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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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gathered together of the prophetes four hundred men and sayd to them Shal we goe into Ramoth Galaad to fight or sitte stil But they sayd Goe vp say they and God wil deliuer it into thy hand † And Iosaphat sayd Is there not here a prophete of our Lord that we may enquire also of him † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat There is one man of whom we may aske wil of our Lord but I hate him because he doth not prophecie me good but euil at al times and it is Micheas the sonne of Iemla And Iosaphat sayd Speake not in this maner ô king † The king of Israel therfore called one of the Eunuches and sayd to him Cal quickly Micheas the sonne of Iemla † Moreouer the king of Israel and Iosaphat the king of Iuda sate in their thrones clothed with kinglie attyre and they sate in the court beside the gate of Samaria and al the prophetes before them † But Sedecias the sonne of Chanaana made him hornes of yron and sayd Thus sayth our Lord With these shal● thou strike Syria til thou destroy it † And al the prophetes in like manner prophecied and sayd Goe vp into Ramoth Galaad and thou shalt prosper and our Lord wil deliuer them into the kinges hand † And the messenger that went to cal Micheas sayd to him Behold the wordes of al the prophetes with one mouth tel the king good thinges I besech thee therfore that thy word also dissent not from them and that thou speake prosperous thinges † To whom Micheas answered Our Lord liueth whatsoeuer my God shal say to me that wil I speake † He therfore came to the king To whom the king sayd Micheas shal we goe into Ramoth Galaad to fight or sit stil To whom he answered Goe ye vp for al thinges shal fal out prosperous and the enemies shal be deliuered into your handes † And the king sayd Agayne and agayne I adiure thee that thou speake not to me but that which is true in the name of our Lord. † But he sayd I saw al Israel disperst in the mountaynes as sheepe without a shepheard and our Lord sayd These haue no maisters let euerie man returne into his house in peace † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat did I not tel thee that this man did not prophecie me anie good but these thinges that be euil † But he sayd Heare ye therfore the word of our Lord I saw our Lord sitting in his throne and al the host of heauen assisting him on the right hand on the left † And our Lord sayd who shal deceiue Achab the king of Israel that he may goe vp and fal in Ramoth Galaad And when one sayd in this maner and an other otherwise † there came forth a spirit and stood before our Lord and sayd I wil deceiue him To whom our Lord sayd wherin wilt thou deceiue him † But he answered I wil goe forth and wil be a lying spirit in the mouth of al his prophetes And our Lord sayd Thou shalt deceiue and shalt preuaile goe forth and doe so † Now therfore behold our Lord hath geuen the spirit of lying in the mouth of al thy prophetes and our Lord hath spoken of thee euil thinges † And Sedecias the sonne of Chanaana came and stroke the cheeke of Micheas and sayd which way passed the spirit of our Lord from me that it should speake to thee † And Micheas sayd Thou thy self shalt see in that day when thou shalt enter into chamber out of chamber to be hid † And the king of Israel commanded saying Take Micheas and lead him to Amon the gouernour of the citie and to Ioab the sonne of Amelech † And you shal say Thus sayth the king Cast this felow into prison and giue him a litle bread and a litle water til I returne in peace † And Micheas sayd If thou returne in peace our Lord hath not spoken in me he sayd Heare al ye peoples † Therfore the king of Israel and Iosaphat the king of Iuda went vp into Ramoth Galaad † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat I wil change my habite and so I wil goe to the fight but be thou clothed with thine owne garmentes And the king of Israel changing his habit came to the battel † And the king of Syria had commanded the captaynes of his horsemen saying Fight not agaynst the least or agaynst the greatest but agaynst the king of Israel only † Therfore when the princes of the horsemen saw Iosaphat they sayd This is the king of Israel And they compassed him fighting but he cried to our Lord and he holpe him and turned them away from him † For when the captaynes of the horsemen saw that is was not the king of Israel they lea●t him † And it chanced that one of the people shot an arrow at aduenture and stroke the king of Israel betwen the necke and the shoulders and he sayd to his cocher Turne thy hand and carie me out of the battel because I am wounded † And the fight was ended in that day moreouer the king of Israel stood in his chariote agaynst the Syrians vntil euening and died at the sunne sette CHAP. XIX Iosaphat being reproued by a prophet for yelding help to Achab 5. appoynteth Iudges in seueral cities admonishing them to doe iustice 8. exhorteth Priestes and Leuites to execute their sunctious carefully 11. Amarias High Priest directing and ruling in thinges belonging to God Zabedias general captayne gouerneth the kinges affayres AND Iosaphat the king of Iuda returned into his house peaceably into Ierusalem † Whom Iehu the sonne of Hanani the Seer mette and sayd to him To the impious man thou geuest ayde and to them that hate our Lord thou art ioyned in frendship and therfore thou didst deserue in deed the wrath of our Lord † but good workes are found in thee for that thou hast taken away the groues out of the land of Iuda and hast prepared thy hart to seeke our Lord the God of thy fathers † Iosaphat therfore dwelt in Ierusalem and he went forth to the people agayne from Bersabee vnto mount Ephraim and recalled them to our Lord the God of their fathers † And he appoynted iudges of the land in al the fensed cities of Iuda in euerie place † and commanding the iudges he sayd Take heede what you doe for you exercise not the iudgement of man but of our Lord and whatsoeuer you shal iudge it shal redound to you † Let the feare of our Lord be with you and with diligence doe al thinges for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God nor acception of personnes nor desyre of giftes † In Ierusalem also Iosaphat appoynted Leuites and Priestes and princes of families of Israel that they should iudge the iudgement and cause of our Lord to the inhabitantes therof † And he commanded them saying Thus shal you doe in the feare of our Lord
