infinite summes of mony of Priests and suffred them to do what they would Robert Deolley Knight great Conestable of England was the first founder of Osney King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresse to Geffrey 1130 Anno reg 31 1131 Anno reg 32 Rochester brent Richard Diuiensis 1132 Anno reg 33 Carleil a Byshopricke Geruasius Gualter Couen London brent Geruasius Doro. Thomas Wikes Plantagenet Earle of Angiou In the Moneth of May the King beyng present the Citie of Rochester was sore defaced wyth fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carleil Mawde the Empresse did beare to Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry which when the King knewe hée called hys nobles togyther and ordayned that his daughter and the heires of hir body should succéede him in hys Kingdome In Whitsonwéeke a great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in Weast Cheape consumed a greate parte of London from thence to Algate with the Priorie of Channons of the holy Trinitie and many houses of Office thereto
belonging An Earthquake in England Earthquake Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall Liber canonitrinitatis of Saint Crosse neare vnto Winchester The same hadde béene a Hospitall in the Saxons time but after spoyled by the Danes There was greate darkenesse in England and the Sunne 1133 Anno reg 34. VVorcester brent became like the Moone in the thyrd quarter Worcester as it had oft before chaunced was sore defaced with fire Mawde the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Geffrey for which cause King Henrie went ouer into Normandie Robert Shorthose King Henries brother died in the Castel 1134 Anno reg 35 Robert Short●ose died 1135 Anno reg 36 Death of King Henrie Mathew Paris of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henrie remayning in Normandie vpō a day did eat Lampraies wherof he toke a surfeite and deceased the firste day of December Anno. 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeres 4. monthes his bowels braynes and eyes were buried at Roan the rest of his bodie was pondered with salt and wrapped in Bulles hydes bycause of the stincke which poysoned them that stood about him The Phisition which being hyred with a great reward to cleaue his heade to take out y e brain with the stinck therof died so that he enioyed not the reward that was couenaunted Thus among a gret many that king Henrie slew this Phisition was the last King Henrie was buried at Reding which he had founde● He also founded the Priorie of Dunstable he conuerted a rich Colledge of Prebends in the Towne of Cirencester into an Abbay of Chanons regular he also builded ● Leyland there an Hospitall of Saint Iohn and newe builded the Castel of Windsor with a Colledge there ⸪ ¶ King Stephen STephen Earle of Morton Anno reg 1 W. Malme Floriacencis Gernasius Do. Ypodigma and of Boloigne sonne to the Earle of Bloys Adela William Conquerours daughter and nephew to king Henrie the firste claymed the kyngdome the seconde daye of December Anno. 1135. He comming into Englande was repulsed by them of Douer shutte out by them of Canturburie but receiued of y e Londoners and Péeres of the land admitted king and crowned at Westminster on Saint Stephens daye by William Archbishop of Canturburie This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely fauour and personage he excelled in martiall pollicie gentlenesse and liberalitie toward all men especially in the beginning and although he had continuall warre yet did he neuer burden his commons with exactions But vniustly and contrarye to his othe made to Mawde the Empresse daughter Fire at London to King Henrie he toke on him the crowne of England Fire which began in the house of one Ailward neare Lōdon Liber trinitatis London Thomas Wikes 1136 Excester besieged Ger. Dorobor stone consumed Eastward to Algate and Westwarde to Saint Erkenwalds shrine in Poules Church King Steuen assembling a great armye of Englishmen and Flemmings entred into Deuonshire and besieged the Castell of Excester a long time whiche Baldwine de Riuers helde against him but at length when they within the Castel wanted necessarie things to liue by they compounded Baldwine with hys wife and children are disherited and expulsed the lande A battayle was fought at Goher betwixte Normans and Walshmen where a hundred and. xvj persons on bothe sides Battaile against the vvalchmen were slaine whose bodies laye in the fieldes and were horribly torne and deuoured of Wolues After this was made greate eruptions by the Walchmen who destroyed Churches Townes Castels corne cattayle slewe men women and children riche and poore or solde thē in forraine countries In October a sore battayle was fought at Cardigan in the which such slaughter of men was made that the men except which were led awaye captiue there were of women taken and ledde away that there remayned to the tenth a thousād their husbands with their small children partelye drowned partly brent partly slaine so that the bridge being broken ouer the riuer of Tinde there was a bridge made of mens bodies Anno reg 2. and horsses drowned In March King Steuen passed the Sea to subdue Normādie 1137 Ypodigma Rochester Richard Diuiensis where he toke many Cities and strong Castels The thirde of June Sainte Andrewe in Rochester was brent with all the Citie and the Bishoppes and Monkes houses The fourth of June Saint Peters the Archbishops sea in Saint Peters in Yorke Yorke Saint Maries without the wals and an Hospital whiche the Archbishoppe Thrusto● had builded with 39. other Churches also the Trinitie Church in the suburbes of the same Citie within a small time after were brent Also Saint Peters Church at Bathe and all the Citie the The Citie of Bath brent Liber Roff. Geruasius Dor● Floriacensis Anno. reg 3. 27. of June was brent And the same moneth the citie of Leogere was consumed with fire England began to fall into great troubles whych caused King Steuen to returne out of Normandy before he had finished his businesse there Kyng Stephen besieged Bedford and wonne it then he wēt 1138 Bedford besieged Floriacencis Geruasius with a strong power into Northumberlande where he stayed not long but went to Glocester where the Citizens receyued him with greate reioycing Miles the Kings Conestable broughte him into the Kings Pallace there where all the Citizens were to him sworne From thence he wente to Hereford bicause that he heard the Castel was holdē against him and on Whitsonday he sate crowned in the Churche of Hereford When they that kept the Castell sawe the Kyngs power to encrease they yéelded themselues The King tooke also the Castell of Webheleyge whych Geffrey Talbot hadde helde agaynste hym The same day that the Kyng departed Hereford brent out of Hereforde all beyond the Ryuer of Wye was brente by the saide Geffrey The King returned to Oxforde where he tooke Roger the Bishop of Sarum with the Byshop of Lincolne and his sonne Roger the Bishop of Eely escaping went to the Castell of Vies and kept it against the King but at lengthe it was deliuered The same time Robert Earle of Gloucester renounced his allegeaunce to King Stephen fortified Bristow and other Castells Also Miles the Kings Conestable reuolted Wherfore Bristovv besieged the Kyng besieged the Castell of Bristow but at length being wearyed he tourned to other of the Earles Castels and séeing hys enimyes still encreasing he called out of Flaunders Anno reg 4. Ypodigma men of warre wyth Wylliam de Ypers their leader whose counsell he chiefly followed The same yeare Roger Byshop of Salisbury a great builder Geruasius Do●o of Castelles and Houses departed this life There was founde in hys Coffers fortie thousande Markes of siluer besides much golde and dyuers Jewels that came to the kings hande so that he hadde gathered treasure but wist not for whom The Nobles sent for Mawd the Empresse promising hir
Mathew Paris Geruasius Battaile of the standarde Cro. Hautenprice the possession of the realme according to their othe made to hir In the meane time Dauid king of Scots promising to recouer the crowne of England for the Empresse Mawde hys Néece in most cruell wise inuaded Northumberland where by Thrustone Archbishop of Yorke the Scottes had an ouerthrow at Conton more than foure myles Northweast from Alnert●● and were slaine aboue x. thousand In the moneth of July Robert Earle of Glocester retourned 1139 The Empresse returned into England Geruasius into England with his sister the Empresse and a gret armie which arriued at Portesmouth The Empresse was receiued into Arundel castel by Adelize late wife to king Henry as then wife or Concubine to William Earle of Arundel Earle Robert wente to Wallingforde and thence to Glocester and raised those Countries The king helde his siege before Marleborough but aduertised Marleborough besieged of the Empresse arriuall he hasted towardes Arundel where being by faire spéech pacified he commanded his brother Bishoppe of Winchester to bring the Empresse vnto Bristowe and he himself followed Earle Robert with his army The Empresse stayed at Bristow till October and then went to Glocester hir comming thither being knowen Miles the high Conestable and many other nobles toke part with hyr against king Stephen The king besieged Wallingforde Castell but profited not VValingford castel besieged Floriacensis and therefore raysing a Tower of woodde before it stuffed it with men of warre and went to win the Castell of Malmesburie The armye of Earle Robert wanne the Citie of Worcester brent the moste part of it and laden with the spoyle departed thence The Shirife of that Citie in reuenge hereof destroyed the towne of Sudley and with the spoyle thereof retourned to Worcester After this the King with a great army came from Oxford to Worcester where he gaue the honour of high Conestableship Anno. reg 5. being taken from Miles of Glocester vnto William the sonne of Walter Beauchampe Shirife of Worcester and then retourned to Oxforde and so to Salisburie The King went to Reading and after with hys army towardes 1140 Notingham spoyled Geruasius Doro. Ely but the Bishoppe fledde to Gloucester to Earle Robert and the King wanne the Castell of Ely Robert Earle of Glocester with a gret power inuaded the towne of Notingham and spoyled it the townes men were taken slaine or brent in the Churches wherevnto they fled One of them more rich than the others was taken and led Anno. reg 6. Notinghā brent to his owne house by his takers to shewe them where hys treasure lay he bringing them into a low seller whilest they were busie to break open lockes Coffers he conueyed him self away shutting the doores after him set sire on y e house and soothe théeues to the number of thirtie were brent and by reason of this fire all the towne was set a fire and brent Kyng Stephen besieged Lincolne againste Ranulph Earle of Chester but Roberte Earle of Glocester came with a great 1141 Lincolne besieged King Stephen taken power and rescued the same chased the Kyngs armye and tooke him prysoner on Candlemas day firste he was had to Glocester and after to Bristowe there committed to prison The Empresse reioycing at this hir good happe departed from Glocester and came to Ciceste r with Byshops Barons and other in greate number from thence she went to Winchester where mette hir Lordes spirituall and temporall in great number the Citie with the tower and Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into hir hands The Bishop of Winchester that was king Stephens brother The Empresse obtayneth thè Crovvne accursed al that stoode against the Empresse and blessed those that tooke hir part From thence she departed to Wilton where the Archbishoppe of Canturburie came and saluted hyr When Easter was paste she went to Reding where she was receiued with all the honour that mighte be thence she went to Oxforde where the Castell was deliuered vnto hyr by Robert de Olly then went she to Saint Albons and was receyued with all honour Here the Citizens of London came and yéelded their Citie to hir wherevpon she went to London and so to Westminster where she being receyued with procession remained certain dayes taking order for the state of the Realme King Steuens wife and many Péeres of the realm made Ypodigma Geruasius Do. Floriacensis suite to the Empresse to haue the King restored to libertye and not to the kingdome promising to perswade with hym to become a Monke but she woulde not heare The Bishop of Winchester requested hir to giue vnto Eustace his nephew King Steuens sonne his fathers Earledome but it woulde not be The Citizens of London required hir to restore Kyng Edwardes lawes but she being puffed vp with pride would not graunte theyr requeste wherevppon they conspired to take hir prisoner but she aduertised hereof fled with shame The Empresse fledde leauing behinde hir all hir furniture of housholde and apparell Henrie Bishop of Winchester casting which way to deliuer his brother perswaded the Londoners to ayde him The Empresse got hir to Oxforde and frō thence to Gloucester and Ypodigma Floriacences Geruasius thē with hir assured friend Miles again to Oxforde bycause she trusted most in him she to do him honour gaue him the Earledome of Heneforde and now hauing got a great army about Lammes wente againe to Winchester and lodged in the Castel there The Bishop abashed of hir sodayn cōming departed out at one gate as she came in at another he getting a great army with the help of the Londoners besieged the Citie and the seconde of August committed the Citie to the VVinchester brent Geruasius Floriacensis fire with the whiche the Nunry and houses of office with more than twentie Churches some write xl and a greate part of the Citie with the Monasterie of Saint Grimbald the houses thereto belonging were brought to ashes About the exaltation of the crosse the Empresse being wearied of long siege got hir to horssebacke with hir brother Reginalde Earle of Cornewal and many other Earle Robert followed with a great number of Lords knights but the Bishops men setting on them slewe tooke a great number The Empresse fled to the Castel of Lutegershal heauy and The Empresse fled almost deade for feare from thence she was brought to the Castell of Vies and from thence to Glocester bound in a horse-litter like a deade carcasse Earle Robert being pursued was taken at Stobbridge w e Earle of Gloster taken Erle Waren and many other and presented to the Quéene as then new entred into Winchester Earle Robert was deliuered to William de Ypers who put him in prison in the Castel of Rochester Myles Erle of Hereford hardly escaped and came to Glocester Earle of Hereforde fled almost naked The Bishops men brent the Monasterie of Nuns at
Warwel c. the bookes and ornaments of the Nuns were taken and borne away and men slaine euen before the Altar These things thus done the Bishops wroth was somewhat appeased but his couetousnesse encreased so that being prompted therto by the Prior of the newe Monasterie in Winchester lately brent he toke of the crosse that was burnt 500. poūd of siluer 30. marke in gold thrée crowns with as many ●eats of fine Arabicke gold fret with precious stones all this he layde vp in his own treasurie King Stephen and Earle Robert being straightly kepte at length through mediation of friends a peace was concluded that they shold be deliuered the king to his kingdome and the Earle to his libertie William Mandeuile fortifyed the Tower of London and Iohn Beu●● Robert Bishoppe of London was taken at Fulham by Geffrey Mandeuel The King and Earle being set at libertie did not onely renew but multiply their malice the King repayred his power 1241 and expences the Earle went ouer the Sea to Geffrey Earle of Aniowe whom he found occupyed in wars againste certaine of his subiectes of Aniowe so that he could not come into England with him whervpō he taking Henry eldest son to Geffrey Earle of Aniowe and Mawde the Empresse with certaine chosen men of armes retourned into Englande King Stephen hearing that Earle Robert was gone out The Empresse besieged of the realme and the Empresse to lye at Oxforde with a gret power came and besieged hir a two monthes space Earle Robert with Henrie son to the Empresse and other his complices VVarham Castell besieged landed at Warham where he besieged the castel which was defended by Hubert de Lucy who at length yéelded the The Empresse flyeth Geruasiue same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that she was voide of all helpe with a womannish subtilitie deceiued the kings scout watch clothing hir self and hir company fiue in number all in white vpon a night wente ouer the Thamis a foote which was then hard frozen and white with snow that night she went to Walingforde and the Castell of Oxford was yéelded to the king After the winning of Warham castel Robert went to visit his sister the Empresse who was not a little ioyful to sée him and hir yong son Henrie whiche Henrie remayned at Bristowe for the space of foure yeares and there Anno reg 8. was brought vp in learning King Stephen after the robbing of many churches brenning 1143 and robbing of townes and villages by the handes of y e Flemming souldiers he and his brother Henrie Bishop of Winchester builded a castel of the Nunry at Wilton to represse the incursions of them of Salisburie Earle Robert the first of July fel sodainely vpon them in Wilton and set the town on VVilton brent King Stephen fledde Anno reg 9. Boxley fire The king with the Bishop fled with shame the Earles mē toke the kings people sackt his plate and other things Miles Earle of Herforde dyed and his eldest sonne Roger succéeded him William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbay in Kent King Stephen toke Geffrey Mandeuile Earle of Essex at 1144 Geruasiue D●r● S. Albons which Geffrey could not be set at libertie til he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Castels of Walden Plecy When the Erle was thus spoyled of his holdes he toke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it as he besieged the Castel of Burwel he was smitten in the heade with a Darte wherof he died Robert Marmon was also slaine at Couentrit and Ernulfus Erle Mandeuiles son that helde Ramsey church as a fortresse after his fathers deathe was taken and bannished Anno reg 10 1145 VVallingford besieged Anno reg 11 King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at this siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the king lying at Northampton he was taken and kepte prisoner tyll he hadde rendered the Castel of Lincolne and other fortresses whervpon he was the kings enimy euer after Geffrey Earle of Aniowe sent foure noble men with furniture 1146 of warriours to Erle Robert requesting him to send ouer his sonne Henrie and if néede required he would sende him backe againe with all spéede The Earle agréeing to his request brought the yong Henrie to Warham where he tooke shipping towards his father of whom he was ioyfully receiued there he abode two yeares and foure monthes in the meane time Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristowe Anno reg 12 1147 King Stephen entred Lincolne and there ware his crown after whose departure from thence the Erle of Chester came to recouer y ● towne but could not bring his purpose to passe Anno reg 13 The Empresse vvent into Normandie the Citizens shewed such defence The Empresse being weried with the discorde of the English nation went ouer into Normandie chosing rather to sit vnder the defence of hir husband in peace than to suffer so manye displeasures in Englande The Quéene laye at Saint Austines in Canturburie bicause 1148 Anno reg 14 S. Katherins W. Dunthome Liber trinitati● London she was desirous to sée the Abbay of Fe●ursham finished which she and hir husband had begonne to builde she also builded the Hospital of S. Katherine by the tower of London for poore brethren and sisters In the moneth of Maye Henrie the Empresse sonne 1149 with a greate companye of chosen menne of armes and other came into Englande and takyng wyth hym Ranulph Earle of Chester Roger Earle of Hereford and diuerse other he went to Dauid king of Scottes of whom he was ioy fully receiued and made knight When king Stephen heard that Dauid Kyng of Scottes with his strength and Henne sonne to the Empresse with his Western Lords were togither at Carlile he came to Yorke with a greate army for feare they should attempt any thing against that Citie and so lay there the moneth of August at length the one partye as wel as the other departed but Eustacius the Kings sonne béeing made knighte exercised manye cruelties in the landes of the Earles that tooke parte wyth Henrie the Empresse sonne Henrie the Empresse son sailed into Normandie Al Englād Anno reg 15 1150 Anno reg 16 Ex charta regia 1151 Ypodigma Geruasiu● was ful of trouble and noyse of warre set forth to fire and rapyne through discorde betwixt king Stephen and certaine Earles that toke part with Henrie the son of the Empresse Robert Earle of Ferrers founded the Abbay of Meriual Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniow and Duke of Normandie deceased and left his sonne Henrie his heire King Stephen besieged the Castell of Worcester which he VVorcester besieged Anno reg 17 coulde not winne the last yeare and when he sawe now also that he coulde not obtaine his purpose he builded two Castels before the same stuffing
his Christmas at Bermonsey where hauing conference Geruasius Doro. with his Nobles for the state of the Kingdome he 1155 promised to banish all Strangers Wherevpon William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the newe King departed the land And the Castels that had bin builded to pill the riche and spoyle the poore were by the Kings commandemente and counsell of his Chancellor throwne downe In March Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne at London called Henry after his father King Henry was sonne to Mawde the Empresse whose Line of the Saxons restored Gerua Doro. Radulphus de dec●te mother was Mawde Quéene of England wife to King Henry the first and daughter to Margaret Quéene of Scottes who was daughter of Edward which he begat of Agatha the sister of Henry the Emperoure Edwarde was the sonne of King Edmond named Ironside whose father was King Etheldred whose father was the peaceable King named Edgar the sonne of Edmond the son of Edward the seigniour the sonne of Alured c. A counsell was holden at Wallingford where the Nobles Anno reg 2. Ger. Dorobor were sworne to the King and his issue King Henry went ouer into Normandy where with long 1156 Anno reg 3. séege he tooke diuers Castels of Mirable Chinon and other and obteyned the homage and pledges of all Aquitaine and Gascoyne William the Kings eldest sonne died and was buryed at Reding King Henry returned into England and then with an armie 1157 King Henry vvent against the VVelchmen Reedifyed Castels Henry of Essex went against the Welchmen where he felled their wods fortified the Castell of Rutland and recouered many strong holdes He reedifyed the Castell of Basingwirke c. but he lost many of his men for Henry of Essex that bare the Kings Standerd as he was assayled amongst his enimies let fall the Standerd to the ground which encouraged the Welchmen and put the Englishmen in feare supposing that the King Iocelyn of ●racland had bin slayne The King notwithstanding got of a certayne King of Anno reg 4. Wales and other Barons homage and hostages and so rereturned Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Richard at Oxford in the Kings Pallace there William Earle of Glocester was taken by the Welchmen Giraldus Cambre in the Castell of Cardife On Christmas day King Henry ware his Crowne at 1158 Winchester where after celebration of diuine seruice he set his Crowne vpon the Altar and neuer ware it after King Henry went into France and at Paris was ioyfully receyued of King Lewes who required to haue his daughter Margaret to be maryed to his sonne Henry which suite he obteyned and King Henry obteyned that as Seneshall to the French King he might enter into Britaine and call afore him suche as made warre one against another to appease them whereby he brought the Citie of Naunts to his dominion An Earthquake happened in many places Earthquake through England and the Riuer of Thamis was dryed vp that at London men might walke ouer the same dryshod Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Geffrey Anno reg 5. Ypodigma A new Coyne was made in England King Henry tooke es●uage of the Englishmen the summe 1159 Geruasius whereof grew to 12400. pounds of siluer Of other Countreys subiect to him he gathered also an infinite exaction then passed towards Tholouse with an huge army and beséeged that Citie from Midsomer til Hallontide There were with him Malcoline King of Scottes and a certaine King of Wales and all the Earles and Barons of England Normandy Aquitaine Angeow Gascoyne but Lewes the French King so defended that Citie that the Kings purpose was frustrate and the séege raysed King Henry returned from Tholouse and Henry y ● King Anno reg 6. 1160 of Englands sonne not seauen yeares olde maried Margaret the French Kings daughter that was not yet thrée yeares Gerua Dor● Anno reg 7. 1161 Anno reg 8. Thomas Wikes ●● Beu●●la old Mathew Earle of Bolonia married Mary Abbesse of Rumsey daughter to King Stephen Theobald Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed and the Churche of Canturbury was voyde one yeare one moneth and fourtéene dayes King Henry caused all his subiects to sweare fidelitie to 1162 Mathew Paris his sonne Henry concerning his inheritance Thomas the Kings Chancellour tooke his othe first sauing his fidelitie to King Henry the father so long as he liued This Thomas was elected Archbishop of Canturbury and when he was consecrated he forthwith refused to deale any more with matters of the Court renouncing the Chauncellorship c. There came into England xxx Germaynes as well men as women who called themselues Publicanes their head and Wilbel Nouobur Ralphe Cogshall ruler named Gerardus was somewhat learned the residue very rude They denyed Matrimony and the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper with other Articles They being apprehended the King caused a Counsell to be called at Oxford where the sayd Gerard answered for all his fellowes who being pressed with Scriptures aunswered concerning their faith as they had bin taught and woulde not dispute thereof After they coulde by no meanes be brought from their errors the Bishops gaue sentence against them and the King commanded that they should be marked with an whote Iron in the forehead and whipped and that no man should succour them with houserome or otherwise they tooke their punishment gladly their Captayne Publicans vvhipped going before them singing Blessed are ye when men do hate you they were marked in the forehead and theyr Captayne both in the forehead and the chinne Thus being Anno reg 9. whipped and thrust out in the winter they dyed with cold no man reléeuing them Robert de Mountfort accused his néere kinsman Henry 1163 Ioc●lin of Bracland of Essex of high treason before the Nobilitie affirming that he in an expedition into Wales in a narrow and hard passage at Colleshele most fraudulently threwe away the Kings Standard and with a lowde voyce pronounced him to be dead and turned backe those that came to y ● Kings succour Indéede the foresayde Henry of Essex was perswaded that King Henry was slayne whiche vndoubtedly had come to passe if Roger Earle of Clare had not with quicke spéede come to with his retinue and raysed agayne the Kings Standarde to the encouraging of the whole army Henry withstoode the foresayd Robert and denyed all his accusations whereby in processe of time the matter came to be tryed by Combate They met at Reding to fight in an I●e Combate at Reading néere to the Abbey Thither also came much people to sée what ende the matter woulde come to And it chanced that when Robert had manfully powred out many and heauie strokes Henry turning reason into rage tooke vpon him the part of a challenger and not a defender who whilest he
manfully stroke was more stoutely striken agayne and endeuoring to conquer was conquered himselfe he being ouercome fell downe for dead and when he was thought to Henry of Essex ouercome haue bin slayne at the instance of suche of the nobilitie as were of kinne to him it was granted vnto the Monks there Flores Historiarū that his body should be buryed but afterward he reuiued and hauing recouered his health became a Monke in that place London Bridge was new made of timber by Peter of Colechurch Anno reg 10 London bridge made of Timber 1164 Geruasius Do. a Priest Chapleyne Malcoline the Scottish King and Resus Prince of Southwales and other did homage to King Henry and his sonne Henry at Westminster A Counsayle was holden at Claringdon in presence of the King and the Archbishops Bishops Lordes Barons c. wherein was recognised and by their othes confirmed many ordinances too long héere to recite Thomas Archbishop of Canturburie being sworne to the same shortly after sore repented and ●●ed the Realme went to the Court of Rome The six and twentith day of January was a great Earthquake Anno reg 11 1165 An Earthquake Mathew Pari● Gerua Doro. Anno reg 12. in Eely Norffolke and Suffolke so that it ouerthrewe them that stoode vpon their féete and made the Belles to ring in the Stéeples The King seased into his handes all the Archbishops goodes and rents and banished all his kindred The King led an innumerable army against the Welchmen Radul Cogshal of Flemings Scottes Pictes Aniowans and other but with so great a multitude he could not ouercome them The Welchmen tooke the Castell of Cardigan In a certayne asséege at Bridgenorth againste Hugh de Mortimere when the King was shotte at by one of the enimies a valiant man Hubert de Saint Clere Constable of Colchester did thrust himselfe betwixte the King and the danger of the stroke and so receyued death for him whose only daughter the King taking into his custodie he gaue hir in mariage to William de Languale with hir fathers inheritance who begate on hir a sonne bearing the name and surname of his Grandfather Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Iohn The King passed ouer into Normandy and there holding 1166 a counsell appoynted a collection to be made through all his Countreys two pence of the pound of mouable goodes A Taxe for the first yeare and one penny the pound for foure yeares after Robert sonne to William Earle of Glocester deceassed Anno reg 13 1167 The warre was renued betwixt the King of Englande and the French King for the Citie of Tholose and Mathewe Earle of Bulloigne brother to Philip Earle of Flanders manned sixe hundred Shippes to haue come into Englande but by such preparation as Richard Lucy gouernour of England made he was stopped well ynough Mawde King Henries daughter was maryed to Henry Anno reg 14 1168 Iohn Taxtor Gerua Doro. Ypodigma Duke of Saxon. Conan Earle of little Britaine dyed and left for his heire a daughter named Constance which he had by the King of Scottes sister which Constance King Henry marryed to his sonne Geffrey Robert de Boscue Earle of Leycester dyed He founde● Anno reg 15 1169 Sca. Cron. Gerendon Leycester and Eaton Sca. Cro. the Monasteries of Gerendon of Monkes of Leycester called Saint Mary de Prate of Channons regular and Eaton of Nunnes was founded by Amicia his wife daughter of Ralph Montforde King Henry caused the Castell of Warwike to be builded Deruntius the sonne of Morcardus called Mack Murgh Giraldus Cambr. King of Leynster being expelled out of his kingdome came into Guyen to King Henry hnmbly requiring 〈…〉 ●●r his restitution who vnderstanding fully the cause ●●ereof gaue frée licence to all Englishmen that woulde to ●●●●e the sayde Deruntius wherevpon he returning into Englande couenanted with Richard Earle of Chepstow to g●●e him his daughter in marriage and with hir the succession of his Kingdome so that he would help him in the recouery of it and shortly after he promised to Robert Fit● Stephen and Mawrice Fitz Gerald large reuenues in Ireland for the like helpe King Henry helde his Court at Naunts where the Bishops Anno reg 15. 1170 and Barons of Britayne being present sware their fidelitie to the King and to his sonne Geffrey and then the King sayled into England but many of his company were Giral Cambr. drowned by the way Robert Fitz Stephen first of all Englishmen after the Conquest Englismnen transported into Ireland entred Ireland the first day of May with 390. men and there tooke Wexford in the behalfe of Deruntius King Henry caused his sonne Henry borne at London Henry the kings sonne Crovvned to be Crowned by the handes of Roger Archbishop of Yorke as he thought to the great quietnesse of himselfe and hys Realme but it proued farre otherwise Thomas Archbishop of Canturbury by the mediation of Pope Alexander and Lewes the King of France was restored to his Sea of Caunturbury In September Richard Earle of Chepstow surnamed Gualteru● Couen Strongbow sayled into Ireland with a thousand two hundred men of warre and by force tooke Waterford and Dub●●● and marryed Eue Deruntius daughter Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canturbury the xxviij of Anno reg 17 1171 December was slayne by William Tracy Baron of Braynes Reignolde Fitz Vrse Hugh Moruilt and Richarde Briton Knightes There was séene at S. Osythes in Estsex a Dragon of a Chro. Colchester maruellous bignesse whyche by mouing burned houses Ex Record King Henry returned from beyond the Seas and landed at Portesmouth in the moneth of August Nicholas Break espeare an Englishman borne at Langley in the County of Hartford sonne to Robert a yonger brother Pope Adrian an Englishman of the house of Breakespeares whiche Roberte after the death of his wife professed himselfe a Monke of Saint Albons leauing his sonne to prouide for his owne preferment this yong man passed into France was shorne a Monke and after chosen Abbot went to Rome was consecrated Bishop of Alba made Cardinall sente Legate to the Norwayes where he reduced that nation from Paganisme to Christianitie and after returned to Rome When Anastasius was dead he was chosen Pope by y ● name of Adrian the 4. During his Popedome he granted the regimente of Ireland King Henry Lord of Ireland Gesta Abbat Sanc●● Albani Regi●trū m●n Sancti Albani Iohn Bale Cimphriu● Anno reg 18. Giraldu● Cambr. Radul Cogshal Geruasius D●●● to the King of England wherevpon King Henry hauing caused Richard Earle of Chepstow to giue into his handes all the land which he had conquered in that Realme toke Shippe at Penbroke and sayled thither where the King of Conach Deruntius King of Corke Morice King of Methe the King of Vriell Duvenald King of Ossery Duvenald King of Limerike Machachelin Ophelon Machaleny Othne●hely
Gillemehelmach Ocadeci Ocaruell with other Princes and the Bishops submitting themselues and theirs to the King of Englande and his successors builded for him a greate Pallace at Dublin where he helde hys Christmas The Church of Norwich with the houses thereto belonging was brent and the Monkes were dispercled The King returned into England on Monday in the Easter 1172 wéeke about the Ascention tide sayled into Normandy At Andouer a Priest praying before the Altare was striken with thunder and slayne Likewise one Larke and his brother was brent to death with the lightning Cro. Col●estre King Henry the sonne with his wife the French Kings daughter were both togither Crowned at Winchester the seauen and twentith of August by the handes of Rotrod Archbishop of Roane King Henry the elder was assoyled of the death of Thomas Geruasius Anno reg 19. the Archbishop vpō his oth made that he was not priuie to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of Hubert 117● Ypodigma Earle of Morton vnto his sonne Iohn surnamed without land He also made Mary the sister of Thomas Becket Abbesse of Berking Henry the yonger rebelling in Normandy against King Henry the yonger rebelled Henry his father many Earles and Barons fledde ouer to him whereby diuers strong battayles were fought as well in England as in Normandy Poytow Guyen and Britaine There tooke part against the father Lewes King of France William King of Scottes Henry Geffrey and Iohn his sonnes Robert Earle of Leycester Hugh of Chester and others Robert Earle of Leycester with thrée thousand Flemings comming into England ariued at Walton and after were receyued by Earle Hugh into Framilingham Castell They brent the Castell of Hagoneth the Citie of Norwich c. but by Iohn Taxtor Anno reg 20 Richard de Lucy the Kings Justice both he his wife and as many Normans and Frenchmen as were with him were taken but the Flemings were all slayne or drowned This battayle was fought without the Towne of S. Edmondsburie néere to a place called S. Martins of Farneham William King of Scottes with many Flemings entring into England wan the Castels of Appleby Brough and Prideho● King Henry the elder returning into England in shorte time subdued his Rebels The Citie of Leycester by his 1174 Leycester brent commandement was brent the walles and Castell raced and the inhabitants sparcled into other Cities Robert de Scoteuile Radulph de Mandeuile Barnard Bayllole of whome Baynards Castell tooke the name and William de Vescy came to Newcastell and after tooke King William King of Scottes taken prisoner Ger. Dorobor Baynardes Castell Sca. Cron. prisoner and sent him to London from whence King Henry tooke him and the Earle of Leycester with him into Normandy and there imprisoned them at Roane where King William compounded for his ransome and after was deliuered at Yorke for 4000. pound The Nobles of Scotlande came no néerer than Pembles in Scotland to méete with their King wherefore he tooke with him many of the yonger sonnes of noble men in England that bare him good wil and gaue them landes in Scotland which he tooke from suche as were Rebels to him there The names of those Gentlemen that he toke with him were Baylliol Brewle Soully Mowbrey Saintclere Hay Giffard Ramesey Lanudell Bisey Berkeley Wellegen Boys Montgomery Valx Celenille Friser Grame Gurlay and diuers other The v. day of September Christes Church in Canturburye Geruasius Doro. Wil. Thorne Canturbury brent was burned with certayne houses of Office in the court King Henry the sonne with his bréethren other were reconciled to King Henry the father The Archbishop of Canturbury held a Counsell in S. Peeters Anno reg 21 1175 at Westminster on Sunday before the Ascention day at which Counsell were present all the suffragan Bishops of his Prouince Worcester except that was sicke and so excused himselfe and y ● Bishop of Norwich which was deceased A brother of the Earle Ferrers was in the night priuily Roger Houed slayne at London which whē the King vnderstoode he sware that he would be auenged on the Citizens for it was then a common practise in the Citie that an hundred or more in Night vvalkers in London did murther all they met a company of yong and old would make nightly inuasions vpon the houses of the wealthy to the intent to robbe them and if they found any man stirring in the Citie within the night they would presently murther him in so much that when night was come no man durst aduenture to walke in the Stréetes When this had continued long it fortuned that as a crew of yong and wealthy Citizens assembling togither in the night assaulted a stone house of a certayne rich man and breaking through the wall the good man of that house hauing prepared himselfe with other in a corner when he perceyued one of the Théeues named Andrew Bucquinte to leade the way with a burning brand in the one hand and a potte of coales in the other whiche he assayed to kindle with the brand he flew vpon him and smote off his right hande and then with a lowde voyce cryed Théeues at the hearing whereof the Théeues tooke their flight all sauing he that had lost his hande whome the good man in the next morning deliuered to Richarde de Lucy the Kings Justice This Théese vpon warrant of his life appeached his confederates of whome many were taken and many were fledde but among the rest that were apprehended a certayne Citizen of greate countenance credite and wealth surnamed Iohn the olde when he coulde not acquite himselfe by the waterdome offered the King for his life fiue hundred Markes but the King commaunded that he shoulde be hanged which was done Gualter Couen and the Citie became more quiet The Kings of England both father and sonne did eate Anno reg 22 1176 and drinke at one Table lay in one Chamber and wente togither to visite the Tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canturburie accomplishing indéede the peace whiche they had promised The King caused to be razed and ouerthrowne the Castels of Huntington Walton Groby Tutsburie Hay and Trest Castels razed with many other in reuenge of the harme the Lordes of them had done to him This yeare 1176 after the foundation of Saint Mary Redulphus de diceto Oueryes Church in Southwarke the stone bridge ouer the The stone bridge at London begon to bée buylded Ex recordis Sāctae Mariae de Southwarke Iohn Leyland Thamis at London was begonne to bée founded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canturburie gaue a thousande Markes toward the same foundation In March the King called a Conuocation of the Cleargie at London when the Popes Legate was set and the Archbishop of Canturbury on his right hande as primate of England the Archbishop of Yorke disdeyning to sitte on the lefte hande came and swapt him downe to haue thrust
their nettes a Fish hauing the shape of a man in all poyntes whiche Fishe was kepte by Barthelinew de Glaunuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe monethes and more for a wonder he spake not a word All manner of meates he gladly did eate but most gréedily raw fishe after he had crushed out all the moysture Oftentimes he was brought to the Churche where he shewed no tokens of adoration At length when he was not well looked to he stale away to the Sea and neuer after appeared The Kings of Englande and of France mette betwixt Gisors Anno reg 34 1188 and Trye where they tooke on them the Crosse and dyuers other with them The King of England landing at Winchelsea hasted towards North-hampton where at Gedington Richarde Sothwel Rog Houed ●n●iq●●●●erl Gual Coue●● about eight or tenne miles from North-hampton he helde a Parliamente aboute the voyage into the holy land where many Articles concerning that voyage were concluded and the whole Realme troubled with paying of tithes towarde that voyage The Christians were appoynted to pay aboue lxx thousand pound and the Iewes lx thousand without any delay but by meanes of a discorde that fell betwixt the two Kings that voyage was stayed The Towne of Beuerley with the Church of Saint Iohn Beuerley brent Anno reg 35 Geruasius 1189 there was brent the twentith of September The Kings of England and of France with Richard Earle of Poytow the Legate and the Archbishops of Canturbury Roane Rhenes and Burges mette at Naunts the ninth day of June There Philip the French King required that his sister which had bin kept in England a two and twēty yeares ●odouicus vi●es Death of King Henry the second mighte be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denyed this request and so they departed a sunder and got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéelde to Richardus Cambr. all the requestes as wel of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Azai where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day Ypodigma of July in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when he had raigned xxxiiij yeares ix monethes and xij dayes and was buryed at Fonteuerard in the Monasterie of Nunnes by hym founded He founded the Priories of Douer and of Stoneley and Basingwarke and the Castell of Rudlan He also began the stone Bridge ouer the Thamis at London He left issue Richard and Iohn ¶ King Richard Cuer de Lion RIchard the first borne at Oxford for his valiantnesse surnamed Anno reg 1. Cordelion or with the Lions heart the seconde sonne of Henry the second began his raigne the sixth day of July in the yeare of oure Lorde 1189. He was bigge of stature with a merrie countenance To his Souldyoures fauourable bountifull to his friends to Strangers a gréeuous enimie hard to be pleased desirous of warre abhorring ydlenesse enclined to pride lechery and auarice He comming from beyonde the Seas landed at South-hampton Geruasius Do. Mathew Paris the twelfth day of August and was Crowned at Westminster on the third day of September by the hands of the Archbishop Baldwine He commanded that no Iewes nor women shoulde be at his Coronation for feare of enchantmentes whiche were wont to be practised for breaking of whiche commmandement many Iewes were slayne the same day Elianor the olde Quéene who at the commaundement of hir husbande had bene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie The Archbishop of Canturburie being sore offended wyth Erle Iohn the kings brother for takyng to wife Isabel countesse of Glocester his coosin in the thirde degrée wrote a threatning letter to the same Iohn commanding him not to touch the virgine and to appeare at a peremptory day before him to aunswere the matter King Richard gaue the Castels of Berwike and Rokesburgh to the Scottish king for the summe of x. M. pound he also sold to Hugo de Puteaco Bishoppe of Durham his own prouince for a great péece of mony and created him Erle of the same and then sayde in game I am a wonderous craftesman I haue made a newe Earle of an olde Bishoppe He solde the Priorie of Couentrie to Hugh Bishoppe of Chester for iij. C. markes which Hugh with a power of armed men inuaded the Priory chased the Prior away beat the Monkes lamed some cast some into prison and spoyling the other droue thē away brake the Hutches of the Churche brente their Charters and priuileges The King also fayned to haue lost his signet and made a newe and then caused to be proclaymed that who so euer woulde safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled shoulde come to the newe seale wherby it came to passe that many which could not finde him in England went ouer sea to fine with him at his plesure He gaue his brother Iohn the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshire and Cornewal In this time were many robbers and out-lawes among Iohn Maior Outlavves in England the whiche Robert Hoode little Iohn renowmed théeues continued in woods despoyling and robbing the goods of the rich They killed none but such as would inuade them or by resistance for their own defence The sayde Robert entertayned an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoyles and theftes as he got vppon whome foure hundred were they neuer so strong durste not giue the onset He suffered no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwise inolested poore mens goods he spared aboundantlye relieuing them with that whiche by theft he gotte from Abbayes and the houses of rich Carles whome Maior blameth for his rapine and thefte but of all théeues he affirmeth hym to be the Prince and the moste gentle théefe Till this firste yeare of King Richard the firste the Citizens Magistrates of the Citie of London since before the Conquest Robert Fabian of London hadde bene gouerned by Portgraues as Fabian sometime an Alderman of London in his Chronicle affirmeth whose names with the lawes and customes of the Cittie then vsed he sayeth were recorded in an olde booke written in the Saxon tongue called Domes daye sometime remayning in the Guilde Hal of London but now embezeled To this accordeth the Charter of the same Citie granted by William the Conquerour and diuerse other Records wherein I finde that the chiefe Magistrate of the Citie of Portgraue London in the time of king Edward last before the Conquest called the Confessor was called Portgraue whose name was Wolfgare In the time of William Conquerour and William Rufus Liber trinitatis W. Dunthorne Prouost Godfrey Mandeuile or Magnauile was Portgraue Richarde de Pare Prouost In the time of King Henrie the first Hugh Bouch Portgraue and Leofstanus Goldsmith Prouost
After them Awburie de Vere Portgraue and Robert de Barquerel Prouost In the time of King Stephen Gilbert Becket Portgraue and Andrew Buchennet Prouost In the time of King Henrie the second Peter Fitz Walter Portgraue After him Iohn Fitz Nigelly Portgraue After him Ernulfus Buchel Portgraue After him William Fitz Isabel Portgraue These Portgraues are also in diuerse Recordes called Vicecomites or Sherifes for that they then farmed the Sherifwike of the King as the Shirifes of London doe at this day Iohn Beuar and some authors as Iohannis Beuar and other do cal them Domes men or Judges of the Kings Court. This yeare the Citizens of London obtayned to be gouerned Baylifes by two Baylifes whiche in diuerse auntiente records are also called Sherifes for that they like as the Portgraues farmed the Sherifewike They also obtained to haue a Maior to be their principal gouernour and lieuetenaunte of the Citie as of the Kings Chamber The names of the first Baylifes or Shirifes who entred at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell were as followeth Sherifes Henrie Cornehil Richard Reinery Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne Fitz Leofstan Goldsmith The first maior firste Maior of London and continued Maior during his life that was foure and twentie yeares as appeareth by a very antient Recorde sometime pertayning to the Nunrye of Clerkenwel contayning as a perfite register all such Register of Clerkenvvel grauntes of landes as was made to them by anye which hath diuerse déeds where vnto Henrie Fitz Alwyne first Maior of London is a witnesse dated the 1. 2. 3. 4. c. of Richard the first And for a more proofe I finde recorded in the Guilde Hal Consuetud de Lō in a booke called the Customes of London a constitution or order howe Citizens shall procéede in buildings betwéene Citizen and Citizen whyche constitution begynneth thus In the yere of our Lord. 1189. the first yere of the raigne of king Richard Henry Fitz Alwyne being Maior who was the first Maior of London it was prouided and ordayned c. Other proofes might be shewed out of diuerse auntiente Recordes but these are sufficient King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William 1190 Gouernour of Englande VVilliam Bishop of Ely King Robert toke his voyage ouer to Ierusalem Geruasius Ypodigma Longshampe Bishop of Ely Chauncellour of England and y ● foure and twentith daye of Februarie he tooke his scrip and staffe at Canturburie and the sixth of Marche toke the Sea at Douer and transported ouer The second of July the two Kings of England of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The towne of Mawling in Kent with the Nunry was cōsumed with fire The Jewes in the townes of Norwich Saint Edmunds Burie Lincolne Stamforde faire and Linne were robbed and spoyled Ievves slevv themselues And at Yorke to the number of 500. besides women and children entred a tower of the castel which the people assailing the Jews profered money to be in safetie of their liues but the Christians would not take it wherevpon their men of law sayde to them it is better for vs to die for our lawe than to fall into the handes of our enimies and they all agréeing to that Counsell cut the throtes of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heades the residue they locked vp in the kings lodging and burnt both the house and themselues Geffrey Archebishoppe of Yorke retourning from Rome Archbishop of of Yorke dravven from the Alter to prison Ralphe Cogshall and now consecrated arriued at Douer with his traine whō Matthew de Clare by the commaundemente of the Kings chaunceller entring with violence into the Church of Saint Martins le Grande in London drew from the Alter and so caried him to prison William Bishoppe of Ely builded the vtter wall aboute Anno reg 2. W. Di●●thorne A ditch made about the tovvre of London Richarde Sothwel the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditche to be made about the same thinking he coulde haue caused the riuer of Thamis to goe rounde aboute it but he bestowed great cost in vain● Sherifes Iohn Herlion Roger Duke Maior Henrie Fitz Alyne King Richarde subdued the I le of Cipers and then ioyning Mathew Paris Rog Houed Galf●id●● Vinis●l his power with Phillip the French Kings in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a gréeuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into Fraunce inuaded the Country of Normandie Iohn brother to King Richard toke on him the kingdom Arbor Successi●nis of England in his brothers absence Robert Earle of Leicester dyed in his iourney to Ierusalem King Richard restored to the Christians the Cittie of Ioppa and in manye battayles putte the Turkes to greate sorrow The bones of the most famous King of Brytaine Arthur 1191 were found at Glastenburie in a goodly olde se●ulchre about the which stoode two pillers in which were letters written which by reason of the great barbarousnesse of the lāguage and the foulenesse no body coulde reade vpon the sepulture was a crosse of leade whereon was written here lyeth the Anno reg 3. noble king of Brytains Arthur Sherifes William Hauerell Iohn Bucknote Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne William Bishoppe of Ely did commonlye ride with 500. Iohn the kings brother rebelled horsses and gréeued Abbayes by meane of his lodging wyth them he withstoode Iohn the Kings brother who sayde hée wist not if his brother Richard were aliue or not To whom the Bishop aunswered if King Richard be yet liuing it were vntrueth to take from him the Crowne If he be deade Arthure the elder brothers sonne muste enioye the same King Richarde exchaunged Cipres wyth Guy of Lesingham 1192 Ex anniles ●lie● Vita G●●ng● c●●● for the Kingdome of Ierusalem wherefore the King of Englande a long time after was called King of Ierusalem The Bishoppe of Ely legate to the Pope Chauncellour Roge● Houed The Bishoppe put to his shifts Geruasius Doro. of Englande and gouernour of the Realme was forced to take the Tower of London for hys refuge wherein Earle Iohn besieged him at lengthe the Bishoppe getting licence to depart went to Douer but he was there forced to sweare that he woulde not departe the Realme yet béeing in a maruellous disquietnesse of minde he putte off hys mannes apparell put on womans meanyng so to escape whylest hée goeth vppe and downe on the shore bearing a webbe of clothe on hys arme as hée woulde sell it styll wayting for a shippe a sorte of women pulled off his kerchiefe and threwe him to the grounde and after beate hym and drewe hym along the sandes wherevpon great crye beyng made the Burgesies ranne and with muche a doe gotte hym from among them and kepte hym strayghtlye tyll he hadde obtayned licence to departe the Realme Anno
reg 4 Then the Archebishoppe of Rhoane wyth the consente of Earle Iohn toke vpon him the rule of the lande as Uice● Chauncellour Sherifes Nicholas Duke Peter Newlay Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richarde hauing knowledge that Phillip of 1193 Fraunce inuaded Normandie and that Iohn his brother hadde made himselfe King of Englande made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares and wyth a small companye retourning homewarde was taken prisoner by Leopolde Duke of Austria who broughte hym to Henrie Anno reg 5. King Richarde taken prison the Emperour and there kepte hym in prison a yeare and fiue monthes He was enuyed for hys valiauncie in that he hadde shewed more proofe of hys prowes than all the other had Wolfangus Lazius in hys booke de Romano Imperio affirmeth that Leopolde of Austria when he hadde taken king Richard for some iniurie done to the house of Austria hée King Richard of England builded the vvals of Vienna compelled hym to builde the walles aboute Vienna the chiefest Cittie of Austria the whyche Wals wythin oure memorie defended all Germanie from the inuasion of the Turke The rumor being spredde that King Richarde was taken Earle Iohn rebelled against King Richard as yée haue hearde forth wyth the Frenche King and Erle Iohn made a greate conspiracie togyther meaning to take the Kingdome of Englande herevppon a greate number of Flemmings were assembled at Witsa●●e and an innumerable multitude of Flemmings readye to come ouer but theyr messengers being taken their treason was bewrayed Elianor the olde Quéene caused the Sea coastes to bée watched ouer against Flaunders but notwithstanding Erle Iohn came secréetely into Englande to rayse the Walchmen and Scottes but the King of Scottes woulde not ayde hym The Walchmen in the partes about Kingstone and Windsore toke prayes abrode The Frenche King entred Normandie founde small resistaunce wanne diuerse Townes Gisors was deliuered to him then he hasted towards Roane besieged it but through the great industrie of Robert Earle of Leicester he profited little there and so returned into Fraunce Earle Iohn perceiuing his treason was discouered fortifyed hys Castels and passed ouer into Fraunce and ioyned with the Frenche King Sherifes Roger Duke Richard Fitz Alwyne Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richard sent for his mother and the Archebishop of Rhoane to come vnto hym into Almayne being nowe in greate hope to bée deliuered and in the meane tyme the Archbishoppe of 〈◊〉 was made regent of England The Kings friendes entreating for his deliueraunce his The Kings raunsome Geruasius Doro. Radul Cogshal ransome was set at 100000. pound to wit to the Emperour 100000. markes to the Empresse 30000. markes and to y ● Duke of Austrich 20000. markes wherevpon commaundemēt was directed from the kings Iustices that al Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the fourth parte of theyr reuenewes towardes the kings raunsome and besids this the cleargie brought in their golden and siluer chalices and fléeced their shrines all whiche was coyned into money The order of the Cestercencies did giue theyr wool for one Mathew Paris Roger Houeden yeare c. all the money gathered for the Kings raunsome to remaine in the custodie of Hubert Archbishoppe of Canturburie Richarde Bishoppe of London William Earle of Arundel Hameline Earle of Warren and the Maior of London The King was restored to libertie the most parte of hys raunsome being paide and pledges left for the residue In the mean time letters were intercepted of Erle Iohn which he had sent into Englād touching treason one Adam of Saint Edmund Cleark being sent by Erle Iohn to prouide that his Castel might be fortified against King Richard came to London and dyned with Hubert Archbishoppe of Canturburie where he bragged of Earle Iohns prosperitie and familiaritie Recard●● ca●●●● with the French king for y ● which being suspected he was after dinner apprehēded by the Maior of Londō who toke frō him his letters and deliuered them to the Archbishoppe of Canturburie who on the next morrow called a Coūsel of the Earles and Barons and shewed them the letters wherevpon they al c●nsented that Erle Iohn should be dispossessed of all his lande in England and that his Castels should be besieged The same day the same Archbishop and Bishoppes excommunicated Earle Iohn and all his fauourers whiche troubled the peace of the kingdome And forth with the Archbishop 1194 besieged the Castel of Marleborough which belonged to Earle Iohn and toke it After this he besieged Notingham Castell The King taking ship at Antwerpe landed a● Sandwich on God●●● v●●●●alfe Gerua Doro. K. Richard the second time Crovvned Anno reg 6. the. 12. of March shortly after he besieged the Castell of Notingham and wan it and after that the Castel of Tikehil and then rode to Winchester wher he was again solemnly crowned on the xvij of April After this he called into his hands all such thing as hée had eyther giuen or sold by patentes or otherwise by whiche meanes he got a great sum of money and sayled into Normandie the xij of Maye where hauing a great army he tooke Taileburge and the countie of Angolesme Shortly after a peace was taken betwéene the two kings of England and Fraunce the xiij of June and also by meanes of Elianor the old Quéene Earle Iohn was reconciled to hys brother King Richard gaue to him the Erledomes of Morton Cornewal Dorset Somerset Notingham Darby Lancastre y ● Castels of Marleborough Luthegarshal with the forrests and Gual Couen appurtinaunces the honor of Wallingford Tikehil and Eye the Earledome of Gloucester with the Earles daughter Isabel though she were a kin to him but he kept certaine Castelles belonging to the said Earld●mes in his owne handes he remoued from him hys Concubines and toke to him his own wife which he had not knowen of a long time before Sherifes William Fitz Isable William Fitz Arnolde Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richard sent messengers to the Pope complayning vpon the Duke of Austrich for misusing of him and his as they came by distresse of weather throughe his Countrey wherevpon the Pope excommunicated the Duke and enioyed him to release the ●●uenaunts that he constrayned the King to make and to sende home the pledges but the Duke refused this order contempning the Popes authoritie who shortly after dyed and was kept vnburied til his son had released the English pledges that lay in hostage for the mony behinde of K. Richards ca●nsome and further sware to stād to the iudgement of the Church for that offence of his father Hugh Bishoppe of Lincolne gaue to the king a thousande Anno reg 7. markes for his mantell of Sables which his predecessours were wont yearely to haue giuen them by the King Sherifes Robert Beasaunt Ioke de Iosue Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne William Fitz Osbert a Citizen of London poore in degrée VV. vvith the ●earde Roger Houed Wil.
●aruus Iohn Taxtor Gerua Doro. Canturb recordes Gual Couent euill fauoured of shape but yet verye eloquent moued the common people to séeke libertie and fréedome and not to bée subiect to the rich and mightie by which meanes he drewe to him many great companies and with all his power defended the poore mens cause against the riche 52000. Londonors he allured to him to be at his deuotion and commandemēt The king being warned of this tumult cōmanded him to cease from those attemptes but the people still followed him as they before had done he made to them orations taking for his theame this sentence Haurietis aquas in gau●io de fontibus saluatoris whiche is to say Ye shal draw in ioy waters forth of the wels of your sauiour And to this he added I am sayd he y e sauiour of poore men yée be poore haue assayed long y e hard hands of rich mē Now draw yée holsome water forth of my Wels that w e ioy for the time of your visitatiō is come This Williā was cōmaunded to appeare before the kings counsell to aunsweare for himselfe in suche causes as shoulde be layde against him where he appeared but wyth 1196 such a multitude of people that the Lordes were afrayde and remitted him with pleasaunte wordes for the time appointing some priuliy when he was alone to apprehende him He sooke the stéeple of Bow Church in Chope and fortified it with munition and victuals The Archbishop of Canturburie then being at Londō with other Iustices sent to him and willed him to come forth of the Church he should haue his life saued but he refused to come forth wherfore y ● Archebishop talking with the Citizens of London called togither a great number of armed area least any stur should be made The Saterdaye therefore being the Passion sondaye euen the stéeple and Church of Bowe were assaulted and William with his complices taken but not without bloudshed for hée was forced by fire and smoke to for sake the Churche he was brought to the Archbishop in the Towre where he was by y e Iudges condemned and by the héeles drawn from thence to a place called the Elmes and ther hāged with nine of his fellowes This counterfaite friende to the poore who named hymselfe A false accuser of his elder brother in the ende vvas hanged to be the sauiour perswading them against the riche was a man of an euil life a murderer who slew one manne with his owne handes a fornicatour who poluted Bowe church with his Concubine and amongst other his detestable facts one that hadde falsely accused his elder brother of treason whyche elder brother hadde in hys youthe Anno reg 8. broughte him vppe in learning and done manye things for his preferment Yet after the death of this wicked malefactor the simple people honoured him as a martyre in so much that they stale awaye the gibbet whereon he was hanged and pared away the Earth that was be-bled with hys bloude and kepte the same as holye reliques to heale sicke men King Richard graunted licence vnto Phillip Bishoppe of Durham to coyne mony in his Citie of Durham which libertie Roger Houeden none of his predicessours had enioyed of long tyme before Sherifes Gerard de Anteloch Robert Durant Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne The Walchmen brake forth and did muche hurt by spoyling 1197 of the Marches The Archbishop of Canturburie callyng togither an army hasted thyther besieged the Castel of Polie and toke it and chased the enimies established peace and returned Rise the Walch king departed this life King Richard and the Earle of Flaunders confedered togither Anno reg 9. The French King entring vnwarely into Flaunders was intercepted and taken by the Earle of Flaunders but giuing pledges vpon couenaunt to make peace he was suffered to depart The viij day of September they met at Liste where by mediation of the Archbishop of Canturburie they toke a truce The Archbishop of Roane returned from Rome where he had complayned on King Richard for taking from him a plot of ground whereon he builded a strong Castell but at the request of the Archbishop of Canturburie the Kyng gaue him in recompence the towne of Deep Sherifes Roger Blunt Nicholas Ducket Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne The Walchmen on the Marches toke booties did much 1198 Geruasius hurt but Hubert the Archbishop of Canturburie being Lorde thiefe Iustice Lieuetenaunt or Warden of England found meanes to resist them so that they being fought with were ouerthrowen and fiue thousand of them slaine The Archebishop hauing got this victorie returneth to London where calling togither a great number of the Nobles of the lande he resigned his office of being head ruler in whose place the Anno reg 10 Lord Geffrey Fitz Peter succéeded in August King Richard toke of euery Carucata plough land or hid of land through England fiue shillings The French king was intercepted by the army of King Richard so that with much adoe he escaped into Cipres his army was dispersed and almost an hundred Knightes taken beside other common soldiours without number The Charters which the king had Mathew Paris before made with his new seale were chaunged Sherifes Constantine Fitz Arnolde Robert de Beaw Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne Hubert Archebishop of Canturbnrie through the procurement of the Monks of Canturburie and by the cōmandement of the Pope brake downe euen with the ground the Chapel Colledge at Lambeth or Colledge at Lambeth which his predecessors had founded and he had finished in the honor of Thomas Archbishoppe of Canturburie King Richard tourned his armye against the Barons of 119● K. Richaad vvōded to death Paulus Aemeleus Gualterus Couen Ralph Cogshal Poictow that rebelled against him he set their Cities towns on fire spoyled their Countrey flew many of his aduersaries cruelly at the laste came to the Dukedome of Aquitaine and besieged the Castel of Chalne and brought it to that that they within offered to yéeld vpon conditions but he woulde not so receiue them but would haue them by force whervpvn a certain yong man named Bertram de Gordon standing on y e Castel wall leuelled a quarell out of a crosse bowe and smote him with a venomed Darte which stripe the king little regarded but inuading the castel wan it and put the soldiours in prison Of this wounde aforesayde he dyed the sixth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord. 1199. When he had raigned ix yeres and ix monthes and was buried at Fonteuerard at his fathers féete whom he confessed he had betrayed his heart was buried at Roane and his bowels at the foresayde Chalne ¶ King John IOHN brother to Richard aforenamed beganne his raigne ouer the Realme Anno reg 1 of Englande the vj. daye of April in the yeare of our Lord 1199. Of person he was indifferent but of melancholie and angrie complexion He being now in Normandie
suggestion The Barons sent Sayre de Quincy and other to Philip The Barons sent for Lodovvike King of France earnestly requesting him to send his sonne Lewes into this Realme promising to make him King thereof which the French King refused to do till the Barons had sente him 24. pledges of the best mens sonnes in the Kingdome and then he sent them ayde Gwalo the Legate 1216 was sent from the Pope into France to forbid Lewes to go into Englande but his persuasions nothing preuayled wherefore he excommunicated them Also the Abbot of Abbingdon renued the excommunication against the Barons the Citizens of London and the French which came to their ayde About Mid-lent the King beséeged the Castell of Colchester and after a few dayes it was deliuered to him by the Colchester taken Frenchmen that kept it with cōdition that they might depart frée with all that belonged to them and that the Englishmen should be suffered to depart vpon reasonable ransome notwithstanding y e Englishmen he put in straight prison After the King had taken Hidingham Castell belōging to Robert de Vere Earle of Oxford he made hast to beséege Londō but y e Londoners set open theyr gates and were readie to méet with the King tenne miles of the Citie the king vnderstanding theyr boldnesse and multitude he withdrewe himselfe but Sauari● de Malione being sodainely set vpon by the Londoners loosing many of his men was sore beaten and wounded almost to death The Northren Lordes recouering their strength besieged Yorke bes●eged Yorke at length receiuing aboue a thousand markes grāted truce to the Citizens till the Octaues of Pentecost The Londoners also toke a lxv ships of Pirates besids innumerable other that were drowned that had besieged the Anno reg 18 riuer of Thamis In the meane time the king hauing knowledge y ● Lewes ment to come into England he sent ouer to the French King y ● Bishop of Winchester William Marshal the elder and other to trie if they could perswade the French king to stay hys son from that iourney but they returned without audience The King therefore marching along the sea coast fortified his castels and getting pledges of the fiue Ports gathered a gret multitude of shippes of Yarmouth Linne Dunwich and other hauens fraught them with men of warre and determined to encounter the Frenchmen by sea when they came to arriue in Englande but by Tempest that arose from the North those ships were brused drowned or driuen into the South parts Levves arriued in England of the sea Lewes hauing all his power readie at Cala●s Graueling and Whitsande the Northeast winde comming aboute he set forward toward England and with some difficultie bycause it was a side winde he lāded at Stona in the I le of Thanet the xix day of May. King Iohn being then at Douer bycause his souldiours were straungers durst not go againste Lewes but fled towards Gilforde Lewes went straight to Cāturburie where he receiued both Castell and Citie into hys subiection and after all the other Castels in Kent Douer only King Iohn flect●● excepted then came he to London where he was honorablye receyued of the Nobles and Citizens who altogither sware fealtie to him and did him homage at Westminster after this taking the Castels of Rygate Guldforde and Ferneham he hasted forward to take the King who as he heard was at Winchester and had raised vp the standarde of the Dragon as he had meant to giue battel to Lewes if he came to offer it But when king Iohn heard that Lewes approched he layd down his Dragon set fire on foure parts of the Citie and fled The Douer Castel besieged W●l Packington Citizens quickly quenched the fire and wente forth to méete Lewes receiuing him ioyfully into theyr Cittie and sware fealtie to him Here came to him in maner al the Erles and Barons of the realm then taking the Castel of Odiham and y e tower of London he returned into Kent the xxij of July he besieged the Castel of Douer and continued the same till the xiiij of October then Hubert de Brugh Gerard de Scoting being not able longer to abide the assaultes obtained truce that they might send to king Iohn for succor Whilest thys siege remained king Iohn went about the land consuming with fire and sword the possessions of the Barons Alexander king of Scots and the Barons of the Northe came to Canturburie vnto Lewes The king marched through Norffolke and Suffolke til he came to Lin and appointing Sauerice Radulphur Niger Ralphe Cogshall de Maulion to be Captaine there began to fortify the town but here as it is sayd filling his belly too much as he was thereto greatly giuen he got a surfeyt and therwithal fel into a laske after his laske left him he was let bloud at a towne in Lindsey called Lafforde belonging to the Bishop of Tho. R●dborne Lincolne Here also when the messengers of them that were besieged in Douer were come and had declared their case the disease with griefe conceyued thereat encreased moreouer The kings treasure drovvned great sorrow oppressed him for that in his iourney he hadde lost the ornamentes of his chapels with other treasure and cariages at the passage of Welstreame where manye of hys housholde seruauntes were drowned in the water and quicke sandes by reason they hadde vnaduisedlye entred Liber Bernewell K. Iohn dyed before the tyde was gone forth His disease encreasing within fewe dayes he dyed in Newerke Castell whiche belonged to the sayde Byshoppe of Lincolne on the xix of October Anno. 1216. His seruauntes spoyled al that he hadde there with him fled away leauing not so much as would couer his dead carkasse but the Captain of that Castel causing his Mathew Paris Flores Historiarū body to be bowelled by the Abbot of Croxton who had bin y ● kings Phisition both for the soule and body prouided for it so honorably as he might He was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Worcester The English Chronicle printed by W. Caxton Eulogi●● William Caxton and other report that king Iohn was poysoned by a white Monke of Swinsteede Abbay in Lincolneshire for saying if he might liue halfe a yere he would make a half peny loafe worth twentie shillings To conclude howsoeuer he died certayne it is that hée raigned wyth trouble ynough as by y e preemisses may appere xvij yeres vj. months and odde dayes He had issue two sonnes Henrie Richard Issue of K. Iohn and thrée daughters Isabel y e Empresse Elianor Quéene of Scots and Iane he founded the Abbey of Boweley in the new forest in Southamptonshire he builded the Monasterie of Farendon and the Monasterie Farendon Hales Godstovv and Snaresbrough Ex charta regia 10. Rouse of Hales Owen in Shropshire he reedifyed Godstowe and Wroxhall and encreased the Chapel of Knarisborough ⸪ ¶ King Henrie the thirde
HEnrie born at Winchester the eldest sonne of Iohn of the age of ix yeares began Anno reg 1. his raign the xix of October in the yeare 1216. he was crowned at Gloucester on the xxviij day of October by Peter Bishoppe of Winchester and Iocelyne Byshoppe of Bathe in the presence of Walo the Legate Siluester Byshop of Worcester Ranulph Earle of Chester William Marshall Erle of Penbroke William Erle Ferrers Iohn Marshal Mathew Paris and many other being crowned remained in the custodie of William Marshal Earle of Penbroke by whose meanes al the nobles serued King Henrie much more faithfully than they had his father Bennet Seinturer William Bluntiuers the. 28. Sept. Sherifes Maior Iames Alderman the. 28. of October for part of the yeare and Salomon Basing for the residue Lewes toke the Castels of Berkhamsteede and Heneforde 1217 after returned into Fraunce to fetch more succour and at hys returne besieged Douer in vaine for the Barons of England that had taken part with him going to Lincolne with a great Liber Barnwel army were there taken on the xx day of June which misfortune Liber Col. S. Peter Scala Crom. when Lewes vnderstoode he raised his siege from Douer and came to London and shutte vp all the gates saue one but the Londoners at the comming of king Henries hoste yéelded the Citie to him wherefore he confirmed all the liberties that the Londoners had or were méete to haue at lengthe the barons of Fraunce with one Eustace le Moyne a gret man of Fraunce hauing prepared a nauie of lx ships set forward to come into Englād to y ● aide of Lewes but Hubert de Brugh Conestable of Douer Castel with a multitude of armed men and the ships of y ● fiue Portes met them on the Sea where they slew Eustace their leader there escaped but fiftéen ships al the other wer taken and drowned When Lewes heard this he wist not what to doe wherevppon compelled by necessitie he sued for peace at length the Legate Bishops and nobles of Englande méeting in an I le néere vnto Kingstone they had a treatie of peace togither where the sayde Lewes in presence of them all was released of the excommunication and he renounced she Realme of England and so peace was restored the thirtéenth day of September Lewes returned Levves returned into France Frō the benefit of the absolution and peace wer exempted Bishops Abbots Pryors and of al y e cleargy whyche had borne any fauour or good will to Lewes and the Barons were al depriued from the benefices by the Legate Hugh Bishoppe of Lincolne gaue a thousande marke to the Pope and an hundred marke to the Legate whose example Anno reg 2. many other did follow Thomas Bokerel Ralphe Elland the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Searle Mercer the. 28. of October Simon de Montfort died at y ● siege of Tholouse being hurt Lib. Barnewel Gualters Coro 1218 with the stroke of a stone Randulph Earle of Chester Sa●r de Quincie Erle of Winchester William de Albeneto Erle of Arundel William Erle Ferrers with the Barons Robert Fitz Walter Iohn Conestable of Chester and William Harcourt with a greate traine toke their iourney toward Ierusalem Walo the Legate departed toward Rome and Pandolph elected Bishop of Norwich succéeded Legate Anno reg 3 Sherifes Maior 1216 Crom. ●●iter Nicholas Triuet Earle Marshall dyed Anno reg 4. Iohn Viell Iohn le Spicer the 28. of September Searle Merce● the 28 of October William Marshal the elder Earle of Penbroke gouernor of the kings person and of the realme died and was burye● at London in the New Temple the xv of Apryll after whose death the kyng was gouerned by Peter Byshop of Winchester Richard Wimbledon Iohn Viell the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior King Henry c●ovvned Searle Mercer the 28. of October King Henry was crowned at Westminster by Stephen Langton Archbyshop of Canturbury on the. xvij daye of May Hubert de Burgo was made the kings chiefe Justice The new worke of our Ladies Chappell at Westminster Nevve vvorke of VVestminster Straungers banished was begunne by kyng Henry Proclamation was made that all straungers shoulde ●●oyde the realme except such as came with Marchaundise and to make sale of them vnder the kings safeconduct Ranulphe the thirde Earle of Chester Lincolne and Richmond Castels of Chart ley and Bestrne buylded Abbey of Delacrosse Annoreg 5. Sherifes Maior 1231 Nicho. Tre● Antiq. Calend. in Bristollia and Lorde of Little Brytaine came out of the holy land into England and builded the Castels of Carteley Bestone and the Abbey of Delacrosse Richard Renger Iohn Viell the 28. of Septemb. Searle Mercer the 28. of October The Frier Preachers thirtéene in number were sente into Englande and hauing to their Prior Gilbert de Fraxineto in company of Beter de Roche Bishop of Winchester came to Canturbury and there presenting themselues before the Archbishoppe Stephen he commaunded the saide Prior t● preach before him and lyked him so well that he euer a●●● loued their order On Saint Laurence day they came to London and so to Oxford on the day of the Assumption in whose ho● or they builded an Oratorie and also those Schooles which since were called Saint Oxwards schooles in whose parishe they tooke a place and there for a time remayned and after that remoued to the place without the walles whyche the king assygned them King Henry subdued the Welchmen which rebelled The Noblemen graunted to the king twoo Markes of 〈…〉 of euery hide of lande Isabell the kyngs mother without making hir sonne or Nicho. Triuet his Counsell priuy to hir purpose wente ouer into Fraunce and there married with the Erle of March Hugh Bronne King Henry gaue his sister Iane to Alexander k. of Scots who married hir at Yorke and Hubert de Brugh married the king of Scots sister William de Albeneto Erle of Arundel ●yed comming from the holy Land who was conueyed into England and buried at Wimondham a Priory of his foūdation Anno reg 6 Sherifes Maior 1222 Prouinciall Counsell Radulphus Cog. Gual Couen Lib. Bermond Richard Renger Thomas Lambert the 28. of Septemb. Searle Mercer the 28. of October A Prouinciall Counsell was holden at Oxforde by Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canturbury and his Suff●agan Byshops and others in the conuentuall Church of Osney xv days after Easter wher wer degraded a Priest a Deacon the Priest for homicide the Deacon for sacriledge and theft committed An other Deacon offending more déepely denyed the profession of Christian Religion and for the loue hée ●are fo a Jewish woman caused himselfe to be circumcised folowing the Jewish rytes and customes he was degraded An Apotestate brent A counterfaite Christ and beyng left as a lay person and Apostata was condemned and committed to the fyre by the seruaunts of Falcatius wherein he miserably ended his life
There was also a yong man and two women broughte before them the yong man would not come in any Church nor be partaker of the Sacraments but had suffered himselfe to be crucified in whom y ● scars of al y e woūds were to be séene in his hāds head side Radulphus Cog. f●et he reioiced to be called Jesus of these women other One of the women being olde was accused for be●●● ching Radulphus Cog. Wal. Couentren Nicholas Triues the yong man vnto such madnesse and also altering hir owne name procured hirself to be called Mary the mother of Christ They being cōuict of these crimes and other were adiudged to be closed vp betwéene two wals of stone where they ended their liues in miserie The other woman Counterfaite Marie and Christ being sister to the yong man was let go bycause she reue●led the wicked fact On Saint Iames day the Citizens of London kept game● of defence and wrestling néere vnto the Hospital of Matild VVrestling Mathew Paris where they got the maisterie of the menne of the Suburbes The Baylife of Westminster deuising to be reuenged proclaymed a game to be at Westminster vppon Lammas daye wherevnto the Citizens of London repayred and when they had played a while the Baylie with the men of the suburbs harnised themselues and fell to fighting that the Citizens being foully wounded were forced to runne into the Citie where they rang the common Bel and assembled the Citizens in gret number and when the matter was declared euery man wished to reuenge the fact The Maior of the Citie being a wise man and a quiet willed them firste to moue the Abbot of Westminster of the matter and if he wold promise to sée amendes made it were sufficient but a certaine A tu●ult in London Citizen named Constantine Fitz Arnul●e willed that all houses of the Abbot and Baylie should be pulled downe whiche word being once spoken the common people issued out of the Citie without anye order and fought a ciuil battaile for Constantine the firste pulled downe many houses and of●times with a loude voyce cryed in prayse of the sayd Constantine the ioye of the mountaine the ioy of the mountaine God helpe and the Lord Lodowike A fewe dayes after this tumult the Abbot of Westminster Cro. D●n Abbot of VVestminster pat to his shifts came to London to Phillip Dawbney one of the kings counsel to complaine of the iniuries done to him which the Londoners perceyuing beset the house aboute and tooke by violence twelue of the Abbots horsses away cruelly beating of his men c. But whiles the foresayde Daubney laboured to pacifie the vprore the Abbot gotte out at a backe dore of the house and so by a boate on the Thamis hardlye escaped the Citizens throwing stones after him in great aboundāce These things being thus done Hubert de Burgo Justiciar Chief Iustice en tred the Citie of London vvith an army of England with a great armye of men came to the Tower of London and sent for the Maior and Aldermē of whom he enquired for the principal aucthours of this faction Then Constantine who was constaunt in the sedition was more constante in the aunsweare affirming that he had done it and that he hadde done muche lesse than he ought to haue done The Justiciar tooke him and two other with him and in y ● morning earely sent them to Falcatius by water with a gret number of armed men who brought Constantine to the gallowes Cōstātine vvith other hanged and when he sawe the rope about his necke he offered for his life 15000. marks but that would not saue him so he was hanged with Constantine his nephew Galfride that proclaymed his proclamation on the sixtéenth of August Then the Justiciar entring the City with a great army Mathew Paris Feete handes of many cut of caused to be apprehended as many as he coulde learne to be culpable whose féet and hands he caused to be cut off which crueltie caused many to flée the Citie The King toke of the Citizens 60. pledges which he sēt to diuers Castelles he desposed the Maior appointing a Gardien or kéeper ouer the Citie and caused a greate gybet to be made and after heauie threatnings the Citizens were reconciled paying to the king manye thousande Anno reg 7 Tempestes and dearth markes On holy Rode daye was great Thunder and lightning throughout all England and such great flouds of water followed with great windes and tempest which continued tyll Candlemasse that the yeare following wheate was sold for xij shillings the quarter Richard Renger Thomas Lambert the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Searle Mercer the 28. of October On Saint Andrewes daye a great Thunder ouerthrewe Great tempests Churches Castels and houses so that scantly any body escaped frée from harme by this Tempeste A Knight and hys wife and eyghte menne of hys housholde with the fall of his house were slaine in Pilardestune a villedge of Warwickeshire In a Counsel holden at London the Archbishop of Canturburie 1223 and other the nobilitie and Barons of the Realme required the king to confirme the liberties for the whiche the warre was moued against his Father and that himselfe at the departing of Lewes out of Englande sware to obserue where vppon forthwith the King sente his letters to all the Sherifes of the realm commanding them to inquire by the othes of twelue lawfull men in euery Countie what liberties were in England in the time of King Henrie his grandfather and to send the inqusition so made to London fiftéene dayes after Easter Iohn de Brennes king of Ierusalem and chiefe maister of K. of Ierusalem the Hospital there came into England and required ayde to winne Ierusalem but he returned with smal comfort Leolyn Prince of Wales founded the Castell of Mountgomerie Tho. Wikes and therewith certaine Englishmen in despighte of the King attempted to constraine William Marshall Earle of Penbroke and other to yéelde to them but the whole Countrey Anno reg 8. Sherifes Maior 1224 Mathew Paris rose in armour and ouercame them Iohn Trauers Andrew Bokerel the. 28. of September Richard Renger the. 28. of October The Earle of Chester and other rose against the king and hys Justiciars for the custodyes of the Castelles and landes whyche the Kyng demaunded of them Wherefore the Archbishop of Canturburie and the Byshops excommunicated al the perturbers of the king and the Realme The Earle of Chester and his complices perceyuing that the King had a greater number of men of armes then they and also fearing the excommunicatiō came to the king at Northampton yéelding their castels honors which appertayned to the Crowne Then the king layed siege about the Ral. Cogshall Bedford castel besieged Castel of Bedforde that Falcatius had long kepte by strength which siege he continued by the space of eight wéekes and toke the
