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A42548 The history of the Church of Great Britain from the birth of Our Saviour, untill the year of Our Lord, 1667 : with an exact succession of the bishops, and the memorable acts of many of them : together with an addition of all the English cardinals, and the several orders of English monks, friars, and nuns, in former ages. Gearing, William.; Geaves, William.; Geaves, George. 1674 (1674) Wing G435B; ESTC R40443 404,773 476

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the Virgin Mary with Christ in her Armes on the other side curiously and decently guilt and the cause thereof engraven on it in the place where the offence was committed calling the Major of the Town and Cofferers of the Jews to his assistance and till they made and delivered to the Proctors of the University another portable Cross of Silver handsomly guilded with a Spear as large as that carried before the Archbishop to be carryed before the Masters and Scholars of the University in their future processions And because diverse Jewes to prevent it had secretly convayed away their goods to others to enquire diligently after such goods and sell them that the work might be speedily effected before St. Edwards Feast The Money hereupon being levyed of the Jews to make these Crosses and the King being informed that the Marble-cross could not be erected in the place prescribed without damage and prejudice to some Burgesses of Oxford whereupon they purposed to erect it just over against the Jews Synagogue there The King and his Council conceiving that place inconvenient ordered it to be set up within the place of Merton Colledge near the Church and the other portable Cross to be delivered to the Scholars thereof to be kept in their House and carried in Processions of the University as aforesaid Of the Dismes granted to the King by the Pope Parker Antiqu Eccles Britan. p. 194. the King had usually the least share the Pope the Cardinals and Legates swallowing up the greatest part of them as the Learned Archbishop Matthew Parker hath observed Boniface the Military Archbishop of Canterbury died beyond the Seas Anno Dom. 1271. when he had reaped the profits of that See and pillaged that Province twenty six years six moneths and sixteen dayes most of which he spent in Wars and negotiations beyond the Seas and never Preached one Sermon all that time for ought we find That year there was so great an inundation of Rain at Canterbury such Lightening and Tempest as had not been seen nor heard for a long time The Thunder was dreadful and continued a whole day and night and such an inundation of Water followed that it overthrew Stones Vines and Trees Cattel were drowned and much Corn spoiled and the City was so over-flown that Men nor Horses could pass After this Flood there followed a great Famine and the Plague swept away many in the City and Countrey round about Mr. Fox relates That a little before King Henry's death there fell out a controversie between the Monks and Citizens of Norwich about certain Tallages and Liberties that after much altercation and wrangling words the furious rage of the Citizens so much encreased that they set upon the Abbey and Priory and burned both the Church and Bishop's Palace At the last King Henry calling for certain of his Lords and Barons sent them to Norwich that they might punish and see Execution done on the chiefest Malefactors some of them were condemned and burnt and some were drawn by the heeles with Horses through the Streets of the City and so in much misery ended their lives King Henry having in his company the Bishop of Ro●hester and the Earl of Glocester followed his Justice Thomas Trivet to Norwich The Bishop having Excommunicated all who consented to this wickedness and the Judge Executed the nocent the King condemned the Town in three thousand Marks of Silver to be paid by a day toward the repairing of the Church so burnt and also to pay one hundred pounds in Silver toward the repair of a Cup arising to twenty pounds in Gold He returning thence towards London fell grievously sick at the Abbey of St. Edmonds in Suffolk where after he had in a Religious manner acknowledged his sins he rendered up the same to his Redeemer when he had reigned fifty six years and twenty dayes A Prince writes Speed whose devotion was greater than his discretion as we see in permitting the depredation of himself and his whole Kingdom by Papal overswayings After the Death and Funeral of King Henry who was Buried at Westminster Church Founded and almost finished by him Prince Edward his Son being at that time in the holy Land where he obtained many notable Victories against the Saracens Who thereupon suborned an Assassinate to kill him under pretext of delivering a Message to him from the Soldan of Babylon who stabbed him into the Body with a poisoned Knife Thomas Walsingham Matth. Westm to the hazard of his Life his Nobles notwithstanding his remote absence were so Loyal as to Proclaim him King and Swear Fealty and Allegiance to him as their Sovereign Lord. They sent out Writs whereby they Proclaimed the King's peace They first of them were directed to all the Sheriffs of England to Proclaim in their respective Coun●ies the other to the King 's chief Justice of Ireland to be there Proclaimed who with others was authorized likewise to receive the Fealty as well of all the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Clergy as Nobles and other Lay-subjects in Ireland due unto him as their King and Sovereign Lord. In the third year of this King's Reign Walter de Merton Bishop of Rochester and Chancellor of England finished the Colledge of his own Name in Oxford This Walter de Merton was one of the Guardians of the Realm in the King's absence A Writ was issued to Lewellin Prince of Wales requiring an Oath of Fealty from him to King Edward as his Sovereign Lord and two Abbots thereby made Commissioners to receive his Oath who refused to appear or give any answer to them The Abbots made a special return of their proceedings therein to the Lord Chancellor The first thing this King and his Council did was to make a publick Declaration and Protestation against Pope Clement the fifth his late Usurpation who a little before King Henry his death had by his Papal Provisions conferred the Bishoprick of Winton on John d● Pontissera and the Archbishoprick of Canterbury upon Robert Kilwardby without the King 's precedent License or Monks Election rejecting William de Chilenden duly Elected by the Monks of Canterbury by King Henry's License that so he might Usurp the disposal of all other Bishopricks by these and other former like Presidents After the death of Pope Clement the fourth the See of Rome continuing void for two years and ten moneths by reason of the Cardinals discord about a Successor at last they Elected Theobald Archdeacon of Leige Pope who was with King Edward the first in the holy Land of him these two Verses were made Papatum munus tenet Archidiaconus unus Quem Patrem Patrum fecit discordia fratrum Prince Edward in his return from the holy Land repaired to this new Pope's Court his late Chaplain and fellow-souldier who at his request Excommunicated the Murderers of his kinsman Henry Son and heir to the King of Germany at Viterbium and disinherited some of them by his Imperious Decree till they should come personally to
all or most part to themselves The King grew Sick and weak in B●●y in which Estate Duke Dudley so prevailed upon him that he consented to a transposition of the Crown from his natural Sisters to the Children of the Dutchess of Suffolk His dying Prayer as is was taken from his mouth was in these words following Lord God deliver me out of the miseries of this wretched and sinful life and take me among thy chosen Howbeit not my will but thy will be done Lord I commit my Spirit to Thee O Lord thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with Thee yet for thy chosens sake send me life and health that I may truly serve Thee O my Lord God bless thy people and save thine inheritance O Lord God save thy chosen people of England O my Lo●d God defend this Realm from Papistry and maintain thy true Religion that I and my people may truly praise thy Name for Jesus Christ his sake Thus endeth the Reign of that good King Edward the Sixth sufficiently remarkable for the progress of Reformation but so distracted unto Sides and Factions that in the end the King himself became a prey to the strongest party which saith Dr. Heylin could not otherwise be safe but in his destruction contrived on purpose as it was generally supposed to smooth the way to the advancement of the Lady Jane Gray newly married to Guilford Dudley fourth Son to Duke Dudley to the Royal Throne King Edward being dead the Princess Mary hearing of her Brothers death and knowing her own right writeth to the Lords of the Council ●nd challengeth them for their doing making her claim to the Crown To whom the Council writeth again as to a Subject requiring her to rest so contented The Lady Jane was on the same day that these Letters were dispatched brought by Water to the Tower attended by a Noble Train of both Sexes from Durham-house in the Strand where she had been entertained as part of Dudley's Family ever since her Marriage When she came into the presence of the two Dukes her Father and Father in Law it was signified to Her by the Duke of Northumberland that the King was dead and that he had declared her for his next Successor in the Crown After a pithy speech the poor Lady found her self in a great perplexity But being wearied at last with their importunities and overcome by the entreaties of her Husband whom she dearly loved she submitted unto that necessity which she could not vanquish Hereupon the two Dukes with all the rest of the Lords of the Council swore Allegiance to he● And on the same day about five a Clock in the afternoon they solemnly caused her to be Proclaimed Queen of England France and Ireland c. in many of the principal Streets of London and after by degrees in most of the chief Cities Towns and places of greatest concourse In which Proclamation it was signified That by the Letters Patents of the late King Edward the Lady Jane Gray eldest Daughter to the Dutchess of Suffolk had been declared to be his true and lawful Successor to the Crown of England the same to be enjoyed after her decease by the heirs of her Body c. Which Proclamation though it was published in the City with all due solemnities and that the concourse of the people was great yet their acclamations were few The next day the Lords were advertised that many persons of quality were drawn together at Kenning-hall Castle in Norfolk to offer their service and assistance to the Princess Mary as the Earl of Bath Sir Thomas Wharton Son of the Lord Wharton Sir John Mordant Son of the Lord Mordant Sir William Drury Sir John Shelton Sir Henry Beddingfield Sir Henry Jerningham Sir John Sulierd Mr. Richard Higham of Lincolns-Inne It was advertised also that the Earl of Sussex and his Son were coming towards her with their Forces Therefore they perswade Duke Dudley to take the conduct of some Forces that might scatter those small companies before they grew unto an Head Swelled with vain-glory he suffered himself to be entreated to an action of such fame and merit as that which they presented to him So the Duke with the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Gray and divers others of note on July 14. 1553. set forward with eighth thousand Foot and two thousand Horse The Duke's March was slow In the mean time Edward Hastings the Earl of Huntingdon's Brother having an Army of four thousand Foot committed to him by the Duke of Northumberland left his party and went to the Lady Mary And six great ●hips which lay before Yarmouth to intercept her if she should attempt to fly now at the perswasion of Mr Jerningham came to her aid Upon news hereof the Lords themselves assembled at Baynards Castle first the Earl of Arundel then the Earl of Pembrook fell to Invectives against Northumberland and then all the Lords consenting with them they called for the Lord Mayor and in London Proclaimed the Lady Mary Queen She was also Proclaimed by divers other Lords and Knights in divers other Counties which the Duke being then at Bury hearing of he returneth to Cambridge and there himself Proclaimeth the Lady Mary Queen but the next morning he was arrested by Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel by Order from Queen Mary Together with the Duke his three Sons John Ambrose and Henry the Earl of Huntingdon Sir Andrew Dudley the two Gates Sir Thomas Palmer and Doctor Sands were committed to the Tower and the next day the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Robert Dudley and Sir Robert Corbet Before which time the Duke of Suffolk entring his Daughter the Lady Janes Chamber told her she must now put off her Royal robes which she willingly did Doctor Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London was also sent to the Tower on July 27. Sir Roger Cholmley Chief Justice of the King's Bench and Sir Edward Mountague Chief Justice of the Common Pleas the Duke of Suffolk were sent also to the Tower Sir John Cheek on the morrow after bringing up the Reer But the Duke of Suffolk Father to the Lady Jane was released within three days after The Duke of Northumberland together with John Earl of Warwick his eldest Son and William Marquess of Northampton were brought to their Trial on August 8. before Thomas Duke of Norfolk then sitting as Lord High Steward in Westminster Hall they all confessed the Indictment and received Judgment in the usual form The like Judgement passed on the morrow after on Sir John Gates Sir Henry Gates Sir Andrew Dudley and Sir Thomas Palmer The Duke was on August 22. beheaded and professed himself a Papist at his death whose Recantation the Papists published abroad with great rejoycing with him died also Sir John Gates and Sir Thomas Palmer which Palmer confessed the Faith he learned in the Gospel and lamented that he had not lived more as became the Gospel The Queen had dissolved her Camp at
or persons restrained from coming to any City Town Corporate Borough c. or for any other person or persons as shall not first take and subscribe the said Oath and as shall not frequent Divine Service established by the Laws of this Kingdom and carry him or her self reverently decently and orderly there to teach any publick or private School or take any Boarders or Tablers that are taught or instructed by him or her self or any other upon pain for every such offence to forfeit the sum of forty pounds to be recovered and distributed as aforesaid The offender also to be committed for six moneths to prison by two Justices of the Peace of the respective County without Bayl or Mainprize unless upon or before such commitment he shall before the said Justices of the Peace swear and subscribe the aforesaid Oath and Declaration An Act was also passed for uniting Churches in Cities and Towns Corporate which was judged necessary by reason of the great ruine of many Churches and Parishes in the late ill times and otherwise The Parishes to remain distinct as to all Rates Taxes Parochial rights charges and duties and all other Priviledges Liberties and respects whatsoever notwithstanding any such union to be made by vertue hereof It was Enacted That the Patrons of such Churches and Chappels so united shall present by turns onely to that Church which shall remain and be presentative from time to time c. Provided That Parishes having an hundred pounds maintenance per Annum may not be united Incumbents of such united Parishes must be Graduates in some University Owners of Impropriations may bestow and annex maintenance to the Churches where they lye and settle it in trust for the benefit of the said Parsonage or Vicarage without any license of Mortmain It was further Enacted That if the setled maintenance of such Parsonage Vicarage Churches and Chappels so united c. shall not amount to the full sum of one hundred pounds per Annum clear and above all charges and reprizes that then it shall be lawful for the Parson Vicar and Incumbent of the same and his Successors to take receive and purchase to him and his Successors Lands Tenements Rents Tithes or other Hereditaments without any license of Mortmain any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding This year 1665. was a great Plague in London and in the Suburbs thereof of which there died above an hundred thousand persons Anno 1666. On September 2d a Great ●ire arose in London which consumed a great part of the City whereby her beauty was defaced and her glory stained yea the Houses of God themselves became a heap of ruines and a sad spectacle of desolation The Citizens had not been long returned to their Houses which the late devouring Plague had driven them from but now the fire swalloweth up all their habitations and they that had so lately escaped the grave do now see the City it self as it were buried in it's own ruines In October 1667. a Judicature was erected for determination of differences touching Houses burned or demolished by reason of the late fire which hapned in London An Act was passed for Re-building the City of London And that the said Citizens and their Successors for all the time to come may retain the memorial of so sad a desolation and reflect seriously upon their manifold iniquities which are the unhappy causes of such Judgments It was Enacted That the second of September unless the same happen to be the Lord's day and it so then the next day following be yearly for ever hereafter observed as a day of publick Fasting and Humiliation within the said City and Liberties thereof to implore the mercies of Almighty God upon the said City to make devout Prayer and Supplication unto him to divert the like calamity for the time to come And the better to preserve the memory of this dreadful visitation It was further Enacted That a Column or Pillar of Brass or Stone be erected on or as near unto the place where the said Fire so unhappily began as conveniently may be in perpetual remembrance thereof with such Inscription thereon as hereafter by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen be directed It was also further Enacted That the Parish-churches to be Re-builded within the said City of London in lieu of those which were demolished by the late fire should not exceed the number of thirty nine to be set out and appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of London for the time being It was also Provided That the Sites and Materials of such Churches as by this Bill are not to be rebuilt together with the Church-yards belonging to such Churches shall be and are hereby vested in the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London for the time being to the end so much of the said ground as shall not upon the re-building of the said City be laid into the Streets be sold and disposed of by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen or the Major part of them with the consent of the said Archbishop and Bishop of London for the time being and the money raised by such sale shall be by the said Mayor and Aldermen or the major part of them with the consent of the said Archbishop and Bishop disposed of and employed for and towards the rebuilding of such Parish-Churches as by this Act are intended to be rebuilt and for no other use or purpose whatsoever Provided always That any thing in this Act contained shall not extend or be taken to vest or settle the Church of St. Pauls and St. Faiths or any part thereof or the Church of St. Gregory by St. Pauls or any of them or the Church-yards to any of them belonging or appertaining in the Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London or any of them any thing in this Act notwithstanding An additional Act was also made for the rebuilding the City of London uniting of Parishes and rebuilding of the Cathedral and Parochial Churches within the said City An Imposition was charged upon every Tun or Chaldron of Coales and it was provided That three fourth parts of all the moneys which from and after the first day of May 1670. and before the 24th day of June 1677. shall be raised or payable upon the receipt of the said imposition of two shillings for every Chaldron or Tun of Coals or in case of concealment thereof shall be employed and disposed for and towards the rebuilding erecting or repairing of the said Parish-Churches respectively according to such order and direction as by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Bishop and Lord Mayor of London for the time being or any two of them shall be given in that behalf and the same shall from time to time be issued out and paid accordingly unto such person and persons as they or any two of them shall by Warrant under their hands and seals for that purpose
