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A41020 A fountaine of teares emptying it selfe into three rivelets, viz. of (1) compunction, (2) compassion, (3) devotion, or, Sobs of nature sanctified by grace languaged in severall soliloquies and prayers upon various subjects ... / by Iohn Featley ... Featley, John, 1605?-1666. 1646 (1646) Wing F598; ESTC R4639 383,420 750

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man of God had dis-obeyed his command the ould Prophet tould him saying Thy carkeise shall not come into the sepulcher of thy fathers 1. King 13.22 This curse was accounted as full of dread as any that was sent upon the sonnes of men When the young man the Prophet annointed Iehu King over Israë 2. King 9.7 hee tould him that hee should smite the house of Ahab his master and that the doggs should eate Iezebel in the portion of Iezreel vers 10 vers 7. and there should be none to bury her that the Lord might avenge the blood of his servants the Prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord at the hand of Iezebel VVhat Iehu was commanded hee did faithfully execute for when hee had caused the eunuches to throw that painted adulteresse out of the window from whence shee looked vers 3. some of her blood was sprinkeled both on the wall and on the horses and hee trod her under foote Afterward when hee had eate and dranke hee sayd vers 34. G●e see now this cursed woman and bury her for shee is a King's daughter vers 35 And they went to bury her vers 37 but they found noe more of her then the skull and the feete the palmes of her hands sothat they could not say This is lezebel Ier. 22.17 Because the eyes of Iehojakim and his heart were not but for his coveteousnesse and for to shed innocent blood and for oppression for violence to doe it vers 18 therfore thus sayd the Lord concerning Iehojakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah vers 19 Hee shall be buried with the buriall of an Asse drawne and cast forth beyond the gates of Ierusalem The Lord threatned the Princes of Iudah c. 34.19 and the Princes of Ierusalem and the Eunuches and the Priests all the people of the land which passed betweene the parts of the calfe vers 20 saying I will even give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seeke their life and their dead bodies shall be for meate unto the fowles of heaven and to the beasts of the earth But on the contrarie Ahijah the Prophet telleth the wife of ieroboam concerning her sick sonne Abijah 1. King 24.12 vers 13 saying Arise get thee to thine house and when thy feete enter into the citty the child shall dye But all Israël shall mourne for him and bury him for hee onely of Ieroboam shall come to thegrave because in him there is found some good thinge towards the Lord God of Israel in the house of Ieroboam Againe whē Huldah the Prophetesse did for etell the destruction of Ierusalem but a respite thereof in the time of Iosiah she tould him 2. King 22.20 saying Behould saith the Lord I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in peace Thus hath it often discovered the wrath of the All-mighty when the earkeises of the dead have beene denyed their funeralls and on the contrarie it hath sometimes manifested his love when they have peaceably beene brought to their longest home Buriall is the last of dueties which wee owe unto our friends to which both religion and nature and civilitie doe prompt us for ward When Isaak being ould and full of dayes Gen 35 29. did give up the ghost and dyed and was gathered unto his people his two sonnes Esau and Iacob buried him When Iohn the Baptist was beheaded in the prison Mat 14 12. his disciples came and tooke up the body and buried it The disciple that was willing to follow my Redeemer yet accounted it his duety to attend on the funerall of his deceased father and therfore desired saying c 8.21 Lord suffer mee first to goe and bury my father True it is that his request was denyed not as if Christ dis-liked his pietie but to teach him that nothing should hinder him from religion This was as greate an excuse as most that could have beene pleaded and yet even this had not force enough to prevayle for his departure Our father in heaven must be preferred in our service before the fathers of our flesh Againe it may be conceaved that the parent of the disciple dyed in un-beliefe it was therfore more proper that infidells should bury him who were dead to religion then that a disciple of Christ should mixe with the un-faithfull Howsoëver hee was not checked for desiring leave to bury his father but hee was commanded rather to follow his Master Even the glutton in the Gospel had so much favour as to be brought to his grave so saith the text The rich man allso dyed Lu. 16.22 Iob. 21.30 vers 32 vers 33 and was buried Though the wicked saith Iob is reserved to the day of destruction and shall be brought forth to the day of wrath yet shall hee be brought to the grave and shall remaine in the tombe The clods of the valley shall be sweete unto him and every man shall draw after him as there are innumerable before him Ps 49.14 Though death as the Psalmist speaketh doeth feede on the wicked and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning and their beawty shall consume from their dwellings yet in the grave shall it consume them and in the grave like sheepe shall they lye Thus the Prophet foretelling the buriall of my Redeemer Is 53.9 sayd Hee made his grave with the wicked the rich in his death It is then the duety of the living to provide even for the dead that they may be buried in peace But is it a matter of any moment in what place wee lay the bodies of our deceased friends Is it not all one whether in the fields or whether in our Golgotha's Noe doubtlesse for even the lawes of our land are so justly severe against idolaters that wee suffer not the convicted to be buried in our ground which is dedicated to this use Neither may they be permitted to mixe with our dead who have desperately become the murderers of themselves but they lye in the roades where a stake is set up to give notice to passengers that they unnaturally hastened their owne departure It is a matter of some moment to us who are living that wee lay our deceased friends in a place convenient for allthough it extēdeth not to their knowledg yet it redoundeth to their honour When Iudas had given back the thirtie pieces of silver the price of him that was vallewed Mat 27 9. to the chiefe Priests that hired him they tooke counsell together and seing it was not fitt to mixe that money with the rest of their treasure because it was the price of blood vers 7. they bought the potter's field with it vers 6. to burie strangers vers 7. Thus they who would readily give a reward to a traitour were not so readie to be
2.16 Dan 3.29 lying in a manger King Nebuchad nezzar made a decree that every people nation and language which spake any thing amisse against the God of Shadrach Meshech and Abednigo should be cut in pieces and their houses should be made Iakes So the Geneva translation but now wee have all pretending to be worshippers of that God yea even those who esteeme our Churches noe better then what those Blasphemers houses were to be turned into yea and in good earnest such Ioel. 2.20 such places of stench and filthinesse they account fitt and good enough to offer their incense in to the God of heaven But doe they not thinke that their stinke doth come up and their ill savour come up unto the great God and that he will say unto them Is 1.13 your incense is an abomination unto mee Idolatrie hath in ancient times foolishly set forth our Churches with Pageantrie and gawdie trickings of superstition in our later times wee dreaded the courtings and the slow-paced but cunning and subtle insinuations of the prowd whore of Babylon and now mee think's wee have a strang kind of alteration Mat 12 25. for here is not onely a Kingdome ô woe is the time divided against it felfe but allso Satan in some places seeming to cast out Satan profanenesse to cast out superstition 1. Chr. 2.7 Nay every troubler of our Israel every Schismatick every Sectarist every Vpstart as well as ould Heretick comes in among us as did the wise men Ex 7.11 the sorcerers the magicians of Egypt before Pharaoh and casteth downe every man his rod and they become serpents Gen. 3.15 But o when will the seede of the woman bruise nay breake these serpents heads When will that Angel which hath the key of the bottomlesse pit come downe from heaven with a great chaine in his hand Reu 20 1. vers 2. vers 3. and lay hold on the Dragon that old serpent and all the young ones made of the magicians rod's and bind them and cast them into the bottomlesse pit and shut them up and set a se● upon them that they deceave the nations n● more Heb 9.10 Is not this time hoped to be the times Reformation Why then doe Iacob and Esa● still strugle in the wombe of our Rebeckah Gen. 25 22. Ex. 14.24 vers 25 Iud. 5.28 Isa 5.28 What troubleth our host and taketh off our charet wheeles that they drive so heavily Why tarry the wheeles of the charet Why are not the wheeles like the whirlewind Shall the children come to the birth and shall there not be strength to bring forth Shall the seamlesse coate of Christ be allways thus torne in pieces Shall the souldiers still teare it Shall they still cast lots what every man should take c 37.5 Ioa. 19.23 Mar. 15.24 Ioa 19.34 Ps 74.10 Yea and not content with tearing his coate shall the souldier with a speare pierce his very side alls● O God how long shall the adversarie reproach Shall the enemies blaspheme thy name for ever Time was when Micah had an house of god● and made an E●hod and Teraphim and consecrated one of his Sons who became his Priest but in those dayes saith the text there was noe King in Israel Iud 17 5. vers 6. but every man did that which was right in his owne eyes Wee cannot truely say wee have noe King but too truely wee may see that allmost every man striveth to doe that which is right in his owne eyes Alas Num 24.23 Is 1.25 vers 27 Who shall live when God doth this When will the Lord turne his hand upon us and purely purge away our drosse and take away all our tinne When shall Zion be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousnesse 2. Sam 15.31 Isa 1.5 vers 6. When shall the counsell of Achitophel be turned into foolishnesse The whole head is sick and the whole heart faint From the sole of the foote even to the head there is noe soundnesse but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores that are neither closed nor bound up nor mollified with ointment Eze 11 2. 