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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19392 An ansvver to the two fyrst and principall treatises of a certaine factious libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author or printer, and without approbation by authoritie, vnder the title of An abstract of certeine acts of Parlement: of certaine hir Maiesties iniuctions: of certaine canons, &c. Published by authoritie. Cosin, Richard, 1549?-1597.; Stoughton, William, fl. 1584. Abstract, of certain acts of parliament. 1584 (1584) STC 5819.7; ESTC S121272 391,855 496

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teaching that the princes of Iudah and Ierusalem should cast away the rich ornaments of gold as a menstruous cloth did stay himselfe with the publishing of this his doctrine he onely reformed himselfe and taught and exhorted others to doe the like The Prophet Ieremy vsed onely this weapon of reformation Of a truth sayth he the Lord hath sent me vnto you to speake all these words in your eares he hath sent me to prophesie against this house and against this citie all the things that ye haue heard Pag. 94 as for me behold I am in your hands doe with me as ye thinke good and right And though Iehoiakim the King with all his men of power the Priestes and the Prophets s●ewe Vriah with the sworde yet ceased not Ieremiah to stande in the Court of the 2. King 2● ● Lords house to speake vnto all the cities of Iudah all the words that were commaunded him to speake and kept not a word backe When Hilkiah the Priest had found the booke of the lawe and caused Iosiah to reade the same it is written that the King stoode by the piller and made a couenant before the Lord that he the King and the Priestes and the Prophets and all the people both small and great shoulde walke after the Lorde and keepe his commaundements and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and with all their soule And that the King commaunded Hilkiah the high Priest and the Priestes of the second order to bring out of the Temple of the Lorde all the vessells that were made for Baal and for the groue and for all the hoste of heauen and that He King burnt them without Ierusalem in the fieldes of Kidron and that the King carryed the powder of them into Bethel and that He put downe the Chemerym and that He brake downe the houses of the Sodomites and that He brake the images in peeces c. When the spirite of the Lorde came vpon Azariah to tell Asa and all Iudah and Beniamin that the Lorde was with him whilest they were with him encouraged them in their affliction to turne vnto the Lorde God of Israell for that their confidence and trust in him should not be frustrate but haue a rewarde Asa hearing these wordes of the Prophet was encouraged and tooke away all the abhominations out of the lande of Iudah and Beniamin And King Asa deposed Maachah his mother from hir regencie Pag. 93 And Asa 2. Chro. 15. brake downe hir Idoll and stamped it and burnt it at the brooke ●idron and King Asa did all these thinges at the counsell of the Prophet Neyther can the holie doctrine of the Gospell be sayd to be repugnant herevnto God is euermore one and the selfe same God in all ages he is euermore the author of peace and order not of discord or disorder If therefore the Lord haue not yet graciously opened hir Maiesties eies to vnderstand all and singular misteries of his Testament or if he will some blemish to remaine in the gouernment of a faithfull Queene vnder the Gospell as it pleased him to haue blots in the raigne of good Kings in the time of the law or if he will that the aduersaries of Iudah and Beniamin hire counsellers to trouble their building hinder their deuise all the daies of Cyrus or if he will the Temple to be built in the daies of Esra the chiefe Priest but the walles to be reedified by a Eliash●b and his brethren or if he will haue his Church tary his holye leasu●e and appointed time or if he haue any other glorious purpose to worke in our dayes by her Highnesse what is that to him that is a Minister of the Gospell Onely it behoueth him to be a faithfull Steward in his function For an woe hangeth ouer his head if he preach not because necessitie is layd vpon him And let him be assured that whatsoeuer is either bound or loosed by him in earth the same is bound and loosed by the Lord in heauen The repentant and faithfull shall be forgiuen the obstinate and impenitent shall be hardened And thus hauing deliuered my mind touching these things which otherwise by sinister construction might haue bene daungerous to my selfe and offens●ue to others Touching the former cauill I answere as followeth First I confesse that euery one meete and apt to teach that euery one qualified as is requisite that euery one moued inwardly by the holy Ghost and outwardly called and appoynted by the Bishop hauing authoritie by the order of this Church of England in this behalfe is Pag. 96 in deede and by lawe a Minister First because he is in deede and truth a Messenger sent and appoynted to this office by the Lord himselfe Secondly he is a Minister