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A07439 Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas Containing his cosmographicall description of the fabricke and figure of the world. Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new mappes and tables; by the studious industry of Iudocus Hondy. Englished by W. S. generosus, & Coll. Regin. Oxoniæ.; Atlas. English Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612.; Saltonstall, Wye, fl. 1630-1640.; Glover, George, b. ca. 1618, engraver. 1635 (1635) STC 17824; ESTC S114540 671,956 890

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of shot scaling Ladders underminings and all manner of engines which could bee invented or used And on the besieged side you might have seene men women and children with great courage of minde sustaine the furious assaults of their enemies and with constancie and cheerfulnesse repaire the ruines of the wals keepe down those that would have ascended up drive back their enemies to their trenches pursue them and at last fight it out for the most part with good successe Moreover you might have beheld them wearying the besiegers with daily sallying out upon them and lastly subsisting after nine assaults in which though their enemies did fight valiantly yet they were enforced to retire with great losse At length the Ambassadours of Polonia comming the 15 of Iune that they might bring with them Henry Duke of Anjou whom the States of the Kingdome had chosen for King God used this as a meanes to free Rochelle being now exhausted and drawne drie of Corne and being weakned in warlike fortifications besides the losse of many thousand men for now the King by Articles of peace confirmed by his royall solemne edicts did grant that Rochelle Montalban Nemansum and other Cities which did defend themselves should bee free to use their owne Religion such an event had this grievous siege which endured almost for seven moneths In which time more than twentie thousand men perished in conflicts sallies besieges by wounds hunger and sicknesse Rochelle is a constant Seate for presidiall Senatours and other Lawyers The other Cities Townes of note in Santonia are commonly called S. ●ean d' Angely Ponts or Pont l' Oubleze Blaye Taillebourg Borbesieux Brovage and Iosac S. Iean d' Angely otherwise called Angeliacum and S. Ioannes de Angeria is a new Citie although it be one of the speciallest and greatest of all Santonia It renewed its name from an Abbey which was built in that place to the honour of S. Iohn the Baptist the foundation whereof happened to be in the reigne of King Pipin who kept his Court in the Pallace of Angeria neere the River commonly called Boutonne in the Countrie of Alnia for hither as they say came certaine Monkes out of the Holy Land who brought with them the head of S. Iohn Baptist by whose comming the King obtained a famous victorie over his enemies and therefore in remembrance thereof hee built in that place where was the Pallace of Angeria the Abbey of Saint Iohn there placing religious men and endowing them with great revenues that they might there devote themselves to the service of God now by this meanes people flocking thither and building round about the Abbey by degrees it began to be a Citie as it is now at this day and was called by the name of S. Iohn All these things happened about the yeare of our Lord seven hundred sixtie eight while Pipin waged warre against Gaifer King of Aquitania whom hee overcame as it may bee read in the Historie of the Foundation of this Abbey This Citie the Duke of Andegavium or Aniou did besiege in the yeare 1569 and it was yeelded to him after 50 dayes siege the King granting the Citizens th●se conditions That they should march forth of the Citie with their Armour Horses and Colours displayed Santonia raiseth great store of money by its Corne which the Spaniards every yeare doe transport from thence or Merchants which fell it unto them And the Citie of Rochelle is very rich in regard of its neerenesse to the Sea and especially because of the traffick of the English and Dutch whose shipping doe often arrive there AQVITANIA AQVITANIA whose Southerne part is delineated in this Table some would have so called from the waters wherewith it doth abound and some derive it from the Towne Aquis or Aqs. It was extended according to Ptolemie from the Pyrenaean Mountaines even to Liger But now as Ortelius witnesseth from the River Garumna to the Ocean and the Pyrenaean Hils Towards the North-West it hath the Ocean which is called the Aquitanick Bay on the West Spaine on the North Gallia Lugdunensis and on the South Gallia Narbonensis In it according to Mercators account there are five Dukedomes twentie Counties and sixe Seigniories The Dukedomes are Vasconia or Guienna Avernia the Countrie of Engoulesme Berrie and Turonia Vasconia or Guienna being situated neere the Sea betweene Bayon and Burdeaux yeeldeth great store of wine which is transported from thence into other parts of Europe The chiefe Citie in it is Burdigala or Burdeaux the other Cities as Nerac Condom Mirande Nogerat Orthes Bazes and Dax are of no great note yet Dax is famous for her hot Fountaines Salt-pits and Iron-mettle Burdigala so called by Ptolemie is situated in a marsh which the overflowing of Garumna maketh and is adorned both with a Parliament and an University in which the Professours of all Arts and Sciences doe instruct Youth Avernia or the Dutchie of Avergne is partly a plaine and partly a mountainous Countrie It hath on the East Forest on the South Languedock on the West Quercy Perigort and Lemosin and on the North Berry and Bourbon Avernia is two-fold the Higher and the Lower The Higher which is called Le hault pays d' Avergne and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Avernia hath one prime Citie in it called S. Flour being seated on a high Rock the other Townes are commonly called Orillac Carlatum Muratum Buillons le Puy c. There is also in it the Territorie and Bayliwick of Beaucaire The Lower is rich and very fertile being full of excellent Wine Fruit Honey Saffron Cattell Wooll Medowes and Woods The Metropolis of it is Clarimontium commonly called Clermont It is proude of her Castle and is a Bishops Seate The other Cities or Townes are 13 in number of which Rion Monferrat and Isoire doe excell the rest Engoulesme on the North joyneth to Poictou on the West to Santonia on the South to Perigort and on the East to Lemosin It hath abundance of very good Wine fruit and Hempe The Metropolis of it is Inculisma now called Engoulesme being an ancient Citie It is seated on a hill which hangeth over the River Charente in a remote place from the Kings high way The lesser Towns are those which are commonly called Marton Chasteau Neuff Blaisac Chabannes Confollant Cuffec Aigres Gourville la Roche-Foucault Marveil Lanzac Villebois Momberon and Bouteville Concerning the Countrie of Berry wee will speake in a Table by it selfe Turonia commonly called Touraine beginneth somewhat beyond the Citie Amboise towards Belsia and endeth at the towne which is commonly called la Chapelle Blanche AQVITANIA AQUITANIA being subject in spirituall matters to the Bishops of Anjou and Chousai For they appoint and set downe limits betweene the Turonians and Andigavians The sweetnesse of the Ayre doth make this pleasant country more delightfull so that it is called the Garden and Orchard of France It is fruitfull in Wine and
the Emperour Henry the third did wonderfully adorne this Cittie which the aforesaid Henrie did build and augment untill of a Keepers lodge it became a great Cittie as it is now at this day in which the Emperour builded a royall and magnificent Pallace The Towne Helmstad is in the middle way betweene Brunswicke and Magdeburg which William Duke of Brunswicke redeemed from the Abbot of Werden with a certaine summe of money payd unto the said Abbot and so reduc'd it into his owne power Halberstad is an Episcopall Cittie by which glideth the River Oltemia In the middle of this Cittie there is a hill which is two furlongs in length and on the top of it there is a large plaine at the two farthest Corners whereof there are two Churches In the middle there is a Market place which is encompassed round with Religious houses but that part which is situate on the Mountaine is called the Cittie and that part which lyeth at the foote of the hill is called the Suburbs The soyle round about this Cittie is very good having standing Corne which is higher than a man on horsebacke Quedelimberg is an auncient Cittie and not farre distant from Magdeburg which was built by the Emperour Henry Auceps There is also the Towne Hannovera by the bancke of the River Leine over against an ancient Castell belonging to the Earles of Lauwenrod but now in the time of Henry Leen about the yeare of Christ 1056 it was subject to this Castell which because it stood on the other side of the River the Courtiers called it Hannover It is now a flourishing Cittie in Saxonie For it is well fortified with ditches and very populous Hildesheimum or Hildesium which Ptolomie and Irenicus call Ascalingium is an auncient Cittie being at first divided into two parts but afterward it was united It hath a very faire Church and the steeple is gilded It is a pleasant Cittie and Ludolphus of Colen an excellent Mathematician was borne heere being a Bishops seate Irenicus doth reckon up the bishops thereof which Crantzius also doth in his Metropolis and Antonius Monch●acinus more accurately Lib. 2. of the first beginning of Christian religion But the Bishopricke of Hildesheim was first founded and instituted in Saxonie by Charles the Great King of France and Empeperour of Germanie Northausen is an Emperiall Cittie There are also contained in this Table the Dukedome of Grubenhagen which is a member of the Empire and also the Principalitie of Anhalt also Mansfielde and auncient Countie of auncient Saxonie by the river Sala so that Hegenus who lived in the time of King Arthur of Brittaine was Earle of Mansfeld in the yeare 542 it was so called from Mannus the sonne of Thuiscon The chiefe Citties are Mansfeld neere the River Wiperus also Eislebia and Wypra E●slebia is the Metropolis betweene the Rivers Sala and Wiperus which was so called from Isis who as Tacitus reporteth did wander after her husbands death through the coasts of Suevia Neere unto it there are mettall Mines in the Mountaines Melliboci It is supposed that the Tubantians did inhabit these parts This Countie hath under it these foure Counties Wippra Arnslein W●tin and Quernfurt Also the Counties of Barby Stolberg Hohenstein Regenstein and Plesse There are also these Ecclesiasticall principalities Meydburg the Archbishoprick of Germanie and primate of Germanie the Bishoprick of Hildesheim and Halberstat Also the Bishopricke of Quedelborg and Gernroade and Stifien which are in the eight circle of the Empire There remaineth in this Table the Bishopricke of Magdeburg The Bishopricke of Magdeburg commonly called Meydburg is so called from the cheefe Cittie Charles the Great having reformed all Saxonie did institute twelve Bishoprickes in it the chiefe whereof was the Bishopricke of Magdeburg whose seate was at the first in Styde afterward it was translated to Valersleve and thirdly to Vrese And afterward in the yeere 1130 Otto did translate it to Magdeburg who made it the primate of Germanie as it appeareth by a great booke of Chronicles which hath no Authors name set to it Albeit the Archbishop of Saltzburg and other Archbishops that are Electors doe not yeeld priority or supremacy to the Bishop of Magdeburg as Crantzius delivers i● his Metropolis But Otto the first did make the Burggrave of Magdeburg that he might sit in publike judgement in the Emperours steede both in this Country and Bishopricke and in the adjacent Countries Gero Marquesse of Lusatia was the first that bore this office by the ordination and appointment of Otto whose memory is preserved by a Monument which is in the Friary of Geroden After him they reckon some others who followed successively in this order Hermann Duke of Saxonie Lotharius Earle of Waldeck Fredericke the sonne of Lotharius Conradus his Nephew Manfred halfe brother by the mother side to Conradus He being slaine in the warres Dittericus Earle of Plocensium had his honors whose Daughter Vdo Marquesse of Brandenburg having married and thereby got the Burgaviate he left his sonne Henry his successor After whose decease Lotharius did leave the same office to Burchard of the house of the Lords of Quetfort from whom the Earles of Manifeld are originally descended After whom there were the Lords of Schrapela after whom the Emperour did translate it to the Dukes of Saxonie Electors for the Empire The chiefe Cittie is Magdeburg heeretofore called Parthenopolis from Venus Parthenia who was worshipped there situated by the River Albis Iohn Capni● calleth it Domadum Pyrgum Aeneas Silvius calleth it Magdeburg and writeth that Virginopolis was a famous Metropolitan Cittie in Saxonie memorable both for wealth and strength Ligurinus calleth it the Virgin Cittie and the habitation of Virgins and Ptolomie calls it Mesovion Otto builded this Cittie as Lupoldus writeth Otto Frisingensis did enlarge it and was buried there This is a famous Emperiall Cittie it is divided into three parts and fortified with walls and Bulwarkes having strong Towers and Rampiers also faire houses large beautifull streetes and magnificent Churches especially the great Church of Saint Maurice being built by the Ottoes of square free stone The Magistrate doth keepe the civill law of the Romanes written in the Saxon language which was confirmed and established by Charles the Great so that the neighbour Nations doe thereby decide controversies and this law is much reverenced and esteemed And let so much suffice concerning the Bishopricke of Magdeburg And now to conclude this description let us set downe the Rivers which are in the Countries contained in this Table which are Albis Onacra Oltemia Sala Wiperus Inderst Struma Roide Ruma Vker Fues and others It hath also the Mountaines der Ramelberg Meliborus and others and also divers woods as Auff dem Hartz-waldt Solingerwaldt and others which you may behold in the Table or Chart. HASSIA or the Landgraviate of HESSEN Hassia hath great store of Nobilitie and Noble places which it would be convenient to know but I could discover nothing hitherto of them nor of the
had new Armes given him by the Empire which were set forth in white and red colours because his Buckle● was so bloody in the Battaile against Ptolomies that it was all bloody even to the bend which went crosse the Scutchion Moreover THE ARCHDVKEDOME OF AVSTRIA· AUSTRIA archiduc Austria is devided into the higher and the lower the latter whereof is situate beyond Danubius and the former on this side It hath also the Dukedome of Styria which lyeth betweene the Rivers Danubius Muer and Mietz the Inhabitants whereof doe partly use the Germane speech and partly the Sclavonian It hath also the Dukedome of Carinthia which is situate betweene the Rivers Muer and Draicus and also Carmina Southward The chiefe Citty of Austria is Vienna which the Sarmatians and Windians did inhabit before the birth of our Saviour Christ after whom there succeeded the Boijans Senonians and others whom Tiberius Nero did reduce into a Province Antoninus calleth it in his Itinerarie Vindebona and Ptolemy calls it Iuliobona and both of them doe place the tenth Germane Legion there for many ancient Monuments both within and without the Citty doe witnesse that it was seated in that place To this Legion from the Colour or Ensigne belonging to it the name of a Larke was given whence it seemes that the Marquesse of Austria had their Armes at the first which are five Larkes And Otto of Frisingen Lib. 1. Histor Frid. cap. 32. calleth it Faviana For he saith Dux iunc demum terga hosti dare compellitur periculis belli exemptus in Vicinum opidum Viennis quod olim à Romanis inhabitatum Fabiana Dicebatur declinavit That is The Duke was put to flight by the enemy and was faine to retire to the Towne Vienna which when the Romanes did heretofore inhabit it was called Fabiana You may read the like in the History of Severinus Bishop of Vienna Lazius saith that Strabo calleth it Vendum Iornandes calleth it the Citty Pannonia and in the Sclavonian language it is called Wien Wydme Ortelius writeth that hee learned out of D. Carolus Rimius who was sometime Orator to Zelimus the great Turke that the Turkes doe call this Citty Betz Leunclavius calleth it Wetsch and Beetz It is a faire Citty situate by the River Danubius and encompassed with a strong wall so that Vienna is a well fortified and a strong Bulwarke against the Turkes The Suburbs are great and large The Citizens have faire magnificent Houses which are adorned with Pictures and strongly built There are many great faire Churches built of Free-stone and arched with divers Pillars Their Wine-cellers are so deepe and large that they have as much building under the ground as they have above ground Their streets are paved with hard stone so that Cart-wheeles cannot weare them It hath great store of Corne and Wine so that in the time of Vintage for 40. dayes together they doe use 1200. Horses to carry Corne and Wine in Carts It received the Christian Religion in the yeere 466. by the preaching and instruction of Severinus who built two Churches there The History of this Citty may be found in Lazius and Otto of Friburg Frederick the second did adorne and enlarge this Citty as also all the other following Dukes of Austria The Emperour Frederick did erect there an University for all Arts and Sciences which was afterward renewed by Albert Archduke of Austria in the yeere 1356. But afterward through sedition it was ruinated These were famous men in Vienna namely Wolfgangus Lazius Medius an Historian to the Emperour Ferdinand also Iulius Alexandrinus Mathias Farinator also Iohn Haselbach was Professor of Divinity in the University of Vienna who was so large in the explanation of that which hee propounded to his audience that he preached twenty yeeres out of the Prophet Esaiah and yet hee was not come to the end of the first Chapter This Citty is famous for the Citizens valiant holding out against the Turkes siege in the yeere 1529. in which 80000. Turkes were slaine There is also in higher Austria Gmunda which is no great Towne but yet very neat and pleasant situated by a Lake which is called from thence the Lake Gmunda out of which Dravus a River of Austria riseth At Gmunda there is great store of Salt which is digged out of the neighbouring Mountaines and so being brought to Gmunda in little Vessels which in their Country speech they call Kivelin it is transported by the River Dravus unto Danubius and so from Vienna it is transported to other Citties of Austria Hungaria Stiria and Carinthia to the great gaine and commodity of the Gmundians It is watered also with many Rivers the chiefe whereof is Danubius which was heretofore the limmiting bounds of the Country but now it cutteth thorow the middle of it The other Rivers are Athosinus Genus or Onasus Tranus Traunus and Erlaphus which ariseth out of a pleasant Lake by the River Cella famous for the Church of the Virgin Mother there are also the Rivers Traisius Ypsius Melicus Marchia and Tejus which devideth Moravia from Austria also Cambus which is full of divers kindes of Fish and Leytha also Suegadus in which there are excellent Crabs and others It hath many Mountaines the chiefe whereof are the Mountaine Cecius commonly called Calenberg which extendeth from Danubius even to the River Dravus the parts of it are Schneberg Semering Kemperg Hertperg Deusperg Heusterg Plaitz Also Cognanus now called der Haimburgerperg which reacheth from Danubius to Arabon It hath also some woods which are parts and pieces of the wood Hercinia and the Moones Wood And they are now called der Freyste●●er und Kon●gwiserwaldt But let us proceede to other matters In the Citie of Vienna twelve Magistrates doe dayly sit in Iudgement Of which foure are of the Clergie the Officiall of the Bishop of Patavia the Officiall of the Bishop of Vienna the Deane of the Cathedrall Church and the Rector or governour of the Vniversity There are also foure Citizens and foure out of the Citty The chiefe whereof are these whom they call Regimentum where all lower Austria doe bring their suits and causes to tryall and they call the Court the Exchequer whether all the accompts of the Province are brought The rest are subject unto them and causes are removed and brought from them to the higher the Senate of the Province does appeale to the ordinary of the Province the Senate of the Citie with the Consull doth appeale to the Citie Praetor the Iudgement of Custome and the Merchants Praetor which they call the Landgrave concerning which matter Wolfgangus Lazius of Vienna doth discourse at large in his Vienna Austria is the third Circle of the Empire in which there are two Orders In the first there are the Clergie as the Bishops of Trent of Brixen of Goricen of Segovia of Labachia of Vienna Teutsch Ordens Meister Ordens Maister in Eischtall In the second are the secular Princes as the Archduke of Austria Count Schaumberg
3 keepe 4 and reverence 5 Wickednesse 1 peace 2 faults 3 lawes 4 and good mens 5 innocence There are many inscriptions upon Marble and many Elogies of Statues and divers Epitaphs both in the Churches the Bishops Palace and also in all parts of the Citty and the Territories thereof The Inhabitants are wealthy neate Noble subtile and witty It flourisheth now for riches so that it is usually called Vrbis Venetae Sponsa the Citty of Venice his Bride It received the Christian faith from D. Appollinaris Bishop of Ravenna And it is a Bishoprick Of which Scaliger thus Quae pingues scatebras specula despectat ab alta Postulat Imperij Brixia magna vices Caelum hilarum Frons laeta urbi gens nescia fraudis Atque modum ignorat divitis uber agri Si regeret patrias animas concordibus oras Tunc poterat Dominis ipsa jubere suis Great Brixia that from a Hill doth view Those fruitfull springs which doe the ground bedew Complaines of change of government the ayre Is pleasant and the Citty is most faire The people are ignorant in all deceit The richnesse of the soyle is very great And if dew concord could be here maintain'd Those who are now her Lords she might command There is also in this Territory the Towne Quintianum situate 20. miles from Brixia Southward neere the River Ollius Also Reggiate Bottesino Vtele Novalara with many others it hath also the Lake Be●acum so called from a Towne the ruines whereof are still remaining Catullus calls it Lydius from the Lydians that is the Tyrrhenians who as fame reporteth did sometime inhabit the Country neere unto it it is called in Italian Lago di Garda and in the Germane speech Gard-se from the Castle which is seated on the East banke thereof This Lake as Alexius Vgonius writeth to Cardinall Pole doth excell all others for good fish it is environd with pleasant Hills and Springs doe every where breake forth here there are woods and greene Medowes Vines Olives Maple-trees Bay-trees and Cedars and Townes full of all provision doe encompasse it round about so that it wanteth nothing either for delight and pleasure or for use and profit There is also another Lake called Sebinus or Sevinus now it is called Lago d'Iseo from the Castle Iseus which is on the banke thereof This receaveth the River Ollus on the North and casteth it forth againe on the South Lastly there is also betweene Sebinum and Benacum the Lake Idrinus commonly called Lago d'Idro or Idro Lago It was so named from the Castle Idrus Some suppose it was so called from the Hydra which Hercules slew here it hath abundance of fish It dischargeth it selfe into Idrinus by divers streames the lesser Lakes are those which are called in their Country speech Lago Cap. Lago Ru●cone and others The River Mella or Mela doth cut thorow the middle of this Territory It still retaineth the name of Mella even untill this day But yet it doth not runne by the Citty as we may see but by the Precincts thereof The little Rivulet which glideth by the Citty is now called Garza The Dukedome of MEDIOLANUM THe Dukedome of Mediolanum is 300. miles in compasse The soyle is very fertile and fruitfull Livie Florus and Polybius doe report that this Country with the most of the Transpadane Citties did yeeld themselves to the power of the Romanes and became a Province Marcellus and Cn. Scipio being Consuls And it is manifest that some of the latter Emperours allured by the conveniency of the place did make this Citty their seate of Residence as Nerva Trajane Hadri●n Maximinian Philip Constantine Constantius Iovianus Valentes Valentinian and Theodosius Trajane built a Palace here which still retaineth that name But when the power of the Caesars grew weake this Citty was wasted and spoyled by the incursions and inrodes of the Barbarians as the Gothes Hunnes and Langbards Whom when Charles the great had droven out of Italy this Country did put it safe under the protection of the Kings of France afterward of the Germane Em●●rours The most of which were yeerely crowned here with an Iron Crowne in the ancient and famous Church of Saint Ambrose as Le●nder proveth by severall examples At length under the raigne of the Emperours Frederick the first and the second against whom it continually rebelled it had new Lords which were the Vicounts Ga●●at●● who afterward in the yeere 1394. were created Dukes by the Emperour Wenceslaus Afterward they had the Dukes of Sfortia by the suffrage and consent of the Citizens and by the authority of the Romane Empire which the Galeatians could never obtaine But their Line being extinguished the Emperour Charles the fifth was their Successor who passed over this Principallity to the Kings of Spaine his Successours The chiefe Citty is called by all Latine Writers Mediolanum Polybius Strabo Ptolemy doe call it Mediolanium and Mediolana the Italians doe now call it Milano the Germanes Mey-landt Mediolanum was built by the French Insubrians as Livy Trogus and others doe report who comming into Italie under the conduct of their Captaine Bellovesus and having expulsed the Tuscians they founded a Citty here in the yeere as some doe reckon before the birth of Christ 339. and as others recken 380. Howsoever it is most ancient Isaac Causabone Lib. 4. and Strabo doe thinke that it was so named from Mediolanium a Citty of the Santones in France Some say that it is derived from a Germane word as it were May-landt from the greene fields which are as fresh and pleasant as the fields are in the Moneth of May or else it is called Midlandt because it is the middle and Navell as Iovius sheweth of Insubrit being enclosed with the River Ticinus or lastly it is called Maegde-landt or Meydel-landt that is the Virgin Country from Minerva who had a Temple there which was heretofore consecrate to our Saviour afterward to the blessed Virgin and now to Saint Tecla Mediolanum is situate betweene Ticinus and Abdua not farre from the Alpes having a temperate ayre and climate It is thought to be one of the greatest Citties of Europe and it flourisheth for wealth and merchandizing it hath faire buildings great Churches and wide large streets and it is well fortified with Walls Bulwarks and an Armory which doe take up a great space of ground It hath large Suburbs some of which may compare with great Citties being ditched and walled about as the Citty is next to the Church which is call Domus being fairely and magnificently built there is Saint Laurences great Church which was built upon the ruines of Hercules Temple There are also in it seven high channelled Pillars curiously wrought There is also the strongest Castle which is in this part of the world and it is called Porta Iovia it is impregnable and the fairest in all Europe There is in the Suburbs an Hospitall for Strangers or for the sicke by the way of Bernomatius the foundation whereof
the heate and warmth whereof young Duckes are hatched And they doe the same in the Winter time but then they doe not lay their Egges in the Sand but under a Wicker Basket or Pannier on which they strew warme ashes the heate whereof in some few dayes doth hatch the Egges This Country is under one King and Monarch whom the people call Lord of the World and sonne of Heaven There are in it 250. chiefe Citties whose names doe end in Fu which signifies a Citty as Cotonfu Panquinfu And their Townes which are many doe end in Cheu There are innumerable sort of Villages which are inhabited by reason of their continuall tillage and Husbandry All the Citties are situate by the banke of some Navigable River fortified with strong walls and deepe ditches There are many pleasant Lakes as the round Lake in the Province of Sancius which was made by an Inundation in the yeere 1557. which is memorable in regard that 7. Citties besides Townes and Villages and a great number of people were drowned in it onely one Boy saved in the body of a Tree The Rivers and the Seas are full of Fish And this Country because it bordereth on the Sea and hath many Navigable Rivers is very populous both by Sea and Land The Gates of their Citties are very magnificent and stately built The streetes are as strait as if they were made by a line and so broad that 10. or 15. men may ride together in a ranke and these are distinguisht and severd one from another with triumphall Arches which doe grace the Citty very much The Portugals doe report that they saw in the Citty Fuchus a Towre which was built on 14. Marble Pillars which were 40. hand breadth high and 12. broade This is such a curious beautifull and costly worke that it farre exceedeth all the proud and magnificent structures in Europe They have faire Temples both in their Citties and in the Countrey The King of China hath a Governour under him who is as it were a Viceroy whom they call Tutan Hee judges and determines all suites and controversies within the Kingdome and is very severe in administring Justice Theeves and murtherers are kept continually in prison untill they dye with whipping and with hunger and cold For though they are condemned to dye which is for the most part by whipping yet the execution is so long delayd after the sentence is given that the most part of those which are condemned doe die in prison Hence it comes to passe that there are so many prisoners in every Citty So that there are sometimes a thousand Prisoners in the Citty Canton Theft than which no crime is more hatefull in these parts is punisht with whipping and cruell stripes And this is the manner of their whipping They set a man with his face bending downeward with his hands bound behind him and then they whipp him on the THE KINGDOME OF CHINA· CHINA thighs with a whipp made of Reedes and Canes which giveth such a vehement stroke that the first blow will make the blood spring forth and the second blow will so torment the malefactor that he cannot stand upon his feete Two Beadles doe whipp him on both his thighs with such vehemency that the most of them do dye at the 50. or 60. stroke for al their sinewes are broken The Portugals report that every yeere above 2000. men are put to death in this manner Their whipp is 5. fingers thick and one broade which they wet continually with water that it may be more flexible and may give the stronger blow It is lawfull for the men to have many wives one of which they keepe at home and the rest in other places They punish adultery with death In the Citties there are no Brothells for all the whores are banisht into the Suburbs They celebrate their Nuptiall Feasts and weddings at the time of the new Moone and commonly in the Moneth of March which is the first day of their new yeare And they doe keepe these Festivalls with great solemnity and for many dayes together with Organs Musick and Comicall Playes The Chinoans have for the most part broad faces thin beards flat Noses and little Eyes yet some of them are well favoured enough Their colour and complexion is like the Europeans but they are somewhat browne and swarfie that dwell about Canton They seldome or never goe out of their owne Countrey neither doe they admit any stranger to come into the innermost parts of their Countrey unlesse the King give him leave They are as stout drinkers as the Germaines and Dutchmen Concerning the Religion of this Countrey they beleeve that all things were created that all things here below are governd from above and from the Heaven which they beleeve to be the greatest of al the Gods whom they expresse by the first Character of their Alphabet They doe worship the Sunne the Moone and the starres and the Divell whom they painte in the same manner as the Europaeans doe least hee should doe them harme as they say The Chinoans are so neate in making all kind of household stuffe that they seeme rather the workes of nature then of Art The use of Ordinance and the Art of Printing is here of such antiquity that they know not the first Inventor thereof The Portugalls doe write much concerning their sagacitie and craftinesse and that they have Coaches which will goe with Sayles which they know so well how to guide that they will make them in a short time carry them by Land whither the list Neither can I omit their cleare white kind of Potters ware which wee call China ware which they make in this manner They mingle Sea snales or Periwinkles with egge-shells and putting some other things to them they beate them till they become one substance Then they lay it under the ground and there they let it lye to season and ripen 80. or 100. yeare and they leave it to their heyres as a precious treasure so that they commonly do come to use that which their Grandfathers first laid to ripen And it is an ancient custome observd amongst them that he that takes away the old must lay new in the place Here is much commerce and trading especially for sweete spices and ●ilkes For out of Malacca Bengala and other places Pepper Saffron Muske Nutts Cassia and other kindes of sweete Spices are brought into China But their chiefest trading is in Silke For Iohn Barrius in his Decads of Asia doth write that at the Citty Nimpo which some doe call Liampo that hee saw some Portugals in three moneths space that carried away by Shippin 166000. pound waight of silke Also Antonius Pigiafetta doth afirme that Muske is brought from hence into other parts of the World and Andreas Corsalis saith that Rheubarb and Pearles are brought from hence THE EAST INDIES THE Indies is the greatest Country in Asia it is so called from the River Indus Ptolemie devideth it into two parts
barbarous use They esteeme not of Gold but goe naked for the most part they are much addicted to Hunting and doe make their Bread of Maiz. The toppes of the Mountaines for the most part of the yeere are white with Snow but yet they are full of Gold Brasse and Lead This Country also hath Cattell and divers wilde beasts as Tigers Lions and the like it hath abundance also of Citterus and Mellons The Province Popajana is annexed and joyned to this which from the North to the South is 220. leagues in length but the most part of it is barren and unhabited and therefore it bringeth forth little Corne but yet it is rich in Gold It hath no peculiar Governour but the Vice-roy of the Kingdome because the most of the Courts of this Citty are subject to the Quito The chiefe Citty is called after the name of the Province being situate two degrees from the Line it hath a temperate constant climate the day and nights are all the yeere equall it hath seldome any raine but it is often troubled with Lightning and Thunder The soyle affordeth two Harvests of Corne every yeere and this Country breedeth great store of Cattell The Inhabitants are courteous the Citty is adorned with a Cathedrall Church and a Monastery of Friers It hath a great Jurisdiction and many Townes round about are subject unto it The Gold which is gotten here is accounted purer than other Gold Not farre from hence the most famous Rivers in this Country doe rise which are called la Magdalena and la Martha which doe water all the Country THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FIRME LAND TERRA FIRMA et NOVUM REGNUM GRANATENSE et POPAIAN THE DESCRIPTION OF PERVVIA PERUVIA is the noblest Country of all the New World it is now devided into three parts namely the Plaine the Mountaines and the Andes The Plaine of Peruvia reacheth 500. leagues by the Sea-coast and is 10. or 15. leagues broad but this part is sandy and full of desarts and for the most part barren for it hath no Springs nor Lakes neither is it watered with any showers but as it is moistned with a kinde of humour or dew which the Inhabitants call Garva But yet there are greene fruitfull meddowes which lye by the bankes of the Rivers which in the Winter time doe overflow them which maketh them yeeld both store of Cotton and all kinde of Corne. The Inhabitants of this Country are poore living under Trees and among Reedes and doe feed on Fish and raw flesh The mountainous is extended in a long space of ground some hundred leagues from the North to the South These Mountaines are very cold neither doe they beare any Trees so that the Inhabitants are faine to burne a kinde of pitchie Turfe Here are Lions Wolves black Beares Goates and a kinde of beast like a Cammell of the Wooll whereof they make Cotton Garments in the Valleys of these Mountaines there liveth a populous Nation who are more witty and civill than the former The Andes also are Mountaines which runne along with a continued ridge without any Valleys and they are chiefly two commonly call'd Cordeleras which are almost 1000. leagues long and equally distant one from another in which there are great store of Goates wilde Sheepe Apes and Parrots the soyle also is very fruitfull and doth yeeld all kinde of Pulse and divers Sallet hearbs And especially there is the hearbe Coca of which there are many fabulous reports whose leaves are like a Shrub which the Graecians call Rhus the Latines call it Tanners hearb which as it is found by experience if it be carryed in ones mouth it takes away the appetite from meate and drinke but it encreaseth valour and strength There is a Vice-roy that governeth all this Province under whose jurisdiction are the Chilenses also Salomons Ilands and toward the West the Country of the Silver River It hath three Seats of Judgement Quito Limam and Las Charcas The first whereof Quito doth containe more Countries as Pogaya Quixos Cavelas Iuan de Salinas Pocomoros and it is 24. leagues in length neere the Aequinoctiall Line even to the Seate of Justice at Lima. Many poisonous hearbes THE DESCRIPTION OF PERVVIA· PERV doe grow in this Country and they doe get Gold out of the Cordillerian Mountaines but afterward it was prohibited they doe also digge Salt-peter from thence The second Seate of Judgement is at Lima which reacheth from the North Southward from the 6. degree of Altitude to the 16. or 17. and so runneth forward 120. leagues The chiefe Citty hereof is Lima built in a Plaine 2. leagues from the Southerne Sea by a River which is a small streame in Summer but in Winter it hath store of water The third Provinciall Seate of Judgement is at a place call'd Charcas it is situate in 17. degrees of latitude by the River Lambopulla and it containeth many Regions and Countries which are amply describ'd in Authors A DESCRIPTION OF THE SVMMER ILANDS VVHICH THEY CALL BERMVDAS WEE have mentioned these Ilands in our former descriptions but now seeing they have gotten a peculiar table of their owne it will not be impertinent to adde this narration thereunto Authors doe report that the chiefest of these Ilands is small and lowe but that it groweth somewhat bigger in the middle There are great store of Birds in it but it is subject to stormes and tempests and it hath great store of Cedar Trees and Hogges Some Englishmen suffring shipwrack neere unto it planted a Colony there in a Semicircular forme and called it after their Captaines name Summers Colony But afterward when the English had got the Kings Letters Patents to erect a Company for the governing these Ilands they sent in the yeere 1612. to the aforesaid Ilands 60. men with Captaine Richard Mone and so the Colony or Plantation began to encrease The Captaine lived in these parts three yeeres and raised every where many Forts and Defences and furnisht them with Ordnance that the Colony might the better defend it selfe from any invasion of the enemy After Captaine Mone there succeeded Captaine Tuckher who caused many Trees which were brought out of the West-Indies to be planted there and the Country to be devided among the Colony that every one might have a greater care of his owne part After whom Captaine Butler with 4. Ships and 5. hundred men sayled thither and so all the Country was replenisht with Inhabitants On the East side Warwicks Forte was built on the North-West Sands Fort on the Prormontory toward Affrick Danes-fort Also two Fortresses were raised in a small Iland the one called Cavendish Fort the other Pagets Fort. There is also an Iland which lyeth to the South which is called Coupers I le At the Promontory call'd Gurnets head there is Pembrooks Fort. A little farther Westward there is Nonsuch a little Iland and Moores Iland with a Fort. The next is Charles his Fort and more to the North is Kings Castle
the other smoothe with a plaine webbe There are other Birdes which they call Marinetae lesse than a Blackbird being short like a Starling yet differing from him by the whitenesse of the belly and the blacknesse of the back It is a wonderfull thing which was reported concerning these Birdes for if when they are dead they be kept in a dry place they will not putrifie or corrupt and being placed among garments and other things it will preserve them from moathes That which is more worthy of admiration is that if being dead they be hanged up in some drie place they will every yeare renew and change their feathers as if they were alive Ireland contayneth all kindes of wilde beasts It hath Harts that are so fat that they can hardly runne and by how much they are lesser in body by so much the larger are their hornes There are great store of Bores many Hares c. but the bodies of all the wilde beasts and birds are lesser here than in other places It hath many Badgers and Weesils It hath few or no Goates fallow Deere Hedghogs Moles but infinite store of Mice It hath also Wolves and Foxes But enough of these things I returne to other matters Heretofore Ireland was ruled by many Earles now it is subject to England and is governed by the Kings Substitute who is called the Lord Deputie It came to be under the dominion IRELAND IRLANDIA of the Kings of England about the yeare 1175 at which time Roderick King of Connaught stiled himselfe King of all Ireland and striving to subject the whole Kingdome to himselfe waged continuall warre with the other Earles by whose sedition it came to passe that the other Earles of their owne accord and without any effusion of blood did put themselves under the obedience of Henry the second King of England from whom all the Kings of England were called Lords of Ireland untill the time of Henry the eigth who by the Nobles of Ireland was declared King of Ireland because the name of Lord grew hatefull to some seditious people There are foure speciall Cities in this Island First Dublin the Metropolis or Mother-Citie of Ireland being the royall Archiepiscopall Seat giving name to a County The next in dignity is Waterford the third Limbrick the fourth Corke There are many other very great Townes of which wee will speake more largely in the particular Descriptions of Ireland This Country hath many Lakes and standing waters among which there is a Lake in Vlster twenty miles distant from the Lake Erne of which wee will speake more largely hereafter There is a little Lake beyond the Citie Armack in which if you stick a Speare up some moneths that part which stuck in the mudde will bee iron that which is in the water stony and that which is out of the water will remaine wood There is also the Lake Erne which is thirty miles long and fifteene miles broad being compassed about with thick woods and so full of Fish that the Fisher-men often breake their nets by taking too many at one time This Island is divided and watered with many faire Rivers whose names are these Avenliffe running through Dublin Boandus through Methe Banna through Vltonia Linu● through Connack and Moadus through Kenel cunillia Slicheia and Samaira Besides Modarnus and Furnus through Keneleonia and many other But of all the Rivers of Ireland the River Synnenus is the chiefe both for the breadth and length of its course and for the plenty of Fish which is in it But in generall the Rivers and Lakes are full of fish bred in them This Countrie is unequall and mountainous soft and waterish you shall finde Lakes and standing waters on the top of the Mountaines The Mountaines abound with Cattell the woods with wilde beasts Solinus writeth thus concerning the Sea which floweth between Ireland and England The Sea betweene Ireland and England is rough and unquiet all the yeare and is scarce navigable but in some part of the Summer But hee erres for it is quiet enough unlesse it bee stirred up with windes And not onely in Summer but also in Winter passengers doe sayle to and fro All the Sea shores doe abound sufficiently with Fish Ireland hath in all three and thirty Counties and foure Archbishops The Bishop of Armach Primate of all Ireland the Bishop of Dublin the Bishops of Cassil and Toam and these foure have nine and twenty Suffragans or Vicegorents Ireland from the manners of the Inhabitants is divided into two parts For those who refuse to obey the Lawes and live more uncivilly are called Irishrie and commonly Wild Irish But those who are willing to obey the Lawes and appeare before the Judges are called the English-Irish and their Country the English Pale they speake English naturally and uncorruptly yet they understand Irish in regard of their daily commerce with the Irish-men The Irish-men have some certaine Lords under whose command the most of them are but they live under the jurisdiction of the English but counterfeitly and as long as the English Souldiers doe waste their Territories yet they appoint Sessions to be kept at certaine times and places to restraine and punish robberies and theft committed by night There those that are accused if they be convicted have certaine Arbitratours to judge of the cause whom they call Brehoni these are all of one familie and although they have no knowledge in the Law yet for their wisdome honestie of life they are accounted divine Their warre is partly on horsback and partly on foote The Gentrie have horses well managed so that without any advantage they will mount them in their armour and taking a Javelin or dart of great weight by the middle they will throw or brandish it against their enemie with much ease Among the footmen some are Souldiers in Cassocks very strong whom they call Galeglacii having Cuttle-axes as sharpe as razors and they are the chiefe strength of the Irish warres The next are Footmen wearing a light armour with swords in their hands and these are called Karnes and they thinke a man is not dead untill they have cut off his head In the third place are footmen whom they call Daltines who going unarmed attend upon the horsmen The footmen as well as horsmen as oft as they come to fight with their enemies doe crie with a great voyce Pharro Pharro and they use a Bagpipe in stead of a Trumpet The Irish doe fare sumptuously and magnificently for though they have no delicate dishes nor great service in their banquets yet their Tables according to the season of the yeare are well furnished with Beefe and Porke and other meate In their Feasts they lye upon Beds the first place at the Table belongs to the Mother of the Family who weares a long Gowne or Mantell reaching to her ancles often dyed and also sleeved THE SECOND TABLE OF IRELAND IN WHICH
Country I leave it to those who admire fabulous antiquities for I would not willingly doate too much on fables Beyond the Cauci liv'd the Eblani where is now the Countrie of Dublin and Meth being one of the five parts of Ireland The County of Dublin towards the Sea is of a fertile soyle having pleasant Meddowes but so bare of Wood that for the most part they use Turfe and Coale digged in England It is full of Townes and People where the River Liffe hideth it selfe in the Sea Houth is almost environed therewith from whence the Family of the Laurences are called Barons of Houth On the North side of Dublin lyes Fingall a faire Country well tilled and is as it were the store-house or Barne of the Kingdome in regard it yeeldeth yearely so great a quantitie of corne that in a manner the earth doth strive with the labour of the husbandmen which lying in other parts of the Island neglected and untill'd doth seeme to complaine of their ignorant sloath These things being unfolded let us now passe to the Cities and Townes Here Kilkenny meetes us in the first place being neare to the River Neorus Kilkenny signifies the Cell or Chappell of Canicus who formerly in this Country was famous for his Religious solitary life It is a neate fine Towne abounding with all things and the chiefe of the innermost Townes of this Island The Towne is divided into the English and Irish part the Irish part is as it were the Suburbs wherein is the Temple of Canicus who gave the name to it and it is the Seat of a Bishop The English Towne is newer being built by Ralph the third Earle of Chester it was fortified as some doe suppose with walls on the West side by Robert Talbot a Noble man and strengthned with a Castle by the Butlers Below this upon the same River of Neorus a walled Towne is seated called in English Thomas Towne in Irish Bala mac-Andan that is the Towne of Antonius his sonne both names were given unto it by the builder Thomas Fitz Antonius an Englishman whose heires are still acknowledged the Lords thereof There stood in this Country that ancient City Rheba mentioned by Ptolemy which was also called Rheban but instead of a Citie it is even 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Citie and no Citie as he himselfe saith being a few Cottages with a Forte It honoureth the Saint-michaells with the title of Baronet There is Lechlinia in Irish Leiglyn a royall Towne fortified with a Castle by that Noble Deputie Bellingham The great Citie of Rosse hath likewise here flourished in times past as having beene full of Inhabitants and Merchandise and fortified with a wall of great circuit by Isabell the daugher of Richard Strongbow Earle which walls doe now onely remaine For discord arising among the Citizens concerning Religion the Towne is ruinated and fallen to nothing but enough of these things I passe to the Mountaines and Rivers Beneath Ormund the hills Bliew Blemi which Giraldus calleth the Mountaines of Bladina doe lift up their heads with their convex tops out of whose bowels as it were the Rivers Suirus Neorus and Birgus doe arise and running in severall channels before they come to the Ocean they joyne all in one stream whence the Ancients did call them Tres Sorores the three Sisters Neorus hemmeth in many Castles and Townes Birgus now called Barrow flowing out of the Mountaine Bladina and running along by it selfe with many windings at last passeth Rheba and other Townes Afterward Neorus and Birgus do mingle their Waters and having for some miles runne in one channell they resigne their name and waters to their elder sister Suirus which by a rocky mouth dischargeth her selfe into the Ocean where on the left hand there runneth forth a little Promontorie with a straight necke which beares a little Tower as a defence or marke for Shippes built by the Rosses when they flourished that they might safely enter into the Haven In this part Ptolemie placed the River Modanus aforesaid and Ovoca neare the Sea on the back whereof the Castle Arcklo is seated which River as Giraldus saith both in the flowing and ebbing of the Sea water doth still retaine its native sweetnesse and doth preserve its waters unstained or unmingled with saltnesse a great way in the Sea Here is the River Liffie which slideth by Dublin it is not carried with any violence except after a great storme of raine but floweth very gently This River without doubt is mentioned by Ptolemie but by the carelesnesse of Bookemen it is banished out of its place For the River Liffie is placed in Ptolemies Tables in the same Latitude toward the other part of the Island where there is no such River But let us call it backe again to Eblana its proper place and give these verses of Necham concerning it Visere Castle-cnock non dedignatur Aven-liff Istum Dublini suscipit unda Maris Aven-liff to see Castle-cnock doth not disdaine Which the Sea neare Dublin doth receive againe I will also adde that which Giraldus hath concerning Wiclo a Porte or Haven neare to Ovoca which he calleth Winchiligello There is a Haven at Winchiligello on that side of Ireland which looketh toward Wales whose waters doe flow in when the Sea doth ebbe and when the Sea floweth it ebbeth There is also another very notable one which when the Sea ebbeth yet still continues salt and brackish in every part and creeke thereof There is one Archbishop in Lagenia which hath his seate at Dublin and Clandelachy hee is called Glandeloylong and Primate of Ireland having these following Suffragan Bishops under him the Bishop of Elphine or Bishop Helphen of Kildare of Fernes Ossorie and of Leighlyn called by some Laghlyn THE FIFT TABLE OF IRELAND CONTAINING THE BARONIE OF Vdrone part of the Queenes Countrie and the Lord Fortonesy in the middle of Vdrone lyeth the Citie Laglyn otherwise Leighlin adorned with a Bishops Seat MOMONIA MOMONIA followes in our propounded method in Irish called Mown in English Munster the fift and last part of Ireland it lyeth on the South upon the Vergivian Sea being divided in some places from Connacia by the River Shennin and from Lagenia by the River Neorus it was formerly divided into two parts the Westerne and the Southerne The Westerne part the Gangani Luceni Velabri and Vterim did anciently inhabit the Vdiae or Vodiae the Southerne part Now it is divided into seven Counties namely Kerry Limrick Corck Tripperary the Countie of the Holy Crosse the Countie of Waterford and Desmond Wee purpose to runne briefly over these Counties with Cambden according to the severall people which the Cosmographer attributeth to them The Gangani whom we formerly mentioned in the first place do seeme by the affinitie of their name to be the same with the Concani of Spaine whose originall was from the Scythians and Silius witnesseth that they dranke horses blood which heretofore the Wild
the East side of the Citie is the Kings pallace which they call King Arthurs Chaire on the West there is a steepe Rock and on the Rock a great Towre which the Scots doe commonly call the maiden Towre which is the same which Ptolemie cals the Winged Castell There are also other Cities and famous Townes in this Kingdome which we will describe particularly in their places In the Valeys there are many Lakes Marshes Fountaines and Rivers full of Fish the greatest part whereof arise out of the Mountaine Grampius of which wee will make mention in our next Description The Scottish Sea is full of Oysters Herrings Corall and shell-fish of divers kindes Scotland hath many Havens Bayes amongst which Letha is a most convenient Haven The Country it selfe is very rugged and mountainous and on the very Mountaines hath plaine levell ground which doth afford pasturage for Cattell Grampius is the greatest Mountaine and doth runne through the middle of Scotland it is commonly called Grasebaim or Grantzbaine that is to say the crooked mountaine for it bending it selfe from the shore of the German Sea to the mouth of the River Dee and passing through the middle of this Countrey toward the Irish Sea endeth at the Lake Lomund it was heretofore the bounds of the Kingdome of the Picts and Scots At Aberdon there are woody mountaines It is thought that here was the Forrest of Caledonia which Lucius Florus cals saltus Caledonius very spacious and by reason of great trees impassable and it is divided by the Mountaine Grampius Moreover not onely ancient writings and manuscripts but also Temples Friaries Monasteries Hospitals and other places devoted to Religion doe testifie that the Scots were not the last among the Europaeans who embraced the Christian Religion and did observe and reverence it above others The royall Pallace of Edenburgh of which I spake before is very stately and magnificent and in the midst of the Citie is their Capitoll or Parliament-house The Dukes Earles Barons and Nobles of the Kingdome have their Pallaces in the Citie when they are summoned to Parliament The Citie it selfe is not built of bricke but of free squared stone so that the severall houses may bee compared to great Pallaces But enough of this let us passe to other things The people of Scotland are divided into three Rankes or Orders the Nobility the Clergie and the Laiety The Ecclesiasticall Order hath two Archbishops one of S. Andrewes Primate of all Scotland the other of Glasco There are eight Bishopricks under the Archbishop of Saint Andrewes of Dunkeld of Aberdon of Murray of Dunblan of Brecchin of Rosse of Cathanes and of Orkney Under the Bishop of Glasgo there are three to wit the Bishop of Candida casa the Bishop of Argadia and the Bishop of the Isles namely Sura Mura Yla c. This is the manner and order of the Nobilitie the Kings and the Kings Sonnes lawfully begotten have the first place of which if there bee many the eldest Sonne is called Prince of Scotland the rest are onely called Princes but when the King is publickly crowned hee promiseth to all the people that he will keepe and observe the Lawes Rites and Customes of his Ancestours and use them in the same manner as they did The Dukes have the second place the Earles the third and those Nobles the fourth place who are not known by that Title in forraine Countries but the Scots doe call them My Lords This name is so much esteem'd amongst them that for honours sake they attribute it to their Bishops Earles and chiefest Magistrates In the fifth place are the Knights and Barons who are usually called Lords They are in the sixth and last place who having attained to no title of honour but yet descended from a noble Familie are therefore commonly called Gentlemen as the Brothers and Sonnes of Earles and Lords the youngest Sonnes of Knights who have no part in the Inheritance because by the Lawes of Scotland that commeth unto the eldest Sonne for the preservation of the Familie but the common people call all those Gentlemen who are either rich or well spoken of for their hospitality The whole weight of warre doth depend on the Nobility of the lowest degree The Plebeians or Citizens are partly chiefe men who beare office in their Cities partly Merchants and partly Tradesmen or Handy-craftes-men all which because they are free from Tribute and other burdens doe easily grow rich And least any thing should be too heavily enacted against any Citie the King permits that in publick assemblies or Parliaments three or foure Citizens being called out of every Citie should freely interpose their opinion concerning matters propounded Heretofore the Clergie was governed by the authoritie of Decrees Councels but now as the rest they are ruled by the Lawes which the Kings have devised or confirmed by their royall assent The Booke which containeth the municipall Lawes written in Latine is entituled Regia Majestas the Kings Majestie because the Booke begins with those words In the other Bookes of the Lawes the Acts of their Councels which are called Parliaments are written in Scotch There are many and divers Magistrates in Scotland as in other Nations Among these the chiefe and next to the King is the Protectour of the Kingdome whom they call the Governour Hee hath the charge of governing the Kingdome if the Common-wealth at any time be deprived of her King or the King by reason of his tender age cannot manage the affaires of the Kingdome There is also a continuall Senate at Edenburrough so framed of the Clergie and Nobilitie that the Clergie doth in number equall the Laiety The Clergie have a President over them who hath the first place in delivering his opinion unlesse the Chancellour of the Kingdome bee present for hee hath the chiefe place in all affaires of the Kingdome Hee that sits on matters of life and death they call The great Justice hee that lookes to Sea-matters the Admirall he that lookes to the Campe the Marshall and he that punishes offences committed in the Court is called the Constable There are also in severall Provinces which they call Viecounties those which are Governours of them whom by an ancient name they call Vicounts Their authority in deciding those matters which belong to civill causes doth depend on a certaine hereditary right by which they claime also unto themselves those Vicountships So that these Vicounts may be said not to be created by the King but borne unto it by right from their Parents The Cities also and Townes have their Governours their Bailiffes and other Magistrates of that kinde who keepe the Citizens in obedience and doe maintaine and defend the Priviledges of the Cities whereby it comes to passe that the Common-wealth of Scotland by the apt disposition and ranking of Degrees by the holy Majestie of Lawes and the authority of Magistrates doth flourish and deserveth great
praise These are the names of the Dukedomes Earledomes and Vicountships of Scotland the Dukedome of Rotsay and Albania and the Dukedome of Lennox the Countie of Carnes Sutherlant Rosse Murray Buchquhan Garmach Garmoran Mar Mernis Angus Gowry Frisse Marche Athole Stratherne Menteith Wagion Douglasse Carrike Crawford Annandale Ourmonth and Huntley The Vicountships are Berwich alias North-Berwyk Roxburgh Selkirk Twedale Dunfrise Niddisdale Wigton Are Lanarke Dunbretton Sterueling Louthean Lauden Clacmanan Kiuros Fisse Perth Angus Mernis Aberdone Bamph Fores and Inuernes There are the Universities of Saint Andrew and Aberdone the later was adorned with many priviledges by King Alexander and his Sister Isabel about the yeare 1240. The former was begun to be established under King Iames in the yeare 1411. To which is added the University of Glasgo founded by Bishop Turnbul anno 1554 and Edenburgh The disposition of the Scots is lively stirring fierie hot and very capable of wisdome THE SECOND TABLE OF SCOTLAND I Have ended that which I purposed to speake of Scotland in generall our method requireth that we should run through the parts of it in speciall Scotland is divided by the Mountaine Grampius cutting it in the midst into the Southerne or Higher part and into the Northerne or Lower part It is divided from England by the River Tweede by the high Mountaine Cheviota and where the Mountaine faileth by a trench made not long agoe and lastly by the Rivers Eske and Solway Beyond these bounds the Countries even from the Scottish Sea to the Irish doe lie in this manner The first is Marcia Merchia or March so called because it is the limits and lies on the Marches of Scotland this reacheth to the left side of Tweede on the East it is bounded with the Forth Aestuarium and on the South with England In March is the Towne of Berwyke Borwick or Borcovicum which the English hold Here is also the Castle of Hume the ancient possession of the Lords of Hume who being descended from the Earles of March became at last a great and renowned Familie Neare to this Castle lyeth Kelso famous by a certaine Monasterie and the ancient habitation of the Hepburni who a long time by Hereditary right were Earles of Bothwell and Admiralls of Scotland which honours by the Sister of Iames Earle of Bothwell married to Iohn the lawfull Sonne of King Iames the fift did descend to Francis his Son From thence we may see Coldingham or Childingham which Beda calls the Citie Coldana and Vrbs Coludi and Ptolemie perchance calls Colania On the West side of March on either side of Tweede is Tifedale being so called from the River Tyfie It is divided from England by the Mountaine Cheviota After this are three small Countries Lidesdale Eusedale and Eskedale so named from three Rivers of like name Lide Eue and Eske The last is Annandale which is so called from the River of Annan dividing it in the midst which runnes along by Solway into the Irish Sea Now that wee may returne againe to the Forth or Scottish Fyrth it doth bound Lothiana or Lauden on the East side the Cochurmian Woods and the Lamirian Mountaines doe seperate it from Marcia And then a little toward the West it toucheth upon Lauderia Twedia the one so called frō the Town Laudera the other frō the River Tweede cutting through the middle of that Country On the South and West Lidesdale Nithesdale and Clidesdall doe touch upon Tweede the name of Nithesdale was given unto it from the River Nyth called by Ptolemie Nobios which glideth through it into the Irish Sea Lothiaria was so called from Lothius King of the Scots On the East side it is bounded with the Forth or Scottish Sea and on the West it looketh toward the Vale of Clide This Country both for curtesie and plenty of all things necessary for mans life doth farre excell the rest It is watered with five Rivers Ti●● both the Eskes who before they fall into the Sea doe joyne together in one channell Letha and Almone These rising partly out of the Lamirian Mountaines partly out of the Pictland Mountaines doe runne into the Forth It hath these Townes Dunbarr Hadinia commonly called Hadington Dalneth Edenburrough Leth and Lemnuch Somewhat more towards the West lyeth Clydesdale on either side of the River Clide or Glotta which in regard of the length is divided into two Provinces In the former Province is a hill not very high from whence three Rivers doe discharge themselves into three divers Seas Tweede into the Scotch Sea Annand into the Irish and Clide into the Deucalidon Sea The chiefest Cities in it are Lanarick and Glasco The latter the River Coila or Coyil runneth by on the West beyond Coila is Gallovidia or Galloway It is seperated from Nithesdale with the River Claudanus almost enclining toward the South whose bankes doe hemme in the other side of Scotland The whole Country is more fruitfull in Cattle then in Corne. It hath many Rivers which runne into the Irish Sea as Vrus Dee Kennus Cray and Lowys It is no where raised into Mountaines but yet it swells with little Hills Among which the water setling doth make innumerable Lakes which by the first raine which falls before the Autumnall Aequinox doe make the Rivers rise whence there commeth downe an incredible multitude of Eeles which the Inhabitants having tooke up with wickar-weeles doe salt up and make a great commoditie of In this Country is the Lake of Myrton part of whose Waters doe congeale in Winter the other is never frozen The farthest part on this side is the Promontorie Novantum under which in the mouth of the River Lowys is the Bay which Ptolemy calls Regrionius On the other side there flowes into it the Bay of Glotta commonly called the Lake Rian which Ptolemy calls Vidogara That Land which runneth betweene these two Bayes the Inhabitants call Rine that is the Eye of Galloway they call it also the Mule of Galloway or the Mules nocke The whole Country is called Galloway or Gallovid which in the language of the Ancient Scots signifies a French-man Beneath Vidogara on the backside of Galloway Caricta gently bendeth toward the estuarie of Glotta Two Rivers doe cut through it one called Stinsianus and the other Grevanus on both of which many pleasant Townes are seated Between the Rivers in those places where it swells into little hills it is fruitfull in pasturage and hath some Corne. The whole Country hath not onely a sufficiency of all things for the maintenance of men both by Sea and Land but also doth furnish the neighbour Countries with many commodities The River Dun doth seperate it from Coila arising out of a Lake of the same name which hath an Island in it with a small Castle There are in the Countrie of Caricta very exceeding great Oxen whose flesh is tender and sweet in taste and whose fat being once