bynding † Thou shalt put on her a stole of glorie and as a crowne of gratulation thou shalt set her vpon thee † Sonne if thou attend to me thou shal● learne and if thou wilt applie thy minde thou shalt be wise † If thou wilt incline thine eare thou shalt receiue doctrine and if thou loue to heare thou shalt be wise † Stand in the multitude of wise ancients and be ioyned to their wisdom from thy hart that thou maist heare al the narration of God and the prayse may not escape thee † And if thou see a wise man watch after him and let thy soote weare the steppes of his doores † Haue thy cogitation in the precepts of God and in his commandements most of al be dayly conuersant and he wil geue thee hart and the desire of wisdom shal be geuen thee CHAP. VII Flie from al euil thinges 4. as ambition presumption scandal pusillanimitie lying and babling 16. Husbandrie of the ground 21. a good wife and good seruantes are to be cherised 25. kepe children in discipline 29. Honour parents and elders 36. pittie the poore 40. Memorie of the last thinges preserueth from sinne DOE not euils and they shal nor apprehend thee † Depart from the wicked euil shal fayle from thee † Sonne sow not euils in the furrowes of iustice thou shalt not reape them seuenfold † Seeke not of the lord chiefe principalitie nor of the king the chayre of honour † Iustifie not thyself before God because he is the knower of the hart and before the king desire not to seme wise † Seeke not to be made a iudge vnles thou be able by power to breake iniquities lest perhaps thou feare the face of the mightie and put a scandal in thyne equitie † Sinne not against the multitude of a citie neither thrust thyself into the people † nor binde together duble sinnes for neither in one shalt thou be free from punishment † Be not fayntharted in thy minde † despise not to pray and to geue almes † Say not In the multitude of my giftes God wil haue respect and when I offer to God most high he wil receiue my giftes † Laugh not a man to scorne in the bitternes of his soule for there is that humbleth and exalteth God the ouerseer of al. † Plowe not a lie agaynst thy brother neither doe thou likewise agaynst thy frend † Be not willing to make any lie for the custome therof is not good † Be not ful of wordes in a multitude of ancients and iterate not a word in thy speach † Hate not laborious workes and husbandrie created of the Highest † Counte not thy selfe in the multitude of men without discipline † Be mindeful of wrath because it wil not slacke † Humble thy spirit very much because the vengeance of the flesh of the impious is fyre and the worme † Doe not preuaricate against thy frend differring money nor despise thy dearest brother for gold † Depart not from a wise and good woman which thou hast gotten in the feare of our Lord for the grace of her bashfulnes is aboue gold † Hurt not the seruant that worketh in truth nor the hyred man that geueth his soule † Let a wise seruant be beloued of thee as thy soule defraude him not of libertie nor leaue him needie † Hast thou cattel looke wel to them and if they be profitable let them continew with thee † Hast thou children instruct them bowe them from their childehood † Hast thou daughters keepe their bodie and shew not thy countenance merrie towards them † Bestow thy daughter and thou shalt doe a great worke and geue her to a wise man † If thou haue a wife according to thy soule cast her not of and to her that is hateful commit not thyself With thy whole hart † honour thy father and forget not the gronings of thy mother † remember that thou hadst not bene borne but by them and recompence them as they also thee † In al thy soule feare our Lord and sanctifie his priestes † With al thy strength loue him that made thee forsake not his ministers † Honour God with al thy soule and honour the priestes and purge thyself with the armes † Geue them the portion as it is commanded thee of the first fruites and purgation and of thy negligence purge thy self with few † The gift of thyne armes and the sacrifice of sanctification thou shalt offer to our Lord and the first of holie thinges † and to the poore stretch out thyne hand that thy propitiation may be perfected and thy blessing † The grace of a gift is in the sight of al the liuing and from the dead stay nor grace † Want not in consolation to them that weepe and walke with them that moorne † Be not loth to visite the sicke for by these thinges thou shalt be confirmed in loue † In al thy workes remember thy later ends and thou wilt not sinne for euer CHAP. VIII Contend not with a man of powre rich ful of tongue or very ignorant 6. Despise not the penitent nor old folke 8. Reioyce not at an enemies death 9. Lerne of the elder 13. Obserue discretion in admonishing lending and in being suertie 17. Reproue not Iudges 18. Conuerse not with the furious foolish nor with strangers STRIVE not with a mightie man lest perhaps thou fal into his handes † Contend not with a rich man lest perhaps he make an action against thee † For gold and siluer hath destroyed manie and hath reached euen to the hart of kinges and hath turned them † Striue not with a man ful of tongue and thou shalt not heape stickes vpon his fyre † Communicate not with the ignorant man lest he speake il of thy progenie † Despise not a man that turneth himself from sinne nor vpbrayde him therwith remember that we are al in state to be blamed † Despise not a man in his old age for we also shal become old † Reioyce not of thine enemie dead knowing that we doe al die and would not that others should ioy therat † Despise not the narration of wise ancients and in their prouerbes be thou conuersant † For of them thou shalt lerne wisdom and doctrine of vnderstanding and to serue great men without blame † Let not the narration of the ancients escape thee for they lerned of their fathers † because of them thou shalt lerne vnderstanding and in time of necessitie to geue answer † Kindle not the coles of sinners rebuking them and be not kindled with the flame of the fire of their sinnes † Stand not against the face of a contumelious person lest he sitte as a spie in wayte for thy mouth † Lend not to a man mightier then thyself and if thou doest lend count it as lost † Be not suretie aboue thy power and if thou be surerie
thinke as if thou were to pay it † Iudge not agaynst a iudge because he iudgeth according to that which is iust † With the audacious goe not on the way lest perhaps he burden thee with his euils for he goeth according to his owne wil and thou shalt perish together with his follie † With an angrie man make no brawle and with the audacious goe not into the desert because bloud is as nothing before him and where there is no helpe he wil ouerthrow thee † Conferre no counsel with fooles for they can not loue but such thinges as please them † Before a stranger doe no matter of counsel for thou knowest not what he wil bring forth † Make not thy hart manifest to euerie man lest perhaps he repay thee false kindnes and speake reprochfully to thee CHAP. IX Great prudence is required in conuersation betwen men and wemen 14. Esteme old freindes 16. Emulate not sinners 18. Auoide the companie of malicious 21. Consult with the prudent hauing God euer before thyne eyes BE not ielous ouer the wife of thy bosome lest she shew vpon thee the malice of wicked doctrine † Geue not to a woman the power of thy soule lest she goe in thy strength and thou be confounded † Looke not vpon a woman that is desirous of manie lest perhaps thou fal into her snares † With her that is a dauncer be not daily conuersant nor heare her lest perhaps thou perish in her efficacie † Behold not a virgin lest perhaps thou be scandalized in her beautie † Geue not thy soule to harlottes in any poynt