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A95892 Magnalia Dei Anglicana. Or, Englands Parliamentary chronicle. Containing a full and exact narration of all the most memorable Parliamentary mercies, and mighty (if not miraculous) deliverances, great and glorious victories, and admirable successes, ... from the yeer, 1640. to this present year, 1646. Compiled in four parts; the two first, intituled, God in the mount. The third, Gods ark overtopping the worlds waves; the fourth, The burning-bush not consumed: this last part, comming up to these present times, and to our most renowned generall, Sir Thomas Fairfaxes late famous actions, in the west, and the happy (because unbloody) rendition of Oxford, in this present yeer, 1646. Collected cheifly for the high honour of our wonder working God; and for the unexpressible comfort of all cordiall English Parliamentarians. / By the most unworthy admirer of them, John Vicars.; God in the mount. Part 4 Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. 1646 (1646) Wing V319; Thomason E348_1; ESTC R201016 408,597 484

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And base things in the worlds esteem and things which are despised yea and things which are not God hath chosen as heer wee see to bring to nought things which are And heer me thinks I cannot pretermit but most justly make honourable mention of what I have been credibly informed of touching our most noble and renowned Generall himself Viz. That hee was observed before this fight to have been exceeding merry and cheerfull in his carriage and countenance among his Commanders and Souldiers But after this victory was obtained hee continually day by day carryed himself with very much settleed gravity of countenance lowlinesse and meeknesse of face and heart as giving God all the honour and willing to take none to himself Two rare postures indeed of a pious and prudent Cornelius or Commander and fit for all Souldiers especially Saint-like Souldiers to practise and imitate For indeed both Hee I mean this our most renowned Generall and all of us with him might most justly as reverend Mr. Marshall in his excellent Thanksgiving Sermon at Christ-Church the Thursday following this famous Victory say concerning this glorious Victory as the most noble and renowned late Lord Generall nobly said at Keinton-Victory Never more of God and lesse of man And therefore as wee were most justly bound our most pious and prudent Parliamentary Worthies immediately upon their perfect knowledge and understanding of this so glorious a Victory as you have thus fully heard appointed a day of Solemn Thanksgiving to bee celebrated to the high honour and praise of our great and gracious Wonder-working God a Copy of which their Order I have heer inserted which was as followeth Die Lunae Junii 16. 1645. ORdered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament that Thursday next shall bee set apart for a day of Publique Thanksgiving to Almighty God in all the Churches and Chappels within the Cities of London and Westminster and Lines of Communication and weekly bils of Mortallity For the great and glorious Victory obtained by the Parliaments Army under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax against the Forces of the King And Mr. Marshall and Mr. Vines bee desired to Preach at Christ-Church before the Parliament And that the Lord Major Aldermen and Common-Councell doe meet the Parliament there And it is further Ordered That Friday being the 27 of this instant June bee set apart for a publick day of Thanksgiving for this Victory in all the Churches and Chappell 's in the severall Counties of the Kingdom under the power of the Parliament H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. About the 15 of this instant there came Letters out of Shropshire which certified of severall good services performed by Colonell Mittons forces in those parts and for better satisfaction I have heer thought fit to insert the Copy of the Letter it self which was sent to renowned Colonell Mitton himself which was as followeth SIR I Being desired by Leivtenant Colonell Goldgay to certifie our late proceedings at Oswestree and the good successe wherewith it pleased God to blesse your Forces there I am humbly bold thus to trouble you On Tuesday the third of this present June your Troop with a considerable party of your Foot marched unto Clerk being commanded by Leivtenant Colonell Goldgay where wee took 27 horse from under their walls being the best horse I have seen together in Wales Wee drawing off in order the Enemy sallyed out came through the wood with firelocks thinking to redeem their losse charged our Rear-guard of horse whom Captain Simpkins caused to face about and fall on them lying in the manner of an ambuscado which they did and soon got through them and got betwixt them and home killed 2 of them took 24. the Governours Leivtenant being one and his Organist whose losse hath caused a generall Melancholly in the Castle and if hee bee not changed their mirth and devotion it is to bee feared will perish together On Thursday the 6 instant wee marched in the like posture to Shraden went close under their works took from them 24 good horse which was the greatest part of Dr. Charles Vaughan then Governour his Troop wee expected them also to sally out but the Dr. though hee hath forgotten his Preaching since hee turned Cavalier yet remembred his Grammar-rule Optimum est alienâ frui insaniâ For being warned by the folly and harm of Cherkmen hee was content to sleep within doores in a whole skin and to suffer us to march away with our prize without any of their lets or least disturbance This wee did without the losse or hurt of any one man of ours Wee ascribe the praise and memory of the work to that God who hath hitherto crowned your endevours with successe and I doubt not in despight of malice will doe so still under whose banner of love I leave you and humbly rest yours to Command And now upon the 19 of this instant June being the next ensuing Thursday after the happy tydings of the foresaid most famous Victory at Naseby according as our most pious and prudent Parliamentary Senators had formerly Ordered and as our most renowned Generall himself Sir Thomas Fairfax had earnestly desired by the Messenger by whom the relation of the victory was first brought a day of Solemn Thanksgiving was celebrated and wholly set apart to give all the glory of that great Victory and mighty mercy to the Lord alone as it was most due in all Churches and Chappels within the Cities of London and Westminster and the Lines of Communication which was as on this day most solemnly performed in a speciall manner at Christ-Church in London where reverend and religious Mr. Marshall and Mr. Vines preached that day before the whole Body of the Parliament both Lords and Commons whom the Lord Major the Aldermen and Common Councell of London met there and had invited the said most honourable Lords and Commons to dine with them that day in their City at Grocers hall And heer I hope it will not bee offensive or tedious to my Reader to give him a short sight or intimation of the manner of the gallant entertainment the City gave the Parliament at Grocers Hall that day not to mention the Messes of their dainty chear which in great plenty was provided answerable to so honourable an Assembly but onely to shew you the speciall guests and the order of their placing according to their state and Orders which was thus At the upper end of the Hall sate the Lord Major On the left hand The Prince Elector Earle of Northumberland Earle of Kent Earle of Essex Earle of Manchester Lord North Earl of Elgar Lord Brighton Two of the Scotch Commissioners On the right hand Earle of Pembroke Earle of Nottingham Earle of Salisbury Earle of Denbigh Earle of Bullingbrook One Scotch Lord The Lord Say There were three Tables more in the Hall On the right hand going up sate Mr. Speaker at the upper end entring to the doore toward
to draw them from their place of refuge and to gaine more miles to follow the pursuite which by Gods mercy they resolutely intended Now the Enemy thinking all their own came on as farre as Wolverhampton after him where the brave Colonell facing about and giving them a violent charge brake quite through them and charging them again hee absolutely routed them and took many prisoners among whom were 2 Captains 3 Leivtenants and other Officers about 60 horse and much Armes all which hee brought safely into Stafford And much about the foresaid time wee had certain intelligence by Letters from that much honoured Patriot Sir William Armyne and Mr. Henry Darley and the rest of the Commissioners of the North that the Town of Carlile which had divers weeks been besieged by a party of the Scottish Army under the Command of the noble Earl of Callender was now surrendred to our said Brethren of Scotland upon Articles of agreement viz. in breif that Sir Thomas Glemham then Governour thereof and his Souldiers should march with their Armes to Newark c. But that they left behinde them in the Town great store of Armes and Ammunition 20 peices of Ordnance and much other good provision About the 8 instant wee were certainly informed that shortly after the good successe of our Shrewsbury forces in the taking of Caus-Castle forementioned valiant Colonell Mackworth marched to Shrawarden-Castle where after summons and some shot sent forth a parley was offered and accepted and the said Castle on conditions surrendred to him wherein they found some competent store of Armes one Drake and much other good provision and the Enemy therein being about 300 in number were sent away to Ludlow as they desired and our forces presently after this with valiant Colonell Mackworth marched to Higharchall Castle And about the 10 of this instant July wee had certain information by Letters out of the West that the Right honourable and most renowned Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax and ever to bee honoured Major Generall Massey being happily conjoyned with their forces into one body at Branford they now marched forward to Taunton and understanding by their Scouts in what posture the Enemy was now a third time sate down about that notable eye-sore of theirs terribly maligned Taunton they advanced toward them But Goring hearing of Sir Thomas his approach drew off to Chard and not daring to fight drew off all his Army from before Taunton and marched quite away from them whereby that brave Town and the thousands of most precious Soules therein were now a third time blessed bee the Lord clearly set at Liberty from farther fear and danger of those their base and barbarous blood-thirsty Enemies who like devouring Locusts had lyen long lurking about their parts and quarters in greedy gaping hope every day to have eaten them up But who being thus happily driven away the Country round about came in unto them most joyfully with all kinde of provisions in abundance whereby they had presently a most plentifull Market kept among them The preservation of this Town was indeed of very great concernment and most worthily to bee accounted no lesse than a marveilous mercy from heaven and therefore to give the Lord our God all due honour and praise for the same And withall wee may not neglect his instruments therein but in the next place highly praise and prize their love and labours especially heer also to make particular mention of the ever to bee honoured Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax who after so much hardship in Marches Siege and Battail in so short a time trod so much ground as to come so seasonably to the releif of so many brave spirited and undaunted resolved Souldiers and honest-hearted inhabitants who with so much difficulty and in much want of necessaries had maintained themselves and defended the Town against a very potent and most pestilent and blood-thirsty Atheisticall adversary About the same time also came certain intelligence unto us by Letters out of Gloucestershire that a party of the Parliaments forces being before Barkley Castle at a distance to keep in the Enemy from ranging abroad there being about 15 or 16 horse that were as Sentinels attending the Castle the Enemy prepared a party from within of about 300 horse and foot and came forth thinking to surprize the said Sentinells but those few horse discovering the Enemies approach unto them took the best advantage they possibly could and bravely defended themselves till the alarm came to the rest of their horse who thereupon came in speedily to their rescue and fell upon the Enemy with much courage and routed them killed 16 in the place whereof 2 were forward Captains many were wounded and about 40 taken prisoners Sir Charles Lucas the Governour of the Castle was there in person in the fight and escaped with a wound as wee were informed wee took also at the same time 30 horse and upward and a 100 Armes and pursued the Enemy to the very Castle-gates and in this brave service wee lost not above 3 men And thus wee see the Lord does great things for us every day ever magnified bee his name therein And about the 12 instant divers Gentlemen and others of the City of Westminster came to the Parliament and presented a petition to the House of Commons in the name of the whole City of Westminster setting forth the great happinesse and priviledge they now enjoy by the care of the Parliament and unwearied paines of the Divines of the Assembly that preach the morning Lecture weekly at the Abbey in Westminster whereby many that lived in Darknesse and Ignorance for many yeares together doe now see the light of the Gospel more clearly and plainly than ever their humble suite to the House was that the said Ministers so preaching weekly viz. Dr. Stanton Mr. Marshall Mr. Nye Mr. Palmer Mr. Hill and Mr. Whittaker may have a competent maintenance allowed them out of the Revenues of the late Dean and Chapter of the said Abbey that so they may in some measure bee enabled to subsist and encouraged to goe on in this great work of converting and bringing Soules daily nearer to God After reading of this Petition and debate thereupon an Ordinance was read and Committed to a Committee for regulating the Colledge of Westminster after which the House gave Order the Petitioners should bee called in before the House where Mr. Speaker in the Name and by command of the whole House informed the Petitioners that the House had read and debated their Petition and had likewise read an Ordinance for regulating the Colledge of Westminster and had put them both in a way to their satisfaction and returned them the thanks of that House for their care and zeale for the publike Much also about the foresaid time wee received certain information by Letters from Abbington of the prosperous successe and brave exploits of our forces under the command of that
vast body of Horse against him and had also Musketteirs in a hedge which did flank him and somewhat front him also yet this brave Major managed the charge with such gallantry that hee routed 2 of their divisions of about 400. received the charge of the third division both in front and flank but at last being over-powered by reason of their numbers increasing upon him hee bravely retyred to the Generalls Regiment which was not farre behinde him and Colonell Desborough with the Generalls Troops sheltered him by his flank and charged up himself with about 200 horse and dispersed and scattered the Enemy and gave freedome thereby for all our horse and foot to draw into bodies whereupon the enemy fell to plain running not being able to endure the charge The Generall Leivtenant Generall and some other Officers being on the hill at this charge commended it for as brave and resolute a peice of service as any they had seen performed since the beginning of these warres Our men having thus put the Enemy to flight pursued them within 4 miles of Bridgewater And in the flight the Enemy passing through their own Garrison of Langport most mischeivously and desperately fired the Town at the Bridge end to hinder our men in the pursuite but renowned Leivt Gen. Cromwell himself and his resolute Souldiers undauntedly resolved to passe through fire as renowned Massie had before through water as was fore-mentioned after them and so through the midst of Lang-port they passed although the fire was flaming very hot on both sides of them there being about 20 houses in all burnt down And heer mee thinks I cannot but take speciall notice of the faithfullnesse of our good God in all his holy and righteous promises which to his children as they are alwayes in Christ yea and Amen so at this time in a speciall and most peculiar manner that faithfull promise of his by the Prophet Isaiah was most exactly heer fulfilled to these his Saints and Christian Souldiers When thou possest through the waters I will bee with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee When thou also passest through the fire thou shalt not bee burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon thee for I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel and thy Saviour O the most particular and exact performance of this good word of God heer now I say to these his faithfull ones Even to wonder and admiration And thus it pleased the Lord to give us a glorious day of it by this so famous a defeat and apparent Victory Let the glory thereof bee ascribed primarily to our good God as to the Authour and giver of all Victories And in the next place to his pious prudent and valiant instruments our renowned Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax Leivtenant Generall Massie and Leivtenant Generall Cromwell and the rest of those valiant Commanders and Souldiers who were deeply ingaged therein A true and perfect List of the slain prisoners and prizes taken from the Enemy in this famous defeat Slain Gorings Quartermaster Generall of Horse Gorings Quartermaster Generall of Foot 60 Officers that were buried about Weston whereof some very eminent men 200 that were left dead upon the place whereof many Officers 100. or very nigh drowned Wounded Goring himself had a cut with a Sword over the eare Sir Thomas Aston and 3 or 4 Knights more wounded Taken Prisoners Leivtenant General Blothridge alias Bertridge Leivtenant Generall of the Ordnance Colon. Slingsby of Horse Colon. Hunningham of Horse Leivten Col. Standish of Horse Leivten Col. Gamble of Horse 3 Majors of Horse 4 Captains of Horse 11 Leivtenants of Horse 20 Cornets of Horse Colonels Leivtenant Colonels Majors Captains and Officers of Foot have not yet sent in their Lists save onely 3 of the Captaines of Horse 60 Inferiour Officers at least 1900 Prisoners Taken besides 35 Colours of Horse 21 Colours of Foot 2 Field peices 4000 and odde Armes 3 Cart-load of Ammunition 3 Cart-load of other purchase 2000 Horse taken and above Diverse Armes both of Horse and Foot daily found in the ditches which the enemy threw away when they fled The Camp Wh●res fled away th●row the hedges 700 of those that are taken petition to serve the Parliament The losse on our part 2 Reformado Captains slain Major Bethells thumbe and fore-fingers shattered Colon. Butlers Captain Leivtenant slain Colonell Cook shot on the mouth slightly on his upper lip 4 or 5 of Bethels Troop slain and about 16 of his Troop wounded and very few more killed on our side The House of Commons Ordered upon the happy intelligence of this famous Victory that 200 pound should bee given to valiant Major Bethell for his speciall service in this brave fight And two good horses to bee given to valiant and virtuous Major Harrison who brought the news thereof And especially as was most boundenly fit our most renowned Worthies in Parliament Ordered and appointed that a solemn day of Thanksgiving should bee celebrated for the Lords exceeding great mercy and goodnesse unto us the Copy of which their Order I have heer thought fit to insert as it was printed and published by their authority which was as followeth Die Lunae 14 Julii 1645. ORdered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled that Tuesday being the 22 of this instant July shall bee set apart for a publike day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God in all Churches and Chappels through the whole Kingdom under the power of the Parliament for the great and glorious Victory obtained by the Parliaments forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax on the Enemies forces in the West And that on the same day the Ministers doe likewise take notice of the great mercy of God in preserving the City of London during the sitting of this Parliament from the infection of the Plague and that this order bee printed and published Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament That the Committee of the severall Counties doe take care that the Order for a publick day of Thanksgiving on Tuesday sevennight bee dispersed to the severall Parishes in the respective Counties And that the Counties doe keep the same day And that the Members of this House that serve for the severall Counties doe send these Orders to the respective Committees accordingly And now all that I shall adde for the farther illustration of the just praise and glory of God touching this famous fight and glorious Victory shall bee onely these few serious and materiall Observations upon the same First that had not God made our Souldiers forget all their wearinesse and many other former and present difficulties and so hasted this famous work the Enemy had certainly been re-inforced with at least 5000 Welsh foot whereof 1500 were already come over Severn at that time Secondly Greenvile that vile Apostate and perfidious fugitive had undoubtedly brought down as many out of Cornwall with all
the younger Sir Robert Spotswood pretended Secretary of State and Son to the late pretended Archbishop S. Andrews Sir John Hay sometimes Clarke Register Sir James Dowglas Sonne to the Earl of Morton Sir David Murray Sir John Byres Sir Nathaniel Gordon Sir Alexander Lesly Serjeant Major Generall Sir William Rollock William Murray Brother to the Earle of Tullibrand Col. William Stewart adjutant-Generall Col. James Hay O Cain Lieutenant-Colonell to the Irish The Serjeant Major to the Earl of Antrim and di●●rs Gentlemen Prisoners of note killed LOdwick Lindsay Earl of Crawford Generall of the Horse The Baron of Innerleigh The Baron of Tough The Baron of Cambusnethen younger And Common Souldiers as was toucht before between 2 and 3000. In all which Fight our friends of the Scots lost not one Noble man or any Officer of note save onely Lieutenant Generall Middletons Father whom Montrosse before the Fight too murthered in his bed a grave old Gentleman that never tooke up Armes at all against him All Montrosses Carriages and Ammunition were taken all his Bagge and Baggage and above 4000 Armes And that Gods due glory may yet more illustriously appeare in this famous Fight and rare Victory I shall desire the Reader to take notice of these remarkable Observations on this Fight and Victory As First Montrosse having had so long a time after this last great Victory before Lesly came yet he had not gotten many thousands together Secondly That all this time not one Minister of Scotland complyed with the Enemy either to preach to them or to pray for them Thirdly That the Lord gave us this Victory in the space of an houre Fourthly That it was by an inconsiderable party not above five Regiments of Horse Fifthly That it was onely with the losse of fifteen Common Souldiers and two Captains on our side Sixthly That it was the very next day after our Fast or day of humiliation as a precious returne of our poore Prayers Seventhly and lastly that in the conclusion of the fight a paper-book was taken among our prizes in which were the names of all that either were come in or intended to come in unto Montrosse So as all the rotten members in the Kingdome of Scotland were thereby discovered in an houre and many of them cut off in a short time in this their overthrow Our Souldiers all cried out after the victorie Give all the glory to God and none to us This relation of this famous victorie though acted in and chiefly interested on the kingdome of Scotland yet having so much of God in it and no small influence on us of England also our Scottish-Brethrens wel-fare and ours being so mutually imbarked as it were in one and the same vessell I could not therefore pretermit it insilence but most justly make this honourable mention of it in this our Parliamentarie-Chronicle But now to proceed About the 18. of this instant September it pleaseth the Lord to shew himselfe wonderfully for us at the City or Towne of Chester in giving there unto renowned Sir William Breretons forces left under the Command of that valiant active and faithfull Colonell Iones and Adjutant Generall Louthane a most admirable victorie and such singular prosperous successe upon that City as gave us extraordinary hopes and probability of the timely totall reduction thereof to the obedience of the Praliament which having beene most exactly and faithfully certified and set forth by letters from thence I have here thought fit to give the Reader for his full content and satisfaction therein the Copie of one most authentick from a speciall Commander and actor therein which was as foloweth SIr It hath pleased the good hand of Gods providence and assistance to leade us on so prosperously and successefully in these parts of Cheshire that our Leaguer at Beeston-Castle hath continually kept the said Castle in great awe so kept in the enemie also at the City of Chester on Chester-side as that they could not at any time offend us but if they durst be so bold as to sally forth it hath still turned to their owne prejudice And now lately we heard for certaine that Byron their Governour went out of Chester on the welch side and we having much longed for noble Sir William Breretons comming down to command in chiefe among us which would no doubt ere this time have been an occasion of at least doubling our forces for the better and strong managing of our affaires heere But however we being unwilling to loose any advantage which we could possibly gaine or might be happily administred to us have at this time attempted a great designe yea such an one as you will iustly wonder at especially knowing the smallnes of our strength yet to God alone be all the praise and glory we are now both able to give a very good account of it for the present and we doubt not by Gods assistance we shall be able so to do for the future But noble Sir not to trouble you any farther with a tedious preamble time being precious with us at this time especially The busines was thus On Fryday last September 19 1645. We called a Councell of Warre in the Leaguer before Beeston Castle to consult about the marching to Chester to storme that Garrison and concluded that it should be done forthwith So we stole away from the Leaguer that night the Enemie within the Castle knowing nothing at all of the businesse and drew off about 1300. horse and foot from the Siege Collonel Iones commanded the horse and Adjutant Generall Louthany the foot and the next morning before the Enemie were awake we came upon them having marched all that night through the Moores passing over the River at Hupley and so on by the way of Wareton not so much as staying at Christleton to refresh our selves lest by our stay we should loose the opportunitie or be discovered We marched that night about eight miles and passed before breake of day between Christleton and Hunnington and so on to Boughton all which we carried on so privately that the Enemy had not so much as an alarme in the City We came before the City on the North east side thereof where we made no stop but presently fell to storming and by breake of day were got upon their Works and many of us got over in severall places before they heard any thing of us we tooke their workes betweene Cowland and Boughton quite to the walles of the City the enemy still flying before us we pursued them to the inner-worke which they shut up against us but we forced open the gates at the barres and still followed them driving them into the East gate which we had prevented them of had we not been stopped by the fastning of the gate which they did to gain opportunity to flye into the city we lost in all this not above 2. men killed many wounded the enemy carried away their dead all but one body many of
