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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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created none til afterward to rule in their rooms For S. Paul caling the Elders of Ephesus to Miletum bid them Take Act. 20. 17. heed to themselfs and the Flock wherof the Holy Ghost made them Overseers naming no particular Prelat sav himself as Head over them Hence grew thes Schisms saying I am of Paul 1 Cor. 1. 12. 〈◊〉 of Apollos c. becaus no ruling Elders were then setled as S. Ambros aptly observs The reason why he yet set no Superintendents is becaus he self took care or rule of al Churches whence Tertullian terms Corinth Ephesus Philippi Thessal●nica and the rest of that rank Apostolic Churches becaus he presided over them But in process of time as occasion served they ordeined Episcopal Supervisers to supply their steads for 2 Cor. 11. 28. Paul being caled by the Spirit to attend the West parts passing Acts 19. 21. through Macedonia and Achaia toward Jerusalem and so to Rome never to see the East again sent Titus to Corinth and going by Sea put in at Cret to preach the Gospel wher meeting 2 Cor. 8. 6. 16. Ep scopat ●●●cted Titus back from Corinth he left him ther to ordein Elders in every City while he went to Epirus and Illyricum before he cam to Rome About that time he besought Timothy to abide at Ephesus who attended him first into Macedon but at his return resided there He was indeed an Evangelist yet a Bishop too as Philip who converted Samaria was a Deacon and Evangelist yet asterward Bishop of Tralleis in Thracia Som cavil That Saint Paul trusted Titus and Timothy with a temporar Commission only becaus he employed them elswher but the rules prescribed for continued government to al Bishops cleerly convince that filly shift For his Instructions how Elders and Deacons Titus 1. 5. should be qualified plainly purport them to be Superiors to thos whom they shal so ordein and rule Thus S. Paul leaving two of his Disciples in two principal places to plant Presbyteries and propagat Churches gav a patern or platform to al who acted accordingly For S. John reputed longevest of the S John ordeined Bishops Apostles wrot long after to the Angels or Bishops of the seven Asian Churches most of which are named by Apostolic Men in Ecclesiastic Histories Such saith Clemens Alexandrinus and Eusebius S. John constituted Bishops in divers Cities after his return from Patmos Exile planted whol Churches and ordeined Presbyteries in several places as Paul and Timothy used to doo The like did other Apostles before their deaths in divers Dioceses as Dorotheus Demochares Eusebius Petrus de Natalibus Volateranus and many mo contest For Gaius and after him Onesimus suc●eded Timothy at Ephesus Apelles and after him Polycarpus becam Bishops of Smyrna Lucius of Laodic●a Clemens first of Sardis which are four of the said seven Churches and after of Rome as Ignatius Tertullian Irenaeus and other Fathers positivly aver To whos authentic affirmation more Faith is du then to thousand Novelists negativs wholy possessed with prejudicacy philauty and partiality The next Apostolic See is Antioch wher Beleevers were first 2 Antioch caled Christians which Church Peter and Paul jointly founded as Ignatius attests For two Christian Congregations coexisted ther one of the Circumcision wherof Peter took charge another of converted Gentils which Paul by mutual agreement supervised who being employed elswher committed the charge of both being concorporat in one to Evodius Antecessor of Ignatius Thes two are also accompted Cofounders of Rome 3 Rome Church by Irenaeus but writers differ much about their successors Som set Linus and Cletus or Anacletus next after them and som Clemens which dissent in circumstance cannot frustrat or falsify their consent and harmony in substance as partialists infer Haply ther being two Congregations as at Antioch of Jews and Gentils Clemens Peters Disciple succeded him in the first and Linus Pauls Deacon in the last til both uniting in one devolved on the Surviver Clemens as Mr. Thorndike probably conjects by comparing semblable cases However ther was afterward a constant succession of Bishops most part Martyrs til Constantins dais as al Antients agree But none are so absurd to say they were al bare Presbyters as if thos great Cities had one only Minister to Officiat In the Apostles dais before S. John died Denys Areopagit S. Pauls Convert becam Bishop of Athens as Denys Bishop of Corinth avers Lastly S. Marc was made Bishop of Alexandria in Egipt 4 Alexandria haply by S. Peter whos Disciple he was as S. Jerom saith That from Mare to Heracla and Dionysius in his dais mark wel Epest ad Evag. the words the Presbyters stil chos one in higher degree and dignity to be Bishop It was long after yer Corinth had any which caused such Schisms or strifes among the Elders yet many Apostolic Men Titus at Cret Timothy at Ephesus Clemens at Rome Denys at Athens presided in Neighbor Sees who in time placed Bishops at Corinth and other Cities which is a pregnant pedigree of Episcopal History for the first Century of Christ Afterward when question aros which Churches should hav Bishops which not It was regulated by the greatnes of Cities or multitud of Presbyters requisit to such charges and by slow degrees setled through the world Hence Sardinia Can 6. Synod ordered That no smal Towns shal hav Bishops wher a few Priests may serv but only Populous places that deserv one or antiently had one And the Chalcedon Council provided That Can. 17. when the Emperor established a City annexing the Territories adjacent or appendent it should hav a Bishop which made Itaely so ful of Bishops becaus so Cityful Now as Presbyters assisted the Apostles who caled them felow-Elders though not equals So they assisted Bishops in sacred matters specialy of Ordination as Ignatius informs So saith Cyprian He did nothing of himself without Counsil of his Clergy and consent of the People And S. Ambros That nothing was doon in the Church without the Elders advise Hence Bishops and Elders are oft caled by the same names yet of distinct degrees becaus both concurred in functions being stiled Priests Sacerdotes in respect of divine service Elders in regard of age or gravity and Presidents or Prelats in relation to their rule Thus their Phaesbytert Antistices titles were oft confounded but Orders and Offices stil distinguished which no brass-brow can gainsay S. Ambros renders a reason why S. Paul instructing Timothy passeth from Bishops to Deacons becaus every Bishop is a Presbiter and Deacon not convertibly but he chief over both Many maintain That Presbyteries primarily consisted part of Clerics part of Laics as the Jews Sanedrim had som Priests and Levits som Elders of the People but 't is fals for that was a mix'd Judicature of spiritual and secular persons like our old high Commission Court becaus al causes of Church and Common-wealth passed under their censure wheras
Fire was cast into Sea and a third part becam Blood At the third A great Star caled Wormwood burning as a Lamp fel making a third part of Rivers and Fountains bitter that many died of them At fourth A third part of Sun Moon and Stars was darkned that the day and night for a third part shined not Here intervens as a preparatory transition to the three last Trumpets An Angel flying through midst of Heaven crying a loud Wo Wo Wo to the Earths Inhabiters by reason of the three Angels yet to sound The fift sounded which is the first Ch 9. 