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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19191 The historie of Philip de Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton; Mémoires. English Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.; Danett, Thomas, fl. 1566-1601. 1596 (1596) STC 5602; ESTC S107247 513,370 414

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vse often when money faileth them to leuy an armie and make shewe as though they would inuade Scotland or Fraunce But after they haue receiued money for a yeere they lie abroad in campe three moneths and then returne home and dismisse their army which practise King Edward was well acquainted with and vsed often It was at the least a yeere before this English army could be in a readines but when it was furnished of all things necessarie the King of England aduertised the Duke of Burgundie die thereof who in the beginning of the sommer went before Nuz trusting in short space to put his Bishop in possession and to retaine certaine places as Nuz and others in his owne hands to what purpose you haue heard before I thinke verily that this proceeded of God who beheld with a pitifull eie this realme of Fraunce which vndoubtedly the Duke might shrewdly haue shaken considering that his army was mightie and all of olde soldiers accustomed by the space of many yeeres to enter and spoile this realme without any resistance saue onely by defence of the strong townes True it is that this proceeded of the King who would hazard nothing partly for feare of the Dukes force and partly for doubt of rebellion in his realme if he should receiue an ouerthrow for he knew himselfe not to be beloued of all his subiects especially the nobilitie And if I may vtter all he hath eftsoons told me that he knew his subiects well ynough and should finde them rebellious if his assaires happened to haue hard successe wherefore when the Duke of Burgundie entred into the realme he manned the townes well by the which he passed whereby in short space the Dukes army brake it selfe and the King neuer endangered his estate which vndoubtedly proceeded of great wisedome But all this notwithstanding the Dukes force being so great as it was if the King of Englands army had also entred in the beginning of sommer as assuredly it would had not the Duke so obstinately line before Nuz vndoubtedly the realme had stood in great danger for neuer King of England passed at once with so great force nor so well disposed to fight All the great Lords of England were there none excepted Their men of armes were 1500. at the least which was much for the English men all wel appointed and well accompanied and 14000. archers on horseback besides a great number of foote men that serued in the army and in all their campe was not one Page Further the King of England had in a readines three thousand men to land in Britaine to ioine there with the Duke of Britaines forces I saw my selfe two letters written with the Lord of Vrfés owne hands then seruant to the Duke of Britaine but afterward Master of the horse to King Charles the one addressed to the King of England and the other to the Lord Hastings Lord great Chamberlaine of England 12 The contents whereof among diuers other things were that the Duke of Britaine would do more in Fraunce by intelligence in a moneth than the King of England and the Duke of Burgundie notwithstanding their great forces in halfe a yeere which words I thinke would haue prooued true if the matter had come to execution But God who hath alwaies loued this realme disposed of these affaires as heereafter you shall heare These letters aboue mentioned the King bought of one of the King of Englands Secretaries for three score marks of siluer The Notes 1 This Duke Adolph maried Katherine daughter to Charles Duke of Bourbon and Agnes sister to Philip Duke of Burgundy Meyer 2 Duke Arnold lay in prison sixe yeeres Meyer but he misseth the cushion for other approoued authors and namely Guicciardin agree with Commines 3 The French hath Mambourg or Membourg which is as much as captaine or gouernor looke more heerof in the pedegree of the Dukes of Gueldres 4 Least it seeme strange that this yoong Duke whom our author in this very Chapter reporteth to haue beene well fauored of the Duke of Burgundy should be staied and imprisoned in his dominions you shall vnderstand that the Duke of Burgundy vpon hope to be Duke Arnolds heire himselfe altered his minde and of the yoong Dukes friend became his foe 5 The Emperor stirred not against the Duke of Burgundy for taking by force the Duchy of Gueldres which was held of the Empire bicause the Dukes of Gueldres by the space of thirty yeeres had done no homage to the Empire The Duke subdued Gueldres anno 1473. Meyer 6 It was our author himselfe that gaue the King this aduise Meyer 7 This quarrell began anno 1473. Meyer 8 The Palzgraues name was Robert his Chapter and he were at variance in such sort that they had gotten him excommunicated chosen Harman the Lantzgraue of Hesses brother to gouerne the charge Then the Duke of Burgundy tooke vpon him to place him againe in his Sea which appertained not to him but to the Emperor and the Pope in the end this Robert was taken and died in prison 9 The league betweene the Duke and the Bishop was that these places heere mentioned belonging to the Church of Coulon should haue remained to the Duke for his charges Nuz was besieged the 28. of Iuly 1474. 10 Nuz is beneath Coulon so that if the Duke had held that and three or fower places aboue Coulon the said city of Coulon being on al sides inuironed by him must perforce haue been at his commandement 11 This Lantzgraue was Lodouicus grandfather to Philip that last died 12 The Lord Hastings was indeed but Chamberlaine of the King house How the towne of Nuz was succoured by the Emperor and the Almains against the Duke of Burgundy and of other enimies that the King procured the Duke Chap. 2. THe Duke of Burgundy as you haue heard was now busied before Nuz and found the enterprise of more difficulty than he supposed The city of Coulon situate vpon the riuer of Rhene fower leagues aboue Nuz spent monethly 1 in the wars 100000. golde gildons for feare of the Duke And they and certaine other townes aboue them had already put fifteene or sixteene thousand footemen into the fielde who encamped on the other side of the riuer directly ouer against the Duke and planted great force of artillery vpon the banke thinking thereby to cut off his victuals that came vp the streame out of Guelderland and to sinke the botes by canon shot Moreouer the Emperor and the Princes Electors of the Empire assembled togither about this busines and concluded to leuy an army wherunto the King sent diuers messengers to sollicite them to whom also they sent a Chanon of Coulon of the house of Bauiere accompanied with another ambassador who brought him a roll of the army the Emperor was resolued to leuy if he for his part would ioine in the enterprise It is not to be doubted but that they receiued a good answer with promise of all they demanded
great as was thought neither any man of name slaine but a knight of Flaunders named Monseur de Sergine notwithstanding they sent him word that the valiant gentlemen and soldiers of his vaward were vtterly wearied and in great trouble and distresse for all that night they had stoode vpright in the mire by the towne gate Farther they told him that certaine of the footemen that fled were returned so discouraged that they seemed vnfit for any great exploit Wherefore they desired him for Gods loue to make haste to the end the citizens might be forced to retire euery man to the defence of his owne quarter and that it would please him to sende them some vittails for they had not one morsell of meat The D. foorthwith commanded two or three hundred to ride thither as fast as their horses could gallop to cōfort his soldiers and sent after them al the vittails he could come by and so was it high time for by the space of two daies almost and a night they had neither eaten nor drunke vnlesse it were some one that caried a draught of wine in a bottell Besides that the weather was maruelous foule neither could they possibly enter the town on that side they lay vnlesse the Duke embusied the enimie on the other side A great number of them were hurt and among the rest the Prince of Orenge whom I had forgotten to name before who behaued himselfe that day like a couragious gentleman for he neuer mooued foote off the place he first possessed The Lords of Lau and Vrfé did also very valiantly but the number of the footmen that fled the night of the skirmish was at the least ten thousand It was almost darke night when the Duke receaued this newes but after he had dispatched all his busines he returned to his ensigne and rehearsed the whole order of the skirmish to the King who reioiced to heare that all was so wel for the contrary might haue turned to his preiudice When they approched neere the towne a great number of gentlemen and men of armes lighted on foote with the archers to take the suburbes which were easely won and there the bastard of Burgundy who had great charge in this army vnder the Duke the Lord of Rauastaine the earle of Roucy the Constables sonne and diuers other gentlemen lodged euen hard by the gate which the enimies had also repaired as the former The Duke lodged in the midst of the suburbes but the King lay that night in a great grange a quarter of a league from the town where was very good lodging being accompanied with a great number of men as well of his owne as of ours This towne is situate vpon mountaines and vallies and in a maruellous fruitfull soile 1 the riuer of Maz runneth through it it is about the greatnes of Roan and was at that time a maruellous populous citie From the gate where we lodged to the other where our vaward lay the way was short through the towne but without it was at the least three leagues going so crooked and foule are the waies especially in winter in the midst whereof we came thither Their wals were all rased so that they might saly foorth where best liked them and their defence was onely a little rampire of earth for the towne was neuer ditched bicause the foundation is hard and sharpe rock The first night of the Dukes arriuall our vaward was much refreshed and eased for the force within the towne was then diuided into two parts About midnight they gaue vs a hot alarme whereupon the Duke issued foorthwith into the street and soone after arriued also the King and the Constable with great speede considering how far off they lay Some cried they saly out at such a gate others spake diuers discomfortable words the darke and rainie weather increased also their feare The Duke lacked no courage but failed somtime in good order giuing and to say the truth at this time he behaued not himselfe so aduisedly as many wished bicause of the Kings presence Wherefore the King tooke vpon him authoritie to command and said to the Constable Leade your men into such a quarter for if they salie that is their way and sure both his words and behauiour shewed him to be a Prince of great vertue and wisedome and well acquainted with such exploits notwithstanding this great alarme prooued nothing whereupon the King and the Duke returned to their lodging The next morning came the King and lodged also in the suburbs in a little house hard by the Dukes lodging accompanied with an hundred Scottish men of his garde and his men of armes lying in a little village hard by him which bred great suspicion in the Duke that he would either enter the citie or escape before it were taken 2 or peraduenture worke him some displeasure lying so neere him Wherefore he put into a great grange iust betweene their two lodgings three hundred men of armes being all the flower of his house who brake downe the panes of the wals to saly foorth the more speedily if neede so required and these had their eies continually vpon the Kings lodging which was hard by them The siege continued eight daies during which space neither the Duke nor any of the company vnarmed themselues But the euening before the towne was taken the Duke determined to assault it the next morning being Sonday the 30. of October the yeere 1468. and the token giuen to our vaward was this that when they heard one bombard and two great serpentines discharged one incontinent after another without more shot they should then couragiously go to the assault and the Duke on his side would do the like Farther the hower appointed for the enterprise was eight of the clocke in the morning the same night the assault was thus concluded the Duke vnarmed himselfe which since the beginning of the siege he had not done and commanded the whole armie especially those that lodged in the grange betweene his lodging and the Kings to do the like to the end they might refresh themselues but the selfesame night the citizens as though they had beene aduertised of this determination concluded to make a salie out of the towne on this side as they had before on the other The Notes 1 Of the seate of this towne read Guicci pag. 370. 2 Basinus vvriteth that the Duke for diuers considerations had rather haue lacked the Kings companie then haue had it but that the King to blinde the Duke vvith a pretence of good vvill offered himselfe to go vvith him which report all the circumstances considered seemeth vtterly repugnant to truth How the Liegeois made a desperate salie vpon the Duke of Burgundies men where he and the King were in great danger Chap. 12. I Will now rehearse an example whereby you shall perceiue how easely euen a few enimies may worke a great Prince displeasure and how much it importeth Princes throughly to waie their enterprises