disputes appeared fixed on the top of a hill a little distant on that side Chester wherein the King was very confidently reputed to be for confronting whereof a party of Foot winged with Colonell Lidcot and Colonell Bethels Regiments were drawn into a convenient Close in the bottom as a grand Reserve but the night by this time falling the body on the hill appeared not and those in the bottome returned to their comrades sasiated with slaughter prisoners and booty of the vanquished Enemy While these things were thus agitated in the field the remainder of Foot left with Colonell Lowthian in the Suburbs were not idle for the Enemy made a strong sally upon them out of the City and were more strenuously repulsed the number of the slaine of the prisoners and horse taken is not yet knowne but is generally conjectured 800 slain 1500 men and 2000. horses taken there was brought in that night the underwritten list of the considerablest men taken and slaine in the fight which was as followeth Sir Thomas D●bridgecourt Sir Thomas Gore Colonell Thomas Weston sonne to the Earle of Portland and 6 more Colonells 7. Leivtenant Colonells 5. Majors 19. Captaines to one whereof the Queene had given a Scarffe to weare for her sake 14. Leivtenants 7. Cornets 19. Gent. of his Majesties Life-guard 20. other Gent. 5. Trumpeters 4. Quartermasters There were slaine in this fight as we were credibly informed 2. Lords whereof the one for certaine was the Lord Bernhard Stuart the Kings kinsman Earle of Litchfieild Sir Bryan Stapleton a new made Knight the Kings Agent for the bringing over of 10000. men out of Ireland one Colonell one Leivtenant Colonell with about 400. more Officers and Common Souldiers Between 800 and 1000. others taken prisoners Great store of armes much good pillage and many more horse and men taken in the pursuit whose exact number and conditions could not so suddenly be certified After the reading of Colonell Parsons Letter in Parliament whose relation as aforesaid I have principally followed the House of Commons entred into serious Debate of the prosecutions of this great victorie And ordered that certaine Members of that House should be forthwith sent down to Sir Tho. Fairefax then at 〈◊〉 to informe him and the Armie of this good successe which it had pleased the Lord to give our forces under the command of Major Gen. Poyntz and of the condition of the North and to desire a supply of forces to be sent thither upon a designe not then fit to be revealed in publike They also ordered that the Thursday then next ensuing should be appointed a day of Thanksgiven for this great victorie in the City of London Westminster and Lines of 〈◊〉 and the Thursday 7 night following for all the Counties within the power of the Parliament And 〈◊〉 an encouragement to that worthy and Gallant Souldier 〈◊〉 Gen. Poynez they ordered that 500. l should be bestowed 〈◊〉 him as a testimonie of the affection of the Houses toward 〈◊〉 And that which made this excellent victorie the more sweet and remarkable to us was that it was given us Even as a return of prayers or as a blessed prevention of prayer to set an edge of Spirituall zeale on our hearts in prayer it being obtained and given in unto us by the wise and gracious power and providence of our good God and bountifull and ever blessed Father upon the 24. of this instant Septem which was that Moneths publike solemne fast-day Othe● who would not faithfully wait rest and rely on such and so liberall a God who is readier to give than we to aske And this September the 29. according to the Ancient annu●ll custome of the renowned City of London there was an election of their New Lord Major of the said City for the yeare ensuing at the Guild-Hall in London where and at which time the Citizens whom it concerned advisedly and most unanimously chose Alderman Adams a pious prudent Gentleman and grave Citizen to be their Lord Major In whose most happie choice this renowned City is most like by the mercy of God to be as happie and honourable every way after this yeare of his Major 〈◊〉 as ever it was by any of his former famous and faithfull Pr●decessours And about this foresaid time the Commons assembled in Parliament received an Ordinance from the House of 〈◊〉 for making of a new Baron of the Exchequer which was read and past there and returned backe immediately to the Lords and fully past there also in the blanck whereof the House of Commons nominated and inserted for that place Richard Tomlins Esquir a Councellour of the Inner-Temple a faithfull worthy and pious Patriot as in a speciall manner his fidelity was formerly manifested to injurious persecuted pious Master Pri●●e for whom in those dangerous dayes he was of Counsell and stood close unto 〈◊〉 did most aboundantly declare And about this time also 〈◊〉 Parliamentary States prudently and providently tooke into their serious Consideration not only the choice of some new and truly well deserving Serjants of Law to be now necessarily made Judges viz. Serjeant Rolles to be a Judge in the Kings-Bench Serjeant 〈◊〉 a Judge in the Common-Plea's and Serjeant 〈◊〉 another of the Barons of the Exchequer But also for the future avoyding and prevention of those ungodly corruptions which have been formerly in those places it was most piously and prudently ordered that 1000. l. Per annum should be allowed to each Judge out of the Reve●●● to be paid 〈…〉 of Fees Liv●ries and such like former allowances A happie and holy Common-wealth 〈…〉 most like to be established when both worthie learned pious and prudent Governours Judges and Magistrates fearing God and hating Covetousnesse are thus chosen to fit at the Helme of Authority and Judicature and also such courses taken as may in all likelihood and equity by Gods Grace especially restraine wonted corruption and briberie and fairly induce them to doe Iustice to all without partiality and avarice which the Lord in mercy grant unto us that Iustice now at length may run about like Rivers in our streets as the Prophet speakes Amen and Amen About the end of this September we received certaine intelligence that Barclay Castle in Gloucestershire was surrendred to valiant and active Colonell Morgan and Colonell Rainsborough the taking whereof being a place of such strength and the manner of taking of it worthy an exact relation I have therefore thought 〈◊〉 for the Readers better content and satisfaction therein to insert the Letter of a speciall actor and Commander in that service and siege which was as followeth SIR Vnderstanding that you desire to be acquainted with the true manner of our taking in of Barclay Castle which it seems you have not yet had a full Relation of I have therefore here satisfied your desire and given you a full and faithfull account thereof which was thus The 〈◊〉 was
Commanders 〈◊〉 for the use of the King and Parliament And that which made the mercy much more sweet and remarkable was that the surrender of this Towne was a cleare and most evident returne of the prayers of Gods people who had the fast day before the Moneth of January beene pressing the throne of grace for this great mercy in particular And now this Thursday February 6. being the day of solemne Thankesgiving set a part by speciall command of the Parliament for Gods great goodnesse in the obtaining of the strong Towne and Castle of Dartbmouth whiles the Parliament was in the midst of that God-delighting dutie of Thankesgiving in Margrets-Church in Westminster there came a Gentleman belonging to renowned Sir William Brereton with letters directed to the Speaker of the House of Commons certifying that the Citie and Castle of Chester were surrendred to Sir William for the use of the King and Parliament the third day of this instant Februarie about the houres of 11 or 12. at Noone upon very faire yea indeed too faire termes and conditions to such a bloody Butcher as Byron was save only in mercy and pittie to the poore and miserably long-besieged without and much abused within Inhabitants of the City and to avoyd the utter ruine and devastation thereof which this bloody Byron had vowed rather than to surrender on termes inferiour to those now thus granted For in the present condition thereof it was exceedingly impoverished by the Enemies obstinacie and cruelty within very little provisions to be found therein save only of armes and ammunition whereof indeed was good store The particulars wherof take in this list thereof the best and fullest that was then imparted to us There were taken in the City of 〈◊〉 upon the surrender thereof 300. Peeces of Ordnance 3000. armes 20. Ships and smaller Vessells 40. Barrells of Powder and good store of Bullet 2000. Bandileers 200. Firelocks ●2 Skenes of Match 200. Horse 300. Sadles and other furniture 30. Hogsheads of Wine 17. Firkins of Butter very little Cheese 20 Wagons 17. Flitches of Bacon and a little salt-beefe for the Officers 8000. Ounces of Plate and good store of other rich treasure in Byrons quarters for Byron himselfe was permitted to carry away with him not above 50. l. in mony the Seale of the County-Palatine a 1000. Records and Evidences there were also in the City two Powder-Mills and 250. Irish Prisoners This City and that of Dartmouth were of singular concernment and very great mercies to the Parliament and their losse so 〈◊〉 the greater to the Enemie blessed be our God for it for● this of Chester was most Convenient for landing of the Irish-R●●● and that of Dart-mouth for the French besides the strength which the Enemie had in them which is now by this meanes much weakned and scattered and our forces also which were a●● them now at libertie to be elsewhere imployed on other usefull and important avocations toward Oxford Litchf●ild or some such places About the 8. of this instant Februarie we had certaine intelligence by Letters from Leicester that a party of about 80. horse and 40. dragoones were sent out of Leicester under the command of Major Meeres a very valiant and discreet Gentleman by night into Ashbie de la Zouth who carried on the designe exceeding ●●avely and marched with such expedition and privacie that they came to Ashbi● about 11. of the clock that night altogether undiscovered which was about 12. miles march whither being come they suddainly surprised the Centinells fell in at the Turnpike broke the chaine and entred the Towne tooke neere 100. of the Enemies Horse being the greatest part of the horse of that Garrison 30. whereof were ready Sadled and fitted to have gone forth upon some designe of theirs all of them excellent good horses and some of them worth 20. 30. and neere 40. l. a horse they tooke store of armes and more other Pillage released divers prisoners and some Country men whom the Enemie had taken for ransomes and thus having plundred the Towne in part of requitall of the many mischiefe● and plundring of that Garrison to the Parli●●●ts friends all these 〈◊〉 friends returned to Leicester without the least molestation the Enemie who was in the great House or Close either not 〈◊〉 the alarme or nor daring to come forth at all against them And thus I say they came safely back againe to Leicester with all their horse prize and pillage And about the 10. of this instant we received certaine information by Letters out of the West of the most prosperous proceedings of the Parliaments forces in those parts And how the Enemie did mightily desert their Colours and Commanders yea and how that some of the Commanders themselves with their Souldiers came in unto our renowned Generall Sir Thomas Fairfaxes party and in particular that a Commander with a party of Horse from the Princes Army came voluntarily and proffered his Service to his Excellency who was most nobly entertained by our renowned Generall And the said Commander did also assure his Excellency that as soone as oportunity did serve divers more intended to come away from the Enemie a great part whereof were North-Countrie Gentlemen who had an earnest desire to serve his Excellency And that a party of Sir Franis Drakes regiment went to visit a guard of the Enemies kept at Burrington where they tooke the Major and all his guard being about 40. Horse in number this partie of ours was commanded by Major Stephens he that formerly routed Gorings Brigade and tooke his Colours from him About the 12. of the instant Februarie our prudent and provident Worthies of the House of Commons tooke into their serious consideration the great obstructions in severall parts of the kingdome and how much it might prejudice the people in case they should not enjoy the benefit of the Lawes of the kingdome Whereupon they ordered That as formerly Commissions should be issued forth under the Great-Seale of England to the justices of Assizes and Oyer and Terminet Goale-deliveries and Nisi-prius should continue and proceede in their power in their Circuits according to former Votes and instructions A singular good worke indeed and much conducing to settlement of the peace and tranquility of the Common-wealth the long intermission whereof which could not till now be well remedied by reason of the Civill-warres among us having beene of great prejudice to the whole Kingdome And the 19. of this instant Februarie being Thursday the House had ordered a day should be set a part as a solemne day of Thankesgiving for the great mercie of God to this Kingdome for the happie surrender of the City of Chester into the Parliaments possession and that a Collection should be made in all the Churches for the releife of the Sicke mained and wounded Souldiers that lay before that place and likewise for the releife of other distressed people in and about that Citie
by storming it by our brethren of Scotland The Scots pious prudent carriage before the storming of Newcastle Marley the Major of Newcastle his proud dissembling carriage toward the Sc●ts What great most just cause England hath for ever to love most entirely their faithfull brethren of Scotland Malignants most slanderous mouths justly stopped A brave exploit performed by renowned Col. Seel●y Governour in Lyme The most just reasons of an Ordinance of Parliament against Irish Rebels taken prisoners by Sea or Land who are to have no quarter granted them Certain intelligence brought to London that ours and the Kings forces were within 2 or 3 miles of Newberry and like to be engaged The Copy of a Letter sent to the honourable Speaker of the House of Commons relating the whole fight at Newberry 28 Octob. 1644. The King in Newberry The Enemies strength at Newberry was 8000 foot and 5000 horse God heer took more care for his servants than the King did of his best Subjects Our Army was necessitated to quarter al night in the open field Ours took 2 or 3 cart loads of the Kings provision and 100 horse and foot of the enemies The fight begun The fight maintained for at least 3 houres space with admitable courage fiercenes on both sides The Earl of Cleveland others taken prisoners 9 of our brave peices of Ordnance which had been lost in Cornwall heer now recovered our men fought like devils as the Cornish Souldiers cryed our running away The King ●●ed out of Newberry with only one Troop of horse General Gorings brother shot dead in the fight Prisoners t●ken at Newberry fight The King flying out of Newberry reviles the Major Prizes-taken at about Newb. An Order of Parliament for a day of publik Thank●giving to God 〈◊〉 brave def●at happy Victory A just check to our improvidence in not improving this braveadvantage as we might have done The Castle in the Town of Newcastle taken by our brethren of Scotland The names of the prisoners taken in the Castle A most famous defeat given to the Enemies at Bever Vale by Sir Jo. Gells Sir Tho. Fairfax his forces 800 horse and 400 prisoners taken at Bever-Vale Colonell Syden●ams good service in the West Leverpool in Lancashire surrendred up to Sir Jo. Meldrum The manner how Leverpool was taken Prisoners taken the goods of the Town recovered by Sea Tinmouth-castle surrendred unto Generall Leven with 38 peices of Ordnance in it and great store of o●her Armes Ammunition The most wise providentiall degrees of Gods completing his mercies to us This Moneths day of humiliation was also most justly turned as much into a day of exultation Reverend Mr. Cases baptizing of the surrender of Newcastle with the name of G●d a Multitude The Burning-Bush not consumed 1. A brief most grateful ●ecap●tulation of all the memorable mercies of this moneth of October 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Burning-Bush not consumed Isa 54. 16 17. Ibid. ver 15. Psal 18. 31. 46 Novemb. 1644. A brave exploit performed by Captain Stones one of valiant Col. Ridgele yes Officers in armes against the Enemy about Eccleshall This 5 of November a day of publik thanksgiving for divers great and famous victories The great triumph in the City of London on this solemn day of thanksgiving The Enemies Garrison at Sir Jo. Strangeways House in Dorsetstire stormed taken by Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper The storming of this Garrison continued 6 hours together Between 30 40 of our men blown up with powder in the taking of this house A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Helmsley castle Free Trading with Newcastle re-established by the Parlia Helmsley castle in Yorkeshire taken by the thrice noble Lord Fairfax A brave defeat given to the Enemy in Lincolnshire by Major Harrison A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Axminster by Lime forces A rich ship driven into Lime Haven by a storm Another brave defeat given to the Enemy by Lime Garrison Laughorn castle in South-wales taken by Colonell Beal A brave exploit performed by Col. Sydenham against the Enemy at Dorchester The admirable courage valour of Colon. Sydenham and his Souldiers A grateful summary review of the various ways of the Burning Bush not consumed Psal 46. 11. Decemb. 1644. A brave defeat given to the Enemies at Salisbury by Sergeant Major Dewet Colonell Cooke Leivtenant-Col Hook with others taken prisoners The self-denying Ordinance for calling home al the Members of both Houses of Parliament The substance of the Ordinance or Vote it self A day of Humiliation ordered to bee set apart for both Houses in private to seek the Lord touching this great Vote Isaiah 65. 1. Crowland taken by Col. Rainesborough A brave defeat given to the Enemy at ●ed●ury by renowned Col. Massie Good service done by Sir Tho. Middletons forces about Mountgomery-shire A brave defeat given to the Enemy in the West by Col. Holborn Plots conspiracies of the Enemies discovered and prevented Stafford Town and Castle in danger Dover●castle Abbington Ail●bury Reading Plymouth Lyn-Regis in great danger to have been betrayed An exact relation of the crafty contrivement d●scovery of the plot to betray Lyn-Regis The Kings esteem of Lyn-Regis Captain Lemon seems to consent to the plot The Governour of Lyn made acquainted with the businesse The brave carriage of the businesse Leivtenant S●ubbin 5 or 6 more with him sent from Lyn by the Governour came in a disguise to perfect the work Mr. Strange findes himself betrayed Mr. Strange his Commissiō taken and sent up to the Parliament The Copy of the Commission Iounton-Dean in the West releived Colon Holborns activity brave service in the West Care taken by the Parliament for the choosing of good Officers in the City of London Captain Redmans brave service neer Northampton Knaresborough-castle in Yorkshire taken Cumhire Abbey a strong Garrison of the enemies in Mountgomery shire taken by Sir Tho. Middleton Captain Stones brave defeat given to the Enemy at Tongue-castle Another by Major Dewet And another by Col. Thorney The most noble Queen of Sweden desires Association with the Parliament of England The Burning-Bush not consumed Psal 367 8. 32. 7. January 1644. Sir Alexander Carew beheaded for treason Sir John Hotham beheaded for treason Captain Hotham also Son of Sir John Hotham beheaded on Towre-Hill A remarkable passage of Divine providence The Directory for pure worship Voted in Parliament the Common-Prayer Book abolished The Arch Prelate of Canterb. to be now effectually brought to his Condemnation A remarkable note Divers brave exploits performed by the Parliaments forces against the Enemies Cardigan Town Castle taken by Col. Laughorn in Wales and a brave prize at Sea The Arch Prelate of Canterbury executed for treason on Towre-Hill Isaiah 6. 10. Prov. 11. 10. A brave defeat given to the Kings forces at Abbington by renowned Major Generall Brown A Copy of Col. Harsnets Letter to Capt. Jones touching
Parliamentary Chronicle The SuburB of the City of Chester wo● by valiant active Colo●●● Iones The manner entring in the Subu●●● of Chester 〈◊〉 our forces A brave defeat given to a party of the Kings horse about Kidderminster by renowned Major Generall Poyntz Cardiff Town and Castle surrendred to the Parliaments forces The Devires Towne and Castle taken by valiant Leivtenant Generall Cromwell 〈◊〉 House in Wiltshire surrendred to the Parliament All Pembrokeshire reduced to the Parliaments obedience The Parliaments gratitude to Colonell Generall Laughorne Thanksgiving to God for these so great mercies The famous Victory obtained by Major Gen. Poyntz at Routon Heath neer Chester The King prepares to relieve Westchester Major Generall Poyntz his admirable activity to follow prevent the King Major Generall Poyntz his remarkable march to prevent or overtake the King The fight begun fiercely The Enemy put to a retreat O●rs sorely put to it Col. Bethell and Col. Graves sorely wounded Ours much 〈◊〉 by the Enemy Major Generall Poyntz his Horse wounded on the head The admirable courage of Major Generall Poyntz The Enemy routed mixed with troubled ours The Enemy appeared again in a body on a hill The Enemy sallyed out of the City are repulsed Prisoners and prizes taken The slaine The Lord Bernhard Earl of Litchfield A day of deserved thanksgiving appointed by order of Parliament 500. ● Sent as a token to renowned Major General Poynz Alderman Adams chosen Lord Major of the City of London Religious Mr. Tomlins made a Baron of the Exchequer Other well deserving Gentlemen of the Law made Judges by the Parliament Barkley Castle surrendree to valiant Colonell Morgan and Colonell Rainsborough The Burning-Bush unconsumed Not a month a week nay hardly a day void of one mercy or other unto us Psal 68. 19. Psalm 32. 7. October 1645. A brave defeat given to the Enemie by Colonel Moore Governour of Gaunt-house Farleigh-Castle in Somersetsh taken Sandal-Castle in Yorkeshire taken Winchester Towne and Castle taken by victorious Leivten Generall Cromwell The list of what was taken from the edemie in Winchester Castle The strength of Winchester-Castle The Parliaments intended mercy even to Malignants and Delinquents The Excellent wisedome and justice of the Parliament mixed with their foresaid mercie Bazing-House taken A list of the prizes and prisoners taken at Bazing-House The slain and wounded Chepstow Town and Castle in Monmouthshire besieged and taken by valiant Colonell Morgan The Parliaments piety and gratitude The Parliaments integrity about the election of new Members for the House of Commons The writ for the right chusing of Members of the House of Commons A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Farringdon by Abington Forces A brave defeat given by Col Rossiter to the Banbury Forces which conducted the two Princes to Newarke Valiant Captain Allen Governour of Burleigh Garrison unhappily slaine Langford House neare Salisbury taken A note most worthy to be taken notice of Sir William Vaughan● Regiment bravely beaten The famous defeat given to the Enemy at Sherburne in Yorkshire Col. Copleyes Letter touching the most famous defeat given to the Enemy at Sherburne The Enemy surprizeth our Forces in Sherburne both Horse and Foote The difficulties our Forces met about Sherburne Both parties meet together in the Field The substance of Sir Marmaduke Langdalet Speech to his Souldiers before this fight The fight begun The Enemy routed and put to flight The Lord Digby wounded in the Fight and foure Pistols fired on Sir Marmaduke Langdale The Enemy pursued three miles Scarcely ten of our men slaine The importance of this businesse All our men and Arms recovered that were taken before The admirable and almost miraculous taking in of Tiverton Towne and Castle Major Generall Massie enters Tiverton The Generall fits downe before the Castle Church The admirable providence of God here that one of our Canoneers shootes a shot at adventure and breakes down the Draw-bridge of the Castle The Castle Church entred by 〈◊〉 Souldiers The Generals clemency The Prisoners and prizes taken in the Church and Castle The good condition of Wales for the Parliament Carmarthen Towne and Castle taken The Declaration of the County of Carmarthen Monmouth Towne and Castle taken by Colonell Morgan The manner of taking the Castle The prizes taken in the Castle The Parliaments gratitude to God for these great mercies and thanks to Col. Morgan The Letters taken in the Lord Digbyes Coach at Sherburne in Yorkshire read in the Parliament The substance of 3. or 4. of those Letters A brave defeat given to the enemy neer Denbigh Castle who intended to relieve Chester Another brave defeat given to the Enemy at Holt-bridge where Sir William Byren was taken prisoner Another most famous defeat and brave victorie over the Lord Digby and Sir Marmaduke Langdale in their march into Scotland to joyne with Montrosse The Lord Digby crost in his way and forced to goe another way The Burning-Bush unconsumed Isa 25. 9 10 11. Isa 28. 29. Psal 9. 19 20. November 1645. Two excellent Ordinances of Parliament Shelford-house stormed and taken by valiant Major Gen. Poyntz Shelford-house summoned The House taken A sore slaughter made in the House by the Enemies obstinancie Digbyes late scattered forces being rallyed again are againe met with and miserably mangled and brought to nothing Abarashwait a strong Garrison of the enemies in Cardiganshire taken Thanks returned to the Lord on this 5. of November for the happy preservation and Continuation of this present Parliament Thankes and praises also returned to the Lord by order of Parliament for the City of Londons preservation from the plague of Pestilence Worton Garrison surrendred Wiverton Garrison taken Welbeck-house surrendred Bolton Castle in the North surrendred A brave defeat given to the Enemy neer Canon-Froom and a notable Engine taken from them Col. Morgan frights away the Enemy The Engine is left behinde The Engine was called a Sow The description of it Master Rouses Psalmes approved of by the Assemb●y of Divines A brave defeat given to the Lord Ashton and himself slain therin About forty of the Kings Life Guard surprized by Major Blundell of Reading The just and glorious commemoration of rare and renowned Queen Elizabeth on the 17 of November 1 Sam. 2. 30. Psal 112. 6. A briefe but bad and sad mention of King James his life and death 1 Sam. 2. 30. Prov. 10. 7. King James quite forgotten in the hearts of his people King James and King Charles not true to their Principles King James King Charles and Queene Elizabeth paraleld together in point of Reformation Queen Elizabeths rule King James and King Charles rule Parliaments made the Kings Stauking Horses to get Subsidies Arbitrary Tyranny The Power of godlinesse to be beaten downe Popery or prophanesse to be set up in Germanies blood Roc●els and the Isle of Rees blood Irelands blood England and Scotlands blood Other blood not yet revealed The Authors of all this The crafty colour of all
