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A08536 Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami OrtelI Antuerp. geographi regii. = The theatre of the vvhole world: set forth by that excellent geographer Abraham Ortelius; Theatrum orbis terrarum. English Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598.; Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632, attributed name.; W. B. 1608 (1608) STC 18855; ESTC S122301 546,874 619

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principall members of the whole Dukedome Concerning euery of which I will speake more largely hauing said somwhat of the Metropolitan whereunto belong the third part of Bishop-townes which in times past were vnder the ancient iurisdiction of Lugdune For vnder the third receiued diuision of Diocesses apperteining to the Primacie of Lugdune or Lions are comprehended Tours La Mans Angiers Rhenes Nants Cornevaile Vannes S. Poll de Leon Tregoir Dol S. Malo S. Brieu The Turones therefore of such antiquitie and their city the head of so many Nations Iulius Caesar reckoneth in the first rancke of the people of France and so likewise do other ancient Writers Ptolemey placeth them vpon the riuer Ligeris and Ammianus Marcellinus in Secundâ Lugdunensi But in Caesar they are oftener mentioned and that very plainly especially at the end of his eleuenth booke De bello Gallico This done saith he and all France being at quiet so great an opinion of this war surprized the Barbarians that euen those nations which inhabited beyond Rhene sent ambassadours vnto Caesar promising to giue him pledges and to obey his commandements He therefore hauing ended his warres and put his legions in garison among the Carnutes Andes and Turones which were cities neere vnto these places departed for Italie Hence you may gather that they were not enemies to the Romans but rather Caesars followers Gregory Turonensis often calles them Senatores Romanos for they enioyed the libertie of Free-denizens which was granted to none but such as were the Romans deere friends and linked vnto them in most firme league The Touranois are held to be one of the richest people in all France both for the fruitfulnesse of their fields which they deseruedly call The Kings garden and also for their excellent maner of gouernment and the industry of their Citizens who are especially addicted to traffique for which purpose their nauigable riuer stands them in great stead They haue also attempted of late to make silke than which Italie affoords no better At the East part of Tourain vpon the riuer Loire stands Amboise built in a most excellent and choise seat and a delicate pure aire so that this place especially the French Kings haue chosen to retire and solace themselues in The city of Montrichard situate on a plaine is on the one side fortified with Rocks and Woods and hem'd in on the other side with Medowes and delightsome Fields Without the city are houses vnder ground with Gardens and Vineyards on the tops of them Loches vpon the riuer of Indre hath a castle both for pleasantnesse largenesse munition and situation almost incomparable for situation I say both by Arte and Nature impregnable Pautruy Chastillon Cormery Beaulieu and other cities of this Dukedome are described by Belleforest vnto whom I referre the Reader Touraine TVRONENSIS DVCATVS et CONFINIVM GALLIAE CELTICAE DESCRIPTIO Perlustrata descripta haec regio est ab Ysaaco Franco Regio Aedili nec non in ea provincia Viarum magistro Anno Domini M.D.XCII Complectitur hic ducatus latitudo ab aequinoctiali versus Arcticum ad 47. gradum 49 minutos porrigitur Longitudo vero ab Occidente in Orientem ad 21. gradum 27. minutos extenditur Les Isles de Loire 1. Chaumont 2. Des Chams 3. S. Iehan 4. Le Chasselier 5. Tribon et du Ianover 6. Mahondeau 7. Roche corbon 8. Torcay 9. Vaugon est 10. Maille 11. Buysson Bretenay 12. Drovineau 13. Bec decher 14. Voletz 15. S. Martin 16. Cappel blanche 17. Petit S. Marin 18. Sauget 19. Les Isles de chose 20. Monsoreau BLAISOIS or the territory of BLOIS THis territorie of Blois confineth East vpon Orleans and part of Gastinois West vpon Tourain South vpon Salloigne and part of Berry and North vpon Vendosmois and Le Beaulse That portion of the citie of Blois which looketh towards Le Beaulse stands partly vpon hilles and rocks and partly vpon plaine ground which vneuen situation maketh the wayes and passages somewhat vneasie Howbeit this inconuenience is no disgrace to the Citie nor discourageth Trauellers to frequent it for the fruitfulnesse and faire beautie of the whole Prouince makes it amiable and the excellent temper of the aire populous It being for plentie of Wheat Wine and other necessaries for mans life to no Prouince inferiour for it is all shadie and full of Woods Vineyards Riuers Brooks Pooles and Fountaines so that Nature hath infused a wonderfull fatnesse into this soile with such a temper of heat vpon the hilles neere about the citie as causeth their Vineyards exceedingly to prosper Wherefore this Prouince participating with Le Beaulse and Salloigne excelleth them both in their owne commodities For abounding with Wheat no lesse than Le Beaulse it farre surpasseth thesame in Wines in other kinds of graine and in plenty of water For pleasantnesse it matcheth Salloigne from whence though it be seuered but the bredth of the riuer Loire yet is not the fruitfulnesse thereof empair'd by the others sandie barrennesse Wherefore that part of Le Beaulse wherein Blois is situate hath more abundance of wood and water than the residue and the frontiers of Salloigne next adioyning may ascribe their fruitfulnesse to the good neighbourhood of this territory Neither can the olde said saw That it is best dwelling in Salloigne and best inheriting in Le Baulse be seuerally but iointly applied to Blois That the aire is most holsome and temperate I appeale to multitudes of great and honourable personages who being oppressed with most grieuous diseases do repaire especially to this Prouince for the recouery of their health Yea the Kings children are nursed trained vp in the city of Blois for which cause it is called The Kings city Amongst the rarities of this prouince one there is that can hardly be found in the whole Kingdome besides namely a veine of that earth which is commonly called Terra Lemnia or Sigillata being of the same force and efficacie with the true earth of Lemnos All this description we haue taken out of Belleforest LEMOSIN THe Prouince of Lemosin consisteth of two Regions the Higher and the Lower both being subiect to one gouernment They are diuided insunder by the castles of Massere the riuers Bresdasque and Bezerre and those of the region called La Marche de Lemosin The higher part extendeth from Puy the first village in the way to Paris as farre as the riuer Bredasque for the space of nineteene leagues or fortie French leagues The very same distance it hath from Vareille which stands a mile from Souterane to the foresaid riuer It is plentifully watered by the riuer Vienne which the inhabitants call Vignana and Bezerre abounding with riuers crabs and by other small Freshets so that all the whole country is very moist and fertile and excellent pasture ground for great and small cattell which do here mightily increase The principall citie of the higher prouince called Limoges is accounted one of the most famous and ancient cities of
two hundred or three hundred faile of Merchants shippes hulks they call them to ride heereat anchor Therefore this city for traffique is commonly held to yeeld to none but Antwerp ENCKHVISEN vpon that sea which they vulgarly call in their language Suyderzee Famous euen in forren countries for the building of great shippes HOORN situate also vpon the same bay Heere in May is kept a faire where there is sold such infinite store of butter and cheese as is wonderfull ALKMAER this place for plenty of butter and cheese doth excell all other cities of this prouince PVRMERENDE famous for the castle or palace of the Count Egmond EDAM for building of shippes and good cheese deserueth also to be remembred amongst the rest Moreouer MVNNEKENDAM WEESP NAERDEN and WEERT may not be forgotten OVDEVVATER heere groweth great store of hemp so that heere they make almost all the nets ropes and cables which the Hollanders and Zelanders do vse in fishing SCOONHOVEN as who would say At the faire Orchards Here is continuall fishing for Salmons where also is held a Staple of this commodity as we said there was of wine at Dordrecht Next after these do follow ISELSTEIN VIANEN Item LEERDAM ASPEREN and HVEKELEN three little cities round in a circle vpon the riuer Lingen not about 500. pases one from another GORICVM and WORICHVM situate vpon the banke of the riuer Wael one ouer against another Gorichum hath a very goodly and beautifull castle A man may iustly call this town a city of store of all maner prouision such a market is heere daily kept of such things as are necessary for the sustenance of mans life which are from thence transported by shippe vnto other countries but especially to Antwerp Lastly there are HVESDEN ROTERODAM SCHIEDAM and both the MOVNTS the one known by the name of S. Gertrude the other of the number of Seuen Seuenbergen I meane and Geertruydenberge for so they call them Other towns there are which sometime were walled which although at this day we do now see them to want either by the rage of violent warre or by reason of other misfortunes yet they still enioy their old liberties and fredoms Of this sort Medenblick Beuerwijck Muiden Neuport Vlaerdingen and Grauesande Moreouer in this prouince there are aboue foure hundred villages amongst the which the Haghe which they call Earls Haghe doth farre excell the rest This town Guicciardine thinketh for bignesse wealth beauty and pleasant situation to surpasse all other in Europe whatsoeuer for it conteineth two thowsand houses of which the Princes pallace built like a castell fortified with a wall and dich where the Priuy courts of Iustice are held is one Neere vnto is a darke or thicke grone which by reason of the singing of birds and sight of Deere is both to the eares and eies most pleasant and delightfull I might more iustly call it Comopolis a citie like town and may boldly compare it with Ctesiphon a borough in Assyria situate vpon the riuer Tigris much magnified of all ancient writers of which Strabo writeth that that town is equall to a city for command and bignesse and was the place where the Parthian kings did vse to winter when they were desirous to spare the city of Seleucia Vnder the Iurisdiction also of Holland are certaine Ilands as Voorn with the towns Geervliet and Briele Goereden or Goere with a town of the same name Somersdijcke Tenel diuers others The diocesse of Vtrecht gouerned not long since by a Bishop in which were 5. cities yeelded it selfe to be subiect to the iurisdiction of Holland in the time of Charles the fifth Emperour of Rome This country is so enclosed with the sea seuered by riuers lakes creeks and ditches whereby it is diuided as it were into certaine plots and quarters that there is no city nor village heere to which one may not go aswell by water as by waggon Neither is there any place in the whole prouince from whence one may not easily in three houres space go to the sea Chrysostomus Neapolitanus hath described this Olland for so he writeth it in an eloquent letter of his directed to Counte Nugarolo Of this read the history of Holland compiled by Gerardus Geldenhaurius and Cornelius Aurelius as also Peter Diuey but especially Hadrianus Iunius his Batauia Of the wonderfull store and abundance of this country read Lud. Guicciardine Of the ruines of the Roman armory or storehouse of munition which the country people call The Brittish castle which is vpon the shore of the Germane ocean at a village called Catwijcke opzee not far from the city Leijden and of the inscriptions in marble there found we haue not long since set forth a peculiar treatise dedicated only to that argument Of the prouince of Vtrecht which now is vnder the command of Holland and is likewise described in this Mappe see the history of Lambertus Hortensius Monfortius HOLLANDIAE ANTIQVORVM CATTHORVM SEDIS NOVA DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE IACOBO A DAVENTRIA FRIESLAND THat the Frisij a most ancient nation did long since inhabit along the sea coast neere the mouth of the riuer of Rhein where also at this day they dwell it is very apparant out of the records of ancient writers For Ptolemey placeth them aboue the Busactores or Busacteri the people of that prouince which now is called Westfalia as some thinke between the riuers Vidrus they call it Regge and Amasius now called Eems Tacitus who reporteth that they were of good account amongst the Germanes and along by the sea coast to dwell on ech side the Rhein diuideth them according to their power and greatnes of command into Maiores and Minores the Greater and the Lesser hee moreouer affirmeth that they dwell round about certaine huge Lakes such as were capable of the Roman fleet The same authour nameth certaine Frisios Transrhenanos Frieslandmen dwelling beyond the Rhein which he saith did rather mislike the auarice of the Romanes then their command Iulius Capitolinus in the life of Clodius Albinus the Emperour saith that these Transrhenane Frieslanders were by the same Clodius Albinus discomfited and ouerthrowne Pliny mentioneth certaine Ilands of the Frieslanders insulas Frisiorum in the riuer of Rhein and the Erisciabones a kind of people between Helium and Fleuum two mouthes of the Rhein where it emptieth it selfe into the maine sea It is manifest therefore that the Frisij anciently did not passe the riuer Eems but at this day they are further spred Eastward almost as farre as the riuer Weser the old Geographers called it Visurgis Who also otherwise of them sometime were designed by the name of the Chauci or Cauchi for diuers authours write it diuersly it is out of all doubt And beside these vp higher euen in Denmarke in the confines of the little prouince Dietmarsh there dwell a people vulgarly knowne by the name of Strandt Vriesen that is Frieslandmen inhabiting vpon the sea coast These it may be were those which Ptolemey calleth Sigulones
mother a Bohemian neece to Duke Wenceslaus by the brothers side A sonne of his called Mieslaus in the yeere 1001. was married to Rixa daughter of Erenfrid County Palantine neece to the Emperour Otho the third by his sister Melchitis and this man was the first that receiued the kingly diademe from Otho the third But after his decease the Polonians hauing by sedition expelled out of their kingdome the Emperours niece and his sonne Casimire Conradus the Emperour reseruing to himselfe a certaine tribute annexed Silesia to the crowne of Bohemia This Emperour was an Vratislauian borne and perhaps gaue the name of Vratislauia to his natiue citie which is now commonly called Breslaw But hereof I cannot certainly affirme ought This one thing is not to be doubted that the Silesians had no affection towards the Polonians whenas by the practise and industry of Iohn the first king of Bohemia father to the Emperour Charles the fourth they vnited themselues to the Bohemians Some there are by what authority or opinion I know not which affirme that in the same place where Breslaw now stands was built in times past by a Prince called Liguis the city of Budurgis mentioned in Ptolemey For it is apparent out of histories that Mieslaus Duke of Poland who was first created King by the Emperour Otho the third and in the yeere 965. embraced Christianitie did anno 1048. erect a woodden church or chapel to the honour of S. Iohn Baptist Whereby you may gather that in those dayes there was no great matter of building at Breslaw Moreouer Gotefridus the first Prelate of that church being an Italian preferred the village of Smogra before the citie of Breslaw hauing there his Schole and College Likewise about this time it is thought that the foundations of other the principall cities of Silesia namely of Lignitz Glogaw Luben c. were layd for out of monuments and Annales no certainty can be gathered whenas the ancientest writings in all Silesia are the letters of the Emperour Frederick the second which were written in the yeere 1200. all the residue being consumed and lost either by fires or inuasions which haue beene very terrible in these parts But by the good indeuour of Frederick Barbarossa Silesia was both pacified and so distributed among the sonnes of Vladislaus king of Poland that it seemed not altogether to be dismembred from that crowne But when the Polonians perceiued that Silesia grew full of Germans and that the Princes began to fauour them reiecting the lawfull heires they aduanced to the kingdome of Silesia one Vladislaus Locticus a cruell enemy to the Germans This was the occasion that they betooke themselues to the protection of Iohn king of Bohemia who being sonne to the Emperour Henry the seuenth married the daughter of Wenceslaus king of Bohemia and was inuested into the kingdome 1302. Wherefore after the decease of this Iohn of Lucelberg Silesia was subiect to twelue Bohemian kings one after another six whereof were Emperours one a Bohemian another an Hungarian fiue of the house of Austria two Polacks but descended from Austria by the mothers side Of the Polonian race remained as yet in Silesia the Princes of Lignitz and Teschnitz for those of Munsterberg deriue their pedegree from George king of Bohemia Vratislauia the head-head-city of Silesia being burnt to ashes in the yere 1341 began then so stately to be built of stone as at this present both for order and beauty of houses and largenesse of streets it is little inferiour to any of the cities in Germanie Concerning other more true ornaments of a Common-wealth I shall not need to speake seeing it is manifest to all Germanie that scarse in any other region there are to be found so many Schooles such numbers of learned Professours and of excellent wits It beseemes me not to speake too gloriously of my countreymen yet thus much I may boldly say that there is almost no Princes court nor any famous common-wealth where the vertue and learning of the Silesians findes not entertainment The gentlemen likewise albeit addicted to tillage and good husbandry yet are they so warlike withall that no indifferent Iudges can deny but that by their valour the remainder of Hungarie is defended It is a region very fruitfull of corne especially in one place aboue the rest which is most carefully manured by our people It aboundeth with fish-pooles The famous riuer Odera confineth it East and North and South it is diuided from Bohemia by Sudetes But the situation best appeareth in the Map Of Silesia you haue somewhat written by Aeneas Syluius and by others which are ignorant of the countrey But Laurentius Coruinus could haue brought more certainties to light had not the age wherein he liued been fatally ouerwhelmed in ignorance Thus much Iohn Crato concerning his natiue countrey Silesia It containeth twelue Dukedomes one Bishoprick the Bishop whereof hath his residence at Neisse and sometimes at Breslaw for there is a Cathedrall church and a College of Canons Heere are foure Baronies also In this region about Striga and Lignitz is found a kinde of medicinable earth commonly called Terra sigillata like that of Lemnus and of equall force some quantitie whereof Iacobus Manouius Citizen and Senatour of Breslaw hath often bestowed vpon me The Chronicles of Silesia were of late written by Ioachimus Curius wherein he hath so curiously described the situation and the antiquity of their townes and cities the gouernment of their state and their memorable acts that the studious may here finde an absolute history I am informed by Iacobus Monauius that Francis Faber hath described it in verse also SILESIAE TYPVS A Martino Helwigio Nissense descriptus et Nobili doctoque viro Domino Nicolao Rhedingero ded MORAVIA MORAVIA is thus described by Ioannes Dubrauius in his Bohemian story Morauia was called of olde Marcomania because it confined vpon Germany at that place where Dariubius entreth Hungary For Mark in high Dutch signifies a limit or confine and thereupon Marcomanni are such as inhabit the borders of a countrey Concerning these people Arrianus in his relation of Germany the farthest of these nations saith he are the Quadi and Marcomanni then the Iazyges a people of Sarmatia after the Getes and lastly a great part of the Sarmatians Howbeit at this present because it is bounded by the riuer Mora from the same riuer the inhabitants are called Moraui and the countrey Morauia On three sides as it now stands it is diuided by mountaines woods forests or riuers on the East from Hungary West from Bohemia and North from Silesia for on the South part towards Austria it is plaine being some where separated therefrom by the riuer Thaysa and in other places by another obscure riuer The principall riuer in Morauia is Mora which enuironeth the chiefe city called Olmuntz and from thence running into Hungary dischargeth himselfe with his tributary streames into the chanell of Danubius For Mora receiuing into his bosome the riuer
his deare Mother which brought him vp by them to be spoiled Therefore Florence partly taking by force and partly by other meanes drawing to their part the Fesulanes about the yeare of Christ 1024. was much enlarged in wealth and authoritie at which time also Henry the first Emperour of Rome built the goodly Church of S. Miniate neere the walles of Florence This city was twise within a little while in the yeare 1176. miserably defaced by casualty of fire From which time it first began to be gouerned as now it is by the Priori the masters of the twelue companies and a Standard-bearer Gonfalonerio they call him One of the first Gonfalonerios was Stroza a nobleman borne of a great house The goodly Minster which in our time by the ingenious direction of Philippo Brunalitio a Florentine was most stately arched and dedicated to our Lady was begun in the yeare of our Lord 1294. Foure yeares after that was that gorgeous Palace where now the Priori or Aldermen do keepe first founded And fiue yeares after that was the Pomoerium the prospect or wast ground round about the city leuelled and the walles of the city enlarged Pistorio was the first city that the Florentines subdued vnder their command as Leander in his description of Italie affirmeth vpon the testimony of Aretino where also he hath these words of the diuers forms and different maner of gouernment of the same After that it was repaired saith he by Charles the Great they yearely chose two Consuls or Sheriffes who with the assistance of 100. Senatours or Aldermen should gouerne the city This forme of commonwealth being altered they created the Decemuiri the tenne called of them Antiani about the yeare of Grace 1220. as Volaterran affirmeth or as Blondus saith in the yeare 1254. After that in the yeare 1287. hauing redeemed their freedome of the Emperour Rudolfe for 60000. crownes as Platina writeth the Decemuiri the tenne were reduced to Octouiri eight and were called the Priori the maisters of the companies ouer whom was set the Standerd-bearer called by them Gonfalonerio di Giustitia the Lord chiefe Iustice which office they were to hold but two monethes and then others were to be elected This forme of policy for as much as I can gather out of historiographers was since that time thrise altered First in the yeare 1343. when the Florentines bought Luca of Mastino Scaligero for 5000. crownes their forces being ouerthrowne by the enemie they were constrained to demand aid of Robert King of Naples and obtained Gualterio Gallo a captaine of Athens for their generall who by great subtilty and cunning getting the rule of the city went to the Court and there deposed the Priori and other Magistrates from their office Yet he enioied not his vsurped authority long for the people at the persuasion of Angelo Accieuolo Bishop of the sea a Frier predicant rose vp in armes and deposing the Tyrant restored the Priori and Confalonerio to their places againe The second alteration of this Common-wealth happened in the time of Alexander the sixth Bishop of Rome when as his sonne Caesar Borgia Duke of Valence neuer labouring to bring home againe Peter Iohn and Iulian the sonnes of Laurence Medices who but lately had beene banished at length brought the matter so about that the office of the Gonfalonerio should be giuen to Peter Soderine for a perpetuall and standing office who together with the Priori chosen euery two moneths after the ancient custome most wisely behaued himselfe and orderly gouerned that Common-wealth vntill at length being expelled by Raimundo Cordona Embassadour of Ferdinand the King of Arragon and Naples who was to restore Iohn Cardinall Medices and his brother Iulian in the yeare of Grace 1412. and erecting the ancient maner of gouernment which continued vntill the yeare 1530. In the meane time although the city were commanded at the discretion and direction of the Popes Leo the tenth which was Iohn Medices and Clement the seuenth which was Iulius Medices the bastard sonne of Iulian the first Cardinall Cortonesse hauing the wardship and being Gardian to Hippolytus the sonne of Iulian the second of Alexander the bastard sonne of Laurenznio the nephew of Peter the second Yet notwithstanding the ancient Magistrates were chosen after the custome formerly vsed In that same yeare therefore when as three yeares before the Emperours souldiers besieging Clement the seuenth in Hadrians castle the city shaking off the yoke of bondage obteined freedome and endeuoured by all meanes to retaine the same Philip the Prince of Aurange leading the armie of the Emperour Charles the fifth Clement entreating that Alexander his nephew whom before he had intituled Duke of Penna to be brought againe into the city forced it being much distressed for want of victuall to yeeld to the obedience of the Emperour Charles the Emperour at the request of Clement the Pope presently created Alexander perpetuall Priour and thus the offices of the Priori and Gonfalonerio were vtterly taken away Then when the Emperour Charles had created Alexander Duke of Florence and giuen vnto him in mariage Margaret his bastard daughter in the yeare of our Sauiour 1535. and two yeares after that before the seuenth day of Ianuarie Laurence Medices the sonne of Peter Francis that he might set his natiue country at liberty as he pretended had miserably slaine him Cosmus Medices the sonne of Iohn Medices was created Duke in his roome Thus farre Leander vnto which I may adioine these words of my kind friend M. Iohn Pinadello When it was known saith he to Pius the fifth Pope of Rome that Cosmus Medices Duke of Florence had at that time taken great paines for the maintainance of the Church and Religion and spared no cost in the warres against the hereticks in the yeare 1570. in the moneth of Februarie comming to the city crowned him in Aula Regia the Kings hall a place in Vaticana so named and gaue him and his successours the title of The great Duke In whose Crowne the Pope caused these words to be engrauen PIVS QVINTVS Pont. Max. ob eximiam dilectionem Catholicae religionis zelum praecipuumque iustitiae studium donauit that is Pius the fifth Bishop of Rome in token of great loue earnest zeale of Catholique religion and constant maintainance of true Iustice gaue this Thus farre in few words of the Offices Policy and Iurisdiction of this city I thinke it not amisse here to adioine another short discourse because it is rare and not altogether from the purpose It is thus as Syffridus Presbyter reporteth in George Fabricius his historie of Misnia Otho the third Emperour of Rome lying at Mutina with his wife the Empresse fell in loue with a certaine Earle but when as he by no meanes would consent vnto her she so diffamed him vnto her husband the Emperour that he commanded him to be beheaded before euer he had examined the matter Who before he was beheaded entreated his wife
aboue 4000. furlongs and where it is narrowest it is 1300. furlongs broad The Prussians Lithuanians and Russians dwell round about it the rest the Liuonian Gulfe doth bound Liuonia conteineth the CVRONES ESTHENI and LETTI nations different both in maners and language In the cities and townes they vse the Saxon or German tongue The country is full of wood plaine and champion without hils or mountaines for the most part lying lay and vnhusbanded notwithstanding that the soile is good and fertile For if you shall except wine and oile and some few other such things which nature yeeldeth to some countries that are situate in a more temperate climate for these only are brought in hither vnto them other things more necessary for the maintenance of mans life are heere found in such great plenty that they do liberally communicate them to strangers and forreiners They haue great plenty of Fish and Deere Munster affirmeth that the Hares in this country do in euery season of the yeare change their colour for in the winter they are white and in the summer they are gray From hence wax hony ashes stone-pitch pix arida liquid pitch the Dutch call it Ther we Tarre and that kind of corne which the Latines call Secale the Germanes Rogghe and we Rie is yearely brought vnto vs in great abundance It hath certaine cities very large and finely built of them the chiefest is RIGA a colonie of the Germanes of the Bishopricke of Breme commodiously seated vpon the riuer Duin It is a goodly Mart towne and the Metropolitane of the whole prouince RIVALIA they vulgarly call it Reuel the Russians Roliua built by Waldemare king of Denmarke famous for his goodly hauen vpon a bay of the Balticke or East-sea This for traffique is not lesse frequented or populous then Riga DORPATVM Derpt neere neighbour to the Russians which call it Iuriongorod The riuer Becke runneth by the walles of this city very commodious for traffique with the Russians This riuer is caried in one channell into the sea which running violently with a great fall from steep rocks worketh the same effect to the people neere adioining as Lewenclay saith that the cataracts or fals of the riuer Nilus did to the Aegyptians which in continuance of time by little and little grow to be deaffish and thicke of hearing Besides these cities there are certaine lesser townes fortified with goodly strong castles VENDA Wenden the more honourable for that heere the Grand-captaine or Master of the order keepeth his court It is situate in the middest of the country Then VELINVM Welum Parnaw vpon the sea Wolmer Veseburgum I thinke they call it Yseborg Wittestein Narua and others Willichius and Cureus do thinke that the Efflui and Limouij did sometime dwell in these quarters Of the forme of gouernment and ordering of their common-wealth which is at the prescript of the knights of the order of the Holy Crosse read Iohn Aubane Munster Lewenclay Gaguine in his Sarmatia and Herberstein out of whom we haue culled these particulars But Crantzius also in his sixth booke of Wandalia is to be read with Oderbornes second booke of the life of Basilidis and Dauid Chytraus his Chronicle of Saxony who hath written of the same with greater diligence than the rest POMERANIA or POMERLAND PEtrus Artopoeus Pomeranus in Munsters Cosmography thus describeth this country his natiue soile POMOERANIA saith he situate vpon the Balticke sea of the first inhabitants in their natiue language that is in the Wandall tongue is called PAMORZI It is still possessed of the first in-borne inhabitants gouerned by their proper Princes and was neuer subdued or made subiect to any forrein iurisdiction It is in all places very fertile well watered with riuers brookes lakes creekes and in-lets from the sea it hath many good hauens rich pastures and good corne grounds it hath great plenty of apples cattell deere fishes foule corne butter cheese hony wax and such like commodities it hath many rich mountaines populous cities townes castels and villages there is no void place or wast ground in it but those which lakes or mountaines do possesse Before Christianity was entertained here they spake the Wandall language and followed their fashions and maner of life vntill such time as they were subdued vnder the command of the Roman Emperours for then together with Religion they began to vse the Saxon tongue which to this day they retaine Thus farre Artopoeus Pomerye in the Wandalian language which is the same with the Slauonian tongue signifieth nothing els as Herberstein affirmeth but neere the sea or a marine coast The banke or sea-wall of this country is so strongly fortified by nature with such a strong rampart that heere is no feare of the sea breaking in to ouerflow them The more famous cities vpon this coast besides some other situate further within the land are Stetin Newgard Stargard c. STETIN sometime was but a small village inhabited by a few poore fishermen but after that Christianity was planted heere about Wineta vtterly destroied and the mart was remoued hither it begun presently so to flourish that now it is become the Metropolitan of the whole country It is most pleasantly seated vpon the banke of the riuer Oder from the which it ariseth by little and little higher vpon the side of an hill It is enclosed with a strong wall and deep trench GRYPSVVALD is a towne in the Dukedome of Wolgast which others do call the Dukedome of Barth this towne being long together much afflicted with ciuill warres was much hindered and impaired but in the yeare 1456. by erecting and placing of an Vniuersity there it began againe by little and little to lift vp the head IVLINVM a towne sometime not inferiour vnto the goodly cities of Europe whether you respect the wealth of the citizens or stately buildings of the same This was sometime a famous mart towne of the Wandalls Such a multitude of merchants did flocke hither from Russia Saxony Laussnitz Meisen and all parts of Wandal-land in such troopes that in all Europe except Constantinople there was scarce such a mart to be found but it was so shaken by the violent warres of the Danes that at last it was almost wholly brought to nothing such is the mutability of vnconstant fortune alwaies delighted in change Now they call it Wollin STRALSVND vpon the sea shore It hath had sometime his proper prince viz. the Duke of Barth It is a city very populous and greatly frequented by Merchants WINETA this sometime was also a city of good reckoning peraduenture it is now called Archon or Iulinum Wollin For the cities of Wandal-land according to the diuersity of languages of sundry nations had their diuers names That which the Wandalls called Stargard the Saxons named Aldenburg and the Danes Bannesia as Crantzius affirmeth But I thinke it good to set down the description of this country which the singular learned man M. Peter Edling sent me from Colberg in this
and Mappes diuers places both of Sea and Land vnknowen to former ages to describe the tracts and coasts of the East and West South and North neuer spoken of nor touched by Ptolemey Pliny Strabo Mela or any other historiographer whatsoeuer and lastly to bend all his forces to the framing of that his THEATER which now is beheld and read with such admiration and applause of all men in which worke of his he was so generally well liked and approued of all that Philip the Second that renowmed King of Spaine graced him with the honour and title of The Kings Cosmographer He wrot also his GEOGRAPHICALL TREASVRE a very learned and pleasant worke in which the ancient names or appellations yea and oft times the new by which they are now called and knowen at this day of Mountaines Hils Promontories Woods Ilands Hauens People Cities Townes Villages Seas Baies Creekes Straights Riuers c. are at one view instantly to be seene Moreouer out of ancient coines for the benefit and delight of such as are louers and studious of antiquities he set out The HEADS OF THE GODS AND GODDESSES which afterward were illustrated with an historicall narration or discourse done by Francis Sweert the yonger In the yeere of Christ 1596 he set forth THE IMAGE OF THE GOLDEN WORLD that is A treatise describing the life Maners Customes Rites and Religion of the ancient Germans collected and gathered out of diuers and sundry old writers of both languages By these his labours and trauels he hath gotten and purchased vnto himselfe an immortall name and credit amongst the learned of all sorts In company he was of an excellent discreete cariage passing courteous merry and pleasant Such was his singular humanity that it was strange to see how he did winne and retaine the loue and fauour of all men wheresoeuer he became His enemies he chose rather to ouercome with kindnesse or to contemne them then to reuenge himselfe of their malice He did so much hate vice euen in his owne kindred that he rather reuerenced vertue in his enemies and strangers Vaine questions and subtill disputations of diuinity or matters of religion as dangerous and pernicious hee did alwaies greatly detest and abhorre A deepe in-sight and sound iudgment in any kinde of matter he preferred before glosing eloquence and quaint termes Present aduersity and daungers he alwaies endured with more patience then feare of such as were comming on and neere at hand and those which were bitter more easily then such as were doubtfull and vncertaine of euent He was a man which in his life time did set as little by himselfe as any man could For he neuer set his minde much vpon the wealth of this world or ought of those things in the same hauing alwaies in memory that his learned poesie CONTEMNO ET ORNO MENTE MANV I scorne and trimme with minde with hand For surely this man was led with some heauenly spirit which did so with-draw his minde from those earthly cogitations that he neuer tooke any thing in his life more vnkindly then when he was drawne from his bookes which he alwaies preferred before all other things in the world beside These great learned men following were his familiar friends and such as he did greatly loue and reuerence In Spain Benedictus Arias Montanus that great linguist and graue Diuine and the reuerend father Andrew Schotte borne in Antwerp a learned Iesuite In Italy Fuluius Vrsinus Franciscus Superantius and Iohannes Sambucus In Germany Gerard Mercator that famous Cosmographer Iames Monaw Marke Velser Ioachim Chamberlin Ionas Grutterus of Antwerp and Arnold Milius In France Petrus Pithoeus and others In the Low-countries Iustus Lipsius Laeuinus Tormencius Nicolaus Rockoxius Cornelius Prunius Balthasar Robianus Ludouicus Perezius Iohannes Brantius a ciuillian recorder to the state of Antwerp Iohannes Bochius secretarie to the same city Francis Raphalengius Christopher Plantine Iohn Moret Philip Gally Otho Venius that famous painter and Francis Sweert the yonger In England Humfrey Lloyd the only learned courtiour of his time and VVilliam Camden now Clarenceux the painfull and iudicious antiquary of our land With all these and many other he was familiarly acquainted To these he wrot often and from these he often receiued most kinde and louing letters He was a great student of antiquities and searcher out of rare and ancient things He had at home in his house Images Statues Coines of Gold Siluer and copper both of the Greeks Romans and others Shelfishes brought from India and our Antipodes Marble of all kinde of colours Torteises shelles of such wonderfull bignesse that tenne men sitting round in a circle might eate meat out of them at once Others againe so little and narrow that they were skarce so bigge as a pinnes head His Library was so maruellously well stored with all sort of Bookes that his house might iustly haue beene termed A shoppe of all manner of good learning vnto which men flocked from diuers places like as in former times they did to Plato's Academy or Aristotle's Lyceum This Ernest and Albert returning conquerour from the battaill at Hulsten with other great Princes and men of all sorts came in troops to see and behold While he was thus busied and hauing now liued aboue threeskore and eleuen yeeres he fell sicke in Iune in the yeere of our Lord 1598 and growing euery day worse and worse at length he yeelded to nature and died vpon the 28 day of the same moneth The Physicians affirmed that he died of an vlcer of the reines which Hippocrates writeth will hardly euer be cured in old men He was of stature tall and slender the haire of his head and beard was of a yealow colour His eies were gray and his forehead broad He was very courteous and affable In serious businesses he was very graue and sober but without any shew of arrogant disdaine in mirth and iesting he was as pleasant yet with that moderation that all was guided by the rules of Christian piety and modesty This deceased bachelour Anna Ortell a virgine his sister who liued not long after this her brother Abraham for she died in the yeere of Grace 1600 caused to be buried and intombed in Saint Michaëls the Abby of the Praemonstratenses in Antwerp He might well want the honour of a gorgeous and costly tombe who by the generall consent of all men had for his rare and singular vertues deserued an euerlasting fame and reputation Francis Sweert the yonger gathered together the mournefull verses of those poets and friends of his which did bewaile his death set them foorth and dedicated them to the State and citizens of Antwerp Iustus Lipsius at the instant request of his heires and for a perpetuall memoriall of their constant loue and friendship wrote that Epitaph which is in capitall letters ingrauen vpon his tombe ABRAHAM ORTELIVS CITIZEN OF ANTwerpe and Geographer to Philip the second King of Spaine to the courteous Reader SEeing that as I
and according to the testimony of Peter Quirini Christopher Fiorouanti and Nicolas Michele who in this our Ocean suffered that horrible shipwracke which we reade of in the Italian volumes witnesse also Lewis Cadamosta who in his Epistles written about the yeere 1454 affirmes this city of Bruges to be a Mart inferiour to none else in all the North parts of the world Wherefore that the citizens of Bruges receiued the vs● of the sea-compasse from the Italians and out of Italian translated the names of the winds into their owne language and that from them the other nations before mentioned borrowed this knowledge I see not well how it may be denied Of the nature and admirable vertue of the loadstone you may reade many notable things in Liuius Sanutus his description of Africa printed in Italian at Venice The isles or Salomon which in this table you see described about Noua Guinea were not long since discouered by Oliuer Mendanio after he had conducted his fleet out of the part of Lima in Perú had sailed ouer this huge Ocean as I find recorded in Iosephus Acosta his 1. book 17. chapter De natura nouiorbis MARIS PACIFICI quod vulgò Mar del Zur cum regionibus circumiacentibus insusisue in eodem passim sparsis novissima descriptio SPE ET METV GENIO ET INGENIO NOBILI DN NICOLAO ROCCOXIO PATRICIO ANTVERPIENSI EIVSDEMQVE VRBIS SENATORI Abrahamus Ortelius Regiae M t s geographus lub merito dedicabat 1589. NEVV SPAINE THis Prouince was about the yeere 1518 forcibly subdued to the Spanish gouernment vnder the command and conduct of Fernando Corlez who with the great slaughter of his owne people but farre greater of the inhabitants fighting for their liberty conquered the same It is a region rich of siluer and golde for it hath very many riuers yeelding sands or graines of perfect gold Vpon the coast of this countrey are many commodious fishings for pearle Salt lakes here are diuers the water whereof through the heat of the Sunne is conuerted into excellent salt Here is great abundance of Cassia fistula and a kind of fruit in the Mexican language called Cacao somewhat resembling an Almond which is with them very highly esteemed for hereof they make a kinde of drinke to their owne taste most delicate The seas and riuers belonging to this countrey abound mightily with fish Their riuers also breed Crocodiles whose flesh is food to the inhabitants In these places this creature is for the most part aboue twenty foot long It is a countrey very mountainous and beset here and there with most lofty and cragged rocks So great is the diuersity of languages in these regions that one cannot vnderstand another without an Interpreter The principall Colonies to be seene in this Table which in New Spaine haue been planted by the Spaniards are first Compostella the seat of a Bishop and of one of the Kings counsels Colima by another name called the city of the Purification Guadalajara a towne most famous and head of the Kingdome of New Gallicia Mechoacan a Bishops sea also Sacatula the city of Angels a mother-towne and a Bishoprick Mexico a Kingly city or rather Queene of all the cities in the New world situate vpon the banke of a lake or rather of a fenne yea the very ground-plot of this city is so fenny that you cannot come thither nor depart thence but ouer bridges and cawseys The lake adioyning is salt being six leagues long and fiue broad Fishes it hath none but very small ones which more aptly may be called wormes than fishes of whose putrefaction which is there caused by the heat of Summer the aire is sometimes so infected that it is most vnholesome dwelling there yet is it as much frequented with inhabitants and merchants as any mart-towne in Europe It is a large city for in compasse it containeth about three leagues The other lake adioining to this is fresh water and very plentifull of fish wherein also stand many townes There are likewise a great number vpon the banks of either lake In this city as Ierome Giraua reporteth there was by Pope Paul the third established the seat of an Archbishop in the yeere 1547. This citie was taken by the Spaniards 140 yeeres after the first foundation thereof Montezuma at the same time being King the ninth in number A wonder how in so few yeeres it should grow to such largenesse and magnificence The nature situation and customes of this citie and of the territory adiacent who desires more perfectly to know may reade the relations of Fernando Cortez Extant they are in the volume intituled Nouus orbis and in the volume of Nauigations printed at Venice in Italian but especially John Gonsaluo who in his little booke of China hath a most large description of this region You haue also many notable discourses hereof in the third Volume of M. Hakluyts English voyages HISPANIAE NOVAE SIVAE MAGNAE RECENS ET VERA DESCRIPTIO 1579. Lectori Partium longitudinis huius tabulae inituum non fumitur Ptolemaico more ab infulis Canarijs versus Oriente sed à Toletano Hispaniensis meridiano Occidentem versus Notularum circa Mexico explanatio a. Escalpucoleo b. Tucuba c. Istapalapa d. Ximaloaca e. Teutitlan f. Gucytitlan g. Mexicalcingo h. Culiacan i. Catlavaca k. Nicsquique l. Cinarantepec m. Xiquicpico n. Ocellotepec o. Vcicilapa p. Mimiapa q. Tecaÿuca r. Chalcontengo s. Tapalcapan t. Tisquiquiac u. Xilocingo x. Chiconantla y. Techcistlan z. Caltoca The Prouince of CVLIACAN THis Prouince of CVLIACAN is part of the kingdome of New Galicia It was discouered vnder the gouernment of Charles the fifth in the yeere 1530. In this region is one only colonie of Spaniards called The towne of S. Michael Villages here are very many built by the inhabitants all which before the Spaniards arriuall were at their owne libertie yeelding obedience to no King or Gouernour The region is indifferently furnished with things necessary Out of the mountaines is digged great abundance of siluer The inhabitants are addicted to war and robbery They that dwell vpon the coast employ most of their time in fishing but the vplandish people liue by hunting They goe naked couering only their priuities with a piece of Cotton They haue many languages They lodge for the most part in the open aire They are a most beggerly nation CVBA and HISPANIOLA THis Island of Cuba is so called by the naturall inhabitants but by the Spaniards Fernandina and Joanna and as Peter Martyr reports Alpha and Omega In length it extendeth East and West 300 Spanish leagues containing in bredth fifteene and in some places twenty of the said leagues The land is very mountainous but rich of gold and excellent copper Madder which the Apothecaries because it is very apt to die wooll and leather call Diers-madder is heere found in great abundance It is in all places beautified with thicke woods with riuers and pooles of fresh water albeit there are lakes naturally
called by the Arabians Axarafi were by King Ferdinand receiued into loyall allegeance together with the city it selfe which notwithstanding after the departure of the Moores became the greatest part of them desolate howbeit the limits of this as they differ much from the ancient precincts of Spanish diocesses so do they come neerer to the forme prescribed by King Vamba vnto all the Cathedrals of Spaine For this diocesse hath on the East the territory of Corduba West the frontiers of Algarue North it lieth ouer against that part of Portugale which is called The gouernment of Saint Iago but the residue toward the South is inclosed with the diocesse of Cadiz and the Ocean sea Principall townes here are very many especially the royall city of Siuill most largely and pleasantly situate vpon the banke of Baetis and enuironed with beautifull and stately walles This famous riuer Baetis or Guadalquibir springing out of the forest called in times past Saltus Tugiensis and holding on his course by the chiefe cities of his adopted prouince doth from this noble city knowen of olde by the name of Colonia Romulea continue his streames in a chanell nauigable and abounding with fish to the Westerne Ocean for the space of threescore miles the banks on both sides flourishing with Oliuets Vineyards and most admirable sweet Gardens perfumed with the delectable and fragrant odour of Citrons HISPALENSIS CONVENTVS DELINEATIO Auctore Hieronÿmo Chiaues Priuilegio Imp. et Regiae Maiests. Next vnto Siuill in authority and greatnesse Caesariana alias Xeres de la frontiera and Iulia firmitas now called Astigi which in old times were colonies of the Romans do excell all other townes cities Carmona and Vtrera may well be termed the two granaries and storehouses of Siuill Next followes Marchena called out of ancient stonie monuments I know not how truly Martia Colonia and Arçobriga being the lord-ship townes of the most illustrious ducal familie of the Ponces To these you may adde Vrsao called of old Genua Vrbanorum and at this present Osuna the most honorable and rich dukedome of the Girones ennobled with an Vniuersitie For oile corne and wine Constantina Caçalla and Maronio do principally excell Nebrisa likewise situate at the mouth of Baetis the most happie natiue soile of Aelius Antonius the restorer and author of the Latin tongue in Spaine is famous for antiquity and inferiour to none in plenty of Corne. Also in the very bay whereinto Baetis dischargeth his streames vpon the headland called of old Luciferi Promontorium stands the towne which we now call Solucar or Sant lucar the rich mart-towne of the Gothish Dukes and very commodious for the west-Indan fleets Other principall townes of this Diocesse for breuities sake I omit The soile in all this tract is most miraculously plentifull of wheat wine and oile and of all kinde of graine wherewith it supplieth remote and forrein countreies and how deseruedly might Plinie haue preferred this part before Italie had not he an Italian caried a greater affection to his owne countrey yet Spaine by him wheresoeuer it borders vpon the sea is commended which praise of his we vnderstand especially of that part of Andaluzia which pertaines to the Diocesse of Siuill because it lies open to the maine Ocean and to the gentle blasts of the west The skie here is most fauourable smiling alwaies with a temperate and most amiable aspect the people borne to piety and good arts excelling in sharpnesse of wit and surpassing others in a bold kinde of courage and towardlinesse of minde which is in a manner peculiar and hereditary to this nation will in no case suffer themselues either in offices of curtesie or in exploit of warre to be excelled by any nation The Archbishop of Siuill next that of Toledo is the highest prelacy in all Spaine whilome it had eleuen suffragan Bishops as appeareth out of the subscriptions of councells namely the Bishop of Corduba who now is vnder the Iurisdiction of Toledo The B. of Iliberis who after the expulsion of the Moores remoued to the Metropolitan sea of Granada The B. of Ilipa or Elepla of late called Pennaflor which towne is now destitute of a B. sea and subscribes to the authority of the church of Siuill The Bishopricke of Tuccitan now called Martos and in old time Augusta Gemella Colonia at this present destitute of a B. and vnder the Iurisdiction of Gienna The Bishopricke of Malaga which now is suffragan to Siuill The Bishopricke of Aegabria now called Cabra it hath no prelate but belongeth to the church of Corduba The bishopricke of Asindia or Asidonia now called Medina Sidonia subiect to the B. of Cadiz the episcopall sea being remoued from Gadisea others call it Asidonia it is now said to stand not farre from that place where Xeres is situate vnlesse you will say that in the same tract it retained one and the selfe-same name It had also the Bishopricke of Ossonoba nere Pharo a towne in Algarue the Moores named it Eruba afterwards it was incorporated into the church of Siluis which before being a member of Siuill was by Pope Paul the third made Suffragan to Euora which himselfe had aduanced to a Metropolitan sea The bishopricke of Abdera which was translated to the sea of Almeria and is now Suffragan to Granada The bishopricke of Astigi which now is ingraffed into the church of Siuill The bishopricke of Italica seated in a most noble colonie of the Romans not only citizens but also Emperors Generals which standing six miles from Siuill on the other side Baetis was in ancient times when S. Gerontius the martyr was bishop a place highly reuerenced Out of this towne sprang Traianus Hadrian and Theodosius three great and renowmed Emperors It is commonly called Old Siuill the vast ruines thereof being now scarse extant a wofull spectacle of the mutability of humane things by so much the more to be lamented in that the forlorne fragments of that most beautifull and large Amphitheatrum which now lie scattered and disiointed renew a more sad memory of the ancient greatnesse and magnificence At this time the Archbishop of Siuill hath for suffragans the bishops of Malaga of Cadiz and of the Canary-isles The maiesty dignity wealth of this church we cannot in few words decypher Sufficeth that we do gather out of their own audits accounts that the archbishops yerely reuenues amount to aboue 100000. duckets The principall of the church vnder him haue cleerely more than 30000 the whole society of the church is allowed 120000. which are diuided among 40. Canons 11. priuileged priests 20. fellow-portionaries or pensioners and so many halfe-pensioners yet so as the Canons and priuileged priests haue such daily allowance as by the yeere comes to 2000. duckats a man the pensioners haue lesse than so much by a fourth part and the halfe-pensioners are allowed only a third part Next vnto the Archbishop the greatest authority remaines in the Deane whose dignity is esteemed worth 5000.
duckats a yeere Besides here are in this church 20. masse-priests which from their number we call Vicenarios who for their nightly and daily orizons are allowed euery day amongst them all 200. duckats and aboue also there are 200. other priests who out of their priuate chapels do raise stipends sufficient for their maintenance Rich benefices in this diocesse there are to the number of 600 many whereof are valued at 1000. some at 2000. duckats by the yeere and of lesser cures which are called chapels or chanteries almost 2000. Here are likewise many cloisters of monks and nunnes wherein their religion and the study of their diuinity flourisheth most of them in yeerely reuenues being able to dispend 6000. duckats There stands a monastery of Carthusians most sumptuously built vpon the banke of Baetis within view of Siuill which hath 25000. duckats by the yeere Long it were to recken vp all their hospitals whenas within Siuill only there are aboue 120. very richly indowed many with 8000. and some with 15000. duckats of yerely income Thus much of this region or diocesse out of the relation of Don Francisco Pacheco Concerning Siuill and the territory thereto adiacent you may reade at large in the Iournall of Nauagierus The Kingdome of VALENTIA PTolemey calles the people inhabiting this part of Hispania Tarraconensis Heditanos Plinie names the region Edetania It seemes that in Strabo they are called Sidetani and in Liuy Sedetani Plinie also mentions the people Sedetanos and the region Sedetania but diuers from these as appeareth out of his third booke and third chapter In this tract stands the city of Valentia albeit Ptolemey ascribes it to the Cotestani a nation bordering not farre off From this city as from the principall all the whole region is denominated and it containes the ancient Hedetania Cotestania and part of Ilercaonia This prouince put on the title of a kingdome about the yeere of our Lord 788. as you may reade in Peter de Medina and Peter Antonie Beuthero It is situate vpon the Mediterran sea and is refreshed with the streames of Turia a riuer so called by Salust Priscian and Vibius by Pomponius Mela Durias and by Plinie Turium Now they call it Guetalabiar which is an Arabicke name imposed by the Moores and in English is as much to say as pure and cleare water It is a riuer not very deepe but in regard of the euerflourishing banks bedecked with roses and sundry kinds of flowers most exceeding pleasant It is on both sides from the very fountaine to the outlet naturally clad with beautifull and shadie woods euery where you may behold the Withy the Plane the Pine-tree and other trees neuer disrobed of their leaues so that Claudian wrote most truly of it Faire Duria with flowers and rosie banks adorn'd There is also the riuer Sucro which by a new name they call Xucar Two hilles here are among the rest one called Mariola and the other Pennagolosa that is The rocke of dainties wherunto from other places resort great store of Herbalists Physicians for vpon these hilles grow great abundance of very rare plants and herbs They haue also a siluer-mine at a place called Buriol in the way from Valentia to Tortosa In a place likewise named Aioder are found certaine stones interlaced with golden veines At Cape Finistrat there are yron-mines and so are there by Iabea About Segorbia there is yet mention of a quarrey from whence Marble was wont to be conueyed to Rome In Picacent they dig Alabaster and all the countrey ouer Allume Oker Lime and Plaister in great abundance But the greatest riches of this countrey consisteth in earthen vessels which they call Porcellan which may perhaps be the same that ancient Writers call Vasa Murrhina These are made in diuers places of this kingdome so curiously and with such arte as the best Porcellans in Italie whereof in all countreys such reckening is made can hardly be preferred before them Who desires to know more of the excellency of this region and how fertile it is of all things especially of Sugar Wine and Oile let him reade the 9. 12. and 13. books written by Bernardine Gomez concerning the life of Iames the first King of Aragon Among the cities of this kingdome Valentia is the principall and the sea of a bishop which bishop as Marinaeus Siculus and Damianus a Goes do report may dispend 13000. duckats by the yeere Amongst all the Valentias of Europe this saith Bernardin Gomez is called by the French Valentia the great for it containeth 12000. houses besides the suburbs gardens which haue as many houses almost as the city it selfe Peter de Medina writeth that in this city there are aboue 10000. welles of fountaine water An exact description thereof you may reade in Iohn Mariana his 12. booke and 19. chap. It is so beautifull as the Spaniards in a common prouerbe say Rich Barçelona Plentifull Saragoça and Faire Valentia Plinie cals it a colonie of the Romans He saith it is three miles distant from the sea That this city of ancient time was called Roma of Romus the king of Spaine Annius out of Manethon and Beutherus out of the Annales do report let themselues auow it In an ancient inscription it is named COLONIA IVLIA VALENTIA It retained the name of Rome saith the same Beutherus vntill the Romans subdued it Who hauing inlarged beautified the same called it Valentia a name signifying the quality of the place Here was a councell held in the yere of our Lord 466. It is a city of venerable antiquity where euen till these our dayes remaine many ancient marbles with inscriptions of the Romans grauen vpon them whereof some are in the custody of the said Beutherus and Ambr. Morales The territory of this city is for the greatest part inhabited by a people descended of the Moores retaining as yet the speech and conuersation of their fathers and grandfathers which I learned of that most worthie and famous man Frederick Furius Caeriolanus naturall of Valentia VALENTIAE REGNI olim CONTESTANORVM SI PTOLEMAEO EDETANORVM SI PLINIO CREDIMVS TYPVS Cum priuilegio ad decennium 1584. GADES otherwise called CADIZ CALIZ or CALIS-MALIS VNder the name of Gades Strabo Plinie and some other Writers giue notice of two islands Mela Solimus Dionysius and Ptolemey make mention but of one which together with the city they call Gadira They that will haue two Gades call the one The greater and the other The lesser This as writeth Plinie out of Philistides Timaeus and Silenus and Strabo out of Pherecides was named Erythia and Aphrodisea and they call it also Iunoes Island By the inhabitants also it was properly called Erythia and Cotinusa by the Carthaginians Gadir and the Romans named it Tartesson as the same Plinie writeth At this present there is but one only isle and that verie much diminished by the oceans violent waues which the Spaniards call Cadiz and corruptly Caliz and our countrymen I know not
called by an vsuall prouerbe The Barne or Granarie of Paris It hath no vineyards which defect some thinke is rather to be imputed to the sloth of the inhabitants than to the intemperature either of the soile or of the climate The cities here of principall note are Amiens in Latine Ambianum famous both for antiquitie and the Episcopall sea It is enuironed around with the riuer Somme Wherefore some fondly thinke it to be named Ambianum ab ambitu aquarum because it is compassed with waters It is one of the strongest townes in all France The vulgar suppose it to haue beene built by the souldiers of Alexander the great Vnder the diocesse of Amiens is Abbeuile the name whereof is new as appeareth by the deriuation which in Latine is Abbatis villa that is The Abbats towne for out of an Abbey it increased at length to the greatnesse and forme of a citie It is now the head citie of the county Ponthieu which region is so called à multitudine pontium of the multitude of bridges because it is in diuers places pestered with Marshes and Fennes Picquenie stands in this prouince also built as the common sort imagine by one Pignon a principall souldier of Alexander the great Likewise in Vermandois you haue the towne of S. Quintins which many suppose to haue beene Augusta Veromanduorum being the ancient seat of the Earles of Vermandois and the head of that region Peronne so often spoiled in warres who can be ignorant of Guise also seemes to be a Fort against Lutzenburgh Hence the Guisian familie deriue their name Other cities there be of lesse moment as Corbie Roye Nelle Hen Cattelette Mondidier c. In a little French pamphlet intitled Chemins de France or the wayes of France Picardy is diuided into three parts The Lower The Higher and Picardy properly so called wherein are contained the Regions of Vermandois Retelois Tartenois and Tirasse Picardy properly so called is described in this our Table PICARDIAE Belgicae regionis descriptio Joanne Surhonio auctore Cum Imp. et Reg. priualegio decenn 1579 PROVENCE THat portion of France which ancient Writers called Narbonensem and Bracchatam Caesar and Plinie doe comprehend vnder the name of Prouincia part whereof is conteined within the riuers Rosne and Durance the Alpes the riuer Varo and the Mediterran sea the inhabitants as yet call by the name of PROVENCE Petrarch writes it was sometimes called Regnum Arelatense The middle-age writers call it Prouinciam Viennensem tertiam It bordereth West vpon Languedoc North vpon Daulphine East it is confined by Piemont and South by the Mediterran sea and the Isles Stoechades This euer was and now is accounted the most fertile region of France for Strabo saith it yeelds all sorts of fruits that Italie affoordeth If we may credit Belleforest it beareth sugar about the towne of Yeres Manna is here gathered as the same authour affirmeth The principall cities of this prouince are Massilia commonly Marseille which was the ancient Ionica Colonia of the Phocaean Greeks being as Caesar 5. Ciuil reports compassed by the sea on three sides and on the fourth side hauing a passage to the land Strabo writes that the hauen is in forme of a Theater and that within compasse thereof they haue docks for the building and a storehouse for the furnishing of ships Here was a temple of the Ephesian Diana and another of Apollo Delphicus The citizens were treble-tongued speaking Greeke Latine and French as S. Ierome reporteth out of Varro Of this citie reade more largely in the 43. booke of Trogus Pompeius and in a Panegyricke speech vttered before Constantine the great by Anonymus or one vnnamed The citie Arelatum commonly Arles vpon the riuer of Rhosne which by Ausonius is named Arelas or Gallula Roma as likewise double Arelas because as learned Vinetus obserueth it was heretofore by the said riuer diuided in twaine Now it may well be called single Arelas looking of a farre other shape and all situate vpon that side of the riuer which is towards Italie This Ammianus makes the renowme of many cities And Suetonius saith that heere was a Romane colonie planted by Tiberius the Emperor his father Procopius affirmes that it was heretofore the head citie of the Burgundians Next followes Aquae Sextiae so called saith Strabo because that very Sextius which subdued Salyes built this citie after his owne name and after the name of certaine hot bathes in the same place Now it is corruptly called Aix These bathes Strabo in his time supposeth to haue turned colde and so Robert Caenalis at this present affirmeth that they haue lost their ancient vertue The Parliament of the whole prouince is here resident Of this citie Gabriel Simeonius writeth that he neuer saw either a more pleasant place or a more courteous people Then haue you the citie Cabellio now called Cauaillon Tarascon retaining still the ancient name Carpentoracte commonly Carpentras Vasio now Voiton the same with Forum Vocontiorum as some thinke Taurentum and Telo Martius which some now interpret to be Toulon Forum Iulij now Frejus Olbia which perhaps is Yeres Antipolis Antibe Segusteron Cisteron Vintium Venze Glanatica Glandeues Dinia Digne Tecolata thought to be S. Maximines Grinicensis Grasse All famous for antiquitie Moreouer here is the towne of S. Baume situate vpon a craggie hill in which is a caue where the inhabitants hold opinion that Mary Magdalen did penance and ended her dayes Likewise at the mouth of Rhosne the reader may see on the one side the field called La Craux and on the other side La Camargo This last named they say is miraculously fertile of wheat And Belleforest thinks it to be called Camargo à castris Marij of the campe of Marius here pitched Whereas the other named La Craux is out of measure barren yeelding nought but stones for which cause it is by ancient Writers most aptly called Campus Lapideus or The stonie field The isles adiacent to this prouince are the Stoechades dispersed as Pomponius writeth from the shore of Liguria or Genoa as farre as Marseille Plinie makes them three in number naming ech And Strabo saith there are three of importance and two small ones not worthy to be mentioned About these isles growes most excellent Corrall as Plinie witnesseth which Belleforest reporteth still to continue In commendation of this prouince Petrus Quinqueranus Bishop of Sens hath written a peculiar volume On this side the riuer Durance this Region bordereth vpon that part of the Popes iurisdiction which is commonly called Conte de Venacin in Latine Comitatus Venuxinus and Veneticus wherein stands the Citie and Vniuersitie of Auignon which in times past was the Papall sea namely from Pope Clement the fift in the yeere 1300. till Gregorie the second for the space of 60. yeeres Petrarch then called it The French and Westerne Babylon Besides other notable things in this citie seuen there are seuen times told right worthy the admiration namely seuen Palaces
Prouince two thousand two hundred petie villages with Churches and steeples At this present it beareth the title of an Earledome and it containes within it one Princedome eight inferiour Earledomes twelue Peeres two and twentie Baronies six and twentie Abbeys with other titles of dignitie which are to be seene in Guicciardine The principall cities are Mons and Valenchienes the last whereof situate vpon the riuer Scheld where it begins to be nauigable for boats and barks is a towne very large and strongly walled The townesmen for the most part imploy themselues in trade of merchandise and reape exceeding gaines by a kinde of cloth which they call Fussets great quantitie whereof is wouen in this citie and carried from hence to the furthest parts of the world Mons standeth vpon the little riuer Trouille almost in the very midst of all the region A towne very sufficiently fortified against all hostile attempts The citizens enrich themselues by a kinde of stuffe commonly called Saye whereof great abundance is here made Here are besides the townes of Condet Halle Angie Maubeuge Auesne Beaumont Chimay Quercey the retiring place of Mary sister to Emperour Charles the fift who built there a most stately and sumptuous Palace which was then highly esteemed but afterward by the French King Henry the second quite burned and defaced Here also is Bauacum commonly called Bauais which some thinke to be Baganum or Bagacum mentioned by Ptolemey Others are of opinion that Caesar in his commentaries calles it Belgium Howbeit Hubert of Liege thinks it not to haue been so mightie in Caesars time but rather most of all to haue flourished vnder Constantine the Emperour which he gathereth by the ancient coines here dayly digged vp in great quantitie with the said Emperours image vpon them In the market-place of this towne stands a pillar of stone at the foot whereof the inhabitants say that all those wayes begin which with an high and direct passage extend from hence to all parts of France These wayes they say were made by Brunchild And euen till this day they are called after his name For the French commonly term them Chemins de Brune hault albeit the high Dutch call them de Rasije There are as yet extant in sundry places some broken remainders of these wayes Bouillus noteth certaine wonders of them namely that they are higher than the fields on either side that they lie most directly betweene the principall townes of France and that they are paued with flint-stones whereof all the fields adiacent are destitute so that with admiration a man may imagine that these flints either sprang out of the earth or rained downe from heauen or by a greater force than mans hand were gathered all the world ouer for the grauelling of these wayes Also vpon the frontiers of this region towards the riuer Maese in the way to France you haue Charlemont Marieburg and Philippeuille most strong garrisons against the incursions of the French being built and so named by Emperour Charles the fift by Mary his sister and by K. Philip his sonne This region aboundeth with iron and lead-mines Heere are found also sundry kindes of marbles as blacke white and particoloured right commodious for the adorning of the palaces and sepulchres of Kings and great Nobles Likewise here is digged great plentie of lime Also a kinde of stony and blacke coales hardened in the nature of pitch which the inhabitants vse for fewell in stead of wood And heere also are made those thin transparent panes of glasse by meanes whereof vnseasonable windes and weather are fenced out of houses and churches and this glasse excelleth all other that is made in any place besides More you may reade in Guicciardine and in a peculiar discourse that Iacobus Lessabaeus hath written of this region Also Hubert Thomas of Liege in his booke de Tungris Eburonibus writeth thereof many memorable things NOBILIS HANNONIAE COMITATVS DESCRIP Auctore Iacobo Surhonio Montano Pays de Haynault tenu de Dieu et du Soleil Cum priuilegijs Imp. et Regi Maitis ad deconn 1579 ARTOIS THat the Atrebates were not the meanest people of Gallia Belgica Caesar himselfe is witnesse They are and haue beene a warlike nation retaining as yet their ancient name The head citie called in Latine Atrebatum was of olde the Metropolitan also of Flanders now it is named in French Arras whereof the region adiacent and all the whole Prouince is called Artois as if you would say Arratois casting away the middle syllable Hereupon by a new Latine name they call it Artesia The whole region was by S. Lewis the French King adorned with the title of an Earledome and the first Earle thereof was Robert the same Kings brother as writeth Vignier It is very large extending from the frontiers of Cambresis Picardie Henault and Flanders euen to the Ocean sea It was in times past subiect to the Crowne of France but now by meanes of the peace betweene Emperour Charles the fift and Francis the first the French King concluded 1529 it is an absolute state of it selfe It hath two famous cities namely Arras and S. Omer the principall townes be Ayre Hesdin Lens Bethune Bappames S. Paul Lillers and Perne all which places are subiect to the King Catholike The cities of Boulogne Calais Guisnes and Ardres which are also within the bounds of this Countie are the French Kings for Pontieu is now abolished It hath also diuers fortresses and strong holds besides an incredible number of noblemens castles which they vse for dwelling houses It contained of olde two famous bishopricks namely Arras and Ponthieu but since Ponthieu in the yere 1553. was vtterly destroyed the iurisdiction thereof was distributed to three Episcopall seas namely S. Omer and Ypre for the one halfe and Boulogne for the residue Bailiwicks or Hundreds being the principall members or parts of the whole Countie it hath nine namely that of Arras of S. Omer of Ponthieu of Ayre Hesdin Lens Bappames Auen Bredenard and Aubignie Vnder the Bailiwicke of Arras are comprized Boulogne S. Paul Perne Bethune and Lilers but Calais Guisnes and Ardres doe by ancient right belong to S. Omer Likewise the Earle of Artois had other inferiour Earles to his vassals as namely the Earle of Boulogne of S. Paul of Arcques of Blangie of Faukenberge and of Syneghen Now also it is augmented with the Princedome of Espinee and the Marquesate of Renty But how Boulogne first exempted it selfe from the iurisdiction of Artois it is manifest out of histories for after a certaine Earle of Boulogne was attainted of treason against the French King the King vpon that occasion seizing vpon his Earldom it euer since denied homage vnto Artois Wherefore the Earle of Artois losing the one halfe of his right assumed directly to himselfe homage or fealty ouer the county of S. Paul which before was feudatarie to the Earle of Boulogne saying often times that he would not be depriued both of his homage
Henricus Olim enim sub ducibus Saxoniae erat BVCHAVIA or BVCHONIA IN this prouince standeth the Abbey of Fuld concerning the originall and situation whereof thus writeth Munster FVLDA is the head city of that part of Germanie which in times past some called Buchonia others the forest or desert of Buchauia namely of Beech-trees wherefore at this present we call it Fagoniam and Fagunetum And that this name is deriued of Fagus a beech the name of a towne therein called Fag or Fach not farre from the high hill Taurus doth plainly import This region is situate betweene Turingen Frankenlandt Hesse and Wederaugia bordering on the confines of all the said regions and lying as it were in the center of them For townes castles villages riuers pooles woods fields hortyards sweet fountaines and fruitfull soile so farre forth as the asperitie of these regions may affourd it is none of the meanest parts of Germanie notwithstanding it beareth no vines at all The riuers are Fuld whereof the city that it runnes by is called Fuld Hun Guerra and Vlster The whole countrey is full of woods abounding with oaks and beeches The little villages neere the city they call Celles in token of the order of the Benedictins there dwelling in times past But the chiefe grace and ornament of this region is the ancient and magnificent Church of S. Sauiour which the memory of S. Boniface makes most renowmed by whose meanes the city of Fulda was first built and inlarged being before but a waste wildernesse For this being the Church of that most ancient monastery was before the towne anno 655. erected in the time of the Emperour Pipin father to Charlemaigne More you may reade in Sebastian Munster Sundry particulars also concerning the originall of this Abbey and the deeds of the Abbats you shall find in the Chronography of Valentine Muntzer published in Dutch where he saith that the ground-plot of this city of Fulda before the building thereof was called Eulenloch that is The den of Owles And where the Abbey of S. Peter now standeth it was of old named Eulenbergh or The hill of Owles THE COVNTIE OF WALDECK THis Countie containeth a part of Hesse it is a fruitfull region and watered with many riuers the principall whereof abounding with fish is called Eder and is sayd to yeeld graines of gold Then haue you also the riuers Dimel Twist Ahra Vrba and Ither The soile affourds both corne and wine Also it hath mines of siluer quick-siluer copper lead salt and alume The principall places are the city and castle of Waldeck which giueth name to the whole region Astinchusen Dudinchusen Landawe a city and castle with the towne and castle of Mengerhusen where the Earle at this present holds his court the towne and castle of Roden in the territory whereof is much hunting Wetterburg a castle most pleasantly situate betweene Twist and Ahra the old and new towne of Wildung distinct both in name and place neere vnto which are certaine mines that yeeld both golde copper and siluer Here are likewise fountaines of sower water And here they brew the best beere in all the countrey The castle of Eisenburg in the fields whereof as at Wildung is digged vp gold and yron mine Here also they dig a kinde of stones which they burne in stead of coales The castle of Eilhusen most gallantly seated and diuided by a riuer from Vrba Corbach a strong city the castle and towne of Newburg the castle Ither and the monastery of Werben c. BVCHAVIAE siue FVLDENSIS DITIONIS TYPVS Wolfgango Regrwill auctore 1574. WALDECCENSIS COMITATVS DESCRIPTIO ACCVRATISSIMA Cum Priuilegio Caes. et Reg. M t s decennali Iustus Moers describ Anno. 1575. The Dukedomes of BRVNSWIICK and LVNENBVRG THese two regions are at this present subiect to one Prince They are both named of the principall cities Brunswijck and Lunenburg The city of Brunswijck was about the yeere 860. built by Bruno the sonne of Ludolphus who as Crantzius saith first erected a street or borough calling it Brunonis vicus whereupon the whole citie hath euer since beene called Brunswijck A place of great renowme situate in the midst of Saxonie vpon the riuer Onadri which falles into the Weser The beginnings of this towne were small Howbeit in processe of time and by degrees it is now growen to such state riches and strength as the Princes thereof are worthily called Dukes of Brunswijck But it was very long first For of ancient times they bare only the title of Lords but vnder Frederick the Emperour in the yeere 1235 renewing their stile they were ordained Dukes This is one of the seuentie Hanse-townes From which societie by a generall Councell of all the said townes held at Lubeck anno 1381 they were excluded in regard of a most cruell and bloudy sedition wherein the greatest part of their Aldermen they slue and the rest they banished And so they were depriued of the benefit of the said societie for eight yeeres vntill they had done publike penance and satisfaction From which time they were admitted anew into the said incorporation of the Hanse that is to say to be partakers of all priuileges granted by Princes and gouernours of former times to all that were free of the said societie in those foure famous marts to wit London in England Bruges in Flanders Bergen in Norway and Nouogrod in Russia Their tutelary saint or protectour they holde to be S. Anthor the Confessor whilome Bishop of Triers For the honour of whose body because it could not be brought within their city walles they erected a monastery vnder the title of S. Giles then neere vnto the walles but now the city being inlarged within the same Thus much out of Crantzius his story of Saxonie and Wandalia The praise of this citie you may finde in Aeneas Siluius his 23. chap. of Europe The citie of LVNEBVRG built about the yeere of Christ 1190. vpon an hill named Calcarium was so called not as the ignorant imagine from Idolum lunae the idol of the moone which Iulius Caesar or I wot not who did there consecrate for this is but an old wiues tale but from a place not farre off by the riuer Elmenou called Luna where there hath for many yeeres continued a cloister of Nunnes It is a citie of great strength enuironed with ditches and walles The citizens greatest traffique is for salt for here are most plentifull and rich salt-pits out of which they raise exceeding gaines For salt is here boiled in great quantitie and vented from hence both by sea and land to Hamborough Lubeck and other places These salt-mines were first found in the yeere of Christ 1269. This city of Luneburg with the territory adiacent is in a peculiar Treatise described by Lucas Lossius Of Hildesheim fiue miles distant from Brunswijck M. Antonie Mockerus a citizen thereof hath written also a peculiar discourse In this Table vpon the riuer Weser or Visurgis stands the citie of