with Fraunce if he were once out of his hands he feared if the citie could not be taken by assault that his returne into his realme should be delaied and peraduenture himselfe put in prison for the Dukes better assurance Whereby you may perceiue in how miserable estate these two princes liued which could by no meanes assure themselues each of other for they had concluded and solemnly sworne a finall peace not past fifteen daies before yet could al this put neither of them in assurance How the citie of Liege was assaulted taken and spoiled and the Churches also Chap. 13. THe King to rid himselfe of all danger about an hower after his returne from this salie aboue mentioned to his lodging sent for certaine of the Dukes principall seruants that had been in counsell about the assault and inquired of them what was concluded They told him that the resolution was to assault the citie the next morning according to the order first appointed Then he very wisely began to alleage diuers great doubts which pleased well the Dukes men for they all feared the assault maruellously both bicause of the great number of people within the towne and also bicause of the desperate salie made not past two howers before wherefore being desirous to stay the assault for two or three daies and take the towne by composition they went foorthwith to the Duke to make report of the Kings allegations I my selfe being present when they came There they rehearsed all the doubts the King alleaged and as many as they themselues could deuise but al they fathered vpon the King doubting that he would not take it well at their hands The D. answered that the King alleaged these doubts only to saue the citizens tooke it in euill part saying that there could be no danger in the enterprise considering that they within could make no counterbatterie neither had any wals for their defence adding also that the rampires they had made at the gates were already beaten down wherfore he would vse no further delaies but go to the assault the next morning as it was concluded Notwithstanding he would be contented that the King if it so pleased him should go to Namur till the taking of the towne vnder this condition not to depart thence till the issue of this enterprise were seene which answer pleased none of them all for euery man feared the assault bicause of this salie The Dukes answere was reported to the King not in so hard termes as he deliuered it but in much milder language The King vnderstood the meaning of it well ynough and said he would not go to Namur but be at the assault the next day among the rest In mine opinion if he had been so disposed he might very easily haue escaped that night for he had with him an hundred archers of his garde and certaine gentlemen of his house besides three hundred men of armes that lodged hard by him but vndoubtedly where he stood vpon his honor he would not be stained with cowardize Euery man reposed himselfe in his armor til morning and some disposed of their consciences bicause the enterprise seemed very dangerous When it was brode day light and that the hower appointed drew neer which was eight of the clock the Duke commanded the bombard and the two serpentines to be discharged thereby to aduertise our vaward of the assault which lay on the other side far from vs if you take the way without the towne but not far going through it as before you haue heard They hearing the shot incontinent prepared themselues to the assault The Dukes trumpets sounded and his ensiegnes were anaunced towards the wals their bands folowing them The King stood in the midst of the streete very well accompanied for all his three hundred men of armes his garde and certain noble men and gentlemen of his house were with him And when we approched so neere the wals that they and we should haue ioined no resistance was founde neither any man vpon the wals saue two or three of the watch all the rest were gon to diner supposing we would not giue the assault vpon the Sonday so that we found the cloth laid in euery house at our entry Small account is to be made of rude people vnlesse they be led by some captaine whom they reuerence although somtime in their fury they be greatly to be feared These Liegeois were before the assault maruelously spent and wearied partly bicause of their two salies wherein they lost a great number of their men and all their leaders and partly bicause of the great labor trauel they had sustained the space of eight daies for bicause they lay open to the enimy on all sides they were all forced to be continually vpon the wals and I suppose they thought to repose themselues this day bicause of the Sabaoth but it chaunced to them contrary to their expectation On that side we entred was no resistance made and lesse yet on the other where our vawarde lay which entred the towne before vs. Fewe were slaine 1 for all the people fled by the bridge ouer the riuer of Maze towards the countrey of Ardennes and from thence to other places for their more safety On the side that we entred I sawe but two men and one woman slaine neither thinke I that there died two hundred persons in all for the rest fled or hid themselues in churches and houses The King seeing no resistance and the whole army being as I ghesse to the number of forty thousand throng into the towne at two breaches marched forward at leasure to whom the Duke being entred a good way into the city sodainly returned accompanied him to the palace from whence he went to the cathedrall Church of Saint Lambert 2 which his men were about to breake into by force to take the prisoners and spoile that was conueighed thither And notwithstanding that he had appointed certaine of his house to garde the said church yet could they not do it bicause the soldiers assaulted both the dores Wherefore the Duke himselfe went thither and one man I sawe him slea with his owne hand 3 whereupon all the company disparkled and the church was vnspoiled Notwithstanding in the end they that were within it were taken and their goods also The rest of the churches being so many in number that I haue heard the Lord of Himbercourt who knew the towne well report as many masses to be song there euery day as in Rome 4 were in maner all spoiled vnder colour of taking prisoners For mine owne part I entred into none but the cathedral church but thus I was aduertised and sawe also good proofe therof for the Pope many yeeres after excommunicated all those that withheld any of these church goods vnlesse they restored them and the Duke appointed certaine commissioners to go through his countrey to see the Popes commandement executed The city being thus taken and sacked about noone the
the Prince of Wales at the battell of Poictiers paied for his raunsome three millions of franks and yeelded to the English men all Aquitaine at the least all that he held in his hands with a number of other cities townes and places yea in a maner the thirde foote of his realme whereby he brought his realme into such pouertie that manie yeeres after they vsed leather monie with a little stud or naile of siluer in the middest thereof And all this gaue he and his sonne King Charles surnamed the VVise for his raunsome And if they would haue giuen nothing yet would not the English men haue put him to death but his greatest paine had beene imprisonment But admit they had put him to death yet had not that pain been so great by the hundred thousandth part as the least paine in hell Why gaue he then all this great raunsome aboue rehearsed destroying his children and subiects but onely bicause he beleeued that which he saw and perceiued well that he could not otherwise be deliuered But peraduenture when he committed the fault for the which this punishment fell vpon him his children and subiects he beleeued not firmely that the offence he made against God and his commandements should be punished Now to conclude there is no Prince or very few that will restore one towne they withhold from their neighbor for the loue of God or to eschew the paines of hell and yet King Iohn gaue all this to deliuer his bodie out of prison I asked a question before who will search out great mens faults who will informe the Iustice of them and who will be the Iustice to punish them Whereunto I now answer that the information shall be the lamentable crie and plaint of their subiects whom they tyrannize and oppresse so many waies without any compassion the sorrowfull lamentation of widowes and orphans whose husbands and fathers they haue wrongfully put to death by meanes whereof their wiues and children haue euer after liued in affliction and miserie and generally the complaints of all those whom they haue persecuted either in their persons or goods These I say shall giue information against them by their great mourning wailing and pitious teares and shall accuse them before the Lord God who will be the iust iudge thereof and peraduenture will not delay the punishment till the world to come but will also punish them in this world which punishment proceedeth of lacke of faith bicause they had not a firme and stedfast beleefe in Gods commandements We must therefore of necessitie confesse that God is forced to shew such tokens and examples to the end both Princes themselues and all the world may beleeue that these punishments fall vpon them for their misbeleefe and sinnes and that God sheweth his mightie power and iustice vpon them bicause none other in this world but he hath power ouer them At the first happily they amend not their liues for Gods scourges be they neuer so great and long But no misfortune falleth vpon a Prince vpon those that gouerne his affaires or vpon those that rule great commonalties but the issue is hurtfull and dangerous to the subiects When I say misfortunes I meane none but such as cause the subiects to smart for to fall from a horse to breake a leg to be punished with a sharpe ague are no misfortunes to a Prince bicause he may be cured of them and peraduenture they may do him good and teach him wit but I call these misfortunes when God is so displeased with a Prince that he will no longer suffer him to raigne but shew his power and iustice vpon him For then first he weakeneth his wits which is a shrewd blowe for all those that haue to do with him he troubleth his house and suffereth it to fall into diuision and disquietnes and the Prince himselfe is so far in Gods disgrace that he flieth the counsell and companie of the wise and aduaunceth none but yoong fooles voide of wit oppressors flatterers and such as soothe him in all his sayings If he take one penie they bid him take two if he threaten a man they bid hang him and after that sort in all other actions Further they giue him counsell in any wise to cause himselfe to be feared and they also behaue themselues cruelly and proudly trusting by this meanes to hold men in awe of them as though authoritie were their inheritance Those whom such Princes by the aduise of these new Counsellors haue banished and displaced hauing serued many yeeres and being well acquainted and friended in their countrie will storme at this vsage and for their sakes their friends and well willers also and peraduenture such iniurie shall be offered them that they shall be forced either to defend themselues or to flie to some Prince their neighbor who perchance is enimy to him that banisheth and chaseth them and so by inward diuision stangers shall enter into the land Is any plague or miserie so great as wars betwixt friends and acquaintance Is any malice so ranke and deadly As touching forren enimies when the subiects are linked togither they may easily make resistance bicause their enimies haue no intelligence nor acquaintance in the realme Thinke you that an vnwise Prince being accompanied with fooles can smell a far off how great a mischiefe diuision among his subiects is or beleeue that it can hurt him or proceedeth of God he eateth and sleepeth no whit the woorse for it he hath neither fewer horses in his stable nor fewerrobes in his wardrobe but many mo companions For he allureth men vnto him by promises and by parting among them the spoiles and offices of those whom he hath banished he giueth also of his owne to win thereby fame and renowme but when he shall least thinke of it God will raise vp an enimie against him whom peraduenture he neuer mistrusted Then will he waxe pensiue and suspect those whom he hath iniuried yea he will feare such as indeede owe him no euill will yet notwithstanding he will not haue his refuge to God in this extremitie but seeke to redresse this inconuenience by force Haue we not seene in our daies examples heerof euen among our next neighbors Haue we not seene the late King of England Edward the fourth of that name heire of the house of Yorke vtterly destroy the house of Lancaster vnder the which both his father and he had liued many yeeres Further the said King Edward hauing done homage to King Henry the 6. being of the house of Lancaster did he not afterward hold him prisoner many yeeres in the tower of London the chiefe citie of the realme where in the end he was put to death Haue we not also seene the Earle of Warwicke principall gouernor of all the said King Edwards affaires after he had put to death all his enimies especially the Duke of Sommerset in the end become deadly enimy to his Master giue his daughter in mariage to the
him vvere slaine 14. or 15. hundred 5 Before lib. 5. cap. 2. he reporteth these 40000. franks to be florens and so in mine opinion it should be read heere 6 VVhen these Swissers began first to be entertained then were the franck archers cassed which was anno 1480. 7 The old copie raseth Verdun and hath Semur which the Annales of Fraunce call Sennier saying that both this and Verdun also rebelled How Monseur d'Argenton during these wars of the conquest of Burgundie was sent to Florence and how he receiued homage of the Duke of Milan in the Kings name for the Duchie of Genua Chap. 5. MY voiage into Italy was about a quarrell that arose between two great houses very famous in those daies the one the house of Medicis the other the house of Pacis the which Pacis by the supportation of the Pope and Ferrande King of Naples thought to haue slaine Laurence of Medicis al his adherents notwithstanding of him they failed but his brother Iulian they slew in the great church of Florence and with him one called Francis Noly a seruant of this house of Medicis who stepped foorth before the said Iulian to saue him Laurence de Medicis being sore hurt retired into the vestrie of the church the doores whereof are of copper were made by his fathers commandement A seruant whom he deliuered out of prison but two daies before did him good seruice that day and receiued many wounds for him This murther was committed while hie masse was sung for the time agreed vpon for the execution was when the Priest that sung masse began Sanctus But the successe of the enterprise answered not their expectation For supposing all to haue been fully accomplished certaine of them went vp to the pallace minding there to haue slaine all the Lords of the towne being to the number of nine which haue the whole gouernment of the citie and change at euery three moneths end But they that attempted this enterprise were euill followed by their companions by meanes whereof when they came to the top of the palace staires one shut a doore after them whereupon they seeing themselues not past fower or fiue were astonished and wist not what to say which the Lordes of the towne that were aboue and their seruants perceiuing looked out at the windowes and saw all the towne in an vprore and hard Master Iames of Pacis with his companions cry in the midst of the market place before the pallace Liberta Liberta and Popolo Popolo which were words wherby they thought to allure the people to take part with them which notwithstanding the people did not but held themselues quiet Whereupon Master Iames de Pacis and his companions seeing the euill successe of their enterprise fled out of the place as men astonished Which when the Lords and gouernors of the towne being within the pallace perceiued they tooke immediately those fiue or sixe that were come vp euill accompanied and euill followed with intent to haue slaine them and taken the gouernment into their hands and commanded them presently to be hanged at the bars of the pallace windowes the archbishop of Pise 1 being one of them Further the said gouernors perceiuing al the city to take part with them the house of Medicis gaue commandement foorthwith that all