this A brave prize taken at Sea by Plymouth Garrison A brave defeat given to the enemie in Gloucestershire where Major Duet that French Renegado was slain Major Duet slai●e The prisoners and prizes taken A Notable testimonie of the Parliaments integrity touching Protections and Bribes The Burning-Bush unconsumed 1. 2. Psal 60. 12. Isaiah 41. 10. 11. Psal 116 December 1645. Newark besieged and Muschamp Bridge and Fort taken by our Brethren of Scotland General Lesley made Commander in chiefe of all the Forces both English and Scottish before Newark The County of Brecknock in Wales comes in to the Parliament Latham House taken Fulford House taken Hereford surprized and taken by a brave stratagem Col. Morgan and Col. Birch provide to promote the designe The Souldiers sore march the first setting forth The whole armie come neer unto Hereford A Copie of the warrant which helped to win Hereford The manner of managing the busines with the Constable and his warrant The draw-bridge is let down The Constable knocks down the Centinell The Fire-locks rush out and haste to the City The Towne fully entred and obtained Lords and Knights 21. in number Leivtenant Colonells and Majors 10. in number besides Judge Jenkins Many Gentl. of Quality At least 2000. Papists The great consequence of the obtainning this City The Messengers of this good newes to the Parliament rewarded Orders of Parliament voted and confirmed upon this great providence of God 1 2 3 4 5 Great gratitude expressed by the Parliamen● both to God and man for this great mercy Lieutenant Barrow the pretended Constable rewarded by the Parliament Canon-Tean a strong Fort taken at Exeter Callyntine House taken Skipton Castle surrendred to the Parliament The Freedome of almost all the Northerne parts The singular providence of the City of London and of the Parliament for the defence and safety of the said City The Burning-Bush not consumed Psal 62. 7 8. January 1646. Plymouths singular good successe against their besieging Enemies Canterbury Fort taken Saint Beudeaux taken The prisoners and prizes taken The slain on both sides A brave victorie obtained by our Forces at Bovy-Tracy in the West The prisoners and prizes taken Iminster taken Ashburton taken Totnes taken Okehampton taken The most brave victorie over the Rebels in Ireland at Sligo The slaine Gods good providence in the apprehension of certain Papers and Letters from the Archbishop of Tuain The danger of Treaties with our Malignant adversaries Yea of a Personal Treatie with the King himselfe Remarkable mischiefe and impiety discovered in the Kings party A Copy of the Kings Letter to the Parliament The summe of the Parliaments Answer to the Kings Letter for a treaty for a pretended peace Plymouth totally relieved and relinquished by the Enemies Plymouth made good advantage of the flight of their Enemies Sir Francis Drakes House taken Dartmouth summoned Captain Batten Vice-Admiral helps to besiege Dartmouth Sy Sea The City of London petitions the Parliament about Church-Government A brave defeat given to Wallingford Forces by Major Generall Brownes Forces Dartmouth Towne and Castle taken by storme The relation of the manner of taking Dartmouth signified by Sir Thomus Fairfaxes Letter to the Parliament Prisoners taken Prizes taken Major Pollard slaine on the Enemies side Deserved thanks and reward given to our renowned Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax Certain observations on the Premisses A Solemne day of Thanksgiving ordered to be kept in London and over the Kingdome A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Cark neere Stafford Pouldram Castle taken The most noble and renowned Generals singular mercy and clemency toward his Enemies Sir Thomas Fairfax a second Caesar A Ship from France taken at Dartmouth with Letters of great consequence The Burning-Bush unconsumed 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jer. 10. 7. Zecha 25. February 1646. Belvoir-Castle surrendred to the Parliament The City of Westchester taken A most sweet and evident returne of Prayer Chester surrendred upon very conditions and the reason therof The prizes taken in the City of Chester A brave defeat given to the Enemie at Ashbie de-la Zouth The good and prosperous successe of our armie in the West The Assizes of Oyer and Terminer revived A Solemne Thanksgiving for Chester and a charitable Collection made A fresh spurre to quicken the spirit of praises Torrington Church fired by the Enemy Hoptons Army totally routed The valour of the Cornish men Prisoners prizes and spoil in and after this fight The slaine in this fight The Parliaments gratuity to the Messengers that brought this good newes A day of solemne thanksgiving set apart for this great Victory at Torrington The Court of Wards utterly put down A Copy of the Order or Vote in Parliament for puting downe the Court of Wards The brave victorie obtained over the Enemie at Cardiffe in Glamorganshire Colonell Kern the High-Sheriffe revolts and joynes with the Malig. Gentry against the Par●iament A second fight and brave victory The slain prisoners and prizes The great concernment of this victory The Parliaments gratitude to Maior Gen. Laughorn for this good service Corffe Castle delivered up to the Parliament The Burning Bush not Consumed 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 Psal 116. 12 13 14. March 1646. Launceston in Cornwall taken by the Parliaments Forces Abington most ●ercely a●sauled and most bravely defended and preserved Our men most bravely charges the Enemy The Enemies beaten out of the Town The hurt on our side Some of ours most desperately fought in their shirts only The King vowed to have Abington and to fire it A passage of speciall providence in the preservation of Abington Abingtons bad and sad condition had it now been taken Ashbie de la-Zouch surrendred to the Parliament Our Armies singular good successe in Cornwall and the taking of Bodman Listithiel and VVare Bridge A brave defeat given to the Enemy by valiant Colonell Moore The Summons sent to Hopton A brave defeat given to the Enemy at Saint Culbumbe in Cornwall and that Garrison taken them Sir Ralph Hopton expects supplies out of Ireland Foy taken Pendennis besieged A List of the number of 〈◊〉 Gentry of Cornwall came in to the Parliament Maus Castle surrendred Sir William Vaughau well beaten by Captain Ashley The activity of the brav● Committee of Shrewsbury Shruardon Castle taken Goodrich Castle taken The famous fight and glorious victory obtained against Sir Jacob Ashley A description of the fight at Stow in the Ould Sir Jacob Ashleyes cro●se and crafty marches put Sir William Brereton to tedious marches Both Armies are met The signall Word on both sides The fight begun The Enemy totally routed and pursued The Lord Ashley taken prisoner Sir Charles Lucas also taken prisoner Sir Jacob Ashleyes words to our Souldiers sitting on a Drum A List of the prisoners and prizes taken in the battle at Stow in the Ould All the enemie to depart from Truro The extraordinary faire carriage of the Souldiers The 9. Brigades that were disbanded Our Armie to march Eastward A Dunkerk
forced to leave their Horses in the flight and to hide themselves in a Corn-field some of the speciall prisoners then taken were Colonell Sir James Prestwich Leivtenant Colonell Cottingham Captain James Anderton with five or six Captaines more six or seven Leivtenants four Cornets one Quarter-master eight or ten Gentlemen of worth and quality two Priests or malignant Ministers and as I said before above two hundred and fifty common Souldiers And heer now give mee leave good Reader to give thee this necessary note or observation upon some of the forepast premises especially touching Gods very gracious dealing with his much menaced and molested Servants in Lanoashire and Cheshire and those parts and his most just and revenging hand of displeasure upon that bold and bloody Prince Robber and his great strength of Horse wherein hee much boasted and ●oulstred up his proud hopes of subduing or ruinating those Counties For in a very short space it was sorely and suddenly abated and decreased by the great hand of God towards us As first a● Welsh-pool as I have forementioned there were taken by Sir Thomas Middleton and Colonell Mitton with the assistance of the Forces of Cheshire three hundred forty six Horses of Ruperts own Regiment and within a sevennight after that there were taken by Colonell Ashton at Holland in Lancashire two hundred Horse At Preston also in Lancashire presently after at least threescore Horse and at this last mentioned brave skirmish by the Lancashire Forces at Ormskirk in Lancashire about nine hundred Horse and by Sir William Brereton at Tarvin as was fore-specified at least three hundred Horse which in all make up about one thousand eight hundred Horse besides the prisoners then taken with them And about the foure and twentieth of this instant August I received a summary Relation of the valiant actions of that loyall and active brave Commander Colonell Fox so much inveighed against by that base Pamphleter Aulicus the Kings Lyer in cheif as witty Britanicus rightly titles him which I thought not sit to let slip or to sleep in oblivion which were as followeth Upon this vigilant Commanders discovering of the quartering of Worcester forces in Vpon-Warren some twelve miles from his Garrison hee went forth with a party of Horse and took in their quarters Leivtenant Colonell Dudley as appeared by a Commission found in his pocket Captain Milward Leivtenant Newberry Quarter-master Dod two Corporals ten other Souldiers and twenty Horse and with these hee also brought away a drove of Cattle from the Earl of Shrewsbury and a little after hee took Captain Knight in his Quarter at Stoke neer Bromsgrave And not long after upon intelligence that the Commission of Array sate in execution thereof at Ombersley foure miles from Worcester and seventeen miles from Egherson Garrison hee desired my Lord of Denbighs forces to joyn with him for their apprehension which was accordingly attempted where they took forty prisoners divers of them being men of note an hundred and thirty brave Horses an hundred and fifty Beasts but most of the Commissioners very hardly escaped by reason of some delayes of the Earles forces who stayed a little too long upon some other design neer Worcester contrary to the Colonells direction and desire yet notwithstanding by reason of the Colonells and his cubs pursuite after them over the River Severn where they were enforced to swim hee recovered divers excellent Horse and Armes and so returned with this prize in safety And upon the twentyeth of this instant the said valiant and vigilant Colonell having intelligence of some Cavaliers to lie in Bromsgrove hee sent forth a party of Horse under the command of Captain Tadman and Captain Johnson who surprized in the place Captain Barnsley and all his Souldiers hee being a Gentleman of note and quality and a W●●●ster Captain And thus this noble Colonell did so hunt and fright the Cavaliers in all those parts that scarcely one of them were heard of in the Country thereabout but hee presently pulled them into his den nor durst any enemy come out of Worcester to oppose his proceedings insomuch as that the greatest Malignants and Papists about him were forced to flie or make their peace with him About the foure and twentieth also of this instant August wee were certainly informed by Letters out of Darbyshire that whereas that most active and valiant Commander and loyall Patriot of his Country Sir John Gell had long time lyen before Winck field-mannour the Sanctuary of all the Papists and Delinquents of that County hee was now by the brave assistance of the most noble Earl of Manchesters forces become Master of it it being now at last surrendred up into his possession on fair termes and Articles of agreement with all the Armes and Ammunition therein except only what the Cavaleirian Commanders carryed away with them for their own particular uses which were only each Commander his Sword and Pistoll There were in the House above there hundred Souldiers and fourteen peices of Ordnance and it was a House very strongly fortified and of no small concernment to us in the taking of it And now Sir John Gell was by Gods mercy as good as his word who had vowed hee would never leave the said siege till if God so pleased hee had the place and brave Colonell Crawford with part of the Earl of Manchesters forces came as I toucht before seasonably to his assistance and was a great help unto him in the said businesse And about the six and twentieth of August our most pious prudent and vigilant Parliament published an Ordinance of Parliament wherein it was Ordered that the Counties of Wilts Sommerset Devon Dorset and Cornwall with the Cities of Bristoll and Excester as also the Town and County of Pool bee Associated for their mutuall Defence against the Cavalierian Adversary and that the Committees nominated in the Ordinance of Parliament of the first of July shall put in execution the said Ordinance in the Counties afore-mentioned and that all the Colonells Leivtenant Colonells Captaines and other Officers are also to Associate themselves and with the well-affected of the said Counties to ayd and succour one another and giving thereby full power and Authority to the said Committees to put in execution the Ordinance for Voluntary Loanes and Contributions to the Parliament for raising of Monies and Forces for the suppression of all Malignant forces against the Parliament It was thereby also Ordered that the Earl of Northumberland the Earl of Pembrook and the Earl of Salisbury the Lord Roberts and the Lord Bruce with the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the said Counties in the House of Parliament have power to nominate and appoint all Colonells Leivtenant Colonells Serjeant Majors both of Horse and Foot to Command the Forces so raised in the Association and the Lord Generall or such as shall from time to time command in Cheif shall grant Commissions to them accordingly Much
and brave Commander Colonell Ridgeley a principall and prudent Commander in the Earle of Denbighs Army about Staffordshire who about the beginning of this Moneth of November understanding that the Enemy in those parts began to stirre apace and to molest the peace and people of the Country thereabout and especially that the Enemy from Tongue-castle and Linshall Garrison were got about Eccleshall and had there gotten and taken away all the Cattle and horse that they could light upon in those parts to the number of about 200 at least Hee therefore I say sent out Captain Stones a brave Officer in Armes of his Regiment who with a considerable party being upon their March by his Scouts discovering which way the said Enemy moved hasted after them and having overtaken them hee most valiantly advanced up unto them and with his men fell most courageously upon them and presently put them to the rout took 27 of them prisoners slew 2 or 3 of them on the place and wounded many among which prisoners hee took Sergeant Major Fleetwood Sir Richard Fleetwoods Son and one Almand a most desperate and active Cavalier who had done much mischeif in those parts who also was sorely wounded and rescued all the 200 horse and Cattle from them and restored them to their right Owners at their return home And about the same time Captain Wagstaffe and Captain Wakefield with part of Colonell Chadwicks and Colonell Leighs Troops went forth together in their assignations about Hampton and in their March hearing that some of the Enemies were quartered thereabout they marched up unto them fell upon them in their quarters took about 13 or 14 of them prisoners and brought away above 20 good horse to Stafford with them And although I breifly mentioned a mixture of Thanksgiving together with our last day of the monethly Humiliation in the conclusion of the moneth of October last for the late many and great Victories given by our good God to the Parliaments forces yet now give mee leave good Reader heer to acquaint thee that our ever to bee honoured and most pious Worthies in Parliament Ordered by speciall appointment that the 5 of this instant November which was the former anniversary-day of publick Thanksgiving for our most happy deliverance from the Popish Gunpowder-plot should also bee a particular day of solemn Thanksgiving to the Lord and was accordingly performed for our most memorable Victory at Newberry for the taking in of the Town of Newcastle and the Castle therein also together with the taking of Tinmouth castle the yeelding up of Leverpool to Sir John Meldrum and the brave defeat given to our Cavalierian adversaries in Lincolnshire Which said day of Thanksgiving for all these rare and famous Victories was very solemnly kept thorow-out the Cities of London and Westminster with Sermons in all Churches both forenoon and afternoon with ringing of Bells shooting off Ordnance at all the Forts round about the City and making many and mighty bonfires at night And to adde to all this dayes triumph as the Lord Major accompanyed with the Aldermen and Sheriffes his Brethren together with the severall Companies of the said City of London then attending him came back from the Sermon at Pauls Church through Cheapside there was just in the place where once that abominable monument of Idolatry the Crosse stood a frame of firre-wood set up and upon it divers Popish pictures and Romish Reliques Bookes Beads and Crucifixes were set on fire and bravely burnt to ashes making a most beautifull bonfire as they all past along Cheapside by it Praised bee the Lord who caused us thus justly to rejoyce About the 8 of this instant November wee received credible information out of the West by a Letter from a Commander of note and quality of the storming and taking of a strong Garrison of the Enemies which was Sir John Strangewaies House in Dorsetshire and had been a very ill neighbour to our renowned Garrison of Lime which service was most bravely performed by that valiant and loyall Patriot Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Commander in cheif for the Parliament in that County a Copy of which Letter relating the gallant service performed therein for the Readers better content and satisfaction I have heer inserted Sir c. Wee marched from Dorchester to Abot●bury where Colonell James Strangewayes and all his Regiment were in Garrison they held both the House and the Church which joyned to the House It was night before wee summoned it and they in a scorn refused the summons of Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper a very active and noble Gentleman our Commander in cheif whereupon hee sent his Major Generall with a considerable party against the Church who presently assaulting it took it and all the men in it prisoners without the losse of one man of ours After this wee summoned them in writing the second time to yeild on fair quarter or else to expect no mercy if they forced us to storm them To this also they disdained to return an Answer upon which denya●● wee fell on and after as hot a storm as ever I heard of for six houres together it pleased God at length to give us the place when by no other means wee could get it wee found a way by desperately flinging in fired turf-fagots into the windowes and the fight thus grew so hot that our said Commander in chief who to his perpetuall renown behaved himself most gallanly in this service was forced to bring up his men within Pistoll shot of the House and could hardly then get them to stay and stand the brunt yet in all this time God bee praised wee lost but 3 men and some few wounded Now when as by the foresaid hot assault half of the house was on a light fi●e and not to bee quenched then at length Colonell James Strangewayes called out for quarter which our Commander in cheif was resolved no man in the House should have in regard they had so desperately and disdainfully scorned his summons and also in regard that the Cavaliers custome was observed to bee to keep such paltry houses and pilfring Garrisons against any of our Armies that they might therby bee sure to doe us mischeif and by reason of our observed clemency to have their lives at last granted to them But some of our Commanders upon one side of the House contrary to the minde of our said Commander in cheif and against the opinion of all the Officers in his absence had given them quarter which being granted them wee instantly rushed into the House which being of a light fire and their Magazine in it I beleive rather accidentally than as some reported purposely and trecherously it set on fire 4 or 5 barrels of Gunpowder and blew up between 30 and 40 of our men yet the Lord bee blessed my self and the rest were even miraculously preserved Wee took prisoners Colonell James Strangewayes Sir John Strangewayes his Son Governour of
to him and they then also took order for monies to pay his well-deserving Souldiers as had been desired And they having formerly bestowed 200 pound per annum upon Owen Occonelly for his good Service in discovering the plot in Ireland who not receiving the same according to the said Order the House of Commons therefore Ordered the due and constant payment of the said 200 pound per annum out of the old customs of the Kingdom Thus Honos alit artes virtus compensata crescit And about the 23 instant wee had Letters out of Staffordshire which certified that when the Kings forces advanced for the releif of Chester then most hopefully besieged by ever to bee honoured Sir William Brereton by Stafford and Shropshire Captain Stone the valiant and active Governour of Stafford for the Parliament gave the Enemy severall successefull visits in their Rear at they past along and did good execution upon them therein And first how hee sent out a party of his Horse who fell upon a party of the Enemies quartered at W●lverhampton killed 16 on the place took 26 Horse and most of their Riders and returned without any losse the Kings own quarters being then not above 2 miles off it That presently after this hee sent out another party even the next day who fell upon the Enemy quartered in the field neer Newport in Shr●pshire brought away 60 horse killed a Captain and about 20 others in the place And the next day following this that hee sent out another paity that fell upon their quarters at Pancridge killed 3. took 4 prisoners and 7 horses About the 28 of this instant May being that Moneths day of a publike Fast or humiliation and Reverend Mr. Henderson one of the Scottish Commissioners and reverend Mr. Whitaker Preaching before the House of Peers that day in the Abbey at Westminster and before the House of Commons Reverend Mr. Caryll and Mr. Ford as wee were that day labouring in prayers and other acts of humiliation to draw neer to our God wee found the Lord in mercy drawing neer to us for the Fast day being ended there came Letters from renowned Colonell Massie which gave us the happy intelligence of the taking of the strong Garrison of Evesham the manner wherof was breifly thus Colonell Massie with about 800 horse and 600 foot having lyen before Evesham a day or 2 stormed the Town and took it in an houres storming In which service wee received lesse losse than could have been expected in such a hot peice of service as for the time it proved not above 4 or 5 of our Souldiers slain and 2 Officers besides and about 30 common Souldiers wounded Wee slue of the Enemies 10 or 11. took divers Officers and common Souldiers to the number of about 548. and neer upon an 120 good horses a List of the prime prisoners was as followeth Colonell Robert Legge Governour of the Town Colonell Foster Leivtenant Colonell Bellingham Major Travillian 13 Captaines 16 Leivtenants 3 Reformadoes 20 inferiour Officers together with 20 barrels of Gun-powder 700 fire-armes and 2 Tuns of Match The taking of this brave Garrison was a very considerable peice of service in many respects and this not the least namely that by this means almost all Worcestershire will bee freed and mightily secured from Cavalierian Contributions which before were frequently gathered for the King And about the 30 of this instant wee were credibly informed by Letters out of Hampshire that a party of horse and foot belonging to Colonell Norton marched forth upon a design on Lan●ford-House The horse were commanded by Captain Betsworth Captain Smibark and Captain Gerson The foot were under the command of young Murford with part of these forces they placed an ambuscado neer the foresaid House undiscovered to the Enemy and Colonell Griffith seeing some of our forces facing the House sallyed forth to encounter them whereupon ours retreated to their ambuscado the Enemy hotly pursued them but were now as fiercely as unexpectedly assaulted and charged by ours on every side who took them all prisoners finding no way to escape There were surprized Colonell Griffith the Governour of Langford House his Captain Leivtenant a Cornet 8 other Officers 64 prisoners besides of common Souldiers and all their Armes and 10 of them slain upon the place And heer good Reader let mee again desire thee to make another very short stay for a most just and deserved gratefull Comtemplation on all the fair and famous mercies of this Moneth also and therein to see and admire the continued Miraculous wonder of our Parliamentary Burning-Bush still Vnconsumed notwithstanding the many singeing yea scorching assaults and hot attempts constantly and continually flashing against it both In the great danger and admirable deliverance of that ever to bee honoured Commander Colonell Massie from Prince Ruperts plot or design to have suddenly surprized him In the famous defeat given to the Enemy by Major Puref●yes forces in Warwick●shire In the as singularly seasonable as comfortable releif of the good Town of Taunton and the setting at liberty of so many precious Soules as that long siege had curbed and coopt in from necessary comforts And the excellent Orders set out by the Parliament for the well-regulating of Sir Thomas Fairfaxes New-Modelled Army In the happy harmony of our prime Commanders in the Army And the Parliaments most noble and renowned gratitude to those that have well deserved of the Kingdom by their industrious and loyall services In the brave services of Captain Stone Governour of Stafford against the enemy And the happy taking of Eveshams strong Garrison by renowned Colonell Massie and therein a most notable and evident return of Prayer And lastly In that brave defeat given to our Cavalierian adversaries by valiant and loyall Colonell Norton All which premises of this Moneth of May prudently piously and gratefully considered O say good Reader whether wee have not most just cause continually to praise our ever-living and all-good-giving God and with the holy Prophet to break forth into Soul-exulting and God-exalting raptures of joy and gratitude and to confesse and say O Lord thou art our God and wee will exalt thee and will everlastingly praise thy name for thou haste done wonderfull things for us and thy counsels of old and of later times too are nothing but faithfulnesse and truth unto us But now to proceed ANd heer now wee will begin the farther contemplation and just admiration of the rich and rare mercies I had almost said miracles of this Moneth of June also with the cordiall and comfortable mention of a most excellent Petition exhibited about the beginning of this Moneth on the 4 or 6 day thereof to the House of Commons in Parliament by the right Honourable Lord Major of London together with the Aldermen and Common-Councill of the said most famous and ever to bee renowned City touching their deep apprehension of divers disastrous sad
