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A44774 Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the monarchs of England from the time of the invasion thereof by Jvlivs Cæsar to this present year 1679 : with an abstract of the lives of the Roman emperors commanding in Britain, and the habits of the ancient Britains : to which is added a list of the names of the Honourable the House of Commons now sitting, and His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, &c. Howell, William, 1638?-1683. 1679 (1679) Wing H3139A; ESTC R41001 296,398 683

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spurs to his horse rode away but fainting through the loss of much blood he fell from his horse and with one foot in the stirrup was drag'd up and down the woods and grounds till in the end his body was left dead at Corfe's Gate and was first buried at Warham afterwards removed to the Minster of Shaftsbury Alfrida his Mother-in-law sore repenting the fact to expiate her guilt and pacify his crying blood as she thought founded the Monastries of Almsbury and Worwell in the last whereof she dyed and was buried ETHELRED A.D. 978. EThelred for his slowness sirnamed The unready was crowned at Kingstone Upon his Coronation a Cloud was seen through England one half like blood the other half like fire Ethelgar Alfrick A.B. Cant And in the third year of his reign the Danes arrived in sundry places of the Land and did much spoil And about the same time a great part of London was consumed by fire He payed tribute 40000 l. yearly called Dane-gilt to the Danes His reign was much molested with Danish Invasions in divers parts of the Land And so low were the English at that time by the intruding Danes that they were forced to till and sow the ground while the Danes sate idle in their houses and eat that which they toiled for Also abusing their Daughters and Wives and having all at their command the English for very fear calling them Lord Danes Hence we call a lazy Lubber a Lurdane In this the English distressed estate the King at last sent forth a secret Commission into every City within his Dominions That upon the Thirteenth day of November they should massacre all the Danes which were amongst them This Command of the Kings the people put in execution with extreme rigor in A.D. 1002. But to revenge this great destruction of the Danes Swein King of Denmark prepared a very great Navy and arrived in the West of England and shortly after Canutus brought 200 sail of ships well furnished to his assistance And in A. D. 1016 King Ethelred dyed and was buried at St. Pauls His Issue were Ethelston Egbert Edmond Edred Edwy Edgar Edward Elfred and four Daughters In the year of our Lord 991 was Ipswich in Suffolk sacked by the Danes And in A. D. 1004 Thetford in Norfolk anciently called Sitomagus was sack'd by the Danes Siricus Elphegus Livingus A.B. Cant. for the recovery whereof Bishop Arfast removed his Episcopal See from Elmham thither Norwich was fired by the Danes its Castle was afterward re-edified by Hugh Bigod Earl of Norfolk EDMOND IRONSID A.D. 1016 EDmond sirnamed Ironside the eldest son that Ethelred had living at his death was crowned at Kingstone by Livingus Archbishop of Canterbury A. D. 1016. At which time the Danes were so powerful in England that Canute was accepted King at South-hampton by many of the Clergy and Laity who sware fealty to him But the City of London stood most firm for Edmond and bravely withstood Canute besieging it till such time that King Edmond came and relieved them At Penham near Gillingham King Edmond engaged with the Danes where he put many of them to the sword and the rest to flight And not long after his and the Danish Host met nigh to Shereston in Worcestershire where the battel was for the first day fought with equal success but on the next day when the English were in forwardness and probability of the victory the Traytor Edrick on purpose disanimated them by cutting off the head of a dead soldier putting it on his sword point then crying to the English Host Fly ye wretches fly and get you away for your King is slain behold here is his head seek therefore now to save your own lives By which means the fight ended on even hands And the next night following Canute stole away toward London whom Ironside followed first raising the siege that Canutus had laid against London and then marching after him to Brentwood where he gave the Danes a great overthrow Then near unto Oteford in Kent the two Armies met again and fought in furious manner till at last the day fell to the English who slew Four thousand five hundred men with the loss but of Six hundred and put the rest to flight whom the King had pursued to their utter confusion had not his brother-in-law Edrick play'd the Traytor again disswading him from the chase of them under the pretence of danger of ambushments and the English soldiers over-weariedness Whereupon Canute had the opportunity of passing over into Essex where his scattered Forces rallied and fresh supplies came in to them After whom Edmond advanced and at Ashdon by Saffron-Waldon the Armies joined battel when a bloody slaughter ensued with the hopes of victory on the English side which the ever-traytorous Edrick perceiving he withdrew his strength to the Danes the enemy thereby regaining the day Of King Edmond's Nobles were slain Duke Alfred Duke Goodwin Duke Athelward Duke Ethelwin Earl Vrchel with Cadnoth Bishop of Lincoln and Wolsey Abbot of Ramsey and other of the Clergy that were come thither to pray for good success to the English The Memorial of this Battel is still retained by certain small hills there remaining where the dead were buried From hence King Edmond marched to Glocester with a very small Army which he there encreased After him Canute followed and at Dearhurst near Severn both Hosts met and were ready to join battel When by the motion of a certain Captain Edmond and Canute undertook by single Combat to end the difference So entring into a small Island called Alney adjoining to Glocester there they valiantly fought till Canute having received a dangerous wound and finding Edmond to over-match him in strength he thus spake to the English King What necessity should move us most valiant Prince that for the obtaining of a Title vve should thus endanger our lives Better it were to lay Malice and Weapons aside and to condescend to a loving Agreement Let us novv therefore become svvorn Brothers and divide the Kingdom betvvixt us and in such league of amity that each of us may use the others as his ovvn So shall this Land be peaceably governed and We jointly assist each others necessity Which vvords ended they both cast dovvn their Svvords embrace as friends vvith the great joy and shouting of both Armies And according to Canute's proposal the Kingdom was divided betwixt them Edmond having that part that lay coasting upon France Canute the rest But the Traytor Duke Edrick with design to work himself further into Canute's favour procured Edmond to be thrust into the body as he was easing nature Then cutting off his head he presented Canute therewith saying All hail thou now sole Monarch of England for behold here the head of thy Co-partner which for thy sake I have adventured to cut off To whom Canute like a worthy King replyed That in regard of that service the bringers own head should be advanced
danger he was in changed his note confessing himself to be but the man Sir Anthony said Well thou canst never do thy Master better service than to hang for him causing him to be trussed up on the next tree Other commotions arose in other parts of the Realm but the most dangerous was that in Norfolk headed by Robert Ket a Tanner of Wimonham who took upon him to be the Kings Deputy giving out Warrants in the Kings name for what he pleased His Tribunal-seat was in an old Tree where sate the jolly Tanner accompanied with his Counsellors and Assistants being two chosen men out of every hundred of the rout Hither came the complaints of the Camp and from hence Commissions were issued out to plunder Ships and Gentlemens houses of Armour and Artillery so that this Tree was termed the Oak of Reformation Whence likewise sometimes Sermons were delivered and once by the Reverend Dr. Parker for which his life was endangered his Sermon was so displeasing to the Rabble To pacifie these rebells the King caused his general pardon to be proclaimed by an Herald at Arms. Notwithstanding which they still proceeded in their rebellion and made themselves Masters of the City of Norwich The King therefor sent William Parre Marquess of Northampton against them but him they over-powered Then the Lord Dudley Earl of Warwick was imployed against them who with small resistance gained the Market-place of Norwich where he caused sixty rebells whom he had taken immediately to be executed by Martial Law The main body of the rebells entrenched themselves at the foot of the Hill called Dussin-dale partly upon vain Prophesies given forth amongst them by Wisards That Hob Dic and Hie meaning the Clowns should with their clubs fill up the valley of Dussin-dale with dead bodies On August 27 the Earl prepared for fight the rebells likewise set themselves in order placing in their fore-rank all the Gentlemen whom they had taken prisoners coupled in Irons Upon the rebells Captain Drury with his own Band and the Almains charged couragiously and opened their Battel to the setting at liberty of the captive Gentlemen and the Earls light Horsemen came so valiantly on that the rebells gave back and fled and with the foremost their Captain Ket The chase held three miles and more with the slaughter of 3500 rebells The rest of the rebells that kept about the Ordnance by the Generals perswasions and promise of pardon cast away their Weapons and with one voice cried God save King Edward The next day following Ket was apprehended in a Barn where he had hid himself and shortly after was hanged in Chains upon the Castle of Norwich William Ket his brother was hang'd upon the high Steeple of Wimonham and nine other of them were hang'd upon the Oak of Reformation This Rebellion was at the first broacht under the pretence of throwing open the Inclosures which the King by Proclamation had commanded to be done though it was neglected These disturbances being setled others were made in the North by Thomas Dale a Parish Clark William Ombler a Yeoman and one Stevenson the Post of Seymour Their pretences were to restore the Church her rights and to disburthen the Land of Grievances giving out that the Pope was the man that K. Edward was an intruder if not a meer Heretick that the Church had power of both the Swords When these fellows were increased to the number of about 3000 the Kings pardon being sent to them they most of them departed to their own homes but Ombler and Dale with four others were executed at York Septemb. 21 1549. And as the Commons disquieted the Country so did some Lords and Ladies disquiet the Court. The Protector 's brother Thomas Seymour Baron of Sudley High Admiral of England had married Queen Katharine Parre which Lady contending for place with the Protector 's Dutchess occasioned the haughty Dutchess 't is said to procure the Lord Sudley's ruin Which Lord was accused to have designed the getting of the Kings person into his custody and Government of the Realm for the which with some smaller matters charged upon him he was condemned by Act of Parliament and by his brother the Protector 's Warrant was beheaded on Tower-hill March 20. But the Brothers being now disjoined who might have supported each other had they lived together in brotherly love the Protector himself is marked out for destruction Divers Lords article against the Duke accusing him That he had animated the rebells in their rebellion That he was a sower of sedition amongst the Nobles That he had against Law erected a Court of Requests in his own house inforcing divers of the Kings Subjects thither to answer for their free-holds c. And so close and cunningly they prosecuted the matter against him that they got him into the Tower Octob. 12 1549 but the King procured his liberty immediately though not his former Authority In the mean space that the Protector was under these troubles the Scots recovered the places that the English had gained from them The French also attempted to gain the Fort of Bulloinberg by surprize unto which enterprize 7000 men were chosen who secretly marched in the night with Ladders and furniture meet for the design and approached within a quarter of a Mile of the Fort but one Carter an English man a soldier amongst them understanding what was intended hastily and privately made from his Company and gave the Alarm to his Countrymen in the Fort whereupon Sir Nicholas Arnalt the Governour made such preparations against the French mens coming that at their approach he repulsed them with so great a slaughter that fifteen Wagons went away laden with dead bodies of the French After this the French assaulted the Isles of Garnsey and Jersey but were beaten off with the lost of a thousand men Howbeit the French King gave not over till he had recovered by surrender Bulloinberg and the Town of Bulloin which last he purchased at a high price A. D. 1550 that mortal disease called the sweating-sickness raged extreamly through England whereof died the two Sons of Charles Brandon both of them Dukes of Suffolk successively besides an infinite number in their best strength And which is wonderful this disease followed only English men in foreign Countries no other people being infected thereby And to fill up the dolours of these doleful times the good Duke of Sommerset was again by the over-reachings of the Earl of Warwick lately created Duke of Northumberland and other his emulators committed prisoner and not long after put to death For the Duke of Sommerset giving ear to such false friends as sought his ruin privily armed himself and so went to the Council-Table his flatterers having put him in fear of some sudden attempt intended against him But at the Council-Table his bosom being opened and the Armour found he was forthwith apprehended as intending the death of some Counsellor and sent to the Tower Octob. 16 1551 and in December
Naesby in Northamptonshire both Armies met on Saturday June 14th 1645. His Majesty commanded the main body Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice the right wing Sir Marmaduke Langdale the left the Lord Ashly the right-hand reserve and Sir George Lisle the left Of the Parliament Army Fairfax and Skippon had the ordering of the main battel Cromwel the right wing and Ireton the left Prince Rupert charged that wing commanded by Ireton so home that he disordered it taking Ireton Prisoner and for a while he followed the Parlimentarians towards Naesby but in the interim Cromwel worsted the Kings right wing and then came into Fairfax his assistance who together charged upon the Kings main body and they no longer able to stand it out retreated out of the Field leaving a compleat Victory to the disloyal party who pursued them within two miles of Leicester killing in their way many Women that had followed the Cavaliers Camp On the Parliaments side were wounded and slain above 1000 On the Kings side were slain 20 Knights Colonels and Officers of note and 600 private Soldiers and of Prisoners were taken six Colonels 8 Lieutenant-Colonels 18 Majors 70 Captains with many other Officers 4500 common Soldiers 13 of the Kings houshold-servants 12 Pieces of Ordinance 8000 Arms 40 Barrels of Powder 200 Carriages store of rich pillage 3000 Horses the Kings Standard one of his Coaches His Cabinet of Letters which the Parliament caused to be made publick April the 16th Leicester was yielded up to Sir Thomas Fairfax which accomplished he marched into the West to relieve Taunton then besieged by the Royal party At Langport he discomfitted the Lord Gorings forces taking 1400 Prisoners Then Bridgwater and Bath yielded to him Then he besieged Sherbourn Castle and sent Cromwel to suppress the Wilts and Dorsetshire Club-men associated about Shaftsbury which he did killing some taking others and dispersing the rest These Club-men declared themselves Nutrals pretending only to secure their own proprieties August the 15th Sherbourn Castle was surrendred upon promise of Quarter At Rowton-heath near Chester Colonel Poyns worsted his Majesties forces In York-shire Collonel Robert Lilburn routed the Royalists commanded by the Lord Digby and Sir Marmaduke Langdale Collonel Birch and Collonel Morgan by a stratagem took Hereford for the Parliament At Boveytracy Oliver Cromwel surprised the Lord Wentworth took three Regiments dispersing two others Fairfax took Dartmouth defeated the Lord Hopton at Torrington and immediately after blocks him up at Truro inforcing him to disband his Army March 21 Jacob Lord Ashly was routed at Stow in the Wold by Sir William Brereton and Colonel Morgan The Loyal Lord himself was taken Prisoner with 1500 others Many of the Kings Garisons fell this year into the hands of the Parlamentarians as Bristol the Devizes Winchester-Castle basing-Basing-House laycock-Laycock-House Berkly-Castle Chepstow Westchester Belvoir-Castle Latham-House Monmouth and Welbeck House c. A. D. 1646 All Caveliers were commanded to depart the City of London betwixt the 30 of March and April the 6th and now his Majesty was reduced into a very low Condition His forces beaten out of the field in all places and his Garisons surrendred and taken dayly as St. Michaels-Mount Ruthen-Castle Woodstock Excester and Barnstable and General Fairfax approaching to besiege Oxford the King upon thoughts of providing for himself went in a disguise to the Scotch Camp that was then before Newark May the fourth the Scotch Officers engaging to secure both him and as many of his party as should seek for shelter with them and to stand to him with their lives and fortunes But upon his Majesties departure from Oxford divers of the Noble-men as they had been deserted by the King yielded themselves to Fairfax And June the 24th the most Loyal University and City of Oxford was surrendred upon Honourable Terms by Sir Thomas Glenham After which a number of the Kings Garisons yielded to the Parliament as Banbury Ludlow Borstal Carnarvan Lichfield Worcester Wallingford Gothridge Ragland Pendennis and Newark by the Kings order was delivered up and the Lord Montross in Scotland and Lord Ormond in Ireland by the Kings command desisted their Hostilities After the surrender of Newark the Scotch Army marched back towards their own Country as far as Newcastle upon Tine where when they were come they tendred their Covenant to the King pretending that unless he would take that they durst not bring him into Scotland This the King refused not if they would first satisfy those scruples concerning Church-Government which lay upon his Conscience which to effect Mr. Alexander Henderson a Minister the Oracle of the Kirk was imployed to converse with him His Majesties parts were so great and Cause so good that made all Mr. Hendersons attempts succesless See the Printed papers of their Disputations Whilst these things were acting at Newcastle the bargain was struck at London betwixt the Parliament and Scotch Commissiones and for 200000 l. the Scots delivered the King up to the English Parliament Yet to mask their perfidy the Scots added this caution That there should be no attempt made upon the Kings person but being entertained at one of his own Palaces he should be there treated with upon propositions from both Nations which should be speedily sent unto him February the 6th the Scots left Newcastle and marched homeward and two days after the King set forward with the Parliaments Commissioners for Holmby attended with 900 Horse And now the Parliament because they wanted others to quarrel withall fell to quarrel amongst themselves dividing into two parties Presbyterians and Independents with Anabaptists and the other Sectarists The Presbiterians were then powerful in the House but the other in the Army and were a subtle and resolute people The former of these parties seeing themselves in danger of being supplanted by the other voted in Parliament to have part of the Army disbanded another part of it sent over into Ireland towards the reducing that Countrey and the remainder to be disposed into several places of England to keep the Royallists in awe This put the Army into a heat who to make their part sure sent a party of Horse commanded by Cornet Joyce to seize upon the Kings person and to bring him from Holmby into their own quarters which was done June the 3d 1647 From Holmby they conveyed His Majesty to Childersley and thence to New-market the Grandees of the Army pretending to him how they were grieved for his imprisonment and sufferings professing they would never part with their Arms till they had made his way to his Throne but it must be a Throne in Heaven And the more to palliate their evil meanings they permitted him the service of his own Chaplains which he had been denied at Holmby the commerce of Letters with the Queen the visits of his own party and attendance of his Courtiers The Parliament voted that the General should be required to deliver the King to their Commissioners who were to bring him to Richmond
or Military power But the General 's Speech was not well liked of by Mr. Tho. Scot and some other of the Members And the City of London with whom they thought his Excellency too gracious gave them greater cause of discontent for the Common Council was now resolved to pay no more Taxes till such time that the House was filled up with equal Representatives Hereupon the Junto resolved to punish the City and to make the General instrument in it ordering him to seize upon eleven of the most active of the Common-Council and commit them to the Tower and also to pull down and break the Posts Chains Gates and Portcullices of the City which he put in execution accordingly on February the ninth though not with any pleasure to himself but of necessity that so the House might not take any occasion from his disputing their commands to vacate his Commission and put him out of capacity to accomplish the blessed end he designed Howbeit this action of the Generals did exceedingly amuse the loyal-hearted Citizens and other good Subjects and made them almost quite to give over the good hopes they had formerly had of him But his Excellency to put them out of all doubt concerning his intentions bravely resolved to put an end to the Junto's power And in order thereto the very next morning he sent a Letter to the House therein complaining that they gave too much countenance to Lambert Vane and several others that engaged with the late Committee of Safety that they had too much favoured a Petition lately delivered by one Praise God Barebone and other Fanaticks and then concludes with a prefixed day before which they should issue out Writs for a New Parliament that so they might terminate their sitting and come to a dissolution The Junto receiving the Generals Letter dissemble their resentment of it and order him the Thanks of the House for his faithful service in securing the City yet the very same day that they might limit his power they past an Act for the Government of the Army by five Commissioners he to be one of them the other their own Creatures The General hearing hereof with all convenient speed drew his Army together and marched to Westminster where he gave the Secluded Members re-admission into the parlia-Parlia-House February the 21 to the great grief of the Rump-Parliament for so the Junto was now called in scorn and contempt and to the exceeding joy both of City and Country And now the Parliament vote General Monk to be Captain General of all the Forces in the three Nations constitute a new Council of State set at liberty Sir George Booth and such of his party as were Prisoners also all such as had been imprisoned for petitioning for a Free Parliament caused the Rump Militia consisting most of Sectaries to be disbanded made such Acts as might the best conduce to the settlement of the Nation as for the taking away all places of trust and power out of the hands of the Sectarian party also voted a Full and Free Parliament to be chosen and to sit at Westminster April the 25th This Parliament was called Free yet as in all the Protectors Parliaments no Loyalist that had been in actual Arms for the King was capable of being elected for a Parliament-man March 17 the Long Parliament dissolved themselves leaving a Council of State to govern till the next Parliament should assemble But in the interim that the Parliament was busied for the recovering the peace and freedom of the Nation some malecontents were very active for sowing the seeds of division in the Army especially in that part which had been for the Committee of Safety yet by the care and prudence of General Monk who displaced most of the Fanatick Officers their designs were frustrated Lambert after the dissolution of the Parliament attempted to involve the Nation again in a Civil War but Col. Richard Ingoldsby dispersed his small force and took him prisoner A.D. 1660 Apr. 20 the Free Parliament assembled at Westminster on May 1. voted That according to the ancient and fundamental Laws of this Kingdom Charles the II. is the lawful and undoubtful King of these Nations Transcendent was the joy all over England which issued from this good news His Majesty from his Court then at Breda had sent his Letters to both Houses of Parliament to General Monk and to the City to Admiral Montague and the Officers of the Fleet with also a Declaration to all his loving Subjects the substance whereof was That he did grant a free and general pardon to all his Subjects that should within forty days lay hold upon his grace and favour excepting such persons as should be excepted by Parliament That he would shew all possible Indulgement to tender Consciences And such as differ in matter of Religion so they did not disturb the peace of the Kingdom that he would preserve them free from injury in their lives and estates and that all things relating to sales and purchases for there had been more lands bought and sold in the late usurping times than what the right owners loyal Subjects had consented to should be determined in Parliament That he would take care for the full satisfaction of the arrears of the Soldiery under the command of General Monk and that they should be received into his service upon as good pay and conditions as at that present they enjoyed The Parliament considering that his Majesty had for many years been deprived of his Revenues and therefore could not but be in want of money they therefore ordered that the sum of 5000 l. should be sent him for a present 10000 l. to the Duke of York and 5000 l. to the Duke of Gloucester The City of London likewise to testifie their gratitude to his Majesty sent him 10000 l. and to his two Brothers a 1000 l. apiece and 300 l. they presented to the Lord Mordant and Sir John Greenvil who brought them his Majesties Letters to buy each of them a Ring and the Parliament for the same reason gave 500 l. to Sir John Greenvil to purchase a Jewel May 8. by order of Parliament Charles the II. was at London with very great solemnity proclaimed The most Potent Mighty and undoubted King of England Scotland c. at which time the Acclamations of the people were wonderful great and their joys such that they could not find ways to express them May 22. his Excellency G. Monk set forth of London in order to meet his Majesty and May 23. his Majesty with his Brothers set sail for England from the Hague and on Friday landed at Dover where the loyal General received the King About 2 miles from Dover his Majesty forsook his Coach and took Horse his Brothers riding on his right hand and the General on his left after whom the Duke of Buckingham and many other Noblemen Gentlemen followed in gallant Equipage For the excellent service that G. M. had done for the King and