found men flying should be staied at the passages and brought backe to the towne at the which instant Master Iames of Pacis was taken and with him one sent thither by Pope Sixtus being a captaine of certaine bands vnder the Earle Hieronimo which Earle was also of the conspiracie The said Pacis with his companions was in like maner immediately hanged at the bars of the pallace windowes the Popes seruant was beheaded and besides these diuers were taken in the towne who were al hanged in this heate of the which Francis de Pacis was one There were as I gesse hanged in all fowerteene great personages besides certaine seruants slaine in the towne A few daies after this vprore I arriued at Florence from the King hauing vsed great diligence after my departure out of Burgundy for I staied no where but two or three daies with the Duchesse of Sauoye the Kings sister who entertained me very honorably From thence I went to Milan where I soiorned also two or three daies and demanded aide of them to succor the Florentines with whom at that time they were in league which my request they willingly graunted both bicause of the Kings demand also for their leagues sake wherefore they sent foorth at that present three hundred men of armes and soone after other bands But to proceede the Pope excommunicated the Florentines immediately after this fact committed and caused foorthwith his owne forces and the King of Naples forces to marche Their army was strong and great and they had in pay a number of good soldiers They besieged first a little forte neere to Senes called the Chastellennie which they tooke with diuers other places so that the Florentines were in great distresse for bicause they had liued long in peace they were vnacquainted with the warres neither vnderstoode the danger they were in Laurence de Medicis their chiefe gouernor in the towne was but yoong and ruled altogither by yoong men yet the whole citie rested vpon his opinion Moreouer they had but few Captaines and their force was very small but the generall of the Popes and King Ferrand of Naples army was the Duke of Vrbin a valiant and wise Prince and a good captaine In their campe were also the Lord Robert of Arimini who since hath been a man of great estimation the Lord Constantine of Pesaro and diuers others that accompanied the King of Naples two sonnes the Duke of Calabria and the Lord Dom Frederic who are al yet aliue besides a great number of other valiant soldiers Thus they tooke all the places that they besieged but not so speedily as we would haue done in Fraunce bicause they vnderstood not what appertained neither to the siege nor defence of a towne so well as we but sure as touching the leading of an army giuing order both for victuals al other things necessary for a campe they passe vs far The fauor the King shewed the Florentines stood them in some stead though not so much as I wished but I had no forces there to aide them with saue onely my traine I staied at Florence and in their dominions about a yeere altogither vpon their charge they vsed me very honorably and till the last day my entertainment rather amended then impaired Then the King called me home and as I passed through Milan I receiued homage for the Duchy of Genua of the Duke of Milan called Iohn Galeas at the least of the Duchesse his mother who did homage to me as the Kings deputie in hir sonnes name From thence I returned to the King our Master who receiued me gratiously and acquainted me with his affaires more than euer
these conditions that if the marriage were accomplished they should permit him quietly to enioy the counties of Burgundie Auxerrois Masconnois and Charolois and he for his part would restore vnto them Artois reseruing onely to himselfe the citie of Arras in such sort as he had fortified it for the towne was now nothing woorth considering the fortification of the citie For before the King tooke Arras the towne was fortified with ditch and rampire against the citie but now the citie was fortified against the towne and held for the King by the Bishop wherein the King did contrarie to the Princes of this house of Burgundie For they alwaies at the least by the space of these hundred yeeres made Bishop whom they listed and placed a captaine in the towne besides but the King to increase his authoritie did cleane contrarie and caused also the towne wals to be beaten downe and the citie to be fortified so that now the citie shutteth vpon the towne a great ditch being betweene both Wherefore the King indeed offered nothing for whoso hath the citie hath the towne at commandement Of the Duchie of Burgundie the countie of Bolloin the townes situate vpon the riuer of Somme the territories of Peronne Roye Montdidier no mention was made After these ouuertures were once set on foot they of Gaunt furthered them to the vttermost of their power and vsed very rudely the Duke and Duchesse his wife as did also diuers other great townes of Flaunders and Brabant which were fully bent to follow the proceedings of them of Gaunt especially Brucelles which was growen so wealthie bicause of the continuall residence that Duke Philip and Duke Charles of Burgundie had made there as did also at this present the Duke and Duchesse of Austriche that the wealth ●nd quietnes wherein they had liued vnder these two Dukes aboue named made them forget God and their dutie to their Prince so that they procured themselues that misfortune which afterward as you haue seene fell vpon them The Notes 1 The old copie saith but 500. men of armes 2 There were slaine at the battell of Guinegate 11000. Burgundians and 5000. French men Gaguin How King Lewis being visited with sicknes lost his wits and lay speechlesse somtime recouering and eftsoones falling into his disease againe and how he behaued himselfe in his castell of Plessis les Tours Chap. 7. ABout this time in the yeere 1479. in the moneth of March truce was made betweene these two Princes The King was verie desirous of peace especially in those parts so that it might be altogither for his aduentage For he began now to waxe old and sickely so far foorth that once being at dinner at Forges neere to Chinon he was suddenly taken in all parts of his bodie and lost his speech he was taken vp from the table and held to the fire and the windowes shut to the which notwithstanding that he desired to go yet some of his freiends held him and would not suffer him so to do meaning all for the best This disease tooke him in the yeere of our Lord 1480. in the moneth of March he laie altogither speechlesse he knew no man and his memorie was wholly taken away At the which instant you my Lord of Vienna came thither and serued him at that time in steed of a Phisition for you gaue him a glister and caused the windowes to be opened and the aire to be let in whereupon immediately he recouered his speech and his memorie after a sort and tooke horse and returned to Forges for this disease tooke him in a village a quarter of a league thence whither he went to heare masse He was diligently tended made signes what he would haue done among other things he desired that the officiall of Tours might be called to shriue him and made signes also that I should be sent for for I was gone to Argenton being ten leagues thence when I came I found him at the table with Master Adam Fumee who sometime had beene King Charles the seauenths Phisition and was at that present Master of the requests and another Phisition called Master Claude he vnderstood little what any man saide notwithstanding griefe he felt none he spake plainely almost neuer a word but made signes that I should be in his chamber I waited vpon him the space of 15. daies 1 at his table about his person as one of the groomes of his chamber which I accounted great honor to me and thought my self in dutie bound so to do After two daies he recouered his speech his memorie after a sort and bicause he thought that no man vnderstood him so well as my selfe his pleasure was that I should alwaies be by him and he confessed himselfe to the officiall in my presence otherwise they would neuer haue vnderstood one an other He had not much to say for he was shriuen not long before bicause the Kings of Fraunce vse alwaies to confesse themselues when they touch those that be sicke of the Kings euill which he neuer failed to do once a weeke If other Princes do not the like they are to blame for continually a great number are troubled with that disease After he was somewhat recouered he began to enquire who they were that held him by force from going to the windowes whose names when he heard foorthwith he banished them the Court so that they neuer came afterward to his presence some of them also he put out of office From others namely the Lord of Segre and Gilbert de Grasse Lord of Champeroux he tooke nothing but commanded them to depart Many woondered at this toie blaming him for so vsing them considering that all that they did was for the best and they said truth but Princes imaginations are strange and a number are bold to prattle of them that vnderstand them not The King feared nothing so much as the diminishing of his authoritie being maruellous great for the which cause he would not be disobeied in any point Further he remembred that when King Charles his father fell into the disease whereof he died he entred into suspition that his seruants sought to poison him at his sonnes request 2 which phansie sanke so deepely into his head that he refused his meate Wherefore it was concluded by the aduise of his Phisitions and of his chiefest and trustiest seruants that he should be forced to eate the which was executed verie orderly and aduisedly by those that serued him for cooliz was powred into his mouth but soone after this force he died The King our Master who had euer misliked this ordering of his father stomacked maruellously that he had been held thus perforce but yet made shew of much greater displeasure than indeed he had conceiued therof The chiefe cause that mooued him so to do was feare least they should Master him in all other things especially in the expedition of his waightie affaires vnder colour of the imperfection of his wits After
who practised continually after the manner of Italy They being in Rome the Pope in the night receiued Dom Ferrand with his whole forces into the towne whereupon our ambassadors and some fewe of their seruants were staied but the selfe same day the Pope dismissed them Notwithstanding he held still in prison the Cardinall Ascaigne his vicechauncellor and brother to the Duke of Milan and Prospere Coulonne some said by their owne accord Of all these accidents I was aduertised incontinent by the Kings letters but the Seniorie more amplie by their ambassadors All this hapned before the King entred into Viterbe for neither party staied aboue two daies in a place But as touching our affaires they prospered better than we could wish and no maruell for the Lord of Lords gaue them successe as all men might manifestly perceiue This army that lay in Ostie could do no seruice bicause of the foule weather further you shall vnderstand that the force which the Lord of Aubigny led was returned to the King and himselfe also neither had he further charge thereof The Italians were also dismissed that had been with him in Romaine vnder the leading of the Lord Rodolph of Mantua the Lord Galeot of Mirandula and of Fracasse brother to the L. Galeas of Saint Seuerin the which with their said company being to the number of fiue hundred men of armes were well paied by the King for they serued him as before you haue heard The King after his departure from Viterbe remooued to Naples 5 which the Cardinall Ascaigne held Further it is most certaine that while our men lay in Ostie aboue twenty fathomes of Rome wals fell to the ground on the same side they should haue entred The Pope seeing this yoong King come thus suddenly with such successe agreed that he should enter the citie for to saie the truth he could not otherwise choose and desired a safe conduct 6 which the King willingly granted for Dom Ferrand Duke of Calabria and onely son of K. Alphonse who in the night retired to Naples the Cardinall Ascaigne conueying him to the gate 7 Then the King entred the citie in armes as a Prince hauing power to dispose of all things at his pleasure and diuers Cardinals with the gouernors and Senators of the towne came foorth to receiue him He lodged in Saint Markes pallace which is the Culonnois quarter who were his friends and seruants at that time But the Pope retired into the castle of Saint Ange. The Notes 1 This Cardinall was afterwards Pope Iulius the second and prooued a deadly enimie to the French Further this towne of Ostie distressed Rome by meanes that being the very entrie into the riuer of Tyber it kept all victuals from comming to Rome by vvater for the vvhich cause the olde Romanes called the towne Ostia bicause it vvas the very doore or mouth as it vvere of the riuer 2 The factions of Houc and Caballan began in Holland 1444. Berlandus Reade Meyer lib. 16. fol. 300. pag. 2. 3 The King gaue to Fabrice Colonne the countrie of Albe and Taillecousse vvhich vvere before Virginio Vrsins and to Prosper the Duchie of Tracette and the citie of Fondi 4 This Corsique being corrupted in the French vve haue restored according to Panlus Iouius Guicciar hath Corse 5 This is not the citie of Naples but a little tovvne called in the Annales of Fraunce Neple in Latin Nepesum of the Italians Nepi 6 Ferdinande Duke of Calabria refused the pasport Guicciar 7 Ferdinande vvas sonne to Hypolitie sister to Duke Galeas of Milan to the Lorde Lodouic and to this Cardinall How King Alphonse caused his sonne Ferrande to be crowned King and then fled himselfe into Sicilie with a discourse of the euill life that his father the olde Ferrande and he had led Chap. 11. WHo would haue thought that this proude King Alphonse hauing beene trained vp all the daies of his life in martiall affaires that his son and al these Vrsins whose faction was so great in Rome would thus haue abandoned the citie through cowardise especially seeing they knew and vnderstood perfectly that the Duke of Milan began to wauer and the Venetians to stir and to treate of a league which had then been concluded as I was certainly informed if they had made any resistance at Viterbe or Rome to stay the King but a few daies but God meant to shew that all these proceedings passed far the reach and compasse of mans braine And heere note by the way that as the citie wall fell downe so did fifteene fathoms also of the vaumure of the castell of Saint Ange as I haue beene aduertised by diuers especially by two Cardinals there present Now I must returne to speake a word or two of King Alphonse So soone as the Duke of Calabria called the yoong Ferrande was returned to Naples his father King Alphonse iudged himselfe vnwoorthie longer to raigne bicause of the euils he had committed and the manifold cruelties he had vsed against diuers barons and Princes of his realme For you shall vnderstand that whereas his father King Ferrande and he had taken notwithstanding their safe conduct to the number of 24. of them and had held them in prison from the time of their rebellion against the said Ferrande 1 till the hower of his death this Alphonse immediately after his fathers decease for a surplusage of all crueltie caused them miserably to be murthered and with them two other whom his father had also taken vnder safe conduct the one Duke of Sesse 2 a man of great authoritie and the other Prince of Rosane who had married the said Ferrandes sister and had issue by hir a sonne a very goodly gentleman True it is that the said Prince had wrought great treason against him for the which he had well deserued death if he had not been taken vnder safe conduct but King Ferrande to rid himselfe of all feare tooke him that notwithstanding being come to him by his commandement and laide him in a maruellous stinking prison and afterward his said sonne also being betweene fifteene and sixteene yeeres of age Thus had the Prince of Rosane liued a prisoner when King Alphonse came to the state about fower and thirty yeeres But the said Alphonse immediately after his coronation commanded these prisoners to be led into an Iland neere to Naples called Iscle 3 whereof heereafter more mention shall be made and there villanously to be slaine all saue one or two whom he held still in the castell of Naples namely the said Prince of Rosans sonne and the noble Earle of Popoli I haue diligently inquired after what sort he caused them thus cruelly to be murthered for many supposed they had been yet liuing when the King entred into the good towne and citie of Naples and diuers of their principall seruants haue informed me that he caused them villanously and horribly to be slaine by a Moore of Afrike not sparing these ancient Princes some of the which