Castel on the fiftéenth of August on which daye hée caused to be hanged to the number of 8● men of armes and other souldiours Falcatius de Brent who was fledde into Wales hearing that the Castel was taken and his men slain vnder the conduct of the Byshoppe of Couentrie came to Bedforde and fel at the kings féete requiring mercy The Kyng deliuered him to Eustace Bishop of London and the Castell was made an heape of stones There was graunted to the King throughout Englande two shillings for euery carucat of land Caruage grāted Gray Friers Registrum fratrumminoram The Friers Minours first arriued at Douer nine in number fiue of them remayned at Canturburie and did there build the first Couēt of Fries Minours that euer was in England the other foure came to London and lodged at the preaching Friers the space of fiftéene daies and then hyred an house in Cornhil of Iohn Trauers one of y t Sherifes they builded there little Celles wherein they inhabited The deuotion of the Citizens towardes them and also the multitude of Friers so encreased that they were by the Citizens remoued to a place in Saint Nicholas Shambles whyche Iohn Iwyn Citizen and Mercer of London appropriated vnto the comunaltie of the Citie to the vse of the sayde Friers and became himselfe a lay brother Anno reg 9. William Ioynar builded their quire Henrie Wales sometime Maior of London the body of the Church Walter Potter Alderman the Chapterhouse Gregorie Roksle the Dortar Barthelmew of the Castel made the Refertorie This yeare the King graunted to the comunaltie of the the Citie of London to haue a common seale Iohn Trauers Andrew Bokerel the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1225 Fifteene Great charter confirmed Richard Renger the. 28. of October The xv part of al mens goods mouable within y ● realm as wel of the Cleargie as of the Laitie was granted to the King to ayde him in his right beyond the Seas and the king granted to the Barons and people the liberties which they long time had sued for he caused charters to be made and sent into euery Country twaine one of the common Liberties and the other of the Forrest Richard the kings brother and his vncle William Earle Gascoin subdued Anno reg 10. of Salisburie and many other were sent into Gascoigne who subdued the same and recouered Poyters Roger Duke Martin Fitz William the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1226 Free vvarren free toll Anno reg 11 Richard Renger the. 28. of October The King graunted to the Citizens of London frée warren that is to say frée libertie to hunt a certain circuit about the Citie And also that the Citizens of London shoulde passe toll frée throughout all England and that al weres in Thamis should be plucked vp and distroyed for euer Roger Duke Martin Fitz William the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1227 Richard Renger the 28. of October The King blaming the Citizens of London bycause they hadde giuen to Lewes the Frenche King nowe deceased at his departure out of England 500. markes he compelled them to pay the like summe to him beside the xv parte of theyr moueables and of the Burgeses of Northampton hée toke 1200. markes In a Counsell at Oxforde the King proclaymed that Charters canceled for as much as he was nowe of lawfull age he woulde rule hymselfe at hys pleasure and forthwith made all y e charter of y e Liberties Forrests to be frustrate alledging that they were graunted whiles he was vnder warde of other and had not power of his owne bodie so it followed y t who so woulde enioy the liberties afore graunted muste renewe their charters of the kings new seale with such a price as the Justiciar awarded them Richard the Kings brother returned into Englande was made Earle of Cornewal at Westminster Hubert de Burgo was made Earle of Kent Shortly after the Barons declared vnto the king that except he would restore the Charter of liberties of the Forest which lately he had canceled at Oxford they would compel him by the sworde Anno reg 12 Sherifes Maior 1228 Anno reg 13 Stephen Bokerel Henrie Cocham the. 28. of September Roger Duke the. 28. of October The King corrected the measures and weyghtes and made them bigger In the Sommer was often greate thunder and lightning which brent many houses and slew both men and beastes Stephen Bokerell Henrie Cocham the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1229 Anno reg 14 Roger Duke the. 28. of October Robert Lingham Bishop of Salisburie by the Kings help prosecuted the building of the newe Churche at Salisbuburie which his predecessour Richard did translate William Winchester Robert Fitz Iohn the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1230 Mathew Paris Darkenesse in Paules Churche Roger Duke the. 28. of October Upon the day of Saint Paules Conuersition when Roger Niger Bishop of London was at Masse in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule a greate multitude of people being there sodainely the weather waxed darke that one coulde scantly sée another in the Churche and sodainely an horrible Thunder clappe lighted on the Churche that the same was shaken as though it shoulde haue fallen and out of a darke cloude came such lightning that all the Churche séemed to be on fire and such a stincke that all men thought they shoulde haue died Thousandes of men and womenne ran out of the Churche and being astonied fell vppon the grounde voyde of al vnderstanding none of al the multitude taried in the Churche saue the Bishoppe and one Deacon which stoode stil at the high Alter awayting the wil of God Anno reg 15 King Henrie with a great army sayled into Brytaine wher after spoylyng the Countrey a peace was concluded Anno reg 15 Iohn Beuer. Sherifes Maior 1231 Gilbert of Clare Earle of Glocester dyed in Brytaine Richard Walter Iohn of Woborne the. 28. of September Roger Duke the. 28. of October Richard the Kings brother married Isabel Countesse of Glocester late wife to Gilbert Earle of Glocester lately deceased and sister to William Marshal Earle of Penbroke and the marriage being scantly finished the sayde William died and was buried in the new Temple at London by his father His brother Richard succéeded him in the Earledome Leolin Prince of Wales spoyled the lands of the Barons Nicho. Triuet Anno reg 16 that were on the borders of Wales wherefore the king gathered a great power at Oxford and went against the Walshmen and builded the Castell of Matilde which before hadde bene destroyed The Jewes builded a Sinagoge at London very curiously Ievves sin●goge Iohn Shepeshed but the Christians obtayned of the king y t it should be dedicated to our blessed Lady Michael of Saint Helen Walter de Buffel the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 12●2 Andrew Bokerel Peperer the 28. of October Ranulph Earle of Chester and Lincoln dyed at Walingford and was
buried at Chester Through manye complaintes made against Hubert de Burgo chiefe Justice of Englande the sayde Hubert fled to the Chappel of Brendwood in Essex wher he was taken and the king sent him to the tower of London The morrow after Saint Martins day began Thunders very horrible which lasted xv dayes Greate harme was done in London by fire which began firste in the house of Dauid Ionet Lumbard Historia A●rea Anno reg 17 Ela Countesse of Salisburie widowe founded the Monasterie of Chanons at Lacok in Wilshire for William Longspeye hyr late husbande and William theyr sonne and heyre Henrie of Edmonton Gerard Bat. the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Andrew Bokerel Peperer the 28. of October The King remoued all his officers and counsellers as 1233 Pictauians placed about the King Mathew Paris The likenesse of fiue Sunnes well Bishops as Erles and Barons and sent for Pictauians whome he retained into his seruice and committed to them the kéeping of the Castels and his treasures The vij of April there appeared as it were foure sunnes beside the naturall sunne of a red colour and a great Circle of Cristal colour from the sides whereof went out halfe cyrcles in the deuisions whereof the foure Suns wente forthe There followed that yeare greate warre and cruell bloudesheds and generally great disturbance throughout England Wales and Ireland In the moneth of June in the South part of Englande by Dragons the Sea cost were séene two great Dragons in the ayre flying and fighting togither an whole daye the one chasing the other to the déepe Sea and then were no more séene The King being at Oxforde Robert Bacon openly preached Robert an I Roger Bacon against Peter Byshoppe of Winchester for that he euilly counselled the king to spoyle the Realme with Pictauians Also Roger Bacon his brother both earnestlye and pithelye perswaded the king to leaue the counsell of the sayde Peter Also the Barons sent messengers to the king requesting y ● The Barons threat the King he woulde put from him Peter Bishop of Winchester and the Pictauians or else they wold depose him from his kingdome and create a newe The King builded a faire Church and many houses adioyning House of conuerts therevnto in the Citie of London not farre from the Olde Temple In the whiche house all the Jewes and Infidels that did conuert to the faith of Christe might haue vnder an honest rule of life sufficiente lyuing whereby it came to passe that in shorte tyme there was gathered a great number of Conuertes whiche were baptised and instructed in the lawes of Christ and did liue laudably vnder a learned man appointed to gouerne them He also builded Hospitall at Oxford Histo Aurea Anno reg 18 Io. Rouse the Hospitall of Saint Iohn without the East gate of Oxforde for sicke folke and straungers to be relieued in Simon Fitz Marie Roger Blunt the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Andrew Bokerell Peperer the. 28. of October Richard Marshal and Leolyne Prince of Northwales with a great force inuaded the Kings landes and destroyed the 1234 Salisburie brent same wyth fire and sword from the coastes of Wales to Salisburie which town also they set a fire By the perswasion of Edmunde Archbishop of Canturburie the king commaunded Peter Bishop of Winchester to go to his Bishopricke and also expulsed all the Pictauians into theyr owne Countrey and The Pictaulans expelled making peace with Richarde Marshall and Lewyn Prince of Walles he called againe his naturall subiectes and submitted himselfe to their counsel Richard Marshal in Ireland raising a warre there by Geffrey Nicholas Triuet de Marisco was slaine and buried at Kilkeny Gilbert his brother succéeded him in the Earledome This yere was a great dearth and pestilence so that many Mathew Paris Couetous Archbishop poore folke dyed for want of victuals and the rich menne were stricken with couetousnesse y ● they would not reticue them amongst whom is to be noted Walter Gray Archebishop of Yorke whose corne being fiue yeares olde doubtyng the same to be destroyed by vermine commanded to deliuer it to the husbande men that dwelte in hys manors vppon condition to paye as muche newe corne after haruest and would giue none to the poore for gods sake And it fortuned that when men came to a greate stacke of corne neygh the towne of Ripon belonging to the sayde Archbishoppe there Corne ful of vermine appeared in the sheues all ouer the heades of Wormes Serpentes and Toades and a voyce was hearde out of the Corne mowe saying laye no handes on the Corne for the Archebyshoppe and all that hée hathe is the Diuelles to be shorte the Baylifes were forced to builde an highe Wall rounde aboute the corne and then to sette it on fire leaste the venomous Wormes shoulde haue gonne out and poysoned the Corne in other Anno reg 19 places Ralph Ashwe Iohn Norman the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1235 Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October The Jewes at Norwich stale a boy and circumsised him minding to haue crucified him at Easter for the which facte they were conuicted both bodyes and goodes at the Kings pleasure Frederike the Emperour maried Isabell the kings sister Walter Brune a Citizen of London and Rosia his wife Saint Mary Spittell Anno reg 20 founded the Hospitall of our Lady without Bishops gate of London a house of suche greate reliefe to the néedie that there was found standing at the suppression 180. beddes for the poore Gerard Bat. Robert Hardell the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1236 Mathew Paris Histo Aurea Wil. Packington Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October King Henry tooke to wife Elianor daughter to Raymond Earle of Prouince she was maried at Canturburie and crowned at Westminster the twentith day of January To this Coronation resorted so great a number of all estates that the Citie of London was scarce able to receyue them The Citie was adorned with Silkes and in the night with Lampes Cressets other lightes without nūber besides many Pagentes and strange deuises which were shewed The Citizens rode to méete the King and Quéene béeing clothed in long garments embrodered about with gold and silke of diuers couloures their Horses finely trapped in array to the number of 360. euery man bearing golden or siluer cuppes in their hands and the Kings Trumpetters before them sounding The Archbishop of Canturburie did execute the office of Coronation The Citizens of London The Citizens of London Butlers did minister Wine as Butlers The Citizens of Winchester tooke charge of the Kitchen and other Citizens attended their charges Ioane the Kings sister wife to Lewlin Prince of Wales died at Hauering in Essex and was buried at Tarent in Dorset About this time fell suche abundance of rayne the space High VVater of two monethes that the Thamis ouerflowed the banckes so that in the greate
Pallace of Westminster men did row with wherries in the midst of the Hall and they rode on Horsebacke to their Chambers A Parliament at Marton wherein was made the Statutes Anno reg 21 Statutes of Marton Sherifes Maior 1237 of Marton Henry Cocham Iordan of Couentry the 28. of Septem Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October By the Kings procurement Octobon a Cardinall came into England as Legate from y e Pope the second day of July This yeare passed a stormie and troublesome weather and very vnhealthfull so that no man coulde remember that euer so many folkes were sicke of the ague Iohn Scot last Earle of Glocester deceassed and the Countrey Anno reg 22 Nic. Triuet Iohn Beuer. Sherifes Maior returned to the King for lacke of heires Iohn Tolason Geruas the Cordewenor the 28. of Sept. Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort sonne to Simon Earle of Mountford for doubt that Quéene Blanche mother to the French King was offended with him fledde into England and was made Earle of Leycester and Steward of England by King Henry and had the Kings sister Elianor widdow of William Nicholas Triuet Io. Beuerla Marshall giuen him to wife Octobone being lodged in the Abbey of Osney the Schollers 1238 Mathew Paris Ypodigma Legate put to his shiftes of Oxford slew his mayster Cooke who was also the Legates brother and the Legate for feare gate him into the Stéeple of the Church where he held him till the kings officers comming from Abingdon conuayed him to Wallingford where he accursed the misdoers Odo de Kilkenny as Standerdbearer of the Schollers was taken with twelue other and cast in prison and long after went from Saint Paules Church in London to the Legates Scholers did penance at London Iohn Beuer. house which was Durham place vngirded withoute gowne bareheaded and barefooted whereby they asked him forgiuenesse and then the Legate restored them to their Uniuersitie A Scholler of Oxford fayning himselfe madde enterprised to haue slayne the King in his Chamber at Wodstocke King in darge● Anno reg 23 but he was taken and after long emprisonment plucked in péeces with Horsses at Couentrie Iohn Coders Iohn de Wilehale the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicho. Triuet 1229 Richard Renger the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort whome the King had made Earle of Leycester after he had agréed with his elder brother Earle Almericus for the same Earledome being also Steward of Gascoine induced the King of England to recognise that he would hold of the King of France the land of the Baseles the chiefe Towne whereof is Bayon and was in times past a Kingdome of it selfe and so by acknowledging to be of the fée of the King of France excluded the King of Castile who chalenged the sayd fée to belong to the King of Spayne The Tower of London was fortified which the Citizens Mathew Paris Tovver of London fearing least it were done to their detriment complayned to the King who answered that he had not done it to their hurt but sayth he I will from henceforth do as my brother Ypodigma Anno reg 24 doth in building and fortifying of Castels who beareth the name to be wiser than I am Quéene Elianor bare a sonne named Edwarde at Westminster the 22. day of June Roger Bongye Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1240 William Ioyner the 28. of October Richard Earle of Cornewall the Kings brother tooke his iourney towardes Ierusalem with many other noble men of England Upon Saint Georges night the stone gate and bulwarke Mathew Paris which the King had caused to be builded by the Tower Bulvvarke by the Tovver of London was shaken with an Earthquake and fell downe but the King commanded the same to be builded againe stronger than before Lewlin Prince of Wales deceased and then betwixt his bastard sonne Griffin his legitimate son Dauid nephew to y e K. of Englād by his sister great gréeuous destructiō rose for the principalitie but at length Griffin being taken of his brother was cōmitted to prison Many strange and great Fishes came ashore whereof xj were Sea Bulles and one of huge bignesse passed vp the Monstrous Fishes Riuer of Thamis through the Bridge at London vnhurt till he came as farre as the Kings house at Mortlake where he was killed Aldermen chosen in London whiche had the rule of the Wards of the Citie but were euery yeare changed Anno reg 25 Aldermen in London Sherifes Maior 1241 Iohn Gifers Michaell Tony the 28. of September Gerard Bat the 28. of October The Jewes were constrayned to pay twentie thousand Markes at two tearmes in the yeare or else to be kepte in perpetuall prison Gilbert Marshall Earle of Penbroke dyed without the Towne of Hereford being brused in Turneament and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at London in the new Temple Walter his brother hardly obteyned the Earledome bycause he procured that Turneament contrarie to the Kings will and pleasure This Walter dying without issue his heritage was diuided Nic. Triuet betwixt the sonnes of his fiue sisters The walles and Bulwarkes that were newly builded about the Tower of London in the building whereof the Bulvvarkes by the Tovver Mathew Paris King had bestowed more than twelue thousand Markes were agayne vnrecouerably throwne downe as it were with an Earthquake for which chance the Citizens of London nothing sory were much amazed for they were threatned that the sayde walles and bulwarkes were builded in despight of them to the end that if any of them woulde presume to contende for the Liberties of the Citie they might there be imprisoned and to the ende that many mighte bée Anno reg 26 layde in diuers prisons many lodgings were made there that no one should speake with another Iohn Viell Thomas Duresme the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1242 Nic. Triuet Ypodigma Roger Bongey the 28. of October King Henry with a great armie sayled into Normandy purposing to recouer Poyters Guine and other Countreys but after many bickerings to the losse of Englishmen he treated a peace Elianor daughter to Geffrey Earle of Briteyne and sister to Arthure ended hir life prisoner in the Castell of Bristow Iohn Fitz Iohn Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Anno reg 27 Sherifes Maior Roger Bongey the 28. of October Hugo de Albeneto Earle of Arundell dyed and his inheritance was diuided among foure sisters Also Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent dyed at his Manor of Banstede and was buryed in the Church of the Friers Preachers at London vnto the whiche Churche he gaue his noble Pallace at Mathew Paris Westminster whiche afterwardes the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke place now White Hall The Thamis ouerflowed the bankes about Lambeth and 1243 Great flouds drowned houses and fieldes the space of
sixe miles and in the great Hall at Westminster men tooke their Horsebackes bycause the waters ranne ouer all Anno reg 28 Richard Earle of Cornewall maryed the thirde daughter of the Earle of Prouence Hugh Blunt Adam Basing the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1244 Miserable death of Griffin Mathew Paris Ralph Ashnye Peperer the 28. of October Griffyne the eldest sonne of Leolin Prince of Northwales which was kept prisoner in the Tower of London deuised subtilly how to escape wherefore one night hauing deceyued the Watch made of the hangings shéetes towels c a long line and put himselfe downe from the toppe of the Tower but as he was sliding a good pace with the weight of his body being a very bigge man and a fatte the rope brake and he fell on his necke whose miserable carcase in the morning being founde by the Tower wall was a pitifull sight to the beholders for his head and necke were driuen into his brest betwéene the shoulders the King hearing thereof punished the watchmen and caused Griffins son y ● was imprisoned with his Father to be more straightly kept The King tooke of the Citizēs of London 1500. Markes for that they had receyued into their Citie agayne Walter Bokerell who had bin banished twenty yeares notwithstanding the Citizens had proued that before that time the said Walter and his brother Andrew by their suite to the King had gotten him to be reconciled and restored to the Kings fauour Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne with other Robert Grosted Anno reg 29. Prelates complayned to the King of the waste made of the Church goodes by aliant Bishops and Clearkes of this land where vpon they were shortly voyded Ralph Foster Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1245 Anno reg 30 Michaell Tonny the 28. of October Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Edmond The King enlarged the Church of Saint Peters in Westminster pulling downe the olde walles and stéeple and caused them to be made more comely Robert Ros being made a Templar died and was buryed at London in the new Temple Robert of Cornehill Adam of Bentley the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 1246 Iohn Gisers Peperer the 28 of October In the Dioces of Lincolne there was a woman of noble birth welfauoured and beautifull which was maried to a rich man and did beare him children she also got another Monstruous Anno reg 31 Gentlewoman with childe and begat thrée sonnes of hir one after another or euer it was knowen the womens names were Hauisia and Lucia Harold King of Man was made Knight at London Simon Fitz Meger Laurence Frowike the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior 1247 Queene Hyue Customes of London Iohn Gisers Peperer the 28. of October King Henry let to ferme the Queenehiue in London to Iohn Gisers then Maior and his successours and comminaltie of London for euer for the summe of fiftie pounde the yeare to be payde at two payments at Clarkenwell Dated at Windesore the xxxj of his raigne The Church of Saint Mildred in Canturburie and a great Ger. Dorobor part of that Citie was brent A great Earthquake was in many places especially at Earthquake London about the banckes of the Thamis The Coyne was so sore clipped that it was thought good Coyne base to change the same and make it baser A great plague was in England so that in September Pestilence Mathew Pari● there was euery day nine or tenne buried in the Church-yard of Saint Peter at Saint Albons Elianor Sister to Arthure Duke of Briteyne was buryed Anno reg 32 W●l Wasion Sherifes Maior 1248 at Ambresburie among the Nunnes Iohn Viell Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Peter Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October By reason of the embasing of the Coyne a great penurie followed Robert Bacon preaching Frier deceassed at Oxforde The King required a great ayd of money whiche was denyed him whereby through counsell he was forced to The King selleth his Iev vels sell his plate and Jewels to the Citizens of London The Towne of Newcastell vpon Tine was burned bridge Earthquake and all By a strange Earthquake the toppes of houses were Anno reg 33 throwen downe walles did cleaue the heads of chimneys and Towers were shaken but the bodyes and foundations did not moue Nicholas Fitz Iosey Ge●●rey Winchester the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior 1249 Mathew Paris A Mart at VVestminster Michael Tonney the 28. of October The King deuising how to exact money from the Citizens of London made a mart at Westminster to last fiftéene dayes and cōmanded that all trade of Marchandise should ceasse in the Citie those fiftéene dayes which the Citizens were fayne to redéeme with two thousande poundes Besides this the King tooke victuals and wine wherein could be found and payde nothing for it Two Marchants of Brabant complayned to the King at Mathew Paris Strangers robbed and Pirats hanged Winchester that they had bin robbed by men of that Countrey who had taken from them to the value of two hundred markes which théeues they had séene in the Courte wherevpō such as were suspected were takē to be tryed by y e Countrey but y e Coūtrey purged thē by oth bycause they were for the most part all infected and giuen to théeuerie but the Marchants continuing their suite to the King sayd that if they could not haue iustice they woulde stay so much of Englishe Marchants goodes in Brabant Then the King caused twelue men of Winchester to be chosen who also did quit them that were accused whiche thing when the King did sée he caused those twelue to be imprisoned and sware that in short space they should be hanged as Théeues accessarie and periured and caused other twelue to be empaneled which last quest found and confessed all and appeached many especially of Hamshire which were hanged Great dissention arose in Cambridge betwixt the Schollers Discord at Cambridge and Townesmen so that houses were broken downe and spoyled and many men wounded and slayne In the Moneth of June fell great Raynes especially aboute Anno reg 34 Abingdon whiche caryed away many trées houses beastes milles bridges and one Chappell not farre from Abingdon Richard Hardell Iohn Thollason the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1250 Mathew Paris Roger Fitz Roger the 28. of October The Friers Augustines beganne to inhabit at Wales at Wodhouse Boniface Archbishop of Canturburie in his visitation Mathew Paris came to the Priorie of Saint Barthelmew in Smithfielde where being receyued with Procession in most solemne wise he sayd he passed not vpon the honor but came to visit them vnto whome the Chanons answered that they hauing a learned Bishop ought not in contempt of him to Archbishop of Canturbury visiteth Saint Barthelmevves in Smithfield beateth the Supprior and Channons c. be visited by any other which answere so much misliked the Archbishop that
he forthwith fell on the Subprior and smote him on the face with his fiste saying indéede indéede doth it become you English Traytors so to answere me Thus raging with othes not to be recited he rent in péeces the rich Coape of the Subprior trode it vnder féete and thrust him against a Piller of the chancell that he had almost killed him but y e Chanons séeing that their Sub-prior was almost dead they ranne and plucked off the Archbishop with such a violence that they ouerthrew him backwards whereby they might sée that he was armed and prepared to fight The Archbishops men séeing their mayster downe being all Strangers and their maysters countreymen borne in Prouance fell vpon the Chanons beate them tare them and trode them vnder their féete at length the Chanons getting away as well as they could ranne bloudy and mirie rent and torne to the Bishop of London to complayne who bade them go to the King at Westminster and tell him thereof wherevpon foure of them went thither the rest were not able they were so sore hurt but when they came at Westminster the King woulde neyther heare nor sée them so they returned without redresse In the meane season the whole Citie was in an vprore and readie to haue rong the common bell and to haue hewed the Archbishop into small péeces but he was secretly gotte away to Lambeth The Friers of the order of Preachers through Christendome and from Hierusalem were by a common conuocation assembled togither at their house in Holborne by London to entreate of their estate to the number of foure hundreth The King taking inestimable summes of money of all the rich mē in his Realme tooke of one Aaron a Jew borne in Yorke 14000. markes for himselfe and 10000. markes for English Ievves A marke of gold or of siluer vvas eight ounces the Quéene and before he had taken of the same Jew so much as amounted altogither to 30000. markes of Siluer and two hundred markes of golde to the Quéene In October the Sea flowing twice without ebbe made Tempestes so horrible a noyse that it was heard a great way into the land Besides this in a darke night the sea séemed to be on a light fire and the waues to fight one with another so that the Mariners were not able to saue their Shippes and to omitte to speake of other in one Hauen called Hureburne besides small vessels thrée noble and famous Ships were swalowed vp of the waues And at Winchelsea besides cotages VVinchelsea drovvned for salte fishermens houses bridges milles aboue 300. houses in that Towne with certayne Churches through the violent rising of the Sea were drowned A great Earthquake at Saint Albons on Saint Lucies day Anno reg 35 Sherifes Maior 1251 Maior of London svvorne Anno reg 36 Humfrey Beas William Fitz Richard the 28. of Septem Iohn Norman the 28. of October King Henry granted that where before time y e Citizēs of London did present their Maior before the King wheresoeuer he were so to be admitted now he should come only before the Barōs of y e Eschequer they should admit him Lawrence Frowike Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Basing the 28. of October A great drought from Easter to Michaelmas for from the first of March til the Assumption of our Lady there fell Nicho. Triuet not so much as one drop of raine The Shepeheards of France England tooke their iourney towards the holy land 1252 Shepheards assembled W. Packington Anno reg 37 Sherifes Maior 1253 Iohn Taxtor to y e nūber of 30000. but their nūber vanished in short time King Henry made Alexander King of Scottes Knight at Yorke and gaue him his daughter Margaret to wife William Durham Thomas Wymborne the 28. of Sept. Iohn Toloson Draper the 28. of October The King tooke 40. s of euery Knightes fée to make his eldest son knight He purchased the tenthes of all spirituall liuings at the Popes hands for fiue yeares as it had bin in ayd of the holy land but in déede it was to make his sonne Edmond King of Naples and Sicill The Liberties of London were seased by the meanes of Richard Earle of Cornewal who charged the Maior that he looked not to the Bakers for Liberties of London seased their sises of bread so that the Citie was forced to please the Earle with 600. markes and were restored The King emprisoned the Sherifes of London in the Tower a moneth and more and after deposed them of their office bycause of the escape of Iohn Offrom that was vnder their warde in Newgate for the death of a Priour that was the Kings ally Ypodigma A great Floud hapned in Holland Lindsey and Holdernes Great floud Anno reg 38 Countreys of England the tenth of October which came vnto Alnigham where through a great portion of land with houses and people were drowned Robert Grosted Bishop Robert Grostede of Lincolne in Gréeke Latin and other languages did by an Epistle reproue Pope Innocent affirming that the Nicholas Triuet W. Sheepeshed Preaching Friers minorite Friers were infected with heresies This Robert Grostede borne in Suffolke this yeare deceased he gaue al his bookes to y e friers Minors at Oxford Iohn Northampton Richard Pickard the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1254 Edvvard prince of VVales Richard Hardell Draper the 28 of October Edward y t Kings eldest sonne wedded the Kings daughter of Spayne Elianor his father gaue him the Earledome of Chester and the gouernance of Guyen and Ireland The Bishop of Hereford in the Court of Rome feigning himselfe Procuratour for the Cleargy of England bound the small houses of Religion in 100. or 200. markes the péece Rodul de Diceto the greater houses in 300. or 500. markes the péece Saint Edmondsburie was bound in 700 markes to be paide to certayne Taxtor Anno reg 39 Merchant strangers and all this money was collected to expulse Manfred out of Naples Ralph Ashwye Robert of Limon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1255 Mathew Paris Anno reg 40 Ievves hanged Nicholas Triuet Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October Cxlij Iewes were brought to Westminster which were accused of y e crucifying of a child named Hugh at Lincolne xviij of thē were drawne through the stréetes at Lincolne and after hanged y e other remained long prisoners The Earles Barons of England with assent of the Prelates caused proclamatiō to be made through all England that the Charters of liberties forests should be kept at their instance Boniface Archbishop of Canturbury accursed all those that shuld breake thē Lewlin Prince of Wales gathering a mighty ●ād of mē inuaded Cheshire which y e King had lately giuē to his son Edward and destroyed all things with fire sword till he came to the gates of the Citie of Chester to represse whose violēce a valiant
famous Knight called Stephen Bancan was sent of the K. with an army who entring y e lands of a noble mā of Wales called Rise surnamed Vaghan y e is little being circūvented beset of his enimies in marish groūds was slain the remnāt of his army likewise eyther slaine or taken aliue put in bands few excepted y t escaped by flight Stephen Do Henry Walmond the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1256 Anno reg 41 Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The Maior and diuers Aldermē of London and the Sherifes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the Citie committed to other The new worke of S. Paules Church in Londō was begon Michael Bokerell Iohn the Minor the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1257 Tpodigma Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October Hugh Bigot chiefe Justice of England Roger Thurkelby kept their Courtes in the Guild Hall of London and punished the Bakers vpon the Tomberell and did many other things against the lawes of the Citie Richard Earle of Cornewall went ouer into Almayne and was there Crowned King of Almayne at Aquisgrayne King of Almayne The sixth day of July fell such abundance of rayne that many houses bridges and trées were borne downe The Bridges borne dovvne Taxtor VValles of Lōdon repayred Anno reg 42 Sherifes Maior 1258 King caused the walles of the Citie of London whiche were sore decayed and destitute of Bulwarkes to be repaired in more séemely wise than afore they had bin Richard Owell William Ashwye the 28. of September Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October For so much as the King had oftentimes promised the restitution of certaine antient lawes which he neuer performed the Lords murmuring against him held a Parliament at Oxford which was after called the madde Parliament bycause many things were there enacted which turned Madde Parliament Tpodigma Tvvelue Peeres to the death of many nobles In confirmation of these actes were chosen twelue Péeres whiche had authoritie to correct y e breakers of them the King his bréethren the noble men and Barons taking their oth to sée the same obserued Shortly after they banished William of Valence Galfrede Strangers banished Gwydon and Aylmer the elect of Winchester all foure bréethren to the King on the mothers side and other strangers Great dearth followed the wet yeare passed A Quarter Dearth of Corne. of Wheate was solde for fiftéene Shillings and twenty Shillings but the worst was there could be none found for money where-through many poore people were cōstrayned to eate Horse flesh and barkes of trées but many starued Cro. ●ouesham for want of foode twentie thousand in London as it was sayd A Iew at Tewkesburie fell into a priuie vpon the Saterday A Ievv drovvned and woulde not for reuerence of his Sabboth be plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester kept him there till Munday at which time he was founde Anno reg 43 Ex record Tho. W●ke● dead Richard Clare Earle of Glocester dyed and also his brother William by poyson as was thought Robert Cernehull Iohn Adrien the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1259 A ●u●ke more Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The King commanded a generall assembly at Powles Crosse in London where he in proper person commaunded the Maior that the next day following he should cause to be sworne before the Aldermen euery stripling of twelue Oth to the King yeares of age or vpwardes to be true to the King and hys heires Kings of Englande and that the Gates of the Citie should be kept with harnessed men Two Romaynes striuing for prebends in Powles Church Anno reg 44 at London the one killed the other there Iohn Adrian Robert Cornehill the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1260 Iohn Gysors Peperer the 28. of October Iohn Duke of Briteine married Beatrice King Henry the thirds daughter and was made Knighte and with him Baldwine Earle of the Isle of Wight This yeare was Sir Hugh Dispencer made chiefe Justice Hugh Bigot chiefe Iustice Wil Packington of England and Nicholas of Ely Chancellour to y e King and the Abbot of Peterborow Treasourer of the Eschequer by ordinance of the Barons The King repenting that he had at Oxford granted such large Lawes and Liberties to the Nobles and people of the Realme by counsell of Edward his sonne and Richarde his brother he sente to the Court of Rome to be absolued of his oth The Barons and Nobles of the Realme helde a Parliament Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Reignold de Moun Earle of Somerset Lord of Dunstere Anno reg 45 Nevvham founded the Abbey of Newham in Deuonshire Adam Browning Henry Couentry the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1261 King Henry absolued William Fitz Richard the 28. of October King Henry published at Powles Crosse the Popes abslution for him and all his that were sworne to maynteyne the articles made in the Parliament at Oxford and then he with the Quéene sayled into France to make a finall concord betwéene him and the King of France for Normandy where the composition was that Normandy should remaine to the French King paying to the King of England and his 3000. pound sterling Anno. reg 46 Sherifes Maior 1262 The Barons in armoure heires yearely thirtie thousand pounds Turnoys which is 3000. pound sterling Iohn Northampton Richard Pickard the 28. of Septem William Fitz Richard the 28. of October The Barons of Englande Simon de Mountfort béeing their chiefe armed themselues against the King all this yeare houered about London and other places without any notable acte of Rebellion sauing that they robbed aliants and suche other persons as they knewe to be againste their purpose especially they slew the Iewes in all places There was slayne Iewes at London to the number of 700. the rest Ievves spoyled for Vsurie were spoyled their sinagogue defaced bycause one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue payde more thā two pence for the Usurie of twentie Shillings a wéeke Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester son of Gilbert of Clare Wil. Packington Anno reg 47 being with King Henry in France deceassed was buryed at Tewkesburie and Gilbert his sonne succéeded him Iohn Taylor Richard Walbroke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1263 Macy a French man Connestable of Glocester Robert of Glocest Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the 28. of October Sir Macy de Bescile a Frenchman was by the King made Sherife and Connestable of Glocester wherwith the Barōs being offended they chose to be Sherife and placed there a Knight of that Countrey called Sir William Tracy which Sir William kéeping Court vpon a day in the Towne of Glocester Macy the Frenchman with a number of armed men came sodeinely vpon him drew him to the ground
out of Fraunce to the kings ayde Pope Vrbane sent a Legate and Cardinall the Bishop of Sabrine into Englande but they might not enter the realm the fiue Ports prohibiting them wherevpon they called certain English Bishops first to Amience and after to Bulloigne to whom he committed the sentence of excomunication to be pronounced against the Citie of London the fiue Portes and al those that troubled the King of Englāds peace but the Byshops dissembled the matter This yeare about the 20. of June a notable blasing starre appeared such a one as had not ben séene in that age which rising from the East with gret brightnesse vnto the midst of Blasing starre Nic. Triuet Rober of Glocester Anno reg 49 Sherifes 〈…〉 the Semisperie drew his streame it continued till after Michaelmas Gregory Rokesley Thomas of Deford the 28. of Septem 〈…〉 〈…〉 arose for that Simond not only kept the king other as prisoners The Earle of Glocester forsoke the Earle Leicester but also tooke to himself the reuenewes of the kingdome c. which should haue bene equally deuided amongst them so y ● Gilbert of Gloncester departing ioyned to him in league the noble Knights of the Marches whō Erle Simond had commanded to auoyde the Realme but Iohn de Waren Earle of Surrey and Sussex William de Valēce Erle of Penbroke had brought a great power by sea in the Weast parts of Wales and arriuing at Penbroke Earle Simon leading the king with him went to Hereforde where he gathered a great power to oppresse the sayd knights but while the Prelates laboured for peace Edward the kings son being in y e Castel of Hereford is permitted to exercise himselfe on horssebacke Edvvard the kings son taken from his keepers in a medowe without the Citie by his kéepers where after he had wearied diuerse horsses and mounting on a fresh appointed for that purpose he rode quite away and passing the riuer of Wey with two Knights and foure Esquires was folowed hard by his kéepers but when they were aduised of the standarts of Roger Mortimere and Roger Clifford comming to his reliefe they returned he escaped to Wigmore And this chaunced in the Whitson wéeke Lord Edward being thus escaped gathereth an army confederateth and submitteth to him the Countreys of Hereford Worcester Salop Chester with the townes Cities and Castelles he also winneth by force the Citie of Glocester whiche Earle Simon had lately fortifyed the townes men ●led to the Castel who xv dayes after yéelded it and departed The Earle of Leicester wan the Castle of Monmouth and layde it flat with the grounde and entring into the lande of the Earle of Glocester called Glomorgan méeting with the Prince of Wales Castel of Monmouth raced comming to his ayde they destroyed al with fire and sword Edwarde the Kings sonne hearing that manye of Earle Simonds partakers were come to the Castel of Kenilworthe takyng with him the Erle of Glocester he departed from Worcester and came vpon them at a sodaine where he toke the Earle of Oxford sir William Mountchalsie sir Adam Newmarch sir Walter de Solenle and other and Simon the sonne of Earle Simon hardly escaped in the Castell The Earle of Leicester hauing the King with him returned out of South-Wales and on Lammas daye came to Kemsey a place of the Bishop of Worcester and there tarried the next day Edwarde the Kings son returned from Kenelworth to Worcester whose returne being knowne Erle Simon departing from Kemsey by vnhappy chaunce stayed in the towne of Euesham for on y e morrow being the ij of August Edward the kings son departed from Worcester passing the riuer neare to the towne called Cliue closed vp the passage betwixt Earle Simon and Simon his son who was at Killingworth In the next mornyng Lord Edward approched néere to Euesham on the one side and Battaile of Euesham Gilbert Earle of Glocester on the other side and Roger Mortimer on the two other sides whereby Earle Simon was so enclosed that he must eyther fight or yéelde on Friday therfore was the fifth daye of Auguste theyr armies encountred ech other in a large fielde without the towne where the Earles part hadde the worste the Earle was killed in the fielde and Henrie sonne to Earle Simon Peter de Mountfort Hugh Dispencer Justice of England William de Mandeuile Ralph Basset Walter Greping William de Yorke Robert de Tregoze Thomas de Hostile Iohn de Be●●ocampo Guido de Baylolle Roger de Roulens with sir Iohn de Saint Iohn sir William de Verence sir Iohn de Inde sir William Trossel sir Gilbert Einefielde and other of meaner sorte in great number especially of Walshmen for almost none of thē escaped thence but they were slain at Tewkesburie Lords taken Lords taken Liber Euesh at Euesham sir Vmfry de Boune sir Iohn Sainte Iohn sir Simons sonne sir Guy sir Baudwin Wake sir Iohn Vessy sir Henrie Hastings sir Nicholas Segraue sir Perce sir Roberte Mountfordes sons many other Simon de Mountfort y e son cōming too late to méete his Father at Euesham turned backe again to Kenilworth Castel the sixth of September he released King of Almain deliuered the King of Almain his mothers brother sir Reimond Fitz Pierce and many other A Parliament was holden at Winchester where all the A Parliament at VVinchester statutes made at Oxforde were disanulled and all the goods of them that were againste the king seased London was in great danger to haue bin destroyed by the king for displeasure he had conceyued against y e Citizens but the Citizens wholly submitted both liues and goods vnto him Eight persons carrying the same submission toward Windsor met Sir Roger Leyborne knight at Colbrooke who turned them backe againe and after they had discoursed the whole matter with him he willed them to deliuer to him their submission and he woulde moue the King in it whiche thing they did After sixe dayes thys Knight returned to the Citie and sayde the king had receyued their writings willing them first to take away all the chaines that were in the stréetes of the Citie and pull the postes out of the grounde that the same were fixed in and bring both chaynes and postes to the Tower of London then the Maior with fortie Citizens should the nexte day following attende vpon the king at Windsor to confirme theyr wryting and they shoulde goe and come safe in witnesse whereof he deliuered them the kings letter and seale for the space of foure dayes The next daye the Citizens being at Windsore attended at the gate vntill the king came from hunting at whiche time he woulde not once looke on them After the King was entred they woulde haue followed but they were forbidden shortly after they were called into the Castell where they were locked vp in a Towre with homely entertainment the nexte day the king gaue vnto Prince Edwarde the Maior and foure Aldermen y
e rest were committed to seueral prisons Anno reg 50 Sherifes Maior 1266 Pierce Longtofe Robert Brune Edward Blund Peter Aunger the. 28. of September Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the. 28. of October King Henrie came to Westminster and there gaue vnto diuerse of his housholde seruauntes aboute the number of thrée score housholdes and houses within the Citie so that the owners were compelled to agrée redéeme theyr houses and goods or else to auoyde them then he made Custos of the Citie sir Othon Conestable of the Tower who chose Baylifes to be accomptable to him Iohn Adrian and Walter Haruy. After this the King toke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the Citie the whiche were put in the Tower of London and there kept at the costes of their parents By great labour and sute made al the foresayde persons whiche were in Windsor Castell eight only except were deliuered and the king agréed with the Citizens for twentie thousand markes to be payd for the leauying of which fine were taxed as wel seruauntes as housholders and many refused the liberties of the Citie to be quit of the charge The Castell of Douer was yéelded to Edward the kings sonne into the which he put Guy de Mountfort to be kepte The Countesse of Leicester wife to Simond Mountfort yéelded the Castel of Pemsey to K. Henrie hir brother who forthwith banished hir the realm of England for euer About Alhalowntide the Quéene of England returned from beyonde the Seas with hir came a Legate named Othobone who shortly after his comming in counsel holden at Northampton accursed al the Bishoppes and Priests that had ayded Earle Simon against the King especially he cursed by name Walter of Worcester Henrie of London Stephen of Chichester and the Bishop of Lincolne Worcester shortly after deceased the other ● of Glocest ther thrée went to Rome and were assoyled The Legate also published the Popes Bull for the tenthes of Churches to bée payde to the king for the next yeare Sir Simond the yonger fled from Kenilworth Castel to the disherited Knightes who then were in the I le of Oxholme wher he remayned not lōg for through messengers with faire promises and hostages giuen by Edward the kings sonne he forsaking them went to London to the king his nobilitie but being priuily warned of their guile he made an escape got ouer into Fraunce The kéeper of Guy Mountfort about Easter being brybed let him go went with him into Fraunce this Guy wēt into Tuscane and serued Earle Rufus in whose war waxing famous he obtained to haue his daughter in mariage Robert Ferters Earle of Darby Henrie Hastings Baudewinde Battaile of Chesterfielde Wake Iohn Der●●le and other with theyr power being in the Towne of Chesterfielde in Darbishire there came against them Iohn Earle Waren sir Henrie of Almaine sir Waren of Basingborne and manye other Knightes who on Whitson euen met without the town on hunting sir Baudwyn Wake sir Hen●y Hastings sir Gregory Caldwel sir Iohn Clynton sir Roger Maundeuil sir Richard Caldwel and to y ● number of xxij Knightes al vnder one speare al which they chased and put to flight wherof when sir Iohn Danuil being in the towne had vnderstanding he with a small companye rode out pierced through the hoste wounding many and escaped Erle Waren entring the towne slew many a man and toke the Erle Ferrers who was sicke of the goute and had that day bene letten bloud him they sente to the Tower of London from whence but lately he had bin deliuered Henrie Hastings and his company comming to Kenilworth founde there sir Iohn de Eynuile and many other valiant Knights Sir William de la Knowe and sir Iohn de la Ware had well stored y e Castel of all things necessarie King Henrie hastyng Kenilvvorth Castel besieged thyther beganne his siege the morrowe after Midsommer daye whiche siege continued til Christmasse after for they within the Castell not fearing his force which was great set open theyr gates and neuer closed them daye nor night come who so would they came to theyr cost so that many a man was slaine on both sides and manye were taken and raunsomed At length the Legate the Archbishop two other Bishops came to make accorde betwéene the king and the disherited and also them of the Castle but the disherits nor they of the Castel would grant to the Kings will wherfore the legate a coursed them and all that were of theyr accord but they of the Castell not regarding the Legate nor his cursing in mockage therof clothed a priest their surgeon Phillip Porpeis in a cope of white setting him on the Castel wal as a white Legate against the red made him to accurse y e K. the Legate al their partakers Whiles this businesse lasted at Kenilworth the disherites toke y e I le of Ely strengthned it in such wise that they helde it long they robbed Norffolk Suffolke Cambridgeshire they spoyled y e Citie of Norwich ransomed y e rich men at their pleasure At Bartholmewtide y ● K. held a Parliament at Killingworth wherein by his Barons were chosen vj. persons whiche being sworne chose to thē other vj. these xij to make an accord betwéen the K. and the disherits y e first vj. were Walter Gefford Bishop of Bath Nicholas of Ely Bi. of Worcester Walter B. of Excester Roger de Sumerey Roberte Walronde Alayne de la Souch Barōs these vj. chose to them Gilbert E. of Glocester Humfry Erle of Hereford the B. of S. Dauids sir Iohn Bailiol sir Phillip Basset and sir Warayn de Basingborne if these xij could not agrée the Legate Henrie son to Richard King of Almaine shold be Umpiers these met and agréed at the last Anno reg 51 Sherifes Maior Iohn Hinde Iohn Walrauen the. 28. of September William Richards the. 28. of October By the kings cōmandement y e Bishops Abbots Priors Erles Barons knights of y e realme were assēbled at Northampton on y ● twesday next before Alhalownday ther to vnstand and to confirme by statute what the forenamed twelue stats had deeréed for the state of y e kingdome which was for y ● Barons y ● none should be disherite but y e Mountfort the Ferrers y ● other should redéeme their lands w t money at the hands of thē who had y ● same in possession of the Kings gift so y ● none payde aboue vij yeres value nor vnder iij. yeares value which was the lest this shal be assessed according to y e quātity of their trespasse The siege of Kenilworth yet continuing they within the Castel began to be sore troubled with y e flixe and also wer without hope of succour to come to thē whervpō on S. Thomas day before Christmasse they yéelded Kenilvvorth Castel ye elded y ● Castel to the K. with conditiō to depart w t life
lims w tout losse of goods or imprisonment and not to be disherited Such of y ● disherited persons as liked not y e ordinaunce of Kenilworth whose Captaine was Iohn Ciuille after they had taken the Citie of Lincoln spoyled the Iewes they fled again to the I le of Ely whose comming abroade when the Kyng with a great army hadde stopped Edwarde the kings sonne with bridges made of Hurdles and bordes in place conuenient as the inhabitaunts thereabout had instructed him he entred vpon the I le some of them within yéelded them to him y ● other being dispersed by flight Whiles these things The Erle of Glocester toke the Citie of London were a doing a newe trouble began for the Earle of Glocester taking part with the disherites came with an army gathered in Wales vnto London the seauenth of April therein he builded Bulwarkes cast ditches and trenches in diuerse places The king gathered an army at Windsor the v. of Maye Annales of Hyde he with an 109. ensignes came towardes London he pitched his tentes at Stratford and tarried there the space of one moneth where many entreated to make peace The vj. of June the Earle of Glocester in peaceable maner rendred the Citie vnto the King againe and then many that were disherited were reconciled at the instance of the Legate and the sayde Erle Foure that bare the cognisaunce of the Erle of Darby were put in sacks and cast in the Thamis Thomas Fitz Theobalde and Agnis his wife sister of Thomas Mercors chapel Becket Archbishop of Canturburie gaue to the master and brethren of the Hospitall called Saint Thomas of Acres beyonde the seas all the lande with the appurtenaunces that sometime was Gilbert Beckets father to Thomas Becket in which land y e said Thomas Becket was borne to make there a Church About Michaelmasse y ● king came to Shrewsburie to passe Nicho. Triue● into Wales there to vanquish y e prince of Wales Lewlyne who hadde ayded Simon Earle of Leicester but he sending to the Peace vvith the prince of VVales Anno reg 52 king granted him xxxij M. l. sterling to haue his peace by the Legats means there was restored to y e prince y ● land of 4 Cantredes which by law of armes the K. had taken from him Iohn Adriant Lucas Batecourt the. 28. of September Baylifes Custos 1268 Alyn Souch the. 28. of October Othobone the Legate calling a counsel at London ordayned many things in reformation of the English Church Uariance fell betwene the felowship of Goldsmiths and A●yot in London Taylors of London causing great ruffling in the Citie and many men to be slaine for which ryot thirtéene of the chiefe Captaines were hanged Parliament at Marleborovve Anno reg 53 Baylifs Custos Sokenreure Liber trinitatis Great Frost 1269 Nic. Triuet The King helde a Parliament at Marleborow in the whiche were made the statutes of Marlebrige Walter Haruey William Duresme the. 28. of September Sir Stephen Edesworth the 28. of October Thomas Wimborne The riuer of Thamis was so harde frozen from Saint Androwes tide to Candlemasse that men and beastes passed on foote from Lambeth to Westminster the Marchandise was caryed from Sandwich and other Hauens to London by lande The 8. day of Aprill Edmund the Kings sonne marryed the daughter of William de Albemarle Earle of Holdernesse named Auelina whyche was heyre to hir father and mother both by reason whereof he was to haue with hir the Countie of Deuonshyre and the Lordshippe of the I le of Wight but he deceassed before both father and mother and loste all Anno reg 54 Sherifes Maior Thomas Basing Robert Cornhil the 28. of Septemb. Hugh Fitz Thomas the 28. of October The Nobles of England by the Kyngs commaundement Anuals of hyde Edmond Campion assembled at London to treate of dyuers matters amongest the whiche one was that all men should before the Justices Tho. Wikes 1270 shewe by what right they held their landes whyche matter did muche molest the people vntill Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey appeared who being asked by what right he helde his landes he drewe sodainely out his sword and sayde by this I holde my Grandfathers lands and with this I will kéepe them Upon multiplying of wordes the Earle slewe Allen de la Zouch Lorde chiefe Justice of Ireland before the other Justices of the Bench. And shortly after the same Iohn Erle of Surrey by the othe of 25 Knights at Winchester affirmed that he did not commit that facte vpon any pretenced malice neyther in contempte of the King and so for the summe of 1200 markes was reconciled Edward the kings sonne with hys brother Edmunde and Anno reg 55 many other nobles sayling into Asia against the infidels by hys policie and manly Actes so demeaned himselfe that oftentimes he put the Turkes to great disworship for dispight whereof they suborned a Sarasine to wounde him with a venemous dart whereof he was long sicke Henrie sonne to Richard King of Almayne as he went through Tuscane at Viterbe was slaine by Guy de Mountfort Walter Potter Phillip Taylour the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1271 W● Rishanger Iohn Adrian Vintener the. 28. of October The stéeple of Bow in Cheape fell downe and slew manye people men and and women The eyghte and twentie of Januarie Richarde King of Almaine and Earle of Gornewall brother to King Henrie deceased in the Castel of Berchamsteede was buried at Hayles an Abbey of his foundation Anno reg 56 Sherifes Maior Gregorie Rokesley Henrie Waleys the. 28. of September Iohn Adrian 〈…〉 the. 28. of October Diuerse ●ournes 〈…〉 breake out of the hollow places Tho. de Wike of the Earth and ouerflowed a great parte of Canturburie Citie the streame wherof was so swift and violent that it bare downe buildings and houses and drowned manye people In June beganne a great ryot in the Citie of Norwiche 1272 W. Rishanger Riot at Norvvich Anno reg 57 through the which the Monasterie of the Trinitie was burned wherevpon the King rode downe and making enquiry for the chiefe doers thereof caused xxx of them to be condemnemned drawen hanged and brent Richard Paris Iohn de Wodeley the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sit Water Haruy the. 28. of October King Henrie being sicke called before hym Gilberte ●iber trinitatis of Clare Erle of Glocester and caused him to be sworn to kepe the peace of the lande to the be house of Edwarde his sonne and then dyed the sixtéench of Nouember in the yere 1272. when he had raigned lvj yeares and xxviij dayes he was buried at Westminster whiche Church he had newly builded he left issue Edward his eldest sonne vnto whom hée hadde I. Treklon giuen the Earledome of Chester who succéeded him in the Kingdome Edmund his seconde sonne vnto whom he had giuen the Earledome of Lancaster and
also after the death of Simond Mountfort and Robert Ferrers the Erledomes of Leicester and Darbie and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret ¶ King Edward surnamed Longshanks EDvvarde the firste after the Conquest son to Henrie the third Anno reg 1 surnamed Longshanke beganne hys raigne the sixtéenth day of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then in y ● parts beyond the sea towarde 1273 Ierusalem Of stature he was tall and mighty of bodye nothing grosse his eyes soméwhat blacke and in time of anger fierce of suche noble and valiaunt courage that he neuer fainted in most dangerous enterprices of excellent witte and greate towardnesse he was borne at Westminster Iohn Horne Walter Potter the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. 1274 Sir Walter Haruy Knight the. 28. of October This yeare fell a great variaunce at Oxforde betwéene the Northren and Irishmen wherein manye Irishmen were slaine The second day of August King Edward came into England from the Holy Lande and on the fiftéenth of Auguste hée with Elianor his wife were Crowned at Westminster by Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canturburie At this Coronation fiue hundred great Horsses were turned loase catch them who could Alexander King of Scottes did homage to King Edward The King caused Leolin Prince of Wales to be sommoned to his Parliament at Westminster but he would not come saying he remembred the death of his father Griffen Nicholas Winchester Henry Couentry the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 3. Henry Welles the 28. of October On Saint Nicholas euen was great Earthquakes lightnings and thunder with a huge Dragon and a blasing Starre which made many men sore afrayde In a Parliament at Westminster Usury was forbidden Vsury forbidden Io. Rouse to the Iewes and that they might be knowne the King commanded them to weare a Tablet the breadth of a palme vpon their outmost garments He also ordeyned that Bakers making bread lacking weight assigned after the price of Corne should first be punished by losse of their bread the second time by emprisonment and thirdly by the Pillory millers for stealing of corne to be chastised by y e Tumberel A rich man of France brought into Northumberland a Spanish Ewe as bigge as a Calfe of two yeares which Ewe being 1275 First rotte of Sheepe Hen. of Leycester Tho. Walsing rotten infected so the Countrey that it spread ouer all the Realme This plague of moren cōtinued xxviij yeares eare it ended and was the first rot that euer was in England Lucas Batecourt Henry Frowike the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith chiefe mayster of y e Kings Mintes the 28. of October King Edward builded the Castell of Flint strengthned Io. Rouse Castell of Flint Anno reg 4. Bocland the Castell of Rutland and other against the Welchmen Amicia Countesse of Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded the Abbey of Bocland for Gilbert of Clare Earle of Glocester and Hereford hir Father Isabell hir mother and Baldwine Earle of Deuonshire The eleuenth day of September there was a generall 1276 Earthquake by force whereof the Church of Saint Michael of the Mount without Glastonburie fell to the ground and péeces of many famous Churches in England fell by force of the same Earthquake Gregory Rokesley and the Barons of London granted Canter Record Ex Carta Preaching Friers Church founded by Bainards Castell before vvhiche time their Church vvas in Holborne and gaue to the Archbishop of Canturburie Robert Kilwarby two lanes or wayes next the Stréete of Baynards Castell and the Tower of Mountfichet to be destroyed in the which place the sayd Robert builded the late newe Churche of the Blacke Friers with the rest of the stones that then were left of the sayde Tower for the best and choyse stones the Bishop of London had obteyned of King William Conquerour to reedifie the vpper part of Saint Paules Church that was then by chance of fire decayed Iohn Horne Ralph Blunt the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 5. 1277 Iohn Euersden Sherifes Maior Anno reg 6. 1278 Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith the 28. of October The Statute of Mortmaine was enacted Michaell Tony was hanged drawne and quartered for Treason Robert de Arar Ralph Feuto the 28. of September Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Leolin Prince of Wales the Lordship of Fredisham which Dauid attended in the Kings Court and did him pleasant seruice c. Michaelmas tearme was kept at Shrewsburie Iohn Adrian Walter Langley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 7. 1279 Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October The King builded a strong Castell in Weast Wales at Llhampaterne vaier Reformation was made for clipping of the Kings coyne Ievves executed for which offence 267. Iewes were put to execution The worthie Souldiour Roger Mortimer at Killingworth Round Table at Killingvvorth Io. Rouse appoynted a Knightly game which was called the Round Table of an hundred Knightes and so many Ladyes to the which for the exercise of armes there came many warlike Knightes from diuers Kingdomes Robert Basing William Mazaliuer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 8. First halfe pence and farthings round 1280 Pi●rce Longtofe Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October Where as before this time the peny was wont to haue a double crosse with a creast in suche sorte that the same might be easily broken in the midst or into four quarters and so to be made into halfe pence or farthings it was now ordeyned that pence halfepence and farthings shoulde be made rounde wherevpon was made these Uerses following Edward did smite round peny halfepeny farthing Robert Brune The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was in coyned and smitten To poore man ne to priest the peny frayses nothing Men giue God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeares and mo On this money men wondred when it first began to go At this time twentie pence wayed an ounce of Troy Regist of E●●ry weight whereby the peny halfepeny and farthing were of good quantitie Thomas Boxe Ralph de Lamere the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 9. Wilhel Rishanger Gregory Rokesley the 28 of October Dauid the brother of Lewlin Prince of Wales rose against the King and in the night season brake into the house of Roger Clifford when he was in his bed a sléepe on Easter day at night and sent him fettered in yrons as a théefe vnto Snowdon to his brother Lewlin He also rased and laid flatte on the grounde the Castell of Flint belonging to the King 1281 Sherifes Maior Anno reg 10 Great Frost and Snovv Liber Roffensis Rochester Bridge and fiue arches of London bridge borne dovvne William
Farrendon Nicholas Wi●ichester the 28. of Sep. Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October From Christmas till the purification of our Lady there was such great Frost and Snow as the olde men could not remember the like wherethrough fiue arches of London Bridge and all Rochester Bridge was borne downe and caryed away with many Bridges more Men passed ouer the Thamis betwéene Westminster and Lambeth and likewise ouer the Riuer of Medway betwéene Stroude and Rochester drishod Fishes in ponds and birds in woods died for want of foode Pirats of Zeland and Holland about Yarmouth and Donwich 1282 Io. Euersden Yermouth and Donvvich spoyled Sherifes Maior Anno reg 11 Corne sold by vveight did spoyle and robbe whosoeuer they met slew many men and caryed away not a few Shippes with all y e goodes in them William Mazelyuer Richard Chigwell the 28. of Sept. Henry de Waleis the 28. of October This yeare the Bakers of London were first drawne vppon Herdles by Henry Waleis Maior and Corne was then first sold by weight This Henry Waleis Maior of London caused to be erected The Toune in Cornehill Radul Baldoke a certayne house in one of the highest places of London which house was called the Tonne vpon Cornehill to be a prison for night walkers and other suspitious persons He also by the Kings licence caused to be builded an house called the Stockes on the North side of Saint Mary Wolchurch in The Stockes market Customes of Lon. London to be a market for flesh and fish in the midst of the Citie and certayne houses néere vnto Powles Church the profites therof to be receyued by the Maysters of the Bridge of London towards the maintenance of the same Bridge The King entred Wales with an army appoynting his Wil. Rishenger Wil. Packington footemen to occupy the enimies in fight whiles his horsemen in a wing set on the rere battayle himselfe with a power kept his place where he pight his golden Dragon vnto the which as to a Castell the wounded and wéerie might repaire but Dauid fléeing the King with his power followed and as he passed by a wood there issued out of the same a foure thousand Welchmen whiche inuading the Kings armie made great slaughter but at length the King marching through by strong hande entred the Castell of Oxe and tooke Anglesey where he lost William de Awdley Roger Clifford the yonger and twelue other of his chiefest Captaynes Iohn Peckham Archbishop of Canturburie sendeth commandement 1283 to the Bishop of London to destroy all the Sinagogues of the Iewes within his dioces After the Archbishop The Ievves Sinagogues destroyed writeth to him to tolerate them to build one Church in some open place in the Citie of London where the King should appoint so they bestow no great cost nor vse their fond ceremonies Ralph Blound Anketin de Beteuile the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 12 Tho. Walsing 1284 Wil. Rishang Nic. Bromfild Henry de Waleis the 28. of October Leolin Prince of Wales came downe from the Mountayne of Snowdon to Mountgomerie and was at length taken at Bwelth Castell where vsing reprochfull words againste the Englishmen Roger le Strange ranne vpon him with the Sword wherewith he was girt and cut off his head leauing his dead body on the grounde Sir Roger Mortimer caused the head of Lewlin to be set vpon the Tower of London crowned with Yuy King Edward founded the Abbey of Vale Royall in Cheshire Histo Auria Io. Rouse He also remoued the Abbey of Aberconwey to another place and there builded a strong Castell against the Welchmen He gaue diuers Castels of the Welchmen to Englishe Chr. of Dun. Wil. Pakenham Lords and after tooke Dauid Lewlins brother with his wife his two sonnes and seauen daughters at Saint Moris which Dauid was drawne hanged and quartered at Shrewsburie Iordane Godchepe Martin Box the 28. of September Henry Waleis the 28. of October Sherifes Maior Anno reg 13 Edward Prince of Wales borne at Carnaruan in Wales Laurence Ducket Goldsmith and Citizen of London gréeuously wounded one Ralph Crepin in Weast Cheape and then fled into Bow Church after that certaine euill disposed persons friendes to the sayde Ralph entred the Cron. of Dunsta Ducket hanged in bovv Church 1285 Church in the night time and slew the sayd Laurence lying in the Stéeple and then hanged him vp placing him so by the window as if he had hanged himselfe vpon the which déede enquirie being made it was presented that he had hanged himselfe for the which being drawne by the féete he was buryed in a ditch without the Citie but shortly after by relation of a boy who lay with the said Laurence at the time of his death and had hid him there for feare the truth of the matter was knowne for the which Alice a woman that was chiefe causer of the sayde mischiefe and xvj men Murtherers hanged Io. Euersden with hir were then put in prison and afterwardes more who all were drawne and hanged saue the woman who was burnt these were of the poorer sort but the rich of that malicious company escaped for money The Churche was Bovv Church interdicted interdicted by the Archbishop and the dore with the window was stopped vp with thornes then the said Laurence was taken vp and buryed in the Church-yard The great Conduit in Cheape was begon to be builded Stephen Cornehill Robert Rokesley the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 14 Liberties of London seased Gregory Rokesley till the feast of Peter and Paule and that day was the Citie seised into the Kings handes and Ralph Sandwich appoynted Custos vntill Candlemas and then was chosen Iohn Briton vntill Saint Margarets day A Justes was proclaymed at Boston in the faire time 1286 whereof one part came in the habite of Monckes the other in the suite of Chanōs who had couenāted after the Justes Faire at Boston spoyled Histo Aurea Tho. Walsing to spoyle y e Faire For the atchieuing of their purpose they fired the Towne in thrée places It is said that streames of Gold Siluer and other mettall molten ranne into y e sea The Captayne of this confederacie was Robert Chamberlaine Esquier who was hanged but would neuer confesse his fellowes Wheate was solde for xvj pence xij pence y e Quarter Walter Blunt Iohn Wade the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 15 Yermouth Donvvich and Ipsvvich perished Iohn Euersden Ralph Sandwich On Newyeares day at night as wel through y e vehemēcie of the wind as violence of y e Sea many Churches were ouerthrowne and destroyed not only at Yarmouth Donwich and Ipswich but also in diuers other places of Englande and other Regions adioyning to the Sea especially in that part 1287 of England which is called Meris land Al the whole prouince was for the most part turned into a standing poole so that intollerable
of the Citie of London Gilbert Earle of Glocester dyed leauing issue thrée 1294 daughters and one sonne within age begotten of Iane his wife Robert Rokesley the yong corder Martin Ambresbery Sherifes Custos Ralph Sandwich the 28. of Sep. The thirtenth of October being Sonday all the Cleargie of England granted a Subsedie of the one halfe of their fruites and reuenues for one yeare to the King In the quindene of S. Martin the Justices Itinerants sate Anno reg 23 W. Packington without London in the Bishop of Couentries house at y ● stone Crosse Roger Pine esden Captain to the Welchmē sp●●led burned the Marches Great Snowes winds did great harme in England The water of Thamis ouerflowed the 1295 bankes a great breach at Rotherheath besides London and y e low grounde about Bermondsey and Tothill was ouerflowed Henry Box Richard Glocester the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 24 Castel of Bevv marish Iohn Rouse Ghro Dun. Sir Ralph Sandwich The King passing y ● water of Conoway and so forth into Wales with an army against the Welchmen builded the Castell of Beawmarish in the Isle of Anglesey The Welchmen were cōsumed by famine their woods were felled and many Castels fortified their Captayne was taken brought to London and so for that time the warres seased The Frenchmen arriued at Douer spoyled the Towne 1296 Douer spoyled and brente a great parte thereof amongst other they slewe Thomas of Douer a Monke of great holynesse The King caused all the Monasteries in England to bée Wil. Paken Monasteries searched W. Sheepeshed searched and the money in them to be broughte vp to London He also seised into his hands all their lay fées bycause they refused to pay to him suche a Taxe as he demanded Moreouer he caused the wooll and leather to be stayed in England and there followed great dearth of corne and wine There rose a greate discorde at Oxforde betwéene the Discord betvvixte the Clearkes and Tovvnesmen of Oxforde Clearkes and Lay men and all bycause of two varlets of diuers Countreys which fell out about a small matter for vpon that occasion some tooke one part and some another and so all were deuided into partes in somuch that learned and lewde by flockmeale ranne to the fight and when the Schollers or Clearkes were gone out of their Hostles the Laitie perceyuing either none or else very fewe to be remaining at home entred the Clearkes lodgings and caryed away a great deale many kinds of stuffe to the great vnrecouerable damage of the Schollers In this skirmish was slayne Sir Fulke of Neyrmouth parson of Pichelesthorne and many other on eyther side The King hearing thereof sente Justiciaries to restore the peace and to condemne the murtherers which whē they came forced the Townesmen to pay the Scholers two hundreth poundes for domages done to them Iohn of Dunstable Adam de Halingbery the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 25. Sir Iohn Breton Was made Custos of London by the King Ralph Sandwich being remoued and the morrow after Saint Barnabes day all the Liberties were restored to the Citie of London the Mairaltie excepted Iohn Baliol King of Scottes contrary to his alegiance rebelled Wil. Packington Tho. Walsing wherefore King Edward hasted him thither and wonne the Castels of Berwike and Dunbarre he slewe of the Scottes fiue and twenty thousand he conquered Edenborough 1297 King Edvvarde vvon Bervvike Regalles of Scotland where he found the regall ensignes of Scotland as Crowne Scepter and cloth of estate c. In his returne he called a Parliament at Berwike where he receiued the fealties of all the great men of Scotland and their homages Thomas of Suffolke Adam of Fulham the 28. of Septe Sherifes Custos Anno reg 26. Sir Iohn Breton King Edwarde offered to Saint Edwarde at Westminster the Chayre Scepter and Crowne of Golde of the Scottish King The King encreased the tribute of the woolles talking for euery Sacke fortie Shillings where before that time they payde but halfe a marke The Scottes by the instigation of William Walleis rebelled and put the Englishmen to much trouble and losse of many men King Edward sayled into Flanders to rescue Guy their Earle which was gréeuously ouerset by the French King so 1298 that he had wonne muche of his landes but shortly after a peace was concluded for two yeares The Eschequer and the Kings Bench was remoued frō London to Yorke King Edward wanne the battell of Fankirke in Scotland vpon Saint Mary Magdalens day in whiche battell was Nicholas Triuet Tho. Walsing Scala Croni Battell at Faulkirke in Scotland slayne more than twentie thousand Scottes and William Walleis their Captayne fledde Anthony Beke Bishop of Duresme had at this battell such a retinue that in his company were two and thirtie Banners At this time the Towne of Saint Andrewes was destroyed no man there resisting The Citizens of London hearing of the great victorie Chro. Dun. obteyned by the King of Englande against the Scottes made great and solemne triumph in their Citie euery one according to their craft especially the Fishmongers which with solemne Procession passed through the Citie hauing amongst other Pageants and shewes foure Sturgeons gilded caryed on foure Horses then foure Samons of Siluer on foure Horsses and after sixe and fortie Knightes armed riding on Horsses made like Luces of the Sea and then Saint Magnus with a thousand Horsemē this they did on Saint Magnus day in honor of the Kings great victorie and safe returne This yeare the King payde to the Marchants of Gascoigne 150000. pounds sterling for his brothers expences there Richard Reffeham Thomas Sely the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Chro. Dun. Anno reg 27 Henry Waleis the 28. of October King Edward helde a great Parliament or counsell at Stepenheath by London in the house of Henry Waleis Maior of London Certayne persons of the Citie of London brake vp the Tonne in Cornehill and tooke out certayne prisoners for the whiche nine of them were punished by long emprisonment and great fines It cost the Citizens more than 1299 20000. markes to purchase the Kings fauoure and confirmation of their liberties The xxix of March a vehement fire being kindled in the lesser hall of the Pallace at Westminster the flame thereof VVestminster and the Kings Pallace consumed vvith fire Radul Baldoke Saint Martins in the Vintrie nevv builded being driuen with winde fired the Monasterie adioyning which with the Pallace were both consumed Saint Martins Church in the Uintrie at London was new builded by the executors of Mathew Columbers The king went to Yorke and so into Scotland with a great power A certayne rich Citizen of London deceasing a great nūber Io. Euersden of poore people were assembled to receiue his charitable doale amongst whome suddaynely rushed in the sonnes of 150. Beggars murthered at
in the Priorie of the Trinitie neare vnto Aldegate And before euery towne or Castel whiche the hoaste of London besiege if the siege continue a whole yeare the sayde Roberte shall haue for euery siege of the communaltie of London an hundred shillings for his trauell and no more These be the rights that the sayd Robert hath in the time of war Rights belonging to Robert Fitz Walter and to his heires in the Citie of London in the time of peace are these that is to saye the sayd Robert hath a Soken or ward in the Citie that is a wal of the Chanonrie of Saint Paul as a man goeth down the stréete before the Brewhouse of Saint Paul vnto the Thamis and so to the side of the Mill whiche is in the water that commeth down from the fléete Bridge and goeth so by London Walles betwixt the Friers preachers and Ludgate and so returneth backe by the house of the sayd Friers vnto the sayd common wall of the said Chanonry of Saint Paule that is al the parish of Saint Andrew whiche is in the gifte of hys auncestours by the saide senioritie and so the sayde Robert hath appendant vnto the sayd Soken al these things vnder written that he ought to haue a Soke man to place what Sokeman he will so he be of the Sokemanrie or the same ward and if any of the Sokemanry be impleaded in y e Guild Hall of any thing that toucheth not the body of the Maior y ● for the time is or that toucheth the bodye of no Sherife it is not lawfull to the Sokeman of the Sokemanrie of the sayd Robert Fitz Walter to demand a Court of the sayd Robert and the Maior and his Citizens of London ought to grāt him to haue a Court and in his Court he ought to bring his iudgement as it is assented and agréed vppon in the Guilde Hal that shall be giuen him If any therefore be taken in hys Sokenry he ought to haue his stockes and imprisonment in his Soken and he shal be brought from thēce to y e Guild Hall before the Maior there they shall prouide him his iudgement that ought to be giuen of him but his iudgement shal not be published till he come into the Courte of the sayde Robert and in his libertie And the iudgement shall be such that if he haue deserued death by treason he be tyed to a post in the Thamis at Woodwharfe where boates are fastened two ebbings and two flowings of the Water And if hée bée condemned for a common théefe he ought to be ledde to the Elmes and there suffer his iudgemēt as other théeues and so the said Robert and his heyres hath a great honor that he holdeth a gret Franches within the Citie that the Maior of the Citie and Citizens are bounde to do him of right that is to say that when the Maior will holde a greate counsel hée ought to call the sayd Robert and his heyres to be with hym in Counsell and of counsell of the Citie and the sayde Robert ought to be sworne be of counsel with the Citie against all people sauing the King and his heyres And when the sayde Robert commeth to the Huystings in the Guilde Hall of the Citie the Maior or his lieuetenaunt ought to ryse against him and set hym down néere vnto him and so long as he is in Guilde Hall all the iudgemente oughte to be giuen by his mouth according to the Recorde of the Recorders of the sayde Guilde Hall and so manye weifs as come so long as he is there he ought to giue them to the Baylifes of the town or to whom he will by the Counsell of the Maior of the Citie These be the Franchises that belonged to Roberte Fitz Walter in London in time of peace whiche for the antiquitie I haue here noted out of an old Recorde William Combmartin Iohn Burforde the. 28. of Septem Baylifes Custos Anno reg 32 Adam Meri Grauesend Bishop of Londō Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October Richard Grauesend Byshop of London deceased who is reported by some to haue purchased the Charters and Liberties for the Citie of London in the yeare of our Lord. 1●9● in the sixtéenth yeare of King Richard the seconde The vntrueth whereof I haue thought good thus muche in place to note King Edward went into Scotland and there besieged the Castel of Striueline which William Clifford kept the space of * 1304 Tho. de la More 90. dayes with sundry valiaunt assaultes but being able no longer to resist they put off their shoes and with haulters about their neckes came forth of the Castel and fel prostrate before the king committing both liues and lims to his mercie whom the King pardoned of life but sent them prisoners into England The King returning out of Scotlande by the Citie of Yorke commaunded the Courtes of the kings Benche and the Exchequer which had now remayned at Yorke vij yeares to be remoued to theyr olde places at London Roger Pares Iohn de Lincolne the. 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 33 Dravv thy staffe Adam Meri Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October King Edwarde helde his Christmasse at Lincolne where he ordayned Justices of Traylebaston againste intruders into other mens landes truce breakers extortioners murderers and suche like offendours by whyche meanes the Kings treasure was maruellously encreased Roger Brabason and Robert de Reuer satte at the Guilde Hall in London to heare the complaintes made concerning the foresayde Articles of Traylebaston The Citizens of Norwiche made peticion vnto the Norvvich vvalled Parliament Recordes 1305 King that lyke as it hadde pleased hym heretofore to graunte them hys helpe and lycence certayne yeares for the wallyng aboute of theyr Towne whiche tearme was nowe expyred to graunte them a longer tyme the same being not yet finished wherevppon v. yeares were granted by him and his Parliament at Westminster Iohn Leyland writeth that a Marchaunte of Norwich I. Leyland whom he nameth not builded a great part almost halfe of that Wall Robert Fitz Walter requested the king that the Fries of Friers of the Sacke A sinagoge of the Ievves neare Baynards Castel in Londō Parliament recor the Sacke cōmonly called de Penitentia Iesu in London might assigne to the sayde Robert one Chappel of olde time called the sinagoge of the Iewes neare adioyning to the place of the same Robert which request was graunted These Friers liued altogither by begging and had of late multiplyed in number greatly vntill the counsel at Lions wherein it was decréed that Friers beggers should receyue none into their order except Grey and White Friers They wer also licensed to enter into religion of larger rule from the which time forth all mendicant Friers began to decrease and were in short time brought to nothing except the Preching Friers William Wales which had ofttimes sette Scotland in gret VV. VVales in Scotland trouble was
taken and brought to London with greate numbers of men and women wondring vppon him he was lodged Adam Merimo in the house of William Delect a Citizen of London in Fanchurche stréete On the morrow being the euen of Sainte Tho. Delamore Bartholmew he was brought on horssebacke to Westminster Iohn Segraue and Geffrey Knights the Maior Sherifes Aldermen of London and many other both on horsseback and on foote accompanying him and in the gret hall at Westminster he being placed vppon the South benche crowned with Laurel for that he had sayd in times past y e he ought to bear a Crowne in that Hall as it was commonly reported and being appeched for a traytour by sir Peter Mallorie y e kings Justice he aunswered that he was neuer traytour to y e king of England but for other crimes whereof he was accused hée confessed them and was after headed and quartered There was opened to the K. a conspiracie wrought by the Archbishop of Canturburie and diuerse Earles and Barons against him at such time as he was in Flaunders The Earle Marshal being examined of this and being not able to purge himselfe made the king his heire and put him in possession of his landes to haue his grace and thus doing the Kyng gaue him again 1000. pound land by the yeare during hys life William cosine Reignalde Thunderle 28. of September Sherifs Custos Anno reg 34 Sir Iohn Bloud the. 28. of October Robert Bruce an Englishman presuming by the righte of his wife to vsurpe the Kingdome of Scotlād called a Parliament of the nobles of Scotland within the Church of the Friers 1306 Minors in Domfries where he slewe Iohn Comin bycause he woulde not agrée to the treason and shortlye after to wit in the feast of the Anunciation of our Lady in the Abbay of Scone he caused himself to be solemnely crowned king by the Bishoppes of Glasco and Saint Andrewes firste and the third day after by the Countesse of Bowan bicause hir brother the Earle of Fife to whome by right of inheritaunce that office belonged was then absent in England In the feast of Penticost king Edward honored his eldest sonne Edward of Carnaruan with the degrée of Knighthoode and with him also moe than a hundred noble yong men at Westminster About the feast of the Natiuity of our Lady the king wēt againe into Scotland with a great army hauing sent his son Edward with Ayner de Valence Earle of Penbroke Roberte Clifforde Henrie Lacy and many other noble knightes and gentlemen at Whitsontide before also he sente before hym his Justices of Trayle Bastō two and two togither into euery Citie and place into which he woulde come giuing thē power to kill traytours drawe and hang periured persons burn such as worke deceite destroy the wicked and set Englishmen in their places and there were taken by them in the space of two monthes by inquisition of Juries Hundreds Thousands breakers of peace and conspiratoures amongst the which Nigellus de Bruse brother to Robert de Bruse was drawne through Berwicke and hanged Moreouer Christopher and Iohn Seyton brethren wer hanged y ● Countesse of Bowan was closed in a Cage whose breadth length height depth was eight foote and hanged ouer the wa●● of Berwike the Bishop of Saint Andrews and of Glasco with the Abbot of Stone were sent to seuerall prisons in England King Edward besieged Simon Frisell in Lilyscho and tooke him and sent him to London Tower where he founde many Scottish Lordes in fetters of yron amongst whom was Thomas Morham with Herbert his sonne and Thomas Roy his Esquire who were all beheaded Simon Frisel was hanged drawne and quartered Earle Iohn de Athol bycause he was of the Kings bloud and an Englishman was not drawn but hanged and headed Sir Iohn Wallers was sente to the Tower of London and after hanged and headed Lawrence de Megos Esquire was taken at Douer there beheaded The Earle of Stratherne yéelded to king Edward who condemned him to remaine during his life in yron fetters in the Castel of Rochester At this time and long after King Edward had Scotland in such good obedience as he gaue of the landes thereof to hys Ex charta regia seruauntes and subiectes in England with Markets Fayres and Warrens amongst others I haue séen vnder the broade seale of the sayd king Edward a Manour called Ketnes in the Countie of Ferfare in Scotland and néere the furthest parte of the same nation Northwarde giuen to Iohn Evre and hys Lord Evre heires ancester to the Lord Eyre that now is for his seruice done in those partes with market euerye Monday fayre for thrée dayes euery yeare at the feast of Saint Michael and frée Warren for y e same dated at Lauercost the. 20. day of October Anno regni 34. Geffrey Cundute Simon Bylet 28. of September Sherifes Custos Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October This yere Margaret Quéene second wife to Edwarde the Registrum f●●●rum ●inor●m Anno reg 53 first began to builde the quire of the Churche of the Gray Friers in London to y e building wherof in hir life she gaue 2000. markes and. 100. marks by hir Testament Iohn of Brytai● Earle of Richmond builded the body of the church Lady Marie Countesse of Penbroke Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester Margaret Countesse Lady Elenor le Spencer and Lady Elizabeth de Brugh sisters to the Gilbert de Clare gaue greate summes of mony towards the same Richarde Whitington sometime Alderman and Maior of London founded the Librarie there in Anno. 1421. King Edward held his Christmasse at Carlile with a great multitude of English people in the month of January next Parliament at Carlile 1307 following he called a great Parliament to be holden at Carlile vpon the Octaues of S. Hillarie to treat of matters cōcerning the state of Scotland wherevnto were somoned manye Lords both of the Spiritualtie Tēporaltie who either appeared Parliament Records in person or else by proxie My self haue séene and red an auntient register of good authoritie contayning y e names of lxxxvij Erles and Barōs xx Bishops lxj Abbots viij Priors besides many Deanes Archdeacons other inferiour Clearks of y e Conuocation The maister of the Knights of the Temple of euery shire two Knightes of euerye Citie two Citizens and of euery borough two Burgesses c. Archbishop of Yorke Bishops Of Lincolne London Chichester Excester Hereford Salisburie Landaf S. Assafe Bangor S. Dauids Couentrie and Li●chfielde Bath and Wels. Norwich Rochester Durham Carlile Elie. Worcester Abbots Of S. Augustine in Cāterbury Of Saint Edmunde Saint Albane Westminster Waltham Euesham Saint Marie at Yorke Peterborow Ramsey Winchcombe Glocester Bristow Malmesburie Glastonburie Selby Cyrcester Reding Furney Sawley Alnewike Saint Osith Barlyng Tupholme Byley Dale Newh●s Croxton Cokersande Saint Radegound Tichfield Torre Holmcolthram Welbecke Hales New Monasterie Iereual Fountaines
