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A42276 An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom beginning with the King of Swethlands entrance into Germany, and continuing in the yeare 1640 / written in Italian by the Count Galliazzo Gualdo Priorato and in English by the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Monmouth.; Historia delle guerre di Ferdinando II, e Ferdinando III imperatori, e del rè Filippo IV di Spagna, contro Gostavo Adolfo, rè di Suetia, e Luigi XIII rè di Francia. English Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678.; Monmouth, Henry Carey, Earl of, 1596-1661. 1648 (1648) Wing G2167; ESTC R15163 532,651 508

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were burnt at which accident the rest being afrighted and astonished the Swedes had not much difficulty to get upon the abandoned Rampiers and so surprise the Towne yet their aboade there was but short for the Romanists planted their Cannon against it and playing incessantly upon it with 24 Great Guns wherewith they battered downe the houses threw downe the wals and the stones flying in all places from the tops of houses they within foure dayes space were inforced to forsake the Towne and to retire themselves to Molheim wher 's Baudis perceiving the difficulty of the enterprise though he infinitely coveted to effect it did at the instance of the Holland Ambassadours desist from further violence giving thereby satisfaction to my Lords the States with whose safety it did not stand to permit more potent neighbours to be neer them then those they had and therefore they did not well approve of these the Swedish advancements by Surrendering Molheim likewise a walled Towne not farre off to those of Coln or Colonia Agrippina so called for that Agrippina mother to Nero the Emperour was borne there seated upon the Bankes of the Rhyn towards the North not farre distant from ●he Confines of the Low-Countries it is one of the greatest Cities of all Germany begirt with a double Wall and double Ditches and having above fourscore strong Towers about it it is governed by Lawes and Officers like a Common-wealth Whil'st the Swedish affaires proceeded on this manner in Germany the Lord Chancellor Oxesterne who had taken upon him the charge of the Swedes Militia and the direction of the Protestants resolves foreseeing of what importance it would be to free Westfalia from the oppression of the Imperialists wherein their Forces grew every day more numerous he made a levy of 8000 fighting men and framed the Body of an Army of them part whereof he assigned to Duke George of Lunenburg and the other part to the Landsgrave of H●ss●n aswell to afford them meanes thereby to maintaine their Forts as to preserve the friendship of the Princes who were confederates with Gustavus the late King who if they should finde affaires begin to decline being wrought upon by their particular interest might change their mindes and betake themselves to that side by which their owne dominions might be the more secured and kept intire Hee assigned other 8000 to Duke Bernard Waymer that hee might passe with them into Franconia to the taking in of Bamberg a place which made much for their advantage to the effecting whereof it much imported them first to take Cronach a place of some account seated upon the Bankes of Radach and watered on the West side by the rivolet Haflach which was on their backes At their first approach they took the City which was forsaken by the small Garrison in it but the enterprise proving exceeding difficult by reason of the valiant and stout defence made by the Imperialists in the Castle he was perswaded to quit it From hence he came before Bamberg where the Caesarians wanting sufficient Provision to maintaine themselves within those Wals being advertised of the Swedes marching towards them made haste to be gone from thence to the great griefe of the Inhabitants occasioned rather by the Souldiers carrying away with them whatsoever they could lay their hands on then for their departure and retreated to Fortheim a strong hold in the same Province seated in the Angle which is made by the River Visent where it falls into the Rednitz another River But Colonell Bolach pursuing them in the Reare with some fresh Horse stayed many of them who were flying from Bamberg to Fortheim for that being incumbred with Baggage Women and Children they could not march so fast as they had wont but they were all afterwards as unusefull people set at liberty by Waymer to the end that they might witnesse to the rest of the Inhabitants of Bamberg who were already got into Fortheim that they might returne to their owne homes where they should not any wayes bee injured by the Swedish Souldier Hee furthermore made publique edicts and proclamations that they should all within one moneths space returne to their owne houses otherwise they should be declared to be for ever banished and have their goods forfeited a course usually observed by the Swedes to the end the Townes they wonne might not be void of Inhabitants the numbers whereof render a City rich and strong Whil'st businesses were in this posture some Caesarian Forces under the Command of Aldringer which waged warre in the behalfe of the Duke of Bavaria were by his diligence acrewed to so considerable a number as that they were able to keep the Field in Swabenland with some appearance of no contemptible successe whereupon Aldringer thinking he might be able by reason of the absence of the Swedish Forces which were busied in Alsatia to doe some notable act he bethought himselfe of taking in Getzberg a walled Towne between the Vlm and Ausburg which did afterwards much facilitate his Siedge against Auspurg in those dayes a rich strong and very stately City by reason of the site thereof lying as it were in the Center of Swabenland between the Leech and the Werhach hee therefore planted his Cannon against it and beginning to play very hotly upon it after three dayes stout defence made by the Garrison the Town yielded as soone after did Landspurg a place of greater account seated in Bavaria on the Confines of Swabenland upon the Bankes of Leech which being unprovided of Victuals and Ammunition and streightly beset on all sides by the Roman-Catholiques was inforced to Surrender to the great prejudice of the Swedish affaires the chiefe Officers who commanded there being made prisoners and the Common Souldiers mingled amongst his weakest Companies whereby his Forces were increased and the Enemy weakened Aldringers proceedings in Swabenland did not a little anger Horne who was then in Alsatia with the maine Body of his Army having taken in all the Townes of that Province wherein were any Garrisons of the Imperialists unlesse it were Brisach hee fearing lest the Imperialists might advance even to the recovery of Auspurg and so make themselves masters also of Mimingham a City of very considerable consequence seated in the heart of Swabenland and that from thence the Passage being open unto them they might enter into the Dukedome of Wirtenberg a Country which the Swedes had a very great care of not onely out of the obligation they ought to the Prince therof who had so much to his prejudice declared himself for the Swedes as for that it being a rich and opulent Country and not yet impoverished by the Armies they might there promise themselves good refreshment for their Army and to keep themselves commodiously in Swabenland and in Alsatia in the midst whereof this Dukedome was seated hee therefore munited the strong holds of greatest consideration in Alsatia to withstand the Lorayners attempts who were to the number of about 7000 fighting men
of them neighbouring places or yet receive succour from Harnem for not thinking that Walesteins designe had so long a reach he was at this time so farre from them as that he could not come unto them time enough so as these Commanders finding that they could not put themselves upon the fortune of Armes but upon great disadvantage being farre short in number to the Imperialists who were 20 Regiments of Foot and 13 of Horse and being out of all hopes of Victuals or succour which being farre off could not come time enough to serve their stead that they might not perish miserably through hunger nor runne headlong upon the desperatenesse of Battaile and so remaine victimes to the Caesarian Sword knowing that voluntary Surrenders were alwaies borne withall when safety is by no other meanes to be had the Count and Tuball together with the rest of the chiefest Captaines withdrew themselves aside and being comforted by proffers which Tersica made unto them from Walesteine who promised that if they would yeeld up unto him those places which they had in their possession he would not onely spare their lives but treat them as friends and companions necessity being that which prevailes with the most obstinate they agreed to accept his offer not seeing how otherwise they could possibly escape they therefore resolved to submit themselves to Walesteines clemency who soone after set the Count De Towre at liberty and suffered Tuball likewise to make an escape wherewithall the Court at Vienna was not well pleased which would faine have had the Count in their owne custody that as head of the Bohemian Commotions he might have received just punishment for his defaults as likewise they would gladly have had the contrary party been deprived of Tuball who was so gallant a Commander as that his worth could not but be prejudiciall to them But Walesteine who was alwayes of an uncorrupted faith and who desired to witnesse to the Elector of Saxony that his invitations to peace were indissolvable tyes of Loyalty and who desired by his curtesie and civill usage to oblige even his Enemies regulating his government by dealing gently with his adversaries to the end and that thereby working upon their affections hee might rather appease their anger then provoke them to an obstinate defence found rather that by his thus doing to purchase the ill will of the Emperours Court then falsify his word of which he was very faithfull and he was so generous in his demonstrations as if hee thought to purchase the good will of the Electors Counsellours and Officers it being naturall to all men who are not ingratefull and therein worse then Beasts to be well inclined to their Benefactors Walestein being imboldned by this so happy Victory advanced to Frankfort upon the Oder and from thence to Landsperg both which yeelded suddainly unto him for the Governours of them having order from the Elector to abandon them if the Imperialists should appeare before their Gates they obeyed him and according to his commands withdrew themselves to Kostrin Walesteine being perswaded by these prosperous successes and thinking that these his proceedings were the true meanes to moderate the Duke of Saxonies pretensions resolved to try him once more and to that end sent unto him Prince Albertus Frauciscus of Sassen-Lavemberg but his demands meeting with like successe as before he marched with his whole Army to before Gorlitz invironed with strong Rampiers and very opportunely seated on the West upon the bankes of Neisse on the Confines of Lusatia the Governour whereof not sayling in his duty though for the defence thereof he had but 800 Foot and 150 Horse with some few of the Inhabitants a small number to maintaine a place of so great circuit prepared gallantly for defence little valuing Walesteines threats yet not being able to resist a strong Assault made by the Austrians he and all his men were put to the Sword as often times befals those who warm'd in the opinion of themselves by a more then usuall presumption waste that wisedome which tempered with audacity would make a happy mixture The escape of these Commanders being divulged to have hapned by Walesteines knowledge who desirous to captivate the Enemies good will so ordered it that thereby he might manifest how hee was offended with the Spaniards and Austrian Officers made Oxesterne perceive that Walesteine being daily more incenst against the Spaniards would criple those actions which might keep up the Imperiall greatnesse For being above measure ambitious and not able to suffer that the so large Authority granted him should now be limited 't was likely he would re-assume that intestine hatred which by reason of the new acknowledgements made unto him by Caesar and by the simulation of the Austrian Ministers of State seemed to be almost quite laid aside and that some ill vapour distilling from thence he might give way unto the Swede to make advantage of these their discords by some considerable acquisition and chiefly he believed that some good might be done upon Bavaria being it was he who more watchfull then the rest and wisely knowing what prejudice Princes receive who raise their subjects to too high a pitch had ordered the meanes how Walesteines vast ambition might be moderated and who being likewise thought to be the chiefe promoter of Feria's comming it was not to be doubted but that well contented with any mischiefe that might befall that Duke Walesteine would make but slow hast to succour him making use therfore of this occasion the taking of Ratisbon was thought would prove the easiest to be effected Therefore Waymer having crost over Swabenland came to Newburg before his departure was taken notice of and unexpectedly setting upon it some Countrey-people who having recourse thither had taken upon them to defend it affrighted at the first news of the Enemies Cannon as people not accustomed to Armes they Surrendred the Towne on the 29 ●h of November the Bavararian Garrison marching forth to the number of 500 Foot and 70 Horse were convoyed by the Swedes to Ingolstat from thence he speedily advanc'd to the Castle of Aichest which after having indured some Cannonshot did likewise yeeld 300 Foot marching out with their Armes and Baggage He then came to Ratisbon planted his Cannon against it and the Garrison after 18 dayes resistance made dispairing of succour and being unprovided of necessaries for they at this time dreaded not any such accident which was thought to be unpossible unlesse by meanes of some correspondency the Towne was yeelded up on the 14th of December and thus the Swedes got a great Citie upon the Danube which runs through the Town and hath a great Stone-bridge built over it and which Towne was formerly wont to boast it selfe of Franchisement and to enjoy the like priviledges as doe the other Hauns Townes in Germany but is of late much decayed it was invironed with double Walls well cimented though old fortified with half-Moones earthen Tenailes before
prisoners and cut off Waymer who was at this time quartered with his Forces about Newmarch in the upper Palatinate had an eye to the Imperialists proceedings and was informed that the Roman Catholique Army was drawing up towards him and that on the other side the Bavarians were not farre from Ratisbon therefore that he might indeavour as much as in him lay to hinder these advancements he rose from the place aforesaid and incamped himselfe betweene Ratisbon and Amber that he might be the neerer to bring succour to that Citie in the losse whereof he shared deeper then any other as he had partaken of much glory in the taking of it The French Forces being come before La Motta the Garrison whereof did gallantly defend themselves the Marshall Dela Force thought it requisite to possesse himselfe of Busch a strong hold built on a Rocke upon the Frontiers of Germany betweene the Palatinate and Alsatia yet kept by the Lorayners under the Command of Count Tumeius where bringing their Cannon and not well able to rayse their Batteries yet the difficulties of nature being overcome by humane industry they drew up six piece of Cannon upon the ascent of the Mountaine wherewithall they beganne to play upon the Walls from which the Lorayners assisted by the unaccessiblenesse of their Situation did constantly defend themselves though the not comming of their expected succour did much diminish that courage which useth to bee comforted through such hopes The end of the eighth Book The Warres and other State-Affaires of the best part of Christendome THE IX BOOK The Contents of the Ninth Booke In which is related the Spaniards preparations in Italy to passe over the Infanta into Flanders the sight in Slesia neere Lignitz betweene th● Imperialists and Saxons Ratisbon taken by the King of Hungary The proceedings of the Swedish Generals in the succouring of that place The taking of Lanshut The death of Aldringer His conditions The consequences insuing upon the Surrender of Ratisbon The Saxons proceedings in Slesia The Caesarians proceedings after the taking of Ratisbon The Infanta's departure from Milan with an Army His meeting and interlocution with the Queene his sister in Lintz The Councels of Warre held with the King his Brother in law Resolutions taken to pursue the Warre Nurenbergs agreement with the Emperour Dunawert taken by the Austrians The Siege of Norlinghen The Battaile which happened before it The Victory gotten by the King and Infanta of Spaine Horne and Cratz taken prisoners Crequi his Embassies to divers Princes in Italy in his returne from Rome The French-mens ends in Germany Their pretensions Filisberg assigned over unto them by the Swedes The consequencies hereof Aid given by the French to the Swedes after the defeat at Norlinghen Practises had with the Duke of Orleans What was thereby got His returne into France and his reconcilement to the King his Brother The Infanta's arrivall at Lucemberg What service was performed between the Imperialists the Ringrave neer the Rhyn The reasons why the Austrians did not prosecute the Victory at Norlinghen The taking of Heydelberg And the Treaty of Peace with Saxony re-assumed THe Spaniards constant undauntednesse which to the torrent of adversity opposeth the strong bankes of wisedome and sagacity no wayes affrighted neither at the Protestants proceedings nor the preparation of the French nor yet at their owne bad successes but resting firme in their usuall courage did not onely indeavour to recruit their lessened Forces in Germany and all other the Emperours Territories but also by their civil comportments to captivat that affection which their excessive greatnesse had lost them in the opinions of lesser Potentates The most illustrious Infanta through the magnifick demonstration shewen in Italy of his great spirit had not onely brought under his pay valiant Commanders and a strength of 10000 Foot and 2000 Horse but approving himselfe worthy to be Brother to so great a Monarch having already much comforted his Subjects satisfied strangers and moderated the evill opinions of such as were enemies to Spaine had given no small hopes in the flourishing Spring-time of his youth and government of what fruits were to be expected from him in the Autumne of his excellent inclination Hee was now ready to passe over the Mountaines and to goe for Flanders solicited thereunto by the great necessity that those Provinces stood in of a Prince of the Austrian blood when Colloredo who was left in Bohemia by the King of Hungary past into Slesia with 82 Companies of Foot and 4 Regiments of Horse and came neer to Lignitz a Town in the same Province situated upon the bankes of Ratsbach Which when Harnem understood who was upon his march thitherward being come with his Saxon Army to the places adjacent to that City and being informed that the Imperialists kept thereabouts in Battaile-array he resolved to set upon them before they should be incouraged by any fortunat successe hee therefore came forward on the 13th of May in handsome order with 6 Battaglions of Foot and 4 Squadrons of Horse in his Van-guard two other Bodies of Foot in his Rear and 6 Squadrons of Horse for a reserve at the backe of the Foot and 14 piece of Cannon in the fore-front of the Army he set upon the Imperialists who keeping themselves close together resolved not to turne their backs though a very great winde which blew full in their faces seemed to threaten them with no small harme About three houres after Sun-rising the Horse on both sides began to skirmish the Foot-Battaglions saluting each other alternatly with Musket-shot at last the bodies of both Armies gave together where after three houres fight maintained with equall valour on both sides the Imperialists wearied with their great labour and paines choaked up with smoake and winde and being set on a new by some fresh Troopes led on by Harnem and Tuball began to face about and betake themselves to their heeles and not being able to be stopped in their flight for any meanes Colloredo and the other Commanders could use they were routed about 1000 of them were slaine and taken prisoners some Baggage and field Carriages were lost and the rest recovered Lignitz where under the favour and protection of the Cannon of those Wals they saved themselves from a greater defeat which in another place they could not have evaded Harnem incouraged by this prosperous successe marched the 20th of the same moneth towards Franckfort upon Oder where making his approaches and planting his Cannon though the Garrison made some dayes defence yet by reason of the ill fortune in the late Battaile dispairing of succour and that City being in the very center of the Territories possessed by the Protestants and sorely beset honourable conditions being granted on the 3 of Iune about 700 Foot and 200 Horse marched out of the Towne too small a number to defend so great a place By this time the Bavarians were on their side come within sight
Sigliano in the way to Cresentino Leganes sent Don Iohn de Garray against the army which after the taking of Cingio kept thereabouts wherefore changing his first intention which was to come on the other side above Maudoni to assaile Turin he was to march by the way of Aich Nizza and Annone and crossing the Astigian to come before Verva Then joyning with Prince Thomas in Sigliano they came before Verna on the ninth of April and in a few hours tooke the Towne by assault and the Castle wanting necessary defence yeilded the next day they also tooke Crescentino both of them Townes neere the Poe the one on this side the River the other on the other places fit to hinder what was wont to be carried by water to Trino and Cassall And because the Spaniards knew of what importancy Hiveria was a place very fitting to keepe the command of that Country which lies between Doira Bautia and Sesia above Canavese they resolved to fortifie it round about with perfect Fortifications So as sending Fra. Ferrante Bolognino with other souldiers to strengthen the Garrison and Pioners to perfect the Works they fell very busily to it In this revolution of affares the Cardinall of Vallette not daring to march into the feilds for feare of the insurrection of the people thought good to come to Turin where there was greater suspition of meeting with some treachery And to quarter his army about that City till such time as the Duke of Longeville who was already parted from France to assist the forces of Italy with the recrewtes promised by the King were come to the edge of Piemont where they would then resolve upon what might make most for the Kings service and increasing in the Dutchesse her suspition of the inhabitance of Turin he made their armes be taken from them the guardes be dubled and dilligent inquiry to be made into the actions gestures and speeches of such as were suspected of treachery But Prince Thomas being comforted by those who could bring him into Turin that he might loose no time in appearing before the Towne marched thetherward with Leganes and the whole army and haulting at Gruliasco two miles from Turin hee there attended the houre to perfect his worke and being advertised by a Princes a sister of his who was a Nun that such a Fryer was gon towards him with intention to kill him the Fryer coming soone after to present him with a letter were it true that he had any such intention or were it his misfortune to come in such a nick of time as did correspond with the suspition had of him he was arrested and sent to his Brother the Cardinall at Hiverea to the intent the truth might be there found out but agreeing with the keeper who had him in custody as he was upon the way he and his Keeper made an escape Parting from Gruliasco on the 17th of Aprill he drew neere to Turin where meeting with the French horse a skirmish happened betweene the Dragoones and Dutch of the Spanish army and some of the French troopes who were put to the worst and were forced to retreate with the losse of about twenty Mules loaded with marchandise which they were convoying The Dutchesse having afterwards sent Commissary Monte with a good strength of horse and foote to reinforce her men and Leganes having sent some Companyes of Bolognini and Sottellos Brigades to meet with them the skirmish began a fresh againe in such sort as the Marquis Villa comming in on the French side and Don Carlo della Gatta with all the Neapolitan horse on the Spanish the Spaniards being many more in number then were the French the French skirmishing in an admirable good order got under the shelter of the Cannon of the Cittadell with the losse of some Souldiers and of the Count De Giu a Frenchman Incurraged by this retreate and by the hopes of intelligence the Spaniards suddainly advanced to set upon the borough of Poe neere Turrin and intrenched 3000. foote there hoping by meanes of their partakers to enter the towne that night but they failed in their intent for the Cardinall of Vallette being vigilent every where rendred all the indeavours of the treacherous vaine and possessing himselfe of the Capuchians scituation and fortifying himselfe there he levelled his Cannon against the Spaniards quarters which were commanded on this side So as finding the place too hot for them they after a few dayes retreated and devided their army the one part thereof went with Prince Thomas to Villa nova d'Asti which he presently stormed and pillaged and Leganes went with the other parte to before Moncaluo and after having taken the Towne and left 2000. foote there to reduce the Castle he joyned againe with the Prince and with one accord on the thirtieth of Aprill they came with a great force before Asti and the next day without any gainesaying entred the City which the Commendator Balbiani who was Governour thereof thinking he would not keep it he withdrew himselfe to the Cittadell where he thought to defend himselfe better But Montagnivola being taken by the Spaniards upon the which the French had built a litle fort the Castle was thereby commanded so as wanting succour and ammunition yeilded upon treaty way being made hereby to further acheevements the Cardinall of Savoy who was at Hiverea removed his Court hither as well to keep the subjects in their logality and faithfulnesse to him as to raise men who might have no dependance either upon France or Spain which when he should have done he was sure he should be willingly received into many Townes where they should be certaine to be guarisonised by people put into them by their owne Princes and not by the Spaniards or French to which some would not submit Bolognini who parting from Hiveria was commanded to take in the Castle of Pontestura had likewise no worse successe for being reduced to great extreamity it compounded and the French marched out and Trino being by this Castle divided from Cassall they might easily effect their desires upon that place A convenient Garrison being afterwards left in Cassall under the command of Marquess Pietro Antonio Lenati and the Garrisons of Salicetto Montaldo Aliano and other places being by reason of this place superfluous the whole Army came before Moncalvo and streightly besieging the Castle which did valiantly defend it selfe by meanes of a myne which blew up one of the great towers thereof he forced it to yeild to the great displeasure of the French for this place being in the very hart of Montferrat Cassall was thereby the more streightned The Cardinall of Vallette fearing therefore lest under the happy Augure of these victories they might likewise bethink themselves of taking Cassall he conveyed in thither divers sacks of salt a thing which the Inhabitants very much wanted and hee added 400. horse and 800. Foote of the Montferrians to the Garrison thereof And his Brother the Duke of
by force would be a very troublesome and dangerous businesse and the losse of much time to bring it to effect for it was well manned and munitioned Hee layed siedge to it recommending the enterprise to Collonell Bandis a Gentleman that very well understood the affaires of War and was much esteemed of by the King and his Commanders He himselfe returned with the rest of his Army to Stettin wherein receiving advertisement of the great preparations Tilly had made for the taking of Magdeburg And moreover being informed by those he confided in of the intelligence held betweene the principall men and the Roman Catholiques of that City he was very much troubled for he had framed unto himselfe great designes upon the assistance of that place which was one of the strongest richest and best peopled Townes of all Germany and in the heart of the best Provinces thereof so as if this should faile him all his buildings raised upon that foundation would come to nought He therefore called the Barron Falchenburg into his private Closet a Dutch Cavaliere much versed aswell in Politique as Martiall Affaires and having acquainted him with his thought he desired him to go speedily to that City to assist the Administrator thereof and advertise him of what he understood to the end he might be more watchfull in the defence thereof since the Inhabitants lived irregularly trusting too much to his fortune beleeving his very effigies was enough to keep them from all attempts of the Romanists He also writ very effectuall Letters to the Magistrates there acquainting them with the Imperialists intentions and what intelligences they there held and to put them in mind it behooved a better guard should be set upon the Town to secure it from the treachery of the Roman Catholiques who coveted nothing more then their liberty Leaving afterwards new orders in Stettin and the neighbouring places which were held by the Souldiers he marched two dayes journey along the Oder to prevent the mischiefe that might be done to those parts for the numbers of the Imperialists were encreased by the arrivall of Count Schamburg with new Forces and with Letters Pattents to command as Generall in the place of Torquato Conti who by reason of his indisposition of health obtained leave of Caesar at his owne request to give over his charge And seeming as if he would quarter his men in the Townes thereabouts for the season now grew too hard to lye in the fields he on the sudden returned to Stettin passed over the River with Twelve Thousand Foot Sixe Thousand Horse and seventy peece of Cannon and on Christmas day came before Griffenhaghen a strong Towne seated in the skirts of Pomerania towards the State of Brandenburg upon the Oder in a place fit for defence where making his diligent approaches on two sides he so furiously set upon it as in a short time having beaten down many Towers and made breaches in a Rampard he gave it a hot assault with Ladders Mattocks and couragious men to the which the Imperialists opposing themselves with no lesse ardour with Stones Pikes Muskets and artificiall fires the scuffle was very violent for the Swedes incouraged by their King who being a spectatour of all that was done thrust forward in person after the first or second Squadrons thronged through the Ditch striving who should first mount the Rampiers after some two houres fight the Defendants having lost their Parrapet and Pallasadoes which served them for a fence to oppose the continuall shot of twenty sixe Peece of Cannon whereby all those defences were shattered in peeces not thinking themselves any longer safe in those Rampiers withdrew themselves into a little Trench which at that instant they had built within the Wall and suffered the Swedes to get up who being got upon the Parapet and having immediately drawne three Peece of Cannon up after them began to play upon the workes which the Imperialists had withdrawne themselves into wherein the Defendants kept themselves and made them good till night but not knowing how to repell the Enemies they bethought themselves of a Retreat and how they might abandon the City they therefore stole out of the gate at five of the clocke at night but being discovered by the Swedish Sentinels a private Alarme was given and the Swedish Horse pursuing them slew many of them and tooke many of them Prisoners amongst which was Ferdinando de Capua Governour of the Fort and many other Gentlemen and Commanders of quality The losse of Griffenhaghen being of a very considerable effect did much stagger Shamburg because by this losse the Imperialists were totally excluded from comming into Pomerania And because this being lost it would be a very hard matter to keep Gratz a place of lesse defence which lies on the West side beyond the Oder in an open Champion and subject to the continuall incursions and surprisals of the Garrison of Stettin he called together his Councell of War and asked their opinions what they thought was best to be done upon this emergency and in so cold a season when as the earth was all covered with Snow whole squadrons not inured to such sufferings and hardnesse disbanded themselves of all evills they chose the least which was to forsake Gratz and not stay the Kings comming and to the end the Swedes might not availe themselves thereof they slighted it freeing likewise all the neighbouring Country they retired themselves with the grosse of their Forces to Frankfort upon Oder a great and strong City and of great importance for their affaires lying as the Center of Pomerania Slecia Saxony and Brandenburg environed with strong Rampiers and large Ditches which though they were not compleat defences yet not contemptible here they haulted expecting Tilly with the Forces of the League who ill satisfied with Magdeburgs declaration was quartered thereabouts resolving to be revenged on them for their violated faith by the comming of these and the addition of other Troops which were taken into pay by Commissarie Ossa in Sletia and Moravia hee thought hee should afterwards be able to drive the Swedes from the places they had taken but whilst Schamburg had his thoughts busied upon these affaires the King the meane while advanced to Gratz and finding it abandoned by the Imperialists found by their feare that they had not Forces sufficient to resist him Wherefore he resolved upon a brave enterprize which was to march forward whilst Tillie was aloofe off whilst Fortune smiled upon him and whilst the Romanists fled He therefore marched with his Army to Landsperg a Towne environed with good and strong Walls in a very considerable situation and a most important Passage whereby an Ingresse was opened to the heart of Sletia standing upon the Bankes of Wartha a gallant River which comming from forth the utmost parts of Pomerania neare to a Village called Crowlant after a long course through the Countrey falls into the Oder between Franckfort and the Fort Castrin But finding that
that he was necessitated by Armes and the selfe interest of his owne State and out of no other reason to make friendship with the King he together with the greatest part of his nobility came forth of Berlin to meet the King with whom after he had discoursed two houres and was satisfied with his negotiation hee offered to assist him in all he could declared himselfe to be one of his confederates And having sumptuously received him into Berlin he assigned over unto him Spandaw and Kusterin but the King thought he should not be able to succour Brandenburg with his owne Forces only which were much lessened by the Garrisons he was forced to leave in such places as he had taken besides the Troopes of Souldiers which he had sent with Baudis and Horne to waite upon Shamburg and Tieffenbach whose numbers every day encreasing in the Dutchy of Crossen and Sletia it seemed they aymed at some great businesse All things fitting therefore agreed upon between him and the Elector he went from Berlin and comming to Potstin a place betweene Berlin and Brandenburg upon the bankes of Havell he invited the Duke of Saxony to joyne with him in the relieving of Magdeburg or at least that he would give passage for his Army to do it But the Elector who was afraid to offend Tilly and to draw the War into his owne Country with great complements but uncorrespondent effects answered That he had taken an Oath unto the Emperour that he had not yet had any occasion to violate it nor to adhere to any resolution which might prove prejudiciall to Caesars Crowne all these excuses seemed to little purpose and invalid to the King who thought that the Austrians bare attempting upon the liberty of a Hauns Towne to the which they had no pretence had been reason enough to make the Duke resolve to assist him without scruple of breach of his promise or Oath since nothing was demanded of the Emperour but that which he unduly usurped he signified unto him that he would hereafter repent of this and that all in good time he would put him in mind of it yet neither these nor any other reasons were able to prevaile with the Elector for he being howsoever subject to eminent danger the Armies of both Parties lying round about him he very cunningly held off to see how affaires went thinking himselfe as a great Prince to be alwaies in condition to declare himselfe time enough for that side by which his Territories might be the more secured Tilly much troubled at the Kings so prosperous successe especially that he should make himselfe Master of their best strengths in sight as a man may say of his Army revolved many things in his mind how he might regaine his oppressed reputation and get some advantage by this warre On the one side the losse of those Cities which were recommended to the care of his Valour did much torment him and therefore willingly would hee have marched to the regaining of them on the other side he solaced himselfe againe in the consequence of the businesse of Magdeburg on the perfecting of which Siege his minde was still bent the which if he should give over it was most apparent that he should not onely grow lesse in mens opinion but the Protestants gathering daily better heart much trouble would thereby redound unto him moreover the Swedes having this place of refuge struck awe into all the Provinces of Germany since thereby they had passage to turne themselves whither they list which would cause a generall feare throughout all the neighbouring parts But that which was of greatest concernment was that if the King might have that City for a shelter to himself and his Army he would not onely over-run all the parts thereabouts but might lead his Forces into Bohemia which was full of Protestants ill-affected to the Imperialists and undoubtedly bring the Elector of Saxony and the rest of the Hauns Townes to declare themselves on whose friendship the Imperialists did very much build Setting therefore aside all the vexation he received by the daily newes of the Swedes proceedings hee applyed himselfe wholly to the winning of Magdeburg the which it is thought he the rather did for that hee held secret Intelligence within the Towne The Roman Catholiques were thus quartered at the siege of Magdeburg Tilly kept his Quarters about the Sconce Zoll Count Popenhaine environed the wayes that led from Newstat the Duke of Holestaine enlarged his Quarters almost to Croken and Count Mansfield bound in the Precincts of the Campe with his Station on the side of Heckdeck and the Fort Marsh. They had already made their approaches on these foure sides even to the edge of the Counterscarfe but their entrance thereupon was hindred by the continuall playing of the Cannon and Musquets from the Towne insomuch as Tilly perceiving it would be a businesse of difficulty and that all delay redounded much to the prejudice of his intentions betook himselfe to stratagem and using the correspondency which hee held within the Towne that were well-affected to the Imperiall party he withdrew his Artillery from the Batteries against the Bulwarks of Lauburg to the end that by this cessation the besieged might bee enamoured of the Kings happy proceedings and might thinke that the Enemies Army being thereby called back was now providing to dislodge This their seeming removall was well handled by them and better confirmed by those they held correspondency withall within the Towne for they making as if they knew that Tilly was providing to be gone did with extraordinary joy divulge their opinions whereupon conformable to humane nature which is well pleased when events prove answerable to their desires even drunke with this hope and blinded with this conceipt they studied more how to expresse their joy with invitations and feastings then with diligence and sufficient guards to watch over their owne safetie Tilly being punctually advertised of all these things thought it not good to let slip this occasion but to effect what he had determined with all his art and industry he to this purpose on the 19 of May called Popenhaine and all the Generalls and Captaines of the Army to a Councell of Warre where having discoursed upon this designe they all joyned in a resolution to set upon the Walls of the Citie on all sides by a generall and valiant Scalado For being advertised by their Spies that Guards were not kept and that through the confidence the Citizens had in their Workes they little minded their keeping of Sentinels they hoped without doubt to reape some good hereby The Agreement then being made having chosen out the Valiantest and Ablest Men they had and made Provision of Ladders Bridges and Petars on the 20 day of the said Moneth early in the morning before the breake of day the Signe was given by the discharging of 30 pieces of Cannon and Popenhaine Mansfield Tilly and the Duke of Holesteine did from their severall Quarters
go in person to Gripswould not so much to strengthen Horne as to give Audience to certaine Embassadours and other Ministers of State touching businesses of great importance Tilly beleeving by this retreat that the King was afraid and that he rather intended to looke homewards then to advance further brought his Army before Tangermund forced it to surrender and won diverse other places of no great consideration and judging it not then fitting time to lye before strong holds which would require much time and great expence both of men and money when the Protestants grew stronger in all parts He advised with his Commanders and it was generally agreed upon that they would wage War with the Landsgrave of Hessen as with one who having declared himselfe for the King was busie in raising of Forces to the no little pressure of the Austrians for this Gentleman being a young couragious Prince given to love War Master of a State in the midst of those Provinces which kept their alleageance to the Emperour if his Forces should encrease they ought the more to have an eye upon him for that he held good correspondency with the States of Holland which republique was much encreased in power and reputation of Warre so as that he would not only prove a great diversion to their proceedings but would have still kept the Romane Catholiques in those parts in worke for the greatest part of the Townes which confined upon him appertaining to the Electors of Cullen Mentz and to the Bishops and Princes of Munster Pa●erborn Fulda and other Fewdatories of the Empire weake of themselves to contend with so Fresh an Army it either behooved the Emperour answerable to his Obligation to assist them with a strength of people in their defence by which the Forces of the other Armies which were in the field against the Swedes would be much dimembered and divided or else it could not be shunned but that these might by some prejudiciall agreement defend themselves from the War wherewith they were then threatned He therefore thought it agreeable to the rules of Command first to secure himselfe on this side rather then by his Armes to make Saxon declare himselfe since that words were of no availement that the Protestants being bereaft of this leaning stocke and of the hopes which they might conceive upon the diversion of so great a Prince he might easily come to fight with the King and drive him from the places he had possest himselfe of The Landsgrave being therefore out of his owne Dominions as gone in person to the Campe before Gripswould to conferre and treate with the King Tilly thought he might do well by a complementing Letter to put the Landsgraves Subjects in mind of their Masters errour who puft up with too much youthfull hear had forgone his alleageance to the Emperour and joyned himselfe with a stranger Prince whose only drift was to bring ruine upon those miserable and innocent people So as they foolishly embracing these unsubsistancies went astray from the good way putting themselves upon narrow and dangerous paths and that therefore they ought no more to receive him backe for that he would send them sufficient ayde to confirme their quiet and establish their liberty But these words working little effect with those people who very well knew they could not withdraw themselves from the subjection of their lawfull Lord and Master without submitting themselves to the Government of another they did but laugh at Tillyes promises and threats and prepared themselves for defence The King this meane while comming himselfe in Person into the Campe at Gripswould he rejoyced the hearts of all the Army as doth a timely shower the scorched up ground and by this time the besieged finding themselves weakened and the Swedes with their Galleries and Traverses advancing even into the Ditch and seeing the generall assault which in the presence of their King they were preparing to give them they yeilded the Towne upon condition that the Garrison might march forth with their Armes Baggage and two Peeces of Cannon after which being advertised how the Dukes of Mechelburg who after the losse of their State usurped from them by the Emperour had retired themselves to Lubeck a Hauns Towne and one of the chiefe Cities of Germany upon the Trave had answerable to the agreement raised a pretty Force of Horse and Foot he thought the occasion fitting to re-place those Princes in their Dominions Whereupon leading his Army on to this purpose he tooke diverse places and Townes which were yet held by the Imperialists opening the way for the said Princes to returne into their owne Countries and totally driving all the Imperiall Forces out of such Cities and Townes as belonged to them which it was easie for the King to do for the greatest part of the Roman Catholiques having withdrawn themselves from that Province knowing how hard it would be for them to maintaine those Townes had betooke themselves to the defence of Rostock and Weismar which being moreover very well fortified their Patrimonies would be by their meanes easily preserved and be afterwards much helped to drive the Swedes away from the places they had taken when the Roman Catholiques Army should by them have received any advantage all the other Townes being then come in unto the King and he knowing that these two Cities whilst they kept themselves for the Emperour did make all undertakings upon that State invalide for that all the rest of the Provinces being an open champion and not furnished with places of safe refuge they should upon any approach of the Imperialists be enforced to forgoe their Quarters in those weake Townes and the Austrians by means of these two places whereunto they might retreate might easily keep the Dominion and possession of them and so not be totally dispossest He resolved to fortifie Anclam a place strongly seated upon the River Pene in the Navell of Pomerania not far from the Lake of Grosse Haff by the which securing unto himselfe the Neighbouring Country this place was of no small moment Having taken such order as he thought convenient for the taking of these before which he left Banniere with about Sixe Thousand Souldiers he re-placed the Dukes his Nephewes in their Dominions and making the Inhabitants sweare fealty to them he thought it not good to tarry longer in those parts but to returne to Pomerania and by the advancement of his Forces to get Saxony to declare himselfe and to endeavour new acquisitions the which he did not only by reason of Tillies absence promise unto himselfe but that by this Invasion he should occasion such diversion as he should force Tilly to forsake his designe upon the Landsgrave Raising thus his Campe from before Gustrow a Towne seated in the Center of that Province defended by no very exact ancient Wals and watered by Nuball upon which great Barkes do sayle even to Rostock he made hast to Berlin and from thence sending his Army towards Borth he
they prepared for a greater encounter when Tilly understanding that the King had received fresh supply of 8000 men brought unto him by Gustavus Horne and Baudis from Pomerania and the parts about Brandenburg and his want of Provision for his Horse continually increasing resolved to returne to Tangermund and to quarter his Army between that place and Eisteben and there to attend the comming of Count Fistemberg who being recalled from the Order he had given him to go against the Landsgraves Country was as yet upon the Territories of the Abbat of Fulda an Ecclesiasticall Prince and likewise Administrator in Civill affaires chosen thereunto by a Chapter of Cannons who governe that City as a Common-wealth Fulda is seated in Franconia between the County of Henneberg and the State of Hesse upon the River Fuld which receives its name from thence which issuing from neare the Village Ramers in Franconia runs into Weser not far from Muiden it is not numbred amongst the strong places for that it is only environed with old walls by this re-inforcement he might likewise speake the more boldly with the Duke of Saxony who making merry with him was ready to joyne with the Kings party and hereby he might likewise more boldly fight with the Swedes The King this meane while well informed from all parts of these proceedings of the Romanists saw he was not in condition to hazard himselfe in further advancements for that new Forces being continually added to the former and he finding himselfe sufficiently weakened by the continuall actions of his owne men it was very dangerous to joyne Battell with that Army which being led on by an old Commander knew not what it was to lose He therefore resolved to tarry upon the Elb and Havell and to hinder the Imperialists from advancing upon the parts thereabouts held by the Swedish Forces He foresaw that Tilly not permitting the Duke of Saxony to continue a Neuter would force him first by his importunities and then by his Armes to declare himselfe from which he could not but expect great advantage For the Elector ill satisfied with the Austrians and seeing the Kings assistance neare at hand 't was likely that upon any slight occasion he would lay hold upon any pretence and discover which way he was inclined He then quartered himselfe near Werben which he had againe wonne by surprisall He left Gustavus Horne with some Forces of Horse and Foot about Brandenburg He recommended the custody of Retinaw a place thogh of no great account yet at this time upon this occasion very considerable as being seated upon the Havell betweene the Cities of Havelburg and Brandenburg to Colonell Tod a Souldier of great experience a native of Germany and of good bloud thinking by keeping himselfe in these strong holds and thereby hindering the Roman Catholicks from dreaming of passing the River and going to recover such Townes as had beene taken in those parts and upon the Oder he should keep the Enemy in perpetuall exercise with evident danger and make him who was not able to subsist in those parts impoverished by the daily incursions of both parties rise from thence and retreat to his great losse of Honour and to the prejudice of those parts which yet kept their allegeance to Caesar he was hereunto also perswaded out of another reason that the Imperialists could not keep themselves any long time in those Quarters without giving jealousie to Saxony whose estate for any good order that could be taken by the Militia could not so sufficiently defend it selfe but that it must receive injuries by the insolencies of the Souldier and such parties as were wont to scoure the Champion which if it should so fall out it would redound much to the Kings advantage for that this Elector little apaid with the Actions of the Imperialists and exceedingly troubled at the declaration made a little before by the Emperour That he intended that all such goods should be restored to the Roman Catholicke Churches which had formerly beene by the Protestants usurped a businesse wherein this Prince was not a little concerned whose Incomes were more compounded of Ecclesiasticall Revenues then other rents hee would doubtlesse make use of this occasion which palliated with a strong pretence might make him declare himselfe partiall for the King who was able with no lesse an Army then Count Tilly to assist and defend him The Roman Catholicke Army being now re-inforced by the arrivall of Fistenburg and by the comming of Tiffenbacke Marshall of the field who was called backe out of Lusatia with such forces as hee could get out of the Garrisons of that Province and out of Sletia as also by the advertisements that Count Aldrenger was come from Mantua and returning into Germany was within forty leagues with about 8000. Souldiers Tilly thought that he should meet with no opposition which could contest with him nor keep him from those advancings which his men had at other times made against greater Armies Raising his Campe from about Magdeburg he came to Hall a City upon the River Sall which comming from forth those Mountaines which towards the South upon the confines of Voitland run between Franconia and Bohemia and gathering many other Rivers into it fals into the Elb not farre from Rosenberg where he haulted and mustering his Army which he found to be above 34000. fighting men he thought himselfe fit for any enterprize He therefore called a Councell of war wherein it was the generall opinion of all his Commanders that Saxony should be demanded openly to declare himselfe for this term of Newtrality brings alwaies with it jealousies to Princes and so much the more at this time for that the Elector for his owne defence had gathered together a body of about 14000. Souldiers which would be a great addition to that side he should adhere unto and in respect that Tilly had now invironed his whole Country with his forces he thought the very feare of the Roman Catholicke Army would make him put on a favourable resolution whereby he might easily be brought afterwards to imploy his forces in suppressing of the King He therefore sent the Baron Shamburg an Almain by birth one who very well understood Martiall affaires as also civill Negotiation and who was of a Noble family to the Elector demanding of him that he would joyne his forces with theirs to suppresse the Swedes that he would give quarter for his Army upon his Territories and contribution in money whereof the Souldiers having been a long time kept short they began to grumble and to mutiny against their Commanders He willed Shamburg since now the sword was in their hand that he should speake the more boldly and with the lesse respect Shamburgs expressions were lofty and rather imperious then civill He told him that since he the Elector was a Subject to the Emperor Ferdinand he did proclame Caesars indignation against him if he did any wayes forgoe the friendship and duty which he owed to