costliest Capitall-Letters of Gold I mean that most memorable Victory at Naseby in Northamptonshire given by our good God to his va●iant and virtuous his gallant and godly servant Sir Thomas Fairfax the Parliaments most renowned Generall In the excellent successes of the Parliaments forces against their Enemies in Shropshire And the sacred and solemn celebration of a Day of Thanksgiving to our all-good-giving God for that foresaid great Victory in speciall And the Parliaments honourable gratitude to Gods Instruments therein A rare and right way to beget more blessings In the most happy regaining of Leicester out of the Harpeian-hands of Enemies And the triumphant conduction of the Naseby Prisoners to London there to bee kept in custody yet used there with Christian mercy and clemency In our loyall and loving Brethren of Scotlands neerer advance unto us to help the Lord against the Mighty Together with that brave defeat given to our Enemies by the Garrison of Wareham in the W●st And valiant Colonell Joneses also against our adversaries in Cheshire In the Lords admirable good providence in bringing to light and publike knowledge the Kings and Queenes most ungodly designes for the ruinating of all their 3 late most flourishing Kingdomes by the happy apprehension of the Kings Cabinet of Letters Together with the continued good successe of our forces in S●ropshire in the taking of Stokesey Castle Caus-Castle and Heighworth in Wiltshire In the most serious and sanctmonious rumination and recogitation of all which most rich and rare Parliamentary Mercies and Victories most sweet and singular passages and fair footsteps of divine providence and preservation O how should our hearts b●e r●nzed and raised up to an exceeding high pitch of praise and incessant and redundant gratitude to our so good so great so gracious God who hath so gloriously and so graciously wrought all these great things for us especially that most famous and glorious and never sufficiently to bee admired mercy in Nasebies admirable and most advantageous Victory Concerning which O how can England greatly beloved England though most ungratefull and sinfull England but in infinitely bound and unbounded-exultation and admiration confesse and say with the Holy Prophet that The Lord went forth in this famous fight as a mighty man stirring up jealousie and wrath as a man of Warre and mightily prevailing against his enemies By whom the terrible one is brought to nought the scorners are consumed and all that maliciously watched for iniquity and blood are righteously cut off And therefore I say O how justly may wee heer take up that of the pious Prophet David and with him most cordially sing and say If it had not been the Lord who was on our side now may England say if it had not been the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us They had swallowed us up quick when their rage and wrath was kindled against us Then the waters had overwhelmed us Yea the proud waves had gone over our Soules But blessed O for ever blessed bee the Lord who hath not given us as justly for our sins hee might a prey to their mouthes For our Soule is escaped as a bird out of the snare and all our help stands in the name of the Lord Hallelujah therefore Hallelujah praised and ever blessed and glorified bee the name of the Lord. ANd now to proceed in our farther progresse to the continued contemplation of this admirable still continued wonder of the Burning-Bush Vnconsumed and therein of the rich and rare mercies of our ever blessed and bountifull God the unexhaustible fountain of all goodnesse to us his English Israel And first I shall acquaint the Reader that whiles our most miserably seduced King was fleeting from place to place between Bristoll and the Forrest of Dean c. and taking fierce and furious illegall courses to recruite his mangled Army even almost quite broken in peices at Nasebies famous fight among the poore and perplexed inhabitants of Herefordshire Worcester and such parts of Gloucestershire as hee had any power in to strengthen and revive his now gasping and neer expiring desperate designes in the West with Goring and Greenvill devillish Dives and the rest In this interim I say our most pious and prudent Parliament had Ordered by a speciall Ordinance from the House of Commons that the Assembly of Divines at Westminster should upon Tuesday the first of this instant July seek the Lord our God for his continued ayd and assistance in blessing the proceedings of our forces then also gathering into the West in a set day of Humiliation in the City of London which was accordingly performed by divers of the most eminent Members of the said Assembly who all that day did Preach and Pray in these following places Viz. In the Abbey at Westminster in Christ-Church in London Black-Fryers Dunstans West Dunstans East Michael Cornhill Olaves Southwark Algate and Aldermanbury A Jove o●ne principium And are not those works like to prosper indeed which are begun in the Lord Yes certainly as now wee shall yet farther illustrate and set forth in their subsequent and most proper places And much about the very same time there being a strong suspition of dangerous persons to lurk and lye hid and harboured in a house in Long-Acres neer Covent Garden which had been the House of one Mr. Catesby where once the Popes Nuncio lay and was entertained this House I say being suspected was suddenly searched by authority thereunto given and there they found and apprehended at least 29 or 30 Carts load of Papists and pernicious Malignants goods to a great value being very much thereof rich goods indeed which was all taken away and carryed to Haberdashers-Hall or to Cambden-House There was among them also very much Popish apish trumpery as Crucifixes Images and many Popish Books which were laid up and kept till a due time to bee reduced into ashes by the fire the best use that could bee made of such Romane Babylonish babyish fooleries and the rest of the goods to bee sold to the best advantage and the money to bee disposed of by Order of Parliament for the use and supply of the Parliaments Garrisons and forces in the West About the 4 of this instant our most loyall and loving Brethren of Scotland published a most pious and modest Remonstrance which they had lately before sent and for certain had presented to the King himself wherein they shewed themselves full of godly zeale and fidelity to God the King and Parliament of England which being singularly worthy of speciall notice but too large to bee heer inserted at full as it was delivered I shall heer only for brevities sake give the godly Reader some of the most memorable passages or heads thereof which were to this effect First that his Majesty would bee pleased to call to minde their oft neglected addresses to him heretofore and after their prayers to
whom wee must of necessity have buckled joyntly together and so have undergone farre greater difficulty Thirdly that now wee having thus happily dissipated and scattered this great Army of his Majesties then in beeing not an Army is left unto him in any parts of the Kingdom but such as may bee with an ordinary active power still scattered and discomfitted and soon by Gods blessing bee brought to nothing Fourthly that if the Clubmen then risen up in Armes in those Counties and whereof I shall speak more particularly anon joyn with us now after this admirable successe they also may all suddenly bee at quiet and quickly see good dayes and the West all ours Fifthly I heer also desire Gods people with mee to take speciall notice of our most renowned Generalls wisdome valour and unparallelled expedition in this whole service ever since hee first began it and that according to the rules of Warre the honour of all next under our most great and glorious Lord God is cheifly due to him and that it is most clear that his rare Discipline and sweet Harmony with his forces with Gods blessing thereon hath been his Crown Sixthly consider the place where this defeat was given viz. a poore opprest Country and that in the remote parts of the Kingdome that so from the one end of the Land to the other wee and all they may see and know that God is for us and with us and it was also neer the place where the remaining part of the Enemy lay and it is a mercy to bee neer the Enemy and that in a conquering way too and not to bee forced to goe and seek him up and down Seventhly consider the persons by whom God gave this victory namely as I touched before in our famous Naseby fight that despised Army which was the scorn and by-word of many both seeming friends and open foes of whom O said some They 'le never fight being fearfull young Souldiers O sayes another You will quickly see an end of this poore New-Modelled Army I warrant you Alas alas sayes a third There is no worth in any of them all onely they pretend Religion forsooth but there is not a good Souldier among them and therfore they shall never bee able to stand against the Kings brave Army of old able experienced Souldiers Thus they proudly presumptuously yea most foolishly despised the day of small things And forgate that of wise Solomon That the race was not to the swift nor the battle to the rider Eightly and lastly take notice to what persons God had given the benefit of this blessed Victory namely that though indeed it must needs bee granted and with comfort recorded it was and is the most religious and praying Army that ever this Kingdome beheld yet mixed with very many wicked concomitants and rude and irreligious coadjutors as instruments therein yet I say in generall for us in this Kingdome who are a people most unfit for most unworthy of such and so rare mercies who have not yet repented us of our former abominations Yea who as much as in us is refuse our own mercies had not God thus freely loved us And therefore O what infinite and ineffable praise and thanksgivings are due to our God who thus continually heales our backslidings and loves us thus freely But now to proceed And now to perform my promise concerning the Western Club-men a disorderly rable and rude company of Mongrell Malignants and rotten-hearted nauseous Newtrals now about this time and lately before risen up in the West Of whom I confesse I have hitherto made no mention nor of their basenesse obstinacy and insolency both those of Wilts Dorsetshire and Sommersetshire because I looked on them as on a rude and undigested body of tergiversatious Batts and impious Atheisticall heathens worshipping the Sunrising and frighted at the Setting of it Who now seeing the rising of this Sun of Victory in the Parliaments Horizon especially the Sommersetshire Clubmen who indeed at the very first seemed to bee somewhat active Clubbers against Hopton Stowell and the rest of those Royalists and Roysterly incendiaries of the Western parts They now all began to appear for victorious Fairfax and besides about 80 of Gorings forces whom they had seized upon and disarmed before this fight they brought along with them who willingly also offered their service to the Parliament And after this they brought in many others of Gorings men prisoners to our forces and did other good service and stiffe execution against the Enemy where-ever they fastned on them Upon the 22 of this instant the publike day of Thanksgiving for the good successe of the Parliaments Army at Lang-port was according to Order of Parliament fore-mentioned solemnly celebrated in all the Churches and Chappels in London and Westminster and within the Lines of Communication And the Collections and contributions gathered that day in all Churches and Chappels aforesaid were for the releif of our distressed brethren in the West to refresh in some present measure their afflicted loynes And in the evening of that day after the performance of the publike and private holy duties thereof to the Lord our God other externall expressions of joy and thankfulnesse were performed also all over the City ringing of Bells and making of Bonfires especially in Cheapside whither a great many of Popish pictures Crucifixes Images Popish Books and such like paultry Romish trumpery which not long before I told you were taken in Long-Acre were now brought and just in the place where the guilded gaudy Crosse formerly stood were in a mighty Bonfire built up with firpoles and faggots burnt to ashes in the presence of multitudes of people triumphing at the sight of it Upon the 26 of this instant July came another most happy and plentifull increase of our comfort by Letters out of the West to London of the certain taking of one part of the strong Town of Bridgewater by our most renowned and heroick-hearted Generall Sir Thomas Fairfaxes forces and immediately after of the totall taking thereof by storm The exact manner whereof I have heer thought fit for the Readers fuller content and satisfaction to insert and set down in a Letter sent by a worthy Gentleman of Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Army who was a speciall actor in the Service to the Speaker of the House of Commons which was as followeth To the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire Speaker to the House of Commons SIR I Writ to you formerly of the late Battaile with Goring and of the taking of Lang-port and Burrough two Garrisons of the Enemy since which time the Army hath blocked up Bridgewater in nature of a siege and yet have refreshed themselves being necessitated to lie still if no Enemy had been neer till our money came up which arrived here on Wednesday and the Army Horse and Foot being Mustered were paid on Friday and Saturday the rest this day But Action being most proper for this
upon God for our expectation is only from him He only is our rock and our salvation he is our defence whereby we are not moved In the Lord our God is our salvation and our onely glory yea he is the rock of our strength and our righteousnesse therefore will we trust in him still and at all times And thus now to proceed And here I shall begin the yet further sight and survey of this next ensuing Moneths marvell and most worthily to be admired wonder of this our still unconsumed Burning-Bush in representing to the Reader in the first place an excellent Declaration set forth and sent into Wales by the wisdome and providence of the most renowned Lords and Commons in Parliament about the beginning of this Moneth of September 1645. providently I say and prudently to undeceive that pittifully misled and abused people who had been over-perswaded and made to believe all along and all over that whole Dominion and Principality even as much as possibly might be by the lying and irreligious Royalists That the Parliament mainly endeavoured to make a Conquest of their Country and to gratifie our Brethren of Scotland with the totall donation of it unto them as a reward and requitall of their assistance in this present War thus most maliciously and falsly to slander the Parliaments proceedings and thus the more to exasperate the thoughts and stir and stimulate the spirits and splene of the naturally restie Welchmen against the Parliament which said Declaration for the Readers better content and satisfaction and for the excellency of the thing it self I have here thought fit to insert it as it was printed and published by Authority which was as followeth A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament Die Lunae 8. Septemb. 1645. WHereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled are informed that by the subtle and malicious practises of a Popish and Malignant party opposite to Gods Cause and the prosperity of this Kingdom it hath been insinuated and infused into sundry of the Inhabitants of his Majesties Do●●inions of Wales to dis-affect and poyson them against the proceedings of the Parliament That it was their intention to gratifie our Brethren of Scotland for their assistance in these our extremities drawn upon us by the said Popish and Malignant party with the Estates and Lands of the said Inhabitants which is so absolutely false that it never entred into their thoughts and consequently needed no refutation Yet that the Subjects of this Kingdome inhabiting within the said Dominion of Wales may receive full and befiting satisfaction and We and our Brethren of Scotland Vindication against so foule and so barbarous an aspersion the said Lords and Commons do testifie and declare to all persons whatsoever to whom these shall come That they do much abhor and detest an Act of such Injustice and Inhumanity and that they are so farre from doing any such thing that if any of the said Inhabitants upon due sense and sorrow for any of their Crimes and Misdemeanours committed against the present Parliament shall submit and apply themselves by humble Petition to the Parliament and desire the favour of and reconciliation to the same the said Lords and Commons will be thereupon ready to receive any and all such upon such reasonable terms as the wisdome of the Parliament shall thinke in some measure proportionable to the qualities and degrees of their severall offences and thereupon yeeld them all such aid and assistance as they shall reasonably desire and the Parliament be able to 〈◊〉 Provided alwaies that this shall not extend to any that are excepted from pardon within the Propositions lately presented to his Majesty for a safe and well grounded Peace Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum And here now the Reader may be pleased to remember That about the latter end of the last Moneths Relations I intimated our renowned Gener●●s b●leaguering and besieging of the strong Town or City of Bristoll and what a good beginning he had made there in taking from the Enemy that strong Fort of theirs called Portshead-Point And now about the ninth of this instant September as we were credibly informed our noble and pious Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax resolving to set effectually upon the work of winning and subduing the City to the Parliaments just obedience for the better and more happy and hopefull effecting whereof he most rightly and religiously resolved first to seek the Lords assistance therein and therefore appointed a day of holy humiliation to be solemnly kept throughout the whole Army which was accordingly performed and then they all prepared to storme the City suddenly the Somerset Clubmen having at a meeting at a place called Dunderry declared themselves with great alacrity and readinesse to give Sir Thomas their best assistance for the regaining of this said City of Bristoll But before the storming thereof you must take notice that our most noble and renowned Generall had sent his Summons to Prince Rupert the then Governour thereof to have it surrendred unto him on fair and ●itting Articles or Propositions which Rupert put off with tricks and delayes and desires to send first to his Unkle the King ere he would or could resolve ought therein Thus shewing himselfe in his old proper Colours pre●ending one thing and intending another onely to gaine time till his Counter-Scarffs and inner-Lines were fully finished about which at that time they were very active and nimble as indeed it beloved them day and night But to be brief all relations to a true Treaty being broken off and in this the Prince and his Confederates within being left inexcusable for refusing the fair and honourable Conditions which noble Sir Thomas like himself had tendred unto him very faire I say and honourable and therefore the blood that was to be shed and inevitably spilt to be challenged at their hands and laid on their heads It was now therefore I say peremptorily resolved on Tuesday night being the 9 of Septemb to storm the City the manner of the storm was before thus agreed on ●●lon Welden was to have one Brigade consisting of foure T●unton Regiments viz. Colonell Welden Col. Twoolds●y Colonell Fort●soues and Colonell Herberts Regiments who were to make good Somersetshire side and to storme in three places Col. Mountague to command the Generals Brigade consisting of the Generals Col. Mountagues Col. Pickerings and Sir Hardresse W●llers Regiments to storm on both sides of Lawford Gate Col. Rainsborough had another Brigade consisting of his own Major Generall Skippons Colonell Hammonds Col. Birches and Col. Barkleys Regiments to storm on this side the River Froom beginning on the right hand of the Sally-Port up to Priors-Fort and 200. of this Brigade to go in Boats with the Seamen to storm Water-Port One regiment of Foot and another of Horse to be moving up and down in the Closes before the Royall-Fort to alarm them and one Regiment of Dragoones with two of
of the State in those parts the House ordered that 2000. l. should be charged in course upon the receipt of the Excize with consideration also for forbearance thereof for the speedy supply of the Forces under the command of the said Col. Generall And for the encouragement and at a gratuity to the said Noble 〈◊〉 and Faithfull Colonell Genrall Laughorne the House ordered That the Estate of John ●arlow of 〈◊〉 Gentleman who had been long in actuall Armes against the Parliament shall be setled by Ordinance of Parliament upon the said Col. Generall and his Heires The House also Ordered That the Ministers of the severall Churches and Chappels in London Westminster and 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 should the next Lords day give thanks to Almighty God for the happy successe of our Forces in clearing the whole County of Pembroke for the surrender of the 〈◊〉 and of Lacock-House also in Wiltshire and it was ordered That the Lord Major of the City of London should give timely notice thereof accordingly About the 28. instant came certain intelligence by Letters out of Cheshire to the Parliament of a very great and notable Victory which our good God was graciously pleased to give to their Forces under the Command of valiant active and loyall Major Generall Pointz against the Forces of the King within three or foure miles at the 〈…〉 of the City of Chester the manner whereof was in briefe thus The King resenting the great danger he was in of the utter losse of West●hester which in all probability was like suddenly to come to passe if speedy reliefe came not unto them Our Forces which besieged them since the taking of the Suburbs thereof having by their batter●es made a breach in the Wall and purposing 〈…〉 The King I say having knowledge of this their danger resolved with what strength he possibly could make presently to advance thither and with between ● and 5000 Horse and Dragoones part whereof he had drayned out of many of his Garrisons made all the speed he could to come timely to their help In which interim Major Generall Poyntz who indeed hath deserved much honour for his constant activity in the whole Service and resolution as I told you before most diligently to attend the Kings Motions having intelligence hereof and renowned Colonell Rossiter with his Horse being come up to Generall Poyntz and the Scottish and Cheshire Horse being joyned with them they all thus conjoyned together marched away with extraordinary expedition for Westhester and went on without any possible intermission day and night to get before the King and withall in his way took in a strong House with a Draw-Bridge moated which stood in the way of his march in lesse than an houres space And after a very hard march as I said day and night on the 24 of Septemb. in the morning his van curriers discovered the Enemy upon a Moore or Heath within three or foure miles at most of Chester called Rowton-Moore Whereupon notwithstanding his former tedious and even overtyring marches of neere upon 300 miles not resting above a day in a place together with divers difficulties which he was forced to passe through and all this to prevent or at least overtake the King yet I say notwithstanding all these he immediately drew into order and advanced upon them though all his forces were not then come up together for he supposed and hoped to take the Enemy at unawares it being probable they could have no intelligence of his being so neare though it proved otherwise for his Letters written that night to the Commander within the out-Lines of Chester giving notice of his advance were intercepted and the Enemy being possessed of the advantage of ground and in order confronted our Van led by Colonell Hugh Bethell in the middest of a Lane betwixt two Moores covered with the armed men of both Ba●taliaes where was given a very sharp and gallant charge by both parties for after Pistols were discharged at half Pikes distance they disputed the matter with their Swords a full quarter of an houre neither yeelding ground to other till at length the Enemy was forced to retreat whom our men pursuing were re-encountred by a fresh reserve at the Lanes mouth and they were likewise discomfited and a third but being over powred were in the end forced to retreat through the Lane● uncapable of receiving a Reserve to second them here we had some losse the Enemy pursuing to the Lanes end but were beaten back for there was space for our Reserves to advance Colonell Bethell and Colonell Graves were then sore wounded after this the Generall perceiving the Enemy lay upon his advantage onely skir●●●ed him with some flying parties while he held correspondency with his friends in Chester Suburbs whose signe was the discharge of two peeces of Ordnance when they would issue out with Horse and Foot to join● with him upon whose appearing the Enemy quitted their station and the Generall with a party advanced to take the most convenient ground giving command in Colonell Parsons Quartermaster generall of the Army Colonell Sandies who performed the duty of Commissary Generall of the Horse during the aforesaid march being then imployed to the Committee of both Kingdoms to order up the rest which was opportunely done for they joyned with the Auxiliary forces of Horse and Foot in the enemies ground and were drawn into many small Divisions and Reserves being much overnumbred by the Enemy who accompted themselves 5000 Horse and Generall Poyntz not above 2500 Horse besides two small bodies of Foot who were disposed in the two outmost intervals of Horse upon the very instant of this juncture the Enemy advanced with their whole Body and the Generall leaving the charge of the reserves to Colonell Parsons tooke care of and led up the Van Divisions with which after a round volly of shot from the Foot he joyned battell charging the Enemy in Front and Flanck where his horse was deeply wounded on the head being continually seconded with reserves as often as there was occasion the rest being kept intire followed at a due distance The prevailing Generall put the Enemy to a totall rout and although the pursuit was as hot as could be expected from such wearied Horse thorow narrow durty lanes and over ditches the Enemy rallied in a great moore wide of Chester in two vast bodies a great distance assunder the first not without some dispute were again routed and the other likewise who retreated upon the Warwick Regiment with such violence as bore them away confusedly intermixed with the flying Enemy up to the out-Works of the Suburbs the Musketeers within were never the lesse liberall of their Gunshot but the Divine providence appeared much in the distribution of the impartiall Bullets few or none lighting upon our men though many of the Enemy were found there expiring A Body of horse all the while of these last