tempered The Court of Requests heareth the causes of the poore and of the Kings Servants The chiefe spirituall Courts are the Corporatition of the Clergie the Courts which belong to the Archbishop himselfe and the Chancellours Courts kept in every Diocesse There are two famous Universities in this Kingdome Oxford and Cambridge England doth produce happy and good wits and hath many learned men skilfull in all Faculties and Sciences The people are of a large stature faire complexion'd and for the most part gray-eyed and as their Language soundeth like the Italians so they differ not from them in the habite and disposition of their body Their foode consisteth for the most part of Flesh They make Drinke of Barley being a very savorie and pleasant drinke It is transported often into forraine countries They use a habite not much different from the French And thus much shall suffice concerning England in generall wee will declare the rest in the particular Tables following THE SECOND TABLE OF ENGLAND CONTAINING The Counties of Northumberland Cumberland and the Bishoprick of Durham WEE have finished that which wee intended to speake concerning England in generall Our Method doth require that wee should goe through the parts thereof in particular The Romans diversly divided the hither part of Brittaine being reduced into a Province But the Saxons instead of the Pentarchie of the Romans made an Heptarchie of it in which are Kent Sussex Eastanglia Westsex Northumberland Essex and Mercia At this day it is divided into Counties which the English by a proper word call Shires And first in the yeare of Christ 1016 in the Reigne of Ethelred there were onely two and thirty Afterward under William the Conquerour there were 36. And lastly these being augmented by three more came to be 39 Counties To which are added 13 Shires in Wales six whereof were in the time of Edward the first the other Henry the eigth ordained by Parliamentarie Authoritie These Counties or parts of England with some Islands our Mercator doth lively expresse in six Tables Of all which Tables wee will make a briefe Description or Delineation in that order as our Author propoundeth them In the first place Northumberland offereth it self commonly called Northumberlant lying in a manner in the forme of a triangle but not equilaterall The Southerne side thereof Derwent flowing into Tine and Tine it selfe doe enclose where it looketh toward the Bishoprick of Durham The East side is beaten with the German Sea But the Westerne side is drawn out in length from the North to the South first by a continued ridge of Mountaines and afterward by the River Tweede and being opposite to Scotland it is the bound of that Countrie The Soyle it selfe for the most part is barren and unfit for tillage Toward the Sea and the Tine if tillage be used the Husband-man receiveth sufficient increase but in other places it is more unfruitfull and rugged In many places great store of Sea-cole as the English call them are digg'd forth There is in Northumberland the Citie of New Castle famous for the Haven which the River Tine maketh having so deepe a chanell that it receiveth ships of great burthen and desends them both from tempests and sands The last Towne in England and the strongest in all Brittaine is Berwick which some doe derive from a certaine Captaine called Berengarius Leland from Aber which in the Brittish Language signifies the mouth of a River as if it were Aberwick a Towne at the mouth of a River But whence soever it hath its name it stands farre in the Sea so that it is THE SECOND TABLE OF ENGLAND Northumbr Cumberlādia Dunelm Episcop compassed round about therewith and the River Tweede The Rivers here are the Southerne and Northerne Tines which are so called because they are bound in with straight and narrow bankes for so much Tine doth signifie in the Brittish speech as some doe affirme the Southerne riseth out of Cumberland neere Alstenmore where there is an ancient Myne of Brasse having runne a good while toward the North it turneth toward the East and runneth straight forward with the Picts Wall The Northerne Tine arising out of the bordering Mountaines doth joyne it selfe with the River Reade which being powred out at the Mountaine Redsquier watereth Readsdale that is the Vale of Reade which nourisheth the best Fowle Both the Tines doe flow beneath Collerford and growing bigger and bigger doe hasten their journey to the Ocean in one channell Tweede for a great way parteth England from Scotland and is called the Easterne bound This River breaking forth of the Mountaines of Scotland runneth a great while in a winding course but where it comes neere unto the Towne Carram growing strong in waters it beginneth to distinguish the Limits of the two Kingdomes and at last having received the River Till it disburthens it selfe into the German Sea There are also other Rivers as Coquet Alaunus or Alne Blithe Wanspethel which I omit and so passe to the second part and that is Cumbria commonly called Cumberland this lieth before Westmoreland on the West side It is the farthest Shire in this part of England insomuch that it toucheth Scotland it selfe on the North side being beaten on the South and North with the Irish Ocean but on the East side above Westmoreland it joyneth to Northumberland It takes its name from the Inhabitants who were the true and native Brittains calling themselves in their Language Kumbri Kambri Although the Countrey seemeth in regard of the Northerne situation to bee cold and verie mountainous yet it delights the beholder with much variety For behinde the Cliffes and cluster of Mountaines betweene which the Lakes doe lye there are grassie Hils full of Flocks under which againe there lye plaine and fruitfull Valleys There is in this Countrie an ancient wel-seated Citie called Carlile being defended on the North with the deepe Channell of Ituna or Eeden on the East with Peterill on the West with Cauda and besides these fortifications of Nature it is strengthened with strong Wals of square stone with a Castle and a Cittadell There are other Townes as Keswick Wirkinton Bulnesse called anciently Blatum-Bulgium Penrith or Perith that I may passe over Villages and Castles This Shire hath 58 Parish-Churches It hath also Lakes abounding with all kinde of flying Fowles and many Rivers among which is the little River Irton in which while the gaping shell-fish receive the dew they become presently as it were great with childe and bring forth pearles which the Inhabitants when the water setleth doe seeke for There are also the Derwent Cokar Olen or Elen Eden and others all abounding with Fish Besides this Ocean which beateth on the shore doth bring forth great shoales of excellent fish and doth seeme to reproach the Inhabitants with negligence because they use fishing so lazily Heere are many Mountaines close together being full of mettall among
the West with Montgomery-shire on the South with Yorke-shire and on the North with Cheshire It is a Country fortified with many Castles and Townes as bordering upon the Welch who a long time rebelled against the English and therefore the Saxons called it the Marches It is divided into two parts by the River Severne The chiefe Townes thereof are Shrewsbury anciently called Sloppesbury and by the Brittaines Pengwerne Ludlow called by the Brittish Dinan Bridgmorse or Bridgnorth Vriconium or Viriconium called by Nennius Caer Vrvach but commonly by the English Wreckceter or Wroxceter Draiton and Bewdley The cheife Rivers that water this shire are Sabrine or Severne Temdus called by the Welch Tefidianc Colunwy or Clun Corve and Terne and there are in it 170 Parish Churches for Gods sacred and divine service The Isle of Man Caesar calleth Mona Ptolemie Monaeda as it were Moneitha i. the farther Mona to difference it from another Mona Plinie calls it Monabia Orosius and Beda Menavia Gilda calls it Eubonia the Brittaines Menaw the Inhabitants Maning and the English the Isle of Man It lyeth in the middle betweene the Northerne parts of Ireland and Brittaine and is from the North toward the South about thirty Italian miles long but the bredth thereof where it is broadest is scarce 15. miles and where it is narrowest it is but 8. This Island bringeth forth Flaxe and Hempe in great abundance it hath very faire meddowes and plowed PARTICVLAR DESCRIPTION OF VVALES· CAMBRIA seu WALLIA fields it is fruitfull in bringing forth Barley and Wheat but especially Oates whence the Inhabitants doe for the most part live upon Oaten Bread Here are great store of cattle and great flocks of sheep but both sheepe and cattle are of a lesser stature then those that are in England The Inhabitants here wanting wood use a pitchie kinde of Turfe for fireing which while they digge up they doe sometimes finde trees hid in the earth and these they convert to the same use It is evident that the Brittaines did possesse this Island as they did Brittaine but when the Northerne People like a furious storme fell upon the Southerne parts it came into the hands of the Scots The chiefe Towne of this Island is thought to be Russin situated on the Southerne side thereof which from the Castle and Garrison kept therein is commonly called Castletowne but the most populous is Duglasse because it hath an excellent Haven and easie to come into by reason of which the Frenchmen and other Forrainers come with Salt and other commodities to traffique with the Islanders for hides raw wooll barrell'd beefe c. On the West side of the Island stands Balacuri where the Bishop liveth who is subject to the Archbishop of Yorke and the Pyle being a forte placed on a small Island in which there are many Garrison Souldiers Over against the Southerne Promontorie of the Isle there lyeth a small Island called the Calfe of Man which is full of those Sea-foule which they call Puffins of those Geese that are generated of putrified wood which the English call Barnacles and the Scots doe call Clakes and Soland Geese Toward the middle Mannia swells into Mountaines the highest whereof is Sceafell from whence on a cleare day both Scotland England and Ireland may be discerned The Judges being called Deemsters which the Inhabitants of this Isle have amongst them doe decide all controversies without writings or other charges For any complaint being made the Magistrate taketh a stone and having marked it delivers it to the plaintiffe by which he summons his adversary and witnesses And if the matter in controversie be doubtfull and of great consequence it is referred to twelve men whom they call the Keyes of the Island Here also Coroners supply the office of Undersheriffes The Ecclesiasticall Judge when he cites a man to make appearance at a definite time if hee obey not the summons within eight dayes hee is cast into prison but neither Plaintiffe nor Defendant pay a penny either to him or his officers The Inhabitants doe hate both lying and stealing they are wondrous Religious and all conformable to the English Church They hate the Civill and Ecclesiasticall disorder of their neighbours and whereas the Iland is divided into the Southerne and Northerne part the former speaketh like the Scots the latter like the Irish Now remaines the Isle of Anglesey of which we will entreat in the fourth Table of England THE FOVRTH TABLE OF ENGLAND IN WHICH ARE THESE SHIRES CORNEwall Devon-shire Sommerset-shire Dorcet-shire VVilt-shire Glocester-shire Monmouth-shire Glamorgan-shire Caermarden-shire Penbrock-shire Brecnock-shire and Hereford-shire CORNWALL which is also called Cornubia and in the Brittish language Kernaw is enclosed on the South with the Brittish Ocean on the North with the Irish on the West with Penwith called by Ptolemie Bolerium and the French Ocean and on the East it is parted from Devonshire with the River Tamar It is a Countrie having a fruitfull soile and abounding with mettall-Mines It hath also store of fruits which yet will not grow without the industrie of the husbandman This Countrie is full of Towns especially the Sea Coasts as namely Heuston called by the natives Hellas a towne famous for the priviledge of sealing of Tinne as also Peryn a faire market Towne together with Arwenak Truro which the Cornish call Truscu Granpound Fowy by the Brittaines called Foath Lestuthiell called by Ptolemie Vzella Leskerd Bodman S. Iies S. Colombs Padstow anciently called Loderick and Laffenac Stow Stratton Tamerton or Tamerworth Lanstuphadon vulgarly called Leuston and anciently Dunevet and Saltash anciently called Esse And there are in this Countrie 161 Parishes The Rivers are Vale Fawey Loo Liver Haile Alan or Camel and Tamar One of the famousest Havens in the Countrie is Volemouth or Falemouth which Ptolemie calls the Bay of Cenio being equall to Brundusium in Italie as being capable of as many ships and as safe an harbour Devonia commonly called Denshire and by the natives Deunan followeth The bounds hereof are on the West the River Tamar on the South the Ocean on the East Dorcet-shire and Somerset-shire and on the North the Bay of Severne This Countrie as it is stretched out broader on both sides than Cornewall so it is encompassed with more commodious Havens and is no lesse rich in Mines of Tinne besides it is diapred with more pleasant meadowes and cloathed with more frequent woods yet the soile in some places is very barren The chiefe Citie here the English at this day do call Excester The Latines Exonia Ptolemie calls it Isca Antoninus Isa of the Damnonians and the Brittaines call it Caeruth and Pencaer that is the chiefe citie There are also many other Townes as Plimmouth anciently called Sutton which of late daies from a little fisher-towne is become a faire Towne and for populousnesse it may compare with some Cities Here was borne S
England who being killed Henry the seventh enlarged the inheritance of this Countrie and gave it to Gaspar his Unkle and Earle of Bedford but hee dying without issue the King tooke it againe into his owne hands Caermardenshire is bounded on the East with Glamorganshire and Brecknock-shire on the West with Penbrockshire on the North with the River Tay separating it from Cardiganshire on the South with the Ocean It is sufficiently fruitfull abounding with flocks of cattle and in some places with pit-coales The chiefe towne of the Shire is Caermarden which Ptolemie calls Maridunum Antoninus Muridunum having pleasant Meadows and woods about it it is very ancient and as Giraldus saith it was encompassed with a stone wall part whereof yet standeth There is also the auncient towne of Kidwilly which now is almost ruinated for the Inhabitants passing over the River Vendraeth Vehan did build a new Kidwilly being drawne thither with the conveniencie of the Haven which yet is of no note The Rivers are Vendraeth Vehan Towy or Tobius and Taff. Penbrokshire is on every side encompassed with the Sea except on the East where part of Caermardenshire and on the North where part of Flintshire lyeth against it The countrie beeing neare Ireland hath a temperate and wholesome aire and is plentifull in all kinde of graine The chiefe towne hereof is Penbro now called Penbroke and seated on a craggie long rocke The other Townes of note in this Countrie are Tenby Hulphord now called HarfordWest and Menevia or Tuy Dewi which the English at this day do call S. Davids I finde but two Rivers in this Shire but here is a Port called Milford-Haven which is the fairest and safest in all Europe Gilbert Strongbow was the first Earle of this Countie on whom King Stephen did first conferre the title of Earle of Penbroke and hee left it to his sonne Richard Strongbow who subdued Ireland from whom with his daughter Isabel William Lord of Hempsted and Marshall of England a man flourishing both in times of peace and warre received it as her dowry Concerning the other Earles read Camden Brecnockshire is called so from the Prince Brechanius as the Welchmen suppose This is bounded on the East with Hereford on the South with Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire on the West with Caermardenshire on the North with Radnorshire The countrie is very full of Mountaines yet it hath every where fruitfull vallies The chiefe towne in it is Brecnock stiled in the Brittish tongue Aber-hodney and placed in the midst thereof There are also the townes of Blueth or Bealt Hay or Trekethle The River Vaga called by the Brittaines Gowy and by the English Wye watereth the Northerne part of the countrie and Vsk runneth through the middle thereof Herefordshire called in the Brittish tongue Ereinuc is as it were of a circular forme it is environed on the East with Glocester-shire on the South with Monmouthshire on the West with Radnor and Brecnock shire and on the North with Shropshire It is a pleasant countrie full of fruit and cattle Hereford or Hareford is the chiefe citie of this countrie having round about it faire medowes and fruitfull fields it is encompassed with Rivers almost round about on the North West with a namelesse river on the South with Vaga which hasteneth its course hither out of Wales There are also the townes of Lemster called anciently Leonis monasterium and by the Brittaines Lhanlieni Webley Ledburie and Rosse and there are in it 157 Parishes The chiefe Rivers here are Vaga Lug Munow and Dor. THE FIFTH TABLE OF ENGLAND Containing these Shires Yorkeshire Lincolnshire Darbyshire Staffordshire Nottinghamshire Leicestershire Rutlandshire and Northfolke THE fifth Table of England comes to be unfolded in the which the first that wee meete withall is Yorkeshire the greatest Shire in all England and called by the Saxons Ebona-y●yne On the East it is bounded with the German Ocean on the West with Lancashire and Westmoreland on the North with the Bishoprick of Durham and on the South with Cheshire Darbyshire Nottinghamshire and Lincolneshire It is held to be temperate and fruitfull If in one place it bee sandie stony and barren in an other place it hath fruitfull fields if heere it be voide of woods there it is shadowed with thick trees Nature being so provident that the Countrie is more pleasant by this variety Here is Eboracum called by Nennius Caer Ebrauc and by the Brittaines Caer Effroc but commonly stiled Yorke It is the second Citie of all England and the fairest in all this Country which is a great strength and ornament to all the North parts It is pleasant large strong beautified both with private and publick Buildings and full of wealthy Citizens The River Ouse doth as it were part it and divide it into two Cities which are joyned together by a great stone Bridge There are also the Townes of Kingston upon Hull Dancaster called by the Scots Doncastle and by Antoninus Danum Halifax anciently Horton Pontfreit Shirborne Wetherby Kingston Patrington called anciently Praetorium and many others for there are in this Shire 39 great Townes and 459 Parishes besides many private Chappels of ease which great Parishes are faine to provide in regard of the multitude of the Inhabitants The chiefest Rivers are Don or Dune Calder Arc Wherfe Nid and Ouse which arising out of the Mountaines doe runne through the fruitfullest parts of the Country There are also other Rivers as Cokar Fosse Derwent Foulnesse Hull Teyse Dow Rhie Recal and Wisck Lincolneshire is a great Country being almost three score miles long and in some places more than thirty miles broad On the East it is beaten with the German Ocean on the North it toucheth the Aestuarie of Abus or Humber in the West it looketh toward Nottinghamshire and on the South it is parted from Northamptonshire with the River Welland It is a Country that produceth much fruit and breadeth up abundance of cattell The chiefe Citie of this Shire is Lincolne which Ptolemie and Antoninus call Lindum The Citie it selfe is large and faire being seated on the side of a Hill where the River Witham bendeth toward the East There are also the Townes of Stanford Grantham Ancaster anciently called Crococalana Crowland Spalding Boston rightly called Botolps towne and others And there are in this Shire about 630 Parishes This Countrie is watered with many Rivers as Witham which is full of Pikes Lud Trent Welland Idle Pan c. The next Countrie that followeth is Darbyshire which on the South is enclosed with Leicestershire on the West with Staffordshire on the North with Yorkeshire on the East with Nottinghamshire It is of a triangular forme but not equilaterall or having equall sides It is divided into two parts by the River Derwent The Easterne and Southerne parts are tillable and fruitfull the Westerne part is
whose Inhabitants trusting to the benefite of their Lakes did refuse to acknowledge obedience to the Kings of Denmarke though of late they have beene compell'd thereunto The chiefest River of note which watereth this Countrey is Egidora or the Eidera there are also some others the most whereof may rather be called Brookes or Rivulets than Rivers but the B●ltick Sea in that part where it washeth the Dukedomes of Holsatia and Sleswick hath safe and pleasant Bayes which are safe harbours for Merchants and weather-beaten ships In some places also it affordeth great store of fish and especially of Salmons It is a plaine Countrey seldome raised with any mountaines yet one it hath betweene Lubeck and Hamburg of a pleasant situation and famous for the ornaments of peace and warre with which Henry Rantzovius did adorne it It hath an ancient Castle seated on it famous for the antiquitie and first builder thereof and at the foote of the hill a Towne adjoyning to it Heere are many woods with which the Countrey of Holsatia is beset replenished but especially Dithmars as the woods of Borcholt Burgholt Alverdorpenholt Resenwalde and many others The Holsatians had heretofore 48 men who were Presidents and Governours of the whole Countrie to these they made their appeale out of the severall Parishes and they did judge all matters But they being subdued and the Countrie now divided into two parts in each of them there are twelve speciall and principall men together with a Prefect who for the most part is a Doctor or Licentiate at Law These have all yearely pensions from the Princes and they have a Clerke joyned to them as also an Overseer or President out of the Holsatian Nobilitie The one of these Prefects which is for the King is called the Prefect of Steinburg and the other being for the Duke the Prefect of Gottorpe Yet the Subjects have leave to appeale or make suite to the Princes and Senators of either Dukedome as well of Sleswick as Holsatia but not further They had heretofore a written Law which now by degrees is changed and reformed according to the Common Law compiled by Henry Rantzovius the Kings Substitute by Sigefrid Rantzovius heretofore Lord of Nienhs the Lord Adam Trazigeriu and the Lord Erasmus Kirslemius according to which Law all causes are decided and punishments pronounced against delinquents offenders Holsatia hath foure Orders or degrees of people The Nobles the Clergie the Citizens and the Countrie-men whereof there are two kindes for some possesse goods of their owne being hereditarie and free others hired goods or lands for which they pay rent and doe certaine services The Nobles have Castles and Lands together with the royalty of hunting fishing and hawking which for the most part are hereditarie unto them The whole Countrie hath not above 24 Families whose names are mentioned in the Holsatian Chorographie but divers Families there are that are descended from the same stock as the Rantzovians doe at this time possesse an hundred and fiftie Castles and divers other possessions The Aleseldians and Powischians have almost as many Holsatia hath one Bishoprick namely Lubeck for the Bishoprick of Hamburg is subject to the Bishoprick of Breme The contentions which happen among the Nobles are judged by a Senate of Dukes the Princes for the most part sitting Presidents in judgement as it is provided by their priviledges and Lawes From the order of Senators any one putting in a sufficient caution may appeale to the Imperiall Chamber The Citizens enjoy priviledges peculiar to themselves and use the Roman Law or else the Lubeck The Subjects may appeale from the judgement of the Senate of their owne Citie to the judgement of foure Cities appointed to judge and determine of all speciall matters From them againe they are permitted to appeale to the Princes and Senators of Holsatia and also further even to the Imperiall Chamber so that fit securitie be put in Countri-mens cases or suites are pleaded by their Lawyers even in the open fields where are present the Noble-men thereabout the Prefects and two Assistants There they come forth doe make their appearance who have any suit one against an other the Defendant and Plaintiffe being both heard the whole company or assemblie of Countrie-men are bidden to goe forth and then their causes being diligently weigh'd on both sides they returne againe and the suiters being called in they give sentence in their case according to Law and right THE FOVRTH TABLE OF DENMARKE CONTAINING FIONIA WITH THE ISLANDS LYING ROUND ABOUT IT SO much according to our Method concerning the Dukedome of Sleswicke and Holsatia Fionia followes with the Isles lying round about it Fionia commonly called Fuynen is the chiefe of all other Isles lying in the Bay of Codonus from Zeland It taketh its name from the beautie thereof both in regard of the forme and situation It is separated from the Continent of Denmarke by so small and narrow a Sea flowing between them called Middlesar that it seemeth almost to cleave unto the Continent This Iland as it looketh on the West toward Iutia so on the East toward Zeland It is 48 miles in length and 16 in breadth The Land that I may omit the Sea which is full of fish is a fruitfull soyle and very profitable to the husbandman For it aboundeth with such plentie of corne that it sends store thereof yearly to other farre Countries especially Wheate and Barley And the ground albeit it be very fruitfull and endowed with the gifts of Ceres yet it is never dunged Whence the Cities and Townes thereof are annoyed with filthy smells of the dung of cattle which is cast out being thereof no use as Munster writeth This Countrie aboundeth with so many Droves of Oxen and breedeth such a number of Cowes and Horses that it sends yearly into Germany great Heards and Droves of them And in regard of the many woods which are in the Island there is great store of game for hunting as Harts Hares and Foxes In the middle of it is the Metropolis or mother Citie called Ottania or Ottonium commonly called Ottensel being a Bishops Seat built as it appeares by many testimonies by Otto the first about the time when he compeld King Herald to receive the Christian faith This Citie is a famous Mart for the whole Island in which about Epiphanie or Twelfetide there is a great meeting of the Islanders and especially the Nobles as there is at Kile in Holsatia Fionia is divided into five and twentie Prefectures sixteene Cities and six royall Castles The other cities are in a manner equally distant from Ottonia which is as it were the Center and are so built of the Sea shoare that in regard of the conveniencie of the Havens they traffique not onely in the Balticke Sea but also exercise their negotiations throughout all Swethland and Norwey Russia the Low-countries and Germany the chiefe amongst them are Niburch Swynburch
in Zeland Hasnia 12 miles distant from it South Southwest also Helsinger where those ships that saile or passe by do pay custome or tribute and the Castle Cronaburg both distant from it on the Northwest 8 miles Helsingburg which lies on the shoare of Scania is as farre distant from it toward the North and on the same shoare is Landskrone being foure miles from it toward the East lyeth Lunda or Londen which although it be not a Sea-towne yet is but 16 miles distant from hence And although the Island be not very great yet no part of it is barren or unfruitfull but produceth great store of fruit and aboundeth with cattell it bringeth forth Does Hares Cunnies and Partridges in great plentie and is very convenient for fishing It hath a wood of Hasell trees which are never worme-eaten but hath no Dormise Heretofore it was remarkable for foure Castles whose names do yet remaine Synderburg which was seated on the Southerne shoare Norburg on the opposite Northerne shoare Karheside which stood toward the East side of the Island and Hamer toward the West the foundation of these foure Castles may be yet seene but there are no ruines thereof remaining This Island lyes very deepe in the Salt-sea and yet it hath many fresh Rivers and Springs among which there is one Spring that never freezeth with the violence of the Winters cold a strange thing in these Countries BORVSSIA OR PRVSSIA BORVSSIA being the farthest coast of Germany taketh its name from the people called Borussians as Erasmus Stella witnesseth These as Ptolemy affirmeth placed themselves by the Riphaean Hills where they runne out Northward not far from the head of Tanais arising out of them and weary of their owne habitations with a strong head and violent force they seated themselves in these places and called the whole Country from their owne name Borussia which now by wiping out one letter and pronouncing another more softly is called Prussia Borussia beginning from the River Vistula which boundeth it on the West and running to the Balticke Sea which compasseth the Northerne side thereof hath the Alani or Lituanians on the East and on the South the Hamaxobij i. the Scythians inhabiting the European Sarmatia It hath a pleasant ayre but somewhat cold All the Country is more fruitfull than the neighbour Provinces The ground is very fertile in bearing of corne and such as farre excells the corne of Poland and Lithuania It hath as great store of Bees and Honey as any of the other Northerne Countries There is also in it much cattle and great store of game for hunting The great and vast woods bring forth many kindes of wild beasts as Beares Boares with which they abound yeelding a sort of Beares very strong and swift called Bubali They bring forth Buffons being a wilde kinde of Oxen and wilde Horses whose flesh the Inhabitants do eate They bring forth Alces which they commonly call Elandes and white Weesels or Ferrets The Borussians for the most part were Idolaters untill the time of the Emperour Fredericke the second in whose raigne and in the yeare 1215. some Knights of the Dutch order or the order of the Crosse did overcome them and taught them the Christian Religion After the Provinces and Cities of Borussia An. 1419. being mooved thereunto by the covetousnesse and cruelty of those of the order of the Crosse did revolt to Casimirus King of Polonia And 30 yeares after the first defection revolting againe they sold Mariburg with other Castles and Cities to the King for 476000 Florens But the Marians refusing to yeeld obedience to the King they a long while contended by a doubtfull and uncertaine warre untill at last the whole Country came into the hands of Albert Marquesse of Brandenburg the last Governour of that Order who afterward at Cacrovia was made a Duke and a secular Prince by Sigismund King of Polonia They report that Prince Venedusus did divide Borussia into twelve Dukedomes whereof these are the names Sudavia Sambia Natangia Nadravia Slavonia Bartonia Galinda Warmia Ho●kerlandia Culmigeria Pomesania and Michlovia BORVSSIA OR PRVSSIA PRUSSIA Sudavia was so wasted by those of the order of the Crosse that now of a Noble Dukedome at this day there are scarce seven Townes remaining and those very meane In Sambia are many Cities as Lebenicht built in the yeare 1256 Kneyback built in the yeare 1380. Regimount called by the Germans Keningsberg and built in the year 1260 by Duke Albert Fischusen built in the yeare 1269 lastly Lechstet built in the yeare 1289. In Natangia there are these Cities Valdonia Girania Zinten Crentzburg Heiligenbeil Fridland Shippenbeil Brandenburg In Nadravia there are a few Cottages onely remaining but all the Townes of note wasted In Slavonia are these Cities Ragnet Tilse Renum Liccow Salaw Labia Tapia Vintburg Christaderder Baytia Cestia Norbeitia Vensdorfe Angerbury and Dringford In Bartonia are these Townes Nordenburg Iabansburg Iurgburg Insterburg Richtenerder Barton and Rhenum In Galindia are these Towns Ortleburg Rastenburg Neyburg Passenhume Dreschdow and Luzenburg In Warmia are Ressen Seburg Bitstein Wartenburg Allensteyn Melsak Heilsberg Werinedit and Gustat In Hockerlandia are Brunsburg Tolkemit Munhuse Scorpow and Elbing the greatest of them all being built on the Sea shoare and famous for the wealth of the Citizens and frequencie of Merchants In Culmigeria are Turuma or Thorn a famous Marti Towne built neare the River Vistula or Weisel in the yeare 1235. Also Culmina or Culine Wentslaw Althasis Graudentz Gilgehburg Schonsee Strasburg Bretchen Neumarckt Pappaw Fridech Leippe Lesen Golb Reden Berglaw and Lantenburg In Pomerania is Marienburg a large City built in the yeare 1402. Also Newtich Stum Christburg Preusmarck Salfeld Merine Holand Lichstad Osterod Rosenburg Mariemweder Garnesie Lebmul Hohenstein Schonenberg Culenburg Neunburg and Salaw In Michlovia all is wasted and destroyed except Straburg onely Prussia is a Country in regard of the navigable Rivers Bayes and Havens fit for the importation or exportation of divers commodities and merchandises The chiefe Rivers are Vistula Nemeni Cronon Nogent Elbing Vusera Passerg Alla Pregel Ossa Vreibnitz Lua and Lavia In which as in the Lakes there are great store of fish Moreover on the shoares of Borussta neare the Balticke Sea a certaine kinde of Amber is gathered which the Inhabitants call Barstein from burning and Augstein because it is very good for the Eyes The Greeks call it Electrum because the Sunne is called Elector having recourse as it were to the fable of Phaethon Servius upon the eighth Aeneid saith that there are three kindes of Amber one of which commeth out of trees another which is found in the earth a third which is made of three parts gold and one part silver Plinie writeth that the Germanes called it Glessum or Glesse because it is not unlike unto it seeing both of them are perspicuous and transparent and from thence the Romans did call this Country
with Dogges and Nets and with Haukes which the Countrie of Pecerra doth plentifully yeeld they kill not onely Pheasants and Ducks with them but also Swannes and Cranes The Countries of Russia or Moscovia are very large All the Cities Townes Castles Villages Woods fields Lakes and Rivers are under the command and government of one Prince whom RVSSIA OR MVSCOVIA Russia cum Confinijs the Inhabitants do call the great Czar that is King or Emperour and all the revenues that arise from them are brought into the Princes exchequer There are no Dukes or Counts which can possesse any thing by a Tenure of Freehold or can passe the same unto their heires Hee doth bestow some villages and Townes upon some but yet hee useth the labour of the husbandman and when he list taketh them away againe So that hee hath absolute command over his Subjects and againe his Subjects honour and reverence him as a God and do shew obedience to him in all things without any refusall The chiefe Metropolis or mother Citie of the whole Kingdome is Moscovia commonly called Moschwa being conveniently situated as it is thought in the middle of the Countrie It is a famous Citie as for the many Rivers which meete there so for the largenesse and number of the houses and for the strength of the Castle For it lyeth neere the River Moschus with a long row of houses The houses are all of wood and divided into Parlers Kitchings and Bed-chambers all of them have private gardens both for profit and for pleasure The severall parts of the Citie have severall Churches It hath two Castles one called Kataigorod the other Bolsigorod both which are washed with the Rivers Moschus and Neglinna Moreover in Russia there are many Countries as first the Dukedome of Volodimiria which title the Great Duke doth assume to himselfe it is named fom the chiefe citie Volodomire being seated on the bankes of the River Desma which runneth into Volga This Province is of so fruitfull a soile that the increase of one bushell of wheat being sowne is oftentimes twentie bushells Secondly Novogrodia which though it be inferiour unto the aforenamed Countrie in pasturage yet not in the fruitfulnes of the soile It hath a woodden citie called by the same name with the whole Dukedome Novogrod being seated where the Rivers Volga and Occa do flow one into another This citie had alwaies the chiefe preheminence in regard of the incredible number of houses for the commoditie of a broad and fishie Lake and in regard of an ancient Temple much reverenced by that Nation which about five hundred yeares agoe was dedicated to S. Sophia Here is a memorable Castle built of stone upon a rocke at the great Charge of the Duke Basilius This Citie is distant from the Citie Moscovia an hundred Polish miles and from Riga the next haven towne it is little lesse than five hundred Thirdly Rhezan which is a Province betweene the River Occa and Tanais having store of Corne Honey Fish and Fowle it hath these Cities built of wood Rhezan seated on the banke of Occa Corsira Colluga and Tulla neare to which are the Spring-heads of the River Tanais Fourthly the Dukedome of Worotinia which hath a Citie and a Castle of the same name Fifthly Severia which is a great Dukedome abounding with all things it hath great desart fields and many Towns among which the chiefe are these Starodub Stewiarkser and Czernigow The bees in the woods do yeeld them great store of honey The Nation in regard of their continuall warres with the Tartarians is accustowed to armes and ready of hands Sixthly the Dukedome of Smolen●●o which being seated neare the River Borysthenes hath a Citie of the same name watered on the one side with Borysthenes and on the other side environed with deepe ditches and rampiers armed A MORE PARTICVLAR DESCRIPTION OF SOME PROVINCES OF MOSCOVIA MOSCOVIA with sharpe stakes There are also these Dukedomes and Provinces Mosat●kia B●elskia Rescovia Tweria Pleskovia Vodzka Correllia Biele●zioro Wolochda Vstiuga Iaros●avia Rostow Dwina Susdali Wrathka Permia Sibior Iugra Petzora and Novogrodia the Greater which they call Novogrod Wi●lki in which is a very great Citie of the same name bigger than Rome it selfe Petzora taketh its name from the River which the mountaines and rockes do hemme in on both sides There are spacious countries which pay Tribute to the great Duke lying northward in a great space of Land as Obdora in which is the Idoll called Zolota Baba that 〈…〉 Golden old woman also Condora Lucomoria and Lappia There are many great Lakes in Moscovia as Ilmen or Ilmer also Ladoga and the White Lake which the Inhabitants call Biele●ezioro There are also many lane Rivers as first Bor●sthenes or Pripetus commonly called Nioper and Nest●r o● by the addition of a letter Dnieper Dnester Secondly Tu●●●t●● which is that same with Ptolemie which Herbersterntus calleth Rubo but the Inhabitants Duina and Oby Thirdly the River Rha which Ptolemie mentions and is now called Volga and Edel. There is in this countrie the River Ianais which the Italians call Tana the Inhabitants Don. Beside the river Occa and the lesser Duina called likewise Onega c. Here are the Moates Hyperboret or Riphaean mountaines mentioned by Pliny in his 4 Booke Chap. 12. and by Mela in his 3 Booke which are impassable because they are cover'd over with continuall snow and ice The wood Hercyma which Isidorus calleth the Riphaean wood taketh up a great part of Moscovia it is inhabited having some few scattering houses in it now by long labour is made so thinne that it cannot as most suppose shew such thick woods impenetrable forrests as heretofore Moscovia hath innumerable costly Temples or Churches and very many Monasteries The Duke lookes to matters of government and administration of Justice by the helpe and assistance of twelve Counsellors who are daily present in the Court. Among them the Pre●ec●u●e ships of all the Castles and Cities are distributed and they receive the letters and Petitions which are directed to the Prince and do answer them in his name For the Prince himselfe receiveth no letters neither doth hee set his hand to any that are written to his Subjects or any forraine Prince The Bishops are chosen out of the Friars as men of a sanctimonious and holy life There are many Monasteries of these Friars in the Kingdome of Moscovia and yet all of the same habit and Order of which they say that S. Basil was the first founder There are in the whole Kingdome of Moscovia eleven Bishops which they call Wladdicks that is in their language Stewards or Dispensers They call their Priests Poppes or A●●hipoppes The Metropolitan Bishop liveth in Moscovia who was heretofore confirmed by the Patriarch of Constantinople but now being chosen by the great Duke onely he is consecrated by two or three Bishops and is displaced at the Kings pleasure Under
Pretors sent into them C. Sempronius Tuditanus into the hither Spaine and M. Helvetius Blasio into the farther Two yeares being scarcely past so great a warre began in Spaine that it was necessarie that a Consul should be sent out with an Army Marcus Portius Cato Consul being allotted to goe into the hither part did so appease and quiet rebellion that the Proconsul in regard thereof triumphed This is that Cato who as Livie writeth and others by a wonderfull stratagem did throw downe the wals of many Spanish Cities in one day After Cato's victorie Spaine was diversly possessed and many times lost and regained againe so that there were above 30 triumphs for victories obtained heere They did not begin to pay any taxe before the time of Augustus Caesar who having by long continuance of warres tamed all Spaine and overthrowne the Cantabrians and Asturians that had longest of all made resistance divided the whole Countrie into three Provinces Baetica so called from the River Batis Lusitania and Tarraconensis so called from its citie Tarracon and every one of these have their Diocesses or Circles of jurisdiction In Baetica there are foure Diocesses Gaditana Cordubensis Astigitana and Hispalensis Lusitania hath three Diocesses Emeritensis Pacensis and Scalibitana Lastly Tarraconensis hath seven Carthaginensis Tarraconensis Caesar Augustana Cluniensis Astura Lucensis and Bracarensis See Pliny lib. 3. Strab. lib. 3. and others Thus things by degrees being changed the chiefest Provinces were under the Romans command even untill the Consulship of Honorius the third and Theodosius the third At which time the Vandals Suevi and Alani being called into France by Stilico when once having passed the Rhene they had set foote in France being in a barbarous manner spoyled by the Gothes and the Kings Adolphus and Vallia whom the Emperour Honorius had sent to ayde and set France at libertie they passed at last over the Pyrenaean Hils Afterward the Gothes inhabiting France for many yeares possessed Spaine having taken it from the Romans for being assailed by the Frankes they againe made warre upon the Vandals The Frankes drove the Gothes out of France and the Gothes drove the Vandals and Alani out of Spaine At which time the Vandals and Alani being called by Boniface into Africk which hee governed for the Emperour left Spaine to the possession of the Gothes When the Gothes having driven out the Roman Garrisons had made Spaine their owne and had a long time Kings of their owne who ruled in it at length they were overthrowne in a great battell by the Arabian Saracens and King Roderick being kill'd they lost almost all Spaine Those that survived after the battell when they had fortified themselves in the Mountaines of the Astures Cantabrians and Galicians by litle and litle they began to recover the Countries Cities and Castles which they had lost At last the Saracens partie growing weake in Baetica Hispania and the Gothes having recovered all Spaine they againe were overcome by Ferdinand Catholick King of Aragon and thrust out of Spaine so that the whole Countrie returned and came againe into the hands of the ancient Lords thereof But whereas in the times of the Moores five Kings namely of Castile of Aragon of Portugall of Granada Navarre did possesse Spaine at this day Philip the fourth sonne unto Philip the third who was Nephew unto the Emperour Charles the fifth is sole King thereof It was heretofore diversly divided The Romans first divided it into the Hither and Farther Spaine They called that the Hither part which was neerest unto the chiefe Citie and the principall Countries of the Empire being situated betweene the River Iberus and the Pyrenaean Mountaines they called that the Farther part which lay more remote being stretched out beyond Iberus even to the Ocean In following times wee reade that Spaine was divided into sixe parts Tarraconensis Carthaginensis Lusitania Galicia Baetica and Tingitana beyond the narrow Sea in Africk In the time of the Moores there were many Kingdomes in Spaine which were afterward divided into five as the Kingdome of Castile of Aragon of Portugall of Granada and Navarre But now by a new distribution the whole Empire is divided into three Kingdomes namely of Aragon Castile and Portugall Under the Kingdome of Aragon is contained besides Aragon Catalonia Valentia Majorica Under the Kingdome of Castile are comprehended Biscay Leon Asturia Galicia Estremadura Andalusia Granada Murcia and both the Castiles with the Canarie-Ilands Under the Kingdome of Portugall is comprehended besides Portugall Algarbia The Cities which are in the whole Kingdome are almost innumerable The chiefe of them are Hispalis Madrid Tarraco Lisbon Granada Pampilona Valentia Barcino commonly called Barzelona The seventh German Legion now called Leon S. Lucar Corduba Nebrissa Compostella Toledo Salamanca Complutum Pintia Caesar-Augusta now Saragossa Asturica Augusta and many others Heere are admirable Lakes neere the towne Beiara is a commodious and wonderfull Lake which breedeth Turtles being a black kinde of Fish but excellent in taste and as Marineus Siculus witnesseth prognosticating and foretelling of raine and stormes to come by the great noyse which they make so that the sound thereof is heard like the roaring of a Bull eighteene miles thence There is a certaine Lake on the very top of the Mountain Stella as Vasaeus writeth in which fragments and pieces of Ships are found when notwithstanding it is more than 12 leagues distant from the Sea and the same Author noteth that the Inhabitants doe affirme that it boyleth and is tempestuous as often as the Sea is rough or unquiet The most diligent Writer Suetonius saith in his Description of the life of Galba that thunder fell downe into the Lake of Cantabria and that afterward twelve axes were found therein There is also the pleasant Lake which Pliny mentioneth lib. 3. Natur. histor cap. 3. not farre from Valentia at this day it is called Albu●era The Rivers follow Spaine is watered every where with many Rivers there are some who reckon an hundred and fiftie and over them 700 Bridges the chiefe whereof is the Bridge of Segovia and Alcantara There is in this Kingdome the River which Ptolemie cals Iberus and now is called Ebro it breaketh forth in Cantabria out of the Mountaine Idubeda with two fountaines or spring-heads that on the right hand in the Aucensian wood called Monte d'Oca the other on the left hand neere a Towne which the Inhabitants call Fuentibre and so increasing with the receit of great Rivers being first entertained in the fields of Calaguris it runneth unto and visiteth Iuliobriga and Tudella two Townes of Navarre and then it watereth Iulia Bolsa and Caesar-Augusta Departing thence it glideth Southward and by and by Northeastward by the people of Laletania now called Galetani and the rich Citie Toriosa At last being enlarged with many Rivers flowing into it and having runne almost foure hundred miles forward in length it entreth so violently with two mouthes into the Mediterranean Sea
the West even to the Celtick Promontorie divide Spain into that part which lyeth on the hither side of the mountaines and that which is on the further side thrusteth forth a mountaine neare the fountaine of Iberus towards the South through the breadth of Spaine Strabo and Ptolemie do name it Idubeda But it is commonly called Saltus Aucencis and Monte d' Oca from the ancient Citie Auca some ruines whereof may be discerned at Villa Franca beyond Burgos Also there is the mountaine which ariseth out of Idubeda called by Strabo Orospeda by Ptolemie Otrospeda Yet hath it not one certaine name for all the whole mountaine for whereas Alvarius Gomecius calleth it Sierra Vermigia Florianus Sierra Mollina and Clusius Sierra Morena these names are but names to part of it Calpe is reckoned with Orospeda For so this mountaine is called by Ptolemie and others It is neare to the Bay of Hercules which is commonly called the Bay of Gibraltar Part of Orospeda is high and ●ockie and reaching from the Citie of Hispalis to Granada it doth lift up it selfe neare Archidona It hath its name and deserveth still to be famous by reason of a memorable example of love which was shewed thereon for the Spaniards call it La Penna de les Enamorades or the Lovers Mountaine Paulinus calleth it Bimaris because it looketh on two Seas the Inward and the Outward Strabo saith that the mountaine Calpe is not very large in compasse but that it is so high that to those who are farre off it may seeme an Island some do fabulously suspose it to be one of Hercules Pillars and Abela over against it in Africke to be the other both being the bounds of Hercules labours they say that it was heretofore one mountaine and that Hercules digged it through and so altered the shape of it Out of Alcarassum do arise the mountaines called by Pliny Montes Mariani by Ptolemie in the singular number Marianus and by Antoninus mons Mariorum They are now called Sierra Morena The noble river Baetis doth water the bottomes of their mountains on the left side Neare to Barcinon or Barcilona there is a mountaine which the Inhabitants call Mon-Iui some do translate it Iupiters mountaine and some do better render it the Iewes mountaine for that they were heretofore buried in this place where many of their Graves and Sepulchers do yet remaine On the top thereof there is a Towne from whence a watchman by setting up a linnen flagge in the day time and a fire in the night doth give notice to the Citie Barcinon of the approaching of any ships Spaine is every where full of woods and trees bearing singular and excellent kindes of fruit which it would be too long to recite in particular There is a wood neare unto the Towne called Monte Majore in which Nature alone hath planted Oakes Chestnut-trees Nuts Filberds Cherries Prunes Peares Figges wild Vines and all kinde of fruit-trees very high and fairely spred Not farre from the Towne Beiar or Bigerra is a most pleasant wood where Lucius Marinaeus Siculus writeth that hee hath measured Chesnut-trees which have beene fortie foot about It hath many woods also to fell and cut which do afford the Spaniard wood enough for the building of ships What shall I speake of the publike or private workes in this kingdome here are many magnificent Temples many Abbeys Friaries Monasteries Hospitals for strangers and for the sicke Here are many famous Kings Pallaces many magnificent and faire houses belonging to Noble-men and Knights and innumerable other publike and private edifices The King of Spaine is borne not chosen or elected to the Crowne yet is hee inaugurated and sworne to defend this people and their priviledges when hee taketh the oath of alleagiance of them The Kings children are called Infantaes Among whom the eldest sonne who in his fathers life is declared King by the consent and oath of the Nobles the Cittizens and people is called Prince of Spaine Although the King have supreme power over all persons and over all causes yet hee seldome decreeth any thing but with the consent and by the counsell of twelve men who being the chiefe of the whole Kingdome do make a royall Senate By them matters of moment are discussed and determined but matters of more secresie are consulted of by a Privie Counsell which consisteth of the King the Dictator of Leon the President and the third part of the Kings Counsell Those things which concerne the Indies and their government are handled in the Senate which they call the Indian Senate by one President and twelve Counsellers Matters of warre are handled in the militarie and warlike Senate which the 12 Royall Senators the Dictators of Leon and Castile with others doe make up Besides these there are also in Spaine three Prefectureships of Right and Justice which they call Places of hearing or Chanceries one being in Castile the other in Granada and the third in Gallicia Every one hath a President and 12 Senators and if that Suiters receive no satisfaction or redresse of their greevances from them their causes are brought before the Royall Senate Lastly there is the Treasurer of Castile having foure Questors under him whose office is to receive the Kings Treasure and to take and give accompt thereof There is a great company of Dukes Marquesses and Earles in Spaine Besides the Prince of Asturia and others I finde that there are about 23 Dukes as the Friensian Duke the Duke of Medina-Rivi-Sicci of Alua of Alcala of Albuquerqua of Scalona of Osuna of Averi of Bejar of Gandia of Sessa of Infantasg of Medina Caeli of Medina Sidonia of Maqueda of Najar of Feria of Segorbia of Sonna of Villa-Formosa of Verragua Pastrana and Franca-Villa And these have for their yearely revenues some fortie some an hundred thousand Duckets The Dukes of Infantasg and Medina-Sidonia have a farre greater revenue for the latter hath 130000 and the former 120000 Duckets per annum These are the Marquesses the Marquesse of Villa Nova of Astorga of Aquilar of Denia of Mondejar of Navares of Savia of Velleza of Comares of Aiomonte of Altamir of Veladra of Vearina of Carpio of Camarassa of Cortes of Monte-Majore of Guardia of Monte-Clare of Las Navas of Poza of Steppa of Tanara of Villa-Franca of Drada of Cavietis of Falcis of Fomesta of Molina of Ciralva of Valesis of Vallis of Zaara of Ardalis of Tarifa of Alcanisa and others the greater part having annuall revenues from ten thousand to 40000 Duckets There are also about an hundred Earles whose yearely revenues are from ten thousand to 25 thousand Duckets the chiefe of them are the Earles of Benaventum of Albua Miranda and Oropoza It would be too tedious to the Reader to reckon up the Vicounts which are ten in number the Barons the long roll and Catalogue of Vice Roys Governours Prefects of Provinces and of the Sea and lastly the
obedient to the Romans by the industrie and valour of Vispanius Agrippa and of the other Generals which hee brought with him There is in Biscay besides other Townes one speciall Towne of note called Bilbao which is as some doe suppose by changing of the letters which is frequent with the Spaniards as much to say as Beluao that is Bellum vadum Didacus Lopeus de Hazo Prince of the Cantabrians built it in the yeare of Christ 1300 or thereabouts This Towne is especially commended for three things the convenient Situation the plenty of Corne and the wonderfull great traffique and merchandizing which is heere for whatsoever comes or is brought from England France or the Low-Countries is transported and carried through this Towne into other parts of Spaine and whatsoever Spaine doth communicate by way of traffique unto other Countries it is exported and carried through it Heere are Citizens who at their owne proper charge doe yearly build three or foure ships On the side of the Citie there is a litle towne on the Sea-coast commonly called Portugallete from whence a certaine River or rather a great arme of the Sea doth flow into it even unto the houses of the Inhabitants By reason of which divers kindes of wares are daily for a small matter imported and exported There are also faire Havens in Biscay There is no kinde of fish but you may have it heere and that good and new The Sea-shell-fish here have pearles in them but of a meane sort The people of the Countrie are curteous merry and eloquent It is a custome and fashion that the Virgins in Biscay as long as they are unmarried doe never let their haire grow neither doe they cover themselves with any veile but presently when they are married they cover their heads with a Quoife made like a Helmet of linnen cloth of a golden colour which they wrap up in such a manner that it standeth forth a pretty way like an horne upon their foreheads The Spaniards heere have great store of trading with the French the Germans the English and other people It especially affordeth wooll so that all Market-places are full of buyers and sellers GVIPVSCOA was heretofore the Countrie of the Cantabrians some doe call it Lipuscoa and Lipuisca yet corruptly as Stephanus Garybayus an inhabitant thereof noteth But whence it hath this appellation I cannot easily determine unlesse perhaps it taketh it from the ancient Citie Opuscua It is enclosed and bounded on the East with the River Vidosone which is also called Vidorso Alduida Huria and Beoyvia being in the middle betweene France and Spaine and the Pyrenaean Hils on the South with the Kingdome of Navarre on the West with Biscay of which I spake before and on the North with the Cantabrick Sea This Countrey is very temperate neither feeling too much cold nor too much heate of the Sunne It hath a moist and variable Climate It is very rugged and mountainous and therefore it is not every where tilled but yet those places which are tilled are very fruitfull It hath but few Vineyards except it be on that side which is next to the Sea But it hath every where great store of Iron and Steele so that no Countrey hath better or greater abundance for so much of it is digged here as is sufficient for many Countries Moreover not onely Vulcans shop but Mars his Armory seeme to be placed heere by Nature for there is here so great plenty and store not onely of Iron and Steele but also of wrought Armour that in some writings belonging to the Countrie it is deservedly called the Wall or defence of the Kingdomes of Castile and Legio Navigierus writeth that in this Countrey so much Iron Steele is digged that every yeare they make 80000 Duckats gaine thereof Therefore not without cause doth Pliny write lib. 34. cap. 45. that there is a whole mountaine there of Iron There is saith hee a very high BISCAIA AND GVIPVSCOA BISCAIA ET LEGIO mountaine of Cantabria on the Sea side a thing incredible to be spoken which is all of Iron Ptolemie Pomponius and Plinie doe place here the Orogeviones the Autrigones and the Varduli The Metropolis is Tolosa seated at the confluence and meeting of Araxis and Orta There are also other Townes as Placentia where there is an incredible company of Iron-smiths Motrico or as others thinke it should be written Monte de Trico from the Rocke which hangeth over the Towne Fuentarabia which Ptolemie cals Phlasiobriga the Fane or Temple of Saint Sebastian heretofore called Hisuru afterward Don Bastia and now corruptly Donastien signifying the same with Saint Sebastian for Don signifieth that among the Cantabrians which Sanctus doth with the Latines and Sancto with the Castellanes and many places in Cantabria have for the most part divers names in regard of the difference of speech the Cantabrians call them by one name the other Spaniards by an other and the French-men by an other name and yet they commonly signifie one thing This Towne is situated at the mouth of the River which is called by Pomponius Mela Menascus by Ptolemie Menosca but now is called Rio Gurumea or Vramea The River Chalybs doth rise up hereabout the water whereof is very good to temper Iron withall so that the Spaniards doe approve of no other Armour but that which hath beene tempered therewith Iustine lib. 44. saith that the bordering people were called Chalybes from this River The Fane of Saint Sebastian hath a very large Haven not made by humane Art but by Natures providence where ships doe ride securely and safely being defended from the violence of winde or Seas The entrance into it is betweene two Castles the one whereof standing towards the East is built on a high Mountaine higher than that which is on the West side which is onely placed on a rock The Inhabitants are like in manners to the Inhabitants of Biscay and speake the same language They are by nature ingenious politick well accomplished neate easie to be allured but hard to be compelled desirous of honour stoute defenders of their owne priviledges nimble couragious ready and quick in handling their Armes and apt for war The women also are very strong and of a warlike spirit well bodied well favoured although they accustome and use themselves to labour which is a cause why they are lesse proud Those that dwell by the Sea side doe get much by fishing and especially by taking those kinde of fish called Baccali The Kingdome of Navarre which was also anciently called the Kingdome of Sobabre in all parts is as fertile and abounding with all things necessary for mans life as any other Kingdome of Spaine And though commonly it bee thought to be very small yet it hath sixe and fiftie walled Cities The Inhabitants of this Countrie were heretofore very stout and warlike and such as oftentimes shooke off the yoake of the Roman subjection
yet at the last they were wholly subdued and brought into obedience to the Romans When Caius Iulius the Dictator being kill'd at Rome Octavianus Augustus succeeded him For Augustus sent foure Legions against them who entring the Province did waste it with fire and sword When therefore they saw that they were unable to resist the Roman forces the most of them fled to the mountaines which were very steepe and inaccessible and are now called Navaia lying length-wayes betweene Mescua and Eulates Heere when they had dwelt a long time they were called from those Mountains Navinii and afterwards the Moores possessing Spaine did corruptly call them Navarri But being opprest by the Tyrannie of the Moores and compelled to forsake their owne habitations they betooke themselves to the Pyrenaean Mountaines where they chose themselves a King and for many successions of Kings lived according to their owne Lawes even till the yeare a thousand five hundred and thirteene when Pope Iulius the second did by the sentence of Excommunication deprive Iohannes Albretus King of Navarre of his Kingdome as a Schismatick adhering to Lewis the 12 King of France and gave a faire pretext occasion to Ferdinand the Catholick K. to invade Navarre which hee long gaped for he therefore sending Duke Alban did drive King Iohn out of his Kingdome and left it to his Successours The chiefe Citie of Navarre is now commonly called Pampelona some call it Pompeiopolis as if it were built by Pompeius Magnus It is situated under the sixteenth Degree and eleven Minutes of Longitude and the 44 Degree and 43 Minutes of Latitude There are besides these chiefe Cities Sanctus Iohannes Pedis Portus Mons Regalis Amaya Estella Olyta Taffala and Tudela THE OLD AND NEW CASTILE CASTILIA or Castella which taketh its name from the Castle that King Pelagius having recovered Legion from the Moores did build was heretofore called Bardulia The describers of Spaine doe make it twofold the Old and the New Asturia and Biscay doe compasse the Old Castile on the North on the West Portugall on the South New Castile the Mountaines which runne through the length of Spaine lying betweene them and on the East Aragon and Navarre The Country is very fertile full of wine and all kinde of Fruits Saffron and all kinde of living Creatures and this was the beginning of the Kingdome Pelagius having taken againe Legio from the Moores built a Castle as a defence against the violence of the Barbarians the Governours wherof were called Earles of Castile and did acknowledge the King of Legio a long time as their Prince even to Ordonius the second the fourteenth King of Asturia and Legio who having called the Earles and Nobles of Castile unto him under the colour of parley beheaded them This wicked act the Castilians stomacking and having cast off their obedience to the Kings of Legio they choose two Judges out of themselves Nunius Rasura and Lainus Calvus one to give Judgement and the other to oversee matters of warre whose children and posteritie were afterward called Earles of Castile even to Sanctius Major King of Navarre who when by his warlike valour hee had taken Corduba and Toledo from the Saracens and had thrust out all the Moores out of Navarre Aragon Castile 〈◊〉 Portugall and other parts of Spaine restored all Spaine to the Christians and having married Eluira the daughter of Sanctius Earle of Ca● and sister to the last Earle of Garsia writ himselfe in the right of her d●●y not Earle but King of Castile and left the Kingdome to his Son 〈◊〉 who was enriched with the Kingdome of Legio by his wife 〈◊〉 Sanctius the sonne did succeed Ferdinand and after him his brother 〈◊〉 whose daughter V●raca for the heire male died when after the decease of Ra●mundus Berengarius Earle of Tolosa her former husband shee had married Alphonsus King of Aragon the Kingdomes of ●●ra●on Castile and Legio came to be united The Metropolis of 〈◊〉 Castile is the Citie of Burges commonly called Burgos Ptolemie thinketh it should bee called Bravum It is an ancient Citie famous for many things and deserveth to be accounted one of the chiefe Cities of Spaine for it hath an hundred and fiftie lesser Townes under it every where beautified with great faire and convenient houses adorned with market places streetes bridges Temples Friaries and Rivers and is very notable for the incredible diligence of the Inhabitants of whatsoever age sexe or condition Round about the Metropolis divers Towns are pleasantly and commodiously seated as Palentia situated THE OLD AND NEW CASTILE CASTILIA VETUS et Nova on the banke of Carion Pliny calls it Palantia as also Mela Ptolemy and Appianus Strabo calls it Pallantia and Antoninus corruptly Peralantia Also the Towne Valdoletum heretofore a Royall Seate and one of the seven Ancient Universities of Spaine It is the fairest and most delightfull place not onely in Spaine but also in all Europe as being seated on the most pleasant banke of Pesuerga neither is there any Citie which can be preferr'd before it for the fertilenesse of the soyle round about it It hath a faire and large market-place the circuit wereof is seven hundred paces and whereas this Towne is very famous for many respects yet it is especially honoured by the birth of Philip the second King of Spaine It is commonly called Valladolid which some doe interpret the Vale of Oletus Ptolemie calls it Pintia and Antoninus Pin●●a as Cusius thinketh Also Simanca called by Antoninus Septimanca and Camora which Ptolemy calls Sarabris as Clusius thinketh but Antoninus corruptly Sabaria Yet Florianus del Campo and Gomer●us doe thinke that Sarabris was that Town which is commonly called Tora and in Latine Taurus neare to the River Durius Salmantica is not the last in account which Pylaenus calls Salmatis but is commonly called Salamanca Not farre from hence neare the River which is commonly called Gada is the Citie of Count Rodoricke called anciently Ciudad Rodrigo which as Vasaeus and Clusius thinke Ptolemy would have to bee Myrobriga From hence Southward is Coria heretofore called Caurita as Clusius writeth Andraeas Schottus doth affirme that by the Moderne Latine Writers it was called Cauria About nine leagues on the East from Cauria is Placentia a faire Citie whose Cittrons and other Fruites as also their white bread are chiefly commended and desired it is commo●●● called Plazentia Placentia hath many pleasant Townes und● jurisdiction among which is Xavahicium proud of her woods and lying in a Valley like an Altar as Marinaeus noteth in the innermost part of a Church The Mountaines adjacent and lying neare to Placentia are named from the Citie Verade Placentiae Also Avila called by Ptolemie Olbula as Clusius would have it Not farre from the Fountaines of Areva lyeth Segobia which Pliny and Antoninus call Segovia and Ptolemie Segubia it is a Citie famous for Cloath-making and wherein as Vasaeus writeth this is memorable that
