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A10588 A briefe relation, of what is hapned since the last of August 1598. by comming of the Spanish campe into the dukedom of Cleue: and the bordering free countries, which with most odious and barbarous crueltie they take as enemies, for the seruice of God, and the King of Spaine (as they say). Heerunto is adioyned a translation out of Latin, of a letter of the Emperours embassadour, to the admirant of Arragon, the generall of the said army: with his answere. Together with a description of the vvhale of Berckhey, or the great fish which stranded or came on shoare at Berckhey in Holland, the third of February 1598. ... Also a letter of the Emperour of Germany, to the admirant of Arragon ... With the admirants answere. ... Faithfully translated out of the Dutch coppy printed at Roterdam.; Walvisch van Berkhey. English. Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1552-1612.; Mendoza, Francisco de, 1549-1623. 1599 (1599) STC 20861; ESTC S115784 37,984 48

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Ensignes belonging to the Earle of Bye the Cittizens with their forced helpe held Barlote out Who thereat greatly spyted at his departure from thence threatned the Citty greatly To excuse this refusall there was sent the Deacon with certaine of her persons to the Admirant declaring that Neutrality had been graunted them and that there was no reason the same should be broken The Admirant gaue for answere that the time the seruice of God and the King required such and therewith they ought to haue patience Whereupon the Deacon replyed that it would be a great shame and reproach before God and the world and to the name of the Catholique Spaniards that all promises and contents may bee broken and answered with the seruice of God and the King The Admirant is by the Deacon reprehended for being an vpholder of Iesuits in breaking his word and promise and with the estate of matters which things the Turkes and Moores did not do And so doing that it was no maruaile though the vnited Prouinces would not trust to any peace since that neighbors and friends are so dealt withall The Admirant was greatly enraged and ashamed at these words sending the Embassadors away but not without peril of their persons Shortly after the tenth of December the Spanish Garisons were forced to abandon Emmericke by the Count Maurice with the Army of the vnited Prouinces where the Admirant laye at Rees with thrée thousand men and Barlot at Doornicke and diuers other there abouts and could not hinder the same For on the 4. of December some of the Count Maurice his men marched vp aboue Rees and thrust the ditches through which notwithstanding were guarded by souldiers they scarce being able to saue themselues from the water and were faine to bee carried in boates out of the houses wherein they had hidden themselues and Emmericke was succoured to kéepe themselues Neutrall taking in some of their Princes souldiers for their defence In this sort the Spanish Campe forced the Citties of the Bishopricke of Munster to take in their Garrison also the Bishopricke of Essen ouerrunning the houses and Castles belonging to the Earle of Benthem Scouwenburgh taking pilling and ransacking of churches and monestaries robbing all the country people with an vnruled crue of Souldiers surprising afflicting and murdering them with such horrible cruelty that it is vnpossible to expresse it all vnder the coulour of the seruice of God the king The Protestant princes assembled againe in Ianuary at Collen for they are so tormented that many of them are constrained to abandon their houses wel perceiuing what they ought to feare Those of Osnaburgh denied the Spaniards the demaunded ransome of the Citty opposing and defending themselues with their Lord and Bishop who is of the house of Bruynswicke against the Spaniards The like is done by those of the citty of Munster and take in souldiers to their ayde so that the enterprise which the Spaniards had vndertaken by the winking or eye shutting of the Prince Elector of Collen is failed them It is manifest that they procured to make the house of Austria great and that they would sée that all the Netherlandes Cleue and Gulich with their neighbors might fall vnder the same rather then that they should be inherited by Protestants or their lawfull Princes Heereupon the Princes had appointed to méete at Ausborch in December last The citties in the Dukedome of Cleue were perswaded that the Spaniardes would not any more vndertake any séedges or to surprise any thing more by violence wherfore those of Calcar Goch Cleue others resolued to resist thē and to stand by and asist one another to defend themselues with their weapons and not to let in their enemy yet notwithstanding that those of Calcar are great Catholiques and their Cittizens greatly enclined to the olde Religion They were moste fearefully assaulted by this Catholique Spanish campe For when the cittizens had begun moste valiantly to resist and defend themselues and beate downe their enemies there was no remedy nor fauour found but were after the most rigorous sorte so assaulted and enemy-like battered their gates throwen downe and after many liues lost the Citty was