difficult the Castle strong and the Enemy within especially 〈◊〉 Goveenour Sir Charles Lucas 〈◊〉 obstinate at an Enemy could be yet 〈…〉 our Forces were joyned with those of Sir Tho. Fairfaxes whereof valiant Colonell Rainsborough had the Command we made 〈◊〉 long stay but ●ell presently upon their out Workes then our men most gallantly marched up unto their Guard in the Town which was a strong Work indeed out of which we beat them and presently tooke it In which 〈◊〉 many of our men were drowned and some few slaine but having thus gotten into that Work we planted our great Guns against the Tower and battered it much and they returned the like roaring resolutions to us with cuse shot of bullets 〈◊〉 and such like matter and kild some of 〈◊〉 men amongst whom John Freeman Lieutenant to Major Dobson 〈◊〉 me he had three 〈◊〉 given him at one time in the brest flanke and 〈◊〉 Our men notwithstanding this went on 〈◊〉 sealing 〈◊〉 with much resolution which occasioned Sir Charles to desire a 〈◊〉 and offer 〈◊〉 to depart There were three of our great Guns 〈…〉 which were planted against the Tower of the Church The 〈◊〉 had planted a 〈◊〉 upon the top of the Tower but our men made such batteries that they were glad to take it downe Vpon the top of the Tower the Enemy placed a Flag of● defiance as they 〈◊〉 it which 〈◊〉 of our Regiments boldly and bravely got up the walls and tooke 〈◊〉 but whilst he was vapouring 〈…〉 the top of the Tower a part of the Tower he stood on being much broken and battered by our Gun 〈…〉 him so that he fell downe and was killed with the stones that fell upon him and two more that came after him to help him were killed likewise The businesse was the more difficult and dangerous by reason that what our men did was open and at mid-day Vpon the Enemies 〈◊〉 order was taken to divide the plunder of the Castle and it was concluded that if our Captaines would deposite 500 l. in money which should be divided among the Souldiers to each five shillings they should 〈◊〉 the plunder of the Castle the which five of our Captaines did namely Major White Captaine Stevenson Captaine Piagot Captaine 〈◊〉 and one more and so paid the Souldiers and tooke the 〈…〉 was very much Beefe Bacon Butter Cheese Meale Wheate 〈…〉 and a great quantity of other things 300 flitches of 〈…〉 roome many Cattell insomuch that it is thought that there was victuals for 300 men for five months This illustrates the 〈◊〉 of God in 〈◊〉 it was so soone taken the stormes were so hard and sharp and the ●●dders weighty to reare for scaling During the siege many of the Enemy thought to have got out of the Church into the Castle at the 〈…〉 our men although there were many crosse Brest-Workes in the Church-yard made such hast and came in with such courage and resolution that 〈◊〉 got between the Enemy and the Castle and did much execution upon them The Enemy in the Castle all the time much annoyed our men but the Lord in the end blessed be his holy name for it gave us the victory and the Country is much s●eed from that most intesti●● oppressor Sir Charles Lucas Thus you have the manner of subduing the great Enemy according to my best knowledge and intelligence And so let all thine Enemies O God perish and be put to shame and dishonour And now good Reader I shall here desire thee with my self to make a little stand and stay againe deservedly to looke upon and contemplate with thy most serious thoughts and gratefull heart the most rich and rare Parliamentary mercies and the various Victories and triumphaut trophies of honour even the most reall demonstrations of the truth of this moneths remarkable Wonder of The Burning-Bush still unconsumed yea mightily and even miraculously prospered and preserved maugre the mischiefe of all the fierce and most furious flames of Antichristian and Atheisticall wrath and rage round about it as is most evidently and eminently apparent both in our renowned Parliamentary Worthies prudent and provident care to undeceive the mis-led people in Wales by an excellent Declaration against the Royalists foule and false slanders In the happy recovery of the City of Bristoll from Rupert and his ravenous Royalists In renowned and religious Major Generall Skippons being made Governour of Bristoll Shrewsburies defeat given to the Enemy at Bridge-North and the remarkable preservation of Lieutenant Colonell Phips out of the Enemies hands In Gods admirable mercy to our distressed Brethren of Scotland almost overrunne and ruined by Montrosse but returning his intended mischiefe upon his own head In giving such a memorable accesse unto and hopefull entrance into the City of Chester by our possessing of the Suburbs thereof In that brave defeat given to the Enemy at Kiddarminster by valiant Generall Poyntz In delivering up unto us the Towne and Castle of Cardiffe in Wales and hopefull reduction of the hearts and affection of the Welch to the Parliament In the rendition of the Devizes and Lacock-House Garrison in Wiltshire and the reduction of all Pembrokeshire to the obedience of the Parliament In the famous defeat given by our forces to the Enemy at Rowton-Moore And in the establishing of pious and prudent Magistrates and Judges Together with the surrender of Barkley-Castle into the power of the Parliament At the serious sight and deep and due consideration and contemplation of all these rich and rare Parliamentary Mercies O who can choose but stand amazed and wondring at the unfathomed free favour and unbottomed bounty of our good God unto us O wonderfull what never a moneth never a week nay I may almost say never a day for so many months together but a Victory or a rich and rare Mercy granted unto us and conferred upon us O then let there never be a moneth never be a lip a heart or a tongue empty of but contrariwise may they ever be most full of the high and most honourable praises of our great and good God even the God of our salvation who thus dayly loads us with his loving kindnesse and thus constantly encompasses us with songs of deliverances But now to go on And here now I shall begin the serious and sacred observation and contemplation of the marvellous mercies of our wonder-working God in the progresse of this moneth also with that brave defeat given to our Enemies Forces by that valiant and vigilant Commander Colonell Moore Governour of Gaunt-House a Parliamentary Garrison which lies within about eight miles from Oxford from whom we had credible information that about the beginning of this instant October this valiant Colonell being gone forth with a party of about 200 Horse met with a party of about 500 Horse of the Enemies at Kidlington and that he notwithstanding the great dis-proportion and unequality of their number to his skirmished most couragiously with
above 130 within the Castle We tooke in it seven Peeces of Ordnance 400 Muskets and Pikes ten or twelve barrels of Powder 25 Barrels of Brimstone and Salt-Peter together with good store of other Ammunition and Provision The truth of all this was consumed by Colonell Morgans owne Letter to the Parliament after the reading whereof the Commons ordered that thankes should be returned to Almighty God for all these great mercies in those parts the next Lords Day in all Churches and Chappels in and about London and Westminster And further Ordered That a Letter of thankes should be returned to the said valiant Colonell Morgan for this and all his other gallant and faithfull services for the State since his having command of Gloucester and that the said Colonell Morgan should have the command of all the Forces of the County of Gloucester And as for the Government of Monmouth it was conferred upon Sir Trevor Williams a worthy religious and gallant Gentleman A fit and faire-way indeed by gratifying the well-deserving to ingage their hearts and affections more and more to the State and Kingdome And much about the foresaid time the Letters taken in the Lord Digbies Coach at Sherburne conflict as hath been toucht before were read at a Conference of both Houses of Parliament In divers whereof to the Marquesse of Ormond in Ireland his Majesty much bewailes his low and decaying condition since Naseby Battell and advises him if he can to make a Peace with his Irish Catholique Subjects or at least a Cessation But however though he hazard the losse of that Kingdome that he should come away in person unto him withall the forces Armes and Ammunition that he could get and command from thence leaving the rest namely the Protestants on the Parliament-side and the Rebells to dispute the businesse together And to incourage the Marquesse therein he promised him that if he did prosper he should be preferred to all the dignity that possibly could be conferred upon a subject but if his Majesties undertakings succeeded ill as t was most like they would being altogether against God and his Truth hee and the rest of his followers would have the honour to die nobly in a good cause In another Letter upon occasion of Prince Ruperts advising him to a treaty with the Parliament his Majestie checks the said Prince for it wonders he was so much misled tels him that to condescend lower than his termes at Vxbridge would be as bad as a submission which he would never doe so long as he lived And in another Letter dated at Newarke October to the King declares the grounds of his comming to Newarke rather than any other Garrison it being most unlikely to be besieged Colonell Generall Poyntz being as the Letter said much broken with pursuing him That he had the greatest strength thence to break out upon occasion and to get to Montrosse who by an expresse gave him to understand that his Condition and late ●ent was not so bad and so great as was reported but that he was in a good condition and by an addition of forces from Kalcan who were coming to him he should be able to assist the King c. In all which premises we may all see with what poore and vaine hopes meere Egyptian-Reeds the King rests on and feeds himselfe and thereby thus more and more hardens his heart from hearing or yeilding any fit and faire accommodations with his people and Parliament About the 30. of this instant October we had certaine intelligence by a Letter under the hands of famous and faithfull Colonell Mitton Colonell Iones and Adjutant Louthian that the enemie being industrious to releive that Garrison of West-Chester and knowing that the losse of that would be the surrender of all the other They had therefore drawn a party out of their Garrisons of Worcester Ludlow Bridgenorth and other Garrisons thereabout 2400 viz. 1700. Horse and 700. foot and Commanded by Sir William Vaughan being all in one body neer Denbigh-Castle which was about 22. miles from Chester Whereupon our forces calling a Councell of War what was best to be done whether to suffer the Enemie to come neerer or to go out and right with them they concluded to goe out and so drew forth about 1400. horse and 100 foot leaving the Workes sufficiently man'd before Chester and on Saturday they came to the enemie neere Denbigh Castle sent a forelorne hope under the command of Captaine Otter the Body being commanded by gallant Colonell Generall Mitton the Horse led up by Colonell Jones the Foot by Adjeant Louthian who fell on the enemy with as much gallantrie as could be expected there being under their command some Lancashire horse some of Warwickeshire and Shropshire c. each Officer and Souldier deserving honour for their resolution and action among which Major Hanksworth of Warwick 〈◊〉 Major Sanders of Derby did very gallant service in short we wholly routed the enemie tooke betweene five and six hundred horse and above foure hundred foot slew above an hundred on the place and pursued them six miles doing great execution all the way so as in the evening there was not above one hundred left together of the enemie The particulars could not then be related this Messenger came on Tuesday night and had fiftie pounds given him for the intelligence And the Parliament also ordered that letters of thankes should be sent from that House to Colonell Mitton and the rest for this and all their other faithfull Service to the state And not long after the foresaid time we had yet farther information by Letters from those parts that renowned religious and victorious Sir William Brereton was now safely arived as had beene long and earnestly desired by the Countrie there at the Leaguer before West Chester and that valiant and vigilant Colonell Iones having certaine notice that Sir William 〈◊〉 the bloody Lord Byrons brother knowing well the wants and shalts of his said brother Governour of Chester had therefore got together what provisions hee possibly could make and scrape up together and all the forces he could raise to the number of about 400. neer Holt with an intent thus to releive the City of Chester on the Welch-side thereof But I say brave and active Colonell Jones knowing hereof chose rather to march out unto him by the way than to be more dangeously molested neere the City walls where he lay and so leaving a sufficient guard about the Towne in the Leaguer went forth and met him on the way bravely encountred him wherein the fight having soon routed him he tooke Sir William 〈◊〉 himselfe their Commander in Cheife Prisoner with about 50. other prisoners and horse slew divers on the place took divers hors-loades of their provision wherewith they intended to have relieved the City and thus by Gods goodnes hindred this designe also thus by Gods mercie hastning our hopes of the sooner surrender of the said Towne
up but most fled And in this action Sir John Browne himselfe deported himselfe with as much gallantry as any man in the world could do the whole body being not discouraged though in number so much overmatched For the particulars of those that were killed and taken I refer you to the list where all the particulars are certified according to Sir John Brownes own letter The Lord Digby had a cleare rout as ever was given to any The Lord Digby himselfe with Sir Marmaduke Langdale and others of his chiefe Officers that escaped fled over to the Isle of man in a Cock-Boat The Isle of man is a malignant Island between Cumberland and Ireland the Earle of Derby is the Governour thereof for the King and of others that escaped there are divers taken straglers and their Horse and Armes but in a body there are none heard of save onely about 200. that are fled towards B●●m and a party are sent to stop them from getting in thereto if they can but of them that are fled that way of the Enemies many of them are fore wounded A List of what was slain and what was taken by Sir John Brown at the routing of the Lord Digby and Sir Marmaduke Langdale at Carlile Sands On the Enemies part ONe hundred slaine upon the place Many wounded Taken Prisoners DIgby his Quartermaster Generall 1 Colonell of Langdales Brigade 2 Lieutenant Colonels 3 Captains of Horse Divers other Officers Many Prisoners Taken besides TWo Hundred Horse and Armes The Lord Digbyes owne Standard Sir Marmaduke Langdales Standard 3 Colours of Horse On our part SIr John Browne shot thorow his side but not mortally for he is able to fit upon his Horse back Captaine Lesley wounded 30 and odde slaine amongst whom some Officers but none of note that I hear of 50 or there abouts wounded on our side in all Digby and Langdale with 1000 Horse were totally routed by Sir John Browne with a party of about 500. and Digby and Langdale fled to the Isle of Man in a Cock-boat And upon the intelligence hereof an Order passed both Houses of Parliament to this effect It is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled That the Ministers in the severall Congregations in the Cities of London and Westminster and Lines of Communication do upon Wednesday next being the 5 of November take notice of the great mercy of Almighty God in preserving and continuing this present Parliament now full five yeares compleat notwithstanding all the designes and machinations of the Enemy against them And likewise to make most thankfull mention of Gods great mercy in the defeating of the Lord Digby and Sir Marmaduke Langdales Forces in Scotland by Sir John Browne of Fardell Knight And that the Lord Mayor be desired to give the severall Ministers timely notice of this Order And now good Reader let me intreat thee as there is very great reason here to make a little stay and even to stand amazed in the serious and most gratefull re-view and re-cogitation of the still continued and multiplied mercies of our most good and gracious wonder-working God in this Moneth also to his blessed Burning-Bush still I say both unconsumed and also made most prosperously to stand and flourish in the midst of all the rough and outragious conflagrations and combustions of Malignants power and policie might and mischievous machinations to have utterly 〈◊〉 destroyed it root branch had not God I say the great and gracious the most wise and vigilant Watchman over his poore maligned English-Israel stood for them as hath been mightily manifested in its glorious preservation and propagation both in the brave defeat given to the Enemy by Col. Moore Governour of G●●nt-House the taking of Far●igh Castle in Somersetshire and of Sandall Castle in Yorkeshire In the happy surrender of the Town and Castle of Winchester into the Parliaments power and the pious resolutions of our Parliament to deale mercifully with Malignants and Delinquents notwithstanding their intended mercilesse cruelty towards us and yet herein also the Parliaments prudence and providence for the safety and welfare of the Kingdome In the most happy taking of Bazing-House that pernicious denne of theeves and thus cleansing that foule and filthie Augean-stall together with the taking of Chepstow Towne and Castle by Colonell Margan In the cleared integrity of the Parliament touching 〈◊〉 of new Members unto them the brave defeat given to the Enemy by our Abington Forces together with that other brave defeat given by valiant Colonell Rossiter to Banbury Forces neare Newarke In the taking of Langford-House neer Salisbury and the soundly beating of Sir William Vaughans Forces by Tamworth Garrison In the famous defeat given to the Enemy at Sherburne his York-shire by valiant Colonell Copley and the admirable and almost miraculous taking of Tiverton Town and Castle In the happy overture of things in Wales for the reducing of that Principality to the Parliaments obedience and the taking in of 〈◊〉 and Monmouth Towns and Castles to the Parliaments party And lastly In the discovery of Digbies Letters the brave defeat given to the Enemy neer Denbigh Castle coming to relieve Chester And that other brave defeat given to Sir William Byron on the like intention to relieve Westchester where he was taken Prisoner Together with that last not least famous defeat given againe to the Lord Digby and Langdale in their mischievously intended march into Scotland to Montrose Upon the most weighty and worthy gratefull consideration of all which most memorable and admirable Parliamentary mercies and mighty blessings O what infinite cause have we O in what innumerable and indissoluble bonds of obliged gratitude are we everlastingly bound to blesse the Lord our thus great and gracious wonder-working God And with the pious Prophet to be inlarged in our hearts and tongues with abundant expressions of joyfull confessions and exultations in our God and to sing and say in this our day Lo this is our God we have waited for him and he hath saved us This is the Lord we have trusted in him and now he hath made us to be glad and rejoyce in his mighty salvations for he hath trodden downe Moab our most proud and politick adversaries under his feet even as straw is trodden downe for the dunghill This also cometh all forth from the Lord of Hosts who is wonderfull in counsell and most excellent in working Go on O Lord we pray thee still to make thy great name more and more glorious and let not men prevaile Let still these irreligi●us Royalists be judged in thy sight Put them still in feare O Lord that they may know they 〈…〉 men So shall we thy people and the sheep of thy pasture give thanks 〈◊〉 to thee and blesse thy name as we do this day for ever and ever 〈◊〉 now to go on And here now we will begin the yet further most gratefull contemplation and admiration of the most
Arms and the other inferiour Officers and Souldiers onely with their Swords There were taken in this Castle about 100 Muskets 50 Pikes two Barrels of Powder and good store of other Provisions And much about the same time we had certaine information by Letters from Gloucester that that valiant and most active Governour of Gloucester had intelligence of a designe against Canon-Froom by the Enemy in Hereford for the storming and surprizing of it with a strange Engine which they had provided for that purpose and brought along with them marching thus forth out of Hereford with about 400 men with their Governour they only faced the House and after that wh●●led about toward Malvern Hils to meet with additionall Forces from Worcester f●lly to besiege it whereof the Governour of Canon-Froom having knowledge and considering his present dis-furnishment of things necessary to defend the Garison against a siege or assault he sent to valiant Colonell Morgan to Gloucester praying his assistance who presently came forth to help him with 500 Horse and 200 Foot and marched to Ridley where he joyned with 300 of Corstane men but the Enemy having notice thereof lying then about Ledbury posted thence quite away but had left behinde them the strange Engine which sorely frighted our men at Froom guarded with two or three Troops of Horse from Hereford till they returned In the intrim those that had faced Canon-Froom as was toucht before falling in at Ledbury in their way to Malvern to refresh themselves there a Quartermaster of Canon-Froom with about twelve onely of their Horse accidentally being forth to view the Coasts and coming through the Towne not knowing of the Roysters being there fell upon them all and seeing themselves suddenly engaged cryed out Fall one Fall ane slew two on the place and brought away five prisoners past by the Engine without much ado the Enemy It seems being amazed at the sudden onset and unprovided some drinking and others carelesse of any such attempt cried Horse Horse and went away in a distracted manner where they surprized the Engine within a mile and half of the place drove away the Troops that were with it seized on it with the two Captains and many prisoners and brought all with their Ladders and other Instruments provided for the storme to the Garrison of Canon-Froom upon the coming in whereof such a shout was made that all the Country rang of it The Engine was such a one as the like hath not been known since these wars The Roysters called it a Sow It was carried upon great wheeles and to be drawne with Oxen it was made with rooms or lofts one over another musquet proof and very strong out of which were holes to play and shoot out It was so high that it was above all the Works at Canon-Froom so that they could discharge over the Works besides which a doore opened to bring them into the Works out of which went a Bridge for their entrance The Garison was then in such a condition that had they not been thus disappointed in all probability this Engine had effected their intended designe but God be praised it was prevented On the Lords day following Novemb 9. Master Jackson a Minister in Gloucester having information thereof in the morning before Sermon gave publique thanks in the Pulpit for so great a deliverance and unexpected and unlikely preservation About the twelfth of this instant a Messenger from the Right Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster was tendred to both 〈◊〉 of Parliament therein acquainting them that according to an Order sent unto them from the Parliament Novemb. 20. 164● they had now fully perused the Psalmes translated into English out of the Originall Hebrew Tongue by learned and much honoured Master Rouse conceiving them very fit to be publikely made use of thorow the Kingdome and that they had likewise perused the Psalmes translated by Master Barton a reverend and learned Minister of the City of London who they acknowledged deserved much commendation for his great paines and abilities therein also but conceived the other most fit for publike use which were accordingly authorized by the Parliament whereof more in its due place And about the 14 of this instant Novemb. we were certainly informed that Colonell Sir Thomas Aston lately before made Lord Ashton forsooth who in the beginning of this Parliament was a mighty stickler for the Prelates and a chiefe Agent to get hands to Petitions for supporting of the Bishops Hierarchie and was one of their grand Champions of a Laick as they term'd them to write in defence of them That this Ashton I say came with a party to seeke some additionall reliefe for the King his Master about Dudley Castle and those parts of whose designe valiant active and loyall Colonell Stone Governour of Stafford having intelligence sent out a party and encountred him in the way who soone routed all his party which was in number about 100 Horse or more tooke at least 80 of them slew some on the ground sorely wounded the said Lord Ashton who within a seven night after as was for certaine informed dyed of his wounds yet he lived to see his darling Episcopacy and many base apostatizing Bishops to die and fall before him a just increment and addition to his other wretchednesse the remainder of his Horse which was about twelve or sixteene at most fled for their lives to Worcester to carry newes of their Leaders good successe and faire recruit in that designe And much about the same time we were also credibly informed that Major Blundell of Reading with a party of Horse met with a party of the Kings the most of them being Gentlemen of his Life Guard neer unto their Garrison at Wallingford where they were most jovially revelling in their Nectar-Cups all whom he there suddenly surprized being about 40 of them and carried away with him prisoners to Reading without any resistance Upon the 17 of this instant November the anniversary commemeration of the happy and blessed inauguration or coronation of that most peerlesse and precious Princesse of ever blessed memory eternally to be renowned pious magnanimous and Heroick Queen Elizabeth was still even to this day most solemnly celebrated in the famous and faithfull City of London and in some places Sermons preached on her most happie memoriall and thus incessantly hath continued notwithstanding her so long decease above 40 yeares In which regard this me thinks is a most remarkable note and worthy most Christian serious observation with all true English Protestants and sincere Christians and which I desire the godly Reader to take speciall notice of as most pertinent to these times that notwithstanding I say her so long decease she should still so constantly and cheerfully be so highly honoured and so zealously remembred being as it were most deeply ingraven with indelible Characters of gratitude and joy in the hearts of the heartiest surviving Subjects of