the Pope's protection who thereupon vacated the Charters Then the Archbishop to demonstrate his gratitude to King John for the Patronage and Royalty of the Bishoprick of Rochester newly conferred on him and his Successors delivered up Rochester Castle with all the Ammunition therein to the Barons King John after three months siege took it by force out of the Barons hands who proceeding in their Rebellions against the King the Pope excommunicated them The Pope's Agents gave the Archbishop a personal command to execute the Excommunication which he delayed to do whereupon they suspended him King John complained to the Pope of the Barons obstinacy and how the Archbishop refused to Excommunicate them Soon after there was a General Council held at Rome to which the Archbishop was summoned and there suspended from his Archbishoprick upon the King's complaints against him When this suspension of the Archbishop was executed the Pope commanded all his Suffragans and Subjects to disobey him till by his humiliation and giving sufficient caution for his future deportment he should demerit it A just retaliation inflicted by God's providence on this Arch-enemy to King John The Archbishoprick of York becoming void the King by his Letters Patents granted the Chapter of York a License to elect a new Archbishop in the presence of five Commissioners therein specially named and with their consents to prevent the Election of Simon Langton the Archbishop's Brother this being the first License after his forecited Charter to the Archbishop and Bishops for the freedom of Elections After which the King sent his Patent of Appeal to the Chapter of York in general termes not to Elect any Person for their Archbishop suspected to be an enemy to him to avoid all misconstructions of his former Charter for freedom of Elections He also secretly prohibited them to Elect Simon Langton by name to whom he would never give his Royal Assent This Chapter notwithstanding the King 's and Pope's Inhibition likewise to gratifie Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury Elected Simon Langton his Brother Archbishop of York And the Canons of York appearing in the Council at Rome justified their Election and presented Simon Langton to the Pope for their Archbishop Elect and pressed his Confirmation of him The Covent and Monks of Durham affronted King John in the Election of their Bishop whereupon he was enforced to make use of the Pope's and Legate's power and yet could not effect his ends But the Pope obtains His to dispose of all Elections and Bishopricks at his pleasure The same year the King with some strugling procured R. de Marisco to be Bishop of Winchester Yet we find not in any of our Historians that he was ever Consecrated Bishop of Winchester notwithstanding his Election and the King's approbation and Letters to the Pope's Legate on his behalf so that he miscarried in this design as he did in that of Hugh Foliot to St. Davids Neither did he succeed in his recommendation of three several Persons to the Prior and Covent of Ramsey Then the Monk's of Glastonbury prevailed with Money to have their Abbey severed from the Bishoprick of Bath and Wells and to be governed by an Abbot as formerly parting with ●o less than four Manors and the Patronage of six Benefices to Joceline Bishop of Bath and Wells and his Successors by way of composition to obtain this disunion Then the Pope exempted King John's Chappels from Episcopal Excommunication and Jurisdiction without the Pope's special command which by the Lawes of the Realm were exempted from them long before The Barons and the Londoners slighted the Pope's Excommunication and so doth Lewis of France the Ini●ition of the Pope and his Legate not to invade England In the mean time Lewis his Proctors at Rome pleaded that King John had no good Title to the Crown of England shewing Lewis his Title thereunto which put Pope Innocent to a great dilemma But the Pope himself became King John's Advocate as well as Judge not as King of England but onely because he was his Vassal Then was England miserably wasted by Lewis and his Army in the East and South and by King John in the West and North whereupon forty of the Barons became sensible of their error in rejecting King John and in calling in and Crowning Lewis for their King and being likewise informed by Viscount Melun on his death-bed upon his Salvation That Lewis and XVI others of his chief Barons and Earls whereof himself was one had taken an Oath That if ever the Crown of England were quietly setled on his Head he would condemn to perpetual Exile all the English who now adhered to him against King John as Traitors to their Lawful Sovereign and would actually extirpate all their kindred advising them timely to prevent their miseries and lock up his words under the Seal of secrecy thereupon addressed themselves with their Letters of submission to King John but before these Letters were delivered or any Answer returned the King was poisoned by one Simon a Monk of Swinshed-Abbey in Lincoln-shire of which poison he died When he saw his Death approaching he with penitent Confession of his sins and great Devotion received the holy Eucharist having the Abbot of Croxton both for his Bodily and Ghostly Phisitian and then not onely forgave all his Mortal Enemies but also sent Command to Henry his Son to do the like to whom he caused all present to Swear Fealty and sent Letters to all his Officers abroad to assist him After which he commended his Soul to God and his Body to be interred in the Church of Worcester Where he was afterwards solemnly buried near the Body of Bishop Wolston In this year 1216. flourished Walter Mapez Archdeacon of Oxford a very Witty Man who in his Verses painted forth in lively Colours the Life of the Pope the Affections and Rape of the Court of Rome the Excess and Pride of the Popish Prelates as may be Read in his Book Entitled Diverse Poems of the corrupt state of the Church He composed a Treatise Entitled Apocalypsis Pontificis Goliath by which name he signified that Antichrist was revealed in the Pope Also Praedicationem Goliath and other Treatises against the Pope and his Court and of the dayes of the Court of Rome Giraldus Cambrensis mentioneth him in his Mirror of the Church and saith That he was a Man in that Age in great estimation His Poetical description of the City Popes and Court of Rome I shall here set down Roma caput mundi sed nil caput mundum Quod pendet a Capite totum est immundum Trahit enim vitium primum secundum Et de fundo redolet quod est juxta fundum Roma capit singulos res singulorum Romanorum Curia non est nisi forum Ibi sunt venalia jura Senatorum Et solvit contraria copia numm●rum In hoc consistorio si quis causam regat Suam vel alterius hic inprimis legat Nisi det pecuniam
in English against Chark who had written soberly against Campian's challenge But to Campian's Reasons Whitaker answered soundly He was taken a year after and put to the rack and afterwards being brought forth to dispute hardly maintained the expectation raised of him Parsons hardly escaping at Norwich in Cheshire politickly returneth to Rome This year Edmond Grindal Archbishop of Canterbury groaning under the Queens displeasure was forbidden access to the Convocation But a Petition was drawn up in the name of the whole Convocation for the restitution of the Archbishop by Toby Matthew Dean of Christ-church This Petition after delayes ended in a final denial it being daily suggested to the Queen that Grindal was a great Patron of Prophecyings now set up in several parts of the Land which if permitted would in fine prove the bane of the Church and State These Prophecyings were thus modelled 1. The Ministers of the same Precinct by their own appointment Fuller Church Hist An. 1580. met at the principal place therein 2. The Junior Divine went first into the Pulpit and for about half an hour treated upon a portion of Scripture formerly by a joynt agreement assigned unto him After him four or five more observing their seniority successively dilated on the same Text. 3. At last a Grave Divine made the closing Sermon somewhat larger than the rest praising the pains of such who best deserved it and mildly reproving the mistakes of such of those if any were found in their Sermons Then all was ended as it was begun with a solemn Prayer And at a publick refection of those Ministers together with many of the Gentry repairing to them the next time of their meeting was appointed Text assigned Preachers deputed a new Moderator elected or the one continued and so all were dissolved But some incoveniences were seen and more foreseen if these Prophecyings might generally take place in the Land However the Archbishop to vindicate himself wrote a large Letter to the Queen But all in vain for the Earl of Leicester had so filled the Queens ears with complaints against him that there was no room to receive his Petition Indeed Leicester cast a covetous eye on Lambeth-house and maliced him because he stoutly opposed the alienating this his principal Palace Now began Priests and Jesuits to flock faster into England than ever before having exchange of clothes names and professions Hereupon the Parliament now met at Westminster enacted severe Laws against them John Pain a Priest was executed at Chelmsford Thomas Ford John Shert and Robert Johnson Priests were executed at London This year died Gilbert Berkley Bishop of Bath and Wells The Presbyterian party met at Cockfield Mr. Knewstub's Cure in Suffolk even sixty Ministers of Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridge-shire to confer of the Common-prayer-book what might be tolerated and what refused in every point of it apparel matter form dayes fastings injunctions c. whilst the severity of the State was at this time great against Jesuites some lenity of course fell to the share of the Non-conformists The City of Geneva being now reduced to great extremities by the Duke of Savoy Beza addressed himself by Letters to Mr. Walter Travers one of the chief of the Presbyterian party then Chaplain to the Lord Treasurer in which Letter may be seen much of the secret sympathy betwixt England and Geneva about Discipline Geneva helping England with her Prayers England aiding Geneva with her purse The Duke of Anjou came into England and was an earnest Suitor to Queen Elizabeth A Book was set forth against the Marriage entitled The Gulps wherein England will be swallowed by the French Marriage The Queen by open Proclamation commended the Duke of Anjou's affection towards her and the Protestants Religion sorrowed that so great an injury was offered to so high a Prince she condemned the Author of the Book as a publisher of Sedition and commanded the Book to be burnt before the Magistrates face From this time she began to be more incensed against the Innovators from whom she believed that these things proceeded And within few dayes after John Stubs of Lincolns-Inn whose Sister Mr. Cartwright formerly mentioned had married the Author of this Book William Page who dispersed the Copies and Singleton the Printer were apprehended Stubs and Page had their right hands cut off with a Cleaver driven through the wrist with the force of a Beetle upon a Scaffold in the Market-place at Westminster The Printer was pardoned Stubs having his right hand cut off put off his hat with his left and said with a loud voice God save the Queen The Queen also to take away the fear which had possessed many mens minds that Religion would be altered and Popery tolerated permitted that Edmond Campian Jesuite Ralph Sherwin Luke Kirby and Alexander Briant Priests should be arraigned they were condemned and executed for Treason This was done during the abode of Anjou in England The Earl of Leicester improved his power at this time very great with the Queen to obtain great Liberty for the Non-conformists Hence it was that many Bishops active in pressing subscription in their Diocess when repairing to Court were checked by this great Favourite to their great discouragement Hereupon the Brethren who hitherto had no particular platform of Discipline among themselves The form of Discipline by the Brethren considered of in a solemn Synod with the Decrees thereof may be read in Fuller church Hist Cent. 16. Anno 1582. as universally practised by their party began in a solemn Council held by them to conclude on a certain form as may be seen in their Decrees faithfully translated out of their Latin Copy The Title thereof These be the things that do seem may well stand with the peace of the Church This year died three that seemed Pillars in the Romish Church Frist Richard Bristow born in Worcester-shire bred at Exeter-colledge in Oxford whence he fled beyond the Seas and by Cardinal Allen was made Overseer of the English Colledge first at Doway then at Rhemes For the recovery of his health he returned into his native Land and died quietly near London The second Nicholas Harpsfield bred first in Winchester-school then in New-colledge in Oxford where he proceeded Doctor of Law and after became Archdeacon of Canterbury Under King Edward the Sixth he banished himself Under Queen Mary he returned and was advanced Under Queen Elizabeth imprisoned for denying her Supremacy Yet such was his mild usage in his Restraint that he wrote much therein and among the rest his Ecclesiastical History He wrote also six Dialogues in favour of his own Religion He set it forth under the name of Alan Cope Yet caused he these Capital letters to be engraven at the end of his Book A. H. L. N. H. E. V. E. A. C. Hereby mystically meaning Auctor Hujus Libri Nicolaus Harpfeldus Edidit Vero Eum Alanus Copus The third Gregory Martin born at Mayfield in Sussex bred with Campian at
