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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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followed the opinion of ORIGEN without examining it in the balance of holy scripture Ambros. in Psal. 118. saith that all men must goe through the fire at the latter day euen IOHN himselfe the belooued disciple of Christ of whose death also some doubted yet no man can doubt of his passing through the fire Thus AMBROSE suffered this opinion of ORIGEN to sincke into his heart as though it had beene the vndoubted Oracle of God which no man should call in question HILARIVS maketh no exception of the blessed Virgine the mother of our Lord in Psa. 118 but she must also go through this fire at the latter day And this is a foolish thing to followe any man further then he doth follow Christ the warrant of the written word of God 1. Cor. 11. And therefore the first generall Councill Ann. 551. as wise behind the hand was compelled to examine the bookes of ORIGEN to excōmunicat himself albeit dead long afore to damne his books and vaine opinions specially anent his Purgatorie This Origenian errour before it was seriously impugned it was changed to the worse and grew neerer to the originall of PLATOES Phlegeton againe for ORIGEN AMBROSE and HILARIVS spake of a fire that should burne at the latter day which al men behooued to passe through before they could enter into the place of refreshment but PLATO in his dialogue Phedo spake of a flood of fire whereinto men behoued to bee tried and purged immediatly after their soules were separated from their bodies and what soules I pray you Not the soules of the best men which went to heauen nor the worst men for they went to hell but the soules of men that were not into a mid rancke neither very good nor very euill This opinion I say somewhat neerer to the opinion of PLATO then to the opinion of ORIGEN beganne to take place about the foure hundreth yeere of our Lord as the distinctions of AVGVSTINE clearely witnesse Valde bom valde mali non valde mali Augustin enchiridion ad Laurent Idem de octo Dulcitii quaest Thus wandering errours once taking place became like vnto a fretting canker euery day worse worse If any man think strange that so vile an error neither agreable to scripture neither yet to it self but changing the similitude of it as the Chameleon doth his collour it preuailed wonderfully and was so fastened into the peoples hearrts that scarcely can it be rooted out of their mindes in our dayes To this I answere that besides the authoritie of the fathers aboue specified who were entangled with errour euen they also who found out the opinion of Purgatorie fire to be erroneous and repugnant to scripture yet did they not fully and in all points impugne this false and lying doctrine but onely in a parte As namely AVGVSTINE refuteth that part of CLEMENS and ORIGENS opinion wherein they thought that the deuils and wicked men after suffering of long tormentes may possibly be forgiuen and finde mercy By one place of scripture he vtterly vndoeth that opinion Depart'vnto the cuerlasting fire prepared for Sathan and his angels Mat. 25. ver 4 And in the booke of the Reuelation And they shall bee tormented night and day for euer and euer Apoc. 20 August lib. 20. 21. de civit Dei Yet the other parte of the errour that tooke deepe root in his dayes AVGVSTINE knewe it better then he impugned it lest he should gain-say the receiued opinion among all the people who thought that the soules of many men after their death were tormented with fire for a while vntill a full satisfaction were made for the faultes that men committed in their life-time Against this opinion AVGVTINE speaketh but softly Non valde coarguo for sitan verum est that is I doe not greatly reprooue it possibly it is true August De civit De●…lib 21. cap. 26. This was also some strengthening of errour that it was not fully in all points clearely refuted by godly fathers whose comporting with the weakenesse of the people in a parte CHEMNIICIVS himselfe calleth prudence and wisdome but serious impugning of erroneous doctrine had beene more agreable to the will of God Alwayes AVGVSTINE in his doubtsome speach giueth no ground to Papists to make vp a newe article of faith anent Purgatorie For like as Constantinople was a great citie yet when it was shaken with an earthquake three dayes and three nights no man taried in that great towne to builde a new house during that time euen so AVGVSTINE is a great doctour yet when hee taketh him to forsitan or per●…aps this is not a sure ground to leane vpon This vnhappie conceit of Purgatorie fire had many handmaids waiting vpon her some going before and others following after her Before the conceit of Purgatorie goeth an opinion of our owne satisfactions For the faultes committed by vs after Baptisme if we do not perfitly satisfie for them before our death it resteth that in Purgatorie fire we should absolue the rest of our pennance that is vnfulsilled How much this first handmaide derogateth from the glory of Christ the Apostle witnesseth when he saith The blood of Christ purgeth vs from all sinne I. Ioh. I. making no exception ofsinnes after Baptisme committed The other handmaide preceeding the conceit of Purgatorie is praier for the dead albeit in all the old and new Testament there be not one example of praying for the deade or yet offering of sacrifice for the dead Pardon 's followed sometimes called indulgences in another sense then now they are these pardons I say are the handmaids following Purgatorie by which the B. of Rome as absolut commander of Purgatorie hath made vnto himselfe infinite gaine Before I proceede any further I exhort all true Christians as they detest Paganisme euen so to detest all Ethnick errours when they are creeping in into the sanctuarie of God The golden Eagle of the Romanes was more abominable when it was set vp in the Temple of Ierusalem by HEROD Ioseph de bello Iudaico lib. 1. cap. 21. then when it was set vp in the Capitoll of Rome And the image of CAIVS CALIGVLA sent to PETRONIVS his Deputie to be set vp in the Temple of Ierusalem made all the Iewes agast and they were more willing to die then to see their Temple so filthily abused with idolatrie Ioseph antiq lib. 18 cap. 11. It is more seemely then that the golden Eagle and image of CAIVS remaine at Rome where they were first fashioned then to bee brought to the Temple of Ierusalem And it is more seemly also that the opiniō of Purgatory remaine in the schoole of PLATO at Athens or in the schoole of CLEMENS at Alex andria rather then to send it abroade through all Christian Congregations to bee beleeued For Christians ought to be like to the forlorne sonne after he returned home againe to his father Luc. 15. Hee was so well fed and
attempts against Chrysostome I remit to the next CENTURIE Bishops of Antiochia IN Antiochia after Tyrannus succeeded Vitalius about the time that the rage of the tenth Persecution began to bee asswaged therefore hee re-edified a Church in Antiochia which had beene demolished in time of the Pe●…secution of Dioclesian and his successour Philogonius perfected the building To whom succeeded Eustatius who was present at the Councill of Nice was Moderator and Mouth to all the rest Eusebius sometime bishop of Berytus afterward bishop of Nicomedia and last of al●… bishop of Constantinople did insinuate himselfe in fauour with the Emperour Constantine and obtained from him libertie to goe to Hierusalem and to visite the Temples that Constantine had lately builded in Bethlehem Hierusalem vpon Mount Oliuct To him resorted a number of Arrian Bishops who had al●… secretly conspired against Eustatius and suborned a vilde woman to accuse him of whoredome The Arrians vpon the simple deposition of a woman suborned by themselues contrarie ●…al kind of order dep●…sed Eustatius and perswaded the Emp●…rour to banish him as a man conuict both of adulterie and of tyrannie But the LORD laide his correcting hand vpon the woman whom the Arrians had suborned so that she died sore tormented with a grieuous sickenesse and confessed that money was giuen vnto her to accuse Eustatius that she had sworn deceitfully because the child procreated with her was begotten by Eustatius a smith of that name but not by Eustatius bishop of Antiochia The Arrians in the dayes of Constantine had no great vpperhand except onely in the matter of Athanasius his banishment to Triere and in the deposition and banishment of Eustatius to Illyricum But in the dayes of Constantius they tooke boldenesse and planted Arrian bishops in all principall places so that in Antiochia after Eustatius Eulalius Euphronius Placitus Leontius Eudoxius all these were Arrian bishops and placed by them in Antiochia In end Meletius was ordained bishop of Antiochia a man of great giftes whom the Arrians transported our of Sebastia in Armenia and placed him in Antiochia supposing that by the meanes of his excellent learning many should be allured to their opinion But it fell out farre otherwise for Meletius professed the true faith Onely the reproueable forme of his entrie by receiuing ordination from Arrian bishops was the grounde of remedilesse schismes in the Church of Antiochia There had beene alreadie two factions in the towne to wit Arrians and Eustatians now the thirde faction is added of them who were called Meletiani with whom Eustatiani did not communicate but abhorred them as they did the Arrians This schisme indured after the death of Meletius for the space of fourescore and fiue yeeres Meletius was banished in the dayes of Constantius and Euzoius an Arrian bishop placed in his roome Hee was restored againe by Iulian onely for desire hee had to vndoe things done by Constantius and to bring his name to disgrace Likewise vnder the reigne of the Emperour Valens he was banished the seconde time Hee gouerned the Church of Antiochia fiue and twentie yeeres and died in Constantinople immediately after the second generall Councill and was caried to Antiochia to be buried there The ordination of Paulinus to bee Bishop of Antiochia Meletius beeing yet aliue was the foolish fact of Lucifer bishop of Calaris in the Isle of Sardinia He was restored from banishment in the dayes of Iulian. And tooke purpose accompanied with Eusebius bishop of Vercellis in Liguria who was likewise restored at that same time to visite the estate of their brethren Eus●…bius addressed himselfe to Alexandria and conferred with Athanasius But Lucifer went to Antiochia where hee found miserable distractions euen amongst those who professed one the selfe same Faith When exhortations to unitie could preuaile nothing but the dissention daily increased hee ordained Paulinus presbyter of Antiochia and the chiefe of those who were called Eustatiani to bee bishop of Antiochia This fact of Lucifer was like vnto fewell added vnto the fire and mightily augmented the schisme Theodoretus blameth him for so doing and Eusebius Vercellensis when hee came backe from Alexandria disliked also the fact of Lucifer Wherefore Lucifer woulde not communicate any longer with Eusebius These sorrowfull times of multiplied schismes alienated the heartes of a great number of people from the true CHURCH Meletius was restored from his seconde banishment in the dayes of the Emperour GRATIANUS Paulinus woulde vpon no condition communicate with him because hee had receiued ordination from the Arrians When Meletius had ended his life the people woulde not admit Paulinus to be their bishop because they said it was not meete that hee should bee his successour who dispised his fellowship and counsell in his life time To MELETIUS succeeded FLAVIANUS a worthie m●…n Paulinus albeit hee appointed Euagrius to bee his successor yet such formes manifestly repugnant to the approued order of the Church could take no place The bishops of Rome Damasus Siricius and Anastatius were great aduersaries to him and misinformed the good Emperour Theodosius against him but when hee compeared before the Emperour he spake before him both freely and wisely wordes that liked the Emperour well as they are reported by Theodoretus O Emperour if any man doe blame my Faith as peruerse or my life as vnworthie I am content to be judged by my very aduersaries but if the disputation onely boe anent principalitie and eusinent places I will not contende with any man but denude my selfe of all superioritie and com●…it the chaire of ANTIOCHIA to whome yee like best The Emperour admired his courage and wisedome and sent him backe againe to gouerne his owne flocke and was slow to heare friuolous accusations in time to come against Flarianus This was that worthie Bishop who associated 〈◊〉 Chrysostome to be his fellow-labourer in Antiochia and who mitigated the wrath of Theodosius conceiued aga●…nst the Citie of Antiochia for misusing the imag●… of his wife Placilla Bishops of Constantinople CONSTANTINOPLE was builded by Constantine anno 336. in a pla●…e where Asia and Europe neerely confines b●…eing separat●…d onely by a narrow firth called of old Bo●…phorus Thracius The cause wherefore this Emperiall Citie was builded in this place was not to resigne the towne of Rome and the gouernament of the West to the bishop of Rome but as Sozomenus writes that Constantinople or new Rome might be as a soueraigne Lady to all those who in the East West North or South were obedient to the Romane Empire Learned men in our dayes are ashamed to mainetaine all the foolish fables of the Romane Church for they see clearely the cause of the building of this great Citie was to keepe firmely both the East and the West vnder the Souerainitie of Constantine and his successours Alexander bishop of Constantinople proued a worthie man in the dayes of the Emp.
