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A18017 Schelomonocham, or King Solomon his solace Containing (among many thinges of right worthy request) King Solomon his politie, his true repentance, and finally his salvation, first presented to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie, and afterward published. Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1606 (1606) STC 4666; ESTC S107560 299,642 386

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way of wickednes destruction what good hath this vngodly gaine and the pompe of riches brought vs But I hope that the kings grace is not offended at me to whome to my knowledge I haue not giuen as touching my duty in my place any occasion of offence The Lord saue his noble Grace and graunt that hee may thinke and resolue of mee but as in equitie I haue deserued then as mine owne integritie of conscience doth cleare mee so shall not his noble Grace bée perswaded to suspect mée But as I am well resolued in the one hee shal be satisfied in the other and so neither shall I feare the terror of his face nor his grace be either grieued or offended at any fault of mine CHAP. 7. Adoniram the Treasurer Azariah the chiefe Collector and Benaiah the Captaine ouer the Kinges hoastes are iustified concerning the cause of the Kinges affliction AS the former Lordes had spoken in the clearing of themselues of all offence offered to the King Adoniram the Lord Treasurer his integrity in his office which might occasion his affliction and trouble of minde So also Adoniram the Lorde Treasurer Azariah the chiefe Collector and Benaiah the Captaine of the kings hoastes endeuoured the like And first Adoniram spake to this effect It may bee that the Kinges Maiestie hath conceyued against mee some matter in minde to the disquiet of the same But truely my Lordes as yée haue saide and done so may I also boldely say and auouch for mine owne sinceritie and vpright dealinges as touching the thinges in the which it hath pleased his Highnesse to put mee in trust I haue not beene of that couetous minde and of that base and corrupt nature to conueigh the Kings Treasure into mine owne chestes for any my priuate vses the which yet is the only end for the which some men hunt after seeke for such Offices little caring how the king or the commons do either prosper or decay Nor haue I wasted spoiled or ryotously spent or consumed the royall wealth as some haue done respecting rather their owne pleasures then the kings profit to the abuse of this authoritie nor haue I purchased in large landes builte vp sumptuous houses endowed my wife exalted my sonnes married my daughters or otherwise prouided for mine house and posterity with that which I haue receiued for the King the which without his especial warrant to the contrary is onely to be employed or kept and preserued to and for his Maiesties vse and the affaires of his kingdome I haue neither deteined nor withholden that which I haue beene willed or commaunded by the King to disburse and payfoorth as if the things were mine own to bee vsed and cōmaunded nor vnder colour of mine office and authority haue I extorted exacted or encroched that of the kinges people which was neither due to his Maiestie nor lyable in right to my commission or authority But why should I be prolixe and tedious in declaring further what I haue not béene and what I haue not done that might bréede offence It is enough for me to tell you that I haue executed mine office and done my duety faithfully to the vttermost of my power I haue kept and preserued the Royall treasures for the honour of his Maiesty the weale of his Realme and the daunting of the enemie with a good conscience and as there was neuer king more rich so was there neuer any more carefull in preseruing and more héedefull in well employing the wealth of the same It is wonderfull to reckon vp what hath béene receiued and againe to tell what hath beene paide out in and about the kinges buildinges of his Temple of his houses of his Cities of his Townes of his walles and about many other thinges The dealers in and about these great matters may neither be ignorant nor inexpert nor negligent In al the which I say I haue dealt yet as iustly and as carefully as I might howbeit not without great toile trauell and weakening both of mind and body But yet I haue beene glad and ready thus to imploy my selfe so far foorth as therein I might please my Lord the king and discharge my duety towardes him in this seruice And truely in all these great dealinges as I haue beene faithfull and therein discharged mine oath conscience both to God and the king So did I neuer as yet eyther heare or obserue in the king that hee was displeased with mee for any mine actions or doinges therein Neither belieue I that at this present hee hath taken any iust conceite against me in any thing that offendeth his kinglie mind Azariah the L. Collector acquiteth himselfe in his office * This being said Adoniram pauzed At the which Azariah the Collector stoode forth and spake in his owne defence and thus hee said Although so it be that the kinges trouble may not spring from any of vs all my Lordes yet as this one thing hath worthily touched the conceites of others by the which they haue beene right willing for the better satisfaction of others and for the ease and clearing of their owne consciences to examine and iudge themselues and their dealinges so am I also moued and readie with the rest to examine and iudge my selfe with all mine actions and dealinges in the kinges affaires for he that is silent in such a time of triall may be iudged guiltie and worthy blame how free cleare soeuer he be And againe A guiltie persō is fearefull how willing soeuer the innocent person be to abide the trial of iustice the guilty and faultie person will euer shunne or seeke to shift from himselfe the right triall and the censure of law for he that doth euill hateth the truth nor will hee come to the light that his wickednes might not appeare Therefore knowing mine vprightnes I stand to be tried and speaking for my selfe thus I protest howsoeuer it be that I be holden faultie or suspected of any indirect courses and procéedinges in my suruey of his Maiesties Collectors Receyuers Auditours or of any kind of wrongfull exaction extortion oppression or vniust impositions of taxes tributes or tolles on his liege people or of any kind of misdemeanour or lawles behauiour towardes his Grace and them I am able here with an vpright heart to iustifie my selfe and my doinges albeit I doe not throughlie know what euerie particular meane officer in his place hath done eyther good or euill But for that as occasion may require let euery one of them plead answere for himselfe and let the guiltie person beare the blame of his owne guiltines A fault in the meaner officers as well worthy And it may be for it is a thing too too common with officers that many loue to licke their owne fingers in their offices howsoeuer they be sworne to doe and deale iustly whereof the Prouerbe is that it is a good thing for a man to haue an office Hereof it is indeed