by the lawe of this lande For the state of this man learned qualified and inwardly called and the state of the vnlearned and vnqualified and not inwardly moued differ as much as light and darkenesse For where the life the learning the conuersation the paines of the former doe appeare in deede to be sincere sufficient honest and diligent euen such as the lawe it selfe requireth should be in him and so the ende of the lawe satisfied in that behalfe in this case and for this man there is a presumption Iuris de iure of lawe and by lawe that in his outward calling and tryall c. all things required by lawe were accordingly performed by the Bishop and so he a lawful Minister But touching the other man it is quite contrary and therefore this presumption by law must cease For where his life his learning his conuersation doe appeare manifestly ●los extrauag de prebend cū secundum As postolum ver ●eeat to be vile corrupt and vnhonest and not such as the lawe requireth and so the lawe frustrated in this case there is a presumption Iuris de iure of law and by law against him that he came to his office per surreptionem by stealth and vnorderly Letters obtayned for enioying benefices vntill it appeare they were obtayned either veritate tacita or falsitate expressa truth concealed or falshood expressed are good and to be obeyed but if afterwards either of these appeare they shall be accounted surreptitious and voyd A Bull or dispensation from the Pope authentically sealed is presumed to haue beene gotten bona fide in good faith but if in the tenour thereof appeare false Latine it is then presumed to haue beene obtained per surreptionem A sentence giuen by a Iudge is presumed to be a iust iudgement and euerie one for the authoritie and reuerence of the Pag. 97. Iudge ought so to deeme of the same But in case the matter be appealed and there be found a nullitie in his processe the former presumption ceaseth and the sentence as an iniurious sentence is to be reuersed In like manner if a Bishop should make an hundred ministers in one day for the authoritie
openly thorough euery Pag 3. 51. house witnessing both to the Iewes and Greekes the repentance that is towards God and the faith which is toward our Lord Iesus And now behold I goe bound in the spirite vnto Ierusalem not knowing the things that shall come to me there but that the holy Ghost witnesseth in euery citie saying that bonds and trouble abide me but none of these things moue me neither is my life deare vnto my selfe that I might fulfill my course with ioy and the ministration of the word which I haue receiued of the Lord Iesus to testifie the Gospell of the Grace of God And now behold I am sure that henceforth you all thorough whome I haue gone preaching the kingdome of God shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the bloud of all men For I haue spared no labour but haue shewed you all the counsell of God Take heede therefore to your selues and to all the flocke among whome the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers to rule the congregation of God which he hath purchased with his blond c. Or else the third chapiter of the first Epistle to Timothie THis is a true saying If any man desire the office of a Bishop he desireth an honest worke A Bishop therefore must be blameles the husband of one wife diligent sober discreete a keeper of hospitalitie apt to teach not giuen to ouermuch wine no fighter not greedy of filthy lucre but curteous gentle abhorring fighting abhorring couetousnesse Pag. 5● one that ruleth well his owne house one that hath children in subiection with all reuerence For if a man cannot rule his owne house how shall he care for the Congregation of God He may not be a young scholler least he swell and fall into the iudgement of the euill speaker He must also haue a good report of them which are without least he fall into rebuke and snare of the euill speaker After this shall be read for the Gospell a peece of the last chapter of Matthewe THen Iesus came and spake vnto them saying All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth Goe ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost teaching them to obserue all all things whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you And loe I am with you alway euen vnto the end of the world The praier vsed by the Bishop in the ordering of Ministers Pag. 56 ALmightie God giuer of all good things which by the holie spirite hast appointed diuers orders of Ministers in the Church Fol. 11. pag ● mercifully beholde these thy seruauntes nowe called to the office of Priesthoode and replenished them so with the trueth of thy doctrine and innocencie of life that both by worde and good example they may faithfully serue thee in this office to the glorie of thy name and profite of the congregation through the merits of our sauiour Iesu Christ who liueth and raigneth with thee and the holie ghost world without end Amen These praiers and places of Scripture appointed by the whole consent of the realme to be made and read at the time of making Deacons and Ministers most strongly prooue that