twentieth by order of Parliament was the Scots Solemn League and Covenant that had been imposed on the Kings Subjects without his consent burnt in London by the hand of the common Hangman May the 27th James Marquess of Argile for his former disloyal and treasonable practices was beheaded at the City of Edenbrough in Scotland November the 26 John James a Fifth-monarchist was drawn hanged and quartered at London for speaking certain Treasonable words January the 27th the Lord Mounson Sir Henry Mildmay and Mr. Wallop three instruments in procuring the death of the late King were shamefully drawn upon Hurdles from Newgate to Tyburn and from thence back again February the eighth hapned a most violent Wind the like to which had not been known in the memory of any then living it did very much harm in many parts of the Nation by tearing up of Fruit and Timber-Trees and ruining Houses This year the Book of Common-Prayer was restored to the Church and confirmed by Act of Parliament A. D. 1662 and April the 19th three of the Regicides namely Berkstead Okey and Corbet were drawn upon Hurdles from the Tower to Tyburn and there hang'd and quartered May the 14. Katharine the Infanta of Portugal arrived at Portsmouth where she was married to Charles the Second King of England Scotland c. May the 19th at the Prorogation of the Parliament was the Bill for Hearth-money signed In the beginning of June was Sir Henry Vane and Lambert tryed at the Kings-Bench Bar for formerly disturbing the peace of the Nation c. and were found guilty of Treason and condemned and on June the 14th was Sir Henry Vane beheaded on Tower-hill but through his Majesties Clemency Lambert had his life respited On St. Bartholomew day did many Ecclesiastical persons relinquish their benefices rather than conform to the Church-discipline and declare their unfeigned assent and consent to all and every thing contained and prescribed in and by the Book of Common-Prayer and subscribe the following acknowledgment Viz I do declare that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are Commissionated by him c. That I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now established by Law And I do declare that I hold there lies no obligation on me or any other person from the Oath commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant to endeavour any change and alteration of Government eitheir in Church or State and that the same was in it self an unlawful Oath and imposed upon the Subjects of this Kingdom against the known Laws and Liberties thereof A. D. 1663. and May the 31 dyed that reverend Prelate Dr. Juxon Archbishop of Canterbury into whose See the Learned Dr. Sheldon Bishop of London was Translated A. D. 1664 Numerous complaints being made unto the Parliament of the many injuries and depredations done by the Dutch to the English Nation they freely declared that they would with their lives and fortunes assist his Majesty to the redressing of his Subjects wrongs and to the curbing again of that ungrateful people In order to which great preparations were made to furnish out a gallant Fleet and War was proclaimed against the Vnited Netherlands And that nothing might be wanting to further this great undertaking the House of Commons voted His Majesty a supply of Two Millions five hundred thousand pounds to be raised in three Years time And to hasten the Naval preparations the City of London lent him Majesty 100000 l. December the 24th a Blazing-Star appeared and two others shortly after darted down their malign influences upon London and other places in England March the 7th the London Frigat as she was coming up to Lee was fired to supply which loss the City of London speedily built another this his Majesty was pleased to name the Loyal London A. D. 1665 and in the month of May began that transending Plague in London whereof dyed in little more than a years space near 100000 persons many other places of England were sorely visited at this time with that dreadful Judgment of God the Pestilence June the 3d. was that eminent Victory obtained upon the Dutch Fleet. October the 3d. The Parliament met at Oxford by reason of the infection at London A. D. 1666 and in the month of June was the second great Fight betwixt His Majesties Naval Forces and the Dutch which took up part of the 1 2 3 and 4. days of the said month July the 2d was the 3d. great Fight wherein the Duke of Albemarle through the great number of his enemies Ships was very hardly tasked till Prince Rupert with a squadron came in to his aid unlooked for but then the Dutch were soon sent home In this War the Dutch were assisted by the French CHARLES II. UPon the Second of September about two of the Clock in the Morning began that dreadful Fire in London which lasted till Thursday following the Sixth of the same Moneth It began in the House of one Fariner a Baker in Pudding-lane near the Bridge and spread it self in length besides breadth from the Tower of London to St. Dunstans Church near Temple-bar in Fleet-street by which according to the Computation of Surveyors were consumed 373 Acres of Building within the Walls of London and 63 Acres 3 Roods without the Walls 87 Parish Churches 6 Consecrated Chappels the Royal Exchange the Guild-hall of the City with many stately Halls belonging to several Companies and according to the best accompt Thirteen thousand two hundred Houses The total of the loss sustained by these devouring Flames was valued to be Nine millions and nine hundred thousand pounds Sterling That the hand of God for the punishment of the sins of this City and Nation was visible in this Fire no man will deny but whether carelesness or design were the immediate occasions of it is variously believed and discoursed of As it happened in the time of a War with the French and Dutch so many at that time did conclude it to be a treacherous Act of one or both of these People especially seeing one Hubert a crazy-brain'd melanchollick French Man confessed he did the Fact by putting a Fire-ball into the House of the Baker where it began and was therefore hang'd at Tyburn But of late one Mr. Oats of whom more particular mention shall be made hereafter lays the guilt of this merciless Action on a knot of Jesuits Friers and Irish men in all to the number of 80 or thereabouts who having laid the project long before could not conveniently put it in execution till this unlucky time This fatal Accident the fore-runner of many more of the same kind that happened in His Majesties Dominions afterwards gave the King a sad opportunity of exercising His Compassion and Care towards many distressed and distracted Families who then lodged
place where the Colledge of Gods-house stood 1505. St. Johns Coll. was erected upon the ruines of an ancient Hospital of regular Canons by the said Margret Countess of Derby 1508. Magdalen Coll. first an Hall wherein Monks of divers Monastries studied but in the year 1542 Thomas Audley Lord Chancellor of England founded there a new Colledge in honour of St. Mary Magdalen Trinity Coll. founded by King Henry the 8th in A. D. 1546. Emmanuel Coll. founded by Sir Walter Mildmay 1584. Sidney Sussex Coll. was founded by Frances Countess of Sussex the Daughter of Sir William Sydney A. D. 1598. EDward sirnamed the Elder EDWARD A.D. 901. the eldest Son of Alfred was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames At Wodnesfield near Wolfrune Hampton he obtained a great victory over the Da●es for two of their Kings were slain many of their Nobles and an innumerable company of their commons which caused him both to be feared and loved His Sister Elfleda had very hard travel of her first Child therefore ever after she forbare the nuptial embraces Athème A.B. Cant. alledging it to be an over-foolish pleasure which brought with it so great pains And listing her self under Mars she in person assisted her Brother against the Danes performing many manly feats King Edward dyed at Farringdon and was buried in the new Monastry of Winchester in A. D. 924. His Issue were Ethelstan Elfred Elsward Edwin Edmund Edred and Nine Daughters He built a Castle at Stafford in A.D. 914 He likewise built a Castle at Huntingdon in A. D. 917 which Henry the 2d afterward demolished as some say He also built Hereford out of the ruines of old Aviconium Manchester in Lancashire anciently Mancunium having been destroyed in the Danish Wars this King caused to be built again because the Inhabitants had behaved themselves manfully against the Danes King Edward the elder built a new Town over against Nottingham and made a Bridge over the River betwixt the two Towns Ethelstan A. D. 924. EThelstan was Crowned at Kingstone by Athelme Arch-Bishop of Canterbury This Prince by the evil suggestions of his Cup-bearer became suspitious of some Treason to be wrought against him by his Brother Edwin therefore caused him to be put in a small vessel without Tackle and Oars and so to be exposed to the mercy of the Waters whence the young Prince overcome with grief cast himself headlong into the Sea whose Ghost the King sought to pacifie by a Seven years voluntary penance and building the two Monastries of Middleton and Michelness He also took revenge on his Cup-bearer by this occasion On a festival-day as his Cup-bearer was serving one of his feet hapned to slip but he recovered himself with the other and thereupon pleasantly said You see how one Brother helpeth another Then the King with grief called to mind the death of his innocent Brother and forthwith commanded execution to be done upon his Cup-bearer the procurer thereof King Ethelstan or Adelstane overcame in fight Godfrey the Danish King of Northumberland Constantine King of Scots and Howell or Ludwall King of Wales constraining them to submit unto his pleasure which done he presently restored to their former estates saying That it was more honour to make a King than to be a King He enlarged his dominions beyond any of his predecessors and was in the greatest reputation with all foreign Princes who sought his friendship both by alliance and rare presents Hugh King of France besides some inestimable Jewels sent him the Sword of Constantine the Great in the Hilt whereof all covered with Gold was one of the Nails as 't was said which fastned Christ to the Cross He sent likewise the Spear of Charles the Great reputed to be the same which pierced the side of our Saviour also a part of the Cross whereon he suffered and a piece of the Crown of Thorns with also the Banner of St. Maurice And from Otho the Emperor who had married his Sister was sent a vessel of precious Stones artificially made wherein were Lantskips with Vines Ulfelinus or Wolstane A.B. Cant. Corn Men all seeming so naturally to move as if they had been really the things themselves And the King of Norway sent him a famous and rich Ship Some of these Relicks he gave unto Swithuns Abby in Winchester and the rest to the Monastry in Malmsbury He beautified the City of Excester founded St. Germans in Cornwall St. Petrocus at Bodman the Priory of Pilton and enriched every famous Abby in the Land either with new-buildings Jewels Books or Revenues as also he did certain Cities with the Mintage of his Money Whereof in London were Eight Houses at Winchester Six Lewis Two Hastings Two Hampton Two Warham Two Chichester One Rochester Three two for the King and one for the Bishop Canterbury Seven four for the King two for the A. Bishop and one for the Abbot He caused the Holy Bible to be translated into the Saxon Tongue He dyed at Glocester called by the Britains Caer-Gloue i. e. Fair City in A. D. 940 and was buried at Malmsbury in Wilts first built by Malmutius a King of the Britains About this King Ethelstans time if ever lived that famous Guy Earl of Warwick EDMOND A.D. 940. EDmond the 5th Son of King Edward was Crowned at Kingston He obtained many signal victories over the Danes in divers parts of the Land recovering out of their hands several Counties and Cities but at his Mannor of Puckle-kerks in the County of Glocester whilst he was interposing himself between his Sewer and another to part a fray he was with a thrust through the body wounded to death in A. D. 946 and was buried at Glastenbury His Issue was Edwy and Edgar EDred was the sixth Son of King Edward EDRED A. D. 946. and succeeded his Brother in the Non-age of his Sons Wolstane Arch-Bishop of Canterbury for some misdemeanors he committed to custody but afterwards in reverence to his office discharged him So devout he was in the Religion of those times that he suffered his royal body to be chastised at the will and direction of Dunstan Abbot of Glastenbury unto whose keeping he also committed the greatest part of his treasures and richest Jewels The stately Abby of Mich at Abingdon built by King Inas but destroyed by the Danes he repaired and most richly endowed it confirming the Charters with Seals of Gold St. Germans he ordained a Bishops See which there continued till by Canutus it was annexed to the Bishoprick of Kyrton in Devon both which Sees were by Edward the Confessor translated to Excester He dyed in the year of Grace 955 and was interred in the old Minster or Monastry of Winchester His Issue Elfrid and Bertfrid EDwy the eldest Son of King Edmond was Crowned at Kingstone EDWIE A.D. 955. and on the day of his Coronation as some Monks say he in sight of his Nobles as they sate in Councel abused the body of a great Lady
causing a great dearth among Cattel extraordinary Rains Water floods incredible which so softned the hills to the foundations that some of them fell and over-whelmed the Villages near them Most of the principal Cities were indamaged by fire So great a fire hapned in London that it consumed Houses and Churches all the way from the West-gate to the East-gate And 't is said that tame and domestick Fowls became wild flying to the Woods WILLIAM RVFVS WIlliam sirnamed Rufus A. D. 1087. notwithstanding that Robert Curtoise his eldest Brother was living yet by the mediation and assistance of Lanfrank Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and Wolstane he gained the voices of the Councel and was Crowned A. D. 1087. But Odo Bishop of Bayeux to take revenge for his sufferings under the Conqueror instigated Duke Robert to repair into England and recover his right which he promised should soon be effected Now Robert that Money the sinews of War might not be wanting for the carrying on of this design mortgaged the Province of Constantine to his Brother Henry and with him many of the English sided William on the other hand by fairly promising to abolish the over-hard Laws made by his Father and to take off the Taxes and Imposts drew the people generally to stand in his defence by whose aids he regained divers strong holds that the Nobles had seized for Duke Robert He also besieged Rochester wherein Odo was from which siege he sent forth his Proclamation throughout the Land commanding all men to repair thereto and that whosoever would not should be reputed a Niding A word so disgraceful and hateful to the English signifying a Coward or base-hearted fellow that made multitudes hast with all speed to that service Whereupon the Castle was yielded and Odo banished and his goods confiscated But whilst these things were acting Robert Duke of Normandy Landed at Southampton and very shortly returned again into his own Territories upon his Brother Williams promise to pay him Three thousand Marks yearly and to resign the Kingdom to him or his Heirs at his death About this time Lanfrank Arch-Bishop of Canterbury dyed and the King kept that See vacant above Four years So did he by many other Ecclesiastical promotions and set to sale the rights of the Church preferring those therein that would give the most and yet his exchequer became never the richer He was wont to say That Christs bread is sweet dainty and most delicate for Kings His Brother Roberts Territories in Normandy he invaded taking divers strong holds and Castles inforcing Robert to make a Peace with him After which these two Brothers unite their forces against their Brother Henry But he fearing after-claps had strongly fortified the Castle of Mount St. Michael in Normandy wherein they besieged him In which time of Siege King Williams life was in great hazard for some of the besieged sallying forth William more boldly than wisely rode against them and a Knight encountring him slew his Horse under him and had slain him too had he not made himself known by his voyce Whereupon the armed men with great reverence took him up and brought him another Horse when the King not staying for the stirrup sprang into the Saddle and with angry countenance demanded who it was that overthrew him and the Knight as boldly answered and shewed himself who he was By Lukes face quoth the King thou shalt be my Knight and be inrolled in my Check with a fee answerable to thy worth Prince Henry in the time of this siege being sorely distressed for Water sent to his Brother Robert knowing him to be of the better temper desiring him that he might have that permitted him which God had made common Duke Robert commanded him to be supplied whereat King William was wroth Anselme A.B. Cant. To whom Robert sayd And dost thou esteem more of water which is every where to be got than of a Brother having no more but him and me In short time after these Three brethren were reconciled and in short time after that the two elder again disagreed The Peace of England was also disturbed by Malcolme King of Scots but by the Ambushment of Mowbray Earl of Northumberland he was slain with his Son Edward Then Mowbray grown proud turns Rebel but was taken and committed to Windsor Duke Robert preparing for the Holy Wars mortgaged his Dukedom to his Brother William for the sum of Six thousand six hundred sixty six pounds of Silver for the making up of which sum King William made the Religious Houses to ransack their Coffers Normandy therefore was now the Kings concern to keep as his own wherefore a while after hearing as he sate at meat that Main a City in Normandy was straitly besieged and his Subjects sorely distressed he swore his wonted Oath By St. Lukes face that he would not turn his back till he was with them And thereupon commanded the wall of the House to be broke down that he might go forth the next way to Sea leaving order for his Nobles straight-way to follow him But the Winds being contrary and Seas raging his Pilate humbly desired him to stay a while till the winds and Seas were appeased To whom the King said Hast thou ever heard that a King hath been drowned Therefore hoise up the sails I charge thee and be gone Which accordigly being done the King making such hast relieved the City before it was expected Then setling his affairs in that Countrey he returned into England where as he was Hunting in New-Forest Sir Walter Tyrrel a French Knight shooting at a Stag the Arrow glanced against a Tree and struck the King into the breast with which he immediately dyed Aug. 1. A. D. 1100. His body layd in a Colliers Cart was drawn with one poor Jade through a very dirty way till the Cart broke where for a while the Corps was left in the dirt but afterwards was conveyed to Winchester and there buryed in the Cathedral Church The bones since have been taken up and laid into a Coffer with the bones of Canutus At Westminster he laid new foundations of a most stately Palace and finished that stately building called the great Hall which he found fault with because no bigger accounting it scarce worthy the name of a Bed-chamber in respect of that which he intended to build He new built the City Carlisle which 200 years before had been spoiled by the Danes built the Church of St. Saviours in Southwark and founded an Hospital in York to the Honour of St. Peter In this Kings reign the Bishops See was translated from Selsey to Chichester anciently called Cissancester In his Reign happened a most dreadful Earth-quake vehement Lightning leaving an intolerable stink behind it An exceeding tempest of Wind that in London drove down Sixty Houses blew off the Roof of Bow-Church with the Beams Six of which in their fall were driven Twenty three foot deep into the ground the Streets of the City lying then
Matilda came to Winchester where sending for the Bishop being then the Popes Legate though he doubted some danger yet not daring to send a flat denyal returned this equivocal answer Ego parabo me I will make ready as though he had meant to follow the Messenger whereas he addressed himself to work her downfall For sending for his Brothers Queen Prince Eustace the Londoners and William Ypre he made strong his party for the King Himself and friends abiding in the City and the Empress keeping in the Castle not daring to adventure forth for about the space of Seven weeks When the Bishop to deceive Matilda commanded peace to be proclaimed and the City Gates to be set open But the Empress and her Friends now leaving the Castle to go to some other place were pursued by the Bishops forces in which pursuit many of her party were wounded and slain Earl Robert taken and others flying into the Nunnery of Warwell were burned together with the place And Winchester City the Bishop caused to be fired for the Citizens affections to the Empress The Empress who had escaped to the Castle of the Devizes and there in hazard to be surprized caused her self to be put into a Coffin as though dead bound fast with Cords and so as if it had been her dead Corps she was carried in a Horse-litter to Glocester King Stephen and Earl Robert being exchanged one for another the King now pursues Matilda and in Oxford besieged her wan the Suburbs thereof and brought her to that streight that for her escape in a great Frost and Snow she was forced in order to the deceiving of the Centinels eyes to cloath her self in white Linen Garments and so on foot to run through Ice and Snow Ditches and Vallies till she came to Abingdon where taking Horse she got the same night to Wallingford Castle After which many bickerings hapned betwixt the two parties with variable successes to and fro Sometimes in one part of the Nation Matilda's side prevailed in another part Stephens to the great ruine of the whole Realm However Stephen to assure the succession to his Son Eustace called a Councel at London commanding Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury to consecrate his Son King Which he refusing to do and that by the Popes special Mandate was forced to fly into Normandy the King seizing upon all his possessions But Eustace shortly after dying King Stephen inclined to peace and was content to adopt Henry Fitz-Empress for his Son and Successour To whom the Nobles at Oxford did homage as to the undoubted Heir and the Prince yielded Stephen the honour of a Father But King Stephen being afflicted with the Iliack passion together with his old Disease the Hemerhoids gave up the Ghost at Dover A. D. 1154 and was buried at Feversham in Kent Though his body afterward for the Lead-sake wherein it was wrapped was cast into the River He had Issue Balwine Eustace William Maud Mary and two natural Sons His Son Eustace in a rage set fire on the Corn-fields belonging to the Abby of Bury Theobald A.B. Cant. because the Monks denyed to help him to a sum of Money but afterwards sitting down to Dinner at the first morsel of Bread he put into his mouth he fell into a fit of madness and in that fit dyed King Stephen erected the Abbies of Cogshall in Essex of Farness in Lancashire the Nunneries at Carew and Higham an Hospital at York and Monastry at Feversham About the beginning of his Reign a Fire beginning at London-stone consumed Eastward to Aldgate and Westward to St. Pauls HENRY II. A.D. 1154. HENRY PLANTAGINET the Son of Maud the Empress and Earl Geofry of Anjou was Crowned at Westminster by Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury And Henry to settle the Realm in quiet demolished certain Castles and fortified others Some Earls unduly created he reduced into a private condition purged the Realm of Foreign Soldiers chiefly of the Flemings Chose himself a Councel out of the most eminent persons spiritual and temporal and restrained the insolencies of some great personages which made some of them discontented especially that arrogant Lord Hugh de Mortimer who raised a Rebellion Against whom the King went in person where in the Siege of Bridge-North he had been shot with an arrow had not Hubert de St. Clare interposed and took the arrow into his own bosome The King having quieted the Rebels he hasted into France and there did homage to King Lewis for his French Provinces setled an accord between himself and Brother Geofry and at his return into England entred into amity with Malcolm King of Scots restoring to him the Earldom of Huntingdon Then he advanced against the Welsh with whom fighting his person was in great danger his Standard-royal cowardly abandoned for the which Henry de Essex Standard-bearer was afterward accused by Robert de Montford who in single combat within lists vanquished him at Reading where the said Essex was shorn a Monk But the King at length overcame the Welsh and returned with triumph into England after which himself and his Queen Eleanor were crowned at Worcester where they both at the Offertory laid their Crowns upon the high Altar vowing never to wear them after This now was the third time in which at three several places Westminster Lincoln and Worcester he had been crowned Then the King crost the seas into his Dukedom of Normandy where he made seizure of some Cities into his hands after his Brother Geofry's death and setled some affairs then returned After which and about the year 1163 began the famous Controversie betwixt the King and his Favourite Be●ket whom in the beginning of his reign he had advanced to be Lord Chancellor and upon the death of Theobald to be Archbishop of Canterbury Tho. Becket A.B. Cant. Which Archbishoprick Becket at the Council of Tours secretly delivered up to the Pope and received it again from his hands But the cause of the dissention betwixt the King and this Bishop was the remisness and neglect of Becket's curbing the disorders of the Church-men which then were grown to a dangerous height complaint having been made to the King of above a hundred Murders committed by the Clergy in his reign Which enormities besides many others of other kinds not being punished by Church-censure the King exceedingly displeased brought them under the Civil Power ordering that Justice should be administred to all alike without partiality as well Clergy as Laity appointing Ministers of Justice through all parts of the Land to that purpose against which Becket opposed himself peremptorily defending the pretended Rights of the Clergy and his See of Canterbury yea so far as that he challenged from the Crown the custody of Rochester Castle and other Forts which the King for securing his state had resumed into his own hands Hereupon the King assembling his Bishops at Westminster it was there agreed That none should appeal to the See of Rome in any case