taken vpon the Christmas euen last which brought such terrible astonishment to the other citties that the people fled in great heapes and were forced in the colde winter to leaue the country By reason whereof those of Goch sent Embassadors to the Admirant at Rees to make an agréement with him as also did the other citties but it was in vaine he sends his men thetherwards and deceiptfully entred Wees lying an houres going from Goch which they ensconced strongly and summoned the cittie of Goch to take in 500. footemen and thrée companies of horse of his Many cittizens flying were defended by the horsemen of Nimmeghen insomuch that the enemy durst not touch them vpon the Plaine betwéene Goch and Cleue The souldiers were suffered to enter but as the horsemen being come before the citty the entraunce was by the Cittizens in shutting their gates hindred wherat the chieftaine of the said horse threatned thē meane while the cittizens got sauegard from the Prince Emperor which is the cause that in February there returnd many of Goch thetherwards again What wil follow time experience will teach But it séemes that the Admirant knowing well enough how he standeth with the house of Austria will not passe much for sauegards but will prosecute his intent For conclusion we will for this time commit the cause to God beséeching him to preserue defend al louers of the patrimony from al such imoderate cruelty of the Spanish tyrants which are neuer glutted with spilling of guiltlesse bloud and more then brutall rauishing of yong Virgins and chast matrons and vnmeasurable murtherous robberies Their obstinacy which they vse to their frée Countries is so great that it cannot be thought nor expressed in more odious sort but they will surpasse all in wickednesse not respecting any of what religion soeuer young or olde This louing and kinde Reader is a faire glasse for vs wherein we may speculate and ouercast what wee should he to expect of these notable gallants if they should suppresse vs. Therefore let euery one watch and pray to the omnipotent God for mercy and assistaunce that hee will giue vs all a valient vnited heart whereby wee may preuent all these said cruel tyranies of the Spaniard To his honour and glory and the good and saluation of vs all Amen The Whale of Berckhey Or A description of the great Fish which stranded or came on shore at Berckhey in Holland the third of Februarie 1598. With a breefe relation of such things as happened therevpon and since the same I IT is most certaine and true I will for breuities sake omit al signes tokens which haue happened in the heauēs or the ayre at diuers times and will onely tell some histories of some Sea-monsters being that the
naked out of the tyrants hands as his name signifies is parlous gallant with 24000. men he passed the Rhine and first tooke Orsay Euery one was affrighted through out all the land each cittie imagined that they leueld at them yea séemed that at a clappe he would haue taken all the Citties which lye héere belowe on the banke But it was not so the case goes otherwise he whetteth his téeth in the lands of Cleue Munster where he so abuseth both men and women that no body can endure by him VI. By the small eyes of the Whale is signified the little foresight and vnaduisednesse of the Admirant who was so gréedy to conuay his great hoast déeper into the countrie that he tooke no care for his foode (a) All wise Generals forecast where and frō whence the campe may be best victuailed but this wonderfull fellowe comming ouer the Rhine whē the Corne was ripe would not giue the countrimen of Zutphen any sauegarde whereby in lying peaceably in the countrie they might haue victualed the Campe. But willingly gaue them respite and leasure to flie into the strong Citties insomuch that shortly after his Souldiours through hunger were constrained to eate Coletwort-stalkes and clodded blood of beasts rootes and hearbes c. And whilest that the land was full of food and victuals they said it is not royall nor honourable inough for the King to take contribution of his subiects but now when the clownes were fled he graunteth them sauegarde for the Countrie people fled and conuayed the Corne and cattle away insomuch that Signor through famine was constrained to eat Colewort stalkes for they could not get any bread yet when this hungrie crew came into the (b) So I call the citties of Cleue and Munster but truly the Spaniards doth not now esteeme or holde them for Neutrall but as his owne and respecteth them no more then hee dooth Deutecum which alwayes heeretofore hath beene on our side And euen as the Pope did giue this king of Spaines predecessors the land of America whereof the Heathen king Artibalyba greatly wondered saying Surely this Pope must needs be some great foole to giue my countrie and citties wherein he hath not a foote of right to an other Euen as great right and reason hath he to giue Albertus who is one of his best sonnes the Lordships of Cleue and Munster if so it may please his holinesse But to whom soeuer the said Prouinces belongeth of Cleue and Munster the Spaniards supposeth to haue good right in them saying that at the time when Knipperdolincke and Iohn Becolt of Leyden with the Annabaptists in Anno. 1533. had