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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18708 Two fruitfull and godly sermons preached at Dorchester in Dorsetshyre, the one touching the building of Gods temple, the other what the temple is. Chub, William. 1585 (1585) STC 5212; ESTC S109852 23,458 64

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on a shéepes skyn may the rather haue accesse to the flocke to murther and deuoure at his pleasure After the same sort dyd Iudas salute and kysse hys maister Christ which kisse and salutation was a signe and token of loue but it hatched hatred and treason (a) The gest without a wedding garment that thrust in among the bidden gests shewed the like effect I may very well liken them to a great many in these dayes which vnder the colour of comming to the Church and frequenting the company of good men with fréendly faces and bountifull gifts doo further theyr wycked pretences in ouerthrowing the estate and confounding religion In whom hath treason appeared strongest of late yeeres here in England but in those that haue béene admitted into fauour After that they had protested great loyalty and fréendship the old saying is verified In trust is treason and in the fayrest rose is soonest found a canker Vnder the coloure of a fréendly quaffyng King Iohn was poysoned by pledging a Fryer such are colours of dissemblers whose affections are farre from their outward shew Pylate in a fayre shew of Iustice fauoure could wash his hands from condemning the giltles blood of Christe and yet gaue sentence on him such counterfeyted fauor is ioyned in stéede of fréendship and such abhomination in stéede of holines that we may say the wood which they bring is wormeaten and the stones they builde withall is as rubble not fit for so glorious a sanctuary as the Lords Temple They haue made estimation of their owne houses more then the Temple of the Lorde Agge 1 9 which lieth waste and yet they say they will ioyne with the true and godly builders furdermore they say that they sought the Lorde but as they did after a dissembling sort ioyne with the godly offering to build with them purposing nothing lesse euen so now do they say that they haue sought the Lorde whose diligence and industry is iudged the weaker because they haue not founde him for no doubt the Lorde is not so doubtfull to bée found nor so strange to be spoken withal but that if they had sought him with faith and with a harty desire they might haue found him As our sauiour Christ hymselfe sayth Querite et inuenietis séeke and ye shall find and as the Prophet Dauid fayth Psal 119 2 Blessed are all they that keepe his testimonies and seeke him with their hole hart Deu. 4 29. and as Moyses sayth If from thēce thou shalt seeke the Lord thy God thou shalt find him if thou seeke him with al thy hart but peraduenture if they sought him it was as Christe saith with their lips but their hart was far of wherfore if we behold both their actions that is to say to ioyne with the builders and to bring nothing to the buidling and to seke the Lorde and not to finde him sheweth their bad pretences Their religion But now sée further and behold their profession and relygion which was that they had doone sacrifice vnto the Lord in the which profession and religion of theirs they expresse howe deuoutly and orderly they shewed themselues in as much as they take theyr originall from Esar Haddon otherwise called Sardanapalus who was Senahcrib his sonne who worshipped the Idoll Nisroch as his God 2. Re. 17.26 It doth appeare in the booke of the Kyngs how this people at their first enterance into Samaria and possessing the Citties thereof they feared not the Lorde wherfore God sent Lyons to deuour them Then they told the Kyng what happened who commaunded that one of the priestes of the country shoulde teache them what to doo how be it euery nation made them their Gods and put them in the houses of the high places And this séemeth was their sacrifice vnto their Gods that they thēselues had made euen a sacrifice agréeable to their profession which was altogether as I said before in dissimulation they were glad that they had caught the verye bare worde sacrifice because it was the profession of the priests of the law instituted by God as a figure of Christes priesthoode which signification was as farre from their knowledge I meane of the true vse of the sacrifice as their religion was from good deuotion or as farre as Iudas differed from an honest disciple yet as Iudas gloried of the title of a Disciple though he vsed not him selfe as a Disciple so these spake of sacrificing 2. Kin 17. Esra 4 4 yet knew not the vse thereof as appered by theyr Idolatrye and dissimulation enuy interruption trouble and hindering the godly buildings but as I sayde before so I say still all the vngodly from the beginning haue had some shewe of godlines the rather to vtter theyr deuilish purposes The maner of the Scorpion is to smyle and shew a louing countenance to them that he wyll sting vnto death Honny many times beguileth hym that is poysoned so it happeneth alwayes with double consciences whose conscience is wicked and profession good The priestes of Baal and Elias dyd both sacrifice but not alike nor with the like conscience for the priests of Baal dyd it in Idolatry and superstition Elias did it in good deuotion and with a pure hart vnto the almightie therefore the old saying is true The hoode maketh not the Monke Hence is it that pure religion is grounded vppon a spirituall profession and not a ceremoniall shew and hence is it that we shoulde beholde the Lorde in trueth and vnderstand him in righteousnes not in a profession whose signification we know not otherwise we might reason well to say the papists did well to vse the worde of God in the Latine tongue because it was the worde of God but that could not be because the knowledge and vse and necessity therof was hidden from men But so is the sleight and subtilty of the deuill to colour in the wicked theyr wickednes and deuilish pretences wyth godly titles or godly names or godly ceremonies without the true vse and signification of them The Ammonits Ammonits did offer and vse sacrifice but howe moste filthily and abhominably when they offered their sonnes and daughters to Moloch 1. Kin. 11. The Iewes did put their truste in their Temple saying Templum domini the Tēple of the Lord and not in the liuing lord himselfe and that with a faithfull harte as Dauid did in many places and as is required of all the godly This is to be noted that betwixt the godly and the vngodly the matter is all one but the manner differeth for trust being required of all is found in all but not alike for the vngodly trust in their Idols and in stocks and stones and the godly in the lyuing Lord who is theyr maker preseruer and gouernour Israelites Iere 7 18 Likewise the Israelites did worship but whom did they worshyp not the hygh and mighty Iehouah but the Quéene of heauen that is the Sunne