2. King 11.17 O that the men that devise mischiefe and give wicked counsell might once come to an end Lord how wee long for a Iehojada to make a covenant betweene the Lord and the King and the people that wee should be the Lords people betweene the King allso and the people vers 18 and that all the people of our land would goe into the house of Baal and breake it downe breake his altars and his images in pieces thorowly and that he would take the rulers over hundreds vers 19 vers 20 and the captaines and the guard and the people of the land and all of them bring the King to his house and set him upon the throne of the Kings that all the people of the land may rejoyce and the City may be in quiet The Lord once did how the hearts of all the men of Iudah even as the heart of one man 2. Sam. 19.14 vers 15 so that they sent this word to the King Returne thou and all thy servants So the King returned and came to Iordan and Iudah came to Gilgal to meete the King to conduct the King O that our dayes of mourning were turned into a day of rejoycing and showting Ezra 4.10 that wee might offer sacrifices of sweete savours for it unto the God heaven But such a day of rejoycing w● cannot expect nor hope for untill our Go● shall be pleased to make us more sensibl● first of our sinns and then of our present an emergent calamities Alas Alas wee preten● to be sorrie for our sinns and wee pray fo● peace and yet full litle doe wee remembe● that there is noe peace saith the Lord Is 48.22 unto the wicked It would prove indeed a most inralluable blessing 2. King 20.19 if wee could see peace and truth in our dayes and wee are assured the to the counsellers of peace there is joy Prov. 12.20 But what hopes can wee have of peace while our ●…quities separate betweene us and our God If. 59.2 and our sinns hide his face frō us that hee will n● heare vers 3. Our hands are defiled with blood our fingers with iniquity Our lips speake lies our tongues mutter perversnesse vers 4. who calle●… for justice And who pleadeth for truth Wee trust in vanity and speake lies wee conceave mischiefe and bring forth iniquity Wee hatch cockatrice eggs vers 5. and weave the spiders webbs hee that eateth of the eggs dyeth and that which is crushed breaketh forth into a viper vers 6. vers 7. Our workes are workes of iniquity and the act of violence is in our hands Our feete runne to evill and wee make hast to shed innocent blood our thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting and desolation are in out paths
the throne of my God Be sure thou doest it for I will have a watch over my mouth and at the doores of my lipps that I may be certaine thou offend nor As for the rest of my selfe since I cannot stay now to give every part a charge in particular I shall command them onely to attend the pleasure of my royall guest Onely my thoughts I must commit to the tuition of my heart allthough it formerly hath beene false unto mee and desirous I am that they may be pressed pressed downe with greate and heavie burdens But I charge thee ô my Heart if ever thou hopest to be mine owne deere Heart that thou suffer not an imagination not a thought to come neere thee but what shall be commended unto thee by religion and what thou shalt dispatch to thy Maker And now I am prepared for thee Wellcome ô my God If my roomes are not cleane enough for thee I must intreate from thee both direction and assistance to cleanse then If any dust of wickednesse hath flowne about in the sweeping of them I will now give my mind to wash my chambers with the teares of mine eyes and that I know thou delightest in O thrice well-come blessed God Wellcome ô well-come my deerest Redeemer O how truely did the Kingly preacher affirme that Eccl 7.2 It is better to goe to the house of mourning then to goe to the house of feasting for that is the end of all and the living will lay it to heart My house is shut up indeede it is shut up for the infection for feare of the infection for feare lest others should infect my familie or for feare lest my familie should be insectious to others But what of all that I am not the first that ever was shut up I am not the onely one that ever was shut up Lev 13 4. vers 5. The Leper in the law was to be shut up seaven dayes and at the seaven dayes end when the Priest looked on him if the plague in his sight were at a stay and spreaded not in the skinne hee was to shut him up yet seaven dayes more This shutting up was rather for his cure then intended for his hurt Gen 7.16 Noah was sayd to be shut up in the Arke but it was for his preservation and so may I be likewise Ieremiah was shut up too Ier. 32.2 yea in a prison allthough his jayle was the house of the King and yet even at that time hee was visited by the best by one better then the King even by God himselfe for hee often spake to him in the time that hee was shut up c 33.1 Thus am I shut up even in a prison made of my dwelling I hope that my God will speake comfortably unto mee I will hope that hee hath shut mee up as a jewell in a cabinet in his care in his tender compassion If so I am sure that noe evill shall come in unto mee for hee is holy hee is true hee is powerfull who hath mee in keeping Reu 3.7 Hee hath the key of David hee openeth and noe man shutteth and hee shutteth and noe man openeth True it is that sometimes hee shutteth out as when hee shutteth out from his eares the prayers of his people Thus the faithfull complaine by the mouth of the Prophet Lam 3 8. When I cry and showte hee shutteth out my prayers Sometimes hee shutteth up and that in judgment too as Hee shutteth up the eyes of idolaters Is 44.18 that they cannot see and their hearts that they cannot understand And sometimes man shutteth too even when hee is forsaken of God for so saith the wise King A violent man shutteth his eyes to devise froward things Prov 16.30 And againe God is sayd sometimes in judgment to shut up even heaven it selfe as in a time of drought Therfore Moses adviseth the Israëlites saying Deut 11.16 Take heede to your selves that your heart be not deceaved and yee turne aside and serve other Gods and worship them vers 17 And then the Lord's wrath be kindled against you and hee shut up the heaven that there be noe raine and that the land yeeld not her fruit and lest yee perish quickly from off the good land which the Lord giveth you But sure I am that allthough hee should shut mee up in judgment yet hee whose compassions faile not Lam 3.22 Hab 3.2 vers 5. in the midst of judgment will remember mercy I know that in former times hee hath beene angry and then before him went a Pestilence and burning coales went forth at his feete I know that once when the people of Israel had offended then the sword was without Eze 7.15 and the Pestilence and the famine within hee that was in the field was threatned that hee should die with the sword and hee that was in the citty famine and Pestilence should devoure him I know that Elijah Prophesied against Iehoram in writing saying 2. Chr 21.12 Thus saith the Lord Because thou hast not walked in the wayes of Iehoshaphat thy father nor in the wayes of Asa King of Iudah vers 14 Behould with a greate plague will the Lord smite thy people and thy children and thy wives and all thy goods vers 15 And thou shalt have greate sicknesse by disease of thy bowells untill thy bowells fall out by reason of the sicknesse day by day Iob 11.10 And I know allso that if hee cut off and shut up or gather together none can hinder him But what then What though hee hath shut mee up Shall I therfore rage and rave like one distracted c. 30.29 vers 30 What though I am a sister to Dragons and a companion to Owles VVhat though my skinne should be black upon mee and my bones be burnt up with heate c. 3.3 Should I therfore cry Let the day perish wherein I was borne and the night in which it was sayd There is a child conceaved O noe I will rather resolve with afflicted Iob Though hee slay mee yet will I trust in him c. 13.15 Why should I offer to be dismayed That God which dwelleth in the heavens hath taken up my house and is come to sojourne with mee upon earth I will speake in the phrase of a King But will God indeede dwell on the earth 1. King 8.27 Behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot conteine thee how much lesse this house of mine which thou now doest visit O what a happinesse it is to have God for our visitant Though hee cometh in wrath yet is hee well-come O let mee have my God any way rather then not have him at all If hee should not sometimes be angry with mee I should suspect that hee loved mee not but if for ever hee should be angry with mee I should feele that hee loved mee not Hee is never angry with mee but when I am not angry with my selfe I will
night and yet that very time which hath beene to some the sad producer of woe and distresse to others it hath brought the tidings of joy and pleasant content C. 7.3 Surely the foure Lepers were not ●gnorant of it who resolving not to sit in the gate of Samaria untill they dyed nor ●o enter into the citty for feare of the famine went into the campe of the Syrians vers 5. whom the Lord had made to flie in the twylight there the foure poore men did eate vers 7. vers 8. and drinke and caried away thence both silver and gold and raiment in greate aboundance Iud. 19 9. The night was a time of rejoycing to the Levite when hee stayed to be merrie with the father of his contubine but afterwards it became a time of woe to him when the Gibeathites tooke the concubine from him vers 25 and abused her all night untill the morning and untill the day began to spring did not let her goe Thus is not God confined to times nor enforced to the rules and dictates of nature Hee can according to nature somtimes render us a night of sorrow and somtimes againe besides or above or against the practise of nature hee can produce light out of darknesse and comfort and content when wee expect our disturbance For my part therfore seeing that my rest departeth from mee and that at this time when others securely take their repose mine eyes are unapt to close with my slumbers I will make this night a night of sorrow that so I may hope for a morning of comfort I will grieve for my sinnes that I may reioyce in my Saviour I wi●… take this time C. 6.27 as Gideon did to thron● downe the altar of Baal because peradventure like unto him I could not doe it by day for feare of displeasing That altar of Baal is erected in my heart from this heart therfore even now will I seperate it and downe it shall goe away it shall be throwne that so in the roome of it I may presently erect an altar for my God I will take this time as Ioshua was commanded Ios 1.8 to meditate in the booke of the lawe which shall not depart from my mouth but I will meditate therein day and night 2. Pet. 1.9 Even that sure word of prophesie will I meditate upon whereunto as saith Saint Peter I shall doe well if I take heede as unto a light that shineth in a darke place untill the day-dawne and the day-starre arise in my heart I will take this time as David did and will call to remembrance my song in the night Ps 77.6 or rather not my song but God's for Iob complaineth Iob 35.10 that None saith where is God my maker who giveth songs in the night Not such a song as Ephraim used for those were howlings insteed of songs yea and howlings without comfort because therein was noe mention of God for thus the Lord complaineth of them by the mouth of his Prophet Hos 7.14 Ps 147 7. saying They have not cryed unto mee with their heart when they howled upon their beds But my song shall be a thanksgiving even unto my God not short not of a ●all continuance like the gourd of Ionah Io 4.10 vers 7 ●hich came up in a night and