made themselues maister of the Cittie of Munster the Bishop beeing not able ynough to take the Cittie againe and to beate out the Annabaptists he besought those of the house of Burgundie for ayde promising that himselfe and his subiects at any time thereafter should bee thankfull vnto them for it Now is it the right time saide the Spaniards to accomplish that promise and therefore they thinke they may lawfully call in their debts and to pay themselues See how easily a staffe is found when one will beate the dogge if one cannot finde a straight one a crooked one will serue the turne Neutrall citties and there lodged in c Some poore Cittizens which with their hands and the sweate of their browes get their liuing are pestered with ten fifteene yea twentie souldiers in their housen other some 25. 30. 36. more or lesse which eate and consume all what the miserable Inhabitants of the neutrall citties are able any way to get My Lords they sit at the table making good cheere The hoast like a Page must stand behind them bare headed to serue them yea he must see them with money before they will vouchsafe to touch one bit of the good meate which is set before them Where Signior the Spaniard hath any gouernment there the Gentlemen and Cittizens of the Citties must stand with cap in hand and bow themselues to a filthie rotten pockie Spanish basketmaker and such a one must bee called Signior as is woorse then the most basest Boore in all the Netherlands heaps listen what they did Browne bread and powdred flesh they scorned to eate throwing it at their hoasts féete d Yea so wicked and immodest are these pockie abhominable wretches and heathnish Christians that they will not respect wenches of eight nine tenne eleuen or twelue yeares of age and through their villanies they haue vndone many a maide and honest woman VII Through the vnnecessarie and vgly tongue of the whale is signified Whē our ships the last yeare were come into the Pepper countrie and that the Heathen King at Bantam for a summe of money had granted them trafficke in his countrie hee notwithstanding soone broke his promise seeking to destroy our men contrarie to his oath and promise Whereof being reprooued and demaunded the cause thereof he answered that hee had no bone in his tongue and that he could turne and winde the same at his will and pleasure this may likewise be applied to the Spaniard for he breaketh his oath and promise as often when he listeth And being he cannot condemne those of Cleue and Munster of heresie and that the olde rule of the Concile of Trent faith ought not to be held vnto heretickes can take no place there The Admirant when complaints are made that hee hath not helde his promise answereth The seruice of god and the king require so much that I cannot keepe my promise Hath he not cause and reason ynough thinke you to breake and violate the oath It is euen with the Spaniards as it was whilome with the ambitious heathens Iulius Caesar and others which were wont to say Si violandum est Ius regnandi causa violandum est Alpen Anholt and Meurs vnto which the Cardinall vnder his hand and Scale had graunted neutralitie haue notwithstanding by the Admirant bene taken that the promises which the Spaniarde maketh vs are vaine and of no woorth It is stinke it is filth burning and murthering which stickes in his heart and herewith his minde is stuffed puffed vp like the bellie of the whale with filthie infection f The Spaniard seemes to haue minde vpon nothing so much as vpon the Romish religion and the furtherance thereof In so much that his Catholicque Maiestie the king of Spaine is esteemed to be the truest and faithfullest seruant vnto the Romish seate Vnder this hypocriticall vaile they seeke to cloake their insatiable ambition couetousnesse and bloodthirst Euery where that they lie in Cleueland they do no more fauour the Catholicques then those of the reformed religion or others yea the places could be named where they haue broken the Churches and monuments which by our people were leaft vndefaced Shew of holinesse and pariurie are the two sinnes wherewith hee purposeth to subdue the Netherlands He hath heretofore done many an
against the people which thou hast chosen for thy heritage It is true that we deserue to be wholie cast from the sight of thy sacred face We haue deserued to be robbed of thy holye worde which now thou teachest vs yet Lorde for thy names sake fauour vs yet and alwayes shew thy mercie to thy Church XIII O you states of the vnited lands who haue chosen for your Lieutenant the Counte Maurice melt all your spirits together beséech GOD continually to encrease in you through his goodnesse the spirit of (a) Concordia res parue crescunt concorde (b) It is an olde saying Romanus sedendo vincit wisedome and (c) Woe to the lande whose king is a child eyther in years or vnderstanding vnderstanding to the building of his church and the countries good But first séeke for Gods kingdome further by all meanes his Church then will hee cast his blessing vpon this land and abolish all Achitophels complots and at your soules departure from hence receiue them vp to him in his celestiall dwelling (d) Religio verè ligat Where the hearts of men are not through the bonde of true religion