Their memory is preserved by the Towne Contayna or as some pronounce it Contentaina at the head of that River at the mouth whereof the Town Oliva is seated over against the Pityusian Ilands Fiftly the Lusones whom Appianus placeth by the River Iberus in Iberia neere to the Numantines but Strabo at the Fountaines of Tagus Sixthly the Lobitani whose Metropolis Ptolemie cals Lobetum and which Beuterus writeth was first called Turia afterward Avarazin and last of all as at this day Albarazin Seventhly The Torboletae in Iberia neere to the Saguntines from whom Ptolemie calleth the Citie Turbula now perhaps called Torres Lastly the Celtiberi so called by Plinie lib. 3. cap. 3. Pomponius Mela lib. 3. cap. 13. and other Latines but by Ptolemie Celtiberes for though some doe place them in Old Castile yet the most in Valentia Among the Cities of this Kingdome Valentia commonly called Valencia is the Metropolis and a Bishops Seate It was built by King Romus as Vasaeus and others write and from him called Rome And the Romans having afterward amplified and enlarged it did call it Valentia a name signifying the same which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke doth But this seemes a fable to Resendius who reporteth that it was built and so named by the Portugals and other Souldiers It is seated in the innermost part of the Bay of Sucronia on the right-hand Banke of the River Turia It is famous for its manners institutions and profession of all Arts both Liberall and Mechanick It is happie in great wits and desirous to preserve peace and concord within it selfe It hath many Gentle-men in it and is very rich in Merchandize Wee will not passe by that which L. Marinaeus Siculus noteth concerning the Valentians They have saith hee a custome every yeare on the Feast of Saint Matthew that having made many supplications and prayers they repaire to the place of execution and there they take up the bodies of those who have suffered death whether they be hanged up or lye on the ground gathering also together their scattered bones if any be and by and by having laid all things on a Beere they carrie them to the common burying-place of the Citie and there with sacrifices and prayers doe bury them Petrus Medinensis relates that there are in this Citie ten thousand springs of water Heretofore on the left-hand banke of Turia not farre from Valentia stood Saguntum which Ptolemie affirmeth to be a Citie of the Heditani Strabo and Plinie doe place it a mile off from the Sea Strabo calleth it Saguntus Stephanus Zacynthus and Antoninus corruptly Secundum and Secunthum The most doe thinke it now to be the same with Morvedere being so called as some suppose from the ancient wals thereof Appianus maketh it the Colonie of the Zacynthi some doe suppose that Saguntis the Sonne of Hercules was the builder of it and some would have it named from the Iberian Sagi Silius the Italian Poet describeth the situation of it in his first Booke Livie in his 30 Book saith that the wals of Saguntum were cemented with Lime and dirt mingled together which was an ancient kinde of building It seemeth by Plinie that the Saguntini did heretofore reverence Diana being brought thither by the Zacynthians their Progenitors two hundred yeares before the destruction of Troy Pomponius Mela saith that the Saguntians are faithfull in the midst of troubles and adversitie Concerning the overthrow and devastation of this noble Citie which through their admirable constancie and great fidelitie towards the Romans happened in the yeare from the building of the Citie 535 M. Lucius Salinator and L. Aemilius Paulus being Consuls you may reade and have recourse to Livie lib. 21. Polybius lib. 3. Orosius lib. 4. cap. 14. Eutropius lib. 3. Florus lib. 2. cap. 6. Silius the Italian lib. 1. Valerius Maximus lib. 6. cap. 6. Augustine lib. 3. de Civit. Dei cap. 20. Aemilius Probus in Hannibal Cicero in his Philippicks and many others There are also at this day these famous places in Valentia First Segorbia which Ptolemie and Strabo as also Vasaeus Clusius Tarapha Emanuel Henricus and Augustus his coyne doe call Segobriga Plinie also calleth the Inhabitants Segobricenses placing them in the chiefe part of Celtiberia But Moralis thinketh that Segobriga should be called Injesta or Cabeca el Griego and Ioannes Mariana is of the same opinion Hieronimus Surita professeth that hee knew not where this Segorbia was Secondly there is Denia called by Cicero and Plinie as Florianus Morialis and Clusius will have it Dianium and Dianium Stipendarium Thirdly Incibilis so called by Livie and by Frontinus Indibilis where Scipio put Hanno Captaine of the Carthaginians to flight It is thought by Florianus to bee Chelva Fourthly that Towne which Plinie cals Illici Ptolemie Ilicias Pomponius Illice and in the Inscription of coyne Ilce Colonia Ptolemie also cals it Illicitani whence commeth the appellation of the Illicitane Bay and now some call it Alicanta and others Elche which commeth somewhat neerer to truth Fifthly Belgida a Citie of Celtiberia which still keepeth its old name Sixthly Leria which Ptolemie cals Hedeta whence the Heditani have their name Clusius and Moralis Oliete and later Writers Liria Seventhly the Towne which Florianus cals Orcelis and Gomecius and Clusius Horivela and Oriola but Nebrissensis Zamora Eightly the Towne which Livie and Ptolemie call Bigerra Beuterus and Vasaus Bejar and Clusius Villena Ninthly the Towne which Strabo cals Setabis Ancient Stones Satabis as Clusius witnesseth and is now called according to Florianus his opinion Xativa This Countrie hath many Rivers and especially Turia which Pomponius calleth Duria and Ptolemie Dorium The Inhabitants doe keepe the Arabick word calling it Guetalabiar which signifies pure Water This River bringeth great commodities to those places by which it floweth There is also the River Xucar called of old Sucron and Surus which riseth out of the Mountaines of Orespeda Valentia hath two Mountaines which are called Mariola and Pennagolosa which being full of divers sorts of rare hearbs and plants doe cause a great number of Physicians and Herbalists to resort unto them out of divers parts of Spaine in regard of the rarities which are found there The Citie of Valentia being venerable for antiquity hath many ancient Marbles which remaine to posteritie engraven with Roman inscriptions some of which may be seene in Beuterus Ambrosius Moralis Hottomannus and others In the Citie of Saguntum now called Morvedre there was a Theater a Scene and many other Reliques of antiquitie as the Sepulchres of the Sergii of L. Galba and Sergius Galba and other Romans with the stones whereof a Monasterie was built for the Friars of the Order of the Trinitie Valentia hath a famous Universitie in the Citie so called and also an other Universitie at Gandia which was not long since erected and founded by the Duke of Gandia that the Fathers of the Society of Iesus of which Society hee became one
Pyrenaean Mountaines And lastly those whom Ptolemy cals 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 neere to the Citie Dortosa Livie Ilercaonenses and Caesar Ilurgavonenses Catalonia is famous both for strong and wise men for wonderfull atchievements and for many victories gotten by divers Nations For in Catalonia the Carthaginians heretofore contended against the Inhabitants the Romans against the Carthaginians the Gothes against the Romans the Saracens against the Gothes and the French against the Saracens besides the contentions which afterward happened betweene the surviving remainder of the Gothes and the Earles of Barcinon Who can relate the warres which the Sons of the Earles of Barcinon being Kings of Aragon did wage with other Nations and the great victories which were gotten to the admiration of all men The Baleares commonly called Majorica and Minorica Ebusa Murcia Valentia Sardinia Sicilie Naples Athens and Neopatria can onely declare them Concerning the Metropolis or chiefe Citie of Catalonia and the other Cities Towns looke into the former description On the very top of the high Mountaine Canus in the Countie of Roscellion there is a certaine great Lake which hath abundance of those great fishes in it which we call Turturs into which if any one cast a stone the water is presently troubled and sendeth forth vapours which being condensed and converted into CATALONIA More particularly described CATALONIA cloudes doe cause a tempest immediately to follow with thunder lightning and haile The Countrie of Balneole or Aquae Voconis hath a Fountaine of a golden colour so that you may see any thing that is cast into it And there is a wholesome Fountaine in Catalonia the water whereof being drunke often and in great abundance doth not onely not oppresse the stomack but also miraculously cures men of many diseases they fabulously report that S. Maginus after some prayers to God to give it that vertue did digge and open it with his staffe being in a drie mountanous and stonie place Over against the Towne Aulotum there are about 12 Fountaines arising or springing from brasse mynes which both day and night all Winter and Summer doe as it were breathe out a thinne vapour warme in Winter but so cold in Summer that no man can endure it for any while and the water if the Inhabitants doe set any bottles into it as they often doe maketh them as cold as Ice so that the water which is in these bottles affordeth a delicate drinke to coole the heate of the stomack There are also many Fountaines alwayes hot which shewes that there is some fire there which lyes hidden in the bowels of the Earth There are more than foure such hot Fountaines in Catalonia and all of them very excellent to helpe divers kindes of diseases wherefore many that have griefes and infirmities doe resort unto them from all parts Catalonia doth abound with Rivers for it hath almost fiftie which runne through it and all of them very full of Fish some are small but yet very pleasant streames some are of a midle size and lastly there are some very faire ones as namely Tettus which is also called Ruscison Techum which is also called Tetrum Fluvianus otherwise called Clovianus and Plumialbus Tardera otherwise called Tarnum Besotium which is also called Bisocto and Betulo Rubricatus Cinga Sicoris and Iberus All of them doe flow and runne into the Sea except Cinga and Cicorus the former whereof runneth into Sicoris the later into Iberus which being much enriched with the watry tribute of these and other Rivers becommeth one of the greatest Rivers in all Spaine The best Corall groweth in the Catalonian Sea on the East thereof There are Mountaines and very high hils every where in Catalonia and those so cloathed with the constant liverie of greene bushes shrubs and many kindes of trees that the most of them are full of woods and thickets There are many Beech-trees on them many Pine-trees abundance of Oakes many Holme-trees innumerable Maple abundance of Hasel Nut and Chesse-nut-trees and infinite store of Corke-trees whose barke is very thick and being bark't and taken off groweth againe Chrystall is found in the Mountains of Nuria on the Cardonensian rocks And that which any one will wonder at as being worthy of admiration there is found at the Towne of Cardona a Mountaine having very wholesome salt growing in it and shining against the Sunne with a great deale of variety and delight to the eye out of which as Pliny reports of the Mountaine Oromenus in India salt is daily cut and digged and yet groweth againe yea the Mountaine still groweth so much the higher by how much the more salt is cut out of the pits that are in it There is also an other thing very wonderfull and that is whereas places where salt is found are barren and produce or beare nothing yet this Mountaine hath many Pine-trees and Vines upon it In the Bishoprick of Gerunda on the South side thereof there is a Hill of white small sand which as in Lybia the winde carries heere and there and makes great driftes of it which are very perillous and dangerous for those that travell that way Heere I cannot but mention the Mountaine called Mount Serrato being distant toward the East seven leagues from Barcinona it is very rockie and cliffie in manner of a rugged Saw and so high that from thence the Pyrenaean Mountaines and the farthest Mountaines of the Island Majorica may bee seene This Mountaine is full of great shining Stones like Iaspers There are some Fountaines which spring and flow out of it it produceth many hearbs which have speciall and soveraigne vertues and it is watered toward the North with the River Lubricatus and at length like Soractus in Italie and Tabor in Galile it here raiseth up it selfe wherefore it is very delightfull to behold Now let us come to the publick and private Workes There are every where many Churches in this Countrey and many famous Monasteries especially that memorable Church of S. Michael à Fago built betweene a Cave and an ancient Friarie of the Benedictines over the top whereof there runneth a litle Rivulet which the Inhabitants call Tanez from thence it presently rusheth downe so that the sound arising from the fall of the water doth much delight those which stand by it There are besides so many faire-built-houses disjoyned from the Citie Towns and so scatter'd through all the plaines fields valleyes hils mountains woods groves that are in the Countrie that all Catalonia may seeme to be one Citie It hath every where strong Castles and Towres which are fortified not onely by Nature and the situation of the place but by Art Catalonia is a Principalitie and containeth in it the Archbishoprick of Tarraconia eight Bishopricks to wit the Bishoprick of Barcinona Gerunda Vrgell Vicke Ilerda Dertosa Herlua and Celsona two Dukedomes the one of Mont Albo and the other of Cardona five Marquesates namely of Ilerda Dertosa Pellearia
Charles the eigth who afterward maried her by which marriage Brittaine was annexed to the Crowne It is now two-fold the Higher and the Lower that being neere to Liger this to England and it is otherwise called Ripiensis The Metropolis of the Higher Brittaine is the Citie commonly called Nantes Ptolemie cals it Kondioviknon Nannetum as Ioseph Scaliger and others doe thinke It was heretofore the Seate of the Dukes of Brittaine having the title of a Countie and it belongeth to the Dukes eldest Sonne It is situated neere Liger and two other litle Rivulets in a convenient place not farre from the Sea being a Bishops Seate as also the foure other Townes following Vrbs Redonica or Rhenes Condate Redonum as Ptolemie cals it and as Antoninus Condate Dolum now a Towne but heretofore a Castle commonly called Dol or Doul and Fanum Briocense commonly called S. Brien a faire Town where there is a high rock which affordeth an harbour for ships and a Castle built thereon for the defence of the Citie There is moreover the Towne of Sanctus Machlovius called in their owne language S. Malo And Dina a very faire Towne which the Dukes of Brittaine sometime much delighted in There are also other Townes of Higher Brittany as Riculx Chasteau-briant Lambellum Vitray Iugon S. Aulbin du Cormier Montcontour Plerel Iocelin Malestroit Pontigni S. Iulian Encenis Lastly toward Poictou Cliffon Raiz and others In the Lower Brittaine there are these famous Townes and Cities Venetia now called Vannes Fane de S. Paul S. Paul de Leon Triguier Blavet Morlaiz Quimpelray Conquerneaux Quimpercorentin S. Renant des bois and others The Dominions are the Countie of Montford the Vicountship of Rolian and Grello the principall place thereof is Chasteau Andron Also the Countrie of Gueel Baignon Montfort and Vannetais The Rivers of Brittaine are Liger Rausa Ella and others The Brittish Sea is fit for traffique and out of it the Inhabitants doe extract salt which being hardened in the Sunne they sell to the neighbour countries As for the Havens besides the above-named Cities and Townes these Townes doe afford the most convenient to wit Brest Ancrayum Haucbont and Pontsecrot where great plenty of Oysters are gotten The Archbishop of Dol hath these Bishopricks under him the Bishoprick of Nantes of Vannes of S. Brien in which three they speake both the French and the Brittish Speech also the Bishoprick of Cornovaille S. Paul de Leon and Triguier in which the Brittish Speech which they call Briton Britonant is in use which they suppose was the Language of the ancient Trojanes Also the Bishopricks of Saint Malo Rhenes All the Inhabitants have not the same cheerfulnesse of minde nor the same curtesie the most of them are warie and desirous of gaine and they are wont to debate of weightie matters amongst their cups BRITANY NORMANDIE and BELSIA BRITĀNIA et NORMĀDIA cum confinijs BLISIA commonly called La Beausse is a very drie Countrie and wanteth water very much yet it is fruitfull and hath abundance of Corne It is three-fold the Higher the Midlemost and the Lower the Higher being called Le haut Beausse beginneth at a Village which is commonly called Ablys reaching to the Countrie of the Carnutes or Carnoti and farther There are in it the Countrie of the Carnutes the Dukedome of Andegavium or Aniou and the Countie of Perche The Territorie of the Carnutes commonly called the Countrie of Chartrain cleaveth on one side to the Countie of Perch and on the other sides to the Dukedome of Orleance It is inferiour to no other part of France both for fruitfulnesse and pleasantnesse for it aboundeth with all kinde of Corne Fruite and Cattell and is not wanting in Wine The chiefe Towne is called Carnutum Ptolemie cals it Antricum but now it is called Chartres To this Territorie are wont to bee reckoned the Counties of Dreux and Montfort wherein are two Townes of the same names The Dukedome of Andegavium hath an especiall and peculiar Table to it selfe The Countie of Perch is divided into two parts the one whereof is called the Lower commonly le Perche Govet the chiefe Town whereof is Nogent Retrou the second is called the Higher in which is the Towne Mortaigne The third is the Midle which lyeth on either side of the Bankes of Liger from Roven to Vendomium or Vendosme and from hence on the right-hand Banke of the same River Liger it extendeth it selfe from Castellodunum even to the Countrie of Touraine It excelleth the other parts of Belsia in fertilitie Lower Belsia remaines It is all Field-ground and plaine abounding with Corne so that it is accounted the Barne or Store-house of France It lyeth betweene the Bishopricks of Orleance Chartres and runneth out from the Towne Estampes toward the East to Sens and on the South to the Bridge of Orleance In this Countrie is Aurelia commonly called Orleance being situated neere the River Liger It is honoured with the title of a Dukedome and adorned with an Universitie Heere are also the Territories of Lorriacum and Solonium and the Archbishoprick of Tours which hath under it the Bishop of Le Mans and Angiers As for the Bishops of Chartres and Orleance they are under the Bishop of Sens in Campania LEMOVICIVM LEMOVICIVM was so called from the chiefe Citie Lemovicum but it is not knowne from whence the name thereof is derived Some doe referre it to Lemovices the first establisher of this Countrie It is commonly called Pais on compte de Limosin On the North and North East side of it lyeth Berry on the East Burbon on the South and South-East Arverma on the West and West-South-West Pericort and lastly on the North-West Poictou There is a great ancient Elme standing Northward betweene the Village called La Maison Nesuc from the new House that is in it and Argentomum a Towne of Berry toward the North which doth bound and limit foure Countries Berry Burbon Arverma and Lemovicium so that it is reported that the foure Princes of these Countries did heere talke and conferre together and every one of them stood in his owne Territorie The Soyle is not every where equally fruitfull being for the most part somewhat barren yet it produceth all kinde of fruites especially Wheate Barley a kinde of Graine called Panicum Chesse-nuts and Wine but of an inferiour small kinde yet in the lower parts of Lemovicium they have a richer sort Some would have the Lemovicians for so Pliny calleth the ancient Inhabitants whom Strabo calleth Lemobikes and Ptolemie Lemovikoi from the Citie Lemovick to be the native and ancient Inhabitants of this Countrie and they make Lemovi●es to bee their Founder being descended from the Gomeritae or Galatae as some doe thinke Some doe suppose that hee was of the blood of the great Lybian Hercules who when he had come through Spaine passed over the Pyrenaean Mountaines lived a
while in France This is peculiar to this Province onely of all France that whereas Writers doe onely name other Provinces of France and doe not mention from whence the people of the Cities were so called heere the contrary happeneth for Caesar maketh mention of the Lemovicians and their Citie and writeth that they were the first that yeelded unto him for they were lovers of peace and haters of discord But after that the Lemovicians had made a league with Caesar they obeyed a Prince who was joyned in confederacie with the Romans to whom they were subject untill the Gothes did repell them and possessed all Aquitania They write that the French-men afterward having driven out the Gothes did governe the Lemovicians and did set Earles and Dukes to rule over them the one to manage their Battels the other to administer Justice The most doe divide Lemovicium into two parts the Higher and the Lower Le Haut bas Limosin The Higher which is properly called Limosin is plainer than the lower part and the Metropolis thereof is Lemovicum So many doe thinke that A. Hirtius did call it lib. 8. de Bello Gallico but now it is called Limoges Fulvius Vrsinus calleth it Limonum by the authoritie of ancient Bookes Ptolemie cals it Ratiaston in Aquitania as Ioseph Scaliger writing to Merula supposeth Villonovanus also assenting to him But Bertrandus thinketh that it is called Rahastum in stead of Raiz by the affinitie LEMOVICIVM TOTIUS Lemouici ct and likenesse of names This Citie is seated partly in a Vale and partly on the top of a litle Hill being well fortified with a Castle and strong Wals it hath abundance of water which springeth from a cleare Fountaine in the higher part of the Citie This Citie is the Nurserie of diligence and industrie and the prison-house of sloth and idlenesse The women doe honour and much esteeme of chastitie and mercifulnesse It is the Seate of a Bishop Heere are also other Townes which in the Language of the Inhabitants are called La Soubsterraine Le B●●sson Barat Dorat Consolat and others which for brevities sake I omit Amongst them Chassusio is not to be forgotten as being famous for the yearely Faires of Cattell and horses which are kept there on Saint Georges day There are also Abbies in this hither part of the Countrie amongst the which are the Abbies of Grandimont and S. Leonard The lower part of Lemosin being more mountainous than the higher is properly called La Marche de Limosin limited with Avernia and Perigort The chiefe Citie thereof is Tutela or Tulla commonly called Tulle being situated in a rugged mountainous place and being the Seate not onely of a Bailiffe but of a new Bishop built out of the ruines of an old Monasterie In Latine hee is called Tutelensis Episcopus There is also Vsarcha or Vsarche a pleasant Towne having a sweete Ayre and seated neere the River Vezer Fame boasteth that this Towne is impregnable and that it cannot be taken whence there is a Proverbe Cui Vsarchae est domus arcem eum possidere in Lemovicum ditione i. Hee that hath an house in Vsarcha hath as it were a Castle in the Countrie of Lemosin Histories doe speake much of the vertue of the Citizens and doe report that they resisted the English even when they conquered all Aquitania and that they remained constant and faithfull to their Prince the King of France There is the Towne Briva seated on the pleasant and fertile Plaine environed with woods and having many Vineyards It is the Seate of a Chancellour Heretofore it is thought it belonged to the Countrie of Perigort and that Charles the sixth King of France did joyne it to Limosin There are also other Townes as Treignac Donzenac Alassac Bellus-locus Meissac Vsset and Bello-mon There are many illustrious Families in this Countrie in the Higher there are the Families of Pierre-Bussire Chasteau-neuf and Carsic which are honoured with Vicountships also Roche-Covart which is one of the ancientest Families in Aquitania Maygnac and others In the lower part is Pampadoura Aumont Roffignac San-Iala Gemma and infinite others The Inhabitants of Lemovicium are very sparing in their meate drinke being content with a litle they hate dainty meates but are great eaters of bread so that the Proverb saith A Lemovician is a Bread-devourer In the Villages they doe not use to drinke Wine They are industrious ingenious and warie as being very provident in all things The Common-people are covetous and sluttish in their houses the Nobility are magnificent of a high spirit and liberall The most of them doe live untill they be very old for there are those which doe see their Grandchildrens Children They say that heere neere Cousins without any dispensation from the Pope doe marry amongst themselves and do not part their goods Belleforestius writeth that hee saw Families in which a hundred linkt together by the affinity of marriage did live together so that they seemed to be like Colledges I will heere adde for conclusion that which Iohannes Puncteius writeth concerning the originall of the Lemovicians Ecce Lemoviculae sedes gratissima genti c. Behold the Lemovicians pleasant Seate In fortie five degrees and halfe compleate Of Latitude which doth it selfe stretch forth To take a view of the cold frozen North. The Longitude even from the setting Sunne Stretching it selfe toward the East doth runne As farre as the Avernian Mountaines and Toucheth beside the Biturigian Land But where that Phoebus dips his horses in The Sea till they to plunge therein begin Angolmum it doth view and doth behold Part of Pictavia as towards the cold North on the Biturigians it confines And Southward to the Petragorians joynes With whom in manners they doe more agree Than with the others that their neighbours bee Faire Aquitania doth containe this Land Which for good manners comes behinde none and Vienna that doth from the Mountaines flowe Watereth the upper grounds as it doth goe With winding streames which runne out many wayes While thousands of faire kine doe by them graze This the Inhabitants in their speech doe call Vigana which from thence doth headlong fall By Lemovicium's Citie which doth lye Part in a Vale part on a Hill so high Where Saints doe glorie in its Churches state Which unto holy Stephen's consecrate Fame doth report that French-men of the line Of Gomer held this Countrey at that time Nohemus off●spring troupes of men did leade Which into divers Countries they did spread From thence the true originall then came Of Lemovicians who ne're chang'd their name Vnlesse you 'le have the Phrygians for to change Their Seates while they did with Alvernus range And Limovices for to finde new land And ease their griefe which they at home sustain'd The Soyle is barren whence no fruite doth grow And no faire swelling Rivers in it flow It flourisheth with men that in it are And is enrich't with many kindes of ware The Land is strong in
Ludovick the ninth yet with this caution that it should be called after his wives name and the house of the Burbons that so the title thereof might remaine to posteritie Which being done Robert the sonne of Ludorick the ninth who was canonized for a Saint did propagate and enlarge the name of the Borbons For his sonnes were Ludorick surnamed the greate who succeeded his Father Iohn Clar●m●nt Lord of the Towne of the Fane of Iustine in Campania Peter Archdeacon of Paris and two daughters This Ludorick Philip Valesius the sixt created the first Duke of Burbon in the yeare 1339. or thereabout who had by his wife Mary the daughter of Iohn Earle of Hannonia Peter the first who succeeded him and Iames the Father of the Earles of March and Vendosme Philip Lord of Bello●●● Mary and Beatrix This Peter was created the second Duke of Burbon and Lord of Molin Hee was slaine in a Battell fought betweene the Picts and the English Hee had by Isabell the daughter of Charles Earle of Valence Ludorick the 2. who succeeded his Father Iames the Lord of March and seven daughters Ludorick surnamed the good married Anna. the daughter of Peral●us the Dolphine of Avercia who was called Duke S●mus and of Ione Forres●aria who brought him Iohn who succeeded his Father Ludovick and Iames Lord of Pransium Iohn the first of that name marrying Mary the daughter of Iohn Duke of the Biturigians was Duke of Burbon and Avernia Earle of Claromont M●mpensper Forrest and Lord of Bellyocum and the Castle of Chinon From him issued Charles who succeeded his Father Iudorick Earle of Montpenser from whom the Dukes came of Montpenser and Iames. Charles tooke the part of King Charles the 7. and Philip the good Duke of Burgundie with whome at last by the meditation and perswasion of his wife Agnes a Burgundian sister to Philip hee made a peace with him Agnes brought him Iohn who succeeded after him Ludovick Peter who was afterward a Duke Charles a Cardinall and Archbishop of Lions Lud●●ick Bishop of Le●dium Iames and five daughters Iohn the second was Duke of Borbon and Avernia Earle of Claromont of Forrest the Iland and March Lord of Belliocum and of the Castell of Chinon a ●eere and Constable of the Kingdome of France Hee marryed thrice but dyed without issue Peter the 2. succeeded his brother John who was high Chamberlaine of the Kingdome of France and hee had by Anne daughter of King Ludorick the 11. one onely daughter called Susan who succeeded her Father Shee marrying Charles Burbon Earle of Montpenser the sonne of Gilbert Burbon Nephew to Iohn Ludorick the first aforesaid Duke of Burbon Earle of Montpenser and Dolphine of Avernia by her marriage made her Husband Duke of Burbon This was that Charles who being Constable of France revolting from his Prince Francis King of France tooke part and sided with the Emperour Charles the fifth and besieged Rome where being shot with a bullet in the yeare 1527. the day before the Nones of May he dyed having obtained no victorie nor left no children After the death of his wife Susan the King getting Burbon to himselfe the Dukes of Vend●sme kept onely their armes and their bare title by the right of affinitie The Earles of Flanders did first lineally descend from the familie of the Burbons and many great Kings and Princes have sought to bee linkt in affinitie with this royall and Princely house Moreover the French Geogrophars doe make two parts of the Dukedome of Burbon the lower and the higher The lower containeth divers Cities and two Countries Concerning the Cities The Metropolis of the whole Dukedome is Molirum or Malins a Towne by the River which Caesar calls Elaver now Al●ie● it was the ancient Seate of Dukes afterward it was a house of pleasure and a pleasant retyring place for the Kings of France Some thinke that that which Caesar calls Gergobina was a Towne among the Celta whom Caesar in the Helvetian Warre placed there The Marshall of Burbon hath his Presidiall Seate here which was erected by King Francis the first of that name Molins hath a very faire Castle and a curious Garden adjoyning to it in which there are great store of Oranges and Citernes In the Castle Xystum you may see the lively Pictures of the Dukes of Burbon and their Genealogies Here is also a faire Fountaine THE DVKEDOME OF BVRBON BORBONIUM Ducatus The other Cities and Townes are Burbon famous for antiquity and which heretofore did name the whole Province Caesar in his 7. Booke calleth it Boia This City is situated betweene the Rivers Elaveres and Caris commonly called Cher well knowne and famous in the time of Charles the great It hath a strong Castle and Baths also L'Archimont Montmerant And Cosne surnamed en Burbonnois neere the River Lotre having a Castle and in regard that the Territory is fitt for Pasturage it exceedeth other parts also Montlusson and S. Porcin whose Fields doe bring forth excellent Wines yet some doe ascribe it to ●vernia also Cusset Chancelle Charroux Vernueil famous for Wines also Varennes a famous Towne by the River Elaveres Gannat confining upon Avernia also Le Mont aux Moines Souvigni le Comte ou aux M●ines la Palisse having a stately Castle also Erisson Sancoings the Fane of S. Peter commonly called S. Pierre le Monstier which is not very ancient It hath a President under whom are the Baylies of the same Towne and the Townes which are commonly called Douziois Xainco●●usset and others one part whereof are seated in Avernia and anoth●● 〈◊〉 Nervernesium there is also Ainayla Chasteau so named from the Ca● S. Amand and others So much concerning the Cities and Townes The Counties are two which are commonly called Beaujolois and F●●est The former Bello Iolesius containeth all that lyeth betweene the River Ligeris and Araris being situated towards the East betweene the Forestians and Burgundians being the Patrimony of the ancient Burbons The chiefe City is called in French Beau-jea The other is named not from the Woods and Forrests as the word doth seeme to intimate but from the Forensians for so I name those people on the North lyeth Burbon on the West Avernia on the South the Lugdunians confine upon it on the East the Bello-Jolesians Heretofore it had Earles from whose Stock did arise the noble of Bello-Iolesius A certaine Earle of Forrest and Bello-Iolesius is celebrated by French Historians who had three Sonnes Arthauldus Earle of Lugdunum Stephen Earle of Forrest and Emfrid Earle of Bello-Iolesius When thus the Counties of Forrest and Bello-Iolesius had beene for a long time distracted they were united againe by the death of Guica●d Earle of Bello-Iolesius who was Master of the horse in the time of Philip the 2. King of France for his Sister Isabel Countesse of Bello-Iolesius was married to Reginaldus Earle of Fortest who was discended of the stocke of Arthauld aforesaid as shee from the ofspring of Stephan who was
it Doubis and Caesar Al●uab●● if ●●l●ius Vrsinus conjecture rightly in other Bookes it is corruptly read Alduasdubis and Alduasdolis commonly Doux It riseth out of the Mountaine Iura a little above the pleasant Villago Mota Moreover Dubis taking his course from the South Northward glideth by the Lake Pontium and so with many windings runneth by Pontarlum M●●tua and Vafrum and so to the Church of S. Hyppolitus and from thence bending Westward it goeth to the Towne Chastelot and so flowing by Vesuntio and making an Iland neere Dola after many winding turnings and having received many Rivers it mingleth his waters with Aratis neere Virdurum Longronius also wholly belongeth to the higher Burgundie commonly call'd Lougnon Davum springeth out of the high Monntaine which hangeth over a great and famous THE COVNTIE OF BVRGVNDIE BURGUNDIA COMITATUS Towne called Syrodu● there are also Lupus or ●upa commonly called Love Araru and others Concerning the Politicke state of this free Countrie when the Provinciall assemblies are held the three states doe meete being summon'd in th● Earles name by the Prince of the Arausians and the Lords of Noz●reth and Arbe The three States doe consist of the Nobles the Clergie and the Citizens The Earles of the higher Diaecese are the Earle of M●nt●ellia●t the Earle of Roche and Varax of Montrivel or Thalamer and Vaulgrenans of Vergey of Rey Liston●is The Abbates are of Croissant of Charité of Bitaine of Corneul of Tulley of Clarfont of Lux●ul of Bellevoulx of Grace-Dieu of Charleu of three Kings or Trium Regum The Priors are of Vau●luse of Lantenans of Cusance of Marteret of Iussey of Portsus Sa●sne of M●ntreul neere Sagona of S. Marcelli The Canonici are of Calem st●er and others of other places The Cities are Gray Vesoul Montho●son ●ussey Palma Portsus Saone Cromary Mont-Iustin Faul●ogney The Lords are of M●mmorot and S. Loup of S. Martin of Taulens of Villeneufoe of Rupi of Montgevelle Chastillon and Belv●we of Conflandey of Monb●llon of Velleson of Dicey of Vgny and Chemyly of Oizelet of Cic●n of Tra●ves of Rainconnieres of Costeb●une of Sombern●m of Vallefaut of Bermont of Av●lley of Mugnay of Vereur of Toura●ze of Cite● of Provanchieres of Grand-mont of Velle Chev●elous of Vosey of Dampie●re of Frotey of Breutal of Matey of Noironde of Tromarey of Mill●●●● of Mailler●n●ourt of Myon of Benaenge of Vellerot le boz of Clere of Betoncourt of Mortaillotte of Amondans of Fraisne of Chavirey of Mon●● of Mons S. Legier of Cuvry of Montereul of Sorans and Lambry and many others The Earles of lower Burgundy are of Ruffey of S. A●bin and the Barron of Chevreaulx The Abbots are of S. Eug●ndi of ●●aume of Calerne of M●nt S. Marie of Mont-Benoist of Bayllen of Rau●res the Priors are of Mainnaul of Vaucluse of Bonlieu of Mente of L●slesaulnier of Arbois of Mote of Syredus of Vallis supra Polichinum of Mortan The Canons are of S. Mauritius of S. Anatolius of S. Mi●●el all in Salina also of Arbosium of Polichnium of Nozeret and of other Cities The Cities are Salina Arbois Poligny Pontarlien Noze●● Castrum Caroli Monmoro●t Orgelot The Lords are of Conlongni● and Andelest of Courla●u and le Pin of S. Amour of Argento of Laub●●●● of Poupet of S. Sorlin of Darna and Tramelay of Borsia of Cressia of P●tigny of Chambery of Montena of Vecles of Rosait of Marigna of B●a●fort of Nasey of Aigle of Courboson of Vertamboz of Largilla of Mau●●● of Estoille of Chasnet of Aresche of Coges of Bar and Iousseaul of Aug● of Muy●e of Charrin of Charlin of Chaumes of Bretterieres of Fomen● of Cogna of Chaulx of Montnet of Vadans Villette of Arbois of Aig●●●erre of Chastelvillaine of S. Iulian of Descrilles of Verges of Champ●g● of Beaulchemin of Villeneusve les Orgellet of Chastres of Ioulx of Vin●●● of Vismeaulx and many others In the Diecesse of Dola there are the Lords of Givrey of Longepierre and Rahon and of Clervaulx The V●●bo●s of Billon of S. Vin●ius of S. Paulus Bisantius of Acey. The Prior● are of Loye of Leval of D●mparis of Iouhe of Monterot of Mote of 〈◊〉 of M●stier in Se●u●●a The Cannons are of Dola of Bisantinum and ●●thers in other places The Citties are Dola Quirgeium 〈◊〉 Losa Ro●●eford Vercelle The Lords are of Vaul●●ey of Rainnes of 〈◊〉 of M●n●fori of Mont-Ri●hard of Fertaus of Maillet of Bermont of ●●ron of Ver●hamps of D●ssans of P●rt of Chasteau of Roillault of Abbaus and Marchault of Reculet of Chartraus of Mont-gros-pain of Mutigney of Chassey of Paressey of Choisey of S. Iley of Faye of Parrel of Chemin of ●alus of ●hampdivers and Rastonnie●es of Rainche-court of Paintre of Montrambart of Salans of Goussans of Chavirey of Ancier and others There is greate store of Nobilitie as wee see in this Countrie And there are foure families which are either descended from the Kings and Princes of Burgundie or are allyed to them by affinitie namely the Noble Lord of Vienna of Vergy who is called the stout of Chalon who is called the rich and Prince of the Arausians and of Neuf Chastel who hath a greate estate of Lands But all appeales are brought out of the three Dieceses or Bayliwicks to Dola to the high Parliament of this Countie Concerning the state Ecclesiasticke the Archbishop of Bisuntine under whom are three Bishops the Bishops of Basil in Germanie of Lausanum in Helvetia and of Bellicensis in Sabaudia is the chiefe for Ecclesiasticall government and the Prince of the Empire The Archbishop of Bisuntium and the Citie Besoncon which is a free imperiall Citie and heretofore the greatest Towne of the Province of the Sequans and the Presidents seate are parts of the Empire of the fifth circle The thenth Circle of the Empire is the Burgundian because it consisteth of the house of Burgundie and doth containe the chiefe Princes of the Lowe Countries which are the Duke of Burgundie H. Bergen and Waelhem Count Egmond and Iselstein Count Nassau in Breda and Count Bergen THE DVKEDOME OF SABAVDIA THE DVKEDOME OF SABAVDIA SABAUDIA DUCATUS LA SAVOIE The Metropolis of Sabaudia is Chamberiacum commonly called Chamberi which the Ancients did call Camerinum as Paradine noteth in his Sabaudia Pinetus thinketh that the Ancients did call it Forum Voconij which Pliny mentioneth lib. 3. cap. 4. and Antoninus in his Itinerarie So that it cannot be that they should count Forum Vocorium among those Townes which are in the Province neere unto the Mediterranian Sea Also Peutingers Itinerarie Table doth place there Forum Voconij not farre from the French shore betweene Forum Iu●ij now called Fricul and Mataron Varerius vainely trifleth in his Chorographie of Portugal who maketh Forum Voconij to be Forum Vocontij as if it were the Metropolis of the Vocontians when the chiefe City of that Country is Augusta Dia Vocentiorum now called Die Caenalis also and Castilion doe thinke that Chamberry is Cinarum which Cicero mentioneth
thick Woods except where the Almaine hath made it Habitable contrarie to the nature of the place and the intemperatenesse of the Climate So that the River breaking into this Lake with a foaming entrance and passing through the still waters thereof doth runne through the middle of it as it were a contrarie element unto it without augmenting or diminishing his owne waters it commeth forth againe retayning the same name and strength which it had before And which is a wonder the Lake is not moved with the violent course of the water nor the hasty River is not stayed with the muddy filth of the Lake as if they could not be mingled together and if it were not seene to runne through the Lake it could not be discerned by the forcible course thereof Moreover the Rivers which water Helvetia are Rhene Rhodarus Adua Ticinus Limagus Byrsa Langarus Sara Taurus commonly call'd Dur Aenus Arola and many others It were needlesse to reckon the Mountaines seeing the names of the Rhetian Mountaines are knowne to all men But least I should seeme too defective herein I will mention some of them The Mountaine of Gothardus is now called the high Alpes after which the Penine Alpes doe follow neere to the Salassians there are the Co●tian Alpes and the Mountaine St●●ius Also the greater and lessers Mountaines of S. ●ernard The Grae●ian Alpes belong to the Lepontians the Mountaine Adulas which the Germanes call the Mountaine der Vegel toucheth the Misacians The Iulian Alpes and the Mountaine Permurna are in the Engadinians Countrie From hence are the Mountaines Val●rius and Brantius neere the Vendanians Rhetico is a Mountaine among the Rhucantians The Mountaine Iurassus hangeth over the Lake Ieman The Mountaines call'd Abnobae are in the confines of the Tulingians And these are the most famous Mountaines of this Countrie But we will speake more largely concerning the Alpes in the description of Italie There are innumerable Woods which are but parts of the Wood Hiercynia which beginneth here although they are called by severall names as the Brigantine Wood the Wood Ryhnwalde Bonwald● and others The Helvetian Commonwealth is a mixt government of the Nobles and the people For some of these People of whom the whole Citie doth consist doe use a Democraticall government where all things are managed by the councell of the Commons as in those Cantons which have no Townes as the Uranians the Suitians the ●uderwaldians the Glarovensians and the Abbatiscellanians and in the same manner are the Tuginians although they have a Towne the other Cantons are govern'd by the Nobles as all the other Cities of Helvetia as Tigurum Berna Lucerna c. But seeing the people have the chiefe power and doe chuse the Magistrates these Commonwealths are mixt and some parts are more Aristocraticall and some parts more popular ZVRICHGOVV AND THE PROVINCE OF BASIL I Have spoken in generall concerning Helvetia the parts doe follow Which Mercator in the three following Chartes doth lively describe In the first are those two Provinces which are called in their speech Zurichgow and Basil in the second Wistispurgergow and in the third Argow is delineated of all which I will make a Chorographicall Description together with the Lake Leman As concerning the former Province which is painted forth in the first Charte it is called in their owne speech Zurichgow and Caesar calleth it Tigurinus Pagus The soyle of this Country and especially by the chiefe City Tigurum is very fruitfull and bringeth forth great store of Wine and Corne yet the Wine for the most part is tart and sharp neither can it come to perfest ripenesse and maturity because the Alpes are so nigh unto it But the Wine ripeneth and groweth more pleasant after it hath beene kept some yeeres in the Vessell The chiefe City of this Province is call'd in Latine Tigrum and of late Thurogum and in their owne speech Zurich It is an ancient City and pleasantly seated at the end of the great Lake which sendeth forth the River Lindmagum commonly called Limmat which not farre from Glarona it receiveth againe and devideth the City into two Cities the greater and the lesser which are joyned together with three faire Bridges on which the Citizens doe often walke It hach a very great Corne-market in which great store of Corne is sold weekely The Lake Tigurine doth furnish the City with great store of Fish There is also a Market for all kinde of Provision and the Lake is convenienter for carrying it to divers places But albeit Tigurum was the fift that joyned it selfe to the Helvetian confederacy yet neverthelesse it is held to bee the chiefe City both for beauty and strength and still it hath the preheminence given it in publike Assemblies in Embassages and other publike actions it hath had many brave famous men as Conradus Pellican who was very skilfull in the Hebrew Chaldean and Arabick tongues also Theodore Bibliandrus Conradus G●sner that most excellent Historian and many other excellent men The Canton Tigurum hath without the City greater and lesser Prefectureships The greater are nine Ryburg a County the Prefectureship of Groeningia also Regensp●●g Vadisvillana Wadis●hwyl Lauffa neere the Catracts of Rheneor Lauffen Andelfignen Grifensce and Egitsow a free Province the lesser are 22. the Townes Vitodurum Winterhur and S●eina doe belong to the Tigurinians yet they have Magistrates of their owne but they are governed by the Tigurinian Edicts and doe serve them in their warres but they beare their owne Colours in the Field The Canton Tugium commonly ZVRICHGOVV ZURICHOU called Zugis reckoned to be in this Province a Towne with a Country of the same name lying Northward neere Su●●ia it is situate betweene a Middow and a Hill planted with Vines neere the fishfull Lake which is called from the City the Tugine Lake which streatcheth Southward toward the Towne Arte●se It hath a soyle fit for Pasturage and it yeeldeth great store of Wine and Corne. The first Inhabitants thereof are said to be the ●uginians but Strabo Lib 7. calleth them the Toygenians who entring into a league with the Tigurians and Cimbrians did oppose themselves against the Romanes See Plutarch in the life of Marius and Eutropius Lib. 5. Tugium was sometime governed by the Nobles but afterward it came to be under the power of the Austrians Those in the Helvetian warre did keep a continuall Garrison there unto the great molestation of the Suitians and Tigurians So that in the yeere 1352. the Tigurinians with foure other Cantons made an expedition against Tugium But the Garrison not trusting to the Fortification of the Towne forsooke it before the Helvetians comming but yet the Citizens to shew their fidelity to the Austrians did hold out the Siege for 15. dayes At last they yeelded it to the Helvetians and tooke an oath of them on this condition that if the Duke of Austria within such a limited time brought an Army to free them from this Siege
of Geneva professor of Divinitie and the Hebrew tongue Isaac Casaabon the Kings Professor for the Greeke tongue and Gasparus Laurentius professor of the same Language Moreover the publike Librarie at Geneva is adorned with many excellent manuscripts And that at Lausanna is furnished with many excellent workes of the Fathers and other Divines Concerning the common people they are full of Civilitie and they receive and entertaine strangers very lovingly and honourably and it transporteth and sends into other Countries great Troutes fat Capons good Cheese gold wire and fishing lines besides other commodities ARGOW. ARgonia commonly called Argow was a part of the Kingdome of Transtura which comprehended all the Countries lying from the Mountaine Iura even to the Alpes of which heretofore the Heluetians the Ranracians and part of the Allobrogians and now the Dukedome of Sa●aud●a V●landia 〈◊〉 Suntgovia Cremerlandia and the Praefectureship of 〈◊〉 or the Cantons of Heluetia doe now hold But in this Table the Townes Lucerna Vren Switz Vnder●ald and Glarona are contained Lucerna is a Citty of Helvetia which M●y●rus calleth Lacocerna it is situated upon the River Rusa where it breaketh out of a great Lake by which there is a passage by 〈◊〉 to three Townes unto the foote of the high Mountaine which they commonly call Fractum Pilati Montera that is the broken Mountaine or Pilats Mountaine The Lake is very convenient for the Citty because there is a way by it into Italy by the Lepe●●●● Al●e● which they call now the Mountaine of Saint Goth●rd from hence commodities are carried to the Alpes and from thence by Packe-horses into Italy and againe Italian commodities are brought downe the Lake and the River ●asa to the Rh●n● and so unto the Ocean Besides the Lucernatians doe make more profit by the Lake than of the adjacent soyle lying about it although they have excellent Meddowes for the pasturing and feeding of Cattell It is a very pleasant Citty and rich being the common Mart Towne of the Su●t●nsians the Vrantans and the Transiluanians The originall of this City is uncertaine it is reported that there were Castles on both sides of the River which were built by the Almaines but there are Cittizens houses in their places It was so called from a Lampe or light which was hung out there as a Sea marke for the direction of Marriners and it is credible and likely that the auncient Tower served for this purpose which at the higher bridge is now named from the waters The like is at Tigur●●n which is called from the Sea waves We●●nberga the auncients did call these kind of Towers Watch-towers Their owne Annalls doe report that the Lucernatians did go to warre with Charles the Great against the Narazins and that hee gave them some priviledges and taught them the use of Hornes with which in these times they doe sound a retreate in the warres The Colledge of the Cannonists had heretofore the greatest power which afterward came to bee under the authority of the Abbot of Murbacum by the donation and graunt of King Pipin Afterward A●bertus Emperour of Austria bought Lucerna of the Abbot of M●●bacum But not long after the Lucernatians oppressed by the heavie burdens layd upon them by the Aus●rian governours being desirous of peace and liberty made a league with them Anno 1323. There were two Praefectureships of Lucerna which Mercator reckoneth in ARGOW. ARGOU which the Praefects dwell in one place which are as I suppose Wiken Sempach But the latter Praefect hath no power over the towne but is onely overseeer of the Lake and the fishing therein the Senators in the City doe governe the other Townes which are Willisow Entlibuchia Vallis Rotenburg or Rott or some place neere unto it also Habspurg Berona with the neighbour Country called Chelamt that is the Praefectureship of Michael also Merischwanden Waggis Ebicona Krientz also the two Citties Surseium and Sempachium which are under the Lucernatians protection yet they have a Counsell of their own which doth judge both civill and criminall causes but the chiefe man of the Surscian Counsell is called Sculthes who giveth an oath to the Lucernatians but the chiefe of the Sempachian Counsell is chosen out of the Senate of Lucerna but yet out of the number of the Citizens of Semphachium The next is the Towne of the Vrians or Vrania In Iulius Caesars time the Romanes did call the inhabitants thereof Taurisci and the name of Vrians by which they are now called is thought to be derived from the Vranians whom the ancients did call Tauriscians as also they now call the Siebentalensians Taurians after the Germaine manner Moreover the armes of this Country is a black Bulls heads in a yellow field The Vrians Canton is divided into ten parts which they call Gnossaminem that is to shares or participations because those Senators onely which are elected out of them are capable of publicke offices are called to the annuall meetings The next is the Canton of the Suitians Suitia or Suicia is a Towne which communicateth his name to all Helvetia for they first built it who fled hither out of the Kingdome of Suecia to seeke themselves new habitations There is one of the three Cantons who joyned themselves in confederacie against the insolencie of the nobility and it brought forth many stout and able men for service who were often a terrour to their enemies All the Country doth live upon the fruites which the earth bringeth forth From this Towne or Canton strangers and forrainers doe call the Helvetians Suitzers because they fought first for liberty in their Country or because they contended long with the Eremitans and were the first of the 3 Towns of the Austrians that was inforced to breake into the Country and was the chiefest in power of al the three Cantons the other Cantons were comprehended under their name as being of most noate and from the name was afterward communicated to all the confederates or lastly because the Vrians Silvanians and Suitensians began the confederacy in their Towne The Country of the Suitzers is divided into five parts which they call Quartas retaining still the name of the new division in this new and sixtfold division There is also the Canton of lower Silvania which is commonly called Vnderwaldia This is a free Canton being mutually joyned in confederacy with Suitia and Vrania in the yeere of our Lord 1315. It is environd round about with the Alpes it hath pleasant pastures for breeding and feeding of Cattle by which the inhabitants of Syluania doe reape much profit But the Vrians the Suitensians the Silvanians or Vnderwaldians although by some covenants they were subject to the Abbies of certaine Monasteries yet they had liberties of their owne and received Praefects from the Empire which they call Vo●tos by a Greek word as heretofore the Praefects of the Romanes For their office was the same with the Burgraues in these Countries For
they call them Soretum because they call a red colour in their language Sorus This Herrng fishing is very commodious and advantagious to the Commonwealth of Holland and Zeland seeing not onely one Citty but many Citties doe wholy depend and live on it and the Citty and Country get their food by it pay their debts maintaine families and doe get wealth by it There is another speciall kind of fish which they use to salt called in Latine As●llus Major or Cod-fish thereby to difference it from that which is commonly ealled Caballian It is a great fish so that some of them are threescore pound weight It is taken at many times of the yeare but especially in Lent time and chiefely in the Friesland Sea and great store of it is usually salted up whereby the whole country reapeth yeerely great profit The third kind of salt fish is Salmon being very good when it is fresh as well as salted Holland and Zeland have store of this kind of fish in all moneths but most plentie in Aprill May and Iune of which there is such great store salted up that the gaine which is made of them amounteth to 200000 crownes But of these things enough let us proceede to the rest The Low Countries are plaine and levell there are few Hills in it and fewer Mountaines unlesse it be in Lutzenburg Namurcum and some parts of Hannonia where they are very thicke and there are many also in Leodium It is every where beautified with Forrests and Woods which both grace the Countrie and afford much pleasure in hunting The Forrest of Arden in Iulius Caesars time as he himselfe writeth was the greatest of all France running betweene the Treverians from the River Rhene to the Nervians and the Rhenicans being above fifty miles long And now at this time no wood in all France can be compared with it but now there is a great part of it converted into arrable ground so that it is farre lesser than it was and that part which remaineth hath many glades made in it which the husband men doe till and call it by another name but the greatest part of it is from Theonis Villa even to Leodium which is thirty miles in length In the middle of it is the Citty of S. Hubert which as Gemma Frisius witnesseth lyeth under 26 degrees of Longitude and forty minutes and 50 degrees of Latitude and 4. minutes This Wood hath all kindes of pleasant trees which are very high and broad-spreading which afford both pleasure and profit Strabo calleth it Arduenna the Inhabitants Arddenna Rhenanus Luitticherwald which signifies the Leodiensian Wood. Mormavia or Morman is a faire wood in Hannonia which beginneth neere to Quesnoy and so runneth out Southward toward the Veromanduans and hath many Townes in it and Villages and many cleare springs and pleasant Fountaines Here is great store of Charecoale made whence some supposed that it is a Part of the wood Carbonaria but some affirme that the wood Carboina did lye more Eastward betweene the Rivers Mosa and Sabis and that the pleasant wood Archia is a part of it in which there is a Towne of the same name fortified with a strong Castell and there the Lords of Berlaymont were wont to reside There is also in Hannonia the pleasant wood of Saint Amand which is also called the Ramensian wood because it is neere unto it It beginneth on the edge of Flanders neere the towne of Saint Amand whence it receiveth his name and so runneth forth Eastward toward the Valesians with a great breadth The Ramensian wood belongeth to the Lord of Emerie who is the chiefe ranger of Hannonia which title belongeth unto him onely Silva Faignensis or le bois de Faigne beginneth in Hannonia neere Avenna and reacheth even to Masieris which is sixteene miles though heretofore it were farre larger It seemeth that it was so called from the Fawnes and Satires whom perhaps the Poets did therefore faine to have hornes and Goates feete because the first inhabitants of this Wood were so rude and savage that they were like beasts The Soniensian wood is three or foure flight shots off from Bruxells and it runneth Southward toward Brenna even to Alleuda and the Castle of Brenna for three miles in length It is a great spacious Wood so that it is seaven miles compasse round about and there are very may Citties Towes Abbies and Monasteries in it so that in Summer time many of the Nobles and wealthier Cittizens doe goe thither with their whole families for recreation sake and tarry three or foure weekes Saventerloo is enclosed with Lovanium Bruxells and Vilvordia It is a pleasant wood and receiveth his name from Saventria a Towne lying neere unto it Also Grootenhout is a Wood in Brabant which standeth not farre from Turneholt in which the River Ada riseth which doth afterward discharge it self into the River Natha It is a great Wood in which Queene Mary to whom Turnholt did belong was wont to hunt much There is also Marlaigne a Wood in Namurcum which beginneth neere the Cittie Namurcum and runneth Southward toward Phillipolis and so reacheth even to Mosa Niepa is a chiefe Wood in Flanders not farre from the confines of Artesia it is two miles distant from the River Lisa from the Castell of the Morineans and Baliolum it is a pleasant spacious and ancient Wood having a strong Castle in it Also Nonnen is situate in Flanders and extending it selfe Northward in a great breadth it doth containe many Villages some Abbies Poodsbergia is a great wood between Flanders Hannonia not far from Gerardimontium and Lessina and is pleasant in regard of the roundnes of it Gulielmi Silva or Williams Wood is situate in Artesia nere Rentiacum where the Emperour joyned battell with the King of France in the yere 1554. Engelerwallia is a pleasant wood in Gelderland nere Arnhemum The 7 woods are 7 great woods which are nere unto the Transilanians from whence one part of Fiesland is denominated which is now called Sevenwolden that is to say 7 Woods every one of them is very spacious hath many faire towns in them But so much concerning the woods I come now to the publick works There are in these Countries innumerable magnificent Temples and Churches many Abbies infinite numbers of Monasteries Friaries many Hospitalls for strangers for the sick for the poore for Orphans Truly in Antwerp only there are 42 such like buildings the chiefe of which is the Cathedral Church of S. Mary which is very spacious having a Tower Steeple which is 400 20 foote high being built of white Marble from the top whereof you may view the Cittie the River covered with ships and the Countrie round about which is full of Townes and Citties What should I describe the other Temples Monasteries and such like places of which there are great store both heere and in other Citties and Townes What should I reckon up the sumptuous Pallaces belonging to
how well ordered it is and how cleane it is kept in which without doubt it doth excell all the Nations of the World But the Low Countriemen are too much given to the Vice of drinking in which they take great delight so that oftentimes they never give over drinking day nor night and thereby besides other inconveniences they do much wrong their bodyes and witts and without doubt it is oftentimes the cause of their untimely death according to that of Propertius Vino forma perit vino corrumpitur aetas Wine maketh beautie fade And strength by Wine is decay'd And they themselves doe know it and confesse it and condemne themselves for it but in vaine for the evill custome doth prevaile over them Albeit they may be partly excused For seeing the ayre is alwayes moyst and melancholy they have no other meanes whereby to cure their hatefull and unwholsome Melancholy which Horace seemeth to intimate saying Vino pellite curas that is With wine drive cares away Which haunt us every day But it were to be wished that they would observe that noble saying of Terence Ne quid nimis Doe nothing too much which now the civiller sort doe begin to observe The inhabitants doe goe in good apparrell and are well complexioned Lastly they use much trading and traffique in which they are very skilfull And all the Low Countries for the most part doth subsist by Merchandising and Maechanicke Arts. THE COVNTIE OF FLANDERS FLanders although it be not of any great antiquitie yet no reason can be given for the name of it Some derive it from a Cittie of that name situated there where Ardenburg is now Others derive it from Flandbertus the sonne of Blesinda who was sister to Clodion King of France Flandbertus lived in the yeare of Christ 445. Some suppose that this Countrey was so named from Flandrina the wife of Lydericke the first Earle thereof Some derive it a flatu and fluctibus that is from the winde and waves which in regard of the neere Vicinitie of the Ocean doe beate upon this Countrie So that even to the yeare 1340. it was a caution used in selling or conveying of land that if the Sea broake into it within ten yeares afterward the contract and bargaine should be then voyde and of none effect The bounds of it now are on the South Artesia with Hannonia part of Picardie on the East Hannonia Brabant on the North the Ocean with Honta or the mouth of Scaldis which parteth Flanders from Zeland on the West the Brittish Ocean or Germaine Sea It is three dayes journey in length namely from Scaldis on the other side of Antwerp even to the new ditch which is 30 miles The breadth of it is twenty miles The ayre of the Country is temperate the soyle fertile especially that part which is neere the Ocean and France There are faire Meddowes which may appeare from hence in regard that Horse-riders doe yearely bring Colts out of other neghbour Countries into Franders which through the goodnesse of the pasture and sweetnesse of the ayre being leane before doe quickely grow fat and plumpe It breedeth also diverse sorts of tame Cattell very pleasant and delicate in taste and also an incredible sort of wilde beasts There are also divers kindes of fowles as Pheasants Partridges Peacockes Hernes and Storkes The inhabitants of this Country were heretofore so addicted to warre that they never scarsely lived quietly or peaceably so that their armies have invaded Syria and the holy Land and Hierusalem There are 30 walled Citties in Flanders Gandauum Bruges Ypra Insula Duacum Tornacum Cortracum Aldenarda Alostum Hulsta Teneramunda Birsletum Newporte Sluse Dunkerck Graveling Burburg Dammum Dixmuda Furna Ardenburgum Ninova Berga Gerardmontium Cast●llum Donza Orchianum Lanoyum Axella and Ostend Besides these there are also free Townes which are not inferiour unto Citties neither for nobilitie or Priviledges nor magnificent structures or populousnesse as Bella Poperinga Hondtscota Eccloa Gistella Middleburrough and twenty others There are in all 1556 villages so that it is a usuall Proverbe that Flanders doth exceed all the Countries in the world and when the Spaniards came into this province with King Phillip they thought that all Flanders was but one Cittie It is now divided into three parts the Dutch the French and the Imperiall part The chiefe is Gandavum which was built by C. Iulius Caesar when he stayed in Morinium it is called in Dutch Gendt the Italians call it Guanto the French Gand. It is situate foure miles from the Sea and is watered with foure pleasant Rivers For Scaldis commeth to it out of Hannonia Lisa out of Artesia Livia out of the Haven or Sluce and Moero from the Ambactae It is ten miles distant from Antwerpe and as many from Bruxells Mechlin and Middleburrough The compasse of it within the walls is 45640 Romaine feete that is seaven Italian miles It hath 26. Islands and two hundred and eight Bridges and foure water mills And an infinite number of hand-mills And an hundred wind mills It hath five and fifty Churches and five Abbies The Citizens of this Citty are famous for Nobility wealth and courage Here the Emperour Charles the fifth was borne It also brought forth these learned men Iudocus Badius Iohannes Cornarius Laevinus Brechtus and the other Lavinus Torrentius Baldvinus Ronsaeus Vtenhovious and many others There are two and fiftie kindes of trades in this Cittie And seaven and twenty sorts of Weavers which were first instituted by the Earle Baldwin the sonne of Arnold the Great in the yeere 865. Brugae or Brugges taketh its name either from the many bridges belonging to it or from the bridge Brug-stocke neere Oldenburg and Ardenburg out of the ruines of which Cittie eight hundred yeeres before the Castell of Brugges was first built it is situated three miles from the Sea in a plaine place The compasse of it within the wall 26600 Romane feete that is foure Italian Miles and an halfe It is the pleasantest Cittie not onely in all Flanders but also in all the Low Countries it hath threescore Churches the chiefe and fairest whereof is Saint Domatians Church which was heretofore consecrated to the blessed Virgin it was built by Lidericke the first Earle of Flanders in the yeere 621. There are threescore and eight kindes of trades in it Ypra is so called from the little River Ypra that floweth by it commonly called Yperen it was built in the yeere 1060. The foundation of this Citty is sayd to be of Lead and that in regard of the many leaden pipes which doe convey water through the whole Cittie And these are the chiefe Citties The Havens follow Sluce is named from the Catarracts or falling of waters which the Flandrians doe call Sluys it is a Sea Towne it hath a great Haven wherein fifty ships may conveniently ride Over against it is the Isle Cadsant where George Cassander was borne Ostend is situated neere the
