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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18993 The first book of Amadis of Gaule; Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 1. English. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1590 (1590) STC 541; ESTC S112788 287,960 416

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deliuer the house from whence I first discended and euen so it fell out for I deliuered my Father vnknowen to me being then at the very point of death So without any other reply the Damosell turning bridle rode back the same way she came and the King into the Cittie with Amadis his Sonne so lately recouered for which cause he assembled all the Princes and Lords of his Realme meaning to kéepe a more magnificent Court then euer he had done before to the end that euery one might behold Amadis in regard of whose honor and happy comming there were Knightly Tourneys dayly vsed beside great store of other pastimes and delights During these pleasures Amadis was aduertised in what manner the Giant had caryed away his brother Galaor wherefore he determined happen what might to goe séeke him and if possible he could to recouer him either by force of Armes or otherwise Notwithstanding his heart being dayly mooued to goe see her that hourely expected his presence one day he intreated the King his Father seeing now he had peace with his enemyes that with his leaue he might goe seeke aduentures in great Brittayne because he was lothe to remayne idle But little pleasing was this request to the King and much lesse to the Quéene yet by importunitie he obteined permission for his voyage nor could they all haue power to withhold him by reason of the loue he bare to Oriana which made him obedient to none but her Héereupon being clad in such Armour as he promised the Damosell of Denmarke he set forward on his iourney embarquing himselfe at the néerest Port of the Sea where by good hap he found passage readie Not long was his cut into great Brittayne landing at Bristow a most noble and auncient Cittie of that countrey where he heard that King Lisuart soiourned at Windsore royally accompanyed with Knights and Gentlemen for all the Kings and Princes his neighbours did highly fauour and shew him obeysance which made Amadis shape his course directly to the Court Not long had he ridden on the way but he met with a Damosell who demaunded of him if that were her readie way to Bristow Yea marie is it answered the Prince I pray ye then tell me quoth she if I may finde any Shipping there for my spéedie passage ouer into Gaule What affayres calles you thither said Amadis In sooth replied the Damosell I goe thither to finde a Knight named Amadis whome King Perion not long since hath knowen to be his Sonne Greatly did Amadis meruayle héereat for he thought these newes had not béene so farre spread abroade wherefore he demaunded how she heard thereof I knowe it quoth she from her to whome the most secret things of all are manifest for she knewe Amadis before he knewe himselfe or that his father heard of Amadis and if you would vnderstand what she is her name by common report is Vrganda the vnknowen She hath at this time especiall affayres with him and by no other can she recouer that which she now standeth in feare in loose Beléeue me Damosell answered Amadis séeing she who may commaund euery one doth now please to imploy Amadis I assure ye it is néedlesse for you to trauaile any further for I am the man you are sent to seeke and therefore let vs goe whether you thinke conuenient What said the Damosell are you Amadis Yea verily am I answered the Prince Come then and follow me quoth she and I will conduct ye where my Mistresse is who attendeth your arriuall in good deuotion Heere-with Amadis rode after the Damosell and thus are they gone together in company CHAP. XII ¶ How the Giant bringing Galaor to King Lisuart that he might dub him Knight met with his brother Amadis by whose hand he would be Knighted and no other THe Giant of whome sundry times we haue spoken héeretofore causing young Galaor to be enstructed in managing Horsses and all other exercises beséeming a Knight found him so capable of euery thing as in lesse space then a yeare he was growen meruaylous perfect so that now nothing remained but to know of him by whome he most willingly would receiue his order of Knighthood Notwithstanding before the Giant moued this matter to him one day among other Galaor came to him in this manner Father quoth he you haue dayly promised me that I should be Knighted I desire you would be so good as your word for there is too much time spent since I ought to haue had it In sooth my Sonne answered the Giant you haue reason for your words yet tell me by whome you would receiue your order King Lisuart quoth Galaor is reputed a gentle Prince and a right good Knight wherefore if it so like you I shall be contented to haue it at his hand Well haue you aduised sayd the Giant so presently preparing all things in order they set forward on their iourney About fiue dayes after their departure by good hap they came neere a very faire strong Castell named Bradoid seated on the top of a Mountaine enuironed about with fennes or marishes as also with a salt water that ran before it wondrous swiftly so that without a Barque it was impossible to get thither And because the marish was very long there was to passe ouer it a faire long causey being so broade as two Chariots might well meete together on it and at the entrance of the causey was a drawe bridge where-under the water ran with such a violent fall as no one was able by any meanes to passe it Héere must ye note that equally facing this bridge there grew two goodly high Elme trées where under the Giant and Galaor beheld two Damosels and a Squire with a Knight mounted on a black Courser this Knight was armed bearing figured in his Shéeld two Lions rampant and because the bridge was drawen vp he could passe no further but called with a loud voice to them within that some should come to giue him entrance which Galaor perceiuing said to the Giant My Lord if it please you I would gladly see what this Knight will do héere Soone after they espied at the further end of the causey by the Castell side two other armed Knights accompanyed with ten Halberders who came and demaunded of the Knight what he would Marie enter in answered the Knight It may not be said one of the two Knights except you meane to combate first I will not stick for that answered he that would enter cause you the bridge to be let downe and come to the combate which presently they did But one of the twayne more hastie then his companion auaunced himselfe first and placing his Launce ran with a swift carrire against the Knight who receiued him so brauely as he sent both horsse and man to the ground The fréend to the dismounted Knight thinking to reuenge his iniurie gaue foorth to méete him and fayling in the attaint with their Launces so furiously encountred with their bodyes
eyes and all together praised God for this good aduenture especially the Prince because he had beene preserued in so great danger and now at length to finde such honor and good hap as to méete with his Parents being all this while vnknowen to them As thus they deuised on the fortunes passed the Queene demaunded of him if he had no other name then that which now he called himselfe by Yes Madame quoth he but it is not fully three dayes past since I knew thereof for as I came from the Combate against King Abies a Damosell brought me a Letter which I haue and as she saith was fastened about my neck being wrapped in ware when I was found in the Sea wherein I finde that my name is Amadis and héere-withall he shewed the Letter to the Quéene which she full well knewe so soone as she sawe it Beleeue me sayd the Queene this truely is the Letter that Darioletta wrote when she made the seperation betweene you and me thus though I was ere while in great griefe and sorrow yet now praised be God I feele as much ioy and pleasure Now seeing assuredly your name is Amadis it is needlesse you should beare any other contrary title so thence forward he was called no more the Gentleman of the Sea but Amadis and sometime Amadis of Gaule It was not long before the bruite héereof was spread through the Cittie that the good and famous Knight was Sonne to King Perion and the Queene Elisena wherefore if euery one reioysed you must thinke the Prince Agraies was not sory for they were found to be Cozin germaines Among the rest the Damosell of Denmarke had knowledge heer-of wherefore considering what comfort this would be to the Princesse Oriana she laboured so much as she could to returne toward her knowing she would giue her friendly countenance bringing her so good newes what gracious fortune had happened to him whome aboue all other she loued For this cause she intreated Amadis to dispatch her returne to hir Mistresse In that I well perceiue quoth she you cannot so speedily depart hence as you would nor were it reasonable but you should giue some contentation to them who for the loue of you haue shead so many teares These words caused the teares to tricle downe his cheekes yet smothering his griefe so well as he could he made this answere to the Damosell Lady I will pray that the heauens may safely conduct ye yet let me intreate your friendly remembrance commaunding the vttermost of my endeuours for without your gentle care my life cannot endure withall I finde my selfe so indebted to my gracious mistresse as I dare not request any thing at her hand Neuer-the-lesse you may say to her that right soone shall I come to shewe my obedience and in like armour will I be clad as when you sawe me Combat with the King of Ireland because both she and you may the more easily knowe me if I can not compasse the meane to spake with you and in this manner departed the Damosell of Denmarke On the other side Agraies seeing his Cozin Amadis was to remaine longer in Gaule determined to take his leaue and calling him aside said Faire Cozin for this time I must be enforced to leaue ye albeit your company is more pleasing to me then any other but my passionate hart will allowe me no quiet vntill I be with her who both farre and neere hath power to commaund me It is Madame Oliuia daughter to the King Vanain of Norway who sent for me by the Damosell that brought me the Helmet of Galpan which you sent me in reuenge of the dishonor she receiued by him that I should come to her with all conuenient speede and therefore I neither may or dare faile which is the only cause of my parting with you Now must you note