bound together there is no foundation Therefore all those which seeke the countries welfare must also and especially procure the furtherance of the true Catholicke reformed religion in euery place where it is possible setting wise and learned men to preache the same and ordaining good Schooles wherein youth may bee well educated and taught not onely in speach and sciences but especially in the true religion to which ende the Emperiall goods ought to be vsed which doone there shall be no occasion giuen to the enimies of the religion and the patrimonie to say that we driue away the Monckes and Fryers not so much through zeale of religion as because we might get the fingering of the spirituall goods FINIS THE LETTER OF THE EMPEROVR OF GERmanie to the Admirant of Arragon Generall for the Archeduke Albertus in the Counties of Cleue and Munster c. With the Admirants answere The conspiracie of the three Bishops The death of the Earle of Brooke The Admirants Letter to the counsaile of Gulich The list of the Souldiours leuied by the protestant Princes of Germanie Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copie Printed at Roterdam Imprinted at London by Iohn VVolfe and are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley neere vnto the Exchange 1599. A Letter of the Emperour Roduphus the second to Don Francisco de mendozza Admirant of Arragon Generall of the army of the King of Spaine in the Lands of Gulich and Cleue touching the dammages by him done in the Empire I Rodulphus by the grace of God the second chosen Romaine Emperour at all times an augmenter of the Empire in Germany Hungaria Bohemia Dalmatia Croatia and Sclauonia c. king Archduke of Austria Duke of Burgundy Steyr Keredten Gray and Wittenberch Earle of Tiroll c. send gréeting to the well-borne our especiall beloued Don Francisco de mendossa Admirant of the kingdome of Arragon Marquesse of Quadelles Knight of the Calatranonian order Commaunder at Valazenas Generall vnder our beloued brother Albertus Archduke of Austria also to V. N. and N. to all and euery Regiment Admiranty Coronels Captaines Lieuetenants and Commaunders of Souldiers horse and foote of what nation State and condition soeuer vnto which these our credible letters may appeare be shewed or declared to such as remaine in our Empire or the Fortresses ground bottom Citties Townes Sconces and Riuers of the same by Water or Land wee make knowne that our Princes and Lordes of the Netherlandish and Westphalian Croytes especially the high-borne Iohn Wilhem Duke of Gulich Cleue and Berge c. our beloued Nephew who of a longtime most obediently had made knowne and highly complained vnto vs in what manner you Admirant with a great Hoast Force and Might yea aboue 30000. armed men are departed out of Brabant in the ende of the moneth of September last past and presently taken your way through the Dukedome of Gulich in the same month forcing and besetting his Citty of Orsoy and after that you haue sent certaine thousands of horse and foote ouer the Rhyne where they haue cast a Sconce and on both sides of the same taken all the cattell and beasts great and small spoiled the flat land and besides this oppressed the poore people with imprisoning ransoming burning and murthering in such odious sorte as the like hath not béene heard héeretofore of any insomuch that the greater parte of the inhabitants and subiects haue béene forced to abandon their housen lands and all else what with their great labour they haue béene able to get héerwith not satisfied but haue sent the souldiours into the countrie of Berge being a place appertaining to the Duke of Gulich and the late W●eringen of Dau● Earle at Valkensteyn dwelling vpon the house called Brooke haue assailed the same and notwithstanding that the Earle of the house had rendred vp the same vpon condition of liues and goods saued haue murdred diuers of the said souldiors and the Earle himselfe who had the Admirants sauegarde they helde some dayes imprisoned and vpon a time by the will and consent of the Captaine who laye in the house being gone to walke abroade they haue must wickedlye murthered him Meane while the armie hath taken and forcibly marched through some cities of Glene as Burich Dinslaegen Holt Rees Emmerick with other Forts Gentlemens housen Villages appertaining to the said Dukedome the which some of them they haue with their Ordinance beaten downe destroied ransacked forced and deuoured amongst which were many spirituall and temporall persons without fauouring any one but plaging and tormenting them to the vttermost some with imprisonment other with strangling and such like togeather with the violating and deflouring of women damsels maides in more filthie or beastlye sorte then euer hath béene heard and haue moreouer so oppressed the Cittie of Wesell that they haue béene forced to pay 150. thousand Dollars the one halfe ready and the other at shorte time together with 1000. measures of Rye which they haue béene forced to promise to the Chéeftains of you the Admirants campe ouer and aboue the houses and Lordships as Kruydenberch Weyfflyck houen also the Princely Gentlemens housen and Forts as Lhan Windendal Dusport Noisan Impel Dornich Lack●unsen Woremsemmerwogen and also reduced the Duke of Gulich himselfe with his court to the extreamest and the vttermost pouertie with many more other places which haue béen with force taken ransacked and spoiled whereof we haue a great number of specifications sent vs. Also some of the armie haue vaunted to dare to suppresse and driue away the Duke in person Aboue all this you Admirant with your Spanish souldiours haue attempted to beset some Citties in the Prouince of Munster and those which denyed your demaunds you haue by force compelled and taken also you haue caused the said bishopricke with