perished in a night ●oe I would not have a worme in the morning ●hen I arise to smite my joy and cause it to ●ither This were but to sieke my God in the 〈◊〉 me of distresse and to forget him in my ●rosperitie But I will resolve with David Ps 145.1 〈◊〉 will extoll thee ô my God and King and 〈◊〉 will blesse thy name for ever and ever Every day will I blesse thee vers 2. and I will praise thy name for ever and ever Ier. 49.9 Though theeves should come this night upon mee and thinke to destroy 'till they had enough though wicked thoughts and evill suggestions of Satan should seeke to robbe mee of my song yet will I rely upon my God upon my Iesus who sang a hymne before hee went up to the mount of Olives Mat. 26 30. and him will I besiech that I may not be robbed be deprived of this comfort in the night Mat 25 6. At mid-night there was a cry of the comeing of the bride-groom Behould the bride-groome cometh goe yee out to meete him What know I but this may prove that very night unto mee My God may come and call for my soule Graunt therfore ô blessed Father that with the wise virgins I may be readie vers 10 and goe in with the bride-grome to the mariage that the doore may not be shut against mee and that so I may passe from this song in the night of miserie upon earth to that heavenly quire of Saints and Angells Reu 22 5. where is noe night nor neede of a candle noe nor of the light of the Sun that thou ô my God mayst give mee light and that I may reigne for ever and ever Amen subject 5 THE FIFTH SUBJECT Teares in the Day The Soliloquie Divided into three parts and fitted for the time 1 Of awaking early in the morning 2 Of being newly arisen 3 Of preparing to goe to dinner part 1 The first part Of the Soliloquie Fitted for the time of awaking early in the morning THE EjACULATION Psal 5. vers 1. Give eare to my words o Lord consider my meditation vers 2. Hearken unto the voice of my cry my king and my God for unto thee will I pray THe night is farre spent Rom. 13.12 the day is at hand I wish that the night of sinne were as neere a period and the day of rejoycing the day of eternall happinesse were as neere approaching It is the promise of God Reu 2.26 that hee which overcometh and keepeth the workes of Christ unto the end to him shall be given power over the nations vers 28 and I will give him saith Christ the morning starre If God be so early in his liberalitie why should not I be as early in my devotions I am now awaked though yet I am some-what drowzie and incline to sleepe againe stretching my selfe in my lazie bed But let mee heare Saint Paul speaking to mee Rom. 13.11 and saying Now it is high time to awake out of sleepe for now is salvation neerer then when wee believed How 's this High time to awake Surely the Apostle speake's it not to mee for 't is yet very early too soone to arise for I heare noe noise noe stirring noe bodie 's yet up all is hush and quiet The bird which shaked a pillar of the church Mat. 26 74. and crowed at his act bid's mee good-morrow and tell 's mee 't is hardly the breake of day Besides the Prophet David tell 's mee Ps 127 2. It is in vaine for us to rise up early to sit up late and to
did not give light to the companie which were in the ship with Saint Paul in the tempest when hee was bound towards Rome for they Act 27 29. fearing lest they should have fallen upon rocks cast fowre ankers out of the sterne and wished for the day True it is that every one in a storme will wish for Christ this morning starre and ready they are to take their astro-labe that so they may observe the height and the distance of him but yet are they apt to leave him in the tempest and to trust to their owne cables and ankers which they cast out at the sternes of their ship never considering the depth of the seas the fowlenesse of the anchorrage Every Christian even the most skillfull mariner is apt to runne a shore upon the world or to fall upon the leadges and rocks of trouble and temptation but who ancoor's his hopes in Christ Who fasteneth the flooke of his anchor in the wounds of the Crucified Lord give mee such a faith in thee that I may not believe in thee waveringly or hope in thee weakely or wish for thee faintly but that I may at all times and upon all occasions put my whole trust and confidence in thee Ps 42.1 and say with David As the Hart panteth after the water-brookes so panteth my soule after thee ô God Surely that morning starre did not give light to churlish Nabal 1. Sam. 25.37 when in the morning after the wine was gone out of him and his wife tould him all that was done his heart dyed within him and hee became as a stone Alasse every Nabel every worldling can be jocound and pleasant while they surfeit upon the vaine pleasures of this transitorie world they can be merrie and drunken very drunken with the be-witching cup and all the while they are such sonnes of Belial vers 17 that a man cannot speake to them But if once either by povertie sicknesse or any other calamitie they are awaked and their Abigails their consciences tell them that the most mighty hath girded his sword upon his thigh Ps 45.3 with glorie and majestie and is resolved to destroy them then like unto Nabal even their very hearts dye within them and are even as stones for want of the comfort and light of his morning starre These are they who in the morning say Deut 28.67 would God it were evening and at even they say Would God it were morning for the feare of their hearts wherewith they feare and for the sight of their eyes which then they see Iob 24.17 for the morning is to them even as the ●shadow of death if one know them they are in the terrours of the shadow of death Therfore will I besiech that bright morning starre Amos. 5.8 that hee will arise in my heart that I may seeke him that maketh the seaven starres and Orion and turneth the shadow of death into the morning and maketh the day darke with night the Lord is his name This is the time Iud 16.2 when the Philistines thought to have killed Samson after they had compassed him in and layd waite for him all night in the gate of the citty of Gaza and were silent all the night Lord if at any time I sleepe if I sleepe in my sinnes which doe thou ever prevent as thou doest forbid it how contented is Satan to let mee rest How silent hee is and will not disturbe mee But hee sitteth in the gate and watcheth and if at any time I be awaked by my God how doe's hee labour to destroy mee presently with suggestions to despaire or presumption This is the time when Moses was commanded by God to cary the two new tables of stone up to the Mount Ex 34.2 for God sayd unto him Be readie in the morning and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai and present thy selfe there to mee in the top of the mount Why may not this in some kind seeme to be spoken by God to mee too For I have one table at least and I feare that it is stone too but it is in his power to make it the fleshly table of my heart 2. Cor. 3.3 O that hee would call mee O that hee would draw mee up unto him to the top of the mount Hos 11.4 with the bands of love and that hee would doe it now this morning like as twice in one morning hee putt Moses in mind of the two tables O that hee would write his law in this table of my heart even with his owne finger that I might not sinne against him This is the time when the Angells hastened Lot to goe out of Sodome Gen. 19 15. It was when the morning arose that they said unto him Arise take thy wife and thy two daughters which are here lest thou he consumed in the iniquitie of the citty The blacknesse of the crimes of those lustfull citisens eclypsed the Sunne yet lest they should hope that their impieties could dazell the eyes of the all-seeing God they had a light from heaven to discover his wrath The sinnes of the people were retrograde to nature and their just punishment proceeded therfore from causes not rendered by the practise of nature The light body of the consuming fire was seene to descend and the sulphurious flames which might have beene conceaved to arise from the troubled bowells of the earth or from the land of darknesse descended in a stormie gust from heaven A mixed fire and stinke conlumed the transgressours yet was not the choaking smell of the burning sulphur so offensive and loathsome as the stench of their wickednesse Thus the fire of their uncleanesse was revenged by the fire of tormenting brimstone and just it was that the messengers of vengeance should discharge their office whom the lewde people would not receave without a lustfull attempt of their fowle desires Their punishment for their crimes began even in their offences for it was noe small severitie to suffer them to continue in their violation of nature Yet here it stayed not for they lost their sight because they saw not their faults and at even they wearied themselves to find the dore of that righteous man vers 11 being stricken with blindnesse by those ministers of revenge vers 23 This darke evening was yet but a presage of a gloomie morning for the vengence fell when the Sun arose and those horrid flashes of a blew and dazeling light served onely to lend them a sight of their scorched neighbours and so to increase and heighten their torments Assuredly if I well consider it I am not unlike to that Lot who was saved for with the Sodomites I live I am neighboured by the wicked O but am I just with Lot and with him 2. Pet. 2 7. am I vexed with their uncleane their filthie conversation O that I might so resemble Lot that I could avoyde the corruption of those whose society