or willingnes he had to obey the kinges commandement as those men of Belial which forbeare to sinne openly more for feare of the rod of Iustice then for any loue or reuerence of godly vertues Moreouer Shemei might haue considered as hee was subtle and craftie enough that men suspected are euer obserued and therefore such should be very heedfull not onely of committing the fact but of all pretence and shew of that which is euill Howbeit as he that is euill by nature doth euer presume in his euill without the reuerent feare of either God or man How Shemei was brought into the snare in his time as one garded secured in the foolish conceit of his own humor so Shemei either forgetting or little regarding any of those thinges premised passed foorth of Ierusalem the place wherein he was commanded to stay and went to Geth to Achis pretending to seeke for and to fetch home two of his Seruantes which were some little time before that runne away from him In the which presumption he could not escape a vehement suspicion of practising some lewd matters with the Philistines against the peace and gouernment of the king whome hee euer envied and closely assaied to reduce the kingdome from the house of David which the Lord God had chosen vnto the posterity of Saul whom the Lord had reiected But behold whiles Shemei went forth in his greedy ambition to finde and fetch home his seruants he lost and ouerthrew himselfe For thus by the diuine preuidence which holdeth them not guiltlesse that either touch his annointed or curse and maligne their father mother howsoeuer the seruants of Shemei faulted in their going from him and he had a iust pretence to reclaime them an occasion was rightly ministred in this time of his iudgement to cast him as guiltie into the kinges danger as whereby the king might euen in this though vpon a fresh occasion perform the word of his father David administer true iudgement and yeeld that deserued recompence to that rebellious beast Now my Lords it is apparant as ye see that Shemei though a person of great place could neither be iustified nor defended in such his impieties for why to recapitulate his crimes he was most proud and malitious a rayler seditious perfidious an infringer of oath a lyar and a couetous wretch for hauing wealth beyond his worthines he was thereof puffed vp both against God and his Soueraign enuying the regimēt of David and his prosperitie he cursed the Lords annointed with a most horrible curse against the law and the equitie of the kings cause he moved the people to rebellion against David and his house from whome hee assaide to translate the Scepter he was vntrustie and treacherous to his Lorde whome with all faithfulnesse hee shoulde haue serued in discharge of his duetie Hee had broken his oathe which hee had made to God and the King departing most presumptuouslye from the Cittie of Ierusalem wherein hee had vowed to contain himselfe Hee had scandalized the Lordes annointed most egregiouslye and more hee regarded his owne priuate lucre and gaine in fetching home his Seruantes which were departed and drawing thinges vnlawfully to himselfe then the kings manifest and expresse commandement and therfore in respect of th' one he too boldly transgressed the other Wherefore the king sitting in the seate of the Lord gaue vpon him most iustly the sentence of death and withall commanded me the captaine of his gard to execute the same accordingly whereof the king in my iudgement or any other his true subiects neede not to be sory or displeased To this the Princes answered with one mouth And truly in our iudgements as the king being most wise hath done iust iudgemēt therein so shold he not only be iustified but also commended for the same of as many as either heare or consider thereof Thus indeed hath K. Solomon rightly recompenced his dangerous enemies by the prouidence help of the power diuine For doubtles this is the Lords doing who loueth righteousnes and hateth iniquity as the kings father did sing therfore as he defendeth the iust that feare him in their iustice Psal 45. so he ouertaketh the vngodly that dishonour his high maiestie in their mischieuous deuises and casteth them downe Thus the cankred old serpent whiles he purposed and had subtly plotted not only to deceiue but to destroy that noble mankind in Paradise was by Gods vpright iudgement worthily condemned to the deepest hell and so the blessed Seede of the Woman whom hee had beguiled and thought to kill did in the end confounde both him and his kingdome To this might we adde the tragecall examples of enuious Cain whō the Lord God execrated exiled from the earth for his savage villany against his brother being a righteous man Also of that proud and tyrannous Codorlaomor and those other profane princes which had captiued iust Lot which princes therefore our Father Abraham worthily smote and discomfited of hard hearted Pharao and those cruel Aegyptians who were ouerwhelmed in the red-sea when they verily presumed to haue subdued and vtterly rooted out our fathers Of those cursed Chananites whom the Lord prostrated to the powerfull hand of his seruant Iosuah of the peruerse and hateful Philistines whom Sampson the Nazarite plagued in the spirit of Iehovah of the mōstrous Goliah the Gyant of Geth whom the kinegs father being yet but a yong man and tender slew cut off his head with his own sword of vnnaturall Absolō the kings elder brother who had practised to supplant his father being lawful king who by the iust vengeance from the highest was hanged on a trée by the hair of his head as he rode throgh the woods and beyond some others th' example of that trecherous and rebellious Achitophel a chiefe Counsailor of Absolon is yet fresh in memory who seeing that his crafty and impious counsell was not affected to his desier strangled himselfe with his owne handes Many more fearefull spectacles of the semblable iudgements wee find extant not onely with vs within those his highnes dominions but els where among the Gentiles and euery where to the terror and astonishment of the Sonnes of men but yet to the consolation and vnspeakable ioy of the righteous Wherein is verified that which the kings father hath modulated in his holy songes The wicked haue I seene most strong and plac'd in high degree In wealth and stoare faire florishing much like the lawrell tree But sodainly he past him hence and prisoned was in hell Nor could I find within a whiles the place where he did dwell But as for iust and perfect men the Lord them doth encrease Who have from him them to content great ioy with rest and peace Againe the Lord protects the iust his wealth his life his lot When wicked men are dawnted with the shaftes themselves had shot Oh blessed therefore Godly men preseru'd by God your King But woe yee wicked in your
