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A01196 The ioyful and royal entertainment of the ryght high and mightie Prince, Frauncis the Frenche Kings only brother by the grace of God Duke of Brabande, Aniow, Aláunson, &c. Into his noble citie of Antwerpe. 1582. Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding, according to the copie printed by Plantine at Antwerpe, his highnesse printer.; Joyeuse & magnifique entrée de Monseigneur Francoys fils de France. English. Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1582 (1582) STC 11310; ESTC S112675 40,277 106

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to watch y ● night began too withdrawe themselues apace Which thing was doone in such order and with such silence that in lesse than halfe an howre al the citie was disarmed after whiche manner they bad also armed themselues in lesse than an houre without any noyse in the morning The Princes also y ● Lordes withdrew thēselues to their lodgings then was all the great ordinaunce of the towne shot of twice as it had bin at the Dukes first comming to the citie that all the towne seemed too bee on fire Cressets were lighted and fires made for ioy through all the streetes and meetings wayes vppon y ● steeples in so great number and so continually y ● all the nyght resembled the day insomuch y ● when they that were without the Towne looked vp into the skye they thought the element was all on fire Theis bonfires cōtinued euery night vntil the next Thursday on ●hich day his highnesse tooke his peculier othe too the towne of Antwerp in the dooing whereof these solemnities insewing were obserued The Amptman Borowghmaisters Skepons of Antwerp came too the sayde Palace of S. Michael the next Thurseday being the 22. day of the same moneth At which place they made humble su●e to his highnes that as he had vowtsafed too giue his othe too the States of Braband and the Marquesdome of the sacred Empyre and likewise too receiue theirs so it might please him too giue his othe that day peculiarly to the citie of Antwerpe and likewyse too take theirs at the place of olde time accustomed Where vnto when the Duke had assented they tooke their way in the same order that had bin obserued at his entering into the towne sauing that the Lorde Edwarde de clastro Ambassadour for Don Antonio King of Portingale was that daye in the latter companie of the Princes and Lordes And so they marched along the saide streete of Saint Michaell too the great marketsteede where the sumptuous common house of the citie is And bicause that on the day of his enteraunce in it was not possible for him too take a perfect view of all the showes by reason that the night ouertooke them they were presented vntoo his highnesse ageine as well in the place before the mint as in other places Also there were two pageantes mo prepared which were deuised both in one day The one was Mount Parnasus whereon sate Apollo apparelled like the Sonne and accōpanied with the nine Muses playing vpon ●uers kindes of Instrumentes and with sweet voyce singing a certaine ditie together writtē in commendation of his highnes This Pageant was in the street called the high street ouer against the street named Reyner streete Right ouer against this Pageant was another on the side of the streete called the flaxe market Which was a mossie Rocke ouer growē with drie and withered trees wherein appeared a caue verie hideous darke and drerye too behold and in the same lay lurking the three Helhowndes Discord Violence and Tiranny who feeling Apollos beames and hearing the sweetenesse and harmonie of the voyces and instrumentes shroonke away and hidde themselues in the deepest of the Dungeon afterward peered out ageine to hearken whither that melodie and harmonie continued stil or no mynding to haue come foorth againe to haue troubled the common weale if y e same had ceassed His highnesse passed on and with verie much adoo came to the great Market place by reason of the infinite multitude of people which could not be put asunder without great payne As soone as hee was alighted from his horse he went vp a scaffold which had bin set vp for the same purpose in the middes of the Market place hard by the Towne howse before whom went the Magistrate of the citie and a greate number of Princes Lordes and Gentlemen This Scaffold being great and large of the heigth of fortie foote was hanged with scarlet Upon it was a cloth of estate the backe whereof was cloth of gold frized vnder the which was a chayre of the same The day of his first comming thither there had bin presented vnto him on the right side Wisdome offering him a golden Scepter on his lefte side Iustice offering him the sworde of Iustice from aboue the Chayre and behinde him Clemencie offering him the Cap of the Dukedome Before the chayre as it were at the feete of it were Obedience Faithfulnes Loue of God and Reuerence And by the chayres sides there were with them Concord Sagenesse vaeleantnesse Good will Truth Pitifulnes Perseuerance and Reason of whom two on eyther side held eche of them a torch of virgin waxe and they were all appareled like Nymphes But on this day when his highnesse went vp too this stage the Nymphes were away And in steed of them the chaire was garnished on both sides with pyllers On the right side betweene the pillers was a Lyon holding a naked swoorde to betoken the authoritie of the magistrate Aboue the Lyon was an Eagle feeding her young and turning her selfe towardes the shyning of the Sunne as taking her force of the Prince On the left side was an Oxe with a yoke on his necke and aboue him a Hen brooding her chickens and by her a cocke The Oxe with his yoke signified obedience and the cocke and the hen betokened the watchfulnes care 〈◊〉 of the superior The saide scaffold was garnished with bāners of azure beaten with the armes of Aniow and with banners of gewles beaten with the armes of Antw●rpe and with cressets and torches And aboue among the armes were written these verses At length thou art come and ioyfull wee bee Thy presence long lookt for here present to see And a little vnder at the ryght hand vnder the armes of Braband were these verses Of tryumphes though stately kings boast but in vayne Vnlesse they by iustice doe vprightly reigne And on the left hande vnder the armes of Antwerpe was written thus Nowght booteth law Authoritie or sage forecast of wit Unlesse to lawfull gouernment folke doe their force submit And yet somewhat lower was written God God is he the heartes of kinges which holdeth in his hande He He it is that highest things doth make too fall or stande When he with gracious looke beholde● a people they inioy A goodlie Ruler vnder whom no troubles them anoy But if misliking make him frowne then makes he them a pray Too Tyrantes vnder whom they tast of sorrow euery day FRom this Scaffold he might beholde before him an infinite number of people readie too bee sworne vntoo him and also three companies of banished and condemned men in fetters and bareheaded crauing mercie at his hande which was graunted vnto them Moreouer all the houses about the Market sted had Cressets burning on high before them Nowe then after that roome and silence was made their Counseller and Recorder Uanderwerck propounded the matter as followeth Right gracious Lord and Prince y ● Markgraue the Amptman the
was departed from London and comd to Cauntorburie and therefore thinking that it woulde not be long ere he arriued there hee dispatched Mounsire Treslon his viceadmirall of Zelande with a little Pynnesse called the Chasse to goe before to meete the Mounsire commaunding him that as soone as hee had discouered his fleete hee shoulde giue him a watch worde thereof by the shot of two Cannous Mounsire Treslon hauing about noone tyde discouered the shippes that were parted from Douer and thinking that they had been the great fleete gaue his watchworde whiche was the cause that a certaine vessel went forth to the sea to meete his highnesse But anone after perceiuing his errour he returned to Flushing where by and by the fleete of Douer arriued Then Mounsieur Treslon going foorth founde the Mounsire and the great fleete betweene Newporte and Dunkirke where after salutation giuen and taken on eyther side the Mounsire standing vpon the Hatches of his shippe espied his owne Secre●arie named Nephewe standing likewise vpon the Hatches of the Chasse to whom hee sent his shipbote commaunding him to come a boord to him which thing hee did and there aduertised the Mounsire that as concer●ing the reuolting of the states there was no suche matter but that all thinges went very well and that his Highnesse was wayted for with great longing That day by reason the winde 〈◊〉 turned Northeast they could goe no further but were faine to cast anker ouer against a place called Eastende where they passed that night wayting for the tide the next morning His shippes were perceiued by them of Flushing where anone after midnight arriued the Lorde of S. Aldegond who assured the prince Orenge that the next morning the Mounsire would arriue there with the tide Wherevpon the prince of Orenge and the prince of Es pynoy with a great number of Gentlemen tooke sea the next morning but because the tyde was against them and on the other part the Mounsire hauing a side