Walling ford there to bée shut vppe in prison and his goods confiscate bycause in hys fathers life time he had reproued him of his insolent life c. He also called out of exile Pierce of Gauaston a straunger borne whiche lately in his Fathers dayes had for certaine causes bene banished this land He gaue to the sayde Pierce the Earledome of Cornewal the Isle of Man and the Lordeshippe Cro. H●ntenpries W. Paking Sherifes Maior of Wallingforde otherwise assigned to Quéene Isabel Nicholas Pigot Nigellus Dru●y the 28. of September Sir Iohn Blunt the. 28. of October A Parliamente was holden at Northampton wherein it was ordayned that his Fathers coyne which was counted bace should not be refused vpō paine of life and lim and that a fiftéenth of the Cleargie twentith part of the goods of the Layetie should be giuen to the king The. 27. of October King Edward the first was buryed at Westminster at the heade of Henrie the third his Father vnto the which Church he had giuen lands to the value of one hundred pound by yeare twentie pounde thereof yearely to be distributed to the poore Anthony Becke Patriarke of Ierusalem and Byshoppe of Durham doing the exequies After the Ephiphanie of our Lorde all the Templers Adam Merimo Knightes of the temple apprehended Tho. de la More in Englande were apprehended and committed to prison in diuerse places The King went ouer into France and married Isabel the French kings daughter at Bolloigne y ● xxij of Januarie There were present at that marriage Phillip king of Fraunce hys sonne King of Nauar the King of Almaine and the King of Cicile with many other And on the xxiiij day of Februarye King Edward with his Quéene were crowned at Westminster by Henrie Bishop of Winchester being admitted so to do by Robert Archbishop of Canterburie The King offered firste a pounde of Golde made like a King holding a ring in his hande and after he offered a marke of Golde whiche is eight ounces made like a Pilgrime putting forth his hande to receyue the ring Sir Iohn Bachauell Knyghte was thruste to deathe at hys Coronation The King gaue vnto Pierce of Guaston all such giftes and Ghro D●n Jewels as had bin giuen to him with the Crownes of hys Father his ancestours treasure and many other things affirming that if he could he should succéede him in the Kyngdome calling him brother not granting any thing without his consent The Lords therfore enuying him told the king that the Father of this Pierce was a Traytour to the King of Fraunce and was for the same executed that his mother was burned for a Witch and that the said Pierce was banished for consenting to his mothers witchcraft and that hée had now bewitched the King himselfe They besought the Kyng to heare therefore their petitions whiche shoulde be both for his owne Honoure and for the wealth of his people First that he woulde confirme and vse suche auntiente 1 Lawes and customes as are contayned in the Charters of the Kyngs hys predecessonrs and for that they woulde graunt him the twentith part of their goods and be his true subiectes Secondly that he woulde take nothyng of any man but 2 at the price of the owner the same to be payde for to the vttermost Thyrdlye that what soeuer was alyenated from the 3 Crowne since hys Fathers death might be restoared therevnto again Fourthly that he would obserue the oth he made before 4 his Father as of the reuoking of Peter Gauaston the prosecuting of the Scottish Warre and that all that was amisse shoulde be amended leaste hys enymies reioyce at it c. That iustice and iudgemente mighte be done in the 5 Lande as well to the ryche as to the poore accordyng to the auntiente and olde approued Lawes and Customes of Englande and that no man shoulde bée restrayned by the Kyngs writte from prosecuting hys ryghte or to defend himselfe by Law Then the king taking counsell of Pierce Hugh Spencer the Treasurer y ● Chancellour and others he appointed to answere the Barons at the Parliamēt on Hocday The Barons being departed out of London the Citie gates were shut vp and chayned great watch kept and Hugh Spencer made Conestable of London The king with Peter of Gauaston wēt towarde Wallingford Castel wyth a great company of souldiours as well straungers as English and Hugh Spencer taried still at London The Parliament on Hocday was kepte the Kyng Barons being there when they decréed the same Pierce shoulde be banished the lande to departe on the morrowe after Midsommer day neuer to returne agayne The King gaue him two and thirtie townes and so manye Pierce of Gauastone banished Castels in Gascotgne and great summes of money out of his Earledome of Cornwall during his life the king accompanyed him to Bristow sēt him into Ireland assigning him y ● who le gouernment and reuenewes of that Countrey The king sente William Lorde Latimer with a hundred horssemen to fetch Henrie Lacy Erle of Lincoln but he being forewarned kept himselfe in his Castell and so preuented theyr purpose onely the Lord Latimer and he talked and so departed The king entended to giue Gascoigne to the French King Scotland to Robert Bruis Ireland and Wales to others hoping thereby to haue ayde against his Barons Robert Archbishoppe of Canturburie returned from Rome and was restored to all his goods Anno reg 2. Sherifes Maior 1309 Tho. de la More Iohn Troklowe Anno reg 3. William Basing Iames Botener the. 28. of September Nicholas Faringdon Goldsmith the. 28. of October The king sent for Pierce of Gauaston out of Ireland he lāded at Kerneruan on the euen of Saint Iohn Baptist he Kyng mette him at the Castel of Flint with great ioy and gaue to him the Earle of Glocesters sister in marriage they were maried at Barkamsteed which caused him again to rise in pride scorning the Nobles of the Realme and to abuse the Kyng as before he had done in conuaying the treasure of the Anno reg 3. Realme into forraine countreys amongst the which treasure he conuayed the table and trestles of golde from the treasurie of Westminster and deliuered them to one Armery of Frisconband to be cōuayed into Gascoigne The Barons Cro. pet Coledge therefore declared to the King that except he would expell the sayd Pierce from his company they would rise agaynst him as against a periured Prince wherevpon by the aduice Chro. Dun. of Pierce of Gauaston the King sent for ayde into Gascoigne to the Earle of Foys and y ● Uicount of Henoy and they came with thrée hundred horsemen through France but Phillip the French King emprisoned the chiefe and slew and hanged the other Also the King of England had word from Robert Bruse of Scotland from Robert Fitz Thomas of Ireland that they woulde not take part with the King against his Barons wherevpon
brother He also reuoked the prouisions before Wil. Paston Tho. Walsing made for selling of victualles and permitted all men to make the best of that they had neuerthelesse the dearth ●●creased through the abundance of rayne that fel in Haruest so that a Quarter of Wheate or of Salte was sold before Midsomer for thirtie Shillings and after fortie Shillings There followed this famine a gréeuous mortalitie of Anno reg 9. Mortalitie of men people so that the quirke might vnneath bury the dead The Beastes and Cattell also by the corrupt gr●●● whereof they fedde dyed whereby it came to passe that the eating of flesh was suspected of all men for flesh of Beastes not corrupted was hard to finde Horsseflesh was counted great delicates the poore stale fatte Dogges to eate some Dogges flesh good meate Children vvere eaten as it was said compelled through famine in hidde places did eate the fleshe of their owne children and some stale others which they deuoure● Théeues that were in prisons Theeues in prison deuoure one another did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amōgst them and gréedily deuoured them hal●e aliue A Gallon of small Ale was at two pence of the better thrée pence and the best four pence The Londoners considering that Wheate made in Malt VVheate forbydden to bee made into Ma●● was muche consumed ordained that from thenceforthe it shoulde be made of other grayne and also that a Gallon of better Ale should be solde j. ● ob and of small Ale for j. ● and not aboue The King according to the Statute of London sente hys Writs through the Realme commaunding that as wel within the liberties as without in Cities Boroughs Townes and Uillages a Gallon of Ale shoulde be solde for j. ● and that from thenceforth no Wheate shoulde bée made into Malt whyche if he had not the sooner caused to be proclaimed the greatest parte of the people should haue perished throughe famine Earle Waren was excommunicate by the Byshoppe of Cro. D●●● Chichester for Adultrey wherevppon the sayde Earle came to the Bishop with armed men and foure more hasty than the reste threatned the Bishoppe wherevpon the Byshops men fell on them and tooke the Earle Hamond Goodsheape William Bodele the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Tho. Walsing 1316 Stephen Abindon the. 28. of October There arriued in England by the Kings request Gaustelinus and Lucas de Flisco two Cardinalles to make peace betwixte the Realmes of England and Scotland and to reconcile vnto the King Thomas Earle of Lancaster They broughte Iohn Trocklow Tho. de la More Bulles from the Pope to excommunicate the Scottes except they returned vnto peace with the King of England These Cardinals wente into the North partes to enstall Lodowike Beomond to whome the Pope at the Kyngs instaunce hadde giuen the Byshopricke of Durham and when they came neare vnto the Towne of Derlington certayne robbers breaking out of a valley Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selby beyng their Capitaynes sodaynelye sette vppon the family of the Cardinals and of Lodowike Tvvo Cardinals robbed on Wigelesden More robbed them of their treasure and carryed Lodowike Byshoppe of Durham to Morpeth where they constrayned hym to paye a greate Raunsome they broughte Henrye Beaumont to the Castell of R●ntforde and there kepte hym tyll hée hadde payde a greate raunsome but the Cardinalles came to Durham where they tarryed a fewe dayes for aunsweare of the Scottes and so vnder the Kings conducte they retourned to Yorke and left their businesse whyche they came for vndone Gilbert Middleton after manye domages done Anno reg 10. to the Priory of Rymuth and other was taken in his owne Castell of Nitforde by Wyllyam Felton Thomas Hetton and Robert Horneclife carryed to London and there in the presence of the Cardinalles drawne and hanged The Cardinalles vnder certayne conditions made peace betwixte the King and Thomas Earle of Lancaster whyche conditions shortlye after were vniustly broken Syr Gosseline De●●uile and his brother Roberte wyth Theeues lyke Fryers two hundred in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Byshoppe of Durhams Pallaces leauing nothing in them but bare walles for the whiche they were after hanged at Yorke William Cawston Raufe Balancer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Margaret daughter to Philip sonne to Lewes Kyng of Fraunce wife to Edwarde the firste deceassed the fourtéenth of Februarye and was buryed in the myddle of the Quire of the Gray Fryers Churche at London Edwarde de Bruis the King of Scottes brother who by Ioh. Trocklowe Edvvarde de Bruse beheaded the space of thrée yeares hadde assaulted Irelande and had crowned hymselfe Kyng was taken by Englishemen that were the King of Englandes Subiectes and was beheaded at Dundalke In that battel were slayne nine and twentie Baronets of Scotlande and fiue thousande and eight hundreth other the Primate of Armakh béeyng chiefe Capitayne for the Kyng of England This yeare was an earlye Haruest so that all the corne Early Haruest cheape corne was inned before Saint Giles daye A Bushel of Wheate Anno reg 11. that was before solde for tenne shillings was solde for ten pence and a Bushell of Otes that before was eighte shyllings was solde for eight pence Earle Warrin tooke the wife of the Earle of Lancaster and shut hir vppe in hys Castell for that he sayde she was betrothed to hym before she was marryed the Earles had eyther of them a wife but neyther of them cared for them Iohn Prior William Furneys the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Barvvike betrayed Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Aboute Midlent the Towne of Berwicke was betrayed to the Scottes throughe the treason of Peter Spalding and other Englishemen whome the Kyng of Scottes caused to be hanged for béeyng Traytors to theyr Countrey The Castell held oute till for wante of victualles they wythin were constrayned to delyuer it into the Scottishmens hands The Scottes inuaded England Richard South Iohn ●●ucklowe who wanne also the same tyme the Castelles of Harbotel Warke and Mydforde so that they possessed the more parte of all Northumberlande euen to Newecastell vppon Tyne sauing certayne Castels that were defended agaynst them In May they entred further into the lande brenning al before them tyll they came to Rypon whyche Towne they spoyled and tarrying thrée dayes they receyued a thousande Markes of those that were gote into the Churche bycause they should not put the Town to the fyre as they hadde done the Townes of Northallerton and Borough Bridge c. In theyr returning backe they brent Knaresburghe and Skipton in Crauen and all other afore them carrying into Scotlande a maruellous multitude of Cattel besides prysoners men and women The Yorkeshiremen gathered togither to the number of Tho. Walsing ten thousād met with the Scots at the town of Mitton ten myles by Northweast from
Yorke where they loste thrée W. Packington thousande and were ouercome by the Scottes whych when the Kyng hearde tell of hée lefte the siege of Barwike and hasted to méete the Scottes but they returned an other way The Pope ordayned that Parsons should haue but one Benefice the péece wherevpon patrons straight presented newe Parsons to the residue A greate morreyne of Kine hapned which were so mortally infected that Dogs and Rauens eating of the carrion A morreyne of Kyne of the Kine were poysoned and did swel to death so that no man durst eate any Béefe Iohn Pointell Iohn Dallyng the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior The Scots bren the suburbs of Yorke 1319 Adam Meri Herdmen and vvomen goe tovvard Ierusalem Anno reg 13 Iohn Wingraue the 28. of October The Kyng being at Yorke the Scottes entered Englande came to Yorke and brent the Suburbs of the Citie and tooke Sir Iohn of Brytaine Earle of Richemonde prisoner wyth manye other Many Herdes men and certayne women of England and of other partes of the world gathered themselues togither and woulde goe séeke the Holy lande to kil the enemies of Christ as they sayde but bycause they could not passe ouer the greate Sea they slewe manye Iewes in the parties of Tholose and Gascoyne wherefore many of them were taken and put to death Simon Abindon Iohn Preston the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Exchequer kept at Yorke Wil. Paston 1390 Hamond Chickwell Peperer the 28. of October The fiftéenth of October the Clearkes of the Exchequer wente towardes Yorke with the Booke called Domes Day and other recordes and prouision that laded one and twenty Cartes but wythin the space of halfe a yeare in the Kalendes of Marche they dydde retourne agayne to London The same yeare the Kings Justices fate in the Tower 1320 of London wherevpon Iohn Gisors late Maior of London and many others fled the Citie for things they had presumptuously done and knewe themselues guilty And at this Chro. Dun. tyme the Citizens acknowledged the right whiche they oughte to Robert Fitz Walter and to his heires for the Castle of Baynard The Earle of Hereforde boughte of Sir William Bruis Knight a portion of lande in the Marches of Wales called Gowers Roger Mortimer the vncle and Roger the nephew not knowing of the foresaide bargayne had also bought the saide ground of the said William Bruis Also the Lorde Mowbray who had married the daughter and heire of the sayde William claymed it by inheritance of his wife Last of al Hugh Spencer the yonger had bought that land and putte them all out where through the foresaide Nobles were sore amoued and Humfrey Earle of Hereforde complayned to Thomas Earle of Lancaster whyche twoo Earles allured almost al the other Earles and Barons to take their part Thomas Erle of Lancaster being their Captaine The Barons i● armour they came to Sherborne and from thence with banners displayed to Saint Albons from thence they sent to the king being at London requiring him to banishe the two Hughe Spencers whyche were condemned by the comminaltie in many articles which when the King woulde not graunte Anno reg 14 the Barons came to London where at length the Kyng The elder Spencer banished graunted their petition so that Hughe Spencer the elder was banished but the yonger Hugh fell to spoyling on the sea taking out of two Dronionds aboute Sandwiche goodes to the value of 40000. poundes Reignolde at Conduit William Produn the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Ievves and leapers poysoned vvaters Conradus Memdember Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith the 28. of October Certaine Leapers who had made couenaunt with the Iewes to poyson all the Christians in Europe layde poyson in Welles Springs and Pittes for the whiche there were many conuict and brēt There died in Almain for this cause aboue twelue thousand Iewes About the feaste of Saint Michaell Isabell the Quéene T. de la More came from Canterbury to y e castle of Ledes in Kent purposing to haue lodged there that night but she coulde not be permitted to enter The King herewith beyng offended as beyng done in Leedes Castell besieged contempte of hym calling to hym the Commons of Essex and London besieged the Castle whyche belonged to Bartholomewe de Badelsmere who hauing lefte hys wyfe and chyldren therein was gone wyth the reste of the noble men to the ransacking of the Spencers goodes In the meane time they in Leedes Castle dispayring of their safegarde the noble men wyth their armye came to Kyngston in the Uigill of Saint Simon and Iude demaunding by the Byshoppes of Canterbury and London and the Earle of Penbroke who were sent betwéene them that the King woulde gyue ouer hys siege promising that they after the nexte Parliament woulde delyuer the Castell into the Kyngs handes and become obedient vnto him but the Kyng woulde not graunte the noble mens petition who beyng returned into other partes the Kyng wyth muche laboure obtayned the Castell and hanging sixe of the chiefe of those whome hée founde therein he sente the wife and children of Badlesmere to the Tower of London Kyng Edwarde helde hys Christmasse at Circister and after Christmasse leanyng Gloucester and Wircester hée wyth hys armye wente to Shrewsbury and Bridgenorth Both the Mortimers méeting the King reuerently and peaceably submitted themselues vnto him But the Kyng sente them Mortimer sente to the Tovver both to the Tower of London Mawrice Barkeley and Hugh Audley in like sorte submitting themselues he sent to Wallingforde Castel Humfrey Earle of Hereforde Gilbert Talbot Raufe Damary and their adherents fledde into the North to the Earle of Lancaster Aboute the latter ende of February the Kyng gathered an host and went agaynst the rebels and at Burton vppon Trent putte them to flighte The King pursuyng them the sixtéenth of March the hostes mette agayne at Borowbridge where Humfrey de Bohune by a certayne Welchman who stoode vnder the Bridge being thruste into the fundament with a Speare dyed There were taken in the fielde Thomas Earle of Lancaster with the Lordes Knights and other to the number of 65. the 〈…〉 ●●uing themselues by flight These by the iudgement o● 〈…〉 e H●●●●el●● Earle of Carlile were condemned On the 〈…〉 twentith of Marche Thoma●● Lancaster The Earle of Lancaster beheaded was b 〈…〉 ed Warin de Lile Wyllyam ●●ochet Thomas ●●●duit Henry Bradebourne Wyllyam Fitz William the yonger and Wyllyam de Cheyney ●●rons hanged and quartered at Pontfracte Iohn Mowbray Roger Ioh. Troklowe W. Paking Clifford● Goceline Deynvile drawne and quartered at Yorke Bartholomewe Badlesmere at Caunturbury Henry de Mountfort Henry Willington at Bristowe Iohn Clifforde Roger Elinbrough at Glocester Wyllyam Kerdyfe Henry Chies at London Frauncis de Aldham at Windsore Thomas Culpeper at Winchelse Hugh de Audley the yonger Iohn de Wyllyngton Roberte Talbot Iohn Maidut Edmunde Heclude Iohn de Sapy Roberte de Wacheuile
Aquitaine and the Earledome of Po●t●●e and that the French Kyng shoulde receyue homage of hym wherevpon Edwarde the Kings sonne wente ouer wyth a competent housholde aboute the feaste of Saint Mathewe and did homage vnder certaine protestations to his vncle the Frenche King Bennet of Fulham Iohn Cowson the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1325 Hamon Chickwel Peperer the. 28. of October Whiles the Quéene wyth hyr sonne remayned in Fraunce longer than the Kings pleasure was and would not come agayne wythout Roger Mortimer and other Nobles that were fledde out of Englande and especially for the hatred shée bare to the two Hughe Spencers the Kyng in displeasure banished them bothe and all other that toke theyr partes wherevppon manye fledde ouer the Seas to the Quéene amongst the whych was one a subtill Knyght Sir Robert Walkefare who slaying the Conestable of Corfe Castel brake from them where he had long line prisoner Sir Oliuer Ingham Knight whom the yong Duke Edwarde Oliuer Ingham hadde made kéeper of Aquitaine gathered a great armye and inuaded the prouince of Aniowe whiche the Frenche King contrarie to couenauntes dydde wythholde Anno reg 19 and broughte it wholby into the dominion of England Moreouer the kings Nauie tooke a hundred ships of the Normans and brought them into England for which cause gret hatred grew betwixt the two kings and their Realmes The Q. perceyuing that y ● nobles of France were corrupted with gifts sent out of Englād so that she could trust none of them secretly conueyed hir selfe and hir sonne to the Erle of Heynalde desiring ayde of him who receyued and intreated hyr very honourably so long as she remayned there Gilbert Mordon Iohn Cotto● the. 28 of September Sherifes Maior 1326 Richard Betaine Goldsmith the. 28. of October Isabel the Quéene made a mariage betwixt hir eldest son Edward and Phillip the Earles daughter of Heynalde and and then with hir sonne Edwarde Edmunde of Woodstocke Erle of Kent the kings brother Roger Mortimer and many other noble men that were fledde out of Englande and Iohn brother to the Earle of Heynalde being Captaine with stipedarie knightes out of Almaine and Henalde she toke the seas with all hir power whiche were to the number of MM. DCC LUII menne well armed and arriued at Vrewel or Orwel hauen besides Harwich in Essex about Michaelmasse whether immediately the Earle Marshal the Earle of Leicester the Bishops of Lincolne Hereforde Diuelyn Ely came and being ioyned to the Quéene made a great army Anno reg 20. Queene Isabel returned the other Bishops specially of Canturburie ayded hyr with mony When she had refreshed hir armye at Saint Edmondesburie she went forwardes pursuing hir enimies whose goods she applyed to hir owne vse The King requested ayde of the Citizens of London who made him aunsweare they woulde The King requested ayde with due obedience honour the King and Quéene and theyr sonne who was lawfull heyre to the Realme and that they woulde shut theyr gates against all forraine traytors of the Realme but they would not go out of their Citie to fighte except they might according to theyr liberties return home againe the same day before Sunne sette which when the K. hearde he fortified the Tower of London and lefte there hys Proclamation by the king yonger sonne Iohn of Eltham he caused also to be proclaimed that euery ●●● should resist them that were arriued and to inuade them to the vttermost of theyr powers the Quéene with hir some Edward and the Erle of Kent his brother only excepted and wholoeuer coulde bring the heade of Roger Mortimer shoulde haue a thousande pounde On the other s●●● it was proclaymed in the Quéenes behalfe that al men Proclimation by the Queene should haue good peace except the disturbers of the Realm to wit the Spencers y ● father and the son Robert Baldocke byshop of Norwich the kings Chancellour and theyr fautours whosoeuer did bring to the Quéen the head of Hugh Spencer shoulde haue a M. pound The Citizens of London without respect of any beheaded such as they took to be the Quéenes enimies among the whiche they beheaded one of their owne Citizens named Iohn Marshal bicause he was familiar with Hugh Spencer the yonger They toke also Maister Walter Stapleton Bishoppe of Excester and on the. xv day of Bishop of Excester beheaded October beheaded him the eight and twētith of March next following he was buried at Excester with great solemnitie and two of his seruauntes a squire and a yeoman named William Atwall and Iohn of Padington at the standerd in Cheape bycause as the saying was he had gathered a greate army to withstand the Quéene they did also wrest the keyes of the Tower of London out of the Conestables handes and deliuered al the prisoners Richard Rothing Roger Chaunteclere the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Saint Iames. Richard Britaine Goldsmith the 28. of October Thys Richarde Rothing Sherife builded the Parishe Church of Saint Iames at Garlike Hithe in London The Quéen besieged Bristow which was soone rēdered to The Queen besieged Bristovv hir and the morrow after hir cōmyng Hugh Spencer the elder was drawen hanged in his armour then beheaded Spencer the elder executed Wil. Pakington his body hanged vppe againe and after foure dayes cutte al to péeces and cast to the dogges to be eaten but his heade was sent to Winchester The King Hugh Spencer the yonger and Robert Baldocke determyned to flée into the I le of Lunday whiche is in the mouth of the riuer Seuerne twoo miles in length euery waye verye fruitefull pleasaunte and harde to conquer but beyng in greate daunger on the Sea the space of a The King taken Tho. de la More Alexan. Netha● wéeke at laste arriued in Wales where they were taken the sixtéenth daye of Nouember in the Monasterye of Neth The Kyng was committed to Henrie Earle of Lancaster his kinsman who broughte hym to Kellingworthe Castell The K. sent to Killingvvorth Hugh Spencer Robert Baldocke and Symon Readyn were broughte to the Quéene at Hereforde the Earle of Arundell Iohn Daniel and Thomas Muchelden by procurement of Roger Mortimer were beheaded before theyr comming Hugh Spencer was condemned without aunswere at Hereforde where he was drawen and hanged vppon a Spencer the yōger executed Gallowes thirtye foote hygh and then headed and quartered on the foure and twentith of Nouember Simon Reading was drawen and hanged on the same Gallowes but ten foote lower Robert Baldocke dyed in Newgate with manye torments These things beyng done the Quéene wyth hyr sonne Edwarde Roger Mortimer and other went to Wallingforde Castell a little before Christmasse and before the twelfth daye they came to London where they were ioyfully receyued On the morrowe after the sayde feaste they helde a Parliamente where by common decrée they elected Edwarde hys eldeste sonne and then sente in the name of
the whole Parliament thrée Bishoppes Iohn K. Edvvard the second deposed Stratforde Bishoppe of Winchester Adam Tarleton Byshoppe of Hereforde and Henrie Byshoppe of Lincolne two Earles two Abbottes foure Barons and euery Countie thrée Knightes c. vnto the Kyng at Kenilworthe Adam de Tarleton Byshoppe of Hereforde being the chiefe in malice dyd the message with many greate threates declaring vnto hym theyr election and required him to renounce the Kyngly dignitie and Crowne to hys sonne the Kyng aunsweared with teares that hée was very sorie that hée hadde behaued hymselfe so euill towardes the people of hys Kingdome but séeyng the matter was so vnrecouerable he prayed them all to forgiue hym and thanked them that they had chosen his eldest sonne The messengers renounce all homages and dueties due to Edwarde of Carnaruan late King and Thomas Blunte Knight stewarde of housholde brake hys rodde resigned hys office and shewed that the Kyngs housholdehad frée libertie to departe and then returned with the Kings aunswere and made the people ioyfull He was thus deposed when he had raigned nintéene yeares sixe monethes and odde dayes He was deliuered to the custodie of Henrie Earle of Leicester and one hundred markes the moneth allowed for his charges in Kellingworth Castell ¶ King Edward the thirde EDvvarde the thirde borne at Windsor abonte the age of xiiij yeares after the deposing of hys Father beganne his raigne the Anno reg 1 xxv day of Januarie in the yeare of our Lorde 1326. He was crowned at Westminster on the first day of February by Walter Reignalds Archbishoppe of Canturburie This Prince was endued with passing beautie and fauour of wit prouident circumspect and gētle of nature of excellent modestie and temperaunce He aduaunced such persons to dignities as did most excel other in innocencie of life In feates ● de la More Gual Baker of Swinbroke of armes he was very expert as the noble enterprises by hym atchieued doe well declare At the beginning of hys raigne he was chiefely ordered by hys mother Isabel vnto whome was assigned so greate a Dowrie that the thyrde parte of the Kyngdome didde scantelye remayne to hyr sonne The inhabitauntes of the Towne of Burie in Suffolke Regester of Burie Iohn Prigton The Abbay of Burie spoyled assembled themselues in warlike manner on Saint Lukes daye last before passed in the twentith yeare of Edward the seconde and besiged the Abbey of Burie brent the gates bet wounded y ● Monkes bare out of the Abbey al the Gold siluer ornamentes bookes Charters and other writings with the assay of their coyne stampes and all other thyngs pertayning to their minte and all other goods as Brasse Pewter Iron Leade c. They also brent many houses about the Abbey and in the Town pertayning to the Abbot with his manours in Berton Packenham Rugham Oldhaw Hernigesburie Newton Whipsted Westle Riseby Ingham Ferneham Redwel Haberdon and others with all the corne in the same manours and droue awaye the horsses oxen kine swine shéepe c. They drewe y e monks out of theyr Abbey put them in prisons and after brought them againe to theyr Chapter house where they forced them to search Charters at theyr pleasure c. For the whiche factes the malefactours were this yeare by vertue of the Kings commission directed to Thomas Earle of Norffolke Commons of Burie executed Marshall of Englande Thomas Bardolfe and others apprehēded and conuicted nintéene of them wer hanged and one pressed to death After this the whole inhabitauntes of the Towne for that they had not stayde the malefactours of their enterprise in y ● beginning as they might haue done wer amerced to pay y e Abbot toward his damages 140000. pounde Neuerthelesse the Abbot and Couent at the kings request who was there present with his nobilitie forgaue and remitted to them 122333. pounde sixe shillings eight Burie amerced perice of the summe and for the rest vsed suche fauour that if they truely payde 2000. markes in twentie yeares following and obserued their couenaunts for good order and quietnesse they forgaue them all the rest About thys time the like stir was made againste the Record ecclesia Christi Cantu Monkes of Canterburie whereof I fynde recorded as followeth King Edward preparing an army into Scotland commāded the Baylifes and Citizens of Canterburie to furnish him twelue horssemen and sende them to Nowcastel towarde which charge the Citizens required ayde of the Monkes who aunswered them that without the assent of the Kyng and theyr Archbishoppe they would not agrée therevnto for so much as the Kings of Englande had founded theyr churche in frée and perpetuall almes Wherevpon William Chilham Baylife and many commons of the Citie assembled themselues in the Preaching Friers Churchyarde conspired and sware against the Monkes as followeth 1 That they would ouerthrow the pentises windowes and milne belonging to the Monkes 2 That no Citizen should dwell in any house belonging to the Monks 3 That all rents belonging to the Monkes of Canterburie should be gathered to the vse of the commons 4 That no man shoulde sende or sel to the Monkes anye victuals 5 That they should sell all the horsses and beasts y ● came into the Citie with cariage to the Monkes 6 That al such Monks as came forth of their house shold be spoyled of their garments 7 That a trench shoulde be cast to stop all men from going in or comming out 8 That euery Pilgrime shold at his entring swere that he should make no offering 9 Also that euerye of those commons aforesayde should weare on their finger a ring of golde of those that belonged to Thomas Becket Syr Iohn the Earles brother of Henalt came to helpe Cro. Pet. Coledge Edwarde the thirde againste the Scottes with fiue hundred men of armes whiche Henawders and the Englishmen fell out by chaunce on Trinitie Sonday at Yorke where 80. of the Lincolnshire men were slaine and buried vnder a stone in S. Clements Churchyarde in Fosegate The King wente againste the Scottes that were entred Iourney tovvards scotland Englande as farre as Stanhope Parke in Wardale where they were besieged thrée dayes but they escaped Iames Douglas one night secretly entring the English campe came néere to the kings tent to haue taken or slain him but his Chaplein being a bolde man and well armed with some other beyng slaine he with much adoe got backe vnhurte Isabel the Quéene being perswaded that the Earle of Leicester too muche fauoured the olde King hyr husbande Tho. de la More Walter Barker of Swinebroke through the subtile deuise of hyr scholemaster Adam Tarleton Bishop of Hereforde appointed that Thomas Gornay and Iohn Maltrauers Knightes hauing receyued him into theyr custody should carrie him about whether they would so that none of hys well willers shoulde haue accesse vnto him or vnderstand where he made any long abode These brought him out by nighte from Kenilworth and
and therefore shalt thon dye for he vnderstoode not his spéech neyther had he anye skill to take gentlemen prisoners to kéepe them for their raunsome wherfore the residue of those Gennowayes after they had set the towne a fire and brent it vp quite fledde to their Galleyes and in theyr fléeing certaine of them were drowned After this the inhabitantes of the towne compassed it about with a strong and great Wal. The King still mayntayning his warres in Fraunce on the euen of the Annuntiation of our Lady ●j galleyes approching to the towne of Harwich they cast fire therein the force whereof by a contrarie winde was stayd so that no gret harme was done thereby Furthermore in the same yeare about the feaste of Pentecost certaine Pirates of Normandie and Geno● shipped in Gallenes and Pinaces made a shew on the sea about Southampton as they woulde haue come alande and threatned sore to spoyle the towne againe but perceyuing the townesmen ready to resist them they returned to the I le of Wight but entred not being put backe by the inhabitauntes wherevppon they sayled about the sea coastes séeking to lande in places lesse defended and after came to Hastings where they brente fishers cotages with theyr boates and slewe many men Also they made greate shewes many times against the I le of Thanet Douer and Fulkestone but in those places they did little harme excepte to poore fishermen thence they sayled about to the hauens of Cornewall and Deuonshire doing in all places much harme to the fisher men and suche shippes as they founde vnmāned they fiered At length they entred Plimouth Hauen where they brent certain great shippes and a great parte of the towne these were met by Hugh Curtney Earle of D●●onshire a knight of foure scoure yeares olde being accompanyed with manye souldiours of his Countrey who hauing lost at the firste fronte a fewe of his men whiche were slaine by the quarrels of the French ioyned to fighte wyth them hande to hande and slaying many of the Pyrates vpon drye lande chased the residue which fled to take their Galleys and being not able to come nigh them by wading they ●●ere drowned in the ●ea to the nūber of fiue hundred New●s being brought to the King lying in Brabant that diuers Parts of Englande were spoyled with the Pirates hée declared to his friends to wit the Marques of Iult●cence and a cer●●●●e Cardinall what great causes he had to reuenge himself vpon them and in the end was aunswered by the Cardinal as followeth The kingdome of Fr●●●● sayde he is compassed about with ● thr●ed of ●●lke whiche can not be broken by all the strength of the kingdome of Englande wherefore my Lorde king you must stay for the comming of the Dutchmen and other your friendes and confederates the greater part wherof you now ●a●l●● The King raking great disdaine hereat staying nothing at al● said that he woulde ride into the land of Fraunce with Banner displayed and y ● ther he wold l●ke for that mightie power of the French men and that hée woulde eyther winne the same against any man that should with 〈…〉 〈…〉 or else ●●nestly dye in the fielde 〈…〉 Po●●●●et Hugh M●betel the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Hence Dar●● the ●8 of October King Edward wintere● at Antwerp where Quéene Philip was deliuered of hir thirde son Lionel after Erle of Vl●●er The king toke vppon him to be lieuetenauute of the King Edvvarde made vicegerē● of the Empire Empire from the D●●● of Bauare who helde himselfe as Emperour A sodaine inundation of Water at Newcastle vpon Tine Richard South Nevvcastel drovvned 1339 bare downe a péece of the Towne Wall a sixe pearches in length neare to a place called Walkenew where ●20 men women were drowned In the U●g●●●● Saint Matthy king Edwarde beganne to ryde with Banner displayed and twelue thousand men of armes against the Frenche King burnyng Townes and Castels wheresoeuer he came In the first night being verye darke Geffrey Lord Scrope one of the Kings Justices led one of the Cardinals to wit Bertrand de Mount Fa●●ntyne of the title of our Ladie vp into an high Tower shewing hym the whole lande about towarde Fraunce for the compasse of fiftéene leagues to be in euery place on ●re saying these wordes sir doth not this si●●en threed wherwith Fraunce is compassed seme to you to be broken the Cardinall aunswering nothing fel downe as deade for sorowe and feare In thys sort king Edward made ●ourneyes into France dayly continuing the space of fiue wéekes and caused ●y● armye to trauell in such sort that they destroyed the whole Countrey of Cambray Tourney Vermode● and Landenewe excepting those Cities which wer sword to him w t churches and Castels The inhabitauntes of the Countrey fledde neyther was there anye man that durst resist his enterpryses althoughe the Frenche King had gathered greate armies within the Walled Cities himself lying in the strōg Towne of Saint Quintines what time the Brabanders had determined to returne home againe and were entred into theyr iourney being forced there vnto partlye by wante of victuals and partlye by the coldnesse of Winter whyche grew on fast The French king vnderstanding thereof beganne to moue himselfe with hys armye towarde the campe of the king of England who gladly loking for his comming called back again the Brabanders hauing receyued letters frō the Frenche King that he woulde ioyne battayle against hym he sent him worde back againe that he woulde stay for him thrée dayes wherefore on the fourth daye the Kyng loking for the Frenche Kings comming whiche woulde come no nearer them than two miles off breaking bridges and felling of trées that the King of Englande mighte not followe hym he fled to Paris wherevpon king Edwarde returned by Hanonia in Brabrant where he continued almost the whole Winter William Thorney Roger Frosham the. 28. of Septe● Sherifes Maior Andrewe Awbery Grocer the. 28. of October In this Winter time king Edwarde grewe into greate friendshippe with the Flemmings who prepared themselues at all times to shewe their selues as good subiectes vnto him swearing to doe homage and fealtie vppon condition that he would call himselfe King of Fraunce and in token thereof would from thence forth giue armes with Flouredeluces for otherwise they durste not obey him for feare of the Popes curse which was to be layde vppon them if at any time they rebelled against the King of Fraunce Wherefore by the co●●●●ll of his friends the Flemmings and consent of his noble men he agréed there vnto and tooke vppon him both the name and armes of the King of France He also toke Flaunders vnder his gouernement the people wherof long after in all matters were to him obedient as vnto the King of Fraunce Conquerer As touching the title and and armes aforesayde the Frenche king sayde to certayne Englishmen sent vnto him our cousin quoth he doth wrongfully beare quartered armes of England
with more than fiue hundered men of armes amongst whom was the Earle of Ro. Auesbery Anno reg 19. Penbroke and Walter de Many with manye Archers into Gascoigne with Ralph Baron of Stafforde Seneshal of Gascoigne who being come thyther the sayde Earle made fiftie Knightes of his armye and after wanne manye walled Townes and Castelles making many worthy skirmishes and at length won the towne of Dagu●lown by assaulte to the kéeping wherof they appointed Ralph Stafford afterward they appointed thrée iourneys toward other townes as especially to Brigerecke so called for the strength thereof and also called the Chamber of Fraunce and also to y e town of Saint Iohn de Laruel and to many other greate and strong townes well fortified which with great toyles and diuerse daungerous assaultes they wan where the Earle of Darbie and his souldiours vndermining the Towers and Wals of the sayde towne were very sore assaulted by them whiche defended Thus he Conquered Cities Townes Castelles and Fortresses to the number of one hundred and fiftie bringing a greate parte of Gascoigne vnder subiection euen to Tolouse vnto the whiche Citie he did no domage neyther to the inhabitantes therof but that he made them wonderfully afrayde as certaine of them tolde me sayeth my aucthour their fear was such that the religious people were constrayned to beare armour and the Prior of the Carmelite Tho. de la More Friers of our Lady of Tolouse hauyng a Banner of our Ladye in Golde set in a fielde of siluer displayed the same prouoking thereby many to take armour About the second sonday in Lent the Earles being fully fraught with bootie prisoners gold and siluer they returned towardes Burdeaux where Iohn de Valoys eldest sonne to the French king being accompanyed with a great number of hyred Dutche souldiours besieged the Towne of Agnlowne and the Captaines thereof the Earle of Stafforde and other so entrenched the same Towne that without greate daunger the Englishmen coulde haue no accesse vnto them but the Earle of Darby bet awaye them that besieged the Citie and e●t soones new victualled the same notwithstanding they were not able to raise the siege bycause they hadde so entrenched themselues without the towne who refusing to fight in the fielde would aunswere that they came not to pitch a fielde but to besiege a Town wherefore they continued the same siege vntil the decollation of Saint Iohn but vnderstanding then that the King of England chaced his Father Phillip very sore at Grecie and fearing that he shoulde come verye late to the ayde of hys Father he gaue vppe the siege setting all his tentes on fire and fled in the darke but the Earle of Stafforde wyth hys power pursued them cut off theyr tayle tooke a greate manye of theyr horsses and prisoners and retourned After this certaine bowmen are mustered in England appointed to be sente ouer sea who commyng ouer are layde in garrison fordefence of the Countrey Also twenty thousande sackes of Wooll are graunted to the king Moreouer Geffrey de Harecourte a Norman came to the King requiring ayd against the French king who wrongfully withhelde hys landes from him at his first comming he did fealtie and sware homage to king Edward but afterward he reuolted Thomas of Hatfielde the Kings Secretary by meanes of Tho. Walsing the Kyngs letters to the Pope was admitted Byshoppe of Durham and when certaine of the Cardinalles sayde that the sayd Thomas was a light person and a lay man the Pope answered truly if the king of England at this time Ansvvere of the Pope had made his request for an Asse he should haue obteined it The same yeare dyed Adam Tarleton Bishop of Winchester that had bin long time blind after whome succéeded William Edendon Treasourer of England This man founded the Monasterie of Edendon the religious Liber Edendon bréethren whereof were called Bonhomes The same yeare dyed Henry Earle of Lancaster father to Henry Earle of Darby and was buryed at Leycester in the Monasterie of Channons the King and both the olde and yong Quéenes being present with Archbishops Bishops Earles and Barons in manner of all the lande whose sonne was then in Gascoigne doing chiualrous actes This yeare the Scottes to the number of thirtie thousande William Dowglas being their leader entred into Westmerland and brent Carelile Penreth with many other Townes wherefore the Bishop of Carelile with Thomas Lucy Robert Ogle and a great number compassed them in the night season and with lightes and noyse so disquieted them that they neuer durst go out for victuals nor giue their bodyes to sléepe but at the last Alexander Stragan stoutely prepared to go out for victualles whome the Bishop Scots ouercome and Robert Ogle mette and with a speare thrust him through the body so that the Scottes were soone after ouercome and slayne Edmond Hemenhall Iohn of Glocester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richard Laget the 28 of October This yeare was the first cōgregating and first Custos or gardian of the fraternitie of the Grocers in the Citie of London elected The Earle of Northampton and the other Lordes in Briteine Anno reg 20 committed certayne Castels wonne by them in Briteine to the safekéeping of faithfull Captaynes and Souldioures and then returned into England King Edward prepared to make a voyage into Normandy 1346 his Nauie being readie to transport him from Portesmonth King Edvvard sayled into Normandy and Porchester with the Earles of Northampton Arundell Warwike Harecourt Huntingdon Oxenforde and Suffolke the Bishop of Durham and Mayster William Killesby Clerke euery one of these leading a great armie of Souldioures well appoynted were embarqued and wayted for the winde from the first of June to the fifth of July and then Tho. de la More Tho. Walsing Ro. de A●esbury hauing a good winde they beganne to make Sayle with the number of one thousande Shippes of burthen and Pinaces and on the thirtéenth day of July they landed at Hogges in Normandy where on the shore of the Sea King Edwarde made his eldest sonne Knighte and also Prince of Wales and immediately the Prince made Knightes Mortimere Montacute Rose and other That night the King lodged in the Towne of Hogges and the next day the Towne was brent by the Armie Hogges in Normandy brent The night following King Edward lodged in Mercels where he stayde fiue dayes during whiche time all the Countrey with the Towne of Barbefleete was by his men consumed with fire From thence they departed to Veloygus which they set a fire then they went to Senet combe de Mount whiche is nigh the Sea and to Garantam thence to Serius and to Saint Lewes passing along vnto the Towne of Turney wasting all with fire and that night the Kyng lodged at Carmalin then to Gerin being a Religious house belonging vnto Cane leauing nothing behinde them vnspoyled Afterward they made an assaulte and entred the Citie Cane
in Normandy beseeged by Edvvard the third of Cane making their entrance by a Bridge whiche was strongly defended There was slayne an hundreth thrée and fortie Knightes among the whiche was the Earles of Ewe and Camberlin de Tankeruill with dyuers other Captaynes whyche were sente into England and the Lady Abatesse of Cane and of them of the Citie were slayne aboue one thousande thrée hundred At this Citie the armie remayned sixe dayes and the spoyle thereof they solde to those Marriners whiche followed the coast as the King went Then they wente to the Monasterie in the Towne of Toward a very strong thyng and well defended Afterwarde they came vnto Argons by nighte burning still as they wente till they came to the Citie of Licens where they founde the Cardinalles of Clarimount and of Naples and one Archbishop who offered the King a treatie of peace and there the King continued thrée dayes refusing to treate of peace Then they wente to Lestentnoland and to the Towne of Briue and lodged at New Burge and after at Selelefe vpon Sayne and there the Welchmen ●●amme through the water of Segan and béeing resisted by the inhabitantes they slewe many of them Then they passed nigh to the Towne and Castell of Pount Darch béeing strong places and not sautable Thys nighte he lodged at Lury vpon Segan nigh vnto the good Towne of Louars whiche they did burne After they passed by the Towne and Castell of Gaylon whiche they tooke and brente and lodged at Lingeuie whiche is nigh the good Towne and Castell of Vernon whiche they touched not and there they first entred into France and the same night they brente the Castell of Roche Blanche whiche standeth on the other side of Segan and lodged at Fremble vpon Segan After that they passed by the Towne de Maunt lodging that night at Oporne On the nexte day they passed to Frigmas and the nexte daye to the good Towne of Poecie where béeyng a Bridge to passe ouer the Riuer of Segan the Frenche had spoyled it but the Kyng caused it to bée reedifyed and the nexte daye they came vnto Amias where were thrée greate Armies appoynted to kéepe the King from passing that way but hée making a greate conflicte with them slewe thrée hundreth of them at the firste charge put the residue to flighte and spoyled their Tentes burning thrée hundreth and two Cartes and Wagons ladē with Crossebowes Quarels Armor victuals the King staying there two dayes they went to Gresile nigh vnto Pountoys then to Antell the next day they passed by the Citie of Wenneys which they touched not and so by Tr●solours at the water of Some where they lodged The next day they wan the Towne of Poys and brent the Castell From thence they went to Aregnus then to Achen where they lodged The next day they came to Noell vpon the Sea side the Frenchmen of Dabuile and the Countrey came to the f●●rdes side to hinder their passage with whome the King had a sore conflict but the enimies were put to the worsse and more than two thousand slayne and the Towne of Croytoy taken and brent and aboue thrée hundred Germanes slayne The next day they followed the King on the Riuer of Some and on the banckes side where the King with his host were lodged came trauelling Phillip de Valoys the French king Tho. de la More with the Kings of Boheme and Malegre leading an army of men innumerable deuided into eight great battels King Edward sent to the French King offering him frée passage ouer the Foorde if he would come and choose a place apt to fight a field in but this Phillip would not fight but went to another place of passage On the morrow King Edward remoued to Cresifield where y e armie of the French King met him The King therefore set his sonne the Prince of Wales to gouerne the vaward The middle warde the Earle of Battayle of Crecy Northampton The third he tooke to guide himselfe The army of the Frenchmen were deuided into nine troupes The vaward was committed to the King of Boheme The French King commaunded his banner called Oliflam The French Banner of oyly flame signifyed no mercy more ●han fire in oyle to be set vp after which time it was not lawfull vnder payne of death to take any man to saue his life This banner that it might differ from his standard had in it Lillies of gold very broade On the other side King Edward commanded his Banner to be erected of the Dragon which signified fiercenesse and crueltie to be turned against the Lillies These armies being thus appoynted stoode in the fielde from one of the clocke vntill the euening Aboute the Sunne setting after the armies had iusted they beganne by sound of Trumpettes to giue signe of battayle but they themselues felt the force of the English Archers and as for their Quarels they fell short a great way Moreouer their footemen being placed among their owne horsemen were by them when they were gaulled with the English shotte of arrowes ouerrunne and troden vpon that a great outcrie was made as it were to the Starres and the whole forme of the array was broken and they fighting with the English armed men are beaten downe with Poleaxes In this so terrible a bickering the Prince of Wales being then but sixtéene yeares olde shewed his wonderfull towardnesse laying on very hotely with Speare and Shield This battell dured thrée partes of the night in the which time the Frenchmen gaue fiue great assaultes againste oure men but at the length they being conquered ranne away On the morrow there came four armies of fresh Souldioures to the French side and making semblant as though their part had suffered no harme they come against the Englishmen and gaue them a fresh battayle On the other side the Englishmen withstoode them very stoutely and after a sharp conflict they forced their foes to flie and in chacing of them togither with them that were slayne in the conflict they slew thrée thousand men in the sayd two dayes There were slayne in the battayle of Crecy the Kings of Boheme and of Maiorica the Archbishop of Zanxinus the Bishop of Noyone the Dukes of Lorayne and Burbon the Earles of Alanson Harecourt Awmarle Sauoy Nois Mountbilliard Niuars and of Flanders with the graund Priour of the Hospitall of France and foure thousand men of armes beside common souldioures without number The third day after King Edward passed by the Abbey of Mounteney and the next day they came to the Towne of Mountney and from thence to the Nunrie of Saint Ioce and after they passed ouer a Foorde and came to Newcastell where they stayde two dayes and from thence they came to Caleis which presently they entrenched to beséege being King Edvvarde beseeged Caleis the fourth day of September Iohn Croydon William Clopton the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Geffrey Witchingham the 28 of October The French King in
touching these matters aforesayd and for other considerations also caused a newe coyne of golde to be made in Gascoigne being busied himselfe aboute the repayring of such things as were decayed and throwen downe And in this season there sprang vp a foolish fantasie in the French mens heades that the King of Englande was come into Normandie the cause of which rumour rose vppe for that the Duke of Lancaster after that he had fortifyed the strong places belonging to the King of Nauar whiche were in the I le of Constance and other places did direct his iourney towardes Brytaine whereof he was newly made chiefe Captaine Another cause was this Phillippe brother to 1356 the King of Nauar came into England and earnestly craued ayde of the King against the Frenche King who kept hys brother in prison that he mighte by force of armes restoare all such lands vnto him as were wrongfully withholden from him wherevpon hée offeryng to doe homage and fealtie he hadde of the Kings appoyntmente Miles Stapleton a manne of great integritie and in martiall affayres very skilful him I say the king appointed to be his faithful felow These men with two thousande men well appoynted trauelling throughe Normandie toke townes and Fortresses burning diuerse of them passing along tyll they came to a Castell nine leagues distaunte from the Citie of Paris neyther did they a●lake theyr trauayle vntil they hadde forced theyr enymies to enter into a yearelye truce By this meanes a great report and no lesse fear filled the heartes of all French men whiche report at length came to the eares of the Prince lying at Regla wherefore he gathering all the power he had with him in hys Dukedome to the intent to méete hys Father whiche he muste doe by trauelling through Fraunce he came at length to Brugetat where he was certifyed that the Earle of Armenia woulde after his departure haue spoyled the Countrey and for that intent had prouided a greate bande of men wherefore hée sent backe to the gouernour of Gascoigne vnto Barnarde de Libret and other From thence the prince went into France through the coastes of Barny and Lymon stil encouraging his men against their enimies sending before him Iohn Chandos Iames Dawdeley and other complices to trye out the state of their enimies countrey least perhappes some crafty ambushment might sodainely assaulte our men afore they were ware He himself remouing his campe euery day and now being entred into Pictauia his espies broughte worde that the French king had gathered a greate armye beyng now in Aurelian who also knewe of the Princes comming for he sente out espies to discouer our armye amongst whō Griffin Micco of Chambly petie Captaine of two hundered men méeting with other espies came to his coaste for oure espies toke thirtie of thē and slew the residue so that there was not one of them lefte to carrye worde what was become of theyr fellowes Our espies procéeded towardes Romerentine where méeting with the Lord Crone and Lord Brisgande they sette vppon them and slew them their chief Captaines being forced to flée to a castle and hauing taken their lodging in a town the prince commanded that on the morning a great assault should be giuen to thē of y e Castell The day folowing our men being al armed passed through the ditches came vnto y e wals of the Castel some applied to scale y e wall with ladders some burne the gates and entring slew a gret many of the chief men but y e Lords before named fled vnto the principal tower of y e castel but y e prince determined not to depart til they that were besieged were eyther taken or yéelded at length the Castell being vndermyned the men besieged with all humilitie yéelded vp the Castell After this the spies declared that the Frenche King was come downe to Turon to prouide armies to go against the Prince of the which tydings the Prince being gladde he pighte his tentes againste the Frenche King but could not passe the riuer of Leger by reason of greate floudes and the Frenche King hadde broken all the bridges to the intent there shoulde be no passage betwixte the Prince and the Duke of Lancaster whose armyes might wel euerye nyght perceyue eache others fiers in the Campes but the Prince folowing alongst the riuer of Legers Eastwarde he pyghte hys tentes neare vnto Turon where loking for the Frenche Kyng foure dayes hoping to fighte with him for that hée was distaunte but one league off he vnderstoode that the Frenche King was retyred backe to Blamia ten leagues off passing ouer by a Bridge the Riuer of Legers at a place vsed betwixt two strong Townes and so towarde Poyters This retyring of the Frenche king certifyed the Prince returned backe intending to haue mette him in his waye whych he coulde not doe yet crossing ouer all as he imagined the nerer way he sette vpon the tayle of his enymies and cut frō them the Earles of Inyni and Winters and also the Marshall of Burgonie these being takē died as was thought through the great toyle they had taken night drawing on our men gaue themselues to reste in a wood intending the next day to take theyr iourney towarde Poiters and by the waye they were certifyed that the Frenche King with greate prouision prepared himselfe to battayle and drew nigh to our tents The Batayle of Poyters the Prince therefore committed the vawarde of the armye to the Earles of Warwick and Oxford the middle ward was guided by the Prince and the rerewarde was led by the Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke In all the whole armye of the Prince there was not aboue foure thousande menne of armes one thousande armed souldiours and two thousand Archers The pompous nobilitie of the French men drewe nygh greatly disdayning the small company of the Englishe men for they had in number eight thousande fighting souldiours they had also seuen auntients At this matter a gret many of our men murmured bycause of late a great part of our army was sent to defende Gascoigne There was among the French men a certaine Scotte called William Douglas a man of great force and practise in the Warres this manne did the French king make Knight and bycause he knewe he woulde be a deadly enimie to the English men he gladlye hearkned to his aduices This William was Captain ouer two hundred Scottes these men vnderstoode wel that it was the custome of the Englishe men in those dayes to fighte on foote in which point they followed the Scottes and the Scots also prouoked the French king and other French men to fight in like maner The French king obeying his foolish counsel gladly agréed vnto his sayings wherevpon he sente lighte horssemen into the Cittie that they shoulde suffer no man to make any chase but only 500. horssemen well appointed to come out againste the Archers in the beginning of the conflict and to runne them ouer and to treade them vnder
fifth of May and the. 24. of Maye entred London with them where he was receyued with greate honour of the Citizens and so conuayed to the kings pallaice at Westminster where the King sitting in his estate in Westminster Hall receyued them and after conueyed the French King to a lodging where he lay a season and after the sayde French King was lodged in the Sauoy which then was a pleasant place belonging to the Duke of Lancaster In the Winter following were gret and royal iustes holden in Smithfielde at London where many knightly sights of armes wer done to the gret honour of the king realm at the which were present the Kings of England Fraunce and Scotlande with many noble estates of all those Kingdomes wherof the more part of the strangers were prisoners Henrie Picarde Uintener Maior of London in one day dyd sumptuouslye feaste Edwarde King of Englande Iohn King of Fraunce the King of Cipres then arriued in England Dauid king of Scottes Edward Prince of Wales wyth many noble men and other and after the sayde Henrie Picarde kepte his Hall against all commers who soeuer that were willing to play at Dice and Hazard In like maner the Lady Margaret his wife did also kéepe hir Chamber to the same intente The King of Cipres playing wyth Henrie Picarde in hys Hall dyd wynne of hym 50. markes but Henrie being verye skilfull in that arte altering hys hande did after win of the same king the same 50. markes and 50. markes more which when the same king began to take in ill parte although he dissembled the same Henrye saide vnto him my Lord and King be not agrieued I couet not your golde but your play for I haue not bid you hyther that I might grieue you but that amongst other things I might trie your playe and gaue hym his money agayne plentifully bestowing of his owne amongst the retinue besides he gaue many riche giftes to the King and other Nobles and Knightes whiche dyned wyth hym to the greate glorie of the Citizens of London in these dayes Stephen Candish Barthelmew Frostling the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Stody Vintener the. 28. of October This sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Uinteners of London all the quadrant wherein the Uinteners Hal now standeth with the tenements round about from the lane yet called Studis Lane where is founded thirtéene houses for xiij poore people whiche are there kept of charitie rent frée About Halowntide Dauid le Bruce king of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonmēt of a. xj yeres in the castel of Oldiham his raunsome being set a 100000. markes to be payde the next ten yeares following Normandie and Brytaine were soare spoyled and wasted Tho. Walsing Anno reg 32 Rob. Knovvles by Phillippe the King of Nauers brother Iacob de la Pipe and Roberte Knowles wyth manye other Englishe menne whyche were Captaynes of that companye who raged in warlike sorte in these Countryes the space of thrée yeares and more contrarye to the Kyng of Englandes pleasure Thys Roberte Knowles béeyng a meane man of birth became Captaine of many souldiours and did manye maruellous actes Isabel daughter to Phillippe the fayre king of Fraunce 1358 now wife to King Edward the second deceased apnd Risinges Registrum fratrum minorum iuxta London the. xxij of August and was buried in the Grey Friers Quire at London in a Tombe of Aliblaster Iohn Barnes Iohn Buris the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 33 Iohn Louekinstoke Fishmonger the 28. of October Iohn of Gaunt the Kings sonne by dispensation tooke to wife Blaunch dauhter of Henry Duke of Lancaster his kinswoman The French King vnder coulour of peace offered to King Edward Flanders Picardie Aquitayne and other lands which the Englishmen had ranged through and spoyled for the perfourmāce wherof messengers were sent into France but the Frenchmen would not perfourme the offer wherfore King Edward being angrie with a Nauie of Shippes passed the Sea to Caleis wherefore deuiding his armie into thrée partes committed one companie vnto Henry Duke King Edvvarde inuaded Burgundie of Lancaster another to Prince Edward and the third he reserued to himselfe and so passed into Burgundie In the meane season the Normans with a small Nauie 1359 Frenchmen arriued at VVinchelsea arriued at Winchelsey and partly brent the Towne and slew such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled from all partes in armour to withstande them but when they had prepared themselues to battayle the French were gone Simon of Benington Iohn of Chichester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 34. 1360 Simon Dolseby Grocer the 28. of October King Edward with his power rode through France by Picardie Artois Roan Champaine and so to Briteine destroying the Countrey before him And héere is to be noted that the fourtéenth day of Aprill and the morrow after Easter day King Edward with his host lay before the Citie of Paris which day was full darke of mist and hayle and so bitter colde that many men died on their Horsse backes with the cold wherefore vnto this day it hath bin called the blacke Monday The King of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandie Thus was the Realme of France miserably beset on all sides At the last a finall peace was concluded on Peace vvith France this condition that King Edward should haue to his possession the Countreys of Gascoine Gwyen Poytiers Limosin Baleuile Exantes Caleis Gwisnes and diuers other Lordships Castels Townes and all the Landes to them belonging Tho. Wals without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same This peace being confirmed by writing and by oth King Edward came into England and so streight to the Tower to sée the French King where he appoynted his raunsome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered French King releassed him of all imprisonment and brought him with great honor to the Sea who then sayled ouer into France Iohn Denis Walter Berney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wroth Fishmonger the 28. of October King Edward the 24. of Januarie beganne a Parliament at Westminster where the forme of the agréement was redde and allowed of all estates where the King on the last of Januarie caused his Nobles to sweare to holde and Anno reg 35 1361 kéepe the sayde agréement especially those as well Prelats as other that were not at Caleis where he sware and other that were there with him A great dearth pestilence hapned in England which was called the second pestilence in which died Henry D. of Lancaster The seconde mortalitie in March at London and was buryed at Leycester in the colegiate Church which he had founded with a Deane twelue Chanons Prebendaries as many Uickers and other ministers accordingly There dyed also Reginald Lord Cobham and Walter Lib. Lichfield Fitz Waren valiant and famous
Knightes and fiue Bishops to wéete Reginald of Worcester Michael of London Thomas of E●lie Iohn of Lincolne and Robert of Cicester To Worcester was preferred Iohn of Barnet to London Simon Sudburie to Ely Simon Langham to Lincolne Iohn Bokingham to Cicester William Linlinere Leonell Earle of Hulster by his wife and sonne to King Edward went into Ireland to recounter the Irishmen that vexed the English Edward Prince of Wales tooke to wife by dispensation the Countesse of Kent daughter vnto Edmond Earle of Kent brother to King Edward the second she had bin before wife vnto Thomas Holland and before that she was wife to the Earle of Salisburie and diuorsed from him A route of the great company of the Englishmen were cōmanded to depart out of France and they discomfited in Anuerne the Frenchmen and tooke diuers prisoners of the nobles of France that had bin afore takē of the Englishmen and there was slayn Iaques de Burbon and the Countie of Salbrig Also a route of Britons part of the great company aforesayd were discōfited in Limosin alias Garet by Wil. Felton knight of England at that time Steward of y e Countrey for K. Edward William Holbech Iames Tame the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sore rempest of vvinde Iohn Peche Fishmonger the 28. of October The King helde his Christmas at Windsore and the xv day folowing a sore and vehemēt Southweast wind brake forth so hideous that it ouerthrew high Houses Towers Stéeples and Trées and so bowed them that the residue which fell not but remayned standing were the weaker The first fiue dayes of May at London in Smithfield were Anno reg 36 Iusting in Smithfield Justes holden the King and Quéene being present and the most part of the Chiualrie of England and France and of other Nations to the which came Spanyards Cipriets and Armenians Knightly requesting the King of Englands ayde againste the Pagans that had inuaded their confines The 1362 First Staple of vvool at Caleis staple of wools notwithstāding the oth receiued of the King of England and other great men of the land is sent to Caleis In the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paule King Edward at Westminster by his Charter gaue to the Abbot of Westminster and Couent two Stagges of his Uenison yearely to be taken in the Forest of Windsore Edward Prince of Wales about the feast of Saint Margaret Edvvard the Kings eldest sonne Prince of Aquitayne at Westminster in presence of the great men of y e Realme receyued of his father the principalitie of Aquitayne fealtie and homage first made to him but yet he left not the principalitie of Wales the Duchie of Cornewall the Counties of Chester and Kent Simon Islip Archbishop of Canterburie did ordeyne that Priestes became theeues for lacke of liuing ● more should not be giuen to Priestes for their yearely stipend than thrée pound sixe shillings eyght pence whiche caused many of them to steale Iohn of Saint Albons Iames Andrew the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Stephen Candish Draper the 28. of October The sixtéenth day of October began a Parliamente at London which continued till the feast of Saint Brice the thirtéenth Tho. Walsing of Nouember on which day the King was borne hauing now accomplished the 50. yeare of his age wherevppon he pardoned such as were giltie of Treason to his person releassed prisoners reuoked outlawes and at the petition of the commons he commanded pleas to be vsed in English and not in French as they had continued since the Conquest He made Leonell his sonne Earle of Hulster then being in Ireland Duke of Clarence and his son Iohn Earle of Richmond he made Duke of Lancaster and Edmond his sonne he made Earle of Cambridge In the saide Parliamente was granted to the King for Subsedie of vvoolles thrée yeares following sixe and twentie shillings eyght pence of euery Sacke of wooll to be transported beyond the Seas Ioane Quéene of Scottes and wife to Dauid Bruse and sister to King Edward the third dyed and was buried in the grey Friers Church at London by hir mother Sea Cro. A Priest in London was murthered and being cutte in four quarters was cast contemptuouslie in foure partes of y e Citie y ● doers wherof were not knowne what they were Sir Iohn Cobham Knighte founded the Colledge of Cobham Colledge Anno reg 37 1363 Three Kings came into England The French King dieth Cobham in Kent The French King the King of Cipres and the King of Scottes came all into England to speake with King Edwarde who receiued them with great honor and gaue them great giftes the Kings of Cipres and of Scotland returned home shortly but the French King fell sicke at London whereof he shortly after died A Frost in England lasted from the midst of September Great Frost Adam Merim● to the moneth of Aprill Richard Croydon Iohn Hiltoft the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Cro. col reg ●●x● Iohn Not Peperer the 28. of October This yeare the Castell of Quinborough was builded by King Edward The ninth day of Aprill died Iohn King of France at the Anno reg 38 1364 Sauoy beside Westminster through griefe of minde that the Duke of Angiow one of his pledges had deceyued him and came not into England according as he had promised and sworne His corps was honourably conueyed to Douer and so to Saint Denis in France where he was buried Iohn de Mitford Simon de Mordon the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 39 1365 Sherifes Maior Adam of Bury Skinner the 28 of October Ingram Lord of Cowsie married Lady Isabell the Kings daughter at Windsore Iohn Bukulsworth Thomas Ireland the 28. of Septemb. Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Adam of Bury Skinner The 28. of January Iohn Louekin Fishmonger was elected Maior and Adam Bury remoued by the Kings commandement The King commanded that Peter pence should no more Anno reg 40 Peter pence forbidde be gathered nor payde to Rome Saint Peters pence is the Kings almes and all that had twentie peny worth of good of one manner cattell in their house of their owne proper should giue that penie at Lammas The third day of Aprill was borne at Burdeaux Richard 1366 sonne to Edward the blacke Prince who was after King of England by the name of Richard the second Iohn Ward Thomas at Lee the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Louekin Fishmonger the 28. of October This Iohn Louekin Stockfishmonger four times Maior of London twice by election and twice by the Kings appointment Iohn Leyland for that he was borne in the Towne of Kingston Hospitall at Kingston vpon Thamis vpon Thamis he builded there a Chappel called Magdalenes ●o the which he ioyned an Hospitall wherein was a Mayster two Priestes and certayne poore men and for that the Saint Michael● Church in Crooked Lane builded parish Church of Saint
the Knight The ●●outnesse of VVat Tiler traytour The knighte aunsweared that he lyed and drew his dagger The King séeing the Knighte in daunger comaunded hym to alighte one foote and to deliuer his dagger vnto Watte Tiler and when his proude minde woulde not be pacifyed but woulde néedes runne on the Knighte there came to the King the Maior of London William Walworth and manye other Knightes and Esquires affirming it to be a shamefull reproche if they shoulde permitte the Knyghte to be murdered Wherevppon the Kyng taking boldenesse vpon hym commaunded the Maior to arreste the Rebell whiche Maior being a man of incomparable boldenesse streyght arrested hym on the head in suche sorte that he astonyed hym and forthwyth they whyche attended on the Kyng inuironed the Rebell and thruste him in in diuerse places of his bodye with theyr weapons and then drewe hym from among the peoples féete into the Hospitall of Saint Bartholmewe which when VVat Tiler arested slaine the commons perceyued they cryed out that theyr Captaine was trayterouslye slayne but the King rode to them and sayde what meane you to doe I am your King I wil be your Captaine followe me into the fielde there to haue whatsoeuer ye will require They therefore followed hym into the fieldes wythout the suburbes towards Yseldon and in the meane time the Maior rod into the Citie raysed the Citizens and shortly returned with a thousande wel armed men Sir Robert Knowles being theyr leader The King The Citizens of Lon. deliuered the King other in hys companye reioysing of this vnlooked for ayde sodainelye compassed the multitude of the commons wyth fighting men which commons forthwyth throwing downe bowes billes and all other their weapons fel themselues to the grounde humbly crauing pardon which was graunted and Charters deliuered to the Captains of euery shire who then departed home The rude multitude being thus dispersed the King made William Walworth Maior Nicholas Brember Iohn Philpot and Robert Lande Aldermen of London Knights in Smithfield and vpon the said Hil were created the Erles Marshal and Penbroke And a little after Nicholas Twiforde and Adam 〈…〉 rmen of London were made Knightes Iacke Straw being taken when at London he shoulde by The cōfessor of Iacke Stravve iudgement of the Maior lose his heade confessed as followeth The same time sayth he that we came to Black Hea●h when we sent for the King we purposed to haue murdered all the Knights Esquiers and gentlemen that should haue Conspira●ie of the Rebels come with him and to haue ledde the king royally vsed vp and downe that with the sight of him al men especially the common people mighte haue come vnto vs the mor● boldelye and when we had got togither an innumerable multitude we woulde haue sodainly put to death in euery Countrey the Lords and maisters of the common people in whom mighte appeare to be eyther counsell or resistance againste vs and speciallye we woulde haue destroyed the Knightes of Saint Iohns lastlye we woulde haue killed the King himselfe and all men that hadde ●in of any possession Bishoppes Monkes Chanons Parsons to be briefe wée woulde haue dispatched onlye begging Fryers shoulde haue liued that might haue sufficed for ministring the Sacramentes in the whole Realme for we would haue made Kings Wat Tiler in Kente and in euerye other shire one But bycause thys oure purpose was hyndered by the Archbyshoppe we studyed howe to bring him shortly to hys ende Againste the same daye that Wat Tyler was killed we purposed that euening bycause that the poore people of London séemed to fauour vs to sette fire in foure corners of the Citie so to haue brent it and to haue deuided the riches at our pleasures amongst vs. He added that these things they purposed to haue done as God should helpe him at the end of his life After thys confession made hée was beheaded and hys heade sette on London Bridge by Wat Tilers and many other The principal leaders of the commons were Wat Tiler Principal Captaines the second Iack Straw the third Iohn Kirkby the fourth Alē Iacke Stravv beheaded Threder the fifth Thomas Scot y ● sixth Ralph Rugge these and many others were leaders of the Kentishe and Essex mē At Mildenhall and Bury in Suffolke was Roberte Westbrom that made himselfe king and was moste famous after Iohn Wraw who being a priest wold not set crown vpon crown but left the name of king and crowne to the sayde Roberte At Norwichē Iohn Lercester a Dier exercised the name and power of a king til he was taken and hanged for his pains Here I thinke good to note some Epistles of Iohn Ball and others wyth some short notes of their Diuellish demeanor vnder the colour of zeale and conscience and so to ende thys matter IOhn Bal Saint Marie Priest gre●teth wel all maner of men Epistle of I. Bal● ye may read an other in Tho. of VVa●●ingham nevv in Print and biddeth them in the name of the Trinitie Father Son and holy Ghost stande manlike togither in truth and helpe truth and truth shal helpe you now raigneth pride in price couetise is holde wise leacherie without shame gluttonye without blame enuie raigneth with treason and slouth is taken in greate season God doe bote for now is time Amen IAcke Milner asketh helpe to turne his Mil aright hee hathe Epistle of Iacke Milner grounden smal smal the kings sonne of heauen he shal pay for all loke thy Mill go right with foure sayles and the poste stande in stedfastnesse with right and might with skill and with wil let might helpe right and skil before wil and right before mighte then goeth our Mill arighte and if might goe before righte and will before skill then is oure Mill mis-dight IAcke Trewman doeth you to vnderstande that falsenesse I leaue out Iack Carter and this is Iack Trevvmans Epistle and guile hath raigned too long and trueth hath bin sette vnder a locke and falsenesse raigneth in euery flocke no man maye come trueth too but hee sings Si dedero speake spende and speede quoth Iohn of Bathon and therefore sinne fareth as wilde floude true loue is awaye that is so good and Clearkes for wealth wurcheth them woe God do bote for now is time When these rebels burned the Sauoy one of them tooke One of the rebels by his felovves cast into the fire a goodly siluer péece and hid it in his bosome but another had spyed him and tolde his fellowes which hurled hym the péece of plate into the fire saying we be zealous of truth and Iustice and not théeues and robbers Two and thirtie of them entring the seller of the Sauoy xxxij of the rebels mured vp drunke so muche of swéete Wines that they were not able to come out but were shutte in with wood and stones that mured vppe the doore they called and cryed seauen dayes and were heard of many
vnto faithbreakers faith shoulde be broken againe and that a chosen power should be sent thither forth of Englande vnder the leading of Thomas of Woodstoke to Thomas of VVoodstocke sent against the Scottes wéete a thousand Launces and two thousand Archers to restreyne their attemptes These things being knowne the Scottes being afrayde of themselues in the ende of the Parliament came and were desirous to entreate of peace or truse but the Englishmen hauing tried their falsehoode so often times woulde neyther treate nor compounde with them but commanded them to returne home and warned them to saue their heads as well as they might and to defend their rightes The Scottes being returned the Lordes of the North tooke vpon them to defende the Countrey till Thomas of Woodstoke Earle of Buckingham were readie to come with a greater power The King tooke the temporalities of the Bishop of Norwich Temporalties of the Bishop of Norvvich seased into his hands bycause he was disobedient to his commandement when he sent to haue stayde him from his iourney into Flanders and the Knightes that were ouer with him were put in prison till they were redéemed with gold King Richard held his Christmas at his Manour of Eltham and with him his Quéene Anne After Christmas Iohn Duke of Lancaster which before Christmas went ouer into France to treate of peace betwixt the Realmes returned into England bringing with him an abstinence of warre till the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist at 1384 what time he was to returne to treate againe and to confirme the peace if it might be agréed vpon betwixt y e Kings The night of the Purification of our Lady great Lightning and Thunder happened that put men in great feare and shortly after Iohn Northamptō otherwise called Combartowne that had bin the yeare before Maior of London that with his seditions had filled the Citie full of comber attempted new troubles for in contempt of the Maior that was elected for that yeare Sir Nicholas Brembar Knight he went vp and down with a multitude of seditious people to gard him not once but oftentimes to the terrour of manie and when the said Brembar Maior woulde haue withstanded his attemptes the fauourers of the said Iohn Combertowne were turned into suche a furie that a Cobler which in his owne estimation séemed to be Maior required the voyces of the communalty for which cause by the counsell of Sir Robert Knowles Knight he was drawne out of his house and committed to prison as a stirrer of insurrection which acte for that time staide the commotion of the commons that were sayd to haue conspired at that time to haue murthered the elect Maior and many other worthie men When Lente aproched Iohn Duke of Lancaster with his brother Thomas of Woodstoke Earle of Buckingham and an innumerable number of Knightes Esquires and Archers went toward Scotland but stayde in the North till all the victualles in the Countrey were consumed he did more hurt to the inhabitants than the Scottes had done before at length about the feast of Easter he entred Scotland but did little good The custodie of the Castell of Douer was vacant by the death of Robert Ashtonwald then was made Connestable thereof Simon Burley After Easter the Nobles came to a Parliament at Salisburie Parliament at Salisburie whither a certaine Irish Frier of the order of the Carmelites or white Friers a Batcheler of Diuinitie named Iohn Latimer hasted and accused the Duke of Lancaster Duke of Lancaster accused that he had deuised the Kings death which Frier was committed to Sir Iohn Holland Knight till a day that was assigned him to make proofe of that he had sayde but the night before the day giuen to the Frier the sayde Sir Iohn A Frier tormēted to death Holland and Sir Henry Greene Knightes put a corde about the Friers necke and with the same corde tying him by the stones hanged him vp from the grounde laying à stone of great weight vpon his bellie till they by tormente had made an ende of his life The morrow after they ●a●sed the Friers body to be drawne through the Towne as a Traytor that they might put away all suspection that he were put to death wrongfully but it is to be wondred at that neyther Esquire Yeoman nor Grome or any other of meane estate would harme the Frier but the Knightes did it themselues they were Judges Officers and Executioners and this was the fruite of this Parliament excepte that the King asked and had of the Laitie halfe a fiftéenth and of the Cleargie halfe a tenth About this time bycause the Scottes ceassed not to do diuers Anno reg 8. domages to the Northumbers the Earle of Northumberland Henry Percy prepareth to inuade Scotland and to requite domage for domage which enterprise accomplished the Earle was no sooner returned and sent home his army but that the Scottes came againe and heaped vp domage vpon domage in the Countrey This Sommer Sir Iohn Philpot Knighte and a most Sir Iohn Philpot deceassed noble Citizen of London that trauelled for the commoditie of the Realme more than all other and both with expences laide forth and good affection borne had oftentimes reléeued the King departed this life leauing none behinde him his like in good affections About the beginning of August the Duke of Lancaster went into France to treate with the Frenchmen of peace or else of truce to be had the Duke with his company of noble men remayning long there when it was thought that he should haue brought glad and ioyfull newes to his Countrey he returned with knowledge of warres to followe the beginning of the next Sommer the truce to endure but●●● the first day of May and so he returned after he had spente 500000. Markes of Siluer Many of the Nobles assembled at Reading to represse the Iohn Northampton conuict and committed to perpetuall prison seditious sturres of Iohn Northampton late Maior of London that attempted greate and heynous enterprises of the whiche he was conuict hys owne Chapleyne vttering manye thynges that hée wente aboute and hadde deuised as well to the hinderance and harme of the King as of the Citie of London and when sentence shoulde haue bin pronounced against him the King being presente the wicked man made exclamation and mainteyned that such iudgemente ought not to passe in absence of his Lorde the Duke of Lancaster but yet the Justice vsed such words Iohn sayth he the naughtie déedes that are obiected agaynste thée thou oughtest to refell by battayle or else by the lawes of the land to be drawne hanged and quartered and when he stoode mute nor would vtter one word it was déecréede that he should be committed to perpetuall prison and his goodes to be confiscate to the Kings vse and that he shoulde not come within one hundred miles of London during his life he was sente therefore to the Castell of Tintagell in the confines of