lest thou destroy thyself and thine inheritance † Looke not round about in the waves of the citie nor wander vp and downe in the streates therof † Turne away thy face from a trimmed woman and gaze not about vpon an others beautie † By the beautie of a woman manie haue perished and hereby concupiscence is inflamed as a fire † Euerie woman that is an harlot shal be troden vpon as dung in the way † Manie hauing admired the beautie of an other mans wife haue become reprobate for her communication burneth as fire † Sit not at al with an other mans wife nor repose vpon the bed with her † and striue not with her at the wine lest perhapes thy hart decline toward her with thy bloud thou fal into perdition † Forsake not an old frend for the new wil not be like to him † A new frend is as new wine it shal waxe old and thou shalt drinke it with sweetnes † Doe not zelousely desire the glorie and the riches of a sinner for thou knowest not what his subuersion shal be † Let not the iniurie of the vniust please thee knowing that euen to hel the impious shal not please † Be far from the man that hath power to kil and thou shalt not suspect the feare of death † And if thou come to him committe nothing lest perhaps he take away thy life † Know it to be communication with death because thou shalt goe in the middes of snarres and shalt walke vpon the weapons of the sorowful † According to thy powre beware thee of thy neighbour and treate with the wise and prudent † Let iust men be thy ghests and let thy gloriation be in the feare of God † and let the cogitation of God be in thy vnderstanding al thine enarration in the precepts of the Highest † Workes shal be praysed in the handes of artificers and the prince of the people in the wisdom of his speach but the word of the ancients in the sense † A man ful of tongue is terrible in his citie and he that is rash in his word shal be odious CHAP. X. Wise superiors are very necessarie because the multitude folow their example 6. Remitte and forget iniuries detest pride iniustice contumelie and auarice 12. Life is short 14. Pride is the roote of al sinnes 23. Iust pouertie is better then sinful riches 31. Mekenes and modestie are necessarie in al men A wise iudge shal iudge his people and the principalitie of the wise shal be stable † According to the Iudge of the people so also are his ministers and what maner of man the ruler of a citie is such also are the habitants therein † An vnwise king shal destroy his people and cities shal be inhabited by the vnderstanding of the prudent † The powre of the earth is in the hand of God and he wil rayse vp a profitable ruler for a time ouer it † The prosperitie of man is in the hand of God vpon the face of the scribe he wil put his honour † Anie iniurie of thy neighbour remember not and doe nothing by workes of iniurie † Pride is odious before God and men and al the iniquitie of the nations is execrable † A kingdome is translated from nation vnto nation because of iniustices and iniuries and contumelies and diuerse deceites † But nothing is more wicked then the couetous man Why is earth and ashes proud † Nothing is more wicked then to loue money For he hath his soule also to sel because in his life he hath cast forth his most in ward thinges † Al power is of short life Long sicknes greueth the Physicion † Short sicknes the Physicion cutteth of at the first so also the king is to day to morow he shal die † For when a man shal die he shal inherite serpents and beasts and wormes † The begynning of the pride of man is to apostatate from God † because his hart is departed from him that made him for pride is the begynning of al sinne he that holdeth it shal be filled with curses it shal subuert him in the end † Therfore hath our Lord dishonoured the congregations of the euil hath destroyed them euen to the end † God hath destroyed the seates of proud princes and hath made the meeke sitte in their stead † God hath made the rootes of the proud nations to wither and hath planted the humble of the nations themselues † Our Lord hath subuerted the landes of the gentiles and hath destroyed them euen to the fundation † He hath made of them to wither and hath destroyed them and hath made the memorie of them to cease from the earth † God hath destroyed the memorie of the proud and hath left the memorie of them that are humble in vnderstanding † Pride was not created to men nor wrath to the nation of wemen † That seede of men shal be honoured which feareth God but that seede shal be dishonoured which transgresseth the commandments of our Lord. † In the middes of brethren their ruler shal be in honour and they that feare our Lord shal be in his eyes † The glorie of the rich of the honourable and of the poore is the feare of God † Despise not the iust man that is poore and magnifie
manie whose minde was stirred vp with many vowes † And Cyrus the king brought forth the sacred vessels of our Lord which Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon transported out of Ierusalem and consecrated them to his Idol † And Cyrus the king of Persians bringing them forth deliuered them to Mithridatus who was ouer his treasures † And by him they were deliuered to Salmanasar president of Iurie † And of these this was the number Cuppes for libamentes of siluer two thousand foure hundred basens of siluer thirtie phials of gold thirtie also of siluer two thousand foure hundred and other vessels a thousand † and al the vessels of gold and siluer were fiue thousand eight hundred sixtie † And they were numbered to Salmanasar together with them that came out of the captiuite of Babylon into Ierusalem † But in the times of Artaxerxes king of the Persians there wrote to him of them that dwelt in Iurie and Ierusalem Balsamus and Mithridatus and Sabellius and Rathimus Balthemus Sabellius scribe and the rest dweling in Samaria and other places the epistle folowing to king Artaxerxes † SIR thy seruantes Rathimus ouer occurrentes and Sabellius the scribe and the other iudges of thy court in Caelesyria and Phenice † And now be it knowen to our Lord the king that Iewes came vp from you to vs coming into Ierusalem a rebellious very naughty citie do build the fornaces thereof and set vp the walles and rayse the temple † And if this citie and the walles shal be finished they wil not onlie not abyde to pay tributes but also wil resist the kinges † And because that is in doing about the temple we thought it should doe wel not to neglect this same thing † but to make it knowen to our Lord the king that if it shal seme good ô king it may be sought in the bookes of thy fathers † and thou shalt find in the recordes thinges writen of these and thou shalt know that this citie hath bene rebellious and trubling kinges and cities † and the Iewes rebelles making battels in it from time out of mind for the which cause this citie was made desolate † Now therfore we doe thee to vnderstand Lord king that if this citie shal be built and the walles therof shal be erected there wil be no comming downe for thee into Caelesyria Phenice † Then wrote the king to Rathimus the writer of the occurrentes and to Balthemus and to Sabellius the scribe