strongest power of man nor in wisdome nor in anything vnder the Sunne for all these thinges being transitory haue aswell their falling as their rising as well their ending as their beginning as well their discommoditie as their commodity incident Now that king and also the kingdome haue that supremitie of glory and peace it is most apparant not onely by the firme testimony of Gods words spoken vnto the king promising him such a thing but by our own certaine knowledge and experience thereof and all men that haue vnderstanding cannot but beholde confesse the same with vs. For who is like to K. Solomon in wisedome wealth fame and glory of all the kings on the face of the earth and what kingdome is cōparable to the kingdom of Israel in beauty peace and prosperity For albeit the king hath been sometimes resisted and shouldered by Adoniah Ioab Abiather and some others yet hath he preuailed thus farre forth prospered and triumphed ouer his enemies valiantly and although the kingdome of Israel hath beene many times battered threatned troubled by diuers enemies on euery side sithence the cōming of our fathers out of Aegypt as the Sunne Moone with Eclipses clouds darke mists yet hath the same still increased growne and prospered more and more as the Sunne from his rising vnto the high noone and as the Moone from her Coniunction to her perfect fulnesse vntill this very day wherein the same is so highly aduanced that the exaltation thereof can no further procéede proceed but henceforth begin to decline droope returne and decay after the state and course of worldlie thinges wherein we sée how one generation passeth away another succedeth The world is like a sea of glasse Eccles 3. one falleth another riseth one dieth another is borne one thing corrupteth another thing is engendred Neither can thinges be established otherwise in this wauering world how glorious soeuer it be to the eye or delight of man therefore the world is not vnaptlie likened to a sea of glasse And surely this is an exceeding greate sorrow to a wise and glorious king when he séeeth and preceiueth that all his glorie will end in ignomie his pleasures will be finished in paynes his wealth will wast and wash away his peace will be quenched with warres and his prosperitie will draw after it aduersitie all this the very heauens portend the earth pronosticateth the elemēts expresse the creatures forshew and the king himselfe through his wisdome doth foresée and therefore he is full sad heauy in his heart Alas quod the Princes is it so indéed The princes is there not any thing to be foūd out or prepared this hard lot to withstād It is true and too true saide Zadok But how to withstand it I know not zadock sauing that wel I wot al things are possible to the Lord God of heauen and earth The best way to withstand this inconuenience is to go to God and craue help at his hands to whose high Maiesty deuout and faithfull prayers and supplications must he made powred forth and offered vp by vs them which shall be included within those dolefull times that it would vouchsafe his goodnes for his names sake to grant vs true patience and constant abilitie to stand before him satisfied with his grace sufficient for them which depend on him to shroud our selues vnder the wings of his mercie compassing all his works howsoeuer things be carried and séem confused in this world psal 37.25.27 neither shal so much as one haire of the head miscarry of the which belōg to Iehovah our God To this purpose spake the kings father in his godlie meditations saying I have beene young and now am old yet did I never see the righteous forsaken Therefore he resolued as well for the solace of his owne soule as for the comfort of them in posteritie that it is good for a man to hold him fast by God to put his trust in the Lord God and to speake of all his workes in the gates of the daughter of Zion how further to withstand those fatall decrees why should we search will the most high alter his purpose are not all his workes iudgement Deut. 32. and doth he not worke and effect whatsoeuer is in his thought and that euermore for the comfort and profit of his saintes that by faith trust in him yeas assuredlie whereof we may not doubt To this replied the Princes Neither will we presume to inuestigate those hidden thinges which the Lord hath sealed vp with seauen seales nor attempt to walke in his secret wayes which no mortall man is able to find out nor studie we to withstand the purpose and prouidence of the Almightie which is euer strongest and shall with the truth preuaile But rather we will assay to conforme our will vnto his will and our liues to his pleasure being well content with that which is reuealed as that which is onely appertinent to vs and our children for euer Now let it be your pleasure most reuerend father in God to explane that second cause of the kings displeasure which riseth as yee saide from Hyram the king of Tyrus the kings brother in amitie and especiall wel willer with the rest as they follow in order for our vnderstanding CHAP. XVI Of the second third causes of king Solomons grieved minde viz. of Hyram and of the Arabian Queene THen Zadok the most Reuerend father in God being willing to satisfie the Lordes procéeded in the declaratiō of those other causes of the Kings sadnesse Of Hyram and now concerning the secōd he spake as it followeth It is true that albeit Hyram be an especiall good friend to our Lord King Solomon as he was to his father David yet ye know well my Lordes that the king aswell to gratifie him for his approued goodwill as to recompence his rich bounty in that he furnished the king with Timber and many other necessaries for the building of the Temple and his royall howses and such like he had giuen him some twentie Cities in the land of Galilee the which he thought the King of Tyrus would gladly haue accepted at his hand the rather in regard of his lonely affection and friendlie goodwill 1. king But now king Hyram lately comming out of Tyre to sée those twentie Cities declareth himselfe scarcely well pleased with king Solomon concerning them saying vnto him What kind of Cities are these which thou hast bestowed on me my brother Moreouer he called them the land Cabul which is barraine or as old and worne out howbeit we perceiue not but that he might be well enough pleased with those Citties forasmuch as the king hath not onely in loue ioyned amitie with him as his brother when he could haue made him a Subject vnto his power by conquest but also hath admitted him into his Territories so farre as hee thought it was lawfull for him to doe for the land