prejudiciall to his dominion but to the whole interest of the Protestants but the King willing to let the Electour see how ill he had beene advised whilst being able to releive Magdeburg by the preservation whereof his estate would have likewise been secure and whilst he was intreated by him the King to afford him passage and to joyne with him he had denyed to do so and had sent backe the messenger with resolutions no wayes profitable did coolly answer Harnem That his Master had himselfe drawne the warre upon him by having slighted his Counsell or rather for having refused what was by him propounded That his highnesse had some Counsellors about him that were Spaniolised that he needed not poynt out unto him whither the Austrian Monarchy tended for it was apparently seen by former examples that having supprest the liberty of the Hauns townes and the Princes of the Empire he aimed meerly at the Command over all Europe that he knew not how to helpe him for that his designe was to lead his forces elsewhere and that he was very much troubled at this accident which had befallen the Duke Harnem answered with words drawne from the inmost of his heart and which were accompanied with some teares that fell from his eyes that his Majesty as a wise and curteous Prince as a gracious propagator of the faith and as the defender of German liberty ought to forget any thing the Elector had done amisse which had beene occasioned through feare and bad Counsell not out of any diffidence he had of his Majesties friendship to the which he should forever acknowledge himselfe oblieged That Princes are oft times blinded by their interest of state and oft times so hoodwinckt as that they could not refuse the counsels of their Ministers that the wellfare of the publique ought to be preferred before what ever private respect that a Prince ought to forget such things wherein they have not received satisfaction when the doing so redounds to their advantage that reason of state is alwayes furnish't with so choice a disguise as in an instant it can turne the most threatning browes of an enemy into the pleasing countenance of a friend and as soone change the cleer aspect of a favourite into a troubled face The King who did indeed desire nothing more then this though he seemed to feigne the contrary not objecting any thing to these his expressions answered That he would be contented to come aid the Elector upon condition that for his better caution and security hee might have the Fort of Wittenberg delivered up into his hands which is a very strong hold seated upon the Elb in a most pleasant Country begirt with Parrapits and bastions of the latest edition well peopled and a place of great Importance standing between Lusatia and the Bishopricke of Hall as if it were the Center of those two Provinces the key which opens and shuts the way into Saxony That he might receive money for two payments of his Army and that his excellencies eldest sonne might be sent to him and kept by him as an hostage of his fidelity Harnem by speedy post acquainted his Master with these answers whose state was now in great confusion and feare and who returned as speedy answer to the King That not onely Wittenberg but his whole state was at his Command that the money for the Army should forthwith be disbursed and that he himselfe together with his sonne would hasten to come and serve him These Articles being signed by the King and by Harnem in behalfe of the Elector they agreed upon a time of meeting likewise with the Elector of Brandenburg and other confederate Princes The Duke having brought his men to Torgaw between Wittenberg and Dresda upon the Elb and mustering them there he found them to be 16000. fighting men allowing thereunto some of the Country Troops with 28 peeces of Cannon and a very well furnished baggadge hee marched towards Wittenberg where the King appointed to meet him by the first of September Tilly this meane time had invested the wals of Leypzik on divers sides striking feare into the Citizens thereof who were men not verst in warre but for the most part brought up in merchandising insomuch as they saw they could not resist the strong batteries which beat downe their towers on all sides and did presage unto them the unlucky example of Magdeburg They therefore sent forth deputies to speake with Tilly who concluded that the City should be surrendred on Condition that they might enjoy their liberty of Conscience that the Saxon Garrison should march out with their weapons and baggadge and that the City should bee burthened with nothing else but the payment of 200000 Dollers in prosecution whereof on the sixth of September Tilly made his entrance into the Town with the great applause of the Roman Catholique Army Leypzik is seated in a large Champion between the Elb and the Sall watered by the River Elster and the River Pleis which falling into Elster under the very walls of the Towne loses its name This place being seated betwixt the utmost parts of upper Saxony and Misnia and almost in the very heart of Germany is a place of much Traffique aswell in respect of the great concourse of people as of the rich merchandise by reason of the many Faires that are there kept but her fortifications are imperfect and after the ancient manner This meane while the Kings Army and the Electors being joyned and the King seeing himselfe now growne to sufficient strength to give him battell in the field upon which the Totall of this contention did consist he raised his Tents from about Wittenberg on the fourth of September past over the Elb and with speedy march tooke his way towards Leypzik that he might relieve the City but hearing by the way that the Letters written by the Elector to the chiefe Magistrate of the Towne wherein he acquainted him of his being joyned with the King and of the speedy reliefe they were bringing exhorting him in the meane while stoutly to defend the Towne were intercepted by the Imperialists and that now the City was in the power of the Romanists he stayed in the Fields about Bitterfelt and Dieben Towns between the Elb and the River Tena aswell to expect fresh Troops of Souldiers as to informe himselfe better of the Enemies condition that he might betake himselfe to the best resolution Tilly on the other side advertised of the Swedes being joyned with Saxony was much incensed against the Elector and desirous to revenge himselfe for the injury received encouraged by the confidence he had in his Souldiers valour who were acquainted with nothing but victory though he might better have effected his designes by waiting for Aldringer who was not farre off yet not able to appease himselfe he marched out of Leypzik drew his Army into the Fields put it into Battell-array placed his Artillery in the most advantagious places fortified passages
the Danube resolved to leade his Forces towards the Rheine for when he should have made himselfe Master of the passages thereof he should not only free himselfe from feare of being diverted on that side which he might expect to be by the Spaniards joyned with the Duke of Lorayne and by the Forces of the Electors and other Ecclesiasticall Princes but he should open the way to the French succours whereof he had then large and ample promises he then left some of his Forces in Franconia under the Command of Gustavus Horne to watch the proceedings of the Imperialists and he with the rest of his Army went along the Maine towards Stenheine and marched afterwards from thence with Eight Regiments of Horse towards Hannaw a place surprized a little before through intelligence had with Collonell Tuball he having survayed the Countrey turned on the left hand and with some Troops of Dragoons tooke Offenbeck He then knew it would be no hard matter to take Franckfort a great and faire City and of great trading by reason of Marts or Faires by the great concurrence whereunto of all Nations it is much famed This Towne is pleasantly situated upon the River Mayne in Franconia which River after a course of some thirty miles fals into the Rhene just over against Mentz and by the commodiousnesse of Navigation doth more encrease Traffique It is begirt with Walls and Ditches after the ancient way in no very exact manner the King exhorted the Citizens thereof not to refuse the Propositions of agreement which were offered for as the present conjuncture of time was he could do no lesse then promise safety to the City and secure unto them their Religion but they loath to forgoe their Neutrality speedily dispatched two Deputies to the King to obtaine leave to continue Neuters putting him in mind of the Oath they had taken to the Emperour and of the losse they were to undergo by reason of their Marts and Merchandizing and other good reasons which at another time had not deserved punishment For though this was not numbred amongst the Hauns Townes of Germany yet the greatest part of the Inhabitants were Roman Catholiques and consequently did adhere to the Imperialists so as though they pretend Neutrality they would not have let slip any occasion wherby they might have prejudiced the Swedes as they are used to doe who seem to be what indeed they are not nothing therfore came of this Treaty which whilst they were in discourse of the King made his army advance and before they had ended all they had to say the City might see the Swedish Horse close by their Gates and their Foot in readinesse to set upon it by force if they would not condescend to what was offered them they were therefore enforced least they might meet with the reward of obstinacy courteously to quit that which they could not without harme to themselves gain-say they therefore submitted themselves unto the King and on the seventeenth of November they opened their Gates and gave unto him as an hostage of their fidelity the Burrough of Saxemhausen placed on the head of the Bridge on this side the River over against the City fortified with Bulwarkes and Rampiers where leaving Colonell Vitzhem Governour and six hundred Foot he without delay marched through the City with his Army in good order and that very night came before Hoest not far from Franckfort belonging to the Elector of Mentz The Garrison whereof preparing for defence and seeming with some bodies of shot to be resolute to hold the King play for some time finding at last that they could not shun either being sackt or making some prejudiciall condition they opened their Gates and the most part of the Garrison seeing that Fortune had forsaken their former Masters betooke themselves to the Service of the Swedes When Fortune singles such encounters as happily present themselves ought not to be let slip this place being therefore taken the King gave order that Kenigsteine should presently be set upon which is seated upon a passage of great importance and is of considerable strength so as it commands all the adjacent Country He also sent part of his Forces before Kockein and Vlersheime upon the Maine that they might throw over a Bridge to facilitate more Conquests Having given these orders and seene the Batteries levelled against the Walls of Vlersheime with the taking whereof he was very well pleased for this being neare the Rhene upon the Maine on the side of Mentz freed him from the troubles which the Garrison thereof might occasion him and freeing the Countrey on this side Rhene and thereby securing himselfe behinde he might without any manner of feare goe to new undertakings he built a Bridge of Boates that he might passe his Army and provisions to and again at his pleasure he returned to Franckfort to give audience to certaine Ambassadours and to treat with some great men about the ordering of affaires for the better facilitating the next yeares undertakings but he could not stay there above sixe daies for having received advertisement how that divers Troopes of Spaniards and Flemings raised in Lusemberg were marching apace towards the Palatinate to recruite the Garrisons of Mentz Wormes Franchendall Heidelberg and other Townes in those parts as yet held by the Imperialists he broake off his Treaties of Negotiation and returning speedily to his Army he marched along the Rheine and by the meanes of a Guide who led him a way not much frequented he with the greatest part of his Army which had now done with Vlersheim having at the end of eight daies taken it upon composition went to Ringaw the Country where the best Renish Wines are made he surprized a great Body of Spaniards and Burgonians who were quartered in Walfe putting most of them to the Sword which infused such feare into the Garrisons of Rodesheim and Ernsfeilt Walled Townes neare Mentz but of no great moment as that overcome with the apprehension of the Swedish Forces they opened their gates unto him parting afterwards from Ringaw he advanced so farre and so fast as that he faced Mentz upon the Rhene against the which he made some Cannon play rather by way of salute then with an intention of harme The channell of the River growing here very broad he resolved to repasse over the Mayne to tarry in Berghestrate and seeke out how he might passe over the Rhene there those parts being but slenderly guarded But the Spaniards foreseeing this had burnt and sunke all the Boates on that shoare which were fit to passe over the Swedes insomuch as the King found his labour was here little better then lost When a Dutch Souldier having as it oft fals out won into the friendship of a Fisherman of Gernsheime named Iohn Varter prevailed so farre with him by promise and profers of advantage as that by the helpe of another mariner of the same place they recovered some of the Boates that had been sunke and emptying
with sending Aldringer to joyne with the said Duke he likewise sent him for his re-inforcement the Horse of the Grand Prior Aldobrandini of the young Colloredo of Maracini and one Regiment of Isolini his Crabats commanding them notwithstanding not to make too much haste either for that he desired Bavaria should be totally ruinated or for that if the Bavarians should have the better the glory might not be attributed to them which he alone coveted or for that he liked not his men should be consumed so farre from where he commanded for being onely intent how to effect his own designes with ease he cared not upon what disadvantage he put others the workes of a proud and cruell man The Duke of Bavaria kept with his Army about Ratisbone solliciting speedy succour from Walesteine who notwithstanding being hardly hereunto moved alleadged for his excuse the newes of some good hopes hee had of making peace with Saxony still feeding Bavaria with hopes neverthelesse when at last he perceived that Harnems faire words though solid in circumstances and of good appearance brought not any thing to maturity and that the King still advanced insomuch as having made himselfe master of Bavaria hee might easily arear Austria a signe that he might compasse his designes not onely by his numerous Forces but likewise by the assistance hee expected from the ill affected Inhabitants of Austria about Lintz who were much unsatisfied with the Emperours government and who when the King should draw neer them would doubtlesly declare themselves and would side with the Swedes the priviledges and franchise of many Cities of the Empire being envied by many other Towns which though they neighbour upon them are yet in subjection doth awake in them likewise a desire to enjoy the like liberty and not to appeare inferiour to the others whence ariseth that whilest they hope to make good their resolutions they feare not to put them in execution and this hath been the cause why the peoples evill disposition and the difference of Religion have more prejudicated the Austrian power then the invasion of the enemy Walesteine then resolved to advance with his Forces as well to shun mens murmering at his so long delay and to go into Bohemia there to effect peace by his weapons since words gifts and promises had not been of force enough to obviat the difficulties met withall in the negotiation as likewise to recover Prage a thing which the Spaniards much desired who the better to authorise their advise had designed to bring thither the King of Hungary and his Queen and they would have done it by reason of their farre distance from Vienna there being no small emulation between them and the German Lords who being much troubled that the Spanish Courtiers who came with the Queen should be admitted to serve contrary as they said to all forme anciently used and which was almost become a Law That a Prince should have no servants placed about him save such as are of his own Country and subjects to him they attested that strangers were not to be admitted in a Court to have equall authority with those of the Nation which they had by all meanes indeavoured and by their monies purchased Hee in the Moneth of April went from Lenam and took his way towards Pilsen in Bohemia where Galasse then quartered hee from thence dispatch't expresses into Slesia Austria and wheresoever else any of the Emperours Forces were that they should all march towards him the which being done hee mustered his men in lesse then twenty dayes neere Pilsen and found them to be above 30000 Souldiers On the other side the King of Swethland who did not let time run uselesly away having brought his Forces before Auspurg the 10th of April made himselfe Master thereof with lesse difficulty then did the Duke of Bavaria when he brought in his 2000 Foot and 200 Horse For the people being many and the greatest part of them Protestants they said they would not take up Armes against a King who was their friend and of the same Religion and the Roman Catholike Garrison not being of it selfe able to defend the walls and fence themselves from the Citizens the Towne and King shooke hands at first sight Auspurg is seated in the noble Province of Swabenland between the Rivers Vertech and Lech upon the Confines of Bavaria and between Tirold and the Danube in a most pleasant Countrey it is a Hauns Towne one of the fairest and richest of all Germany of a large circuite and full of people all given to merchandizing it is not very strong as being fortified after the ancient manner yet in respect of the situation and of the number of Citizens it may be reckoned amongst the good Cities of Germany The King by staying some dayes in this City all which time he entertained himselfe in sports Invitations and Feasts and particularly in playing at Ballowne at which he himselfe played seemed as it was spoken of by diverse to have laid aside the gallantry of his minde and to have delighted himselfe in the sweetes of pleasure he notwithstanding changed these conceipts and made it be knowne that though he knew how to emulate Hanniball in victories yet did not he imitate him in the flatteries of Capua 't was known he endeavoured by keeping himselfe a while quiet to obtaine that which he could not hope for by much labour and if the event was not good the fault lay in them that received the directions not in him that gave them He during this leisure-time held intelligence with Fornespech a Colonell of Foot of the Army of the League who had formerly served in Prusia against the Polacks and had agreed with him upon a certaine time to be let into the Fort of Ingolstat wherein his Regiment was quartred The King beleeving by this mans treacherie to make himselfe Master of so important a place parted unlooked for from Auspurg with his Army consisting of 14000 soldiers came on the twentieth of April to Dunawert where faigning to passe over the Danube and goe towards Franconia he did unexpectedly come before Ingolstat the Governour whereof having some suspition of the said Fornespech for treachery which is displeasing to God betrayes it self did not only change his men from their Quarters but setting a Guard upon the Colonells selfe and his Officers he doubled the Guards planted the Cannon upon the walls and tacitely expected the comming of the Swedes who having stolne privately into the ditches and fitted their Ladders to the appointed places where they thought to have this Colonels men keeping the Guard they were received with so great a Tempest of Cannon and Musket-shot which made such havocke amongst the souldiers and some of the Captaines who desirous of such an enterprize and being couragious and lovers of glory ran thither where their life was most endangered as they were inforced to fall backe into the ditches and retire And the King himselfe who was lighted
wanted Munition and other things fitting to defend themselves against so great an Army Walesteines selfe marched towards Letomerits and finding the Saxons removed from thence he passed over the Elb and made a hault about Melnick a walled Towne upon the same River where after many skirmishes had past between his Crabats and the Saxon Horse wherein the Saxons came off alwayes with the worst hee againe propounded the Treaty of agreement with the Duke and seemed much grieved at the delay for that the totall ruine of the Swedes depended upon this peace For the Frontiers of Bohemia being secured on this side and the Souldiers who did defend those Frontiers being joyned to his men and his Army doubled by the Electours Forces he would not onely have exceeded the Swedes in numbers sufficient to drive him out of the field but consequently the greatest part of the Princes of the Empire who were in League with the King following such an example might take such courses as they should thinke fittest for them Hee againe sent Colonell Spor with new donatives and larger offers who though he used his best discretion in mannaging the affaire yet was he as formerly entertained onely with words and complements so as he dispaired of effects for the King being advertised of Walesteines proceedings and how he intended to invade Saxony which he had promised as a reward unto his Souldiers and fearing lest the Elector being pursued by the Austrians might finde some pretence to breake his word and comply with the Emperour which would have beene much to his prejudice was already parted from Bavaria and was come with all his Army neere Nurenberg resolving to set upon the Imperialists both Flanke and Back when they should be engaged in Misna or Saxony The King marched on the eighth of Iune to Dunawert with 8000 Horse and 14000 Foot 60 peece of Cannon and with a well furnished Baggage leaving the Mashall Bannier behinde him who after the taking of Magdeburg being retired into Swabenland waited upon the Bavarians and did all he could to hinder their attempts as likewise the attempts of other Souldiers that were raised in Tirroll and he sent Duke Weimar towards Swabenland to take in Lindow a considerable place upon Lake of Costantz on the Confines of Helvetia and Tiroll which being a Peninsula and invironed with strong Bulwarkes and Wals after the moderne fashion is accounted for one of strongest places in all Germany This might have easily been effected had not the designe been discovered for Weymar having made 2000 of his Foot descend a steep and craggy mountaine with hooks of yron underneath their feet to keep them from tumbling down whilest they thought to have surprised the Towne and have effected their designe they found the Imperialists acquainted with their intentions and with their weapons in their hands by whom they were valiantly and with their no little losse repulsed Weymar perceiving this undertaking to be vaine faced about to Mimmingen the chiefe Towne in Swabenland numbred amongst the Hauns Townes in Germany placed in a fruitfull Countrey and watered by a little streame of Isler and having brought his Army before it and raised his batteries the Garrison and Citizens beleeving that they had done what became their loyalties he got the Towne upon agreement that they should be suffered to goe out with their Armes and baggadge and their liberty of conscience to be preserved to them By the winning of this place though of no great moment the Swedes were to receive great advantage for it being a very fruitfull Countrey and therefore convenient to refresh their Army not only by depriving the Austrians thereof but by thereby accommodating themselves it would be very beneficiall to them and prejudiciall to their enemies and it fell out that by getting footing in these parts Wirtenberg being surrounded the Duke thereof would easily be brought to an agreement with the Swedes when he should see the Caesarians farre from him whereby the profit would be considerable in respect of the taking in of Alsatia contiguous to this State Walesteine understanding the Kings removall and fearing lest if he should advance further into Saxony the King might easily hinder his return or else reduce him upon some disadvantage to be undone by famine or by Battell entertaining himselfe on this side the Elb he marched towards Egra aswell that he might joyne himselfe with the Duke of Bavaria and together with him defend the upper Palatinat and that part of Bohemia from being invaded by the Swedes as to try some other enterprize leaving Don Baltisar de Mafredas with 8000 souldiers at Letomeritz to hinder any alteration which in his absence Harnem might endeavour Whilest these parties floated thus up and downe in Bohemia the Landsgrave of Hessen opposing himselfe to Pappenhaime some of his Troops had ill successe for fighting with some other Caesarian Troops about Wolfembuttell they were ill dealt withall the Landsgrave himself was forced to retire to Gottingen a Town between the two Rivers of Ruma and Verra whereupon Pappenheim making incursions even unto Northeim by the side of the River Helme belonging to the jurisdiction of the County of Hobensteime did without any obstacle make himselfe Master of the Castle putting them that there kept it to the sword whose example taught some Cities thereabouts and amongst the rest Gos●ar a Towne standing neare the River Onnare betwixt Halberstat Hedelsein and Lunenburg to demand Garrisons of the Swedish Generals to secure themselves from the said Pappenheim who wholly intent upon the glory of Warre and upon the Emperours service with a great deale of boldnesse though but with small Forces kept about the circuit of the Rivers of W●sser and Elb Provinces of great consideration for the interest of both parties For many Ecclesiasticall Principalities lying therein if for want of being sustained by the Austrians they should fall into the Protestants hands to boote with the losse of a rich and opulent Countrey whereby the way was opened to greater Conquests the enemies party growing stronger and all the adjacent Protestant Princes and great men freed from the feare of the Emperours Forces and discovering their dislike of the Papists it would without doubt redound much to the prejudice of the Popish jurisdictions for the Landsgraves Army being augmented by the forces of that Country he being a spritful Prince inclined to War having in a short space either subdued the Ecclesiastickes of those parts or brought them to a prejudiciall agreement he would without any other impediment have brought his Army into the Emperours owne patrimoniall Territories and those of his confederates Tod Marshall of the Field who had raised the body of an Army in those parts for the Kings service was not now idle for setting upon Boxtchude which is seated upon the banks of that River not farre from the Elb betwixt the State of Bremer and the Dukedome of Lunenburg and playing upon it incessantly with two Batteries he in twelve dayes
they know they may usurpe that from their friends which they desire that there was no safe living amongst them who coveting to rule over all men keepe their ambition onely so long hidden as they thinke it not fit to discover it That the reverence pretended to by the Church-men was knowne to be too pleasing and that they could not chuse but thinke them their Enemies that did not reverence them that their avarice was tinder so ready to take fire at their owne interest that any least sparke of profit was able to make them spread abroad a combustion of all manner of miseries and vexations that the Declaration made some yeares before by the Emperour at the instigation of the Ecclesiastiques was not to be indured to wit that he would have restitution made 〈◊〉 the Churches goods a large part whereof had beene by the Protestants possessed for above a hundred yeares that this was much to his prejudice whose incomes were for the most part composed thereof that this one pretence of the Austrians was sufficient to demonstrate their ends tended to suppresse the Princes of the Empire and to overthrow the faith of the Gospel that wise men ought not to refuse an occasion of securing themselves from those they feare that it was a more profitable expedient to follow the for●une of Warre with a bold resolution then being exposed to the injuries of friends to live continually full of feares under the yoake of subjection in an uncertaine peace Princes even in their weaknesses have a certaine kind of prerogative above the wisedome of private men so as though the Duke was for these reasons confirmed in his desired resolutions yet since in consultations all men ought to be heard what they can say he earnestly desired the rest to speake freely their opinions Some who were made wary by experience did not in silence passe by the example of those unadvised Princes who siding with the Emperours Enemies became food to the ravenous fury of the Militia and had inriched those who would have alwayes lived miserable in peace They said The disorder of the Souldier was to be borne withall particularly when covering their Licencionesse by the credit of their advancing they are freed from their deserved punishment that such occasions were to be taken away as doe cause pretences by him who deres not to be by them convinc'd that covetousnesse is not by any meanes more allayd then by the easie comming thereby that the designes of great men are not to be loosened by the hands of inferiours That it is alwayes good not to take notice of offences when by taking notice of them we againe pull them upon us that patience in peace was more profitable then the inquietudes of Warre that the Dukedome of Wirtenberg stood betweene Alsatia and Swabenland Provinces full of the Austrians Forces That it could not rayse above 12000. Souldiers and those unexperienced in Warre accustomed to rest and quiet and free from noyse that in all the Dukedome there were onely Sordendorfe Heybrun and Onviell Castle which were able for any time to withstand a Field Army That it would be found better counsell to keepe in good correspondency with the Emperour as the Dukes his Predecessors had done leaving behind them the fame of having beene loyall to the Empire then by leaning to a Forraine and dangerous friendship to purchase the title of Rebell Yet were not these reasons of force enough to allay the heat of his spirit and quench that fire which the Dukes inclination considered was kindled in the greatest part of his Counsellours so as conveying what he had most precious into Onviell Castle standing upon the side of an unaccessible Rock in the midst of an open Countrey betweene Constance on the East-side the Rhyne and Zwitsers on the South and Wirtenberg on the North he took up Armes in the Swedes behalf Gustavus Horn who was about Francfurt upon the Main hea●●●hereof advanced suddenly with all the men he could get out of the Garrisons of the lower Palatinat and Franconia into Alsatia as well to make further progresse into that Country as to assist foment the Duke in the Declaration he had made who hating intirely the Papists and being a young-man so given to Warre when he should see himselfe thus upheld would not stick to declare himselfe an open Enemy to the Emperour The which the Swedes desired much he should doe for it was hard for them to subsist in Alsatia under those Forts without the Dukes assistance from whence they might have Men Munition Pioniers Carriages and necessary Victualls Which being done Horne assembled the Body of an Army together consisting of 10000. fighting men and ten pieces of Cannon This preparation of the Swedes made Strasburg bethink themselves which till then had kept Neutralls as not knowing who should have the better the which Town wishing well to the Swedes either for their Conformitie in Religion or for the apprehended greatnesse of the Imperialists added to these their desires by the rationall pretence of seeing themselves on all sides surrounded by them And affirmed it was rashnesse to deny that which could not be made good that the Imperialists Forces were farre off that opiniatricy could not be maintained without neere and opportune succours that the libertie of Cities consisted in keeping friendship with those who they stood in feare of in taking away the occasion of threats and protesting They would doe the like to the Austrians whensoever they should be encamped neer them they declared themselves to side with the Swedes and assisted Horne with what they were able Strasburg is seated in the middle of Alsatia being the Metropolis of that Province in a spacious fruitfull and lovely place within Cannon shot of the Reine upon the which a Bridge of no small consideration is maintained with exact Fortifications It is perfectly wel Situated furnished with all sorts of defence in so much as it may be tearmed one of the best Cities of Germany It enjoyes its libertie is well peopled with Merchandizing-men and by Traffique becomes Rich Faire and Great Now whil'st the Imperiallists kept on the other side the Rhyn Horne made himselfe master of all the Townes on this side which upon the first appearance of the enemy were abandoned by the Romanists so drawing neer Offemberg a Towne Fortified with Wals and Towers after the ancient manner four Leagues from Strasburg upon the Confines of Wirtimberg the Towne maintained it selfe against him and thrice repused his assaults but at length not finding themselves able to make a safe resistance it came to composition and tooke Lawes from the Conquerour Thus went the affaires in Dlsatia when the Austrians who were under the Command of Count Shamburg in Slesia and of Don Baltazar Maradas in Bohemia received orders from Walesteine to enter Lusatia and that whil'st he should entertaine the Kings Forces under Nurenberg they should indeavour some-what of advantage in those parts The Commission was obeyed so as
Sittaw and Guben two Townes pa●ted by the River Neisse with divers other places weake in Defence and Garrisons yielded themselves to the Caesarians But the Duke of Saxony awakened by this invasion assembled all his Army which lay scattered in divers Townes and went against the Austrians who were not strong enough long to withstand him so as after some dayes defence they were necessitated to abandon Gub●n to surrender Sittaw and to quit other places they had tane The Saxons likewise possessed themselves of Freiberg watered by Polsnitz Sagan neere Bober and Glogaw watered by the Oder chiefe Cities in Slesia together with many other Townes which were forsaken by the Imperialists who got into Steinaw seated between Glogaw and Breslaw where they fortified themselves but being afterwards set upon by Harnem the Saxon Generall having first by their singular valour supplied the defects of their Bulworkes with the bodies of men they were inforced to yield whose example was followed by Lignitz a walled Town seated upon the Angle made by Ratsbach Schwartzwasser Rivers which taking their head not farre from thence joyne there and a little below fall into the Oder this Towne was taken by Kalchesteim a Saxon Colonell This meane while Maradas being joyned with Schamburg Count Mansfeild and Schaff●uts chiefe Commanders of the Emperours Army opposed the Swedes proceedings and Mustering their Forces which came to 14000 Souldiers and 12 piece of Cannon he thought it might make much for them to recover Steinaw hee saluted it with divers Cannon-shot and couragiously assaulted it and with many threates invited the Garrison to surrender the Towne as they basely did having had onely Thirty Great-shot made at them The taking hereof incouraged the Caesarians to undertake the winning of Glossaw a thing very much desired by them aswell for their owne honours as to satisfie Walesteine for it belonged unto him as being Duke thereof being afterwards informed that Tuball one of the Swedish Colonels was intrencht about it with a good body of an Army which would make their designe the harder they deserted the effecting thereof and some little skirmishes passing between the Swedes and them with equall successe they left a fitting garrison in the Fort and withdrew themselves to Breslaw the Metropolitan of Slesia a free Towne as are the other Hauns Townes of Germany rich and given to Merchandise by the traffique it holds with Poland but not much confiding in the Magistrate thereof and suspecting the faith of the Protestant Inhabitants fearing likewise to be set upon by the Swedes who made haste towards them they resolved to go to Neisse a place strongly but irregularly fortified and there to attend succour from Walesteine Their hopes being vanished to aire who built their greatnesse upon the ruines of France by the death of Momerancy by the punishment of the Rebels and by Monsieurs reconciliation and the Imperialists being filled with new fears through the formidable power of that now united and warlike Kingdome wavering in the uncertainty of their resolutions they openly declared themselves when new businesse being set on foot by the Spanish wisedome and a firme resolution taken to sow discord in France that they might thereby secretly enjoy their desired fruite they applyed themselves to the effecting thereof And for that whil'st Monsieur stayed in Lorayne his favourite Pilloran fell in love with the Dawager Princesse of Psalsburg Sister to Duke Charles love being of power sufficient to overcome what ever defence wisedome could make and the Princesse by secret messengers corresponding with him in his desires he gave himselfe so totally over to the hopes of this marriage by which his Condition would be not a little bettered and being much troubled at Momerancy's example thinking his person more considerable when out of France then when in it where he was not wel looked on by those who were faithful to the King making use of the credit he had with Monsieur raising him by new hopes to fresh undertakings troubling his thoughts with Momerancy's death and by putting him in minde that Princes how mercifull soever they be never forget the injurie of high Treason hee brought him againe to resolve of absenting himselfe the which he did by withdrawing himselfe againe into Lorayne where Pilloran hoping to make himselfe worthy of the Princesse Dowager by some service which he might doe to Duke Charles did negotiate and privatly conclude the marriage with the Princesse Margaret which as was very well knowne was yielded unto by the Spaniard that they might have the greater obligation upon the Duke in binding him to effect their desires that they might by this allyance oblige the affection of these Princes reciprocally the one unto the other and by this knot make both their hatreds to the King of France implacable and by the assistance of this State and the Forces thereof make fitting preparations for to trouble France and by the interposition of this State free Alsatia and the Palatinat from the power of that Crown Moreover the most Christan King being without issue and having but small hopes of any his Brother was to succeed unto him so as the making of his brother sure did not meanely import them whereby they might not onely afterwards ransome such Townes and Provinces of theirs as were fallen under the government of the Crowne of France but afford matter of thought to the subjects of that Kingdome who should take up Armes against the Kings onely Brother and Heire as well for the respect which is due to the blood Royall as likewise for feare lest he being afterwards possest of the Scepter of that Kingdome might remember such as had stuck unto the King Many were therefore of opinion that the Spaniards unwilling that he should stay in Lorayne where being so neere he might soone alter his determination and returne to France as by all possible art it was by the King indeavoured he should doe they wrought so with Duke Charles as that he should perswade Monsieur it were better for him to retire himselfe into Flanders for that by his stay in that his Dukedome the King might take occasion to threaten him the Duke of Lorayne and make Warre upon him whose Forces wanting the Austrians assistance were but weake that it was better to see the issue of the Emperours Armies under Walesteine then by buckling thereunto without a good foundation runne upon the like hazard with little hopes of good successe Monsieur being then perswaded by these reasons and much more confirmed therein by the advice of such as were of credit wi●h him not minding their policy went to Brussels to the great satisfaction of the Spaniards whose end as was said by some wise men was to keep him as an Hostage and under some specious pretence either of waging war against Languedoc or some such like thing to draw him into Spaine and so secure themselves by their keeping him aloofe from France from being unquieted thereby and that if their mentioned hopes should
the Emperours Forces were very much greater then were his and Walestein feigning to expect an answer from Vienna he held the Elector and his Counsellours in hand which by his mony he made his friends seeming to be very ambitious of their friendship Gustavus Horne being certified by some Fugitives how that a Convoy of Bavarians were going into Newmarch with many Waine-loades of Victualls to replenish that Citie he straight put foot in stirrop galloped after them and being come up unto them broke some Companies of Crabats that were their guides and tooke the Provisions from them he then came before the Citie and raysed his batteries in fitting places against it the defendants did for some dayes make good their Partie against him but at the last seeing the Swedes ready to make a faire assault and fearing lest with the Citie they might lose their lives they quitted the Towne and the Swedes were let in The 15 dayes of Truce concluded betweene Saxony and Walesteine were already past The Elector who saw himselfe so much intreated hoysted his pretensions much higher Walesteine who though he very much desired Peace could not in reason yeeld unto the Elector for he stirred not a whit from his resolution of having the Swedes likewise included whose vast pretensions the Emperour could not otherwise satisfie then with the Sword the Treatie broke off for the Elector would make no resolution without the consent of all his Colleagues nor would Walesteine doe any thing which might withdraw from the value and estimation which he coveted to preserve himselfe in Inraged therefore at these unfortunate lets and the impediments he met withall in all these Treaties be suddenly set upon Sweinitz but he lost many men in sundry assaults which he made being moved rather thereunto out of anger then for any hopes he had of good successe and believing that by this hostilitie might the sooner bring the Elector to conclude a Peace The Citie being succoured by the Saxons he forsooke the enterprise to keepe himselfe from losing more men which by reason of their scarcitie were much prized by him At this time Count Crats commanded the Duke of Bavarias Forces he was a well verst Souldier and one who had given good proofe of his experience in Warre He was a Low-Countreyman borne in Luxemb●rg he had for a long time by reason of private differences borne but little good will to Walesteine before Walesteine was arrived at the absolute command of the Emperours Forces who likewise continuing his inward hatred to Crats and villifying him in all his discourses commanded such Captaines of his as upon any occasions were sent to assist Bavaria that they should not obey Crats his commands Crats on the other side caring as little for Walesteine whom he tearmed by the name of Beast Mad-man and of one that was no wayes fitting for the place that was conferred upon him their passions were growne to that height as Crats who found himselfe inferiour to Walesteine in command did not onely envie Walesteines preferment but was not well contented with the Duke his Master for divers of the Bavarian Courtiers who were his rivalls did by Court-policy indeavour his downfall and the Duke himselfe not thinking it now time to renew jealousies which upon other occasions were too rise amongst them and standing in need of Walesteines assistance holding the place he did nor yet being willing to cashier a servant who by many yeares good service had merited much at his Highnesse hands kept Crats without other imployment in Ingolstat whilst those that were under his command were in the Field so as not cont●nted with the actions of such as bore him ill will Crats resolved to be reveng'd of them He therefore by meanes of a Trumpeter who upon occasion of ransome of prisoners past and re-past betweene the two Armies gave Horne to understand that he desired to speake with some one that might be confided in concerning a businesse of great importance Horne who had already found Crats his discontentment listened hereunto and applyed himselfe unto the businesse so as some few dayes after at which time he sent his Trumpeter touching the ransome of some prisoners Crats discovered how that being uncivilly used by Walesteine and but coldly looked upon by the Duke his Master he was resolved to quit the service and make it appeare what prejudice they did unto themselves who evilly intreat their servants or suffer them to be misprised by their Officers that therefore he would deliver up Ingolstat into the hand of the Swedes the Trumpeter ambitious to appeare a good negotiator in a businesse of such weight incouraged Crats with hopes of great preferment whereupon some Companies being about this time expected in exchange of some of the Garrison he agreed with the Trumpeter that he should acquaint Horne how that he would have him advance towards the Towne the night before the comming of the others for that he would make the other Officers believe that they were the expected recruits and so let them into the Citie The Trumpeter who very well underwood Crats his meaning informed Gustavus Horne punctually thereof who was well pleased with this Plot and beleeving it to be a thing very feacible he re-advertised Crats that he would not faile to send fitting Forces at the appoynted time he therefore communicated this designe to Schavalichi a valiant Colonell who was to take the charge of this enterprise and who made choice of 1000 Horse and 2000 Foot and did with those secretly and opportunely present himselfe before the gates of Ingolstat on the 13th of May. But that very night the Bavarians being come thither who by reason of the Swedes proximitie had hastened their march they were let into the Citie and the Swedes arriving after them made as if they were those who were expected for supply but though Crats was much for their being let in alledging that they were other Souldiers sent unto him for another designe and for a greater inforcement yet the greatest part of the Garrison being true to their Prince and not thinking it became a wise Governour to throw open the gates of so important a place in time of Warre and by night to so many men of whom they stood not so much in need but that they might tarry without till the morning and being moreover jealous by reason that the Bavarians Officers who were arrived affirmed they did not know of any but themselves of their Partie that were thereabouts opposed Crats and would not suffer them to be let in so as he seeing he had ●ailed of his aime went together with some other Souldiers out of the Gates under pretence to know who they were and being once out returned no more but joyned himselfe with the Swedes and went with them to Gustavus Horn●s Campe where he was honourably received and because Princes receive much advantage by the comming over of such Commanders who have served the Enemy since thereby they are informed of
demeanure who formerly exasperated by the severe usage of former Ministers of State would never be brought to comply with them divers Imperiall Cities and in particular Nurenberg which was then brought to a bad condition their Traffique being hindred wherewithall the greatest part of the Inhabitans did maintaine themselves and a great scarcity of Victualls being amongst them by the devastation of the Countrey and adjacent parts made by the Armies insomuch as that they payd halfe a Florin for a loafe of bread and a Dollar for a pottle of Wine the Citizens thereof began to move a Treatie of agreement with Caesar making use of this pretence to honest and cloake their faultinesse that they had joyned with the Swedish partie to no other end but for the maintenance of their libertie of Conscience Priviledges and Franchises which they had so many yeares enjoyed and that when they should be listened unto in these their pretensions by the Emperour they would balke all other occasions of violating their Oath and doe homage to him and that they had had sufficient experience that to deliver ones selfe up into the protection of another Prince was a totall for-going of their obedience to their chiefe Soveraign and a prejudicial subjection of themselves to a worser as their state had too well made proof of whilst by having recourse unto the King of Swethland a Prince in appearance very affectionate to his Friends they had purchased the destruction of their Territories the consumption of their Arsenalls and the ruine of all their affaires with an undoubted certaintie that when the King should have brought all Germany under him they should be otherwise treated then by the Imperialists For that Princes who are ambitious of greatnesse retaine nothing in memory save onely what in the present may make for their advantage By reason of the resolution taken at the Dyet at Franckfort by the Protestant partie of making Duke Waymer Generall of the Forces of the union 't was said that the Duke of Saxony grew likewise jealous and that moreover he was not well satisfied with Oxesternes government who he thought did not proceed with him in so sincere a manner as he ought and that the Contributions which were had from the Associate Provinces were not divided amongst the Souldiers as they ought to be but converted to the private use of the Swedish Commanders who were suspected to send into Swethland to their owne homes what they got in Germany whereat the Dutch were not a little troubled whilst they saw another remote Countrey clothed with their spoyles These allegations were likewise occasioned by particular envy which usually reigning amongst States-men and Chiefetaines who are ambitious to be thought the only Christalls wherein the actions of other men ought to be seene had at this time given some signes of the Dukes no great good affected intelligency with the Swedes Whereupon the Austrians making use hereof indeavoured againe by new propositions and proffers to draw this Prince to conclude a Peace upon whose example did depend the other Confederate States and Cities of Germany and to this purpose Deputies were sent from both sides to Pern a Citie on the side of Elb above Dresden where though the Imperialists used all the skill they could to overcome whatsoever oppositions yet was it not possible to allay the Electors distrust and diffidence nor to satisfie his pretensions so as this indeavour proving likewise vaine they continued in their hostility Horne was this meane while come with his Army to Myndelheim to watch over the Spaniards proceedings who gave out that they would goe into the upper Swabenland and into Alsatia When Waymer being advertised that the Imperialists after the taking of Dunawert marched towards Norlinghen one of the chiefe Cities in Swabenland situated in a large plaine begirt with Rampired Walls and strong Towers hastened his march to come and joyne with Horne the which he did at Gutemsberg a place neere the Danube betweene Lavingen and Vlm at the same time when the Caesarians appeared first before Norlinghen Where the Swedes suddenly resolved to passe over the Danube at Lipheim a Towne not farre from Gutemsberg and to incampe themselves in the mouth of the Valley of Rems which is a plaine of about two miles in breadth betweene the Mountaines beginning at the end of the Norlinghen Champian and extends it selfe into the Dukedome of Wirtenberg towards Baling that they might the better secure the Dukedome of Wirtenberg the maintaining whereof was of great advantage to them for all other adjacent parts being ransacked they could onely from hence have Victualls and Forrage for their Armies And because they thought this the most convenient seat not onely to succour Norlinghen but other places of consideration in Swabenland and Franconia they tooke their way through the Territories of Haidnhaim which is a Countrey along the River Brents which is a Countrey upon the Confines of Swabenland towards Wirtenberg and went to Aulen a Towne not farre from thence where though they received advertisement the Count Strozz and Iohn De Wert were gone with a good strength of Horse from the Imperiall Campe to set upon Valerspach and other places of Franconia they would notwithstanding lose no time but went the next day towards Bapsinghen upon the Confines of Swabenland towards Wirtenberg that they might there take their readiest advantage and bring reliefe into the Citie in which march they met with some Imperiall Troopes wherewith they skirmished cut many of them in pieces and tooke some prisoners The Swedes being come to Bapsinghen they the next morning possest themselves of the neighbouring Hill where long consultation was had touching what they were for the present to do Waymer was of opinion that they were to set upon the Caesarian Campe and provoke them to battell but Horne and many other chiefe Officers were of another mind and advised contrary to what Waymer had propounded who notwithstanding persisting in his opinion and being seconded therein by Offcherchin Lieutenant Generall of the Horse 't was resolved that the next morning Waymers Horse which made the right wing of the battell should advance to a straight and incommodious passage in face of the Enemies Campe who were already possest of all the most advantagious neighbouring Avenues to discover whether or no they might passe that way without danger the which being effected they presently found the difficultie greater then they had imagined by reason of Iohn De Werts return who was sent for back from the enterprize of Valerspach by which meanes the Imperialists did much exceed them in numbers wherfore they agreed not to try a battell at that time but onely to send some recruits into the Citie to incourage the Governour and Inhabitants thereof and to exhort them to expect the arrivall of the Ringrave and Cratzs upon whose comming they should be sure to be succoured 200 Musquetiers were therefore conveyed into the Towne by Hornes Horse who went himselfe to the very
know that they had all their Forces together in that place they made the greatest part of their men retreat behinde a little Hill and seeming to take another way they unexpectedly Charged Buckoyes Horse who no lesse valiantly advanced with his Squadrons against the French but they giving upon the Flemish Troopes who had not got to the place of advantage that they determined to have done came so furiously upon them as that opening their files and breaking their Squadrons they put them to rout as they did likewise the Foot who seeing themselves not backt by their Horse betooke themselves to their heeles and ran towards a little River where being overtaken by the French a great many of them and many of their Officers were cut in pieces some Ensignes lost and the greatest part of their Baggage The Prince who could not rally his men though to that effect he did what could be expected from a brave Commander retreated with such of his Souldiers as hee could get together towards Andem and Namours The Infanta who was parted from Brussels and marched towards Tirelemont with such Forces as he covld gather together understanding by the way that his side was routed how strong the Enemy was and that those of Leige who had taken up Armes in his behalfe had laid them downe againe not intending to contest against the victor sent letters full of civility to Prince Thomas wherein he comforted him and promised present succour to incourage the cast-downe spirits of his Souldiers Hee accompanied these letters with advertisement that the French Army led by Marshall de la Force being routed by the Duke of Lorayne the French would be inforced to give over the enterprise and seeke to defend their owne Country Wherewithall the Souldiers as is usually occasioned by hopes being much inheartned though the newes was but artificially coyned it wrought so good effect that their scattered Souldiers re-united themselves and relying upon succour from Germany which was already marching apace towards them under the conduct of Picolominy and upon the Neighbourhood of other people of those Provinces they resolved to intrench themselves neer Tirelemont upon the bankes of a little River that runs into Demer and there to make head against the French But hearing afterwards that they were joyned with the Hollanders neer Maestricht and that having past the Mosa they marched merrily towards them they resolved suddainly to begon from thence lest they might be ingaged in a Battaile by the losse whereof they might hazard too much and not greatly advantage themselves by the Victory and so they did retiring themselves to Loeven a place of great advantage where they might be ready to defend the City as also if occasion should serve to succour Namours Malines Breda and other places thereabouts The French hearing that the Spanish Camp was retired from Tirelemont advanced thitherwards where they were manfully withstood by 400 Spanish Foot who were left for a Guard there but being too weake to resist so great a Force upon a briske Assault made by two Armies they were to their infinite glory all of them cut in pieces by the Enemy The taking of Tirelemont was followed by the like of Diest Aerschot and Sichem Townes upon the Demer which compounded upon the first appearance of the Enemy being so ordered to doe by the Spanish Commanders who would not imploy their Forces in defence of such places which they knew would hardly be maintained From thence they marched towards Loeven intending to take that City which was of no small moment being situated in the heart of Flanders between Brussels and Aerschot But the French Commanders thinking they should not do well in sitting down before a well-munitioned Towne and so afford the Spaniards leasure to re-unite themselves but that it would be better for them to go straight toward Brussels and take that and then to Termanda in Flanders and breake the Dikes of Callo and so divide Flanders from Brabant They thought this the best course to take therefore seeming to passe over Demer to enter into Champaigne or make the Spaniards believe they would fall upon Malines they wheeled about on the left hand and turned towards Brussels The Spaniards having notice hereof got thither before the French and incamped themselves in the fittest places about that City rendring thereby vaine the French designe The Prince of Orenge who knew how difficult a thing it would be to compasse this affaire had Counselled the contrary and thought it better to returne to Loeven and set upon that Towne the taking whereof would be very prejudiciall to Flanders for thereby the greatest part of the Country would be brought under composition and other Achievements would bee furthered Though this opinion were good and given by so wise a Commander yet some thought there was cunning in it for 't was thought the Hollanders did well enough approve of correspondency with the French so farre as they might be the better by them but that they desired not their neighbour-hood nor increase of power for whilst those Provinces were under the obedience of a Crowne whose power was farre off and dis-united they were sufficient and able as experience shewes to defend their liberties which it would be harder for them to maintaine when they should have to doe with a Potentate whose Forces and Dominions were united and did border upon them They resolved notwithstanding to follow this advice and appro●ched the walls of the Towne on that side where the Spaniards had not yet finished their Fortifications The Baron Gravendon who commanded there in chiefe did behave himselfe with such undauntednesse and so strongly entrencht himselfe according as the short time allowed and necessity required as he entertained the French and so valiantly he haved himselfe that he kept them from accosting the wals whereupon the French after some dayes finding the enterprise difficult that their Army was daily lessened by the death and running away of their Souldiers that 1000 Spanish Foot were landed at Dunk●r● to whom were joyned about 1000 Dutch Horse from Cullen and that Picolominy with succour from the Emperour consisting of 4000 Horse and 6000 Foot was come to Namours whereby the people had cast away their fo●er feare they resolved to raise their Siege and to retreat to between D●me● and the River which runs through that City quitting Tirelemont Sichem and A●●schot The Spanish Army being re-inforced by so many recruits sent to it from all parts and being inheartned at the French-mens retreat marched towards Diest wherein the Hollanders had left a good Gurrison They so fiercely Assaulted it as the defendants not finding themselves in a Condition to make head though they had promised the Prince of Orenge to make good the Towne for some time were inforced to surrender it marching out with their Armes and Baggage Whereupon the Spanish Commanders re-assuming their former confidence and the hopes which were conceived by the French failing 't was evidently seen that that