and to the rest ioyned with them and to the dwellers in Syria and Phenice as foloweth † I haue read the epistle that you sent me I commanded therfore search to be made it was found that the same citie is from the beginning rebellious to kinges † and the men rebelles and making battels in it there were most valient kinges ruling in Ierusalem and exacting tributes in Caelesyria Phenice † Now therfore I haue geuen commandment to forbid those men to build the citie and to stay them that nothing be done more then is † and that they proceede not farder wherof are euils so that there may be truble brought vpon the kinges † Then these things being read which were writen of king Artaxerxes Rathimus and Sabellius the scribe and they that were apointed with them ioyning together in hast came to Ierusalem with a troupe of horsemen and multitude companie † and they begane to forbid the builders and they ceased from building of the temple in Ierusalem til in the second yeare of the reigne of Darius king of the Persians CHAP. III. After a solemne supper made to al the court and chief princes king Darius sleeping 4. three esquires of the bodie keeping watch proposed the question 10. Whether wine or a King or wemen or the truth doth excel 17. The first prayseth wine KING Darius made a great supper to al his domestical seruantes and to al the magistrates of Media and Persia † and to al that were purple and to the praetors and consuls and liuetenantes vnder him from India vnto Aethiopia an hundred twentie seuen prouinces † And when they had eaten and drunken and returned ful then Darius went vp into his chamber and slept and awaked † Then those three youngmen kepers of his bodie which garded the kings bodie sayd one to an other † Let euerie one of vs say a word that may excel whose word soeuer shal appeare wiser then the others to him wil king Darius geue great giftes † to be couered with purple to drinke in gold and to sleepe vpon gold a chariote with a bridle of gold a bonet of silke and a cheyne about his necke † and he shal sit in the second place next Darius for his wisdome And he shal be called the cosin of Darius † Then euerie one writing his word signed it and they put it vnder the pillow of Darius the king † and they sayd When the king shal rise we wil geue him our writinges and which soeuer of the three the king shal iudge and the magistrates of Persia that his word is the wiser to him shal the victorie be geuen as is writen † One wrote Wine is strong † An other wrote a King is stronger † The third wrote Wemen are more strong but aboue al thinges truth ouercometh † And when the king was risen they tooke their writinges and gaue him and he read † And sending he called al the Magistrates of the Persians and the Medes and them that weare purple and the pretors and the ouerseers † and they sate in the councel and the writinges were read before them † And he sayd Cal the youngmen and they shal declare their owne wordes And they were called and went in † And he sayd to them Declare vnto vs concerning these thinges which are writen And the first began he that had spoken of the strength of wine † and sayd O ye men how doth wine preuaile ouer al men that drinke it seduceth the minde † And also the mind of king and orphane it maketh vaine Also of the bondman and the free of the rich man and the poore † and euerie mind it turneth into securitie and pleasantnes and it remembreth not any sorow and dewtie † and al hartes it maketh honest and it remembreth not king nor magistrate and it maketh a man speake al thinges by talentes † And when they haue drunke they remember not frendship nor brotherhood yea and not long after they take swordes † And when they are recouered and risen from the wine they remember not what they haue done † O ye men doth not wine excel who thinketh to doe so And hauing sayd this he held his peace CHAP. IIII. The second prayseth the excellencie of a king 13. The third which is Zorobabel commendeth wemen 33. but preferreth truth aboue al 41. which is so approued and he is rewarded 42. The king moreouer at his request restoreth the holie vessels of the
thy possession † The third yeare thou shalt separate an other tenth of al thinges that growe to thee at that time and shalt lay it vp within thy gates † And the Leuite shal come that hath no other part nor possession with thee and the stranger and pupil and widow that are within thy gates and shal eate and be filled that our Lord thy God may blesse thee in al the workes of thy handes that thou shalt doe CHAP. XV. Remission of dibtes in the seuenth yeare to the israelites but not to strangers 4. Albeit there wil alwayes be some poore yet they must so lend to their needie bretheren that none be forced to begge 12. Abought seruant that is an hebrew must be set free in the seuenth yeare 16. except he desire to serue stil 19. The firstborne in al cattel must be consecrated to God without making priuate profite therof IN the seuenth yeare thou shalt make a remission † which shal be celebrated in this order He to whom any thing is owing of his freind or neighbour and brother can not aske it againe because it is the yeare of remission of our Lord. † Of the seiourner and stranger thou shalt exact of thy countrie man and neighbour thou shalt not haue power to require it † And needie person and begger there shal be none among you that our Lord thy God may blesse thee in the land which he wil geue thee in possession † Yet so if thou heare the voice of our Lord thy God and keepe al thinges that he hath bid and which I command thee this day he wil blesse thee as he hath promised † Thou shalt lend to manie nations and thy selfe shalt borrow of no man Thou shalt haue dominion ouer verie manie nations and no man shal haue dominion ouer thee † If one of thy brethren that abideth within the gates of thy citie in the land which our Lord thy God wil geue thee come to pouertie thou shalt not harden thy hart nor close thy hand † but shalt open it to the poore man and shalt lend him that which thou perceiuest he hath neede of † Beware lest perhaps an impious cogitation steale in vpon thee and thou say in thy hart The seuenth yeare of remission draweth nigh turne away thy eies from thy poore brother denying to lend him that which he asketh lest he crie against thee to our Lord and it become a sinne vnto thee † But thou shalt geue to him neither shalt thou doe any thing craftely in releuing his necessities that our Lord thy God may blesse thee at al times and in al thinges whereunto thou shalt put thy hand † There shal not want poore in the land of thy habitation therfore I command thee that thou open thy hand to thy needie and poore brother that liueth in the Land † When thy brother an Hebrew man or Hebrew woman is sold to thee and hath serued thee six yeares in the seuenth yeare thou shalt let him goe free † and to whom thou geuest freedom thou shalt in no case suffer him to depart emptie † but geue him his way fare of thy flockes and of thy barne floore and thy presse wherwith our Lord thy God shal blesse thee † Remember that thy self also didst serue in the Land of Aegypt and our Lord thy God made thee free and