and threescore yeeres before the birth of the most holy Messiah gathered of his words doctrines and praiers and comprised them in a Booke the which he entituled Solomons wisedome therein confessing from whence he had taken them namely from Solomon Albeit there be which attribute this collection to one Philo who lived and wrote in the time of C. Caligula the romane Emperour about the 38. yeare after the nativity of our Lorde Christ yet which of either of them collected the learned Fathers have taken and esteemed for the very Author thereof Solomon the King of Israel who as they considered hath therein spoken and delivered not only many wise and godly precepts and doctrines for the institution of a godly man but also divers singular prophesies as of the comming and crosses of Messiah of the tyranny and Apostasie of the Iewes of the paines of the reprobates in hell and of the ioyes of the elect in heaven Lastly hee hath remembred for all posterities that most excellent prayer which Solomon made and vsed to the Lord to get wisedome the which is begunne at the beginning of the ninth chapter and continued even vnto the end of that booke And although this booke is not found written in the hebrew tongue yet shall not that withstand the opinion of the ancient fathers seeing it may bee the right hebrew Coppie perished among some other of Solomons bookes in the vnhappy captivitie of Israel and Iuda and that this notwithstanding might bee preserved and kept as before that time taken and copied out by those strangers which either came to him heard his wisdome and laid vp all things in their heart or the which having affinitie and amitie with him as had Pharao King of Aegypt and Hyram King of Tyrus procured that those his words and wise sentences shoulde be copied out interpreted and translated into their severall languages as wee see the like to bee wrought for vs in this time Aug. de civ dei lib. 17. cap. 20. Hier. lib de vir illustr Cypr. in suis epist. passim Therefore not onely the auncient Nicen Councell wherein were assembled no lesse in number then 318 Bishoppes in the raigne of blessed Constantine but also the semblable Fathers of the Church after that as they thought honourably of the person have not onely accepted SCHELOMONOCHAM OR KING SOLOMON His Solace CHAP I. Of King Solomon his glorious Estate his Transgression and his Affliction ABout the thrée thousand Annal. sac● Script Codaman Fol. 21.21 one hundred and tenth yeare after the creation of the world that right noble and most famous King Solomon the best beloued sonne of King Dauid that man of Gods pleasure and sweet Psalmist of Israel liued and raigned ouer Israel the Lords chosen people in the most renowned cittie Hierusalē As this Solomō was both chosen nominated by the Lorde his God ere that hee was borne by his grace appointed to succéede his Father King Dauid in the throne of that happy Kingdome and by his singular wisedome to goe in and out before his people so also in processe of time it came to passe that by the direction of diuine prouidence the meanes of his right prudent Mother the willing consent and word of his kinglie father and the faithful ministry of Zadock the Priest and Nathan the prophet hee was annointed crowned and proclaimed king ouer Israel euen in the life-time of King Dauid who thereupon gaue him the charge of the regal Scepter praised Iehouah his God with ioy and gladnes and prayed hartily vnto his supreme grace for the future peace and prosperity of his Sonne Solomon as wherein he might build an house to his most excellent Maiestie the God of Israel and prepare the Sanctuary for euer Whereupon Solomon sate on the seat of the Lord was king in the steede of Dauid and God prospered and encreased him in dignitie and gaue him so glorious a kingdome as the like no king euer had before him in Israel This was that Solomon to whome the Lord appeared in Gibeon and willed him to aske whatsoeuer hee would that it might be giuen vnto him and beeing yet but a child in yeeres he praied to God for an vnderstanding heart to iudge the Lords people with the which praier of his the Lord being right well pleased filled him with vnderstanding as with a floud that his mind couered the whole earth and replenished it with profound and graue sentences his name went abrode in the Iles and for his peace he was beloued the countries meruailed at him for his Songs Prouerbs similitudes Interpretations Moreouer by the name of the Lord God the God of Israel he gathered Gold as Tin and heaps of Siluer as Lead whereby he became famous before all the kings of the earth to the ioy of his people the wonder of the nations and the glorie of his God This was that Solomon who in the time of his peace and prosperitie and namelie about foure hundreth and fourescore yeeres after that the children of Israel by the conduct of Moses came forth of the land of Aegypt built vnto the name of Iehouah his God a magnificēt house an house of exceeding great glorie namelie that most beautifull Temple of God in Hierusalem according to the purpose of the Lord and that iust rule which Dauid his father receiuing from the Lord gaue vnto him before his death In the end this admirable worke perfectlie finished with all thinges both necessarie and conuenient king Solomon as he was of an heroicall spirite no lesse glorie so being thankefull he blessed and magnified Iehouah his God from whose grace he acknowledged this honour to be giuen him he adored his eternall maiestie with feruent zeale he praied vnto him in spirit and with vnderstanding and offered vp many great swéete and pleasing sacrifices vnto his supreme power who then againe right well pleased with him with his workes with his adorations with his sacrifices and prayers appeared to him the second time saying 1. King 4. that hee had both heard his prayer and intercession which hee had made before him and had halowed the house which hee had built to put his name there foreuer and that his heart should bee there perpetuallie Furthermore this magnanimious King for the better maintenance and preseruation of his royal estate prouided himselfe twelue certain Officers according to the nūber as well of the twelue months in the yeere as of the twelue tribes of Israell appointed and authorised euerie of them in his turne to leuie collect receiue and prouide from those places and persons which were within their seuerall diuisions all such victuals and other necessaries as might bee requisite for the kings person and familie The which Officers were these viz. K. Solomons 12. Officers The sonne of Hur the sonne of Dekar the son of Chesed the sonne of Abinadab Baana the sonne of Ahilud the sonne of Gaber Ahinadab the sonne of Iddo Ahimaaz Baana the sonne of