l. per annum formerly voted to be conferred on his Excellency and his Heynes for ever might be presently setled possessed and enjoyed by him They likewise ordered That a Letter should be written to his Excellency to returne the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for his noble valour and unwearied paines in the service of the State and particularly in the storming of Dartmouth and to informe him what a great mercy the Parliament esteems this businesse of Dartmouth and how highly they respect and esteem of his Excellency and his designes and undertakings And here now I shall desire the Reader for Gods greater glory and high honour to consider seriously and most graciously and gratefully how admirable wisely powerfully and advantagiously for us the Lord carried on all these late great works in these few ensuing observations worthy our cordiall consideration As first That God all along cast such a pannick feare upon our Enemies such a Magor-Misabib into their hearts and spirits that they were a continuall terrour to themselves and that since our taking of Bovi●-Tracy God hath given into our hands neer 1000 of the Enemies Horse and that upon the advance of a party of ours from Credi●●on the Enemies fled and onely ●ix of Colonell Okeyes Dragoones put 500 of their Horse from their post at which time they fled from Plymouth leaving their Guns Arms and Ammunition behind them Secondly That Captaine Batten Vice-Admirall of the Parliaments Ships coming to block up Dartmouth by Sea as our noble Generall Sir Thomas Fairfax had ordered him li● upon a Ship of the Enemies bound for France wherein were many Gentlemen of quality and money and jewels to a good quantity together with many other rich 〈…〉 Thirdly which is indeed very remarkable That till our Forces came before Dartmouth in at least seven weeks space there had been little or no 〈◊〉 upon that 〈◊〉 but now our Army being there ther was such a mighty shole of Mu●●its taken as comfortably fed our Army and which so continued among them to the great admiration of all the Inhabitants Fourthly That in the storming of the Towne though all things answered not the appointments of the Councell of War yet there was no confusion or miscarriage in the whole worke and withall that we had very faire weather all the time of the siege and storme even to a minute till the Town was taken and then only it rained much Fifthly That notwithstanding the great strength of the Fortifications of the Town and in men and Ordnance also yet it was taken without much bloodshed we having lost but two men in all the whole worke that we could possibly heare of which was even a miraculous mercy to us considering I say that there were 〈◊〉 strong Works and Forts in it and about 100 Peeces ready mounted and manned which might have been thought sufficient to have maintained the Town and Harbour against a very potent Army Sixthly and lastly That Master Peters one of the Ministers of the Army at this time presented to the Parliament divers Colours taken in the Towne and Country and among the rest the Kings owne first Colours which he first advanced at Yorke against the Parliament with the Kings owne picture on it and a Sword in 〈◊〉 hand and a booke in the other together with a bundle of brave Letters found in the Governours House in Dartmouth some of the Princes some of Ruperts some of Gorings some of Culpeppers and their Commissions by Sea and Land besides a Popish Masse-Book and an Altar taken from the Engineer of Dartmouth who was a Dutch Masse Priest For all which so rare and remarkable free favours and mighty meer mercies so graciously conferred upon us our most renowned Parliamentary Worthies most rightly and religiously ordered a solemn day of Thanksgiving to be kept a Copy of which their Order I have here thought fit to insert which was as followeth Die Jovis Jan. 26. 1645. THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do order and appoint this day fortnight being Thursday for a day of Thanksgiving for the taking in of Dartmouth and Hereford to be kept within the Cities of London and Westminster the Lines of Communication and ten miles about And this day three weeks for all other places over the Kingdome in the Parliaments power About the 26 of this instant January we received also certaine intelligence by Letters out of Stafford-shire that Captaine Stone that valiant and active Commander had sent out a party of about 100 and odde Horse to beate up the Lord Molinaux his Quarters who fell upon the Enemy at a place called Cark within seven miles of Stafford and managed their charge with such martiall resolution and dexterity that they routed 300 of the Enemies and tooke prisoners three Captaines two Cornets eight Reformadoes ten inferiour Officers about 100 Horse and divers prisoners above 100 Pistols In which conflict many of the Enemies were wounded and some slaine And thus they returned victoriously to Stafford againe with their Prisoners and Prizes And about the 28 of this instant we were certainly informed from our Army in the West that Pouldram Castle which was Sir William Courteens House a strong Garrison of the Enemies neer Exeter was surrendred to brave Colonell Hamond who commanded in chiefe upon these Conditions The Officers and Souldiers to depart to their own dwellings leaving all their Arms behind them There were about 120 in the Castle 4 Peeces of Ordnance unmounted 5 Barrels of powder with Bullet and Match proportionable but little other Provisions His Excellencies most courteous carriage and mercifull useage of those at Dartmouth notwithstanding that he wonne it by storme had a great influence and operation upon the spirits of the Enemies elsewhere and was not only a prevalent motive to these of Pouldram Castle to yeeld so soone unto his famoused mercy but made many others also shortly after to desert the Enemy for there being at least 120 Cornish men prisoners in Dartmouth notwithstanding their former even most barbarous cruelty to ours yet I say renowned and mercifull Sir Thomas Fairfax as I was credibly informed set them all at liberty and gave them two shillings a man to beare their charges And was not here a heaping of Coales of fire on their heads as our Saviour commands and commends in his Disciples and a rare way of winning of hearts even of those formerly heathenish cruell Cornish Enemies Those of them that would stay and take up Armes for the Parliament as divers did he gave them ●●ree shillings a peece to all the Seamen in prison he freely gave their liberty and to all their Common Souldiers unwilling to take up Armes he gave Passes to go to their owne habitations nay to severall Officers of whom any of the faire conditioned Townesmen could give any good Character he also gave Passes to go to their owne homes also on promise of future faire and peaceable demeanour toward the
to shew themselves and the enemy bestowed some shot on them but without doing any harme At last the Garrison seeing themselves betrayed and that it was bootlesse for them to stand it out any longer demanded a parley which was granted and agreement made that all their lives should be spared and those that were of the Town should returne quietly to their houses whereupon two by a ladder came over the walls The rest seeing it began againe to shoot and so brake quarter so as in conclusion they all became prisoners at discretion their lives excepted being sevenscore in number or thereabout The Souldiers got store of plunder besides which there were found 17. barrels of powder with match c. good store of victuall besides 30. prisoners or thereabout set at liberty In this Action there was but one man lost on the Parliaments side though the Enemy shot often and threw downe great stones from the wall And thus the Lord every way mightily shewed himselfe for us to the glory of his own great name the good of us his unworthy servants and the great dread and amazement of all our implacable and incorrigible enemies to him therefore alone be all the honour and glorie of all these our most memorable mercies and mighty deliverances And here I shall againe desire the godly Reader to make a short stay and to take a briefe and gratefull review of all the rare and rich mercies of this Moneth also in the Lords admirable preservation and advancement of the prosperity of this his Burning-Bush thus still not Consumed nay contrariwise still freshly flourishing and preserved both in the reducing of Belvoir castle the faire City of Chester Town and Castle to the obedience of the Parliament In the brave defeat given to the Enemie at Ashbie de la Zouch and the prosperous proceedings of our forces in the West In the establishment of the judges to ride their Circuites againe and keeping quarterly Assizes in all Countries 〈◊〉 the power of the Parliament In the famous defeat given to the Enemy at Torrington in the West and totally routing Hoptons Army there In putting down the Court of Wards the famous preservation of Cardiffe Towne and Castle and mighty victory obtained therein And the stratagemicall possession of the strong Garrison of Corff-Castle All which remarkable mercies seriously considered and gratefully preponderated O how great cause have we all with holy David frequently and frevently to enter into that his sweet Soul-Soliloquie and pious expostulation with our owne hearts What shall we re-pay and render to the Lord for all his benefits thus heaped and multiplyed upon us But take the Cup of salvation and pay our Vowes unto the Lord which we have made in the depth of our d●lorous daies unto him But now proceed And now we shall againe begin the most amiable and delectable progresse in the comfortable contemplation of the Parliamentary Mercies of this Moneth of March 1646. with the farther most famous successefull proceedings of our victorious Army in the West since the coming thereof into Cornwall and therein particularly their taking of Launceston a strong Garrison of the Enemies in that Countrie which being fully and truly related in a Letter by that worthy Gentlemen Master Rushworth our most noble Generall Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Secretary sent to the Speaker to the honourable House of Commons I have here given the Reader an exact and true Copy thereof which was as followeth SIR UPon Tuesday the 24 of Febr. the Generall began his march with the Army from Bedford and part from Torrington and quartered that night at Holsworth being 12 miles from one place and 15 miles from the other an extraordinary rainy day and wayes extraordinary deep Wednesday the 25 we advanced from Holsworth to Launceston being ten long miles that the Enemy might be the more amazed at the Armies entring of Cornwall Colonell Butler was sent from Holsworth with a party of 1000 Horse and 400 Dragoons on Tuesday night as farre as Stratton in Cornwall to beat up the Enemies Quarters and accordingly that night he passed the River where the Enemy had raised up a Brest-Worke at Tamarton Bridge and broke down the Bridge to hinder our passage over but presently quit the passage whereupon he forced the Horse as well as Foot that kept Guard to retreat to their other Guards and 〈…〉 to the place appointed for their drawing together upon an 〈◊〉 when he charged their Horse severall times at last it pleased God to put the Enemy to the flight He tooke about 300 Horse and 80 prisoners he had more prisoners and some of quality but the Souldiers minding their ●●ry and booty in Horses many of the prisoners escaped this party of Horse of the Enemies being about 800 that lay to keepe Guard upon the River Tamar was commanded by Major Generall Webbe who with the rest of the Commanders were put to a disorderly Retreat with the rest of their Horses which gave them such an alarm towards the North parts of Cornwall that it forced them to draw their Horse back the rest of the Army marching to Launceston which amazed them likewise on the left hand that if their intentions were for breaking through we could not tell what resolution to take When we came within two miles of Launceston we met with their Scouts having taken severall of them we understood that Colonell Basset with Horse and Foot was resolved to keep Launceston and not to permit our entrance into the same whereupon the forlorn hope of Horse and Foot were sent to force entrance into the Towne the Enemy shut the Gates made some opposition but at last quit the Town and that disorderly we took some prisoners and killed some 〈◊〉 of them night being come on the rest escaped in the darke the Arms and Magazine in the Towne we seized upon we find the Country and particularly the place to expresse much joy at our coming though they were made believe by the Enemy that the Army would give no quarter to any Cornish man or woman which they did for the most part believe and was the cause of a great terrour upon them but our Souldiers notwithstanding the opposition they had at their entring of Launceston did not so much as plunder any one house nor did any other prejudice to the Town that we can heare of but I hope will so demean themselves in pursuance of the Generals Proclamation as we shall conquer the Cornish sooner by our civility than by the Sword Thus far into Cornwall it pleased God to prosper things with us and I hope when we come more into the heart of the County we shall not finde so many Enemies as friends Very speedily you shall receive a fuller account from Your humble Servant J. R. Launceston 26. of Febr. 1645. about nine a clock in the morning And upon the 2 of this instant March the honourable Houses of Parliament took the
Chaplaine 2000 armes at least and all their Ammunition Bag and Baggage A brave famous and most seasonable victorie it was indeed and a most hopefull way and meanes of a speedy end by Gods mercy of all the intestine warres and bloody broyles in the Kingdom to God alone be all the honour and glory thereof About the 26. of this instant March we received advertisement of the full disbanding of all Sir Ralph Hoptons forces in the West and divers other occurrents of our Armie there by Letters received from Truro to the honourable speaker of the House of Commons One of which Letters for the Readers better content and satisfaction I have here inserted Verbatim as it was printed and published which was as followeth SIR IN my last I gave you an account of the beginning to disband the Lord Hoptons Army I can now satisfie you of the conclusion of that great worke this day having put a period thereunto except two troops of the Princes Regiment under the Command of Sir Francis Mackworth which by reason of the darknesse of the night could not be conveniently dispatched and so put off till to morrow at seven of the clock by nine it will be done and presently after Proclamation is to be made for the Enemy or any belonging unto them immediatly to depart from Truro and all those Ports to be with the convoy to morrow night or else to be taken as Spies and proceeded against accordingly I have bin present at the disbanding of these Forces from the first to the last except as aforesaid and never did see a thing done with so much civility on both sides and not the least appearance of insulting of ours as if we had never bin at variance each with other not a reproachfull word used nor the value of two pence taken from any man by the Souldiers of this Armie though the country people are apt enough if they have opportunity and the enemies Souldiers straggle to revenge former injuries but the convoy so long as the Souldiers keepe with them suffer not the least prejudice to befall them the number of Brigades in all that have bin disbanded are nine viz. the French Brigade consisting of three Regiments the Lord Wentworths Brigade consisting of three Regiments Sir James Smiths Brigade consisting of three Regiments the Lord Clevelands Brigade consisting of foure Regiments Major Generall Webbs of three Regiments the Lord Hoptons Brigade commanded by Colonell Rovil the Lord Gorings Brigade of five Regiments the Princes Lifeguard consisting of nine troops and 700. men armed Sir Richard Greenvils Reformadoes the men that are dismounted are proper and lusty men Orders are given out for the Army to face about and march Eastward part of it moves to morrow the residue on Saturday except two or three Regiments that are to stay behinde for the blocking up of Pendennis and the mount the Castle of Pendennis was summoned yesterday but those within gave a peremptory answer of refusall and Master Arundel beares the name of Governour but Sir John Digby sir Henry Kilegrew Colonell Slaughter Colonell Sir Abraham Chipman and some others of desperate Fortunes over-rule the Gentleman and make him governe and command to serve their owne ends though it be to ruine himselfe On Wednesday the Generall sent this Bearer in haste with a Letter to Saint Maws who imbarqued himselfe there and went three or foure Leagues to Sea to the Parliament ships and acquainted them with a Frigot of Dunkirk that lay in the Harbour at Falmouth and much annoyed our men at Penny-com-quick a place of good shelter for our men that lye against the Castle So this morning betweene one and two of the clocke a Frigot of ours put into the Harbour being Moon-light had the honour to be saluted with twenty peeces of Cannon from the Castle but got in without any prejudice and hauled the Dunkirk who instead of yeelding gave two broad sides but our Vessel presently made up and after a little dispute Boarded Her put the Irish to the sword preserved the rest and have them Prisoners a broad It is a fine Vessell belonging to Browne Bushel commanded by Captaine Lewis and will be of singular use to cleare the Harbour if any Vessel of the Kings happen to come in having the benefit of Saint Mawes on the one side and at the mouth of the Harbour the assistance of Hilford Fort which was this day surrendred to us wherein were twenty and six peeces of Ordnance so their strong Castle of Pendennis is of little use at Sea and by Land of no great prejudice considering the narrow necke of Land it stands upon and the Line that may be drawne from Sea to Sea and may be defended with as many men as are in the Castle Leiutenant Colonell Jngoldsby going to view the Castle received a shot from some Muskettiers of the Enemies that were behind the Mud-wals of which he died within three houres being a valiant and stout man Major Cobbet also was shot in the Arme but not dangorously This is all the accompt time would give me leave to present you with concerning the Army of these parts which I thought fit to send this Bearer purposely withall that you may be certainly informed of our condition adding this that about an hundred with their Armes came this day from the Mount to Truro the head quarters many took up Armes with us the rest went to their homes I am Sir your Servant J. R. Truro March 19. 1645. The Messenger staying till this morning I can now satisfie you that the two Troops that remained of the last night are this morning disbanded I have no other newes to write but to morrow the Generals Army marches towards Exeter Truro March 20 1645. at 4 in the afternoon And March 27 the House of Parliament in way of bounden gratitude to almighty God for this great mercy of the thus reducing of well-nigh all Cornwall to their obedience and that also of subduing and overthrowing of Sir Jacob Ashleyes Army and thereby obtaining a most happy and hopefull end of our troubles they having first invited the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Councell of the most famous City of London to heare two Sermons that were to be preached before them at Christs Church in London In answer thereof the Lord Major Aldermen and Common-Councell aforesaid invited both Houses of Parliament to a Dinner on the same day of Thanksgiving At which invitation Alderman Foukes delivered himself as from the whole City to the House making a Speech unto them and Master Speaker answered the same by command of the House in a congratulatory way much affection and amity being expressed mutually on both sides About the 28 instant we also received certaine information by Letters out of the West of our most noble Generals advance toward the City of Exeter and concerning the taking of Pouldram-Fort neer Exeter and of Inch-House also by Colonell Welden the Governour of
against the Parliament of England not being under restraint do before the sixth day of April 1646. depart out of the Cities of London and Westminster and Lines of Communication And if any such person shall continue within the said Lines after that time such person is hereby declared a Spy and shall be apprehended imprisoned and proceeded against as a Spy according to the Rules of War And the said Lords and Commons do further orden That all such persons do forbeare upon the penalty aforesaid to come within the said Lines without Licence under the hands of the Committee appointed for Compositions at Goldsmiths-Hall And the Committee of the Militia of London and the Sub-Committees in their severall limits respectively are hereby required to keep strict Guards and Watches and cause frequently searches to be made and to take care for the due execution of this Order Provided that this Order nor any thing therein contained shall extend to any person or persons who shall obtain license under the hands of the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall to continue within the limits aforesaid Provided that this Ordinance or any thing therein contained shall not extend to any person or persons who came in to the Parliament before the first of June last 1645. and are cleared by both Houses of Parliament from their Delinquency Provided also that no Peere of this Realm shall resort unto the Committee for license to continue within the limits aforesaid but shall repaire only to the House of Peers for their said License This Order to continue for one Moneth after the sixth of April and no longer And it was also further ordered and resolved on by the Lords and Commons in Parliament That in case the King should contrary to the advice of the Parliament then already given unto him come or attempt to come within the Lines of Communication That then the Committee of the Militia of London shall have power and are hereby enjoyned upon advice had with the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Army to raise such forces as they shall think necessary to prevent any tumults that may arise by his coming and to suppresse any that shall happen and to apprehend and secure all such as shall come with him and to prevent resort unto him and to secure his own Person from danger About the sixth of April we received certaine good newes by a Letter written to renowned Major Generall Brown of a brave defeat given to the Kings Horse about Farringdon not far from Oxford which Letter was read in the Honourable House of Commons and a Copy whereof for the Readers better content and satisfaction therein I have here inserted as it was printed and published which was as followeth Honourable Sir THe last night I had intelligence the Enemy was drawn out of Oxford and gave out that they did intend to plunder Newnham wherefore I sent to Colonell Betsworth to desire him to draw his Horse towards Abingdon which he did but early this morning we had intelligence that six hundred Horse marched out of Oxon through Conmer and Fisield whereupon I commanded forth our Horse and Dragoons and marched with Colonell Betsworth after the Enemy and it pleased God to direct us that we found them at Farringdon and quartered at the Towns thereabouts We had gallant hunting them from place to place over the hils and pursued them into Farringdon Town and afterwards we discovered a good party of about two hundred between the two Coxwels who ran down into a Meadow and would have parlyed to ●urrender their Horse and Arms but our ●●n fell on them and took them all save very few that escaped Afterwards we gleaned up divers more in severall places so that I am confident that party is so broken that the King will scarce be able to get such a body of Horse againe in the Kingdome We took above 300 Horse and almost as many Prisoners there was brought in this evening about 250 unto Abingdon the Major and most of the Officers of Sir William Comptons Regiment belonging to Banbury are prisoners it was esteemed the best Regiment the King had and the newes of their ingagement being reported at Oxford this day that they would come off with honour or be lost they sadly replyed if that Regiment were lost they were all undone There was but one man slain on our part and not many of the Enemies Sir your most humble and faithfull servant Geo. Payne Abington April 3. 1646. About the 10 of this instant Aprill Letters came from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Quarters from severall Gentlemen of credit to the Committee of both Kingdomes and by other informations from thence that the Articles for the surrender of the City and Garrison of Exeter were now fully agreed on and foure Hostages given for performance of the same to be surrendred into the hands of the Parliament on Munday Aprill 13. 1646. and as a farther firm pledge and assurance hereof they immediately upon the mutuall giving of Hostages surrendred three of their strong Forts into the renowned Generals hands viz. Saint Downes Fort on the North side Mount-Rat-Ford on the South side and a very strong House in Saint Tho. P●rish on the West side all these were surrendred on Thursday April the 9. the maine substance of the Articles was That all within the Garrison that would were to march away on April 13. being Munday both Horse and Foot with Arms and to have a Convoy either to Pendennis or Saint Michaels-Mount or to Oxford and to nominate which of these three places they would go unto when they marched out And those that would to have Passes to go beyond Sea or laying down their Arms to go to their own homes upon an ingagement not to take up Arms againe against the Parliament All the nobility as some of these were there Gentry and Clergy in the City to have liberty to march out with the Garrison Souldiers with their Horses Arms and their own proper goods One Article was mainly insisted on concerning the Cathedrall in Exeter that forfooth it might not be defaced which was also so farre agreede on Now if any should imagine these and the other conditions to be too large for such enemies Let them but waigh the considerablenesse of the place and how long it might have held out withall its advantages and it may easily balance all the rest Besides that now it is gained with the losse of so little bloodshed and in so short a time since the Armie returned out of Cornwall That now also upon the matter all the West is cleared and setled in a peaceable posture and how considerable this is that now the army may immediately advance and take the oportunity to cleare up these Eastern-parts which in all probability will by Gods blessing be effected suddainly and we hope an end put to these miserable and most unhappie warres The noble Generall presently upon this with part of his Armie advanced