heerewithall that at the time as Don Galuanes brother to the King of Scotland was in the Realme of Norway with Agraies his Cozin this young Prince became so enamoured of the Lady Oliuia as he concluded neuer to loue any other then her and this made him the more earnest to depart by her commandement And to tell ye what this Galuanes was he had the name of Galuanes without land because all the portion his father left him was only a poore Castell for the rest he had spent in following Armes and entertaining Gentlemen whereupon he had the Sir-name of without land Such as you haue heard were the speeches Agraies had with Amadis of whome he requested to knowe where he should finde him at his returne from Norway Cozin quoth Amadis I hope at my departure hence to visit the Court of King Lisuart where I haue heard chiualrie to be worthily maintained with greater libertie and honor then in the Kingdome of any Emperour or King But seeing it liketh you to take another way I desire when you shall see the King your Father and the Queene to remember my bounden dutie to them both assuring them on my behalfe that they may commaund me in their seruice euen as your selfe or any other as well in respect of our alliaunce together as also for the gracious entertainement I had in my youth being by them most carefully educated and esteemed This done Agraies tooke his leaue being honorably conducted through the Cittie by the King and all the Lords of his Court but so soone as the King entred the feelds he sawe a Damosell comming toward him who boldly laying hold on the raine of his horsse bridle thus spake Remember thy selfe King Perion what a Damosell sometime said vnto thee That when thou didst recouer thy losse the Kingdome of Ireland should loose her flower Thinke now I pray thee whether she said true or no thou hast recouered thy Sonne whome thou reputedst lost and euen by the death of valiant King Abies who was the flower of Ireland and such a one as that countrey shall neuer haue his like vntill time the good brother of the Lady must come who shall by force of Armes cause to be brought thither the tribute of other Countreys and he must dye by the hand of him that shall accomplish for her the only thing of the world which most he loueth And so it happened by Marlot of Ireland brother to the Queene of that countrey whome Tristan of Leonnoys killed on the quarrell of tribute demaunded of King Marke of Cornewall his Unckle which Tristan afterward dyed for the loue he bare to Queene Yseul being the only thing of the world that he most loued Now must thou be mindfull héereof said the Damosell to the King for Vrganda my mistresse so commaundeth thee When Amadis heard her speake of Vrganda he tooke occasion thus to answere Damosell and my friend I pray you say to her who sent you hither that the Knight to whome she gaue the Launce commendeth himselfe to her good grace being now assured in the matter whereof then she spake how with that Launce I should
so hath my fortune graciously fauoured me that it should be by him who is of higher desert then any other Héerewith Amadis cast downe his lookes as bashfull to heare himselfe so praysed by her to whome all commendation was due and féeling his spirits altered stroue to make answere but the words dyed in his mouth which caused Oriana thus to procéede How can it be otherwise my Lord but I must needes loue you aboue all other when they that neuer sawe you doo highly loue honor and estéeme you and I being she whome you affect most déerely haue I not great reason to loue you better then my selfe On my faith Madame answered Amadis your swéete and gentle words are sufficient to make me dye a thousand deaths as many times to reuiue me againe but how I pray you at this time only to excuse my extremity with pittie enduring wursse then death by louing you too vehemētly for if I had dyed as Arcalaus reported euen then had begun my rest and quiet if I had not knowen you before And albeit the hower of your acquaintance is my intire felicitie yet am I assaulted with such violent passions as my heart would altogether consume in griefe without the pleasure it receiueth in dooing you seruice and the good it sustaineth by your remembrance of me But necessitie constraineth me to craue the mercy as yet vndeserued by such intreatance as no desert may value only to encrease my habilitie in seruing you which if you graunt me not a sudden and cruell death will take hold on me These words were accompanyed with such aboundance of teares as was no small greefe to her to behold Alas my Lord quoth she forbeare these often repetitions of your death the thought thereof is insupportable to me for should you dye I were vnable to liue one hower after considering all the pleasure I haue in this world is in the ioy of your health and welfare Nor can I but be assured of your words by reason mine own case is sufficient therein being copartner with you in euery torment but if yours seeme more violent this is the reason my will being equall with yours wanteth the strength you haue in suffering and cannot effect the desire of our hearts which vrgeth loue and griefe more in you then me albeit my share is not one iote the lesse But this I promise you on my faith if fortune or our owne endeuour can compasse no meane to yéeld vs content my selfe will search some way whatsoeuer happen be it hate of father mother kinred and fréends for we may not thus procrastinate our ioy and groane vnder the weightie burden of desire the flame whereof climeth so high as the martirdome of our hearts may easily be discouered No doubt these words were pleasing to Amadis and gaue such chéerefull life to his hope that he was rauished with inward conceit thereof when she séeing him mute trode vpon his foote saying Discomfort not your selfe my Lord for I will not fayle what I haue promised nor shall you depart till you perceiue it and shortly will the King hold open Court when both he and the Quéene must depend on your assistance knowing well that your presence shall honor the company As they would haue continued in longer talke the Quéene called Amadis causing him to sit downe by Galaor for the King was gone to his chamber Then began the Ladyes to censure on the bretheren but they resembled eche other so like as little difference could be discerned betwéene them euery one being of the opinion that these twayne were the most perfect among all Knights both in beautie noblenes bountie and good grace but Galaor was somewhat whiter in complexion and Amadis of bigger bone his locks more crispe faire and hauing a little more red in his face then Galaor had Soone after the Queene willed Galaor to go sée her daughter and the other Ladyes when he regarding the excellent beautie of Oriana imagined such an other was not to be found in the world and by her often sighing with alteration of couller he suspected her to be the only cause that his brother liked so well to stay in King Lisuarts Court Right courteously was he welcommed among the Ladyes and diuers familiar speéeches passed betwéene them till the King being set to meate sent for Amadis and Galaor to beare him company as also Agraies and his Unckle Galuanes CHAP. XXXII ¶ How King Lisuart departed from Windesore to the good Cittie of London there to hold open and royall Court IN the beginning of this book it hath béen declared how the diuine bountie calling Lisuart to the Realme of great Brittayne soone after of a disinherited Prince made him the peaceable King of such a Monarchy by the death of his elder brother Falangris who dyed without any heire of his body begotten Likewise how he was reputed such a great Lord through the world as many Knights came from strange Countryes to serue him not thinking themselues happy except they might be named Knightes of his Court But within a while after whether this fortunat King forgot y e authour of his good or else it happened by diuine permission this happie Realme fell into persecution and the illustrious state of King Lisuart was troubled and obscured that all men might knowe how he only is Lord and King of all liuing creatures who exalteth and abaseth when him pleaseth according as you shall héere vnderstand For King Lisuart hauing concluded to hold the most royall and stately Court that euer King did in the Realme of great Brittayne commaunded that on the fift day following all the Lords of his Kingdome should appeare personally at London there to determine on matters of chiualrie which he intended to maintaine with all honor might be deuised But in the selfe-same place where he thought the greater part of the world should yéeld him obeysaunce began the first mutabilities of Fortune bringing his state and person into danger of vtter ruine according as you shall vnderstand at large King Lisuart departing with all his traine from Windsore to kéepe his Courte at the famous Cittie of London it was wonderfull to beholde the Lordes Ladyes and Gentlewomen that gaue their attendaunce especiallye so many young Gentlemen beeing there present some to regarde the magnificence of the Courte other to doo seruice to their louely mistresses and nothing now generally minded but pastime and pleasure The King likewise for greater maiestie of his Courte ordayned that none of this assemblye should lodge in the Citie but to erect their Pauillions in the feeldes and meddowes along the bancks that hemmed in the faire Riuer of Themes least the extream● heate might be hurtfull to them all which béeing doone according to appointment the feeldes seemed as a most royall Campe or as if the greater parte of the worlde were there assembled But because the King arriued there two or thrée dayes before the feaste he went to his pallace accompanied only with