to offend him but to defend themselues adding further that they aduertised me the day I departed from Padua by one of their prouisors who came with their army that they sent against vs that their force should not passe a certaine riuer in their dominions neere to Parma 4 called as I remember Olye vnlesse he inuaded the Duke of Milan The said Prouisor and I gaue secret tokens each to other by the which messengers might passe to and fro betweene vs if need should so require to treat of some good end for I would breake off no ouuerture of peace bicause I knew not what might happen to the King my Master At this our communication was present one Master Lewis Marcell who by the seniories appointment accompained me out of their dominions and gouerned for that yeere the Motz viere 5 which is a certaine treasure they haue in like maner certaine of the Marques of Mantuas men who caried money to their Master were also present at it but they heard not our talk From these or frō som others I brought the K. in writing the number of their horsemen footmen and Estradiots 6 and the names of their captaines but few of those that were neerest about him credited my words After the King had reposed himselfe two daies at Sene and well refreshed his horses and his company I earnestly pressed him to depart for his enimies were not yet assembled and I feared onely the Almaines arriuall of whom the King of Romaines mustered great force and leuied great summes of money for their paiement But notwithstanding all my solicitation the King put foorth two matters to his councell which were soone debated the one whether he should restore the Florentines places to them and accept the offers they made for the restitution of them being these to pay him the thirtie thousand ducats remaining yet vnpaide of the summe they gaue him 7 to lend him besides seauen tie thousand and to serue him as he passed out of Italie with three hundred men of armes and two thousand footemen vnder the leading of Master Frauncis Secco a valiant knight and in good credit with the King My selfe and diuers others were of opinion that he should accept these conditions retaining onely Ligorne in his hands till his returne to Ast And if he had so done he might haue paied his soldiers and reserued money ynough to haue withdrawen part of his enimies forces and then haue fought with them But this resolution tooke no place for Monseur de Ligny a yoong man cosin german to the King ouerthrew it not alleaging any reason to the contrarie but onely for pitie of the Pisans The other point debated was a matter that Monseur de Ligny himselfe caused to be propounded by Gaucher of Tinteuille by one of the factions of the Senois the which desired the said Monseur de Ligny for their captain For you shall vnderstand that these Senois are euer in diuision and gouerne their common wealth more fondly than anie other towne in Italie 8 I being first asked mine aduise said that I thought it best for the King to march forward not to busie himself with these foolish offers which could not stand him in steed one week to an end alleaging further that bicause this was an imperiall towne we should by this meanes prouoke the whole Empire against vs. All the rest were of the same opinion yet was the cleane contrarie done for the Senois receiued Monseur de Ligny for their Captaine and promised him yeerely a certaine summe of money whereof he neuer receiued peny This foolish matter staied the King there sixe or seauen daies during the which space he solaced himselfe with the Dames Further he left there three hundred of his men diminishing his force by so much and then remooued to Pisa passing by Poggibonzia a castle of the Florentines But they whom he left at Sene were chased thence within a moneth after I had forgotten to tell you how I being at Florence iourneying towards the King went with one of the stewards of his house named Iohn Francois a wise and discreet person to visite a Frier Iacobin called Frier Hieronime 9 a man of holie life as all men reported abiding in a reformed couent where he had remained fifteen yeeres The cause why I went to commune with him was for that he had euer preached very fauorablie on the Kings behalfe so far foorth that his words had staide the Florentines from reuolting from vs for neuer preacher caried so great credit in any citie he had euer assured them of the Kings comming whatsoeuer was said or written to the contrarie affirming that he was sent of God to chastice the tyrants of Italie and that no force should be able to withstand him He preached further that the King should come to Pisa and enter into the towne and that the selfe same daie the estate of Florence should be altered as also it happened for the same daie was Peter of Medicis banished the towne Diuers other things also foretold he long before they happened namely the death of Laurence of Medicis all the which he saide he vnderstood by reuelation He preached yet further that the estate of the church should be reformed by the sword This is not yet come to passe but was very neer and he auoweth still that it shall be Many found great fault with him bicause he saide that God reuealed these things to him but some beleeued him sure I for my part take him for a holie man I asked him whether the K. should passe out of Italie without danger of his person seeing the great preparatiō the Venetiās made against him whereof he discoursed perfectlier than my selfe that came from thence He answered me that the K. should haue som troble vpon the way but that the honor therof should be his though he were accompanied but with an hundred men and that God who had guided him at his comming would also protect him at his returne Adding notwithstanding that bicause he had not done his dutie in the reformation of the Church but had suffered his men to spoile and rob the people as well those that tooke his part voluntarily receiued him into their cities as his enimies God had pronounced sentence against him and would shortly scourge him Neuerthelesse he bad me tell him that if he would haue compassion one the poore people and endeuour himselfe to keepe his men from doing euill and punish the offenders as he was bound by his office to do that then God would reuoke his sentence at the least mittigate it adding thereunto that he ought not to thinke it a sufficient excuse that he in his owne person did no harme He said moreouer that himselfe would go and tel the King thus much and so indeed he did and perswaded with him to restore the Florentines places to them When he spake thus of Gods sentence the death of my Lord the Daulphin came suddenly to my minde for
for he liued not long after Notwithstanding before his death he did his Master good seruice in the battell against the Liegeois wherof you shall now heare I haue made mention before how the Duke departing from Louuain laide his siege before Sainctron and bent his artillerie against it Within the towne were three thousand Liegeois vnder the charge of a valiant knight the selfe same that was their chiefe commissioner for peace when we met them in order of battell the yeere before But the third day after the Dukes arriuall before the towne the Liegeois with great force came to leuie his siege about ten of the clocke in the morning they were thirtie thousand men 2 and aboue good and bad all footmen saue fine hundred They were well furnished of artillerie and encamped within halfe a league of vs in a strong village called Breton part whereof was enuironed with a marish Farther Francois Royet Baillif of Lions and the Kings ambassador at that time to the saide Liegeois was with them in their armie 3 Our fourragers were the first that aduertised vs of their arriuall for we had no scoutes abroade which was a foule ouersight I neuer was in place with the Duke of Burgundie where I saw him giue good order of him selfe but this daie onely Incontinent he raunged all his battels in the fielde saue certeine bands appointed to lie still at the siege among the which were fiue or sixe hundred English men Farther he beset both the sides of the village with twelue hundred men of armes and placed him selfe with eight hundred men of armes directlie ouer against the village somewhat farther off then the rest he caused also a great companie of gentlemen and men of armes to light on foote with the archers then the L. of Rauastain with the vaward being all on foote as wel men of armes as archers marched forward with certeine peeces of artillerie euen hard to the Liegeois trenches which were broad deepe full of water yet notwithstanding with force of arrowes and cannot shot the enimies were repulsed and their trenches wonne and their artillerie also but when our shot failed vs the Liegeois recouered their spirits and with their long pikes gaue a charge vpon our archers and their Captaines of whom they slew in a moment foure or fiue hundred in such sort that all our ensignes begane to wauer as men halfe discomfited At which instant the Duke commanded the archers of his battell to march being led by Philip of Creuecoeur Lord of Cordes a wise gentleman and diuers other valiantmen who so couragiously assailed the enimies that with the turning of a hand they were put to flight But neither the horsemen aboue mentioned that stood on both sides of the village neither the Duke himselfe could follow the chase bicause of the marish for they were placed there onely to this end that if the Liegeois had broken the D. vawarde and issued foorth of their trenches into the plaine they might then haue giuen a charge vpon them The Liegeois fled along through the marish being pursued onely by our footmen notwithstanding the Duke sent part of the horsemen that accompanied himselfe to follow the chase but they were forced to ride two leagues about before they could finde any passage by meanes whereof they were benighted which saued many a Liegeois life The rest of his horsemen the Duke sent to his campe bicause they heard a great noise there and doubted the enimies sally and indeede they had issued foorth thrise but were alwaies repulsed especially through the valiantns of the English men that the Duke left there behind him a few of the Liegeois after they were put to flight relied themselues togither at their cariage but staied not long there In this battell were slaine 9000. men 4 which number I am sure shal seeme great to all that loue truth but I haue beene in my time in manie battels where for one that was slaine men made report of a hundred thinking thereby to please their Masters whom often they abuse with such vntruths Sure had we not beene benighted there had beene slaine aboue fifteene thousand the battell being ended 5 the Duke when it was darke night returned with the whole armie into his campe saue a thousand or twelue hundred horse that were gone two leagues about to follow the chase for otherwise they could not come neere their enimies bicause of a litle riuer that was to passe They did no great exploit bicause of the night notwithstanding some of their enimies they slew and some they tooke but the greatest part escaped into the citie The Lord of Contay did good seruice this day in giuing order in the battell died shortlie after in the town of Huz and made a good end he was a wise a valiant knight but liued not long after his cruel sentence pronounced against the hostages aboue mentioned The D. immediatlie after he was vnarmed called one of his secretaries and wrote a letter to the Constable and the other ambassadors departed from him at Louuain not aboue foure daies before wherein he aduertised them of his victorie and desired them to attempt nothing against the Bretons Within two daies after the battell the pride of this foolish people was cleane abated though their losse were not great whereby appeereth how dangerous a thing it is for any Prince to hazard his estate in battell if he may by anie other means make a good end for a smal losse in a battel changeth altereth the minds of his subiects that receiueth the ouerthrow more than any man would thinke causing them not only to stand in great feare of their enimies but also to despise contemn their Prince and those that are in authority about him yea to murmur and practise against him They demand boldlier than they were accustomed and storme if ought be denied them so that the Prince mought haue done more with one crowne before the battell than with three after it Wherefore if he that hath receaued the ouerthrowe be wise he will not aduenture a second battell in this estate with those that haue fled but onely defend his owne and seeke some small enterprise easie to be atchiued to the end thereby his subiects may recouer their former courage and remooue all feare To conclude the losse of a battell traineth with it a number of inconueniences to him that is vanquished Notwithstanding great conquerors haue iust cause to desire the battell to abridge their labours as haue also the Englishmen and Switzers both bicause they are better footemen then their neighbors as appeareth by the great victories they haue obteined which notwithstanding I write not to the dispraise of other nations and also bicause their men can not keepe the fields long without dooing some exploit as Frenchmen and Italians can who also are more full of practise and easier to be gouerned than they Now on the otherside he that obtaineth the victory increaseth his honor