are Aquileya adorned with the title of a Patriarchy This citie Mela nameth The rich In times past it was the seat of the Emperours and therefore it was called Another Rome and was in compasse twelue miles In it there haue beene accounted long since an hundred and twentie thousand citizens The great prosperitie and flourishing estate of this citie especially grew by the great thronging hither of Merchants for that from all quarters almost of the world by reason of the great commodiousnesse of the place easie and safe entrance vnto it aswell by land as by sea merchandise were conueyed to this citie as to a common ware-house That great trade of merchandise ended together with the fortune of the citie the Venetians growing mightie and drawing vnto themselues all meanes of trade and traffique so that now of a most flourishing and populous city it is almost wast and desert Vtina which also is called Vtinum the Italians vulgarly call it Vdene the Dutch Weyden situate in a plaine hath a strong castle built vpon the toppe of an hill raised by the labour and industrie of man conteining at this day fortie furlongs in compasse Tergeste Trieste vpon the sea shore a colonie of the Romans Goritia sometime if I be not deceiued called Noreia Here are many monuments of great antiquitie to this day remaining The citie Austria many thinke it in olde time to haue beene called Forum Iulij situate in the straights of the mountaines is a place strong and fortified by nature Thorow the middest of it doth runne the riuer Natiso vpon the which is a faire stone bridge S. Daniels towne seated vpon a very high and steepe hill Porto Gruaro vpon the South banke of Limine Then Spilimbergo Marano Montfalcone and others of which thou mayest reade in Leander out of whom we haue drawen this briefe description Iohannes Candidus hath written an historie of Aquileia whose copartener in his labour and trauell Leander writeth to haue beene Gregorius Amasaeus Of the monuments and antiquities of Aquileia Sabellicus hath written six bookes which are euery where to be gotten FORI IVLII ACCVRATA DESCRIPTIO Cum Priuilegio Ex Bibliotheca Nobilis et doctissimi Ioannis Sambuci Imperatoriae Mats. Historici 1573. IVLIAE ALPES IAPIDES ET CARNI The liberties of the citie of VERONA THe citie of the Cenomanes situate in Gallia Cisalpina or as now they call it Lombardie is within the iurisdiction of the Venetians a citie most stately built vpon ech banke of the riuer Adese but conioyned by foure faire bridges The same riuer as it doth diuide it into two parts so it doth almost on euery side enclose it round so that it is not only a commodity vnto the citie but also a defence and ornament vnto the same The soile of this tract is excellent good yeelding many things necessary and profitable vnto it Great store of oile and corne yeelding yeerely great gaines vnto the country people by selling and transporting it to forren nations Woll for finenesse excelling the other sorts of Italie The citie is most excellently and pleasantly seated beautified with faire and goodly buildings aswell priuate as publike It hath many famous monuments of antiquitie worth the regarding amongst the which is the Amphitheater which the common sort call Arena The sand of all those which remaine in Italie or in other places of Europe the whollest and least defaced either by iniurie of times or rage of barbarous nations Moreouer a triumphall arche in whose inscription this citie is termed COLONIA AVGVSTA VERONA NOVA GALLIENIANA There are also other monuments which here for breuitie sake we must omit The liberties or ground belonging to this citie is in length from the little towne Baruchello vnto Riua which is on the farther side of Lago de Garda sixtie fiue miles in bredth which beginneth at La torre delle confine vnto Riuoltella fortie miles and conteineth in all 1443378. fields so the common people of Italie call the measure whereby they measure their lands Seardeonius interpreteth it Akers whereof 1223112. are fertile 220266 are barren which notwithstanding dayly by the industry and diligence of the husbandmen are made more fruitfull There is in this tract a very high mountaine the Mappe placeth it betweene Lago de Gardo and the riuer Adese which they call Baldo This hill is very well knowen to Herborists and Apothecaries which flocke hither from all quarters and do gather many kindes of herbs and roots necessary in Physicke and good and holesome for the vse of man There is also here in a certaine vale called Policella a place named Negarina where there is a very hard stone to be seene hauing vpon it teats carued to the iust fashion and proportion of a womans breasts out of the which pappes water doth continually distill and droppe wherewith if a nurse or a woman giuing sucke doe wash her breasts dried vp by sicknesse or any other mischance it presently draweth downe the milke againe There are also other waters of this countrey giuen by the benefit of nature both pleasant and profitable But the studious Reader desirous to know more of this territory let him reade Blondus and Leander he shall be I dare boldly affirme satisfied at the full Torellus Sarayna hath written a whole booke of the antiquities originall gouernment and policy and famous men of the citie of Verona Georgius Iodocus Bergamus hath described Lago de Garda or Benacke lake in verse in fiue books Iulius Caesar Scaliger hath sounded forth the praise of the citie Verona and the lake Benacke in his funerall oration VERONAE VRBIS TERRITORIVM à Bernardo Brognolo descriptum 1579. Cum Priuilegio decannali The Duchie of MILLANE LEander in the description of Italie after a long discourse of the gouernment of this Duchie maketh this relation of Millane his chiefe citie The citie Millane saith he is so conueniently seated that besides the great store of fruite which the ground of his territories do yeeld out of Gallia Cisalpina or Lombardie all things aswell for pleasure and delight as for profit and necessarie vse in mans life may be easily transported thither It is so great that it may well compare with the greatest cities of all Europe It hath very longe and large suburbes by which it is greatly augmented some of them so huge that they may contend for bignesse with other great cities of Italie Notwithstanding of late yeares they suffered great wrecke by reason of the mortall warres and continuall troubles betweene Charles the fift and the French and Venetians By which they were by fire and sword almost vtterly ouerthrowne and destroied although now by great diligence and industrie of the citizens they are reedified againe Wide and deepe diches full of water do compasse both the citie and suburbes by which on euery side by boate and barge such great store of prouision is brought vnto it that there is not any thing heere which is not to be bought at a reasonable rate It is very
Manutius doth highly commend it both for learning and chiualrie Whether this be that Quintianum of which Optatus after speaketh I leaue to the learned to determine The riuer Mela or Mella of which Virgil maketh mention doth runne through the middest of this shire as also Catullus in this verse affirmeth Brixia Cygnaea positus in specula Flauus quam molli percurrit flumine Mella Old Brixia plac'd amidde the brookes as gardian of the Swans The riuer Mella kindly greet'th and watereth all his lands This riuer retaineth the name of Mella vnto this day Notwithstanding it runneth not by it now as you may see although not farre off from thence it passeth through his liberties The little riuer which runneth along by the city is now called Garza but I thinke that in old time it was also called Mella And I thinke I may truly affirme that the riuer Mella when it approacheth neere vnto the city spreadeth it selfe into two channells both of them retaining the same name do make a riuer-iland like as Nilus maketh Heracleopolites and then againe falling into one streame still keepe the name of Mella and hauing so heauily laden runne for many miles together at length it vnladeth it selfe into the riuer Ollio But before I finish the discourse of this Mappe I haue thought good to say somewhat of the Lakes of the same The lake Benacus called of the poet Catullus Lydius Capriolus thinketh to haue been so named of the city Benaco sometime seated vpon his brinke a mention of which to this day remaineth still in a village called Toscolano which thou seest vpon his west side standing vpon a brooke of the same name A memoriall of this city is preserued in an auncient monument whose inscription Manutius setteth downe in his Orthographie This lake is now called Garda of the castle Garda placed opposite vnto Benaco vpon his east banke This lake as Alexius Vgonius writeth in a letter of his to Cardinall Poole aboundeth with store of fish which for goodnesse do far surpasse all others It is enclosed on euery side with most pleasant hilles into it from all quarters the cleare fountaines flow Goodly meddowes vines oliues beeches laurell and cedars besides townes furnished with all maner of necessarie prouision like a crowne beset it round on euery side so that nothing at all of those things may further be desired which may make a champion country either beautifull to the eie or commendable for profit and commodities c. While I was writing of this there came into my mind what speech I once had of this lake with that most learned good man Benedictus Arias Montanus for we both had seene the same although not at the same time in which we both did protest either to other that we neuer in all our liues had seene a place either more pleasant for situation or more delightsome to the eie so that it was no maruell that Catullus did so highly commend in his Epigrammes that his Sirmion and the waters of this lake The other lake in this Cart is Sebinus or Seuinnus for Plinie vseth both made by the riuer Ollio This now they call Iseo of a town of the same name situate vpon his banke There is also another lake which they call Idro by what name it was called of the auncients or whether by any I doe not certainly know I know that a certaine learned man doth hold it to be Brigantinus Lacus whereof Plinie speaketh but why I am not of his opinion I haue shewed reasons in my Geographicall treasure Bresciano BRIXIANI AGRI TYPVS Brixia Cygnaea supposita in specula Cum priuilegio Imperiali Regio et Belgico 1590. Milliaria Italica decem The Dukedome of PIEMONT THat prouince which was formerly called Taurinorum regio is now termed Piemont or Pedemont for that it is seated at the bottome of the Alpes which do diuide France and Sauoy from Italie and so is as one would say The prouince at the foot of the hilles The bounds of this country are thus on the East the riuer Po on the South the Alpes of Liguria vpon the West the Alpes of France on the North Riuiera di Duria It hath many goodly fields full of pleasant and fruitfull hilles which yeeld corne and other sorts of graine excellent wines and fruite great store It is well replenished with Cities Townes and Villages Vnder the gouernment of the Lombardes it was called The Dukedome of Taurine so named of the city Taurin By them it was first reduced into the forme of a prouince vnder the iurisdiction of a Duke The gouernment of the Lombardes being come vnto a period it was made subiect to the Kings of Italie who were alwaies chosen by the Emperours after that it was gouerned by diuers Petie Kings and long since in later ages it was accounted as part of the iurisdiction of the Princes Earles and Dukes of Sauoy vntill the yeare 1536. when as Francis the first King of France tooke a great part of it and now it is againe restored to the Duke of Sauoy The chiefe city of this Prouince is Turin seated at the mouth of the riuer Dorra where it falleth into Po. This citie Ptolemey Plinie and Tacitus call Augusta Taurinorum That this citie in old time was a very famous citie it may easily appeare in that it was a colonie of the Romanes It lieth at the foot of the mountaines it is foure square and hath foure goodly gates It is very famous for the rich Isle and state of the citizens and is adorned with many goodly buildings amongst the which the Cathedrall Church is most beautifull It hath an Vniuersitie of all maner of goodly learning and is very well serued with all sorts of prouision of victuall The countrie is of a very good and fertile soile especially toward the East and South hauing Vallies most rich for veines of Iron Paulus Diaconus affirmeth that Taurin was the seat of the Lombardes vnto whom it was subiect vntill Desiderius their king was ouercome and taken by Charles the Great and then it was brought vnder the subiection of the Kings of Italie Emperours Countes Montferrate and Marchions and Dukes of Sauoy to whom at this time it is obedient Neere the head of the riuer Po toward Ripell or C. de Reuell and Paisana are quarries of most excellent Marble Vpon the North side of the fountaine of the riuer Po beginneth a certaine pleasant valley called the Vale of Po or as the inhabitants terme it the Vale of Luserna of the towne Luserna which standeth in it It runneth out in length thirtie miles and is not aboue foure miles broad In the entrance of his Eastend is Mambrinum in the end toward the West is a very high stone crosse The people of this place are commonly called The Christians but in some maners and customes which they vse they scarse follow the strickt rules of Christianity nay they do obserue most vngodly and wicked rites and ceremonies amongst which
beast which the Latines call Alces the Dutch Elandt The people speake the Slauonian tongue like as also the Polanders do Their chiefe city is Vilna a Bishop sea and is as bigge as Cracow but the houses in it do not stand close together or touch one another but like as in the country gardens and orchyeards are between house and house All that Oke-timber which we call Wagenschott of which almost all the buildings carpenters worke and ioiners worke as well publicke as priuate is made in the Low-countries as also the greatest part of their furniture and houshold-stuffe is feld in these parts and from thence is through the East sea the Latines call it Mare balticum the Dutch Oostsee the Russians Wareczkouie morie and Germane ocean transported into these countries In SAMOGITIA which in their language signifieth Low-land the people are tall and of a goodly stature but rude and barbarous in their maners and behauiour vsing a sparing and homely diet The Russians call this prouince Samotzkasemla Heere is no maner of faire buildings but their houses are like houels or poore cottages made of wood and couered with straw or reed From the bottome vpward by a little and little their buildings are made lesse and lesse like the keele of a ship or great helmet In the toppe it hath one window letting in the light from aboue vnderneath which is the hearth or chimney where they dresse their meat In that house they hide themselues their wiues children seruants maides sheep cattell corne and houshold-stuffe altogether Sichardus in his history of Germany writeth that the people of Samogitia are descended from the Saxons and therefore although they be subiect to the kingdome of Polonia yet the Saxons challenging it to be a part of their iurisdiction they do affirme it to pertaine to the precinct of Saxony MASOVIA is a shire held of the king of Poland in homage The chiefe or Metropolitane city of this prouince is Warsouia where they make the excellent mead a kind of drinke made of hony c. VOLHINIA a country abounding with all maner of things a very fertile soile full of townes and castles PODOLIA is of such a fruitfull soile that the grasse in three daies will couer a sticke being cast into it It is so ranke and groweth so fast that a plough being left in it vpon the head-lands or grassie places of the field in a very few daies wil be so couered ouer that you shall hardly find it againe Heere also is great store of hony The head city is Camyenetz RVSSIA yeeldeth great plenty of Horses Oxen and Sheep of very fine wooll Their drinke is mead which they make of hony Wine also is brought hither from Pannonia Moldauia and Walachria The chiefe city of this prouince is Leunpurg the Latines call it Leopolis lion-Lion-city MOLDAVIA is a part of Walachia whose metropolitane city is Sossouia commonly called Sotschen The inhabitants of this country are a fierce and cruell people but very good souldiours and therefore they are at continuall enmity with the Transsiluanians As the custome of the Thracians was in old time to marke the Noblemens children with a hot iron so they report that the Lords of Moldauia to this day do vse to marke their children assoone as they be borne with some kind of marke least a question might arise whether they were the right and lawfull heires or not and that aliens and strangers might be excluded from inheritance amongst them as Reinerus Reineckius in his discourse of noble families hath written Many other things of thse countries thou maiest read of in Matthias of Michow in his discourse of the Sarmaties Albert Crantz in his description of Wandalia Bonfinius in his history of Hungary and Laonicus Chalcondylas in his first and third bookes But of all Martine Cromer in his Chronicle of Poland hath most excellently described these countries and Sigismund of Herberstain in his commentaries of Moschouia See also Sebastian Munster Pius Secundus Pope of Rome and Dauid Chytraeus in his Chronicle of Saxony Iohannes Duglossus a most copious historian of the Polonians is cited by Ioach mus Cureus but as yet not published as he affirmeth George of Reichersdorff hath most curiously described Moldauia Laonicus Chalcondylas also in his second booke hath diuers things worth the knowing of this country POLONIAE LITVANIAEQ DESCRIPTIO Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio et correctore Andrea Pograbio Pilsnensi Cum Priuilegio Imp. Regiae etc. decennali SPRVSE GRomer in his description of Poland describeth this country on this maner Amongst many other nations of Sarmatia in Europe the Borussi by Ptolemey are placed very farre North in that coast where now as I thinke the Liuonians and Moschouites do dwell beyond the riuer Chernish next neighbours to the Ryphaeans Those with Erasmus stella I iudge to haue passed further South and West and possessed a great part of Sarmatia which is vpon the East adioined to the Russians and Moschouites and is enclosed on the South with woods and the Hercynian forrest and all that coast along by Pautzkerwicke or Frish-haff as some thinke Ptolemey calleth it Sinus Venedicus Pliny Clylipenus the Balticke and East seas euen vnto the riuers Vistula Wixel or Weissel and Ossa and to be called Borussi or Prussi by names not much different In this compasse now do inhabit the Liuonians Lithuans Samagites and the Pruissen yet retaining the ancient appellation nations distinct in respect that they are subiect to diuers states and gouerned by different lawes and policies but vsing altogether the same language vulgarly wholly differing from the Slauonians yet hauing diuers Latine words intermedled and mixt among but for the most part corrupt and formed rather after the Italian and Spanish termination than after the Latine Notwithstanding the Dutch and Germanes of late yeares conquering that part which lieth vpon the sea and is called Spruisse and Liuonia haue planted their colonies there Heere hence it is that the Dutch tongue is more familiar and vsuall to these people than that ancient and vulgar language especially in the cities and townes Which also is vsuall amongst the Lithuans who by reason of their neighbourhood and entercourse with the Russians and colonies from thence enterteined do much what speake the Russian language For in that Duglossus deriueth the name and originall of this nation from Prusias the king of Bithynia it is altogether fabulous and not worth the confuting Some do thinke that the Borussi in the German tongue were so called for that they were neere the Russi but whether truly or fasly I list not heere to dispute When and how the Latine tongue did intermedle it selfe with the vulgar language of the Borussians Lithuanians and Liuonians we dare not constantly affirme Erasmus Stella saith that Borussia Prussia or Spruse was rather assaulted by the Romanes then conquered and alleadgeth Pliny for his authour whereupon that followeth that together with the Empire the Latine tongue could not there be spread
the Portugals still called Cussij of Cush I make no question The people are blacke or of a deep tawny or blackish colour and blacke we say in our common prouerbe will take none other hue Whereupon the Prophet Ieremy in the 23. verse of the 13. chapter of his prophecy saith thus Can ישוכ Cushi the Abyssine or Blacka-moore change his skinne or the leopard his spots For the same reason also the learned Diuines do iudge that Dauid in the title or superscription of the seuenth Psalme by Cush did meane Saul for that his deadly hate was such toward him that by no good meanes that he might vse he could make him change his mind more than an Indian doth his skinne as Kimchi the great Rabbine doth interpret this place The people are by profession Christians as appeareth by the letters of the said Dauid written vnto Pope Clement the seuenth Of whose manner of life customes and religion we haue gathered these few lines out of the trauels of Francis Aluares written and imprinted in the Italian tongue In these countries there are very many Monasteries and Religious houses both of men and women Into the Monasteries of the men there is neither woman nor any liuing creature of the female sex that may enter or once looke within the gates Their Monkes which heere do hold their Lent for fifty daies together do fast for the most part only with bread and water For in these countries there is small store of fish especially in the vpland places for although the riuers are well stored of fish yet they giue not their mind to fishing because they know not how to catch them there is none skilled in that art In time of Lent certaine of these Monkes do not eat any bread at all only they liue vpon rootes and herbs some of them for all that time do neuer go to bed nor sleepe but as they sit in the water vp to the chinne In their Churches they haue bels as we haue but for the most part made of stone Their Ministers and Priests are married They say Masse and do go in procession with crosses and censers like as they vse in some Churches in Europe The Friars do weare their haire long but their Priests do not so neither of them weare any shoes nor any man neither Churchman nor Layman may once enter within the Church dores with shoes on his feet They keep Sundaies and Holy-daies vpon which they do no manner of worke They are all circumcised both men and women but they are also baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost yet not vntill the fortith day after their birth they which liue not till this day are buried vnchristened to all those that are baptized the holy communion or Eucharist as they call it is at the same instant administred powring a great deale of water into the childes mouth that he may so much the more easily get it downe The proper names which then are giuen them are all of some signification They affirme that they were conuerted vnto Christian religion by Candaces a Queen of this country spoken of in the 27. verse of the 8. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles whose proper name they thinke was Iudith They haue a booke diuided into 8. parts this they call Manda and Abetilis which they do verily beleeue was written by all the Apostles being iointly for that purpose gathered together at Hierusalem all the contents of this booke they do most diligently and strictly obserue The baser sort of people do without any controwlement or feare of punishment marry 2. or 3. wiues according to their ability and as they can tell how to maintaine them but these are excommunicated and forbidden by the Cleargy to enter into the Church Their lawes do tolerate diuorcements The Noble-men do esteem raw beefe serued in with fresh or hot bloud in manner as we vse our boiled meats with pottage or stewed broth for a great and dainty dish In all the kingdome of Prester Iohn they haue no manner of brasen or copper money but in steed of it they vse pure gold vncoined of a certaine weight In like manner salt yet not only in these prouinces but also generall throughout all Africa is vsed in exchange and buying and selling in stead of money In some places small pieces of iron bright and burnished do serue that turne But pepper amongst these people is of such great price that whatsoeuer a man will buy he may easily obtaine it for that merchandice These countries haue almost all sorts of beasts and fowles as Elephants Lions Tygres Losses Lynces the Latines call them Badgers Apes and Stagges contrary to the opinion of the old writers which haue generally denied that Africa doth veeld this kind of beast but in all that six yeare which Aluares this our authour dwelt in these countries he writeth that he neuer saw any Beares Conies Linnets Magpies or Cuccoes Yet Iohn Leo an African borne in his 9. booke saith that in Barbary there is wonderfull store of Conies The Locusts do more vex and hurt this country than any place of the World beside so that this plague is almost proper and peculiar to them Such oftentimes is the number and abundance of them that as they flie they do seeme to darken the aire and shadow the earth they flie together in such great flockes and thicke troupes that they do vtterly spoile and consume the fruits sometime of one prouince sometime of another wholly almost deuouring all their corn vpon the ground eating vp the leaues and barkes of the trees leauing their meddowes and pastures bare of grasse so that the people do oftentimes leaue their natiue soile where they were bred and borne and are forced for want of victuals to go seeke some other place to dwell in There is in these quarters a city named Cassumo sometime the seat as their histories do record and place of the Queen of Saba Maquedam that is as I thinke Antistes a Prouost or President they say she was called By whom they affirme that Salomon King of Isra l had a sonne named Meilech that is The King In this city they are perswaded that the Queen Cand ces did afterward dwell But it is best that the Reader that is desirous of further satisfaction to haue recourse to the same Francis Aluares who hath very curiously described those thing which he did most diligently obserue in that his Ambassage into these countries Item Iohn Bermundes who set foorth his Ambassage vnto the Abyssines in the Portugall language Let him also read a little treatise of Damianus à Goes which he wrot out of Ethiopia and Sabellicus his 10. Enneas of his 8. booke Of the originall of Prester Iohn and by what meanes he came out of Asia where he was knowen to writers about 200. yeares since and seated himselfe in Africa read Iohn Nauarchus in his Epistol Asiatica and Gerard Mercator in his
of the grace of God where our Sauiour Christ manifested his infinite power by a sufficient testimony raising Lazarus who had lien three daies by the wals from death to life againe This place is spoken of in Matth. 21. Marc. 11.14 Iohn 11.12 BETHABARA the house of Passing ouer or the Ferry-house For there the waters of Iordan were diuided into two channels and therefore there they yeelded a safe passage to Iosua and all the children of Israel through the middest of this riuer Iosu 3.4 Heere Iohn baptized Christ and many others Matth. 3. Moreouer Saint Iohn speaketh of this place in the first and tenne chapters of his Gospell BETHEL Gen. 12. Thither Abraham remoued his houshold after his departure from Sichem For there is no doubt but that they are two diuers places First it was called Luza that is an Almond tree or place where Almond trees did plentifully grow There Iacob saw the Lord standing vpon a ladder as it is related in the 28. chapter of Genesis Therefore vpon that accident the place was called by a new name Bethel that is the house of God In the same Ieroboam erected the Golden calfe that he might seeme in that to imitate the example of the Patriarkes and holy men before him who worshipped God in that place Heereupon the Prophets changed the goodname Bethel and called it Bethauen that is the house of wickednesse or villany BETHSAIDA the house of fruites or the house of corne prouision or hunting Heere Philip Andrew and Peter the Apostles of Christ were borne Iohn 1. The Euangelists also Matthew and Marke haue made mention of this place Matth. 2. Marc. 6. CANA the Greater the country of Syrophoenissa whose daughter Christ cured being possessed with a Diuell Matth. 15. Marc. 8. of this see more beneath in Sarepta CANA the Lesser a towne of Galiley in which Christ with his presence and miracle of turning water into wine honourably graced matrimony Cana signifieth a reed or cane CANANAEA it is the name of a country so called of Chanaan the sonne of Cham. Chanaan signifieth a Merchant and indeed the posterity of Chanaan dwelling vpon the sea coast did trade as Merchants For Sidon the sonne of Canaan built the city Sidon And in the tenth chapter of Genesis the land of Canaan is so described as it is certaine that it contained all that whole tract of ground which afterward the Israelites did possesse from Iordan euen vnto the sea and so along as farre as Aegypt There as yet was no distinction between the Philistiim and Canaan For Canaan also was ancienter than Philistiim which was not borne of Canaan but of Misraim Yet afterward when the power and iurisdiction of the Nation of the Philistines grew to some heigth and greatnesse they caused the country especially all along the sea coast beneath Tyre Southward to be called after their name PALESTINA And in the 13. chapter of the booke of Iosua there are reckoned vp 5. cities of the Philistines Azotus Accaron Ascalon Geth and Gaza When therefore the Canaanites for that they possessed the places neere Iordan were almost vtterly destroied their name by a little and little began to perish and to fade away And although also the Philistines which greatly enlarged their bounds and territories in that countrie which afterward was giuen to the tribes of Iuda Beniamin Simeon Manasses and Isaschar were driuen from thence and were for the most part consumed yet they retained as I said certaine strong cities vpon the sea coast beneath Tyre and so somewhile they greatly flourish and were lords ouer others within a while after they grew weaker and were commanded of others In the time of Abraham the seat and court of Abimelech was at Gerar who in the 26. chapter of Gen. is named King of the Philistines The city Gerara was situate in that country which afterward the tribe of Iuda did possesse not farre from Hebron and was indeed placed between Hebron and Gaza It is therefore to be conceiued that the name of Cananaea Canaan is somewhat more ancient and comprehending more Nations than the name of the Philistines which neuer possessed all that tract and compasse of ground which afterward the Israelites enioyed But notwithstanding because the Philistines had certaine great cities vpon the sea coast the name of Palaestina was by reason of their traffique more famous and better knowen to the Greeke writers than Canaan or Cananaea Herodotus in Polymnia saith that the Phoenicians and Syrians possessing Palaestina sent 300. saile of ships to Xerxes and afterward he addeth that the whole country euen from the skirtes of Aegypt vnto Phoenicia was called Palestina And therefore also afterward the Greekes as Ptolemey vnder the name of Palaestina haue comprehended Iudaea Samaria and Galiley when as notwithstanding the Philistines did not possesse all that large space and compasse of ground But often times names are giuen to countries of some principall prouince of the same that doth in power and command surpasse the rest The Grammaticall interpretation and reason of the Etymology of the word Philistim is thought to be for that this nation inhabiting along the sea coast where earthquakes are very frequent and so whole townes and cities are couered with sand besprinkled and soiled with dust and dirt For the word in the Hebrew tongue signifieth Sprinklers or besprinklings as when any thing is besprinkled and foiled with dust or it signifieth otherwise Batteries and shakings as when a building is violently shaken and mooued by an externall force whereby it is in danger and ready to fall Like as Ascalon and Azotus hauing their names giuen them of Esh fire CAPERNAVM that is a pleasant and delightfull village Heere Christ first began to publish his Gospel Matth. 4. Luc. 4. and 7. For he was a citizen of that corporation betaking himselfe to that place when as he fled for feare of Herod when he put Iohn Baptist to death Therefore of Christ and his Disciples they demanded there a didrachma for poll mony as of the rest of the citizens and dwellers in this city Of this city mention is made Matth. 8.11.17 Marc. Luc. 4.7 Io. 2.6 DALMANVTHA that is the poore mens habitation Christ with his Disciples came also into this country Matth. 16. Marc. 8. DAMASCVS It is distant from Ierusalem 42. Germane miles Breitenbach writeth that Damascus is 6. daies iourney from Ierusalem The map sheweth the situation of it to be in the mount Antilibanas It is a very ancient city which also at this day is very populous and much frequented by merchants Diuers etymologies and reasons of the imposition of this name diuers men do curiously seeke I do hold this for the likeliest The sacke of blood because the old opinion is that in this place Abel was slaine by his brother Cain Surely it is very probable and generally agreed vpon that our first parents Adam and Eue did first dwell not farre from this place DECAPOLIS the name of a prouince
as it is also in the 7. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles againe recorded The same is that Sichem which is mentioned in the 11. and 21. chapters of the booke of Iud. and in the 12. of the 3. booke of King Ieroboam built Sichem in mount Ephraim This same is it which in the 4. chapter of the Gospell by S. Iohn is named Sychar the last syllable being varied whether of purpose or chance God knoweth I cannot tell In the time of S. Hierome it was Neapolis Naples This is it which in the 33. of Gen. was called both Sichem and Salem Now there was another Salem in this country as we haue shewed before SICLAG In this place Dauid dwelt a yeare and 4. months whereupon it came to passe that euer after the kings of Iuda held this towne as their owne inheritance 1. Reg. 27. This city in the absence of Dauid was sacked and fired 1. Reg. 30. SODOMA GOMORRHA ADAMA SEBOIM and SEGOR were the 5. cities situate in the vale of Siddim that is the champion vale or the vale of Salt-pits Gen. 14.10 which by reason of the great fertility and pleasant situation of it was compared to the Paradise or garden of God or like Aegypt the garden of the world Gen. 13.10 In it were many slime pits bitumen the Latines call it Gen. 14.10 In that same place now is Mare salsum the salt sea otherwise called Mare mortuum the dead sea or Lacus asphaltites the lake of slime a kind of liquid matter like pitch that issueth out of the earth and therefore is called Pissaphaltus this they vse in those countries in the laying of stone or bricke in steed of lime or mortar Sodom as seemeth tooke the name of the champion plaine wherein it stood Gomorrha of an handfull or gauell of corne In the Arabicke tongue the theme doth signifie to abide liue or stay in a place Psalm 25.13 Hebr. 7.23 To prolong life to cause to liue long Mahomet in the 45. Azzoara his Alkoran and the interpretours of the Psalmes and New Testament do often vse the word thus And from hence Gomor or Homor for so they sometime expresse the orientall letter ain signifieth vitae prolixitatem the continuance and length of daies of a mans life Azzoara 31.32 and 36. Item Psal 31.11 and 90.9 Lastly Magburah is the same that Thebel is in Hebrew or Oecoumene in Greeke that is so much of the earth as is habitable Psa 33.81 Psa 107.7 and in Auicen very often as also in the Geography of Nazaradin where it is opposed to Chala that is desert forestie wast inhabitable And so I thinke the more probable deriuation is to be fetched from the Arabicke rather than from that of the Hebrew For such is the situation of this place whether you respect the wholesomnesse and kindnesse of the aire or fertility of the soile that before the fall it was so well inhabited as no place better in all this land Adama or Admah red earth the best kind of soile for carcable land Zeboim a pleasant and beautifull country Zeor or Sohar a little prouince THABOR a mountaine in the tribe of Nephtalim neere to Chedes Thabor signifieth purity cleannesse or by the changing of Thau into Teth a letter of like force and instrument of pronunciation a nauell bullion bosse or pommell For it ariseth vp in the middest of the plaine like the nauell vpon the belly For it is 30. furlongs high and the diameter of the flatte of the toppe is almost 20. furlongs ouer TYRVS was a colony drawne forth of Sidon The Hebrew name is Zor which sign●fieth a rebell or traitour For it is probable that a part of the citizens of Sidon falling to mutiny departed out of the city and to haue sought where they might dwell in some other place to their better liking This great Alexander tooke after he had besiedged it 7 months putting 7000. citizens to the sword hang'd vp other 2000. ZIDON so named o● Zidon the sonne of Chanaan as it is left recorded in the 10. chap. of Gen. The word signifieth an hunting or taking of any pray This city being take by Ocho K. of Persia by the treachery of the soldiers was burnt by the straglers baser sort that followed the camp in which fire perished about 40000. men In the 5. chapter of S. Marks Gospell and the 8. of S. Lukes there is mention made of the country of the Gadarenes in that history where Christ casteth the diuels out of the mad man and the diuels rushing into the heard of swine do cary them headlong into the lake This country S. Matthew calleth the country of the Gergesenes which S. Hierome translateth Gerasers It is therefore to be vnderstood that the town Gerasa famoused also by Stephanus stood not vpon the South bank of Iordan where the most fertile and pleasant plaine of Galiley is seated but toward the desert and wast land beyond the riuer vpon the North banke So that the diuers names of one and the same towne are Gerasa Gadara and Gergasa Neither is the cleare lake of Genesareth of which we haue spoken before to be thought to be one and the same with the like of the Gadarens but another situate neere the town Gadara far distant and remote from thence of which Strabo thus speaketh The water also of the lake of Gadara is troubled and muddy of which if any beasts do drinke they will cast their haire their hoofes and their hornes THE PEREGRINATION of SAINT PAVL THere is no man of meane learning but doth know that the knowledge of Geography and skill of Mappes and Chartes is necessary for the vnderstanding of the historicall bookes of holy Scripture and if they will not confesse it yet the thing it selfe doth sufficiently approue it to be so And thereupon certaine learned men in these our daies haue freely bestowed their labour in this businesse for the furtherance of the studious Diuine Amongst the which the great Mathematician Orontius Fineus of Dolphine in France was to my remembrance the first in that his charte which he made for the vnderstanding of the Old and New Testaments Tabula ad vtriusque Testamenti intelligentiam concinnata for such is the title of that his Mappe After him followed Peter Appian in his Peregrination of Saint Paul The same was done by Marke Iordan of Holstein Lastly Christianus Schrot in that his Mappe which he intituled The Peregrination of the Children of God and B. Arias Montanus of Ciuill in Spaine in his Apparatus Biblicus a learned worke adioined to the King of Spains Bible This is that which I in this Mappe attempt to do according as the narrownesse of roome will permit For as this Mappe of mine may not compare with theirs for multitude of places which I do freely confesse so that this of ours shall aswell as theirs make for the vnderstanding of both the Testaments I dare boldly promise For as all these only excepting Montanus haue
Perinthij made it a free corporation and endowed it with many large and ample priuiledges After him as Themistius Euphrada in his sixth oration testifieth Theodosius the Great did beautifie it with diuerse gorgeous and costly buildings Moreouer Iustinian the Emperour as Procopius an eie-witnesse affirmeth adorned it with many most faire and beautifull workes of curious Architecture But especially he graced it by that glorious worke of that stately temple of Santa Sophia which he repaired being a little before burnt downe and vtterly defaced by fire and of it bestowed such cost that the Emperour himselfe as Glycas witnesseth boldly said that in this edifice he had exceeded euen glorious king Salomon in that his building Which worke of his as P. Diaconus writeth of it did so much excell all other buildings that in the whole world beside there was not to be found another that might in any respect be compared vnto it Whereupon Corippus thus speak th of this Church Iam Solomoniaci sileat descriptio templi Cedant cunctorum miracula nota locorum That stately worke of Salomon great Iudahs glorious king May now be still and bragge no more The greatest woonders of the world may well giue place to this No eie hath seene the like before Consta Manasses calleth it Orbis ornamentum The glorie of the world which he verily beleeueth the very Seraphim themselues did reuerence and adore But if any one be desirous to know the fashion and modell of this building let him haue recourse to Procopius his first booke of Edifices Of this church Paulus Lyrus Florus wrote a treatise in heroike or hexameter verse as Agathias in his fifth booke testifieth So that it might seeme that there was nothing more that might be wished for the further beautifying of this city Sozomen doubted not boldly to affirme That Constantinople both for multitude of men and store of wealth and money by all mens ioint consent did farre excell euen great Rome it selfe Moreouer Nazianzen writeth That Constantinople for beauty and brauerie did as much excell all other cities of the world beside as the highest heauens in glory do exceed the lowest elements Whereupon of some it was graced with these proud titles VRBS AETERNAE VRBS REGIA NOVA SECVNDA ROMA The eternall City The Emperiall City New Rome and Another Rome In the praising and tax of the chiefe cities of the Romane Empire this city in a Councell there held was placed in the second degree but in former times as Egesippus testifieth it possessed only the third place Zosimus writeth that there is no other city whatsoeuer whether you respect the large compasse and circuite of the wals or great felicity of it euery way that may iustly be compared vnto it The buildings of it are so close and neere together and the houses and streets are so pestered and thronged that whether a man keepe home or walke abroad he shall be so crowded and thrust that scarcely he might go without danger by reason of the huge throng of men and infinite of multitude of cattle alwaies passing to and fro in the same He that desireth to know all the glorious ornaments and woonderfull things worthy of obseruation to be seene in this city let him read George Cedren his historie of the life of Theodosius the Great Where he doth not onelie receite them all and reckon them vp curiously but also he doth most artificially describe them and paint them out in their true colours This city was taken in the yeere of Christ 1453. by Mahomet the first of that name Emperour of the Turkes who at this daie do yet possesse it Manie other things pertaining to the beautie and magnificence of this city are to be seene in the booke of Records of both the Empires and in Procopius his first booke De Aedificijs Of the originall and famous buildings of this city read George Codinus for no man hath handled that argument better than he But of the later writers Petrus Gyllius hath most exactly and learnedly described the same Of the Thracians this one thing in this place I cannot omit namely That in former times they bore a great sway in forren countries and were great Lords out of their owne natiue soile For they conquered and had vnder them a great part of Asia which is situate ouer against them and caused it after their name to be called THRACIA ASIATICA yea and toward the South beyond the bounds of their owne country vpon the Aegean sea where Pausanias described THRACIA CARIA they had long since placed their colonies This prouince Porphyrogenneta calleth THRACESIVM Xenophon doubted not to call this kingdome the greatest of all other between the Ionian sea and Pontus Euxinus Moreouer Strabo maketh mention of a certaine nation dwelling aboue Armenia which were called Thraces Seraperae To this Thracia is annexed a Chersonesus or Neckland which thereupon was sirnamed THRACIA CHERSONESVS Suidas calleth it CHERSONESVS HELEESPONTIACA of the sea Hellespontus neere neighbour vnto it It is also named PALLENE of Halicarnasseus and Stephanus who moreouer addeth that it was inhabited of the Crusaei Xenophon saith it was a most rich soile and fertile of all manner of things whatsoeuer and withall affirmeth that in it were eleuen or twelue great and goodly townes But wee out of all ancient Historians haue much exceeded this number as the Mappe doth sufficiently approue This Neckland or Chersonesus belonged sometime to Marcus Agrippa after whose decease as Dion reporteth it fell vnto Augustus Caesar He that desireth out of ancient writers a more ample description of Thracia let him read Wolfangus Lazius his Histories of Greece Item the fifth booke of Agathias a Grecian borne A strange thing it is that William Brussius writeth of this Chersonesus that by no manner of meanes or diligence vines can be made to grow heere in any great abundance GRAECIA OR HELLAS THat country which the Latines call GRAECIA Greece of the Greekes themselues generally was named HELLAS yet the out-borders of it are not the same according to euery mans description and limitation That was truly and most anciently called Greece which Ptolemey Pliny and Mela name ACHAIA in which Athens the first and most flourishing Vniuersity of the World and most renowmed citie of these parts was seated Heere Iupiter himselfe as Athenaeus witnesseth kept his Court. It is a free city as Pliny calleth it and needeth as he saith no further commendations so famous and honourable it is and euer hath been beyond all measure or conceipt of man Yet it is manifest not only out of the writers of the common sort of Historiographers but also euen out of Strabo himselfe the prince of Geographers that many countries are comprehended vnder the name of Graecia or Hellas as namely Macedonia Epirus Peloponnesus and those other prouinces and shires conteined vnder these names so that all Greece as it is generally taken is on three sides bounded with the Ionian Aegean Archipelago and the Libyan
seas toward the maine land it abutteth vpon those mountaines which do part Macedonia from Thracia Romania Mysia the vpper Seruia Bosna and Bulgaria and Dalmatia now it is called Sclauonia This is that Greece which as Manilius saith is Maxima terra viris foecundissima doctis Vrbibus c. Renowmed Greece for warlike men and schollers deeply learned doth farre excell c. which as Cicero writeth in his oration pro Flacco for honour renowme learning diuers arts and sciences ciuill policy in time of peace and feates of armes and martiall chiualrie abroad hath euer been famous or as Trogus Pompeius in his 8. booke saith was for valour and estimation Princesse of the World From hence as Pliny saith the bright lusture of all maner of literature and humane learning first call forth his beames and enlightned the rest of the world on all sides round about In this country humanity and letters together with the maner to write and read how to till the ground and sow corne was first inuented and practised as Plinius Caecilius hath left recorded in his epistle written to his friend Maximus And this is that country saith he from whom we had our statutes that I meane which receiued not lawes as those do which are at the command of the conquerour but willingly and curteously did communicate them to such as did demand them MACEDONIA possesseth the greatest part of Greece This long since hauing conquered the greatest part of the World passing through Asia the Lesse Armenia Iberia Albania Cappadocia Syria Aegypt the mountaines Taurus and Caucasus subdued Bactria Media Persia and the rest of those Eastern countries euen as farre as India in this following the steps of Bacchus and Hercules of which also it became the Empresse yea thou maist say if thou wilt of the whole world answeareable to that of Manilius Macedum tellus quae vicerat Orbem and Macedonia stout which all the world subdued This is that Macedonia 72. of whose cities Paulus Aemilius a Romane Consull sacked and sold in one day Then next after this followeth PELOPONNESVS a peninsula or demy-ile not much inferiour for goodnesse of soile fertility and riches to no country vnder heauen is very like in forme to the leafe of the plane tree In this standeth binaris Corinthus the city Corinth the fortresse bulwarke and gate of all Greece situate between two seas in the isthmos neckeland or narrow place between this prouince and Achaia Heere also is Lacedaemon Misithra or Zaconia as some thinke but it was in old time called Sparta reuerend and honoured of all men for the politique gouernment commonwealth instituted by Lycurgus for many memorable acts done both at home and abroad But that the name of Greece did extend it selfe further than before specified on ech side of the sea it plainly appeareth out of the records of the best writers for how great a portion of Italy was in old time called Magna Graecia Great Greece A great part also of the maine continent in Asia beyond the sea ouer against Macedonia of certaine colonies transported thither and seated there by the Greekes was named also by this name whose inhabitants Plutarch in his Laconica apothegmata for distinction sake nameth Graecos Asianos Asian Greekes For Lucian in his treatise of Loue de Amoribus writeth that the insulae Chelidoniae certaine small ilands or rocks as some call them in the midland sea they are now called Isole corrente as Castaldus iudgeth or Caprose as Pinetus thinketh were the ancient bounds of Greece Isocrates in his oration intituled Panegyricos writeth that the Grecians did inhabit from Cnidus a town in the prouince of Doris in Asia the Lesser euen vnto Sinope a city of Paphlagonia in Asia situate vpon the Euxine sea Chalcondylas calleth it Pordapas the Turkes as Leunclaw reporteth Sinabe In like maner the Aegean sea Archipelago which beateth vpon the coast of Macedonia and also vpon this forenamed Asia is called of Thucydides Plutarch Arrian and Polyenus Hellenice thalassa of Pliny Graeciense mare the Greeke sea Strabo and Pausanias amongst the rest haue described Greece as then it stood most diligently and curiously Of Graecia Asiatica this part of Greece in Asia the Lesser which thou seest opposite to Macedonia read Pausanias in his Achaïa and Vitruuius in the fourth chapter of his first booke of Architecture Ελλας GRAECIA SOPHIANI Abrahamo Ortelio descriptore Cum Priuilegio CYPRVS THat this iland was sometimes a part of Syria and ioyned to the maine land Pliny in his Naturall history doth affirme and that it shall againe be reunited to the same Apollo hath prophesied as Strabo in his Geographie hath left recorded Amongst those ilands of the Midland sea more noted for their greatnesse this doth possesse the sixth place In respect of the forme it is as Eustathius writeth compared to a sheeps skin or as Hyginus noteth to a French target It is longer one way than another by the iudgement of Strabo who moreouer addeth that for excellency and goodnesse of soile it is inferiour vnto no iland whatsoeuer Pliny and Mela do testifie hat in former times nine kings did reigne in it at once Herodotus sayth that king Amasis was of all mortall men the first that tooke it and made it tributary vnto his crowne It was all ouer somtime so woody and ouergrowen with bushes and trees that the ground by no meanes might be ploughed and manured a great part of which although it was dayly spent in the melting and refining of copper and siluer for the iland is very full of mettals as also for the building of ships yet notwithstanding for all this they neuer were able vtterly to destroy their huge woods and infinite luxuriousnesse of the same vntill by proclamation free liberty and licence was giuen and granted to euery man that list to fell and cary away what wood and timber they pleased Item that what ground so euer any man had cleared by stocking vp the bushes and trees that he should for euer after hold for his owne by a free tenure The woonderfull fertilitie of this soile Elianus doth bewray when as he writeth that stagges and hindes do oft times swim hither out of Syria to fill their bellies so good is the feed of this I le The manifold variety and plenty of all sorts of commodities here those words of Ammian in his 14 booke do sufficiently demonstrate vnto vs when he giueth out That it needeth no maner of forren helpe of other countries only of it selfe it is able to build a shippe euen from the very keele to the top saile to rigge it and send it foorth to sea furnished with all maner of necessaries whatsoeuer The great riches of this iland these words of Sextus Rufus do manifestly declare CYPRVS famous for great wealth moued the beggerly Romans to attempt the same so that indeed the interest that we haue in that iland we gat rather by violence than any right we had vnto
inhabitants who built it and enclosed it with an huge wall and ditch were Easterlings Cadmonim or such as came thither from Kedem the East Againe in respect of the greatnesse power goodly beauty and lusture of it it might iustly and indeed so it did as we shall shew in that which followeth deserue the name of Cadmia that is the chiefe and principall metropolitane city and it may be that for the same reason it was also of them called Cacabe Stellaris the glistring starre of _____ Caucabi a starre answerable to Asteria or Asteris an iland in the Midlandsea Asterius the name of a place in the ile Tenedos Astron or Astrum a riuer of Troas issuing out of the mount Ida as Pliny testifieth Item a great and goodly city of Argia in Peloponnesus with diuers other places in Greekland of the like denomination all deriued from Aster and Astrum which in the Greeke tongue signifie A starre There are many learned men which do thinke that in the Holy Scripture this city is called and described by the name of THARSIS And thus much of the ancient names and appellations of this city for in succedent ages it hath beene called also by diuers others beside these as we shall shew hereafter Yea and ancient writers haue graced it with diuers honorable titles and epithites calling it Celsam and Almam The Stately and Honourable city Carthage Apuleius nameth it Romani imperij aemulam terrarum orbis auidam Prouinciae magistram venerabilem Africae Musam coelestem Camaenam togatorum The great enuier of the Romane state and yet it selfe desiring all the souereignty of the world The honourable mistresse of the Prouince The heauenly Muse of Africa The delight and paradise of the gentry of the land Of Solinus it is intituled Alterum post vrbem Romam terrarum decus Next after the goodly city of Rome the only glory of the world Of Ptolemey Manilius Pliny it is called Magna The great city Of Victor Vticensis Suidas Maxima orbis terrarum The greatest city of the whole world And that not without iust cause for Orosius testifieth that it was twenty miles about within the walles almost round enclosed with the sea The abridgement of Liuy sayth that it was foure and twenty miles about Strabo maketh it in compasse three hundred and threescore f●rlongs stadia which do make fiue and forty Italian miles How true this is I leaue to the discretion of the learned Reader to determine This city was situate in a peninsula or demy-ile ioyned to the continent of Africa by a neckland Isthmos the Greeks call it of three miles bredth or as Appian the dilig●nt Chorographer of this place reporteth 25 furlongs ouer Siluis Italicus thus writeth of it Haec caput est non vlla opibus certauerit auri Non portu celsouè situ non dotibus auri Vberis aut agili fabricanda ad tela vigore The more famous places in it are Megara a part of the city so called Byrsa the castle which conteined in circuit as Scruius hath noted two and twenty furlongs in this stood the temples of Iuno Aesculapius and Belus The Theater Thermae Gargilianae and Thermae Maximianae certeine hot bathes The Delphicum or temple of Apollo the chapal dedicated to the goddesse Memoria the Horse-race Hippodromus Basilica Celerinae the church of Theoprepia Lypsana a certeine place so called 〈◊〉 Via coelestis Heauen walke except the copy in this place be faulty and corrupt In the middest of the city there was a groue and in it the temple of Iuno as the famous Poet Virgil hath left recorded Item the temple of Elisa as Siluis Italicus testifieth What places afterward AFRICAE PROPRIAE TABVLA In qua Punica regna uides Tyrios et Agenoris vrbem Illustri ac Amplissimo viro Domino Christophoro ab Assonleville Equiti aurato Altevillae domino Regis Catholici Consiliario primario Abrahamus Ortelius dedicabat lubens merito EX CONATIBVS GEOGRAPHICIS ABRAHAMI ORTELII Cum priuilegio Imperiali Regio et Belgico ad decennium 1590. Sinus Carthaginensis ipsaeue vrbis atque locorum aliquot vicinorum plenior descriptio LOCA INCOGNITAE POSITIONIS ex varijs antiquae notae auctorib Abba Achris Adis Agar Alele Bada Baste Canthele Caputbada Cemma Cilla Cillaba Decimum Ethine Graesa Hermio Ismuc Lectum Locha Males Mamma Marthama Massilia Menephessa Meschela Miltina Nargara Ophe Oroscopa Parthos Phara Phellina Pithecussae Salera Sarsura Sintae Solis campus Syllectum Tegea Tergasa Thabena Tholuns Thon Tinges Tisiaus Tisidium Tocas Tricamarum Tuman Vazua Zama Zella Zincha Zona Ex Augustino Cypriano et concilio Carthaginensi Abarina Abbir Accura Acyrega Agra Amaccura Anthypatiana Asuaga Avasafa Audurus Ausciaga Auspha Autumnum Ballita Barus Becena Begetselita Bobba Buslacena Calama Capra picta Carpeta Cartemita Casae Medianae Casae Nigrae Centuriones Chullabi Cibaliana Colusita Diaba Dionysiana Eugitana Fetulae Foratianum Formae Furnae Galbae castrum Gazana Gazanfala Getabinustum Girpa Gor Gradus Iacena Iosiniana Lemella Limata Liniacum Luperciana Mactarum Marcellianum Mileuis Midila Mirita Migirpa Muzula Nice Obba Opte Pambestum Piste Rucuna Rusugoniotum Subulae Sullestiana Synica Tabeae Tambada Tarassa Telepte Thagabe Thibarum Thucabarum Thygate Tibina Timida Tisigita Tubunae Tyzica Vcrensia Victoria Vinianum Vlula Vnzibilis Vzalis Zataria Ziquensis Zurinia Ex Plinio opidum Aboriense Abuticense Acharitanum Auinense Melzitanum Salaphitanum Theudense Tigense Tiphicense Tiricense Tuburbis Tuburnicense Tunidrumense Vigense Ex Libro Notitiar limes Balensis Balaritanus Bazensis Bubensis Columnatensis Madensis Mamucensis Sarcitani Tintiberitani Varensis His recentiora veteris geographiae tabulis non inferimus Iustinian the Emperour of Rome builded here and repaired Procopius in his sixth booke of the buildings of this Emperour relateth at large Of him also if we may giue credit to Balsamon it was called IVSTINIANA The builders of this city which layd the first foundations of it were the Phoenicians Xorus and Carchedon or as some other report Elissa or Dido King Agenors daughter fifty yeeres before the ouerthrow of Troy or three score and twelue yeeres before the building of the city of Rome as Appianus affirmeth Siluis Italicus sayth that Teucer was the first that began the foundation of this city It was built as Iosephus in his disputation against Appion writeth in the hundred and fiue and fifty yeere after the death of Solomon the glorious king of Israel The valour and great strength of this city as it was alwayes eminent and famous in forren warres abroad so hath beene often shaken and ouermastered many sundry times at home At length hauing stood in flourishing estate as most authours affirme seuen hundred and seuen and thirty yeeres it was by the Romans as an enuious enemy of their state and empire assaulted battered taken sacked vtterly spoiled and at last consumed to dust and ashes And thus it continued for the space of one hundred and one yeeres when by the commandement and prescript of the Senate it was againe
reedified who sending thither certeine people to inhabit and dwell there made it a Romane colony and this was the first colony of the Romans that euer was transported foorth of Italy It was of Cayus Gracchus called IVNONIA as it is recorded by Appian Solinus and Dion who also addeth that it was afterward by Augustus Caesar againe the second time made a Colony because that when Lepidus had wasted a great part of it and left it destitute and without inhabitants he in maner seemed to haue dissolued the right and priuiledge of the Colony Therefore this city began againe to flourish and vnder the Romane Emperours to be renowmed vnder the name of The second Carthage So that that city which lately was renowmed for seats of armes and martiall prowes was now as Martianus writeth as honourable for worldly felicity and all maner of earthly blessings It tasted also of the beneuolence and bounteous magnificence of the Emperour Hadrian and thereupon it was of him called HADRIANOPOLIS that is Hadrians city as Spartianus hath left recorded Item the Romane Emperour Antoninus Pius did much grace it with many sumptuous and stately buildings as you may reade in Pausanias Lampridius writeth that in respect of the fauourable kindnesse of the Emperour Commodus toward this city it was in like maner of him named ALEXANDRIA COMMODIANA TOGATA But as the state of all things vnder the cope of heauen is vnconstant and variable the same city vnder Gordianus the Emperour was as Herodian testifieth by one Capellianus Lieutenant of Mauritania taken the second time and spoiled about six hundred and foure score yeeres after it first had submitted it selfe to the command and iurisdiction of the Romans In the reigne of Honorius the Emperour it was by treachery the third time taken sacked and vtterly defaced by Genserichus king of the Wandals in the foure hundred and thirty yeere after the incarnation of CHRIST our Sauiour The like it suffered of certeine mutinous souldiers vnder one Salomon a lieutenant of the Maurusij or Barbary as Procopius hath recorded From these it was woon by Belisarius in the yeere of CHRIST fiue hundred thirty eight in the time of Iustinian the Romane Emperour who caused it to be repaired and fortified with a strong wall and deepe ditch who moreouer beautified it with many goodly publike buildings of most curious architecture as Cloisters Galleries the Theodorian Bathes the gorgeous Church of our Lady the chiefe Saint and others which are reckoned vp by the same Procopius After this it continued vnder the Romans vntill the time of Heraclius the Emperour when as it was conquered and surprised by the Persians about the yeere of CHRIST six hundred and sixteene It was taken sacked and spoiled by the Egyptians three score and six yeeres after that as Procopius and others do constantly witnesse Neither was this the last misery of this city for it being spoiled rased almost to the ground layed waste and left dispeopled and void of inhabitants by the Mahumetanes so continued vnto the dayes of one Elmahdi a Bishop who as Iohannes Leo Africanus reporteth gaue it vnto certeine people of that countrey which were in number so few that they did not replenish aboue the twentieth part of it The same authour an eye witnesse of that which he wrote affirmeth that of all this greatnesse and glory beside certeine ruines of the walles and a part of the Conduit there remaineth at thus day not any whit or mention at all This now in these our dayes is the fate and forme of this most goodly city This is that city which as Herodian testifieth in time past for wealth multitude of people and greatnesse of circuit did only yeeld it selfe inferiour to Rome and with Alexandria of Egypt long contended for the second place Item this is it which long since was of that power that it commanded all the sea coast of Africa from Arae Philenorum all along as far as to the Straights of Gibraltar ouer which they passing by ship conquered all Spaine euen vp as high as the Pyreny mountaines So that Appian a graue writer doth deeme the Empire and command of this city of equall value to the power of the far-commanding Greeks or wealth riches of the braue Persian which were an easie matter for one to iustify out of Strabo and Pliny two authours of good credit For this man affirmeth that this city commanded in Africa alone three hundred cities and it selfe conteined seuenty thousand men dayly inhabitants within the walles of the same Item Scipio hauing conquered this city transported from thence vnto Rome foure hundred and seuenty thousand pound weight of siluer Of this city which as long as it stood out and was master of it selfe as Trogus witnesseth was esteemed as a goddesse and in Africa as Saluianus writeth was accounted as another Rome there remaineth now no more but the bare name onely Of the nation of the Africans from whence they came into this country and what they were Procopius in the eleuenth booke of his History of the Wandals hath written somewhat worth the obseruation Of Heauen-walke Via coelestis which we in a word touched before I thinke it not amisse here in this place to speake somewhat more at large In Victor Vticensis these words following are read in all copies that euer I saw Nam hodiè si qua supersunt subinde desolantur sicut in Carthagineo Theatro aedem Memoriae viam quam Caelestis vocitabant funditus deleuerunt For viam I make no question but the authour did write etiam that it might be referred to aedem or templum as Iulius Capitolinus in Pertinax doth call it that is a chapell temple or church Furthermore of this Caelestis dea Heauenly goddesse as Capitolinus in Macrinus and Trebellius Pollio in Celsus tyrannus do call her a goddesse peculiar to Africa there are here and there diuers things to be obserued in diuers authours Aelianus writeth that the Egyptians doe call Venus Vrania that is Heauenly Venus caelestis which is all one is expressed in an ancient piece of coine which I haue of Iulia Soëmia's S. Augustine in his booke De ciuitate Dei doth speake of the Heauenly Virgine Virgo caelestis meaning doubtlesse the Heauenly goddesse but by that epithite I suppose he had a purpose to distinguish her from that other I meane that wanton which Iulius Firmicus calleth Venerem virginem Herodian nameth her Vrania and addeth moreouer that of the Phoenicians she is called Astroarche Alilat Herodotus sayth she was named and affirmeth that it is the Moone S. Hierome in his treatise against Symmachus writeth that the Persians call her Mithra idque pro diuersitate nominis non pro numinis varietate all these different names signifying as S. Ambrose sayth one and the same goddesse Apuleius in the sixth booke of his Golden Asse witnesseth that all the nations of the East countreys do generally call her Zigia There is a notable record of this
go Eastward looke by how much the aire is more subtile pure and thinne so much is it more fierce sharpe and piercing On the contrary the farther you go toward the South and West parts of the world by how much the aire is more thicke cloudy and foggy by so much it is more temperate kinde and healthfull For this countrey lying in the midst indifferently seated betweene frozen Island and parched Spaine and by that meanes getting a meane temperature betweene hot and cold aswell in respect of that temperature and holesomnesse of the aire is a most goodly fertile iland The champion fields do yeeld great store of corne the mountaines do feed many heards of cattell the woods affoord many Deere and other kind of wild beasts the lakes and riuers great variety and plenty of good fish Yet the soile of this iland is better for Pastorage than Arable-ground for Grasse than Corne. Multam fruges in Hibernia saith he plurimam in culmis minorem in granis spem promittunt Abundè satis campi vestiuntur horrea farciuntur sola verò granaria destituuntur Here their corne as long as it is in the grasse for Hibernia I read herba is maruellous good but much better it seemeth to be when it is shot vp and spindled only it faileth when it commeth to the threshing then it is seldome found to be casty In the field it maketh a goodly shew yea ordinarily it is as thicke as may stand vpon the ground their barnes are crammed full and mowed vp to the top only their garners are empty Thus farre Giraldus and because we haue handled the generall description of this iland in another place of this our worke we will conclude this discourse with a briefe description of some few of their cities and principall townes as we haue learned of that worthy gentleman Richard Stanihurst this countreyman bredde and borne DVBLIN situate vpon the riuer Liffe in the countie of Dublin the Metropolitan and chiefe citie not only of Leynster but also of all Ireland for goodly faire buildings multitude of people ciuility for sweet aire and situation doth as farre excell all the other cities of this I le as the lofty cypresse doth the lowest shrubs The Cathedrall church of S. Patricks was first founded by Iohn Cinim Archbishop of Dublin in the yere of our Lord God 1197. That great and goodly strong Castle was built by Henry Loundres Archbishop also of Dublin about the yere of our Lord 1220. This city is very ancient and was in Ptolemeys time as learned men thinke called Ciuitas Eblana The city Eblan The next city in order and dignity is WATERFORD a well gouerned towne and one that hath been alwaies faithfull to England It is very populous and ciuill and for that the hauen here is far better and more safe than that of Dublin much resorted vnto for trade and trafficke by merchants of forren countreys The streets of it are very narrow and darke Here no cutthroat-Iewish vsurer is permitted to vse his diuellish occupation that is as Cato sayd to kill men or to liue by the sweat of other mens browes The third is LIMMERICK which in regard of the goodly riuer Shenyn whereupon it is seated and standeth as also for the commodious situation of the same might iustly challenge the first place For this riuer is the greatest and goodliest of all Ireland whose depth and channell is such that notwithstanding the city standeth at the least threescore miles from the maine sea yet ships of great burden doe come vp euen to the towne walles besides that it is woonderfully stored with great variety of fresh fish King Iohn did like the situation of this city so well that he caused there a goodly castle and faire bridge to be built The last and least is CORCK situate vpon the riuer Leigh This hauen is one of the best in all Ireland and therefore the citizens are very wealthy and great merchants These three latter are all within the prouince of Mounster But if thou desirest a larger discourse of these particulars I wish thee to repaire to the foresayd authour Richard Stanihurst he shall satisfie thee to the full IRLANDIAE ACCVRATA DESCRIPTIO Auctore Baptista Boazio SERENISSIMO INVICTISSIMOQVE IACOBO MAGNAE BRITANNIAE FRANCIAE ET HIBERNIAE REGI IOANNES BAPTISTA VRINTS ANTVERPIANVS D. DEDICAT Ioannes Baptista Vrints Geographicarum tabularum calcographus excud Antuerpiae EXPOSITIO VERBORVM HIBERNICORVM Glyn Nemus Can Promontorium Caric Rupes Knoc Collis Slew Mons. B. vel Bale Vicus Kill Pagus Lough Lacus Enis Insula Mo. Monasterum Mc. Territorium filij Satrapae O Caput familiae ENGLAND OR The I le of GREAT BRITAIN as it stood about the time of the entrance of the Normans described by a Nubiensis the Arabian The second section of the seuenth Climate IN this second part of the seuenth Climate we comprehend a part of the b Ocean sea where c ENGLAND which is a very great iland in forme and fashion not much vnlike to a d Storkes head standeth apart from the rest of the world In this Iland there are many e populous Cities well inhabited steepe Hilles running Waters and goodly Champion grounds f Heere it is alwaies Winter The neerest of maine land vnto it is g Wady-shant in the prouince of Flanders Betweene this Iland and the Continent the passage is about h twelue miles ouer Amongst the cities of this I le which are in the outmost borders of it Westward and in the entrance of the narrowest place thereof is the citie i SIHSETER which is distant from the k sea twelue miles From this citie vnto the citie l GORHAM by the sea shore are threescore miles Item from the citie Sihseter vnto the outmost border of the iland Westward are m three hundred and fourescore miles From it also vnto the hauen n DARTERMOVTH are fourescore miles Then from thence vnto the o LANDS END called Cornwallia are an hundred miles From the citie Sihseter vnto the citie p SALEBVRES within the land Northward are threescore miles Item from the citie Gorham vnto the liberties of the citie q HANTONA which standeth vpon a Creeke that falleth into the sea are fiue and twentie miles off into this creeke there runneth from the East part thereof the riuer of r Wynseter From s WYNSETER vnto Salebures Westward are fortie miles From Hantona vnto the citie t SHORHAM are threescore miles This citie is neere the sea From it along by the sea coast vnto the city u HASTINGES are fifty miles From it following the shore Eastward vnto the citie w DVBRIS are seuenty miles This city is at the head of the x passage whereby they passe from England vnto the maine Continent on the other side ouer against it From the citie Dubris vnto the citie y LVNDRES vpland are forty miles This city standeth vpon a great riuer which falleth into the sea betweene the city Dubris and the city z GIARNMOVTH From which city Giarnmouth vnto the