Thessalomca the Emp. was moued with excessiue anger so that 7000. innocent people were s●…in inuited to the spectacle of Playes called Ludi circenses in the Grieke lāguage 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For this fault the good Em. was reproued by Ambrose Bish. of Millane confessed his fault in sight of the people with teares and made a lawe that the like cōmandements anent the slaughter of people should not h●…ue hastie execution vntill the time that 30. dayes were ouerpassed to the ende that space might bee left either to mercie or to repentance In like maner he was angry out of mea●…ure against the people of Antiochia for ouerthrowing the brasen portrate of his beloued bedde-fellow Placilla The Emp. denuded their towne of the dignitie of a Metrapolitane Citie conferring this eminent honour to their neighbour towne Laodicea Moreouer he threatned to set the towne on f●…e and to redact it vnto the base estate of a Vil age But Flauiannus Bishop of Antiochia by his earnest trauailes with the Emperour mitigated his wrath for the people repented their foolish fact were sore afraide the good Emp. moued with pitie pardoned the fault of the towne of Antiochia His lenitie toward the Arrians whom he permitted to keepe conuentions in principall Cities was with great dexteritie wisedome reproued by Amphilochius Bishop of Iconium For hee came in vpon a time and did reuerence to the Emperour but not vnto Arcadius his sonne albeit alreadie associated to his Father in gouernament declared Augustus whereat Theodosius being offended Amphilochis very pertinentlie and in due season admonished the Emperour that the GOD ofHeauen also would be offended with them who tolerated the blasphemers of his onely begotten Sonne the LORD IESUS CHRIST Wherupon followed a lawe discharging the conuentions of Heretiques in principall Cities In all these infitmities it is remarkeable that the good Emperour 〈◊〉 gaue place to wholsome admonitions The excessiue raines hee was compe●…led to vndertake in Wa●…re-fare hastened his death for hee contracted sicknesse soone after his returning from the battell faught against Eug●…nius and died in the 60 yeere of his age and in the 16. yeere of his reigne He left behind him his two sons Arcadius to g●…uerne the East and Honorius to gouerne the West CHAP. II. Of Pastors and Doctors AFTER Eusebius Miltiades gouerned the Romane Church 4. yeeres 7. moneths and 8. dayes as Platina writeth His ministration was in the dayes of the reigne of Constantine to whom the Emperour remitted the controuersie betwixt Cecilianus and the Donatistes to bee judged by him and his Collegues Rheticus Maternus and Marinus The Donatistes would not acquiesce to the determination of Miltiades and his Collegues The good Emperour appointed this cause of new againe to be judged in A●…les by a number of Bishops of Spaine Italie and France because the Donatists would not acquiesce to the determination of Miltiades and his Collegues In the Councill of A●…les Cecilianus was likewise absolued and the Donatistcs againe succumbed in their probation Notwitstanding they appealed to the Emp. Constantine and when the Emp. heard the cause of Cecilianus pleaded before himselfe the Donatists could not proue that either Cecilianus had beene admitted Bishop of Carthage by a man who was Proditor or yet that hee had admitted any other man culpable of the like fault to an Ecclesiasticall office If the Bishop of Rome had beene supreame Iudge in all Ecclesiasticall causes Constantine had done him wrong to appoint other Iudges to cognosce in this cause after the Bishop of Rome and his Collegues had giuen out their definitiue sentence His ordinance anent prohibition of fasting vpon the LORDS day was expedient at that time to bee a distinguishing note of true Christians from Manichean heretiques whose custome was vpon the LORDES day to fast The purple garment the palace of Lateran the superioritie of the towne of Rome and gouernament of the West which honours some alledge were conferred by Constantine to Miltiades and Silvester is a fable not worthie of refutation all these honours the Emperours of the West successours of Constantine poss●…ssed and not the Bishop of Rome for the space of many hundreth yeeres To Miltiades succeeded Silvester and ministred 23. yeeres 10. monethes 11. dayes In his time was the Heretique Arrius excommunicated by Alexander without the fore-knowledge of the Bishop of Rome It was enough that after excommunication intimation was made to other bishops which duety the Bishop of Alexandria neglected not Learned men should be ashamed of fables to say that Constantine was baptized by Siluester for Siluester was dead before Constantine was baptized And Platina himselfe is compelled to grant that Marcus the successor of Siluester gouerned the Church of Rome in Constantines dayes And Eusebius testifieth that Constantine was baptized in Nicomedia immediately before his death Concerning the donation of Co●…stantine wherein he conferreth the dominion of the West to the Bish. of Rome it is like vnto a rotten egge which is cast out of the basket lest all the rest bee set at the lesse auaile No ancient writter maketh mention of any such thing Yea Constantine in his testamentall legacie allotted the Dominion of the West to two of his sonnes namely to Constantinus younger and to Constans How then had hee by an anteriour disposition resigned these Dominions to the Bishop of Rome If Papistes bee not better countenanced by Antiquitie in other thinges then in this point they haue no great cause to bragge of Antiquitie To Siluester succeeded Marcus and ministred 2. yeeres 8. monethes and 20. dayes After Marcus Iulius gouerned the Romane Church 15. yeeres Sozomenus attributes to Iulius 25. yeeres His ministration was in the dayes of the Emperour Constantius and his brethren Hee was a defender of the true Faith and a Citie of refuge to those who were persecuted by Arrians as namely to Athanasius Bisshop of Alexandria Paulus Bishop of Constantinople Asclepas Bishop of Gaza Marcellus Bishop of Aneyra and Lucius Bisshop of Adrianopolis All these were vnjustly deposed from their offices by the Arrians and had recourse to Iulius Hee was neither ashamed of the Gospell of CHRIST nor of his afflicted seruantes In the Councill of Sardica great honour was conferred vnto him to wit that men vnjustly condemned by Arrians shoulde haue refug●… to Iulius to whom they gaue power of newe againe to judge their cause This was an Act of the Councill of Sardica and not of the Nicene Councill as was confidently alledg●…d in the Councill of Carthage and a personall honour conferred to one man alone for respectiue causes but not extended to his successours as though all the Bishops of Rome at all times shoulde bee Iudges of appellation The Arrians were sore grieued for this that Iulius both in worde and deede and writ assisted Athanasius and his complices The chafing letters and mutuall expostulations that passed
maine and principall grounds vpon the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome and vpon the authoritie of generall Councils ONVPHRIVS to vphold the one vndoeth the other and to cleare HONORIVS of all suspition of heresie he bringeth the generall Councill vnder a suspition of falsification Then let ONVPHRIVS either produce the true and vncorrupt acts of the sixt generall Councill which he will neuer be able to doe or else for all his fectlesse apologie HONORIVS name is spotted with the blame of heresie And of late dayes the Romaine chaire hath not onely renued but also doubled the heresie of the Collyridians damned in the dayes of EPIPHANIVS For the Collyridians gaue onely some piece of diuine honour to the blessed virgin the mother of our Lorde but the Romaine Bishops in suffering by their toleration conniuence or rather allowance the Psalter of our Lady as they call it to be printed diuulgat and vsed by Christian people wherein all the honour due to Christ not excepting the sitting at the right hand of the Father Psal. 110. is all attributed vnto the virgine MARIE In so doing I say they haue not onely renued but also doubled the heresie of the Collyridians In the Councill of Basil gathered Ann. 1431. EVGENIVS 4 then B. of Rome was deposed by the general Councill of Basil as a notable schismaticke and perturber of the peace of Christes Church Yet his name is in the roll of the succession of Romaine Bishops and all these who haue sitten in the chaire of Rome since the dayes of EVGENIVS 4. are successors to a perjured schismaticke justly deposed by the generall Councill of Basil with consent of the Emperour SIGISMVND Now let Romanists advise whether they will blame the generall Councill or the Bishop of Rome EVGENIVS 4. If they blame the general Councill then the generall Councill may erre euen in great fundamentall points of their owne faith for it leaneth vpon the authoritie of the B. of Rome Councils And if they wil blame EVGENIVS 4. as a schismaticke worthy of deposition then is their succession whereof they glorie so much vtterly cut off since the dayes of EVGENIVS the fourth As touching idolatrie I dare boldly set the Romaine chaire in higher degree then the idolarrous Jewes of old of whom IEREMIE speaketh that according to the number of their cities was the number of their gods Ier. 2. ver 28 Nowe there are not so many cities in Juda as there are Angels Apostles martyres and Saints in heauen to whom the Romaine chaire giueth the glory of Christ maketh them mediators of intercestion Therefore it is an impudent presumption to brag of Apostolicke succession when as by heresie schisme and idolatrie they haue so oft fallen and yet continue in falling away from the footsteps of the Apostles Now because commonly like errours haue like grounds let vs consider what was the ground of the error of the succession of AARON and thereby may easily be discerned the ground of the error of the alledged Apostolicke succession The posteritie of AARON beeing reprooued by IEREMIE the Prophet tooke the reproofe in a very euill part supponing that they were exeemed from errour in maters of religion because of the promises of God made to the tribe of LEVI therfore they say Come and let vs imagine some deuise against Jeremiah for the L●…w sh●…ll not perish from the Priest nor counsell from the wise nor the word from the Prophet Cone and let v●… smite him for his tongue and let vs not tak●… heede to his words Ier. 18. ver 18. The promises made to the tribe of LEVI are contained Deut. 33 ver 8. 9 10. 11. And after the captiuitie of Babylon MALACHI making an ample declaration of the promises made to LEVI saith My couenant was with him of life peace Igaue him feare he feared me was afraid before my name The Lawe of trueth wa●… in his mouth and there was none iniquitie found in his l ps he walked with me in peace and equitie did turne many away from iniquitie For the Priests lips should preserue knowledge and they should secke the Law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts Mal. 2. ver 5. 6. 7. Of this promise of God spoken by MOSES and long after amplified by the Prophet MALACHI many did collect that the successors of AARON LEVI could not erre in religion but how erroneous false this conclusion was the wordes of the Prophet MALACHI immediatly after following do declare But ye are gone out of the way ye haue caused many to fall by the Lawe ye haue broken the couenant of Leui saith the Lord of Hostes Mal. 2. ver 8. If we had no further to alledge but these two testimonies that IEREMIE MALACHI did reprooue the successors of LEVI AARON of great errours defection notwithstanding of the promises made to them their posteritie yet these two witnesses being Prophets of God doe aboundantly prooue that promises made to LEVI and AARON do not exeeme their succession from error in religion But marke another circumstance in the ground of this errour of AARONS succession which was this God made a promise conditionall which they supposing to be absolute tooke libertie to doe what they lifted The conditions are clearely set downe by the Prophet MALACHI cap. 2. If they feared God conuerted others from their wicked waies kept the key of knowledge then they should be counted the Ambassadours of the Lord of hostes but these conditions being broken they hauing gone out of the way hauing caused many to fall by the law hauing broken the couenant of LEVI they were so far from being counted the Ambassadours of God that God made them vile before al the people ver 9 Yea the Lord cursed them cast doung vpon their faces euen the doung of their solemne feastes made them like vnto it ibid. ver 3. This was the tragicall euent of AARONS successours who opened one of their eares to heare the promise of God but closed the other eare from hearing and marking the conditions that were required of them to whom the promise was made The Romaine Church not vnlike to the successors of AARON haue their eare opened to heare the promise of God made to the Apostles their successors in these words Behold I am with you vnto the end of the world Mat 28 ver 20. but they close their eares from hearing the condition required of the Apostles their successours contained in the same verse in these words teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I command you Although they teach a doctrine repugnant to Christs commandement yea and a doctrine of deuils as PAVL speaketh 1. Tim. 4. yet must they be counted the Apostles successors and that Christ is with them that they do not erre But God wil cast their doung in their faces and make them like to