and estimation his subiects are the more obedient they deny him nothing that he demandeth his soldiers also waxe thereby the hardier and the more couragious Notwithstanding oftentimes the Princes themselues after a victory obteined are so puffed vp with pride and vaine glory that commonly their good successe turneth to their harme all the which hapneth by Gods disposition who sendeth alterations according to mens deserts When they within Sainctron saw the battell lost and themselues inclosed on all sides supposing also the discomfiture to be much greater then indeede it was they laid downe their armor yeelded the towne and deliuered such men to the Dukes mercy as he demanded whom he incontinent caused to be beheaded sixe of them being of the hostages that he had dismissed a few daies before vnder such conditions as you haue heard From thence he dislodged and marched to Tongres which abode the siege but bicause the towne was nothing strong they yeelded before the battery vnder the same conditions that their neighbors of Sainctron had accepted and deliuered also ten men to the Duke who were put to death as the former fiue or sixe of them being likewise of the hostages aboue mentioned The Notes 1 The newe copie hath Liny but the old and La Marche name it Huy Guicci Hoey Hubertus Huyum Meyer Hoyum and almost all other good authors 2 The Liegeois armie to succour Sainctron was of 20000. men but understand besides the Kings forces lead by Messir Bare or Barrado as Meyer termeth him who vvas slaine in the battell Meyer 3 The King sent to aide the Liegeois 400. men of armes and 6000. archers Meyer 4 There were slaine at this battell 6000. saith the old copie 3000. Meyer grounding himselfe vpon certeine obscure Annalists one of Flanders the other of Brabant of purpose to contrarie our author as in my epistle is shevved more at large 5 This battell vvas fought vpon Alhallovve Eeuen De la Marche but Meyer saith the 27. of October How some of the citizens of Liege agreeing to yeeld their towne and others refusing so to do the Lord of Hymbercourt found meanes to enter into it for the Duke of Burgundie Chap. 3. FRom Tongres the Duke marched to the citie of Liege where the people were in great diuision for part of them gaue aduise to defend the towne saying that they had force sufficient within it so to do the cheife of the which faction was a knight called Master Raz of Laitre but others seeing all the countrey about burned and destroied would in any wise haue peace were the conditions neuer so vnresonable wherefore when the Duke approched neere to the city diuers ouertures of peace were made by certaine meane persons as prisoners and such like But the principall dealers in the matter were certaine of our hostages who doing cleane contrary to the others aboue mentioned and acknowledging the great fauor the Duke had shewed them brought to his campe with them three hundred of the best citizens in their shirts bare headed bare legged who presented the keies of the city to him and yeelded themselues to his mercy humbly beseching him onely to giue them his word that the towne should neither be fired nor sacked And at the selfe same time that they came in this estate to the Duke the Kings ambassadors being Monseur de Mouy and a secretary called Iohn Preuost were there present who were come to the Duke with the same demandes that the Constable had made a few daies before Farther the verie day of the composition the Duke supposing to enter the citie sent the Lord of Hymbercourt thither before him bicause he was well acquainted in the towne and had beene gouernor thereof vnder Duke Philip during the yeeres they liued in peace notwithstanding entrie was denied him for that day whereupon he retired and lodged in an abbey without one of the towne gates being accompanied with fiftie men of armes the whole number amounting to two hundred souldiers and I my selfe being one of them The Duke of Burgundie sent him word if the place where he laie were strong not to dislodge otherwise to retire backe to him for he could hardlie haue succoured him bicause all that countrey is rock and stone The said Hymbercourt resolued not to mooue for the place was very strong but retained with him fiue or sixe of the citizens that brought the keies to ●he Duke minding to vse their helpe to good purpose as heereafter you shall peceiue At nine of the clock at night we heard a bell ring at the sound whereof the citizens vse to assemble whereupon the said Hymbercourt doubted that this bell called companie togither to issue foorth to assaile vs for he was aduertised that Master Raz of Laitre and other of the citizens would not agree to peace and in deed his surmise was true for that was their determination and they were euen vpon the pointe to sally Then said the Lord of Hymbercourt to vs if we can dalie with them but till midnight we are safe for they will waxe wearie and desirous of sleepe and then those that are our enimies in the towne will flie when they shall see their enterprise frustrate wherefore to bring his purpose to passe he dispatched two of the citizens that he had staied with him and deliuered them certeine freindly articles in writing meaning only to busie the citizens with farther talke to win time for their maner was yet is to assemble togither at the Bishops pallace to debate of their affaires when the bel aboue mentioned is rung These two Burgesses which had been of our hostages when they came to the gate being hardlie two bow shot from the abbey where we lodged found a great number of the citizens there in armes some of the which would needs issue foorth to assaile vs some not Then our two Burgesses tould the Maior of the citie aloude that they brought certeine friendly articles in writing from the Lord of Hymbercourt the Duke of Burgundies lieutenant in those countreis willing him to returne to the pallace to read them whereunto he agreed and incontinent we heard the bell ring againe wherby we vnderstood that they were busied about our articles Our two Burgesses returned not but about an hower after we heard a greater noise at the gate than before and a much greater number came thither in armes crying and rayling vpon vs from the wals whereby the Lord of Hymbercourt perceiued our danger to be now rather increased then diminished wherefore he dispatched the other fower hostages that were yet with him by whom he wrote a letter the contents whereof were that during the time he was gouernor of the citie for the Duke of Burgundie he had vsed them gentlie and louinglie neither would for anie thing consent to their destruction especially seeing not long before he had beene a commoner of one of their companies in the towne namely the Goldsmithes companie 1 wherefore they ought so much the
acquainting vs with ages past and the other by teaching vs more in a booke in three monthes than twenty men liuing successiuely can learne by experience so if a man lack wit to put that which he readeth in practise his reading serueth to no purpose Wherfore to end this discourse me think the greatest plague that God can lay vpon a realme is to giue them an vnwise Prince the roote and fountaine of all mischiefe for first diuision and ciuill wars arise thereof among his subiects bicause he giueth his authority to others which especially aboue all things he ought to reserue to himselfe After diuision ensueth famine and mortality and all other euils that accompany the wars wherefore heereby we may consider how much a Princes subiects ought to lament when they see his children wantonly brought vp and gouerned by euill conditioned persons The Notes 1 Of treasons in treaty we haue numbers of examples First of Iugurtha taken by his father in law Boccus and deliuered to the Romaines Sertorius slaine at a banquet by Perpenna In England we haue the treason of Hengist to Vortiger In Scotland we reade of William Earle of Douglasse slaine by Iames King of Scots in treaty In Germanie Albert Earle of Franconia betraied in treaty by Ottho Bishop of Mentz Iohn of Angieu slaine by Albertus Bauarus Earle of Henault and Flanders notwithstanding his safe conduct In Fraunce Iohn Duke of Burgundie slaine by Charles the 7. William Duke of Normandie by Arnulph Earle of Flanders Lewis King of Fraunce taken prisoner by the Normans and Danes at Roan Iohn Duke of Britaine taken at a banquet and imprisoned by Margaret Countisse of Pontibera Guido Earle of Flanders twice taken prisoner vnder safeconduct by Philip le Bell King of Fraunce Charles the simple slaine by the Earle of Vermandoys VVhat should I speake of the tresons of Ferrande and Alfonse Kings of Naples or of Christiern King of Denmarke with numbers of others recorded in histories as our author heere very truly reporteth 2 Others be of a contrarie opinion that our life is as long as in Dauids time appeereth by the 90. Psalme where he sheweth the vsuall age of man in his time to haue beene 70. and sometime 80. yeers which men reche to at this day also and if mans life be as long now as then it is a good consequent that his body is as strong as is to be prooued by manie reasons too long to reherse Now that our faith is as good as theirs appeereth also by the ancient histories for if this be a true saying Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbis And the Princes in times past were so euill as none could be worse as who so list to reade without partiality shal be forced to confesse I see no reason that the world should be worse now then in times past although it seeme so to many bicause we see the worst of our owne age yea and feele too many times but commonly the histories deliuer to vs but the best of times past and burie the worst and though they did yet the euill seene with our eie is more liuely imprinted in minde then the euill we conceiue by our eare which is the cause men euer thinke better of the times past then the present estate 3 Imaruell if King Lewis were learned he would haue his sonne to learne onely this lesson Qui nescit dissimulare nescit regnare How and for what cause the King was staied and held prisoner in the castell of Peronne by the Duke of Burgundies commandement Chap. 7. YOu haue heard how the King and this army of Burgundie arriued at Peronne both in one istant for the Duke could not countermand them in time bicause they were well forward vpon the way when the Kings comming was first communed of Their arriuall troubled the feast bicause of diuers doubts that sprang thereof Notwithstanding these two Princes appointed certeine of their seruants to negotiate togither about their affaires in most louing and freindly sort But after three or foure daies communication these strange newes came from Liege which I will now reherse The K. comming to Peronne had cleane forgotten the two ambassadors sent to Liege to sollicite them to rebell against the Duke who so diligently executed their charge that before the Kings arriuall at Peronne the Liegeois had leuied great force and were gone to surprise the towne of Tongres where the Bishop of Liege and the Lord of Hymbercourt lodged accompanied with two thousand men and better and the said Bishop and Hymbercourt they tooke with certein other of the Bishops familiar friends but few they slew neither was the number of the prisoners great the rest fled as men discomfited leauing bag and bagage behinde them This done the Liegeois returned towards their citie not far distant from Tongres and vpon the way thitherward the Lord of Hymbercourt compounded for his ransome with a knight called Master VVilliam de Ville named by the French Le Sauuage who fearing lest this furious people should kill him suffered him to depart vpon his word which notwithstanding he neuer chalenged for soon after himselfe was slaine the people reioiced much for the taking of their Bishop Farther you shall vnderstand that they hated extremely certaine chanons of the Church taken prisoners that day of whom for the first repast they slew fiue or sixe one of the which was named Master Robert the Bishops speciall friend whom I my selfe haue often seene armed at all peeces waiting vpon his Master for such is the maner of the Alemaigne Prelates 1 The said Master Robert they slew in the Bishops presence and hewed him into a number of small gobbets which they threw one at another in dirision To be short before their returne to Liege which was but eight leagues from Tongres they slew sixteen chanons and others all in maner the Bishops seruants This done they receiued aduertisement that the treatie betweene the King and the Duke was alreadie begun wherefore they dismissed certaine Burgundians supposing to excuse their fault by seeming to haue attempted nothing against the Duke but only against their Bishop whom they led prisoner into the citie Those that escaped put all the countrie in an vprore as they went by means whereof this newes came soone to the Duke some said all were slaine others the contrarie for such aduertisements are neuer reported after one sort At the length certaine arriued that saw these chanons slaine who supposing the Bishop and Hymbercourt to be of the number auowed constantly that all were murthered and farther that they saw the Kings ambassadors in the companie whom also they named All this was told the Duke who foorthwith beleeued it and fell into an extreme furie saying that the King was come thither to abuse him and gaue commandement to shut the gates of the castell and the towne spreading a fond rumor that he did it bicause of a budget with iewels and monie that was lost The King