1 Wo. of Wo And a Star fel from Heaven to Earth and he opened the bottomless Pit with a Key whence arose Smoke darkning Sun and Air out of which cam Locusts whos effects are notably described together with their King Abaddon or Apollyon The sixt or secund Wo sounded wh●ch 2 Wo. Ch. 10. loosed four Angels bound at Euphrates who were prepared to slay a third part of Men their Army being two hundred thousand thousand Horsmen which are largely described with their woful effects Here a mighty Angel Jesus Christ descended with a litle Book in his hand open who set his right Foot on the Sea and left on Earth swearing with lifted up hands by him that livs for ever ther should be no more time but at sound of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God shal be finished as he declared to the Prophets This Angel cried loud as if a Lion roared or seven Thunders uttered their voices which John was about to writ but a voice from Heaven bid him seal it up and eat the little Book which in his mouth was sweet as Hony but made his Belly bitter that he might Prophecy Then ●b 11. was John bid to mesure Temple Altar and Worshipers with a reed but not the out Court for the Gentils must tread the holy City under foot forty two Moneths and he gav his two Witnesses power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred sixty dais clad in Sack-cloth but the beast rising from the bottomless Pit shal kil them whos dead Bodies shal ly in the street of the great City three dais and half unburied who shal reviv and ascend to Heaven to their Enimies great grief and terror The seventh 3 Wo. or third of Wo sounded which finished Gods mysteries and his Churches miseries then were great voices heard in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs to whom the twenty four Elders sung a gratulation attended with Lightnings Thundrings Voices Earthquake and great Hail Here the first Prophecy or System of Visions which contains chiefly the fourth Empires condition ends after which the secund contemporar with the former of Seals and Trumpets folows foretelling the Churches future state til the last day Herin three principal points are handled 〈◊〉 1. Hir tribulations 4 Vision by several Enemies 2. Hir deliverance by their destruction 3. Hir happy condition after deliverance Most Interpreters make both Visions one continued Prophecy yet not so properly tho in substance neer one The Churches persecutions Ch. 12. by several Enimies are pourtraied in this fourth Vision but the parturient Womans pursuit by the Dragon most pointly who waged war with the remnent of Hir seed The Dragons Ch. 13. instruments are the Beast with seven heads and ten borns rising from the Sea and that coming out of the Earth which had two horns like a Lamb but spake as a Dragon The events Ch. 14. of this persecution is the Saints victory by their constant confession of Christ even to death which is amplified by the causes and effects The Vision of seven Phials ful of Gods wrath and the seven 5 Vision last plagues poured out by seven Angels declare the Churches Ch. 15. deliverance by hir Enimies destruction The first poured his Ch. 16. plagues on the Earth the next on the Sea the third on Rivers and Fountains the fourth on the Sun the fift on the Beasts seat the sixt on Euphrates the seventh into the Air whos effects see in the context In the sixt Vision many mysteries are manifested being before 6 Vision Ch. 17. but obscurely mentioned which point out the Rise Reign Seat Vassals Success and final fal of Antichrist with al the Churches Enimies Here behold the great Whores judgment and event wherin a lifely description of the Whore to be judged both by visional representation of a Woman sitting on a scarlet Beastful of Names of Blasphemy having on hir forehead a Name writen A Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots and Abominations and by real explanation that the Beasts seven Heads are seven Hils and ten Horns ten Kingdoms The Instruments which shal destroy the Whore are thos ten Horns or Kings who shal hate and make hir desolat or naked eat hir flesh and burn hir with fire The promulgation Ch. 1● of Babylons perdition is performed by three Angels one declares the certainty 't is falen and becom the habitation of Devils another warns al Gods People to com out of hir for fear of hir plagues setting forth hir V●ssals sad laments crying alas alas that great City the last seals up hir ruins irrecoverablenes under the type of A great Milstone cast into the Sea Then folow gratulatory Ch. 19. exultations of the Heavenly company singing Halelujah to God both for the Whores judgment and preparation of the Lambs Wife to marry with him together with the Lamb and his Armies total conquest over the Beast fals Prophet and earthly Kings with their Armies wherto al Fowls are invited to eat their flesh The last Vision shews the event of the Whores judgment 7 Vision Ch. 20. which is triple 1. The Saints safety by chaining up the Dragon or Devil for one thousand yeers in the bottomless pit 2. The Martyrs living and reigning with Christ one thousand yeers but the rest of the dead lived not again til thos yeers were finished 3. The Saints miraculous deliverance from the Nations Gog and Magog by fire from Heaven to devour them when their Deceiver is cast into a Lake of fire and Brimstone wherupon folows the general judgment of the dead smal and great according to their works So far the Church Militants future state on Earth next folows the Triumphants happy condition in Heaven for ever which is gloriously decyphered with the Water of Life and Tree in midst of the Street as the Text Ch. 211 Ch. 22. shews The conclusion with its three parts is Analysed at first among the three chief Heads of this Prophecy which shal not be Tautologicaly repeated or reiterated Mr. Dury in a prolix Preface to the German Divines Clavis hath prefixed an ample Analysis which is abundantly abridged and annexed for variety of wit The Title tels that the Book Ch. 1. v. 1. is a Revelation of Jesus Christ who is the Subject-matter sith the sole scope is
but 't is said the Gentils shal tread the holy City Rev. 13. 5. under foot fourty two months and the Beasts blasphemies shal continu the same space Al which sorts of sums are one and sute each other For the fourth Beasts three times and half in Daniel make fourty two months or one thousand two hundred threescore dais according to twelv months and three hundred sixty dais in a yeer So the Womans hiding for a time times and half or fourty two months or one thousand two hundred threescore dais uniformly or sinchronicaly signify one thousand two hundred sixty yeers Some suppose natural dais not annal are meant which make three yeers and half or fourty two Hebrew months or one thousand two hundred threescore dais simply which cannot be sith the holy City hath bin calcitrated the Witnesses prophecied the Woman nourished and the ten hornd Beast blasphemed long ago nor is it possible to accomplish al things ther spoken in so short a space 'T is writen your Children shal wander in the wildernes fourty Num. 4. 33. yeers after the number of fourty d●is in which ye searched the Ezek. 4 6. Land ech day for a yeer Again thou shalt bear their iniquity fourty dais I hav appointed ech day for a yeer John Napier and most Expositors jointly agree that Prophetic dais are meant which imply yeers So three times and half fourty two months and one thousand two hundred sixty dais being univocal or consignificant begin and end together as the Beasts three times and half commence with the Womans For when the red Dragon was cast to Earth by suppressing Heathen Idolatry he persecuted the Woman by the ten hornd Beast to whom he gav his Power Seat and great Authority but she fled and was fed in the wildernes one thousand two hundred Rev. 13 2. threescore dais The Beasts time and two Witnesses expires with the sixth trumpet Ergo they began together So the Gentils trampling on the holy City and two Witnesses time initiats at once but sith the Angel in Daniel speaks Dan. 12 7 11. of three times and half and after of one thousand two hundred ninty dais which are thirty mo then one thousand two hundred sixty precited many make doubt whether both signify the same Most Authors assert them for one but the Text infers it not and futures were only obscurely reveled to Daniel For three times and half concur with one thousand two hundred threescore dais which is the duration of the Beasts dominion but one thousand two hundred ninty is the terminus a quo of another Chronical computation to commence thirty yeers before it and expire both together So the two sums speak darkly of several subjects The words are thes indoctos doc●o From the time that the daily Sacrifice shal ceas and abomination of desolation set up ther shal be one thousand two hundred ninety ●ais Now listen how he assoils it this time begins under Julian Apostat A. C. 363. or as som Chronologers comput A. 365 when the greatest devastation of Jerusalems Temple hapned to fulfil Christs prediction that not a stone should be left on Mat. 24 2. a stone as Cyril then Patriarch of Palestin acknowledged For tho the daily Sacrifice or Jewish Service ceased when Titus sacked Jerusalem yet was it not quit abolished sith the