of you you may therby easily induce him to loue vnder that cerimonye draw him to doo what your selfe shall desire In sooth replyed Madasima I will assay to know if he be such a one as you report him to be Doo Madame quoth he and you shall finde him one of the fairest Knightes that euer you behelde Héer you must note that the Knight no sooner left Galaor when he went to the Lady but he tooke occasion thus to talke with his brother You see my Lord the estate wherin we are which requireth some notable dissimulation at our handes I beseech ye therfore moderate your anger because alreadie it endangereth our liues and for a while follow my direction By heauen brother answered Amadis death had béen very welcome to me but since you wish me to be gouerned by you I am content desiring the conseruation of our honors which beeing lost we are vnworthye to liue Further they could not proceed because Madasima came and interrupted them when calling him aside and faire day was displayed on the earth his beautye and good grace so especially contented her as she became surprised with his loue which she shaddowed vnder demaunding how he fared Madame saide Galaor I fare wursse then you should were you in my power as I am in yours for I would doo you what seruice and pleasure possible I could and you vse the contrarye to me I hauing giuen no occasion of offence reason willeth I should rather be your Knight to loue and honor you then your prisoner thus vnkindely bound as I am And surely I cannot but meruaile heerat considering the simple conquest you haue therby vse then such rigour to vs as women so diuinely adorned are wunt to doo Madasima hearing his gentle language was more and more enflamed with his loue yet striung to dissemble it she merily said Tell me faire Sir if I chuse you as my fréend and deliuer you from prison will you for my sake leaue the seruice of King Lisuart and afterward tel him how you did it by my meanes With all my hart Lady answered Galaor and to perfourm it you shal haue what oathe you please both of me and my companyon for he will doo no more thē I request him Credit me quoth Madasima if before this companye you will promise to obey me presently you shal enioy your liberty Beholde me ready replyed Galaor Yet is not this enough answered Madasima for you shall sweare it in the presence of a Ladye where I am intended to lodge this night in meane while you must assure me not to departe my companye We will not on my faith Madame quoth Galaor and calling Amadis caused him to affirme as much wher-upon they were vnbound and set at libertie their Squires likewise as fréendly vsed and mounting on their owne horsses rode at their ease as they did before But Madasima Galaor still continued their amorous discourses till they arriued at a Castle named Albies the Lady wherof receiued them very honourably in respect of great fréendship betweene Madasima and her Néedlesse were it to tell ye of their good cheere it could not but be answerable to the time and company but after supper Madasima demaunded of Galaor if he meant to keepe his promise he made her by the way What else Madame quoth he prouided you be so good as your woord to me Make no doubt ther-of replyed Madasima then framing her spéeches to the Lady of the Castell and also to two Knightes that were her Sonnes she proceeded in this manner My good fréends I pray you hear a couenaunt betwéen me these two Gentlemen because heer-after you maye be my witnesses They are my prisoners and vnder these conditions I haue released them that one of them shall continue my freend and bothe of them forsake the seruice of King Lisuart telling him how for my sake and in despight of him they haue doone it Heer-upon I intreate this fauour at your handes as to meete me at the Courte of that wretched King on the day they must declare this message to see how contentedly he will take it but if they fulfill not their promise hence-foorth you shall publishe in all places the heinous offence by them committed and ten daies I giue them to execute this charge I am wel pleased said the Lady of the Castell to doo a greater matter for you then this if they as willinglye consent therto We praye you quoth Galaor not to faile héerin for we haue promised and will performe it Receiue then your libertie answered Madasima yet must you not departe this night these woordes she spake because she intended to seale the bargaine with Galaor When the time came that summoned them to rest Amadis was conducted to one chamber and Galaor to an other whether soone after Madasima repaired she beeing young beautifull aduenterously giuen Galaor likewise a man forward to such fortunes when Loue had erected his scaling ladders to the walles quicklye got possession of the Forte And so well liked she these amorous skirmiges as afterward she reported in many places how she neuer tasted a more pleasant night and had she not promised him departure hardly would she haue let him goe so soone nor did she but in hope of his spéedie returne Thus was she enclined to voluptuous desire as without care of her honor she often fell in this sort By these meanes escaped Amadis Galaor vnder the conditions you haue heard which they hoped to preuent without impeach as héereafter shall be declared vnto you All that day they rode not hindered by any thing and at night were fréendly entertained in an Hermitage setting forward the next morning to the Court of King Lisuart CHAP. XXXV ¶ How King Lisuart was in daunger of his person and his state by the vnlawfull promises he made too rash and vnaduisedly FOure dayes after Amadis and Galaor departed from the Court the auncient Knight came to the Cittie of London who left the Crowne and the mantle with the Quéene as you haue heard when falling on his knée before the King he began in this manner I meruaile my Lord that in a time of such honor you weare not y e Crowne I left with you And you Madame quoth he to the Queene is it possible you should make so slender account of the sumptuous mantle I gaue you in charge not deigning as yet to prooue it or how it will become ye When the King heard his words knowing they were lost he sate a good while without any answere which made the Knight thus begin againe On my faith I am glad you like them not for had you pleased to keepe them you must likewise haue graunted my demaund and happily it would prooue greater then you expect otherwise in falsifying your promise you might procure the losse of my head Most humbly therefore I beséeche yée my Lord to will them be deliuered me againe because I may tarry no longer héere Now was the King
tarry too long in telling it and happily you would scant beleeue me so horrible and disloyall is the déed which compelleth me to this impacience Beleeue me quoth the Knight I will follow thee three whole daies only to see whether thou lyest or no. Thus Galaor held on his way and the Knight hasting after till hauing ridden the space of a mile when they espied two other Knightes the one béeing on foote running to catche his horsse and the other gallopping away so fast as he could He on foote was Cozin germaine to y e Knight that followed Galaor who in iousting with the other Knight had béen dismounted and knowing his kinseman acquainted him with the whole accident requesting his assistaunce in reuenge of his wrong It may not be now answered the other till I haue followed the Knight you see before thrée dayes together héerto he added all the spéeches betwéene Galaor and him In sooth replyed his Cozin he should seeme by your woordes the greatest coward in the worlde else mindeth he some enterprise of higher consequence therfore I will adiourne the reuenge of mine iniurie and beare you company to the end I may beholde the sum of your attempt While thus they talked Galaor had gotten very farre before which caused them make the more haste after him till at length the Prince espied the ten Knightes that conducted the King they riding vp a narrow strayte fiue before him and fiue behinde Now did he fully resolue to dye or purchase his deliueraunce for he was so offended to sée the King bound with chaines as he imagined him selfe able to conquer them all and as many more if they had béene there wher-upon he thus cryed to them Traitours durst you vnreuerently lay hand on the best King in the worlde with which woordes he met one of them so directly as his Launce passing through his bodye he fell downe dead beside his horsse When the other foure saw their companion slaine they willed the formost fiue to guarde the King for they would reuenge his death sufficiently but they found them-selues very much deceiued for though the Princes horsse by reason of his sore trauaile often s●umbled and therby put him in daunger of falling yet laide he such loade vpon his enemies as two more of them accompanyed the firste and the other twaine were brought into hard extremetie Then came the other fiue with a fresh charge vpon him when Galaor perceiuing his owne danger intended to reuenge his death and the Kinges togeather entring couragiouslye among the chickest shewing most rare and hautye chiualrie When the two Cozins that followed him beheld his behauiour confounded with meruaile the one saide to the other By God we did him wrong to tearme him a coward for he is the most hardie Knight that euer I sawe except the worlde shall twit vs with shame let vs not see him dye in this extremetie least the beutie of chiualrie be gone for euer Resolued thus to succour him they valiantlye thrust themselues into the skirmishe deliuering such freendly blowes on euery side that Galaor soone felt him selfe well assisted because his enemies were somewhat more dispearsed and he had leysure to take a little breathing but wundering whence this aide should proceed he fell to woorke againe giuing them good cause to misdoubt their liues When the Cozin to Arcalaus sawe how his side decayed and his Knights dishartened slaine and sore wounded he purposed to kill the King who by this time found the meanes to vnbinde himselfe and alighting from his horsse got one of the slaine Knightes swoordes wher-with he resisted his enemies brauely As the Cozin to Arcalaus followed his intent the King gaue his horsse such a blow ouer the face as by rearing vp he fell downe backward yet the Knight recouered him selfe and Galaor séeing one fight with the King came to assist him when snatching off his Helmet he would haue smitten his head from his shoulders but the King would not suffer him saying he should liue and dye a theefe The two Cozins who were named Don Guilan Ladasin pursued an other Knight whome they slewe returning backe againe they knew y e King which strooke them into no little meruaile because they heard nothing of his mis fortune then alighting from their horsses they tooke off their helmets did him reuerence whē he knowing them right well embraced them in his armes saying My fréends you haue succoured me in a néedfull time for which I may liue to requite you with thankes yet haue you wronged me by your absence from the Court and for your loue to eche other I lost you bothe especiallye you Lord Guilan your minde béeing else-where made you forget me These woordes caused a modest blush in Don Guilan because the King disciphered his loue which was the Duchesse of Bristoya who was not one iot behinde him in affection as well witnessed the good entertainement she gaue him tasting together the fruite of their contentment Which the Duke so doubted and daylye conceiued such suspition thereof as it procured