the M. of the Pallace and his office AS soone as Azariah had ended his Apologie and so cleared himselfe of all iust offence offered the king Ahishar the master of the kings Pallace stoode foorth and saide The Kinges Maiestie hath of his gratious fauour ordained me the Master of his Royall Pallace and therein what he hath conceyued of me in any thing disliking his minde pro. 19.12 I know not nor woulde I wish to incurre his displeasure which is as fearefull as the roaring of a Lyon when as his fauour is like the pleasant dew vpon the grasse and as the rayne in the time of drieth But this I knowe that to the vttermost of my power wisedome and discretion I haue done my duetye aswell touching the preseruation of the good orders of the kings house as in my behauiour towards his highnes and this I protest for my selfe not vaine gloriously to boast of mine integrity and demerites for therein I confesse I haue done but as I shoulde and am bound to do but to expresse my loyall heart and to excuse my selfe of all such suspected crime as might iustly moue the kings mind to this high sorrowe the which I would not for all that I am worth in worldly wealth should bee occasioned through me And therefore as touching mine office I haue been right careful and diligent that the kings pallace might be clensed and cleared of all such vayne persons as hauing neither the feare of God nor any honor of the king do cōmonly disturbe break all good orders in houses in citties in Cōmonwealths What kind of persons are vnfit for the Kings Court. I haue not only abandoned but also caused the Court gates to bee shut and barred against all Caynes Hagars Ismaels Esaus Chams Dalilaes Achitophels Doegs Shimeis Nabals Zibaes Adoniahs Ioabs Ieroboams as such as are knowne to be proud headdy high minded ambitious trecherous couetous enuious malitious together with all fornicators murtherers swearers lyers whisperers backbyters boasters fighters brawlers Al profane idle ireful slothful and vncourteous persons haters of God vnnaturall vnmercifull such as say in their hearts that God is not and such as knowing God honor him not as God but giue themselues ouer vnto al vngodlines These are they which disturbe the tranquillitie of brotherly felowship and all good order and therefore are worthily expelled and kept out * On th' other side I haue gladly admitted entertained retained and embraced righteous and godly Abel Abraham Isaack Iacob Sarah Anna Ruth Shem Lot What persons should be welcome to the Court. Ioseph Sampson Gedeon Iosuah Aaron Nathan Gad Samuel Abigail as such both men and women as are holy iust wise faithfull obedient gentle louing docile affable diligent couragious industrious gratefull beneficial religious godly chaste and vertuous These I say I haue gladly welcommed and admitted whether they were poore or rich knowing well it is the Kinges will good pleasure I should so do that so his pallace should not only be an house of Noble-men but a receptable to receiue and intertaine the holy and iust such as might become not only the kings Court but the mount Zion and that holie house which he hath built for the name of the Lord. Now to this is added a speciall care The exercises and the orders of the pallace first that the Lord of heauen be serued and then the house ordered and disposed in other thinges conuenient Three times in the day are they called to this seruice namely at morning at noone and in the euening notwithstanding the ordinarie repaire to the Temple with his Maiestie They which are merry are exercised in singing of Psalms hymnes and spirituall songs they that be afflicted are occupied in prayer and both th' one and th' other do ordinarilie vse to read with vnderstanding the Lawe the Iudges and the bookes of the godlie and wise whereby wisdome and the knowledge of God is learned and followed and therein are they excited as well by word as by examples to meditate day and night and to order themselues according to the same in all thinges * And as touching the ordinarie seruices within the kinges house as the king hath likewise deuised and giuen in charge I haue béene carefull for the order thereof the facilitie of performance and the conditions of the kings seruantes There is among them an obserued order which hath a cheife respect vnto one cheife Officer for the better performance Monarchicall gouerment for where there is not in gouerment one principall person by whom the others are to be directed there confusion marreth al nothing can wel'procéede Then that facilitie may bee added to the executiō of those seruices it is prouided that one man be not ouercharged either with many offices or in one such office as passeth one mans abilitie to performe but that the same be particularlie disposed to particular persons as it is thought both easy and conuenient for the one and the other in time place And as there was an especiall care taken and had who should be admitted and who should be expelled the Court so is there no lesse consideration of the election and reteining of the kings houshold seruantes The kings houshold seruants It is therefore required that they be faithfull that they deceiue not the King and that they be wise and prudent not to be decieued by others Moreouer that they be docile industrious courteous gentle and virtuous These and many such be the orders and seruantes of the kings house instituted by his most wise disposition the which also I haue withall diligence endeuoured to maintaine to my power according to his will This the noble Quéene of Saba at her being here obserued and commended with high prayses to the honor of the king the ioy of his people and the glory of the euerlasting God These words among others spake Ahishar the which being ended Iehosophat speaketh to excuse himselfe Iehosophat the Recorder put forth also his Apologie And whether in the Records or gestes said he which are written remembred or confirmed by me the king hath espied or béene certified of any error or faulte displeasing his conceit I also rest doubtfull Indeede all things cannot be so carried or writen by any Scribe or Recorder whatsoeuer but that imperfections or faultes may be made found therein as there is no man so perfect but he may haue a fault and no man so wise but he may by an occasion slide and by want of héede passe ouer a fault in his time a thing sone done especially in them that write or record much or haue many and sundrie matters occurring molesting The Recorder his office and distracting the mind Notwithstanding I hold it not onely for a fault but a fault intolerable that a Recorder either for fauour loue or affection to one or for malice enuie hatred or dislike of another should falsefie a Record or willingly write or consent to the writing