heard that those which resist them doe make themselues subiect to the cruell punishment and that they are rewarded according to their merits and that they haue punished them to the example of the others to the ende that none should doe so any more but holde themselues in dutifull obedience and forberance in this especiall néed The eleuenth of October when this hapned the Admirant set some number of men to Buricke situated on the Rhyne beneath Bercke ouer against Wesell the Cittizens being Neutrals refused to yéeld vp theyr Citty but séeing that they would force them were constrayned to yéeld and were thereby ouercharged with great numbers of souldiers On the same day happened the most detestable murder of the Earle of Brooke after he was risen from the Table in the euening The Earle of Brooke murthered and walking in the Court of the Castle there came two Souldiers of the Garison to him asking him if he would walke into the Garden whereto he condiscending they went out of the Castle Gate thorough the Garden towards the Water mill where one of the souldiers at vnawares gaue the Earle a great blow with a halfe Pike vpon the head that he felled him the Earle crying O Iesu which done he drew out his swoord and thrust it through him whereat hee cryed once againe O Iesu One of the Earles seruantes being by ranne away and leaping downe into the mill-damme saued himselfe The fourtéenth of October the Duke of Cleue sent his deputy to the Campe of the Count Maurice Counsaile of State and of the warre protesting that all what the Admirant did to them did not happen by any consent of the countrey but by méete force and against his will and the countrie This yet notwithstanding the opinion in the vnited prouinces was that the Spaniard would not attempt those things in the land of Cleue without the expres consent of the emperor according to the Admirants charge giuen him by the king of Spaine and the Archeduke Albertus and confirmed by the Emperour in Anno 1596. who then willed him to that end to haue his forces ready that they ●…ought well séeke to get all the land of Cleue into their hands and to holde the same with the Prince thereof inwardship and so to assure themselues the lands should not fall into the hands of the Princes of Brandenborgh Swezbrugh the which by right of marriage might pretend to be the néerest heyres all which those of Spaine Austria would 〈◊〉 hinder because they are of the reformed religion and might in 〈◊〉 re to the vnited prouinces Of these and such like complots the vnited Prouinces haue diuers times aduertised the Counsell of Cleue and to preuent these complots they had also proffered to make certaine agréements to the fréeing of the riuer of Rhine and as then thereby to haue withstood these inuasions but it was at that time not estéemed nor beléeued This common opinion was in a moment more and more spread abroade and confirmed in the thoughts of searching spirits because that newes came that the citties of Diuxlaken and Holt were likewise taken together with Essen Wynendall and the Forte or house of Hullen vsing them most odiouslie killing and murdering all those which they knew to be of the reformed religion enemies to their enterprises also they broake the new Neutrality which was granted to Meurs lodged 8. companies of Horsmen therin The Admirant also besought the citty of Bockholt that he might lay 500. horse in their cittie and to those of Borckum 300. horse He also besought those of Wesel to take in 2000. footmen of his and 1000. horse or else that they should make vp 200. thousand Crownes and a monthes breade for his Campe and to deliuer hostages at Burick that the Count Maurice should attempt nothing about Wessell and Lippe with many other such vnséemely and shamefull demaunds and fearefull threates vaunting himselfe of the facte of the Earle of Brooke threatning to vse all other in like sorte yea to vse the Earle of Lippe no lesse then the Earle of Brooke and that therefore they should not trust vpon any ayde for that there was none in the Dutch nation which should dare to touch him The cittizens of Wessell being in great feare and distresse were forced vpon the 22. of October to come to an agréement that they should giue for their citty and the citty of Rees 150. thousand Gilders and a thousand measures of Rye and caused a Bridge to be made ouer the Lippe which was accordingly effected vpon the 23. of October Those of Santen promised 18. thousand Gilders and other places more With this money he paide his men which had long called for money and passed the Lippe and sent all about the citties of Munster for money Also they raunsomed many Gentlemens houses many whereof they moste wickedly