at Breda His Majestie 's Letter and Declaration to the Fleet by the diligence of General Mountague had the same success there as that in the Army being gratefully received by all the Commanders in the Fleet. Three days after the Lords and Commons having agreed upon a Proclamation to that purpose His Majesty was Proclaimed with great solemnity in the Cities of London and Westminster the Lords and Commons and the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London being present Mr. Clarges carrieth the happy tidings hereof with a Letter from the General to His Majesty at Breda Thereupon M. Clarges is Knighted by His Majesty The Parliament's and Cities Commissioners have their audience from His Majesty at the Hague The King afterwards landed at Dover with the Dukes of York and of Glocester and many Noblemen and Gentlemen There the General met him upon whose motion for His going to Canterbury the King hastned to His Coach in His passage to which he was met by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town with Mr. Reading the Minister who presented His Majesty with a large Bible with Golden Clasps At His entrance into Canterbury he was met by the Mayor and Aldermen and Mr. Lovelace the Recorder who made an eloquent speech to Him the Mayor also presented Him with a Tankard of Massie Gold and then conducted Him to the Palace where He remained till Monday From Canterbury He marcheth magnificently attended to London When he came to S. George's fields the Lord Mayor and Aldermen on their Knees Reverenced His Majesty and the Lord Mayor presented His Sword unto Him which His Majesty gave back to him from thence He was in a Triumphant and Glorious manner attended and conducted through the City of London to White-hall On May 29. 1660. being His birth-day The Lord Mayor having taken leave of Him He went to the Lords where He was entertained with a grave and eloquent speech of the Earl of Manchester and from thence to the Banquetting-house where the whole House of Commons attending Him the Speaker in their names expressed the joyful sence they all had to behold His Majesty return'd in safety and thereby an end was put to that Tyranny and Slavery His good people had endured His Majesty in brief expresseth his gracious intentions to them Then His Majesty gave thanks to God in His Presence chamber for all His deliverances and mercies toward him May 31. He sets forth a Proclamation against debauchery and profaneness The Chief Officers of State and of the King's Houshold and the Lords of His Majestie 's Privy Council are constituted The Commons set upon the Act of General Pardon On June 4. the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance were taken by both Houses of Parliament the King's Servants and Officers of His Houshold His Majestie 's arrival is congratulated by the People from all parts of the Nation and by several of the Nobility and Gentry both of Scotland and Ireland The King on July 5. is magnificently entertained with the Dukes of York and Glocester the Lords of the Privy-council the two Houses of Parliament and the Chief-officers of State by the Lord Mayor and the Grandees of the City General Monk was created Duke of Albemarle General Mountague made Earl of Sandwich and the Marquess of Ormond made Duke of Ormond The Chief Ministers of State are constituted in Scotland Notwithstanding the late unanimous concurrence of the people at Edinborough as well as other places in the publick Proclaiming of His Majesty yet soon after there began to discover it self a spirit of discontent among many Scotch Ministers some of the principal sticklers of the Kirk-party as appeared by their meeting together at a place appointed for the drawing up a Remonstrance concerning things wherein they thought themselves aggrieved which the Committee of Estates having notice of sent forthwith to apprehend them and clapt them up in Prison and for the prevention of the like disturbances for the future set forth a Proclamation against all unlawful meetings and seditious Papers The Marquess of Argyle notwithstanding he came to Court with others of the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland under pretence of tendring his service to His Majesty yet was he charged with high Treason and sent prisoner to the Tower and together with him were committed the Marquess of Antrim Sir Henry Vane and Sir Arthur Hazlerig with several others that followed Sir Arthur died soon after of a Fever in the Tower Argyle was sent back into Scotland and their tried condemned and beheaded On August 19. among other Acts an Act was passed by the King and Parliament for a perpetual Anniversary Thanksgiving on May 29. the day of His Majestie 's Nativity and Restauration An Act also was passed for a general Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion in which among other things that were excepted all accounts of the Revenues of Churches in Wales and Monmouth-shire and all Judgements of discharge or Quietus est thereupon had This Exception as to the Churches in Wales was inserted by the Parliament in this Act upon information that some factious people had in the time of the late usurpation procured to themselves an Authority to Sequester all those Revenues upon pretence to employ them more equally to illiterate Preachers for the better propagation of the Gospel in those parts but kept the greatest part to their own use leaving most of the Churches unsupplied All offences also done by any Popish Priest Seminary or Jesuite contrary to the Statute of the 27 Eliz. were excepted Many of the late King's judges were excepted from pardon All Trustees in a pretended Act made Anno 1649. concerning Tithes appropriate Fee-farm rents and First-fruits c. and their heirs were to be accomptable for such of the same as had not been employed according to the said Act nevertheless no Minister or School-master or other person for whose benefit the said Act was made were to be accomptable The King on September 13. 1660. came to the House of Lords and signed fourteen private and eight publick Acts among which one was an Act for the Confirming and Restoring of Ministers This Act stopt the clamours of many Ecclesiastical Persons that had defective titles to their Cures and the goodness of His Majesty was very much celebrated by His consent to it It enacts That every Ecclesiastical Person or Minister ordained by any Ecclesiastical Persons before the twenty fifth of December last past and was then in possession and received the profits being in the King's gift or of His Father or of any Archbishop Bishop Dean and Chapter Prebend Archdeacon Body Politick or Corporate or other Person other than such hereby restored is declared lawful Incumbent Every Voluntary Resignation of a Benefice to the Patron or any Pretended Power since the said first day of January to be good as if made to the Competent Ordinary No presentation is to be construed to be an usurpation in Law to the prejudice of any that shall have right to present Every
unto the King that there were many Robberies and Rapes and Murthers to the number of an hundred committed within the Realm by Church-men Thomas Becket Doctor of Canon-law was by the King made Lord Chancellor of England Four years after upon the Death of Theobald Becket was made by the King Archbishop of Canterbury Anno 1160. Thirty Teachers come from Germany into England and taught the right use of Baptism and the Lord's Supper c. and were put to Death Then John of Sarum and others taught that the Roman Church was the Whore of Babylon Some were burnt with an hot Iron at Oxford that dissented from the Roman Church The King Commanded that Justice should be executed upon all Men alike in his Courts but Thomas Becket would have the Clergy so offending judged in the Ecclesiastical Court and by Men of their own Coat This Incensed the King against him To retrench these enormities of the Clergy the King called a Parliament at Clarendon near Sarisbury to confirm the Antient Laws and Customs to which Becket with the rest of the Bishops consented and subscribed them but afterwards recanting his own Act renounced the same The same year the King required to have punishment of some misdoings among the Clergy The Archbishop would not permit and when he saw in his judgement the Liberties of the Church trodden under Foot he without the King's knowledge took Ship and intended toward Rome but by a contrary Wind he was brought back Then he was called to account for his Receipts that came to his hand while he was High-Chancellor He appealeth to the See of Rome and under pain of Excommunication forbad both Bishops and Nobles to give Sentence against him seeing he was both their Father and their Judge Nevertheless they without his consent gave Sentence against him Then he seeing himself forsaken of all the other Bishops lifted the Cross which he held in his Hand aloft and went away from the Court and the next day got him over into Flanders and so to the Pope Matthew Paris hath many Letters betwixt the Pope and this King and the King of France and sundry Bishops of France and England for reconciliation betwixt the King and the Archbishop who abode seven years in exile Thomas Becket quarrelled with Roger Archbishop of York for presuming to Crown Henry the King's Son made joint-King in the Life of his Father a priviledge which Becket claimed as proper to him alone He solemnly resigned his Archbishoprick to the Pope as troubled in Conscience that he had formerly took it as illegally from the King and the Pope again restored it to him whereby all scruples in his mind were fully satisfied But afterward by the Mediation of the French King Becket had leave given him to return into England howsoever the King still retained his Temporals in his Hand on weighty considerations namely to shew their distinct Nature from the Spirituals of the Archbishoprick to which alone they Pope could restore him Thomas returning into England Excommunicateth all the Bishops which had been at the Coronation of the young King The King sent and required him to absolve them seeing what was done to them was done for his Cause but Thomas refuseth The next year after he Excommunicated solemnly the Lord Sackvill appointed by the King Vicar of the Church at Canterbury because he did derogate from the rights of the Church to please the King He also Excommunicated one Robert Brook for cutting off an Horses tail that carried Victuals to the Archbishops House The King being then in Normandy grieved very sore before his Servants at the insolent cariage of Thomas Becket This moved Sir Richard Breton Sir Hugh Morvil Sir William Tracey Sir Reginald Fitz-Vrse to return into England and coming to Canterbury they found the Archbishop in Cathedral Church at three a Clock in the After-noon and calling him Traytor to the King they slew him and dashed his Brains upon the floor His last words when he died were I commend my self and God's Cause unto God and to the blessed Mary and to the Saints Patrons of this Church and to St. Denis Here see the lightness of the People for the same Men that detested the pride of that Thomas began to Worship him after his Death Thus they sang of Thomas Becket Tu per Thomae sanguinem quem pro te impendit Fac nos Christe scandere quo Thomas ascendit By the Blood of Thomas which for Thee he did spend Make us O Christ to climb whither Thomas did ascend Multitudes of People flocked to Canterbury yearly especially on his Jubile or each fifty years after his enshrining an hundred thousand of English and Forreigners repaired thither The Revenues of peoples Offerings amounted to more than six hundred pounds a year Before Becket's Death the Cathedral in Canterbury was called Christ-Church it was afterward called the Church of St. Thomas though since by the demolishing of Becket's shrine the Church hath recovered it's Antient name King Henry protested himself innocent from the Death of Thomas Becket yet was he willing to undergo such a penance as the Pope would impose The Pope made him buy his Absolution at a dear rate He enjoyned him to suffer Appeals from England to Rome to quit his Rights and Claim to the Investitures to keep two hundred Men of Armes in pay for the Holy War of which pay the Popes Assignes were to be the Receivers and that in England they should celebrate the Feast of that glorious Martyr St. Thomas of Canterbury The words of the Bull are these We strictly charge you that you solemnly Celebrate every year the Birth-day of the glorious Martyr Thomas sometime Archbishop of Canterbury that is the day of his passion and that by devout Prayers to him you endeavour to merit the remission of your sins To make the satisfaction compleat King Henry passeth from Normandy into England stayeth at Canterbury strippeth himself naked and is whipped by diverse Monks of whom some gave him five lashes some three Concerning which penance Machiavel speaks thus in the first Book of the Hostory of Florence These things were accepted by Henry Le quali cose furono da Enrico accettare et sotto-Messe si à quel giudicio un tanto Reche hoggi un huomo privato si vergognarebbe sottomersi c. Tanto le cose che paiono sono piu da discosto che d'appresse temute and so great a King submitted himself to that judgement to which a private man in our dayes would be ashamed to submit himself Then he exclaimeth So much things that have some shew are more dreaded afar off than near hand Which he saith Because at the same time the Citizens of Rome expelled the Pope out of the City with disgrace scorning his Excommunication This was done in the year of our Lord 1170. as appeareth by these Verses Anno Milleno Centeno Septuageno Anglorum primas corruit ense Thomas In the year 1179. Lewis King of France
most pernitious example King John out of his piety to prevent profanations of the lord's-Lord's-day removed the Market of the City of Exeter from the Lord's-day whereon it was formerly kept to the Monday This King to ingratiate himself with the Romish Cardinals and Court granted them annual Pensions out of his Exchequer the Arrears whereof he ordered to be satisfied in the first place and likewise gave Benefices or Prebends to their Nephews and Creatures Moreover to gratifie Stephen Langton his great Enemy he granted the Patronage of the Bishoprick of Rochester to him and his Successors and to the Bishop of Ely he granted the Patronage of the Abbey of Torney Mr. Prynne who kept the Records of the Tower tells us that upon strictest search he could find no payment of the foresaid Annuity or Oblation to Pope Innocent by King John himself who granted it but only for one year before hand when he sealed his Charter who dying about three years after during which time his Kingdom was infested with Civil Wars between him and his Barons invaded by Lewis of France who was made King by the Barons in his stead his Lands Rents seized his Treasure exhausted and the People every where miserably plundered it is probable that ●here neither was nor could be expected any other punctual payment of it The Pope and his Legat Nicholas having in a manner bereaved King John of his Regal Dignity and Authority began forthwith to play Rex they usurped the Sovereign Authority both in Church and State presenting to all Bishopricks Matth. Paris Hist Anglic. p. 237 238. Abbies Spiritual promotions and Benefices then void without the Patrons consent by way of Provision and Collation to the prejudice of the Crown and enthralling of the Church of England not vouchsafing to consult either with the King himself the Archbishop or Bishops concerning their disposal This was the very original of Pope's Provisions and disposals of Bishopricks Abbies with all sorts of Spiritual promotions and Benefices in England no Pope presuming to confer any Bishoprick Benefice or Prebendary in France or England Vsque ad tempora Domini Innocentii tertii qui primus assumpsit sibi jus istud in tempore suo as the French Agent remonstrated to Pope Innocent the Fourth These Provisions soon overflowed the Church of England and France too for many succeeding Ages notwithstanding all oppositions and complaints against them Which the Archbishop and Bishops foreseeing perceiving withall the Legat more ready to gratifie the King and his Clerks in the disposal of Bishopricks and Ecclesiastical preferments than themselves meeting together at Dunstaple drew up an Appeal against his proceedings which he slighting and sending to Rome by Pandulphus together with King John's Charter so highly magnified the King and made such complaints to the Pope against the Archbishop and Bishops as frustrated their Appeal King John having satisfied and secured the damages of the Exiled Bishops and Monks before the Interdict released according to his agreement other Abbots Priors Clergy-men and Lay-men repaired to the Legat craving full satisfaction also for their damages sustained by the King's proceedings during the Interdict though never insisted on before The King issued out two Writs on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lincoln to restore them to the possession of their Temporalties in the Cinque-ports and other places Yet on the contrary all the Bishops and Clergy-men who faithfully adhered to the King and communicated with him or any other excommunicated person or received any Benefices from them during the Interdict were by these Prelates now made their Judges and Pope's censures ordered to be suspended from all their Ecclesiastical Offices Benefices Preferments and ordered to appear personally at Rome before the Pope to be examined ere their Suspensions released except only such as had given satisfaction to the Church for this offence The turbulent Archbishop stirred up the Barons to a new Insurrection against the King about their Liberties who coming all to the King after Christmas Anno 1215. demanded the confirmation of their Charter who craved time to advise thereon till after Easter the Archbishop and two more becoming his Sureties that then he should give satisfaction to all of them The Barons against the time rather preparing themselves for a Battel than Conference with the King assembled together at Stamford with a mighty Army having Archbishop Stephen their principal Abettor who yet seemed to side with the King and was most assiduous about him The Barons marching as far as Brackley the King sent the Archbishp to treat with them who brought back a Schedule of their claimed Liberties with this Message That if he presently confirmed them not to them by his Charter they would force him to it by seizing all his Castles and Provisions Whereupon the King replied Why do they not also demand the Kingdom swearing never to enslave himself to such a concession The Archbishop returning with this peremptory Answer the Barons forthwith seized Bedford-Castle and were admitted into London the Citizens siding with them Whereupon the King appointed to treat with them at Running-mead whither the Barons came with armed multitudes from all parts of the Realm whereafter some parley the King granted them their desires not only for their Liberties specified in Magna Charta and Charta Forrestae which he then sealed and by his Writs commanded to be put in due execution but also that twenty five Peers elected by them to whom all were sworn to obey should force the King to observe these Charters if ever he receded from them by seizing all his Castles Juratum est a parte Regis Quod Anglicana Ecclesia libera sit c. It was sworn on the Kings part that the Church of England is free and all men of our Kingdom have and do hold all the foresaid Liberties Rights and Customs well and peaceably freely and quietly fully and wholly to themselves and their Heirs c. All the Barons and Commons of the Realm then and afterwards taking the same Oath The Archbishop and Barons thrust into this new Charter many Articles and Clauses for their own the Churches and Pope's advantage not extant in the Charter of King Henry the First as may be seen in Matthew Paris his History This Charter though it saved a great part of the King's Prerogative to petition him and his Heirs for Licenses to elect and for his Assent gave a great wound to his Ecclesiastical Supremacy and made all Chapters Covents Bishops Monks yea Popes and their Agents to slight his Regal Authority and Licenses too insomuch that he could prefer no person to any Bishoprick Monastery or elective Dignity but whom the Electors pleased to make choice of King John withdrawing and obscuring himself from his Bishops and Barons in the Isle of Wight sent Messengers secretly to Rome to complain and appeal to the Pope against their Treasons Rebellions and the Charters forcibly extorted from him whilst under