Cornewall and in the meane space the Kings seruants spoyled his goodes Iohn More Richard Northbery and other were likewise there conuict and condemned to perpetuall prison and their goodes confiscate to the King for certaine congregations by them made against the Fishmongers in the Citie of London Nicholas Exton Iohn French the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer the 28. of October About the feast of Saint Martine a Parliament was holden at London in the whiche nothing was done worth the memorie but that which still was in hand and exacting of money of the Cleargie and common people to mainteine the men of warre And besides this there was a Combate fought in listes betwixte an Esquire of Englande and one of A Combate fought Nauarre that had accused the English Esquire whose name was Iohn Welch of Treason to the King and Realme but the effect was that when he was Captayne of Cherbrugh he forced the wife of this Nauaroys as the sayde Nauaroys being afterward ouercome and being readie to suffer death did ●penly confesse for the which cause by the Kings iudgemēt he was drawne and hanged although the Quéene and many other did make earnest intercessiō to haue his life saued The Parliament was not yet ended when newe ● came Bervvike lost and vvo●●● againe out of the North of the taking of Berwike Castell by the Scottes the custodie whereof the Earle of Northumberland Sir Henry Percy did possesse by right of his predecessors The Scottes by mediation of money got entrance into that Castel by one that was put in trust with kéeping of it The Duke of Lancaster that loued not the Earle was glad of this happe when he knew it It came to passe therefore by the Dukes procurement that the Earle was condemned by iudgement of the Lords there present the which execution was within a short while after releassed The Earle of Northumberland through the Kings fauour restored to his life and possessions without any long delaye● prepareth al furniture of warre to beséege and winne the sayd Castell of thē that were within it and after he had gathered a mighty armie he sodeinly beséeged it and after he had layne about it a certaine time it was compounded betwixt them without and them within that they within should forsake the Castell and haue their liues and moueable goodes and for surrendring the Castell they should haue of the Earle two thousand markes of English money and by this meanes did the Earle recouer the Castell foorth of the Scottishmens hands Through certaine yong men brought vp with the King Tho. Wal● there arose great dissention betwixt him and the Duke of Lancast●r who departed from the Court and wente to his Castell of Pomfret whiche he had fortified but by meanes of the Kings mother this discorde was appeased for a time The third of May was an Earthquake 1●85 The King entred Scotlande King Richard with a great armie entred Scotlande but the enimies would not shew themselues wherfore he brent the Countrey and returned The eightéenth of July there was an Earthquake Sir Iohn de Vienne that serued the French King was sent into Scotland with a great multitude of Shippes and men of warre that ioining with the Scottes they might in●e●t all England and that whilst they might● draw the power of this Realme that way forth the Frenche King with his Nauie and army might the more at liberty enter other partes of the Realme few or none being left at home to prohibit them their entrie The arriuall of the sayd Iohn being knowne in England the King with all the Nobilitie prepared themselues to make a iourney thither The King maketh a iourney into Scotland there came flocking vnto the King such a number of Knightes Esquires and Archers as the like had not bin heard of in those dayes in so much as the number of Horsses amoūted to thrée hundred thousand as they were iudged The King reioyced héereat as well he might but the reioycing was shortly darkened at Yorke by fiercenesse of Sir Iohn Holland the Kings brother that slew the Lord Ralph Stafford Ralph Stafforde ●ayne sonne to the Earle of Stafford in the way as he went to the Quéene whose seruant of houshold he was and greatly in fa●eur with hir and he was no lesse beloued of the King as he that had bin brought vp with him and bin his play-fellow from his tender age where the King taking greate indiguation determined to pursue the sayd Sir Iohn Holland he caused therefore his goodes to be cōfiscate But Sir Iohn Holland fledde to Beuerley there to enioy the libertie of the Church The Lady Iane the Kings mother sente to intreate him for hir other sonne and his brother but when the messengers were returned to Wallingforde and that the mother could perceyue no hope of grace to be gotten in that behalfe of the King she tooke it heau●●ie and fell sicke and Queene Iane the Kings mother dyed within foure or ●●ue dayes departed this life hir body being seared and closed in Leade was kept at Wallingford till the Kings returne forth of Scotland then to be buried at Stanford in the Church of the Friers Minors In the moneth of August the King of England with a mightie power entred Scotland to whose force the Scottes and Frenchmen perceyuing themselues not able to matche they séeke to get them into the wooddes places where they might be out of the way The English army then the which there hath not bin séene a fairer stronger or greater rideth through the Countrey that was destitute of inhabitantes ●●yd of Cattell wanting victualles for the land was left desolate as our men confessed that they saw not so much as a bird Owles only excepted They found gréene Corne on the grounde very faire and plentifull whiche they eyther eate vp with their Horsses or treade downe with theyr féete but the enimies fléeing battayle our men did nothing to be accompted of but brent the Abbey of Melroys and the Meltoys and Edenborough brent Towne of Edenborough with such houses as they found by the way When our armie was come to Edenborough and that victualles fayled them many of them beganne to ware sicke and some to die for hunger wherevpon the King returned with his armie into England While King Richarde was in Scotland the Scottes and Frenchmen entred into Englande brenning Townes taking spoyles and leading away many prisoners returned home into their Countrey Iohn Organ Iohn Churchman the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer the 28. of October The Souldiers of Caleis went secretly forth into France and got a bootie of four thousand Shéepe and thrée hundred head of great beastes which they draw to their holdes About the feast of Saint Martine there was a Parliament at London in which the Laytie granted to the King a fiftéenth and a halfe with cōdition that the Cleargie should giue a tenth
and a halfe William Courtney Archbishop of Canterbury standing there against said the Church ought to befrée and in no wise to be taxed by the Laytie whiche answere A bill put against the Cleargie for their temporalties so moued the commons that they forthwith presented to the King a bill against the Cleargie of the Realme mouing him to take from them their temporalities and thereby to abate their pride but the King hearing the inordinate cryings out on this side and the iust answeres of the other he commanded that the Bill should be cancelled and such inordinate petitiōs to ceasse saying that he would preserue the Churche during his time in as good state as he found it or in better The Archbishop therefore hauing made the Cleargie priuie wente to the King and declared to him that he with his Cleargie of their whole consents and frée willes had prouided for his vses a Tenth which graunt the King so thankefully receyued that hée openly affirmed that he had rather haue this frée graunt than any other foure times double that were constreyned The eleuenth of Noueinber Robert Vere Earle of Oxford States created was made Marquesse of Diuelin in Ireland Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester and his brother Edmonde Earle of Cambridge Duke of Yorke Michaell de la Poole Chancellour of England was made Earle of Suffolke and had giuē him by the King a thousand markes by the yeare The Earle of March Mortimer was proclaymed heire apparant Lib. Peter col to the Crowne Also King Richarde at the earnest request of the Bishops restored to the Bishop of Norwich his temporalities which he had holden from him manye yeares King Richard with Quéene Anne his wife kept their Christmas at Eltham whether came to him the King of Ermony vnder pretence to reforme peace betwixte the Kings of England but what his comming profited he onely vnderstoode for beside innumerable giftes that he receyued of the King and of the Nobles the King granted to him a Charter of a thousand pounds by yeare during his life He was as he affirmed chased out of his Realme by the Tartarians and for that cause he got great giftes of the Christian 1386 Priuces About the feast of Easter Iohn Duke of Lancaster with a great company of Knightes Esquires and Archers prepareth to go into Spayne which was due to him by the inheritable righte of his wife the Lady Constance daughter sometime to Peter King of Castile and Lion so that now he meant to challenge it eyther with consente of the inhabitants or by law of armes He with a greate power tooke the Seas and landed in Spayne at the Hauen of Greyne on the euen of Saint Lawrence with all his Nauie in safetie At the sute of the King of Spayne King Richard releassed out of prison Iohn Northampton Iohn More and Richarde Norburie The Londoners fearing y ● comming of the French K. ranne to their walles pulled downe houses néere about y e Citie About Michaelmas the Nobles came to the Parliamēt at London with great numbers of armed men to the ende they might be readie to withstand the Frenchmen who were comming but through contrarie windes returned The King created Robert Vere Marquesse of Irelande Robert Vere Duke of Ireland Duke of Ireland Not lōg after this Michaell de la Pole was by y ● Knights of the Parliament deposed from his Chancellorship and amerced to pay to the King 20000. Markes but the King caused this to take small effect William Stondon William More the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicholas Exton Fishmonger the 28. of October Richard Earle of Arundell and Tho. Mowbray Earle of Notingham went to the Sea of the which the first was made Admiral vpon y ● Uigill of our Lady the Annuntiation a great Nauie of Flanders France Spayne fraught with mē of 1387 warre diuers engins was discouered with whome the Earles encountred and tooke of them 100. ships and more the which conteined xix M. Tonnes of Wine whiche they Rochell VVine taken brought to diuers parts of England wherby Wine was then sold for thirtéene shillings four pence the Tonne Robert de Vere Duke of Ireland for sooke his wife a yong Lady noble faire borne of the Lady Isabell daughter to y ● noble K. Edward maried another that came with Quéene Anne forth of Boheme she was called in the vulgar tong of hir Conntrey Lancecrona The Lordes tooke indignation héerewith especially the Duke of Glocester Unkle to y e yong Lady that was forsaken The Duke of Ireland studied how to take the Duke of Glocester out of y e way Easter was now past the time in whiche the Duke of Ireland shoulde haue transported into Ireland but least there shoulde be too muche sturre in the Realme among the Lords the King as it were to bring him to the water side goeth with him into Wales as not to leaue him but there to kéepe him that they might denise how to take away the D. of Glocester the Earles of Arundell Warwike Darby Notingham with other There were with thē the Earle of Suffolke Michaell at Pole Robert Tresilian Justice many other which no more slowly than the D. of Ireland conspired the death of the said noble mē After a great time was passed the King as if the Duke of Irelāds iourney had bin forgotten returned with him and the other forth of Wales to the Castell of Notingham there to treate of Anno reg 11 the death of the said noble men there therfore he sent for diuers from Lōdon whome he knew would be readie to which way soeuer they should be moued he called thither also all the Sherifes and Justices of the Realme and there interdited the Lords of many crimes which the King had imagined against them In the meane time the rumor of this doing came to the Lords eares whervpon first of all y e Kings Unkle the D. of Glocester that he might mitigate the Kings displeasure before the Bishop of London and manye other Nobles swearing vpon the Euangelistes tooke it vpon his oth that he neuer had imagined any thing to the kings hinderance or done any thing to his displeasure except that he had not giuē good countenāce to the D. of Ireland nor would héereafter giue him any who had dishonested his kinswoman the which he firmelie had determined to reuenge William Venor Hugh Forstalfe the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Exton Fishmonger the 28. of October The D. of Glocester calling togither secretly the Earles of Arundell Warwike Darby that were in like danger of cōdemnatiō if they prouided not the more spéedily he discouereth to thē the matter they therfore gathering their armies togither determine to talke with the King vpon the premises Contraryly the King for his party did deliberate howe he might take each of thē by themselues out of the way and first he sent to
Paris Iohn Walcotte Iohn Loueney the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Vener Grocer the. 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember Iohn Duke of Lancaster came from the parties beyonde the seas into Englande after he had abidden in Spaine and Gascoigne thrée yeares space who in Spaine first tasted great misfortunes yet in the ende brought his matters to very good case not with the force of men but by the fauour of God for when he came firste to y t partes of Spaine with an armye sufficient ynoughe through wante of victualles they first dyed through hunger and after through flixe so that 1000. famous knightes of hys armye dyed miserably the residue leauing the Duke fled to the French army King Richard with his Quéene Anne held their Christmasse at Woodstocke and the Duke of Lancaster in the Castle of Hertforde The same time Iohn Hastings Earle of Penbroke as he was desirous to Just he was stroken about the priuie partes by the Knight that ranne against him called 1390 sir Iohn Saint Iohn where he dyed In a Parliamente at London it was ordayned that none shoulde purchase prouisions at the Popes hands ther was graunted to the King xl shillings of euery sack of wool and of the pound sixe pence Iohn Duke of Lancaster was made Duke of Aquitaine by the Rood and Bonet which the King gaue him and Edward the Duke of Yorkes sonne was made Earle of Rutlande to whom the king gaue the Castell of Okam Anno reg 14 A great Pestilence in the North parts of England so that in a little space a. 1100. were buried in the Citie of Yorke A Merchant of Dertmouth waged the Nauie of ships of the Ports of his own charges 34. ships laden with Wine to the summe of 1500. Tunne A wofull variaunce rose in Oxforde for the Welche and Southerne Schollers assaulted the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side and a fielde was appointed but by helpe of the Duke of Glocester it was appeased and the Welch men bannished Iohn Francis Thomas Viuent the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Bawme Goldsmith the. 28. of October The. x. xj and. xij of October the King helde a greate Courte at London in the Bishops Palace and a greate insting in Smithfield to the whyche Courte came many strangers forth of Fraunce Almain Zealand and many other parts bringing with them horsses and armour in which pastimes there was giuen first the Badge of the White Harte wyth golden chaines and crownes And vpon Saint Edwardes day the King helde his feaste in his Regalibus sitting crowned at masse with his Scepter c. and likewise the Quéen and they sat likewise at the table at Kenington crowned at which solemnitie were presente the Earle of Sainte Paule and hys wyfe sister to the Kyng of Englande and the Earle of Ostreuaunt who was made Knyghte of the Garter The Duke of Glocester toke hys iourney toward Spruys 1●91 but being tossed with infortunate stormes driuen nowe hyther nowe thyther was so farre distant of hope that he dispayred of life and at length after he had passed the Barbarous coastes of Denmarke Norway and Scotlande he arriued in Northumberlande and came to the Castel of Tinmouth where hauing refreshed himself certain dayes he toke his iourney towards his maner of Plecy Such a mortalitie increased in Norffolke and many other Countries that it was not vnlike to the greate pestilence within Yorke there dyed a. xj thousand persons The Citizens of London toke out of the Orphans cheste Anno reg 15 2000. markes to buye victualles and the. xxiiij Aldermen eache of them layde out twentie pounde to like purpose of buying corne which was bestowed in diuerse places where the poore mighte buye it at an appointed price and suche as lacked money to pay downe put in suretie to pay in y t yeare following A Brewer that dwelt at the signe of the Cocke in Westcheape by the little Conduite neare vnto Powles gate was murdered in the night time by a théef that came in at a gutter windowe as it was knowne long after by the confession of the same théefe when he was at the Gallowes to bée hanged for fellonie but the Brewers wife was firste brente therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tiborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Henrie Vamer the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hinde Draper the. 28. of October A Parliament began at London on the Friday next after the feast of Al Saintes wherin halfe a tenth by the Ceargie and halfe a fiftéenth by the Laitie was granted to the king which mony should serue for the treatie to be had for peace with the French men whiche treatie the Duke of Lancaster should prosecute King Richarde with Quéene Anne his wife foure Bishoppes as many Erles the Duke of Yorke many Lords and fiftéene Ladyes helde a royall Christmasse at Langley neare to Saint Albons The same Christmasse day a Dolphin came forth of the sea and playde himselfe in the Thamis at London to the Bridge for shewing hapily the tempests that were to follow within a wéeke after the which being séene of the Citizens and followed was with much difficultie intercepted and broughte againe to London shewing a spectacle to many of the height of his bodye for he was ten foote in length These Dolphins are fishes of the sea y t followe the voyces of men and reioyce in playing of instrumentes and are wont to gather themselues at musicke These when they play in riuers with hastie springings or leapings do signify Tempest to follow The seas containt nothing more swift nor nimble for oftentimes with theyr skippes they mount ouer the sayles of shippes The King sent to the Londoners requesting to borrowe of 1392 Tho. Walsing them one thousande pounde whiche they stoutely denyed and also euil entreated bette and néere hand slew a certain Lumbard that woulde haue lent the King the sayde su●●me which when the King heard he was maruellously angried and calling togither almost all the nobles of the lande hée opened to them the malitiousnesse of the Londoners and cōplayned of theyr presumption the whyche noble men gaue counsell that their insolencie shoulde with spéede be oppressed and theyr pride abated By the Kings iudgement therefore was the Maior of London and the Sherifes with other of the best Citizens arrested the Maior was sente to Windsor Castel and the other to other prisons til the King with his counsell should determine what should be done with them and there it was determined that from thenceforth the Londoners shoulde not chose nor haue anye Maior but that the King shoulde appointe one of his Knightes to be ruler of the Citie their priuiledges were reuoked their liberties adnulled and their lawes abrogated The king then appointed to be Warden of the Citie a certayne Knighte called sir Edwarde de Dalingrige but he was quicklye deposed by the King bicause men said
he fauoured the Londoners and Baldwin Radinton was constituted in his place In the meane time throughe sute of certaine Knightes but Anno reg 16 specially of the Duke of Glocester the King is somewhat pacified and by little and little abateth the rigor of his purpose calling to minde the diuerse honors and the greate giftes he had receyued of the Londoners wherevpon he determineth to deale more mildely with them and to call them to some hope of grace and pardon he sendeth commaundement to them to come to Windsore there to shewe their pryuiledges liberties and lawes whyche being there shewed some of them were ratifyed and some condemned but they could not obtaine the Kings full fauour till they had satisfied y e King of the iniuries whiche was sayd they had done the King at thys assembly at Windsor hadde got togither almost all the Lordes and so greate in army that the Londoners had cause to be afrayde thereof aboute the whiche preparation he was at greate charges for the whiche it was sure that the Londoners muste pay They therefore not ignoraunte that the ende of these things was a money matter submitted themselues to the Kings pleasure offering ten thousand pound They were yet dismissed home to returne againe vncertaine what satisfaction and sum they shoulde pay When the Citizens were returned and that the nobles and other were gone home the King hearing that the Londoners were in hauens and dismayde he sayde to his men I wil go sayth he to London and comforte the Citizens and will not that they any longer dispayre of my fauour which sentence was no sooner knowne in the Citie but al menne were filled with incredible ioy so that euery of them generally determined to méete him and to be as liberal in gifts as they were at his coronation The king therefore as hée came from Shine in Surrey to London with Quéene Anne his wife On the xxj of August the principall Citizens rode to méete them at Wandesworth and at Sainte Gorges Churche in Southwarke they were receyued with procession of Rob. Braybroke Bishop of London and all his Cleargie of the Citie who conuayed him through London the Citizens men women and children in order méeting the King and doing him honor attended on him to Westminster As he passed the Citie the stréetes were hanged with cloth of golde siluer and silke The Conduite in Chepe ran with red white Wine and by a childe Angel-like he was presented with a very costly crowne of golde and the Quéene with another A table of the Trinitie of gold was giuen to the King valued worth eight hundred pounde and another to the quéen of Saint Anne bycause hir name was Anne with diuerse other giftes as horsses trappers plate of golde and siluer clothes of gold silke veluets Basons and Ewers of gold also golde in coyne precious stones and iewels so rich excellent and beautifull that the value and price mighte not well be estéemed and so the Citizens recouered their auntient customes and liberties and then the kings Bench from Yorke and the Chauncerie from Notingham was returned to London And it was granted to them that they might choose them a Maior as before time they had done The Londoners beléeued y ● by these giftes they had escaped all daunger and that from thenceforth they should be quiet but they wer deceiued for they wer cōpelled to giue the K. after this 10000 pound collected of the cōmons in gret bitternesse of minde and so the troubles of y ● Citizens came to quietnesse which trouble the Dolphin in Thamis at Christmasse laste past did happily signifie a far off W. Caxton Robert Fabian report these troubles to happen through a fray in Fleetstreete about an horsse loafe taken out of a Bakers basket by a yeoman of the Bishop of Salisburies and that the same troubles were pacified and liberties again restored by meanes of Richard Grauesend Bishop of London in rewarde wherof the Citizēs repaire to the place of burial in the midle I le of Saint Pauls Church c. but all that is vntrue for at this time Rob. Brabroke was Bishop of London and Richard Grauesēd had bin Bishop and deceased in the time of Edward the first in Anno 1303 almost 90. yeares before this time Moreouer the place of burial in Saint Paules whervnto the Maior and Citizens of London haue repayred is of William who was Bishop of London in the time of William Conqueror who purchased the first Charter of the saide king William for y e same Citie as I haue before declared Gilbert Maghfelde Thomas Newington the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir William Stoudon Grocer the. 28. of October Albeit Vere was created Erle of Oxforde in a Parliamēt at Winchester and William Scrope Uizechamberlaine the same William Scrope bought of William Mountacute Erle of Salisburie the Ile of Man with the crowne for the Lorde of this I le is called king and it is lawful for him to be crowned 1393 with a crowne of Golde sir Iohn Euers Knighte Conestable of Douer and the Kings stewarde died sodainely and T. Percy brother to the E. of Northum was made the kings steward in his place y t was before the kings vnderchamberlaine T. Beamond was made Conestable of Douer Certain Anno reg 17 théeues brake into the Chappel of our Lady at the Pewe at Westminster toke out of it many iewels muche treasure Also shortly after y e same théeues brake into y e Churche of S. Iohn of Clerkenwel The dukes of Lanc. Glocester passed ouer into France to make somewhat of y e truce or to conclude a final peace betwixt y e kingdoms but it was not so brought to passe as it was wished by reason of the Frenche Kings sicknesse In September lightnings and thunders in manye places of England did much hurte but especiallye in Cambridgeshire the same brent houses and corne neare to Tolleworke in the towne it brent terribly Drewe Barentine Richard Whittington the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hadley Grocer the. 28. of October Such aboundaunce of water fell in October that at Bury in Suffolke the Church was ful of Water and at Newmarket it bare down wals of houses so that men and women hardly escaped drowning The same yeare Lorde T. de Ros 1394 as he returned forth of the Holy Lande in the Citie of Paphos in the I le of Cipres through intemperauncie of the ayre departed this life there In the Octaues of S. Hillerie a Parliament was holden at London in whiche a subsidie was demaunded for the King that was minded to go into Irelande wherefore the Cleargie graunted to him a full tenth if he would passe thyther and if he went not they graunted him but halfe a tenth Certaine Lordes of Scotlande came into England to get worship by force of armes The erle of Marre challenged the Earle of Notingham to iust with him and so they rode
togither certaine cources but not the ful chalēge for the Erle of Marre was cast both horsse and man and two of his ribbes broken with the fall so that he was borne out of Smithfielde and conuayed towarde Scotlande but died by the way at Yorke Sir William Darrel Knight y e Kings Bāner bearer of Scotland challēged sir Pierce Courtney knight the kings Banner-bearer of Englande and when they had rū certain courses they gaue ouer without conclusiō of victory Then Cockborne Esquire of Scotland challenged sir Nicholas Hawberke Knight rode v. courses but Cockborn was borne ouer horsse and man The seauenth of June Quéene Anne dyed at Shine in Southerie and was buried at Westminster Anno reg 18 The K. toke hir death so heauily that besides cursing the place where she dyed he did also for anger throw down the buildings vnto the whiche the former Kings beyng wearyed of the Citie were wonte for pleasure to resorte About the moneth of Auguste proclamation was made that all Irishmen shoulde auoyde the realme and gette them home before the feast of the nauitie of our Lady on pain of life William Bramstone Thomas Knowles the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Froysh Mercer the. 28. of October King Richard went ouer into Ireland and y e Duke of Glocester with him and the Earles of March Notingham and Rutlande The Irish men being afrayde of suche preparation as was made durst not shewe themselues openly but with secrete assaultings they often troubled the Kings army yet when the Englishmen preuayled many Lords of the land submitted themselues to the King of which some the Kyng helde wyth hym leaste they shoulde attempte some new styre The King helde his Christmasse at Dublin in Irelande after that feast held a Parliament there also the same time the Lord Warden of England called a Parliamēt at London to the which came being sent forth of Ireland the Duke of Glocester the which before al the states shewed the Kings néed who had now spent his treasure amongst the Irishme so that a tenth was granted by the Cleargie and a fiftéenth by the 1395 Laytie This voiage being chargeable to the King came to small effect for after Easter he was forced to returne again into England to appease certaine troubles begon by sir Rycharde Sturry sir Thomas Latimer sir Lewes Clifforde syr Iohn Montacute and other This yeare England suffered great losse by Pirates of y e Quéene of Donmarke who spoyled Marriners Merchāts Anno reg 19 especially the men of Norffolke that assembled a multitude togither toke vppon them to fight with them but the enimies preuayling many of them were slaine and verye many taken prisoners were reserued to grieuous redemption with losse of twentie thousande poundes which they had a borde with them to make their merchandice Roger Elles William Sherington the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William More Vintener the. 28. of October In the month of Nouember King Richard caused the body of his deare friend Robert de Vere Duke of Ireland to be brought from Louaine after to be buried in the Priorie of Colne in Essex with solemne funerals which he honored w t his presence causing the Co●●en of Cipres wherin his body being embalmed lay to be opened y ● he might behold his 1●●6 face touch him with his fingers openly shewing the loue to the dead carkasse which he ought to it being aliue Iohn Duke of Lancaster to whom the K. had giuen the Duchie of Aquitaine when he nowe had laide forth an estimable sum Anno reg 20 of treasure in those partes to purchase the good wils of those Countreymen should haue his desire he was sodainelye called home by the K. who returning into England came to Langley where the K. held his Christmasse was receyued of the K. with honor after taking his leaue of the Courte he made hast to Lincolne where he toke to wife Katheren Swinford This yeare according to the couenaunt before made established betwixt the kings of England Fraunce the sayde Kings mette at the place by Caleis which was appointed for them to talke in wher they concluded a peace toke a corporal othe to performe the same And K. Richard toke to wyfe Isabel the little daughter of the French king being but seuen or eight yeares old In a Parliament at Westminster Robert Bolgnope Iohn Holt William Brough Knightes of the Bathe were reuoked out of Ireland and pardoned these wer men of law and Judges Thomas Wilforde William Parker the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Sir Adam Bawme Goldsmith the. 28. of October And Richard Whittington the sixth of June The tenth of Nouember the K. was marryed at Caleis w t great solemnitie shortly after returned into England The xiij of Nouember the quéene came to London through Southwarke such a multitude of people went to sée hir that vpon 1●97 Lon. bridge nine persons were crowded to death of whom y ● Prior of Tiptor in Essex was one a worshipfull matrone of Cornehil was another After Christmasse a Parliamēt was holden at Lond. in which the D. of Lancaster caused his issue which he had by Katheren Swinford to be made legitimate Also Thomas son of the D. of Lancaster the said Katheren was created E. of Somerset the D. gaue him to surname Bello Fortie or Bewfort There was graunted to the K. halfe a tenth by the Cleargie This yeare when the realme of England séemed to inioy the chiefest peace y ● might be by reason of the Kings marriage the great riches y ● were heaped vp togither by the same by the reason of y ● truce of 30. yeares established the presence of so many noble men as y ● like no forrain realme was able to shew sodainely all things were troubled and brought into a turmoyle whiles the King at Anno reg 21 Plashy in Essex vpon a sodaine toke his vncle the D. of Glo. by force of armes he suspecting no such thing caused hym to be conueyed to Caleis there to be kept in prison and caused the Earle of Warwicke to be arrested and imprisoned the same day that he had biddē him to dinner notwithstanding that he shewed him very good countenance and had promised him great friendship beside that he deceiued the E. of Arundale w t faire words who was wel able to haue defended himself to haue deliuered his friends the D. of Glocester the E. of Warwick who notwithstanding he yéelded himself quietly he sent him to the I le of Wight there to be imprisoned vntil y ● Parliament And to y ● end there should be no cōmotion among y ● cōmons for the imprisoning of the nobles he caused to be proclaymed y ● the apprehension of them was not for any old displeasure but for new transgressions committed against y ● k. shortly after he caused y
to pretend some excuse for his going alone after he should méete with the Duke as lacke of victualles or such like and so to take a byway thorough Wales and there to rayse a power he accorded to goe to the Duke and then Masse being celebrate the Earle of Northumberlande sware vpon the host that the Duke should holde all that he had tolde the king The Earle hasted the king forwarde to horssebacke but the King prayed the Erle to go before vnto Rutland there to prepare dinner The erle rode a pace till he came where he mighte sée his people vnder the mountaine whom he muche commended for obseruing his commaundement The King passing the water rode a four miles before he came to the Rock where when he sawe the ambushes was K. R. betraye● sore abashed knowing well he was betrayed by the Earle for he was in such a place as he coulde not escape The Sea beating on the one side and the Rock kéeping him in on the other and if he shoulde haue fled backe they woulde haue caught him or he could haue come to Conway for he had not past thrée and twentie in all of his company The K. dissēding the Rocke the Earle came and knéeling down excused the matter saying he hadde caused those people to come to guarde his person but the king tolde him fewer wold haue serued and that it was contrarie to his othe for he had promised to haue but sixe in his company and sayde therefore that he would goe backe to Conway but the Earle aunsweared that nowe sith he had him he would leade him to the Duke as he had promised ten dayes since and so he caused Breade and Wine to bee broughte and offered the king who durst not refuse it and after leaping on horssebacke againe they rode to Rutlande to dinner and after to Flinte where they lay that night The Morrow being the two and twentie day of August the King got him to the Castell Wals where he beheld the D. with al his host of an hundred thousand men comming by the sands there came before that were departed from the army the Archbishop of Canterburie sir Thomas Percy and the Earle of Rutland from whom the Duke had taken the office of Conestable more for a colour than for displeasure for they bare the Dukes order and not the Harte whyche was the kings the Archbishoppe entred firste and after the other with a great traine they went vp to the dungeon and then the King came downe from the walles vnto whō they did reuerence lowlye on their knées the King toke them vp and drew the Archbishop apart and they two talked lōg togither but the Earle of Rutland kept him aloof They toke horsse againe and rode towards the Duke that now approched neare The Kyng went vp againe to the walles lamēting sore when he saw the Dukes hoste within two bowe shootes of the Castell who compassed it rounde about down to the sea The Earle of Northumberland wente forthe to the Duke who after long talke concluded that the duke should not enter the Castel before the King had dyned for he was fasting so the Earle returned and the King was set to dynner with whome sate his assured friends the Earle of Salisburie and the Bishop of Carlile sir Steuen Scrope and Feribe they sat long and eate little for they had no haste to rise After dinner the Duke entred the Castel all armed his Basenet excepted King Richard came downe to méete the Duke who as soone as he saw the King fell downe on hys knées and comming neare vnto him he knéeled the second time with his hat in his hand and the king then put off his hoode and spake first faire cousin of Lancaster yée are righte welcome The Duke bowing lowe to the grounde answeared my Lord I am come before you sent for me the reason why I wil shew you The cōmon fame among your people is suche that yée haue for the space of twentie or two and twentie yeares ruled them very rigorously but if it please our Lorde I will helpe you to gouerne better The Kyng aunswered fayre cousin of Lancaster sith it pleaseth you it pleaseth mée wel The Duke spake as yée haue heard to the king he spake also to the Bishop of Carlile to sir Stephen Scrope and to Feribe but to the Earle of Salisburie he spake not whereby the Earle perceyued that the Duke hated him deadly The duke with an high sharp voyce bad bring forth the Kings horsses and then two little nagges not worthe fortie franks were brought forth the King was set on the one and the Earle of Salisburie on the other and thus the Duke brought the King from Flinte to Chester where he was delyuered to the Duke of Glocesters sonne and to the Earle of Arundales sonne that loued him but a little for he had put theyr fathers to death who ledde hym strayghte to the Castel The thirde day they went to Nantwich and the next daye to newe Castle and there the Earle of Warwickes son mette thē and so iournying forth the next day they came to Stafford after they departed to Lichfield where the K. thought to haue escaped slypping downe into a Gardaine out of a Windowe of a great Tower but he was espyed and thrust into the Tower againe from Liechfielde the Duke went to Couentrie but before they coulde come thyther the Welchmen did them much harme and slew many of them and the Englishmen when they by great chaunce coulde take anye of the Welchmen they tyed them to their horsse tayles and drewe them after them through ways ful of stones caused them to die miserablye The Duke passed from Couentrie to Deintrie the next day to Northampton from thence to Dunstable then to Saint Albons and a fiue or sixe miles before hys comming to London the Maior and the Companyes in their lyueries with greate noyse of Trumpets mette the Duke doyng more reuerence to hym than to the Kyng reioycing that God had sente them suche a Prince that had conquered the Realme within one monthes space When the Duke came within two miles of the Citie the duke caused the hoste to stay and then said to the commons of the Citie My maisters beholde here youre King consider what yée will doe wyth him They answered they woulde he should be ledde to Westminster wherevppon he was deliuered vnto them and they ledde him to Westminster and from thence by water to the Tower of London The D. entred into London by y e chief gate rode through Cheape to Sainte Paules where he was after lodged in the Bishops Pallace fiue or sixe dayes and after at Saint Iohns without Smithfield where he remained xv days from thēce he remoued to Hertforde where he abonde thrée wéekes and then came backe to London to hold the Parliament that began the firste Wednesday of October in Westminster Hall which they had hung and trimmed sumptuously and hadde caused
sodeinly into the parties where the Rebels kept their rage and when Henry saw vpon a sodein the Kings banner and was euen ready to haue scaled y ● towne of Shrewsburie he streightways Shrevvsburie beseeged desisted frō the assault of the towne and said to his men we must now néedés turne our weapons vpon them that come against vs ye sée the Kings Stādert neither cā we though we would séeke any startinghole stand to it manfully therfore for this day shall eyther bring vs all to promotion and honor if we ouercome or else if we be ouercome it shall deliuer vs frō the Kings malice for it is a more comely thing to die in battell for the cōmon wealth than after battell to die by the sentence of condemnation by the enimie with that 14000. of the best mē that wer with Henry made vow promise to stand by him so long as breath would serue they tooke the field that was commodious for them and the King his men lay in the field right against thē The bowmen of Henry Percy began the battell whose arrowes fell not vpon the ground but vpō the bodies of the Kings souldiers and the Kings archers shot as fiercely against their enimies so that on both sides many were slaine and many thousands fledde thinking the King had bin slaine but the Earle of Dunbar withdrew the King from the place that he stoode in which was a good turne for him for the foresayde Henry Percy Earle Dowglas the Scot than whome was neuer man more stoute raged so that the Kings Standert Tho. Wal● was ouerthrowne and those about it slaine among whome was slaine Humfrey Earle of Stafford Sir Walter Blunt the Kings Standertbearer Sir Nicholas Langford Sir Iohn Clifton and the two bréethren Genetels with many other Knightes Gentlemen and of the cōmons on both sides about 5000. slaine Henry the Prince was woūded in y ● face Titus 〈…〉 with an arrow In the meane season Hen. Percy whilest he went before his mē in the battel preasing vpō his enimies was sodeinly slaine which being knowne the Kings enimies fled but the Earle Dowglas was takē and also Tho. Percy Earle of Worcester with Sir Richard Vernon and the Baron of Kinderton and many other were taken This battell was fought on Mary Magdalen euē néere vnto Shrewsburie in a place called Old field alias Bull field On the Monday following were cōdēned beheaded at Shrewsburie y ● Earle of Worcester the Barō of Kindarton and Sir Ri. Vernon The body of Hen. Percy was deliuered to the L. of Furniuale to be buried but the King caused the same body to be taken by and to be reposed betwéene two Milstones in the Towne of Shrewsburie there to be kept with armed men and afterward to be headed and quartered commanding his head and quarters to be caried vnto diuers Cities of the Kingdome The Earle of Northumberland with a strong power was comming towards his as men thought or at the least towards the King but the Earle of Westmerland and Robert Waterton had gathered a great armie and had entred to méete him sodeinly but he taking none of them both to be his friends returned vnto the Castell of Werworth When all things were set in a stay at Shrewsburie the King went towards Yorke where when he was setled hée sent to the Earle of Northumberland commanding him to dismisse his company and to come to him and the Earle at the Kings commandement came to him on the morrow after Saint Lawrence daye but the King receyued him not friendly but as one that sued for pardon and pardoning him of his life committed him to safe custodie The Britons Amorikes the Lord of Cassels being their leader Plimmouth spoyled by the Britons Anno reg 5. inuaded the Towne of Plimmouth spoyled and brent it and went their way frée but immediately the Westerne Nauie vnder the conduct of William Wilford Esquire in the coast of Briton tooke fortie Shippes laden with Iron Oyle Sope and Wine of Rochell to the number of a thousand Tonne and in returning backe agayne he brent forty Shippes and at Penarch the sayd William arriued with his men and burned Townes and Lordships the space of sixe leagues and set the Towne of Saint Mathew on fire and their Milles about the said Towne Thomas Falconer Thomas Poole the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Frenchmen inuade the Isle of VVight Sir William Askham Fishmonger the 28. of October A little before Christmas the Frenchmen came into the Isle of Wight boasting that they would kéepe their Christmas there and when a thousand of the Frenchmen were entred into the Iland and driuing flockes of Cattell towarde the Sea sodeinly there came vpon them a company of the Iland men that forced them to leaue their pray behinde them and to get them gone with shame ynough to theyr Shippes with no small losse of their men In a Parliament holden at London after the Octaues of the Epiphany the Earle of Northumberland was restored to his former estate and dignitie And in this Parliamente was graunted vnto the King an vnaccustomed taske very heauie and paynefull for the inhabitants the manner of which taske the grannters thereof would haue to be kept secret for euermore and vnder that condition only it was graunted that it should not be any example to them that should come after and that there should remayne no record thereof but the same forthwith to be brent The Frenchmen about that time came before the I le of 1404 Frenchmen come to the I le of VVight Wight with a great Nauie and sente certayne of their men to demaund in the name of King Richard and of Quéene Isabell a tribute or subsedie of the inhabitants who answered that King Richard was dead and the Quéene sometime his wife was sent home to hir parents withoute condition of any tribute but if the Frenchmens minde were to fight they willed them to come vp and no man should let them for the space of sixe houres to refresh themselues but when that time were exspired they should haue battayle giuen to them which when the Frenchmen heard they went away and did nothing The Lord of Cassels in Briteine arriued at Blacke poole two Dertmouth inuaded by the French mile out of Dertmouth with a great Nauie where of the rusticall people whome he euer despised he was slayne There were takē that day thrée Lords twenty Knightes of name and the vplandish people presenting their captiues to the King returned with their pursses full of gold In the moneth of Aprill the Cleargie granted vnto the king a tenth All the sommer following Owen Glendouerdewe Ovven Glendouerdevve and his Welchmen robbe burne and destroy the Countreys adioyning vnto them he tooke many captiues and slew many Englishmen he layde flatte certayne Castels that he had taken and some he kept for hys owne defence The Flemings and Briteines tooke certayne
Shippes of oures laden with Merchandizes and slew or hanged all the marriners The olde Countesse of Oxforde mother to Robert de Vere Duke of Ireland who as we sayde before died at Louaine did cause suche as were familiar with hir to brute throughout all the parts of Estsex that King Richard was aliue and that he should shortly come and chalenge his old estate and dignitie She caused many Harts of Siluer and some of Gold to be made for badges such as King Richarde was wont to bestow on his Knightes Esquires friends that distributing them in the Kings name she might the sooner allure the Knightes and other valiant men of the Countrey to be at hir will and desire Also the fame and brute whiche dayly was blazed abroade by one William Serle sometimes of King Richards Chamber that the same King Richard was in Scotland and tarried with a power of French and Scottishmen caused many to beléeue that he was aliue This William Serle had forged a priuie Seale in the said King Richards name and had sent diuers comfortable letters vnto such as were familiar with King Richarde by which meanes many gaue the greater credite to the Countesse in so much that some religious Abbots of that Countrey did giue credite vnto hir tales who afterward were taken af the Kings commandement and emprisoned bycause they did beléeue and giue credit to the Countesse in this behalfe and the Countesse had all hir goodes confiscate was cōmitted to close prison and William Serle was drawne frō Pomfret through the chiefest Cities of England put to death at London About the feast of S. Iohn Baptist at the Kings commandement the Earle of Northumberlād came to Pomfret brought with him his Nephues nephues sonnes by which doing he mitigated the mindes of many whiche thought that he had giuen the yong men counsell to rebell There came also with him William Clifford Knight who brought with him that William Serle K. Richards chamberlain whom we spake of before who by a wile he had caught Anno reg 6. and apprehended by which doing the King held him excused and pardoned him for that he had kept the Castell of Berwike against the Kings will and pleasure William Louth Stephen Spilman the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hinde Draper the 28. of October About the feast of Saint Faith the King called a Parliament at Couentry and sent processe to the Sheriffes that they should choose no Knights nor burgesses that had any knowledge in the lawes of the Realme by reason wherof it was called the Lay mans Parliamēt These piked out Knights Lay mans Parliament and Burgesses could deuise none other way to reléeue the Kings lacke of money but to depriue the Cleargie of their temporall lands and goodes but Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury made answere that the Cleargie did alwayes giue the King as much as the Lay people did considering that they did of●●er giue the King tenthes than the laytie gaue fiftéenes and moreouer that more of their Tenants did serue the King in his warres thā of the Tenants of the lay fée and besides this they prayed for the prosperitie of the King and of all them that faithfully serued him And whē the speker of y e Parliamēt said with a loud voice that he little regarded y e prayers of the Church the Archbishop of Cāterbury answered then quoth he I know to what end the fortune of the Realme will come whē the suffrages of y e Church are not set by wherwith y e Godhead is wont to be appeased surely that Kingdome neuer cōtinueth stable y ● is voyde of prayer deuotion notwithstanding thinke not that thou shalt without punishmēt take away the possessiōs of the Church for if the Archbishop of Canterburie liue thou shalte haue euill taking of any thing that is his Then the Archbishoppe rose vppe and knéeled downe before the Kyng desiring hym to consider howe gratiouslie and by Gods fauour he had atteyned to the Kingdome that he would cōsider his first promis which was that he would preserue vnto euery man their right and title so farre as lay in him He also willed him to remember the oth which he voluntarily made which was that he would honor and defend the Church and Ministers thereof wherefore he desired him to permit and suffer the Church to enioy the priuiledges and liberties which in time of his predecessors it did enioy and to feare that King by whome all Kings doe raigne When the Archbishop had said these and like words the King commanded him to go to his seate againe and sayde that his intent and purpose was to leaue the Church in as good state or better than he found it And then the Archbishop speaking to the Knightes and burgesses sayde you and such like as you be haue giuen such counsell vnto our King and to his predecessors to confiscate the goodes of the In Edvvard the thirds time Celles whiche the Frenchmen and Normans did possesse in England and sayd that by them he should heape vp great riches as in déede they were woorth many thousands of gold notwithstanding it is most true that the King at this day is not the richer thereby of halfe a Marke for you haue extorted or at the least begged them out of his handes and haue appropriated the saide goodes vnto your selues so that it may be coniectured that your request to haue our temporalities is not for the Kings profite but for your owne couetousnesse for without doubt if the King as God forbid he should fulfill your wicked purpose he should not be one farthing the richer the next yeare following and surely I will sooner let my head be cut off than that the Churche should be destitute of the least right that perteyneth to it c. The Cleargie granted a tenth and a halfe and the commons two fiftéenes on condition the Lord Furniuall should receyne it to spend in the Kings warres The same time such abundance of water brake sodeinly ouer the bankes in Kent as was neuer séene the like in those partes whereby were drowned Beastes and Cattell without number neyther did England only bewayle theyr losses but also Zeland Flanders and Holland susteyned the like by the great excesse of waters This yeare died William Wikeham Bishop of Winchester Colledge at Oxford by whose charges and trauell the Cleargie of England was much encreased for he builded a notable Colledge in Oxford for the encrease of learning where he placed the Warden and his company to the number of lxx besides children seruants and tenne Priestes to kéepe dayly seruice enduing the sayd company with sufficient lands He beganne the foundation of a new Colledge at Winchester Colledge at VVinchester and in sixe yeares finished the same where he placed the like number of Schollers to learne their Grāmer and other principles to be sent afterward to his other Colledge at Oxford These two
Colledges are called the new Colledges dedicated to our blessed Lady He builded the great body of the Church of Saint Swithens in Winchester where the Sermons are made where his body is enterred a very princely worke neyther did he for all this diminish any thing of his ordinarie housholde charges and fedde as the writing engraued on his Sepulchre sheweth both rich and poore He deceassed at the age of fourescore yeares He dyed rich for beside that he gaue to his kinsefolke and to the poore he gaue somewhat to euery Church in his Dioces He gaue many things to the King and to his owne seruants and to his Colledges neyther do I doubt but y t he that thus liued is now with God whome I beséech to reyse vp many like Bishops in England Iohn Leyland writeth by the reporte of Doctor London Iohn Leyland that this William Wikeham was borne at Wickham in Hampshire and was sonne to one William Perot parishe clarke there of which place he tooke his surname and that one Mayster Wodale of Wickham brought him vp at schole where he learned his Grammer and to write faire After this the Connestable of Winchester Castell at that time a great ruler in Hampshire gote Perot alias Wickham of W●dall and made him his Clearke Edward the third comming to Winchester Castell liked Wickham and tooke him to seruice and vnderstanding that he had mind to be a Priest made him first Parson of Saint Martins in London and then Deane of Saint Martins le Graund and then Archdeacon of Buckingham He made him also surueyor of his buildings as of Windsore Quinborow in Kent and other buildings After this he preferred him to be bearer of the priuie Sealt mayster of the Wardes and Forrests and Treafourer of the Kings reuenues in France then Bishop of Winchester Chancellour and Treasourer of England as it very manifestly sayth Iohn Leyland appeareth by writing The blacke Prince scant fauoured Wickham wherefore Wickham procured to kéepe the Prince in battell out of the Realme but at length Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Alice Peeres Concubine to Edward the third caused him to be banished the Realme and then he dwelled in Normandy and Picardie seauen yeares Edward the thirde yet liuing but he was restored about the second yeare of Richard the second of whome he had a generall pardon Aboute the feast of Saint Valentine the sonnes of the Barle of Marches sonnes Earle of March were taken out of the Castell of Windsore and ledde away into Wales to Owen Glendouerdewe but shortly after were recouered againe The Smith that made the keyes by the which they that conuayde them got into them had first his hands and then his head cut off The Lady Spencer Sister to the Duke of Yorke and widow of Thomas Lord Spencer before executed at Brestow being apprehended and committed to prison accused hit brother the Duke of Yorke to be chiefe author in stealing away of the Earle of Marches sonnes wherefore the sayde Duke was kept by Sir Iohn Pelham in the Castell of Pemsey till the next Parliament After the feast of the Purification of our Lady the King assembled his Barons at London to treate of the gouernement of the Realme and to haue ayde of money to be giuen him but the Nobles would not at that time obey his request In the Lent following therefore the King caused the Cleargie and the Barons to assemble at Saint Albons for the matter aforesayd but by reason the Nobles stroue against him there was nothing done and so departed on Palme sonday About the fiftéenth of March in a fight betwixt the Englishmen 1405 Conspiracy against King Henry by the Archbishop of Yorke other and Welchmen the sonne of Owen Glendouerdewe was taken and fiftéene hundred with him were taken or slayne Henry Percy Earle of Northumberlande Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke Thomas Mowbray Earle Marshall Thomas Lord Bardolph and other cōspiring against King Henry assembled togither the Citizens of Yorke and many other to stand with them for the commoditie of the Realm And to animate the commons to be the readier vnto this businesse they set articles vpō the dores of the Monasteries Churches of the same Citie written in English agaynste the King bycause he had put downe King Richard offering themselues for those articles to liue and die which caused great number of people to resort to them but Ralph Neuill Earle of Westmerland that was not farre off togither with Iohn Duke of Lancaster the Kings sonne being enformed of these things gathered an armie with spéede to goe against the Archbishops company but all was in vayne for the Archbishops power was farre greater than theirs wherevpon the Earle of Westmerland sente messengers to enquire of the Archbishop the cause of so great an assembly in armour contrarie to the Kings peace wherevnto the Archbishop answered that he tooke nothing in hand against the Kings peace and he was in armour and munited with men only for feare of the King whome he could not safely come vnto to speake but his purpose he said was good and cōmodious both for y e King Realme if happily they would know it thē he shewed a scedule in which y e articles were conteyned which when the Earle of Westmerland had read he with word and countenance praysed the Bishops holy and vertuous intent and promised that he and his would prosecute the same with the Archbishop The Archbishop being glad of this beléeued the Earles words perswaded the Earle Marshall being vnwilling therevnto to go with him to a place appointed to talke togither to whome they with like number came and the writing with the Articles was read ouer streightway the Earle and they that were with him gaue their assent to these articles then sayde the Earle being subtiller than the rest behold the labour that we haue takē in hand is come to such end as we would haue it and the people hath now bin long in armour let some of your mē beare word vnto the people to go their way home and to lay downe their armour and euery mā to fall to his occupation and accustomed labour in the meane season we in token of concord will drinke togither that the people on both sides shall sée it and without delay after they had takē each other by the hands a Knight was sent on the Archbishops behalfe to beare word to y e people that it was peace and to command euery man to lay downe their armour and to go to their owne home The people beholding signes of peace the Lords drinking togither being awéeried with the vnaccustomed trauell of war turned the reines of their bridles homewards and so it came to passe y ● whē the people of y e Archbishops side went away y e nūber of the aduersaries increased as before it was appointed the Archbishop did not perceiue y t he was betrayd vntill such time as y e Earle
of dyuerse warres that haue risen in sundry partes of the world and euen now of late to the number of thirtie thousande which by reason of the dissention had vpon the Bishoprick of Leons betwixte two which do striue and contende the one in the aucthoritie of the true Pope and the other by the aucthoritie of the Antipope were in slaughter fielde a lamentable thing to be spoken slaine and distroyed Truely the Apostolike sea woulde be in greate heauinesse of heart and woulde rather forsake the honor of the Apostolicall sea thā then to sée from henceforth such wicked slaughter to be committed and woulde take example of the true mother who before King Salomon rather chose to giue place than that the childe shoulde be cutte in péeces c. thus muche of the Epistle sente by the Kyng of Englande to the foresayde Gregorie This yeare was a great play at the skinners Wel nere vnto Clearkenwel besids Londō which lasted viij days was of matter from the creation of the world there were to bethe same the most part of the nobles and gentles in Englād and forthwith after beganne a royall iusting in Smithfielde betwéene the Earle of Somerset and the Seneshall of Henalt sir Iohn Cornewall sir Richard of Arundale and the sonne of sir Iohn Cheyne against other Frenchmen Anno reg 11 Sherifes Maior Iohn Lawe William Chicheley the. 28. of September Sir Richard Marlow Ironmonger the. 28. of October Thomas Beuforte Erle of Surrey was made Chanceller and Henrie Scrope was made Treasurer In a Parliament holden at London in the Lent season 1410 the Knights and Burgesses presented to the King a Bill in this forme To the most excellent Lord the King and al the Nobles in this present Parliament assembled your faithfull Commons humbly do shewe that our soueraigne Lord the king may haue the Temporall possessions and landes whych by Th. Wals the Bishoppes Abbots and Priors are proudely spent and wasted in this Realme which woulde suffise to finde 150. Earles 1500. Knightes 6200. Esquiers and 100. Hospytals more than now be c. but when they went about to declare out of what places those great summes were to be leuied wherby the forsayde states should be endued they wāted in theyr accompte wherefore the King commanded thē that from thenceforth they shoulde not presume to moue any such matter Upon the euen of Saint Iohn Baptist the kings sonne being in Eastcheap at supper after midnight betwixt two and thrée of the clocke a great debate hapned betwéene his men and men of the Courte lasting an houre til the Maior and Sherifes with other Citizens ceased the same for the which afterward the sayde Maior Sherifes and Aldermen were sent for to appeare before the Kyng to aunsweare at whych the King with his sonnes and diuerse other Lordes were highly moued againste the Citie where through William Gascoigne chiefe Justice enquired of the Maior and Aldermen for the Citizens whether they woulde put them in y e Kings grace wherevnto they aunswered they had not offēded the Kyng nor his sonnes but according to law stanched the debates then the King seeing it woulde be none otherwyse forgaue altogither and they departed King Henrie founded a Colledge at Battelfielde in Shropshire where he ouercame Anno. reg 12 Battelfield founded Sherifes Maior 1411 Guilde Hal in Londō builded sir Henrie Percie and other Iohn Penne Thomas Pike the. 28. of September Sir Thomas Knowles Grocer the. 28. October About Easter the Guilde Hall in London was begun to bée made newe by the forsayde Maior and Aldermen The Custos or Gardian with the brethrē of the Grocers in Londō purchased their Hall in Cunihope Lane for 320. markes and thē●aide the foundation therof on the tenth of May. Iohn Prendergest Knight and William Long kept the seas from Pirates and Rouers so that the passage by Sea was quiet but by the ill willers they were accused of theft robberie themselues whervpon the Knight toke Sanctuarie at Westminster where he could not haue an house or cotage to hide his heade for that the same was forbidden by the King so that he was forced to lye in a Tente whiche he set vp in the Church Porch and to haue men to watch him in the nighte season for feare of his enimie but his fellowe William remayned on the sea vntill the Admirall had prepared shippes readie and went in person to fetch him whiche he coulde not doe till he promised him by his fidelitie that he shoulde haue no harme which promise notwithstāding William was imprisoned in the tower of London The Earle of Arundale the Earle of Kime sir Robert Vmfreuile sir Iohn Oldecastle Lord of Cobham sir Iohn Gray and other warlike power and a greate number of Archers were sent into France to the ayde of the Duke of Burgoine against the Duke of Orleaunce which at Saint Elo beside Paris incoūtred with the enimyes vpon whom they had a noble victorie wherfore they were bountifully rewarded by the Duke of Burgoine and then returned into Englande A Squire of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had long time rebelled against the King was brought to London and there drawen hanged and quartered Anno reg 13 Iohn Raynwel William Cotton the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Robert Chicheley Grocer the. 28. of October After the feast of All Saintes a Parliamente was begun at London The King caused a newe kinde of Nobles to be made 1412 whiche were of lesse value than the olde by foure pence in the noble King Henrie foūded the Colledge of Fodringhey in Northamptonshire Henrie the fifth gaue it lande of Priories of Monkes aliantes by him supressed A Goldsmith and his man of Fleete in London were bothe murdered by night in the Duke of Yorkes place without Temple barre and were cast into the riuer of Thamis About the fiftéenth of August the King by determination of the Counsel appoynting to send help to the Duke of Orleaunce sent his second sonne Thomas Duke of Clarence Edwarde Duke of Yorke and Thomas Earle of Dorset and many valiant men wyth a strong power to helpe to the Duke of Orleaunce against the Duke of Burgonie or euer al y ● other were returned whiche a while agoe went ouer with y e erle of Arundale to ayde the Duke of Burgonie so that many men maruelled of the sodaine chaunge that in so small a tyme the Englishmen dyd ayde and assiste the two contrarie parts notwythstandyng the foresayde Nobles wente forewardes and arriued in Normandie where when the Duke of Orleaunce did not méete them at the tyme appointed they brent hys townes and spoyled his Countrey and tooke manye holdes At length thoughe late the Dukes of Clarence and of Orleance mette and talked togither And the matter was so entreated of betwéene them that our menne shoulde desyste from raungyng throughe the Countrey and refrayne from robberie which when our men hadde graunted they departed into
to be made to any Prince of England The King gaue them all generallye thankes for theyr good mindes towardes hym and therewyth exhorted them to the zeale of the publike prosperitie and honoure of the Realme If anye man hadde offended hym he pardoned theyr trespasse and desyred heartily of GOD that if hée shoulde rule and doe all things well to the honoure of GOD and the prosperous commoditie of the Realme that then God woulde suffer him to be Crowned But if hys fortune shoulde bée to doe otherwyse that then GOD shoulde take hym to hys mercye and suffer hym rather to be buried than to enterprise the charge of the Realme The ninth day of April he was crowned at Westminster by Thomas Arundell Archebyshoppe of Canterburie after whyche Coronation he called vnto hym all those young Lords and Gentlemen that were the folowers of his yong actes to euerye one of whome he gaue rich and bounte●●s giftes and then commanded that as many as would chāge their maners as he intended to doe should abide with him in his Courte and to all that woulde perseuer in theyr former light conuersation he gaue expresse commaundemente vpon paine of their heades neuer after that day to come in his presence About this time Thomas Duke of Clarence the Kings brother came from the coastes of Aquitaine who as we said before was sent to ayde the Duke of Orleaunce againste the Duke of Burgoine A great part of the Citie of Norwich was brent with all Tho. Wals the house of the Frier Preachers and also two Friers of that order Sir Iohn Oldcastle at that time Lorde of Cobham for diuerse pointes touching the Sacrament before the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie the Bishops of London Winchester other was conuict and committed to the Tower of London out of the which he brake ouer the walles in the night and escaped about the feast of Simon and Iude. Iohn Stutton Iohn Michel the. 28. of September Sherises Maior Sir William Cromer Draper the. 28. of October Richard the second somtime king of England which was at the first enterred in the church of the preaching Friers of Langley was takē vp and royally buried at Westminster with no small charges to the King The K. kéeping his Christmasse at his manour of Eltham vij miles from London was warned y ● certain had conspired against him eyther to haue taken or sodainly slain him his brethren on Twelfth day ●t night whervpon the king sent word to the Maior of Londō y t he should arrest all suspitious persons wherevpon the Maior forthwith caused euery Aldermā in his ward to kéep great watch and about tenne of the clocke at nighte wente hymselfe wyth a strong power to the signe of the Are wythoute Byshoppes Gate where they apprehended the man of the house called Iohn Burgate Carpenter and vij other sent them to Eltham where they confessed before the Kyng that they were confederate with Sir Iohn Oldcastell to fight against him and his Lords in Saint Giles fielde aboue Holborne On the morrow after the Twelfth day the King King Henry kept the field by S. Giles vvithout Holborne re●●●ued priuily to Westminster and with a greate armie kept the fielde of S●●●t G●les for he was warned that Sir Iohn Oldcastell and Sir Roger Acton woulde be in the same field on the next day following with fiue and twentie thousand people and the same night were taken more than fourescore men in armour of the same faction Also the King being told of an am●●shment gathered in Harengay Parke ●●nte thither certayne Lordes who tooke many among whome was one William Murl● a rich ●aultmā or Bruer of Dunstaple who had his two Horsses trapped with Golde following him and a paire of gilt Spurres in his bosome for he thought to haue bin made Knight on the morrow by the hande●●● Sir Iohn Old●●stell The twelfth of January thrées●●r● and nine of them were condemned of treafo●● Many men hanged and some brent in Ficket● field at Westminster and on the morrow after seauen and thirtie of th●● were dr●●●●● from the Tower of London to Newgate and so to Saint G●●●● and there in a place called Fickets fielde were all hanged and ●e●●ien of them brent Gallowes and ●● The xix of January were drawne and hanged Sir Iohn Be●erley Priest Iohn B●●gate Carpenter a Text writer in S●●●● Iohns stréete and a Glouer on London bridge and shortly after Sir Roger A●●on Knight was taken who on the tenth of February was drawne hanged and buryed vnder the Gall●wes The twentith of February deceassed Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Conterburie Anno reg 2. The King taking compassion vpon Henry Percy a yong 1414 man who by his Grandfather Henry Percy Earle of North●●●●erland was caryed into Scotland after the death of his father who was s●aine in the battell of Shrewsburie when this yong man was then but a child commanded thē that were of his kindred and néerest friends to solicite for his reclayming home agayne out of Scotland minding not only to honor him by calling him home agayne but also to ●●●●● him Earle of Northumberland In the moneth of May a Parliament was begon at Leycester Parliament at Leycester Porter of the Tovver executed and there was a Porter of y ● Tower of Lōdon drawne hanged and headed whose head was sent to London and set ouer the Tower gate for consenting to one that brake out of the Tower named 〈◊〉 In this Parliamente Iohn the Kings brother was made Duke of Bedford Humfrey Dukes created his brother Duke of Glocester and Richard brother to the Duke of Yorke was made Earle ●● Cambridge To this Parliament came the Embassadors of the French King and also of the Duke of B●●g●●dy but not with like in●●●te and purpose for the D. of ●●●g●ndy desired ayde against the ● of Orleance promising as men layd more than he was able to perfourme wherefore the King of England ●●●● 〈◊〉 Embassadors to them both amongst whome were the Bishops of Durham and Norwich as chi●f 〈…〉 were oft times sent into France and the French Kings Embassadors were sente hither with great cost on both ●●●●s but no hope of peace to be had On Mary Magdalens day in London Iohn ●●●nser Esquire with mine of his men set vpon and ●lew The Queenes Chancellour flayne Iohn T●●bey Clearke Archdeacon of Hun●●●g●● and Chancellour to Quéene Ioane late wife to Henry the fourth for the which fact the sayd Esquire and foure of his men fled to Saint Annes Church within Aldersgai● where they were mured vp with boord and watched day and night till the xxj of August on the which day they forsware the lande Men foresvvare the land and passed through the Citie towards Caleis in their shirtes and bréeches eache of them hauing a Crosse in hys hand This yeare dyed the ●oalours of Newgate and Ludgate Prisoners dyed of London and many prisoners in Newgate to
the number of thréescore and foure The tenth of September Iohn Claydon Skinner and A Skinner a Baker brent Richard Gurmonfrench Baker in Lombardstree●e of London were brent in Smithsield Iohn Michel● Thomas Allin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Mooregate first made in the vvall of Lōdon Thomas Fawconar Mercer the 28. of October This Thomas Fawconar Maior caused to breake the wall of London néere to the ende of Colmanstreete and made there a Gate vpon the moore side where was none before He also caused the ditches of the Citie to be cleansed and a comm●● priuie that was on the moore without the wall to be taken downe and another to be made within the Citie vpon Walbrooke into the which brooke he caused the water of citie to be turned by grates of iron in diuers places Our Embassadors the Bishops of Durham Norwich returning now the second time out of France declared to the King that the Frenchmen did but vse fraude and deceiptes wherefore the King being stirred vp vnto anger determined to a●at● their ●●●rnin●●● and to teach them to vnderstād their fully in ●●aking of a ●●éeping Dogge and forth with the King commanded all the Pre●●tes and Nobles of the Realme to come to London there to intreate of waight● affaires cōcerning y ● Realme at y ● which time the Archbishop of Canterbury held a great counsayle in y ● which were chosen 〈◊〉 of the Cleargie of England to go to the generall Counsell that should be holden at Constance a Citie of Germ●● and so there were sent the Bishops of Salisburie Bath and Hereford and with them the Abbot of Westminster and the Prior of Worcester and many other wise men in co●●●●●● of the Earle of Warwike whose presence did thē much honour This yeare the order of Church seruice throughout Anno reg 3. 1415 Order of Church seruice in England altered England was changed from the vse of Saint Paule to the vse of Salisburie which was to the great disliking of many men in those dayes When King Henry percey●ed that the Frenchmen had with deceite entreated him with fayned promises and faire words he gathered his ●a●y togither apointed his bowmē● men of armes prepared his engins all things necessary ●or y ● warres cōmanding all y ● should go w e him to be ready against the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist and to m●e●e him at Hampton The eyghtenth day of ●●●e King Henry with many Lords and others rode from London toward South-hampton the Maior 〈◊〉 and Craftes of the C●tle 〈…〉 ing him on his ●●●y to ●he ●owne of Kingston vpon Thamis while●● the King 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 where he abode for his reli●●●● and ●●●ffe ●●nging to the warres On the last ●● July was discouered a great conspiracie Conspiracy disclosed Tho. Wals Regist Maior against him by three 〈…〉 is 〈◊〉 of all the rest he pat greatest trust and confid●●●● 〈…〉 of them was Henry Scrope Lord Treasours the second Richard ●a●●e of Cambridge brother ●o Edward Duke of Yorke and Sir Thomas Grey a Knight of the North these had made Edmond Earle of Ma●●h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vpon a Booke not to d●●●●ose their counsell and then ●●l●● him that they thought to 〈◊〉 the King and to 〈◊〉 the sayd Ed●●ō●● King the which ●● he refused to take vpon him they would ●●ey him where vppon the Earle prayse them to giue him one hou●es spa●e to take ●●uise●ent what was best to doe whiche being granted the Earle went secretly and ●ol● the King● ther●●● who caused them forthwith ●o be apprehended and brought before him where they confessed the ●●●ason for the which on the sixth of August they were ar●●●gned in y ● Kings presence and the same day all three beheaded The Earle was buried head and all bu● the other hea●● were ●e●●● the one to Yorke the other to Newcastell vpon Tine and there se● vp On the eleuenth of August the King tooke shipping and entred the Sea with a thousand Sayle Enguerant sayth King Henry sayled into Normandy Tho. W●●s Titus Liuius Enguerant 1600. Sayles and the third night after arriued at Kedeca●x in Normandy whiche is betwixte Hereflete and ●imflete of whose comming all the Cities and States of th●●● partes being aduertised were striken with great feare The King the Dukes of Clarence and of Glocester his bréethren the Duke of Yorke his Unkle the Earles Barons Knightes Gentlemen and Souldiours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an●●●● ● there and tooke land without any resistance and the King forthwith falling to the ground vpon his knées deuoutely prayde to God that to his honor he would giue him iustice of his enimies He had at his landing in his host sixe thousande Speares and xxiiij thousand footemen besides Gunners and other enginars artificers and labourers of whome the King had great abundance The King gaue to diuers Gentlemen the order of Titus Liuius Knighthoode and assigned the bearing of his Standarts and Banners to such mē as he knew to be of great strength and prowesse All thing being set in good order and array the King with all his host ascended to the toppe of an high hill there nigh and there he rested the next day On the sixtéenth day of August the Duke of Clarence leader of the foreward in good ordinance entred his iourney towarde a Towne called Herefleete distant from Kedecamp scarcely thrée leagues where he lodged his host in a field before the towne The King at his comming lodged himselfe nigh to the first warde not farre from the Towne The Earle of Suffolke Michaell at Poole Chiefetayne of the rereward lodged on the other side before the Towne Other noble men that had the conduct of the two wings lodged them one on the right hād the other on the left Forthwith were sent to the Towne men of armes in great number to sée the scituation thereof who shortly returned with a great pray of Cattell and enformed the King of all his demaundes Hereflete is the key of the sée of all Normandy and is scituate Enguerant Description of Herefleete vpon the Sea side by the Riuer of Seene betwixte two hilles and through the middle thereof runneth a Riuer whiche not farre from the same Towne entreth into the Seane and from thence both those Riuers in one descende into the Sea where as a great and goodly Hauen is belonging to the same Towne which Hauen is garnished with the defence of two faire and strong Towers and in the same Hauen a right great Nauie of Shippes may ride in safetie and if the inhabitants of this Towne enclose and képe within the Towne the course of the foresayd Riuer by their sluces as they may right well do then the Riuer riseth without the Towne so high that it forecloseth all entries to the walles so that no man may approch the towne on that part This Towne is also defended with high and thicke walles and towers and is also enuironed with broade
and déepe ditches To this Towne also belongeth only two Gates for entries the one called Calturances the other Mostrouillier In this Towne besides the inhabitants thereof for the defence of the same were foure hundred men of armes deputed in Garrison amongst whome were these Lords Lord Discouteuile chiefe Captayne of the Towne Lord Blanuile Lord Haqueuile Lord Harmanuile Lord Eancourt Lord Gaillard Bos and diuers other Lords and men expert in warre The King commanding the Duke of Clarence to asséege the Towne he endeuoured Titus Liuius to conuey his people ouer the Riuer in the passage whereof he had a great skirmish with the inhabitants of the Towne but at the last his aduersaries being put to flight recoyled within the walles The Duke conuayde ouer the Riuer all his ward and company and bycause the Riuer deuided the Kings Camp from the Dukes they ordeyned a ready and sure passage ouer the same Riuer betwixt both the Campes to the kéeping whereof certayne Gentlemen were appoynted so that theyr enimies myghte not endomage them neyther by Water nor Lande In this meane time befell a great misaduenture to the Enguerant Frenchmen that were beséeged for the Gonnepouder and shotte that was sent vnto them by the French King was encountred vpon the Sea by the Englishmen and taken to their great displeasure and domage The King gaue the charge of the fielde to his brother Titus Liuius Humfrey Duke of Glocester On the same side the Riuer that the King lay was y e Duke of Yorke high Connestable of England lodged with his band When euery man was placed y e Towne was so streightly asséeged that all entries and issues of the Towne were stopped so y ● they of y e towne were in dispaire to haue any succour from the Realme of France Many engins were reysed by the English which in short time should haue bin the destruction of the walles if they of the Towne had not the sooner stopped the Riuer of the same towne within wherby the water gathered reised without the towne betwixt the King and the D. of Clarence to the semblance of a little Sea which caused the Englishmen to withdraw their Gonnes and other engins whereby at that time the walles were saued Then the King caused to Enguerant be made vnder the water thrée great Mines vnto the walles of the towne which in like maner had bin the cause of their ruine if the inhabitants had not countermined them and letted their purpose The inhabitants of the Town perceyuing Titus Liuius themselues thus streightly asséeged as well by Land as by Sea conuayde all their Shippes within their Hauē and bound them togither with cheynes and in the two towers that were made for the defence of the Hauen they put certaine Garrisons and armed men who oftentimes attempted to inuade the Kings Nauie but at all times they were by his Shippes beaten and constreyned to recule still within their Hauen at the last the Captaynes and inhabitants considering that by such skirmishes as well vpon the Land as vpon the Sea they gained nothing tooke this appointment with the King that if they were not rescued by the Frenchmen within certayne dayes limited they shoulde then delyuer into hys handes the Towne with thirtie persons of the greatest and most noble within the Towne suche as the King woulde desire to bée ordered at the Kings pleasure and all the residue as well menne of Warre as the inhabitantes of the same Towne without armoure and leauing behynde them theyr goodes shoulde fréely goe where they woulde for the suretie of whyche appoyntemente to bée kepte they deliuered vnto the King twelue of their greatest personages for pledges The Captaynes and inhabitants of the Towne séeing their day of appoyntment to approch and themselues vtterly desperate of any succours of their people ordeyned to perfourme their couenant at their day prefixed whiche was the xxij of September on which day came Sir Lionell Braquemont gouernour of the Towne vnto the King and knéeling before him sayd Most victorious Prince beholde héere the keyes of this Towne which after our promis I yéeld vnto you with the Towne my selfe and my companie Then were brought to the King the Lord Coteuile the Lord Gangcourt and other to the number of thirtie and all the residue as well souldioures as inhabitants were suffered vnarmed to depart The King constitute Captayne of the Towne Sir Thomas Beawford Earle of Dorset hys Unkle to whome he also committed two thousand souldiers chosen men of his host Then considering that winter drew on as also the losse of their men by reason of the Flix then reigning amongst them by which infirmitie died Michaell at Poole Earle of Suffolke the Bishop of Norwich the Enguerat Lord Beawmont and others and of the commons to the number of two thousand and aboue King Henry created the sonne of Michaell at Poole Earle of Suffolke who liued not long after After King Henry had remayned at Harefleete fiftéene dayes after y e deliuerie of the Towne and of the Towers he departed from thence towards Caleis whereof when his Titus Liuius enimies were aduertised and also by what way he intended to passe all the people of the Countrey Cities and Townes were maruellouslie oppressed with feare wherefore they hasted them to defensible places and other that were apt to warre tooke them to their horsses and assembled them togither in great number with no small companie of footemen and in all that they might they oppressed the Englishmen The Kings host kept an easie pace without making any hast and when they approched the Towne of Ewe their enimies assayled them in the fieldes with great force and noyse where on both parties it was foughten sore and vigorously Enguerant but the Frenchmen reculed to the Towne where they were in good suretie From thence the King departed and came to a passage of the Riuer of Some which the Frenchmen call Blankhestoke or Blanch tache This passage at Titus Liuius the comming vnto it was fixed with sharp stakes by their enimies so that they could not passe there but were constreyned to go farther séeking their passage vntill they came directly to haue the Citie of Amiens and the Castell of Gorby on their left side where they of the sayde Citie began with them a new fight but they were soone forced by the English to returne to their Citie agayne The xix of October the King passed the Riuer of Some at the passage of Vienna and Bethew-court and wente then to lodge him at Mouche-legach frō whence he aduanced him towardes the Riuer of Miramont In the meane time the French King and the Duke of Guyen his sonne then Dolphin purposing to resist the Englishmen came to Roane from whence they sent thrée Heraults to the King of England to giue vnderstanding that he should not escape without battayle vnto whome the sayde King answered All things be done at the pleasure
Saint Simon and Iude earely in the Regist of Maiors morning came tidings to London of this victorie for ioy whereof Te deum was song in all the Churches and at nine of the clocke all the orders of Religious men of the Citie went on Procession from Saint Paules vnto Westminster with the new Maior his Aldermen and the Craftes the Quéene and hir Lords and all hir trayne who all offered at Saint Edwards Shrine and then the Maior tooke his charge and euery man returned with great ioy The xxiij of Nouember King Henry arriued at Douer King Henry returned the Maior of London with the Aldermen and Crafts riding in red with hoods red and white mette with the King on Blacke heath comming from Eliam and so brought him thorough Londō to Westminster with all his prisoners of France On the next morrow the Maior Aldermen and 200. of the commoners presented the King with a thousand pound in two Basens of Gold worth 500. pound In the feast of the Purification seuen Dolphins of the sea came vp the Riuer of Thamis and playd there whiles four of them were kilde In a Parliament begun the fiftéenth of March at Westminster the halfepens of Ianua cōmonly called Galey halfepens Halfepens of Ianua forbiddē were forbid to be vsed as lawfull payment among the English people The first of May the Emperour landed at Douer and the Anno reg 4. 1416. seauenth of May the Maior Aldermen and Craftes of London receiue him at Blacke heath and the King with his Lords met him at Saint Thomas Waterings and so brought him thorough London to Westminster The Emperour returned out of England the sixtéenth of August after he had laboured but could make no peace betwéene England and France Iohn Benet Woolmā who had in Lōdō scattered scedules Tho Wals VVoolman beheaded ful of sedition was drawne hanged and beheaded on Michaelmas day The viij day of October was a Parchment maker of Trillmell stréete drawne hanged and headed for that he had harbored Sir Iohn Oldcastell Robert Widington Iohn Couentrie the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 5. Henry Barton Skinner the 28. of October In the Parliament at London the Earle of Dorset was made Duke of Excester The xxvij of Nouember was a Begger drawne and hanged for dismembring of yong children he was drawne in his owne carre from the Leaden Hall vnto Tiborne A Spicers wife of Saint Albons and the Bayliffes wife of Vinesburie were hanged at Tiborne and shortly after the Bayly of Vinesburie himselfe was also hanged at Tiborne On Easter day in the after noone at a Sermon in Saint Dunstons in the East of London a great fray happened in the 1417 A fray in Saint Dunstons Church Church where-through many people were sore wounded and one Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger dwelling at Sprots Key was slayne out of hande wherefore the Churche was suspended and the beginners of the fray which was the Lord Strange and Sir Iohn Tussell Knight through the quarell of their two wiues were brought to the Counter in the Pultry the Archbishop of Canterbury caused them to be excommunicate Records of Caunt The L. Strange his vvife doth penance as well at Paules Crosse as in al other Parish Churches of the Citie The xxi of Aprill the sayd Archbishop sate at S. Magnus to enquire of the authors of that disorder where he foūd the fault to be in the Lord Strange and his wife who vpon the first of May following in Paules Church before the Archbishop the Maior of London and other submitted themselues to penance and sware to do the same which was enioyned them that immediately al their seruants should in their shirtes goe before the Parson of S. Dunstons from Paules to S. Dunstons Church and the Lorde bare headed with his Lady bare footed Reignold Kenwood Archdeacon of London following them and at the halowing of the Church the Lady should fill all the vessels with water and also offer an ornament to the Alter of tenne pound and the Lord Straunge should offer a Pixe of Siluer of fiue pound The xxix of June the Earle of Huntington with his retinue fought with nine Carikes of Iene and tooke foure of them to their patrons and the Admirall of them all that was called the Bastard of Burbon with all the treasure that they all should haue bin waged with for a quarter of a yeare The thirtith of July King Henry with his host sayled into Normandy and tooke the Castell of Tonke and shortly after gat Cane Beyonx and many other Townes and Castels Henry Reade Iohn Gedney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richard Marlow Ironmonger the 28. of October Sir Iohn Oldcastell was sent vnto London by the Lorde Tho. Wals Powes out of Wales which Sir Iohn was conuict by Parliament drawne to Saint Giles field where he was hanged by Tho. Wals the necke in a chayne of iron and after consumed with fire The 14. of December King Henry continuing hys Anno reg 6. warres in France held his Christmas in Normādy at Bayaux about which time the Castell of Falase was yéelded vnto 1418 him and the Citie of Aueraunce was also yéelded After Easter Thomas Duke of Clarence was sent by the King to beséege the Monasterie of Becke Helowin and Humfrey Duke of Glocester was sent to beséege the Towne Cherburghe Richard Earle of Warwike was sent to beséege the Castell of Daunfrount and the Earle of Kime was sent to beséege the Castell of Milly Leuisque About the feast of the holy Trinitie the King sent Thomas Duke of Excester his Unkle into Normandy with fiftéene thousand men of armes In the moneth of June King Henry beséeged the noble Towne of Louens and compelled them within to yéelde to him vpon conditions on the euen of Saint Iohn Baptist Then the King on the xxij of June remoued his armie Titus Liuius towards Pount large where he layde his séege on the one side of y ● Towne by the middle whereof the Riuer of Seene hath his course but could haue no passage ouer the riuer to lay séege on y e other side for y e bridge which was without y e town was defended with a strong Tower and a Garrison but King Henry commanded to make Boates of wickers and those to be closed in Beastes Skinnes by which Boates on the fifth of July the Duke of Clarence with hys companie passed ouer secretly in great number and then beséeged the other side of the Towne but bycause the Riuer of Seene diuided his host whereby if eyther part should haue néede of other they could not come togither for the Riuer the King caused to be made so many small square Boates of the wicker aforesayd that being tyed togither and cast into the Riuer he made of them a Bridge When the inhabitants and Garrisons perceyued them thus enuironed in all partes they agréed with the King that if within