Spaniards from injuring the Piacenzan State Hee therefore sent the Body of his Army to Vespola upon the Goyna between Mortare and Novara and hee with his Horse went towards Vigevan to the end that taking that Towne hee might concentrate himselfe in the heart of that State The Territories and Townes thereabouts were sackt without any obstacle for the Spaniards not being yet joyned came not time enough to succour them Gamba Corta was therefore sent against them with a good party of Horse and a considerable strength of Foot who meeting with the French skirmished some houres with them where at last it behoved the French to retreat with some losse of Horse by which good incounter the grosse Body of the Spaniards who were assembled together about Biagras advanced and made the French abandon Vespola where the most part of their Forces were and to retreat on the other side the Goyna to Satirano and Bremo Whereupon the French failing in their hopes to remove the Warre from Parma the Dutch and Spaniards continued the taking of Townes and Castles in that State to the great prejudice of the Inhabitants who were forced to fly and forsake their houses by reason of out-rages committed by the Dutch the which the Dutch affirmed they did to retaliate the barbarismes committed by the Country-people against some of their Souldiers who were found nailed to Trees Miserable was the condition of this Province and the behaviour of those of Regio unexcusable yet when it came to the knowledge of the prime Officers who were desirous to remedy such abuses the Governour of Milan by publick edicts and threats forbad the Souldiers to commit any insolencies or extortions upon the Country-people The Swedes Forces were at this time quiet for Bannier having retired his Army to Magdeburg and quartered it in that Bishopricke attended the recruiting and refreshing thereof that afterwards hee might undertake some action and the Elector kept likewise in his quarters to prepare for the taking of Magdeburg a place of great concernment for him being seated in the very middle of his dominions and an important Passage when on this side in Alsatia the Imperialists knowing how little good they could doe in Lorayne which was well guarded by the French and their want of Forrage and Victuals increasing daily resolved to make Wert goe with his Forces from about Ramberviller and to passe into Flanders which Province was greatly threatned by a powerfull French Army that was in Picardy and no lesse by the Hollanders who instigated and fomented by the French made considerable preparations to appeare in the field and to doe some famous act Wert comming into Lucemburg and desirous to quarter his Souldiers in the Territories of Leidge hee was forbidden to doe so by order from the Magistrate thereof At which he being scandalized and having caused some Country-people to be put to death who would oppose him with weapons in their hand those Citizens mightily incenst thereat and becomming the bolder for that the French Forces were not farre off from whom they might hope for assistance and protection they presently tooke up Armes and sent 5000 Souldiers with some Cannon against Wert declaring themselves for the French protesting much and making great complaints to the Court of Brussells But this breach though it held for some dayes was afterwards accommodated for the Imperialists having past the Mosa and joyned with Picolominy who was likewise in Luxemburg ready to succour Flanders it behoved them to retire into their City which seeing it selfe beset on all sides its Territories ruined and having little hope of succour from the French as they earnestly had requested willingly could have wisht it had not been so forward in the demonstration it had made Yet did it not seem any wayes to recede for the Citizens thereof knew very well that Princes who stand in need of other mens friendships in their affaires know how to use such meanes as may preserve their friendships and not exasperat them but for Sallies and providing for Defence they did not a little perplex the Caesarians in their indeavouring to offend the City which injoying freedome and being seated upon the Mosa in a Country very considerable between Maestrickt which was possest by the Hollanders and Mamure not far distant from the Frontiers of France being likewise full of warre-like people it would have been very prejudiciall for the Spaniards interest in Flanders if laying neutralitie aside it should by the assistance of the French and Hollanders have declared it selfe an Enemy to Spaine which had received much of emolument from thence and in particular in their levies of the Walloons who are esteemed the best Souldiers in their Army Orders were therefore sent to the Dutch Commanders from Brussells that they should proceed more gently with those war-like people there being no likelihood of any other event but the making of them desperate which would be prejudiciall to the Austrian affaires But those Imperiall Commanders who were accustomed to the quarters of Germany where all licentiousnesse is used and who as Caesars Souldiers pretended they were to be entertained in all States comprehended within the Empire would notwithstanding use violence by which they did so incense those people as that preparing more and more for Warre they by their fierce sallyes did much indammage the Austrian quarters who being at last inforc't to goe against the French Forces and dispairing to effect their desires nor well seeing how they could effect them they accorded and left all differences to be reconciled by the Elector of Cobn. While affaires went thus the Duke of Parma was in Paris with the French King by whom he was courteously and affectionately received and being informed how the Spaniards continued upon his Territories and that they persisted to use hostilitie therein he earnestly begg'd assistance from his Majestie and having got a favourable answer and sure promise of ayde he tooke his leave of the King the Duke of Orelans the Cardinall Richelieu and all the other Princes and returned post to Montferrat that he might prepare to passe into his owne Countrey with such French Forces as were in Piemont who were commanded by the King to accompany him till such time as a reall succour should arrive from France as had beene promised or that the French should make such a diversion as might cause the Spaniards looke to defend themselves and not to offend others But the Spaniards although they were advertised of all this lingred not knowing that if it were believed in the Court of France that the people for the King payd for so many was sufficient to doe the worke yet were they not such nor so many as ●●re sufficient So as they probably fore-saw that Crequi not having so great a strength nor desirous to appeare needfull of more helpe would feed Parma with hopes propound difficulties to the Court of France and keeping himselfe in his quarters at Montferrat would leave the Duke to the mercy of the
more secure the Dukedome of Lorayne having the Rhyn for their Trench by meanes whereof they could hardly be injured on that side by the Dutch as also they did thereby facilitate the way to their vast designes of being Arbitrators of all the Cities and Princes of the Empire after having made necessary Provisions for his march Hee on the 10th of Iune joyned in Daisten with the Cardinall of Vallet who was then superintendent of his Majesties Armes and with Colonell Hebrun a Scotch-man a greatly experienced Souldier continually verst in Warre more particularly for many yeares under the King of Swethland and who was not long since taken into the King of France his pay under title of field-Marshall Hee moved with his Army towards Benfield where many Imperiall Troopes having in a manner besieged it they did not stand the hazard of their approach being by orders from Gallasse commanded to retreat to Waissemberg where Gallasse was returned with the grosse of his Army to withstand the proceedings of the French after the Swedes had returned from Hannaw Nothing of action happen'd here save onely that some Companies that had staid in the Villages about Strasburg with intention to pillage them and carry away the booty were Charged and routed by the French and the most of them slaine and taken prisoners After this having victualled Beufield Sclestat Colmar and other Townes thereabouts which were in great scarcity of Victuals they came before Zabern a Towne joyning to the Mountaines towards Lorayne which are foure leagues distant from Strasburg which Towne is onely surrounded with Walls and Ditches after the ancient fashion but those Walls are toughly caemented and moreover well accommodated with moderne Trenches and Palisadoes in the weakest part thereof wherein were divers Companies of the Imperialists who incouraged by Colonell Milheim their Governour and comforted by Gallasse with hopes of speedy succour seemed as if they would valiantly defend themselves but a great Trench which the Imperialists had made being furiously set upon they tooke it by force and the Defendants fled into the City where being pursued by the French both the Duke and the Cardinall that they might make use of the feare which they discried in the Enemy did with their Swords in their hands enter the Gate but the Garrison being quickned at the news hereof hastned thither and as they went did valiantly defend themselves the streets were baracadoed up Tiles and such like things of offence were throwne out of windowes and from the tops of houses insomuch as the French were inforced to give back the Cardinall and Waymer being lightly hurt the former with a stone the other with a Musket shot in the Arme. When the French moved on this side against Alsatia at the same time the Prince of Condee who had raised about 10000 Foot and 2000 Horse for the King in Burgundy and had mustered these men in Aussona a place upon the Frontiers of the Franche County seated upon the Some invironed with strong rampired Walls and had brought thither all things requisit for Warre marched into the said County and spoyling the Country and plundring the Townes of Saint Ilie Rochfort le Temple Gierey Bermont Santans Chastean Roillan and other neighbouring places he set down before Dole a chiefe City where the Spanish Ministers of State keep who have the custody of that Province that Town is seated neere the River Doux upon the Frontiers of the Dutchy of Burgundy well fenced with Bullwarks great Towers and Ditches and guarded by good numbers of Souldiers the Prince began to play upon it with 12 piece of Cannon but the Towne bravely defending it selfe kept the French aloofe off to their little profit Let us now returne to the King of Denmarke who being invested as hath been said by the Emperour into the Bishopricke of Bremen and fearing lest the Townes thereof which were in the Swedes possession should not be yielded up unto him did at this time send about 1800 Foot and 400 Horse to Glichestat and quartered them in Altena not out of any intention of breaking Peace with the Crown of Swethland for the Danes would not give way thereunto but to frighten them and make them bethinke themselves of making him their friend and to be the readier to yeeld to his demand to the which the Swedes would the more apply themselves it being usuall for Princes to put a value upon armed Neighbours and therefore he thought they would bee carefull not to discontent him when they should see him in Armes but did rather hope they would gratifie him that so they might be by him assisted more particularly upon the present occasions The Duke of Parma who was in Montferrat soliciting the French for succour finding palpably that they would never consent to dismember their owne Forces so to carry them into his Countrey not a little ruinated by the Spaniards and by his owne Souldiers which if they had done besides the ingaging of themselves therein they would have made the other confining Princes and Potentates take up Armes who studying the peace of Italy it was not to be imagined that they would assist them but rather be averse as it hath beene said and indeavour their departure from those Confines it being too dangerous to have a poore and desperate Army upon the Confines of a rich and opulent Territory and considering that his longer aboad there might be more prejudiciall to him for when the Inhabitants of Piacenza and Parma should have their Prince farre from them and be themselves without succour and so much annoyed by the Spanish Forces they might perchance bethink themselves of some alteration and indeavour a Peace hee resolved to depart secretly accompanied onely by three Gentlemen whom he most esteemed and to go to Parma as hee luckily did it being whispered that he was not well satisfied with Crequi The French perceiving this meane while that people murmured every day more and more at their delayes seeing they did just nothing after a long dispute what they were best to doe they agreed all in a resolution to march with their Forces into the heart of the State of Milan and see whither they might thereby advantage themselves before the Spaniards should bee succoured by aides which were preparing in all parts And though they foresaw it would be a difficult peece of businesse seeing they had much fewer men then were requisit for such an enterprise yet incouraged in that fortune favours bold undertakings that there is nothing which more troubles mens mindes then great resolutions that the counsels even of the wisest are not more confounded with any thing then unexpected enterprises and that the Spaniards though no● inferiour to the French in Forces yet being much more exposed to the uncertainty of successe would not so easily hazard that to the fury of a French Army in the field which they might preserve by temporizing they rose with all the Forces they could make from their quarters leaving
their Garrisons but weakly mann'd And having mustered together with those of Savoy about 12000 Foot and 3000 Horse they marched into the field about the midst of Iune and having thrown a Bridge over the Tanure they went with some Troopes of Horse towards Fibesan and Castellatzo Townes of Allessandria prejudicing somewhat the people thereabouts for they fired some Townes and Cottages and tooke the Castle of Rodetto which was guarded by 40 men causing such suspition and jealousies as that accordingly as it was cunningly given out 't was believed they would goe into the State of Parma The Duke of Alcana and Leganes together with the other chiefe Commanders went to Tortona and sent a good part of their Souldiers to places of most consequence between the said City and Castlen●vo But the French entertaining the Spaniards here with part of their Souldiers indeavoured though in vaine to surprize Valenza for the Governour thereof finding their drift was very vigilant On the other side they speedily past over the Poe and took their ready way to the State of Milan They tooke Oleggio and Castelletto two open Townes and Fontene which after having made three dayes gallant defence yielded before the which as hee was discovering a Battery Monsieur Toiras Marshall of France was slaine with a Musket shot he being then with the Duke of Savoy and without any imployment And not meeting with any incounter they threw two Bridges the one over the Tesine the other over the Navillio so as the Savoyards were quartered in Oleggio and Crequi together with the Marquesse Villeroy taking their quarters at Sperone intrencht themselves upon the fields of Castene neer a great Ditch on the left hand called Panperduto so termed in former times by the French because they had lost their labour there Cassina di Tornavento being on the right hand where cutting off the water from Navillio and over-running the neighbouring Townes and Villages the Country suffered much for want of water and all the people were mightily afraid Allarmes were given throughout the whole State and many fearing that Milan would be lost fled from that City and withdrew themselves to the State of Venice as likewise did many well-accommodated Countrey-People from the Neighbouring Townes and Villages At the news hereof though it were one of the saddest that had yet befaln that State the Spaniards were no whit daunted nor dismaide but with all readinesse prepared to obviat the evill which was likely to prove greater unto them if the French should advance further or could be able long to maintaine what they had gotten for Milan being full of people and wanting water would have been brought to great streights and so much the greater for that she should not have received any reliefe from those Towns from whence she was formerly furnisht with abundance of Provisions they being now sackt and Pillaged by the French Leganes having therefore readily thrown a Bridge over the Tesine just against Vigevano went to that Towne and gave command that all the Neighbouring People should come and joyne with him as they forthwith did The Spaniards ends were to preserve themselves upon this emergency in the strongest holds expecting greater Forces which were preparing every where in the Austrians Countrey and that the French might lessen in their numbers by running away and by the hardnesse they indured in Forrage and Victualls and by a body of men to entertaine them in the Field and to goe whether need should require that by thus doing they might inforce the French to retrea● Leganes did therefore send Count Maximillian Montecastello with 800 Horse to cut off the passages which lead from Brem to the French Campe and having taken order for all things requisite for the present occasion and sent to all Townes where any Souldiers were that upon the report of two piece of Cannon they should march towards Biagras he staid there expecting the comming of some people that were on the other side of the Poe that so they might joyntly set upon the French Army which people being departed from the Territories of Tortona afforded Marquis Villa opportunitie to recover the Castle of S. Iohn and to returne that way into Montferrat for he could no longer maintaine his Horse in the State of Parma by reason of the scarcitie of Forrage and he was likewise re-called by his Duke who thought it more advantagious for the common interest to prosecute the businesse in hand then to keepe his Horse to no purpose in the Territories of Piacenza Zaverne in Alsatia was likewise streightly beset by the French whose defendants being to the number of 1500 to boot with the Inhabitants did desperately dispute the businesse and Gallasse having numbred his men about Spire prepared to succour that Towne the losse whereof did more trouble him in point of reputation that such a place should be lost before the face of the Army then that it was a losse of any consequence or reflection The Elector of Saxony and the Imperialists failed not in using all their cunning and industry to compleat the businesse of Magdeburg against which they playd continually with their Cannon and Granadoes and had already reduc'd it to a bad condition for Azfelt cut off the succour which was sent thether from Werben under the command of Colonell Schulman neare Tergemonde routing three Regiments of Swedish horse and taking 9 Cornets Iohn de Wert was all this while before Liedge to force that Citie whose Inhabitants did so behave themselves as the Imperialists came alwayes by the worst The Prince of Conde continued the Siege before Dole the Landsgrave of Hessen after having made divers inrodes in Westphalia and taken some Townes of no great moment was before Statburg and all the rest of the Potentates of Europe stood expecting what the event would be of all the Forces and Provisions which were raysed in France Spaine Germany and all over Christendome When the Infante and Spanish Commanders bethinking themselves how they might make a diversion with most securitie and advantage and knowing there was none more proper to be made to that purpose then on Picardyes side a great Province seated betweene Champania Normandy Artois and Lorayne and nearest to the King of Spaines Countries they tooke it into their cōsideration But in these their Counsels they met with many difficulties which argued against the enterprise unlesse they should first make themselves masters of the strong holds which were upon those Frontiers without which they could not advance but with apparent danger for then they should have no place whereunto to retreat in case they should meet with any hard incounter which they were to expect for France being a warlike Nation and prone to take up Armes they might easily be incompassed and receive some notable rout Therefore seeing no great appearance of good to be done by force the strong holds being well guarded and munited they betooke themselves to cunning and to indeavour how they might winne the good will
beset Selinghestat between Franckfort and Ashburg wherein was a Swedish Garrison and having throwne downe the walls and the defendants having valiantly withstood two Assaults they would not try their fortune in the third which was preparing to bee given them but upon agreement yeelded it upon condition of marching forth without the beat of Drum or Matches lighted but they kept not this condition for in their march one of their Drummers rather out of forgetfulnesse then for any reason there was thereof beat up his Drum at which the Imperialists as those who when they finde an advantage imbrace any occasion whereby they may honest their actions making this their pretence took forthwith all the Swedes prisoners pillaged the Captaines and Officers and mixt the Souldiers amongst their owne Companies Whence it may be observed how requisite solidnesse and wisedome is in Military affaires without which all indeavours are in vaine Passing after this over the Mayne they invironed Hannaw on all sides and presently indeavouring to surprise a little Fort which the Swedes had built without the Gates they were so briskly received as that with the losse of 50 men they were inforced to retreat in such disorder as the Governour perceiving it he made the Garrison fall upon them who had time before the others could beat them backe into the City to get some Corn and bring it into the Fort. Yet this their gallandise was soone quelled for Wert advancing in person himselfe hee drew his lines neerer the Fort and securing them with perfect Trenches hee used the businesse so as the Swedes prospered not in their sallies as they did before for they alwayes came off with the worst and were forced to retreat with losse of honour Duke Waymer hearing of Iohn de Werts proceedings and how he had besieged Hannaw hee presently rose from his quarters which were about Remiremont in Lorayne and was desirous to succour this Fort which had alwayes kept faithfull to the Swedish party whilest all the rest either basely or voluntarily yeelded to the Caesarians and therefore it deserved to be succoured To this purpose hee came to Hagg●naw and whilest he thought to passe over the Rhyn at the Bridge at Strasburg the Passage was denied him by the Magistrate of that City under pretence that those Citizens intending to keep neutrals and not to declare themselves either for the one or the other side they would shun the occasion of being prejudicialll to either of them At which Waymer very much wondring for upon all other occasions hee had received all manner of helpe from that City hee desired to know what the alteration might be which had made them put on this resolution But the communality of that City desirous peacefully to preserve the liberty which they for so many yeares had enjoyed wisely foresaw that if the French should get the upper hand of the Austrians and should drive them farre from the Rhyn their City should run a hazard of losing its Franchise and they therefore desired that neither the French should grow stronger in those parts nor the Austrians weaker for their Towne being free as in the midst between too great extreams would alwayes be defended by the one of them against the injuries that should be offered her by the other and each of them being to receive advantage from her situation they would both of them strive who should most win her good will Waymer failing herein and it not being now time to shew how ill hee tooke it hee returned to his former quarters in Lorayne and marched from thence towards the Bishopricke of Basill intending to passe the Rhyn there and then to doe what he should thinke fittest to make Wert leave Hannaw by way of diversion or else to doe somewhat himselfe that might counterpoise the losse of that Towne But the Duke of Lorayne who had with him some seven or eight thousand men for the preservation of the rest of the Country foreseeing this studied how he might hinder Waymer in this his voyage Hee to this purpose went to meet the Swedes and indeavouring to withstand them with more courage then force hee at the first encounter lost about 400 men and the rest being fearfull he found his designe vaine so as quitting the field unto the Swedes left hee might meet with greater losse he betooke himselfe to strong holds Whereupon Waymer by reason of this so happy incounter changing his purpose of falling into Alsatia haulted and sent his Horse to Pillage the Towns of the County and he with all his Army incamped himselfe not farre from Bisanson intending to take that City but neither did his purpose take effect here for not being able for want of Victuals to keep longer there it behoved him to retreat and pursue his former voyage towards the Rhyn At which the Imperialists of that Province were so afraid as that presaging their ruine and not thinking themselves safe in their owne Country they forsook all the neighbouring Townes some of them flying to Strasburg some to Basill placing their best moveables and Armes in Brisack the preservation of which Fort made whatsoever the Swedes got besides in Alsatia last but a little Thus did affaires proceed in Alsatia when the Elector of Saxony every houre more molested then other by the incursions of the Swedes as much his Enemies now as formerly his friends not having competent Forces to resist these Souldiers long verst in the mischiefes of Warre did strongly presse the Court at Vienna that according to established agreements the Emperour might thinke of assisting him and 't was given out that from these delayes wherewith he was fed by the Austrians some prejudice might ensue to the Imperiall Crowne as doubtlessely it would have hapned if that Elector had reconciled himselfe with the Swedes and joyned Forces with them So as his succour could no longer be delayed though the Austrians principall scope and willing desire was to have the War maintained and nourished in Saxony for that all other parts having beene visited sometimes by their friends sometimes by their Enemies and consequently destroyed and ruinated if Saxony should likewise be in the same manner weakned the Imperiall dignitie would at last be the more secured Hereupon Gallasse received orders that having first provided for the places of greatest importance in Wirtenberg where his men were then quartered he should march with the rest of his Army which came to about 10000 towards Saxony and that joyning with Azfelt who not long before was gone in succour of the Elector he should not only have a care to defend Saxony but should indeavour to suppresse the Swedish Army and to recover such places as were fallen into the Enemies hands Which Gallasse readily obeying he went after Bannier who was about Torgaw and charged him with such dexteritie as though Bannier behaved himselfe gallantly in his retreat being farre inferiour to the Imperialists in number yet for all his warinesse when the Austrians Vanguard came up to
before Cuneo they without delay raised their Siege from before that place and marched towards the Cittadell from whence taking the Dutchess out and conveying her with a good Guard to Carmagneola they turned the Cannon of the Cittadel upon the City and playing frequently there-withal upon the houses and vexing the inhabitants with their Granadoes great was the mischiefe that was done and the feares greater that if the French should recover the Towne they would sack and fire it The Spaniards therefore flocked thither opposing themselves against the Cittadell with raised banks Trenches and Palezadoes and the French with no less fervour indeavoured to beate them backe and recover the Citie so as the businesse grew so bitter and bloody as they were forced to have a Truce to bury their dead which was afterwards by the Nuntio's mediation agreed upon for fourscore dayes without acquainting the Kings Court with it each side thinking they might lawfully doe it and reape advantage by it by reason of the great slaughte● of both sides as also for the want of moneyes and penury of provisions This Truce was therefore celebrated with great reciprocall content The Generalls visited each other and after great Complements and professions what valuation ought to be put upon the safety of valiant Subjects they retired to their quarters to make such provisions as should be thought needfull to prosecute the Warre or else to finde meanes how to establish such a peace as might for the future make the Romanists enjoy the comfort which is known but by a few to be what it is before it be lost FINIS LIB 1. 1629. LIB 1. 1630. Iune 13. Iune 24. 1631. LIB 1. 1631. March 26. April 16. May 19. May 20. LIB 2. 1631. Iuly 10. Septemb. 6. Septemb. 4. Septem 15. Septem 16. Septem 17. Septem 26. October October Novemb Novem. 17. December LIB 3. 1632. 1632. Ianuary Ianuary February March March 22. May. April April 10. April 20. February May. May. Iune 8. Iune 18. LIB 4. 1632. August October Sept. 4. Sept. 15. Nov. 16. LIB 5. 1632. Decem. 12. Decem. 13. Decem. 20. Decem. 24. Nov. 21. Nov. 29. LIB 5. 1633. 1633. Feb. 10. March May. May 15. LIB 6. 1633. May 16. Iun. 17. Iun. 1. May 13. Aug. 10. Aug. 20. Aug. 19. Septem 24. Septemb. 1. Septemb. 9. Iuly 8. Septemb. 7. Septemb. LIB 7. 1633. Septem 29 Octob. 6. Nov. 29. Decem. 14. 1634. April 12. Ianu. 13. LIB 8. 1634. Ianu. 12. Febru 25. Aprill 1. March 30. Aprill 5. May 20. LIB 9. 1634. May 13. May 20. Iune 11. Septemb. 1. Septemb. 7. Novem. 24 LIB 10. 1635. Ian. 24 March 21. March 28. Aprill 24. Iuly 12. Aug. 30. Septemb. 1. LIB 11. 1635. August Ostob. 7. Octob. 15. Octob. 26. Decem. 23 LIB 11. 1636. 1636. March 5. Aprill 3. Iune 24. May 26. LIB 12. 1636. Iune 10. Iune 22. Iuly 1. Aug. 14. Nov. 18. Dec. 22. LIB 13. 1637. 1637. Feb. 14. Iuly 3. Iuly 24. Iun. 21. LIB 14. 1637. Iuly 26. Septem 28 Septem 21 Sept. 21. 1638. March 26. Apr. 22. LIB 15. 1636. They are said to be certaine kind of boates * The neer relation the Prince Elector hath to our K. of England wil plead my pardon if I presume to say here that I have a narration of this battle which was given mee in Latin by one who was presēt in the action which I find to di●●er from this in the number of men said to have beene received from England in the assignment over of Osn●pruch and Myndel in the number of the slaine and in particular of those of the English Nation LIB 16. 1638.
any difficulty took Penemondt and Divenan in the utmost Northerne parts of the said Vsedon for they were quickly surrendered by the Imperialists who withdrew themselves to Cammin upon another Channell towards the East whither many of those people retired in safety The King found himselfe feared and his souldiers Couragious who impatient of delay with cheerefull voice said they must advance even to the Walls of Rome this confidence begotten in the souldiers was much advantagious to the King for they fought with the resolution of still over-comming he brought his Forces under Cammin and caused his Horse to make excursions over all the neighbouring Villages spoyling the Countrey this he did to the end that those Countrey people who had withdrawne themselves to strong Holds perceiving their Farmes to be wasted might finde that by fearing to lose they lost indeed his Approaches and Batteries being made he so plyed the Walls with his Cannon and Mathooks as at the end of eight dayes he was got close underneath the Wall and was ready to assault the breach which he had made and was large enough and fit to be set upon and though the Imperialists mought bravely have made good and maintained the Towne for some time yet things unexpected and bold proceedings causing usually confusion the Defendants not hearing of any succour in readinesse for those parts surrenderer the City unto the King and 1500 Foot and 400 Horse with their Armes Baggadge and two Piece of Cannon marched out This unexpected Swedish Invasion into the States belonging to the Emperour gave Allarme to all the neighbouring Countrey and newes being sent thereof to Caesars Court his Councell was aware of their error in having seconded them by whose advise those Forces which had upheld the Imperiall greatnesse were disbanded and whereby this ruine in Germany was caused and that therefore it was requisite to provide for the preservation of those Provinces and strong holds which not being well defended by the Imperialists if they should fall into the power of the Swedes would much prejudice the reputation of Caesars Forces that the courage and Forces of the Enemies were grown greater and that they had caused some important novelty amongst the Protestants and other discontented people who seeing a help at hand and a safe place whereunto to have refuge would boldly make known their evill intentions though more then ever covered up under the ashes of weakenesse Posts were speedily sent to Torquato Conti an Italian who as then commanded the Imperiall Forces in Pomerania that he should use diligence in mustering together the people of those Provinces whereby he might oppose the Swedes further advancement and stop the course of their proceedings till such time as a powerfull succour might be raised which should chase them backe into Swethland Directions were likewise sent to Count Tilly who was then in Bavaria and in the Palatinate with the Forces of the Catholique League that mustering the people of the neighbouring parts he should draw neare Misina a chiefe Province of Germany in the Center whereof stands Bohemiah placed between the Rivers of Sal and Elve bordering on the North side upon the upper Saxony and watered by Mulda a River which taking its rise from those Mountaines which inviron Bohemia runs in pleasant streames into the Elve neare to Desseau and other two uncontemptible Rivers namely Plais and Elste● that hee should there have an eye to the proceedings of the Swedes and be assisting to the Imperiall Commanders as occasion should require as that also he should keep the Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg within the bounds of their duty who little apayed with the Actions of the Imperiall Officers and 〈…〉 Austrian greatnesse would peradventure at that time have altered their correspondency and friendship with the Emperour wherewithall having formerly fomented the Austrian proceedings they had raised the Imperiall Authority to such an height that repenting afterwards when there was no remedy they were aware of what prejudice Princes do unto themselves when they foment the most powerfull To this purpose likewise Letters were sent unto them exhorting them to re-confirme their good intelligence and to adhere unto the Emperours Forces thereby to drive out of the Empire the disturbers thereof The like negotiation full of prevalent exhortations and enriched with quaint conceptions was held with the Duke of Pomerania who was more then any other suspected to hold correspondency with the King For this Prince being on all sides opprest by the Imperiall Garrisons did not only desire to regaine his former authority but could not light upon a fitter occasion then this to revenge himselfe of the Caesarian Officers and indeed being become a Protestant he did ab●orre the name of Romane Catholique The Emperour likewise writ to the King of Swethland complaining of the Invasion he had made into the Imperiall territories whereunto he had not any the least right or claime that he expected not he should under faigned pretences have medled with the affaires of Germany whereof the Emperor was the supreme Lord that therefore he did friendly exhort him to desist from that enterprise and not to irritate those Arms which not long since had won gainfull and glorious victories over the perturbers of the common tranquility This Letter being brought to the King and the bringer thereof which was a Bohemian Gentleman received with all civility it was opened The King seemed to be well pleased at the contents thereof said unto the Gentleman That he very much thanked his Master for that he had vouchsafed to write unto him that he would consider upon the contents and that when his arme was well which he yet wore in a Scarfe by reason of a scratch given him therein by an Eagle in Slavonia alluding therby to the assistance granted by the Emperor to the K. of Polonia he would send him an answer And without any more adoe knowing that the Emperours intentions was to entertaine him with Treaties till such time as he had got Forces able to contest with him he marched on and set upon Stettin a City well fortified with Wals Towers and Ditches the Metropolitan of Pomerania seated in the midst therof watred by the Oder the first onset with lowd mouthed cannon was so furious as that Col. Demitz who cōmanded in chief in the town though he knew that with those people he had in the Town he was able for some while to defend it yet perceiving the falshood of the people and Citizens who were almost all of them Protestants and such as were ill affected to the Caesarians and desired nothing more then a hand to pull the yoake from off their necke and finding there was no remedy for it resolved since he found Enemies aswell within as without to go in his owne person and speake with the King and perswaded him to take some other resolution but all he could say was but so much 〈…〉 in vaine for the King 〈…〉 of Pomerania who being in the City
and arrived happily at Stralshund where being received with the generall applause of the Citizens and having taken good order there for the preservation of the publique liberty he came before Damgart seated upon the River Rechenits which comming out of a little Lake near the Village Kra-Kawne in the Confines of Mechelburg towards the Electorate of Brandenburg runs into the Ocean not far from Stralshand Damgart was fortified with strong towers wals after the ancient manner but Stralshund without Workes and Fortifications after the moderne fashion and by a Fort which the Romanists had built upon the mouth of the River This place was furiously set upon with Mattockes and Cannon the bullets whereof found passage through their Parrapats not yet wholly finished after a contention of sixe dayes the Defendants being so obstinate in the defence thereof as that they despised all advantagious conditions And though they saw their ruine at hand yet still persevering in their weake defence they were by a furious assault made by the Swedes the King looking on forced to forgoe their Parrapats upon which the Swedes mounted and without delay closely following the fugitives they without mercy slew as many of them as they overtooke At the same time the King who fully imparted his intelligence sent some of his Forces to scale Ribbinets another Fort upon the said Rechenits and not far from Damgart which he likewise tooke and tooke the Governour thereof who was a Spaniard prisoner five hundred of the Garrison putting themselves under his Collours This as being a Passe of consequence opened unto him an ingresse into the Dutchie of Mechelburg and did likewise facilitate his getting of Rostoch the Metropolis of that Province well fortified round about with Moderne Fortifications and which stands upon the River Warnaw a River which taking its head neare a little Village called Warn●w from whence it hath its name falls into the Baltique Sea after it hath so inlarged it selfe 〈◊〉 unto 〈◊〉 as bearing upon it the greatest Ships that go upon the Westerne Seas it makes that place a Haven of great esteeme He was without any manner of resistance received into this City and having exhorted the people and Citizens to acknowledge their Lord and to drive from amongst them those who adheared to Walesteine not leaving any garrison there but recommended it to the care of the Magistrate he marched too before Wismar a chiefe City likewise of the said Dutchy of Mechelburg munited with Moderne Parrapets and well Garrisoned standing upon an Angle of a Gulph of the Sea whereby it is made a faire receptacle for Merchants Ships The Imperialists having notice of this unexpected Invasion upon the Territories of Mechelburg and finding the importancie thereof gathered themselves together at Gastrowe in the greatest numbers that they could withdrawing all the uselesse Garrisons from the neighbouring places and marcht to Sterneburg a Towne which is watered by a little Lake and being here advertised that the Swedes had made no stay in Rostoch and that they were by the Citizens thereof desired to come and regaine it they bethought themselves how they might get it which they easily did They sent some of their squadrons of Horse towards the City faigning to turne towards Doberan a Towne a little above Rostoch towards the Sea they goe into it and possesse themselves of it suffering the Inhabitants to goe forth For not yet secure of any resistance to be made by the Swedes they feared lest by any hostile Declaration they might exasperate the Caesarians who had yet many strong Holds in that Province And because the Imperialists intentions were to abandon all the Dukedome of Mechelburg unlesse it were Rostoch and Wismer that they might make use of their men in the Field they over-ran the Countrey and withdrew into those two places all whatsoever they could get from the Townes and Villages of that State pretending they did this to the end that the Swedes might not make use of the Corne Hay and Farradge and that the Forts which they intended to keep might be the better munitioned The newes of the surprisall of Rostoch and the Austrians advancing into that Province who were re-inforced by men sent unto them by Torquato Conti made the King alter his resolution for not thinking he could advantage himselfe by making any longer stay in those parts he raised his Army from the places where they were and returned to Ribbinits and having taken order for sufficient provisions and safety for that place as likewise for Damgart places upon all occasions fit to give him entrance into the State And having left Bannier with foure thousand Foot and eight hundred Horse to guard those places He sent the Duke of Saxony Luenburg into Hamborg and Lubecks to solicite the raising of men in those parts and to manite the Forts thereabouts that they might be ready to succour the Lansgrave of Hesse if he should be set upon by Count Popenhaime who giving out that he would do so was diligent in the raising of men in the Territories of Woulfembutell and Brunswicke He with the rest of his Army returned to 〈◊〉 where he stayed six dayes negotiating businesse of very great import and thinking it was now time to answer the Emperors Letter and to justifie his designe in taking up Armes he writ unto his Caesarian Majesty to this purpose That having very oft complained unto him of the indiscretion of his Ministers of State he had never listned unto him much lesse given a favourable hearing to his just pretentions that his Crowne had beene injured by the usurpation of Titles over the Baltique Sea conferred upon Walesteine and by many injuries done unto his Subjects in the Ports of Pomerania that he had rejected all the Propositions that he had caused to be made and that last he was enforced to seeke for satisfaction by way of Armes since his words nor intreaties could prevaile that therefore he was not entred Germany any waies to do outrage to the Imperiall Crowne but to succour his friends and confederates since Princes are obliged to their Neighbours beyond the tye of friendship even for the interest of their owne States that he would at all times be willing to give way unto an honest and faire agreement Provided that before any Treaty all States Cities and Provinces which had bin oppressed should be re-established and satisfaction should be made to his Crowne for the charge he had already been at by reason of this War Having recommended the Government and vigilancy over such places as he had taken to the Governour thereof he parted the Tenth of November from Stralshund and having brought his Army neare Griffenburg situated upon the bankes of Rega a River which proceeding from a little Lake made by the River Trage fals into the Sea He sent part of his Army before Coleburg a place seated upon the bankes of the Baltique Sea very strong both by Art and situation and knowing that to storme it or take it
this Enterprize would be very severe for that it was fraught with men and all things requisite for defence he altered his minde and went from those parts leaving the Martiall Tod there with some Regiments of Foot and Horse to suppresse the Sallyes which the Imperialists of that Garrison made and marched forward to effect what he had long desired upon Franckfort conceiving that the winning thereof would not onely put him in peaceable possession of Pomerania and Marca nova but that which most imported that thereby his Passage being opened into Saxony the Marquisat of Brandenburg Sletia and Lusatia all of them great and rich Provinces and fit to maintaine his Army a long time hee should ease the Townes already taken of quartering his Souldiers so as being free to traffique and husband their grounds he from thence expected requisite Provisions for his Army and that it would bee easie for him to lead his Forces into the Emperours owne Countrey and that of Walesteines where he might encrease his Army and proceed to greater Conquests since that the People of those Provinces being a fierce and Warlike People and desirous of their liberty of Conscience would flye as fast to him and to his succour as doth the Bee unto the Flower But that which most of all invited him to this was that by winning of this he should come so neare the Territories of the Protestant Electors as he might easily draw them to declare themselves in his favour for he very well knew that those Princes had more then once repented themselves of having assisted the Emperour against the Elector Palatin and King of Denmarke and of having fomented that greatnesse which now stiling their endeavours no more favors but duties they had likewise almost enthralled their own liberties Tilly being advertised of the bad condition his men were in and how that many of his discontented Souldiers fled over to the Swedes for want of pay and by reason of the hard duties they were put unto and much apprehending the losse of Franckfort and Landsperg the best places which the Imperialists held in those Provinces he with-drew his Army from the Territories of Magdeburg and went in haste to Franckfort whereinto for the defence whereof he put three Regiments of Foot and one of Horse mending such Fortifications as were imperfect and making new Workes and Trenches without the Walls Having taken such Order as he thought fitting for the maintaining of the City and having brought all his Forces as likewise them of Shamburgs into Baltagtion he Mustered them in the neighbouring Fields and finding them to be 34000 fighting men hee gave them double pay and marched straightway towards Landsperg aswell to dislodge the Swedes from thereabouts as to provide for his owne preservation The Swedes did not stay his comming but at the first newes of his Marching they raised their Tents and joyned themselves with the Kings Army which observing what way the Imperialists Forces took kept neare Kastrin a Fort belonging to the Elector of Brandenburg where those that were within refusing to give them passage though it were earnestly by the King desired of their Master he fell to build a Bridge over the River thereby to render the passage at Wartha unusefull to the Romanists Castrin is seated in the middest of Marca nova upon the Banks of Oder not farre from Wartha which commanding all the neighbouring Countrey makes it selfe Arbitrator of the passage on that side of those two Rivers The Austrians having brought succour to these places and having regained the courage which they had lost by the Swedes prosperous proceedings Tilly not thinking it to purpose to advance further to win those holds which being well guarded by the Kings re-inforced Garrisons backed by the Army in the Field and secured by the devastation of the Countrey he could promise nothing to himselfe but the disbanding of his Army which was already discontented for the want of necessaries and moneyes returned to his former Quarters of Magdeburg The King who likewise thought it not now fitting time to try the issues of his first resolutions for that he had understood what Provisions Tilly had sent into those Cities and not thinking it advantagious for him to stay any longer in those parts betooke himselfe to thinke how he might yet take any Townes belonging to the Imperialists in Pomerania or upon the Confines of the Dutchy of Mechelburg he therefore raised his Camp from Lochinitz a little Towne which not long before had yeelded it selfe upon Conditions and turned his march towards Mechelburg hoping either to withdraw Tilly from his designe of Magdeburg or if he would not be brought off it to make himselfe Master of some places and passages of importance by the winning whereof he might put Pomerania in safety and cause no small feare of his Forces in the Inhabitants of Meckelburg He returned to Stettin and bringing his Army underneath New-Brandenburg he demanded the City of the Garrison thereof which consisted of five Companies of Foot and three of Crabbatts who not thinking themselves able to contest within their unperfect wals with an Army of twenty thousand souldiers presently conditioned and yeelded the Towne which was only fortified after the ancient manner with Towers and Wals without Rampiers The like did Loice upon the Confines of Pomerania towards Mechelburg upon the banks of Pene which having sustained two hundred Cannon shot accorded where whilest the King tarried two dayes to learne in what condition the Romanists were Malchin fell likewise into his possession a little Town watred by the River Pena environed with Wals Towers and Ditches after the ancient manner but well guarded and strengthened by Trenches and Earth-workes This Towne was surprised by a Captaine using a stratagem of fires which he there made whereby it seemed as if the whole Army had been there when indeed he had with him but three hundred Foot and one Company of Horse by meanes whereof the Defendants being scared wanting their Governour who was then with Shamburg and terrified by the meanes of this Captaine who summoned the Towne protesting that any the least delay would so incense the King as that he would put them all to the sword they yeelded The King comming afterwards out of Lotz on the 12th of February came before Dammin a Fortresse of great importance very well fortified well stored with all provisions requisite to the maintaining of a strong place and seated upon a very considerable passage upon the Pene between the Confines of Pomerania and the Dutchy of Mechelburg Vpon this Towne Tilly did much relye for when this Towne as he perswaded himselfe it would should have held the King play it would be a fitting time for him to encounter with the Swedes and draw them to battell upon disadvantage on the event whereof the Totall of all affaires depended but the King drawing near the Towne with covered Trenches erected three Batteries upon certaine platformes of earth battering the walls with much violence
so as the souldiers within the Castle who were five disheartned Foot Companies for all that Duke Savel could say or do to perswade them to defend the place and expect succour which might very easily be brought them basely apprehending the Swedes violence were the cause why Savell bethought himselfe to make conditions as he did being sorely tormented with the frequent shot which scattered all their defences and houses in peeces insomuch as the affrighted Inhabitants rather desired to yeeld up the City then to be lyable to the sufferings and danger they underwent by keeping it Tilly was very ill satisfied with the surrender of this place who not able to containe his anger which too apparantly might be read in his countenance considering that 17. Companies of old experienced Souldiers had so woefully surrendered this strength which was held one of the best of all those Provinces accused Savell of negligence though the fault was in some other Captaines and particularly in those that had the charge of the Castle and was so much incensed against him as that he dismist him out of the Army and sent him to plead his justification at Vienna Tilly taking his way frō thence towards the Dutchy of Mechelburg with above Twenty Thousand Souldiers came before New-Brandenburg he tooke it by storme and put all that were in it to the Sword for their having so cowardly surrendred the Towne to King Gustavus He did the like at Faldisburg the defendants whereof not yeelding presently to his threates and to the offers he made them he made a gallant on-set forced the few Swedish defendants that were therein the greatest part whereof were by his men slaine a cruelty not formerly used by Tilly who being very religious could not chuse but use clemency but for that anger like fire throwne into disposed Materialls consumes what withstands it The ill usage the Imperialists had at divers encounters received from the Swedes made him alter his accustomed clemency thinking the losses and injuries he had received were not to be revenged by Charity But if those successes did please this ancient Commander the newes of the losse of Coleburg for want of Victualls did much displease him for this being a Fortresse of great consideration upon the Baltique Sea the Mastership whereof was held by the Swedish Fleet the Swedes might so well nestle themselves therein as it would be very hard for the Forces of the Roman Catholiques though seconded by good fortune to drive them thence since they might be easily succoured with Victuals or what else they wanted by Sea Tilly therefore desirous that his fame which he had so gloriously won should not be obscured by the peoples murmuring who not beleeving the juncture of times nor the alterations of worldly affaires are only pleased or displeased according to the successe of what presents it selfe before their eyes and very wisely foreseeing what lets he might meet withall if he should march forward with his Forces to regaine what was lost in Pomerania where he should not only find the people resolute in their owne defence but likewise many Troopes of Swedes there he turned his thoughts upon Magdeburg an undertaking which by how much the more difficult it was so much more would his glory appeare therein and the Protestants be the more terrified since he should not onely thereby free himselfe from the frequent Incursions which from thence was made upon such neighbouring parts as were well affected to Caesar but by this Sanctuary he should stop the Carriere of the Kings vast Designes but that which chiefely concerned him was that by winning this place and making it the seat of his Forces since it stood in the Centre of those Provinces he might easily lead his Men into what part he best liked and the Protestant Electors and other Haunce Townes who might peradventure stagger in their wonted friendship and obedience to Caesar their intentions being by this Key lockt up and their affection to the Swedes concealed they could neither so easily foment the Kings proceedings nor refuse the desires of the Roman Catholiques raising therefore his Campe from the aforesaid Townes hee within a few dayes pitcht his Tents in the sight of Magdeburg And being advertised that the enemy had built a Fort upon the Elb a League distant from the City thereby to receive the succour more easie which they expected from Saxony the Elector whereof though he had not yet declared himselfe for them they hoped that for his owne Interest he would not suffer the City to be lost and this being to the advantage of the City Tilly thought fit to lodge some men between this Fort and it whereby the intercourse between the one and the other being hindred and succour thereby inhibited the Fort could not be maintained which fell out luckily for the Captaine who commanded in chiefe in the Fort and who never before had been conversant in warre was so surprized with feare as not making any part of that defence hee might he cowardly surrendred the place Princes who either flattered by their affection to their servants or too much given to thrift conferre places of command upon such as are unexperienc'd in War if they desire to be serv'd after this manner let them admire this example The Romanists having wonne this place they diligently assaulted Prester a Sconce defended by good Foot but the City fearing lest the Imperialist should likewise Plant themselves between this and the Walls of the City the like might befall them as had done by the former resolved to forsake it and to withdraw the men therein into the Sconce of Zoll which was nearer their Walls and which they had fortified to their best advantage Whilst some Regiments of the Romanists Army laboured hard with great Forces on this side under the Command of Merodes Fucarie and Baldirow Colonells of the League Count Mansfield on the other side assaulted the Fort of Bucaw and the Defendants wanting both Victualls and Amunition hee took it Whereupon the City was beset at a nearer distance and Tilly seeing the successe of his endeavours made nearer Approaches with his Trenches thinking to lodge himselfe between the Sconce Zoll and the City Thus for want of men experienc'd in warre the Magdenburgians doe shamefully lose those outward Forts which they with so much charge had built and by which they might for a time have kept the Enemy aloofe from their City The King seeing the Romish Army employed there not knowing how to bring them usefull succours if he did not first make himselfe Master of such Passages and Places as were a hindrance to his Army marcht on the 26. of March to the enterprize of Franckfort and having gotten under Zenedick a place wherein the Imperialists held a Garrison he drew neare to Franckfort where though he found great great store of Roman Catholique Souldiers as likewise the Marshall Tieffenbeck who failed not as the King moved to doe his best in preparing for defence he beset