King Witness the Sermon preached by him at Oxford before the Queen then in hostile pursuit against her Husband taking for his Text the words of the Son of the sick Shunamite my Head my Head Thence he urged That a bad King the distempered Head of a State is past cure His writing was worse than his preaching for when such Agents set to keep King Edward in Berkley-castle were by secret order from Roger Mortimer commanded to kill him they by Letters addressed themselves for advice to this Bishop then not far off at Hereford craving his counsel what they should do in so difficult and dangerous a matter He returned unto them a ridling Answer unpointed which carried in it Life and Death yea Life or Death as variously construed Life and Death To kill King Edward you need not to fear it is good Life To kill King Edward you need not to fear it is good Death To kill King Edward you need not to fear it is good The Body of King Edward without any Funeral Pomp was buried among the Benedictines in their Abbey at Glocester Edward of Windsor called King Edward the Third being scarce fifteen years of age took the beginning of his Reign on January the twentieth his Throne was established upon his Fathers ruine Anno 1327. Upon Candlemas-day he received the Order of Knighthood by the hands of the Earl of Lancaster while his deposed Father lived and within five dayes after he was Crowned at Westminster by Walter Archbishop of Canterbury Twelve men were appointed to manage the Affairs of the Kingdom during the King's minority the Archbishop's of Canterbury and York the Bishops of Winchester Hereford and Worcester Thomas Brotherton Earl Marshal Edmond Earl of Kent John Earl Warren Thomas Lord Wake Henry Lord Piercy Oliver Lord Ingham and John Lord Ross but the Queen and Roger Lord Mortimer usurped this charge Adam Tarlton was accused of Treason in the beginning of the Reign of this King and arraigned by the King's Officers when in the presence of the King he thus boldly uttered himself My Lord the King with all due respect unto your Majesty I Adam an humble Minister and Member of the Church of God and a consecrated Bishop though unworthy neither can nor ought to answer unto so hard Questions without the connivance and consent of my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury my immediate Judge under the Pope and without the consent of other Bishops who are my Peers Three Archbishops were there present in the place Canterbury York and Dublin by whose Intercession Tarlton escaped at that time Not long after he was arraigned again at the King's Bench whereupon the foresaid Archbishops set up their Crosses and with ten Bishops more attended with a numerous Train of well-weaponed Servants advanced to the place of Judicature The King's Officers frighted at the sight fled away leaving Bishop Tarlton the prisoner alone at the Bar whom the Archbishops took home into their own custody denouncing a Curse upon all such who should presume to lay violent hands upon him The King offended hereat caused a jury of Lay-men to be impannelled and to enquire according to form of Law into the Actions of the Bishop of Hereford This was the first time that ever Lay-men passed their verdict upon a Clergy-man These Jurors found the Bishop guilty whereupon the King seized his Temporalties proscribed the the Bishop and despoiled him of all his moveables But afterwards he was reconciled to the King and by the Pope made Bishop of Winchester where he died The former part of this King's Reign affordeth but little Church-history as wholly taken up with his Atchievements in France and Scotland where his success by Sea and Land was to admiration He had both the Kings he fought against viz. John de Valois of France and David King of Scotland his prisoners at one time taken by fair Fight in open Field There was granted to the King of England for these Wars a Fifteenth of the Temporalty a Twelfth of Cities and Boroughs and a Tenth of the Clergy in a Parliament holden at London And afterwards in a Parliament at Northampton there was granted him a Tenth peny of Towns and Boroughs a Fifteenth of others and a Tenth of the Clergy All such Treasure as was committed to Churches throughout England for the holy War was taken out for the King's use in this The next year after all the Goods of three Orders of Monks Lombards Cluniacks and Cicestercians are likewise seized into the King's hands and the like Subsidy as before granted at Nottingham Now the Cavrsines or Lombards did not drive so full a trade as before whereupon they betook themselves to other Merchandise and began to store England with Forreign Commodities but at unreasonable rates whilst England it self had as yet but little and bad Shipping and those less employed About this time the Clergy were very bountiful in contributing to the King's necessities in proportion to their Benefices Hereupon a Survay was exactly taken of all their Glebeland Fuller Church History and the same fairly engrossed in Parchment was returned into the Exchequer where it remaineth at this day and is the most useful Record for Clergy-men and also for Impropriators as under their claim to recover their right It was now complained of as a grand grievance that the Clergy engrossed all places of Judicature in the Land Nothing was left to Lay-men but either Military commands as General Admiral c. or such Judges places as concerned onely the very letter of the Common Law and those also scarcely reserved to the Students thereof As for Ambassies into Forreign parts Noblemen were employed therein when Expence not Experience was required thereunto and Ceremony the substance of the Service otherwise when any difficulty in Civil Law then Clergy-men were ever entertained The Lord Chancellor was ever a Bishop yea that Court generally appeared as a Synod of Divines where the Clerks were Clerks as generally in Orders The same was also true of the Lord Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer Robert Eglesfield Chaplain to Queen Philippa Wife to King Edward the third founded a Colledge on his own ground in Oxford by the name of Queens Colledge and diverse Queens have been nursing Mothers to this Foundation as Queen Philippa Wife to King Edward the third Queen Elizabeth Wife to King Edward the fourth Queen Mary Wife to King Charles and our Virgin Queen Elizabeth In the mean time the Pope bestirred him in England while the King was busied about his Wars in France so that before Livings were actually void he pre-provided Incumbents for them But at last the King looking into it this Statute of Provision was made whereby such forestalling of Livings to Forreigners was forbidden Another cause of the King's displeasure with the Pope was that when the Pope created twelve Cardinals at the request of the King of France he denied to make one at the desire of the King of England The Papal party
was kept three years captive in St. Angelo Against Mendicants 1. Thomas Wilson Doctor of both Laws and say some Dean of S. Paul's a zealous Preacher and Disputant 2. William Ivy Canon of S. Paul's who wrote in the Defence of Richard Hill Bishop of London who Imprisoned two Mendicants for their proud Preaching But after Pope Paul the second had interposed herein concluding that this ought to be declared in all places for a dangerous Doctrine and worthy to be trodden down under all mens feet the controversie ceased At this time George Nevil brother to Richard Nevil the Great Earl of Warwick that set up and pulled down Kings at his pleasure was Archbishop of York He was famous for a prodigious feast made at his Installation unto which he invited as Guests all the Nobility most of the prime Clergy many of the Great Gentry of the Land The Bill of Fare may be read in Bishop Godwins Catalogue of Bishops Seven years after King Edward seized on all his Estate to the value of twenty thousand pounds among which he found so rich a Mitre that he made himself a Crown thereof The Archbishop he sent over prisoner to Callis where he was kept bound in extreme poverty justice punishing his former prodigality He was afterwards restored to his Liberty and Archbishoprick but went drooping till the day of his death It added to his sorrow that the Kingdom of Scotland Scotland freed from the See of York with twelve Suffragan Bishops therein formerly subjected to his See was now by Pope Sixtus freed from any further dependance thereon S. Andrews being advanced to an Archbishoprick and that Kingdom in Ecclesiastical matters made entire within it self whose Bishops formerly repaired to York for their consecration Anno 1473. in August John Goose sole Martyr in this King's Reign was condemned and burned at Tower-hill This man when ready to suffer desired meat from the Sheriff which Ordered his Execution and had it granted unto him I will eat saith he a good competent dinner for I shall pass a sharp shower ere I come to Supper King Edward IV. died April 9. 1483. In his Reign flourished Thomas Littleton a Reverend Judge of the Common-pleas who brought a great part of the Law into method which lay before confusedly dispersed and his book called Littletons Tenures Then John Harding Esquire wrote a Chronicle in English verse John Fortescue a Judge and Chancellor of England wrote divers Treatises concerning the Law and Politick Government Rochus a Charter-house Monk born in London wrote divers Epigrams William Caxton also wrote a Chronicle Miserable King Edward V. ought to have succeeded his Father but he by the wicked practice of his Unckle Richard Duke of Glocester chosen Protector was quickly made away The Protection of the young King's Person was by the last King appointed to Earl Rivers the Queen's brother and by the mother's side Unckle to the said Prince who kept his Residence and Court at Ludlow The Queen with the Earl Rivers her brother and with her Son Richard Lord Gray and other Friends being guarded with a strong power of Armed men and Souldiers intended to bring the Young King from Ludlow to London to be Crowned But the Duke of Glocester wrought so cunningly with the Queen that she dispatched messengers to her Brother and Son who though unwilling upon her request were perswaded to Disband and Cashier all their Souldiers and attended only with their own Menial Servants they set forward with the Young King towards the Queen They came to Northampton and soon after the Dukes of Glocester and Buckingham dismounted themselves in the Earls Inn being accompanied with great store of resolute attendants There they surprized the Earl Rivers and committed him to safe Custody Mart. Chron. in Edw. V. Then the two Dukes rode to Stonystratford where the King then was There they seized on Richard Lord Grey the King's half-brother and on Sir Richard Vaugham and some others all which they sent under a strong guard to Pomfret-castle where without any judicial sentence or legal trial they were beheaded upon the same day that the Lord Hastings who conspired in that action with the two Dukes lost his head The Queen with the rest of her Children enters the Sanctuary at Westminster The young King is brought to London and the Duke of Glocester by the contrivement of the Duke of Buckingham is made Protector of the King and Kingdom by the Decree of the Councel-Table and now he wickedly plotteth to make away the young King and his Brother and in order thereunto he laboureth first to get into his hands the Duke of York the King's brother And to that end the Archbishop of Canterbury was employed with instructions to procure the Queen to part with her younger son to accompany the elder The Protector having gotten both the brothers into his hand causeth them within few days in great pomp and State to be convayed through London to the Tower The Sunday following he caused Doctor Shaa at Paul's cross to blazon the Honourable birth and parentage of the Protector to relate his vertues to commend his valour to weaken the Fame and Honour of the deceased King Edward by reason of his lascivious wantonness with Shore's wife and others to bastardize all his Children because the King was in the person of Richard Earl of Warwick before his said marriage affianced unto the Lady Bona sister to the wife of the French King He also accused the Protector 's own mother of great incontinency When King Edward and George Duke of Clarence were begotten Then setting forth the worthiness of the Protector he supposed that the people could not chuse but receive him for their King Pynkney the Provincial of the Augustinian Friars who in the same place used so loud adulation lost his credit conscience and voice altogether These two were all of the Clergy who engaged actively on his party His Coronation was performed with more pomp than any of his Predecessors Soon after followed the murther of King Edward and his Brother Richard Duke of York After this bloody act having visited his Town of Glocester which he endowed with ample Liberties and Priviledges he took his journey towards York At a certain day appointed the whole Clergy assembled in Copes richly vested and so went about the City in Procession after whom followed the King with his Crown and Scepter apparrelled in his Circot Robe Royal accompanyed with many of the Nobility of the Realm after whom marched in order Queen Anne his wife Crowned leading in her left hand Prince Edward her Son Sir Th. Moores History of King Rich. 3. having on his head a demy-crown appointed for the degree of a Prince The Northern people hereupon extolled and praised him far above the Stars After this glorious pomp and a solemn feast having done all things discreet●y he returned by Nottingham and afterwards came to London whom the Citizens more for fear than love received in
their Crosses and the Prebends of St. Paul's leave off their Hoods To give a beginning hereunto Bishop Ridley then Bishop of London did the same day officiate the Divine service of the Morning in his Rochet only without Cope or Vestment he preached also at St. Paul's in the afternoon the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Companies in their best Liveries in their Companies being present at it the Sermon tending for the most part to the setting forth the said Book of Common-prayer and to acquaint them with the Reasons of such alterations as were made therein On the same day the new Liturgy was executed also in all the Churches of London Not long after the upper Quire in St. Paul's Church where the high Altar stood was broken down and all the Quire thereabout and the Communion-table was placed in the lower part of the Quire where the Minister sang the daily Service Then publick care was had for the founding and establishing of the new Hospital in the late dissolved House of Gray-Friers near Newgate in London and that of St. Thomas in the Borough of Southwark of which ye are to know that the Church belonging to the said House together with the Cloysters and almost all the publick building which stood within the liberties and precincts thereof had the good hap to escape that ruine which generally befell all other Houses of that nature And standing undemolished till the last times of King Henry it was given by him not many dayes before his death to the City of London together with the late dissolved Priory called Little St. Bartholomews In which Donation there was reference had to a double end The one for the relieving the poor out of the Rents of such Messuages and Tenements as in the Grants thereof are contained and specified The other for constituting a Parish-church in the Church of the said dissolved Grey-friers not only for the use of such as lived within the precincts of the said two Houses but for the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Nicholas in the Shambles and of St. Edwin's situate in Warwick-lane near Newgate-market Which Churches with all the Rents and profits belonging to them were given to the City at the same time also and for advancing the same ends together with five hundred Marks per annum for ever The Church of the Gray-friers to be from thence-forth called Christ-church founded by King Henry the Eight All which was signified to the City in a Sermon Preached at Paul's Cross by the Bishop of Rochester on January 13. being but a fortnight before his death Mass was said in this Church by the Parishoners that resorted to it according to the King's donation After which in the first year of King Edward followed the taking down of the said two Churches and building several Tenements on the ground of the Churches and Church-yards the Rents thereof to be employed about the further maintenance and relief of the Poor Living and Loytering in and about the City But these things being not sufficient to carry on the work to the end desired it hapned that Bishop Rialey Preaching before King Edward insisted much upon some constant course for relief of the poor which Sermon wrought so far upon him that having sent for the Bishop he gave him great thanks for his good Exhortation whose advice was that Letters should be written to the Lord Mayor and Alderman By whom it was agreed that ageneral contribution should be made by all rich and well-affected Citizens toward the advancement of a work so necessary for the publick good Every man subscribed according to his ability and Books were drawn in every ward of the City containing the sum of that Relief which they had contributed Which being delivered to Sir Richard Dobbs Lord Mayor of London were by him tendred to the King's Commissioners February 17. The buildings in the Gray-friers were forthwith repaired The like reparation was also made of the ruinous buildings belonging to the late dissolved Priory of St. Thomas in Southwark which the Citizens had then newly bought of the King to serve for an Hospital for such Sick Wounded and Impotent persons as were not fit to be intermingled with the sound on November 23. the Sick and Maimed people were taken into the Hospital of St. Thomas and into Christ-church Hospital to the number of four hundred Children all of them to have Meat Drink Lodging and Clothes at the charge of the City till other means could be provided for their maintenance On April 10. this King gave for ever to the City his Palace of Bridewel erected by King Henry the Eighth to be employed for such Vagabonds and thriftless poor as should be sent thither to receive chastisement and be forced to labour He caused the Master and Brethren of the Hospital in the Savoy founded by King Henry the Seventh to resign the same into his hands with all the Lands and Goods thereunto belonging out of which he presently bestowed the yearly rent of seven hundred Marks with all the Beds Bedding and other Furniture found therein toward the maintenance of the said Work-house and the Hospital of St. Thomas in Southwark The Grant whereof he confirmed by his Letters Patents adding thereunto a Mortmain for enabling the City to purchase Lands to the value of four thousand Marks per annum for the better maintenance of those and the other Hospitals Thus he was entitled to the Foundation of Bridewel St. Bartholomews and St. Thomas without any charge to himself Nothing else memorable about this time but the coming of Cardan the death of Leland and the preferment of Doctor John Tailor to the See of Lincoln Then for raising Money a Commission was speeded into all parts of the Kingdom under pretence of selling such of the Lands and Goods of Chanteries as remained unsould but in plain truth saith Dr. Heylin to seize upon all Hangings Altar-clothes Fronts Parafronts Copes of all sorrs with all manner of Plate which was to be found in any Cathedral or Parochial Church Certain Instructions were likewise given to the Commissioners by which they were to regulate themselves in their proceedings This was done generally in all parts of the Realm into which the Commissioners began their Circuits in the moneth of April which general seizure being made they were to leave one Chalice with certain Table-clothes for the use of the Communion-table as the said Commissioners should think fit the Jewels Plate and ready Money to be delivered to the Master of the King's Jewels in the Tower of London the Copes of cloth of Gold and Tissue to be brought into the King's Wardrobe the rest to be turned into ready Money and that Money to be paid to Sir William Peckham the King's Cofferer for the defraying the charges of his Majesties houshold But some there were who were as much before hand with the Kings Commissioners in embezeling the Plate Jewels and other Furnitures as the Commissioners did intend to be with the King in keeping