Towne of Moun●iour de Villers the towne of Ewe the Towne of Gurney the newe Castle and generallye all the places in that part This yere Quéene Iane the Kings stepmother being de●amed by certaine persons of some wicked practice by witch craft or 〈…〉 that she had deuised against the 〈…〉 the counsell of 〈…〉 dolph a Doctour of Diuinitie hir Confessor 〈…〉 ing all hir seruaunts put from hir was committed to the custody of Iohn Wellam who appoynted nine seruaunts to attend hir brought hir vnto the Castell of Pemsey to be gouerned vnder his prouidence Frier Randolph ●●● sent to the Tower where at length to wéete in Anno. 〈…〉 the fifte of June he was slaine by the Parson of the Tower falling out at wordes with him And after Quéene Ioane was deliuered Kyng Henry sente his brother Humfrey Duke of Gloucester accompanyed wyth the Earle Marshall and a greate power of armed men to laye siege afore the Towne and Castell of Yuory which Town after many assa●●ts and battayles the Duke tooke by force But the Castel thereof was not yelded til the thirtéenth of May. The King also sent the Earle of Huntington wyth a power from Maunt to the Towne of Pontois by which if it were taken he might haue the more sure and easie passage to Paris Those whyche were sent at the entry of the night were come nygh vnto Pontois where in a Wood they lefte their horses and that done in the darkenesse of the night they went on foote to the ditches of the Towne whych then were drye where parte of them lay on the banks of the ditches with their Ladders in their handes ready to scale the walles when time shoulde serue and the residue hyd them in the Uines where they might be ready to enter the town at the opening of the gates At the breake of the daye they of the towne changed their Watche at the whych change the ●●●●es were lefte without Watches for the time But the Englishmen séeyng time to accomplishe their intent ●aysed their Ladders and scaled the walles and by that meanes entred the Towne where some of them forthwyth brake the gate and made entry for the reste of their company whiche when the garrisons of the Town perceyued as mē amazed they turned themselues to flight But not long after they armed them and assayled their enimies but to the Englishmens great auayle the Earle of Huntingdon w t his company set spurres to theyr horsses and hasted them to the succour of their first company whereby the Frenchmen as al discouraged and in dispaire to saue the Towne at the sight of these newe rescues that came to the Englishmen leauing behinde them all their riches and substaunce endeanoured themselues to escape by flighte and so the towne of Pointois auoyded of all Frenchmenne was lefte frée to the English After these enterprises thus atchieued the king with all his company came to this Towne of Pointois where he aboade a certaine time from whence he sent the Duke of Clarence w t a chosen power of men to Paris to view y e scituation and strength thereof before which Citie when he had tarried certaine dayes and had séene all that him liked and that none of the Frenche men woulde issue out of the Citie to fight with him he returned to the King and assertayned him of al that he had séene On the. xviij of August King Henrie with all his hoste departed from Pointois And bycause the Castell of Bokinvillers Bokinvillers yeelded had done certaine inhumane cruelties to the Kings landes that bordered thereabout to the intente to represse theyr malice the King lodged himself not far from thence and sent certaine to assault the same Castle where both the inhabitants and garrisons feared so much the King that as men desperate of all succours they yéelded both Castel and goods And then all the townes Castels and holdes within a great circuite without abyding battaile yéelded them to the King but that strong and mightie town of Gysors wherof the Castel is much more defensible than the Town would not submit to the King wherefore on the last day of August the King with all his host toke his iourney thyther and enclosed the Towne with his pauilions and tentes Betwyxt him and them of the Towne were many sharpe battayles and cruell assaultes but at all times the Englishmen put the Frenchmen to flight wherfore the inhabitantes and garisons of the towne and Castel deliuered the same to the King in the xxiiij of September Richard Whitingham Iohn Butler the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richard Whitington Mercer the. 28. of October King Henrie returned with his army to Maunt where he deuided his host into thrée battayles whereof he deliuered the one to the Duke of Glocester whome he sente to subdue the Towne of Saint Germaines which after manye battayles and assaultes in short time was yéelded to him the seconde battayle he sent to the Castell of Mount Oye which in like manner was yéelded with the thirde battayle the King in hys owne perfom went to besiege Mewlance which aboue al other was most strong The situation of this town was in a plenteous I le betwixte two armes of the sea c. notwithstanding when the inhabitauntes and Garisons sawe the great prouision of the King they yéelded the town on the last day of October from thence the Kyng returned againe to Maunt and sente the Duke of Excester to besiege the Castle of G●●●arde whiche to him was yéelded the xx of December King Henrie kept his Christmasse in the Citie of Roane he sent the Earle of Salisburie to take the Towne of Fresvey which in shorte time he toke The Earle Marshal and the Earle of Huntington were sente by the Kyng to subdue the Prouince of Shenon where the Dolphin had deputed a Captaine with a strong power whiche Captaine mette the two Earles and gaue them battayle but the Englishmen remayned conquerors And thus those two Earles subdued the prouince of Shenon without any other great resistaunce Whilest these and many other victories wer atchieued the King continuing in the Citie of Roane the ambassadors of Charles the French King of the Duke of Burgoigne came to the King to treate of peace where of the King they were right honourably recoyued and sent with him to the French King and the Duke of Burgoigne hys ambassadours wyth full aucthority to conclude this long soughte peace the principall ambassadour was the Earle of Warwicke in company of certaine Bishops and other discrete men accompanyed with a strong power of armed men These ambassadors were first brought to the Duke of Burgoigne bycause hée was next vnto them and after they toke their iourney vntil they came to the Citie of Troys where they founde King Charles Anno reg 8. 1420 of Fraunce with the Quéene his wife and that beautifull Lady Katheren theyr daughter And entring into communication of peace with the Kings counsell of Fraunce the
waye of peace was founde betwixt those two Kings by aliance that is to say by a mariage to be made betwixt y ● most victorious K. of England the Lady Katherin daughter to y ● King Quéene of Fraunce but bicause they perceyued that many things mighte not be done w tout the presence of the kings as wel for y ● apposition of their seales for y e ratifying of y ● articles of this peace as for the solemnization of y e matrimony also y ● King Charles was a man of many yeres they condescended y ● the K. of Englād at a certain day amōgst them limited shoulde come to the foresayde Citie of Troys w t as great an armed power as he woulde At whiche day appointed if he fayled to be there al his cōmunicatiō of peace shold be as voyde These things thus concluded set down in writing y ● erle of Warwicke w t his company returned to y ● K. of Englande to whō they declared by order what they had done who was contente in all things to performe their appointments prepared for his iourney He called togither knights men of armes archers to y ● nūber of xvj M. of thē the more part were Archers when the time came that he would depart toward Troys as he was accustomed he deuided his people in thrée parts battayles two wings and in that maner the. viij day of May he entred his iourny toward Troys in Campaine where he was met by the Duke of Burgoigne accompanyed with manye noble mē two leagues w tout the town whō he receiued w t gret honor due obser●ance Then this most victorious king accompanyed bothe of English and Frenchmen of euery estate degrée entred the 〈…〉 resaid Citie of Troys y ● stréetes wherof w tout any abyding he passed vntil he came to the kings place wher K. Charles and the Quéene his wife abode his comming of whom the was receyued goodly and after a Princely maner When y ● King of England was thus royally receiued after the due resolutions on his part made to King Charles the Quéene he departed from them and by the Duke of Burgoine and other great estates as well of England as of Fraunce he was conueyed to his lodges The Cittie was deuided into two p●rts wherof the one half was assigned to the Frenchmen Burgonians and the other halfe to the Englishmen and bicause that parte assigned to the Englishmen suffised not to receyue them all within the walles but that a great part of thē must be lodged in the suburbes the King of Englande bicause hys people on that part shoulde haue frée concourse togither he caused the wall on that part of the Citie where he was lodged to be cast down to the ground King Charles gaue aucthoritie and power to Isabel his wife and Quéene to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and to certaine other of his Counsell plenarily to conclude the peace with King Henrie for hym and for his realme of France vnder such conditions as shold be decréed also to proue ratify cōfirme the same by oth solemnized in the parsō of K. Charles without fraude in al things to be obserued vnto the sayd K. Henrie his heyres successours by the sayde King Charles his heyres and successors c. On the xxj of May in the xl yere of the reigne of King Charles in the Cathedral Churche of Troys the King of Englande with the Duke of Clarence his brother and other Dukes Earles Bishops Barons Lordes of estat and other Prelates of Englande and Isabel the Quéene of Fraunce with the Duke of Burgoigne and other of the Kings Counsel of Fraunce and in that part hys especiall commissioners for and in the name of the king of Fraunce and also for themselues in their proper names in a great assembly of the iij. estates of Fraunce vulgarly called theyr Parliamente concluded a peace betwixt the two Realmes of England Frāce and the same ratified and approued with the conditions and Articles that in part shall follow wherevpon writings wer made sealed with the brao●e seale of the sayde king Charles Then immediately Isabel the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in the name of King Charles made a solemne oth vpon the holy Euangelistes that y ● same Charles his heyres and successours shoulde obserue and kéepe without fraude the peace made betwixt the two Realmes And the same othe the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in theyr owne names and for themselues theyr heyres successours made vnto the King for him his heyres and successours and after them as many as were there present both of the Kings counsel and also of the Parliament as Bishoppes Lords Knightes and commons made the same othe to the Kyng And the. xxiij and. xxiiij daye of May the Chauncellour of Fraunce and many other Lordes Bishops Prelates and noble men gaue the like fayth and othe The thirde of June being present the Counsell of K. Charles Isabel Quéene of Fraunce the Duke of Burgoigne and the Parliament of Fraunce and also the Duke of Clarence with many Bishops Lords and Knightes of England with King Henrie the matrimonie was solemnized betwixt the most victorious King Henrie of England and the excellent glorious Lady Katherin daughter to Charles of Fraunce and Isabel his Quéene The peace that was confirmed betwixte the sayd two kings and their realmes was red as foloweth King Henrie from nowforth during the life of Kyng Charles shall not name or write himselfe King of Fraunce nor shall not suffer himselfe of his people so to be named or written After the death of king Charles king Henry shal be king of Fraunce peaceably with hys heyres and successours And bicause King Charles by reason of his infirmitie is vnable to gouerne the common weale king Henrie during y e life of Charles shal rule and gouerne the realme of Fraunce to the profit honor of the same king Charles King Charles in al his writings shal name the same King Henrie our son and heyre of France during the life of the said king Charles King Henrie shall be written Henrie King of Englande and heyre and Regent of Fraunce and in the like maner hée shal write himselfe in all things that shall be aucthorized vnder his owne seale King Henrie shall call King Charles hys Father and Quéene Isabel hys mother and shall honoure them Nor King Henrie shal not prohibite with holde nor defraude King Charles his Father of the Crowne of France nor the issues or reuenues thereof And the Quéene his mother at all times during hi● life he shall kéepe in due estate as belongeth to hi● maiestie c. with diuerse other Articles which for libertie I set not downe in this place After the final end and accomplishing of this marriage couenants and conditions ratifyed in all partes King Henrie accompanyed of King Charles and of his counsel of the two Quéenes Isabel
and Katherin and of the Duke of Burgoigne departed from Troys and toke his iourney to Paris and from Paris not many dayes after they all went to laye siege to the Citie of Sens whiche was to them contrarie but before the whole hoste were setled in their places the Captaine Citizens and Garisons submitted their bodyes and Citie with all that they had to the King Then they hasted to Monstrean which Towne they toke by force On the xv of July they went to the Citie of Melune and inuironed the same with a strong siege for there were the Kings of Englande of France and Scotlande the Duke of Burgoigne Tho. Wals Bauier Clarence Bedforde and Excester the Earles of March Warwicke Huntington and Somerset c. This siege cōtinued xiiij wéekes and odde dayes from the feast of Mary Magdalen to the feaste of All Saintes not without in a maner euery day a conflict and sore skirmishe but at length for wante of victualles the besieged yéelded themselues to the Kyngs of Englande and Fraunce from whence the forsayde Kyngs with a greate parte of theyr armye wente to Paris Iohn Butler Iohn Wels the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Cambridge Grocer the. 28. of October King Henrie kept hys Christmasse in the Citie of Paris in the Castle of Saint Anthony And after he had holden a Parliamente there he went to Roane and therewith hys Titus Liuius Normans and Englishmen helde a Parliament And thē when he had established sure guarde for this Realme of Fraunce Dutchie of Normandie he passed throughe Picardie to Caleis and so to Douer where with his Quéene he landed on Candlemasse day The fourtéenth of Februarie Quéene Katherin was Crowned at Westminster vnto whom the King assigned to hir dowrie 10000. markes also he consented to the deliuerie of the King of Scots who had bin long prisoner in Englande with condition that before his departure out of Englande he shall take to wi●e the Duke of Somersets sister niece to the Cardinal of Winchester Anno reg 9. 1421 The. xxij of March the duke of Clarence with many other Lords were slaine beyond the Water of Leire in Fraunce many Lords were taken prisoners of the which the Earle of Huntington and the Earle of Somerset were principal In a Parliamēt at Westminster it was ordayned that no man should profer gold in payment but if it helde waight wherfore was ordayned Balances and weightes The king suppressed the French houses of religious Monkes and Friers and such like in Englande bycause they thought ill of the Conquest ouer Fraunce theyr lands were giuen by him and Henrie the sixth to Monasteries and Colledges of learned men In this Parliament was demaunded subsidie The Bishop of Winchester lent the king ●0000 pounde to straine y ● matter The King hauing disposed all thing in order cōcerning the realme of England and the wars in Scotland leauing in Englande his Quéene with a greate power to the number after Enguerant of thirtye thousande returned into Fraunce where after he hadde visited the King and Quéene of Fraunce at Paris he tooke the Castell of D●wex by assault And when he heard that his enimies prepared themselues to battaile he approched the floude of Loyre aboute whyche Titus Liuius floud it was said his enimies were but against him came no man Wherfore the Kyng ledde his hoste to laye siege to the City of Sens commonlye called the Kings new Town whiche Towne for lacke of victualles yéelded themselues and the Town to the King Iohn Mortimer brake foorthe of the Tower of London and beyng afterwards taken hée was drawen and hanged Richarde Gosselin William Weston the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Robert Chicheley Grocer the 28. of October This Syr Robert Chicheley when he deceased in Anno 1439. willed in his Testament that vppon his mind day a competent dinner should be ordained for 2400. pore men housholders of the Citie and twenty pounde in mony to be distributed amongest them whyche was to euery man two pence He also with his brother William Chicheley Alderman of London gaue liberally to the Almes houses founded by his brother Henrie Chicheley Archebyshop of Canterbury at Higham Ferrers in Nothamptonshire in whych Towne they were borne In the Moneth of October when King Henry had deliuered Ti●us Liuius the Citie of Paris from all annoyaunces he with his h●ste went to bes●ege the Citie of Meaulx in Brye to whych City nigh adioyning is a place called y ● Market of Meaulx betwixt which two places floweth the riuer of Marne whiche also enuironeth bothe the same places Thys Citie was besieged all the Winter wherein were so manye and so greate stormes and flouds of raine that the kings host was often annoyed with hūger colde The sixth of December Lady Katherine Quéen of Englande broughte forth hir firste begotten sonne in the Castell of Windsore and his name was gyuen him Henry for there receyued hym at the Fonte Iohn Duke of Bedford hys vncle Lord Warden of England and Henrie the Kings vncle B. of Winchester and Iaquelyn dutches of Holland that remained then in England Henry Archbishop of Canterburie doing the office of Baptisme In the moneth of Februarie the Knights that were in Garison and the principall of y ● Citie of Mealx perceyuing that the Sommer comming shoulde cause the siege to be more light and lesse painefull to the Englishmen and difficil vnto themselues departed the Citie and wente into that Anno reg 10 1422 place that is called the Market of Mealx as to the more defensible holde after whose departing the cōmon people hauing none ability to resist the Kings power yéelded themselues and the Citie to the King After this in the moneth of May when the King had sore beaten the forsayd Market of Meaulx he constrayned the Frenchmen that were besieged to condescende vnto certaine couenauntes and to deliuer the place vnto him and shortly after were deliuered to the King the towne of Orepy in Valois the Castle of Pier Pountmeralaw Offemoūt and many others After the rendering of these Townes and Castles the King returned to Paris In the moneth of Aprill Katherin Quéene of Englande shipped at Hampton and sayled ouer into Fraunce with a strong power vnder the conducte of Iohn Duke of Bedforde y ● kings brother Humfrey Duke of Glocester being appointed Warden of England in the Duke of Bedfordes place whē the comming of Quéene Katherin was knowne to Kyng Henry hir husband and to Charles king of France both these Kings and with them the Quéene of Fraunce accompanyed with many great Lordes and estates as well of Englande as of Fraunce went to méete hir at Boys de Viscenne wher she was ioyfully receyued of them as if she had bin an Angell sente from God The. xxx day of May the two Kings of Englande and Fraunce with theyr Quéenes departed from Bois de Viscenne and went to Paris the king of
tosquashed his face whereof he dyed after which mishappe the Englishmen lost rather than wanne so that by little and little they lost all their possessions in France This yeare Humfrey Duke of Glocester tooke to wife Duke of Glocester married Elianor Cobham Elianor Cobham whome before hée hadde wantonlye kept Henry Frowike Robert Otley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Parliament Subsedy Iohn Gidney Draper the 28. of October In a Parliament at Westminster was graunted to the King a Subsedie of euery Tunne of Wine thrée shillings and of other Merchandise excepte wooll fell and cloth xij 1418 pence of the pound Also of euery parish through y e Realme excepted Cities and Boroughes the benefice being in value x. Marke tenne of that parish should pay vj. s viij d. euery man viij d and of euery benefice that were x. pound x. parishners to pay xiij s iiij d and so rate and rate like of euery benefice from the lowest to the highest And for the inhabitants of Cities and Boroughes euery mā being in value of xx s aboue his houshold stuffe the apparell of him his wife should pay foure pence and so after that rate vnto the richest On Corpus Christi day a Briton that a good widdow and honest woman had cherished and brought vp of almes Murther quitte vvith murther dwelling in White Chappell parish without Aldgate murthered the sayd woman in a night sléeping in hir bedde and after conuayde such iewels and stuffe as he might carrie but he was so pursued vpon that for feare he tooke a Churche and there foresware the Kings land and the Connestables caused him to be brought to London and so intended to haue conuayde him Westward but so soone as he was come into the parish where before he had committed the murther the wiues cast vpon him so much filth and ordure of the stréete Anno reg 7. that notwithstanding the resistance made by the Connestables they slew him there out of hand On the first of September the Cardinall of Winchester Cardinall of VVinchester being returned from beyonde the Seas was mette by the Maior and his bréethren and certaine Citizens of London on horsebacke without the Citie and so brought to his pallace in Southwarke This yeare was a great fire at Baynards Castell in London Fire at Baynards Castell Sherifes Maior Thomas Duffehouse Iohn Abbot the 28. of September Henry Barton Skinner the 28. of October The viij of Nouember the Duke of Norffolke was like to haue bin drowned passing through London bridge hys Duke of Norffolke escaped drovvning Barge being set vpon the piles ouerwhelmed so that to the number of thirtie persons were drowned and the Duke with other that escaped were drawne vp with ropes The xxj of February Ri. Neuill was made Earle of Salisb 1429 The fifth day of June Frier Randolph a Mayster of Diuinitie that had bin long prisoner in the Tower of London 1. Treuise was there slayne by the Parson of the Tower In the moneth of June the Cardinall of Winchester with a warlike companye passed the Sea intending to haue made warre vppon them that then inhabited the Countrey of Prage but for néede of men that the Regente had in Fraunce the Cardinall chaunged his purpose and taryed there a season with the Regent William Ruffe Ralph Holland the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Castfielde Mercer the. 28. of October The sixth of Nouember King Henrie being about the age of nintéene yeares was solempnely crowned in Saincte Peters Churche of Westminster at whose coronation were made xxxvj Knightes of the Bath and after solemnization in the Churche finished an honorable feaste in the greate Hall of Westminster was kept wherof yée may reade a large discourse in Robert Fabian After whiche feaste great preparation was made for the Kings iourney into France The. xxiiij of Januarie a battayle was done in Smithfielde 1430 within the listes before the King betwéene two men of Feuersham in Kent Iohn Vpton appellaunte and Iohn Downe defendaunt when they had long fought the Kyng toke vp the matter and forgaue both parties The. xxvij day of April the King toke shipping at Douer landed the same day at Caleis hauing in his company the Dukes of Yorke and Norffolke the Bishops of Bath Ely and Rochester the Earles of Huntington Stafforde Warwicke Oxforde Deuonshire Mortaine of Ewe and of Ormonde and Barrons the Lorde Boucher Beaumond Typtoft Fitz Water Roos Arundale Audley Faucōbridge Gray Codner Scrop and Welles Whilest the Kyng remayned at Caleis manye skirmishes were fought betwéene the Englishmen and the Frenche in diuerse partes of France and the Frenchmen preuayled greatly by helpe of a Woman which they named The Mayden of God So that lastlye she with hir companye came to the Towne of Champaigne to the end to remoue the siege layde therevnto by the Duke of Burgoigne and other of the Englishe Captaines and the. xxiij of Maye she gaue battaile to the Englishmen and fought with them a long time but in the ende by the manhoode of a Burgonian Knight named sir Iohn Luxemborough she was taken aliue and hir company distressed she was conuayed to the Citie of Roane and there kept a season where she fained hir selfe to be with child but when y e contrarie was known she was condēned brent After this King Henrie by small iorneyes into Fraunce came to Paris wher he was honorably receiued of y e Citizēs and taken for theyr soueraigne Lord and King whiles hée Robert Gagwine there remayned sayeth Gagwine the Frenchmen wan many holds of the Englishmen and the Burgonians in the country of Bry. The third of August dyed the the Countesse of Vrmonde and was buried at Saint Thomas of Acres in London Anno reg 9. Sherifes Maior Walter Chertesey Robert Large the. 28. of September Nicholas Wotton Draper the. 28. of October Soone after Easter the Lord protector was warned of an assembly of certaine lewde persons to be assembled at Abington wherefore he sent thyther certaine persons and also rode thyther himselfe and there arrested the Baylye of the Towne named William Mandeuil a Weauer the whiche was appointed for a Captain who had named himself Iack Sharpe of Wigmers lande in Wales who being examined confessed that he ment to haue done many mischiefes especially against Priests so that he would haue made their heads as cheape as Shéeps heads that is to say thrée for a peny or as some write ten for a penny manye of his complyces were taken and sent to dyuarse prisons Their Captaine was drawne hanged and headed at Abingdon and his head was sent to London and set on the bridge his other fautors were executed in diuerse places and Countreys to the terror of other The. xiij of Julye Richarde Russel a Wooll-man was drawn hanged and quartered for that he wold haue made Dukes and Earles at his pleasure Richard Robsert Lord Bourcher deceased and
was buried at Westminster King Henrie remayning still in Fraunce the Earle of Arundale accompanyed with two thousand Englishmen sente a certaine of his company vnto a Towne called Bealmount to prouoke she Frenchmen to issue out of the towne which smal cōpany when Boyssycant Sentrales thē Captains behelde they with their souldiours sped them forth to take the sayd Englishmen y ● which by little little gaue backe till they had tolled the Frenchmen a good space from the Towne and then sette vpon them with a stoute courage and helde them on hand tyll the Earle with his company rescued them then betwixt them was a cruell fighte but in the end the Frenchmen were chased and the sayd Sentrayle with many footmen of the sayde Town were slaine Iohn Aderle Stephen Browne the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wels Grocer the. 28. of October Thys IOHN WELLES Maior of London caused the Conduite commonlye called the Standarde in Cheape to bée builded On the seauenth day of December Kyng Henrie was Crowned in Paris by the Cardinall of Winchester at the which Coronation was presente the Duke of Burgoigne the Duke of Bedforde Regente and diuerse other Nobles of France After the solemnitie of thys feaste was ended the King departed from Paris and so came to Roane where he helde hys Christmasse and that done he returned to Caleis where when he hadde soiourned a season he tooke shipping and returned into England and landed at Douer the eleauenth of Februarie and then rydyng towarde London he was mette on Barham Downe betwixte Douer and Canterburie by a greate companye of Gentles and Commons of Kent all cladde in a liuerie wyth redde hoods the whiche accompanyed hym tyll he came to Blacke Heath which was on the one and twentith day of February where he was mette by the Maior of London who rode in a gowne of Crimson Ueluet his Aldermen in Scarlet the Citizens al in white gownes and red hoodes with diuerse works or Cognisances brodered vpō their sléeues after y e facultie of their misteries or crafts after due obeysāce and saluting of the king they rode on before him towards y e City And when the King was come to the Bridge there was deuised a mightie Giaunt standing with a sworde drawen in his hande hauing written certaine spéeches in metre of great reioycing and welcōming of the King to the Citie on the middest of the Bridge and in diuerse other places of the Citie were diuerse faire and sumptuous pageants replenished with goodly and beautifull personages the order and spéeches whereof are sette downe by Robert Fabian in hys cronicle Thus being cōueyed to his pallace at Westminster the Maior with the Citizens returned to London and on the xxiitj day of Februarie the Maior and Aldermen yode to the King and presented him with a Hampire of Golde and 1433 therin a thousand pound of nobles This yeare by reason of the souldiours of Caleis a restraynte was made there of the Woolles for they were not content of their wages wherefore the Regente of Fraunce came downe thyther in Easter wéeke at which time many souldiours wer arrested and rode again to Tirwine And hauing not long buried the Lady Anne his late wife sister to the Duke of Burgoigne he married there the Earles daughter of Saint Paule and shortly after returned to Caleis where he caused foure of those souldiours to be beheaded on the. xj of June and. 110. souldiours to be banished the towne besides 120. that were banished before that tyme. And vpon Midsommer euen the Lord Regent with his new wedded spouse came to London and remayned there till the Anno reg 11 Sherifes Maior latter end of August Iohn Olney Iohn Peddesley the. 28. of September Iohn Perneis Fishmonger the. 28. of October On the. xxv day of Nouember was the Lord Fitz Water drowned on the sea and much other harmes were done by tempest 1433 Parliament On the eight day of July King Henrie began his Parliament at Westminster continued it till Lammas and then adiourned it vntil Saint Edwards tide This yere in the South-Weast appeared a blasyng star During the raigne of this King Henrie the sixth were lieutenaunts ouer the realme of Irelande Edmond Earle of March and Iames Earle of Ormond his deputie Iohn Sutton Knight Lorde of Dudley and sir Thomas Straunge hys deputie sir Thomas Stanley and sir Christopher Planket his deputie Lyon Lorde Welles and the Earle of Ormonde his deputie Iames Earle of Ormonde the Kings Lieuetenaunt by himselfe Iohn Erle of Shrewesburie and the Archbishop of Diuelin Lord Justice in his absence Richard Plantagenet Anno reg 12 Duke of Yorke Father to Edwarde the fourth and Earle of Vlstar had the Office of Lieutenaunt by letters patents during the space of tenne yeares who deputed vnder him at seuerall times the Baron of Diuelin Richarde Fitz Eustace Knight Iames Earle of Ormonde and Thomas Fitz Moris Earle of Kildare to this Richard then resident in Diuelin was borne within the Castel there the seconde sonne George Duke of Clarence afterward drowned in a Butte of ●almesey Thomas Chalton Iohn King the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Brokeley Draper the. 28. of October The ninth of Nouember the tormente of the Earle of Saint Paule Father to the Dutchesse of Bedford was solemnly holden in Paules Church of London where the more parte i● estates of this realme were present The ninth of Marche the Lorde Talbot with a goodlye companye passed throughe the Citie of London towardes Fraunce where he wrought much woe to the Frenchmen The 1434 Towne of Saint Denis which is within two English myles of Paris was gotten by the practise of one Iohn Notice a knight of Orleance from Matthew Gouglye and Thomas Kiriel Captaines they slewe there many Englishmen and toke many prisoners but soone after the sayde Captaines with strength taken from Paris layde such a strong siege aboute Saint Denis that finally they agréed to deliuer the Town to the Englishmen In thys season also the earle of Arundale which in Normandie had manly born him hearing that one Hirus ● Fr●ch Captaine had fortifyed a strong Castell named Gerborym before destroyed of the Englishmen toke with him a certaine number of souldiours and belaied the Castel with a strong siege and assaulted it sundry times manfully but Gagwine sayeth the saide Hirus with his companye issued out of the Castell and gaue vnto the sayde Earle a cruel skirmish in the which the sayde Earle receiued a deadly wound and dyed shortly after Anno reg 13 Sherifes Maior Thomas Barnewel Simon Eyre the. 28. of September Roger Otley Grocer the. 28. of October Through a great Froste that lasted from the fiue and Great Frost twentith of Nouēber vnto the tenth of Februarie the Thamis was so frozen that the Merchandice which came to the Thamis mouth was there landed and carried through Kent to London When the Pope Eugeny the fourth
and his Cardinalles 14●5 after long laboure coulde make no peace betwixte King Henry of England and France and Charles also named King of Fraunce they at length made a peace betwixte the said Charles and Philip Duke of Burgoigne whereby the said Duke of Burgoigne became vtter enimy to the King of England and soone after the said Duke beganne his order of the Lillie and the Golden fléece and ordayned certaine Knightes of that order and made thervnto many Statuts wherof some of them were like vnto the Statutes of the Garter On the fourtéenth daye of September at Roan in Normandy dyed the noble Prince Iohn Duke of Bedforde and Regent of Fraunce and was after with great solemnitie ●●ryed within the Churche of No●ir Dame of the same ●itie Anno reg 14 Sherifes Maior Thomas Catworth Robert Clopton the. 28. of Septemb. Henry Frowike Mercer the 28. of October King Charles of Fraunce recouered the Citie of Paris and at Newyeares tide wanne the Towne of Harflewe and 1436 Sainct Denis and manye other Townes and holdes expellyng and murdering the Englishe people in greate number The nintéenth daye of Julye the Duke of Burgoigne wyth a great multitude of Burgonians and Flemmings appeared Caleis besieged before Caleis and there pight his pauilions and tentes at which season was Lieutenaunt of Caleis Sir Iohn Ratclife Knight and of the Castell was Lieutenant the Baron of Dudley this siege endured about thrée wéekes in whiche season many knightlye actes were done exercised on both partes On the second day of August the Duke of Glocester protectour Robert Fub●●● of Englande with 500. sayles as some write landed at Caleis and entended vppon the thirde day following to haue issued out of the Towne and to haue gyuen battel to the Flemmings but as testifyeth our Englishe writers so soone as the Duke of Burgoigne was ware of the great power of the Lorde Protector he toke with him of his ordinaunce that he might lightly carrye and the other that were cumberous he left behind When the Duke with his host was thus fledde the Lorde Protectour with his people followed hym into the Countrey by the space of eleauen dayes in whiche season he brente the two Townes of Popering and Bell and returned to Caleis and so into England This yeare was the Castel or Towne of Rokesborough in Scotlande besieged by the Kyng of Scottes but when hée Anno. reg ●● hearde that Syr Ralph Graye Knyghte was commyng thyther with a competente number to remoue the siege anone he departed leauyng some parte of hys Ordinaunce behynde hym to hys greate shame and dishonour Thomas Norstede William Gregory the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Michel Fishmonger the. 28. of October The second of Januarie Quéene Katherin late wife to Henrie the fifth and mother to King Henrie the sixth dyed at Bermondsey and was buried at Westminster but being takē Part of London bridge fel. vp againe in the raigne of Henrie the seauenth when he layde the foundation of his new Chappel there she was neuer buried since but lyeth still aboue ground in a Coffin of bordes behinde the East end of the Friers The. xiiij of Januarie at noone of the day the gate on Lōdon bridge wyth the Tower vpon it nexte to Southwarke fell down and two of the furdest Arches of the same bridge and no man perished Ralph Lord Cromwel erected the Colledge of Ta●eshall 1437 Ta●eshall Colledge in Lincolneshire King Henrie put downe the Maior of Norwich sente the Aldermen some to Linne some to Canterburie toke their frāchises into his hande and appointed Iohn Wels Alderman sometime Maior of London to be Warden of Norwich who so continued eight moneths as I haue red on his Monument in Saint Antholines Churche in London whiche Monument is nowe amongest manye other by lewde persons defaced The ninth of July Quéene Iane wife to King Henrie the fourth dyed at Hauering a Boure and was buried at Canterburie All the Lyons in the Tower of London dyed Anno reg 18 Sherifes Maior William Hales William Chapman the. 28. of Septemb. William Eastfielde Mercer the. 28. of October This William Eastfield Maior of his own costes caused to be builded the Water Conduite in Fleetestreete of London On Easter daye Iohn Gardener was taken conuaying 1438 Gardene●brent the Sacrament from his mouth with a soule cloth after he had receyued the same at the Priests hande in Saint Marie at the Axe Churche of London for the whiche he was brent in Smithfielde the xiiij of May. Owen Tewther ●ouly hurting hys kéeper brake out of Newgate but was againe taken afterwarde thys Owen had priuilye as it was sayde maryed Quéene Katherin late wife to Henrie the fifth and had foure children by hir whiche was not knowen tyll she was dead and buried On the Uigil of Mary Magdalen the town of Nantwich in the Countie of Chester was pitifully consumed with fire A great dearth of corne for wheate was in some places Dearth of corne Anno reg 17 Sherifes Maior solde for two shillings sixe pence the Bushell Hugh Diker Nicholas Yoo the. 28. of September Stephen Browne Grocer the. 28. of October The fiue and twentith of Nouember a great winde dyd Great vv●n●es muche harme in manye places In London it bare muche leade of the Gray Friers Churche and almost blewe downe the one side of the stréete called the Olde Change so that the same was faine to be vnderset with Timber On New yeres day a stacke of woodde fell downe at Baynardes Castell and killed thrée men manye moe were sore hurte By fall of a Staire at Bedforde where the shire daye was kepte eightéene persons were slayne and manye moe hurte Richard Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke dyed at Roane in Normādie the last of May and the fourth of October next folowing his corpse was honourably conueyed as well by water as by land from Roane vnto Warwicke and there worshipfully buried in the Colledge of our Lady Church founded by his noble auncestours Wheate was sold at London for thrée shillings y e bushel Malt at thirtéen shillings y ● quarter Otes at eight pence the bushel which caused men to eate beans pease and barley more than in a hundred yeares before Anno reg 18 Strūpets vvare Raye hoodes Manye Stumpets were sette on the Pyllerye and banyshed the Cytye excepte they ware theyr Raye hoodes Phillip Malpas Robert Marshal the 28. of September Sherifes ●●ior Robert Large Mercer the. 28. of October In a Parliament at Reading it was ordayned that all Marchaunt straungers shoulde goe to host with Englishmen and to make sale of theyr Merchaundises and buy again what they woulde wythin the space of sixe monethes geuing theyr hoste for euerye twentye shillings worth two pence except the Esterlings And that euery housholder that Order for straungers was alien should pay to the King xuj. pence the yeare and euery seruant
and she was conuicte of the sayde Articles then was it asked if she woulde saye anye thing agaynste the witnesses wherevnto she aunsweared nay but submitted hyr selfe The seauen and twentith daye of October she abiured the Articles and was adioyned to appeare again the ninth of Nouember In the meane time Thomas Southwel dyed in the Tower of London as himselfe had prophesied that hée shoulde neuer dye by Justice of the Law William Combis Richarde Riche the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Elianor Cobhā did penaunce Robert Clopton Draper the. 28. of October The ninth of Nouember Dame Elianor appeared béefore the Archbishoppe and other in the sayde Chappel and receyued hyr penaunce which she perfourmed On Monday the. xiij of Nouember she came frō Westminster by water and landed at the Temple Bridge from whence with a taper of waxe of two pounde in hir hande she went throughe Fleetestreete hoodlesse saue a kerchefe to Paules where she offered hyr Taper at the high Aulter On y e Wednesday next she landed at y e Swan in Thamis stréete then went through Bridgestreet Grace Church Streete streight to Leaden Hall and so to Christ Church by Aldegate On Fryday she landed at Queene Hiue and so went through Cheape to Saint Michels in Cornehil in fourme aforesayd at all which times the Maior Sherifes and Craftes of London receyued hir and accompanyed hir This being done she was committed to the ward of sir Thomas Stanley wherein she remayned duryng hyr life in the castel of Chester hauing yerely an hundred marks assigned for hyr finding whose pride false couetise and lecherie were cause of hir confusion The xviij of Nouēber Roger Bolingbroke with sir Iohn Hum Priest and William Woodham Esquire was arraigned in the Guild Hall of London where the sayde Iohn and William had their Charters but Roger Bolingbroke was condemned had iudgemēt of sir Iohn Hody chief Justice of the Kings Bench and the same day he was drawen frō the Tower to Tiborne there hanged and quartered when y e said Roger shold suffer he said y t he was neuer guilty of any treason against the kings person but he hadde presumed too far in his cunning whereof he cryed God mercie and the Justice that gaue on him iudgemente liued not long after Henrie Beauchampe succéeded in hys fathers inheritāce who being kept two yeares in the Kings hands was restored to al his liuings with greate glory for he was crowned King of Wight by the kyngs owne handes and nominated chiefe Earle of England A challenge was done in Smithfield within listes before 1442 A Combat in Smithfielde the King by the Lorde Beawfe of Aragon and Iohn Ansley Esquire of the Kings house whiche Ansley hadde the fielde and at the Kings hande was made Knight and the Anno. reg 21 Lord Aragon offered his harneis at Windsor In the moneth of August was a great fray in Fleetstreete betwéene the yong Studentes of the Innes of Courte and the inhabitauntes of the same stréete whiche Fray began in the night and so continued the assaultes and bickeryngs till the next day in whiche season muche people of the Cytie was thyther gathered and diuerse men on both partes slaine and many hurte but lastly by the presence of the Maior and Sherifes this Fray was appeased of whiche was chiefe occasioner one of Cliffords Inne named Herbotel Thomas Beaumount Richard Norden the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Iohn Athirle Ironmonger the. 28. of October Iohn Beaufort Earle of Somerset was made Duke of Somerset and Lord Talbot Earle of Shrewesburie The stéeple of Waltham Holy Crosse in Essex was brente with lightning on Candlemasse day The Citizens of Norwiche rose against the Priour of 1443 Christes Churche wythin the same Citie and would haue fiered the priorie they kept the towne by strength againste the Duke of Norffolke and all his power wherefore the Kyng sente thyther the chiefe Judge Iohn Fortescue wyth the Earles of Stafforde and of Huntington who indicted many Citizens and the Priour also The Liberties of the Citie were seysed into the Kings hand and Sir Iohn Clifton made Captaine there and manye of the Citizens fledde ouer the seas c. Anno reg 22. Sherifes Maior Nicholas Wilforde Iohn Norman the. 28. of September Thomas Catworth Grocer the. 28. of October Iohn Earle of Huntington at Windsore was made Duke of Excester Iohn Beauforde Duke of Somerset deceased and was buryed at Wimborne The Earle of Stafforde was created Duke of Buckingham Henrie Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke Duke of Warwicke 1444 Cro. of ●ewx vnto whom the King gaue the Castell of Bristowe with all the appurtenances which King Iohn had kept in his hāds he gaue vnto him also the Isles of Garnsey and Iarnsey The Earle of Dorset was made Marques of Dorset and the Earle of Suffolke Marques of Suffolke King Henrie sent into Fraunce Ambassadours William de la Pole Marques of Suffolke Adam Molens Bishoppe of Chichester and kéeper of the priuie seale sir Roberte Roos and other to treat of a marriage betwéene King Henrie and Margaret the kings daughter of Scicil which was concluded in the Citie of Towres in Touraine Anno reg 13 Sherifes Maior Stephen Poster Hugh Wich the. 28. of September Henrie Frowike Mercer the 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember William de la Pole Marques of Suffolke with other went againe into Fraunce for to conduct the sayd Lady Margaret into England On Candlemasse euen in diuerse places of England was heard terrible thunders wyth lightning wherby the church of Baldoke in Hertfordshire the Churche of Walden in Essex diuerse other were sore shaken And the stéeple of Saint Pauls in London about two of the clocke in the after noone was set on fire in the middest of the shaft but by the labour of many well desposed people the same was quenched and no man perished The stéeple of Kingstone was likewise fiered by the same lightnings Ladie Margaret landing at Portchester went from thence 1445 by water to Hampton rested there in a place called Gods house from thence she went to the Abbay of Tychfielde and Quene Margaret crovvned was there wedded to King Henry y e xxij of April She was receyued at the Blackeheath by the Citizens of London ryding on horsebacke in blewe gownes with brodered sleues and red hoods the 28. of May and on the 30. of May she was crowned at Westminster hir badge was the Daysie With the fall of Kingstone steple one man was slaine Kingston steple fell An reg 24. Sherifes Maior Leaden hall in Lon. builded and many sore hurt Iohn Darby Godfrey Filding the 28. of September Simon Eyre draper the 28. of October This Simon Eyre builded the Leaden hall in London to be a store house for graine and fewell for the poore of the Citie also a beawtifull Chappel in the East end of y e same ouer the gate whereof he
warde passing their bands and libertie vsed of olde time by diuers subtile and vntrue meanes and actions falselye fained taking great sée at their lust in great hurt of the people on all the Shire of Kent 13 Item the people of the saide Shire of Kent may not haue their frée election in the chosing Knights of the Shire but letters bene sent from diuers estates to the great Rulers of all the Country the which enbraceth their tenaunts and other people by force to choose other persons than the common will is 14 Item where as Knightes of the Shire should chose the kings collectors indifferētly without any bribe taking they haue sēt now late to diuers persons notifying them to be collectors wherevpon giftes and bribes be taken and so the collectors office is bought and sold extortionously at the Knightes lust 15 Item the people be sore vexed in costes and labour called to the Sessions of peace in the sayd Shire appearing frō the farthest vttermost part of the West vnto the East the which causeth to some men v. dayes iourney where vpon they desire the saide appearaunce to be deuided into two partes the which one part to appeare in one place an other part in an other place in releuing of the gréeuaunce and intollerable labours and vexations of the said people The requestes by the Captaine of the great assemble in Kent INprimis desireth the Captaine of the commons the welfare of our soueraigne Lord the King al his true Lords spirituall and temporall desiring of our saide soueraigne Lorde and of al the true Lordes of his counsell he to take in al his demaines that he may raigne like a King royall according as he is borne our true Christian King annoynted and who so will saye the contrarye we all will liue and die in the quarrell as his true liege men Item desireth the said Captaine that he will auoide al the false progenie and affinitie of the Duke of Suffolke the whiche béene openlye knowne and they to be punished after the custome and Lawe of this Land to take about his noble person the true Lordes of his Royal bloud of this his Realme that is to say the high and mightie Prince y e duke af Yorke late exiled from our saide Soueraigne Lordes presence by the motion and stirring of the traiterous and false disposed the Duke of Suffolke and his affinitie the mightie Princes Dukes of Excester Buckingham and Norfolke and all the Earles and Barons of this land and then shal he be the richest King Christen Item desireth the said Captaine commons punishment vpon the false traitors the which contriued and imagined the death of the high mightful excellent Prince the Duke of Glocester the whiche is too much to rehearse y e which duke was proclaimed as traitor Upon the which quarrell we purpose all to liue and die vpon that it is false Item the Duke of Excester our holy father the Cardinal the noble Prince Duke of Warwike and also the Realme of Fraunce the Dutchie of Normandie Gascoyne and Gwi●● Anioy and Mayne were deliuered and lost by the meanes of the sayd traytors and our true Lords Knights and Esquiers and many a good yoman lost and sold ere they wēt y e which is great pitie to heare of the great and gréeuous losse to our Soueraigne Lorde and his Realme Item desireth the sayd Captayne and Commons that all the extortions vsed dayly among the Common people might be layde downe that is to say the Gréene Waxe the which is falsely vsed to the perpetuall destruction of the kings true Commons of Kent Also the kings Bench the which is too gréefefull to the shire of Kent without prouision of our Soueraigne Lord and his true Counsell And also in taking of Wheate and other graynes Béefe Mutton and all other victual the which is importable to the sayde Commons without the briefe prouision of our saide Soueraigne Lorde and his true Counsell they may no longer beare it And also vnto the statute of laborers and the great extortioners the which is to say the false traytors Slegge Crowmer Isle and Robert Este These bylles when the Counsell had well perused they did not onely disalowe and condemne them the authors as proude and presumptuons but also perswaded the King rather to suppresse those rebels by force than by fayre promises Whervpon the King remoued from Westminster vnto Greenewiche from whence he woulde haue sent certayne Lordes with a powre to haue destressed the Kentishmen but the men sayde to their Lordes they would not fight against them that labour to amend the common Weale wherevppon the Lordes were driuen to leaue their purpose And because the Kentishmen cryed out against the Lorde Say the Kings Chamberlayne he was by the King committed to the Towre of London Then went the King agayne to London King Henrie vvent against the Kentishmen vvith a great povver and within ij dayes after went against the Kentishmen with xv thousand men well prepared for the warre but the sayd Kentishmen fled the night before his comming into the wood countrey néere vnto Senocke wherevpon the King returned againe to London and sent sir Humfrey Stafforde Knight with William Stafford his brother and other Gentlemen to follow the Kentishmē who finding them at Senock set vppon the rebels and fought with them a long time but in the ende both the Staffordes were slaine with many other King Henries povver ouercome of their people When Iacke Cade had thus ouercome the Staffordes he forthwith apparelled himself with the knightes apparell and after he had refreshed his people he returned to the Blackeheath and there pight agayne his fielde and lay there from the. xxix daye of June tyll the first day of July in which season came vnto him the Archbyshop of Caunterburie and the Duke of Buckingham with whom they had a long communication and founde him ryght discrete in his aunsweres Howbeit they coulde not cause him to submit himselfe and lay downe his people In the meane while the King and Quéene hearing of the increasing of his rebels and also the Lordes fearing King Henrie vvent to Killingvvorth their owne seruaunts least they would take the Captaines part remoued from London to Killingworth leauing the Citie without ayde except onely the Lorde Scales which was left to kéepe the Towre and with him a manly and warly man named Mathewe Gowghe Then the Captaine of Kent thus houering at Blackeheath to bring himselfe the more in fame that he kept good Justice beheaded there a petie Captayne of his named Paris for so muche as he had offended agaynst such ordinaunces as he had established in Captaine of Kent his K●ttishmen entred the Citie of London his hoste and hearing that the King and his Lordes were thus departed drewe him néere vnto the Cittie so that vppon the first of July he entred the Borough of Southwarke then beyng Wednesday and lodged him there at
against the Kings Regalitie and his Lawes and nought setting by the Kings Grace and pardons graūted not onely to him but to al the Kings subiectes the which by his deceyt haue assembled with him the which he with great reuerence receiued on Munday last passed and so did all that were assembled with him not withstanding al this he laboureth now of newe to assemble the Kings people againe to that intent beareth them on hand that the Kings letters of pardon graunted to him and them be not auaileable nor of none effect without authoritie of Parliament wheras the contrarie is true as it is openly knowen by that that the King grauntes from tyme to tyme his Charters of Pardon to such as him lyst of all manner of crimes and offences both generall and speciall The King therfore willeth and commaundeth that none of his subiectes giue fayth nor credence to the said fals● Informations of the sayde false ●raylor nor accompany with him in any wise nor comfort nor sustaine him nor his with victuall nor with any other things But will whosoeuer of the Kings subiectes may take him shall take him and that who so euer taketh him and bringeth him quicke or dead to the King or to his Coūsel shal haue a thousand markes for his labour truely payde him without faile or delaye by the prouision of the Kings Counsell And who so euer taketh any of those that from this day forth accompany with him shal haue v. marke for his reward truely to be paide in maner and forme aboue saide And ouer this commaunding all Constables Ministers Officers of the said Shire that none of them on paine of death take vpō them to execute any cōmandement by word or writing sent or made vnto them by the said Cade calling himselfe Mortimer Captaine be it to rere any people or to any other intent but to arest and make to be arested such as take vpō them to bring any such cōmaundemēt by writing or by word Et hoc nullatenus omittatis Teste me ipso apud Westminster x. die Iulij anno regni 28. After which Proclamation Captaine of Kent taken and beheaded thus published a Gentleman of Kent named Alexander Eden awayted so his time that he tooke the sayde Cade in a Garden in Snssex And there he was slaine at Hothfield and brought to Londō in a cart there quartered his head set on Londō bridge and his quarters sent to diuers places in Kent This done y ● King sent his Cōmissioners into Kent rode after himself caused inquiry to be made of this riot in Caūterbury where for y ● same vitj. mē were iudged executed in other townes of Kent Sussex was dane y ● like execution This yeare the Commons also in diuers partes of England and in Sussox Salisbury Wilshire and other places didde much harme to many persons among the which on the xxix of June William Ascoth Bishop of Salisburie after he had sayde Masse at Edington was by his owne tenauntes drawen from y e Altar in his Albe with his Stole about his necke to the toppe of an hill and there by them shamefully murthered and after spoyled to the naked skynne they renting Bishop of Salisburie murdered his bloudy shirt tooke euery man a péece made boast of their wickednesse The day before his Chariot was robbed An. reg 29. to the value of x. thousand markes Iohn Middleton William Deere the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Fray in Londō against the Maior Nicholas Wilforde Grocer the 28. of October Souldiours made a fraye against the Maior of London the same day he tooke his charge at Westminster at nyght comming from Saint Thomas of Acres after he had bene at Paules The. vj. of Nouember began a Parliament at Westminster and the first of December the Duke of Somerset which was newly come out of Normandie was put vnder arest 1451 and his goods by the Commons was foulely despoyled and borne away from the Blacke Eryers After which ryot on the nexte morrowe Proclamation was made through the Cittie that no man should spoyle or robbe vpon paine of death and the same day at the Standard in Cheape was a man beheaded for doyng contrarie to the Proclamation And thus beganne malice to spring between the Lordes of the Lande and specially against the Duke of Somerset and other of the Quéenes Counsell for the léesing of Normandie whereof the chiefe Cittie of Roane was lost or giuen vp by appoyntment the yeare procéeding as witnesseth Gagwyne vpon condition that the Duke of Somerset Robert Gagwyne with his wife English souldiours shoulde with such goods as they might carrie dep●rte fréely from the Cittie For which frée passage he shoulde paye vnto the French king lvj M. Scu●s which amount to fourtèene thousand marks sterling And also he was bounde to deliuer into the French Kings possession all Townes and Castels that at that day were in the possession of Englishmen wythin the Dutchie of Normandie for performaunce of whiche couenauntes the Lord Talbot was sent for one of the pledges and so by one Floquet all the Townes and Castelles were to the Frenche Kyngs vse receyued Harfleete onely excepted whereof the Captaine named Curson with the assistance of sir Thomas Auringham in despight of al the French Kings power laide both by Sea and lande helde the same a full moneth or more and then for lacke of rescue gaue it vppe by appoyntment An. reg 30. Matthew Phillip Christopher Warton the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior William Gregorie Skinner the 28. of October The sixtéenth of Februarie King Henrie accompanyed with the Duke of Somerset and many other Lords tooke towardes the Marches of Wales for as muche as he was credibly informed that the Duke of Yorke assisted wyth diuerse other Lordes and men of name had in those partes gathered a strong power of people and with them was entring the land and so helde on his iourney towarde him but whē the Duke had witting of the Kings greate power he returned from the way which was taken by the Kings hoste and hasted towardes London and when he had receyued knowledge from the Citie that he might not there be receyued he went ouer Kingstone Bridge and so into Kent and there vpon Brent Heath neare vnto Dertforde he pight his fielde wherof the king hauing knowledge sped him after lastly came vnto Blacke Heath and there pighte hys fielde When both the hostes were thus embattelled mediation of peace was made betwéene them for furtheraunce whereof to the Duke were sente the Bishops of Winchester and of Ely with the Earles of Salisburie and Warwicke To whom it was answered by the Duke that he nor none of his company entended any hurt to the Kings person nor to any of hys coūsayle beyng louers of the Common wealth and of him and hys land but his intent and purpose was to remoue from the King a
to beare weapon consydering he was out of hys natiue Countrey knowyng that in his Countrey no straunger was suffered to wear y ● like To the which questiō such answere was made by the straunger that the Merter toke from him hys dagger and brake it vpon his heade wherevpon the stranger complayned to the Maior who on the morrow sent for the yong man to y e Guilde Hall wherfore after his aunswere made vnto the complaynt by agréemente of a full Courte of Aldermē he was sent to ward and after the Court was finished the Maior and Sherifes walking homewarde thoroughe Cheape were there mette by suche a number of Mercers seruauntes and other that they mighte not passe for ought they coulde speake or doe till they hadde deliuered the yonug manne that before was by them sente to prison And the same daye in the afternoone sodainely was assembled a multitude of lewde and pore people of the City which without heade or guide ranne vnto certaine Italians houses and especially to the Florentines Lukesses and Venetians and there toke and spoyled what they founde and dyd great hurt in sundry places but moste in foure houses standing in Breadstreete warde whereof thrée stoode in Saint Bartholmewes Parishe the little and one in the Parish of Saint Beni●s Finke The Maior Aldermen and worshipful Commoners of the Citie with all theyr diligence resisted them what they coulde and sente diuerse of them to Newegate and fynallye not wythout shedding of bloude and mayming of diuerse Citizens the rumour was appeased The yong manne beginner of all thys businesse tooke Sanctuarie at Westminster and not long after the Duke of Buckingham with other noble menne were sente from the Kyng into the Cytie who there charged the Maior by Uertue of a Commission that inquirie shoulde hée made of thys ryot and so called an Oyer determyner at the Guilde Hall where satte for Judges the Maior as the Kyngs Lieuetenaunte the Duke of Buckingham on hys ryghte hande the chiefe Justice on the lefte hande and manye other men of name where whyle they were enpanelyng theyr inquestes the other Commons of the Citie manye of them secretly putte them in armour and ment to haue roong the common bell so to haue raysed the whole force of the Citie and so to haue deliuered such persons as before for the robberie were committed toward But this matter was discretely handled by the counsel and labour of some discrete Commoners which appeased their neighbours in such wise that all this furie was quenched but when worde was brought to the Duke of Buckingham that the commonaltie were in harnesse he with the other Lordes tooke leaue of the Maior and departed and so ceased the inquirie for that day Upon the morrow the Maior commaunded the common counsell with the Wardens of fellowships to appeare at the Guild Hall where by the Recorder in the Kings name and the Maiors was commaunded euery 〈…〉 den that in the afternoone eyther of them should assēble his whole fellowship at their cōmon Halles and there to giue straight commaundement that euery mā sée the kings peace kept within the Citie After which time the Citizens were brought to such quietnesse that after that day the enquirie was duly perused and. iij. persons for the said ryot put in execution and hanged at Tyborne whereof ij were Sanctuarie men of Saint Martins le graunde the other Anno reg 35 a shipman for robbing of Anthony Mowricine and other Lumbardes Iohn Steward Raph Verney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Canings Grocer the 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember in the I le of Portland not farre from the towne of Weymouthe was séene a Cocke comming out of the Sea hauing a great crest vpō his head and a great red beard and legges of halfe a yarde long he stoode on the water and crewe iij. times and euery time turned 1457 him about and beckened with his head toward the North the South and the West and was of colour like a Fesaunt Robert Fabian and when he had crowed iij. times he vanished away And shortly after were taken at Erithe within xij myles of London iiij great and wonderfull Fishes whereof one was called Mors Marina the second a Sworde Fishe the other two were Whales The. xxvitj day of August Peter Brice Steward of Normandie Iohn Maior with a flete of Frenchmen landed at Sandwiche and with fyre and sword wasted the Towne to ashes and slewe the inhabitauntes almost to the last man Also Fowey in Deuonshire was spoyled by Pirates in the moneth of August In this yeare was a great fray in the Northe Countrey Robert Fabian betwéene the Lorde Egremond and the Earle of Salisburies sonnes whereby many were maymed and slaine but in the ende the Lorde Egremonde was taken who was by the Kings Counsell found in great default and therefore condemned in great summes of mony to be payde to the Earle of Salisburie and in the meane time committed to Newgate Not long after this sir Thomas Percie Lord Egremount and sir Richard Percie his brother beyng prisoners in Newgate condemned in a great summe to the Earle of Salisburie as is aforesaid brake out of prison by night and went to the King the other prisoners tooke the leades of the gate and Regester of Maior defended it a long while against the Shriues and all their officers in so much that they were forced to call more ayde Anno reg 36 Sherifes Maior of the Citizens whereby they lastly subdued them William Edwards Thomas Reyner the 28. of September Godfrey Boleyne Mercer the 28. of October Maister Reginald Pecocke Byshop of Chichester a secular Doctor of Diuinitie that had labored many yéeres to translate the holy Scripture into Englishe was accused to haue passed the bonds of Diuinitie and of Christian beléefe in certaine Articles of the which he was conuict before the Archbyshoppe of Counterburie and other Byshoppes and Clerkes and after vtterly abiured reuoked and renounced those Articles openly at Paules Crosse in his mother tongue on the fourth day of December as followeth In the name of the Trinitie Father Sonne and holy Ghost I Reynold Pecocke Byshoppe of Chichester vnworthie of myne owne power and will without any manner coertion or dread cōfesse and knowledge that I here before this time presuming of myne naturall witte and preferring my iudgement and naturall reason before the newe and the olde Testament and the authoritie and determination of our mother holy Churche haue helde written taught otherwise than the holy Romane and Uniuersall Churche teacheth preacheth or obserueth And one is against the true Catholike and Apostles faith I haue written taught and published many and diuers perilous doctrines bookes workes and writings conteining Heresies and errors contrarie to the fayth Catholike and determination of holye Church and especially these Heresies and errours following that is to say In primis quod non est de necessitate fidei
wherevnto we haue euer bene and will be as true as any of his subiectes aliue wherof we call God our Lady S. Marie and all the Saintes in heauen vnto witnesse and record In the meane time the Earle of Wilshire treasurer of England The Earle of VVilshire and other spoyled Nevvbery the Lorde Scales and the Lorde Hungerforde went to Newberie whiche longed to the Duke of Yorke and there made inquisition of all them that in any wise had fauoured the sayde Duke whereof some were founde guiltie and were drawen hanged and quartered and all the inhabitauntes of the Towne were spoyled of their goods From thence the Earle of Wilshire went to Southampton where vnder The Earle of VVilshire stale ouer the Seas colour to take the Earle of Warwicke he armed fiue gret Caraks of Iene with souldioures taking victuals of the Kings price without payment and put a great part of hys treasure into the sayde Caraks and after sayled about in the sea and at laste stale into Dutchlande sending backe againe hys souldiours into Englande Then were the Kings Priuie seales for money priuie seales directed to all Bishops Abbots Priours and other states to lende the Kyng money therewith to wage souldiours to kéepe the Sea coasts but the commons of Kēt dreading the like vengeance to be taken vpon them as was done vpon them of Newberie sent priuily messangers to Caleis The men of Kent sent to Galeis for the Earles to the foresayde Earles beséeching them in all haste possible to come to theyr succour whervpon the said Erles sent ouer into Kent the lord Fawconbridge to know if their déedes woulde accorde with theyr wordes and anone the people of Kent and other shires adioyning resorted to the sayde Lorde Fawconbridge in greate number When the Earles knewe the wylling heartes of those people they prepared to come into thys lande againste whose comming a long Ballet was fixed vpō the gates of Canterburie made in fauour of the Duke of Yorke and the sayde Earles beginning thus In the daye of fast and spirituall affliction The celestiall influence of bodies transitorie c The Erles of March Warwick and Salisburie arriued at Sandwich where met wyth them Thomas Bourcher Archebyshop of Canterburie The Earle entred into London who with hys crosse borne before him and a greate number of other people accompanyed them to London into the whiche Citie they entred on the seconde of Julye wyth them came the Popes legate to treate of peace if néed wer Th●n was a conuocation of the Clergie holden in S. Paules Church where the sayde Earles being present the Earle of Warwicke recited the cause of their comming into the lande with the misgouernements thereof and then made open othe vpon the crosse of Canterburie that they had euer borne true faith and alegiaunce to King Henry Then the Earles of March and Warwicke with the Lords Fauconbridge Clinton Borser Priour of Saint Iohns Audley Burgavennie Say and Scrope the Archbyshop the Popes legate the Bishops of Excester Ely Salisburie and Rochester addressed thē forth to the King at Northampton leauing the Earle of Salisbury to be gouernour of the Citie in their absence The Lorde Scales and Hungerforde that before the comming of the Earles were in the Citie of London and would haue had the gouernance thereof went to the Towre of London and with them the Lordes Vessy Louel Delaware Kendale a Gascoigne Knightes sir Edmond Hampden Thomas Brune Sherife of Kent Iohn Bruyn of Kent Geruayes Clyfton treasurer of the King house Thomas Tyrel the Dutchesse of Excestex many other Then was the Tower of London besieged both by water and lande that no victualles might come to them And they that were within the Towre cast wilde fire into the Citie and shotte manye small Gunnes whereby they brent and slew mē women and children in the stréets also they of the Citie layde greate Gunnes on the furtherside of the Thamis against the Tower and brake the Wals in diuerse places The King lying in the Friers at Northāpton ordayned a strong and myghtie fielde in the Meddowes beside the Nunrie hauing the riuer at his backe The Earles with their power comming to Northampton sent certaine Byshops to the King beséeching him to admit y ● Erle of Warwicke to come to his presence to declare their innocencie which request being denyed by the Duke of Buckingham the Earles sent an Heralde of Armes desiring to haue hostages for his safe comming and going but he might not be heard The thirde time the Erle of Warwicke sent worde to the King that at two houres after noone he would speake with him or dye in y ● field The Bishop of Hereford a white Frier the kings Confessour incouraged the kings parte to fight wherfore after the battayle he was committed to the Castelf of Warwicke where he was long prisoner The tēth of July at two of y ● clocke after noo●re y ● Earles of March Warwicke let cry through the field y ● no man should lay hand vpon the King ●e on y ● cōmon people but on the Lordes Knights Espuiers then both hosts incountred foughte halfe an houre the Lord Grey that was the Kings vaward breake the fielde and came to the Earles partie and was a great helpe to them in obtayning the victorie many on the kings side were flayn many y ● fled were drowned in y e riuer y ● Duke of Buckingham the Erle of Shrowesburie y e Lorde Beaumont the Lord Egremont were slain by y ● Kings ●ēt w t many Knights Esquires y e kings ordinaunce of Guns might not be shot there was so gret rayne that day When the field was done the Earles had the victorie they came to the King he being in his tent said in this wise Most noble prince displease you not though it haue pleased God of his grace to grant vs the victorie of our mortal enemies y ● which by their venemous malice haue vntxuely stirred moued your highnesse to exile vs out of your land woulde haue vs put to finall shame and confusion we come not to y ● intent for to vnquiet ne grieue your sayde highnesse but for to please your noble person desiring tenderly the high welfare prosperitie therof of al your realme and to be your true liegemen while our liues shall endure The King of these words was greatlye recomforted anone was led to Northampton with procession where he rested thrée dayes came to London the sixtéenth of July and was lodged in the Byshops Pallaice The nintéenth of Julye they that were in the Tower of London for lacke of victualles yéelded and came forth of the which afterward some were drawn and headed The Lorde Scales late in an euening entred a Wherry with thrée persons and rowing towarde Westminster there to haue taken Sanctuarie was descried by a woman and anone the Wherry men fel on him killed him
King Edward with great triumph rode through the Citie of London 1461 to Bishops Gate and so toke his iourney towarde the Northe where betwéene Shirburne in Elmet and Todcaster all the Northe partye mette hym and on Palme Sondaye the. xxix of Marche fought a greate battaile betwéene Towton and Saxton in which were slaine Henrie Percy Erle of Northumberlande Iohn Lorde Clifforde Iohn Lord Neuil Leo Lorde Welles Ranulph Lorde Dacre and many other on both parties to the number of fiue and thirtie thousand seauen hundred and eleauen persons but King Edwarde gatte the fielde Many of the Bones of these men were buried Iohn Leyland in the Churchyard of Saxton they were firste buryed in fiue pittes halfe a mile off by North in Saxton fielde yet appearing Towton village is a mile from Saxton where a gret Chappell was begonne by Richarde the third but not finished in whiche Chappel were buried also many of the men flaine at Palmsonday fielde This fielde was as muche in Saxton Parishe as in Towton yet it bare the name of Towton The Duke of Excester the Duke of Somerset the Lorde Roos the Hungerford and many other fled to Yorke to king Henrie and then they with the King Quéene and Prince King Henry fled into Scotlande fled towarde Scotlande to Barwicke and so to Edenborough King Edwarde wente to Yorke and then to Durham and when he had quieted the Countrey returned Southwarde Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonshire was taken and beheaded in Yorke Castell Iames Butler Earle of Wilshire was beheaded at Newcastell the Lord Fitz Walter was drowned at Ferybridge The town of Barwicke was deliuered to the Scots by king Henrie the sixth on Saint Markes daye The. xxvj of June the Mayor of London with the Aldermen in Scarlet and the Commons in gréene broughte King Edwarde from Lambeth to the Tower of London where he made eight and twentie Knightes and on the morrowe he dubbed foure mo and on the eight and twentith of June he was crowned at Westminster with greate solempnitie of Bishops and other temporall Lordes And on the morow after the King was crowned againe in Westminster Abbay in the worship of God Saint Peter and on the next morow he went Crowned in Paules Church of London in the honour of God and Saint Paule there an Angell came downe censed him at which time was so great a multitude of people in Paules as euer was séene in any dayes And soone after his Coronation the King made his States created brother George Plantagenet Duke of Clarence and his other brother Richard duke of Glocester Williā Stafford Esquier Lord Stafford of Southwike sir William Hebert Lorde Herbert and after Earle of Penbroke and the sayd Lord Stafford Earle of Deuonshire After this he made Edward Lord Grey of Ruthen Earle of Kent Henrie Lorde Bourcher Earle of Essex Iohn Lorde of Buckingham Lorde of Mountioy sir Iohn Heyward Lord Heyward William Hastings Lord Hastings and after that great Chamberlaine Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers Denham Esquier Lord Denham c. Not long after Iohn Dauy had his hand striken of in Cheape the Coronation of King Edward one Iohn Dauy had his hand striken off at the Standard in Cheape because he smote a man before the Judges in Westminster Hall contrarie to the Lawe George Ireland Iohn Locke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Hughe Wiche Mercer the 28. of October The. iiij of Nouember began a Parliament at Westminster wherein King Henrie his Quéene and his sonne were disherited of the Crowne Henrie Duke of Excester Henrie Duke of Somerset Thomas Earle of Deuonshire c. to the nūber of 140. were attainted disherited Shortly the Earle Anno. reg 2. of Oxford and Awbrey his sonne sir Thomas Tudenham Knight William Tirrell and Iohn Mongomerie Esquiers 1462 were detect and at seuerall times beheaded at the Towre hyll and after that many other The. xxvij of Marche King Edward went Northwarde so farre as Stamforde where he was informed that King Henrie had procured the Frenchmen and Scots to enter this land in resisting whereof King Edwarde sent his Priuie Seale through England to moue men to giue him a certaine sūme of money which they graunted liberally The Lord Fauconbridge Earle of Kent was appointed to kéepe the Seas with the Lorde Audeley Lorde Clinton Sir Iohn Heyward sir Richard Walgraue and other to the number of ten thousand which landed in Britaine and wanne the towne of Conqnet with the Isle of Reth c. In Michaelmas Terme king Edward sat in the Kings bench thrée dayes together in open court to vnderstande how his lawes were executed William Hampton Barthelmew Iames the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Thomas Coke Draper the 28. of October Quéene Margaret wyfe to Henrie the sixt landed in the North where hauing but small succour and euill fortune she was faine to take the Sea againe by tempest of weather was driuen to Barwicke where she landed but lost hir shippes and goods In December King Edwarde laide siege to the Castels of Bambrugh Dunstonbrugh Alnewike Henrie Bowfort Duke of Somerset sir Ralph Percie and other yéelded Bambrugh on Christmas euen and were taken to the Kings fauour King Edward graunted to the Duke of Somerset a. 1000. marks by the yéere where of he was neuer paid the Earle of Penbroke sir Thomas Fyndern and other went into Scotland On S. Iohns day Dunstonburgh was yéelded On y ● Twelfe euen Peirs●e Brasile the great warrior of Normandie came to helpe the Quéene Margaret with Frenchmen xx thousande Scots to remoue King Edwardes men from Alnewike siege and the residue of other Castels there By whose comming King Edwardes men were afearde of the Scottes as reculing from the siege and the Scottes afearde of Edwardes men least they had reculed to bring them into a trap And Henries mē issuing out of too much boldnesse gaue Edwards mē opportunitie to enter into the Castle on the morow after the Twelfe day the Earle of Warwike made xv knights Anno reg 3. these iij. Castels were committed to y e kéeping of sir Ralph Grey and after againe King Henrie with his Quéene and 1463 their felowship entred them and kept them About Midsomer the Scots with many French Englishmen laid siege to the Castle of Norham but were forced to leaue it as they found it The Earle of Warwike wan the towne of Barwike where he made fiue Bannertes xxij knights and went into Scotland where he burnt Lawghmaban Iedeworth Galowey and many other Townes and returned to Barwike The Minster of Yorke the stéeple of Christes Church in Norwiche were brent Robert Basset Thomas Muschampe the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Mathew Phillip Goldsmith the 28 of October In the moneth of Aprill King Edwarde made great Anno. reg 4. 1464 preparation against King Henrie and on Saint Markes day Ralph Percie Lorde Hungerforde with a great power purposing
to haue distressed sir Iohn Neuil Lorde Mountacute was himselfe slaine with many other The. xv of May King Henries power beyng at Hexham the Lorde Mountacute with a power came thither and enclosed them round about There were taken slaine many Lords that were with King Henry but he himself was fled iiij dayes before into Lancashire where he and other liued in caues full hardly vnknowne more than a yéere On Trinitie Sonday King Edward made the Lord Mountacute Earle of Northumberland and warden of the Marches The Earles of Warwike and Northumberlande tooke Bambrugh Castle and beheaded sir Ralph Grey at Doncaster The Earle of Warwike was sent into Fraunce to conclude a mariage with the French Kings sisters daughter for K. Edward which he did K. Edvvard maried but in the meane while on the first of May King Edwarde tooke to wife Elizabeth Daughter to Iaquet Duches of Bedforde sister to the Earle of Saint Paule late wife to sir Iohn Grey slayne at Courton fielde on King Henries parte which mariage was kept secret almost halfe a yéere King Edward tooke the Chauncellorship from the Byshop of Excester brother to the Earle of Warwike and gaue it to the Byshop of Bathe In the moneth of May the Duke of Somerset the Lord Roos the Lord Molyns Talbois Earle of Kyme sir Philippe Wentworth sir Thomas Finderne gathered an hoste in the Duke of Somerset and other beheaded North Countrey sir Iohn Neuill Earle of Northumberland with x. thousand men came vpō them whom the commons forsaking their Captaines were taken beheaded King Edward searing the Lord Moūtacute the Earle of Warwike whom he had of late made Earle of Northumberland he caused the men of the Countrey to desire the rightfull heyre Percie sonne to Henrie y ● was slaine at Yorke fielde so Percie Earle of Northumberland made Marques Mountacute was restored and Mountacute was made a Marques his sonne Duke of Bedforde which shoulde wed the Kings eldest daughter which by possibilitie should be King of Englande Aboute Michaelmas the King held a Counsell at Reading where the Quéene was shewed openly and receiued as Coine enhaūsed Quéene After this wedding knowne the Earle of Warwike and King Edward were neuer friends The King changed the Coyne both gold and siluer and ordained that y e newe Pestilence Grote waied scantly iij. d. and that the Noble of vj. s̄ viij d. should go for viij s̄ iiij d. c. A great Pestilence and the Thames ouer frosen In Michaelmas Terme were made Sergeantes at Lawe Thomas Young N. Geney Richard Serieants feast Regester of maiors Neale Thomas Brian Richard Pigot I. Grenefield I. Catesby and Gwy Fairfax which helde their feast in the Bishop of Eles place in Holborne to the which feast the Maior of London with the Aldermen Sherifes and Commons of diuers Craftes being bidden repayred but when the Maior looked to be set to kéepe the state in the Hall as it had béene vsed in all places of the Cittie liberties out of the Kings presence vnknowne to the Sergeauntes and against their willes as they sayd y ● Lord Grey of Ruthin then Treasurer The Maior of London departeth from the Serieants feast of England was there placed wherevpon the Maior Aldermen and Commons departed home and the Maior made all the Aldermen to dyne with him howbeit he and all the Citizens was greatly displeased that he was so delt with and the newe Sergeaunts and other were right sorie therfore and had leauer th●n much good it had not so happened This was then as my Recorde reporteth more at large recorded to be a president in time to come Iohn Tate Iohn Stone the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nevv coyne Anno. reg 5. Ralph Iosseli● Draper the 28 of October A newe Coine was made a Rose Noble at x. shillings the halfe Noble fiue shillings the farthing two shillings sir pence an Angelet six shillings eight pence y e halfe thereof thrée shillings foure pence On the. xxvj of May Quéene Elizabeth was Crowned at 1465 Westminster beyng Trinitie Sonday against the which time King Edward made xxxix Knightes King Henrie was taken in Cletherwood beside Bungerley King Henrie taken Hyppingstons in Lancashire by Thomas Talbot sonne heire to sir Edward Talbot of Basshall and Iohn Talbot his cosyn of Colebry which deceiued him being at his dynner at Wadington Hall and brought him toward London with his legs bounde to the stirops where he was mette by the Earle of W●rwike and arested at Esyldon Doctor Manning Deane of Windsore Doctor Bedle and yong Ellerton being in his companie with their féete bound vnder the horse bellyes were brought to the Towre of London A licence was graūted to conuey certaine Coteswold shéepe Sheepe trāsported ouet the seas Long piked Shone forbid into Spaine which haue since greatly multiplyed there It was proclaynied throughout England that the beakes or pikes of Shoone and Bootes should not passe ij ynches vpon paine of cursing by the Clergie and forfeting xx s̄ to be payde one Noble to the King one other to the Cordewayners of London and the thirde to the chamber of London and for other Cities and Townes the like order was takē Before this time and since the yéere of our Lord. 1282. the pikes of shooes bootes were of such length that they were fayne to be tyed vp to their knées with chaynes of siluer and guilt or at the least with silke laces Henrie Wauer William Constantine the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Ralph Verney Mercer the 28. of October The. xj of Februarie Quéene Elizabeth was deliuered at Westminster of a Daughter also named Elizabeth who was long after married to King Henrie the seuenth whose Christening was done in the Abbey with y e most solemynitie that might be and the more because the King was assured by his Phisitions that the Quéene was conceyued with a Prince which proued otherwise as ye haue heard This yéere was the Lord Hungerford beheaded at Salisburie Anno. reg 6 1466 Also sir Thomas Hungerford Knight sonne to the Lord Hungerford and Henry Courteney of right Earle of Deuōshire were beheaded at Salisburie The Lord Stafford of Southwike procured the said Courteneys death to be made Earle of Deuonshire as in déede he was shortly after Iohn Browne Henrie Brice the 28. of September Sir Iohn Yong Grocer the 28. of October Sherifes Maior Iohn Stocton the 26. of Iune The. iij. of June beganne a Parliament at Westminster Anno. reg 7. 1467 All the Kings giftes reuoked wherin was resumed to y e Kings honor all maner of giftes that had bin giuen from the first day he tooke possession of y ● Realme to that time except certaine things then named On Thursday next after Corpus Christi Antonie Wooduile Iustes in Smithfielde Lorde Scales iusted in Smithfield with the Earle of the Roche called the Bastard of Burgoygne
