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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09291 Th'appellation of Iohn Penri, vnto the highe court of Parliament from the bad and iniurious dealing of th'Archb. of Canterb. & other his colleagues of the high commission: wherin the complainant, humbly submitting himselfe and his cause vnto the determination of this honorable assembly: craueth nothing els, but either release from trouble and persecution, or just tryall.; Appellation of John Penri, unto the highe court of Parliament. Penry, John, 1559-1593. 1589 (1589) STC 19602; ESTC S101168 33,056 58

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to bring it out into the face of the sunn here they may be assured of justice without any suspition of partiallity My reasons vsed in my last supplication vnto your Hh. against their gouernment are but a fewe if D. Bridges or any of their side can answere them I wil grant my selfe to haue oppugned the truth and soe wil destroie my selfe that which I haue built amisse otherwise they shewe them selues to be but vpholders of a ruinous building and the repairers of that which wanteth a foundation They can not refuse you of the Parliament to be their judges vnlesse either they think much to be tried by you or because as it is in the prouerb they which do euil hate the light They will it may be alleage the prerogatiue of their commission to be very large what then doe they think herby to haue libertie to oppresse whom they will doe they thinke hereby to be aboue the parliament whereunto al courts in the land are and ought to be subiect and from whence the highe commission deriueth al the prerogatiue it hath Are al courts yea and al persons in the land subiect vnto the parliament only the Archb. and the high commission excepted What else were this but for them to claime a forreine authority vnto them selues and to begin after the manner of their predicessors to shake of the yoke of the ciuil authoritie Frō which suspicion as they would cleare themselues so must they be content to yeeld that the parliament may be the judges betwene vs. Except they be ashamed of their cause and their proceedings therein they cannot possibly refuse this offer of just trial And no reason they should for they cannot pretend them selues either to be greater in power or more forward in good wil to administer justice then the R. honourable assembly of parliament is well knowne to be Though I feare me R. honorable worshipful that the Lord wil enter into judgment with you for the smal care you haue to yeld his sonne Christ Iesus his right in this kingdome If heere they should demaund by what authoritie either I may lawfully appeale from them or by what obligation your honors are bound to giue eare vnto my complaint although both be alredy shewed yet a farther answere vnto both are to ensue as followeth I appeale from them at whose handes I can receiue no equitie by the same commission that the apostle Paul and the prophet Ieremy appealed vnto the ciuil magistrates from the vsurped and tirannical high priestes in their daies The accepting of Paules appellation by Festus an heathē judg and the deliuery of Ieremy by the princes of Iudah from the slanderous accusations and wrongful proceedings of the wicked priests and false prophets besides many other vnanswerable reasons do necessarily bind me to appeale and the parliament not to denie me the shadowe of their winges vnder which I may be kept from the violence of mine enemies when Festus willing to get fauour with the Iewes vsed this speech vnto the apostle wilt thou goe then to Ierusalem and there be judged of these things before me Paul knowing that at Ierusalem the malice of his enemies would be more likely to take effect then else where answered I stād at Cesars judgment seate where I ought to be judged If I haue done wronge or committed any thing woorthy of death I refuse not to dye but if there be non of these things true whereof they accuse me no man can deliuer me vnto them I appeal vnto Cesar his appellation was receiued of the Pagan judge Nowe my state being not in respect of danger altogeather vnlike the condition wherein the holy Apostle was at this time mine answere vnto the high commission is I appeale vnto the parliament where I ought to be judged If I haue done any wronge or committed any thing worthy of death I refuse not to dye The parliament wil not be partial in administring justice vnto me according to my deserts But if there be nothing laied to my charge but the defence of Gods cause and the oppugning of impietie and corruption no man ought to deliuer me into your hands whoe care not whome you aflict in the maintenance of your owne kingdome I appeale vnto the parliament I am in regard of my safety as necessarily driuen therunto as the Apostle Paul was ro appeale vnto Cesar or rather more For he might conceiue some hope of justice when he was to be judged of Festus who did not so mortally hate his cause as the high priest and others his accusers did whereas I am to haue you for my judges who also are mine accusers and sworn enemies vnto the cause I appeale to the ciuil state I hope by their meanes to be heard and deliuered from your tyrannie As the prophet Ieremie was in the like case by meanes of the princes in his time The high priests and prophets judged him wor●hie to die the princes hearing his cause debated in their presence deliuered him out of danger The whol action is set downe cap. 26. of his prophesie in these words Now when Ieremy had made an end of speaking all that the lord had commaunded him to speak vnto al the people then the prists and the prophetes and all the people tooke him and said thou shalt die the death Why hast thou prophesied in the name of Iehouath saying this house shalbe like Shilo and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant And al the people were gathered against Ieremy in the house of the Lo●d And whē the princes of Iudah heard of these things they cam vp from the kings house into the house of the Lord and sate downe in the entry of the newe gate of the Lords house Then spake the priests and the prophets vnto the princes and to al the people saying this man is worthy to dye for he hath prophesied against this city as you haue heard with your eares Then spake Jeremiah vnto all the princes and to all the people saying the Lord hath sent me to prophesie against this house against this city al the things that you haue heard therefore now amend your waies and your workes and heare the voice of the Lord your god that the lord may repent him of the plague that he hath pronounced against you As for me behold I am in your hands doe with me as you think good right but knowe you for certaine that if you put me to death you shall surely bring innocent bloud vppon your selues vppon this City vppon the inhabitants thereof for of a trueth the lord hath sent me vnto you to speake al these wordes in your eares Then spake the princes al the people vnto the priests prophets this man is not worthye to dye for he hath spoken vnto vs in the name of the lord our god Let my cause now right Honourable be weighed with the prophecy in this place thereby it shal appeare