planted his Campe before Brandenburg and having sent Collonell Ranzaw a man of an undaunted courage and perfect valour with some of his Forces on the other side of the Elb he with a Petard surprized Tangermund by which his way was open into the lower Saxony and to the Bishopricke of Magdeburg He with great Force set upon Werben upon the Elb seated in no contemptible place fortified after the ancient manner and defended by about One Thousand Two Hundred men part Souldiers part men of the Country he forced it to yeeld where leaving some Souldiers for a guard giving order for necessary Fortifications for the defence of it and throwing a Bridge of Boates over the River he Quartered himselfe betweene that and Havell Here he gave in charge to Bannier to go before Havelbergk of the said Province seated upon the River Havell and not far from Elb who presently placing his Batteries against it and having made his approaches even to the wals which being weake and unperfectly built did not long hold out after nine dayes the Inhabitants knowing they could no longer withstand the Swedes assaults yeelded themselves 800 Souldiers marching out of the Towne part of which tooke entertainment from the King By these prosperous successes of the Swedes and by the newes that the Queene of Sweden was already landed at Wolgast with 6000 fighting men and by reason of divers other preparations made by the King in divers places the minds of the Romanists were extremely disquieted and the Swedes encouraged whereupon the King very desirous to recover Magdeburg that he might draw nearer to the Duke of Saxony whose declaring of himselfe he knew to be of all things else most necessary for him as likewise to divert Tilly from invading the Landsgraves Countrey who presently wheeled about and came to Wolmerstat a Towne above Magdeburg where he stayed and quartered his Army dispersing his Horse about the Neighbouring Villages that he might observe what course the King would take But the Swedes advertised of these Designes and having moreover certaine Intelligence how that two of the Imperialists Regiments of Horse who had quartered themselves in the Village Kolbits foure leagues distant from Tangermund did much neglect their Guards he thought he might defeat them rising therefore privately to this purpose from a Towne upon the Elb between Werben and Tangermund on the 10th of Iuly two houres before day with 3000 Horse and 500 Dragoones he speedily marched towards the Imperialists Quarters And that he might the better know their condition and position he sent Count Ortenbergs Serjeant Major before with an hundred Horse who was afterwards followed by the rest of the Body of Horse so as before the Austrians could get their Horses out of their stables and prepare for defence the greatest part of them were slaine and taken prisoners by the Swedes who likewise marched on an other side towards the Regiment of one Hol●k a Caesarian Colonell who was lodged at Borch stal a Village not far from Tangermund and who with his Forces endeavoured to resist the Swedes yet the Swedes charging in very good order it behooved him to quit the Field and betake himselfe to his heeles with the losse of three Cornets and about three hundred Horse In this surprisall the Count Otto Lodovico Ryngrave did together with his souldiers gallantly behave himselfe this Gentleman was of much esteeme amongst the Dutch and of the best bloud of Germany and in former times his Auncestors had great possessions about the River of Rhyne but through the evilnesse of times having lost all and remembring the former greatnesse of his Family he together with his Brother Count Philip put himselfe into the Kings service and being under so fortunate a guide they fed themselves with undoubted hopes of vast designes The King encouraged by these favourable accidents and interpreting them as preludiums to greater glory marched forward with the remainder of his Army and with his Cannon and incamping himselfe between the Villages of Belgen and Steindall between the Elb and the Bise he resolved to stay a while in that advantagious situation to observe what Tillies intentions were who awakened by such advertisements and thinking that he suffered not a little in his reputation in that the Swedish Forces which he so undervalued had such happy successe he rose from Wolmerstat and having regained Tangermund he was got too before the Trenches of Werben where some of the Swedish Regiments were incamped who by reason of Tillies moving were by the King in diligence sent thither for the maintenance of that place was of great moment so as aswell in respect of the reputation of those Forces which did defend it as for that the City being won by the Roman Catholiques the King was to retreat many leagues backward and his entrance into the Townes upon the Ohre would be hereby hindered Ohre is a River which taketh its beginning from the Confines of the State of Lunenburg towards the County of Danneberg ioynes it selfe with the El● not far from Magdeburg for it was not likely he would undertake the taking of them untill he should be sure of a safe refuge whereto upon occasion he might retreat he for these respects raised the Imperiall batteries against Werben which were likewise played upon by the reciprocall shot of the Swedish Artillery and by constant Sallyes but the Imperialists violence growing greater and greater the Defendants being neither able longer to defend themselves against them nor yet any place being left for the Kings supply to boote that it was not time to hazard all upon one dayes worke upon which the summa totalis lay they resolved to forgoe the place lest by articling they might seeme to be overcome and this they so ingeniously did leaving many women and children to defend their Works as unperceived by the Imperialists they had time enough to retreat in safety before the others were aware of their Stratagem Tilly comming thither afterwards and making his Army immediately to advance after them he was by frequent skirmishes seen to draw neare the Kings Quarters inviting him to battell But the King who knew it was not yet time to try his fortune with an Enemy that was stronger then himselfe and who was fraught with victory and confidence bridled his desires and not budging from the advantage he had inforced Tilly who finding himselfe now in a wasted Countrey suffered no little scarcitie of Forrage to think upon an unpleasing retreat so as raising his Army from the Quarters where they were and going from thereabouts he marched towards his former Quarters This Retreat did more imbolden the Kings Officers which was afterwards allayed by an unwary resolution of theirs For according to their usuall wont couragiously assaulting the Imperialists in the Reare they were valiantly by them opposed and the Romanists having at last the better many of the Swedes were cut in peeces and some of their Cornets lost yet returning againe to face Tilly
by nourishing the differences between the Princes of the bloud and thereby to affoord fuell to the flames of Ambition to kindle a new intestine warre sufficient to disturbe the Forces of that great King aswell by deviating them from his intentions upon the State of Milan which in this conjuncture was much feared as to withhold from thence that assistance which the Protestants expected To this purpose 't is said they sent some of their trustiest creatures concealedly to treate with the Duke of Orleans and other chiefe men that were discontented with the government of the Ministers of State in France not letting slip any thing that might hurle the French into those straights whereunto they were leaning for many were afraid that if the French had declared themselves in this so calamitous time after a hostile manner all their preparations would doubtlesly have been much perplext if not totally shipwrackt but for that when God extends his hand of protection over a crowned head all the plots and hatreds of their envyers are rendred uselesse many considered that the Emperour Ferdinand the second had not a little merited from Heaven whilest Princes and people jealous of the Austrian greatnesse and conspiring together to suppresse the same in stead of embracing an opportune occasion of laying the Emperour upon his backe betooke themselves to things of uncertainty and which concerned their private interests so those armes which openly joyned together would have ruined the Empire being unresolved and expecting what the event of others would be stayed from declaring themselves till such time as the prevailing Forces of the Swedes growing weaker and the Imperiall power in time gathering force they should finde it a hard matter to abate the edge of that strength which was inheartned by the experience of Armies and was made more stable by being shaked Rome increasing under Romulus had the good fortune that whilest she was fought withall by diverse Nations she was not set upon by all at once And whereas being all united they had overcome her they severally were by her overcome and by their ruine affoorded leisure to lay the foundations of the Roman Monarchy It is a truth not to be doubted of that if the French not inferiour in strength to the Austrians and who knew the Imperiall greatnesse ought to have been suppressed had followed the King of Swedes fortune and openly have drawn their swords as afterwards they were inforced to doe they would either have brought the Imperiall dignity to make peace upon their owne conditions or else have led it to some great exigency That fire that is not quencht by a little water gathering more strength and breaking forth in greater flames will not afterwards give way to greater store of water Whence it may be gathered that when a Prince may by his advancing prejudice his Enemy whilest his Enemy is busied on one side he ought not to stand idle on the other for 't is well knowne that those Forces which have overcome their first withstanders made wiser by experience grow keener and better edged against the second Knowing moreover that the only Austrian Forces was not sufficient in such an emergency as this to withstand the evils threatned by the victories and well conducted Armies of the Swedes and of so many other enemies whose numbers by their greatnesse and command was increased they sent first the Cardinall d' Arach Walesteines kinsman to the Pope and after him Duke Savell who being found innocent was absolved of the faults laid unto his charge by Tilly out of some private ill will that he bore him with pressing and earnest desires of being from his Holinesse assisted with good store of monies and newes was brought that the Pope had voted a considerable summe of money to be sent the Emperour though it were demanded with too much pretensions by the Austrian Ministers of State and advised for the interest of their Countrey by some Cardinals of the Spanish Faction and that they knew his Holinesse to be very carefull of the good of Christendome whilest by continuall exhortations he had endeavoured the safety of Lombardy against the fury which the Forces bent without regard upon the destruction of Mantua threatned by whose example the Christian Princes very well perceived that to foment the greatnesse of puissant Princes was nothing else but to nurse up a Serpent in ones bosome which at last would poison its benefactor as it would have proved in past times if the French and Swedes diversions had not recalled those Forces from Italy which neither the prayets exhortations nor protestations of the Pope could prevaile withall to make them turne backe they also sent to other Potentates and Princes of Italy the Count Rabata then Governour of Gradisca no lesse powerfull with his pen then with his sword a gentleman of singular understanding in any affaire who was very much welcomed by them all with many complements but their expeditions proved unusefull When the Enemy watches we must not be asleep therefore if Walesteine did by these new inventions recruit his Army that he might in the Spring appeare in the Field The King of Sweden growne hardy by his victory and other happy successes sent newes of this his prosperous proceedings to such Princes States and Cities as were his friends and disswading the Hauns Townes and Princes of the Empire from assisting his Enemy he did not sit still in this his prosperity but printing a Declaration wherein was contained that he would take aswell Roman Catholiques as Protestants into his protection that he might not lose time but make use of his fortune he resolved forthwith to march with his Army into Franconia This Province extends it selfe on the West and South side to the Confines of the upper and lower Palatinate on the East to Bohemia and Misnia and on the North side to Thuringia so as it may be called the Center of Germany it is partly plaine and partly adorned with pleasant hills of a fruitfull soile though in some parts sandy 'T is watered by the Rivers Mayne Aisah Ridnits Bints Stray Tawber and others to the no little advantage of the Inhabitants The King agreed with the Elector of Saxony how he should behave himselfe in the Kingdome of Bohemia he left Bannier and Tod Marshals of the Field with other great Officers behinde aswell that they might drive from the Confines of Pomerania such of the Emperours Garrisons as yet remained there as likewise that they might endeavour to win Magdeburg and other Townes held by the Caesarians in the lower Saxony and he himselfe parted from Hall upon the River of Sall towards Erfurt the chiefe City of Thuringia This Province is seated between the Rivers Sall and Wesser by which it is much enriched 't is well peopled abounding in Corne Hay and many sorts of Beasts it bounds on the South side upon Franconia on the West upon the Landsgrave of Hessen his Country on the North it is covered with the Herecinian Wood
and on the East it bounds upon Misnia the Inhabitants thereof beleeving themselves not able to contend with a victorious Army at first newes of the Kings being marched that wayes sent Deputies unto him to see whether by their intreaties they could make him turne another way since they were not able to doe it by their Armes they therefore presented themselves before him they made knowne unto him the Oath they had taken to the Elector of Mentz what troubles they had undergone for doing so and promised that they would keep Neutrals but this medecine not being adequate to their malady wrought no effect The King would enter their City make them know his Lawes and owne him for their Patron the which he did on the 26th of September to lesse prejudice of the Citizens then they imagined who much affrighted at the report of what cruelties the Swedes used against the Roman Catholiques could not free themselves from feare yet lost they nothing but their Patron being treated by the King with all demonstrations of sweetnesse A man ought not to be so overjoyed with a good victory as that his heart be distempered by the delights thereof the King being therefore entred Erfurt on horsebacke before he lighted off his Horse he commanded Colonell Riven to take with him twenty Companies of Horse and three Regiments of Foot and therewithall to march presently to Ghota in Thuringia seated upon the River Nesa which having neither walls nor garrison fitting to resist the Swedes assault the setting upon it and taking of it was one and the same action The King the next morning went to Ilminan seated upon the Ilm on the Confines of Franconia neare to the Woods which divide those Provinces This Towne at his first approach fell to Capitulation as did Ghota marching two dayes through that great Wood he came before the walls of Mansfield which lyes between the Rivers of Stray and Verts which gives the name to a circuit of Land lying betwixt the Bishopricke of Halberstat and Hall and takes unto it selfe the name of a County He saluted it with many Cannon shot and made two assaults upon the defendants who stoutly resisted him but the Governour knowing it would be a hard matter to maintaine the Towne succour being farre off and inexcessible and the Swedes violences growing greater and inexcessible and the Swedes violences growing greater he thought it was best to give that which he could neither sell nor keep and upon honorable Conditions to march forth with Collours flying Drums beating and Bagge and Baggadge the which the King courteously gave way unto and he marched out much satisfied at the so great Civility of an enemy who observing it as an approved peece of Policy that civill usage and faire demeaner is a meanes to make men rather turne Subjects then continue enemies did punctually observe that course Mens wisedome is improved by nothing more then by the example of others as appeared by all the County of Hammelburg a rich County full of Townes and well peopled Castles seated betweene Franconia and Thuringia which following the example of the Towne of Mansfeild yielded themselves to the Kings obedience this likewise caused the losse of Koningshoven which lyes upon the banke of Sala and which is gui●t about with strong walls and rampiers after the moderne fashion before the which when the King appeared and battered it on three sides the King with threates annexed to promises thereby both inheartening and terrifying mens mindes by denouncing punishment to the obstinate and reward to the obedient induced the Inhabitants to yield the Towne which would otherwise have been stormed and burnt The gaining of this Towne spread no little amazement through all Franconia and the adjoyning territories insomuch as all those which had yet any thing left whereby to subsist removed themselves and the best of their movables to places of better security Example which prevailes much with reason joyned to these his acquisitions Karlstat Lucinfert Hasfert and Gemund all of them seated upon the River Mayne in the midst of Franconia part of which were wonne by force part upon Composition and almost all of them without any Imperiall Garrisons for Tilly foreseeing how hard a matter it would be to keep them and wanting men to recruite his Army whereby to enter the field againe had drawne those Garrisons away for his owne use so as being onely defended by Country people and inhabitants who were readyer to drinke then to fight and some of the Townes invironed with wals and ditches after an ancient manner fearing to fare as other Townes had done which by their standing out had rather provoked the Kings anger then wonne his favour they made no resistance but capitulated though Karlstat and Lucinfart wherein were some Foot-Companies of the Elector of Mentz seemed to make some defence rather to free themselves from the name of Cowards then to keep their allegeance to their Master The King knowing of what importance the taking of Wurtzburg would be to him the Master-Towne of Franconia placed at the foot of a little hill upon the river Mayne and whereinto great store of monyes and other movables were brought from the adjacent parts and whereby he might much refresh his Army marched with his Forces towards it and in the beginning of October he brought his Vanguard consisting of 8000. Souldiers before the wals thereof and planted his Cannon against it the City not being able with her ancient fortifications to resist moderne inventions and the Citizens nor yet the Souldiers being of courage enough to make good a breach which the King had quickly made the gates were opened being forsaken of those of the League who had retired themselves into the Castle The Swedes having wonne the City presently beset the Castle which was seated upon a hill and built upon a rocke so as favoured not onely by nature but by art also it seemed to be almost impregnable yet though the Situation thereof made the businesse appeare difficult the Swedes were incouraged by the speeches and presence of their King who infused a dauntlesse courage into them whilst he promised them booty and honour words able to inhearten the basest mindes and which are the true spurres that thrust Souldiers upon all worthie actions so as after some dayes defence it was taken by the Swedes who fought with much cunning and without feare of death for danger nauciates not him that is accustomed to daring They found there such abundance of Ammunition monies and movables as there were few that made the assault who did not that day change their apparrell and returne to their lodgings with good store of Dollers Wurtzburg is a very sine Town and one of the chiefe Cities of Germany it belongs to the Bishop thereof who governes both in seculer and Ecclesiasticall affaires his income mounts yearly to many thousand of Dollers so as he is numbered amongst one of the Ecclesiasticall Princes of Germany He is chosen by the
it is to be beleeved that the rest of the Cities betweene M●lda and Danube would have done the like had not the Saxons themselves set a period to the progresse of their victories for being carelesse and idle in Praga and the adjacent parts though the King had by many redoubled Letters advised and desired the Elector not to affoord Walesteine leasure to apply remedies unto their wounds they gave themselves over to the delights of those parts and gave the Imperialists opportunity to recruite their Army and affoorded Galas meanes to come with good store of Forces to Pils●m a place of great importance in that Kingdom very strongly seated by the which afterwards those Territories were secured The King did not a little rescent this as appeared by his Letters wherein he reproved the Elector of negligence though many of the wisest found it to be done out of cunning for it was apparently seene that fearing by his assistance to raise the Swedish Forces to too great a power and eminency and considering that in such a case he must be subject to their Lawes he temporized that he might affoord the Austrians leisure to counterpoise this greatnesse which weighed down too much on the Swedes side beleeving himself now to be in such a condition as that he at his pleasure might upon advantagious tearmes be reconciled to the Emperour and re-assumed into his former friendship and correspondency whilest the King reaped the fruit of his owne propitious fortune his Cosen the Duke of Mechelberg and Marshall Tod laid seidge to Rostock and tooke it 3000 Foot and 300 Horse marched out of it with their Armes and Baggage the surrender of this Towne was caused by reason of the scarcity of Victuals for so great a number as were there for a great many of the neighbouring Inhabitants had with-drawn themselves thither as likewise many Souldiers that were quartered in the townes thereabouts Bannier came with a fresh Army of about 8000 men into Pomerania and used such diligence in the investing of Vansleber as the Imperialists that were therein unexpectedly surprised straightned in time to put themselves in a defensive posture and having no hopes of escaping for they were surrounded on all sides came to agreement submitting themselves to the Swedes Conditions by whom the Common Souldiers were inforced to inroll themselves under their Colours and the Captaines and Officers were permitted to go into their owne Armies Bannier knowing how advantagious the taking of Magdeburg and the neighbouring Townes would be to the Swedes march'd forwards into that Episcopacy whither also went Benecausem with 5000 Imperialists to ballance the Swedes designes and to relieve the City which 't was feared might be by them taken he fought with the enemies Horse where the Swedes were worsted he notwithstanding beset Magdeburg more straightly into which a succour of 14 Companies of the Romanists Foot were put who by their frequent Sallies did much annoy the Swedish quarters which were thereabouts Auxillius Oxesterne Lord Chancellor of Sweden who had raised men in that Kingdome and in Prusia to re-inforce the Kings Army came much about this time to the Camp with 6000 Foot and 800 Horse so as the King not onely inriched by so many Victories but his Army being increased by the addition of these men had his thoughts hightened and aymed at greater enterprises Wherefore being informed that the Duke of Bavaria made extraordinary preparations for warre and that he had not onely made the greatest part of the country-people guirt swords about them but also sent for Tilly with the Army of the League to protect the upper Palatinat which were manifest tokens of feare whereby the Enemy is oft times invited to further undertakings hee resolved to hinder those preparations and not to afford him time to salve the wound he had received But thinking it first requisite to know the resolution of the Hauns Townes who intended to be but lookers on at this sport not siding with either party he resolved to found their intentions wherefore he acquainted them of Noremberg with his meanings he made knowne unto them the foundation and drift of his Forces and desired they would openly declare themselves either as friends or enemyes and that they would not take any long time to doe it for if they should demurre upon their answer or colour it with any appearing excuses he would take it as an expresse denyall for he liked not neutrallity nor would he take notice of any more then two parties friends or enemies These resolute words of a victorious King were of great efficacy especially amongst the Protestants who coveted much to see their Religion propagated and were ambitious of novelty The States of Noremberg after much debate judged it would be best for them openly to declare themselves as friends unto the King the which they did whereat Tilly was so incensed as though those of Noremberg sent Deputies into the Campe unto him to informe him of the necessity that had enforced them thereunto and so plead their excuse for so doing they could not prevaile with him nor keep him from expressing his rage anger which was the greater by how much greater the losse was that this declaration occasioned by beating his feet against the ground pulling his Muschatoes biting his fingers ends and vowing he would study some way of revenge he forthwith marched towards Rotemberg and Oxemfert two Townes in the midst of Franconia and surprized divers other places of the said Province which could neither be maintained nor succoured in time he likewise endeavoured the taking of Vertheim a strong City seated upon the Maine and in the mouth of Tawber but here he missed his marke for the King having early notice thereof gave the Governour of the Towne so timely advertisement as he furnished it with all requisite provisions he therefore turned his course towards Noremberg resolving to chastise the Governour thereof for his breach of faith but here he likewise missed of his errand for the Citizens having timely provided themselves of all things necessary and the Imperialists not having sufficient Force for such an enterprize and having the Swedes on his backe who gallantly marched after him after having feelingly exprest his resentments to the chiefe Magistrate of the Towne and with great fervency exhorted him not to be failing in his due allegeance to the Emperour he quitted his quarters and tooke his way towards the upper Palatinate recommending Lauffe and Hasperg places belonging to the jurisdiction of the said Noremberg to the care of One Thousand Foot and One Hundred Horse which he left there for their defence he distributed his Troopes part for the Marpuessate of Anspack in the upper Palatinate and part for Suetia The King who very well knew how much it made for his vast designes aswell to make himselfe Master of the Towns upon the Rheine as to bereave the Austrians of the helpe which they might have from thence and that he might turne himselfe towards
the water out of them made them so fit as that at sundry times they passed 2000 of the Foot over the River and the King by these securing the landing on that side for by the meanes of great trees linckt and fastened together a moderne invention they made Trenches and Palisadoes past over a good part of his Army hee unexpectedly came before Oppenheime not farre from the Rhene fortified with wals and Towers after the ancient manner seated upon the backe of a little hill the Garrison whereof having the Rhene for their Trenches which they thought he could not so easily passe over feared no harme the Towne was hotly set upon for the Souldiers invited by the hopes of booty whereof great store was said to be there thronged in crouds into the Ditch and the Breaches which were there made defying death and not regarding the dead bodyes which in no small numbers lay in their way The Defendants making no shew of feare plaid the parts of valiant Souldiers hoping for reliefe from Mentz but much more incouraged by the promises of the Governour a Spaniard who was a well advised man and much experienced in warre and who neither believed that the King was so strong in men nor that hee should faile of being relieved But the assailants which in two dayes storm'd the Towne and entring it by force kill'd all that they met withall at the first in a defensive posture and sack't the City which was well-nigh halfe burnt to the ground by a fire which therein happened casually that very day by the meanes of a drunken Dutch-woman There being in Oppenhaime but few Barkes and Materials sufficient to build a stately Bridge the King hasted to build the Bridge over which having passed the rest of his Foot his Horse and his Cannon hee marched with his Army too before Mentz where the Defendants being provided of all things requisite for their preservation and defence and having done what they could to defend themselves within bare old Wals and weake Trenches being out of hope to make good the Towne against the Swedes who with Military discipline drew neerer and neerer thereunto desired a cessation of Armes which being granted by the courteous King and they knowing that the enemies Army consisted of about 26000 Souldiers and above 20 piece of Cannon they thought themselves not sufficient without a greater addition of Forces to defend it they therefore treated and had such conditions granted them as became a gracious Conquerour They marched out in December with their Arms Bag and Baggage to the number of above 2000 part of which tooke pay of the King who holding it for an advantagious precept to proceed kindly with his enemies did thereby reap so much good as that many invited more by his kindnesse then by feare of his strength yielded to that to which they would not so soone have been brought by severity in the which he much glorifying himselfe had wont to say that lenity in treating was the best Centinell that Princes could have that people wish well to them they love and death to them they feare The end of the second Book DOCTRINA PARIT VIRTUTEM The Warres and other State-Affaires of the best part of Christendome THE III. BOOK The Contents of the Third Booke In the Third Booke is contained the Swedes continued proceedings in the Circuite of Rhene and in Franconia the dangers the King ran in his owne person His remarkable sayings The taking of Dunavert The Swedes entrance into Bavaria The Councels held and reasons alleadged by those of the Kings side before they besiedged Lech The service that happened at Lech The death of Tilly A digression upon the life of this Commander The Conditions required by Walesteine before hee would accept the place of Generall The Bavarians entrance into Ratisbone What effects Walesteine being made Generall wrought The Iealousies between Caesar and Bavaria quieted The renewing of their good Correspondency Walesteines comming into the Field His prosperous proceedings His actions and his extravagant way of government The recovery of the Townes in Bohemia Duke Bernard Waymer his proceedings in Swabenland The entrance of the French into Lorayne The Embasy of those of Nurenberg Walesteines designe against Nurenberg The encamping of both the Armies about that City and the actions that insued between the Swedes and the Imperialists before it THe Austrians exalted designes being by the losse of Mentz overthrowne and the high hopes of the Ecclesiasticall Princes dispersed by that blow The Kings universall proceedings did so blunt the Spaniards boldnesse who were quartered thereabouts as that their Councels being confused their Forces dismembred and the vigour of the Catholique League crusht that Circuite of ground which being possest of an appearing power seemed to threaten the enemy incumbred on a sudden with feare and astonishment did incourage the Protestants to new atchievements so as the opportune Situation of this City being one of the chiefest of all those Provinces upon the bankes of Rhene and over against the Mayne opened the way to the getting of Bacharach and other adjoyning places which at the first sight of the Swedes forerunners yielded themselves Wisbaben Hofen Koningstein all of them belonging to the Elector of Mentz were likewise brought under the Kings obedience Duke Bernard of Waymar a Prince of the bloud of Saxony and descended from that Frederick whom the Emperour Charles the first bereaved of his estate had not many moneths before raised 4000 men at his owne expence and was entertained by the King and honoured with the title of Master Generall of the Field whose valour was exceedingly seconded by fortune This man in the beginning of Ianuary did by way of stratagem send 500 Horse by night too before the gates of Wahnheime a Fort standing upon the Angle which is made by Necker where it fals into the Rhyn to the end that seeming to be Imperialists who had been defeated by the Swedes they might endeavour the being received into the Towne These men behaving themselves wisely and by the assistance of some fugitives fled from the Garrison who were acquainted with the customes of the Towne and of the Guard deceiving the Centinell the Officers and even the Governor himselfe with suppositions names likelyhoods and appearing conjectures were admitted into the Towne where scouring the streets opening the gates seising upon the Port and cutting in pieces all they met they let in their Companions who were not farre off and made themselves masters of the Town Thus it befals Governours who believing in others have not as yet known that often times hard and incredible things have unexpected events they not having learnt to sleep with their eyes open In the inundation of victories and the mannaging of Military affaires Politicke considerations and negotiations ought not to be forgotten therefore the King staying some dayes at Mentz to discusse divers businesses of waight thought it not fitting to passe by an exact consideration of the
bridle the Inhabitants aswell of the one as of the other circle moreover besides the securing of what he had already wonne there was hereby a way opened to ends not yet knowne He gave it the name of Gustavemborg though through the Souldiers playing upon the Roman Catholiques it came to be called the Priests scourge alleadging thereby that being seated in the sight of Mentz and in the very midst of the Electorate it was fit to keep the neighbouring Prelates in obedience and under the yoake of the Swedish Forces Having left order for the perfecting of this Fabricke and for the preservation of Mentz he with his Army marched in Ianuary against Spier the Magistry whereof endeavoured though in vaine to keep Newters for the King having declared himselfe to be an Enemy to that name this Towne accorded as did likewise Wormes Landaw and Weissenburg Cities beyond the Rhen in the lower Palatinate begui●t only with ancient walls these submitted themselves unto the King quartered some of the Swedish Regiments and parted with some monies to free themselves from the insolency of the souldiers Franckendal and Heidelberg Townes well provided with men victuals and Fortifications were the only two places that held out against the King For though they were at this time set upon with much violence they undauntedly defended themselves and rendred the attempts of the Enemy vaine who held it not fit to lose time before such Forts since they were Masters of the Field and consequently might over-run whole Provinces and hinder the new recruiting of the Enemyes Army Franckendal lyes in an open Countrey between Spier and Wormes surrounded with gallant Bulwarkes Ditches and Rampiers it was anciently the chiefe strength the Elector Palatine had but since the overthrow in Bohemia it was held by the Austrians Heidelberg is seated upon the N●cker in the mouth of two Mountaines upon which the Palace and Castle stands and here the Count Palatine had wont to keep his residence before the Emperor bereft him of his state At the same time that the Swedish Forces meeting with lesse opposition did over-run the Countrey that lyes upon the Rhen and Franconia Popenheime having drawne out the greatest part of the Garrisons from the places upon the Wesser and out of the Countrey of Brounswyck they being knowne to be little available to the preservation of those places weake in situation and Fortification and having gathered together a Body of men to about 10000 Souldiers he recovered Barleben upon the Elb which made no great resistance from thence he passed towards Magdeburg to relieve the besieged for being beleaguerd by Bannier they were reduced to some necessity and herein his successe was good For Bannier understanding his approach and thinking the Romanists Army to be much greater then his withdrew himselfe aside to Kalbe upon the banks of Elb. Here he tooke up his Quarter in an advantagious Seat shunning to fight for the King having given generall directions to all his Commanders who were disjoyned from the Army that himselfe led that without great advantage and certainty of victory they should shun comming to a generall conflict he temporised betaking himselfe only to such enterprises as agreed with the Kings instructions whose ends was to keep the Imperialists Forces severed in sundry places that he might have the more freedome to make his desired Conquests and to beat the maine Body of the Roman Catholiques which when he should have done the members thereof would be of no use Pappenheim having thus raised the siege though he failed in some intentions he had of falling upon the Swedes Quarters who had withdrawne themselves further off entred Magdeburg and straightway sent his Van-guard towards Gomeren a place belonging to the jurisdiction of the Bishop thereof upon the Confines of Saxony but hee began no sooner to march then he was advertised that George Duke of Lunenburg a Protestant Prince and who adhered to the Swedes was drawing neere to Wolfenbuttell a place of great moment which made him thinke it requisite to turne his march thitherward for this Towne standing in the Center of the territories of Brounswyck and being strongly seated upon the River Alre being likewise the place of refuge for the Imperialists and the Arsenall of their Army by meanes whereof their Forces in those parts did wholly subsist if it should have fallen into the Swedes power either by holding intelligence or otherwise it would have been a great advantage to the Protestants Forces and a very great blow unto the Roman Catholiques hee therefore drew out the Garrison from Magdeburg and knowing it would be a difficult matter to maintaine it he slighted it breaking downe the Wals in sundry parts to the end it might not be of service to the Swedes hee advanced toward Sechenser and Wolfenbuttell about the end of Ianuary Bannier had newes hereof who being certified of truth that the Imperialists were departed returned suddenly to Magdeburg where he left good order for the repayring it judging it a place of no small importance for the affaires of Swethland hee from thence marched after Pappenheime and wonne Steimbruck intending thereby to streighten the enemies Army for this being a passe of some importance upon the River Obroe and very commodious for the Imperialists the Swedes might here have fought with much advantage against their enemies but Pappenheime did so gallantly acquite himselfe as though he was beset on both side by the Protestants he without any losse came to Beterloo a strong place not farre from the River Glien between the territories of Heye and the Bishoprick of Hildeskeim having brought under Contribution the Townes of Brounswyck and Lunenburg rich Provinces which lye between the Wesser and the Elb bordering on the South upon Misnia and Thuringia on the North upon the Lower Saxony hee at last recovered the Confines of Hamelen that hee might make use of that City and of the Wesser aswell for the safeguard of his owne Forces as for the preservation of such Townes as had not yet revolted from Caesar wherein his successe was so happy that by this occasion he had meanes to shew how advantagious in war it is to have undaunted wise and valliant Commanders and which is of greatest concernment such as understand their profession hee defended he maintained himselfe and with a few men stopt the enemies advancing who knowing him to be resolute and industrious durst not come to handy-blowes with him effects which are not onely occasioned by mens fearfull apprehensions whose losse takes its rise from selfe beliefe but particularly by the valour of other men which begets feare and admiration even in the Enemy High mindes are alwayes verst about great matters the King being gone from Mentz considered the importancy of Creutsbag a Towne seated upon the River Nayle which takes its head from a little Lake in the state of Swibrechen called Scheidambergerway'd fals into the Rhyn at Binghem by the taking hereof he should secure unto himselfe the possession of
being sufficient to withstand the Cannon-shot which drilled their Trenches through and overthrew their Towers the Inhabitants dispairing of succour from Tilly thought they had done the duties of good Souldiers and being so perswaded forsooke the City which might very well have yet held out for some time They broke the Bridge and withdrew themselves into Ingolstat to the great resentment of Tilly who as they are wont to doe that are abandoned by fortune found opposition to all his designes even in those things wherein hee thought himselfe most secure The Swedes having entred the City and repaired the Bridge withall speed they passed their horse over the Danube and over-running all the neighbouring Townes without any resistance the damage was not little which the people received by the insolencies of the Souldiers to whom the Souldiers licentiousnesse seemed the more grievous in that they had not formerly been acquainted with the evils of warre which is used in all Nations against enemies especially against such as are of another Religion The King being afterwards informed of the Condition of the Roman Catholique Army hee lodged his Army neer Druisse and extended his Quarters along the litle River Schmutter watching over Tillyes wayes who having inlarged his Forces by the accesse of multitudes of Bavarians kept himselfe along the Bankes of Lech a chiefe River which taking its head from the Mountaines of Tirolo divides Bavaria from Swabenland and fals into the Danube at Dunewert The King knowing that Princes resolutions are then best when they proceed from the advises of their Commanders thought it not fitting to advance further before he knew the mindes of the heads of his Army he therefore did send for them to him and acquainted them with what his designes were what advantage the winning of Bavaria might be to them that if they could bereave the Austrians of that leaning stocke either by drawing the Electour to some faire agreement or by utterly ruinating his Country they might easily afterwards lead their Forces into Austria and into Caesars very patrimoniall territories mature consideration being had hereupon 't was found it would be a hard businesse to effect since the Lech was guarded all along by great numbers of the enemies Souldiers The King notwithstanding with his wonted courage was for the undertaking alleadging for his reason that to an enemy already terrified and beaten the more difficult the undertaking were the greater confusion it would cause in them to the which reply was made by Horne and other Captaines that they should not doe well to fight with the enemy upon such disadvantage of the River that the enterprise would be difficult and that to boot with the difficulty thereof it was to be considered of what consequence if they should be worsted here the great inheartning thereby of the enemy would be who were not yet so weakned but that they were able to encounter with the greatest Forces that the Protestant Colleagues could make that the Country was intirely their enemy that they wanted a place of refuge whereinto in case of a storme to retreate that no little heed was to be had to Walesteines preparations who growne strong in Bohemia and in the upper Palatinat would bring the Swedish Army in that nooke or angle either to a dangerous Battaile or to unevitable destruction that his opinion was they should put off this resolution to a more oportune time and that they should go against Moravia to suppresse the Emperors Army the which being the head if it should be overthrown the other members would be weakned The King having given diligent eare to these alleadged reasons did with his wonted dexterity rise up and reply that the Passage of the River ought not to be feared though it were guarded by the enemy for the Imperialists were already at their wits ends by reason of the Swedish Victories that their recruites consisted of people more inured to the plow and to the mannuring of ground then to the handling of weapons that fortune favoured the forward and frowned upon the fearfull that she had turned her backe upon Tilly who after the first was to expect a second discomfiture that Dunawert being well guarded would serve them for a place of safety whereunto they might retreat in case of any misfortune that they were to pursue that Army which being led by an old experienced Souldier not unlike a Snow-ball which by rouling up and downe becomes a great heap might gather strength againe and recruite himselfe into his former Condition that Walesteine was farre off and had but few men and those but fresh-water Souldiers and therefore no feare was to be had of him and concluding with the manifestation of what profit and riches they should get in Bavaria and Swabenland he drew the greatest part to side with him and knowing how advantagious it would be to possesse himselfe of those Townes which lye between Lech and Iber hee commanded Horne with some choice Regiments of Horse to make excursions even to the wals of Vlm which is a Hauns Towne well munitioned and one of the richest in all Germany seated upon the bankes of Danube in the midst of Swabenland the Inhabitants whereof being most of them Protestants if they should see the Swedish Forces greater then the Imperialists in those parts would without delay cast themselves into his protection hee gave him further in charge that he should invite the Magistracy thereof to good correspondency and that he should endeavour to bring all the places thereabouts to his devotion all which Horne did not meeting with much difficulty therein for many of those Townes seeing the Conquerour in the midst of their territories and wanting of defence onely walled about with old Wals without Garrisons and frighted as those use to be who see their enemy before their gates strove who first should bring in their Keyes and Contribution money to the Swedish Officers who by the Kings directions did treate those people so civilly and had so particular a care to be lesse grievous to them then were the Austrians as they moderated the report that the Roman Catholiques had given out of them insomuch that as those which apprehend most are usually best contented those people overcome with the Swedish courtesie could not but confesse that they were better treated by their enemies then by their friends These speedy acquisitions caused much suspition in the Magistracy of Auspurg where though there were Citizens enow and the Garrison which were paid by the Senate thereof strangers sufficient to defend the same yet the Electour of Bavaria fearing left the greater part thereof being Protestants it should rather have inclined to the prevailing Swedish party then to that of Austria indeavoured to bring in a Garrison of Papists and wrought so secretly under-hand with some of the Officers as that he brought into the City two Companies of Horse and 2000 Foot who speedily disarming the Protestant Inhabitants possest themselves of the Gates and of the Arcenall and
the Souldiers being changed the Guards were doubled But the King who upon all occasions did ever desire to advance was minded to passe over the Lech and remove Tilly from thence who kept the maine body of his Army along that River and although the enterprise was some-what hard yet observing the course of the River and the Bankes thereof he suddainly raised thereupon a good Trench and planting his Artillery began to play upon the enemy who keeping themselves close within their Trenches did valiantly reply upon him and withstood his Passage the bickering began to grow very hot where whil'st both sides were busied and plyed the Battaile a pace the King being advertised by Duke Bernard Waymar how that he had discovered a Foord a little lower by a little Island by the one side whereof he might easily wade hee presently sent back the said Duke thither with certaine Boates carried to such like purpose upon Carts Whil'st the King-indeavoured by all meanes he could to passe over Waymar past over some select Souldiers by the benefit of those Boates into the said Island to the end that if need should be they might make good the Passage till such time as a Bridge might be prepared and he so well placed his Cannon and Muskets upon the Flankes of the enemy that Tilly who marched thitherward in Person to hinder the Passage had not the fortune either to beat the Swedes out of the Island or to hinder them for making their Bridge for his shot did little availe him the Swedes being fenced by the point of the Island Whereupon Tilly knowing the importance of the affaire and the great difficulty made a fierce and bloudy skirmish amidst the waters which on the other side of the River might easily be waded over for it came not to above a mans middle but at last the Swedes prevailing who incouraged by the comming of their King strove who should first throw themselves upon the Bridge they got unto the other Banke notwithstanding all the enemy could doe there were slaine of the Romane Catholiques side about 2000 and Tilly himselfe being hurt with a shot from a Sachar dyed within three dayes Count Aldringer was likewise here hurt in the head whereof he was afterwards healed and the Imperialists after a long and bloudy Battaile were forced to retreat this Battaile continued for the space of six whole houres and so great was the hail of Cannon and Musket-shot as many Souldiers who had been in divers other well fought actions affirmed that this in their opinion was to be numbred amongst the bloudiest that they ever saw it happened on the Twenty second day of March. The Duke of Bavaria was no lesse troubled at this misfortune then at the death of Tilly a Commander of tride valour and of great experience nor was his death any whit lesse lamented by the Emperous selfe and those other temporall Princes who well knew his wisedome constancy watchfull diligence and choice wit His descent was not great amongst the Wallones In his youth with continued patience persevering in the duties of a private Souldier and by his peculiar valour working himselfe by degrees from one preferment to another he at last to his great glory to the satisfaction of his Princes and to the great advantage of the Roman Religion arived at the honour of being supreme Commander of the Armies of the Roman Catholique League wherein he behaved himselfe so wisely and with such courage as being victour in many field Battailes and vanquisher of many people he deservedly merits to be numbred in the first ranke of the famous Commanders of our time he was of a middle stature of a strong complexion and of a martiall-like agillity preserving even in his gray headed yeares a youth-like bodily strength he was zealous in the service of his Princes and a very great defender of the Roman Catholicke Religion for he was often heard to say he would rather run hazard of his life then shun the occasion of well doing his devotion in all his actions was admirable he never went about any action before he had humbly on his knees begged of God that the event might be answerable to his divine will 't is said that if a man may live a Religious life in warre he did so All the workes of this Generall were commended by the Souldier and admired by the people his very enemies not undervalluing him The only thing that might fully his pious fame was the cruelty and barbarousnesse committed by his Souldiers at the taking of Newbrandeburg and Magdeburg which was such as the Romanists themselves were scandalised at the report thereof many were of opinion that this his want of compassion cryed for vengeance from God Almighty who is not pleased with cruelty though exercised against Infidels and Barbarians and that the chastisement which useth to fall upon wise men to wit the infatuation of their wisedome happened unto him for that moderation for which in all his other actions he was admired being suffocated by his too great daring he came presumptuously to the Battaile of Leipsick which was the break neck of all his glories for had he therein carryed himselfe according to his wonted warinesse many are of opinion he could not have missed the glory of happy successe and for that one misfortune treads in the heels of an other as though he had beene unwilling to out live this losse he ended his life in the bosome of glory writing in Characters of his owne bloud to posterity his eternity of merits from the Duke of Bavaria and pointing out unto them the way which leades generous mindes to immortallity In Walesteines Court his death seemed rather to cause joy then sorrow and this for that all Courtiers fawning or frowning as do their Lords their Masters knew that Walestein envying this warriers good conditions and the renowne which by the Victories in so many Battailes he had wonne loved not to see this great tree over-shadow the branches of his ambition and the occasion hereof was for that 't is impossible for him to love the Servant that hates the Master so Walesteine not caring for the Duke of Bavaria as suspecting that it was he who had perswaded the Emperour to take from him his former place and make use of Tilly who was thought to be fitter then he for so great an employment did no lesse despise and emulate the actions of the servant then those of the Master The Duke of Bavaria not thinking himselfe safe now in Monaco the place of his residence which was only walled about with old wals conveyed speedily all his most pretious movables to Saltsborg belonging to the Archbishop thereof an Ecclesiasticall Prince and one of the most potent and richest of all Germany this City is seated in a pleasant Country upon the River Zalza a Towne lately fortifyed with two Castles upon two hils which command the River on both sides hee with the remainder of his Army did wisely retire himselfe
to Ratisbone or Regenspurg intending to secure that place and to keep himselfe there for the losse thereof would not be a little prejudiciall to him it standing in the heart of his territories but this being a free City and no lesse priviledged then the other Hauns Townes and a good part of the Garrison thereof being Protestants was by reason of the Swedes so many victories very unwilling to declare it selfe it did not therefore condiscend to the entertaining of the Bavarians who had declared themselves enemies to the King lest thereby they might pull the warre upon them and by declaring themselves friends to Bavaria publish themselves enemies to the Swedes who were not farre off with their conquering Army they therefore in a faire manner desired to be excused by the Duke if they did not what he required of them and that he might not be jealous of their loyalty they promise to stand newters and not to furnish the King with any thing save what they could not chuse but grant him But the Duke knew that if the Swedes should possesse themselves of that City which they might easily doe they would not onely hinder the joyning of the lower Palatinate with Walesteine but would againe open the passage for their inrodes into the rest of Bavaria to the no little prejudice of Ingolstat the which being in the midst of the enemies Forts ran danger of either being surprised by treachery or enforced by some on-set to leane towards the Swedes which would be the totall ruine of Bavaria since it was the strongest key which shuts and opens the way to all forraigne invasions so as since neither by his perswasions nor by his promises he could get them to open their gates he resolved to try his wit to which purpose holding intelligence by the meanes of a Lieutenant of Lorreyne called Monseiur D'Erbois with some Citizens and other Chiefes of the Country people of those parts who had withdrawne themselves thither for feare of the Swedes he agreed with them that the Court de Guard of the Gates being often-times by these men doubled they should upon a night concluded on betweene them and at which time they should have the custody of the Gate that opens towards Monaco open the Gate and let him in The bargaine was made and the desired end had for the Count de Gratz who then commanded in Chiefe all the Dukes Forces sent 500 Horse and 2000 Foot thither in May who being let in forced the Magistrates thereof though much against their will to receive the Dukes Lawes This was the condition of the warre and these were the proceedings of the one and the other party the King not failing to prosecute his good fortune nor the Austrians to fence those blowes which thundred upon them When the foure moneths time being expired wherein Walesteine had in some good sort re-inforced the Army and put all things in order for his going into the field the Court at Vienna seemed to be much appaid with the proceedings of so gallant a Commander who had given so good a beginning to the resolutions which was conceived and hoped for from his being Generall but having some whimsie were it either that he desired to be intreated and to sell his service at a deere rate or the more to advantage his imployment or out of some other extravagant and Capricious opinion whereof he wanted not good store hee was heard to say that not accepting of the Generals place he was content to enjoy the repute of being a good Servant to his Caesarian Majesty and that he had made himselfe knowne to be so 'T was therefore resolved that Prince Ecchenberg and the Abbot of Cremismister Bishop of Vienna should againe be sent unto him to worke him to accept of the absolute Command of the Emperours Forces together with these the Spaniards sent likewise Father Chiroga a Capuchen a great wit and who in his time was a wise Commander to offer him 50000 Dollars a moneth in the name of the King of Spaine for maintenance of the Army instead of the men that were promised and raised in the Low-Countryes which they now stood in need of in Flanders to oppose the great Army of the Hollanders which were upon their march to take Maestricht This mans proffers and the others prayers made him give way to their alleadged reasons which were used more to flatter him and to satisfy him then that the businesse required it for he much more desired the place then the Emperour did to conferre it upon him nay indeed he feared to be excluded from it by the well grounded reasons which the Spanish Ministers of State offered which were alwayes averse to such a resolution as to conferre that authority upon him the halfe whereof might have contented him but necessity which is the glasse that dasels the eyes of the interest of States shewed not the blurre that was in the forehead of this expedition And for that Walesteine knew that in former times the greatest part of what had beene wonne in warre and by the sweat of the Souldier had been conferred to the great dislike of the Souldier upon such as had never been of that profession pretending hereby to be favourable to the Souldier whose good liking he ambitiously coveted he stood not onely to be declared Generall Independent of all the Emperours and King of Spaines Forces in Germany but to have a great stroake in the disposing of such goods as should be gotten and therewithall at his pleasure to remunerate such as by their valour should have best deserved a thought which rather arose from his desire of obliging the Souldier unto him then out of any worthy cause which might incline him to it He likewise desired that no peace might be at any time treated of without his privity hee demanded to have these and some other articles subscribed which though by reason of the urgent necessity were granted unto him as likewise by the Counsels of some Lords who gloried much in declaring themselves to be partiall on his side upon whose greatnesse they grounded high hopes yet could not the faithfull Austrians and in particular the sincere Spaniards who are true lovers of their Masters greatnesse forbear to murmure at the conferring of so great a power and though they seemed outwardly to be pleased yet were they much troubled that they must confide in one whom formerly they had declared themselves to be diffident of and of whom they ceased not yet to be jealous as likewise that the Servant should be possest of the Masters authority They said that certainly Germany was very poor if it had none other fit for the managing of such an Army and what would become of them if he were not there many such things as these they muttered above all it was very hard to tollerate him who growing every houre more ambitious seemed to be offended with that imployment which of right he should have petitioned for and treated arrogantly with