winde with him was constrained to haste to the Lande by meanes thereof the Prince being not able to come aboorde to him with his ship was fayne to turne sayle back againe to Flushing where the Prince Daulphin had taken lande alredy and sought euery where for the prince his brother When they had embraced and saluted one another lyke brethren the prince of Orendge perceiuing the Mounsire to approche very neere tooke the water againe But when he perceiued him to come downe into his boate to take land he turned backe againe and hyed him so fast that he tooke land before him and there tarried his comming As s●ne as he was arryued while hee was yet in his boate ready to come a land the prince receiued him with great reuerence and embracing his highnesse knee because he sawe the weather was cold sayd vnto him in fewe woordes that he was very glad to see that happy day which had been so long expected wherein he had the honour to behold his highnesse and to offer vnto him his most humble seruice with goods and life and all that he had besides hoping that by meanes of his highnes that countrye hauing indured so great aduersitie shoulde now be fully set at libertie Whereunto the Mounsire answered very wisely and breefly And when he had imbraced him with such honour as was dew in respect of his age and doings he came a land and was brought by the prince to the palace of the citie howbeit not without great difficultie by reason of y ● great preace of men of warre and other people pestring one another the folke of that countrey pressing to see his highnes and the Englishmen which as then were come downe thither in greate number pressing to know the prince of Orēdge In y e mean whyle y ● trūpets 〈◊〉 sounded with such noyse y t the ayre rang of it and ●ll the Ordinanceshot off as well of the Queenes ships as of the other ships whereof y ● number was great which lay thē in y e rode with so greate roring and thundering that they conu●yed the newes of his highnesse happy ●yuall in the Lowe countrie to Caleis and to other places of Fraunce They of Flushing shot twoo peales with so great noyse by reason of the great number of y ● peeces y ● are in the towne that al y e ground rang of it The Mounsire found in that place all sortes of his Officers for his housholde and his garde of Swisses and Frenchmen departing from Caleis and Bolloin foure dayes afore were come to Middlebrowgh The Magistrate of the citie waited for him at the gates of y e citie who told him by y e mouth of their Recorder y ● they were very glad of his cōming thought thēselues happy to see him in hope that by his guiding and gouernment they should see their country restored to trāquillitie set vp again in hir former renowme The states of Brabād speaking by y e mouth of Mounsire Uan Stralen Amptmā of Antwerp after their welcōming of him declared with what mind y ● noble good cities of Braband had expected him beseeching him most humbly to honour the country of Braband w t his presence out of hand Next them the deputies of the citie of Brusselles besides the declaratiō which they made of their own goodwil generally of all the peoples of that country declared also particularly with what greate good will affection his highnes had bin waited for in that city the cheef seate of the lords of y t country that after so many mischeefes which they had suffered for withstanding the tyrannie of the Spaniards next vnto god they had not any hope but in the comming of his highnesse their prince and Lord. Afterward they of Antwerp were heard who declared y ● affectiō of y e people towardes his highnes their lōg lōging for him and the great desire w t they had to see their prince souerain The colonels captains of y ● towne spake afterwarde and declared vnto him how carefully and diligently they had kept y ● citie in hope to put it shortly into his handes and reioycing likewise at his comming Unto all these Orations his highnesse answered very sagely and breefly as vnto all the residew to the well liking and coutentment of all that stood by The prince of Orendge taryed a while with the Mounsire in the towne house of the citie and then taking his leaue went to visit the princes and Lords of both the nations that came with him to see how they fared and to take order that they shoulde want nothing so farre foorth as the abilitie of the towne of Flushing whiche is none of the greatest coulde extende where suche prouision was made that all were well lodged and serued notwithstanding that aboue ●iue hundred men of the only english Lordes were come a land that day All that afternoone was spent in feasting in making of Bonsires in
THE Ioyful and royal entertainment of the ryght high and mightie Prince Frauncis the Frenche Kings only brother by the grace of God Duke of Brabande Aniow Aláunson c. Into his noble Citie of Antwerpe Translated out of Frenche by Arthur Golding according to the Copie printed by Plantine at Antwerpe his highnesse printer ❧ Imprinted at London for William Ponsonby and are to be solde at his shoppe in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Bishoppes head The Preface STrange and wonderfull changes haue by Gods iust iudgement happened heretofore vnto men for their horrible and outragious crimes euen in the greatest Empires Monarchies and common weales And like as God who knoweth how to pull downe the pryde euen of the greatest which abuse their authoritie hath executed those iudgementes too manifest his iustice so hath he also set them foorth for example to such as shoulde come after into whose handes hee woulde put the scepters to rule folke withall to the intent they might vnderstande that as they report them selues to reigne by his grace so in very deede they be his Lieuetenantes Ministers of his iustice vpon earth and therfore ought not to abuse that soueraigne and welneere diuine authoritie wherewith he hath inhonored them Also which thing hath not come to passe without Gods prouidence there haue euer bin learned men of rare wittes whiche haue conueyed the remembrance of suche changes ouer to posteritie to serue them for example leauing in writing the causes of such chaunces with their effectes and diuersities of falling out to the ende that whensoeuer the like turnings come againe men may bee in a readines to take the counsel which may be most for their welfare or at leastwise w t may bee least hurtfull to their Countreys to their owne personnes Thucydides the prince of Historiographers among the Athenians affirmeth that his taking vpō him to write the ciuill wars among the Greekes called the warres of Peloponnesus whiche were full of diuers chaunges was for the example of them that were to come after him when they lighted into warres of the like kinde And of a trueth wise men whiche haue aduisedly examined the causes of the ciuill warres as well which haue been in certaine ages past as which haue bin in our age haue founde many thinges resembling the saide warres of Peloponnesus whither it be in the causes and the effectes in difficulties of resolution in differences of dispositions in lettes of execution in treasons trecheries surmizes misreportes or slaunders agaynste good men and in such other like incidentes The like also is to bee seene in other Historiographers For the more precisely faithfully they haue written the more haue they done vs to vnderstande that this saying of the Orator is true That an Historie is the Scholemistresse of mans life And soothly if euer any change in the world were notable worthie to bee imparted to posteritie it is that which hath hapned in these Low coūtreys For whither ye haue an eye to the farre differing qualities of the two princes that entered 〈◊〉 into these warres or to the inequalitie of their forces to the diuersitie of the causes which mooued them to enter into armes on either part to the diuersity of their successe on the one part with secret enterprises sagely demeaned and on the other part with wiles deceites mischeeues practised or to y ● treaties of peace vnitie made double made and vnmade againe to the diuersitie of partes whiche some selfe same persons haue followed almost at one time or finally to the chāge of the prince that had bin followed with long aduised sage deliberation and to the incoūterings that haue bin made to the contrary the things that are to ensue therof hereafter these things I say being diligētly examined will shew how there haue been feawe chaunges heretofore whiche haue better deserued to come to light thāthat which we haue presētly before our eyes Which thing maketh vs to hope that God will not suffer so goodly and rare an example to bee buried but that hee will stirre vp some wise learned and eloquent man meet to set it forth in writing to commende it to posteritie Howebeit forasmuch as it is our duetie to helpe him that shall enterprise so great so high and so difficulte a woorke and one as it were of most principall and speciall poyntes fallen out in the inuesting of the Duchie of Brabande in the person of the Lorde Frauncis onelye brother of the Frenche King Duke of Aniow and in his entering into the right renowmed citie of Antwerpe I thought it my duetie to write downe the same truely now while the remembraunce thereof is yet freshe as well to giue knowledge thereof to strāge nations as to s●rue