may befall while my Son is alive but let him either vanquish or dye because the honour of this brave day shall be his if God suffer him to survive Which he did and beat the French out of the field Thereupon King Edward with his untouched Battel advanced towards his victorious Son and most affectionately embracing and kissing him said Fair son God send you perseverance to such prosperous beginnings you have nobly acquit your self and are well worthy to have the governance of a Kingdom intrusted unto you for your valour In the field was found the dead bodies of eleven great Princes and of Barons Knights and men of Arms above fifteen hundred There was slain the King of Bohemia King of Majorca Earl of Alanson Duke of Lorrain Duke of Bourbon Earl of Flanders Earl of Savoy the Dolphin of Viennois Earl of Sancerre and Harecourt Earls of Aumarl Nevers c. six Earls of Almain besides others of great account with the Grand Prior of France and Archbishop of Roan Of the Commons there fell about thirty thousand Of the English side not one man of note or honour was slain A. D. 1346. From the Forrest of Crescie King Edward marched to Callis and besieged it In the time of which siege the Governour thereof for the sparing of food thrust forth of the Town above fifteen hundred of the poor and impotent people whom this Christian King Edward turned not back but suffered them freely to pass through his Camp relieving them gratis with fresh victuals and giving two pence a piece sterling to each of them But whilst the King was busied abroad in France the Scots in favour of the French invaded England advancing as far as Durham where the English encountring them overcame them took David their King prisoner at Nevils Cross by Durham There lay dead in the field the Earls of Murray and Strathern the Constable Marshal Chamberlain and Chancellor of Scotland with many other Nobles Prisoners taken besides the King were the Earls of Douglas Fife Southerland Wigton and Mentieth In this battel on the English side were many spiritual persons who for the defence of their Country made use of carnal Weapons And as King Edwards friends were successful in England so were they also in forreign parts for in Britain Sir Thomas Dagworth overthrew the Lord Charles of Blois though he had much the odds of him as to number of men In Gascoign and those parts Henry Earl of Derby and Lancaster worsted the Duke of Normandy took sundry places of great importance amongst the rest that considerable Town of Brigerac where he permitted every soldier to seize any House and convert all therein to his own profit Whereupon it hapned that a certain Soldier called Reth having broke into a House where the Monyers had for safety stowed the Money of that Countrey in great long sacks he acquainted the Earl therewith supposing that the Earl intended not so great a treasure for a private share but the Earl told him That accordingly as he had at first proclaimed let the treasure be worth what it would yet was it all his own And now after almost a years siege Callis was delivered to King Edwards mercy In Little-Britain the Kings Warden thereof Sir VValter de Bendly vanquished the Marshal of France in fight slew 13 Lords 140 Knights 100 Esquires and took prisoners 9 Lords besides many Knights and Esquires At length after much spoil made upon the French a peace was concluded on betwixt the two Kings though it continued not long ere the French broke the agreement In revenge whereof Edward presently entred France with an Army Will. Witlesy A. B. Cant. and spoiled it where he came and after his return into England again when he heard that John the new King of France had given to Charles the Daulphin the Dutchy of Aquitain King Edward bestowed the same upon the Black-Prince commanding him to defend that right with the sword The Prince thereupon furnished with a gallant Army set sail towards France where he took many Towns and prisoners advanced into the bosome of France up to the very gates of Burges in Berry from whence wheeling about to return to his chief City Burdeaux John King of France encountered him with a great Army having the odds of six to one notwithstanding which the victorious Prince of Wales discomfited the French took prisoners King John and Philip his youngest son the Archbishop of Sens and many great Lords and about two thousand Knights Esquires and Gentlemen bearing Armories And slew in fight about fifty two Lords and seventeen hundred Knights Esquires and Gentlemen with Sir Reginald Camian who that day bore the Or flamb or French Ensign and of the common Soldiers about six thousand To James Lord Audley who in this fight received many wounds the Prince gave 500 Marks Land in fee-simple which said Land the Lord Audley bestowed on his four Esquires that had continued with him in all the brunt and fury of danger King Edward the Father whilst his Son was thus prosperously busied in France proceeded in hostile sort against the Scots and brought King Baliol at Roxbrough to make a surrender of his Crown to him Prince Edward after his late victory marched with joy and triumph to Burdeaux where having refreshed his wearied soldiers he took his leave of France though not of the King thereof for him he brought with him a Captive to London whither the Prince was welcomed with exquisite honour by Henry Picard then Lord Mayor Which said Picard afterwards at one time feasted at his own charge the King of England France Scotland and Cyprus King Edward ordered that eight days should be spent in giving God the glory for the victory and not long after with a Fleet of One thousand one hundred sail he passed over from ●andwich to a fresh invasion and being come before the walls of Paris he honoured Four hundred Esquires and Gentlemen with Knighthood Ample conditions were offered by the French unto the K●ng of England to which he would not at present listen yet at length was perswaded to an accord on these conditions That Himself and Son Edward should for ever release unto King John and his Heirs the right and claim which they had unto the Crown of France Dutchy of Normandy c. That King John and his Son should for them and their Heirs release unto King Edward and his Heirs the whole Country of Aquitain Santoin c. so the County of Ponthicu c. the proper Inheritance of Queen Isabel K Edward's Mother That King John should pay for his ransom the sum of Thirty hundred thousand Schutes of Gold every two of which should be six shillings eight pence sterling with some other conditions All which were ratified with hands Seals and Oaths at Callis though by the falshood of the French King this amity continued not many years for King John by underhand-dealing sought to alienate the hearts of King Edwards forreign subjects
twenty first Year Sir William Herriot vvas Mayor Robert Tate Rich. Charey Will. Wiking Sheriffs In his twenty second Year Sir Edmund Shaa was Mayor William White John Matthew Sheriffs EDWARD V. EDWARD the eldest son of King Edward the 4th A. D. 1483. being a child but of about twelve years of age when his Father dyed was committed to the government of his Uncle Sir Anthony Woodville a right honourable person with whom were joined other of the Queens friends But Richard Duke of Glocester was much discontented that these should have the keeping of him secure whom he designed to destroy that thereby the Crown might become his This bloody man therefore the better to effect his wicked purposes did every-where represent the Queens Kindred to be enemies to the ancient Nobility and that they would abuse the Kings Name to their undoing With which and like suggestions he wrought upon the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Hastings that had formerly born no great good-will to the Queens friends to join with him utterly to remove from the Kings company all his Mothers friends under the name of the ancient Nobles enemies Then the Hypocrite Glocester understanding that the Lords attending the King purposed to bring the King to London to his Coronation strongly guarded he therefore procured the Queen to be brought in mind That it was not needful but would be jeopardous for the King to be brought up strong for that if the Lords of her Kindred should assemble in the Kings Name much people they should give the Lords of the contrary Faction cause to suspect that this was not done for the Kings safety whom no man impugned but for the destruction of the ancient Nobility by which means the Nation should be brought into an uproar The Queen thus over-reached sent such word unto the King and his friends about him so that they mistrusting no guile brought the King forwards with a small company in great haste but with no good speed For the Dukes of York and Buckingham at Stony-Stratford as the King was on his way to London took him by violence from his Friends arrested the Lord Richard Grey Sir Thomas Vaughan and Sir Richard Hawt in the Kings presence and imprisoned Sir Anthony Woodvile Lord Rivers in Northampton whom in short time after with the Lord Richard and Sir Thomas Vaughan they sent prisoners into the North. Which done with much honour and humble reverence they convey the King towards London But the Queen hearing of these proceedings in great fright and heaviness she bewailed her Childs Reign her friends and her own mishap cursing the time that ever she disswaded the gathering of power about the King got her self in all haste possible with her young Son Richard and Daughters into the Sanctuary lodging her self and company in the Abbots place at VVestminster whither the Archbishop of York went to comfort her telling her he hoped that the matter was nothing so bad as she doubted it and that he was put in good hope and out of doubt by a Message sent him from the Lord Hastings whose faithfulness to the King he said none did or had cause to suspect Ah wo worth him quoth the Queen he is one that laboureth to destroy me and my blood When the Archbishop was returned home in the dawning of the day he might out of his Chamber-window see all the Thames full of boats with the Duke of Glocester's servants in them watching that none should go to sanctuary nor none pass unsearched Great then was the commotion and murmur as well in other places about as especially in the City the people diversly divining upon this dealing and some Lords Knights and Gentlemen either for favour of the Queen or fear of themselves assembled in sundry companies harnessed But these commotions and fears were moderated by the Lord Hastings then Lord Chamberlain who perswaded that the Duke of Glocester was a sure friend to the King and that the Lord Rivers with the others were for matters attempted against the Dukes of Glocester and Buckingham put under arrest and that the King was bringing up to his Coronation May 4th the King entred the City and was lodged in the Bishops Palace where was held a great Council and the Dukes of Glocester Buckingham and all the Lords vvere svvorn to the King and the Duke of Glocester vvas chosen to be Protector of the King and his Realm And novv the Protector to the end he might finish his designs at once projecteth to get the young Duke of York out of sanctuary in order to which he pretends that the said Duke only was a fit associate for his brother the King and that it was dishonourable both for the King and those about his Grace that the Kings brother should be fain to keep Sanctuary But because the Duke might not be taken out of Sanctuary by violence the A. B. of York was therefore imploy'd to perswade with the Queen to yield him up This the A.B. undertook though perhaps not very willingly alledging to the Queen the comfort that his society would be to the King his brother and that it would take off the obloquy of one brothers being afraid of the other which would seem to be by the Dukes being kept in Sanctuary The Queen desirous to keep him where he was pleaded his infancy his being vexed with sickness insomuch that she durst put no earthly person in trust with his keeping but her self only For though others said she haply might do their best to him yet there was none that knew better than her self how to order him she having so long kept him nor was there any more like to cherish him than his own Mother that bare him And to this her reply she added many biting words against the Protector Howbeit in the conclusion finding by the A. B's words that the Protector would fetch her Son out by force if otherwise he might not be had she deemed it best to deliver him which she did to the Bishop and other Lords with him saying to them I deliver him and his brother into your hands to keep of whom I shal ask them both before God and the world And to the she said Farewell mine own sweet Son God send you good keeping let me kiss you once ere you go for God knows when we shall kiss together again and therewithal she kissed him blessed him turned her back and wept and so went away leaving the Child weeping as fast Then the Lords brought him to the Protector who took him in his arms and gave him a Judas kiss June the 13 many Lords assembled in the Tower and there sate in Councel communing concerning the Kings Coronation for the which Pageants were provided and whilst they were in consultation in came the Protector about nine of the Clock saluting them curteously and excusing himself that he came so late saying merrily I have been a sleeper to day then after a while departed and about eleven of
the Clock returned thither but with a wonderful sowr and angry countenance knitting his brows frowning and fretting and biting his lips and after some short time said What are they worthy to have who imagine and compass my destruction that am so near of blood to the King and that am Protector of his Royal Person and Realm The Lord Hastings answered that they deserved to be punished as hainous Traytors whatsoever they were and so said the other Lords This is quoth the Protector yonder Sorceress my brothers Wife meaning the Queen and that other Witch of her Councel Shores Wife with their affinity who by their Sorcery and Witchcraft have wasted my body and therewith with he pluckt up his doublet sleeve to the elbow on his left arm shewing a wearish withered arm and small as it never was otherwise Whereupon the Lords minds much gave them that this was but a quarrel Howbeit the Lord Chamberlain who from the death of King Edward had kept Jane Shore said certainly my Lord if they have so done they are worthy of great punishment What quoth the Protector Thou servest me with Ifs and with And 's I ween I tell thee they have so done and that I will make good on thy body Traytor And therewith he rapt on the board with his fist at which sign given one without the Chamber cryed out Treason Whereupon many men in harness came rushing into the Councel-Chamber where they seized on the Lord Hastings vvhom the Lord Protector bad speed and shrieve him apace for by St. Paul said he I vvill not to dinner till I see thy head off vvhich accordingly vvas done for he vvas presently brought forth to the Tovver-green vvhereupon a long log of Timber his head vvas struck off Thus ended this honourable man easie to beguiled Novv the Protector to set some colour upon the matter after he had dined sent in all haste for many substantial men out of the City into the Tovver against vvhose coming thither himself and Buckingham his creature had harnessed themselves in old rusty Briganders as though some sudden necessity had constrained them to put on such Armour And being come the Protector told them that the Lord Chamberlain Hastings and others of his conspiracy had contrived suddenly to have destroyed him and the Duke of Buckingham there the same day in Councel of the vvhich Treason he never had knovvledge before ten of the Clock the same Forenoon And for the further appeasing of the peoples minds concerning this Lords death he caused also the same day an Herald of Arms to proclaim it through the City of London That the Lord Hastings vvith divers others had conspired to murder the Lord Protector and Duke of Buckingham sitting in Councel and after to have taken upon them to rule the King and Realm at their ovvn pleasures By and by after this he caused the Sheriff of London to repair to Jane Shores house and to spoil her of all that she had then procured the Bishop of London to put her to open penance for her former dalliance vvith his brother King Edward and as 't is said he prohibited any from relieving her extream vvants The Protector had also so contrived it vvith his Cabal that the same day and about the same hour in vvhich the Lord Chamberlain vvas beheaded at the Tovver those Lords taken from the King at Stony-stratford and Northampton should be beheaded at Pontfract Which accordingly vvas done in the presence and by the order of Sir Richard Radcliffe vvho at their execution would not permit them to speak or declare their innocency And novv the vvay thus prepared Glocester hastens for his ovvn Coronation instead of setting the Crovvn on his Nephevvs head Edmund Sha the Mayor of London he vvins to his side And the Mayors brother Dr. Sha by the direction of the Protector and his Councel upon Sunday June 19th at Pauls-Cross declared to the people that King Edward the fourth vvas never lavvfully married to the Queen and therefore his Children vvere Bastards Moreover that neither King Edward himself nor the Duke of Clarence vvere reckoned by those that vvere of secrecy in the household for the Duke of Yorks Children but saith he as for the very Noble Prince the Lord Protector he is the Fathers ovvn Picture his ovvn countenance At the time of the uttering of these vvords according to the plot laid before-hand the Protector should have come in to the end that those vvords just meeting vvith his presence the people might have been the more affected vvith them but vvhether by the slovvness of the Protector in coming or the Doctors too much speed the Protector came not till these words were over Nevertheless when the Dr. spyed his Lordship coming at last he abruptly broke off from the matter he was upon to repeat the former vvords This is the very Noble Prince c. But the people vvere so far from crying King Richard as it vvas hoped they vvould that they stood as if they had been vvithout sense they vvere so amuzed at his shameful Harangue And the poor Parson vvhen he had done got him home and there consumed and pined to death in fevv days after The Theme of his preachment vvas Bastard-slips shall never take deep root On the Tuesday follovving Henry Duke of Buckingham made an oration to the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons in the Guildhall of London wherein he aspersed King Edward the fourth as a Tyrant his Children as Bastards endeavoured to prove the Protector to be the only true Heir to the Crown perswading the Citizens that they should therefore joyn with the Nobility in Petitioning the Protector to take the Government of the Realm upon him according to his very right and just Title The next day the Mayor Aldermen and chief Commoners of the City resorted unto the Protector to Baynards-Castle whither also repaired Buckingham and other Nobles with many Knights and Gentlemen When they were met together Buckingham desired the Protectors pardon and licence to acquaint his Grace with the intent of their coming as though he had not known it before which in short was to beseech him to take the Crown and Government of the Realm upon him At which words the Protector began to look angerly withal denying to yield thereto Whereupon his Privado Buckingham threatned saying That if he would not they would find out some other man that should for they were resolved that King Edwards Lineage should no longer Raign over them and then Richard was pleased to accept the Crown as his just right the people thereat shouting and crying King Richard King Richard RICHARD III. RICHARD the Third Son of Richard Duke of York was born with all his teeth and hair to his shoulders This his monstrous birth foreshewing his monstrous conditions and proceedings June 22. he was by the Nobility and Citizens of London elected King of England and afterward by Act of Parliament was confirmed On June 25 he took his seat in the
D. 1509 April 22. His Issue Arthur dead before himself Henry Edmond Margaret Elizabeth Mary His daughter Margaret was married to James the fourth King of Scotland and after his death unto Archibald Dougles Earl of Angues to whom she bare Margaret who married Matthew Steward Earl of Lenox and had by him Henry Lord Dernly who married Mary Queen of Scots by whom he had King James the sixth King Henry left at his death 1800000 l. in ready mony He founded the Hospital of the Savoy founded six religious houses for Franciscan-Friers built the Palace of Richmond where he died and that Chappel at Westminster called by his name where he was buried He exceedingly Honoured that devout King Henry the sixth whom he laboured to have had canonized for a Saint but Pope Julio held that Honour at too dear a Rate His Mother-in-Law Queen to Edward the fourth he deprived of her Estate and confined to the Monastery of Bermondsey in Southwark one cause pretended for it was for that she had yielded up her daughter into the hand of the Usurper Richard contrary to her faith given to them who were in the plot for bringing in of Henry A. D. 1498 A Cordwainers son was hanged at St. Thomas Waterings for assuming the name and Title of the Earl of Warwick thereby to raise disturbances The Mayors and Sheriffs of London in this Kings time In his first Year Sir Hugh Brice was Mayor John Tate John Swan Sheriffs In his second Year Sir Henry Collet vvas Mayor John Percival Hugh Clopton Sheriffs In his third Year William Horn was Mayor John Eenkel William Remington Sheriffs In his fourth Year Robert Tate was Mayor William Isaac Ralph Tinley Sheriffs In his fifth Year VVilliam White was Mayor William Capel John Brook Sheriffs In his sixth Year John Matthew was Mayor Henry Cote or Coot Robert Revel and he dying Hugh Pembarton Sheriffs In his seventh Year Hugh Clopton was Mayor Thomas Wood VVilliam Brown Sheriffs In his eighth Year Sir William Martin was Mayor William Purchase William Walbeck Sheriffs In his ninth Year Ralph Austry vvas Mayor Robert Fabian John Winget Sheriffs In his tenth Year Richard Chawrie was Mayor Nicholas Alwin John Warner Sheriffs In his eleventh Year Sir Henry Collet was Mayor Thomas Kneesworth Henry Sommer Sheriffs In his Twelfth Year John Tate was Mayor John Shaa Richard Hedon Sheriffs In his Thirteenth year William Purchase was Mayor Bartholomew Rede Thomas Windew or Windou● Sheriffs In his fourteenth Year Sir John Percivel was Mayor Thomas Bradbury Stephen Gennings Sheriffs In his fifteenth Year Nicholas Aldmine was Mayor James Wilford Thomas or Richard Brond Sheriffs In his sixteenth Year William Rennington was Mayor John Hawes William Steed Sheriffs In his seventeenth Year Sir John Shaa was Mayor Lawrence Aylmer Henry Hede Sheriffs HENRY VIII A. D. 1509. HENRY the Eighth was born at Greenwich June 22. 1491. His youth was so trained up in literature that he was accounted the most learned Prince of Christendom In A. D. 1509 and June 25 he was Crowned at Westminster together with his Queen Katharine the Relict of his brother Arthur by William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury His Counsellors he chose of the gravest Divines and wisest Nobility with whom he not only often sate to the great increase of his politick experience but would also yield his authority to their wisedomes Empson and Dudley he caused to be imprisoned then to be brought to their Tryal and at last to lose their heads To regain the ancient Rights of England he first sent his Herald Clarencieux into France roughly demanding the Dutchies of Normandy Guyen Main and Anjou and with them the Crown of France Then sent certain Nobles before him thither and afterward followed himself pitching down his Tents before Terwin Where he raised his Royal Standard of the Red-Dragon and begirt the City with a strait Siege To which place Maxmili●n the Emperour repaired and to the great Honour of Henry entred into his pay wearing the Cross of Saint George with a Rose the Kings-Badge as his faithful Souldier The French attempting to relieve the Town with Victuals and men were so encountred by King Henry that many of their chiefest Captains were taken prisoners and six of their standards won and the rest of the Monsieurs for safeguard of life so posted away that this conflict was called the battel of Spurs shortly after which the Town yielded unto the King Then was the siege removed to Tournay which in short time was also surrendred to the King with ten thousand pounds sterling for the Citizens redemption Who to the number of 80000 then took their Oaths to become his true Subjects 1513. The safe keeping of this City the King committed to Sir Edward Poynings Knight of the Garter and Ordained Thomas Wolsey Bishop of Tournay Whilst King Henry was busy in France his Lieutenant Thomas Earl of Surrey marched against the Scots who were entred into Northumberland and at Flodden the Armies engaged in fight and the English won the day In this battel King James of Scotland was slain one Archbishop two Bishops two Abbots twelve Earls seventeen Lords Knights and Gentlemen a great number in all about eight thousand were slain and almost as many taken Prisoners in A. D. 1513. Sep. 9. A. D. 1514 by the procurement of Pope Leo a peace was concluded betwixt the Kings of France and England immediatly after which Mary the sister of King Henry was Honourably conducted into France where a●● Albeville October the ninth she was married unto old King Lewis who died eighty two days after the Marriage A. D. 1517 by reason of the great concourse of strangers at London to the hindrance of trade and their insolency towards the English the youth and vulgar sort of Citizens upon May-day assaulted these strangers doing much harm to their houses substance and some of their persons for which riotous offence John Lincolne the instigator thereof was hanged and four hundred men and youths with eleven women were led in ropes along the City in their Shirts with halters about their necks to Westminster where the King pardoned their offence to the great rejoycing of the Londoners A. D. 1519 was the City of Tourney delivered back to the French on these conditions That they should pay to King Henry six hundred thousand Crowns in twelve years That the Daulphin should marry the Lady Mary King Henries young daughter which marriage if it hapned not to take effect at the years of consent then Tourney should be re-delivered to the English That Cardinal Wolsey should have a thousand Marks paid him yearly for the revenues of the said Bishoprick A. D. 1521 Edward Bohun or Stafford Duke of Buckingham was beheaded on Tower-hill for imagining to destroy the King and to enjoy the Crown himself Wolsey was the Dukes grand adversary because that the Duke had sometime spoken certain words to his disgrace About this time the Pope sent his Legats about to incite the Christian