city a TARGHIN are fourescore and ten miles This city Targhin riseth vp higher into the countrey about the space of ten miles From the city Targhin vnto the city b AGRIMES vpon the sea coast are fourescore miles From the city Giarnmouth aforesayd the sea bendeth all at once Northward in maner of a circle And from the citie Agrimes afore-named vnto the citie c EPHRADIK are fourescore miles This city is farre from the ocean sea hard vpon the borders of the iland of SCOTIA which is notwithstanding ioyned to the I le England From the citie Ephradik vnto the fall of the riuer of d VVyska are an hundred and forty miles e This WYSKA is a fortification vpon that riuer vp higher into the countrey from the sea twelue miles From the citie Agrimes before-mentioned vnto the city f NICOLA vpland are an hundred miles A g riuer diuideth this citie in the middest and runneth from it vnto the citie Agrimes and so vpon the South side of it falleth into the sea as we haue sayd before From Nicola an vpland citie vnto the city Ephradik are likewise fourescore and ten miles From thence vnto the citie h DVNELMA are fourescore miles Northward vpland and farre from the sea Betweene the coast of the Wild of Scotia vnto the coast of the I le i IRELAND are two dayes saile Westward From the coast of the I le England vnto the iland k DANAS but one dayes saile From the coast of Scotia Northward vnto the iland l ROSLANDA are three dayes saile From the coast of the I le Roslanda Eastward to the I le m ZANBAGA are twelue miles The length of the I le Roslanda is n foure hundred miles the bredth of it where it is broadest is but an hundred and fifty miles ANNOTATIONS by the Translatour vpon some particulars for the better helpe and direction of the Reader a THe Arabicke Geography imprinted at Rome in the yeere of our Lord 1592 set out by Baptist Raymund at the cost and charges of the most illustrious Prince Ferdinand Medices Graund Duke of Tuscane in Italie is but an Abridgement of a greater worke intitled _____ Nazahti'lmoshtak that is The pleasant garden as the authour himselfe in his Preface to that his worke doth plainly confesse which Abbreuiatour as he himselfe in the beginning of the fourth section of the first Climate testifieth was an African borne in Nubia For he there saith that in this Parallel there be two riuers called Nilus whereof the one which is vulgarly knowen by that name and is for difference sake called Nilus of Egypt runneth along by our countrey _____ Ardiana from South to North vpon whose banks almost all the cities both of Egypt and of the Iland are built and situate By many places of this his worke it is manifest that he was a Mussulman that is by profession a Mahometane He liued as I gather aboue fiue hundred yeeres since presently after the entrance of the Normans into England For at the second section of the fourth climate he writeth that when he wrote this his worke Roger was King of Sicilia but whether this Roger were Roger the father sonne of Tanchred the Norman who draue the Saracens from thence or Roger his sonne who in the yeere after Christs incarnation 1103 tooke vpon him the gouernment of that kingdome it is vncertaine and for ought I know not to be learned out of his words ANGLIAE REGNI FLORENTISSIMI NOVA DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE HVMFREDO LHVYD DENBYGIENSE Cum Priuilegio c _____ Alinkalaterra as the Spaniards Italians and French do call it that is England or The Angles land so named by Egbert king of the West-Saxons about the yere of our Lord 800 is of the three the greatest most fertile flourishing kingdome of this whole ile and therfore it is hereby this our authour in this place by a figure put for Great Britaine the part for the whole Neither is this any strange thing not vsed by any other for Raymundus Marlianus that adioyned those Alphabeticall descriptions of Cities Places Mountaines and Riuers to Caesars Commentaries doth put Angliam Insulam and Angliae Insulam The Ile England and The I le of England for Britanniam Britaine Such is the maruellous greatnesse of this Iland that when it was first descried by the Romans they thought it almost well woorthy the name of ALTERIVS ORBIS Another world And he that made the Panegyricke oration to Constantius writeth that Iulius Caesar who first discouered it to the Romans ALIVM se ORBEM TERRARVM scripserit reperisse tantae magnitudinis arbitratus vt non circumfusa Oceano sed complexa Oceanum videretur did write vnto his friends that he had found Another World supposing it to be of that wonderfull greatnesse that it could nor possibly be inuironed round on all sides of the sea but rather that it contrariwise did enclose the sea And for that it lieth so farre remote from the South like as Thule it was by poets and other ancient writers intituled Vltima Britannia Great Britaine the farthest part of the world Northward d _____ Alnaama In Auicen is a fowle called of the Latines Struthium an Ostrich as Gerardus Cremonensis his interpretour vnderstandeth the word and indeed the South part of the I le the sea falling in betweene Wales and Cornwall doth represent the necke and head of such a like fowle with the mouth gaping wide open Liuy and Fabius Rusticus did liken it Oblongae scutulae vel bipennt To aswingling stocke or sword which those vse that dresse hempe and flax to a twall or twibill a kinde of warlike weapon vsed in fight by some nations And indeed the whole iland being triangular triquetra they call it but of vnequall sides which kinde of figure the Geometers call Scalenum may also aswell as Sicilia be named TRINACRIA For from Taruisium a promontory or forland in Scotland now called Howburne all along by the shore vnto Belerium the cape of Cornwall are 812. miles from whence to Cantium The Forland of Kent are 320 miles from thence againe to Howburne in Scotland 704 miles So that by this account the circuit and compasse of Britaine is 1836 miles which commeth much short of that account of Pliny and is somewhat lesse than that of Caesar e The first inhabitants which seated themselues heere presently after the vniuersall floud in the dayes of Noe came hither from France as Necrenesse of place Likenesse of maners Gouernment Customes Name and Language doe very demonstratiuely prooue and euince And thereupon they call themselues Cumro as come from Gomer the sonne of Iapheth called of Historiographers Cimber from whom are descended the Celiae or ancient Gauls the inhabitants not only of France but generally of all the Northwest parts of Europe What thinke you then of that story of Brute Mary I thinke he wanted honesty that first inuented that fable and he wit that beleeueth it But Iohn Wheathamsted sometime Abbat of S. Albans a graue learned man and of good
thee to M. Camdens Britannia where this argument is handled at large and most learnedly Only in defence of Gaulfridus lest any man should thinke that I haue all this while spoken against his person I conclude with this sayng of a learned man of our time Cardanus ait sayth he illius aetatis scriptores tantopere mendacio fabulis fuisse delectatos vt in contentionem venerint quis plura confingeret Cardane sayth That the Historians and Writers of those times betweene foure hundred and fiue hundred yeeres since were so much delighted with fables and lies that they stroue who should lie fastest and win the whetstone It was you see the fault of the time and age wherein he liued not of the man The learned Oratour Tully in the second booke of his Offices as I remember thus describeth the vertues of a true Historiographer Ne quid falsi scribere audeat Ne quid veri non audeat Ne quam in scribendo suspitionem gratiae Ne quam simultatis ostendat A good Historian may not dare to write any thing that is false He may not be afrayd to write any thing that is true He must not shew any partiality or fauour in writing He ought to be void of all affection and malice Learned Antiquaries follow this good counsell of the graue Philosopher Sell vs no more drosse for pure mettall Refine what you reade and write Euery tale is not true that is tolde Some authours want iudgement others honesty Let no man be beleeued for his antiquity For you know what Menander sayd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Grayhaires are not alwayes a signe of wisdome and deepe vnderstanding olde men do sometime dote and will lie as well as others One sayth Nesc to quo casu illud euenit vt falsa potius quàm vera animum nostrum captant I cannot tell sayth he how it commeth to passe but surely true it is that we are more easily caried away with lies and fables than with truth And how hard a matter it is to remoue one from a setled opinion though neuer so false and absurd any man meanly experienced doth very well know f Yet Caesar saith that Britanniae Loca sunt temperatiora qùam in Gallia remissioribus frigoribus The temperature of the aire in England is better then in France the cold is nothing so bitter That is as the authour of the Panegyricke oration made to Constantius the Emperour doth interpret it In ea nec rigor est nimius hyemis nec ardor aestatis In it neither the cold of winter nor the heat of summer is very excessiue And Minutius Felix hee writeth that Britannia sole deficitur sed circumfluentis maris tepore recreatur In England the Sunne shineth not very hotte but that defect is repaied by a certaine steame or hot vapour which ascendeth vp out of the sea that inuironeth this iland on all sides round g What place this should be I dare not for truth constantly affirme Perhaps he meaneth Vitsam or as we call it Whitsan a little towne in the country of Bolloine some fiue or six miles from Calais situate vpon the sea coast built at the mouth of a small riuer which peraduenture he calleth Shant For in the Arabicke tongue Wadi-shant importeth so much h This is false and by himselfe contradicted for in another place if I be not deceiued he maketh it twenty fiue miles ouer wherefore I doubt not but for a mile the authour did put a parasange which conteineth three English miles And this is somewhat neere the mark i I take it that he meaneth Cercester in Glocestershire which vulgarly they now call Ciceter It is an ancient city called of Ptolemey Corinium of Antonine Durocornouium of the Saxons Cyrenceaster taking the denomination from the riuer Corinus or Churne vpon which it is situate The tract of the decaied wals of it which are two miles about doe testifie that it was sometime a very great citie Many antiquities and auncient monuments doe plainly shew that in the time of the Romans it was a place of good rekoning Now it is nothing so populous and well inhabited k From the Seuerne I vnderstand it which at euery floude enterteineth the salt water a great way vp into the countrey l Warham is a sea towne in Dorsetshire strongly fortified by nature vpon the South and North with two riuers Ware and Trent this now they call Piddle and with the maine sea vpon the East only vpon the Wew it lieth open to the assailaunt Yet it was in times past defended with a faire wall and a strong Castle It was very populous well inhabited and graced with the Kings mint for the refining and coining of his mony vntill the time of Henry the Second since whose daies by reason of ciuill warres casualty by fire and stopping of the hauen it is much decaied and hath lost much of that former beauty m This distance is much too great whether he meaneth the lands end in Cornwall or the farther part of Wales Westward which I rather incline to But obserue this once for all that there is no great heed to be taken to those his accounts of miles and distances n Dartmouth an hauen towne in Deuonshire situate vpon a little hill running out into the sea at the mouth of the riuer Dart or Dert as some write it The hauen is defended with two strong Castels or Block-houses It is very populous well frequented with Merchants and hath many goodly tall shippes belonging to it King Iohn granted them certaine priuiledges and euery yeere to chuse a Maior for their supreme magistrrate and gouernour in ciuill causes vnder the King o Thus our seamen cal it at this day The Arabian termeth it _____ Tarfi'lgarbi mina'lgiezira The Westerne bound of the iland Master Camden in his Scotland that I may note this by the way affirmeth that Taurus in Welch doth signifie the end or limbe of any thing Heere in Arabicke thou seest it signifieth the same And in English wee call if I be not deceiued the brimmes of an hatte The tarfe p SALISBVRY or rather SARISBVRY a sweet and pleasant city within the County of Wilt situate in a plaine at the meeting of the riuers Auone and Nadder It is not that ancient city Sorbiodunum mentioned by Antoninus in his Iournall but built of the ruines of it as seemeth very probable For this old towne being often distressed for want of water and at length spoiled and rased to the ground by Swein the Dane in the yeare of our Lord 1003. although it reuiued againe a little after about the time of William the First was forsaken and abandoned by the citizens who laid the foundation of this new citie about 400. yeares since at what time Richard the First was King of England That most stately Cathedrall Church which they report hath as many doores as there be months in the yeare as many windowes as the yeare hath daies and as many pillars as there are
houres in the yeare was at the same time begunne by Richard Bishop of Sarum in a most goodly plot of ground which vulgarly was called MERIFEILD and in fourty yeares with infinite cost and charges it was by him and others finished and brought to that perfection which it is at now at this day q SOVTH-HANTON we now call it built vpon an arme of the sea betweene two riuers is enclosed with a double ditch and a faire stone wall For the better defence of the Hauen Richard the Second caused a very goodly castle to be built all of free stone It is a passing fine city very populous rich and well frequented of Merchants Clausentum that ancient city mentioned by Antoninus and stood sometimes in that field which at this day is called Saint Maries was often spoiled and sacked by the Danes and at length in the time of Edward the Third was vtterly consumed and burnt downe to the ground by the French-men Of whose ruines this New city was built in a place much more better and commodious r This riuer peraduenture was anciently called WENT and thereof the citie Wentchester happily tooke the name like as the cite Colnchester in Essex was so called of the riuer Colne vpon Which it standeth s WINCHESTER A very auncient citie well knowen to the Romanes and is oft mentioned in old historians Afterward in time so the Saxon Heptarchie the West Saxon Kings ordinarily kept their court heere Straite after the entrance of the Normans and peraduenture somewhat before the Records for the whole land were here bestowed and laied vp It was once or twise much defaced by casualty of fire and oft spoiled and sacked by vnruly souldiers in time of ciuill warres but Edward the Third to salue these damages and hinderances of the citizens and townesmen placed heere THE STAPLE or marte for wooll and cloth At this time it is very populous and well inhabited The wals of this citie are about a mile and an halfe in compasse It hath six faire gates and very large Suburbes adioyning to euery one of them t SHORHAM an ancient Borough and hauen towne in Sussex first called as Master Camden writeth CIMENSHORE of Cimen the brother of Cissa who together with Aella their father landed a greater multitude of their Saxons But in continuance of time a greate part of that towne being eaten vp with the sea and the mouth of the hauen with beech and sand det vp of a goodly towne it is become a small village at this day knowen by the name of OLD SHOREHAM the decay of which gaue occasion of the building and name of another not farre off from it commonly called NEVV SHOREHAM u Heere Athelstane King of the West-Saxons who made a lawe that no man should be so hardy as to dare to coine money out of great townes priuiledged by the King for that purpuse erected a Minte for the coyning of his Siluer and other mettals by which means it became so famous that in the time of the Saxons it deserued the name of a city and was then called by them HASTINGACEASTER In a plaine before this towne that bloody battaill betweene William the bastard Duke of Normandy that cruell tyrant and Harold the vsurper sonne of Earle Goodwin was fought vpon the fourteenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord 1066. It is one of the cinque ports w DOVER before the entrance of the Saxons was called Dubris as Antoninus in his Iournal testifieth who nameth it Portus Dubris The haven Dubris Vpon that side next the sea that was sometime defended with a strong wall whereof some part is to be seene at this daie Victred King of Kent did heere erect a goodly Church which hee dedicated vnto Saint Martines The castle which standeth vpon the toppe of an exceding high cliffe and is thought to be the strongest holde of all England and therefore called by Matthew Paris Clauis repagulum Angliae The key and barre of England was begunne as is probable by the Romans yet not by Iulius Caesar as they would faine make men beleeue Vpon another rocke or cliffe ouer against this on the other side of the towne there was as seemeth a lanterne or watch-tower Pharus they call it opposite and answerable to that which the Romans had built at Bollein beyond the straights in Fraunce which afterward being decaied was repaired by Charles the Great and at this day is called by the French Tour d'order by the English THE OLD MAN OF BVLLEN x This is that famous passage traiectus from the Continent vnto this Iland by which Caesar and the Romans alwaies entred and had accesse hither For vntill the time of Constans and Constantine Emperours of Rome it was thought almost impossible to come hither from Rome with a nauy thorough the maine Ocean And since that long it was in time of Christianity by proclamation forbidden that whatsoeuer hee were borne within the alleageance of England that had a minde to goe beyond the seas for religion or pilgrimage it should not be lawfull for him to take shipping any where else but heere The Frenchmen vulgarly call it Le pas de Calais but the English call it The streights of Douer y London we now call it but of the French and Strangers it is commonly called Londres or Londra Yet Tacitus Ptolemey Antonine and Ammianus Marcellinus doe with one consent write it LONDINVM or LONGIDINVM so named of the Britons as is probable of Llong Ships and Dinas a Citie answerable to those places of Graecia Naupactus Naupactus Naustathino c. denominated of Ships It is doubtlesse a very ancient citie as Ammianus Marcellinus testifieth who twelue hundred yeares since called it Vetustum oppidum An ancient towne Yet Iulius Caesar neuer mentioneth it in all his writings Cornelius Tacitus who liued in the daies of Nero that bloody Emperour was the first if I be not deceiued that euer wrot of it calling it by the name of Oppidum copia negotiatorum commeatu maxime celebre A Towne very famous both for trafficke and great concourse of Marchants as also for victualls and all manner ot prouision whatsoeuer Nay he that made the Panegyricke oration to Constantius the Emperour and Marcellinus who liued after him giue it no better title Yet at this day it is An abridgement or breefe view of the whol iland The Imperiall seate of the Brittish iles Regumque Angliae camera and The chamber of the English Kings and therefore it may now iustly assume that title of AVGVSTA The roiall city which Ammianus so many hundred yeeres since gaue vnto it And being situate vpon the rising of a little hill in a most wholsome and healthfull aire in the middest of the richest countries of the land all a long vpon the North side of the Thames one of the goodliest riuers of Europe it is at this day as famous a Marte for all manner of trade and trafficke as any in the whole world beside The
25. and Plutarch in his naturall questions concerning the face in the orbe of the Moone All these are in some sort confirmed by Platoes fables or histories in his Timaeus concerning the isle Atlantis whose sea he affirmes to be vnnauigable by reason of the slime or oaze remaining of the same isles inundation But concerning the ship called La Victoria learne thus much it is not sayd amisse Bare names oft times things named doe resemble Manifest it is by this ship which vnder this happy name the first voyage that euer she made was the only ship that caried away the victory of sailing quite ouer the maine Ocean for so many ages before For departing from Spaine by the Streight of Magellan to the Moluccos thence hauing doubled the Cape of Buona Esperança and returned whence she first put forth she was the first of all ships and inall ages that euer circumpassed the whole earth The same ship made out of Spaine a second voyage as farre as S. Domingo and home againe Thither also she made a third voyage but in her returne she was quite lost neither was it euer knowen what became of her Antiquity would haue thought she had beene taken vp into the skies and placed among the Constellations like another Argo Nor had this propheticall verse of the peerelesse Poet beene vnfitly alleged in her commendation Then comes another Tiphys another gold-fleeced Argo Let Plinie now cease to maruell that out of a small hemp-seed should grow that which was of force to cary vp and downe the globe of his earth We in our age haue seene with the very same thing this world of ours much greater than his nauigated round about Ours I say which that you may more perfectly vnderstand do but compare the first Table of our Theatre with the first of our Parergon or By-worke and you shall see the difference And here I suppose I shall not bestow my labour altogether in vaine by adding certaine particulars not commonly knowen concerning the first discouery hereof Which by all our late Writers is not vnworthily ascribed to Christopher Columbus For in the yere 1492 he was the first man that laid it open made it knowen and communicated the vse and benefit thereof to the Christian world Howbeit I finde that the North part of America which lieth neerest vnto Europe and to some of our European isles namely Groenland Island and Frisland and is called Estotiland was long since discouered by certaine Frislandish fishers driuen by tempest vpon that coast and afterward about the yere 1390 that it was reuisited anew by Antonie Zeno a gentleman of Venice and that by the authority of Zichmi then King of the said isle of Frisland a Prince in those times very valiant and ouer all that sea for his warres and victories most renowmed Concerning this his expedition there are extant in Italian certaine Collections or briefe extracts drawen by Francis Marcolino out of the letters of Nicolas and Antonie Zeno gentlemen of Venice who liued in these parts Out of which Collections I adde this that followes touching the description of this region Estotiland he saith abounds with all things necessary for mankind In the mids therof stands an exceeding high mountaine That you many better vnderstand this relation peruse our Table of America and Scandia from whence issue foure riuers that water the whole country The inhabitants are witty and most expert in all kind of handicrafts A language and letters they haue peculiar to themselues Howbeit in this Kings Library there are certeine Latine books no whit vnderstood by them which might perhaps before that time be there left by some of their European neighbors that had traffique with them They haue all kinds of mettall but specially gold wherewith they mightily abound They exercise trade of merchandize with the people of Greenland from whence they fetch hides pitch brimstone The inhabitants say that towards the South there are countries rich of gold and replenisht with inhabitants There are also many great woods out of which they haue matter for the building of their ships and cities whereof and of fortresses there are great numbers Of the loadstones vse in nauigation they are vtterly ignorant They also make mention of Drogeo a region toward the South inhabited by Canibals and such as are delighted to eat mans flesh for want whereof they liue with fishing which they very much vse Beyond this there are large countries and another New world but the inhabitants are barbarous and go naked howbeit against the cold of Winter they arme themselues with beasts skinnes These haue no kind of mettall they liue by hunting For weapons they vse long and sharp-pointed staues and bowes They make warres one vpon another Gouernours they haue and lawes wherto they yeeld obedience Southward of this place they liue in a more temperate climate hauing cities and idol-temples wherin they sacrifice liuing men whose flesh they afterward deuoure These haue the vse of gold and siluer Thus much concerning this tract of land out of the foresaid collections or extracts wherein this also is worthy the obseruation that euen then our European Pilots by meanes of the loadstone sailed those seas For I am of opinion that there is not to be found in any history a more ancient testimony touching the foresayd vse of this stone And these things I was the willinger to adioyne to this Table because I see none of them that haue written the histories of the world so much as once mention this matter But concerning the loadstone or sea-compasse you are to vnderstand that the first inuentour therof was Iohn Goia a citizen of Melfi whom Alexander Sardus in his booke De inuentoribus rerum calleth Flauius Campanus For so write the Italians and so much is confirmed by Antonie Panormitanus in this one verse of his First Melfi Sailors taught the loadstone how to vse and that in the yere of our Sauior 1300. This Melfi called Amalphis in Latine is a towne situate vpon the sea-shore of Lucania Goropius ascribes the finding out of this secret to our Danes or Dutchmen being persuaded hereunto because the names of the 32. winds written vpon the compasse are by all Pilots and Mariners be they French Spaniards or of what nation soeuer expressed in the Dutch tongue which I confesse to be true if you except the Italians only for they both write and speake of these winds in their owne mother-language Howbeit seeing all our nauigatours of Europe be they Spaniards French English or Dutch do expresse them in our language I am verily of opinion that as it was first found and vsed by the Amalfitans or Italians especially within their owne Mediterran sea so was the knowledge therof from them deriued vnto our Netherlanders and most of all to those of Bruges whose city at that time before all traff●que was reduced to Antwerpe was a famous mart-towne and frequented by Italians especially of Venice as the foresaid Zeni report
thirtie THVLE Schetland Of these Brittish isles beside the ancient writers Tacitus and Caesar reade Henry Huntington Polydore Virgill Iohn Mayor Paulus Iouius Gregory Cenall in the 2. summa of his 3. booke de re Gallica Antony Sabellicus Enne 10. lib. 5. William Paradine Ieffrey of Monmouth Ponticus Verumius and Beda but especially M. William Camden Clarenceux his Britannia whom when thou hast discreetly read I doubt not but thou wilt thinke thou hadst particularly surueyed the whole ile ANGLIAE SCOTIAE ET HIBERNIAE SIVE BRITANNICAR INSVLARVM DESCRIPTIO Britannia oim insularum Occidentis Septentrionis maxima potentiss est cuius potiorem hodie partem Angliam vocamus ab Anglis videlicet Saxonum gente quae sub Valentiniano eam ingressa tenuit Haec veteribus Albion dicebatur ad differentiam quum reliquae oēs eò tractu Britannicae dicebantur Ab Occasu vicinam habet Hiberniam hodie Irlandiam appellatam regibus Angliae subditam Of SCOTLAND SCOTLAND the North part of Brittaine anciently called Albanie and is of the first inhabitants which they call the wilde Scots and dwell more in within the land retaining yet the old language at this day called Albaine was formerly called of the Romanes Britannia minor and secunda as Lhoyd doth gather out of Sextus Rufus This country is diuided into 2. parts by the rough craggy mount Grampius now Grantzbeen whereof Tacitus maketh mention For it begining at the German ocean neere the mouth of the riuer Dee coasting along by Aberden through the middest of the country toward the Irish-sea staieth at the lake Loumond This Mountaine was sometime the bound of the kingdome of the Pictes and Scottes Scotland is fuller of mountaines and more barren then England Yet euery where it hath many commodious ports and hauens For so is this country embraced of the armes of the sea that there is no house in it as Iohn Maior affirmeth which is aboue twentie leagues distant from the salt water In the vallies are Lakes meeres pooles riuers and fountaines well stored with sundrie sorts of fish In the mountaines are champion plaines yeelding great store of pasture for cattell and woods abounding with plenty of Deere By the meanes of which commodities it hath been so maintained that hitherto it might neuer be wholly conquered For in any eminent danger they presentlie flie to the woods and bogges for succour and refuge where they haue of venison and fish sufficient store for prouision of victuall Scotland hath many wonders whereof some we haue heere set downe out of Hector Boëthus In Galloway saith he is a lake called Myrtoun part of whose water in the winter freezeth as other waters do the other part was neuer knowne to haue beene frozen in the greatest frosts that euer were In the country of Carict there are very great and large Oxen whose flesh is verie tender and of a pleasant and delicat tast Besides that the fatte neuer waxeth hard but is alway thinne in the manner of liquid oile The Sea that washeth the coast of this prouince is very rich of oisters herrings congers cockels and other such like fishes In the prouince of Coyl about ten miles from the towne Aër is a Stone hardly twelue foot high of 33. cubites thicke called of the inhabitants The deafe stone For although you shall make neuer so great a noise nay if one shall shoote off a peece of ordinance on the one side it shall hardly be heard on the other side except one bee a good way off from it for then the sound may easily be perceiued In Lennox which Ptolemey calleth Lelgouia Lelannonia as I conceiue out of Ptolemey but I thinke our authour meant Selgouiae which is farre from this place there is a very great lake which they call Loumond aboue twenty foure miles long and eight miles broad It conteineth thirtie Ilands whereof diuers haue villages well inhabited with Churches and Chappels dedicated to the seruice of Almighty God In this three things are especially worth the obseruation For the fishes there most wholesome and good haue no sinnes The water oft times when the winds are most calme and still is so boisterous and rough that it affraieth the best experienced watermen from putting forth to crosse the same For the wind being alaied the boates are taken in their midde-course and are tossed with such danger that except some commodious hauen shall fortune to be neere hand many times they are ouerturned and cast away Lastly there is an iland in it very good pasture for the feeding of cattell which swimmeth and moueth euery way as the winds driue It is credibly reported that there is a stone which groweth in Argadia Argathelia or Argile which if it be couered but a while with straw or flax it will set it on fire At Slanis a castle in Buquhan there is a caue of a strange nature For the water that droppeth into it in continuance of time is turned into a very white stone and if within a certaine number of yeares they should not be taken out it would haue been long since filled vp with them In this prouince there is no ratte euer seene and if so be that any should be brought in thither it will not by any meanes liue there In the countrie of Fife great store of a kind of blacke stone is digged out of the earth we call it sea-coale a most excellent kind of fuell At the mouth of the riuer Forth in the maine sea there is a very high rocke out of whose toppe a spring of fresh water a great miracle of nature doth runne abundantlie About two miles distant from Edenburgh is a spring vpon the toppe of whose water dropps of oile do continually swimme in such sort that if you take none from off it there will be neuer the more and if you take ought from thence there will be neuer the lesse This oile is good against the roughnesse of the skinne Thus farre of the strange thinges of this Realme Scotland in the countrie of Drisdaile hath a mine of Gold in the which also is found that which they commonly call Lazure It hath also mines both of Iron and Lead The inhabitants which possesse the South part on this side the mount Grampius are more ciuill and humane and do speake the English tongue Those which dwell in the North parts are a rough and more hard kind of people they call them The wild-Scottes and do weare mantles and skirts died with Saffron after the Irish fashion and go barelegged They speake the Irish tongue And as the Language of Scotland is of two sorts so are their maners as diuers These Marianus Scotus calleth High-land-men the other I meane the wild-Scottes they call Low-land-men The chiefe city of Scotland is Edenburgh there is the kings seat and the castle of Maidens often mentioned in histories Saint Andrew and Aberdon are two Vniuersities The city Glasow is the Archbishops sea The towne of Perth commonly
also we haue borrowed this Table LIMAIGNE THe length of all this region which some ab alimonijs or victuals call Alimonia others of the fat slimie soile Limaigne being part of Auuergne which for shortnesse of time and in regard of the high hilles and low valleys and the crooked windings and turnings we could not exactly measure The length hereof I say from the bridge of olde Briuata as farre as Ganao abounding with Corne Wine Honie Cattell Horses Saffron Nuts Pot-hearbs Pastures Woods Fountaines Riuers Bathes Marle Lakes Siluer-mines Honourable families Strong fortresses and Rich merchandize stretcheth about twenty leagues and the bredth almost eight leagues But we describing only the more fruitfull and inhabited part do in the Table following comprehend about eight leagues in length and almost seuen in bredth placing the townes and villages according to the scale vnder-annexed Thus farre the Authour in a Treatise intituled A godlie and speculatiue Dialogue by him written in Italian where you may see the very Table which I haue here put downe In the lower part of this Table stands a mountaine with a small towne named Gergoie This is Gergouia in Aruernis neere the riuer Elauer whereof Caesar in his seuenth booke of the French warres maketh mention REGIONIS BITVRIGVM EXACTISS DESCRIPTIO PER D. IOANNEM CALAMAEVM LIMANIAE TOPOGRAPHIA GABRIELE SYMEONEO AVCT The Dukedome of ANIOV THe people and countrey of the Andegauenses are by Ptolemey placed in Gallia Lugdunensi The countrey at this present is called Aniou and the people Angeuins In times past it went vnder the name of an Earledome but since the yeare 1350. it hath beene adorn'd with the title of a Dukedome East it confineth vpon Tourain and Vendosme West it bordereth vpon Bretaigne Poictou bounds it Southward and the Counties of Maine and La Val on the North. It is a country not very large but for fruitfulnesse inferior to none other in France the wine of Anjou excelleth all other French wines Neither is it destitute of other commodities requisite either for the necessity or the pleasure of mans life being euery where beautified with Riuers Mountaines Woods and Medowes It aboundeth with cattell great and small and with fish All this their Riuers and Medowes affoord them Out of their Mountaines they digge Marble and a kinde of blew Slates wherewith they couer Churches and houses The common people call them Ardoises This Region is watered with so many Riuers Freshets Fountaines Fish-pooles Lakes and Pondes that some are of opinion it was heeretofore called Aeguada or Aguada of the abundance of waters for in the Aquitaigne tongue they call Water Aigues The principall Riuers besides others are Ligeris which the inhabitants do name Loire calling it likewise The Father of French riuers Into this Riuer within the compasse of Anjou do fall the riuers Vienne Diue Thouets Layon Leure Guiuatte Maine Seure Loir a riuer diuers from Ligeris for it falles thereinto and is called by late Writers Ledus Aution Oudon Maienne Brionneau Losse and Erdret c. So that there runne about fortie Riuers thorow this Prouince It hath diuers faire cities the principall whereof is called Angiers perhaps the same which in Ptolemey is named Juliomagus This being the head citie of all the Region is built on either side the riuer Meduan and ioyned together by a stone bridge The antiquitie hereof is euident out of certaine ancient ruines of a Theater which hang ouer the Citie and are called by the common people Brohan Heere sometimes are olde coines found Lewis the second in the yeere 1389. established an Vniuersitie in this place There be also other townes of note as Saumur Beufort Bauga c. Most of the premisses for the illustration of this Table we haue translated out of Belleforest his French Munster To whom he that will may adde Theuet Anjou ANDEGAVENSIVM DITIONIS VERA ET INTEGRA DESCRIPTIO Licino Guyeto Andegauense auctore Cum Priuilegio 1579. The territorie of PARIS commonly called THE ISLE OF France IN a certaine Iournall of France I reade this description of the territorie of Paris The Isle of France stretcheth from the towne of Saint Denis as far as Rossy and Montmorency and so it comprehends all the land within the winding nookes of Seine towards Normandie one way and towards Picardie another way The occasions of this name were as Andrew Theuet reporteth in that the Frankes comming out of Germanie planted themselues first in this place and here their Captaines tooke vpon them the title of Kings and also for that the Riuers Marne Seine Oyse do in a maner compasse it around Yet all the Region being comprized within these three Riuers pertaineth not to the said isle but only that part which is neere vnto Paris My opinion is that this diuision might be made when the sonnes of Clouis sharing the whole Kingdome limited and included within these bounds the dominions of him who bare rule at Paris and was only called the King of France Howbeit now this diuision is not obserued seeing that certaine Cities of Picardie Briè and other Prouinces are comprehended within the same But let vs heare the opinion of Belleforest also After the death of the great King Clouis France was diuided after a new maner for out of one King sprang many and he only was called The King of France who gouerned at Paris wherefore the Isle of France is the true and ancient iurisdiction of our Kings albeit Pipins posteritie beganne to neglect it and afterwards the Parisian territorie fell to them by inheritance who enioyed the Crowne of all France L'Isle de France PARISIENSIS AGRI DESCRIP The Dukedome of TOVRAIN THis region is not very large being on euery side so restrained with bordering Prouinces West thereof lieth Anjou and part of Poictou from the first it is seuered by the confines of Saumure and from the second by the riuer Creuse whereupon stands the city of Chinon subiect to this Dukedome of Tourain South also lies part of Poictou along the riuer Creuse to La port de Pilles which diuides Guienne from Tourain and Berry in like sort from whence it is separated by Chastillon situate vpon the riuer Indre East not far from Loire the riuer of Cher diuides it from the prouince of Blois and from part of Berry and North it is seuered from the territories of Maine and Vendosmois by the riuer Loire vpon which riuer is built the citie of Tours and it imbraceth the same on the part of S. Lazarus suburbs This riuer also bends his course to the towne of S. Anne and to the suburbe called Rich for East West and South it toucheth the riuer Indre and North all the region towards Anjou and Maine To the Dukedome and gouernment of Tourain are subiect these cities Chinon Lodun Touars Langestz Amboise Loches Chastillon vpon Indre Montrichard besides other places and fortresses of Barons But the cities which I haue named are of best note and as it were the
all France situate partly in a valley towards the riuer of Vienne and the towne and church of S. Stephen and partly on an hill towards the suburbe of S. Martiall The length farre surpasseth the bredth extending North and South It is strongly fortified with walles and ditches and abounds with water deriued from a notable Fountaine in the highest part of the citie which serues likewise both to water their horses and to clense their streets But the ruines of the ancient walles yet standing in the next Vineyards do plainly shew that the Citie in times past was much larger than at this present For first the Romans surprized it and afterwards the Gothes as witnesseth Sidonius Apollinaris when he hath reckoned vp all the cities of Aquitaigne sacked and destroyed by them The Francks also miserably afflicted it After them Charles Martell laid it waste And lastly the English made spoile thereof Notwithstanding at this time for the bignesse it is accounted one of the richest cities in the whole Kingdome being very well ordered and gouerned in regard of the Court of Parliament there as likewise the authoritie of the Vicount the Kings Eschequer and the assembly of the Consuls in Merchants affaires which they commonly call The Burse Thus much and more concerning this region writeth Belleforest Blaisois BLESIENSIS TERRITORII hanc tabulam describebat Ioannes Temporius Blesis anno Messiae nati 1592. epoche Christianae 1590. Mundi 5610. Le Blaisois contient en longitude d'Occident en Orient depuis S. Ouin iusques à Brinon 25 lieuez en latitude de l'Equateur vers le Nord depuis Chasteauroux iusques à Rabestan 40. lieues La cincture de la terre est divisee en 360. degrez a chascun degre donnons 25. lieues Toute la terre contient 9000. lieues LEMOVICVM TOTIVS ET CONFINIVM PROVINCIARVM QVANTVM AD DIOECESIM LEMOVICENSEM SPECTANT NOVISSIMA ET FIDISSIMA DESCRIPTIO Io. Fayanus M. L. describebat Homere Demosthene et Archimede ensemble Lymoges á nourry óu la Vertu sassemble Muret Dorat Fayen trois excellens Esprits Muret son Demosthene et Dorat son Homere Fayen son Archimede ayant sa ville Mere Sa Prouince et son Plan heureusement compris IOACHIN BLANCHON CALAIS and BOVLONGNE THis Cart conteineth the description of that North-western part of France which the English were masters of from the yere 1347. vntil the yere 1557. At what time the Duke of Guise Lieutenant for the French King tooke it by force of armes The townes of Calais Guisnes and Ardres the English from time to time haue furnished with able garisons And Calais hath heretofore beene the Staple for Woolles and other English commodities Concerning the tract of Boulongne thus saith Robert Caenalis in his 2. book and 3. Perioche De re Gallica Of Gessoriacum a port of the Morini I may well say with Meierus that it is now truely called Boulongne vpon the sea shore from whence there is a very short cut to Douer on the English coast But the Docke or place for building ships called Nauale Gessoriacum which Bilibaldus falsely affirmes to be Gaunt I thinke rather to be Castellum now named Cassell Some by another name call it Petressa and Scalas commonly Scales Moreouer by the situation of Boulongne one may easily coniecture whether it were Portus Iccius or no. Wherein that no man may doubt let vs learne this one thing out of Strabo That the sea between Portus Iccius and England was iust 320. stadia or furlongs ouer which make in all 40. miles But the later Maps containe betweene Boulongne and Douer 17. English which are longer than Italian miles and from Calais 18. Whereby it is manifest that from Boulongne to Douer it is but a very short cut wherefore Portus Gessoriacus the hauen and Nauale Gessoriacum the docke are not all one which docke whoso thinketh stood where Calais now stands I will not greatly contradict him Thus farre Caenalis This very place of Boulongne is described by Arnoldus Ferronius who continued the French history of Paulus Aemilius till his owne time in maner following There is saith he Base Boulongne and High Boulongne The base towne was vnwalled before the comming of the English There stands the church of S. Nicholas and a cloister of Franciscans the English sea beateth vpon this towne Neere vnto this Frierie which is not farre from the sea there is a very commodious place to passe for England It is distant from the higher Boulongne about 100. pases or somewhat more But Boulongne the higher is inuironed with most strong walles and with high ditches compassing the walles All this region is full of that sand which those that dwell on the coast call hot sand Whereupon they will haue the name of Boulongne to be deriued of the French word that signifies such kinde of sand notwithstanding we know it out of Ammianus Marcellinus to be an ancient name Thus much out of Ferronius Concerning these matters reade Diuaeus also VERMANDOIS THis Region which of olde the Veromandui inhabited still retaining the ancient name is at this present called Vermandois From hence the riuers of Some and Schelde fetch their originall Here in times past as Robert Caenalis witnesseth stood the city called Augusta Veromanduorum now raced all saue a Monasterie which remaineth This citie was the sea of a Bishop but vnder Medardus the Bishop thereof it was translated to Noion as Carolus Bouillus reporteth Howbeit the place yet holdeth the ancient name and is called Vermand-abbey Wherefore they seeme to be in an errour that thinke the towne of S. Quintins to haue beene Augusta Veromanduorum Concerning the people of this region reade Peter Diuaeus in his booke of the antiquities of Gallia Belgica CALETENSIVM ET BONONIENSIVM DITIONIS ACCVRATA DELINEATIO VEROMANDVORVM EORVMQVE CONFINIVM EXACTISSIMA DESCRIPT Iohanne Surhonio Auctore PICARDIE THe name of Picardie as all that write of France do affirme not to be ancient so the originall or deriuation thereof none of them can render Caenalis dares not say that it was so called of the Begardes Belleforest flatly denies it supposing the Picardes to be somewhat ancienter than the Begardes Some thinke that they were so named of the warlike weapon called the Pike which as they imagine was here first inuented Certaine it is that the prouince of Picardy was larger in times past for we reade that Artois with a part of Flanders as farre as the riuer Lis and the countie of Boulogne were all comprehended vnder the name of Picardy The region which is now properly called Picardy extends not so farre as the Map it selfe This Region is part of Gallia Belgica whilom inhabited by the Ambiani Bellouaci and Veromandui or as Ptolemey calles them Romandui The riuer Somme which some thinke to be Ptolemey his Phrudis refresheth the wole countrey and makes it most fertile of all kinde of graine and the townes and cities to abound with all necessaries for it yeeldeth such plentie of wheat as it is
salt made which is carried hence in carts to the neighbour countries and yeelds great reuenue to this region SCODINGA situate in a long streight valley extending in length betweene a double ridge of high mountaines which beare vines in such places as are most open to the Sunne it is exceeding strong being fortified with two castles and diuers loftie turrets ARBOIS seated in a most pleasant soile and abounding with all necessaries especially with excellent and durable wine It hath large suburbs on all sides It is enuironed with ditches but such as they make gardens vpon Round about it are mountaines of most beautifull prospect watered with cleare springs and clad with fruitfull vines and sightly woods It is called Arbois ab Arboribus because it is so planted with trees POLIGNY a faire towne fortified with stately walles and towers the castle called Grimonia lying within it and on the one side it hath mountaines of woods and on the other side hilles set with vines the wine whereof is principall good PONTARLIER situate in a low valley betweene two mountaines on the bancke of Dubis Not farre hence stands the strong castle of Iura or Ioux on the top of an exceeding high hill so that for situation it is impregnable NOZEROY founded vpon an open hill in the very nauell or midst of this region All the houses in a maner are built of stone the Prince of the countrey hath here a castle called The Leaden castle because it is couered with lead Here is a Faire kept foure times in the yere In times past this towne before it was walled was named Nucillum of the abundance of hazel-nuts that grew round about it CHASTEL CHALON built and named by the Emperour Charlemaine both pleasantly and strongly situate MONTMOROT vpon a steepe mountaine planted with vines ORGELET abounding with merchandise The inhabitants are industrious and painfull and exercise themselues in clothing Their fields are barren for they are full of hilles and craggie rocks whereupon is grounded a common prouerbe which saith That Orgelet hath fields without grasse riuers without fish and mountaines without woods and groues The cities of Dole are first DOLE it selfe the head citie of the prouince a nurse of all learning and especially of the ciuill law most pleasantly situate vpon the riuer Dubis adorn'd with bridges walles and inuincible forts The houses churches and schooles both for greatnesse and curious building are most delightfull to the beholders QVINGEY a most ancient towne situate vpon the bancke of Louë ORNANS standing also among high mountaines by the riuer Louë LA LOY a most ample village ROCHFORT a pretie litle towne VERCELLES with ruinous and deformed walles In this countie stands BESANÇON a citie Imperiall and Metropolitan of both Burgundies the description whereof because I cannot condignly expresse in this page being exactly performed by Gilbert Cognatus Paradine and George Bruno in his volume of cities I cease here to speake any farther For sith their books are so easie to be had I referre all students to them To these also you may adde Robert Caenalis It were to be wished that Cognatus had not frustrated the hope of students for he promised in a booke to restore and bring to light ancient Burgundie together with a particular Map and the olde and new names of places But we haue hitherto expected him in vaine Howbeit not long since Lewis Gollusius published concerning this Countie in French a great and peculiar volume BVRGVNDIAE COMITATVS Hugo Cusinus sive Cognatus patriam suam sic describebat 1589. Cum Privilegijs Imp. Regis et Brabantiae ad decennium The Dukedome of BVRGVNDIE THat part of France which the Aedui whilome enioyed is now called The Dukedome of Burgundie It is limited North by Champaigne and Gastinois West by Niuernois and Burbonnois South it borders vpon Lionnois and East the riuer Rhosne diuides it from Sauoy and the county of Burgundy The head citie in times past was Augustodunum but now Diuio or Diuionum as Gregory Turonensis in his third booke calles it or as the inhabitants Digion hath gotten the superiority for here the supreme court of Parliament for the whole Dukedome is holden It is seated on the bancke of Oscarus commonly Ousch a riuer abounding with fish in a fertile and plentifull soile the mountaines adiacent yeelding strong and excellent wines as the said Turonensis reporteth who most learnedly describes it Some thinke it was built by the Emperour Aurelian but others affirme it to be much ancienter It is a citie both by arte and nature most strongly fortified against all hostile attempts certaine new forts being lately added Belna commonly Beaulne is the second citie of the Dukedome famous for the wines of Beaulne which all men commend This Citie is fairely built being impregnable in regard of a Castle which Lewis the twelfth erected here It hath an hospitall comparable for building to any Kings Palace Here also is the seat of the high court of Chancery In the territorie adiacent was built by Duke Otho about the yeere of our Lord 1098. the abbey of Cistertium in a woody and clammy soile which some thinke was so called in regard of certaine Cisternes there digged Vnder the iurisdiction of this Monasterie Belleforest reporteth that there are 1800. other Monasteries of Friers and as many of Nunnes Next followes Augustodunum which some though vpon no sufficient grounds of antiquitie suppose to haue beene called Bibracte now Auttun That this citie of ancient times was most large and populous it is euident out of sundry authours and especially out of Caesar Here are yet extant mightie ruines of a Theater of Statues Pillars Water-chanels Pyramides and many other monuments of antiquitie Likewise here are dayly digged vp coines little vessels and other such ancient fragments This citie hath endured two memorable ouerthrowes one by Caesar in his French warres and the other about the time of Galienus the Emperour But it was afterward reedified by Constantine the sonne of Claudius as the Panegyrick of Eumenius calling it Flauiam Heduorum doth testifie And at this very day it is adorned with stately temples and other buildings for publicke vses Then haue you Matiscona Caesaris or Matisconense castrum Antonini where he placeth in garrison the tenth Roman legion It is now called Mascon Of olde it was graced with the title of an Earledome It ioyneth the bancks of Araris by a bridge Here the Lords day of the Christians began first to be hallowed as Paradine reporteth out of the Edict of Guntram The relation of the citie of Mascon Philip Bugnonius hath elegantly and briefly set downe Cabilonum now Chalon vpon the bancke of Araris also anciently called Orbandale as reporteth Peter Sanjulian By Antoninus the foureteenth Roman legion was here put in garrison It was of olde the royall seat of Guntram which notwithstanding afterward Lotharius sonne to Ludouicus Pius so destroyed and abolished with fire as he left no mention at all of a citie yet now it is very
rich and a place of great trafficke Also toward the North you haue Semur a faire towne built vpon an high ground As like Castillon Flauigni Soloigne Noiers with others the description whereof because this page cannot well containe I referre the Reader to Belleforest a diligent Surueyer of these parts Only one thing I will adde out of the foresaid Sanjulian He against the opinion of all other Writers deriueth this word Burgundie not à burgis that is from the boroughs or incorporate townes built in this region but from one particular place called Burg Ogne In the territorie of Langren about the riuer Tille betweene Luz and Tille-castle he saith there is a plaine which the inhabitants call by no other name but Val d'Ogne where in times past stood a famous borough or city Hence without all question he affirmes that the Burgundians or as they are commonly called Burgognons do borow their name and holds those Writers much deceiued that report them as vagabond people to haue come out of Sarmatia Scandia or the fennes of Maeotis to inhabit this region indeuouring to persuade all men that they were the first and most ancient inhabiters of this countrey The limits of Burgundie were larger in times past as appeareth out of sundrie authours For some there are that bound it South by the Mediterran sea East by the Alpes and the riuer Rhene North by mount Vogesus and West by the riuer of Loire and Seine Then classicke Writers record that it was gouerned by Kings whose royall seat was Arles It was diuided into the Duchie and Countie of Burgundie about the yeere 1034. as the Chronicle of Aemilius testifieth Of the Burgundians Paradine and Nicolas Vignier haue professedly written in Latine and Peter Sanjulian in French Of the ancient Aedui reade Nazarius his Panegyricke pronounced before Constantine the Emperour BVRGVNDIAE INFERIORIS QVAE DVCATVS NOMINE CENSETVR DES 1584. CVM PRIVILEGIO IMPERIALI ET BELGICO AD DECENNIVM GERMANIE GERMANIE the greatest and largest countrey of Europe is distinguished by many names the limits whereof by authours according to euery ones seuerall time are so diuersly described as they seeme applying themselues to the peculiar ages wherein they liued to giue notice of a threefold Germanie namely the ancient that of middle ages and Germanie as it is now taken The ancient is that of Berosus which he circumscribeth by the Rhene the Ocean the riuer Tanais the Euxine sea and the riuer Danubius That of middle ages is the same which Tacitus Ptolemey and Plinie all of one time acknowledged whereof because it is sufficiently knowen out of the authours themselues I hold it needlesse in this place to make any description But Germanie as it is now taken we do confine by the German or Dutch tongue which learned Goropius Becanus in his volume of the antiquities of nations most wittily and learnedly sheweth to be the ancientest language in the world Wherfore all those countries which at this day vse the same language we comprehend vnder the name of Germany And so the greatest length thereof stretcheth from Calais on the West to the riuer Vistula or VVixel Eastward and the largest bredth from the German and Baltick seas to the Alpes The names of the seuerall regions are these Flanders the most Westerly Brabant Zeland Holland Frisland Denmarke Meckleburgh Pomerland Prussia which extendeth beyond the riuer Vistula towards the Baltick sea as likewise the ancient and new Marquesates Saxonie VVestphalia Gelders Cleueland Iuliers the Bishopricke of Colen Hessen Turingen Misnia Lusatia Silesia Morauia Bohemia Franconia the Bishopricke of Mentz Lutzenburg the Bishopricke of Triers the Countie Palatine Elsas VVertenberg Sueuia Bauaria Austria Stiria Carinthia Tirolis and Switzerland next vnto France There be also more names of pettie regions but such as are either of no great moment or comprehended vnder the former And albeit Bohemia speaketh not the German but the Sclauonian tongue yet because it is situate in the midst of Germanie and the King thereof is one of the Prince-electours it is also numbred amongst the German prouinces This countrey of Germanie which for the present is adorned with the title of the Roman Empire is so replenished with beautifull and strong cities castles villages and inhabitants as it is no whit inferiour to Italie France or Spaine for corne wine and riuers abounding with fish it may compare with the most fruitfull regions Here are fountaines of water hot bathes and salt-mines in abundance and for plentie of mettals namely gold siluer lead tinne brasse and iron no countrey shall euer go beyond it Moreouer you shall no where finde more courteous and ciuill behauiour more honest and comly attire more skill and furniture for the warres nor greater store of nobilitie This is the place that whilome as Cornelius Tacitus affirmeth was either darkened with woods or drowned with fennes Such changes can succeeding times affourd as saith the Poet. Of late Writers it hath beene diligently described by Beatus Rhenanus Munster in his Cosmography Franciscus Irenicus Iohannes Auentinus in his Chronicle of Lyonnois Briefly by Bilibaldus Pirkeimerus Iohannes Bohemus Aubames Gerardus Nouiomagus Conradus Peutingerus Conradus Celtes a Poet Iacobus VVimfelingius of Sletstade Aimon in the beginning of his French storie and Henry Pantalion at the entrance of his first booke of Prosopographia Sebastian Brand hath set downe many iourneys distances of places and courses of riuers in this countrey The riuer Rhene is described by Bernard Mollerus in verse and by Magnus Gruberus in prose Iohn Herold hath written two short Treatises of this region one of the Romans most ancient stations in olde Germanie and another of certeine colonies of theirs on the shore of Rhaetia Gaspar Bruschius published a volume of the monasteries of Germanie Of ancient writers Cornelius Tacitus most exactly described it in a peculiar Treatise whereon Andraeas Althamerus Iodocus VVillichius and lately Iustus Lipsius haue written most learned Commentaries Diuers other Writers of Germanie which we haue not as yet seene are reckened vp by Francis Irenicus in the first booke and second chapter of his Exposition of Germanie But here I thinke it not amisse to alledge the testimonie of Laonicus Chalcocondylas a stranger namely of Athens concerning this countrey and the inhabitants Thus therefore he writeth in his second booke This nation is gouerned with better lawes than any other of those regions or peoples that inhabit towards the North or West It hath many noble and flourishing cities which vse their owne lawes most agreeable to equitie It is diuided into sundry principalities and is subiect to Priests and Bishops adhering to the Bishop of Rome The most famous and wel-gouerned cities in the vpper and lower Germanie are Norinberg a rich city Strasburg Hamburg c. The nation is very populous and mighty ruleth farre and wide all the world ouer and in greatnesse is second to the Scythians or Tartars Wherefore if they were at concord and vnder one Prince then might they
well be deemed inuincible and the most puissant of nations As touching their bodies they are verie healthfull and want nothing Nor is there any nation that I know gouerned by better lawes Thus much and more concerning this people and countrey who list may reade in the same authour Deutschlanndt GERMANIAE TYPVS Per Franciscum Hogenbergium conciunatus Anno partae salutis M.D.LXXVI vbiorum Coloniae Cum Gratia et Priuilegio Magnifico Nobili ac Praecellentj viro ac Domino D. Constantino a Lÿskirchen florentissimae Agrippinensis Reipub. Confuli Seniori Franciscus Hogenbergius nuncupat GERMANIE on this side RHENE commonly called THE NETHERLANDS or THE LOW COVNTRIES THis Table representeth not all the Lower Germanie but only that part which King Philip sonne to Charles the fifth challenged by right of inheritance And it conteineth these 17. Prouinces the Dukedomes of Brabant Limburgh Lutzenburg and Guelders the Earledomes of Flanders Artois Henault Holland Zeland Namur Zutfen the Marquesat of the sacred Empire the Signiories of Frisland Mechlin Vtreight Ouerissell and Groemingen Regions as ciuill and as well manured as any in the world wherein according to Guicciardin are to the number of 208. cities fortified with walles rampiers or ditches and villages with churches aboue 6300 besides a great number of hamlets castles and forts And this tract beginning from the East maretine part at the riuer Amisus commonly Eems the bound hereof towards the Ocean hath these bordering Princes the Earle of East Friez the Bishop of Munster the Duke of Cleue the Archbishops of Colen and Triers and the French King along the Southwesterne shore as farre as the riuer Aa the extreame Westerne bound of these Prouinces The aire though it may seeme ouer-moist is notwithstanding most healthfull and agreeable to the constitution and digestion of the inhabitants who are heere very long liued especially in Kempenland the Northermost part of Brabant It is euery where watered with riuers and sufficiently adorned with woods and groues either for pastime of hunting or beautifull prospect Mountaines it hath none saue only about Lutzenburg Namur and in Henault where it riseth in some places into hilles It aboundeth with corne and fruits of all sorts and medicinable herbs Here also groweth great plentie of that graine which commonly is called Buckwey but the people corruptly pronounce it Bockwey as if you would say The Beech-herbe for the seed or graine albeit lesse in forme is three-square altogether like the nut of the Beech. So as it may truely be called Beech-mast or if you will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whether this simple were knowen of ancient times let Herbalists enquire Howbeit in some sandie places which the inhabitants in regard of abundance of heath or linge call Heath-ground as in Kempenland the North part of Brabant it growes not in such plentie But this kinde of heath yeeldes such excellent feed for cattell as by the confession of neighbour-countries their flesh is as pleasant and delectable to a mans taste as any other This region I suppose that Plinie in his 17. booke and 4. chapter most truely describeth when he saith What better feed than the pastures of Germanie And yet vnder a thin flag you haue immediatly a mould of barren sand It breedeth no creatures hurtfull to mankinde All the foresaid regions the greatest part of strangers most ignorantly mistaking part for the whole call by the name of Flanders and the inhabitants Flemings whereas Flanders is but a part only and but one Prouince of the seuenteene as in the Table you may plainly see These therefore are in as great an error as if a man to signifie Spaine should name Castilia Andaluzia or any other particular Prouince or speaking of Italie should mention Tuscan or Calabria c. or discoursing of the whole kingdome of France should nominate only Normandy or Bretaigne c. and so should imagine himselfe to haue spoken of all Spaine all Italie or all France These regions Iohn Goropius Becanus in his Becceselanis hath most learnedly described as likewise Peter Diuaeus of Louaine and Hubert Thomas of Liege Iohannes Caluetus Stella a Spaniard writ in his owne language a Iournall of King Philips progresse thorow all these Prouinces wherein you shall finde many particulars worth the reading that giue great light to the knowledge of these countries and cities But whoso desires to haue more full and absolute instructions of these places let him peruse Guicciardin and he will then thinke that he hath not read of these Prouinces but seene them with his eyes Lately also Dauid Chitraeus in his Saxon historie hath written both largely and learnedly of the same argument Whereas the inhabitants in most places speake both the Dutch and French languages and the countrey for traffique and other occasions is frequented by Spaniards and strangers of sundry nations hence it is that diuers cities townes and riuers are called by more names than one for euery man calles them according to his owne language by a name much differing from the proper name vsed by the inhabitants The ignorance of which multiplicitie of names hath made some authours otherwise not to be discommended to fall into intolerable errours and amongst the residue Dominicus Niger in his Geographie who puts downe Anuersa in stead of Tarauanna and Antorpia which notwithstanding in the copie printed by Henrick Peterson he corruptly calles Antropicia he placeth vpon the banke of Tabuda thirty leagues from Tarauanna whereas all men know that Antorpia and Anuersa signifie one and the same citie of Antwerpe Likewise Machelen and Malines Leodium and Liege Nouiomagum and Nieumeghen Traiectum on the Maese and Trait for which he falsly writes Trecia he supposeth to be two seuerall townes ech couple whereas in very deed they signifie but one The citie Raremutium also he most grosly affirmeth to be called Liege and in another place he will needs haue the same Raremutium to be named Rhamon but by his description I coniecture that he meanes by his Raremutium and Rhamon nothing els but the towne of Ruermond So Rhenen a citie of Guelders standing on the banke of the riuer Rhene in regard of the affinitie of name he takes to be all one with the Bishopricke of Rhemes in the Prouince of Champaigne in France But being vtterly vnacquainted with the state of our countries his errors may seeme the more pardonable Howbeit lest others studious in Geography should fall into the like absurdities I thought good to annex vnto this page the cōmon synonymas or sundry names of certaine particular places Antwerpen in Low Dutch in Latine Antuerpia and Andouerpia in High Dutch Antorff whereof in Latine they call it also Antorpia the Italians terme it Anuersa the Spaniards and French men Enberes and Anuers Aken in Dutch in French Aix and in Latine Aquisgranum Hertoghenbosche in Fr●●ch Boissedue and in Latine Silua ducalu Loeuen in Latine called L●uanium and in French Louuain Lisle in High Dutch Kijsel in Latine Insula Liege in
High Dutch Luyck in Latine Leodium Coelen so called by the inhabitants in French Coloigne and in Latine Colonia Agrippina Dordrecht by contraction we call Dort in Latine Dordracum Macheien in Latine Mechlinia and in French Malines Tournay in High Dutch Dornicke and in Latine Tornacum Arras in French Atrecht in Flemish and in Latine Atrebates Mabeuge in Latine they call Malbodium Tienen in French Tilemont Namur the Brabanters call Namen in Latine Namurcum Maestricht and by contraction Tricht is by ancient Latine writers named Traiectum ad Mosam Viset in High Dutch Weset S. Truyen in French Centron Thionuille in French Ditenhosen in High Dutch and in Latine Theodonis villa Terrewanen and Terrenborch in Flemish Terouenne in French Tarnanna in ancient Latine writers It was wont to be the seat of a Bishop but now it hath the name only Gulick in French Iuliers in Latine Iuliacum Mons the Flemings call Bergen Geersberge which I heare is also called S. Adrians and in French Grammont Ioudoigne those Brabanters that speake High Dutch call Geldenaken Gemblours an abbey with a small citie in Latine Gemblacum Soigni in French in Flemish Senneke Halle in French Nostre Dame de Hault Cortrijck Courtray in French Cortracum in Latine Coomene in French Comines The riuer Maese in French is called Mense and in Latine Mosa The riuer Scheldt in French Escault is by Iulius Caesar and Plinie called Scaldis The riuer Liege in French is in Flemi h named Leye DESCRIPTIO GERMANIAE INFERIORIS The Dukedome of LVTZENBVRG THis region as we see many others is so named of Lutzenburg the principall citie but why it should be thus called we cannot easilie coniecture At first it went vnder the title of an Earledome and afterward was aduanced to the dignitie of a Dukedome and so till this present continueth Some say it was thus aduanced by Wenceslaus King of the Romans others by Charles the fourth howbeit Conradus Vercerius ascribes it to Henry the seuenth the first Romane Emperour of that family I finde in ancient manuscripts that the first Earle of Lutzenburg was one Sigisfridus and that he was the sonne of Tacuinus Duke of Maesland In former times Lutzenburg was part of Triers It stretcheth from the wood Arduenna to Mosella a riuer by Ausonius much celebrated The countries bordering vpon this Prouince are part of France Loraigne Metz Triers Mamure and Liege It is in most places mountainous and woodie but here and there also well manured and of late we see their woods euery where turned vp and conuerted into most fruitfull fields The people are for the greatest part Dutch and yet their countrie ioyneth hard vpon France and they are accustomed to the language and fashions of the French This Dukedome conteineth in compasse as saith Guicciardin seuentie of our Flemish miles Within it are seuen Earledomes many Baronies and great store of gentlemen Cities there are with stone walles to the number of twentie three besides those that the furie of warre hath layd desolate with 1168. villages and sundrie castles of importance The principall citie is called Lutzenburg or Lucemburg for I find it both wayes written but without any choice because both the true maner of writing and the deriuation is vncertaine Some thinke of the riuer Elza running by this citie which perhaps was Antoninus his Alizontia that it might be called Elzenburg and corruptly Lelzenburg Others referre it to the fabulous historie of the Inchantresse Melusina But my purpose is neither to proue nor disproue such opinions Here resideth the chiefe Counsell and the highest Court of iustice The citie is of sufficient force but vnequally situate for standing partly on a hill and partly in a lowe and steepe valley it appeares of a very vneuen shape Then haue you Arlune standing on the top of a hill a towne very beautifull where at this present are found sundry monuments of antiquitie which Count Peter Ernestus hath caused to be transported to his stately Palace in the citie of Lutzenburg Some are of opinion that the Moone in time past was here after a Gentilish maner adored and that it was called Arlune quasi Ara lunae that is the altar of the moone Others imagine that these cities following borowed their names also from the residue of the planets as Iuosium commonly Iuoix from Ioue or Iupiter Sathenacum now Soleure from Saturne Virtonium alias Verton from Venus Maruilla or Maruille from Mars Malmedium Malmedi from Mercurie Some interpret Malmedi Montem maledictum The accursed mountaine saying that it was so called because here the Emperour Valentinian lost his armie Next followes Rademacherne Also Thion-uille on the banke of Mosella it is the fortresse of the whole region and a towne most defensible against all hostile attempts Grauenmachern and Coningsmachern two small townes situate vpon the same riuer Dechrij stands vpon the riuer Saur Echternach containing a famous Abbey Vinden likewise Also the towne of Bastoigne the principall mart of the whole region standing neere the wood Arduenna Here you haue in like sort Naufchastelle Danuiller la Roche and Durbis townes not altogether vnworthie to be mentioned as likewise Sant Vit Marche Chiney and Ferta All which are more amply described by Guicciardin Regino in his second booke makes mention of mount Adromare about Thion-uille where Charlemaigne was wont to ride a hunting More concerning this region you may reade in our Itinerarium or Iournall LVTZENBVRGEN SIS DVCATVS VERISS DESCRIPT Iacobo Surhonio Montano auctore Cum Priuilegio Imp. Regiae Maiestatuum GVELDERLAND GVELDERLAND the seat of the ancient Sicambri as most Writers are of opinion hath to the North thereof Frisland together with an inlet of the German sea commonly called Suiderzee East it confineth vpon the Duchy of Cleue South vpon Gulick and West it affronteth Brabant and Holland It is a champian countrey destitute of mountaines but all ouer replenished with woods and groues It aboundeth with all necessaries especially with corne and their greene ranke medowes yeeld such plentie of feed for cattell as euen out of the farthest part of Denmarke they bring hither their starued droues for succour It is watered with three famous riuers namely Rhijne Maese and VVaele It conteineth the countie of Zutphen and the region called De Veluvve The Veluwe is almost an isle which being situate betweene a branch of Rhijn that runnes by Arnhem and the riuer Yssel stretcheth to the Suyder sea it is meanly fruitfull and not altogether void of woods mountaines and hilles Some thinke that the inhabitants of this place were woont to be called Caninfates The Dukedome of Guelders hath two and twentie cities compassed with walles and ditches and aboue three hundred villages Nieumegen vpon the VVaele is the Metropolitan a citie very populous and gallantly built famous in regard of the mint that is there The greatest part of the citizens vsing trade of merchandize are exceeding rich The territory of this citie is adorned with the title of a Kingdome Next
followes Ruremonde situate where the riuer Roer falles into the Maese It hath in my remembrance beene a Bishopricke Zutphen at the mouth of the riuer Berkel where it dischargeth it selfe into Yssel It beares the title of an Earledome It hath a rich College of Canons and is vnder the iurisdiction of the Bishop of Munster Arnhen stands vpon the banke of Rhijne This is the seat of the high Court of iustice and of the Chancery The Clergie of this towne are subiect to the Bishop of Vtrecht HATTEM a towne well fortified vpon the riuer Yssel ELBVRG on the shore of the Zuyder sea HARDERVVIIK vpon the same shore Heere likewise you haue WAGENING TIEL BOMMEL BRONCHORST DOESBVRG DOTECHEM SHEERENBERG gouerned by a peculiar prince vnder the name of an Earledome LOCHEN GROLL BREDEVORD GELRE which perhaps gaue name to the whole region STRAELEN VENLO a towne vpon the banke of Maese fortified both by arte and nature WACHTENDVNCK of ancient times the city of Hercules in the Dukedome of Iuliers Besides these there are other small townes of note which though now either by furie of warre or iniurie of time they are vnwalled yet they doe enioy the freedomes and priuileges of cities Their names be Keppel Burg Genderen Bateburg Monteford Echt Culeburg and Buren both which haue a peculiar Lord as Bateburg also Vnder Earle Ottho the third this region was mightily inlarged for he compassed with walles and endowed with priuileges the townes of Ruremond Arnhem Harderwijk Bemel Goch and VVagening which till that time had remained villages In the Chronicle of Iohn Reigersbeg written in Dutch I finde this region in the time of Carolus Caluus to haue beene called by the name of Ponthis and that it was by him in the yeere 878. erected to a Signiorie Then in the yeere 1079. this Signiorie of Ponthis was by Henrie the third adorned with the title of an Earledome and called the Earledome of Guelders and the first Earle thereof was Otto à Nassau It went vnder the name of an Earledome till Reinhold the second But whenas this Reinhold not only for his valour and mightinesse grew terrible to his neighbours but renowmed in regard of his iustice his piety and fidelity towards the Roman empire he was at Frankford in a solemne and royal assembly by Lewes the Emperour consecrated Duke in presence of the King of England the French King and the Princes Electours in the yeere of our Lord 1339. Some say that in the time of the Emperour Carolus Caluus towards that place where the towne of Gelre now standeth there was a strange and venimous beast of huge bignesse and monstrous crueltie feared all the countrey ouer which lay for the most part vnder an Oake This monster wasted the fields deuoured cattell great and small and abstained not from men The inhabitants affrighted with the noueltie and vncouthnesse of the matter abandoned their habitations and hid themselues in desert and solitarie places A certaine Lord of Ponth had two sonnes who partly tendring their owne estate and partly also the distresse of their neighbours assailed the beast with singular policie and courage and after a long combat slew him The said Lord therefore not farre from the Maese vpon the banke of Nierson for the perpetuall memorie of his sonnes exploit built a castle which he called Gelre because when the beast was slaine he often yelled with a dreadfull roaring noise Gelre Gelre from whence they say began the name of the Guelders Thus much out of the Chronicle of Henry Aquilius a Guelder borne More concerning this Prouince you may reade in Francis Irenicus but a most large description hereof you shall finde in Guicciardin GELRIAE CLIVIAE FINITIMORVMQVE LOCORVM VERISSIMA DESCRIPTIO Christiano Schrot Auctore The Bishopricke of LIEGE IT is a common and constant opinion that those which we now call Leodienses or Ligeois are a German people named of old Eburones A relique or monument of which ancient name remaineth as yet in the village Ebure a German mile distant from the city of Liege And this very place as I suppose is described by Dion lib. 40. vnder the name Eburonia Howbeit certaine it is that the iurisdiction of Liege stretcheth much farther than that of the Eburones did of olde Of the Eburones mention is made by Strabo Caesar and Florus Dion calles them Eburos and late Writers barbarously terme them Eburonates Themselues in their mother tongue which is a kinde of broken French they call Ligeois but in high Dutch Lutticher and Luyckenaren The deriuation of Eburones Leodienses whoso desires to know I refer him to the antiquities of Goropius Becanus and to a small pamphlet of Hubert Leodius This region taketh vp a great part of ancient Lorraigne for it containes vnder the name of the diocesse of Liege the dukedome of Bouillon the marquesat of Franckmont the countie of Haspengow and Loots and many Baronies In this region besides Maestright halfe wherof is subiect to the Duke of Brabant there are foure and twentie walled cities a thousand seuen hundred Villages with Churches and many Abbeys and Signiories The names of the cities are these following Liege vpon Maese the seat of a Bishop after which all the whole countrey is named Bouillon Franchemont Loots Borchworm Tungeren Huy Hasselt Dinant Masac Stoch Bilsen S. Truden Viset Tuin Varem Bering Herck Bree Pera Hamont Chiney Fosse and Couin as Guicciardin doth both name and number them Moreouer Placentius writeth that part of Maestright was added to this diocesse by the donation of Pori Earle of Louaine The territorie of this citie is called the countie of Maesland in the ancient records of Seruatius abbey built here by King Arnulphus in the yeere 889. Now this countie is vsually called Haspengow It is a region exceeding pleasant and fertile of all things especially on the North part where it ioyneth to Brabant for there it aboundeth with corne and all kinde of fruits and in some places it yeeldeth wine But on the South frontiers towards Lutzenburg and France it is somewhat more barren mountainous and ouerspred with woods here yet being some remainder of Arduenna the greatest forest in all France as Caesar writeth This is the outward hiew of the country but in the entrals and bowels thereof it is enriched with mettals and sundry kinds of marbles as also with sea-coales which they burne in stead of fewell and all these so surpassing good as in a common prouerbe they vsually say that they haue bread better than bread fire hotter than fire and iron harder than iron By their iron than which all the prouinces around vse neither better nor indeed any other they raise a great reuenue Nor with any other more forcible fire do the Smithes and Bearebrewers in all this part of the Low countries heat their furnaces than with these minerall coales of Liege which are of so strange a nature as water increaseth their flame but oile puts it out The smell of this fire or smoke