the iniurye was doone to Galaor when the Dwarffe espied him in the Garden at his returne from faire Aldena wherby the Damosell was in daunger of burning as the historye héer-tofore hath declared to you But while the King thus communed with Don Guilan Galaor had gotten the Nephewe of Arcalaus beside his horsse and tyed the chayne about his necke the King was bound withall then taking the best horsses belonged to the dead Knightes they rode toward London And by the way Ladasin recounted to the King how he contended with Galaor for riding so fast offering him the combate which he refused because he would delay no time for his succour which caused the King to requite him with many thanks that he could so well forbeare in a case of such necessitie But my Lord quoth Don ●uilan my hap was more hard for by thinking on her who often-times makes me forget my selfe a Knight encountred with me and by force of his Launce cast me from my saddle In sooth answered the King I haue heard talke of many louers and what they enterprise for their Ladyes yet neuer of any folly comparable to yours which giueth me good cause to coniecture that you were not in vaine named Guilan the pensiue for you are y e greatest muser I euer heard of As thus they beguiled the time they ariued at the house of Lad●sin which was not far thence whether soone after came Galaors Squire and Dardan the Dwarffe who thought his maister had taken that way Then did Galaor tell the King how his brother Amadis was gon to reskew his daughter and in what manner they heard of their seperation by the poore labourers wherefore he aduised him to send speedily to London least his mishap being published in the Cittie might raise some commotion among the people Credit me quoth the King séeing Amadis vndertooke to followe my daughter I will not as yet account her lost
if the traitour Arcalaus woorke no newe villainie by his enchauntments but as concerning my happye deliueraunce I like well that my Quéen should vnderstand therof Wher-upon Ladasin called a Squire whom the King presentlye sent to the Courte as Galaor aduised After they had well refreshed themselues they were conducted to their chambers and on the morrowe set forward on their iourney the King communing with the Nephewe of Arcalaus as concerning the enterprise of his kinseman which made him reueale the whole determination and how Barsinan was in hope to bée King of great Brittayne Héere-upon the King concluded to make the more haste thinking to finde Barsinan as yet at London and to punish him for his audacious presumption CHAP. XXXVIII ¶ How newes came to the Queene that the King was taken And how Barsinan laboured to vsurpe the Citty of Landon IF you haue well noted the former discourse you may easily remember how the poore labouring men not knowing the King and Oriana séeing how iniuriouslye they were intreated by Arcalaus and his complices were glad to hide themselues in the wood in like manner how afterward they vnderstood by Amadis and Galaor that the prisoners were King Lisuarts his daughters Where-upon so soone as the two Knights were parted from them they hasted to report these newes in London which caused such a murmuring thorough the Cittie especially among the Knights as they presently Armed them-selues and mounted on horsseback in such troupes that the féelds were quickly couered with men and horsses At this time was King Arban of Norgalles talking with the Quéene little thinking on any such misfortune when one of his Squires bringing his Armour sayd My Lord you tary héere trifling too long arme your selfe quickly and follow the rest who by this time haue gotten so farre as the Forrest What is the matter answered King Arban Ah my Lord quoth the Squire newes is brought to the Cittie how certaine villaines haue caryed the King away prisoner Prisoner replyed King Arban may it be possible Too true my Lord answered the Squire When the Quéene heard these vnhappie tidings not able to vnder-goe so great an oppression she fell downe in a swoune but King Arban hauing more mind on the King left her in her Ladyes armes hasting with all spéed he could to horsseback When he was setting foote in stirrop he heard the allarme sounded and the assault which Barsinan gaue to the Castell whereby hée gathered they were betrayed wherefore hée caused the Quéenes lodging to bée guarded and returning to the Cittie sawe euery one readie in Armes when choosing so many as he pleased as also two hundred well approoued Knights he sent two of the chéefest to the Tower of London to vnderstand the cause of the allarme To them it was reported how Barsinan had forcibly entred with his trayne killing and casting ouer the walles all that he met Héerein he followed the message of the Page from Arcalaus finding very slender resistance for most part of the Knights and men of account were gone to succour the King Highly displeased was King Arban at these newes perswading himselfe the King had béene betrayed wherefore to preuent such other inconueniences as might happen he dorayned his men in battayle placing good watch about the Quéenes lodging And thither Barsinan now prepared hoping to take her as he had done the Tower but he met with stronger resist then he expected and the skirmishes proceeding on either side Barsinan tooke a prisoner by whome he was aduertised how King Arban would withstand him euen to the death Now began he to deuise how by faire spéech and falshood he might take the King crauing a parle with him whereto King Arban willingly agréed and silence being made on both sides Barsinan began in this manner I euer thought till now my Lord that you were one of the best aduised Knightes in the worlde but by proofe I perceiue a man may finde the contrary yet this I thinke withall that what you doo is for safetie of your honor Heerin you appeare of simple iudgement considering in the end it will be but the losse of you and your men in respect King Lisuart your late Lord is dead for proof wherof euen he that slewe him will ere long send me his head Sith Fortune then hath dealt so hardly with him and I at this instant am the greatest Lord in this Countrey dare you deny to make me King Alas you abuse your selfe the best will be for you to yeelde your selfe louingly and I shall intreate you so well as any Prince in my Realme suffering you still to enioy the Countrey of Norgalles and particulerlye beside will so honor you as you shall haue great reason to be content Auaunt villaine answered King Arban full well doost thou manifest thy horrible treason for beside thy trecherye in compacting the death of my Lord thou wouldest haue me become a traytour to his freendes as thou thy selfe hast prooued Thou art deceiued doo the wurst thou canst thy villainie only will take vengeance on thee according to desert with such good helpe as we will put therto What saide Barsinan think'st thou to hinder me frō sitting as King in London Neuer shall traitour replyed Arban be King of London by Gods leaue while the most honourable King of the world liueth I called for thee quoth Barsinan in respect of thine owne good because I fauoured thee more then any other imagining thou wert of sound discretion but as I haue saide I finde my selfe deceiued wherfore reason requireth that thy ouer-weening should fall and in despight of thee I will reign King in great Brittaine Assure thy selfe answered Arban I will kéep thee from such climbing as if the King my Maister were héere personallye present Then began the assault afresh King Arban withdrawing him selfe to harden his men beeing meruailously offended at Barsinans woordes Now though he were very sharpely assailed yet stood he brauelye on his defence many beeing slaine and sore wounded neuer-thelesse he was euer-more formoste in the fight and last at the retreit which was caused by the night ensuing Nor néede we doubt considering the puissaunce of Barsinan and the fewe on the contrary side but King Arban would take his aduauntage in resistaunce by compelling them to the narrowe stréetes where foure on a side could hardly deale together which turned to the great disaduauntage of Barsinan because Arban well fortified euery place in good order and with freshe supply still encouraged his men The retreit being sounded either side with-drawen King Arban séeing his Souldiours sore wearied by the hot skirmishes they had endured as is the office of a good Captaine indéed he came and comforted them in this manner My louing companyons and fréends this day haue you so woorthily fought as none of you but deserueth estimation among the most forward men in the world and hauing begun so well I hope you will procéede better and better Remember the cause of your fight
not onely to maintaine your good King but your owne liberty against a tirant a traitour and what worsse who would buy his vsurping in this Kingdome with the blood of you your wiues and children Sawe you not how he vsed them he tooke in the Tower Beholde you not the end of his purpose which is to ruinate this noble Realme that hath by diuine prouidence beene so long time preserued and euermore continued in reputation floorishing with loyall subiectes to their Prince Heard you not the flattering perswasions which the Rebell vsed before the assaulte thinking to conquer vs by his golden tongue In vaine is his labour I am right well assured that no one of you but wil dye a thousand deathes before he shall conceiue any other minde in you I sée by your resolued countenaunces if I should thinke or say otherwise I were a monstrous offendour for if he haue more men then we we haue more hartes of courage then he which forbiddeth all occasions of dismaying setting before your eyes the famous account you shall liue in héer-after By their lookes you might discearne at their retire how vnwilling they will be to trye you againe and respect not the traiterous woordes of Barsinan our King liueth and will right spéedily come to succour vs. In meane while I intreat as my fréendly companyons let nothing dismay your hope but continue as you gaue begun with this famous resolution that it is more honourable to dye for libertie then to enioy a life by thraldome and slauerie vnder a wicked iniurious and trayterous Prince When the King had ended his oration there was no one in the company how sore hurt soeuer he was but would couragiouslye encounter Barsinans power and bid him brauely good morrow the next day in the Tower where-with the King not a little contented returned to the Queenes lodging his face couered with sweat and his Armour all bloodye by reason of fiue wounds he receiued in fight The Ladies seeing him in