service for his safety but the factious made use of this to raise the rage and jealousie of the whole City against the King for at midnight there were outcries made in the streets that all people should rise to their defence for the King and his Papists were coming to fire the City and to cut their throats in their beds The King therefore not always to incourage these indignities with his patience resolved by a course of Justice to punish the Authors and Countenancers of these seditious practices so commanded his Attorney General to accuse five Members of the Lower House of High-Treason and one of the House of Peers He also sent some Officers to Seal up their Trunks and Cabinets in their several Lodgings and to secure their persons To this the Commons voted That all those persons were enemies to the Commonwealth that should obey the King in any of his commands concerning them and that it was lawful for any person to assist the said members And because the King came into the House of Commons and there demanded to have the five Members delivered up to him though he left his guard of Pensioners and Lords and Gentlemen without upon the stairs the Commons voted this proceeding of the Kings a breach of the priviledg of Parliament and withal published a Declaration That whosoever should arrest any Member of Parliament by warrant from the King only was guilty of the breach of Parliamentary priviledges and likewise that all they who attended the King when he came to demand the five Members then hid in the City were guilty of a Trayterous design against King and Parliament The Londoners they came thronging to Westminster in a tumultuous sort to Petition for the impeached Members behaving themselves very rudely towards the Bishops And such increase and numbers of the heady common people assembled in a tumultuous manner about White-Hall and Westminster that the King justly mistrusting some danger from them withdrew himself with the Queen and their Children to Windsor The next day after which the five Members were Triumphantly guarded from London to Westminster by water Strange reports were these times given out concerning dangers from the King how that Troops of Papists were gathered about Kingston upon Thames under the command of Colonel Lunsford who was Chararactered to be of so monstrous an Appetite that he would eat Children and other like false and ridiculous stories Petitions were presented the Parliament requiring that neither the Bishops nor Popish Lords should continue to vote amongst the Peers Women also presented a Petition to the like purpose The House of Commons Petitioned his Majesty that they might have the Tower and London-Militia put into their hands which he denyed to grant yet did they place Major General Skippon over that Militia The King in hopes to stay the fury of the faction consented to almost all that they desired Howbeit notwithstanding all his gracious condescentions endeavours were still used to create an hatred of his Majesty Mr. John Pym publickly charged Him with a connivence at least if not with contrivance of the Irish Rebellion and when the King required satisfaction for the calumny the Commons justified Pyms speech to be the sense of their House And now the breach through bad mens practices growing still wider and wider betwixt his Majesty and his two Houses of Parliament His Majesty resolved to withdraw into the North there to abide till he saw what issue this storm would have taking with him the Prince and Duke of York The Queen he had afore sent with the Princess of Orange into Holland When the King was departed the Parliament made preparations both by Land and Sea upon pretext of great dangers at home and more prodigious terrors from abroad pretending that by intelligence from Paris Rome and Venice they were assured of great designs to overthrow the Parliament together with the Protestant Religion and strange unheard-of Plots they said were made to murder the most eminent Patriots A. D. 1642 and April the 23 the King attended with his guard consisting for the most part of Lords and Gentlemen only would have entred into his Town of Hull but Sir John Hotham insolently shut the gates against him and kept him out whereupon the King proclaimed him Traytor and complained to the Parliament of this indignity but they justified Hothams act and authorized him to strengthen the Garison of Hull In short time after this Englands miseries commenced by an intestine War A little before which were strange sights seen in the Air in many parts of England as Musquetiers harnessed-men and horse-men moving in Battel-array and assaulting one the other in divers furious postures The King and the two Houses now began to make all the speediest warlike preparations to defend themselves and offend each other but the two Houses had a great advantage of his Majesty both in respect of moneys and the speedy raising of Men and also Arms and Ammunition for war of all sorts through their having the City of London on their side the Citizens whereof were very free in parting with their Plate upon the publick faith and their Wives were so zealous for the good Cause as that of the two Houses was then miscalled that they gave their very Bodkins and Thimbles towards the maintaining of it and were forward to have Husbands and Children to venture their lives in this Rebellion On August 22. 1642 did his Majesty set up his Standard-Royal at Nottingham His General was the Valiant Earl of Lindsey the Parliaments General was Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and their Admiral the Earl of Warwick The first blood that was spilt in this unhappy war was near unto Hull whither some forces of the Kings forces were drawn upon whom Sir John Hotham and Sir John Meldram sallied taking some and killing others September the ninth 1642 the Earls of Essex set forth with his Army out of London and October the 23 the Caveliers so called which were the Kings party and the Roundheads so called from the custom of the Puritans cutting their hair short to their ears which were the Parliaments party met between Keinton and Edghill in Warwick-shire and there ingaged in fight which was acted with such fury that near 6000 were slain upon the place The King had so much the better of the day as to keep the Field Persons of remark slain on his Majesties side were the Earl of Lindsey and Sir Edward Varney Standard-bearer but Mr. John Smith immediately recovered the Standard for which service he was Knighted in the Field On the Parliaments part were slain the Lord St. John of Bletso and Colonel Essex From this fight at Edg-hill the King marched to Banbury which was surrendred to him then entred Oxford triumphantly and having secured that place he advanced toward London and at Brantford fell upon two Regiments of his Enemies taking about 500 Prisoners The Parliament to encrease their Numbers declared that all Apprentices that would list themselves
to the end that propositions of peace might be speedily presented him Hereupon the Army drew up Articles against Eleven of the Members of the Commons House namely Mr. Denzill Hollis Sir Philip Stapleton Sir William Lewis Sir John Clotworthy Sir William Waller Sir John Maynard Collonel Massey Collonel Long Collonel Harley Mr. Glyn and Mr. Anthony Nichols Nor would the Army be satisfied till the House was purged of these Members Which being done the Army-party became something prevalent who voted that the London-Militia should be taken out of the hands of the City and transferred to others better affected to the Army and that it should be Treason to seek for Subscriptions to Petitions Hereupon great multitudes of Apprentices and others in a tumultuous sort resorted to the Parliament House and there kept the Speaker in his Chair till this vote was past That the King should come to London to treat and that the City should have the ordering of their own Militia Fairfax understanding this hasts with his Army to London and at Hounslow was met by the Speaker and such of the Members as sided with the Army who complained of the violence that was offered them In the mean while the Citizens and Presbyterian part of the Parliament made some preparations to oppose the Army but upon the Generals approach to the City the Gates were thrown open and the Army marched in Triumph through the City seized upon the Tower dismantled the Fortifications imprisoned the Mayor and divers of the chief Citizens and committed some Noblemen to the black Rod. In September the Members at Westminster sent propositions to His Majesty then at Hampton-Court which were the same in substance with those formerly offered as for the abolishing Episcopacy the Parliament to have the disposal of all great Offices of Trust About this time the Parliament voted That 6000 Foot and 2400 Horse and Dragoons should be sent into Ireland and 18000 Foot and 7200 Horse and 1000 Dragoons should be kept up as a standing Army for England the rest of the Soldiers to be disbanded The Army also for the better carrying on of their designs about the same time elected out of every Regiment a certain number of Soldiers to meet and consult by the name of Adjutators November the 6th the Scotch Commissioners sent a Letter to the Speaker of the Lower House that the King might be admitted to a Personal-Treaty at least that the Army might not remove him him from Hampton-Court but some of the Army-Officers having informed His Majesty on design to have him the surer at their dispose that his person was in some hazard from the Adjutators and Levellers he therefore with Three of His most trusty Attendants Sir John Berkley Mr. Ashburnham and Collonel Legg in the dark and tempestuous night of November the 11th escaped from Hampton-Court and after some wandring committed himself to Colonel Hammond Governor of the Isle of Wight who conveyed him to Carisbrook-Castle the very pit 't is said that His enemies had designed for him for it was rumour'd above a fortnight before in the Army that the King should be in the Isle of Wight And the very night he departed from Hampton-Court the Centinels were withdrawn from their usual standings on purpose to facilitate his escape thence From Carisbrook-Castle His Majesty wrote a Letter to the Parliament wherein he professed he could not either as a King or Christian consent to the abolishing of Episcopacy because he esteemed it to be Apostolical and at his Coronation was sworn to maintain it yet he was willing Presbitery should be setled for three years and that a free debate should be had by such a number of Divines about the settlement of Church-Government for the future And was willing also that the Parliament should dispose of the Militia and should have the choice of his Privy Council by grant of Pattent from him during his reign withall earnestly solliciting them to pity the languishing condition of the Kingdom and to come to a Personal treaty with him After three days debate the Parliament sent four Bills unto His Majesty to be signed by him but so derogating they were from his Royalty that the Scotch Commissioners declared against them and the King refused the signing of them The Parliament thereupon voted That no more Addresses should be made to the King In the mean while Colonel Hammond had dismissed the Kings Servants and used him more severely than formerly which occasioned Capt. Burleigh to beat up the Drum for the Kings service and freedom in the Isle of Wight but he was soon apprehended and afterward executed A. D. 1648 The Parliament voted that all they who would not submit to the Power meaning their usurped authority should be expelled the University and that all the Colledg-Rents should be paid to the Visitors by them appointed April the 9th and 10th The London-Boys made an Insurrection seized the Magazine at Leaden-Hall crying out for God and King Charles but were quietted by Fairfax Poyer Langhorne Powel and Sir John Owen took up Arms for the King in Wales but Colonel Langhorne and Powel were defeated by Colonel Horton and Sir John Owen by Major General Mirton and Pembroke-Castle kept by Colonel Poyer was yielded to that Arch-Traytor Cromwell July 13. Powel Poyer and Langhorn afterwards cast Lots for their lives and the lot falling upon Poyer he was shot to death April the 20th The Duke of York disguised in womans apparrel escaped from St. James's and and past into Holland Many were the Petitions that now were presented the Parliament for a Personal-treaty and for disbanding the Army But the Surry-Petitioners by the command of the Army-Officers and Parliament-men were assaulted at the Parliament-doors and some of them were kill'd some wounded and most of them plundred by the Soldiers And now the Kentish men to the number of 10000 took up Arms for the King and embodyed themselves at Maidstone where they made a gallant resistance against General Fairfax for the space of six hours but his Veteran Soldiers at last prevailed taking many of them and eight pieces of ordnance June the 2d The old Lord Goring Earl of Norwich with 500 men cross'd into Essex and got into Colchester whither the Countrey people flockt unto him also a party from London and the Lords Capel and Loughbrough out of Hartfordshire The Earl of Holland also headed a Royal party at Kingstone upon Thames but after a short yet smart fight his party was dispersed the Lord Francis Villers was slain and many Prisoners of Note were taken July the 7th and shortly after the Earl of Holland himself was apprehended The Parliament of Scotland sent into England an Army under Duke Hamilton in order to recover the Kings liberty and to re-establish him on his Throne but August the 17th at Preston in Lancashire this Scotch-Army of near a 21000 was totally routed by Oliver Cromwell 'T is said in this days fight and the pursuit the English took more Prisoners
Olivarians At Salisbury March the 11th a party of about 200 Cavaliers were in Arms but were dispersed and some of their chief Leaders taken as Mr. Grove Lieutenant Colonel Penruddock Major Dean Jones c. Others there were in Arms about Shrewsbury Sherwood-Forest in Northumberland and another party in York-shire where Sir Henry Slingsby was taken Lieutenant Colonel Penruddock and Mr. Grove were beheaded at Salisbury and some others of them were hang'd A. D. 1655. about the beginning of this year Admiral Blake with his Fleet performed a daring piece of service at Tunis where demanding from the Dye or Governour of Tunis reparation for the losses the English sustained from Turkish Pirates and having a scornful answer returned he boldly press'd upon their Ships lying under the Castle of Goletta and there burnt nine Ships with but the loss of 25 men in the mean time plying continued Broadsides upon the Castle within Musket-shot of it In England the Protector constituted a new kind of Officers called Major-Generals who were each of them being eleven in number in their several limits assigned them to supervise the actions of the poor Royalists and to decimate their Estates and indeed to do what they listed but these after they had tyranized a while were laid aside February the 16th did the Spaniard at Dunkirk declare open War against England and immediately thereupon was a Peace concluded betwixt France and England one of the Articles of which was That the King of France should exclude Charles Stuart King of England and all his Relations and Adherents out of his Dominions and accordingly the Duke of York was Complemented to depart France by such a time nor was his Retinue to stay after him had his Majesty himself been there he must have expected the same dealing February the 21. died that Learned Prelate Dr. Vsher A. B. of Armagh and was buried in Westminster Abby A. D. 1656 To begin this year well for fortunate Oliver some of his Fleet under the Admirals Blake and Mountague not far from Cades or Cales set upon a Fleet of eight Spaniards one of which they sunk two burnt one run ashore and two the English took one whereof had a great quantity of Plate and Cochenel in her the other laden chiefly with Hides September the 17th another of Oliver's Parliaments assembled at Westminster where before they were admitted to enter the House they must severally engage not to act any thing prejudicial to the present Government whereupon some of them returned home the rest entring the House chose Sir Thomas Widdrington their Speaker and set themselves to act suitably to Oliver's wishes passing an Act for renouncing and disannulling the title of Charles Stuart unto the Government of the Nations of England Scotland and Ireland c. and making it to be treason against the Protector as it formerly had been against the Kings person then ordained moneys to be raised in the three Nations for paying the Armies And ordered a years rent to be paid the Protector for every House built upon a new foundation within ten miles of the City of London Yet notwithstanding the provision made to secure the Protector 's person there were divers attempts made to kill him and a printed paper was published intituled Killing no Murther One Miles Sindercomb formerly a Soldier in the Army had determined to shoot or by one means or other to rid the world of him but his design being betrayed he was condemned to be hang'd and quartered to prevent which he procured his own death 't is said by snuffing up a poysonous powder into his head wherefore as a self-murderer he was drag'd at a Horses-tail from the Tower to Towerhill where being turned naked into a hole a stake spiked with iron was driven through him A. D. 1657. This year commenced with a Conspiracy of Fifth-Monarchists to have pull'd down Oliver but the Plot was discovered and the Projectors apprehended the chief of whom was Major General Harrison Vice-Admiral Lawson Col. Rich Major Danvers and Captain Venner their Standard which they had in readiness had pourtraied in it a Lion couchant Gules in a field Argent with this Motto Who shall rouze him April the 20th Admiral Blake performed another notable exploit for at Sancta Cruz in Teneriffa the chief Island of the Canaries and belonging to the Spaniards he fired and sunk 16 great Ships among which was the Admiral Vice-Admiral and Rear-Admiral and two or three Gallions the Spaniards besides the loss of their whole Fleet had many hundreds of men slain on the shore yet in this notable Action the English had but 48 men slain and 120 wounded the Protector to gratifie the Admiral for this his brave service sent him a Diamond Ring worth 500 l and Captain Richard Strainer who led the first squadron was at his coming into England for this and his other good service at Cadiz honoured with Knighthood And now the Parliament who had been long debating concerning the setling of his Highness at last present him with a certain thing called The humble Petition and Advice desiring him to take the government of the three Nations upon him with the stile of King which stile he refused as foreseeing this would disgust the Sectarists generally therefore contented himself with the Power Royal and his old stile of Lord Protector which the Parliament confirmed And June the 26th his Highness was with great State and Magnificence installed in his Office of Protector in Westminster-hall where the Speaker in the name of the Parliament presented him with a Robe of Purple-Velvet lined with Ermine a Sword a large Bible richly gilt and bossed and a Scepter of Gold And when the Speaker Earl of Warwick and Sir Bulstrode Whitlock had vested Oliver then the Speaker administred the Oath to him in these following words I do in the presence and by the name of Almighty God promise and swear that to the utmost of my power I will uphold and maintain the true reformed Protestant Religion in the purity thereof as it is contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and encourage the profession and professors thereof and that to the utmost of my power I will endeavor as chief Magistrate of these three Nations the maintenance and preservation of the peace and safety and just Rights and Priviledges of the People thereof and shall in all things according to my best knowledge and power govern the People according to Law This Oath being taken by him he was immediately proclaimed Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England c. And that done some Souldiers and others cryed God save the Lord Protector Oliver thus established in his mightiness by Parliment he falls to fashion his family after the manner of a Kings Court hath his Yeomen of the Guard in their livery of gray Cloath welted with black Velvet over whom commanded Walter Strickland His Lord Keeper was Nathaniel Fines and Lord Chamberlain Sir Gilbert Pickering c. And
depart the Kingdom upon pain of having the Laws and Statutes of the Realm put in execution against them Anno 1671. In the beginning of this year died at St. James's her Royal Highness Anne Dutchess of York Daughter to the Earl of Clarendon and was shortly after privately buried at Westminster The Parliament still sate and amongst others having past an Act for an addition to the Kings Revenue by an Imposition on proceedings at Law by an humble Address they Petitioned His Majesty that he would be pleased by his Royal Example to encourage the wearing of the Manufactures of his own Kingdome and to discountenance the use of Foreign to which the King having graciously condescended they were Prorogued till the 16th of April next ensuing In June Sir Edward Sprague Admiral for the King in the Mediterranean Sea burnt and took under the very Guns of the Castle of Bugia nine of the best men of War of Algier This News so incensed that people that in a tumultuary manner they cut off the Head of their King the Aga having done the like to their General and forced their New created King to make a Peace much to the advantage of England The Parliament was again Prorogued from the 16th of April following to the 30th of October 1672. This Year his Majesty was pleased to Honour the City of London with his Presence at the Lord Mayors Feast being the first that since the Fire was kept in their Guild-hall after it was advantageously repaired The King having long concealed his Just displeasure against the Dutch and his resentments of their unworthy dealings towards him intends now an open War with the Vnited Provinces In order thereunto in January 1671 2 his Majesty declared that seing his Neighbours were making great preparations both by Sea and Land he looked upon himself as obliged to put himself into such a Posture as might best secure his Government and People And that seeing Money which was absolutely necessary for that end was wanting he was unavoidably forced which otherwise he would not have done to put a Stop to the Payment of all Moneys brought in or to be brought in to his Exchequer for the space of one whole Year In the mean time Sir George Downing his Majesties Embassadour in Holland Presses the States hard with the Business of the Flag but finding his Demands shifted of with Delays and his Negotiation like to prove successess he returned back in a short time to England where he was committed to the Tower for not having punctually obeyed his Instructions In March 1671 2 there was War declared by the King of Great Britain the Dutch by this allarmed and by the proceedings and preparations of the French King which they knew tended to a rupture with them fortified themselves with all diligence as well by Forces at home as Allies abroad and made the Prince of Orange their Captain General at Land and Admiral at Sea for the ensuing Years actions This Year the beautiful Escurial in Spain one of the most Magnificent buildings in Europe and reckoned one of the Wonders of the World was consumed by fire Besides the many Varieties that here were lost the Famous Library perished a loss hardly ever again to be repaired The French King being now joyned with the English in War against the Dutch Anno 1672. in the beginning of this year marches at the head of his Main Army towards the Frontiers of the Netherlands and sends his Fleet to joyn the English In May both Fleets were joyned at Sea under the Command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York making all together about 160 Sail. They had had often sight of the Dutch but no Engagement till the 28th of this Month and then in Southwold Bay a sharp Fight began about five of the Clock in the Morning and was obstinately maintained on both sides till Night the Dutch then bore away and the Duke stood after them keeping within sight of their Lights all Night In this Engagement died the Earl of Sandwich Captain Digby in the Henry Sir John Cox hard by the Duke in the Prince Sir Frescheville Hollis and Monsieur de la Rabiner the French Rear Admiral Several other Officers were slain and wounded about Seven hundred common Seamen lost and as many wounded the Royal James burnt and the Katherine taken but by her own men rescued again On the Dutch side were killed Admiral Van Ghent and Captain Brakhel Their great Ships were sadly shattered two sunk one taken and one burnt many others were missing whereof no account could be given and a great many of their common Seamen killed and wounded The French at the same time to increase their loss took several of their Towns and Forts by Land Next day after this Engagement in the Afternoon The Duke of York put twice out his bloody Flag upon sight of the Dutch but was as often prevented from Engaging them by thick Fogs and Mists which gave the Duch opportunity to retreat and so no more considerable Action at Sea was performed this year The States being thus pressed in all probality above the strength of so small a Republick having the French on the one side the Bishop of Munster on the other by Land and the English by Sea to deal with were not able to repress the Tumults and Insolencies of the exasperated People The Burghers of Dort in a tumultuary manner got the Prince of Orange created Statholder which was afterward confirmed by the States And at the Hague not long after a masterless Rabble hall'd out of Prison the Ruart van Putten and his Brother De Witt who had been condemned to lose their Dignities and be banished for some Designs against the Prince and barbarously murthered them dragging their Bodies through the Streets hanging them on the Gallows by the Heels and afterward inhumanely tearing and cutting them to picces The Parliament of England which was to have met in October was prorogued till the Fourth of February following This year was the Earl of Essex sent into Ireland to succeed to the Lord John Berkley as Lieutenant of that Kingdom The Lord Keeper of England Bridgeman now aged and infirm having resigned his place the Earl of Shaftsbury was made Chancellour of England and Thomas Lord Clifford Lord High Treasurer Toward the beginning of December the Duke of Richmond who had been this year sent Embassadour Extraordinary into Sweden died in his Calesche as he was upon his return to Elsenore from being aboard of the Yarmouth Frigat No other reason could be given for the suddenness of his death but the extream coldness of that piercing Air to which his Body was not accustomed The time of Prorogation being expired the Parliament met again and upon the removal of Sir Edward Turnor their Speaker to be Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer Sir Job Charleton was made Speaker but he shortly after falling Sick Edward Seymour Esq succeeded This Session of Parliament voted the King a