that Session The Presidentship of the Convocetion was transferred upon Bishop Bonner priviledged in respect of his See to preside in all such Provincial Synods which were either held during the vacancy of the See of Canterbury or in the necessary absence of the Metropolitan The lower House of the Clergy also was fitted with a Prolocutor of the same affections Doctor Hugh Weston Dean of Westminster in the place of Doctor Cox So partially had the elections been returned from the several Diocesses that we find none of King Edward's Clergy among the Clerks and but six of the Deans and Dignitaries to have suffrage in the Convocation viz. James Haddon Dean of Exeter Walter Philips Dean of Rochester John Philpot Archdeacon of Winchester John Elmer Archdeacon of Stow in the Diocess of Lincoln Richard Cheiney Archdeacon of Hereford one more mentioned by Mr. Fox without a name joyned himself to the other five in the disputation The Prolocutor would admit of no more though desired by Philpot that some of the Divines which had the passing of the Book of Articles in King Edward's time might be assembled with them in the defence thereof The main point in debate concernded the manner of Christ's presence in the Sacrament It was not denied by Philpot and his Brethren That Christ was present in the Sacrament rightly administred according to his Institution but onely that He was not present in the gross and carnal manner which They of the Popish party had before subscribed unto Six dys the disputation lasted but to little effect At length Weston put an end to the dispute saying It is not the Queen's pleasure that we should spend any longer time in these debates and yet are well enough already For you saith He have the Word and we have the Sword After the end of the Evensong on St. Katherine's day Bonner caused the Quire of St. Paul's to go about the Steeple singing with lights after the old custom And on St. Andrew's day next following he began the Procession in Latin himself with many Parsons and Curates and the whole Quire together with the Lord Mayor and divers of the Aldermen the Prebendaries of the Church attired in their old gray Amises as they used to call them in which manner they continued it for three days after on January 14. he restored the solemn Sunday's procession about the Church with the Mayor and Aldermen the Preacher taking his Benediction in the midst of the Church according to the antient custom likewise he sent out his Mandates to all Parsons and Curates within his Diocese for taking the names of all such as would not come the Lent following to Auricular Confession and receive at Easter he likewise enjoyned the blotting out of all such paintings and sentences of holy Scripture as had been pensiled on the Church-walls in King Edward's days Mr. Jewel continued some weeks in Broad-gates Hall whither his Scholars repaired unto him whom he instructed in Learning and Religion He had not long lived there Fuller Church History of Q. Mary but being perswaded by the Popish Inquisitors to subscribe he took a pen in his Hand and smiling said Have you a mind to see how well I can write and thereupon under-writ their Opinions The Papists trusted him not any whit the more for this his subscription His life being way-laid for with great difficulty he escaped into Germany But on a Sunday after his Forenoon-sermon by the advice of Dr. Edwin Sandys afterwards Archbishop of York Mr. Chambers and Mr. Sampson his bosom Friends in the Congregation of Franckfort he bitterly bewailed his fall and heartily requested pardon from God and his people whom thereby he he had offended On November 20. the Mayor of Coventry sent up to the Lords of the Council one Baldwin Cleark John Careless Thomas Wilcocks and Richard Estlin Careless and Wilcocks were committed to the Gate-house and Cleark and Estlin to the Marshalsey In the moneth of December the Parliament broke up in which there was a Communication of Marriage betwixt the Emperor's Son Philip and the Queen In th mean-while Cardinal Pool hasteneth toward England The Emperor invites him to come into Germany by his way and entertains him with great shew of Honour Petri. Church Hist Cent. 16. untill by his Ambassador he had finished a Contract of Marriage between his Son Philip and Queen Mary This match was generally distasted To hinder it Sir Thomas Wyat a Kentish Knight took Armes with a great party assisting him But albeit he wanted neither Wit Wealth Learning yet all were ill-employed about him Wyat demandeth the Person of the Queen the Tower of London to be committed unto him with power to displace evil Counsellors his demands were refused with scorn Queen Mary came to Guildhall and there made a long Oration which secured the affections of the Citizens unto her Wyat came up to London He was taken at Temple-bar carried thence be examined and thence to the Tower to be committed Some days after he suffered penitently and patiently on the Scaffold condemning his own Act. Of his complices were hanged fifty persons and four hundred more led through the City with halters about their necks to Westminster where they were all pardoned in the Tilt-yard by the Queen Doctor Crome for his Preaching without License on Christmas day was committed to the Fleet Thomas Wotton Esquire was for matters of Religion committed also to the Fleet. The Duke of Suffolk Father to the Lady Jane but lately pardoned of life in the midst of the Kentish tumult secretly departeth into Leicester and Warwick-shires instigating the people to withstand the Queen's Marriage agreed upon with Philip. Speeds Chron. in Q. Mary The Duke was betrayed by one Vnderwood his Servant in Ashley-park with his Brother John Lord Gray unto the Earl of Huntington whence they were by him convayed prisoners to the Tower of London This seemed to hasten the death of the Lady Jane and the Lord Guilford her Husband who were both beheaded February 12. 1554. he was beheaded on a Scaffold on Tower-hill and she upon the Green within the Tower Two days before her death Mr. Fecknam was sent unto her by the Queen to reduce her to the Popish Religion whom she constantly and with great power of God's Spirit resisted Eleven days after her death her Father the Duke of Suffolk was beheaded on Tower-hill And on April 23. his Brother the Lord Thomas Gray suffered death in the same place Now for putting the Affairs of the Church into a posture Articles are sent into every Diocese and Letters writ unto their several and respective Bishops on the third of March to see them carefully put in execution the substance whereof were 1. That the Ecclesiastical Laws of King Henry the Eighth should be put in practice being not directly against the Laws and Statutes of the Realm 2. That no Bishop do use the Clause in any of their Ecclesiastical writings Regia authoritate fulcitus 3. That
S. Paul's and made one of the Prebendaries He was convented and condemned and publickly burnt in Smithfield on Feb. 4 He was the first Martyr in Queen Mary's dayes On the nineth day of which moneth John Hooper late Bishop of Glocester was burnt in that City The like course was taken with Bishop Farrar Bishop of S. David's but that I do not find him restrained from speaking his mind unto the people as the other was He was cast into prison by the Protestants in King Edward's days Being continued in prison in Queen Mary's dayes and called before Bishop Gardiner he gave such offence that he was sent back again to prison and being sent back into his own Diocess he there received the sentence of condemnation at the hand of Morgan who had supplanted and succeeded him in the See of S. David's He desisted not till he had brought him to the Stake On Feb. 8. Laurence Saunders an excellent preacher was burnt at Coventry where he had spent the greatest part of his Ministry On Feb. 9. Anno 1555. Doctor Rowland Tailor was burned at Hadley the Town whereof he was Pastor where calling on the name of God he endured the Torment till one Soice with an Halbert struck him on the Head that the brains fell out and the dead Corpse fell into the fire Thomas Tomkins on March 16. suffered in Smithfield William Hunter an Apprentice of nineteen years of age was burnt at Burntwood in Essex Speeds Chron. of Q. Mary Within the compass of less than four years there died for the testimonial of their conscience for the truth no less than two hundred seventy and seven persons In the heat of the fire were consumed five Bishops one and twenty Divines eight Gentlemen eighty four Artificers one hundred Husband-men and Labourers twenty six Married-women twenty widows nine Virgins two Boys and two Infants one of them whipped to death by Bishop Bonner and the other springing out of his mother's womb from the stake as she burned was by the Serjeants thrown again into the fire Ridley and Latimer were both degraded on Octob. 15. and brought unto the stake in the Town-ditch in Oxford over against Baliol-colledge on the morrow after where with great courage and constancy they endured that death to which they had been precondemned before they were heard Cranmer was a prisoner at that time in the North-gate of the City called Bocardo from the top whereof he beheld that most doleful Spectacle and casting himself down on his Knees he humbly entreated the Lord to give them strength of faith and hope which he also desired for himself whensoever he should Act his part on that bloody Theater When Ridley understood Hooper before his Execution to have been marked out for the slaughter he remembred that controversie which had been between them in the time of King Edward about the Episcopal Habit and thought it not enough if he left not to the world some testimony of their mutual Charity as well as their consent in Doctrine Concerning which he wrote to him in this manner following My dear brother forasmuch as I understand by your Books that we throughly agree and wholly consent together in the substantial points of our Religion against which the world now so furiously rageth however in times past in certain circumstances of Religion your wisdom and my simplicity I must confess have a little jarred each of us following the abundance of his own spirit Now I say be assured that even with my whole heart God is my witness in the bowels of Christ I love you in the Truth and for the Truth 's sake which abideth in us as I am perswaded and by the Grace of God shall abide in us for evermore And because the world as I perceive Brother ceaseth not to play his pageant and buisily conspireth against Christ our Saviour with all possible force and power exalting high things against the knowledge of God let us joyn hands together in Christ though we cannot overthrow yet to our power and as much as in us lieth let us shake those high Altitudes not with carnal but with spiritual weapons and withal brother let us prepare our selves to the day of dissolution by that which after the short time of this bodily affliction by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall triumph together with him in eternal glory Comforted with Reciprocal Letters of this holy nature they both prepared themselves for death in which Hooper had the honour to lead the way as hath been shewn It is memorable that the same day in which Bishop Ridley and Latimer were burnt at Oxford Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester would not go to dinner till four oClock in the afternoon though the old Duke of Norfolk was come to dine with him The reason was because he would first hear of their being burnt And as soon as word of that was brought unto him he presently said now let us go to dinner where sitting down and eating merrily upon a sudden he fell into such extremity that he was fain to be taken from the Table and carried to his bed where he continued fifteen dayes without voyding any thing by Urine or otherwise which caused his Tongue to swell in his Mouth He died at Whitehall November the twelfth from whence conveyed by water to his house in Southwark his body was first lapt in Lead kept for a season in the Church of St. Saviours and afterwards solemnly interred under a fair and goodly Monument in his Cathedral The custody of the Great Seal with the Title of Lord Chancellor was upon New-years-day conferred upon Doctor Nicholas Heath Archbishop of York But the Revenues of the Bishoprick were appropriated to the use of the Cardinal-Legat But Doctor John White Bishop of Lincoln having been born at Winchester and educated in that School of which he was afterward chief Master and finally Warden of that Colledge so far prevailed by his Friends at Court that on the promise of an annual Pension of a thousand pounds to the use of the Cardinal he was permitted to enjoy the Title with the rest of the profits But he was not actually translated till the next year following Voisy Bishop of Exeter dies and Doctor James Turbervil succeedeth him Queen Mary caused that clause of Prayer That God would deliver the Kingdom from sedition Thuan● Histor lib. 13. and tyranny of the Church of Rome to be blotted out of the Litany and would not suffer her Father's name to be mentioned in publick Prayers because he had made Apostasie from the Church She restored all Ecclesiastical Livings assumed to the Crown saying That she set more by the salvation of her Soul than she did by ten Kingdoms And shortly after John Fecknam late Dean of St. Paul's was made Abbot of Westminster and had possession delivered him and with him fourteen Monks received the Habit at the same time Doctor Henry Cole was made Dean of St. Paul's Besides those that