Duke returned to the pallace The King had already dined and seemed greatly to reioice at the taking of the towne and commended also much the Dukes courage and valiantnes knowing that report thereof should be made to him and that these good words would somwhat further his returne into his realme which was his speciall desire After diner the Duke and he met and communed togither very pleasantly and if the King commended his valiantnes behinde his backe I warrant you he dispraised it not before his face which the Duke tooke in very good part I must now returne to speake somwhat of this miserable people that fled out of the city for proofe of a discourse I made in the beginning of this history touching inconueniencies I haue seen ensue a battell lost by a King a D. or a meaner Prince These miserable soules fled through the countrey of Ardennes with their wiues and children But a Knight dwelling in those parts who euer to fore had taken part with them slew now a great number of them and to recouer the conquerors fauor sent word thereof to the Duke reporting the number of those that were slaine and taken to be much greater then in deed it was Notwithstanding that it were great whereby he made his peace with the Duke and saued him selfe Others fled towards Meziers vpon the Maz being within the realme of Fraunce but vpon the way two or three of their Captaines were taken one of the which was named Madoulet who were lead to the Duke and by his commandement put to death Some of these people died also of hunger some of cold and some for lacke of sleepe The Notes 1 Some write that there were slaine in one day at Liege 100000. and Munster writeth 40000. and 12000 women drowned in the riuer which seemeth to disagree with Commines who reporteth not aboue 200. to haue beene slaine notwithstanding our author must heere not be vnderstood so strictlie as though there had not died aboue 200. in all for his meaning is onely that at the entrance into the towne there were not slayne aboue two hundred othervvise considering the number that vvere slaine in Churches houses and flight it cannot be but that manie thousands died neither is our authors meaning othervvise 2 Some copies haue Saint Lavvrence but the old copie Saint Lambert vvhich Annal. Burgund and Guicci report to be the principall Church in Liege 3 The Duke slue before the Church of Saint Lambert tvvo or three archers vvith his ovvne hand La Marche 4 There vvere in Liege to the number of 32. Churches and eight Colleges of priests Meyer fovver abbies fovver frieries three nunneries and vvithout and vvithin the tovvne aboue an hundred Churches Guicci Hubertus How King Lewis returned into Fraunce with the Duke of Burgundies consent and how the Duke proceeded in destroying the countries of Liege and Franchmont Chap. 14. FOwer or fiue daies after the taking of the towne the King began to sollicite such of the Dukes seruants as he held for his friends to mooue their Master for his departure but he himselfe first brake the matter to the Duke after a sage and a wise sort saying that if he could stand him in any more stead he should not spare him otherwise he desired to returne to Paris to cause the treatie to be recorded in the Court of parlament for the maner in Fraunce is to record all treaties there otherwise they are of no force notwithstanding the Kings authority may do much therein He required also the Duke that the next sommer they mought meete againe in Burgundy and make mery a month togither whereunto the Duke in the end agreed mumbling somwhat to himselfe Farther the Duke commanded the treatie to be read againe before the King to know whether ought were passed in it that he misliked putting him to his choise to alowe or disalowe thereof at his pleasure Somwhat also he excused himselfe for bringing him to this siege Lastly he besought him that one article mought be added to the treaty in fauor of the Lords of Lau and Vrfé and Poncet of Riuiere to wit that they mought be restored to all their estates and offices that they enioied before the wars began which request misliked the King for there was no reason why the Duke should require to haue them comprehended in the treaty both for that they were none of his partakers in the wars aboue mentioned 1 and also bicause they serued the Lord Charles the Kings brother not the Duke Notwithstanding the King answered that he would grant his demand vpon condition that he would accord the like to the Lords of Neuers and Croy wherunto the Duke replied nought This was a very wise answer of the King for the Duke hated these Lords by him named so extremely and held so goodly possessions of theirs that he would neuer haue condescended to restore them of the other articles the King answered he would alter none but confirmed the whole treaty as they two had sworne it at Peronne Thus was it agreed that the King should returne home and the Duke accompanied him about halfe a league But at their leaue taking the King said thus vnto him if my brother who is now in Britaine will not accept this partage that I haue giuen him for your sake what will you that I do 1 Whereunto the D. answered thus sodainly without farther deliberation if he will not I refer the order thereof to you two of the which demand and answer sprang a great matter as heereafter you shall heare Thus returned the King in great ioy being safe conducted by the Lords of Cordes and Meriens 2 great bailife of Haynault to the frontiers of the Dukes dominions The Duke abode still in the city of Liege which was extremely handled I must needs confesse but sure they had well deserued so to be delt with bicause of the great cruelties they had cōtinually vsed against the Dukes subiects euer since his grandfathers daies Besides that they neuer performed any promise nor kept any treaty they made and this was the fift yeere that the Duke himselfe had been there yeere by yeere in person and concluded peace which ordinarily the next yeere they brake Farther they had continued excommunicated of long time for their great cruelty against their bishop whereof notwithstanding they made no account neither would obey the commandements of the church on that behalfe Immediately after the Kings departure the Duke with small force determined to go into Franchemont a countrey alitle beyond Liege lying among sharpe rockes and thicke woods From thence came the best soldiers the Liegeois had and of this countrey were they that made the desperate saly aboue mentioned Before his departure a great number of poore prisoners that hid themselues in houses at the taking of the towne were drowned Farther it was concluded that this citie heeretofore so populous should be burned at three seuerall times 3 and three or fower thousand footmen of the
further the King assured by letters as well the Emperor as diuers Princes and townes that so soon as the Emperor with his army should be come to Coulon he would send twenty thousand men to ioin with him vnder the leading of the Lord of Cran and Sallezarde Thus this Dutch army prepared to march being greater than is almost credible 2 for all the Princes of Almaine as well spirituall as temporall all the Bishops townes and commonalties had men there yea so great numbers euery one of them that as I was informed the Bishop of Munster who is none of the richest Bishops had in this army sixe thousand footemen fourteene hundred horsemen and twelue hundred waggons all couered with greene true it is that his Bishoprick lieth neere to Nuz 3 The Emperor was seuen moneths in leuying this army which time expired he came and encamped within halfe a league of the Duke of Burgundy by diuers of whose men I haue beene aduertised that though the King of Englands army and the Dukes had beene ioined both togither yet should they not haue beene the third part of the Emperors neither in men nor in tents and pauilions Besides the Emperors force was also this other army aboue mentioned which lay directly ouer against the Duke on the other side of the riuer and endamaged greatly his campe and cut off much of his victuals When the Emperor and the Princes of the Empire were come before Nuz they sent to the King a Doctor of great authoritie with them called He seuare afterward a Cardinall who came to sollicite the King to performe his promise and send the forces whereof he had assured the Emperor by letters otherwise to tell him that the Almaines would conclude peace The King put him in good hope that he would so do and gaue him a present of fower hundred crownes and sent with him to the Emperor one called Iohn Tiercelin Lord of Brosse notwithstanding the Doctor departed nothing well contented During this siege maruellous practises were entertained The King trauelled to conclude peace with the Duke of Burgundie at the least to prolong the truce to the end the English men should not passe the seas The King of England on the other side labored to the vttermost of his power to perswade the Duke to depart from Nuz and performe his promise by aiding him to make war in Fraunce alleaging that the sommer was far spent And the Lord of Scalles a curteous Knight nephew to the Constable of Fraunce with diuers others was twise sent ambassador to the Duke to sollicite him thereunto but he was obstinate Whereby it manifestly appeered that God had troubled his wits and vnderstanding for all his life time he had labored the English men to passe into Fraunce and now when they were in a readines and all things prepared for the wars as well in Britaine as elsewhere he lay obstinately before a place impregnable With the Emperor was a legate sent from the Pope who rode daily betweene the two camps to treate of peace The King of Denmarke came also thither and trauelled to pacifie this controuersie being lodged in a little towne hard by both the armies so that the Duke might haue departed to the English men with honorable conditions Notwithstanding he would not but excused himselfe to the King of England vpon his honor which he said should be stained if he leuied his siege with diuers such like slender excuses Heere you must note that these were not those English men that in the time of Duke Philip his father had made war so long in this realme but these were yoong soldiers vtterly vnacquainted with our French affaires Wherefore the Duke proceeded very fondly if he meant to vse their helpe for he should the first sommer haue been continually with them leading them from place to place and instructing them what was to be done While the Duke lay thus obstinately before Nuz war arose against him on two or three sides for the Duke of Lorraine who hitherto had been in peace with him sent to defie him before Nuz by the Lord of Crans perswasion who to further the Kings affaires allured the Duke of Lorraine thereunto assuring him that it would turne greatly to his profit Incontinent the said Duke of Lorraine put himselfe into the field and spoiled all the Duchie of Luxembourg and razed a place there called Pierre-forte two leagues from Nancy Further by the Kings procurement and certaine of his seruants a league was made for ten yeeres betweene the Swissers and certaine townes vpon the riuer of Rhene 4 namely Basill Strasbourg and others which before had beene their enimies Peace was also concluded betweene Duke Sigismond of Austrich and the said Swissers the conditions whereof were that Duke Sigismond should take againe the countie of Ferrette 5 which he had engaged to the Duke of Burgundie for a 100000. florens But this one article remained yet in variance betweene Duke Sigismond and them namely that the Swissers required passage through fower townes of the countie of Ferrette 6 at their pleasure which controuersie was referred to the Kings arbitrament who pronounced sentence for the Swissers Heereby you may perceiue what enimies the King stirred vp couertly against the Duke of Burgundie As the matter was concluded so also was it executed for in a faire moone shine night Peter Archambaut 7 gouernor of the countie of Ferrette for the Duke of Burgundie was taken prisoner accompanied with eight hundred soldiers who were all dismissed safe and sound saue himselfe alone whom they led to Basill 8 and there endited of diuers extortions and outrages committed in the said countie of Ferrette and in the end strake off his head Immediately after his death all the countie of Ferrette yeelded to Duke Sigismond and the Swissers began to make war in Burgundie and tooke Blasmond a towne being the Marshals of Burgundie who was of the house of Neuf-chastell and besieged the castell of Hericourt belonging also to the said house of Neuf-chastel whither the Burgundians went to leuie the siege but were discomfited 9 and a great number slaine The said Swissers maruellously endamaged the countrie and then returned home for that time The Notes 1 The citie of Coulon tooke part with the Chapter against the D. of Burgundies Bishop 2 The Emperor had in pay in this armie 80000. men 3 But his Bishoprick is on the other side the riuer of Rhene 4 These townes were Strasbourg Slecstat Basill Colmar c. 5 Ferrette in Dutch Pfirt 6 The townes the Swissers desired passage through were Reinfeld Loufenberg Neustat and Brissac 7 Others call him Peter Hagenbach but the variance ariseth bicause one nameth him by his surname the other by his seigniorie for he was called Peter Archambaut of Hagenbach 8 Others write that he was beheadded at Brisac a towne neere to Basill 9 The Lord of Blasmond led this armie and in this battell the Burgundians lost 2000. men Annal. Burgund How the King wan
this house of Burgundy where he receiued a yeerely pension of sixe thousand guildons wherefore besides that he was their kinsman he resorted thither ofttimes as a pensioner to do his dutie The Bishop of Liege and diuers noble men were there also partly to wait vpon this yoong Lady and partly for their owne particular affaires For the said Bishop entertained a sute there to discharge his countrey of a paiment of thirtie thousand guildons or thereabout which they gaue yeerly to Duke Charles by the treatie they made with him when the wars aboue mentioned ended All the which wars began for the said Bishops quarrell so that there was no cause why he should mooue this sute but rather seeke to keepe them still in pouertie for he receiued no benefit there more than of his spirituall iurisdiction and of his demaines which also were but small 2 in respect of the wealth of his countrey and the greatnes of his dioces The said Bishop brother to the Dukes of Bourbon Iohn and Peter now liuing being a man wholie giuen to pleasures and good cheere and little knowing what was profitable or vnprofitable for himselfe receiued into his seruice Master VVilliam de la Marche 3 a goodly valiant knight but cruell and of naughtie conditions who had been enimy of long time both to the said Bishop and also to the house of Burgundie for the Liegeois cause To this de la Marche the Ladie of Burgundie gaue fifteene thousand guildons partly in fauor of the Bishop and partly to haue him hir friend but he soone after reuolted both from hir and from the said Bishop his Master and attempted by force through the Kings fauor to make his owne sonne Bishop Afterward also he discomfited the said Bishop in battell slewe him with his owne hands and threw him into the riuer where his dead corps floted vp and down three daies But the Duke of Cleues was come thither in hope to make a mariage betweene his eldest sonne and the said Lady which seemed to him a verie fit match for diuers respects and sure I thinke it had taken effect if his sonnes conditions had liked the yoong Ladie and his seruants for he was descended of this house of Burgundie and held his Duchie of it and had been brought vp in it but peraduenture it did him harme that his behauior was so well knowen there The Notes 1 This Duke of Cleues vvas called Iohn vvhose father Adolph had married Marie sister to Duke Philip of Burgundie Meyer lib. 17. pag. 257. but Annal. Burgund saie that Adolph was sonne to one of Duke Philips sisters but corruptly as the pedegree in the end of this vvorke vvill declare 2 The Bishop of Liegeois reuenevves are nine thousand pound starling Guicchiar 3 This de la Marche vvas named Aremberg hovv he died after this murther reade Berlandus fol. 77. How they of Gaunt after their ambassadors returne put to death the Chauncellor Hugonet and the Lord of Himbercourt against their Princesses will and how they and other Flemmings were discomfited before Tournay and their generall the Duke of Gueldres slaine Chap. 17. NOw to proceede in the historie After these ambassadors were returned to Gaunt the councel was assembled and the Princesse sate in hir chaire of estate accompanied with all hir noble men to giue them audience Then