eate on the left hand and they shall not be satisfied they shall eate every man the flesh of his owne armes Touching Ierusalem hee said by his Prophet Ezekiel Eze 4.10 Thy meate which thou shalt eate shall be by weight twentie shekels a day from time to time shalt thou eate it vers 11 Thou shalt drinke allso water by measure the sixth part of an Hin from time to time shalt thou drinke vers 12 And thou shalt eate it as barley cakes and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man vers 13 in their sight And the Lord said unto him Even thus shall the children of Israel eate their defiled bread among the Gentiles whither I will drive them Among other curses which Israël should endure for rebellion and disobedience the fore-runner of famine was not the least Deut 28.39 Thou shalt plant vine yards and dresse them but shalt neither drinke of the wine nor gather of the grapes for the wormes shall eate them Among other punishments sent upon idolaters the Prophet terrifieth them with this above all When they shall be hungrie Is 8.21 they shall frett themselves and curse their King and their God and looke up-wards Here was allmost all the miserie that man could suffer the wickednesse that hee could act in this present world Hunger was sent as a punishment for idolatrie and rebellion blasphemie and impenitency were the effects of the punishment Hunger produceth rebellion they curse their King rebellion blasphemie they curse their God and blasphemie both impudence and impenitencie they looke up-wards towards heaven as if they were not ashamed The curse which should happen to the enemies of Sion was accounted greate because they should be resembled to people that are hungrie c 29.8 As when a hungrie man dreameth and behould hee eateth but hee awaketh and his soule is empty or as when a thirstie man dreameth and behold hee drinketh but hee awaketh and behould hee is faint and his soule hath appetite So shall the multitude of the nations bee that fight against mount Sion But what is the cause why the anger of the most high is commonly discovered in the curse of famine What moveth the Lord to punish his creatures with this pining destruction Whence ariseth his wrath that his vengeance is so terrible Alasse alasse I neede not wonder that his furie is so fierce if I doe but remember how justly hee punisheth Hee smiteth not before wee offend hee punisheth not before wee transgresse When our sinnes are so impudent as to provoke his displeasure how can hee choose but awake Ps 78.65 as one out of sleepe like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine For iniquitie onely doeth hee visitt hee visiteth our offences with the rodde Ps 89.32 and our sinne with scourges For this did hee give Israël cleanesse of teeth Amos. 4.6 in all their citties and want of bread in all their places yet they returned not unto the Lord. 2. Sam 21.1 For Saul and for his bloodie issue because hee slew the Gibeonites therfore there was a famine in the dayes of David three yeeres yeere after yeere and it ceased by the execution of seaven of Saul's sonnes Is 5.13 Therfore saith God my people are gone into captivitie because they have noe knowledg and their honourable men are famished and their multitude dryed up with thirst This is the punishment for sinne and yet upon repentance the Lord is as willing to remove it from us as when wee offended hee was just in sending it His promises were gratious to the Gentiles which should be fullfilled by Christ as his Prophet relateth them Is 49.10 They shall not hunger nor thirst neither shall the heate nor Sun smite them for hee that hath mercy on them shall leade them even by the springs of water hee shall guide them Yet let mee not too much forget my selfe Though this famine be one of the weapons with which the Lord doeth commonly fight and wound his enemies I must not therfore conclude that they all are forsaken and hated who endure this affliction I must not conclude that Because with this hee punisheth his enemies therfore with this hee correcteth not his saints This were but to frame an argument to urge mee to despaire and to judge my selfe with greater severitie then the Lord himselfe I hope will judge mee Every scourge which hee taketh in his hand may be for chastisement to the godly as well as a judgment to the wicked Though this must bring mee to a sight of my sinnes yet it may not enforce mee to a distrust of his mercies Though sometimes the godly dye under an affliction yet they know that they shall live by the merits of Christ Wee have noe more freedome from punishments here then the worst of reprobates Yea our portion is greater and bitterer here then theirs 1. Cor. 11.32 but wee are chastened of the Lord that wee might not be condemned with the world There is a greater deale of difference betweene corrections judgments The beloved child may be wounded as deepe yea deeper then an enemie but the deeper his Wound the surer is his cure To the godly they are afflictions to the reprobate torments to the godly chastisements upon the reprobate revenge At the famine in Samaria 1. King 18.5 good Obadiah went into the land unto all fountaines of water and unto all brookes to sieke for grasse that hee might save the horses and mules alive When the Prophet Ieremiah was cast into the dungeon Ier 38.9 hee was like to dy for hunger in the place for there was noe bread in the citty 1. Cor. 4.11 The holy Apostles did both hunger and thirst and were naked and buffeted and had noe certaine dwelling place They were in wearinesse 2. Cor. 11.27 and painefullnesse in watchings often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold Act 10 9. and nakednesse When Saint Peter went up upon the house to pray the vision appeared to him while hee was hungry vers 10 Saint Paul professed that hee had learned both how to be abased Phil. 4.12 and how to abound Every where in all things hee was instructed both to be full and to be hungrie both to abound and to suffer neede Gen. 12 10. When a famine was in the land where Abraham dwelt hee was enforced to goe downe into Egypt to sojourne there for the famine was grievous in the land Many saints and servants of God have drunke very deepe of this cup of afliction Why should I then be too much dejected and complaine so of want as if God had forgotten mee How know I to the contrarie but it may be his pleasure even by this affliction to bring mee to humilitie and so unto glory It is my part to thanke him for his visitation and not to repine at his correction Plenty is commonly the ground
yet our sorrowes doe greatly exceede their sufferances Certainly wee suffer more because wee were first in the first offence and for our forwardnesse both to consult with the Serpent and to tempt the man our portion is the greater in pangs and throwes Wee are driven to such extreamities that either wee must be tormented in our issue or else reproached for our barrennesse Surely had Eve but beene sensible of the least smart of a travelling woman shee would have continued in integritie for feare of the punishment Gen 2.17 Our first parents were threatned but with dying the death in the day they did eate of the tree of knowledg but I mee thinks doe find that that curse is increased for death will not come without the societie of paines There is something of that punishment in the paines which prepare us for the entertainment of death something in the very instant of the soul's departure and yet unlesse our mercifull Redeemer take pitty upon us the greatest of all will be in a second death Of the first paines I am now made most accurately sensible in the second I must agree with the children of Eve but from the last I have an assured hope that my God will deliver mee Oh my paines my paines grow stronger and stronger What shall I doe Strengthen mee ô Iesus and enable mee to suffer with constancy and patience what I must endure for a child Elizabeth was not come to the hower of torment when Lu 1.24 vers 25 hiding her selfe for five moneths together shee rejoyced and sayd Thus hath the Lord dealt with mee in the dayes wherein hee looked on mee to take away my reproach among men Yet are these pangs more desireable then the reproach of barrennesse not for themselves but for their happie event Barrennesse produceth shame and discontent but fruitfullnesse produceth sorrow with comfort The barren desire what they partake not of the fruitfull may have content in that which causeth their torments By us the kingdome of heaven is increased by them the world seemeth ready to expire But whence doth this fruitfullnesse accrow unto us If it were onely and meerely from our selves then I suppose that none would be barren If it be a blessing sent from God I wonder at the wicked for the Psalmist saith They are full of children Ps 17.14 and leave the rest of their substance for their babes But I neede not wonder if I either consider the fore-goeing words where the Prophet saith They have their portion in this life or if I remember that it is in the power of God even from them to produce some vessells of honour Israël was threatned by Moses saying Deut 28.15 It shall come to passe if thou wilt not hearken unto the voyce of the Lord thy God that Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body vers 18 O how full of horrour assuredly was this to the women of Israël that those children should be sentenced to eternall weeping for whom their mothers had cryed in the anguish of their births Such ô such there are and allways shall bee even to the end of the world as shall draw teares from the eyes of the weaker parent both in the extreamitie of the throwes and in the feare of their destruction Surely such wieked children as those if any shall have cause to expostulate as did the patient Iob Iob. 3.11 vers 12 and cry Why dyed I not from the wombe Why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the beliy Why did the knees prevent mee or why the beeasts that I should suck c 10.18 Wherefore hast thou brought mee forth out of the wombe Oh that I had given up the ghost and noe eye had seene mee Or they may say as once did the Prophet Ieremiah Cursed be the day wherein I was borne Ier. 20.14 vers 15 let not the day wherein my mother bare mee be blessed Cursed be the man who brought tidings to my father saying A man-child is borne unto thee making him very glad vers 16 And let that man be as the citties which the Lord overthrew and repented not and let him heare the cry in the morning and the showting at noone-tide vers 17 because hee slew mee not from the wombe or that my mother might have beene my grave and her wombe to be allways greate with mee vers 18 Wherfore came I forth out of the wombe to see labour and sorrow that my dayes should be consumed with shame But I will hope better things of mine and beseech my God that it may be like unto Paul who speaketh of himselfe saying Gal 1.15 vers 16 God did seperate mee from my mother's wombe and called mee by his grace to reveale his sonne in mee c. Oh my paines grow sharper and sharper and are strong remembrancers of the pollution even of conception But there is a conception as well Spirituall as Carnall I must therfore examine Whether the wombe of my heart hath not conceaved sinne Iob. 15 35. Is 33.11 for these pangs arise not without foregoeing wickednesse The hypocrites sayth Iob doe conceave mischiefe The enemies of the church sayth the Prophet Isaiah shall conceave chaffe If therfore with the hypocrites c. 59.4 I have conceaved mischiefe I feare that with them too I have brought forth-vanity and my belly hath prepared deceit If with the sinfull Iewes I have not called for justice nor pleaded for trueth if I have trusted in vanity and have spoken lyes then I feare that with them too I have conceaved mischife and brought forth iniquity If with the enemies of the church I have conceaved chaffe then I feare that with them too I have brought forth stubble and I may justly suspect that my breath as fire shall devoure it Ps 7.14 If which the ungodly I have travelled with iniquity and have conceaved mischiefe then I feare that with them too I have brought forth falsehood Thus if I have joyned with the hypocrites if with the enemies of the church if with the sinfull Iewes if with the ungodly or if I have trusted in vanity what then can I looke for but that having conceaved all kind of abominations I should with the wicked man travell with paine all my dayes Iob. 15.20 Thus I must confesse I have beene forward in the conception of all manner of evill and the production hath beene even as quick as the thought Ex 1.19 I may say of my selfe as the Mid-wives sayd once to angry King Pharaoh concerning the Hebrew women I have beene lively and have beene delivered of my grievous crimes ere any midwife came in unto mee I have beene both father and mother and mid-wife and nurse and every thing else to bring the abortive bratts of impietie into the world What now can I expect therfore but that I should dye in anguish and that my child which I goe with should be at once both mine