sacrificers discussers and interpreters of Religious matters they decided also as temporal Judges almost all controversies in the civil State and such as refused to stand to their judgment they put under their Interdiction which was accounted the most grievous punishment These Druides were priviledged from the Wars and all other burdens taxes and payments Over all the rest of them there was one Primate The main thing they laboured to perswade men was That the Soul is immortal They taught only by word of mouth The Merchandizing of the ancient Britains consisted chiefly in Ivory Boxes Sheers Onches Bits and Bridles Wreaths and Chains with other conceits made of Glass and Amber And as their Merchandize was mean so was their Shipping also the Keels and Ribs whereof were of light wood covered over with Leather Their Coyn was either of Brass or else Iron-Rings sized at a certain weight which they used for their Money but as times grew more civil and Traffick more frequent they stamped both Gold and Silver Their Armour were Shields and short Spears in the lower of which Spears was fastned a round Bell of Brass which at the beginning of a fight they shoke with a great courage conceiting that such a ratling noise did dismay the enemy In the beginning of a Battel they fought in Chariots but when they had wound themselves in amongst their enemies they fought on foot upon occasion retiring to their Chariots which in the mean space that they fought on foot were drawn all together They were so expert in managing their Chariot-Horses that running them forceably down a steep Hill they could stop and turn them in the mid-way Julius Caesar found the Island of Britain not in a Monarchical estate under one King but divided into several Provinces or petty Kingdoms The Names of which Provinces were 1. Cantii the Inhabitants of Kent 2. Regni Sussex and Surrey 3. Durothriges Dorcetshire 4. Damnonii Devon and Cornwall 5. Belgae Sommerset Wilts and Hampshire 6. Attrebatii Berkshire 7. Dobuni Oxford and Glocestershire 8. Catieuchlani Warwick Bucks and Bedford 9. Trinobantes Hartford Essex Middlesex 10. Iceni Suffolk Norfolk Cambridge 11. Coritani Northampton Lincoln Leicester Rutland Derby Nottingham 12. Cornabii Stafford Worcester Cheshire and Shropshire 13. Brigantes Parisi Lancashire York Richmond Durham Westmorland and Cumberland 14. Ordovices Flint Denbigh Merioneth Caernarvan and Montgomery 15. Silures Hereford Radnor Brecknock Monmouth and Glamorgan 16. Pembroke Cardigan and Caermarden called Dimetae 17. Ottadini Northumberland Teifidale Twedale Merch and Louthien 18. Selgovai Lidesdale Eusdale Eskdale Annandale and Niddisdale 19. Novantes Kile Carick Galloway and Cunningham 20. Fife Renfraw Cluydsdale Leanox Striveling Menteth called Damnii 21. Ciledonii Gadini Perth Stratherne Albin A●gile and Lorne 22. Epidii Cantire 23. Vicemagi Murray 24. Venricones Mernia Anguis Mar. 25. Taezali Buquhane 26. Cantae Creones Cerontes Rosse Southerland 27. Carnonacae Carini Cornabii Stratnavern 28. Simertae Logi Caithnes The most memorable Kings of the Britains in the times of the Romans COmius King of the Attrebatii Cassibelan King of the Trinobaates who as the most worthy of the Brittish Kings was chosen by general consent to withstand the Roman invasion which he did with very great prowess twice repulsing their Legions from the British-Shore His chief City was Verolam near where St. Albans now standeth Cingetorix Caruil Taximagul and Segonax Kings reigning together in Kent Mandubrace a Prince of the Trinobantes who after that he was beaten out of his Country by Cassibelan fled unto Caesar into Gallia and was a great Incendiary against his native Land perswading Caesar to make a second expedition into Britain Cunobeline the chief City for whose residence was Camalodunum now called Malden in Essex Adminius Catacratus and Togodumus Sons of Cunobeline the last whereof made gallant resistance against the Romans Cogidunus who received in pure gift at the hands of the Romans certain Cities over which he peaceably reigned King Caractacus a most renowned Prince of the Silures who in Nine years resistence waded through many adventures against the Romans but at last was betrayed and carried to Rome where being led in Triumph was for the braveness of his Spirit released of his bonds and accepted into Claudius Caesars favour Venutius a famous King of the Brigantes Voadicea or Boadicea Queen to Prasutagus after her Husbands death receiving incivilitie● from the Romans opposed her self against them and in one Battel slew Eighty thousand of them Those two strong Cities Verolamium and Camalodunum she took and sacked Petilius Lieutenant of the Ninth Legion she discomfited Catus the Procurator she forced to fly beyond the Seas All feared the Heroick prowess of this Princess but at length she was vanquished in Battel when rather than live subject to her foes she poysoned her self Arviragus stoutly withstood Claudius Galgacus a right valiant Prince of the Caledonians in the time of Domitian These were the oppugners of the Roman Power for above an hundred years nor were the Britains then subdued without themselves for their own divisions made way for the Romans to become their Masters and to possess their Countrey About the year of the Worlds Creation 3913 and before the birth of Christ Fifty four years the fortunate Romans under the conduct of Julius Caesar first took footing in Britain about Deal and so welcom was the news of Caesars landing in Britain to the Roman Senate that they decreed unto his honour a general Thanksgiving for Twenty days which was the first so great honour ever granted the former greatest Victories having had but five or at most but ten days assigned them Emperors of Rome commanding in Britain CAius Julius Caesar was General of the Roman forces in Gallia when he invaded this Island of Britain in short time after which JVLIVS CAESAR he assumed the Title and Authority of perpetual Dictator about A.M. 3925 He was very succesful in War and of a most undaunted spirit upon all occasions In Fifty several Battels by him fought he always prevailed one only excepted Four times was he created Consul and five times entred Rome in Triumph Once entring into a Boat in tempestuous weather and the Waterman afraid to put forth from shore he thus animated him Proceed couragiously against the storms for thou carriest Caesar and Caesars fortunes And when he was forewarn'd of the conspiracy made against him in the Senate-house and disswaded from going thither at that time he answered That he had rather dye than admit fear into his breast So resolutely going to the place was by Brutus Cassius and other conspirators murdered in the senate-Senate-house receiving in his Body Twenty three Wounds He was bald-headed therefore to cover it he always wore the Triumphant Lawrel Garland Some report that the Bathes by the City of Bath were first found out by him others say by an ancient British King called Bladus For Twenty years after Caesars coming into Britain the Britains retained their own Kings and Laws having no Roman praefects over them
following he was condemned of Felony as seeking the death of some of the Kings Counsellors and on Febr. 22 of the same year he was brought to the Scaffold on Tower-hill where he thus spake to the people Dearly beloved Friends I am brought hither to suffer death albeit I never offended against the King either in word or deed and have always been as true and faithful to this Realm as any man hath been But forasmuch as I am by Law condemned to die I do acknowledg my self as well as others to be subject thereunto Wherefore to testifie my obedience which I owe unto the Laws I am come hither to suffer death whereunto I willingly offer my self with most hearty thanks unto God that hath given me this time of repentance who might through sudden death have taken away my life that I neither should have acknowledged him nor my self When having uttered these words with others exhortatory That the people would continue constant in the Gospel suddenly there was heard a great noise whereby the assembly was struck into great fear which noise was made by some of the Trainband-Hamlets coming hurrying on the Tower-hill This stir being ceased another presently insued for the people seeing Sir Anthony Brown ride towards the Scaffold they violently ran and crowded together thitherward supposing he had brought a pardon from the King and with a sudden shout cried a pardon a pardon God save the King But these interruptions over the Duke proceeded in his speech requesting the people to join in prayer with him for the King exhorting them unto obedience to him and his Council Which done asking every man forgiveness and declaring that he freely forgave every man he meekly submitted his head to the Axe Whose death the people were much grieved for speaking very bitterly against the Duke of Northumberland and the good King sorely mourned because of it which likely did much increase his Consumptive distemper that brought him to his end Whilst he lay in his weakness he was over-wrought to disinherit his two sisters Mary and Elizabeth and to ordain by Will for his Successor to Englands Diadem Guilford Dudley's Wife Jane the elder Daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whose Mother the Lady Frances was the Daughter of Mary Queen of France and Charles Branden Duke of Suffolk Unto this Will of King Edward all his Council the Bishops and all the Judges saving Sir John Hallis subscribed When the King drew towards his last breath he prayed as followeth Lord God deliver me out of this miserable life and take me among thy chosen howbeit not my will but thy will be done Lord I commit my spirit to thee O Lord thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with thee yet for thy Chosen sake if it be thy will send me life and health that I may truly serve thee O my Lord bless thy people and save thine inheritance O Lord God save thy chosen people of England O my Lord God defend this Realm from Papistry and maintain thy true Religion that I and my people may praise thy holy Name for thy Son Jesus Christs sake So turning his face and seeing some by him he said I thought you had not been so nigh Yes said Dr. Owen we heard you speak to your self Then said the King I was praying to God O I am faint Lord have mercy upon me and receive my Spirit And in so saying he yielded up the Ghost July 6 1553. And was interred in the Chappel of St. Peters at Westminster He was a Prince very well learned in the Latin and Greek Tongues also in the French Spanish and Italian adorned with the skill of Logick Natural Philosophy Musick and Astronomy Of such observation and memory that he could tell and recite all the Ports Havens and Creeks belonging to England Scotland and France what coming in there was how the Tide served in every of them what burden of Ship and what wind best served the coming into them Of all his Nobles chief Gentry and Magistrates he took special notice of their hospitality and religious conventions He was very sparing of his Subjects blood though rebells or hereticks When Joan Butcher was to be burnt for heresie all his Council could not move him to sign the Warrant for her execution till Dr. Cranmer A. B. laboured with him therein to whom the King said What my Lord will you have me send her quick to hell And taking the Pen he used this speeeh I will lay all the charge hereof upon Cranmer before God So zealous he was for the reformed Religion and against Popery that he thrust out all the Roman fopperies out of the Churches and superstitions out of the English Church nor would he permit his sister Mary to have Mass said in her house though the Emperour Charles made suit for it in her behalf So charitable that he conferred on the City of London Christs-Hospital and St. Thomas-Hospital for the relief of the Impotent fatherless Children and wounded Soldiers and Bridewell for vagabond and idle persons and so circumspect as to himself and publick that he kept a Journal-Book written with his own hand how all things proceeded with him and the state even from the first day of his raign unto his death The Mayors and Sheriffs of London in this Kings Reign In his first Year Sir John Gresham was Mayor Thomas White Robert Chertsey Sheriffs In his second Year Henry Amcoats was Mayor William Lock Sir John Ayleph Sheriffs In his third Year Sir Rowland Hill was Mayor John Yorke Richard Turk Sheriffs In his fourth Year Sir Andrew Jud was Mayor Augustine Hinde John Lion Sheriffs In his fifth Year Sir Richard Dobbes was Mayor John Lambert John Cowper Sheriffs In his sixth Year Sir George Barne was Mayor William Garret or Gerard John Mainard Sheriffs Queen MARY A.D. 1553 PIOVS King Edward having exchanged this wretched life for an happy the Councel in the first place perswaded the Lord Mayor and certain of the Aldermen of London to take their Oathes to be faithful to the Lady Jane Grey then caused the said Lady Jane to be proclaimed in London Queen of England But when Queen Mary heard the news of her brothers death and the Councels proceeds by her Letters she required the Councel as they tendred her displeasure and their own safeties to proclaim her Queen and Governour of the Land Unto which Letters the Lords forthwith answered That by good Warrant of Ancient Laws of the Realm besides the last Will of King Edward the right was in the Lady Jane to govern England unto whom therefore and none other they must yield subjection They also remembred the Queen of the unlawful marriage and divorce of her Mother of her own illegitimation desiring her to forbear any furder claim and to submit her self to the Queen Jane now her Soveraign Which Letters sent to Queen Mary were subscribed by Thomas Canterbury Archbishop Thomas Ely Chancellor Henry Suffolk Duke The Duke of
Northumberland Marquess of Winchester c. Upon the receipt of the Letters the Queen removed from Keningal to Fremingham-Castle unto whom the Suffolk-men first resorted offering their service with condition that they might still embrace the Gospel in the same manner that King Edward had established it To which she then condescended though afterward being petitioned to perform her promise herein she both punished the Writer and answered that they should one day well know that they being but members should not direct her their head July the twelfth the Earl of Oxford and other Lords came in to the Queens assistance and proclaimed her at Norwich and July the fourteenth the Duke of Northumberland with an Army set forth off London towards Norwich but few or none of the people bade this ambitious Duke God-speed which himself took notice of as he marched out of London with his Army But whilst Northumberland was on his way the Lord Windsor and other Gentlemen raised the Commons of Buckingham-shire for Queen Mary so Sir John Williams and Sir Leonard Chamberlain of Oxford-shire and Sir Thomas Tresham in Northampton-shire And at London the Tide turned and Queen Mary was there proclaimed and many of the Lords deserted the Duke insomuch that the Duke himself thinking it the easiest to swim with the stream even fairly in the Market-place at Cambridge proclaimed Mary Queen of England throwing up his Cap in token of joy The way thus made free Queen Mary repaired to London and there set at liberty Edmond Bonner imprisoned in her brothers time restoring him to the See of London which Dr. Ridley had possessed and made him a prisoner Other Protestant Bishops she removed placing Papists in their steads Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury she committed to the Tower and Stephen Gardner she made Lord Chancellor And to assure her estate the better the Duke of Northumberland was Arraigned and condemned and brought upon the Scaffold on Tower-hill to suffer death Where this Duke having promise of life if he would recant the reformed Religion did so and withall exhorted the people to follow the Romish way though when he had so done the executioner made him shorter by the head with him suffered Sir John Gates and Sir Thomas Palmer August 22. A few days after which the Queen was Crowned at Westminster by Stephen Gardner Bishop of Winchester And October 18th began a Parliament wherein that Act was repealed which was made in Edward the 6th's time intituled An Act for the uniformity of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments Then came all the Popish trinkets into fashion again the Mass-Book Crucifixes Agnus Dei's Reliques with all the Idols and Abominations And the temporising Priests were forced to forgoe their Wives though not to live honestly For as Mr. Heywood merrily said to the Queen concerning these men when she told him that the Priests must no longer have their Wives Your grace then must allow them Lemmons for the Clergy cannot live without sawce A. D. 1553 was the Lady Jane Grey and her Husband Arraigned and condemned at the Guild-hall in London and February 12th her Husband Gilford Dudley 4th son to the Duke of Northumberland was had to the Tower-hill where with prayers and great signs of repentance he ended his life Whose body all bloody laid in a Cart together with the head wrapt in a cloth was brought into the Ch●ppel of the Tower even in the sight of this sorrowful Lady his Wife who was now to mount the Scaffold raised upon the Green within the ●ower whither being ascended she with a cheerful countenance spake unto the spectators declaring that her offence was only in consenting unto others That she never sought that greatness Then desired the people to bear her witness that she died a true Christian woman and looked to be saved by no other means but only by the mercy of God in the blood of Christ Jesus his only son confessed that when she did know the word of God she neglected it and loved the world and her self and that therefore this plague and punishment justly hapned to her for her sins Lastly desired the people to pray for her whilst she lived Then kneeling down said in English the 51 Psalm which done she stood up and gave her Book to Mr. Bridges Lieutenant of the Tower then by the help of her two Gentlewomen made her self ready for the Block and commending her spirit into the hands of the Lord Jesus her head was severed from the body Thus ended the life of this most ingenious and vertuous Lady ruined by the Ambition of her own especially Husbands Father On the 23 of the same month her Father Henry Duke of Suffolk for a second offence the promoting an insurrection to hinder the Queens marriage with Philip of Spain was beheaded on the Tower-hill And A. D. 1554 April 23 was his Brother the Lord Thomas Grey beheaded in the same place Against this foresaid match with Spain many combinations were made and many persons in divers places of the Realm were up in Arms. And amongst the rest Sir Thomas Wiat with the Kentishmen against whom the Duke of Nurfolk was sent but many of his followers forsook him and joyned with Wiat. Then Wiat advanced to Dartford and from thence to Deepford by Greenwich at whose approach so nigh the City the fears were there so great that the Lord Mayor Aldermen and most of the Citizens were in armour and the Serjeants and Lawyers in Westminster in the Hillary-Term pleading their Causes in harness The Queen to make the City sure on her side came unto the Guild-hall where she made an Oration to the Citizens therein acquainting them That though the Rebels pretence was to resist the marriage with Spain yet that their intention was against her Religion That they arrogantly demanded the possession of her person the keeping of the Tower the placing and displacing of her Councellors She also therein alledged her right to the Crown professed her intire love and affection to her subjects promised them in the word of a Queen that if it should not probably appear before the Nobility and Commons in Parliament that her designed marriage with Prince Philip would be for the profit of the Nation she would abstain from it Wherefore saith she good Subjects pluck up your hearts and like true men stand fast with your lawful Prince against these Rebels both Ours and Yours and fear them not for I assure you I do not Against these Rebels the Earl of Pembroke was made General and a hundred pound lands by the year was promised to be given to him and his Heirs for ever that should bring Wiat either alive or dead Howbeit Wiat with fourteen Ensigns and about five thousand men advanced to Southwark where he made Proclamation That no Souldier should take any thing without due payment Southwark he fortified planting divers great Guns therein And London was fortified against him and the draw-bridge cut down Wherefore when Wiat perceived