such pittious plight were meruaylouslye abashed especiallye the Queene who well-neere dead with greefe and feare together then as a woman in middest of dispaire she saide Alas deere Nephewe what shall we doo we are all but dead Madame answered King Arban all will goe well if God be pleased in vaine doo you thus discomfort your selfe for I hope to heare good tidinges of the King and the traitours that seeke to vsurpe his Kingdome by your good and loyall subiectes shall receiue deserued punishment God graunt it quoth she but you are so wounded as I think it impossible for you to be at the battell if Barsinan come to morrow againe nor can our men doo any thing without you Be not you troubled ther-with Madame replyed King Arban for while my soule suckes her spirit from the ayre I will not for-sake my charge So bidding her good night he went to haue his woundes dressed and after-ward turned to his Souldiours merilye passing the night among them Barsinan on the other side got into the Tower of London which he had wun and numbring his men found that his power was greatly weakened yet would he make no shew thereof for dismaying the rest but shewing a dissembling countenaunce thus spake to them My fréendes it suffiseth that I haue showen mine enemies what you are and they if I thinke good to stand at my mercie wherefore I am determined without any further losse of you to rest our selues fiue or sixe dayes till Arcalaus send me the head of King Lisuart and then the sight thereof will make them not dare to resist me any longer but in hope of fauour will yéeld them-selues Eache of you therefore reioyce and be of good chéere for when I am King right richly will I reward you all So went they to rest till the next morning when Barsinan being armed mounted on horsseback with twentie Knightes in his companye and came to a Port which one of King Arbans Knights kept who seeing this troupe presently sounded an allarme But Barsinan sent him woord how he came to parle only and desired truce beside for sixe houres whereof King Arban was immediatly aduertised who graunted the truce Barsinan required and likewise for fiue dayes Conditionally that he should offer no violence to any house in the Cittie or practise any entraunce during the limitted time beside if the King returned in that space the difference should bée left to his disposition Barsinan was contented with these conditions because he accounted King Lisuarts death certaine where-upon he said to Arban I hope this little truce will be an entrance into a perpetuall peace betwéene vs for I dare assure yee King Lisuart is dead and his Daughter must be my Wife as within these fiue dayes ensuing you shall euidently sée What quoth King Arban thou hast then put him to death and couldst thou deale so traiterously with him that gaue thée such honorable entertainement in his Court rather will I presently dye then continue one hower of peace with thee get thée gone therefore quickly or I will send thee hence in pieces Is it true quoth Barsinan well mayst thou threaten me but it is in me to make thee repent it Thus returned he to his Souldiours acquainting them with his honest offers to King Arban and the audacious answere he returned for them CHAP. XXXIX ¶ How Amadis came to the succour of the Cittie of London when it was in this distresse NOt long agoe we left Amadis in the wood familiarly deuising with the Princesse Oriana thinking on nothing but their swéete contentation and among other discourse Amadis intreated her to tel him what spéeches Arcalaus had with her by the way On my faith Sir quoth she he confounded my senses with perswading me to reioyce saying Before fiue dayes were expired I should reigne as Quéene in great Brittayne enioying Barsinan to my husband him-selfe likewise should be chéef gouernour and maister of his house in recompence of the seruices he did for him in giuing him my fathers head and me to be his wife Ah heauens said Amadis what treason is this in Barsinan who shewed him-selfe such a fréend to the King God shield he doo no wrong to the Quéene In sooth I greatly doubt it replyed Oriana it were good therefore we hasted to sée With all my heart quoth Amadis so mounting on horsseback they rode toward London méeting many Knights by the way that followed the King whome still he directed in their course certifying them that Galaor was gone likewise in his search Within a while after Oriana espyed Don Grumedan an auncient Knight of honor to the Quéen and twentie Knights more with him who all that night had searched the Forrest for the King but when he sawe her the teares stood in his eyes with ioy desiring to heare some newes of the King her father Credit me Sir quoth she not farre from the Cittie were we sundered when God ordained so well for me that Amadis deliuered me from the
Galaor chapter XVIII Fol. 92. How Amadis combatted against Angriote and his brother who guarded the passage of the valley against such as would not confesse that their Ladies were inferiour in beauty to Angriotes choyse chapter XIX Fol. 97. How Amadis was enchaunted by Arcalaus when he would haue deliuered the Lady Grindaloya and other from prison and how afterward he escaped the enchauntments by the ayde of Vrganda chapter XX. Fol. 104. How Arcalaus brought newes to the court of king Lisuart that Amadis was dead which caused his freends to make manifold lamentations and regrets especially the Princesse Oriana chapter XXI Fol. 108. How Galaor came very sore wounded to a Monasterie where he soiourned fiue dayes attending his health and at his departure thence what happened to him chapter XXII Fol. 112. How Amadis departed from the Ladies castell and of the matters whiche were occurrent to him by the waye chapter XXIII Fol. 119. How king Lisuart being in the chace sawe a farre off three Knights armed comming toward him and what followed there-upon chapter XXIIII Fol. 122. How Amadis Galaor and Balays determined to trauayle to king Lisuart and what aduentures happened by the way betweene them chapter XXV Fol. 127. How Galaor reuenged the death of the knight whome he found slaine on the bed vnder the tree chapter XXVI Folio 131 How Amadis pursuing the knight that misused the Damosell met another knight with whome he combatted and what happened to him afterward chapt XXVII Folio 134 How Amadis combatted with the knight that did steale the Damosell from him when he slept and vanquished him chapter XXVIII 138. How Balays behaued him-selfe in his enterprise pursuing the knight that made Galaor loose his horsse chapter XXIX Folio 140. How King Lisuart held open court most royally and of that which happened in the meane time chap. XXX Folio 142. How Amadis Galaor and Balays arriued at the courte of king Lisuart and what happened to them afterward chapter XXXI Fol. 145. How king Lisuart departed from Windesore to the good cittie of London there to hold open and royall court chapter XXXII Folio 148. How king Lisuart would haue the aduise of his Princes and Lords as concerning his former determination for the high exalting and entertaining of chiualrie chapter XXXIII Folio 152. How while this great and ioyfull assembly endured a Damosell came to courte clothed in mourning requesting aide of king Lisuart in a cause whereby she had beene wronged chapter XXXIIII Folio 155. How king Lisuart was in daunger of his person and his state by the vnlawfull promises he made too rash and vnaduisedly chapter XXXV Folio 161. How Amadis and Galaor vnderstood that king Lisuart and his daughter were caryed away prisoners wherefore they made haste to giue them succour chapter XXXVI Folio 166. How Galaor rescued king Lisuart from the ten knights that led him to prison chapter XXXVII Folio 172. How newes came to the Queene that the king was taken And how Barsinan laboured to vsurpe the citty of London chapter XXXVIII Folio 174. How Amadis came to the succour of the cittie of London when it was in this distresse chapter XXXIX Fol. 177. How king Lisuart helde open courte in the cittie of London many daies in which time sundry great personages were there feasted the greater part whereof remained there long time afterward chapter XL. Folio 181. How Amadis determined to goe combate with Abiseos and his two Sonnes to reuenge the kings death who was father to the fayre Briolania and of that which followed chapter XLI Folio 183. How Galaor went with the Damosell after the knight that dismounted him and his companyons in the forrest whome when he found they combatted together and afterward in the sharpest poynt of their combate they knewe eche other chapter XLII Folio 187. How Don Florestan was begotten by King Perion on the faire Daughter to the Countye of Zealand chapter XLIII folio 191. How Galaor and Florestan riding toward the Realme of Sobradisa met with three Damoselles at the Fountayne of Oliues chapter XLIIII folio 197. FINIS
for God is our defender At these words the most dishartened tooke courage concluding to stay and fight manly with their enemyes who soone after in great fury set vppon them Now did King Abies make known his magnanimity and hardly could Prince Agraies men endure the assault nor the squadron that King Perion brought for King Abies maimed some other he ouerthrew and while his Launce held he dismounted euery Knight that met with him Afterward he layd hand to Sword wherewith he caryed himselfe so valiantly as the hardyest were amazed thereat for he made way where euer he came so that King Perions men not able longer to hold out began to retire so fast as they could toward the Citie When the Gentleman of the Sea sawe that fortune was so contrary to thē in great despight he entred the throng and fought so fiercely as the most part of the Irish-men were glad to stay while the Gaules without disorder retired toward the Castell then turning his horsse he followed them To defend this brunt there was also King Perion and the Prince Agraies who deliuered testimonie to their enemyes by the kéene edge of their Swords how well they knewe to gouerne themselues in such extremities notwithstanding the Irish-men séeing they had the better still pursued them with eager courage driuing them confusedly into the Citie hoping that now would be the end of their warre Such was the retire of the Gaules still more and more pressed by their enemyes as doubtlesse the Irish had entred the Cittie after them but that they were hindered by King Perion Agraies and the Prince who wholly did repulse the throng till their people by them were gotten in But now was tidings brought to King Abies that his Cozin Daganel and Gallin Duke of Normandye were slaine whereat he wexed