an account of our proceedings here as I desire We had to doe with Lawyers and Civilians who lengthened out our debate by their niceties so that the treatie ended not till the day of the writing hereof when they finished the Articles and agreed to march forth on Monday next The conditions were honourable viz. in briefe To march with Armes Colours flying Drums beating and Bullets to Oxford and the Cornish into Cornwall I will not trouble you with particulars but send you the Articles by the next Hostages were delivered for the performance of things promised and for farther assurance unto us 3. strong Forts were delivered up unto us in hand as hath been toucht before The Townesmen were very glad of the agreement The Generall is this night come to Tiverton and intends to morrow to be before Barnstable and to summon it The treaty was absolutely concluded yesterday in Exeter we sate up night and day about it I will not trouble you any more till afurther oportunity but remaine Sir Your most humble servant Aprill 9. late at night Columb-John House Post-script At Market-jew neere the Mount we tooke lately of the Mountmen 60 prisoners the most of that Garrison Also a Captaine in Pendennis came-off unto us with 80. men more We understand that in Pendennis they have nothing but Salt-beefe tainted and and that they cannot subsist long They have but little bread and their Wine almost spent we hope well shortly of both places The other Letter was this Sir Though I have but little Newes yet I could not omit this oportunity of sending to you we entred the City of Exeter on Munday last according to the Articles Sir Jacob Berckley the Governour with about 2000 being marched forth 700 whereof being Cornish as soone as they were out of the City gates faced Westward and resolving for their owne homes cryed out thus Every man to his owne home Every man to his owne home and so laying downe their armes departed accordingly the like resolution had most of the rest so that Sir Jacob was like to have but a small remnant to doe his Majestie any service at Oxford The Princes Highnes went forth with them leaving behind them in the City at least 3. Moneths provision 150. barrells of powder about 1500. Muskets and above 40. peeces of Ordnance About the 18. of this instant Aprill came certaine intelligence out of the West by letters to London of the surrendring of the Towne and Castle of Barnstable into the Parliaments hands with all the Armes and Ammunition therein much upon the same termes and Articles which were granted to Exeter by Sir Allen Apsley Governour thereof And shortly after also we understood of the surrendering of Saint Michaels-Mount in Cornwall that inpregnable and almost inaccessable strong fort whereof Sir Arthur Basset was Governour who with the rest that would and were therein had libertie to depart into the Island of Silly In this Mount were taken an 100. barrells of Powder 500. Muskets 100. Pikes 30. Peeces of Ordinances 3. Murthering Peeces 80. Tun of Wine with store of other provisions And about the 20. instant we had certaine Newes of the surrender of Titbury-castle a place of much Consequence and strength also and which will contribute much to the reducing of Litchfield-close which said Castle was surrendred also on faire conditions to the content of the Garrison-Souldiers thereof And much about the same time we were most certainly informed of the surrender of Aburisthwait to Colonell Powell Commander in Chiefe under renowned Major Generall Laughorne by Colonell Whitney Governour thereof upon very faire termes and conditions as was witnessed by valiant and victorious Major Generall Laughornes owne Letter to the Parliament And we had farther information of the surrender of Dunstar-castle in the West which was yeelded up to renowned Colonell Blake the brave Governour of Taunton upon very faire and honourable termes by noble Sir Thomas Fairfaxes example of Clemencie and Mercy Which Castle was surrendred up for the use of King and Parliament by Sir Francis Windham then Governor of Dunstar-Castle as was also certified to the Parliament by Colonell Blakes owne Letter About the 24. of this instant Aprill our Western armie was advanced backward and come toward Oxford for the beleaguring thereof and forming of a Seige round about it And about this time a part of our said Armie having alreadie besieged the Garrison of Woodstock and laine now before it some short time battering that brave and ancient Mannour house with our Ordnance and the besieged considering there was no hope of reliefe to be expected our other forces lying also so close about Oxford that they durst not stirre out It was now therefore at length surrendred to Colonell Rainsborough upon very faire termes and honourable Articles of agreement from the said Valiant Colonel and those other Couragious Commanders who joyntly adventured their lives for the Service of the State For the besieged were to depart thence to Oxford and to leave all their Ammunition and furniture of warre behind them and onely the Officers permitted to have their Swords along with them And about the 28. instant we received the certaine intelligence of the surrender of Bridge-North-castle into the hands of the brave and most active Shropshire forces upon faire conditions and articles of accord the Common Souldiers therein to march away with their hands in their Pockets and the Officers only with their Swords Sir Robert Howard the Governour and 3. other Knights with their Horse and 2. Servants a peece But one Latham an arch Villaine for Malignancie and who had beene the maine cause of burning the Towne not long before was justly delivered up to the justice of the Parliament to suffer most worthily for such a most base and abhominable scelerous fact They left behinde them in the Castle at least 6. weekes provision a Demi-cannon with other Ordnance at least 500. Armes and 50. Horse The place was a peece of great strength there were within the Castle about 400. fighting men the besiegers not above 700. in all Thus have we often heard of the brave services of those gallant Salopaons and even incomparable actions of that active and successefull Committee of Shrewsbury for the good of their Country and kingdome To God be all the glorie and praise who thus still Crownes us with victories and thereby thus encompasses us with songs of deliverance And much about the foresaid time we were certainly given to understand by Letters to the Parliament from Colonell Rainsborough that the Duke of Richmond the Earle of Lindsey the Kings Cup-bearer Sir William Fleetwood the Kings Standard-bearer and Knight Martiall Sir Edward Sydenham and Master Carew of the Bed-chamber were come in unto him casting themselves upon the mercie of the Parliament whereupon the House presently ordered that they all should be committed prisoners to Warwick-Castle And upon the 29. of this instant
Peeces Divers Drakes and small Peeces 4000 Armes gathered divers Armes not taken in 40 Barrels of Gunpowder Many thousand weight of Bullets and Lead Match and other Ammunition proportionable and plentifull Little fresh meat onely Poultry and that very scarce Salt meat some plenty but much of it tainted and not fit to be eaten Butter and Cheese some store Beere and Wine many Barrels Corne good store Fewell for fire very little A List of the Lords Knights Colonels and chief of the Gentry that marched out of Newark to their own homes to submit to the Ordinances of Parliament Lords LOrd Bellasis Governour Lord Davencourt Lord Laxington Knights Sir John Burrell Sir Guy Palmes Sir Charles Dalison Sir Robert Dalison Sir Robert Tredway Sir George Hennings Sir Jarvis Skroop Sir Philip Constable Sir Thomas Ingram Sir Bryan Balmes Sir Jarvis Nevill Sir Simon Fanshaw And others Great Clergy-men DOctor Farmer Chancellor of Lincoln Doctor March Dean of Yroke Doctor Hurst and others Chiefe Officers MAjor Generall Eyre Colonell Gilby Colonell Trollop Colonell Herne Colonell Darsey Colonell Atkins And others The most malignant Aldermen of the Towne were The Major of Newark Alderman Atkinson Alderman Standish And others And upon the same ninth of May aforesaid being Saturday we received the certaine intelligence of the surrendering of the Castle of Banbury such another most pestilent pernicious and vexatious den of Theeves and Royall Robbers as was Bazing House in Hampshire and especially most vexatious and pernicious to the Inhabitants of Northamptonshire its next neighbour but now at last I say by Gods great mercy and the valour and vertue of our brave Commanders and Souldiers brought upon its knees of submission being given up to that brave and couragious Commander Colonell Whaley by Sir William Compton then Governovr thereof upon faire and honourable Articles of agreement which was done on Friday May the 8. the substance of those articles also being to this effect That all the Officers were to march away with Horses and Swords but the Common Souldiers without Armes their wearing apparell and half their moneys by just accompt and both Officers and Souldiers to have Passes to any place in England or Wales not beleaguered the City of London excepted and those that desire it Passes to go beyond Sea and that upon these Conditions the Castle of Banbury to be delivered up as aforesaid to Colonell Whaley with all the Ordnance Armes Ammunition and Colours without imbezlement for the use of the Parliament which was accordingly performed on the said Friday in the forenoone And now the Houses taking into their just and serious consideration the great and many mercies of God to us in our Forces and by them also to the whole Kingdome both in thus surrendring Newark and Banbury now in our power and possession and that Tuesday May the 12 having been formerly appointed a day of solemn thankesgiving to Almighty God throughout London and Westminster and 20. miles adjacent round about it for the happie surrender of Exeter and other great mercies not long before conferr'd upon us together with this none of the least of now at last the Lords giving our King into the hands and harbour and custodie of our most Loyall and loving Brethren of Scotland It was therefore Ordered that on this said day of Solemn thanksgiving the severall Churches and Chappell 's in the City of London and Westminster and 20. miles about it should likewise give most heartie thankes to the Lord our God for all these subsequent and additionall rich and rare mercies and that Tewsday seven night following being May 19. should be kept as a Solemn day of Thankesgiving by all the Ministers in the Country over the whole Kingdome and Dominion of Wales within the power of Parliament About the 16. of this instant May came Letters from valiant and active Colonell Morgan giving us certaine intelligence of the taking of Hartlebury-castle lying between Dudley and Worcester and was the Bishop of Worcesters seat a hopefull omen for the taking of Worcester it selfe also indue time Which Castle being now surrendred to brave Colonell Morgan the Officers marched forth with Horse and Armes Troopers and Common Souldiers with out Armes and all the rest of the Articles being according to agreement fairely performed on both sides the brave Colonell tooke possession of the Castle wherein also were taken 6. peices of Ordnance 200. Armes 15. barrells of powder match and bullet proportionable and a full proportion of all manner of prosions for 200. men for 6. moneths at least And about the 20. instant we received certaine information by Letters from valiant and active Colonell Birch also of the agreement for the surrender of that strong Castle and Garrison of Ludlow which was delivered on the like conditions to those of Hartleburie And here I must acquaint the Reader that the Lord having by his most wise and admirable providence in some hopefull measure given a blessed returne to all the prayers of Gods faithfull ones over the whole kingdome in bringing in the Person of the King unto us and committing him unto the care and custodie of our Loyall and loving Brethren of Scotland some sweets of this remarkable overture of these things began now to break forth to the comfort of our hearts for the present and hopefull perswasion if not assurance of more good to follow in the Lords good time as was now manifested both by a Letter sent by his Majestie to the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England at Westminster Assembled which his Majestie desired might be Communicated with Both Houses which accordingly was done at a conference where and when the said Letter was reade and another letter to the Commissionres of the Parliament of Scotland And those being passages of speciall Eminencie and wherein the whole Kingdome may no doubt desire to be in some measure at least satisfied I shall therefore for the Readers content herein be somewhat more larger than Ordinarie though there by I increase both mine owne paines and charges at the presse in giving the Reader the substance of some of them which was as followeth That his Majestie is not come into the Scots Army out of any intent to divide the Kingdomes in affection or prolong the War but that he might secure his person and labour the composing the difference between him and his Kingdoms and settle all well and in regard Religion is the chiefe point he desires that may be first insisted upon and settled according to the advise of the Assembly of Divines of both Kingdoms assembled at Westminster And for the Militia he is willing to concur with that propounded at Vxbridge that it be in such hands as shall be agreed for 7. yeeres And for Ireland he will doe what he can to satisfie desires of that kind And for the disbanding of his Armies and sleighting Garrisons and so avoyding the effusion of more bloud he is willing likewise to
scandalized by a rable of rotten hearted impious and impudent Sectaries of the City and for the super-eminent Excellencie of the Thing it selfe speaking indeede much merited honour for it selfe I have here thought fit to insert it which was as followeth And here first good Reader thou shalt see the honour which the most Honorable House of Lords in Parliament put upon it in giving speciall Order for the speedie printing and publishing of it to all the world and then after it thou shalt have their most noble and ever to be renowned resent and singular approbation and Commendation of it immediately after it Die Martis 26 Maii. 1646. IT is this day Ordered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled That the Remonstrance and Petition of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Councell of the City of London this day exhibited to the House of Peeres and their Lordships Answer thereunto shall be forthwith printed and published And the care for the true printing thereof is hereby specially recommended unto Colonell John Bellamie who is by this Order authorized and required to print and publish the same accordingly And none else are to presume to print and publish the same as they will answer the contrary at their perils Jo. Browne Cleric Parliamentorum To the Right Honourable the LORDS Assembled in High Court of Parliament The humble Remonstrance and Petition of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common-Councell assembled OUR duty in the first place doth lead us to begin all our Addresses as we most heartily and humbly do these with all due and humble acknowledgement of the great Labours and endeavours which Your Lordships have these many yeers employed in Reformation both of the Church and Common-Wealth and in preservation of both with the humble tender of our constant devotion to serve the Parliament according to our Covenant made before Almighty God In the next place we most humbly crave pardon although we do presume to returne againe unto your Lordships and humbly yet plainly lay open the sorrowes and feares of our hearts even in this season when as God hath blessed your Armies with the greatest successes and that man might perswade himselfe that the War is almost at an end For first when we remember that it hath been long since declared to be farre from any purpose or desire to let loose the golden Reins of Discipline and Government in the Church or to leave private persons or particular Congregations to take up what form of Divine Service they please when we looke upon what both Houses have resolved against Brownisme and Anabaptisme properly so called when we meditate on our Protestation and Covenant And lastly when we peruse the Directory and other Ordinances for Presbyteriall Government and yet finde private and separate Congregations daily erected in divers parts of the City and elsewhere and commonly frequented and Anabaptisme Brownisme and almost all manner of Heresies Schismes and Blasphemies boldly vented and maintained by such as to the point of Church-Government professe themselves Independent we cannot but be astonished at the swarmes of Sectaries which discover themselves every where who if by their indeavours they should get into places of profit and trust in Martiall and Civill affaires it may tend much to the disturbance of the Publike Peace both of the Church and Common-wealth We also cannot but call to minde what Vowes we have made to God in the same Covenant as well as our former Protestations to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliament and the Liberties of the Kingdomes and to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties person and Authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdomes that the world may beare witnesse with our Consciences of our Loyalty and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesties just Power and Greatnesse and do humbly rest in the assurance we have received in the many former Declarations of both Houses concerning their intentions towards his Majesty his Royall Posterity and the Peace of this Kingdome which we doubt not but your Lordships will pursue with all speedy dispatch of Propositions to his Majesty now whilst God doth so mercifully and miracuously go along with your Armies in all the parts of the Kingdome We may not in the next place forget our Brethren of Scotland how first they were invited to engage with this Kingdome in Gods Cause when yet they were at peace at home in what Covenant this Nation is mutually linked with them at what time in relation both to the weak condition of our Forces then and the season of the yeare they adventured upon an Enemy warmly lodged and well armed and prepared what they have since suffered for this Cause in their own Kingdome how successefull ever since God hath made our Forces in suppressing the Common Enemies of both Nations and what present hopes we have of a well-setled Peace while we continue in this mutuall amity And then cannot but lament the many jealousies which the Enemies of our Peace Union and good Government do now strive to beget between both Nations and tremble at the sad effects thereof if not timely prevented by the wisdome of the Parliaments of both Kingdomes We cannot also omit humbly to represent unto your Lordships consideration how many Citizens have already suffered and how many more will be undone if your Lordships shall still make use of that ancient Priviledge to protect your selves the Assistants of this Honourable House and the Servants of both and others from being proceeded against in any course of Law for Debt which now because this Parliament hath already sate so long and is likely by reason of the unsettlednesse of affaires to sit much longer would especially require some expedient for relief of so many as otherwise must daily suffer under this Priviledge And now that the Kingdom is almost reduced by which means the Revenues of the Kingdome will be unburthened and the Customes and Excise increase and the publike charge of the Kingdome decrease now that Delinquents do daily come in and compound and now that the Enemy hath but few Holds left we hope that the great and extraordinary Taxes and burthens on this City and their Trade shall be in the future abated that the Debts owing to the City and Citizens of London either by particular Assurances of the Parliament or upon the Publike Faith of the Kingdome be taken care for and discharged as well as those assigned upon the Excise and may not be diverted from the uses appointed by former Acts and Ordinances And we humbly crave have to present to the consideration of this Honourable House the Committee of Haberdash●rs-hall as being one of the greatest grievances of this City and which so long as it is continued doth hinder the concoursie of people thereunto and tendeth much to the destruction of the Trade and Inhabitants thereof And now also we doubt not but God
the other particulars of 〈◊〉 Petition into serious and speedy consideration And have commanded me to give you hearty thanks for the Reall Testimonies of duty and good affections which not onely by your words but by your Actions you have constantly manifested unto them Jo. Browne Cleric Parliamentorum And the very same day and time the said noble Citizens exhibited the like Remonstrance and Petition to the honourable House of Commons of which I say no more but leave it to the Lords most gracious and righteous wisdome and mercy for a happy returne in his own due time But that which is yet farther very memorable and remarkable in this businesse which I only toucht before and as you saw it most evidently true before was That the very day before the Remonstrance was exhibited in Parliament the Kings Majestie himselfe as it were to honour and encourage them in that their famous and faithfull resolution sent a particular Letter to the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Councell 〈…〉 which they being all at that time assembled in their Guild-Hall was publikely read in the audience of them all And which is yet more memorably remarkable and worthy serious and sacred observation That a day or two at the farthest after they had exhibited their Remonstrance as aforesaid the truly religious and sincerely affected Ministers of two Counties Suffolk and Essex as it were to back the Cities brave Remonstrance exhibited a most excellent Petition to the Lords and Commons in Parliament attested by at least 300 Ministers hands subscribed to it which also for the piety and excellency of it I have thought fit for the Readers better delight and satisfaction here to insert which was as followeth To the Right Honourable the House of Lords now Assembled in PARLIAMENT The Humble Petition of the Ministers of the Counties of Suffolk and Essex concerning the Church-Government presented to the Right Honourable Houses of Parliament Sheweth THat your solemne League and Covenant great and glorious Victories the expectation of the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas the longing desires of our Brethren of Scotland the humble Petitions of the Reverend Assembly and the great City of this Kingdome the pressing miseries of the Orthodox and well-affected Ministers and People in the Country cry aloud to your Honours for a settling of Church-Government according to the Word From the want of this it is Right Honourable that the name of the most High God is blasphemed his precious truths corrupted his Word despised his Ministers discouraged his Ordinances vilified Hence it is that Schisme Heresie Ignorance Prophanenesse and Atheisme flow in upon us Seducers multiply grow daring and insolent pernicious Bookes poyson many souls ●●ety and learning decay apace very many Congregations ly waste without Pastours the Sacrament of Baptisme by many neglected and by many re-iterated the Lords Supper generally dis-used or exceedingly prophaned confusion and ruine threatning us in all our Quarters In all humility therefore acknowledging your unwearied labours for the publique good your successefull endeavours for saving this Kingdome your hopefull beginnings of a blessed Reformation we out of conscience and in tender regard to the glory of God and the salvation of our people beseech your Honours That a forme of Church-Government according to the Word of God and the example of the best Reformed Churches may with all possible speede be perfected and confirmed by your civill sanction that Schismaticks Hereticks seducing Teachers and soul-subverting Books be effectually suppressed That further care may be had of Ordination for a supply of able and Orthodox Ministers and all good meanes used to make up the sad breaches in this our Sion So shall the Church of God be setled your hands strengthened the sacred Covenant performed our feares prevented the Judgements of God diverted And your Petitioners shall ever pray c. The Lords Answer to the said Petition THe Lords are glad to finde this zeale and care in the Ministery of the Counties of Suffolk and Essex for the preventing the further increase of Heresie and Profanenesse and for the promoting a growth in the power of godlinesse The Lords desire you to continue still in your endeavours therein and they will not be wanting to give you all encouragement They have commanded me to give you thanks for your expressions of your good affections to the Parliament and this Cause and do assure you that they will improve their power for the suppressing of Errour Heresie seducing Teachers and soul-subverting Booke and likewise for the setling of Church Government according to the Word of God and the example of the best reformed Churches to which they hold themselves obliged by their solemne League and Covenant and that their Lordships have appointed that their Petition with this answer shall be printed and published John Brown Cler. Parliamentorum The Answer of the House of Commons to the Minister Petition Die Mercurii 27. Maii. 1646. THe House being informed that divers Ministers of the Counties of folke and Essex were at the doore they were called in and presented to the House a Petition intituled The humble Petition of the Ministers of Suffolke and Essex the which was read The Ministers were againe called in and Master Speaker by command of the House acquainted them That most of the particular desires of their Petition are now under consideration and they hope will be brought to a settlement speedily That the House is very sensible that through some intervening obstructions the Church-Government hath not beene so fully settled as they desire and that they give them thankes for their good affections and desire them to put all Ordinances in execution concerning Church-Government as lye within their power H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. This speciall act also of Divine providence so oportunely bringing in these Ministers Petition much to the very same effect as the Cities Remonstrance was and full of much piety and zeale for God and his Great Cause the present miserably distracted and distorted Church by abhominable Errours and Scismes I could not but most gratefully and gladly record in these our Parliamentarie-Annals as no small mercie of the Lord unto us and worthy to be taken notice of to the glory of God and honour of those two most worthily to be honoured Counties And about the third of June,1646 We were certainely informed of the taking of Salcomb-Regis which was surrendred to Colonell Welden and also that Bostol-house a most pestilent and pernicious Garrison of the Enemies was also yeeled up unto the power and possession of the Parliament And upon the 4. of June it pleased the Lord to put into the hearts of our most worthy Parliamentarie worthies to set forth an Ordinance of Parliament for the settlement of that great scruple and Question among Gods people as touching the point of worthy or unworthy Communicants at the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and for the more full and certaine establishment of the Presbyterian Church Government a mercie long