therfore doe I now command thee † But if he say I wil not depart because he loueth thee and thy house and feeleth that he is wel with thee † thou shalt take an awle and bore through his eare in the dore of thy house and he shal serue thee for euer to thy woman seruant also thou shalt doe in like maner † Turne not away thine eies from them when thou makest them free because he hath serued thee six yeares after the wages of an hireling that our Lord thy God may blesse thee in al the workes that thou doest † Of the first borne that come forth in thy heardes and sheepe whatsoeuer is of the male sexe thou shalt sanctifie to our Lord thy God Thou shalt not worke with the first borne of an oxe and thou shalt not sheare the first borne of thy sheepe † In the sight of our Lord thy God shalt thou eate them euerie yeare in the place that our Lord shal choose thou and thy house † But if it haue blemish and be either lame or blind or in any part diffigured or feeble it shal not be immolated to our Lord thy God † but within the gates of thy citie shalt thou eate it as wel the cleane as the vncleane in like maner shal eate them as the doa and the hart † This onlie shalt thou obserue that their bloud thou eate not but power it out on the earth as water CHAP. XVI Three more solemne feastes to be kept euerie yeare Pasch 9. Pentecost 13. and the feast of tabernacles 18. Iust Iudges to be appointed in euerie citie 21 Al occasions of Idolatrie to be auoyded OBSERVE the moneth of new corne and the first of the spring time that thou mayest make the Phase to our Lord thy God because in this moneth our Lord thy God brought thee out of Aegypt by night † And thou shalt immolate the Phase to our Lord thy God of sheepe and of oxen in the place which our Lord thy God shal choose that his name may dwel there † Thou shalt not eate in it leuened bread Seuen daies shalt thou eate without leuen the bread of affliction because in feare didst thou come out of Aegypt that thou mayest remember the day of thy comming out of Aegypt al the dayes of thy life † Leuened shal not appeare in al thy coastes for seuen daies and there shal not remayne of the flesh of that which was immolated at euen the first day vntil morning † Thou canst not immolate the Phase in euerie one of thy cities which our Lord thy God wil geue thee † but in the place which our Lord thy God shal choose that his name may dwel there thou shalt immolate the Phase at euen at the going downe of the sunne when thou camest out of Aegypt † And thou shalt boyle and eate is in the place which our Lord thy God shal choose and in the morning rysing vp thou shalt goe into thy tentes † Six daies shalt thou eate azymes and in the seuenth day because it is the collection of our Lord thy God thou shalt doe no worke † Seuen weekes shalt thou number thee from that day wherein thou didst put the sickle to the corne † and thou shalt celebrate the festiual day of weekes to our Lord thy God a voluntarie oblation of thy hand which thou shalt offer according to the blessing of our Lord thy God † and thou shalt feast before our Lord thy God thou thy sonne and thy daughter and thy man seruant and thy woman seruant and the Leuite that is within thy gates
which fighteth against thee CHAP. XXI How to seeke out a secrete murtherer 10. wemen taken in battel may be maried and afterwardes can not be sold nor made bond wemen 15. The eldest sonne may not be depriued of his birthright for hatred of his mother 18. A stubburne sonne must be stoned to death 22. VVhen one is hanged on a gibbet he must be taken downe the same day and buried VVHEN there shal be found in the Land which our Lord thy God wil geue thee the corps of a man slaine and he that is guiltie of the murder is not knowne † thy ancientes and iudges shal goe forth and measure from the place of the corps the distance of euerie citie round about † and which they shal perceiue to be neerer then the rest the ancientes of that citie shal take an heifer out of the heard that hath not drawen yoke nor ploughed the ground † and shal bring her to a rough and stonie valley that neuer was ploughed nor receiued seede and in it they shal strike of the necke of the heifer † and the priestes the sonnes of Leui shal come whom our Lord thy God hath chosen to minister to him and to blesse in his name and at their word euerie matter dependeth and whatsoeuer is cleane or vncleane must be iudged † And the ancientes of that citie shal come to the slaine person and shal wash their handes ouer the heifer that was strooken in the valley † and shal say Our handes did not sheede this bloud nor our eies seee it † be merciful to thy people Israel whom thou hast redemed o Lord and impute not innocent bloud in the middes of thy people Israel And the guilte of bloud shal be taken from them † and thou shalt be free from the innocents bloud that was shed when thou shalt haue done that which our Lord hath commanded thee † If thou goe forth to fight against thyne enemies and our Lord thy God deliuer them in thy hande and thou leade them away captiue † and seest in the number of the captiues a beautiful woman and louest her and wilt haue her to wife † thou shalt bring her into thy house who shal shaue of her hare and payre her nailes † and put of the rayment wherein she was taken and sitting in thy house shal mourne her father and mother one moneth and afterward thou shalt enter vnto her and shalt sleepe with her and she shal be thy wife † But if afterward she content not thy mynde thou shalt let her goe free neither canst thou sel her for money nor oppresse her by might because thou hast humbled her † If a man haue two wiues one beloued and the other hated and they haue begotten children by him and the sonne of the hated be the firstborne † and he meaneth to diuide his substance among his sonnes he can not make the sonne of the beloued the first borne and preferre him before the sonne of the hated † but the sonne of the hated he shal acknowledge for the first borne and shal geue to him of those thinges which he hath al duble for this is the beginning of his children to this are dew the first brith rightes † If a man begette a stubbourne and froward sonne that wil not heare the commandementes of his father and mother and being chastened contemneth to be obedient † they shal take him and bring him to the ancientes of his citie and to the gate of iudgement † and shal say to them This our sonne is froward and stubborne he contemneth to heare our admonitions he geueth himself to comessation and to ryote and banketinges † the people of the citie shal stone him and he shal die that you may take away the euil out of the middes of you and al Israel hearing it may be afrayde † When a man hath offended so that he is to be punished by death and being condemned to die is hanged on a gybbet † his bodie shal not remaine vpon the tree but the same day shal be buried because he is accursed of God that hangeth on a tree and thou shalt not contaminate thy Land which our Lord thy God geueth thee in possession CHAP. XXII Pietie towardes neighboures 5. neither sexe may vse the apparel of the other 6. crueltie to be auoided euen towardes birdes 