Jews under Constantin celebrated the Passover ther having hope to rebuild the Temple which Julian to despit Christians encouraged them to doo furn●shing them with meat mony and materials At which time God sent su●h th●nder lightning bals of fire and Earthquakes as disgorged the foundations kill●d divers workmen and deterred al to persist which was the abominable desolation foretold by Christ from Daniel So the one thousand two hundred three score annal dais must inch●at thirty yeers later A. 395. at Theodosius death but terminat together A. 16●5 next yeer as shal be shewed Here we must consider whether the Characters set on the 1 Character said sums may concur or cohere which are three 1. The Roman Empires bip●rtit division in thes words To the Woman R●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were given two wings of a great Eagle to fly into hir place in the Wildernes The two wings are the Empires two parts as Theodosius shared it betwen his two Sons An. 395. to which Aera al three characters coincide but then the Barbarians broke in treading the holy City under foot and the Woman fl●d into the Desart 2. The holy City is given the Gentils to tread on fourty 2 Character two months At Constantins conversion the Womans new born Child was set on Gods Throne and the Dragons worship got a great b●ow but Theodosius cast him to ground yet at his death the holy Cities cal●itration commenced under his two young Sons when Goths Huns Alans and others under conduct of Alaric swarmed in on al sides first of the East Empire and after of the West who took Rome An. 410 destroying Churches and persecuting Christians in al places 3. A Beast rose out of the Sea having seven heads and ten 3 Character Rev. 13. 2. horns and on his horns ten Crowns Old Heathen Rome is resembled to a red Dragon with seven heads Hils and ten horns Provinces and upon his heads in Rome City seven Crowns or seven sorts of suprem Rulers forenamed but the Christian Empire hath ten Crowns on ten horns not seven on seven heads being the ten Kingdoms into which it was parted Now the beginning of this Beast was when it first rose out of the Sea under Alaric An. 395. but the ten horns were not ful grown til threescore yeers after An. 455. when ten Kings or thereabout reigned distinctly So al three characters 1. the spreading of the Eagles two wings when the Woman fled 2. The ten hornd Beasts rising out of the Sea at Ala●i●s entry 3. The Gentils treading the holy City comply or contemporize at once An. 395. but Daniels abomination which is to continu one thousand two hundred ninety dais being not the same with the Womans flight befel under Julian thirty yeers sooner An. 365. yet shal determin both together An. 1655. as aforesaid For al Writers date the downfal distraction and destruction of the fourth Monarchy at Theodosius death the last single intire Emperor after which it declined decaied or decreased daily This is very obvious or p●rspicuous but he makes the six 6000. yeers of the Worlds continuance to end at the same time A. 1655. by his wrested calculation wherin Chronologers infinitly vary which argues partiality of a Man wedded to his own opinion Yet the comparison of 1656. yeers from Mans creation to the Floods initiation corresponds somwhat semblably to our next yeer 1655. consummar or 1656. inchoat that the first destruction by VVater may symphonize or synchronize with the last by Fire if any faith may be given to such Chronical conjectures Howbeit we may make this use of it as Christ bids us Watch
as if their cavilling were sufficient When Cyril saith That Moses Law to punish Adultery with death is out of date he comptrols his Opinion as corrupt May it not more justly be said Nomine mutato narratur fabula de se The Tale change but the Name Of them is stil the same When Theodoret testifies That Chrysostom Patriarch of Constantinople had the charge of other Churches in Asia Thracia Pontus beside his own See and Sozomen saith he deposed thirteen Bishops for Simony Cartwright cogs an answer That he had no other care over them then al Godly Ministers ought to hav over al Churches in Christendom or if he took rule over them he was a proud Prelat like the Pope yet haply he deposed thos Bishops by consent of the Presbytery not by his own authority al which bewray gross ignorance contrary to known truth When the first Nicen Synod which placed Patriarchs over Primats is urged for the antiquity and authority of both Cartwright scofs at it as no famous Council taxing divers Decrees of error specialy in points of Disciplin yet al Churches receiv them as authentic and Arrians or other Heretics may so wel cavil at the Doctrins When Antioch Council caled fifteen yeers after Decreed That inferior Bishops shal not act without their Metropolitan sav what pertains to their own Dioceses He glosseth that a Metrapolitan was only set over a chief City and the name makes no more difference then to say a Minister of London and Newington but by Dioces is meant a Parish so he stil translats the Greec word becaus it bears a Parochial and Episcopal division though generaly used for the later wher a chief Minister had som mercat-Mercat-Town with vicine Villages appendent to his Church as at Hitchin and elswher Sic parvis componere magna solebat What fine foists and brazen bolts are thes to bolster a bad caus When Athanasius avers That Denys Patriarch of Alexandria to which Jurisdiction Egypt Thebais Mariota Lybia and other Provinces pertained had the Churches of Pan●apolis committed to his care as Epiphanius saith the same of Peter another Patriarch to whom the Archbishop of Miletus was subject Cartwright consters it of a voluntary care not authoritiv which every Minister ought to take of Churches round about him When Theodoret Bishop of Cyprus saith Heself had Government of eight hundred Churches Cartwright checks him for a vain boaster upbraiding his writing against Cyril quid ad rhombum When the Councils of Nice Antioch Carthage and Sardis declare that only Bishops hav authority to excommunicat Cartwright from Calvin the chief Coryphee declares That in so doing they fomented ambition Thus they speak Magisterialy from their Chair what they list which their partial poor blind Proselits hold for Oracles When Mr. Fox provs Archbishops to be abov Bishops and them abov Ministers Cartwright givs a dor That he writing a Story was more diligent to deliver what is doon then how wel or il doon Yea he censures al learned Men under Edward 6. that they knew only in part and being sent out in the morning dawn yer the Gospel Sun was risen high might oversee much which som not so quick eyd can better discry for what they had in acutnes of sight others enjoy by cleernes of the Suns light He prescribes two learned observations 1. That in the Nicen Synod and others within two hundred yeers after many Canons and Cautions were made touching a Metropolitan in every Province what honor or title he shal hav what limits of Jurisdiction and what place to sit in which shews that it was opposed in thos dais intimating that som Schismatic Spirits opposed the Ecclesiastic Hierarchy then as Disciplinarians did since which is no warrant so to doo 2. That among Pastors Elders and Deacons in every Church one was chosen by the rest to propone matters whether doubts to be debated censures to be decreed or elections to be determined who gathered voices and was the common mouth to moderat the whol Assembly A learned lesson to shew that Episcopal Government jumps just like Germans lips with Genevan Presbytery as if they should shake hands who shape al to their own cut as an old Dotard at Athens deemed al ships his own which cam into the Haven Howbeit they differ diversly among themselfs For Cartwright 〈◊〉 draws the Elderships origin from Moses and Aaron who assembled the Elders at Gods command which he interprets of Laics but Gallaesius of Preachers Pe●●itan Ber●ram and Siniler of Civil Rulers Senators and Princes Beza brings proof out of Moses Pentateuch Chronicles and Prophets But Calvin the Founder saith The Jews Sanedrim was founded after their Captivity being then inhibited to creat a King yet the seventy being instituted by Jethros advise were a lawful Polity allowed by God to censure maners and Doctrins The titles given to Ministers in the new Testament Acts 10. 28 Acts 26. 16. Rom. 15. 16. 1 Cor. 14. 32. Phil. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Beza Junius and Cartwright ascribe to their Elders which Calvin applies to al Ministers Thus they run som into Egypt before the Law som to Mount Sinai in the Wildernes som elswher to seek their Eldership yet cannot find it but agree like Sa●sons tail-tied Foxes Wher any mention is made of Elders Congregation Church Court Bishops Rulers Thrones Christs Kingdom c. Beza Junius Danaeus Cartwright and that cru imagin it to ring a peal for their Presbyterian platform suting the Scriptures to their tunes For as poor folks beget Children but know not how to keep them so Sectists breed or broch new Opinions and seek Scriptures to maintain them who as Hilary saith care not what the words mean but put their own meaning on them Lastly Listen how highly they prais themselfs and Hyperbolicaly Eudog●es extol their Disciplin We hav Christ and his Apostles with al the Prophets for us We striv for everlasting truth which God hath left and may not leav it the matters we meddle in are according to Gods Wil in his Word We propound his Caus faithfully and for it are persecuted We are his poor Servants painful Ministers zelous Professors feeders of his Flock Christs litle ones the foolish things of this World chosen to confound the wise of immortal seed lawful successors to thos who by Faith quenched the violence of fire unreprovable modest most worthy Watchmen We hold nothing not taught in Scripture but what old and new Writers affirm and exemples of primitiv times confirm We seek not to pleas Men or pleasure our selfs but patiently abide til the Lord bring our righteousnes to light and just dealing as the noon day We merit prais of the Law and of Gods Church seeking only to doo good our zele is parallel to that of Moses Elias the Prophets John Baptist Paul the Apostles and Christ Our side detests sin and wickednes our Ministers suffer al evil at Magistrats hands for refusing to doo evil at their commands professing to
two Prophecies 1. The sealed 1 Part. Book 2. The litle Book open In the Seal Prophecy is described the celical Imperial Session sutable to Israels incamping The twenty four Elders signify Bishops resembling the Rev. 4. 4. c. Priests and Levits in their twenty four courses The four Beasts are Israels Ensigns 1. Like a Lion 2. A Rev 6 per totum Bullock 3. With a Mans face 4. A flying Eagle They were ful of Eys to shew sagacity and ech had six wings implying agility The first Seals opener a Lion shewed a whit Hors and his Rider armed viz. Christ the Lion of Juda from the East who laid the foundation of conquest over the Dragon when Oracles ceased The next a Bullock presented a red Hors and his Rider denoting Trajan a Spaniard from the West whos reign was Bloody The third with a Mans face exhibited a black Hors and his Rider importing Septim Severus an African from the South who held Ballances in his hand indicating justice in the Empire The fourth an Eagle sh●wed a pale Hors with his Rider which points out Maximinus a Thracian from the North in whos time and som Successors the Sword Famin and Pestilence messengers of death raged every wher The fifth no Hors nor Rider enters with A. C. 268. Aurelian til Rev. 7 4 to 10 Dioclesian presenting the primitiv persecutions The sixth declares a strange shaking of Heaven and Earth signifying the change or conversion of Heathen Rome by Constantin But before the seventh care is had for the Church to seal a company of one hundred forty four thousand viz. of every Tribe twelv thousand In which type is an unusual reckoning yet such as best resembles the profession of tru Religion miraculously preserved in midst of the old and new Idolatry The twelv Apostles aptly answer Israels type the number twelv being the Ensign of Apostolic race which by multiplying sets forth their progeny Hereto is added by representation of innumerous Palmbearers a most ample state of every Nation People Tribe Toung which praised God The seventh seal contains seven Angels with seven Trumpets Rev. 〈◊〉 7. to 12. sounding alarm to the Empires ruin by sevenfold plagues the four first of less extent The first wasts the Empires terraetenures by terrible incursions of north Nations like hail mixd with blood and fire who destroied a third part of al green things the Empire swaying a third part of the known World which began at Theodosius death by Alaric Rhadagaso and others A C 395. A 410. A 455. A 476. A ●42 The next assails the very Empire expressed by the Sea when Al●●ic sacked Rome After which it daily declined til Gensericus took it and then began the ten Kingdoms The third casts down the Western Caesar omniously named Augustulus who being a baleful bitter Prince is resembled to a Star caled Wormwood The fourth bereavs the light and lustre of Roman Majesty with a third part of Sun Moon and Stars which shone bright before under Ostrogoth Kings when Romes Consulship with al Pomp of other Officers c●ased Then folow three Wo Trumpets the fifth being the first of Rev. 9 per totum Wo sends hostil bands of Arabians Sarrasens likened to Locusts who not only spoiled the soil from A. 830. to 980. 150. yeers or 5. annal Months but poisoned Mens Souls with Mahometism like the venom of Scropions having a King cald in Hebrew Abaddon in Greec Apollyon destroier The sixth or secund Wo Trumpet looseth four Angels before bound at the River Euphrates being the Turcs four Sultanies as they were long so divided til Ottoman united them into his Monarchy This is to be accomplished in a Prophetic Day Month and Yeer viz. 396. yeers from A. 1051. when Tangrolipix took Bagdet til Mahomet 2. surprised Constantinople slaying a third part of Men A. 1453. Their number of Horses is computed two hundred thousand Rev. 10 〈◊〉 to 11. thousand their Ordnance Powder and Munition explicated by smoke fire and brimstone then invented The seventh or third Wo Trumpet is suspended til the litle Books Prophecy which contains the Churches destiny and John bid to eat it which was sweet in mouth but bitter in belly who is commanded to prophecy again before many People Nations Toungs and Kings This comprehends the consummation of Gods mystery the event wherof is declared by a mighty Angels Oath at whos loud cry seven Thunders uttred their Voices which John is forbid to write and bid to seal up The measured Court displais the primitiv Churches state conformed Rev. 11. 2. to 13. to Gods Word contrary wherto is the Court not to be measured being not his operature but to be prophaned by renewed Idolatry or Antichristian Apostasy which shal reign forty two Annal months During this space two Witnesses clad in sackcloth testify Gods truth and exhort to repent 1260. dais or yeers equivalent to forty two months of prophanation Thes denounce Gods Judgments which begin at pouring out the Phials and debarring the Idolaters from hope of eternal life Their fate is after finishing their testimony to suffer semblably with Christ as the Roman sevenhead Beast shal inflict on them Thes must dy mysticaly lying unburied three dais and half but then shal be restored to pristin place or eminenter estate and dignity Upon a Commotion or change of Politic affairs the City Rome being but a tenth part of what it was shal be overthrown at fifth Phial and seven thousand Men of mark and name the Clergies or Companies of Men slain This is the end of the sixth Trumpet when Kings of the East the Jews shal erect a new Kingdom and the two hornd Beast the Papal Clergy with Antichrist the fals Prophet the Pope driven from Rome before the great battle The Vision of the open Book goes through the whol cours 2 Part. of Revelation to shew its connexion with Seals and Trumpets Rev. 12. per 〈◊〉 after which insu many great mysteries The Roman Empire worshiping the Dragon or Devil persecuts Gods Church represented by a Woman in travel of mystical Christ 300. yeers but when Constantin cast him from the Throne he and his Successors enjoied it which chance or change contemporizeth with the sixth Seal The Woman being delivered of a Son dwels in the Desart forty two months or a time times and half or one thousand two hundred sixty dais typifying the Churches middle condition as being freed from Pagan persecution yet stil tossed with a flood of errors and Heresies cast from the Dragons mouth A new tragedy of troubles pursues hir who lighted on two Rev. 13 per 〈◊〉 Beasts at entring the Desarts porch one tenhornd rising from the Sea viz. the secular Empire shared into ten Kingdoms another two hornd coming out of the Earth which is the Ecclesiastic State or Pope and his Clergy Both reign with neer alliance together under the seventh Head of the old Beast exercising the Dragons