the ambassadors made rehearsall of the commission she gaue them touching principally that point that serued for their purpose and saying that when they aduertised the King that she was determined to followe in all points the aduise and counsell of the three estates of hir countrey he foorthwith answered that he was sure of the contrarie and bicause they auowed their saying offered to shew the said Ladies letters in that behalfe The Princesse being therewith mooued suddenly answered in the presence of them all that it was not so assuring hirselfe that the King had not shewed hir letter Then he that spake being Recorder of Gaunt or Brucels drew the letter out of his bosome before the whole assemblie and deliuered it hir Wherein he shewed himselfe a lewde fellow and an vnciuill in dishonoring openly after such a sort this yoong Ladie who ought not so rudely to haue been delt with for though she had committed an error yet was it not publikely to be reformed It is no maruell if she were greatly ashamed thereof for she had protested the contrarie to the whole worlde The Dowager of Burgundie the Lord of Rauastain the Chauncellor and the Lord of Himbercourt were all fower there present also The Duke of Cleues and diuers others who had beene put in hope of this yoong Ladies marriage stormed maruellously at this letter then began their factions to breake foorth The said Duke was euer perswaded heeretofore that Hymbercourt would further his sute for his sonne but now perceiuing by this letter his hope to be frustrate he became his mortall foe 1 The Bishop of Liege and his minion Master VVilliam de la Marche who was there with him loued him not for the things done at Liege whereof the said Hymbercourt had beene the chiefe instrument The Earle of Saint Paule sonne to the Constable of Fraunce hated both him and the Chancellor bicause they two deliuered his father at Peronne to the Kings seruants as before you haue heard at large They of Gaunt also hated them both not for any offence made but bicause of the great authoritie they had borne whereof vndoubtedly they were as woorthie as any man that liued in their time either heere or there for they were euer true and faithfull seruants to their Master To be short the same day at night that this letter was shewed the aboue named Chancellor and Hymbercourt through the furtherance as I am perswaded of their enimies aboue named were apprehended by the citizens of Gaunt which danger notwithstanding that they were forewarned of by their friends yet had they not power to auoid as it hath often happened to diuers others With them was also apprehended M. VVilliam of Clugny then Bishop of Therouenne since of Poictiers and all three imprisoned in one place They of Gaunt proceeded against them by colour of processe contrarie to their accustomed maner in their reuenge and appointed certaine of their Senate to heare their cause with whom they ioined in commission one of this house of La Marche deadly enimie to the said Himbercourt First they demaunded of them why they caused Monseur de Cordes to deliuer the citie of Arras to the King but thereupon they stood not long notwithstanding that they had nothing else iustly to charge them with But this was not it that grieued them for neither cared they to see their Prince affeebled by the losse of such a towne neither had they the wit to consider what great damage might ensue thereof to themselues in tract of time Wherefore they rested chiefly vpon two points 2 the first they charged them that they had receiued bribes of the
had the wardship of hir children and my selfe haue seen hir there in great authoritie being a widow and gouerned by one Cico a Secretarie and an ancient seruant of that house This Cico had banished all Duke Galeas brethren for the said Ladies safetie and hir childrens and among the rest the Lord Lodouic afterward Duke of Milan whom she reuoked being hir enimie and in war against hir togither with the Lord Robert of Saint Seuerine a valiant captaine whom she had also banished by the said Cicos perswasion To be short at the request of a yoong man that carued before hir called Anthony Thesin being a Ferrarian of very meane parentage she called them all home through great simplicitie supposing they would do the said Cico no harme and the truth is that so they had sworne and promised But the third day after their returne they tooke him notwithstanding their oth and caried him in an emptie caske through the town of Milan he was allied by mariage to one of the Viscomtes 3 and if the said Vicomt had been in the citie at that present some say they durst not haue taken him Moreouer the Lord Lodcuic caused this matter so to be ordered that the said Robert of S. Seuerin comming that way should meete with this Cico as he passed through the towne in this estate bicause he hated him extremely Thus was he led prisoner to the castle of Pauie where he died They vsed this Lady very honorably in hir iudgement seeking to content hir humor in all things but all matters of importance they two dispatched making hir priuie but to what pleased them and no greater pleasure could they do hir than to communicate nothing with hir They permitted hir to giue this Anthony Thesin what she would they lodged him hard by hir chamber he carried hir on horsebacke behinde him in the towne and in hir house was nothing but feasting and dauncing but this iollitie endured but halfe a yeere She gaue many goodly things to this Thesin and the couriers packets were adressed to him which bred great disdaine in many wherein the L. Lodouic vncle to the two children aspiring to the Duchie which afterward also he obteined nourished them as much as in him lay One morning they tooke hir two sonnes from hir and lodged them in a great tower within the castell called the rocke wherunto consented the said Lodouic the Lord Robert of Saint Seuerin one called de Palleuoisin gouernor of the yoong Dukes person and the captaine of the rocke 4 who since Duke Galeas death had neuer departed out of the place neither did many yeeres after this till he was taken prisoner by the Lord Lodouickes subtletie and his masters folly being of his mothers disposition After the aboue named had lodged these children in the rocke they seized vpon the treasure being at that time the richest in Christendome and made hir yeeld account thereof Moreouer they caused three keies therof to be made one of the which she kept but the treasure after that day she neuer touched They made hir also to surrender the wardship of hir children and the said Lodouic was chosen their guardian Further they sent letters into diuers countries especially into Fraunce which my selfe sawe written to hir great dishonor for they charged hir with this Anthonie Thesin whom notwithstanding they sent away vnharmed for the Lord Robert saued both his life and goods These two great men entred not into the rocke at their pleasure for the captaine had his brother in it with a garrison of a hundred and fiftie soldiers or better when they entred the gate was straightly kept neither entred they accompanied at any time with more than a man or two and this endured a long space In the meane time great variance arose between the Lord Lodouic and Robert of S. Seuerin for vsually two great men can not long agree but Lodouic wan the garland the other departed to the Venetians seruice Notwithstanding afterwards two of his sonnes returned to the seruice of the said Lodouic and the state of Milan namely Master Galeas and the Earle of Caiazze some say with their fathers consent others say no but howsoeuer it were the said Lodouic highly fauored them and both hath been and yet is very faithfully serued by them You shall vnderstand that their father the Lord Robert of Saint Seuerin was issued of a base daughter of the house of Saint Seuerin but in Italie they make no difference betweene a bastard and childe legitimate This I write bicause they furthered our enterprise in Italy aswell in fauour of the Prince of Salerne chiefe of the said house of Saint Seuerin as also for diuers other respects whereof heereafter you shall heare The Lord Lodouic declared immediately that he would by all meanes possible maintaine his authoritie for he caused money to be coined on the one side wherof the Dukes image was stamped and on the other his own whereat many murmured This Duke was married to the daughter of Alfonse Duke of Calabria and King of Naples after his father King Ferrandes death His said wife was a Lady of a great courage and would gladly haue increased hir husbands authority if she could but hir husband lacked wit and disclosed all hir actions The captaine also of the rocke of Milan continued long in great authoritie and neuer departed out of the place for many iealousies were now arisen so far foorth that when one of the children went abroad the other abode within To be short a yeere or two before we entred into Italy the Lord Lodouic hauing been abroad with the Duke and purposing some mischiefe waited vpon him at his returne home to the castle according to his accustomed maner The captaine came vpon the drawe bridge with his men about him to kisse the Dukes hand as their maner is The Duke at this time was somewhat without the bridge in such sort that the captain was forced to step foorth a pace or two where these two sonnes of Saint Seuerin and others that were about them laid hold vpon him They within drew vp the bridge but the Lord Lodouic caused an end of a waxe candle to be lighted sware that he would smite off their heads 5 if they yeelded not the place before the candle were burned out whereupon they deliuered it and then he furnished it wel and surely for himselfe but all in the Dukes name Further he endited the captaine of high treason laying to his charge that he would haue put the place into the Emperors hands and staied certaine Almains charging them as practisers with the captaine about this enterprise yet afterward dismissed them without farther harme He beheaded also one of his owne secretaries charging him in like maner as a dealer in the matter and yet one other who he said had been a messenger 6 between them The captaine he kept long in prison yet in the end deliuered him pretending that Duchesse Bonne had once
had deliuered to the King they determined to send word thereof to the Turke by one of their Secretaries And bicause they knew well that he should be highly rewarded that first brought this newes to the Turke they commanded that no ship should passe that night betweene the two castles which make the very entrie into the gulfe of Venice 16 where also they caused watch and ward to be kept bicause they feared the departure of some of the small boates as gripes and such like whereof there were a great number of the ports of Albany and of their Iles adioining to Greece But the selfe same night this poore Archbishop would needes depart to this enterprise of the Lord Constantine who taried his comming conueighing with him great store of swords bucklers and iauelins to furnish those with whom he had intelligence for they are not permitted to haue weapons in those countries but as he passed betweene the two castels aboue mentioned he was taken and put into one of them both he and his men notwithstanding the ship that caried him was suffred to passe Letters were found about him which discouered the enterprise the L. Constantine hath told me since that the Venetians aduertised thereof both the Turkes garrisons that lay in those parts the Turke himselfe also had it not been for the gripe that was permitted to passe the patron wherof was an Albanois who informed him of all that was hapned he had himselfe been taken but he escaped by sea and fled into Pouille The Notes 1 He meaneth Castelnouo for there are in Naples fower castels The castell of Capoana where the King lodged Castel nouo situate partly in the sea partly on the land with a citadelle by it Castel del ouo situate on a rock in the sea with a great tower called of the French Prince faulay and betweene the castels Nouo and Del ouo is a fort vpon a rocke in the sea with a strong tower The fourth is castel S. Ermo and aboue Naples is an abbey that looketh into the towne called S. Martin in maner of a castell 2 Guicciar saith he desired Calabria for his nephew without title of King 3 The King sent to Iscle but the Frenchmen finding the towne desolate through negligence neuer assaulted the castell 4 He meaneth bicause all Ferrandes partie was retired thither 5 The French Corrector supposeth that this should be en mantean Imperial bicause some write that he was crowned Emperor of Constantinople at Rome but I thinke rather he meaneth Mont de la Crote or the hill Vesuuius whither the King often walked for recreation and per aduenture bicause of the singularities which he sawe there named one of these hils Mont Imperial 6 He meaneth Castel nouo 7 The Almaines yeelded the castell vnder condition that they might haue King Ferrandes mooueables that were within it 8 This castell was so named bicause it was built in forme of an egge 9 For Island and Norway the vnskilfull corrector had chopped in Holland and Auuergne making the author report a meere vntruth 10 Oricum in Latine as some write as others Apollonia 11 Others write but 55. 12 Dyrrachium 13 But the Turke held them from him 14 Troy in times past the strongest towne in Epirus 15 His fathers name was Commenus 16 He meaneth two castels standing at the entrie into the calme sea which is within the naturall banke that defendeth the towne from the rage of the sea without the banke the said castels be hard by Venice A discourse somewhat out of the course of the historie wherein Philip de Commines author of this present worke treateth amply of the estate and gouernment of the Seniorie of Venice and of those things that he saw there and were done there during the time of his ambassage to the said Seniorie for the King Chap. 15. I Will now leaue the King in Naples hauing atchieued his enterprise and will speake somewhat of the Venetians and the cause of mine ambassage thither My departure from Ast to Venice was partly to thanke them for the good answers they had made to two of the Kings ambassadors sent thither and partly to keepe them still his friends if it were possible by any meanes for bicause of their great forces wisedome and good gouernment they might easily haue mated his enterprise in Italie but they being his friends none in the countrie were to be feared The Duke of Milan helped to dispatch me and wrote to his ambassador there resident for he hath one there continually to accompanie me and to giue me instructions to whom I should addresse my selfe His said ambassador receiued monethly of the Seniorie an hundred ducats and had his house well furnished and three barges at their charge to conuay him vp and downe the towne Their ambassador hath the like allowance at Milan saue that he hath no barge for at Milan men ride altogither on horsebacke but at Venice they are caried by bote In my iournie thitherward I passed through their cities namely Bresse Veronne Vincense and Padua with diuers others at euery one of the which I was very honorably entertained bicause of the personage I represented for alwaies either the potestate or the captaine came to receiue me accompanied with a goodly traine but they both issued neuer foorth of the towne for the captaine vsed to come no further than the gate After I was entred the towne they conuaied me to my lodging commanding the host that I should be plentifully serued and all my charges they defraied entertaining me with very honorable words But if a man consider what he must bestowe vpon drums and trumpets he saueth not much though he lie vpon free cost notwithstanding the entertainment is very honorable The same day I entred into Venice they sent as far as Chafousine 1 to receiue me which is a place fiue miles from the towne where men leaue the botes that conuay them downe the riuer from Padua 2 and enter into other little botes very proper and neate couered with tapestrie and furnished within with goodly hangings and veluet cushions to sit vpon Thus far the sea floweth and this is the neerest passage from the firme land to Venice but their sea is maruellous calme vnles a tempest happen to arise which is the cause that so great plenty of all kinde of fish is taken there I woondred to behold the seate of this citie so many steeples so many religious houses and so much building and all in the water but especially that the people had none other passage to fro in the town but by botes wherof I thinke there are to the number of 30000. but they be very small Further about the citie I meane within the compas round about of lesse than halfe a French league are 70. houses of religion as well of men as women all in Ilands sumptuously built richly furnished within and hauing goodly gardens belonging to them Those within the citie I