the Moone Why because say they then hadde wee plenty of victuales Iere 44 17. we were wel and felt no euill Such was the illusion of sathan to feede their adoration with a worldly sauour of security as though the true blessednes did consist in the peace and plenty of this worldly life Also the Pharesies did obserue that whole Law in outward shewe Pharisies they fasted they truly tythed mynt annise and commin what could the world sée in them but the whole body of godlines but yet Christe who knoweth the secrets of all harts said they were hipocrits dissemblers Who were more deuoute Math 23 and more gyuen to fasting then the Manichies Maniches which gaue straight order for the obseruing thereof and refrained from the eating of fleshe and yet concerning all other cates and deynties they so porred themselues that they cracked And I pray you what greater shewe of godlines charity humility chastity c was there séene in our Papists Papists in al their actions here in England and els where they were ful of prayers night watches Dirges and solemnities but in what straunge tongue and straunge deuise and in what deuotion the world knoweth they were so full of chastitie that none of them woulde marrye and yet few but had his Curtisan they were full of charity and yet Tyrants yea such Wolues as did daily sucke the bloode of Christ his flocke they gaue almes plentifully but they had politike deuises to extort it from others they ordeyned obserued many holy dayes which bredd and hatched many idellers Idolaters feasters gamsters in all sorts dauncers incontinent match-makers and such like abuses great store scarce was there one that coulde make account of hys fayth for the comfort of the Gospell was hydde from them and all good godly exercises in asmuch as if euer the kingdome of ignorance raigned it florished in theyr dayes And now in these last daies wherin the Gospell God be thanked florisheth Protestants and the word of God is dayly preached we sée a great many lip Gospellers which haue the word of God in theyr mouth euen from the téeth forward how they wil dispute daily of it how they wil make choise of theyr companies yet by their workes ye shall know them for some of them are great slanderers backbiters and scornfull dispisers of other men many of thē great enemies to the poore such hold the gospell sometimes for the fauour they beare to theyr fréends sometime for the malyce they bere to others some are so couetous that they are become priuy vsurers and open extortioners It is a lamentable world to sée in this present age the verye picture of the yong man that wold learne to enter into the kingdome of heauen but would not forsake and sell all that hee had to follow Christ An other sorte you shall sée to be like Cleophas to goe with Christ and yet not to know him these are lyke such as S. Paule speaketh of that wyll come in the latter dayes hauing a shewe of godlines 2 Tim. 3 but denying the vertue therof and as the Apostle sayeth in an other place They say that they know God whē as they déeme him in theyr déedes because they are themselues abhominable The Prophet Esay doth sharply reprooue such hypocrits saying Esay 48 1.2 Heare ye this O house of Iacob which are called by the name of Israell and are come out of the waters of Iuda which sweare by the name of the Lord and make mention of the God of Israel but not in trueth nor in righteousnes for they are called of the holy cittye and stay themselues vpon the God of Israel whose name is the Lord of hostes The very like hipocrites doth the Prophet Ieremy recite saying Run to and fro by the stréetes of Ierusalem Iere. 5.1 2 and behold nowe and knowe and enquire in the open places thereof if yee can find a man or if there be any the executeth iudgment and séeketh the trueth and I wil spare it for though they say the Lorde liueth yet they sweare falsely Thus may yee sée in this briefe discourse the heape of aduersaries which the church alwaies hath had and yet hath woorking vnder the colour of holines by reason whereof they haue not onely brought their mischiuous purposes the sooner to passe as it is sayde before in hindering the building of true holines but by this meanes the credite and honor of the godly hath béene embased and oftentimes hadde in suspition yea condemned amongst a great many of indifferent worldlings wherefore that the one may the better be known from the other euen as I haue before layde downe the maner and behauiour of the wycked and theyr hypocrisie so wyll I as my text leadeth me lay downe the conuersation and behauiour of the godly with theyr profession that as the one is séene knowne by hypocrisie so the other may bee seene and knowen by constancy In Zerubbabell otherwise called Barachias together with Ieshua the reste fathers of Israell was founde this godlye disposition 1 That they refused the aduersaries offered helpe lothing to ioyne with them 2 They professed themselues to build together 3 Vnto the God of Israel In the first fruit of their good profession constancy it appeareth that they allowed not of the offered helpe and assistaunce of the aduersaries although indéede the present occasion of newe repayring theyr Citty Anno mun 3419. and laying the foundation of theyr Temple requyred al helpe and assistance yet theyr purpose and labor considered they meant nothing les beeing the children of God then themselues to doo it that as the Temple was a place of holye exercises and a mistery of an euerlasting sanctuary so it shoulde be erected by none but such as were vnfainedly the Lordes workmen wherefore this séemed to bée a godly purpose in the children of God to refuse these aduersaries and not to estéeme of theyr labours for two causes First for that they wexed not faynte nor weary in the trauell performance of good thinges dedicated to the Lord. Secondly that they refused to ioyne themselues to the wicked knowing the inconueniences of a wicked participation in the which two considerations if Gods people doo well consider of this president so long layde before theyr eyes as a good example it cannot chuse but be a fruitful patterne for in that they shrinked not at so great a labour but were wylling to doo it themselues it is notable for vs to learne specially in these dayes to doo our godly exercises labors especially which are dedicated to the lord our owne selues without the care of our owne paynes or the trust wee shoulde repose in others and then wee shoulde see howe the Byshop sometimes woulde refuse hys Register the Iustice hys Clark the pastor hys seruing priest the Sherife hys arrant Baylyues the master hys seruant and so foorth of many other professions of