and have mercy upon us Lord be thou our helper O be thou our helpe in trouble for vaine is the helpe of man part 5 The Fifth part of the Soliloquie shewing how God threatneth before his visitation IT is a weakenesse it is a fondnesse it is a madnesse in people not to believe the sure effects of certaine causes before they become obvious to their senses In the course of nature wee are apt to believe what wee dare not try Who will put his finger into the fire to try if it will burne Who will cast himselfe into the water to try whether it will drowne him Yet in things divine wee are too incredulous too full of un-beliefe I find that my God hath stricken divers with plagues for the sinnes which they have committed But I likewise find that hee hath threatned divers before hee visited them that so by their amendment they might prevent those judgments which otherwise would ensue It is my best way to find out the crying sinnes of the land by observing the punishments which are sent us for them but I must not forget either the patience of our God or the obstinacie of men the long-suffering of our Creatour or the impenitencie of his creatures Sure I am that the Lord did allways call to repentance before hee punished offenders hee hath ever wooed transgressours both by promises and by threatnings before hee ever made them sick in smiting them for their transgressions Mic 6.13 example 1 When the Israëlites were to be freed from the Egyptian bondage ô how often was Pharaoh admonished to let them goe Moses and Aaron sayd unto him The God of the Hebrewes hath met with us Ex 5.3 let us goe wee pray thee three dayes journie into the desert and sacrifice to the Lord our God lest hee fall upon us with the Pestilence or with the sword Lord how meeke Moses begged for the people yea and in the name of God too and for an act of religion too and for feare of judgments too yea and those judgments not small or triviall for they should be either the Pestilence or the sword yea and hee pretendeth that those judgments should fall upon the Israelites the people of God if they neglect their sacrifices hee saith not upon the Egyptians hee saith not upon the King And yet for all this the King yeelded not the Israelites sacrificed not and therfore the plagues the vengeance came upon the heads of their oppressours example 2 Gog was threatned for a thing which yet hee was suffered to doe The Israelites were to be his purchase Eze 38.11 the un-walled villages his pray all that dwelled without walls and had neither barres nor gates should be made desolate by him Thus the people of God were to suffer for the sinnes committed against their God But was the enemie to escape by whom the people should be corrected Was Gog to be enriched and to enjoy the spoyle Nothing lesse The very instrument of revenge was not to be freed from the wrath of the revenger nor the executioner to be accounted innocent though hee punished the guilty vers 22 I will pleade against him with pestilence saith the Lord and with blood I will raine upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him an over-flowing raine and greate hailestones fire and brimstone Thus the Israelites offended and were threatned with the armies of Gog. Gog offended in that hee knew not his maker in that hee looked onely to his advantage and spoyles whilest yet hee executed the vengeance of God hee 's therfore threatned hee shall therfore be consumed When hee should have revenged God upon the rebellious people then God himselfe would be revenged upon him with judgments from heaven example 3 The Prophet Ezekiel was sent to threaten the Israëlites for their many rebellions and thus sayd the Lord God unto him Eze 6.11 Smite with thine hand and stampe with thy foote and say Alas for all the evill abominations of the house of Israël for they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence vers 12 Hee that is farre off shall dye of the pestilence and hee that is neere shall fall by the sword and hee that remaineth and is besieged shall dye by the famine thus will I accomplish my fury upon them Here is warning given before the blow be stricken there is the sword allready halfe out here is the famine allready in a due preparation here is an Angel ready to disperse the pestilence but before execution here is notice given before the punishment here is a threatning sent Even thus allso hath our good God dealt with us thus hath hee warned us Eze 33 11. Hee who delighteth not in the death of a sinner doeth never strike before notice given for hee had rather that our repentance should quiver his arrowes then that by our sinnes hee should be enforced to hit us at the heart example 4 I will smite the inhabitants of this citty saith God by Ieremiah concerning Ierusalem both man Ier 21.6 and beast they shall dye of a greate Pestilence Loe here is still the future tense I will not I doe God delighteth not in the execution of his wrath but yet his I will is as sure as his I doe Thus hee hath formerly threatned us with his I will I confesse indeede hee hath and yet wee would not believe what was to come onely because wee found it not instantly present Hence it is that now our people cry now our beastes doe roare and it is but just that men and women should be ranked in the order with beastes seeing that our sinnes have discovered us to be more stupid then them Yet the beasts perish though they could not sinne and wee perish because wee can doe noe-thing but sinne So the servant suffereth for the offences of the master so the beasts are punished for the sinnes of the owners The Pestilence putteth noe distinction betweene them both allthough the one could not the other would not avoyde the punishment example 5 In the booke of Exodus the Lord saith concerning Pharaoh Ex 9.15 the Egyptians Now I will stretch out mine hand that I may smite thee and thy people with Pestilence and thou shalt be cut off from the earth Take heede Pharaoh hee is true who threatneth and allthough hee saith I will yet hee saith allso now I will Hee is ready for thee allthough thy heart be not ready for him hee is just now prepared to punish if thou be not just now prepared to obey I will bring a sword upon you Lev 26 25. that shall avenge the quarrell of my covenant and when yee are gathered together in your citties I will send the Pestilence among you and yee shall be delivered into the hand of your enemies saith the Lord to the Israëlites And againe Deut 28.21 The Lord shall make the Pestilence to cleave to
acknowledg this 1. Sam 4.5 when the Arke of the covenant of the Lord came into the campe and all Israël showted with a great showte so that the earth rang againe They then beganne to be afraid for they said God is come into the campe vers 7. And they said Woe unto us for there hath not beene such a thing heretofore vers 8. Woe unto us who shall deliver us out of the hands of their mighty Gods These are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the willdernesse Thus even by the testimonie of the uncircumcised my God is determined to be the sin-revenging God who punisheth offenders with these plagues and Pestilences But shall I onely depend upon their testimonies who knew not God for my assurance that this vengeance cometh from God Noe I will looke a litle farther and find David the good Prophet acknowledging it in his Psalmes Ps 78.50 and saying Hee made a way to his anger hee spared not their soule from death but gave their life over to the Pestilence This the patient Iob confessed Iob. 5.17 saying Behould happy is the man whom God correcteth therfore despise not thou the chastening of the Allmighty For hee maketh sore vers 18 and bindeth up hee woundeth and his hands make whole This the holy Prophet Hosea proclaimed Hos 6.1 and said Come and let us returne unto the Lord for hee hath torne and hee will heale us hee hath smitten and hee will bind us up This was the song of devout Hannah 1. Sam. 2.6 The Lord killeth and maketh alive hee bringeth downe to the grave and bringeth up Deut 32.39 Yea and this God himselfe doeth publish to the whole world and saith See now that I even I am hee and there is noe God with mee I kill and I make alive I wound and I heale neither is there any that can deliver out of mine hand It is cleere then it is most apparent that in this generall sicknesse I must of necessitie acknowledg the finger of God There was once a time when hee himselfe proclaimed saying Is 65.1 I am sought of them that asked not for mee I am found of them that fought mee not I said Behould mee vers 2. behould mee unto a nation that was not called by my name I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people And surely that time is now come againe for wee sought him not and yet wee have found him in this day of our visitation vers 4. even in this dreadfull sicknesse Hee hath spread out his hands all the day long unto us a rebellious people but wee would not hearken unto him justly therfore doe wee remaine among the graves and hence it is that our hands are held up unto him But alas so weake are our devotions so feeble are wee in our Petitions so unconstant so wavering are wee in our faith that our hands are heavier then our hearts Ex 17.12 Wee must be faint to have an Aaron and a Hur to stay them up or else wee are ready to let them downe if they fall the greate Amalekites both our sinnes Gods revēge will prevaile against us Hee cryeth out unto us Behould mee Behould mee woe is unto us wee doe behould him in his severe and consuming wrath But ô that wee might behould him in the cleere and most lovely glory of his mercy O that hee might now be sought of us though formerly wee have not asked for him Hee once did promise that a time should be when the children of Israel should come Ier 50.4 they and the children of Indah together goeing and weeping they should goe and seeke the Lord their God Surely that time is now come to us his Israël for now wee goe and weepe as wee goe as did David for Absalom 2. Sam 18.33 Gen 43.30 Ps 126.6 Wee weepe as wed goe up to our chambers With Ioseph wee seeke where to weepe and wee enter into our chambers and weepe there With the Church in the Psalmes wee goe forth and weepe With the Israelites wee weepe before the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation Num 25.6 2. Sam. 15.30 With David and the people that were with him wee weepe as wee goe up to the citty Yea with Ishmaël wee weepe all along as wee goe And as wee weepe so I hope wee shall seeke too Ier 41.6 even seeke the Lord and his strength yea seeke his face evermore This is the way for pardon Ps 105.4 and this is the meanes for health for so God promised King Solomon saying If I shut up heaven that there be noe raine 2. Chr 7.13 or if I command the Locusts to devours the land or if I send a Pestilence among my people If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves vers 14 and pray and seeke my face