ransacked and pilled They also robbed the villages of Winterswicke and Alten c. commaunding those of Emmerick to make a bridge ouer the Water of Hetter Also hee sent some men with Ordinaunce towardes Rees demaunding the citty for a time to lay his men in vpon their refusall he caused more Ordinance to be brought to it and so feared the citty Rees taken that they were forced to yéeld it vp to him without any respit of an houre to assemble their cittizens and laide in the same citty to the costes of the cittizens 8. Ensignes he also tooke all the Castles there abouts Vpon the second of Nouember the Admirant demaunded passage for his Ordinaunce through Emmerick by which meanes he made himselfe master of the citty and leauing a great number of men therein departed with his campe to Elton Also hee tooke Yselborgh where many cittizens were wickedly murthered The Prince of Cleue had his Embassadour by the Duke of Lorraine who besought the Duke to write to the Admirant and to the Regent at Brussell that the countrie might be fréed from this trouble Also he vndertooke to mooue the King of France the land of Cleue being concluded in the peace to that end to send to Brussell A copie of the Letter which the Emperours Legat wrote to the Admirant ILlustrious and worthy Prince it is knowne aswell to your excellencie as to me what at two seuerall times hath béene betwéene vs done and effected First in the cittie of Gelder when your excellencie first approached these countries with your campe and afterwards when by charge and commaundement of his Emperiall maiestie I treated about the mariage of the illustrious prince of Cleue Gulich Berge with the daughter of Lorraine I haue declared that the said illustrious duke of Cleue is very badly vnreasonably dealt withall The citty of Orsoy being forcibly taken from him and the kings souldiours run vnbridled vsing all manner of crueltie in murthering spoiling burning as enemies and robbers not fauoring the liues nor goods of many And where before I stedfastly beléeued that a Prince whose worde ought
time of the place and necessity I wish that your honour were well informed of the estate of this matter and of the right wherewith his royall Maiesty maketh those warres of the méekenesse which is vsed therein as also of the good affection and seruice of his royall Maiesty and the Estate of the Empire together with their iudgement of the cruell tyrany of the obstinate Item of the necessity of this enterprise and the things which are hapned as of néedfull maintenance the scituation of the places of the illustrous Prince of Gulich the necessity in altering of the ●…p●… according to the oportunities of the warres Item of the good déeds of his royall Maiestie and of his true affection as also of the most illustrous Prince of Gulion and the whole Empire Of all which and many other causes if that your honour were fully according to the truthe informed which we hope shall shortlye happen we doubt not in the least but that your honor would as fréely and willingly as other vnderstand the whole reason and disposition héereof imputing the faulte of the trouble to the authours and wholy excuse his royall Maiestie yea and haue compassion of them since that for their great and laudable déeds they are vnreasonablie and falslie belyed and blamed Your honour should also interpret for the best excuse and defend our déedes affections and care before the Prince and his subiects in respect of the furthering of the discipline and the patience of the vnease which we endure by reason of the greatnesse of the campe and the differing of payes Also your honour could double the seruice shewed vnto the illustrious Duke of Lorraine and other Princes and dayly with all dilligence and care hinder the feare of the difficultie and vn ease of the French Kings side who is to be feared in the Empire and will not séeke the aduauncement of the Prince of Cleue Your Honor should also mooue his emperiall maiestie and the estates of the Empire to the ioyning in this war against the common perrill of Christendome to wit against the causers of this great mischiefe But this all shall more manifestly by the déede and experience of the matter as also of the royall Maiestie and the illustrious Archeduke Albert and our care together with the estates of the Empire and other Princes he brought to light we esteeme according to the oportunitie of the time to haue sufficientlie satisfied the illustrious Prince of Cleue Gulich c. by our last letter which also we did imparte to your honour and also esteeme that they ought by the same to be found good what toucheth the rest I beseeche your honor by the loue and goodwill which you beare to his emperiall Maiesty to his royall Maiesty to the Archduke Albertus and the Illustrous Prince of Gulich which by fraternity are bound together as also by the loue which your honour beares to the preseruation of the Catholique religion yea whole Christendome to continue constantly in the good affection and reason as your honor hath already begun to be ayding with his counsaile and déedes to the common causes and vs and to guide and gouerne the matters with the illustrious Prince and his counsaile according to your wisedome We beséech God to graunt your