with Rubies Tophas Diamond Thurkoie Onyx Iasper Saphyr Emeralde Carbuncle and gold with Tymbrels and Musicall pipes he was as an annointed Cherub and holy placed in the sacred mount of God and made perfect in his wayes A king of Maiestie and of excellent regard for his admirable vertues Hyram his name interpreted worthily alluding to his noble name being as one would say loving exceedingly the promotion of life the beautie of them that appertaine to him freedome or libertie an high mountaine a faithfull watch a bearing or powring forth that is to say of treasures and good thinges for the helpe and comfort of others the citie or refuge of them that maintaine peace and a discovering or vnderstanding of thinges divine and profitable Fourthly as this right noble Prince had an especiall loue to the Lord the God of Israel and his most holy Religion and therefore affected wondrous well both king David 1. King and our Lord K. Solomon so was hee euer most glad willing and ready to send vnto either of them whatsoeuer they requested of him for and towardes the building of both the Lords house and also the kinges house in the greatest aboundance for as his land was plentifull and abounding with all those thinges before mentioned that by the especial blessing of God so thought he they could not be better employed then on the king and chiefly to and for so excellent a monument as he had purposed to erect to the name of Iehovah his God the same God I say which Hyram also so deuoutely honored to the prayse of his Maiesty the true solace of his soule and the good example of others Furthermore Hyram reioycing greatly to heare tel of our Soueraigne Lord now lately aduāced on the glorious seate of his father hee glorified God with this saying Blessed be the Lord this day who hath given vnto David a wise sonne to raigne ouer this mightie people Moreouer hee sent a message to the king saying I have considered all the things of the which thou hast sent vnto me and I wil surely accomplish all thy desire therein c. So that both the faith and pietie of king Hyram was plainely manifested in this kinde of congratulation of Solomons graces especially for that religious institution concerning the setting forth of the holy Religion as whereby not onely we Iewes might glorie of this that wee haue beene earnest professors of Gods law and builders of his house But that also the Gentiles whom wee sometimes abhorred are by the diuine fauour instigated and perswaded to conioine with vs in the performance of the same the which also as wee haue seene happilie to commence hath been continued and yet is enioyed to the comfort of vs all Therefore as for this benefit wee are bound to be thankfull to God and gratefull to that good King so haue wee not found or may perceiue any iust cause of offence to spring therence or that the King should thereof be greeued and perplexed in mind as at this time we obserue him to bee There is some other matter doubtles that causeth the sadnesse the which would to God wee could both find and remedy with speede for long delayes bring dangers especially in the cure of a wounded languishing head Then Lord Ahiah opening his mouth spake to this effect Ye haue well saide of the two former namely touching king Pharaohs daughter and the Tyrian king with whome the kinges Maiestie hath vnited himselfe with the former in mariage with the second in mutual amitie Ahiah speaketh of the Queene of Saba And this also may bee spoken of the most vertuous Queene of Arabia that vpon the report of the kinges seruantes which were sent at Ophir for gold prepared herselfe in great roialtie and came hether to this end to heare the kinges wisedome and to learne the religion of Iehovah our God and thereon she was happilie taught instructed being no doubt moued and perswaded thereunto by the diuine power who as we perceiue is willing that the Gentiles should partake with vs of those thinges which appertaine to the highest honour of our God and eternall happinesse as ye haue before intimated Now therefore the king knowing the purpose of God in this point and vnderstanding by his wisedome that her repaire vnto him was for this very end hee gladly welcomed her with her traine 1. King 10. and most willingly satisfied her mind euery way for he declared vnto her al her hard questions touching those diuine things for she had propounded many vnto him so that there was not one thing hiddē frō the king which he expounded not vnto her But when she saw his royall Maiestie with her eyes heard his words with her eares and well considered the admirable building of his house the excellēt orders of his noble Princes seruants and many semblable things farre passing all others and beyond the report she had heard which yet was merueilous she was throughlie rauished and astonied and thereon brake forth blessing the Lord blessing the kings royall maiestie and those his seruants with many emphaticall wordes and wonderfull gestures of bodie declaring her selfe at this time rather a true Iewish deuoted with the zeale of the glorie of our God then a Gentile as one educated and nurtured not in Arabia but in the Cittie of Ierusalem yea in Sion the Lords holie hill and sanctified Tabernacle all the daies of her life What kind of persons king Solomon accepted into league And here note I beseech you that as our most sacred Soueraigne hath entred league or affinitie with none of this kind I meane the out-landish before that they had acknowledged the Lord conuerted vnto him and made faithfull voues and promisses to be the Lordes and to feare him as somtimes Ruth and Rahab had done as the law in that case did require so refused he not any whosoeuer in this mind and sinceritie of heart came or offered themselues vnto him with a desire either to learne of him wisdome or to gratifie his wisdome glorie and prosperitie according to the true sense of the same law In or by the which we haue not found that the State of our holie Religion hath beene at any time altered or the same any way empaired or neglected but we haue seene that by this our shining candle many other candles haue beene kindled and our owne nothing blemished or consumed thereby All this doubtlesse was in our king very prayse-worthy as that which fitteth the high honor of a Soueraigne Prince Ahishar speaketh of the kings age and of his declining and death * In very truth as ye haue well spoken quod Ahishar But heare mee my Lordes might not this griefe be occasioned of this that the king now striken in yeares and well knowing himselfe a mortall man though a maiesticall King in his place doth either by his rare wisdome or some late inspiration perceiue that he must of necessitie shortlie giue ouer
