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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73201 The present state of Spaine. Translated out of French; Estat d'Espagne. English. Sergier, Richard, attributed name.; Lewkenor, Lewis, Sir, d. 1626, attributed name. 1594 (1594) STC 22997; ESTC S125625 22,718 65

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Austria Earle of Flanders of Artois and of Charrolois the fift at day of Iuly 1499. the saide Lorde Chancellour being then in the Cittie of Arras in the Bishoppes pallace And for that such great actes and ceremonies which haue bin vsed and obserued therein to the honour exaltation profit and aduantage of the King and his Crowne are worthie of perpetuall memorie I haue beene so bolde at his instance to couch in writing all that I could see and vnderstand touching this present act and busines and especially since the nine and twentie of Iune last past vntill the fift of Iuly next ensuing And to come to the matter certaine and true it is that the Lord Chancellor departed the same day at after dinner from Dourlent in the countrie of Picardy to goe for the Cittie of Arras where he arriued before night being all the way accompanied with the Lordes de Rauestain and de la Gruture with Charles de la Vernada Knight of the same place Master Christopher de Cremona Counsellers of state and ordinarie Masters of Requests of the Kings house Master Ralfe de Launoy Baily of Amiens Master Francis d'Estain Hugh de Baigel Almaury de Quinqui ville Nicholas de Foix Philip d'Estas Richard Nepueu Peter de la Vernada common Counsellers Macé Toustain the Kings Proctor generall in his Priuie Counsell John Bourdelot the Kings Proctor generall in his Courte of Parliament at Paris Antony le Viste Register of the Chauncery of France Dreux Budé John de Villebresme Ralfe Guyot Philip Maillart Notaries and Secretaries to his Maiestie and to me And as the Lord Chauncellor came with this traine within a mile and halfe of the Cittie of Arras riding in gallant order hauing before him the Gentleman Vsher of the priuie Councell carrying vpon his shoulder in open sight his mace grauen and imbossed with the Kings Armes after the Gentleman Vsher followed next the Clarke of the Signet who carried the Scale as the vse is when the Lord Chauncellor rideth his circuits into the Countrey on either side of this Clarke of the Signet marched one of the two kinges of Armes of our Lord the King enrobed with their coates of Armes to wit Mont-ioye the chiefe king of Armes of France and Normandie here came to meete the Lorde Chancellor the Bishop of Cambray Thomas de Pleures Knight Chancellor to the Archduke the Lorde Earle of Nassau the Lorde of Fiennes and diuers others both Knightes and Squiers most of them of the Archdukes Councell The Bishop addressing himselfe towards the Chancellor signified vnto him that the Lordes of his companie were sent by the Archduke his Master to informe him that the saide Lorde Archduke was most ioyfull of his ariuall and likewise of that of all the other Lords in traine with him that they were al the welcōmest men that might be with other faire speeches gentle greetings sweete salutations all this nobilitie doing great reuerence and honour to the L. Chancellor and giuing princely entertainement to all the Nobles of his troupe for the which the L. Chancellor returned most honorable thankes to the Archduke and to the other Lordes who were come thither in his behalfe And soone after they on both sides tooke their way to goe vnto the Cittie As the whole company arriued at the entrance of the Suburbes the Chancellor was met by the Archduke himselfe who to receiue him the more honorablie and to meete him by the way was departed on horsebacke from the Abbey of Saint Vas in the Cittie of Arras and had passed cleane through the greatest streete thereof And so soone as the Archduke accompanied with a great number both of Knightes of his order with Squiers and other officers of his household who were marshalled on euery side to make way and place for the Chancellor and those of his traine to passe perceiued the Chancellor hee put his hand to his hatte and vncouering his head hastened on his Mule to march towards the Lorde Chancellor whom hee embraced holding still his hat in hand and there gaue him the gentle welcome demaunding him in this manner How dooth my Lorde the King To whom the Chancellor answered very well God bee thanked as hee intended to declare vnto him more amply The like great entertainement gaue this Archduke to the Lordes of Rauestain and la Gruture saluting graciously the