contrarie we affirme that if●…in these wordes Christ had giuen any supremacie to PETER aboue the rest then afterward when they stroue who should be greatest Christ had not damned this fault in all his disciples but he had only damned the eleuen disciples for that they were not voluntarly subject to PETER whom he had alreadie made head of all the rest But in so farre as striuing for superioritie is damned in them all Mat. 18. it is certaine that Christ appointed none of the Apostles to be supreme head of all the rest And CYPRI AN plainly affirmeth in his booke de simplicitate Praelatorum Hoc erant utique 〈◊〉 cateri Apostoli quodfuit Petrus pari consortio praediti honoris potestatis that is Al the rest of the Apostles were that same thing that PETER was furnished with like fellowshippe and honour The second part of the argument that the Bishop of Rome is the successour of PETER hath beene alreadie intreated in the head of succession Another argument proouing the supremacie of the Romaine Bishops is taken out of the decretall epistles attributed to the Bishoppes of Rome who liued in the second Centurie making mention of the superioritie of the Bishop of Rome aboue all other Bishoppes To this I answere that these epistles attributed vnto them are supposititious and false as hist. Magdeburg clearly prooueth by many reasons whereof I shall rehearse a fewe First the stile and ditement of all these epistles declareth that one and the self-same man hath endited them all Secondly the ineptitude and barbaritie of language no wise agreeing with the tightnesse of the Latin tongue vsed in this age Thirdly these decretall epistles agree not with the estate of the Church at that time persecuted by Tyrants troubled by Heretiques slandered by the world If these forenamed Bishops had writtē epistles indeed they had cōtained exhortatiōs to patiēt suffring apologies against slādrous mouths refutatiō of Hereticks but seing they soūd for the most part to the establishing of their own supremacy the very circumstāce of time declareth that they are supposititious forged Fourthly the reasons whereby these epistles doe prooue the supremacie of the Romaine chaire are foolish ridiculous vnworthie to be attributed to so worthie men As namely that PETER was called CEPHAS that is an heade for his supremacie Likewise PETER and PAVL died at Rome therefore the Romaine B. is head of all other Bishops Also PAVL saide that hee had continuall remembrance of the Romans in his prayers Rom. 1. therfore the Romaine Church must be head of all other Churches Fiftly these decretal epistles were vnknown to IVSTINVS martyr IRENEVS CLEMENS ALEXANDRINVS who liued about this time as likewise to IEROME an accurat searcher of al an tiquities for none of thē mak mētiō of these decretal epistles Sixtly when the question of appellation to the Romaine Bishop and the question of supremacie was reasoned in the sixt Councill of Carthage if such decretall epistles had bene then exstant the ambassadours of the Bishop of Rome had alledged them for corroboration of their cause but they were not as yet fashioned and shaped Finally in these decretall epistles CLEMENS B. of Rome is broght in writing to IAMES surnamed IVSTVS after the death of PETER it is known by the history that IAMES surnamed IVSTVS was slain at the least 8. yeres before the martyrdome of PETER For Iames was slaine before NERO entended his persecution but PETER was martyred in the very furic of NEROES persecutiō Ioseph antiq I. 20. c. 8 Euseb. I. 2. c 23 25. The 3. principall argument they vse is taken from the vtilitie of the Church of God whereinto vnitie is very requisit Ioh. 17. for keeping of vnitie one ministeriall head vnder Christ is necessarie like as in the Church of the Iewes one high Priest to whom all the people were subject in matters of religion was a band of vnitie amongst the Iewes euen so say they one ministeriall head viz. the B. of Rome is necessary for keeping vnitie peace concord amongst Christians-To this I answere that all things happened to them in figures 1. Cor. 10. and like as the nation of the Iewes had one high Priest as a band of vnitie so likewise they had one altar one citie of their conuentions Isa. 33 these also were bands of vnitie to keepe the nation of the Iewes into an holy fellowship yet no man wil say that it is necessary to vs in our dayes to resort thrise in the yere to any one citie for keeping the vnitie of Christ No more is it necessary in our dayes for keeping of vnitie to haue one high Priest vpon whome we shall all depend but rather this beeing a figure as said is teacheth vs to depend vpon Iesus Christ the great b●…shop of our soules because we are all members of his body we are quickned with his spirit wee haue one hope of calling we haue one faith one Baptisme Eph. 4. These are the bands of our cōjunctiō both with Christ our head with his mēbers but the Apostle PAVL in reckoning out the bands of our conjunction with Christ and amongst our selues speaketh nothing of one ministeriall head vnderChrist neither is it possible that there can be on●… ministerial head in al the world as there was one high Priest in one nation of the Iewes The second head of this treatise is to consider the steps degrees wherby the B. of Rome was moūted vp in the chair of Christ. 1. The honorable stiles attributed by other churches vnto the chair of Rome began to puft vp some of them into great cōceit of thēselues The chaire of Rome was called the Apostolick chaire the B. of Rome was called the vniuersal Bishop such honourable stiles by hyperbolicall speaches giuen vnto them should not haue puft them vp in pride to conceit supremacie ouer all other Bishops because the like stiles of dignitie are attributed to other Bishops and other chaires who neuer vsurped superio●…itie ouer all Churches Nazianz. in laudem Cypriani saith that he was counted in his time not only a gouern our of the Church of Carthage and of all Africke of all the regions of the West but also of al the East South North. The like is written of ATHANASIVS Nazian in laudē Athanas●… The like also the EmperorCONSTAN TINE spak of EVSEBIVS PAMPHILIB of Caesarea Palestinae whē he refused the bishoprick of Antiochia In this saith CONSTAN TINE to EVSEBIVS thou art blessed that by the testimony of the world thou art thoght worthy to be B. of the whol church Euseb. invita Cōstantn l. 3. c. 59 yet for al this neitherCYPRIAN nor ATHANASIVS nor EVSEBIVS were puft vp in pride to think more of themselues then became the humble dispensators of the mysteries of God Here is to be noted that similitude of BASILIVS that a good Christian should be like vnto a
But the Arrian and Eutychian Heretiques found Emperours fauourably inclined to the maintenāce of their errours such as Constantius and Valens protectours of the Arrian heresie and Anastatius and Heraclius fauourers of the Heresie of Euiyches This support they had of supreame powers strengthened the a●…me of Heretiques and made them able to persecute the true CHURCH of CHRIST Notwithstanding betwixt the tenne great Persecutions and the Arrian pers●…cution a short breathing time was granted by GOD vnto his CHURCH who will not suffer the rodde of the wicked perpetually to lie vpon the righteous lest they put out their hand vnto iniquitie The dayes of the reigne of Constantine were the breathing dayes of the persecuted CHURCH Men banished for the cause of CHRIST by the Emperours edicts were returned from their banishment restored to their offices dignities and possessions which duely belonged vnto them The heritage and goods of such as had suffered death for the cause of CHRIST were alloted to their neerest kinsmen and incase none of these were founde aliue then their goods were ordained to appertaine vnto the CHURCH These beginnings of an admirable change of the estate of persecuted men wrought in the hearts of all people a wonderfull astonishment considering within themselues what could bee the euent of such suddaine and vnexpected alteration The care that Constantine had to disburthen persecuted Christians of that heauie yoke of persecution that pressed them downe so long was not onely extended to the bounds of the Romane Empire whereinto Constantine was soueraigne lorde and absolute Commander But he was carefull also to procure the peace of Christians who liued vnder Sapores King of Persia who vexed Christian people with sore grieuous persecution so that within his Dominions more then sixteene thousande were founde who had concluded their liues by martyrdome Amongst whom Simeon Bishop of Selentia Ustazares the kings eldest eunuch his nurs-father in time of his minoritie Pusices ruler of al the kings artificers Azades the kings beloued eunuch Acepcimas a Bishop in Persia all these were men of Note and Marke who suffered martyrdome vnder Sapores king of Persia. While the cogitations of Constantine were exercised with meditation by what meanes the distressed estate of Christians in Persia might be supported by the prouidence of GOD the Ambassadours of Sapores king of Persia came to the Emperour Constantine whose petitions when he had granted he sent them back againe to their lord and maister and he sent with them a letter of his owne intreating Sapores to be friendly to Christians in whose Religion nothing can be founde that can justly bee blamed His letter also bare the bad fortune of the Emperour Valerian the VIII persecuter of Christians and how miserably hee ended his life and on the other part what good successe the LORD had giuen vnto himselfe in all his battels because hee was a defender of Christians and a procurer of their peace What peace was procured to distressed Christians in Persia by this letter of Constantine the Historie beares not alwayes his indeuour was honest and Godly In Constantines dayes the Gospell was propagated in East India by Frumentius and Edesius the brother sonnes of Meropius a man of Tyrus This Historie is written at length by R●…ffinus Theodoretus Sozomenus and many others Likewise it was propagated in Iberia a country lying in the vttermost part of the Euxien sea eastward by the meanes of a captiue Christian woman by whose supplications first a childe deadly diseased recouered health and afterward the Queene of Iberia her selfe was relieued from a perilous and dangerous disease by her prayers made to CHRIST The King of Iberia sent Ambassadours to Constantine crauing of him that hee would send Preachers and Doctors to the countrey of Iberia who might instruct them in the true faith of CHRIST Which desire also Constantine performed with great gladnesse of heart Now to returne and to speake of the Dominions subject to the Romane Empire Constantine the sonne of Constantius Chlorus begun to reigne in the yeere of our LORD 310. and he reigned 31. yeeres he gaue commandement to reedifie the Temples of the Christians that were demolished in time of the persecution of Dioclesian This commandement was obeyed with expedition and many more large and ample Churches were builded meete for the conuentions of Christian people Likewise the Temples of Idoles were locked vp better they had beene demolished and equalled with the ground then had it beene a worke of greater difficultie to Iulian the Apostate to haue resto●…ed againe Heathen Idolatrie Many horrible abuses both in Religion and maners were reformed by the auzhoritie and commandement of the Emperour such as cubitus mensuralis called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Aegypt whereunto was attributed the vertue and cause of the inundation of Nilus by the Aegyptians therefore by the Emperours commandement this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was transported out of their Tēples In Rome the bloody spectacle of Gladiatores that is of Fencing men with swords killing one another in sight of the people was discharged In Heliopolis a town of Phoenitia the filthy maners of young women accustomed without controlment to prostitute themselues to the lust of strāgers vntil they were maried this filthy custome I say by the commandement of the Emperour Constantine was interdicted and forbidden In Iudea the Altar builded vnder the Oake of Mambre where the Angels appeared to Abraham and whereupon the Pagans offered sacrifice in time of solemne Faires for bying and selling of Merchand waires in that place This Altar I say was commanded to bee demolished and a Temple to bee builded in the same place for exercise of diuine seruice The care this good Emperour had to quench the schisme that began in Alexandria shall bee decla●…ed in the owne time GOD willing In somethinges Constantine was not vnlike to King Salomon who finding his Kingdome to bee peaceably setled hee gaue himselfe to the building of the Temple of Palaces and of Townes which he fortified made strong Euen so Constantine finding that no enemie durst enterprise any longer to molest the peaceable estate of his setled Kingdome he builded magnificke Temples in Bethlehem the place of the LORDS Natiuitie vpon Mount Oliuet from whence CHRIST ascended to Heauen vpon Mount Caluarie where CHRISTS Sepulchre was Hee builded also a Citie in Bithinia and called it Helenopolis for honour of his Mother Helena and another in Palestina and called it Constantia by the name of his Sister Also he builded a glorious Temple into Antiochia which his sonne Constantius perfected and to the dedication of that Temple a great number of Bishops were assembled as shall bee declared hereafter if the LORD please And finally hee builded the great Citie of Constantinople in Thracia and called it nova Roma whereas before it was called Byzantium This towne was builded anno 336. In end the good