their intent and purpose was to haue such men placed in the office of Deacons and Ministers as whom the holy Scriptures hath commaunded should be placed and as they praie might be placed But suppose that they being not so faithfull to the Lorde as were expedient for them account not the Lordes waies to be the best waies his councels not to be the wisest counsels to interprete the meaning of the statute because they are such waies as wherein the Lordes seruants applie them selues precisely to walke and therefore ignominiously are termed Precisians Suppose this I saie yea and suppose that they haue preferred their owne inuentions and set the consultations of the grauest Senatours and wisest Counsellours and chiefest Rulers of the land behinde their backes yet if reason might haue ruled them and their will might haue beene no lawe there was and is an other manner of calling of triall of examination other qualities an other face of the Church an other Latine tongue by other positiue lawes required which as partly by sequel of their proceedings and partly by their owne records appeareth was neuer or very seldome vsed by any of them The manner of calling ought to haue beene thus QVANDO EPISCOPVS c. When the Bishoppe The 〈◊〉 of calling is disposed to make an ordination all they which wil come to the holy ministerie the fourth daie before the ordination are to be called to the Citie togither wivh the Elders which ought to present them And this kinde of calling is a solemne publishing the Bishops purposes either by some processe openly fixed vpon the doores of the Cathedrall Church or proclaimed Voce Praeconis by the voice of an Apparatour to make the Bishops intent knowne● Pag. 54 that happily such a day he wil make Deacons or Ministers and therefore citeth such to be present as wil offer themselues meete men for that seruice Which manner of calling is briefly also commaunded by order and forme of the booke of ordaining Ministers First when the day appointed ●ol 2 p. 2. 27. Article by the Bishop is come c. And in the Articles of religion the selfe same is expressed It is not lawfull for any man to take vpon him the office of publike preaching or ministring the Sacraments In the title Articles for certaine orders in ecclesiasticall pollicie The manner of triall in the congregation before he be lawfully called and sent to execute the same In the Aduertisements likewise you haue these wordes First against the day of giuing orders appointed the Bishop shall giue open monitions to all men to except against such as they know not to be worthie either for life or conuersation The manner of triall followeth and ought to be after this sort Pag. 55 ET TVNC EPISCOPVS c. And then the Bishoppe ought to choose him Ministers and other men skilfull of the law of God exercised in Ecclesiasticall functions who first of all ought diligently to enquire out the life of them that are to be ordained their kinred their Countrie their age their bringing vp the place where they were borne whether they be learned whether instructed in the law of God whether they firmely holde the Catholike faith and in plaine words can vtter the same and they to whom this charge is committed ought to take heede that they doe not for fauour or for desire of reward decline from the truth to present anie to the handes of the Bishop either vnworthily or not meete to take holie orders And therefore let them continually three daies togither be examined and so on the sabboth in the which they are approoued let them be presented vnto the Bishop Out of the constitutions of
ministrare quos curare deberet ne diuer simode inficeret eosdom moribus exemplo It is perillous for the people vnder him to whome hee ought to minister the Sacraments and whome hee ought to heale that he diuersly infect them not with his manners and examples for that Diluere aliena peccata non valet is quem propria deuastant He cannot put away other mennes sinnes whome his owne sinnes deuoure And againe Periculosum est decentiae ecclesiae in scandalo populari It is daungerous for the Decencie of the church to be in anie publike slaunder or offence Againe Malus praelatus dicitur lupus rapiens praedam An euil prelate is saide to be a wolfe 83. distine nihil 2. q. 7. Quinec rauening his praie He is said to be Canis impudicus propter defectum regiminis A shamelesse dogge for want of gouernement Hee is saide to be Coruus propter peccatorum nigredinem As blacke as a Rauen for the foulenesse of his sinnes Hee is saide to be Sal 2. q. 7. Non omnis infatnatus ad nihilum proficiens Unsauorie salt profitable for nothing Hee is saide to be Porcus A Swine Hee is saide to be 4 c. Dist in mandaris Glos lind de offic Archis pres c. fin v. canss Capo A Capon because as a Capon can not crowe no more can a dumbe Prelate preach And to conclude Praelatus qui in doctrina mutus est non est verè Praelatus cum officium praelati non exerceat c. A Prelate which is mute in teaching is not in trueth a Prelate in so much as hee exerciseth not the office of a Prelate Pag. 29 These Canons and Constitutions not contrariant or repugnant to the Lawes