verie displeasant and séeing King Perion with his people were enclosed in the Cittie he resolued to take leysure for his reuenge wherein he was deceiued for soone after he was very strongly repulsed which made him almost mad with anger And as he thus raged vp and downe one of his Knights shewed him the Prince saying My Lord he whome you see mounted on the white Horsse is the man that slew Prince Daganel and the Duke of Normandye with many other the best in your Army When King Abies heard that he rode to the Prince with these words Knight thou hast slaine the man whome most I loued in the world but if thou wilt combat I hope to be reuēged so well as I shall haue cause to be quit with thée Your men answered y e Prince are too little trauailed to meddle with ours notwithstanding if thou wilt as a Knight reuenge him thou louedst and declare the great hardines for which thou art renowmed chuse of thy men such as thou shalt like and I if it please the King will do as much of mine for being equall in number thou shalt gaine more honor then with so great an Armie which thou hast brought into this countrey without iust occasion Beléeue me quoth the King thou talkest well go to chuse thou thy selfe the number of men how many or fewe thou thinkest good Séeing you leaue it in my choise replyed the Prince I will make an other offer which it may be you will account more conuenient You are mine enemy for that which I haue done and I yours for the wrong you haue done to this Realme so for our seuerall cause of anger it is not reasonable any other then our selues should suffer let then the battaile be betweene you and me only and presently if you wil without longer dallying yet shall you assure me from your men as I will do you frō mine so y ● none shall moue whether the one or the other be vanquished Right well said King Abies do I allow of thy offer whereupon he chose ten Knights on his part to gard the féeld And as the Prince laboured to gaine the like of the King with his consent he found King Perion and Agraies somewhat loath to graunt the Combate as well for the consequence that might ensue as also because the Prince was much wearyed and sore wounded beside wherefore they intreated him to deferre the matter till the day following But the desirous affection he had to be conquerour as also to make a finall conclusion of the warre that he might returne vnder her obeysaunce from whome he came to serue King Perion would not suffer him to make any longer delay of the glory and honor which he sawe so néere at hand For this cause he vsed so many perswasions to the King as in the ende he was graunted the Combate and on his side likewise were ten Knightes appointed for his guard and safetie in the féeld CHAP. X. ¶ How the Gentleman of the Sea fought the Combate with King Abies on difference of the warre he made in Gaule YOu haue heard in what manner the Combate was accorded betwéene King Abies and the Gentleman of the Sea and now alreadie is the greatest part of y e day spent wherefore it was agréed by the Lords on either side very much against the willes of the two Combatants that all should be deferred till the morrow morning as well that they might refresh themselues and repaire their battered Armour as also for regarding such woundes as they had receiued in the passed encounters Heereupon the two Kings withdrewe themselues the one to his Campe and the other to his Castell But such is the bruite spred through the Citty what worthie exploits the Gentleman of the Sea had done as he could not passe by them but thus they spake with generall voyce Ah famous Knight God giue thée grace to procéed as thou hast begun impossible is it to finde a Gentleman so accomplished with beautie and chiualrie as he is for our eyes are iudges of the one and our enemyes full well haue felt the other But you must note that in the morning when they went to the féeld the King had giuen the Queen in charge that so soone as the Prince returned from the warre she should send one of her Ladyes to him requesting him not to be vnarmed in any other place then in her Chamber wherefore as he went néere the Kings lodging the Lady came vnto him saying Sir Knight the Queene desires you not to be els-where vnarmed but in her Chamber where she stayeth your comming In sooth saide the King you must néedes graunt this request and I desire it may be so The Prince condiscending went where the Quéene stayed with her Ladyes and no sooner was he entred but presently the Ladyes holpe to vnarme him yet the Quéene her selfe tooke the greatest paine of all and as she had off his coate of Mayle she perceiued he was sore wounded which she shewing to the King he said I meruaile Gentleman séeing you are so hurt that you tooke no longer time for your Combate It had béene needlesse answered the Prince for I haue no wound
to him the one of them vsing these woords King Lisuart spare the Knight otherwise thou shalt not reigne one hower If I dye answered the King so shall you all for me like traytours as you are Then one of them gaue him such a blowe with his Launce as not only sore hurt him but made him fall on his face to the ground yet did he recouer himselfe very quickly like one resolued to defend his life albeit he sawe death present before his eyes But béeing vnable to resist so many at length they got sure hold on him when renting off his helmet and his Shéeld they bound him fast with a double chayne Afterward they set him on a simple horsse two Knights still holding the ends of the chayne and so leading him along sought where they might finde Arcalaus Oriana and the Damosell of Denmarke but the Knight against whome the King first fought rode before apace and wauing his gauntlet aloft to Arcalaus said Behold Cozin King Lisuart is ours A very good prize answered Arcalaus hence-foorth shall his enemyes haue no cause to dread him Uillaine quoth the King well knowe I thou wast neuer other then a traytour and though I am wounded yet will I maintayne my woords if thou darest combate with me By God sayd Arcalaus neuer should I make reckoning of my selfe to vanquish such a Lord as thou art Thus contending as they rode they came to a double way where Arcalaus stayed thus speaking to his Page Sirra ride with all spéede to London and say to Lord Barsinan that he must execute what I willed him for I haue begun indifferently if he can make an end as well Gone is the Page toward the Cittie in meane while Arcalaus deuised to send the King one way and Oriana another wherefore he sayd to his Cozin Take ten Knights with you and conduct Lisuart to my prisons at Daguanel these other foure shall kéepe me company for I will leade Oriana to mount Aldin where I will shewe her straunge and woonderfull things This mount Aldin was the place of his most vsuall aboad beeing one of the strongest and fayrest in the world thus the ten Knightes caryed away the King and Arcalaus with the rest had charge of the Princesse But certaynely if héere we consider the properties of Fortune we may easily repute her as mutable or rather more toward great Princes and Lords then the meaner sort as well she witnessed by King Lisuart euen in the time when he intended most honorably to be thwarted with such a contrary chaunce For at one instant he sawe himselfe in the hands of his greatest enemyes his Daughter and heyre to his Kingdome taken from him and all his estate in daunger of ruyne He that was woont to bée honored of all was now iniuriously despised bound and led as a théefe by a villainous Enchaunter a meane Gentleman and out of any other hope then death Is not this then a faire example for such as at this daye are called to the greatest honors in the world wherewith oftentimes they are so blinded that they forget both God and themselues King Lisuart was a right good vertuous and wise Prince yet the diuine ordenaunce suffered him to fall in these dangers to the end he might remember how all creatures remayne at his heauenly disposition This lesson he taught him for in short time he was brought so lowe as might bée and afterward restored againe as you shall presently vnderstand CHAP. XXXVI ¶ How Amadis and Galaor vnderstood that King Lisuart and his daughter were caryed away prisoners wherfore they made haste to giue them succour WE haue before declared by what meanes Amadis and Galaor escaped from Madasima the Lady of Gantasi who would haue put them to death if she had known their names likewise how they tooke their waye toward London as men right ioyfull of their good successe But by the way they met Dardan the Dwarff so fast as horsse could gallop wher-upon Amadis thus spake to Galaor Brother me thinkes my seruant Dardan commeth toward vs and doubtlesse about some matter of importaunce for doo you not sée what speede he maketh By this time Dardan brake off their talke rehearsing euery thing that happened since their departure but when he tolde how the Princesse Oriana was caryed from y e Court against her wil what sorrowful lamentations she made Amadis entred into a dispairing fury demaunding which way they went that had her in charge In sooth my Lord answered Dardan they rode thorowe the Forrest which lyeth on the other side of the Cittie Without more woords Amadis gaue the spurres to his horsse galloping amaine toward London so confounded with the terrour of these newes as he could not speak to his brother Galaor who left him not but followed at hand Through y t Cittie they ride not making any stay enquiring which way they took that led away the Princesse and euery one shewed it him verye readily As Gandalin came posting after his Lord it was his hap to passe by the Quéens lodging where she standing at a window ouer-come with gréef espied Gandalin whom she called to her and asked where he had left his Maister Madame quoth he he is gone after them that haue away the Princesse Stay a little I pray thee saide the Quéene then sent she for the Kinges swoord which was accounted one of the best in the worlde saying I desire thee carry this swoord to Amadis and tell him the King for-sooke it this morning he beeing gone with a Damosell to combate for her and she hath giuen him another swoord as yet we heare no tidinges of him either when he will returne or whether he is gone Gandalin hauing receiued the swoord set away with speede after his maister whose impacience vrging him to more haste then care of his iourney made him ride so farre into a foule sloughe as he was faine to alight ere he could get foorth again And leading his horsse by the bridle to escape the mire Galaor and Gandalin ouertooke him acquainting him with the Queenes message and deliuering the Swoord she sent him When he heard how the King was likewise gon his desire of speed encreased to giue him succour but his horsse was so wearied with striuing in the bogge as he was constrained to take Gandalins which trauailed much wursse then his own yet with the helpe of his spurres he made him goe At length they found the tract of horsses and by good hap met with certaine poore labouring men whom they asked if they met not any by the way Yes my Lord quoth one of them we met certaine men leading a Knight two Ladies albeit we durst not shew our selues but kept vs hidden in the thickest of y e wood for doubtlesse they be some bad people heer to they added such a discription of the prisoners as they easilye gathered them to be the King and Oriana betraied But tell me good freendes saide Amadis know you none of the