though it be somewhat loathsome to those that are not accustomed with it yet salt being cast thereupon it smelleth either but a little or not at all But concerning these coales you may reade more at large in the Tables of Namur and Henault This region they say was conuerted to the faith by S. Materne the first Bishop of Tungeren about the yeere of our Lord 101. For the Bishopricke which is now at Liege was then at Tungeren and there continued till the yeere 498 what time it was by S. Seruatius translated to Maestright where it remained till the time of S. Hubert the Bishop who in the yeere 713. remoued it to Liege where it continueth till this present Touching this Prouince reade more largely in Guicciardin Hubert of Liege and Placentius To whom you may adde Francis Roserius his description of Loraigne LEODIENSIS DIOECESIS TYPVS BRABANT THe Dukedome of Brabant is in such sort circumscribed by the riuers Maese Scheld Sambre and Dender as it no where ouerpasseth them nor doth it in all places stretch so farre for on this side the Maese lies a great part of the Prouince of Liege But that we may describe the bounds hereof more perfectly it hath to the North Holland and Guelders East the Bishoprick of Liege South the counties of Namure and Henault and West it is diuided From Flanders by the riuer Scheld It is a goodly and pleasant country exceeding fertill and abounding with come and fruits of all sorts especially to the South of the riuer of Demer For the North part thereof namely Kempenland is somewhat more barren and sandy Howbeit this part is not altogether fruitlesse for Iacobus Spielegius writing to Guntherus of Genoa affirmeth that the husbandmen of Brabant are so industrious as they make the driest sandes to beare wheat Also to head-cattell and sheepe the greatest part whereof as we reade in Homer of those Libyan sheepe are horned it yeelds most pleasant and plentifull pasture And now by the industry vncessant labour of the husbandmen it is dayly so manured that where in times past there was nothing but vnprofitable sand-heaps you may at this present beholde to the great benefit of the inhabitants most fruitfull corne-fields On the East part of this Prouince there is a kinde of bogge or quagmite called Peele the ground whereof as Plinie reporteth of the fields Gabiensis and Reatinus trembleth vnder a mans foot neither can it be passed by horses or wagons but only in Winter when the vpper crust thereof is hardened with frost This region containes the Marquesat of the sacred Empire the chiefe citie whereof is Antwerpe as likewise the Marquesat of Bergis the Dukedome of Arschot the Earledomes of Hochstraten Megen and that of Cantecroy lately erected by Charles the fifth c. It hath also woods and forests abounding with wilde beasts of sundry kindes the principall whereof are Grootenhout Grootenheyst Meerdael Zauenterloo and Soenien the greatest of all conteining in it for the space of seuen miles compasse sundry villages monasteries Hunting and hawking except in these fiue woods which are reserued for the Princes owne game are free for all men The people are so iocund as they seeme scarse to feele the inconueniences of olde age which frolike disposition of theirs hath giuen occasion to their neighbours round about to vse this iest The longer the Brabanter liues the more foole he The aire is exceeding holsome for when the plague hath beene most vehement in all the regions adiacent Brabant hath often most wonderfully remained free This Dukedome of Brabant hath six and twentie cities enuironed with walles and ditches And they are these following ANTVVERPE situate vpon Scheld the most famous mart not only of Germanie but of all Europe and one of the strongest cities in the world being much beautified with the steeple of S. Maries built an incredible height of white marble The palace lately built is scarse to be matched in all Europe BRVSSEL abounding with sweet fountaines Here for the most part resideth the Prince and therefore is this towne so much frequented by Nobles and Courtiers LOVAIN a large city conteining Gardens Vineyards and Pastures within the walles well may you call it The habitation of the Muses for which purpose in the yeere 1426. Iohn the fourth Duke of Brabant established here an Vniuersitie which flourisheth with all kind of learning The territorie of this citie makes Brabant to glory of her vintage Then followes MACHELEN famous for the court of Parliament there instituted by Duke Charles of Burgundie in the yeere 1473. HERTOGENBOSCH a towne of no small importance conteining an excellent Grammar schoole and inhabited in times past with a most warlike people TIENEN vpon the riuer Ghette from whence are brought great store of cheeses Here stands the church of S. Germans whereunto belongs a college of Canons LEVWE where the noble ale is brewed NIVELLE In this citie there is a chanterie of Nunnes whereinto none but ladies of great nobilitie can be admitted The Gouernesse of this chantry the Nunnes themselues chuse by voices yet with the consent of the Prince and the Bishops approbation and she is called the ladie of Niuella Also the temporall and ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the towne and adioyning territory soly belongeth vnto her ARSCHOT situate on the riuer Demer bearing at first the title of a Marquesat but since by Charles the fift aduanced to a Dukedome BERGEN ap Zoom so named of a small riuer that runnes thorow it a towne heeretofore of good traffique but now by the neighbourhood of Antwerpe not so frequented of forren merchants MEGHEN situate vpon the Maese BREDA a towne most fairely built Here stands the Palace of the Earles of Nassau so gallantly begun by a most skilfull architect that being once finished it may I thinke be preferred before all the Princes houses in this region MAESTRIGHT a large populous and rich citie which though it seemeth to lie without the bounds of Brabant acknowledgeth the Duke of Brabant as her souereigne Lord. STEENBERGEN vpon the sea-shore In times past it was a flourishing mart towne but now it is almost brought to nothing LIERE so beautifull and pleasant a towne as many noble men make choise thereof as a place of recreat and solace VILVORDEN Here is a strong fortresse and the castle of the Duke GEMBLOVRS The Abbat of this towne beareth the greatest sway in causes both ecclesiasticall and temporall IOVDOIGNE for the holesomnesse of the aire in times past the nurserie of the yong Princes of this region HANVT heretofore reported to haue beene an Earledome situate in a most fertile place LANDEN esteemed of some the most ancient towne in all Brabant HALEN almost vtterly ruinated by warres DIEST built on either side the riuer Demer a spacious citie the inhabitants whereof gaine much by clothing SICHENEN a towne vpon the same riuer HERENTALS that maintaines it selfe also by clothing EINDHOVEN in the middest of Kempenland vpon the riuer Dommel HHLMONT
and vnder-homage so that hitherto the Princes on both sides haue vsed this custom namely that Boulogne no more acknowledgeth Artois nor S. Paul Boulogne Howbeit about this point in the latter treaty of peace 1559. there was some variance wherefore the matter being referred to Commissioners remaines as yet vndecided the King of Spaine holding still possession It is commonly supposed that Calais the next port of the continent vnto England was by Caesar called Portus Iccius from whence he sailed out of France thither But if we more thorowly consider the matter we shall finde it to haue beene another Port namely the towne of Saint Omer which that it was of old an hauen and a most large inlet of the Ocean sea euen the high cliffes which in a maner enuironing the citie do plainly demonstrate besides infinit other arguments and reliques of antiquitie which though no man should affirme it do most euidently conuince that the territorie adiacent was in times past couered with sea the trueth whereof is till this day also confirmed by common and constant report Yea Sithieu the ancient name of the citie for who knowes not that the name of S. Omer is but new manifesteth the same As if it were deriued of Sinus Itthius or Iccius Also that the said haue was in the prouince of the Morini which Virgil and Lucan doe call the farthest people And that this is most true an attentiue Reader may by many arguments easily gather both out of Caesar his entrance and returne from England Neither can the space of thirtie miles or thereabout which he sayth the island is there distant from the maine hinder my beliefe in this point whenas the violence of the sea especially in so narrow a place may easily either adde or diminish Nor doth the distance of the sea there from the maine to the continent much differ Sufficeth thus much to haue beene said concerning Portus Iccius Whether we haue hit the trueth or no let others iudge Moreouer this Prouince hath three Bishopricks to wit Arras S. Omer and Boulogne one and twentie Abbeys and seuen Nunries besides many Couents and Hospitals It hath many riuers also the principall whereof are Lys Scarpe Aa Canche and Authy besides others that are nauigable Great is the number of villages and hamlets thorowout the whole prouince The soile is most fertile and abundant of all corne and especially of wheat Wherefore in the ancient French tongue some write it was called Atrech that is to say The land of bread Nor is it destitute of woods and groues especially towards the South and West The garments of the Atrebates or Artesians S. Ierome in his second booke against Iouinian noteth for precious Also the Artesian mantles Vopiscus celebrateth in the life of the Emperour Carinus Likewise the same Ierome and other authours affirme that in his time it rained wooll in this prouince This region as others also adioyning Guicciardin hath most notably described Artois ATREBATVM REGIONIS VERA DESCRIPTIO Johanne Surhonio Monteusi auctore Illustri ac amplissimo viro Domino Christophoro ab Assonleuille equiti aurato Domino ab Alteuilla R. M t s consiliario primario Ab. Ortelius in hanc formam compraehendebat et dedicabat Cum priuilegio Imp. et Regiea Maitis FLANDERS THe extreme part of Europe opposite to England and Scotland enuironed by France Germanie and the Ocean is called by the inhabitants The low countries or lower Germanie but the French and all strangers in a maner call it by the name of Flanders But in very deed Flanders hath not so great extension For albeit Flanders properly so called was larger in times past yet at this present it is bounded by Brabant Henault Artois and the Ocean sea This they diuide into three parts namely Flanders the Dutch the French and the Imperiall which last part because it neuer acknowledged any superior besides the Prince of Flanders they name also Flanders proprietarie The Dutch Flanders hath these cities Gant Bruges Yperen Cortrijck Oudenard with Pammele Newport Furnas Bergen Sluise Damme Bierflet Dixmud Cassel Dunkerke Greueling Burburch and Hulst The French Flanders L'isle Doway and Orchies And Flanders Imperiall or Proprietary Aelst Dendermond Geertsberg and Ninouen The principall riuers are Scheld Lys and Dender Most part of the region is pasture-ground especially towards the West it breedeth faire oxen and most excellent and warlike horses It abounds with butter and cheese and yeeldeth wheat in abundance The inhabitants are most of them merchants and of flax wherof they haue in Flanders great plenty excellent good and wooll which is brought them out of Spaine and England they make great quantity of linnen and woollen cloth which they disperse farre and wide This Prouince of Flanders hath 28. walled cities 1154 villages besides fortresses castles and noble mens houses Among which Gaunt is the greatest citie Whereof Erasmus of Roterdam in his Epistles writeth in maner following I am of opinion saith he if you looke all Christendome ouer you shall not finde a citie comparable to this either for largenesse and strength or for the ciuill gouernment and towardlinesse of the people So far Erasmus It containeth in compasse three Dutch miles It is watered by three riuers which diuide it into twenty inhabited isles For multitude and beauty of houses Bruges excelleth almost all the cities of the Netherlands so famous a mart in times past as saith Iacobus Marchantius by that meanes the name of Flanders obscured all the regions round about Yperen stands vpon the riuer of Yperlee very commodious for Fullers By clothing it grew in times past to an huge bignesse till the English and men of Gaunt besieging it cast downe the large suburbs and greatly diminished the same As it is sayd in a common prouerbe that Millan for a Dukedome excelles all Christendome so doth Flanders for an Earledome It hath certaine prerogatiues for the Prince thereof writes himselfe Earle of Flanders by the grace of God which clause is proper to the stile of Kings For it is giuen saith Meierus to no Duke Marques or Earle in Christendome but only to him of Flanders whenas all others vsually adde By the clemency or By the assistance of God c. He had in times past sundry officers peculiar to a King as namely his Chancellour his Master of the horse his Chamberlain and his Cupbearer also two Marshals and ten Peeres as in France The armes of this region in times past were a scutcheon Azure diuided by fiue Crosse-barres of golde with another small red scutcheon in the midst Now it is a blacke lion in a golden field which some are of opinion he tooke for his armes together with the other Netherlandish Princes when they set forth on their expedition towards Syria in the company of Philip of Elsas for at that time the princes of Flanders Louaine Holland Lutzenburg Limburg Brabant Zeland Frisland Henault c. changing their ancient armes assumed to themselues lions of diuers colours
Iordane in his mappe of Denmarke the ilands Groenland Island Hetland Feroa and the Orkneys Yet we haue said before that the Orkney iles do belong vnto the kingdome of Scotland vnder the name and title of a Dukedome Olaus also saith but falsly as I perswade my selfe that the I le Gotland doth belong vnto the kingdome of Swedland GOTHIA or the ile Gotland is a good ground for the feeding and bringing vp of cattell horses and oxen There is plentifull fishing fowling and hunting It is very rich of a kind of faire marble as also of all maner of things necessary for the maintenance of mans life In it is the goodly towne Visbui sometime the most famous and frequent Mart of all Europe There are yet remaining certaine ruines of marble sufficient testimony of his ancient greatnesse and beauty at this day it is now renowmed for the faire Abbey of Benedictine Friers and the Library there containing about 2000. bookes of sundry authours rare and ancient manuscripts Thus farre out of Olaus Magnus and Iacobus Zieglerus CIMBRICA CHERSONES VS now called IVITLAND CImbrica Chersonesus out of the which the Cimbri about the yeare 105. before the incarnation of Christ issued forth and spread themselues in other countries of Europe to the great terrour and affrighting of all Italie stretching it selfe from the riuer Elbe into the North about 80. miles containeth many large and goodly shires It is a part of the kingdome of Denmarke which M. Adams nameth Daniam Cismarinam Denmarke on this side the sea In the entrance of it as one commeth out of Saxony there standeth HOLSTATIA Holstein which old writers for that it is disioined and seuered four the rest of Germany toward the North by the riuer Elbe Albis they called it named NORDALBINGIA and for that it was alwaies accounted the vttermost Northren bound of the Roman Empire and therefore Henry surnamed Auceps the Fowler Emperour of Rome about 650. since had heere in the city of Sleswicke somewhat beyond the limites of the Empire a Lieutenant and Lord-warden of the Marches Holstein conteineth three principall shires WAGRIA STORMAR and DITMARSH of the which Federicke the Emperour about 106. yeares agone made a Dukedome The next prouince from the riuer Eydore which is the furthest bound of Holstein euen vnto Kolding conteineth the Dukedome of Sleswick so named of Sleswick the chiefe city and ancientest mart towne of this country For in former times this country was intituled by the name of the Dukedome of Iuitland which Waldemare the great-grand-child of Abel king of Denmarke first held by homaga from Erick their king about the yeare of Christ 1280. The male line of the Kings and Dukes failing and the Dukedome of Sleswick and the kingdome of Demnarke being vnited and knit into one body Queen Margaret heire to the three crownes granted the Dukedome of Sleswick to Gerard Duke of Holstein on this condition that he should acknowledge his tenure from the king of Denmarke The rest of Cimbrica Chersonesus called North Iuitland stretching it selfe toward Norway by Scagen a towne by reason the quicksands and the shallow sea there well known to sea men groweth sharp and narrow like a wedge This prouince is broadest about Aleburgh a mart towne vpon an arme of the sea which they call Lymford for there it falleth into Iuitland and pearceth almost quite thorow the same Westward diuiding Wensussel only a very narrow space except from the rest making it a Peninsula or Neckland from thence spreading it selfe into a greater breadth enclosing and compassing many goodly ilands putting forth many elbowes and branches it distinguisheth and boundeth diuers shires and countries In this Bay is that Iland which Otho the first Emperour of Rome about the yeare after Christs incarnation 960. when as he passed with his army from the one end of Iuitland to the other called Ottonia whereof the whole tract about this I le is called Otthesunt or vulgarly Odsunt That iland is now called Tyrhalm so named as I guesse of Tyre the mother of king Harald who after the departure of the Emperour Otho out of Iuitland caused all the country from Sleswick Northward to be fenced with a wall and deepe trench In that Iland at this day there is a village called Odby where they suppose that the Iuites ouerthrew the Emperour and his forces Thus farre the authour of this chart hath written of this whole prouince DANIAE REGNI TYPVS CORNELIVS ANTONIADES DESCRIPSIT Cum Priuilegio CIMBRICAE CHERSONESI nunc IVTIAE descriptio auctore Marco Iordano Cum priuileio decenn 1595. HOLSATIA vulgarly called HOLSTEIN OF Holstein thus Crantzius in the seuen and twentieth Chapter of his fifth booke of the history of Saxony Holstatia tooke the name of a vulgar word of thar language for that the country is woody and full of forrests to distinguish between these parts and the other neere adioining which are moorish and green pasture grounds The Saxons call the inhabitants Holsaten that is people dwelling amongst the woods on the contrary those which dwell in fenny countries they call Merstude Thereof the Latines haue formed he names Holsati Holsatia Holsaten and Holstein like as the French and Italians are from their own languages wont to enrich the Latine tongue Vpon the East this country is bounded by the riuer Bilene on the West by Store on the South by Elbe or Elue on the North by Eydore which in time past was the furthest bound of Denmarke From this riuer Eastward the Wandalles or Vandalles otherwise called Wagers did inhabit of whom that prouince was named WAGRIA of an ancient and sometime a populous city of that name now a poore village little inhabited without wall trench rampart or fence the houses are couered with reeds gathered in the fennes homely and country like it runneth out Eastward as farre as the riuer Trauenna Notwithstanding that part of the country which from the riuer Bilene by Elbe declineth toward the riuer Store and of that riuer is called Stormare leaueth but a little ground to the old Holsatia from Store to Eydore For the Dietmarshers a people inhabiting in mournish and fenny places do claime a freedome and priuiledge from the iurisdiction of any other Prince This Crantzius in his time wrote of the state of Holstein then Whereupon it is apparant that Holstein was diuided into Thietmarsh Wagria and Stormare The same Crantzius and others do also call these Holsaters Transabianos and Nordalbianos as situate beyond and vpon the North-side of the riuer Elbe called of the Latines Albis Ado nameth them also Northuidos vnder whom are conteined as the same authour and Helmoldus do write the Stormaren Holsaters and Thietmarshers He that wrote of the warres between the Danes and Dietmarshers his name we know not doth describe these countries somewhat otherwise then those forenamed writers haue done For he affirmeth that Holstein as now it is called generally doth comprehend the Dukedome of Sleswicke Wagria Stormare Dietmarsh and Iuitland with
and met the enemy before the towne Heyde entending to force the souldiers to retire being wearied with a tedious march but oft repelled and yet charging againe afresh at length they are beaten downe killed forced to flie and the towne is taken and fired There were slaine that day about 3000. Dietmarshers Duke Adolph labouring like a valiant captaine to keep his men in aray and to bring them on againe which began to flie receiued an hurt This battell was fought vpon the thirteenth day of Iune The Dietmarshers hauing receiued this ouerthrow submitted themselues to the King and the Dukes and obteining pardon they were againe receiued to grace and thus Dietmarsh which for many ages together by force of armes had defended and maintained their liberty became subiect to the Dukes of Holstein This the authour of this Mappe which heere we haue inserted into our Theater hath written of this country See also Albert Crantzius his Chronicle of Saxony Christianus Silicius a Dane hath lately set forth a little Treatise in which he hath described these warres between the Danes and the Dietmarshers and other things which do much make for the better vnderstanding of this tract OLDENBVRG THis country tooke his name from Oldenburg the chiefe city Albertus Crantzius in his Metropolis in the fifteenth chapter of the third booke writeth that this is one of the most ancient Earledomes of Germany for in the thirty chapter of his second booke he reckoneth Widekind Duke of Saxony who liued in the time of Charles the Great amongst the Earles of this country Iraenicus affirmeth that this city was repaired by Charles the Great who also there dedicated a church to S. Iohn Baptist consecrated by Edalgarge the Bishop In this I thinke he is deceiued that he reckoneth this city amongst the cities of the Wandalls and describeth it vpon that coast For this is another city different from that and is in VVagria a prouince of Holstein nothing neere Pomerland This the VVandalls called Stargard the Danes Brannesia ech according to the propriety of his owne tongue as the same Crantzius writeth The authour of this Mappe thinketh that the Ambrones a people which went into Italie with the Cimbers and were slaine and ouerthrowen by Marius as Plutarch recordeth dwelt heere about and their name yet to remaine amongst that people which they call Amerlanders The same he thinketh of the Alani Saxones which he verily beleeueth to haue sometime dwelt about the lake Alana in this prouince vpon ech side of the riuer Alana both in the Mappe are written Ana euen as high as the castell Oria and at this day to be called Lengener as who would say Alani and Auerlenger that is the Alanes on the further side Andrew Hoppenrode in his booke of Pedigrees hath something of the Earles of this County But Dauid Chytraeus hath written the best of any man of it in his history of Saxony THIETMARSIAE HOLSATICAE REGIONIS PARTIS TYPVS Auctore Petro Boeckel OLDENBVRG COMIT Laurentius Michaelis describ WESTPHALIA or as vulgarly it is called WESTPHALEN THis country seated between the riuers Weiser and Rhein runneth out toward the South almost as farre as Hessen his North border abutteth vpon Friesland The famous riuers Eems and Lippe Amasis and Lupias besides some other of lesser note do runne through this country The soile is reasonably fertile but of those things rather that do belong to the maintenance of sheep cattell and such like beasts than men It yeeldeth diuers kinds of fruits as apples nuts and acorns wherewith they feed and fatte their swine for of these they haue great store the gammons and legges of which dried in the smoke are from hence farre and neere transported and caried into forrein countries for the gammons of Westphalen bacon are accounted for a dainty dish at great mens tables These also that country people do sometime eat raw and take it for a sauory meat It is more fertile about Susate and Hammon but most rich of all commodities in the prouince of Paderborne and Lippe The diocesse of Munster is good meadow and pasture ground as also that tract which is about Weisser in some places It is woody all about Surland and the county of Berg. About Collen and the county of Marche it is not without some veine of mettall The people are goodly men of a tall and comely stature strong and able bodies and courageous stomacke It hath many good souldiers well trained and ready at an houres warning The Counties and Noble houses which do belong to this Countrie are in the iudgement of Roleuinge the County of Benthem Tekelenburgh March VValdecke Spigelberg Dinstlaken Oldenburg Diephold Rauesburg Limburg Arnsburg Ritburg Lippe Buren Rekelinchuisen Ludinchuyssen Steenuord Horstmare Borchlo Brunckhorst Gemme and Cappenberg to these also Hammelman addeth Delmenhorst Lingen and Sterneberg The people about the tract of Collen and in March are the Surlandi the Bergenses which dwell in the mountaines and such as are subiect to the Duke of Cleeueland the Emeslandi in the Bishopricke of Munster and the inhabitants about the riuer Eems and toward Friesland the Slachterlandi in the same prouince neere Cloppenburg and the Norlandi that is the Northren people in the tract of Osnaburg lastly the Delbruggij in the diocesse of Paderborne The chiefe cities of Westphalen properly so called are Munster Dusseldorp Wesall Oldenburg Osnaburg Minde Herworden and of lesse note Widenbrug and Coesueldt Some do account the ancient and true Saxony to be Westfalen and do thinke it to haue been inhabited long since by the Cherusci whose Prince or Generall Tacitus and Velleius do write to haue been that same Arminius who slew Quintilius Varus the Romane and put his three legions to the sword Herman Hamelman hath set out the description of this country in a seuerall treatise out of whom we haue gathered this briefe discourse he nameth and citeth for his authours Werner Roleuing Gobeline and others mo of lesse note writers which yet I haue not knowen The studious Reader to these may adioine Albert Crantz his Saxony Item Dauid Chytraeus his history of Saxony where he hath a large and learned description of this country Of this prouince this rythme and prouerbe is commonly spoken by trauellers Hospitium vile Cranck broot dun bier langhe mile Sunt in Westphalia Qui non vult credere loop da. Lodging base hard bed Kentish miles small drinke and brown bread In Westphalen be He that will not beleeue 't let him go see WESTPHALIAE TOTIVS FINITIMARVMQVE REGIONVM ACCVRATA DESCRIPTIO Qui olim Saxones postea se Ostphalos et Westphalos dixere Visurgi flumine distinctos Ostphalorum autem Vocabulum in Saxonum denuo euanuit At Westphali in hodiernum usque diem nomen retinēt Vetusque tanquam spurium respuentes Cum Imp. et Reg. M tm priuilegio ad decennal 1579. Christianus Schrot Sonsb descripsit Cum Priuilegio SAXONY ALthough this Mappe do beare the title of Saxony notwithstanding it conteineth not all
any man that shall thinke and obiect that this storie of the Round Table is too fabulous to confirme this our assertion yet this is certaine and cannot be doubted of that in England almost in the middest of the kingdome there is a towne called Mansfield situate betweeene the riuers of Trent and Rotheram not farre from the city of Nottingham This county containeth also foure other counties namely ARNSTEDT WIPRA WETHIN and QVERNFVRT all which in former times had their proper and peculiar Earles but now at this day beside the counte Mansfield they haue not any one In this county also there is the county Palatine of Saxony Moreouer there are beside these certaine other Lordships and Principalities as thou maist see in the Mappe The chiefe and principall cities are MANSFIELD EYSLEBEN WIPRA and LEIMBACH This country is very full of Mettall-mines Heere out of the earth are digged those sleitstones which they call Scheyffersteyn such as scarcely are to be found as Sebastian Munster writeth in any other place of the world beside It hath also certaine stones laden with Copper which being burnt in the fire and then steeped and washed in water do yeeld the mettall and together with it some good store of Siluer But this is a wonderfull strange pranke that Nature heere in sporting maner vsually plaieth which the same authour there speaketh of well worth the obseruation namely of a great Lake in this country well stored with diuers and sundry sorts of fish all which kinds of fish together with the paddockes frogs newts and such other things liuing in this lake are found so curiously expressed shaped out in stones as we haue to our great admiration beheld as it is a very hard matter at the first sight vpon the sudden to discern them from the naturall liuing creatures of that kind and that so liuelily that thou shalt be able presently to distinguish one from another and to call them by their seuerall and proper names Some of these I haue giuen me by Peter Ernest the most renowmed and illustrious Earle of this country and worthy Gouernour of the prouince of Lutzenburg There is a Lake in this country which by reason of the saltnesse of the water they call Gesaltzen into which if the fishermen shall cast in their nets ouer deepe they will presently be sienged schorched euen as if they had beene burnt or drawne through the fire as Seuerinus Gobelinus in his history of Amber reporteth The same authour writeth that neere vnto Eisleben there was not long since a piece of Amber found as bigge as a mans head Syriacus Spangeberg did promise to set out the history of this countrey wherin all the cities castles villages mountaines woods riuers lakes mines c. should seuerally be described together with the Antiquities Records Petigrees and such other historicall matters of the same MANSFELDIAE COMITATVS DESCRIPTIO auctore Tilemanno Stella Sig. The Principality of HENNENBERG THe terrirory and precinct of the Princes of HENNENBERG a part of East France how large and wide it was you may see by this our Chorographicall Mappe the buts and bounds of it are thus Vpon the West and North it hath Thuringen and the great forest which of this countrie is called Durynger Waldt whose head on these parts doth diuide Thuringen from Frankenland on the South it is confined with the riuer of Meyn and the bishoprickes of Bamberg and Wuitzburg Moreouer the East part is enclosed with that great mountaine which the country people do call Die Rhon or Rosn vpon the same side also it hath the Diocesse of Fulden and the prouince of Hessen This country is wonderfully stored with deere wild fowle fish and such other things necessary for the maintenance of mans life It hath also some Mines of mettals especially of iron whereof great store is yearely from hence to the great gaine and commodity of the inhabitants transported into forren countries It is watered heere and there with many and diuers fountaines heads or springs of the riuer Visurgis which in these parts they call Die Werra but mo●e properly it is of some in other places called Die Wesser which indeed the name of the Abbey Vesser doth seeme to approoue for truth which Francis Irenicus and Wolfgangus Lazius do verily beleeue to haue beene so denominated of Wasser which in the Germane is as much to say as water in the English Of the first beginning and originall of this house or family of Hennenberg by reason of the negligence of the writers and Historians of those times we can determine nothing for certainty beside this that in the time of Attila and Charles the Great some authours do make mention of the Princes of Hennenberg which also were Earles of Frankland and Burggraues of Wurtzeburg So againe in the time of Henry the first Emperour of Germany Gottwald and Otto of this house of Hennenberg serued valiantly in defence of the Empire against the assaults and inrodes of the Vgri Item the Boppones two learned men of this family in the yeares of Christ 941. and 961. were bishops of Wurtzeburg and gouerned that sea with the great applause and praise of all men But the true pedigree of these Princes is deriued from BOPPO who in the yeare of our Lord 1078. following Henry the fourth the Emperours side in the battell fought betweene him and Rudolph the Switzer neere to the city Melrichstadt valiantly fighting was honourablie slaine in the field After him succeeded his sonne GOTTEBALD first founder of the Abbey of Vesser for the Monkes of the order of the brotherhood of the Praemonstratenses After him followed his sonne BERTHOLD then BOPPO the Second next him BOPPO the Third all which succeeded one after another in a right line This Boppo the Third had by his second wife Iutta of Thuringen HERMAN whose sonne BOPPO the Fourth died leauing no issue behind him But by his first wife Elizabeth of the familie of the Princes of Saxony he had HENRY who had issue HENRY the Second HERMAN the Second and BERTHOLD the Second Henry had issue BOPPO the Fift whose sonne BERTHOLD the Third died without issue But after Herman these Princes HENRY the Second HERMAN the Third FREDERICK the First GEORGE the First and lastly FREDERICK the Second lineally descended one from another successiuely gouerned this prouince This Fredericke had issue HERMAN who by his wife Margaret of the family of Brandenburg had two sonnes BERTHOLD the Fourth and ALBERT both which died in the yeare of our Lord God 1549. and left no issue behind them Then of the line of Berthold the Second third sonne of Henry the First succeeded BERTHOLD the Fift who for his singular virtues wisedome experience and excellent gifts other waies was in the yeare after Christs incarnation 1310. by Henry of Lutzelburg the Emperour with the generall consent of the whole company of the Electours installed one of the Princes of the Empire And after that for the same his virtues and
their game most laboriously others do take as great paines in ordering and ruling the commonwealth ending of controuersies and seeing that the lawes be duly kept and executed others do busie themselues in building and fortifiing of towns and c●ties making them not only defensible against the assault and battery of the enemy in time of war but also gorgeous and beautifull to the great delight and aston●shment of the beholders in time of peace What should I speake of the goodly wholesome springs the pleasant greene meadowes pastures and vallies which for fruitfulnesse may iustly contend with those of Aemonia that fertile country of Greece so much commended by Poets and Historians Of the sundry and manifold pleasures and deligh●some places brookes and cleare running waters of this country c. HENNEBERGENSIS DITIONIS vera delineatio Cum Privilegio decennali 1594. HASSIAE DESCRIPTIO IOANNE DRYANDRO AVCTORE Cum Gratia Privilegio decen 1579 THVRINGIA OR DVRINGEN THis Prouince was sometime a Kingdome at this day it is onley graced with the title of a LANDTGRAVY It is seated betweene the two riuers Sala and Werra Vpon the North it is bounded with that great wood which the Historians call Sylua Hercinia and of them is called Hartz On the South it hath the vast forest of Thuringia Duringer Waldt they call it The length of this country which is equall to the breadth is about twelue Germane miles In this narrow compasse as I remember not long since Hugh Brinkhorst an Englishman a citizen of Erford my good friend did tell me there are 12. COVNTIES or Earledomes and as many ABBEIS which they call Gefurstete Abtyen 144. CITIES with so many MARKET TOVVNS Mercktflecken 2000. PARISHES and 150. CASTLES It is a passing fertile country and of wheat and such like corne it yeeldeth greater plenty than any other country of Germany whatsoeuer Whereupon George Agricola doubted not to call it Sumen Germaniae The Sweet-bread of Germany Heere yearely groweth great plenty of woad Isatis the Latines call it which from hence is transported into other countries to the great gaine and commodity of the inhabitants It is an herbe or weed much vsed of Diers to set the more perfect and durable colour in wooll or wollen cloth Heere some are of opinion that sometime the SORABI did inhabite Reinerus Reyneckius in his booke which he wrote of the Originall of the Myssen Mysni doth thinke these Tyringetae to be nothing else but as one would say Tyringotae that is The Gothes of Thuringia and thereupon their city Gothen or Gotha he maketh no question tooke the name Zacharias Riuander in the Dutch tongue hath set out a peculiar treatise containing a description of this countrie The Metropolitane or chiefe city of this prouince is Erford which is held to be the greatest city of all Germany The crystall and nimble streamed Gera runneth almost through euery street of this city as we there beheld to our great delight and exceeding commodity of the people inhabiting the same In it there is a mount vpon the which doth stand a goodly Monastery of Frier Benedictines dedicated vnto S. Peter Here also is a stately church built by Boniface bishop of Mentz and dedicated to our Lady Mary the blessed Virgin This church hath a bell famous all Germany ouer for the huge bignesse of it and massie weight MISNIA THis country is by Iohn Garzo of Bononia an Italian thus described This prouince saith he is seated vpon the riuer Elbe on the Eastside the Vindali the Bohemi on the South the Saxons on the North and Libonotria or the Eudoses on the West are neere neighbours to this country it is contained within the riuers Sala and Muldaw beyond the riuer Sala the Thuringers dwell In it are many rich and wealthy cities and diuers strong castles Here sometime as Ptolemey testifieth the Calucones and the Danduti did inhabite But Libonotria was possessed of the Herthanae Eudosi Varini and Suardones all which afterward were generally called Serabi The country is very fertile of all maner of graine so that it is able in regard of the great abundance thereof to serue almost all the neighbour countries neere adioining Neither doth it yeeld such great store of wheat only but also of wine hony and cattell Thus farre out of the same Garzo The head city of this prouince is Meissen Misna of which the whole country tooke the name The riuer Elbe Albis runneth hard by the wals of this city Heere is a very goodly and strong castle Dresden where the Prince doth ordinarily keepe his court is a city also situate vpon ech side of this riuer Elbe crosse ouer the which a goodly bridge doth passe from one part of the city to the other Torgaw also standeth vpon the same riuer where there is brewed an excellent kind of beere and is thereupon called by the name of this towne Torgaw beere Item Leipzig situate vpon the riuer Pleisse is the greatest and wealthiest market towne in all these parts hither the Merchants do flocke from all quarters farre and neere to the Mart that here is held thrise euery yeere Heere also is a pretty Vniuersity translated hither as Munster saith from Prage in Bohemia about the yeere of our Lord 1408. This towne is verie goodlily built and hath many faire houses but especially the Guild-hall where the Aldermen vsually meet not long since repaired with great cost and expences is of all others most gorgeous The people are very neat cleanly courteous and humane Beside these there are diuers other pretty townes as Zeitz Schreckenberg Naumburg and Freiberg a rich towne by reason of the Gold-mine neere adioining Heere in old time dwelt the Hermanduri as Munster with other good authours doth teach vs. The Originall Famous acts Remooues or colonies and great Commands of this nation are set out not long since by Georgius Chemnicensis in the Latin tongue by Reynerus Reyneckius and at large by Petrus Albinus Niuemontius in the Germane tongue Of LVSATIA a prouince also contained in this mappe we haue spoken before at the Mappe of Saxony TVRINGIAE NOVISS DESCRIPT per Iohannem Mellinger Halens Cum Priuilegio MISNIAE ET LVSATIAE TABVLA Descripta à M. Bartholemaeo Sculteto Gorlit THE MARQVESATE OF BRANDENBVRG THe Marquesate of Brandenburg runneth out in length threescore German miles Vpon the West it bordereth vpon Saxony Misnia and Meckelburg Vpon the North it is bounded by Pomeran Stetin and the Cassubij His East part resteth vpon Polonia and Silesia On the South it hath Bohemia Lusatia and Morauia It is diuided into Old-march Middle-march and New-march This Marquesate also conteineth within his iurisdiction the Lordship of Cothuss or Cotwitz of Peilzen Bescaw and Storkaw all in Neather Lusatia the Dukedome of Crossen in Silesia the Earledomes of Rapin Stolp and Vierad To it also doth belong the little Prouince Prignitz It hath three Bishopricks Brandenburg Hauelberg and Lubusz situate in Middle-march Moreouer beyond the riuer Oder it hath the citie
and shire Sternberg OLD-MARCH beginneth at the Desert of Luneburg and so extendeth it selfe vnto the riuer Elbe It is confined with the Diocesses of Magdeburg Halberstadt and Meckelburg The inhabitants long since were the Senones Sueui and in some places also the Angriuarij with the Teutones In this coast are seuen cities of no small account Tangermundt vpon the riuer Elbe in that place where the riuer Angra or Tonagra now Tanger vnlodeth it selfe into Elbe sometime the imperiall seat of the Emperour Charles the fourth Stendal the principall citie of this shire where there is a church of S. Nicolas they call it Thumstift of regular Canons of the order of S. Barnard commonly called Ordo Cistertiensium first founded at Gistertium now called Citeauz a place in Gallia Narbonensi Soltwedel diuided into two cities the Old the New Gardeleben with a castle called Eischnippe As also Osterburg Werben and Senohuse now Sehausen so named perhaps of the Senones a people that sometime dwelt here about Arnburg with his castle situate vpon the riuer Elbe Bismarch Beuster Bueck standing not farre from the Elbe Kalbe and Neflingen which they otherwise also call Letzlingen Besides these townes it hath seuen monasteries richly endowed with temporalties and secular iurisdiction and diuers Nunries as Arntsehe Damke Diestorff Crewessen and Niendorff The breadth of this countrey being equall to the length is not aboue eight Dutch miles and yet in it are at the least 465. villages of good note MIDDLE-MARCH beginneth on the other side of the Elbe and stretcheth it selfe vnto the riuers Oder and Spre sometimes called Sueuus It is watered with the riuer Hauel and other small brooks of lesse account In former ages it was inhabited by the Sueui or Switzers The soile is very fertile especially for corne It hath many Woods Fish-ponds Pastures and Medowes as also certeine Vineyards first planted heere by Albert the Marquesse surnamed The beare Brandenburg his chiefe citie is by the riuer Hauel diuided into two parts this is called The New citie that The Olde and was so named of Brandon sometime a captaine of the Franks Here is held the generall court of iustice for the whole countrey Many priuileges and great liberties haue by emperors kings and princes been granted to this prouince a token or monument whereof is the statue or image erected in the new city holding in his hand a drawen sword whom the citizens call Rowland Not farre from this citie is the territory of Hauelan so called of the riuer Hauel that enuirons it Also the monastery of Lenin of the order of S. Bernard After Brandeburg followes Rathenaw vpon the Hauel Spandaw with a castle vpon the riuer Spree likewise Coln and Berlin seuered by the same riuer In Berlin is the Princes court at this present Berlin was so named either of Albert the Marques surnamed Bear or as others hold opinion of wild beares that haunted this place when the foundations were first laid Colne was so called of Colliers that in great numbers inhabited the same in times past or rather of the Latine word Colonia Frankford vpon Oder was anciently reckoned in the number of the Hanse-townes in which regard at this present it payes no tribute to Lubeck nor to any other cities of that association It hath three marts euery yeere Here is a College or Vniuersitie founded by Ioachim the first marques of that name in the yeere 1506. Not farre from the Abbey of Carthusians in this citie runnes a small freshet springing out of a vine-bearing hill whereinto whatsoeuer is cast hardeneth into the nature of a stone Other townes there be also as Brietzen surnamed The loyall also Belitzen and Bernaw where excellent beere is brewed Bellin seated by a foord of the little riuer Rhien Mittenwald Monnixberg Bisental Blumbergen of the diocesse of Brandeburg Botzaw with a castle Falkenhaghe with a castle sometimes belonging to the Templers Frienwald and Oderberg Here marques Albert the second of that name built a castle in the midst of the riuer to constraine passengers to pay tolle Then haue you Fridland a cloister of Nunnes with a little borough Frisach of the diocesse of Brandeburg Gereswald Grimnitz Grunheid Grunwalde and Koppenick foure parks of the Prince with castles annexed Hochelberg a village Landsberg an obscure place with a castle of great antiquitie Lichen a small towne Liebenwald with a parke Nawen Putstam a little towne with a castle Newstadt Eberswald and not farre from thence Chorin a monastery of Bernardines Mulrosa a small borough and a village Sarmunde Sconbeck with a parke Strausberg Trebin Bernewijck a little borough Zendenick a cloister of Nunnes Zossa a small borough with a castle Stendel Swet Wrusen not farre from Odera Lietzen Selow a small borough with many villages and hamlets This middle marquesat containes eight and twentie Dutch miles in bredth and so many in length NEVN-MARCH is diuided from the middle by the riuer Odera about that place where the riuer Warta falles thereinto nere the towne of Kustren The said riuer of Warta beginnes in Poland and watereth this region at the citie of Lansberg and the townes of Zandock and Sonneberg The head citie of this marquesat is Kustren reedified by the marques Iohn sonne to Ioachim the first who to his exceeding charge fortified the same and there established his court Other townes there be as Landsberg vpon Warta Koningsberg Bernwald and Bernsteine a small borough with a castle Bernwijchen and Berlinichen or the towne of New Berlin Then haue you the citie of Arnswald the borough of Thame Soldin whilome the principall citie Furnstenfield a small borough Dramburg Driesen Falkenberg the towne and castle situate on the confines of Pomerlandt also Himelstedt a cloister of Nunnes Kalis a village Kartaw and Lepen two little boroughs Morgenwald an Abbey Morni a small towne Nieuberg a village Nurnberg Reitz with an abbey of the knights of the Rhodes Quartzen containing the palaces of noblemen Schiffelben a towne that beares the name for good beere and excellent Armorers Moreouer you haue Osmund Sconflis Woldenberg a small borough Sciltberg a village Zeden a little towne with a monasterie and Zandock a petie borough vpon the riuer Warta The circuit of this new marquezat is about foure and twenty Dutch miles Now the whole marquezat of Brandeburg with the regions aboue mentioned thereunto subiect containeth fiue and fifty cities of importance threescore and foure townes sixteene boroughs commonly called Marcktflecken eight and thirtie castles or noble mens houses ten parks seuenteene monasteries of men and women This region also yeeldeth Corall the Eagle-stone or the Aetites and the saffron-coloured stone called Schistus with other gemmes of no lesse account Thus much out of the Dutch discourse of Wolfangus Iobstius You may reade also Munster and Irenicus and Dauid Chytraeus his storie of Saxonie BRANDEBVRGENSIS MARCHAE DESCRIPTIO Marchionatus hic primum erectus fuit ab Henrico I. Imperatore ao. 923. fuitue eius primus marchio nomine
Hamelen concerning which the learned and famous Physitian D. Arnold Fretaghius wrote to me in a letter the story ensuing his words be these I chanced of late to light vpon a Saxon and a Chronicler of Saxonie He reports that 130. yeres ago the citie of Hamelen vnder the iurisdiction of Duke Ericus being exceedingly pestered with mice there came a iugler that offered his seruice to the townes-men to driue them away this offer was most acceptable vnto them because they could keepe nothing in safetie from those mischieuous vermine Being agreed with the townes-men by the sound of a bell he drawes all the mice out of the citie Then he demandeth his promised hire They denie it him Well in a great rage he departs the citie and within a yeere after returneth and sounding the same bell which before he had vsed to coniure the mice he drew after him vnto an hill not farre off a great number of the citizens children whither being come both they and he immediatly vanished A girle of the company either for wearinesse or by Gods appointment stayeth a good distance behinde who returning home and being asked what she saw makes report that her fellowes were gone vp the hill with the iugler Then euery man runnes to seeke his childe but in vaine for from that time forward they could neuer know what was become of them Hauing read this I iudged it either to be a fable or as it is in very deed a most wonderfull and strange narration Discoursing therefore with certaine citizens of this place I made mention heereof They all affirmed it to be true and sayd that the yeere the day and the number of children that were lost was registred in the records of the citie of Hamelen and it is yet a custome among them in their bonds and couenants which they write in an ancient hand to vse this forme or clause of speech Don onser kinder ausgangh that is to say From the departure of our children And they say that the way or street thorow which they were led for the perpetuall memorie of their mishap was called by the inhabitants Die Bungloese straess and that it is not lawfull thereto ring a bell If you haue perhaps read this storie heretofore I doe now call it to your remembrance If you know any thing that may stand me in stead I pray you impart it as leasure and occasion shall serue Fare you well and loue your Fretaghius From Groenninghen the ninth of Nouember 1580. A description of the territory of NVRENBERG OVt of Pighius his Hercules Prodicius I haue thought good to set downe the originall and description of this place his words be these When the barbarous Hunnes ouerran a great part of Europe and oppressed also the people Norici inhabiting Bauaria certaine principall families of them for shelter and refuge fled vnto the forrest Hercynia planting themselues in a commodious place by the riuers of Pegnitz and Regnitz and so vpon an hill by nature strongly situate and free from hostile incursions they built them a rude and homely castle as the Chronicles of Bauaria doe beare record Within a while their number was increased by the neighbour-husbandmen and the shepheards of the forrest Hercynia and so of a medley of diuers sorts and professions of people they grew at last to the bignesse of a towne But giuing themselues to a base and dissolute kinde of life without gouernours without lawes and continually molesting the neighbour Prouinces with riots and robberies it seemed good to the German Emperours to send thither a colonie of olde souldiers which might serue in stead of a garison for the place to bridle their outrages and to prescribe vnto them lawes of ciuilitie Some report that Henry of Bauaria first brought it into the forme of a citie adorned it with the church of S. Giles enacted lawes and enuironed the castle with a larger wall Also that Conradus the second ioined it to the Empire for at the beginning it was a popular estate One onely ciuill discord in the time of Charles the fourth changed it into an Aristocratia or gouernment of a few principall persons by which meanes the whole authoritie came into the hands of the Senatours who euer since haue vsed such equitie and moderation in their gouernment as there hath not at any time in so great a multitude of common people and diuersitie of nations growen any notable sedition or pernitious mutinie In the citie there are three degrees of people that is to say Senatours Merchants and Artizans Ancient and honourable families there are 28. out of which alwayes are supplied new Senatours who all of them are six and twentie in number Thirteene of these called Burgomasters doe consult of matters of Estate and the other thirteene they call Scabins who being alwayes assisted by three stipendarie lawyers doe vpon Court and Leet dayes execute iustice and decide controuersies among the citizens It is forbidden by their ancient lawes S.W. Herberts opinion confirmed that any professed lawyer or any that beares the title of a Doctour should be admitted to their senate or to the gouernment of their Common wealth Out of either of the said halfes or thirteenes they chuse euery Lunar moneth or new moone a new Consull so that euery yeere the chiefe magistracie falles by turnes for the space of a moneth to euery man of both the foresaid thirteenes Fiue there are of the same company that in criminall causes do make inquiry giue sentence and allot punishment to malefactours They haue likewise a Iudge or President for their suburbs who executes iustice among the pesants and villageois Out of the same company also they yerely elect two Treasurers men of sufficient yeeres credit and honesty who take charge of the customes and reuenues of the whole citie and haue the receit and disbursing of the same All the said magistrates and others that haue any authoritie are chosen only out of the foresaid number of Senatours Two hundred there are yeerely nominated out of the three Estates and the whole citie who once a yeere or vpon any vrgent occasion being assembled by the magistrates do sit in common counsell The State or company of merchants albeit very great and honourable are freed notwithstanding from all publike offices and endowed with most ample priuileges wherefore following their priuate traffike they do in this citie as in a common ware-house hoord vp the riches not only of Europe but of the most remote countries and islands in the world The labourers and artizans which are the last and meanest degree are suffered to haue no conuenticles nor meetings priuate or publike in the citie no solemne banquets nor festiuall assemblies of many together vnlesse it be for a matter of religion or some great funerall for they hold it a thing pernicious to the publike tranquillitie hauing found by often experience that most dangerous factions and seditions haue growen of such popular meetings where people in their drunkennesse
well deserueth the title of the Royal or princely castle For it resembleth rather a city then a Castle filling vp so great a roome with the wals and buildings Of publique edifices the Church built by King Charles before mentioned and the Castle erected by K. Vladislaus late deceased are the most memorable And as Prage of all their Cities hath the preeminence so hath Elbe called by Tacitus renowmed and famous of all their riuers Howbeit concerning the fountaine of this riuer Tacitus writeth skarce soundly namely that it springeth in the region of the Hermonduri For it ariseth not among the Hermonduri but rather out of certaine Bohemian mountaines lying open to the North vpon the frontiers of Morauia which the ancient Bohemians call Cerconessi From which mountaines this riuer refresheth and watereth the greater and better part of Bohemia and then hauing augmented his streames by the influence of Vultawa Egra Satzawa Gitzera and Misa his neighbour-riuers continueth his course and name through Misnia and Saxonie to the maine Ocean being all that way enriched with abundance of Salmons But the smaller riuers and freshets of Bohemia yeeld in some places graines of gold and in others shell-fishes containing pearle Heere also you haue certaine hot bathes both pleasant and medicinable And all the whole countrie so aboundeth with graine as it affoordeth plenty to the neighbour-regions Wines there are no great store and those of the countrey so weake as they last but a very small time Howbeit they haue saffron of the best excelling both in colour smell and moisture three principall properties to chuse that commoditie by There are siluer-mines so exceeding rich that were it not for some small quantitie of flint that insinuates it selfe into the veine you should haue nothing but perfect siluer whereas in other countries those mines are esteemed of high price that hold a quarter or a fift part or at the vtmost one halfe of good siluer They find also plenty of gold-ore in certaine mines which take their name of a place called Giloua It is reported that the Kings of Bohemia haue had graines of pure gold brought from thence weighing tenne pound a piece Neither are they destitute of baser metall namely tinne lead copper and yron And sometimes they finde in those mineral rockes the carbuncle the Saphyre and the Amethist Next vnto their mines there is nothing of greater account to the Bohemians then their waters replenished with carps which I haue declared more at large in a peculiar booke treating of fish-pondes Now let vs decypher the disposition of the inhabitants In briefe therefore both in maners habit and stature of body the Bohemians resemble the Lion king of beasts vnder whose constillation they are subiect that is to say if you consider either the largenesse of their limbs their broad and mightie breastes their yellow shag-haire hanging ouer their shoulders the harshnesse of their voice their sparkling eies or their exceeding strength and courage The Lion carries a kind of contempt and disdainefull pride ouer other beastes and hardly shall you vanquish him if you assaile him by force Neither doth the Bohemian in this respect degenerate but soone shewes his contempt towards other nations both in word and deed and discouers his arrogancie both in his gate gesture and pompe Being set light by he growes impatient in any enterprize he is as bold as a Lion and most firme and constant till he hath brought it to execution but not without a touch of ambition and vaine glory Moreouer like a lion he is greedie of his meat and very curious in the dressing and seasoning thereof And their neighbours the Saxons haue taught them to carouse both day and night And by reason of their neighbourhood the Bohemians differ not much from the Germans in other qualities Hitherto Dubrauius by whom also the originall and ancient dwelling place of this nation is described They brew excellent ale in this countrey calling it Whiteale They speake the Sclauon tongue calling themselues Czecks and the Germans Niemecks Vnder the stile of this kingdome are also comprized the regions of Morauia Silesia and Lusatia Likewise in the yeare 1315. the city Egra became the warehouse or principall mart towne of the Bohemians Concerning the region it selfe you may read more largely in Aeneas Siluius and of the people in the first booke of Martinus Cromerus his Polonian story Vnto these you may adde Munster Rithaimer Crantzius in his description of Wandalia and Sabellicus En. 10. lib. 2. Panthaleon Candidus wrote of late seuen books entitled Bohemaidos Prage the head citie of this Kindome is peculiarly described by Georgius Handschius The Map it selfe we borowed out of the Table of Ioannes Crigingerus published at Prage 1568. The diuers appellations of certaine cities in this Kingdome we thought good here to put downe out of Munster For the names of all their cities are by the Bohemian pronounced after one maner and by the German after another Bohemian names German names These cities are immediatly subiect to the King Praha Prag Plzen Pilsen Budiciowize Budwis Kolim Coeln Cheb Eger Strzibre Misz Hora Kuttenberg Tabor Taber Zatetz Satz Litemierzitze Leitmiritz Launij Laun. Rockowinck Rakowinck Klattowy Glataw Beraim Bern. Most Bruck Hradetz Gretz Auscij Aust Myto Maut Dwuor Hoff. Laromiertz Iaromir Bohemian names German names These cities are subiect to the peers of the kingdome Dub Ath. Piela Wiswasser Gilowy Gilaw Krupka Graupen Loket Elbogen Hanzburg Hasenburg The riuer Albis is called by the Germans Elbe and by the Bohemians Labe. The Bohemians call the riuer Molta by the name of Vltawa REGNI BOHEMIAE DESCRIPTIO Bohemiae longitudo latitudoque peuè par nam retundam faciem ex circumiacientibus montibus accipit cuius diametrū trium dierum itinere expedito absoluitur quorū montium quae ad Septentrionalem plagā vergunt Sudetae appellantur ardui sane ac praecipites vbi Gabrita silua ingens extenditur qui montes cum alijs Danubio proximis vnde Albis fi se proripit in coronam cocunt quos vndique profundissima nemora latissimè occupant Hercinia enim silua vniuersā Bohemian compraehēit SILESIA JOhn Crato one of the Emperours counsellers and his principall Physician hath for the benefit of the studious in Geography out of his relations of Silesia imparted thus much vnto vs. That we may not be scrupulous about the name of the Silesians nor as some haue done deriue it from the Elysian fields we are out of ancient writers to vnderstand that the same region which they now possesse was formerly inhabited by the Quadi For Quad in the Saxon or old German tongue hath the same signification that Siletz hath in the Polonian or Sclauon For they were a people that resorted hither out of sundry places more addicted to warre than peace destroyers rather than builders and impatient of all superioritie The first King that bare rule ouer them was Boleslaus a Polacke He was borne in the yeere of our Lord 967. his
Nigra and that of Switta whereon standeth the city Brin next in dignity to Olmuntz also Thaysa which glideth along by the city Znaim famous for the death of Sigismund the Emperour and lastly Igla passing by the city Igla rendreth vp his owne and his neighbours substance to the great and renowmed Danubius But the riuer Odera springing not far from Olmuntz retaineth his name to the Ocean sea Some thinke it is called by Ptolemey Viadrus Odera is so named of a word borrowed from fowlers which call their watch-towers for the spying and taking of birds Odri and such towers you haue now in Morauia at the fountaine of Odera Neither must we heere omit the riuer Hana which albeit sometimes scant of water yet doth it so moisten the neighbour-fields being thereby the fertilest in all the region as the husbandmen in regard of their plentifull increase call them the fat of Morauia Here also more than in other places are found the siluer and gold coines of M. Antoninus of Commodus and other Emperours Which is a manifest argument of ancient warres betweene the forces of the Empire and the Marcomans in these parts This one thing is most worthy the admiration that in Morauia there is a kind of Frankincense Myrrhe not distilling out of trees as in other countries but digged from vnder the ground in one place only called Gradisco where till this present is found not only Frankincense called Male frankincense in regard of the resemblance it hath with the priuie parts of man but also in the shape of other members both of man and woman And of late VVenceslaus of the noble family surnamed à Quercu as he was making a foundation for the banke of a fish-poole in his field of Sterenberg he found the intire body of a man consisting all of Myrrhe the which distributing vnto his friends and remembring me among the rest bestowed on me more than halfe an arme which I vsed often for a perfume The inner part of the region is arable an exceeding fertile and fat soile and most apt for corne as the hilles for vines being more fauourable to Bacchus than the hilles of Bohemia wherefore it excelleth for abundance of good wine And it is so generally manured and hath such plentie of husbandmen that vnlesse it be in forests and desert places heere is no pasture at all for the feeding of cattell For the rest both in speech fashions and customes they are like the Bohemians Hitherto Dubrauius In the yeere 895. the people of this region were instructed in the Christian faith by S. Methodius at the procurement of Arnulphus the Emperour Vnder the Emperour Henry the fourth in the yeere 1086. this countrey together with Lusatia and Silesia was annexed to the kingdome of Bohemia Their language is mixt for the greatest part speake Bohemian and the high Dutch is vsed only in cities among persons of best account This Prouince as Dubrauius writeth yeelds plentie of wine but not of the strongest such saith Rithaimerus and I my selfe haue so found it by experience as exempteth not the drinker quite from care Duglossus in his Polonian storie saith that the name of the riuer Odera signifies in the Henetian tongue inundation or robbery Olmuntz the head citie of this region and the seat of a Bishop is described by Stephanus Taurinus in his Stauromachia Concerning Morauia besides Dubrauius reade Aeneas Siluius in his Bohemian story This Map of Morauia first drawen by Fabricius but afterward corrected by diuers gentlemen of the countrey was sent me by Iohn Crato Counseller and principall Physician to the Emperour Maximilian the second a bountifull fauourer of these my studies He gaue me also this catalogue of townes called both by German and Bohemian names The Dutch names The Bohemian names Behemsche Triebaw Trzebowa Czeska Landskron Landskraun Schirmberg Semanin Sciltperg Ssilperck Hanstadt Zabrzch Zwittaw Swittawa Merherische Tribaw Trzebowa Morawska Neustadt Nowy Miesto Deutstbrodt Niemeckybrod Iglau Cziblawa Budwers Budegowice Weissenkirch Hranitza Plos Pzin Drosendorff Drosdowice Freyen Vranow Schtignitz Trztenice Holsterlitz Hosteradice Mislicz Moristaw Ioslwitz Iaroslaiwice Dayex Diakowice Grustpach Hrussowamy Maydpurgk Dewczihrady Auspitz Hustopecz Nuslau Nosyslaw Tischain Itza Schwartz Wasser Strumen Selowitz Zidlochowice Brin Brno Olmutz Holomane Prostnitz Proslegew Wischa Wyskow Austerlitz Slawkow Kremfier Kromerziz Vngerischbrod Vherskybrod Goeding Hodomin Lumpenburg Brzetislaw Altmarck Podiwin Ostra Ostracia MORAVIAE QVAE OLIM MARCOMANNORVM SEDES COROGRAPHIA A. D. PAVLO FABRITIO MEDICO ET MATHEMATICO DESCRIPTA ET A GENEROSIS MORAVIAE BARONIBVS QVIBVSDAM CORRECTA AVSTRIA or AVSTRICH GEORGE RITHAYMER in his Abridgement of the situation of the world describeth Austrich vnder the name of Pannony the higher in these words Pannony the higher saith he toward the East abbutteth vpon the riuer Leyth Ptolemey maketh the riuer Rab his Eastern bound Vpon the West it is bounded with the riuer Onasus and Noricum which is a part of Bayern Some do on that coast limit it with the mountaine Caetius on the North with the riuer Tey and the countrey Morauia for so farre at this day it doth extend it selfe on that side Vpon the South coast it resteth vpon the mountaines of Steyri The soile is good and fertile of all maner of corne and is such as is manured and tilled with small charge In that part which is beyond Donaw and is called Marchfield where long since the Chetuari and and Parmecampi were seated the husbandman falloweth his land with one poore seely jade only Marle without which their land in Bayern is leane and barren what it meaneth the husbandmen of Austrich know not It beareth so good Saffron as no other in the world may compare with it It affoordeth Wine passing holesome and agreeable to the nature of man Althamerus vpon Cornelius Tacitus his Germania writeth that it yeeldeth plentie of Ginger in a mountaine neere the towne Hamburg in the middest of Austrich or Pannony It hath many ancient and famous cities notwithstanding those of greatest note are Styre Vadenhoff Melck Castell anciently called Claudionum Crembs Cetro castle now called Zeisselmaur Saint Hippolytus the two Newberies one surnamed of the Abbey the other of Corne. Petronell a village now but in old time a great citie as his foundation ruines and heaps of stones and rubbish do testifie The new city Pruck vpon the banke of the riuer Leyth and Hamburg out of all the most famous is VVien sometime called Flauiana and Iuliobona renowmed for the Vniuersitie and Schoole than which there is none that hath brought forth more excellent and greater Mathematicians This citie is round beset with Vineyards The houses of the citizens are stately and beautifull so that they may seeme to giue entertainment to Princes and are built with large and open windowes to let the aire in and out and therefore they are neuer pestered and offended with close and bad aire for that euery priuate house hath either his seuerall court-yard or back-side Hither is great concourse of forren nations
from all countreys of Europe Here is great plentie of all maner of prouision necessary for the maintenance of mans life The riuers of Austrich are Donaw sometime the vtmost border of the region but now it runneth thorow the midst of the same Onasus Drawn Erlaph which at Cella or Zelltal famous for the Church of the Virgine Marie ariseth out of a most pleasant lake Draisn Ypsie Melck Marck These doe seuer Morauia from Austrich Camb a notable riuer for sundry sorts of fish Leytte and Swegad in which are Crefishes or Crabs of a most pleasant taste Thus farre Rithaymer Of the originall and reason of the etymologie of the name of this countrey this report Lazius in his Commentaries of VVien doth giue The name of Austria saith he was inuented of late about foure hundred yeeres since of the blast of the South winde called of the Latines Auster which winde in this country bloweth oft or of the similitude of the German name which I thinke to be more likely for the Kings of the Franks called the East border of their Kingdomes Ostenrich like as the West part they termed Westenrich This region long since was first gouerned by Marquesses then by Dukes and lastly by Archdukes to whom it is now subiect as is more at large to be seene in the said Commentaries of Lazius The ancient armes of this countrey were fiue Larkes Ore in a field Azure but Lupold the Marquesse the fift of that name of an accident or euent that befell him was licenced by the Emperour to alter his coat and to beare a field Gules with a fesse argent for that in the siege and assault of Accon he was all ouer embrued with bloud onely his girdle excepted More thou maiest reade of this in Munster and Cuspinian The description of Austrich is to be seene in Bonfinius in the end of his fourth booke fourth Decade of his historie of Hungarie Pius the second in his description of Europe citeth an historie of his written of this countrey which notwithstanding as yet it was neuer our chance to see The same authour hath in his Epistles passing well described Vienna or VVien the chiefe citie of this Prouince AVSTRIAE DESCRIP per WOLFGANGVM LAZIVM The Bishopricke of SALCZBVRG FRANCIS IRENICVS saith that of the fiue Bishopricks of Bayern this is the principall and the Bishops sea termed of Aeneas Syluius the Metropolitan citie whose description we haue here set downe is by Munster thus described Iulius Caesar entending to make warre vpon the Germans caused a very strong castle to be built in the streights of the mountaines whither his souldiers in danger might retire themselues and from whence they might haue succour when need required and therefore it was called Castrum Iuuauiense in the German tongue Helfenberg The riuer vpon which it standeth called Iuuauius is thought by some to haue giuen the name to this castle of which also the citie afterwards built was named Iuuauia This citie hath Fennes Plaines Hilles and Mountaines round about belonging to it The Fennes yeeld pastures the Mountaines hawking and hunting But this citie hauing long since flourished for a few yeres in the time of Attila the King of the Hunnes susteined many inrodes and incursions and was miserably wasted with fire and sword Afterward about the yeere of Christ 520 whenas S. Rupert descended of the bloud royall of the Franks was inuested Bishop of the sea of VVormes and after the death of Childebert was driuen from that his Bishopricke Thedo Duke of Bayern entertained him at Ratispone with great ioy and solemnitie and was baptized of him with his Nobles and Commons Rupert the Bishop going on visitation and trauelling about by Noricum euen vnto Pannony preaching the Gospell conuerted many to the faith of CHRIST and comming vnto the riuer Iuuaue where sometime the citie Iuuawe had stood but now ruined decaied ouergrowen with bushes and without inhabitant and obseruing the place fitting and conuenient for a Bishops sea he obtained the possession thereof from the Duke stocked vp the trees and bushes and finding the foundation of the buildings he erected there a Church which he dedicated vnto the honour of S. Peter Also by the bountifull magnificence of the same Duke he erected a Monasterie of the order of S. Bennet and gouerned the Bishops sea foure and fortie yeeres c. The same authour in that place reckoneth vp also the rest of the Bishops and Archbishops of this sea See Auentinus who thinketh this citie to haue beene of Ptolemey called Poedicum This citie is seated amongst the Alpes Some doe thinke it to haue beene named Saltzburg of Salt which in the countrey neere adioyning not farre from Reichenhall is digged out of the earth in great plenty Yet who doth not see it not to be called of them Saltzburg or Salisburg but Salezburg of Salcz or Salczach the riuer vpon which it is built and situate like as Insperg Instadt of the riuer In Iltzstadt vpon Iltz Regensperg vpon Regen not farre from this place and a thousand such euery where to be obserued The territorie and liberties of this citie is rich of all sorts of mettels as of Golde Siluer Brasse and yron Here is also found Vitrioll Brimstone Alume and Antimonie It hath also some quarries of Marble VViguley Hund hath set forth a catalogue of the Bishops of this citie The Iournall of Antoninus maketh mention of Iuuaue But Gaspar Bruschius thinketh the more ancient name of Iuuaue to haue beene Helfenberg and of that the name Iuuaue to haue beene formed which in signification is the same Pighius writeth that he hath read these verses in the chiefe church of this city Tunc Hadriana vetus quae pòst Iuuauia dicta Praesidialis erat Noricis Episcopo digna Rudiberti sedes qui fidem contulit illis CHRISTI quam retinet Saltzburgum serò vocata Thus verbatim in English Where Hadriana old did stand which since they Iuuaue call'd A garrison towne to Roman State there Robert was enstall'd First Bishop of the sea who them did bring to cheerefull light Of Gospell cleere which yet they hold it now is Salczburg hight SALISBVRGENSIS IVRISDICTIONIS locorumque vicinorum vera descriptio Auctore Marco Secznagel Salisburgense Qui patriae adfert ingenio suae Illustre nomen Laudibus excolens Dignus fauore est praemióque Quem sequens veneretur aetas Cum Marcus ergo fecerit hoc opus Grato tuum te quaeso foue sinu Salczburga ciuem ges tiensque Posteritatis honore cinge BAVARIA BAyern or Bauiere called of the Latines Boiaria or as others like better Bauaria was inhabited in former times by the Narisci Vindelici and Norici The Nariskes which now are called Nardge the riuer Donaw parteth from the other two The Noricks did enter at the riuer In and doe decline toward the East and West euen vnto Hungarie and Italie The Vindelicks were conteined betweene the riuers Lyke Donaw Isara Inne and the Alps which Ptolemey calleth Penninae All this