ordained a Deacon by Meletius B. of Antiochia and a presbyter by Eusebius B. of Caesarea in Cappadocia The good cariage of Basilius toward Eusebius is worthie of remembrance albeit Eusebius conceiued indignation against him without a cause yet hee would not expostulate with his Bishop but he departed to a solitarie place in Pontus where he remained vntill the dayes of the Emperour Valens Then did the Arrian Heresie so mightily preuaile that necessitie compelled the Churches of Cappadocia to intreat Basilius to returne againe lest in his absence Arrianisme should get a full vpperhand Basilius returned not without the fore-knowledge good aduise of Nazianzenus his deare friend who counselled him to preueene Ensebius to ouercome him in courtesie humanity So was he reconciled to Euseb. after his death was ordained B. of Caesarea in Cappadocia whom GOD so blessed that the Arrians Eunomians who seemed to be excellently learned when they encountered with Nazianz. Basilius they were like vnto men altogether destitute of learning In the persecution of Valens hee was led to Antiochia and presented before the deputy of Valens who threatned him with banishmēt death but hee answered with inuincible courage so that the deputy was astonished at his answeres He was not afraid of banishment because the earth is the LORDS neither was hee afraid of death but wished to haue that honour that the bandes of his earthly tabernacle might bee loosed for the testimonie of CHRIST The Emp. sonne Galaces at this time was sick vnto the death the Empresse sent him word that she had suffered manie things in her dreame for the B. Basilius so he was dismissed and suffered to returne to Caesarea The prouident care of GOD ouer-ruling all humane cogitations kept before-hande some sponkes that were not quenched in the feruent heat of this Persecution The multiplied number of his letters sent to the Bisshops of the West whereof he receiued no comfortable answere gaue vnto Basilius just occasion to suspect affectation of supremacy in the West as his owne words do testify which I cite out of the Latine version as most intelligible Nihil nos fratres separat nisi animi proposito separationi causas robúrque demus unus est Dominus una Fides Spes eadem Sive caput universalis Ecclesiae vos ipsos esse reputatis non potest pedibus dicere caput non est mihi opus vobis c. That is There is nothing brethren that separates vs except the purpose of our owne mindes furnish both cause and strength to separation There is one GOD one Faith one Hope Or if yee suppose your selues to bee head of the uniuersall CHURCH yet the head cannot say vnto the feete I haue no neede of you Nyssa is a Citie of Mysia of olde called Pythopolis The brother germane to Basilius Magnus named Gregorius was Bishop of this towne In the second generall Council to him was committed the o●…er-sight of the Countrey of Cappadocia Albeit the volume of his bookes be not extant yet hee is renowned in the mouthes of the L●…arned and the fragments of his writings declare that hee hath beene a man of Note and Marke Anent sinne he said that albeit the Serpentes that stinged vs were not slaughtered yet we haue sufficient consolation in this that we are cured from their venemous bits and stinges Anent pilgrimage to Hierusalem Mount Olivet and Bethlehem he said that a pilgrimage from carnall lusts to the righteousnesse of GOD is acceptable to the LORD but not a journeying from Cappadocia to Palestina and that GOD will giue a reward in the worlde to come onely to thinges done in this worlde by warrand of his owne Commandement Epiphanius was borne in a little Village of Palestina called Barsanduce in the fielde of Eleutheropolis Hee was brought vp amongst the Monkes of Palestina and Aegypt In ende hee was ordained bishop of Salamina the Metrapol●…tane towne of the Isle of Cyprus Hee refuted the Heresies preceeding his time in his booke called Panarium and set downe a summe of the true faith in his booke called Anchoratus He had a great regarde to the poore in so much that hee was called oeconomus pauperum And like as Cyprus was naturally situated in a place neere approaching to Asia the lesse and to Syria and to Aegypt and Pentapolis and not farre distant from Europe so it fell out that Christians who were disposed to support their indigent brethren they sent their collections to Epiphanius and hee distributed them to the poore With all these commendable vertues there was mixed a reproueable simplicitie in him hee was circumueened by Theophilus Bishop of Alexendria and tooke a dealing against Ihon Chrysostome Bishop of Constantinople because he would not be suddaine in damning the bookes of Origen Also he taught in Constantinople with indeuour to alienate the heartes of the people from their owne Pastour and celebrated the communion ordained a deacon in Constātinople without the foreknowledge consent of Chrysostome contrary to Church order Chrysost. on the other part sent him aduertisement that incase he receiued any disgrace or harme in the fuery of populare commotions he should blame himselfe who by his owne inordinate doinges was procuring the same After this Epiphanius ceased from such doings and entered into a ship of purpose to returne backe againe to Cyprus but he died by the way It is reported of him that when hee entered into the ship hee said he left three great thinges behinde him to wit a great towne a great palace and great hypocrisie It were a matter of infinite labour and not agreeing with the nature of a COMPEND to write of all the worthie men of GOD in the Easterne partes who did fight a good Fight runne a good race and kept the faith Asclepas in Gaza Lucius in Adrianopolis Basi●…us presbyter in Ancyra a mightie aduersarie to the Arrians vnder the reigne of Constantius and to the Pagans vnder the reigne of Iulian in whose time he was martyred Philogonius bishop of Antiochia Hellanicus bishop of Tripolis and Spyridion who of a keeper of cattell became bishop of Trimythus Hermogenes bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia who was present at the Councill of Nice Iames bishop of Nisibis in Misopotamia in the dayes of Constantius by whose prayers the armie of Sapores king of Persia was miraculously disapointed Paulus bishop of Neocaesarea this towne is situated vpon the bankes of Euphrates and Paphnutius bishop in Th●…baida two notable Confessors who were both present at the Councill of Nice Eusebius Samosatenus to whom many of Basilius Epistles are directed and who refused to redeliuer vnto the Emperour Constantius the subscriptions of the Arrian Bishops who consented to the admission of Meletius to bee bishop of Antiochia which subscriptions were put in his custodie And albeit the messenger sent from the Emperour thr●…tned to cut off his right hand incase hee
great Citie of refuge to Heretiques was to addresse themselues to the B. of Rome and to leane vnder his shadow But Damasus who was bishop of Rome at this time would not admit these Heretiques to his presence Neither would Ambrose B. of Millane to whom they ad dressed next in any wise accept of them when al other meanes failed them last of al with buddes and bribes they sollicited the Emp. cubiculers were sent backe againe to enjoy their owne places Neuerthelesse GOD suffered not Priscillianus to escape punishmēt for he was conuict of sorcery was punished to the death after the death of Valentinian the seconde whether by Maximus an usurper of the Emperiall Soueranitie or by Theodosius I am not certaine Lucifer was bishop of Calaris in Sardinia He was present at the Councill of Millan and was banished by Constantius because hee would not consent to the deposition of Athanasius Hee was reduced from banishment by the Em. Iulian. He visited Antiochia a towne miferably distracted with Schismes and by ordaining Paulinus B. of Antiochia hee rather augmented then paired the scisme he perceiued that this his fact was disproued by Euseb. b. of Vercellis many others therefore he his followers did not cōmunicate with such as disproued the ordination of Paulinus This seemes rather to be rekoned in the catalogue of schismes then of heresies Theod. disprouing Lucifer saith that he made faith to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but he saith not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a weapon of contentions but not a weapon of heresie These who supposed that after the Natiuitie of the LORD the Virgine Marie companied with her husband Ioseph and did beare childrē to him were called Antidicomarianitae In this opinion was Helvidius a man more curious then wise The opinion of the Fathers of the Church not repugnant to Scripture was this That like as no man did lie in the sepulchre wherein Christ was buried before him Euen so in the wombe wherein hee was conceiued no man was cōceiued after him so the Fathers tooke the wordes of the Apostolicke symbole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as i●… it had bene said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is born of Mary a perpetual Virgine In holy scriptures by the brethren of our LORD is meaned the kinsmen of the LORD according to the flesh to which exposition the consent of Ancient Neotericke writers for the most part aggreeth Augustine cites out of Philaster a sort of Heretiques called Metangismonitae whose heresie sounded to this That the SONNE is in the FATHER according to the similitude of a little vessell comprehended within the compasse of a greater vessell 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greeke Language signifieth a vessell and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth the entering of one vessel within another which in our language cānot be expressed by one word as it is in the Greeke From Seleucus and Hermias this heresie had the name where they dwelt or in what Emperours dayes this Heresie was propagated August maketh no mention their opinions were most abominable namely that the Masse whereof GOD created the elements was coeternall with him and that the Angels not GOD created the soules of men that CHRIST in his ascension vnclothed himselfe of the flesh of man and left it in the globe of the Sunne They receiued not baptisme by water They denied the resurrection of the dead supposing that by new generations one succeeding to another that is performed which in Scripture is written concerning the resurrection The rest of the Heresies of this age were all obscure and had few followers such as Proclianitae who denied that CHRIST was come in the flesh Patriciani who affirmed that the bodie of man was formed by the Deuil not by GOD Ascitae who carried about with them newe vessels to represent that they were vessels filled with the new wine of the Gospell Patalorynchitae foolish men who counted it religion to stop their breath with their fingers and to vtter no intelligible speach Aquarii who in stead of wine receiued water in the holy Sacrament The beginning of this errour seemes to haue beene in the dayes of Cyprian Coluthiani denied that any euill either of sinne or punishment came of GOD. Floriani who by the contrarie affirmed that GOD created creatures in an euill estate The 8. Heresies which Philaster commemorates without any name either taken from the Author or from the heresie it selfe Augustine scarcely will reacken them into the roll of Heresies CHAP. IIII. Of Councils COUNCILS may bee diuided in Generall Nationall or Prouinciall and particulare Councils Generall were called Oecomenik Councils 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greeke language signifies the World because from all quarters of the World whereinto CHRIST was preached commissioners were sent to these Councils and they were gathered by the authoritie of the Emperour Nationall or provinciall Councils were such as were gathered by the authoritie of the Emperour in one nation with asfistance of other neere approaching nations for suppressing of Heresies desyding of questions pacifying of schismes and appointing Canons and constitutions for decent order to be keeped in the Church The third sort of Councils were particular Councils by Bullinger called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Such as the Councils of Gangra Neocaesaria many others gathered vsuallie by Patriarchs and Bishops in a corner of a countrie but for the like causes as nationall Councils were assembled Let no man expect a recital of particular Councils except at such times as some matter of great moment enforceth me to speake of them Ancyra is a towne of Galatia In this towne were assembled Bishops of diuerse prouinces about the yeere of our Lord 308. as is supposed The principal cause of their meeting was to constitute a forme of Ecclesiasticall discipline according to which they who either willingly or vnwillingly had sacrificed to idols in time of persecution should bee receiued into the bosome of the Church againe when they were found penitent There were many rankes of persons who had defiled themselues with Heathnicke Idolatrie such as Libellatici Thurificati Sacrificati Proditores The Council of An●…yra tooke order chiefely with those who were called Thurificati and Sacrificati that is with them who either had casten vp incense vpon Idolatrous Altars or els had eaten of meates sacrificed to Idoles to whom it was injoyned to testifie the r repentance a long time before they were receiued to the communion of GODS people some one yeere some two yeeres others three or foure yeeres some fiue or sixe yeeres and aboue according to the heauinesse of their transgression In this Councill it was ordained that Deacons who in time of their ordination did protest that they had not the gift of continencie but were disposed to marry if they married they shoulde remaine in their Ministrie but they who in time