lodging in the Charter-house where she staid some dayes till all things in the Tower might be fitted for her reception Attended by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen with a stately Train of Lords and Ladies she entreth by Cripple-gate into the City passeth along the Wall till she came to Bishops-gate where all the Companies of the City in their several Liveries waited her coming in their proper and distinct ranks reaching from thence until the further end of Mark-lane where she was entertained with a peal of great Ordinance from the Tower At her entrance into which place she rendred her most humble thanks to Almighty God for the great and wondrous change of her condition in bringing her from being a prisoner in that place to be the Ruler of her people and now to take possession of it as a Royal Palace Here she emained till December the fifth then next following and from thence removed by water to Sommerset-house In each remove she found such infinite throngs of people which flocked from all parts to see her both by land and water and testified their publick joy by such loud acclamations as much rejoyced her heart to hear and could not but express it in her words and countenance As she passed through London the Bible was presented to her at the little Conduit in Cheapside which she received with both her hands and kissing it laid it to her breast saying That the same had ever been her delight and should be the rule by which she meant to frame her Government She was crowned by Owen Oglethorp Bishop of Carlisle Camden's Hist of Q. Elizab. on January the fourteenth for that the Archbishop of York and the rest of the Bishops refused to perform that office suspecting her Religion who had been first bred in the Protestants Religion and also for that she had very lately forbidden the Bishop in saying Mass to lift up the Host to be adored and permitted the Li●any with the Epistle and Gospel to be read in the vulgar tongue For the first six weeks things stood in their former state without the least alteration She being now twenty five years of age and taught by Experience and Adversity had gathered wisdom above age the proof whereof she gave in chusing her Counsellors which were as follow Nicholas Heath Archbishop of York William Pawlet Marquess of Winchester Lord Treasurer Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury Edward Stanley Earl of Darby William Herbert Earl of Pembrook Edward Lord Clinton Lord Admiral of the Sea William Lord Howard of Effingham Lord Chamberlain Sir Thomas Cheiney Sir William Peter Sir John Mason Sir Richard Sackvill Nicholas Wotton Dean of Canterbury All these were Papists and of Queen Maries Council To these she joyned of her own William Par Marquess of Northampton Francis Russel Earl of Bedford Edward Rogers Ambrose Cave Francis Knollys William Cecil who had been Secretary to King Edward the Sixth and soon after Nicholas Bacon whom she made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal All these were of the Protestants Religion and had been in no place under Queen Mary Proclamations came forth that Preachers should abstain from questions controverted in Religion Then care was taken for sending new Commissions unto such Ambassadors as resided in the Courts of several Princes both to acquaint them with the change and to assure those Princes of the Queen's desire to maintain all former leagues between them and the Crown of England To her Agent in the Court of Spain it was given in charge to represent to the King the dear remembrance which she kept of those many Humanities received from him in the time of her Troubles Instructions are sent also to Sir Edward Karn the late Queen's Agent with the Pope and now confirmed by her in the same employment to make the Pope acquainted with the death of Queen Mary and her succession to the Crown not without some desire that all good Offices might be reciprocally exchanged between them But the Pope answered Heylin Hist of Q. Elizab. An. Reg. 1. That the Kingdom of England was held in Fee of the Apostolick See That she could not succeed being Illegitimate That He could not contradict the declaration of Clement the Seventh and Paul the Third That it was a great boldness to assume the Name and Government of it without him yet being desirous to shew a Fatherly affection if she would renounce her pretensions and refer her self wholly to his free disposition He will do whatsoever may be done with the Honour of the Apostolick See The new Queen having performed this office of Civility to him as she did to others expected no answer nor took much thought of it when she heard it Many who were imprisoned for Religion she restored to liberty at her first coming to the Crown which occasioned Rainsford a Gentleman of the Court to make a sute to her in the behalf of Matthew Mark Luke and John who had been long imprisoned in a Latin Translation that they also might walk abroad as formerly in the English Tongue To whom she made answer That he should first endeavour to know the minds of the prisoners who perhaps desired no such liberty as he demanded King Philip fearing least he should lose the strength and title of the Kingdom of England and that the Kingdom of England Scotland and Ireland would by Mary Queen of Scots be annexed unto France dealt seriously with Queen Elizabeth about a Marriage to be contracted with her promising to procure a special dispensation from the Bishop of Rome The Queen weighing in her mind the unlawfulness of such a Marriage puts off King Philip by little and little with a modest answer but indeed out of scruple of Conscience And now she thought nothing more pleasing to God than that Religion should be forthwith be altered Thereupon the care of correcting the Liturgy was committed to Doctor Matthew Parker Bill May Grindal Whitehead and Pilkinton Learned and moderate Divines and to Sir Thomas Smith Knight the matter being imparted to no man but the Marquess of Northampton the Earl of Bedford Sir John Grey of Pyrgo and Sir William Cecil A Parliament was summoned to begin on January 25. which opened with an Eloquent and Learned Sermon Preached by Dr. Cox In the House of Commons there were some furious Spirits who eagerly opposed all propositions which seemed to tend unto the prejudice of the Church of Rome Of which number none so violent as Scory Doctor of the Laws and a Great Instrument of Bonner's Butcheries in Queen Mary's Reign who being questioned for the cruelty of his Executions declared himself to be sorry for nothing more That instead of lopping off some few boughes and branches he did not lay his Ax to the Root of the Tree Yet passed He unpunished for the present though Divine Vengeance brought him in the end to his just reward In this Parliament passed an Act for recognizing the Queen's just Title to the
ipso facto if omitted This subscription was extended only to men of Ecclesiastical Function After the return of the Queen of Scots out of France into Scotland Besides the Ratifying the Act of Oblivion formerly condescended to in the Treaty at Edenburgh there were also past some other Acts viz. one Act for repairing and upholding Parish Churches and the Church-yards of the same for burial of the dead Another against letting Parsonages Gleabes or Houses into long Leases or Fee But on the other side no safety or Protection could be found for the Queen 's own Religion no not so much as the Chappel Royal or the Regal City In contempt whereof a force was violently committed in the moneth of August in the Chappel of the Palace of Holy-rood house where certain of the Queen's servants were assembled for their own devotions the doors broke open some of the Company haled to the next prison and the rest dispersed the Priest escaping with difficulty by a private passage the Queen being then absent in the North. In France the City and Castle of Cane besieged by the confederate forces both French and English was finally surrendred to the Admiral Chastilion to the use of the Princes After which followed the surrendry of Baieux Faleise S. Lod's and divers other Towns and Castles The Town of Hareflew on the Seine was gallantly taken by the help of the English of Newhaven on the tenth of March and garrisoned by such Souldiers and Inhabitants as were sent from thence These successes amazed the Guisian faction that they agreed unto an Edict of Pacification by the which the French forces were restored to the King's Favour the Hugonots to the free exercise of their own Religion But they must buy this happiness by betraying the English whom they had brought into the Countrey and joyn their forces with the rest to drive them out of New-haven if they would not yield it on demand The French closely besiege the Town and the Plague raging sore among the English they capitulate and leave the Town to the French on July the twenty ninth and carry the Plague with them into England The Pope was so incensed against Queen Elizabeth that he dispatched a commission to the Fathers of Trent Hist Concil Trident. to proceed to an excommunication of the Queen of England But the Emperour Ferdinand wrote Letters both to the Pope and to the Legates in which he signified unto them That if the Council would not yield that fruit which was desired at least they should not give occasion to the Hereticks to unite themselves more which certainly they would do in case they proceeded so against the Queen of England by means whereof they would undoubtedly make a league against the Catholicks Hereupon the Pope desisted at Rome and revoked his Commission sent before to the Legates at Trent The Plague brought out of France by the Garrison Souldiers of New-haven had so dispersed it self and made such desolation in many parts of England that it swept away above twenty thousand of the City of London which was the greatest at that time which any man living could remember Soon after this the Queen makes peace with France Then the Queen went in progress to take the pleasures of the Countrey and visited the University of Cambridge where being with all kinds of honour received by the Students and delighted with Comedies Tragedies and Scholastical disputations she survayed every Colledge and in a Latine Oration takes her leave of Cambridge giving them encouragement to pursue their Studies The English Bishops being impowered by their Canons began to shew their Authority in urging the Clergy of their Diocesses to subscribe to the Liturgy Rites and discipline of the Church and such as refused the same were branded with the name of Puritans The Non-conformists in this Age were divided into two Ranks some mild and moderate contented onely to enjoy their own conscience Others fierce and fiery to the disturbance of Church and State saith Fuller Among the former was Father John Fox for so Queen Elizabeth termed him summoned to subscribe by Archbishop Parker The old man produced the New Testament in Greek To this saith he will I subscribe But when a subscription to the Canons was subscribed of him he refused it saying I have nothing in the Church save a Prebend at Salisbury and much good may it do you if you will take it away from me However such respect did the Bishops most formerly his fellow-exiles bear to his Age parts and pains that he continued his place till the day of his death With Mr. Fox we may joyn his dear friend Laurence Humfery who was Regius Professor of Divinity in Oxford But such w●s his quiet carriage that notwithstanding his non-subscribing he kept his Professors place and Deanery of Winchester as long as he lived A second sort of Non-conformists were fierce sticklers against Church-discipline we will begin with Anthony Gilby bred in Christ's Colledge in Cambridge His fierceness against the Ceremonies take from his own pen They are saith he known Liveries of Antichrist accursed leaven of the blasphemous popish Priest-hood cursed patches of Popery and Idolatry c. William Whittingham succeeds who after his return from his exile in Germany was made Dean of Duxham Christopher Goodman is the third who wrote a book stuffed with much dangerous Doctrine wherein he maintained That Sir Thomas Wait was no Traitor that his cause was God's c. These three saith Mr. Fuller were the Antesignani of the fierce Non-conformists for David Whitehead is not mentioned with them Yet find we none of them silenced Onely we meet with Thomas Sampson Dean of Christ-church in Oxford who was displaced out of his Deanery for his Non-conformity This Deanery was then conferred on Dr. Thomas Godwin Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen who was after advanced to the Bishoprick of Bath and Wells who was Father to Francis Godwin late Bishop of Landaff the Author of the Catalogue of the English Bishops Bullinger and Gualter two Divines of Switzerland men eminent in all points of Learning being sollicited by some zealous brethren to signifie their judgement in the present controversie about the Habit of the Clergy return an approbation of it but send the same enclosed to Sandy's Horn and Grindal Now the Queen thought fit to make a further signification of Her Royal Pleasure legally declared by Her Commissioners for causes Ecclesiastical according to the Acts and Statutes made in that behalf The Archbishop is thereupon required to consult together with such Bishops and Commissioners as were next at hand upon the making of such Rules and Orders as they thought necessary for the peace of the Church with reference to the present estate thereof Which being accordingly performed presented to the Queen and by her approved the said Rules and Orders were set forth and published in a certain Book Entitled Advertisements partly for due Order in the publick Administration of the Common-prayers and using
mingled among them and Voted joyntly in their Consultations as the Earl of Pembrook the Lord Say The most Learned Antiquary Mr. Selden Mr. Francis Rouse Mr. Bulstrode Whitlock c. Commissioners from Scotland were also joyned with them as the Earl of Lothian the Lord Lauderdale the Lord Warriston of the Nobility others of the Clergy as Mr. Alexander Henderson Mr. Gelaspy c. Fuller Church Hist Ad An. 1643. Doctor Twisse Preached the first Sermon at the meeting of the Assembly though the Schools not the Pulpit was his proper Element witness his Controversal writings and in his Sermon he exhorted them Faithfully to discharge their high calling to the glory of God and honour of his Church He much bemoaned That the Royal Assent was wanting to give encouragement to them yet he hoped That by the efficacy of their fervent Prayers it might in due time be obtained and that a happy union might be procured betwixt him and the Parliament Sermon ended the Ordinance was read by which was declared the Cause Ground and Intent of their Convention namely to consult with the Parliament for the setling of Religion and Church-government Of an hundred twenty elected but sixty nine appeared And of the first of Royalists Episcopal in their judgements very few appeared and scarce any continued any time in the House save Doctor Daniel Feately alledging privately several reasons for their departure Dr. Twisse is now chosen Prolocutor and Mr. Henry Robrough and Mr. Adoniram Bifield their Scribes and Notaries And now their good success next to the Parliament's is publickly prayd for by the Preachers in the City and Books dedicated unto them under the Title of the most Sacred Assembly and four shillings a day sallary was allowed them and the Chamber of Jerusalem the fairest in the Deans lodgings where King Henry the Fourth died was the place where these Divines did daily meet together His Majesty looks on this as a strange and unparallell'd encroatchment on his Royal Prerogative to which alone the calling of such Assemblies did belong by the Laws of the Realm And thereupon by his Proclamation of June 22 1643. being just ten days after the date of the Ordinance by which the Assembly was indicted Bibl. Regia p. 331. He inhibits all and every person named in that Ordinance under several pains from assembling together for the end and purpose therein set down declaring the Assembly to be illegal and that the Acts thereof ought not to be received by any of his good Subjects as binding them or of any Authority with them Which Prohibition notwithstanding most of the Members authorized by that Ordinance assembled as was before declared One of the first publick Acts which they performed was the humble presenting of a petition to both Houses for the appointing of a solemn Fast to be generally observed And presently a Fast is appointed and accordingly kept on the following Friday Master Bowles and Master Newcomen whose Sermons were after Printed Preaching on the same The King summons the Lords and Commons to Oxford to attend there on January 22. then next following Being come scarce were they setled in their several Houses when they were entertained with an hot Alarum made by the coming in of the Scots with a puissant Army The Scots had thrived so well by the former service as made them not unwilling to come under the pay of such bountiful Masters And knowing well in what necessity their dear Brethren in England stood of their assistance they were resolved to husband that necessity to their best advantage The English must first enter into Covenant with them for conforming of this Church with that c. In the first branch of it it was to be Covenanted between the Nations That all endeavours should be used for the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland both in Doctrine Discipline and Government Directory for worship and Catechizing And in the second That in like manner they endeavour without any respect of persons the extirpation of Popery Prelacy that is Church Government by Archbishops Bishops their Chancellors and Commissaries Deans Deans and Chapters Archdeacons and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierarchy c. But by whomsoever it was framed his Majesty saw that it aimed at the subversion of the present Government Therefore looking on it as a dangerous combination against himself the established Religion and the Laws of this Kingdom for the bringing in of Forreign Forces to subvert them all saith Doctor Heylin interdicted all his Subjects from imposing or taking the same as they would answer the contrary at their perils Which Proclamation bearing date on October 9. came out too late to hinder the taking and enjoying of this Covenant where the restraint thereof had been most necessary for it had been solemnly taken by all the Members of the House of Commons and the Assembly of Divines at St. Margarets in Westminster on September 25. and within two days after it was Administred with no less solemnity to divers Lords Knights Gentlemen Colonels Officers Souldiers and others residing in and about the City of London a Sermon being Preached by Mr. Coleman to justifie the piety and legality of it and finally enjoyned to be taken on the Sanday following in all Churches and Chappels of London within the lines of Communication as afterwards by all the Kingdom in convenient time No sooner was this Covenant taken but to let the Scots see that they were in earnest a further impeachment consisting of ten Articles were prepared against the Archbishop of Canterbury In the Assembly of Divines some concurred not with the major part and were therefore stiled Dissenting Brethren These men crave a Toleration to be indulged them who since their return out of the Low-countries had fallen upon gathering of Congregations in or about the City of London and they excused for being concluded by the votes of the Assembly But the Presbyterians highly opposed their Toleration they tax the dissenting Brethren for Singularity and some moved their ejection out of the Assembly except in some convenient time they would comply therewith The Dissenters seasonably presented an Apologetical Narrative to the Parliament stiled by them The most sacred refuge or Asylum for mistaken and misjudged innocence Herein they petitioned pathetically for some favour whose conscience could not joyn with the Assembly in all particulars concluding with that pityful close That they pursued no other Interest or design but a subsistence be it the poorest and meanest in their own land as not knowing where else with safety health and livelyhood to set their feet on earth and subscribed their names Thomas Goodwin Philip Nye Sidrach Symson Jeremiah Burroughs William Bridge These Petitioners found such favour with some potent persons in Parliament that they were secured from farther Trouble and afterwards grew able not onely to encounter but invade all opposers yea to open and shut the door of preferment to others Dr.