Masters of Requests and the other of the Kings Counsaile who were there present After many friendly speeches and countenances past betweene the Archduke the Chancellor and the Lorde Rauestain the Archduke holding still his hatte in his hand and would not bee couered except the Chancellor would also put on the Archduke and the Chancellor roade on their way to enter into the Cittie the Chancellor still holding the right hand and the Gentleman Vsher to the Kings Councel bearing vp his mace in open sight and the Clarke of the Signet hauing the Kinges seale vpon his backe as the custome is when the Chancellor rideth thorough the Kingdome and the two Kinges of Armes in their order nor was there any other there on the behalfe of the Archduke or Chancellor which thing was and hath been greatly noted as well by the Archdukes people and officers as by the other Cittisens and Countrie whereof there was no small number both within the Cittie and without thither flocked to beholde this their magnificent entrance Thus the Archduke conducted along the Lorde Chancellor still parling vnto him vncouering his head oftentimes and by no meanes would not put on againe except the Chancellor were couered as soone as hee and thus did hee bring him along vnto the verie porch of the cloyster of the great Church whence the Archduke would by all force carrie him into the Bishops Pallace in the which the Lorde Chancellor hath alwaies been lodged nor coulde the entreaties and requests which the Chancellor made vnto him to content himselfe that hee had done so much vnto him for the honour of his King preuaile any thing at all Vpon these enterparlies the Archduke departing from the Chancellor withdrew himselfe into the Cittie of Arras to his lodging in Saint Vas his Abbey and the Lorde Chancellor into the Bishops pallace accompanied with the Earle of Nassau and other great personages of the Archdukes house and afterward euerie one of the Chancellors trayne retyred themselues into such lodgings as the herbingers had appoynted for them After many goings and commings to and fro which by the Lorde Bishoppe Thomas de Pleures the Countie Nassau the Lord of Mont-labais and other of the Archdukes officers during all the dayes of Munday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday following being the first second third and fourth of Iuly were made to the Chauncellour into his lodging to treate and conclude vpon some poynts and articles propounded by the Kinges Proctor generall in his Courte of Parliament The said matters comming to an issue upon thursdaye request was made by the Archdukes officers to the Lorde Chancellor that
which you shall cary newe in your cloake bagges Who shall then bee the man so miserable that will admit in our Fraunce such people whose very name is so ill receaued and odious that to name them only skarreth the little children and maketh them affrayde Alas Take heede Frenchmen it be not reproched you before God how ye haue chaced away your owne brethren to lodge among you barbarous people take heede that this curse fall not vpon your heads to be called iustlie Vipers who teares out the entrals of your own mother that is to say of your own natiue country beleeue that euerie one that wold ruine the building of Fraunce shall remaine buried in the ruines But if the lawes do punish a man for hauing slaine a man who is his like by how much more strong reason shall those be punished who do not only kill a man but procure the entire death and destruction of a kingdome The king of Spaine who here to fore said that we must come to no tretie of peace with our king being swarued from the faith ceased not in the mean time and giueth not yet ouer to assay by all meanes to make peace with his subiects of Holland and Zeland who are Lutheriens Caluinists or Anabaptistes He offreth to leaue them their free exercise of religion to let them haue their citties and gouernments in the same estate wherin they possesse thē demandeth only at their handes that they woulde but acknowledge him for their king But those States ful wel knowe to whom they appertaine and what manner a thing the Spanish domination is that this nation doth applaud as doth the Crocodile when she wil cast forth her venome or bite witnes be the poor Earls of Aignemont of Horn put cruelly to death notwithstanding their seruices done for the reducing of countries into his obedience the faith to them promised The death also procured by poison as is said to the poor Lord of Montigny the end of the poore Marquesse of Bergues and of al the Nobility which by one or other meane they race and root