'T is God which th' Image shews but that no Deity Look on that but adore this not seen by ey This is a poor palliativ plaster but both are Idolatry of the same bran For Heathen Demons were a middle sort of divine Powers betwixt their Soveraign immortal Gods and subordinat Men Deified after death whos office was to be interceding Agents betwen thos Celical Gods and Terrestrial Men in lieu wherof People erected Statues Images Temples and Pillars to them yea adored their Reliques and Sepulchers Semblably Papists Semi-Idolaters Deify Angels and Saints adore their Images erect Churches to their names worship a breaden God for Christ and set up Crosses like Demon-Columns Hereof St. Paul forewarns The Spirit speaks expresly 1 Tim. 4 1. 2 3. that in later times som shal fal from the Faith attending to seducing Spirits and Doctrins of Devils or Demoniac dogmats But the chief is that grand general Apostasy into Analogical larved Idolatry stiled in the Apocalyps spiritual Fornication and Rome mystical Babylon becaus Idolatry was first founded at old Babylon built by Nimrod wher his son Belus and Grandson Ninus with their Successors resided but since revived in a new form at Rome Thes Demons or Deastri saith the Apostle through lying hypocrisy hav seared Consciences forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats Thes indeed are parts of their demoniac Doctrins but the principal is Idolatry disguised under the conterfet color of Iconolatry Ob. The sole exception to this exposition is That Demon or Devil in Scripture sens is stil taken for an evil Spirit or foul Fiend never for a good Angel or Saint though Prophane Authors use both promiscuously Ergo to invoke thos glorified Spirits as Intercessors on our behalfs or adore their Images or consecrate Churches to their honor deservs not to be branded as Doctrin of Devils specialy sith holy Men yet living are so honored and their praiers desired which was ever commended but never condemned in any Church Sol. 'T is tru the Scripture stil takes Demons or Devils in the wors sens becaus Gentils deemed their worthies Deified Souls for Demons which were wicked Spirits seducing Mankind using the word for what they are in truth sith no good Angel or blessed Soul wil freely admit or assume such divine honor derogatory to their Creator nor accept Mens Invocations So the worship of Angels or Saints and their Reliques Pillars or Images may properly be caled Doctrin of Devils sith 't is spiritual whordom and renewed Idolatry wherby they make like evil Demons or Devils what fained fashions or conterfet colors to delude people soever they set to varnish this superstition This is his mellifluous morsel to chaw the cud on which who shal piously digest it wil turn to feed his Soul by abandoning this disguised abomination Germani Doctoris aucta A German Doctors supply A Late Silesian Divine Anonymal set forth a Book caled Clavis Apocalyptica with a confused Comment annexed who is Mr. Medes Ape if not a Plag●ary as many of his Countrimen be from whom he borows the Title Method and most speculations citing him twise or thrise both in the Synchronicisms and Explications but varies in som circumstances applied to his Country and comfort of his exiled Brethren assuring their Redemption to draw nigh even at end of A. C. 1655 which is his single or singular crotchet as wil appeer in the book briesly contracted God in his faithful Fatherly providence to comfort the Preamble godly and warn the wicked prefixed certain times in the old Testament how long he would forbear to punish For before the Flood he set one hundred twenty yeers to repent and then destroied al impenitent sinners with a Deluge of waters After it he declared to Abram That his Seed should be a stranger in a Land and serv them in affliction four hundred yeers but that Nation he would judg and they should go out with great substance which promiss at period of time he truly performed drowning Pharaoh with al his Host Indeed ●e destroied Sodom Gomorrah without prefining time becaus their si●s were so transcendent and they obduratly impenitent but prescribed fourty dais to Niniv●s destruction which was averted by mature repentance He assigned seventy yeers to Babylons captivity which being accomplished he stirred up Cyrus spirit to releas the People In Daniel seventy annal weeks four hundred ninty yeers were determined on the Jews in which time Messiah should be cut off and Jerusalem desolated which were effected in their times Even so ther be set seasons appointed to Gods Church in the new Testament how long she shal be persecuted and when delivered which is expressed in thes places of Scripture 1. The Saints shal be given into the fourth Beasts hand for a time times and dividing of a time 2. An Angel asks how long it shal be to the end of thes wonders another answers for a time times and half So John saith The Woman Gods Church shal be in the Desart a time times and half 3. The two witnesses shal be clad in sack●loth one thousand two hundred threescore dais 4. The Gentils shal tread the holy City under foot fourty two months 5. The Beasts blasphemies shal continu fourty two months which three sorts of numbers a time times and half one thousand two hundred threescore dais fourty two months are one and explain ech other taking thirty dais to a month and expounding dais by yeers both which the Prophets and Saint John used to doo 6. Thes three times begin and end together 7. Daniels one thousand two hundred ninty dais of the Sacrifices surreption and setting up abomination begin thirty yeers sooner then the one thousand two hundred threescore but end both at once A. 1655. now next insuing For three yeers and half make fourty two months and one thousand two hundred threescore dais after twelv months ech of thirty dais and three hundred sixty dais in a yeer So al exactly comply or correspond The Hebrew yeer contains twelv months in ech thirty dais in al three hundred sixty but our Julian fiv mo with six hours One day Propheticaly implies a yeer as Daniels hebdomad is D●● 9. 24. seven yeers and his Vision or Vati●iny of seventy weeks seven times seventy or four hundred ninty yeers On thes two grounds the whol fabric of future Chronical computs consists Dan. 7. 35. 'T is said the Saints shal be given into the fourth Beasts hand t●l a time times and dividing of time i. one yeer two Dan. 12. 7. and half so an Angel swears by him that livs for ever it shal be for a time times and half a time Semblably John saith The Rev. 12. 14. Woman Gods Church shal be nourished in the Wildernes of Persecution from the Serpent for a time times and half which is fore-expressed vers 5. by one thousand two hundred Rev. 11. 2. 3. threescore dais as the two witnesses shal be clad in sackcloth so long
by John de la Casa Archbishop of Benevent as Isaiahs words intimat Their countenance doth witnes against them who declare their sin as Sodom they hide it not She is also like Egypt in blindnes and hardnes of Heart beside their oppression of Gods People She resembles Jerusalem in killing the Prophets refusing to receiv the Son of God but rejects reviles and crucifies him in his members as every ey sees A City hath sundry Streets and Papacy divers dominions wherin the wars and persecutions for sixty yeers last past must be exactly examined The Oriental Antichrist Turc doth not persecut Christians for Religion the Occidental Pope hath no Streets or Provinces under his power wherin hav hapned any remarkable persecutions sav only the Germam Empire or cheif Horn. This is that great Cities principal Street caled Catexochen the Street being a bare Sceleton left of the West Empire or fourth Monarchy having yet seven Heads the seven Princes Electors and ten Horns the ten Circles or Provinces as 't is divided In this Street we must seek the war and shal find it if we weigh wel what is past since A. 1595. til now For the Pope since Luther began to reform alwais aimed to extirp Gospel Professors for which end he caled the Council of Trent but this took no effect in Germany til the crafty Jesuits incited credulous Princes by fraud flattery and calumby to persecut Protestants Which