off horsebacke encouraging those who yet remained to scale the walls againe and exercising himselfe in all the duties of a bold spirit which is oftentimes seconded by fortune had like to have run danger of his life there for his Horses shoulder was shot off there with a Cannon bullet whose skin was afterwards hung up in the Cathedrall Church of that City as a memoriall thereof The King adventuring his life upon this occasion as likewise in many others afforded much discourse to the Souldiers and Commanders by whom being humbly intreated that he would have a greater care of his owne person he with a pleasing countenance answered a Minister who exhorted him thereunto That a King who puts himselfe in Armes must not dreame of Court-delights and safety that death ought alwayes then to be esteemed deare and cherished when it gives life to honour and is advantagious to the publicke that Masters commands are never better obeyed then in their owne presence Having after this stayed some dayes about the City he resolved to leave certaine Regiments there to hinder the Garrison from making such sallies as they might doe upon his neighbouring Quarters and that he might linger no longer before a Fort the situation wherof gave him no hopes of effecting his desire he marched with his Army towards Landshut a place of some moment in Bavaria seated upon the River Iser in the bosome of the two Rivers Danube and Inn which not being prepared for defence and having in it a timorous people yeelded it selfe at the first Cannot shot And after this having taken Morsperg not farre from the mouth of Iser and Amber he came before Monaco the Metropolis of Bavaria and the Dukes Seat a faire and great City but weakly fenced the Magistrate whereof finding himselfe not in a condition to contest sent twelve of the chiefe of the City to throw themselves before the Kings feet and to desire a treaty for suspension of Armes but this being by the King denied who would not receive it upon any other tearmes then upon discretion it behoved him at last to doe as was desired And the King not having forgot the bloud that was shed by Tillies men at Magdeburg where the Inhabitants were almost all put to the sword and their houses burnt And this being attributed to the Bavarians though as it hath been said it fell out by reason of the fire which tooke in a Drugsters house the King I say taking occasion under this pretence to make the misfortunes of warre seeme lesse terrible to those people who not having till now made any tryall thereof could not well disgest them and that he might have an occasion to make himselfe be esteemed mercifull and consequently their evils appeare lesse to these Citizens for a mischiefe though great becomes a consolation when thereby a greater which is near at hand is prevented he commanded that in revenge of the aforesaid slaughter at Magdeburg Monaco should be set on fire the which the Citizens having notice of and all of them striving who should first throw themselves before the Kings feet they begg'd pardon of him alleadging they were not in any blame of what the Souldiers had mischievously done for that their whole life was spent in traffique and civill affaires at these lamentations and teares the King suffered himselfe soone to be entreated his intentions being not to ruinate and destroy but to preserve and restore he recalled his direction nor was there any fire seene but in Kitchens to make good cheer for the Souldiers and in the Minthouse where 12000 l. in mony was coyned to bestow as a donative or contribution upon the Souldier Many religious people came likewise before the King to entreat safety of him for being more than others enemies to the Protestants they feared to be more injured then others by them yet were they better received then they imagined and in particular the Capuchins were better satisfied then the rest for the King caused some Almes to be given them and commended their Religion and life as honest and good and though one of them had the boldnesse to reprehend him of the errour wherein he lived and to exhort him to acknowledge the Roman Church as other his forefathers had done hee seemed not to be offended at him but to make good esteem of him Walesteines arrivall at Pilsen with so great an Army govern'd by so brave Commanders and so well provided with all things necessary did not onely amuse the King but all the Protestants who thought the Austrians would never have been able to have assembled so many people in so short a time but above all it troubled the State of Nurenberg who by its declaring it selfe in the behalfe of the Swedes was disobedient to the Imperialists and the riches thereof provoked the Souldier to thinke upon revenge they therefore hoping in some sort to allay the ill will the Austrians might beare them by sending to collogue with Walesteine acknowledging him to be the Emperours Generall and acquainting him with the reasons which moved them to declare themselves friends to the Swedes those foure Commissioners who came to Pilsen in the beginning of May to congratulate the said Generall but they met with so strange an entertainment as well shewed how capricious the giver thereof was for at their arivall Walesteine gave order that they should be met in great Pompe as Embassadours of the greatest Princes of Germany that they should be discharged at the publique cost and received with such honour as is wont to be used at publique magnificencies he afterwards put off their audience for six dayes and at last when they came before him with their letters of credence which they presented him withall thereby expounding their Embassy he welcomming them in all honourable manner and receiving them with much appearing courtesie received the letter from their hands which before he had read throughout he answered hee was very well informed of their Embassy that he would come himselfe in person to give them his Answer and that he should then know whither the effects were answerable to the handsome expressions of their letter and so without more Complement dismist them Whereat the Commissioners being much perplext much made on by all and better attended then before returned home The Novelty hereof being knowne in the Camp and in the Court past not without some curious discussions some thought that Walesteine had done a memorable act and that he could not doe better they said such were not to be pardoned who driven thereunto by feare beg it but that they deserved punishment who had forsaken their formerly sworne allegeance and that chastisement was the true looking-glasse for wicked men from thence he dispatched away Colonell Spor a confident friend of Harnems and made 50000 Dollers be delivered out unto him and other Regalities thereby to dazle the eyes of such difficulties as he should meet withall and to re-assume the new Treaty of this accommodation
wherewithall he was much troubled by breaking off the diversion of this peace his ends being to remaine himselfe alone the sole Commander of all the Emperours Forces in Germany against the Swedes but the Treaty being prolonged and nothing therein concluded hee determined to march forward hee therefore mustered his Army at Raconick a place between Pilsen and Prage wherein he found 214 Cornets of Horse all well in order 120 Companies of Foot 44 pieces of Cannon and two thousand Carriages well furnished and having his head full of whimsies and being a great observer of punctuality he would here make knowne his Commands how he intended to be served hee ordained that every one should weare a red Scarfe forbidding all other Colours upon paine of life for hee could not punish any the smalest fault but either by the Gallowes or by the Pillory I cannot herein passe by an accident which befell a Captaine of the Artillery who having upon him a rich Scarfe embroydered with Gold when he first heard this order tore it from about his necke and treading it under his feet shewed his ready inclination to obey his Commands wherewithall the Generall being well pleased he received such reward as is used to proceed from satisfaction for hee was soon after made a Colonell taken into his good opinion and made his Copartner By this example he made the rest readier to serve him as having means to oblige them unto him and the more to secure his own Command and holding it a good rule in policy to keep his Souldiers and Officers in obedience he gave Command under paine of his displeasure that no Souldier Captaine Officer or Colonell whatsoever of Foot should weare any bootes or spurres as on the contrary he forbad the Horse Souldiers and Officers to go at any time without them he imposed such punctuall silence in his Court and more particularly about his owne lodgings as he would not have one thereabouts raise their voices higher then he would doe if he were in a Church which was duly observed by all yea of the chiefest Commanders and this respect given unto him was grown unto that hight that lest they should make a noise with the rowels of their spurres they fastened them with little buckles 'T is said he did this that he might be the more dreaded for he was so over-Mastered with ambition as that no Prince in our age was ever knowne to covet so much respect or to have it observed towards him as this man did and had Hee having given these and other directions to his Army boldly came before Prage and the very first night surrounded it with his Horse commanding Gallasse to set upon it on the side of Mount St. Laurence and the Marquesse of Grana on the Capuchins side Gallasse upon the breake of day played upon the Wals with eight piece of Cannon whereby in a short time a breach being made the Wals being but old and weak a certain hour was appointed to give the assault but the Souldiers of Count Bartaldoe Wallesteines Regiment at the first making of the breach before the houre appointed for entrance was come without any directions from the Generall being desirous to shew their courage and thereby to purchase such reward from Walesteine as he used to bestow upon the valliant fell with such violence upon the breach as they by maine force wonne it and without any withstanding entred the City for the Saxons knowing it impossible to defend so weake wals had withdrawne themselves into the Palace Royall which commands the little City the Marquesse of Grana did the like on the other side so as the Saxons dispairing of defence resolved to parle the which Walesteine being acquainted withall he gave the charge of the Treaty to the said Marquesse as being very fit for that imployment who did mannage it with great advantage and concluded it with honour obliging the besieged to come forth of the Towne barely with the safety of their lives but Walesteine were it either that he would overcome the Elector of Saxony with courtesie and so sweeten any difficulties that might hinder the accommodation or else to requite the honour he received in having his Pallace kept in that City untouched gave the Souldiers their Armes and moreover their Baggage which being the most part booty they had formerly got was worth about 100000 Dollers and made them all who were about 4000 be safely conducted to Letomeritz where the Saxon Army was quartered The Imperialists Souldiers at their entry sack't that part which is called Ofeinstat or the little City at which the Popish Inhabitants murmured since that the new and old City inhabited for the most part by Protestants and Jewes by the Contribution of certaine monies kept themselves from the insolency of the Souldiers the like would notwithstanding have befallen them if the Towne had beene set upon on their side and if the Souldiers could have entred therein by force but their wals and the River saved them and afforded them time to make agreement Prage is in the Kingdome of Bohemia whereof it is the Metropolis it is a large and lovely City divided into three parts two of them on this side Molda called the new and old City and the other on the backe of the Mount St. Laurence called the little City this City formerly in peacefull times was full of people and had in it store of strangers for that many Emperours had kept their Court there the Wals are of bricke after the ancient manner it is not defenceable against an enemies Army unlesse it be defended by another Army without Here Walesteine resolved to stay some time as well to agree what he should next go about as to reassume the Treaty of peace The taking of Prage and other Townes in Bohemia did not more rejoyce the Imperialists then it did Walesteine's selfe who thinking it would be a sufficient argument to perswade the Elector to conclude a peace upon which his minde was wholly bent hee resolved to send againe to Harnem who was in Letomeritz a City lying upon the Elb on the Confines of Bohemia towards Saxony and where the Electors Forces then were observing the Imperialists proceedings and to desire him to put a good end to the peace that was propounded he accompanied this message with new offers promises which though they were very efficacious yet were they not sufficient to draw the Elector into his trap but the Treaty did every day seeme farther off then other Walesteine therefore marched againe with his Army resolving upon the Electors utter ruine and Egra remaining on the part towards the Palatinat neere the River Ros●a as also Elnbogen a Towne upon the side of the River Eger in the uttermost parts of Bohemia both of them by reason of their situation considerable places hee about the midst of May dispatch't away Holca Serjeant Major Generall of the Battaile with certaine Forces to take them in the which he easily did for they
space brought the Imperiall Garrison which defended it to parley and to surrender the Towne upon condition that they should march out with their Collours flying Drums beating and Matches lighted yet the greatest part of them willingly entred themselves into the Kings service who as is usuall amongst mercinary men intending their particular gaine had no regard unto their faith nor honour but thought to speed better under those then fortunate Collours then under those of the Emperor which were then successefull Whilest these things went thus on Aldringer was informed of the Kings being marched towards the upper Palatinat and of his going towards Nurenberg wherefore in obedience to Walesteines orders he rose with his Army from before Ratisbone that he might joyne with him since any longer abode there might have made much to his prejudice for the Swedes getting further footing in the Palatinate and thereby hindring his joyning with Walesteine and consequently injoyning the benefit of the Field the Roman Catholiques would be removed from their attempt upon Nurenberg moreover since it behoved the Bavarians to tarry in their owne Territories beyond the Danube for that the other part wanted Forradge the Swedes might the easier prejudice the Imperiall Army so as fearing lost he might be hindred in his march by the Swedes he hastened his pace coasting along Newcost Amburg and Weiden places walled about after the ancient manner yet chiefe Townes in the upper Palatinat The King being come to Nurenberg and hearing that Aldringer was come to Weiden and that Walesteine was comming thitherwards thought it were fitting to hinder the joyning of their Forces the which if he should chance to doe staying on the one side the Emperours Army upon the Frontiers of Bohemia Bavaria being on the other side confined to the Danube He himselfe by reason of the open passages to Nurenberg receiving fit provisions for his incamping which would be wanting to Walesteine and Bavaria who were shut up in narrow bounds he to the great dammage of the Romanists and good of his owne men would make good his station diverted Walesteines intentions and have facilitated the enterprises of his other Commanders dispersed in the neighbouring Provinces He therefore went in person with his Horse to Anspach a Towne in the Palatinat walled about with old wals belonging to the Count of that name and sent some Troops of Horse too within sight of Weiden but to no purpose for the Commanders of the Roman-Catholique League having some notice of it and fearing lest the joyning of their Forces formerly agreed upon might be hindered by the Swedes they sounded the Sourdet and that very night went in haste towards Egra where they thought to meet with Walesteines Army The Swedes could not march so fast as to come up to the Romanists for it behoved them to march circumspectly lest they might fall into the Imperialists ambushes who were already increased by some Regiments of Horse and lest all these retiring themselves towards the grosse of Walesteines Army should have leasure to joyne together and force the King to retreat all that succeeded herein was some incounters between the Crabats and some Troopes of the Swedish Horse wherein the Swedes had the worst Walesteine being now come to Egra and certified of the Kings proceedings whereby he foresaw his designes seeing withall the Bavarian Army neer at hand and Elnbogen having surrendred it selfe for want of Munition to Holca sent that very night his Horse to backe the Bavarians and was himselfe by the breake of day on the 18th of Iune at Lutitz a Towne upon the Confines of the upper Palatinat not farre from Egra where meeting with his Highnesse of Bavaria many complements past between them though Walesteines countenance agreed not with his heart which agitated with intestive passion with the ashes of simulation hid that fire which hatched in his minde an unextinguishable combustion to the interest of that Prince The King not being able to hinder the joyning of the Romanists Armies nor yet to relieve Elnbogen withdrew himselfe under Nurenberg one of the chiefe and richest Cities of the Empire which lying as it were in the bosome of Germany between Franconia the Palatinat and Swabenland having the River Pegnits running through it over which there are many Bridges built joyning the two sides of the City in an opulent Country invironed every where about with fruitfull territories abounds very much with all things requisite for humane sustenance and is so populous by reason of the multiplicity of handycrafts which are in better perfection there then elsewhere as it is not out-done by any other City in Germany Nurenberg is eight miles in compasse and is doubly walled and ditched according to the ancient mode the government thereof is Aristocraticall the Senat thereof being composed of 24 ancient Families out of which 26 are chosen who governe This Towne made much for the Kings advantage for he received from thence continuall refreshments and Ammunition for his Army and berest the Imperialists of their assistance as likewise he thereby kept himselfe from the hazard of a Battaile with fresh and numerous men and did also preserve that communalty from the Austrians resolution of giving it in prey unto the Souldier and serving it with the same sawce as they had done Magdeburg and if this prime Towne and divers of the rest had seen themselves abandoned they would soone have indeavoured a reconcilement with the Emperour changing their love of the Swedes into hatred since the friendship and correspondency of Princes and more particularly of Republiques indure no longer then their owne requisite interest indures and their hopes that by the friendship of others they may advantage themselves and fence themselves from being injured by the more potent There were some notwithstanding who were capable of reason that thought the King did this to detaine the Romanists Army and make them perish for hunger in a Country unpeopled and rendred waste and the rather for that a contagious disease broke forth amongst them called the Hungarian disease which being begot in the Emperours Army was no small dammage unto them which would not onely have been very advantagious to the King he having already had sufficient Provisions from the City But that which was thought to be the basis of this affaire was the facilitating the Duke of Weymars affaires at this time in Swabenland and Tiroll and the like of Gustavus Horne in Alsatia and of other Commanders elsewere to hinder whose proceedings Walesteine must have much dismembred his Army or else quitting his resolution of winning Nurenburg turne himselfe thither where he thought his Masters dominions stood in most need of defence or else leave those Provinces to their fortune and to the Swedish Armies The King began then to fortifie his Camp in so advantagious a place as that nothing could be thereby judged but that he meant to keep within those rampiers some time there were some others notwithstanding who thinking they knew the
vertue which as he did abound in conferring favours on those that did deserve them so was it plentifull in justice towards Delinquents Hee therefore about the latter end of October was brought prisoner to Tholo●se his cause was tryed and upon Inquisition made he was found guilty of death and though some thought he might have merited pardon aswell for what he himselfe had done formerly for the Crowne as in respect of his forefathers deserts who had planted the Christian faith in France and had maintained it with their blouds and this a great deale the more for that by this mans death that so noble family did wholly rest extinct yet were not these reasons of force enough since no merits can be so perspicuous but that the least shadow of Treason may cover them with blacke oblivion He was therefore two dayes after brought by the Guard to the Piazza or market place where his sentence of death together with the confiscation of his goods and his title of Rebell was read unto him and the same afternoon being first disroabed of his orders of Knighthood his head was strucke off in a privat house whereby he paid for his infidelity not knowing that the governments of Princes are not alwayes the same but that they alter as doth the understanding and experience of their assisting Officers The death of this so conspicuous prince in whose linage greatnesse flourished in whose name Nobility shone whose valour was famous and in whose person much vertue appeared in his strength of years of a healthfull body begirt with honours and abounding in riches manifested the inconstancy of fortune the uncertainty of humane affaires the slippery footing of greatnesse the fall of glory and the vanity of ambition At the newes hereof those unquiet spirits who only sought means how to produce Novelties not unlike to travellers who seeke to shelter themselves from the aire when great with tempest it threatens stormes so these men with-drawing their bold fancies under the security of feare knew what was the insatiatnesse of desire the deceitfulnesse of passion the feignednesse of presumption and the harme of infidelity France being by this blow terrified the common-people by this example undeceived the Nobility restrained every mans minde was more bent upon their obedience to their Prince then upon their owne particular greatnesse This mean while Montecuculi who then was Generall of the Caesarian Artillery and was in Swabenland was commanded to march with the Forces that were about Lindaw and Constantz to guard Alsatia and particularly Brisach a Fort whose situation was of very great consideration upon the ascent of a hill which having no other hill neer for the space of two Leagues is an Island upon the Rhyn in the midst of a large Champion having a Bridge over the River fortified on the one part and the other with moderne fortifications which make it almost impregnable by Force and renders it aswell beneficiall to all the Townes thereabouts as likewise fitting to assemble together the levies of men which by Walesteines order were made in Burgundie and in Lorayne by the Colonels Cornelius Bentivoglio Marcus Fiston Aracourt Bambaglioni and others And because the Arch-Duke Leopald was much concerned in the preservation of Alsatia and chiefely in that of Brisach the key of that Province the care of seeing this place well Fortified was recommended to Colonell Ascanio Albertini Governour thereof and moreover many other Commanders were sent thither to survey those Bulworks and to be assistant to Montecuculi amongst the which I my selfe being one I forthwith went from the Camp before Nurenberg and came with what speed I could to the said Count of Colmar The Elector of Trevers being this meane while taken into the protection of the French Marshall Horne who had taken Coblentz seated upon the Rhyn in that Angle which the Mosel makes there a River which taking its head in the Mountaines of the valley of Listraye which parts Lorayne from Helvetia and Alsatia falls into the Rheine and is comprehended within the jurisdiction of the Elector of Trevers he by the Command of his King delivered it into the hands of the French as he did likewise Tareber a walled Towne upon the bankes of Mosel between Trevers and the said Coblentz the taking of which places forced the Spaniards who were lodged in the neighbouring Towns to forgoe those parts and retire to Luxenburg Montecuculi and Ossa the Emperours Commissary who watched over the safety of Alsatia being advertised that besides the departure of the French from those parts there were not many Swedes left there the greatest part of them being joyned with the King before Nurenberg so as there remained not there above 500 Horse and 800 Foot thought therefore to make some further advancement whereby if they should get no other benefit it would be some advantage to them to get Contribution from the Townes formerly taken in and satisfy in part their Souldiers who grew impatient of living without pay and it was yet more considerable that the Duke of Wirtenberg who seemed to leane more towards the Swedes then towards the Emrour although he durst not yet make publique shew thereof maintaining two Regiments of Foot in his state as it was thought to assist the Swedes when he should finde the Caesarian Forces neer upon his Confines would be carefull not to doe any thing contrary to the duty he ought to the Imperiall Crowne To this purpose as likewise for other reasons they went from Colmar and Brisack and resolved to enter the territories of Turlach to make the Marquesse thereof who being a Protestant followed the Swedish party aware of the Errors of such Princes who forsaking the faith and loyalty which they owe unto their superiours throw all the goods they doe possesse upon the hopes of getting more and greater by the helpe of others Having therefore mustered 1500 commanded Muskettiers and 1300 Horse with two Companies of Dragoones and two pieces of Cannon under the Command of the Colonells Aracourt Montrec● Fiston Bambiglioni and the Marquesse of Baden they took their way thitherward and came happily to Turlach The Inhabitants of that place advertised of the Romanists approach and not having wherewithall to withstand their Artillery sent Commissioners to the Count desiring him that he would keep without the City and that they would provide him with all things necessary and that they would receive him and his domesticke attendants into the Towne but this was to no purpose for the Count resolved to lodge there with all his people that night the which he did without any prejudice to the Inhabitants from thence he advanced to Pretem a little Towne barely walled about and guarded by 400 Foot which hee forced to yield to his discretion Whilest things went thus Montecuculi was advertised that the Duke of Wirtenberg was marching towards him with 6000 Foot and 800 Horse so as commanding me to make the discovery and I finding that they were but Country-people
faile them or that they should meet with any obstacle not to be overcome he might returne to his former station The Count De Susa a Gentleman well ●ryed in Warre who a good while before had received Orders from the King of France to march into the Elector of Trevers Territories and cease upon that Citie and to force the Chapter if the Arch-Bishop would not be perswaded to acknowledge him for his Lord and Master past over the Mosell with a good strength of people and drew neere to the Walls thereof the Garrison whereof not yeelding to his desires but making some resistance were forced upon Articling to receive in the French forces which had hindred the Count Isemburgh Master of the Field of the Spanish Army from comming to their succour and yet the Austrians not thinking it yet time to come to an open breach with the French did not much apply themselves to defend that State Triers or Trevers is sea●ed upon the banks of the Mosell betwixt the Duchy of Luxenburg and the lower Palatinat upon the confines of the Countie of Barrois towards the West It is no strong Citie being barely Walled about nor is it very faire as being too narrow and ●ot having in it many faire buildings 't is onely tane notice of in History because from thence the Electorat takes it's name Maestrich● was at this time streightly besieged by the Hollanders a place of no small moment The River Maes runnes through the midst of it which taking its head from the furthest parts of Lorayne to●wards France after a long course falls into the Lake of Don in Holland it is perfectly well Forti●ied and lying betweene the Countries of Liege Iuliers and Braband● it is knowne to be the Key which opens and shuts the ingresse from Germany to the United Provinces The Spaniards fearing this Citie should be besieged not being of themselves able to succour it and force the quarters of the Hollanders which had quite surrounded it perswaded themselves that if Count Pappenheim who was neerer those parts then any other of the Emperours Commanders would joyne himselfe with the Spanish Forces they should be able to relieve it They therefore made their desires knowne to the Emperour and to Walesteine who yeelded thereunto and the more to hearten Pappenheim they promised him the Order of the Golden Fleece and 100000 Crownes to boot upon condition hee would rayse the Siege and relieve the Citie These tydings being therefore brought to the Hage my Lords the States were not slack in providing with all possible diligence for their Fortifications They therefore reinforced their quarters they put the Elector of Coln who had profest himselfe to stand a Neuter in mind that he should observe his promise and doe nothing that might be prejudiciall to them But 〈◊〉 availed but little for the Elector making faire excuses suffered Pappenheim to passe and to refresh his men in the Townes of the Arch-bishoprick who quickly joyning with the Spaniards marched on to the designed enterprise The Prince of Orange resolute not ●o rise from before the Towne having provided all things fitting for his Quarters and ordered Count William of Nassaw to advance with a good strength of men prepared to resist the Imperiallists Invasion which hapned luckily for the Hollanders for the Austrians were bravely fought withall and beaten back and though Pappenheim madded at the difficulty he found by the obstinate defence of the besiegers nor yet being according to promise seconded by the Spaniards turned again to renew his assault upon the English Quarter and though all meanes possible were used from the Citie by sallying out yet was he forced to retreat with the losse of about one thousand of his Duch-men the which when the besiged saw dispairing of any further succour and wanting Ammunition and Victualls they capitulated and surrendred the Town to the unspeakable sorrow of the Spaniards and all the Roman Catholiques thereabout Pappenheim being gone from Westfalia George Duke of Lunenburg had faire opportunitie to over-runne that Countrey and to beset and take Duderstat and Eimbeck walled Towns in the Dukedom of Braunswick and likewise to besiege Wulfenbuttell the Garrison whereof being strong and well provided of all necessaries did by their many sallyes much infest the Neighbouring parts but this Siege lasted but for a while for Pappenheimes returne made the Duke desist from that enterprise two of his Regiments being hardly dealt withall by Pappenheimes men who set upon them at unawares in their quarters not farre from the Citie The King of Swethland and Walesteine stayd all this while in the Fields before Nurenburg watching over each others wayes the Famine grew greater and greater in both Armies as well for Man as Horse so as each of the Generalls apprehending that by being the first should rise they might meet with some disadvantage in the open Field which might oblige them to a Battel upon bad tearms and wheron the fortune of both Crownes consisted both of them sent for their Souldiers from their Garrisons and Townes of greatest importance The King as he whose forces were weakest desirous to get out of those streights and come into the Field had not onely sent for Waymer and Bannier to come back but likewise for all those Forces which lay in Swabenland in the Bishoprick of Erbipoli and of Bamberg Walesteine likewise dispatched away Orders to Montecuculi that he should come speedily to his Campe before Nurenberg not thinking that had happened which hath beene said in Alsatia for the Duke of Wirtenbergs march and the comming of Gustavus Horne was unexpected The Count departed but first by sundry Posts informed Walesteine of the small number of his men which came not to 2000 Foot and 1500 Horse and what need Alsatia stood in of Forces being assaulted by great numbers of the Enemy and whil'st he staid expecting other Orders from the Generall he met with a new Commission not to stirre from Brisack The King having his Army increased by the accesse 12000 Souldiers brought unto him by Waymer and Bannier went out of his Trenches in Battell Array thinking to storm Walesteines quarters by the intelligence held with two Souldiers sent by him a little before to that purpose into the Enemies Campe the one being Master Sadler to Waymer and the other a Sutler the Sadler entred Walesteines Campe under pretence of his Trade and the Victualler feigning to be of Auspech a Towne not farre from those quarters was brought by the meanes of Colonell Cornembergs Stewart to be a Sutler to the said Colonells Regiment When the Swedes were to give the assault the Sadler promised to give fire to the Ammunition and the Sutler to the Quarters but they failed in this their Conspiracy God not suffering such a scourge to fall upon the Romanists for the Sutler having stolne a piece of Plate the day before out of the said Cornembergs Buttery and endeavouring to go out of the Trenches as he past through a Court de
the Table was the racke to wrest out secrets the net wherewithall to take affection and friendship hee no wayes coveted ceremonies nor complements and if any one not knowing his humour should use any such with him he would in a jesting manner bid them keep their Courtship for the Queens Ladyes for that he was in the field to teach to fight not to learne to dance he was very severe in punishing the Souldiers insolency very dilligent in providing for the safety of his owne men when he tooke any City belonging to any Roman-Catholique hee would answer such Commanders as would advise him to lay heavie taxes upon the Citizens and impose new lawes upon them This is now my City it belongs no more unto the Enemy I am come to unfetter every mans liberty not to imprison them let them live as best pleaseth them and as they have formerly done I change no lawes to such as know how to live in those lawes that Religion hath ingrafted in them new shooes doe often times pinch the foot too much He made no difference in his treatings between Protestants and Roman-Catholiques hee shewed himselfe equally affectionat to the one and to the orher affirming That they were all the workmanship of God that hee thought every one believed well that observed the Kings lawes that it was not the worke of a Prince to instruct his people how to keep out of hell but that it belonged to Ecclesiasticall persons and Ministers of Gods word to doe that whence it ensued that the Romanists losing nothing but their native Prince and that Protestants regaining their liberty of Conscience his Empire and dominion was desired by the one and by the other like a Philosophying Souldier to witnesse the greatnesse of his minde he never indeavoured the perfecting of any enterprise wherein his Souldiers might not run some hazard hee was angry with those who would advise him to be carefull of his life and person he thought the thought of death misbecame a Prince professing Armes that the fancies of saving ones selfe were Counsels proffered by feare he called them happy who dyed in their vocations said death was a Voluntier who tooke pay of those that feared him most Great were the designes of his taking up Armes but after the victory of Leypzig they grew very vast for he aspired at the Empire of Germany which when hee should have gotten he thought it too narrow a bounds to his Commands unlesse he should inlarge them over Italy and other regions of Europe yea peradventure over the Ottoman Empire The Lord Paule Tresborg who was his Leger Embassadour at Constantinople and in his returne homeward lay at my house told me the very Turkes began to apprehend the fortune and valour of this King he had wont oft times to say that our predecessors having had so valiant Commanders and effecting so great enterprises he wondered how now the world was impoverished of such men and that this was the reason why many undertakings failed of performance to which being answered that this was occasioned through the divers use of Armes and manner of waging warre and the goodnesse of strong holds hee replyed that the diversity of Armes was nothing to be esteemed but the diversity of hearts that all Alexanders enterprises might be effected Hanibals victories obteyned and Caesars progresses be made if the heart of Alexander the minde of Haniball and Caesars daring were to be found In two yeares space this valiant King drew over to side with him or else won two hundred ninty six Cities Fortresses and walled Townes which formerly obsequiously reverenced the Scepter of the Emperour Ferdinand the second Hee won many victories in the field but that of Leypzig crowned and immortalized his glory since therein he overcame the worthiest and most victorious Commander of this our age and an Army which growne gray-headed in Armes and sufferings knew not what it was to be worsted By how much the Protestant party was afflicted at this great losse and the rest who envyed the Austrian greatnesse so much were the Imperialists and Church-men consolated thereby for though many more curious then others listened with delight to the actions of the King applauding them rather as things unusuall the present times not having knowne a King who would himselfe in person fight in the first Files against his Enemy yet the feare of his proceedings the doubt of having their rest and riches turned into labour and misery the certainty of having great taxations and contributions laid upon them to sustaine the Caesarian unsinew'd authority were very fitting occasions to cancell the affection they bore to the worth of this King and to rekindle their hatred and envy of him as was seen by the demonstrations they made in bonefires musicke and all other outward shewes of joy which gave the Protestants occasion of much murmurre who said thus to rejoyce for the death of a man was barbarous execrable and inhumane yet many there were that slighted these Jubilies saying that his glory was the greater by how much more estimation they put upon his losse Yet amongst these mirths and jollities the Imperialists were not free from paying tribute of some teares for they were very sensible of the death of Godfrey Count Pappenheime and more particularly the Ecclesiasticall Princes about Westfalia who had been by him and his worth defended against the imminent inevitable dangers that threatned them bewailing as it became them the losse of a benefactor more then rejoycing at the like of an Enemy were much afflicted thereat Their lamentation could not be held backe by their rejoycing for the Kings death which not being thereby allayd shewes the force of their affection to this Commander Godfrey Count Pappenheime was by birth an Alman of noble Parentage and excellent education he applyed himselfe from his first yeares to the warres and passing though all degrees of preferment he at last arrived to the Command of being one of Caesars Colonels a place of great esteem and no small consequence the first proofes he gave of his worth and valour was in the defence of Riva di Chianena in the Valtaline which was playd upon by the French where he raised his renowne and made men curious to inquire after his future actions behaving himselfe afterwards no lesse couragiously in Germany he appeared more worthy to command then to serve and therefore being advanced to the place of Lieutenant-generall of the Catholique League he did more then satisfie the expectation that was had of him In the most difficult actions he was couragious in advers fortune not moved in making of matches politique in deliberation bold in Counsell well advised modest in victory severe in execution in his dealings affable in fine he was in all things vigilant expert valiant mercifull and magnanimous the many scarres wherewith his face was adorned were the Characters wherin his good service was written the love and reverence the Souldiers bore him testified his civill and noble
carriage the good repute his very Enemies had of him published his ineffable worth to be without spot his estimation and renowne were the Trumpets of his valour and experience Germany hath not produced a privat Gentleman of so mature an understanding of so diligent a mind of so sprightly a wit nor one so generous he never undertooke any enterprise before he had well weighed what the event and consequence thereof might be he met with no difficulty which he found not some meanes to overcome hee prised not any preferment profit or interest wherein his particular person was concerned he was held to be in all things zealous to his masters service desirous of reputation and ambitious of glory he had wont to say to some of his friends who would perswade him to be more sparing of the monyes that were paid him that to deserve well of a Prince did not consist in having ones chests full of Gold that Souldiers loved not there where their Captaines were too mindefull of themselves that a faithfull Servant could have no more glorious title then that of Banckrout in fine he had a soule to which nothing was wanting but a body of Soveraignty that therein might be seen whatsoever of good wise courteous or conscious may be desired in a Prince hee was renowned by his Souldiers admired by his Companions he gratified Princes and deserved very well of the Roman-Catholique League and of all the house of Austria The Imperialists being gone from Leypzig Offchirch hasted with three Regiments of Horse and presented himselfe before the gates thereof the Inhabitants received him quickly within their wals aswell out of the duty they ought to the Duke of Saxony their naturall Prince as out of the love they bore to those of the Protestant party In the Castle there was a Garrison of the Imperialists wherefore Offchirch sent a Trumpet to the Governour thereof threatning fire and sword if he would not surrender but he not failing in his loyalty being an experienced Souldier and well verst in warre refused to doe it and prepared to defend it whereupon the Swedes drawing that very night neer the ditch raised up workes of earth and the next morning began to play upon the wals thereof with their Cannon In an other part some Companies of Saxon Horse and some others of the Duke of Lunenburg who came to re-inforce the Swedish Army thinking to come time enough to the Battaile understanding that not many of the Emperours Souldiers were left in Chemnitz a Towne seated upon the River Chemnitz which comming sorth from the furthermost bounds of Bohemia towards the South fals into Mulda another River of the said Province which taking its beginning from the Mountaines of Voitland a part of Bohemia waters Misnia and then falls into the Elb and not thinking it safe to leave that Towne behinde them they turned their march towards it and with little disturbance placing their Artillery against it they in a few houres perswaded the Inhabitants who knew the weakenesse of the place to parly and to agree to quit the Towne marching out onely with their Swords which they did to the number of 400 Foot and 70 Horse This Towne being taken Kniphausen the Swedish Marshall of the Field went with six Regiments of Foot and Horse to joyne with Tuball who stayd with 3000 Souldiers before the Castle of Leypzig and he quartered the rest of his Forces about Aldenburg a walled Towne with weake and ancient Fortifications neere Pleis betweene Borne and Zwika The Imperialists stoutly answered the enemies out-rage from the Castle when the Wind mills which were for the service of the Garrison being be●ten downe and Kniphausen being come up unto the Enemy the Castle was more narrowly beset whereupon the besieged seeing themselves neere lost resolved to parly promising to surrender the place if they were not succoured within ten dayes this Proposition was entertained by Tuball but no succour appearing and the ten dayes being expired they surrendred the Castle to the Swedes the Imperialists comming forth on the 12 of December with their Swords onely to the number of 300. The Saxons hereby incouraged to new enterprises they bethought themselves of the taking in of Zwika a place well fortified upon the side of Mulda to the end that they might not suffer that Garrison of the Imperialists to grow greater which might afterwards be likely to disturbe their proceedings in those parts Therefore Knipha●sen taking with him those Souldiers which he found there about Leypizg which were some 5000 Foot and 1600 Horse marched towards Aldenburg and the Saxons being advertised of the great preparations made by the Austrians in Sletia to oppose their designs here divided themselvs faced about towards that Province The Governour of Zwika perceiving the comming of the Swedes resolved valiantly to defend it he therfore fired all the houses which stood about the Ditch which might serve the Enemy for a blind he withdrew into the Citie all that the time would permit him to doe he disposed of his Cannon in the fittest places and made it appeare he was resolved not to fayle in the dutie of his charge and performance of his loyaltie Kniphausen being come within the sight of the walls and finding it very hard to get earth by reason of the excessive Frosts built some Gabions of great pieces of Wood and filled them with earth and made such use thereof to secure his Batteries as that serving himselfe thereof to purpose and the besieged understanding that Walesteine was retreated from Saxony seeing little hope of timely succour after thirteene dayes holding out parlyed and surrondred the Towne upon more honourable conditions then in like case is usually received from a conquering Enemy marching forth with 700 Foot and 100 Horse Gustavus Horne this meane while made divers progresses in Alsatia in particular he took Benfield one of the most important places of that Province guirt about with five Royal Bulworks though not very great ones with Ditches and halfe Moones in a spacious open Country not farre from the Rhyne upon the side of Ill a River which comming from the Mountains of Helvetia fals into the Rhyn beneath Strasbourg This place being in two moneths taken he marched towards Ebersmunster the Inhabitants whereof knowing themselves not able with their imperfect walls to resist the Swedish Forces who were above 10000 fighting men and 22 piece of Cannon that they might shun the dangers and incommodities which those receive who foolishly undertake impossibilities accorded upon the first summons and received into quarter 200 Horse and 600 Foot The taking of this place facilitated the Swedes advancing to before Silistat a chiefe Citie of Alsatia betweene Benfield and Brisach fortified with strong Parapets where playing upon it with 12 peice of Cannon for the space of three weeks Colonell Breitembach who commanded in the Towne after having gallantly defended himselfe dispairing of succour by reason of the sew Austrian Forces that were in that
Province not amounting in all two 2000 Horse and 3000 Foot which was a force hardly sufficient to defend Brisach he was necessitated to yeeld the Towne unto the Swedes the which he did upon the 13 of December on honourable conditions the Garrison marching forth which consisted of 600 Foot and 150 Horse with their Armes Baggage and two piece of Cannon This meane while there were come from Lorayne upon the Confines of Alsatia not farre from Colmar some Companies of Horse payd by the Imperiall Officers in that State and in Burgundie to the number of 1400 Foot and 400 Horse and because these of themselves were not sufficient to thwart the Swedes proceedings Montecuculi who then commanded in chiefe in Alsatia resolved to march out with part of the Garrisons of Colmar and Brisach that he might joyn with them and so not onely disturbe the Enemies quarters in that Countrey but keepe the neighbouring Townes from being invaded by the Swedes who knowing the Romanists designe and setting upon them before their Forces were joyned forced them with the losse of a great many of their men to retire to Brisach Charles Duke of Lorayne considering the Swedes proceedings in Alsatia and the neere position of their Forces to his Territories upon the Frontiers whereof there neither being strong hold nor yet Army in the Field to preserve him from being injured by them he apprehended some very great danger He therefore gave Gustavus Horne to understand who then was at Markerck a place not farre from the Frontiers of Lorayne how that he the said Charle had some years before lent good store of Money to the Arch-Duke Leopald for the securitie whereof he had assigned unto him Benfield Da●sten and Zabren which being now in possession of the Swedes he by the way of friendship desired to know what their purpose was concerning them whether they would proceed with him as a friend or as with an Enemy Horne in a modest and civill manner answered That his Highnesse might expect all good correspondency and intire friendship from the Crowne of Swethland if he would forbeare to assist the Imperialists their Enemies and that for what concerned his claime to those Townes as soone as he should have therewithall acquainted the assembly of the interessed and confederate States he should reape such fruits as he should sow and answerable to his proceedings The Imperialists on the other part had thought to have surprized 500 Swedish Horse within their quarters and had therefore dispatched away Forces to effect that designe but Colonell Comoschi knowing of it got on horse-back and nimbly pursuing them with his Regiment and some other Troopes belonging to Colonell Schavalischi set upon them at unawares whilst they thought to have entred Edengham without any manner of let and though at the beginning of the skirmish neither side seemed to have the best he inforced the Caesarians to return to their quarters with the losse of their Colonell Cronech being rather beaten back and overcome by the advantage of the seat and unexpected chance which is usuall in such cases to cause great confusion and hinder businesses otherwise projected then by the Swedish Forces But as under a clouded sky one clap of thunder comes seldome unseconded by another the Inhabitants of Colmar perceiving the Austrian affaires to grow every day worse and worse and finding themselves very much opprest by the insolency of the Caesarian Garrison and the Governour who that he might rayse moneyes from thence before he departed which he knew would be ere long because he saw no hopes of succour but likely-hoods of the Swedes comming thither who grew every day stronger extorted moneyes from them by all dishonest wayes contrary to the will of his Superiours they resolved to throw off this burthen by giving themselves over into the Swedes protection And thus upon the 20 of December they privately acquainted Horne with their intention and agreed with him that he should appeare before their gates at an appoynted houre which he should find open and they would deliver unto him the Governour Horne though he were elsewhere employed yet as one that knew a wise man ought not to let slip any occasion whereby by the getting of any Towne he may succour the Frontier and that such purchases as are made without shedding of blood are most commendable amongst souldiers resolved to march towards it to receive the effects of their promise so as appearing before the Towne on the 24th of the same moneth the Citizens straightway taking up armes first made the Governor safe then cut in pieces all those that seemed to contend against them and let in the Swedes by the gate of Elsen and drove out the Austrians An example to those who unadvisedly perswaded by some favourit conferre the government of a Citie or Territory to a greedy selfe-interessed person who takes upon him such an imployment not out of glory or honour but for private gaine and who knowes not how to exercise any other lenitie then that whereby he fleeceth the Subject and inricheth himselfe things which are detested even by the most faithfull for people cannot indure that he who is sent to comfort to maintaine and to defend them should only tend himselfe and provide for himselfe cutting others mens clothes short to piece out his owne The bounds being inlarged which held in the Swedish progresse by the giving up of Colmar they had not onely leisure to carry their Forces even to the banks of the Rhyn over against Brisach subduing likewise Ensesheim Ruffach Bastuillier Tann and all the Cities Townes and Castles which lye betweene Colmar and Basel a Canton of the Switzers but by these happy successes and the Austrians weakenesse Horne was incouraged to march towards Haghenaw a place held by the Caesarians and of no contemptible consideration being seated upon the Confines of Lorayne begirt with strong walls and deepe Ditches though of the old manner The taking whereof as it would be very advantagious to those of Strasburg and the neighbouring places for that Parties sallying every day out from thence in pursuit of passengers and ill-guarded Villages the Traffique of so great a Merchandizing Towne and the suretie of the neighbouring places was much indammaged so was it likewise much desired by the Swedes not so much for the increasing of their bounds by such a Towne as to give satisfaction to Strasburg and the neighbouring parts to win the good wills whereof the Swedes did politiquely apply themselves as knowing how much the good report and love of people conduces to the welfare of Warre And it being Gustavus Hornes custome to use Treaties Propositions and Perswasions before he fell to Threats or Violence especially in strong holds wherein hee knew the power of the Garrisons were conterpoised by the multiplicitie of the Inhabitants he sent a Trumpet with Letters into the Towne fairely inviting the Garrison and Citizens to accord with him the sound whereof having given an allarme