his turne w t notes of remembrance w t shall impart to posteritie the whole and vniuersall change happened in this countrey By the way I woulde haue all men to vnderstande that although we haue no cause to repentevs of the receiuing of the saide Prince chiefely for that it hath pleased him to like well of it yet notwithstanding the said citie of Antwerpe had not any more then sixe dayes respit to prepare for the entertaynement of so great a prince to the intent that all men may perceyue after what sort the people were affectioned which in so short time vndertook so great a matter and howe great the sumptuousnesse of his entertainement was like to haue bin if the time might haue bin answerable to the good will and earnest desire of all the inhabitantes of the noble and riche citie of Antwerpe ¶ The departing of the Mounsire the Duke of Aniow out of England and the receiuing of him into Zeland WHē the Queene of Englād and Mounsire the Duke of Aniowe vnderstoode by report made to her Maiestie and his highnes by Mounsire de Pruneaux who had bin sent ouer a litle before from the Duke to the Prince of Orenge and had prosecuted the treatie the former yeres as his ordiniarie Ambassador what good will great longing he had found in the prince of Orenge who was come into the Ile of Walckeren with a great number of Gentlemen and with the deputies of the States of the chiefest and best Cities of the Lowe Countrey to receiue his highnes and to do him most humble seruice And when they had also heard the Ambassage of y ● Lords of Ohain and Iunius sent from the Lordes of the State to the Duke to shewe vnto him the exceeding great desire whiche all the people had to see his highnes for the present ratifiyng of the former couenants y ● had passed betwixt thē for the accōplishing wherof it was needfull that he shoulde passe ouer with all speede wherby the same thing was cōfirmed whiche had bin declared oft afore by y e Lord of Mount Saint Aldegond ordinarie Ambassador to her Maiestie and his highnes Upon the intelligence of these things it was
firewoorkes in sounding of trumpets and in all manner of tokens of toy which all men vttered vniuersally for the comming of so greate a prince Also the foure members of Flaunders which came by the councell of the prince of Orendge wayted to present themselues vnto him at middlebrowgh The Prince of Orendge perceyuing that the Monsyre was mynded to go next daye too middlebrowgh told him that there were three wayes The one about by the castle of Ramekins to euter in at the great chanell of Middlebrowgh by the bowght of the foreland An other by the little chanell through the countrye and that he had kept shippes in a readines too goe the outer way and a greate sorte of boates to goe the inner waye because his highnesse could not iourney eyther by coche or on horsebacke by reason of the winter and there was but onely one causey whereby folk traueled ordinarily on foote The Mounsire beholding the fitnesse of the time for in deede it was very fayre wether and vnderstanding that y e way was not past a good french league in length vndertooke to go it on foote and so did all the rest of the princes lordes and gentlemen as well of the same countrie as of Fraunce and England A greate sorte of the Mounsires house whiche were lodged already at Middlebrough came to meete him specially his gard of Frenchmen and Swissers A good way out of the towne the magi●rate of Middlebrough came too meete him as it were about a third part of the way and there making an oration to him tolde him of the great and long desire which all the people had of his comming and that the people of Middlebrowgh for their owne parte thought themselues greatly honoured in that hee had voutsafed to come to their ●itie offering all duetifulnes vnto him His gard also met him in the same place and then began y ● Swis sers to march on in their order stryking vppe their drums after their maner Moreouer sixe companies of the citizens well armed and wel arayed stood imbatteled without the towne who kept their place til y ● M●ūsire was past and then they followed after leizurely behind The deputies of the states of the Erledome of Zeland wayted his comming at the towne gate Who hauing declared y e gladnes which they conce●ed reioyced at the happy successe which his highnes had had in making y e peace in Fraunce and in rescowing the city of Cābraye by his armye and in his owne person and in his passinge into England which they knewe he had taken vpon him for none other cause then for the furtherance of the affaires of those countries finally for y ● hauing put his person in danger of y ● passage he was now happilie arriued in zeland most humbly thanking his highnes declaring what hope they had conceiued of his presence and therewithall offering right humbly what soeuer their duetie required At the entery of the gate one brought him a courser of Naples but he determined with himselfe seeing that the princes and Lordes had not their horses there to go through with his iourney on foote and so entered into the citie of Middlebrowgh in this order First went the Magistrates of the citie w t their vnder officers and ministers of Justice Next them the deputies of the states of Zelād After them followed diuers Gentlemen of all the three nations with the deputies of the cities of Braband and of the foure members of Flaunders Then marched the Swissers after their accustomed fashion in whose traine were a great sort of noblemen and Gentlemē of whom the most part were Englishmen of the retinew of the three Lords sent thither by the Queene Behind them insewed as it were in one troope togither the Prince Daulphin the Earle of Leycester y e prince of Espinoy y ● countie de Laual the lord of Hunsdon y ● lorde Haward and the rest of the Lordes Then came the Mounsire himselfe hauing on his left hand some what more than halfe a pace beneath him the prince of Orendge of whom he alwayes asked some question After him followed his gard of Frenchmen and after them the garde of the Prince of Orendge and last of all the six ensignes y t stood in battel ray without the citie and tenne others whiche had marshalled the streetes vnto the market place where all the rest of the citizens were imbattelled Throughout all the streetes from the gate to the Mounsires lodging there were rayles and at euery tenth pace on eyther side were burning cressets And so his hignesse and all the nobilitie which accompanied him passed on maruelling to see so goodly a citie in so little an yle and so neere to three other good townes not distant one from another aboue one league But most of all they woondered at the beautie of the marketsted and of the common hall of the citie His highnesse lodging was verie well and richly hanged furnished considering the small respit that the inhabitants had so as hee was very well and 〈◊〉 lodged both he and al the princes noblemen and gentlemen of all nations that attended vpon him That euening was passed in feasting in making of bonfires in the streetes in artificiall fire woorkes vppon the towres and steeples and in sounding of trumpets The next morning the twelue deputies of the foure members of Flaunders speaking to his hignes by the mouth of Mounsire Tayard the Recorder of Gaunt declared at large the great good wil of al the people of Flaunders cowards him and that lyke as they had been of the first that had sent vnto him so they hoped to be of the first that should yeeld al hum ble seruice and subiectiō vnto him Wherunto his highnes answered very discreetly as his custome was He passed the rest of the time in playing at tennis with the Prince of Orendge and afterwarde with the other Lordes The thirteenth day he had a solemne feast made him in the Townehall where his highnes commaunded the tables too bee prepared of purpose that he might haue the company of the Prince Daulphin the prince of Orendge the Earle of Leycester the Prince of Espinoy the Countie de Lauall the Lord of Hunsdon and the Lord Haward For the Lordes of England were highly regarded and honored euery where both in respect of her Maiestie which sent them and also for the woorthines of their persons The feast was excellently well furnished of all things and specially of tapistrie worke and other deuices of sugar insomuch that both the Frenchmen and Englimen confessed that they had not beene woont to see suche maner of seruices in their countreys The fourteenth day the prince of Orendge would needes goe see the putting of the ships in a readines which should cary the Mounsire and his traine which were in number foure and fiftie and therefore he would haue gone to the foreland of Middlebrowgh Whereof the Mounsire hearing woulde needes goe with