part now is vnder the dominion of the Dukes of Bayern and doth wholly rest in the name of Bayern Bayern is diuided into the Higher and the Lower THE HIGHER is situate vnder the Alps and toward the South This is combred with many marishes huge lakes swift streames darke and fearefull woods Besides beares bores and such like wild beasts it hath many heards of stags of an hundred yeeres old which no man may hunt without the Princes leaue but vnder a great penaltie It is a good soile for pastorage and for the feeding of cattell It yeeldeth yeerely great plentie of Apples Barley Oats and such like corne although not of all sorts it is inhabited but here and there The cities of this countrey are Munchen vpon the banke of the riuer Isara a most goodly and famous citie and the Dukes seat This citie continually mainteineth Lions Many men do thinke it to surpasse all the cities of Germany for beautie Ingolstadt adorned with a publike Vniuersitie Beside these there are Freising a Bishops sea Wasserburg Neuburg Rosenhaim Auensburg c. THE LOVVER BAYERN is more fertile and better inhabited and by reason of the riuers Donaw Isara and Lauar it bringeth forth Vines His cities are Regensburg which some call Ratisbone formerly called Augusta Tiberia situate vpon Donaw whose suburbs vpon the opposite banke of the riuer are ioyned to it by a faire stone bridge Patauium commonly called Passaw at the mouth of the riuer In where it falleth into Donaw famous for his Bishops sea Strawbing Landshut Dinglesing Osterhoff and diuers others This countrey generally is reasonably fertile as of Salt Corne Cattell Fish Woods Birds Pastures Deere and of all such things necessarily required to the maintenance of mans life either for apparell or victuall it is sufficiently stored It breedeth many swine feeding and fatting them with mast and wildings in such sort that as Hungary affoordeth Oxen so this Swine to the most countries of Europe Salt Cattell and Corne are transported from hence and solde into forren countries Wines are from other places as out of Italie Istria Rhetia Rheni Nicker and Pannony conueyed hither But no Prouince of Germanie is beautified with more and finer cities for within his borders as Philip Apian in his Map of Bayern writeth it conteineth foure and thirtie cities six and fortie townes Mercktflecken they call them threescore and twelue monasteries beside an innumerable company of villages castles and noblemens houses In it Salczburg is the Metropolitan citie and the Archbishopricke which hath vnder it many Suffragans as of Trent Passaw Wien c. The people do rather giue themselues to husbandrie and grasing than to warfare neither do they delight in merchandise and traffique they be much giuen to drinking and venery They seldome trauell forth of their owne countrey The first authour of this nation was Alemanus Hercules the eleuenth King of High Germanie His name as yet is preserued in this countrey in the village and castle Almonstain and the riuer Aleman In time past this countrey was ruled by his proper King vntill the dayes of Arnulph the Emperour him as the Parthians Arsaces the Egyptians Ptolemey they called Cacan After that it had Dukes which as yet it reteineth Marke a certaine disciple of S. Paul conuerted this Prouince vnto Christian religion and he was the first Bishop of Laureacke which Bishopricke afterward was translated vnto Passaw Thus much out of Auentine Munster and Iohn Auban of Bohemia BAVARIAE OLIM VINDELICIAE DELINEATIONIS COM PENDIVM Ex tabula Philippi Apiani Math. Cum Priuilegio NORTGOIA or the Countie Palatine of BAYERN THe other part of Bayern which is on the other side Donaw and runneth out beyond the Bohemian wood is called in our time and long since was Nortgoia hauing Noremberg for the chiefe citie from whence the country as some men thinke tooke his name And although that Noremberg be no ancient citie yet his castle situate vpon the toppe of an hill is very ancient This region hath many townes monasteries and villages especially Amberg which in the yeere of Christ 1300. was enclosed with a wall Awerbach Sultzpach Castell Munster where in old time the Princes of Nortgoia haue held their Court Eger Beierut Eister Napurg Newenstadt Rewenkelm Kemnat Krusen Greuenwerdt Eschenbach VVeiden Pernaw Pleistein Herspruck Rurbach Neumarckt Tursenrut Elbogen Cham Schonsee Kunsperg Stauff c. Which for the most part do belong vnto the Palatine Princes For Lewis the Emperour and Duke of Bayern in the yeere of CHRIST 1339. made such a diuision that of the whole prouince of Bayern the prouince of Nortgoia should be subiect vnto the Palatine Princes except only certaine townes which should belong to the Emperour and many also that did appertaine to the crowne of the Empire in time past haue beene pawned to the Princes of Bayern In this Prouince betweene Bamberg and Neremberg in the East toward the towne Eger there is a great mountaine called Fichtelberg out of which do issue foure riuers Meane Nabe Sala and Eger This mountaine conteineth in compasse about six miles it bringeth forth diuers kinds of mettals it yeeldeth the best blew colour which commonly they call Azure In the toppe of the mountaine there is also found Tinne and many caues out of the which in former times mettals haue beene digged generally all that whole prouince euery where swelleth with mines especially of iron by which meanes the Nortgoians do yeerely reape great profit Otherwise the soile is hard and rough although in some places it doth bring forth good store of graine and is excellent pasture ground This Prouince of Nortgoia conteineth one of the foure Earledomes or Landtgrauies which long since were erected by the Emperors namely Luchtenberg which taketh his name of the castle Luchtenberg notwithstanding that the Princes of that iurisdiction doe keepe their Court in the towne of Freimbd and sometime in Grunsfelden the situation of which towne thou mayest see in the Mappe The Earle which now possesseth the place is called George it I be not deceiued descended from his progenitours Albert and Fredericke This Earledome hath not growen vnto such greatnesse as the other three which in processe of time are much enlarged both in possessions and command and especially the Landtgrauie or Earledome of Hessen Thus farre Sebastian Munster See also Pius the second Of the beginning of the Countie Palatine of this Prouince reade Francis Irenicus Conradus Celtes the Poet hath most excellently described Noremberg the chiefe citie of this Prouince and of late also Pighius in his Hercules Prodicius Gasper Brusch of Egra hath described Fichtelberg a mountaine plentifully bearing Pine trees in a peculiar treatise The territorie or iurisdiction of STRASBVRG THe booke of Records Notitiarum liber maketh mention of Argentoratensis tractus the precinct of Strasburg It taketh his name of Argentoratum or Argentina as others name it now called Strasburg This tract is a part of Holst where in time past the Triboces or
Briomeck with a castle which belongeth vnto the same Bishop Then Schwatz where euery yeere great store of siluer as we sayd before is digged out of the earth Verona c. But that which we haue not thought good to conceale of Munster is well worth the reading There is saith he an hill called Nansberg three miles from Trent extending it selfe twelue miles in length and three in bredth in which there are three hundred and fiftie Parish-Churches two and thirtie Castles besides Salt and many pleasant and sweet smelling fruits In it all things do abundantly grow which are necessary for the maintenance of mans life But of this Countie see more at large in the same authour Ianus Pyrrhus Pincius of Mantua hath learnedly and at large set forth the historie of Trent in twelue books Of GOERCZ KARST CHACZEOLA CARNIOLA HISTRIA and WINDISKMARKE OF Windiskmarke Istria and Goerez we must speake hereafter and therefore in this place we will sursease to say ought of them Of Carnioll Karst and Chaczeoll to say the trueth I know not what to write Something notwithstanding that otherwise than in the other I do not deceiue the expectation of the Reader that shall not be vnpleasant vnto those which doe admire the wonderfull works of the Almightie I will speake in this place There is a place in this Map which the inhabitants call Czyrcknitzersee of a little towne neere vnto it called Czyrcknitz Lazius saith that Strabo calleth it the Mere of Lugey it is situate in the prouince of Carnioll This place so I call it for whether I may more truly terme it a lake a parke or a field I know not as the same Lazius hath euery yeere yeeldeth corne fishing and hunting But here I thinke it best first to set downe his description out of George Wernher a little more at large It is enclosed saith he on euery side with mountaines and is in length about a mile and a halfe but in bredth somewhat lesse In many places it is eighteene cubits deepe and where his depth is least it is equall vnto the full height of a tall man Out of the hilles round about on euery side certeine small brooks do runne ech from his seuerall channell from the East coast three from the South foure Euery one of these the farther they runne the lesse water they containe for the earth so continually soaketh it vp that at last it is wholly consumed by certeine stonie ditches so framed by nature as they do seeme to haue beene made and cut out by the arte and industrie of man Lazius thinketh them to be certeine signes and arguments of the sailing of the Argonautes vnder the earth Heere the waters doe so mightily swell that by no meanes they may be receiued whereupon it commeth to passe that the ditches doe in such maner swell backe againe that neither they only doe not receiue the water but also what they haue receiued they powre backe againe so exceeding swiftly that a nimble horseman by running shall hardly be able to auoid the violence of the streame Therefore which way soeuer the waters shall finde any way out they issue forth and spread themselues so broad that they make a great lake These waters do returne almost as swiftly as they came yet not by those ditches only but the ground euery where almost doth so receiue them as if they were powred thorow a sieue This when the inhabitants do perceiue will come to passe they by and by stopping the greater passages to the vttermost they may they runne thither to fish by great troops which is not only a pleasant passe-time to them but also is very gainfull and profitable For these fishes being salted are carried out in great plentie vnto the neighbour-regions round about Then the lake being dried succeedeth an haruest on that part where the soile is sowen and the same is sowen againe before the next floud It is so fertile of grasse that euery twentie dayes it may be mowen Who is it that which here doth not admire the wonderfull works of sporting nature Rhetiae alpestris decriptio in qua hodie TIROLIS COMITATVS Ex tabula Wolfgangi Lazij quam Joan Maior Viennensis aedidit Cum Gratia et Priuilegio GORITIAE KARSTII CHACZEOLAE CARNIOLAE HISTRIAE ET WINDORVM MARCHAE DESCRIP Haec tabula concinnata est ex corographijs Wolfg. Lazij cuiinsima Histriae pars ex alterius descriptione addita est ITALIE ITalie the chiefe prouince of the world as it hath often changed the name according to the alteration of times and states for it was called Enotria Ausonia Hesperia Saturnia c. so also his bounds and borders are diuersly described by diuers authours notwithstanding in later ages it is thus bounded First by the riuer Varus then by a straight passing by Alpes Coctiae now called Monte Genebrae by Mount Adula or S. Gothardes hill the Alpes of Rhetia or Monte Braulis and hilles adioyning then by the riuer Arsia the vtmost border of Istria thus it is bounded vpon one side the other sides do abut vpon the sea Ptolemey describeth it in the forme of an Isthmos or Peninsula which the sea incloseth on three sides the other is walled by the Alpes The ancient writers doe liken it vnto an Oke-leafe the latter doe set it out not without great resemblance in the proportion and shape of a mans legge from the hippe vnto the sole of the foot Italie hath the mountaine Apennine as it were a ridge or backe passing along from one end of it to the other like as we see in fishes the ridge bone to runne along from the head vnto the taile This mountaine which ariseth out of the Alpes where they decline from the lower or Mediterranean sea when as almost with a straight course nere Ancona it tendeth toward the Higher or Adriatique sea and there seemeth to end yet from thence againe declining from that sea it passeth thorow the middest of Italie toward the Brutij now Calabria inferiore and the Sicilian straights Elian affirmeth that in times past there were in this countrey 1197. cities Guido a Priest of Rauenna out of Iginus which six hunnred yeeres since wrote of the cities of Italie writeth that in his time there were but seuen hundred only Blondus diuideth Italie into 18. prouinces Leander into 19. and their names are these The olde The new LIGVRIA Riuiera de Genua ETRVRIA Toscana VMBRIA Ducato di Spoleto LATIVM Campagna di Roma CAMPANIA FELIX Terra di Lauoro LVCANIA Basilicata BRVTII Calabria inferiore MAGNA GRAECIA Calabria superiore SALENTINI Terra d' Otranto APVLIA PEVCETIA Terra di Barri APVLIA DAVNIA Puglia Piana SAMNITES Abruzzo PICENVM Marca Anconitana FLAMINIA Romagna AEMILIA Lombardia di qua dal Po. GALLIA TRANSPADANA Lombardia di la dal Po. VENETI Marca Treuigiana FORVM IVLII Friuli Patria HISTRIA Istria Plinie according to the opinion of Varro maketh the lake Cutilius in the territorie of Reatino to be the center of
admirable in my conceite to record the great aboundance and plenty of all things necessary for the vse of man So many there are and such diuerse sorts of Artificers here and so great a concourse as is wonderfull and may scarcely be told whereupon that common by-word of the vulgar sort did arise He that would repaire all Italie must first pull downe Millane to wit that by this meanes out of his holes and nests the swarmes of Artificers might be dispearsed into all quarters of Italie The citie hath very stately and beautifull buildings especially the gorgeous and sumptuous edifice which they call The house reered with infinite charge and such wonderfull workemanship that there is but a very few Churches of the whole world that may be compared vnto it whether you respect the huge greatnesse and ingenious Architecture or the price of the Marble and rare worke of the same for that not onely euery way within and without it is beautifully trimmed and pargetted ouer with white marble but also it is bedecked with a wonderfull imagery wrought in Marble with exceeding cunning Beside very many famous Churches and Chappels especially Grace church and Praechers church situate ouer against the most strong Castle of Porta Iouia hauing an Hemisphere made by Lewis Sfortia the Duke of Millane vnderneath the which hee together with his wife lie buried enclosed in a tombe of the best marble To this Church is adioyned the stately Abbey of the Friers Predicant with a goodly Librarie and a very faire Chamber or Hall trimmed about with the storie of the supper of Christ and his Apostles an admirable peece of worke done by the hand of Leonardo Vincio a Florentine sufficiently approuing the great skill and cunning of the ingenious workeman by the iudgement of all men experienced in the Art of painting There are very many gorgeous houses of priuate citizens euery where to be seene within the citie The Castle of Porta Iouia is the strongest and best contriued fortification in all Christendome which hitherto could neuer be surprized and forcibly taken by any enemie There are besides these very many excellent buildings in Millane which heere I must passe ouer with silence Thus farre Leander who doth excellently describe the rest of the townes and places of his territories of this citie See also Volateran in his Geography Georgius Merula Bernard Arlun and Bonauenture Castillion who hath written a seuerall Treatise of the Insubres of their auncients seats and antiquities Moreouer Bernardine Corius hath written the Millane historie in the Italian tongue Laonicus Chalcocondylas also speaketh something of the happy estate of this citie and amongst other things he doth excellently describe and set out the fable of the Dragon which made this citie desolate in the time of the Mariangeli from whence the armes and cognisance of this city were deuised as is very likely But it will not be amisse to adioine to these the opinion of Procopius who writeth that this city doth surpasse the city of Rome in greatnesse multitude of citizens and other great blessings of God Liguria also which in this Chart is wholly described is bounded with the riuers Varo and Magra the Apenine mountaines and the Ligusticke sea a branch of the Mediterranean sea now called Leonino This now they call Riuiera di Genoa of Genua his chiefe citie This citie long since had enlarged his dominion vnto Tanais for it had Theodosia now called Caffa vnder his subiection as also the Isles of Cyprus Lesbos and Chios with Pera the city of Thrace At this day it hath the commaund of all Liguria and the Iland Corsica It is a famous Mart towne whose most valiant and stout citizens haue gotten to themselues by merchandise and traffique almost into all parts of the world an honourable name and renown together with great riches and large possessions Austen Iustinian Bishop of Nebia hath most curiously compiled in the mother tongue the historie of Genua which also very lately Petro Pizaro and Herberto Folietta haue done in the Latin tongue Moreouer Francis Petrarch hath written something of this Citie in his holy Iournall and Laonicus in his 5. Booke DVCATVS MEDIOLANENSIS FINITIMARVMQUE REGIONV̄ DE SCRIPTIO AVCTORE IOANNE GEORGIO SEPTALLA MEDIOLANENSE Cum priuilegio The liberties of CREMONA THat this citie is verie auncient all men may see by that saying of Virgil Mantua vae miserae nimium vicina Cremonae O Mantua great thou sitt'st too neere vnto Cremona poore Yet Liuy and others do report it to haue beene reduced to a Colonie of the Romanes long before that time to witte about the yeare 536. after the building of Rome This citie is placed in Gallia Cisalpina now called Lombardie amongst the Cenomans as Ptolomey recordeth or in the tenth prouince of Italie as Plinie affirmeth vpon the banke of the riuer Po. The soile of his liberties is Champion ground very fertile of all maner of graine as also of wine other things which are necessarily required for the preseruation of mans life are plentifully conueied thither by the benefit of the streame It hath endured many bitter stormes of fortune hauing ben oft sacked and spoiled First in those furious warres of Marke Antonie when as the territories of this citie Augustus Caesar being victor were giuen vnto the souldiers Then againe in the time of Vitellius after the battell at Bebriacke 40000. souldiers assaulted and sacked it the company of freebooters swaggerers and base slaues was such as Tacitus affirmeth that they regarded nothing whether it were profane or holy all was fish that came to net Onely Mephitis templum standing without the walls was vntoucht whether by Gods prouidence or strength of the place I know not Againe it was spoiled by the tyranous and roguish Gothes and Vandalls then by the barbarous Lombards about the yeare after Christ 630. Moreouer it abode the violent assault of Fredericke surnamed Aenobarbe or Barbarosso who beat downe his walls and laide them leuell with the ground After this the Ciuill warres betweene the Guelfs and Gibellines especially raged heere in the yere 1312. Lastly vnder the gouernmēt of the vicounts of Millane thā vnder his Duks it began againe by little and little to sprout vp and recouer it selfe Vnder these hitherto it hath prosperously and peaceably enioied the estate of a flourishing common-weale This city hath a castle aboue all other in Italie most strong fearful to the enimy Heere is also a turret of a woonderfull height farre exceeding all the rest of this Country whereupon it is famous in this their common by-word and rime which they vse Vno Petro in Roma vno portu in Ancona vna turre in Cremona One Peter in Rome one hauen in Ancone and one turret in Cremone Lewis Cauitellius an Aldermans sonne did lately set forth the histories of this city The author of this same mappe hath put forth a booke of the antiquities and worthy acts of the same The Iurisdiction or liberties of the City
CREMA CRema a towne in the confines of Millane is a Castle place of garrison of the Venetians This as Leander affirmeth vnder the gouernment of the same Venetians hath so incresed in multitude of citizens and goodly buildings that it may well be accounted amongst the most famous places of all Italie Wherefore they vse to say in a common prouerb in their vulgar tongue Barleta in Puglia Pratum in Toscana Crema in Lombardia signifying the excellency statelinesse and richesse of these three places The Venetians haue often assaied to adorne the towne with the title of a city but the citizens fearing that whereas now it is accounted amongst the best townes it shall then be reckoned amongst the meanest cities haue hitherto withstood that their purpose It is seated in a pleasāt plaine in compasse large wide fortified with a strong wall famous for wealth very populous and abounding with all things necessary for the soile of the territorie and liberties of this towne is very fertile and yet by the great diligence and industrie of the husbandmen it is dailie bettered and amended Many brookes well stored with diuers sorts of fish do euery where water this prouince Blondus writeth that after that Fredericke Barbarossa had spoiled Cremona hee built Crema in scorne to hinder and disgrace it There are others as Leander witnesseth which do thinke it to haue beene built by the citizens of the city Parasium which was ouerthrowne rased to the ground by the Bishop of Millane for heresie which it maintained and therefore they called it Crema in memoriam Crematae patriae in memoriall of their natiue city burned and spoiled But this I leaue to the iudgement of the discreet Reader AGRI CREMONENSIS TYPVS Antonius Campus pictor Cremonensis descripsit 1579. Cum Priuilegio CREMAE DITIONIS DESCRIPTIO Lectori Ne tabula hoc loco omnino vacua extaret hoc Cremae territorium à quodam patriae studioso descriptum hic studiosis exhibere placuit The liberties of BRESCIA THe liberties of Brescia now possesseth part of that coast where in time passed the Cenomanes dwelt and extendeth it selfe in length 800. furlongs or 100. miles in bredth 400. furlongs or 50. miles as Elias Capriolus affirmeth it is situate betweene the lakes Garda and Iseo the Alpes and the riuer Oglio These fields as Iohn Planer writeth are worthily accounted amongst the most delightsome champions of Lombardie For it hath as Baptist Nazario saith Gold Siluer Brasse Lead Iron Alume Marble both Porphyrie and Serpentine as they call it barly coloured with blacke and greene Plinie calleth it Ophites and other stones of great price as also the Marchasite which aunciently hath beene called Pyrites or The fire stone The citie Brixia whereof this territorie tooke his name as yet reteineth the same his auncient name for the inhabitants do call it Brescia the which for his riches and beautie they terme in that common prouerbe of theirs The Bride of the city of Venice There is not any of the old writers either Historians or Geographers which do not make mention of this city Trogus Pompeius writeth that it was built by the Galli Senones Liuy saith that it is the chiefe city of the Cenomanes Pliny in his Epistles of this writeth thus vnto Iunius Mauricus Brixia is that city which constantly retaineth as yet much of that graue modesty and old frugalitie of our auncient Italians It hath beene graced with the title of a Duchie for so I find written in Diaconus his 5. booke of Lombardie in the 36. Chapter But because that none of the late writers that I may say nought of the more ancient haue described this citie more learnedly and eloquently than Pighius in his Hercules Prodicius thou shalt heare him speake in his owne termes Brescia which is seated at the foot of the mountaines may contend with most of the cities of Italie for antiquitie and statelinesse of buildings Iulius Caesar Scaliger a famous Poet of our age hath thus described it in this Epigramme Thou Brixia great which proudly ouerlook'st the boornes and lowlie plaine by due desert now iustlie mayst the soueraigne Empire claime Thy healthfull seat thy pleasant fertile soile thy people wise and nation stout If ciuill discord had not crosst long since had brought about That where long time thou hast beene thrall and stoop'st to others lore Thou mightest haue lorded ouer those to whom thou serud'st before For this Citie by reason of ciuill discord and dissention being subdued vnder the yoke of the French and their next neighbours the Insubres or the Millaners hath endured much miserie yet now at length vnder the peaceable gouernment of the Venetians it is growen very wealthy a great market well furnished with all things necessary very populous and inhabited of a wise and discreet nation The shire is very fertile of oile wine corne and most excellent fruites of all sorts It hath also some rich veines of Mettalls but especially of Iron and Copper whereof ariseth to this citie great gaine and commodity Liuie and other good authors report That Brescia was built by the Galli Cenomanes about the time of the Romane kings which afterward the Romanes hauing subdued all that part of the countrey of the Gaules which lieth beyond the riuer Po reduced vnder their iurisdiction It is apparant out of Liuie how firme it sometimes stood with the Romans especially in those most dangerous warres between them and Hanniball Some would haue it to haue beene made a Colonie present after the end of the League-warre when as Cneius Pompeius Strabo the father of Pompey the great planted colonies in Verona and other cities beyond the riuer Po. Not long after by the fauour of C. Caesar it together with other cities there about obtained the freedome of the city of Rome and after that it is woonderfull how it flourished vnder the Roman Emperours so long as the greatnesse of that Empire stood vnshaken This diuers monuments of Antiquitie which as yet remaine in this city and in the liberties of the same as namely many goodly inscriptions of marble statues pillars and Epitaphes of famous men do constantly auerre by which the former greatnesse of this city may easily be gathered Thus farre Pighius Baptista Nazario wrote a seuerall Treatise of this city in the which he setteth downe all the inscriptions of the auncient monuments of this country Helias Capriolus hath comprized the whole historie of this citie in 12. bookes Gaudentius Merula in his tract of the originall and antiquitie of the Cisalpines speaketh somewhat of it as also Chrysostomus Zanchus writing of the originall of the Orobij and Cenomanes likewise Leander Albertus and lately Andrete Paccius in his sixth booke of the Wines of Italie There is in this prouince a towne called Quintianum 20. miles south-eastward from Brescia neere to the riuer Ollio of the which Iohn Planer a citizen of the same wrote a small Treatise who in an Epistle of his to Paullus
situation antiquities famous men and other matters worthy of record of this prouince let him haue recourse to the most learned Iohn Boniface who hath a while since set forth a most exact and absolute historie of it There is also extant a description of the countrie of Treuiso done in verse by Iohn Pinadello but as yet it is not imprinted Thus farre the Author hath discoursed vpon this his Mappe to which I trust I may with his good liking adde this out of Zacharie Lillie his Breuiary of the world TARVISIVM now Treuiso a goodly city belonging to the Signiorie of Venice of which of all ancient writers Plinie did first make mention brought forth Totilas the fift and most famous king of the Gothes from whom it first began his greatnesse and to arise to that dignitie that now it hath obtained that the whole prouince of Venice should be called The Marquesate of Treuiso For Totilas gathering together a great armie conquered all Italie and entering the city of Rome did sacke and fire it Certaine haue affirmed that the citie Treuiso was built by the Troians vpon the faire riuer Sile which falleth into the Adriaticke-sea The city it selfe for walles castle and water is very strong for bridges priuate houses and Churches very beautifull and for diuers merchandise very famous It hath great store of corne wine oile fish and fruites The country hath very many castles and villages but worthy men commended for Religion and wisedome vertuous life and ciuill conuersation do especially commend this city Thus farre out of Lillie PATAVINI TERRITORII COROGRAPHIA IAC CASTALDO AVCT Milliaria TARVISINI AGRI TYPVS Auctore Io. Pinadello Phil. et I. C. Taruisino The Lake of COMO sometime called LACVS LARIVS LACVS LARIVS which now they call Lago di Como of Como the ancient town adioining vnto it tooke his name of the Fenducke a bird which the Greekes call Larus and the Latines Fulica of which it hath great plenty It runneth out from North to South in length fortie miles it is beset round with Mountaines whose toppes are couered with groues of Chesse-nut-trees the sides with vines and oliues the bottoms with woods which affoord great store of Deere for game Vpon the brinke of the Lake are many Castles seated amongst the which on the South side is Como a faire towne built by the Galli Orobij or as some thinke by the Galli Cenomanes Afterward Iulius Caesar placed a colonie there amongst which were fiue hundred Grecian gentlemen as Strabo testifieth whereupon it was called Nouum Comum It is seated in a most pleasant place that one would iudge it a kind of Paradise or place onely sought out for pleasure and delight for vpon the fore-side it hath the goodly Lake on the backe-side the champion plaines well manured and fertile of all sorts of fruite Vnto which you may adde the wholesome and sweet aire Of the brasen statue long since taken out of this citie see Cassiod 2. Variar cap. 35. and 36. This towne brought forth the two Plinies men worthy of eternall fame in whose honour and memory the citizens caused these Inscriptions to be engrauen in marble vpon the front of S. Maries Church which we wrote out in the yeare of CHRIST 1558. in our returne from Italie Vpon the right hand of the dore THE STATE AND CITIZENS OF COMO HAVE GRACED C. PLINIVS SECVNDVS THE MOST VVORTHY FREEMAN OF THEIR CORPORATION A MAN OF A PREGNANT VVIT HONOVRABLE FOR DIGNITIES FOR LEARNING ADMIRABLE WHO IN HIS LIFE TIME OBTAINED THE LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP OF VESPASIAN THE EMPEROVR BORE MANY GREAT OFFICES EXCELLED ALL VVRITERS OF HIS TIME IN ELOQVENCE AND VARIETIE VVITH THIS TITLE AND STATVE Such honour great and worthy fame me Pliny did adorne But much it grac'th mee more what heere is set Vpon the left hand TO C. PLINIVS CAECILIVS SECVNDVS THEIR VVEL-BELOVED CITIZEN VVHO HAVING BEEN CONSVLL AVGVR AND BORNE ALL OFFICES IN THE VVARRES A FAMOVS ORATOVR POET AND HISTORIOGRAPHER MOST ELOQVENTLY VVRITTEN OF THE VVORTHY COMMENDATION OF TRAIAN THE EMPEROVR BESTOVVED MANY BOONES AND BOVNTEOVS FAVOVRS VPON HIS NATIVE COVNTRY GRACING THE SAME VVITH ETERNALL CREDIT THE STATE OF COMO FOR THESE BENEFITS DID HEERE PLACE THIS MONVMENT THE FIRST OF MAY IN THE YEARE 1498. At home in peace abroad in war ech office haue I borne I liued I di'd and still I liue as yet But why may I not to these adioine the words of the same Plinie in his second booke vnto Caninius writing thus Doest thou studie or doest thou angle or iointly doest thou both For the Lake affoordeth store of Fish the woods plenty of Deere the priuatenesse of the place doth giue great occasion of study The same authour in his 4. Epistle vnto Licinus Sura hath a storie of a certaine strange spring not farre off from this Lake Paulus Iouius hath most excellently described this Lake in a seuerall Treatise out of the which we haue drawen this our Mappe befitting our purpose Moreouer Cassiodorus in his eleuenth booke of Varieties vnto Gaudiosus hath most exactly painted out the same Benedictus Iouius and Thomas Porcacchius haue written the histories of Como Read also Leander in his Italia and Dominicus Niger in his Geographie The territories and liberties of the Citie of ROME OF the city of Rome sometime the Empresse of the world and Liberties of the same because this place cannot beare so large a description as his worth doth deserue and for that it is better to say nothing at all of it then to say little I thinke it best onely to reckon vp those famous authours which haue written of it at large and to referre thee to them for further satisfaction Of which the more ancient are Q. Fabius Pictor Sex Rufus and P. Victor Of the later writers Blondus in his Italia Fabius Caluus of Rauenna Bartho Marlianus Andreas Fuluius Georgius Fabricius Lucius Faunus Andreas Palladius Pyrrhus Ligorius and Lucius Maurus And very lately Io. Iacobus Boissartus Iacobus Mazochius hath gathered and set out all his old Epigrammes Fuluius Vrsinus the Noble houses and Vlysses Aldroandus the statues of the same Hubertus Goltzius with no lesse art then diligence and great expences hath expressed in forme of a booke the table of his Fasti most cunningly cut in brasse LAKII LACUS VULGO COMENSIS DESCRIPTIO AVCT PAVIO OVIO TERRITORII ROMANI DESCRIP FORI IVLII VVLGO FRIVLI TYPVS TVSCIA THe bounds of Tuscia which in time past was called Hetruria are on the East the riuer Tyber on the West Macra on the South the Mediterran sea on the North the Apennine mountaines It is a most goodly beautifull and pleasant country The people are very ingenious and of a subtile witte indifferently fitte either for peace or warre for all maner of humane litterature or for trades and merchandise The nation hath alwaies been superstitious and much giuen to deuotion in religion as is apparant out of ancient writers The sea coast toward the Tyrrhen or Mediterran sea
is for the most part in this our age full of Forrests as also it was in the time of Vopiscus as he witnesseth in the life of Aurelian especially a little beyond the riuer Arno vntill one come beyond Plumbino The inner part of the country is almost as much oppressed with Mountaines In it are these cities more famous than the rest Florence Siena Luca Perugia Pisa Viterbo c. FLORENCE or as they call it Fiorenza is situate vpon ech side of the riuer Arno conioined by foure faire bridges it is a most goodly and beautifull city whereupon commonly they call it Fiorenza la bella Florence the faire as if indeed it might seeme to bee the flower of all Italie For it is adorned with stately buildings aswell Churches and religious houses as of priuate citizens Amongst all other the Church of S. Maria Florida wholly ouerlaid with Marble arched with a roofe of an admirable workemanship neere to which is built a goodly steeple for the bels all of fine marble not farre from which standeth the ancient Temple of Mars of forme round very ingeniously built and of a cunning workemanship now dedicated to S. Iohn Baptist The dores of this Church are of cast brasse a very rare and curious peece of worke especially those which are next to the Church of S. Maria Florida are such that all men of iudgement and experience must absolutely confesse that in all Europe beside the like are no where to be seene But to reckon vp all the worthy buildings of this citie aswell sacred as profane it were too tedious and would require more paper than this our purposed discourse will beare He therefore that desireth to know more of the particulers more at large let him reade Leander SIENA lieth vpon the top of an hill round begirt with high rocks of Tophus-stone gorgeously bedecked with many noble mens houses amongst the which is the great and large Church of our Lady equall to the stateliest and sumptuousest Churches of all Europe whether you respect the worth and price of the Marble whereof it is built or the excellencie of the worke and workemanship of him that made it Besides that there is a most stately house of tree stone built by Pope Pius II. with many other goodly houses Worthy of commendation and record is the large and beautifull market place with Branda the pleasant fountaine alwaies full of most cleare water PERVGIA is seated vpon the mountaine Apennine the greatest part of the countrie arising with goodly pleasant hilles fertile of strong Wines Oiles Figges Apples and other sorts of most excellent fruits Beneath the citie at Asisia as also toward Tuder neere Tiber the pleasant champion fields do spread themselues yeelding plenty of wheat and other kind of graine The city by reason of the nature of the place is very strong adorned with gorgeous buildings both of religious houses and churches as also priuate citizens together with a famous and large fountaine in the middest of the citie It is very populous and the citizens are very ingenious and of couragious stomackes apt indifferently either for any maner litterature or for seruice in the field PISA long since hath beene a famous citie and many waies richly blessed not onely before the flourishing estate of the Roman Empire but euen when it was at the full height as also many yeares after Many famous Marine-conquests which it hath made by which it brought the Ile Sardinia subiect to their command do auouch this to be true Panormo a faire citie of Sicilia they won from the Saracens and of the bootie and spoiles taken in that warre they began to build the great Church which they call DOMNVM as also the beautifull palace of the Bishop It hath an Vniuersitie or Schoole of all maner of Liberall Arts and Sciences whose foundation was laid in the yeare of CHRIST 1309. VITERBO lieth in a pleasant and spacious champion hauing the Cyminian hilles now of this citie called Mont Viterbo vpon his backeside stately for many faire buildings and works of rare Art amongst which is a famous fountaine from whence issueth water in such abundance as is wonderfull LVCA is seated in a plaine not farre from the hilles foot a city of goodly buildings The people are neat wise and ingenious which haue most discreetly retained and kept their libertie of a long time whole in their owne hands although they haue been often assaulted by their neighbours See more at large of this in Leander Myrsilus the Lesbian Marcus Cato in his Origines and their Expositor Ioannes Annius Viterbiensis who also wrote a seuerall treatise of the antiquities of Hetruria William Postell Volaterranus and Laonicus Chalcocondylas a Grecian in his sixth booke and others haue described this prouince Ioannes Campanus hath written most elegantly of the Lake of Perugia THVSCIAE DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE HIERONYMO BELLARMATO Me Ianus tenuit primus formataue ab illo Imposui leges populis nomina Ponto Inferno Supero missos auxiue colonos Imperiumque Italos trans fines foedera natis Dum seruata meis sed me discordia preaeceps Romuleae genti domitam seruire coegit Quae deous antiquae longo post tempore linguae Auxilij male grata mei male grata laborum Abstulit mansit nomen quod Thura dedere Archades aut Lŷdi quod vel mutare Pelasgi Non ausi sacras quibus has concessimus oras Cum priuilegio The Signiory of FLORENCE OF the city of Florence read Blondus who in his view of Italie reporteth thus of it They commonly affirme saith he that this citie was first begonne by Sylla's souldiers vnto whom this part of the countrie was by Sylla assigned and because they first began to seat themselues ad Arna fluenta about the riuer Arno they then intituled it by the name of FLVENTIA And indeed Pliny who of all the old writers first mentioneth this place saith that the Fluentini were seated neere the riuer Arno. These souldiers came hither about the yeare after the building of the city of Rome 667. whereupon it appeareth that Florence was founded about 83. yeares before the birth of Christ This city suffered much wrecke in the time of the warres of the Gothes Yet was it neuer either by Totilas or any other of those ragings Tyrants vtterly rased or spoiled And therefore that which some do write of the repairing of Florence by Charles the Great I can by no meanes allow when as the histories of Charles written by Alcuinus his schoolemaster do only mention his keeping of Easter heere at two seuerall times as he went by this way toward Rome It was preserued from a great hazard of vtter ouerthrow which it was like to haue fallen into by the manhood of one Farinata Vbertino when as they of Pisa Siena and others of Tuscane meeting at a market in a consultation by them held hauing generally determined to rase Florence to the ground said stoutly That while he liued he would neuer suffer
that after his death by the triall of Hoate Iron she would approue to the view of the world how wrongfully he was put to death The day came when as the Emperour sate to heare the causes and complaints of widdowes and Orphanes Together with these came the late Countesse bringing in her hand the Earles head and demandeth what death that Iudge is worthy of that had put a man to death wrongfully The Emperour answered He is worthy to lose his head She saith Thou art the same man who at the false suggestion of thy wife didst vniustly cause my husband to be beheaded The which when as the widdow approued vnto him by the maner of triall by hoat iron the Emperour yeelded himselfe into the hands of the widdow willing to abide his deserued punishment Notwithstanding by the mediation of the Bishop and the Nobility he obtained of the Countesse respite for tenne daies then for eight then for seuen lastly for six After the end of which daies the Emperour hauing examined the matter and being assured of the truth gaue sentence against his wife that she should be burned at a stake and giuing foure castles vnto the widdow redeemed his life These castles are in the Bishopricke of Luna in Hetruria or Tuscane and they are called after the names of the daies of repreeue The tenth The eighth The seuenth and The sixth Thus farre Syffridus which I thought good to set down in this place for to my knowledge no man els hath left any record of these castles neither are they named in this Mappe by our Authour notwithstanding that he hath described the country most curiously FLORENTINI DOMINII FIDELISSIMA ET NOVA DESCRIPTIO Auctore D. Stephano Monacho Montisoliueti The liberties of PERVGIA IOhannes Campanus writing of this country affirmeth that although he had trauailed and viewed many countries yet he neuer saw in all his life a more pleasant country and better manured then the country of Perugia All things seeme wast and wild to those that are farre off but if you shall come more neere nothing may be found more glorious either in respect of the husbandry of the land or wholesomnesse of the aire or fertility of the soile The riuer of Tiber runneth through the middest of this country and kindly watereth the same Not farre from which is the city Perugia situate vpon the Mount Apennine built long since as Trogus Pompeius affirmeth by the Achaians and of the twelue cities of Hetruria it is the chiefe It was called Augusta by the Emperour Augustus as the Capitall letters halfe a yeard square grauen vpon the gate do declare This city in regard of the nature of the place is inuincible richly beautified both with religious and priuate buildings of great state and is very populous This city aboue all the cities of Italie hath been euermore most fortunate and happie hauing retained the same state and gouernment little or nothing altered which it enioied before the building of Rome and that which afterward it had in the time when Rome was ruled by Kings Consuls Emperours and Tyrants at this time it reteineth Yet it hath endured many and diuers greeuous and bitter storms For in the time when Fabius Maximus was Consull as Liuie reporteth 4500. of his citizens were slaine In the daies of the Triumuiri Augustus besiedged it and forced it to great distresse for want of victualls tooke it and rased it to the ground and was wholly defaced with fire except only the Temple of Vulcane as Appian recordeth Afterward it endured the seuen yeares siedge and batterie of the cruell Tyrant Totilas and at length was sacked and spoiled c. Now it is subiect to the Pope of Rome and hath a famous Vniuersitie which was erected about the yeare of CHRIST 1290. as Middendorpius hath written Heere in the time of our grandfathers flourished the most renowmed Ciuilians Bartholus and Baldus In the precincts of this city is Lago di Perugia the lake of Perugia anciently called LACVS TRASVMENVS famous long since for a great ouerthrow heere giuen by Hanniball to the Romanes Appianus calleth it Lacus Plestinus but for what reason I know not It is in compasse as the foresaid Campanus writeth about thirtie miles The water of it is very cleare and pure there are no riuers which runne into it neither hath it any issue forth yet is his water so exceeding sweet that any man would thinke it were fedde from some running fountaine It hath in it three Isles whereof two which are toward the North are close together the one called the Greater the other the Lesser Maiores and Minores This is wast and not in habited only it hath a Church situate vpon the toppe of an hill The other which is neere to the liberties of Cortona conteineth about 200. families The third which is toward the South and is bigger then the other two is very populous and well inhabited The inhabitants almost giue themselues wholly to Fishing they sow little Corne yet they do not neglect to plant vines For wood fuell and fodder they go out into the fields and woods neere adioining Amongst the records of Lewis first Emperour of Rome there is mention of these three Ilands where he nameth them MAIOR MINOR and PVLVENSIS now Polueso where I perceiue that they yet retaine their ancient names No boggs fennes or spuing meeres do impech the shore this is full of Oliue gardens which vpon the hills on euery side do adorne the Lake and are for their wonderfull fertility very beautifull In the plaine which is between the Lake and the Hilles there is such abundance of Hempe and Flax so that in all Hetruria or Tuscane there is not more No country yeldeth better Wines or sweeter Apples The kinds of Fishes in the lake are not many but the abundance is wonderfull in which it farre excelleth all other Lakes of Italie heere also the fishing continueth all the yeare long yea euen in the dead of winter which no other Lake in all Italie affoordeth These fish in the winter are caried into Tuscane Vmbria and Picenta to Rome also they driue much cattell daily to be sold The same Campanus affirmeth that heere they take a pickerell partly coloured spotted with diuers green specks of the which he reporteth strange wonders namely that it doth engender with serpents and from thence it getteth those strange colours The common people saith Iacobus Greumus in the twentieth chapter of his first booke verily beleeueth that lampreies do engender with serpents which Plinie holdeth for a fable notwithstanding that hee often seemeth to be much delighted in writing of fables Athenaeus also writeth out of the report of one Andreas that these Lampreies which are bred of the viper if they bite the wound is deadly which opinion he afterward reclaimeth as false Againe he telleth of a Pike that lying vpon the drie land which when a fox assaied to catch one of his feetstooke fast in his teeth and both were
found dead Plinie in his second booke chap. 107. testifieth that once this whole Lake did burne PERVSINI agri exactissima nouissimaue descriptio auctore Egnatio Dante Cum priuilegio Imperatoris Regis cancellariae Brabantiae ad decennium 1584. The territories of the city of SIENA CAesar Orlandius a famous Ciuillian of Siena sent from Rome this Mappe together with a briefe history of the city taken out of a larger worke of his as he confesseth in his priuate letters to me written of the originall of the same to be inserted into this our Theater of the World The city of Siena saith he is so ancient that of his first beginning there is nothing to be found in any approued old writers For that some do report it to haue beene built by the Galli Senones which vnder the conduct of Breanus their generall about 363. yeares after the building of Rome in the space of seuen moneths as Polybius and Plutarch haue recorded wan the city it cannot be proued out of any good authour For Iohn of Salisbury which first broached this opinion who for that he intituled his history by the name of Polycraticon is therefore called Polycrates or of others Polycarpus in the seuenteenth chapter of his sixth booke bringeth no authority for this his assertion And himselfe confesseth in the twenty and fourth chapter of his eighth booke that he was not familiarly known to Pope Adrian the fourth Now it is apparant to all the world that Adrian the fourth sate in the Papall seat but from the yeare of Christ 1154. vnto the yeare 1159. and therefore the testimony of Iohn of Salesbury concerning the building of Siena so many yeares before he was borne is of no validity at all Cornelius Tacitus in his twentieth booke of his Annales calleth this city Colonia Senensis Which words of his can by no meanes be vnderstood of the other Sena which at this day also is in the country Piceno and is vulgarly called Senegallia as some haue fondly imagined For in the time of Tacitus and Plinie that city of Piceno was not euer called Sena but Senogallia or Senogallica or Senogallia as is most manifest out of the words of Plinie and Ptolemey For Plinie reckoneth Coloniam Senensem amongst the mid land Colonies of Hetruria and not many lines after he placeth Senagallia in the sixth region of Italie Ptolemey not only in the Latine copies printed but also in most ancient manuscript Greeke copies placeth Sena amongst the mid-land cities of Hetruria but Sena Gallica for so he termeth it amongst the cities of the Senones neere Ancona and the Temple of Fortune When this city first was made a Bishops sea although as yet it be not certainly knowne yet this is certaine that amongst the 46. Bishops or there about all of them neighbours to the city of Rome which in the first Romane Synod in the time of S. Hilary Pope of Rome and first of the name assembled together in the yeare of Christ 465. Eusebius Episcopus Senensis was one of them Againe in the second Councill of Lateran vnder Pope Martin the first in the yeare of Grace 652. amongst the subscriptions of 125. Bishops these are named Maurus Caesenatis Ecclesiae episcopus Maurus episcopus S. Senatis ecclesiae in the same maner and forme that Clusinus Roxellanus and Fauentinus Bishops do call their Churches Clusinatem Roxellanatem and Fauentinatem In like maner amongst the like number of about 125. Bishops who subscribed vnto the Epistle of Agatho Bishop of Rome which the Legate sent vnto the six generall Councill at Constantinople held in the yeare 573. caried with them this subscription is found Vitalianus episcopus S. ecclesiae Senensis Whereupon it is manifest that no man may cauill and say that Episcopus Senensis is the same that Episcopus Senogalliensis or that for Episcopetus Senatis it should be written and read Episcopus Caesenatis As also for that out of Plinie and Ptolemey before mentioned it is plaine that euen in their daies that Sena of Picenum was not called Sena but Senogallia Moreouer also because in the forenamed Councill of Lateran not only Episcopus Senatis but also Caesenatis and Senogalliensis named by one and the same name subscribed seuerally Lastly Venantius Episcopus Senogalliensis subscribed also to the second and fourth Synods of Rome summoned by Pope Caelius Symmachus about the yeare of Christ 498. Furthermore Pope Pius the 2. borne in Siena in the yeare 1459. which was the yeare of his creation aduanced the Church of Siena from a Bishops sea vnto the dignity of an Archbishopricke and assigned the Bishops of Suano Clusino Crassetano and Massano Suffraganes to the Archbishops of Siena and their Churches subiect to that sea This hath Caesar Orlandius written of the originall and antiquity of Siena his natiue country to be published for no other cause as he protesteth then that the fond opinion of Blondus and others which haue written otherwise of it then the plaine truth is might wholly be rased out if it were possible of the minds of all men Claudius Ptolemeus Senensis in his sixth booke of epistles to Gabriel Caesano hath most elegantly described Monte Argentario MARCA ANCONA IN former times this region was called Picenum now they call it Marca Ancona of the head city of the same Sometime it was called Marca Firmiana of a town in this prouince as Blondus hath giuen out It lieth between the riuers Isaurus now called Foglia and Trento and betweene the Hadriaticke sea and Mount Apennine It is manifest by ancient records that the Piceni Vmbri Senones were long since seated in this tract The country is a fertile soile yeelding in great plenty all maner commodities but especially for fruit trees corne it doth farre excell other places Silius Italicus doth highly commend it especially for oliues The head city as we haue said is Ancona so called of his situation for that being seated vpon the promontory Comerano it lieth out into the gulfe of Venice like an arme or elbow Whereupon the ancient comes of this city which heere oft times are found within the earth are obserued to be stamped with an arme holding a penne in the hand The Hauen of this most ancient city was made by Traian the Emperour as an inscription in Marble doth giue to vnderstand Heere is also Aelia Ricina otherwise since that called Ricinetum and at this day now Recanati is a towne situate vpon the toppe of an hill where we saw the Mart or Faire which there is kept at certaine times of the yeare vnto which they come almost from all quarters of the World Not farre from hence is the Church of S. Maria Lauretana with the hamlet Loreto enclosed with a very strong wall The gorgeousnesse of this church and holinesse of the place is such that so soone as one shall set foot within the dores it will strike him into a great admiration This Church is well furnished with all maner of weapons
the inhabitants The valleies are pleasant and fruitfull The shady groues and woods do affoord many pleasures and delights The goodly meddowes and pastures are richly decked with herbs and sweet-smelling flowres and euer-running streames And amongst other heere is great plenty of Medicke fodder wherewith they feed and fatte their cattell Heere also grow many excellent physicke hearbs of soueraigne vertues against diuers and sundrie diseases It bringeth forth diuers plants as the Plane tree Vitex or Agnus castus the Turpentine tree the Oliue tree Siliqua Siluestris Arbute or Strawberry tree wild Saffron Madder Liquirise Tubera or Sowbread It hath also some hoate baths continually distilling from their fountaines which do cure aches and many other like maladies In diuers places there are springs of salt water whereof they make a kind of brine or pickle It is well watered with many fine riuers and those stored with sundrie sorts of fresh fish The sea also on ech side yeeldeth great plenty of fish both tunies sword-fishes and lampreies There in many places is found the best Corall both white and redde Heere is most pleasant hunting and hawking for in these quarters diuers and sundrie sorts of wild beasts do lodge and as many birds and fowles do breed and build wild boares harts hindes goates hares foxes lynces otters squerrells martens badgers ferrets porkupines tortuses both of the waters and of the mountaines Of fowles phesants partridges quailes wood-cocks ring-doues crowes c. as also of many kinds of hawks it is euery where full It maintaineth some herds of cattell and flocks of sheep and goats It breedeth excellent horses very swift and of great stomacke Mettals heere were found in old time and now also it aboundeth at this day with diuers kinds of mineralls hauing indeed euery where mines of gold siluer iron salt marble alablaster crystall marchasite red-lead or vermillion copperas alume brimstone c. many kinds of corne wheat siligo beerbarly rie trimino we call it I thinke Turky wheat barly rise and of sesamum infinite store It aboundeth also with all kind of pulse legumina the Latines call them oile wine and hony and those in their kinds the best There are heere euery where orchards thicke set with oranges limons and pome cittron trees Heere also is made great plenty of excellent silke farre better then any kind of silke made in other places of Italie The Cotton tree Gossipium groweth heere plentifully But what shall I speake of the kind temperature of the aire For heere the fields both winter and summer are continuallie green But aboue all things there is nothing that doth argue the same more soundly then that airy dew or heauenly hony which they call Manna that euery where distilleth from aboue and is heere gathered in great abundance So that that which the Israelites in the wildernes did admire and hold for a strange wonder heere kind nature doth affoord of her own accord It is adorned also with many goodly market towns where marts and faires are kept at certaine times of the yeare Heere in some places still is obserued the ancient custome of the Romanes vsed at funerals and buriall of the dead where a chiefe mourner Praefica they called her is hired to go before the rest of the mourners and she to guide their mournefull ditties and to keepe time in their howling lamentations The funerall being done and all ceremonies performed the dead mans friends and kindred bringing their meat and iunkets do banquet altogether at the dead mans house The women of this country naturally for modesty and for that the waters of these places are good and wholesome drinke naught but water It is a shame for any women to drinke wine except she be very old or be in child-bed c. See more in the same authour Cassiodore also in his Variar hath in diuers places many things of this country APVLIAE QVAE OLIM LAPYGIA NOVA COROGRAPHIA CALABRIAE DESCRIP Per Prosperum Parisium Consent Cum Priuilegio decennali SICILIA THere is not one either of the ancient Historians or Cosmographers that hath not made mention of this Iland or curiously described the same especially Strabo Plinie Solimus and others Diodorus Siculus calleth it The soueraigne of all other Ilands Solinus in like maner writeth of it That whatsoeuer this country breedeth either of the nature of the soile or inuention of man it is little inferiour to those things which are esteemed of greatest worth Of the later writers Vadianus hath thus set it out in his true colours SICILIA not only for richnesse of the soile for which cause it was of the ancients dedicated to Ceres and Bacchus and was accounted the Garner of Rome but also for the multitude and antiquity of his townes famous actes victories and quarrels betweene the Romans and Carthagians both contending for the mastery is more famous then any other Iland whatsoeuer In Plinies time there were 72. cities at this day they report it to containe twelue Bishopricks of great iurisdiction and large diocesses The Dukes of Swevland possessed it a long time It was assaulted and taken by the English Lorreiners especially at that time when they made their voiage into the Holy land against the impious Saracens Lastly it fell vnto the Kings of Arragon and so at this day it remaineth vnder the obedience of Spaine Neither is there any other Iland that I know in the whole world that both Greeks and Latines haue indifferently partly in respect of the goodnesse of the soile and situation partly for the great accidents that heere haue happened by their writings made more famous He that would be further satisfied of the particulars let him read Benedictus Bordonius who hath in one booke comprised a discourse of all the Ilands of the World Leander Albertus Dominicus Niger Franciscus Maurolycius Marius Aretius all which haue most learnedly described the same Lastly Thomas Fazellus that countrie-man borne who hath most curiously and liuelily described the true countenance of this his natiue soile where you shall find the particular story of the mount Aetna now called by an Arabicke name Monte Gibello of which also Petrus Bembus hath put forth a seuerall Treatise Tully hath written something of this Iland in his orations against Verres Thucydides in his sixth booke hath very well laid downe the history of the originall and first inhabitants of the same as Diodorus Siculus hath done in like maner in his fifth booke Hubertus Goltzius hath out of ancient coines added great light vnto the histories of this country SARDINIA SEbastian Munster in his Cosmography hath an excellent description of this Iland done by Sigismundus Arquerus Calaritanus a Sicilian The same is described by Leander Albertus Benedictus Bordonius Nicolas Leonicus besides that which you may reade of it in old writers amongst whom Pausanias hath written some things that are not common This Iland the state of the Roman Empire decaying came into the hands of the Saracens from whom it was
map hath shewed abundantly who in it doth reckon vp beside the 18. naturall bathes which others haue written of 35. other first discouered by himselfe The same author also beside these baths doth make mention of 19. stoues or hot houses fumarolas they call them and 5. medicinall sands soueraigne in Physick for the drying vp of raw humours Of this fire heere in the bowels of the earth Aristotle in his booke of the Miracles of Nature affirmeth that heere are certaine stoues which do burne with fierie kind of force and exceeding feruent heate and yet neuer do burst out into flames But Elysius Pandulphus and Pontanus do report the contrary There is a place in this Iland Ischia about a mile from the city of the same name which of the raging fire that happened heere in the time of Charles II in the yeare 1301. is at this day called Cremate For heere the bowels of the earth cleauing in sunder by the flashing fire that flamed out a great part of it was so consumed that a small village being first burnt down was at the last vtterly swallowed vp And casting vp into the aire huge stones intermedled with smoke fire and dust which falling againe by their own force and violence scattered heere and there vpon the ground made a most fertile and pleasant iland wast and desolate This fire continued the space of two moneths so that many both men and beasts were by it destroied and many shipping themselues their goods forced to flie either to the ilands neere adioining or to the maine continent Yet this iland for many things is very fruitfull for in it there are excellent good wines and those of diuerse kinds as that which they call Greeks wine Latine Sorbinio and Cauda caballi It beareth good corn about S. Nicolas mount In it the Cedar the pomecitron and the Quince tree do grow euery where most plentifully Alume and Brimstone are found deep within the earth it hath had long since some veines of gold as Strabo and Elysius haue written and now hath as Iasolinus affirmeth About the hill commonly called Monte Ligoro there is great store of phesants hares conies and other wild beasts neere the cape of S. Nicolas they take much fish and withall find much Corall Not farre from thence is the hauen Ficus or Fichera where the water boileth so hot that in it flesh or fish are sodden in a short time and yet notwithstanding it is of a pleasant tast and very sauory There is a fountaine which they call Nitroli in which this is admirable that besides his great vertues for the cure of certaine diseases if you shall lay flax in it within three daies at the most it will make it as white as snow Whereupon the authour of this Table saith that this I le for bignesse good aire fertility of soile mines of mettall strong wines doth far surpasse the other 25. ilands which are in the bay of Naples Betweene the foreland called Acus the needle and that other named Cephalino there is a great caue or safe harborough for ships especially for pinnaces those lesser sorts of ships Heere it is like that Aeneas landed of which Ouid speaketh as also Pompey when as he sailed from Sicilia to Puteoli whereof Appian writeth in his 5. booke of Ciuill wars In this same Iland ouer against Cumae there is a lake in which there is continually great plenty of Sea-mews or Fenducks Larus or Fulica these are very gainfull and profitable to the inhabitants The words of Pliny speaking of this iland are worth the noting In the same saith he a whole town did sinke and at another time by an earthquake the firme land became a standing poole stagnum he calleth it although that the ancient printed copies for stagnum haue statinas in which place the learned Scaliger had rather read statiuas meaning standing waters The same Pliny hath left in record that if one heere shall cut down a Cedar tree yet it will shoot forth and bud againe Liuy saith that the Chalcidenses of Euboea did first inhabit this iland yet Strabo saith they were the Eretrienses But these also came from the I le Euboea I am of opinion that Athenaeus in his 9 booke although he nameth it not yet he meaneth this iland which he affirmeth he saw as he sailed from Dicaearchia vnto Naples inhabited by a few men but full of copies There is also neere vnto this Prochyta an iland so named not of Aeneas his nurse but because it was profusa ab Aenaria seuered from Aenaria or as Strabo in his 5. booke affirmeth from Pithecusae Notwithstanding in his I. booke he writeth that it was sundered from Miseno yet both may be true for aswell this as that by inundations and tempestuous storms were rent off from the maine land The poets same that Minas the giant lieth vnder this Iland as Typhon doth vnder Ischia Of which Horace in his 3. booke of Poems writeth to Calliope Andreas Baccius writeth thus of this ile It is a little ile saith he but very pleasant rich of mettals and hot bathes notwithstanding for the continuall fires which the continuall tides of the sea do kindle in it as Strabo writeth it neuer was much inhabited It retaineth still the ancient name for they now call it Procida Of this iland you may read more in Scipio Mazella in his additions vnto the tract of Elysius of the Bathes of Puteoli ISCHIA quae olim AENARIA Ab Aeneae classe hic appulsa sic nominata Nè mireris lector si Septentrionalem plagam non superiorem ut moris est sed contra inferiorem regionem spectare videas Id namque data opera fecimus Quo utilior magis necessaria atque amoenior Insulae pars verusque eius Situs in conspectu Caietae Cumarum Prochytae Baiarum Puteolorum et Neapolis obviam iret Omnia autem haec constant ratione Circini semper indubitata exceptis Mediterraneis locis circumvicinis Insulis Montium aliquot atque crematorum lapidum quantitatibus Quae tum situs tum ornatus perspectivae gratia ponuntur IVLIVS IASOLINVS DESCRIB CANDIA sometime called CRETA CReta which now they call Candia is bigger then Cyprus but lesser then Sicilia or Sardinia vnto which ilands only in the Mediterran sea it is inferiour Yet for worth and fertility it is equall to the best Ancient Historiographers do affirme that once it was famous for one hundred cities and therefore was called Hecatompolis In the time of Pliny it had not aboue forty At this day as P. Bellonius testifieth it hath not aboue three of any account that is Candy a colonie of the Venetians whereof the whole iland is now named Canea and Rhetimo The compasse of the iland is about 520. miles It is euery where full of mountaines and hils and therefore the inhabitants are much giuen to hunting There is in it neuer a riuer that is nauigable nor any venemous or hurtfull beast The excellent
Turke draue from hence Therefore it is now inhabited by Turks and Iewes SANTORINI of the ancients called by the name of Therasia This Iland riseth by little and little euen from the shore vnto the middest vntill it become an high mountaine vpon whose toppe is placed the castle Scaro The people for the most part liue by fishing This also as the other is vnder the command of the great Turke SCIO the old writers called it Chios is all full of trees and mountaines it is watered with many small brooks Vinum aruisium they now call it Maluasia was from hence first transported into Candia This iland only breedeth the Mastiche-tree whose gumme from hence is conueied all Christendome ouer Andronicus Palaeologus the Emperour of Constantinople gaue it to the Genowaies who possessed it vntill the yeare 1465. when as Soliman by a wile gatte it from them The women of this I le are commended aboue all other for fauour and beauty Of this you may read in Laonicus his tenth booke RHODVS still retaineth the ancient name It hath a city of the same name very strong and defensible with a very large and capacious hauen It is the more famous for the Colossus of the sunne a statue or image seuentie cubites high which being broken off at the knees by an earth-quake was ouerthrown fell to the ground Certaine Egyptians as Domi. Niger reporteth in the time of Constance the Emperour passing the sea from Alexandria to Rhodus amongst other things ouerthrew this Colossus brake it in pieces and with the brasse did lade away 900. camels It was giuen by Emanuel Emp. of Constantinople vnto the knights of Ierusalem which for a long time and often did valiantly defend it against the furious assaults of the Turks vntill in the yeare 1522. when as Solyman besieging it round by sea and land they were forced to yeeld it vp and to flie into the ile Melita Of these see more in Theodoricus Adamaeus STALAMINE this the Gretians in old time called Lemnos Of it read that which we shall write in the description of Cyprus MILO former ages long since called it Melos In it is a mine of Siluer where also is found the Sardoine a pretious stone METELLINO old writers called it Lesbot It hath a city of the same name shaken and ruined by an earth-quake They are vnder the gouernment of the Turke as the other yet they retaine their old language and religion CERIGO in old time they called it Cythera SCARPANTO the ancients named it Carpathus or as Homer writeth it Crapathus whereupon the sea about this place was called Mare Carpathium It is situate almost in the mid-way between Candia and Rhodus It is in compasse forty or as others affirme fifty miles Eustathius in his commentaries vpon Homer saith that it is craggy and euery where mountainous and full of hils and was called Porphyris in old time of the great abundance of Purples a kind of fish whereof commeth the purple colour found in this sea and Tetrapolis of the foure cities in this iland From this iland sprong that prouerbe Carpathius leporem as the same Eustathius deliuereth out of Iulius Pollux It is spoken of those which do so do a thing that afterward being done they do repent them of it Because these Ilanders first brought in hares into this country and within a little while after when they perceiued how they eat and spoiled their corne they destroied them againe It hath many Hauens but those very narrow shallow and dangerous The inhabitants do speake the Greeke tongue and professe the Religion of the Greeke Church but are subiect to the iurisdiction and gouernment of the Signiory of Venice You may read more of these ilands in Bordonius and Porcacchius which in the Italian tongue haue written peculiar treatises of Ilands CANDIA INSULA ARCHIPELAGI INSVLARVM ALIQVOT DESCRIP METELLINO CERIGO SCARPANTO NICSIA SANTORINI MILO STALIMENE NEGROPONTE RODVS SCIO CYPRVS CYprus doth iustly challenge his place amongst the greater Ilands of the Mediterran sea The forme of the Iland is much longer than it is broad The Metropolitan or chiefe city is Nicosia Famagosta also is a most goodly city the Mart-towne of the whole I le and very rich in regard of the commodious hauen and great customes and toles there paid It is inferiour to no Iland that I know for it yeeldeth plenty of wine and oile it hath also sufficient corne to find it selfe Moreouer it hath had some veines of Brasse or Copper in which veines there was also found Vitrioll and Rubigo aeris the rust of brasse simples of soueraigne vertue in the practise of Physicke In it doth grow in great plenty the sweet cane canna mellis out of which they do boile Sugar It affoordeth an excellent kind of strong wine as good as that of Candy which they call Malmesey There is a kind of stuffe made there of goates haire which now we call Chamelett the Italians Zambelloto This Iland sendeth ouer diuers commodities into other countries whereof they yearely raise great profit and gaines it doth not much stand in need of any forrein commodities or merchandise The aire is not very wholesome nor healthfull The people generally do giue themselues to pleasures sports and voluptuousnesse the women are very wanton and of light behauiour The fruitfulnesse of it is so great that in old time they called it Macaria that is The Blessed Iland and the lasciuiousnesse of the nation such that vulgarly it was supposed to haue beene dedicated to Venus the Goddesse of loue It is 427. miles about and 200. long as Bordonius hath recorded The Venetians do hold it by right of inheritance and is vnder them gouerned by a Lieutenant or Praetor Diodorus Siculus in his 16. booke saith that in this iland were nine goodly cities which had their seuerall petie Kings by whom they were gouerned all notwithstanding subiect to the King of Persia Inferiour townes also were commanded by their proper Kings But that the fertility of this I le may better appeare I thinke it good to set downe that commendation of Ammianus Marcellinus which he hath left behind him of it Cyprus saith he is so fertile and aboundeth with such variety of all things that without the help of any forrein commodities only of themselues it is able to build a ship from the keel to the toppe saile and send it to the sea ridged and furnished with all things necessary whatsoeuer Sextus Rufus also hath these words of it Cyprus famous for wealth and great riches tempted the poore and needy Romanes to inuade it so that we held the possession of that iland iniustly and rather for gaine then for any right we had vnto it But this ô Rufus is not as they say mercenary commendation of the Roman valour Amongst the ancient writers Strabo Mela and other Geographers haue described this Iland Of the latter Benedictus Bordonius in his treatise of Ilands Vadianus Pius the second Pope of Rome Domin Niger
are Alba Regalis Stulweissenburg famous for the coronation and tombes of their kings Strigonium Gran the Metropolitan or Archbishops sea Quinqueecclesiae Funskirchen the Turkes call it Petscheu a bishopricke Sopronium Taurunum the Germanes call it Griechweissenburg the Hungarians Nandor alba the Italians Belgrado Sabaria Zombatel or Szombath hely the place where S. Martine was borne and Stridon Sdrigna the natiue soile of S. Hierome It hath many goodly riuers and two very famous lakes Balaton and Fertou To this part of Hungary as soone as thou art ouer the riuer Dra is annexed Slauonia sometime a part of the vpper Pannonie lying between the riuers Saw and Dra although indeed it doth extend it selfe farre beyond the Saw as farre as the riuer Huna for so it is at this day called where Croatia beginneth After it followeth Dalmatia coasting along by the Hadriaticke sea partly subiect to the Turke partly to the Venetian The least part of it now is vnder the king of Hungaria the vpland country is possessed of the Bozners and Rascians which anciently were called Moesi superiores The chiefe city of Slauonia is Zagrabia of Croatia Bigihon is now but in former ages Fumium was the chiefe The FARTHER HVNGARY or Hungary beyond Donaw is seuered from Morauia Silesia Polonia and Ruscia by the montes Carpathij called now by the Germanes Schneberg which do begin a little aboue Posonium Presburgh and from thence by many long and tedious windings passe between this country vntill they end at the Euxine sea or Marmaiore at that place where there is the country which now they call Maromarusia There now other mountaines and woods from that place bending toward Seuerinum a city situate vpon Donaw do diuide it from Transsyluania and VValachria transalpina The riuer Tibiscus well stored with diuers sorts of fish arising out of the mountaines of Maromarusia runneth through the middest part of Hungary It hath many goodly townes as Posonium Presburg Tirnauia Dijru c. on the West Colacia Bachia Zegedinum Zeged c. on the South Varadinum Dedrecinum c. beyond the riuer Tibiscus where also are the mines of gold and siluer At Seuerinum is yet to be seen a mention of the bridge long since built by Traiane the Emperour and other townes and things worth the remembrance which in this place the shortnesse of our entended discourse doth force me to omit The Inhabitants do speake the Scythian language a tongue much different from any language spoken by any of their neighbours round about them It giueth place to no country of the World for valiant and stout men store of cattell fertility of soile and rich veines of mettalls but for temperature of the aire wholesome and pleasant situation it may iustly be preferred before any whatsoeuer that I know The earth is plentifully endowed by nature with all maner of things necessary and commodious Gold Siluer Salt Precious-stones Mineralls for colours are heere digged vp in great abundance It yeeldeth great store of corne graine fodder for cattell apples and fruites of diuers sorts They haue many riuers well stored with fresh fish They haue great plenty of Coppar In the most of their riuers there are often found certaine shiuers of the best and finest gold yea euen in their vines such is the nature of this golden soile they do extract great plenty of Gold This we haue gathered out of the little treatise of Steeuen Broderith and the Decades of Hungary written by Antony Bonfinius to whom the studious Reader for further satisfaction may haue recourse Let him also read Herberstein his Commentaries of Moscouy Matthias a Michou of Sarmatia Munster and Cuspinian in oratione Protreptica and in his Austria and especially the abridgement of the histories of Hungary written by Peter Ranzane who amongst other strange wonders which he reckoneth vp of this country affirmeth if you will beleeue him that himselfe hath seen very many golden branches and twigs of vines some as long as ones finger others halfe a foote long George VVernher hath written a little tract of the strange waters of Hungary HVNGARIAE DESCRIPTIO WOLFGANGO LAZIO AVCT Cum Priuilegio Hungariae uoces quomodo legendae sunt C H. litterae in vocibus Hungaricis CZ S littera pro S C H. Z littera pro S simplici in vocibus Hungaricis W litteram in fine pro V Y. An other Mappe of HVNGARY THis second description of Hungary more exact and true as the famous learned man Iohn Sambuke this countrieman borne maketh me beleeue for euery man as Pliny in his Naturall history most truely witnesseth describeth the plot and situation of the country best wherein he himselfe was bred and borne we haue thought good in this place to adioine vnto the former and that beside our purpose when as our promise was of ech countrie to set out but one Mappe But because I thinke neither of them to be of it selfe absolute inough for the worth of this so goodly a country I haue thought it behouefull to the Reader to set out both in this our Theater He that shall compare them one with the other shall find oft times great variety in the situation of places and turnings and windings of the streames and riuers and yet there is no reason why presently any man should condemne the authours of want of skill or diligence in describing it but let him iudge of it as Strabo most truely doth of History for he doth not by and by thinke that history to be reiected when they that haue set it forth do not altogether agree in the descriptions of places when as the truth of the whole history is many times by that disagreement more plainly demonstrated Let therefore the diligent Reader and student of Geography for whose good we do whatsoeuer we possibly can vse one or both at his discretion seeing that we are forced to do what we may not what we would VNGARIAE LOCA PRAECIPVA RECENS EMENDATA ATQVE EDITA PER IOANNEM SAMBVCVM PANNONIVM IMP. MS. HISTORICVM 1579. TRANSSYLVANIA STeuen Broderith in his Treatise printed at Basill together with the Hungarian history of Antony Bonfinius describeth this country thus Transsiluania saith he was sometime a part of Dacia His chiefe city is Alba Iulia Weissenburg so called either of Iulius Caesar or rather of Hiula a certaine prince of the Hunnes It hath many other goodly townes amongst the which are Cibinum Hermanstadt called of the Hungarians Seben situate vpon the riuer Cibin Brassouia Chronstadt Colosium Clausenburg Bistricia Bestereze and many other built and inhabited by a people of high Germany which we call Saxons In this country are the Siculi a fierce and warlike Nation amongst which there is neither clowne nor gentleman all men are in degree equall like as amongst the Switzers Transsiluania is very fertile of all maner of things especially of Gold Siluer and other mettalls as also of Salt digged out of mountaines It breedeth excellent Horses and hath great plenty