and had the victorie of the fielde The listes were of length 120. Taylers yardes and. 10. foote and of bredth 80. yardes 10. foote double barred v. foote betwéene the barres c. Diuers persons Iurours in Assises falsely forsworn for rewards were iudged that they should ride from Newgate Iurours on the Pillery to the Pillerie in Cornehill with Myters of paper on their heades and there to stand on the Pillerie the space of one houre and then led againe to Newgate And this iudgement was giuen by the Maior Thomas Stalbroke Humfrey Heyford the 28. of Sept. Maior Sherifes Anno reg 8 1498 Thomas Olgraue Skinner the 28. of October The. viij of May beganne a Parliament at Westminster where was graunted two fiftenes and a demy The xviij of June Margaret syster to King Edward the Lady Margaret the Kings sister married to the Duke of Burgoigne fourth beganne hir iourney from the Wardrobe in London toward hir mariage w e Charles Duke of Burgoigne first she offred in the Church of S. Paule then rode through the Citie the Earle of Warwike riding before hir with Earles Barons a great number the Dutches of Norfolke with other Ladyes and Gentlewomen in great number And at hir entrie into Cheape the Maior of London and his brethren the Aldermen presented hir with a payre of riche Basons ● in them an 100. ● of golde that night she lodged at the Abbey of Stratford where the King then lay from thence she tooke hir iourney to Caūterbury The King riding after to sée hir shipping on y e first of July she tooke y e sea at Margate there toke leaue of y e King hir brother departed There returned backe againe with y e King the Duke of Clarence the Duke of Glocester y e Earles of Warwike Shrewsburie Northūberland And there abode with hir in the ship the Lorde Scales the Lorde Dacres hir Chamberlaine sir Iohn Wodvile sir Iohn Heyward and many other famous Knightes Esquiers she was shipped in the new Ellen of Londō and in hir Nauie the Iohn of Newcastle the Marie of Salisburie and many other Royall ships the morrowe landed at Sluce in Flaūders as soone as hir ship cōpany of ships were entred into y e Hauen there receiued hir sir Simō de Leleyn and the water Bailie in diuers Boates Barks apparelled redie for hir lāding The first estate y ● receiued hir was y e Bishop of V●right well accompanyed the Countesse of Shorne bastard daughter to Duke Phillip of Burgoygne with hir many Ladyes Gentlewomē so procéeding in at the gate of the towne the same towne was presented to hir she to be Soueraigne Ladie thereof also they gaue hir xij marks of gold Troy waight the which was 200. ● of English Money and so she procéeded through the towne to hir lodging euery housholder standing in the stréete with a torche in his hand burning On the morrow the olde Dutches of Burgoygne came to hir accompanyed with many great Estates On the. iij. of July came the Duke of Borgoigne to Sluce with xx persons secretly and was there openly affianced to the Ladie Margaret by the Byshop of Salisburie and the Lorde Scales in presence of the Lord Dacre the Duches of Norfolke the Ladie Scales and all the Knightes and Esquiers Gentlewomen enuironing the Chamber On the viij of July being Saterday by the Duke of Burgoignes appointment the Ladie Margaret remoued by water to the Dame And on the Sonday in the morning betwixt v. and. vj. of the clocke the mariage was solempnized betwixt them by the Bishops of Salisburie and of Turney there being present the olde Duches of Burgoigne the Lord Scales the Lord Dacre with the Knightes Esquiers Ladyes and Gentlewomē that came out of England the great triumphs feastings shewes of Pageants with other straunge deuises and Justings were such as I haue not read the like and would be ouer long in this place to set downe Sir Thomas Cooke late Maior of Londō was by one named Robert Fabian Sir Thomas Cooke Hawkins appeached of treason for the which he was sent to the Towre and his place within London seased by the Lorde Ryuers and his wife and seruauntes clearely put out therof The cause was this The forenamed Hawkins came vpon a season vnto the sayd sir Thomas requesting him to lend a thousand markes vpon good suertie wherevnto he answered that first he would know for whom it should be and for what intent at length vnderstanding it shoulde be for the vse of Quéene Margaret he answered he had no currant wares whereof any shiftes might be made without too much losse and therfore required Hawkins to moue him no farther in that matter for he intended not to deale withall yet the sayde Hawkins exhorted him to remember what benefites he had receiued by hir when she was in prosperitie as by making him hir Wardrober and customer of Hampton c. but by no meanes the sayde Cooke woulde graunt goods nor money although at the last the sayd Hawkins required but an hundreth poūd he was fayne to depart without the value of a pennie and neuer came againe to moue him which so rested two or thrée yeares after tyll the sayde Hawkins was cast in the Towre and at length brought to the brake called the Duke of Excesters daughter by meane of which payne he shewed many things amongst y e which the motion was one that he had made to sir Thomas Coke and accused himselfe so farre that he was put to death by meane of which confession the sayde sir Thomas was troubled as before is shewed After the saide sir Thomas had lyen in the Towre from Whitsontide fyll about Michaelmas in the which seasō many enquiries were made to finde him guiltie and euer quit till one iurie by meanes of sir Iohn Fogge endited him of treason after which an other determine was set at the Guildhall in the which sat with y e Maior the Duke of Clarence the Earle of Warwike y e Lorde Riuers sir Iohn Fogge with other of y e Kings counsell to the which place the saide Thomas was brought there arraygned vpō life death where he was acquited of y e said inditement had to the Counter in Bredstreete from thence to the Kings bench After a certaine time that he was thus acquited his wife gat againe the possessiō of hir house y e which she found in an euill plight for such seruants of y ● Lord Riuers and sir Iohn Fogge as were assigned to kéepe it made hauoke of what they listed Also at his place in Essex named Guydy hall were set an other sort to kéepe that place the which destroyed his Deare in his Parke his Connies his Fishe without reason and spared not Brasse Pewter bedding and all that they might carie for the which might neuer one pennie be gottē in recompence yet could not sir Tho. Cooke be
deliuered til he had paid 8000. ● to y e K. 800. ● to y e Quéene In the ende of August the Castle of Harlowe was wonne Harlovv Cas●l● vvonne by the assaulte of the Lorde Herberd the which Castle was one of the strongest holdes in Wales This yéere many murmurous tales ran in the Citie betwene y e Earle of Warwike and the Quéenes blood y e which Earle was euer had in great fauour of the Cōmons of this land by reason of y ● excéeding houshold which he dayly kept in all Countries where euer he soiourned or lay and when Earle of VVarvvike his house keeping he came to London he held such an house that vj. Oxen were eaten at a breakefast and euery Tauerne was full of his meate for who that had any acquaintance in that house he should haue had as much soden and rost as he might carrie vpon a long Dagger Simon Smith William Hanot the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Cordvvainer streete discharged of fiftens Anno reg 19. William Tailour Grocer the 28. of October This W. Tailour gaue to y e Citie of London certaine tenements for the which y e Citie is boūd to pay for euer at euery fiftéene graunted to y e King for all such as shall dwell in Cordwainers stréete warde seised at xij d. a péece or vnder The Duke of Clarence went to Calleis there wedded Isable one of y e daughters to y e Earle of Warwike Sir Iohn Coniers 1469 knight Robert Hiltard who named himselfe Robin of Ridsedale other gathered an host of 20000. mē in y e North Robert of Ridsedale against whō K. Edward sent W. Herbert late made Earle of Penbroke with 18000. Welch men and Humfrey Stafforde of Southroike late made Earle of Deuon w t 6000. good archers which ij Erles falling out for lodging in y e towne of Bābery Edgecote field Hūfrey Stafford departed w t his power wherby W. Herbert Richard Herbert his brother were ouercome taken by thē of the North 5000. saith Hall of the Welchmen slaine in a plaine called Danes more néere to y e towne of Edgecote iij. miles frō Ba●bery y ● 26. of July The men of name slaine of y ● Welch party were sir Roger Vaughā knight Henry ap Morgan Tho. ap Richard Vaughā Esquier W. Herbert of Brecknocke Esquier Watkin Thomas son to Roger Vaughan Inā ap Iohn ap Meridik Dauy ap Iankin ap Limorik Harrisdon ap Pikton Iohn Done of Kidwelly Rice ap Morgā ap Vistō Iankin Perot ap Scots Burg Iohn Euerard of Penbrokeshire Iohn Courtor of Hereford The Northrē men of name slain were sir Henry Latimer sonne heire to y e Lord Latimer sir Roger Pigot Knight Iames Coniers sonne heire to sir Iohn Coniers Knight Oliuer Awdley Esquier Tho Wakes sonne heire to W. Mallerie Esquier Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers w t Iohn his sonne were takē in y ● forest of Dene brought to Northamptō where they with sir W. Herbert Richard his brother were all iiij beheaded by y ● cōmaundement of y e duke of Clarence the Erle of Warwike T. Herbert was slaine at Bristow Humfry Stafford was by the commōs taken at Bridgewater and beheaded King Edwarde was taken at V●nar a village beside Northampton by y e archbishop of Yorke brought to Warwicke Castell thence to Yorke from whence by faire promises he escaped came to London Richard Gardiner Robert Drope the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Richard Lee Grocer the 28. of October The 29. of Sept. Humfrey Neuile Knighte and Charles his brother were taken by the erle of Warwike beheaded at Yorke King Edward being present In the moneth of Anno reg 1● March the L. Willoughby Rich. Lord Wels sir Roberte his son sir Tho. Delaband sir Tho. Dimoke the Kings Champion draue out of Lincolnshire sir Tho. Burgh a Knighte of the kings house pulled down his place and toke al his goods cattels with 30000 of the commons cried King Henrie K. Edward gaue Lorde Wels his pardon sente for him hauing him in custody cōmanded him vpon paine of death to cause the Lincolneshire men i● lay down their hoste and so he wrote but all in vaine Wherevpon the Lorde Wels head was cutte off King Edward sprinkeled the Lincolnshire men with his ordinance and slewe many of them Sir Robert Wels sir Thomas Delaband sir Thomas Dimoke were taken and beheaded beside Stamforde the 13. of March and the 19. day the Lorde Willoughbey was beheaded at Doncacter The Duke of Clarence and the Earle of Warwike fledde into Fr●unce where they made a marriage betwixte Prince Edwarde sonne to King Henrie the sixth and one of the Earle of Warwikes daughters At this marriage was concluded that King Henry shoulde raigne againe and Prince Edwarde after him and for lacke of their heires George Duke of Clarence and his heires ●● The. xiij day of Sept. George Duke of Clarence Iasper Earle of Penbroke Richard Earle of Warwike the Earle of Oxford with the bastard Fawconbridge and many other ariued at Plymmouth and an other sort at Dartmouth of whome the Earle of Penbroke went into Wales the other toward Excester proclaiming in the name of King Henry that all men betwixt the ages of xvj and. lx should be ready to assist the saide Lordes on the behalfe of King Henrie against King Edward Also on the Sonday next after the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell Doctor Godard preaching at Doctor Godard preached at Paules Crosse againste King Edvvarde Paules Crosse declared by the reading of byls and diuers other arguments and proofes that Henrie was true lawfull King of England and not King Edward Moreouer the Marques Mountacute who had gathered a. vj. thousand men in King Edwardes name and was come néere vnto the said Edward he told them how King Edward had serued him first making him Earle of Northumberland and after giuing the same Erledome to T. Percie made him Marques Mountacute allowing him a Pies neste to maintayne it with all wherefore he would leaue to serue him and take part with the Earle of Warwike his brother Whereof when King Edwarde vnderstoode he fled from his host besides Notingham King Edvvarde fled beyond the Seas and the. iij. day of October he with the Lorde Riuers Lorde Hastings his Chamberlaine the Lord Say and other to y e number of vij or viij Earles tooke shipping at Lynne Phil. Kom●in●● sayled toward the duke of Burgoigne his brother in lawe The Quéene had before that to wit on y ● first of October The Queene tooke sanctuary at VVestm●ster stolne secretly in y e night out of the Towre of London by water to Westminster there taken Sanctuary This time was great watch kept in y e Citie of London for the Kentishmen had Kentishmen robbed the Flemings chased ●hem oute of London assembled themselues in
after a Chappell was builded The morow after Easter day were y e bodyes of the Earle Iob. Rastall of Warwike and the Marques Mountacute layde naked in Paules Churche in London that all men might sée them King Henrie with the Archbyshop of Yorke were sent to the Towre of London At this time Quéene Margaret and Prince Edwarde hir sonne had lyne on y e sea xvtj. dayes letted with foule weather on Easter day at euen they landed with their Frenche Battell at Tevvkesburie Nauie at Weymouth and so came to Excester from thence to Tewkesburie and pitched his fielde by Seuerne Edwarde the fourth being come from London fought with Prince Edward Liber Tewx at Tewkesburie on the fourth of May tooke Quéene Margaret prisoner with Prince Edward hir sonne whom cruelly he smote on the face with his gawntlet and after his seruants slew him Edmond Duke of Somerset and sir Hugh Courteney fledde from Prince Edward and loste him the fielde There was slaine Courteney Earle of Deuonshire Lorde Iohn of Somerset Lorde Wenlocke sir Edmond Flamdene sir Robert Whittingham sir William Vaus sir Nicholas Haruie sir Iohn Deluis sir William Filding sir Thomas Fizhony sir Iohn Laukenor King Edward entring a Churche in Teweksburie with his sworde drawne a Priest brought the Sacrament against him and woulde not let him enter vntill he had graunted his pardon to these that followe the Duke of Somerset the Lorde of Saint Iohns sir Humfrey Audeley sir Geruis of Clifton sir William Crimeby sir William Carie sir Thomas Tresham sir William Newbrough Knightes Henrie Tresham Walter Courteney Iohn Florie Lewes Myles Robert Iackson Iames Gower Iames Deluis sonne and heire to sir Iohn Deluis all these where they might haue escaped tarryed in the Church trusting in the Kings pardon from Saterdaye tyll Mondaye when they were taken out and beheaded Aboute this time sir Walter Wroitile and sir Geffrey Thomas the Bastarde Gates Knightes gouernours of Caleis sente sir George Broke Knight from Caleis with 300. souldiours to Thomas the Bastarde Fauconbridge Captaine of the Earle of Warwickes Nauie willing him to raise the Countrey of Kente and to goe to London there to take King Henrie out of the Tower and then to goe against King Edwarde The fourtéenth day of May Thomas the Bastarde wyth a ryotous company of shipmen and other of Essex and Kent came to London where being denyed passage throughe the Citie he set vpon Bishops Gate Aldegate London bridge c. along the Thamis side shooting arrows and Gunnes into the Citie fiered the Suburbs and brent more than 60. houses wanne the Bulwarkes at Aldegate and entred the Citie but y e Parcolise being let downe suche as had entred were slaine and then the Citizens pursued the rest as farre as Stratforde and Blacke Wall slaying many and tooke manye prisoners Thomas the Bastarde went from London Weastwarde as farre as Kingstone vppon Thamis to prosecute King Edwarde but the Lorde Scales with Nicholas Faunte Maior of Canterburie by fayre wordes caused Fawconbridge to returne to Blacke Heath in Kent from whence in the night he stale from the hoste with sixe hundred horssemenne to Rochester and so to Sandwiche where he abode the Kyngs comming The one and twentith of May King Edwarde came to King Henrie murdered London with thirtie thousand men and the same nyght king Henrie was murdered in the Tower of London on the morrowe he was brought to Saint Paules Church in London in an open Cophen bare faced where he bled thēce he was carried to the Blacke Friers and there bled and thence to Chersey Abbay in a boate where he was then buryed but since remoued to Windsor where he resteth Thus ended the King his transitorie life hauing inioyed as great prosperity as fauourable fortune coulde aforde and as greate troubles on the other side as she frownyng coulde poure out yet in both states he was patiente and vertuous that he maye be a patterne of moste perfect vertue as he was a worthy example of Fortunes inconstancie he was plaine vpright far from fraude wholye giuen to prayer reading of Scriptures and almes-déedes of such integritie of lyfe that the Bishoppe whyche hadde bene hys Confessour tenne yeares auowched that hée had not all that tyme committed anye mortall cryme So continente as suspition of vnchaste life neuer touched hym and hauyng in Christmasse a shewe of yong womenne wyth theyr bare breastes layde out presented before hym he immediately departed wyth these wordes fie fie for shame forsooth you be to blame before his marryage he liked not that women shoulde enter into hys Courte and for thys respect he committed hys two brethren by the mothers side Iasper and Edmonde to moste honest and vertuous Prelates to bée broughte vppe so farre he was from couetousnesse that when the executors of hys vncle the Bishoppe of Winchester surnamed the rich Cardinall would haue giuen to him 2000. pounde he playnelye refused it willing them to discharge the will of the departed and woulde scarcely condescend at length to accept the same some of money towarde the endowing of his Colledges in Cambridge and Eaton he was religiously affected as the tyme then was that at principall holydayes he would were sackeclothe next his skinne Othe he vsed none but in moste earnest matters these wordes forsoothe and forsooth he was so pityfull that when hée sawe the quarter of a Traytour agaynste hys Crowne ouer Criple Gate hée willed it to be taken awaye wyth these wordes I wyll not haue anye Christian so cruellye handeled for my sake manye greate offences hée willinglye pardoned and receyuing at a tyme a greate blowe by a wicked manne whyche compassed hys deathe he onelye sayde forsooth forsooth yée doe fowelye to smite a Kyng annoynted so another also thruste him in the side wyth a sworde when hée was restoared to hys state and Kyngdome not long before hys death beyng demaunded why hée hadde so long helde the Crowne of Englande vniustlye he replyed my Father was Kyng of Englande quietlye enioying the Crowne all hys raigne and further my grandsire was Kyng of Englande and I euen a chylde in my Cradle was proclaymed and crowned King without anye interruption and so helde fortye yeares well neare all the states doing homage vnto me as to my antecessors Wherefore I may saye with King Dauid The lotte is fallen vnto me in a faire grounde yea I haue a goodlye heritage my helpe is from the Lorde whyche saueth the vprighte in hearte This good King of hymselfe alwayes naturally enclined The Kings Colledge in Cambridge to doe good and fearing leste he might séeme vnthankfull to almyghtye GOD for hys greate benefittes bestowed vppon hym since the tyme he firste tooke vppon hym the regimente of the Realme determyned aboute the sixe and twentith yeare of hys raygne for hys primer notable worke as by the wordes of hys wyll I finde expressed to erecte and founde two famous Colledges in the honoure and
he assured the King that the Conestable woulde deliuer into his handes both Saint Quintines and all his other places whiche the Kyng easilye beléeued partly bycause hée hadde marryed the Conestables Nie●e and partlye bycause hée sawe hym in so greate feare of the Kyng of Fraunce that hée thoughte hée durste not fayle hys promise made to the Duke and hym and the Duke beléeued i● also But the Conestable meante nothing lesse for the feare he was in of the Frenche Kyng was not so greate that it coulde force hym thus 〈…〉 but he vsed s●yl his ●onted dissimulation The King of Englande reioycyng at thys message sente by the Conestable departed from Peronn● wyth the Duke of Burgoigne towarde Saint Quintins wherevnto when hée approched a greate bande of Englishe menne ranne before thynkyng that the belles shoulde haue bene rong at theyr commyng and that the Citizens woulde haue receyued them wyth Crosse and Holye Water but when they drewe néere to the Towne the Artill●●●e shotte and the Souldi●urs ●●●ed for the 〈…〉 he 〈…〉 she bothe on hors●e backe and on foote so that two or three Englishe menne were slayne and some taken ● and in thys state returned they in great rage to theyr Campe 〈…〉 againste the Conestable The nexte morning the Duke of 〈…〉 woulde haue taken hys leaue of the King of Englande to departe to hys armye in Barrays promising to do maruayles in hys fauour The Frenche Kyng sente a seruaunte of the LORD Halles in the lykenesse of an Herraulte wyth a coate made of a Trumpets Banner to the Englishe Campe where when hée came hée was broughte to a Tente and after dynner talked wyth the Kyng hys message was chielely grounded vppon the greate desire the Kyng hadde of long time to bée in peace wyth the Kyng of Englande saying further that since hée was Crowned Kyng of Fraunce he neuer hadde attempted anye thyng againste the King of England or his realme Secondly he excused himselfe for the receiuing in times paste the Earle of Warwicke into his Dominions saying that hée dyd it onely● agaynste the Duke of Burgoigne and not him Further he declared that the sayd Duke of Burgoigne had for none other cause called hym into Fraunce but that by the occasion of hys comming hée mighte conclude a bett●r peace for hymselfe wyth the Kyng And if happily anye other furthered the matter it was onely to amende the broken estate of theyr owne affaires and for their owne priuate commoditie but as touching the Kyng of Englandes good successe they were altogither carelesse thereof Hée putte hym also in mynde of the tyme of the yeare alleaging that Winter approched likewise the great charges he sustained Lastlye he sayde that notwithstanding a great number in Englande desyred Warre with Fraunce yet if the Kyng o● Englande inclyne to peace the Kyng for hys parte would condescende to suche conditions as he doubted not but hée and hys Realme woulde allowe of finally he demaunded a sa●e conduite for certaine Ambassadours to come well enformed of his maisters pleasure The King of England and part of his Nobles liking these ouertures very well graunted to the Harrault of Fraunce as large a safe conducte as he demaunded and gaue him foure Nobles of golde in rewarde He also sente an Englishe Harrault with him to bring the like safe conducte And in the nexte morning in a Uillage neare to Amience the Commissioners of both Princes met being these For the King of France the bastard of Bourdon Adm●ral of France the Lord of Saint Pierre and the Bishop of Eureux called Heberge And for the King of Englande the Lord Howard one Chalenger and Doctor Morton Many articles of peace were treated of but the laste resolutions were these That the French King shoulde paye to the King of Englande presently before his departure out of Fraunce 72. thousande crownes that the Dolphine shoulde marrye King Edwardes eldest daughter and that she shoulde haue the Duchie of Guien for hir maintainaunce or 5000. crownes yearly to be paid in the Tower of London the space of nine yeres which terme expired the Dolphine shoulde peaceably enioy the reuenues of the whole Dutchie of Gnien and then the Kyng of France to be clearly discharged of all payments to the King of Englande Further it was decréed that the two Primes shoulde méete togither and be sworne to the treatie which méeting was obserued in a town called Picquigny on the 29. of August The King of England vppon receit of hys money departed towarde Cal●is in great haste fearing the Duke of Burgoignes malice and his subiectes At his departure he lefte for hostages with the King of Fraunce till his returne into England the Lorde Howarde and the Maister of his horse called sir Iohn Cheyney King Edward tooke shipping at Calais and landed at Douer and was receyued on the Blacke-heath by the Mayor of London and his brethren in Scarlet and 500. commoners all clad in Murrey and so conueyed to London through the Citie to Westminster on the 28. of September This yéere was one Iohn surnamed Gose brent on she Towre hill in the moneth of August Edmond Shawe Thomas Hill the 28. of September Maior Sherifes Robert Drope Draper the 28. of October This Robert Drope Maior of London inlarged the Condite vpon Cornehill making an East ende therevnto The. xvi●j of Aprill were inhaunced to the honour of Anno reg 15 1475 Knights made by the King Knighth and after the custome of England in the time of peace his eldest sonne Edward Prince of Wales Duke of Connewall and Earle of Chester his seconde sonne the Duke of Yorke and with them the Earle of Lincolnes sonne and heire the Duke of Suffolke the Lord Thomas Grey y e Quéenes sonne Richard his brother the Earle of Shrewsburie the Earle of Wilshire Master Edward Woduile the Lorde Neuib● the Lorde Barkleys sonne and heire the Lord Awdeleys sonne and heire the Lord Saint Ainand the Lord Stanleys sonne and heire the Lorde Sturtons sonne and heire the Lorde Hastings sonne heire the Lorde Ferrors of Chartleys sonne and heire Master Harbert brother to the Earle of Penbroke Master Vaughon Brian chiefe Judge Litilton one of the Little 〈…〉 Judges of the Common place Master Bodringham Master Brian Stapleton Kneuit Pilkinton Ludlow Charleton c. The same day the King created the Lord Thomas Marques Dorset before dinner and so in the habit of a Marques aboue the habit of his Knighthood he beganne the table of Knights in Saint Edwards Chamber At that time he ordained that the Kings Chamberlaine shoulde goe with the auncient and well nurtred Knight to aduertise and teache the order of Knighthood to the Esquiers being in the bayne The King himselfe came in person and did honour to all y e companie with his noble Counsell and his handes Hugh Brite Robert Colwitch the 28. of Sept. Robert Basset Salter the 28. of October Sherifes Maior This Maior did sharpe correction
owne table to the Lord Riuers praying him to be of good cheare all should be well ynough And he thanked the Duke and prayed the messenger to beare it to his nephew the Lord Richard with the same message for hys comforte as one to whome such aduersitie was strāge but himselfe had bin all his dayes in vre therewith therfore could beare it the better But for all this cōfortable curtesie of the Duke of Glocester he sent the Lord Riuers the The death of the L. Riuers and others Lord Richarde with sir Thomas Vaughan into the Northe Countrey into diuerse places to prison and afterwarde all to Pomfraite where they were in conclusion beheaded In this wise the Duke of Glocester toke vppon hymselfe the order and gouernaunce of the yong King whom with muche honoure and humble reuerence hée conueyed vpward toward the Citie But anone the tydings of this matter came hastily to the Quéene a little before the midnighte following and that in the sorest wise that the King hir son was taken hir brother hir sonne and other friends arrested and sente no man wist whether to bée done with God wot what With which tydings the Quéene in great flight and heauinesse bewayling hir childes raigne hir friendes mischaunce and hir owne infortune damning the time that euer she disswaded the gathering of power aboute the Kyng gatte hyr selfe in all the haste possible wyth hir yōger Sonne and hyr daughters out of the Pallaice of Westminster in whiche she then laye into the Sanctuarie The Qu. taketh Sanctuarie lodging hyr selfe and hyr companye there in the Abbots place Now came there one likewise not long after midnighte from the Lorde Chamberlayne vnto the Archbishoppe of Yorke then Chancellour of Englande to his place not far frō Westminster And for that he shewed his seruauntes that hée had tydings of so great importaunce that hys maister gaue him in charge not to forbeare his reste they letted not to wake him nor he to admitte this messenger into his bedde side Of whome he hearde that these Dukes were gone backe wyth the Kings grace from Stonie Stratforde vnto Northampton Notwythstanding Syr quoth he my Lorde sendeth your Lordshippe worde that there is no feare for he assureth you that all shall be well I assure him quoth the Archebishoppe be it as well as it will it wyll neuer be so well as we haue séene it And therevpon by and by after the messenger departed he caused in all the haste all his sernauntes to be called vp and so with his owne housholde about him and euerye man weaponed he tooke the greate seale with him and came yet before daye vnto the Quéene About whom he founde much heauinesse rumble hast and businesse cariage and conueyaunce of hyr stuffe into Sanctuarie chestes coffers packes fardels trussed all on mens backes no man vnoccupied some lading some going some discharging some comming for more some breaking down the walles to bring in the next way and some yet drewe to them to helpe to carry a wrong way The Quéene hir selfe sate alone alowe on the rushes al desolate and dismayde whome the Archebishoppe comforted in the beste manner he coulde shewing hir that he trusted the matter was nothing so sore as she toke it for and that he was putte in good hope and out of feare by y e message sent him from the Lord Chamberlaine Ah wo worth hym quoth she for he is one of them that laboureth to destroye me and my bloud Madam quoth he be yée of good chéere for I assure you if they Crowne any other King than your son whom they nowe haue with them we shall on the morrowe Crowne hys brother whom you haue here with you And here is the greate seale whyche in likewise as that noble Prince your husbande deliuered it vnto me so héere I deliuer it vnto you to the vse and behoofe of your sonne and therewith he betooke hir the greate seale and departed home againe yet in the dawning of the daye By whiche time he mighte in his chamber windowe sée all the Thamis full of boates of the Duke of Glocesters seruauntes watching that no man shoulde go to Sanctuarie nor none could passe vnsearched Then was there great commotion and murmur as well in other places about as specially in the Citie the people diuersly diuining vpō this deling And some Lords Knightes and Gentlemen eyther for fauour of the Quéen or for feare of themselues assembled in sundry companies and wente flockmeale in harneys and manye also for that they reckoned thys demeanour attempted not so speciallye against the other Lords as against the King himselfe in the disturbaunce of his Coronation But then by and by the Lordes assembled togither towarde whiche méeting the Archbishoppe of Yorke fearing that it woulde be ascribed as it was indéede to his ouermuch lightnesse that he so suddainely hadde yéelded vppe the greate seale to the Quéene to whom the custodie thereof nothing perteyned wythout speciall commaundement of the King secretely sent for the seale againe and brought it with him after the customable manner And at this méeting the Lorde Hasting whose trouth toward y e king no man doubted nor néeded to doubt perswaded the Lordes to beléeue that the Duke of Glocester was sure and fastly faithfull to his Prince that the Lord Riuers and Lorde Richarde with the other Knightes were for matters attempted by them against the Dukes of Glocester and Buckingham put vnder arest for their suretie not for the Kings ieopardie and that they were also in safegarde and there no longer shoulde remayne than till the matter were not by the Dukes onely but also by all the other Lords of y e Kings counsayle indifferently examyned by other discretions ordered and eyther iudged or appeased But one thing he aduised them beware that they iudged not the matter too farre forth ere they knew the trueth nor turning theyr priuate grudges into the common hurte yrking and prouoking men vnto anger and disturbing the Kings coronation toward which the Dukes were cōming vp that they might peraduenture bring the matter so farre out of ioynte that it shoulde neuer be broughte in frame againe Whiche strife if it should happe as it were lykely to come to a fielde though both parties were in all things equal yet shoulde the aucthoritie be on that side where the King is himselfe With these perswasions of the Lord Hastings whereof part himselfe beleeued of parte he wist the contrarie these commotions were somwhat appeased but specially by that that the Dukes of Glocester and Buckinghā wer so néere and came so shortly on with the king in none other manner with none other voyce or semblance than to his coronation causing the fame to be blowen about that these Lords and Knights which were taken had contriued the destruction of the dukes of Glocester and Buckingham and of other the noble bloud of the Realme to the end that thēselues would alone demeane
and gouern the King at their pleasure And for the coulourable proofe therof such of the Dukes seruauntes as rode with the cartes of their stuffe that were taken among which stuffe no maruel thoughe some were harneys which at the breaking vppe of the housholde must néedes eyther be brought awaye or cast away they shewed vnto the people all the wayes as they went loe héere be the ●●rels of harneys that these Traytours hadde priuilye conueyed in theyr carriage to destroy the noble LORDES withal This deuise albeit that it made the matter to wise men more vnlikely well perceyuing that the intendours of such a purpose would rather haue hadde theyr harneys on their backes than to haue bound them vppe in barrels yet much part of the commō people were therwith very wel satisfied and sayd it were almoyse to hang them When the King approched néere to the Citie Edmonde Shaa Goldsmith then Maior with William White Iohn Matthew Sherifes and al the other Aldermen in Scarlet with fiue hundered Horsse of the Citizens in violet receyued him reuerently at Harnesey and ryding from thence accompanyed The Kings cōming to Londō him into the Citie whiche he entred the fourth daye of Maye the first and laste yeare of his raigne But the Duke of Gloucester bare hym in open sight so reuerently to the Prince with all semblaunce of lowlinesse that from the great obloquie in which he was so late before he was sodainly fallen in so gret trust y e at the counsel next assēbled he was made the only mā chose and thought most méete to be Protector of y e King and hys Realme so that The protectour made were it destenie or were it follie the Lambe was betaken to the Woolfe to kéepe At whych Counsayle also the Archbyshop of Yorke Chauncelor of Englande whyche hadde delyuered vppe the greate Seale to the Quéene was thereof greately reprooued and the Seale taken from hym and delyuered to Doctor Russell Byshoppe of Lincolne a wise The Bishop of Lincolne made Lord Chauncellour man and a good and of muche experience and one of the beste learned menne vndoubtedly that Englande had in hys time Dyuers Lordes and Knightes were appointed vnto dyuers roumes The Lorde Chamberlaine and some other kepte still theyr offices that they had before Nowe all were it so that that the Protector so sore thirsted for the finishing of that he had begunne that thought euery daye a yeare till it were atchéeued yet durste hée no further attempte as long as he had but halfe hys pray in his hande well witting that if he deposed the one brother all the Realme woulde fall to the other if hée either remaynèd in Sanctuarie or shoulde happily be shortelye conueyed to hys fathers libertie Wherfore incontinent at the nexte méeting of the Lordes at the Counsaile he proposed vnto them that it was a hainous déede of the Quéen The protectours oration and procéeding of greate malice towarde the Kyngs Counsailours that she shoulde kéepe in Sanctuarie the Kings brother from hym whose speciall pleasure and comforte were to haue his brother with hym And that by hir done to none other intente but to bring all the Lordes in obloquie and murmure of the people As thoughe they were not to be trusted with the Kings brother that by the assente of the Nobles of the lande were appointed as the Kings nearest friendes to the tuition of hys owne royall person The prosperitie whereof standeth quoth he not all in kéeping from enimies or ill vyande but partly also in recreation and moderate pleasure whiche he cannot in hys tenuer youth take in the companye of auncient persons but in the familiar conuersation of those that be neither far vnder nor farre aboue his age and naythelesse of estate conuenient to accompanye hys noble Maiestie wherefore with whome rather than wyth hys owne brother And if anye man thinke this consideration whyche I thinke no manne thinketh that loueth the King let him consider that sometyme wythout small things greater cannot stande And verilye it redoundeth greatlye to the dishonour both of the Kings hyghnesse and of all vs that bene aboute his grace to haue it runne in euerye mans mouth not in this realme only but also in other lands as euil words walke far y e the kings brother shold be fain to kepe Sāctuary For euery mā wil wéene y e no mā wil so do for nought And such euil opiniō once fastned in mens hearts hard it is to wraste out may grow to more grief thā any mā can here deuine Wherfore me thinketh it were not worst to send vnto y ● Q. for the redresse of this matter some honorable trustie man suche as both tendereth the Kyngs weale and the honoure of hys counsayle and is also in fauour and credence wyth hyr For all which considerations none séemeth me more méetely than our reuerende Father héere present my Lord Cardinall who maye in this matter doe most good of any man if it please him to take the payne which I doubt not of hys goodnesse he will not refuse for the Kings sake and ours and wealth of the yong Duke himself the kings most honorable brother and after my soueraigne Lord himselfe my most déere nephew considered that thereby shal be ceassed the slaunderous rumor and obloquie nowe going and the hurtes au●yded that thereof mighte ensue and muche reste and quiet growe to all the Realme And if she be percase so obstinate and so precisely set vpon hir own wil that neyther his wise and faithful aduertisement can not moue hir nor anye mannes reason contente hir then shall we by mine aduise by the Kings authoritie fetche him out of that prison and bring hym to hys noble presence in whose continuall companye he shall be so well chéerished and so honorablye intreated that al the world shal to our honor and hir reproche perceyue that it was onely malice frowardenesse or follie that caused hir to kéepe him there this is my minde in this matter for this time except any of your Lordshippes any thing perceiue to the contrarie for neuer shall I by Gods grace so wedde my selfe to mine owne wil but that I shal be readie to change it vpon your better aduises When the Protectoure hadde sayde all the Counsayle affirmed that the motion was good and reasonable and to the King and the Duke his brother honorable and a thing that should cease greate murmure in the Realme if the mother mighte be by good meanes enduced to deliuer him Which thing the Archbishop of Yorke whom they all agréed also to be thereto most conuenient tooke vpon him to moue hir and therin to doe his vttermost deuoire Howbeit if she coulde be in no wise intreated with hyr good will to deliuer him then thought he and such other as were of the Spiritualtie present that it were not in any wise to be attempted to take him out against hir wil. For it would be
well I knowe well you be wise Power strength to kéepe him if you list neyther lack ye of your self nor can lack helpe in this case And if ye can not else where then may you leaue him here But only one thing I beséeche you for the trust which his father put in you euer for the trust y e I put in you nowe y ● as far as ye thinke y ● I feare too much be you well ware that you feare not as far too little And therwithall the saide vnto the child farewel mine own swéete son God send you good kéeping let me kisse you yet once ere you go for God knoweth whē we shall kisse together againe And therwith she kissed him blessed him turned hir back wept went hir way leauing y e child wéeping as fast When y ● Lord Cardinal those other Lords w t him had receiued this yong duke they brought him into y ● star Chamber where y ● Protector tooke him in his armes kissed him with these words now welcome my Lord euen w t al my very hart And he said in y ● of O dissimulation likelihood as he thought Thervpon forthwith they brought him vnto the King his brother into the Bishops Palace at Paules and from thence through the citie honorably into the Tower out of y e which after y ● day they neuer came abrode ¶ When the Protector had both y ● children in his hands This that is here betvveene this marke ¶ and this marke * vvas not vvritten by him in english but is translated out of this Historie vvhich he vvrote in Lattin he opened himself more boldly both to certaine other men also chiefly to y ● Duke of Buckinghā Although I know y ● many thought y ● this Duke was priuie to al y ● Protectors coūsel euen frō the beginning some of the Protectors friends said y ● the duke was the first mouer of the Protector to this matter sending a priuie messenger vnto him straight after K. Edwards death But other againe which knew better the subtil wit of y ● Protector denie y ● he euer opened his enterprise to y ● duke vntil he had brought to passe y ● things before rehearsed But whē he had imprisoned y ● Quéens kinsfolks gotten both hir sonnes into his owne hands then he opened the rest of his purpose with lesse feare to them whom he thought méet for y ● matter specially to the Duke who being woon to his purpose he thought his strength more than half increased The matter was broken vnto y e duke by subtill folkes such as were their crafts masters in the handling of such wicked deuises who declared vnto him that the yong king was offended with him for his kinsfolks sake if he were euer able he would reuenge them Who woulde prick him forward thervnto if they escaped for they would remember their imprisonment or else if they were put to deathe without doubte the yong King woulde be carefull for their deathes whose imprisonment was grieuous vnto him And that with repenting the Duke should nothing auaile for there was no way left to redéeme his offence by benefites but he shoulde sooner destroy himselfe than saue the king who with his brother and his kinsfolkes he sawe in such places imprisoned as the Protector might wyth a beck destroy them all and that it were no doubt but he woulde doe it in déede if there were any new enterprise attempted And that it was lykely that as the Protector had prouided priuie garde for hymselfe so had he spyalles for the Duke and traynes to catche him if he shoulde be agaynst hym and that peraduenture from them whom he least suspected For the state of things and the dispositions of mē were then such that a man coulde not well tell whom he mighte trust or whom he might feare * These things and such lyke beyng beaten into the Dukes mynde brought him to that point that where he had repented the way that he had entred yet woulde he goe forthe in the same and since he had once begunne he woulde stoutely goe throughe And therefore to this wicked enterprise which he beléeued coulde not be voyded he bent hymselfe and went through and determined that since the common mischiefe could not be amended he would turne it as much as he might to his owne commoditie Then it was agréed that the Protector shoulde haue the Dukes aide to make him King and that the Protectors only lawfull sonne should marrie the Dukes daughter that the Protector should graunt him the quiet possession of the ●ledome of Hertford which he claimed as his inheritance and could neuer obtayne it in King Edwardes tyme. Besides these requests of y ● duke y ● Protector of his own minde promised hym a great quantitie of the kings treasure and of his housholde stuffe And when they were thus at a poynt betwéene themselues they went about to prepare for y ● Coronation of the yong king as they would haue it séeme And that they myght turne both the eyes and mindes of men frō perceiuing of their drifts other where the Lords being sent for from all partes of y ● Realme came thick to y ● solemnitie But the Protector the duke after that that they had sent y ● Lord Cardinal the Archbishop of Yorke then Lord Chauncellour y ● Bishop of Elie y ● Lord Stanley the lord Hastings then Lorde Chamberlaine w t many other noble men* to common deuise about the coronation in one place as fast were they in another place contriuing the contrarie and to make the Protector King To which Coūcell albeit there were adhibited very few they were secret yet began there here there about some maner of muttering among y ● people as though all should not long be wel though they neyther wyst what they feared nor wherefore were it that before such great things mens hartes of a secret instinct of nature misgiue them As the sea without winde swelleth of himself somtime before a tempest or were it that some one man happily somewhat perceiuing filled many men with suspition though he shewed few men what he knew Howbeit somewhat the dealing it self made men to muse on the matter though the Councell were close For by little and little all folke withdrew from the Tower drew to Crosbies in Bishops gate streete where the Protector kept his houshold The Protector had the resort the King in manner desolate While some for their businesse made sute to them that had the doing some were by their friends secretly warned that it might happily turne them to no good to be too muche attendant about the King without the Protectors appointment which remoued also diuers of the Princes olde seruaunts from him and set new about him Thus many things cōming togither partly by chaunce partly of purpose caused at length not cōmon people
the Ladye Elizabeth than for lacke of that affinitie the whole Realme shoulde runne to ruyne Wherefore hée sent to the Quéene being in Sanctuarie diuers and often messengers whiche shoulde excuse hym of all things before agaynst hir attempted and after shoulde so largelye promyse promotions not onely to hir but to hir sonne Thomas Marques Dorset that they shoulde bryng hir if it were possible into some wan hope The Messengers so perswaded the Quéene that shée beganne somewhat to re●ent in so muche that shée faythfully promysed to yéelde hir selfe to the Kyngs wyll and pleasure And so shée first delyuered vnto Kyng Richardes handes hir fyue daughters Afterwarde shée sent letters to the Marques hir sonne beyng then at Paris wyth the Earle of Richemond wylling hym in any wyse to repayre into Englande where for him were prouided great honours assertayning hym that all offences on both parties were forgiuen and forgotten After that King Richarde hadde thus pleased the mutable mynde of Quéene Elizabeth he caused all hir daughters to bée conueyed into his Palace with solempne receyuing Nowe nothing was contrarie to his purpose ●ut that his mansion was not voyde of a wyfe and first 〈…〉 abstayned both from the bedde and companye of hys wyfe after he complayned to many of the infortunate barrennesse of his wife After this he procured a common rumor to be published among the common people that the Quéene was dead When the Quéen heard tell that so horrible a rumor of hir death was sprong amongst the communaltie she sore suspected the world to be almost at an ende with hir and not long after howsoeuer it fortuned the Quéene departed out of this life and was with due solemnitie buryed at Westminster The King thus losed out of the bonds of Matrimony began to cast a fancie to Lady Elizabeth hys Néece making much suite to haue hir ioyned with him in lawfull Matrimonie but bycause all men and the Mayden hir selfe most of all detested thys vnlawfull copulation hée determined to deferre the matter till he were in a more quiet case for all thys season he was oppressed with weighty affayres on euery syde considering that dayly parte of the Nobilitie sayled into France other priuily fauoured the Earle of Richmond amongst the noble men whome hée most suspected these were the principall Thomas Lorde Stanley Sir Wyllyam Stanley hys brother Gilbert Talbot and sixe hundred other of whose purpose though King Richard were ignorant yet he gaue no credence to any one of them and least of all to the Lord Stanley bycause he was ioyned in Matrimonie wyth the Lady Margaret mother to the Earle of Richmond for when the sayde Lorde Stanley would haue departed into hys Countrey the King in no wyse woulde suffer hym to departe before he had lefte as in hostage Anno reg 3. in the Courte George Stanley Lord Strange his first begotten sonne and heire Whyle Kyng Richarde was thus troubled sodeynely hée hearde newes that the Castell of Hames was delyuered into the handes of the Earle of Richmonde by the meanes of the Earle of Oxford and that not onely he but also Iames Blunt Captayne of the Castell were fledde into France to ayde the Earle of Richmond Henry Earle of Richmond obteyning of King Charles a small crue of men and borowing certayne summes of money of hym and of dyuers other hys priuate friendes hée departed from the French Court and came to the Citie of Roane Whyle he taryed there making prouision at Harefleete in the mouth of the Riuer of Seyne for all things necessarye for hys Nauye tydings were broughte to hym that Kyng Richarde béeyng wythout Children and a Widdower intended shortly to marrye wyth Lady Elizabeth hys brothers daughter whyche newes hée tooke of no small momente for thys thyng onely tooke away from all hys companyous theyr hope to obteyne an happye enterprise by reason whereof hée iudged that all hys friendes in Englande woulde shrinke from him yet notwithstanding Earle Henry of Richmonde bycause he woulde no longer linger and wéerie hys friendes lyuing betwéene hope and feare determined in all hast conuenient to sette forwarde and caryed to hys Shippes armour weapons vitiayle and all other ordinances expedient for warre which béeyng done onely accompanyed wyth two thousande men and a small number of Shyppes weyed vp hys Anckers and in the kalendes of August hée sayled from Harefleete wyth so prosperous a wynde that the seauenth day after Henry Earle of Richmond landed at Milford Hauen hée arriued in Wales in the euening at a Port called Milford Hauen and incontinente tooke lande and came to a place called Dale and at the Sunne rising remoued to Hereford West where he was receyued of the people wyth great ioy From thence he remoued to Cardigan fiue mile from Hereford West whether came to the Earle Richard Griffith with all his men and power After him the same day came Iohn Morgan wyth hys men Then the Earle aduanced forwarde making no abode in anye place and sodeynly hée was ascertayned that Sir Walter Harbert and Rice appe Thomas were in harnesse before hym readye to encounter wyth hys Armye and to stoppe theyr passage Wherefore he first determined to set vpon them and eyther to destroye or to take them into his fauour and after with all hys power to gyue battayle to King Richarde But to the intent his friendes shoulde knowe with what de●teritie he attempted his enterprise forwarde he sent messengers with letters and instructions to the Ladye Margaret his mother to the Lorde Stanley and his brother to Talbot and to other declaring to them that he holpe with the ayde of his friendes intended to passe ouer the riuer of Seuerne at Shrewsburie and so to passe directly to the Citie of London requiring them as his speciall trust was in the hope of their fidelitie that they woulde méete him by the waye with all diligent preparation When these messengers were departed he marched forward towardes Shrewsburie in his passage there mette and saluted him Rice ap Thomas with a goodly band of Welchmen which submitted himselfe whole to his order and commaundement In the meane tyme the messengers laden with rewardes returned to him the same daye that he entred into Shrewsburie and made relation to him that his friendes were readie in all poyntes to doe all things for him which they myghte doe The Earle Henrie continued his iourney and came to a little towne called Newporte and pitched his campe on a little hyll adioyning reposing himselfe there that nyghte In the Euenyng of the same day came to him sir George Talbot with the whole power of the young Earle of Shrewsburie then beyng in warde which were accounted ij thousand men And thus his power increasing he arriued at the Towne of Stafforde and there paused To whome came sir William Stanley accompanyed with a fewe persons After that the Earle departed from thence to Lytchfield and lay without the walles in campe all that night The
lefte on hys ryght hande and so doyng he hadde the Sunne at hys backe and in the face of hys enemyes When the King sawe the Earles companye was passed the marrishe he commaunded wyth all haste to set vpon them the terrible shotte on both sides passed the armyes ioyned and came to hande strokes at whiche incounter the Lorde Stanley ioyned with the Earle The Earle of Oxforde in the meane season fearing least while his company was fighting they should be compassed of the enemies gaue commaundement that no man should go aboue x. foote frō the Standard which commaundement once knowne they kni● themselues together ceased a litle frō fighting the enemies sodainely abashed at the matter mistrusting some fraude began also to pause The Earle of Oxford bringing all his band together on the one part set on his enemies freshly againe the aduersaryes perceyuing that placed their men slender and thinne before and thicke and broade behynde begynnyng agayne the battayle Whyle the two fore wardes thus mortally foughte Kyng Richarde was admonished that the Earle of Richmond accompanyed wyth a small number of men of armes was not farre of and as he approched to hym he perfectly knewe hys personage and béeyng inflamed with yre he put hys spurres to hys horse and rode out of the side of the range of his battayle leauyng the vauntgardes fighting and wyth ●earein wrest ranne towarde him The Earle perceyued well the King furiou●lye comming towarde him and bycause the whole hope of his wealth and purpose was to bée determined by battayle ●e gladlye pr●fere●●● encounter with him body to body and man to man King Richarde set on so sharply at the first brunt that he ouerthrew the Earles standard and slew sir William Brandon his stāderdbearer and matched hand to hande with sir Iohn Cheny a man of great force and strength which would haue re●●s●ed him and the saide Iohn was by him man fully ouerthrowne and so he making open passage by dint of sworde as he went forwarde the Earle of Richmonde withstoode hys violence and kept him at the swords point longer than his companions thought which being almost in dispaire of victorie were sodainelye recomforted by sir William Stanley whiche came to succour with 3000. tall men at which very instaunt King Richards men were driuen backe and fled and he himselfe manfully fighting in the middle of his enimies was flaine In the meane season the Earle of Oxforde with the ayde of the Lorde Stanley after no long fight discō●ited the fore ward of King Richarde wherof a greate number were slaine in the chase but the greatest number y t came to the fielde neuer gaue stroke In this battaile died fewe aboue the number of a M. persons and of the Nobilitie were flaine Iohn Duke of Norffolke Walter Lord Ferrers of Chartley sir Richarde Ratclife and Robert Brakenburie liuetenāt of the Tower and not many Gentlemen moe sir William Catesby learned in the lawes of the Realme and one of the thiefe Counsellours to the late King with diuerse other were two dayes after beheaded at Leicester Amongst them that ranne awaye were Syr Frauncis Vicount Louel and Humfry Stafforde with Thomas Stafford his brother which toke Sanctuarie in Saint Iohns at Glocester On the Erle of Richmonds part wer slayn scarce 100. persons amongst whō the principal was sir William Brandon his standardbearer This battel was fought at Bosworth in Lecestershire the 22. of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1485. the whole conflict ●●udured little aboue two hours When the Earle had thus obtained the victorie he rendered thankes to God and after in his souldiours for their ●●●litie then the people cryed King Henry King Henry When the Lord Stanley sa●● the good will of the people he tooke the Crowne of Kyng Richarde whiche was founde amongest the spoile in the fielde and sette it on the Earles head as thoughe hée had béene elected Kyng by the voyce of the people After this the whole campe remoued to the Towne of Leicester where he rested two dayes In the meane season the dead corps of King Richarde was as shamefully carryed to the towne of Leicester as he gorgeouslye the daye before with pompe departed out of the same towne for his body● was naked to the skinne not so muche as one clowte aboute hym and was trussed behinde a Pursiuant of armes like a hogge or calfe the head and armes hanging on the one side of the horsse and the legs on the other side and all sprinckled with myre and bloud was brought to the Gray Friers Church within the town and there homely buried when he had raigned two yeres two moneths and one daye ¶ Henrie Erle of Richmonde HEnry the seauenth borne in Anno reg 1. Penbrooke Castell began his raigne the xxij of Auguste in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1485. He was a Prince of maruellous wisedom policie iustice temperaunce and grauitie and notwithstandyng manye and greate occasions of trouble and warre he kept his realme in right good order for the which he was greately reuerenced of forraine Princes On the forenamed xxij of August was a greate fyre Parson of Saint Mildreds bren● in Bred-streete of London in the whiche fire was brente the Parson of Saint Mildreds and one other man in the Parsonage there King Henry before his departure from Leicester sente sir Robert Willoughbey knight to the Manour of Sherenton in Yorke for Edwarde Plantagenet Earle of Warwike sonne and heire to George Duke of Clarence then being of the age of fifteene yeares and sente him vppe to the Tower of London where he was put vnder sure custody In the meane season the Kyng remoued towards London and when he had approched the Citie on the 27. of August the Maior magistrates and companies all clothed in violet met him at Shoredich and with great pompe conueyed him through the Citie to Saint Paules Church where hée offered his thrée standards one of Saint George the seconde a red Dragon the thirde a dun Cowe●after his prayers saide and Te Deum sung he departed to the Bishoppes Pallaice where he soiourned a season The Sweating beganne the one and twentith of September and continued till the ende of October of y e which sicknesse a wonderfull number dyed and in London besids other dyed Thomas Maior in whose place was chosen William Stocker who likewise deceased about seauen dayes after in which space departed other foure Aldermen Thomas Ilam Richard Ramson Thomas Norland and Iohn Stocker and then was chosen Maior Iohn Warde who continued til the feast of Simon and Iude. Iohn Tate Iohn Swan the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Hugh Brice Goldsmith the 28. of October On the euen of Sainte Simon and Iude king Henrie came from Kenington his house vnto Lambeth and there dyned w t Thomas Bourcher Archbishoppe of Canterburie Cardinal of Saint Ciria in Thermis And after dinner with a goodlye company of the estates of this Realme both spirituall
moneth of July was a preste for the Kyng made 1488 in the Citie of London of foure thousande pounde and shortly after was an other prest of two thousande pounde which were both repayde againe in the nexte yeare following These summes of money and manye more were leuied to ayde the Archeduke of Burgoigne agaynste the Duke of Brytaine Anno reg 4. Sherifes Maior William Isaac Ralph Tinley the 28. of September Robert Tate Mercer the 28. of October A taske of the tenth penny of all mens goods and landes was graunted to King Henrie to ayde the Duke of Brytaine against the French Kyng through which taxe sir Iohn Egremount and Iohn a Chamber wyth the commōs of y e North Iohn Skelton 1489 made an insurrection and slewe the Earle of Northumberlande and certaine of hys housholde seruauntes in a place called Coke-lodge by Thurske eightéene myles from Yorke on the eighte and twentith of Apryll Wherefore Iohn Achamber was hanged at Yorke vppon a Gibbet sette vppon a foure square Gallowes and the other his accomplices were hanged on the Gallowes round aboute him but sir Iohn Egremount fledde into Flaunders to the Lady Margaret Dutches of Burgondie It was ordayned by Parliament the Maior of London to Anno reg 5. haue conseruation of the riuer of Thamis from the bridge of Stanes vnto the Waters of Yendale and Medway William Capell Iohn Brooke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William White Draper the 28. of October Roger Shaueloke a Taylour within Ludgate of London 1420 being a man of greate wealth slewe hymselfe for whose goodes was greate businesse and strife betwéene the Kings Almoner and the Sherifes of London but in the ende the Anno. reg 6 Almoner preuailed and gaue to the widowe hir goodes againe vpon condition that she shoulde marry with one of his seruauntes named William Flower Henry Coote Robert Reuell the 28. of September Sherifes Hugh Pemberton the 1. of February Iohn Mathew Mercer the 28. of October Maior 1491 The twelfth of March Sir Robert Chamberlaine knight was arraigned and adiudged at Stratforde of the Langthorne and after beheaded on the Tower hill King Henry required a beneuolence whych was granted towarde hys iourney into France The Citizens of London gaue toward this iourney 9682. l. 17. s̄ 4. d. to the whiche summe many Aldermen gaue 200. l. the péece and some of the meaner sorte 100. l. the reste the common people supplied Henry the Kings second sonne was borne at Greenwich Henry the kings son borne Anno. reg 7. Conduite in Grace-streete Dearth of corn the twoo and twentith of June The Conduite in Grace-streete was begunne to bée builded by the executours of sir Thomas Hill Grocer late Maior of London of his goodes Wheate was solde at London for twenty pence the bushel whiche was accompted a great dearth Thomas Wood William Browne the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Hugh Clopton Mercer and Bacheler the 28. of Octob. This Hugh Clopton Mayor of London and of the Staple a Gentleman borne at Clopton village halfe a mile from Stratforde vpon Auen by north continued during hys lyfe 〈…〉 Bacheler he builded the greate and sumptuous Bridge 1492 〈…〉 Stratforde vpon Auen at the Easté ende of the Towne 〈…〉 ys Bridge hathe fourtéene greate arches and a long cawsey with smaller Arches all made of stone newe walled on eche side at the west ende of the bridge he buylded a fayre large Chappell towarde the south ende of that towne and neare vnto the same a preatye house of Bricke and Tymber where he laye and ended his life He glazed the Chancell of the parishe Churche in that towne and made away of foure myles long thrée miles from Alesburie towardes London and one myle beyonde Alesburie The sixt day of Aprill the Mayor of London his brethren the Aldermen and the Craftes in their Liueries assembled in Paules Churche where Doctour Morton Chauncelour made to them an Oration declaring howe the Kyng of Spaine hadde wonne the great and riche Citie and countrey of Granade from the Turkes for ioy whereof Te Deum was sung wyth greate solempnitie In the moneth of May following was holden a greate and valiaunt iusting wythin the Kings Palaice of Shine Anno. reg 8. nowe named Richmonde the whyche endured by the space of a moneth sometime wythin the saide Palaice and sometime wythout vpon the Gréene before the Gate of the said Pallaice In whiche Justes sir Iames Parker Knight running against a Gentleman named Hugh Vaughan by casualtie was so sore hurte and brused that he dyed thereof The ninth of September King Henry tooke his voyage into Fraunce with a greate army to aide the Britons against the Frenche King where he besieged Bolloine til a truce was taken William Purchas William Welbecke the 28 of Sept Sherifes Maior Sir William Martin Skinner the 28. of October King Henry returned into Englande the seauentéenth of December Twoo Pardoners were sette on the Pillorie in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons wherewyth they hadde deceyued the people and gote much money and for that one of them hadde sayned hymselfe to bée a Prieste he was sente to Newgate where he dyed the other was dryuen oute of London wyth shame ynoughe The ninth of October was a ryo● made vpon the Easterling● 149● Fray against the Stiliard men Anno reg 9. or Stiliarde men by Mercers seruauntes and other of the Citie of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian Iohn Winger the 28. of September Sherifes This Robert Fabian Sherife aforenamed and Aldermā made a Chronicle of Englande and of Fraunce beginning at the creation of the worlde and ending in the thirde yeare of the raigne of King Henrie the eight which booke is imprinted to the ende of Richarde the thirde Sir Ralph Austry Fishemonger the 28. of October Maior This sir Ralph Austry rooffed with tymber and couered with Lead the Parishe Churche of Saint Martin in the Vintrie of London and also glazed the same Churche very beautifully as partely appeareth The two and twentith of February were arraigned in the Guild hall of London foure persons Thomas Bagnall Iohn Scot Iohn Heth Iohn Kenington the whyche were Sanctuary men of Saint Martins le Grand in London and latelye before were taken out of the saide Sanctuarie for forging o● seditio●s billes to the sclaunder of the King and some his Counsell for the whiche thrée of them were iudged to dye and the fourth named Bagnall pleaded to be restored to Sanctuarie by reason wherof he was repriued to the Tower till the nexte Terme and on the sixe and twentith of February the other thrée with a Fleming and a Yeoman of the Crowne were all fiue executed at Tyborne The eyghte and twentith of Aprill Ione Boughton widowe 1494 was brent in Smithfielde for holding certaine opinions of Iohn Wicklife Wheate was solde at London
at sixe pence the bushell Anno reg 10 Bay Salte for thrée pence halfe peny the Bushell Na●●wiche Salte was solde for syxe pence the Bushell white hearring nine shillings the barrel red hearring at thrée shillings the cade red sprots sixe pence the cade and Gascoine wine for sixe poundes the tunne Nicholas Alwine Iohn Warner the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richarde Chawry Salter the 28. of October Sir Robert Clifford bearing fauor to the house of Yorke had long since sayled ouer to the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoigne by whome he was there persuaded and broughte in beliefe that one Perken Werbecke a Fleming born was the verye sonne of King Edwarde the fourth but afterwarde béeyng sente for by King Henry and pardon promised him he returned into Englande and comming to the Kings presence in the Tower of London hée on hys knées moste humblye cr●●ed pardon which shortely he obtained and after accused manye amongest whome he accused sir William Stanley whome the Kyng hadde made his chiefe Chamberlaine and one of hys priuie Counsaile The reporte is that this was hys offence When communication was had betwéene him and Sir Robert Clifforde as concerning Perken Werbecke sir William Stanley affirmed there y ● he would neuer fight nor beare armor agaynst the yong man if he knowe of a trueth that he was the vndoubted sonne of King Edward the fourth For this offence sir William Stanly was apprehended araigned and on the xvj day of February beheaded on the Tower hill This sir William Stanley was the chiefest helper of King Henrye to the Crowne at Bosworth fielde againste King Richard the thirde He was a man of greate power in his Country and also of great wealth insomuch as the cōmon fame ran that there was in hys Castell of Hol●e founde in readye coyne plate and Jewels to the value of fortie thousand markes or more and his lande and fées extended to thrée thousand poundes by yeare In Lent white hearring being good were sold for iij. ● 1495 iiij ● the barrell at London Sir W Capel Aldermā of London was condemned to the king in xxvij C. and xliij pound sterling Cronicl● of Lond. for the breaking of certain statuts made before times for the which he made his end with the King for xvj C. and fiftéene pounde sixe shillings eight pence Pierce or Perken Werbecke which by the counsaile of Margaret Dutches of Burgoigne named himselfe Richarde of Yorke King Edwards seconde sonne arriued at Deale in Kēt the thirde daye of July where when he and his companye sawe they coulde haue no comforte of the Countrey they withdrewe to their shippes againe at which so withdrawyng the Mayor of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey bickered with the residue that were vpon land toke aliue of them an hundred thrée score and nine persons among the which were fiue captaines Mountford Corbert Anno reg 11 Whitbelt Quintine and Gem●●e And the xij of July Iohn Peche Esquier Shriue of Kent brought vnto London bridge thos● 169. prisoners where the Shriues of London receiued them and conueyed them in cartes and long ropes vnto the Tower of London and to Newgate who were shortly after to the number of 150. hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolk the residue were executed at Tiburne Wapping in the Wose besides London Thomas Kneisworth Henry Sommer the. 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Henry Colet Mercer the. 28. of October The. xvj of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe lordes of England The new Serieants names were maister Mordant Higham Kingsmill Conisby Butler Yakesley Frowicke Oxenbridge and Constable In digging for to lay a new foundation in the Church of S. Mary hill in London the body of Alice Hackeney which had bene buried in the Church the space of 175. yeares was ●●●ud whole of skinne and the iointes of her armes pliable whiche corps was kepte aboue grounde foure dayes without anoyance and then buryed againe In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entrecourse betwéene this lande and the Countrey of Flaunders c. In September the Scots entred England by the setting on of Perkin Werbecke and did much harme to the borders but when they hearde of the Lorde Neuels commyng against them they sped them away Iohn Shawe Richard Haddon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Tate Mercer the 28. of October This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged Sainte Anthonies Churche in London a goodly foundation with a Frées●hoole and certaine almes houses for poore men Iasper Duke of Bedforde vncle to King Henry the seauenth dyed the eightéenth daye of December and was buried at Kensham By meanes of a payment that was granted to the king 1497 a new commotion was made by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leading of Iames Tuchet of Audley Lorde Audley with Michaell Ioseph a horse farrer or Blacksmith of Bodman and other came to Blackeheath where the Kyng met with them and discomfited the rebels and tooke their Captains the two and twentith of June where were slain of the rebels about 300. and taken aboute 1500. the Kyng gaue to them that tooke them their goodes The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Tower hill the xxviij of June The blacke Smith and Flamoke a lawyer were hanged headed and quartered at Tiburne In July the King sente an army into Scotland vnder the guyding of the Earle of Surrey and the Lorde Neuell which made sharpe warre vppon the Scots At Bartholmewtide in Bedfordshire at the Towne of Haile stones hightene ynches aboute Saint Needes fell haile stones that were measured eightéene ynches aboute Perkin or Pierce Werbecke landed at Whitsondbay in Anno reg 13 Cornewall the seauenth of September hauing in his company not paste a hundred and twentie persons hée wente to Bodman where beyng accompanyed wyth a thrée or foure thousand rascalles and almoste naked men he proclaymed himselfe King Richarde the fourth second sonne to Edward the fourth from thence he wente to Excester and besieged it which Citie was valiantly defended by the inhabitants the Earle of Deuonshire being their Generall who hymself was hurt in the arme with an arrow of the rebels but many of the rebelles béeyng slaine they wythdrewe them to Taunton but sir Giles Dawbeney Lorde Chamberlaine approching with an armye the people fledde and Perkin got him to Beudley where he tooke Sanctuary but vppon couenauntes offered he came to the King and was pardoned his life Bartholomewe Rede Thomas Windought 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior William Purchas Mercer the 28. of October The eight and twentith of Nouember Perkin Werbeck Perkin VVerbecke broughte vp to London was conueyed vppon horse backe through Cheape and Cornhill vnto the Tower of London and from thence back againe through Candleweeke streate to Westminster with many a cursse and muche wondering The one and twentith
fewell were rowed vp to Holborne Bridge as they of old time had bin accustomed which was a great commoditie to all the inhabitantes in that parte of London Also the Tower néere to the blacke Friers was taken downe by the commandement of the Maior The sixth of May Sir Iames Tirell Knight Lieutenant of Guisnes Castell and Sir Iohn Windham Knighte were beheaded on the Tower hill and a Shipman was hanged and quartered at Tiborne all for ayding Edmond de la Poole Earle of Suffolke Thys yeare were brought vnto the Kyng thrée men taken Men brought from the nevv found Ilands in the new found Ilands by Sebastian Gabato before named in Anno 1468. these men were clothed in Beastes Skinnes and eate raw Flesh but spake such a language Anno reg 18. as no man could vnderstand them of the which thrée men two of them were séene in the Kings Court at Westminster two yeares after clothed like Englishmen and could not bée discerned from Englishmen Henry Keble Nicholas Nines the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Bartholmew Rede Goldsmith the 28. of October The Chappell of our Lady aboue the East ende of the high Aultare of Westminster Churche with a Tauerne called King Henry the seauenths Chappell at VVestminster the white Rose néere adioyning was taken downe in whiche place a most beautifull Chappell was then forthwyth begonne to be buylded by Kyng Henrye the seauenth the charges whereof as I haue bene credibly informed amounted to the summe of fourtéene thousande pounds Elizabeth Quéene of England wife to Kyng Henry the Queene Elizabeth deceassed seauenth dyed of Childbed in the Tower of London on the twelfth of February and was solemnely buryed at Westminster King Henry the seuenth being himselfe a brother of the Sixe Kings of England breethren vvith the Taylors Company in London before they vvere entituled Merchant Taylors 1503 Taylors company in London as diuers other his predecessors Kings before him had bin to wéete Richard the third Edward the fourth Henry the sixth Henry the fifth Henry the fourth and Richard the second Also of Dukes eleuen Earles xxviij and Lords xiviij he now gaue to them the name and title of Merchant Taylors as a name of worship to endure for euer This yeare about the later end of March the prior of the Prior of Shene murthered Charterhouse of Shene was murthered in a cell of his owne house by meanes of one Goodwine a Monke of the same Cloyster and his adherents artificers of London On the xxv of June at the Bishop of Salisburies place in Fléetestréete was the noble Prince Henry the second sonne of King Henry the seauenth assured in matrimonie to the Lady Katherine late the wife of that excellent Prince Arthure The fifth of August deceassed Sir Reginald Bray Knight Treasurer of the Kings warres and was buryed at Windesore The eyght of August the King of Scottes marryed Margaret Margaret the Kings daughter maryed the eldest daughter of King Henry the seuenth A drye Sommer hauing no notable rayne from Whitsontide Anno reg 9. to the later Lady day in haruest Christopher Hawes Robert Wittes the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Thomas Granger the 11. of Nouember Sir William Capell Draper the 28. of October Maior The xiij of Nouember was holden within the pallace Sergeants feast of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth the Sergeants feast where dined the King and all his nobles and vpon the same day Thomas Granger newly chosen Sheriffe of London was presented before the Barons of the Kings Exchequer there to take his oth and after went with the Maior vnto the same feast whiche saued him money in hys pursse for if that day that feast had not bin kepte he must haue feasted the Maior Aldermen and others Worshipfull of the Citie This Feast was kept at the charge of tenne learned men newly admitted to be Sergeants to the Kings law whose names were Robert Bridnell William Greuill Thomas Marow George Edgore Iohn Moore Iohn Cutler Thomas Elyot Lewes Pollard Guy Palmis William Fayrefax On the xxj day of Nouember at night beganne a perillous Fire on London Bridge fire at the signe of the Panyer vpon London Bridge néere to Saint Magnus Church where sixe tenements were brent ere the same could be quenched The seauenth of January were certayne houses consumed Fire with fire againste Saint Butolphes Churche in Thamis stréete The xxv of January beganne a Parliament at Westminster Parliament of the which was chosen speaker for the commons Maister Edmond Dudley The xxvij of March was an house brent againste Sainte 1504 Martins le grand in London A newe Coyne was by Parliament appoynted that is Nevv Coyne to say Grote and halfe Grote which bare but halfe faces the same time also was coyned a Grote whiche was in value twelue pence but of those were but few coyned This yeare Alume which many yeares had bin sold for Alume deere sixe shillings an hundred and lower arose to fiue Nobles an hundred and after to foure Markes c. The forenamed Sir William Capell Maior of London caused in euery ward of London a Cage with a paire of Stocks Anno reg 20 Cages and Stockes ordeyned Hunsditch paued Sherifes Maior therein to punish vagabonds Also he caused all Hunsditch to be ouerpaued the which many yeares before lay full noyously and perilously for all trauellers that way Roger Acheley William Browne the 28. of Septemb. Iohn Winger Grocer the 28. of October About Christmas the more parte of the prisoners of the Marshalsey in Southwarke brake out and many of them béeing Prisoners of the Marshalsey brake out shortlye after taken were put to execution speciallye those which had layne for Felouie or Treason The xv of Aprill a money maker one of the Coyners of 1505 the Tower was drawne to Tiborne and there hanged There was great strife in the Guild hall about choosing Anno reg 21. of the Sheriffe for the Taylors woulde haue had Mayster Fitz Williams Tailor and the other commons chose Roger Groue Grocer Richard Shore Roger Groue the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Kniesworth Fishmonger the 28. of October This Thomas Kneisworth of his owne goodes builded the Conduit at Bishopsgate He gaue to the Fishmongers Conduit at Bishopsgate builded certayne tenements for the whiche they be bound to finde four Schollers that studie Arte two at Oxford and two at Cambridge euery of them foure pound the yeare They bée bound also to giue to twelue aged poore people of their company to euery one of them at Barthelmewtide a winter garment for euer Also to giue to the prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate euery yeare forty shillings c. The fifth of January in the night the Kings Chamber Richmond on fire was fiered at Richmond the which might not be quenched till many curteyns carpets rich beds and much other stuffe was consumed Through great
tempest of wind being at y ● Southwest The King of Castile landed in England which began the xv of January and continued till the sire and twenty of y ● same Phillip King of Castile and his wife were weather driuen and landed at Falmouth in England as Francis Guicciar they were passing on the. xvj of January out of Flanders toward Spayne who were honourably receiued by the Earle of Arundell at y ● Kings appointmēt with thrée C. horses all by torch light This tēpest was strange to many mē bycause y ● VVeather cock of Paules blovvn dovvne violence thereof had blowne downe the Egle of brasse from the spire of Paules Church in London and in the falling the same Egle brake and battered the blacke Eagle whiche hong for a signe in Paules Churchyard that time being but low houses where now is the Schole of Paules About the end of March Edmond de la Poole was taken in Flanders and conneyed through the Citie to the Tower of London and there left prisoner In the beginning of July a Galory newe buylded at Galery at Richmont fell Anno reg 22. Richmond wherein the King and the Prince his sonne had walked not one houre before it fell sodeinly downe aboute midnight but no christian man perished thereby William Copingar Thomas Iohnson the 28. of Septem Sherifes These Sheriffes being on the morrow after Michaelmas day by the Maior and Aldermen presented before the Barons of the Exchequer only William Copingar was admitted and sworne but Thomas Iohnson they woulde not admitte till they knew farther of the Kings pleasure The x. of October a commandement was brought from the King to the Lord Maior that he shoulde cause an election to bée made for a new Sheriffe at which day came into the Guild Hall Mayster Edmond Dudley the Kings President and there shewed the Kings letters that the commons shoulde name for the Kings pleasure William Fitz William to bée Sheriffe for the yeare ensuing which with much difficulty at length was granted which William Fitz Williams kept his feast the sixtéenth day of October Richard Haddon Mercer by the Kings commandemente Maior the 28. of October On S. Thomas day at night afore Christmas was a Bakers house in Warwike Lane brent with the Mistres of y ● house ij women seruants iij. other In Lent the King deliuered all Prisoners in London 1057 Anno reg 23. Sherifes which lay for the debt of fortie shillings or vnder William Butler Thomas Kirkeby Merchant Taylor the 28. of September William Browne Mercer the 28. of Octo. Who deceassed Maior and forthwith Sir Lawrence Aylmer Draper was chosen sworne and went home in a grey cloke with y ● sword borne afore him on the xxvij day of March. Item he tooke his oth at y ● Tower kept no feast William Capell was put in suite 1508 VVilliam Capel sued by the K. Thomas knesvvorth imprisoned by the King for things by him done in his Maioraltie Also Tho. Kneisworth that had bin Maior of London and his Sheriffes were sent to the Kings Bench till they were put to their fine of fouretéene hundred pound In the moneth of June the Citie of Norwich was sore perished and néere consumed Norvvich on ●●re Anno reg 24. with fire that began in a Frenchmans house named Peter Iohnson a Surgeon in the Parish of Saint George Thomas Exmew Richard Smith the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Stephen Genings Merchant Taylour the 28. of October This Stephen Genings Maior of London founded a frée Grammer Schole at Wlfrunehampton in Staffordshire wyth Freeschoole at VVlfrunehampton conuenient lodgings for the Mayster and Usher in the same place where he was borne He gaue Lands sufficient for the mayntenance leauing the ouersight therof to the Merchant Taylors in London who haue hitherto iustly dealt in that matter and also augmented the building there Mayster Nichols who marryed the only daughter and heire of the aforesayd Stephen Genings gaue Landes to maynteyne the pauements of that Towne Also Iohn Leneson Esquier about Anno 1556. gaue Lands where of four pound should be dealt euery yeare on good Friday to the poore people of Wilfrunehampton and sixe and twenty Shillings eyght pence yéerely towards the reparation of the Church there Moreouer aboute Anno 1566. Sir Iohn Lighe a Priest Iohn Ligh of VVlfrunehampton his rare example of Charitie whiche had serued in that Churche there the space of thréescore yeares for fiue pounds sixe Shillings eyght pence the yeare without any other augmentation of his liuing who would neuer take any Benefice or other preferment gaue twentye pounds to purchase twenty Shillings the yeare Lands the same to be giuen yearely for euer to the poore of Wlfrunehampton vpon good Friday and twelue pounds thirtéene Shillings fourpence to purchase a Marke a yeare Lande the same to be giuen to the poore of Chifnall in the Countie of Salope where the sayde Lighe was borne This man liued nigh one hundred yeares He bestowed besides his owne laboure whiche was greate in bearing of stone c. aboue twentye pounde on the high wayes about that Towne of Wlfrunehampton This Towne of Wlfrunehampton is now corruptly called 〈◊〉 for in Anno 996. in King Etheldreds tyme VVlfrunehāpton corruptly called VVolnerhampton who wrote himselfe Rex Angl●rum princops Northumbrerum Olimpiade tertia regni sui for so he wrote the count of his reigne then which was the fiftéenth yeare it was then Ex Carta Regia ●alled Hampton as appeareth by an old Charter written by the Notarie of the sayd King Etheldred whiche Charter I haue séene and read and for that a noble woman named Wlfrune a Widow sometyme wife to Althelme Duke of Northampton did obteyne of the sayd King to giue Landes vnto the Churche there whiche she had founded the sayde Towne tooke the addition of the same Wlfrune for that Charter so nameth hir Wlfrune and the Towne Hampton Sir Lawrence Aylmer and his two Sheriffes were put Sir Lavvrence Aylmer and his Sheriffes to their fine to the King of a thousand pound This yeare was finished the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy 1509 Smart Hospitall of the Sauoy néere vnto Charing Crosse which was a notable foundation for the poore done by King Henry the seauenth vnto the which he purchased and gaue Lands for the releeuing of one hundred poore people This was first named Sauoy place by Peter Earle of Sauoy Rec. of Canterbury Church Father to Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury about the nine and twentith yeare of King Henry the thirde who made the sayde Peter Earle of Richmond This house belonged since to the Duke of Lancaster and at this tyme was conuerted to an Hospitall still reteyning the first name of Sauoy King Henry also buylded thrée houses of Franciscane Friers whiche are called Obseruants at Richmond Greenewich and Newarke and thrée other of that
familie of Franciscane Friers which are called conuentuals at Canterbury Newcastell and Southhampton This noble Prince King Henry dyed at Richmond the Smart Henry the vij deceassed ●●ij of Aprill when he had reigned thrée and twenty yeares and eyght monethes and was buryed at Westminster in the 〈◊〉 Chappell which he had caused to be builded on the eleuenth of May. He left issue Henry Prince of Wales which succéeded in the Kingdome Lady Margaret Quéene of Scottes and Lady Mary promised to Charles King of Castile The Altare and Sepulture of the same King Henry the Sepulture of Henry the seauenth seuenth wherein he now resteth in his new Chappell at Westminster was made and finished in the yeare of ours Lorde 1519. by one Peter T. a Paynter of the Citie of Florence for the which he receyued one thousande pounde sterling for the whole stu●●e and workemāship at the hands of the Kings exequetors Richard Bishop of Winchester Richard Exequetors to Henry the seauenth Fitz Iames Bishop of London Thomas Bishop of Duresme Iohn Bishop of Rochester Thomas Duke of Norffolke Treasurer of Englande Edwarde Earle of Worcester the Kings Chamberlayne Iohn F. Knighte chiefe Justice of the Kings Benche Robert R. Knight chiefe Justice of the Common Place c. King Henry the eyght HEnry the eyght at the age Anno. reg 1. of eyghtéene yeares begā his raigne the xxij of Aprill Anno. 15●9 Of personage he was tall and mighty in witte and memorie excellent of suche maiestie with humanitie as was comely in such a Prince The The King married The King and Queene crovvned third of June he marryed Lady Katherine his first wife who had bin late the wife of Prince Arthur deceassed The sixth of June Iohn Darby ●owyer Iohn Smith Carpenter Iohn S●mpson ●ulle●●●ingleaders of false ●nes●es in London r●de about the Citie with their faces to the Horsse taytes and papers on their heads and were set ●● the Pillorie in Cor●ehill and after brought agayne to ●awgate where they dyed all within seauen dayes after for very shame On Midsomer day the King and Quéene were crowned ●● Westminster The nine and twentith of June the most noble and verrtuous Princesse Margaret Countesse of Richmond ● Darbye mother to King Henry the seauenth and Grandmother to King Henry the eyght dyed at Westminster whose noble Actes and most charitable déedes all hir life executed can not be expressed in a small volume The seuentéenth of July Edmond Dudley was arraigned at the Guild Hall of London and after Michaelmas Sir Richard Empson was arraigned and condemned at Northhampton and sent agayne to the Tower of London George Monex Iohn Doget Mer Taylor the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Thomas Bradbury Mercer the 28. of October Sir William Capell Draper the 12 of Ianuary Maiors The one and twentith of January began a Parliament at Westminster In February was a great fire in Thames streete néere vnto Wooll Key which began in a Flaxe wiues house and did much harine The xx of Aprill a peace was proclaymed betwixte England and France during the ●●ues of Henry the eyght King of England and Lewes the French King but it lasted not lo●● Doctor Colet Deane of Paules erected a frée Schoole in 1510 Paules Church yard in London and committed the ouersight thereof to the Mayster and Wardens of the Mercers Paules Schoole Anno. reg 2. bycause himselfe was ●o●●e in London and was sonne to Henry Colet Mercer sometime Maior of London On Midsomer ●igh● the King came pe●●●ly into Cheape in one of the ●oates of his 〈◊〉 and on Saint Peters night the King and Quéene came riding royally to the Kings head in Cheape there to behold the watch of the Citie o● Sir Richard Empson Knight and Edmond Dudley ●●●uier Empson and Dudley beheaded Edward Hall who had bin gr●●●● C●●●●ay 〈◊〉 ●● the late Kyng Henry the seauenth were beheaded at the Tower hill the seauenth of August Richarde Empson was buryed at the White Friers and Edmonde Dudley at the Blacke whose attacheme●●●● was thoughte ●● 〈◊〉 procured by the malice of the 〈◊〉 ●h●●wyt● they 〈◊〉 ●●●e were offended or else to shift the noyse of the streight execution of penall Statutes in the late Kings dayes This Edmond Dudley in the tyme of his emprisonmēt in the Tower of London compiled one notable Booke whiche he entituled The Tree of common wealth a coppye whereof The tree of common vvelth a Booke I haue giuen to the right honourable Earle of Leycester now liuing The xx● of September William Fitz Williams Merchāt Election of a Sheriffe Taylor was agayne the seconde time chosen Sheriffe for the yeare following whereof the sayde William hauyng knowledge absented himselfe and woulde not be founde wherevpon the time drawing néere that presentation must be made of the newe Sheriffes they in a full Court of the Maior and Aldermen with assent of the common Counsayle being present in solemne and due forme caused him to be thrice called and commanded to appeare vpon payne that should fall thereof but he would in no wise appeare nor any other for him wherefore in auoyding the ieoperdie of forfeyture of their liberties if they should not prepare an hable man of themselues to be Sheriffe with that other which the Maior yéerely chooseth they called a new assemble of the commons and then chose Iohn Rest Alderman Nevv election of a Sheriffe and Grocer for the other Sheriffe the whiche with Iohn Milborne his fellow before chosen by the Maior was presented before the Barons of the Kings Exchequer and there admitted and shortly after for so much as the sayde William Fitz William would not submit himselfe to the authoritie of the Citie he was disfranchised and dismissed of VVilliam Fitz VVilliams disfranchised his Aldermanship and ●ined at a thousand Markes to bée le●yed of hys goodes and Cattayles within the Citie Iohn Milborne Iohn Rest the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Henry Kebell Grocer the 28. of October The eyghtenth of Nouember was holden the Seriants feast at the Bishop of Elyes in Oldborne the new Seriants Seri●ants Feast were Mayster Newport Newdigate Fitzherbert Iohn Brooke Pigote Cariell Brooke of Bristow Palme Senior and Mayster Roo Henry the Kings first sonne was borne on New yeares Prince borne day but dyed on Saint Mathies day next following In the monethes of June and July the Scottes made sundrye 1511 Anno reg 3. entryes vpon the borderes of England with Shippes well manned and victualled who kept the narrow Seas against the Portingales as they sayd wherevpon Sir Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England and Lord Thomas Haward sonne and heyre to the Earle of Surrey wente to Andrevv Barton a Scottish Pirate the Seas by the King of Englands commaundement wyth certayne Shippes who about the end of July mette with the sayde Scottes and gaue vnto them a sharpe battayle wounded theyr Captayne Andrew Barton