to the Burgers they were counselled by the feare they had of the weakenesse of their owne Forces and out of the desire they had of quiet foreseeing they could not long hold out against so potent an Enemy being every where invironed by them and having no hope of succour as likewise knowing it was alwayes better to listen to such capitulations as are friendly propounded then to be put afterwards to demand them with feare of not having them granted they therefore tooke in the Swedish Garrison forcing the Imperialists though much against their wills to depart hoping notwithstanding to receive them in againe when it should be their fortune to be Masters of the Field and that they should be neere their City At this time Franckendal the chiefe Towne and Fort of the Lower Palatinat being betweene Spier and Worms not farre from the Rhyn and which was exactly fortified was streightly besieged by the Swedes was out of all hope of succour the Austrian Forces being too far from it and the Enemy too neere it so as the Spaniards who were in possession of it finding they could no longer keepe it for that their friends Forces were every where all imployed in the defence of their own Estates consequently they had not wherewithall to assist them these wise States-men knowing how advantagious it is to surrender up that by the way of seeming curtesie which they could not by force maintaine they resolved to handle their necessitie with cunning and artifice Insomuch as the English Embassadour to the Emperour pressing hard for the restitution of this Towne and the rest of the Palatinat they seeming to put a value upon the satisfying of that King and to seem well disposed towards him that they might win upon his good will which they very much needed for their interests in France and Flanders delivered up the Towne into the hands of the English Officers who had been sent over and were entertained into the service of the Crowne of Swethland the one and twentieth day of November The restitution of this place promising the like of the whole Palatinat to the Princes Palatine the Inhabitants thereof who intirely loved their Princes and hoped to have them hereby againe their Soveraignes had their sorrows somewhat lessened for the death of Fredericke Prince Elector and late King of Bohemia who dyed of a Fever in Mentzon the 29th of November 1632. a Prince so sweetly conditioned as that he was universally beloved by all Protestants This Prince was in his first yeares much favoured by fortune hee was first Elector of the Empire possest of the most fruitfull and pleasant County of all Germany insomuch as other seeming to emulate his happinesse kept their eyes onely fixt upon him but as our weaknesse is usually wont to grow so much neerer to an unhappy downfall by how much it is higher raised by worldly ambition so this Prince begirt on every side with peace and quiet upheld with reverent and obsequious estimation strengthened by a dreaded jurisdiction comforted by his Allyance with Iames the first King of great Britane and by the beauty and perfection of the Princesse Elizabeth his Wife secured by confederates both within and without Germany and though of himselfe he was incomparably moderate yet great mens desires being like fire which the more materials are heaped on it the higher doth the flame mount so this peacefull Prince called on by his peoples unquietnesse to a higher degree of Majesty perswaded by the suggestions of his interessed friends to further greatnesse counselled by his unstable ambitious and vain-glorious Ministers of state to inlarge his bounds and finally allured by his wife who as shee was Daughter to a King desired likewise to be Wife unto a King to girt about his Electorall Cap with the Crowne of Bohemia which was presented and offered unto him the flames of ambition being blown by so many somenters notwithstanding his naturall moderation were of force enough to evaporat that wisedome which hee having afterwards lost was the ruine of all that happy Empire giving a beginning to so horrible tourmoyles as doe cause even yet the sufferings of many regions Hee was of a pleasant aspect of a browne complexion of an easie minde of slowe impression a Prince more given to the ease of peace then to the troubles of warre In these dayes some of Walesteines and Tersicas Officers being upon the Confines of Slefia and sent thence towards Polonia passed on together with a good number of Polaches which they had assembled to Neiss which Towne by reason of an insurrection made by the Inhabitants the greatest part whereof were Roman-Catholiques and well affected to the Caesarian party would make use of this occasion and no longer conceale the ill will they bore the Protestants so as upon the appearing of these Forces they quickly delivered themselves up into the hands of the Caesarians when not long after Harnem being advertised thereof faced about with his Army and Tuball laid an ambush for the Polaches wherein he put above 208 of them to the sword whereupon it behoved the said City to submit it selfe againe to the Saxons as did likewise Ratibor and Leschnitz which were ill treated shewing their Rebellion against their native Prince Baudis made no lesse prosperous progresse in the parts about Coln who without being master of the Field did with his Army over-runne all the County when those of Coln fearing lest at last they might bethinke themselves of taking in their Citie made haste to Fortifie Dutts a Towne on this side Rhyn over against their City but by the mediation of my Lords the States of Holland they obteyned leave to be Newtrals upon condition that they were not to Fortifie any place that did not belong unto them Though this Towne was within the limits belonging to them yet Baudis as those are used to doe who minde their own profit desirous of any pretence or just occasion to breake this agreement knowing that this Towne might easily be taken whereby he hoped to inrich himselfe either by taking the sayd City or by composition made by the richer Inhabitants to buy their peace with a summe of mony acquainted the chiefe Magistrate that he expected he should desist from the Fortification which he had begun to make as contrary to the Articles of Capitulation to the which those of the Magistracy did in a handsome manner and with reason reply that their intentions were onely to secure their Towne but this answer satisfied not Baudis who answered againe that under the flowers of this their pretence the Serpent of some deeper designe lay hid whereupon drawne by hopes of profit which oft-times prevailes more with Souldiers then reason doth he resolved to advance and to try his fortune He the next night unexpectedly came before it planted his Great Guns and played upon the weakest side of the Towne where a Bullet fell by chance into the Ammunition and setting fire thereon about 400 men
themselves he being already past the Bridge of Strasburg as farre as Sclestat and calling to minde these wicked actions got on horse-backe with all his followers which were 1000 Horsemen all of them either Gentlemen or experienced Souldiers for he was so desirous of being well served as that besides his faire carriage towards them he laid not out his mony so willingly upon any thing as in entertaining such as had fair repute in wars and together with some Troops of Colonell Harfe he hasted straight wayes towards those parts and overtaking them that were in Mulbausen not farre from Basel he flew upon them with his Dragoones and firing the first houses of the Village the Country people astonished at this unexpected accident being base and not wonted to see angry countenances and drawne Swords betooke themselves to their heeles and fled towards the hils of Tan but the Swedes spurring their horses apace after them some of them were hew'd in pieces and the rest of them burnt for they thought it not fitting to give quarter to those that had so inhumanely betrayed their Companions The Ringrave hearing againe after this how that Montecuculi with a great many of Armed Country-men was about Berfort upon the Confines of Lorayne hee marched thitherwards but Montecuculi knowing by experience that little trust was to be put in a rablerout without either order or discipline who were taken from the Mathook thought it not fitting to encounter with the Swedes he therefore retreated with eight Companies of Horse which he had with him and one of Dragoones into Brisach and left the Country people in Dameschirch a little Village two Leagues distant from Basel where the Enemy ariving and they not knowing how to put themselves in defence but basely running away the greatest part of them were cut in pieces and 700 that were taken prisoners in recompence of the inhumanity they had used towards the Swedes were tyed together by seven and seven with wit hs of willowes set in the open fields and in this posture the Horse were commanded to fall upon them and put them all to the Sword the which they did leaving thirty of the chiefest of them hung by the heeles upon trees In Alsatia affaires went thus when Walesteine resolving upon the continuance of the warre and foreseeing what the prejudice might be which would result to the Imperiall Crowne aswell as to his owne particular interest if he should be dispossest of the Townes in Swabenland and of such a Province a good part of the jurisdiction of his Dukedome of Glagaw and Sagan which if it should fall into the power of the Protestants would sever the annexion held with the States of Poland from whence in fitting time he hoped for a considerable succour the King thereof inclining very much to the Caesarian partie as well in respect of their ancient hatred borne to the Swedes as for the succours they had received from the Emperour in the Warre of Liefland as also for that a brute ran that there might be some hopes of a marriage with that house he therefore charged Gallasse to go with part of his Army and with some pieces of Artillery to divert the Saxons designes whil'st he himselfe stayed in Bohemia to re-inforce his Army by Monies and to contrive Counsels Intelligence Diversions and fitting Instruments for the worke wherein hee was concerned He therefore went by Brawn neere Stein and within a few dayes space got into that Province where he surprised many places which wanted necessaries for warre and had hee indeavoured the taking of Sweinitz a City of some importance not farre from Breslaw hee might easily have done it though he was advised to the contrary only out of a false opinion of meeting with great difficulties for though it were surrounded with ancient Wals and Rampiers of Earth yet in respect of the weaknesse of the Garrison and for want of Ammunition it was greatly afraid to be set upon and was rather in a condition of demanding Articles then of preparing for defence Two thousand Saxons being this meane while advertised that some Troopes of Caesarian Horse belonging to Tersica were quartered in Goltz upon the Weistriz thought to surprise them so as making thitherward they no sooner approached neere Olaw but that they fell upon them who being risen from their former quarters over-runne the Country they charged so closely home as the Caesarians though not inferiour in number fled losing not above thirty of their Souldiers In this interim Colonell Guets was come with 1000 Horse and 800 Foot neer Brieg between Olaw and Oppelen upon the side of Oder hee desired passage from the Prince thereof who desirous to stand neuter denyed it him whereupon he betooke himselfe to Force but finding that the Citizens were ready for defence and that the enterprise was somewhat briske he returned to his quarters at Neisse Harnem hearing hereof who was with the greatest part of the Saxon Army at Nanstaw a Towne beyond Breslaw and fearing left Brieg might fall into the Caesarians hands which would be very prejudiciall to the Elector found there a Passage over the Oder in the heart of that Province passing over the which he made towards it that hee might secure it by putting thereinto a Saxon Garrison which notwithstanding was denyed by the Prince who persisted in his neutrallity but Harnem howsoever resolved to secure the Towne brought Cannon thither which when the Inhabitants saw who were more inclined to peace then to warre and foresaw the dammage and troubles occasioned by warre they perswaded their Prince to grant Harnems request as after two dayes treaty he did Harnem having gathered his men together and being joyned with Tuball made a generall Muster wherein he found 14000 fighting men wherewithall hee matched towards Strelen and Wansen Townes lying upon Ola where the Imperialists at the first appearing of the Saxons put themselves in Battaile-array seeming as if they would not refuse to fight with them but finding afterwards the disadvantage they left part of their Forces in Strelen forsooke Wansen and retreated with the grosse of their Army to Grotkaw and Nei●se which when Harnem saw he prepared to take in Strelen the Garrison whereof knowing themselves not able to defend it and having directions left with them to quit it if the Enemy should face the Towne indeavoured though in vaine to fly for being incompassed by the Saxon Horse the greatest part of them were made prisoners and brought to Olaw The taking of Strelen incouraged the Swedes to the taking in of Grotkaw betweene Neisse and Brieg where as soone as the Imperialists saw the Enemies Scouts they forwent the place and retreated to Neisse not caring much to fight that they might not hazard their men in a Battaile since they shortly expected such recruits as that they might without being incountered drive their Enemies from those places though they should have a thousand men for their Garrisons but the Saxons not slipping the
thereof the which he might as easily have taken as the Swedes did when they tooke it had not the Ringrave who was very diligent in Military executions succoured it by charging upon the Caesarians whom he drove to the very gates of Brisach and slew fiftie of them On the other side the Imperialists were gotten to be a considerable number in Slesia towards Sweinitz and with little gaine-saying prospered in that Province the Saxons being marcht into the Field they seemed fearefull to make any new adventures and that they adjourned their designes waiting for Walesteines comming in the Field who after having made great Provision of Cannon Ammunition and other Engines of Warre departed from Prage and though the morning that he went forth the skyes were very cleare yet on the suddaine there rose a terrible storme of Wind Raine and Haile and as he lay that night at Brandais the Towne was set on fire and the greatest part thereof burnt to the ground and great store of Carriages and Cattell were likewise burnt which prodigious accident was thought to foretell no great good fortune likely to befall him He passed on to Chinegrats upon the Confines of Bohemia towards Slesia where he mustered his Army wherein were found to be 140 Foot Ensignes 180 Cornets of Horse 28 pieces of great Cannon and 2000 well furnished Carriages Heere he divided his Army sending Holke with 7000 Souldiers towards Egra to secure Bohemia on that side as likewise to oppose any attempts Duke Waymer might make who had neere about 6000 fighting men consisting partly of his owne men partly of those he had drawne out of the neighbouring Garrisons with the which in the beginning of May he advanced from Franconia At the newes hereof the Elector of Saxony apprehending danger in Walesteines marching with so great Forces towards Slesia and the suspension of Armes being fruitlessely expired he suddenly assembled together all the Forces that were upon the Confines of Bohemia together with those of Brandenburg and the Swedes that were disperst about those parts and gave order that they should march under the command of Tuball towards Neisse to watch over the Caesarian proceedings who being well-nigh 16000 fighting men lay not far from thence expecting Walesteine who stayd eight dayes in Golts a Towne neere Velstritz in expectation of Forces from Bohemia and an answer from the Court of Saxony concerning the particular of Peace which was never by them imbraced but alwayes wisely managed with new conditions The Duke of Bavaria fearing lest by Walesteins being so far off and by the great recruits of Souldiers which the Swedes every day made upon the Confines of his Dukedome his Dominions might receive some notable prejudice he gave command that all the Corne Hay and best moveables of the Villages thereabouts should be brought into the walled Townes and strong holds to the end that if the Swedes should offer at any enterprise they mought not find wherewithall to maintaine their Army and consequently wanting behoofefull necessaries they might through Famine faile of their desires and Aldringer with the rest of the Imperialists incamped about Monaco and beganne there to fortifie himselfe that hee might resist the Swedes and defend that Citie till he should receive such Forces as Walesteine had promised him if occasion should require But Waymer though being joyned with Horne he had neer about 15000 fighting men being informed of Holkes advancing towards Egra who sent by Walesteine to guard the Frontiers on that side had opportunely possessed himselfe of the most considerable seats of the upper Palatinat and knowing likewise that his Brother Duke William had not Forces sufficient to oppose the Imperialists designes he bridled his desire and sent some Regiments of Horse towards Aichstet to observe Holkes proceedings and he himselfe went to between Dunawert and Rain to secure those places Horne went towards Auspurg and the Ringrave returned towards Alsatia to begirt Brisach Whilst the sky of Germany was thus troubled foretelling much misery the clouds threatned no lesse foule weather towards Flanders for the Hollanders growing every day more powerfull had now a gallant Army in readinesse to make some attempt against the Austrians and it was generally resolved on by them to send an Army to take in Rimberg a Fort which stands on the Rhyn on this side of the We●ssell made much for their further inlarging themselves in the Angle which lyes between the Mase and the Rhyn towards the Electorat of Coln The Prince of Orange marched forth therfore with his Army and intrenching himselfe about the Towne did on the 15 th of May begin to raise his Batteries The Saxons knowing themselves to be too weake in Slesia to withstand the great preparations made by Walesteine to drive them out of that Province resolved to retreat towards the Oder that they might make advantage of those Banks and avoid the ingaging of themselves in a disadvantagious Battaile the which they cunningly foresaw and opportunely shunn'd as that in the losse whereof the greatest mischief did consist which could befall that State and that the Austrians might not finde wherewithall commodiously to maintain themselves in that Country they tooke away the Militia Artillery Ammunition and Victuals from the Cities Towns and Villages and brought them into their strong holds and what they could not readily convey away they fired to the end that the Enemy not finding wherewithall to maintaine themselves and Horses might change their mindes and retire from thence without the hazard of a Battaile Waymer and Horne finding by their Intelligence that Holke came upon their backes and fearing lest being shut up in Bavaria they might be inclosed by the Caesarians and Bavarians who were with considerable numbers equally advanced towards the River Par they passed to Dunawert and incamped themselves between Ratisbone and Amberg dividing their Forces into the Bishopricke of Aichstet which after some defence made by the Castle which for six dayes bravely maintained it selfe it fell into their hands being onely invironed with ancient Wals not able to withstand the Cannon Walesteine being come to Goltz and having easily taken it the Saxons having at his first appearance abandoned it and finding that his policy could not prevail but that all his propositions were refused by the State of Saxony which were aware of his ends and whither his ambition did secretly aspire he thought good to move a new treaty of agreement and to put far more moderate Conditions which hee would have Albert Duke of Sassen Laremburg to open and make knowne unto the Saxon Councell which subscribed to a Truce for other two moneths though nothing insued thereon by reason of the immoderatnesse of the Electors pretensions the chiefe scope whereof was that the Edict whereby all the Churches goods were to be restored to the Roman-Catholiques should be repealed This meane while the Imperialists who were commanded by Holke appeared between Ratisbone and Egra so as the Swedes finding what difficulties they should
experienced Commander and of an acute wit with absolute Command who though it were commonly bruted amongst Souldiers and other people desirous of novelty that he would fall into the Valteline to disturbe the passage of the Spaniards yet had he not order so to doe nor men sufficient for that purpose for these Companyes were so defective as they did not in all conteine 800 Foot though the King paid for above 2000. as likewise the French had not then any such resolution for that they would not be the first that should seem to breake the peace with the Spaniard the Duke of Orleans being in their power a weighty impediment as also not to hinder the severall Provinces of Italy from weakning themselves by sending out their Souldiers and to weaken the State of Milan of their Forces for afterwards upon the first occasion of breaking with the Spaniards they might have the better advantage by setting upon them at unawares and in a time when they should have sent out all their necessary defence barring up the Passages of the Valteline then for so it would be easier for them to undertake it then whilst those of Milan were full of people at every least noyse of the stirring of the French they as being neerer might have first prevented them before they should have been entred amongst the Switzers and would have made themselves masters therof which was indeed their desire and which would have been very prejudicious aswell to the French as to other Princes These were the reasons likewise why they deferred the performance of their promises to the Swedes and Grisons and made it be so noysed about to cloake their desire of not pulling upon them so heavy a warre though some who subscribed to the flattery of their owne desires spread abroad opinions that they would not shut up the Spaniards passage for that the Spaniards going to molest Germany not well tollerated by that Nation which not accustomed to the usuall hardnesse of lying in the field by falling short in their numbers and miscarrying weakned the Spaniards power or by preserving themselves to cause more feare in the Swedes and make them when they should be in great need of their assistance fly unto them for protection and make offer of those places unto them which could not but by necessity be taken that thus whether the Spaniard should be victorious or losers the sending of the Forces out of the State of Milan was very advantagious for the French In this uncertainty of times and present revolutions Heydelberg the Metropolis of the lower Palatinat which some moneths before was besieged by the Swedes was constantly kept by the Imperialists whereupon the old Ringrave who commanded the Forces that were before it finding that every longer delay withdrew much from his reputation and knowing how behovefull it was that that Towne should be taken before the Italian Forces should have past the Mountaines or that the levies in Lorayne were in a readinesse as on the contrary how advantagious it would be for the Austrians to have that place as a safe retreat for their Forces very fitting to lye before Wirtenberg and the Palatinate so as where he perceived force would not availe he applied cunning and resolved to make use of a stratagem he therefore held intelligence with some Inhabitants of the City who were no wayes inclined to the Caesarian party the businesse was luckily carryed by meanes of a Drummer who imployed about the ransome of prisoners past frequently between the Camp and the Towne he therefore made some of his Souldiers by night swim the River who being let in by the aforesaid intelligence possest themselves of that side of the Towne or Suburbs which was next the Champion or open Country and let in the Swedes whereupon the Castle wanting Victuall and supply ere long yeelded and 300 Dutchmen who had the Guard thereof marched out of it on the first of Iune and being desirous to keep the Field inroled themselves under the Swedish Colours But if the Swedes advanced in Alsatia the Imperialists were not idle in Slesia for falling upon one of the Saxons quarters they cut many in pieces tooke many prisoners and brought away good bootie At this time likewise fortie Carriages of Marchandize which went from Auspurg to Vim were taken in Swabenland by 400 Crabats The Duke of Bavaria seeing Waymer and Horne departed from his Territories bethought himselfe to drive the Enemy from Neuburg which lying upon the Danube betweene Dunawart and Ingolstat much affrighted the neighbouring parts by the taking whereof he should not onely bring his Forces to flank upon Dunawert but by his re-inforced Garrison therein would have kept the Swedes in continuall suspition and have made them forbeare their inrodes He therefore raysed his Army from before Monaco and together with Aldringer presented themselves before the Walls thereof from whence they were saluted with divers Cannon-shot for the Garrison being incouraged by Horne who at the newes hereof having quitted his quarters and passed over the Danube at Dunawert hasted for their succour they vigorously persisted to defend their imperfect Walls yet all this would not doe for the Towne being streightly beset by Aldringer who began to be ashamed that he had spent so much time in taking a Towne which was by every one given for lost it was forced to surrender before Horne could bring succour The Prince of Orange was not this meane while lesse diligent before Rimberg for streightning it continually more and more and not suffering it to be succoured by 7000 choice Spaniards who used their best skill to get into it the Towne not able longer to resist the Hollanders yeelded and tooke Lawes from the Enemy the taking hereof was a great detriment to the Spaniards in those Provinces and very available to the Hollanders since thereby they inlarged their bounds towards the Electorate of Coln and opened the way on that side along the Rhyn The Emperors Army and the like of the Duke of Saxons were yet in Slesia facing each other so as Walestein perceiving there was no way to drive Forreiners out of the Empire but by being reconciled to Saxony for he very well understood the Caesarian Forces could not be restor'd to their former splendor nor yet Germany freed from the incursiōs of strangers without good correspondency had with that Prince who with a flourishing state and considerable Army flanked upon Bohemia a Kingdome that lay open on that side so as it behoved Imperialists either to guard it by a great power of men or leave it to the discretion of the Saxon Forces and that the Imperiall Forces being either the one or the other way divided could neither advance further in their conquests nor yet could perfectly defend themselves on all sides hee re-assumed with forged designes the Treatie of Peace by him so much desired and propounded a new suspension of Armes which was entertained by the Elector as making much for his advantage for
deprived of his Revenue Thus on the 24th of September they tooke possession of it and 6000 Foot entred the Towne with straight charge to use the Inhabitants no otherwise then if they were the Kings Subjects and the Duke returned much incensed to Remiremont and much more desirous to depend still upon the Caesarian Partie Whilst these businesses were in hand the Duke of Fearia made every day more haste then other whereby he made the French-men fear that the Spaniards designe was to passe into Loreyne when they should have freed Alsatia and to make Saint De●y which was a very fitting place their Magazine of Armes and so advance to further conquests But the Marshall de la Force prevented them in the seising thereon which being notwithstanding contrary to the Articles of agreement made with the Duke the Marshall excused himselfe with coulorable pretences as having onely done it to hinder the Spaniards designes not to bereave the Duke thereof and did at the same time demand many other Townes and places whereinto he apprehended the Austrians might enter and put Garrisons which were all granted unto him by the Duke who knew hee was not able to detaine them from him The Ringrave hearing of the Loreyners motion towards Hagenaw rose from before the Siege of Brisach with his Regiment of Horse and with 1500 Foot of the neighbouring parts and marched speedily towards Pfalsberg upon the Confines of Alsatia but as soone as he had set footing on those Frontiers 't was said the French wished him to forbeare any hostility against those Townes that belonged to the Duke for that they neither required nor stood in need of his Forces to damnifie him This advice did more confirme the opinion of those who openly shewed their jealousies of the French conceiving that they did not greatly desire the Crowne of Swethland should get any greater power nor that that flourishing Kingdome was well pleased with the Neighbourhood of that warlike nation needy and desirous to injoy such commodities as their own Country did not afford them as likewise for that they were of a Religion which not long since had been ●o pernicious to France The severall Sieges of Brisach Hagenaw Filisburg and Vilenhem foure places of good consideration were all this while continued which might rather be tearmed Sieges permitted by reason of the far distance of the Austrian Forces then caused by the Swedish Armes for there were not 20000 men in all before these foure places The Spaniards prepared to passe over the Mountaines when Horne resolving to encounter with them and at the very first to disturbe their designes before they should get footing in Swabenland went from Bavaria 4000 Horse and 6000 Foot and comming into the Territories of Mimingen and Kempten indeavoured though in vaine to surprise some of those Townes The Castle of Keisersperg seated upon a hil between Colmar Sclestat and defended by 200 Loreyners which had been a litle before besieged by Colonell Harf compounded took in the Swedes the Garrison went home to look to their own vintage being all of them boars of Loreyne The besieged within Brisach desisted not this meane while from making continuall Sallyes and surprising some quarters aswell to molest the Swedes as to seeke what they stood in need of and to defend the Fort. Amongst many of their Sallyes they made a very fierce one both on this and on that side the Rhyn on the first of September wherein their Cannon did so thunder as that the Swedes knew not what to thinke of the novelty but the next morning 't was known that this was done to the end that the Swedes keeping their stations might not hinder the passing of a Barke loaded with Salt which was brought to the Towne along the Rhyn by a Bargeman of Basel who was often wont to bring commodities to the Swedes Camp to which purpose he had a passe from the Ringrave and the Marquesse Turlach whereby he abused the Centinels who thought he would have staid in their quarters as he was wont and therefore let him passe They againe Sallied forth on the 9th of the same Moneth with a considerable boldnesse upon the quarters of Colonell Chamare from whence being repulsed with losse about 20 of them were slaine and many taken Prisoners who reported that the City was in a very bad condition there not being allowed above three pounds of bread for every two dayes two measures of wine a spoonfull of salt the eight part of a pound of oyle and three pound of flesh every weeke and that many in the Towne were sicke and wounded who perished for want of looking to The Prisoners were sent backe againe into the Town it being no policy in warre to weaken those places in their numbers of men which they intend to take by Famine The Duke of Berchenfield who as we have said went with part of his men to indammage Lorayne set upon Dacsten a place maintained by the Lorayners which place having indured eight dayes batteries yeelded the Garrison marching forth with the sole safe-guard of their lives The besieged within Hamelen a strong and considerable place seated along the Vesser between the Dukedome of Braunswich and the Landgrave of Hesses Country began now to taste the incommodities of a siege being wearyed with continuall duties and weakned by want of Victuals when Count Cronesfield and Merodes who seemed to be much troubled that so important a place should be lost which was the Magazine of all the adjacent parts and the onely support of all the adjacent parts and the onely support of all the other Townes which yet held out for the Romanists in those Provinces after long consultation how to bring succour thereunto and to keep that City from the Swedes did joyntly and deliberatly resolve to march thitherwards and carry with them requisite reliefe having therefore joyned their men with those of the Bishop of Onaspruch Benicausen the Elector of Coln of Mentz and all the Souldiers which they could draw out from the neighbouring Garrisons they marched thitherwards The Duke of Lunenburg and Milander the Lieutenant Generall upon advice what was to be done in this case of importancy hearing how the Roman-Catholiques were marching towards them left some Regiments for defence of their quarters before the City and to repulse the Sallies which upon such an occasion the besieged might make and resolved to meet the Austrians with the rest of their Army and if occasion should serve to give them Battaile upon the best advantage they could The Trumpets sounded the Drums beat Melander ordered the Van-guard and began to advance towards the Enemy and hearing that they were already come to Seghelhont and that there as in an advantagious place they had haulted and intrenched themselves he advanced to Oldendorp a Towne some halfe a League distant from Seghe●hont whither the Duke of Lunenburg also came and Marshall Chinepansem with the rest of the Army composed of 22 Regiments of
this Battell 50 Ensignes and Standards or Horse and Foot Colours thirteene piece of Cannon 800 Carriages of Baggage and Ammunition Merodes his Cancellaria 5000 Souldiers and their Generall Merodes who some dayes after dyed of the wounds he that day received The Battell indured from two houres after Sunne rising till two houres after noone Cronifield though wounded in the thigh retreated with the residue of his men to Minden a strong place upon the same Wesser he was much troubled at this mis-fortune but not at all therewith daunted and dispatching Posts speedily away with news hereof to the Electors and Ecclesiastick Princes he resolved not to give way to Fortune but to recruit himselfe and by revenge recover his losse This was so great a defeat to the Romanists as it did not onely draw teares from the Elector of Coln and Mentz the safetie of the one the remitting of the other into his lost estate consisting in this Army but caus'd strange feare in the hearts of all the Inhabitants thereabouts and more particularly it much dis-heartned the besieged who seeing Merodes his Wife and the wives of many Captaines who were tane prisoners together with the Austrians Baggage sent by the Swedes in honourable equipage towards their Citie thereby to let them know how the succour they expected was utterly routed they resolved to parly and to yeeld up the Towne on condition that they might march forth with their Armes Baggage 14 Coaches and two piece of Cannon and that they should have a safe Convoy to Minden which being agreed unto the Garrison marched forth consisting of 1300 Foot and 240 Horse all brave and gallant men Henry Duke of Rohan was at this time at Zurich a Canton of the Protestant Switzers he was a Prince who favoured and protected the Protestants as much as he did maligne and beare ill will to the Papists and in particular he hated the Spaniards whose preparations in the State of Milan being by speedy messengers certified unto him from Lombardy he failed not to acquaint the Swedish Generalls there withall with whom he held particular good correspondency and for that he was a man of great wisedome and better at machinations then any thing else he considered the the taking of Constantz would be exceeding prejudiciall to the Austrian affaires and that it might be effected if it were not hindred by the Protestant Switzers he therefore applyed himselfe to have this his desire effected by jugling having therefore secretly negotiated the businesse with the principall and chiefe men of the Zurich Councell and being by them confirmed in his hopes that they would never take up Armes against the Swedes he advertised Horne Waymer and the great Councellor Oxesterne hereof by the meanes of a Zurich Captaine named Vlrich who though they knew that in the compassing of such an attempt they were to meet with many difficulties for there was no good to be done therein without bringing their Forces upon the Nelveticke Territories and they knew not how this being an injurous act could be acceptable to those Cantons with whom the Swedes were by all meanes to hold correspondency yet having well weighed the businesse and disputed it pro and contra for a whole moneths space and being againe assured by Vlrich from the Duke of Rohan of the easinesse of the enterprise which he had by excuses honested to the Switzers they resolved to bend thitherward and indeavour the effecting thereof Whereupon the Marshall advanced with 12000 men towards Velinghem and seeming as if he would set downe before that Towne and end the businesse which was begun by the Wirtenbergers hee on the suddain drew neer to Steine upon the Rhyn three Leagues from Constantz and required of the Burgers of the Towne passage for his men over that Bridge who answering that they could not give way thereunto without the leave of their superiours and Horne replying he had no time to lose in consultations but that he needs must passe and if that they would not give way thereunto in a friendly manner he would open his passage with those keyes which he brought with him shewing them his Cannon they inforced by feare gave way to that which they could not withstand Yet it is thought that this happened by former intelligence had and agreed upon and by Commission given to the chiefe Magistrate of the Towne by some of the leading men of Zurich who were suspected to be conscious thereof for else there was no likelihood that Horne should seeke a breach with the Switzers since it did not stand with the Swedes interest to fall foule with those Cantons as likewise for that Steine might have held out it being invironed with good old Wals till it might have been relieved by its Masters which might have been done the next day and though they had been forced to abandon it by breaking the Bridge which crost the Rhyn and was but built of Wood they might have kept that Army from advancing further he then past over all his men by night on the seventh of September and leaving 500 Foot there that upon any occasion he might secure that Passage he came the next day before Constantz but by reason of his haste to passe over the Rhyn at that place before the Papists Switzers or Austrians should have any notice thereof which he doubted might be a difficult matter unlesse he made all the greater diligence that he might make the more haste he left behinde him his great Cannon believing that the Duke of Wirtenberg would furnish him with the like but whither it were through the idlenesse of the Conductors or some other let 't was six dayes before they came so as the besieged had not onely time to communicate this newes to the Governour of Lindaw and prepare for defence but to receive a succour of 800 men which was speedily sent them by the Lake of Vberlinghem and from Lindaw Costantz is a very important situation placed upon the Lake which from thence takes its name which doth not onely serve it for safe-guard but is of a great advantange to it the River Rhyn which comes forth of that Lake passeth by the North-side of it by which meanes and by moderne Fortifications it is on that side impregnable towards the West and South on this side the Rhyn it is onely begi●t with single Wals Towers and Ditches after the ancient manner the Austrians not being able to make it more defenceable on that side for confining there upon the Switzers and they being by agreements bound not to have any so important Fort flanking upon them all the indeavours formerly had by the Austrians to fortifie it was hindred by the not consenting thereunto of the Switzers Cantons It is a City of reasonable precincts it hath in it three Boroughs of no small consideration it hath formerly been a Priviledged place and one of the Hauns Townes of Germany but the Citizens thereof having imbraced the Protestant faith and driven out all
was the Spaniards intentions to doe and this being their way to passe from Italy into Flanders they were by all meanes to endeavour the preservation thereof but for that by reason of the authoritie granted by the Emperour to Walesteine of being Generalissimo over all the Forces in Germany the Duke of Feria could not come thither with Walesteines satisfaction without having a dependency on him and the Spaniards thinking it tended to their dishonour that a Generall of theirs a Subject of so great birth should be subordinate to one who before by favour and fortune he was arrived at this height would have thought it a great honour to be Colonell under a Spanish Generall it therefore not being yeelded unto that he should depend upon any one but the Emperour though it was forseene that Walesteine would be much scandalized thereat and that some mischance might thereupon ensue yet by meanes and endeavours of the Spanish Agents at Vienna the Duke of Feria had his Pattent signed to be Captaine independant upon any one save upon the Princes of Austria The Spaniards this meane while not failing to arme afresh in Lombardy applyed themselves to raise jealousies of the French in Italy They were beyond measure troubled that Edward Farnesh Duke of Parma varying from the Maximes of his Predecessours who alwayes shewed themselves to be well affected unto and to depend upon Spain should as well in his apparell as in his Treaties follow the genius of France and that he did not adheare as his Ancestors had done to their Councells and they were much more injealousied by reason of the alliance concluded by the great Duke of Tuskany without their consent for the Duke his Father having alwayes borne respect to the Crowne of Spaine and by the advice of that King married Aldrobrandina they by the reverence of the Father challenged the same interest in the Sonne Wherefore that they might the better discover his intention they dispatcht away the Regent Villani to Parma with instructions to invite him to take upon the government of the Forces in Flanders as formerly his Uncle Duke Alexander had done a meanes whereby they thought more clearely to discover his intentions towards them who when he was come unto the Duke though he managed his negotiation with much dexteritie he at last discovered his Highnesse genius to be adverse unto the Spaniards and by his refusall to goe into Flanders and to admit of a Spanish Garrison in the Citadell of Piacenza he openly made it knowne that he would live like a free Prince and no wayes depending upon the Spaniard so as Villani bringing but a bad report of him to Milan and from thence sending the like information to Spaine his Resident received but unhandsome usage some Towns of the Piacentian Territories being pincht by Spanish Garrisons and an Agent of his being dispatcht away to the Court of Spaine that many of the Emperours Forces had been quartered in his Towns he was but hardly handled by the Kings Officers not having so much as Audience allowed him which was the first begining of the breach betweene the Spaniard and this Prince as shall in his proper place be said They could not moreover endure that the Duke of Mantua should live under the protection of and be dependent upon the Crowne of France and it was reported That they held negotiation under hand with the Infanta Marguerita that she should marry the Princesse Mary to the Infant and at the same time by forcing away that Princesse surprize Mantua and in her right to have just cause to invade Monteferrat which they easily might have done if Duke Charles who was watchfull over his owne affaires and was faithfully advertised of all their proceedings had not applyed speedy and fitting remedies thereunto for knowing the importancy of the affaire he instantly sent the Infanta Marguerita out of the Citie and taking good order for the safeguard of his businesses he made the Spanish machinations vanish into smoake and the Infanta being brought to Pavia after she had beene a while in that Citie where she was alwayes nobly treated by the Spaniards she was afterwards sent for into Spaine and declared to be the Vice-Queene of Portugall The Duke of Feria this meane while hastened his journey that he might bring ayde to Constantz which was battered by the Swedes whose losse did much grieve him for the losse thereof would soone be followed by the like of all the places thereabouts and thereby likewise the passages of Tiroll would be lost which were so much watched over by the Spaniards in regard of the state of Milan Being come in the beginning of September to Vilchirchem he tryed to passe over the Rhyn a little above the Lake towards the Grisons and to enter into the Territories of Rentall a Countrey which lyes along the said Lake on the side of Helvetia and from thence into the Countrey of S. Gallo that he might joyne with the Papists Switzers who having taken up Armes against the Protestants threatned revenge upon the Swedes but this being discovered by the Countrey people of Turgonia who suddenly tooke up Armes and went to Rhyn He that he might not the more incense those people although he mought easily have forc't his passage turned his march another way The Duke of Rohan who this meane while kept himselfe in Coira to watch over the preservation of the passages of Rhetia passing from Coira to Baden to indeavour by this interposition and the using of his Kings name the accommodation of the differences amongst the Switzers and having by his wisedome a little allayed the anger of those Cantons he went to the Campe before Constantz to speake with Horne by whom being received with all tearmes of courtesie and discoursing with him upon the present occurrences the difficultie of the enterprise appearing by reason of the continuall succours sent into the Citie by the way of the Lake he dispatch't away a Gentleman to propound unto the Governour of Constantz which was Count Volfegg a man of tryed wisedome that if he would take in a Garrison of the Switzers and deliver up the Towne into their hands he would work it so that the Swedes should give over that enterprise But this proposition carrying but little soliditie with it was quickly poised by the answer of Count Volfegg who replyed he did not thinke the Switzers were able to undertake such a worke for if they were not able to hinder the Swedes from passing over the Rhyn at Steine nor to make them quit their Territories they were lesse able to keep that which belonged not to them that the Emperour was his Master that he received Laws from noman else and that with the loyaltie that became a Gentleman of honour he would keepe the Town against whosoever as long as he had breath Rohan kept in the Swedes Campe the Papist Switzers all in Arme● murmured mightie matters the Cannons roared the breach was proportionably made When Schamburghs Regiment
the Gates after the Moderne fashion with a dry Ditch but full of short returnes which flanck't upon one another within Musquet shot after the Moderne invention The losse of Ratisbon being much lamented in the Emperours Court and by the Duke of Bavaria by reason of the importancy of the situation for thereby the passage being opened on both sides of the Danube into the bowells of Bavaria the Townes thereof would through continuall suspitio● 〈◊〉 kept in perpetuall motion caused many good Austrians to be very jealous of all Walesteines actions who picking matter of murmur out of every little occasion and laying whatsoever hapned amisse to his charge failed not by degrees to bring him to that height of suspition which afterwards was his overthrow 'T was muttered that he might easily have succoured Ratisbon Weymar not having with him above 9000 men but Walesteine had not digested the injury he conceived was done him by the Duke of Bavaria blaming him as the chiefe author of his being cashiered at the Dyet of Ratisbon yet was it not this which did indeed cause such carelesnesse in Walesteine but to see the Spanish Colours flye in Germany which occasioned varietie of thoughts in him as likewise the comming of the Count D'Ogniate to Vienna who being a faithfull Minister of State and not able to see a servant should have no regard to the Supreme Authoritie of his Master plotted what he could to bridle that boundlesse libertie which he had assumed unto himselfe and which afterwards was his misleading The Duke of Feria being advanced to Brisach and thinking the most difficult things now feacible by reason of his late good successe thought he mought easily take Colmar a chiefe Citie in Alsatia two Leagues distant from Brisach on the other side the Rhyn in that Champion which extends it selfe betweene that and the Mountaines towards Lorayne which had formerly beene a free Towne but by the vicissitude of Occurences fallen into the Austrian subjection begirt with good Ditches Walls and Rampiers though imperfect in the which the Swedes having placed a rich Magazin of Victualls and Ammunition for the supply of their Armies which lay in those parts he hoped by the taking thereof not onely to Victuall Brisach but to refresh his owne Army wherewithall he determined to keep in those parts for some time to maintain those Towns which yet kept free to the Emperour as likewise to endeavour the taking of many others which were under the Swedes power and to get into with Loraine the losse whereof was a great vexation to the Austrians for they being deprived of that Princes assistance whereby they shut up the passage of Burgondy into Flanders Alsatia and the Lower Palatinate were thereby much prejudiced and France much advantaged the neighbour-hood and power whereof as being their just counter-poise they much apprehended for Spaine met with no other considerable opposition but the French who in time might much offend them He planted foure Batteries against it which playd merrily upon it six dayes but finding the sufficiency of the Rampiers and the defendants valour who were provided with all things necessary he thought it not good to waste his men and necessary Victuall which he had brought to relieve Brisach in the winning of a Towne the taking whereof would require time be costly and uncertaine He therefore resolved to send Aldringer into Bavaria being desired so to doe by the Emperour and the Duke thereof who much feared Waymers advancement for he was drawing up into the heart of the State Aldringer did accordingly he re-passed over the Rhyn and set upon Freiburg which was held by the Swedes and which soone yeelded unto him and the Garrison thereof tooke pay of him which Towne though it were of small moment being onely invironed with bare Walls without Rampiers yet being that he and his men were to passe by it it behoved him to secure it Horne who had an eye to the Caesarian proceedings understanding this his march came out against him which when Aldringer understood knowing that his Voyage would be very difficult for he was to passe through a Countrey the Provisions whereof were totally wasted and which was full of Souldiers and desperate Countrey people and the passages prevented by the Enemy he speedily raysed his quarters from Loffing a little Towne in Swabenland in the black Wood where whilst he was he had lost about 400 of his men part slaine part taken prisoners in divers skirmishes made by Hornes Souldiers and so he returned back againe to Brisach Waymer having got Ratisbone and constituted good orders therein as well for the publique as Military government having left there 2000 Foot and 500 Horse in Garrison and made the Citizens sweare fealtie seeing how it made for him to get Chamb a place in the upper Palatinate by the River Rugen he took his way thitherward to further his proceedings in the Palatinate as likewise to facilitate his taking of Passaw a Citie standing upon the Island made by the Danube where that River joynes with Inn begirt with Walls without Rampiers but likely by reason of the situation to hold out for some time and commanded by a Castle upon the top of a Hill The Episcopacy thereof is such as though the Bishop were not the Brother to the Emperour Ferdinand the third he might be tearmed a Prince of no vulgar esteeme 't is seated betweene Bavaria Austria and the upper Palatinate and in a passage of great Navigation upon the Danube He marched with his Army thitherward and met not with any opposition for the Garrison frighted with what had befallen Ratisbone and other places of greater strength then it and fearing lest the like might befall them thought it better for them to yeeld then by vainly standing out to incurre inevitable undoing though by reason of its good Walls it mought have held out a while whereupon they surrendered it to the Swedes 'T was reported that this was done by secret intelligence held with Walesteine who desirous to see the Bavarians ill treated would publiquely say to those that told him of Weymars proceedings in Bavaria that Feria was there to succour it The like did the Garrisons of Strawbing and Dechendorf Aldringer being returned from Laffinghen towards Friburg and the Duke of Feria seeing his men dayly diminish who being brought from Italy were not accustomed to the German Fogs and being thereunto perswaded by Aldr●nger and the other Commanders since their hopes of entering into Wirtenberg was already lost nor that they could not without some hazardous encounter passe into Flanders by reason of the opinions which have beene spoken of they joyntly resolved to Winter in Bavaria and there to recruit their Army which was not a little lessened They therefore raysed their Army from Friburg and marched towards Biberach wherein they were so much incommodated for the Autumne beganne to grow very perverse as that to boot with the losse of many Souldiers in divers skirmishes with the Swedes who
of Ratisbon and the King of Hungary appeared likewise on the other side Waymer who was much troubled that so famous a purchase which he to his great renowne had wonne should be lost passing over the Danube at Kelchaine a place above Ratisbon neer to the said River entred the City and marching with wonderfull admiration in the sight of the Enemies whole Army hee put thereinto a recruit of about a thousand Souldiers and some barrels of Powder But the Imperialists setting upon the Towne on all sides Waymer presently advertised Horne thereof and desired that he would come and joyne Forces with him that they might defend that City the losse whereof would much impaire the fame and honour of the Swedish Forces lessen their credit with the rest of their confederates and greatly incourage the Enemy Horne having first put Garrisons into such places as he had taken in Swabenland and particularly in Bucorne went towards Auspurg and in his comming to Leech he understood that La●shut a strong and considerable place being seated upon the Iser in the midst of Bavaria was unprovided of things necessary for the defence thereof and this being a place of importance for the reliefe of Ratisbon though he were by reduplicated letters earnestly desired by Waymer to come and joyne with him yet wisely considering that by such a diversion hee might cause much trouble to the people of Bavaria and that it was more expedient to let the Imperialists still go on in losing of their men in the taking of Ratisbon where daily they lost the flowre of their Army he resolved by temporising not to let slip the opportunity of taking Lanshut he therefore marched thitherward with an Army con●isting of 6000 Foot and 4000 Horse with which Waymer not being well pleased it might from his speeches be gathered that he thought Horne did envy his valour being displeased at Waymers being made Generall That he did not joyne Forces with him because he could not obey him that hee intended by the taking of Lunshut to inhaunce his owne glory and by the losse of Ratisbon to obscure his Duke Waymer and Count Cratz who being fled some moneths before from Iugulstat was made master of the Field in the Swedish Army as hath been said that they might divert the Imperialists from Ratisbon set downe before Fortheime where having spent some time to little purpose and yet desirous to succour Ratisbon by diversion Waymer left the aforesaid Cratz with 5000 fighting men before Fortheime and returned himselfe to his first station that he might joyne with Horne and joyntly raise the Imperialists Harnem having received a recruit of 5 Regiments which were sent him into Slesia from Bannier passed with his Army towards Olaw the Governour whereof finding himselfe not able to resist the Enemy wanting sufficient Garrison to maintaine rampired Wals set fire on the City and betooke himselfe to the Castle wherein being besieged and not receiving any succour after 20 dayes suffering he submitted to the discretion of the besiegers The Siege of Ratisbon continued against the which the Imperialists thundred Cannon-shot hailed Musket-bullets and used Granadoes and other artificiall fires to effect their desires wherein though they found much more of difficulty then they at first imagined yet did not they quite lay aside their hopes but this being the first enterprise undertaken by an Army commanded by a King in person who was come into the field with so great Forces wherein if he should not prevaile all his credit would be lost and the Enemy inheartned they imployed all their might to overcome whatsoever difficulties The Swedes and Inhabitants were no lesse vigilant in defending themselves with equall valour molesting the Imperialists with continuall Sallies and hindering their approaches by great and small shot wherewithall many were slaine for the besieged not having their wals rampired whereby to resist the Enemies briske Assaults it behoved them by their frequent shooting to keep them aloofe off the which was done with much diligence as that through the smoake and fire of Cannon shot the Towne seemed to be all on fire when Aldringer by order from the King went with 15 Regiments to succour Lanshut which was streightly beset by Horne and as he thought to enter in by one Gate the Swedes being let in by the other whilst he was upon the Bridge ready to enter the Towne he was slaine with a Musket-bullet not without suspition that this had happened unto him from his owne side in revenge of some injuries done unto them for such was his severity as hee was rather feared then beloved by the Souldier Amongst other Sallies the Swedes made one gallant one on the Eleventh of Iune wherein withstood by the Imperialists who were led on by their chiefe Commanders though they were faine to give backe yet did they much indammage the Caesarians and slew some Gentlemen of good estimation amongst which Colonell Prainer whose losse was very considerable for hee was a Dutch Gentleman for his worth very much beloved both by the Emperour and King and for his valour in Military affaires well esteemed of by the Souldiers Aldringer being slaine at whose death not onely the Emperour but the Duke of Bavaria and all the Commanders of the A●my were very much grieved Colonell Iohn Wert was chosen to succeed in his place a Souldier of knowne valour and great experience this man was sent with some Regiments towards Rain to recruit those Troopes which were gone with Aldringer to succour Lanshut and meeting with some Swedish Companies which scoured those neighbouring parts he fought with them and brought away many prisoners some Cornets of Horse and defeated above 500 of Horse Souldiers by which good successe hee did not onely purchase the good will of the King of Hungary but of the Duke of Bavaria and every other Commander and soone opened the way to have a greater valuation put upon him But for that to proceed further on and to bury Aldringers conditions in silence would not onely be an injury to his desert but offend the curiositie of him that reads I will make the memory of his fame survive his life He was a native of Lucemberg of meane birth having past his child-hood moved thereunto by his naturall genius and sprightly desire he put himselfe in service with some Noblemen who travelled into France to study whereunto he likewise applyed himselfe and became the Master of many Languages and intelligent in many affaires from thence passing into Italy he was entertained for Auditor by Count Madrucci from thence he went to Trent and by his Pen wrought himselfe into the Prince his Auditory where having studied a while at last were it either his fortune or by reason of the malignitie of the times he was envyed by many and being much scandalized with the actions of some of his Colleagues he resolved to be gonne and not certaine what course to take he went towards Inspruch resolving to follow the occupation that he should