began A. 1598. in Styria Carniola and Krain the success wherof ther and elswher specialy in Bohemia and Austria is too wel known to the World but the last act lacks to be executed in Silesia which being finished this war shal hav victory and execution end at which time the three yeers and half are to begin wherin the Witnesses dead Bodies shal●ly in the Streets This Author seems to be a Silesian Minister living in Polonia who draws al to the Meridian of his Country and comfort of his exiled Brethren Som of the People Kinreds Toungs and Nations shal see their Vers 9. dead bodies three dais and half not suffring them to be put in gravs Thes are forren Nations met in the German war for Religion but by a Treaty of peace the Protestants were circumvented and liberty of Conscience denied with al their proper privileges which produced manifold miseries Hence it appeers that the three annal dais and half before the appointed one thousand two hundred sixty terminat can agree to no other but when the said Silesian pacification shal be finished persecution stinted and expeld Evangelists restored al which shal be at end of An. 1655. Most Expositors refer the last words of not putting them in grav to their Enimies despite who bar their burial but they are used or uttered tropicaly as their quickning or rising must be taken civily not properly or literaly for their Enimies are caled they that dwel on Earth So forren Nations wil not wholy lay down the Sword but cast a watchful ey on al emotions in Germany and not permit Protestants to be totaly destroied or laid in grav under-ground as he perswads them to doo They that dwel on Earth Papists who hav their Heaven here Vers 10. for the just are strangers or Sojourners shal rejoyce over them make merry and send g●f●s one to another becaus thos two Prophets tormented them that dwel on Earth They are said to torment becaus they scan or sift their Enimies Doctrin and Conversation by the touchstone of Gods VVord cross their gross 1 Kings 18 17 Idolatry and exprobrat their filthy Sodomy So Eliah and Michah tormented Ahab Jeremy the Priests and Pseudoprophets Jer. 27. 9. 14. Amos 7. 10. Mat. 8. 29. Amos the People Christ the Devils This their Foes nickname Sedition to color their own oppression Thus far John writes what the Son of God declared by word of mouth wherby a sudden change insued in the Vision representing a like alteration in the Empire For he sees what after the end of three yeers and half befel the witnesses and what unexpected events shal betide Here the last period begins An. 1655. when al the Gospels Enimies are quelled and tru peace to Gods People redintegrated After three dais and half the Spirit of life from Godentred Vers 11. into them Thos dais expire An. 1655. when the treading on the holy City fourty two months the VVitnesses mourning one thousand two hundred threescore dais the VVomans abode in the Desart so long and the Beasts blaspheming fourty two Months conterminat or expire at once together Then also the term of Nebuchadnezars Image and period of al four Monarchies Dan 7. 12. 25. D●n 12. 11. for a time times and dividing of time shal concur as also the one thousand two hundred ninety dais of abomination which makes desolat being al tru synchronicisms Ezekiel Ezek. 37. 14. hath a like expression wher God on the Jews behalf at Babylons Captivity saith I wil put my Spirit in you and ye shal liv I w●l put you in your own Land The like God wil doo to al exiled Professors restore them by unthought of means to their own Land and render their functions yea giv them greater dignities then ever they had before They stood on their feet or possest their Places and Stats but great fear fel on al that saw them Papists had great joy at the issu of this war but shal now tremble no less when the exiled reposses● their hereditary Fortunes and honorable Functions A lifely exemple herof is extant Wisdom 5. worth reading or review See Wisd 5. They heard a great voyce from Heaven saying Com up hither Vers 12. They shal ascend in a cloud and their Enimies shal see them Heaven signifies the Church the voice implies that after three yeers and half God wil rais a chief Protestant Potentat as a Patron to the Papists terror who shal open a free cours to the Gospel caling aloud by his Diploma or Letters Patents to al Exiles Com up resum your pristin preferments and emploiments So they shal suddenly ascend in a cloud to their charges with great glory and authority Their Enimies who before exulted at their afflictions inflicting al sorts of plagues shal fare as Jeremy threatned Chaldea and Babylon Jer. 50. 10. 1● that al which go by shal hiss at them At the same hour was a great Earthquake and a tenth part Vers 1● of the City fel viz. a fearful Commotion or Combustion in the Empire but a tenth part intends either the whol Papacy or one of the Empires ten streets or Rome City which is now but a tenth part of what it was as Lipsius provs In the Earthquake 〈◊〉 3 Admirand or war were slain seven thousand Men or a mighty multitud but the remnent were affrighted and gav glory to God The rest of Papists stood amazed and acknowledged Gods just judgments on them The s●● und Wo is past This imports not as if al were
difficulties emergent which shal be curtly explained In this deep dark discurs divers Objections occur which wil require debate and resolution 1. Whether the Text not torted but literaly or tropicaly Doubts referred to the times hath bin rightly unfolded 2. Whether the Figures or Images which make thes mysteries obscure be cleered by other places of the Apocalyps and Prophets from whom they are taken and applied to Things as the Text and Times require 3. Whether what is past or now in acting should be serchd in the Acts of the Roman Empire to see what may be more sutably applied another way without disturbing the method o● harmony 4. Whether the Text doth tel what is to be expected at end of Gods determined time on the fourth Monarchy and Papacy viz. when the fourty two months or 1260. yeers expire Hence riseth a main rub whether the Epoche or beginning Answer of thos 1260. yeers be rightly related to An. 395. at Theodosius death This is proved in the previous Prophetic Key by certain characters or marks to be summarily repeated 1. Becaus Daniels Epoche of 1290. dais fals exactly on An. 365. when the Temples grand desolation hapned under Julian so the 1260. must com 30. later An. 395. sith they shal end together 2. Becaus at the Empires bipartition An. 395. the Roman Eagle got two wings and the Barbarians broke in driving the Woman into the Desart wher she must be fed three times and half or one thousand two hundred threescore annal dais the period wherof fals An. 1655. 3. Becaus the treading of the holy City or Church fourty two months begins at that Invasion and ends alike 4. Becaus at that Invasion the ten hornd Beast rose from the Sea and soon clipped the Eagles wings that in threescore yeers An. 455. al ten horns or Kingdoms visibly appered Hence Authors date the Prolog of the Empires decay at Theodosius death and Ecclesiastic writers from St. Pauls words agree That Antich●●st shal arise ● The● 2 6 7. when the Empire begins to fal generatio un●●s est corrupti● alterius So Tertullian Iren●us and many mo define 5. Becaus the two hornd Beast west Antichrist cam out of the Earth silently An. 395 when he assumed a primacy or preeminence both in Civil and Spiritual affairs which he never before arrogated over other Church●s For Aeneas Sylvius afterw●rd Epist 28● Can. ●6 Pope writes That til the Nicen Synod smal respect was shewed the Roman Sea but every one lived to himself In the third Carthage Council An. 390. a Canon passed That the first Bishop shal not be stiled chief Priest or Prince of Priests but Bishop of the first Sea For Innocent first A. C. 404. usurped authority over Princes and Prelats as Presbyters wil hav suprem Magistrats submit to them like Sheep to their Shepherds who Excommunicated Arcadius Emperor of Constantinople and removed Chrysostom the Patriarch busily bestirring to get a primacy over al African Churches His successors Zosimus Boniface 1. Celestine 1. attempted the like Hist l. 7. c. 3● aspiring as Socrates storieth but Siricius first forbad Priests to marry which St. Paul cals the Doctrin of Devils 6. Becaus the two Witnesses at end of thos one thousand two hundred sixty yeers shal be subdued and slain