second order is the Lords the chiefe whereof that are wont to appeare at Hage are these the Lords of Poelgeest of Polanen of Lochorst of Assendelfi Warmont Sparwoude Matnes Schooten Noortwi●● Verdoes or Does Myne van Amstel Spangen Alkemade Benthuysen Keneborch Raaphorst Sweten Heemskericke Ruven Duyn and Sprangen Moreover there are these Lordships in Holland Ho●sden Outhoesden Papendrecht Wijngarden Ghissenborch Ameyde Woerden Waterlant Schagen Purmerende Goude Naeldw●jc Rijswijc Schoonhoven Wateringen Soctermeer Heemstede Heuhtwoude Merwen Haestrecht Dalen Spijc Hardischsvelt Bardtwijck Wijck The third order are the sixe great Citties which are called and summoned to appeare at the Hage for all the rest as Dordretch this Cittie hath a Praetor and a Magistrate whom the Cittizens obey and a Bayly that governeth the whole Country round about both in civill and criminall matters Harlem hath a Praetor and a Magistrate within it selfe and a Bayly for the Country who hath jurisdiction in civill and criminall matters Amsterdam hath also with it selfe a Praetor and a magistrate and a Bayly for the Country to judge of civill and criminall causes Gouda hath a Praetor and Major for the Cittizens and a Baytiffe and a Governour of the Castell THE COVNTIE OF ZELAND ZEland signifies nothing else but a Sea-land the name thereof being compounded from Sea and Land For it is encompassed on every side with the Sea Lemnius doth collect out of Tacitus that it was not unknowne unto the ancients but not by that name by which it is now called but the people and inhabitants thereof did vulgarly call it Maet For hee nameth them Mattiacans when he saith Est in eodem obsequio Mattiacorum gens Battavis similis nisi quod ipso terrae suae solo ac coelo acrius animantur that is The Nation of the Mattiacans is also subject unto them and are like the Battavians but that their soyle and climate doth make them more couragious and lively It was called Zeland from the Danes and Normanes who comming out of the Cimbrian Island in Denmarke which is called Zeland to seeke new Countries being pestered with multitudes of inhabitants they invaded the Coasts of Brittaine and France and they called Walachria and the neighbour Islands Zeland after the name of their own Island These Islands are situate betweene the mouthes or outlets of the Rivers Mosa and Scaldis on the North they have Holland on the East Brabant on the South Flanders on the West the Germaine Ocean Zeland hath somewhat an intemperate ayre for in some parts it is very cold and sharpe and not so wholesome as the neighbour Countries especially in Summer in regard of the Vapours arising from the ditches and standing Pooles and also because the Country is not planted with trees But yet it hath this blessing that it is not often troubled with plagues or pestilent diseases but when it hath a plague it is most violent and it is long before the cessation of it But it hath a very fat and fruitefull soyle and fields which yeeld abundance of wheate so that no Country hath the like for whitenesse and waightinesse and many other fruites also Coriander seede and Madder which is good to dye cloath in graine and make it hold colour and also great store of faire Baytrees loaden with Berryes and also many wholsome hearbes both to eate and to cure disseases withall Heere are also excellent Meddow Pastures for fatting of Cattell not onely inclosed within hedges and ditches but also upon the very shore by the Sea side in which many thousand head of Cattell doe graze to the great gaine and commoditie of the owners being not onely of an unusuall bignesse but of a delicate and excellent taste by reason of the sweetenesse and goodnesse of the soyle grasse so that they are much esteemed by forreiners In the yeere 8●3 in the yeere of Charles the ●●lde a principality was first erected among the Battavians and Zelanders and then they were called Counties and the first Earle thereof was Theodoricke the sonne of Sig●●bert Prince of Aquitania who having beene Earle thereof eight and thirty yeares left his second sonne Theodoricke successor thereof after whom these Countries by a long succession of Earles came and was devolved over to Phillip King of Spaine The Islands of Zeland are seaven three beyond the mouth of Scaldis toward Battavia and the East which are therefore called the East Islands as Scaldia Duvelandia and Tolen And 4 on this side toward the West Walachria Zuythevelandia Northevelandia and Wolferdi●● The greatest and chiefest Ile of them all beyond Scaldis is Scaldia the inhabitants doe call it Landt van Schouwen the compasse whereof is 7 miles yet heretofore it was greater and was divided onely by a little straite of the Sea from Northevelandia The chiefe Citties in it are Zirizaea and Brouwershavia Zirizaea is supposed to be the auncientest Cittie in Zeland being built by one Siringues about the yeare 869. It was a long time a famous towne of traffique in regard of the commodiousnesse of the Haven and the resort of strangers unto it but when the Haven was filled up with sand it grew out of esteeme yet there is hope that if a new Haven were digged it would be as famous as ever it was In this Cittie Levinus ●e●●nius a learned and famous Phisitian was borne and lived Fishermen doe inhabite Brouwershavia who live by the Sea The second Island to Scaldia is Dwelandia so called from the great store of Doves that are therein and it is foure miles in compasse There are in it some Townes onely and Villages but no Cittie In the yere 1130 it was overflowed with the Sea to the losse of many people but afterward the banckes being repaired and the Sea kept out that losse was soone recompenced The third Island is Tollen which is neere unto Brabant being onely parted and divided from it by a straite narrow sea in which is Toletum which the Low countriemen in regard of the custome and tribute which is payd there doe call Tollen being an auncient little Towne and not farre from thence is the Martinian bancke commonly called S. Martines Dijck being a pleasant place and planted round about with trees in which great store of fowle especially Hernes doe breede The chiefe Island on this side Scaldis toward the West is Walachria which the inhabitants call Bewester Schelt being so called from the first inhabitour or from the Welch or Frenchmen This Island lyeth on the East over against Brabant on the South against Flanders on the North against Batavia on the West against Brittaine This is the chiefe Island of all Zeland being famous both for the situation thereof the wealth populousnesse and for the beautie of the townes and traffique being 10. miles in compasse The Citties in it are Middlebrough Veria Flushing Arnemuda There are also many townes in it Middlebrough is so called from the situation thereof for it is a towne in the middle of
with water and seated on the right hand banke of the River Isala Also the River Berckel floweth by it and there mingles it selfe with Isala Moreover these Citties and Praefectureships following are in the Countie of Zutphania the Citties are Dousburg Do●tecomium Lochemum Grolla Bredevorda Broinkhorst and the Praefectureships are those which are named from the Citties And over these there is one chiefe praefect whom in their owne language they call the Drossart of the County of Zutphania Here is also the Citty Herebergensis having a Countie belonging to it It remaineth now that we should adde somewhat concerning Trans Isalania being so called in regard it is situate on the other side of Isala It looketh on the North toward West Friesland on the South toward Gelderland on the East is Westphalia on the West it hath a large bay which is now called Zuyderzee and the River Isala It is a plaine low Country the soyle being very fruitfull especially for corne and also it hath pleasant meddowes The Province of Trans Isalania for many ages was subject to the bishop of Vltrajectum untill in the yeare 1528 by the advice of Henry Palatine Bishop of Vltrajectum it did submit her selfe to Charles the 5. and his successors In this Province there are 8 walled Cittie namely Daventria Campen S●ella Steenw●●kum Vollenhova Hassela O●tmarsia Oldesecla Daventria or Deventer aboundeth with all things which is a rich and well fortified Cittie being seated on the right hand bancke of Isa●● I passe by the rest It hath also beside the River Isala the Rivelet Vidrum and other lesser Rivers also And many pleasant woods although they be small and of no noate The pol●ticke State of Trans Isalania doth consist of two orders the Prince offices and the Nobilitie as Alhemo Ghoer c. and that in three parts of the Countrie Is●lland Twent and Drent The chiefe Parliament is in Vollenhove from whence there is no appeale THE COVNTIE OF ZVTPHANIA SOme suppose that the Zutphanians were herefore called by the Romanes Vsipetes which Iunius conjectureth in his Batavia But Bertius thinketh that the posterity of the Tencterians did possesse that Countery but Cluverius doth alwayes joyne these two people the Tencterians and Vsipetians as Caesar witnesseth who being driven out of their Countrie by the Catt● after they had wandered three yeares together through many parts of Germanie afterward passing over the Rhene received a great over through by the Romanes the remainder of them being by Sigamber admitted within the confines of the Countrie they afterward lived there continually as he delivers Lib. 3. cap. 10. of his learned commentaries of auncient Germanie And also Becanus Franci●or doth affirme that the Tencterians did obtaine the seate of the auncient Sygambrians But it is likely that the limits thereof were heretofore farre larger seeing they write that it reached unto Friesland and to the sea But now they do possesse more Towns and Villages from the Drusian ditch that is Yssela even to the Westphalians The chiefe Cittie thereof is Zutphanium whence the Province is named which seemeth to be so called from the Marishes as if it were Zuitveen that is the Southerne Marsh being situate at the mouth of the River Berekel and on the right hand bancke of Yssela It hath beene a Countie from the yeare of Christ 1107 at what time the Counties of Gelderland and Zutphania were united by the marriage of Otto Nassovius with Sophia of Zutphania the daughter of Wichmann But now Zutphania with the Territorie thereof is one of the 17 Provinces of the Low Countries and albeit as Sandenus saith they were united together 500. yeares before yet they used their owne lawes and rights different and distinct from Gelderland This Cittie is populous plentiful being seated on a Low ground and fortified with waters It was alwayes governed by a learned Senate skilfull both in the Common law and their Countrie Law to which the Iudges of the neighbour Townes when they doubted of any matter which was brought before them were wont to referre the hearing and to desire their opinion of it which when they had received they esteemed as an Oracle so that the ordinarie could not reverse or change any thing There are foure lesser walled townes in this Countrie which have v●yce in the publicke assemblies Do●sbur● Do●ticum Lochemum Gre●●a But the free Territorie is distinguished into foure Praefectureships and as many Baronies The Praefectureships are Het Drosten Ampt Van Zutphen het Schotten Ampt Van Zutphen Richter Ampt Van Doesborch Drosten Ampt van Bredefort The Baronies are Bergha which is also a Countie Bronckhorst Bearwisch And there is at this day a controversie betweene those of Munster as Sandenus witnesseth and the Lords of Anholt whether Anholt doe belong to this Province But that I may come to a conclusion this Cittie endured much miserie in the last warres for it was taken and sackt by the Spaniards in the yeare of Christ 1572 and afterward it was taken by Iohn Bapt. Taxius in the yeare 1583. At length in the yeare of Christ 1591. Grave Maurice beseiged it for the States of the Low Countries and freed it from Spanish servitude and joyned it to the united Provinces THE COVNTIE OF ZVTPHANIA ZVTPHANIA COMITATVS THE BISHOPRICK OF VLTRAIECTVM THE BISHOPRICKE OF VLTRAIECTVM ULTRAIECTUM Dominium This Bishop Balderick who as these verss doe mention walled this Cittie was surnamed Clivensis and Charles the Bald King of France and Emperour of Germany gave him the Citties of Daventria and Tiela with all the Territories thereunto adjoyning both for repairing the Cathedrall Church and for his government in his Bishopricke It appeareth that this Cittie was heretofore called Antonia not onely by the aforesayd verses but also by the testimony of divers writings and by inscriptions upon coyne and auncient stones and monuments found heretofore Yet it is doubtfull whether this name were derived from Antoninus the Romane Senator for some do report that it was so called from Marcus Antonius who was at that time Caesars embassador in France who afterward together with Octavianus Augustus and Marcus Lepidus did assume unto themselves the whole government of the Romane Commonwealth Lastly others doe alleage that it was so called from the Emperour Marcus Antoninus Pius who did reëdifie it when it was decayed Vltrajectum is situate by the old channell of Rhene which River before that it broke into ●●●ca did runne that way and from thence did hasten onward to the Ocean And now the inhabitants by trenches and ditches have brought the two Rivers Wo●rda and L●yda unto the Cittie that way which the River Rhene came heretofore Moreover it is observeable that this Cittie is so seated that in one day you may goe on foote to which you please of fiftie Townes which stand round about it being no farther distant from it than wee sayd before as appeareth also by the Geographicall Table all of which before these troublesome times of warre did belong
in vaine they committed themselves in the yeare 1506 into the Protection of Edzard Earle of East Friesland and afterward dismissing Edzard because he was not able to resist the Saxon and the Emperour they tooke the oath of alleagiance to Charles Duke of Gelderland so at length George the sonne of Albert Saxon did surrender and yeeld up all Groninga and West Friesland to the Emperour Charles the fifth as to the chiefe Lord thereof This occasioned warres betweene the Austrians and the Gelderlanders whereby it came to passe that the Groningians being wearied with continuall warres did yeeld themselves in the yeare 1515 unto Caesar as Prince of Brabant and Holland It is a pleasant Countrie and full of faire pasture grounds except toward Druenttum where it is moorish The Cittie is strongly fortified with ditches and trenches being very wide and spacious adorned with many magnificent publicke and private buildings The suburbs whereof some few yeares agoe was much enlarged and the new Cittie was joyned to the old and so the Cittie was more strongly fortified against the invasion of enemies than before There are twelve Churches in it of which there are three Parish Curches as they call them five belonging to Monasteries and foure belonging to Guesthouses The fairest and auncientest of all the Parish Churches is S. Martines having a high steeple although the top thereof be somewhat decayed and heretofore it was devoted to heathen superstition It was made a Bishops seate in the yeare 1569 by Pope Paul the third which Iohn Carisius of Vliraj●●●um was the first and last that possessed it This Cittie is populous and rich and it hath a large jurisdiction Here Rodolphus Agricola the learnedest man in those times was borne whose bookes are still approved by the learned He dyed at Heidelberg in the yeare 1485 on whom Hermolaus Barbarus a noble man of Venice bestowed this Epitaph Invida ●lauserunt hoc marmore fata Rudolphum Agricolam Frisij spemque decusque soli Scilicet hoc vivo meruit Germania laudis Quicquid habet Latium Graecia quicquid habet The envious fates heere have shut Within this Marble Tombe Rudolphus Agricola by whose worth Friesland much honour wonne For while he lived Germany did inherrit All praise which Greece and Italy could merit Also this Cittie was the birth place of Wesselus Bassilius a most excellent Philosopher who dyed in the yeare 1584 also Reinerus Predinius Hieron Verutius and many others were borne here There is a great Free Towne in this Province called Damme which is but two miles distant from Groninga and it hath 145 villages some whereof are fairer and greater than the rest Concerning other matters you shall finde them accurately described by Vbbo Emmius THE LORDSHIP OF GRONINGA THE LORDSHIP OF TRANS-ISSELANIA THe Trans-Issilanians doe inhabite that part which was the Seate of the auncient Frenchmen which the most learned Hadrian Iunius doth largely and accurately declare And the name of Frenchmen signifies as much for the Low countrey men being wearie of servitude when they increased in wealth would needs be called Franci because they had gotten their liberty and enfranchised themselves whom Agathias a Greeke writer did place about Rhene in these words The Frenchmen doe dwell about Rhene and doe inhabite the adjacent Countries round about and they were next unto the Sicambrians which Claudianus and Sidonius Apollinaris doe expresly shew as also Gregorie Turonensis and Venantius Fortunatus It is now called Trans-Issulana because it is situate beyond the River Isela It was also the seate of the auncient Salians and also of the Tencterians which are now thought to be the Drentinians and the Tubantum which as Iunius writeth in his Batavia were the Tuentenians This Countrey is now divided into three parts that which is neere to Isala is called Salandia that which is beyond V●t●h●● is called Druenta that which is next to Westphalia is called Twenta But Druenta and Twenta were conferred on the Bishop of old Trajectum after the yeare of Christ 1046. Also Amelandia Gora Daventria and also all Trans-Issulana by the donation and guilt of the Emperour and so it continued for many yeares under his governmen even untill the yeare 1528 when being wearied with warre they yeelded themselves to the Emperour Charles the fifth on certaine conditions as Duke of Brabant and Earle of Holland Trans-Issula hath on the North West Friesland on the South the Countie of Zutphania on the East Westphalia and on the West the River Isela The Countrie is plaine and fruitfull and full of Corne. It containeth eight walled Citties which have their owne priviledges and immunities as Meppela Geelmuda Coevordia Hardenberga Omma Almeloa Gora Diepenhemium Delda and Enscheda The States doe consist of two members the first whereof are the officers and nobles the latter are the Magistrates of the three capitall Citties Daventria is seated by the River Issela which is the Metropolis of the Country which is a large Cittie and beautified with many publike and private buildings and fortified with walls Towers and Bulwarkes heretofore it was a famous place of studdie from whence came Gerardus surnamed the Great whose workes are much esteemed by Divines also Alexander Heggius who first revived the Greeke tongue in Belgia and may worthily boast of his scholler Erasmus In this Cittie also there were borne Iames of Daventria THE LORDSHIP OF TRANS-ISSALANIA Ditio TRANSISULANA an excellent Geographer Everard Bron●korst a Lawyer and Professor at Leiden also Ortui●us Gracius Ioannes Dorrius Iohn S●nthemius and Rodolphus Pythopaeus and others It is now the chiefe Cittie of the Ansuarians whom they commonly call A●se steden Campi is on the left hand bancke of the River Isela not farre from the mouth thereof being foure miles distant from Daventria This Cittie is also very large lying lengthwayes and hath faire houses in it here Albertus Pightus was bone also Iohn Campensis a Divine Harmanus Cruserus a Physitian and Theodore Peter were borne heere Heretofore it was more famous for merchandising in regard of the depth of the Haven than it is now Swolla is a pleasant Cittie and fortified with a double ditch It hath on one side the River Isela on the other Vetchta which are not farre from it There are also other lesser walled townes as Volenhovia by the Lake Fl●vum Steenvicum by the River Aa and Hasseletum by the River Vidrum or Ve●●ta Also Oetmersia and Oldensalia the last of which is an auncient Towne of the Salians which Baldericke of Vltrajectum walled about and did found there a Colledge of Cannons THE COVNTIE OF ARTESIA ARtesia containeth a great part of those people which Caesar calleth the Atrebatians from the chiefe Cittie which he calleth Atrebatum But Mar●us Niger doth place here the Ambianians And Ptolomie also doth place Atrebatium betweene the river S●an● and Phrudium which is now called la Somme But the new name of Artesia is derived from the Metropolis called Arras as it were Aratesia by the figure Syncope and it
is commonly called Artois The bounds thereof are on the North Flanders from which it is parted by the River Lisa and the New ditch on the South and West it is bounded with Picardie on the East with Flanders and Cam●racum The ayre is cleare and swee●e the Countrie fruitfull and especially of corne of which it hath not onely sufficient plentie for it self but also it furnisheth Flanders Brabant and other Countries It is the barne and Granarie for Antwerp and Mechlin It hath no wine rather by slothfulnesse of the inhabitants than the unfruitfulnesse of the soyle or climate This Countrie heeretofore belonged to Flanders for Charles the Bald gave it to Baldwin Arduennatus for a Dowry with his wife Iudith Afterward Philip Alsasius when he marryed his Nephew Isabella to Philip son of Ludovicke the seaventh King of France he gave her all West Flanders for her dowry that is all that tract of ground which lyeth from the new Ditch even to Picardie Afterward Philip in the yeare 1195 made it a County and gave it to his sonne Ludovicke who was first Earle of Artesia afterward King of France and the father of Ludovicke the holy But in the yeare 1382 Ludovicke Malanus Earle of Flanders after the decease of his Mother was made Earle of Artesia and so both the Counties were united againe But after the decease of Charles the Bold Duke of Burgundie Ludovick the eleventh King of France did regaine Artesia which afterward by an agreement and covenant made betweene Charles the eighth King Maximilian the Emperour was passed over Anno 1492 to Ph●lip of Austria the son of Maximilian the father of Charles the fifth The chiefe Citties are Atrebatum the Church of S. Audomare Bethunia Aria and Bapalma the others are lesse Atrebatum commonly called Arras or Atrecht is situated neere the River Scarpa it is a great Towne well fortified with ditches and Bulwarkes it doth resemble two Citties one of which they call la Cité which belongeth to the Bishop and the other la V●lle which belongeth to the Prince The former part is lesser but very pleasant and hath a Cathedrall Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary Heere a certaine kinde of Manna was religiously kept as a relique which Saint Hierome in his Epistles doth report did raine downe in his time in this Country This part is larger and hath faire houses and streetes and a great Market place besides it hath a Library in which are all kind of written manuscripts especially of Divine Heere Francis Baldvin a famous Lawyer was borne upon whose Monument at Paris there is this inscription Cujaci Balduinus hic jacet Hoc tecum reputa vale Mortuis nobis juris prudentiam gravis corripi sopor Franc. Bald Iurise ob anno aet 54. November 11. a partu Virgiuis 1563. Papirius Massonus Balduini auditor P that is Whose monument is this Baulduine lyeth here Thinke on that and so farewell Franc. Bald a Lawyer dyed in the yeare of his age 54. on the 11. of November and after the birth of Christ 1563. Papirius Massonus an hearer of Baldvini did place this monument In this Cittie the most learned and eloquent Charles Clusius was borne who after he had travelled through many Countries he spent his old yeares in this Athens and Batavia and there he finished those his famous workes which deserve immortall fame The Citty is populous enough because there are some merchants and some trades men The Church of S. Audomare was heretofore called Sithin as Meyerus witnesseth afterward it was called S. Omer from S. Audomar This Audomar was bishop of the Morineans about the yeare 1570 and built a Monasterie there neere the River Aa This Cittie excelleth both for beautie and populousnesse of the Cittizens Some thinke it to be Itius Portus as wee have sayd in the description of Bononia Three miles hence neere the River Lisa there was also the auncient Metropolis of the Morineans called Teroana concerning which I have spoken in the same description Bethunia also is a faire Towne in Atribatum being a Granarie for wheate It flourisheth with all kinde of commodities as corne and other things which are necessary to sustaine mans life and fit to be transported Aria is seated by the River Lisa which runneth through the middle of it it is two miles distant from Teroana being a faire Towne and well fortified It hath an auncient Castell and neate buldings There is also Hesdinunt which is a strong fortresse against France which Caesar after he had raced the Towne which was of the same name builded by occasion of the warre that was betweene the most powerfull Princes of Europe It is conveniently seated on the banke of the River Canchia one mile neerer towards France being foure miles distant from Monstrolium and 5 from S. Paul It is watered also with another River commonly called Blangis from the place where it springeth So that in regard of the convenient situation thereof it is accounted a strong Fortresse and in regard of the lawes and Priviledges which auncient Hesdinum did enjoy it was soone replenished with inhabitants Neere to S. Omers there is a Lake full of fish in which there are floating Islands which with a rope tyde to the trees growing thereon or with long poles may be shou'd and drawne up and down like those which Plinie mentioneth to be in Lycia called the Calaminae Neither are there small pieces of Land for Oxen other Cattle THE COVNTIE OF ARTESIA ARTESIA may feede and graze upon them Vnder these Islands in the Winter and Summer time great store of fish doe hide themselves to avoyde both the cold and heate The chiefe Rivers are Lisa Scarpa Aa Canchia and Anthia besides other navigable Rivers There is also not farre from Teroana a great Channell which they call the new ditch some thinke it was digd in the time of the Earle Baldwin either to hinder the enemies excursions or to distinguish and set limits betweene the confines of Flanders and Artesia others thinke it to be a bay of the Sea Virgill truely doth acknowledge that the Morians were neere unto the Sea when he calleth them the farthest inhabitants But now Teroana is eight miles from the Sea Besides out of the bottome of the new ditch there are oftentimes peeces of Anchors drawne up which is a certaine argument that the Sea was neere unto it It hath also some woods especially Westward and Southward The Politicke state of Artesia doth consist of three orders the Clergie the Nobles and the speciall Citties the first member is the clergie in which there are 2 Bishops the Bishop of Atrebatum and S. Omers 2 Provosts Bethuniensis and Ariensis 20 Abbots to whom belong these Monasteries of the order of S. Benedict 8 namely Atrebatense Aquicinctense Aus●in S. Omers Blang●acense Montense Hamense or Hames and Alsiacense Of the order of S. Augustine 7 as Auriacense S. Eloy of Choques of Hennin of Lietard of Rasell● v●lla of Mar●ul Aquicurtense
martiall discipline they speake French but corruptly There are few merchants and Tradesmen but a great company of Nobles but such as be either the Princes Bastards or comming of a base stocke THE COVNTIE OF NAMVRCIVM POntus Huterus Lib. 2. cap. 3. concerning Belgia writeth that the Countie of Namurcium was heretofore inhabited partly by the Advaticans and partly by the Eburonians It is situate betweene Brabant Hannonia and the Dioecesse of Leodium being a small mountainous Territory but very pleasant It is populous in inhabitants who are very much addicted to warfare it hath a sweete and temperate ayre and rivers full of fish the chiefe whereof are Mosa and Sambra it hath also cleare Springs and woods for delight of hunting which are full of wilde beasts It hath also Mines of Iron and Lead and stone Quarries in which divers kinds of Stones are cut forth and especially blacke marble and stones like Iasper and of late they digged forth those stones which are good to burne which assoone as they have taken fire doe kindle by degrees and are quenched with oyle but water makes them burne more hotter they are commonly called Leodian coales the learned doe call them Lithanthracus It is not manifest when this Country was made a Countie We reade of Marquesses and Earles of Namurcium from the yeare of Christ 277 but in broken and interrupted succession but concerning the Princes of this Country Gram●aius well best informe us in his history of Namurcium Namurcium is 10 miles broad and 12 miles long There are foure walled Citties in this Countie and 182 Villages And many Noblemens Castells Also many Abbeys The government of the Common-wealth belongeth to three orders namely the Clergie the Nobility and the Burgesses of Citties Namurcum or Namucum is the chiefe Cittie but it is not knowne from whence the name thereof is derived some derive Namurcum from Nanus a Heathen god famous for delivering of Oracles others from a new wall which the Normanes built Huterus supposeth it to be that which Caesar calleth Nemetoenna This Citty is situated betweene two Mountaines on the left hand banke of Mosa where it receiveth the River Sambra being fortified both by Art and Nature It is rich and hath many faire publicke and private aedifices and buildings In this Citty there is a royall Counsell from whence appeales are brought to the high Court at Mechlin It is also a Bishops seate whose Cathedrall Church is consecrated to S. Albine The Cittizens speake French but corruptly there are a few Merchants and Tradesmen in this Citty but a great company of Nobles Three miles from Namurcum there is the rich towne Audennas in which there is an auncient Nunnery of Noble women built by Begga the daughter of Pipin from whom they were first called Baggine Vestalls Also betweene Namurcum and Dinantum on the mountaine Palvagius there are some ruines of the auncient Cittie Caprimont which was wasted in the Leodiensian warres Foure miles from Namurcum is Bovinae a little Towne by the River Mosella which the Earle Henry walled anno 11●6 In the yeare 1554 in the time of the French warre it was razed downe to ground But afterward the Cittizens did reëdifie it Walcuria which the Dutchmen call Waelhovan is situated 7 miles from Namurcum on the banck of the river Aurca it was first a Castell and afterward about the yeare 910 it was walled about Carlomont was built by Charles the fifth Anno 1555 against the Frenchmen who then possessed Marieburg it hath an impregnable Castell it is situated on the left hand bancke of the River Mosa three miles from Marieburg THE COVNTIE OF MAMVRCIVM NAMURCUM Comitatus THE DVKEDOMF OF LVTZENBVRG THe Dukedome of Lutzenburg is so named from the chiefe Cittie which as some suppose was so called from the River Elza which Antoninus calleth Alesontia From Elza came Elzenburch and from thence Lutzenburg Peter Dinaeus doth give another opinion concerning Lutzenburg in these words It is not to be doubted saith he but that the Leutians did dwell next to the Treverians Mediomatricians and Lingonians their Townes Tullus and Nasium celebrated by Ptolemie doe keepe the names of Toul and Nancy in their owne language I beleeve they were called de Lutzen and had a large command so that the name of the famous Towne of Lutzenburg was derived from them as if you should say der Lutzenburg The Leodians and Namurcians doe bounder this Dutchie on the North on the East Mosella with the Bishopricke of Trevers on the West Mosa with the wood Arden The compasse or circuite of the whole Country is 70 miles Although this Countrie be mountainous and wooddy yet it hath a plenteous and fruitfull soyle It is divided into two parts the one wherof is called Famenna and the other Arduenna Famenna is more fruitfull and hath greater store of corne coyne Arduenna is more rugged but affordeth good hunting and is full of divers excellent kindes of wilde beasts There is Iron Oare not farre from Manderscheid in the Lordships of Keyla Cronenberch and Sleida neere to a vale called Hellenthal In this place there are made Anvills Fornaces and Vices which are sold through all parts of Germany It was but a Countie at the first and so the Emperour Henry the seaventh was Earle of Lutzenburg but not Duke Afterward it was made a Dukedome at it continueth at this day which some doe attribute to Wenceslaus a King of the Romanes and others to Charles the fourth Conradus Vercetius doth asc●●be it to Henry the seaventh who was the first Romaine Emperour of that house Ortelius writeth that he found in auncient Manuscript that Sigifride was the first Earle of this County and that he was the sonne of Tacuinus Duke of Mosella For heretofore Lutzenburg did belong to the Treverians It hath 20 Citties fortified with walls and Rampiers the names whereof are Lutzenburg Arlunum Rodemachera Theonis villa Gravemacherum Vianda Bastonacum Mommedium Novum Castrum Danvillerium Marvilla Roccha Durbis S. Vitiurbs Marza and Sala There are also some Citties whose Walls THE DVKEDOME OF LVTZENBVRG Trier et Lutzōborg are levelled with the ground There are also the Castells of S. Iohn and Manders●he●d which are as bigge as small Citties and have Counties belonging to them The chiefe Cittie is Lutzenburg some call it Lu●emburg and Luceburg Ptolomie calls it Augusta Romandiorum Gu●●●●ar●●● would have it called Lutzenburg as it were Lucisburg that is the Castell of the Sunne as also many other places in this tract may seeme to have beene named from the gods of the Gentiles as Arlu● from the Altar of the Moone Iucis from Iupiter 〈◊〉 from Mars but whether the name be rightly derived from hence let another judge The Cittie is situate most pleasantly part of it on the side of a Mountaine and part of it on plaine ground The River Elza doth water and divideth the higher and lower mountainous part of the Cittie from the lower part There are many faire
and famous Villages in this Province but will onely name three unwalled Citties First Ivosium which is 12 miles from Lutzenburg and foure from Mommedy being heretofore a good strong Town but at last Henry the second King of France begirt it round with an Armie in the yeare 1552. and tooke it but afterward a peace being made it was restored backe againe to Philip the second King of Spaine but the walls were ruinated as at Teroana and a law was made that it should not be walled in againe Chinium is 12. miles from Lutzenburg which is unwalled but by degrees it is reedified It hath a County belonging to it although it be subject to the Archdukes and hath a large jurisdiction over some townes and Villages neither is it subject to the Dukedome of Lutzenburg but is joyned unto it Twelve miles from Lutzenburg standeth the Towne la Ferte neere the River Chirsus being heretofore a pleasant Cittie and now also it flourisheth although it be unwalled and a great part of the Castell be fallen downe but so much concerning these things Let us passe to Limburg THE DVKEDOME OF LIMBVRG with the Appendances thereunto THe Dukedome of Limburg which this Table doth exhibit and present being so called from Limburg the Metropolis thereof is bounded on the West with Leodium and Trajectum which are two famous Citties by the River Mosa on the North with the Dukedome of Iul●acum on the East with the Emperiall Cittie Aquisgranum and the Monastery of S. Cornelius on the South with the Countries of Francimont and Aqua Spadana All this tract as it is pleasant in Summer so in winter it is unpleasant in regard it is covered all that time with snow which is so deepe that it lyeth in many places a great part of Summer The soyle is fruitfull and hath abundant stoare of all things except wine For it beareth excellent Barly and wheate of which they make very white bread There are good pastures for feeding of Cattell and for making of Cheese And it yeeldeth many wholesome Hearbes both for Sallets and Physicke There is also great stoare of Sulphure through the hollow crannyes whereof it is likely that the hot fountaines at Aqua Spadana so famous for many ages doe runne As of late there is found in those parts a Mine of Lead and Tinne and it is probable that a Veine of gold and silver may be found hereafter in those places Moreover betweene Walhormus and Montzius there is a Mine found of that ash colour stone of which brasse is made which is also medicinall which Plinye calls Cadmia and the brasen stone being not much unlike the stone Pyritos The words of Pliny Lib. 34. cap. 1. are these Fit aes è Lapide aeroso quem vocant Cadmiam That is And there is brasse made of a brasen stone which they call Cadmia The Germaines call it Covaltum and the Shops call it Climia and Cathimia It seemeth that the like stone was found in the I le of Cyprus but on this side the Alpes there is none sound but this in Limburg The Countrie of Limburg was heretofore a Countie but it was made a Dukedome in the yere 1172 by the Emperour Frederick surnamed Barbarossa the Princes of this Countrie were heretofore also Duks of Lotaringia At length Henry the last Duke of Limburg dying without issue Iohn the first of that name Duke of Brabant did succeede him in the yeare 1293. He albeit he had lawfully before bought this Dukedome yet he got and purchased it by the sword and overthrew Raymund Earle of Gelderland who then possessed it in which battell the Earle of Gelderland and the Bishop of Gelderland were taken There were slaine Henry Prince of Luxenburg and his three brothers who did ioyne themselves with the Earle of Gelderland Duke Iohn having gotten this Victory did race and demolish the Castell commonly called Woronc and leveld it with the ground and so from that time the Dukedome of Limburg came to be governed by the Dukes of Brabant Out of this Dukedome and from the Prince thereof which came of the Lotharingian family the first King of Portugall was descended namely Henry Duke of Lotharingia and Earle of Limburg a man of a great courage and ready in matter of armes as the Annalls of Spaine doe more fully and plainely deliver and we our selves have mentioned it before in the description of Portugall The Metropolis or mother Cittie of the whole Dukedome is Limburg being situated on a high rocke and fortified with a rugged deepe valley it is inaccessible rather by the naturall situation of the place than by humaine industrie unlesse it be on the South where the ground rising somewhat higher descendeth by degrees from the Cittie untill it openeth into a faire plaine In the lower part of this Cittie on the Northside there is a Castell built of pure Marble being a kind of Common Iasper of which this Country yeeldeth great store both neere the Towne of Hevermont and also in other places It is no wonder that the Cittie was seated on so high a rocke especially if you behold the suburbs thereof which were heretofore twice as bigge as the Cittie Whereby it came to passe that the Castell was built in the middle that so it might command the Cittie and the suburbs But Gastonius Spinola Earle of Bruacum is now governour of this Dukedome and of all the Country beyond Mosa and to prevent all violent attempts hath made two new Gates in this Citty to represse the violence and treacherie of enemies The Cittie is watered with the River Wesius which is full of excellent Trouts that are as bigge as any Salmons and great store of Crab-fishes which the aforesayd River or Rivulet for sometimes the Channell is very small doth feede fat while they live betweene stones and clefts of rockes Iohn Fleming a Cittizen of Antwerpe a learned man and a famous Poet was borne in this Citty and Remaclius Fuscht●● a great Scholler who published many books and divers workes was borne here also The Townsemen for the most part doe follow cloathing and doe make every yeare great store of cloath and doe transport it into divers parts of the Low Countries Neere the Cittie there is much Iron made in a fornace and worke-house ordained for the same purpose so that 6000 Caroli doe not defray the yearely charge thereof But the Cittie hath no beautifull buildings in it For it is but small and hath onely two Gates and the ascent unto it is very steepe It hath one Church consecrated to S. George which hath a provost This Cittie was yeelded to Iohn of Austria when he brought his armie thither a certaine Captaine having betrayed the Castell of Hende unto him before He that was governour of the place desired the States to furnish him with provision and munition assoone as he heard that Iohn of Austria was comming with an armie to beseige the Cittie and promised the States that
who wanting wood did burne bones and kept fire with them And there is so great plenty of this turffe as that it doth not onely serve the inhabitants but also other neighbour Countries There are diverse kindes of it which doe differ in colour lightnesse and the whitenesse of their ashes There is one bad light and spongie kinde of turffe of a Mosse colour which is of no esteeme for use which in burning maketh those that stand by as pale as Lead and to looke like Ghosts the smell whereof doth cause many to swound but a little salt sprinkled on it taketh it away The other is thicker and fuller of seggs and waightier and serveth for divers uses The third kinde is as hand as a bricke and whereas the other swim in the water this sinketh it is hard to take fire but being once kindled it keepeth fire a long time it is of an ash colour and is digged on a Moorish ground In Zeland also there is a kinde of turffe made of Moorish earth which they call Daria Also the Countrie people of Friesland have a certaine kinde of turffe made of mud tempered and mingled with straw ●eedes and hay and afterward dryed in the Sunne but the smoale thereof is very trouble some for the eyes This Country of Friesland was heretofore a Kingdome even to the tune of Charles the Great after whose decease it was troubled although before it was subject to the government of Denmarke and Norway But at length it enjoyed some Halcyon dayes of quiet under the reigne of the Emperour Charles the fifth who was a peaceable prince There are 12 Citties in Friesland Leuwarden is the Metropolis of all Friesland and a rich Cittie which as it is adorned beautified with many private houses so it is strongly fortified with a Castle rampires against the assaults of enemies The Court of Iudgement and the Chancery for all Friesland is kept heere from whence there is no appeale Neere unto it is Zutchemum in the Country of Vichlijm Doccum is 2 mile distant having a fertile soile faire Meddowes It is distant from the Bay of the sea 1 mile was heretofore subject to Gelderland Sneca in the Country of Westergoyum is situated three miles from Leovardia in a low waterish soyle so that it beares no come but hath faire Meddowes It was a Cittie about 200 yeeres agoe but in processe of time it grew so great so that it is now equall to any Cittie in Friesland It hath produced many good wittes Ioachim Hopper was borne and bred in it who was not onely a light and Ornament to this Cittie but also to all Friesland and the Low Countries Also Peter of Fritema a Lawyer and Albertus Hero a Philosopher and Divine were borne here and many other learned men Staveren is situate on the shoare of the South Sea The Country neere unto it is plaine being full of ditches and Marshes This Cittie hath no magnificent building in it but a strong Castell which standeth over the haven which was founded by George Scheneke Governour of Friesland in Charles the fifth's name in the yeere 1522 that so the Burgundians might conveniently send thither souldies and provision for the warre out of the neighbour Citties of Holland Plinny Lib. 4. cap. 15. calleth the ●nhabitants Sturians Harlinga is situated by the jawes of the South Sea a mile distant from Franicum it hath a fertile soyle and a Castle well fortified against the invasions of Enemies and a convenient Haven for it affordeth a fit and necessary habitation for those which come out of North Friesland and East Germanie whereupon great stoare of people did flocke thither being allured with the convenience of the place so that by this confluence of people the Cittie was much enlarged Franicum is denominated from the Frenchmen heere Iohn Vlptus was borne who was most skilfull in the three languages It hath a publicke Vniversitie There are also these Citties Damna Bolswardum Ilsta Sloten Worchum and Hindclopen There are many Islands in Friesland the chiefe whereof is Schellingana which is famous for the taking of Dogfish with Netts Groening is usually joyned with West-Friesland which maketh a province together with the Territorie belonging to it called Ommelanden Here Rodolphus Agricola the most learned man of his time was borne Also Wesselus or Basilius and Reinerus Perdinius famous Divines and Philosophers were borne here Friesland hath abundance of Lakes and Marshes as we sayd before and it is watered with the Rivers Laubacum which some call Lavica and Labola now Lauwers and Amisis It hath on the South a very large Bay which is now called Zuyderzee as it were the Southerne straite The Politicke state of Friseland doth consist of three principall parts which are The County of Oestergow the Metropolis whereof is Leovardia and is divided into these Praefectureships Lowarderadeel in which is Leovardia Tietzericksterdeel in which is T●ettzarcke Ydardacel in which is Ydaert Rauwerdeahem in which is Rauwart Ferwerderadeel in which is Ferwert Dongerded in which is Wetzens Dantummedeel in which is Dantumna Wolt Acht Kerspelen in which is Suyrhusum● Colmerlandt in which is Collum Vesterlant in which is Be●tz Smalingerlandi in which was Smalingerlee an Abby of the order of Saint Benedict The Countie of Westergow in which are Grieteneyen Wonseradeel in which is Witmarssum Framckeradeel in which is Franiker Banadeel in which is Mimersgae Meynaldummadeel in which is Minaldum Baerderadeel in which is Baerdt Hennarderadeel in which is Hennaert Weynbritz eradeel in which is Gawe Gheesterlandt in which is Wickel The Countie of Sevenwolden in which are Grieteneyen Donyewerstal in which is Donigae Leemster Vijfgae in which is Lemmer A●nghevaert in which is Cathry band● Schottorelandt in which are Nye and Olde Schotten Wittingerdeel in which is Oldehorn Hasscher Vijfgae in which is Hasscherborn But all Friesland and Groeningland is subject to the Bishop of Trajectum THE COVNTIE OF EMBDANVM AND OLDENBVRG HItherto we have described Germanie in generall our Method now requireth that we should entreate of the severall parts This Table containeth two Counties the Countie of Embden and Oldenburg the Countie of Embdane is so called from the chiefe Cittie thereof and now it is called East Friesland because it confineth on Friseland For the Frieslanders did not heretofore possesse it but the Chaucians of which Plinny and Ptolomie make two sorts the greater and the lesser The greater are those that doe inhabit the Bishopricke of Bremes the lesser are the Embdanians and Oldenburgians Forasmuch as Ptolemie seateth them betweene the River Amisis and Visurgis his words are these They saw also in the North the Nation of the Chaucians who are called the greater and the lesser where the Sea floweth up every day and night so that it is doubtfull whether it be Land or Sea Where the miserable people do get upon high hils and their cottages do flote when the Sea commeth in and doe seeme like shipwrackes when it ebbeth
backe againe They have no Cattell nor milke as their neighbours have nor can they kill any wilde beasts because there is no shrubbes nor harbour for them They make thred of Bulrushes and reedes to weave fishing Netts and so making a fire with a little dryed mud they boyle their meate and warme themselves Their drinke is raine water which they keepe in trenches before their houses In this manner the Chaucians lived heretofore But now they are much changed for now the Countrie doth afford foode not onely for the inhabitants but also for the neighbour Countries But heretofore it was a rude unhabited place so that Plinnie never mentioneth that Corne or any other fruites did grow heere but now where is there greater plentie It had heretofore no fruittrees but now it beareth all kindes of trees They had heretofore no Cattell nor Milke but where is greater plenty now For nature hath given them a champion Country full of faire Meddowes being of a fat soyle and having many pleasant pastures which are well replenished and stoared with innumerable flockes and heards of Cattell Which appeareth by that wonderfull great plenty of excellent good Butter and Cheese which is made here which to the great gaine and benefit of the inhabitants is transported to divers Countries and through all Germanie Also the fertilitie of this Countrie appeareth by the fat and great Oxen which many thousands doe graze within the Meddowes and doe grow so fat that forraine Nations doe much esteeme of them Besides heere is excellent hunting So that this Countrie is now of so rich a soyle that it needeth no supply from neighbour Countries for it hath such stoare of horses Oxen Cattell Hogges Wooll Butter Cheese Barly Oates Wheate Beanes Pease and Salt so that it doth yeerely transport great plentie thereof to the Countries round about it and those which are more remote Moreover the Emperour Fredericke the third Anno 1465 when this province was governed by divers Praefects did make it a Countie and gave it to one Vdalrich Afterward it had Earles continually even untill our time There are two walled Citties in that Countie Embda and Arichum Embda or Embdena commonly called Embden is the chiefe Cittie of this Countrie and a famous Mart Towne seated by the mouth of the River Amisis having a convenient Haven the Channell whereof is so deepe that great ships may come in under sayle so that for wealth for the publicke and private building and for the multitude of Cittizens it is known not onely in Germanie but also in all parts of Europe One of the chiefest Ornaments is the Earles sumptuous pallace the great Church and the Praetors house Heere is wonderfull plenty of all things both for necessity and pleasure which the Haven and the conveniencie of importation of goods and also the naturall fertilitie of Friesland doth yeeld The Cittie is so called from the River Ems which Tacitus calleth Amisia The other Cittie is Aurichum which is a pleasant retiring place for the Nobilitie in regard of Woods and Forrests in which they doe freely recreate themselves with Hawking and hunting The Cittizens are rich and doe give themselves either to merchandise or some mechanicke trade There are an infinite many of Castells and Townes in this Countie And such a number of Villages that one doth even joyne upon another The most whereof both for faire houses large streets and populousnesse may compare with some Citties of Germanie Neither doe rusticke people or husbandmen onely live in them but also Merchants and divers kinds of artificers and some of the Nobility There are also two other Counties which are subject to the Earle of Embda Esensis and Ieverensis so called from their chiefe townes the Countrie Ieverensis is situated beyond the River Iada Westward and doth containe eighteene Villages On the North where the River Visurgis doth discharge it selfe into the Sea these two Islands doe lye against it Wangeroga and Spikeroga which are for the most part unhabited The Countie Esensis lyeth neere the Sea shoare and doth confine on I●veria on the West it is bounded with Berumna and Auriacum on the North with the Sea The Lord thereof Hajo ab Husecke in the yeare 1380 when he had vexed his neighbours and tooke the ships of the Bremensians in the River Visurgis and had filled the Sea with Pirates and the Land with theeves and robbers at length after some light skirmishes with the Bremensians in which hee had the worst he sled to Elsena and being there taken by the Bremensians he was delivered to Edo W●mmik● Captaine of Ieveria who first ●ackt him and afterward cut him in peeces because he had without any just cause repudiated his Sister whom he had marryed before There is also in this table the Countie of Delmenhorst and the Lordships Ezes Norden Auricke Iever Vredeburg Ouelgunne and Rheyde The Rivers here are Amisis Visurgis Iada and others The inhabitants of this Countrie doe speake the Germaine Language but in secret matters they use a peculiar speech of their owne which strangers doe not understand They either give themselves to trades or husbandry or merchandise their apparell is very decent so that the Countrymen goe habited like Cittizens The women have a farre different habit from others For they put all their haire into a Call or Huicke which being full of silver buttons and knots they let it hang downe upon their backes In Sommer time they weare their haire in a red silke Call or Net which is adorned and wrought with silver And in winter they put on a hood of greene cloath which covereth all their head so that you can see nothing but their eyes and they call this kind of vestment Hat Their gowne or outward garment is gathered and quilted in small foldes even from the head to the Anckles and is so stiffened with s●ver and gold plates that when it is put off it will stand an end It is sometimes made of red Cloth and sometimes of greene The Countie of Oldenburg SO much concerning the Countie of Embda the Countie of Oldenburg followeth which was so called from the chiefe Cittie Oldenburg This Tract heretofore the lesser Caucians did inhabit as also the County Embda as we said before But the county of Oldenburg which this Table here presents unto your view from the East to the bank of the River Visurgis contains the Provinces of Stegingia which is subject to the Castle of Delmenhorst and Stadland which is divided into five Parishes and Butidia into seaven and Ieveria which is subject to it being a part of Friesland which hath foure and twentie parishes on the West it hath Amerlangia which stretcheth toward the River Amisis in the middle of the Morineans On the North it is bounded with Friesland and the Ocean on the South with the Diocese of Munster Albertus Crantzius Lib. 3. cap. 15. writeth that this is the auncientest Country of them all For he reckneth Lib. 2. cap. 30. Windekindus Duke of
the Catti The same Tacitus doth place the Cheruscians hard by them whence the Situation of their Country may be easily gathered for Dion the historian doth witnesse that they dwelt beyond Visurgis which may be also collected out of Tacitus But this first Table or Chart of Westphalia doth containe the Counties of Oldenburg Hoya Diepholt and the neighbouring Lordships The Politicke state of Westphalia does consist of three orders 1. The Clergie 2. the Nobles 3. the free Citties In the first order are the Bishops of Paderborne Leodium Vltrajectum Munster Cameracum Osnaburg Ferdensis and Mindensis The Abbots Werdensis Strablonensis S. Cornelius Munster Echternaokensis Corbei and Hervordensis and the Abbatesle Essensis In the second order are the Princes Earles and Barons as the Duke of Cleueland and the Countie of March the Duke of Iulia and Bergen The Marquesse of Baden the Earle of East Friesland or Embda the Earle of Sein the Earle of Dillenburg the Earle of Vernenberg THE FIRST TABLE OF VVESTPHALIA Wesphalia cum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Earle of Manderscheid the Earle of Weida and Ringelberg the Earle M●ursensis the Lord of Brunchorst the Earles of Steinford Benthem Dortmund Oldenburg the Lord of Ridburg the Earles of Hoya and Diepholt and Scaumburg the Lords of Spiegelberg and Vanenberg the Earles of Arenberg of Lip and the Lord of Somerauss In the third order which is of the free Citties there are Colen Aquisgranum under Wesel Durun Cameracum Dortmund Susatum Duysburg Hervord Brukel Wartburg Lemgow and Werden But so much of this now our order requires that we should unfold the Cities and townes of Westphalia But seeing we are to speake of the Dioecese of Bremes we will leave off for a while the description of Westphalia and returne to it againe in the following Tables and so will passe to the Bishopricke of Bremes THE BISHOPRICK OF BREMES THe Bishopricke of Rhemes commonly called Stifi Bremen so called from the Cittie hath the shape and figure of a triangled Isosceles whose almost equall sides are the Rivers Visurgis and Albis which doe meete at the highest corner nere the Peninsula which is named after a Tower built there for the defence of ships that passe that way The Base of it is a line drawne from the river Esta through the borders of the Country of Luneburg and Verdensis a little beneath the mouth of the River Allera which doth there discharge it selfe into Visurges For the River Esta is the limmit of the Countrie of Bremes and Hamburg which the River Sevena which is small at first but afterward emptyeth it selfe into Albis with three Channells doth divide from the Dukedome of Luneburg This Countrie is not every where of one soyle For the two farthest parts of the Dioecese of Bremes neere the bankes of the River Albis and Visurgis are very fat and fruitfull But the middle tract betweene Stada and Bremes over which the Merchants doe usually travell is full of barren sands Marshes and Bryars So that the Dioecese of Bremes is commonly compared to a Cloak or Mantle the two former parts whereof begin from the confluence and meeting of the River Albis and Visurgis and so falling downe to the banckes of both those Rivers are embrodered as it were with fruitfull fields and Meddowes but the other part is woven of a courser threed Heere the auncient Chaucians were formerly seated who held all that tract of ground from Visurgis even to Albis and Hamburg The Metropolis is Brema which Ptolomie Plinnie Appianus Pencerus and Ireni●us doe call Phabiranum it is commonly called Bremen It is a Hanse Cittie neere the River Visugis well fortified both by Art and naturall situation having faire streetes and being full of Cittizens and rich by merchandising and traffique It hath a faire Market place where there are markets kept weekely for all kinde of provision On one side of the Market place the Cathedrall Church standeth and on the other side the Senate house which hath a publike Wine Cellar under it in which the Senate doth keepe their wine and sell it for a reasonable price Which is a common custome in many Citties of Wandalia and Westphalia that the Senate maketh that which is got by wine charges defray publicke charges Brema was at first a poore Towne but as the Christian religion did encrease so it did increase also for which it is beholding to the Bishops thereof who made it a Metropolitan Cittie and graced it with the title of the mother Church of al the North and walled it about See the Catalogue of Bishops in M. Adams his ecclesiasticall history There is the Citty Stada or Stadum which is in the Archbishoprick of Breams being situate nere Zuinga on the Southerne banck of the River Albis it is the greatest Cittie in Saxonie There is also the Towne Buxtchuda This Country is watered with these Rivers Visurge Albi Esta which are full of fish as Ecles Lampryes and Salmons which those of Breames doe salt up and dry in the smoake so that the Cittizens doe sell them for rarities and make a greate gaine of them The Bremensians are by nature warlike industrious and somewhat inclined to sedition They love learning and liberall Artes especially when they have gotten them abroad by studying in forraine Countries but otherwise they are more addicted to merchandising than learning for they get their wealth by traffique and trading and by making long voyages So that almost all the Cittizens are either skilfull Merchants or Tradesmen or Shipwrights THE SECOND TABLE OF WESTPHALIA IN our description of Westphalia the Citties are among which the first is Munster the Metropolis or Mother Cittie of all Westphalia Ptolemie calls it Mediolanum as Pyrchaimerus thinketh it is commonly called Munster It is a very faire strong Cittie in which both learning and the Romaine Language did flourish 60 yeare since The Cittie of Munster nameth the whole Bishopricke which was so called of a famous monastery built there See Munster Lib. 3. of his Cosmographie Heere began the faction of the Anabaptists in the yeere of our Lord 1533 so that all of that sect did repaire hither where they chose one Iohn Buckholdus a Cobler to bee the head and ringleader of this sedition a Vulgar fellow fit for any attempt and farre excelling all the rest both for wit boldnesse eloquence and cunning Hee did not feare to stile himselfe King of Munster Whereupon the Bishoppe thought it meete to suppresse this sect and so being ayded and helped by the Archbishop of Colen and also the Duke of Cleveland after foureteene moneths seige hee obtained his Cittie And then hee commanded that the King should have some of his flesh pull'd off with hot Pincers and then he should be hung out of the Tower in Iron chaines Susatum or Soest is the richest and fairest Cittie next to Munster having tenne great Parishes They report themselves that it whas but a Castell at the first but afterward by degrees it became a very
Guicciardine and others doe contend that it was out of the Cittie halfe a mile from Limburg 5 miles from Leden 8 miles from the Tungrians neere the Towne Spa in a pleasant and delightfull Wood being a part of the Wood Arden This Fountaine hath a great vertue in curing desperate diseases as the Gout Dropsie Fevers and the like And heere the Country beginneth to be full of Mountaines in which there are rich Mines It hath also many shadie Woods which are parts of the Forrest of Arden which is so celebrated by Iulius Caesar One small part of it which is neere unto the Countie of Namurcium is called the Forrest Marlignia And so much concerning the Dioecese of Leden now we proceeed to the rest THE COVNTIE OF MVERS with the adjacent Countries IN this Table in which the Countie of Muers is lively described and delineated together with the Countries Citties and Rivers which doe encompasse this Countie we will onely describe those Countries which we have not described otherwheres namely these First the Countie of Muers afterward the Dukedome of Cleveland and lastly the Dukedome of Iuliacum The Countie of Muers commonly called Graefschaft Muers was so called from a Towne of the same Name On the East it hath the Dukedome of Bergen and the Countie of Marck on the West Gelderland on the South the Dioecese of Colen and the Dukedome of Iuliacum on the North Cleveland The Country yeeldeth great store of corne and hath many pleasant Meddowes The chiefe Towne is Muers which doth name the Countrie it standeth over against Dutsburg not farre from the left banck of the Rhene And so much concerning the Countie of Muers I come to the Dukedome of Cleveland which was so called from the Cliffes and there is a small Towne of that name neere the bancke of the Rhene which is built on three Cliffy bills It is boundered on the East with the Dukedome of Bergen the Countie of Marck and Westphalia on the North with the Countie of Zutphania Trans-Isalania and Batavia on the West with Gelderland and Leden on the East with Colen and Aquisgranum The Countrie hath a good and wholesome ayre it yeeldeth great store of Corne and pleasant Meddowes Here are divers kindes of living creatures and in some parts divers wilde beasts as oares Foxes Hares Connies Harts wilde Cats and wilde horses they have great store of Partridges Thrushes and Stares An innumerable sort of Duckes and great plentie of all kindes of provision They report also that Pipin and Charles Martell did give A●lius Gracilis when he flourished in wealth and power that part of Batavia which is now called Cleueland There succeeded after him Theodoricke Rhemhold Rudolphus Iohn Robert Balduine and others even to Iohn who was the 27 from A●lius and here the line was extinct Yet Adulphus was adopted by the Emperour and the provinces into this familie and in the Councell at Constantia the Emperour Sigismund created him Duke of Cleveland This Dukedome hath these Townes on the confines of France Xantum or Santen a Towne on the left bancke of the Rhene which Pig●ius heretofore called Trajana Colonia and Pyramus and many others Vetera it seemeth to be very auncient and of great antiquitie by those stones which are called Duynsteen of which great stoare are gathered out of the ruines Burichum or Burich is a small Towne situate over against Wesel hahaving pleasant fields and Meddowes round about it Clivia or Cleve is the head Towne of the Province not farre from the bancke of Rhene not far from that place where it spreadeth forth his armes and beginneth to Inile Batavia It was heretofore a very great Cittie as we may collect by the ruines thereof It was called Cleve because it is situate on three cliffie rockes neere the Rhene On the highest part of the three hills there is seated a high broade foure-square Towre with a faire Castle which they report was builded by Caius Iulius Caesar in his French warres as a Fort of defence against the Germaines which may be seene in these words written in the great Court of the Pallace by the Princes commandement Anno ab vrbe D●XCIIX C Iulius Dictator Ilis Partibus Subactis Arcem Clivens●m fundavit That is in the yeare from the building of the Cittie D●XCIIX C Iulius the Dictator in these parts having subdued Arcem founded Cleve Now it is memorable because it is the seate of the most illustrious Dukes of Iuliacum Cleveland and also for the Collegiate Church and the curtesie of the inhabitants It is very conveniently situated and hath a faire prospect into a faire plaine which is cloathed with greene grasse and herbage but especially from a high Tower which from the weathercocke is called the Swanne Tower Calcaria is a Towne in the Island of Rhene which was built first by the Earles of Cleveland as a Fort and Tower of Garrison to prevent the incursions inroades of these of Colen and Gelria with whom they had often warres It was so named from the auncient Castell Calcer from whence there was passage from this Island to the farther bancke of the Rhene it grew rich and powerfull by cloathing and brewing of drincke which was transported from thence to other places Above Calcaria in that place which is called Ausden Baern it is thought that Caesar Germanicus did build a bridge over the Rhene when he marched from his old tents unto the Martians who are now called Twentanians but yet the little Towne Otma●rsen retaineth its auncient name Griet is situate on the left bancke of the River Rhene and below it on the same side is Griethusium on the confines of Batavia neere the auncient Castell Lobecum which signifies the corner of the course for Loop signifies a course and Eck a corner for Rhene divideth his course and runneth divers wayes On the bancke towards Germanie there are Vesalia of which we have spoken in the descripion of Westphalia also Duisburg or Teutoburg a Towne of auncient Germanie situated heretofore on the bancke of the River Rhene betweene the Rivers Rura and Angra Both histories and the faire buildings doe declare and demonstrate that it was alwayes a famous Towne And the writers concerning the affaires of Flanders doe shew that it was frequented THE COVNTIE OF MVERS CLEVE et MURS by Merchants for trading and famous Marts which were kept there Embrica is a very neate Towne well peopled having faire streetes and a well governed schoole the Commentators on Tacitus doe call it Asciburg but it is commonly called Emmericke And so much concerning Cleveland the Dukedome of Iuliacum remaineth commonly called Iuliers or Gulick It was so named from the Towne Iusiacum It is situated betweene the River Rhene and Mosa in the same manner as Cleveland is but that the latter lyeth Northward and the other Southward For otherwise they have the same Countries confining on them It hath a good wholsome ayre and the soyle yeeldeth abundance of Corne