8. batlement about the roofe af a house 9. Things of diuers kindes not to be mixed 12. cordes in the hemes of a cloke 13. Trial and punishment of adulterie and of deflowring virgines 30. the sonne may not marie his stepmother THOV shalt not see thy brothers oxe or sheepe straying and passe by but shalt bring it backe to thy brother † although thy brother be not nigh and thou know him not thou shalt bring them vnto thy house and they shal be with thee vntil thy brother seeke them and receiue them † In like manner shalt thou doe with his asse and with his rayment and with euerie thing of thy brothers that shal be lost if thou finde it neglect it nor as perteyning to an other † If thou see thy brothers asse or oxe to be fallen in the way thou shalt not contemne it but shalt list it vp with him † A woman shal not be clothed with mans apparel neither shal a man vse womans apparel for he is abominable before God that doeth these thinges † If walking by the way thou finde a birdes nest in a tree or on the ground and the damme sitting vpon the young or the egges thou shalt not hold her with her young † but shalt let her goe taking the young and holding them that it may be wel with thee and thou mayest liue a long time † When thou buildest a new house thou shalt make a batlement to the roofe round about lest bloud be shed in thy house and thou be guiltie an other slipping and falling headlong † Thou shalt not sowe thy vineyard with diuerse seede lest both the seede which thou didst sow and the thinges that grow of the vineyard be sanctisied rogether † Thou shalt not plough with an oxe and asse together † Thou shalt not weare a garment that is wouen of wolle and linnen † Thou shalt make litle cordes in the hemme at the foure corners of thy cloke wherwith thou shalt be couered † If a man marrie a wife and afterward hate her † and seeke occasions to put her away obiecting vnto her a verie il name and say I tooke this wife and compayning with her I found her not a virgin † her father and mother shal take her and shal carie with them the signes of her virginitie to the ancientes of the citie that are in the gate † and the father shal say I gaue my daughter vnto this man to wife whom because he hateth † he layeth vnto her a verie il name so that he sayeth I found not thy daughter a virgin and behold these are the signes of my
and serue him with a perfect and verie true hart and take away the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia and in Aegypt and serue our Lord. † But if it like you not to serue our Lord choise is geuen you choose this day that which pleaseth you whom you ought especially to serue whether the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia or the goddes of the Amorrheites in whose Land you dwel but I and my house wil serue our Lord. † And the people answered and said God forbid we should leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes † Our Lord God he brought vs and our fathers out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of seruitude and did in our sight great signes and kept vs in al the way by the which we walked and among al the peoples through which we passed † And he hath cast out al the nations the Amorrheite inhabiter of the Land which we haue entred We therfore wil serue our Lord because he is our God † And Iosue said to the people You can not serue our Lord for God is holie and a mightie aemulator neither wil he pardon your wickednes and sinnes † If you leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes he wil turne him self and wil afflict you and ouerthrow you after he hath geuen you good thinges † And the people said to Iosue No it shal not be so as thou speakest but we wil serue our Lord. † And Iosue said to the people You are witnesses that your selues haue chosen to you our Lord for to serue him And they answered Witnesses † Now therfore quoth he take away strange goddes our of the middes of you and incline your hartes to our Lord the God of Israel † And the people said to Iosue We wil serue our Lord God and wil be obedient to his preceptes † Iosue therfore in that day made a couenant and proposed to the people preceptes and iudgementes in Sichem † He wrote also al these wordes in the volume of the law of our Lord and he tooke a very great stone and put it vnder the oke that was in the Sanctuarie of our Lord † and said to al the people Behold this stone shal be a testimonie for you that it hath heard al the wordes of our Lord which he hath spoken to you lest perhaps hereafter you wil denie and lye to our Lord your God † And he dismist the people euerie one into their possession † And after these thinges Iosue the sonne of Nun the seruant of our Lord died being a hundred and ten yeares old † and “ they buried him in the coastes of his possession in Thamnathsare which is situated in the mountaine of Ephraim on the North part of mount Gaas † And Israel serued our Lord al the daies of Iosue and of the ancientes that liued a long time after Iosue and that had knowen al the workes of our Lord which he had done in Israel † The bones also of Ioseph which the children of Israel had taken out of Aegypt they buried in Sichem in part of the field which Iacob had bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem for a hundred yong ewes and it was in the possession of the sonnes of Ioseph † Eleazar also the sonne of Aaron died and they buried him in Gabaath of Phinees his sonne which was geuen him in mount Ephraim ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 2. They serued false goddes It is euident by this place that Thare and some other progenitors of Israel sometimes serued false goddes from which they were reduced but Abraham was euer preserued in true religion and the whole familie of Thare was therfore persecuted in Chaldea as S. Augustin sheweth li. 16. c. 13. de ciuit Likwise Theodoret q. 18. in Iosue and other both ancient and late writers teach the same as is already noted pag. 203. 30. They buried In that no mention is made of mourning for Iosue S. Hierom noteth a mysterie and a special point of Chistian doctrin It semeth to me saieth he Epist de 42. Maus mans 33. that in Marie prophecie is dead in Moyses and Aaron an end is put to the law and priesthood of the Iewes For so much as they could neither passe into the land of promise nor bring the beleuing people out of the wildernes of this world And Mans 34. Aaron sayeth he was mourned and so was Moyses Iesus is not mourned that is in the law was descentinto hel called limbus in the Gospel is passage to paradise THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF IVDGES SAINCT Hierom geuing this general rule Epist ad Eustoch virg that in reading historical bookes of holie Scripture the historie as fundation of veritie is to be loued but the spiritual vnderstanding rather to be folowed agreably therto teacheth Epist ad Paulin. that in this booke of Iudges there be as manie figures as princes of the people Neither doth he meane that there were no more but for example sake affirmeth that these Iudges raised vp after Iosue and sent of God to deliuer the people fallen for their sinnes into afflictions