us Nay and hath not the Lord againe on the other side made good his faithfull promise to us his people excellently set forth by holy Jeremy that all they that thirsted to devoure us are themselves devoured and all our adversaries even every one of them have tasted misery and they that spoiled us are spoiled and all for the most part that preyed upon us the Lord hath given as a prey unto us but hath mercifully as the Prophet there excellently and most pertinently to our purpose and case condition goes on restored health unto us and graciously healed us of our formerly felt and feared wounds the enemy having called and counted us out-casts even Traitors and Rebels saying in scorne and derision of us This is Sion these are the fasting and Praying Round-heads whom no man seeketh after but to deride and ruinate them Againe hath not the Lord according to his yet further most faithfull promise by his holy Prophet Ezekiel purged out from among us the Rebels indeed both English Irish French and Germane Rebels who sorely transgressed against our God and hath forced them forth out of our Country and Kingdome where they sojourned witnesse Windebanke Finch Newcastle Goring both Father and Sonne Jermine Digby Langdale and the rest and God would not let them enter into nor abide in our now most hopefull Land of rest and peace yea hath not the Lord as he further said of them by pious Isaiah accordingly made it good unto us Your Brethren the Royalists that hated you and strugled and strove to cast you out and pretending but most falsly that it was for my names sake deceitfully said Let the Lord be glorified but this our wise our righteous and good God hath contrariwise appeared unto our joy and they themselves are confounded and asham'd All this I say the Lord hath done for us all these ample and admirable testimonies we have seene and found to assure us that God is with us and therefore we ought wonderfully to be confirmed and encouraged against whatsoever men or Devils can doe against us wherefore from all these p●evalent premises on our enemies and precious promises made good to us we may justly say with holy Job Lo thus we have searched and seene so it is heare it O England and know thou it for thy good The Lord is wise in heart and mighty in strength who ever hardned himselfe against him and hath prospered None certainly for as the Prophet Isaiah excellently to this purpose surely the Princes and Grandees of the world even carnall and Atheisticall machivillian Statists are very fooles and the counsell of such wifest Counsellours is but base and brutish for as he goes on admirably how say yee of Pharaah so I of Bristoll Cottington and Digby I am the Sonne of the wise the Sonne of ancient Princes and Peeres But where are they now Where are those wise men What 's become of their craftiest cursed Counsell hence therefore we may clearly conclude with Jethro Moses Father in Law and with him say most certainly Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods than all the most potent and politicke Peeres and Potentates of the world for in those very things wherein they dealt most proudly and lifted up themselves most superciliously he hath admirably all along been still above them Give me leave now therefore in a word or two for conclusion to speake plainely to any to all of what ranke order or condition soever they be Who art thou O cowardly carnall man so leaning on the arme of Flesh and consulting with meere carnall reason that thou shouldest still notwithstanding all that hath been done and said and seene be afraid of man that shall dye yea thus dye as thou hast heard and seene with shame and obloquie or that thou should●t dread any Sonne of Man which shall be made as Grasse And forgettest the Lord thy God and Maker and hast manifested too evidently that thou fearest continually every day with strange pusilanimity unchristianly cowardice fond and false feares and imaginary conceited Chimera's and all this forsooth because of the furie of the oppressour as if he were ready to devoure and destroy and yet saith the Lord unto thee where is the furie of the oppressour what 's become of all his braggs and boastings even to this day O let us then put on Princely Davids Christian courage and resolution and feare and confide in the Lord alone and with his invincible magnanimity of soule and spirit say and say most justly Thou even thou alone O Lord art to be feared for who may stand in thy sight when thou art angry For thou hast made the wrath of man as it is at this day to praise thee and the remainder of his wrath thou hast wonderfully restrained as is most evident to all 〈◊〉 eyes and understanding O therefore I say againe and againe to our Honourable Parliament and reverend Assembly to the noble City of London and our famous Army since we have seene with our eyes as well as by the hearing of our eares what the Lord our God hath done to our unreasonable and incorrigible enemies on the one side and how he hath most graciously borne us as it were on Eagles wings and brought us in his infinite meere mercy thus neare unto himselfe on the other side O therefore I say to my selfe to all O that we would now at length obey his voice indeed O that we would now break off from our provoking sinnes and most seriously break our hearts for our sinnes with that godly sorrow which is unto Repentance never to be repented of And that we would cordially and conscientiously remember and keepe our solemne 〈…〉 Covenant made with our God and with one another and with a speedy and pious resolution would pay our vowes especially that to build up Gods House to set up a Church-Government most substantially that is as neare as may be in a Scripturall Modell and therein lovingly to joyne with our most loving Brethren of Scotland most worthy perpetually to be embraced by us with all due expressions of most cordiall love and endlesse amity as having been under God the maine meanes if not onely instruments of purchasing and procuring for us this present precious Parliament and so consequently of all our had and hoped happinesse and let us for shame oh for foule shame let us leave off our unchristian our ungratefull our ungracious biting of them and snarling at one another thankfully and religiously labouring to keepe the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and pure Love for then oh then and not till then the Lord will certainly make us a peculiar Treasure to himselfe above all the people of the world To this say Amen O Lord I pray thee by the worke of thy Spirit of Grace in Christ Jesus and let All that read and heare it
together with Me from the bottome and root of their hearts and soules say unto it Amen and Amen A Convenient Corollarie pertinent to the Premisses OR Angliae Menses Mirabiles Englands Marveilous Moneths ANd now that the Reader may for his yet more cleare light and delight as it were Uno oculo et intuitu See and admire the resplendent lustre of our late most Marveilous Moneths and therein the admirable goings and doings of our Wonder-working God in the latter end of the last Summer and this last Winter 1645. I have here I say for Gods greater glory and the Reader more full content and Satisfaction collected and set downe together an on ocular-Summarie and breife Map as it were all the Townes Castles Garrisons or Strong Holds taken from the Enemie And all the field fights and famous Victories obtained since the happy setting forth of the greatly despised and vilipended New-Modell'd-Armie under the victorious Conduct and Command of ever to be renowned Sir Thomas Fairefax his Excellencie the most Successefull Captaine Generall of all the Parliaments forces over the whole kingdome All atcheived within the space of 8. or 9. Moneths or a very little more beginning from Midd-June 1645. Taken from the Enemie since Nasbies most famous Uictorie 1645. 1. LEicester Town and Castle p. 171. 2. Ilchester Garrison p. 175. 3. Stoksey-Castle p. 177. 4. Caus-Castle p. 177. 5. Heighworth-Garrison p. 180 6. Carleisle Towne and Castle p. 186 7. Sharward●n-Castle p. 187 8. Langport-Garrisons p. 190 9. Burrough-Garrison p. 194 10. Bridgewater Towne and Castle p. 197 11. Cannon-Froom-Garrison p. 230. 12. Pontifract-Castle p. 201 13 Scarborough Castle p. 202 14 Rabbi Castle p. 203 15 Bath Towne and Castle p. 203 16 Chadwick Garrison p. 203 17 Sherburn Town and Castle p. 255 18 Port-shed strong Fort at Bristoll p. 260 19 Nunnie Castle p. 260 20 Bristoll Towne and Castle p. 265 21 Cardiffe Town and Castle p. 276 22 Devizes Towne and Castle p. 276 23 Lacock Garrison p. 277 24 Almost all Pembrook-shire reduced to the Parliament p. 277 25 Barkley Castle p. 283 26 Farleigh Castle p. 286 27 Sandall Castle p. 286 28 Winchester Town and Castle p. 287 29 Basing strong Garrison p. 287 30 Langford Garrison p. 296 31 Chepstow Towne and Castle p. 292 32 Dawley Castle 33 Moorton-Corbet House a strong Garrison p. 34 Rooton Castle 35 Linsill Mannour Garrison 36 Apley-house Garrison p. 115 37 Tiverton Town and Castle p. 300 38 Carmarthen Towne and Castle p. 302 39 Monmouth Towne and Castle p. 302 40 Shelford Garrison p. 313 41 Picton Castle 42 Abarashwait Garrison p. 315 43 Worton Garrison p. 316 44 Wiverton Garrison p. 316 45 Welbeck Garrison p. 316 46 Boulton Castle p. 318 47 Beiston Castle p. 48 Haverford West p. 255 49 Latham house a strong Garrison p. 329 50 Fulford Garrison p. 329 51 Hereford Town and Castle p. 330 52 Callantine Garrison p. 337 53 The happy releife of Taunton a third time equivalent to the taking of a Towne p. 187 54 Carew Castle p. 95 55 Skipton Castle p. 337 56 Embleden Castle p. 57 Cannon Tean a strong Fort p. 336 58 Canterbury Fort. p. 340 59 St Budeaux Church p. 341 60 Bovie-Tracie p. 341 61 Ilminster p. 341 62 Ashburton p. 341 63 Totnes p. 342 64 Okehampton p. 342 65 Plimouth totally releeved p. 348 66 Sir Francis Drakes house a strong Hold. p. 348 67 Dartmouth Towne and Castle p. 353 68 Pouldram Castle p. 358 69 Westchester Town and Castle p 361 70 Holt-Church Garrison 71 Belvoir Castle p. 361 72 Torrington Garrison p 366 73 Cardiff Town retaken and the Castle preserved 74 Corfe Castle p. 372 75 Lanceston Garrison p. 374 76 Abington againe admirably preserved p. 375 77 Ashbie De La Zouch p. 378 78 Bodman a strong Garrison p 379 79 Listithiel a Garrison p. 379 80 Ware Bridge a Garrison p 379 81 Mount Edgecombe a Garrison p. 383 82 Castle-Dennis a Garrison 83 Salt-Ash a Garrison p. 84 Saint Cullumb a Garrison p. 388 85 Truro a Garrison p. 400 86 Maus Castle p. 395 87 Penrin a Garrison p. 88 St. Ellens a Garrison p. 89 Flamouth p. 395 90 Foy a strong Garrison p. 391 91 Shruardon Castle p. 296 92 Gooderich Castle p. 397 93 Inch-house a Garrison p. 402 94 Hilford Castle p. 401 95 Pouldram strong Fort. p. 402 96 High-Archall a strong Garrison p. 403 97 Bridgenorth Town p. 403 98 Portland Castle p. 404 99 Exmouth Fort. p. 404 100 Dennington Castle p. 404 101 Ruthin Castle p. 408 102 The City of Exeter with all its strong Forts p 411 103 Barnstable Towne and Castle p. 412 104 St. Michaels Mount p. 412 105 Titbury Castle p. 413 106 Aburisthwait Castle p. 412 107 Dunster Castle p 412 108 Woodstock Garrison p 413 109 Bridgenort● Castle p. 413 110 Newark a strong Garrison p. 419 111 Banbury Castle p. 421 112 Hartlebury Castle p 422 113 Ludlow Town and Castle p. 422 114 Muschamp-bridge and Fort. p. 327 115 All Pembrook-shire reduced p. 277 116 Padstow in Cornwal p. 386 117 Bostol Garrison p. 443 118 Carnarvan Towne and Castle p. 443 119 Dudley Castle p 444 Beaumorris Towne and Castle p. 446 120 Oxford p 446 A Catalogue of all the famous Defeates or Field-fights and glorious Victories obtained by the Parliaments Forces since the midst of June 1645. 1 THe most famous set Battaile and glorious Victory by Gods great mercy obtained at Nasebie p. 159 2 A brave Defeat given to the Enemy at Kiddarminster in Worcestershire p. 3 A brave Defeat given to the enemies on the Welch side of the River Dee p. 4 The famous Victory obtained through fire and water over Gorings forces at Langport in the West p. 190 5 The Westerne Clubmen beaten out of the Field upon Hambleton hill by the Parliaments forces p. 253 6 A brave Defeat given to the enemy neare Stamford in Lincolnshire p. 251 7 The brave Victory obtained over our Welch enemies at Coleby-moore in Wales neare Haverford west p. 255 8 A brave Defeat given to the enemie neare Redding p. 261 9 The great and most famous Victory obtained by our deare Brethren of Scotland over Montrosse p. 270 10 A brave Defeat given to the enemy at Kiddarminster p. 276 11 The famous Victory obtained against the Kings Forces going to relieve Chester at Houten-Health p. 278 12 A brave Defeat given to the enemy neare Oxford p. 286 13 A brave Defeat given to the enemies at Farringdon by Abbington forces p. 294 14 A brave Defeat given to the enemies forces of Banbury conducting Rupert and Maurice to Newark p. 296 15 The famous Victory obtained over the Lord Digby and Sir Mar. Langdale at Sherburn in Yorkshire p. 297 16 A brave Defeat given to the enemy neare Denbigh Castle intending to releive Chester p. 304 17 A brave Defeat given to the enemy at Holt-bridge p. 305 18 Another famous Defeat given to Digby and Langdale marching into Scotland to Montrosse
Frigot taken by our ships Hilford Castle taken Livetenant Colonell Ingoldsby slain by Musket shot A day of solemn Thanksgiving for the forementioned great mercies to the King Our noble Generals advance to Exeter Inch-House surrendred Pouldram Fort taken High-Archall surrendred to the Parliament Bridge-North Towne taken by Shrewsbury forces Colonell Billingsley slaine in the Storme Portland castle surrendred Exmouth-Fort neere Exeter taken Aprill 1646. Dennington Castle taken An Order of both Houses of Parliament for restraint of Papists and other Delinquents from coming to the Cities of London and Westminster An Order also concerning the Kings private coming to London A brave defeat given to the Kings Horse neare Farringdon Treaty about the surrender of the City of Exeter to the Parliament Three strong Forts already delivered up to the Generall Justification of the large Articles of conditions agreed unto upon the surrender of Exeter Ruthin-Castle surrendred to the Parliament A brave defeat given to Denbigh forces by Colonell Mitton Captaine Cottingham slaine Prisoners and prizes taken at Denbigh and Ruthin The Raglanders soundly beaten by Sir Trevor Williams Many Gentlemen of Wales came out of Ragland castle to Sir Trevor and submitted to the Parliament Master Fog a Minister rewarded for his Loyalty to the Parliament The strong Garrison of the City of Exeter surrendred to the Parliament The first letter The second Letter The manner of their marching out of the City of Exeter Branstable Towne and C●stle surrendred Sir Michaels-Mount surrendred Titbury-Castle surrendred Aburisthwait Castle in Wales surrendred Dunstar-Castle surrendred Our WesternArmie advanced toward Oxford Woodstock-Garrison surrendred Bridge North Castle surrendred The just praise of the most faithfull and active Committee of Shrewsbury The Duke of Lenox and others come in unto the Parliament The King escaped out of Oxford in a disguised manner 1 Sam. 2. 30. May. 1646. The Parliament informed of the Kings departure out of Oxford toward London Both Houses of Parliaments Order published throughout London and Westminster touching concealing the King The Parliaments providence for the welfare of the City of London A Copy of the ●etter from the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the Commissioners of both Houses concerning His Majesties coming to the Scotch Army The manner of the Kings coming into the Scots Army and discovering himself unto them Newark surrendred to the King and Parliament The summe of the Articles of Agreement Our Brethren of Scotland drew off from Newarke Banbury Castle surre●dred to the Parliament A day of Solemn thanksgiving to the Lord for late great mercies to us Hartlebury Castle taken The prizes taken therein Ludlow surrendred to the Parliament Some hopefull sweet effects of the kings being in the custodie of our loyall Brethren of Scotland The summe of the kings Letto the Parliament of England The famous Citie Remonstrance exhibited to Both Houses of Parliament Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdome pag. 19. The Parliaments Declaration upon his Majesties Declaration after the Battell at Edge-hill pag. 659. * This desire of the City of London is no more nor other in effect than the House of Commons in Parliament it self voted as most justly at the taking of the Protestation May 5. 1641. Salcoomb Regis Surrendred Bostol-House also yeilded up to the Parliament Ordinance of Parliament for the better settlement of Presbyterian Church Government Bostoll Garrison surrendred Carnarvan Towne and Castle surrendred The Propositions for a wel grounded Peace resolved and in speciall 〈…〉 of the Kingdom The Ministers of London and Westminsters pious meeting and religion resolution in Zion Colledge Letters from Sir Thomas Fairefax Articles for the Surrender of Oxford and the Messengers rewarded by the Parliament The Duke of Yorke to come from Oxford to S. James-House Beaumorris Town and Castle surrendred The manner of the surrender of Oxford His Majesties Letter to the Marquesse of Ormond The Propositions for Peace sent to the King Psal 30 11 12 Ehen-Ezer The summary use of all Caution and Exhortation 1 Caution Zechar. 10. 5. Ezra 9. 6. Deut 32. 6. Ier. 37. 10. Iohn 5. 14. Mat. 12. 45. 2 Exhortation Reformation both Nationall and personall Building of Gods house Schisme and Errour petitioned against The danger of it briefly described The building of Gods house petitioned Hest 6. 3. The great fault and ●ayling of these times Scripture Eye-salve 2 Chron. 16. 9 Gods eye of providence over us Zeche 8. 1● Our Fasts turned into Feasts Num. 23. 13. No enchanment or Divination against Gods Israell Isa 54. 17. No weapon formed against us hath pro●pered Jer. 30. 16 17. Our devourers are devoured and our spoyler● are spoyled Ezekiel 20. 38 The rega●● Rebels purged out of the Kingdome Isay 66. 5. The Royalists impious hypocrisie unmasked Great encouragements for Gods Children Iob 5. 27. Marke this O England Isa 19. 11 12 13 14. A true description of the Kings Counsellours Exod. 18. 11. Isa 51. 12 13. A just objurgation and too t●ue taxation on all Psal ●6 7 10 An exhortation to Christian courage and godly resolution Exod. 19. 4 5. Breake off from sinne Remember our Covenant B●●ld Gods House Love our Brethren of Scotland Our Brethren of Scotland were the main meane of procuring this present Parliament Exod. 19. 5. One hundred and forty Cart-loads of dead and wounded at Newbery fight some at Brainford at Dorchester and Causham at Marston-moore A Looking-glasse for Malignants
who had suffered much and beene brought into great poverty and miserie by the enemies there And our most loyall and loving Brethren of Scotland kept the like solemn-day of Thanksgiving in their armie to blesse God with us for this great mercie unto us And see and admire as a farther ground of Thankefulnes and to raise up our Spirits to a higher pitch of bounden gratitude Even the very same morning that we were praising the Lord for that great mercy so graciously received there came yet more joyfull newes to the Parliament of a great overthrow given by his Excellency renowned Sir Thomas Fairfaxes Forces to the Enemy at Torrington in the West the particulars of which so memorable a victory cannot I conceive but be of most singular satisfaction to the Kingdome and people of God especially I shall therefore give the Reader a full and faithfull intimation thereof as it was sent in a Letter from a Gentleman of piety credit and eminency in his Excellencies Army and was read in the House of Commons Febr. the 20. which was as followeth SIR SAturday Febr. 14. our Army marched from Crediton and the quarters thereabout to Chimleigh Sunday they marched very early to a Rendezvouze some two miles in the way to Torrington with intention to have gone on but our Parties of horse bringing in some prisoners by whose examination we could not certainly learn which way the Enemy bent whereupon another party was sent out of Colonell Butlers Troope the forlorn of which party being twelve took twelve of the Lord Gorings Life-guard and 24 Horse and brought them to the Generall upon their examination it appeares the Enemy was ignorant of our motion The Lord Hopton was in Torrington And further that a party of the Enemies Horse was at Burrington the Generall sent a partie of Horse to meet with them under command of Captaine Barry who accordingly charged the Enemy put them to a rout shot Lieutenant Colonell Dundash a Renegado and of the Lord Cleevelands Brigade and tooke severall prisoners and brought Dundash three miles on the way but being mortally wounded was inforced to leave him at Ringdash a foot quarter of ours Also another party of Horse toward the East met with the Enemy taking some Prisoners and Horse and shot Major Bret by this time a Bridge was made up some two miles off Chimleigh so that our Army might with convenience march over but the day being so far spent it was not held fit to march with the whole Army so three Regiments of Horse and three of Foot marched some foure miles towards the Enemy that night the rest returned to Chimleigh with Orders to march Munday Feb. 16. the Generall with that part of the Army that was at Chimleigh marched up to the rest of the Army and within five miles of Torrington had a generall Rendezvouze both of Horse and Foot drew them up in Batalia and so marched up towards the Enemy When we came within two miles of Torringron our forlorne hope of Horse charged theirs put them to retreat whereupon they came on again with a very strong party and put ours to a stand the reserves of our forlorn being come up and some foot forced them to their Body againe our forlorn of horse pursued and alarmed them at Squire Rolls his house within a mile of Torrington where they began to fortifie but the Enemy perceiving our Foot came up quit the House and drew their Forces to Torrington and our forlorne of Horse advanced after them The Enemy drew their Foot out of the Town into the closes about a quarter of a mile our forlorn hope of Foot lined the hedges and so faced each other about two houres within halfe Musket shot e●changed many shot and there was then continuall skirmishing by the Forlornes and Reserves on both sides and some Prisoners taken by this time it began to be darke and a Councell of War was called whether to engage before day or not whereupon the Generall Lieutenant Generall with the rest of the Colonels deferred a Resolution a little time and rid to the forlorn hope to see in what posture they were while they were there the Tattoo was heard to beat in the Towne which assured us the Enemy continued in the Town not flying away as was reported but to be certaine six Dragoones were commanded to creep under a hedge neer the Barracadoes and to give fire to see whether they would answer by which we might know whether they stood to defend the Towne The Enemy received the charge and answered it with a very sharp volley of shot Our forlorn hope seeing the Dragoons engaged gave fire whereupon the Enemy gave fire all along the hedges and Works thereupon the Reserve to the forlorn came on to relieve them and so being engaged the whole Army advanced and about eight at night the battell began some six fields from the Town and we fought from hedge to hedge untill we beat them into their Barracadoes which they maintained for an houre after very resolutely our men being often repulsed yet at last got over the Barracadoes and forced the Enemy into the Town whereupon the Horse were let in who scouring the streets were received by the Enemy and a hot charge given by both parties yet it pleased God at the last we do 〈◊〉 them out of the Barracadoes at the furthest end of the Towne and by this time many prisoners were taken and put into the Church but farre more escaped being darke over the hedges and by-wayes which was not possible for us to prevent throwing downe their Arms and every man flying severall waies Our Forces were no sooner possest of the Towne but the Enemies Magazine which they left in the Church was fired whether on purpose by the Enemy or by accident we cannot yet learne but it proved a terrible blow not only blazing up the Church with all the wood and lead that was upon it deforming many houses in the Town but killed some of the Prisoners in the Church and some of our men that were in the Church-Yard two great Webs of Lead fell within twice a Horse length of the Generall but it pleased God he escaped though in eminent danger many others being hurt both with the Timber Stones and Lead most of the Towne was shaken by this blow being the terriblest that hath been seen in the memory of man there being about 80 Barrels of powder blown up together and one barell which was blowne out of the Church into the streete which took not fire The Enemy perceiving their Magazine to be 〈◊〉 fired gave one charge more with their horse up to our Barracadoes commanded by Sir Iohn Digby but our Musketeers gave fire whereupon they tooke their farewell our first instantly advanced through the Towne after them and began the pursue about 11 of the clock at night Thus it hath pleased God in an instant to scatter those Forces of the Lord Hoptons his infantry being