which is very waightie It bringeth forth also good Woad which is very gainefull to the inhabitants and it hath many flourishing Meddowes but no Wine Heere are varietie of living creatures and especially excellent horses The Princes of Iuliacum are thought to be descend from Euslathius brother to Godfrey Bilioneus But the Country of Iuliacum was heretofore a Countie and the Emperour Ludovicke made it a Marquiship in the yeare 1329 30 yeares afterward the Emperour Charles the fourth made it a Dukedome But William the fourth was the Marquesse and Duke thereof His sonne William succeded after him in the Dukedome of Iuliacum and Gelria he dying without issue left Raynold his brother to succeede him And he dying without an heyre his wife maryed his kinsman Adolphus of Bergen who was created Duke of Iuliacum and Bergen They dying without issue William was made Duke of Iuliacum and Bergen and had a sonne named Gerard who succeeded his father William was sonne to Gerald who marryed his onely daughter to the onely sonne of Iohn Duke of Cleveland and so the three Dukedomes of Bergen Iuliacum and Cleveland were made one Country But this Iohn had a sonne named William who joyned the fourth Dukedome namely of Gelria to the three Dukedomes of Cleveland Iuliacum and Bergen but in the yeare 1543 he was conquered and subdued by Charles the fifth and spoyled of his Country and afterward upon new conditions hee received it againe with all Gelria by marrying the daughter of Ferdinand King of the Romaines The chiefe Cittie which nameth the Dukedome is Iuliacum commonly called Gulich which Antoninus mentioneth in his Itinerary it is situated neere the River Rura The other Townes besides Iuliacum are Marcodurum commonly called Duren a Towne famous for holding out against that fiery seige which Charles the fifth layd against it The Monastery of Eyphalia is a pleasant towne lying in a vale betweene two Mountaines not farre from the fountaines of the River Ervatis also Euskirchia Birchemum commonly called Caster from the magnificent Castle wherewith it is fortified also Grevenbrocck Sladbach Dalen and Wassenberch It hath many Castles belonging to Noble families as Palant Meroden Rensschenberg Nesselroden and Wachtendoncke There is also the Baronie of Wickraden having a strong Castell which was sometime the seate of the Quadians In this tract the Cittie Aquisgranum is situated which Ptolemie calls Vetera in which the thirtieth Legion was billited Lhuithprandus calleth it the Palatine Granum and Rheginus Thermas Grani and Aquis Palatium And the writers of those times doe often call Aquae Aken the Germaines call it Ach and the French Aix It is a faire Cittie and hath an wholesome ayre and a pleasant soyle although the buildings are not so beautifull as they have beene formerly It hath many hot bathes both within the walls and without which are soveraigne to cure many diseases This Cittie is famous in regard Charles the great made his residence here who both dyed and was buried here These Countries have besides the Rhene the River Rura or Rora which neere a little Towne of the Vbians called Roeroort which signifies the end of Rora is mingled with the Rhene where we may see a great difference betweene the two confluent Rivers the one whereof is greene the other white Moreover Rora hath many winding turnings and yet it runneth with so violent a streame that sometimes it breaketh into the Meddowes so that in a short time it will overflow three or foure Acres of ground and sometimes it filleth the ground full of shelles there are also Nersa Lupia Angria Duselium Erfatt Nirsi Vornium and others It hath also woods one of which is that which Tacitus calleth Saltus Teutoburgensis which is a very large Wood neere to Duisburg in which there are an innumerable sort of wilde beasts It hath many cleere Rivulets The Mountaines are steepe and cloathed every where with high trees But enough of these things THE COVNTIE OF WALDECK Iodocus Moers of Corbach who first described and set forth this Table doth reckon two degrees of Nobles under the Earle of Waldeck one free who alwayes resideth in the Countie the other holding of the Countie therefore seeing I have nothing else to insert I will here reckon up these orders and what houses are contained in this Table The stocke of the free Nobility within the County are Virmundt Meissenburg Gogreben Zertzen Tolmerichausen Dalwig Eppe Rodehausen Reen Sconstat Hertzinghausen Twist Hanxtelden Greismar Roman Dorfelt The stocke of those that hold of the County as well without as within the County are Witstein Reiteel Spiegal Calenberg Westfal Canstein Malspurg Lebenstein Mengersen Mescheden Beinenburg Papenheim Wulfft Volckenbergb Vrf. THE COVNTIE OF VVALDECK WALDEK Comit. I Returne to Mercator in whom the Countie of Waldeck followeth commonly called De Grafschaft Waldeche It is so called from the Cittie Waldeck and it is a great part of Hassia It hath on the East Hassia on the North the Bishopricke of Paderborne on the West the Dioecese of Colen The length and bredth of this Country is sixe miles It hath a fertile soyle faire spreading Hills and pleasant Rives It bringeth forth great store of Corne and Wine it produceth divers kindes of mettalls as Gold Silver Brasse Iron Lead Quicksilver Alum and Salt which are all digged forth of the bowels of the Earth neere the Cittie Wildunga and the Castle Eisenburg There are also Coalestones digged forth as in the Bishopricke of Leden which the Germanes call Stercolen which they burne in steed of coales It produceth divers kindes of living creatures and great store of wilde beasts which the inhabitants doe often hunt The Countie of Waldeck is originally derived from Widichindus Earle of Snalenburg whom Charles the Great made governour of Paderborne which right one Widichindus Earle of Waldeck being to goe with Fredericke Barbarossa into Asia did passe over to the Colledge in consideration of three hundred Markes of silver payd unto him Neither is there any continewed catalogue of the former Earles Therfore we must reckon from Henry Ferreus who first added Corbachia to the Earledome Henry Ferreus who built the castle of Laudoria did bring Corbachia under his obedience in the yere 1366 on the 11 day of March This Henry in the yere 1400 slew Frederick Duke of Brunswicke being chosen Emperour neere to Frissaria his wife was Elizabeth of Bergen Welrad yeeldeth himselfe into the protection of the Bishop of Moguntum Philip the second was his sonne whose wife was Anne the daughter of Iohn Duke of Cleveland Wolradus Pius the second was a learned man and Praesident of the Colledge of Ratisbone in the yeare 1556 he dyed in the yeare 1478. Iosias was borne in the yeare 1578 and dyed in the yeare 1558. Christian and Wolrad were the sonnes of the Earle Iosias But as concerning the Imperiall offices this Countie is the chiefe among the foure namely Waldecke H●●● Fulchen Arusperg and Rabnaw The
chiefe Cittie is Walde●●a commonly called Waldeck which nameth the Countrey having a Castle which the River Fidera watereth There are also the Townes Ast●●chausa and Dudinschausa and the Cittie Landavia with a Castle adjoyning threunto also the Cittie Mengerhusa with a Castle where the Earles keepe their residence being two miles distant from Wadecia Rodenum is an auncient Cittie with a Castle in the Territories whereof there is good hunting The Castle of Wetterberg hath a pleasant seate and prospect being situated betweene the Rivers Tw●sta and Ahra there is also the City Wildunga neere to which there are Mettall Mines from whence great store of gold Brasse and Iron is dayly digged forth Here are also certaine fountaines unto which the sicke persons did heretofore come out of divers Countries And here the best drinke is brewed There are also the Towns of Friage● Saxenhus●n Saxenberga and Furstenberga also the Castle of Isenburg neere unto which there are Mines of Gold and Iron as neere W●●lunga ●●lhusia a well seated Castle and divided from the Cittie by a River Corba●hia is a fortified Cittie Albertus Magnus maketh mention of gold Mines which were found neere unto it and he affirmeth that there is lesse waste of that gold in refining and purifying of it than of that in Bohemia or any other Neither are the veines thereof yet altogether exhausted for not farre from Corba●●●a there is gold found among the sands Newburg is a Towne with a Castle There are also the Castle Ither and the Monastery Werba This Country is watered with many Rivers the chiefe whereof is Edera which may compare with Tagus of Spaine Hebrus of Thrace and Pactolus of Asia and it hath golden sands being very full of fish and it cutteth through the middle of the Province of Waldecke and it floweth out of the Mountaines of Nassaw through the Countie of Witgenstein to Francoburg and watereth the Castle of Waldecke which is built on an high rocke standing in a low valley environed on every side with Mountaines and so gliding by Frisla●a a Towne of Hassia and having received the River Sualma it dischargeth it selfe into Fulda a little above Cassella and afterward into Visurgis The other River are Dimila Twista Vrba Abra and Ither There are also divers Mountaines as Grunebeckerbeg Winterberg and Den Astenberg and others which are described in Mercators Table There are also many woods in this tract as Aldewaldt W●terholt Geppenhage Plat. I omit the rest which are every where dispersed through this Countie And so much concerning the Countie of Waldecke I passe to the Palatinate of Rhene THE PALATINATE OF RHENE AFter Waldecia there followeth in my method the Palatinate of Rhene commonly called die Pfaltz Some suppose that this Noble part of Germanie was so called from the Pallace of Rhene some would have it so named from Charles the Great and others from the Pallace of Trevers Beatus Rhenanus endeavoureth to prove out of Ammianus Marcellinus that the Palatinate was so denominated from the Country Palas For Ammianus writeth in this manner A Bridge being built neere M●guntiacum the legions passed over the Rhene and pitched their Tents in the Country of Capellatium which was so called from Palas And in another place When they came to the Country which is called Cappellatium o● Palas they pitched their Tents there where the bounde● stone doth distinguish the confines of the Romans Burgundians Moreover Rhenanus addeth Heere we may observe that the Prince Palatine was not so called from the Pallace of Caesar or from that little a difice or building which is neere the Rhene but that he receiveth that appellation from the Country But seeing there are many Count Palatines of other places mentioned in Histories some doe reject this opinion concerning the Etymologie of a Palatine But most doe thinke that the title of Count Palatine is derived from a Pallace which was and is a title of great dignitie in the Romaine Empire So that those who did serve the Prince in the Countie of the Pallace were called Palatines The Country hath on the West the Dukedome of Zwe●bruck on the East Franconia and the Dukedome of ●●rtemberg on the North it is bounded partly with the River Moenus and partly with the Wood which they call Ottenia on the South it hath A●s●tia All this tract is not interior to any part of Germany both for pleas●●●nesse fruitfulnesse and plentie of all things The Mountaines forth most part doe beare Vi●●s which doe yeelde most excellent Wine which other Countries do● fetch from thence and these Mountaine on the ●●rthside are full o● Chesnuts The fields doe yeel● abundance of 〈◊〉 as Wheate Pul●e and Barley There are also many 〈◊〉 Gardens and Orchards which are planted with all kinde 〈◊〉 which bea●e great store of apples THE PALATINATE OF RHENE PALATINATUS Rheni It is called also Ardea quo ardua suo volatu petat that is because it flyeth high She buildeth her nest in the highest trees and doth naturally hate the Hawke as likewise the Hawke seeketh continually her destruction But when they fight in the ayre they both strive which should get uppermost if the Hawke be above her he comes downe upon her with great violence and kills her But to the matter There were alwayes Praefects of the Pallace especially in the Emperours Court which the Frenchmen did heretofore call the Majors of the house or Pallace But at what time the Countie Palatine of Rhene was instituted and where the Palatines of Rhene did keepe their residence foure hundred or five hundred yeares agoe I cannot determine seeing there are divers different conjectures Some say the first Palatines were onely Noble men untill the time of Otto the third at what time they were made Princes Electors for they had more dignity The first Elector Palatine was Henry who with the other Electors in the yeare 1003 did chuse the Emperour Henry But Munster saith that he doth not finde it mentioned in any writings either where he kept his Court or what Country he governed or what people were subject unto him but some doe suppose but without any certaine ground that the Princes Palatine did heretofore keepe their residence at Worma●●● and had great power in that Citie It is manifest that Conradus Duke of Fre●●●●● in the yeere 742 did reside at Wormes but not the Prince Palatine This was the seate heretofore of the Intuergians the Nemetians and the Vangionians as some doe suppose The I●trergians were a people of Germanie which Pencerus doth place in the Palatinate neere to Heydelberg which Country was also called Capellatium and 〈◊〉 as we sayd before Those whom Ptolomie and others call the Nemetian● were a people in Germanie neere the Rhene confining on the Met●nsians Ar●●n●●mentians and Wormacensians Rhenanus calleth it now the Episcopall Cittie of Sp●res and ●●thicus calleth it Augusta Nemetum Also those whom Ptolomie calleth V●ngiones are a people of Germanie neere the Rhene Rhenanus and
of the Iland also the Ilands Isthmusses Peninsula'es the Bayes turnings and windings of the shore shall finde that the circumference of this Iland is not much lesse then 70. miles And besides it is observable that there is no place in all this Iland that is above halfe a mile or three quarters of a mile distant from the Sea The Shores also are so well fortified so that the raging waves of the Sea cannot endammage it Moreover this Iland hath great store of Corne and is as it were the Granary of the Citty Stralesund as Sicilie was the Granary of Rome as Strabo witnesseth Here are pretty store of Horses Oxen and Sheepe but great store of great Geese This Iland hath no Wolfes nor Rats albeit in the Peninsula of Wittovia there were some seene which came either from some Ships which rode there at Anchor or were Shipwrackt against the shore The Inhabitants hereof were called heretofore the fierce Ranians or Ruthenians who could not be tamed or subdued by the power of neighbour Kings and Princes and they were so strongly addicted to Idolatry that they were the last of all the Inhabitants neere the Swethish Sea who did receive the Christian faith For the Princes of this Iland being heretofore very potent did not onely possesse many Citties and Countries out of this Iland as Birdus Grimma and Tribbesea but also they had continually warres with the King of Denmarke and the neighbouring Princes of Pomerania and wearied the I●becenstin RVGIA RUGIA with continuall warres and so begun to bee feared of their neighbours for their power and fiercenesse They used formerly the Slavonian or Vandalian language which the Pomeranians used also There is nothing recorded concerning their atchievements in regard they desired rather to excell in martiall matters then in learning and there were but few learned men at that time especially in those parts The first Prince of Rugia was Crito who lived in the time of Swantibarus Duke of Pomerania and married his Daughter Slavina about the yeere of Christ 1100. They report also that this Crito was Prince of Holsatia and Dithmarsia and did found Lubeck who after hee had made himselfe drunke at a Banquet as he stooped and put forth his head to goe forth at a low Gate a Dane that stood in a secret place cut of his head After whose death his Father Retze surviving after him was Prince of Rugia in the yeere 1106. whose Posterity did successively possesse the Principality of Rugia even to Wart●slaus in whom in the yeere 1352. the Royall Line of the Princes of Rugis was extinct and the Dukedome of Rugia came to the Princes of Pomerania and that by a certaine mutuall covenant and agreement whereby it was agreed that if they did not leave Sonnes to succeed them in their owne Dukedomes the Dukedome for want of a Prince should descend and come to the other Duke There were three Churches at Charantina and many Idols in them of the chiefe whereof is Rugae-viti which had seven faces on one head and seven swords buckled to it holding in its right hand a naked sword It was a long thicke and terrible Idoll which they called Mars or the God of warre The other had five faces on one head and without a sword which they called the God of peace The third had foure faces on one head and one in his breast holding his forehead with his left hand and laying his right hand on his knee which they called Porcuitum and the God of their Empire It would bee tedious to speake of their other monstrous gods Ar●ona was heretofore the strongest Citty of Rugia being situate on the highest Promontory of the Peninsula Wittoviae Northward on the North and East it is encompassed with the Sea on the other side with a low Valley there are some ruines of this Citty yet remaining The Valley was so deepe so that an Arrow shot upright out of a strong Bow could not reach to the top This Citty was besieged on Ascention day and it was taken on Saint Vitus day by Gods providence who punished their Idolatries even on Saint Vitus day which did first spring and arise from S. Vitus The Citizens of Arcona trusting at first to their Citty and Castle did valiantly resist the Enemy but at length on Saint Vitus day being wearied and tyred they were enforced to accept of conditions of Peace and to receive the Christian Religion and to yeeld unto the Conquerers the revenewes of the Swantovian Church and Idoll to maintaine Christian Ministers also to burne the Idoll Swanto with the Temple and to set the Christian Captaines at liberty without any ransome and to pay tribute every yeere to the King of Denmarke The strong Citty being taken the Citty Charentina did yeeld it selfe upon the same conditions Among all the three Princes of Rugia Tetzlaus Stouslaus and Iaromarus Stouslaus did first leave his Principality to his Brother Geromarus unto whom being a Christian Prince of Rugia Woldomarus King of Denmarke marryed his Brother Canutus his daughter And thus Arcona and Charentina being wearied with continuall warres were not yet quite extinguished or rased But yet not long after the Princes of Pomerania did rase it to the ground because the King of Denmarke had not requited the Pomeranians for that ayde which they lent them in subduing of Rugia But this Iland which had heretofore strong populous Citties and Castles hath now none at all but onely some few Townes the chiefe whereof is Berga in which there are not above 400. Citizens The other Townes as Sagart Vick ●ingst and many others are lesser But yet this Iland is well replenished with Inhabitants so that it can raise 7000. armed men on a sudden In the furthest part of the Peninsula Iasmunda Eastward there is a very high Promontory which being hollow underneath was formerly a safe harbour for Pirates and Robbers at Sea which they call De Stubben kamer Not farre from thence on a wooddy Mountaine there were some ruines of a strong Castell Neere unto this Castell is the deepe blacke Lake which albeit it hath great store of fish yet they superstitiously beleeve that it will not beare any Fisher-boats or suffer any Nets to bee drawne through it for some Fishermen having put a Boat into it the day before and the next day afterward going to fish the Lake with Nets they could not finde their Boat whereupon being much amazed and looking every where about for it straightway one of them espyed the Boat lying on the top of an high Beech tree whereupon hee cryed out in their owne language What Devill hath layd the Boat on the top of the Tree and by and by hee heard these words though he could see no body The Devils have not done this but onely I and my Brother Nicheli Here is great scarcity of Wood for building of Ships and Houses but many places and especially the Iland Iasmund in which there is a thicke
there are also many other small Rivers There are almost no Mountaines except Southward where it is parted from Hu●gary by the Sarmatian and Carpathian Mountaines which the inhabitants call Taury The Country is full of woods which are parts of the wood Hercinia But so much hitherto The Politick state of the Kingdome of Poland hath 2. Members The first are the Clergie in which are the two Archbishopricks of Gnesna and Leopolis The Bishops of Cracovia of Ploczko of Chelma Vladislavia Pomesania Varmia Culma and Sambiensis Posnonia Proemislia Cavenez Vilna Medincque Luceoria In Livonia the Bishops of Riga Dirpta Absel and Revalia Secondly the Nobles in which there are Castellanus Cracowvia the Palatine of Cracovia Posnania Sandomiria Kalischy Siradia Lancisa Brezeste Inowladislavia Russia Podalia Lublin Belze Plocense Mozavia Rava Also in Lithuania the Palatines of Vilna of Trochy Poletsho Novogrod and Vitellia Also in Prussia the Palitnes of Culma Marienbourg Pomerania The Counts are of P●snania Sand miria Kalische Voinice Gnesne Siradi● Lancise Brizeste Inowladeslavia Leopolis Camenezia Lublin Belze Plocense Geine Ravense Sandecia Myedzeris Vis●icie Biece Rogostia Radom Zawichost Land●nse Streme Zarnowe Mologost Vi●lune Premis●ia Haine Sa●●e Chelme Dobrine Polane●ce Premetense Criswinense Czecovia Nacle Rospirie Byechov●a Bydgostia Brezezine Crininice Osvecimense Camenetz Spicimirie Inowlodense Revalia Zavoloo Sachazonia Vasovia Gostine Visne Raciez Sieprecense Wisogrod Riprin Zabrochzinense Circhanouia Livense In Lithuania there are old Palatines of Vilna and Trochi In Prussia of Culma Elbingen and Pomerania There are many Captaines in the Kingdome of Poland And two Mars-halls of the Kingdome and the Court. The Ecclesiastick doth consist of these Archbishops Bishops aforesaid The Noble men are very sharpe witted and they doe travell into forraigne Countries to get knowledge and languages They are couragious and doe not feare the stoutest Enemie and if the Nobles doe wrong them all their kinsfolkes and friends doe joyne with them to revenge it and doe never cease untill they have revengd it or lost their owne lives Lastly they are not so liberal as Prodigall both in Banqueting and imoderate guifts and also in keeping a great retinew or number of Servants whom they cloth and feede SILESIA ANd so much concerning the Kingdome of Poland Silesia remaineth which I will briefely unfold It was so called from a River of the same name as Conradus Celtes witnesseth Others have other derivations It is bounderd on the North and East with Polonia on the South with Moravia and the Wood Hercynia on the West with part of Lusitia and Bohemia It is 200. Mile long and 80. broade Though the ayre be somewhat cold yet it is milde and gentle The Country in regard it is watered with many Brookes and Rivers is very fruitfull in most places and it hath in some parts Veines of Gold Silver Lead and Iron it yeeldeth also clothing for it selfe and many other Countries beside The Citties are well inhabited and adorned with Lawes and good Arts. The Metropolis thereof is Vratislavia some would have it to be that which Ptolomie cals Budorchis it is comonly call'd Breslaw Duglossus writeth that it was built by Mieslaus Duke of Polonia a little before the yeere of Christ 1000. And 40. yeeres afterward it was adorned with a Bishoprick by Casimirus King of Poland and it encreased so much that the Bishops of this Citty were called the golden Bishops in regard of their wealth and riches In the yeere 1341. it was burnt downe But the Emperour Charles the third made it in stead of Brick of Gold On the Steeple of St. Elizabeths Church there is this Inscription Mirabilis in altis Dominus The Situation the beauty of the Houses Towers and Churches the faire Bridges and large Streets doe much set forth this Citty Nissa is an Episcopall Citty There are besides in this Country 15. Dukes Lignicensis Bregensis Teschinensis Monsterbergensis Olsvicensis and Beoustadiensis and three ancient Families namely Ligvicensis Teschinensis and Monsterbergensis Tropaviensis Opeliensis Nissensis Vratislavensis or Breslauw Swidnisensis Hurensis Glagoviensis Ratibonensis and Sagonensis But these latter honours the Kings of Bohemia since the decease of their Lords have gotten There are three Baronyes namely of Trachenberg of Vertenberg and Plessensis The Kings high Court in Silesia is kept at Vratislavia where there is a Bishops seate as also at Kissa Viadrus runneth thorow this Country into which many Rivers and Streames doe flow as Elsa Ola Bobrus Barusins and others POLAND POLAND which is situate in the Europian Sarmatia is both long and wide and doth take up a great part of it it was so called from the Fields and plaine ground for Pole signifies as much as Plaine it is a very great Country having on the North Borussia and Pomerania on the East Massovia and Lithuania on the South Russia and the Mountaines of Hungaria on the West Lusatia Silesia and Moravia It is devided into the greater and lesser Poland The greater is more Northward and the River Varta runneth thorow the middle of it The lesser is Southward and the River Vistula glideth thorow it The Polanders are descended from the Sclavonians as Neugebaverus witnesseth Lib. Rer. Polonicar and their Kingdome was never so large as it is now because the great Dukedome of Lituania Livonia are joyned unto it albeit the King of Swethland hath lately gotten a great part of these Provinces It reacheth from the River Notes Obrá which doe devide it from Marchia and from the River Odera which doth part it from Silesia even to Beresaia and Borysthenes which seperateth it from Moscovia and so it extendeth West and East 120. Germane miles and as much from the farthest part of Livonia to the confines of Hungarie And so being of a round forme it is very wide and capacious There are in the greater Poland these principall Citties Posnavia built by the Rivers Varta and Prosna betweene the Hills with a double wall it hath faire slated Houses and great Suburbs by the farther banke of the River Varta being encompassed with a great Lake and Marshes and having two famous Faires every yeere it is a Bishops seate and hath many Townes under it Calisia is a walled Citty among the Marshes by which the River Prosna runneth It had sometime a strong well fortified Castle as the ruines doe testifie there are other Townes also subject unto it Gnesna is walled about being situate in a Plaine betweene Lakes and Hills and it is an Archbishops seate This Citty was first built by Lechus in which Boleslaus Chabri Prince of Polonia received the royall Diadem from the Emperor Otto the III. when before that time Poland was onely a Dukedome Siradia is a woodden Citty walled and seated on a Plaine it hath a strong Castle by the River Varta This Citty was honoured with the title of a Dukedome which dignity belonged to the Kings second Sonne It hath also many Townes under it among which is Petricovia which was heretofore of great
comming out of Scythia in the Raigne of the Emperour Arnulph possessed those parts being Pagans untill King Stephen whom they called the holy was inaugurated and made King And after him even untill our times Hungary did professe the Christian Religion Hungary doth containe all the whole Country of Iazigus Metanastarum which Ptolemy circumscribeth or boundeth with Danubius ●ibiscus and the Sarmatian Mountaines There are some ruines yet remaining which by contracting the word are commonly called ●az But they inhabit those parts which Pl●● describeth and their speech differs from the Hungarian language The first King of Hungary after the Christian Religion was established therein was Stephen surnamed the Holy after whom there follow●d his Co●●a Peter his Kinsman Andreas also Bela Salomon Geysa Ladislaus Almus Stephanus the II. Bela Caecus Geysa the II. Stephen the III. Bela the III Emericus Ladislaus the II. and others even untill the time of the Emperour Rudolphus King of Hungary The King of Hungary doth governe his Kingdome by two Magistrates the higher is devided into three Magistrates the first of which governeth the Kingdome in the Kings name in which are the Palatine of the Kingdome who is next to the King and judgeth the King if he be accus'd whom the people of the Kingdome doe chuse neither is it an heriditary office Also the Judge of the Court who is one of the ordinary Judges of the Kingdome The Chancellor who is the Metropolitan of Strigonium who is called the Primate and Secretary of the Kingdome and he hath power to annoynt the King that is chosen and he keepeth the Privie Seale The Master of the Court doth follow the Kings and is one of his Privie Counsell The Master of the Regallities doth judge of all matters concerning Mines of Gold and Saltpits and lastly all matters which appertaine to the Exchequer Secondly those which sit in Judgement of which there are certaine Officials three of greater authority as the Vice-Palatine of the Kingdom the Judge of Personall Presence The Vice-Palatines Protonotary or chiefe Clarke the Vice-Judges Protonotary They are all called Masters and have these assistants or associates joyned to them the Archbishop of Strigoniums Secretary who is called the Secretary of the Exchequer twelve Assistants and some sworne Clarkes Thirdly those that serve the King as the Treasurer the Master of the Bed-chamber the Cup-bearer the Master of the Pantry the Master Porter and other lesser offices Moreover because the Country is large there are severall Judges appointed thorow the Provinces which the Hungarians call Counties And they are these beyond Danubius on the West of the River Tibiscus Posoniensis Nitriensis Cepusiensis Gewinariensis Posthiensis Semliniensis Comariensis Leptoniensis Novigradiensis Abavivariensis Bathiensis V●gensis Traachimensis Barsiensis Hontensis Borsodiensis Bodroghtensis Peregriensis Turoezensis Omuzolis Tornensis Heweciensis Zolnocensis Moramarusiensis Above Danubius on the East of Tibiscus there are Vgoghiensis Bihoriensis Zatmariensis Oradiensis Zabolciensis Temesiensis Betweene the Rivers Danubius and Dravus there are Musunensis Zaladiensis Tolnensis Rhab or Iauriensis Vespriniensis Strigoniensis Soponiensis Albensis Sinigiensis Castriferrensis Pelisiensis Waranlensis Betweene Dravus and the River Savus there are Valkonensis Rifiensis Syrimiensis Warasdiensis Prosegiensis and Zagrabiensis The Ecclesiasticall government belongeth to the two Archbishops of Gran or Strigonia the Popes Legate and Primate of the Kingdome It hath under it Agriensis Vaciensis Nitriensis Quinque Ecclesiensis Vespriniensis who is the Queenes Chancellor and crowneth her and the Bishop Iauriensis commonly called Rab Colosensis or Colotz under whom are Sagabriensis Transilvaniensis Voceadrensis Visemburgensis Sulniensis Cenadiensis or Chonad and Bosnensis All Hungary is devided into the hither-most and the farther The hither-most Hungary doth containe all that Country which is on this side Danubius the farther-most doth containe that Country which is beyond Danubius and Tibiscus THE KINGDOME OF HVNGARY HUNGARIA glideth thorow the middle of it The Metropolis and Mother Citty of this Kingdome is Buda which was so denominated as the most doe suppose from Buda the builder of it who was Brother to King Artila or as others write from the Budines a People of Scythia of whom Herodotus maketh mention If you consider the Situation of this Citty it is seated partly on a Mountaine and fortified with strong Bulwarkes so that it is the strongest and pleasantest Citty in all Hungaria it hath many faire buildings both publike and private It standeth in a fruitfull soyle Soliman the Turkish Emperour tooke it from the Christians in the yeere 1526. on the 20. day of August The Next is Posonium commonly called Prezborgh which is a noble Citty Here the River Leyta deviding the higher Pannonia from the lower doth mingle it selfe with the River Istrus It is an ancient faire Citty having a pleasant ayre and situation and doth therein excell all the Citties of Pannonia It hath Mountaines planted with Vines which are also full of Wood. In the Suburbs it hath a Castle seated on the top of a high Rocke There is also Belg●ad at the meeting or confluence of the Rivers Savus and Danubius it is commonly called Alba Graeca the ancients called it Taurunum and the Germanes Griechs Weissenburgh Soliman the Turke tooke it in the yeere 1520. and having beene before a Towne of defence against the cruell enemy of Christianity now it is the Turkish Emperours seat A little lower downe the River Danubius there is Singidunum which was taken by the Turke in the yeere 1439. In the midst betweene these two Citties there is a Field famous for the victory of Hunniadus against M●homet the Turkish Emperour they call this Field Maxons This Battle was fought in the yeere 1456. Downe the River there are many places where the Christians have received many fatall overthrowes The Citty Valpo was taken in the yeere 1543. Quinque Ecclesiae by Dravus in the yeere 1543. Zigetha was taken in the yeere 1566. Buda wee have mentioned before Strigonium by Danubius commonly called Gran was heretofore an Archbishops seat but it is now in the Turkes hands Alba Regalis or Stulweyssenburg is famous in regard the Kings are crowned and buried here it was taken in the yeere 1543. In the same Country there is Stridon where Saint Hierom was borne There is also the Citty Comara in an Iland of the same name which the Turkes in vaine attempted Iaurinum commonly called Raab is an impregnable Citty by the River Danubius I passe by the other Townes There are also in Hungaria many famous Lakes the chiefe whereof is Balaton which the Germanes call Platze being 40. Italian miles broad and 8. Hungarian miles The chiefest Rivers are Danubius Savus Dravus and Tibiscus the three former are common to other Countries but Tibiscus runneth onely thorow Hungary It riseth in Maramusia in the high cliffes of Carpatus and for plenty of Fish it exceedeth all the Rivers in Hungary for it hath abundance of all kindes of Fish as great Pikes Lampreys and Sturgeons There are also other Rivers
Strangers the Calabrians are inhospitable the Lucensians faithfull the Senensians loving the Venetians faire-spoken the Patavinians hard the Mediolanians unwary the Ferrarians sharpe the Mantuans flatterers the Placentians severe the Picenians troublesome the Neapolitans bountifull the Florentines profuse and prodigall the Astensians benevolent the Spoletanes rude and rustick the Verronians studious the Papiensians wife the Genoaes in hospitable the Parmensians inconstant the Mutinensians tedious in speech the Novocomians inhumane Lastly the Italians are much given to merchandizing And the same Manuscript sheweth their dispositions in trading and commerce namely the Florentines are crafty the Genoaes tolerable the Mediotanians plaine and open the Lucensians faithfull the Venetians stately and wary THE FIRST TABLE OF LOMBARDY IN VVHICH THE VVESTERNE Alpine part thereof is described and also Valesia which is commonly called Wallis Sedunum is a Bishoprick of Valesia 260.4534 it is subject to Tarentasia also the Archbishoprick of Sabaudia and Augusta likewise 296.454 HItherto wee have described Italie in generall now wee come to describe the severall parts thereof in particular Some have devided Italie divers wayes Augustus as Pliny witnesseth hath devided it into 11. Countries Strabo doth part it into eight Others into more but we omitting them will follow the devision and method which Mercator hath propounded unto us And the first is the Table of Lombardy in which the Westerne part thereof together with Valesia is described It is now Euphoniae gratia or for the sound sake call'd Lombardie in stead of Langbardia which was so called from the Langbardians who came hither out of Germany in the raigne of the Emperour Iustinian who for many yeeres together were seated on both bankes of the River Po. It was called heretofore Gallia Cisalpina Gallia was inhabited by the Frenchmen the Boyans the Senonians the Insubrians the Cenomanians and others who inhabited all that part which is between the foot of the Alpes the River That Rubicon was called Cis-Alpina because it was on this side the Alpes as the ancient Italians and the Romane Writers doe report and the other was that which was inhabited beyond the Alpes This Cis Alpina where it is most Northward and lyeth neerest to the Mountaines Pliny calls Sub Alpina and Caesar calleth it the higher France for the causes before mentioned Ausonius calleth it ancient France Appian calleth it Italia Gallica or Galatiken the Register Booke of the Provinces calleth it the Mediterranean Italie not because it lyeth in the Mediterranean Sea but because it lyeth in the inward part of the Country it is encompassed on the North West and South with the Alpes and the Apennine on the East with the Hadriatick Sea Polybius and Pli●y THE FIRST TABLE OF LOMBARDY Lombardiae alpestris pars occidentalis cū Valesia doe make this Country to have a Triangular forme the top whereof is the Alpes and yet Plutarch in Camillus witnesseth that it is watered with many Rivers Sidonius speaketh elegantly of this Country Campi adeo culti uberes intercedunt de Pado loquitur ut satis constet haud temerè alios repiriri aut natura feraciores aut rebus necessarijs ad hominum vitam instructiores that is The Fields are so rich and fruitfull that doe lye on either side for he speaketh of Padus so that there are none more fertill or that affoord more necessaries for the sustentation of mans life Sigonius afterward addeth that the Ligurians and Etrurians were the ancient Princes thereof afterward the Frenchmen and lastly the Romanes after whom the Gothes succeeded and the Romanes againe after the Gothes and after the Romanes the Langbards as we may see in Sabellicus Lib. Hist Venetae 1. Decade 4. Strabo Pliny and others doe make Gallia Cis Alpina toward the West twofold either Cis-Padana commonly called Lombardia di qua dal Po or Trans-Padana della dal Po because the one is on the hither side the other beyond Po. But here we describe the Westerne part of the Alpine Lumbardy which doth containe a great part of Lombardy Trans-Padana This Country although it be Mountainous and in some places wooddy yet it is enriched with divers naturall gifts for the Valleys and Champion grounds are of a fruitfull soyle having abundance of Corne Wine and other fruits And Hills which beare excellent Vines In the Woods also and the Mountaines there is good hunting of wild beasts Here are many Citties and Townes as Mediolanum Crem● Bergomum Comum Clavenna Luganum c. which may be seene in the Table It hath also more great Lakes than any other parts of Italy among which is that which Pliny and Strabo call Verbanus which the Italians in regard it is greater than the rest doe call Lago majore and the Germanes Lang see Strabo maketh the length of it 300. furlongs and the breadth of it 30. furlongs It is so deepe in most places that it seemes to have no bottome It doth breed excellent Fish especially large Trouts and great Pikes also Perches and others The Lake which Virgil and others call Laris Lacus and Paul Diaconus and Antonius doe call Comacenus from the adjacent Citty the Italians doe now call it Lago di Como and the Germanes Chumer-see it is greater than Benacus and almost equall to Verbanus Strabo writeth that the length of it is 300. furlongs and the breadth 30. furlongs But moderne Writers doe measure it otherwise It runneth Northward unto the South but somewhat bending Eastward But betweene Verbanum and Larium there are some lesser Lakes As the Lakes Luganus Gaviratius Monatius and others These Rivers also doe water this Country Ticinus Adava Serius Tosa Bremba and many others There are also divers Mountaines as Lucumonis Mons commonly called Lucmannier Gothards Mountaine and the greater Alpes of Lepontium also the Rhetian Alpes and many others But so much hitherto now it remaines that we should entreat of Valesia in the other part of this Table VALESIA I Have not yet found whence the name of Valesia is derived which they call Wallis or Walisser Landt But it is supposed that it commeth from the Latine word Vallis which signifies a Vale or from Valeria a Castle of the Citty Sedune Valesia hath on the North the Bernatians Lucernatians and Helvetians on the South the Cottian and Lepontian Alpes on the East the high Rhetian Alpes on the West the Graecian Alpes and the Lake Lemman The length of it from West to East is 5. dayes journey but the breadth is very narrow but that it is somewhat broader neere to Octodurum and Sedunum This Country although it be encompassed with high Mountaines and sharpe Rockes which for the most part are a Germane mile high and many of them are cover'd with continuall Ice and Snow yet it wanteth nothing for the sustentation of mans life for it hath good store of Corne Wine and other kindes of fruits it hath Wheat Barly Oates Beanes Pease Fetches and Mill. Wine beginneth to grow among the Brigentian Dioecese among the Mountaines and
enlarge their Empire and very constant in adversity There are many other Magistrates besides the Duke which here for brevity sake I omit This Citty is held to bee the fairest and most flourishing Citty of all others the Theater of the World and the common Mart for the whole Universe the Mistresse and Conquerour over so many Enemies the Queene of the Hadriatick Sea and the glory and honour of Italie Although it hath waged many warres and tryed the varieties of fortune for the space of a thousand yeeres yet it was never subdued by any forraine Enemy I passe by the other Citties and lesser Townes The most famous Rivers of this Country are Plavis commonly call'd Piave also Brenta Bachilio and Athesis which is the greatest of them all There are Mountaines in this Patavine Country which neither belong to the Alpes nor to the Apennine so that in this respect there is no Country like it in Italie One of these Mountaines is Gemula the other Venda and the Euganean Hills so famoused by Poets There are subject to the Patriarch of Aquilegium the Bishopricks of Mantua of Cuman of Tridentum of Verona of Maravia of Padua of Vicentium of Trevisium of Ceneda of Feltre of Bellun And so much briefely concerning the County of Tirolis and Marca Tarvisina THE THIRD TABLE OF LOMBARDY IN VVHICH ARE DESCRIBED Pedemontana the Marquiship of Montisferrat and the Dukedome of GENOA THe third Table of Lombardy followeth in which Pedemontium the Marquiship of Montisferrat and the Dukedome of Genoa are describ'd and delineated Ped●montium is the first which is so called quod ad pedem sit montium because it is at the foote of the Mountaines or the Alpes which doe devide France and Sabaudia from Italie it is commonly call'd Piamonte It is bounderd on the East with Padus on the South with the Ligurian Alpes on the West with the Alpes of France on the North with Duria and Riparia This Country is full of fruitfull pleasant Hills which doe yeeld excellent Corne Wine and other fruits And it hath Mines of Iron neere Turinum and of Marble neere ●aisana Here the Turinians dwelt heretofore who were well knowne to Polybius Livy and Plutarch and also Strabo Pliny and Ptolemy doe place them in the ninth Country of Italy and doe make them to be of the stock of the Ligurians Afterward this Country began to be called the Taurinian Dukedome under the Langbardians who having reduced it into a Province made it a Dukedome After them it came to be under the government of the Kings of Italie and afterward of divers other Princes especially of Sabaudia and the Country of France it was much wasted in the time of the warres betweene the Emperour Charles the fifth and Francis King of France The chiefe Citty of this Country is the ancient Citty Taurinum which Ta●itus Pliny and Ptolomy doe call Augusta Taurinorum Antonius saith in many places that this Citty was called Taurinorum from the people it is commonly called Turino Stephanus the Gramarian would have it so called from a Bull which was the armes of the Massilians whose Colonie it was it lyeth at the mouth of Duria on Padus in a foure square figure and hath foure Gates and many faire Aedifices or buildings and it hath plenty of all things The chiefe Church is consecrated to Saint Iohn Baptist besides which there are some 20. other Churches or thereabouts also there is the Dukes Palace and a famous University in which Erasmus Roterodamus was made Doctor of Divinity This was one of the first Citties in Italy which had a Printing house it is THE THIRD TABLE LOMBARDY PEDEMONTANA regio cum GENVENSIVM territorio MONTISFERNATI Marchionatu also a Bishoprick Neere the Hill there is Rivoli a populous Towne and a little farther neere the River Po there is the Towne Carignano A little higher betweene the Rivulets and Aviliana there is the faire Monastery of Saint Antonius Ravisinus and a little from thence neere the Monastery of Saint Ambrose there is Susa which the most doe reckon to be in Saubaudia Neere to Po sixe miles from the mouth of Sangonus there is a Towne which they call in their Country speech Pinarolo which is very rich and hath a sumptuous Monastery a little above there is Petrosa and on the left side of the Fountaine Sangonus there is Pagellato and Bricasse on the right side of the Mountaine Bobius Not farre from the River Pelice which runneth into Po there is Villa Franca where a Bridge doth joyne both the Bankes of the River Po. There are also by the Springhead or Fountaine of Padus Revello and Paisana and a little farther Critio and a little farther Mambrin● where the Valley of Po beginneth The Inhabitants doe call it Valle di Lucerna from a Castle which is there of the same name The Marquiship of MONTIS-FERRAT NOw the pleasant and fruitfull Country Montis-ferrat is to bee unfolded which is so called as Lea●der thinketh as it were M●ns Ferax the fruitfull Mountaine in regard of the fertility of the little Hills which are in it or from Ferro that is from Iron by comparison because as Iron doth excell all other Mettals both for strength and hardnesse so this Country doth excell all other Countries for plenty of sweet and pleasant fruit as also for Wine Merula Lib. 6. Antiqu. V●cecom doth describe Montis-ferrat in this manner Mons est perpet●is expansus jugis totus amaenus fructifer omniumque rerum ad vitam utilium fertilis est colonis admodum frequens Incipit diu●no fere itinere ab Alpibus planitieque seperatur quae inter hos colles Alpes intercedit Nihil his incultum quidquam propter summam soli bonitatem oportunitatemque Lavam Tanarus dextram Padus alluit nec ullius alveum Regio egreditur Quanto magis autem ab amnibus abscedunt Colles tanto majores amoenioresque Campi inter eos panduntur quos haud malè Mesopotamiam queas dicere quippe quod amnibus utrinque sint inclusi That is it is one continued Mountaine pleasant and fruitfull and yeelding abundance of all things necessary and it is full of Husbandmen It beginneth almost a dayes journey from the Alpes and it is separated from them with a Plaine which lyeth betweene these Hills and the Alpes It is all tilled in regard of the goodnesse of the soyle This River Tanarus watereth the left side and Po the right side neither doe their Channels reach further than this Country But where the Hills lye farthest from the Rivers there are fairer and pleasanter Fields which may be well called Mesopotamia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they lye in the middle betweene Rivers The Of-spring of Palaeologa did first possesse the Marquiship of Montis-ferrat even to the yeere 1534. when after the decease of George the last of the Palaeologians the Emperour Charles the fifth declared the Duke of Mantua to be lawfull Heir of Montis-ferrat The Marquiship was made a Dukedome in the yeere
The compasse of it is 7. Miles It hath 12. Gates and Magnificent houses and Noblemens Pallaces The Emperour Theodosius did institute an Universitie here in the yeare 423. Now we come to Ferraria concerning the name whereof there are divers opinions But it is most probable that it was called from the Inhabitants of Ferrarida which was beyond Po who were translated hither in the yeare 423. by the Decree of the Emperour Theodosius at what time it was a Village without walls and afterward about the yeare 658. it was walled about by Smaragdus Exarchus and by degrees it was so much enlarged that at length it became a noble Cittie The Bishoprick was translated hither by Pope Vitellianus about the yeare 658. and 12. neighbouring Villages made subject unto it by the Emperour Constantine the 2. who gave it also many Priviledges It is now called Ferrara And it is seated on the Banck of the River Po which watereth it on the East and South sides The ayre is thick in regard that it is situate in the Marshes It hath straite long broade streetes the most whereof the Marquesse Leonell caused to be paved with brick and it is wonderfully beautified with publike and private buildings There is a greate Church and two Castles the one by the River the other over against S. Georges Church which is the Dukes Seate and both are well fortified it is populous and aboundeth with plenty of all things and it is one of the pleasantest Citties in Italie being the head seate of the ancient and noble family of the Atestines The Emperour Frederick the second did institute heere an University in contempt of Bononia It hath a greate Plaine round about it but barren I passe by the other Citties of Romandiola and the lesser Townes THE FOVRTH TABLE OF LOMBARDY· ROMANIOLA cum D. PARMsENSI The Dukedome of PARMA THE Dukedome of Parma is so called from the Citty Parma The Soyle is pleasant and beareth excellent fruite and good Vines it hath also wholesome waters and pleasant Meddowes and it is very much commended for cheese and fleeces of wooll This Citty of Parma from whence the Dukedome is denominated was built by the Tuscians and as many other Citties in these parts afterwards it was possessed by the Borians and in Processe of time the Romans were Lords of it who as Livy delivers Lib. 29. in the yeare 570. brought thither a Colonie Mar. Tul. in the last of his Philippicks bewaileth that calamity which L. Antoninus brought upon it Afterward it was freed from the power of the Romane servitude and now it sometimes belonged to the Emperours sometimes to the Popes but it was alwayes joyned in friendship with Bononia It endured two whole yeares a grievous siege which was laid against it by the Emperour Frederick the second about the yeare 1248. because it tooke part with the Pope But he being driven away it had afterward many Earles as the Corregians Scaligers Atestians also the Galeatians and the Sforzas who were Vicounts and lastly the Frenchmen with whom the Pope of Rome did often contend for the Dominion and Soveraignty over this Citty who at last being ayded by the Emperour Charles the fifth expulsed the Frenchmen out of Italy and got the Citty Now it hath Dukes the first whereof was instituted by the Pope namely Peter Aloysius Farnesius the Sonne of Pope Paul the third who within two yeere being cruelly murder'd his Sonne Octavius was put in his place and after his decease his Sonne succeded him But Strabo and Ptolemy doe place Parma in the Aemilian way five miles from the Apennine It was so called from the River Parma or as others suppose Quod Parmam hoc est breve scutum referat that is because it resembleth a little round Buckler or Target which is called Parma It hath faire houses strait broad streets and plenty of all things necessary It is very populous and seated on a Plaine the ayre is very wholesome so that Pliny maketh mention of 5. men of Parma three whereof lived 120. yeeres and two 130. yeeres The Winters and Summers are temperate It hath a strong Castle and many Palaces belonging to Princes and noble Families In the Market-place which is very large there is a faire Fountaine and a Church built in imitation of the Romane fashion and a Bell hung on three Pillars and a Steeple like that at Bononia The Suburbs are devided from it by a River of the same name and it is an Archbishoprick The Inhabitants are comely noble Martiall couragious and witty Also the ancient and noble Citty Placentia hath a Duke as well as Parma which Ptolemy and others call Plakentia and commonly Piazenza It is seated neere Po from which it is distant about 1000. foote it standeth in a pleasant soyle and glorieth in her fruitfull fields and famous Citizens The walls are new the Bulwarkes and Fortifications very large and strong It is also a Bishoprick It hath a Schoole for all Arts and Disciplines The fields round about this Citty in regard they are well watered doe yeeld Wine Oyle Corne and all kinde of Fruits for it hath many Springs Rivers and Rivulets which doe water the Pastures and Meddowes The Dukedome of MANTUA THe Dukedome of Mantua is so named from the Citty Mantua It was first governed by the Thuscians who built this Citty afterward the French Cenomanian did governe it after whom the Romanes obtained it It endured much misery under the Triumvirate For when Cremona was left as a prey to the Conquerours it lost a great part of his Territory by his vicinity and neighbour-hood unto it Whence Virgil saith Mantuavae miserae nimium vicina Cremona Mantua alas doth stand too nigh Cremona opprest with misery There succeeded after the Romanes the Gothes and Langbards who being expelled it was reduced to the obedience of the Romane Empire which afterward decaying it got liberty with many other Citties which it enjoyed untill the Emperour Otho the second gave it to Theobald Earle of Canossaw There succeeded after him his Sonne Boniface and he dying without any Issue Male his Wife Beatrix and his Daughter Mathilde succeeded who much enlarged Mantua That Citty which Strabo and Ptolemy did call Mantua is now called Mantoa Divers have sundry opinions concerning the originall of this Citty Howsoever the originall is most ancient It is seated in the middest of the Marshes which the River Mincius flowing out of the Lake Benacum doth make neither can you goe unto it but by great high Bridges hence in regard of the naturall situation it is accounted one of the strongest Citties of Italy It is a faire Citty adorned with magnificent publike and private buildings and faire streets THE COVNTY OF BRESSIA AND THE DVKEDOME OF MEDIOLANVM THE COVNTY OF BRESSIA AND THE DVKEDOME OF MEDIOLANVM BRESCIA Episcopatus MEDIOLANŪ Ducatus Hic locus odit amat punit conservat honorat Nequitiem pacem crimina jura Probos This place doth love 1 hate 2 punish
call it Di●trichs Bern. It hath a thinne aire It is like the Citty Basit in Heluetia for situation having many faire buildings it is seated on a plaine levell both Southward Eastward and Westward but on one North side the ground riseth a little like a Romane Theater It is fortified and encompased round about with the River Athesis There are divers Monuments of antiquity which doe testifie the ancient magnificence and riches of this Citty It hath straite large streets paved with stone and about 35. Churches the chiefe whereof is the ancient Cathedrall Church and the Church of S. Anastasius it hath 10. Monasteries On the top of a rock there are two famous Castles of S. Peter and S. Faelix Also an ancient Castle which is commonly called Citadella There is also a great Amphitheater in the middle of the Citty This Citty is a Bishoprick The Inhabitants are magnificent beautifull comely very witty and prone to learning I cannot omit this one thing that when the Venetians did fortifie this Citty they found certaine hollow Caves and when they digged in the Mountaines they found Vrchins or hedghoggs of stone also Oisters Birds bills and starre fishes which were as hard as any Stones The Territory of VICENTIA THe Country of Vicentia followeth the soyle whereof as it is pleasant so it is fruitfull yeelding greate store of Wine and other fruites especially Mulberries on whose leaves Silke-wormes doe feede Not farre from the Citty there are two famous stone Quarries in the Mountaine which the Latines call Cornelius it is commonly called Covelo There are also Marble Mines in the Valdanian streete This Citty was built by the Tuscans or as Trogus writeth by the Frenchmen afterward it continued faithfull to the Romanes untill Attilas time who wasted it and afterward it was subject to the Goths the Langbards and lastly to the Kings of Italie They being expulsed it was subject to the Roman Empire untill the raigne of the Emperour Frederick the second by whom being sacked and burnt it had afterward divers Lords as the Carrasieni of Patavini the Scaligers of Verona and the Gal●atians of Millan and also the Venetians At length being infested and vexed by the forces of the Emperour Maximilian the 1. it was restored at last to the Venetians This Citty Trogus Pomponius Tacitus others doe call Vicentia Plin. and Antoninus doe call it Vicetia Aelianus Bisetia and Bitetia Ptol. calls it Ovikenta and it is commonly called Vicenza It is seated neere the foote of a Hill being divided into unequall partes by the two navigable Rivers Rerone and Bachilione It is not very faire or beautifull but populous and abounding with plenty There are foure things here worthy of noting the Praetors magnificent Pallace a Bridge of one Arch the greate Altar stone in S. Laurences Church which is of a wonderfull length and lastly the Theater which is commonly calld L. Academia There is also the Monasterie of St. Corona where there is also a famous Librarie The Inhabitants are of a lively disposition prone and apt to learning warfare or merchandising and Industrious they live bravely and goe decently in apparrell It is a Bishoprick Moreover in the Territory of Vicentia there are these Townes Morostica which is a famous rich Towne Also Brendulum which is rich and populous Also Le●cium both for wealth populousnesse and largenesse may compare with many Citties of Italie There is also six Miles about Vicentia toward THE PRINCIPALITY OF VERONA· VERONAE VICENTIAE ET PATAVIAE DIT the South the Towne and Castle Custodia which was so called because delinquents and loose persons were kept there at worke in greate Quarries of stone to digge stones for building of houses The Territory of PATAVIUM THe Territorie of Patavium followeth which wee are to describe in this Table which is thus bounderd by Bernardinus Scardeomus on the South the River Athesis runneth on the North the little River M●so glideth on the East the gulfe of Venice on the West the Euganian hills and the Country of Vicentia The compasse and circumference of this Country is 180. Miles in which there are six hundred and seaven and forty Villages Caelius Rhodiginus writeth that Constantinus Palaeologus was wont to say nisi secreta sanctissimis viris affirmari in Oriente Paradisum esse arbitrari se non alibi eum reperiri posse quam in persuavi Patavina amaenitate That is if holy men had not affirmed that Paradise was in the East hee should thinke that it could not be found any where else but in sweet and pleasant Patavium The soyle is fruitefull yeelding corne fruite and rich Wines whence Martiall Pictaque Pompineis Euganea arva jugis The Euganean fields which painted are With hills that purple Vines doe beare It affoordeth also great store of Hunting Fowling and Fishing The Inhabitants have a Proverb concerning the incredible Plenty of this Country Bologna la grassa Padova la Passa This Citty was alwayes joyned in friendship and amity with the Romanes as appeareth in Livie Lib. 41. and in M. Tullius his Phillippicks The Colonie brought hither was better conditioned than other Colonies For the Patavians had power to give their voice and suffrage as the Romane Cittizens It was taken and sackt with other Citties by Attila King of the Huns and an hundred yeeres afterward by the Langbards who burnt it when in the raigne of Charles the great it began to be partly under the Kings of Italy and the French King partly under the Berengarians but afterward it became free in the raigne of the Emperour Otho the first The forme of this Common-wealth lasted untill Frederick the second by whose command and authority Actiolinus Romaninus possessed this Citty after whom it had these Lords the Carrariensians the Scaligerians and the Galeatians and about the yeere of Christ 1404. the Venetians whom it still obeyeth and like a good Mother finding her selfe weake and infirme through age shee yeeldeth all her right to her Daughter for the Venetians were a Colonie of the Patavines not to bee governed but rather sustained and helped by her Patavium is a most ancient Citty the flower and honour of all the Citties in Italie Ptolemy calls it Patavium it is now called Padua Ptolemy also in another place calleth it Baetobium Some suppose it was so named in regard of the Vicinity and neerenesse thereof unto the River Po and the Marshes and so called as it were Padaveum some derive it a petendo or from hitting because Antenor the builder of this Citty Avem telo petiverit did there shoote a Bird with an Arrow But Antenor is reported to have built it as he came from Troy Thit Citty is situate in a fruitfull levell soyle and it hath a gentle temperate ayre it is happy both for the goodnesse of the soyle the pleasantnesse of the Euganian Mountaines and the vicinity of the Alpes and the Sea The River Brenta floweth by it The compasse of it is now twofold and heretofore threefold the
Mountaines Furcas Pescas and Auximus so called from the Citty Auximum and Corvus whence many Rivers together with Albula and Truento doe runne thorow the Marrucinians the Praecutianians and the Marsians But the Apennine Mount in this place where it hangeth over this Country is highest Here are these Bishopricks Asculanensis Firmianus Camerinensis Auximanensis Humanas Anconitanus Esinensis or Exinas Senogaliensis Fanensis Pisaurensis Forosemproniensis Calliensis Vibinas or S. Leonis Maceratensis Racanatensis The Dukedome of SPOLETO THe Dukedome of Spoleto commonly called Ducato di Spoleto is so called from the Citty Spoleto which was heretofore the Palace of the Dukes of Lombardy It was heretofore called Vmbria It may bee clearely collected out of Strabo that the bounds of Vmbria were heretofore very large who make the Apennine Mountaine and the Hadriatick Sea to be the bounds thereof Some doe make the length of it to be from Ravenna to Tiberis which is a 1650. Furlongs or 1128. Furlongs and an halfe The Country is here full of high rugged Mountaines and there garnished and trimmed with Hills which doe yeeld great store of Wine Oyle Figges and others fruits and then againe it openeth into fertile and fruitfull Plaines The Citties of the Dukedome of Spoleto are Eugubium which is seated at the foote of the Apennine and there lyeth a pleasant faire Plaine before it Some would have it to be that which Silius calls Inginium Cicero Iguvium Ptol. Is●vion It is an old Towne and of great Antiquity It is now a populous Towne and the Inhabitants doe live by dressing and spinning of Wooll The soyle is partly Mountainous partly Champion And it hath every where great store of Corne. Neuceria also cleaveth to the side of the Apennine the Itinerarie Tables doe call it Nucerium commonly Nocera and in their language Fulignum or Fuligno it is above an hundred and threescore Furlongs from Perusia Sibus Italicus calleth it Fulginia Timia is devided with a little poore streame In the Market place there are three Palaces in one of which there doe dwell the 7. men called Fulginates before whom all civill controversies are brought who beare that office for two yeeres in the other the Praetor who judgeth of more waighty causes and his office lasteth sixe moneths in the third is the governour who hath chiefe power under the Pope Assisum was so called from the Mountaine Asts neere unto it Ptolemy cals it Aesisium Strabo Aesium it is commonly called Ascesi and S●si it hath a Bishop Here S. Francis was borne who instituted the Order of Minorite Friers and it hath a sumptuous Church Here is also a well-furnished Library Mons Falco is a new Towne seated among pleasant Hills and very populous B. Clara who founded the Order of S. Clares Nunnes was borne here There is also Spoletum from whence Vmbria was called the Dukedome of Spoleto It is commonly called Spoleto Strabo and Ptolemy doe call it Spol tium It hath an unequall situation partly on a Plaine and partly on a Hill on which there is a strong Castle built out of the ruines of an Amphitheater It is now a faire Citty abounding with plenty of all things There is besides many other ancient Edifices as the foundation of an Amphitheater and the old Church of Concordia without the Citty and there are pieces of Aquaeducts which were cut out of the Apennine and partly conveyed to the Citty thorow bricke Vaults and Channels Ceretum is a new Towne but populous from whence the Ceretain are now called Errones or wanderers who travell thorow all Italy under the pretence and colour of sanctitie and religion and get their living by divers Arts. The Castellanian Bridge or Ponte Castello was built by the Ceretanians Here Iohn Pontanus was borne a famous learned man Conissa is a new Towne seated on a Mountaine but very populous That which Strabo calleth Interamna and Antoninus Interamnia and the Irinerarie Tables I●teramnium is commonly called Terni or Terani it aboundeth with all things necessary and is very populous The River maketh the soyle very fruitfull Vernaccia hath excellent Wine Tud●r is an ancient Citty situate on a pleasant Hill adorned and garnished with Figges Olives Vines and other fruits It hath these Lakes Floridum Velinum Cutiliensis And besides Inginium which Strabo mentioneth it hath these Mountaines Eugubinum Floridum and others There are also the Crustumenian Mountaines out of which the River Asia floweth with a deepe Channell There is all Fiscellus which Pliny calls the top of the Apennine whence the River Nar issueth from two Fountaines it is now called Monte Fiscello There is also a part of the Apennine which is called Mons Victor where it lifteth up his high top above the Castle Arquata and seemeth to exceed it selfe in height and thence it is called Mons Victor because it exceedeth the rest in height The Inhabitants are more warlike then the other people of Italy The Bishop Ariminensis is subject to the Archbishop of Ravenna There are these Bishopricks in the Dukedome of Spoleto Assisinas Fulginas Nucerinus Eugubinus Spoletinus Tudertinus Ameliensis Narniensis Interamniensis CAMPAGNA DI ROMA HERETOFORE CALLED LATIVM NExt Latium offers it selfe to be described which is a Country of Italy much celebrated and praised by all Authors It is thought that Latium was so callen from Saturnus who flying from his Country in his locis latebat hid himselfe in these parts Varro thinketh that this Country was so named because it lay hidden among the high steepe Rockes of the Alpes and the Apennine the Sea and Tiber. Others say that it was named Latium from King Latinus some derive it from the Latitude because there is no Country betweene the Mountaines and the Sea that hath a greater Latitude then this It is now called Territorio Roma●um or Campagna di Roma The most do make the boūds of Latium on the North the Apennine Mountaine the River Anio on the East Liris on the South the Tyrrhene Sea on the West the River Tiber which doth encompasse the Tuscians Sabinians Marsians Samnites Praegutianians and Campanians It is a very fertile Country except in some places neere the Borders where it is stony and mountainous and hath many Marshes which doe make the ayre thick and unwholsome The Sicilians the Aborginians the Pelasgians the Arcadians the Auruncians the Volscians the Oscians the Ausonians and others did first inhabit it So much briefly concerning Latium in generall now our method requireth that wee should describe it in particular beginning from that Citty which was heretofore the Compendium or Epitome of the whole world This Citty sheweth her selfe in ancient Latium as soone as you have passed out of Etruria over Tiberis It still keepeth her former name It is situated in a soyle not very fertile right against the South and hath an untemperate ayre and climate It was three miles in compasse which was the compasse of ancient Rome but now it is farre lesse It hath 360.