Earl of Holland and the Lord Capel were executed March 9. but the Earl of Norwich and Sir John Owen were pardoned The Commons set forth a Declaration to justifie their proceedings They promise the establishment of a firm and safe Peace the advancement of the true Protestant Religion the liberal maintenance of a godly Ministry c. They pass an Act for propagating the Gospel in Ireland March 8. April 10. 1649. An Act was passed by the Commons for the sale of Deans and Chapters Lands and for the abolishing of Deans Deans and Chapters Canons Prebends c. and Tithes of or belonging to any Cathedral or Collegiate Church in England and Wales but it was provided That this should not extend to the Colledge of St. Mary in Winchester nor to the Colledge of Eaton nor to any of the Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to them belonging June 2. 1649 An Act was passed for the better maintenance of Preaching Ministers and School-masters out of the Lands of Deans and Chapters throughout England and Wales in such places where maintenance is wanting and for other good uses to the advancement of true Religion Piety and Learning And the Commissioners of the Great-Seal of England issued forth Commissions under the Great Seal into all the Counties of England and Wales to such persons as by the Parliament were nominated giving them power by the Oathes of good and lawful men c. to find out the true value of all Parsonages and Vicarages presentative and all other Ecclesiastical Livings with care of Souls within such Cities and Counties and to certifie into the Chancery what each of them were really worth per Annum the names of the Incumbents Proprietors and Possessors thereof and of such as receive the profits who supplies the Cure what he hath for his Sallary how many Chappels are belonging to one Parish and how situate and fit to be united and how the Churches and Chappels are supplied by Preaching Ministers that so a course be taken for the providing both for Preaching and maintenance where the same should be found to be needful About this time some Dissenters in the Army called Levellers drew together five thousand Horse and Foot at Burford Colonel Reinolds fell in upon them with a greater Body than they had and routed them taking nine hundred Horse and four hundred Foot prisoners whereof one Thomson and two more principal Leaders were immediately shot to death who died resolutely Cornet Den an Army-preacher Flageilum or the life and death of O. C. p. 83. expressing his grief and sorrow was reprieved at the Instant of execution which their Fellows beheld from the leads of the Church The Rest by Cromwells mediation were all pardoned and sent home to their own houses This proved the utter suppression of that faction and rendred the Army entirely at his Command so that they presently submitted to the lot which Regiments should be sent to Ireland then almost reduced to the King's obedience by the Marquess of Ormond Cromwell was ordained Commander in chief of the Forces appointed for Ireland and tituladoed with the style of Lord Governour of Ireland while the Lord Fairfax was left here to attend the Parliament He with a potent Army landed at Dublin The Marquess of Ormond had besieged Dublin but the siege was raised by Colonel Michael Jones Governour of Dublin with the utter defeat of the Marquesses Army And the siege of London-derry was raised by Sir Charles Coot sallying out of the Town Cromwel takes Drogheda by Storm and puts all in it to the Sword After this in less than a year most of the Cities and Towns in Ireland were taken and that whole Kingdom in a manner subdued to the power of the Common-Wealth of England and the Marquess of Ormond and all that oppose their Authority withdrew themselves But a little before Colonel Rich received a Brush from my Lord Broghil in the County of Cork where the Bishop of Rosse being taken was hanged July 19. 1649. An Act was passed by the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England for the promoting and propagating the Gospel of Christ in New England And a general Collection was made in and through all the Counties Cities Towns and Parishes of England and Wales as the foundation for so pious an undertaking c. King Charles the Second being now at Jersey part of the English Fleet was sent to attacque that Island which put the King upon a speedy remove from thence into France where he resided till the time appointed for the Treaty at Breda which drew near and then he repaired thither The Committee of the Estates of Scotland having concluded with the King at Breda all correspondence with the English was by Proclamation forbidden and all manner of provision stopped from being carryed into England though the Juncto at Westminster had used all Artifices to keep the Scots from closing with the King 1650. During the Treaty at Breda the Marquess of Montrosse landed in the Isles of Orkney with fifteen hundred Armes and five hundred German Souldiers and after he had gathered more strength he was defeated by Colonal Straughan taken and brought to Edinburgh where he is brought to his Trial condemned and executed The rigorous prosecution of the Marquess of Montrosse in that violent manner was chiefly from the instigation of the Kirk by which long before he had been Excommunicated Concerning which he spake to the people in this manner upon the Scaffold What I did in this Kingdom was in obedience to the most just Commands of my Sovereign for his defence in the day of his distress against those that rose up against him I fear God and honour the King according to the Commandments of God and the Law of Nature and Nations c. It is objected against me by many even good people that I am under the censure of the Church this is not my fault since it is onely for doing my duty by obeying my Prince's most just Commands for Religion his Person and Authority yet am I sorry they did Excommunicate me and in that which is according to God's Laws without wronging my Conscience or Allegiance I desire to be relaxed If they will not I appeal to God who is the Righteous Judge of the World and who must and will I hope be my Judge and Saviour The King was much troubled at the Scots severity against this Noble Marquess After this the King lands in Scotland and is Proclaimed King at Edinburgh Cross But his Majesty had not been long among the Scots but they began according to their usual manner of Kirk Authority and Discipline to obtrude upon the King such curbing conditions as but ill-suited with Regal dignity Then the Common-wealth of England sent an Army against Scotland and Cromwel is made General of the Parliament's Forces instead of Lord Fairfax and about the end of June he marched towards Berwick in order to his advance into Scotland The Scots raise an Army
and in the mean-time send many Expostulatory Letters to Sir Arthur Haslerigg then at Newcastle urging the breach of Covenant and the union between the two Nations which availed nothing The Scots having been routed at Muscleburgh they came to a Battel at Dunbar where the whole Army was defeated by Cromwel of the Scots there were slain in the Battel four thousand and nine thousand were taken prisoners with all their Ammunition bag and baggage and ten thousand Armes The Scots after this loss quitted Leith and Edinburgh whereof the next day Cromwel took possession and the King retired to St. Johnstons where the Committee of Estates were assembled The Scots ascribed this overthrow of the Army to their admitting the King into Scotland before he had given full satisfaction to the Kirk in what they required of him and began very much to impose upon him and remove from his Person the most Faithful and Loyal of his Servants The King departs secretly from St. Johnstons in discontent to the Lord Dedup's house near Dundee The Estates at St. Johnstons send Major General Montgomery to fetch the King back the King returns with him to St. Johnstons where a grand Convention is held and divers of the Royal Nobility are received into the favour of this Assembly Cromwel fortifieth Lieth and lays close siege to Edinburgh Castle Mr. John Guthry Mr. Patrick Gelespy Mr. Samuel Rutherford with many other Ministers withdrew from the Assembly at St. Johnstons and in print remonstrated in the name of themselves and the Western Churches against the present proceedings and with these Colonel Ker Straughan the Laird of Warreston Sir John Chiesly and Sir James Stuart and others Confederated By this division Cromwel's Conquest was made very easie and his fomenting that Rent in their Church made their subjection to his Authority more lasting than otherwise it would have been The King was desirous to compose this disorder or at least to prevent the dividing so great a Force as was under Ker and Straughan from his Service and to that end the Earl of Cassels the Lord Broody and Mr. Robert Douglas the Minister were sent to treat with them but they were somewhat averse to a composure yet they declared against any conjunction with Cromwel professing equally against Malignants as they called the King 's Loyal Subjects and Sectaries Soon after Colonel Ker being defeated was taken prisoner by Major General Lambert Mr. Rutherford wrote divers consolatory Letters to him during his imprisonment both in Scotland and in England Edinburgh Castle was surrendered by Dundasse the Governor Son in Law to old Leven upon conditions unto Cromwel on December 24. 1650. Shortly after all the Forts on this side of Sterling were taken by the English The King was solemnly Crowned at Scoone near unto St. Johnstons the accustomed place of the Coronation of the Kings of Scotland his Coronation being celebrated with loud Acclamations Bonfires shooting off of Guns and with as much pomp and Ceremony as the present State of things would permit About the beginning of June the Parliament of Scotland ended Addition to Sir Ric. Baker● Chron. having before their dissolution given large Commissions and Instructions for the pressing of men in all parts of the Kingdom beyond Fife and in the Western parts for a new Army which was to consist of 15000 Foot and 3000 Horse and Dragoons Then was the intended rising in Lancashire unfortunately disapointed Anno 1651 by the taking of a Ship at Ayx in Scotland which had been bound to the Earl of Darby in the Isle of Man and the seizing of Mr. Berkinhead an Agent in the business by whose Letters all was detected and thereupon were apprehended Mr. Thomas Cook of Grays-Inn Mr. Gibbons a Tailor and Mr. Potter an Apothecary together with Mr. Christopher Love Mr. William Jenkin Mr. Thomas Case Dr. Roger Drake and some other Presbyterial Ministers who were brought before a High Court of Justice and tried for their lives and about the latter end of July Potter Gibbons and Mr. Love were sentenced to death and a while after Gibbons and Love were executed After the defeat of Sir John Brown by Lambert and the taking of Brunt-Island and Inchgarvy-Castle by the English Cromwel resolved to set upon St. Johnstons which after one days siege he gained Hereupon the King leaves Scotland and enters England with his Army by the way of Carlile on August 6. 1651. At his first entrance upon English ground he was Proclaimed King of G●eat Britain at the Head of the Army with great Acclamations and shooting off the Canons on August 22. he came to Worcester The Earl of Darby coming with Forces to the King was routed by Colonel Lilburn Cromwel having with the conjunction of the Militia of divers Counties drawn together an Army of fifty thousand men surroundeth the City of Worcester Duke Hamilton who behaved himself with undaunted courage received a shot on his thigh whereof presently after he died The King's Army being over-powred they were forced to retreat into the City and many of Cromwel's Army got in with them About seven at night the Cromwellians gained the Fort Royal at which time his Majesty left the City passing out at St. Martin's gate accompanied with about Sixty Horse of the chiefest of his Retinue The Town was taken and miserably plundered There were slain in the Field in the Town and in Pursuit some two thousand and about eight thousand were taken prisoners in several places most of the English common men escaping by their Shibboleth But at Newport there were taken in the pursuit the Earls of Lauderdale Rothes Carnworth Darby Cleveland Shrewsbury the Lord Spyne Sir John Pakington Sir Ralph Clare Sir Charles Cunningham Colonel Graves Mr. Richard Fanshaw Secretary to the King and many others Six Colonels of Horse eight Lieutennant Colonels of Foot six Majors of Horse thirteen Majors of Foot thirty seven Captains of Horse seventy two Captains of Foot fifty five Quarter-masters eighty nine Lieutenants There were taken also some general Officers with seventy six Cornets of Horse ninety nine Ensignes of Foot ninety Quarter-masters eighty of the King's Servants with the King's Standard which he had set up when he summoned the Countrey the King's Coach and Horses and Collar of S S. but the King's person God wonderfully preserved delivering him from the Hand of all his Enemies and after many difficulties he is safely transported from Bright-helmston in Sussex into France by Tattersall Cromwel comes with his prisoners to London and having left Lieutennant General Monk in Scotland Sterling with the Castle was surrendred unto him and Dundee was taken by Storm and soon after St. Andrews Aberdeen with other Towns Castles and Strong places either voluntarily submitted or rendred upon summons The Earl of Darby was beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire The Isles of Man and Jersey c. are surrendred to the Parliament The Isle of Barbadoes is yielded up to Sir George Ascough Now the Parliament of England
conform Another Act was also passed for restoring of all such Advousons Rectories Impropriate Glebe-lands and Tithes to his Majesties loyal Subjects as were taken from them and making void certain charges imposed on them upon their compositions for delinquency by the late usurped Power Another Act was passed for preventing Abuses in printing Seditious Treasonable and Unlicensed Books and Pamphlets and for regulating of Printing and Printing-presses Pamphlets and Books prohibited to be Printed Published or Sold were Heretical Seditious or Shismatical Books or Pamphlets wherein any Christian Doctrine or Opinion shall be asserted or maintained which is contrary to Christian Faith or to the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England or which shall or may tend or be to the scandal of Religion or the Government or Governours of the Church State or Common-wealth or of any Corporation or particular person or persons whatsoever none shall import publish sell or dispose any such Book or Books or Pamphlets nor shall cause or procure any such to be published or put to sale or to be bound stitched or sewed together In the fifteenth year of his Majestie 's Reign an Act was passed for relief of such persons as by Sickness or other Impediment were disabled from subscribing the Declaration in the Act of Uniformity and explanation of part of the said Act. In the sixteenth year of his Majestie 's Reign an Act was passed for suppression of Seditious Conventicles under pretence of exercise of Religion Wherein it was Enacted That if any person being of the age of sixteen years and upwards being a Subject of this Realm at any time after the first day of July 1664. shall be present at any Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion in any other manner than is allowed by the Liturgy or practice of the Church of England in any place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales c. at which Conventicle Meeting or Assembly there shall be five persons or more assembled together over and above those of the same Houshold then it shall and may be lawful to and for any two Justices of the Peace of the County limit division or liberty wherein the said offence aforesaid shall be committed c. and they are hereby required and enjoyned upon proof to him or them respectively made of such offence either by confession of the party or Oath of witness or notorious evidence of the fact to make a Record of every such offence under their hands and seals respectively And that thereupon the said Justices c. shall commit every such offender so convicted as aforesaid to the Gaol or house of Correction there to remain for three moneths without Bayl or Mainprize unless the said offender shall pay down to the said Justices or chief Magistrate such sum of money not exceeding five pounds as the said Justices or Chief-magistrate who are hereby thereunto authorized and required shall fine the said offender at for his or her said offence which money shall be paid to the Church-wardens for the relief of the poor of the Parish where such offender did last inhabit Upon every second offence the offender to be imprisoned six moneths and to be fined ten pounds And upon the third offence the offender to be transplanted beyond the Seas to any of his Majesties Forreign Plantations Virginia and New England onely excepted there to remain seven years It was further Enacted That the Lieutennants or Deputy-lieutennants or any Commissioned Officers of the Militia or any other of