in the worlde so puissant that will be induced to such an enterprise But for-beare at this time and offer him no iniurie because he is héere to receiue iustice which shall be doone according to the councell of the Princes and Lordes present without fauouring any one Then Oliuas falling on his knée before the King began in this wanner My Lord the Duke who standeth before your Maiestie hath slaine a Cozin germaine of mine he neuer giuing him occasion of offence wherfore I wil iustifie him to be a villaine and a traytour and will make him confesse it with his owne mouthe else shall I kill him and cast him foorth of the feelde The Duke tolde him he lyed and he was ready to accomplishe what the King and his Courte should ordaine wher-upon it was determined that this emulation should be discided by combate which the Duke accepted desiring the King to permit him and his two Nephewes in this cause against Oliuas and two other Knightes This béeing graunted the Duke was very glad therof for he made such account of his kinsemen as he thought Oliuas could not bring their like notwithstanding all was deferred till the morrow following In meane while Don Galuanes asked his Nephew Agraies if he would assist Oliuas against the Duke and he consenting there-to Galuanes came to Oliuas saying Sir Oliuas séeing the Duke is desirous to fight three against thrée my Nephewe and I are determined to take your part which when the Duke heard he remembred that he had defyed them in his owne house when Agraies combatted with the Dwarffes champion at what time the Damosell should haue béene burned wherefore he became very pensiue in respect though he estéemed his Nephewes approoued good Knights yet he repented his wilfull offer and gladly would haue excused the matter if he could béeing too well acquainted with the behauiour of Galuanes and Agraies But considering his promise past before the King and so many noble personages there present he must of necessitie stand there-to where-fore the next morning he entred the Lysties with his Nephewes and Oliuas on the contrary side with his copartners Now were the Ladyes standing at the windowes to behold the issue of this quarrell and among the rest stood Oliuia the faire fréend to Agraies who séeing him ready to enter such perill was so dismayed as she could scant tell what countenance to vse By her stoode Mabila she beeing in no lesse greefe for her Unckle and Brother together likewise the Princesse Oriana louing them both in respect of the reasons héere-to-fore declared accompanyed the two Ladyes in sorrowe fearing their daunger but the Knights being ready to the combate the King by a Herald commaunded the Champions to doo their deuoyre Héere-upon with a braue carrire they encountred together Agraies and Galuanes vnhorssing the two Nephewes and albeit Oliuas receiued a wound on the stomack yet had not the Duke caught hold about his horsse neck his fortune had prooued as bad as his Nephewes Then drawing their Swoords they smote so violently against eche other as the standers by wundered at their fiercenes beholding their Shéelds defaced their Armour battered and coullered with their blood that the victory hung a long time in suspence For Agraies horsse béeing slaine vnder him brought his life into meruailous hazard because the Duke and one of his Nephewes stroue to keepe him downe seeking to thrust their Swoords into his belly or else to smite his head from his shoulders but he was so well armed and of such courage withall as he held them both play though with exceeding perill Well you may thinke that his freends greeued to see him in this distresse especially the three Ladyes of whome we spake so lately whose cheekes were bedewed with whole fountaines of teares and wofull Oliuia seemed rather dead then liuing But had he long continued in this extremitie her latest hower must needes haue ensued yet at length he recouered him-selfe charging the Duke and his Nephewe with such puissant strokes as well declared his hardy courage Oliuas all this while was in such case by reason of the sore wound the Duke gaue him that he could hardly defend him-selfe which the Duke perceiuing he left his Nephewe with Agraies and assailing Oliuas very roughly made him fall downe in a great astonishment But as he would haue slayne him Agraies stepped betweene them hauing already dispatched his enemy of his head and hindered the Duke from his determination wounding him in many places on his body that he could scant tell which way to turne him Don Galuanes likewise hauing slaine the other Nephew came to assist Agraies against the Duke who seeing his life at the latest exigent turned his horsse to escape away but Agraies gaue him such a stroke on the Helmet as he fell beside his saddle with one of his feete hanging in the stirrop when the horsse being at libertie feeling his burthen hang on the one side ran flinging vp and downe none being able to reskew the Duke till his neck was broken with dragging along Heere-upon Agraies left him returning to his Unckle to knowe how he fared Uery well I thanke God answered Galuanes but it greeueth me that Oliuas is dead for he lyeth still and mooueth not Right sorry likewise was Agraies to heare these woordes wherfore commaunding the Duke and his Nephewes bodies to be throwen foorth of the feeld they came bothe to Oliuas and finding him aliue as also his woundes not to be mortall they bound thē vp so well as they could saying Freend Oliuas be of good cheere for though you haue lost very much blood yet doubt we not of your health because we finde little danger in your hurtes Alas my Lordes quoth Oliuas my hart fainteth and albeit I haue beene héer-tofore wounded yet neuer was I in such debilitie Then the King desired to know whether he were dead or no and when it was tolde him how he wanted nothing but spéedye cure he commaunded him to be honorably caryed into the Cittie and his owne Chirurgions to attend on his health euen as it were his owne person which they did promising to deliuer him well againe within fewe dayes Thus euery one returned disputing diuerslye on the end of the Combate and according to their particuler affections so that soone after the Queene who was one of the best Ladyes in the worlde was aduised to send for the wife to the deceassed Duke that in the Courte she might weare away the cause of her melanchollie and to dispatch this busines she sent Don Grumedan to her requesting she would bring her Niece Aldena with her wherof Galuanes was not a little glad especially Don Guilan who was the freend and beloued of the Duchesse Not long after she and her Niece arriued at the Courte where they were right nobly feasted and entertained Thus the King spent the time in the Cittie of London accompanied with many great Lordes Knights and Ladyes because the same
quoth the King and let vs heare your message My Lord said she by treason you murdered my Ladyes father and vniustly keep her from her inheritaunce wherfore according to your former promise which you haue not once but often times made that you with your two Sonnes would maintaine by Armes the right you pretend to haue in this Realme she sendes you woord by me if still you stand vpon such triall she will bring two Knightes hither who shall in combate maintaine her cause making you know your disloyaltye and treason committed Darison eldest sonne to the King hearing his Father menaced in this sorte grew into great choller and as one mooued with despight he arose when without the Kinges consent he thus spake Damosell if your Mistresse Briolania haue two Knights with her men resolued to fight on her behalfe héere doo I accept the combate for my Father and Brother and if I faile I promise in the presence of all these Lordes to send her my head in requitall of her Fathers whose death was not accomplished without great reason In sooth Sir Darison answered the Damosell you speak as a Knight of hautie minde yet may I doubt these woordes to procéed from choller because I discerne an alteration in your countenaunce but if you will request the King to confirme your speeches I shall thinke your proffer came from a hart of courage This answere Damosell quoth he may you boldely make her that sent you hither Cause then his Maiestie saide the Damosell to giue my Ladies Knightes assuraunce that for any mishap you may receiue in the combate they shall sustaine no iniurie nor be medled withall but by you three and if you purchase them such a safe-conduit they shall be heere within thrée dayes at the vtter-most Darison falling on his knée before the King saide You heare my Lord the Damoselles demaund and the promise I haue made before your Maiestie in the presence of al these great Princes and Lordes humbly therfore I beséeche you séeing my honor is yours that both you and all the rest will confirme her request otherwise to our great disaduauntage the presuming Knightes who dare aduenture in the cause of foolishe Briolania will imagine them-selues conquerours and vs dismaied fainte harted cowardes hauing openlye published that if any one will touche your illustrious renowne for matters past by the combate of vs three you intend to be purged And albeit you would make them no such promise yet ought not we to refuse them for as I vnderstand they be some foolishe Knightes of King Lisuarts Courte who by their ouer-wéening aspiring thoughtes make high account of their owne déedes in the contempte of others The King who loued Darison as him self though the death of his brother condemned him culpable and therby made him feare the combat graunted thē safe-conduit according as the Damosell requested for the two Knights and such as came in their company Héere is to be considered that the period of this traitours fortune was now limitted and the iust auenger of all wronges