Patriarchall Churches which are these the Church of S. Iohn of Lateran S. Peters Monastery and S. Pauls Monastery within the walls of the Citty S. Maries Church and S. Laurences Monastery There are 8. Bishops assigned to governe these Churches the first and chiefest is the Pope the rest are under him as the Bishop Ostiensis who is Patriarke of Campania and doth consecrate the Pope unto whom is joyned Velletrensis or Valeriensis Portuensis Sabinensis Tusculanensis Praenestiensis and Albanensis There are also assigned for the government of the same Churches 28. Cardinals namely by the title of the holy Crosse of Ierusalem by the title of S. Iohn and Paul by the title of S. Stephen in Celio-Monte by the title of S. Susanna by the title of S. Peter by the title of S. Prisca by the title of S. Siriack by the title of S. Marcellus by the title of S. Balbina by the title of S. Grisogoni S. Marcellinus and Peter S. Anastasia S. Clem●nt S. Potentiana S. Martin on the Mountaines S. Praxedis S. Marcus S. Laurence S. Mary S. 4 or Coronatorum S. Sabina S. Nereus and Archileus S. Sixitus S. Eusebius S. Vitalis the 12. Apostles Church S. Laurentius and S. Cecilia unto which are adjoyned 18. Cardinals as Deacons Without the Citty there are in Campania the Bishops Agnaninus Alatrinensis Fundanus Tiburtinus Sagninus Terracinensis Verulanus Feretinus Soranus Aquinus Moreover the Pope hath under him in other parts of the world foure Patriarchall Churches unto which all other Churches in the same parts are subject as the Church of Constantinopole of Alexandria of Antioch of Hierusalem ABRVZZO AND TERRA DI LAVORO A PART of the Kingdome of NAPLES IN this Table two Countries of the Kingdome of Naples are to be described Aprutium and Terra Laboratoris The former or Aprutium the Italians doe now call Abruzzo The bounds thereof on the West are the Sabinians and Picentians with the River Truentum on the North the Hadriatick Sea on the South the Picentinians Campanians Martians Aequicolians dwelling on every side of the Apennine Mountaine The Country hath a very wholesome ayre and is very populous pleasant and commodious toward the Sea but the inward parts are Mountainous Besides other commodities it hath abundance of Saffron and it breedeth great store of Cattell The chiefe Citty of this Country is Aquila They report that the Langbards did build it and afterward Charles Martell or as some thinke the Emperour Frederick the second did wall it and fortifie it and did call it Aquila or Eagle because the Emperours Standard had an Eagle in it And this Citty in short time was so much enlarged that it is now the principall Citty in all this Country Moreover there are the Townes Guastum or Amontum in Italian Guasto di Amone which Pliny and Mela call Histon●um and Ptolemy Istodium without an aspiration Laucianum is a famous Mart-towne whether every yeere in the Moneths of May or August Italians Inluricians Sicilians Graecians Asians and Merchants from other parts of the world doe come to traffick Soulmoon which Ptolemy calleth Sulmo and Strabo Soulmon is now called Sulmona as Leander witnesseth and some doe call it Sermona It is a faire Citty both for beauty populousnesse and abundance of waters and famous because Ovid was borne here Chieti commonly called Civita Cheto is an Archiepiscopall Citty Asculum is an ancient Citty which Antoninus calleth Asculum and Pliny calleth it the noble Colonie of Picenum It standeth in a plaine open soyle being well fortified with strong walls On one side there is a high Mountaine with a Castle seated on it on the other side it is fortified with the River Truentus It is called now by a more fortunate and auspicious name Beneventum though at first it were called Maleventum from the rushes which it suffered a malo Vento or from evill fierce windes It is commonly called Beneventi This Citty hath a very convenient and pleasant situation and an excellent fruitfull soyle round about it Sora is neere unto the River Lirus being populous and adorned with the title of a Dukedome There is also the Towne which Ptolemy calls Aquinus where the great Philosopher Thomas Aquinas was borne It retaineth still that name but it is almost fallen downe yet the ruines doe shew the ancient largenesse thereof and it hath the title of a Country I omit the description of the other Townes for brevity sake The Rivers here are Phinternus ABRVZZO· ABRUZZO et Terra di LOVORO which devideth Samnium from Apulia commonly called Fortore The Fountaine whereof issueth out of the Mountaine Tifernus not farre from Bovianum And it dischargeth it selfe into the Hadriatick Sea neere the Lesinensian Lake There are also Trintus which Pliny noteth is full of Havens also Asinella Sentus Sangrus There are also the Rivers Morus Feltrinus Pescara Aternus Rafentus Orta Liberata Salmus Plumba Vomanus Turdin●s and others Moreover there are also among the Samnites Mountaines so high that they doe exceed the Apennine Mountaines Among which is the Virgins Mountaine famous for S. Maries Church which is built thereon Majella is a very great Mountaine having a very difficult ascent and full of rugged cliffes and Rockes The top of it is continually coverd with Snow yet it hath many greene Meddowes and it sendeth forth many Rivers and hath very spacious woods which are full of wilde beasts especially Beares and it hath many rugged cliffes There are also the tops of the Apennine which they call Montes Tremuli or the trembling Mountaines Terra di Lavoro THis Contry is now called Terra Laboris or Terra di Lavoro that is the Land of labour It was heretofore called Campania The bounds thereof as we may see in Strabo Ptolemy and others are on the west the River Lirus and Latium on the North the Samnitian Mountaines on the East the River Silarus which parteth it from Lucania and a part of the Samnitians Country on the South the Tyrrhene Sea Truely Campania is Campus or a Field into which nature hath powred forth of her owne bosome all the delights pleasures and delicacies which any place can affoord So that it may bee rightly called the Paradise of Italy for fertility and fruitfulnesse Divers people did heretofore governe this Country which Strabo mentioneth Lib. 5. and Pliny Lib. 3. Cap. 5. as namely the Opicians Ausonians Oscians Cumanians Tuscians and Samnites whom the Romanes last of all subdued So much briefely in generall concerning Campania now I come to a more particular description thereof and first of the Citties The Metropolis or mother Citty of Campania and the Kingdome of Naples is called in Coynes Neapolis or Naples Which name it still retaineth and is commonly called Neapolis It taketh up a great space of ground being magnificently built betweene the Sea and the foote of the pleasant Hills being fortified with Bulwarks Townes and Castles by Charles the fifth so that it is now impregnable It hath Ditches which are 80. feete deepe
appeareth by some Epitaphs written in Caldean letters It is thought that it was built in Abrahams time being seated in a pleasant fruitfull soyle It looketh Northward and is washed with the Tyrrhene Sea having high walls which were built by King Frederick Neere the Sea there is a Castle which hath beene much enlarged which they call Castrumad Mare or the Castle by the Sea There are also three Gates of the ancient Citty yet standing and the old Walls with many Towres built of foure square stone There is a Church at Panormus consecrate to S. Peter which was built by Rogerius King of Sicilie which excelleth both for beauty and costly building all the ancient and new Churches in THE KINGDOME OF SICILIE· SICILIA Italy so that learned men and travellers that come to see it doe much admire it The greater Church of this Citty is of a kind of a networke building carved with divers figures and Images and built by Gualther the second Archbishop of that name which was founded in the yeare 1185. where the bodies of the Kings and Queenes and Dukes are buried and interr'd There is also a publike Schoole and an Hospitall for strangers It would be tedious to rehearse the other faire buildings and aedifices which are in this Citty The other Citties are Siracusa which was heretofore a great Cittie which the Orator thus describeth in his 4. Oration against Verres You have often heard that Siracusa is the greatest and fairest of all the Graecian Citties And so it is O Iudges as you have heard For it is strongly situate and hath a faire comming to it both by Sea and Land and it hath Havens which are inclosed on every side with bvildings which having divers entrances doe at last meete and flow together Where a part of the Towne which is called the Ile being disjoyned by their meeting together with a straite Sea is joyned together againe with a Bridge It is so great a Citty that they say it doth consist of 4. great Citties one of which is the Iland aforesaid which is encompassed with two Havens at the Mouth of one of which there is King Hierons Pallace in which the Praetors now dwell There are many Churches in it but especially two which doe farre exceede the rest one consecrate to Diana and the other to Minerva which was a faire Church before Verres came thither In the farthest part of the Iland there is a Fountaine of sweet water which is called Arethusa which is very great and full of fish which would be coverd with the waves of the Sea but that it is walled about with stones But there is another Citty of Syracusa which is called Acardina in which there is a great Market-place a faire Gallery and Counsell-house a great Court and a Temple of Iupiter Olympus and many private Aedifices There is a third Citty which is called ●yche in which there is a great Schoole and many Churches and it is well inhabited and frequented The fourth Citty is that which because it was last built is called Neapolis or the new Citty in which there is a great Theater two great Churches one consecrate to Ceres and another to Bacchus and a faire Statue of Apollo which is called Tennites But not all the beauty of this Citty is decayd and onely some ruinous parts of the Towne are remaining Messana is a Citty by the Sea side the Inhabitants whereof were first called Messanians and afterward Mamertinians which Herodotus and Thucydides doe mention There is also Catina which is called Catana where Charonda the Lawmaker was borne and it hath now a famous Schoole Taurominium is a Citty built by the Zanclaeans it is now called Taormina There is also Leontium where Gorgias Sophista was borne Agrigentum is an ancient Citty which heretofore the Carthaginians raced and Megalus and Feriscus re-edified it againe There are also Augusta which was heretofore called Megara also Castrogianum heretofore Ennea Drepanum Monreale Heraclea and many other Citties It is watered with many Rivers in which as in the Lakes there are good store of Mullets Eeles Tenches and Trowts And in the Sea there is good fishing for Tunyes not onely at Pachynum but also at Panormum and Drepanum and all that Coast which lyeth by the Tyrrhene Sea There are also Sword-fishes taken in the Massonian Sea Lastly there is excellent good fishing in the Sicilian Sea for there are great store of Mullets which the Grecians call Trichias and Sophronius and Cicero doe call them Barbels and also great store of Lampreys But the Cicilian straites are narrow dangerous and rough and are called by the name of Scylla and Charybdis The chiefe Mountaines Aetna Eryx Aetna by Pindarus is called the Pillar of Heaven Silius Italicus calleth it Tiphoeum It is now called Monte Gibella or Mongibello Eryx is much memoriz'd for Venus Chappell which was built by Aeneas In Sicily are the Archbishops Panormitanus under whom are the Bishops Agrigentinus Masarensis Milevitanus or Maltensis The Archbishop of Montis Regalis under whom are Siracusanus and Cothanensis The Archbishop of Messanensis under whom are Cephaludensis Pacensis Lipariensis Marcus and Militensis now Milaza STIRIA COMMONLY CALLED STIRMARCK which was made a Dukedome by FREDERI OR BARBAROSSA In it there are many Countries among the which is WARASDEN by the River DRAVUS and LEBNAW by the River MURA. STIRIA commonly called Stirmarck was without doubt so called from a Bull or Steere to which opinion Aegidius Tschudus subscribeth where he reporteth out of Pliny that Caro doth affirme that the Lepontians and Salassians were of the Taurick Nation but these Tauriscians were Frenchmen who in the ancient French warres seated themselves beyond the Alpes of which Polybius Lib. 2. of the French warre writeth thus Those that are called the Transalpine French doe dwell by the Alpes on either side of Mountaines on that side which looketh Northward and towards the River Rhodanus but on that side which lyeth towards the plaine ground there are the Tauriscians the Agonians and many other barbarous people from whom the Transalpines are onely distinguisht by their different habitation and therefore called Transalpines because they live beyond the Mountaines But after these Tauriscians departed hence they sought themselves other habitations and possessed the Country which is now called the County of Goerts and so comming into Stiria they left their name unto that Country For a Bull in the Germane language is called a Stier And so they spred and dispersed themselves into Austria and Hungary Some affirme that Stiria was heretofore called Valeria in honour of Valeria the Daughter of Dioclesian as Marcellinus doth report Volateranus thinketh that it was called Iapidia for so he writeth in the 8. Booke of his Geogr. The next unto this Iapidia which they now call Styria though Pope Pius thinketh it should bee called Valeria by according to Rufus his description doe thinke that Valeria should be rather called Croatia betweene Danubius and Dravus
lye on Fether-beds but on Flock-beds or Beds stuffed with Wooll or Toe They never mingle any wine with water and women are not present at their drinking feasts and meetings neither doe they sitt downe at Banquets But the Heathenish Greekes have an ancient custome in bewailing the dead The Greeke Christians doe differ in Religion from the Romanes and doe call themselves the Easterne Church They have foure Patriarks the Patriarches of Constantinople of Alexandria of Hierusalem and Annoch These are created by the Metropolitan Bishops as the Popes are by the Cardinals and they are famous for their sanctimonious holy modest and religious life Their yeerely revenue is 400. crownes which is begged in the Churches which are under their government For the Clergie men have no Inheritance They may marry one wife but no more they acknowledge onely two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper They communicate in both kindes both in Bread and Wine They hate Purgatory and detest graven Images and doe not shave their haire But the richer Graecians and men of Authority doe weare Princely apparell Those that are under the Venetians doe goe in habit like to Venetians Those that are under the Turkes doe goe like Turkes The Governour of Greece is called V●omeli Beglerbey that is King of the Romane Princes for hee governeth all those Countries which the Turke hath in Europe which are subject to Constantinople Hee hath 40. Sangiacks under him who are Captaines of the Horse troopes chosen out of the Spachoglans and they are Governours in the chiefe Citties of the Provinces to keepe them in peace and obedience and they have 150. Sobasci Cimmeriotae or more who are Vice-governours under them of lesser Townes Under these Sangiacks there are 30000. Spachi every one of which maintaineth 3. or 4. Horses for service And these Spachi are distributed thorow the Flamboler that is the bands which doe containe 200.300 400. or 500. Horsemen The chiefe of the Sangiacks is the Governour of Modena who is President also of all Morea who upon the Beglerbeys command is to bring forth a thousand Horse who are bound to serve him for wages Also the Governour of Bosna bringeth 900. Horse and the Governour of Thessalonia bringeth forth 500. Horse an hundred whereof he hath alwaies in a readinesse the rest hee sends when the Turke demands it There are also under this Beglerbey 20000. Horsemen who are subject to the Sangiacks who are called the Tymariots because they have stipends out of the Tymar which is the Emperours Exchequer And also 40000. Akengi or Acconti that is Scouts or light Horsemen who being free from any taxes or contributions doe serve without wages and are supplyd with victuals by the chiefe Citties thorow which they passe There are also many Feudataries who are called Mosselin out of which there are sometime raised 60000 Horsemen and a great number of Footemen It would be tedious to rehearse all matters neither doe we intend it wherefore we returne to the more speciall parts of Greece MACEDON EPIRE AND ACHAJA VVITH which ALBANIA is described SOME have divided Greece in another manner But wee will follow Mercator who doth accurately describe the parts thereof in three Tables But in this Table he setteth forth 3. Provinces of Greece Macedon Epire and Achaja afterward Morea and in the third and last place Candia The first is Macedon being a large Country and so called from King Macedon the sonne of Orsiis some say that it was so denominated from Iupiter and Thia or as Salinus thinketh from Ducalions Nephew It was heretofore called Emathia as Pliny and Trogus doe witnesse Livy writeth that it was first called Paeonia afterward Aemonia Solinus calls it Edonia and Pieria Trogus writeth that it was heretofore called Baeotia Stephanus and Hesychius doe write that a part of it was called Macetia and from thence Eustathius reporteth that the whole Country was so called It is also called in the Booke of Machabees Cethim where we reade that Alexander went out of the Land of Cethim It is situate in the middle of two great Seas the Jonian Sea on the West and the Aegaean on the East on the North it hath a part of Dalmatia and the higher Maesia on the South it toucheth Epirus and Achaja The Country is every where fruitfull and encompassed with great Mountaines and the borders thereof toward the Jonian Sea are plaine and woody for that part which is called Albania is well knowne to bee large fruitfull and pleasant Moreover it is very rich in Gold and Silver and as Aristotle witnesseth a kinde of strange Gold was heretofore found here there is also Brimstone digged out of the Earth Moreover Macedon doth produce a Precious stone called Paeantides which doth helpe women to conceive and bring forth children as Solinus writeth This is that Macedon saith Pliny which heretofore had the Empire of the whole World that is that Country which passed over Asia Armenia Iberia Albania Cappadocia Syria Aegypt Taurus and Causasus this Country had Dominion over the Bactrians Medes and Persians and possessed all the East this conquerd India following the steps of Bacchus and Hercules this is that Macedon in which ou● Emperour Paulus Aemilius in one day tooke 72. Citties and sold them Such was the change of Fortune Macedon containeth many Countries among the which Thessaly is the chiefe which Castaldus calleth Comenolitari There are also many faire Citties in Macedon The chiefe now are Thessalonia which was and is now frequented by divers Christian Nations and Jewes who have there 80. Synagogues The Sangiack of Macedon resideth here He at the command of the Beglerbeg as often as the Turke setteth forth any Army hath 500. Horsemen well appointed an hundred whereof he keepeth neere him to defend his owne borders Neere unto this Citty is Siderocapsa famous for Gold Mettall And Pella where the Kings Treasure is kept and 3000. of the Kings Mares are kept to breed as Pliny and Strabo doe witnesse Stagira was the Towne where Aristotle was borne Also Apollonia where Augustus Caesar learned the Greeke tongue Dyrrachium which was heretofore called Epidaurus is in the Country of Brundusium also Aulon Croja and Cavalla The Rivers of Macedon next to Strimon in the borders of Thrace are Axius Erigonus Aliacmon and Peleus It hath these Mountaines Pelion Ossa Pindus Nimphaeus and Athon Athos is a great steepe rugged Mountaine which casteth a shaddow even to the Iland Lemnos it is planted with Vines Olives Bay-trees Mirtle-trees and Apple-trees Now it is inhabited by the Colojerians who are so religious that even the Turkes doe abstaine from this part alone and doe often give the Monkes gifts and benevolences EPIRVS· EPIRUS is a Country of Greece as Ptolemy and others doe call it Martianus Capella writeth that it was heretofore called Chaonia Grabillius affirmeth out of Dionysius and Thrasibulus that it was called Oricia and Dodona Leander and Erythraus doe write that it is now called Albania Richerius and
bee many names of one and the same Praefectureship Leo Africanus saith that the Mahometans did devide it into three Provinces Sahid the higher or Theb●●s from the borders of Bugia even to Cairus Errifia which is the Westerne part from Cairus to Rosettus and Maremina which i● the Easterne part It is supposed that there were 20000. Citties of Aegypt under Amasides Diadorus witnesseth that in his time there were ●000 The most famous were Syene Thebes which was also called D●●p●lis Ten●yra Heliopolis Memphis Babylon Alexandria Pelusium and 〈◊〉 which is now called Asna Thebes was built by King Busiris being in compasse 140. Furlongs as Herodotus reporteth it had 100. Gates with o●her publike and private Buildings but now it is ruinated 〈◊〉 was so called and denominated from the Iland of Nilus the Inhabitants are called ●entiritae who by nature are enemies to the Crocodile concerning which you may see more in Strabo and Pliny Heliopolis was heretofore the Citty where the Priests dwelt and the place where Strabo the great Astronomer and Philosopher lived Memphis heretofore called Arsinoe was a royall Citty where Nilus first devideth it selfe into two parts and maketh the forme of the Greeke letter Delta They call it now Cairum or Alcair This Citty is built in a triangular or three-cornerd forme being above 8. miles in compasse The Turkes the Aegyptians the Arabians the Hebrewes and others doe inhabit it Bellonius placeth Babylon a little above Cairus and the ruine of many famous Buildings are yet remaining It is now a little Towne of the Christians Alexandria was heretofore a noble faire Citty built by Alexander the great upon the Mediterranean Sea-coast and seated pleasantly The Turkes doe call it Scanderia Pelusium is called now Damiatum which is a potent rich Citty famous for the conveniency of the Haven wherein many Ships may ride being at the Pelusiacian mouth of the River Nilus This Country is devided watered and made fruitfull by the River Nilus which is the fairest River in all the world AEGYPTUS THE KINGDOMES OF MAROCCO FESSE· THat part of Barbary which was heretofore called Mauritania Tingitana doth now containe two Kingdomes namely of Marocco and Fesse of which we will now speake in order The Kingdome of Marocco was so called from the chiefe Citty thereof Marocco It lyeth betweene the Mountaine Atlas and the Atlantick Ocean in a triangular or three cornerd forme It is a pleasant Country abounding with all kinde of Fruit and Graine as Oyle Honey Sugar and other fruits as also Dates Grapes Figges Apples and divers sorts of Peares It hath also great Flockes and Heards of Cattell and many Goates whose hides are called Marocchini and the haire of them are good to weave a kinde of cloth which they call Camelottes Lastly this Country produceth all things which are necessary for food or to delight the smell or recreate the sight The Provinces hereof are Hea which on the East is enclosed with the River Essivalus on the South with the Mountaine Atlas on the West and North with the Ocean it is a rugged Country Mountainous Wooddy rich and populous It hath not such plenty of Wheate as of Barley and Millet But there is very little fruit which ariseth rather from the slothfull idlenesse of the Inhabitants than the indisposition of the Climate or Soyle But there is great store of Honey on which they live for the most part but they cast away their Waxe not knowing how to use it here are few Citties but many strong Townes Villages and Castles Susa hath on the North the Mountaine Atlas and the Towne Hea on the East the River Sus it is a fruitfull pleasant and rich Country It hath abundance of Wheate Barley and Pulse and in some parts great store of Sugar although the Inhabitants know not how to boyle it or use it in other parts it hath divers fruits as Egges Grapes Peaches and Dates it hath no Oyle which is yet brought hither from other places There is Gold in the Mountaine Ilalemus The chiefe Towne in this Country is Taredantum which the Mores doe call Taurent a faire Towne built by the ancient Affricans It containeth about 3000. houses and the Inhabitants are of a more civell behaviour Here the English and French Merchants doe live and doe exchange Iron Tinne and Lead for Sugar There is also Messa under which three lesser Townes are contained which are distant a mile one from another it was built neere the Sea Coast by the ancient Affricans Teijeut is a Citty built heretofore by the Affricans on a faire Plaine by the one side whereof the River Sus runneth It is devided into three parts which are about a mile distant one from another and being conjoyned they doe make a triangular or three cornerd figure Tedsi is a great Citty founded heretofore by the Affricans and seated in a pleasant soyle and Tagavost the greatest Citty of all this Country The Country of Morocco hath a triangular or three cornerd forme the bounds thereof on the West are the Mountaine Netisa on the East the Mountaine Hadimeus on the North it is extended even to the confluence and meeting of the River ●ensi●t and Asifinual This Country as Leo reporteth is well inhabited and aboundeth with Heards of Cattell and wilde beasts It is a continued Plaine not much unlike to Lombardy those Mountaines which it hath are cold and barren so that they beare nothing but Barley In this Country there is the Citty Marocco which some think to be that which Ptolemy calls Bocanum Hemerum It is accounted one of the greatest Citties of the world For it is so great that in the raigne of Prince Halis the Sonne of Iosephus it contained above 100000. houses and it had 24. Gates But this great famous Citty hath beene so harassed and wasted by the Arabians frequent inrodes and excursions so that now there is scarce a third part of the Citty standing There are also in this Country other lesser Townes as Elgiumuha a little Towne seated on a Plaine neere the River Sesseva and built by the Affricans Tenezz● is a strong Citty built heretofore by the Affricans on that side of the Mountaine Atlas which is called Ghedmina Delgumuha is a new Citty seated on a high Mountaine with a strong Castle Imizmizi is a faire Citty seated on a Rocke Tesrast is a small Towne seated on the banke of the River Asiselmel also Agn●et and Hanimmei Guzzula is seated on the North side of the Mountaine Atlas and on the East it joyneth to Hea. This Country doth yeeld great store of Barley and Cattell and it hath Mines of Brasse and Iron The Townes here and Castles have no Trenches or Ditches the Villages are faire populous and rich and all the Country is well inhabited Duccala is a Country which beginneth on the West from the River Tensiftum it is bounderd on the North with the Ocean on the South it is enclos'd with the River Habiel and on the
Constantinople There is also Nicaea and He●a●lea in Pontus Asi● properly so called is now called Sabrum or Sacrum it is bounderd on the East with Galatia on the North with Pontus and Bithynia the other parts are washed with the Sea It containeth also within it selfe Phrygia Lydia both the Mysia●s Caria Aeolides Ionia and Dorides Phrygia is twofold the greater and the lesser the greater lyeth Eastward in which there are few Citties but more Villages There is also the Citty M●da●um neere Sangarius which was so called from Midas his Palace There is also Apamaea the greatest Citty in Phrygia not farre from the River Maeander Also the Towne Docymeum and the Citty Synnada There is also Pessinus In the lesser Phrygia or Troad●s there were Iliam or Troy which is so often mentioned in Homer and Virgil. Also Pergamus which King Attalus from a Castle did enlarge and change into a Citty here Apollodorus the Rhetorician and Galen were borne Bellonius reporteth that among the ruines of Troy there are fragments and pieces of Marble Sepulchers foundations of Walls old Towers and Colossusses yet remaining There are also in this same Country the Promontory and Towne Sigaum in which there is Achilles Tombe Lydia or Meonia hath the Citty Sardeis where Craesus his Palace was Mysia neere the Hellespont bordereth on Troas In this Country there is Lampsacus a Colony of the Patians and Abydus of the Melesians Caria is situate betweene Ionia and Lydia the Metropolis hereof was heretofore Miletus which now they falsely thinke is called Malaxo for the ancients did call it Mylassa which Pliny calleth the free Citty Lib. 5. Cap. 21. There is also Magnesa neere the River Maeander On the shore was Ionia neere the Iland Chius in which heretofore was that famous Citty Ephesus Aeolis is betweene this and L●sbu● whose Citties by the Coast side are Myrina Cuma now Castri and Phocaea now called Foglia Vecchia Dorus is by the Carpathian Sea in the Chersonesus the chiefe Citty whereof is Halicarnassus here the Historians Herodotus and Dionysius were borne and Mausolus had his Palace here Galatia which is also called Gollogreece is so called from the Frenchmen who mingling themselves with the Graecians did heretofore possesse those parts which lye by the Euxine Sea betweene Pontus and Cappadocia The Citties in it are Ancyra now called Anguri famous for waterd Chamlot which is made there of Goates-haire Sinope was Mithridates his Country Amisus now called Simiso In this Country is Paphlagonia which is now called Roni Cappadocia which is now call'd Amasia and it reacheth from Galatia to Antitaurus on the South is Ciliciae on the North the Euxine Sea The length of it is more than 300000. miles Here was sometimes the flourishing Kingdom of the Amazons whom Titianus as Isid●●●s witnesseth doth elegantly call One-breasted Amazons The Citties and Townes herein are Trapezus Themis●yra Amas●a where Strabo was borne Iconium and Maza Lycia is next to Caria It hath these chiefe Citties Pa●ara and Telmessum Pamphilia followes which is parted by the River Cataractes from Lycia In it there were these Citties Sida Attalia and Aspendum It is now together with Cilicia called Caramania The Metropolis of Cilicia is now called Hama the ancients called it Tarsus here S. Paul was borne being an ancient University by the River Cydnus Strabo doth much commend it There is also the Towne Adena and Heraclea by the Mountaine Taurus Armenia the lesser reacheth even to Eu●hrates but on the West it is bounderd with Cappadocia The Rivers are Iris which is now called Casalma●h also Halis Ottom●ngiu●h Parthenius Dolap Sangaris Sangri which doe all runne into the Euxine Sea Into the Propontick Sea these Rivers doe runne namely Ascanius Rhindacus Aesopus and Granicus and into the Hellespont these Rivers Simois and Scamander which is also called Xanthus Into the Agaean Sea these Rivers doe runne Ca●●us Hermus Caistrus Maeander which as Pruseus reporteth maketh a hundred windings and turnings Lastly there doe runne into the Mediterranean Sea these Rivers Calbis Xanthus Limyrus Cataractes and others The Seas are the Euxine Sea the Aegaean Sea and Pamphylian the Propontis the Hellespont the Icarian the Myrtoan and Rhodiensian Seas And these Seas are very convenient both for importing and bringing in all kinde of Merchandise and also for fishing by which they reape much profit The chiefe Mountaines are Horminium in Pontus and Mysium which is also called Olympus The Synnadican Mountaines are famous for Stone-Quarries there is also Ida in Phrygia which is memorable for the ancient contention of the Goddesses for the Golden Ball and Paris his judgement which hee gave there also Gold-bearing Tmolus in Lydia Argaeum in Caeppadocia Amanum now called Monte Negro in Cilicia on which there doe grow high Cedars and and Juniper also the Mountaine Sabina which hath great store of Plants There are also Dindyma and the Mountaine Chimaera which flameth like Aetna and the flame thereof as Pliny witnesseth is encreased by casting on water and extinguished or quenched with dunge There is also the Mountaine Taurus which beginneth here on the top whereof there are Lions in the middle of it which hath pleasant pastures there are Goates and at the bottome Serpents Whence the Poets doe faine that it is a Monster which vomiteth and spitteth fire having a head and breast like a Lion a belly like a Goate and the tayle of a Dragon and that Bellerophon was sent to kill this Chimera There are also other Mountaines as Antitaurus and Scordiscus which for brevity sakes we omit I come to the publike workes There was heretofore in Ionia in the Citty of Ephesus the Temple of Diana the most famous and most magnificent Temple in the World and accounted one of the 7. wonders of the World Here were also many Hospitals for Strangers and for the sicke which they called Carbachara Moreover there are no Innes or places of Receit for Travellers in all those Provinces of which are subject to the Turke except it be those publike Houses which were built by divers meanes but this was the most usuall The Turkish Nobles when they were growne rich being willing to doe some pious worke in their life time did out of their Zeale build such Houses for they had no kinne to bestow it on and therefore thinking that should doe a good worke for the publike good by raising such Structures and Buildings they did therefore build either some bridge or an Hospitall called Carbachara unto which there was a Temple adjoyning and next to it a Bath THE ILAND OF CYPRVS VVITH THE ILANDS STALIMENE CHIVS MITYLENE NEGROPONTE CERIGO AND RHODES CYPRUS is one of the greater Ilands of the Mediterranean Sea which was so called either from Cyprus the Daughter of Cynica or from the Cyprus tree which is proper to this Iland It lyeth in the middle of the Issican Bay betweene Silicia and Syria on the East it hath the Syrian Sea and the Issican Bay which is commonly called Golfo de Lajazzo
on the West the Pamphilian Sea on the South the Aegyptian Sea on the North it looketh toward Cylicia which is now called Turcomannia according to others Caramania The compasse of it is 427. miles the length of it 200. as Bordonius witnesseth It hath for the most part an unpleasant and unwholesome ayre in regard of the exhalations and uprores which arise from the Lakes Yet the whole Iland is very fruitfull For it produceth all things necessary both for necessity and delicacies as Wheate Barley and other kindes of Graine also excellent Wine that may compare with Crete Wine also Oyle Sugar Honey Salt Oranges Citrions Lemmons Dates and other excellent fruit Also Gold Cotton Wooll Saffron Coriander seed Silke and what not also Emralds Chrystall Iron and Allome and especially such great store of Brasse which it is thought was first found there so that it was called Brazen Cyprus There is also a kinde of stuffe made of Goates haire which is called Chamlot Diodorus Siculus Lib. 16. writeth that 9. Kings did governe this Iland which were all subject to the King of Persia It had also Greeke Tyrants We read that heretofore it had 15. famous Citties which are now for the most part decayd and ruinated The chiefest of them were Paphos now called Bapho also Palae Paphos where the Inhabitants doe affirme that Venus came first out of the Sea there is also Sali●i●● which is seated in a pleasant Bay of the East shore from whence there is a convenient passage to Syria It was afterward called Const●n●●● and Epiphanius was Bishop thereof There were also the Citties Amathus and Ceraun●a But now the chiefest are Nicotia and Famag●●● But out of the Mountaine Olympus there doe runne two great Rive●s Ly●us and L●pethus the former runneth Southward the latter Northward The other streames may be rather called Torrents than Rivers because they are sometimes dry and then the Inhabitants doe want water extremely There are divers Mountaines in this Iland but the highest of them all is Olympus which they call Trohodon which is beautified with all kinde of trees and hath many Monasteries on it in which the Calojerians dwell The compasse of it is 54. miles STALIMENE LEMNOS is an Iland of the Aegaean Sea which the Turkes and Italians do now call Stalimene it is over against Thrace between the Chersonesus of Thrace and Ath●n a Mountaine of Macedon the compasse of it is 100. miles On the East side it is dry and barre● but betweene the South and the West the Fields are very fruitfull and doe bring forth Wheate Pulse Pease Beanes Wine Flaxe and Hempe The Lemnian Earth is digged foorth now as heretofore with many superstitious Ceremonies and that every yeere on the 6. day of August but not at other times For it is forbidden upon paine of death that none come to digge of it either secretly or openly The place out of which it is digged is called Vulcanes Mountaine This Iland hath abundance of Bay-horses which goe softly and doe neither pace nor trot It hath also Serpents Here were heretofore the Citties Myriva and Ephestias But now the latter is ruinate and desolate and called Cochino The other is a small Towne seated on a Peninsula which is joyned to the Iland by a small Isthmus or tongue of Land it is now called Lemnos CHIOS· THe Iland Chios was so named either from the Snow or from the Nymph Chion Heretofore it was called Aetolia as Ephorus reporteth It is situate betweene Samos and Lesbus over against Erythra The compasse of it is above a hundred miles Chios hath excellent good Wine so that as Strabo reporteth there are Clusters of Grapes which doe weigh 6. pound It hath also good Figges and a kinde of Marble which was much esteemed at Rome And it alone of all the rest beareth Mastick And heretofore it was so fertile and fruitfull that it was called the Store-house or Barne of Rome It hath also great store of tame Partridges which runne up and downe the Fields and the Streets Here are 36. Townes The chiefe Citty is ●hia which hath a convenient Haven for Ships to ride in It is all Mountainous It hath these Promontaries Posidium Phanaeum Arvisium from whence come Arvisian Wines which are now called Malmesies In this Country THE ILAND OF CYPRVS CYPRUS Stalimini Chios Mitilene Negroponte Cerigo Rhodus ton the Tragedian Theopompus the Historian and Theocritus the Sophister was borne And some suppose that Homer was borne here Cicero in his Oration for Archias saith The Colophonians doe say that Homer was their Citizen the Chians doe challenge him to bee theirs the Salaminians doe account him theirs and the Smyrnians reckon him their Citizen And therefore they dedicated a Chappell to him in their Towne And many others doe contend and strive for him MITYLENE LESBUS or Mitylena which is now called Metelin from the chiefe Citty lyeth over against Phrygia and is distant from the Continent 7. miles and an halfe Some report that the compasse of it is 168. miles And others say 130. miles It hath a wholesome ayre fruitfull fields and good fruits Here it the best Corne. It yeeldeth the best Wine which is more esteemed at Constantinople than other wines and for the most part it is of a pale colour betweene red and white Here is also Marble which is bluer than a Touchstone here is also the Pretious stone call'd Achates which being worne cheareth the heart and driveth away care and sorrow It doth breed strong lusty Horses but of low stature Heretofore there were 5. Towns in it Ant●ssa Pyrrha Eress●s C●ravi Muyl●n● now Metelino being the Prince-Towne of the whole Iland which hath a Castle and a pleasant fruitfull soyle but now it is for the most part ruinated and fallen downe This Iland hath two convenient Havens NEGROPONTE EUBOEA now called Nigropontus or Nigroporte on the South thrusteth forth the Promontory Geresto and Capha●eum on the North Caeneum it is no where broad and yet the narrowest place is two miles over but it is long and lyeth over against ●ae●tia and is separated from the shore by a narrow strait Heretofore it was joyned to Bae●tia The compasse of it is 365. miles This Iland hath abundance of Corne Pulse Wine Oyle and Trees fitt for Building of Shops The Metropolis was heretofore ●hal●is now it is called Nigr●p●n●e after the name of the Iland It is famous for the death of A●ist●th who dyed here for griefe when hee could not finde out the cause of the flowing and ebbing of the Sea 7. times by day and seven times b● night Although Suia●s reporteth that he dyed not for grief● but that he was poyson'd and L●ert●us saith that he dy'd by sicknesse There are also the Citty Eretria where Simonides the Lvrick Poet wa● borne there is also Cha●istu● which Stephanus calleth Chironia and Aegea now it is called Garisto which was famous heretofore for Marble there are also Heliaea ●irrha Nesos O●●halia Strabo writeth
that there are two Rivers in this Iland Cerus and Neleus which are of divers natures For if beasts drinke out of one of them their haire groweth white but if they drinke of the water of the other River their hide and haire groweth black There is an arme of the Sea which Livie calleth the Euborian Bay which is a violent Sea and floweth and ebb●th 7. times by day and 7. times by night with such a violent course that no Ship can sayle against it There is also the Mountaine ●apha●●us famous for the Shipwrack of the Graecians as they returned from Tr●y and for the death of Pa●amedes at Troy the Sonne of E●ripides N●●plius King of the Eubaean Iland CERIGO PTOLEMIE calls it Cythera Pliny heretofore called it Porpyris and ●u●●a hius calleth it P●rphyrusa from the great store of Porphirie Marbles which i● in the Mountaines It is now called Cerig●●● is th● first Iland of the Aegaean Sea on the West over-against the La●onick 〈◊〉 It 〈◊〉 it from the shoare of Peloponnesus 5. miles and it is 60. miles in compa●se It hath a Towne of the same name and many Havens which are not safe and secure for there are many Rocks which lye scatteringly round about this Iland RHODES· THERE remaineth in this Table the Iland of Rhodes This as Pliny witnesseth was heretofore called Ophtusa Asteria Aethraea Trin●●hia Corimbia A●abiria and Macarta It is distant from the continent of Asia 20. miles The compasse of it is 140. miles It hath a temperate and gentle Ayre and it was consecrate to the Sunne because there is no day wherein the Sunne doth not shine upon it The soyle is fruitfull and the Meddowes fertile and it hath great store of fruit Trees of which many are alwayes greene It hath now but one strong Citty of the same name which is situate in the Easterne part of the Iland partly on a steepe Hill and partly on the Sea Coast It hath a faire and safe Haven and it is well fortified with a double Wall thirteene high Towers five Castles and other Forts and Bulwarkes And it hath an University which heretofore was as famous as that at Massils Athens Alexandria and ●arsus and it had a brazen Colossus of the Sunne which was seventy Cubits high which after it had stood 56. yeeres it was throwne downe by an Earthquake and when it lay on the ground it was a wonderfull sight to behold For a man of a good stature could not fathome or embrace his Thumb And the Fingers were greater than most Statues and when it was broke his Belly did gape like a great Cave This Colossus was making twelve yeeres and three hundred Talents of Brasse went to the making of it and within there were great stones layd that might make the worke stand firme The Sultan laded 700. Camels with the Brasse of this Statue THE KINGDOME OF PERSIA OR THE EMPIRE OF THE SOPHI THE Persian or Sophian Empire as it was renowned heretofore so now also it is very famous The Inhabitants are Persians They are called also Ayami or Azamij from the Kingdome of Azamia which some thinke was heretofore called Assyria they were called Persians from Persides and Cheselbas from the red Cap or Hatt which they used to weare They were called Sophians from Prince Sophos The Kingdome of Persia is situate betweene the Turkish Empire the Tartarians the Zagatheans the Kingdome of Cambaia and betweene the Hircanian or Caspian Sea and the Persian Bay It hath thereof on the East the Indies and the Kingdome of Cambaja from which it is separated and parted by the Mountaines and Desarts on the North are the Tartars neere the River Albianus or Oxus the rest is enclosed with the Caspian Sea on the West are the Turkes neere the River Tigris and the Lake Giocho on the South it is washed with the Persian Bay and the Indian Sea which is a large space of ground for it containeth 38. degrees of longitude from the East to the West And from the South to the North 20. degrees Concerning the temper of the ayre of Persia Q. Curtius Lib. 5. writeth thus There is no whole-sommer Country in all Asia for the ayre is temperate here a continued shady Mountaine doth qualifie the heate thereof and there it is joyned to the Sea which doth cherish it with a temperate warmth But this Country is not all of one quality nor of one soyle That part which lyeth toward the Persian Bay in regard it is watered with Rivers and also that part toward the Caspian Sea having pleasant Rivers a milde gentle Ayre are both happy and fruitfull and doe yeeld all kindes of fruits and doe breed all kindes of living creatures It hath abundance of Wheate Barley Millet and the like Graine and also Mettals and Pretious Stones and Paulus Venetus witnesseth that it hath great plenty of Wine The other parts are desolate by reason of the heate and drynesse Moreover the Persians were at first an obscure Nation but they grew famous afterward by their King Cyrus who having gotten the Empire Media and Lydia joyned it to Persia and so having conquerd Asia and subdued all the East he left it a faire and flourishing Kingdome Cambyses succeeded his Father who added Aegypt to the Empire after whom Persia continued in one Estate untill Da●ius raigned who being conquerd by Alexa●der of Maced●n lost his life together with his Kingdome It was governed by Kings 230. yeeres as Q. Curtius affirmeth Lib. 4. and the Prophet Ieremiah doth assent unto him at the 9. Chapter of Daniel But now the Persian Empire which is subject to the great ●ophy is accounted one of the most potent Empires of all the East which though it were sometimes oppressed by the Sarazens and sometimes by the Tartars yet it grew up againe in the raigne of King Ismael The Countries which are subject to the Persian Empire are these Media Assyria Susiana Mesopotamia Persis Parthia Hyrcania Marg●a●a Bactriana Par●pamissus Aria Drangiana Gedrosia and Carmania Media is now called Servan which is situate betweene Persia and the Hyrcanian Sea it hath on the East Hyrcania and Parthia on the West the greater Armenia and Assyria It is devided into the greater or the Southerne and the Northerne Atropatia The latter is colder and therefore lesse inhabited The chiefe Citty is Sm●chia there are moreover these Citties Derb●nt Ere 's Sechi and Giavot The greater is more inhabited it hath also the Citty Tauris which is placed at the foote of O●ontis being 8. dayes journey distant from the Caspian Sea The compasse of it is almost 16. miles in which it is supposed that there are 200000. Citizens The Ancients did call it E●batana where the Kings of Persia doe dwell in Summer In the same Country there are Turcomian ●aru Sus●an Nassiva Ardavil and Marant Assyria which is now called Arzerum hath on the East Media on the West Mesopotamia on the North Armenia on the South ●usiana It had
TARTARIE OR THE GREAT CHAMS EMPIRE TARTARIE is a very large Kingdome for besides a great part of Europe it containeth all Sarm●●a in Asia with Scythir and Serica which they now call Cathajo It was so called from the River Tartoro which watereth that part which wee call Magog and the Inhabitants Mo●gull It is situate in the North on the East it hath the most potent Kingdome of China on the South India the Rivers Ganges and Oxus on the West the Caspian Sea and Poland from thence it confineth on Moscovie and on the North the freezing Sea which part is thought to be undiscoverd and unhabited The Ayre and Climate is very intemperate there is such horrid Thunder and Lightning in Summer that many have beene slaine by it now it is very hot and by and by cold so that thick Snowes doe fall downe And there are oftentimes such violent stormes of winde that they will blow men off from their Horses and stay them as they ride and overturne Trees by the rootes and doe much other harme beside It never raineth there in Winter but often in Summer but so sparingly that it doth scarcely moisten the Earth But yeeldeth good store of Wheate Rice and other Fruits it hath abundance of Silke Ginger Cinamon Pepper Cloves Rhucbarb and Sugar also Muske Pitch and in some places Gold and Silver In some places Wine is made but all the Province of Cathaja hath no Wine There is also a black kinde of stone which is digged out of the Mountaines and serveth for Fuell and they are wont to lay them on their fire for want of wood Moreover here are great store of Oxen Goates and Swine and especially an incredible sort of Horses and Cattell We read in the Tartarian Epistles that the Tartarian Emperour doth keep 10000. white Mares whose Milke serveth him for drinke And moreover that he keepeth 20000. Huntsmen and 10000. Falkoners And that this Country is full of Fowle as Pheasants Craues and the like In that part of Tartary which the Zavolhensian Tartarians doe possesse they report that there is a kinde of seed like to the seed of a Mellon or Pompion but not so long which if it bee sow'd a Plant will spring and grow up which they call Boranetz that is the Lambe For it groweth almost three foote high in the figure and shape of a Lambe which it resembleth both for the feete the hoofes the eares and the whole body except the hornes And in stead of horne it hath strange haire like horne It is covered with a thin skin which the Inhabitants TARTARIE TARTARIA doe pluck from it and cover their heads with it They report that the inward pith of it is like the meate of a Crabfish and that if it be wounded or cut blood will runne from it It is very sweet and the root having put forth of the ground will grow up as high as ones middle Beside this is more wonderfull as long as it hath other hearbes growing round about it so long it doth live like a Lambe in a pleasant Pasture but when they are gone it doth wither and dye which hath beene often tryd And which is most strange Wolves and other ravenous beasts doe most desire it In the Citty Quelinfu there are Hens which in stead of Feathers have black haire like Cats but yet they lay excellent Egges They doe call the first Emperour of Tartary who got the Kingdome and established Lawes therein Changius Canes or Cham. Paulus Venetus calleth him Cinchis Hee lived in the yeere of Christ 1202. Before him this Nation lived barbarously without manners lawes or civill government being of no notes in Scythia and living by keeping of Cattell The other Princes descended from this Changius Hee quickly enlarged the Empire from the Country of Syn● and the Ocean even to the Caspian Sea His Sonne was Iocucham who begot Zaincha the third Emperour whence some did call B●thi Hee wasted Russia Poland Silesia Moravia and Hungary Bathi begot the fourth Emperour Temi● Cutlu who was that Tamberlaine who is well knowne in Histories for his extreme Tyranny who wasted all Asia and entred even into Aegypt Hee overcame the Turkish Emperour Bajazet and having tooke him prisoner put golden fetters on him and carryed him in a Cage thorow Asia The fift Emperour begotten by Temir Cutlu was Temir Gzar who fighting against the Christians in Prussia was slaine there The sixt Emperour begotten by Temir Gzar was Macmectzar His Sonne Amectzar was the seventh Emperour He begot Sziachmet the eighth Emperour Tartary is devided into many parts the lesser which lyeth toward Europe betweene Boristhenes and Tanais and containeth the Taurican Chersonesus of which we have spoke in the description of Europe Also Tartaris deserta in which there are many Kine Zagatar which is Scythia within Imaus Cathaja with the Kingdome of Tangut which is the ancient Scythia beyond Ima●s and lastly ancient Tartaria which was unknown to Ptolemy The Metropolis of this Kingdome is Cambalu by the bank of the River Polisangus which is 24. miles in compasse There are 12. Gates and as many Suburbs It is a Mart Towne and very rich in Pearles Gold Silver and Silke They report that every day a thousand Carts loaden with Silkes and brought hither out of China besides other commodities Moreover there are many famous Citties as Samarcauda built by Tamberlaine Caindo is a Citty famous for Merchandizing in the farthest part of Tartary and many others which for brevity sake I omit There are many Lakes in Tartary so that it would be tedious to reckon them but yet we will name some of the chiefest In the Province Caniclu there is a Lake in which there is such store of Pearles that they would be of no esteeme nor nothing worth if every one might carry away as many as he listed Where it is forbidden on paine of death that no man shall presume to fish in this Lake for Pearles without leave and licence from the great Cham. This Lake also is full of fish There is another Lake in the Province Caraim which is very full of Fish being an hundred miles in compasse and others It is watered with many Rivers among which is the great River Pulisachnis This River runneth into the Ocean and many Boates loaden with commodities doe come up it There is also the River Caromora which is so broad and deepe that it hath no Bridge over it but yet it rowleth into the Sea There is also Quiantu which is halfe a mile broad and very deepe and full of fish also Quian which as Paulus Venetus writeth is thought to be one of the greatest Rivers in the world For the breadth of it in some places is 10. miles in others 8. miles and in some 6. miles The length of it is 100. dayes journey I omit other matters and so passe to the publike Workes and Buildings The first is a faire great Marble Palace beautified with Gold which was built by the great Cham
namely India on this side Ganges and India beyond Ganges It is thought that the latter is called in the sacred Scriptures Hevila or as some write Havilah or Evilath and the former Seria But wee reade in Marius that the Inhabitants doe call it Macyn or Magin others that follow Mercator doe call it Mangi and China Iohn Barrius affirmeth that the Inhabitants doe call the former ●ndostan It is the largest Country of all the world Pomponius writeth that a ship may sayle 60. dayes and nights along the coast of it But it is bounderd according to Pliny and Strabo on the West with the River Indus which divideth Persia from India on the North is the Mountaine Taurus on the East it is encompassed with the Easterne Ocean on the South with the Indian Ocean The Country hath a wholsome gentle ayre yet it is so great that it hath a different climate in many places for in some places it is hott namely toward the Aequator and in other places temperate enough and rather cold towards the North. But the Countrey it selfe in generall both for the Situation the ayre and the fertility of the Soyle doth farre exceede other parts of the world Here new Starres doe rise and set and here are two Harvests in a yeare and two Summers and the Winter is in the middle betweene them and the Estesian or East windes doe coole and qualifie the heate Although this Countrey for the most part hath no Wheate yet it yeeldeth plenty of Pulse and other graines and especially of Barley and Rice It doth also bring forth divers other fruits as Pepper Franckincense Myrrhe Ginger and in the most Southerne parts Cinnamon Spicknard and other Aromaticks and sweet spices as Arabia and AEthiopia There are also Honey or Sugar Canes Besides it hath many Druggs and rootes of trees some of which are wholsome and some hurtfull What should I speake of their Mettalls stones and Mineralls For there is great store of gold and silver in the Countrey as also of Brasse Iron and Copper as Diadorus witnesseth But Plinny saith that it hath neither Brasse nor Leade but instead thereof Precious stones and Pearles which the Sea casteth up upon the shoare For it hath abundance of Berills Adamants Carbuncles and Pearles Here is silke enough to furnish all the world Here are greater beasts than in others parts of the world as Oxen Cammels Lions Dogs and Elephants There are great store of Elephants And great Dragons in the Wildernesse that are as bigge as Elephants and doe fight continually with them And Dogs as fierce as Lions And great store of Serpents which the Inhabitants doe roast and eate and a kind of THE EAST INDIES· INDIA Orientalis Ants which they eate with Pepper as we doe Crabfishes Here are white Apes and Cameleons which were heretofore thought to live by aire Moreover there are divers sorts of Birds not knowne to other Nations besides great store of Hens Pheasants and Partridges and also Parrets of divers colours Plinny writeth thus of the Indies The Indians alone of all nations were never droven out of their Countrey they had from Bacchus to Alexander the great 153. Kings in 6402. yeares and 3. monethes And Strabo writeth that never any but Bacchus Hercules and Alexander got the victory against them although Cirus and S●mirami● assailed them often But leaving these matters let us passe to the Citties The companions of Alexander the great doe write that there were 5000. Townes in that part of India which they conquer'd and every one as bigge as Co whence you may easily collect the vast largenesse of this Countrey The chiefe Citty is Calechut which is the famous Mart of all the East There are also other Citttes as Cambaja Dec●n Batticalla Canonor and many others There are also many great Lakes In the history of Alexander there is a mention made of a Lake which hath great old wood in it here Alexanders army was like to perish for thirst But the greatest Lake of all is Chiamy which is 400. Miles in compasse and is 600 Miles distant from the Sea Hence many chiefe Rivers doe issue the next unto this Lake is ●incuthay and others Here are many great Rivers It is reported that Alexander the great did sayle every day 600. Furlongs in the River Indus yet he could but sayle over it in 5. moneths and odde dayes and yet it is lesser than Ganges It riseth out of the Mountaine Ca●sasus which is called Paropamissus and now Naugocrot and so having runne 900. miles it dischargeth it selfe into the Southerne or Indian Ocean In which compasse of ground it receiveth 20. Rivers but the famousest are Hydaspes which bringeth 4. others with it and Cantabra which bringeth three with it Some say that the Rivers Ganges doe issue from unknowne Springs as Nilus and that it watereth the Country round about as Nilus doth some say that it riseth out of the Scythian Mountaines and that 19. Rivers doe runne into it Some say that the Springs thereof doe breake forth with great violence and so rowling down thorow the Rocks it runneth first thorow the Plaines and from thence glideth gently forward and that it is 8. miles broad in the narrowest part of it and in other places 100. Furlongs broad and is no where lesse then 20. yards deepe This River in the Scriptures is called Phison But now Geographers doe seeke for it For some suppose it is that River which floweth into the Bay of Bengala perhaps in regard of the affinity betweene their names for the Inhabitants doe call it Guengua But our Mercator sheweth by good probable reasons that Ganges is that River which is called Rio de Cantaon Next to these Rivers there are the Rivers Mandona Chaberis Ava Campumo Menam Menon and many others Megasthenes reporteth that there are 60. Rivers in the Indies many of which doe overflow their bankes in the Summer like Nilus which is the chiefe cause of the fruitfulnesse and fertility of this Country It is said that Ganges hath Crocodiles as well as Nilus also Dolphins and Eeles 30. foote long as Pliny witnesseth Moreover the chiefest part of the East-Indies lieth over against the Southerne or Indian Ocean by the Shore or Sea Coast which although for the most part it hath Havens yet in many places it is so environd with Ilands Rocks and Sands that it is dangerous sayling that way Solinus saith that the Indian Seas have Whales as bigge as 4. Acres of ground There is also a kinde of Fish called a Whirle-poole which are very great and will lift themselves above the Hatches of a Ship and will so spout Sea-water out of their spouts that the waight of it falling downe againe is ready to overset Ships Here are many Mountaines so that it would bee troublesome to reckon them many of which have no greene things on them Imaus Emodus Par●pamissus doe joyne together being parts of Caucasus The Woods in the Indies as Solinus
Mulberries And it hath many other fruits which are unknowne to us especially a kinde of Graine call'd Maiz which is like Pepper of which they make Bread It yeeldeth also divers living Creatures as Sheep Kine Goates Hogges Horses Asses Dogs Cats and other Beasts all which are found in the West-Indies Also Lions Beares Tigers Boares Foxes and other wilde Beasts also Harts Hares and Connies Besides these there is a kinde of Beast called Sainos which is like a little Hogge● which have their Navells on the top of their back There are great store of them in the Woods and also of other Beasts which for brevity sake I omit There is also great variety of Fowle as Geese Ducks Starlings and Hens which are bigger than ours and divers other The Spaniards first tooke possession of this Country under the conduct of their Captaine Ferdinando Cortes with a great losse and slaughter of their own men and of the Inhabitants in consideration whereof the Emperour Charles the fifth gave them New Spaine is situate by Mare del Nort or the Northerne Sea The Spaniards have here two Colonies namely Panuca and S. Iames of the Valleyes Colonie Lastly there is in new Spaine the Citty Tlascalan which is second to Mexico which is very populous and rich and hath a fruitfull soyle round about it it is governd like a Common-wealth but it is under the possession of the King of Spaine There are in new Spaine many Lakes which are for the most part so salt that Salt is made out of them The chiefe Lake is that which in regard of the bignesse thereof is call'd the Chapalican Sea There is also the Lake of the Citty Mexico There are also many Rivers in it full of Fish some of which have golden Sands There are also Crocodiles in them which the Inhabitants doe eate The Country also is full of Mountaines and rugged Rocks In the Province of Mexico there is a flaming Mountaine which the Inhabitants call Popocampeche There is also a Mountaine in the Country Guastecan in which there are two Fountaines the one of black Pitch the other of hot red Pitch Moreover this Country is full of Woods and generally it hath great store of Trees especially of that Tree of which they make Boates or Canoas of one bough It hath also Cedars which are so tall and thicke that they cut square timber out of them which is 120. foote long and 12. broad and such great store of it that you may say that Ceders doe grow as commonly on their Mountaines as Oakes doe on ours I come to the publike workes There were in these parts of the Indies many faire and magnificent Temples consecrated to Idols and ordained for the worship of the Divell which the Spaniards heretofore called Cu. First there was in the Citty Mexico the famous Temple Vitziliputzli being very large within But the care which the Mexicans shew in educating and bringing up their children is very strange for they know assuredly that there is nothing which availeth more to the right ordering of publike or private matters than the instruction of children The Indians are cunning Artificers in Mechanick Arts especially in weaving of divers sorts of Birds feathers and Beasts skins and they are so painefull and laborious that oftentimes they doe not eate in a whole day untill they have coyned and neately filled some one feather and then they view it on every side both in the Sunne and in the shade that they may see whether it will become them to weare it with their haire standing on end or lying on either side So that they will presently make any kinde of Beast or Flower or Hearbe and set it forth to the life The Goldsmiths are the chiefe Artificers and are more cunning than the rest so that they will expresse a thing to the life and they are excellent casters of mettall so that they will cast either any Hearbe or the smallest thing so lively that you shall thinke it to be naturall The Citty of Mexico hath the best government and policy of all new Spaine For it being the Metropolis of the whole Empire divers Nations of the same Country did flock thither to trade and traffique so that severall Nations kept their severall places and every 5. dayes they kept markets which were well furnished with all commodities So that severall Manufactures and kindes of Merchandise had a severall place appointed them which none could forestall or take up which was a great point of Policy Neither as Zenophon witnesseth in his Oeconomicks can any Citty or House bee governd more conveniently then by assigning every thing a certaine place which the Indians did observe THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FIRME LAND OR OF THE NEVV KINGDOME OF GRANADA THIS new Kingdome of Granada beginneth on the South neere the Mountaines of Opon the Country is is plaine and fruitfull and well inhabited especially in the Vales here Anthropophagi or Canibals doe live who are called Pancho● but they which dwell on the Firme Land doe hate their barbarousnesse in eating of mans flesh It is 130. leagues in length and 30. broad and it lyeth in 3.4 or 5. degrees of height It is devided into two speciall Provinces Bogata and Tunea it hath abundance of Gold and Emraulds The Inhabitants have comely bodies especially the Women who are better shaped and fairer colourd than their neighbours They weare Mantles dy'd black and white which they make fast beneath their breasts and so let them hang downe to their feete they adorne their heads with Flowers and Cotton Crownes of divers colours They are not troubled with cold for there is no great difference betweene their Summer and Winter The ayre also is good and wholesome and they make their Houses and Cottages of woodden boords which they cover with straw Their food is Maiz which is a kind of Corne and they eate also the flesh of wilde Beasts and they have store of Conies They delight much in Songs and Dancing and they are vaine lyars as more people are in this Country The soyle is fitt either for Pasturage or Tillage And in some parts there are Mines of Gold Copper and Latine Mettall The Metropolis of this Province is called S. Fidei de Bigota it is situate 4. degrees Northward from the Aequinoctiall Line neere the foote of the Mountaine in which there are 600. Inhabitants and there the royall Senate is held and the Kings Officers doe dwell This Citty is also adornd with a Cathedrall Church and two Monasteries the one of Dominicans the other Franciscans Five thousand men are ceased by this Senate and doe pay tribute It hath a cleare wholesome ayre The Citty Toycama is seated by the banke of the great River Patus it hath a cleare drie ayre and wholesome except it be when the heate is too immoderate The Inhabitants are couragious having small foreheads and heretofore they were all Anthropophagi or Men-eaters but now by conversing with the Spaniards they have left of that
795 Arcadia 806 Argia 806 Barbarie Bosnia 786 Corinth 806 Croatia 786 Dalmatia 786 Elis 806 Epire 795 Greeco 795 Laconia 806 Lebnaw 782 Macedon 795 Messenia 806 Morea 804 Peloponesus 804 Sicyonis 806 Slavonia 786 Stirmarck 782 Thessaly 799 Warasden 782 Islands Candy or Create 809 Corfu 812 Milo 813 Naxus or Nissia 813 Santorino or Therosia 813 Zanto 812 Peninsula'es Ploeponesus or Morea 804 Promontories Capo di Chiaronza 807 Arvisium 809 Cities Abdera 792 Aegira 807 Alexandria 787 Antioch 787 Argos 795 806 Athens 795 Aulis 803 Bruga 784 Calydon 802 Canea 810 Candy 810 Charenza 807 Constantinople 792 Corinth 795 Cortina 810 Delphos 795 803 Dodone 880 Elis 807 Guossos 810 Hadrianopolis 792 Jaitza 789 Lacedemon 795 Libaea 807 Mantinea 807 Marchpurg 785 Megalopolis 807 Megara 803 Mycenis 795 806 Mytenes Nicopolis 792 801 Olympia 807 Patras 807 Perinthus 792 Phestos 810 Philipolis 792 Platea 803 Psophis 807 Rhetimo 810 Selimbria 792 Sissegkum 788 Sparta 806 Stimphalus 807 Tanagra 803 Thebes 803 Thessalonia 799 Tra●anopolis 792 Voytsperg 784 Townes Actium 802 Apollonia 789 Azamur Bigihon 788 Braila 790 Bulatinan Cavalla 800 Cheronaea 803 Cilia 785 Cor●ne 806 Dictinna 810 Dyrrachium 800 Eleusis 803 Epidaurus 786 Helice 807 Judera 786 Leucas 802 Leuctra 806 Marathon 803 Modrish 788 Novograd 790 Naupactum 803 Pella 792 Phocis 803 Prisdena 790 Rachelspurg 785 Rhegium 777 Salena 786 Samandria 790 Sebinium Segna 786 Serratum 792 Spalatum Stagira 800 Stimbrigrad 790 Teniovizza 790 Tran 786 Trescorium 790 Turna● 788 Warboseyne 789 Rivers Achelous 796 Acheron 796 Alpheius 796 Arrabone 785 Axius 795 800 Cephisus 796 Cnopus 803 Danubius 790 Dravo 785 Drinus 788 Echedorus 795 Errigon 795 Hebrus 793 Hoyne 790 Inachus 796 Ismenus 796 Lydius 795 Melipotamus 810 Peneus 796 Rhizon 788 Spenchius 796 Styrmon 795 Ticicus 788 Lakes Lema 806 Stymphalian Lake 807 Mountaines Argentarus 790 Arocerannij 796 Athos 796 800 Bertiscus 796 Calidromus 796 Carax 796 Citerius 796 Cithoron 796 Claudius 785 Cronius 796 Elatos 813 Evan 808 Gesacus 785 Haemus 793 Helicon 796 Himettus 796 Ida 810 Madara 810 Messapus 743 Minthe 796 Nimphaeus 800 Oeta 796 Olimpus 796 Orbelus 793 Ossa 796 Othris 796 Pangaus 793 Parnassus 796 Pelion 796 Pindus 796 Pholoe 796 Psilori 810 Radel 795 Rh●dope 793 Sothia 810 Stimphe 796 Stimpalus 796 Taigetus 796 808 Taurus 785 Zarex 796 Observations Aristotle was borne at Stagira in Macedon 800 Democritus was borne at Abdera a Citie in Romania 792 The Emperour Justinian borne at Prisdena in Servia 790 The Labirynth of Creete 810 The Dodonian Oracle vid. 880 A TABLE OF AFFRICK From Fol. 813. to 833. Countries A Aethiopia 824 Angote 827 Barbarie 814 Barca 816 Duccala 820 Egypt 814 Errifea 817 Fesse 816 819 Guinea 829 Hascora 820 Hea 819 Maremma 817 Morocco 816 819 Susa 819 Tedles 820 Tunis 816 Ilands Princes Isle 829 Isle of the Good-yeere 829 S. Thomas Isle 829 Havens and Bayes Marsa Eltabrius 816 Horamus or Orama 816 Cities Alcair 818 Alexandria 817 Alemandin 820 Algie●s 816 Azaesi 820 Babylon 817 Beroe or Barne 826 Caxumo or Cassume 827 Damiatum 818 Delgumuha 820 Diospolis 817 Heliopolis 817 Imitzmazi 820 Memphis 817 Mersalcabar 816 Morocco 820 Mustagamn 816 Pelusium 817 Scanderoon 818 Syene 817 Tentyra 817 Thebes 817 Tigremaon 826 Townes Agmet 820 Amara 827 Asiselmel 820 Azamur 820 Bulatiuan 820 Contopozzi 820 Conte 820 Elmadina 820 Esza 822 Githiteb 822 Guzzula 820 Haninimer 820 Meramer 820 Mosca 819 Tagodast 820 Taurent 819 Temeracost 820 Tenezza 820 Terga 820 Treijut 819 Tesza 822 Rivers Abanhi 827 Major 816 Niger 829 Niffis 822 Nilus 818 Omirabih 822 Sifelmel 822 Tagarost 820 Tacassi 827 Tedsi 826 Teawsift 822 Lakes Barcena 827 Woods Deserts of Arabia 816 Mountaines Atlas 819 Hadimeus 820 Italemus 819 Netisa 820 Nisipha 822 Semete 822 Sensana 822 A TABLE OF ASIA From Fol. 834. to 889. Countries A Aeolides 844 Alexandria 837 Anatolia 844 Ari● 856 Armenia 844 Asia properly so called 844 Asia the Lesse 844 Assyria 856 Atti●a 836 Bactriana 856 Bithinia 836 Bulgaria 837 Cappadocia 844 Caria 844 Carmania 856 Cathaio Chaldea Chanaan 819 China Cilicia 844 Dalmatia 837 Drangiana 856 Dorides 844 East-Indies 854 Erraca Eubaea 837 Galatia 844 Galilee 842 Gedresia 856 Holy Land 839 Hyrcania 856 Idumaea 842 Illiria 836 Jo●ia 844 Israel 839 Judea 839 Lycania 836 Lycia 844 Lydia 844 Macedon 836 Macran 836 Media 856 Mesopotamia 856 Mysia 844 Natolia 844 Nicaea 836 Padan Aram 856 Palestine 839 Pamphilia 844 Parepamissus 856 Parthia 856 Persia 855 Persis 856 Phocides 836 Phrygia 844 Pontus 836 Russia 837 Samaria 842 Sarmaria Servia 836 Susiana 856 Tangut 856 Tartarie 857 Theodosia 837 Thessalie 830 Thrace 836 Turkish Empire 834 Valachia 637 Islands Ambon 878 Celibes 875 Corigo 849 Chios 849 Cyprus 849 Delmore 878 Gil●lo 875 Japan 880 Lemnos 850 Mitylene 849 Molucco Ilands 875 Negroponte 849 Rhodes 849 Stalimene 849 Taprobana 885 Ternate 876 Zeilan 885 Promontories Arvisium 850 Geresto 852 Phanaeum 850 Posideum 850 Cities Aleppo 857 Amasia 847 Anguri 848 Antioch 858 Ascalon 879 Babilon 858 Bactra 858 Caindo 862 Calcedon 848 Chalechut 872 Camuchi 888 Cambaia 872 Cambalu 862 Cana 839 Canton 866 Caramil 856 Carizeth 856 Cerasus 848 Ephesus 848 Eretria 852 Famagosta 849 Fiongo 882 Gadara 839 Gaza 839 Halicarnassus 848 Heraclia 848 Hierusalem 879 Ilium 848 Liampo 869 Meacum 882 Merdin 856 Naim 839 Nazareth 834 Nicae 848 Nicomedia 848 Nicotia 849 Nineve 856 Peroamu● 848 Persepolis 856 Prusa 848 Scandaroon 862 Sardis 848 Tarsus 847 Troy 848 Vr 858 Townes Arbe 842 Bethlehem 842 Bethsaida 842 Candabur 858 Capernaum 842 Cariatharbe 842 Chorazin 842 Cochino 850 Gomorrah 842 Jericho 842 Joppe 842 Lemnos 850 Macherus 842 Mambre 842 Marant 856 Metelino 852 Sichem 842 Sigaum 842 Smachia 856 Sodom 842 Tauris 856 Turconian 856 Rivers Aesopus 847 Araxes Ascanius 847 Caicus 147 Caistrus 147 Calbis 147 Cataractes 847 Euphrates 847 Granicus 147 Ganges 847 Helis 847 Hermus 147 Hydaspes Indus Jordan 842 Limymus 147 Maeander 147 Phison 147 Rhindacus 847 Sangri 847 Scamander 147 Simois 147 Tigris Xanthus 147 Seas Aegean Sea 847 Euxine 847 Hellespont 847 Icarian Sea 847 Myrtaean 847 Phamphylian 847 Propontis 847 Rhodiensian 847 Mountaines Argaeum 847 Athon 850 Calvary 842 Caphareus 853 Carmel 842 Caucasus 872 Chimaera 847 Coronus 858 Dindyma 847 Hermon 842 Ida Mount 847 Monte Negro 847 Moriali 842 Olimpus M. 846 Olivet 842 Orontes 858 Pico de Adam 888 Sabina 847 Sion Mount 842 Tabor M. 842 Taurus 847 Tmolus 847 Vulcans M. 850 Observations Achilles Tombe 848 A strange Story of an Elephant 886 A strange Plant in Tartarie 860 A Fish call'd a Whirlpoole strange woods Figge-trees and Reedes 873 Godfrey of Bologne did beate the Sarazens out of the Holy Land 842 Herodotus and Dionysius born at Halicarnassus 848 Simonides the Lyrick Poet borne at Eretria a Citie in the I le Negroponte 852 Strabo borne at the Towne Amasia in the lesser Asia The great Brazen Colossus