honor health constancy mercy and strength to finish such a holy péece of worke From the campe before Deutecum the 12. of Nouember 1598. Vnderstood Your honors wholy deuoted Don Francisco de Mendossa Great Admirant of the Realme of Arragon Marquesse of Quadelles de Valde penas of the Stately Calatrononian order Steward of the Catholique King as also Counselour at Standes and of the Martiall affaires chiefe Steward in the Court of the most Illustrous Archeduke Albertus And Captaine Generall of the Carrabins IS not this an euident and reasonable answere iustly might wee euery where bée exclaimed on and called barbarous and bastardes not worthy of the name of Netherlands if wee should resigne to the Spaniardes whereof the moste parte are but Baptised Iewes our right and fréedome which to mayntaine so many thousandes of vertuous men haue loste theyr lyues and the earth béen dyed with their bloud haue we no compassion on our selues let vs call to minde the miserie which our wiues and children are to expect if that we be mastered by the Spaniards eyther by force or their deceiptfull treatise of peace Wee are bound to take care for them since they themselues haue not the wit Let vs then make it appeare that there is yet a valliant Lyons heart amongst the Netherlands for the preseruation of the true Catholique Religion or priuiledges and fréedomes and for the turning off of slauery and seruitude Vpon the 7. of Nouember the Admirant assaulted the Towne of Deutecum in the County of Zutphen Deutecum taken and by appointment the Souldiers departed it with their weapons he marched forwards towards the Forte of Scuylenburch scituated in a bogge which hee also tooke The Admirant hauing want of all things durst not aduenture any further For being that he had denyed safegard to the Country people or Boores of the County of Zutphen to dwell quietly but allowed them time and leasure to flye with their corne and cattle into the stronge Citties hee found no victuals for his Campe and were forced in stéed of bread to eate Colwort-stalkes clodded bloud of beastes and what els they could get About this time there was an assembly in the Cittie of Dortmont of the Deputies of the Princes and Lords belonging to the Westphalian Creyts whereof the Chiefe is the Earle of Lippe whether all the complaintes of the Neighbour countries were brought In which assembly was resolued to write Letters on the 13. of Nouember to the Emperour and to the foure Princes Electors of the Rhyne that they also might write to the Emperour and to the Admirant and at Brussell to the Cardinall Andrew of Austria Gouernour of the Netherlands Appointing to méete againe at Collin in Ianuarie When the Admirant by the resistance of Count Maurice and the Campe of the vnited Prouinces had béen forced to retyre Fearing want of victuals and other necessaries he departed the 16. of Nouember for the Bishopricke of Munster leauing fiue Ensignes at Deutecum with a Banner of Horsemen of Mendo a Spaniard The Earle Fredricke tooke Bockholt and also Borcken Bockholt and Borckentaken where they dealt very badly with the Cittizens From thence they departed for Schermbacke and other places as Dortmont Essen Dorsten which they shot at Coesuelt Steenwort Rekelinckhuesen and many Gentlemens houses They were also twice before Oostdorp but were faine to retyre those of Ham resisted them also valiantly They threatned the Bishopricke and county of Osnaburgh with fire demaunding an hundred thousand Dollars but it was denyed and they tooke Souldiers to them Barlote was sent to Emmerick where on the 23. of Nouember he would with more men bee let in but being that there were thrée
exployt but since that his deceit came to light a very litle Al his deuices are deceit enormious in each ones sight euery one feares his crueltie be they protestants g I speake of some such Papists which hauing tasted the Barbarous cruelties of the Spaniards know full well that they fauour none but euen such ouer which they haue no power Those which long and wish for the victorie of the Spaniards wish for their own destruction be they whatsoeuer they may be or Papists they know his dealings VIII The Whale lying on the strand euery one that came thither shortned his taile cutting a péece thereof The Spaniardes taile is also well shortned for by reason of the hunger which the poore Souldiers endured many haue dyed and many other haue beene slaine by our men also many fled away both by day and by night insomuch that his hoast is lessened by the one halfe * When the enemy marched vp to Deutecū his excellencie forsooke the place where he lay ensconsing himselfe vpon the dyke in battaile arraye a long while expecting the enemie who with his campe laye at Elterberch about a halfe league from our campe The enemy euery moment was at an allarum where his excellencie neuer made any neither was this lustie Spaniard so bolde as with his great armie once to assaile our little heape This is the right sitting vnder the defence of the highest and to dwell vnder the shadowe of the almightie Psal 91.1 Many of iudgement vnderstanding esteeme and hope that the Lord of hoasts hath ordained this yeare many great victories to his excellencie as in the yeare last past without any hurt or