the assemblie some urging the matter of Faith to bee first entreated others crauing that the liues of such as were accused or deposed shoulde bee first examined and both parties grounded themselues vpon the warrande of the Emperours letters The principall ring-leaders of the one faction were Acacius bishop of Caesarea Palestinae Georgius bishop of Alexandria Uranius of Tyrus Eudoxius of Antiochia and their followers exceeded not the number of two and thirtie On the other side were Georgius bishop of Laodicea in Syria Sophronius of Pompeiopolis in Paphlagonia and Eleusius of Cyzicus and the greatest number of the Councill followed the opinion of these Bishops So it came to passe that the moste parte thought it expedient that the matter of Faith shoulde bee first entreated After this the Councill was of newe againe diuided into three factions Acacius and his complices thought meete that the forme of Faith shoulde bee altered The moste parte were in a contrarie opinion that the summe of the Nicene Faith shoulde bee kept onelie the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shoulde bee left out Silvanus bishop of Tarsus was in the thirde opinion that the summe of Faith compiled in ANTIOCHIA at the dedication of the Temple shoulde bee kept Pluralitie of voyces preuailed that the Sonne of GOD shoulde neither bee called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but rather 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is like vnto his Father because in Scripture he is called the image of the inuisible GOD. And they consented to excommunicate all those who called the Sonee of GOD 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is vnlike vnto the Father Nowe Acacius and his complices who were indeede Anomaei woulde haue seemed to accorde with the rest of the Councill But when it was demanded of them in what sense they counted the SONNE alike vnto the FATHER They answered that hee was like in will but not in substance After that much disputation and little aggreement had beene Leonas a secrete fauourer of Acacius dissolued the assemblie Neuerthelesse the Fathers of the Councill conueened to judge the cause of Cyrillus Bishop of HIERUSALEM whome the Acacians had deposed and warned the Acacians to bee pre●…ent but they woulde not compeare Therefore the Councill proceeded to the deposition of Georgius bishop of Alexandria Acacius bisshop of Caesarea Uranius bishop of Tyrus Patrophylus bishop of Schythopolis and Eudoxius bishop of Antiochia in whose place they substituted Avianus a presbyter in Antiochia others call him Adrianus The Acacians laide handes on Avianus and deliuered him into the handes of Leonas and Lauritius and they banished him The Councill protested against Leonas Lauritius the Acacians that they had violated the Decrete of the Councill and without further delay they addresse to Constantinoplc to giue information to the Emperour But the Acacians preuented the rest and misinformed the Emperour accused the Councill and perswaded him to reject the summe of Faith aggreed vpon in Sele●…cia The wrath of the Emperour against the Fathers of the Councill of Seleucia made the rest to bee dispersed onely the Acacians remained still in Constantinople and they gathered together fiftie Bishops out of Bithynia and other neere adjacent places In this Synode they confirmed the summe of Faith read by Ursatius and Valens in Ariminum It is judiciously obserued by Socrates that after the Councill of Nice the Arrians in the multiplied conceites of their wauering mindes set foorth nine diuers summes of Faith to wit In the dedication of the Church of Antiochi●… two formes The thirde by those who adhered to Narcissus was exhibited to Constantine in FRANCE The fourth was sent by Eudoxius to Italie In Sirmium three formes were indited whereof one was read in Ariminum with noting the names of the Consuls in whose time it was written The eight was the summe of Faith set foorth in the Councill of Seleucia The ninth was the summe of Faith set downe in Constantinople with this addition that the wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shoulde bee silenced when Preachers spake of GOD. Thus we see that there is no end of wandering when men haue once forsaken the narrow path of the ●…rueth of GOD. The Emperour Constantius and the rest of the Arrians were like vnto a troubled sca that cannot take rest yet another Councill must be gathered in Antiochia for abjuring both the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so that in time to come no man shall call the Sonne of GOD consubstantiall with the Father nor yet of a different substance from the Father The Bishops conueened thought expedient before they intreated concerning the Faith that the chaire of Antiochia vacant at that time without a Bishop should first bee prouided Choise was made of Meletius some time bishop of S●…bastia in Arm●…nia He receaued ordination by Arrians who subscribed also to his admission and their hand-writs were deliuered into the custody of Eusebius Samosatenus But when Meletius disappointed the expectation of the Arrians they procured his banishment and that Euzious shoulde bee placed in his stead Likewise Eusebius Samosatenus for no minassings and threatnings of the Emp. would deliuer backe againe the subs●…riptions of the Arrians so that the Emp. both commended and admired the magnanimous courage of Eusebius This Councill was holden in the 25. yeere of the reigne of Constantius In it the Arrians coulde not perfect their intended purpose anent a new summe of faith which woulde haue made out the tenth forme of faith indited by them because Constantius got knowledge of the seditious attempts of Iulian and he lest the Councill to preueene the interprises of Julian but he fell sicke by the way and died at Cilicia Vnder the reigne of Iulian Iouinian some particulare Councils were assembled such as a Council in Alexandria gathered by Athanasius Eusebius Vercellensis for damning olde Heresies and confirming the Nicene Faith Another in Palestina for ordaining a bishop in Maiuma Another in Antiochia by the Acacians vnder the reigne of Iouinian These wandering starres accustomed to accommodate themselues to times places and persons to gaine sauour at the Emperours hands they subscribed the Nicene Faith But I set forward to the rest Laodicea is the Metrapolitane towne of Ph●…ygia and one of the seuen Churches of Asia to whom the Apostle Ihon when he was banished in Pathmos for the worde of GOD did write his Epistles This description I haue premitted to distinguish Laodicea of Syria a citie neere approaching to Antiochiae and whereof frequent mention is made in the Ecclesiastical History from Laodicea of Asia In this towne Laodicea of Asia a Synode was gathered after the death of Iovinian about the yeere of our LORD 368. Nothing was determined in this Councill concerning matters of Faith but onely constitutions concerning Ecclesiasticall policie were made in number 59. In this assemblie the worshipping of
Angels is damned as horrible idolatry and a forsaking of CHRIST And the bookes of holy Canonicke Scripture which are to be read in time of holy Conuocations of people are particularly reckoned out both of olde and new Testament And in this catalogue of Canonicke bookes no mention is made of the bookes of the Machabees of Ecclesiasticus and other Apocreeph bookes Vnder the reigne of the Emperours Valentinian Valens and about the yeere of our LORD 370. With aduice of both the Emperours a Councill was gathered in Illyricum wherein the Nicene Faith had confirmation and allowance The Emp. Valens was not as yet infected with the poison of the Arrian heresie Lampsacum is a towne situated about the narrow passages of Hellesp●…ntus The Macedonian Heretiques sought libertie from the Emp. Valens to meete in this towne who granted their petition the more willingly because hee supposed that they had accorded in opinion with Acacius and Eudoxius but they ratified the Councill set foorth at Seleucia and damned the Councill holden at Constantinople by the Acacians The Emp. Valens being d●…ceiued of his expectation commanded them to be banished their Churches to be giuē to the fauourers of the opinion of Eudoxius This dash constrained the Macedonians to take a newe course and to aggree with Liberi●…s b. of Rome But these Chame●…ions when they had changed many colours they coulde neuer be white that is sincere and vpright in Religion Vnder the Emp. Valentinian in the West Damasus b. of Rome gathered a Councill in Rome wherein he confirmed the Nicene Faith and damned Auxentius b. of Millan with Ursatius Valens and Caius Likewise hee damned Apollinaris and his disciple Timotheus In the yeere of our LORD 383. or as Bullinger reckoneth 385. in the thirde yeere of the reigne of THEODOSIUS a Generall Councill was gathered at Constantinople consisting of 150. Bishops of whom 36. were entangled with the Heresie of Macedonius who called the Holy Spirit a creature a minister and seruant but not consubstantiall with the Father and the Sonne In this Council the Macedonian Heretiques were louinglie admonished to forsake their errour and to embrace the true Faith that so much the more because they had once already sent messengers to Liberius and professed the true Faith But they continued obstinately in their errour and departed from the Councill The Heresie of Macedonius was damned the Ni●…en Faith confirmed with amplification of that part of the Symbole which concerned the Holy Spirit in this manner I beleeue in the Holie Spirit our LORD giuer of lise who proceedeth from the Father and with the Father and the Sonne is to bee worshipped and glorisied They ordeined Nectarius b. of Constantinople and that Constantinople shoulde haue the prerogatiue of honour next to Rome Great care was had of Prouinces that they shoulde not of new againe be infected with Heresies For this cause the name of Patriarches in the Councill of Nice appropriated to a fewe in this Generall Councill is communicated to manie To Nectarius Megapolis and Thracia was alloted ●…ontus to Helledius Cappadocia to Gregorius Nyssenus Meletina and Armenia to Otreius Amphilochius attended vpon Iconium and Lycaonia Optimus vpon An●…iochia and Pisidia Timotheus vpon the Churches of Aegyt Laodicea was recommended to Pelagius Tarsus to Di●…dorus and Antiochia to Meletius who was present at the Councill and ended his life in Constantinople To other Bishops a care and sollicitude of their owne boundes was committed with this caueat that no man should inuade the bounds belonging to another but if necessitie so required Synodes should be assembled and euery one beeing desired shoulde mutuallie assist his neighbour The great affaires of the Church and the care of their brethren in the West compelled them to meete againe in Constantinople where they wrote a Synodicke letter to Damasus bishop of Rome to Ambrose B●…itto Valerianus Acholius Anemius Basilius and to the rest of the Bishops conueened at Rome Wherein they declare the manifolde troubles they had sustained by Heretiques and now alb●…it in the mercie of GOD they were ejected out of the sheepe-folds yet like vnto rauening wolues they were lurking in woods seeking oportunitie to de●…our the sheepe of CHRIST They excuse their absence because the infirmitie of their Churches newly recouered from the handes of Heretiques coulde not permit manie of their number to journey to Rome Alwayes they sent their beloued brethren Cyriacus Eusebius and Priscianus to countenance the assembly at Rome In matters of Discipline they recommended vnto them the Canons of the Councill of Nice namely that Ecclesiasticall honoures shoulde bee conferred to persons worthie and that with the speciall aduice and consent of the Bisshops of that same Prouince with assistance of their confining neighbours if neede required After this maner was Nectarius Bishop of CONSTANTINOPLE Flavianus Bishop of ANTIOCHIA and Cyrillus Bishop of HIERUSALEM ordained Heere marke that the consent of the Bishop of Rome was not necessarie to the ordination of the Bishops of the East And the usurped authoritie of the Bishop of Rome smelleth of Noueltie and not of Antiquitie This Synodicke letter sent from Constantinople woulde seeme to import that the Councill which Damasus gathered at Rome was assembled in the dayes of Theodosius or els that hee had gathered two assemblies in Rome at diuers times and yet for one purpose Godly Emperours and Kinge●… such as Constantine Theodofius and Dauid were very carefull of the unitie of the Church that it might bee like vnto a compact Citie as Hierusal●…m was when the toure of Iebus was conquised then the people worshipped one GOD were obedient to one Law and subject only to one Sou●…reigne Theodosius in the fifth yeere of his reigne c●…ring for the peace of the Church conueened a great Nationall Councill at Constantinople not only of H●…mousians but also of Arrians Eunomians and Macedonians hoping that by mutuall conference possibly they might in end accord The good Emp. consulted with Nectarius Bishop of CONSTANTINOPLE N●…ctarius with Agelius a Bishop of the Novatians Agelius with Sis●…nius an eloquent man and a mightie Teacher and a reader in his Church This man considering that by contentious disputations schismes were increased but not quenched gaue this aduice to Nectarius that hee shoulde counsell the Emperour to demande of Heretiques in what account they had the holie Fathers who preceeded their time The Heretiques at the first spake reuerently of the Fathers but when they were demanded if in matters of Faith they woulde giue credite to the testimonie of the Fathers the Her●…tiques were diuided amongst themselues Therefore the Emperour rent in pieces the summes of the Arrian Eunomian and Mac●…donian faith and ordained the Homousian Faith onely to haue place The seconde Councill of Carthage was assembled vnder the reigne of Theodosius neere vnto the time of the Generall Councill holden in CONSTANTINOPLE In it first