that he could have no access into the City that way he in the night marched round about by Kingstone thinking that way to have surprized the City on the sudden but staying to remount a great Gun that was dismounted by the way by that means he could not reach the City so soon as he had expected nor till his coming was discovered and preparations on that side the City made against him Cardinal Reginald Pole A.B. Cant. The Earl of Pembroke possessed himself of St. James's which Wiat at his coming perceiving marched a little aside towards Charing-Cross At Charing-Cross the Lord Chamberlain and Sir John Gage stood to resist Wiat but the Kentish-men rushing violently into the Streets forced their opposites into the gates of White-Hall where was a great distraction within and no other voice heard than Treason Treason Mean while Wiat with such small company as he had with him hasted to Ludgate where he knocked to have entrance but was debar'd In the interim those his followers that had turned to White-Hall were dispersed about twenty of which dirty bemired Rebels were slain in the conflict and no other cry heard on the contrary part but Down with the daggle-Tails Wiat returning from Ludgate sate down upon a stall against Bell-Savage-Inne where he mused a while then retired towards the Court and was not opposed till he came to Temple-Bar where began some Bickering but Clarencieux King at Arms coming to him perswaded him to submit to the Queens mercy To whom Sir Thomas Wiat said If I must yield I will yield to a Gentleman and yielded himself to Clarencieux Then was he mounted behind Sir Maurice Berkley and so carried to the Court and in the after-noon to the Tower About fifty of his fellow Rebels were hanged in London and four hundred more were led through the City with Halters about their necks to Westminster where they were all pardoned by the Queen A. D. 1554 and April 11th Sir Thomas Wiat was beheaded on Tower-hill where at his death he warned the people to beware how they took any thing in hand against the higher Powers and excused the Lady Elizabeth and the Lord Courtney of having any hand in his Rebellion Alexander Bret and twenty two Kentish persons more were executed in divers parts of that County These Commotions were the occasions of great troubles to the Lady Elizabeth for the great difference in judgment that was betwixt her sister the Queen and her caused the Queen to suspect that she was a principal mover in them Wherefore the good Princess was in all haste sent for from her Mannor of Ashbridge where she then lay sick and was committed prisoner to the Tower of London at her first coming being kept a close prisoner under locks and bolts but at length the Lord Shandois obtained liberty for her to walk in the Queens Chamber and in the garden About May 19th she was removed to Woodstock where her liberty was not much inlarged In this her confinement as she sate looking out of the window she hap'd to see a maid milking in the Park and merrily singing over her pail which struck this pensive prisoner into a deep muse preferring the Maids fortunes above her own and heartily wishing that her self was a Milk-maid Perhaps this might be the place where Stephen Gardner with intent to insnare her life caused her to be examined what she thought of those words of Christ Hoc est corpus meum This is my body To which after some pause the Princess thus warily and as wittily answered Christ was the word that spake it He took the bread and brake it And what the word did make it That I believe and take it A. D. 1554 and April 16th a disputation began concerning Transubstantiation betwixt certain learned men of the Popish perswasion and Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Nicholas Ridley late Bishop of London and old Father Latimer sometime Bishop of Worcester of the Reformed Religion which dispute ended on the 20th of the same month and a year and six months after the aforenamed Bishops gave Testimony to the truth in the flames in the Town-ditch of Oxford A. D. 1554 and July 25th was the marriage betwixt Philip of Spain and Mary Queen of England with great State solemnized and their Titles by Garter King at Arms solemnly proclaimed with these following stiles Philip and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of England France Naples Jerusalem and Ireland Defenders of the Faith Princes of Spain and Sicily Arch-Dukes of Austrich Dukes of Milain Burgundy and Brabrant Counts of Haspurg Flanders and Tyrol In the November next following this marriage the Queen was reported to be with Child for joy whereof Te Deum was commanded solemnly to be sung and processions and prayers were made for her safe delivery The Queen took her Chamber the Court was full of Midwives all due provisions made against the good hour And so certain it was taken to be that some were punished but for questioning the contrary and the Parliament Enacted That if God should take away Queen Mary this their young Master coming into the world should succeed and that King Philip should be Protector during the Princes minority Howbeit though they had this confidence to trust Philip with the government of England if such a case should happen yet had Philip little confidence in the English first because they would have hindred the marriage betwixt him and the Queen and then because a Nobleman had given his counsel to cut off the Lady Elizabeths head whence he assured himself that those so bad-minded to their natural Princess could not be well-minded to him a stranger A great friend 't is said King Philip was to the said Princess Elizabeth nor would he cease solliciting his Queen till he had gained her some freedom from her close restraint But now the expected time of Queen Maries deliverance being come a rumour was spread that a Prince was born for joy whereof the Bells were rung Bon-fires flamed processions were made and some in their Sermons fondly described the beauty of this young Prince Notwithstanding at last it proved no such matter Some said this rumour was spread in policy and that the Queen to have put the Lady Elizabeth besides the Crown would have mothered another bodies Child but King Philip scorn'd to Father it Others said that the Queen miscarried others that she had a Tympany A. D. 1557 the Queen to take part with the Spaniard and Pope proclaimed Wars against France and King Philip crossed the Seas into Flanders After whom his Queen sent a thousand Horsemen four thousand Foot and two thousand Pioneers under the conduct of the Earl of Pembroke who came with his forces before the Town of St Quintins at that time besieged by the Dukes of Savoy and Brunswick and in short time by their manly courage forced the Town to yield for joy whereof great Triumphs were made in England which lasted not long For
Mayor Stephen Slaney Henry Billingsley Sheriffs In her seven and twentieth Year Sir Wolstone Dixie vvas Mayor Anthony Ratcliffe Henry Pranel Sheriffs In her eight and twentieth Year Sir George Barne was Mayor George House William Elkin Sheriffs In her nine and twentieth Year Sir George Bond was Mayor Thomas Skinner John Catcher Sheriffs In her thirtieth Year Sir Martin Calthorp served one part Sir Richard Martin the other Hugh Offley Richard Saltonstall Sheriffs In her one and thirtieth Year Sir John Hart was Mayor Richard Gurney Stephen Some Sheriffs In her two and thirtieth Year Sir John Allot served one part Sir Rowland Heyward the other Nicholas Mosley Robert Brook Sheriffs In her three and thirtieth Year Sir William Webbe was Mayor VVilliam Rider Benet or Benedict Barnham Sheriffs In her four and thirtieth Year Sir William Roe was Mayor John Garret or Gerrard Robert Taylor Sheriffs In her five and thirtieth Year Sir Cuthbert Buckle served one part Sir Richard Martin the other Paul Banning Peter Haughton Sheriffs In her six and thirtieth Year Sir John Spencer was Mayor Robert Lee Thomas Bennet Sheriffs In her seven and thirteth Year Sir Stephen Slaney was Mayor Thomas Lowe Leonard Halliday Sheriffs In her eight and thirtieth Year Sir Thomas Skinner served one part Sir Henry Billingsley the other John Wats Richard Godard Sheriffs In her nine and thirtieth Year Sir Richard Saltonstall was Mayor Henry Roe John More Sheriffs In her fortieth Year Sir Stephen Some was Mayor Edward Holmedon Robert Hampson Sheriffs In her one and fortieth Year Sir Nicholas Mosley was Mayor Humphrey Walde Roger Clerk Sheriffs In her two and fortieth Year Sir William Rider was Mayor Thomas Smith Thomas Cambel VVilliam Craven Sheriffs In her three and fortieth Year Sir John Garret or Gerrard was Mayor Henry Anderson William Glover Sheriffs In her four and fortieth Year Sir Robert Lee was Mayor James Pemberton John Swinerton Sheriffs JAMES A. D. 1602 KING James his Title to the Crown of England sprung from Henry the seventh whose Issue 〈◊〉 the Male failing in the late deceased Queen Elizabeth the off-spring of Margaret his eldest daughter was the next Heir which Lady Margaret being married unto James the fourth King of Scotland by him had Issue James the fifth whose only daughter and Child Queen Mary was the Mother of King James the sixth of that name that had swayed the Scepter in Scotland Which learned Prince when he heard of the death of Queen Elizabeth set forward out of Scotland and was with great joy received of all his English Subjects in his way to London and at his approach unto that honourable City the Lord Mayor and Aldermen with five hundred choice Citizens all in Chains of Gold and well-mounted met his Majesty and with all solemn observance attended him unto the Charter-house Then preparations were made for his Coronation but before the day appointed thereunto a Proclamation came forth that no Citizen should presume to approch the Court the City having buried in one week above one thousand of the plague And yet a greater plague than this was intended against England about the Kings coming in had not God in his mercy prevented it For Pope Clement the eighth having sent unto Henry Garnet Superior of the Jesuites in England two Bulls therein prohibiting any to be admitted to the Crown unless he would first tolerate the Romish Religion and by all his best endeavours advance that Catholique cause Hereupon the Popes creatures to do their unholy Father the best service they could combined with some whom private discontents had discomposed to surprise the Kings person and Prince Henry intending to retain them prisoners in the Tower or if they could not gain the Tower then to carry them to Dover-Castle and there to keep them till they had brought the King to their own terms and compleated their designs The persons accused for this Conspiracy were Henry Brook Lord Cobham Thomas Lord Grey of Wilton Sir Walter Rawleigh Sir Griffin Markham Sir Edward Parham George Brook and Bartholomew Brooksby Esquires Anthony Copley Gentleman Watson and Clark Priests A. D. 1603 and July 21 King James and Queen Anne were Crowned at Westminster by John Whitguift Archbishop of Canterbury and when the Coronation was over the Conspirators were conveyed to Winchester where the Term was then kept because of the plague at London and there had their Tryal and were all condemned by their Jury save Sir Edward Parham Howbeit only three of them were executed namely Watson Clark and George Brook This business thus Transacted for the safety of King and Kingdom his Majesty to gratify the Puritan or Presbyterian party that had petitioned for a reformation in the English Church commanded an Assembly of selected Divines to appear in his Royal presence at Hampton-Court whither the summoned accordingly repaired Persons summoned to maintain the cause of the Church of England were the Archbishop of Canterbury Bishops of London Durham Winchester c. Persons for the reformation of the Church were Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Sparks of Oxford Mr. Knewstubs and Mr. Chaderton of Cambridge At this conference his Majesty notably vindicated the Church of England see the conference at Hampton-Court Printed 1604. After an indeavour of setling Church-peace the King commanded a new Translation of the holy Scriptures which was accordingly done A. D. 1604 and August the nineteenth was peace proclaimed betwixt the two Nations of Spain and England And the King to joyn the Nations of England and Scotland into an happy unity caused himself by Proclamation to be stiled King of Great Britain A Proclamation also came forth commanding all Jesuites and Seminary Priests out of the Land but these under-miners of Church and State mean not to leave England so but design to stay and triumph in its ruins purposing by one fatal-blow to destroy the King the Prince the Peers both temporal and Spiritual the Knights and Burgesses of Parliament And the Traytors intent when that damnable villany should be effected was to surprize the Queen and remainder of the Kings Issue Richard Bancroft A. B. Cant. to bring in forreign powers and to alter Religion Sir Edward Baynham an Attainted person was sent to the Pope to acquaint him with the designed Gun-powder-Treason and Thomas Winter brought with him out of Flanders Guy Fawks as a fit Executioner of their hellish project The Conspirators resolved among themselves that it was lawful for case of Conscience to destroy the innocent with the nocent and this by the Authority and judgment of Garnet himself Then they took Oath of secresy swearing by the blessed Trinity and the Sacrament they then were about to receive never to disclose directly or indirectly by word or circumstance this their Plot in hand nor any of them to desist from the Execution thereof until the rest of the Conspirators should give leave This done Mr. Thomas Piercy hired an house next adjoyning to the Parliament-House pretending it to be for his Lodgings and
than their own Army amounted unto and that was about 12000. The Parliament lost here that daring Martialist Collonel Francis Thornhaigh Shortly after the Battel Duke Hamilton was taken Prisoner and Cromwell to improve this success followed the scattered parties into Scotland where when he was come there repaired to him the Earls of Arguile Lowden Leven and other of the Scotch Covenanting-Nobility who contracted with him for subduing the common Enemy meaning the Loyal party Colchester that had endured a tedious siege and was now brought to such scarcity of provision that they had not Horse-flesh enough to serve them one day longer and on it they had lived almost a Fortnight August the 27th yielded upon Articles The private Soldiers to depart with life the Commanders to remain at the Generals dispose and the City to raise 14000 l. to save it from Plunder Prisoners of quality taken here were the Lords Goring Capel Loughbrough eleven Knights twelve Colonels eight Lieutenant-Colonels nine Majors thirty Captains and sixty-five Gentlemen Three of the Knights were presently condemned by a Council of War two of whom namely Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle were shot to death dying as they had lived with great courage But whilst these things were managed by the Army the Parliament was busied with Petitions from London and other places for a Personal Treaty The Parliament therefore contrary to the humours of some of their factious Members repealed those Votes they had formerly made for no more Addresses to the King and both Houses voted a Treaty to be with the King in honour freedom and safety And September the 18th the Treaty began at Newport in the Isle of Wight where his Majesty condescended so far unto the Parliaments demands which were the same in substance with those formerly made that both Houses came to this resolve That the Kings Concessions were a sufficient ground for peace But this did exceedingly inrage the factious Members and Commanders of the Army who now resolved to seize the King into their own hands and dispose which they did removing him out of the Isle of Wight and making him Prisoner in Hurst-Castle November the 30th the Army then fell to purging the Parliament apprehending forty Members thereof that were persons of the most known integrity and highest resolution denying admission to 150 more and suffering none to enter the House save such whom they knew would serve their designs Which Army-Members revived those Votes of no more Addresses to the King the Votes for a Treaty with the King and of the satisfactoriness of his Concessions they razed out of the Journal-book And then proceeded to vote That the supreme authority of the Nation resided in themselves That to raise Arms against the Peoples Representatives or the Parliament was High-treason That the King himself took Arms against the Parliament and so was guilty of the blood-shed throughout the Civil-war And therefore this fag-end of a Parliament was resolved to have his Majesty brought to his Trial in order thereto giving their commands for his bringing up to London and January the 19th he was accordingly brought to St. James's When the factious Members whom the Army had licensed to sit proceeded to constitute a Court for the Trial of the King giving it the specious name of the High Court of Justice which said Court they impowred to convene hear judg and execute Charles Stuart King of England These proceedings the House of Lords detested so did the Parliament of Scotland the Judges of the Land affirmed it to be contrary to the known Laws and Customs of England for the King to be brought to Trial and the Presbyterian Ministers did both publickly and privately disswade them from this horrid action though all in vain And the more to animate the Kings Judges in their illegal proceedings that Pulpit-Jester Hugh Peters preached before them on that Text Psal 149.8 To bind their Kings in chains c. such honour have all his Saints when he assured them that they were the Saints there meant often in his prophane Sermon calling them the Saint Judges and professed that he had for a certain found upon a strict scrutiny that there were in the Army 5000 Saints no less holy than those that now conversed in Heaven with God Almighty Afterwards kneeling in his Pulpit weeping and lifting up his hands he earnestly beg'd them in the name of the People of England that they would execute justice upon that wretch Charles and would not let Benhadad escape in safety c. January the 20th his Majesty was brought before the High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall where he boldly and chearfully took the Seat prepared for him and the Charg● was re●d against him with all those reproachful terms of Tyrant Traytor and Murderer and impleaded in the name of all the People of England But General Fairfax his Lady from a Scaffold adjoining cried with a loud voice That not half the People of England were guilty of that crime but that 't was by means of that Traytor Cromwell that this wickedness was done The King alledged to the Court that he could not make his defence unless they first produced their Authority for the trial of him their King which they not being able to do except that of the Sword remanded him to the place of his captivity January the 22d the High Court of Justice met again when the King being brought to the Bar Solicitor Cook required that he might be put upon it either to give in his positive answer or else that the charge against him upon his refusal to plead might be taken for confessed The substance of which Charge was That he the said Charles Stuart King of England had been the Occasion Author and Contriver of the Wars and therein was guilty of all the Treasons Murders Rapines Burnings Spoils Desola●io●s damage and mischief to this Nation acted or committed in the Wars or occasioned thereby To the Charge President Bradshaw required the Kings answer but his Majesty firmly persisting in the disowning of their Authority and offering to give reasons why he could not own their Court the Court was adjourned to the next day January the 23d the King was again brought before his fictitious Judges when he was again press'd to give in his reasons why he could not own their Authority alledging that to own this new Court was against the Priviledges of the People and the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom whereupon the President commanded the Clerk to record the default and the Guard to take back the Prisoner which was accordingly done January the 27th his Majesty was again brought to the Bar where he still refused to own their illegal Court but said he had some matters conducing to the good of the People which he desired to have liberty to speak before the Members of both Houses which the Court would by no means yield unto but commanded the Clerk to read the Sentence against him which was That whereas the
made with the Cross and Harp on one side and this Inscription The great Seal of England on the other side the picture of the House of Commons with this Inscription In the first year of freedom by Gods blessing restored 1648. And afterward they appointed that all moneys to be coyned should be stamped with the Cross and Harp on one side and the Cross on the other with this Motto The Commonwealth of England God with us And instead of the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance they imposed an Engagement upon the people To be true and faithful to the Commonwealth as it was then established without King or House of Lords A Council of State they constituted by the name of the Keepers of the Liberties of England consisting of forty persons who were to have the executive part of the Government Thus was Englands ancient Government soon changed by about 50 persons who stiled themselves a Parliament and the Representative body of England The maxim upon which they grounded these their alterations and all other their illegal proceeds was this That all power and authority is originally in the people and that they were the peoples Representative When this Junto had made such a module of Government they erected another High Court of Injustice for the trial of Duke Hamilton as Earl of Cambridge of the Earls of Holland and Norwich the Lord Capel and Sir John Owen all which were condemned to die for engaging in their Soveraign's cause but the Earl of Norwich and Sir John Owen were reprieved the other three were beheaded in the Palace-yard at Westminster March the 9th The ever loyal Lord Capel in his speech on the Scaffold declared that he died against the Justice of the known Laws of the Land and for no other cause than his asserting the Fifth Commandment prayed heartily for the King for his restoration long life and prosperity shutting up his Speech with a profession of his cheerfulness in forgiving his Enemies Other good Subjects they put to death in other places of the Nation Lieutenant Colonel Morris Mr. Beaumont a Minister Major Monday and Cornet Blackburn And many were the loyal persons that were now proscribed and had their Estates confiscated as the Marquess of Newcastle Earl of Bristol the Lords Cottington Widdrington Culpepper Byron Sir Edward Hide Sir Philip Musgrave Sir Marmaduke Langdale Sir Richard Greenvill with others And all that had been in actual Arms for the King or other service were forced to compound for their Estates if they had any to the great impoverishing of the Royal party A. D. 1649 and April the 7th The Members at Westminster for the better supply of their Army and taking away of free-quarter passed an Act for the levying of 90000 l. a Month upon England for six months Then took into consideration the sale of Dean and Chapters Lands May the 15th divers Troops of the Army for mutinying were surprised by Fairfax at Burford where some few of the Ringleaders were shot to death and the rest disbanded There were of that party a people called Levellers who in those times of distraction would have all things in the Common-wealth ordered according to their wild humours and yet all their cry was for the Liberties of free-born English men About this time Dr. Dorislaus whom the disloyal Members had sent over as their Agent into Holland was there slain by Colonel Whitford a Scotch man and not long after one Ascham another of their Agents sent into Spain was there slain by one Sparks May the 30th in the City of London England was proclaimed a Free-State And June the 13th the House ordered that no ceremony should be used to the Kings Children the Duke of Glocester and Lady Elizabeth then in the Junto's custody In Ireland the Kings Lieutenant the Marquess of Ormond in order to promote the Kings cause there concluded a peace with the Irish and June the 22d he besieged the City of Dublin but August the 2d Colonel Michael Jones with his whole strength being betwixt 8 and 9000 sallied out upon the besiegers who were 19000 Horse and Foot and routed them totally slew of them about 3000 took Prisoners 2517 took all the Marquess's train of Artillery and Amunition and a very rich booty in the Camp August the 16th Oliver Cromwell landed with his forces at Dublin and after a short stay there marched with great expedition against Tredagh or Drogedah where Sir Arthur Ashton was Governor the defendants of that Town did bravely behave themselves howbeit Oliver gained it by storm giving strict order to his Soldiers that they should afford quarter neither to Man Woman or Child but should kill all He vowed to one of his Commanders That he would sacrifice their bodies to the souls of the English men they had formerly murdered Next Oliver besieged Wexford which through the treachery of one Strafford was yielded And shortly after this many engarisoned places were reduced by Olivers forces The Plantation of Virginia that had refused subjection to the new Republick of England was forced to a conformity by Sir George Ayscoughs Fleet. October 23 Mr. John Lilbourn the Leader of the Levelling party one that had wit enough but of a thwarting turbulent spirit was tryed at Guildhall in London for writing against the Members at Westminster and their Council of State but he so well pleaded his case and had so lucky a Jury that he was quit in despight of his Judges About this time Prince Rupert the King's Admiral was distrest and put to his shifts by the Junto's Fleet losing most of his Ships with his Brother Prince Maurice who was then cast away A. D. 1650. In the beginning of this year the truly Loyal and Magnanimous Marquess of Momross was defeated in Scotland by Major General Straughorn the Marquess himself by quitting his Horse and shifting himself into an ordinary Highlanders habit made a shift to escape for the present his standard was taken in which was pourtrayed the Head of King Charles the first lying a bleeding and severed from the body with this Motto Judg and revenge my cause O Lord. The Marquess after some days wandring about in by-places came to the Laird of Astons House a person whom the Marquess had done several kindnesses for but this false Scot whether for fear or lucre betrayed this distressed Peer into the hands of his Enemy David Lesley who sent him to the City of Edenbrough where the common Hangman met him at the Towns end and first pulled off his Hat then forced him into a Cart which had a high Chair placed in it in which the Marquess was seated that thereby he might be the more obnoxious to the scorns of the vulgar But his noble soul was not at all dismayed for God he said did all the while most comfortably manifest his presence to him and furnished him with courage to overlook the reproaches of men and to behold him for whose cause he suffered After the sentence of Parliament was