or of any rare and unusuall Creature or of the continuall burning of the Mountaine Aetna also of divers Islands lying here and there in the great Ocean and also of Salvage Nations some whereof goe naked without cloathes others feede on mans flesh and the like matters or doe reade the wonderfull histories of the East and West Indies in which there are many things which doe rather seeme fabulous than true doe apprehend them with such great admiration and give such earnest attention thereunto out of the desire which they have to heare such novelties how much more may the curious Readers delight in this worke which as we said before doth containe and represent the whole Globe of the Earth with all the Countries Kingdomes Dominions Woods Mountaines Valleys Rivers Lakes People Citties and innumerable Townes thereof with the Seas flowing about it all which any one may here view on dry land without endangering his body or goods and in this travell his friends shall not be sollicitous or take care for him in his absence or earnestly desire his returne Besides in this peregrination or travell he shall want no delight that may drive away the tediousnesse of the journey for while he fixeth his eyes on severall Countries and places he shall straight way behold the speciall gifts and peculiar excellencie of every Country and observe a wonderfull variety therein which are very delightfull to the mind for as the Proverbe saith A good merry companion is as a Coach upon the way But they shall chiefely discerne the great and manifold benefits of this Art of Geography who in their eye-travell and viewing of severall Countryes shall consider the scituation and disposition of Countries the Customes observations lawes and manners of the Inhabitants and shall afterwards traffique and send commodities to severall places or resolve to study the liberall Arts seeing no Poet nor Historian can be well read with profit nor be conveniently expounded or declared by any Interpreter or Commentator without the helpe and knowledge of this most Noble Science I omit here to mention how absurd and unfit it is that he who hath no skill nor knowledge in these matters should give his opinion and judgement in the publicke assembly or councell of the Common-wealth when consultation is held about the discovery of some unknowne Country or in time of warre concerning the bounds and confines of any Province But Princes and Noble men ought chiefely to bestow great paines in studdying this most excellent Art in regard it may be very usefull unto them in undertaking journies and voyages when occasion requireth as also at home for fortifying the Frontiers of their owne Territories or the directing and conducting of any warlike expedition For that irrecoverable dangers have ensued when an army hath beene led through places unknowne both to the souldiers and Captaine both Livy and many other Historiographers have abundantly testified by cleere and manifest examples And moreover as it is very necessary profitable and pleasant to know all Countries Kingdomes Dominions and Provinces with their scituation disposition and qualities so in like manner the severall Seas Rivers Lakes and memorable waters thereof ought to be considered exactly in these times when voyages are so frequently made unto knowne and unknowne Countries so that not any one will continually reside at home and abstaine from making discoveries both by Sea and Land So that Polidore Virgils complaint is now vaine who in the fifteenth chapter of the third Booke concerning the Invention of Matters doth condemne mankind of too much rashnesse and madnesse in regard he cannot bridle his affections and desires with reason and though God hath given him the Earth being a firme and immovable element abundantly producing all things necessary and convenient for mans life yet he being not content therewith hath made a Scrutiny and search into the starres the heavens and the vaste Seas To the same purpose Horace sung formerly in his first Booke and third Ode He had a heart of Oake or Brasse Who did lanch forth a brittle ship to passe At first through the rough Seas And did not feare when he set forth The Affrick wind striving with the North wind c. And a little after in the same place No sort of death he sure did feare That saw the Monsters swimming there And could behold them with drye eyes With the swelling Sea and rockes which in it lyes And afterward he addeth In vaine did God divide the land from the unsociable Seas If impious ships can sayle unto forbidden Ports when they doe please But mankind bold still to adventure doth on forbidden mischiefe enter c. And hereunto Propertius in his third Booke doth allude in that Elegie wherein he be wayleth Petus his Shipwracke where he singeth thus Goe crooked shippes of death the fatall cause Which on himselfe man with his owne hand drawes Vnto the earth wee added have the Seas That the miseries of misfortunes may increase And a little after Nature to ensnare the covetous man Doth let him sayle upon the Ocean But these reasons are not able to discourage any one but rather to quicken their industry greedily to take any occasion to know view and discover divers Countries both neerehand and remote partly by undertaking long voyages and those that cannot conveniently travell may gather the knowledge of all Countries out of Bookes and exact descriptions And truely that studdy is irreproveable so that it ought rather to be accounted laudible profitable pleasant and necessary For Strabo in the first Book of his Geography saith rightly that man ought to live on the Sea as well as on the land and that God made him equally an Inhabitant and Lord thereof Therefore they deserve great praise who have laboured in this Art as Abraham Or●elius Daniel Cellarius Anthony Maginus Paul Merula Peter Bertius and others but especially that most learned Mathematician Gerard Mercator although he were prevented by death so that he could not finish his Geographicall worke intituled Atlas But Iodocus Hondy did supply this defect adding not onely those Tables which were wanting to make the worke perfect but also accurate descriptions thereof by the labour and studdy of Peter Montane This worke we doe publish againe in this new Edition being accurately reuised and purged from many grosse errours and the studious Reader shall finde that the enlargement of this Booke is not to be contemn'd being set forth with divers additions and some new Tables added as he may see in the descriptions of England Ireland Spaine Friesland Groonland Vltrajectum and other Countries that shall compare this Edition with the former Therefore Curteous Reader enjoy these our new labours favour them and Farewell TO The vertuous and learned Gentlemen of Innes of Court Mercator dedicateth his Atlas or Cosmographicall Meditations TO you that are the Ornament of the Temples And by your actions give such faire Examples Vnto the Vulgar that their Iudgements can Discerne that Vertue makes a Gentleman
others Men and Citties having seene Epitomize each place where they have beene From ev'ry quarter bringing like the Bee The quintessence of all the flowres they see And best are pleased when they shall contrive The honour and the profit of their Hive This is one end of Travaile and the next To that which makes the world an ample Text Whereon to meditate and Preach abroad The many praisefull Attributes of GOD● For though two other Bookes are now unsealed He by the World was first of all revealed The Second volumne of that large Record Which is Earth's Globe this Treatise doth afford Abstracted so by this our Authors paine That now a Closet may the same containe And they that have not heart nor meanes nor time To make their progres through each forraine Clime Or view the World's remotest parts at large May see them now in breife with little charge Without those paines or perills which are found In compassing or traversing this ROVND And which doth much endeare it this will show more profitable Truths than many know By hazzards Pilgrimages or expence Yea and with more exact intelligence Than could be gotten if these Charts were lost By tenne mens paines and fiftie times the cost Then sleight not Readers that which here is tend'red Nor let ill payments for good-workes be rendred But know before miscensure this despiseth What profit from our Authors paines ariseth For by this Worke you have though small it showes A World of Kingdomes at your owne dispose Hereby at leasure and with pleasure too When any suddaine use requireth so Within your owne command you may survey Earth's wide extended Empire every day Rise in an instant from your seat and see The farthest Kingdomes which discovered be Inform'd become how small or large they are What profits and what Rarities be there What Cities they afford what Hills of Fame What Aire what Soyle what Rivers of great Name How govern'd how confined how defended What Foes they have and how they stand befrended With many other things which much may steed To serve your pleasures or in time of need And when your Inquisitions there are done You may with swifter motion than the Sunne Remove to any Province when you please From thence againe to her Antipodes Yet neither be compelled to adventure About the spheare nor seeke it through the Center For onely by the turning of the hand The place desired in your view shall stand And at one Prospect shew it with all those Adjacent Countries which the same enclose More might be said But I may think you prize not An honest mans report if this suffice not And therefore will no more thereon insist But leave you to accept it as you list Concerning the use of these Tables PTolomie and we in this booke doe make the Longitude to be a segment of the Aequator or Aequinoctiall Circle comprehended with the Meridian of that place and the Meridian of the Fortunate Islands for from these Islands the beginning of Longitude is taken Some doe not begin the Longitude from the Fortunate Islands which are now called the Canaries but from the Flandrian Islands which are now called the Azores because the needle of the compasse doth point there directly toward the North. But the superficies of the Globe contayneth in Longitude 360 degrees The Latitude is the Arch or Segment of any place betweene the Aequinoctiall and Parralell which is drawne through the verticall point of the same place and it is alwayes to the elevation of the Pole Latitude is twofold either Northerne or Southerne and there are reckoned from the Aequinoctiall to either Pole 90 degrees of Latitude We have noted the degrees of Longitude and Latitude on the sides of all the Tables and for the most part the degrees of Latitude on the toppe and bottome and of Longitude on the right and left hand except when some Country is to be described that is more extended betweene the South and North. The severall degrees both of Longitude and Latitude according to the capacitie of the place are sometimes divided into 60 sometimes into 〈…〉 parts which are called minutes and we have noted the degrees with greater Arithmeticall figures and the minutes with lesser for difference sake If one would finde out the Longitude and Latitude of any place where the Meridian Parralells are by taking with a paire of compasses the distance thereof from the side of the Table and afterward by applying the compasses to the other side If thou takest the distance from the East side the compasses being turned from that side to the North side will shew the degree and minute of Longitude If thou hast the distance from the North-side turne thy compasses from thence to the East side and it will shew the Latitude But if the Meridians be not Parralells the Latitude of a place is found in the same manner but in the Vniversall Tables where the Parralells are circular the distance of a place being taken from the next side will shew the same on the East side But the Longitude is to bee taken with a thred or Ruler layd upon the place and turned untill it doe point out on the Northerne and Southerne side the same minute of the same degree and wheresoever it be that is the Longitude of the place How to finde out the distance of degrees or Miles betweene two Citties or any other Places WE have added scales of Miles to all the Tables by which thou mayst easily finde out the distance of all places in this mannner Take a paire of Compasses and open them untill the 2 feete doe touch the extreame points of the places given then appy them without any alteration to the scale of miles and the numerall figures noted thereon will give the distance But if the Distance of places doth exceede the length of the Scale then with thy compasses thou shalt take the length of the Scale and thou shalt turne the Compasses from one place to another as farre as the distance of places will permit and then reckon the miles together But because the length of miles in all Countryes is unknowne thou shalt more certainely take the distance of places with thy Compasses and apply the Compasses without variation to the degrees of Latitude which will give the true distance by multiplying them by the Miles of the knowne Country But the Miles doe differ much in divers Countries and therefore I will here insert their difference in the chief Countryes Of common German Miles which we Hollanders doe also use 15 doe answere to one Degree Of the middle sort of German Miles 12 doe answere to one Degree Of great German Miles 10 doe answere to one Degree Of common French Miles 25 doe make one degree Of great French Miles 20 doe make one degree Of Italian Miles 60 are contained in one Degree Of English Miles as many or as some will have it 50 contained in every Degree Of English Leagues 20 do make one degree
Irish did often use to doe Kerri as it is now called at the mouth of the River Shennin was Anciently their Seat A countrie full of inaccessible and wooddy mountains betweene which there are many hollow vallies having thicke woods in them The Earles of Desmond were heretofore honoured with the dignitie of Counts Palatine hereof but by the wickednesse of men which would have libertie and yet knew not how to use it it was long since converted into a sinke of impietie and a refuge for seditious persons A ridiculous opinion hath invaded and persuaded the mindes of the Wild Irish that hee that doth not answer the great shouting or warlike crie which the rest make when they joyne battell should be suddenly taken up from the earth and as it were flying be carried into these desart vallies from any part of Ireland and there feed on grasse drinke water and yet know not what he is having reason but not speech and at last should be taken by hunters and brought home againe The middle of this Countrie is cut into two parts by a River which hath now no name but floweth by a small Towne called Trailes now almost ruinated where the Earles of Desmond had their mansion houses This River by the situation of it in Ptolemies tables doth seeme to be Dur and saith Camden I would avouch no lesse if Duris which at this day is reckoned among the Hauens of this Westerne Coast be at the mouth of it as I have understood by some Not farre from hence is the Haven Smerwick the word being contracted in stead of S. Mary Wick of which not many yeares agoe when Girald Earle of Desmond a man profound in trecherie towards his Prince and Countrie did daily by severall inrodes waste the Countrie of Momonia a mixt band or companie of Italians and Spaniards arrived being sent unto his aide from Pope Gregory and the Spaniards who having engarrison'd themselves in a place called Fort del Ore seemed not to feare Heaven it selfe But when that famous and warlike Deputie the Lord Arthur Gray came with his forces hee did soone decide the matter For forthwith they yeelded themselves and most part of them were put to death because it seemed most safe and fit so to doe the affaires of the Kingdome requiring it and the rebells being on every hand The Earle of Desmond himselfe fled to the woods and having hid himselfe in a Cottage was wounded by a Souldier or two who rushed in upon him and afterward being knowne he was beheaded for his trecherie and wasting of his Countrie All Desmonia toward the South is subject to the Gangans which the Irish call Dassown the English Desmond heretofore three sorts of people dwelt in it namely the Luceni the Velabri the Iherni which are conceived in some Maps to be the Vterini The Luceni seeme to have drawne both their name and originall from the Lucensii of Spaine which held the opposite Coast The Velabri were so called from Aber which is as much to say as Aestuarii because they were seated neare the armes of the Sea hence also the Artabri and Cantabri were so called Orosius places these at the Promontorie Notium which Mariners at this day doe call Biar-head under this Promontorie the River Iernus is received into the Ocean neare to which stands Dunck-eran a Bishops Seat this Dunck-eran which in the Scottish-Irish is as much as to say the Towne Eran doth not onely expresly shew it selfe to be that Citie Ivernis which Ptolemie mentions but the river to be that Iernus whereof hee speaketh which hath its appellation together with the whole Island from Hier an Irish word signifying the West For it is the farthest River of this Country toward the West as Ireland is the farthest Island Westward of all Europe The Iberni who are also called Vterni that is according to Camdens interpretation the High Irish did inhabit by this River on one side of the Promontorie where are the Havens Berebavim and Baltimore well knowne for the plentie of Herring taken therein neare to which dwelt Mac-Carti More an Irish Nobleman who in the yeare 1566. did deliver render his Lands and possessions into the hands of Elizabeth Queene of England and received thē againe from Her to hold thē by fealtie after the manner of England And at the same time he was created Earle at Glencar and baron of Valentia A man in this Countrie of great name and power and an enemy heretofore to the Giralds who deprived his Ancesters being heretofore as he contended the lawfull Kings of Desmond of their ancient right For these Giralds or Fitz-Giralds being descended from the house of Kildare and having conquered the Irish did here get themselves large possessions and of these Giralds Maurice Fitz-Thomas was created by Edward the third THE FIFT TABLE OF IRELAND Hiberniae v. Tabula the first Earle of Desmond in the yeare of Grace 1355 left so firme so established an inheritance that the aforesaid honour in a continued successiō did descend to this wretched rebel of which I have spoken before who was the tenth Earle after him Next to the Iberni dwelt the Vdiae who are also called Vodiae of which names there remaineth some tokens in the Country of Kilkenni for the greatest part is called Idou Idouth These did inhabit the Counties of Corke Triperarie Linrick Kilkenni and Waterford In the Countie of Triperarie there is nothing worthy of memorie but that there is a Palatinate in it and the little Towne called Holy Crosse that hath great immunities and freedomes granted as the Monkes have persuaded them in honour of a piece of our Saviours Crosse which was kept there The famous River Suirus which the inhabitants call Showr is carried out of this Countrie of Triperarie into Kilkenni This River running out of the Mountain Blada through Ossiria the Lower of which the Butlers are stiled Earles and afterward Thurles of which they are stiled Vicounts first passeth by the Citie Cassilia or Cassel adorned by Pope Eugenius with an Archbishop under whom are nine Suffragan Bishops And from thence growing bigger by the receipt of two other Rivers into it neere Waterford it dischargeth it selfe into the Ocean Hitherto I have runne over this part of Ireland with Camden now it remaines to unfold some things concerning the Cities and Townes in the same Among them the first that offers it selfe is Waterford which is the second Citie in Ireland and alwaies faithfull and obedient to the English governement For after Richard Earle of Pembroke conquered and tooke it it alwaies continued in peacable quietnesse and obedience to the English endeavouring to bring Ireland into subjection whence the Kings of England did grant them many and divers immunities and freedomes which Henry the seventh did encrease and confirme because the Cittizens did behave themselves valiantly and wisely against Perkin VVarbeck who with the wings of impudence thought to aspire to the royall Throne
which the most renowned for the studie of good Arts is Fanum Andraeae or Andrews Chappell which the ancient Scots did call Fanum Reguli and the Picts Rigmud In the middle of the Countrie is Cuprum or Cuper whither those of Fife do come to have their causes tryed on that side where it toucheth Iernia there stands Abreneth the ancient Pallace of the Picts Here Ierna runneth into Taus But Taus runneth foure and twentie miles having broken out of the Lake Taus which is in Braid Albin and is the greatest River in Scotland This River bending toward the mountaine Grampius doth touch Atholia a fertile Region placed in the wooddie Countrie of Grampius Beneath Atholia Caledon is seated on the right-hand bank of the River Taus an old Towne which onely retaineth a name common-called Duncaldene that is Hasell-trees For the Hasell trees spreading themselves all over and covering the fields thereabout with their shadie boughs gave occasion of that name both to the Towne and people These Caledones or people of Caledon being once reckoned among the chief Brittaines did make up one part of the Kingdome of the Picts For Ammianus Marcellinus divideth them into the Caledones and Vecturiones but of their names there is scarce any memorie left at this day Twelve miles beneath Caledon lyes the Countrie of Perth on the same right-hand banke On the left-hand banke beneath Atholia is Gour looking toward the East renowned for corne-fields and beneath this againe is Angusia stretched out betweene Taus and Eske this the ancient Scots did call Aeneia Some suppose it to be called Horestia or according to the English speech Forrest In it is the Citie Cuprum which Boethius to gratifie his Country ambitiously calleth Dei Donum the gift of God but I suppose the ancient name was Taodunum from Dunus that is an Hill situate by Taus at the foot whereof there is a Towne Beyond Taus the next foureteene miles off on the same banke is Abreneth otherwise called Obrinca After this Countrie is the Red Promontorie very conspicuous The River Eske called the Southerne cutting through the midst thereof the other Northerne Eske divideth it from Mernia It is for the most part a THE THIRD TABLE OF SCOTLAND SCOTIAE tabula III. plaine field countrie untill Grampius meeting with it beneath Fordune and Dunotrum the Earle Marshalls castle it somewhat remitteth its height and soe bendeth downe into the Sea Beyond it towards the North is the mouth of the River Deva commonly called Dea or Dee and about a mile distant from it the River Don by the one is Aberdon famous for the Salmon-fishing by the other another Aberdon which hath a Bishops Seat and Publike Schooles flourishing by the studies of all Liberall Arts. I finde in ancient monuments that the Hithermost was called Aberdea but now these Townes are called the old and new Aberdon From this strait Foreland betweene these two Rivers beginneth Marria which by little and little enlarging it selfe runneth 60. miles in length even to Badenacke or Badgenoth This Countrie extends it selfe in one continued ●●dge and doth send forth divers great Rivers into either Sea ●●●bria doth border on Badenacke being somewhat enclined toward the Deucalidon Sea and is as plentifull as any Countrie in Scotland with all Sea and Land-commoditie For it hath good corne and pasturage and is pleasant as well in regard of the shadie woods as coole streames and fountaines It hath so great plentie of fish that it is not inferiour to any part of the whole Kingdome For beside the plentie of river fish the Sea storeth it for breaking in upon the plaine ground and there being kept in with high bankes it spreads it selfe abroad in manner of a great Lake whence it is called in their countrie speech Abria that is a standing water They give also the same name to the neighbour Countrie Northward next to Marria is Buchania or Buguhan divided from it by the river Don. This of all the Countries of Scotland doth stretch it selfe farthest into the Germane Sea It is happie in pasturage and the increase of sheepe and is sufficiently furnished with all things necessarie for mans life The rivers thereof do abound with Salmons Yet that kinde of fish is not found in the river Raira There is on the bankes of this river a Cave the nature whereof is not to be omitted which is that water distilling drop by drop out of the hollow arch thereof these drops are straightway turned into little Pyramides of stone and if it should not be clensed by the industrie of men it would quickly fill up the cave even to the top Beyond Buchania towards the North are two small Countries Boina and Ainia which lye by the river Spaea or Spey that separateth them from Moravia Spaea riseth on the back-side of Badenach aforesaid and a good way distant from its fountaine is that Lake whence Iutea breaketh forth and ●owleth it selfe into the Westerne Sea They report that at the mouth thereof there was a famous Towne named from the river Emmorluteum the truth is whether you consider the nature of the Countrie round about it or the conveniencie of Navigation and transportation it is a place very fit to be a Towne of traffique And the ancient Kings induced thereunto by the opportunitie of the seat for many ages dwelt in the Castle Evon which now many are falsly persuaded was Stephanodunum For the ruines of that Castle are yet seene in Lorna Moravia followes from beyond Spaea even to Nessus heretofore it is thought it was called Varar Betweene those two rivers the German Ocean as it were driving backe the Land into the West floweth in by a great Bay and straightneth the largenesse of it The whole Countrie round about doth abound with Corne and Hay and is one of the chiefe of the whole Kingdome both for pleasantnesse and encrease of fruits It hath two memorable Townes F●gina neare the River L●x which yet retaineth its ancient name and Nessus neare the River Ne●●us This River floweth foure and twentie miles in length from the Lake Nessus The water is almost alwaies warme it is never so cold that it ●●ee●eth And in the extremitie of winter pieces of ice carried into it are quickly dissolved by the warmth of the water Beyond the Lake Nessus toward the West the Continent is stretched forth but eight miles in length ●o that the Seas are readie to meete and to make an Island of the remainder of Scotland That part of Scotland which lyeth beyond Nessus and this strait of Land North and West is wont to be divided into foure Provinces First beyond the mouth of Nessus where it drowneth it selfe in the German Ocean is the Countrie Rossia running out with high Promontories into the Sea which the name it selfe sheweth For Ro● signifies in the Scottish speech a Promontorie It is longer then broad For it is extended from the German Sea to the Pe●●alidon where it
and so transported to other Nations Heere are many Hils on which flocks of sheep doe graze which are esteemed not onely for their flesh which is very sweete and pleasant but also for the finenesse of their wooll and these flocks of sheepe doe prosper and increase through the wholsomnesse of the Ayre and goodnesse of the Soyle as also by reason of the scarcitie of trees on the Hils and the freenesse of the whole Countrie from Wolves This Countrie aboundeth with all kinde of Cattell living Creatures except Asses Mules Camels Elephants and a few other There are no where better or fiercer Mastiffes no where greater store of Crowes or greater plenty of Kites that prey upon young Chickens than here The Romans did command the better part of Brittaine almost five hundred yeares namely from the time of Caius Iulius Caesar to the time of Theodosius the younger when the Legions and Garrisons of Rome being called to defend France they left the Isle of Brittaine whereby it came to passe that the Southerne parts thereof were invaded by the Picts and Scots whose violence when the Brittaines could no longer sustaine they called the Saxones out of Germanie men accustomed to warre for their Ayde These Saxons assisted them in the beginning but afterward being allured with the temperature of the Ayre or perswaded by the friendship and familiarity of the Picts or stirred up by their owne treacherous mindes they made a league with the Picts against the Brittaines and having driven out their Hosts they themselves possessed their places England containeth many Cities and faire Townes among which the chiefe are London Yorke Canterbury Bristoll Glocester Shrewsbury Winchester Bathe Cambridge Oxford Norwich Sandwich with many other which wee will delineate in our particular Descriptions The chiefe Rivers are Thames Humber Trent Ouse and Severne of which in their places The Ocean which washeth this Isle doth abound with plenty of all kindes of Fish among which is the Pike which with the Inhabitants is in great esteem so that some times they take him out of moorish Lakes into fish-ponds where after hee hath scoured himselfe being fed with Eeles and little fishes hee growes wonderfull fat Moreover there are no where more delicate Oysters or greater plenty of them than heere The especiall Havens of England are these first Davernas commonly called Dover which is the farthest part of the Countie of Kent it is fortified with a Castle seated on a Hill and well furnished with all kinde of Armour secondly Muntsbay of a great breadth in Cornewall where there is a safe harbour for ships There is also Volemouth or Falemouth Torbay South-hampton and many others The King of England hath supreame power and acknowledgeth no superiour but God his Subjects are either the Laiety or the Clergie the Laiety are either Nobles or Commons The Nobles are either of the greater ranke as Dukes Marquesses Earles Vicounts Barons and Bannerets who have these Titles by inheritance or else are conferr'd upon them by the King for their vertues The lesser Nobles are Baronets Knights Esquires and those which commonly are called Gentlemen the Gentlemen are those who are honoured by their birth or those whose vertue or fortune doe lift them up and distinguish them from the meaner sort of men The Citizens or Burgesses are those who in their severall Cities doe beare publick Offices and have their places in the Parliaments of England The Yeomen are those whom the Law calleth legall men and doe receive out of the Lands which they hold at the least forty shillings yearely The Tradesmen ENGLAND ANGLIA are those who worke for wages or hire All England is divided into nine and thirty Shires and these Shires are divided into Hundreds and Tithings In each of these Counties is one man placed called the Kings Praefect or Lievtenant whose office is to take care for the security of the Common-wealth in times of danger and every yeare there is one chosen whom they call the Sheriffe that is the Provost of the Shire who may bee rightly called the Questor of the Countie or Province For it is his office to collect publick money to distraine for trespasses and to bring the money into the Exchequer to assist the Judges to execute their commands to empannell the Jurie who are to enquire concerning matters of fact bring in their verdict to the Judges for the Judges in England are Judges of the Right not of the Fact to bring the condemned to execution to decide of thēselves small controversies But in great matters those Judges do administer right whom they call Itinerarie Judges Judges of Assise who twice every year do visite most of these Shires to determine and end matters of difference and also to give judgement upon Prisoners For asmuch as concernes Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction England hath now two Provinces and also two Archbishops the Archb. of Canterbury Primate of all England and the Archb. of Yorke Under these are seven and twenty Bishops two twenty under Canterbury and the other five under Yorke The Tribunals or Courts of Justice in England are of three sorts for some are Spirituall some Temporall and one mixt which they call the Parliament consisting of the three Orders of England and it representeth the body of the whole Kingdome This Parliament the King cals and appoints according to his pleasure Hee hath the chiefe authority in making confirming abrogating and interpreting of Lawes and in all things that belong to the good of the Common-wealth The temporall Courts are two-fold namely of Law and of equity The Courts of Law are the Kings Bench the Starre-Chamber the Common Pleas the Exchequer the Court of Wards and Liveries the Court of the Admiraltie and Assises wee omit others which are obscure The Kings Bench is so called because the King is wont to sit in it and it handleth Pleas of the Crowne The Starre-Chamber or rather the Court of the Kings Counsell is that in which criminall matters are handled as perjuries impostures deceits and the like The Common Pleas is so called because common pleas are tried there betweene the Subjects by the Law of England which they call the Common Law The Exchequer deriveth its name from a foure square Table covered with a Chequer-Cloth at which the Barons sit in it all causes are heard which belong to the Exchequer The Court of Wards hath his name from Wards whose causes it handleth The Admirals Court handleth Sea-matters Those which wee call the Assises are held twice in a yeare in most Shires in which two Judges of Assise appointed for it with the Justices of peace doe enquire and determine of civill and criminall matters The Courts of Equity are the Chancerie the Court of Requests and the Councell in the Marshes of Wales The Chancerie draweth its name from the Chancellour who sitteth there This Court gives judgement according to equitie and the extreame rigour of the Law is thereby
which there are the Mountaines called Derwentfels in which neere to Newland are found rich veines of Brasse not without Gold and Silver Heere also is found that minerall-earth or hard and shining stone called by the English Black-lead which the Painters use to draw their lines and proportions withall That famous Wall which was the limit or bound of the Roman Empire being 122 miles in length doth divide and cut through the higher part of this Country it was built by Severus who as Orosius saith tooke care that this part of the Island should be seperated by a trench from the other wilde and untamed people Beda writeth that it was eight foote broad and twelve foote high standing in a right line from East to West some ruines and pieces whereof standing for a good way together but without Battlements may be seene at this day as Camden witnesseth The Bishoprick of Durham or Duresme bordereth upon Yorkeshire Northward and lyeth in a triangular or three cornered forme the top whereof is made by the meeting of the Northerne bound and the Fountaines of Teisis On the Southerne part almost where the River retreateth back againe the Cathedrall Church is seene being beautified with an high Steeple and many Pinnacles on the top of a great Hill the Castle is seated in the middle of two Bridges made of stone by which the two streames of the River Vedra the one on the East side the other on the West side are joyned together On the North side from the Castle lyes the Market place and S. Nicholas Church Here are also these Market Townes Standrove or Stanthorpe Derlington Hartlepole or Heorteu Binchester or Binovium and Chester upon the streete which the Saxons called Concester with many Villages and Castles In this Shire and Northumberland there are an hundred and eighteene Parishes besides many Chappels Heere are many Rivers of which the chiefe is Tees called in Latine Tesis and Teisa Polidorus cals it Athesis Camden thinkes it was called by Ptolemie Tuesis though this name be not found in him by reason of the carelesnesse of the Transcribers of his Booke This River breaking out of the Quarri-pit of Stanemore and having gathered into it selfe many torrents running by the Marble Rocks neere Egleston and afterward washing many places at last by a great inlet it casts it selfe into the Ocean whence the basis of the Triangle beginneth There is also the Rivers Vedra or Weare Gaunlesse Derwent c. THE THIRD TABLE OF ENGLAND CONTAING THESE FOLLOWING Shires Westmorland Lancashire Cheshire Caernarvanshire Denbigh-shire Flint-shire Merionedh-shire Montgomerie-shire and Shropshire with the Islands of Mann and Anglesey I Come unto the third Table wherein Westmorland first offers it selfe being bounded on the West and North with Cumberland and on the East with Yorke-shire and Durham It is so called because for the most part it is unfit for tillage for such places as cannot be till'd the English call Moores so that Westmoreland signifies in English nothing but a Morish and for the most part untillable Country towards the West The Southerne part being narrowly inclosed betweene the River Lone and Winander Mere is fruitfull enough in the Valleyes although it hath many ruffe and bare cliffes and is called the Baronie of Kendale or Kandale Afterward above the spring heads of Lone the Country groweth larger and the Mountaines runne out with many crooked windings In some places there are deepe Vales betweene them which by reason of the steepnes of the Hills on both sides seeme like Caves The chiefe Towne here is Aballaba now called Apelby The antiquity and situation whereof is onely worth regard for it is so farre from elegant and neate building or structure that if the antiquity thereof did not give it the prioritie to be the chiefe Towne of the Country and the Assises held in the Castle it would not differ much from a Village There is also a Towne of great resort called Kendale famous for Cloath-making and in this Shire there are sixe and twenty Parishes The Rivers are Lone Ituna or Eden and Eimot Lancastria is commonly called Lancashire and the County Palatine of Lancaster because it is a County adorned with the title of a Palatine It lyeth Westward under the Mountaines which doe runne through the middle of England and is so enclosed betweene Yorke shire on the East and the Irish Sea on the West that on the Southerne side where it looketh toward Cheshire from which it is divided by the River Mersey it is broader and so by degrees as it goeth Northward there where it boundeth on Westmoreland it groweth straighter and narrower and there it is broken off with a Bay of the Sea yet so as a great part of it is beyond the Bay and joyneth to Cumberland Where it hath a levell of field ground it hath sufficient store of Barley and Wheate but at the foote of the Mountaines it beareth most Oates The Soyle is tolerable unlesse it be in some moorish and unwholesome THE THIRD TABLE OF ENGLAND WEST MORLAND CASTRIA CESTRIA etc. places which yet doe requite these inconveniences with greater commodities For the upper grasse being pared off they afford Turfes for fuell in digging of which trees are often found which have laid a long time buried in the earth digging a little lower they furnish thēselves with Marle or Marmure to dung their fields In this Country the Oxen excell all other both for the largenesse of their hornes and fairenesse of their bodies I passe now to the Cities among which wee meete first with the ancient Towne of Manchester which Antoninus calleth Mancunium Mannucia this doth exceed the neighbour Towns for beautie populousnes the trade of Cloathing and for the Market-place Church and Colledge There is also Ormeskirke a Towne of traffique famous by being the burying place of the Stanleyes Earles of Derby There is also Lancaster the chiefe Towne of the Country which the Inhabitants doe more truly call Loncaster the Scots Loncastle because it took that name from the River Lone vulgarly called Lune Camden supposeth this Citie to be that which the Romans did call Alona insteed of Arlone which signifies in the Brittish language at or upon Lone In this Shire are but 36. Parishes but those very populous Here are many Lakes and Moores among which is the Moore Merton and the greatest Lake of all England called Winander Mere which hath abundance of one sort of Fish peculiar unto it self Huls which the Inhabitants call Charre The Rivers are Mersey Idwell Duglesse Ribell Wyre Lack and Lone which flowing out of the Mountaines of Westmoreland toward the South with narrow bankes and an unequall channell enricheth the Inhabitants in the Summer season with Salmon-fish Here are many Mountaines and those very high among which is that which is called Ingleborrow Hill which as Camden saith we have admired rising by degrees with
r Francis Drake Knight who for matters of Navigation was the most excellent of late times Here are also the Townes of Lidston or Lidford Plimpton Modbery or Champernouns Dartmoth Exminster and many other This Countie containeth 394. Parishes The Rivers here are Lid Teave Plim Dert Totnes Teigne Isca Creden Columb Otterey Ax Towridge Taw O●k and North Ewe Somerset-shire followes the bounds whereof on the East are Wiltshire on the South Dorcetshire on the West Devonshire on the North the Bay of Severne and Glocester-shire This is a verie rich soile being in every place exceedingly fertile in fruits and Pasturage in some places affording many Diamonds which do exceed those of India for beautie though they are not so hard The chiefe Citie of this shire is Bristoll called anciently by the Brittaines Caer Brito and by the Saxons Britstow a pleasant place which is beautified with many faire houses a double River and wall a faire Haven much traffique and the populousnesse of Citizens It hath also the towne of Theodorudunum now called Welles from the many wells or springs that there breake forth and Bathonia stiled anciently by the Brittaines Caer Badon by Stephanus Badiza but commonly called Bathe And in this countrie are 385. Parishes The Rivers are Ivell Erome Pedred Thon Avon Somer Brui and Welwe In the next place Dorcetshire which is bounded on the East with Hampshire on the VVest with Devonshire on the South with the Brittish Ocean and on the North with VViltshire and Somersetshire It is of a fertile soile and the North part full of many woods and forrests from whence even to the Sea coast it descendeth with many grassie hills on which feed innumerable flocks of sheepe Durnovaria which Ptolemie according to divers copies calls Durnium and Duneum now is called Dorchester is the chiefe towne of this Shire yet it is neither very great nor faire her walls being ruined long since by the fury of the Danes There are also other towns as Birt-port or Burt-port Lime Weymouth Poole Warham so called because it stands by the River Varia Shirburne Sturminster Winburne called by Antoninus Vindogladia from the Brittish word Windugledy because it stands betweene two Rivers Here are in this Shire 248. Parishes The Rivers are Lim Trent now called Piddle Carr Ivell Wey Sturn Alen Varia so called by the Latines but Fraw or Frome in the Saxon tongue Wiltonia so called by the Latines from Wilton once its chiefe Towne but commonly called VVilshire is an inland Countrie having Oxfordshire and South-hamptonshire to bound it on the East on the West Somersetshire on the North Glocestershire and on the South Dorcetshire and South-hamptonshire The Countrie is every where full of pasturage and fruits The Townes are first VVilton anciently called Ellandunum which was heretofore the head Towne of the Shire Secondly Sarisbury or new Sarum now the chiefe citie and famous for its Cathedrall Church and for that a streame of water runneth through every street thereof Here are also the Townes of Malmesburie Chippenham Trubridge Calne Marleburrow c. And this Shire containeth 304. Parishes The rivers are Isis Avon VVilleybourne Adderburne Ellan and Kennet Glocestria commonly called Glocestershire hath on the West VVales on the North VVorcestershire on the East Oxfordshire on THE FOVRTH TABLE OF ENGLAND Cornub. Devonia Somerset etc. the South VViltshire it is a pleasant and fertile Countrie lying East and West and hath in it many other mines The chiefe Citie of this Countie is Glocester which Antoninus calleth Cleve and Gleve the Latines Glovernia and some Claudiocestria it is an ancient Citie built by the Romans and is seated by the River Severne having a strong wall in those places where the River doth not wash it There are also other Townes as Teukesburie anciently called Theocsburie Deohirst Campden or Camden VVincelscombe Cirencester or Circester Tetburie Barkley c. and 280. Parishes contained in this Countie The Rivers which water it are Severne Avon and Isis commonly called Ouse which afterward by the marriage of Thame unto it is called by a compounded name Thamisis or Thames The Countie of Monmouth called anciently VVentset and VVentsland and by the Brittaines Guent is enclosed on the North with the River Munow which doth part it from Herefordshire on the East with the river Vaga or VVye which divides it from Glocestershire on the West with Remney which disjoynes it from Glamorganshire and on the South it is bounded with the Severne Bay into which those former Rivers together with the River Isc which runneth through the middle of the Countrie do rowle themselves It hath not onely sufficient provision of things necessary for life for it but also furnishes other Countries The chiefe Towne thereof is Monmouth called by the Inhabitants Mongwy towards the North where the River doth not fence it it was encompassed with a wall and a ditch In the middle neare the Market-place is a Castle There are also the Townes of Chepstow called Castlewent Abergevenny or contractly Abergenny which Antoninus calls Gobanneum New-port or Brunepegie and the Citie which Antoninus called Ifa where the second Legion named Augusta lay now stiled by the Brittaines Caerleon and Caer Leonar Vsk. Here the Saxon Heptarchie obeyed the Welch Mountainers who notwitstanding as we may discerne by the auncient Lawes were under the government of the West Saxons But at the comming in of the Normans the Captaines of the Marches did grievously afflict them especially Hamelin Balun Hugh Lacy Gualter and Gilbert de Clare called Earles of Strigulia and Brian of Wallingford to whom when the King had granted whatsoever they could get in that Countrie by conquering the Welchmen some of them reduced the Higher part of the Countrie into their power and others the Lower part which they called Netherwent Glamorganshire lyeth wholy by the Sea side it is longer than broad and is beaten on the South side with the Bay of Severne But on the East side it hath Monmouthshire on the Norrh Brecnock-shire and on the West Caermardenshire The Northerne part swelleth with mountaines which descending toward the South remit somewhat of their height and at the foot of them the Countrie lyeth plaine toward the South In this countrie is the litle Citie of Landaffe that is the Chappell at Taff under which there are 156. Parishes Also Caerdiffe or as the Britons call it Caerdid Cowbridge called by the Brittaines Poratuan from the stonebridge which is there Neath Sweinsey and Loghor which Antoninus calleth Leucarum The Rivers that wash it are Ramney Taff Nide and Loghor The Earles of this Province from the first vanquishing were the Earles of Glocester descending in a right line from the Fitz-hamons the Clares the Spencers and after them the Beauchamps and the two Nevils and by a daughter of a Nevill Richard the third King of
all rockie and full of craggie barren Mountaines though they be rich in Mynes of Lead and are commodious for to feede sheepe The head Towne of the Shire is Darbie famous for the best Ale in England which is brewed there There are also the Townes of Saint Diacre Workesworth so called from the Lead-workes there and Bakewel And this Shire doth containe an hundred and sixe Parishes The Rivers that water it are Trent Dove and Derwent The Westerne part of this Shire which is mountainous is called the Peake and is very full of Lead for in these Mountaines Lead-stones as the Mettallists call them are daily digged forth which when the winde is Westward they dissolve with a wood fire and having made trenches for the mettall to runne in melt into pieces which they call Sowes Moreover not onely Lead but also veines of Antimonie which the Grecian women were wont to use in dying are found in these Hils Heere also Mill-stones are cut forth as also whet-stones and somtimes a white substance is found in the Mynes like to Chrystall But of this enough I passe to Stafford-shire which is encompassed on the East side with Warwick-shire and Darby-shire on the South with Glocester-shire on the West with Shropshire and on the North with Cheshire It beareth the shape of a Rhombus running from South to North and being broadest in the middle and narrowest toward the two ends The Northern part is mountainous and lesse pleasant the middle part is more delightfull as being watered with the River Trent cloathed with green woods and diversified with variety of fields and meddowes The Southerne part is rich in Pit-coales and veines of Iron The head Towne hereof is Stafford or Stratford anciently called Betheney and is much graced by the Castle called Stafford adjoyning to it which the Barons of Stafford built for their owne dwelling Heere are also the Townes of Lichfield or Licidfield Burton Vtcester anciently called Etocetum Stone Drayton Basset Tameworth Wolverhampton or Vulfrunshampton Theotenhall or Tetnall and Weadesbrig or Wedsborow And in this Shire are reckoned 130 Parishes The chiefe Rivers which glide through this Countrie are Dove Hanse Churnet Tayn Blith and Trent which arising from two spring-heads is the third chiefe River of Brittaine There are also Sous Tam and Penke The Northerne part is somewhat mountainous and full of hils which beginning heere doe runne like the Apennine Hils of Italie with a continued ridge through the middle of England even to Scotland yet often changing their name In the midst of this Shire is Needwood a spatious wood in which the Nobilitie and Gentrie of the Countrie doe THE FIFTH TABLE OF ENGLAND EBORACUM Lincolnia Derbia Stafford etc daily recreate themselves with hunting Nottinghamshire is bounded on the East with Lincolnshire on the North with Yorkeshire on the West with Darbyshire and on the South with Leicestershire The Southerne Easterne part of the Countie is fructified by the famous River of Trent and other Rivulets that flow into it The Forrest of Shirwood taketh up the whole Westerne side this because it is sandie the Inhabitants call the Sand the other by reason the soyle consisteth of Clay they call the Clay and they divide their Countrie into these two parts The chiefe Towne which gives a denomination to the Shire is Nottingham being pleasantly seated for on one side faire Meddowes lye along the River side and on an other little Hils doe raise themselves to adde a grace thereunto It is a Towne abounding with all things necessary to life For besides other conveniences it hath Shirewood which doth furnish it with store of fuell and the River Trent doth yeeld it plenty of Fish The Streetes are large having faire buildings and two great Churches with a spacious Market-place and a strong Castle Besides heere are other great Townes namely Suthwel Newarke Mansfield Blith Scroby and Workensop And in this Shire there are 168 Parishes The Rivers are Trent Lin Snite and Idle Leicester-shire anciently called Ledecester-shire bordereth upon the South with Northampton-shire on the East with Rutland shire and Lincoln-shire on the North with Nottingham shire and Darby-shire and on the West with Warwick-shire It is all field-ground and very fruitfull but for the most part it wanteth wood The chiefe Citie is Leicester called heretofore Legecestria Leogara and Legeocester more ancient than beautifull There are also the Townes of Longburrow Lutterworth Hinckly and Bosworth neere which Richard the third was slaine and in this Shire there are 200 Parish Churches The River Soar running toward Trent waters the middle of it and the little River Wrek which at last mingleth his waters with Soar doth gently winde about through the Easterne part Rutland-shire which was anciently called Rudland and Roteland that is red land is as it were emcompassed with Leicestershire except on the South side where it lyeth by the River Welland and on the East where it joyneth to Lincolne-shire It is the least Shire in England for it lyeth in a round circular forme so that a man may ride quite round about it in one day This Countrie is no lesse pleasant and fruitfull than others although it bee not so spacious The chiefe Towne in it is Vppingham so called because it stands on the ascent of an hill it hath a faire free Schoole in it which was built for the nurture and bringing up of children to learning by R. Iohnson Minister of Gods word who also built an other at the towne of Okeham so called because it is situated in a vale which once was very woody and full of Oakes This Shire can reckon 47 Parish Churches The little River Wash or Gwash gliding through the middle of it from East to West doth divide it into two parts Northfolke remaines yet to be described that is to say the Northerne people The bounds thereof on the South are Suffolke on the East and North the German Ocean and on the West the River Ouse The Countrie is large for the most part field-ground unlesse it bee where there are some smaller hils it is very rich full of flocks of sheepe and especially of Cunnies it is watered with pleasant Rivers and is sufficiently stored with wood The soyle differs according to the diversitie of places for in some parts it is fat and rich in other parts light and sandie and in other clayie and chalkie Amongst the chiefe townes in this Shire old Thetford is the first which Antoninus calleth Sitomagus that is a towne situate by the river Sit. It hath now but few dwelling-houses though heretofore it were faire and very populous There is also in this Shire the famous Citie of Norwich called by the Saxons North that is the North Castle and Yarmouth or Garmouth a faire Haven Towne fortified by its situation and mans industrie for
Thamisis Northward On the South it looketh towards Berk-shire being parted from it by Thamisis on the West toward Oxford-shire on the North toward Northampton-shire and on the East it looketh first toward Bedford-shire afterward toward Hartford-shire and last of all toward Middlesex It hath a plentifull soyle and the fruitfull meddowes thereof doe feed innumerable flockes of sheepe The head Towne is Buckingham besides which it hath also the Townes of Marlow Colbroke Amersham Crendon or Credendon so called from the Chalke or Marle by which the Inhabitants thereof manure their Land High-Wickam Stony-Stratford Oulney Newport-Pannell c. and in this Shire are reckoned 185 Parishes the Rivers are Thame Colne and Ouse Bedford-shire followes being joyned on the East to Cambridg-shire on the South to Hartford-shire on the West to Buckingham-shire and on the North to Northampton-shire and Huntingdon-shire it is divided into two parts by the River Ouse That part which is Northward is more fruitfull and woody the other part toward the South which is larger is of a meaner soyle but yet not barren for it hath great store of very excellent Barley In the middle of it there are thicke Woods but Eastward it is more bare and naked of trees The chiefe Towne is Lactodorum now called Bedford which communicates its name to the Shire It hath also other Townes as Odill Bletnesho or Bletso Eaton Dunstable built by Henry the first for suppressing of the robberies of the rebell Dun and his companions it containeth 116 Parishes and is watered with the River Ouse Next to Bedford-shire on the South side lyeth Hartford-shire the West side thereof is enclosed with Buckingham-shire the Northerne side with Middlesex and the East side with Essex and partly with Cambridge-shire It is very rich in corne-fields pastures meddowes and woods The chiefe Towne in the Country is Herudford now called Hertford which doth impart its name to the whole Shire There are also the Townes of Watling-street Fane S. Albane or Verulamium Roiston called anciently Crux Roisiae Ashwell Bishops-Stortford and many others and this Shire hath an 120. Parishes The Rivers are Lea or Ley Stort Mimer and Benefice Now come we to Essex which the River Stour on the North divideth from South-folke on the East the Ocean beateth it on the South the River Thames now growne very wide doth part it from Kent on the West the River Lea divideth it from Middlesex and the little River Stour or Stort from Hertford-shire It is a large Country fruitfull abounding with Saffron being full of woods and very rich here is Camalodunum now called Maldon Also Colchester which the Brittaines call Caer Colin Leyton Bemflot Leegh Rochford Angre Ralegh anciently called Raganeia Dunmow Plaissy or Plessy called anciently Estre Chelmesford now called Chensford Ithancester Earles Colne Barlow Walden called likewise Saffron Walden c. the Parishes are 415. the Rivers are Ley Thames Chelmer Froshwell anciently called Pante and Colne In the next place followes Berroc-shire now called Berk-shire the Northerne part whereof Isis which is afterward called Tamisis doth compasse with a winding pleasant streame and doth divide it from Oxford-shire and Buckingham-shire the Southerne part the River Kennet doth seperate from Hampshire the Westerne part is held in by Wiltshire and Glocester-shire and the Easterne part is confined with Surrey This County on the West side where it is broadest and in the middle thereof is very rich and full of corne especially in the Vale of White Horse and on the Easterne side which is lesse fruitfull there are many long and spacious woods The Townes are Farendon Abington called anciently Abandune and by the Saxons Sheoverham Wantage Wallingford Hungerford Widehay anciently called Gallena Newbery Reading Bistleham or Bisham Southealington now called Maidenhead and Windsore called by the Saxons Windlesora This Country hath 140 Parishes the Rivers which water it are Isis Thames Ocke Cunetio or Kenet and Lambo● Middlesex is divided on the West side from Buckingham-shire with the River Colne on the North side from Hertford-shire with the knowne bounds on the East side from Essex with the River Lea and on the South side from Surrey and Kent with the River Thames It is every where very pleasant by reason of the temperatenesse of the Ayre and goodnesse of the Soyle besides the faire Townes and buildings The Townes here are Vxbridge Draiton Stanes Radclisse and others but above all London called also Londinium Longidinium Augusta and by Stephanus Lindonion which is an Epitomy of all Brittaine It is seated by the River of Thames having a fertile Soyle and temperate Ayre it is distant from the Sea threescore miles it hath a stone Bridge over the River being three hundred and thirty paces long adorned on both sides with magnificent and faire buildings It hath also a strong Tower which is the chiefe Armory of England and in this the Mint is kept Neare to London is Westminster anciently called Thorney famous for the Abby the Courts of Justice and the Kings Pallace The Abbey is most renowned by reason of the Coronation and buriall of the Kings of England and in this Countie are 73 Parishes besides those in the Citie The Rivers that water it are Lea Colne and Thames Hampshire or Hantshire toucheth on the West Dorsetshire and Wiltshire on the South the Ocean on the East Sussex and Surrey and on the North Berk-shire It is fruitfull having pleasant thicke woods and flourishing pastures it hath two Cities the one Southampton so called because it stands on the River Test anciently called Ant or Hant the other Winchester called heretofore Venta Belgarum There are also these Townes Regnwood or Ringwood Christ-church Whorwell Andover Rumsey Portsmouth Kings-cleare Odiam Silcester called anciently by the Brittaines Caer Segente and others and it hath 253 Parishes the Rivers are Avon Stour Test and Hamble Surrey called by Bede Suthriona joyneth on the West partly to Berk-shire and partly to Southampton-shire on the South to Sussex on the East to Kent and on the North it is watered by the River Thames and divided by it from Middlesex It is a Countrie not very large yet very rich The Townes are Godelminge Aclea or Ockley Effingham Kingstone Merton Cradiden or Croydon Beddington Wimbandune or Wimbledon Wandlesworth and the Borrough of Southworke called by the Saxons South werke and this Country hath 140 Parishes The rivers are VVey Mole so called because for a certaine space it runneth under ground like a Mole Wandale and Thames aforesaid Now followeth Cantium or Kent a Country so called from the situation for it looketh toward France with a great corner which the word Canton in the French signifies environed round about with the mouth of Thames and the Sea unlesse on the West side where it joyneth to Surrey and on the South side to part of
Sussex It is unlevell yet plainest toward the West and shaded with woods on the East it is raised with high hills The chiefe Citie is Durovernum which Ptolemie calls Darvernum and in English is called Canterbury There are also the Townes of Dover anciently called Durbis and by the Saxons Dufra Hith or Hide Rumney anciently called Rumenal Sandwich or Sondwic Gravesend c. The Rivers are Thames Darent Medway anciently called Medwege Stoure called by Bede Wantsome c. Sussex toward the South bordereth upon the Brittish Ocean and that part of the Country which is toward the Sea is full of high white hills which because they consist of a fat kinde of Chalke are very fruitfull the middle of it hath goodly meddowes pastures fields and many pleasant groves The hither part hath many woods and it hath many veines of Iron The Townes here are Chichester or rightly Cissanceaster so called from one Cissa a Saxon that built it Arundal so called because it stands upon the River Arun and other It hath many Rivers and 312 Parishes THE SEVENTH TABLE OF ENGLAND CONTAINETH THESE FOVRE ILANDS which belong to England Anglesey Wight Gersey and Garnsey THe seventh and last Table of England containeth these foure Islands which belong to England the former two whereof namely Anglesey and Wight do lye neare the English shoare the latter Garsey neare the French shoare The first is Anglesey which the Brittaines call Mon Tirmon and Ynis Dowyl that is the darke Island the Saxons call it Moneza being divided by a slender Bay from the Brittish Continent It is a brave Island and the ancient seat of the Druides the length whereof 22 English miles the breadth 17 and the whole compasse of it 60 miles This Island although Giraldus saith it was in his time drie stonie unpleasant and deformed yet now it is delectable and being tilled yeeldeth so much wheat that it is commonly called the Mother of Wales It hath milstones and in some places aluminous earth out of which they have lately begun to make Alum It is also rich in cattell It was first subjected to the Romane Empire by Paulinus Suetonius and Iulius Agricola as Camden out of Tacitus a learned Writer Many yeares after being conquered by the English it came to be called Anglesey as it were the English Island Camden addeth that when the Romane Empire in Brittaine began to decrease the Scots crept out of Ireland into this Island For besides the hills which are entrenched round and called the Irish cottages there is a place which the Irish call Y● Hericy Guidil where being lead by their Captain Sirigi they gave the Brittaines a great overthrow as it is mentioned in the booke of Triads Neither hath this Island beene invaded by the English but likewise by the Norwegians For in the yeare 1000. The navie of Aethelred sailing about it did wast it in hostile manner Afterward two Norman Hughs one Earle of Cheshire the other of Shropshire did most grievously afflict it and built the Castle Aber-Lienioc to restraine the Inhabitants but Magnus a Norwegian arriving at this Island kild Hugh Earle of Cheshire with an arrow and having tooke bootie on the Island departed Afterward also the English often attempted it untill Edward the first reduced it into his power Heretofore it had 363 Villages and at this day it is full of Inhabitants but the chiefe Towne is Bellus Mariscus commonly called Beaumarish which Edward the first built in the East part of that Island in a moorish place and in regard of the Situation he gave it this name and fortified it with a Castle The second Towne to this is Newburge in Welch Ressur because it was THE SEVENTH TABLE OF ENGLAND ANGLESEY INS WIGHT ol Vectis INS GARNESEY INS IARSEY much troubled with the sands which were continually cast upon it Here is also Aberfraw heretofore the chiefe Citie of Wales Also the holy Promontorie which the English call Holyhead the Inhabitants call it Caer Guby from Kibius a holy man who was Scholler to Hilarius Pictavensis The Inhabitants are very rich and strong and they use the Brittish language having no skill in English albeit they together with the rest of Wales have beene subject to the Kings of England these three hundred yeares Now followeth Vecta or Vectis the Isle of Wight which the Brittains call Guith It is broken off frō the Continent of Brittaine by so small an Euripus running betweene called heretofore Solent that it seemeth to cleave unto it and hence that Brittish name Guith which signifies a separation seemes to be derived even as Sicilie being divided from Italie tooke his name as learned Iulius Scaliger pleaseth to derive it à secando that is from cutting From this vicinitie of situation and affinitie of the name wee may conjecture that this Vecta was that Icta which when the Sea Flow'd did seeme an Island but when it Ebd againe the shoare being almost drie the ancient Brittaines were wont to carrie Tinne thither in Carts to be transported thence into France I suppose it cannot be that Mictis of Pliny which joyneth close to Vecta because out of that there came white lead and in this saith Camden there is no mettall veine so farre as I know This Island betweene East and West lyeth twentie miles in length in an ovall figure the breadth thereof in the middle where it is broadest is twelve miles over the one side lyeth toward the North the other toward the South It hath a fruitfull soyle and very profitable to the husbandman so that it exporteth and sendeth forth divers commodities it is every where full of Cunnies Hares Partridges and Pheasants it hath also a Forrest and two Parkes full of Deere for hunting Through the middle of this Island there runneth a long ridge of hils on which flockes of sheepe securely graze whose fleeces are held to be the best wooll except that of Lemster and Cotteswold and therefore being chiefly bought up by Clothiers the Inhabitants do make a great gaine and commoditie thereby The Northerne part hath greene medowes fields and woods the Southerne part is all corne-fields enclosed every where with ditches and hedges At either end the Sea on the North side doth so penetrate and winde into it that it maketh almost two Islands and the Inhabitants do call them Islands namely that which looketh toward the West the Fresh-water Isle that which lyeth toward the East Binbrydge Isle Vespasian serving under the Emperour Claudius did first reduce this Island to the obedience of the Romans as Suetonius writeth in the life of Vespasian The first Saxon that made it his owne was Cerdicius which gave it to Stuffa and Whitgarus who carried away the Brittish Inhabitants to Caresbrok and put them to death afterward Wolpherus being of the Mercians brought Vecta or Wight under his power and gave it to Edelwalch King of
Krimpen Out of this Nobilitie is chosen the Praefect or Master of the Court which is such an office as the Governour of the Kings House in France Hee dwelleth for the most part at Haffnia being as it were the Kings Substitute and doth dispatch matters as hee is directed by the King Next to him is the Marshall which in the time of warre and peace doth provide those things which appertaine to expedition In the third place is the Admirall which doth build new ships repaire the old and every year order the sea●matters for the securing of the coasts He hath under him an other Admirall appointed and in every ship a Captaine who must bee borne a Gentleman There is also the Chancellour of the Kingdome to whom out of all the Provinces and Isles they appeale and make suite unto and from whom appeale is also made to the King and the Senate of the Kingdome All the Provinces are divided into Haeret as they call them or into Dioceses under which are many Parishes heere if there be any controversies matters are first tried And from hence they appeale to the Judge of the Haeret. Afterward to the Chancellour and last of all to the King and Senatours where it hath a determinate and finall Judgement They have a written Law composed by Woldemare the first together with the Bishops and Senators which is very agreeable to the law of Nature and not much differing from the Roman Lawes and that causes and suites may sooner have an end and judgement be given and put in execution It is provided that Judges if they doe any wrong or give false judgement are condemned to lose halfe their goods whereof the King hath the one part and the injured partie the other Woldemare the first except I be deceiv'd added the Bishops to the Senators whom Christianus the third for rebellion and certaine other causes did put out againe The Kings Chancellour who for the most part followeth the King in the Court hath seven or eight Noble men adjoyned unto him as Assistants besides Secretaries and Clerkes and all businesses are dispatch'd by the King himselfe But if it be some matter of consequence as concerning peace or warre entring into league with forraine Nations or into consultation concerning the defending of their owne Territories then the King calleth a Councell of Senators Neither can the King impose any taxe upon the Kingdome or Countrie without their consent and the consent of the Nobles There is also in this Kingdome a Master of the Exchequer who collecteth and gathereth all the Revenues of the whole Kingdome both of Castles Farmes and Customes as well by Sea as by Land Hee taketh account of them enquireth into them and giveth acquittances for the receit of them Hee hath two Assistants of the Nobilitie and many Clerkes under him and for his office hath a yearely stipend or pension The third State is of the Clergie in which there are seven Bishops as the Bishop of Lunden the Bishop of Ro●schild the Bishop of Otthon of Rip of Wiburg of Arhuse and the Bishop of Sleswich to whom the other Canonicall persons have relation These have the Tenths of the Kingdome which in divers Countries are divided in a divers manner for the Bishops have an halfe part of the Tenths and the King an halfe part the Canonists and Preachers have a part and a part is contributed toward the building and repairing of Churches And as concerning the Popes authoritie in this Kingdome as also in France the ordination of Prelates and Bishops have beene alwayes in the Kings power as may appeare by the answer of Woldemare the first King of Denmarke which heere I have annexed When the Pope required these and the like priviledges from the King it is reported that the King writ back unto him Wee have our Kingdome from our Subjects our life from our Parents our Reliligion from the Romish Church which if you will take from us I send it you by these presents And as the wise Decree of Charles the fifth is praised prohibiting Ecclesiasticall persons from buying any immoveable thing without the consent of the King so Christian the third as wisely did ordaine that the Clergie should not sell any thing without the Kings expresse commandement In other matters the Clergie-men through the whole kingdome are well provided for by Christian the third of famous memorie and many Schooles erected in many places as also two in Iseland where they have likewise a Printing-House There is but one Universitie in the whole kingdome called the Universitie of Haffen or Hafnia founded by Christerne the first by permission of Pope Sixtus in the yeare of Christ 1470 which Frederick the second although hee were seven yeares incumbred with the Swethish warres did so enrich that the yearely revenues thereof are very much The fourth State is of the Citizens and Merchants dwelling in Cities and Townes These have proper and peculiar priviledges which they enjoy besides certaine fields and woods that belong to them and these doe traffique both by Sea and Land in all parts of Europe Out of these as also out of the Countrey-people the Bishops the Canonists the Preachers and Senators of Cities the Clerkes of Bands the Lievtenants of Towres and the Masters of Ships are chosen and some of them are Masters of the Customes or Tributes lastly of these all lesser Councels of Justice doe consist one of the Nobility for the most part sitting as President The fifth State is of the Rustick or Countrey-people and there are two sorts of them the first they call Freibunden that is Free-holders These doe hold Lands of Inheritance yet paying for the same some little free-rent every yeare These doe also use merchandise and fishing They are not opprest with doing services neither doe they pay any taxes unlesse the Senators of the kingdome doe grant it as a subsidie The other sort is of those who doe not possesse goods of inheritance but doe farme them of the King the Nobles or Ecclesiasticall persons and are constrained to doe many services for their Lords in such manner as they shall covenant with their Land-lord These are the chiefe things which I thought good to declare concerning the State politick of Denmarke whereby it appeareth that the Danish Monarchie was for the most part well framed for the free election of the Kings being in the hands of the Nobilitie and yet notwithstanding out of the royall Progenie as wee said before it followeth that the Danes have no civill warres or dissentions unlesse those which are betweene such as bee of the Blood Royall which are quickly composed by the mediation and helpe of the Nobles but especially seeing the Kings younger Sonnes can have no part of the kingdome Moreover as they are all stiled but Nobles and know not the titles and names of Barons Earles and Dukes so there are none that have so much wealth and power as that reposing trust therein they dare oppose themselves against