pointed out reward for the treason of him and his sonnes as in this discourse may be euidently séene The Damosell séeing her message had taken such effect as she desired said vnto them Make your selues readie for to morrow without faile shall this difference be discided So mounting on her Palfray she returned to the Castell of Galumba where béeing arriued before the Knights and Ladyes she reported her answere but when she told them that Darison reputed them foolish Knights of King Lisuarts Court they were so offended as Amadis entred into th●se spéeches By God there are such in company of that good King as can easily abate the pride of Darison and humble his head so lowe as they list but I thinke his choller ouer-maistred him when he vttered woords of such great indiscretion Trust me my Lord answered Briolania you cannot say or doo so much against these traytours as they iustly deserue You knowe what villainie they did to the King my Father and how long time they haue disinherited me let pittie then preuaile on my behalfe seeing in God and you I haue reposed my selfe with assured hope of sufficient reuenge Amadis whose heart was submisse to vertue and all gentlenes mooued with compassion sayd Madame if God be so pleased ere to morrow at night your sorrow and sadnes shall be conuerted into pleasure and content Heerupon they concluded to set forward verie early the next morning which made them depart to their chambers except Briolania who sate conferring with Amadis on many matters when oftentimes she thought to motion mariage betwéene him and her but suspecting by his continuall sighes as also the teares streaming from his eyes that some other Lady was cause of these passions she kept silence and taking her leaue bad him good night On the morrow they goe all to horsseback and comming to the Citty of Sobradisa their arriuall was verie welcome to many who séeing the Daughter of their late soueraigne Lord and knowing the monstrous trecherie of his brother they instantly desired her prosperous successe because they bare her singuler affection Abiseos remembring the wrong he had done her and his bloody treason so vnnaturally committed seemed terrified in countenance because the woorme of conscience reuiued his heinous offence yet hauing been so long obstinate and indurate in his sinne thought fortune would now assure his quietnes confirme his state to continue in tranquilitie But when he sawe how the people flocked about her not shewing any reuerence to him his Sonnes albeit they were royally accompanyed with Lords he exclaimed on them in this maner Ah wretched and bad minded people I see what comfort you take by the presence of this Girle and how your sences are caryed away with her now may I well iudge you rather could accept her as your Soueraigne she being a woman not capable of such an office then I y t am a hardy Knight Her weakenes you may note because she hath in so long time gotten but two Knights who are come to receiue an ignominious death which in sooth I cannot chuse but pitty When Amadis heard these taunting woords he was so enraged as if the blood would haue gushed from his eyes and raising himselfe on his stirrops that euery one might heare him he thus answered Abiseos it may be easily discerned that the arriuall of the Princesse is scant pleasing to thée in respect of thy horrible treason committed murdering her father thy eldest brother but if thou haue any feeling of vertue and art repentant for thy foule misdéed yéeld to her what thou hast vniustly vsurped so shall I discharge thée of the combate prouided thou aske God forgiuenes and vse such repentance as beseemeth a sinne so hainous that by loosing honor in this world thou mayst seeke the saluatiō of thy soule héereafter Darison prouoked to anger by these speeches anaunced himselfe and before his father had leysure to reply he
villaines and ransomed me with the price of their liues They were vnwise to resist said Grumedan when you had so good a champion but I pray you my Lord what is become of your brother Euen in the same place answered Amadis where they seperated the father from the daughter we seuered our selues he posting after the King and I followed Arcalaus who led away Madame Oriana The better hope haue I of his succour quoth Grumedan seeing so good a Knight hath taken it in hand Héerevpon Amadis told him the horrible treason of Arcalaus and Barsinan Let me therefore intreat ye quoth he to conduct the Princesse leasurably after while I make hast before least the Queene be distressed because I doubt the traitour will offer her iniurie I thinke it likewise expedient that you cause all the Knights to returne you meete withall for if the King should be reskewed by multitude of men there is enow before alreadie and more then néedes So leauing his Lady with Don Grumedan he made all the haste he could toward London ouertaking the Squire by the way that came from the King who told him all the newes of his deliuerance which was no little ioy to Amadis hearing the fortunate successe of his brother Galaor There met he with an other likewise who made report of Barsinans dealings at London wherefore entring y e Cittie so couertly as he might the first he met withall was King Arban of whome he was louingly embraced and welcommed with request of what newes he brought None but good answered Amadis and such as you are desirous to heare but because I doubt the Queene is scant mery let vs goe sée her for happily she will be glad of our comming So rode they to the Court together Amadis still kéeping the Squire with him that came from the King and when they entred the Quéenes presence Amadis falling on his knée began in this manner Madame this Gentleman left the King well this morning and at libertie whereof his Maiestie certifieth you by him my selfe likewise not long since left your Daughter with Don Grumedan and very shortly they will be with you But because I vnderstand that Barsinan mollesteth you with trecherie suffer vs I pray you to go sée what he can doo When the Quéene heard these ioyfull tidings her inward content tooke away the libertie of her speeche nor could she doo any thing but lift her hands and eyes to heauen applauding his name from whome this good proceeded and by gestures deliuering some signe of thanks to Amadis At length hauing ouercome this delightfull passion and intending to question further concerning these newes the allarme was sounded wherefore King Arban Amadis hyed to the barres where they found Barsinans men giuing an eager charge as hoping to conquer the contrary part But Amadis thrusting him-selfe formost caused the barres to bée taken downe and accompanyed with King Arban brake in couragiously vpon the enemy a noble president to their Souldyours who being chéered by this onset tooke hart and followed Now wexed the skirmish to be hot indéed so that on both sides very many were slaine which Barsinan perceiuing and trusting in his multitude to suppresse the weaker part came formost him-selfe in person thinking now he sawe the barres open to driue his aduersaryes back againe into the Cittie When Amadis noted his forwardnes he stepped back and chaunged his Creast and Shéeld with a simple mercenarie Soldiour yet reseruing his Launce which with a strong carrire pierced through his Armour and wounding Barsinan brake in pieces in his flesh Then drawing his Swoord he gaue him such a stroke on the Helmet as he was astonnied there-with and redoubling his blowe cut his right arme quite from his shoulder when Barsinan féeling him so wounded would haue retyred back to saue him-selfe by the spéed of his horsse but he fell to the ground as depriued of his sences Wherefore Amadis left him and set vpon the rest who being vnable to endure these hot assaults likewise beholding their Lord dismounted tooke themselues to flight for safetie of their liues yet were they so closely followed as the most part of them were slaine in the feeld and some fewe of them escaped into the Tower causing the bridge to be quickly drawen vp after them Heere-upon Amadis returned where he left Barsinan and because he was not yet dead commaunded he should be caryed to the Quéenes lodging there to be kept till the Kings returne and as he would haue put vp his Swoord he sawe it soyled with blood wherefore in wiping it he said Thou trustie Sword in a happy houre was the Knight borne to whome thou belongest and as thou art one of the best in the world so is thy Maister the most vertuous Prince liuing He vsed these words because it appertayned to King Lisuart and was sent him from the Quéene by Gandalin as you heard before but now returnes he with King Arban to the Quéenes lodging to comfort her with newes of this happie victorie All this while the King is hasting toward London giuing order to returne al the Knights he met by the way among whome were Agraies Galuanes Soliuan Galdan Dinadaus and Bernas all which were highly in the Kings fauour as men of vertue and no small deseruing and his Maiestie hauing embraced them said My noble good freends you had almost lost me but God be thanked you haue recouered me againe by the help of these thrée woorthie Knightes Galaor Guilan and Ladasin In sooth my Lord answered Dinadaus so soone as your mishap was knowen in the Cittie eche one prepared to bring you succour I knowe my good Nephewe quoth the King that I am greatly beholding to you all but I pray you take good store of these Knights and post with spéede to assist the Quéene for I doubt she is in no little daunger This Dinadaus was one of the best Knightes of the Kings linage and well estéemed among men of account as well in respect of his vertues as also his braue behauiour in chiualrie so according to the Kinges commaund he rode away presently very brauelye accompanied The King likewise followed an indifferent pace least his Nephewe should stand in need of helpe and by the way he ouer-tooke Don Grumedan with his daughter Oriana how ioyfull his méeting was you may easily conceiue that the seperation was not so greeuous but this was as gladsome Grumedan told his Maiestie how Amadis left the Princesse with him while he rode before to assist the Quéen thus with repetition of many matters they beguiled y e time till they arriued at London where he vnderstood the successe of Barsinans enterprise and how valiantly King Arban had resisted him not forgetting the woorthye behauiour of Amadis in taking him prisoner and discomfiting his men except a few that saued them-selues in the Tower Héere would it aske a worlde of time to reporte the ioye pleasure and contentment betwéene the King and Quéene at their meeting