but two accidents shal befal after the seventh Trumpets sounding Romes dest●uction and determination of the secund Wo so that haply the Witnesses shal be raised he flatters himself and his Brethren before A. 1655. for smal circumstances are not regarded in great Prophecies Hereto may be added som new Arguments 1. St. Austin Proofs writes how the Gentils reported that St. Peter prophecied Christian Religion should dure but 365. yeers which he reputed a Heathen fiction yet haply he predicted the continuance without interruption should be so long For Christ at 30. yeers was baptized and began his Minist●y which being added to 365. foretold by St. Peter make 395. at which time Antichrist appeered the holy City was calcitrated the Witnesses mourned and the Woman fled as is plainly prespecified 2. That the 6000. yeers of the Worlds durance from the Creation equivalent to the six dais works every day 1000. yeers expire next yeer 1655. which he strangely strivs and strains to justify but that Rabinical prediction is a frivolous fiction and his computation a ridiculous distortion for that 6000. yeers fals short A. 1655. about 315. yeers by the best accompt 3. The yeer of the Flood began A. M. 1656. which concurs with A. C. 1655. complet or 56. current when the Dan. 7. 11. Rev. 19. v. 20. Churches Enimies shal be destroied with fire as the old World was by water this indeed is a brat of many Mens brains which haply Men shal shortly see dashd against the Stones 4. The Roman Monarchy initiated when the Suns Eccentricity was greatest whence Astrologers Aueis nulla fides infer that it shal end when 't is least which som refer to last yeer 1653. but this bare guesse is notum per ignotius 5. The Turcs hav two Prophecies to be read in the Author touching their Empires expiring that this young Achmet the secund Son to Ibrihim shal be the last Emperor For surely strange alterations hav hapned since Achmets death A. 1617. who contrary to custom having three young Sons caused his Brother Mustapha to succed a precedent never known before but he after nine Months reign deposed and Achmets eldest Son Osman set up whom the Janizaries strangled with his Wife and two infant Sons A. 1622. Next succeded his Brother Morat or Amurat the fourth who died Issuless A. 1640. and after him Ibrihim or Abraham whom the Janizaries also bowstringd with his three Wifes A. 1648. but advanced his sole Son Achmet aged six now twelv yeers who reigns at their devotion or disposing and is like to be the last if such fopperies be worthy of faith By al which premisses 't is probable 1. That the two Chronicisms Inferences character 1290. and 1●60 are incident to A. 365. of Julian and 395. of Theodosius as foresaid 2. That the Terminus a quo of Daniels 1290. yeers can be applied to no other then A. 365. when God blew up the foundations of Jerusalems Temple 3. That the Epoche of thos 1260. yeer● must be referred to A. 395. becaus both numbers necessarily expire together 4. That the ten-hornd Beast began from A. 395. til 455. becaus the Eagle got two Wings A. 395. and his ten horns appeered A. 455. 5. That in al Roman Histories no yeer sutes so semblably to al Characters as 395. Erg● we may stick to it and expect the event A. 1655. specialy sith killing the two Witnesses eventualy provs the thing Som are shy to put a Period of thes Prophecies so precisely at A. 1655. but let such consider 1. That the Angel held up his hand to Dan. 12 7 11. Rev. 10 5 6 7 Heaven and swore by him that livs for ever it shal
power as he first framed it of meer nothing without help of any Agent or Instrument rather then by Fire Thes are his self singular speculations Quisque suo sensu sed Medus maxime abundat His wit reacheth beyond the Moon and diveth beneath the bottom of the great Deep being indeed incomparably piercing or profound for the familiarly conversed in the darkest deepest mysteries of al Prophecies specialy the Apocalyps and was most ready in al learned languages Hebrew Syriac Chalde Perfic Arabic Greec Latin and in the Jewish Rabbins or Doctors wherin he super-excelled nor was any part of abstruse literature strange to him or hid from him yet his gay gloss how specious soever it shews that as God created the Univers of nothing by his bare word Fiat so if his wil be to dissolv it into nothing he would doo it by his sole word sans help of Fire this is of litle solidity for he made only the Chaos or rude Lump of simply nothing as the common stock of al the rest wherof they were compact so at last dissolution he wil consum them al by Fire but the ashes or reliques left at last like the first Chaos shal be quite annihilated by his bare word Cesset or Desinat that is as Saint John renders it Let their place be found no Rev. 20. 11. more so the proportion holds pointly or perfectly between the first Creation and final Consummation of this World as the next Thesis shal shew His other cringe concerning Abraham Isaac and Jacob to Answers possess the promised Land in person hath no more solidity or sincerity then the former for they dwelt ther personaly though but as Sojourners and bought som parcels wherin their bodies ly as a livery and seisen of the whol as their progeny or posterity enjoyed it proprietarily for many ages according to Gods Covenant pacted to them and their Seed Gods saying to Moses and Christs inference He is God of the living not of the dead doo not argu that thos Patriarchs shal be raised to possess the promised Land in person a thousand yeers with or under Christ but only that they now liv in blessed condition with God and shal rise at last day to inherit eternal glory both in Body and Soul united in the highest Heaven wheras damned Reprobats ly dead in Hel whos God he cannot be caled The City which Abraham looked for whos builder is God must needs be Heavenly Jerusalem clyped his Country which is prepared for al the faithful not any new material Metropolis to be made in Palestine or any place of this Earth as they dream Zacharias words of performing his mercy promised to our Fathers and remembring his holy Covenant cleerly concern Christs first coming so oft promised in the old Testament wherof John Baptist then born was the faithful forerunner Lastly Christs words many shal com from East and West to sit down with Ab●aham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven cannot in property of phrase possibly purport any terren temporal reign but Men are too prone to strain Scriptures after their own sens how violently or untruly soever God giv us al grace to be wise to sobriety and not wrest his holy Word according to our own Wils which may turn to our damnation and perdition of sundry silly seduced Souls For the main Thesis of Christs Millenar reign Mr. Mede Opinions saith Eusebius a strong Adversary to it fains one Gaius to father it on Cerinthus but none knows any such Man sav himself Surely he was a sincere Historian not given to foisting or faining and Cerinthus generaly reputed the original Author nor is any other alleged He farther saith St. Jerom did h●s best to decry or disgrace the Tenet but he usualy mis-related things out of peevish petulant partial passion yet durst not damn it becaus many authentic Authors and Martyrs maintained it Contrarily Justin Martyr an Apostolic Man ascribed the origin herof to St. John and told Tryp●● that none but Heretics gain said it Now for later writers Piscator holds that the Saints of the first Resurrection shal reign with Christ a thousand yeers in Heaven but Alsted Mr. Mede and almost al els on Earth Yet Piscator Alsted and the rest agree that it shal be at Christs secund coming to reign before his third to Judgment but Mr. Mede finding no warrant for a third coming dissents from them al making the Day of Judgment one continued act with the Millenar reign which is a devise of his own subtle wit never broched before Sic a principi● est fratrum concordia discors In varios sensus lis furiosa trahit Thus Brethren from beginning il agree Who into different minds distracted be My privat resolution in this point and that other whether Christ shal reign personaly on a new Earth for ever resigning his Kingdom of glory wher he now sits to his Father Must needs amidst such a copious cru of learned Clercs who hav diversly debated it both wais be very amphibolous or ambiguous as a giddy Ostrich which having laid hir first Eg at rovers on the sands regards not how