and planted But Duglossus he telleth vs that in those ciuill warres between Caesar and Pompey a certaine band or company of Romanes forsaking Italie their natiue country in those troublesome times seated themselues in these coasts and to haue built a city there and to haue called it ROMOVE after the name of Rome their mother which city for a long time was the Metropolitane of that country If this opinion of Duglossus be true who may iustly suspect alwaies reserued if there be any cause of doubt of the truth of the history that that band of Romanes lead by some captaine named Libo to haue come vnto the sea coast neere Frisch-haff toward the East and doth border vpon the Russians driuen hither either by tempestuous weather to haue landed in this place or being followed by the conquerours to haue withdrawen themselues into these quarters for shelter against the raging tyranny of Caesars souldiers and so the Libones Liuones or Liuonians to haue receiued their name and appellation from the same Libo Lastly entending their bounds further and spreading themselues euery way some to haue been named Lithuanians by a name deriued from the same but much altered and corrupt and others to haue retained still the ancient appellation of the Prussi Notwithstanding also a great part of Pomerland and Culmischland and the skirts of Michelaw after that they came to be subiect to the same iurisdiction with Spruse and were vnder the command of the Knights of the Holy Crosse Teutones Crucigeri began to be called by one name Spruse yet indeed that is properlie and truly called Spruse which is comprehended between the riuers Weissel Vistulo Dribentz Ossa and Nemen and the bay Frisch-haff which we spoke of before and from Lithuania and Massouia is diuided by thicke woods full of Meeres and Bogges Thus farre out of Cromer I thinke it not amisse also to set down heere the ancient diuision of this country of Spruse into particular shires as Casper Henneberger hath written whose words are these VIDIVVTO or as he is called of some VIDINITVS king of Borussia in the yeare of Christ 573. when he was 116. yeares old before he together with his brother BRVTENOCRIBE did cast himselfe for a sacrifice to his Gods into the fire thus diuided his possessions vnto his sonnes Hee had as they report 12. sonnes The I. was LITPHO or as others call him LITALAN to whom he gaue Lituania the Lower made him king soueraigne of the rest but he for the murder of CRIBE a Bishop of theirs so called was reiected of his brethren Amongst the other eleuen he diuided the country of Spruse Of these the first called ZAMO obtained that tract which of him to this day is named Zambia Samland hauing vpon the West North the salt sea vpon the East the lake Curisch-haff Curonensis lacus and the riuer Deme vpon the South the riuer Pregel it is a receiued opinion amongst them that he dwelt in the mount GALTAGARE II. SVDO got for his portion that part of the country where now are Oletzo Stradaun Lick part of the precincts or liberties of Iohanisburg Letzen Angerburg and Insterburg and hath vpon the East Lituania on the South Masouia and Galindia on the North-West Barthonia Barthenerland on the North Schalauonia This country they called after his name Sudauia Which name afterward when this whole tract was spoiled and laid wast by the Crucigeri the knights of the Holy Crosse it vtterly lost and therefore whether this country was called Sudauia or not the latter writers are wholly ignorant and they do thinke it to haue beene in Sambia where now is the canton called Der Sudawische winkel oder der Bruster ort but they are deceiued For for their treachery they were of the Crucigeri translated thither III. NADROO was seated between Sambia Scalauonia and Barthonia where there are many riuers forrests and vast wildernesses and is called Nadraw NADRAVIA In this prouince are Tapiaw Taplaucken Salaw Georgenburg c. strong and defensible castels IIII. SCALAVONI had those places giuen him which are on either side of the riuer Memel the old writers called it Cronon and therefore his portion was named Scalauonia after his own name V. NATANGO got that part which of him was called Natangen and hath vpon his North side the riuer Pregel vpon the East Alla. VI. BARTHO enioyed Barthonia Barthenerland It was diuided into the Greater the Lesser and Plick Barthen but now those diuisions are forgotten and out of vse VII GALINDO that tract from Masouia vnto the riuer Alla and the lake Spirding of him was named Galindia and conteineth many huge deserts a great part of it doth belong to the Bishop of Varmia and is now accounted as part of Ermeland VIII VARMONI for his portion was assigned VARMIA lying between the countries Galindia Natangia and Pogesamia But he not liuing long after his father this prouince soone againe lost that name and of his mother was named by a Germane name Ermeland IX HOGGO his Lordship was seuered from Ermeland by the riuer Passerg from Pomesamia by the riuer Weseck and the lake Drausen but now of the Germanes it is called Hockerland but by the Latines of POGIA his daughter it is named Pogesania X. POMESO possessed Pomesania denominated of him bounded by the riuers Weissel Weeseck Ossa or Mockra XI CHELMO obtained for his portion Culmigeria or Hulmigeria they call it Colmishland a prouince lying between the riuers Weissel Mockra or Osso and Dreuentza well replenished with castels and cities Heere is another shire worth the remembrance which they call Sossaw Item another called LOBOVIA Lobaw belonging to the Bishop of Culm HVNTAVV also a very little prouince but well inhabited There is also an iland about Margeburg or Marienburg enclosed round with a bancke or wall by the Crucigeri the knight of the Holy Crosse against the inundations and breaking-in of the riuers Weissel and Nogot and it is called The Greater I le Gros Werder The Lesser I le Das klein Werder is in Pomerell about Dantzk Lastly MARIANA by Marienwerder an Iland so called which is not inhabited but reserued for pasture and meddow yeelding yearely great profit This authour promiseth a peculiar Treatise of Prussia with a further discourse of this his mappe But of this thou maiest read more in Guaginus Veronensis in his history of Sarmatia Dauid Chytraeus also in his Saxon Chronicle hath excellently well described the same Amber the Latines call it Succinum and Electrum the Germanes Bernstein Agstein Ammeren is found plentifully on the coast of this country and no where els in the world beside to the great gaine and inriching of this Nation Diuers haue written of the nature and properties of this Simple But none better in my iudgement than Andreas Aurifaber Vratislauiensis in a seuerall tract written both in Latine and Dutch PRVSSIAE VERA DESCRIPTIO Per Gaspar Henneberg Erlichens LIVONIA LIuonia as Lewenclay writeth extendeth it selfe along the sea coast
but especially the Neck-land or Peninsula knowen vnto the old writers by these names Scandia Scandinauia Baltia and Basilia but to them neuer throughly discried which in regard of his greatnesse they haue called Another World and the Shoppe of men and as it were the scabberd from whence so many Nations haue been drawen But of the diuers names of this country read that which we haue written at the mappe of Island as also in our Treasury of Geography in the word BASILIA This Neckeland in this our age conteineth three kingdomes Norwey Swedland and Gotland with a part of the kingdome of Denmarke and many other prouinces as Bothny Finmarke Finland Lappland c. whose seuerall descriptions we will heere set downe out of Iames Ziegler NORVEGIA Norway if you would interpret it is as much to say as the Northren tract or Northren way This was sometime a most flourishing kingdome and comprehended Denmarke and Friesland with the circumiacent Ilands vntill such time as the kingdome was gouerned by an hereditary succession of kings Afterward the line failing in the time of vacancie by the consent of the Nobility it was decreed that the kings should be chosen by election At this day it is vnder the iurisdiction of the kings of Denmarke who do not only take the lawfull reuenews iustly due to the crowne but imposing intolerable exactions and by scraping and raking all commodities into their hands they conuey all the wealth of this country into Denmarke Neither is this aggreeuance alone but with all the disaduantage and condition of the place doth much hurt the subiects for all the hauens roads shipping are at the command of the king of Denmarke so that neither they may without his leaue vse the sea or transport their merchandise into forren countries This kingdome either for the temperature of the aire goodnesse of the soile or benefit of the sea is not of meane estimation and account This doth transport into other parts of Europe a fish which is a kind of codde slitte and spread vpon a post and so dried and hardened with the frost and cold and thereupon the Germanes call it Stockfish The best time of the yeare to catch them is in Ianuary when as the weather is coldest to drie them those which are taken when the weather is more mild they shrinke or rotte away and are not fit to be transported any whither All the sea coast of Norway is very calme and temperate the sea freeseth not the snow continueth not long SVECIA Sweden or Swedland is a kingdome rich of siluer copper lead iron corne and cattell Wonderfull plenty of fish is heere taken both in riuers lakes and creekes aswell as in the maine ocean Heere are many Deere and wild beasts Stockholme is the kings seat and chiefe mart towne a city fortified both by nature by art and industrie of the ingenious Architect It standeth in a fenne like Venice and thereof it took the name for that being situate in the waters it is built vpon piles which they call Stockes GOTHIA Gotland that is the Good land is subiect to the king of Sweden In it is the port and mart towne Calmar a great city Heere is a goodly Castle which for ingenious Architecture or Fortification as also for large compasse and content is not much inferiour to that of Millane in Italie Neere Tinguallen are mines of excellent iron Thus farre Ziegler Of DENMARKE and the BRITISH ILES we will speake nothing in this place seeing that we entreated of them at their proper and seuerall mappes In this chart there is described also ISLAND an Iland as famous as any other for strange miracles and secret works of nature Item GROENLAND another Iland knowen to very few Heere also is FRIESLAND a third iland altogether vnknowen to ancient writers neither is it once named of the latter Geographers or Hydrographers only Nicolao Zeno a Venetian who in the yeare of Christ 1380. tossed with many continuall bitter stormes in this sea at last rent and weather-beaten arriued in this I le This authour affirmeth that this iland is subiect to the king of Norway and to be greater then Ireland and that the chiefe towne is of the same name with the I le it selfe lastly that the country people do for the most part liue by fishing For in the hauen of this towne they catch such abundance of all sorts of fish that from thence they lade whole shippes and transport them into other ilands neere adioining The sea next to this iland vpon the West full of shelues and rocks as he writeth is of the inhabitants called Mare Icarium Icarus sea and an iland in it he saith is named ICARIA Of GROENLAND he writeth that the winter heere is 9. moneths long and all that time it neuer raineth nor the snow which falleth in the beginning of winter euer dissolueth vntill the latter end of the same But that is most wonderfull which he telleth of the Monastery of the order of Frier Predicants dedicated to the honour of S. Thomas in this Iland namely that there is not farre from it a mountaine which like vnto Aetna in Sicilia doth at certaine seasons burne and cast out huge flakes of fire and that there is in the same place a fountaine of hot or skalding waters wherewith not only all the chambers of this monastery are warmed in the maner of Stones and hot-houses but also all kind of meat and bread is sodden and dressed and with no other fire All the monastery is built of a kind of hollow light stone which the flames of that burning mountaine do cast forth For these burning stones being by nature somewhat fat and oily are solid and firme but being quenched with this water they become drie full of holes and light and the water wherewith they were quenched is turned into a clammy kind of stuffe like bitumen wherewith these stones are laied in steed of mortar when they are to vse them in building and thus they make a sure worke against the iniury of all weathers Their orchyeards also and gardens watered with this water are alwaies green and do flourish almost all the yeare long with all maner of flowres kinds of corne and fruits This Priory standeth vpon the sea shore and hath a reasonable capacious and large hauen into which the forenamed fountaine emptying his waters doth make it so warme that it neuer freeseth in the hardest and egerest froast that euer was knowen Whereupon heere is such abundance of fish which do flocke hither from more colde places that not only these Monkes but also the neighbours round about are furnished from hence with prouision of victuall These thinges amongst many others Zenus hath written of these Ilands who being made by Zichimnus king of certaine Ilands heere about high Admirall of his nauy discouered all these Northren coasts The ile FRIESLAND now againe in these our daies was descried by the Englishmen and was by them called by a new name WEST
whom they are now gouerned as in times past they were by certaine Bishops of their owne by whom they were as we said before conuerted vnto Christianity in the time of Adelbert Bishop of Breme In the raigne of Harald with the faire lockes Pulchricomus Harfagro they vulgarly called him as Ionas writeth who was the first Monarch of Norway it was first begun to be inhabited as some would faine perswade namely when he had ouercome the pety kings and had banished them out of Norway they being driuen to seeke their dwelling in some other place they forsooke their owne natiue country shipped themselues together with their wiues children and whole families landed at the length in this iland and heere seated themselues This seemeth to me to haue happened about the yeare of Christs incarnation 1000. but the forenamed authour Arngrimus Ionas saith that it was in the yeare 874. who also there setteth downe a Catalogue and names of all their Bishops The first Bishop as Crantzius writeth was Isleff That it was subiect to the command of the same Norweies about 200. yeares I find in the abridgement of Zenies Eclogs where I find that Zichmi king of Friesland attempted warre against this iland but in vaine and was repelled by a garrison of souldiers placed there by the king of Norway to defend the same from the assault of enemies It is diuided into foure parts or prouinces according to the foure quarters of the World namely into Westfiordung Austlendingafiordung Nordlingafiordung and Sundlendingafiordung as to say as the West quarter East quarter North quarter and South quarter It hath but two Bishops seas Schalholdt and Hola with certaine scholes adioined vnto them In the diocesse of Hola are the Monasteries Pingora Remested Modur and Munketuere In the diocesse of Schalholdt are Videy Pyrnebar Kirkebar and Skirda Yet by the letters of Velleius the authour of this chart which he wrote vnto me I do vnderstand that there are heere nine monasteries and besides them 329. churches They haue no coine of their owne nor cities for the mountaines are to them in steed of cities and fountaines for pleasure and delights as Crantzius testifieth who affirmeth that for the most part they dwell in caues making their lodgings and roomes by cutting and digging them out in the sides of hilles The which also Olaus doth testifie especially in the winter time They build their houses of fish bones for want of wood Contrariwise Ionas he saith that heere are many churches and houses built reasonably faire and sumptuously of wood stone and turffe Wares they exchange with Merchants for other wares Forrein dainties and pleasures they are not acquainted withall They speake the Cimbrian language or the ancient Germane tongue into which we saw this other day the holy Scriptures translated and imprinted at Hola a place in the North part of this iland in a most goodly and faire letter in the yeare of our Lord 1584. I say in the old Germane tongue for I do obserue it to be the same with that in which a little booke that is imprinted vnder the name of Otfrides Gospels is written in Ionas himselfe confesseth that they haue no maner of cattell beside Horses and Kine Velleius witnesseth that they haue no trees but Berch and Iuniper The soile is fatte for pastorage and the grasse so ranke that all men that haue written of this iland do iontly and with one consent affirme that except they do sometime fetch their cattell from the pasture and moderate their feeding they wil be in danger of being stopped vp with their owne fatte Yet all in vaine oft times as the same Arngrime affirmeth The soile is not good for corne or for eareable ground and so it beareth not any maner of graine therefore for the most part they liue altogether on fish Which also being dried and beaten and as it were ground to meale they make into loaues and cakes and do vse it at their tables in stead of bread Their drinke in former time was faire water but now of corne brought vnto them from forren places they haue learned to brew a kind of beere so that after they began to trade with strangers resorting to them they began also to loue better liquours and haue left their drinking of water For as Georgius Bruno maketh me beleeue the Lubekers Hamburgers and Bremers do yearely resort to this iland which thither do cary Meale Bread Beere Wine Aqua vitae course English clothes and other such of low prices both Wollen and Linnen Iron Steele Tinne Copper Siluer Mony both Siluer and Gold Kniues Shoes Coifes and Kercheifes for women and Wood whereof they build their houses and make their boats For these they exchange the Island cloth they commonly call it Watman huge lumps of Brimstone and great store of dried fish Stockefish we call it All this out of the West and South parts of the same Out of the East and North part of the iland where there is great plenty of grasse they transport into other countries Mutton and Beefe butter and ISLANDIA ILLVSTRISS AC POTENTISS REGI FREDERICO II DANIAE NORVEGIAE SLAVORVM GOTHORVMQVE REGI ETC. PRINCIPI SVO CLEMENTISSIMO ANDREAS VELLEIVS DESCRIBEB ET DEDICABAT Priuilegio Imp. et Belgico decennali A. Ortel exud 1585. sometime the fleeces of sheep and skinnes and pelts of other beasts foxes and white falcons horses for the most part such as amble by nature without the teaching and breaking of any horse courser Their oxen and kine are all heere polled and without hornes their sheepe are not so Saxo Grammaticus and Olaus Magnus do tell of many wonders and strange works of God in this iland whereof some it will not be amisse to receit in this place But especially the mount Hekla which continually burneth like vnto Aetna in Sicilia although alwaies those flames do not appeare but at certaine times as Arngrimus Ionas writeth and affirmeth to be recorded in their histories as namely in the yeare 1104. 1157. 1222. 1300. 1340. 1362. 1389. and 1558. which was the last time that the fire brake out of this hill Of the like nature is another hill which they call Helgas●ll that is the Holy mount Of the which mountaine the forenamed Bruno a laborious student and for that his worthy worke which he hath set out of all the cities of the World famous and knowen farre and neere all the World ouer hath written in his priuate letters vnto me that in the yeare 1580. Ionas saith it fell out in the yeare 1581. not in Hecla but in another mount namely in Helgesel fire and stones were cast out with such crackes thundering and hideous noise that fourescore miles off one would haue thought great ordenance and double canons had been discharged heere At this hill there is an huge gulfe where spirits of men lately departed do offer themselues so plainely to be seene and discerned of those that sometime knew them in their life time that they are often taken for
it hath the Tartars a warlike and stout people from whom it is defended and seuered partly by an artificiall wall made by the hand and labour of man partly by a naturall mountaine which runneth for many hundred miles together between the countries It is a country very fertile of all maner of things necessary for the maintenance of mans life caused not only by the goodnesse of the soile and temperature of the aire but especially by the husbandry and industry of the people For the men heere are not giuen to idlenesse but are very laborious and painefull To be idle heere it is counted a shamefull thing It hath wonderfull store of Gold Siluer and Rheubarbe The sea which beateth vpon this coast and the riuers which runne through the middest of this country do abound with all sorts of fish Vpon the mountaines vales and meddowes infinite flocks of cattell do feed and are maintained The woods forrests and groues are possessed with Bores Foxes Hares Conies Zebellines Martens and diuers other such kind of beasts whose skins are much set by for facings for gownes Of all kinds of birds it yeeldeth maruallous plenty especially of water-foule as is manifest by this that in Canton which is one of the least cities of this prouince there are spent euery day vpon their Tables tenne or twelue thousand Ducks and Geese They sow the drier ground with wheat and barly the wet plaine or moorish grounds withe rise which they cut or reap foure times in a yeare this is their chiefest diet and liuing The higher and steep places and sides of hilles are beset with Pine-trees amongst the which they sow panicke and pulse or horsecorne There is no place therefore no field no plot of ground vnfruitfull Euery where are Orchards Gardens Fruits Roses Floures of all sorts yeelding a most fragrant and pleasant smell and goodly shew to the beholders They plant flax in great abundance euery where whereof they make diuers sorts of linnen whereof they make their apparell but especially Sugar canes which heere groweth in maruellous great abundance and the Mulbery trees for the feeding of their silke wormes which are maintained with the leaues of this tree Tor Silke is the chifest merchandise and commodity whereof they raise yearely an infinite gaine and profit There are in this kingdome 240. goodly cities the names of which do all generally end in the syllable fu which in their language signifieth a city as Cantonfu Panquinfu The townes whereof there is infinite number they likewise end in Cheu Villages which are not to be numbred by reason of the continuall husbandry and tillage are very populous and wonderfully inhabited All their cities for the most part are situate vpon the banke of some great and nauigable streame fortified with broad and deep ditches and very high strong walles These wals from the foundation vpward are made of stone toward the toppe and battlement with bricke laid in steed of lime and mortar with lome or potters clay the same stuffe I meane whereof the China dishes so much esteemed of amongst vs are made The height of them and thicknesse is so great that fiue or six men may walke a breast vpon the toppe of them Vpon the wall are placed heere and there certaine high towers and bulwarkes out of which they may see all the fields ouer farre and neere round about On ech side of the wals so much vacant ground pomoerium the Latines call it is least that horsemen may passe them six and six in a rancke in battell aray These wals are so close and soundly wrought without any rifts or chinks that one would thinke them to haue been but newly made when as their histories do testifie them to haue been built two thousand yeares since The entrance into the cities is by great gates most wonderfully and stately built Their streets are as smooth and precisely plaine as if they were altogether made by line and leuell and are so large and broad that tenne yea fifteene horsemen may ride a breast through them which in many and sundry places are parted and seuered with stately triumphall arches gracing the cities beyond all measure Certaine Portugals do report that they saw in the city Fucho a turrette standing vpon forty marble pillars whose height were forty hand breadth and the thickenesse twelue after the measure which the Architects vse This they affirme in their iudgement for greatnesse for exquisite workemanship beauty and costlinesse doth farre exceed all the stately buildings of all Europe The greatnesse of their cities we do gather by this that they say the city Canton which we said was one of the least of their cities is twelue English miles in compasse beside 355. suburbes which do belong to it very great and populous The people are broad and round faced thinne haired flatte nosed and small eied although there be some amongst them reasonable well fauoured and handsome men The colour of their faces is somewhat like that of those which inhabite Europe yet those which dwell about Canton are of a browne complexion They seldome or neuer trauell further than their owne country neither will they easily suffer a stranger to dwell amongst them especially in the vpland places except they be publikely sworne to be true vnto the King and Country The wealthy and better sort of men haue all their apparell made of silke of diuers and sundry colours The base and meaner sort do weare a kind of stuffe made of white or blacke cotton and sometime linnen coloured or stained with party colours for as yet in these parts they know not how to make wollen cloth The men there as women do heere do weare their haire long which they winde vp in a knot to the crowne of their head where they bind and fasten it with a siluer bodkin The women comb their haire very trimly and do behang and set it out with gold spangles and diuers kind of pearles and pretious stones They paint and besmeare their faces with complexion such as the Spanish women do commonly vse They neuer once looke out of dores except they be carried in their littars vpon mens shoulders and attended by all the family CHINAE olim Sinarum regionis noua descriptio auctore Ludouico Georgio Cum priuilegio Imperatoris Regis Brabantiae ad decennium 1584. Concerning the faith and religion of this nation it is thus They do beleeue all earthly creatures and all things in the World and the gouernment and disposition of them to depend of Heauen and Heauenly powers For they do thinke that Heauen is the greatest of all Gods and therefore the character of it possesseth the first place of their alphabet They worship the Sunne the Moone and the Stars yea the very Diuell himselfe which they paint in the same forme as wee do heere in Europe that hee may do them no hurt as they say They haue stately and sumptuous Churches aswell in the country as in their cities They haue
before namely the furnace or hearth the panne or kettle with the trefeet the tunnell the drinking cuppes or earthen pots the spoones and the boxes wherein they keep the hearb and the powder made of the same These things they set little lesse store by than we do heere in Europe by rings beset with pretious stones or bracelets of the best and most orient pearles Their houses for the most part are framed of timber to auoid the danger of earth-quakes which heere are very frequent and often although that some haue their houses very artificially and stately built from the foundation vpward of a very faire kind of stone They haue many goodly Churches and Monasteries both of men and women very rich and sumptuous The language of all these ilands is one and the same but so diuers and manifold and of such different dialects that it may not vniustly be said to be many For they haue of one and the same thing diuers and sundrie names of which some are vsed in scorne and bad sense others in good sense and honourable vsage other phrases and words are vsed by the Nobility others by the common people others are spoken by the men others by the women Moreouer they speake otherwise than they write and in their writing there is a great variety for they write their priuate letters vnto their friends one way and bookes and such like another way They haue diuers bookes very fairely written both in verse and in prose Againe their letters are such as in one and the same character they do expresse and signifie sometime one word sometime two or more Lastly the Iaponian language is of indifferent iudges preferred before the Latine either in respect of the elegancy and smoothnesse of pronunciation or copy and variety of the same therefore it requireth both great time and labour to learne it They are a very warlike people and much giuen to follow that kind of life the chiefe men of dignitie which haue the command of the kingdome and gouernment of the same they generally call Tonos although amongst those there are also certaine degrees as there are amongst our Nobility Princes Dukes Marquesses Earles and Barons Another sort of men there are amongst them which haue the charge and managing of matters of their Church these are shauen all ouer both head and beard these may neuer marrie but do vow perpetuall chastity There are diuers and sundrie sects of these religious persons amongst them some there are which after the maner of the Knights of the Rhodes do iointly professe armes and religion together but they are generally called by one name Bonzij They haue in many places diuers great schooles such as we call Vniuersities The third state or sort of people amongst them are the citizens and other degrees of gentry next vnto these are the retalers hucksters factours and shop-keepers with artificers and handiecraft-men of diuers occupations very ingenious and skilfull in their trades They haue many kinds of armours and warlike weapons made of sundrie makings and excellent temper They haue also the vse of Printing with letters and stamps not much vnlike our maner inuented and practised heere in Europe The last sort and state of people in these ilands are the husbandmen and labourers Generally it is a very subtile wittie and wise Nation and of singular endowments and good parts of nature both for acute iudgement aptnesse of learning and excellency of memorie It is no shame or reproach to any to be accounted poore Slaunderous and railing speeches theeuing robberies and that vngodlie kind of rash othes and swearing with all kind of dicing and gaming they do vtterly abhorre and detest Any offendours against the Law of what degree soeuer are punished by no lesse punishment than banishment confiscation of goods or death Those which are to be executed are for the most part beheaded suddenlie before they are aware Notwithstanding it is the maner in some places to cary such as are taken for robberies in a certaine kind of carre round about the city in the face of all the people and to hang them vp without the wals of the towne In the seruice of God which is the chiefe point of iustice and vertue they do miserably erre and swarue from the right tract Their guides and great masters of religion to informe the rest are those which I say they name Bonzij Amongst their saints which they worship the chiefe are those which they call Amida and Xaca other idols they haue of lesse estimation and note amongst them whom they pray vnto for health recouery in sickenesse children money other things belonging to the body these they call Camis All Iaponia or the people of that name were subiect in time past vnto one Emperour whom they called Vo or Dair this was his title of honour and dignity vntill such time as he growen effeminate and giuen to pleasures and ease became to be scorned and contemned by the Lieutenants and Nobility especially of the Cubi for so they called the two chiefest Princes vnto whom the gouernment of the country was committed of which afterward the one did kill the other therefore the Lieutenants of the seuerall shires with the military men hauing for a time endured such a carpet Knight by and by began to loath his gouernment and at last wholly shaking off the yoke of subiection seised euery man into his owne hand the prouince ouer which he was set as gouernour vnder the Emperour so at an instant that vnited body and maine Empire of so large command was shattered as it were into many parts and pieces yet so as notwithstanding a kind of soueraigne authority doth euen to this day remaine in the Dair of distributing and giuing the titles of honour to the Nobility which eftsoones are altered according to the diuersity of the degrees and are designed by certaine notes and badges The chiefe and most mightie of all the Princes of Iaponia is he that gat either by force or policy Meacum and the best kingdomes neere to the same which they generally by one name do vulgarly call Tensa Those places were lately possessed by Nubunanga that tyrant which I spake of before this King being slaine by treason about two yeares before and his children murdered or banished one Faxiba a chiefe captaine of the rebels by force and violence stepped into his regall throne and tooke vpon him to sway the scepter of that kingdome The honour and credit of the first entrance of this Iland certaine Portugals do challenge and take vnto themselues but I do rather giue credit to Antonio Gaualno who reporteth in that booke which he wrote of the descries of the New-found world that Anton●o Mota Francisco Zeimoro and Antonio Pexoto in their iourney as they sailed from the city Dodra in Sion to passe for China they were caried by a contrary wind to the Ilands of the Iaponians about two and forty yeares before that time All this we haue extracted out
Indus and Iaxartes they now call it Chesel and the Caspian sea is now in these our daies possessed by the Sophies the Kings of Persia All which tract of ground Pliny in the 27. chapter of his 6. booke of the history of Nature by the iudgement of Agrippa assigneth to the Medes Parthians and Persians But Ammianus Marcellinus who liued in the time of Iulian the Apostata Emperour of Rome doth ascribe it wholly to Persia For he in his foure and twentith booke reckoneth vp these eighteen countries in this order as parts of Persia Assyria Susiana Media Persis Parthia Carmania the Greater Hyrcania Margiana the Bactriani the Sacae Scythia beyond the mount Emodus a part of the mount Taurus the Iewes call it Iethra others Moghali others Beresith as Theuet reporteth Scrica Aria the Paropamisadae Drangiana Arachosia and Gedrosia All these countries euen at this day are subiect to the iurisdiction of the Kings of Persia for ought that I can learne either by the bookes of late writers or relation of sailours and trauellers into those parts yet the names are much altered and changed as you shall easily perceiue by comparing of the moderne mappes and chartes with the descriptions of ancient Geographers Of the originall of the SOPHIES these particulars following Caelius Secundus Curio hath translated in his Saracen history out of the Decades of Asia written by Iohn Barrius In the yeare of Christ 1369. there was a certaine pety king amongst the Persians named Sophi who held the city Ardenelim in his possession This man bragged that he was descended lineally by his ancestours from Musa Cazino nephew of Alij Muhamed He the Chalife of Babylon being dead the contrary faction maintained by the Turkes suppressed by the Tartars began more boldly and freely to broach his opinions of religion and because that Hocemus the sonne Aly from whom he draweth his pedigree had twelue sonnes minding to set some marke or badge vpon his sect and disciples whereby they might be distinguished and knowen from others he ordained that they that would follow him and be of his religion should weare a tire vnder the vaile which all the Turkes do wind about their heads they call it Tulibant should be of a purple colour and should hang out at the middest of the Tulibant twelue hand breadth After his death Guines his sonne succeeded in his steed who did purchase vnto himselfe such an opinion of learning religion and holinesse throughout all the Eastern countries of the World that Tamerlanes that worthy and famous Emperour of the Parthians who ouercame Bayazet the great Turke and defeating all his forces tooke him captiue trauelling through Persia determined to visite him as a most holy and religious Saint To Guines Tamerlanes freely gaue thirtie thousand captiues which he brought thither with him these Guines afterward trained vp in his religion whose seruice Secaidar his sonne especially vsed in his warres For he after that Guines his father was dead made warre vpon the Georgians his neighbours bordering vpon his kingdome and countries a kind of people of Scythia but Christians by profession and by the help of these Mussulmanes grieuously vexed them many kind of waies c. Let this satisfie thee in this place to be spoken of the originall of the Sophies These do make continuall warre with the Turkes about the Mahumetane religion for because the Sophies do follow one interpretour of the Alkora'n and Mahometan religion and the Turkes another which interpretours and expositours do much dissent and vary one from the other so that the Sophians by the Turkes are counted but as Heretiques and contrariwise the Turkes are esteemed for no lesse by the Sophians It is by nature a Gentleman-like and honourable Nation very ciuill and curteous louing learning and liberall sciences and withall do much esteeme of Nobility and Noble-men in that are cleane contrary and opposite to the Turkes which do not acknowledge or regard any difference of bloud or descent from famous ancestours and great houses The situation of these countries the maners customes and behauiour of the people of the same thou maist read of in Aloysius Iohannes Venetus Iosaphat Barbarus Ambrosius Contarenus Iohannes Maria Angiolellus and a certaine Merchants trauels whose name I know not together with them imprinted Looke into also the Iesuites Epistles and the Persian Commentaries of Caterino Zeni a Senatours sonne of Venice Polybius in his fifth booke doth most excellently well describe the middle Country Moreouer Petrus Bizarrus my singular good friend hath this other day set out the history of Persia Lastly and somewhat latter than Bizarrus Thomas Minadoius hath done the like but in the Italian tongue PERSICI SIVE SOPHORVM REGNI TYPVS Cum priuilegio The Empire of the Great TVRKE OF the originall and beginning of the Turkish Empire the encreasing and grow'th of the same vntill it came by little and little to that greatnesse that now it is of whereby it is fearefull to all nations round about we haue gathered these few lines out of the best Historiographers of our time In the yeare of Christ 1300. one OTTOMANNVS a Turke the sonne of Zichi a man of meane parentage began for his pregnant witte and great experience in feats of armes and discipline of warre to grow famous and renowmed amongst the Turkes Of this man the stocke of the Turkish Emperours first tooke their name and beginning and he was the first that ordeined a king ouer the Turkes He raigned seuen and twenty yeares in which space he conquered all Bithynia and Cappadocia and subdued many strong holds neere vnto Mar Maiore or the great sea so now the Italians call that sea which the old writers call Mare Ponticum and Sinus Euxinus the Greekes now Maurothalassa and the Turkes Caradenis that is the Blacke sea After him succeeded his sonne ORCHANES who wonne the great and strong city Prusia or Prusa now called as Bellonius writeth Bource and was sometime named Zellia and Theopolitana which he made the head of his kingdome and place of residence for his Court He was slaine in an vnfortunate battell which he fought against the Tartars in the 22. yeare of his raigne and left AMVRATHES his sonne to rule the kingdome after him who first the Grecian Princes falling at variance and calling him in sailed with an huge army out of Asia into Europe he in a short space subdued almost all Greece and Phocis a part of Bulgaria but himselfe at last being ouercome and taken by Tamerlane died and ended his daies most dishonourably The father being taken CALEPINVS his sonne stepped into the throne and tooke possession of the kingdome But hauing in battell vtterly ouerthrowen Sigismund and his forces and begun to wast and spoile the borders and territories of the Emperour of Constantinople died in the floure of his age when he had raigned but six yeares Heere note by the way that Adolphus Venerius doth not reckon this Calepine amongst the Turkish Emperours For
the Paradise of Italy The hils that are which are but very few are exceeding bleake cold and barren so that they will beare nothing but barly Maroccho which we said was the chiefe city of this kingdome is accounted one of the greatest cities of the whole world for it is of such a wonderfull bignesse that in the raigne of Haly the sonne of Ioseph their king it had more than an hundred thousand families It hath about it 24. gates The wall of a maruelous thicknesse is made of a kind of white stone and chalke vnburned There are heere such abundance of Churches Colledges stoues or hothouses and innes as iustly more may not be desired Amongst the Churches there is none more artificially and gorgeously built than that which standeth in the middest of the city built by the foresaid Haly. There is another beside this first raised by Abdu'-lmumen his successour and enlarged by Mansor his nephew and lastly more richly set out with many goodly columnes which he caused to be brought out of Spaine He made a fountaine or cestern vnderneath the Church as large and wide as the whole Church it selfe The roofe of the Church he couered all ouer with lead At euery corner he made spoutes by which the raine water falling vpon the roofe might runne into the cestern vnderneath The steeple made of a very hard kind of stone like that of the Amphitheater of Vespasian at Rome is higher than that towre of Bononia in Italy The greeses or staiers by which they go vp to the toppe of it are euery one nine handfull thicke but in the outside of the wall are tenne This tower hath seuen roomes or lofts one aboue another Vpon the toppe of it is set another turret or spire like a pyramis sharpe toward the top This hath three lofts one aboue another into which they go vp from one to another by staires or ladders made of wood On the toppe of this spire vpon a shaft of iron in steed of a weather-cocke doth stand a most goodly Moone of pure gold with three golden globes so put vpon the iron shaft that the greatest is lowest the least highest of all If any man from the toppe of the steeple shall looke downe toward the ground the tallest man that is seemeth no bigger than a child of a yeare old From the toppe also of this the cape or fore-land which they call Azaphy being an hundred and thirty miles off may easily be descried And although one should skarcely find a greater Church if one should trauell all the world ouer yet the place is almost wholly desert for none do euer vse to come hither but vpon Fridaies Vnder the cloisters of this Church they report that there were wont to be an hundred Stationers and as many ouer against them on the other side of the Churchyard which daily heere kept shoppe where as now I do not thinke that all this whole city can affoord at this time one booke-seller Hardly the one third part of the towne is inhabited Heere hence it is that within the wals there are many vineyeards large gardens of palme-trees and other fruites with goodly corne fields most fertile and well manured for without the wals they cannot till the ground by reason of the frequent inrodes of the theeuish Arabians This one thing is most certaine that this city is suddenly growne old before the time for it is not aboue fiue hundred and six yeares since it was first built There is also in this city a very strong castle which in respect of the large bignesse the great thickenesse and compasse of the wals the high and many towers or lastly the goodly and stately gates built of the richest Tiburtine marble may iustly be accounted for a faire towne Within this castle is a most beautifull Church with a very high steeple vpon whose toppe is a golden moone with three golden globes of different bignesses all of them weighing 130. crownes There haue been some kings of this country who moued with the loue and valew of the gold haue attempted to take these globes downe and to put them into their purses but alwaies some strange euent or misfortune or other did hinder their purpose and crosse their desires So that it is now commonly amongst the people held for a very ominous thing for any man but once to offer to touch these globes with his hand Let this be sufficient to haue spoken of this city in this place he that desireth a larger discourse both of the city and castle let him haue recourse vnto Leo Africanus who in his 2. booke will satisfie him to the full In this kingdome also is the city TARADANT the Moores call it Taurent a very great and goodly city built by the ancient Africanes It conteineth about 3000. houses or families The people are more ciuill and curtuous than in other places heere about Heere are many artificers of diuers and sundry occupations The townesmen do yearely raise a great profit by keeping of a gard to defend merchants that from hence do trauell vp higher into the country from the assault of theeues and robbers and to conduct and lead them the neereest and best way for it is a place of great resort of strangers aswell of Christians as others There are also other cities as the mappe doth shew amongst the which is MESSA hauing a Church not farre from the sea which they do most religiously reuerence For there are some heere that most fondly do beleeue and affirme that the Prophet Ionas when he was sent of God to preach vnto the Niniuites was at this place cast vp of the fish which before had swallowed him The sparres of this Church and the beames are made of whale bones for it is a common thing for the sea to cast vp heere dead whales of maruailous bignesse Vpon the coast also of this country is found that kind of Amber which we call Amber-greese Not farre from this city is TEINT a towne where all those rich skinnes are dressed which are commonly called Maroccho pelts More of this kingdome thou maist read of in Leo Africanus Marmolius and in the Saracen history of Caelius Augustinus Curio where he hath a seuerall treatise of this prouince Thus farre of Maroccho it remaineth now that we should speake likewise of Fesse FESSE like as Maroccho is a kingdome so called of the chiefe city and metropolitane of the same This city is situate in the hart and middest of the kingdome It was built as they affirme about the yeare of our Lord 786. Neither is it only the head city of this kingdome but it is esteemed The Metropolitane of all Barbary and is vulgarly called as Marmolius testifieth The Court of all the West part of the World Some there are which do thinke it to haue been named Fesse of a masse of gold that heere was found when first they began to lay the foundations of the same for fes in Arabicke signifieth an heap or masse
The greatest part of the city standeth vpon hils only the middest of it is plaine and leuell The riuer vpon which it is seated entreth it at two sundry places for the one is diuided into two parts and being entered within the wals it spreadeth it selfe almost into infinite branches and is by and by in channels troughs and pipes conueighed almost to euery priuate house church colledge inne and hospitall Lastly running through their vault fewers and sinkes it carieth with it all the ordure and soile of the city out into the maine riuer and by that meanes keepeth it continually near and cleane The greatest part of their houses built of bricke and coloured stones are very beautifull and do make a goodly shew to the beholder Moreouer the open places galleries and porches are made of a kind of party-coloured bricke or pauement much like vnto those earthen dishes which the Italians call Maiorica The roofe or seelings of their houses they ouerlay with gold and other most orient coloures very finely and gorgeously The toppes of their houses on the out side are couered ouer with boord a dare made plaine so that in the summer time they may be ouerspread with couerlets and other clothes for heere in hot weather they vse to lie and sleepe all night Item for the most part euery house hath a turret seuered into many roomes and lofts whither the women being toiled and weary may with-draw themselues to recreate and refresh their mindes for from hence they may almost see al-ouer the city Churches and Chappels they haue in this city to the number almost of 700. whereof 50. are very large and goodlie most sumptuouslie built of free CONGI REGNI CHRISTIANI IN AFRICA NOVA DESCRIPTIO Auctore Philippo Pigafetta FESSAE ET MAROCCHI REGNA AFRICAE CELEBERR describebat Abrah Ortelius 1595. stone or bricke euery one hauing a fountaine or conduict adioining to it made of a kind of marble or stone vnknowen of the Italians Euery Church hath one Priest belonging to it whose charge is to say seruice there and to read praiers The greatest and chiefe church in this city called Carrauen is of that greatnesse that it is said to be almost a mile and a halfe about It hath one and thirty gates of maruellous bignesse and height The steeple of this Church out of which the people with a very lowd and thundering voice are called to Church like as we do vse by the towling of a bell is very high Vnderneath this is a cellar or vault where the oile lights lampes mats and such other things necessarily and ordinarily vsed in the Church are kept and laid vp In this Church there are euery night in the yeare 900. lamps lighted at once Moreouer in this city there are more than an hundred Bathes Item two hundred innes euery one hauing six skore chambers apeece at the least for diuers of them haue many more Euery inne hath a well or fountaine of water priuat to it selfe In about foure hundred places you shall find mill-houses euery place hauing in it fiue or six mils so that in all you may account heere certaine thousands of mils All occupations heere are allotted their seuerall and proper places to dwell in euery one by it selfe so that the best and more worshipfull trades are placed neerest the cathedrall Church All things which are to be sold haue their seuerall market places appointed out for them There is also a place assigned as proper to the Merchants which one may iustly call a little city enclosed round with a bricke wall It hath about it twelue gates ech of which hath a great iron chaine drawne before it to keep horses and cartes out And thus much of the West part of Fesse For the other side which is vpon the East although it haue many goodly churches buildings noblemens houses and colledges yet it hath not so many tradesmen of sundry occupations Notwithstanding heere are about fiue hundred and twenty weauers shops besides an hundred shops built for the whiting of thread Heere is a goodly castle equall in bignesse to a prettie towne which in time past was the Kings house where he vsed to keep his court These particulars we haue heere and there gathered out of the third book of Iohn Leo his description of Africa where thou maist read of very many other things of this city both pleasant and admirable Item Iohn Marmolius hath written something of the same Moreouer Diego Torresio in that his booke which he sometime wrot of the Seriffs or Xariffs as the Spaniards vsually write it hath done the like Out of whom I thinke it not amisse in this place to adde this one thing worth the remembrance There is a stone saith he at one of the gates of this city which hath vpon it this inscription in Arabicke letters _____ FIZ VLEDEELENES id est populus gentium or thus Fes bleadi'lenes Fesse is a world of men like as they commonly speake of Norway calling it Officinam hominum the shoppe or workehouse where men are made Againe he alleadgeth this as a common prouerbe vulgarly spoken of this city Quien sale dc Fez donde ira y quien vende trigo que comprera as much to say in English He that is weary of Fesse whither will he go and he that selleth wheat what will he buy answerable to that of the poet spoken of Rome Quid satis est si Roma parum est What will content thee if all Rome be not inough This S. Hierome in his second Epistle vnto Geruchia a virgine doth cite out of Ardens the Poet. The kingdome of CONGI OF Congi this kingdome of Africa which others corruptly call Manicongo for this word properly signifieth the king of Congi and cannot he spoken of the country alone my good friend Philippus Pigafetta the authour of this Mappe wrote a booke in the Italian tongue this other day imprinted at Rome Which he penned from the mouth and relation of Odoardo Lopez a Portugall who had himselfe been a long time a dweller there and so a man very skilfull of the state and situation of this country and an ey witnesse of that which heere is set downe out of whom we haue drawen these few particulars This kingdome is diuided into these six prouinces Bamba Sogno Sundi Pango Batta and Pemba The first of which is inhabited and possessed by a warlike and very populous nation so that this one by it selfe is able if need be to make 40000. fighting men The chiefe city of this prouince and seat of their Kings is Bansa which now they call Citta de S. Saluador All this whole prouince is very rich of siluer and other mettals especially about the iland Loanda where also they catch abundance of those shell fish which breed the pearles these they do vse in this kingdome for exchange in buying and selling in steed of money for heere there is no manner of vse of coine neither do they much esteeme of gold or siluer
ancient name and were called Israël Againe the later part after the captiuity of Babylon was diuided into two prouinces Samaria and Galilee Samaria the Metropolitane or chiefe city of which the country tooke the name was the seat of the Kings of Israel But Galilee was possessed and inhabited by forreners and strangers 3. King 9. and 4. King 17. and therefore grew to be much enuied and despised of the rest of the Iewes so that they did vse to speake all villany and reproachfull speaches of the people of this prouince The North part of this in scorne was called Galiley of the Gentiles and in respect of the situation the Higher Galiley the other part of it toward the South was called the Lower Galiley Therefore afterward euen vnto the time of Christ and his Apostles and so foorth the land of Chanaan or Israel was diuided into three parts and called by three distinct names The Higher country toward Sidon and Tyre they called Galiley the Middle Samaria the Lower toward the South and Arabia Petraea was properly called Iudaea Iewrie as is manifest out of the second chapter of Saint Matthew and the fourth of Saint Iohn This later did containe onely two Tribes Iuda and Beniamin Although also all the land of Canaan euen as high as the mountaines of Thracon neere Antioch and the country of Ammon was called Iudaea as is euident by the ninteenth chapter of Saint Matthew and the tenth of Saint Marke and therefore also Pliny mentioneth Iudaea citerior Iewry on this side Iordan Strabo in his sixteenth booke and Lucane in his second booke do also call the same Iudaea which name as we said before had the originall from the Tribe of Iuda Ptolemey and others call it Palaestina of the Palaestini which according to the propriety of the Hebrew pronunciation in the Holy Scriptures are named Philistiim Phelistines this Nation indeed both for their great command and warres made with their neighbours for certaine yeares together were very famous Herodotus in Polymnia and Dion in his seuen and twentieth booke calleth that part of Syria which is next to Aegypt Syriam Palaestinam Palaestina of Syria Ptolemey calleth it Palaestinam Iudaeam Palaestina of Iewrie or Palaestinam Syriae Palaestina of Syria Because that Palaestina is a part of Syria as Pomponius Mela thinketh who calleth it Syriam Iudaeae Syria of Iudaea Many places of this Palaestina are expressed in that his Mappe and therefore heere they are omitted OF AEGYPT The country situate between Syene or the Catarractae Nili the fall or mouthes of Nilus through the middest of which this riuer runneth and by his yearely inundation and ouerflowing watereth all the grounds of the same in old time was called CHAM of Cham the sonne of Noe to whose lot this country fell when the world was diuided presently after the confusion at Babel Psalm 78. v. 51. 105. v. 23. and 106. v. 22. Afterward it was called Misraim of Misraim the sonne of Cham Gen. 5. and 10. Iosephus in the twelfth chapter of his first booke calleth it Mersin which name doubtlesse is made of Misraim either by contraction or short kind of speaking depraued by custome or fault of the writer Herodotus in Euterpe affirmeth that Aegypt was sometime named Thebes Of some it was called Aëria or Aëtia as some copies write it Marmolius Theuer and Pinetus affirme that the Turkes and country people in and about Aegypt do now call this country Chibth Elchibet or Elchebitz And indeed the Arabs that turned Genesis the first booke of Moses into Arabicke in the 45. and 46. chapters for Aegypt hath Elchibth from whence no doubt the Greekes and Latines fetched their Aegyptus like as of Phrat the Hebrew name is made Euphrates Aegypt had three speciall prouinces or shires the Higher which was called Thebaica the Middle and the Lower Thebaica and the Middleshire of Aegypt which the mountaines of Aethiopia and the vtter section or parting of the riuer Nilus at Sebemytus do define are called the Higher Egypt through the middest of which the riuer Nilus doth iointly runne in one maine channell and is both vpon the East and West enclosed with high and steep mountaines The other Prouince from thence euen vnto the Aegyptian sea is called the Lower Egypt This alse they call Delta for that this country or part of Egypt which is conteined between the parting of the riuer at Sebemytus Canopus and Pelusium or the two mouthes of the same riuer where it falleth into the Mediterran sea neere these townes is in fashion three cornered or triangular representing the forme of the Greeke Capitall letter Δ. These countries by the discreet aduise of Alexander the Great were diuided into ΝΟΜΟΩΣ that is Shires for by Nomòs Nomė and Nomarchía the Greekes do vnderstand a shire and ward ouer the which is set Nomárches a Lieutenant or Lord-warden Thebes comprehended tenne shires and the middle prouince sixteen shires so that in all the Higher Egypt conteined six and twenty shires But in the Lower Egypt or Delta there were onely tenne Egypt is very often mentioned in the holy Scripture and the places where it is spoken of are very famous and memorable Gehon that is as some do expound Nilus Gen. 2.13 Bethshemeth the Sunnes house Heliopolis the Greekes call it Gen. 41. and 46. Esa 19. This also is called On Ezech. 30. Gessen or Gosen a country or prouince of Egypt Gen. 45.47.50 Exod. 9. Phitom Exod. 1. a city of store situate vpon Nilus This the Israelites were forced to build Ramesse or Raemses Gen. 47. Exod. 1.12 which also was built by the Israelites in their bondage when they were slaues and serued the Aegyptians Sucoth Exod. 12.13 Etham Exod. 12. Piachiroth Magdalum Beelsephon The red sea Exod. 14. Migdal or Migdalum Ierem. 44.46 Taphnis Ierem. Exod. 30. Phatures Paturos Pathros Ierem. 44. Ezech. 19.30 Tanis Num. 13. Esa 19. Ezech. 30. Psalm 77. This Iosephus calleth Protanis Alexandria Ierem. 46. Ezech. 20. Pelusium and Bubastus Ezech. 30. Memphis called of the Hebrews Noph and sometimes Moph and Migdol Esa 19. Ierem. 2.44.46 Ezech. 30. Ose 9. This was the seat of the Kings of Egypt where they ordinarily kept their court and was the Metropolitane city of all that whole kingdome PALAESTINAE SIVE TOTIVS TERRAE PROMISSIONIS NOVA DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE TILEMANNO STELLA SIGENENSI Dominus Deus tuus introducet te in terram bonam terram rivorum aquarumque et foncium in cuius campis montibus erumpunt fluviorum abyssi Terram frumenti ordei ac vinearum in qua ficus malogranata oliveta nascuntur terram olei ac mellis Vbi absque ulla penuria comedes panem tuum rerum omnium abundantia perfrueris OF ARABIA This country the Hebrews call Arab that is a misture hotchpotch or dwelling of diuers and sundrie Nations together in one and the same country as is probably to be gathered out of the six and twentith chapter of
very fertile either for corne or cattel Beside many flocks of sheep of passing fine wool it is wonderfully stored with Conies Hares Patridges Phesants In the time of William the first William Fitz-osbern was intituled Lord of Wight and after that Henry Beauchamp Earle of Warwick was by King Henry the sixth crowned King of Wight See more of it in Diodorus Siculus and Beda The I le TENET lying hard to the coast of Kent of eight miles length fower miles breadth is a chalkie soile and passing good corne ground Solinus calleth it Thanatos or as some copies haue Athanatos thus he writeth of it The ile Thanatos Tenit washed by the French ocean disioined from England the main continent by a narrow frith is a very rich corne ground fat soile neither is it only good and kind to it selfe but also to other places for as in it no snake or venemous serpents do breed or liue so the earth dust caried from thence to what place of the world soeuer doth naturally kill such vermine Thus far Solinus then but that which he spake of it concerning Serpents we now in our daies know by experience to be false Neere to this is that shallow sandy place so dangerous to sea-men commonly called GOODVVINS SANDS an iland sometime the possession of Earle Goodwin which as our histories report did sinke in the yeere of our Lord 1097. This should seeme to be Toliapis of Ptolemey but that he placeth it neere to Essex or the Trinobantes when as this lieth a great deale more neere the Cantij Within the Thames mouth are yet other two ilands one vpon Kent side which now we call SHEPEY that is the I le of sheep but how it was called of the ancients we certainly know not The other vpon Essex side which Ptolemey in his time called CAVNA CONVENNOS or COVNOS such is the variety of copies is still called Conway It lieth so flat and low that it is sometime all ouerflowen excepting some little knols and hils whither the cattle do ordinarily flie in such like danger It feedeth yerely four thousand sheepe at the least whose flesh is of a most sweet and pleasant taste surpassing those of other places Thus hauing passed so many troublesome and dangerous seas and now being come within kenning of mine owne natiue country I thinke it not amisse to put into harbrough heere for awhile to rest our wearied limmes and purge vs from those brackish humours which in this tedious iourney we drunke in Thus farre then of the ilands described and named in this Mappe Yet there are certaine others mentioned in some authours of good note And Plutarch in the life of Demetrius giueth out that there are many ilands neere to Britain waste and desert whereof some he saith are dedicated to the gods and famous worthies Amongst these there is one in which he saith they report Saturne lulled a sleepe by Briareus is kept as prisoner in chaines he is bound I say with sleep in sted of a chaine and hath many Angels and demy-gods for seruants to wait and attend vpon him Whether this be that which that Auienus calleth Pelagia and affirmeth to be consecrated to Saturne I dare neither constantly affirme nor peremptorily deny Moreouer of these same thou maist read something worth the while as not altogether vnpleasant though doubtlesse meerly fabulous in the same Plutarch in his booke intituled De defectu Oraculorum of the ceasing of oracles as also in Isacius Tzetzes vpon Lycophron Artimedorus in Straboes Geography saith that there is an iland neere Britaine where they offer sacrifice to Ceres and Proserpina in the selfe same manner and with like ceremonies as they do in Samothrace Apollonius in his History of strange and wonderfull things affirmeth out of Cytinus Chius that there is a certaine Brittish ile not Britaine it selfe as M. Camden vnderstandeth him 400. furlongs in compasse where fruits doe grow without stones or kernels for you shall neither find a stone in the oliue nor kirnell in the grape which also happeneth not only to these 2 fruites but also to all other of those kinds But this is more like a feigned tale then a true story Moreouer Dionysius Afer nameth the NESIADES the seat and habitation of the Ammitae amongst the number of the Brittish iles but I would rather iudge these to be ilands vpon the coast of France than Brittish iles and that by the authority of Strabo If any man do desire to know these better let him repaire to the learned Claurencieux Camden my singular good friend who hath in that his Britannia a worthy worke composed by him with infinte paines and trauell so learnedly and diligently described and set downe their ancient forme customes maners places and cities together with those of later times and of these our daies that they rather seeme to be expressed to the eie in their true colours by the pencill of a skilfull painter then by the pen of a painfull student But some man may say this is written in the Latine tongue a language that I vnderstand not Be patient a while Thou shalt heare him speake shortly good English Of mine owne knowledge he is already put to schoole for that purpose into the country to the learned Philemon Holland If thou knowest him not that learned Doctor of Physicke who lately taught the great Philosopher Pliny of Como the renowmed Historian great Liuy of Padua two Italians that neuer could sound a word of ours before to speake English so plainly and well as neuer none better No stranger nay no man euer spake more properly none more eloquently When he beginneth I know it will not be long we ruder clownes will hold our peace But we cannot forget the worthy paines of the learned M. Verstegan who hath giuen vs good cause to remember him with thanks for that his Restitution of decaied intelligence in antiquities concerning the renowmed English Nation lately imprinted and dedicated to his most exellent Maiesty SPAINE HISPANIAE VETERIS DESCRIPTIO Ex conatibus Geographicis Abrah Ortelij Privilegio Imp. Reg. et Belgico ad decennium 1586. SVMMO THEOLOGO DN̄O D. BENEDICTO ARIAE MONTANO VIRO LINGVARVM COGNITIONE RERVM PERITIA ET VITAE INTEGRITATE MAGNO ABRAH ORTELIVS AMICITIAE ET OBSERVANTIAE ERGO DD. HISPANIAE LOCA ALIQVOT INCOGNITAE POSITIONIS POPVLI Aebisoci Aequefilici Allotrigae Amenionses Andologenses Arenates Axabricenses Babanouses Banienses Bursaonenses Bursavolenses Caesarobricenses Carausiae Cibilitani Cincenses Colorni Cortonenses Damenanitani Eilota Emanici Equaesi Fortunales Gessorienses Iadoni Idienses Ilumberitani Interanisenses Ispalenses Itani Karenses Leuni Melesses Onenses Oppidoni Ori●●● P●suri Palatini Pleutauri Rucones Sacilernusi Segienses Solienses Talori Teari Iulienses Tuisi Velienses Vermenses Via●ienu●● Vilienses Volciani VRBES Abobrica Accabicus Adercon Adrobicus Agla Alea Aliconsis Alpasa And●risippo Apetua Apilo●urium Arialdunum Asena Astenas Atetona Axatiara Axenium Baecor Baecyla Baetyca Belippo Besaro Biendium Brachyla Branae Brutobria Casaris Salutariensis
sunt Condrusi Trevirorum clientes Vbij ceteris humaniores horum civitas florens et ampla AQVITANI hominum multitudo his optima gens ad bellum gerendum Sontiates hi equitatu plurimum valent The LOW COVNTRIES THe word Belgium which Caesar in his Commentaries of the warres of France vseth more than once or twise hath long and much troubled the Readers For some of them do thinke that Caesar by it meant a city which some of whose number are Guicciardine and Marlianus do interpret it to be Beauois in France others Bauays in Henault of this later sort are B. Vig●nereus and our owne Chronicles The learned Goropius thinketh that the Bellouaci a people of this prouince were vnderstood by it Some there are which thinke that Caesar vsed Belgium for Belgica as Liuy doth Samnium for the countrie of the Samnites of this opinion was Glareanus Iohn Rhellicane saith that it conteined a part of Gallia Belgica but which part it should be he doth not name H. Leodius would haue it to be that part which is about Henault where the said Bauays now standeth But omitting these opinions let vs heare what Caesar himselfe speaketh of this his Belgium Hee in his 5. booke where he speaketh of the distributing of the Legions in Belgia hath these words Of the which one he committed to Quintus Fabius the Legate to be led against the Morini another to Quintus Cicero against the Neruij the third to Titus Roscius against the Essui the fourth he commanded to winter with Titus Labienus in Rhemes in the confines of Triers three he placed in Belgium ouer these he set as commanders Marcus Crassus the Treasurer and Lucius Munatius Plancus and Caius Trebonius the Legates one legion which he had taken vp hard beyond the Po with fiue cohorts he sent against the Eburones And a little aboue in the same booke where he speaketh of Britannia you shall find these wordes The sea coast of Britaine he meaneth is inhabited of those which by reason of pillage and warre went from Belgium thither all which for the most part are called by the names of those cities where they were bred and borne Heere first it appeareth very plainly that Caesar vnder the name of Belgium comprehendeth not only one city but many then that he vnderstandeth not by it all Gallia Belgica seeing that he nameth the Morini Neruij Essui Rheni and Eburones all which nations he himselfe and other good writers do ascribe to Gallia Belgicae Therefore it is more cleare than the noone day that Belgium is a part of Belgica but what part it should be that is not so cleare That it is not about Bauacum Bauais in Henault as Leodius would haue it it is manifest in that that this is situate amongst the Neruij which Caesar himselfe doth exclude out of Belgium Neither can I be perswaded that it was neere the Bellouaci but rather that it was that part of Belgica which is more neere the sea and lieth vp higher toward the North namely where about the three great riuers the Rhein Maese and Scheldt do meet and fall into the maine ocean these do affoord an easie passage and fall into the sea and from thence a short cut into Britaine Moreouer it is more likely that they should passe the sea which were acquainted and vsed to it and were seated vpon this shore and bankes of these riuers then those which dwelt vp higher into the country to whom the sea was more fearefull and terrible They therefore that went from Belgium into Brittaine did only change coast for coast Of the originall and reason of the word Belgium and Belgica the opinions of sundrie writers are diuers Some there are which deriue it of Belgen or Welgen a word of our owne which signifieth a stranger Another man of great learning and iudgement fetcheth it from Belgen or Balgen signifying to be angrie to fight Our Chronicles do thinke it so named of Belgis the chiefe city of this prouince Neither do they agree in the placing and seating of it for one of them placeth it at Bauais a towne in Henault the other at Veltsick a village about Oudenard They which thinke it so named of the city Belgis which notwithstanding is no where else read of in any good authour either Geographer or Historian they haue Isidore in the 4. chapter of the 13. booke of his Origines for their patrone where he thus speaketh Belgis is a city of Gallia whereof Gallica the prouince tooke the name The same hath Hesychius the Grecian before him in his Lexicon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Belgy was so named of the city Belges as also Honorius in his counterfeit of the world Iustine in his 24. booke citeth out of Trogus Pompeius one Belgius Pausanias nameth him Bolgius a captaine of the Gauls from whom it is like they tooke their name if you will beleeue Berosus that chaungling For he writeth Beligicos siue Belgicos appellari à Beligio aut Belgio Celtarum rege The Beligici or Belgici were so named of Beligius or Belgius a king of the Celtes Of the city Belgis we haue written in our Geographicall Treasury Well let vs leaue these to the censure of the learned and so proceed to certaine testimonies of ancient writers which we thinke wil be both pleasant and profitable to the student of Chorography Caesar in his 1. booke of the warres of France thus speaketh All GALLIA is diuided into 3. parts of the which the Belgae do inhabite one the Aquitani another the third those which in their language are called Celtae but in the Latine Galli Againe within a few lines after Of all these the Belgae are most stout and hardy because that being further off from the quaint behauiour and maners of the prouince and for that they haue no trafficke with merchants or such as do bring in those things which effeminate mens mindes againe because they are next neighbours to the Germanes which dwell beyond the Rhein with whom they make warre continually Item in the same page he thus describeth the situation of their country The Belgae do dwell in the skirts of Gallia they do belong to that part which is within the riuer Rhein they are vpon the North and East sides of it The same authour in his 2. booke hath these words Caesar found that many of the Belgae came from the Germanes which long since passed ouer the Rhein and seated themselues there by reason of the great fertility of the place and that they had driuen out the Gauls which formerly had dwelled there and that these were the onely men which in the daies of our fathers all Gallia being sore troubled kept the Teutones and Cimbres from entering within the lists of their territories whereupon it came to passe that the memoriall and record of these their famous acts haue made them to take much vpon them and to be highly conceited of their great stomacks and skill in martiall affaires Suet. in
Tib. 9. In the German war he sent ouer 40000. voluntaries into Gallia Again in the 8. booke of Caes Com. The Belgae whose valour was great Strabo in the 4. booke of his Geography saith The Belgae weare cassockes or cloakes their haire long and side breeches about their loines In steed of coates or ierkins they vse a kind of sleeued garmert slit hanging down to their twist or as low as their buttockes Their wooll is very course and rough yet is it cut off close to the skinne of that they weaue their course thick cassocks which they call laenas rugges or mantles Their weapons accordingly are long swords hanging down along by their right side a long target lances answerable and a iauelin meris or materis as some read a kind of short pike with a barbed head some vse bowes and slinges others haue a staffe like a dart which they do not cast with a loop or thong as our Irish do but with the hand only yea and that further than one can well shoot an arrow this they especially vse in hunting and fowling They do all for the most part euen to this day vse to lie vpon the ground they dine and suppe sitting in their beds Their meat generally is made of milke and all kind of flesh especially porke both fresh and powdered Their hogs do lie abroad in the fields night and day these for bignesse strength and swiftnesse of foot do surpasse those of other countries and if a man be not vsed to them they are as dangerous to meet withall as with a rauening woolfe They build their houses with boords planks and hardles couered ouer with a very great roofe They haue so many and great herds of cattle and hogs that they do not only serue Rome with those fornamed cassocks or rugs powdered beefe and bacon but also many other places of Italy The most of their cities and commonwealths are gouerned by the Nobility and gentry informer times the common people vsed yearely to choose one Prince and one Generall captaine for the wars They are for the most part subiect to the behests of the Romans They haue a kind of custome in their councels proper and peculiar to themselues for if any man do interrupt or trouble another by loud speaking or by making any tumult the sergeant commeth to him with a naked knife in his hand and threatneth him if he hold not his peace this he doth the second and third time if then he will not be quiet he cutteth off so much of his cassocke that the rest may be good for nothing This is a common thing to them with many other barbarous nations that the seruices or offices of men and women are ordered clean contrary to the customes maners which heere we vse Item in another place The Gauls the neerer they are to the North and to the Sea so much the more hardy and valiant they are They do especially commend the Belgae who are diuided into 15. nations in Caesar find 31. mentioned so that the Belgae alone susteined the assault of the Germans Cimbers and Teutones What an infinite number of men they were able to make may h●ere hence be gathered that long since there were mustered of the Belgae only of able men fit for the war 300000. this number Caesar in the beginning of the 2. booke of the wars of France encreaseth by 27000. more Item some there are which diuide the Gauls into 3 nations namely the Aquitani Belgae and Celtae Item The Belgae do possesse the places neere the Sea euen as low as the mouth of the Rhein Dio. Sic. in his 6. booke A nation for the most part situat in those places toward the North it is a cold country so that in winter time in steed of water it is all couered ouer with deep snow The ice also in this country is so great and thicke that their riuers are frozen so hard that they may go ouer them and that not only some few in a company together but euen whole armies with horses carts and cariage Plutarch in the life of Caesar But after that news came that the Belgae the most mighty and warlike nation of the Gauls which possessed the third part of all Gallia had gathered together many thousands of armed men purposing to make head he goeth against them with all possible speed c. Appianus in his history of France Caesar speeding himselfe against the Belgae at the foord and passage ouer a certain riuer slew so many of them that the heaps of dead bodies serued for a bridge Ammian in the 15 booke of his history Of all the Gauls the ancients did account the Belgae to be most valiant stout for that they were remote from those that liued more courtlike and tenderly neither were they corrupted and made effeminate with forren delicates and foolish toies but had long been exercised in wars quarels against those Germans which dwelt beyond the Rhein Dion in his 55 booke The Bataui are excellent horsemen Again in his 39 booke The Morini and Menapij dwell not in towns and cities but in cottages and mountaines enclosed about with very thicke woods He meaneth Arduenna Arden that huge forest which then was more vast than now it is Florus in his 3. booke The next was a far more cruell battell for then they fought for their libertie Pliny in the 22. c. of his 26. booke In the prouince of Belgica they cut a kind of white stone with a saw as they do wood yea and more easily to make slaits and tiles for couerings for their houses not only flat and plain but also hollow and crooked to serue both for roofe-tiles gutter-tiles yea and when they list for those kind of couerings which they call pauonacea like the peacocks taile these also are such as may be cut or sawed Again in the 36. c. of his 16 book The Belgae do stamp the tuft or beard of this kind of reed and laying it between the meeting of the ioints and plankes of their ships do calke them as sure as with pitch and rozen Item in the 22 c. of his 10. booke he writeth that from the country of the Morini geese did come on th●●● feet as far as Rome In 1. c. of his 12. booke he saith that The plane tree was come now as far as the Morini into a tributary soile that these nations might pay custome euen for the shade In the 25 c. of the 15. book In Belgia and vpon the banks of the Rhein the Portugal cherries are most esteemed In the 14. c. of the same booke where he speaketh of diuers kind of apples which for that they haue no kernels are called of the Belgae spadonia poma spayd apples In the 5 c. of his 19 booke Gelduba is the castle called that is built vpon the Rhein where grow the best skirwyrts or white parsneps In the 8 c. of his 17 booke Of all forren nations that I know the Vbij whose