yeeee of our LORD 585. Vnder the reigne of Mauritius a Councill was assembled at Constantinople for trying of the cause of Gregorius B of Antiochia whom Asterius Deputie in the East had accused of incest but Gregorius was declared to bee innocent his accuser was scourged with roddes and was banished In this Councill the name of Oecumenick bishop was attributed to Iohn Patriarch of Constantinople The first Councill of Matiscon was assembled about the time of Pelagius 2 as the second Tome of Councills recordeth In it commandement was giuen that no man of the Clergie should cite another man hauing a spirituall office before a seculare iudge And that a bishop or Presbyter should not intangle himselfe with carnall lust after hee is promoted to so high dignitie but the woman who before was his wife nowe let her bee his sister and let the husband bee changed into a brother Marke how subtilly Sathan vnder pretence of lothing matrimoniall chastitie is bringing in all kinde of vncleannesse into the Church The second Councill of Matiscon was conueened in the 24. yere of the reigne of Gunthrannus king of France In it complaint was made that Baptisme was ministred vsually vpon ●…ry holy day insomuch that vpon Pasche day scarce were two or three found to be presented to Baptisme This they ordeined to bee amended and that no man except vpon occasion of infirmitie presume to present his child to Baptisme but to attend vpon the festiuall dayes prescribed of olde that is Pasche and Whitsonday Also it was statute and ordeined that the Sacrament of the altar should be ministred before any communicant person had tasted of meat or drinke That no person who fleeth to the Church as to a citie of refuge be drawne backe againe by violence from the bosome of the Chuch or be harmed into that holy place That a bishop must not bee attached before a secular iudge That the houses of bishops shall be kept holy with exercises of prayers and singing of Psalmes and shall not bee defiled with the barking of dogges and muting of hankes That seculare men shall doe reucrence to those who are of the Clergie euen vnto the lowest degree of them in such sort that if the secular man doe meete any of the Clergie walking on foot he shall honour him by vncouering his head but if the seculare man be riding on horsebacke and the Clergie man on foote then the secular man shall light downe from his horse and shall doe reuerence to the Church man this age smelleth of Antichristian pride In the third Council at Matiscon there is nothing to be read but a contentious disputation betwixt two bishops Palladius Bertramus foolish questions scarse worthy to bee disputed in Grāmer schooles Whether or no a woman may be called homo In the yeere of our Lord 595 in the 13. yeere of the reigne of the Emp. Mauritius Gregorius 1. bishop of Rome assembled a Council at Rome of 24. bishops 34. presbyters whereinto first of all he confirmed the first foure generall Councills He ordeined that at the celebration of the Masse there should be lesse singing more reading of Psalmes and Gospel because weake people transported with the delite of a sweet delicate voyce marked not how men of a lewd life drew neere vnto the Altar of GOD. He ordeined also that laicke boyes should not be cubiculars to the bishops of Rome but that Presbyters Deacons or Monks should be witnesses of the honestie of their secret conuersation And that the beare whereinto the body of the B. of Rome is brought forth to bee buried shall not bee oue spred with any coue●…ing aboue the beare That for ordination of men in spirituall offices no reward shall be craued For like as the bishop should not sell the imposition of his hands euen so the minister or notare should not sell his voyce and pen. If hee who is ordeined voluntarlly giueth any thing as a testimonie of his thankfulnesse this is not forbidden to be receiued Gregorius standing before the place where the body of S. PETER is buried pronounced many Anathems whereinto the rest of the assemblie with vniforme consent saide Amen Amongst the rest the Presbyter or Deacon who marrieth a wise is deliuered to the deuill and a man who marieth his owne spir●…tuall sister whome in our language we call his gossope hee is likewise deliuered to an euill Heard to bee kept Albeit Gregorius bee not counted the worst amongst the bishoppes of Rome yet when hee followeth not the certaine rule of the written worde of GOD hee is wandering in the mist as boldly as others did before him The Councills which I haue ouerpassed with silence such as Gradense Bracearense Lateranense Lugdunense Pictaviense Metense lest I should ouer charge a litle booke with an vnnecessarie burthen or trouble the reader with reading of superstitious rites damning of old heresies and of euery contentious disputation more duely belonging to ciuile iudges than to spirituall conuentions I reserre mine excuse in this to the wisdome of the iudicious Reader TREATISES BELONGING TO THE sixt CENTVRIE A TREATISE Of the worshipping of Images IN the first 300. yeere of our LORD Images were not admitted into places of adoration In the fourth fifth and sixt Centurie they are admitted into temples yet for the most part without opinion that they should be worshipped as the letter of Gregorius the first written to Serenus bishop of Marseill clea●…ely declareth Nowe it is time to contend against Images when they are come in such credite that they are set vp in temples and places of adoration And first Godwilling I shall intreat of the wordes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what difference is betwuixt them and the wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what differences are betwixt these three wordes lest Idolaters should bee left lurking vnder the sconses of words when they are denuded of all other ouerlapping couerings then will they lurke vnder the shadow of an ambiguous word as a Foxe straitly persued will lurke vnder the shadow of a fairne In the second roome I intend to speake of the Images of the Gentils In the third roome of the Images of the Iewes and last of all of the Images of them who beare the name of Christians First concerning the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I affirme that the principall defenders of worshipping of Images of old put no difference betwixt these two wordes for Damascene comparing Images to musicke instruments he sayeth That like as the captiue Iewes had instruments of musicke to praise GOD so in like maner the Babylonians had instruments of musicke to praise their gods In like maner saith he the Pagans had 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereby they honoured their gods and Christians also haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereby they doe honour to the
a Poetesse of Scycion were abhorred by the Gentiles because in her verses shee brought in Adonis matching Cucumbers and Aples with the sunne yet is it a more tolerable thing to match an earthly creature with a heauenly creature than to match creatures with the Creator who is blessed for euer After that this opinion of Indulgences and Pardons in a newe and Romane sense once tooke place it is a wonderfull thing to heare what progresse it made from euill to worse Some thought that by Pardones might bee obtained a reliefe from temporall punishments or at least a permutation of eternall punishments into temporall but others running as it were to the supe●…latiue excesse of all spirituall madnesse affirmed that by vertue of Popes 〈◊〉 men were absolued both from fault and punishment a●… 〈◊〉 Pardones were called Plenissima Indulgentiae Of this sort was the Pardone that BONIFACIVS the eight proclaimed to such as would come to Rome in time of his appointed Iubile and visite the Church of Lateran ann 1399. Of this which I haue alreadie spoken it is euident that the Papistes in the wordes of Satisfaction and Indulgences deceiue both themselues and others for what auaileth it to keepe the ancient wordes vsed in the primitiue Church and to vse them into a newe sense vnknowne to Fathers who spake of Satisfaction and Indulgences Did not the Athenians of olde weare the badge of the golden Grashopper in token they were not extraneers but they were inhabitants in that lande whereinto both their predecessors and themselues were borne but when they were conquessed by the Romanes and their golden libertie was lost what auailed the badge of the golden Grashopper Euen so when substance of ancient words is lost what auaileth it to talke of Satisfaction and Indulgences as ancient things In the rest of this Treatise God willing I shall declare the absurditie of Popish Satisfactions and Indulgences The Councill of Trent in the 12. Canon deoperibus Satisfactionis they write If any man says that the whole punishment and fault is continuallie remitted by GOD and that the Satisfaction of penitent persons is no other thing but faith whereby they apprehend that CHRIST hath satisfied for them let him bee accursed This Act of the Councill of Trent in all the parts of it is flatly repugant to the Scriptures of God There we are taught that in Satisfaction two thinges are principally required First a perfect obedience to the Lawe of GOD. Secondly a perfect sacrifice for the sinne committed by man both these things are to bee found in CHRIST alone who by his obedience hath abolished the sinnewhich came in by the disobedience of ADAM and by one oblation hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified Nowe to pronounce a curse against all them who leanes vnto the obedience and sacrifice of CHRIST as vnto their onely Satisfaction to the Iustice of GOD is all one as if they would pronounce a curse against all the true disciples of CHRIST who beleeues according as they are taught in the holy Scriptures of GOD. If at any time ancient Fathers speake roundly in this matter it is ourparte to doe that fauour to them which is done to all men to wit to giue them libertie to interprete the meaning of their owne wordes So when AMBROSE writteth that teares washes away sinnes hee declareth in what sense hee spake this to wit not to count the teares of PETER to bee a satisfaction for his threefolde deniall but rather that his teares was a testimonie that hee was one of the Elect for whose sinnes CHRIST had satisfied The wordes of S. AMBROSE are these Legi quidem Petri lachrymas sed satisfactionem non lego that is to say I haue reade of the teares of PETER but of his satisfaction I reade not The Romanists in our dayes are like vnto men who haue benetrauelled vpon the Sea and in end they arriue to the harberie and when they set their foot on shore they thinke that the ground is running about them in a circulare reuolution This is nothing els but the conceates of their troubled braines euen so when Papistes reades in holy Scripture many exhortations to Fasting Prayer Almesdeedes they imagine that Scripture is speaking of Satisfactions for sinne But holy Scripture is like vnto the solide globe of the earth which is not vnder a continuall agitation but is euer like vnto it selfe and sendes vs continuallie in the matter of Satisfaction to that one oblation which hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified Yea the false teachers of our dayes are like vnto the Edomites who were more cruell than the Babylonians who contented themselues with slaying of some and carying of others captiues and setting the towne on fire but the children of Ed●…m c●…ied out that the very foundations of the citie should be razed to the end it should neuer be a citie againe euen so they who sends vs to our owne satisfactions they would vndoe our s●…luation from the very ground as if Christ had beene manifested in our nature in vaine to make satisfaction for our sinnes for which wee must make satisfaction in our owne persons and by our owne workes our selues The principall argument whereby they endeuoure to prooue humane satisfactions by Scripture is in the wordes of the counsell of DANIEL giuen to NABVCHADNESER Wherefore O King let my counsell be acceptable unto thee and breake off thy sinnes by righteousnesse and thine iniquities by mercie toward the poore Loe let there be an healing of thine errour What is conteined in this most wholesome counsell of DANIEL but an exhortation to leaue off the course of doing euill and to doe good to the ende that the change of his conuersation might be a testimonie that GOD had forgiuen him his sinnes and accepted him in fauour The like wholesome counsell the Apost PAVL giueth to them who had sometimes bene theeues Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather labour and worke with his handes the thing which is good that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needeth Is there anything heere but an exhortation to desist from wonted vngodlinesse and to leade a newe and holy conuersation but the Apostle is speaking nothing of humane satisfactions yea that the holy Spirit who filled his mind with celestiall knowledge sanctified also his memorie that hee should speake nothing repugnant vnto that hee writeth vnto the Hebrewes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is By one oblation hee hath consecrated for euer them who are sanctified And the Apostle IOHN writing to to them who were already baptized and counted the children of GOD he sayeth My babes these things I write vnto you that yee sinne not and if any man sinne wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the Iust. So that this new Theologie of our owne satisfactions for faultes committed after Baptisme came not from CHRIST and his Apostles but it is an inucntion of