fully agreed vppon and graunted that in beautie and glory nothing is comparable to a goodly armie Onely this matter remaineth still in question vndecided namely whether is the pleasanter sight to see three or foure great battels of footemen well appointed in bright armour wel flanked with small shot and with their greate ordinance before them or to see as many Squadrons of horsemen or else twoo or three hundred ships furnished with their flagges and banners and raunged in order as if they were ready to giue battel But as for the rest of al goodly things all men are fully agreed that they come nething neere to any of those three and muche lesse doe them al three togither if a man might behold them all at once as it is reported that at one instant a man might haue seene the great armie of Xerxes both footmen and horse men raunged in battell ray and also the two fleetes of the Persians and of the Greekes fighting vppon the Sea by Salamine where by the wisdome and valiantnes of Themi●ocles the Greekes got that famous victorie of the Persians In mine opinion that is the rause why the glad receyuing and ioyfull entering of Frauncis Duke of Brabant into the Citie of Antwarpt seemed so goodly and royall to all suche as sawe it insomuche that there hath not been anye of them whiche hath not confessed that hee neuer saw the like And yet were there very many present at it as well of the same countrey as of straungers whiche haue seene many stately and royall meetings both in the same citie and in other cities of the Lowe countreys and also in other great cities of other Countreys as Paris London Roan and Lions and yet neuerthelesse the common voyce is that this last hath passed all the rest And truly the Citie had no more but sixe daies respit to prepare for it as I sayde before insomuch that they coulde not put to making any worke of silke nor of golde aud siluer beaten or wouen nor any embroderie no nor in so shorttime make any meane apparell newe nor any rare costlinesse of imagertes pillers tryumphall arches or other pageantes but were constrayned to make a shifte with suche thinges as they had in a readinesse aforehande of their own store In other entertemements there haue in deede been seene great plentie of riches and royalties in attires of Kinges and Queenes Princes and Princesses Lords and Ladies Citizens and their wiues but in th● entertainement no such were seene howebeit there was not any grossenesse nor ought that might not well beseeme the neatnes and finenesse of that people although it came nothing neere the sumptuousnesse of other intertainements As touching triumphall arches Chariots Portratures and such other Showes although there were many wittie inuentions agreeable to the time yet haue men seene of thē in other places which might match these And as touching the number of their people although it was great yet it is well knowen that Paris exceedeth them in that behalfe But the only reason of this contentment commeth chiefly of the great nūber of people in armour being not fewer then twentie thousande in so good and so fayre armour and of their order obedience and of the small noyse which al that huge multitude made insomuch that if it had not bin for the thundering of the Canons and y ● sounding of Trumpets Clarions Halboies and other instrumentes there was no more noyse than is among a Counsel of graue men That thē was in mine opinion the onely very cause w t was greatly furthered by their beholding of y ● Mounsire of Braband who represēthe statelines of old tyme was clothed in a large Mantle with y e Bonnet of his Dukedome vpon his head so that among that great number of people which were so well armed that three of the best cities in Christendome coulde not shewe so many fayre armours of their owne his highnesse resembled a precious stone or Iewel set in fine gold And bycause that they which were the beholders therof for they could not be euery where nor see euery thing will be very glad to vnderstand of the things that so escaped them and delight their mindes now with the remembrance of the things which they sawe before as they delighted their eyes and mindes with the beholding of them that day And strange nations too whom the fame of that so renowmed daies woorke is come will take pleasure to vnderstande the same whereof they could not be beholders Therefore is this booke set foorth for the satisfiyng of all men and also to make it knowen to a number of men who partely for enmitie partly for enuy and partely for other surmizes and mistrustes will not beleeue it with what mind and affection the Prince of Orendge and the other Lordes and noblemen of Braband the good cities and the small Townes and namely the most renowmed citie of Antwerp haue receiued their new prince and soueraine Lord. The nienteenth day of the foresaid moneth in the forenoone Mounsire y ● Duke of Aniow departed from Lisloo and sayled towardes Antwery hauing in his companie but twentie shippes for the rest had gotten to Antwery afore as well to put themselues in a readines as for other affaires And he came about eight of the clocke nigh to the new towne and passing along by the townes side left the forelād of Flaunders on his right hand and the towne on his left and passed beyond all the towne the place where the Castle was By the waye he heard all the Canons shot of from that part of the towne which faceth the riuer from a great number of shippes which rode at ancre there and he saw all the wharfes furnished with men of warre of the citie well armed who welcōmed him with their shot and were answered againe by the shippes of warre that accompanied him conducted by Mou●sire de Tres●on and the Uiceadmiralles and diuerse Captaines of Flushing And so the firste foote that hee did set on lande in Brabande was at a Uillage called Riell whiche is at the Canon wharfe of Antwerpt The states of Braband the Magistrats of the Citie and diuers other States comming in like order on horsebacke to the same place with their trumpets Serieants and Heraults apparelled in cotes of y e armes of Lothyer Braband Limbourge alighted there and wayted on foote at the wharfe to receiue his highnesse and to shewe him the good will and affection of the States and people But the preace of people was so great which resorted thither to see the prince whom they looked for to be their duke and againe there were so many impediments in his landing that it was founde better for them by the aduice of the prince of Orenge to returne backe and to tary for his highnesse vpon a Theatre which was prepared for him This Theatre was set vp towards a corner of the Castle and opened towardes the citie so as his highnes
being there might at one time view both the Citie and the Castle and behold the Counterskarfes the deepe Ditches full of fayre water cleere to the verye bottome of the chanell inclozed on eyther syde with heawen stone the great and fayre buildinges the goodly walles beawtifull to looke on and very thicke and the broade Rampyres garnished with trees planted by hande that it resembled a litle forest The Mounsire was brought vp to this Theatre accompanied with y ● prince Daulphin the only sonne of y e duke of Mountpanuser the Erle of Leycester and other English Lords representing the Queene of Englande the Princes of Orendge and Espinoy the countie de Lauall the other english Lords the Countie de Chateauroux and a great sort of other barons lords gentlemen besids the chiefe Magistrates and Maisters of the companies of the Citie of Antwerpe The Lordes of the State of Brabande waiting vpon the Theatre came duetifully downe to go meete his highnesse which thing hee perceiuing did stand still Then the prince of Orendge stepped foorth to take his place among the States as one of the chiefe Lordes and Barons of the Duchie of Brabande As soone as they had saluted his highnesse and with great humblenesse kissed his hande they mounted vp the steppes againe with him after whom followed the Princes and Lordes of Fraunce and Englande and when they were come vp aboue they raunged themselues on eyther side There was set for the Mounsire a chayre couered with cloth of gold wherin he sat him down And vpō y ● theatre there was likewise a trauers of cloth of Golde al the Theatre was couered w t Tapistrie On the front of the Theatre on the highest part thereof were the armes of the Marquesship of the holy Empyre and a little beneath them on the ryghte hande stoode the armes of Brabande with a wreath of fruites and on the left hand stoode the armes of the Citie of Antwery Also there were set vp twoo banners of ●ilke azured with the armes of Aniow and in one partition were written these verses O Noble prince whose footsteps faith and gentlensse preserue Receiue thou heere the honour which thy vertue dooth deserue That these Lowe Countries may at length take breath by meaues of thee And thou a father to vs all in name and doings be A●er that euery man had taken his place and silence was made the States of Braband began their Orarion by the mouth of Moun● de ●esseiles doctour of both the lawes Secretarie to the said estates and one of their Counsell the summe whereof was that the Barons noblemen and deputies of the chiefe cities and of the other good Townes representing the states of the Duchie and country of Braband hauing now the good hap too see among them and to beholde face to face the prince in whom next vnto God they had wholly set the hope of their deliuerance and of the stablishing of their auncient rest and liberty Did highly thanke the almightie Lord which had shewed them that fauour taking it for an assured warrant that hee of his infinite goodnes and prouidence had not forgottē nor forsakē their iust quarel but had chosē his high nes too bee the defender of his people and the administrer of his iustice too the ende that too Gods glorie and to his owne honour and renowme the