them a great band of harquebusiers on foote with whom also a number of harquebusiers on horsebacke were ioined these made their Estradiots being but few in number to retire Further notwithstanding that their whole armie which had fought with vs marched after vs as fast as they might yet could they not ouertake vs both bicause they were departed from the place of the battell a day after vs and also bicause of their barded horses so that we lost not one man vpon the way The said armie neuer came within a mile of vs wherefore seeing they could not ouertake vs and peraduenture not greatly desirous so to do they marched straight towards Nouarre whither both the Duke of Milan and the Venetians had already sent certaine bands as before you haue heard But if they could haue ouertaken vs neere to the places of our retrait peraduenture they might haue sped better than in the valley of Fornoue I haue shewed before sufficiently in diuers places how God guided this enterprise but yet for further proofe thereof a word or two more You shall vnderstand therefore that notwithstanding that from the day of the battell till our arriuall at the said place of Nice de la Paille the lodgings were vnorderly and vnequally made yet euery man lodged with patience as commodiously as he could without strife or contention Of victuals we had great lacke notwithstanding they of the countrey brought vs some who might easily haue poisoned vs if they would both in their meates and wines and also in their wels and waters which were dried vp sometimes in a moment bicause they were but small springs If they had minded to haue poisoned them they would sure haue done it but bicause they did it not it is to be thought that our Sauiour and redeemer Iesus Christ tooke from them all desire to do it I saw such thirst in our armie that a number of footemen dranke of stinking puddles in the villages through the which we passed Our iourneies were long and our drinke foule standing water which notwithstanding our men were so greedy of that they ran into the pooles vp to the girdlestead to drinke For you shall vnderstand that a number of people followed vs being no men of war bicause our carriage was maruellous great The King departed from his lodging euery morning before day and I remember not that euer he had guide Moreouer he rode till noone before he baited and euery man made prouision for himselfe and looked to his owne horse and was forced to prouide prouender for him and to beare it to him in his armes as my selfe did twise and two daies I ate nothing but naughty blacke bread yet was I none of those that stood in most neede Sure one thing was especially to be commended in this armie to wit that neuer man complained of necessitie yet was this the miserablest voiage that euer I saw notwithstanding that I haue been in diuers sharp hard voiages with Charles Duke of Burgundie We marched no faster than the great artillerie the mending whereof often troubled vs besides that we lacked horses to draw it but at all times when we stood in neede we borrowed of the gentlemen in our armie who willingly lent theirs so that there was not one peece nor one pound of powder lost And I thinke neuer man saw artillerie of such greatnes passe so speedily ouer such places as this did All this disorder both in our lodgings and all other things happened not for lacke of wise and expert men in the campe but it was their chaunce to haue least credit at that time for the King was yoong and wedded to his owne will as before you haue heard To conclude therefore it seemed that our Lord Iesus Christ would that the honor of this voiage should be attributed wholy to him The seuenth day after our departure from the place of the battell we marched from Nice de la Paille and encamped all togither hard by Alexandria our watch that night being very strong The next morning before day we departed and went to Ast the King and his houshold lodged in the towne but the soldiers encamped without we found the said towne of Ast furnished of all kinde of victuals wherwith the whole armie was well refreshed which vndoubtedly stood in great neede thereof bicause they had indured great hunger thirst and heate and lacked sleepe besides that their apparell was all tottered and torne Immediately after the Kings arriuall thither before I slept I sent a gentleman called Philip de la Coudre who somtime had been my seruant and serued then the Duke of Orleans to Nouarre where the said Duke was besieged by his enimies as you may vnderstand by that which is aboue rehearsed but the siege was not yet so straight but that men might passe in and out bicause the enimies onely endeuor was to famish the towne I aduertised the Duke by this gentleman of diuers treaties that were entertained betweene the King and the Duke of Milan in one of the which my selfe negotiated by the Duke of Ferraraes meanes wherefore I aduised him to repaire to the King hauing first assured his men whom he should leaue behinde him either shortly to returne or bring force to leuie the siege Within the said towne were with him to the number of 7500. soldiers both French and Swissers being as goodly a band so many for so many as euer was seene The King the next day after his arriuall was aduertised both by the said Duke of Orleans and others that the two armies were ioined togither before Nouarre wherefore the said Duke desired aide bicause his victuals daily diminished for the which they had giuen no order at their first entrie into the towne For they might then haue recouered ynow in the townes about especially corne and if their prouision had been made in time and well looked to they should neuer haue been forced to yeeld the towne for if they could haue held it but one moneth longer they had come foorth with honor and their enimies departed with shame How the King sent ships to the sea to succour the castels of Naples and why the said castels could not be succoured Chap. 8. AFter the King had reposed himselfe a fewe daies in Ast he remooued to Thurin dispatching at his departure from Ast one of the stewards of his house called Peron de Bache with a commission to arme certaine ships to the sea 1 to succour the castels of Naples which held yet for vs. The said Peron did as he was commanded and appointed monseur d'Arban Admirall of the Fleet which sailed as far as the citie of Pruce 2 where our men being within the view of our enimies a sudden tempest arose which would not suffer the two armies to ioine by meanes whereof this Nauie did no seruice for the said d' Arban returned to Ligorne 3 where the most part of his men fled to land and abandoned their ships But the
ended so that none sought to endammage other but each partie to defend their own They sent to King Charles a gentleman accompanied with certaine Monks of Montferrat for all their affaires they gouerned by such men either to saue charges thereby or to dissemble by such instruments with the lesse suspition as for example they did by Iohn de Mauleon the Frier Franciscan aboue named who perswaded the King to restore vnto them the countrey of Roussillon These ambassadors at their first audience besought the King to forget the great wrong the King and the Queene had done him I name alwaies the Queene bicause the crowne of Castile mooued by hir and bicause hir authority was greater there than hir husbands and vndoubtedly this was a very honorable mariage betweene the King hir husband and hir Then these ambassadors began to treat of truce desiring to haue all their league comprehended therein The ouuertures they made were these that the King should keepe the possession of Caietta and the other places he yet held in the realme of Naples and that during the truce he might victuall them at his pleasure Further that there should be a place assigned whither all the Princes of the league should send their ambassadors at the least as many as would to treat of peace the which being concluded the said King and Queene meant to continue their conquest or enterprise against the Moores and to passe the sea out of Granado into Africk there to inuade the King of Fessa who was their next neighbour on that side Notwithstanding some were of opinion that they meant rather to hold themselues contented with that they had already conquered I meane the realme of Granado which vndoubtedly was the greatest and honorablest conquest that hath been obteined in our time 8 yea such as their predecessors were neuer able to atchieue And I wish with all my hart for the honor I beare them that they had neuer mooued other war than this but had faithfully performed their promise to the King The King sent the Lord of Clerieux in Daulphine backe into Castile with their ambassadors and sought to conclude a peace or truce wherein their confederates should not be comprehended notwithstanding if he had accepted their offer made by these their ambassadors he had saued Caietta which had been sufficient for the recouerie of the whole realme of Naples considering the great fauour he had there The said de Clerieux at his returne brought a new ouuerture for Caietta was lost before he entred into Castile which was that the King and they should renew their former ancient league and attempt betweene them at equall charges the conquest of all Italie wherat the two Kings should be togither in person but they said they would first conclude a generall truce wherein all their league should be comprehended and then assigne a diet at some place in Piemont whither euery of their confederates should send their ambassadors to the end they might honorably depart from their said league All this ouuerture as we suspected then and vnderstood perfectly afterward was but meere dissimulation to win time to the end King Ferrand while he liued and afterward Dom Frederic newly crowned King might repose themselues notwithstanding I thinke they wished with all their harts the said realme of Naples to be their owne and sure they had better title to it than they that possessed it9. But vndoubtedly the house of Anious right which the King had was the best although to say the truth considering both the seate of the countrey and the disposition of the people that inhabite it me thinke he hath best right to it that can get it for they desire nothing but alteration The King afterward sent the aboue named de Clericux back againe into Castile one Michaell of Grammont with him with certaine other ouertures This de Clerieux bare some affection to these Princes of Arragon and hoped to obtaine of them the Marquisat of Cotron in Calabria which the King of Spaine conquered in the last voiage that his men made thither The said de Clerieux pretended title to it and he is a good plaine dealing man and one that will easily giue credit especially to such personages as these were At his second returne he brought with him an ambassador from the King and Queene and made his report to the King which was that they would hold themselues contented with that part of the realme of Naples that lies next to Sicilie to wit Calabria for the right that they pretended to the said realme and that the King should hold the rest and farther that the said King of Castile would be in person at this conquest and beare equall charges in all things with the King and indeed he held then and yet holdeth fower or fiue strong places in Calabria whereof Cotron is one which is a good and a well fortified citie I was present at this report which seemed vnto most of vs but meere abuse and dissimulation Wherefore it was determined that some wise man should be sent to them to sound the bottom of this ouuerture and thereupon the Lord of Bouchage was ioined in commission with the former ambassadors he was a man of deepe iudgement and one that had been in great credit with King Levvis and so is he also at this present with King Charles his sonne The Spanish ambassador that came with de Clerieux would neuer auow his report but answered that he thought the said de Clerieux would not make the report if the King his Master and the Queene had not willed him so to do which answer caused vs so much the more to suspect their dissimulation besides that no man would beleeue that the King of Castile would go in person into Italy or that he either would or could beare equall charges with the King After the said Lords of Bouchage Clerieux and Michaell of Grammont with the rest of their collegues were come to the K. and Queene of Castiles court they lodged them in a place where no man could com to commune with them for the which purpose also certaine were appointed to watch their lodgings But they themselues spake thrise with them when the said du Bouchage aduertised them of the report aboue mentioned made to the King by de Clerieux and Michaell of Grammont they answered that they would willingly endeuor themselues to conclude a peace for the Kings honor and profit And as touching the said report they confessed that indeed such speech had passed them by way of communication but not otherwise with the which answer de Clerieux being discontented and not without cause aduowed his report to be true before them both in the presence of the said Lord of Bouchage who with the rest of his companions concluded a truce the King hauing two moneths respit to accept it or refuse it wherin their confederates were not comprehended but their sonnes in lawe and the fathers of their sonnes in lawe namely the