hinderance to ours Oh a shrewd knocke for these blood thirstie hounds how vnaduised was he that counsailed them to come into these watery landes in the which already they haue endured so great shame IX As héeretofore the warlicke Romaine * The renowned Hanniball had at diuers times discomfited the Romaine boasts especially the victorie which he obtained by Cannas in Apulia is worthy of memorie where so manye thousands of Romaines dyed that Hannibals souldiers besides other spoiles got from the hands of the slaine three bushels of Rings and if Hanniball at that time had followed on his victorie he might easily haue taken Rome and subdued all the Romaine Empire Shortlye after he came with his armie which alwayes was woont to vanquish into Italye at which time the Romaines made Q. Fabius a Dictator who perceiuing the insatiable desire of Haniball his experience and order in the warres ensconced himselfe wel and would not for any thing giue Hanniball battaile but laye still by reason whereof he was of euery one esteemed a coward but he cared not for that and so long he lay still with his forces vntill Hannibals Campe with the long lying had consumed it selfe and came to shame wherof the Romains gaue him this praise Vnus homo nobis canctando restituit rem Fabius in sitting still vanquished the valiant venturous Hanniball So hath also our Lorde the noble Count Maurice shewed his great experience in the martiall affaires in driuing the enemie with all his mightie troupes out of the land without blow or shocke O noble blood of Nassau O prince of Orange mightest thou once cast downe thy eyes and bebolde how Iacke of Spaine is bearded by “ Good reason had Earle Peter of Mansuelt to say when he heard that the Prince of Orange of laudable memorie had a sonne borne whose name was Mauritius If this childe haue his Fathers wisdome and the vallour of his Graund-father Mauritius the Prince of Saxonie he will giue the King of Spaine enough to doe Maurice thy sonne mightest thou once sée how hee hath clipped and shortned his taile thy heart would reioyce and thy ioyes be redoubled in beholding thy sonnes vallour and vertues X. Next to a Earle Adolph of Nassau was made Emperor in Anno 1292. and raigned 6. yeares maintaining greate warres against Albertus duke of Austria Adolph of Nassau came to the Empire Albertus a Prince of the house of Austria Adolph suffered each one to kéepe and hold his goods and lands each their Citties and their people in peace b And beeing that the Historie whereof we haue here spoken is worthie of memorie for the resemblance of the matters which happen now and being that it is aboue three hundreth yeares ago that they happened and therefore not so well knowne I wil for the delight of the wel-willing Reader rehearse the summe thereof as it is written by Iosias Smilers lib 1. de Repub. Heluet. Albertus was a great enemie and an enuior of the freedome of the Switzers he had many children All which hee intending to inrich sought to stretch out his commaundement farre and nigh about his Empire and hath rent and torne diuers Lordships from the same and ioyned them to his house as his owne hee was very troublesome and dammageable vnto all his bordering neighbours he feared not nor was not ashamed with dishonourable and lawlesse reasons yea with open might to demande and make his owne that which belonged vnto others The spirituall persons which were rich and wealthie hee endeuoured to bring the matter to such a passe that they should sell him their rights or that they would acknowledge him and his children for euer for their hereditarie Defendors Lords and Protectors Also he besought the Earles and Barrons of Switzerland to acknowledge the Lords of Austria for their Land-Lords which before were subiect to none but to the Romaine Emprour Hee also forcibly detained the paternall inheritance of his brothers sonne ouer whom hee was appoynted Tutor Some citties did Albertus what through prayers faire promises and threats teare and separate from the Empire and clouted them to the house of Austria But the most part haue denied his importunate requests and would not in any wise submit thēselues to him Shortly after that the Embassadors were returned many of the Citties and Lordships of the Switzers sent vnto him certaine persons beseeching his Emperiall Maiestie that it might please him to confirme them the rights and preuiledges which his predecessors had graunted them Wherevpon in great rage he answered that hee would doo that which they requested euen as they had granted him his demaundes and further that hee had ordained certaine Gouernours which he would send them and by them they should vnderstand his will more at large And for Gouernours hee appoynted one named Grislerus and another named Peregrinus Landenbergius These Gouernours of the Emperours at the first dealed very kindly and discreetly with the people thereby seeking to steale the hearts of the communaltie to make them obedient to Albertus But seeing that they profited nothing that way they assayed what crueltie and tyrannie would worke For breuities sake wee will passe ouer many things wherewith Albertus Gouernours tried the good Switzers and onelie tell what Grislerus hath done who was Gouernour of Switz