stormes of al troubles and of al other thinges that anoyed their estate might by the beames of his princely maiestie wisedome and prowesse bee chaced away and the ●ightues of their former prosperitie heretofore knowne to all nations be made to spring vp and shine foorth againe In respect wherof they gaue his highnes most humble thanks for the singuler loue and good wil which he of his owne onely motion and princely disposition had voutsafed to continue towardes them vnto that instant notwithstanding all y e crosse dealinges and practises that cunning heades coulde skill to put foorth to the hinderaunce of their affaires forasmuch as they were not ignoraunt that for their calamities and miseries sakes nothing coulde haue fallen in whiche coulde haue made more to the fauour and furtherance of their case Which thing they had esteemed would esteeme for euer as a peerelesse president of his incomparable stayednesse and rare constancie for the which and for the great number of his other benefites and gracious dealings towardes them they were and euer shoulde be bounde to acknowledge themselues indetted to his highnesse with all faithfull obedience and were ready that day by Gods grace to submit themselues to him as his humble vassalles and subectes And although they doubted not but that his highnes did well vnderstande and was fully satisfied not onely of the generall causes which had vniuersally moued the states of the Prouinces of the Lowe Countreys together to sewe to him for succour and to put thē selues into his hands but also of the particular causes which the states of that Duchie and countrie of Brabande had to renownce their obedience to the King of Spaine Yet notwithstanding to the intent to put his highnesse in remembraunce thereof and to confirme that sacred resolution and high interprise of his builded therevpon and moreouer to yeeld some reason of all their doings to the Princes and Noblemen and to the rest of that whole company who for the honour of his highnesse were come thither of courtes●e to further the solemnity of his interteinment to the intent y t at this his repaire thither which alwayes was called ioyfull they might vtter the more good will and gladnesse of heart they would say no more but this that as long as the Dukes of Brabande specially since the falling of that duchy into the hands of the Dukes of Burgoyne and other the famous Auncetours of his highnes gaue themselues to the gouerning of their subiects by them selues thereby making it to appeare that they loued them and were not carelesse of them they reaped so great commodities and notable seruices at their handes that their names puissances became oftentimes renowmed yea and sometimes dreadfull to● the greatest Monarkes kings and common-weales of Christendome whereof their wars and conquestes made proofe howbeit that of those thinges as of matters familiarly known by the histories it was not requisite to make discourse in that place and time whiche were appointed to greater matters But after that their Dukes and princes eyther by other alluremēts or being w theld in their other coūtry and Sentories begā to leaue them for a time and afterward at length to forget them abandoning them to the pleasure and willes and sometimes also to the lust and couetousnes of their vnder officers wherof the king of Spain had lastly finished and perfected vp the work leauing them disdainefully as husbandlesse fatherlesse vtterly destitute of his presence by the space of twentie yeres It came to passe that hauing altered chaunged almost all the whole state of the countrye committed the offices
Braband of olde time Wherevntoo when his highnesse had agreed the Prince did first put vpon him the sayde mantle and fastening the button thereof sayd theis wordes My Lord you must keepe this button fast clozed that no man may pull your mantle from you And then he set the bonnet vppon his head and sayde vnto him Sir I pray God you may well keepe this attyre for nowe you may well assure your selfe that you be Duke of Braband Then the saide Hesselles tolde him howe the custome required that the States shoulde presentlie bee sworne too him ageine to yeelde him fealtie Wherevppon he vttered to the people the forme of the othe and then the saide Chauncelor required it of the Barons noblemen and deputies and they pronounced it after him according too the manner of the former othes reuerently doing againe their homage promising their fealtie and obedience After the taking of the othes on both sides as well by the Mounsire as by the States of Brabande whyle his highnesse was yet still in his robes of estate the Magistrates of Antwerpe commaunded their Recorder and Counseller Master Uanderwerck too come vp vpon the stage to make him an offer of the Marqueshipp of the sacred Empyre in the name of the citie of Antwerp Which thing he did as followeth Most gracious Lord and Prince the Markgraue Amptman Boroughmaisters Skepons the Treasurers and Receiuers y ● cheefe Burgesses and Quartermaisters the Wardens and auncientes of the Handycraftes togither with the Colonelles Wardens of ●wyldes and captaines of the Citie were very glad when they vnderstood of your highnesses happy arriuall in the yle of Walckeren as they haue caused too bee very largely and with all humilitie and reuerence shewed vnto you by their deputies sent vntoo your highnesse for the same purpose But now forasmuch as they see your highnesse not onely arriued in the countrie of Braband but also receiued for Duke and for their prince lord their forecōceiued ioy is greatly increased and made fully perfect trusting y ● by this your comming there will once ensue an end of the desolations calamities and miseries whereinto the Country hath bin brought by the vniust gouernment past by the more vniust and wrongfull warre which the enemies hold yet still to bring the whole country too destruction with all manner of calamities and oppressions which they are able to deuise And therefore they giue your highnes most humble thankes for the peynes and trauell which you haue voutsafed too take too come intoo this countrie yeelding infinitely like thankes vntoo God for that he hath giuen and sent them such a Prince as not onelie is of abilitie and power but also is willing and well disposed to defend them from all enimies and to rule and gouerne them with all good pollicie and iustice according to the priuiledges lawes and customes of the coūtrie For although they be ioyned in league with the rest of the ●tates of Braband and generally with all the states of the low coūtries a●d that they haue all entered intoo armes ioyntly togither yet their so dooing hath not bin to exempt and withdraw themselues from the iust go●ernment of their Lorde Prince but onelie too mainteyne their auncient liberties lawes and priuiledges that being gouerned according to the same they might liue w t all duetifull obediēce in good rest peace tranquillitie The full accomplishment of which their desires they thinke themselues too haue most happily obteined ●ith it hath pleased God of his infinite grace and mercie to put into your highnesses heart to take vpō you the souereintie of these lowe countries the Dukedome of Braband the citie of Antwerp and the Marqueship of the sacred Empyre For seeyng that God hath stirred them vp so great a Prince the brother of a mighty king they haue no doubt at all but that your highnesse will by Gods grace soone finde meanes to deliuer these Countries from the wretched wars wherin they haue bin so long plunged The Markegraue Amptman Boroughmasters Skepons and other members of this citie thinke it not expedient too repeate the causes of the warre and the equi●ie of the cace whereon they stande forasmuchas it hath diuers times heeretofore beene discussed largely ynough by the generall estates and moreouer beene notably knowen too the worlde and manie wayes allowed by your highnesse Yet againe therefore with all humble submission and reuerence they thanke your highnesse that it hath pleased you too agree vnto them and to promise the maintenaunce of their priuiledges Lawes and customes yea and of the articles comprised in the principall composition and in the ioyfull enteraunce intoo the Duchie of Brabande Assuring your highnesse that the people of the citie of Antwerp and of the Marqueship of the holye Empyre shalbee and continew right humble subiectes too you euen too the spending of their bodies and goods whatsoeuer else they bee able to make for the increasing of your honour and glorie Heerevntoo his highnesse answered verye graciously that hee thanked those noblemen for their good wil and affect●n towards him and that he ment to shew them by his doings how desirous hee was too gouerne and rule the countrie with good policie iustice And all this hee did at large and with very great grace This doone the sayde Uanderwercke turning himself to the people cryed with a lowd voyce that his highnesse as Duke of Brabande Alaunson Aniow Berrey c. woulde bee sworne to the citie of Antwerp and the Marqueshippe of the sacred Empyre desiring them to praye vntoo God that by that so good and solemne deede Gods name might bee sanctified the safetie and prosperitie of the countrie procured and the honor and glorie of the sayde Duke increased Then was the othe which his high●esse shoulde take read openly too the people in the flemishe toong by the same Uanderwerck Which beeing doone Mounsieur the Amptman read the same othe too his highnesse in French and his highnesse made and perfourmed the same in his handes whiche the Borowghmayster of the Towne of Antwerpe hild vp because the receiuing of the othe at his hande belonged vntoo him Also the sayde Borowghmaister whose name was Syr Philip of Schoonhouen kneeling downe before the Dukes highnesse at the same tyme gaue him a ●ilte key in token of subiection and that he might dispose of the citie as of his owne which Key was deliuered againe by his highnesse too the Borowghmaister too whom he saide very graciously that he assured himself that the saide Borowghmaister and all the Burgesses and Inhabitāts of the citie would keepe the citie faithfully for him as they had doone vnto that instant After the finishing and accomplishment of all the saide Solemnities the Herawltes of Braband and Lotrick or in the vulgar Braband Wallon Lothyer that is too say Lotharing or the true Lorraine cryed with a Iowd voyce God saue the Duke of Braband And then sownding the trumpets they made a Largesse