Deputy thereof Ireton was very successful against the Marquess of Ormond the Lord Inchequin Marquess Clancard Earl of Castlehaven and other the Kings friends taking many Garisons from them the like did Oliver in Scotland from the Kings friends there Howbeit His Majesty hoping that now at length England might be favourable to his just Cause he advances into England by the way of Carlile with about 16000 men bending his course by a swift march for the West of England though it was hoped by his friends he would have directed his course for London But August the 23 the King with his Army entred the City of Worcester and Cromwel with all hast marched after him by the way joyning with Fleetwood Desbrough the Lord Grey of Groby Lambert Harrison and the Militia-forces of several Counties so that his Army when he was come to Worcester could not amount to fewer then 80000 men In Lancashire the Earl of Derby had raised for the King near 1500 Horse and Foot against whom Colonel Lilbourn marched and routed them taking many persons of quality the Earl of Derby himself with much ado escaped to the King at Worcester where on that twice fatal but once Lucky day September the 3d his Majesty being surrounded by his Enemies resolved to sally upon them with his whole force which accordingly he did and at the first made the disloyal party retire somewhat disorderly the King himself performing the part of a Valiant Souldier at the head of his Horse But at length his Army being overpowered by the numerous fresh supplies of his enemies His Majesties side was put to the worst his Horse flying amain towards the North and his Foot into Worcester whither they were followed at the heels by their Victors who entred the City with them which they plundred killing and taking most of the Scots Prisoners those Horse that fled were pursued and great part of them taken and the poor stragling Scots were either made Prisoners or killed by the Country People The number of the Kings party slain were judged to be about 3000 and of Prisoners taken in the whole near 10000 amongst whom were Duke Hamilton the Earls of Shrewsbury Derby Cleveland Lauderdaile Rotho Carnwath and Kelly the Lord Synclare Sir John Packington Sir Charles Cunningham Sir Ralph Clare Major General Piscotty Major General Mountgomery Colonel Graves Mr. Fanshaw the Kings Secretary the Adjutant General Marshal General General of the Ordnance together with five Colonels of Horse 13 of Foot 17 Lieutenant Colonels 19 Majors 109 Captains there was also taken 158 Colours the Kings standard Coach and Horses Coller of SS and Star-Cloak with other things of great value His Majesty through the good providence of God escaped the hands of his enemies wandring about England in disguise for six weeks at length being transported from a Creek near Shoram in Sussex to Freccam near Haure de Grace in France although his foes made the strictest search for him possible withall menacing those that should conceal him and promising high rewards to those that should discover him A little before this fight at Worcester divers persons many of them Presbyterian Ministers were seized on for holding correspondence with Charles Stuart none might as they loved their lives and estates call him King and on August the 22 were two of them namely Mr. Christopher Love Minister and Mr. Gibbons beheaded on Tower-hill The common Prisoners Scots and English taken at Worcester were sent up to London and that they might no further trouble the States of England they were transported into Foreign Plantations October the 15th the Earl of Derby was beheaded and Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh dyed the same death also for the same crime viz. for honouring the King In short time after the fight of Worcester the Mock-Parliament had the welcome news of reducing the Isle of Man the Barbadoes the Isle of Jersey and Cornet Castle in Guernsey but a little to allay their transport they had the unwelcome news of the death of their Admiral Popham and Ireton their Deputy of Ireland this last dyed of the plague under the Walls of Limirick but was buryed in great State in Westminster-Abby All was now in a calm at home and Scotland and Ireland both almost subjected to the English States they therefore in this leisure-time judg it seasonable to vindicate themselves on the Vnited Netherlands for the affronts done to their Ambassadors Oliver St. John and Walter Strickland in Holland and their incroaching on the English merchants trade and slighting the English States who proffered strict amity and alliance Hereupon they prohibited the importing any Foreign Comodities except upon English bottoms or such as were of the Country whence the goods came beginning withal to stand high upon the claim of dues and reparations for the prejudice done the English in their Trading and when no satisfaction would be given but the Dutch grew rather more Lordly calling into question the English Soveraignty in the narrow Seas and refusing to give the English the honour of the FLAG the States of England resolved to beat them into better manners And in the Year of our Lord 1652 on May the 19th was the first Sea-fight between the States of England and the Netherlands the fight continued about four hours till the night parted them without much cause of boasting on either part that which was the English had a right to But shortly after this Admiral Blake took twelve Dutch men of War August the 16th Sir George Ayscough with a squadron of seven Ships charged through and through the Dutch Fleet consisting of sixty men of War in which Encounter Captain Pack was slain September the fifth as the French Fleet who took part with the Dutch were going to the relief of Dunkirk most of them were taken by General Blake and about the conclusion of the same month the Dutch were bang'd to purpose by Blake at a place called the Kentish-Knock and were pursued by the English into their very Harbor But in the beginning of Winter Blake was worsted by the Dutch in the Downs losing the Garland Bonadventure and two Merchantmen Upon the 18 19 and 20th days of February the two Fleets fought again when the Dutch were forced to fly the English taking fifty-two of their Merchant-men they had in Convoy and nine men of War A. D. 1653 and April the 20th Oliver Cromwell took upon him to put a period to the fitting of those long winded-Members at Westminster objecting to them when he came to displace them That they delayed if not utterly neglected the redressing of publick Grievances that they designed their own interest and perpetuating themselves therefore they were to sit there no longer Instead of these Members turned out of doors Oliver and his Officers constituted a Council of State to rule the Common-wealth though they resolved to rule the Council of State June the 2d the English and Dutch Fleets engaged again in Fight when at the very first shot made by
the Dutch General Richard Dean was slain June the 3d the Fleets joined again and the dispute was very hot and bloody till at length the Dutch tacked about and made haste to their own Coasts Of the Dutch were taken Prisoners six Captains 1350 others Eleven men of War were taken and two Hoys six of their best Ships were sunk and two blown up Of the English were slain besides Admiral Dean one Captain and a hundred and twenty others but not one Ship lost or disabled Cromwell this while with some of the leading Officers of the Army had made choice of certain persons not above 150 for the three Nations who were to have the Legislative power and to be stiled a Parliament These Parliament-Gentlemen and Soldiers of the new-fashioned Election met July the 4th at Westminster where they chose Mr. Rouse for their Speaker but not agreeing amongst themselves for about sixty of them contested hard for the taking away of Tythes from the Ministers as Antichristian they fairly re-delivered their power into Oliver's hands December the twelfth after they had Enacted a Law That Justices of the Peace and not Ministers should join persons together in sacred Wedlock But while this cunning thing called a Parliament was doing little or little to the purpose the active Dutch were again put forth to Sea with about 120 Men of War and before the Texel were Encountred by the English July 29th the Fight was vigorously maintained on both parts till the Dutch Admiral Van Trump fighting in the midst of the English Fleet was with a Musket-shot shot into the left-Pap and slain outright whereby the rest of their Fleet was so discouraged that they made to the Texel as speedily as they could The Dutch in this Fight lost 30 Men of War and about 1200 of their Men were taken The English had slain on their part Graves Owen Chapman Newman Taylor Crisp Cox and Peacock Captains and 400 common Seamen The Ship named the Oak was fired and two or three disabled For this eminent piece of service the little Parliament ordered that Chains of Gold should be presented to the Admirals Blake and Col. George Monk Vice-Admiral Pen and Rear-Admiral Lawson and that other Chains likewise should be presented to divers Flag-Captains and Medals of Silver to the Officers of the Fleet. But to return to Oliver who after his patcht Junto had dissolved themselves called a Council of Officers with some others of his Creatures to consult about the settlement of a Government and these at length after great pretences of seeking Gods mind herein concluded to have a single person again to be the head of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging And was accordingly installed with much formality and ceremony in the Chancery-Court at Westminster before the Judges the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London with the chief Officers of the Army on December the 16th Immediately after which all publick Writings changed their stile from that of the Keepers of the Liberties of England to that of Oliver Lord Protector of England c. And the City of London to manifest their good liking of this Government and Governour at least to make shew of it invited the Protector to a magnificent Feast at Grocers-Hall on Febr. 8. and Oliver to gratifie them for this favour Knighted Thomas Viner then Lord Mayor Aspiring Cromwell having thus obtained the Supream Authority in short time yielded to a peace with the Dutch who had been brought exceeding low with the War with England A. D. 1654. and in the Month of May upon an accusation of a Plot to destroy the Protector seize the Tower raise an Army and bring in the King there were divers Royalists apprehended and committed to prison three of whom were condemned by an High Court of Injustice and two of them Executed namely Col. John Gerrard who was Beheaded on Towerhill and Mr. Vowel who was hang'd at Charing-cross on the same day with Col. Gerrard was Beheaded Don Pantaleon Sa Brother to the Portugal Embassador for a Riot made in the New Exchange but death was so terrible to this person that his heart was nigh quite dead within him before his neck came to the Block September the third a pretended Parliament met at Westminster where after they had heard their Master Oliver's Speech and chose William Lenthall for their Speaker they debated Whether the Legislative power should be in a single person and a Parliament or in a Parliament only The Protector 's faction were for the former those called the Commonwealth-party that were for a Democratical Government were for the latter one declaring That as God had made him an Instrument in cutting down Tyranny in one person so now he would not endure to see the Nations Liberties shackled by another whose right to the Government could be measured out no other way than by the length of his Sword But when these things were reported to the Usurper Oliver he hasted from Whitehall to Westminster and there declares to his Parliament that he would have them to take notice of this That the same Government made him a Protector as made them a Parliament That as they were intrusted with some things so was he with others That there were certain Fundamentals which could not be altered as That the Government should be in a single person and Parliament That Parliament's should not be perpetual That in Religious matters there should be liberty of Conscience c. And then he enjoined them to sign this Recognition of the Government viz. I do hereby promise and engage to be true and faithful to the Lord Protector and Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and shall not according to the tenour of the Indenture whereby I am returned to serve in Parliament propose or give my consent to alter the Government as 't is setled in one person and a Parliament The subscription to this was refused by several Members the rest who subscribed it were permitted to sit till January the 24th 1654 at which time Oliver dissolved them because they delayed to settle him in the Government December the 19th Pen and Venables with a Fleet of thirty Ships wherein were three thousand forces put to Sea and in April following arrived at Hispaniola and came within sight of that Golden Town Sancta Domingo upon which their first and chief enterprize was designed but through the excessive heat of the Clime want of fresh-water and some other discouragements great numbers of the Soldiers perished and that design was fruitless therefore they set sail for the Island Jamaica where being arrived they were there so successful as in short time to possess themselves of the chief Town called Ottranto bringing the whole Island into subjection In England the Royal party were busie to take down the Protector 's Greatness but the Plot was discovered before it was ripe for execution and many of the Conspirators in several places seized on by the
the better to strengthen himself at home and to raise his Family into esteem he gave his eldest Son a Command in the Army his younger Son he made Lord Deputy of Ireland his two younger Daughters that were not yet disposed of in marriage he matched the elder of them with Mr. Robert Rich the Earl of Warwicks Grandson and the youngest with a person of great Honour And that he might be as King-like as possible and withal check the Commons in Parliment he constituted an Upper House of Parliament instead of the House of Lords 62 in number most of them his own creatures amongst whom were Colonel Hewson one by trade next kin to a Cobler and Colonel Pride formerly a Brewers servant who before this had been made two of his knights errants And to honour his Mushrooms he elected to set in his Upper House some few Noble men as the Earl of Warwick c. February the 20th the Parliment that had been adjourned now reassembled but because they admitted those Members to sit with them who at first refused to subscribe to Olivers Instruments and because they questioned the Protectors power in erecting his Upper House which in contempt they called the other House Oliver hereupon sent for them to his Upper House Bar where he made a large speech to them and in conclusion told them That it did concern as well the peace and tranquility of the Nation as his own interest to terminate that Parliament and therefore he did at this time put an end to their sitting February the fourth A. D. 1658. This Year began with a discovery of a most horrible Plot as Oliver called it and indeed he had an excellent Art for the discovery of Plots having his mercenary trepans and instruments of falshood who counterfeiting themselves forward Royallists thereby insinuated themselves into the Counsel of the Kings friends and then betrayed them And the King himself was troubled with one of these false Creatures about his own person for Captain Manning one of his Secretaries Clerks was taken in the very act of receiving Letters from Thurloe Olivers Secretary for the which he was instantly Shot to death But the Loyal Confederates in the late discovered Plot were divers of them apprehended as Dr. Hewit Colonel Edward Ashton Mr. Mordant the Earl of Peterboroughs Brother and others who were indicted of High Treason for endeavouring to levy War against his Highness and the Government and to promote Charles Stuart to the Government of these Nations and for holding correspondency with the said Charles Stuart Mr. Mordant was acquitted but Dr. Hewit and Sir Henry Slingsby were beheaded on Tower-hill June the eighth though many endeavours were used by divers persons of quality and Ministers for the saving of their lives especially the Doctors Colonel Ashton and others were hang'd and quartered in London Near about this time there came up the Thames as far as Greenwich a Whale of a very great length and bigness June the 25th the Town of Dunkirk was surrendred by the Spaniards to the French who immediately resigned it to the English forces which had been the main instrument in gaining it this resignation was made according to former Articles agreed upon between the King of France and Lord Protector of England But whilst the English were rejoicing abroad Oliver had occasion of sorrow at home for his most dearly beloved Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Claypole on August the eighth departed this Life whose body was interred in the Royal Chappel at Westminster T is said of this Gentlewoman that she was much troubled at the harsh usage of the Royal party and that upon her knees she beg'd of her Father to save Dr. Hewits life but his hard heart would not yield thereto though he loved this Daughter so passionately that he never injoyed himself after her death but growing pensive and melancholy in short time was seized with a Tertian ague which ended his life at VVhite-hall on September the third He was born in the Town of Huntingdon and descended from a worshipful family of the Cromwels alias VVilliams his Mother was the Daughter of Sir Richard Steward and his wife Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir James Bourchier He was of a very martial Spirit and of excellent conduct and attended with very good success in his attempts Nor was he a Souldier only but also a very good Orator and deep Politician and so great a Dissembler that he could shed Crocodillian tears at pleasure when those would at any time advantage him among the Religious an high pretender he was to Religion though as his actions manifested it was only thereby to obtain his ambitious ends so impiously resolute for the effecting his designments that he valued not the violation of the most solemn promises or sacred Oaths nor the shedding of any though the blood of the Lords anointed Yet was this Man courted or feared by most of the Princes in Europe and the Kings of France and Sweden were entred into so strict a League with him as had he lived might have troubled good part of the world In Olivers stead Richard Cromwell his eldest Son whom he had appointed his Successor was proclaimed Protector Shortly after which several Addresses protesting both love and obedience to Richards Highness were presented from the Armies of the three Nations from the London-Ministers from divers Counties Cities and chief Towns of England And the Foreign Ambassadors then in England pretended to lament with Mr. Richard for the death of his Father desired the continuance of that League and Amity which was granted and maintained by his late Highness Oliver Lord Protector November the 23 were the Funerals of Oliver Solemnized after his Herse had lain in the greatest State some weeks in Somerset-House at a vast charge and in greater Pomp than had formerly been used for the greatest English Kings his Corps had been privately interr'd many days before in the Chappel-Royal of Henry the Seventh at Westminster But the vast expences of those Funerals were never discharged but those Tradesmen who had hopes of gaining the most by it sat down the greatest losers at last As soon at the Funeral-rites of this old Fox Oliver were accomplished his Son Richard proceeded to the carrying on of matters of publick concernment The first of which was the sending a Naval-supply to the King of Sweden for the aiding him against the King of Denmark The next of any moment was the calling of a Parliament to convene January the 27th at Westminster where when they were met they chose for their Speaker Mr Challoner Chute and the Members severally took the Oath not to alter the form of Government Which done they went to purge out those Members who had born Arms for the King then after many debates it was at length resolved that the House of Commons would transact with the persons of the other House as a House of Parliament during the present Parliament but with this proviso That it was not intended
in the open Fields under the Canopy of Heaven His Majesty therefore not only issued out Proclamations to Justices of the Peace for causing Provisions to be sent into the Markets and ordered His Sea-stores to be opened for a present supply of Bread in Ship-bisket but likewise past a Declaration for preventing such lamentable Accidents for the future That none should offer to re-build until necessary measures were appointed for rendring the New Structures more secure and lasting The Parliament met on the 18th of September and having given the King Supplies for carrying on of the War passed an Act for establishing a Judicature to take Cognisance of and determine all differences that might arise among Parties concerning burnt or demollished Houses A new Model of Building was appointed and the Parliament was prorogued till the 10th of October following The Court seldom escapes free when Combustions rage in the City nor did it at this time for by carelesness in using of a Candle a Fire taking in the Horse-guard at White-hall a great part of that Building was burnt down but by the special care of His Majesty and His Guards its progress was quickly stopt His Majesty at this time meeting with bad usage from many hands in order to a redress published several Proclamations one for prohibiting the Importation of Canary Wines and all Commerce with those Parts another to the same effect with France and all the French Kings Dominions a third upon the humble Address of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for banishing the Kingdom all Priests and Jesuits and a fourth for open War with Denmark The City now ashamed to lie longer smuthered under ashes was by Sir Jonas Moore upon his Conformity to the Scantling and Model of Building appointed by the Committee first rowsed in Fleet-street from which beginning it grew so hastily towards a perfection that in a few years it out did all its ancient Splendour and Glory and appeared again far more beautiful than by its fall it had been desolate and abject no less a wonder than the suddenness of its overthrow Scotland at this time shared likewise in Combustions though occasioned by a Fire of another nature for a seditious Zeal having inspired some male-contents with revenge against Sir James Turner for executing too vigorously as they pretended the Laws against them they committed an insolent Riot upon his Person and hardly forbore the cutting of him in pieces This Tumult was at first raised by a small inconsiderable Rabble but in a short time they encreased to a body of 1600 men who marching streight towards Edenbourgh were encountred and defeated by His Majesties Forces commanded by Lieuteant General Dalyell and Major General Drammond Many of the Rebels were slain more taken whereof the Ring-leaders were executed and the rest either proscribed or otherways punished by Law The Convention of Estates of Scotland meeting in January after 1666 7 for composing of the affairs of that Kingdom and for preventing both intestine and foreign dangers that might threaten it resolved to put the Countrey into a posture of defence and for maintaining of such Forces as were necessary for his Majesties Service assessed the Kingdom in an Imposition of 6000 l. per moneth About the later end of this year the Lord Willoughby set out from Barbadoes with a considerabe well-man'd Fleet with design to annoy the French and Dutch Plantations in the West Indies but by a violent Hurricane his Fleet was dispersed and himself with many more cast away The Swedes having the year before offered a Mediation for a Peace between the King of England and the States of the Vnited Provinces Anno 1667. prevailed this year with the King to condescend thereunto and to accept of Breda for the place of Treaty The Dutch in the mean time are busie in making preparations for continuing the War upon a fair and approved Maxime of State That with an Enemy it is surest treating with sword in hand The King of England not ignorant of their doings resolved to make them spend the Summer in needless expences of War and onely keep himself upon his Guard The English therefore having but a small Fleet abroad the Dutch put to Sea betimes and about the later end of April made an attempt on Burnt-Island in Scotland but were beaten off with loss Their next attempt was upon the Fort of Sheerness which being a place of small Force was after a short but stout resistance abandoned by Sir Edward Sprague and so the mouth of that narrow River was left open After this they assaulted and were beaten off from Languard Fort engaged a squadron of the English with a squadron of theirs and were worsted shewed themselves before Portsmouth and made some slight attempts in Devonshire and Cornwall and after De Ruyter their Admiral had been civilly complemented by the Earl of Bath in the West and had received Advice of the Conclusion of the Peace they sailed back for Holland This Peace was concluded at Breda the Twenty first of June the Ratifications interchanged the Fourteenth of August and proclaimed afterward in London thee Twenty fourth of the same moneth This year died the Earl of Southamppton Lord high Treasurer of England which place the King thought fit to supply by Commissioners viz. the Duke of Albemarle the Lord Ashley Cooper since Earl of Shaftsbury Sir Thomas Clifford Sir William Coventry and Sir John Duncomb The Parliament was to have met in July but was prorogued till the Tenth of October in which Session several Acts were passed amongst others one for banishing and disabling the Earl of Clarendon the Parliament then adjourned till February In America Sir John Harman with a squadron of English Ships attacqued a squadron of French in their Ports with so good success that he burnt their Admiral and six or seaven of their best Ships all the rest but two being sunk either by the Enemy or the English Shot and that with very small loss of men or damage to his Ships The King to encourage the re-building of the City this year was pleased auspiciously to lay the first Stone himself in the Foundation of the Royal-Exchange as shortly after his Royal Highness laid a Foundation Stone for a second Pillar thereof About the beginning of February the Parliament according to their Adjournment met and upon their humble Petition to His Majesty procured a Proclamation to be emitted for enforcing the Laws against Conventicles and for preserving the Peace of the Nation against unlawful Assemblies This moneth was proclaimed the Peace with Spain which had been much to the advantage of Commerce concluded in May last About the end of March in Easter week some licencious idle Persons pretending former custom took the liberty to pull down some Houses of bad repute about the Suburbs of London Though the Prentices bore the blame of this Riot yet others were found guilty whereof four being apprehended were convicted and executed and two of their Heads set upon