were types and figures of the Apostles and Apostolical men sent by Christ to propagate and defend his Church of the new Testament For albeit diuers of these Iudges were sometimes great offenders yet they were reclamed by Gods special grace and so amending their errors did great thinges to the singular honour of God and are renowmed among the holie Patriarces and Prophetes particularly praysed in bolie Scipture saying And the Iudges euerie one by his name whose hart was not corrupt Who were not auerted from our Lord that their memorie may be blessed and their bones spring out from their place and their name remaine for euer the glorie of holie men remaining to their children After Iosue therfore who it semeth guided and ruled the people 32. yeares this booke written as is most probable by Samuel shewing the famouse Actes of these Iudges of Israel prosecuteth the historie of the Church the space of 288. yeares more And may be diuided into three partes First is described in general the state of the people sometimes wel and sincerly seruing God other times falling to great sinnes in the two first chapters Secondly their offences afflictions repentance and deliuerie from their enemies are more particularly reported from the third chap. to the 17. Thirdly other special accidents which happened within the same time are recorded in the last fiue chapters THE BOOKE OF IVDGES IN HEBREW SOPHETIM CHAP. I. Vnder a general captaine of the tribe of Iuda assisted by the tribe of Simeon Israel subdueth diuers cities of the gentiles 12. Othoniel taking Cariath sepher possesseth it and marieth Calebs daughter obtainig also addition of her dowrie 21. Iebuseites yet dwel in Hierusalem with Beniamin 27. and the Chananeites with diuers of the tribes AFTER the death of Iosue the children of Israel consulted
of the earth † But if you wil not and wil prouoke me to wrath the sword shal deuoure you because the mouth of our Lord hath spoken † How is the faythful citie ful of iudgement become an harlot iustice hath dwelled in it but now mankillers † Thy siluer is turned into drosse thy wine is mingled with water † Thy princes are vnfaithful companions of theues al loue giftes folow rewardes They iudge not for the pupil and the widowes cause goeth not in to them † For this cause sayth our Lord the God of hostes the mightie one of Israel Alas I wil comfort myselfe vpon mine aduersaries and wil be reuenged of mine enemies † And I wil turne mine hand to thee and I wil boyle out thy drosse til it be pure wil take away al thy tinne † And I wil restore thy iudges as they haue beene before and thy counselers as of old After these thinges thou shalt be called the iust a faithful citie † Sion shal be redemed in iudgement and they shal bring her backe in iustice † And he shal destroy the wicked and the sinners together and they that haue forsaken our Lord shal be consumed † For they shal be confounded for the idols to which they haue sacrificed and you shal be ashamed of the gardens which you chose † When you shal be as an oke the leaues falling of and as a garden without water † And your strength shal be as the isles of to we and your worke as a sparke and both shal be set on fire together and there shal be none to quench it CHAP. II. Al nations shal come to the Church of Christ which shal beginne in Ierusalem 6. And the Iewes shal be reiected for their idolatrie auarice and other sinnes 11. Proud men shal be humbled Gods glorie shal increase 18. Idolatrie shal be destroyed THE word that Isaie the sonne of Amos saw vpon Iuda and Ierusalem † And in the later dayes the montaine of the house of our Lord shal be prepared in the toppe of montaines and it shal be eleuated aboue the little hilles and al nations shal flowe vnto it † And manie peoples shal goe shal say come and let vs goe vp to the mount of our Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and he wil teach vs his wayes and we shal walke in his pathes because the law shal come forth from Sion and the word of our Lord from Ierusalem † And he shal iudge the Gentiles and rebuke manie peoples and they shal turne their swordes into culters and their speares into siethes nation shal not lift vp sword against nation neither shal they be exercised any more to battel † House of Iacob come ye and let vs walke in the light of our Lord. † For thou hast reiected thy people the house of Iacob because they are filled as in times past and haue had southsayers as the Philisthijms and haue stucke fast to strange children † The land is replenished with siluer and gold and there is no end of their treasures † And their land is replenished with horses and their chariotes are innumerable And their land is ful of idoles they haue adored the worke of their handes which their fingers made † And man bowed himself and man was humbled therfore forgeue them not † Enter thou into the rocke and be hid in a pitte in the ground from the face of the feare of our Lord from the glorie of his maiestie † The loftie eies of man are humbled and the height of men shal be made to stoupe our Lord onlie shal be exalted in that day † Because the day of the Lord of hostes shal be vpon al the proude and loftie and vpon euerie one that is arrogant and he shal be humbled † And vpon al the ceders of Libanus high eleuated vpon al the okes of Basan † And vpon al the high mountaines and vpon al little hilles eleuated † And vpon euerie high towre and euerie fensed wal † And vpon al the shippes of Tharsis and vpon al that is fayre to behold † And the loftines of men shal be bowed and the height of men shal be humbled and our Lord onlie shal be exaited in that day † And idols shal vtterly be destroyed † And they shal enter into the caues of rockes and into the pittes of the earth from the face of the feare of our Lord and from the glorie of his maiestie when he shal rise vp to strike the earth † In that day shal a man castaway the idols of his siluer and the idols of his gold which he had made him to adore mowles and battes † And he shal goe into the clefts of rockes and into the caues of stones from the face of the feare of our Lord and from the glorie of his maiestie when he shal rise vp to strike the earth † Cease therfore from the man whose spirit is in his nosthrels because he is reputed high CHAP. III. The Iewes shal be depriued of wise men 4. and be subiect to childish and effeminate gouerners 8. for their greuous sinnes 16. The proud curious and lasciuious attyre of their wemen 24. shal be turned into ignominie and sorow FOR behold the dominatour the Lord of hostes shal take away from Ierusalem and from Iuda the valiant and the strong al strength of bread and al strength of water † The strong and the man of warre the iudge and the prophete and southsayer and the ancient † The prince ouer fiftie and the honorable of countenance and the counseler and the wise of workemasters and the skilful of mystical speach † And I wil geue children to be their princes and the effeminate shal rule ouer them † And the people shal rush violently man against man and euerie one against his neighbour the childe shal make tumult against the ancient and the base against the noble † For a man shal take hold of his brother one of the house of his father Thou hast a garment be thou our prince and let this ruine be vnder thy hand † He shal answer in that day saying I am no physicion in my house there is no bread nor garment do not appoint me prince of the people † For Ierusalem is gone to ruine and Iuda is fallen because their tongue their inuentions were against our Lord to prouoke the eyes of his maiestie † The knowlege of their face hath answered them and they haue proclaimed their sinne as Sodom neither haue they hid it woe to their soule because euils are rendered to them † Say to the iust that it is wel because he shal eate the fruite of his inuentions † Woe to the impious vnto euil for the reward of his handes shal be made to him † My people their exactours haue spoyled wemen haue ruled ouer them My people they that cal thee blessed the same deceiue thee and dissipate