a spirituall office and That no man should consult concerning the election of another Bishop or Pope before three dayes were expired after the death of the detunct that the Bish. should be elected by 〈◊〉 Clergy people their election should be ratified by the Magistrate of the citie and the Pope by these wordes volu●…us jub●…mus that is Wee will and wee command otherwise the election shall bee voyde and of none effect Bonifacius the fourth gathered another Assembly in the eight that is in the last yeere of the reigre of Phocas wherein hee gaue power to Monkes to preach to minister the Sacramentes to heare confessions to bind and loose and as●…ociated them in equall authoritie with the Clergie Bracara or Braecara vulgarlie called Braga is a towne in ●…ortugall In the yeere of our Lord 610. and vnder the reigne of Gundemarus king of Gothes reigning at that time in the countrey of Spaine assembled some Bishops of Gallicia Lusitania and of the Prouince called Lucensis of olde It was ordained That euerie Bishop shoulde visit the Churches of his Diosie and see that Baptisme was duelie ministred and that Catechumeni twentie dayes before their baptisme shoulde resort to the purifications of Exotcismes and shoulde bee instructed in the knowledge of the Apostolicke Symbole and that the people shoulde bee exhorted to beware of Idolatrie Adulterie Murther Pe●…jurie and all other deadlie sinnes That Bishops should not lift vp the third part of 〈◊〉 oblations of the people but that it should remaine in 〈◊〉 paroche Church for furnishing light and for repairing the fabrike of the Church and that the Bishop shoulde compell none of the Clergie to attende vpon him in seruile workes That bishops for ordination of the Clergie shoulde receiue no rewardes That neither a little balme nor yet the price thereof should bee exacted from the people for their baptisme in any time to come lest they should seeme with Simon Magus to sell the gift of God for money That bishops before the dedication of Churches shall see a charter containing a sufficient maintenance for them who shall serue in the Church and for a substantiall furniture of lightes thereunto A Church builded for gaine contribution of the people redounding to the vantage of the builder shall not bee consecrated Parents who are poore present their children to baptisme if they offer anie thing voluntarilie it shall bee accepted but they shall not bee compelled to pay anie thing neither shall a pledge bee required from them lest poore people fearing this with-holde their children from baptisme If anie of th●… Clergie bee accused of fornication let the accuser proue his accusation by 2. or 3. witnesses according to the precept of the Apostle cls let the accuser be excommunicate That M●…trapolitane Bishops shall signifie to others of the Clergie the time of theobseruation of Easter or Pashe day and the Clergie after the reading of the Gospell shall in like manner intima●…e the day vnto the people That whosoeuer tasteth meate or drinke before hee consecrate the oblation of the Altar shall bee deposed from his office In the yeere of our Lord 613. assembled in a Towne of France called Altissidorum otherwise Antissidorum vulgarlie Auxerre a number of Abbots and Presbyters with one bishop and three deacons In this Councell they damned sorcerie and the seeking of consultation at sorcerers in the first third fourth and fift Canons Whereby it appeareth that sorcerie hath bene in frequent vse in France Manie superstitious constitutions were set downe in this Synode concerning the number of Masses prohibition of tasting meate before Masse concerning buriall prohibition of baptisme before the festiuitie of Easter daye except vpon necessity and feare of approching death prohibition of Matrimoniall copulation with their own wiues to presbyters and deacons after their blessing and consecration with prohibition of marriage also to the widowes of the defunct presbyters deacons or sub-deacons this was a yoke of Antichristian subjection indeed Brother and sisters children are forbidden to marrie It is not lawfull for a presbyter to sit in judgement when any man is condemned to death It is not lawfull for a Clergy man to cite another of the Clergie before a secular Iudge It is not lawfull for a woman with a naked hand to touch the holie Eucharist It is not lawfull to take refreshment of meate with an excommunicate person If any of the Clergy receiue an excommunicate man without the knowledge of him who hath excommunicated him he shall receiue the like sentence that is he shall likewise be excommunicated It is not lawfull for a presbyter in banqueting time to sing or dance Manie Canons to the number of 45. were concluded in this Councell but I haue determined not to ouer-lade a little booke with commemoration of an heape of vnprofitable vnnecessarie and superstitious Canons In the yeere of our Lord 364. and in the 24. yeere of the reigne of the Emp. Heraclius a Councell was gathered in Hispalis a towne of Spaine vulgarly called Ciuill la grand It was gathered by Isidorus B. of Hispalis at the command of king Sisebutus who was both present and President in this Councell For two principall causes was this Synode conueened namelie for suppressing the heresie of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which was a branch of the heresie of Eutyches secondly for decision of questions which arose amongst bishops concerning the marches and boundes of their diocesis with some other Ecclesiasticall causes They had 13. Sessions or meetinges as is declared 2. Tom. Concill In the first action Theodulphus bishop of Malaca complained that by injurie of warres an ancient paroch Church was separated from his towne and possessed by others It was concluded that he should be repossessed again into his ancient priueledges that prescriptiō of time should haue no place if it were known that hostilitie and warre-fare had hurt a man in his rights In the second Session the controuersie betwixt Fulgentius bishop of Astigita and Honorius bishop of Corduba concerning the marches of their dioceses was debated and men were chosen to visite the boundes and to decide the controuersie In the third Session compeared Cambra bishop of Italica a Towne of the prouince of Spaine of olde called Baetica hee complained against one of his Clergie named Passandus that he being brought vp from his infancie in the Church of Italica yet had fled without anie just cause to Corduba It was ordained that whosoeuer fled from his owne Church vnto another should be sent backe againe and should be thrust into a Monasterie and should bee deuested of his honour for a time to the end that the sharpenesse of Discipline might correct the licencious libertie of vaging and wandering In the 4. Session it was complained that some were consecrated to be Leuites in the Church of Astigita who had maried widowes
allowance And the Emperour Leo was both excommunicated and likewise so farre as in him laye depriued of his Emperiall dignitie So early did the beast of Rome euen in ciuill matters vsurpe authoritie ouer the Princes and Monarches of the worlde In his dayes the towne of Rome was besieged by Luitprand king of Lombardis But Carolus Martellus a noble prince in France beeing sollicited by the letters of Gregorie to support the distressed estate of the Church of Rome hee perswaded Luitprand to desist from molesting and befieging the towne of Rome After Gregorie the third succeeded Zacharias the first and continued ten yeeres foure monethes and foure dayes In antichristian pride hee surpassed all his predecessors distributing the kingdomes of the worlde at his pleasure For hee procured that Pipinus the sonne of Carolus Martellus who was but a subject and a ruler of the kinges house shoulde bee annointed king of France and that Childericus the lawfull successour of the kingdome should haue his head shauen and bee thrust into a Monasterie Likewise he procured that Carolomannus the elder brother of Pipinus should be a Monke of the Order of Sainct Benedict in the Monasterie of Cassinates Rachis also king of Lombardes after he had reigned foure yeeres gaue ouer his kingly authority and entered into a Monasterie and exhorted his wife and children to doe the like and so his brother Aistulphus obtained the kingdome Pipinus was annointed king of France by Bonifacius at the commaundement of pope Zacharias anno 750. or as Platina reckoneth anno 753. What recompense of reward Pipinus rendered to the chaire of Rome for this beneuolence or rather this manifest iniquitie of Zacharias it will bee declared in the description of the life gouernement and carriage of Stephanus the seconde if the Lord please AFTER ZACHARIAS succeeded STEPHANVS the second and ruled fiue yeeres one moneth In his time Aistulphus king of Lombardes besieged Rome at two diuerse times and Stephanus implored the aide and assistance of Pipinus king of France at both times At the first time Pipinus besieged Aistulpbus in Papia the chiefe citie of the residence of the kinges of Lombardes and compelled him to restore to the chaire of Rome all the townes and lands which by violence he had reaued from them But at his second comming hee not onely relieued Rome from the siege of the Lombardes but also bestowed vpon the chaire of Rome the dominions of Rauenna and Penta-poles appertaining to the Emperour of the East and which they enjoyed since the death of Narses 170. yeeres In so doing there was such bargaining betwixt the kinges of France and the popes as was of olde betwixt Herod and the Iewes he gratified them with the blood of Christes Apostles and they gratified him on the other part by giuing to him the glorie of God Euen so Zacharias bishop of Rome bestowed vpon Pipinus the kingdome of France which duely appertained to another and Pipinus againe bestowed vpon the chaire of Rome the dominions of Rauenna and Pentapolis which duely appertained to the Emperour of the East It shall not bee amisse to make a particulare rehearsall of the townes territories bestowed vpō the Church of Rome by the donation of Pipinus but not of Constantine as they haue rumoured most fabulously many yeeres agoe INPRIMIS Rauenna Bononia Imola Fauentia Commaclum Hadria Pompilii Forum Leuii Forū Cesena Bobium Ferraria Ficoclas and Gabellum all these townes were vnder the dominion of Rauenna And in Pentapolis Ariminum Pisaurum Concha Fanum Senogallia Ancona Auximum Humanam Aesium Sempronii Forum Mons Feretri Urbium Balmense territorium Callas Luceolos Eugubium together with the Castles and Landes appertaining to these townes to wit the Prouinces called in our time Romandiola and Marca Anconitana and of olde Aemilia Flaminea and Picenum Thus wee see what a rich rewarde the chaire of Rome obtained for their defection from the Emperours of the East and their fauour towards the kings of France Also for further confirmation of friendship betwixt the bishops of Rome and the kings of France pope Stephanus the second procured that he should bee inuited to bee witnesse at the baptisme of the king of France his young sonne at which time as a man couetous of vaine glorie he suffered Pipinus and Charles his son to kisse his feete and to holde his stirrope and to lead his horse by the bridle and finally hee was content to bee mounted vp and carried vpon the shoulders of men leauing behind him an example of stinking pride to the posteritie after following After Stephanus the seconde succeeded his brother Paulus the first who continued 10. yeeres and one moneth In antichristian pride he was nothing inferiour to his predecessours for he sent Ambassadours to the Emperour of the East Constantinus Copronymus to exhort him to restore againe the images of the Saincts which hee had demolished with intermination of cursing if hee refused to bee obedient to the popes counsell In his time Aistulphus king of Lombardes died and Desiderius the last king of Lombardes reigned in his stead Constantine the brother of Desiderius king of Lombardis succeeded to Paulus the first a man admitted to the popedome before he had receiued Ecclesiasticall orders therefore he was hated of the people of Rome and denuded of his papall dignitie after hee had continued one yeere and one moneth some writers affirme that his eyes were thrust out and that hee was sent to a Monasterie others affirme that he was burnt with fire by the hatefull malice of the Romanes To him succeeded Stephanus the thirde who ruled 4. yeeres 5. monethes and 27. dayes hee gathered a Councell at Rome in the which 12. bishops of France sent thither by Charles de Mame were present with the bishops of Italie who disauthorised Constantine his predecessour annulled all his decrees Likewise they damned the 7. Generall Councell conuened in Constantinople by Constantinus Copronymus wherein the worshipping of images was disallowed But in this Laterane Councell assembled by Stephanus the thirde the worshipping of images getteth allowance And it was thought that God and the Sainctes were in deterior case than mortall Princes incase that images might be made to represent mortall Princes but not to represent God and his Saincts It was rumoured in this popes time that Charls king of France was of intention to marrie Bertha the daughter of Desiderius king of Lombardes Stephanus fearing lest this marriage should vndoe the friendship lately contracted betwixt the bishops of Rome and the kings of France disswaded Charles from the marriage aforesaid as if the marriage of a woman of the kinred of the Lombardes were a mixing of darknesse with light and of Belial with CHRIST And the minassing letter of Stephanus the third preuailed so farre at the hands of Charles the great that he repudiated Bertha the daughter of Desiderius his lawfull married wife after he had cohabited with her one yeere