and turne from their wicked wayes then will I heare from heaven and will forgive their sinne and will heale their land Lord this Pestilence thou hast sent among us among us Christians that are called by thy name Ios 24.15 Let others doe what they will as for mee and my house wee will serve thee ô my Lord. Doe thou make mee to turne from my wicked wayes that thou mayst heare from heaven and forgive my sinnes and heale this land for I will seeke thy face I will bumble my selfe I will pray unto thee and say The Prayer OMnipotent Lord thou sinne-revenging God who for disobedience diddest threaten thine owne people of Israel to smite them in the knees Deut 28.35 and in the legges with a sore botch that could not be healed from the sole of the foote unto the topp of the head vers 27 to smite them with the botch of Egypt whereof they could not be healed Thou who by the mouth of thine onely sonne didst fore-tell to the Iewes that nation should rise against nation Mat 24 7. Kingdome against Kingdome and that there should be famines and Pestilences in diverse places be pleased ô thou greate offended Lord in the bowells of thy compassion to let thine anger cease Ps 85.4 and to bow downe thine eare to thy sorrowfull hand-mayd O my God thou seest how I groane under the burden of thy wrathfull indignation bemoaning the generall sufferances for our more generall sinnes Our sinnes our sinnes doe farre exceede the transgressions of Israel yea they are greater then those of the Iewes against the true Messias for thine owne Apostle beareth them witnesse 1. Cor 2.8 that Had they knowne it they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory but wee alas both have knowne and doe know him and yet wee crucify to our selves the sonne of thee our God afresh Heb 6.6 and dayly put him to an open shame For these our offences thou hast begunne thy revenge yea and most justly too for thou art
come to take unto him my two Sonnes to be bondmen vers 2. Then Elisha sayd unto her What shall I doe for thee Tell mee what hast thou in thine house And shee sayd thine hand-mayd hath not any thing in the house save a pot of oyle Then hee sayd vers 3. Borrow thee vessells abroad of all thy neighbours even empty vessells borrow not a few vers 5. So shee went from him and did as hee commanded her when all the vessells miraculously were filled with oyle Elisha said unto her Goe sell the oyle vers 7. and pay thy debts and live thou and thy children of the rest This the widow of Zarephath allso found true to her comfort for when shee had but an hand-full of meale in a barrell 1. King 17.12 and a litle oyle in a cruse and went to gather two sticks that shee might gee in and dresse it for her and her sonne that they might eate it and dye even then Elijah the Prophet tould her saying Thus saith the Lord of Israël vers 14 The barrell of meale shall not wast neither shall the cruse of oyle faile untill the day that hee Lord sendeth raine upon the earth example 3 3. The Lord not onely relieveth us in our wants but allso hee succoureth us in our losses and comforteth us in our sorrowes Lu 7.12 When my Saviour came nigh to the gate of the citty Naim and behould there was a dead man caried out the onely Sonne of his mother and shee was a widow and much people of the citty was with her even then vers 13 vers 14 when the Lord saw her hee had compassion on her and sayd unto her Weepe not And hee came and touched the beere and they that bare him stood still and hee sayd Young man I say unto thee arise vers 15 And hee that was dead sate up began to speake And hee delivered him to his mother example 4 4. The same Lord hath likewise comanded men to helpe us Thus though Eliphaz accuseth Iob Iob. 22 9. c 31.16 vers 22 saying Thou hast sent widowes away empty yet Iob himselfe saith If I have with-held the poore from their desire or have caused the eyes of the widow to faile then let mine arme fall off from my shoulder-blade and mine arme be broken from the bone Thus when Ioab did seeke to incline the heart os David to fetch home Absalom who had sted from him upon his killing of his brother Amnon hee had noe other way to effect his desires but by suborning the widow of Tekoah And shee came to the King 2. Sam 14.4 vers 5. and fell on her face to the ground and did obeysance and said Helpe ô King And the King said unto her What ayleth thee And shee answered I am indeede a widow woman and mine husband is dead c. And by these meanes getting audience of the King who pittied her as a widow shee prevailed at length for Absalom's pardon Thus though the un-just judg which is mentioned in the Gospel Lu 18.4 vers 5. did neither feare God nor regard man yet when a widow troubled him hee said I will avenge her of her adversarie lest by her continuall coming shee wearie mee example 5 5. In our wants wee may borrow and the rich must lend to us yea and they are forbidden to use us with crueltie or severitie They must not so much as take a pledg of us The Israëlites were forbidden it by God himselfe for so saith the Lord Deut. 24.17 Thou shalt not pervert the ●…dgment of the stranger nor of the fatherlesse ●or take a widowes raiment to pledg Yea and ●mong those that remove the land-markes Iob. 24.2 that violently take away the flocks and feede thereof vers 3. and those that drive away the Asse of the fatherlesse Iob doeth ranke and reckon them who take the widowe's oxe for a pledg example 6 6. Moreover every one must be an advo●ate to pleade for us Among other dueties required of Iudah the Lord not onely commandeth that shee should judg the fatherlesse Is 1.17 but allso that shee should pleade for the Widow and hee therfore sendeth his wrath and showreth his vengeance upon them because they judg not the fatherlesse vers 23 neither doeth the cause of the widow come unto them example 7 7. The judges are allso commanded to defend us and to countenance our causes Every one must be a judg to the distressed widow therfore the law runneth peremptorily Deut 27.19 Cursed be hee that perverteth the judgment of the stranger fatherlesse and widow and all the people shall say Amen example 8 8. The righteous must visit us for the Apostle saith that pure religion Iam ● 27. and un-defiled before God and the father is this to visit 〈◊〉 fatherlesse and widowes in their affliction c. example 9 9. None may afflict or oppresse us for God himselfe giveth the charge Ex. 22.22 saying 〈◊〉 shall not afflict any widow Againe by 〈◊〉 Prophet thus speaketh the Lord of host saying Zech. 7 10. Is 10.2 Oppresse not the widow Woe unto the● saith the Prophet Isaiah that take away the right from the poore of my people that widowe● may be their prey example 10 10. And lest wee should be overborne with sorrowes and lost in our griefes wee have authoritie even from God to be cheerefull and to rejoyce Deut. 16.14 So saith the Lord Thou shalt rejoy● in thy feast thou and thy Sonne and thy daughter and thy manservant and thy maydservant the Levite the stranger the fatherlesse the widow that are within thy gates example 11 11. Yea and wee have more freedome to enter into any religious vow then formerly was graunted us yea then when wee were under the tuition of our indulgent parents Though a virgin by the law might not fulfill her vow if it stood not with the liking Num. 30.5 and pleasure of her father yet the Lord himselfe doeth ordaine saying Every vow of a widow as well as of her that is divorced vers 9. wherewith they have bound their soules shall stand against her Saint Paul allso treating of our libertie to tye our selves in a second vow of nuptiall dueties saith The Wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead 1. Cor. 7.39 shee is at libertie to be maried to whom shee will onely in the Lord. Seeing then the Lord is so mercifull and gratious unto us who have lost the content and comfort of our guides and directours provided that wee are widowes indeede and desolate trusting in God 1. Tim. 5.5 continuing in supplications and prayers night and day why sit I thus disconsolate as if I neither had right to the societie of Christians nor were regarded by my maker Whence flow these teares Whence arise these sighes sobbs of a troubled
I am strongly assured that shortly even presently Ps 36.9 in thy light in thy Kingdome whereof thou thy selfe art the light Reu 21 23. Eccl. 7.1 I shall see light Now doe I with heavenly comfort assure my selfe that the day of death is better farre better then the day of my birth for I was borne to sinne Ps 23.4 but I dye to reigne Now though I walke through the valley of the shadow of death I can feare noe evill for thou art with mee thy rod and thy staffe thy comfort mee VVhat though I am counted with them that goe downe to the pit Ps 88.4 andam as a man that hath noe strength Iob. 17 1. VVhat though my breath be corrupt though my spirit be spent though my dayes be extinct and though the graves be ready for mee vers 13 VVhat though the grave be mine house and presently I shall make my bed in the darknesse VVhat though corruption vers 16 and the worme shall goe downe to the barrs of the pit and our rest shall be together in the dust VVhat though death be come up into my windowes into mine eyes Ier. 9.21 Ps 107 18. and be entered into the tabernacle of my body VVhat though my soule abhorreth all manner of meate and I draw necre unto the gates of death VVhat though my heart be sore pained within mee Ps 55.4 Ps 44.17 and the terrours of death be fallen upon mee Yet though all this be come upon mee I will not forget thee o my God neither will I deale falsly in thy covenant vers 18 My heart shall not be turned back neither shall my stepps decline from thy way noe vers 19 though thou hast sore broken mee in the place of dragons and doest cover mee with the shadow of death I am goeing now the way of all the earth Ios 23.14 and doe know in my heart and in my soule that not one thing shall faile mee which the Lord my God hath promised to his elect Now am I joyfully goeing to the gates of the grave Is 38.10 I am deprived of the residue of my yeares vers 11 vers 12 I shall behold man noe more with the inhabitants of the earth Mine age is departed and is removed from mee even as a shep-heard's tent But yet Lord Ps 39.7 what is my hope Truely my hope is even in thee I shall speedily depart then shall I joyfully be freed from sinne Mat 26 38. The soule of my Redeemer was exceeding sorrowfull even unto death and all for my sake as well as for others that I might now be joyfull and rejoyce unto life Mee think 's that voyce from heaven which was heard by the Apostle is now sounding in mine eares and saying Reu. 14 13. Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord from hence forth yea faith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their workes doe follow them Mee think's I find the words of the Psalmist full of truth and comfort Ps 116.15 that Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints O now mee think's like that blessed martyr Saint Stephen looking up to the heavens I see th●… open Act 7.55 Ps 31.5 and the glory of God and my Iesus sta● ding on the right hand of his father I come Lord I come Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed mee ô Lord th●… God of truth Take mee into thine armes ô God Act. 7.59 Convey mee to thy Kingdome ô Christ Lord Iesus receave my spirit Amen subject 27 The TWENTIE-SEAVENTH SUBJECT Teares in the distressed time of civill warrs The Soliloquie containing a patheticall and grievous lamentation for the present distractions both in the Church Common-wealth by reason of these cruell most bloody warrs THE EjACULATION Psal 5. vers 1. Give eare to my words ô Lord consider my meditation vers 2. Hearken unto the voyce of my cry my king and my God for unto thee will I pray SHall a trumpet be blowne in the city and the people not be afraid Amos. 3.6 Saith the Lord by the mouth of his holy Prophet A trumpet Why Lev. 25 9. Is that so dreadfull So terrible● I find that a trumpet of Iubilee was appointed● be sounded in the day of atonement throughout 〈◊〉 the land of promise when the Israelit● should come into it and certainly whe● that trumpet sounded the people rejoyced 〈◊〉 were not afraid Yea but the Lord called not to rejoycing and Iubilees when he threatned Israel by the mouth of that Prophe who was among the herdmen of Tekoa Amos. 1.1 The first sound of a trumpet that ever was heard as the Scriptures mention was a cause of trembling Ex. 19.14.15 for the third day after Mos● went downe from the Mount unto the people vers 16 in the morning there were thunders an● lightnings and a thick clowde upon the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding lowd so that all the people that were in the campe trembled Yea they so trembled and were so afraid when they saw the thunderings c. 20.18 and the light● nings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountaine smoaking that they removed and stood a farre off vers 19 and said unto Moses Speake thou with us and wee will heare but let not God speake with us lest wee die This was the first sound of a trumpet that ever was heard and I find that this was a cause of trembling Againe I reade that the trumpet was ordained for the sounding an all arme Num. 10.5 and that o that is it which now sound 's in our eares Nothing but a point of warre nothing but newes of fir● and fword is heard among us The ●…umpets the trumpets oh they sound they ●…nd a shrill and horrid dinne a fearfull ●…se they make in our eares and our new●…ced cities and our new-fortified townes ●…e encompassed as once Iericho was when ●…e trumpets of rams-hornes were blowne by ●…e priests and the people showted Ios 6 8. vers 16 Surely that ●…ay is come upon us which the Lord threat●…ed Ierusalem with by the mouth of his Pro●…het for the mighty man cryeth bitterly Zeph. 1 14. vers 15 the ●…y of wrath is come upon us the day of trouble ●…d distresse the day of wastnesse and desola●…on the day of darknesse and gloominesse the ●ay of cloudes and thick darknesse vers 16 the day of the ●rumpet and all-arme against the fenced cities ●nd against the high towers vers 17 Distresse is come ●pon us that we walke like blind men because we have sinned against the Lord and our blood is ●owred out as dust and our flesh is as the dung Oh that is fallen upon us which was threat●…ed to Egypt Our land is watered with blood Eze 32 6. wherein wee doe swimme even to the moun●aines and
out all the land every man's sword is against his brother the Lord pleadeth against us with blood vers 22 vers 18 and with fire and with brimstone His fury is upon his face vers 19 and a great shaking is in our land The covers of our souldiers are iron their weopons are iron and their hearts are allso iron so hard are their hearts that they kill without remorse and they pillage and plunder without pitty or commiseration The baggs that swelled with unjust gaine and moneys purchased by extortion fraud now wonder at their owne emptinesse and in their shrivell'd and pursed cheekes seeme to mourne for their falling away Eccles 5.16 This is a sore evill that in all points as the deceaver came so shall hee goe and what profit hath hee that hath laboured for the wind The plunderers suck downe his swollen purse and leave nothing but a be and naked skinne and by a new law of ga●… they teach by the way of violence how to● in an hower as much as hee in his age c●…scrape up by falshood And when hee looker with an heavy and wish-full eye upon his departing moneys never to be re-called ● deepe sigh tell 's him 't is well that some me●nes are found to awaken his conscience So hee spends his drooping dayes in wishing that hee were as innocent as many that are 〈◊〉 poore and it may be that by the losse of his coyne hee gaines some religion Those againe whose honest care and thriftie labours had beene so blessed that their moneys had increased yea even by diminishing and had multiplied for their charity finding now the uncertainty of what the world falsely account's a treasure part with their money with as deepe but not a coveteous sigh an● that out of a consideration that the emptinesse of their coffers will be burdensome one day to their new but fellonious possessours They grieve that rapine should be more powerfull then innocency yet content themselves with the certaine assurance of treasures in heaven The surly robber in the interim with a crustie conscience rejoyceth at the purchase of his owne destruction and to shew that hee hath as litle care of his issue as he hath of his soule consume's in riott what his children may beg for The lowest spoake is now come to be the highest in the wheele and that which was the uppermost is turned to the ground The ●rich are become poore and those who formerly were of a low esteeme now pride it in the feathers of other birds Solomons observations is come to passe in our dayes Eccles 10.6 vers 7. the rich sit in low place yea and wee see servants upon horses and princes walking as servants upon the earth Ier 12.12 The spoilers are come upon all high places for the sword of the Lord doth devoure from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land noe flesh hath peace Wee sowe wheate vers 13 but wee reape thornes wee put our selves to paine but noe profit come's of it and wee are even ashamed of our revenues because of the fierce anger of the Lord. Our bloody victories are mixed both with joy and sorrow for even our very conquests tryumphs are mournfull The more wee slay the fewer kindred and friends and acquaintance are left us and much of that blood which wee draw from others is part of that which runneth in our owne veines Iacob and Esau brethren of the same wombe contend for the birth-right and many a man strive's to supplant to surprise to destroy his kinsman his brother yea and his owne father Our tongues are become prisoners and are kept close under the roofes of our mouths and within the grates of our teeth yea and that in the compa●… them who are or should be deerest unto and all for feare of trecherie and discover The prudent are enforced to keepe silence because is an evill time Amos. 13. Mic 8.5 Wee dare not trust a friend 〈◊〉 put confidence in a guide wee keepe 〈◊〉 doores of our mouths from them that lies our bosomes vers 6. The sonne dishonoureth the fath●… the daughter riseth up against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law Brother delivereth up brother to death Mat 10 21. and the father the child and the children rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death Five in one house are divided Luc 12 52. vers 53 three against two and two against three The father is divided against the Sonne and the sonne against the father the mother against the daughter a● the daughter against the mother the moth●… in law against the daughter in law and the daughter in law against her mother in law and a man's foes are those of his owne household Mat. 10 36. Mal. 4.6 The Lord God of heaven amend these wicked times and turne the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers Ps 69.22 Is 29.21 Ier 48.43 vers 44 Our very tables become snares before us and that which should have beene for our well-fare is become a trap A man is made an offender for a word and a snare is layd for him that reproveth in the gate Feare and the pit and the snare are upon us hee that fleeth from the feare falleth into the pit and ●…e that getteth up out of the pit is taken in the ●…are the yeeres of our visitation are upon 〈◊〉 The spoiler is come upon every city vers 8. and noe ●…ty escaped the vallies allso perish and the ●aines are destroyed c 15.7 The Lord doeth fanne 〈◊〉 with a fanne in the gates of our land hee ●…th bereave us of our children hee doth destroy ●s people because wee returne not from our wayes Our widowes are increased to us above the sand ●f the seas vers 8. the Spoyler at noone day is brought ●pon us Shee that hath borne seaven languisheth vers 9. ●hee hath given up the ghost her sunne is gone downe while it was yet day and the residue of ●…s are delivered to the sword before our enemies c 6.26 O that wee would gird our selves with sackcloth and wallow our selves in ashes and make our selves mourning as for an onely sonne most bitter lamentation for the spoiler suddenly cometh upon us Isa 21.2 Ier 48.10 The treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously and the spoiler spoileth Yea and the word is given out among us Cursed be hee that keepeth back his sword from blood and yet few of us doe consider that the Lord God of recompences shall surely requite c 51.56 Amos. 5.18 Woe unto them that desired this day of the Lord. To what end is it for them Alasse the day of the Lord is darknesse and not light vers 19 As if a man did flee from a lion and a beare mett him in the way or went into the house