eyes the same is the first king † But wheras that being broken there rose vp foure for it foure kinges shal rise vp of his nation but not in his strength † And after their reigne when iniquities shal be increased there shal arise a king impudent of face and vnderstanding propositions † And his strength shal be made strong but not in his owne strength and more then can be beleued shal he waste al thinges and shal prosper and doe And he shal kil the strong and the people of the saints † according to his wil and craft shal be directed in his hand and he shal magnifie his hart and in the abundance of al thinges he shal murder very manie agaynst the prince of princes shal he arise without hand he shal be destroyed † the vision of the euening and the morning which hath bene sayd is true thou therfore seale the vision because it shal be after manie dayes † And I Daniel languished and was sicke for certaine dayes and when I was risen vp I did the kings workes and was astonied at the vision and there was none that could interprete it CHAP. IX Daniel confessing that they are iustly afflicted for their sinnes 15. prayeth for speedie mercie 20. An Angel signifieth to him that within seuentie wekes of yeares Christ wil come 26. and be slayne his people the Iewes denying him whom he wil therfore reiect IN the first yeare of Darius the sonne of Assuerus of the seede of the Medes who reigned ouer the kingdom of the Chaldees † the first yeare of his kingdom I Daniel vnderstood in bookes the number of the yeares wherof the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie the prophete that seuentie yeares should be accomplished of the desolation of Ierusalem † And I sette my face to our Lord my God to pray and besech in fastinges sackcloth and ashes † And I prayed our Lord my God and I confessed and said I besech thee ô Lord God great and terrible which keepest couenant mercie to them that loue thee and keepe thy commandements † We haue sinned we haue done iniquitie we haue dealt impiously and haue reuolted we haue declined from thy commandments and iudgements † We haue not obeyed thy seruants the prophets that haue spoken in thy name to our kinges to our princes to our fathers and to al the people of the land † To thee ô Lord iustice but to vs confusion of face as is to day to the man of Iuda and to the inhabiters of Ierusalem and to al Israel to them that are nere and to them that are farre of in al the landes to which thou hast cast them out for their iniquities in which they haue sinned against thee † O Lord to vs confusion of face to our princes to our fathers that haue sinned † But to thee Lord our God mercie and propiciation because we haue reuolted from the † and haue not heard the voice of the Lord our God to walke in his law which he gaue vs by his seruants the prophetes † And al Israel haue transgressed thy law and haue declined from hearing thy voice and the malediction hath distilled vpon vs the detestation which is written in the booke of Moyses the seruant of God because we haue sinned to him † And he hath established his wordes which he spake vpon vs and vpon our princes that iudged vs that he would bring in vpon vs a great euil such as neuer was vnder al the heauen according to that which hath bene done in Iersalem † As it is written in the law of Moyses al this euil is come vpon vs and we besought not thy face ô Lord our God that we might returne from our iniquities might thinke on thy truth † And our Lord hath watched vpon the malice and hath brought it vpon vs iust is the Lord our God in al his workes which he hath done for we haue not heard his voice † And now ô Lord our God which broughtest forth thy people out of the Land of Aegypt in a strong hand madst thee a name according to this day we haue sinned we haue done iniquitie † O Lord according to al thy iustice but let thy wrath be turned away I besech thee and thy furie from thy citie Ierusalem from thy holie mount For by reason of our sinnes and the iniquities of our fathers Ierusalem and thy people are a reproch to al round about vs. † Now therfore heare ô our God the petition of thy seruant his prayers and shew thy face vpon thy sanctuarie which is desert for thyne owne sake † Incline my God thine eare heare open thine eyes and see our desolation the citie vpon which thy name is inuocated for neither in our iustifications doe we prostrate prayers before thy face but in thy manie commiserations † Heare ô Lord be pacified ô Lord attend doe delay not for thine owne sake my God because thy name is inuocated vpon thy citie vpon thy people † And when I yet spake prayed and confessed my sinnes and the sinnes of my people of Israel and did prostrate my prayers in the sight of my God for the holie mount of my God † as I was yet speaking in prayer loe the man Gabriel whom I had sene in the vision from the beginning quickly flying touched me in the time of the euening sacrifice † And he taught me and spake to me sayd Daniel now am I come forth to teach thee and that thou mighst vnderstand † From the beginning of thy prayers the word came forth and I am come to shew it to thee because thou art a man of desires and doe thou marke the word and vnderstand the vision † Seuentie weekes are abbridged vpon thy people vpon thy holie citie that preuarication may be consummate and sinne take an end iniquitie be abolished and euerlasting iustice be brought vision be accomplished and prophecie the Holie one of holies be anointed † Know therfore marke From the going forth of the word that Ierusalem be built againe vnto Christ the prince there shal be seuen weekes sixtie two weekes the streete shal be built againe the walles in * straitnes of the times † And after sixty two weekes Christ shal be slaine and it shal not be his people that shal denie him And the city the sanctuary shal the people dissipate with the prince to come the end therof waste after the end of the battel the appoynted desolation † And he wil confirme the couenant to manie one weeke and in the halfe of the weeke shal the hoste the sacrifice fayle and there shal be in the temple the abomination of desolation euen to the consummation and to the end shal the desolation endure CHAP. X. After fasting other voluntarie afflictions 4. Daniel seing a