state but concerning the former of their demaundes the Lord answereth that there is a direct commaundement in the word whereby the church in all ages and states is enjoined to acknowledg the Lord Iesus to be superior vnto Moses And therefore also that there is a direct commaundement in his word whereas by all adges and times are bound to haue on only outward forme of church gouernment The latter question though it be a popish interrogatorie is yet satisfied without any greate labour For the church of Rome Phillippi Ephesus Derbe Listra c. with many others mētioned in the word practised this gouernment by Pastors Doctors Elders and deacons And if Christ Iesus be as faithful in Gods house as Moses was it is cleare that no church as before was touched in what age or state soeuer can haue any lawful gouerment established but only this by Pastors Doctors Elders and Deacons because no church vnder the lawe could haue any lawful established gouerment but that prescribed by Moses Whereby the pretence that other churches professing the Gospel haue not this gouernment is euidently shewed to be nothing else but a profe that other churches haue their imperfections and are not as yet so farr built as the Lord requireth Asa was a godly King and reformed many things in the house of God yet the Idolatrous high places remained al his daies These high places were the blemish and imperfections of his gouernment Nowe were it any reason because he was a godly King that therefore the spots of the church vnder him should be the paterne of Iosiahs reformation and that the high places should stil be continued It must needs be so if our Bb. manner of reasoning against the Lords holy ordinances be good and allowable In the sixth place the inconueniences of receauing this gouernment of the Lords ordaining are saide to be so greate that the attempting thereof might bring rather the overthrowe of the Gospell heere amongst vs then the end that is desired If the receiuing of the Lordes discipline be inconuenient vnto any state that is not the fault of god his ordinance but the sinne of men which haue made their estate out of square as Christ cannot be wholly receaued thereunto without their likely detriment To gainsay the trueth because an inconuenience wil followe the embracing of it is an argument not to be heard of amongst christians For our Sauiour Christ him selfe affirmed it to be no light matter to enter into the kingdome of heauen and therefore declareth them to be vnfit disciples for him that wil not enter thereunto through manye tribulations yea and forsake all earthly comforts much lesse the maintenance of their outward estate rather then not to followe him in all the waies wherein he requireth their obedience To pretend inconueniences then in this cause bewraieth an hollowe hart vnto Gods glory And yet it is not halfe so inconuenient to bring in Christes gouernment as it was to expel popery If her maiestie and the parliament would agree to establish the same al inconueniences would be soone preuented The feare of ouerthrowing the Gospel by that meanes is a slaunderous surmise and vndutiful vnto her maiesty and the state vnlesse our Bb. be guiltie vnto them selues of some such purposes I knowe not why this should be aleadged The inconueniences are first the alteration of the whole state of the lawes of this realme as the vtter ouerthrowe of the studie of the ciuil lawe and the alteration of the ciuil and common lawe As though al these things coulde not be helped by one act of parliament Popery had more shew and coulor of trueth to reason thus for it selfe in the raigne of our late Soueraigne of famous memory King Henry the 8. So had heathen Idolatry in the daies of Iosiah or Hezekiah They that vse such arguments shew them selues to be giuen ouer to withstand the trueth I hope the Parliament wil admit of no such reason as these are Christ Jesus must not be allowed by his owne lawes to rule in state he must needes be decreede by our lawes inferiour vnto Moses and that because we wil not aulter the state of our lawes we wil not haue the studye of the ciuil lawe ouerthrowne We must not greatly wonder that papists and Mahometists doe kepe Christs holy and sacred verity out of their dominions seeing in a state professing the true God such godlesse men are found as tremble not to publish and vtter their vngodly conceits in this sort against Gods heauenly ordinances and especially seeing in a state professing the true God such pretences are of force to keepe out Christs soueraigne and kingly gouernement I hope that you who are parliament men see this kinde of reasoning to bee such as will stand in no account at the dreadfull day of judgement That which is spoken of Ciuillians is also slanderous For they liue by temporall courts and therefore it is not necessarie that their profession should decay when the Antichristian gouernement of Archb. and Lord Bb. is expelled out of our Churche Further our Archb. and L. Bb. vsurpe the determination of many ciuil causes in the deciding whereof Ciuillians might be well imployed And is it more reason in deede that the true Churche of God should want the vse of Christs holy lawes and statutes then the studie of the Ciuill law O most shamefull speeche to be conceiued much more to be published in print and that by Bishopps in the dayes of the Gospell But what dare not they publish who professe themselues to gainsay the way of trueth And therefore they are not ashamed to giue out that the desired alteration of Church gouernment would bring the judiciall law of the Iewes into our state This is a lewd slaunder For Christs gouernement necessarily requireth no part of the Iewishe lawe to be receiued into any common wealth but that which is morall It is further objected that the lawes maintaining the Queens supremacy in gouerning of the church and hir prerogatiue in Ecclesiasticall causes must be abrogated or els Christe cannot raigne in our state The reason whereof right honourable you haue heard before alleaged both by the Iewes vnto Pilate namely that our Sauiour Christe Iesus is a deadly enemie vnto Cesar and also by Rehum and the men beyond the riuer vnto Artaxerxes For as they noted the building of the true church of God cannot chuse but be an hindrance vnto princes For Ierusalem is knowne of olde to be a rebellious citie But remember then O my God if they belong not vnto thee that thus slander the trueth and the vpright ordinances of thy sonne Christ Iesus and if they be thine conuert them speedily My Lords you the rest of the parliament as you haue any care of the glory of your God see that the enemies of reformation may either decist from their forgerie against the trueth or prooue their accusations The Lord will