casting a greate sorte of peeces of goold siluer among the standers by Theis peeces were of two sortes the one sort had on the one side the image of the Mounsire then Duke of Braband the other sort had on the one side the armes of Aniow and Brabande and about the verges was written Frauncis of Fraunce Duke of Braband On the other side of thē all was a deuice of y c Sonne with the Mounsires owne inscription Cheriseth and Chaseth which is the Mounsires ordinary poesie Without the Towne were three Regimentes of the Citizens too the number of a three thousand men in order of battell who made a goodlie shewe with their faire armours and their antesignes displayed And they neuer went out of their place vntill all the Ceremonies were dispatched and that his highnesse was gone intoo the citie Besides theis there was an infinite number of people in the citie whereof many were Straungers who marueiled greatly at theis sightes and especially the Frenchmen who woondered to see their maister in that apparell and spake diuersly of it as is woont too bee doone in matters that are new and erst vnseene But when they vnderstood howe it was the Dukely apparell and that he wore it as a representation of antiquitie the like whereof is worne yet still by the Electors of the sacred Empire in their greate ceremonies they were astonished and thought him to bee a Prince of more stately countenance and maiestie then afore insomuch that it was sayd alowd amōg them that seeing it was y e mantle of the Duchie it should cost the liues of fiftie thousande Frenchmen before it should bee plucked frō him againe As soone as the Ceremonies were ended his highnes came downe from the Theatre and mounted vpō a whyte courser of Naples couered with a coperison of veluet richly imbroydered with gold And so hee be gan too take his way towardes the right re nowmed and rich citie of Antwerp and was conueyed along by the counterscarfe vntoo the sumptuous and stately gate called Keizars gate or Sainct Georgis gate whereat he entred into the good citie of Antwerpe The order of his entering in was such as this FIrst marched the 2. Serieant Maiors or Marshalles of the citie accompanyed of two Pursiuāts with the armes of the citie after whom followed the Trumpets with the armes of Braband The first companie was of Almayne Merchantes commonly called Easterlinges well mounted and well apparelled after the maner of Almayne Next them followed the English merchāts in excellent good order all appareled in Cassockes of blacke veluet all of one fashion Then came the Colonelles captaines of the citie after whom followed a great number of Gentlemen as well of the same countrie as of other nacions Behind them went the bodie of the citie that is to wit the Wickmaysters the Wardens the auncient Magistrate the masters of the Wardes the Burrowghmasters deputies y ● Wardens of the halles the Usshers the Secretaries the Registers the Receiuers and Treasurers the Skepons the Amptman and the twoo Borowghmasters all appareled in Clokes of black veluet and all of one fashion After them came y ● Trūpets of y e States of Brabād Lembourg and Lothyer after thē the states themselues in this order First went the deputies of the vnder cities The Deputies of the citie of Antwerp The Deputies of Brusselles Then succeeded the noblemen of Braband as The Chauncellour of Brabande and aboue him Lamorall Egmonde Brother too the Countie of Egmond Baron of ●asebecke A great number of Lords of the same countrie of Fraunce and of Englande well horsed and richly appar●ed The Swissers with their drommes and fiffes The Mounsires owne housholde among whom were intermingled certaine Lordes of England Next this came the countie de Lauall hauing on either hand an English Lord The Prince of Espinoy hauing on his right hand the Lord of Hunsoon and on his left the Lord Haward The Prince Doulphin hauing on his right hand the Earle of Leycester and on his lefte the Prince of Orendge The Markgraue of Antwerp bare headed bearing the mace of Iustice The Lord Peterson Baron of Merode taking vppon him that day as Marshall of Braband and bearing the naked sword before the Dukes highnesse Then came the Duke himselfe mounted apparelled as yee haue heard afore Next behinde the Duke followed Coūtie Morice of Nassau sonne too the Prince of Orange hauing on his right hand Coūtie Philip of Nassau nephew too the said Prince and sonne to countie Iohn of Nassaw and on his left hand the Lord Shefeeld His Highnes was garded by the cōpanies of the Guyldes that is to say by the auncient brotherhoods of the Archers Crossebowes Harg webuzers in so goodly armour as fayrer could not be found The is went afore him and about him on a cluster without order like flowredeluces vpon a royall robe After them followed the gard of Frenchmē on a like heape and after them the Prince of Orendges gard on foote Then lastly in very good order came the twentie Antesignes of citizēs which had stood in order of battell without the Towne Ouer the gate where his highnes entered there was a compartement of Doricke work wherein was written as followeth Too Frauncis the Sonne of Henrie the second and onelie brother of Henrie the thirde King of Fraunce called by Gods singuler prouidence to the souereigne Principalitie of the low Countries and to the Dukedom of Braband the Marqueship of the sacred Empyre which God graunt to bee most happie and luckie vnto him as to their inuested Prince whom they haue most earnestly wished for who as now is happily come intoo this his most ●er uisable citie His moste harty Fauourers The Senate and People of Antwerpe THe Chariot of the Mayden of Antwerp could not goe out of the citie for wāt of roome too turne in and therefore it tarried for his highnesse at the gate within the citie This Chariot was called the Chariot of Alyance wherein sate a damosell apparelled in Satin red and white which are y ● colours of Antwerp who had in her left hand a branch of Baytree and on her heade a garlande of Laurell in token of victorie against the tyrannies of the king of Spayne in token of the deliuerance whiche the people hoped for by meanes of their new prince through his gracious goodnes faithfulnesse victoriousnes and defence too whom with her other hand shee presented the keyes of the Towne according to the verses written ouer her head which shall bee set downe hereafter Before her were the armes of the Marquiship of the holy Empyre On her ryght hand was Religion apparelled like one of the Sibylles holding in her one hande an open booke named The Law and the Gospell and in her other hande a swoorde named Gods word on her left hand was ●ustice holding a balāce a sword in her hād ouer the Balaunce was written Yea and Nay Before the
where was a stage made by a company of Rhetoricians called y e Olifbranche who had for their posie Behold grace Upon this stage sate a Damsell named Antwerp bearing in her bozom a pretie daughter called The knowledge of God who hild a cofer wherein were priuiledges lawes fraunchizes truth which were kept by the grace of God by prouidēce wisdome faithfulnes diligence loyaltie perseueraunce vnitie good heede and order And aloft was a compartiment of Phrygian woorke wherein were these verses O prince our father hope of helpe and stay Dame grace Gods impe whō here thou seest to stande From top to toe fayre clad in white aray With branch of Olif in her heauenly hande Hath willed thee to harber here within The stately walles of Ladie Antwerpe and The loue of her with endlesse fame to win By curing of her greefes with lawe and right And ●cke by putting of her foes to flight Somewhat lower towardes the middes was Neptune with his threetymed mace riding ouer the waues vpon a Dolphin and on his left hand were these verses Gods heauenly grace and soothfull skill reuiuing Antwerpe newe Through chare defence of faithfull leage haue kept her safe as dewe To thee her Duke innobled both by father by brother Both kinges of Fraunce tone gone to Godlong since still reigning toother And therfore bend thou now thy wits by rightfull force to wreake Her cruell foes which did so ofte their leagues