shooting could not be maintained with which they had hitherto supplyed the imperfection of their Rampiers and kept the Enemy aloofe off that they might not through obstinacy as it oft-times befals those who are too confident and presumptuous lose together with the Towne their lives and lively-hoods hee tooke the opinions in writing of the Captaines and other Officers and then gave notice to the Caesarian Camp that hee would parle Hostages being forthwith given on both sides 't was agreed that the Garrison should march out with their Colours flying Drums beating Matches lighted Armes and Baggage and some peeces of Cannon that the Inhabitants should live as best liked themselves and that such as would not stay there might freely remove their goods or alienate them and goe whether they pleased and that the City should enjoy all its ancient Privileges and since it seems naturall that neighbouring Princes are not acceptable to Towns and States that love liberty whither this proceed for Antipathy or that men are not well pleased with the shadow of what over-hangs their owne gardens or grounds or be it from envy which is borne to neighbouring greatnesse the Citizens desired likewise to have it granted them that the Duke of Bavaria should have no right nor rule over them and that whatsoever Garrison should be put there into they might be of Caesars Forces This was likewise granted them by the King to his great glory and to the extraordinary comfort of those people who though they were overcome boasted they had got such large Conditions as perhaps they should not have found had they continued free And this was done because the Austrians were willing to win upon the peoples affections by easie meanes which is better then severity of certaine Politicians who know not how to make their Subjects obedient but by the Sword and keeping them under and by this example they would have invited other Towns which had flowne out by reason of the bad government of former Ministers of State to submit themselves again to the obedience of their native Prince the which would have insued and would ere this have been seen had not the Masters eye been too farre distant from the actions of his Commanders who through their owne authority grew licentious The losse of Ratisbon though it cost the Austrians the lives of about 6000 men the very flowre of their Army partly perished by the Sword partly by sufferings partly by hunger and that they spent above two Moneths more before it then Waymer did when hee wonne it with the effusion of more Wine then Bloud did much inhearten the Romanists neither without reason for by this successe they were heightned to greater hopes and confidence and the Protestants that they might stop the currant of such reports as raised and added to the honour of the Romanists actions as those whereby their confederates might forsake them and because generous hearts are very tender of detraction they resolved to oppose the fury of this torrent with the bankes of some honourable action though it were very difficult and dangerous to withstand it whilst the tide came in and therefore if they failed in their designes as shall be hereafter said all their mischiefe proceeded meerly from the slothfulnesse of their Officers who aiming in all their actions onely at their owne interests thinking upon nothing else but how to get Contributions from the Country and to raise Monies that they might afterwards quietly retire themselves to their owne homes rich in Monies and loaded with spoile did not care to stirre out of their quarters unlesse inforc't by necessity For had their thoughts been onely bent upon the publique good every one of them would have made that the scope of all their actions by not suffering the losers to gather Forces together which were afterwards to be imployed in revenge Nor can they herein any wayes excuse themselves for it is commonly reported they never indeavoured to hinder the Imperialists from raising of men by setting upon them before they were got together which they might much more easily have done then when they were sufficiently provided and their Counsels in their disputations have for the most part been upon resolves and their Armes used against the Country-people where they were quartered rather then in what respected the publique preservation and in augmenting the common utility nay every one of their Captaines having his thoughts more bent upon the emulation of his fellow Colleague then upon the bond of concord by going cooly to worke that they might withdraw from the opinion of another mans glory they through their owne discords gave occasion to their Enemies to reape in due time that advantage which could not from any where else have been expected And from hence may be gathered of what force supreme Authority is in Military affaires and what prejudice they receive who depend upon another mans sence for before they have resolved upon what is to be don their Enemies have done what they would doe Ratisbon being wone from the Swedes the King cast his eye upon the Saxons proceedings in Slesia and Bohemia from which he was to expect no little indammagement in those parts he therefore resolved to march into Bohemia and from thence to lead his Forces into the midst of Saxony hoping not onely to pluck the Electors wings but by force of Armes to bring him to conclude a Peace which being obtained and so those Forces disingaged from thence which ought to have been imployed in the preservation of Bohemia high were the designes to drive with so great Forces the Swedes from out the Empire and so easily to returne into possession of what had been lost But neither could words nor determinations nor promises bring the Elector of Saxony to thinke of Peace for were it either for feare of the Swedes who were yet strong in the field or out of a desire to draw an advantage out of this necessity from the Imperialists no agreement could be made neither of the one nor of the other side So as the King passing over the Danube at Straubing with his Army he marched towards the upper Palatinat leaving the D. of Bavaria with some Imperiall Regiments joyned to those other of his own in his own state to have an eye to the Swedes proceedings The Infanta who as hath been said having entertained himselfe for above one whole yeare in the state of Milan in which time through his admirable wisedome he did much comfort the Subjects with the sincere demonstration of his good intentions and of the like of the King his Brother was inclined to Peace and to hold good intelligence with the Princes and Potentates of Italy winning upon their affections and moderating the jealousies which had been till then spread abroad over all that Country by some men desirous of Noveltie that the Spaniard aspired to bring it to his becke and to increase his owne greatnesse By his interposition the differences between the Genoueses and
Gate where he spoke with the Governour and perswaded him to persist in his defending the Towne promising him sudden and opportune succour which being done he returned to his quarters not meeting with any encounter This meane while Colonell Libesteime was come unto them with two of the Duke of Wirtenbergs Regiments and one of Ransawes and Schavalischi with three other Regiments two of Horse and one of Foot the Swedish Horse the Ringrave and Cratz not comming unto them could not move from the advantage of their seat without either giving battell or making a prejudiciall retreat for if they should once part from thence it would be very hard for Cratz ever to joyne with them who ran manifest danger of being left to the mercy of the Imperialists much complaint was made for want of Forrage for it being to be fetcht afarre off many of their Horse came short home which were cut off by the Crabats and the Citie which was continually playd upon by the Cannon from divers of the Enemies batteries by making of severall great fires gave notice of what extremitie it was reduced unto Waymer perswaded by these reasons and by his owne generous heart which still excited him to try a battell with the Enemy and who desired nothing so much as to be in the Front against a contrary Army so to beare away the Victory which he affirmed to be a pleasure which did farre exceed all other earthly contentment began againe to perswade Horne that they were obliged to succour the Citie since they had given them their word so to doe that every day they lost in so doing made the Confederate Cities lesse confident for when they should see Ratisbon Dunawert and Norlinghen lost in the face of the Swedish Army their Colleague which not long before had boasted not to feare what Fortune could doe nor any Forces the Imperialists could make they would have but small hopes of being defended especially when that Army which dauntlessely had in triumph advanced to beyond the Danube should now be seene to give back and suffer Confederate Cities recommended to the care thereof to be lost whilst it looked on He added that great undertakings were actions which became great Commanders that boldnesse made much for victory that Iulius Caesar with a few Souldiers beat Pompeyes great Army that the pr●ffers of fortune were not to be refused which to make the Protestants victories more glorious had given them an occasion to immortallise their fame by bringing them to fight against a King a Cardinall and an Elector of the Empire assisted by Polaches Hungarians Dutch Italians and Spaniards the gallantest Nations of Europe that the taking any one of these Princes prisoners would be a weighty circumstance that there could not be a fitter time then this desired by Souldiers for by overcomming fresh men rich and well appointed they were to change their fortune together with their apparrell that the Findlanders Horse long'd to have a bickering with the Neapolitans and to change horse with them that great numbers begat confusion and that danger ought not to be thought of where mens mindes are conscious of no such thing But these reasons prevailed nothing with Horne who governing himselfe with wisedome and solidity was not carried away with the vapours of desire for the businesse in hand being weighty he would by no meanes consent to what had been moved but his advice was to know the opinions of all the chiefest Officers before they should come to such a resolution who being called together and much argumentation being had hereupon it was the generall opinion that the Infanta's Army being that day joyned with the Kings and the Swedes succour being yet afarre of they neither could nor ought undertake any thing which would be but to precipitate themselves into ruine Horne said and was followed in what he said by the greatest part of the Commanders that in a businesse of so great weight men ought to be very advised in their resolutions and to foresee the event of running greedily upon a businesse the difficulties whereof were not so slight as their desires would make them appeare that the Austrian Army was conducted by valiant Captaines and who were desirous in presence of their Prince to demonstrate such valour as might make them seem worthy of the places conferred upon them that the Dutch wanted not courage the greatest part of them being the remainders of those Armies who had so often looked the Enemie in the face that the Italians though new men were yet knowne to be agile and soon made capable of the businesse desirous of honour who not being acquainted in the Country it was to be believed that they would joyntly resolve rather to die overcōming then by flying away become a prey to the barbarous Country-people that the Spaniards being ambitious of glory of the fame of being cried-up for the preservours of the Imperiall greatnesse being resolute in fighting a wise Nation and very valiant it was not to be imagined that they would turne their backes that the Kings being present ought not to be contemned though but a young man for that it was a great furtherance to an Army and all Commanders desirous together with his yeares to increase in his Majesties favour they were by manifestation of their gallantry to indeavour a place in his affection but that which of all things else ought to be duly weighed was that they were very weake in men in comparison of the Enemy and that they were not to passe by one consideration that if they should be worsted at this time he knew not how they should ever get together againe since the Crowne of Swethland could not disburse monies for new levies and the Captaines not caring whether their Companies were full or empty that therefore the chiefe thing to be indeavoured was the preservation of those people without the which the Swedish power would be annihilated and that they must rather thinke how to overcome their Enemies by Wit then by Weapons and that if they would needs try a Battaile they must of necessity attend the comming of one at the least of their two expected re-inforcements So as to give Waymer notwithstanding satisfaction they resolved to lay aside any resolution of giving Battaile till Cratz at least were come to them who was by this time not farre of they fell notwithstanding to bethinke how they might indeavour to succour the Towne with any appearance of good successe and divers were the consultations in this behalfe Some were of opinion that their best course was to seat themselves at Vallesteine some halfe a League distant from Nordlinghen as the neerest place unto the City and from whence they might bring such succour as was requisite but this was not approved of for that to effect this a great space of champian Country being to be passed over they consequently afforded the Enemy opportunity to give them Battaile when the Swedes should not be able to retreat
at their pleasure and the Caesarians being at liberty to over-run the state of Wirtenberg and the Territories of Vlm they would not onely have thence all things requisite for their Army but they would necessitate them to forgoe that place for feare of being beaten thence and consequently the City not receiving necessary succour would surrender it self in sight of their Army Others advised that they should withdraw their Army for their better security sake a little further from the Caesarians till the arrivall of their expected succour but neither was this thought fitting for their retreat would have invited the Enemy to follow them and to plunder the state of Wirtenberg and the recruits expected from Franconia could not without great difficulty and evident danger come to the Swedish Army So at last their joint opinions was to succour Nordlinghen but in such sort as the Army should not want victuals from the Dukedome of Wirtenberg nor that that state should be left to the discretion of the Imperialists and though this resolution was likewise upon well-grounded reasons withstood by Cratz who was then newly come as one who was better acquainted with the Country and the Enemies Forces amongst whom he had long commanded publickly protesting that so rash an attempt ought not to be made against a fresh victorious Army and so recruited without a further addition of Forces which was to be expected by the Ringraves arrivall who was by this time nigh at hand and by some other Troopes likewise not farre off and Horne was likewise of this opinion adding that an Army consisting of great numbers and those new Souldiers ought rather to be fought withall by keeping them busied and molested then by the Sword for not being able to keep themselves long in an impoverished Country they must of necessity either perish or begone just as befell the Duke of Feria the yeare before yet for that both Cratz and Horne were willing to please Waymer and Offcherchen who as none of the wisest would in jeasting manner say that these their Counsells and Advises partooke of feare they were so much incenst at these speeches which reflected so much upon them as they concluded to put in execution and to be themselves the first that should prosecute this resolution They therefore raised their Camp the first day of September which consisted of 12000 Foot and 8000 Horse and 28 piece of Cannon There was a Hill neer the City called Arensperg upon the which if they should have incamped themselves the besieged would have thereby beene much comforted and the Caesarians so much incommodated as they would for certaine have beene inforced in a short time to raise their Siege The Swedes therefore marched towards that Hill to effect what they had agreed upon the Imperialists heard of this their motion but not being able to imagine what their designe might be not dreaming that ever they would make so hard an attempt they moved not from their quarters till they saw them neer their Corps de guarde which they had re-inforced with some Regiments of Horse finding afterwards some bands of Swedish Muskettiers belonging to Waymer which were the Vanguard and drew after them some pieces of Cannon made towards them not willing to contest the Field with them they gave them way and retired themselves to the aforesaid Hill Arensperg the place which the Swedes had designed to incamp themselves in Duke Waymer with a great Body of Horse set upon the said Corps de guarde and though they were with equall valour withstood by them and Sadlers and Cratz his Regiments beaten backe at last being overborne by the Swedish Horse which furiously and in a joynt body Charged them they and such other Troopes as were sent in to their succour were inforced to give backe with the losse of many of the Austrians and in particular Prior Aldobrandini perish't there a valiant Gentleman and deservedly beloved of all The like befell another passage guarded by 400 Spaniards which was by force of Armes taken by Colonell Vistem after a stout defence made by the Enemy and for that that station was of so great moment onely for as long as the wood continued neer unto which it was and the end whereof extended to where the Imperialists were incamped in Battaile-array they were so farre advanced and their Muskettiers so ingaged as that they were necessitated to indeavour likewise the gaining of the plaine But Waymer being confronted by a gallant Body of Caesarians and he not having men enough to set upon them Horne who though he still were of the same minde which was to keep upon Arensperg and make himsele master thereof on that side which extends it selfe to the left hand that he might there expect the Ringrave who was within two little dayes march and had with him about 8000 of the bravest and best experienced Souldiers of all the Army since he saw that to proceed like a wiseman was esteemed a token of Cowardise by those who by reason of their former good successes despised the Enemy and would come to a Battaile to shew that he likewise wanted not courage and that hee knew not what feare meant hee furiously fell upon those trenches which were made by the Spaniards and giving upon two Battaglions of Foot though they had much adoe to get unto a halfe moone which stood upon the very beginning of the height yet Charging them through after a bloody fight wherin the Count de Solmes and Colonell Verms were slaine who had the charge to defend it with their Regiments they entred thereinto where instead of haulting and making good the station as Horne commanded them they advanced to set upon the Squadrons of the Spanish Army which was placed in Battaile-array where being Charged by the Austrian Horse and the rest of the Swedes not being able to succour them for that the Trenches were not to be pas● by horse and much pester'd with smoake occasioned through the firing of the Imperialists Ammunition they fled away in great confusion so as the Spaniards might easily advance and regaine that important station which proved afterwards the ruine of the Swedes This rout given to the Protestants would not have proved so prejudiciall if the Horse which was appointed to backe them had advanced in due time opened the fences as Horne had commanded them They say this omission was occasioned by the incumbrance of some Carriages over-turned in the Woods which contrary to the orders they had received advancing before the said Horse was a cause of detaining them for a while and this was the reason why that advantage was lost which afterwards 't was impossible to recover for whilst the Swedish Foot advanced forwards into the Trenches not being backt by their Horse the greatest part of them were cut in pieces by the Austrian Horse The fight was valiantly performed for some while not onely here but likewise on the left wing with the Caesarian Horse whose Charges the Swedes valiantly
Lorayne towards Alsatia and Burgundy was also taken and that whole Province being reduced that great head-piece began to thinke of new Achievements in Alsatia when things should succeed more opportunely and to prepare the fittest meanes to march with their Forces into Italy if the peace should at any time be broken The French therefore gathering together all their Forces which were dispersed about Lorayne marched with them towards the Frontiers of Alsatia not without some jealousie in the Austrians who fear'd lest they might joyne with the Swedes of whom likewise there wanted not some apprehensions for the French seeing them held in play by the Caesarian Forces thought to get into Filisburg by force if they could not prevaile by faire meanes Their end notwithstanding as was conceived by Polititians was neither to declare Warre at this time against the Austrians neither yet to distaste the Swedes but as Arbitrators of the businesse in Germany the proceedings both of the Swedes and Austrians depending upon the ballance of their Forces to keepe themselves attentive spectators upon the fall of the one or other of them carrying the matter so as whether the Swedes should winne or lose they without entring into Warre might reape advantage thereby For the Kingdome of France being then all of a piece and therefore become the most formidable power of all Christendom if the Austrians should prevaile they would be able to uphold the Swedish partie and such strong holds as by such an accident should be put into their hands by the Swedes they might easily keep them and if the Swedes should be victorious the apprehended Austrian greatnesse growing weaker they saw they were sufficient to enlarge their owne Empire and to keepe the Swedes within the limited bounds of power so as France being well enough pleased with the falling out of others that so she might inhaunce and keepe intire her owne strength through their ruines it was clearely discerned that their intentions were neither to denounce Warre against the Spaniards nor yet to foment the Swedes but conditionally For if they should have denounced Warre to boot with the former alledged reasons concerning the Duke of Orleans absence it was to be considered that the breaking of peace without occasion given would adhibite faith to what was already suspected that the French intended to pluck downe the Spanish greatnesse and by the ruines thereof the more to aggrandise their own Monarchy and that which imported more then all the rest that the Austrian Force being counterpoised by the French-mens declaring of themselves 't was easily discerned that the Swedes having the way opened to proceed on to further greatnesse they would consequently be more confirmed in their resolution of not parting with the Townes upon the Rhyn nor yeeld to give the French such content as they desired Whereupon if the French should indeavour by force of Armes to make them forgoe their obstinacy it would be a meanes to make a pacification betweene the Swedes and the Emperour and to their no little prejudice incite them against themselves or by holding with them to rest contented with what they could purchase of themselves at the great expence of money and blood And because the French knew the great ill will that the Lorayners bare them to shun all insurrections they resolved onely to keepe Nancy La Motta and Bitsch and to throw open the Gates of all the other Cities walled Townes and Castles of that state which were 36 in number and to prevent any mischiefe that might happen at Nancy the Inhabitants were disarmed and at Nostre-Dame gate a Citadell of foure Bulworkes was erected In Italy where in due time 't was doubted their Armies might fall on they gave in Commission to Duke Crequi who was dispatcht from Rome that he should go to all the Princes and Potentates there under pretence of Visit Complements and ratification of his Majesties good intelligence with them but indeed secretly to informe himselfe how they stood affected towards his most Christian Majestie and where he should find any appearance of aversenesse that he should wisely indeavour to worke upon their affections by promises and by making his Kings good intentions knowne unto them making his agreement so with them that upon any occasion they might favour him and that he should invite them to an offensive League against the Spaniards in the State of Milan as the place which lyes open to the commerce of the Emperours Forces and the maine Body of their strength being thither reduced kept the neighbouring states in continuall jealousies He therefore went to Florence and though he had no hope to obtaine any thing of the great Duke by reason of his relation to the house of Austria yet to palliate the intentions of his other Visits 't was thought fit in all respects both of decency and faire correspondency that he should goe to that Court to make all his other Embassyes seeme but Complementall without futher causing jealousie in the Spaniard From thence he went to Venice where having stayd two moneths he found those wise Senators desirous to preserve the publique peace of Italy and constant in alwayes keeping good intelligence with his Majestie of France rather willing to be mediators for publique tranquilly then authors of new turmoyles Having tane leave at Venice where he admired the greatnesse of their regalities and the splendid manner of their treating he went to Mantua where being worthily received by Duke Charles and assured of his great good inclination to the Crowne of France he passed on to Parma to visit the Duke thereof whom he found full of high and generous thoughts and one who being a sprightly Prince was not contented to passe away his time in idlenesse a thing despised by exalted minds and having filled his Highnesse with vast hopes and assured him of his Kings assistance in keeping him independent upon the Spaniards and confirmed him in his good will to France and to that purpose agreed upon what was knowne fitting for the Dukes interest he followed on his journy to Pyemont and there passing over the Mountaines returned to France The Swedes vast hopes being ship-wrack't in the battell at Norlinghen and they knowing themselves to be reduced to such a condition as they could no longer with safetie keepe in such places ●s were by them Garrison'd the Garrisons were drawn out at Biberach Bucorn Cell Rinfelt Friburg and from all other places where the Swedes had any by the Ringraves order who was then Chiefe Commander of the Forces in Alsatia and all these which might amount to the number of 3000. being added to the other 6000. the said Ringrave had with him and which were not in the battell the Swedish Commanders knowing it was impossible for them to keepe longer in those parts withdrew themselves to before Strasburg that they might hault t●ere under the protection of that Citie reputed one the strongest of all Germamany that they might re-assemble in the best sort they could their
any time the Austrians should indeavour to put Duke Charles into his Countrey againe This caused no small muttering in Oxensternes Court where it was publique discourse that the French did onely desire to reduce the Swedes to a necessitie of imploring their succour by which meanes they might fully compleat their ends which were to possesse themselves of all the Townes of those Provinces without waging Warre that so they might not onely enlarge the Confines of their great Kingdome but secure it by the Rhyn from being invaded by the Dutch and by bringing their Forces at their pleasure against them inforce the Germans weakned by so many Warres to submit themselves to their protection and to depend upon the Lawes of France and so to keepe the Imperiall Forces in perpetuall motion fomenting the Protestants to divert them from such assistance as they might bring to Flanders and Italy when the French should move with their Forces into those parts All reasons drawne from sound Consequences and approved of by reall Arguments yet did their principall object make against it which would not permit them without greater occasion to breake with the house of Austria and counterveene such Articles as they had sworne and subscribed unto especially in a time when the Duke of Orleans was out of France This comming of the French into Alsatia and the newes of the delivery of Filisburg by the Swedes into their hands was so briske a gust of wind as it quite over-turned many of the Austrians designes which they had formerly resolved upon in so much as though in reason they should have pursued their Victory and not have suffered the Swedes to recruit they did notwithstanding curbe in their proceedings which shewed they had no mind to make the Swedes desperate and so force them to fly for protection to France and joyne their Forces with those of so puissant a King delivering up unto him such strong holds as they were possest of upon the Rhyn which when they should be in the hands of the French they would meet with more difficulty in recovering them And moreover the Austrians were very unwilling to breake the peace with so great a King For these Townes lying upon the Confines of Lorayne which the French were new possest of they should consequently have Alsatia annext to their Dominions from whence they might without any obstacle issue out with such numerous Forces as that Crown is famous for render vaine the indeavours of whatsoever more then reasonable Army And so by the ruine of their Enemies Forreyners should get further footing in their Territories and whilst they should beat the Tree others should gather the Fruit. And the French should without losse of blood be Master of those Cities which would hardly be regained by puissant Armies 'T was observed that from this time forward the Austrians began to proceed more slowly being contented to undertake such enterprises from the event whereof they could not expect any absolute benefit The Landgrave of Hessen had better successe then his other Confederates who was at this time at the siege of Myndem the Garrison whereof by continuall fallying out did much prejudice the besiegers for in one sally they slighted two of their batteries and tooke three piece of Cannon which they brought into their Citie and tooke many prisoners Yet did this little availe them for duties and famine daily increasing and having no hopes of succour they were forced to yeeld the Towne unto the Landgrave who freely gave them leave to march out with their Armes Baggage and two piece of Cannon on the 24th of November The Duke of Orleans who had absented himselfe from the King his Brothers Court being wrought upon to that purpose by the perswasions of his Counsellours who through the desire of bettring their conditions and blinded by lying hopes believed by this dis-agreement of the Royall Brothers to make the King withdraw his affection from those Ministers of State whose greatnesse they envyed and to advance themselves being incouraged by the Queene his Mother who was then in Flanders and allured by faire promises which were said to be made unto him by the Spaniards was at this time in Brussells where at last better bethinking himselfe of his owne affaires wisely discovering the cunning of those that were his advisers and growing very apprehensive for it was said by those that were skilled in State-affaires that the Spaniards intended under some specious pretence to secure his person and dexterously to allure him into Spain where they might afterwards keepe him as an Hostage for the jealousies they might have of the great powers of the most Christian King from all which they might rest secure by having this pawne in their hands for hardly would the French have taken up Armes against their Kings Brother since their King wanting Issue his Scepter was to fall into his Brothers hand not was it likely they would ingage themselves in a Warre against their Kings onely Brother and put the Kingdome to so much cost and grievance since from thence they could expect nothing but the ruines usually occasioned by Warre Moreover any advantage the French could have made hereby would have come short of a ransome for their King in case the Crowne should have fallen to the said Duke of Orleans These impressions growing strong in Monsieur and he moreover reflecting much upon the Infanta's arrivall who was to take upon him the command of those Provinces the which indeed did most of all trouble him To these considerations was likewise added secret intelligence held betweene the Cardinall Richelieu and Monsieur de Pilloran who as is usuall with the sprightlinesse of the French annoied with the Spanish gravity desirous to alter his purpose and to injoy those mighty promises which were made unto him by the King And having moreover forgone his love which he bore to the Princesse of Phalsberg for new affection taken to Madame de Chimay tooke upon him to be a meanes aswell of the returne of his Master and of the reconciling him with the King as hee had beene of withdrawing him out of France Other excellent practises of the Cardinall who as a faithfull servant of that Crowne was much troubled at this disagreement between his two Masters were used to effect this As likewise the wholsome advice of some others who were ingaged as good Frenchmen to undeceive him and free him of such suspitions as were imprinted in him by those that envied the greatnesse of France These conceptions put together were so available as discovering at last the cinders under which the fire lay hid which he feared might breake forth into some great flame he resolved to have speedy recourse to the waters of mercy of his most Christian Majesty wherewithall to wash away all his faults He therefore under pretence of hunting an exercise wherein he usually spent his leasure times agreed with those he affided in of what safest shortest way he was to take
time by a French Garrison Having therefore agreed on the manner with Prince Thomas who was then Governour of all the King of Spaines Forces in Flanders and was with the other Austrian Forces in Lucemberg hee made Count Finden march thitherward and by the favour of the season of the Intelligence hee held and of the neglected guards who expected not such an accident the City was suddainly set upon and taken on the 21th of March the Elector made prisoner and brought with a good Convoy to Brussels many of the Garrison slaine and taken This action though it were of some consideration to the House of Austria aswell by the addition of the Towne as for the Electors person who to purchase his liberty would at all times give his voice in the Imperiall Dyet for the crowning of the King of Hungary King of the Romans yet was it thought by some to be no little misfortune for this being a blow wherewithall France being now great in power and Military preparations would bee netled so great ruines were foreseeen as not onely their owne Subjects but their Neighbours yea all Europe should suffer thereby and so it fell out For the King of France to boot with these apparent injuries sufficient to legitimate an occasion of breaking Peace was little satisfied with the proceedings of the Spanish Agents who were publickly peacht by the French for having wrought upon the Duke of Orleans and other subjects of France by many hopes and filled them with vast imaginations thereby to cause civill discords then which they could finde no better diversion and for having done other things prejudiciall to that Kingdome And finding at last the breach might well be retarded but not evaded for the Spaniards would never have suffered the French to make such Achievements without drawing a Sword and not requite them by Armes since it so became them to doe in respect of those who for their sakes were turned out As likewise for that it did not well agree with their government that the French should grow greater and should get neerer to their Confines whereby they should be continually jealous of their neighbourhood and be sure to have them alwayes a counterpoise to their greatnesse whilest under the name of good neighbours they had possest themselves of such Townes as were held by their Forces for the preservation of such as had flowne unto their King for protection They resolved not to permit any longer any such hostility without resentment Having therefore concluded upon Warre the King of France sent an intimation to the Infanta which implyed an open breach unlesse hee would presently restore unto him Triers and set the Elector at liberty the Messenger whereof was not by his Highnesse listned unto Henry Duke of Rohan who was with a great body of men about Ramberviller in Lorayne was commanded to fall downe into Alsatia that he might be ready for the imployment he was put upon Duke Crequi who was returned from his Embassy from Rome and who was made Lieutenant-Generall of all the French Forces in Italy had Commission for the raising of 10000 Foot and 2000 Horse in Dolpheny and Bresse and to be ready to fall into P●emont upon any such order from the King 2000 French Foot were sent to Casalle Much Military Provision was sent to Pinerolle The Inhabitants of Pragelle which is a Vallie on this side the Mountaine of Geneva and from whence issueth the River Chison which having cut through the Vallie of Perosa fals into Poe neer Villefranca were commanded to make certaine places of those Mountaines more easy to be passed that such Souldiers as were to goe from Lyons and Grenoble into Italy might passe that way Monsieur de Bellieure a personage of great esteem was declared Embassadour extraordinary to all the Princes and Potentates of Italy And because the Duke of Parma who was still more and more distasted with the Spanish Agents held good correspondency with the French divers Companies of Horse were sent towards Parma and a good summe of Mony was sent by the King to the Duke thereof to raise new Troopes and for the payment of an Army in his owne state of which together with the assistance of other Princes their friends the French thought to make use to assist them on that other side in the assault they intended to give by the way of Montferrat to the state of Milan And if the effect thereof had been answerable to the wisedome of the plot and his Majesties advice had been readily executed doubtlesse the Spaniards might have run the hazard of losing the state of Milan which did then sufficiently want men for its owne defence Thus the Embassadours being dispatcht away diligent preparations for Warre were made on both sides The newes hereof comming to the Emperours Court which was not yet quite free from the former disorders altered the pulse thereof on this side and did not a little obviat those hopes wherewith they were already much comforted by their late good successe against the Swedes Wherefore fearing some new mischiefe they speedily summoned the wisest of their Councell together and examined such things as most concerned the preservation of the Empire and found that their discords with the Protestant Princes were the repletions which kept it languishing for that the Warre maintained in their owne Territories weakned the Frontiers of Germany and laid low the Spaniards high designes built upon the power of the Emperour 'T was therefore agreed upon that all diligence should be used to finde out an adequat remedy for this malady which they found not to consist in their owne Forces disperst abroad in other places through the hostility of the Princes of the Empire The Elector of Saxony was then againe invited to a new treaty of Peace which was propounded unto him and accompanied with the fairest propositions that necessitie could find out Baron Curts went to Prague to treat with those deputed by the Elector who though at first they were hardly perswaded to come thither they at last agreed upon a meeting wherein the Electors pretensions and the Emperours proffers were made knowne The Duke was found to be already somewhat diffident of the Swedish Agents for the Reasons that have beene said and that he was greatly jealous of the French-mens having declared themselves whose greatnesse was distasted by the Dutch and that he feared lest by the assistance of that King Duke Waymer and the Swedes might grow to such an excessive power as that he himselfe should not dare to answer to Waymers pretensions which might perchance fall upon the Electorate as being formerly the patrimony of his Progenitors Hereunto was added That the Princes of the Empire not being pleased with the depression of the Austrians thereby to exalt Forreiners it was no good Maxime so farre to agrandise their friends as to become afterwards no lesse jealous of their greatnesse then of the Emperours excessive power So as finding himselfe in a condition
Nation not persisting in their first furies and their first heats being over they cannot easily do those Achievements which are proper for flegmatick and patiently minded men Whilest Flanders was jusled on all sides by the Forces of two so great Kings threatning mischiefe and troubles to Italy and that the great preparations of both sides promised a storme Marshall Bannier who was in the Bishopricke of Magdeburg understanding that Peace was concluded between Caesar and the Elector of Saxony as also the uniting of their Forces foreseeing the breach which was likely to ensue between the Swedes and Saxons and knowing the first hostile act would be upon the City of Magdeburg as a place of great concernment to the Elector it being a very strong hold in the bosome of his Territories and to which hee likewise laid pretence began to repaire the Fortifications thereof and to take order for such Provisions as should not onely be necessary for the preservation of the Towne but for the maintenance of all the Swedish Forces in those Provinces These preparations being heard of at Dresden the Elector desiring quiet which made him make Peace with the Emperour sent letters speedily away to Bannier wherein by well grounded reasons hee perswaded him to accept of the Capitulation of Peace made at Prague for the publick quiet and offered him a summe of Mony if he would friendly deliver up Magdeburg into his hands and remove from that Bishopricke Bannier who was not to conclude nor treat any thing herein without the consent of the Crowne of Swethland and the other confederate Princes returned no answer at all but meeting with some Troopes of Saxon Horse and skirmishing with them wherein the Saxons had the worst began the breach with the Elector of whom the Swedes much complained saying hee was not worthy the benefits he had received from their King who to preserve his Dukedome from invasion had not onely imploy'd his owne Forces but shed his blood and lost his life and that instead of ingraving the memory thereof for ever in his heart hee had secretly concluded a Peace prejudiciall to the Crowne of Swethland and to the Princes and States of Germany without acquainting his friends and confederates therwithall as in all reason he ought to have done These complaints of the Swedes comming to the Electors eare he presently published a manifesto wherein was declared That he had made this Peace as a lover of the good of Germany without the which all those States were in danger of being over-run by Forreine Forces That hee had contracted amity with the King of Swethland onely for preservation of the common liberty the which being now yeelded unto by Caesar the reasons were consequently taken away for which he had joyned himselfe in that union That as he intended it the Crowne of Swethland was to be satisfied for all the expences it had been at and to be included in the agreement made at Prague but that the great Chancellour Oxesterne and the other Swedish Officers being ambitious to command in Germany to injoy a better climat then their owne and to inrich themselves by the spoiles of that exhausted Country would not listen thereunto though the businesse was faire and to be desired In briefe that he was a Prince who would not obey the vast desires of such Ministers of State as did not love the weale publicke and lastly that his proceedings were not prejudiciall to the interest of his friends These excuses and declarations did not mitigate but more inflame the Swedish Commanders and invite them to revenge for as good Wine makes the sharpest Vinegar so their former good friendship turned to the greater enmity The King of Hungary who having wintered his men in the Dukedome of Wirtenberg and in Alsatia remained himselfe in Vienna to assist at the emergent consultations and resolves of greatest concernment and to make necessary Provisions for the Empire having agreed with his Captaines what wa●●o be done in the future field and parting from Austria with such Forces as he could that Winter get together tooke the shortest way towards Wirtenberg to re-inforce his Army not onely with men but with his owne presence When hee was come to Helbrune the Commissioners of Vlm whose condition did daily impaire and troubles improve allured by the good Articles granted to those of Auspurg and Nurenberg prostrated themselves before his Majesty and demanding pardon were received with such courtesie as is usually practised by generous Princes and sent backe with all their desires subscribed unto Gallasse having received directions from the King to move with his Army and indeavour somewhat whilest his Majesty staid at Helbrune to treat of accommodation with many Cities whose Commissioners flockt to him for pardon past over the Rhyn at Filisburg and knowing that to take Wormes a Towne neer Mentz and Franckendalle seated upon the Rhyn and invironed with Rampired Wals would be a businesse of some moment to make the recovery of Mentz and Franckendalle the more easie set upon it and readily planted his Cannon against it The Swedish Garrison which exceeded not 900 men too small a number to guard so great a circumference of Wall finding all the opposition they could make bootlesse and so much the rather because they durst not trust in the Inhabitants after having seemed to hide this their weakenesse compounded before any assault was made and retreated to Mentz Miminghen following the example of other Haunse Townes understanding the conditions granted to Vlm and being in the midst of the Austrian Forces without hopes of succour did likewise Article with the King of Hungary and was received to favour having its ancient priviledges subscribed unto The like did Schorndorfe one of the strongest Townes of Wirtenberg seated in the Center of that state upon the River Rems in a large Champian invironed with Hills which makes it seeme a Valley this Towne did for some moneths indure the Siege but now compounded and received Lawes from the Enemy The Austrians were not wanting in all requisite diligence but knowing that England though separated by a large arme of the Sea which makes it as it were another world if the French should grow to a greater power would suffer by the shade of so over-spreading a tree the people whereof to boot with their owne politicke interest of not desiring their neighbours increase in greatnesse whether it proceeded from envy or from their naturall hatred occasioned by the diversity of the Nations dis-agreeing in Tongue and Customes or from the memory of the ancient cruell Warres between them and the French were generally jealous of the French indeavoured by the perswasions of such Counsellours as were of their partie to move the King of England in their behalfe so to weaken the French Forces by this friendship for that being entertained in having an eye to these they could not so easily reflect upon Flanders This their indeavour did in realitie meet with many lets and difficulties though in
likewise who was very affectionate to the house of Austria to boot with the Brigado of Foot which he raysed at his owne costs in Helvetia did upon this occasion likewise assist the state of Milan with 300 Horse under the command of Marquis Cosimo Richardi Whereupon Beliviere leaving Venice came to Florence not out of any intention to make the great Duke side with the Crowne of France but at least to moderate the evill opinion which the Princes of Italy might have taken of that Crowne by reason of the French-mens falling into Italy and to keepe the great Duke as much as possibly he could from assisting the Spaniards And because the opinion grew stronger every day that the Duke of Savoy held secret intelligence with the Spaniards 't is said that to moderate in some sort this report the King of Spaines Agents held it fit to dismisse the Abbot Torre who was the Duke of Savoyes Embassadour from Milan under pretence that considering the breach made by his Master against the King of Spaine it was not fitting a Minister of his should keep with those against whom he had declared himselfe an open Enemy At this time Don Franchesco di Mello a man of great esteeme sent as extraordinary Embassadour from Spaine to the Emperour tooke Milan in his way and staid there it being reported he was to have beene made Governour thereof The Spaniards this meane while building very much upon the Duke of Modena's declaring himselfe for them as well for the assistance they might expect from that Prince of warlike people as for the credit of being reverenced by such an Italian Potentate not respecting the right of discent in the Prince of Correggio mediated with the Emperour therein in the behalfe of the Duke of Modena that the true Prince might be deprived thereof and the other invested thereinto as it insued upon the promise of disbursing 200000 Dollars The Elector of Saxony having after some dayes stout defence made by the Swedes taken the Castle of Hall knew it was requisite for him to joyne with the Imperiall Troopes who were then in good numbers about Franckfort upon the Oder that they might joyntly invade those Townes which were by them pretended unto and were held and gainsaid them by the Swedes He therefore marched towards Berlin a Citie of Brandenberg upon the Hault where the Swedes were who were much grieved at the uniting of those Forces as making much against that which they intended and being hereof advertised Bannier thought it expedient to remove from thence Therefore having brought his Souldiers neere Ratzaw and having quickly taken Verbe● which not being in a condition to stand out immediately Articled the small Garrison which guarded it marching out with their Bagge and Baggage he left therein a good guard for it was a place of some moment for him and then marched with his Army towards the Enemy where some Regiments of the Swedish Horse meeting with some Squadrons of the Saxons which scoured the Countrey they so evilly treated them as that they made them runne away to the Electors head-quarters The Elector of Brandenburg was much troubled with this Hostility betweene the Swedes and Saxons who confining upon them both if he should declare himselfe for either side he should bring the Warre home to his owne doores So was likewise the Duke of Mechelberg who could expect nothing but much prejudice from this their falling out Therefore an accommodation betweene the Swedes and Saxons being very much desired by those two Princes they were not wanting in their best indeavours to compose those differences but they could doe no good therein for the Swedish Commanders being particularly offended by the Elector and incited through a de●ire of Warre whereon their greatnesse did consist for they thereby much inriched themselves held the businesse in suspence upon very small hopes and at last all the differences consisting in a declaration which contained that before they would proceed further they would be repossessed of all that they did possesse the yeare 1634. the Treaty fell to the ground The French-men fayling in their intentions of taking Valenza which for the reasons formerly alledged they much desired seeing that the numbers of the Spaniards did dayly increase in the state of Milan by the assistance of other Princes their friends for now the Dutch began to march towards them under the command of Prince Borso of Este and Colonell Giledas together with other Switzers to boot with many Foot that were raysed in the state of Modena and in Tuscany and those that every day were landed from Spaine and Naples thought it fitting to ease the quarters of Montferrat which began to be very burthensome to those people by sending backe the Duke of Parma's Forces into their owne Countrey But because their numbers were much lessened in lying before Vabenza and that they could not without evident danger passe through the Territories of Tortona and so enter into Piacenza without being back't with greater Forces and when they should be luckily arrived there they were not able to defend their state from the Spaniards who were expected to invade them they indeavoured all they might to make the Duke of Savoy joyne his Generall the Marquis Villa with those of Parma who with the Savoy Horse might back the Duke of Parma till he should come to his own home where when he should be they would then bethinke themselves of new resolutions to which the Duke gave way though he suspected that the French did this to weaken his Forces that they might have him the more at their beck for by his suffering Valenza to be succoured the French had renewed the former jealousies they had of his actions Villa therefore left his quarters and marching towards Tortona began to doe as was agreed upon but the Spaniards who had heard hereof sent speedily away 3000 Foot and 10 Companies of Horse to Tortona whither they came on the 23th of December and lodged in the Suburbs of the Citie from whence they sent out Scouts to discover the Enemies proceedings and understanding that Villa with his Horse appeared already in very good order upon the Territories of that Town they thought it expedient to foord over the S●rivia a Torrent not far from thence and send some Horse towards the Savoyards seconded by divers Files of Musquets intending to set upon them on the Flanke and by fighting with them to make the Colleagues alter their intentions But the Spaniards finding themselves not strong enough to encounter them though they were somewhat advantaged by the protection of the Citie and the Cannon thereof which playd upon the Enemies Horse being come within their reach they kept their stations forbearing to make any further attempt so as while this was a doing the Foot which marched on the other side came successefully to the new Castle of Scrivia not having so much as one Musquet-shot made at them though there were some Spanish and Neapolitan Foot there and