she lodgeth the rest nor on what heap she sits on brood so that I may truly cant out thes two dubious Distichs Me trahit in dubios aliorum assertio sensus An reget in Mundo hoc Christus an Arce Poli Nec patet an terris regnabit mille per annos Cum superis sanctis Martyribusque suis Others Opinions make me doubtful whether Christ shal rule in this World or Heaven for ever If he shal reign on Earth one thousand yeers With Angels Saints and Martyrs it not appeers Touching the Argument or Contents of the Premisses they are couched or concluded in a few familiar verses like the former Impius asseruit Christum annis mille Cerinthus Persona in terris velle manere sua Vile Cerinth said Christ wil in person reign One thousand yeers and here on Earth remain Velle Redemptorem regere annis mille Chilarchae Alite● Judicii in terris asseruere die Chiliarchs affirmd that Christ on Earth wil sway One thousand yeers at the last Judgment Day Mille annis Christum Chiliarchae in somnia produnt A●ias Hic cum Martyribus velle manere suis Vain Chiliasts dream that Christ with 's Saints wil stay One thousand yeers and here on Earth bear sway Regnare in terris mille annis velle Chilistae Secus Christum cum sanctis dogmata f●lsa tenent That Christ with 's Saints one thousand yeers wil reign On Earth bold Chiliasts doctrins fals maintain De christ imperi● Chiliastae mille per annos ●●ve Ante Diem extremum somnia vana canunt That Christ one thousand yeers on Earth shal reign Before last Day Chiliasts vain dreams doo fain THESIS VIII Mundi hujus Dissolutio The Worlds dissolution THe wisest Heathen held that this World shal hav an end even by fire as St. Jerom and L. Vives
Martyr actualy and arbitrarily who gladly gav his life to preach or publish him for the tru promised Messiah 21. John his best beloved Apostle Evangelist Analogical Martyr who suffred cruel torments and was exiled being ready to lay down his life 22. Innocents of Bethleem Juda who in deed not desire were slain by Herod the great in Christs stead tho not for his sake Thes are al the fixd Fests but his Resurrection is sanctified weekly in lieu of the seventh day Sabbath and yeerly too at Easter his Ascention 40. dais after Which are al except the holy Ghosts decent at Pentecost and Trinity seven dais after consecrat to the three Persons in Deity The last with som Appendices are Movables and three of them Easter Pentecost or Whitsunday Trinity celebrat on the Lords day Al the rest which relish of superstition invention and exaltation of the Cross the blessed Virgins pretended sinless Conception and supposed Assumption al Souls in Purgatory beside Tho. Becket a Pseudo Martyr and many mo of like bran we utterly reject renounce or repudiat What harm then in al this sith it tends soly to sanctity Yes say Malignants becaus Papists ordained prescribed and pro phaned them Indeed they abused not appointed them being instituted before by the primitiv Church as is plentifully proved but such as they superstitiously superadded are abrogated and abandoned Yet what if Papist ordeined al shal we receiv or retain none If they go on their heels shal we walk on our heads If they profes one God in three Persons shal we beleev three Gods in one Person Let pious institutions be embraced but al impious abuses or Ordinances exiled and extermined In sum I prescribe no Fests to be sanctified nor find fault Sum●ary with their suppression but only assert the lawful Religious use of them freely agnizing that the state or such as sit at stern hav lawful human power to annul or abrogat them and to restore or reestablish them with other Adiaphoral Ordinaces except Articles of Faith wherin we must obey God and not Man so far am I from taxing or traducing our Superiors actions that I doo and wil obey them in al indifferent things either Religious or Civil which doo not trench on a good conscience Yet if they wil be pleased to redintegrat the public Liturgy and principal Festivals which stand ratified by several Acts of Parlement unrepealed they shal make glad millions of good hearts in this Common-wealth which greatly griev at this interruption rather then abolition or suppression of them On whos behalfs sith 't is no Mony-matter nor can any way prejudice the State this poor Distich may humbly be presented Gratum Opus Angligenis si restituatur ut olim Publica forma Precum Festaque sacra foret If Common-Praier Book could as of old be had And sacred Fests English hearts would be glad Let incomparable Bishop Andrews words concerning the In a Sermon on John 8. 50. chief Soveraign Queen of Festivals close up the Catastrophe Ther is no day so properly Christs as that of his Birth which by comparing it with others wil appeer For the Passion day is not so truly or peculiarly his becaus two Theefs suffred with him at the same time place and maner nor Resurrection day sith many mo rose then too and went into the holy City appeering unto many nor Ascention day for that Enoch and Elias ascended bodily long before him much less the Circumcision day which was common to al the Jews Male-Children but the Birth day of a pure Virgin by power of the holy Ghost is soly his without Felow none ever so born none born such God and Man in one Person Therfore as no Fest els 't is attended as Christ he-self was with an Apostolic retinu of twelv Holy days Thus this sweet singer of England or golden mouthd Chrysostom descants The final result rests on two questions 1. Positiv whether Up●●or it be lawful for Gods Church and al obedient Members to set apart or sanctify one day of 365. in a yeer for the memory of our Saviours manifestation in the flesh as the Jews did the Altars dedication and our State the deliverance of that Devilish Powder-plot which no sober Christian can deny 2. Comparativ whether it be superstition thankfully to celebrat one day annaly with public worship in remembrance of Mans redemption or rather wilfully to scorn slander prophane and contemn it If thes two be laid in the scales of unbiassed impartial judgment the pious veneration wil far preponderat the impious irrision in al good Mens eys Shal we set apart or sanctify divers dais of Thanksgiving and Humiliation for Temporal benefits of Victories or other occasions and cannot be content to afford to allow one for the greatest Spiritual blessing of our eternal Redemption from the power of sin and slavery of Satan began by his blessed birth and finishd by his bitter death and burial with other consequent glorious works of Exaltation viz. his Resurrection Ascention and continual intercession at his Fathers right hand in Heaven God shield us from such guilt wherto thes two Heroics may be aptly applied Absit tale nefas pudet haec opprob●●a nobis Aut dici potuisse aut non potuisse refelli Far be such crime 't is shame should be imputed Thes scandals to us or could not be refuted For sh●me then let Pulpits ring no more of such rediculous reasons prealleged not worth a Fig which if a young Sophister should urge in Schools he were worthy to be hissed out as being unwo●thy to be answered Dr. Hammond a deep Divine from whos learned lucubrations I hav pickd som precited materials as he and al writers borow from others in his Resolution to certain modern Quaeres wherof this concerning Christmas and other Fests is the last answers sixten addle interrogatories of his Antagonist in this point which he that lists may peruse but to requite his pains proposeth three pithy Quaeres at end of that Treatise wherto three mo shal be superadded 1. Whether the Church Catholic or any particular specialy 〈◊〉 n●●rest the Apostles age hath sufficient power to make one or mo dai● sacr●d and let apart f●om servil works to Gods service in memory of som eminent mercy conferred on his People to be yeerly celebrated with tru piety which shal bind al dutiful Children to obey and observ them 2. Whether the annal Fest of Christs Birth being both lawful 2 Q●aere and laudable in the right religious use weeding out al abuses ordained by the Catholic Church may justly be abolished or abandoned by any Church or State much less privat Persons without regard to the universal sith it hath so long continued sans comptrole or contradiction by any 3. Whether it be a good ground in Conscience or Common 3 Q●●● e. reason to cancel or cashire so pious a constitution under a fucatious color of causless superstition becaus som pedissequent dais hav bin rudely