blood of Christ. It is hard to bee a prolocutor for an euill cause for it is like vnto a bulge in a wall which falleth and bruiseth him who woulde sustaine it which cannot sustaine it selfe It is certaine that the bread and wine are not types and figures of Christs body before the words of consecration for it is after the words of blessing that the elements receiue this great honour to be called Christs bodie and blood that is signes externall wherewith Christes bodie and blood is spiritually exhibited vnto vs. And therefore Sainct Ambrose calleth the bread before the wordes of consecration panis usitatus that is common bread but it is after the wordes of consecration that they receiue this honour to beare the names of things represented by them as Theodoreius in expresse words writeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is ●…ee hath honoured the visible signes with the appellation of his bodie and blood not changing their nature but adding grace to nature Which place clearly prooueth that the elementes obtaine not that great honour to bee called Christes body or types of his blessed body vntill the time that by diuine grace they bee consecrated to that holy vse Mailrosius Scotus liued vnder the reigne of Charles the Great about the yeere of our Lord 800. and likewise RABANVS Bishop of Mentz these two had so acquainted themselues with the doctrine of Augustine that they could in no manner of way giue allowance to the doctrine of Transsubstantiation And about the yeere of our Lord 840. Carolus the second the sonne of Ludouicus Pius and brother to Lotharius and Ludouicus Germanicus he writ to Bertramus a Presbyter to haue his resolution concerning the mysterie of the Sacrament and after what manner of way the body and blood of Christ was present in the Sacrament To whome hee returned this answere That in the Sacrament of the holy Supper there were some thinges that were perceiued with bodily senses other thinges were taken holde of onelie by faith And the bread and the wine were to vs the body blood of Christ as MANNA and the waters of the spirituall rock were Christs body and blood to the people of the Iewes in the wildernesse This opinion aggreeth well with the doctrine of Paul that the Fathers in the wildernesse ate that same spirituall food which we eat which they could not doe by corporall manducation of Christs flesh because as yet the word was not made flesh So this opinion of Transsubstantiation did no sooner put out its head but assoone also contradiction was made vnto it About the yeere of our Lord 1020. Berengarius maintained the opinion of Augustine and other auncient Fathers hee was a presbyter of Angiers in Fraunce and denied the doctrine of Transsubstantiation and the Romane Bishops were cōmooued with great indignation as appeareth by the number of Councels assembled against one poore man who durst presume to speake against the opinion once embraced by the Romane Church Leo the ninth gathered a Councel at Rome in the which he condemned the opinion of Berengarius and excommunicated him euen before he was warned to be present at the Councell and before hee was heard Hee assembled also another Councell in Vercellis about the yeere of our Lord 1051. in the which Borengarius was not present but Messengers who came to pleade his cause were imprisoned and casten into bands and the booke of Ioannes Scotus Mailrosius De Eucharistia was condemned By the way if any equitie had beene kept in these Councels looke by what reason they condemned Ioannes Scotus whose opinion Berengarius followed by the like reason they shoulde haue condemned Augustine Bishop of Hippo whose opinion Ioannes Mailrosius followed But the Romane Church cannot erre ' Another Councell was assembled by Pope Victor the successor of Leo the ninth in the which the Decree of the Coūcell of Vercellis was allowed Yet all this coulde worke no contentment in their he●…rtes because the people of Angiers and Towrs in Fraunce liked the doctrine of Augustine Mailrosius and Berengarius about the Sacrament of the Supper Therefore another Councell was assembled at Rome by Pope Nicolaus the seconde anno 1058. in the which Berengarius yeelded to the opinion of the Pope and his Councell and his weaknesse strengthened the errour already receiued in the Romane Church mightily But the number of them who abhorred this newe found out doctrine was exceeding great therefore the Romane Church after the yeere of our Lord 1079 and after the dayes of pope Gregorie the seuenth put hand to worke And being now mightie strong they stirred vp Kings and Princes to persecute with fire and sword and all kind of hostilitie as heretiques all those that spake against worshipping of Images corporall presence and manducation of the body of Christ in the Sacrament of the holy Supper So it is manifest that this doctrine of Transsubstantiation was mightily contradicted vntill the dayes of pope Innocentius the third who in the Councell of Laterane anno 1215. gaue full allowance thereunto But when all this is done r●…member that the vniuersall Catholicke Church dwelleth not in one countrey or city When the Romane Church was miserably infected with this miserable scabbe of pestilent errour what consent gaue the Churches of Asia and all the Grieke Churches They euer dis●…ssented from this doctrine vntill this daye as appeareth by the last Sessions of the Councell of Florence anno 1439. Therefore let the Romane Church bragge of Antiquitie as they please the doctrine of Transsubstantiation shall neuer be found an ancient doctrine but a doctrine newe false absurd and borne out more by might of the preuailing authoritie of men than power of argumentes grounded vpon holy Scripture God teach them to returne to the ancient trueth from which they haue sliden To whom be praise and glory for euer Amen A TREATISE Of the Sacrament of Pennance IN this CENTVRIE it was a receiued custome to men to confesse their sinnes secretly to Presbyters and to receiue from them such forme of injunctions as they counted satisfactions for their faultes as appeareth clearly by the Councell gathered in Fraunce anno 742. in the which Bonifacius bishop of Mentz was Moderator In the first Canon of that Councell it was statuted and ordained That no man of the Clergie should put on armour and goe to warre-fare except one or two bishops with their presbyters and chaplens to prescribe pennance vnto them who should happen to confesse their sinnes By this it is euident that the custome of secret confession of sinnes to presbyter poenitentiarius which was excluded out of the Church in the dayes of Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople yet it returned againe and it was in vse in the VIII CENTVRIE Now in the inseription of this TREATISE I call it a Sacramēt as the Romane church in our dayes call it not as though I were in the opinion that in this age the number of seuen Sacramentes
the Church in the Councill of Sardica but Photinus was deposed at the Council of Sirmium and banished by the Em. Constantius Neuerthelesse after his deposition banishment he continued obstinately in his errour wrote bookes both in Latine Greeke in defence of his Heresie whereby his name became infamous and he was counted the author of this Heresie Audaus was a man of Syria vnder the reigne of Valentinian and his brother Valens Hee published an errour That GOD was like vnto the similitude of a mans bodie This errour hee conceiued through wrong vnderstāding of the words of Scripture wherein it is saide Let vs make man in our owne Image according to our likenesse With this errour many vnlearned Aegyptian Monkes were intangled They pretended great innocencie and chastitie in thier liues and separated themselues from the societie of the Church couering their impietie with this pretext that they saw usurers and vncleane persons tolerated in the Church About this time saith Theodoretus that is in the dayes of Valentinianus and Valens sprang vp the Heresie of Messaliani Albeit this name bee vnquoth yet the Greeke names giuen vnto this Heresie are more significatiue they were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bec●…use they counted prayer the onely exercise necessary to the children of GOD euen as if a man could talke with GOD by prayer before he hath first heard GOD talking with him by the preaching of the Word Likewise they were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is men rauished in the spirite after long continuance in prayer When they were transported and out of their wits then they supposed that the holy spirit was sensibly infused into them whereby their bodies were made free of all perturbations and their soules were auerted from all inclination to euill in such sort that they had no need of fasting to subdue their bodies nor of Doctrine to restraine the disordered affections of their soules This pestilent Heresie was ouerspred in many places but it was mightily suppressed by Letoius B. of Meletina Amphilochius B. of Iconium in Lycaonia and Flaviaenus B. of Antiochia who with great dexteritie drew out a Confession out of the mouth of Adelphius an aged man and a propagator of this Heresie in Edessa This Heresie albeit it had many patrones such as Dadoes Sabas Ad●…lphius Hermas Simeones yet from none of them it receiued the name but rather from the actions and passions whereunto they inclined Apollinaris bishop of Laodicea in Syria gloried in the quickenesse of his ingine and delited to make contradiction to euery thing that any man coulde speake and so it came to passe as Ruffinus writeth Heresim ex contentione generauit that is to say Through contention he procreated an Heresie affirming that in the dispensation of CHRISTES Incarnation hee assumed the body of a man onely but not the soule of a man because his diuinitie supplied the place of his soule And when hee was argued by euident places of SCRIPTURE that CHRIST in his humane nature was a perfect man hauing not onely a body but also the soule of a man as when he said His soule was heauie vnto the death lest he should haue seemed to bee vtterly conuinced and ouercome hee confessed that CHRISTES bodie was quickned with a natural life but the diuinitie of CHRIST was in place of a reasonable soule This Heresie was damned in Councils conueened at Rome Alexandria and Constantinople He augmented the schisme at Antiochia where there had bene alreadie three factions to wit Eustatiani Meletiani and Pauliniani Now Apollinaris dwelling in Laodicea a towne of Syria neere approaching to Antiochia hee was the author of the fourth faction In the dayes of Iulian he compiled histories of Scripture in Greeke Poesie In the dayes of Valentinian and Gratian he defended his Heresie In the dayes of the Emp. Theodosius he concluded his life His sonne in name learning and bad use of excellent gifts was like vnto his father Vitalius presbyter in Antiochia was a serious defender of the Heresie of Apollinaris in so much that the followers of Apollinaris were called Vitaliani Donatus was a Bishop in Numidia who contended with vnsupportable hatred against Cecilianus B. of Carthage challenging him that hee had receiued ordination from Foelix Altungensis who was proditor that is who in time of persecution had deliuered the booke of holy Scripture to bee brunt or as others say because hee admitted to an Ecclesiasticall office a Deacon who had committed the like faule The cause of Cecilianus was oftagitat before the Councill of Carthage before Miltiades B of Rome before the Councill of Arles and by the Emp. Coustantine but the Donatistes at all times succumbed in probation Therefore they were enraged because they coulde not accomplish their wicked designes against Cecilianus and they fell from the unitie of the Church Inucterate schismes oft times turne to Heresies So the Donatistes in end were defenders of Hereticall opinions namely that the Catholicke Church was no where els to be found but onely in that corner of Africke whereinto they themselues dwelt and that Baptisine was not effectuall except it had beene ministred by one of their societie Of all the branches of this Heresie Circumcelliones was the most reprobate branch a people cruell and sauage not onely against others but also against themselues throwing themselues headlonges from high places or casting themselues in fire and water and this sort of death they count●…d Mar●…yrdome The diuersitie of names wherewith this Heresie was pointed out clearely declares that the Donatistes wanted not a great number of fauourers for they were called Parmeniani Rogatistae Cirtenses and Maximianistae Against this Heresie and the Heresie of the Pelagians August B. of Hippo contended with mightie grace as likewise against the Heresie of the Manicheans whereinto he had beene nursed himselfe Collyridiani were a sort of superstitious people who worshipped the Virgine Marie the mother of our LORD with diuine adoration and with baking little pasties which in the Greeke language are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which they offered to the Virgine Marie as to the Queene of Heauen Epiphanius counts them Heretiques because the Virgine Marie albeit shee bee a blessed woman yet is shee not GOD. Manie late Heresies are nothing els but a renewing of old decayed Heresies Such was the Heresie of Priscillianus a man of Noble birth in Spaine verie eloquent rich temperate with great show of humilitie who easilie insinuated himselfe in the fauour of the people In his youth he was inclined to Magical Arts and renewed the filthie Heresie of Gnostici who disallowed Marriage and commended fornication Some bishops of Spaine were entangled with this Heresie such as Iustantius Salvianus and Helpidius whom Adygimus Bishop of Corduba damned in a Councill gathered at Caesar-augusta This was done in the dayes of the Emp. Gratianus and Valentinian The