whereof he dyed slew many of his men and tooke many prisoners with two Shippes the one called the Lion the other a Barke called Ienny Perwine which Shippes were brought to Shippes taken from the Scots Blacke Wall the seconde of August and the Scottes to London where they were kept as prisoners in the Bishop of Yorkes Place and after sent into Scotland Nicholas Shelton Thomas Mirfine the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Roger Acheley Draper the 28. of October The fiftéenth of January began the Parliamente at Westminster Sir Robert Sheffeld Knight sometime Recorder Parliament of London was speaker for the Commons During this Parliamente in the moneth of March a Yeoman of the Crowne one of the Kings Gard named Nevvbolt hanged Newbolt slew within the Pallace of Westminster a sernant of Mayster Willoughbyes for the whiche offence the Kyng 1512 cōmanded to be set vp a new payre of Gallowes in y e same place where the sayde seruante left his life and vppon the same the sayd Newbold was hanged and there remayned on the Gallowes by the space of two dayes King Henry sente the Lorde Darcy with a goodly company Anno. reg 4. of men into Spayne to ayde the King hys Father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwéene them In August Sir Edward Poynings accompanyed with the Lorde C●nton and diuers other was sente into Gelderland with fiftéene hundred Archers to ayde the Prince of Castell at the request of Margaret Duchesse of Sauoy and Regent of Flanders Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England through hys too much hardinesse was slayne before Brest in Britayne after whome hys brother Thomas Haward was made Admiral About the moneth of August the Nauyes of England and France méeting at Briteine Bay fought a cruell battayle in the which the Regent or Soueraigne of England and a Carike of Brest in France being crappeled togither were burned and their Captaynes with their men all drowned the English Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who had with him Sir Iohn Carew and seauen hundred men In the Frenche Carrike was Sir Piers Morgan with nine hundred men which were all brent or drowned Robert Holdernes Robert Fenrother the 28 of Septemb. Sherifes Maior William Copinger Fishmonger the 28. of October Richard Hadden Mercer The Stéeple and Lantarne of Bow Church in Cheape Bovv Steeple builded was this yeare finished By Friers this yeare a great parte of the Kings Pallace Kings Pallace at VVestminsier brent Sca. Tempo of Westminster and the Chappell in the Tower of London and many other places in England were brent In a Parliament at Westminster was granted to the king two fiftéenes and four demies and head money of euery 1513 Duke tenne Markes an Earle fiue pound a Lorde four pound a Knight four Marke and euery man valued at Great subsedie eyght hundred pound in goods to pay four Markes and so after that rate till him that was valued at fortie shillings payd twelue pence and euery mā that tooke fortie shillings wages xij d. euery mā womā at xv yeres or vpward 4. d. In Aprill the King sent a great Nauie of twelue thousand men to the Sea On May euen Edmond de la Poole was beheaded on the Tower hill his brother Richard was after slayne in France King Henry hauing sent ouer a great and puissant Armie King Henry beseegeth Turvvyne into France to beséege the Citie of Turwine himselfe accompanyed with many noble men and vj. C. Archers of his Gard all in white gabberdines tooke his Ship at Douer on the last of June in the morning When the King was shipped and made Sayle all his armie followed to the number of foure hundred Shippes and the winde was so that they were brought the same night into Caleis Hauen On the nexte morrowe being the first of July Thomas Lord Howard Admirall of England landed at Whitsandbay and entred spoyled and brent the Towne and returned to his Shippes The xxj of July the King passed out of the Towne of Caleis in goodly array of battell and tooke y e field and notwithstanding that the fore-ward of the Kings great Armie were before Turwine yet the King of his owne battayle made thrée battayles the Lord Lisle Marshall of the host was Captayne of the fore-warde and vnder him thrée thousand men Sir Richard Carew with thrée hundred men was the right hand wing to the fore-ward and the Lorde Darcy with thrée C. men wing on the left hand The scourers and fore-riders of this battayle were the Northumberland men on light geldings The Earle of Essex was Lieutenant Generall of the Speares and Sir Iohn Pechy was vicegouernour of the Horsemen Before the King wente viij C. Almaynes all in a plump after them came the Standert with the redde Dragon next the Banner of our Lady and nexte of the Trinitie vnder the whiche were all the Kings houshold Then went the Banner of the Armes of England borne by Sir Henry Guildford vnder which Banner was the King himselfe with diuers noble men and other to the number of thrée thousand mē The Duke of Buckingham with vj. C. men was on y e Kings left hand On the right hād was Sir Edw. Poynings with other vj. C. mē egall w t the Almains The L. of Burgainie w t viij C. mē was wing on the right hande sir William Compton with the retinue of the Byshoppe of Winchester Fox and Maister Thomas Wolsey afterward Cardinall of eighte hundred was in manner of a rerewarde sir Anthony Oughtred and sir Iohn Neuell with the Kings speares that followed were foure hundred and so the whole armye was eleauen thousande and thrée hundred men The Maister of the ordināce set forth the Kings artillerie as Faulcons Slyngs Bombards powder stones bowes arrowes and suche other things necessarye for the fielde the whole number of the carriages were thirtéene hundred the leaders and driuers of the same were ninetéene hundred men The King laye the firste nighte betwixte Calkewell and Freydon the nexte night before the Castel of Gwisnes at Bocarde the next night he laye beside Arde a good waye wythout the Englishe pale when he was a little beyonde Dernome there came a greate hoste of French men that purposed to haue sette vpon him but the Kyng with his hoste kepte their ground and shotte their greate ordinaunce wherewyth the aray of the French men was broken The fourth of August the King in good order of battell came before the Citie of Turwine and planted his siege in warlike wise The eleuenth day of August Maximilian the Emperor came to King Henrye who was receiued with greate triumph betwéene Aire and the campe The Emperor and all his seruants were reteyned with the King of Englande in wages by the daye euery person according to his degrée and the Emperor as the kings souldioure ware a Crosse of Saint George with a Rose and so hée and all
his traine came to the Kings Campe the thirtéenth of August and there was receyued wyth greate magnificence The thrée and twentith of August the towne of Turwine Turvvine yeelded to K. Henry was giuen ouer vnto the Kyng of England wyth condition that all men in the Towne mighte safely passe wyth horsse and harnesse and so on the foure and twentith of Auguste there came oute of the towne foure thou●and men of warre and moewell appointed whereof sixe hundred were well horsed theyr standardes borne before them The sixe and twentith of August the King remoued to Singate and there it was agréed that the walles gates bulwarkes and towers of Turwine shoulde be defaced razed and caste downe of whyche conclusion the Emperoure Turvviue raced and brent sent word to Saint Omers and to Aire whych being ioyous of that tydings sente thither Pioners and so they and the Englishe Pioners brake down the wals gates and towers and filled the ditch and fiered the towne except the Cathedrall Churche and the Palaice and all the ordinaunce was by the King sente to Aire to be kept to his vse After this it was concluded that the King in person shoulde laye hys siege to the Citie of Turney wherefore hée sente forwarde thrée goodly battayles the firste was conducted by the Earle of Shrewsburie the seconde battell led the King hymselfe wyth whome was the Emperour The rerewarde was conducted by the Lorde Harbert and so the firste nyghte they laye in campe beside Aire The fourtéenth of September the King and hys armye came to Beatwin and on the morrowe passed forwarde and came to a straite where was a Forde whiche with greate difficultie they passed and the next day they passed a bridge called Fount Anandiew c. The one and twentith daye of September the Kyng remoued hys Campe towarde Tourney and lodged wythin thrée myles of the Citie the whyche nighte came to hym the Emperour and the Palsgraue the people about King Henry be●ieged Turney Tourney were with theyr gòodes fledde to the Citie and yet the Citie hadde no menne of warre to defende it but wyth multitude of Inhabitantes the Citie was well replenished The Kyng came in aray of battell before Tourney planted his ordinaunce rounde abonte the Citie dyuers frenches were caste and rampiers made so that no Citizens coulde issue oute nor no ayde come to them Wherevpon at length to wéete on the nyne and twentith of September the Citie was yéelded Then the King appointed the Lorde ●isle the Lorde Burgeyny and the Lorde Willoughby to take possession whyche wyth sixe thousande menne entered the Citie and tooke the market place and the walles and then Mayster Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner called before him all the Citizens and sware them to the Kyng of Englande the number of whiche Citizens were four score thousande On the seconde daye of October the King entred the citie of Turney and there ordayned sir Edwarde Poynings Knight of the order of the Garter to be hys Lieuetenaunt wyth Captaines horsemen archers and artillerie conuenient hée made hys Almoner Thomas Wolsey Byshoppe of Tourney and then returned to Callaice and sayled Thomas VVoolsey Bishop of Turney from thence to Douer on the foure and twentyth of October In this meane tyme Iames King of Scottes notwithstanding he was sworne to kéepe the peace inuaded this lande with a mightye armye but by the good dilligence of the Quéene with the pollicie and manhoode of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenannt he himselfe was slaine at Bramstone vpon Piperd hill with thrée Byshoppes two Abbots twelue Earles seuentéene Lords besides Knights and Gentlemen and seauentéene thousande Scottes and all the ordinaunces and stuffe taken the ninth of September there were slaine of the Englishe men aboute fiue thousande The dead body of the King of Scottes was broughte vp to London and so conueyed to Sheene where I haue séene the same lapped in Lead lye in an olde house vnburyed Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges the 28. of September Sherifes Roger Bafford William Browne Mercer the 28. of October Iohn Tate Maior Mercer On Candlemasse daye the Kyng made Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Duke of Norffolke Thomas Lorde Howard Earle of Surrey Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke Charles Somerset Earle of Worcester at Lambeth in the Archbishop of Canterburies palace and not long after he maoe sir Edward Stanley Lorde Mountegle In March folowing Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner 1514 T. VVolsey B. of Lincolne Anno reg 6 Hedges plucked vp ditches filled and Bishoppe of Tourney was consecrate Byshoppe of Lincolne as successour to William Smith late deceassed All the hedges wythin one myle and more euery waye aboute London were pulled downe and the ditches fylled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London bycause those enclosures hadde bin hinderaunce to their shooting The ninetinth of May was receyued into London a Cap of Maintenance and a sworde sente from Pope Iulie the seconde which was presented to the King on the Sonday nexte with greate solempnitie in Saint Paules Churche The seauenth daye of August a peace was proclaimed betwixte the Kings of England and of Fraunce duryng theyr lyues In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the twelfth King of Fraunce and Ladye Mary the Kyngs sister of England Iames Yarford Iohn Mundy the 28. of September Sherifes Maior George Monox Draper the 28. of October This George Monox Mayor of London of his godly disposition reedified the decayed stéeple of the parishe Churche of Waltham Stowe in the Countie of Essex adding thereunto a side I le with a Chappel where he lyeth buryed And on the North side of the Churchyarde there he founded a fayre large Almose house for an Almose Prieste or Schoolemaywomenster and thirtéene poore almes folke eight men and fiue women appointing to the sayde almes Priest or Schoolemayster for his yearely wages 6. l. 13. s̄ 4. d. and to euerye one of y e almes folke 7. d. a wéeke 5 l. to be bestowed yéerely 1515 among them in coles And ordeyned that the sayd almes Priest should on Sondayes and festiuall dayes be helping assistant to the Uicar or Curate there in the celebration of Anno reg 7. diuine seruice and on the wéeke dayes fréelie to apply and teache yong children of the saide parishe to the number of Free Schoole at VValtham Stovv thirtie in a Schoolehouse by him there builded for that purpose Moreouer he gaue to the parish Clearke there for the time being a yearly stipend of 26. s̄ 8. d. for euer a Chamber by the sayde Almes house to the intent he should helpe the sayd Schoolemayster to teach the said children And hath giuen faire lands and tenements in the Citie of London for the perpetual maintenance of the premisses to Gods glory foreuer He also for the great commoditie of trauellers on ●●●e made a continuall cawsey of Timber ouer the mar●●●s from
at Graues ende within little more than thrée houres where hée tarryed no longer than his post Horsses were prouiding and then trauayled so spéedily that hée came to Douer the nexte morning whereas the passengers were readye vnder Sayle to Caleis into the which passenger without tarrying he entred and sayled foorth wyth them that long before noone hée arriued at Calleis and hauing post Horsses departed from thence with such spéede that he was that night with the Emperour disclosed the whole summe of his Embassage to y ● Emperor of whom he required spéedie expedition the which was granted him by the Emperour so that the next day he was cléerely dispatched with all the Kings requestes fully accomplished at which time he made no longer delay but tooke post Horsses that night and rode towarde Caleis conducted thyther with such persons as the Emperour had appoynted and at the opening of the Gates of Caleis he came thither where the passengers were as readie to returne into England as they were before at his iourney forward in so muche that he arriued at Douer by tenne of the clocke before noone and hauing post Horsses came to the Court at Richmond the same night where he taking some rest vntill the morning repayred to the King at his first comming from his bed-chamber to this closet whome when the King sawe hée checked him for that he was not on his iourney Sir quoth he if it may please youre Highnesse I haue already bin with the Emperour and dispatched your affayres I trust to your Graces contentation and with that presented the King his Letters of credence from the Emperoure The King being in a great confuse and wonder of his spéedy returne and procéedings dissembled all his wonder and demanded of him whether he encountred not his Pursiuant the which he sent vnto him supposing him not to be out of London with Letters concerning a very necessary matter neglected in their consultatiō yes forsooth quoth the Chaplayne I met with him yesterday by the way and hauing no vnderstanding by your Graces letters of your pleasure haue not withstanding bin so bold vpon mine owne discretion perceyuing that matter to be very necessary in that behalfe to dispatch the same and forasmuch as I haue excéeded your Graces commission I most humbly require your Graces pardon the King reioycing not a little sayd we do not only pardon you thereof but also giue you our Princely thankes both for the procéeding therein and also for your good and spéedie exployte commanding him for that time to take his rest and repaire agayne after Dinner for the further relation of his Ambassade The Embassador when he saw tyme repaired before the King and Counsayle where he declared the effect of all his affaires so exactly with such grauitie and eloquence that all the Counsell that heard him commended him estéeming his expedition to be almost beyond the capacitie of man The King gaue him at that time the Deanerie of Lincolne From thēce Thomas VVolsey Deane of Lincolne forward he grew more and more into estimation and authoritie and after was promoted by the King to be hys Almoner After the death of King Henry the seauenth and Thomas VVolsey the Kings Almoner in the flourishing youth of King Henry the eyght thys Almoner handled himselfe so politiquely that he soone found the meanes to be made one of the Kings Counsaile Thomas VVolsey of the priuie Counsayle vvith King Henry the eyght and to grow in fauour with the King to whome the King gaue an house at Bridewell in Fleete streete sometyme Sir Richard Empsons where he kept house for his familie and so dayly attended vpon the King and in his especiall fauour who had great sute made vnto him His sentences and wittie perswasions in the Counsell Chamber were alwayes so pithie that the Counsayle as occasion moued them continually assigned him to be the expositor to the King in all their procéedings in whome the King receyued such a leaning fantasie for that he was most earnest and readyest of all the Counsayle to aduance the Kings will and pleasure the King therefore estéemed him so highly that all the other Counsaylors were put from the great fauour that they before were in in so much that the King committed all his will vnto his disposition which the Almoner perceyuing tooke vpon him therefore to discharge the King of the weightie and troublesome businesse per●wading the King that he should not néede to spare any time of his pleasure for any businesse that should happen in the Counsell and whereas the other Counsaylours would diuers times perswade the King to haue sometime recourse into the Counsell Chamber there to heare what was done the Almoner would perswade him to the contrarie which delighted him much and thus the Almoner ruled all them that were before him such did hys policie and witte bring to passe Who was now in hygh fauoure but Maister Almoner and who ruled all vnder the King but Maister Almouer thus he perseuered in fauour vntill at last in came presents giftes and rewards so plentifully that he lacked nothing that might eyther please his fantasie or enrich his coffers And thus procéeding in fortunes blisfulnesse it chanced the warres betwéene the Realmes of Englande and France to be open in so much as the King béeing fully perswaded in hys most royall person to inuade hys foraigne enimies with a puissant Armye wherefore it was necessarye that thys royall enterprise shoulde bée spéedily prouided and furnished in euery degrée of things apt and conueniente for the same the expedition whereof the King thought no mans witte so méete for policie and paynefull trauayle as was hys Almoner to whome therefore he committed hys whole trust therein and hée tooke vpon hym the whole charge of all the businesse and brought all things to good passe in a decent order as all manner of victualles prouisions and other necessaryes conueniente for so noble a voyage and Armie All things béeyng by hym perfected the King aduanced to hys royall enterprise passed the Seas and marched forwarde in good order of battayle vntill hée came to the strong Towne of Turwyne to the whyche hée layde hys séege and assayled it very strongly continually with such vehemente assaultes that within short space it was yéelded vnto hys Maiestie vnto the which place the Emperour Maximilian repaired vnto the King with a greate Armie like a mightie Prince taking of the King his Graces wages which is a rare thing and but seldome séene an Emperour to fighte vnder a Kings Banner Thus after the King had obteyned this puissant Fort and taken the possession thereof and sette all thynges there in due order for the defence and preseruation thereof to hys vse he departed thence and marched towarde the Citie of Turney and there layde hys séege in like manner to the which he gaue so fierce and sharpe assault that they were constreyned of fine force to render the Towne vnto his victorious
wyth suche a noyse of Drummes and flewtes as seldome hadde béene hearde the like At theyr entring into the Chamber twoo and twoo togyther they went directlye before the Cardinall where hée sate and saluted hym reuerentlye to whome the Lorde Chamberlaine for them saide Sir for as muche as they bée Straungers and can not speake Englishe they haue desired me to declare vnto you that they hauyng vnderstanding of this your triumphaunt banquet where was assembled suche a number of excellent Dames they coulde doe no lesse vnder supporte of youre Grace but to repayre hyther to viewe as well their incomparable beautie as for to accompanye them at Mumme chaunce and then to daunce with them and sir they require of youre Grace licence to accomplishe the saide cause of their comming To whome the Cardinall saide he was very well content they should so doe Then went the Maskers and first saluted al the Dames and returned to the moste worthiest and there opened their greate cuppe of Golde filled wyth Crownes and other péeces of Golde to whome they sette certaine péeces of Golde to cast at Thus perusing all the Ladyes and Gentlewomen to some they loste and of some they wonne and perusing after this maner al the Ladies they returned to the Cardinal with greate reuerence powring downe all their Golde so lefte in their Cup whych was aboue twoo hundred crowns At all quoth the Cardinall and so caste the Dice and wan them whereat was made a great noise and ioy Thenquoth the Cardinall to the Lord Chamberlain I pray you quoth he that you would shew them that me séemeth there should be a Nobleman amongest them who is more méete to occupye this seate and place than I am to whome I woulde moste gladly surrender the same according to my duety if I knewe him Then spake the Lorde Chamberlaine to them in Frenche and they rownding him in the eare the Lorde Chamberlaine saide to my Lorde Cardinall Sir quoth he they confesse that among them there is suche a Noble personage whome if your Grace can appointe hym oute from the rest he is content to disclose hymselfe and to accept your place with that the Cardinal taking good aduisement among them at the laste quoth he me séemes the Gentleman wyth the blacke Bearde shoulde be euen he and with that he arose oute of hys Chayre and offered the same to the Gentleman in the blacke Bearde with his cap in his hande The person to whome he offered the Chayre was Sir Edwarde Neuil a comely Knight that much more resembled the Kings person in that Maske than anye other The King perceyuing the Cardinall so deceyued could not forbeare laughing but pulled down hys visar and Master Neuels also and dashed out suche a pleasaunt countenaunce and chéere that al the noble estates there assembled perceiuing the King to be there among them reioyced very much The Cardinal eft soones desired his Highnesse to take the place of Estate to whome the King aunswered that he woulde goe firste and shifte hys apparell and so departed into my Lorde Cardinalles Chamber and there newe apparelled him in whych tyme the dishes of the banquet were cleane taken vppe and the Tables spred againe with new cleane perfumed clothes euery man and woman sitting stil vntill the King with all his Maskers came among them againe all newe apparelled then the King tooke his seate vnder the cloth of Estate commaunding euery person to sit still as they did before In came a newe banquet before the Kyng and to all the rest throughout all the Tables wherein were serued two hundred diuers dishes of costly deuises and suttilties Thus passed they forth the night with banqueting dauncing and other triumphes to the great comforte of the King and pleasant regard of the Nobilitie there assembled Thus passed this Cardinall his time from day to daye and yeare to yeare in suche greate wealth ioy triumph and glorie hauyng alwayes on hys side the Kings especial fauor vntil Fortune enuied his prosperous estate as is to the worlde well knowne and shall be partely touched hereafter This yeare in the moneth of May were sent out of Englande xij C. Masons and Carpenters and thrée hundred laborers Castell of Turney builded to the Citie of Tourney to builde a Castell there to chastice the Citie if it chaunced to rebel and to diminish the garrison that then laye there to the Kings greate charge Henry Worley Rich. Gray the 28. of Sep. William Bayly Sherifes Maior Lady Mary the Kings daughter borne 1516 Sir William Butler Grocer the 28. of October Lady Mary King Henries daughter was borne at Greenewiche on the eleauenth of February Margaret Quéene of Scottes King Henries eldest sister who had after the death of hir first husbande Iames King of Scots The Queene of Scots fledde into Englande flaine at Bosworth married Archibald Duglas Earle of Auguise fledde into Englande and lay at Harbottle where shée was deliuered of a childe called Margaret But shortlye after Archibalde Douglas hir husbande wente home agayne into Scotlande wythoute leaue taking wherefore the Kyng sente for hir to London where shée was roally receyued and lodged at Baynardes Castell and there she tarried a whole yeare ere she returned Thomas Seimer Rich. Thurstone Broderer the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Greate fr●ste 1517 Anno reg 9. Euil May day Iohn Rest Grocer the 28. of October The Thamis was frozen that men with horse and Carts might passe betwixte Westminster and Lambeth On May euen was an insurrection of yong persons and Apprentises of London against Aliens for the whyche fact tenne payre of Gallowes were made with whéeles to be remoued from stréete to stréete and from dore to dore wherevpon diuers yong men were hanged wyth theyr Captaine Iohn Lincolne a Broker the residue to the number of four hundred men and eleauen women tyed in ropes al along one after an other in theyr shyrtes came to Westminster hall wyth halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned Margaret Quéene of Scottes returned into Scotland to the Quene of Scots returned Earle of Anguise hir husbande Thomas Baldry Richard Simonds the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1518 Svveating sicknesse Anno reg 10 Sir Thomas Exmew Goldsmith the 28. of October Manye dyed in Englande of the sweating sicknesse in especiallye aboute London wherefore Trinitie Terme was one daye at Oxforde and then adiourned to Westminster In the moneth of July Cardinall Campeius came into Englande from the Pope to exhorte king Henry to make war on the Turkes After long sute made of the Frenche King and hys councell Cardinall Campeius it was agréed that the Citie of Tourney shoulde be delyuered to the Frenche King he paying sixe hundred thousande Crownes for the Citie and foure hundred thousand Crownes for the Castell the whyche the King had buylded whiche was not fully performed and also he shoulde pay thrée and twentie thousande pounde Tournois the whych sometime the Citizens of Tourney
ought to the King of Englande for their liberties and franchises It was further agréede that the yong Dolphin sonne and heyre to the French King shoulde marry wyth the Ladye Mary King Henries daughter of Englande if they bothe so lyked eche other when they came to age And then the Earle of Worcester with the Bishoppe of Ely and other were sente into Fraunce to make delyuery of the saide Citie of Tourney whyche was done on the tenth of February Iohn Allen Iames Spencer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Mirfin Skinner the 28. of October The sixetéenth of Marche landed at Calleis sir Nicholas Vaux sir Edwarde Belknape sir William Sandes Knightes of the Garter Commissioners to ouer sée the making of a Pallaice before the Castell of Guisnes wherefore there was sente the Kings Mayster Mason Maister Carpenter and thrée hundred Masons and fiue hundred Carpenters one hundred Joyners many Paynters Glaziers Tylours Smiths and other Artificers both out of England and Flaunders to the number in all of two thousande and more The saide Pallaice was begunne the ninetéenth of Marche for the whyche tymber was boughte in Holand whyche tymber was so long that the same was bounden togyther and brought to Calleis wythout any shippe for no shippe myghte receiue it the other tymber and boorde was conueyed out of 1519 Englande And thus was there builded the goodlyest Pallaice of tymber that euer was wroughte and so curiously garnished wythin and wythout Then was prouision made in Englande and in Flaunders for victuall wine and all other thynges necessarie for the furniture of feasting and banqueting Then came into Englande Orleaunce Kyng of Armes in France made Proclamation at the Courte that the Kyng of England and the Frenche Kyng in campe betwéene Arde and Guisnes with eightéene aydes in June nexte ensuing should abide al commers being Gentlemen at the tylt tourney and at barriers And the like Proclamation was made in the Courte ●f Fraunce by Clarencius Kyng of Armes of Englande also in the Courte of Burgoigne in Almaine and Italie For the furnishing of those Justes there was deuised a tylt and all thyngs necessarie for that enterprice in a goodlye plaine betwéene Guisnes and Arde. Kyng Henrie being informed that his realme of Ireland was oute of order discharged the Earle of Kyldare of his office of Deputye and therevnto was appoynted the Earle of Surrey Thomas Howard Lorde Admirall wherefore the saide Earle in the beginning of April tooke leaue of the Kyng and the Duke of Norffolke his father and passed into Anno reg 11. Irelande with diuers Gentlemen or that hadde béene of the garrison of Tourney and hadde with hym one hundred Yeomen of the Kings Guarde and other to the number of one thousand men and there he continued two yeres and more in whiche space he had manye battels and skirmishes with the wilde Irishe Iohn Wilkinson Nicholas Partridge the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1520 Anno reg 12. Sir Iames Yarforde Mercer the 28. of October As King Henrie was at Canterburie with the Quéene in readinesse to haue passed the Sea he heard of the Emperor Charles his comming who arriued at Hith in Kent but landed at Douer on the sixe and twentith of May where he was mette by the Lorde Cardinall Wolsey who conducted him from the shoare of Douer to the Castel there where he was lodged On the nexte morning King Henrie came riding from Canterburie to the Castel of Douer where he saluted the Emperour And on Whitsonday earely in the morning these two noble Princes tooke their horses and rode to the Citie of Caunterburie not onelye to solempnise the feast of Pentecoste but also to sée the Quéene his aunte The noble personages of the realme of Englande and the Quéene with hir traine of Ladyes receyued and welcomed the Emperour to Caunterburie where he remayned tyll the Thursday nexte following whyche was the laste of Maye then he tooke hys leaue of the King and of all the Ladyes and so rode to Sandwich where he tooke hys Ships and sayled into Flaunders And the same daye the Kyng made sayle from the Porte of Douer and landed at Caleis aboute eleauen of the clocke and wyth him the Quéene and Ladyes and manye Nobles of the Realme The number of persons on the King and Quéenes side were 4334. and of horses 1637. besides the persons on the Frenche Quéenes and Duke of Suffolke hir husbandes and of the Cardinalles On the fourth of June the King wyth all hys Nobles as well the Quéene with hir traine of Ladies as other with the whole number of Nobles remoued frō Calleis to Guisnes into the moste noble and royall lodging before séene for it was a Pallaice made quadrant and euerye quadrant was 328. foote long whyche was in compasse 1312. foote aboute The seauenth of June the Kings of England and Fraunce met at the campe betwéene Guisnes and Arde wyth bothe their Swordes drawne and borne before them The tenth of June the King of Englande dyned with the Frenche Quéene in the towne of Arde and the Frenche Kyng dyned the same day wyth the Quéene of England in the new Pallaice made before the Castel of Guisnes which house was the moste sumptuous and costlye of Riches that hath béen● séene And after thys these two Kings mette euery daye after at Campe wyth diuers Lords and there iusted and turneyed fourtéene dayes and the two Quéenes met at Guisnes and at Arde dyuers tymes The foure and twentith of June these two Kings and Quéens with their retinues met at Camp where the Justs were kept there they banqueted daūced with maskings and disguisings that the like had not bin lightly séene almost all the night following and then tooke their leaue and departed and on the xxv of June the King of England and the Quéene and all the Court remoued from Guisnes to the Towne of Caleis where they rested On the tenth of July the King with a goodly company rode to the Towne of Grauelin in Flanders and there mette with Charles the Emperour and on the next morrow the Emperour and the Lady Margaret the Emperours Aunt Duchesse of Sauoy with many other great Estates came with the King of England to the Towne of Caleis whereby all the Lords and states of England were displaced of their lodgings and for solace against their comming was builded Banqueting house in the Tovvne of Caleis Richard Turpin a Banqueting house eyght hundred foote compasse like a Theatre after a goodly deuise builded in such manner as I thinke was neuer séene with sixtéene principals made of great Mastes betwixt euery Mast four and twentie foote and all the outsides closed with boorde and canuas Ouer it and within round about by the sides were made thrée Scaffolds or loftes one aboue another for men and women to stand vpon and in the midst of the same Banqueting house was set vp a great piller of Timber made of eyght great
Mastes bound togither with iron bands for to holde them togither for it was an hundred and four and thirtie ●ote of length and cost sixe pound thirtéene shillings foure pence to set it vpright The Banqueting house was couered ●uer with Canuas fastned with ropes and iron as fast as might be deuised And within the sayd house was paynted the Heauens with Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes with diuers other things made aboue ouer mens heads and ther were great Images of wickers couered and made like great men of diuers strange Nations and diuers reasons were written by them of the Countreys that they were likened to be off and the Armes of those Countreys hanging by them Also there was made as it were many ships vnder sayle and Windmilles going and about the high piller of timber that stoode vpright in the midst was made Stages of Timber for Organs and other instruments to stande on men to play on them and for other Musitions and Pageants to be playde when the King of England and the Emperour should be at their Banquet but in the morning of the same day the winde beganne to rise and at night blew off all the Canuas and all the elements with Banqueting house defaced by tempest the Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes and the wind blew out aboue a thousand Torches and other lightes of waxe that were prepared to giue light to the Banquet and all the Kings seates that were made with great riches besides all other things were all dashed and lost The same night the King with fiftéene persons more were richly apparelled and in a Maske went to the Emperours lodging and in the Chamber of presence daunced and reuelled and then departed On the twelfth of July the Emperour and the Lady Margaret supped with the King and the Quéene at the Checker where the same night were eyght companyes of Maskers and euery company twelue persons all in Gold Siluer and Ueluet richly apparelled The fourtéenth of July the Emperour departed from Caleis toward Grauelin The eyghtéenth of July the King of Englande with the Quéene departed from Caleis towards Calbais Iohn Skeuington Mer. Taylor Iohn Kyeme the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Bruges Draper the 28. of October King Henry kepte his Christmas at his Manour of Greenewich with much noblenesse and open Court and the tenth day of February in his owne person iusted with all commers In this time Edward Duke of Buckingham was accused Duke of Buckingham accused 1521 of high Treason wherefore the King directed his letters to the sayd Duke béeing at hys Manour of Thornebury in Glocestershire that incontinent he should come to his presence which commandement the Duke obeyed and came vpto Anno reg 13 London where he was streightwayes arrested by Sir Henry Merney Captayne of the Gard and conuayde to the Tower of London on the sixtéenth of Aprill before whiche time the Dukes Chancellour was taken which had confessed matter of high Treason concerning the Kings person There was also attached a Monke of the order of the Carthusians being of Henton Priory and Iohn Delaker the Dukes Confessor all these were prisoners in the Tower Shortly after the Duke was arraigned at Westminster the Duke of Norffolke sitting as chiefe Judge There were brought foorth against him witnesses Sir Gilbert Perke his Chancellour Iohn de la Court his confessor Charles Kneuet Esquire and a Monke Prior of Henton which had diuers times sayde to the Duke that he should be King of England Diuers presumptions were layd to him by Charles Kneuet which he would fayne haue couered but in the ende he was found giltie and had iudgement to be drawne hanged and quartered and on the seauentéenth day of May about eleuen of the clocke the sayd Edward Duke of Duke of Buckingham beheaded Buckingham Earle of Hereford Stafford and Northampton was beheaded on the Tower hill and his body buryed in the Friers Augustines Church such is the ende of ambition the credite of false prophecies and of euill life This Duke had begonne a great and sumptuous building at his Manour of Thornebury but left the same vnfinished He made a faire Parke hard by the same building for the which he tooke in much faire and fruitefull ground Also another Parke at East wood one mile off he enlarged at two times to the compas of sixe miles for the whiche déede and suche like he had many a cursse of the poore tenants Iohn Leyland The seconde daye of August Cardinall Wolsey passed Thomas VVolsey Cardinall vvent Embassador ouer from Douer to Caleis to treate a peace betwixte the French King and the Emperour and returned agayne to Caleis in the latter end of Nouember and from thence tooke his iourney to Blechingly where the King welcomed him and gaue him thankes for his great paynes King Henry wrote a Booke against Luther in Germany King Henry vvrote againste Luther and therefore the Bishop of Rome Leo the tenth named him defender of the faith to which Booke Luther answered very sharply nothing sparing his authoritie or maiestie This yeare was a pestilence in this land especially at Pestilence London and a dearth of Corne for wheate was at London sold for twenty Shillings the quarter Iohn Britaine merchāt Taylor Th. Pargiter the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Milborne Draper the 28. of October This Sir Iohn Milborne builded certayne almes houses adioyning to the Crossed Friers in London wherein he placed thirtéene aged poore people who haue their dwelling ●entfrée and two shillings sixe pence the péece the firste day of euery moneth for euer The sixth of March the French King attached all Englishmens Frenchmen attached goodes at Burdeaux and deteyned the Kings tribute and the French Quéenes dower Also all Frenchmens bodies and goodes were attached at London This yeare betwéene Easter and Michaelmas was made a generall proscription of all the Realme of England● The twentith of May Cardinall Wolsey rode through London to Douer there to méete with the Emperour being 1522 accompanyed with two Earles sixe and thirtie Knightes an hundred Gentlemen eyght Bishops tenne Abbots Anno reg 14. Cardinall VVolsey thirtie Chapleins all in Ueluet Satten and 700. yomen Charles the fifth Emperour came into England and was honourably receyued into London by the Maior Aldermen The Emperour came to London and Commons of the Citie the sixth of June the King accompanying him xj Pageants were made in the Citie and the Crosse in Cheape new gilt From thence he wente to Windsore and sate in the Stall of the Garter After great feastes iustes and honourable entertainement he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spayne During this time the Earle of Surrey Lord Admirall brent Morles in Briteine and then returned not long after he passed ouer to Caleis entred Picardy and brente diuers Townes and Castels He beséeged Hesding but bycause Winter was néere he raysed his séege
and returned The Duke of Albany in Scotland began to enter this land Iohn Skelton with a great Armie but hearing that the Earle of Shrewsburie was comming he tooke a truce for sixe monethes Iohn Rudstone Iohn Champneis the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Mundy Goldsmith the 28. of October Iohn Champneis was Secretarie of the Counter The Lord Rosse and Lord Dacres of the North burned the Towne of Kelsey in Scotland with fourscore Uillages and ouerthrew eyghtéene Towers of stone The Emperour Charles King Henry and Ferdinando Duke of Austrige the Pope the Citie of Venice and diuers other in Italy were confederate against the Frenchmen The Turkes beséeged the Isle of Rhodes and on Christmas The Turkes tooke the Rhodes day tooke it to the great shame and rebuke of all Christendome The twentith of Februarie the Lady Alice Hungerford Register of the grey friers Lady Hungerford hanged a Knightes wife for murthering hir husband was ledde from the Tower of London to Holburne and there put in a Cart with one of hir seruants and so caried to Tiburne and both hanged she was buryed in y e grey Friers Church at London The Earle of Surrey burned xxxvtj Uillages in Scotland dispoyled the Countrey from y e East marches to the West and ouerthrew diuers holdes Sir Henry Marney was created Baron Marney at Richmond The fiftenth of Aprill began a Parliament at the Blacke 1523 Friers in London and on the nine and twentith of Aprill the Cardinall with diuers Lords spirituall and temporal Parliament at the black●friers anno reg 15. A great subsidy declared in the common house that for diuers causes the King required a Subsidie of 800000. pound to be reysed on goodes and Lands foure shillings of euery pound against the which demand many obiections wer made by the commons one was that the King had already by way of loane two shillings of the pound which was 400000. pound and now to demaund four shillings the pouud it should amount in the whole to 1200000. pound and the third part There vvas not then 10000. parishes in England as I haue prooued by search of Records of euery mans goodes whiche in coyne coulde not be had within the Realme c. Among other arguments for the King it was sayde that there were in England more than 40000. parishes and if euery parish should pay suche a summe as was there named it could be no great matter But it was by the Commons answered and proued that there was not in England thirtéene thousand parishes After long debating the Commons granted two shillings of the pound of euery mans goodes and lands that were worth twentie pound or might dispend twentie pound by yeare and so vpward and from fortie shillings to twentie pound twelue pence of the pound and vnder fortie shillings of euery head sixtéene yeares and vpward four pence to be paid in two yeares This Parliament the xxj of May was adiourned to Westminster among the blacke Monkes and ended in the Kings Palace at Westminster the fourtéenth of August at nine of the clocke in the night Christerne King of Denmarke and his Quéene arriuing The K. and Qu. of Denmarke arriued in England at the Downes besides Douer the xv of June came to London on the xxij of June and were lodged in the Bishop of Bathes place The fifth of July they returned agayne to Caleis The Duke of Suffolke with many other Lords Knights were sent into France with an army of 10000. men who passing y e water of Some without battayle tooke diuers townes and Castels destroying the Countrey before them Michaell English Nicholas Iennings the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes George Monex was chosen Maior but would not take Maior elected it vpon him wherefore he was condemned in a thousande Marke for a fine in discharge whereof he gaue vnto the Citie a water Mill by the Horse Downe in Southwarke to grind the corne for the Bridgehouse Sir Thomas Baldrie Mercer the 28. of October Maior This yeare the Kippiers of Rye and other places solde their fresh fish in Leaden hall Market at London In December at the Citie of Couentry Francis Philip Conspiracy a● Couentrie Schoole mayster to the Kings Henxmen Christopher Pickering Clearke of the Kings Larder and Anthony Manuile Gentleman intended to haue taken the Kings treasure of his Subsedie as the Collectors of the same came toward London therewith to haue reysed men and to haue taken the Castell of Killingworth and then to haue made battayle agaynste the King for the whiche they were drawn hanged and quartred at Tiburne the eleuenth of Februarie the other of their conspiracie were executed at Couentry The Earle of Surrey brent Iedworth in Scotlande and 1524 tooke diuers holdes The Duke of Albany beséeged the Castell of Warke and had in a readinesse a great Armie to inuade Anno reg 1● England but when he heard the Earle of Surrey was comming he fledde into Scotland The fiue and twentith of May deceassed Sir Thomas Louell Knight of the Garter at Endfield and the same moneth deceassed Thomas Lord Howard Duke of Norffolke The souldiers of Guisnes tooke a great bootie at a faire in the Towne of Morguison and Sir Robert Iernegan wyth certayne dimilances of Caleis tooke diuers French prisoners The first of September Doctour Hanyball Mayster of A golden Rose sent frō Rome E. Hall the Rolles was receyued into London as Embassadour from Clement the seauenth Pope whiche brought with him a Rose of Gold for a token to the King which was presented to him at Windsore This Trée was forged of fine Golde and wrought with branches leaues and flowers resembling Roses set in a potte of Golde which potte had thrée féete of A●tike fashion of measure halfe a pinte In the vppermost Rose was a faire Saphire leape pearced the bignesse of an Acorne The Trée was of height halfe an English yard and in breadth a foote Ralph Dodmer William Roche the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Bayly Draper the 28. of October It chanced in the yeare passed a grudge to breake out betwéene the French King and the Duke of Burbon in so much that the Duke for the safegard of his life fledde out of the French Kings Dominions whereof the Cardinall Wolsey hauing intelligence comprised in his head that if the King our soueraigne Lord could obteyne him to be his Generall in the warre against the French King and considering further that the Duke of Burbon was fledde vnto the Emperour to inuite him to a like purpose wherefore he hauing this imagination in his head thought it good to moue A policie of Cardinall VVolsey that in the end turned against himselfe the King in the matter and after the King was once aduertised héereof and conceyuing the Cardinals inuention at last it came to a consultation among the Counsell so that it was concluded that an Embassade
solemnne Procession and lodged that nighte The nexte morning the Cardinall rode towarde Amiens and passing on his way he was encountred with noble personages who made to him diuers Orations whiche he answered extempore Afterwarde the Frenche King with a goodly company mette with the Cardinal embraced eche other The preace was so thicke that diuers had their legs hurt with horses Then the King and the Cardinall on his right hande rode forth towardes Amiens euery Englishe Gentleman accompanyed with an other of Fraunce The traine of these two● Princes endured two long Englishe myles they were nobly receyued into the Towne of Amiens with shot of Guns and costly Pageants vntil the King had brought the Cardinall to his lodging and then departed for that nighte the King being lodged in the Bishoppes Pallaice The next daye after dinner the Cardinal rode to the Courte to the King at whiche time the king kepte his bedde yet neuerthelesse the Cardinall came into his bed chamber where on the one side of the bed sate the Kings mother and on the other side the Cardinal of Loraine accompanied with diuers other Noblemen of Fraunce and after a shorte communication and drinking of a cuppe of Wine he departed to hys owne lodging Thus continued the Cardinall and the king in Amiens the space of a fortnight and more consulting and feasting eche other dyuers tymes Then the King and the Cardinall remoued to a Citie called Champaine whych was more than xx English myles from Amiens they were both lodged in the great castel of y ● town wherof y ● Cardinal had the one halfe assigned him for his lodging the king the other halfe And like wise they denided a long Gallerie béetwéen thē where was made in the midst a strong wal with a window a dore The King the Cardinal would many times méete at the same window talke and diuers times they woulde goe into the other at the said dore Then came there to my lord Cardinal y ● Lord Chancelor of France with al the kings counsellers where they toke great paines dayly in consultation insomuch that y ● Cardinall of England fel out with the Chancelor of France laying to hys charge that he went about to hinder the league whyche before his comming was cōcluded insomuch that Madam Regent hir self many Nobles of France with much labor trauel coulde scarcely bring the Cardinal to his former state of communitation he was in suche a wroth against the Chancelor by these meanes he brought other things to passe that before he could not attaine whiche was more for feare than for any affection to the matter he had the heades of the Counsell so vnder his gyrdle The next morning after this conflict he rose early about foure of the clocke and sate him downe to write letters into Englande vnto the King commaundyng me of hys Chapleines to prepare hym ready to say Masse insomuch that the Chaplaine stoode in his vestures vntill four of the clocke in the afternoone al which season the Cardinal neuer rose to eate or drinke nor to make water but continually wrote and aboute the houre of foure in the afternoone he made an end commaunding Christopher Gunner the Kings seruant without delay to ride Post into Englande with those letters whome he dispatched away or euer he dranke and then went to Masse and said his seruice with his Chapleine and after went bothe to dinner and supper all at once The nexte night after the Cardinall made a great Suppe● for Madam Regent for the Quéene of Nauar and other ●●●ate estates of Ladies and noble women and at the middest of the said banquet the Kings of Fraunce and of Ni●●●● came so day ●elye in vnlooked for and tooke their place in the lowest parte of the banqu●t The supper and banquet being finished the Ladyes and Gentlemen fell to daūcing and so passed awaye the moste of the nighte ere they departed Shortely after the King caused a wilde Bore to be lodged for him in the For rest of Champaigne and thither the Cardinal rode wyth hym to sée hym hunt where the Lady Regent with a number of Ladyes and Damoisels were standyng in Chariots looking on the toyle on the oute side whyche was pitched there for that purpose among whom stoode the Cardinal to regarde the hunting in Madam Regents Chariot and wythin the Toyle was the King with diuers minion Gentlemen of Fraunce readye furnyshed to thys highe and daungerous enteprice of the hunting the King beyng in his doublet and hozen all of shéepes colour cloth hauing in his ●●ippe a brace of greate white Greyhoundes who were armed as the maner there is and the reste of the Kings Gentlemen being appoynted to hunte this Bore were likewise in their doublets and hoss holdyng eache of them in theyr handes verye sharpe Bore speares Then the King commaunded the Kéepers to vncouche the Bore and that euerye person béeing within the Toile should go to a standing among whome were dyuers Gentlemen and Yeomen of Englande and incontinent the Bore issued out of his den and followed with an hounde came into plaine where béeing scaled a whyle and gazing vpon the people and incontinent pierced by the hounde he spyed a lyttle bushe standing behinde a banke ouer a ditche vnder the whiche laye two Frenche Gentlemen and thither fledde trusting there to haue defended himselfe who thrust his head snuffing into the same bushe whyche caused the two Gentlemen to flye from thence as from the danger of death Then was the Bore by pursuite of Hunters and the hounde driuen from thence who ranne straighte to one of the Cardinalles foote men a very ta●● yong Yeoman who hadde in his handes a ●●●●line with the whiche he was faine to defende hymself from the Bore a greate while the Bore continually ●oyning at hym with his tuskes so that he was faine at laste to pitche his Iaueline in the grounde betwéene him and the Bore the whiche the Bore brake with the force of hys foyning and with that the yeoman drew hys sword and stoode at defence and therewith the Hunters came to the rescue and putte him once againe to flight with that he fledde to an other yong Gentleman of England called Maister Henry Ratcliffe who was sonne and heyre to the Lorde Fitz Walter who had borrowed by chance of a Frenche Gentleman a very fine and sharp Bore speare where with he thruste the Bore in the mouth and so into the throate wherevpon the pastime was ended The Cardinall passing diuers dayes in consultation in other matters expecting the returne of Christopher Gunner at the laste he returned with letters againe vppon receite whereof the Cardinall intended to remoue being then at Masse in hys Closet he consecrated the Chauncelour of Fraunce Cardinall and putte vppon hym his Habite hys Hatte and Cap of Scarlet and then tooke hys iourney returning againe into Englande makyng suche necessary expedition that he came to Guis●es where he was nobly
receyued by the Lorde Sandes then Capitaine there wyth all the retinue of the same And from thence he rode to Calleis where he tarryed the shipping of his stuffe horses and ●●aine And in the meane time he stablished there a Marte ●or all nations These things and other for the weale of the Towne and Garrison by him perfecte he tooke shipping ●●●●ued at Douer the xxiiij of September from whence he ●●de to the Courte the King being in hys Progresse at s●● Henrie Wiats house in Kent he wente immediately to hym with whome he hadde long talke and continued twoo or three dayes there in the Courte and then retourned to hys house at Westminster Such scarcitie of bread was in London and al England that Scarcitie of breads many dyed for default thereof the King of his goodnesse sent to the Citie of his own prouision 600. quarters or else for one wéeke there had bin little breade The bread cartes cōming frō Stratford toward London were met at y ● Myle ●nd by the Citizens so that the Maior and Sheriffes were forced to goe and rescue the same Eartes and to fée them broughte to the Markets appointed Wheate was then at fiftéene shillings the quarter but shortly after the Merchants of the Stiliarde broughte from Danske s●●he store of Wheate and Rie that the same was better cheape to be solde in London than in any other part of the Realme besides Iohn Hardie William Hollis the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iames Spencer Vintner the 28. of October After the beginning of the Terme the Cardinall caused to be assembled in the Starre Chamber all the Noblemen Iudges and Iustices of Peace that were in Westminster hall at that tyme present and there made to them a long Oration Cardinal VVolsey in the Starre Chamber declareth vvhat an honorable peace he hadde concluded declaring the cause of his Embassade into Fraunce and of his procéedings there among the whyche he saide he had concluded such an amitie as neuer was heard in the realm before as well betwéen the Emperour and vs as betwéene the King our Soueraigne and the Frenche King with a perpetuall peace the whyche should be confirmed in writyng sealed in fine Golde affyrming further that the Kyng of Englande should receiue yearly his tribute by that name out of the Dutchie of Normandie wyth all the costes whyche hée had sustained in the warres And also where there was a restraint made in Fraunce of the Frenche Quéenes Dowrie whome the Duke of Suffolke had married for diuers yeres during the wars it was concluded that she should not onelye receiue it againe but also the arrerages that were ●●payed This peace thus concluded there shoulde be suche an amitie betwéene the Gentlemen of eache realme and enterco●rse of Merchants that it shoulde séeme to al men both territories to be but one Monarchie c. The twentith of October were receyued into London certaine Embassador● oute of Fraunce aboute eyghte in number of the moste noble and worthye Gentlemenne in all Fraunce they were lodged in the Bishops Pallaice in Paules Churchyard to whome di●ers Noblemen resorted and gaue them dyuers presents especially the Maior of the Citie of London Then they resorted vnto the Courte béeyng at Greenewiche where they were receiued by the King They hadde Commission to establishe the King in the order of Fraunce for whome they broughte for that intente a collar of fine Golde with the Michaell hanging thereat and Robes to the same order appertenant the whiche was of blewe Uel●et richly embrodered And the King to gratifie the French ●yng with the semblable he sent a noble man of the order here in Englande with Garter the Harrault into France to establishe the Frenche King in the order of the Garter with ●●emblable collar wyth a Garter and Robes accordyng to the same The Embassadors remayning here vntil theyr returne ●● things béeyng concluded concerning the perpetuall peace vppon solempne ceremonies and othes contained in certain Instruments touching the same whych was confirmed by receyuing of the Sacrament in Paules Churche of London by the King and the Graund Maister of France who represented the King his Maister and there the instrumentes were se●led with Golde and the King put his hande therevnto and the Graund Maister did the lyke betwéene whome the Cardinall diuided the Sacrament And that done they de●●rted the King rode wyth the Cardinall to Westminster and there dyned wyth all the Frenche men passyng a● the day after with consultation of waightie matters touchyng the conclusion of the saide article of the perpetuall peace The King then depa●ted againe by water to Greenewich at whose departing it was concluded by the Kings deuice that al the Frenche men shoulde resorte to Richemonde and hunt in euerye one of the Parkes there and from thence to Hampton Courte and there to hunt and the Cardinall to make there a supper or banquet or both to them And from thence they should ryde to Windsore and there to hunt And after to returne to London so to Greenewich there to banquet with the King Then was there made preparation of all thyngs for this greate assemblye at Hampton Court the Cardinall called before him his principal Officers as Stewarde Treasorer Comptroller and Clearke of hys Kitchin to whome he declared his minde touchyng the entertainement of the Frenche men at Hampton Courte his pleasure to them knowne they sent out Caters Purueyors and other the Cookes wrought both night daye in suttleties the Yeomen and Grooms of the Wardrobes were busied in hanging of the Chambers and furnishing the same wyth beds of silke and other furniture there were prouided 280. beds furnished with all manner of furniture to them belonging The daye was come to the French men assigned and 1526 they ready assembled before the houre of their appointmēt wherefore the officers caused them to ryde to Ha● orth a place and a Parke of the Kings wythin thrée myles there to hunt spen● the day vntill night at whyth time they returned againe to Hampton Courte euery of them conueyed to theyr seuerall Chambers hauing in them greate ●●ers and wi●e for their comforte remayning there vntil the Supper was ready The Chambers where they supped and banqueted were ordered in this sort First the great wayting Chamber was hanged with rich Arras as none were A●●oreg 20 better than other and furnished with tall yeomen to serue There were sette Tables rounde aboute the Chamber banquet wise couered a Cupborde was there garnished with whyte siluer Plate hauing also in the same Chamber to giue the more light foure plates of siluer sette with greate lightes and a greate fire of wood and coales The nexte Chamber being the Chamber of Presence was hanged with verye riche arras and a sumptuous cloth of estate furnished with many goodly Gentlemen to serue the Tables ordered in maner as the other Chamber was sauing that the highe Table was remoued beneath the
that at ●●ght of the clocke they shoulde lose their Maister Here is the ende and fall of Pride arrogancie of men Example of pride and arrogancie exalted by fortune to dignities for in hys tyme he was the haughtiest man in all hys procéedings alyue hauing more respecte to the honor of his person than he had to his spirituall profession wherein should be shewed all méekenesse 〈◊〉 a●● charitie The Cleargie of Englande beyng iudged by the Kings The Cleargie condemned in the Premunire learned Councel to be in the premunire for maintaining y ● power Legan●ine of the Cardinall were called by pro●e●● into the Kings Bench to aunsweare wherefore in their conuocation they concluded a submission where in they called the King Supreme head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. poundes to pardon King Henrie supreame head their offences touching y ● premunire by acte of Parliamēt The fift of Aprill one Richard Rose a Cooke was boyled 1531 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning of diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place King Henrie purchased the Hospitall of Saint ●ames ●éere to Charing Crosse and al the medows to the same adioyning Anno reg 23 The Kings house at Saint Iames. gyuing the sisters of the house pencions during their liues and then builded thereof a goodly Mansion with a Parke whiche he caused to be walle● about with Bricke The 〈◊〉 of August Thomas Bilney a Bacheler T. Bylney burned of Law 〈…〉 Norwich Richard Gresham 〈◊〉 Alth●●●●h● 28. of September Sherifes Maior Rice Griffyn executed Sir Nicholas Lambard G●●cer the 28. of October The fourth of December sir Rice Gryffyn was beheaded at the Tower hill and buryed at the Crossed Friers Iohn Hewes hys man 〈◊〉 to Tybor●● hanged and quartered The 17. of May deceassed Robert Thorne Bacheler and Merchant Taylour of London who gaue by his Testament his debts firste being paide is to be destributed in the citie Robert Thom his charitie in the Citie of London of London 500. l. to pore housholders in the xxv Wardes 20. l. in euery warde To reléeue prisoners in the Counters 50. l. To pore Maides mariages 50. l. To the foure prisons about London Newgate Ludgate Kings bench Marshalsea 100. l. To Aldermarie Church in London 10. l. Summe 710. poundes In the Citie of Bristow to the making vppe of the Frée Robert Thorn● his charitie in the tovvne of Bristovve schoole of Saint Bartholomew 300. l. to be diuided in the parishes among the poore housholders 300. l. to the redemption of the frée farme of prisage there 200. l. to the Almes houses there 100. l. to Thomas Moffit Maister of the Grammer Schoole 25. l. and to Robert his sonne 10. l. to the poore prisoners in Bristowe 50. l. to poore maides Mariages there 50. l. towarde making of a place for Merchants for the stréete in Bristow 100. l. to the repayring of hyghe wayes from Camer Marche to Bristow at the discretion of his executors as néede requyred and to the other high ways about Bristow 100. l. to Saint Nicholas Churche in Bristowe 20. l. to the four orders of Friers there euerye order 20. l. more to the prisoners of Bristowe 100. l. to the Chamber of Bristow 300. l. for the prouision of corne and wood more to the Chamber 500. l. to the reléefe of yong men that practise Clothing to the pore people of Bristow 500. l. And ouer and besides all this to be distributed in déedes of Charitie at the discretion of his executors 1000. l. Summe 3735. poundes Legacies to his sisters children other kindred amounted to 5142. l. 6. s̄ 8. d. His debts forgiuē wer 83. l. 5. s̄ 10. d. The residue of hys goods he gaue to his brother Nicholas Thorne The 28. of May Fryer Forrest was put in prison for contrarying Frier Forrest the Preacher before the King The othe which the Clergie had vsed to make to the Bishop Clergy svvor●e to the King of Rome was made voyde by statute a new othe confirmed wherein they cōfessed the king to be Supreme head The fiftéenth of May sir Thomas Moore after great sute Si● Thomas Moore made by him was discharged of the Chancelorship The fourth of June the King dubbed Thomas Audeley Lorde Audley made Lorde Chauncelour Knight made him kéeper of the greate Seale and not long after Lord Chancelor The fiftéenth of June fiue men were hanged and quartred Coyners and Clyppers executed Christes Church suppressed at Tower hill for coyning and clypping In the Moneth of July the King suppressed the Priorie of Christ church in London he sent the Chanons of that house to other Priories and gaue their Church plate and lands to sir Thomas Audley The thrée and twentith of Auguste William Warham Archebyshoppe of Canterburie deceassed The King repayred the Tower of London The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine was Marchionesse of Penbrooke made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore and then was gyuen hir by the King one thousande pounde by yeare The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis with the Duke of Richemonde hys bastarde sonne the Duke of Norffolke Lord Treasurer of England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse of Excester the Erles of Darby Arundale Oxforde Surrey and Rutlande the Vicount Lisle King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne the Lord Matrauers the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house the Lorde William Hawarde the Lorde Bray the Lorde Montague the Lorde Cobham the Lorde Mordant the Lorde Dawbney the Lorde Grey the Lord Clinton the Lorde Vaux the Lorde Mountegle the Lorde Rocheford wyth diuers other Lordes the Bishoppes of Winchester London Lincolne and Bathe sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house sir William Pawlet Comptroller sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde sir Iohn Page sir Iames Boleine sir Anthony Browne sir Edwarde Neuell sir Thomas Cheyney sir Iohn Russell sir Richard Page sir Ralph Eldercare sir Edward Baynton sir Edwarde Santener sir Griffyth Deene sir Iohn Dudley sir Iohn Femer sir Henry Long sir Anthony Hungerforde sir Iohn Brudges sir Arthur Hoptō sir Anthony Wingfielde sir William Paston sir Edmonde Bedingfielde sir Thomas Strange sir William Hawte sir Edwarde Wotton sir William Askewe sir Iohn Marleant sir William Barington sir William Essex sir Giles Strangweis sir Edwarde Chamberlaine sir Giles Caple sir Iohn Sent-Iohn sir Walter Hungerforde sir William Gascoine sir Lionel Norrice sir Edwarde Boloine sir Thomas Lisle sir Iohn Ashton sir Thomas Palmer sir William Boloine sir William Finche sir William Pellam sir Thomas Rotherham sir Iohn Norton sir Richarde Sandes sir Iohn Neuell and thyrtie Esquiers with manye Gentlemenne and all theyr traines The towne of Calleis had at thys season xxiiij C. beddes and stabling for two thousande horses besides the Uillages about The xxj of October King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne and was by the
Ueluet and Sylke in the Lyuerie of their Ladyes on whome they gaue theyr attendaunce after them followed the Guarde in coates of Goldesmyths worke in whyche order they rode forthe tyll they came to Fan-churche where was made a Pageaunt all of children apparelled like Merchantes whyche welcomed hir to the Citie wyth twoo proper propositions bothe in Frenche and in Englishe and from thence she rode vnto Grace Churche corner where was a costlye and maruellous cunning Pageaunt made by the Merchantes of the Stiliarde therein was the mounte Pernassus wyth the fountaine of Helicon whyche was of white Marble and foure streames wythoute pype dydde ryse an Ell hyghe and mette togyther in a little cuppe aboue the fountaine whych fountaine ranne abundantly with rackte Reynishe Wine till night on the mountaine sate Apollo and at hys féete sate Caliope and on euery side of the Mountayne sate foure Muses playing on seuerall swéete Instrumentes and at theyr féete Epigrammes and Poesies were written in golden Letters in the whyche euerye Muse according to hir propertie praised the Quéene From thence the Quéene wyth hir traine passed to Leaden hall where was a goodly Pageaunte with a tipe and heauenly Rose and vnder the tippe was a goodly roote of Golde sette on a little mountaine enuironed wyth red Roses and white oute of the typpe came downe a Faulcon all whyte and sette vppon the roote and incontinent came downe an Angel wyth greate melodie and sette a close Crowne of Gold on the Faulcons head and in the same Pageant sate Saint Anne wyth all hir issue beneath hir and vnder Mary Cleophe sate hir foure children of the whiche chyldren one made a goodlye Oration to the Quéen of the fruitefulnesse of Saint Anne and of hir generation trusting that lyke fruite shoulde come of hir Then shée passed to the Conduite in Cornehill where were the thrée Graces se●te in a Throne afore whome was the spring of Grace continually running wine afore the fountaine sate a Poet declaring the propertie of euery Grace that done euery Lady by hirself according to hir propertie gaue to the Quéene a seuerall gifte of Grace That done she passed by the greate Conduite in Cheape whiche was newly painted wyth armes and deuises out of the whiche Couduite by a goodlye fountaine sette at the ende ranne continually Wine both white and Claret all that afternoone and so she rode to the Standarde whyche was richely painted with Images of Kings and Quéenes and hanged with banners of Armes and in the toppe was maruellous swéete harmony bothe of Songs and Instruments Then she wente forwarde by the Crosse whyche was newly guilte till she came where the Aldermen stoode and then Maister Baker the Recorder came to hir wyth lowe reuerence making a proper and briefe proposition and gaue to hir in the name of the Citie a thousand Mark in Golde in a purse of Golde whyche shée thankefullye accepted wyth manye good wordes and so rode to the little Conduite where was a riche Pageaunt full of melody and Songs in whyche Pageaunte were Pallas Iuno and Venus and afore them stoode Mercurie whiche in the name of the thrée Goddesses gaue to hir a Ball of Gold deuided in thrée signifying thrée giftes which these thrée Goddesses gaue to hir that is to say Wisedom Riches and Felicitie As she entred into Pawles Gate there was a prettie Pageant in which sate thrée Ladyes richly clothed and in a circle on their head was written Regina Anna prosper procéede and raigne The Lady in the midst had a Tablet in the which was written Veni amica coronaberis and vnder the Table sate an Angell with a close Crowne And the Lady sitting on the right hand had a Tablet of Siluer in whiche was written Domine dirige gressus meos And the third Lady had a Tablet of Gold with letters of Azure written Confido in domino and vnder their féete was written Regina Anna paris regis de sanguine natam Et paries populis aurea saecla tuis And these Ladyes cast downe Wafers on the whiche the ●ayd two Uerses were written From thence she passed to the East ende of Pawles Church against the Schoole where stoode a Scaffolde and Children well apparelled which sayde to hir diuers goodly Uerses of Poets translated into English to the honor of the King and hir which she highly commended And then ●he came to Ludgate whiche Gate was new garnished with Gold and Bise and on the Leades of Saint Martins Church stoode a goodly Quéere of singing men and children which sang new Ballets made in prayse of hir grace After that she was past Ludgate she procéeded towarde Fléetestréete where the Conduite was newly paynted and all the Armes and angles refreshed and the Shalmes melodiously sounding Upon the Conduite was made a Tower with foure turrets and in euery turret stoode one of the cardinall vertues with their tokens and properties which had seueral speaches promising the Quéene neuer to leaue hir but to be ayding and comforting hir and in the midst of the Tower closely was such seuerall solemne instruments that it séemed to be a heauenly noyse and was much regarded and praysed and besides this the Conduite ran Wine claret and redde all the after noone so she with all hir company and the Maior rode forth to Temple Barre which was newly paynted and repaired where stoode also diuers singing men and Children till she came to Westminster Hall whiche was richly hanged with cloth of Arras and newly glased and in the midst of the Hall she was taken out of hir Litter and so ledde vp to the high Deske vnder the cloth of estate on whose left hande was a Cupbord of tenne stages high maruellous riche and beautifull to beholde and within a little season was broughte to the Quéene with a solemne seruice in greate standing spice plates a voyde of spice and sutteltyes with Ipocrase and other Wynes whyche she sente downe to hir Ladyes and when the Ladyes had drunke she gaue harty thankes to the Lordes and Ladyes and to the Maior and other that had giuen their attendance on hir and so withdrew hirselfe with a fewe Ladyes to the White Hall and so to hir Chamber and there shifted hir and after wente in hir Barge secretely to the King to his Manour of Westminster where she rested that night On Whitsonday the first of June the Maior cladde in Crimson Ueluet with his coller and all the Aldermen Coronation of Queene Anne and Sheriffes in Skarlet and the Counsell of the Citie tooke their Barge at the Crane by seauen of the clocke and came to Westminster where they were welcomed and brought into the Hall by Mayster Treasurer and other of the Kings house and so gaue their attendance till the Quéene shoulde come foorth betwéene eyght and nine of the Clocke she came into the Hall and stoode vnder the cloth of estate and then came in the Kings Chappell and the Monkes of Westminster all in riche Coapes and
putte in places of the Grey Fryers The fourtéenth of August was a greate fire at Temple Bar Fire at Temple Barre and certaine persons burned The sixetéenth of Auguste was burned the Kings Stable The Kings Stable brent at Charing Crosse called the Mewes wherin was burned many greate horses and greate store of Haye The one and twentith of September Doctour Taylour Thomas Cro●vvell Master of the Rolles Maister of the Rolles was discharged of that office and Thomas Cromwell sworne in his place the ix of October The Earle of Kildare dyed prysoner in the Tower of London and his sonne Thomas Fitz Garet rebelled in Irelande slew Doctour Allen Bishop of Deueling and tooke the kings Ordinaunce wherefore the King sente thither sir William Skeuington with a company of souldiours Nicolas Leueson William Denham the 28. of September Sherifes Maior The Popes authoritie abrogated Sir Iohn Champneis Skinner the 28. of October In Nouember was held a Parliament at Westminster wherein the Pope with al his aucthoritie was cleane banished this Realme and order taken that he should no more be called Pope but Byshoppe of Rome and the King to bée reputed and taken as supreame head of the Churche of Englande hauing full aucthoritie to reforme all errours heresies Firste fruites tenths giuen to the King 1535 Anno reg 27 Charter house Monkes and abuses of the same Also the first fruits and tenths of all spirituall dignities and promotions were granted the king with a subsidy of the laity of twelue pence in y ● pound with a fiftéenth and a tenth The nine and twentith of Aprill the Prior in the Charter house at London the Prior of Beuall the Prior of Exham Reynoldes a brother of Sion and Iohn Haile Uicar of Thistleworth were all condemned of Treason who were drawne hanged and quartered at Tyborne the fourth of May theyr heads and quarters set on the gates of the Citie al saue one quarter whyche was set on the Charterhouse at London The eighte of May the King commaunded al about hys Polled heades commaunded Courte to poll their heades and to giue them example hée caused hys own head to be polled and from thence forth his bearde to be notted and no more shauen Hollanders condemned for heretiques The fiue and twentith daye of Maye was in Saint Paules Churche at London examined ninetéene men and sixe womē borne in Holland whose opinions were firste that in Christ is not two natures God and Man secondely that Christe tooke neyther flesh nor bloude of the Uirgin Mary thirdlye that children borne of Infidels shall be saued fourthly that baptisme of Children is to none effecte fifthly that the Sacrament of Christes bodye is but breade only sixtly that hée who after his Baptisme sinneth wittingly sinneth deadly and cannot be saued Fourtéene of them were condemned a man and a woman of them were burned in Smithfielde the other twelue were sent to other townes there to be brent Charter house Monkes executed The eightéenth of June thrée Monks of the Charterhouse at London named Exmew Middlemore and Nidigate were drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred Byshoppe of Rochester beheaded The two and twentith of June Doctour Iohn Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was beheaded on the Tower hill hys head was set on London Bridge and his body buryed within Barking Curchyard The sixte of July sir Thomas Moore was beheaded on Sir Thomas Moore beheaded the Tower hill for deniall of the Kyngs Supremacie and then the body of Doctour Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was taken vp and buryed with sir Thomas Moore in the Tower Doctour Foxe the Kyngs Almoner was made Bishoppe of Hereforde and Hugh Latimer Bishoppe of Worcester the blacke Frier of Bristowe was made Byshoppe of Rochester In August the Lorde Thomas Gerard sonne to the earle of Kildare was taken in Ireland and sent to the Tower of London In October the King sente Doctour Lee and other to visite Abbeys visited the Abbeys Priories and Nunneries in Englande who putte forth all religious persons that woulde goe and all that were vnder the age of foure and twentie yeres and closed vppe the residue that woulde remayne and tooke order that no manne shoulde come to the houses of women nor women to the houses of menne but onelye to heare theyr seruice all religious menne that departed the Abbot or Prior to gyue them for their habite a Priestes gowne and fortie shyllyngs of money the Nunnes to haue suche apparell as Secular women weare and to goe where they woulde He tooke out of Monasteries and Abbeys theyr reliques and chiefest Jewels Humfrey Monmouth Iohn Cotes the 28. of September Sherifes These Sheriffes in the beginning of their yeare put away twelue Sergeants and twelue Yeomen till they were forced by a Courte of common Councell to take them againe Sir Iohn Allen being one of the Kinges Councell was at the Kings requeste chosen Maior of London Sir Iohn Allen Mercer the 28. of October Maior This sir Iohn Allen when he deceassed in Anno 1544. Charitable deedes of sir Iohn Allen. and hadde béene twice Maior of London and of Councel with the King as is aforesaide he gaue to the Citie of London a riche collar of Golde to be worne by the Maior whyche Collar was firste worne by sir William Laxton on Sainct Edwards daye to the election of the newe Maior who gaue to euery Warde in London twentie pounde to be distributed to the pore housholders besides to one hundreth and twentie persons thrée score men euerie of them a gowne of broad cloth and a blacke cappe and thréescore women to euerye of them a gowne of the like cloth and a white kerchiefe The eleauenth of Nouember was a greate Procession Procession at London of all the religious men thrée Bishoppes and foure Abbots mytered whyche was for ioy the French King was recouered of hys health In the moneth of December the names of all Chauntries Names of Chauntries were taken and who had the gifte of them The eighte of Januarie dyed Lady Katherine Dowager Katherine Dovvager de ceassed at Kimbalton and was buryed at Peterborowe The nine and twentith of January Quéene Anne was deliuered of a child before hir time whych was borne dead In a Parliament begonne in the moneth of Februarye Aparliament was graunted to the King and his heyres al religious houses Small houses suppressed 1536 Anno reg 28 in the Realme of Englande of the valewe of two hundred pound and vnder with al lands goods to them belonging the number of these houses then suppressed were 376. the value of their lands then 32000 pound and more by yere the mouable goods as they were sold Robin Hoods penniworths 10000. pound the religious were tourned oute to the worlde more than 10000. On May daye was a greate iusting at Greenewich where were Chalengers the Lorde Rocheford and other and Defendors Iustes
June being Saint Peters daye at eleauen of the clocke in the forenoone the Sheriffes of London accordingly as they were appointed were readye at the Tower to haue receiued the saide prisoner and him to haue led to execution on the Tower hill but as the prisoner should come forth of the Tower on Heire a Gentleman of the Lord Chancelors house came and in the Kings name commaunded to stay the execution till two of the clocke in the afternoone whyche caused many to thinke that the King woulde haue graunted his pardon But neuerthelesse at thrée of the clocke in the same afternoone he was brought forth of the Tower and delyuered to the Sheriffes who led him on foote betwixte them vnto Tyborne where he dyed His body was buryed in the Churche of Saint Sepulchres he was not paste foure and twentie yeres of age when he came thus throughe greate mishappe to hys ende for whome many sore lamented and likewise for the other thrée Gentlemen Mantell Frowdes and Roydon but for the saide yong Lord being a right towardly Gentlemā and such a one as many had conceiued great hope of better proofe no smal mone and lamentation was made the more indéede for that it was thought he was induced to attempt suche follis which occasioned his death by some light heads that were then aboute him The firste of July a Welchman a Minstrell was hanged and quartred for singing of songs whiche were interpreted to be prophecying againste the King In the moneth of August the King tooke his Progresse Progresse to Yorke towarde Yorke About this time Westminster and Bristow were made Bishopricke ● Rowland Hill Henrie Sucley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Michaell Dormer Mercer the 28. of October On Christmasse euen at seauen of the clocke at nighte beganne a great fire in the house of sir Iohu Williams Maister of the Kings Jewels where many of those Jewelles were brent more imbezeled The Lady Katherine Haward whom the King had marryed for hir vnchaste liuing committed with Thomas Culpeper and Francis Derham was by Parliament attainted Culpeper and Derham were put to death at Tyborne y e tenth day of December The xxiij of January the King was proclaymed King of King Henry K. of Irelande Queene Katherine beheaded Irelande The 1● of February the Lady Haward otherwise called Quéene Katherine and the Lady Iane Rocheforde for beyng of hir Councel with Thomas Culpeper were both beheaded within the Tower of London The twel●th of March Iohn Dudley was created Viscount Lisle by the right of his mother Lady Elizabeth sister and heire to sir Iohn Grey Viscount Lisle who was late wife to Arthur Plantagenet Viscount Lisle late deceassed The seauentéenth of March Margaret Dauy a Maid was A Maide boiled in Smithfielde boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning thrée housholdes that she had dwelled in The eight and twentith of Marche the Parliament sitting 1542 George Feres Burgesse for the Towne of Plimmouth was arrested in London vpon a condemnation wherevppon the Sergeant at armes of the Common house was sente to the Counter in Bredstrete to fetch him but the Clearks would not delyuer him till the Sheriffes came them selues who in the ende deliuered him howbeit this matter was so takē in the Common house that the Sheriffes the Clearks and fiue officers wyth the partie plaintife were sent to the Tower The Sheriffes of London sent to the Tovver Anno reg 34 and there laye two dayes and were then deliuered by y e Speaker and common house the Sheriffes were deliuered from all charges excepte twentie pounde for their fées In Maye the Kyng tooke a loane of money of all such as were valued worth fifty pound or vpwarde In the moneth of August Iames Erle of Desmond in Irelande The Earle of Desmoude came and submitted himselfe to the King and so returned The firste of October the greate Oneale of Irelande was The greate Oneale created Earle of Tiron and hys base sonne Mathew Oneale Baron of Donmagan for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his bodye lawfully begotten was then little estéemed The Duke of Norffolke entred Scotland the one and twentith Duke of Norffolke entred Scotlande of October burning and wasting all the Marches and there tarried wythoute anye battel proffered by the King of Scottes vntill the middest of Nouember Henry Hoblethorne Henry Hancots the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Coates Salter the 28. of October After the departure of oure armye from Scotlande the Kyng of Scottes made a roade into Englande and did muche harme but at the laste sir Thomas Wharton and sir William Scots ouerthrovvne Musgraue wyth a fewe of the bordurers met the Scots where they being in number 15000. were ouerthrowne in whiche conflicte was taken the Lorde Maxwell the Earles of Glencarne and Sassilles wyth all the Capitaines of the army to the number of one and twentie and on Saint Thomas euen the Apostle they were broughte to the Tower of London where they laye that night the nexte daye they were by the Kings charge apparelled in silke and rode through the Citie to Westminster where they were sworne to be true prisoners and then were deliuered to the custodie of dyuers noble menne whyche honorably entertained them At New-yeares tide they were sent home againe agréeing to certaine articles The 9 of February a proclamation was made whereby VVhite meate licenced to bee eaten in Lent the people were licenced to eate white meates in Lent but straightly forbidden the eating of fleshe Wherevppon shortly after the Earle of Surrey with diuers Lords Knights and Gentlemen were imprisoned for eating of fleshe in the same Lent contrarie to the saide Proclamation The 8. of May one Leche sometyme Bayly of Lowth who 1543 Anno reg 35 Somerset an Herault kylled had killed Somerset one of our Herraults of Armes at Dunbarre in Scotlande was drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred And the twelfth of June Edwarde Leche hys brother and with him a Priest for the same facte were lykewise executed at Tyborne This yeare the firste caste péeces of yron that euer were Firste yron peeces caste made in Englande were made at Buckestede in Sussex by Ralfe Hoge and Peter Bawde The thirde of June the Obrine a Lorde in Irelande and dyuers of the wilde Irishe submitted them to Kyng Henrie In July the saide Obrine was created Earle of Clawricarde The 12 of July King Henrie married Ladye Katherine King Henrye marryed Ladye Katherine Par. Parre late wife to the Lorde Latimer and sister to the Marquesse of Northampton at Hampton Courte King Henry sent ouer 6000. men to 〈…〉 whether An army sent to Landersey also came the Emperou● with a greate armye ●●● 〈…〉 after came downe the Frenche King wyth a great army and offered to gyue battaile to the Emperour by reason whereof the siege was raysed then the Frenche men victualled the Towne and on the morrowe