his Majestie 's Forces with such Troops or Companies of Horse and Foot and also the Sheriffs Justices of Peace and other Magistrates and Ministers of Justice or any of them joyntly or severally within any of the Counties or places within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales c. shall repair unto the place where such Conventicles are held and by the best means they can shall dissolve and dissipate or prevent all such unlawful meetings and take into their custody such of those persons so unlawfully assembled as they shall judge to be the leaders and seducers of the rest and such others as they shall think fit to be proceeded against according to Law for such offences Every person who shall willingly suffer any such Conventicle to be held in his or her house out-house barn yard c. shall incur the same penalties and forfeitures as any other offender against this Act ought to be proceeded against In the seventeenth year of His Majestie 's Reign an Act was passed for restraining Non-conformists from inhabiting in Corporations Herein it was Enacted That all Parsons Vicars Curates Lecturers and other persons in holy Orders or pretended holy Orders c. who have not declared their unfeigned assent and consent as aforesaid and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and shall not take and subscribe the Oath following I A. B. do swear that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Armes against the King and that I do abhor that traiterous position of taking Armes by his Authority against his person or against those that are Commissioned by him in pursuance of such Commissions And that I will not endeavour at any time any alteration of Government either in Church or State And all such persons as shall take upon them to Preach in any unlawfull Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion contrary to the the Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdom shall not at any time from and after the 24th of March 1665. unless onely in passing upon the Road come or be within five miles of any City or Town Corporate or Borough that sends Burgesses to the Parliament within His Majesties Kingdom of England Principality of Wales c. or within five miles of any Parish Town or Place wherein He or They have been since the Act of Oblivion Parson Vicar Curate Lecturer c. or taken upon them to Preach in any unlawful Assembly c. under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion c. before He or They have subscribed or taken the Oath aforesaid before the Justices of the Peace at their quarter Sessions to be holden for the County or division next unto the said Corporation City or Borough place or Town in open Court which said Oath the said Justices are thereby impowred there to administer upon forfeiture for every such offence the sum of forty pounds of lawful English money the one third part to his Majesty and his Successors the other third part to the use of the poor of the Parish where the offence shall be committed and the other third part thereof to such person or persons as shall or will sue for the same by Action of Debt Plaint Bill or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or before any Justices of Assize Oyer and Terminer or Gaol-delivery c. Provided also That it shall not be lawful for any person
cloak thereupon The Augustinians or Regular Canons their cloathing by their first foundation was a white coat and a linnen rotchet under a black cope with a scapular to cover their head and shoulders The Gilbertines may boast that whereas Benedictines are by original Italians Augustinians African Carthusians French Dominicans Spanish c. they are pure English by the extraction of their Order The life of the Carthusians was outwardly full of painted holiness in forbearing flesh in fasting from bread and water every Friday in wearing hair-clothes next their body they were addicted to much silence and solitariness never going abroad refusing all women's company with other like ceremonies Of the several sorts of Friars that have been in England HEre it will be necessary to premise what was the distinction between the Monks and Friars The most essential difference is this Monks had nothing in propriety nor in common but being Mendicants begged all their subsistence from the charity of others Indeed they had houses or cells to dwell in or rather to hide themselves in but they had no means thereunto belonging But it may be Objected That many Convents of Friars had large and ample Revenues amounting to some hundreds though never thousands by the year I Answer That from the beginning of the Institution of Friars it was not so These additions of Lands unto them was of latter date not of their seeking but of their Benefactors casting upon them We begin with their four elemental Orders Wickliff commonly inveigheth against Friars under the name of C. A. J. M. C. Carmelites A. Augustinians J. Jacobines M. Minorites or Dominicans Franciscans An uncharitable Rythmer thus le ts fly at them Per decies binos Sathanas capiat Jacoboinas Propter errores Jesu confunde Minores Augustienses pater inclyte sterne per enses Et Carmelitas tanquam falsos Heremitas Sunt Confessores Dominorum seu Dominarum Et seductores ipsraum sunt animarum 1. Of these Anno 1221 the Dominicans were the first Friars which came over into England being but twelve in number with Gilbert de Fraxineto their Prior first landed at Canterbury fixed at Oxford but richly endowed at London They were commonly called Black Friars Preaching Friars and Jacobine Friars They took their name from St. Dominick born at Calogora in Spain and Hubert de Burgo Earl of Kent was their chief Patron bestowing his Palace in the Suburbs of London upon them which afterwards they sold to the Archbishops of York residing therein till by some transactions between King Henry the Eighth and Cardinal Wolsey it became the Royal Court now known by the name of Whitehall Afterwards by the bounty of Gregory Rocksley Lord Mayor of London and Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canterbury they were more conveniently lodged in two Lanes on the bank of Thames and still retaining the name of Black Friars no fewer than eighty English writers are accounted of this Order at this day As beyond the Seas they are much condemned for being the sole active managers of the cruel Spanish Inquisition so they deserve due commendation for their Orthodox Judgements in maintaining some controversies in Divinity of importance against the Jesuites 2. Franciscans follow commonly called Gray Friers or Minorites either in allusion to Jacob's words sum minor omnibus beneficiis tuis or from some other humble expressions in the New Testament They received their name from St. Francis born in the Dutchy of Spoletum in Italy Canonized by Pope Gregory the Ninth about two years after whose death the Franciscans came over into England and one Diggs Ancestor to Sir Dudley Diggs bought for them their first seat in Canterbury who afteward were diffused all over England They were well-skilled in School-divinity and had a curious Library in London built by Richard Whittington in that age costing five hundred and fifty pounds One Bernard of Siena about the year 1400. refined the Franciscans into Observants King Edward the Fourth first brought them into England where they had six famous Cloysters since which time there have been a new Order of Minims begun beyond the Seas Recollects Penitentaries Capuchins c. seeing they had their rise since the fall of Abbies in England they belong not to our present enquiry c. This Order afforded in England a hundred and ten Learned Writers 3. Carmelites or White Friars come next so named from Mount Carmel brought over into England in the Reign of King Richard the First by Ralph Freeborn and placed at Alnwick in Northumberland in a wilderness most like unto Carmel in Syria whose Convent at their dissolution in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth was at low rates in that cheap County valued at one hundred ninety and four pound and seven shillings per Annum Speeds Catal. p. 795. Reyner de Apostolatu Benedictinorum p. 164 Vide the Catalog in Fullers Church Hist l. 6. p. 272 by which we may see that even Mendicant Friars had houses endowed even with Revenues Hi cum primis Monachis Britonum Scororum ex Aegypto Palestina in Britanicas Insulas Monachatum intulerunt It is said in the praise of our Carmelites that they were most careful in keeping the Records of their Order Let them thank John Bale herein once of them who in his youth made the Catalogue out of love to his Order and in his old age preserved it out of his affection to Antiquity This Order was vertical and in the highest exaltation thereof in the Reign of King Edward the Fourth under Nicholas Kenton their twenty fifth Provincial They reckoned no fewer than one thousand five hundred of their Order But when John Milverton his successor began in favour of Friary furiously to ingage against Bishops and the Secular Clergy the Carmelites good Masters and Dames began to forsake them and they never recovered their credit till they were utterly dissolved John Bird the one and thirtieth Provincial of this Order zealously impugned the Pope's Supremacy in his Sermons for which he was made the first Bishop of Chester and was ejected that See in the Reign of Queen Mary because he was married The Carmelites boast very much of one Simon Stock of their Order Stow's Survay of London p. 821. a Kentish boy which being but twelve years old went out into the Woods and there fed on roots and wild fruit living in the trunk of an hollow Tree whence he got the Sirname of Stock Having a revelation that soon after Some should come out of Syria and confirm his Order which came to pass when the Carmelites came hither he afterwards became Master General of their Order to whom the respective Provincials are accountable and is said to be famous for his miracles 4. Augustinian Eremites they entred England Anno 1252. and had their first habitation at St. Peters in the Poor in London These probably taking the denomination of poverty otherwise at this day a very rich Parish in the City because the said Augustinian
119 120 See of Sarum had five Bishops in five years space 94 Scotland when freed from the See of York 133 Secular Priests ejected 31 A Survay taken of all the Glebe-land of the Clergy 110 Severus cometh into Britain and assisteth in condemning Pelagianism 8 Sampson Scholar to Iltutus being made Archbishop of Dole he carrieth away the Monuments of British Antiquity 11 Sebert King of Essex embraceth Christianity by the Ministry of Mellitus 14 Sigebert King of East-Angles enters into a Monastery 21 Saxons invade Britain 8 South-saxons converted to Christianity the last of the seven Kingdoms 19 A Survay taken of all the Revenues and Dignities Ecclesiastical in England returned in a Book to be kept in the Exchequer 152 John Spottiswood Archbishop of S. Andrews his death 314 John Story a great persecutor executed 234 A Statute made that all Convocations should be called by the King's Writ 146 The bloody Statute for the six Popish Articles enacted 155 A Statute made for the recovery of Tithes 156 Edward Seymour Duke of Sommerset Lord Protector of the Realm in the Reign of King Edward the sixth his story from 159 ad 174 Sommerset-house how and when erected 165 The Sweating-sickness 174 Richard Sutton the Founder of Charter-house Hospital 280 M. Antonius de Dominis Archbishop of Spalato his Story 281 288 289 290 Stubs and Page their right hands cut off with a Cleaver 242 The Scots erect a New Government for themselves consisting of four Tables for the four Orders of the State viz. the Noble-men Barons Burgesses and Ministers they enter into Covenant 308 They enter England in an Hostile manner 321 The first settlement of the Church under Queen Elizabeth 215 Seminaries beyond the Seas erected for English youth 234 Stone 's discovery of the Presbyterian meetings 254 Lord Wentworth made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Earl of Strafford 315 He is impeached of High Treason 223 Many under the notion of scandalous Ministers Sequestred 332 Many Silenced Ministers and Lecturers put into Sequestred Benefices 332 Sherwin Kirby and Briant Priests and Campian the Jesuite Executed for Treason 242 T MErchant-Tailors School in London when founded 224 S. Teliau a Scholar to Dubritus 11 Thetford burnt by the Danes 25 Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford the Grand contriver of all mischief against King Edward the second his Story 108 109 110 Tindals Translation of the New Testament burnt in Pauls Church-yard 147 Iohn de Trevisa a learned English-man 117 Mr. Walter Travers his story 255 256 Theodorus Archbishop of Canterbury erected a well-furnished Library 18 Theodore Abbot of Crowland murdered by the Danes 25 Iohn Thrask his errours and censure 283 The Treaty at Vxbridge 337 The Treaty and Dispute in the Isle of VVight 343 344 VVilliam Tindal strangled and burnt at Filford in Flaunders 150 Nicholas Trivet a Black Friar wrote two Histories and a Book of Annals 113 William Tailor Priest burnt 127 V. KIng Vortigern sendeth for Germanus and Lupus into Britain to refute the Heresie of Pelagius He afterward marrieth with a Pagan woman and is deserted of his Nobles page 8 Vortimer the son of Vortigern chosen King of Britain he is poisoned ibid. Vodinus Archbishop of London put to death by the command of Vortigern ib. Vssa first King of the East Angles 9 Polyder Virgil the Popes collector General of the Peter-pence in England He wrote a Latin History of Britain 148 Vter-Pendr●●●● King of Britain 10 Aubery de Vere a learned Lawyer Advocate for King Stephen 44 An Act for Uniformity of publick prayers c. 375 An Act for uniting Churches in Cities and Towns corporate 381 W. WIllibrod Reformer of Frisia 17 Bishop Williams censured and imprisoned 305 Wilfrid Archbishop of York converteth the men of Freezland in Belgia to Christianity 19 After his expulsion from York he is for a time made Bishop of Leicester at last he is restored to York and was buried in his Monastery at Rippon 20 King William the First gave unto the Bishops an entire jurisdiction to judge all causes relating to Religion before that time the Bishop and the Sheriff kept their Court together 38 This King laid wast thirty Parish Churches in the New Forrest to make a Paradise for his Deer 40 William Witlesee Archbishop of Canterbury freed the University of Oxford from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Lincoln formerly the Diocesan thereof 113 Iohn Wickliff his story 113 114 115 His bones burnt and the ashes cast into the River 128 William Wainfleet Bishop of Winchester founder of Mary Magdalen Colledge in Oxford 131 The miserable death of Dr. Whittington a great Persecutor at Sadbury 140 William Wickham founded New Colledge in Oxford and the Colledge at Winchester 117 Thomas Wallis a Dominican Friar a writer of many choice Books 113 Cardinal Wolsey his story 143 144 145 Dr. William VVhitacre his Answer to Campian's Chalenge 241 His death 259 VVilliam VVhite Priest burnt Who was a Scholar of Iohn VVickliff with him were burnt Iohn VVaddon Priest and Father Abraham of Colchester 128 Y. WHen and by whom the Yeomen of the King's guard were Instituted 136 Z. BAltazar Zanchez a Spaniard founded an Almes-house at Totnam-high-cross in Middlesex 259 ERRATA PAge 3. line 33. read names p. 7. l. 7. r. Franks l. 13. r. Virtutem p. 8. l. 5. r. Britain p. 9. in marg r. Tinmuthens p. 9. l. 15. f. at r. and l. 23. r. remain p. 15. l. 4. r. Cern l. 20. r. died p. 16. l. 32. r. propagated p. 26. l. 3. r. Halesdon l. 29. r. Danish p. 46. l. 21. r. the Pope l. 35. r. the Cathedral p. 47. l. 30. r. history p. 49. l. 28. r. whom p. 55. l. 7. r. reddituum p. 81. l. 22. r. monachorum l. 30. r. Papae papalibus p. 84. l. 35. r. the King issued p 86. l. penult r. the first p. 103. l. 24. r. Ecclesiae p. 104. l. 7. r. or Benefice l. 8. r. Expectancy p. 131. l 4. r. Regalis l. 16. r. fellows l. 32. dele out p. 137. l. penult r. thrifty p. 138. l. 5. r. the Pope p. 140. l. 14. they to cover p. 143. l. 18. r. the Gatehouse p. 165. l. 28. r. all Fridays p. 168. l. 39. r. was signified p. 172. l. 41. r. who would not p. 173. l. 21. r. she bare p. 176. l. 16. dele in their companies p. 180. l. 11. r. eight thousand p. 181. l. 9. r. Framingham p. 182. l. 32. dele but p. 186. l. 16. r. convocation l. 40 r. days p. 188. l. 7. r. to be examined p. 200. l. 15. r. the reformation p. 204. l. 20. r. turned p. 207. l. 24. r. her age p. 215. l. 9. r. gowns p. 229. l. 20. r. was required l. 38. r. VVyat p. 232. l. 20. dele was p. 237. l 6. r. which made many p. 239. l. 39. r. Bentham p. 241. l. 35. r. the old continued p. 242. l. 20. r. Gulphs p. 248. l. 40. r. discoverer p. 253. l. 41. r. Scory p. 256. l. 16. r. privately l. 30. r. Greenwood p. 257. in marg r. Pitzeus l. 31. 1596. p. 260. r. first Protestant Bishop p. 261. l. 25. r. Brother to the Lord Cobham p. 263. l. 25. r. Lordships p. 270. l. 1. r. 1604. p. 300. l. 9. r. were restrained p. 321. l. 14. r. it was p. 322. l. 2. r. of their p. 326. l. 26. r. tremenda p. 333. l. 21. r. Corbet p. 335. l. 33. r. enjoyning p. 370. l. 22. r. suppositious