polluted with any strange Gods when as they came to Bethel to sacrifice vnto Iehovah and should then king Solomon not only permit those horrible Idolatries and loathsome superstitions of Idols but also exhibit them maintenance in the same that follow such thinges so neare the Temple and the holy Cittie of God This thing is not hidden from the Lord who seeth and wil be auenged on the same Howbeit the King most vnhappily doting on those profane women his wiues and concubines which are now reuolted from the Lord and his religion and turned backe vnto their fathers and their Gods hath beene contented to conniue and beare with them in such their abhominations euen before his face and in the open sight of the Lorde people yea and rather then he would diuorce them or deny them or reproue them or correct them or displease them therein as he might haue don and indeede should haue done in this case he hath both appointed and commaunded many great summes of mony and treasure to be paied and giuen forth from his owne treasurie both to the building of certaine houses and places for such their Gods and also for the daily maintenance of their seruices in the same Therof it is before al other things that Iehovah his God is prouoked and waxen angry with him with vs and his people and hath thereon not omitted to threaten him and vs with many mighty plagues and punishments to ensew yea such as neither he we nor our posteritie shal be able to beare thereof as I vnderstand the Lord hath lately spoken by his prophet and messenger vnto the King himselfe saying Forasmuch as this thing is done of thee and thou hast not kept mine appointment and my statutes which I commanded thee 1. King 11.11 I will rent the kingdome from thee and wil giue it to thy Seruant Notwithstanding in thy dayes I will not do it because of David thy Father but I will take it from the hand of thy sonne Howbeit I will not take away all the kingdome but will giue one Tribe to thy Sonne because of David my Seruant and because of Ierusalem which I haue chosen Now here I call to remembrance what the Lorde our God hath resolued in such a case by the consideration of his words once spoken to Eli the Priest in the daies of our iudges 1. Sam. 2.25 I will worship them saith he that worship me but they which despise me shall come to shame Moreouer I remember what the King himselfe hath said in his wise Prouerbs The turning away of the vnwise shall hasten his owne destruction And well I wot therefore that of all the creatures in the world pro. 1.32 the impious and wicked person is most vnhappy that not only in respect of his sinnes and condition of life but in regard of his end and conclusion for as the end of much eating is sicknes the end of pleasure is paine the end of this life is death and corruption so the end of the Sinner is extreame anguish and miserie both in this worlde and after his death For being iustly sequestred from the societie of the Saintes and so shut out from the diuine protection he is euen whiles he liueth molested with an vnquiet conscience an aking heart feareful cogitations and dreames and many afflictions both of body and mind the hand of God being streatched foorth against him from aboue and the instrumentes of wrath tormenting him from beneath Finally this life finished hee broyles and toyles in bitter tormentes for euer more In the which he may be compared to those flying fishes which being in the waters are persecuted by other fishes for their pray springing vp with their finnes into the aire they are followed and deuoured of the cormorants and Sea-meawes or to that bird which being on the ground is hunted by dogs and flying aboue the earth is taken by the vultures for true it is that the man of impietie and sinne hath neither peace nor safety either in this world or in the world to come This thing the kings father well knew and considered of in the depth of his heart therfore when he was remembred of his transgressions and faults by Nathan and by Gad the Lordes prophets and messengers to him in that respect feeling the true sense of Gods angry coūtenance iustly bent against him and his people for the same the perilous estate both of himselfe and his dominions by and by although a chosen magnanimious puissant and valorous minded King comming to answere before the highest God hee sodainly cast himselfe downe to the earth as a base caitiffe hee repented him of his sinnes and in the fearefull agony of his afflicted soule he cried out I have sinned I haue sinned Mercy Lord mercye nor would be leaue off crying and repenting nor any otherwise estéeme of himselfe then a sinfull guilty and condemned wretch vntill he perceiued that the Lord was willing to be appeazed and of his mercie to turne his gratious face towards him as in times past resembling the bird of Paradise which beeing taken in a snare is neuer quiet nor leaueth crying and flittering till time he either dye or be deliuered And thus behoveth it our Lord the King to esteeme of himselfe vnder those his transgressions this to respect and the same to performe which in this desperate and dangerous case is the best counsail we may giue him for remedy and ease For surely surely God being thus prouoked and that iustly he will not be appeazed nor will he surcease to streatch forth his hand of iustice against him so offending vntill that he meekly acknowledge his offences before him repent and seeke him with sorrow and singlenes of heart as we may see in th'examples of our forefathers both in the wildernes vnder the conduct of Moses and Aaron and in this land vnder the gouernment of our wise and valiant Iudges Now my Lords hereof is it that Iehovah our God being most iustly displeased with our Lord the King hee hath in iustice stirred vp and prouoked against him besides the two former enemies which much troubled him that Ieroboam who thirsting for the soueraignity of Israel now especially opposeth himselfe in might and policie against the King Neither may wee thinke but howsoeuer those persons especially Ieroboam are maliciously bent and prouoked against the king and his gouernment The kings enemies are the very instruments of Gods wrath appointed to vex the king and his people and do of themselues little respect or consider the prouidence and working of the most high in this his displeasure that yet they be the very instruments and ministers of Gods iudgements as those other aduersaries of Israel haue beene in the times past against our fathers when as they forgetting God did rebell against him and his holy servants And therefore the onely way to resist them is not the wisedome power policie or arme of man but the grace of our mercifull