Spinola 't was at last resolved upon that their Forces should retreat from the Territories of Piacenza and advance into the Country of Tortona towards Castellnovo to oppose the French in their passage if they should indeavour to come by the Valley of Rati leaving Garrisons notwithstanding in the Castle of Saint Iohn and Rottofredo and that Gamba Carta should go with the Horse to the Confines and Cannon and other necessary Provisions being sent from Pavia they likewise advanced to Castellnovo and Leganes and Spinola having viewed the fortifications of Valenza and of other parts and munited all advantagious places which might hinder the French in their Passage they sent the remainder of their Forces to the Country of Pavia beyond the Poe and the other into Novara under the command of Don Martine de Aragona Villa and those of Parma taking heart at this departure from the parts about Piacenza resolved to move and make some advantagious inrode aswell to refresh their people as to bereave the Spaniards of Forrage and to win credit Villa therefore advanc'd to la Stadella a place in the Territories of Pavia upon the Confines of Piacenza beyond the Poe and having beaten up some Horse-quarters he marched forwards sackt Arena and Pantelbera neer the Poe and retreated with some booty though but of little valued for all the Inhabitants upon those Confines fearing some such like incounter had already conveyed the best of their Goods and Movables into strong holds or into Townes not subject to such surprisals Crequi on the other side not desirous to stand idle but to comfort at least the Duke of Parma who not brooking any delay prest for his promised succour and willing to acquit himselfe of those rumours which began already to be common discourse against his government by seeming ready to passe into the Piacenzan Country understanding what provisions the Spaniards made to oppose his passage that hee might divert their Forces elsewhere and consequently finde them weake there where he intended to set upon them and so happily compasse his end which differed much from what the Spaniards imagined for the French were rather desirous to enter into the heart of the State of Milan rich in Commodities then into the State of Parma which was ruined He made the Savoyards advance into the Langhe a Countrey lying betweene the State of Genua and the Territories of Alessandria that he might draw the Spaniards thetherward whilst he might set upon them on another part But they warily fore-seeing the French-mens drift kept themselves close in a body and provided for the other side by the Forces that were quartered in Alessandria and the adjacent parts being more troubled with the keeping of the Towns in the State of Milan then at the Duke of Parma's being gone to his owne State The Duke of Rohan who was gone from Gravedone in the Valteline desiring to doe somewhat in prejudice of the Kings of Spaines Dominions acquainted his King how the Spaniards had a building in the Valsazena neere the Towne called Lech wherein they made their Cannon Bullets and that to bereave them of it would be much to their prejudice his answer was he had leave to doe it but not to advance any further nor forsake his holds in the Valteline so as they might be possest by the Austrians or Grisens who began now to seeme little satisfied with the French Having then secretly got his men together and divided into three Bodies the one under Monsieur Fridelliere the other under Monsieur De Leches and keeping the third with himselfe he commanded Fridelliere that as he past by Gergherlla he should storme two holds wherein were but a few Spaniards who being unexpectedly set upon and surprised had not time to prepare for defence Leches past by the Mountaine Barras and storming another hold possest by the Spaniards he advanced as farre as Vestrin and the Duke with the rest of the Foot past over the little Lake and came likewise to Vestrin accompanied notwithstanding by good Vollyes of of Ordnance from Serbellon's quarters where gathering together the other Souldiers he came without any gaine-saying to Ballan and from thence to Introbio in the Valsazena from whence he advanced further and beating downe the aforesaid building he came as farre as the Bridge over the Leech which when he had well viewed and considered he returned to Introbio where not finding whereupon to live and fearing lest he might be intercepted for by this time the A'larme was given every where he retreated to his former quarters in the Valteline He brought back with him much bootie and great store of Cattel for the Inhabitants who slept securely at their owne homes dreamt not of such a surprisall But if the French had good successe in these parts the Imperialists were not idle upon the Rhyn for Gallasse sent Forcats with 1000 Crabats to beat up some of the French quarters about Mentz who charged upon some French Troopes worsted them and chased them even to the Gates of Ments wasting and destroying divers Tow●es together with the French quarters and bringing backe good store of bootie with him And Gallasse himselfe went with his Army from about Mentz and marched towards Confluenza a Citie possest by the French the Garrison whereof seeing the Imperialists come and knowing themselves not able to defend it robb'd the Towne of what was best in it and retreated to Harmesteime a strong hold not farre off The troubles of the house of Austria increasing every day and Ruthen being arrived at London who as hath beene said was sent expressely to acquaint the King of England how affaires went in Germany and that it was now a fitting time to demand the restitution of the Palatinate from the Emperour and to remit the Princes of that most Noble Family into their patrimony The Earl of Arundell one of the prime and richest Subjects of that Kingdome was sent about that businesse to Caesar which had been granted had not those Countries and that which imported more the Electorall dignitie fallen upon the Duke of Bavaria from whom it was not faire to take it away without good satisfaction it being conferr'd upon him for the expence he had beene at in the Emperours service in which he had alwayes upon all occasions contributed his Counsell Moneyes Forces his expences arising to many millions of Dollars and hazarded his life Neither did it become the Austrians to leave him unsatisfied who had been and continued to be their loyall friend thereby to please a Forreigne Crowne which when it should have obteined all it pretended unto would upon occasion forget the courtesie for the friendship of Princes continues onely so long as their owne interest is therein concerned which they affirme ought to be preferred before all obligation before all alliance And if upon these present emergencies the Emperour should have forgone his good intelligence with Bavaria one of the chiefe Princes of Germany served by a brave and veteran Army he
his most Catholique Majestie had with just reasons tane up Armes against that Kingdome not out of any intention to bereave the King of what was his since the Spaniards who have enough of the world and abound in charitie never covet what belongs to another but onely thereby to reduce the King to an universall peace which was so much desired by the Austrians for the welfare of the poore people who are those that at the last are onely indammaged by Warre and to get the States restored which were taken from the Duke of Lorayne and others as also to have satisfaction given to the Queene Mother and to have those Nobles restored to their Estates who were banished the Kingdom not for any fault of theirs but onely for that they would not depend upon his Majesties Ministers of State whom they knew to be no friends to France and in particular upon the Cardinall of Richelieu whom they feared most of all the rest having a genious opposite to the Spaniards and one who knew how the affaires of that Crowne went wherein there would be charitie and no little merit at Gods hands and all the world if those people and Princes could perswade the King to punish those as Traytors who were the cause the Kingdome was so much weakened by assisting strangers This Manifesto being published in France and comming to the Court afforded occasion of laughter to the Lords there who were much taken with the expression of the Spaniards charitie in not coveting what belongs to another they found all this to be but an invention to throw seeds of di●●idence betweene the great ones too much inclined to noveltie and to put them in mind how their fore-fathers had strugled with their Kings to doe the like amongst the people who were desirous of quiet and not willing to undergoe new Impositions and in fine that this was but a bait to draw some male-contents over to them by whose meanes they pretended to receive no small benefit Yet was it not of force enough to have any outward operation for the late example of Monmerancy and other great ones of the Conspiracy had sufficiently taught them that the Subject might hope to be borne withall and pardoned for any other fault save that of infidelitie And every one knew very well that if the Crowne of France had consumed sufficient treasure by the government of such Officers yet were they secure from intestine Warres whereby that flourishing Kingdome had so much suffered in former times and which were easie enough to be renewed againe for every little distaste taken by a French Prince was sufficient to subvert whole Provinces so as it was better to indure some Taxations then to be exposed to the insolencies of a friend and violence of an enemy Moreover they saw a Dukedome of Lorayne joyned unto the Crowne the reveneues whereof did farre exceed all the expences they had beene at together with so many other Cities in Alsatia and in Italy where formerly they had not one foot of ground the maintaining whereof did keepe the Enemies of the Crowne in continuall suspition and afforded them meanes of thinking upon other enterprises and of helping upon all occasions such as were friends to France when they should be incombred by their Enemies The French having possest themselves of the seat of Panperduto and made their Trenches there in the open Fields which gave them no small hopes of further advancement and knowing that without any more adoe they should bring Milan into great streights for want of Victualls if carrying their Forces aside the great Lake they should cut from them those Provisions which were thereby brought unto the Citie they resolved upon the taking of Arona a Towne upon the Tessine in the mouth of the said Lake which would make them to perfect their designe They therefore marched with part of their Forces thetherwards but were not proserous in the attempt for all the neighbouring people taking up Armes together with others under the command of Count Iulius Caesar Borromeo they were saluted with many Cannon shot from divers places which were held by the Milanois on those Hills so as it behoved them to retreat that they might not dis-joint their Army which kept about Panperduto expecting the event of that enterprise by the benefit whereof they designed to marke where they might have greatest hopes of advantage But these proceedings were not well interpreted by those of Milan which made them murmur and complaine of the Spaniards for that they had assembled so many men together kept them so long in that State to the so great incommoditie and losse of so many people whom they had not courage to defend now that they stood in need of their helpe At which the Spaniards being much galled who fore-saw the apparent danger that over-hung them if they should make any further delay they resolved to alter their determination of keeping themselves in strong holds so to reduce the French to a scarcitie of Victualls and into a condition of receiving some great overthrow and propounded that content might be given to the Milanois by their undertaking some generous action whereby the others minds which were so farre sunck in dispaire might be somewhat comforted Leganes therefore on the 22th of Iune went from Biagras where he mustred his Army which the Militia of the Countrey being therein comprehended consisted of 15000 Foot and about 4000 Horse he was accompanied by Don Francisco di Melo Marquis Spinola and many other chiefe Commanders and in a grave and sober march he advanced in good order towards the French Army which kept in battell array within their Trenches but it being somewhat late there onely past an ordinary skirmish betweene the Horse of both parties which lasted almost all the night with little losse to either side for the Spaniards went warily to worke that they might not be brought upon disadvantage and the French attended some fitting occasion to charge them upon advantage so as the meane while the night came on which stickled the businesse Leganes notwithstanding knowing very well the Enemies condition and finding in his Souldiers a great desire to fight appeared the next morning at Sun-rising in good order before the French who kept themselves in battell array within their Trenches and going boldly on with the Spaniish and Dutch Foot against the Trenches the French though they did valiantly defend themselves and withstand their Enemies who fought very couragiously yet could they not keep one of their Foot battaglions from being routed which was charged by the Neapolitan Horse for the French Horse which were on the left wing towards the Ditch of Panperduto being playd upon by 3 pieces of the Spaniards Ordnance which were placed upon the edge of the said Ditch and being thereby much indammaged were wheeled about towards La Cassina di Tornavento from whence these Foot receding and others by reason of their feare they retreated towards the River under the shelter of
there their inrodes were the lesse to be feared as also the suspicion which was to be had of them if they should be quartered so neer and Prince Borso d'Este went with his men before Montegrosso wherein was a French Garrison he valiantly set upon it and though it were stoutly defended by the Garrison and Inhabitants who were resolute and fierce they being by Montferrianes brought up in Turmoils and War he took it by storm putting the defendants to the sword and would have proceeded further had he not been forc't for want of Forrage to return to Allessandria A recruit of 1000 Horse and 3000 Foot was brought by the Ringrave to the Cardinall of Vallet and Waymer as they were before Zaverna which they had desired to accomplish that enterprise for Gallasse being not farre off with the Caesarian Army they feared le●t he might succour it Whereupon they besieged the Towne more streightly then ever and the defendants did reciprocally shew their worth and valour but at last Victualls growing scarce and the attended succour not appearing for Gallasse who had found some distasted companies in the Army ready to mutiny for want of pay and Contribution thought it not fit to move with his Army thitherward fearing lest instead of fighting his Souldiers might flye over to the French out of hopes of being well payd by them as the French had made it bee given out in the Camp having susteined six assaults with unheard of gallantry and seaven weeks siege they surrendred the Towne upon condition to march forth with Armes and Baggage and so retreated to Gallasse After this the French receiving advertisement how the Imperialists were gone towards Dresemhaim and that they fortified themselves there and how also the King of Hungary drew neare it being said he was already come into Wirtenberg to watch over their proceedings and so necessitate them for want of Victualls to passe over the Rhyn they kept themselves encamped some dayes about Zaverna where by reason of the neighbour-hood of the Armies continuall skirmishes were had with reciprocall losse amongst which I must not past over an encounter betweene the Crabats and Swedes commanded by Colombac who as he was conveying some Carriages loaded with Wine to the French Campe was met by the Crabats who skirmished with them and the Swedes having the better the Crabats were forc't to retreat with some considerable losse The Prince of Conde continued his Siege before Dole but though the French had reduced the Towne to a bad condition yet was not fortune so propitious to them as to the others before Zaverna for this being a place of great importance to the Spaniards they applyed themselves more to the preservation thereof and therefore the Colonells Lamboi Merci and Butteler joyned their Forces together to whom came also 7000 Burgonians Trained Bands of that Countrey who tooke up Armes as well out of the loyaltie they ow'd their Prince as for the hatred they bore the French though they be of the same language and customes which some will have to proceed from a naturall ill disposition which uses to predominate betweene Confiners and more particularly between such as are of the same Nation but of a sundry Province and Subjects to another Prince These marched thitherward with a Body of about 10000 Foot and 2000 Horse But the Prince of Conde who saw he had not Forces sufficient to keepe the Citie besieged and to hinder the sallyes which upon this occasion those within would make and also to oppose the succour which the Burgonians brought with much desire and earnestnesse He raysed his Campe and on the 14th of August past over the Sone being pursued by Merci his Horse who did somewhat prejudice him in his Reare The Imperialists being incouraged by this retreat and Gallasse not being able to keepe his Army any longer in Alsatia for scarcitie of Forrage and Victualls for that Countrey was reduced to such a dearth that a small glasse of Wine cost 6 pence and a loafe of brown bread a shilling he passed back over the Rhyn and came to Brisack from whence he also passed back over the Rhyn againe and hoping that by the diversion in Picardy it was now a fitting time to attempt somewhat in France on this other side he marched with his Army thitherward where joyning with the people of the Countrey he began to over-runne the Townes of Burgony on this side the Sone He tooke Merebaulle a Castle not farre from the River Dain and went with his Forces to before S. Iohn de L'aulne a Towne upon the Sone betweene Verduue and Chalon But being pursued in his march by the Cardinall of Vallet and Duke Waymer who at the newes of this the Imperialists resolution were come from about Zaverna and were already at Ramberville and Blacemborg places upon those Frontiers and had sent Ransaw the Serjeant-Major General of the Army to succour the Towne who luckily did succour it Gallasse finding no good to be done retreated This newes being brought unto the Court and it being feared that some invasion might be made in the Dutchy of Burgony a good and fertill Countrey the Duke of Long●eville was speedily dispatcht away to Vallet with a succour of 6000 Souldiers whereby that Province was very well secured from any attempt of the Enemy for the Caesarian Forces not being able to keepe in those Territories in any great numbers as it behoved them to doe for the scarcitie of Victualls in the Countrey which was now by the continuall maintaining of Souldiers reduced to great extremitie and the French being therewithall sufficiently provided the enterprise would be upon too unequall tearmes Whilest Warre was waged with much industry on both sides in France the Swedes and Saxons proceeded with no lesse fervour and ingenuitie in Germany The Elector of Saxony had his heart set upon the taking of Magdeburg and fearing lest if the succour should come up to Bannier which was upon their march towards him from Pomerania Westphalia Mechelberg and other places before the businesse were ended he might faile in his enterprise he did all that in him lay to put an end to that Siege And Bannier not onely desirous to frustrate the Electors hopes but to have the honour of preserving that Citie laboured no lesse to bring it timely succour for the which all things requisite were providing that upon the arrivall of the expected and much requisite aides he might quit his Trenches betake himself to the field But the besieged finding their want of bullet as likewise their scarcitie of Victualls and being advertised of the losse of Tergemonde together with Schulmans rout who was upon the march to bring them some sort of reliefe they put a period to the great expectation which was had by every one of some great action neere the Citie for the Garrison being necessitated for the aforesaid reasons resolved to parley and to surrender up the Towne upon conditions of marching out with their Armes
upon Languedock a Countrey which extends it selfe from Provence unto the Pirenean Mountaines and which is of a temperate climate very fruitfull and populous by the invasion whereof their intentions were not onely to divert those Forces which threatned Italy and Flanders but that which was of greater consequence to frighten those Inhabitants and see whether by their assistance they could make them take up Armes against the Kings Ministers of State as those who had occasioned the War in France And because almost all the Military men that had imployment in Italy Flanders or elsewhere were sent for from far into the King of Spaines Dominions for the Councell of Spaine thought it not fitting to give the government of an Army in Spaine to one of the same Nation for the preferring of one Subject before the rest in his owne Countrey is to derogate from the pretensions of many others who thinke themselves not inferiour to the partie preferred and to rayse him to too great an height whom they so exalt they were aware of this and therefore sent for Count Iohn Serbellone to command those Forces a Subject of the State of Milan of great esteeme and of experienced worth in Military affairs as well to take him from the pretences he had in the Armies of that State as for the fore-mentioned reasons of shunning emulation amongst themselves as also for Marquis Phillip Spinola Nephew to that great Generall Ambrosius under whom he had beene disciplined When these came to Madrid they were received with much civilitie by the King and Queene and all the Court as those who were thought might be serviceable unto them in the time of War though the wiser sort were of opinion That these were but counterfeit demonstrations of contentment such as are frequently used by such as stand in need of anothers assistance for it was held for certaine that the Spaniards who envie all other Nations desire to monopolize all their Grandezzes within themselves The Duke of Cardona who was commanded to rayse as many men as he could in those Kingdomes had now assembled together an Army of betweene ten and twelve thousand men to boot with other Souldiers remaining in Novar under the Duke of Nocera to watch over the French who by reason of the Spaniards entring in hostile manner into those parts were now become strong and had driven the Spaniards from Bayon where they had met with hard usage The Spaniish Commanders thinking it now fitting time to effect their resolves and Serbellone desirous at his entrance to doe somewhat handsomely they turned their march towards Leucata a Citie in Languedock neere Narbone and not far from the Sea as a place very fit to make way for greater enterprises Their Army being brought before it Serbellone and the Marquis of Mortara tooke up their quarters on the side towards Narbonne Francis Specchi Master of the Field with his men quartered at Franchina and the Duke De monte Reale tooke up his abode at the place called Sferra Cavalli they set a great number of Pioniers on worke in the digging of Trenches as well against the Citie as to keepe off succour and thought verily to take the Towne for the French Forces were afarre off neither did it comply with them to remove them from the Rhyn and from Flanders to imploy them here They planted their Cannon against it and beset it the Catelonians using more bravery with their tongues then with their Swords as never having seene any Squadrons unlesse of Cattell they being for the most part Countrey people But as things suddenly raysed are oft-times as suddenly razed they failed in what they intended for the Allarme being given to all the French thereabouts and those Confines being strengthned by Troops of Horse and Foot speedily sent thither from the neighbouring Provinces by the Governours thereof these men naturally hating the Spaniard did with such hast and fury as is naturall to the French flock to ayde the besieged and the Spaniards being for the most part fresh-men of the Trained Bands and not used to Warre they either knew not how or were not able to resist the fierce assault which the French not valuing their lives made upon their Trenches about three a clock at night on the 28th of September so as it behoved them to give way to the French and bethinke themselves of a retreat which they could not so orderly performe but that they lost all their Artillery their Baggage and about 2000 men The newes whereof being speedily brought to the Court of France was very welcome and made the French looke about them and provide for that which had they not beene awakened by the Spaniards perhaps they would never have drempt of So turning their eye this way they were hereby incited to recover that which was formerly taken away by Ferdinand King of Spaine by reason of Pope Iulius the second his Excommunication thundred out against Iohn Albert●● who sided with Lodovick the twelfth Signior De Schamont was commanded to assemble together as many men as he should judge requisite for the businesse and march towards Parpignon and the Prince of Conde was by His Majestie declared Generall of that Army and for that Affaire As one misfortune comes seldome alone but is followed by a greater if the Spaniards fared ill in Languedock they fared not better in Flanders nor in Lorayne For Prince Thomas and Piccolomini not being able to succour La Chapelle too narrowly beset by the French the besieged having discharged the parts of good Souldiers after having held out valiantly many dayes and now despairing of reliefe they yeelded up the Towne to the French on the 21th of September and Duke Longheville falling with 6000 Souldiers into Lorayne he tooke the strong passage of Doux in Burgundy routed some of Duke Charles his Horse and sackt many Townes in that Province On the other side the Infante finding it impossible for him to relieve Breda the Spaniards having beene received to their no little losse in the Duke of Bullions quarters hee went to the taking in of Ruremond and Venlo Forts possessed by the Hollanders upon the Mosa to see whether by the setting upon these he could remove the Prince of Orenge from the Siege of Breda the which within a few dayes yeelded to him the Garrison not being able longer to defend themselves for the defendants were but few and their Works imperfect This though availed but a little for the taking of Breda was of greater importance to the Hollanders it being strongly seated and whereby they should not onely the better secure their Frontiers on that side but might extend their raising of Contributions even to Antwerpe and Lira then the losse of six Ruremond's The Prince of Orenge therefore continued constant in his Siege and the defendants being reduced to great extremity of all things and wanting succour they yeelded up the Towne on the 10th of October upon the same conditions as were formerly graunted by
fore-saw that Piemont was likely to be the Sceance whereon all the Warre betweene those two Crownes was to be acted She called her Counsell together and advised upon what was fitte●● to be done upon the present and did openly declare That though she were the King of France his Sister yet she was Mother to the Duke of Savoy and that she thought her selfe more concerned in her Sonne then in her Brother The present affaires were had in consultation and very well discust It was generally agreed upon by all that if they might be suffered to be Neuters and not to declare themselves for either partie it would be the wisest course they could take The bringing of the Cardinal into the government was also discoursed of to which some were inclined for if he shold come thither the King of France his Forces might be prejudiced by assistance from Spaine and doubtlesly the French turning their threats into handsome desires and efficacious promises would rather indeavour to divert the Duchesse from siding with the Spaniard and to hold good correspondency with her Brother then exasperate her against them and peradventure this would have beene the best resolution they could have put on But there were in it such difficulties as it behoved them to leave the thought thereof for besides that the government of one so neere of blood to the Heire afforded cause of jealousie the Duchesse as are all other Princes being desirous to be chiefe in the government and not to admit of a Companion would not give way thereunto But that which did chiefly hinder the taking such a resolution was the King of France his protestation who threatned that if the Piemontois should take the Cardinal into the State belonging to the Duke of Savoy he would presently wage Warre with them and the French being already masters of the strongest and most important passages of Savoy and Piemont they would straightwayes have brought that State into evident danger They likewise fore-saw that they were not to ground their hopes upon assistance from Spaine for though the French should be beaten which would not easily be done if they should really intend such a Warre it was not to be doubted but that whilest the Spaniards warred in Piemont those Townes which should have escaped the insolencies of the French would have tasted the Spaniards indiscretion and so much the rather for that they had not as then any hope to carry the Warre on the other side the Mountaines for the French being possest of Casalle and the greatest part of Montferrat it would require some time to drive them from thence and therefore the Warre would be maintained in the bowells of Piemont to the great prejudice of those Inhabitants They being then of two evills to chuse the least resolved to put themselves totally upon the protection of France and to this purpose the Marquis Parelo was sent by the Duchesse to her Brother to desire succour and assistance although this was knowne to be a hazardous resolution for not being able to put themselves into the protection of France without receiving the French into their strong holds they would not be easily got to forgoe them so as either by permitting them to Lord it there the Dukes authoritie must be lost or else the Spanish Forces which most apprehended this neighbour-hood if they should endeavour to drive them out by force the State of Piemont would first be ruin'd by their encamping and if afterwards things should happen successefully and the Spaniards be brought into that State they would have the better pretence to keepe it as the purchase of their Swords Whence it is easily seene what prejudice such States receive as have Infants for their supreme Lords But as the Austrians prepared by all meanes possible to ruine France so were not the French idle in contriving how to countermine the Spaniards cunning which they much apprehended and at the same time that the Spaniards built their designes upon the Prince of Savoy the French who confided very much in Duke Waymers valour began to lay the foundations of their future Fabrick So as Waymers Army being much increased by recruits from France and by moneys he had received from them wherewithall to satisfie the Dutch he thought it no longer time to keepe idle in his quarters but fore-going them in Chapell and the Countrey of Fistemberg he kept the Fields with his united Army in those Territories which caused the Austri●●s to doubt whether he intended to march against Bavaria or else to enter Rhetia to revenge the injuries done to Rohan Divers were their suspitions and their discourses divers but whilst every one not without much feare stood expecting where this blow should fall foreseeing some mischiefe Waymer on the sudden and unexpectedly came before Rinfield which in his absence was againe taken by the Austrians where he planted his Cannon and according to his wonted diligence playd upon the Walls So as though the Towne were well defended by a good Garrison yet it not being a place fit to resist the moderne violences of the Pick-Axe and Mines it was not able to be maintained many dayes without sudden fitting relief The Imperiall Commanders whose Forces were increased by succours sent from Bavaria and Franconia thought it not honourable for their Prince nor that it became their reputation to suffer such a Citie besieged but by a few to be lost whilst they looked on mature deliberation being had in the Councell of Warre concerning what was to be done it was resolved that Duke Savell and Iohn de Wert should goe to the succour of it they therefore marched with their Army which consisted of about 12000 fighting-men in good order to effect their purpose But being advertised that Speureter one of their Colonells was come to about Lindaw and Constance with 4000 Souldiers with command to joyne with them they resolved to expect his comming before they went any further Therefore they haulted in Obercal Schoma and Lomat Villages betweene Friburg and Rinfield and by great fires gave notice to the besieged that they were upon their march to succour them to the end that they might be the more constant in maintaining the Towne They afterwards dispatcht away Posts to Speureter to hasten his comming to them continuing their resolution of succouring the Towne and in Battell Array advanced towards the Swedish quarters Waymer being advertised by his Spies that the Imperialists were not strong enough to effect this designe sent some Troopes of Horse and two Regiments of Foot on this side Rhyn and doubling the Guards on that part continued his Siege no wayes fearing the Enemy The Caesarians seeming as if they would turne toward La●f●mburg that by taking that Towne which was not fit to resist the Cannon they might become Masters of the passage over the Rhyn unexpectedly fell upon the stations guarded by the Swedes who surprised by this accident and not being able to withstand the furious assault given by the
And their intentions being to cut the Dikes which keepe in the water that so they might drowne the Territories about Antwerpe and thereby facilitate the surrender of the City they passed forward and tooke the Forts of Hemband and Trarembacke and came with their Trenches before the Fort of Saint Mary but here Count Nassaw found not such fortune as hee desired For the Marquesse of San Federato comming into the succour thereof with many troopes of Souldiers and the Hollanders not being able to raise their Batteries by reason of the low scituation of the place they were on and being continually plaid upon by thirty piece of Cannon from the Fort of Saint Mary it behooved them to retreat And as usually retreates beget feare and confusion so did the souldiers shew lesse fervour in their actions now then when they were enheartned by successe Count Nassaw notwithstanding would not quit the Enterprize but hoped when hee should receive the addition of men which hee expected hee might easily compasse his desires which did so frighten the people as forsaking their owne houses they hastily fled into the strong holds and the Citizens of Antwerpe were not lesse afraid strongly suspecting least the enemie might hold intelligence with some of the City But this enterprize conteining in it considerable consequencies and being of very great importance caused the comming in of the Spaniish Forces led in by the Infanta against the Hollanders accompanied by Picolomeny Isemburg Bucquoi and Feria with other chiefe Captains of Warre who comming boldly on after a long dispute the Spaniards prevailed and being encouraged by the Infanta's presence who did by his owne example invite his men to fight and the Hollanders being much the weaker and not able to make head against the Austrians who came still upon them with great strengths they thought it best not to joyne Battell but to keepe themselves within the advantage of their own stations till such time as the Prince of Orange being acquainted with their condition and they being re-inforced by timely succours they might undauntedly fate the Spaniards For the chiefe of all other directions which the States give unto their Captaines being that they should have a care to the preservation of their men and not hazard themselves upon any uncertain Battell since one bad encounter would very much endanger those Provinces it not being so easie for them to raise new Forces which are not to be had without much labour and great expence of money William of Nassaw who had taken upon him the guidance of that affaire not thinking it fitting time to exceed his Masters Commission kept himselfe within the advantage of his position hoping that by his keeping there till the arrivall of the Prince hee might easily have repulsed the Spaniards But as it oft times chances that things fall not out according to fancy the Spaniards falling on without delay upon the Hollanders who were not able to withstand their violence being invironed on all sides and the Bridge which they had throwne over the Scheld being at the same time broken by the great presse of people the greatest part that were on this side the River were either slaine or taken prisoners The Romanists pursuing their victory recovered ther former Forts and rendred the attempt vaine on which the Hollanders had built so great hopes The Siege before Brisacke continued all this while and Duke WEYMAR confident of good successe continued his Workes and Trenches as well against the Towne as against the succour whereat the Austrians being not a little grieved and in particular the Duke of BAVARIA who had mustered a great many men under the Conduct of Ghets all the Imperiall Commanders were charged that they should come up to the Bavarian Army that they should then passe over the Danube at Dutlinghem and doe their utmost to remove WEYMAR from that Siege Ghets thought it a difficult businesse to set upon the Sweedes on this side the Rhene where the Enemies greatest strengths were wherefore he past over the Rhene to try whether he could get into Brisacke on that side or no. But WEYMAR who was much concerned in the taking of this place as well in his reputation as in his worldly respect being faithfully informed of all things that past by his Spyes and by some Protestants of Wertemberg who hated the Romanists and Austrians threw a Bridge over the Rhene betwetne Brisacke and Brussells and was very vigilant in observing the Imperiallists wayes who for want of Forrage being to enlarge their quarters afforded the Sweedes occasion to surprize one of their quarters and to evill intreate the Regiments of the Collonels CORPUS HOORST and REIGOTOCH who being set upon at unawares and not able to draw out in good order lost about five hundred Souldiers and fourteen Colours and made Ghets know that this was not the way to succour that Towne but that keeping quiet till the arrivall of more Forces his best course would be to try the other side of the Rhene where he might be much advantaged by the sallyes which those within the FORT might make at the same time and by the Cannon from the Towne which commanded the fields round about He therefore rose from his Quarters hee was in and passing backe againe over the Rhene hee encamped himselfe neare Offemberg with intention to keepe there till by new Orders and fresh recruites hee were made able to effect the necessary and desired succour The Spaniards having planted their Cannon against VERCELLES and drawing by their covered Workes nere unto the Walls though they were replyed upon by the besieged with reciprocall valour and stout sallyes yet the Cardinall of VALETTE knowing that strong places are oft times lost for lacke of succour and wisely weighing in his Councell of Warre the difficulties hee should meete withall in bringing succour thereinto hee bethought himselfe how hee might effect his desires by stratagem To this purpose he sent eight hundred Foote under the name of one of their Leaders who were willingly received as a party of their owne which passing by some Sconces carelesly looked unto by the Spanyards they meeting with nothing to hinder them conveyed about 600. Foote into the Citie Whereat Leganes was much incensed and by reason thereof caused two Coronets of Horse to be be-headed the one belonging to the Company of Don Diego Menesses the other to Vincenza Della Marra But these being but a few men in regard of the many the Town needed whose walls were of a large precinct the French advanced towards the Sesia and possessed themselve● of a little Island in the midst thereof and raising there a grea● Plat-forme they plaid continually upon the Spanish Quarters with 14. piece of Cannon Leganes finding that without speedy and fitting remedie hee should be hereby much gauled and forced to quit the enterprize he considered what best course was to be taken and found there was none likelier to take effect then diversion He therefore caused a great body
eye to the proceedings of the French These preparations grew every day greater for the Spaniards without any regard either to their goods or lives ran to the defence of those Frontiers which served for an out-fence to their Countrey and many souldiers ranne every day from the French Camp who cursing the mountains of Spain knew not how to live out of the pleasant fields of France so as the businesse began to grow more doubtfull Yet did those undaunted Commanders resolve to continue the begun siege till by the arrivall of new Forces which were a raising on all sides in Guien and in Gascony they might the better pursue their desired ends The Cardinall of Valette growing by the losse of Vercelles more jealous of the Spaniards in whom he only feared surprizals and stratagems looked the more narrowly to the safety of Montferrat and having placed his men in the frontier Townes thereof he went to Cassall where he found Montegly his processe made him therein found guilty of holding correspondency with the Spaniards wherefore hee on the suddaine caused his head to be struck off and had a better eye to the Inhabitants of Cassall Yet Emery the Embassadour of France was not well pleased with this sentence who as it seemes had promised Montegly that hee should be pardoned And this piece of Justice was thought the more severe for that Montegly being a servant of the Dutchess of Mantua's and bound to obey her commands 't was reported that he did nothing but by her allowance This execution and this expulsion of the Officers of Mantua out of Cassall as it was no wayes satisfactory to the Inhabitants of Montferrat and of Mantua so was it not a little displeasing to the Dutchesse Mary who could hardly brooke that the French who were brought into the Towne as friends should dispossesse her of that wherein she acknowledged no Superiour but God and which her very enemies by all their treacheries could never bereave her of Various discourses and considerations were had hereupon by those that pretended to se● further into a Mil-stone then others some said that the Dutchess could have wisht that the businesse had succeeded according to agreement and that agreement was that which hath been mentioned For 't was said that dealing under-hand with the Spaniards she had resolved to drive the French out of Cassall and yet not to receive the Spaniards in with which the Spaniards were well contented as being satisfied that the French should not bee there and that those places should continue in neutrality It was commonly given out that the agreement was that Montegli having brought the Spaniards into the Towne should have dismis● the French from thence and that putting a Garrison of the Inhabitants of Montferrat into the Cittadell they would afterwards have committed the custody of the Citie and Castle to certain● Swissers for the payment of which the King of Spain would lend the Dutchesse money So as the Towne being taken out of the hands of the French and yet not fallen unto the possession of the Spaniards the Dutchesse and Duke of Mantua would have enjoyed the Prerogative that belonged unto their Soveraignty and that this State standing in the midst betweene two others each of which was desirous to hold good correspondency wth her they would consequently vye which of them by their fair entreating of the Subject by their respect born unto the Dutchess should reap such advantage as might make most for them Others held that if this should have happened the effect would not so easily have ensued because the French being hereat scandalized would presently have ruinated Montferrat being Masters of the best Towns therein and if the Spaniards would defend it the event must be War and the Spaniards would have done the same thing the French did for if the Town should have fallen into their hands no wise man will believe that ever they would have quit it uncompel'd Wherefore since it was impossible to evade war or to shun the falling into the hands of one of these two great Potentates a mischief was undergone on the one side and a greater mischiefe on the other so as it was best the French should keep possession thereof as those who were not so neare neighbours and were to passe through the State of Millan before they could make any further progresse and that it should not fall into the hands of the Spaniards who when they should have secured themselves on that side would afterwards give the Law in Mantua Others said that the French by doing such publike Justice had deviated from the Laws of good policy because they might have bereft Montegli of his life have secured themselves from any thing the other Officers could have done after another manner that by doing thus they warned other Princes not to introduce the forces of greater Potentates then themselves into their owne homes since it plainly appeares they give away that to the one which they fight for and deny unto their enemies And they further added that the Inhabitants of Montferrat being exasperated it would be hard for the French to keep in that Province if they should fal out with them But those who know the interest of States to be of so nice a nature as every the least jealousie is sufficient to raise suspition conceived that the French had done very wisely affirmed they had learnt this of the Spaniards proved that they had good grounds for the securing of the fort For this being that which upheld the reputation and esteem of their arms in Italy without it all their designes would have miscaried They maintained so great a King ought not expose himself to the injuries of an inferiour that those resolutions are always good whereby a State is enlarged and such negligence blamable as draws on ruine that what is taken away may at all times be restored but that not alwais recovered which is lost That it it is not unlawful to ceaze upon that which not being ceazed upon causes greater mischief to him that ceazeth not on it Whilst these two great Crowns were consulting how they might best provide for the present Emergencies a new accident hapned in the Adriatick Sea which drew the eyes of all Europe no less upon it then did the wars between those two great Kings 17. Turkish Gallies after having piracied all the Mideterranian to the great dammage of Christians blown up with pride by their happy success wherein they met not with any to withstand them grew so adventurous as to enter the Gulf to commit more rapine in so much a● it was thought they had on intention to rifle our Lady of Loretto's house The illustrious Commō-wealth of Venice Qu● of the Adriatick which by a dreadful power of shipping hath for many ages peacefully possest the soveraingnty of that sea to the great advantage of all Christendom gave orders to Martin Cappello the Providitor of the Navy to provide against the insolency of
before CINGIO much diligence was used in the opugning of that place and the more for that Don Antonio Sottello being sent to command the Forces there in the place of Don Martin that he might not at his first entrance come short of the expectation was had of him he behaved himselfe with all industry and valour Upon the newes of the Aragons death the Cardinall de Valette and Marquess Villa with 3000. foote and 2000. horse came to the reliefe of Cingio and set upon the Spanish quarters who valiantly defending themselves for the space of seven hours at last by reason of the narrownesse of the place wherein the French horse could not be so well exercised the Spaniards having great advantage in foot Villa was enforced to retreat with the worst Which when Monseiur de Mason Neu●e who was Governor of the Town knew despairing of reliefe and almost all his musquets being broken through continuall shooting and the ill temper of the iron not being able to defend himselfe without them and having stoutly with-stood two assaults he treated and yeilded up the place marching out with his armes baggage and one piece o● Cannon This was cause of much content to Leganes for the Lange being better secured hereby and consequently the passage from Finalle to the State of Millan made more commodious hee considered he might the better turne his Forces else-where Chedini being left Governour here those forces marched towards Montferrat Prince Thomas and Leganes understanding that the French were marched towards Cingio the Prince came from Pavia where hee had finished his purgation and arrived at Vercelles where Leganes was and making use of the intelligence which hee held with the Governour of Chinas a place neere the Poe betweene Cressentine and Turin hee on the 26th of March came by breake of day with two thousand horse before the gates of the Towne and without effusion of blood made himselfe Master thereof For the Governour who held correspondedcy with him not endeavouring any defence after the playing of one Petar suffered the Prince his men freely to enter By this meanes the way being opened into the heart of Piemont the Cardinal was presently sent for thither by the Spaniards that by doing so they might honest their no ways gratefull intentions towards those people who seeing their Forts assigned over into the hands of their owne naturall Princes would the easilier be perswaded to side with the Spaniards though the Garrison and Governour which was put thereinto being Spanish it might indeede rather be said that the Cardinall had put himselfe into the hands of the Towne then that the Towne was put into his hands Prince Thomas seconded by some companyes of Foote sent unto him by Leganes went to ●hier and Moncallier places not farre distant from Turin which presently submitted unto him and many of those inhabitants following him hee came before Aglie a Towne belonging to a Count of the same name which standing out he sacked it From thence he marched with his horse within sight of Turim hoping through intelligence which he held with some of the Towne to doe the deed but hee found hee was deceived by reason of the strict guard made by the French and the Dutchesse her people so as after having given the Governour to understand that if hee would receive him in hee should not only purchase his favour but better his own condition much and finding that neither promises nor threats would work upon his loyalty he retreated lest he might give upon the French who prepared to light upon him at unawares Passing from thence to Hivenea a City placed upon Doria Bautia he took it by storme and tooke afterwards the Towne and Castle of Bard which is the key of the valley of Osta by which he likewise reduced the City of Osta and all that valley the people comming in unto his service The French were much terrified thereat For they could not at the same time march forth against their enemies and keep an eye upon their friends fidelity The taking of this valley was thought to be of great consequence for besides the getting from thence a considerable strength of men the possession of this passe made much for the Spaniards for thereby they might the more easily passe into Burgondy Leganes who would not advance before he saw the event as well not to hazard his reputation upon an uncertainty as not to exasperate those people with his presence who as they willingly saw Prince Thomas so was the sight of the Governour of Millan most hatefull to them from whom they expected nothing else but some trick whereby to bring them to his obedience when he heard of this rose with all the forces he then had about Vercelles and speaking with Prince Thomas and his brother the Cardinall betweene H●verea and Vercelles they joyntly agreed upon what was best to be done the present conjunctures considered Those of Piemont were of opinion they should forbeare to sit downe with their Forces before any Forts and only keep in the field and so rather invite the Inhabitants to lay down their arms then to employ them the more in their defence and to effect that by treaty which was hard to doe by arms that by no meanes Leganes who was come hither as it was said to assist the Princes should seem to do so For the people when they should see the Princes endeavoured to captivate the Subjects good will not for themselves but for the Spaniards they would rather keep firm in their loyalty to the Dutches young Duke though in doubt to be mastered by the French then side with the Princes with certainty to bee inslaved by the Spaniard Leganes who saw whether this tended or at least suspected that the Princes would only seeme to depend upon them till they might be brought to have the government of Piemont either by force or faire meanes thought it not good to condiscend to this the rather because it was not likely the Princes would bereave the Duke their Nephew and the Dutchesse their Sister in Law of what was theirs and drive out the French who were the Protectors of that State to ruine together with themselves the whole State and their faithfull Subjects and assubject themselves to the Spaniards to whose proceeding the Dukes of Savoy alwayes had an eye But the Spaniards chiefe ends being that they might get into the best Forts of Piemont particularly into such as might help them to get Montferrat which they so thirsted after he resolved in some sort to satisfie the Princes in their desires with specious words and faire promises he did all that might seeme outwardly faire but at the same time he had an eye to his chiefe aime which was to streighten Cassall by taking Trino and other neighbouring places The meeting being dissolved the Cardinall went to stay at Hiverea to keep those people in their fidelity and to raise some forces in those parts Prince Thomas came before
furiously set upon the Citie Walls commanding their Musketiers who were placed upon the edge of the Counter-scarffe to shoot incessantly to keepe them off that should come to the Parrapits and that the Souldiers appointed thereunto should Scale the Walls which on all sides was punctually observed But no breach being made and it proving very hard for the Souldiers to Scale those high Walls with their Ladders they being likewise so well flanked with opposite Bulwarks they were forced to give over with no little losse Popenhaine notwithstanding who knew by the intelligence he had that the place he was to assault was the weakest and worst man'd egg'd on his Souldiers assuring them of Rich Booties and threatning those that should give back and though many tumbled from off the Ladders into the Ditches yet their places were continually supplied by fresh men who inraged at the difficultie they met withall and the succour not being yet come which sent by Falckenbridge they got unto the top of the Parrapet and raysed up an Ensign whereat their companions much encouraged cryed out Victory Victory and Scaling the Walls a vye by whole Squadrons and covering themselves with earth by the meanes of their Mattocks and Spades they turned the Cannon upon the Citie and at last got further ground For after a long and obstinate resistance they wonne into a street and followed by the other Souldiers who were the more eager for that they had been beaten back they without any mercy slew the Defendants and Citizens and the Citie was in short time sacked and burnt to ashes which hapned by the carelesenesse of a Souldier who throwing aside his Musket with the Match lighted to get up the stairs in a Drugsters house the Match set fire on a barrel of Brimstone and this taking hold of other cumbustable matters the fire did so dilate it selfe as the houses being built of wood all was destroyed The cruelties used by the Souldiers in the sacking of this Citie was such as is fearefull to say or write Let it suffice that good men were of opinion that God was then so incensed against the Roman Catholiques as that he permitted that fire to the end that they might not enjoy the wealth which with more sobrietie and humanitie they might have possessed themselves of The end of the first Book DOCTRINA PARIT VIRTUTEM The Warres and other State-Affaires of the best part of Christendome THE II. BOOK The Contents of the Second Booke In the Second Booke is contained what confusion the losse of Magdenburg caused amongst the Protestants The King of Swedes advancing to the succour of Saxony The Protestant Electors declaring of themselves in favour of the King Their joyning of their Forces and their resolutions to fight with the Imperialists The Battell of Lipsick and the Swedes vistory The Damages the Austrians sustained hereby Their condition after the Battell What perplexity the Austrian Councell was in touching the chusing of a new Generall of the Army The differen●s in opinion betweene the Germans and the Spaniards The Emperours declaring himselfe for Walesteine to be Generall The meanes used by Walesteine to recruit the Army His great policy The Imperialists negotiation with the Pope and other Princes Vselesse Charles Duke of Lorrayne his declaring of himselfe for the Austrian Party His putting himselfe into Armes prejudiciall to his State The Austrians comming to rayse new troubles in France Their Treaties with the Duke of Orleans Their ends The King of Swedes advancement into the Palatinate and upon the Reine Treaties of Peace moved by Walesteine with Saxony The taking of Mentz THe taking of Magdenburg and the usage there as it was to all men unexpected so was it of great griefe to the Protestants who well weighing this event began to lessen their high pitcht thoughts wherein they had formerly framed unto themselves such vast designes for they argued that if the Romanists had with so little labour taken so strong a City and of such defence they would more easily take others which partooke of much imperfection The Swedes and their King were in particular very much grieved hereat the King himselfe was more vext then any other at the losse of this City that since it did so freely declare it selfe for him he should suffer it to be lost in the sight even as it were of his so victorious an Army he struck his foot against the ground and vowed to revenge and to serve them the same sauce who had used themselves so inhumanly he more particularly resented the behaviour of the Souldiers of the League who had been more barbarous in their usage then the rest And least the other Cities which were ready to side with him might by this successe be deluded so stagger in their resolutions as doubting his assistance he published in Print the reasons causes of this losse and why he had not formerly succoured it That the fault lay in the Citizens themselves who not valuing his Counsell and not seeking to obviate the treachery of their Magistrates had of themselves pulled this ruine upon them that he had played the part of a good friend by the taking of many almost impregnable places that the Electors of Brandenburg and Saxony had denyed him passage that he neither could neither ought he to march foure Leagues in an Enemies Country with so many Cities at his backe and on all sides of him by which his Army might without fighting been utterly lost that the best he could do was to take in Franckfort Landsperg and other places which made for his advancing and that he had spared no labour nor pretermitted any diligence to relieve it Tilly stayed sixe daies after this about Magdeburg where he caused Te deum to be sung and tooke order for the recruiting of his Army and leaving Philip Count Mansfield there in place of Commissary and Governour and for that he was informed that the King of Sweden was come unto Tangermund a Towne not farre from thence watered by the Elbe where he had throwne over a Bridge and provided for his safety by cutting of two strong Trenches on both sides the River he thought it was now time to provoke him to battel upon the Victory whereof the re-establishment of affaires did depend he therefore marched with his Army towards these parts intending to fight with him But the King knew himselfe not to be in case with those few Forces he had to joyne battell with an Army versed in victories and this the rather for that he had sent Gustavus Horne away with part of his Army to the taking in of Gripswould he therefore stayed within his Trenches yet seemed not at all to feare the Enemy but kept in play with frequent skirmishes both of Horse and Foot And being desirous to recrute his Army he arose from before Tangermund and leaving strong Garrisons in Franckfort Landsperg and other parts thereabouts he came to Stettin to raise fresh Troopes and that he himselfe might