Statutes or Customes of this realme neither derogatorie to her Highnesse Crowne and dignitie and therefore authorized by Act of Palament ought to haue beene better knowen and better executed by our chiefe Prelates then by the space of these 25. yeares they seeme generally to haue bene But yet besides these former decrees lawes and ordinances and the seuerall reasons principles and maximes wherevpon they were first grounded there remaineth somewhat more behind diligently to be considered the which thing the more earnestly euery man shall rightly weigh the more may he be astonished A thing done in Israell at the doing whereof it is a wonder that the eares of the hearers tingle not and the very haire of the heads of the standers by stare not for feare least the Lord in his righteous iudgement should execute his terrible vēgeance vpon them Thus standeth the case some pastoral church or churches being destitute of a Pastor or Pastors to feede the people a solemne assembly and conuocation of the chiefest of the gouernours of the Church must be gathered together and that not in an angle of a poore country village but in the chiefest citie of the Diocesse and that not on a workeday but either on the Lords day or on some other of their owne festiuall dayes and that for no small matters or to no small purpose but euen to present and offer vnto the Lord an holy sacrifice and to call vpon his most holy name To present I say vnto the Lord a present meete and acceptable for his maiestie euen men meete to serue him in his spirituall warres and to be Pastors to feede his people with spiritual foode of his holy word men meete to take vpon them the most highest and most noblest callings that he hath appointed to the sonnes of men the office and dignitie of the preaching of his holy Gospell Pag. 30 This I say is the actien wherof deliberate consideration is to be had and whereof followeth a discourse and wherein when all is done as it is imagined that can be done yet in truth there is nothing so nor so done they doe but flatter themselues bleare the eyes of others and which is most execrable as it were mocke and delude the Lord to his face Well then let vs consider what is done herein In the time of that vertuous King Coward the firt an order and forme was appointed by act of Parliament for consecrating Archbishops and Bishops and for the making of Priestes Deacons and ministers Which statute is reuiued and the same order and forme approued in the right yeare of his most excellent raigne The words of the statute are these And that such order and forme for the consecrating of Archbishops and Bishops and for the making of Priestes Deacons Ministers as was set forth in the time of the sayd late King and authorized by Parliament in the fifth and fifth yeare of the sayd late King shall stande and be in full force and effect and shall from henceforth be vsed and obserued in all places within this Realme and other the Dutines maiesties dominions and countries The title of the booke is this Pag. 31 The forme and manner of making and consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons And first to intreat of Deacons according to Ordering of Deacons the forme of the booke you shall vnderstande that in the order and forme of making Deacons three things principally are to be obserued First the qualities requisite to be in him that is to be made a Deacon Secondly the circumstances in making him a Deacon And thirdly the proper duetie and office belonging to him that is made a Deacon Touching his qualities they must be such as were requisite for the same First he must be a man of vertuous conuersation and without crime Secondly he must be learned in the Latine tongue Thirdly he must be sufficiently instructed in the holy Scriptures Fourthly he must be a man meete to exercise his ministerie duely Fiftly he must beleeue all the Canonicall Scriptures Sixtly he must be diligent in his calling Seuenthly he must be inwardly moued to that office by the holy Ghost And as touching the circumstances First he must be called Secondly tried Thirdly examined Fourthly he must be twentie one yeares of age at the least he must be presented by the Archdeacon or his Deputie Fiftly he must be made on a Sunday or holy day Sixtly he must be made openly in the face of the Church where must be an exhortation made declaring the duetie and office as well of the Deacons towards the people as of the people towards the Deacons Lastly touching the office committed vnto him it is First to assist the minister in diuine seruice Secondly to reade holy Scriptures and Homelies in the congregation Thirdly to instruct the youth in the Catechisme Fourthly to search for the sicke poore and impotent of the parrish and to intimate their estates names and places to the Curate that they may be relieued by conuenient aimes Pag. 32 The forme of ordering Priestes COncerning the making of Ministers not onely all those thinges before mentioned in the making of Deacons but other circumstances and solemnities are required also these demaunds and answers following must be made and giuen Bishop Doe