supply of 18 months Assessement not exceeding 70000 l. a Month but began to be dissatisfied with the Kings indulgence and toleration to Phanaticks though his Majesty by a gracious Answer to an Address of theirs endeavoured to remove that scruple Anno 1673. About the later end of March an Act for a general and free pardon past in Parliament and then both Houses adjourned till the 20th of October following One James Piercy upon the death of the Earl of Northumberland in whom the male race of that ancient Family expired came into England laid claim to the Title and Estate and thereupon petitioned the Parliament but his Petition was rejected and himself looked upon as an Imposter The Island of Tobago was this year taken by the English from the Dutch in exchange whereof the Dutch took St. Helena from the English which might have proved of very bad consequence to the English East-India Trade had it not been re-taken by Captain Monday with three Dutch East-India Merchant Men besides which fully paid the charges of its reprisal For this good service Captain Monday was Knighted The Dutch this year were first at Sea and attempted a vain project of stopping up those narrow Channels that give entry to the River of Thames Prince Rupert who commanded the English Fleet put out to encounter them but they retreating to their own Shoar the Prince stood to the West-ward that he might joyn the French and part of the English Fleets This being shortly after done the whole Fleet made toward the coast of Holland and the Prince finding them before Schonvelt secured by their Banks and the shallowness of the Water on the 28th of May detached a Squadron of Thirty five small Frigots to provoke them to an Engagement The Dutch contrary to expectation came forth in good order and engaged The French and English emulous for honour fought with extraordinary eagerness and somewhat entangled each other but at length after a sharp dispute the magnanimous Prince forced the Enemy to run and followed them as far as the Sands and Water did permit till Night put an end to the conflict and the Dutch regained their former station The English lost but a few common Seamen and not one Ship Captains were slain Fowles Finch Tempest and Woorden On the Dutch side were killed Vice Admiral Schram Rear Admiral Vlugh and six Captains more They lost considerably in Men but onely one Ship called the Deventer On the fourth of June happened another Engagement wherein no great Execution was done on either side it being managed at great distance and most part in the night time And that the Series of this years Warlike Actions may be continued without interruption on the Tenth of August both Fleets met again at Sea and gave the last stroke to this War The Dutch being about the Goree got the Wind of the English and bore briskly down upon them the Fight was obstinate and bloody on both sides especially between Sir Edward Sprague and van Tromp but the French making as if they stood off for the Wind did it in reallity that they might have the conveniency of being Spectators Prince Rupert and de Ruyter who had been engaged together all day finding themselves at distance from their respective Squadrons stood back again to their assistance and de Ruyter designing to have cut off the blew Squadron from the rest of the Fleet was so smartly charged by the Prince that he was fain to give way so that had the French made use of their Wind they had the Dutch had certainly sustained far greater loss then they did and not so easily drawn off by favour of the Night In this Engagement Sir Edward Sprague as he was shifting from one Ship to another had his long Boat by a Random Shot shivered to pieces under him and so to the grief and regret of all that knew him was drowned his Ship strangely disabled was by his valiant Second the Earl of Ossory brought off Captain Neve was slain Reeves and Heywood died of their Wounds and Martel only of the French was killed The loss of common Seamen was not very great on the English side The Dutch lost two Flag Officers several Captains and about a 1000 common Seamen About the middle of June the Lord Clifford resigned his Treasurers Staff and Sir Thomas Osborn created Viscount Osborn of Dumblain in Scotland and afterwards Earl of Danby in England was made Lord High Treasurer The Parliament according to their last Adjournment meeting in October were prorogued till the 27th of the same month then meeting again they were prorogued till the 7th of January following Soon after the King issued out His Proclamation requiring all Judges and Justices of the Peace effectually to prosecute the Laws against all Papists and Popish Recusants About the later end of November his Royal Highness the Duke of York was married to the Princess of Modena Though the Preparations for War went on vigorously both on the English and Dutch sides yet overtures of Peace were still set on foot and His Majesty condescended to a Treaty at Cologne which took no effect The Dutch in the mean time thought it not fit to desist but by another way of Negotiation that is to say by intercourse of Letters they at length prevailed so far as to receive a condescending Letter from the King of England in February 1673 4 which was shortly after followed by a conclusion of the Peace by them so much desired Peace being now concluded Anno 1674. this year affords no great Transactions of importance the Consultations of Government being chiefly directed to the preservation of quietness and unity at home in order to which His Majesty emitted several Proclamations against Papists and Jesuits The Duke of Monmouth upon resignation of the Duke of Buckingham was chosen Chancellour of the University of Cambridge The Earl of St. Albans giving up the Staff of Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Houshold his place was given to the Earl of Arlington to whom Sir Joseph Williamson succeeded as Principal Secretary of State Upon the 22th of September His Majesty by Proclamation prorogued the Parliament which was to have met the 10th of November till the 13th of April ensuing His Majesty having been pleased to accept of the Freedom of the City of London was in December by Sir Robert Vynor Lord Mayor in Name of the City presented with the Copy of his Freedom in a large square Box of Massie Gold the Seal appended being in a Box of Gold set all over with large Diamonds About the beginning of January 1674 5 her Royal Highness was brought to Bed of a Daughter Christened at St. James's by the Bishop of Durham by the Name of Katharina Laura the Duke of Monmouth being Godfather and the Lady Mary and Lady Anne Godmothers Anno 1675. The Parliament according to their last Prorogation met on the 13th of April but having sate till a week in June and a difference
the Year John Dethick Sheriffs In his 2d Year 1650. Thomas Andrews was Mayor Robert Tichborn Richard Chiverton Sheriffs In his 3d. Year 1651. John Kendrick was Mayor Andrew Richards John Ireton Sheriffs In his 4th Year 1652. John Fowke was Mayor Stephen Eastwick William Vnderwood Sheriffs In his 5th Year 1653. Thomas Vynor was Mayor James Phillips Walter Bigge Sheriffs In his 6th Year 1654. Christopher Pack was Mayor Edmund Sleigh Thomas Aleyn Sheriffs In his 7th Year 1655. John Dethick was Mayor William Thompson John Frederick Sheriffs In his 8th Year 1656. Robert Tichburn was Mayor Tempest Milner Nathanial Temms Sheriffs In his 9th Year 1657. Richard Chiverton was Mayor John Robinson Thomas Chandler died in the Year Richard King Sheriffs In his 10th Year 1658. John Ireton was Mayor Anthony Bateman John Lawrence Sheriffs In his 11th Year and part of the 12th 1660. Sir Thomas Aleyn Baronet was Mayor Francis Warner William Love Sheriffs In his 12th Year and part of the 13th 1661. Sir Richard Brown Baronet was Mayor Sir William Boulton Sir William Peake Sheriffs In his 13th Year and part of the 14th 1662. Sir John Frederick was Mayor Francis Menill Samuel Starling Sheriffs In his 14th Year and part of the 15th 1663. Sir John Robinson was Mayor Sir Thomas Bludworth Sir William Turner Sheriffs In his 15th Year and part of the 16th 1664. Sir Anthony Bateman was Mayor Sir Richard Ford Sir Richard Rives Sheriffs In his 〈…〉 of the 17th 1665. Sir John 〈…〉 ●ayor Sir George W●●●●● 〈◊〉 Charles Doe Sheriffs In his 17th Year and part of the 18th 1666. Sir Thomas Bludworth was Mayor Sir Robert Hanson Sir William Hooker Sheriffs In his 18th Year and part of the 20th 1667. Sir William Boulton was Mayor Sir Robert Vinor Sir Joseph Sheldon Sheriffs In his 18th Year and part of the 20th 1668. Sir William Peak was Mayor Sir Dennis Gauden Sir Thomas Davis Sheriffs In his 20th Year and part of the 21th 1669. Sir VVilliam Turner was Mayor John Forth Esq Sir Francis Chaplain Sheriffs In his 21th Year and part of the 22th 1670. Sir Samuel Starling was Mayor Sir John Smith Sir James Edwards Sheriffs In his 22th Year and part of the 23th 1671. Sir Richard Ford was Mayor Samuel Forth Patience VVard Sheriffs In his 23th Year and part of the 24th 1672. Sir George VVaterman was Mayor Sir Jonathan Daws died in the Year Sheriffs Sir Robert Claiton Sir John Moore Sheriffs In his 24th Year and part of the 25th 1673. Sir Robert Hanson was Mayor Sir William Pritchard Sir James Smith Sheriffs In his 25th Year and part of the 26th 1674. Sir VVilliam Hooker was Mayor Sir Henry Tulse Sir Robert Jeffry Sheriffs In his 26th Year and part of the 27th 1675 Sir Robert Vynor was Mayor Sir Nathaniel Hern Sir John Lethieulier Sheriffs In his 27th Year and part of the 28th 1676. Sir Joseph Sheldon was Mayor Sir Thomas Gold Sir John Shorter Sheriffs In his 28th Year and part of the 29th 1677. Sir Thomas Davis was Mayor Sir John Peak Sir Thomas Stamp Sheriffs In his 29th Year and part of the 30th 1678. Sir Francis Chaplain was Mayor Sir VVilliam Royston Sir Thomas Beckford Sheriffs In his 30th Year and part of the 31th 1679. Sir James Edwards was Mayor Sir William How Sir John Chapmau Sheriffs A LIST Of the Names of the Knights Citizens Burgesses and Barons of the Cinque-Ports that are Returned to serve in the Parliament of England begun the sixth of March 1678 9. Bedfordshire William Lord Russel Sir Humphrey Munnox Bar. Town of Bedford Pawlet St. John Esq Sir William Franklin Kt. Berks. Sir Humphrey Forster Bar. William Barker Esq Borough of New Windsor Ralph Winwood Esq John Starkey Esq Borough of Reading John Blagrave Esq Nathan Knight Esq Borough of Wallingford John Stone Esq Scory Barker Esq Borough of Abington Sir John Stonehouse Bar. Bucks Thomas Wharton Esq John Hampden Esq Town of Bucks Edward Viscount Latimer Sir Peter Tyrril Bar. Borough of Chipping Wiccomb Sir John Borlase Bar. Thomas Lewes Esq Borough of Aylesbury Sir Thomas Lee Bar. Sir Richard Ingolsby Kt. of the Bath Borough of Agmondesham Sir William Drake Kt. Sir Roger Hill Kt. Borough of Wendover Richard Hampden Esq Edward Backwel Esq Borough of great Marlow Sir Humphrey Winch Bar. John Borlase Esq Cambridge Gerrard Russel Esq Edward Partherich Esq Vniversity of Cambridge Sir Thomas Exton Kt. James Vernon Esq Town of Cambridge William Lord Allington Sir Thomas Chichely Kt. Chester Henry Booth Esq Sir Phillip Egerton Kt. City of Chester William Williams Esq Sir Thomas Grosvenor Bar. Cornwall Francis Roberts Esq Sir Richard Edgcomb Kt. of the Bath Borough of Dunhivid alias Lanceston Bernard Greenvill Esq Sir Charles Harbord Kt. Borough of Leskard John Buller Esq John Connock Esq Borough of Lestwithiel Sir John Carew Bar. Walter Kendall Esq Borough of Truro William Boscawen Esq Edward Boscawen Esq Borough of Bodmyn Hender Roberts Esq Nicholas Glyn Esq Borough of Helston Sir William Godolphin Bar. Sir Viell Vivian Borough of Saltash Bernard Greenvil Esq Nicholas Courtenay Esq Borough of Gamelford Sir James Smith Kt. Russell Esq Borough of Port Pigham alias Westlow John Trelawney Mayor of Westlow Esq John Trelawney Senior Esq Borough of Cram pound Sir Joseph Tredenham Kt. Charles Trevanniam Esq Borough of Eastlow Sir Jonathan Trelawney Bar. Henry Seymour Esq Borough of Penryn Francis Trefusis Esq Sir Robert Southwell Kt. Borough of Tregoney Hugh Boscawen Esq John Tanner Esq Borough of Bossiney William Coriton Esq John Tregegle Esq Borough of St. Ives Edward Noseworthy Senior Esq Edward Noseworthy Junior Esq Borough of Fowey Jonathan Rashley Esq John Trefry Esq Borough of St. Germains Daniel Elliot Esq Richard Elliot Esq Borough of St. Michel Sir John St. Aubin Bar. Walter Vincent Esq Borough of Newport John Coryton Esq Ambrose Manaton Esq Borough of St. Mawes Sidney Godolphin Esq Henry Seymour Junior Esq Borough of Kellington Sir John Coryton Bar. Samuel Roles Esq Cumberland Sir John Lowther of White-haven Bar. Richard Lamplugh Esq City of Carlile Sir Philip Howard Kt. Sir Christopher Musgrave Kt. Borough of Cockermouth Sir Richard Grahme Bar. Orlando Gee Esq Derby William Lord Cavendish William Sacheverell Esq Town of Derby Anchetill Gray Esq George Vernon Esq Devonshire Edward Seymour Esq Sir William Courtenay Bar. City of Exeter William Glyde Esq Malachy Pine Esq Borough of Totnes Sir Edward Seymour Bar. John Kelland Jun. Esq Borough of Plymouth Sir John Maynard Kt. His Majesties Serjeant at Law John Spark Esq Town and Borough of Oke-hampton Sir Arthur Harris Bar. Josias Calmady Jun. Esq Borough of Barnstaple Sir Hugh Acland Bar. John Basset Esq Borough of Plympton George Treby Esq Richard Hillersdon Esq Borough of Honiton Sir Walter Younge Bar. Sir Thomas Put Bar. Borough of Tavistock Sir Francis Drake Bar. Edward Russel Esq Borough of Ashburton Thomas Raynel Esq William Stawell Esq Borough of Clifton Dartmouth and Hardnes John Upton Esq Sir Nathaniel Hern Kt. Borough
of Beeralston Sir William Bastard Kt. Sir John Trevors Kt. Borough of Tiverton Samuel Foot Esq Sir Henry Ford Kt. Dorsetshire Thomas Strangeways Esq Thomas Freake Esq Town of Pool Thomas Chafin Esq Henry Trenchard Esq Borough of Dorchester Sir Francis Hollis Kt. and Bar. Nicholas Gould Merch. Borough of Lyme Regis Sir George Strode one of his Majesties Serjeant at Law Henry Henley Esq Borough of Waymouth Anthony Lord Ashley Sir John Coventry Kt. of the Bath Borough of Melcomb Regis Thomas Brown Esq Michael Harvey Esq Borough of Bridport Wadham Strangeways Esq John Every Esq Borough of Shaftson alias Shaftsbury Henry Whitaker Esq Thomas Bennet Esq Borough of Wareham Thomas Erle Esq George Savage Esq Borough of Corfe Castle Sir Nathaniel Napper John Tregonwell Esq Durham Sir Robert Eden Bar. John Tempest Esq City of Durham Sir Ralph Cole Bar. William Tempest Esq Essex Sir Eliab Harvey Kt. Henry Mildmay Esq Borough of Colchester Sir Harbottle Grimstone Bar. Sir Walter Clarges Bar. Borough of Malden Sir William Wiseman Kt. and Bar. Sir John Bramston Kt. of the Bath Borough of Harwich Sir Anthony Dean Kt. Samuel Pepys Esq Gloucestershire Sir John Guyse Bar. Sir Ralph Dutton Bar. City of Gloucester Evan Seys Serjeant at Law William Cook Esq Borough of Cirencester Sir Robert Atkins Jun. Kt. Henry Powle Esq Borough of Tukesbury Sir Henry Capell Kt. of the Bath Sir Francis Russel Bar. Herefordshire John Viscount Scudamore Sir Herbert Crofts Bar. City of Hereford Bridstock Hartford Esq Paul Foley Esq Borough of Lempster James Pits Esq John Dutton Colt Esq Borough of Weobly William Gregory Serjeant at Law John Birch Esq Hertfordshire Silus Titus Esq William Hale Esq Borough of St. Albans Thomas Pope Blount Esq John Gape Gent. Borough of Hertford Sir Thomas Byde Kt. Sir Charles Caesar Kt. Huntingdonshire Ralph Mountague Esq Robert Apreece Esq Borough of Huntingdon Sydney Wortley alias Mountague Esq Sir Nicholas Pedley Kt. Kent Sir Vere Fane Kt. of the Bath Edward Dering Esq City of Canterbury Edward Hales Esq William Jacob D. of Physick City of Rochester Sir John Banks Bar. Sir Richard Head Bar. Borough of Maidstone Sir John Tufton Kt. and Bar. Sir John Darel Kt. Borough of Queenborough James Herbert Esq Sir Edward Hales Bar. Lancaster Charles Gerrard Esq Peter Bold Esq Borough of Lancaster Richard Kirkby Esq Richard Harrison Esq Borough or Town of Preston in Amounderness Sir Robert Car Kt. and Bar. Edward Rigby Serjeant at Law Borough of Newton Sir John Chicheley Kt. Andrew Fountain Esq Borough of Wigon Charles Earl of Ancram Roger Bradshaw Esq Borough of Clithero Sir Ralph Ashton Bar. Sir Thomas Stringer Serjeant at Law Borough of Liverpool Ruishen Wentworth Esq John Dubois Merchant Leicester Sir John Forstop Bennet Lord Sherrard Town of Leicester John Gray Esq Sir Henry Beaumont Bar. Lincoln George Visc Castleton Sir Robert Car Kt. and Bar. City of Lincoln Sir Thomas Meers Kt. Henry Monson Esq Borough of Boston Sir Anthony Irby Kt. Sir William Ellis Kt. Serjeant at Law Borough of Great Grimsby William Broxolme Esq George Pelham Esq Town of Stamford Sir Richard Cust Bar. William Hyde Esq Borough of Grantham Sir William Ellis Bar. Sir John Newton Bar. Middlesex Sir William Roberts Bar. Sir Robert Peyton Kt. City of Westminster Sir Stephen Fox Kt. Sir William Pultenay Kt. LONDON Sir Robert Clayton Kt. Sir Thomas Player Kt. William Love Esq Thomas Pilkington Esq Monmouth Charles Somerset Lord Herbert of Ragland William Morgan Esq Borough of Monmouth Sir Trevor Williams Bar. Norfolk Sir John Hubbart Kt. Sir Nevil Catlyne Kt. City of Norwich William Paston Esq Augustine Briggs Esq Town of Lynn Regis John Turner Esq Simon Taylor Gent. Town of Great Yarmouth Sir William Coventry Kt. Richard Huntington Esq Borough of Thetford Sir Joseph Williamson Kt. William Harbord Esq Borough of Castlerising Sir Robert Howard Kt. James Hoste Esq Northampton Sir Roger Norwich Bar. John Parkhurst Esq City of Peterborough William Lord Fitzwilliams Francis St. Johns Esq Town of Northampton Sir Hugh Cholmley Bar. Sir William Farmer Bar. Town of Brackley Sir Thomas Crew Kt. William Lisle Esq Borough of Higham Ferrers Sir Rice Rud Bar. Northumberland Sir John Fenwick Bar. Sir Ralph Dalavell Bar. Town of New-Castle upon Tine Sir William Blacket Bar. Sir Francis Anderson Kt. Borough of Morpeth Edward Lord Morpeth Sir George Downing Kt. and Bar. Town of Berwick upon Tweed Ralph Gray Esq John Rushworth Esq Nottingham Sir Scroop How Kt. John White Esq Town of Nottingham Robert Pierrepont Esq Richard Slater Esq Borough of Eastretford Sir William Hickman Bar. Sir Edward Nevile Kt. and Bar. Borough of Newark Robert Lord Deincourt Sir Robert Markham Bar. Oxon. Sir Edward Norris Kt. Sir John Cope Bar. Vniversity of Oxon. Heneage Finch Esq His Majesties Solicitor General John Edisbury Dr. of Laws City of Oxon. William Wright Esq Broom Whorwood Esq Borough of New-Woodstock Sir Littleton Osbaldeston Bar. Nicholas Baynton Esq Borough of Bandbury Sir John Holman Bar. Rutland Philip Sherrard Esq Sir Thomas Mackworth Bar. Salop. Richard Newport Esq Sir Vincent Corbet Bar. Town of Salop. Sir Richard Corbet Bar. Edward Kinnaston Esq Borough of Bruges alias Bridgenorth Sir Thomas Whitmore Kt. of the Bath Sir William Whitmore Bar. Borough of Ludlow Francis Charlton Esq Somerset Fox Esq Borough of Great Wenlock Sir John Wild Kt. William Forrester Esq Town of Bishops Castle Edmund Waring Esq William Oakely Esq Somerset Sir Hugh Smith Kt. of the Bath and Bar. Sir John Sydenhan Bar. City of Bristol Sir Robert Cann Kt. and Bar. Sir John Knight Kt. City of Bath Sir William Basset Kt. Sir George Speke Bar. City of Wells Edward Berkly Esq William Coward Esq Borough of Taunton Sir William Portman Bar. and Kt. of the Bath John Trenchard Esq Borough of Bridgewater Ralph Stawel Esq Sir Haswel Tynt Bar. Sir Francis Role Kt. Borough of Minehead Francis Lutterel Esq Sir John Mallet Kt. Borough of Ilcester William Strode Esq John Speke Esq Borough of Milhorneport John Hunt Esq William Lacy Jun. Esq Southampton Edward Noel Esq Richard Norton Esq City of Winchester James Lord Annesly Sir John Clobery Kt. Town of Southampton Thomas Knowlys Esq Benjamen Newland Merch. Town of Portsmouth George Leg Esq Sir John Kempthorn Kt. Borough of Yarmouth Sir Richard Mason Kt. Thomas Lucy Esq Borough of Peters-Field Sir John Norton Bar. Leonard Bilson Esq Borough of Newport alias Medona Sir Robert Holms Kt. Sir Robert Dillington Bar. Borough of Stockbridge Henry Whitehead Esq Oliver St. John Esq Borough of Newton Sir John Holmes Kt. John Churchill Esq Borough of Christ Church Sir Thomas Clargis Kt. Henry Tulse Esq Borough of Whit-Church Richard Ayliffe Esq Henry Wallop Esq Borough of Limington John Button Esq Bartholomew Bunkley Esq Town of Andover Francis Pawlet Esq William Withers Esq Staffordshire Sir Walter Baggott Bar. Sir John Bowyer Bar. City of Litchfield Sir Henry Littleton Bar. Michael Biddulph Esq Borough of Stafford Waller Chetwind Esq Sir Thomas Armstrong
guilty of Treason either in particulars or in the whole The Parliament therefore resolved for right or wrong this wise man must fall to proceed against him by Bill of Attainder and upon April the 19 by making a Law after the fact vote him guilty of High-Treason yet withal add a caution for the security of themselves that it should not be drawn into a president Which vote of theirs passed not without a long debate and contention and 59 of the Members honestly dissented from the vote whose names were afterwards posted and marked for the fury of the Rabble In the bill of Attainder the Earl was charged for endeavouring to subvert the ancient Fundamental Laws and Government of the Realms and for exercising a tyranous and exorbitant power over the liberties and estates of his Majesties Subjects and for having by his own authority commanded the laying and assessing of Soldiers upon his Majesties Subjects in Ireland And also for that upon the dissolution of the last Parliament he did slander the House of Commons to his Majesty and did advise his Majesty that he was loosed and absolved from rules of Government and that he had an Army in Ireland which he might imploy to reduce the Kingdom And that the said Earl had been an Incendiary of the Wars betwixt England and Scotland c. May the first his Majesty called both Houses together and told them that he had been present at the hearing of the great Cause and that in his Conscience positively he could not condemn the Earl of Treason and yet could not clear him of misdemeanours but hoped a way might be found out to satisfie Justice and their fears without oppressing his Conscience May the second the Prince of Orange was Married to the Princess Mary at Whitehall May the third there came a seditious Rabble of about 5 or 6000 of the dregs of the People armed with staves cudgels and other instruments of outrage to the Parliament-dores clamouring Justice Justice and posted upon the gate of Westminster a Catalogue of names of those that would have acquitted the Earl whom they stiled Straffordians Then at the dores of the House of Peers they affronted some of the Lords especially the Bishops at their passing in and out after this they forced open the dores of the Abby-Church where they broke down the Organs spoiled the Vestments and Ornaments of Worship From thence they hurried to the Court and there most Impudently and Traiterously cried out That they would have Straffords head or a better upbraiding the King himself who perswaded them as they passed by to a modest care of their own private affairs with an unfitness to Reign and when some Justices of the Peace according to their Office endeavoured to suppress those tumults by imprisoning some of the Leaders of them they themselves were imprisoned by the command of the Commons upon pretext of an injury offered to the Liberties of the Subject one of which was as they then dictated that every one might safely Petition the Parliament howbeit afterwards they acted quite contrary to such whose Petitions were too honest to please them But notwithstanding these tumultuous inforcements his Majesty would not sign the Bill of Attainder till he had consulted both with the Judges as to matter of Law and the Bishops as to matter of Conscience When the Judges told his Majesty that in point of Law according to the Oath made by Sir Henry Vane of the Earls advice to raise horse to awe this Nation the Earl was guilty of Treason 't is said an eminent Bishop did answer the King that he had a Conscience as a private man and as a publick and though by his private Conscience he could not yield to the Earls death yet by his publick considering the present state of things he might May the 10. With much reluctancy the King signed a Commission to some Lords to pass that Bill of Attainder and another of ill consequence also which was for continuation of the Parliament during the pleasure of the two Houses May the 12 1641 was the Earl of Strafford strongly guarded to the Tower-Hill and there with courage beseeming a Christian he suffered the severing of his Head from his body The death of which great and able Minister of State did so terrifie the other Ministers of State that many of them made a voluntary resignation of their Offices At the request of the house of Commons the King for peace-fake relinquished his claim to Tonnage and Poundage and yielded to sign the Bills for taking away of the High-Commission and Star-Chamber Courts A. D. 1641 and October the 12 the Natives or wild Irish began a most bloody Rebellion throughout the whole Kingdom of Ireland on a suddein invading the unprovided English that were scattered amongst them despoiling them of their goods and massacring 200000 of them without any respect of sex age kindred or friendship making them as so many sacrifices to their bloody superstition the Popish Religion The chief heads of this Rebellion and Massacre besides the Priests were Sir Phelim O-Neal Turbough O-Neal his Brother Rowry Mac-Guire Philip O-Rely Moelmurry O-Rely Sir Conno Mac-Gennis Mac-Brian and Mac-Mahon His Majesty then in Scotland having intelligence of the dismal fate of the English in Ireland sent post to the Parliament of England to have them send reliefs thither but differences still heightning betwixt the King and his Parliament succours were not seasonably sent by which the Rebels much strengthened themselves At the Kings return from Scotland the Parliament presented him with a Petition for taking away the votes of Bishops in the House of Lords and the Ceremonies of the Church and for the removing of evil Councellors from about him Their grand Remonstrance they also presented him wherein were reckoned up the offences of the Courtiers the unpleasing resolves of some Judges the neglects or rigours of some Ministers of State the undigested Sermons of some Preachers the Positions of some Divines in the Schools unpleasing accidents they therein represented as designs of Tyranny and those things which had been reformed were yet mentioned as burthens To this Remonstrance his Majesty answered That he thought he had given satisfaction to his Peoples fears and jealousies concerning Religion Liberty and Civil Interests by the Bills he had past this Parliament desiring that misunderstandings might be removed on either side and that the bleeding condition of Ireland might perswade them to unity for the relief of that unhappy Kingdom But this modest answer of his Majesties did not at all satisfie the factious The Apprentices and Rabble in great numbers and much confusion resorted again to Westminster some crying out against Bishops and Liturgy of the Church others boldly menacing that the Militia should be taken out of the Kings hands Affronting the Bishops at their passing in and out of the Lords House and before Whitehall behaving themselves very insolently His Majesty hereupon took a Guard of such Gentlemen as offered their