being ready to giue battaile the Frenche men made great shew but dallyed out the day and in the night departed The eighte and twentith of July Anthony Parson Robert Testwood and Henrie Filmer were brent at Windsore A greate death of the pestilence was at London and therefore Michaelmasse Terme was adiorned to Saint Albons Iohn Tolous Richarde Dobbes the 28. of September Sherifes Sir William Bower Draper the 28. of October Sir Ralfe Warren the 13. of Aprill Maior At Alhallowntide a roade was made into Scotlande by the garrison there who burned 60. Uillages and tooke great prayes The eightéene of December the Archebyshoppe of Canterburies Pallaice at Canterburie was brent and therein was brent his brother in law and other men The foure and twentith of December William Lorde Parre was created Erle of Essex and sir William Parre was created Baron Parre of Horton at Hampton Court And on the 〈…〉 of January sir Thomas Wriothesley was created Ba●●n of Wriothesley at Hampton Courte This yeare chaunced foure Eclipses one of the Sūnne she fourtéenth of Januarie and thrée of the Moone Four Eclypses In the beginning of Lent Lorde Edward Seymer Earle of H●reforde was made Liuetenaunt of the North and sent th●ther wyth an army The seauenth of Marche Germaine Gardner and Germaine Gardner and others executed Larke Parson of Chelfea were executed at Tyborne for denying the Kings Supremacie wyth them was executed for other offences one Singleton And shortelye after Ashbey was likewise executed for the Supremacie The x●j of Ma●●●sir Io●● Dudley Lord Lisle Lord Ad 〈…〉 1●44 with a great na●● de 〈…〉 toward● Scotlande o●●●●●● The 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 Gun poulder house called the House blovvne vppe vvith gunpoulder Blacke 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 Smithfielde was blown vppe and therein burned fiue men a boy and a woman On May euen dyed Lord Thomas Audley Lord Chacelour of Englande After whome succéeded Lorde Thomas Wriothesley The iij. of May sir Iohn Dudley Vicount Lisle hygh Admirall An armye sente into Scotland of Englande ●rryued with his fléete of 200. saile in the Frith of Scotlande where he landed dyuers of his menne and tooke there diuers vessels The iiij of May he landed the residue of his men at Lieth from thence marched forwarde in thrée greate battailes whereof the saide Lorde Admirall led the vawarde the Earle of Shrewsburie the rereward and Edward Seimer Earle of Hertforde Lieuetenant General of the battell Here they found the Scots to the number of 6000 horsemen besides many footemen readye to stoppe their passage who at the firste made as they would haue set on the vawarde but after certaine shotte on both sides they ●●dainely leauing their artillerie behinde them fled towarde Edenborough the foremoste in fléeing was the Cardinall of Saint Androws the Earle of Huntley Gouernour Murrey and Bothwell and then the Englishmen entred the town of 〈…〉 Lieth taken and spoyled where they found such riches as they thought had not 〈…〉 in any towne of Scotland The nerte day our army went towardes Edenborough and when they approched neare the Prouost of the town with other profered to haue delyuered the same vpon conditiō that the people might departe with bag and baggage the town to be safe from fire Where vnto our Lieuetenant aunswered that he was sente thither to take vengeance vpon them for their defestable falshoode and that vnlesse they would yéelde vp the town simply wythout condition and cause man woman and childe to departe into the fialdes submitting them to his pleasure he woulde put them to the sworde and their towne to the fire The proudst aunswered that it were better for them 〈…〉 to their defence and so departed and forth with the Lord Lie●tenant caused the vaward to marche towards the Towne which they did so couragiously with help of the English gunners that then kept the Scots from their Ordinance and so entred Canie Ga●● and there saw a great number of the Scots Edenborough brent and set fire on the towne which continued thrée 〈…〉 after ●arning Shortly after came to the lord Lieutenāt by and William Lord Eurie Wardē of the East March of England gouernor of Barwike with his son si● Raphe Eurie who also brought with them 1500. light horsmen inhabiters of those two Marches whyche after they were come did suche good seruice that the army sent away their shippes laden wyth spoyle and dislodged their campe out of Lieth settyng fyre in euery house and returned home by lande spoyling euery Uillage and Fortresse as they passed The xvj of May proclamation was made for the enhanring of Golde to xlviij ● and Siluer to iiij s̄ the ounce Also the king caused to be coyned base moneys whych was since Base moneys coyned that tyme called downe the fifth yeare of Edwasde the sixth and called in the second of Quéene Elizabeth On the xx day of May passed through the Citie of London in warlike maner to the number of 700. Irishmen hauing for theyr 〈…〉 Darts and Hand guns with Bag pipes 〈…〉 them in Saint Iar●es Parke besides Westminster they 〈…〉 before the King In the moneth of June the Letany or Procession was Procession in Englishe ●● forth in Englishe with commandement by the King to be generally vsed in Parishe Churches The thirtéenth of July King Henrie with a goodlye com 〈…〉 passed into France and encamped on the North fide of King Henrye vvent to Bol. Ioingne 〈…〉 after whose comming the Towne was so sore bat 〈…〉 wyth Gunne shotte aud certaine Towers vnder 〈…〉 and so shaken wyth Gunne powlder that after amoneths siege the Captaine sent worde to the Kyng that 〈…〉 e the 〈…〉 that all 〈…〉 wythin mighte departe ●yth bagge and 〈…〉 King Henrie granted and the Bello●ners departed to the 〈…〉 r of 4 454. The fiue and 〈…〉 of September the King with his nobilitie ●●tred into high B●l●ingne and after returned from thence ●●●ded at 〈…〉 the first of October The ninth of October in the night the French men came vnwares vpon the English men in base Boloigne and slewe of them a greate number howb●it they were shortly after chaced from thence and the base Towne holden after in good quiet Iohn Wilford Merchant Taylour Andrew Iud the 28. of S. Sherifes Maior Prises taken Sir William Laxton Grocer the 28. of October This yeare was taken by the Kings Shyppes of the West Country and of the Englishe coast the number of 300 French shippes and more so that the Grey Friers Churche in London was laide full of Wine the Austen Friers and Blacke Friers were layde full of Hering and other fish that was taken going into Fraunce The King demaunded a beneuolence of al his subiectes A beneuolence demaunded Spirituall and Temporall towardes his warres in France and Scotland And the twelfth of January the Lorde Chauncelour the Duke of Suffolke and other of the Kings Councell began to sit at Baynards
into Englande Claude de Honne 〈…〉 highe Admirall of Fraunce who broughte with hym the Sacre of Deepe and twelue Galleis he landed at the Tower Admirall of France came to London Wharffe where he was honorably receiued and broughte to the Byshop of Londons Palaice where he lodged two nights and then ●ode to Hampton Courte where the King laye By the waye Prince Edwarde receiued him with a companye of 500. coates of Ueluet with one sléeue of cloth of Golde and halfe the coate embrodered with Golde there was in all to the number of 800. horses In September the water of Finsburie was brought to y e Condit in Loth burie Conduit at London wall Saint Stephens in Colmanstreete and Saint Margarets in Lothburie Richard Iaruis. Thomas Curteyse the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Duke of Norf. folke and Earle of Surrey sente to the Tovver Henry Hobrethorne Merchant Taylour the 28. of Octob. The twelfth of December Thomas Duke of Norffolke and Henry Earle of Surrey his son was sent to the Tower of London the one by water the other by lande The thirde of Januarye the Churche of the late Grey Friers in London was opened Masse sung there and that day preached at Paules Crosse the Bishop of Rochester who declared the Kings gifte to the Citie of London for the reléeuing King Henry his gift to the Citie of London of the poore people whiche was by Patent vnder hys greate Seale Saint Bartholomewe Spittle the Churche of the Grey Friers two Parish Churches the one of S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other Saint Ewine in Newgate Market all to be made one Parish Church of the Grey Friers Churche in lands he gaue for y e maintenance of the same 500. marke by yeare for euer and this Church to be named Christchurch founded by King Henrie the eight Henrie Howard Earle of Surrey was beheaded on the Tower Eatle of Surrey beheaded hill the xix of Januarie The xxviij of January king Henry deceased appointing King Henry deceassed his first son Prince Edward y e second Lady Mary his daughter by Quéen Katherine and the thirde Lady Elizabeth ●● Quéene Anne Bolloine He deceassed when he had raign●● 37. yeares 9. moneths and odde dayes and was buried ●● Windsore ¶ Edward the sixt EDvvarde the sixt began his Anno reg 1. raigne the eyghte and twentith of Januarie Anno 1546. whē he was but 9. yeares olde King Henrie his father by his will had appoynted for hys priuy councel Doctour Cranmer Archbishoppe of Canterburie Lord Wriothesly Lord chāce celour Cuthbert Tonstall Byshop of Durham wyth other to the number of sixetéene The first of February the Earle of Hertford was nominate Earle of Hert forde made L. Protector elected and chosen by all the executors to be protector and chiefe Gouernor of the Kings person The sixt of February the Earle of Hertford Lord Protector King Edvvarde made Knight in the Tower of London endued King Edwarde with the order of Knighthoode and then immediatly the Kyng standing vp Henrie Hoblethorne Lorde Mayor of London was called who knéeling down the kyng tooke the Sword of the Lord Mayor of London made Knight Lorde Protectour and made hym Knight whiche was the firste that euer he made The fourtéenth of February the corps of King Henry the eighte was with great solempnitie and honor conueyed towardes Windsore and there buried in the Colledge The seauentéenth of February sir Edward Seimer Earle Duke and Lordes created of Hertforde and Lorde Protectour was created Duke of Somerset the Lorde Parre Earle of Essex was created Marques of Northampton sir Iohn Dudley Lorde Lisle Lorde Admiral was created Erle of Warwike and Lord Chamberlaine of Englande sir Thomas Wriothesley and Lorde Chauncelour was created Earle of Southampton sir Thomas Seymer was made Lorde of Sudley and highe Admirall sir Richard Riche was made Lord Rich sir William Willoughbey was made Lord Willoughbey of Parham sir Edmond Sheffeld was made Lorde Sheffielde of Buterwike King Ed. rode through y e citie of London towards Westminster and as he passed on the South side of Paules Churcheyarde an Argosine came from the Battlements of the Stéeple of Paules Churche vpon a Cable being made faste to an Paules steeple lay at ancker Ancker by the Deanes gate lying on his breast aiding himselfe neither with hande nor foote and after ascended to the middest of the Cable where he tumbled and played manye preasie toyes where at the King and the nobles hadde good pastime He was crowned at Westminster on the xx of February King Edvvarde crovvned The sixth of Marche the great Seale of Englande was taken 1547 from sir Thomas Wriothesley and on the morrowe the same was deliuered to the Lord Sent-Iohn Lord great Maister The fiftéenth of May Doctour Smith recanted at Paules Doctor Smith recanted Crosse The Lorde Protectour and the rest of the Councell sent Images forbiddē Commissioners into all partes of the realme willing them to take all Images out of their Churches for the auoyding of Idolatrie wyth them were sent diuers Preachers to perswade the people from their beades and suche lyke ceremonies and at that time the going in Procession was forbidden Proces●ion forbidden to be vsed the Gospel and Epistle were read in English In the moneth of August Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde Protectour as Generall and Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike Lorde Lieuetenant with a noble army were sente into Scotlande and neare to Edenborough at a place called Musclboroughe fielde Williom Patyn Muuscleborough the Englishemenne and Scottes mette where betwéene them the tenth of Septeptember was foughte a cruell battel The victorie whereof fell to the Englishmen and of the Scottes were slaine fouretéene thousande and taken prisoners fiftéene hundred whereof many were Gentlemē and not aboue thrée score Eeglishmen slaine The xxiiij of October Richarde Lorde Riche was made Lorde Rich L. Channcelor Lorde Chauncellour Thomas Whit Robert Chersey the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Free schoole at Holt. Sir Iohn Gresham Mercer the 28. of October This sir Iohn Gresham founded a Fréeschoole at Holt a Market towne in Norffolke Also at hys deceasse whiche was in Anno 1556. on the xxiij of October he gaue to euery warde in London ten pound to be distributed to the poore And to 60. poore men women euery one of them thrée yards of broade cloth of eight or nine shillings y e yard to be made in gowns readye to theyr backes He gaue also to Maides marriages and to the Hospitals in London aboue two hundred pounds in ready money The fourth of Nouember the Parliament beganne at Hestminster in the which was graunted to the King al Chātries Chauntries and Chappels giuen to the King frée Chappels and Brotherhoodes and an acte was made for the receyuing of the Sacrament in both kindes of Breade and Wine Ther vij of Nouember was pulled
Rebels of the whiche one was hanged within Aldgate and another at the Bridge foote toward Southwarke both on Mary Magdalens day In the beginning of August the French King determining to take the Isles of Garnesea and Iersea did set there sodeinly The French Kings Galleys inuaded Garnesea and Iersea vpon our Shippes with a great number of Galeis but they were so manfully encountred by the Kings Nauie that with the losse of a thousand men and great spoyle of their Galleis they were forced to retire into France and de●i●t from their purpose The xvj of August a man was hanged without Bishopsgate of London and one other sent to Waltham and there executed and diuers other in many places The viij of August the French Embassadours gaue a Frenchmen apprehended defiance to the Lorde Protectour wherevpon all Frenchmen with their goodes béeing no Denizens were apprehended The Rebels in Norffolke and Suffolke encamped thēselues at Mount Surrey in a wood called Saint Nicholas wood néere vnto Norwich agaynst whome Sir Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike went with ●n Armye where both he and a great number of Gentlemen méeting with the Rebelles were in suche daunger as they had thought all to haue dyed in that place but God that confoundeth the purpose of all Rebels brought it so to passe that as well there as in al other places they were partly by power cōstreined partly by promise of their ●ar●●n perswaded to submitte themselues to their Prince the Earle of Warwike entred the Citie of Norwich the xxvij of August when he had ●●aine The Earle of VVarvvicke vvent against the Rebels at Norvvich aboue fiue thousand of the Rebels and taken their chiefe Captayne Robert Ket of Windham ●anner whiche mighte dispend in Lands fiftie pound by yeare and was worth in moueables aboue a thousand Markes when he had put to execution diuers of the Rebels in diuers places about Norwich and returned The xxviij of August tidings was brought to King Edward Nevvhauen by Boleyne vvon by the French and the Lord Protector that the Frenchmen had taken Blacknesse Hamiltew and Newhauen by Boleyne and had slayne all the Englishmen and taken the Kings Ordinance and victualles which was reported to be begunne by one Sturton a Bastard sonne of the Lord Sturtons which had betrayed Newhauen and went himselfe to the French Kings seruice héere vpon the Captayne of Bulleyne Barke for feare of the French Army conuayed all the Ordinance Uictualles goodes and men of that Fort to the high Towne of Bulleyne and after their departing with Gunpowder blew vp the Fort. About this time also a Commotion began at Semer in Commotion in Yorkeshire the North riding of Yorkeshire and continued in the East riding and there ended the principall raysers whereof were William Ombler of Easthes●e●●on yeoman Thomas Dale parish Clarke of Semer and Steuenson of Semer being preuented by the Lord President from rising at Wintringham they drew to a place at Semer by the Sea coast and there by night rode to the beacon at Stax●o● and set it on fire and so gathered a rude route then they went to Mayster Whites house and tooke him and Clopton his wides brother Sauage Merchant of Yorke and Bery seruant to Sir Walter Mildmay which four they murthered a mile from Semer and there left thē naked their number increased to thrée thousand On the xxj of August the Kings pardon was offered which Ombler and other refused who were shortly after taken and brought to Yorke where Thomas Dale and other Rebels executed at Yorke were executed the xxj of September The first of September Edmond Bonar Bishop of London preached a Sermon at Powles Crosse for the which he was accused vnto the Counsell by William Latimer Parson of Saint Lawrence Pountney and Iohn Hoper sometime a white Monke and so conuented before the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Commissioners at Lambheath on the twentith day of that same moneth and sente to the Marshalsea on the first of October he was depriued of his Bishopricke for disobeying the Kings order in Religion Richard Turke Iohn Yorke the 28. of September Sherifes The viij of October after a common Counsell in the Guild hall at London whether all the Lordes of the Counsell came the Lord Chauncellor and other declared diuers abuses of the Lord Protectour desiring the Citizens to bée ayding and assisting with them for the preseruing of the Kings Maiesties person which they greatly feared béeing in his aduersaries hands The Lords dined with Mayster Proclamation against the Lord Protectour Yorke one of the Sheriffes and in the afternoone Proclamation was made in diuers places of the Citie with Trompets Heralts and Kings at Armes wherein was conteyned diuers Articles touching the euill gouernement of the Lord Protector The tenth of October by a common Counsell at the Guild hall was graunted fiue hundred men of the Citie one hundred to be horssemen to be readie on the next morrow and this day the Lordes dined wyth Mayster Turke the other Sheriffe The xj of October the Lordes sitting at the Lord great maisters Sir Anthony Wingfield Captayne of the Garde was sent to the King at Windsore and seuered the Lord Protectour from his person and caused the Gard to watch him fi●● the Lords comming On the morrow the Lord Chancellour with the rest of the Counsell rode to Windsore to the King and that night the Lorde Protectour was put in ward into Beau●champs Tower in the Castell of Windsore The xiiij of October in the afternoone the Duke of Sommerset Lord Protector brought to the Tovver was brought from Windesore riding through Oldbor●e in at Newga●e and so to the Tower of London accompanyed with diuers Lordes and Gentlemen with thrée hundred horse the Lord Maior Sir Ralph Warren Sir Iohn Gressham Mayster Recorder Sir William Locke and both the Sheriffes and other Knightes sitting on their Horsses against Soper La●e with all the Officers with Halbards and from Holbur●e bridge to the Tower certayne Aldermen or their deputies on Horssebacke in euery stréete with a number of housholders standing with billes as he passed There was with him committed to the Tower Sir Michaell Stanhope Sir Thomas Smith Sir Iohn Thin Knightes Wolfe of the priuie Chamber and Grey of Reading The xvij of October King Edward came from Hampton Court to his place in Southwarke and there dined and after King Edvvarde rode through London dinner he made Mayster Yorke one of the Sheriffes Knight and then rode through the Citie to Westminster Sir Rowland Hill Mercer the 28. of October Maior This Sir Rowland Hill caused to be made a Causey Charitable deedes of Sir Rovvland Hill commonly called Ouerlane pauement in the high way from Stone to Nantwich in length four miles for horse and man with diuers Lanes on both sides the same Causey He caused likewise a Causey to be made from Dunchurch to Bransen in Warwickeshire more than two
First children in Christes hospital taken into y e hospital at the Grey Friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of almost foure hundred And also s●eke and pore people into the Hospital of Saint Thomas in Southwarke in whiche two places the children and pore people shoulde haue meate drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmasse daye in the afternoone when the Lorde Firste shevve of the children in Christs hospital Maior and Aldermen rode to Paules al the children of Christes Hospitall stoode in array from Saint Laurence Lane in Cheape toward Paules al in on Lyuerie of Russet Cotten the men children with red Caps the women children kerchiefs on their heades all the Maisters of the Hospitall foremost nexte them the Phi●●tions and four Surgeons and betwéen euery twentie children one woman kéeper whych children were in number 340. The King kept his Christmasse with open housholde at Lorde of merry disportes Greenewiche George Ferrers Gentleman of Lincolns Inne being Lorde of the merry disportes all the twelue dayes who ●●●pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had greate delight in his pastimes On Monday the fourth of January the saide Lorde of The Sherifes ● of Misrul● mery disportes came by water to London and landed at the Tower Wharffe entred the Tower and then rode through Tower streete where he was receyued by Vawce Lorde of Misrule to Iohn Maina●d one of the Sheriffes of London and so conducted throughe the Citie with a great company of yong Lordes and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lorde Mayor where he with the chiefe of his company dy●ed and after had a greate banquet and at his departure the Lorde Mayor gaue him a standing Cup with a couer of siluer and guilt of the vale ●●● of ten pounde for a rewarde and also set a Hog●●●ad of 〈…〉 and a Barrel of Béere at hys Gate for his traine that folowed hym the residue of his Gentlemen and s●rn a●ntes dyned at other Aldermens houses and with the Sheriffes and so departed to the Tower Wharffe againe and to the Courte by water to the great commendation of the Maior and Aldermen and highly accepted of the King and Counaell In the moneth of January the King fell sicke of a cough Anno reg 7. at Whitehall whyche gréeuouslye encreased and at the laste ended in a Consumption of the Lights The firste of Marche beganne a Parliament at Westminster A Parliament and all the Lordes Spiritual and temporall assembled that daye in the Whitehall in their Robes where a Sermon was preached in the Kings Chappell by Doctor Ridley Bishoppe of of London and his Maiestie with diuers Lords receyued the Communion Which being done the King with the Lordes in order went into the Kings greate Chamber 1553 on the Kings side which that day was prepared for the Lordes house the King sitting vnder his clo●h of Estate and al the Lordes in their degrées the Bishoppe of Ely Doctor Godrike Lorde Chauncollor made a Proposition for the king whyche being ended the Lordes departed This was done bycause the King was sickly The 〈…〉 after the Burgesses sate in the Common house at Westminster and chose for their Speaker Maist●● Diar one of the late made Sergeants at the lawe The ●1 of Marche being good Friday the Parliament brake vppe and was clearely dissolued at the Kinges Pallaice of White hall at seauen of the clocke at night The thirde of Aprill being Monday after Easter daye the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thēce thorough the Citie to the Sermon kepte at Saint Marie Spittle all clothed in plonket Coates and red Cappes and the maiden childrē in the same Lyuerie with kerchefs on their heades all whiche with their matron and other 〈…〉 were there placed on a Scaffolde of eight Stages and there sate the same time whiche was a goodly shewe The tenth of Aprill the Lorde Mayor of London was sent Bridevvell gyuen to the Citie of London for to the Courte at White hall and there at that time the Kings Maiestie gaue to him for to be a w●rk● house for the ●●re and ydle persons of the Citie of London ●●●● 〈…〉 of Bridewel and seauen hundred marke land of the Sauoy rents wyth all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy towardes the maintenaunce of the saide work-house of Bridewell The eleauenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was presented to the King in his Pallaice of White hall at Westminster and was made knight by his Maiesty and the same day the king remoued in the afternoone to Greenewiche In this Moneth of April and in May commissions were Ievvelles and Church plate called into the Kings handes directed throughe Englandes for all the Churche goods remaining in Cathedrall and parishe Churches that is to saye Jewels of Golde and Siluer Crosses Candlestickes Sen●●●● Chalices and all other suche like with their readye money to be deliuered to the Maister of the Kings Jewels in the Tower of London all Coapes and Uestmentes of cloth of Gold cloth of Tissewe and Siluer to the Maister of the kings Wardrobe in London the other Coaps Uestmēts and ornaments to be solde and the money to be deliuered to the Kings Treasurer reseruing to euerie Churche one Chalice or Cuppe with Table clothes for the Communiō board at the discretion of the Commissioners The twentith of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Voyage to Moscouy Cabotte thrée great ships wel furnished were sette ●●●th for the aduenture of the vnknowen voyage to Musco●●● and other easte partes by the North Seas diuers Merchants and other being frée of that voyage yéelded towards the charges of the some fiue and twentie pounds apéece ●●● George Barnes 〈…〉 William Garrard being y ● principall 〈…〉 there in About the same time two other ships were sent séeke aduentures Southwards Whiles King Edward lay dangerously sicke Lord Gilforde Three notable marriages at D●rham place the Duke of Northumberlandes fourth sonne marryed Lady lane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then ali●e was daughter to Mary King Henries sister whiche was firste marryed to the Frenche King and after to Charles Duke of Suffolke Also the Earle of Pembrookes eldest son marryed Lady Katherine the said Dukes second daughter and the Erle of Huntingtons sonne called Lord Hastings marryed the Dukes yongest daughter King Edward being about the age of sixetéene yeares ended King Edvvarde deceassed his life at Grenewich on the sixth of July when he hadde raigned sixe yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes and was buried at Westminster He was in this his youth a Prince of such towardnesse in vertue learning and al godly gifts as seldome hath bin sée●● the like The eight of July the Lorde Maior of London was sente King Edvvards death opened for to the Courte then at Greenewich and to bring with him fi●e Aldermen as many Merchaunts of the Staple an 〈…〉
this Maiors yeare Corne rose to fourtéene shillings the quarter and wood waxed scant in London and was sold for thirtéene and fourtéene shillings the thousand of ●illets and coles at tenpence the sacke by reason of the great death and sicknesse the last Sommer for lacke of hēlp and carriage King Philip being absent out of the Realme and Quéene Mary being dangerously sicke ended hir life at hir Manour of Saint Iames by Charing crosse the xvij of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when she had raigned fiue yeares four monethes and odde dayes The same daye deceassed Cardinall Poole at Lambheath and a little before two of hir Phisitions besides diuers Bishops and noble men Quéene Mary was buryed at Westminster and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury ¶ Queene Elizabeth ELizabeth our most gratious Anno reg 1. and soueraigne Lady second daughter to King Henry the viij to the great comfort of Englande was with full consent proclaimed Quéene of England France and Irelande Defender of the Fayth c. on the xvij of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1558. Forthwith the Portes and Hauens were stopped and none suffered to passe out of the Realme without licence Proclamation was made forbidding all men to Preach saue such as should be appoynted also to alter any rytes or Ceremonies vsed in the Church saue as it was in hir graces Chappell The xxiij of Nouember Quéene Elizabeth came from The Queene commeth from Hatfild Bishops Hatfield in Hertfordshire vnto the Lord Northes house in the late Charterhouse of London the Sheriffes of London méeting hir Grace at the farther ende of Barnet Towne within the Shere of Middlesex and so rode before hir till the came to the Charterhouse Gate next Aldersgate where hir Grace remayned On Monday the eyght and twentith of Nouember about The Queene ●emoueth to the Tovver two of the clocke in the after noone Quéene Elizabeth rode from the Lorde Northes house along by the Barbycane in at Creeplegate then along by the wall to Bishopsgate which Gate was richly hanged where the Waytes of the Citie playde and ouer against the Kings head Tauerne a Scholler of Paules Schoole made a short Oration to hir Maiestie in Latin Uerses the company of the Mercers standing in theyr rayles next the Scholler and so all the other Companyes of the Citie in order from thence to Mart Lane ende nexte vnto Barking Church in Tower streete the Lorde Maior of London riding wyth Mayster Garter King at Armes bearing a Scepter before hir Maiestie whiche Lorde Maior mette hir at the Charterhouse Gate nexte Aldersgate where Mayster Recorder saluted hir Grace in the name of the Lorde Maior and the whole Citie and so with Lordes Knightes and Gentlewomen richly apparelled brought hir to the Tower of London but when hir Grace entered at Mart Lane a peale of Gunnes beganne to be shotte off at the Tower whiche continued almost halfe an houre The fifth of December the Quéene remoued by water from the Tower to Somerset place néere to the Strand The xiij of December the corpse of Quéene Mary was honourably conuayed from Saint Iames to the Abbey of Queene Mary buryed Westminster and there placed vnder a rich Hearse decked with penons banners and Schutchions of the Armes of Englande and France where she remayned that nighte and on the morrow after the Masse of Requiem and a Sermon preached by Doctor White Bishop of Winchester was ended she was buryed in the Chappell of King Henry the seauenth on the North side The xxiiij of December was solemne obsequie kept in Obsequie for Charles the Emperour the Abbey of Westminster for Charles the fifth late Emperour which deceassed in Spayne in the moneth of September last past Quéene Maryes herse yet standing altered with the Armes of the Emperour and richly hanged with a rich pall-cloth of gold lying on the hearse the Emperours Embassadour being chiefe mourner with other Péeres and Lords of England assistant with him c. The first of January the Lord Maior and Aldermen gaue in commandement to euery warde in London that the Procession Epistle and Gospell in English Parson or Curate in euery Parish Church in London should reade the Epistle and Gospell of the day in the Englishe tong in the Masse time and the English Procession then vsed in the Quéenes Chappell according to a Proclamation sent from hir Maiestie and priuie Counsell proclaymed in the Citie of London the xxx of December which commandement was that day obserued in most parish Churches of the Citis The ninth of January in the morning the Image of Thomas Becket which stoode ouer the dore of the Mercers Image of Thomas Becket throvvne dovvne Chappell in London toward the stréete was found broken and cast downe and a bill set on the Church dore deprauing the setters vp thereof The xij of January the Quéenes Maiestie remoued from hir place of White hall to the Tower by water the Lorde Maior of London and his bréethren the Aldermen in their Barge and all the Craftes of the Citie in their Barges richly decked with targets and banners of euery mysterie The Batchelers of the Maiors companie in their Barge with a Foyst hauing thrée toppes trimmed and richly decked to wayte on them which shotte off gunnes all the way all these awayted on hir Maiestie who tooke hir Barge about two of the clocke in the after noone the Lord Maior folowing after and euery company in order with great melodie of musicall instruments till hir grace was through London bridge and landed at hir priuie staire of the Tower Wharffe and then the Maior after leaue taken and thankes of the Quéene returned through the Bridge with the floud and landed at the Three Cranes Wharffe in the Uintrie The xiiij of January at which time the Londoners had made sumptuous prouision the Quéenes Maiestie passed through the Citie of London to hir Palace at Westminster Coronation the next day she was Crowned by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carelile The xxv of January began a Parliament at Westminster Parliament before the States whereof Doctour Coxe late come from beyond the Seas and sometime Schoolemayster to King Edward the sixth made a learned Sermon In this Parliament the first fruites and tenthes were granted to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernemēt ouer the state Ecclesiasticall Likewise the Booke of commō Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in our vulgar tongue was restored to be done as in the time of King Edward the sixth In the Easter Holydayes preached at the Spittle Doctour Bill the Quéenes Almoner Doctour Coxe and Doctour Horne the two last came lately from beyond the seas On Lowsonday the seconde of Aprill Mayster Sampson made the rehearsall Sermon at Paules Crosse The iij. of Aprill the Quéenes Maiestie appoynted a cōference or disputation to be had at Westminster Church betwéene 1559 the olde Bishops and certayne learned men late A conference at VVestminster come
from beyond the Seas concerning matters of Religion but the matter came to small effect The seauenth of Aprill was a peace proclaymed betwixt England and France And the like betwéene hir Maiestie and the King and Quéene of Scotland The xix of Aprill was kepte the Serieants feast in the ●●ner Temple and nine Serieants were there made Mai●●er Reignald Chamley Recorder of London being one of y ● ix A Subsidie of ij s̄ viij d. the pound of moueable goods was Subsidy granted granted and the Parliament dissolued the vij of May. The seconde of July the Citizens of London had a muster The Citizens of London mustered at Greenevvich afore the Quéenes Maiestie at Greenewich in the Parke of fourtéene hundred men whereof eyght hundred were Pikemen all in fine Corselets foure hundred Haquebuts in shirtes of mayle with morians and two hundred Halberters in almanriuets which were furnished and set forth by the companyes of the Citie of London they had to euery hundred two wiffelers richly apparelled and twelue wardens of the best companyes riding in coates of blacke Ueluet to conduct them with drommes and fifes and sixe Ensignes all in Jerkins of white Bridges Satten cutte and lined with blacke Sarsenet with cappes hosen and skarfes according the Captayne 's Robert Constable and Mayster Saunders brought them in battayle ray afore the Quéene euen as they should haue fought which made a goodly shewe before hir Maiestie the Emperoures and French Kings Embassadours béeing present In the moneth of July the olde Bishops of England then liuing were called and examined by certayne of y e Quéenes Bishops depriued Maiesties Counsayle where the Bishops of Yorke Ely and London with other to the number of thirtéene or fourtéene for refusing to take the oth touching the Quéenes supremacie and other Articles were depriued from their Bishoprickes And likewise were diuers Deanes Archdeacons Parsons and Uicars depriued from their Benefices and some committed to prison in the Tower Fléete Marshalsea and Kings bench Commissioners were likewise appoynted for the establishing Commissioners of Religion through the whole Realme For London were appoynted Sir Richard Sackuile Knight Doctou● Horne a Diuine Doctour Huicke a Ciuilian and Mayster Saluage who called before them diuers persons of euery parish and sware them to enquire and present vpon certayne iniunctions Iniunctions Also the houses of Religion erected by Quéene Mary Houses suppressed as the Monkes of Westminster Nunnes and bréethre● of Sion and Sheene the blacke Friers in Smithfielde and the Friers of Greenewich were all suppressed On the euen of Saint Barthelmew the daye and the Church ymages burned merrow after c. were burned in Paules Church yarde Cheape and diuers other places of the Citie of London all the Roodes and other Images of Churches in some places the Coapes Uestments Alter clothes Bookes Banners Sepulchers and Roode loftes were burned The fifth of September about midnight fell a greate tempest at London in the ende whereof a great lightning with a terrible clappe of thunder strake the Spire béeing stone of the Stéeple of Alhallowes Churche in Bredstreete Churches in London striken and broken by tempest about a tenne foote beneath the toppe out of the which fell a stone that slew a Dogge and ouerthrew a man playing with the same Dogge and the Spire of the Stéeple was so perished that not long after the same was taken downe with lesse charges to the Parish than the repayring woulde haue cost And at the same instant by the same tempest one of the South dores of Saint Dionise Churche in Fenchurch streete with the dore of the Reuestrie of the same Churche were both stricken thorough and broken The eyght and ninth of September a solemne Obsequie Obsequy for the French King was kepte in Paules Churche at London for Henry the French King departed who dyed of a wound giuen by the County Mountgomerie at a triumph iusting in the Citie of Paris whereof he dyed about the tenth daye of July About the last of September Iohn Duke of Finland seconde Embassadour from Svvethen sonne to Gustabus Kyng of Swethen was sente by hys father to treate a marriage for hys eldest brother Ericus with the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande he arriued at Harwich in Essex and was there honourably receyued enterteyned by y e Earle of Oxford which said Earle the Lord Robert Dudley with a goodly baude of Gentlemen and yeomen conueyed him to London where he was receyued of diuers Knightes and Gentlemen of the Court on the fifth of October and was with his trayne of about the number of fiftie persons well horssed conuayed to the Bishop of Winchesters place in Southwarke where he was lodged during his abode héere and remoued from thence two dayes before Easter homeward and sped on his message as may appeare by that which foloweth takē out of Iohannes Lewenclaij comment de bellis Moscorum Ericus King of Sweden sonne of Gustabus late King of the sayde Kingdome hauing committed to prison his brother Iohn Duke of Finlande whome a little before he had employed into England on an Embassage to the Quéenes Maiestie whome he sued to for marriage and had his sute reiected agayne the second time solicited hir Maiestie in the same suite notwithstanding to his great dishonor and as it fell out his iust disgrace he attempted the same matter with the yongest daughter of Phillip Lantgraue Vanhessen at whose hand hauing the seconde tyme bin reiected of hir Maiestie héere the matter béeyng knowne there he also not onely receyued a denyall but the Lady was by hir Father bestowed vppon Adolfe Duke Van Holst Unckle Iohannes Lewenalaij of Frederike Kyng of Denmarke then enemie of the sayde Erice Thus farre Iohannes Lewenclaij Thomas Lodge Roger Martin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Sir William Hewet Clothworker the 28. of October About this time many men of warre were conueyed out of France into Scotlande and there placed in Townes and Fortresses as in the Towne of Leeth Dunbarre Inskith and other whereby it was to bée suspected that they would sodeynely inuade thys Realme wherevpon the Quéenes Maiestie sente the Duke of Norffolke towards Duke of Norffolke sent into Scotland Scotland as Generall with an army who remayned at Berwike In the moneth of Aprill the Lord Grey Wilton entred 1560 Scotland with an army of tenne thousand and beséeged the towne of L●th where betwéene the French and the English Lord Grey beseeged Lieth were often skirmishes and many slayne on both sides for few were taken prisoners In May a noble man of France by licence of the Quéenes Maiestie passed through England into Scotland to talke with the Quéene Dowager and the Frenchmen for the appeasing of this matter who at his returne agayne into England obteyned of the Quéenes Maiestie to send Sir William Ciuill Knight hir Maiesties principall Secretary with Mayster Doctour Wootton to treate with the
707. at Mortimers crosse Pag. 708. at Towton Pag. 712. at Barnet Pag. 727. at Thewkesburie Pag. 728. at Stoke Pag. 863. at Blackeheath Pag. 870 Battel Abbey buylded Pag. 166 Battell of Gnats Pag. 509 ●arwike wonne by Edwarde the firste Pag. 306. betrayed Pag. 339. deliuered to the Scots Pag. 712. won by the Earle of Warwicke Pag. 715. wonne by the Scottes and recouered again by the Earle of Northumberland Pag. 477. 497 Barbican of London Pag. 373 Bay salt deare Pag. 1180 Bedford towne Pag. 105. Pag. 114. besieged Pag. 189 Bedforde Castle besieged Pag. 259 Benet a Mōke brought glasing into this land Pag. 111 Beda famous Pag. 111 Bewly builte Pag. 251 Beaufleete in Essex Pag. 125 Beuerley brent Pag. 215 Beranbridge Pag. 114 Bewmarise Castel builded Pag. 307 Beggers murdered Pag. 310 Biefe and Mutton first sold by weighte Page 999 Berking in Essex founded Pag. 100 Belins gate in London Pag. 27 Belinus and Brennus king Pag. 24 Beston Castel builded Pag. 254 Bermonsey founded Pag. 165 Bensinto● Pag. 114 Bishoprickes in England Pag. 2 Bishoprickes in Wales Pag. 11 Bishoppe of Excester drawne out of hys Church Pag. 279 Bishop of Chichester murdered Pag. 651 Bishop of Salisburie murdered Pag. 664 Bishop of Durham murdered Pag. 164 Bishop of Ely put to his shiftes Pag. 222 Bishops gate of London builded Pag. 746 Bishop of Rochester beheaded Pag. 1004 Bishops depriued Pag. 1112 Bishoppe of Winchester sent to the Tower Pag. 1039. depriued Pag. 1048 Bishops restored other displaced Pag. 1067 Bible commaunded to be had in euerye Church in Englishe Pag. 1013 Bilney burned Pag. 978 Bladud king Pag. 22 Blasing starres Pag. 116. Pag. 179. blasing star Pag. 179 285. 297. 636. 550. 3679. 1100. Blacke Heath fielde Pag. 688 870 Blacke Friers in Holborne Pag. 273 in London Pag. 298 Blanke charters burned Pag. 546 Blasing starre Pag. 182 Bledgabredus king Pag. 31 Blewbeard hanged Pag. 651 Bloude rayned Pag. 23. Pag. 117. Pag. 211. sprang out of the Earth Pag. 174. bloud of Hales Pag. 1014 Boniface his Epistle to Ethelbald Pag. 102 Bones of men monstrous Pag. 167 Bones of Arthur found Pag. 221 Bosten spoyled and brent Pag. 302 Bow Church suspended Pag. 302 Bow steeple builded Pag. 897 Booke written against Luther by King Henrie the eight Pag. 930 Booke of Common prayer set forthe Page 1054 Bokeland Pag. 297 Boloigne yeelded to the French Pag. 1046 Bonars heade broken Pag. 271 Bridge at London Pag. 3 Brute arriued in Brytaine Pag. 17 Brutaine so named of Brute Pag. 17 Brutaine deuided into three Pag. 18 Brother slue brother Pag. 24 Brytaine tributarie to the Brutaines Pag. 34 Brytaines barbarous Pag. 34 Brasen Image of Cadwaline cast downe Page 118 Brakenburie Conestable of the Tower Page 826 Bridge of London new made Pag. 204 Bridge of stone begun at London Pag. 211 finished Pag. 238 Bridge at Stratford vpon Auen Pag. 865 Bridges borne downe Pag. 299 Brimsburie with the bridge builded Page 130 Bristow Castel built Pag. 181. besieged Pag. 189 Brytains house in Holland Pag. 37 Brytains bodyes painted Pag. 59 Brentford Pag. 137 Bretan receyued the Faith Pag. 55 Bruite Greneshilde King Pag. 20 Bradford brent Pag. 1097 Bridwel giuen to the Citie of London Page 1057 Browne hanged in Smithfield Pag. 1168 Bursse begun in Cornehill Pag. 1129 Burton vpon Trent Pag. 135 Burgondie inuaded by the Englishe Page 457 Boundwica a woman of Britaine Pag. 40. 41. 42. 43. Britains had all things common Pag. 41 Bury Abbey spoyled and brent Pag. 353 Burial forbidden to W. Conqueror Pag. 167 Buckingham Castel builded Pag. 129 Bul hanged on the Bishops of Londons gate Pag. 1146 Burdet beheaded Pag. 747 Buriall of King Edward the sixth Pag. 1067 P. Burchet wounded Maister Hawkins Pag. 1175. founde an Hereticke ibid. kylleth his keeper Pag. 1176. hanged ibid. C. CArliele builded Pag. 21 Caratacus Pag. 38 Caligula his expedition into Britain Pag. 36 Caius Pag. 65 Canterburie builded Pag. 21. Castell buylded Pag. 34 Canterburie defaced by fire Pag. 270 Canterburie prouince deuided into Parishes Pag. 92 Canterburie brent Pag. 209 Canterburie ouerflowed by breaking out of bornes Pag. 294 Caporus King Pag. 31 Cassibelanus King Pag. 34 Cambridge builded Pag. 29 Cairleon vpon Vske builded Pag. 27 Capenus King Pag. 31 Carausius vsurped Britaine Pag. 65 Careticus King Pag. 88 Cadwalin King Pag. 88 Cadwalader King Pag. 89 Cadwine king Pag. 88 Catellus King hung vp oppressors Pag. 3● Castels at Notingham Yorke and Lincolne builded Pag. 161 Cardife Castle builded Pag. 181 Carliele repayred and the Castell builded Pag. 172 Carlile a Bishops Sea Pag. 185 Canutus the Dane King of England Pag. 139 King of foure kingdomes Pag. 140 Cardinals robbed Pag. 337 Cambridge sore perished by fire Pag. 306 Cane in Normandy spoiled by E. Pag. 3. 394 Carliele consumed by fire Pag. 303 Caleice besieged by E. Pag. 3. Pag. 398. described and builded Pag. 400. yeelded Pag. 402 Caleice like to haue bene betrayed Pag. 410 Caleice besieged by the Duke of B. Pag. 639 Caleice lost by the Englishmen Pag. 1106 Castle at Ethelingey builded Pag. 123. Monasterie builded Pag. 127 Carcason in Fraūce burned by the English Pag. 438 Caple Alderman of London Pag. 868 Cardinal Wolsey the storie of his life vprising described Pag. 904 Cardinal Campeius came into Eng. Pag. 923 Cardinal Poole came into Englād Pag. 1093 Castel at Tourney built Pag. 922 Catte hanged in Cheape Pag. 1090 Cecilius King Pag. 28 Caesar Iulius his first voyage into Brytain Pag. 31. his second third voyage Pag. 32. subdued Brytaine Pag. 33. slaine Pag. 34. London yeelded to Caesar Pag. 33 Cerdike first King of the West Saxōs Pag. 113 Cerdikes Shore Pag. 113 Cerdikes Forde Pag. 113 Chester a Citie Pag. 21 Chesse a game deuised Pag. 23 Chartsey in Surrey founded Pag. 100 Chartley Castle builded Pag. 254 Christians first in Brytaine Pag. 5● Chester repayred Pag. 129 Churchyardes appointed to Bury Pag. 117 Chastitie before beautie to be preferred Page 121 Charing Crosse Pag. 305 Children were eaten of their parentes Page 336 Chichester brent Pag. 182 Christes Church in London foūded Pag. 180 Children of King Henrie drowned Pag. 183 Chester Abbey Pag. 172 Christ was borne Pag. 35 Children of Englishmen solde in common markets Pag. 107 Chipenham Pag. 121 Chichester builded Pag. 34. 94 Chipingham in Wilshire Pag. 123 Chichester brent Pag. 214 Chrisanthus deputie in Brytaine Pag. 77 Chirinus King Pag. 30 Chester repayred Pag. 54 Christ counterfaite Pag. 255 Charterhouse of London founded Pag. 406 Chicheley his testament Pag. 612 Church seruice altered Pag. 587 Chest in the Guild Hal of London Pag. 464 Chappell at Westminster for Henrie the seauenth Pag. 875 Christ Church suppressed Pag. 908 Charterhouse Monkes executed Pag. 1003. 1004. Charitable deeds of sir Iohn Allen. Pag. 1005 Charitie of Thomas Huntlowe Pag. 1016 Churches pulled downe Pag. 1038 Churche of Sainte Iohn by Smithfielde blowne vp Pag. 1040 Charnel house of Paules conuerted to dwellings
Pag. 1040 Charitable deedes of sir Rowland Hill Page 1044 Charitable deeds of George Barnes Pag. 1054 Charitable deedes of sir Thomas White Page 1075 Church Images brent Pag. 1113 Churches in London striken and broken by Tempest Pag. 1113 Charitable actes of Maister William Lambe Pag. 1188 Cilicester a Citie Pag. 84 Cicester brent Pag. 88 Cirencester Pag. 114 Citizens of Canterburie againste the Monkes of Christs Church Pag. 354 Citizens of Norwich against the Prior. Page 647 Claudius a Romaine Pag. 37. 39 Clearkenwel Pag. 177 Clearkes of Oxford banished Pag. 281. discord betwixte the Clearkes and laye men Pag. 307 Cleargies landes required Pag. 499 Clopton Maior of London Pag. 865 Cleargie cōdemned in premunire Pag. 978 Cleargie sworne to the King Pag. 979 Counties or shieres in England Pag. 1 Cornewal described Pag. 12 Cordila Queene Pag. 22 Crowne of gold first worne in Eng. Pag. 24 Conspiracy in Ireland against King Herie the sixth Pag. 862 Coronation of Q. Anne Bulleine Pag. 916 Coilus King Pag. 30 Coilus King Pag. 54 Colchester builded Pag. 54. besieged spoiled repayred again Pag. 129. besieged Pag. 248 Comodus Emperour Pag. 57 Coil King Pag. 67 Constantius Emperoure Pag. 67. dyed at Yorke Pag. 68 Constantine the great Pag. 68 Constantinus Emperour Pag. 69 Constance Pag. 70 Constantius Pag. 70 Constantine King Pag. 86 Comet appeared Pag. 135. 180 Couentrie priuiledged Pag. 146 Comen Earle of Northumberland slaine Page 161 Conspiracie against William Conqueror Page 165 Cogshall in Essex Pag. 199 Conestable of Colchester lost his owne life to saue the Kings life Pag. 205 Colledge at Lambeth Pag. 229 Corne full of vermine Pag. 264 Corne deare Pag. 234. 276. 300. 641 Corne cheape Pag. 867 Constantine hanged Pag. 257 Coyne bace Pag. 271 Conuerts their house founded Pag. 863 Colledge of Saint Laurence Poultney founded Pag. 364 Comodities of peace Pag. 404 Cobham Colledge Pag. 460 Counsellers bannished the Court Pag. 506 Counsel of Constance Pag. 5 Colledge and Hospital at Higham Ferres Pag. 630 Conspiracie disclosed Pag. 588 Conspiracie of Abingdon Pag. 634. at Couentrie Pag. 933 Colledge at Tateshal Pag. 640 Cooke Maior of London Pag. 720 Coyne enhaunced Pag. 716. newe Pag. 717. 877. Colingborne beheaded Pag. 847 Combat for the kingdome Pag. 138 Combat at Reading Pag. 204. betwene two Dukes Pag. 528. at Westminster Pag. 479 Combat foughte at Westminster betwixt Iohn de Viscount born at Cipres and Thomas Delamarch bastard sonne to Philip king of France before king Edwarde the thirde Pag. 428 Combat Pag. 496. in Smithfielde Pag. 633. 643. at Tothil Pag. 644. in Smithfield Pag. 647. 649. at Tothill Pag. 1151 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde Pag. 978 Coyners and clyppers executed Pag. 980 Conduite in Lothburie Pag. 1034 Commotion in Somerset and Lincolne shires Pag. 1040. in Cornewall and Deuonshire Pag. 1040. in Yorkeshire Pag. 1042 in Somersetshire and other places Pag. 1009. 1110. 1111. Coronation of Queene Marie Pag. 1072 Counter remoued into Woodstreete first Pag. 1098 Coronation of Queene Elizabeth Pag. 1111 Conference of religion at Westminster Page 1111 Creda first King of Mertians Pag. 101 Criklade a towne Pag. 128 Criples gate of London Pag. 166 Crockard and Pollard false moneys Pag. 310 Creation of Dukes and Erles Pag. 500. 527. degraded Pag. 543 Crosby Sherife of London his gift to the Citie Pag. 725 Criples gate of London builded Pag. 749 Crosse in Cheape builded Pag. 862 Creations at Bridewel Pag. 940. of the Erle of Leicester Pag. 1123 Croomewell maister of the Rolles beheaded Pag. 1003 1019 Cranmer brent Pag. 1100 Cunobelinus King Pag. 35 Cups of brasse by the high wayes Pag. 109 Custos of London Conestable of the Tower Pag. 303. 305 Conduit in Cheape builded Pag. 302 Conduite in Cornehill builded Pag. 550 Conduite in Cheape builded Pag. 748 Conduite in Fleetestreete builded Pag. 640 Conduite in Grassestreete builded Pag. 865 Conduit at Bishops gate builded Pag. 878 D. DAunce of Paules Pag. 567 Daunsey in Essex Pag. 99 Danes arriued in Englande Pag. 117. at Lindsfarne Pag. 118. Portland an Ile Pag. 117 Danes spoyled London Pag. 119 Danes spoyled Winchester Pag. 120 Danes had a victorie at Reading Pag. 120 Danes in England murdered Pag. 135 Danes destroyed Canterbury and murdered their Archbishop Pag. 135. their tyrannie Pag. 136 Danes possesse all Englande Pag. 139 Dane gilte Pag. 142 Danes Church without Temple bar Pag. 142 Darkenesse in Paules Church Pag. 262 Dauid king of Scots taken Pag. 399 Dampot and Chapman two of the Guarde hanged Pag. 1020 Dakers of the North arraigned Pag. 1022 Daunce of Paules pulled downe Pag. 1040 Dagger throwne at a Preacher Pag. 1060 Denmarke contributorie to Brytayne Page 27. 28 Dedantius king Pag. 30 Detonus king Pag. 30 Decius Pag. 64 Deorham Pag. 114 Dearth in England that mens flesh was eaten Pag. 162 Delacrase Abbey Pag. 254 Delapoole Duke of Suffolke murdered Page 651 Death in London Pag. 874 Dearth without scarcitie Pag. 1176 Disputation at Christs Hospital Pag. 1098 Disputation at Oxford Pag. 1091 Description of Englande Pag. 1 Dinellus king Pag. 31 Ditch about London Pag. 137. Pag. 244. cleansed Page 875 Ditche aboute the Tower of London Page 220 Dissention at Oxforde the Citizens indited Pag. 430. 505. 510 Diuell in likenesse of a Frier Pag. 550 Domitianus Emperour Pag. 54 Doncaster Pag. 19 Douer Castel builded Pag. 34. besieged Pag. 250 spoyled by Frenchmen Pag. 307 Dorchester a Bishop Sea Pag. 114 Donemouth Pag. 117 Downmowin Essex Pag. 178 Donwich spoyled Pag. 300. by Tēpest Pag. 302. Dogges flesh good meate Pag. 336 Dragons seene Pag. 263. 297 Durham a Bishops Sea Pag. 135 Ducket hanged in Bow Church Pag. 301 Dukes banished Pag. 529 Duke of Burgoigne enamored on the Countesse of Salisburie Pag. 622 Drie Sommer Pag. 1020 Duke of Buckingham accused of Treason Pag. 928. beheaded Pag. 929 Duke of Norffolke sent into Scotland Page 1114 Duke of Norffolke and Earle of Surrey sent to the Tower Pag. 1034 Duke of Somerset brought to the Tower Pag. 1044 arained Pag. 1050. beheded Pag. 1052 Duke of Northumberlande and others beheaded Pag. 1070 Duke of Suffolke beheaded Pag. 1090 Duke of Norffolke sent to the Tower Pag. 1154. araigned Pag. 1155. beheaded Pag. 1162 E. EBranke king Pag. 19 East Saxons Pag. 88. 98 East Angles Pag. 84. 96 Earthquake Pag. 133. 165. 169. 180. 182. 185. 202. 205. 212. 214. 270. 271. 274. 297. 491. 497. 630. 1049. 1121. 1210. Earle Waren excommunicate for aduoutry Pag. 337 Earle of Northumberland slaine by the commons there Pag. 864 Earle of Deuonshire created Pag. 1072 Earle of Warwicks mariage Pag. 1128 Earle of Warwick sente against the Rebels Pag. 1140 Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerland fledde Pag. 1140 Earle of Deuonshire executed Pag. 1015 Earle of Surrey beheaded Pag. 1034 Earle of Hertforde made Lord Protector Pag. 1035 Erle of Deuonshire to the Tower sent to Fodringay Pag. 1090 1071 Earle of Kent restored Pag. 1154 Earle of Darby deceased Pag. 1164 Earle of Northūberland
firste christned Pag. 115 Ile of Ely besieged Pag. 247 Ipswiche besieged Pag. 198 Iron gunnes first cast Pag. 1026 Irelande inhabited Pag. 28 Issue of William Conquerour Pag. 167 Istleworth by the Thamis Pag. 279 Isabel the Queene sent into France returned and made an army againste the King hir husbande Pag. 348. shee besieged Bristow Pag. 347 Ithancester a Citie in East Sax. Pag. 99 Iuall King Pag. 30 Iulius Frontinus a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Agricola a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Seuerus a Romaine Pag. 54 Iulius Amilianus Pag. 64 Iulius Maximus Pag. 64 Iulius Philippus Pag. 64 Iulianus Apostata Pag. 71 Iustices punished Pag. 304 Iustes at Lincolne Pag. 405. at Windsore Pag. 408. at Woodstocke Pag. 431. in Smithfielde Pag. 459 Iustes in Smithfielde Pag. 718. at Richmont Pag. 866. in the Tower of London Pag. 874 Iur●rs on the Pillerie Pag. 718 Iusting of Chalengers Pag. 1018 Iustes at Greenewich Pag. 1006 Iustes at Westminster Pag. 1151 Iustices condemned Pag. 507 Insurrection in the North. Pag. 864 Ill May day Pag. 923 Iuogo de Can a pastime at Court Pag. 1096 Images brent at Chersie Pag. 1013 Images forbidden Pag. 1036 Image of Thomas Becket defaced c. Pag. 1110 K. KInimacus king Pag. 23 Kymarus king Pag. 28 Kingdome of Northumberland Pag. 87 Kentish Saxons Pag. 89 Kings euill healed Pag. 145 Kensham builded Pag. 181 Kenelworth Priorie Castel built Pag. 181 Kenelworth Castel besieged Pag. 290. yeelded Pag. 291 Knighten guilde Pag. 102 Knarisborow Pag. 251 Kenington or Kingston Castle Pag. 283 King of Man Pag. 387 Kings a Prince and other Pag. 455 King Castle Pag. 465 King and Queene of Denmarke arriued in England Pag. 932 King Henries marriage with Queene Katherine called in question Pag. 959 King Henrie supreme head of the church Page 978 King Henrie the eighte besieged Turwine Pag. 898 Kings stable brent Pag. 1003 King Henrie married Lady Iane. Pag. 1007 King Henrie his gift to the Citie of Lōdon Pag. 1034 Sir Edmund Kneuet araigned for striking one in the Court Pag. 1021 King Henrie married Ladye Anne of Cleaue Pag. 1017 King Henrie Pag. 8. went to Boloigne Pag. 1029 Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Page 1144 L. LAncaster builded Pag. 28 Lanthony founded Pag. 178 Late haruest Pag. 364 Labastie in Frāce brent by the Eng. Pag. 425 Lambert brent Pag. 1014 Lambeth Ferry drowned Pag. 1010 Leil King Pag. 21 Legion of the Romaines Pag. 21 Lecester built Pag. 22. repayred Pag. 130. Monasterie Pag. 206 Legetoun or Lutone in Hertfordshire Page 129 Leedes Castle in Kent built Pag. 163. besieged Page 342 Lewes in Sussex Pag. 172 Lesnes in Kent founded Pag. 212 Lewes arriued in England Pag. 249. returned into Fraunce Pag. 253 Legat put to his shiftes Pag. 266 Leaden Hall builded Pag. 649 Lewes de Bruges Lord Grantehuse made Earle of Winchester Pag. 738 Legate from Rome Pag. 959 Letanie in English Pag. 1029 Llhanpatren Vaier Castel builded Pag. 298 Licinius Valerianus Pag. 64 Licinius Gallicinus Pag. 64 Lichfielde an Archbish Sea Pag. 105. 110. 130 Lincolne Minster founded Pag. 109. a Bishops Sea Pag. 166. burned Pag. 183. besieged Page 191 Lincolne Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Librarie at Yorke Pag. 112 Liganburge Pag. 114 Limen a Riuer Pag. 124 Lieth taken and spoyled Pag. 1028. besieged Page 1115 Lincolneshire men executed Pag. 1011 Liberties in Southwark purchased Pag. 1046 Liberties of the Stilyarde seased Pag. 1050 Lightning and thunder Pag. 1121 Londō builded Pag. 18. tooke name of Lud. Pag. 31. repayred and made habitable Pag. 124 empaired by fire Pag. 134. brent Pag. 166. Pag. 185. Pag. 187. bridge brent Pag. 241 Liberties of London seased Pag. 274. taken and helde by the Earle of Glocester Pag. 292. vncurteous to the King Pag. 512 Liberties seased Pag. 513 London the Kings especiall Chamber Page 814 Locrine King Pag. 18 Lollius Vrbicus a Romane Pag. 54 Lombards goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Lord Cassels slayne Pag. 557 Loue to King Henry the vij Pag. 861. 864 Lord Dacres of the North arraigned Page 1003 Lone of money to the King Pag. 861. 864 Lord of merrie disportes Pag. 1055 Lord of misrule Pag. 1055 Locke and key weyed but one wheate corne Pag. 1195 Lud King repaired London Pag. 31 Ludgate builded Pag. 31 Lucius King Pag. 54. baptised Pag. 55 Ludlow Castell taken Pag. 285. towne spoyled Pag. 691 M. MAdan King deuoured Pag. 19 Marcus Antonius Pag. 64 Macrinus Emperour Pag. 64 Maximius a Romane Pag. 66 Maximus Emperour Pag. 71 Malgo King Pag. 87 Maldune in Estsex Pag. 99. 129 Martins Church at Douer founded Pag. 93. by Ludgate Pag. 88 Malmesbury buylded Pag. 115 Marius King Pag. 58. ●●ew Roderike King of Pictes Pag. 54 Manchester repaired Pag. 130 Maior of London repaireth to Paules wherefore Pag. 158. Pag. 219. yearely chosen Pag. 237 rowed to Westminster Pag. 674. conseruer of the Thamis and Medway two Riuers Pag. 864. feast kepte at the Guild hall Pag. 874 Mawde the Empresse Pag. 190. obteyned the crowne Pag. 191. fled Pag. 192. beseeged Pag. 194. flyeth Pag. 194. Walingford beseeged Pag. 190. Pag. 195 Marleborough Castell beseeged Pag. 224 Mart at Westminster Pag. 271 Mad Parliament Pag. 276. at the new Temple Pag. 277 Martins Churche in the Vintrey newe builded Pag. 309 Margaret daughter to Edward the fourth marryed to the Duke of Burgoigne Page 719 Martin Swart Pag. 863 Merchants of England receyued with procession Pag. 872 Merchant Taylors Pag. 876 Maltot Pag. 490 Mayd boyled in Smithfield Pag. 102 Margraue and Marquesse of Baden landed at Douer Pag. 1127. returneth out of England Pag. 1129 Memprisius King deuoured Pag. 19 Merianus King Pag. 31 Mercians or middle England Pag. 88 100 Medeshamsted now Peterborough Pag. 101 Medway a Riuer Pag. 124. drie Pag. 181 Measures reformed Pag. 176 Men brought from new found Ilandes Page 875 Men drowned at London bridge Pag. 1059. againe Pag. 1067 Mercers Chappell in London Pag. 292 Midleton or Milton in Kent Pag. 125 Min●s or coyning places Pag. 130. in Ireland Page 239 Michelney Pag. 131 Minories without Aldgate founded Pag. 306 Middleton in Dorsetshire brent Pag. 330 Michaels Church in Crooked lane builded Pag. 462 Morgen King Pag. 22 Mortalitie Pag. 23. Pag. 336. more of kine Pag. 340 Mother slew hir sonne Pag. 24 Morindus King deuoured by a mōster Pag. 28 Morgan King Pag. 30 Mordred the Traytor slayne Pag. 86. hys children slayne Pag. 87 Monkes Pag. 1200. slayne Pag. 108 Monasterie at Winchester founded Pag. 127 Monster Pag. 235. 270 Monsters appeare Pag. 553. Monster Pag. 1053 Monstrous birthes Pag. 1117 Montgomery Castell founded Pag. 258 Monasteries rifled Pag. 162. 307 Monmouth Castell rased Pag. 286 Mortimer escaped out of the tower Pag. 346 Mortimer beheaded Pag. 362 Mayden of God Pag. 633. brent Pag. 634 Mouing of the earth Pag. 1150 Monkes goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Mooregate of London builded Pag. 587 Mercers prentises of London against the Pag. 8● strangers Pag. 679 ● Monox his almes deedes Pag. 902
343 Thomas of Woodstoke created Earle of Buckingham Pag. 471 Thomas the bastard Pag. 729. beheaded Pag. 736. Thomas Wolsey Bacheler of Art at fiftene yeares of age Pag. 904. Scholemaister to the Marques Dorsets children ibid. gat a benefice ibid. set in the stockes by Sir Iames Paulet Pag. 905. reuenged his imprisonmente ibid. Chaplen to Sir Iohn Naphant ibid. Chaplen to King Henrie the vij ibid. Ambassadoure to the Emperour Pag. 906. Deane of Lincolne Pag. 908. Kings Almoner ibid. of the priuie Counsel to King Henry the etght ibid. Byshoppe of Turney Pag. 901. Bishop of Lincolne ibid. Archbishop of Yorke ibid. Cardinall Pag. 911. Lorde Chauncellour Pag. 912. Bishop of Winchester ibid. Ambassadour the secōd time Pag. 916. rideth to meete the Emperor Pag. 390. suppressed priorys to build his Colledges in Oxford and in Ipswich Pag. 939. sente Ambassadoure the third time Pag. 929. his pompous riding Pag. 943. declareth in the Starre Chamber what honorable peace he had concluded Pag. 932. discharged of the great Seale Pag. 966. arrested Pag. 972. sickneth Pag. 974. deceaseth at Leicester Pag. 978 S. Thomas Moore made Chancellour Pag. 967 discharged of the Chancellership Pag. 980 beheaded Pag. 1004 R. Thorne his charitie in London Pag. 979. in the towne of Bristoll ibid. Thomas Mowbrey created Earle of Notingham Pag. 471 Thomas Mawbrey created Duke of Norffolke Pag. 527. banished Pag. 529. dyeth Pag. 544. Threfold plague to the citizēs of L. Pag. 1121 Tilbery in Essex Pag. 99 Title of Edw. the thirde to Fraunce Pag. 358 Tower of London built Pag. 27. Pag. 34. fortified Pag. 267. bulwarkes fel down Pag. 268. yeelded to the Maior of London Pag. 725 Toceter repayred Pag. 129 Toades deuour a man Pag. 213 Tower on London Bridge Pag. 630. fell Pag. 640 Tourney within the tower of Lōdō Pag. 874 Trebonianus Pag. 64 Trent a Riuer Pag. 122. dried vp Pag. 180 Triumph at London for the victory against the Scottes Pag. 309 Traytor to his maister miserably ended Page 845 Tree of common wealth a booke by whome compyled Pag. 895 Trayterous fact of Tho. Apeltree Pag. 1196 Tweede a Riuer Pag. 4. 5 Teukesbury builded Pag. 165 Tunne in Cornehill Pag. 300. 309 Turnebull challengeth the combat Pag. 365. and is ouercome Pag. 266 Turneamēt at Dertford and in Cheape of London Pag. 363 Turwin yeelded to King Henry the viij Pag. 899. raced and burnt Pag. 900 Turney beseeged by K. H. the viij Pag. 900 Thomas Gressham Knight deceassed Page 1209 Trinitie Hall in Cambridge Pag. 1217. Colledge Pag. 1220 V. VIgenius and Peridurus kings Pag. 30 Vrianus king Pag. 30 Vespatian a Romaine Pag. 37. 45 Vectius Volanus a Romaine Pag. 44 Valerius Pag. 65 Verolamium a Citie Pag. 65 Valerius Maximus Pag. 66 Valentinian Emperour Pag. 71 Vrsula the Virgine Pag. 72 Vortiger king Pag. 77 Viher Pondragon king Pag. 84 Vortiporus king Pag. 87 Vffa first king of Eastangles Pag. 96 Vulfrune Hampton in Staffordshiere Pag. 128 Vale royall founded Pag. 301 Victuals prised Pag. 335 Vicar of Wandsworth and others executed Pag. 1016 Voyage to Muscouie Pag. 1056 W. WAles discribed Pag. 16 Wayes foure begon Pag. 24. finished Pag. 27 Warwicke builded Pag. 28. repayred Pag. 130. Warwike towne Castle Colledge Pag. 183 Castle new builded Pag. 206 Walebrooke Pag. 67 Walles about Colchester builded Pag. 69 Walles aboute London builded Pag. 69. repayred Pag. 246. 276. 746. Wall of Adrine Pag. 54. of turfe Pag. 59 Pag. 75. of stone Pag. 76 Walles of Vienna built by King Richard the first Pag. 223 Wales inuaded by William Rufus Pag. 173. Waltham in Essex Pag. 147 Watrisburie repayred Pag. 130 Warham Castle Pag. 122 Warwel builded Pag. 134 Ware in Hartfordshire builded by the Danes Pag. 126 Water Dome Pag. 210 Warren and Toll free to the Citizens of London Pag. 250 Walter Stapleton Bishop of Excester beheaded Pag. 349 Wardes in London discharged of fifteens Pag. 630. 722 Water fludde Pag. 166. 306. 370 Watche at Midsomer againe vsed Pag. 1038. on Saint Peters euen Pag. 1122 Warwike Earle wente against the Rebels at Norwich Pag. 1042 Warre with Fraunce Pag. 1104 Westminster founded Pag. 98. reedified Pag. 254 enlarged Pag. 270. Churche and Pallace brent Pag. 309 Worcester a Bishops Sea Pag. 102 Westminster Hall builded Pag. 174. repayred Pag. 527. ouerflowed with water Pag. 1119 Westminster and Bristol made Bishopprickes Pag. 1024 West Saxons Pag. 113 West Cheape in London brent Pag. 285 Welchmen rebel Pag. 547 Wels a Colledge founded Pag. 116. Cathedral Church builded Pag. 117 Whitington a place so called Pag. 121 Winburne Pag. 121 Wheate at twelue pence a quarter Pag. 302 Wheate forbidden to be made in malte Page 337 Whit meats allowed to be eatē in Lent Page 1026 Whot Sommer corne cheape Pag. 303 Winchester builded Pag. 21 Wilfride Bishop Pag. 94 Winchelcombe founded Pag. 106 Wibandune Pag. 114 Winchester a Bishops Sea Pag. 115. Colledge builded Pag. 561 Wigmore repayred Pag. 129 Wilton in Wiltshire Pag. 122 Wily a riuer Pag. 122 Witham in Essex Pag. 129 Winchester brent Pag. 177. 192 William Rufus king Pag. 168. slaine Pag. 174. Winchelsey drowned Pag. 273 William Bishop of London Pag. 159 Wight taken Pag. 471. inuaded Pag. 557 William with the beard Pag. 226 William Searle executed Pag. 558 Waters ouerflowe Pag. 560 Wines prised Pag. 231. 501 William Wikham Bishop of Winchester Page 561 Wiclife Pag. 469 William Fitz. Wil. being elected Sherife of London and absenting himself disfranchised Pag. 895 William Stafford made Earle of Deuonshiere Pag. 713 Wil Herbert made Erle of Pēbroke Pag. 713 Wiats commotion in Kent Pag. 1078. came into Southwarke Pag. 1081. remoued out of Southwark Pag. 1082. taken Pag. 1086. sent to the Tower Pag. 1087. beheaded Pag. 1071 W. Wales of Scotland brought to London and executed to death Pag. 316 Windes great Pag. 641 Wich of Ey brent Pag. 645 Wlfrunhampton Pag. 890 Worcester restored Pag. 133. brent Pag. 181 Worcester defaced by fire Pag. 185. Pag. 190. befieged Pag. 196. Pag. 282 Woodnesfielde in Staffordshire Pag. 128 Wolues destroyed in England Pag. 133 Wolfe and his wife hanged Pag. 1002 Wooll staple at Sandwich Pag. 305 Wooll forbidden to be conueyed ouer the Seas Pag. 373 Wooll staple in England Pag. 428. 463 Wooll staple at Calaice Pag. 459 Woman brente at Maydstone for poysoning hir husband Pag. 1154 Wonders in Wiltshire Pag. 1211 Wrestling at London Pag. 256 Y. YOrke builded Pag. 20. Minster founded Page 109 Yorke taken by the Danes and Normans Pag. 125. brent Pag. 161 Yorke sore perished by fire Pag. 188. brent Page 212 Yorke Minster brent Pag. 715 Yonger brother beguileth the elder Pag. 178 Yonger brother imprisoneth the elder and putteth out his eyes Pag. 179 Yonger brother falsely accuseth his elder brother Pag. 227 FINIS Faultes escaped in the Printing Page Lyne Faultes Corrections 18 11 of a vertidian vert a Diana 18 12 fichule fechel 18 13 Archiuis Architremio 20 16. 17 now called omit now 20 23 namely now ●6 6 Brutus Brennus 32 30 Saeua Scaua 32 35 Saeua Scaua 35 9 filthyly fealtie 36 9 Monrigus Menrigus 56 30 Clauus Eluanus 56 32 Erwydes Drewydes 64 36 stangled strangled 98 33 Eucius Lucius 102 23 Verche Vtriche 255 3 Oswards Oswalds 272 21 at Wales in Wales 280 14 Winchester Worcester 371 28 Biphingdon Biphingdon 406 37 Nicholas Michaell 490 36 ordayned as ordained Chācellor as 515 21 Albeit Aubrey 515 26 Euers Deuerois 540 35 Diamonde demaund 562 10 wardes wooddes 604 4 Wellam Pellam 633 6 nineteene nine 636 19 long buried long since buryed 640 7 Friers Quier 734 14 xi xl 749 32 Capriex Captiet 817 33 them to to them 859 16 Sherenton Sherehuttun 860 13 Thomas Maior Thomas Hill Maior 865 14 Stratford of y ● Lāgthorne Stratford Langthorne 867 22 some his and some of his 867 25 repriued repried 932 8 Seretarie Secondarie 935 21 should he shoulde seeme he 937 28 burned turned 1033 15 as many xv 1090 28 Sudley Saint Sudley at Saint 1●99 30 Relianes Rodeloftes 1185 35 Charterhouse Chapterhouse 110● 7 Redike Dedike 1188 19 now sence 1101 18 Clober Cleber 1215 1 soueraigne sauiour
Thomas Harington Knighte Sir Thomas Neuil sonne to the Earle of Salisburie and Syr Henrie Ratforde Knight and other to the number of 2200. The Earle of Salisburie was taken aliue and ledde by the Duke of Somerset to the Castell of Pomfraite and had graunte of hys life for a greate summe of money but the common people of the Countrey whyche loued hym not toke hym out of the Castel by violence and smote off hys heade When the death of these Lordes was knowen ●● the King he commaunded writs and commissions to be sent into the shires to the people and to goe againste the Rebelles into the Northe to suppresse them but they of the Northe came sodainelye downe to the Town of Dunstaple robbing all the Countrey and people as they came spoyling Abbayes Priories and Parish Churches bearing awaye Chalisses bookes ornamentes and other whatsoeuer was worth the carriage as thoughe they had bin Sarisens and no Christians againste whom the twelfth of Februarie the Duke of Norffolke and Suffolke the Erles of Warwicke and Arundale the Lord Bonuile and other with the King wente out of London towarde Saint Albons and when they heard that they of the Northe were so nyghe they tooke a fielde beside a little Towne called Sandriage not farre from Sainte Albons on Barnarde Heathe in a place called No mans Lande where the Kyng stoode and sawe hys menne slayne on bothe sydes tyll at the laste throughe the wythdrawyng manye of the Kentishmen with their Captaine Louelace that was the vaward King Henries parte lost the fielde the Lords fled and the King wente to Quéene Margaret that was come w t the Northerne men and hyr sonne Edwarde The Earle of Warwicke wente towarde the Earle of Marche that was comming towarde London out of Wales The Lord Bonuile woulde haue withdrawen him but the King assured hym to haue no bodylye harme neuerthelesse at the instance of the Quéene the Duke of Excester and the Earle of Deuonshire he was beheaded at Saint Albons and wyth hym Syr Thomas Kyriell of Kente This battayle was fought on Shroue Twesday the seauentéenth of February Exlibre Norwicensis in the whiche was slain 1916 persons The same day Thomas Thorpe Baron of the Exchequer was beheaded at High Gate by the commons of Kent Then the Citizens of London dreading the malice of the Quéene and the Duke of Somerset sente vnto them the Dutchesse of Buckingham with other to treate for to be beneuolent to the Citie for the which a summe of money was promised and that they shoulde come to the Citie wyth a certayne number of persons where vpon certayne speares and men of armes were sente to haue entred the Citie before the Dukes commyng whereof some were slayne some sore hurte and the remnaunte putte to flighte by the Commons who tooke the Keyes of the gates and manfully defended the Citie vntill the comming of Edwarde Earle of Marche where-throughe King Henrie wyth Quéene Margaret and the Northerne men were forced to return again Northwarde The thirde of Februarie Edwarde Earle of Marche foughte wyth the Welchmen beside Wigmore in Wales neare vnto Mortimers Crosse whose Captaynes were the Earle of Penbroke and the Earle of Wilshire where he put them to flight and slewe of the Welchemen aboute foure thousande Owen Tewther whome Iohn Leylande sayeth shoulde be called Me●●dicke Father to the sayde Earle Penbroke whiche Owen hadde married Katherin mother to King Henrie the sixth was there taken and beheaded and afterward buried in the a Chapel of the Gray Friers Church in Hereforde the day before this battayle about tenne of the clocke before noone were séene thrée Suns in the firmamēt shyning a like cleare which after closed togither all in one The eight and twentith of Februarie Edward Earle of March accompanied with the Erle of Warwicke a mightie power of Marchmen came vp to London where he was ioyfully receyued and on the seconde day of March being Sonday all hys hoste was mustered in Saint Iohns fielde where was redde among the people certaine Articles and pointes that King Henrie had offended in and then it was demanded of them whether the said Henrie were worthy to raigne still and the people cryed nay naye Then was it asked if they would haue the Erle of March to be theyr King and they sayde yea yea then certaine Captaynes were sente to Erle of March elected King the Earle of March at Baynardes Castel and tolde the Erle that the people had chosen him King whereof he thanked God and them and by the aduise of the Archbyshoppe of Canterburie the Byshoppe of Excester and the Earle of Warwicke wyth other hée tooke it vpon hym The Dutches of Yorke mother to Edwarde Earle of Marche fearing the fortune of the worlde sente hyr two yonger sonnes George and Richarde ouer the seas to the Citie of Vtricke in Almaine where they remayned tyll their elder brother had got the Crown Also Phillip Malpas Alderman of London Thomas Citizens of Lōdon fled Vaghan Esquire Maister William Atclife with many other fearing the Quéenes comming to London shypped them in a shippe of Antwerpe purposing to haue sayled thyther but by the way they were taken by a French shippe named the Colmapne and at length delyuered for greate raunsome Edwarde Earle of March being elected as is abouesaid Edvvard Erle of March toke on him the kingdome on the next morrowe went in procession at Paules and offered there and after Te Deum beyng sung he was with gret royaltie conueyed to Westminster and there in the Hall sette in the kings seate with Saint Edwards Scepter in his hand and then asked of the people if they would haue him King and they cryed yea yea Then after certaine homages by hym receyued he was with Procession conuayed into the Abbay there and sette in the Quire as King whyle Te Deum was singing that done he offered at Saint Edwardes Shryne and then returned by water vnto Saint Paules and was there lodged wythin the Bishops Pallaice Thus tooke he possession of the Realme vpon a Tuisday being the fourth of Marche and was proclaymed King of England by the name of Edward the fourthe when King Henrie hadde raigned thirtie yeares eight monthes and odde dayes ⸪ ¶ Edward Earle of March EDvvarde Earle of Marche borne at Roane sonne and heyre to Anno. reg 1 10. Rouse Richarde Duke of Yorke about the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the fourth day of March by the name of Edward the fourth in the yeare 1460. he was a man of noble courage and greate wit but in his time was muche trouble vnquietnesse in the realme The twelfth of Marche Walter Walker a Grocer that VValter VValker beheaded dwelt in Cheape for words spoken touching King Edwarde was beheaded in Smithfield This Grocer is he whom Maister Hal mistaketh to be Burdet of whom ye shal finde in the xvij yeare of this King The same xij day of Marche in the afternoone
vpon Bakers for making Anno. reg 16. 1476 of light bread he caused diuers of them to be set on the Pillorie in Cornehill And also one Agnes Daintie a Butter-wife for felling of butter new and olde myngled together Agnes Daintie set on the pillerie being first trapped with butterdishes was then set on the pilery The Countesse of Oxforde deceassed and was buryed at Windsor Richard Rawson William Horne the 28. of Sept. Sherifes This Richard Rawson one of the Sherifes of Londō caused to be builded one house in the Church yarde of S. Marie Hospitle without Byshopsgate of London where the Maior of that Cittie and his brethren the Aldermen vse to sit and heare the Sermons in the Easter holydayes as in tymes past appeared by an inscription on the front of the same house now by wethering defaced which I haue red in these wordes Pray for the soules of Richard Rawson late Mercer and Alderman of London and Isabel his wife of whose goods this worke was made and founded Anno Domi. 1488. Ralph Io●celine Draper the 28. of October Maior By the diligence of this Maior the Wall about London was newe made betwixte Aldgate and Creplegate the caused Part of London vv●●● nevv builded the Moore field to be fearched for Clay the Bricke ●o be made burnt there he also caused Chalke to be brought out of Kent and in the same Moore fielde to be brent into Iohn Rouse Lyme for the furtheraunce of that worke The Maior with his company of the Drapers made all that parte betwixte Byshops gate and Athalowes Church in the same Wall And Byshops gate itselfe newe builded by the Marchauntes Almaynes Byshops gate nevv builded of the Stillyard and from Alhallowes Churche toward Mooregate a great part of the same was builded of the goods and by the executors of sir Iohn Crosseby late Alderman of London as may appeare by his armes in two places fixed Anno reg 17. 1477 The companie of Skynners made that parte of the wait betwéene Aldgate and Buryes Markes towardes Byshops gate as may appeare by their armes in thrée places fixed the other companyes of the Cittie made the other deale of the sayde Wall which was a great worke to be done in one yeare Thomas Burdet an Esquier of Arrowe in Warwikeshire Burdet for a vvord spoken beheaded sonne to sir Nicholas Burdet who was great butlar of Normandie in Henry y ● sixt dayes was beheaded for a worde spoken in this sort K. Edward in his progresse hunted in Tho. Engwarant Burdets parke at Arrow flew many of his Deare amongst the which one was a white bucke wherof Tho Burdet made great account therfore when he vnderstoode therof he wished Register of the Grey Friers the buckes head in his belly y ● moued the King to kyll it Which tale being told to the King Burdet was apprehēded accused of treason for wishing the buckes head hornes all in the Kings belly he was condemned drawne from the Towre of London to Tyburne and there beheaded then buried in the grey friers Church at London Henrie Collet Iohn Stocker the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Humfrey Heyford Goldsmith the 28. of October The. xv day of Januarie K. Edward the fourth solemnized the Matrimoniall feast of his sonne the Duke of Yorke and Lady A●●e daughter sole heire to Iohn Duke of Norfolke The. xvj day of Januarie began a Parliament at Westminster Duke of Clarence murdred Anno reg 18 where George Duke of Clarence K. Edwards brother was attainted of treason and y ● xj of March after he had offred his owne Masse penny in y ● Tower of Londō made his end in a vessell of Maluesey after buried at Tewkesburie by his wife somtime daughter to y ● erle of Warwike which being with childe died of poyson but a little before him Margaret Dutches of Burgoygne sent to hir brother King 1478 Edward of England for aide against the Frenche King which he would in no case graunt to do but sent Ambassadors to y ● French King with le●ing letters requiring him to growe to ●●●e reasonable agréement w t the sayd Lady of Burgoygne Robert H●●ding Robert Byfield the 18. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno. reg 19 1479 Richard Gardiner Mercer the 28. of October This yere was a great mortalitie death of y ● pest not on●●●● Londō but in diuers partes of y ● Realme which begā in the ●●tter end ●●●●pt in the yéere la●● befor a passed continued all this yéere till the beginning of Noue ●●her which was aboute xiiij monethes in the which space dyed innumerable of people in the sa●d Citie and else where This yéere the Maior of London being in Paules knéeling in his deuotions at Saint Erkenwaldes shrine Robert Byfield one of the Sherifes vnaduisedly knéeled downe nigh vnto the Maior whereof afterward the Maior charged him to haue done more then becommed him but the Sherife answering rudely and stubbornly would not acknowledge to haue committed any offence for the which he was afterwarde by a court of Aldermen fyned at fiftie pounde to bée payde towarde the reparations of the Condites in London which was truely payde Thomas Ilam Iohn Ward the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Bartholmew Iames Draper the 28. of October This Thomas Ilam one of the Sherifs last before named newly builded the great Condite in Cheape of his owne charges This yéere King Edward began his Christmas at Waking and at fiue dayes end remoued to Greenewich where he kept out the other part of his Christmas with great Royaltie The. xxij day of Februarie were fiue notable théeues put to death for robbing the Church called S. Martins le graund Anno reg 20 1480 in London and other places thrée of them were drawne to the Towre hill hanged and brent the other two were pressed to death Thomas Daniell William Bacon the 28. of Sept. Iohn Browne Mercer the 28. of October King Edwarde required great summes of money to bée tent him the Citizens of London graunted him 5000. marks Anno. reg 21 1481 which was sessed of the. xxv wardes which 5000. markes was truely repayde againe in the next yéere following This yéere on Whitsonday King Edward the fourth created the Lord Barkeley Uicount Barkeley at Grenewiche An house on London bridge called the common siege or priuie fell down into the Thames where through it fiue persons ●ala tempo were then drowned Robert Tate William Wiking the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richard Chawrie the first of Februarie William Harriot Draper the 28. of October This yéere King Edward with his Quéene kept a Royal Christmas at Windsor About the ende of Januarie deceassed William Wiking one of the Sherifes of London In whose place was chosen Richard Chawrie on the first of Februarie King Edwarde so greatly fauoured this Maior that he Anno
reg 22 1482 tooke him with certaine of his brethren the Aldermen and commons of the Citie of London into the Forest of Waltham where was ordeyned for them a pleasaunt lodge of gréene vowghes in the which lodge they dyned with great chéere and the King would not go to dynner tyll he sawe them serued After dynner they went a hunting with the Kyng and slew many deare as well red as fallowe whereof the King gaue vnto the Maior and his company good plentie sent K. E. banqueted the Maior aldermen of Lon. vnto the Ladie Maires hir sisters the Aldermens wiues ij Hartes vj. Buckes and a tunne of wyne to make them merrie with which was eaten in the Drapers hall The Scots began to stirre against whom the King sent the Duke of Glocester and many other which returned againe without any notable battaile William White Iohn Mathewe the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Creplegate builded Edmond Shaw Goldsmith the 28. of October This Edmond Shaw new builded Creplegate of London from the foundation which gate in old time had bene a prison whereunto such citizens and other as were arrested for debt or like trespasses were committed as they be nowe to the Counters as may appeare by a writ of King Edwarde the second in these wordes Rex vic' London salutem ex graui querela capri ex detenti in Recordes prisona nostra de Creplegate pro. x li quas coram Radulfo Sandwico tune custode Ciuitatis nostre London I. de Blackewell cuius recognum debitorum c. King Edward held his Christmas at Eltham and kept his estate all the whole feast in his great Chamber and the Quéene in hir Chāber where were dayly more than 2000 persons The same yéere on Candlemas day he with his Quéene went on procession from Saint Stephens Chappell into Westminster hall accompanied with the Earle of Angwyse y e Lord Grey and sir Iames Liddall Ambassadors from Scotland and at his procéeding out of his Chamber he made sir Iohn Anno reg 23 1483 Wood vnder Treasurer of England and sir William Catesby one of the Justices of the common place Knights After King Edwarde had bene long time in quiet in his Realme and had receiued yéerely 50000. Crownes payde him in the Towre of London and was growne so ritche that richer he could not be sayth myne Author hauing a maruellous great desire to accomplish y e mariage of his daughter with Charles Dolphin of Fraunce according to the Articles of truce taken as is afore shewed was now by the Lord Heyward returned out of France certified that the Dolphin had alreadye ioyned himselfe in mariage with the Ladye Margaret of Austriche daughter to Maximiliā sonne to Frederike the Emperour Which newes so highly offended King Edward now séeing how he had bene abused with the vniust and dubble dealing of the Frenche King that he forth with tooke counsell how to be reuenged and preparing his power to make warres in Fraunce through melancholy as was thought fel sicke and ended his life at Westminster the ix day of Aprill Anno Domini 1483. when he had raigned 22. yeares one moneth and odde dayes He was honorably buried at Windsor he lefte issue Edwarde the Prince and Richard Duke of Yorke and fine Daughters Elizabeth that after was Quéene Cicely Anne Katherine and Briget ⸪ ¶ King Edwarde the fifth Whose Historie vvas vvritten by sir Thomas Moore KIng Edvvarde of that name the fourth after that he had lyued fiftie and thrée 1483 yéeres seuen monethes and sixe dayes and thereof raygned twoo twentie yéeres one Moneth eyght dayes dyed at Westminster y e ninth day of Aprill the yeare of our redemption a thousand foure hundreth foure score thrée leauing much fayre issue that is to witte Edward the Prince of thirten yeares of age Richard Duke of Yorke two yéere yonger Elizabeth whose fortune and grace was after to be Quéene wyfe vnto King Henrie the seuenth and mother vnto the eight Cicelie not so for tunate as fayre Briget which representing the vertue of hyr whose name she bare professed and obserued a Religious life in Dertforde an house of close Nunnes Anne that was after honourably married vnto Thomas then Lord Heyward and after Earle of Surrey And Katherine which long time tossed in eyther fortune sometime in wealth ofte in aduersitie at the last if this be the last for yet shée liueth is by the benignitie of hir Nephewe King Henrie the eyght in very prosperous estate and worthie hir birth and vertue This noble Prince deceassed at his Palaice of Westminster The loue of the people and with great funerall honour and heauinesse of his people from thence conueyed was entered at Windsor A King of such gouernaunce and behauiour in time of peace for in warre eche part must néedes be others enimie that there was neuer any Prince of this lande attayning the Crowne by battaile so hartely beloued with the substaunce of the people nor he himselfe so specially in any part of his life as at the time of his death Which fauour and affection yet after his decesse by the crueltie mischiefe and trouble of the tempestuous world that followed highly toward him more increased At such time as he dyed the displeasure of those that bare him grudge for King Henries sake the sixt whom he deposed was well asswaged and in effect quenched in that that many of them were deade in more than twentie yeares of his raigne a great parte of a long life And many of them in the meane season growne into his fauour of which he was neuer straunge He was a goodly Description of Edvvard the fourth personage Princely to beholde of harte couragious pollitique in counsell in aduersitie nothing abashed in prosperitie rather ioyfull than proude in peace iust and mercifull in warre sharpe and fierce in the fielde bolde and hardie and nathelesse no further than wisedome would aduenturous whose warres who so well consider he shall no lesse commende his wisedome where he voyded than his manhoode where he vanquished He was of visage louely of body mightie strong and cleane made Howbeit in his latter dayes with ouer liberall dyet somewhat corpulent and boorely and nathelesse not comely he was of youth greatly giuen to f●eshely wantonnesse from which health of body in great prosperitie and fortune without a speciall grace hardly refraineth This faulte not greatly gréeued the people for neyther could any one mans pleasure stretch and extend to the displeasure of very many and was without violence and ouer that in his latter dayes lessed and well left In which time of his latter dayes this Realme was in quiet and prosperous estate no feare of outward enimies no warre in hand nor none toward but such as no man looked for the people toward the Prince not in a constrained feare but in a willing and louing obedience among themselues the cōmons in good peace The Lordes whom he