through falshod breake He passed from Clarestreete through long newe streete vnto S. Catherins bridge right ouer against Cros streete where was a triumphall arche cunningly paynted and builded of white stone whiche was garnished with his highnesses armes and with torches and cresfettes and with Musicke of Holboyes and Clarions And on the top of it was written To the happy cōming hitherof Fraūcis only brother to Henrie the third sonne to Henry the seconde graundchilde to Frauncis the first nowe inuested Duke of Brabande the prince that hath most deepely deserued of this their Countrey as a Father of the same The Senate and people of Antwerp Underneath this in another compartiment of Phrygian woorke was written this At length yet hinder not this Impe to bring thee wrooping world againe to some redresse In passing through the shorte Newstreete and by the Marketsteed hee turned towardes the Coopers streete in the street called Cheeslane to the great Market place which was full of Torches of waxe and of Barrelles of pitche vpon long poles vp to the highest windowes which commonly are fiue stories high In this Market place were inbattelled sixe en●ignes with the ensigne of the youth whiche was vnder a green standarde all in the best armor that was to bee seene in any place of the worlde In the middes of the citizens was the great Giante the founder of the Citie of Antwerpe whose Curace was azure and his apparell tawnie white and gray He boore banners of Azure with the armes of Aniow and had these verses written before him Feèrce Furi● moody rage vnbridled yre Stoute Force whot violence cruell Tyra●y Nought booted me ne furthered my desire In keeping of my wished Soueraintie The surest way for kings to gouerne by Is meeldnes matched with a prudent minde to vice seuere to vertue meeke and kinde For oft the calme and quiet gouernance brings things to passe which violence coulde not win Feercenes that cace will nought at all aduance By mildnes shalt thou better holde folke in Outrageous storming is not woorth a pin By mine example therefore haue a care All cruell dealings vtterly to spare Behinde the Giant were written these verses See you this Orped Giant here so huge oslim and bone Fame sayes that Antwerp was somtime a thrall to such a one This Gyant was made by cunning to turne his face towardes the Duke as he passed by to let fall the armes of Spaine which he hilde in his hand and to put vp the armes of Aniow Also there was a stage in the same Market-place before the Towne house ful of nimphes and vertues But forasmuch as it serued chiefly for the day of his taking of his othe in the citie of Antwerpe which was the xxii day of y ● moneth it shall bee spoken of more at large hereafter His highnes departing out of y e market place tooke his way towards the street called y ● high street when he came to the street called y ● old cornmarket there was a Whale carying neptune naked w t his threeforket mace in his hand which betokened y e great cōmodities which y ● citie of Antwerp receiued by the sea by y e riuer Schelt Before this monster was another naked man by him two other portratures y ● one of nauigation the other of marchandize w t a baoke of accounts a purse such as y ● factors do cary with thē when they go to receiue money Before the Neptune in a compartiment were written these verses The lordship of y ● seas to thee y ● destenies beh●ght In signe where of I Neptune yeelde this mace as thine of right That Antwerp hauing rid allets by thee on sea and lande May once inioy her wished fruite safe from perill stande His highnes kept on his way through y ● high streete to a place where sometime was y ● gate called S. Iohns gate which was beatē down the yeere before in steed● where of there was a tryumphall arch of Ionian worke This arch was wholly applied to his highnes own posie Cherisheth and Chaceth On high ouer it was strained a couering after the maner of a round vault wherein was painted the Sonne vnder the Sonne was painted the sea with ships and the earth clad with her verdure Also there appeared a cloude on both sides so as the light of the Sonne did shine forth and yeelde out his force to the earth On the outside of the bowing of the Arch were painted three goddesses namely Flora who hilde her flowers in her hand Ceres who had her corne and Pomona who hilde a horne stored with abundance of all things Likwise the earth was clad w t greene trees fruites and feeldes replenished with all fruitfulnes which thing came to passe by the heate and operation of the Sonne which was betokened by this word Cherisheth On the other side being the left hande were drerie and barrē fields the aire euery where lowri●g and clowdie and the trees and plantes withered which thing was done by the three Helhounds Discord Uiolence Tyranie who fled away at y ● sight of his highnes according to y ● signification of his other word Chaceth On another side stood the same po●e againe Cherisheth Chaceth by another meane At the right hande ouer the worde Cherisheth was a great feelde well tilled with a husbādmās house vpon it The husbādmā himself being apparelled after y e frēch fashiō was sowing of corne another by him was spreading of Mucke At the
Boroughmaisters the Skepons the Treasurers the Receiuers the olde Deputies the chiefe Burgesses the Duartermaysters the Wardens the Auncientes of the Handicraftes the Colo●lles the Wardens of the ●wyldes the capteynes of the citie your Highnesses most humble and obedient subiectes are exceeding glad to see that you whome they haue alreadie receyued for Duke of Brabande and for their souereigne Lorde and Prince are ready to make your othe vnto this Citie and to receyue it at the hande of the Magistrates Burgesses and Citizens thereof in respect of the Citie it selfe and of the Marquesdome of the sacred Empyre Assuring them selues that your heighnesse wilbe vnto them a good righteous and lawfull Prince to gouerne them according to their fraunchises Lawes and Customes And promising mutually on their behalfe to your heighnesse to bee good loyal and faythful subiects vnto you to spend all their goodes yea and their liues in your seruice and in the maintenaunce of your dignitie rightes and preheminences And like as God hath put into your highnes minde to take vpon you first the protection and defence and secondly the whole Souereigntie of the Low Countries and Prouinces which haue entred into league with you vpon hope that the same God will of his gratious goodnesse and mercie so blesse and prosper your dealings and enterprises as that they shall out of hand see the effecte of that communication in the hyest degree to the accomplishment of your royall and Heroycall desires both in the generall and also in the particular delyueraunce of the Countrey from the calamities and miseries of war wherby they shall haue the better cause to acknoweledge the great goodturnes and benefites receiued at your heighnesse hand and to honour loue and serue you as the very Protector of the land and father of their Countrey When Uanderwerk had made an end and the Dukes heighnes had aunswered him conformably to that which hee had spoken without the Towne the said Uanderwerk told the people alowd y t the Duke was ready to take receiue his oth at y t hand of the Magistrate of al the people Inhabiters of the Citie of Antwerp And that god had vouchsafed to sēd thē a Prince of so rare and heroycall vertues of so great puissaunce and the onely brother of so great a king that they might well hope that the same God would inable him to ridde these Countries within a while from the great number of calamities and myseries wherewith they were oppressed And forasmuch as his heighnesse had beene receyued with solempne delyberation of the states confederate yea and with solemne resolution of all the members of that Citie and GOD had commaunded men to loue honour and obey their Princes he exhorted the people to yeelde him all humble obedience according to Gods commaundement To which intent the oth as well which his highnesse should make to the people as which the people shoulde make to his highnes should be read vnto thē Praying God to giue such grace vnto his heighnes as he folowing the same might wel rule gouerne and vnto the Burgesses and Citizens of Antwerp as they might perform their obedience like good loyall and faythfull subiects that Gods name might be sanctified to the benefit prosperitie and safegarde of the Citie and to the great increase of the Dukes puyssaunce honour and glory Then the same Underwerk red the othe which was to be made by the Duke with the style of the Duke of Brabande and all his other tytles Which oth was red to his heighnes in French and receyued by Syr Philip Schonehouen Lorde of Wan●roe Borowhmayster without the Citie Which being don y ● said Uanderwerk red y ● oth which the Magistrate people were to make which was repeated word for worde by the Magistrates and a great number of people which were within the hearing of it And this oth was exacted of the Magistrate and people of Antwerpe by the Amptman in the name and by the commaundemente of the Duke Uppon the finishing of these solemnities the Duke himselfe did cast twoor three handfulles of golde and siluer amonge them and then the Herauldes cryed Alargesse and the trumpettes and