cleane out King Henry the fourth can wel tel how to defie all their false drifts he mistrusteth their cunning cariages for all their sending him the portraite of the infant He may too well knowe how when Ferdinando of Arragon the last Philip Archduk of Austria were in treaty of the mariage of Madam Claudi of Fraunce with Charles the fifth the father of this Philip nowe rayning and after the mariage concluded sworne and confirmed at Blois the king of Fraunce Lewes the twelfth his Lieutenants mistrusting nothing the Spainards ranne vppon them defeating two French Armies the one in Calabria vnder the Conduct of the Lord d'Anbigny the other at Cirignolla lead by the Duke of Nemours the Lord Lewes d'Armignac the chiefe commanders of the Spaniards alledging for all excuses that they had heard of no prohibition giuen them from their maister to make warres At this present the king of Spaine being of the age of sixty 7. yeares and aboue vnlustly of his person as he is doubtles seeth himselfe at the period of his subtilties cannot tel by what meanes to keepe that which he hath purloined from others his faire promises vapour away to nothing his mind is bewrayed and his counsels discouered Hee seeketh to helpe himselfe with the feebler side in Fraunce to the end to keepe vs stil in war for feare least the weaker parte through want of means should abandōn the war hee would make vs knocke one another on the heades that he may make his preie on vs afterward He goeth about to cut our throats with our own kniues and to ouerthrowe vs with our owne weapons because by his hee knoweth he cannot do it He entertaineth the warre in our country for feare least wee set vpon him in his owne And if that parte which he taketh should become the stronger he would incontinent war vpon it He is not yet come to sollicite as they call them the Huguenotes of Fraunce to rebell against King Henrie the fourth and to wage warre vpon him Let then all Princes and Potentates take heed of the enterprises and counsels of so charitable a neighbour And you Frenchmen learn to be wise by your owne harmes I adiure you all by the honour and respect you beare vnto God by the faith loue and loyaltie you owe to King Henry the fourth giuen by God vnto Fraunce sonne to your predecessor Kings issued from the loynes of S. Lewes and by the charity yee owe to your countrie and to the safetie of your selues of your wiues and of your children and to the conseruation of our religion Temples and Fortunes cease among your selues this peeuish rebellion if as yet it haue place in anie of you and reduce it to a due obedience which onely can make next after the grace of God spring againe vpon vs the blisse of our fathers and the peace and tranquillitie of their golden ages Some preach that religion is in great ieopar die that many of the fathers in the primitiue Church are dead for the catholick faith and that we must die for the same I grant it but they must giue vs the Scriptures as they are vnderstood We are already to die when they shal force vs to renounce our Sauiour Iesus Christ to sacrifice vnto Idols Then and no otherwise ought death to bee endured in this case so haue those fathers receaued it we will die before we will bee other than followers of the true Catholike and Apostolike religion Our fathers in the church fled in time of persecution none of them haue resisted kings in armes finding it better to suffer then to reuolt Our Lord also counselled his Apostles to flie in time of persecution from one cittye to an other and not to make any resistance by armes And ye the Lords of the Cleargy knowe ye that the doctrine which God hath giuen vs to you principally as a pledge of his grace hall neuer gette his perfect and resplendent brightnesse as long as these bloudy warres shall trouble the sweete streams flowing from so goodly a fountain O how the league doth well shew it selfe to be come from the lowest cauernes of hell sith it putteth diuision namely among the Catholikes who being vnited together might liuely haue set vpon the Heritikes and by faire war cut off many thousands of them Knowe that you haue neede of the materiall sword which is that of the kinge to make you liue in safety rest and iustice and to maintain this our religion which is the trew soule of the body of our estate And sure needefull it is to conserue the kingdome in his entire body without diuiding it into his mēbers for fear least by the cutting off of som one principall this soule take his flight away Behold I pray you the fruit of the preachings of some amongst you and possible albeit not all moued with a good