cannot away withall for they loue to liue more freely and gentlemanlike by no meanes they will be drawen with great labour and trauell to prepare great and sumptuous banquets and dainties and then when they haue done to eat and drinke them vp In warre they arme themselues with two iauelings or darts a peece Some of them also do cary great shields which they call Thyrei for they do vse wooden bowes and shafts whose heads they dip in a very strong poison for whosoeuer he be that is wounded except he presently drinke treacle or some other holsome soueraigne antidote or shall by and by cut off all the place which is wounded that it run no further the whole body will surely rot and perish They doe delight to flie to steepe and craggie places not easily to be assaulted or come vnto and there to abide and dwell Thus far Leo the Emperour Of HISTRIA which also is contained in this Mappe thou hast a large and fine description in the twelft booke of Cassiodore his Variarum directed to the lieutenants and gouernours of this country where in respect of the great fertility and store of fruits that it yeeldeth he nameth it Rauennae Campaniam Campany of Rauenna and the store-house of the Emperiall city ITALY THey which vse to compare the situation of countries to other things do liken Italy to an oken leafe as Pliny Solinus and Rutilius haue done or to an iuy leafe as Eustathius The later writers do more truly liken it to a mans legge One in our time hath described all Europe in the form of a maiden in whose right arme Italy is portraitured and not vnfitly in my opinion if one do exactly consider the nature of the country and famous acts done in the same for euen as the strength of the body doth for the most part shew his force and ability in this member so this prouince in times past declared to the world by this his arme of what power all Europe the whole body is likely to be That Italy hath had diuers inhabitants partly Barbarians and partly Grecians it is manifest out of the ancient records both of Latines and Greekes For at the first it was inhabited by the Aborigines Siculi Pelasgi Arcades Epei Troiani Morgetes Ausones and Oenotri And therefore it was called by diuers and sundry names as AVSONIA OENOTRIA of the people and nations possessing it IANICVLA of Ianus SATVRNIA of Saturne and lastly ITALIA which it still retaineth of Italus their King or as Varro witnesseth of buls or oxen for the ancient Gretians did in those daies call buls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and because that this country did breed and maintaine many goodly buls it was of them called Italia or as others affirme which more regard poeticall fables for that Hercules from Sicilia hither followed a worthy bull which was named Italus Of the Greekes also it was named HESPERIA of Hesperus the sonne of Atlas or which pleaseth others better of Hesperus the euening starre whereof also in old time Spaine was called Hesperia For for the same reason that Italy was sometime of the Grecians called Hesperia was Spaine of the Latines called Hesperia Yet for distinction sake Virgil in the first and seuen bookes of his Aeneiads calleth Italy Hesperiam Magnam Great Hesperia But it was also by others named by other names For I see that of Macrobius Dionysius Halicarnassaeus Marcus Cato Isaac Tzetzes c. it was called APENINA ARGESSA CAMESENA TVRSENIA SALEVMBRONA and TAVRINA Stephanus writeth that it was called CHONIA and BRETTIA A part also of it was called by writers of good note MAGNA GRAECIA Great Greece of the Grecians that sometime dwelt in it They report as Aelianus writeth that there haue dwelt heere so many and sundrie nations more than in any other country of the world by reason especially that all times and seasons of the yeare are very mild and temperate againe for that the goodnesse of the soile is excellent well watered and very fertile of all maner of fruites and yeeldeth great store of pastorage Item because it is crossed with many riuers and hath the sea very commodious lying round about it and the sea coast on all sides open and cut into sundrie baies inlets creekes and hauens seruing very fitly for the entertainment and harborough of goodly tall shippes Lastly the extraordinary kindnesse and humanity of the people inhabiting it hath been a great meanes to draw others to seat themselues heere The Italians were euer as Iulius Firmicus witnesseth very famous for their princely curtesie and gentlemanlike behauiour Aethicus calleth this country Heauenly Italy and The Queen of the World Rutilius Rerum dominam The mistresse of all Nations Dion Prusaeus The most blessed and happie country of all Europe Halicarnassaeus in his first booke saith that for many reasons It is the best country of the whole World Strabo saith That none may sufficiently expresse in wordes the due commendations of this country according to the worth of the same But I thinke it not amisse to set out the praises of this country by this one commendation of Pliny wherewith he concludeth that his famous worke which he wrote of the history of Nature In the whole World saith he the cope of heauen Italy is the most beautifull country and of all things it doth possesse the soueraignty it is another nurce and mother of the World for men women captaines souldiers seruants famous arts and occupations worthy wittes and inuentions commodious situation wholesomenesse and temperature of the aire easie accesse of all nations many safe hauens kind blasts of windes sufficient good water pleasant and healthfull woods goodly hils and mountaines great store of deere and wild beasts and those harmelesse fertility of soile and multitude of people Whatsoeuer is necessarily required for the maintenance of man and beast is heere to be found and no where better Corne Wine Oliues Wooll Linnen Woollen and Bullockes Neither did I euer see better horses or more esteemed at the runnings or horse-races than those bred in our owne country For mettals as Gold Siluer Copper and Iron so long as they pleased to search for them it was inferiour vnto none all which it still retaineth in her wombe Now it yeeldeth all maner of liquors of sundrie force and vertue together with all sorts of graine and pleasant toothsome fruites Thus farre Pliny You may adde to these if you please that which the same authour writeth in the fifth chapter of his third booke Item that of Polybius in his second booke of Varro in the second chapter of his first booke of Husbandrie of Strabo neere the end of his sixth booke and lastly of Virgil in diuers place Si factum certa mundum ratione fatemur Consiliumquè Dei machina tanta fuit If that we shall confesse that heauen by heauenly skill was rais'd And in the same the massie globe by due proportion pais'd as Rutilius in his second booke speaketh of Italy
Octauianus Augustus Emperour of Rome as Pliny testifieth diuided this country into eleuen shires Constantine the Great as Rubeus in his second booke of the history of Rauenna saith into seuenteen Or into eighteen as I read in the one and twentieth chapter of the second booke of Diaconus his history of Lombardy Aelianus writeth that it was beautified in his time with 1197. cities This is that same countrie which when word was brought of the rising of the Gauls at what time as L. Aemilius Paulus and Caius Attilius Regulus were Consuls of it selfe without any forren aid yea and without the help of those which dwelt beyond the Po mustered 80000. horsemen and 700000. footmen Polybius saith that in the time of Hanniball the trained-men of this countrie were 700000. fotmen and 70000. horsemen Pliny maketh these Ilands to belong to Italy Sicilia Sardinia Corsica Oglasa Monte di Christo or Ianuti Planar a Vrgon Gorgona Capraria Aegilium Gilio Dianium Moenaria Melora Columbaria Venaria Chia or Elba Planasia Planosa Astura Stora Palmaria Palmarola Sinonia Pontiae Pandataria Palmaia Prochyta Prosida Aenaria Ischia Megaris Ouo Caprea Capri or Campanella Leucothea Licoso Cuniculariae Sanguenares or two ilands one called Bizze the other Speragia Herculis insula Asinaria Enosis S. Pierro Ficaria Serpentaria Belerides Tauro and Vacca Callodes Hera lutra Leucatia Pontia Ponzo Iscia Ithacesia Praca Braces and Turrecula and Vlyssis spelunca To these I adde the Aeoliae Merleiae Parthenope Palmosa or Betente Diomedeae de Trimite Calypson and D oscoron together with the Electrides which I find recited and named in Pomponius Mela and Antoninus ITALIAE VETERIS SPECIMEN EX NVMMO AEREO IMP. CAES. VESPASIANI AVG. EX NVMMO AEREO IMP. CAES. ANTONINI PII AVG. Cum Privilegio Imp. Reg. et Cancellariae Brabantiae decennali evulgabat Abrahamus Ortelius ITALY of the GAVLS THis part of Italy in times past was called Gallia For the old writers did extend the borders of Gallia from the ocean sea eastward euen to the riuer Rubicon Runcone or Rugoso Therefore the Alpes running through the middest of it diuideth it into two parts this they call TRANSALPINA and Gallia vlterior Gallia beyond the Alpes or the further Gallia this which we haue heere set out in this mappe CISALPINA Subalpina and Citerior Gallia on this side the Alpes vnder the Alpes or the hither Gallia Ausonius nameth it Gallia the Old so doth Solinus where he writeth that the Vmbri are an ancient issue and branch sprong from the old Gauls Liuy in his 45. booke nameth it Gallia without any addition And for that all this part in processe of time was comprehended vnder the name of Italy therefore of Appian in his Annibalica it is called by a fit name to distinguish it from that other part ITALIA GALLICA The booke of records of the Prouinces nameth it ITALIA MEDITERRANEA Midland Italy In this part was also conteined that prouince which was called GALLIA TOGATA Moreouer this was named ARIMINIVM as you may read in the 28. booke of Liuies Decades except the place be corrupt Silius Italicus in his 9. booke calleth the people of this place Celtes dwelling vpon the riuer Eridanus or Po. In this circuite of ground which Tacitus nameth the most flourishing side of Italy are the Eighth Ninth Tenth and Eleuenth shires of Italy according to the diuision of Augustus This selfe same tract is of the riuer Padus Po which watereth it and diuideth it in the middest diuided into two parts namely GALLIA TRANSPADANA and CISPADANA Gallia beyond the Po and Gallia on this side the Po. This later Cispadana alone in Ptolemey doth conteine that which otherwise was called Togata Vnder this diuision were the Ligures comprehended who as we haue obserued in ancient writers long since dwelt vp as high as the riuer Po. If there be any credit to be giuen to the Origines a booke which commonly goeth vnder the name of Cato this same prouince was also called AEMILIA FELSINA AVRELIA and BIANORA Polybius saith that the forme of this whole tract of Gallia is triangular or three cornered whose toppe or vertex as the Geometricians call it is made by the meeting of the Alpes and Apenninus that mountaine that runneth through the middest of Italy from one end to the other The base or ground line is the Hadriaticke sea Golfo di Venetia Moreouer he addeth that in it are the greatest champion plaines and most fertile fields of all Europe It is euery where full of woods good pastorage for the feeding of cattell and well watered with many pleasant brookes and riuers and hath had in it twelue great and goodly cities so built and seated that they had all things necessary either for the enriching of themselues conueniently or maintenance and prouision for to liue gallantly as Plutarch doth witnesse in the life of Camillus The same also Pliny doth affirme who in like maner saith that it is three cornered and as in Delta a prouince of Egypt the riuer Nilus so heere Po doth emptie it selfe and falleth into the ocean sea Which riuer Po as Strabo saith doth water this plaine maketh it fertile and also distinguisheth it by many most fruitfull hils into diuers and sundrie parts This is that riuer which antiquity called Eridanus famous for the poeticall or fabulous story of Phaëton Virgil calleth it The king of Riuers Claudian giueth it the title of Oloriferus the swanne-bearing streame Pliny nameth it Auriferum the golden streame and moreouer saith that for clearenesse it is not inferiour to any riuer whatsoeuer It issueth out of the bosome of Vesulus Veso the highest hill of all the Alpes where first arising out of many small fountaines it draweth to head then hiding it selfe or running vnderneath the ground for many furlongs together at last riseth againe not farre from Forum-Vibij or Vibi Forum From thence many huge lakes emptying tnemselues into it accompanied with thirty other riuers it vnladeth it selfe by manie mouthes into the Hadriaticke bay or Gulfe of Venice into which it falleth so swiftly and with such violence that forcing backe the billowes and tide it keepeth his own channell in the sea and as Pomponius speaketh maketh the waters fresh and potable amid the brackish surges of the same Pliny writeth that in the Ligurian language it was named Bodincus that is as Scepsius there doth interpret it Bottomlesse In these quarters amongst others the Gauls did sometimes dwell who first of all mortall men made war vpon the Romanes tooke the city of Rome sacked and burnt it the Capitoll onely being preserued vntouched This is that part of Italy which as Pliny writeth to his familiar friend Iunius Mauricus retaineth euen to this day much of that ancient frugality and good husbandrie of our ancestours In the fifth booke of Straboes Geographie and in the second booke of Polybius history you haue an excellent and large description of this country Of Venice a shire of this prouince read Cassiodore in the
mention of the Latinienses a nation of this prouince but extinct something before his time as he there addeth These were called Prisci as Halicarnasseus and Festus doe testifie Of the nature of this countrey Strabo in the fifth booke of his Geography writeth thus All Latium sayth he generally is a very good soile and fertile of all maner of things except only some certeine places neere the sea coast which are morish and very vnhealthfull as namely the fields about Ardea and whatsoeuer is betweene Lauinium and Antium euen as farre as Pometia with some places about Setia and others neere Tarracina and Circeium beside all those fields that are stony and mountainous although euen these grounds are not altogether idle and vnfruitfull all of them hauing either some good pastures and large woods or doe yeeld great abundance of fenny and mountainous commodities Caecubum a place in this fenne doth yeeld a kinde of vine which groweth vp in height like a tree whose wine is counted to be the best of all Italy Heare also what Theophrastus writeth of this prouince in the fift booke of his history of Plants at the ninth chapter of the same booke Latinus ager the countrey of Latium sayth he hath great plenty of water The champion plaines haue great store of laurell and myrtle trees item they yeeld a wonderfull kinde of beech scissima he calleth it or oxea as others terme it of that maruellous length that one tree may serue for a whole keele for such kinde of ships as they commonly vse in Etruria The hilly and mountainous places doe beare the pine and firre trees Pliny doth highly commend the wines of Latium Latiniensia vina The same authour affirmeth that their chiefe meat was far that is a kinde of bearded or redde wheat and withall testifieth that it is certaine that the Romans for a long time together liued with puls by which they vnderstand all maner of corne beside wheat and barley not with bread How populous this countrey was how many cities and people it conteined the same authour doth teach vs where he writeth that in Old Latium only three and fiftie nations are vtterly decayed and extinct without any mention at all remaining of their names Item that Pomptina palus the fen Pontina now called Aufente palude a part also of this countrey had in former times in it three and twentie cities Of all the cities of Latium in olde time Alba longa was the chiefe and metropolitan but afterward Rome which grew to that greatnesse and power that it was not only the head of this prouince but also euen of the whole world beside Whos 's other name because it is held an vnlawfull thing to speake that which is concealed and enrowled in ceremonious mysteries I will not vtter lest with Valerius Soranus I be worthily punished for the same Yet the syrnames epithets and commendable titles where with it was graced and set out by the best writers of all nations if I shall here reckon vp I hope there is no man that is an indifferent Iudge that will blame me It is called and intituled a citie AEQVAEVA POLO As ancient as the heauens of Claudian AETERNA Immortall of Ammianus Tibullus Ausonius and marble inscriptions ALTA Stately by Virgil ALTRIX IMPERII The Nurse of the empire by Corippus ALTRIX ORBIS The Nurse of the world of Rutilius ANTIQVA The ancient by Prudentius and Corippus ARX OMNIVM GENTIVM The fortresse or bulwarke of all nations by Nazarius ARX TERRARVM The bulwarke of all lands by Symmachus AVGVSTA The imperiall by Corippus AVREA The golden by Ausonius and Prudentius BEATA NOBILIBVS POPVLIS Most happy for honourable people of Cassiodorus BELLATRIX The warlike by Ouid Claudian and Sidonius CAPVT GENTIVM The head of all nations by Martianus CAPVT IMMENSI ORBIS The head of the huge globe of the whole world by Ouid CAPVT MVNDI The head of the world by Cassiodorus and Sidonius CAPVT ORBIS The head of the earthly globe by Pliny Ouid Trogus Gratius Fortunatus Aethicus and Prudentius CAPVT RERVM The head of all things by Liuy Ouid Ausonius and Tacitus CAELESTIS The heauenly by Athenaeus CELEBERRIMA The most famous by Statius CELSA The lofty by Prudentius CLARISSIMA The most bright by Stephanus DARDANIA Of Dardanus by Ouid and Silius Italicus DEA The goddesse in coines DEA GENTIVM The goddesse of all nations and DEA TERRARVM The goddesse of all lands by Martiall DESIDERABILIS That all men wish to see by Eustathius and Dionysius Afer DEVM LOCVS The seat and place of gods by Ouid DICNITATVM CVRIA The court of dignities and honour by Sidonius DITISSIMA The most rich by Prudentius DOMINA The mistresse by Ouid Arnobius Horace and Nemesianus DOMINA GENTIVM The lady mistresse of all nations by Eumenius DOMINA RERVM The mistresse of all things by Appianus Eunapius and Ausonius DOMINA TERRARVM The lady mistresse of all lands by Ammianus DOMINA TERRAE MARISQVE The lady mistresse of sea and land by Halicarnasseus DOMINA TOTIVS MVNDI The lady mistresse of all the whole world of Aethicus DOMINA VNIVERSORVM The lady of all things by Halicarnasseus DOMINANS The swey-bearing city by Silius Italicus DOMVS AVREA The golden palace by Ausonius DOMVS DIVVM The palace of the gods by Ausonius DOMVS MAGNA REGVM The goodly palace of kings by Eustathius and Dionysius Afer DOMVS QVIRINI Quirinus palace by Ausonius ELOQVENTIAE FOECVNDA MATER A fruitfull mother of eloquence by Castiodore EXCELSA The lofty by Lucane FELIX The blessed by Propertius Cassiodor and a certeine ancient marble inscription FEROX The fierce by Horace FVTVRA by Rutilius GENETRIX HOMINVM ET DEORVM The mother of men and gods by Rutilius GENITRIX REGVM The mother of kines by Priscian GYMNASIVM LITERARVM A schoole of good learning and liberall sciences by Sidonius IMMENSA The exceeding great city by Statius IMPERII LAR by Ammianus IMPERII LATIALE CAPVT by Statius IMPERII DEVMQVE LOCVS The natiue countrey of emperours and of gods by Ouid INCLYTA The renowmed by Virgil Ennius and Ausonius INVICTA The inuincible in some old coines LAETA The fortunate by Ouid LATII PARENS The mother of Latium by Ausonius LEGVM DOMICILIVM The mansion place of all good lawes and iustice by Sidonius LEGVM PATRIA The natiue soile where all good lawes are bred and borne by Iustinian in his Code LIBERTATIS PARENS The mother of liberty LATIVM Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrah Ortelij Antverp MONS CIRCAEVS AD VIVVM DELINEATVS AB ANGELO BREVENTANO VIRO NOBILI ET HISTORICO ILLVSTRI MARCO VELSERO PATRICIO AVGVSTANO ABRAHAMVS ORTELIVS DEDICABAT L.M. Cum privilegio decennali Imp. Reg. et Brabantiae 1595. by Corippus LVX ORBIS TERRARVM The light of the whole earth by Tully MAGNA The great by Virgil Horace Calpurnius Siculus Nonn Marcelunus On d and Claudian MARTIA The martiall by Ouid and Ausonius MARTIGENA Begotten by Mars the god of battell by Silius Italicus MARTIS
to be seated neere the vpper-sea Golfo di Venetia the Hadriaticke sea Troy when it was taken and sacked sent thither vnder the conduct of Antenor moreouer the city Adria Atri which first gaue name to the Adriaticke sea neere neighbour vnto the Illirian sea is a city built by the Greekes Diomedes after the ouerthrow of Troy built the city Arpi Sarpi or Monte S. Angelo a city in Apulia being himselfe and his company caried thither by violence of storme and tempest And Pisae in Liguria Pisa in Riuiera di Genoa was first begun by the Grecians as also in Tuscane the Tarquinij Tarquene came from the Thessalians and Spinambrians and the Perusini Perugia from the Achaians what shall I say of the city Caere Ceruetere what of the Latini which do seeme to haue had their beginning from Aeneas now the Falisci Nolani Abelani are they not generally held for to be no other but colonies deriued from the Chalcidenses of Asia the Lesse what shall I speake of the whole shire of Campania of the Brutij and Sabini of the Samnites and Tarentini haue we not heard oft that they came from Lacedaemonia and were commonly called Spurij They report that Philoctetes built the city of the Thurini Terra noua where to this day his tombe is to be seene as also the arrowes of Hercules which were the bane of Troy The Metapontini Torre di mare also do still reserue in the temple of Minerua the tooles wherewith Epeus from whom they are descended made the Troiane horse whereby the city was betraied Whereupon all that part of Italy was called GREAT GREECE Thus farre Iustine out of Trogus Pompeius Whereby we gather that the pleasant poet Ouid in the fourth booke of his Fastorum did speake but the truth when he said Itala nam tellus Graecia Maior erat For Grecia Great that land was called which now Italia hight and so foorth as followeth in the same place The same almost that you haue heard out of Trogus Of this same Great Greece I cannot but adde that which I haue obserued contrary to the opinion which some very learned men in our time haue written of it namely that euen as Sicilia as Strabo in his sixth booke testifieth was comprehended vnder the name of Great Greece so contrariwise also this Great Greece was now and then vnderstood by the name of Sicilia for proofe heereof consider these authorities Saint Hierome saith that Rhegium Iulium Brutiorum Reggio in Calabria the Lower is a city of Sicilia Aelianus and Suidas affirme the same of Tarentum in Calabria the sixth Counsell of Constantino ple held in the time of Constantine the Great doth the like of Baiae in Campania Stephanus describeth Sinuessa a towne of Campania Caulonia Castro veto of the Locri Lagaria of the Thurini and Mataurus of the Brutij by the name of places of Sicilia the like doth Eustathius by Crathis Gratti a riuer in Calabria the Scholiast of Theocritus by Neaethus a riuer of the Crotoniatae a people of Vmbria Item Liuy an Italian borne a man of singular iudgement and more ancient than those hath Siculas vrbes in Campania cities of Sicilia in Campania Yea Pliny hath left recorded that Togata Gallia the furthest prouince of Italy toward the VVest before such time as the Gauls came thither was possessed of the Siculi Thucydides writeth that the Siculi being expelled by the Opici a people of Campania seized vpon this iland And if we will not giue credit vnto Seruius yet against Halicarnassaeus a writer of good credit we cannot except who hath written the very selfe same thing namely that the Siculi a people borne and bred in Italy and did first of all nations whatsoeuer inhabite and possesse the Romane soile Lastly that this prouince called Great Greece was inhabited of the Siculi Strabo in the fith booke of his Geography doth testifie out of Antiochus Thus farre of that ancient Great Greece or if you please so to call it of Sicilia all which we haue not described in this Mappe but only the outter part of it in which beside Calabria Apulia the Brutij and Locri there is Great Greece properly so called by Ptolemey Liuy Polybius Athenaeus and Valerius Maximus and that as Strabo in his sixth booke and Cicero in his 2 booke of his Oratour thinke because Pythagoras the Grecian Philosopher dwelt sometime in these quarters or as Synesius in his oration de Dono writeth for that it alwaies maintained and brought foorth schollerlike and militarie men Yet I rather relie vpon the iudgement of Atheneus who writeth that it was so called of the infinite number of Grecians which vsually dwelt in this prouince And that Festus and Trogus are of this opinion I haue partly shewed before These forenamed countries of Halicarnassaeus are comprehended vnder the name of EAST ITALY Pliny calleth them The front of Italy which as Mela saith is diuided into two hornes called in the fragments of Salust two promontories nesses capes or forelands namely Brutium Capo di Sparto vento or Capo de Larme and Salentinum now of some called Capo de S. Maria of others S. Maria de fin terre and Capo de Leuca item Stalat In the second booke of Straboes Epitome they are termed coryphae toppes and are named Leucopetra and Iapygium for these are synonymes with Bruttium and Salentinum But Paulus Diaconus calleth them Hornes this The left horne that The right For Salentinum we read Lacinium in Pliny but whether it be a fault of the writers or an errour of the authour let the learned iudge I determine nothing The same Pliny compareth this tract to the forme of the Amazonian shield that is to the halfe moone as Seruius expoundeth it at that verse of the first booke of Virgils Aeneides Ducit Amazonidum lunatis agmina peltis There is in these quarters the wood Sila La Sila of which Salust Virgil and Vibius haue made mention Strabo writeth that it is seuen hundred furlongs in length full of goodly tall trees and well stored with good water Cassiodorus in the twelfth booke of his Variarum vnto Anastasius doth highly commend the cheese made heere about From hence commeth Calabrian pitch pix Bruttia which Dioscorides in the ninety and eight chapter of his first booke De medica materia speaketh of and which Pliny in the seuenth Itala nam tellus GRAECIA MAIOR erat Ouid. 4. Fast. Hanc Italiae partem exteriorem sic describere conabar Abrahamus Ortelius cum Privilegio decennali 1595. CL. V. DNO D. IOACHIMO CAMERARIO R.P. NVRENBERG MEDICO CELEBERRIMO VERO ET VETERI SVO AMICO ABRAHAMVS ORTELIVS DEDICAB euenth chapter of his fowre and twenty booke of the history of nature affirmeth that it is especially commended for the trimming and stopping of wine vessels I would iudge that this wood in the booke of Remembrances is called Carminianensis sylua and peraduenture Carmeiana in the booke De Limitibus The forenamed Cassiodorus in his eighth booke and
round about them but also of all seamen which trauell by that way Leander Albertus saith that these ilands do breed most excellent horses SICILIA OR TRINACRIA THat this was sometime a peninsula or demy-ile adioined to Italy as a part of Brutium in Calabria neere to Rhegium Rhezzo and afterward was by violence of tempest seuered from the same and of that accident the city Rhegium tooke the name it is a generall opinion of all antiquity But when or at what certaine time this diuision happened there is not any memoriall for ought I know remaining in any ancient writer Strabo Pliny and Dionysius do write that it was caused by an earthquake Silius and Cassiodorus do thinke it to haue been done by the rage and violence of the tide and surges of the sea They which lend their listening eares to fables do attribute the cause of it to Neptune as Eustathius witnesseth who with his three-tined mace in fauour of Iocastus the sonne of Aeolus diuided it from the maine land and so made it an iland which before was but a demy-ile that by that meanes he might the more safely inhabite and possesse the same Diodorus Siculus moued by the authority of Hesiodus ascribeth to Orion who that he might be compared to Hercules cutting through the rockes and mountaines first opened the Sicilian streights as he did of Gibraltar Therefore Trinacria quondam Italae pars vna fuit sed pontus aestus Mutauere situm rupit confinia Nereus Victor abscissos interluit aequore montes c. They which esteeme the ilands of the midland sea according to their quantity and content do make this the greatest as Eustathius and Strabo who affirme this not only to excell the rest for bignesse but also for goodnesse of soile As concerning the forme of this iland Pomponius Mela saith it is like that Capitall letter of the Greekes which they call Delta That the whole iland was consecrated to Ceres and Libera that is Proserpina all old writers do generally with one consent affirme to Ceres it was dedicated because it first taught the rules of setting sowing of corne to Proserpina not so much for that she was from hence violently taken by Pluto as for that which Plutarch and Diodorus do report for truth Pluto as soone as she vncouering her selfe first shewed herselfe to be seene of him gaue it her for a boone which kind of gifts and fauours the Greekes call anacalypteria Of the fertility and riches of this country there is a famous testimonie written by the learned Oratour Cicero in his second oration against Verres where he saith that Marcus Cato did call it The garner and storehouse of the Romane common wealth and the nurce of the vulgar sort The same Cicero doth adde in that place that it was not only the storehouse of the people of Rome but also it was accounted for a well furnished treasurie for without any cost or charge of ours saith he it hath vsually clothed maintained and furnished our greatest armies with leather apparell and corne Strabo in his 6. booke reporteth almost the same thing of it Whatsoeuer Sicilia doth yeeld saith Solinus whether by the kindnesse and temperature of the aire or by the industry and labour of man it is accounted next vnto those things that are of best estimation were it not that such things as the earth first putteth forth are ouergrowen with Centorui saffron Crocus Ceturipinus Aristotle in his Admiranda writeth that about Pelorus Cabo de la torre del Faro saffron groweth in such abundance that any man that listeth may load and carie it away by whole cart loads But Dioscorides doth affirme that that which groweth about Centuripinum a towne now called Centorui is much weaker and of lesse force than that which groweth in other places Diodorus Siculus saith that in the fields neere Leontium Lintini and in diuers other places of this iland wheat doth grow of it selfe without any labour or looking to of the husbandman That this iland was made a prouince first before any other forren nation amongst other Cicero and Diodorus haue left recorded Martianus sheweth that there were in it 6. colonies and 60. cities Pintianus at the 8. c. of Plinies 3. booke readeth 73. free colonies cities Silius in his 14. booke and Ouid in diuers places reckoneth vp the names of many of them but this our mappe speaketh of many more That it was in the beginning possessed and inhabited by Giants Laestrigones Anthropophagi and Cyclopes barbarous and vnciuill nations all histories and fables do iointly with one consent auerre Yet Thucydides saith that these sauage people dwelt only in one place of the iland Afterward the Sicani a nation of Spaine so called of the riuer Sicanus or as Solinus and Berosus haue giuen out of their king Sicanus driuen out of their country by the Ligures possessed it That these Sicani were not bred in the ile although some do so thinke Thucydides and Diodorus do constantly auouch Of these it was named SICANIA The Elymi and some of the Phocenses seated themselues heere after them succeeded the Phryges driuen from Troy as Pausanias thinketh and the Morgetes expelled out of Italy by the Oenotri as Strabo writeth In Plutarch his Conuiual Quaest and Iulius Pollux his 2. booke de Manibus I read that the Dores sometime did inhabite it Lastly it was all conquered by the Siculi a people of Italy ouerthrowen cast out of their possessions by the Opici and of them it was called SICILIA when as before it was knowen by the name of TRINACIA as Dionysius writeth or TRINACRIS as Ouid or TRINACRIA and TRIQVETRA as Pliny reporteth of the triangular forme Whereupon the Romans in their money were wont to counterfait or expresse this prouince by 3. legs ioined together about the vpper end of the thigh not much vnlike those armes of the E. of Darby as I thinke Lycophron for the same reason giueth it the title or epithite of TRICERVIX 3. necked and Pindarus in like maner calleth it TRICVSPIS 3. pointed Homer the prince of poets nameth it CYCLOPVM TERRA the land of the Cyclopes being peraduenture in his time not knowen by any proper name Iulius Firmicus saith that the Siculi the people of this iland are acute and nimble witted Quint. in his 6. booke of his Orat. saith that they are lasciuious and full of words Besides many famous acts done by these people both at home and abroad aswell in peace as in war there be many other things which haue made this iland very renowmed the birth of Ceres the rauishing of Proserpina the Giant Enceladus the wonderfull mathematician Archimedes the famous geometrician Euclide the painfull historian Diodorus Empedocles the deep philosopher the ingenious architecture of Daedalus the tombe of Sibylla Cumana Syracusae the famous tetrapolis or as Strabo saith a pentapolis one city made of 4. or 5. cities like as London in respect of Westminster and Southwarke may be said
ouer For this I remember I haue read in Ouid Marcell Comit. and others sometime to haue happened Aristotle in his Problemes writeth That it is whiter than other seas yet the Greekes now call it Maurothalassa and likewise the Turkes Caradenis that is as Lucian doth interpret them both Mare nigrum the Blacke sea Contrariwise mare Aegeum the Archipelago or Mediterran sea the Turkes call Acdeniz and the vulgar Greekes Aspra thalassa both signifying as the learned Leunclaw expoundeth them Mare album the white sea Aelianus in his Varia historia writeth That it breedeth no tender or soft shelfish but very seldome and those very few It feedeth no Whales only certaine small seales and pretty little dolphins sometimes are heere taken as Plutarch in his Morals hath left recorded There is no rauenous creature that praieth vpon fish doth liue in it beside seales and dolphines as Pliny writeth Strabo in the seuenth booke of his Geography saith That there are about 40. riuers which comming from diuers quarters do vnload themselues into it Yet we in this our Mappe do point at a great many more beside The cities vpon the coast of this sea more famous are BYZANTIVM Constantinople of which we will say nothing in this place because we haue before in the mappe of Thrace written of it at large in respect of the narrownesse of the place which is assigned for such like purposes Then TOMOS Tomisuar as Calcagninus or Kiouia as Ciofánus thinketh famous by the banishment and exile of the noble poet Ouid. BORYSTHENES otherwise called Olbia and Miletopolis Strapenor a city in Sarmatia Europaea situate at the mouth of the riuer Boristhenes of which Dion Prusaeus hath spoken much that I may omit others in his 16. oration DIOSCVRIAS which was also called Sebastopolis built if you will giue any credit to poeticall fables by the waggoners of Castor and Pollux it is yet to this day knowen by the name of Sauatopoli or Sauastopoli This city was in times past so famous as Pliny telleth out of Timosthenes that there ordinarily resorted vnto it 300. seuerall nations speaking so many different languages so that the Romanes for the dispatch of all matters for their state did maintaine there 130. interpretours There are heere many other cities which were nothing so renowmed as TRAPEZVS now vulgarly called TREBIZONDA of the Turkes Tarabasson but of the barbarous nations neere adioining as Theuet reporteth Waccamah CERASVS Cherasoda or as the barbarous people call it Omidie PHARNACEA Platena AMISVS Amid or Hemid or as Niger thinketh Simiso SINOPE Pordapas yet the Turkes to this day call it Sinabe HERACLEA Aupop and Pendarachia and oueragainst Constantinople where we began is CHALCEDON Chalcidona or as the Turkes terme it Caltitiu a free city and of great command in those daies but now as P. Gyllius saith it is a small street without any mention of wals Vpon the West side of this sea the Thracians did dwell vpon the South the Asians as the Bithynians Galatians and Cappadocians The Colchi did possesse the Eastern coast All along generally vpon the North aswell in Europe as Asia inhabited the Sarmatians and Scythians distinguished into diuers and sundry nations amongst these are the Tauroscythians which tooke their name from thence and their Cherronnesus or demy-ile vulgarly knowen by the name of Taurica Cherronnesus and Scythica Cherronnesus Appianus nameth it Pontica Cherronnesus the demy-ile of Pontus which Pliny writeth was sometime inuironed round with the sea For forme and quality it is compared and thought to be much like Peloponnesus Strabo from the mouth or relation of others hath left written that it was sometime annexed to the maine land by an isthmos or neckeland of 360. furlongs in length The country toward Metopon Frons Arietis the rammes head is rough mountainous and much subiect to Northren stormes cold and violent blasts Neere to Theodosia Caffa or Cofe as the Turkes write it a city situate vpon the sea whose hauen is so capacious and large that it is able to entertaine an hundred tall shippes at once it is a good and fertile soile Athenaeus writeth that bulbi certaine bolled rootes which do grow heere of their owne accord are so sweet and pleasant that they may be eaten raw In it also is the hill Berosus where as Pliny witnesseth are three wels of which whosoeuer drinketh he dieth without any griefe and without any remedy Plutarch in Tanais maketh mention of an oile made in this mountaine Berosus which the country people do presse out of a certaine plant which they call Halinda With this oile they annoint themselues and then being once warme they feele not the cold although it be neuer so bitter The same authour telleth of the hearb Phryxa which groweth about Borea antrum the caue Borea which if the stepchildren shall haue about them they shall suffer no wrong at their stepmothers hand This hearb is colder than Snow yet as soone as euer the stepmothers shall go about to wrong their sonne in lawes it presently casteth out flames of fire and by that meanes they shunne all eminent dangers and causes of feare Thus far of Cherronnesus Taurica They which take any pleasure in fables or fictions of poets belonging to this Pontus or spoken of the same let them haue recourse to Senecan Medra or the Iphigenia of Euripides and others that haue written of the voiages of the Argonautes or the story of Iasons Golden fleece But before I leaue this sea I thinke it not amisse to put thee in mind what Iosephus writeth in the 11. chapter of his 9. booke of the Antiquity of the Iewes Hee there saith that Ionas the Prophet being deuoured and swallowed vp of the whale about Issicus finus Golfo de Atazzo a bay of the mediterran sea neere to Issus a city of Silicia which now they vulgarly call Atazzo was after three daies cast vp againe into this Euxine sea aliue vnhurt or any way perished One part of this his relation I will beleeue if you will beleeue the other Robertus Constantinus in his supplement of the Latine tongue saith that Lamia was a fish Of the fenne MAEOTIS Mar delle Sabacche it is commonly called now a daies the Italians of a towne abuttant vpon it name it Mar della Tana and Mar bianco the white sea of the Scythians it is called Carpaluc of the Arabians Bohari'lazach as Baptista Ramusius witnesseth beside other Geographers read Polyb. in his 4. booke and Arist in the end of his 1. booke and beginning of the 2. of his Meteor The length of it is 6000. as Themistius Euphrada writeth In this sea there are not many ilands yet these are not all inhabited or manured and the people which dwell in them do liue very poorly for they vse the flesh of great fishes dried in the sunne and then beaten and stamped to powder in steed or meale for bread for as Pomponeus saith they yeeld no great store of prouision for victuals ΠΟΝΤΟΣ ΕΥΞΕΙΝΟΣ
Entribae Erasinij Gondrae quae et Cyndrae et Rondaei Hypselitae Ligyrij Maduateni Mypsaei Podargi Priantoe Pyrogeri Sabi Satro centae Scaeboae Sindonaei Trisplae MONTES Cissene Dunax Edonus Ganos Gigemorus Libethrius Melamphyllon Meritus Mimas Nerisum Pindus Zilmissus FLVVII Aristibus Cebrinus Cius Cyndon Edon Zorta VICI Aliphera Asae SINVS Bennicus NEMVS Abroleua FONS Inna CAMPVS Areos pagos Plura erant his addenda uti quoque in ipsa tabula referenda ex Zonara Cedreno Nicephoro ceterisque Byzantinae historiae graecis scriptorib at quia hos inter veteres non numero consulto omisi Cum Imp. et Belgico privilegio decennali 1585. round vntill they die In this countrie is the riuer Cochryna of whose water if any sheepe do drinke they bring foorth none but blacke lambes Between Byzantium Constantinople and the Chersonesus there is an hill which they call The holy mount neere to which the sea oftentimes carieth vpon the top of his waters a kinde of slimy substance called of the Latines Bitumen In Agria a shire of this country the riuer Pontus carieth downe in his channell certaine stones much like vnto coales which being kindled and water cast vpon them they burne the better but being blowne with bellowes they go quite out There is no manner of vermine or venemous creatures that can abide the smell of this kinde of siring Amongst the Cinchropsoses there is a fountaine of whose water whosoeuer shall drinke they die immediately In Botiaea there groweth a stone which by the heat or reuerberation of the Sunne beames kindleth and casteth foorth sparks and flames of fire Plutarch writeth that there is a spring not farre from the hill Pangaeus of whose waters if one fill one and the same vessell and then weight it he shall finde it to be twise so heauy in the winter as it was in the summer Plutarch whom Tzetzes calleth The yonger another nameth him Parthenicus reporteth certaine things of the herbe Cythara the stones Pansilypus and Philadelphi found in the riuers Ebrus and Strymon which because they are more like to fables than true stories I do in this place willingly omit To reckon vp heere the seuerall Nations Mountaines Riuers or Cities of this country I thinke it nothing necessary because they are at one view better to be seene in the Mappe it selfe Yet of the city Byzantium now Constantinople for that it is sooft mentioned in ancient histories to say nothing at all for that we do in some sort hold it an iniury I thinke it not amisse to write these few lines following of the description of it The first founder of BYZANTIVM which was also in times past called LYGOS was as Trogus and Eustathius do thinke one Pausanias a Captaine of the Spartanes and that as Cassiodorus writeth at such time as Numa Pompilius was king of the Romanes It was so called of Byzantes the sonne of Ceroessas a captaine of the Megareans whom Eustathius affirmeth to haue beene the vprightest and most iust man that euer the earth did beare This city is situate vpon an high cliffe at the narrowest place of Bosphorus Thracius the frith or streights of Constantinople in a very fertile soile and vpon a fruitfull and commodious sea fertili solo foecundo salo as Tacitus writeth In respect of which situation being strongly fortified by nature it is thought to be almost inuincible Whereupon Trebellius Pollio calleth it claustrum Ponticum The blocke-house of Pontus Orosius termeth it Principem gentium the soueraigne of all Nations Sextus Rufus Arcem secundam Romani orbis The second bulwarke or fortresse of the Romane Empire Procopius Arcem Europae Asiae obicem ponentem The Castle of Europe and barre against Asia Themistocles Euphrada Magnificentiae officinam The shop of all manner of brauery and courtlike fashions and Ouid he calleth it Vastam gemini maris ianuam The huge gate of the two seas to wit Propontis Mar di marmora and Pontus Euxinus Mar maiore For the rampart and wals of it which Pausanias and both the Dions so highly commend were so strong that the Athenians vsed in former times as the same Eustathius writeth to cary all their goods and treasure thither and there to bestow it holding it to be a place impregnable and not to be surprized by any enemy whatsoeuer Of the great felicity of this city you may read many things worth the obseruation in diuerse ancient writers especially in Polybius Herodian Xiphiline Dion Prusens and Themistocles Euphrada in his sixth oration who deemeth the citizens thereof to be most happie men both for the goodly riuer which passeth by it temperature of the aire fertility of the soile wherein it standeth capacious hauen and creeke of the sea gorgeous church and stately wals of the same Heerupon grew that daintinesse luxury drunkennesse and wantonnesse of these people which vices of theirs are noted by Athenaeus in the tenth booke of his Deipnosophiston and Aelianus in the foureteenth chapter of the third booke of his varia historia This city fortune often frowning vpon it was sometimes possessed of the Spartans or Lacedemonians after that it was vnder the command of the Athenians Then shaking off their yoke it began by a little and a little to chalenge vnto it selfe a kinde of soueraignty and freedome from any forren iurisdiction which it held for a while vntill Vespasian the Romane Emperour subdued it and reduced it vnto the forme of a prouince While it thus stoode vnder the command of the Romanes it was by Septimius Seuerus who held on Nigers side assaulted battered raced to the ground and of a goodly flourishing city made a poore and beggerly village and withall was adiudged to belong vnto the Perinthij But Antonius Caracalla Seuerus his sonne restored them to their ancient liberties and was called by the name of ANTONIA as Eustathius testifieth Yet for Antonia that I may note this by the way an ancient brasse coine of the Emperour Seuerus which I haue doth teach vs that it ought to be read Antoninia For vpon this peece of money was stamped ΑΝΤΟΝΕΙΝΙΑ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΑ that is Antoninia the Emperiall city of the Bizantini But after this it was againe wasted by Gallienus the Emperour and all the citizens and garrison souldiers thereof slaine and put to the sword Yet for feare least the Scythians Getes and other barbarous nations might breake in to the Romane territories on that side it was againe reedified repaired and fortified by the same Emperour But Constantine worthily in deed and name surnamed the Great did yet farre more strongly fortifie it and adorne it with the most goodly temple of Santa Sophia and moreouer gracing it with many stately ornaments and curious workes of Architecture which he caused to be brought out of Asia Africa Europe yea and from Rome it selfe and after his owne name by proclamation caused it to be intituled and called by the name of CONSTANTINOPOLIS that is Constantines city Item he tooke it from the
it Florus writeth That the riches of this iland when it was once wholly subdued did fill the Exchequer of the city of Rome more full than any other conquest that euer they got wheresoeuer Carystius lapis Caristium I thinke a kinde of greene marble a stone of great estimation is found here as Antigonus writeth and as Pliny testifieth the Diamond Smaragd Opalus Crystall Alume and a kinde of whetstone which they call Naxium The same authour affirmeth that the Rosen of this iland doth far surpasse that of any other places of the whole world He also highly commendeth the oiles and vnguents of the same for pleasure and delight as also their wax and reeds as much for medicines and necessary vse in physicke Athenaeus extolleth their passing faire doues Fabulous antiquity did verily beleeue that the goddesse Venus here first came vp out of the sea for whose honour and memory peraduenture the women of Cyprus as the same authour affirmeth do offer their bodies to be abused of euery man that list Why it was not lawfull for any Iew to come within the I le of Cyprus reade Dion in the history of Hadrian The diuers names of this iland as we haue noted out of sundry authours are these ACAMANTIS AEROSA AMATHVSA ASPELIA CERASTIS CITIDA COLINIA CRYPTVS MACARIA MEIONIS and SPHECIA of which see more particularly in our Geographicall treasury Of the Cyprians or people of this iland thou maist reade many things in Herodotus There are also other three Cyprianiles called by this name about this iland as Pliny teacheth EVBOEA THis iland is seuered by so small a frith thus Solinus describeth it from the maine land of Boeotia that it is hard to say whether it be to be accounted amongst the number of the ilands or not Thus some haue thought of the I le of Wight For on that side which they call Euripus it is ioined to the continent by a faire bridge and by the meanes of a very short scaffold one may passe from the firme lana thither on foot and as Procopius in his iiij Aedifi testifieth by the laying ouer or taking away of one rafter or planke one may go from one to another on foot or by boat as one please Pliny writeth that it was sometime ioined to Boeotia but was afterward seuered from it by an earth-quake and indeed the whole iland is much subiect to earth-quakes but especially that frith or Euripus which we mentioned a little aboue as Strabo telleth vs who moreouer addeth that by that meanes a faire citie of the same name with the I le was vtterly sunke and swallowed vp of the sea Of all the ilands of the Midland sea this in bignesse is held to possesse the fifth place In diuers authours it is called by diuers and sundry names as MACRA and MACRIS ABANTIAS ASOPIS OCHE ELLOPIA ARCHIBIVM c. Item CHALCIS of the chiefe and metropolitan city of the same situate vpon the forenamed frith This I say was the greatest city and metropolitan of all the whole ile and was of that power and command that it sent forth colonies into Macedony Italy and Sicilia In Lalantus that goodly champion there are as Strabo writeth certaine hot baths which Pliny calleth Thermas Ellopias The baths of Hellopia They are very soueraigne against diuers diseases Here are as Strabo reporteth the riuers Cireus and Nileus of which the one causeth such sheepe as drinke of it to be white the other blacke Pliny doth also highly commend a kinde of greene marble here which they call Carystium for that it is digged out of a rocke nere the towne Carystus in the East corner of this I le where also the marble temple of Apollo is described by Strabo Copper was first found in this iland here do growe the woorst firre trees as Pliny affirmeth item here bloweth olympias a winde proper to this countrey againe that the fishes taken in the sea here abouts are so salt that you would iudge them taken out of pickle Of the Euripus where they say Aristotle abode and died very strange things are tolde by diuers writers namely that it doth ordinarily ebbe and flowe seuen times in a day and as many times in the night and that so violently and high that no windes can preuaile against it nay and the tallest ships that are though vnder saile it driueth to and fro as it listeth Of all men Strabo in his tenth booke hath most curiously described this iland See also what Procopius in his fourth booke de Aedificijs Iustiniani saith of it Item Wolfgangus Lazius in that his Historie of Greece hath set out a very large Commentarie of the same Libanius Sophista in the life of Demosthenes writeth that it had sometime two and twentie cities Yet we in this our Mappe out of sundry writers aswell Latines as Greeks haue gathered together and noted downe the names of many more RHODVS THe braue and franke RHODVS was also of the ancient called OPHIVSA STADIA TEICHINE AETHRAEA CORYMBA POEESSA ATABYRIA and TRINACRIA yea and by diuers other names also as thou mayest see in our Geographicall treasurie Pliny giueth out that this I le did rise vp out of the bottome of the sea hauing beene before all drowned and couered ouer with water and Ammianus he writeth that it was sometime bedrenched and sowsed with a golden showre of raine for the fabulous writers do tell that heere it rained gold when Pallas was borne Therefore this soile aboue all other was beloued of Iupiter the mighty king of gods and men as the poet saith In Diodorus Siculus we read that it was beloued of the Sun and made an iland by the remouing of the water which before had couered it all ouer for before this it lay hid in the bowels of the sea or else was so full of bogs and fennes that it was altogether inhabitable In memory of which kindnesse of louely Phoebus that huge Colossus of the Sun one of the seuen wonders of the world was vulgarly said to haue beene erected This we read was made by Chares Lindius Lysippus his scholler and was at least seuenty cubites high Festus saith that it was one hundred and fiue foot high This image saith Pliny within six and fifty yeeres after was by an earth-quake ouerthrowen and laid along notwithstanding as it lay it was a woonderment to the beholders Few men were able to fathom the thombe of it and the fingers of it were greater than many large statues Those parts of it that were by any casualty broken did gape so wide that they were like vnto the mouths of hideous caues within it were huge massie stones of great weight wherewith he ballaced it when it was first set vp It was finished in the space of twelue yeeres and the brasse thereof waighed three hundred talents There are beside in sundrie other places of this city an hundred less r colosses yet wheresoeuer any of them were they did much grace the place In another
place the same authour writeth that that there were in it aboue three thousand statues Strabo writeth that this Colossus in his time was by an earth-quake ouerthrowne and lay along and was broken off at the knees after which time the Rhodians were by the oracle of Apollo forbidden to set it vp againe Of this Earth-quake read Polybius in his fifth booke The aire is neuer so thicke and cloudy nor the heauen euer so closely maskt saith Solinus Polyhistor but the sunne doth shine in Rhodes Whereupon Manilius writeth thus of it Tuquè verè domus Solis cui tota sacrataes And thou who truly sacredart and princely court of glorious Sunne Pliny and Athenaeus do commend the Wines and Figges of Rhodes aboue those of other countries Phylostratus in his second booke of Images affirmeth that the soile of this I le is very good and fertile of Grapes and Figges Eusebius writeth that the inhabitants and people of this I le alwaies vpon the sixth day of May vsed to sacrifice a man vnto their gods There are some which boldly affirme that these people were called Colossians of that famous Colossus before mentioned Amongst which are Eustathius Zonaras and Glycas as also Suidas but that he calleth them not Colossenses but Colassenses sounding a the first vowell not o the fourth in the second syllable Others of whose opinion I am do rather thinke that those are called Colossenses which do inhabite Colostae now Chone as Porphyrogennetas sheweth a city of Phrygia in Asia the lesse to whom S. Paul wrote his Epistle not to these Rhodians as we haue shewed in our Treasury Diodorus Siculus and Polybius do speake much of Rhodes but of all men Strabo doth describe it best Of this iland see the third chapter of the seuenth booke of Aulus Gellius It had seuen Arsenals or docks wh●re shippes were built and repaired as I reade in the fift booke of Polyaenus in Heraclides Their great store of shipping was a manifest argument of their great strength and power Of their empire and command which they had in Asia the maine continent see Liuies 37 and 38 books Item of their iurisdiction ouer cert ine ilands in the midland sea looke Ammians 22. booke For they had vnder their command all Caria part of Lycia Carpathus and the Calymnae certaine ilands in the Aegaean or Carpathian sea Archipelago as we are giuen to vnderstand out of the one and thirtieth oration of Dion Prusaeus LESBOS THis iland of ancient writers was called by diuers and sundry names as namely AEGIRA AETEIOPE HEMETTE LASIA PELASGIA ISSA MACARIA MITYLENA and MYTANIDA There are some as Strabo writeth which do thinke it to haue beene sundred from Ida. The fabulous story of Arion the excellent musician and lyricall poet hath made this iland more famous Of this story thou maist read more at large in Aelianus Item Sappho the poetresse who as Pausanias witnesseth wrote much of Loue and the temple of Apollo with the chappell of Lepetymnus situate in the mount Lepetymnus as Antigonus writeth haue likewise made this iland much talked of In the fables we find recorded that about Antissa Orphaeus head was buried and that the nightingals do heere sing much better than in other places Antigonus out of the authority of Myrsilus borne in this I le doth affirme for a certaine truth Diodorus Siculus writeth that it was first inhabited of the Pelasgi then of Macarius the sonne of Iupiter Cyrenaicus together with the Iones after that of Lesbus the sonne of Lapithus Pliny and Athenaeus do affirme it to be a very fertile soile and good for vines the wine Athenaeus doth so highly commend that he INSVLAR ALIQVOT AEGAEI MARIS ANTIQVA DESCRIP Ex Conatibus geographicis Abrahami Ortelij Antuerpiani LEMNOS LESBOS CIA et CEOS SAMVS EVBOEA Insula RHENIA DELVS ICARIA RHODVS CHIOS CYPRVS Insula laeta choris blandorum et mater amorum Cypri insulae incognitae positionis LOCA Esmaeus Tyrrhia GENTES Asphax Otienses VRBES Acra Acragas Alexandria Alcathi villa Asine Capbalus Cerbia Cinyria Cresium Cyrenia nisi sit Ceronia Dionia Epidarum Erysthia Gerandrum Lacedaemon Malum Togessus Tembrus Vrania Cum priuilegio decennali 1584. Psieus flu et Aous flu Aoius mons saith that it is indeed more like to Ambrosia than meere wine Pomponius Mela saith it hath fiue goodly townes but Pliny speaketh of eiht yet we out of Greeke and Latine authours haue found the names of many more as thou maist see in the Mappe This amongst the iles of the midland sea famous for their larger compasse and greatnesse doth possesse the seuenth and last place In Strabo thou shalt find much of this iland CHIOS AThenaeus writeth that this iland is full of thicke woods and ouergrowne with trees and bushes Item that the people and inhabitants of the same were of all the Grecians the first that vsed to buy slaues to doe their seruile workes and drudgery It had a city of the same name which Thucydides calleth the greatest and richest of all the cities of Ionia There is nothing in this I le more renowmed than the wine which they call Chium vinum the best of all Greeke wiues as Strabo Aelianus and other good authours affirme The vines whereof this wine is made do especially grow in the fields of Aruisius Amista it is now called about the mount Pelmaeus whereupon this wine was since called Vinum aruisium and by addition of one letter Maruisium of which later we do commonly call it Malmesy Athenaeus sheweth that vinum nigrum the red wine or blacke wine was first knowne in this I le It is no lesse famous for the Lentiske tree which yeeldeth Masticke that sweet and wholesome gumme The marble also of this I le is much commended by Pliny who thinketh that the quarries of Chios did first shew vnto the world that marble of diuers colours which they vse in building of wals Vitruuius describeth a fountaine in this I le of whose waters if any man shall drinke vnawares they presently become starke fooles bererued of all vnderstanding and reason That there is heere a kinde of earth called Chia terra of soueraigne vse in Physicke the same authour doth plainly affirme Eusebius testifieth that in former times the inhabitants were woont vsually to sacrifice a man cut in pieces as small as flesh to the pot vnto Omadius Bacchus This iland was also knowne by other names as CHIA AETHALIA MACRIS and PITYVSA Some thing of the history and famous acts of these ilanders thou maist read of in Herodotus as likewise againe in Strabo Of Drimacke a slaue or bond-seruant a story very well woorth the reading done in this iland thou maist see in the sixth booke of Athenaeus his Deipnosophiston LEMNOS LEMNOS is situate ouer against mount Athos Agion oros they now call it the Italians Monte santo the Turks Manastir which as Statius and Solinus report doth cast his shadow into the Market-place of Myrina now Lemno a wonderfull thing to tell seeing that
Delians was wholly waste and void of inhabitants It is wonderfull to see how time doth alter the state of all things In this iland it was not lawfull as Strabo and others report to keepe a dogge to bury a dead man or to burne his corps as then the custome was Thucydides sayth that no man might either be borne or die here Therefore the corpses of dead men were from thence conueyed into the next I le called RHENIA which is a very small iland waste and wholly desert distant from hence not aboue foure furlongs Plutarch sayth that Nicias made a bridge from one to the other Thucydides in his 1 and 3 booke writeth that it was taken by Polycrates the tyrant of Samus annexed by a great long chaine to Delos and consecrated to Apollo Delius Antigonus affirmeth that neither cats nor stags do breed or liue here Athenaeus describeth a kinde of table that is made in this iland therupon it is called Rheniarges It was by violence of storm rent off from Sicilia vtterly drowned as Lucian in his Marine dialogues writeth To these adde that which Seruius hath left written at the third Aeneid of Virgil. Of Delos read the hymne which Callimachus hath written of this I le ICARIA THe tale death and buriall of Icarus gaue occasion of the name both to this iland as also to the sea which beateth vpon it For long since it was called DOLICHE ICHTHYOESSA and MACRIS Strabo saith that it was desert yet greene and full of goodly medowes and pastures The same authour maketh it a colony of the Milesij Notwithstanding Athenaeus commendeth vinum Pramnium a kind of wine so called of Pramnium a mountaine in the iland where the vines wherof it is made did growe This wine he moreouer affirmeth to be otherwise called Pharmatice Of the fabulous story of Icarus reade Ouid Pausanias and Arrianus CIA THat iland which Ptolemey calleth CIA Strabo nameth CEVS Ceus sayth Pliny which some of our writers call Cea the Greeks call HYDRVSSA It was seuered by tempestuous from Euboea and was sometimes 500 furlongs in length but pr sently after foure fift parts of it which lay Northward being deuoured swallowed vp of the foresayd sea it hath now only remaining these two townes Iulis and Carthea Coressus and Paccessa are lost and perished Aeschines 〈◊〉 his epistles nameth Nereflas for a towne of this iland but vntruly and falsly as I thinke From hence that braue garment so much esteemed of fine dames came as Varro testifieth The first authour and deuiser of this loose gowne was Pamphila the daughter of Latous who is by no meanes to be defrauded of her due commendat on s for this her inuent on as being the first that taught how to make that kind of thin sarsnet wherewith gentlewomen might couer their bodies yet so as notwithstanding their beauty and faire faces might easily be discerned thorow Aelianus in his varia historia writeth that it was a custome here that they which are decrepit and very old do inuite one another as it were to a solemne banquet where being crowned they drinke hemlocke ech to other for that they know in their consciences that they are wholly vnprofitable for any vses or seruices in their countrey beginning now to dote by reason of their great age CRETA now CANDY ALthough there be many things which do make this iland famous and much talked of amongst Historians and Poets as the comming of Europa the louers of Pasiphaë and Ariadne the cruelty and calamity of the Minotaure the labyrinth and flight of Daedalus the station and death of Talus who thrise in a day as Agatharcides reporteth went round about it yet there is nothing that made it more renowmed than the natiuity education and tombe of Iupiter Yet it was also much honoured for the natiuities if we may beleeue Diodorus Siculus of many other Gods as namely of Pluto Bacchus Pallas and Dictynna whom some thinke to be Diana so that one may not vnfitly call this iland THE CRADLE OF THE GODS Moreouer they say that in the confines of Gnosia Cinosa neere the riuer Therene the manage of Iupiter with Iuno was celebrated and kept The history of Minoes the Law-giuer and Radamanthus the seuere Iusticier hath made it more talked of than any other I le in this ocean That it is very full of mountaines and woods and hath also diuers fertile valleies and champion plaines Strabo doth sufficiently witnesse Solinus maketh it to be a country well stored with wild goates Item he sheweth that the sheep especially about Gurtyna are red and foure horn'd Pliny calleth it The natiue soile of the Cypresse tree for which way soeuer any man shall goe or wheresoeuer he shall offer to set his foote especially about mount Ida Psiloriti and those which they call The white hils except the soile be planted with other trees this tree sprowth vp and that not only in any peculiar or made ground but euery where of it owne accord naturally Cornelius Celsus speaketh of Aristolochia Cretica That there is heere no Owle or any mischieuous and harmefull creature beside the Phalangium a kind of perillous Spider Plutarch Pl ny Solinus AElianus and Antigonius do iointly testifie Ammianus Marcellinus in his 30. booke doth commend the dogges or hounds of this iland for excellent hunters These Iulius Pollux in the fifth booke of his Deipnosophiston diuideth into two kindes Parippi light foot and his kinde and Diaponi Toyler with her whelpes that is The one sort excelled for swiftnesse of foote the other for painefulnesse and sure hunting Pausanias Liuius Aelian Xenophon and Ctesias commend the inhabitants and people of this I le for the best Archers Plutarch saith they are a warlike people and very lasciuious item deceitfull rauenous and couetous Athenaeus he affirmeth that they be great wine-bibbers and cunning dancers S. Paul in his Epistle to Titus chap. 1. ver 9. calleth them by the testimony of Epimenides a poet of their nation Alwaies liers euill beasts and slow bellies Notwithstanding Plato in his Lawes writeth that they more regard the sense and true vnderstanding of matters than words and quaint termes Diodorus Siculus reporteth that the I le was first inhabited of the Eteocretae a people bred and borne there indigenae whose King he calleth Creta yet this king Solinus nameth the king of the Curetae and from hence the iland was called CRETA But if we may beleeue Dociades whom Plinie citeth it tooke the name of Creta a nymph so called It was also named CVRETIS of the Cureti a chiefe nation which did sometime inhabite it this doth Plinie and Solinus testifie Item they affirme that it was before that called AERIA Item MACAROS Blessed and MACARONNESOS The blessed ile of the temperature of the aire Stephanus calleth it IDAEA and CTHONIA Item TELCHIONIA of the Telchines the inhabitants as Gyraldus witnesseth Item HECATOMPOLIS of the hundred cities which in former times it had as Plinie Solinus and
and sundry other rare works and deuices the best that the most excellent Architects of the world might inuent that next after the Capitoll of which reuerend Rome doth so much glory the whole world it selfe hath neuer seene ought more rich and sumptuous at Ammianus Marcellinus writeth of it Strabo in the seuenteenth booke of his Geography doth most brauely describe the whole citie The like doth Statius Alexandrinus in his fifth booke of Loue and Diodorus Siculus in the 17 booke of his history Item Hirtius in his booke De bello Alexandrino THEBAE was the next citie of great note famous for the multitude of gates that sometimes it had and thereupon it was otherwise called Hecatompylos Hundred-gate and Diospolis Gods-towne item Busyris and Thebestis as S. Hierome affirmeth MEMPHIS an ancient towne renowmed by reason that their kings ordinarily kept their Court here was accounted one of the greatest cities of this kingdome COPTOS a great Mart-towne well frequented with Arabian and Indian merchants Of this city the whole prouince tooke the name as we haue elswhere shewed before ABYDVS the Court and Emperiall seat of Memnon their king famous for the temple of Osiris I omit SYENE with diuers others for it were more than needeth here to recken them vp all because they offer themselues at an instant to him that shall but cast his eye on the Map Besides that Herodotus Diodorus Pliny Iosephus Marcellinus Philostratus Eusebius and diuers other good authours yet extant and in many mens hands haue most eloquently and diligently described them and set them out in their true and liuely colours The situation of this countrey the riuers mountaines cities and strange things there to be seene we haue already described according as the capacity of the place assigned would permit Now it remaineth that with like breuity also we do out of Diodorus Herodotus Strabo Athenaeus Aelianus Plutarch Philo Eusebius Pliny Heliodorus Lucian Ammian Clemens Athanasius Prudentius and others speake something of their religion Eusebius in his first booke De Praepar Euang. teacheth me that the Egyptians were the first men that euer honoured the Sunne Moone and the rest of the Starres for immortall Gods But not only the Holy scripture but euen profane authours also doe plentifully testifie that they were euer from the beginning the vainest men of the world and in this their diuine seruice and choice of gods of all other most fond and foolish for beside the gods of the Gentiles as Iupiter Iuno Vulcane Venus Bacchus and such others which they had and worshipped common with all the world yet by their seuerall and different names as Isis Osiris c. they moreouer as Artemidorus and Cicero in the third booke of the Nature of gods do testifie consecrated all kinde of beasts and liuing creatures Herodotus affirmeth that they accounted all maner of beasts which they had in Egypt as sacred and holy so that as Dion reporteth they farre surpassed all nations of the world in multitude and variety of gods Neither did they only reuerence these as gods but also Anubis Orus Typhon Pan whom they called Mendon and painted him with a goats head and the Satyrs Item another which as Plutarch in Osiris writeth they called Cneph Moreouer Minutius Felix sayth that they worshipped a man and in the city Anabis did all maner of diuine seruice vnto him as vnto an immortall God as Eusebius auoucheth who furthermore addeth that they had another peculiar god which they called Canopus and expressed in the forme of a pot This Bembus hath described in his Hieroglyphicall table Athanasius and Heliodorus doe testifie that they accounted the water but especially Nilus for a god Of foure footed beasts the Crocodile the Oxe the Mneuis the Lion the Beare the Cat the Hee-goat the Monkey the Ape the Bull the Ramme the Shee-goat the Hogge the Dogge the Ichneumon or Indian rat the Woolfe the Sheepe the Weazell and the Shrewmous they put into the inuentory of their gods Of fishes the Oxyrinchus the Lepidotus the Latus the Phagrus the Maeotis fishes proper to the riuer Nilus and the Eccle beside the Cantharus as Porphyrius in his booke De sacrificijs testifieth Of birds the Eagle the Ibis and the Hawke beside the Owsell or Blacke-bird if we may beleeue Hyginus and the Vulture and Rauen as Aelianus affirmeth with the Sparrow as Porphyrius in his Treatise De Abstinentia maketh vs beleeue Iosephus in his second booke against Appion sayth that they worship the Ferrit They had beside these the Dragon or serpent the Aspis which they named Thermathis and the Beetle The counterfets of these for the most part they adored and worshipped as gods yet some delighted rather to honour the very beast themselues aliue so that it was felony for a man to kill any of them although it were by chance And if so be that one of them should fortune to die of any disease they vsed to bury it with mourning and great solemnity Item certaine vegetable things without life as Onions Leekes and Garleeke they did adore with diuine honour as S. Hierome against Iouinian testifieth of the Pelusiotae Nay they did not content themselues with these naturall things but euen certeine monsters such as were neuer seene in the world they did in like maner consecrate for gods as the Cynocephalus with a dogges head worshipped of the Hermopolitani and Cepus honoured of the Babylonians To these you may adde out of Athanasius the Serpenticipites idols with serpents heads and Asinicipites with asses heads Moreouer in the villages and vpland townes Lucian reporteth I know not whether in iest or earnest that some held the right shoulder for a god but those that dwelt ouer against them the left Some did sacrifice to the one halfe of the head others to a Samian cup or dish Diodorus Siculus reporteth I blush to speake it that they accounted the priuy parts for a god Eusebius in the second booke De praeparat Euangel seemeth to restraine it only to Osiris Clemens in the fifth booke of his Recognitionum addeth blush foolish idolaters for I will tell it and let another say surreuerence that the Egyptians worshipped the Iakes and a Part for their gods which also is auerred and iustified by Minutius Felix This is that which Lactantius reporteth of them that they reuerenced certaine beastly and shamefull things Philo Iudaeus sayth that all things vnder the cope of heauen are consecrated and enrowled amongst the number of their gods And Sextus the Philosopher sayth of them that there was not any thing which they did not hold for sacred Thus much of their gods more thou mayest see of this matter in Clemens but especially in Iuuenall the Poet. These do hold themselues to be the first and most ancient Nation in the world and to haue first had the knowledge of God to haue built temples groues and conuents in honour of them as Lucian testifieth Afterward when the light of the Gospell began to shine forth
mount Eryx monte S. Iuliano Yet Pausanias in his Arcadia maketh another maner of relation of Anchises and of his buriall Heere putting to sea againe he commeth to the SIRENVM SCOPVLI certaine dangerous rockes vpon the coast of Italy in the bay of Cumae and first casting anchor at PALINVRVS Paliuro or Cabo Palemudo at LEVCASIA Licoso as Halicarnasseus sayth or INARIME Ischia and PROCHYTA Profida as Ouid affirmeth and then againe at CVMAE where putting to land he goeth to Sibylla's caue ANTRVM SIBYLLAE and to AVERNVS lake Lago di Tripergola thence to the airie mount MISENVS Miseno to CAIETA King Lamus citie at this day called Gaietta and lastly to the riuer TIBRIS where with seuen of his twentie ships remaining he entreth landeth his men and goods and so endeth his seuen yeeres long and dangerous voyage which we haue thus described as you see partly out of Virgill Ouid and Lycophron famous poets and partly out of Liuy Halicarnasseus Pausanias and Xenophon as worthy renowmed historians But heere I cannot omit that which I haue read in Pausanias his Phocica namely that certaine of Aeneas his consorts seuered and driuen from his company and the rest of the nauy by storme and tempest did seat themselues in the ile SARDINIA Item it is worth the obseruation that Halicarnasseus and Liuy do iointly testifie That Aeneas did not stay at Tibris but at LAVRENTVM S. Laurentij and landed not with aboue sixe hundred men as Solinus reporteth which indeed seemeth somewhat more probable and like to be true for that both by ancient histories and moderne experience we finde that Tibris the riuer which runneth by Rome is not capable of a fleet or nauy of any bignesse Therefore it is to be thought that the Poet fained this of his owne head or els spake it in loue and commendations of this riuer Neither was it a voyage of seuen yeeres but of two at the most as Halicarnasseus doth plainly affirme Solinus out of Cassius Hemina auoucheth the same There are some as Strabo in the thirteenth booke of his Geography witnesseth which do thinke all this voyage to be a fained tale and fiction of the Poets and that Aeneas stayed still in Troy and succeeded in the kingdome after his father as likewise his childrens children did after him for many generations Of this opinion Homer doth seeme to be Xenophon in his booke of hunting telleth this tale another way where he writeth That Aeneas manfully defending his father and carefully preseruing the gods of his father and mother gat himselfe a great reputation and credit amongst all sorts of men for that his piety and religion insomuch that euen the very enemies themselues granted to him only aboue all other which they had taken captiue in the surprizing of Troy that in the sacking of the same no man should spoile or lay hand of ought that was his Moreouer that that his voyage vnto Carthage is not mentioned by any approoued historian but fained by the poet Macrobius doth plainly teach Item Appian a writer of good credit doth much discredit that story of his meeting and communication with Queene Dido who writeth that CARTHAGE was built by the same Dido fiue hundred yeeres before the destruction of Troy Againe the graue historiographer Trogus in his eighteenth booke doth make a relation of the life and death of this Dido or Eliza farre different from this But the poet as it seemeth had a purpose to disgrace this citie and to strike a deepe impression of the fatall hatred which it alwayes bare towards the Romans like as long before Homer vnder the person of Helen had shewed how much the Greeks in heart did malice the Troians Whereupon not vnfitly I thinke this Epigram of Ausonius which he wrote vpon the counterfet or picture of Queene Dido may heere to those former be adioined Illa ego sum Dido vultu quam conspicis hospes Assimulata modis pulchraque mirificis Talis eram fed non Maro quam mihi finxit erat mens Vita nec incestis laeta cupidinibus Namque nec Aeneas vidit me Troius vnquam Nec Libyam aduenit classibus Iliacis Sed furias fugiens atque arma procacis Iarbae Seruaui fateor morte pudicitiam Pectore transfixo castos quod pertulit enses Non furor aut laeso crudus amore dolor Sic cecidisse iuuat vixi sine vulnere famae Vlta virum positis moenibus oppetij Inuida cur in me stimulasti Musa Maronem Fingeret vt nostrae damna pudicitiae Vos magis historicis lectores credite deme Quàm qui furta Deum concubitusque canunt Falsidici vates temerant qui carmine verum Humanisque Deos assimilant vitijs Which Priscian or whosoeuer els he were that was the authour of that ancient translation of Dionysius Afer doth to the same sense but in farre fewer words vtter in those two verses Atque pudicitiam non perdit carmine falso Quae regnans felix Dido per secula viuit This fained tale first forg'd in faithlesse poets braine It neuer may I trow the honest fame distaine Wherein thou Dido long didst liue amongst thine owne And still of wiser sort thorowout the world is knowne AENEAE TROIANI NAVIGATIO Ad Virgilij sex priores Aeneidos Ex conatibus Geographicis Abrahami Ortelij Antverp DOCTRINA ET HVMANITATE CELEBRI DNO BALTHASARO ROBIANO R. P.ANT THESAVRARIO VIRO ANIMI CORPORISQ DOTIBVS ORNATISS Ab. Ortelius veteris amicitiae memor dedicabat Sum pius Aeneas raptos qui ex hoste Penates Classe veho mecum fama super aethera notus Bis denis Phrygium conscendi nauibus aequor Vix septem conuulsae undis Euróque supersunt Europa atque Asia pulsus Aeneid i. The PEREGRINATION of VLYSSES THe manifold wandring voiages of Vlysses Errores Ausonius in diuers places calleth them were from all antiquity so famous and renowmed amongst all men that The Peregrination of Vlysses grew into a by-word and to be spoken prouerbially of any hard and difficult trauell that any man did vndergoe as Apuleius in the second booke of his Golden Asse doth testifie Therefore for the benefite of the Readers and Students of that history and at the earnest request of sundrie learned men my friends I haue thought good out of ancient Historians to describe the twenty voyages of this famous Captaine who as Tzetzes writeth with twelue shippes set forward from TROY or as the Greekes call it Ilium a city of Troia or Troas a prouince of Asia Minor continually wandring vp and downe vntill at last he came to ITHACA an iland in the Ionian sea where hee was borne now called as Sophianus and others do testifie Valle di Compare or Teachi as Porcacchius affirmeth but of the Turkes Phiachi as Leunclaw witnesseth Therefore after the tenne yeares siege taking and sacking of Troy by the Greekes Vlysses or Odysseus as they call him hauing a purpose to returne home to his owne country shipped himselfe and his company put foorth to sea and