it doe tingle yea and mee think's not onely mine eares tingle but even my heart allso tingleth and trembleth at the same Well though that stone be there yet the inscision shall be made and howsoever I will desire that a paine I may endure If yet I am not sensible enough when the inscision is made I hope I shall have time enough to smart before the eskar be off Lord I desire that I may be sensible of the wounds of this land and that the blood which is shed in these violent times may be washed away by the teares of mee and other penitent sinners Or if blood requireth blood Lord let the wine and oyle of the best Samaritane let the blood of my mercifull Redeemer prevaile for pardon for the blood which is shed in these un-naturall warrs and let it stoppe the fountaine the current the issue thereof If my poore countrie was formerly troubled with a plurisie I am sure that now it useth the harsh meanes of phlebotomie for it is let blood in every part in the head the armes the leggs the feete yea and even in the very heart And yet for all this are there not some among us upon whose hearts the stupifying infernall stone is layd who are like unto Moab Ier. 48.11 who have beene at case from their youth and have setled upon their lees and have not beene emptyed from vessell to vessell nor have gone into captivitie and therfore their tast remaineth in them neither is their sent changed Are there not those among us that put farre away the evill day Amos. 6.3 vers 4. and cause the seate of violence to come neere That lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches and eate the lambs out of the flock the calves out of the midst of the stall vers 5. That chaunt to the sound of the violl and invent to themselves instruments of musick vers 6. That drinke wine in bowles and annoint themselves with the chiese ointments but are not grieved for the afflictions of Ioseph Ierusalem was then surest of her destruction when she laughed and rejoyced in her surfeits and riotts my compassionate Iesus at the same time foreseeing her ruine mourned and wept over her Oh Luc. 19 41. mee thinks when I lay my hand upon my heart when I touch my heart I find it a stringed instrument and when I stoppe upon the fretts the lesson that it playeth is nothing but Lachrymae Yet I feare I weepe not so much as I should and I feare too that every one doth not weepe so much as I doe I feare there are still those among us Isa 49.26 who dilight to be fed with their owne flesh and to be drunke with their owne blood as with sweete wine What shall I say of such or how shall I pleade for them Have these workers of wickednesse noe knowledg Ps 14.4 who eate up the people as they eate bread and call not upon the Lord 2. Sam. 2.26 Lord shall their sword devoure for ever Know wee not that it will be bitternesse in the latter end How long shall it be then ere the people be bid returne from following their brethren The Lord hath said by the mouth of his servant David that he will abhorre the bloody Ps 5.6 Ps 55.23 and deceitfull man yea he saith that bloody and deceitfull men shall not live out halfe their dayes Ps 68.30 Ps 51.14 Ps 46.9 and that hee will skatter the people that delight in warre Deliver 〈◊〉 from blood-guilinesse ô God thou God of 〈◊〉 salvation O that my God would make these warrs to cease O that he would breake the bowes and cut the speares in sunder and bur●… the chariots in the fire This I am sure he● and hee alone can doe Hee and hee onely is our refuge and strength vers 1. and a very present he●e in trouble This therfore that hee may doe I will imitate the Prophet Daniel and I will speake Dan. 9.20 and pray and confesse mine owne sinnt and the sinns of this people and present my supplication before the Lord my God and thus I will say The First Prayer wherein is set downe 1 Gods Iustice in punishing his owne people in former times 2 His Iustice allso in the present punishing us for our offences 3 An earnest supplication for our repentance and his forgivenesse O Righteous father thou who art righteous in all thy wayes Ps 145.17 and holy in all thy workes I thine unworthy creature in the very griefe of my heart and with a sad and bleeding soule cannot choose but sit downe and weepe Ps 13● 1. vers 8. in the consideration of our poore Sion wasted with miseries Yet great and grievous though our afflictions are and the increase and growth which they may yet arise higher unto is all-together as unknowne to us as when the period and end of them shall be howsoever I must confesse thee to be a righteous God strong and patient And seeing all things are naked and open unto thee with whom wee have to doe I cannot choose but acknowledg here upon my bended knees before thine all-seeing majesty that the sinns oh the grievous the scandalous the out-ragious sinns of this nation have cryed for this vengeance Ps 51.4 that thou mayst be justifyed when thou speakest and be cleere now thou judgest I confesse ô Lord out of a sense of mine owne transgressions and consideration of the crimes of this people Is 59.12 that our transgressions are multiplyed before thee and our sinns testifie against us for our transgressions are with us and as for our iniquities I desire of thee Lord that wee may know them When thine owne deare people of Israel would not be reformed by terrour Lev. 26 16. vers 17 and consumption and the burning ague by their enemies eating that which they had sowed and reigning over them by their fleeing when none did pursue them by making their heaven iron their earth as brasse vers 18 by suffering them to spend their strength in vaine vers 19 and causing their land not to yeeld her increase n● the trees their fruite vers 22 by the wild beasts robbing them of their children by destroying their cattell and making them few in number and their high wayes desolate then didst thou threaten them vers 23 saying If yee will yet walke contrarie to mee then will I walke contrarie to you vers 24 vers 25 and will punish you yet seaven times for your sinns I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrell of my covenant when yee are gathered together within your citties I will send the Pestilence among you Deut. 28.15 yee shall be delivered into the hand of the enemie Againe thou didst allso threaten them saying If thou wilt not hearken to the voyce of the Lord thy God to observe to doe all his
fierce wrath and repent of this evill against thy people Is 1.26 Turne thine hand upon us and purely purge a way our drosse and take away all our tinne vers 26 Restore our Iudges as at the first and our counsellers as at the beginning and call our land the land of righteousnesse vers 27 the faithfull land Let our Zion be redeemed with judgment and our converts with righteousnesse Ps 86.17 Shew some good token upon us for good that they which hate us may see it be ashamed because thou Lord helpest and comfortest us Heare ô my God in the bowells of thy compassions close and bind up our wounds for his sake who was wounded for our transgressions pardon us for his sake who is our onely reconciliation and let the cryes which our finns have sent up to heaven for vengeance be ceased and quieted by the blessed pleading of our onely Mediatour betweene thee and us even the beloved Sonne of thy bosome Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Saviour Amen The Second Prayer consisting of 1 A dolefull complaint of our grievous calamities 2 An humble desire of the remission of our sinns 3 A fervent supplication for righteousnesse and peace GReate and glorious Lord God who art the Lord of hosts 1. Sam. 17.45 Exod 15.3 and God of the armies of Israel ô thou who hast styled thy selfe a man of warre whose name is the Lord Looke downe I beseech thee upon the distressed anguish consuming sorrowes of this thy people in our land of blood Thou seest Lord thou seest the afflictions of Ioseph the calamities of thy people how our blood is shed like water on every side of our Kingdome how our bones lye scattered before the pit like as when one breaketh and heweth wood upon the earth How long Lord how long just and holy shall the prayers and the teares and the cries and the supplications of thy saints and servants ascend up unto heaven and yet thou seeme unto us as a deafe man which heareth not and as a man which is dumb Ps 38.13 that openeth not his mouth Is there noe balme in Gilead Is there noe physitian there Why then is n●… the health of the daughter of thy people recovered Ier O the hope of Israel the saviour thereof in the time of trouble why should thou be as a stranger in our land and as way-faring man that turneth a side to tarr● but a night Psal Thou hast moved our land and divided it ô heale the sores thereof for it shaketh O let the sorrowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the multitude of thy mercies preserve thou those that are appointed to death Arise ô Lord from thy resting place thou and the arke of thy strength Arise and have mercy upon our Sion for it is time that thou have mercy upon her yea the time is come for why Th● servants thinke upon her stones and it greiveth us to see how shee lyeth downe in the dust O now at last be thou favourable and gracious to our Sion and build thou the walls of our Ierusalem Send peace within our walls and plenteousnesse within our pallaces For our brethrens and companions sake I wish this prosperitie yea because of the many houses of the faithfull who put their trust in thee our Lord our God I pray for this good Exod. 3 7. Thou o Lord hast surely seene the afflictions of this thy people and hast heard our cries by reason of the sword for thou knowest our sorrowes vers 8. O come thou downe to deliver us as once thou didst thy people of Israel from the hand of the Egyptians Thou seest how the sword is drawne in an unnatu●…ll manner brother against brother neigh●our against neighbour house against house ●ather against Sonne and Sonne against Father all having weapons of warre which ●re like to destroy the nation all clothing ●hemselves in garments rolled in blood Isa 9.5 Thou seest how many amongst us thirst for blood how whole rivers thereof runne in our fields and in our streetes yet it is not in the power or pollicie of man to stoppe the current It is now o Lord with us as it was once with idolatrous Israel when Moses commanded them saying Exod. 32.27 Put every man his sword by his side and goe in and out and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbour Psal Thy holy temples are defiled and without thy preventing mercy our Ierusalem may be made an heape of stones Heresie and Schisme oppose the cleere light of thy glorious gospel Ps 137.7 and like the children of Edom in the day of Ierusalem they say even of truth it selfe downe with it downe with it even to the ground Many of our citties and townes doe now sitt solitarie Lam. 1 1. c 2.11 that were full of people and are become as widdowes The children and sucklings swoone in our streetes the widows make their lamentations over the gasping bodies of their wounded husbands the young ones cry for bread but some of them find neither fathers to give it thē nor mothers to compassionate them Is 33.8 The high wayes lye wast 〈◊〉 way-faring man ceaseth the line of confus●… is stretched out upon the land c. 34.11 the stones of e●…ptinesse vers 13 Thornes come up in our pallaces net● and brambles in our streetes and houses a● become habitations of dragons c. 8.21 and courts f● owles Some wicked ones among us that a● hungry Lam. 2.9 fret themselves and curse our Kin● and our god and looke upward The law i● noe more vers 10 the Prophets allso find noe vis●… from thee the Lord. The elders sit upon the ground and keepe silence they have cast up d●…t upon their heads they have girded themselves with sack-cloth the virgins h●… downe their heads to the ground It is not no● as it was in the dayes of ould Luc. 7.25 when men cloth● in soft raiment and they which were gorgeous● apparelled and lived delicately were in King courts Is 1.7 Our countrie is desolate our citties a● burnt with fire and our land is desolate as or● throwne by strangers Lam 5.1 Remember ô Lord who is come upon thy people consider and behold on reproach vers 2. Some of our inheritances are turned to strangers and our houses to aliants Many among us are orphans and fatherlesse vers 3. and many that were wives are become widowes Many doe get their bread with the perill of their lives vers 9. Ps 142.7 vers 6. Ps 94.19 because of the sword that maketh our land a wildernesse O Lord doe thou consider our complaint for wee are brought very low Thou ô Lord art our hope and our portion in the multitude of sorrowes which wee have in our ●…rts let thy comforts ô my God refresh our ●…les Heare ô Lord and