drummes were sounded euerye where and many instruments of musicke were played vpon as had beene doone afore at his first arryuall When he was come downe from the scaffolde hee wente into the Townehouse with all the Princes Lordes and Gentlemen which were verye manye where he was receyued by the Worshipfull of the Citie and dyned openly at a very sumptuous and royall feast prepared for him and so that daye passed in great ioye contentation and admiration as wel of his heighnesse and his company as of all the reste of the people Towards night were shot off two peales of great ordinance againe and the fires of ioye were continue● much greater and mo in number tha● afore Thus ended the ioyefull and royall enterteinement of the right noble Prince Frauncis Sonne brother to the kings of France by the grace of God Duke of Braband The rest of the weeke and the daies following the Lordes of the priuy Counsell the Offycers of the Aydes of the Exchecquers of the c●ambers of the accountes and of the other Corporations Colleges and Cōmunalties came to visit his heighnesse and to offer him their humble seruice promising al faythfulnes and obedience All whome hee receyued verye gratiously to their contentation aunswering them so aduisedly with so good grace and fitnesse without omitting anye poynte of that which hee had purposed that all men not onely wondered at him but also were inforced to honour and loue him and to set forth his prayses among the people Fynally the Deputies of the reformed Churches of both the languages being presented vnto him by the Prince of Orendge were gently heard and they spake vnto him as followeth Syr wee be sent vnto your Heighnesse by the reformed Churches of this Citie as well of the language of Lowe Duchland as of the French to shew vnto you with all humilitie reuerence and subiection that wee haue thanked and still doe thanke God with all our heart for voutsafing too bring your heighnes so happily hyther And this our ioy is matched with the toy of all other folkes as wee hope your heighnes hath vnderstoode by the glad and ioyfull receiuing and entertayning of you Also Syr we hope that as the great honour and felicitie which these Countries haue attayned vnto wherein few Countries are able to match them haue beene purchased vnder the souereignetie and gouernmente of the right reno●ed Princes the Dukes of Burgoyn which issued out of the most noble house of Fraunce so vnder your guiding and gouernement being of the same house the auncient renoume of the same dignitie shalbe recouered by your prowesse and mayntained by your wisdome It is little more than three hundred yeares agoe that these Countries being gouerned by sundry Dukes Earles and Lordes had not atteyned the renoume which other nations
to such as by the lawes and priuiledges of the country were not capable of them or rather to such as would giue most for them yet the vnsatiable couetousnes malice and exceeding tyrannical lordlines of the Spaniards being not contented therewith in the ende when they had abused the whole common-weale after theyr owne lust they grewe intoo so great pride that they fell to ●natching of y ● priuate goods and substance of the inhabitāts to liuing vpon the labour and sweate of the poore yea and to rauishing y ● chastitie of mens wyues and daughters and to fill vp the measure of al obhomination and crueltie they fell to taking away the liues and to sucking the blood of those which sought by all meanes to please them Wherevppon in the end y ● greate rightuous God who hath a care of his seruants being offended thereat made that people who had aforetimes been of great valor to cal to mind their former state liberte gaue them both will and courage to maintaine y ● same in such sort as they had receiued from their forefathers Which thing they sa● could not be better done than by the election which the sayd States of Braband vnited w t the other prouinces had made of his highnes person to be their prince and Lord of purpose to bring all things backe to their former order hauing first sought howbe it in vayne for all remedies of their mischeefes of y ● disorders of y ● estate frō the causes welsprings there of Declaring y ● the dukes in old time had bin of great valour prowesse and powre and had made many renowmed voyages and exployts of warre that among others they had chosē a duke of Aniow hertofore who had bin equall with the rest in chiua●rie and feates of armes as their conquests and dominions witnessed That they had had their princes gentle milde gracious familiar fauourable to their subiects that his highnes had in y ● beha●fe alreadie giuen such proofes of his gētlenes truth 〈◊〉 y ● to their seeming some ancient duke of Burgoyne was raysed vp againe vnto thē Insomuch that in his onely h●hnesse they firmely beleued themselues to haue recouered whatsoeuer good renowne the dukes of Brabande 〈◊〉 and Burgoine coulde haue left vnto them Wherefore inasmuch as there remained no more but to proceede to the accomplishmēt of y ● chief work which it had pleased the soueraingod to put into y ● hāds of his highues of the sayde states to performe y ● day they on their part were redy and resolute to do him the homage fealtie dewtie and obedince which loyall subiectes good vassalls ought to doe to their rightfull princes of which sort they trusted in God without doubting that his ●hnes was and that he woulde promise by solemne othe vnto God so to continue Herevnto his highnes answered in effect That intending not to holde the States with long talke but onely to bee mindefull of the honour and good will which they had vowtsafed to yeeld vnto him in that among so many other great Princes they had chozen him cut to do deliuer them from the oppression and tyrānie of the Spantard to rule thē according to their customes lawes priuiledges he thāked them hartily for it assuring them that the iustnesse and equitie of their case their honorable dealings in his behalfe and the loue which they had shewed him had made him to resolue w t himself to take vpon him their protection the restablishing of their auncient libertie and to hazard therein whatsoeuer abilitie God had put into his handes whatsoeuer els it should please the king his Lorde and brother and the Queene of England of their fauour to bestow vpon him yea euen to the sheading of his own blood and the spending of his life This done the foresaid Mounsieur 〈◊〉 told his highnes howe it was y ● custome there to proclame openly before the people in y t duch tongue y ● points articles of the ioyfull interance which y ● dukes of Braband are bound to promise sweare at their admission Hereupon when as one hild the said articles translated into Frenche ready to rehearse them poynte by poynte after the proclayming of them in Duch for asmuch as the day was farre spent and communicatiō had bin had therof alredy the Mounsire to win time thought it expediēt by y ● aduice of y ● prince of Orēdg y ● they should be read but only in duch Which thing was done by the sayd Mounsire Hassells with a newe preface added too the articles conteyning breefly the reasons and causes of y ● dealing After the reading of the sayde articles it was demaunded of his highnesse whither hee lyked of them and whither he were conte●ted to be sworne to them or whether it were his pleasure to be further satisfied of them Wher vppon he sayde to the prince of Orendge that forasmuch as he had seene the articles conferred of thē wi●h him as they came by shippe out of Zeland he held him selfe well satis●ed with them and was well contented to sweare vnto thē Which speech of his was for●hwith proclaymed with further declaration that for their better contentation his highnes was desirous to haue them al knowne y ● although the sayd articles were read but ouely in duch yet woulde hee of his owne good minde with aduized deliveration and certaine knowledge be sworne vnto them Then did the said Monsieur Hesselles recite vnto the people in the duch tongue the first othe which the Dukes of Brabande were of olde time accustomed and bound to take for the obseruing of the saide Articles Which doone deliuering the booke wherein it was conteyned to Messire Thierrey de Leiesfield Chauncellor of Braband he read the same oth ageine openly in French and the Mounsire spake it after him woord for woord Then Mounsieur Hesselles taking the book ageine told the people that y ● Dukes of Braband made another second othe to the Barōs Noblemen Cities Boroughes and all y ● Inhabitantes and subiectes of the countrey too bee to them a good and iust Prince and not to deale with them after his owne will nor by way of rigor but by law and iustice and according too their priuiledges Which othe was lyke wise rehearsed in the duch tong the booke deliuered ageine to the saide Chaūcellor and the Mounsire repeated the othe after him as he had doone the first Then were the mantle and Bonnet of the Duchie b●ought vnto him whiche were of Crimzen veluet the mantle was tra●ed on the grounde and both of them were furred with powdred ermine turned vp very broade The Prince of Orendge tolde his highnesse that it behooued him too bee apparelled in those Robes And when hee aske● whither he must weare them intoo the citie it was answeared yea and that it was the solemne attyre of the Princes and Dukes of