dignity did choose rather tyrannouslie to shew their force and power at home against their kinsfolke friends subiects and best men of all sorts then abroad against the publicke enemy and disturber of the state These men by all maner of vnlawfull meanes succeeding one another at last the Empire and managing of the common-wealth was onely in the hands of Tyrants and Vsurpers neither was there any man now that euer would once trouble himselfe to defend the same from the furious assault of the raging enemy and no maruell For euen the Empire it selfe and whatsoeuer did of right belong vnto the same was by the souldiers bought and sold for money or giuen for fauour and affection While all things stood thus in the Roman Empire ODOACER king of the Hunnes with a mighty army inuadeth the same and in all places wheresoeuer he became ouerthroweth and beateth downe the Romane forces and garrisons for at this time in the idle and dissolute souldiers there remained neither strength nor true fortitude AVGVSTVLVS the Emperour hearing of these newes being smitten into a great feare flieth and that he might the better escape vnknowen in the flight throweth off his imperiall robes and ornaments In the meane time Odoacer speedeth himselfe toward Rome besiegeth it taketh it and within a few daies after he was wholly and quietly possessed of it changeth the name of it and after his owne name caused it by proclamation to be called ODOACRIA but together with the ancient name this city leaueth the former beauty and lusture there is nothing now heere to be seene but miserable destruction and ruine This prosperous successe and easie inuasion of the city of Rome by Odoacer within foureteen yeares after giueth occasion to THEODORICVS king of the Gothes who was then in Thrace to attempt the same Therefore mustering his men with many thousands of Goths he entreth Italy driueth Odoacer out of Rome and again the second time neere to Verona setteth vpon him and putting him his forces to flight followeth him to Rauenna where he besiegeth him continually for the space of three yeares together but at length being forced to yeeld the city he was by him taken and put to death Neither did this satisfie frowning Fortune that Rome was thus once or twise taken sacked and consumed with fire except the LONGOBARDI Lombardes a strange and cruell people do also inuade Italy to deface and ouerthrow all things whatsoeuer the former enemies had left vntouched and standing All things are now deformed and cast downe whatsoeuer in former times were most beautifull and glorious the Romane citizen is compelled to forsake that ancient and famous title so long enioied by them and by meanes of this so irrecouerable a dammage the name of an Emperour was for euer banished out of Italy The case thus standing with the Romanes destitute of all helpe at home and in vaine expecting the same from the Greeks who for their Empire contented themselues only with Constantinople the Pope of Rome for defence of the Church was forced in this great distresse to entreat aid of Charles king of the Frankes who afterward was sirnamed CHARLES THE GREAT This good king pricked on forward with a godly zeale for the maintenance of Christian religion passing with a great army ouer the Alpes putteth the Lombards to flight taketh their king Desiderius with his wife and children vtterly ouerthroweth their kingdome and cleane extinguisheth that impious race The Pope obseruing his inuincible courage and his siugular loue that he bare to the Church and religion with the generall consent and admirable applause of all men in the yeare after Christs incarnation 801. crowneth him with the Imperiall diademe and giueth him the title of AVGVSTVS and GREAT EMPEROVR of the West This king was the first that of the Dutch was called Emperour and that translated that dignity from the Greekes vnto the Germanes He valiantly assailed the Hunnes and at last with continuall wars so afflicted them that they were neuer after able to gather head againe The Normanes Freises Danes Angles Saxons and others molesting the Empire he wonderfully vexed and weakened Hauing on all sides greatly enlarged his Empire and for the space of fowreteene yeares swaied the scepter quietly at home void of tumults and noise of warre he committed the gouernment of the same to his sonne Lewis sirnamed the Religious and ended his life at Aquisgran After the reigne of this Charles the digni y and title of the Empire remained not amongst the Germanes without continuall warres and bloudshed diuers kings coueting to annex the same to their crowne and nation by dint of sword assaied by all meanes to bring their purpose to passe To seat it amongst the French Charles the Bald spareth no cost ventureth life and limme and setteth all the world together by the eares yet the Germanes valiantly fighting for the Imperiall ti le and dignity do after many sore conflicts quite and cleane driue him out of Germany Lewis the Fourth most furiously setteth vpon Berengarius an vsurper lately proclaimed Emperour in Italy ouercommeth him in the field and forceth him to betake him to his heeles The Italians oft desired that this dignity once lost might againe be restored to them and no maruell seeing that euery nation doth account it a most honourable thing to haue the name of an Empire resident amongst them Yet maugre all externall spite this dignity for many ages together remained in the hands of the Germanes the Princes of this country manfully defending and preseruing it by force of armes from all iniuries and forren inuasions whatsoeuer Vntill at length the forenamed Princes foreseeing what was best for the state and good of the Empire did chuse for their Emperor Otto the Fourth the naturall sonne of Otto the Third a yong man brought vp at Rome had been somtime in the custody and tuition of Henry Duke of Bayern This Emperor perceiuing that it would not be an easie thing to appease and end the warres and controuersies that did arise about the election and choice of the Emperor except by some other meanes order this choice were made did therefore inuent a certaine order and maner of election whereby heereafter all cause of dissention and tumult was wholly taken from all men and by which for euer it might quietly be retained amongst the Germanes This order is heere expressed in this Mappe and is in effect thus much In the first ranke are the Seuen PRINCE ELECTOVRS and Officers of the sacred Romane Empire instituted by Otto the Third whereof the Three vpon the right hand are Ecclesiasticall persons or Churchmen to wit the ARCHBISHOP OF TRIER a city situate vpon the riuer Moselle chiefe Chancellour for the Empire in the kingdome of France The ARCHBISHOP OF COLEN vpon the Rhein Chiefe Chancellour in Italy and the ARCHBISHOP OF MENTZ Chiefe Chancellour in Germany The other Foure vpon the left hand are Secular or Lay men the First is the KING OF BOHEMIA
wals of this citie which are about three miles in compasse are not ancient although some doe write that at the entreatie of Queene Helena Constantine the Great caused them to be built Beside those many and large Suburbes without the wals there is ioined to it vpon the West the citie of WESTMINSTER and vpon the South by a faire stone bridge the BOROVGH OF SOVTHVVARKE equall for bignesse and multitude of people to many great and good cities So that London in this respect may iustly be called Tripolid ' Angliterra This Bridge was begunne first of timber and afterward in the time of King Iohn it was made all of Free-stone The foundation of that goodly Mynster or Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul was first laid by Ethelbert King of Kent z Yarmouth as we now call it a very goodly sea towne in the county of Norffolke situate at the mouth of the riuer Gerne Garienis whereof it tooke the name and was first called Giernemouth and then by corruption in processe of time Garmouth and Yarmoth It is inclosed almost on all sides with water vpon the West with the riuer aforesaid vpon the South and East with the maine sea only vpon the North it lieth open to the firme land vpon which side it is defended from the assault of the enemy by a very strong wall which together with the riuer doe make a kinde of Square figure longer one way then an other On the East side standeth a Block-house well furnished with great ordinance to defend the hauen and towne from pirates and sea robbers It hath but one Church but that is a marueillous faire great one with a very high Spire seene far off both by sea and land a What this towne should be and where it should stand I cannot say for certaine The letters in the Arabicke and the proportion of distance from Yarmouth and Grynsby doe directly point at Drayton in Northhampton-shire But because it is too far off from the sea and was neuer greater then now it is and for that I finde him so often faulty in those accounts I doe not beleeue that he meant that place The name commeth very neere to Torksey which is situate vpon the Trent and as Master Camden sath although now it be but a small towne yet in times past it hath beene much greater and more famous For in time of William the First as appeareth by Doomesday booke it had two hundred citizens and enioyed many great and large priuileges b Grimsby in Lincolnshire sometime a very great Marte towne much resorted vnto from all quarters both by Sea and Land so long as the hauen lay open ready to entertaine Ships of any reasonable burden But as the hauen did in continuance of time decay so the glory of the towne by little and little vanished and resigned vp her trade vnto Kingston vpon Hull her ouerthwarte neighbour which euer since the time of Richard the Second hath greatly flourished in whose daies of a small village and a very few poore Fisher-mens cottages it began to grow to that greatnesse that of a sudden it was not much inferiour to many prety cities c Yorke a very goodly citie situate vpon the riuer Ouse For beauty greatnesse strength riches and pleasure it is inferiour to none in all England but London only Old writers call it EBORACVM the Welchmen Ebrauc or Effroc the Saxons Eferwic And therefore I suspect that this my authour did write it _____ Efferwic not _____ Effradic but I alter nothing It is a very ancient citie oft mentioned in Roman Coines and histories whereby it is manifest that Legio sexta victrix the sixth conquering legion did ordinarily reside in this city The Emperours Seuerus and Constantius father to Constantine the Great so long as they abode in this I le did keepe their court heere and dying in these parts were buried in this city This Constantius being a very godly and religious Christian Prince made it first as our histories report a Bishops sea which Honorius Bishop of Rome afterward aduanced vnto the dignity of a Metropolitane or Archbishopricke which beside the large iurisdiction that it had heere in England had also vnder it all Scotland d Wiske it is called at this day It riseth in Richmond-shire not farre from Wharleton Castle as Christopher Saxto maketh me beleeue e I finde no mention at all of this place either in Master Camden or any other Onely in the same Saxton vpon the foresaid riuer some two or three miles aboue Northaluerton I finde Danby Wiske but whether our authour meant this or not I cannot tell But I would gladly learne of what place the Lord of Vescy tooke his name f Lincolne a large and faire city situate now vpon the North side of the riuer Witham called by Ptolemey and Antonine LINDVM by Beda Lindecollinum by the Normans as Master Camden testifieth Nichol. g This is very false For this riuer hauing hitherto from his fountaine bent his course Northward as if it meant indeed to vnload it selfe at Grimesby doth notwithstanding heere alter that determination and turning it selfe cleane another way at length falleth into the sea at Boston a place almost full South both from Lincolne and Grimesby h Durham situate vpon the top of an hill by the riuer Weare which runneth almost round about it and thereupon was called by the Saxons Dun-holme that is if we shall interpret it into English The hill-ile is no ancient city For the fiirst stone of it as our histories report was laid by the Monkes of Lindesferne in the yeere of our Lord 995. before that we find no mention of it William the First built the Castle vpon the top of the Hill which since that time was the Bishops palace i Ireland the greatest iland in these Seas Brittain only excepted for it runneth out in length from South to North about foure hundred miles and where it is narrowest it is well neere two hundred miles ouer But of this we haue spoken in another place k Denmarke we now cal it is for the most part inuironed and washed with the salt sea and therefore he doth not greatly erre in that he termeth it An Iland l Island if I be not deceiued which Solinus in the thirtie fiue chapter of his Polyhistor saith is two daies saile from Cathnesse the North cape of Scotland His words are these A Caledoniae promontorio Thulen petentibus bidui nauigatio est Those that doe trauell betweene the cape of Caledonia or Cathnesse and Thule doe make it two daies saile Item in the same chapter a little beneath he writeth that Ab Orcadibus Thulem vsque quinque dierum noctium nauigatio est From the Orkney iles to Thule are fiue daies and fiue nights saile Yet Island is not that ancient Thule as Master Camden in his Britania proueth at large The position and distances answer well to Thule but the quantity or bignesse argueth that he meant Island which is much farther off either from
the coast of Norway or borders of Scotland as we shall by and by shew more plainly m So it is written apparently But obserue heere That of the Arabicke letters diuerse in forme and shape of body are the very same and are onely distinguished one from another by pricks or points placed either ouer their heads or vnderneath them Heereupon it is that that Arabicke word which heere I call _____ Zanbaga supposing only one letter to be misplaced which might be the fault of the printer may indifferently be either _____ Norbaga or Norwega as the Danes call it or _____ Neriga or Nerigon whereof Pliny speaketh which is all one in effect For Pomponius Mela saith that Thule Bergarum thus the learned Clarencieux readeth not Belgarum litori apposita est that is Thule is vpon the coast of Norway oueragainst the citie Bergen And it is out of all question saith the same authour that by Nerigon Pliny did vnderstand that same country which at this day we call Norway n That our authour did meane Island if there were no other argument this one were alone sufficient to prooue it For I doe not remember that any one of the ancient writers euer tooke vpon him to define Thule according to his length and breadth only Ptolemey and those other authours haue pointed at it as we haue shewed before and haue told vs whereabout it lieth in the Sea by the longitude and latitude of it as also by the situation of it from Scotland The Orkeney iles and Bergen in Norway Whereas he saith that the length of Rosland is 400 miles it is I say apparant that he meant Island For Ortelius in his Island thus writeth of it Patet haec insula in longitudiue centum milliarium Germanicorum vt vulgus scriptorum habet The length of this Iland as the common sort of writers doe testifie is one hundred Germane miles Now that a common or ordinary Dutch mile doth containe foure English or Italian miles it is a thing so commonly knowen that it needeth no proofe But hauing handled Gentle Reader the particulars for the most part before in their seuerall places least I be too tedious in a thing not greatly needfull I cease to trouble thee any longer GALIZIA a kingdome of Spaine THe kingdome of GALIZIA is bounded vpon the West and North with the Ocean sea vpon the East with the Asturias and the kingdome of Leon vpon the South with the riuer Min̄o and the Kingdome of Portingall It was sometime as Ferdinand Oiea the authour of this Mappe writeth much greater then now it is at this daie and was then held to be one of the largest kingdomes of all Spaine For it extended it selfe Eastward vp as farre as the mountaines of Biscaya and the head of the great riuer Duero Durius Pliny calleth it and so from thence it ranne all along by the banke of this riuer euen till where it falleth into the maine sea as our said authour prooueth by the testimony of Marius Aretius in his description of Spaine of Annius Viterbius and Floriano de Campo in the 40. chapter of his fourth booke and likewise in the third chapter of his fourth booke It is very vneuen and mounteinous or euery where full of dry barrein hils and dales and therfore much of it by reason it wanteth water is waste and not inhabited Their Villages and townes especially the greater and better sort of them are situate vpon the Sea or vpon some great riuer not farre from thence except Santiago Lugo and Mondon̄edo with one or two more Yet which is very strange heere are bred such woonderfull store of horses that that fable which reporteth that hereabouts in Spaine the mares conceiue with foale by vertue of the winde may seeme to be something probable Yea and this our authour Fernandez Oiea saith that it hath great store of cattell and of all manner of Deere aswell for necessary prouision and mainteinance of the house as for game and disporte for the nobility and gentry of the land But of Fish heere taken not only in the Sea but also in the fresh riuers there is such variety and woonderfull store that it is from hence conueighed to most places throughout all Spaine It hath many hot bathes and other springs and waters of rare and soueraigne vertues It yeeldeth great plenty of wine and that so good especially that which is made about Orense and Riuadauia that it is transported from hence farre and neere into all countries Christian It offordeth much good fruite of all sorts but especially of Limons and Orenges Silke and Flax are verie great and gainefull commodities vnto the inhabitants Heere were sometime as Pliny testifieth very rich Mines of gold And Niger writeth that amongst the Artabri who inhabited not farre from Cape finister the riuers and brooks did bring downe after any great store of raine Earth mingled with Siluer Tynne and Gold-ore yea and that the soile heere was so fertile of Gold Copper and Lead that ofttimes the husbandmen with their ploughes did turne vp great cloddes of good gold Yet we know now saith Maginus that the Mines of this country at this day are of no great account It hath also some quarreis of fine marble Pedro de Medina reckoneth vp threescore Cities and townes of note in Galizia of which these following are the most famous and renowmed and therefore the more worthy the speaking of in this place COMPOSTELLA a goodly city situate betweene the two riuers Sar and Sarela is now commonly called and knowen by the name of SANTIAGO Saint Ieameses for that the body of the glorious Apostle Saint Iames elder brother to Iohn the Euangelist who first preached the gospel heere and planted Christianity amongst the Spaniards lieth heere interred and in honour of this blessed Apostle by the consent generally of all Prince Nobles and Prelates it was long since adorned with the title and dignity of Metropolitan This by-word is common amongst the Spaniards That there be three Apostolicall Churches in the world most renowmed and famous Saint Peters in Rome Saint Ieamses in Spaine and Saint Iohns in Ephesus They commonly hold that the first Church that euer was built in Spaine was that of our Lady in Saragosa the second was this of Saint Iames. Heere also is a goodly Vniuersity and schoole of good learning where all the Liberall Sciences are professed and taught and many students are brought vp and maintained vntill they come to be of age and abilitie for publike seruice either in the Church or Commonwealth The GROINE is a very goodly towne situate in an isthmos or demy-ile betweene two baies or creeks of the sea whereof the one is held to be one of the best hauens of the world And therefore heere for the most parte of the Kings ships in time of peace doe lie at anchor LVGO one of the principall cities of all Galizia standeth vpon the Min̄o not farre from Castro de Rey where this riuer ariseth It
is very ancient and was out of doubt knowen to the Romans at such time they bore the sway in these parts yet there be some which doe thinke it to haue beene built by the Vandals long since the decay of that estate MONDONNEDO is a faire city seated vpon a little riuer toward the Northren sea coast not farre from Riuadeo It was aunciently called Glandomiro ORENSE situate vpon the riuer Min̄o is a very great and large citie The wines that are heere made are counted to be of the best and equall to those of Riuadauia Some thinke that it was in old time called Auria yet the Romans as it is probable called it Aquas Calidas of the hotte bathes which heere are founde and are now of the Spaniards called Burgas TVY or as some write it Tuyd built also vpon the riuer Min̄o not farre from the maine Sea was first founded as they fable by certaine Greeks who came hither from Troy with Diomedes Lucius Marineus Siculus maketh BVRGOS to be a city of Galizia His words are these Burgos saith he is a very famous and ancient city of Galizia in Spaine It was sometime as some authours reporte called Masburgi Liconitiurgis Brauum and Auca or as Pliny writeth it Ceuca It is a very rich and populous citie much resorted vnto by Gentlemen and Marchants of the one sorte for pleasure of the other for profit and therefore it is euery day greatly enlarged with goodly and sumptuous newe buildings If thou desire more of this city I wish thee to repaire to George Braun his Theater of the chiefe cities of the world If more of this kingdome read Peter de Medina his Las Grandezas ycosas notabiles de Espan̄a of the strange and memorable things of Spaine and I make no doubt if not with truthes and good historicall discourses yet with tedious tales and fables thou shalt haue thy belliefull DESCRIPCION DEL REYNO DE GALIZIA AVTH F. FER. OIEA ORD PRED A DON PEDRO FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO Y ANDRADE CONDE DE LEMOS DE VILLALVA Y ANDRADE MARQVES DE SARRIA c. Galizia es vno de los muchos Reynos de Espan̄a que possée nuestro Rey Filipo Era antiguamente mucho mayor que ahora comprendia todas las tierras y prouinçias que ay dentro de los limites siguientes de la mar del Norte y montan̄a de Iunto à Vizcaya husta las fuentes del gran Rio Duero y de ay todo lo que el corre hasta dar consigo en la mar y caminando por las orillas della hasta-botuer al mismo punto de dunde salimos Marij Aretij dialog de descript Hisp apud Berosum et Viterb in inquirid et Florian. de Campo lib. 3. c. 40 et 42. et lib. 4. c. 3. Oy en dia con la mudança del gouierno y de los tiempos ha quedado con este-nombre solo lo que parece en esta tabla de lo qual tiene V. Ex a. vna gran parte y assi por ella como por la mucha afficion que todos los Principes de su casa han tenido siempre a las cosas deste Reyno me parecio se le deuia de Iusticia la ymagen y descripcion del Supplico á V. Ex a. la reciua con la gracia y amor que suele c. Abunda de carnes este Reyno y de todo genero de caça de mucho y muy-buen pescado assi de mar como de rios de que se prouée la mayor parte de Espan̄a Tiene grande abundancia de aguas frias y calientes que llaman ban̄os mucho vino y del mejor que se halla en toda la Europa particularmente el de Orense y Riua dauia del qual se prouen muchas prouincias del Reyno y de fuera del Tiene muchas y muy buenas frutas limas y naranjas de todo genero Seda y mucho lino muchos minerales de Oro y plata hierro c. y algunas canteras de marmol Su temperamento ni frio ni caliente JOANNES BAPTISTA VRINTS AEMVLVS STVDII GEOGRAPHIAE D. ABRAHAMI ORTELII P.M. COSMOG REGII EXCVDIT HOC MYSTERIVM FIRMITER PROFITEMVR FRANCE FRANCE or GALLIA as the Latines called it at this day one of the goodliest and greatest Kingdomes of Europe hath notwithstanding in forepassed ages beene much larger then now it is For in Iulius Caesars time it conteined all that Westerne part of the Maineland inhabited and possessed by the Belgae Aquitani Celtae and Heluetij bounded vpon the North by the Rhein vpon the West by the maine Ocean sea vpon the South with the Pyreney mountaines and vpon the East with the stately Alpes For thus he writeth in the First booke of his Commentaries of the warres of France GALLIA est omnis diuisa in partes tres Quarum vnam incolunt BELGAE aliam AQVITANI tertiam qui ipsorum lingua CELTAE nostra GALLI appellantur Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen à Belgis Matrona et Sequana diuidit All FRANCE is diuided into three parts whereof the one is possessed of the Belgae the other of the Aquitani the third of those people which they in their language call Celtae wee in ours Galli The Galli or Gaules are diuided from the Aquitanes by the riuer Garonne and from the Belgae by the Marne and Seine Item a little beneath hee saith that GALLIA beginneth at the riuer Rhosne and it is bounded with the Garonne the Ocean sea and Belgium moreouer toward the Sequani and Heluetij it abbutteth vpon the Rhein It bendeth somewhat Northward BELGIVM beginneth at the outmost borders of Gallia and from thence it costeth along by the inner side of the riuer Rhein It lieth North and by East from the rest of Gallia AQVITANIA ariseth at the riuer Garonne and so from thence it falleth downe to the Pyreney mountaines and the Spanish seas It lieth West and by North from the rest of France Nay beside this diuision there was yet another much more large extending the bounds of France beyond the Alpes which did include a good part of Italy and therefore it was of the Romans named GALLIA CISALPINA Fraunce on this side the Alpes or Italia Gallica France in Italy But of these and the like diuisions we haue in the former spoken plentifully and therefore we now surcease to repeat them againe in this place And we are not ignorant how much of this large compasse heere described is at this day seuered from the crowne of France and hath these many yeeres beene gouerned by seuerall Lords and Princes A great part of Gallia Belgica as namely Flaunders Brabant Artois Limburgh and other belongeth vnto the King of Spaine Holland Zeland with the rest of the Low-countries are gouerned by the States Zuittzerland Cleue Lorrain Alsas Sauoy Piemont and some other prouinces are held of the Emperour and are subiect to their proper Princes and no one
foote for ought I know of Italy beyond the Alpes doth belong now to the crowne or kingdome of France The seuerall Shires or Prouinces of this kingdome are very many whereof the most principall are these Boulennois Ponthieu Caux Picardy Normandy Fraunce Beausse Bretaigne Aniow Le Maine Poitow Lymosin Santoine Guien Gascoigne Perigot Quercy Champaine Berrey Gastinois Sologne Auuergne Niuernois Lyomois Charrolois Bourbonois Maine Daulphein Prouince Languedocke Bloys or Blasois Forram Burgundy La Franche Conte Vermandois and some few others mentioned in this Mappe The whole land generally is very fertile and withall passing pleasant and healthfull and thereupon they vse to say that Lombardy is the garden of Italy and France is the garden of Europe Yet some places are more fertile for some one commodity then others are Picardy Normandy and Languedocke are as goodly countries for Corne as any in all Christendome beside Some places doe afforde great store of fruits some as great plenty of Wood In some places Flax and Hempe doe grow in great abundance in other places they make as great a commoditie of their Woad The whole countrey generally in all places affordeth much wine but the best is made in Beausse about Orleans They haue some mines of Iron but many of Salt Whereupon La Noüe saith that the Corne Wine Salt and Woad that is from hence transported into forraine Countries doth bring in yeerely to the subiects and crowne of France twelue hundred thousand pounds of currant mony And Iohn Bodine affirmeth that Such springs of Corne Salt and wine doe heere flow so copiously that it is almost impossible to empty them or drawe them quit dry Another a country man of ours a worthy gentleman and of as good iudgement as the best of them saith that in the prouince of Limosin are the best Beeues about Orleans the best Wines in Auuergne the best Swine and in Berry the choisest Mutton and greatest store of Sheepe In France there are twelue Archbishoprickes and one hundred and foure Suffraganes or Bishops Bodine saith that there are in France twentie seuen thousand and foure hundred Parish Churches counting onely euery city for a Parish The cities and walled townes in this country are very many but of them all PARIS is the chiefe which doth as much excell the rest as the lofty cedar doth the lowest shrubbes And I haue heard say if my memory faile me not that the King of France being demaunded by an Embassadour how many cities there were in all that his whole country and kingdome reckoned vp a great number and amongst them made no mention at all of Paris and being againe asked the reason why he did not account that for one amongst the rest answeared that Paris was another world This towne is seated in the I le of France vpon the riuer Sein in as pleasant and fertile a place as elsewhere may be found in this whole kingdome It is a very ancient city called by Caesar Lutetia by Ptolemey Lucotecia and by Iulianus in his Misopogonus Leucetia Zosimus nameth it Parisium and Marcellinus Castellum Parisiorum The castle of the Parisij For this prouince which now they call properly France or The I le of France was the ancient seat and habitation of the Parisij The riuer Sein Sequana parting it selfe into two streames diuideth this towne into three parts to wit The Burge vpon the North side The Vniuersity vpon the South and The Ville in the middest in the I le aforesaid which seemeth to be the old towne mentioned by Caesar For thus he writeth in the seuenth booke of his Commentaries of the warres of France Id oppidum Lutetia hee meaneth Parisiorum positum in insula fluminis Sequanae Lutetia that towne of the Parisij is situate in an iland in the riuer Sein It is as our learned countryman reporteth tenne English miles about by the wals The Vniuersity was founded by Charles the Great in the yeere of our Lord eight hundred For other particulars I wish thee to looke backe to that which we haue written before generally of France or particularly of diuers and sundry seuerall Prouinces of the same And beside those authours before named thou maiest adioine that our learned countriemam who not long since set out a discourse of this kingdome intituled The view of France GALLIA Geographica Galliae descriptio de integro plurimis in locis emendata ac Regionum limitibus distincta auctore Petro Plantio Quicquid terrarum Rhene Alpibus mari Mediterraneo Pyrenais montibus oceano Aquitanico Britannico et Germanico clauditur communi nomino Latinis Galliae appellatur quibus limitibus potentissimum Francorum regnum Sabaudia Burgundia comitatus Holvetia Alsatia Lotharingia inferior Germania et quaedam aliae regiones hodie continentur Ioannes Baptista Vriuts excudit The Duchie of LIMBORGH in the Low Countries GERMANIA INFERIOR or as we now call it The Low countries is at this day diuided into these seuenteene prouinces to wit foure Duchies Brabant Limbourgh Lukenburgh Guelderland seuen Counties or Earldomes Flanders Artois Heinault Holland Zeland Namur and Zurphen one Marquisate commonly called The Marquisate of the Sacred Empire fiue Grand Signeories Frizeland Mechlin Vtreckt Ouer-issel and Groninghen Of the most of these we haue in the former spoken seuerally and at large onely of Limborgh which although it be one of the least yet in honor and dignity not the least we haue hitherto spoken little or nothing The Dukedome of LIMBOVRGH therefore is a very little prouince situate in the middest betweene the Duchie of Gulich Gelderland the Bishopricke of Leege and Lutzenburge The citie Limburgh or as they vulgarly call it Lympurch the chiefe towne of this prouince and whereof it tooke the name standeth vpon the riuer Wesse or Wesdo as they name it and is distant from Aix three leagues but from Leige it is foure at the least or somewhat more It is a very strong towne both by nature and arte For being built vpon the rising of a stony hill it is enclosed round with a very defensible wall garded heere and there with diuers strong towers beside a goodly large Castle all of free stone vpon the toppe of the hill The situation and prospect of this citie is most pleasant and commendable For at the foote of the hill at the townes side runneth the riuer vnto which adioineth a goodly fertile plaine where daily great store of cattell are kept and mainteined to the great commodity and gaine of the inhabitants round about This city is not ancient nor once mentioned by any old writer as D. Remacle Fusch a learned Physician this countriman borne plainly confesseth and yet he saith that hee had diligently searched and turned ouer all authours who either of set purpose or by the way haue handled that kind of argument The soile is very good and fertile both for corne and pasture especially about Heruey a fine village not farre from Clermont Onely wine it yeeldeth none at all but in
iland MONA the ancient seat of the DRVIDES TO satisfie your request concerning the Name and situation of the I le MONA most learned Ortell and to set downe in writing what I haue obserued of that argument in the reading of ancient and moderne authours what I haue found by experience and trauell and what I haue gathered by the knowledge of the British tongue which to this day is spoken vulgarly by the inhabitants of this iland were but so much as I confesse is due to your kinde loue and manifold courtesies whereby you haue many wayes eternally bound me vnto you Notwithstanding in so doing I am sure to be seuerely censured of many condemned of some and generally to be subiect and opposed to the obloquy and scandalous speeches of the baser sort such I mean as haue no maner of learning or sound iudgement For a preiudicate opinion though neuer so false and absurd nay euen the grossest errors if they be once receiued and setled in the heart will hardly euer be remoued especially being patronaged and defended by the authority of Polydore Virgil a graue learned man and one that for those times was accounted very eloquent But by their leaue I may say That this man hath stuffed his Histories with many manifest errours mille mendis mendacijs with a thousand faults and falshoods which he fell into not only for that he wanted the knowledge of the British tongue which now the English after the maner of the Germans call Welsh that is Strange or Barbarous without which euen the very name of the iland can by no meanes be truely vnderstood But also either for that he neuer read the best of our Authours or els for that he bearing a proud splene and malice against the Britons whom the best and most honorable of all the Romane Emperours did loue and greatly esteeme little weighed their authority and haughtilie attributing too much to his owne neglected the better and followed the steps poore blinde man of one William Little little in name and little in estimation and credit as blinde a foole as himselfe But let this brasen faced diminisher of the Britons honour burst himselfe if he will and do what he can to the vttermost of his might and malice so long as Diodorus Siculus Dion Cassius twise Consul of Rome Herodian Plutarch Pausanias Ptolemey and Strabo are extant amongst the Greekes Caesars Commentaries Tacitus his Annals Eutropius Suetonius Orosius Aelius Spartianus Iulius Capitolinus Aelius Lampridius Flauius Vopiscus Aurelius Victor Ammianus Marcellinus Sextus Rufus The Panegyricks of Mamertinus and others Pliny Antonine Mela and Solinus amongst the Latines beside the Annals of the three Gildases Ninnius and diuers other very learned men written many hundred yeres since in the British tongue who before the comming of the English which our countreymen to this day call by their ancient name Saxons haue learnedly penned the histories of this their natiue countrey and beside Asserius Obbern Felix Monumetensis Henricus Huntingtonensis Malmesburiensis Annouillanus Iscanus Neccham Gyraldus Parisiensis Trenetus and infinite others which since those Saxons conquered that part of the iland which they call England but we reteining the old name Lhoëgria haue done the like Let I say this proud Italian burst himselfe and let him snarle at the worthy acts of the Britons while so many and such ancient authours do liue to sound the trumpe of their honour no impudent lying fellow shall euer be able with his calumnies to obscure the bright lusture of the Britons glory to impeach the honourable fame of their renowmed deeds spread abroad by such worthy men or to fasten the least infamy vpon them But now it is time to come to our proposed argument and to speake more particularly of MONA which Polydore Virgil taking vpon him more than he well might hath depriued of the ancient name and leauing it namelesse hath giuen both it and Menauia to the I le of Man as may thus be proued both out of the Greeke Latine and British writers as also out of the language which here to this day is spoken by the inhabitants It is apparent out of Caesar Tacitus and others that MONA was an iland very neere to the coast of Britaine betweene it and Ireland In which Sea there are but two beside the Hebrides that are of any note and bignesse Therefore it must needs follow that one of those two is that MONA which is so often mentioned in ancient histories Wherefore I thinke it not amisse to set downe before your eyes the position of them both and how they do lie from the coast of England other ilands round about them that by that meanes that which followeth may the better be vnderstood The first of these which Polydore calleth ANGLESEY is very neere to that part of Britaine which we call Cumry and the English Wales from which it is seuered by a very narrow frith or bay of the sea the countrey people call it Menai which ouer-against the middest of the iland is hardly a mile ouer Vpon the East side of this I le there is a very strong castle and a prety fine citie called Beaumarish Bellum mariscum both built by Edward the First King of England On the other side of the iland opposite to this city there is a maruellous conuenient place to take shipping for Ireland and therefore it is much for that purpose resorted vnto and frequented by the English They call it Holy-head but of the Welsh men it is called Caërgybi that is Gubchester or The citie of Kybi In this iland is Aberfraw which within these three or foure hundred yeeres was the chiefe seat where ordinarily the King of Northwales Gwynedia or as some barbarously write it Venedocia did reside and keepe his Court This iland for the bignesse of it mainteineth and breedeth much cattell and sheepe It yeerely yeeldeth such plentie of wheat that in respect of that fertility it is commonly called The mother of Wales They haue little wood here growing yet euery day the bodies of huge trees with their roots and sirre trees of a woonderfull length and bignesse are heere by the inhabitants found and digged out of the earth in diuers places in low grounds and champion fields The people speake the Welsh tongue and for the most part they do not vnderstand one word of English notwithstanding they haue for these three hūdred yeeres and more beene subiect as the rest of Wales hath beene to the Kings and Crowne of England But now let vs come to the other iland to which also Polydore Virgil hath not long since without any ground or good authoritie giuen the name of MONA That standeth in the middest of the maine sea distant from the neerest place of England at the least fiue and twentie miles It is almost as bigge as that other but it is farre more barren and waste and those men that are borne and bred there are weake and nothing so fit for
is about fiue and twentie English miles long and sixteene miles ouer euery mile containing one thousand and two hundred Geographicall pases Therefore it conteineth in compasse well neere threescore and twelue Italian miles For in some places it is not full sixteene miles ouer That which he speaketh of the scarsitie of wood here it is very true For Tacitus reporteth that the woods were cut downe and destroyed by the Romans an infinite number of the bodies of which as I haue shewed before couered with earth and hid within the ground are at this day by the countrey people found in sundry places of the I le And that there haue beene woods here within these foure hundred yeeres or thereabouts it is very manifest by our histories Of the barrennesse of this Iland I know not well what to say seeing that he is not ashamed to write that which all men do know to be most false For such is the fertilitie of this iland that our people vse to say prouerbially that Anglesey is the mother of Wales Mon mam Gymry Moreouer the inhabitants for their proportion and state of our countrey are verie wealthie and withall stout and valiant as appeareth out of the English Historiographers For the English men haue oft times assaulted this iland by sea and laboured to get the possession thereof but all in vaine For they haue been alwaies there slaine or put to the worst This Hugh Earle of Shrewsburie and Arundell there slaine can testifie to be true This also Henrie the naturall sonne of Henrie the First with many noble men with him there slaine can well testifie How true this is I can not tell but this I finde that two Hughs of the Norman blood the one Earle of Chester the other Earle of Shrewsburie did enter this iland greatly vexe the inhabitants and that they might the better retaine them in due obedience did build the castle at Aber Lhienioc and of these two Hugh Earle of Chester was indeed there slaine but how not in the entrance or assault of the I le but in the defence of it after he had gotten quiet possession of the same yet not by the Welsh men but by the Norweighians who vnder the conduct of Magnus their Generall landed heere slew many of the people robbed the countrey and departed with great spoile Of that Henrie I finde not one word in others What should I say more Polydore Virgils Mona distant from the coast of Britaine twentie fiue miles no whit bigger than this but much more barren and such as breedeth a weaker kinde of men descended from the Irish euen by the iudgement of Polydore himselfe doth now renounce the title of Mona But what other men also do thinke of this matter let vs heare in few words Ptolemey the Prince of Geographers vpon the East side of Ireland placeth foure ilands MONARINA or as other copies do reade Monaida MONA ADROS and LYMNOS The two latter are very well knowen vnto vs at this day for that indeed they doe still reteine those auncient names Adros of our countrey men is called Ynys ador that is as the words doe signifie The iland of birds Lymnos they now call Enlli which the English men call Bardesey that is as he would faine interpret it Insula Bardorum The Bardes iland But I doubt whether our Saxons did euer vnderstand what the Britons Bardi meant yet of this I am sure that the learned M. Camden in his Britannia is of another opinion Of the other two then the one must of necessity be our Mona the other Polydores Mona Monaria is by Ptolemey placed much farther Northward than Mona and Mona hee maketh to lie somewhat more Easterly than Monaria For this Monaria I meane or Monaoeda as Ptolemeyes copies vulgarly haue it lieth as he writeth from the Canaries Eastward 17 degrees and 40 minutes but vp so high into the North that the pole there is eleuated aboue the horizont 61 degrees and 30 minutes when as the other to wit Mona lieth from the Canaries but 15 degrees and from the North but 57 degrees and 40 minutes Polydores Mona leaneth both more toward the North and East than ours doth Therefore it is Ptolemeys Monaria that he speaketh of not Ptolemeys Mona And this our Mona shall still reteine that ancient name of Mona which Ptolemey gaue vnto it in his time This we haue collected out of forreine histories Now let vs come to our owne Writers who I thinke in a matter of names of places in their owne country and language ought rather to be beleeued than an Italian a meere stranger borne and brought vp beyond the seas farre from this our countrey But that these things may the better be vnderstood some few lines are here by the way to be inserted All men do know and confesse this to be true that the Britons before the entrance of the English or Saxons did possesse this whole iland vntill such time as being by them conquered and subdued they were forced to abandon the better part of the same leauing it to the possession of their enemies and to content themselues with the Western parts only And they being thus seated were called by the names of the places were they dwelt as for example those which possessed Cambria were named Cambri those which inhabited Cornouia were knowen and called by the name of the Cornouij Yet the English men did after the maner of the Dutch who name the French and Italians VVelsh call them all generally VVelshmen Adding for difference sake the names of the countries as it is manifest by those histories which yet are extant written in the Saxon tongue For those our Brits are in them called VValae and the Cornouij Cornwalae not as the vnlearned do thinke Cornugalliae Neither can I with silence ouerpasse that shamelesse impudencie of Polydore who braggeth that he was the first that euer found this out and committed the same to writing when it is most certeine that he stole this etymologie and reason why this our countrie was called Wales out of Syluester Giraldus But that I may returne vnto that where I left the Welshmen being thus cooped vp into a corner did notwithstanding reteine the ancient British tongue so that the Countries Cities Riuers Ilands and people of Britaine are by the Welshmen called by those names whereby they were knowen and called at such time as they possessed the whole For our countrey people such I meane as are borne and brought vp farre within the land do not know what the name of an English man doth meane but all the English they do generally terme Saisson that is Saxons for they haue no x England they call by the ancient name Lhoëger Wales Cambri Cornwall Corniw Scotland Alban Ireland Yuerdhon and indeed some old Writers do write the name of this iland not Hibernia but Iuernia as M. Camden sheweth at large in his Britannia So also we doe still call all the Cities of England by those names
by reason of the champion plaines and commodiousnesse of the marine coasts are farre the more pleasant and better so North-Wales Borealis Venedotia is knowen to haue many countries and places farre more strong and better fortified by nature and situation many more goodly braue men euerie where to haue much better and more fertile ground For like as Snowdon hilles are thought to be able to finde pasture for all the cattell in Wales if they were all driuen thither so it is reported that the I le Mona Anglisea may for a time finde all Wales bread-corne such is the woonderfull store of wheat that it doth yeerely yeeld What man is he that is so blockish and void of vnderstanding that shall read and consider these arguments and allegations that will make any doubt whether Polydore's Anglisea be the true Mona that ancient seat of the Druides so renowmed by the Romane warres and oft mentioned in their histories Moreouer who can doubt whether that other Iland which the Welshmen call Manaw and the English Man which he and some other learned men chusing rather to drinke puddle water from a neere channell than to seeke farther for a cleere streame or pure fountaine haue falsly named Mona or whether we ought not rather with Ptolemey to call it Monaria or Monaida Eubonia with Gildas Menauia with Beda and Henrie Huntington or Mania with Gyraldus Many more arguments and testimonies of learned men I could in this place haue alleaged but lest I should be too tedious and troublesome to the Reader I will at this time with these content my selfe nothing doubting but these to any learned man or any one well acquainted with the Welsh histories shal be thought sufficient to stop the mouth of the scandalous aduersary and to answer all the cauils of the malitious enuiours of the Britons glory Therefore I must entreat thee most learned Ortell for that thy kindnesse and humanity which thou art wont to shew to others to take this in good part and in that thy goodly Theater to set out this our Mona in the ancient colours to the publicke view of the world And I hope before it be long to send you a more absolute description not only of this our Mona but also of all Wales illustrated both with the ancient names vsed by the Romans and Britons and also with the moderne English whereby they are knowen at this day of that nation Moreouer I haue a Geographicall Chart or Map of England described according to the moderne situation and view with the ancient names of riuers townes people and places mentioned by Ptolemey Pliny Antonine and others that those grosse and shamelesse lies of Hector Boothe may by that means the easilier be descried against which Hector Boothe our Leland that famous and learned Antiquary wrote this most worthy Epigramme Hectoris historici tot quot mendacia scripsit Si vis vt numerem Lector amice tibi Me iubeas etiam fluctus numerare marinos Et liquidi stellas connumerare poli Would'st haue me gentle Reader tell I he lies that Hector Boothe did write I may aswell count sand of sea Or starres of heauen in cleerest night I haue also a very exact description of the marine tract or sea coast of Scotland all which when I shall come vp to London which God willing shall be before the end of April next I will send vnto you Whereby the manifest and palpable errours of certeine learned men shall be discouered who in their Geographicall Chart trusting too confidently to certeine vnlearned mens relations and writings haue most falsly and erroneously set downe the names of diuers places cities and riuers to the great preiudice and danger of such as shall giue heed vnto them In the meane time I bid you heartily farewell beseeching you of all loues if there be any thing wherein I may pleasure you not to entreat it but to command it by the law of friendship and league of learned scholars Richard Clough a verie honest man and one that was the cause and procurer of this our loue and acquaintance aswell your friend as mine shall both bring your letters from you to me and mine to you that interest I know we both haue in him Againe farewell most kinde ORTELL from Denbigh in Guynedh or North-Wales this fifth of April in the yeere of our Lord God M.D.LXVIII Thine to his vttermost power HVMFREY LHOYD of Denbigh in Wales LONDON Printed for IOHN NORTON and IOHN BILL 1606.
seuen Hospitals seuen Parishes seuen Nunries seuen Colleges seuen Frieries and seuen gates Not farre from hence is the valley of Chisa at the head of the riuer Sorgues a place so highly magnified by Petrarch as he often calles it his Helicon and Pernassus This he made choise of as an hermitage to weane himselfe from worldly cogitations A man in my conceit not of the ordinary cast of Writers and whom I may boldly and deseruedly call The Christian Seneca PROVINCIAE Regionis Galliae vera exactissimaque descriptio Petro Ioanne Bompario auctore Cum Privilaegio decennali Imp. Reg. et Brab 1594 The coast of NARBONNE THE principall places along this coast William Paradine describes in these words Arles was a colonie of the Sextaine as some Writers doe affirme Standing vpon Rhosne it is enuironed with Marshes wherein at this present are a breed of fierce and vntamed Kine Whilome it was a famous Mart-towne as Strabo writes in maner following Narbo saith he the most frequented Mart of this Region standeth at the outlet of the riuer Araxis by the lake Narbonensis but vpon Rhodanus the towne of Arles a Mart of no small importance is situate Neere vnto Arles are those hot bathes where Sextius saith Strabo built a towne after his owne name calling it Aquae Sextiae The cause why he built it was to place a Roman garrison there Here were the Cimbrislaine by Marius as writeth S. Ierome Aurasio now called Orange famous in times past for the gouernment of the Gabali or Cabilonenses wherin I saw the ruines of an huge Theater and a mightie wall excellently built of square stone the like whereof I doubt whether all France can affoord There stands also at the gate towards Lions a triumphall arche with a tilt or turniment of horsmen ingrauen thereupon which we long beheld with great delight To this citie belongeth Nemausum now called Arenas a place renowmed for the ancient Theater there extant Heere is a most woonderfull passage vnder ground passing thwart vnder the very chanell of Rhodanus to the citie which standeth afarre off Heere likewise you may see the Palace of Plotina built by Adrian the Emperour as Spartianus reporteth c. Thus much out of Paradine But of all others most exactly Iohn Poldo d' Albena hath described this citie and set forth the antiquities in picture with the situations and ancient names of the places adiacent Of this argument reade Strabo in his fourth booke and Gunterus a Poet of Genoa The originall of this Table my friend Mr. Carolus Clusius of Arras gaue me drawen with his owne hand SAVOIE SAVOIE standeth on this side the Alpes the Prince whereof called the Duke of Sauoie is Lord of the Region of Piemont The head citie is Chamberi of olde as saith Caenalis called Ciuaro wherein the Senate or Parliament resideth This region some thinke was named Sabaudia from certaine people called Sebusiani and as others suppose of the Sabbatian fourds But Bouillus renders another reason of this name For this region saith he in regard of the narrow passages as being situate among the Alpes and of the scarsitie of inhabitants was all ouer-pestered with theeues which either robbed or murdered such trauellers as passed that way Hereupon a certaine Nobleman hauing obtained it of the Emperour vnder the title of a Dukedome expelled by force of armes all the said theeues and robbers and made the way most secure for trauellers This done he caused it afterward to be named Salua via commonly Sauluoy that is The safe way which before was called Mala via alias Mauluoy The euill or dangerous way hence the Latines call it Sabaudia Hitherto Carolus Bouillus Whether it be a fable or an historie I appeale to the authours credit This one thing I am sure of that the word SAPAVDIA is often vsed in the booke called Notitiae prouinciarum for a name of one of the prouinces of Gallia Narbonensis But here also I thinke it not amisse to annex the description of this prouince out of the history which Paradine wrote of it His words be these That region which in Latine is now called Sabaudia commonly Sauoy ancient Writers named Allobroges And it containeth all that tract which in times past the Sabbatij Ingauni Intimelij Hiconij Tricorij Vicontij Lepontij Latobrigi Medualli Centrones Catoriges Veragri Nantuarij Salassi Tharantasij and Seduni inhabited The regions therein comprised at this present are thus named Sauoy the countie of Geneua the Marquisat of Susa the countie of Morienne the Baronisse of Tharentaise Brengeois Foucigni Chablais Val de Oste Pais de Vaul Pais de Geis and some others The Duchie of Sauoy hath vnder it the region of Piemont adorned with the title of a Princedome Also the region of Bresse wherein are the counties of Varaz Mountrueil Pont de Vaulx Bagey c. Out of ancient monuments it is apparent that this region in times past bare the name of a Kingdome especially in the dayes of Hannibal who being ordained vmpire betweene Bronchus and his brother about the gouernment of this countrey compounded their quarrell and restored the kingdome to the eldest whom his yonger brother had expelled as Liuie reports in his 21. booke Florus also affirmeth that Betultus or as some reade it Betuitus the King of this place was taken captiue by Fabius Maximus And sundrie authours doe make mention of King Cottius in the time of the Emperour Augustus of whom the neighbour-alpes were called Cottiae More concerning this region you may reade in Philibert Pingonicus The Countie of VENACIN THe Countie of Venacin named in Latine Comitatus VENVXINVS and by Caenalis VENETICVS and the Popes territory also because it is vnder his iurisdiction is part of that region in France now called Prouence and of olde Narbonensis secunda The principall citie is Auignon situate vpon the Rhosne It is the Popes towne and held for a while the Papall sea In this countie are three Bishopricks where law-matters also are decided namely Carpentras Cauaglion or L'isle and Vaurias In this Table is comprehended also the Princedome of Orange so called of Orange the chiefe citie being famous in Sidonius and Ptolemey vnder the name of Arausio Plinie and Pomponius call it Arausia Secundanorum COL ARAVSIO SECVNDANOR COH 33. VOLVNT is found grauen vpon an ancient stone More concerning this region you may reade in Belleforest and Theuet GALLIA NARBONENS SABAVDIAE DVCAT Auctore Aegidio Bulionio Belga Scala milliarium VENVXINI COMITATVS NOVA DESCR Auctore Stephano Ghebellino LORRAIN THE bounds of Lorrain in times past extended much farther for it comprehended in a maner all the whole region lying betweene the riuer Rhene and Scheld and the mountaine Vogasus All which was diuided into the higher and the lower The lower Lorrain contained Brabant Haspengow Guelders and Cleue In the higher were the Bishopricke of Liege with the counties of Lutzenburg and Limburg as likewise the duchy of Maesland the countie Palantine vpon Sur and
dispute of the Common-wealth and that the like tumults haue bereft many cities of their libertie and brought great calamities vpon them Now if any quarrell or dissention arise among the common sort it is not referred to the Masters or Wardens of their crafts and mysteries but to the Senatours themselues who presently appoint two arbitratours to search into the cause and to do their best to compound it If they can not bring it to agreement then it comes before the Senate who hauing awarded the matter do vnder a grieuous penaltie impose silence to both parties With great seueritie they punish fightings brawles iniuries and priuate quarrels for the maintenance of publike peace insomuch as a man would thinke that Minos and Rhadamanthus gaue dayly sentence vpon their iudgement seats Thus farre Pighius concerning the originall the magistrates and the common wealth of this citie More you may reade in the same authour The territories adiacent being naturally barren and sandie are by the industrie of the people made fruitfull In the same territorie stands Altorff where not many yeeres since the States of Nurenburg instituted an Vniuersitie Nurenburg is watered by the riuer Pegnitz which it crosseth with many stone-bridges In compasse it containeth eight miles It is compassed with a double wall whereon are 183. turrets besides castles and fortresses Concerning the originall situation maners and customes of this citie you haue a notable discourse written by Conradus Celtis a Poet laureat BRAVNSVICENSIS ET LVNEBVRGENSIS DVCATVVM VERA DELINEAT NORIMBERG AGRI FIDISSIMA DESCRIP Habet urbs Nurenberga plateas et vicos 52. puteos aquarum 16. fontes ex arborum truncis emanantes 12. pontes lapideos 11. publica balnea 13. Cum priuilegio decennali Imp. Reg. Cancel Brabantiae 1590. FRANKENLANDT FRANKENLANDT is partly plaine and partly mountainous the mountaines are not very steepe nor the plaines very fruitfull being for the most part sandy In many places the hilles be set with vines do yeeld pleasant and delicate wine especially about Wirtzburg There are great store of woods and much hunting The country is subiect to many gouernours notwithstanding they call the Bishop of Wirtzburg Duke of Frankenlandt The Bishops of Mentz and of Bamberg haue many places here And the Count Palatine enioyeth a great part Here the Marqueses Orantes are seated And here are many imperiall cities also As touching Norimberg it is doubtfull whether it belongs to Frankenland or Bauaria by the name Bauaria should seeme to chalenge it For Norimberg is as much to say as Mons Noricus The Norick hill whereby it appeareth that it was the city of the Norici And after the Norici succeeded the Boiari or Bauarians and now that portion of countrey that lies betweene Danubius and Norimberg is called Noricum Howbeit the city is in the diocesse of Bamberg which belongeth to Frankenlandt The inhabitants of Norimberg will be accounted neither Bauarians nor Frankes but a nation differing from both It is a stately city with churches castles and houses most sumptuously built It stands vpon the riuer Pegnitz in a barren and sandy place which increaseth the peoples industry for they are all either artizans or merchants so that they are exceeding rich and beare a great name in Germany It is a place most fit for the Emperours court a free city and seated almost in the midst of Germany Betweene Bamberg and Norimberg lies Forchaim a towne famous for snow-white bread The inhabitants suppose that Pilate was here borne Thus farre Aeneas Siluius in his description of Europe Reade also Iohannes Aubanus Hermannus Comes Nuenarius Tritthemius the Abbat and Iohn Auentinus who thinks that the principall city thereof Wirtzburg was of old called Poeonia THE BISHOPRICK OF MVNSTER OF this Bishopricke thus writeth Sebastian Munster in his Cosmography Charlemaine erected a third Bishopricke in the midst of Saxonie now Westphalia in Myningrode a place which afterward in regard of a famous Monastery there founded was called Munster and there he ordained as Bishop one Ludgerus borne in Frisland Whose successour Hermannus consecrated the Monastery and Church on the other side the water to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary Which Monastery in short time so mightily increased and became so famous that it gaue name both to the City and Bishopricke so that the old name of Myningrode being abolished by little and little it began to be called the City and Bishoprick of Munster which name remaines euen till this present day Hitherto Munster out of Crantzius Concerning this Bishoprick and that of Ozenburg reade the Saxonie of Albertus Crantzius and Hamelman his commentaries of Westphalia This City anno 1533. receiued great dammage by the Anabaptists who expelling the citizens vsurped the same and chusing a King out of their rabble they held it almost a yeere against the Archbishop of Colen and the Duke of Cleue who besieged it with a strong army But the Bishop at length growing Master punished both them and their King as they deserued FRANCIAE ORIENTALIS VVLGO FRANCKENLANT DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE SEBAST A ROTENHAN MONASTERIENSIS ET OSNABVRGENSIS EPISCOPATVS DESCRIPTIO Auctore Godefrido Mascop Embricense Cum priuilegio BOHEMIA IOannes Dubrauius in his Bohemian story describeth this region in maner following Bohemia is situate in Germanie East it extendeth to Morauia and Silesia and west to Bauaria Austria bordereth to the South as Saxonie and Misnia do Northward It is in forme of a Theater enuironed around by the forest or woods of Hercynia Wherefore there is no great difference between the length and the bredth containing not much aboue 200. miles a piece Charles king of Bohemia who afterward was Emperour diuided it into 12. regions of which one only he named after the riuer Vultaw that runneth through Prage the other eleuen he called by the names of their principall townes some of them being so harsh of pronunciation that a man shall hardly speake them vnlesse he be a Bohemian borne or very skilfull in the language The chiefe Bohemian townes lying towards Morauia are Mutha Chrudima Konignigretz Pardubitz Litomitz Towards Bauaria you haue Glatow Domazlitz Misa and Tachow On the side towards Austria the principall towne is Buduitz with Cromlawe Trebon Hradeck as likewise on the Misnian side stand Pons Cadana Chomutawe Austia and on the Silesian quarter Iaromir Glacitz Curia and some others In the heart of the countrey the principall townes of note are Cuttenberg Kolim Pelsin Veron Zateckz Launa Slana Lytomerick and Tabor But the head citie of all is Prage being so great as it containeth three faire cities within it namely the new the old and the little towne which is disioyned from the two former by the riuer Vultaw Their Buildings both Publique and priuat are stately and magnificall This city hath two castles one called Vissegard whilom the Kings palace but now waste and almost desolate by meanes of ciuile warres Again that other castle that ouer looketh the little towne as it is named so it
all Italie Neere vnto this lake is the territorie of Rosella called of Virgill Rosaea rura velini Velino's fields bedecked with roses sweet of all Italie the most fertile which fertilitie was such as Varro witnesseth that a rod being left in it ouer night the next day it might not be seene for grasse and therefore it is called Sumen Italiae The sweet bread of Italie In former ages they haue reported that the plaine of Stellate was the goodliest and best soile of all Italie but now as Blondus saith the places about Bonony and Mutina do far surpasse the rest Sabellicus according to the common report of the common people attributeth these epithets vnto the chiefe cities of Italie Venice the rich Millane the great Genua the proud Florence the faire Bonony the fertile Rauenna the olde Rome the holie and Naples the noble But the commendation of this country set out by Plinie with as great a maiesty of words as that countrey doth excell the rest of the countreys of the world I cannot but I must needs before I passe from it set downe in this place by way of digression for so he speaketh of it in his third booke and fift chapter ITALIE the nurse and mother of all nations chosen by the prouidence of God to adde a lustre to the very heauens themselues to vnite dispersed kingdomes to temper and mollifie their rude and vnciuill maners to draw the dissonant barbarous and sauage languages of so many diuers people by the entercourse of one refined speech to a conference and parley to teach ciuilitie to men and briefly to make this one a common countrey for all the nations of the world But what shall I say more Such is the excellencie of all places that any man shall come vnto such is the maiestie of all things and of all people which do possesse it The citie of Rome which in it seemeth only to excell and to be a worthy face for so glorious a necke with what words or eloquence may I expresse it How beautifull is the countenance of Campania by it selfe how great and many are the glorious pleasures and delights of the same That it is manifest that in this one place nature hath shewed all her skill in a worke wherein she meant especially to delight And now indeed such is the vitall and continuall holsomnesse of the temperate aire such fertile plaines and champian grounds such sunny banks such harmlesse forests such coole and shady groues such fruitfull and bountifull kinds of woods such fertility of corne vines annd oliues such goodly flocks of sheepe such fat beeues so many lakes such store of riuers and fountaines euery where watering and bedrenching it so many seas hauens or ports as it were bosomes of the land euery where open and ready to entertaine and receiue the traffique of all lands and it selfe running into the sea as it were willingly offering it selfe and earnestly desiring to helpe and succour mortall men distressed in the same I doe omit to speake of the fine wits natures and maners of the people of the same as also of the seuerall nations ouercome by it partly by valour and partly by humanity The Graecians themselues a nation exceeding prodigall of their owne praise and glory haue iudged so of it calling a great part of it Magna Graecia Great Greece Of the ancient writers Caius Sempronius Marcus Cato Polybius in his second booke but most exactly Strabo as he doth all things els haue described this countrey Of the latter historiographers Blondus Iohannes Annius Viterbiensis in his commentaries vpon Berosus and other authors imprinted together with him Pontanus in his first booke of the famous acts of King Alphonsus Volaterrane Sabellicus Bernardus Saccus and Dominicus Niger but most exactly Leander Gaudentius Merula hath most excellently described Gallia Cisalpina which indeed is not the least part of Italie ITALIAE NOVISSIMA DESCRIPTIO AVCTORE IACOBO CASTALDO PEDEMONTANO FORVM IVLII FORVLY or FRIVLY THe originall of the name of Forum Iulij Leander saith diuers writers haue diuersly sought and censured Some doe thinke it so called of Iulius Caesar Blondus seemeth to affirme it to haue tooke his name of the citie Forum Iulij Antiquities do testifie that this region hath beene called Aquilegia of Aquilegium his chiefe or metropolitane city Lastly it is certaine that it is called Patria of the Venetians which name as yet also it reteineth to this day Blondus saith that it was long since called Liburnia but from whence when or for what cause it was so called he sheweth not The first that had here ought to doe were the Euganei Veneti Troiani Galli and after those the Romans vnder whom it did continually persist so long as the fortune and maiestie of the Roman Empire did stand sound and whole which at last declining it came into the hands and iurisdiction of the barbarous nations which oppressed Italie especially the Lombards and so remained vnto the time of Charles the great After that the gouernment thereof was in the power of the Patriarch of Aquileia vntill at length the Venetians desirous to enlarge their territories on this side reduced it wholly vnder their iurisdiction who at this day possesse it The situation of the region is thus It beginneth from a plaine abbuttant vpon the sea and so by a little and little encreasing first it riseth vp in little hilles and then into very high mountaines which almost on euery side so enclose his borders that this plaine enuironed about with the toppes of mountaines as with a wall sheweth like a Theater it is open but at one narrow straight by the which as by a gate ferrying ouer the riuer Sontio from Taruisio it may only be entred The other borders of it the Alpes on euery side doe limit and therefore not to be come vnto but by the sea-ports or valleys of the mountaines or els ouer their tops It hath vpon the sea-coasts very many hauens In this most goodly countrey are large champians watered with many pleasant streames and those fields exceeding fertile for it aboundeth with vines yeelding a kinde of wine which Plinie reckoneth and commendeth for the best and calleth it Vinum Pucinum of the place The mountaines of this countrey are very rich almost of all sorts of mettals to wit of Iron Lead Tinne Brasse Quicke-siluer Siluer and Golde They haue also Marble white blacke and party-coloured Pretious stones as Carneols Berylls c. and crystall Here are all sorts of fruits and apples of a most excellent taste Woods both for fuell timber and hunting most stately pleasant and beautifull meddowes and pastures most excellent pasturage for cattell The aire is temperate The fields of themselues doe abound with all things necessary for the vse of man as also for pleasure and delight The people of this countrey are most apt not only vnto all artes and liberall sciences but also for all merchandise and such other trades of life The most famous cities in it
for thou seest how straite and narrow it is what heere is wanting may be supplied out of the Tables following two of Tileman Stella the third intituled the Peregrination of S. Paul and the fourth intituled the Peregrination of the Patriarch Abraham For if all these should haue been portraitured and ioined together in one and the same Mappe it would grow too much too great yea it would be so great and huge that it would exceed this which heere we giue an hundred times and so by reason of the greatnesse it would not only be troublesome in vse but also vnpleasant to the eie In the hart and middest of the plotte where thou seest Syria as it hath been sufficiently replenished and filled with places so in places round about vpon the coasts on all sides it is most empty and barren so that it would appeare like a small iland in the vast ocean and would soone haue growen into a great burdensome and chargeable bignesse to no purpose or profit at all We haue vpon the side in a void place set the Mappe of the whole World whereby the diligent student of Diuinity by conferring might easily see what and how great a portion of the same the holy history doth mention and comprehend and at once iointly with the same labour to find out the situation and position of two famous places mentioned in the holy Scriptures namely of the situation of the country Ophyr and the earthly Paradise Of the which although many men do write many and diuers things and the opinions of the learned be different yet we haue also set downe our iudgement willingly giuing leaue to the learned Reader in his discretion to take which him pleaseth and he may read if he thinke good that which in our Geographicall Treasurie we haue written more at large of Ophyr Of Paradise also there is the like controuersie and question amongst the Diuines The most men do place it in the East others in Syria Postellus vnder the pole Arcticke Some there are which do gesse it to haue been vnder the Equinoctiall line Goropius our countrieman is perswaded by many arguments that it was in Indoscythia a prouince of India in the East abutting vpon the riuer Indus Some of the old writers did imagine it to reach as high as the sphere of the moone others do place it in other places Caesarius the brother of Nazianzene in his Dialogues in what place he supposeth it to be I cannot deuise for he maketh Donaw one of those foure riuers namely that which sacred antiquity called Phison this Saint Hierome and Eusebius do vnderstand to haue been Nilus in Aegypt others Ganges in East India S. Augustine against the Manicheies hath this opinion Beatam vitam Paradisi nomine significatam existimo By Paradise I do thinke the blessed life to be vnderstood Others more later which purposedly haue written of the situation of Paradise are Moses Bar Cepha in the Syriacke tongue and translated by the learned Masius Pererius vpon Genesis Iohn Hopkinson an Englishman in a peculiar treatise where also thou maist see a Geographicall Mappe of the same Others also haue done the like as Beroaldus in his Chronicle Vadianus in the description of the three quarters of the World and Ludouicus Nugarola in his booke intituled Timotheus or Nilus c. Phison one of the riuers of Paradise which some do expound to be Ganges which runneth too farre toward the East this Mappe by reason of his narrownesse cannot by any meanes containe the situation of which thou maist see in another Mappe of ours in this our by-worke intituled Aeui veteris Geographiae tabula A Geographicall chart of the old World GEOGRAPHIA SACRA Ex Canatibus geographicus Abrahami Ortelii Cum privilagio Imp. Regis et Cancellariae Brabantiae ad decennium MDXCVIII Ophiram regionem quia haec tabula compraehendere non poterat hanc aream universalem hic seorsim delineavimus in qua illam ex dissentientium scriptorum iudicio notaevimus Nostram verò de eadem sententiam si quis intelligere aveat Thesaurum nostrum Georgraphicum adeat censuramque suam per me enim licebit addat REVERENDO ET ILLVSTRI DNO GVILIELMO GRIMBERGIO ANTVERPIENSI PRAESVLI DIGNISSIMO Abrah Ortelius obsequij deuotionisque ergò dedicab consecrabatque Haec notula locum Ophirae designat DOMINI EST TERRA ET PLENITVDO ORBIS TERRARVM ET VNIVERSI QVI HABITANT IN EO Psal 24. PALAESTINA OR The HOLY LAND CANAAN The most ancient name of this country was Canaan which it tooke of Chanaan the sonne of Cham whose posterity diuided it amongst themselues and first inhabited it Their names were these Sidon Heth Iebusy Emory Gergesy Heuy Arky Siny Aruady Semary and Hamathy Gen. Euery one of these gaue his owne name to that part of the country of Canaan which he enioied for his portion and possessed and of them mention afterward is made Gen. Exod. Num. 13.22.32 Deut. Iosu Iudg. 1. King 7.1 Chron. 1. Iud. 5. Psalm Esa 21. Ezech. 16.27 This country was called by the name of the Land of Canaan vntill the Israëlites hauing partly slaine and partly subdued all the posterity of Canaan possessed the same from which time it began to be called the Land of Israel which name was by the Angell giuen to the Patriarke Iacob for that he had wrestled with God and from thence the country grew to be called by that name Gen. 32.28 For the word Israël in the Hebrew tongue signifieth to preuaile with God or a mighty man preuailing against the mighty God Heere hence were the sonnes and ofspring of Iacob named Israëlites and the country wherein they dwelt the Land of Israël as is apparant out of the booke of Iud. and the 1. booke of the Kings Although the whole land of Chanaan were indeed generally called Israël yet neuerthelesse the portion or iurisdiction of euery Tribe which seuerally Iosua assigned to euery one of the twelue Patriarkes receiued a proper appellation of the chiefe of that family as is apparant by diuers places of Holy Scripture The names of the Tribes were these Ruben Simeon Iuda Zebulon Isaschar Dan Gad Aser Nephtali Beniamin Manasse Ephraim and so the name of euery one of the sonnes of Iacob remained in his posterity and place of abode in the same so that the whole land of Chanaan was diuided into twelue parts as the holy Scripture doth testifie Then vnder Roboam when as Israel and that kingdome was rent into two parts the Tribes of Iuda and Beniamin being vnited retained the name of Iuda and that for these reasons First for that of the two it was the mightiest Secondly by reason that out of it the Messias was to come it was the more famous and the name of the whole was taken from the most honourable But the other tenne Tribes which were commanded by the Kings of Samaria still retained the