cause The one saith qoud he this childe which is alive is my sonne and the dead is thine And the other saith Nay but thy sonne is the dead and the living child is mine Then séeing the case doubtfull the more because there were no witnesses for eyther part hee said againe to them that stoode about him Bring me hether a sword and they brought it after that he said againe Divide the living child into two partes and give th' one part to the one and th' other part to the other For hee well knew what he would doe neither was his mind so cruell and bloody as to slay the young innocent for the mothers offence howbeit some being present not considering his purpose beganne to deride and dislike this sentence But by and by his intent was displaied for the woman whose the liuing child was féeling her vowels to yerne within her vpon her sonne whom shee thought was ordained for death cried out and sayde vnto the king I beseech thee my Lord giue her the liuing child and let it not be slaine but the other woman said Let the child be neither thine nor mine but let it be diuided as the king hath said Then the king gaue the sentence in iudgement and saide vnto the Ministers that stood by Geve her the living child whose bowels yerneth thereon and slay it not for doubtles she is the right mother thereof This being done all they of Israel hearing of this iudgement of the king feared his Maiestie the godly for loue the wicked for dread for they saw that the wisedome of God was in him to doe iustice Of this the kinges vertue spake the kings father in the spirit Thou hast loved righteousnes and hated iniquitie This being well weighed my Lordes I see not what should thereof be conceited to offend his Graces mind The princes Subscription To al this the Princes gladly subscribed commending in all thinges the iudgementes of the king And surely saide they they are happy in iudgemēt which haue as the king hath wel learned the right natures of thinges for they soundly consider of th'effectes and discerne and trie them well if they be such as are wise prudent godly and not led by affections but by sure knowledge good counsaile and the guide of the diuine spirite But we see that none of those can this perform which eyther are themselues vnlearned ignorant obstinate selfe willed prowde vngodly or contemne the good counsel and godly and graue aduise of the learned wise and vertuous Surely wee cannot denie it for it is most apparent that our Lord the king hath by this his discrete iudgement purchased to himselfe authority to his kingdome peace and trāquillitie and to the high God condigne glorie Now the better sorte of all men gratifie his honour and gladly submit themselues and their causes to his determination knowing that hee will do iustice The wicked transgressors and hypocriticall persons are fearefull to stand before his presence in the defence of their faults or triall of their liues So aswell of th' one as of th' other is the king feared in respect of those his vpright and iust iugementes which as ye said hath indéed appeared so admirable before all men CHAP. XI Of Solomons riches peace orders pleasures power blessinges fame glory from any of the which riseth not the cause of his sorrow IN the former conference king Solomons Princes and Lordes haue described displaied and defended his most noble birth his honourable names his excellent beautie his godly education his singular wisedome his sweet eloquence and his vpright iudgements Now they are no lesse willing to consider of his riches his workes his peace his orders his pleasures his power Azariah his blessinges his fame his glory And therefore Azariah spake againe and said As in the former wee haue not found anie iust cause of the kinges disgrace Solomons riches but altogether causes of honour and prouocations to ioy and gladnes so neither wanteth he any Riches or the Treasures of a King whether natural or artificiall By the naturall riches I vnderstand all such thinges as come from the fieldes trées and beastes as corne wines oyles fruites victuals clothings and such like apt and meete for mans body by artificiall I vnderstand and those things which are found out or framed by the art and industrie of man as gold siluer coyne pretious stones iewels and such like Ineyther of the which the king is maruailouslie enriched according to that word which the Lord his God spake vnto him when he asked wisedome saying I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked even riches and honour 1. King 3.13 so that there shal be no king like vnto thee in all thy daies Eccles 2.4 2. Chron. 1.15 For this wee know as himselfe hath confessed that the king hath many excellent vineyeardes planted orchardes and gardens with frees of all manner of fruit and fed oxen and beefes and more cattell and sheepe then all they which were before him in Ierusalem And as for siluer and gold wee know that hee hath made such thinges as plentifull as stones in Ierusalem and Cedar trees as plentiful as the Mulbury trées that grow in the vaileis and he hath horses brought out of Egypt and fine linnen which his Marchāts receiued for a price hee hath a chariot which cost him sixe hundred péeces of siluer with many of her Chariots and horsemen yea an hundred twelue thousand horsemen which hee hath bestowed in the Chariot Citties and at Ierusalem with his Maiesty Moreouer hee hath seruants and maidens a great houshold great substance and the chiefe treasures and large possessions euery way And truely howsoeuer these thinges doe proue as a very foolishnes vnto the ignorant and foolish Eccl. 2.9 Pro. 14.24 they are vnto with whome his wisedome remained as a glorious crowne and he is greater and of more worshippe then all his predecessors in Ierusalem Helioreph * All this is manifest said Helioreph neither can any man denie any thing of that which ye haue said therefore it is set downe in the kinges Annales and committed to the holy Registre Solomons works And as his riches is great so also are his workes most admirable according as himselfe hath said I have made gorgeous faire works I have built mee houses planted vineyeards Eccl. 2.4 I made mine Orchardes gardens of pleasure I made pooles of water to water the greene and fruitfull trees withall And it is true and hee hath builded Citties and raised the walles 2. Chro. 8. and fortified his townes and territories magnificently but beyond all others those his three houses which he hath made and performed in Ierusalem are excellent and passe all the buildings and workes in the world First according to the commaundement of his Father David and iust after the forme and proportion that the Lord had giuen to David 1. Chro. 28.19 and