did possesse the inward part of Asia and being expell'd by the Scythians repairing Westward did passe into Scandia and from thence unto the Cimbrian Chersonesus I see no reason how a more convenient name can bee given to Gomer the Author of the Cimbrian Nation and to the people retaining their fathers name tha● from the desire of circuiting and wandring about For I thinke no man hath read of any Nation that hath travelled a greater circuit of earth as Iosephus an accurate Writer of the Iewish antiquities doth perspicuously and diligently explaine when he writeth that the posterity of Gomer comming out of Armenia did runne out into the River Tanais and from thence with their multitudes did overspread all Countries of Europe as farre as the utmost coasts of the Gades Plutarch in the life of Marius hath clearely explained the desire that was in that Nation to propagate and finish this their course when hee reporteth thus of them The Cimbrians as often as they change their seates doe attempt the neighbour Countries by warres yet not with a daily or continuall violence but every yeare when the season serveth they make some inroade and seeing there are divers and severall names of people amongst them they call their troupes by a common appellation Celtoscythians Some do report that there was no great company of Cimbrians who were anciently knowne to the Grecians but that some banished men or seditious persons cashiered by the Scythians THE SECOND TABLE OF DENMARKE IUTIA SEPTENTRIONALIS passed from Maeotis into other parts of Asia under the conduct of Lygdamis and that the greatest and most warlike part of the Nation did seate themselves on the outmost coasts of the Ocean and did inhabite a darke Country which in regard of the high and thicke woods reaching even to the Forrest of Hircynus was to the Sunne-beames inaccessible Hitherto I have for the most part rendred his owne words but I understand not whence Plutarch from the Germane Etymologie or Festus Pompetus from the French can prove that the Cimbrians were called theeves robbers unlesse wee take hired Souldiers for theeves and robbers or unlesse it seeme that Plutarch did referre it to the manner of warring peculiar to that Nation who did set upon their neighbours with secret ambushment and assaults like theeves for he relates that Italy was strooken with feare by their fierce inrodes when they understood that a Nation of no name or setled habitation was like a sudden cloud of raine ready to fall upon their heads Hitherto Iunius This Iutia is divided into foure large Episcopall Seats into the Ripensian which is kept at Ripen the Arhusian which is at Arhusium the Vandalican which is at Alburg and the Wiburgian which is at Wiburg The Ripensian Diocese hath 30 Prefectures seven Cities ten royall Castles Queen Dorothy the widdow of Christian the third erected and built a Schoole at Kolding at her owne proper charge and cost The Arhusian Diocese hath one and thirty Prefectures seven Cities and five Castles Arhusium or Arhusen is a famous Mart-Towne in regard of its Haven made by the great Promontorie of Hellen which extendeth it selfe through the Country of Mols from the royall Castle Kalloe even to the high Mountaine ●llemansbergh and by its owne situation and some Islands lying neare unto it maketh the Sea very placable and calme for Marriners Under this Diocese there are the Islands Samsoe Hielm Tuen Hiarnoe sometimes called Gerno Hilgenes and many other The Vandalican Diocese called also the Diocese of Burglaw hath thirteene Prefectures and sixe Cities The most speciall parts thereof are Wendsyssel Handharet Thyland and Morsoe Wendsyssil or Vensilia that is the Land or Seat of the Vandalls hath sixe Prefectures three Townes and one Castle Here is the Mountaine Alberg in which are certaine Monuments of Gyants the adjacent Isles are Grysholm Hertsholm Tydsholm and others In Handhaeret is a Rocke of great height called Skarringelint and on the coast thereof those two quick-sands which they call Sandores and Brac●● The Isles subject unto it are Oland and Oxeholm Thyland hath foure Prefectures one Towne called Thystad or Tystet where Christian the third built a Schoole for the nurture of Youth and one Castle called Orumna Under it are the Islands Hansholm Ostholm Iegen Cifland Egholm Bodum Morsia hath three Prefectures the Citie Nicoping the Castle Lunds●od or Lundgard and an Island adjacent neare unto it called Agero● The Diocese of Wiburg doth containe sixteene Prefectures three Cities and as many Castles At Wiburg the generall Councell of the most Noble and wise Trium-vi●● concerning enquiring into and judging of civill matters is continued almost all the yeare unlesse sometimes when they are wearied with that troublesome office they refresh themselves and recollect their strength in their owne Country houses Hither are brought the causes of all the Cimbrian Chersonesus as complaints of bounds controversies concerning inheritance and all capitall causes as slaughters adulteries thefts poysonings c. Neare to the Peninsula Wenslia where ending in a Cone it bendeth by degrees toward the East is that corner of Iutia so perilous and fearefull to Marriners for a great ridge of rockes runne so farre into the Sea that those who would bee free from danger come not neare to the shoare by 8. miles Such also is all the Westerne shoare of Iutia so that those who purpose to sayle into Norwey or out of the Ocean Eastward are enforced to take a large compasse to avoyde it and to this purpose there are foure Mountaines on this shoare which the Marriners observe as Sea-markes The Inhabitants of this Country seeing they have no fit Haven for ships to ride in draw them out of the deepe upon the shoare so farre that the waves of the Sea by beating upon them cannot bruise them In this Sea there is plenty of fish and especially of Herrings and therefore the Inhabitants use fishing much These things being declared I will adde something not impertinent to conclude this place withall which is that the people in these Northerne Countries have beene and yet are cold and drie of a large stature faire complectioned well coloured merrie jocund suspitious crafty and provident in businesse healthfull proud loving to their friends they eate and drinke much they digest well and therefore live long they abound with bloud they are blunt in behaviour and in regard of much heate about their heart they are quarrellous and contentious they love dangers hunting and travelling they are obstinate in defending their owne opinions and yet mindefull of Justice they are very docible and apt to attaine Languages they are lovers of the Muses and doe strictly performe their covenants and bargaines they have many children which the weomen with great difficulty bring forth their woemen are also beautifull and both wise and sparing in the government of their Familie but they die for the most part of Catharres the Kings evill the Pleuricy the Fistula the
Dropsie or Ptisicke Achilles Gassarus affirmeth that Guns were here first invented by a Monke THE THIRD TABLE OF DENMARKE Jn which are part of the Dukedome of SLESWICH and HOLSATIA SO much concerning Northerne Iutia the Southerne followeth which the Ancients did call Nordalbingia because it is seperated and parted toward the North from the rest of Germanie by the river Albis It containeth the two Dukedomes of Sleswick and Holsatia of which wee will speake in order The Dukedome of Sleswick taketh his name from the Metropolis and ancient Mart Towne of Sleswick Heretofore this Countrie was called the Dukedome of Iutia which Woldemare Nephew to Abel King of Denmark received to hold in fee of King Ericus about the yeare 1280. But the Royall Line of the Kings and Dukes being extinct and the Dukedome of Sleswick being thereby fallen to the Crowne Margaret Queen of three Kingdomes gave it to Gerard Earle of Holsatia on this condition that hee should acknowledge to hold it of the King of Denmarke The Cities which are subject to this Dukedome because they have the same priviledge with other parts of Denmarke therefore they have the same Lawes with them The Subjects may appeale from the Sentence of the Magistrates of any place to the Princes and their Senators and not farther as it is provided by their priviledges But the generall government of both these Dukedomes belongeth to the King of Denmarke and the Duke of Holsatia by turnes When it is devolved and doth fall to the King it is governed by his Substitute in his name The chiefe Towne of this Dukedome is Slesvicum commonly called Schleswick It hath its name from a German word in regard it is situated neere Slia in the Bay of the Baltick Sea for Wick signifies in the Saxon language both a Towne and a crooked winding or Bay of the Sea as Becanus hath observed in his Bookes of Gothish Danish matters Crantzius and those who have writ the Saxon Histories doe give it an other appellation besides Sleswick which is still in use with the Danes Freeslanders for they call this Towne in their language Heidebui or Heideba because they say it was first built by a certaine Queene of Denmarke whose name was Heth. It hath a convenient situation for traffick and a convenient Haven for commerce and trading Not farre from this Towne is seated the Castle Gotorpi Heere is a famous Custome or Toll for it hath beene observed that in plentifull yeares fifty thousand Oxen being driven out of Denmarke into Germanie have heere beene paid toll for There is also in this Dukedome Flensburg a famous Towne lying among the high Mountaines neere the shore of the Easterne Sea It HOLSATIA THE THIRD TABLE OF NORWEY hath a Haven so convenient deepe and safe that many of the Citizens may loade and unloade ships even at their owne doores And heere are the Townes Husenum or Hussum and Haderslebia This Dukedome hath onely one Bishoprick two Chapters three Monasteries and divers Castles belonging to the Prince and his Nobles The order of Senators whereof I have heretofore made mention doth consist of the number of 24 persons of the Gentry to whom is joyned a generall Chancellour and two Doctors of the Law The Dukedome of HOLSATIA SOme doe suppose that Holsatia was so called from the many Woods and Forrests which are in it for the Cimbrians and Low Germans doe call a wood holt and some doe derive the Etymologie of the word from a hollow stone because the Dukes of Holsatia were formerly called Dukes of the hollow Stone It is bounded on the East with the River Bilena on the West with Stora or Steur on the South with Albis and on the North with Eider The Countrie it selfe is woody and full of Forrests whence they have such store of fuell that they are able to supplie Freesland with wood when they themselves also doe keepe great fires But although their woods are very spatious so that they seeme to have no end yet they seldome have any great Oakes in them but are full of Beech-trees with whose waste an innumerable sort of Hogges are fatted The Land for the most part doth afford them every three yeares great store of fishing and a very rich and plentifull harvest For three yeares together it is tilled sow'd and mow'd and three yeares afterward the Lakes are let in to feede the fish and grasse thereby a certaine fat and slimie matter is brought in which doth fertilize the fields This place beares neither Vines nor Olives but there is much hunting of wilde beasts And this Countrie doth breede a great number of horses Holsatia is divided into foure parts Dithmarsh Holsatia Stormaria and Wagria These were heretofore Counties and afterward chang'd into a Dukedome by Frederick the third Emperour at the suite and request of Christierne the first who now is charged to maintaine 40 horsemen and fourescore foot for the use of the Roman Empire Dithmarsh at the first enjoy'd freedome and libertie for some hundred yeares and albeit it were granted by the Emperour Frederick to Christierne the first in fee yet it was not at that time subjected Afterward his Sonnes King Iohn and Duke Frederick did undertake to make an expedition against it in the yeare of our Lord 1500 but the Dithmarsians having overthrowne their Armie defended their owne libertie untill they were conquer'd overcome by the Nephews of Christierne the first namely Duke Iohn Adolphus and Frederick the second King of Denmarke in the yeare of our Lord 1559. In Holsatia are these Cities first Segeberg in Wagria a Countrie of Holsatia 16 miles from Lubeck 2 Itzohoa a faire Towne in regard of the nature and situation of the place and the resort of ships unto it 3 Stormaria is encompassed and as it were embraced in the armes of a fishie and navigable River which arising in the inner parts of Holsatia doth wash the wals of certaine Townes and the noble Ranzovian House of Bredenberg and afterward doth discharge it selfe into the River Albis Heere is in this Countrie Chilonium commonly called Kile which is an ancient Towne and hath a large Haven in which to the great commoditie of the Holsatians divers sorts of merchandize are brought out of Germanie Livonia Denmarke and Swethland Also Krempe and Reinholdsburg or Rensburg the former taketh his name from the River gliding by it the later from the first builder Here are moreover Meldorp Heiningsted or Henste and Tellingsted in Dithmars and Hamburg the Metropolis of Stormaria a renowned Mart-Towne neere the River Albis which after many devastations and calamities suffered in the warres was at last reedified and in the time of Henry the fourth Emperour it began to be encompassed with wals and to be beautified with three Gates and twelve watch-towres In this Citie Albertus Crantzius an eloquent and true Historian lived and was buried This Countrie is full of Lakes and especially Dithmars
of the Aestii In as much as Rhenanus saith it did appeare that it was in the first copie Aestui in stead of Aestii the ancient Writers of Bookes putting U for I. And Althamerus saith if it were in the ancient copie the Efflui hee durst affirme that the Eyslanders were so called from them by a litle alteration of the word These people also are called Sudini and their Countrie Sudina joyning to Prussia Some doe place the Lectunni hereabouts from whom it may be that their name was derived Livonia is stretched toward the Balthick Sea or the Venedick Bay being 500 miles in length and 160 in breadth Borussia Lithuania and Russia doe encompasse most part of it the rest the Livonian Bay doth hemme in The Countrie is plaine and very fertile it bringeth forth corne in such abundance that in deare times and yeares of scarcity it supplieth the wants of other Countries It aboundeth also with the best flaxe and breedeth store of cattell Besides there are in the woods of this Countrie many Beares Alces Foxes Leopards Cats of the mountaines and here are many Hares which according to the season of the yeare doe change their colour in like manner as they doe in Helvetia upon the Alpes in the Winter they are white in Summer of an Ash colour And heere is such plentifull hunting of wild beasts that the Countrie people though they be cruelly used by the Nobles are not prohibited from it In briefe Livonia wanteth none of those things which are necessarie for the preservation and sustentation of mans life except wine oyle and some other things granted by the divine bountie to other Countries as being under a more warme and gentle Climate which yet are brought hither in great abundance Livonia being Anno 1200 by the industrie and labour of the Merchants of Bremes and especially by the Knights of the Dutch order brought and converted to the Christian Faith when it had a long time suffered the miseries of forreine and civill warres and had beene made as it were a prey to the neighbour Kings and Princes at length in the yeare 1559 being under Gothardus Ke●lerus the last Governour of the Dutch Oder it was received into the protection and government of Sigismundus the King of Poland as a member of his Kingdome and of the great Dukedome of Lithuania But Gothardus resigning his Order on the fifth day of March Anno 1562 in the Castle of Riga before Nicholas Radziwilus the King of Polands Commissarie and Palatine of Vilna as first the Crosse afterward the Seale then his Letters Patents and all Charters which the Order had received from the Emperours and Popes besides the keyes of the Castle of Riga and of the gates of the Citie the office of Commendator the priviledge and power of coyning money the custome of fish and all other rights belonging to him hee was presently proclaimed by the aforesaid Palatine in the Kings Majesties name Duke of Curland and Semigallia and straightway the Nobilitie of Curland and Semigallia did take their oath of allegeance before him as to their lawfull and hereditary Lord. The next day the Duke of Curland sitting in estate was proclaimed in the Court of Riga Governour of Livonia and received the keyes of the castle and the gates of the Citie after which the Nobility and the Citizens had all their rights and priviledges restored and confirmed unto them Livonia is divided into three parts distinguished both by situation and language namely into Estia Lettea and Curlandia The Provinces of Estia or Eastland are Harria or Harland the chiefe Citie whereof is Revalia or Revel being situated toward the North neere unto the Balthick Sea and nothing inferiour unto Riga it was built by Voldemata and hath a famous Haven The Citizens use the Lubeck Law and doe coyne foure-square money Also the Province of Viria Virland or Wirland in which are Weisenburg Tolsberg and Borcholm the Seate of the Bishop of Revalia In the third place is Allantika where is the Towne Nerva or Nerve by a River of the same name over against which is the Castle called Ivanow Gorod belonging to the Moscovites for the river that runnes between these townes doth part Livonia from Moscovia also Nyschlot or Neuschlos In the fourth place is Odenpoa in which is Derpt or Topatum an Episcopall Citie Wernebes Helmet and Ringen In the fifth place is Iervia or Ierven in which are We●ssenslein Lais Overpolen or Ober Paln and Vellin or Fellin In the sixth place is Wichia or Wicke wherein is Abseel or Hapsel Leal Lode and Pernaw Neere to the Estians lye the Islands Osilia or Osel Dageden or Dachden Mona Wormse or Worist Wrangen Kien and many others in which they use partly the Estian language and partly the Swedish The Cities of Lettea or Letten are Riga Kokenhusen Wenden and Wolmar Riga is the chiefe citie of Livonia neere the River Duina which doth discharge it selfe into the Venedick Bay This citie is fortified with a strong Wall with strong Towres and pieces of Ordnance against any assault and is strengthned or fenced with double ditches and sharpe stakes round about it It hath a Castle well provided in which heretofore the Governour of Livonia being of the Teutonick or Dutch Order kept his residence and this Castle though Gothardus Ketlerus aforesaid did governe in the King of Polands right yet hee did usurpe no authoritie over the Citie for the Citizens being strong and defenders of their libertie cannot endure to have any Governour or Captaine over them They doe onely pay tribute and yeeld obedience LIVONIA OR LIEFLAND LIVONIA to the King of Poland in other things they have Lawes peculiar to themselves Besides heere is a Market of all Northerne commodities as of Pitch Hemp Waxe Timber and such other things The Townes and Castles of Curland are Goldingen Candaw Windaw which the Polanders call Kies and the Germans Wenden this Towne was famous heretofore for that the Master of the Teutonick Order did keepe his Court heere Parliaments were here wont to be held now it is defended by a Garrison of Polanders There are also the Cities Durbin Srunden Grubin Pilten Amb●t●n and Hase●●ot The Cities of Semigallia are Mitovia commonly called Mitaw where the Duke of Curland kept his Court also Seleburg ●a●●●burg Doblin and Dalem The River Duina doth divide Semi●allia and Curland from Lettea and the rest of Livonia In Livonia there are many Lakes the chiefest is Beibus which is 45 miles long and doth abound with divers kindes of fish The Rivers are Duina Winda Beca and some others Duina or Duna which Ptolemie cals Turuntus and Pe●cerus Rubo running out of Russia a great way through Lithuania and Livonia at length eight miles below Regia powreth it selfe into the ●avorick Bay and the Balthick Sea Winda in like manner dischargeth it selfe into the Balthick Sea which neere unto the mouth thereof is very deepe and dangerous The River Beca
third Palatinate is the Minscensian wherein is the Citie Minsko and the Castle ●●●lanaw also Radoscowice Borissow Lawisko or Liwsko Swislo●z Bobreisko and Odruck The fourth Palatinate is the Novogrodian in which is Novogrodeck a large Citie and built of wood also Slonim Wolkowi●z and many other Townes The fift Palatinate is the Briestian so called from the Citie Briesti being large and built of wood and here is the Citie of Pinsko The sixt is the Palatinate of Volhinia in which is Luezko the Seate of a Bishop also Voladamire and Kerzemenesia The seventh Palatinate is Kiovia in which there was heretofore a large and ancient Citie of the same name seated by the River Boristhenes as the ruines which lie sixe miles in length doe easily demonstrate There are also the Townes Circasia or Kerkew Kamova and Moser The eighth is the Palatinate of Miceslow neare to the Rivers Sosa and Borysthenes in the borders of Moscovie wherein are the Townes of Miceslaw Dubrowna 〈◊〉 and Sklow beside Mohilow By●how ●●czycza and Strissin with their Castles The ninth Palatinate is the Witebscian in which is the Citie Witebsk situated by the River Duna and Orsa neare Borysthenes The tenth Palatinate is the Polocensian which is so called from Poloteska a Citie lying neare to the confluence of the River Polota and Duna betweene Witsbek and Livonia There are also the Townes Disna Drissa and Dr●●●a with their Castles These things being explained let us speake something of the Rivers of Lithuania On the East side Lithuania is bounded with the Rivers Oscol Ingra and the lesser Tanais all which with many others doe runne into great Tanais There is also in Lithuania the River Borysthenes which arising out of a plaine marish ground and running through Russia doth vent it selfe at last into the Euxine Sea and the Rivers Wilia and Niemen the latter whereof runneth a great way with a very crooked winding streame and at last disburthens it selfe into the Prutenick or Finnish Sea also Duina and other Rivers beside Lakes and standing waters of which the Country is full and all these do afford great plenty of fish which are very delectable pleasant in taste Moreover the Country is covered with very great and spacious woods Sigismund that happie and auspicious King of Poland did unite the Palatines and Castellans of the Provinces of Lithuania into one body of a Common-wealth with the Polanders and did designe a certaine place and order in the Senate of the Kingdome to all the Noble men Bishops and Palatines of this Country so that out of the Kingdome of Poland and the Provinces united unto it there are in the Senate fifteene Bishops one and thirty Palatines thirty of the greater Castellans or governours of Castles and fiftie of the lesse beside those who are called the Officials of the Kingdome as the Marshalls the Chancellours the Vicechancellors and the Treasurers of which wee will speake more largely in the description of Poland Marriages amongst the Lithuanians are easily dissolved by mutuall consent and they marry againe and againe The wives have openly men-concubines by their husbands permission whom they call connubij adjutores i. helpers in marriage but on the contrary for men to follow whores is counted a reproach When any one is condemned to die he is commanded to punish himselfe and to hang himselfe with his owne hands which if he refuse to doe hee is threatned and beaten with stripes untill he kill himselfe Their flockes doe afford them great store of milke for their food The common bread which they use is very blacke being made of Rye or Barley together with the branne but the rich mens bread is very white being baked and made of pure Wheat They seldome use any wine for the common people drinke water and such as are of abilitie drinke Ale which they brew of divers sorts of corne as Wheat Rye Barley Oates and Millet but such as is unsavory They have abundance of thicke and thinne Mede boyled in divers manners and with it they make themselves merrie and oftentimes drunke Lithuania seemeth almost to be inaccessible as being almost all overflowne with waters but in Winter there is more convenient trafficking with the Inhabitants and the wayes are made passable for Merchants the Lakes and standing waters being frozen over with yee and spread over with snow Their chiefe wealth is the skins of beasts as of Weesills Foxes and those which are more precious as Martens and Scythian Weesills Of these they make a great profit as also of their Waxe Honey Ashes and Pitch The best Wainscot is cut here and brought into Germany through the Balthick and Germane Sea and out of this Country all woodden Architecture both publique and private through all Germany and the Low countries is made as also for the most part such woodden housholdstuffe as belongeth to houses but enough of Luthuania we will now adde something concerning the rest There followes in our Title Samogitia which in their language signifies the Lower land the Russians call it Samotzekasemla it is a Northerne Country and very large being next to Lithuania and environed with Woods and Rivers On the North it hath Livonia on the West it is washed with the Balthick or Germane Sea which is properly called the Balthick Bay and towards the Northwest Borussia joyneth unto it It aboundeth with the best whitest and purest Honey which is found in every hollow tree It hath no Towne nor Castle the Nobles live in Lodges the Country people in Cottages The people of this Country are of a great and large stature rude in behaviour living sparingly drinking water and seldome any drinke or Mede they knew not untill of late the use of Gold Brasse Iron or Wine It was lawfull with them for one man to have many wives and their father being dead to marrie their step-mother or the brother being dead to marrie his wife The Nation is much enclined to Fortune telling and Southsaying The God which they chiefly adored in Samogitia was the fire which they thought to be holy and everlasting and therefore on the top of some high mountaine the Priest did continually cherish and keepe it in by putting wood unto it In the third place is Russia by which name in this place wee understand the Southerne or Blacke-Russia whose chiefe Country is Leopolis or Lemburg built by Leo a Moscovite it is famous by reason of the Mart kept there and the Bishops Seat Beside the Country of Leopolis there are three other in this Russia to wit the Country of Halycz Belz and Praemislia In the fourth place is Volhinia which is situate betweene Lithuania Podolia and Russia it aboundeth with fruits in regard of the fertility of the soile The Inhabitants are strong and warlike and doe use the Ruthenian language This Country did pertaine once to the great Duke of Lithuania but now it is joyned to the Kingdome
of Polonia It hath three divisions the Lucensian Wolodomiriensian and Cremenecensian and there are three Provinciall Cities Lucko Wolodomiria and Kerzemenec which have many Townes and places of Defence under them Here are many Lakes and standing waters full of fish and woods full of wilde beasts There is also in this Table Podolia situated by the River Tyras It is a most fertile Country being sowed once and reaped thrice the meddowes are so proud and ranke that the Oxens hornes as they graze can scarce bee seene above the grasse The chiefe Cities are Camienies Bar Medziboz Brezania and Braslaw But let these things which have beene spoken hitherto suffice concerning this table we passe now to Transylvania TRANSYLVANIA OR SIEBENBVRGEN TRANSYLVANIA is the mediterranean part of ancient Dacia which the Romans called Dacia Ripensis and it taketh its name from the woods and mountaines wherewith it is encompassed as the Hercynian woods and the Carpathian hils It is called commonly Septem castra by a name borrowed from the German word Siebenburgen and the Hungarians call it Herdel On the West it is bounded with Pannonia on the North with Polonia on the South with Walachia and on the East with Moldavia Transylvania is very fruitfull hath great plenty of corne through the whole Countrie which besides daily experience that coyne of Trajans doth witnesse in which Ceres stood holding in her right hand the horne of the goate Amalthaea which signifieth plenty and in her left hand a Table with this inscription or motto Abundantia Daciae i. the abundance of Dacia It bringeth forth excellent wine about Alba Iulia Deva Egmedine Birthilbine and Fenuscine It hath also great store of fruite among which to omit the rest it hath most excellent Damaske Prunes Quinces sweet Cherries which may be compar'd with those that grow in Italie and Mellons Heere are also excellent choyse hearbs which grow in every place as Rhubarbe the greater Centory Gentiana with a yellow and purple flowre Sea-wormewood the herbe called Libanotis saffron and many others There are many famous Mynes of Mettall in this Country as Mynes of Gold at Sculattin which the Hungarians call Zalakna and at Rimili Dominurdz which signifies the River or Rivulet of Lords In these places great wedges or pieces of gold are cut forth which as soone as they are digged out they can presently make use of without any accurate refining The Roman pieces of golden coyne which are oft digged up in these places doe witnesse this plentie for they have on the one side the image of a man with a broade hat and with this inscription on it C. Cato and on the other side Dacia in the forme of a Goddesse holding a Booke in her right hand with this inscription AVR PVR. Moreover there are silver Mynes at Offera and Radna Copper is digged out of the same Mountaines out of which the gold and silver commeth Steele is digged and found at Cyk Iron at Thorosco and Vaidahuntada and lastly Sulphure and Antimonie are found in the Copper Mynes There is such great store of salt-pits in Transylvania that it sendeth abundance of salt to other Countries And there is such a great company of Oxen in it that the largest and fairest ones are often sold for a Floren. What shall I speake of the excellent metall'd horses which it breedeth which amble and pace naturally What should I mention the divers kindes of Birdes as Eagles Faulcones Pheasants Partridges Peacocks Woodcocks Snipes And what should I reckon the water-fowle as Swans Bustards and Bitternes c. I passe from these to the wilde beasts for this Countrie hath great Forrests and spacious woods in which are Beares Buffes or wilde Oxen Elkes Harts of a large stature Leopards Martins Does and white Hares Divers Nations heretofore inhabited this Countrie of whom there is yet a remnant in Hungaria as the ●azyges called by Pliny Metanastae beside the Getes Bastarnians Sarmatians Grecians Romans Scythians Saxons and Hungarians The Romans did conquer it when the Emperour Trajan overcame Decebalus King of Dacia and reduced it into the forme of a Province calling the Citie Zarmizegethusa after his owne name Vlpia Trajana but Galienus lost it two hundred yeares after and from that time the Inhabitants having laid aside the Roman humanitie speech and eloquence began to resume their former wildenesse and barbarisme calling themselves Walachians After the Romans the Scythians under the conduct of their Captaine Artilas seated themselves in this place and built seven free Townes The Saxons succeeded the Scythians in the time of Charles the great who forsaking their Countrie seated themselves likewise in these parts built themselves seven free Cities following the example of the Scythians The Hungarians came last who partly allured with the vicinity and neernesse of the place mingled themselves with the Dacians and afterward being provoked by injuries they conquered the whole countrey in the reigne of Stephen King of Pannonia whom they stiled the holy By them some Townes were also built The mountainous part of Transylvania was lately subdued by Matthias Huniades whose surname was Corvinus and afterward by Stephen King of Hungary This Matthias tooke alive one Dracula a Vaivode or Prince of the mountainous Transylvania a man of unheard of cruelty and after ten yeares imprisonment restored him to his former place Transylvania is now divided into three Nations differing both in manners and lawes and inhabiting severall parts of the Countrie namely into the Saxons the Ciculi and Hungarians The Saxon Transylvanians as all other German Nations have a peculiar dialect or language unto themselves they inhabite the strongest cities and castles and doe excell the other Nations They have seven Seates namely Zarwaria Zabesia Millenbach Rensmarke Segesburg or S●hesburg Ollezna Schenkerstall and Reps all which have some villages under them The Ciculi neere to Moldavia being descended from the Scythians doe live after their owne lawes and customes and doe distribute their offices by lot They are divided into seven Regions which they call Seates the names whereof are Sepsi Orbai Kysdi Czyk Gyrgio Marcus Zeek and Aranyas Zeek The Hungarians and Transylvanian Nobles being mingled with the Saxons and the Ciculi doe for the most part agree with them both in speech habite and armour All Transylvania is able to set forth ninety thousand armed men and more There are seven chief Cities in Transylvania having a reasonable distance one from an other among which Cibinium is the Metropolis or Mother-citie is now called Hermanstat It is seated on a plaine not shut up with mountaines but spread into a great breadth It is not much lesse than Vienna in Austria but it is farre stronger both by Art and Nature for in regard of the many Fish-ponds and Lakes round about it no Armie TRANSYLVANIA OR SIEBENBVRGEN TRANS SYLVANIA can come unto it 2 Brasso or Corona which the Germans call Cronstat and
is somtimes called Stephanopolis being seated amongst pleasant mountaines and fortified with Wals Ditches and Rampiers Heere is a famous Universitie and Librarie 3 Bistricia or Noesenstat which is seated on the plaine of a large valley and hath on either side hils full of Vines 4 Segoswar o● S●hespurg which is partly situated on a hill and partly at the foote thereof 5 Megies or M●dwisch which is situated in the midst of Transylvania being fruitfull in wine and stored with all commodities that are either gainefull or necessary for food 6 Zabesium or Zaaz which lyeth in a plaine and deepe valley encompassed with waters full of fish They say that this was the first seate of the Saxons 7 Coloswar or Clausenburg which is likewise sweetly seated in a plaine and is beautified not onely with faire wals without but with stately buildings within Heere is also Alba Iulia or We●senberg an ancient city a Bishops Seate it is situated on a steep hill which hath a large plaine spreading it selfe round about it It hath on the East the River M●●● and on the other side the River called in the Hungarian language ●●●ay which descendeth from the Alpes Heeretofore it was called T●●● and in Trajans time it was the Pallace of King Decebalus As tou●ching the payments of taxes and tributes there are in Transylvania eight principall circles or divisions of ground called Chapters all which together they call the Universitie as first the Bist●●ensian Chapter which hath in it Bistricia with 23 royall Townes 2 The Regne●sian Chapter which hath more than 30 Townes 3 The Bar●ensian Chapter which hath the citie Corona with thirteene royall Townes 4 The Kisde●sian Chapter which hath Segesburg and eight and fortie townes 5 The Chapter called the chapter of two Seates which doth containe the city of M●●ie● with sixe and thirtie townes There are two Chapters of the Cibinian● one of which containeth Cibinium and three and twenty townes and the other which they call Surrogative containe about 22 Villages Last of all the Zabesensian Chapter which hath Zabesium with seventeene Villages This Countrie hath many Lakes and standing waters which are full of excellent fish There are in it three navigable Rivers Aluta Morus called also Marus and Marisus and Samu● the two former arising out of the Scythian Mountaines the last of them falleth into Tibiscus the other runneth straight forward into Danubius Samus which the Germans and Hungarians call Thimes ariseth out of the Alpes called Colota and likewise slideth into Tibiscus There are also ●ther Rivers as Kockel the Greater and the Lesse Sabesus Chrysus Chry●●●●os and Strygius c. the three last whereof have little graines or land of gold in them and doe somtimes bring downe pieces of gold of halfe a pound weight Divers kindes of excellent fish are found in them and the aforesaid Rivers as namely the greater and lesser Sturgeon three kindes of Carpes the Salmon the River and Lake-Lamprey the fish called Silurus the Mullet an other rare kind of Lamprey the white and black Trout the scaly Gudgeons and those that have no scales unknowne to other places besides Pikes Perches Tenches and the common Lamprey all which are found there and of a great size There are Mountaines neere unto Walachia Cisalpina and Moldavia which doe produce Agarick and Turpentine Trees There are many woods in Transylvania and amongst the rest Hercynia in which besides the wilde beasts above-mentioned there are wilde Oxen and Horses whose manes doe reach even to the ground There are also in this Countrie many Castles well fortified among which the chiefe is called the Red Castle being a strong defence and seated on the Alpes neere to a running streame where there is a straight passage betweene the Mountaines into the Countrie and it is as it were the fortresse thereof so that no one can enter into it on that side if the Governour of the castle barre up the way There is also an other fortified castle beneath the Towne Millenbach neere unto the Towne Bros where also neere unto the River there is a way leading into Transylvania betweene the vales and snowie Alpes Now it followeth that wee should adde somthing concerning their manners which are divers and various because as we said before it was formerly possessed by divers Nations and is still at this day The people of Walachia are rude and ignorant of good Arts and Disciplines they are of the Greeke Religion but their manners and customes savour of Paganisme in regard that they much esteeme of Oracles sweare by Iupiter and Venus whom they call Holy and in many other things come neere unto the customes of the Gentiles They have no Townes or brick-houses but doe live in the woods and forrests having no defence against the violence of the weather but a few reedes or cottages of reedes The other part of Transylvania in most places is of a more fruitfull soyle and the people are more civiliz'd and of a better behaviour The Scythians speech in Transylvania differs little from the Hungarian speech at this day though heretofore they differr'd much both in speech and writing for they like the Hebrewes did begin to write from the right hand to the left The Ciculi are a fierie and warlike kinde of people among whom there are no Nobles or Rusticks but all of them are of one ranke The Hungarians have great power and authoritie above all the rest And let so much suffice to have beene spoken briefly concerning Transylvania TAVRICA CHERSONESVS THis CHERSONESVS was so called by Ptolemie from the Tauri a certaine people of Scythia in Europe Strabo calls it the Scythian Chersonesus Pliny in his 2 Booke and 96 chapter calleth it after the Latines the Peninsula of the Taurians Appianus calleth it the Pontick Chersonesus and Paulus Diaconus calleth it Chersenesa At this day it is called Precopska and Gesara by Antonius Pineti● It is a large Peninsula stretched out toward the East betweene the Euxine Sea and the Maeotick Lake even to the Cimmerian Bosporus which divides Europe from Asia It hath a gentle winter and most temperate Aire For at the end of December winter beginneth and is at the sharpest or coldest in the middle of February as having then most snow which yet lyeth not above three daies vvhen the cold and frost is most constant The Winter never lasteth longer than the beginning of March All the whole Countrie is very fruitfull and very fit for feeding flocks of cattell Yet albeit the Inhabitants have a fertile soile many of them do not till their fields nor Sow them They have abundance of Horses Camels Oxen Kine and Sheep on which they live There are also great store of daintie fowle which oftentimes the Christians and Turkes and sometimes the Polanders that come thither as strangers are wont to take There is much hunting of Harts Goates Boares and Hares both in the Tartarian and Turkish
Dominions neare the Sea This Chersonesus hath hard and rugged mountaines that running through the middle of it do divide it into the Northerne and Southerne part as the Apennine Mountaine doth divide Italie Mahomet in the yeare 1475 did possesse the Southerne part and made it tributarie to himselfe But in the Northerne part the Tartars wandering in the broad fields betweene Borysthenes and Tanais and continually changing their places of feeding their cattell possessed the Towne called Crim as a royall Seat and from thence they were called Crim Tartars Afterward having cut through the Isthmus of the Taurick Chersonesus when neare unto the Ditch which they call Praecop they built a Citie a royall Seat of the same name they were from thence called Praecopenses The King of these Tartars when being joyned in league and societie with the Turkes hee had at their request banisht his owne brother who made warre against him and had besieged Capha at last both himselfe and his two yong sonnes were cut in pieces by his Counsellers whom hee had with large gifts corrupted for the aforesaid purpose and so gave an unhappie example of the Ottoman friendship For hee being slaine the Tartarians who were hitherto free untamed and companions and brethren to Ottoman were now made servants and after the manner of the other Turkish Provinces were compelled to receive and acknowledge not a King but a Beglerbeg that is a Vice-Roy to governe TAVRICA CHERSONESVS Taurica Chersonesus them But the Turkish Empire may be easily known by the Descriptions of Wallachia Greece and the Turkish Empire and therefore for brevities sake wee referre the Reader thither Besides Cazan and Astrachan which are Kingdomes belonging to the Tartarians who do till fields dwell in houses and at this day are subject to the Moscovite and besides the aforesaid Praecopenses there are other Field Tartars who live in the fields in great companies obseruing no limits and of these we will speake in their proper place to wit in the Tables of Asia In the Southerne part of this Chersonesus is the Metropolis Capha heretofore called Theodosia a famous Mart-towne being the ancient Colonie of the Genois It is situate neare the Sea And hath a faire Haven It seemes that in the time of the Genois it was very populous But when the Turkes almost two hundred yeares since in the time of Mahomet the Great tooke it from them the Italians were reduced to such a strait that there are few tokens remaining of their being there for the Citie hath for the most part lost her former beautie The Italian Churches are throwne downe the houses decayed and the walls and Towers on which the Genois colours and ensignes were placed with Latine Inscriptions are fallen to ruine It is now inhabited by Turkes Armenians Iewes Italians and a few Grecian Christians It is famous for traffique as being the chiefe Haven of the Chersonesus and hath an infinite companie of Vine-yards Orchards and Gardens Besides this towne there is Perecopia called by the ancient Greekes Eupatoria Pompeiopolis Sacer Lucus Dromon Achillis Graecida Heraclium or Heraclia Also Cos●ovia a famous Mart-towne and I●germenum having a stone Castle beneath which is a Church and many Caves that with great labour and paines are cut and hewed out of a rocke for this towne is seated on a great high Mountaine and taketh its name from those Turkish Caves It was heretofore a faire Towne and full of wealth and riches Here is Chersonesus Corsunum or Cherso which is the ancientest citie of Taurica This the Turkes called Saci Germenum as it were the Yellow Castle for this Countrie hath a kinde of yellow soyle The admirable and wondrous mines of this place do testifie that it was heretofore a proud rich delicate and famous Colonie of the Grecians and the most ancient citie of the whole Peninsula being much frequented magnificent and having a faire Haven Here is the Castle and Towne of Iamboli or Balachium Mancopia or Mangutum as the Turkes call it and the Towne of Cercum with a Castle Here is the citie and castle of Cremum which the Tartars call Crim having an ancient wall very strong high and in regard of its largenesse it is farre unlike the other cities of the Taurick Chersonesus And in the utmost part of this Countrie is the citie Tanas neare the mouth of the River Tanais the Russians call it Azac It is a famous Mart-towne unto which Merchants do come out of divers parts of the world for that every one hath here free accesse and free power to buy or sell There are many great Rivers in this Countrie running downe out of the Mountaines The chiefest whereof is Borysthenes commonly called Nieper a deepe and swift River which runneth from the North into the river Carcinites or Hypaciris now called Desna and so into the Euxine Sea neare the Towne Oczacow Also Don or Tanais Ariel Samar that runneth into Don with many others The Cimmerian Bosphorus to which this Chersonesus as we said before is extended It is a narrow Sea two miles broad which divideth Europe from Asia and by which the Maeoticke Lake doth ●low into the Euxine Sea It is called from the Cimmerians who dwell upon the coldest part thereof or frō the towne Cimmerium as Volaterranus would have it The Maeotick Lake is neare the mouth of Phasis commonly called Fasso and by the Scythians Phazzeth receiving Tanais into it The Scythians call it Temerenda that is the mother of the Sea as Dionysius witnesseth because much water floweth from thence through the Cimmerian Bosphorus into it as also much from other places which doth so replenish and fill the Lake that the bankes thereof can hardly containe it This Lake in regard it receiveth many rivers aboundeth with fish There is also the Euxine Sea the upper part of whose water is sweete and the nether part salt This being heretofore called the Axine and according to Sophocles the Apoxine Sea because no Ships could arrive here or in regard of the barbarous Scythian borderers who killed strangers they afterward called the Euxine by the figure which they call Euphemismus But they called it Pontus as if it were another Ocean for they supposed that those who sailed on it did performe some great and memorable act And therefore saith Strabo they called it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pontus as they called Homer the Poet. There are many rugged and steepe mountaines in this Chersonesus especially those which runne through the middle thereof The greatest and highest of them hath a great Lake on the toppe of it But so much hitherto concerning these things Now let us proceed to other matters Justice is administred among the Tartarians by the Law of Mahomet in the Cities and Townes of the Chan and the other Sultanes They have their Priests their Judges in their Townes and their Begi or Praefects who do heare and decide private injuries But the Chan himselfe with his
Counsellers doth judge of capitall matters as murder and theft In declaring whereof they need no Lawyer neither do they use the subtiltie thereof nor excuses or prolonging matters by delay For the meanest of the Tartarians or strangers do frely declare their owne wrongs and grievances before the Judges and the Chan himselfe by whom they are quickly heard and dispatched They instruct their sonnes when they are children in the Arabicke language they do not keepe their daughters at home but deliver them to some of their kindred to be brought up When their sonnes come to ripenesse of yeares they serve the Chan or the Sultans when their daughters are marriageable they marrie them to some of the chiefe Tartars or Turkes The best of the Tartars in the Princes Court go civilly and decently in their apparell not for ostentation or pride but according as necessitie and decencie requireth When the Chan goeth abroad in publike the poorest men may have accesse unto him who when he sees them doth examine them what their wants necessities are whence they did arise The Tartarians are very obedient to the Laws and they adore reverence their Princes like Gods Their Judges according to Mahomets Law are accounted spirituall men and of undoubted equitie integritie and faithfulnesse They are not given to Controversies Law-suits private discord envie hatred or to any wanton excesse either in diet or apparell In the Princes Court none weare Swords Bowes or other weapons except it be Travellers or strangers that are going on some journey to whom they are very kinde and hospitable The chiefe men eate bread and flesh drinking also burnt Wine and Metheglin but the Country people want bread using instead thereof ground Millet tempered with milke and water which they commonly call Cassa They use cheese instead of meate and their drinke is mares milke They kill also for their food Camels Horses and Oxen when they are ready to dye or are growne unserviceable and they often feed on the flesh of sheepe Few of them do use Mechanicke Arts in the Cities and Townes few do use Merchandizing and those Artificers or Merchants that are found there are either slaves to the Christians or else they are Turkes Armenians Iewes Cercesians Petigorians who are Christians Philistines or Cynganians all men of the lowest ranke But let this which hath been spoken suffice concerning the Taurick Chersonesus and the Northerne Countries Let us passe to the Description of Spaine which we have placed next and take a view thereof THE DESCRIPTION OF SPAINE SPAINE is a chiefe Country of Europe and the first part of the Continent it was so called as Iustine noteth from King Hispanus Some would have it so called from Hispalis a famous Citie which is now called Sevill But Abraham Ortelius a man very painfull in the study of Geographie when hee had read in the Author that treateth of Rivers and Mountaines following the opinion of Sosthenes in his third Booke that Iberia now called Georgia a Country of Asia was heretofore called Pania from Panus whom Dionysius having conquered the Country made Governour over the Iberians and that from thence Moderne Writers did call it Spaine moreover when he had observed that almost all Writers did derive the first Inhabitants of Spaine from Iberia he was induced to beleeve that the Country was so called rather from that Spaine than from Hispanus or Hispalis This opinion is the more probable for that Saint Paul doth call this Country Spania in his Epistle to the Romans chap. 15. verse 28. as doth also Saint Ierome and many others But that which the Latine Writers call Hispania and Ptolemie Stephanus and others doe call Ispania leaving out the aspiration Strabo Pliny and others doe testifie that in ancient times it was called Iberia and Hesperia It was called Iberia from Iberia a Country of Asia from whence many doe derive the first inhabitants of Spaine though some doe fetch the word Iberia from King Iberus others from the River Iberus and Avienus from Ibera a Towne in Baetica or Andaluzia Some report that it was called Hesperia from Hesperus the brother of Atlas or as Horace thinketh from Hesperia the daughter of Hesperus or rather from Hesperus the Evening-starre under which it was supposed to be situated because it is the farthest Country Westward of the whole Continent of Europe And seeing Italie might have the same name Horace calleth this Hesperia ultima Appian reporteth that it was heretofore called Celtiberia which yet is rather to be thought a part of Spaine heretofore called Celtica as Varro witnesseth Gulielmus Postellus and Arias Montanus in his commentaries upon Obadiah doe note that the Hebrewes did call it Sepharad and so much concerning the name the Quantitie and Qualitie followeth The Quantitie doth consist in the bounds and circuit thereof and in the forme and figure which ariseth from thence Concerning the bounds of Spaine the Ocean doth wash two sides thereof the North side the Cantabrian Ocean and the West the Atlanticke The Iberian or Balearicke Sea doth beat on the South side where is the Bay of Hercules and on the East it hath the Pyrenaean Mountains running along with one continued ridge from the Ocean where stands Flaviobriga at this day called Funtarabia even to the Mediterranean Sea Hence it is that they make two famous Promontories the one called Olarso which shooteth out into the Ocean the other which taking its name heretofore from the Temple of Venus but now called Cape de Creus doth jet out into the Mediterranean Sea The utmost length of Spaine is 200 Spanish miles the breadth where it is broadest is 140 miles and where it is narrowest it is 60. Iohannes Vasaeus in his Chronicle of Spaine doth report that Spaine is so narrow at the Pyrenaean Hills that when he travell'd over them on the Mountaine of Saint Adrian he saw the Sea on either side namely the Ocean which was next unto him and a farre of as farre as hee could see he discerned the white waves of the Mediterranean Sea They suppose that the whole compasse thereof is 2480 miles Ptolemy Strabo and others doe compare Spaine to an Oxe-hide stretched out on the ground the necke whereof is extended toward France which cleaveth unto it The necke I say which reacheth in breadth as farre as the Pyrenaean Mountaines from the Mediterranean Sea to the Brittish Ocean the fore part of it is stretched from New Carthage even to the Cantabrians and the hinder part from Hercules Bay to Gallicia and the Brittish Sea that which represents the tayle of the hide is the Holy Promontorie called at this day Saint Vincents Promontorie which stretcheth it selfe out into the Atlanticke Ocean farre beyond any other part of Spaine Spaine is under the middle of the fourth all the fift and part of the sixt Climats where there is an excellent temper for the producing of all things For it
foure other Kings of the Siracens and Moores leaving to posteritie five Scutcheons for their Armes in remembrance of that atchievement There succeeded him almost in a right line Sanctius Alphonsus the 2 Sanctius the 3 Alphonsus the 3 Dionysius who first began to usurpe the title of the King of the Algarbians also Alphonsus the fourth Peter Ferdinand Iohn Edward Alphonsus the fifth surnamed Africanus Iohn the 2 Emanuel Iohn the 3 Sebastian slaine in Africk Henry the Cardinall and Antonius who because hee was a Bastard was expell'd Philip the second King of Spaine Nephew to Emanuel by Isabel his eldest Daughter and Father to Philip the 3 whose Sonne Philip the 4 doth now reigne The Metropolis of Portugall is Olisippo as it is called in the ancient faithfull copies of M. Varro Pliny Antoninus and Mela. For in vulgar writings it is written sometimes Olysippo and sometimes Vlysippo and divers other wayes now it is called Lisbone or as the Inhabitants doe pronounce it Lisboa It is a great Towne of traffique abounding with riches and it is a famous store-house of forraine commodities which are brought thither out of Asia Africk and America It hath a pleasant and commodious situation almost at the mouth of the River Tagus it is now very large being built on five Hils and as many Vales or descents but heretofore it was lesse being seated onely on one hill as some doe report On that side which is toward the Sea it hath two and twentie Gates and on that side which is toward the Continent it hath sixteene It hath threescore and seventeene watch-Towres upon the wals The Parish-churches are twenty five besides many Chappels and Churches belonging to the Monkes the Anachorets and the Nunnes The Cities beyond Tagus doe acknowledge Lisbone to be the Mother-citie as Ebora called by Ptolemie Ebura and now commonly Evora Begia commonly called Bega or Beia and heretofore Pax Iulia by Antoninus and Ptolemie Setubal heretofore named as Clusius supposeth Salacia Also Alcasar de sal in the Countrie of Algarbia and Almada which Ptolemie cals Caetobrix and Antoninus Caetobriga Beyond Tagus not farre from Lisbone Northward the Towne of Cascala is seated and as you come a litle neerer to the Citie you meete with a litle Towne called Bethleem There are also Leria Tomar and Guarda all Townes of note Not farre from Tomar lyeth Ceice which Antoninus calleth Celium Also Alanguera by the River Tagus which Damianus à Goes being his owne native Towne thinketh to be so called quasi Alankerke that is the Temple of the Alanes It was heretofore called Ierabrica but now Coimbra and it was heretofore the head Citie of the Kingdome of Portugall There is also the Towne Viseum commonly called Viseo Plinie calleth it Vacca but now it is called Ponte Fouga The third Councell of Toledo doth PORTVGALL AND ALGARBIA PORTUGALLIA OLIM LUSITANIA mention Lameca commonly called Lamego Lastly Braga which lyeth betweene the Rivers Durius and Minius it is now so called though Ptolemie calleth it Bracar Augusta Antoninus Braccara Augusta and Plinie Augusta Bracarum It is reported that it was built by the Gaules surnamed Braccati in the yeare before Christs birth 290 and the Romans having conquered it gave it the surname of Augusta It was heretofore so famous that here were the seven great Assemblies or Parliaments which were kept and held in the hithermost Spaine so that foure and twentie Cities as Plinie reporteth did bring their suits and causes hither to have them tried The Rivers of this Countrie are Anas and Guadiana Tagus or Taio Mondego or Monda Durius or Duero and Minius or Mino two of these being famous to wit Tagus and Durius Portugall on the West and South looketh toward the Atlantick Ocean which besides fish which it yeeldeth in great abundance doth afford many other commodities This Countrey is indebted unto and receiveth all her plenty from the Sea which she acknowledgeth in so much that it may more worthily be called the golden Sea than golden flowing Nilus because by the helpe hereof they have commodities imported and brought in from all parts of the earth so that it standeth in need of nothing and againe those commodities wherewith it aboundeth it exporteth by shipping to traffique with forraine Countries There is also besides the Havens which wee mentioned before the Haven of Setubal Dubal or Tubal which lieth Southward from Olisippo or Lisbone Heere are few Mountaines and those not very great as namely those which the Inhabitants call Sierra de Monchiquo de Chaldecatao de Sordedas called heretofore the Mountaines of the Moone c. And these for the most part are full of woods and thickets There are also very great and thick woods in which the Princes of Spaine are wont to hunt In the litle Towne of Bethleëm there is a Temple dedicated to the holy Virgin Mary and built very costly also the Monument of Emanuel King of Portugall whiche hee appointed to bee built in his owne life-time yet was it afterward enriched and beautified by Iohn the third the Sonne of Emanuel There are moreover in that part of Portugall which lyeth betweene Tagus Durius as Vasaeus writeth besides the Metropolitan Church of Bracara the Cathedrall Church in Portugall and five other Collegiate Churches more than an hundred and thirty Monasteries the most of which have most large revenues and about 1460 Parish-Churches In that part which belongeth to the Church of Bracara there are reckoned eight hundred Parish-Curches whereby you may easily collect and know the fertility of this Countrie I doe not mention the Hospitals for strangers for the diseased and for Orphanes the Towre the faire houses the pleasant gardens and Universities which are in this Kingdome as namely Ebora and Coimbra or Conimbrica the first was lately instituted by Henry Cardinall of Portugall and President of the same Citie the other also was lately instituted by Iohn the second King of Portugall The Portugals are the strongest of all the Spaniards the quickest the most nimble and light of body so that they can easily pursue or retire from the enemie Their disposition is to be proud and selfe-conceited of themselves and their owne affaires and they say themselves that they live by opinion and conceit that is they sustaine themselves more with that which they thinke themselves to be than with that which they truly are They are skilfull in sea-matters and are famous for their Navigations to unkowne parts of the world where they grow rich by trading and merchandizing Under Portugall at this time is the Kingdome of Algarbia It taketh its name from the Arabick tongue and doth signifie a happie and plentifull Field or Medow in which are all things necessarie for traffique A straight line drawne from the River Anas betweene the Rivers which are commonly called Vataon and Carei-vas to the litle Towne Odeseiza that is from the East Westward doth separate from
and placed here under the command of the Emperour Nerva as some suppose The Metropolis hereof is that famous Citie which taketh its name from the Countrie and is called by Ptolemie Legio septima Germanica Antoninus calleth it Legio Gemina but it is now commonly called Leon which name I cannot see why Franciscus Tarapha should rather derive from Leonigildus King of the Gothes than from the Legion it selfe Moralis doth deliver also that it was heretofore called Sublantia and writeth that some evidences of that name are extant in a place but a little distant from Legio called Sollanco L. Marinaeus Siculus writeth thus concerning the Church of Legio in his third Booke of Spaine Although the Church which the Citie of Hispalis hath built in our age doth exceed all the rest for greatnesse although the Church of Toledo surpasse the rest for treasure ornaments and glasse windowes and the Church of Compostella for strong building for the miracles of Saint Iames other things yet the Church of Legio in my judgement is to be preferred before them all for admirable structure and building which hath a Chappell joyning to it in which lye buried seven and thirtie Kings and one Emperour of Spaine It is worthy of memorie that this Citie was the first from which about the yeare 716. the recoverie of Spaine which formerly the Moores and Saracens almost wholly possessed was begun For as also Rodericus Toletanus in his sixt Booke of Spanish matters for many Chapters together and Roderick Sanctius in the first part of his Spanish Historie cap. 11. do relate Pelagius the sonne of Fafila Duke of Cantabria and descended of the royall blood of the Gothes being made King by the remainder of the Christians who fled into the mountaines made a great slaughter on the Moores and being scarcely entred into his Kingdome tooke Legio from the enemies This man afterwards making it the Seate of his Principalitie built a new Castle there as a Fort and defence against the violence of their incursions And laying aside the armes of the Kings of the Gothes gave the Lion Rampant Gules in a field Argent which the Kings of Legio do use at this day Fafila the sonne of Pelagius succeeded him in the Kingdome and he dying issuelesse there succeeded him Alphonsus Catholicus the sonne of Peter Duke of Cantabria being descended from the stocke of Ricaredus Catholick King of the Gothes who married Ormisenda the onely sister and heire of Fafila The government of Legion remained in the hands of Alphonsus his familie even to Veremundus the 24 King of Legio who dying in the yeare 1020. without a Successour his sister Sanctia married Ferdinando of Navarre King of Castile and brought the Kingdome of Legio to be joyned and united to his kingdome Asturia hath on the North the Ocean on the East Biscay on the South old Castile and on the West Gallicia It produceth and bringeth forth gold divers sorts of colours otherwise it is but little tilled and thinly inhabited except it be in those places which are next to the Sea Here was the Seat of the ancient Astures who were so called as Isidore writeth lib. 9. Etymolog cap. 2. from the River Asturia whereof Florus maketh mention in the fourth Book of his Roman Histories and others From whom Ptolemie calls the Countrie it selfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Latines Asturia as also Astyria as is evident by what I have read in ancient marbles At Rome in the pavement of the Chappell which is in the Temple of Saint Gregorie in the mountaine Caelius there is a broken marble-table engraved with these words Acontit L. Ranio Optato V. C. Cos Curatori Reip. Mediolanensium Curat Reip. Nolanorum Procos Provincia Narbonensium Legato Aug. Et Iuridico Astyriae Et. Galaecia Curatori Viae Salariae c. Moreover I see it called Asturica in a marble-Table which is at Rome beyond Tiber in a private Roman-citizens house I will set downe the words in the Description of Italie where I shall speake of the Alpes joyning to the Sea And it is called at this day Asturias Pliny lib. 3. cap. 3. doth divide the Astures into the Augustini and Transmontani The one being on the hither side of the mountaines toward the South and the other beyond the mountaines Northward neare the Ocean Concerning the Astures Silius the Italian Poet writeth thus lib. 1. Astur avarus Visceribus lacerae Telluris mergitur imis Et redit infelix effosso concolor Auro The covetous Asturian will goe Into the bowels of the earth below Whence he returnes in colour like gold Oare Which hee unhappily digg'd up before The Metropolis of the Province is Oviedo of which Rodericus Toletanus writeth much lib. 4. de rebus Hisp cap. 14. where among other things he giveth the reason wherefore it was called the Bishops Citie Here is also Astorga called anciently Asturica Augusta and some other small Townes BISCAY GVIPVSCOA NAVARRE and Asturia de Santillana BISCAY as Iohannes Bishop of Gerunda affirmeth taketh its name from the Bastuli the ancient Inhabitants of Baetica for they comming from Lybia into that part of Spaine which is called Baetica and being beaten and expulsed thence by the Moores they fled into the Mountaines of Galaecia and so building themselves houses the whole Countrie was called from that time Bastulia which is now called Biscay Some doe call Biscay Viscaia which word hath some affinity with the name of the Vascones Biscay is a Countrie of Spaine lying neere the Ocean and very full of hils out of which arise 150 Rivers It hath a more temperate Climate than other parts of Spaine For being environ'd with great Mountaines it is not troubled with too much cold nor burnt with too much heate The Countrie is full of trees fit for the building of Ships which not onely Spaine doth acknowledge but other Countries whither whole ship-loades are often transported Heere are abundance of Chesse-Nuts Hasel-Nuts Oranges Raizins and all kind of Mettals especially Iron and Black-lead besides other commodities Where they want wine they have a kinde of drinke made of prest Apples which hath an excellent taste Heere are also store of beasts fish fowle and all things which are convenient and necessarie for the sustaining of mans life The Cantabrians did heretofore inhabite that Countrie which wee now call Biscay but it was larger than Biscay is now and contained Guipuscoa and Navarre These Cantabrians were a famous people and much celebrated by many Writers They thought that was no life which was without warres and when all the people of Spaine were subjected and reduced to the obedience of Rome they alone with the Asturians and some others who joyned with them could not be overcome untill at last C. Caesar Octavianus Augustus did subdue this stout Nation being broken wearied by a warre of almost five yeares continuance hee himselfe going against them and the rest that were not
no man is seene idle neither are there any beggars unlesse it be those who are impotent through age or sicknesse seeing none doe want meanes how to get a living or how to employ themselves That Citie which is now called Aranda neare the River Durius Ptolemie would have to be Rhanda of the Vaccaeans in Tarraconia Antoninus calleth it Rhanda by the correction of Hyeronimus Surita for heretofore it was called Randachunia That Towne which an uncertaine Writer calleth Exoma Pliny calls Vxoma who often addeth that this name is often used in other places it is read Vxsama with an S. in an ancient Marble and now it is called Osma But let so much suffice concerning the Cities and Townes wee passe to New Castile New Castile on the North cleaveth to the Old Castile on the other sides it is enclosed with Portugall Extremadura Andaluzia Granada and Valentia It aboundeth with corne and other graine being situated on either side of the River Tagus The Metropolis of this Country is Toletum as the Latines call it Ptolemy calls it Toleton now it is called Toledo and Villanovanus in Ptolemy saith that it was once called Serezola it is the Center and Navell as it were of Spaine it hath a very cliffie rugged and unlevell situation and the ascents are so steepe that it is very difficult travelling through it The River Tagus doth wash the greater part of it and doth fence it against enemies it is fortified with 150 watch-Towers There are a great number of Noblemen in this Citie The Citizens are very industrious It is beautified with many faire Edifices and buildings as also with a rich and stately Church There have beene 18 nationall Councells held here when as so many have not been held in any other place Madritum commonly called Madrid doth reverence Toletum as her mother and Queene it hath an wholesome aire and situation It aboundeth with all things and the Kings of Spaine have an house of residence in it Not farre from hence is Villamanta which as Montanus and Villonovanus and Tarapha would have it is that Town which Ptolemy calls Mantua in Tarraconia That Town which by an Arabicke word the Spaniards do now call Alcala de Henares Ptolemy beleeveth so certainly to be Complutum that it is called so in Latine in all publique acts It is seated on a plaine neare the River which they call Henares and aboundeth so with all things necessary for mans use that it needes no supply from other places Antoninus placeth Segontia betweene Complutum and Caesar-augusta it is at this day called Siguensa Now I returne to Hispalis and from thence passing by the Pallace the bridge of Alcantarilla and the Townes Cabeca and Nebrissa I come now to the Towne Fanum Luciferi for so the Latines doe name it and Strabo in his fourth Booke where he addeth that it was heretofore called Lux Dubia now they call it Saint Lucar de Barrameda Not farre from hence almost foure leagues toward the Northeast there is a Towne which hath a famous ancient Bridge now called Talavera and as Beuterus and Moralis do suppose named by Livy Aebura Here are also the Townes Cuenca which Pliny calls Cacenses Lebazuza which Antoninus calls Libisosa and Castola veja which the same Antoninus calleth Castulo The River Tagus doth water New Castile together with other Rivers and Rivulets which run into it and the Spring-head of the River Anas or Guadiana is in this Countrie But enough of these things I come now to the publique workes Five leagues from Madrid toward the West you may behold the magnificent and sumptuous Monasterie of Saint Laurence who was of the order of Saint Ierome It was the worke of Philip the second King of Spaine and may compare with the Egyptian Pyramides the Graecian and Roman Temples Theaters Amphitheaters or other famous places for the structure for there is scarce any thing equall or second to it The Frontispice of it looking toward the West hath three stately gates the middlemost and chief wherof leadeth you into a Church a Friery and a Colledge that on your right hand bringeth you into the Offices belonging to the Monasterie that on the left hand bringeth you into the Schooles The foure corners are adorned with foure curious Towers which are exceeded by two other Towers placed one by another at the foot of the Church Above the gates of the Church doe stand the Statues of the sixe Kings of Israel cut out in Marble and being 17 foot high on the North side there is a Pallace adjoyned to the Church which is able to receive the King and all his traine On the South side there are divers sumptuous Galleries and on the East side a garden set with all kinde of hearbes and flowers and enriched with many other ornaments Also an Hospitall for the Sicke a Roome for an Apothecarie and other places Lastly every thing doth so amaze the beholder that it is better for me to be silent with modestie than to make a meane description of those things which remaine There is also in this Countrie the famous Pallace of Toledo reedified by Charles the fifth adorned with new buildings and Royall furniture in which besides many other singular things there is a water-worke made by the wonderfull invention of an Italian which by the helpe of a great wheele draweth up water out of the River Tagus and so imposing an artificiall violence upon nature doth force it to ascend through Pipes into the highest part of the Castle where it being received into one large Cisterne is dispersed againe by Pipes and serveth for the use of the Castle and the whole Citie for it doth water gardens and serveth for Noble mens houses Stewes Fullers of cloath and other necessary uses of the Citie Here are two Universities Complutum a famous Academie for all Arts which was instituted by Francis Ximenius Cardinall and Archbishop of Toledo The other is the Academie or Universitie of Toledo being a famous nurserie of Learning and Wisedome All disciplines and Mechanicke Arts are greatly esteemed in the Citie Toledo and ten thousand men doe live thereby dressing Wooll and Silke ANDALVZIA Jn which are the Countries of HISPALIS and GRANADA ANDALUZIA is a part of Hispania Baetica it is supposed that it was heretofore called Vandalia from the Vandals a people of Germany who formerly came into these parts Therefore some having searched more nearely into the name do thinke it was called Andaluzia quasi Wendenhuys that is the house of the Vandals yet Marius Aretius doth thinke it was called Andaluzia quasi ante Lusitania the letters being somewhat changed On the East it hath Granada on the North New Castile on the West it is bounded with the Diocesses of Badaios and Silvis the River Anas and on the South it looketh toward the Atlantick Sea The chiefe part of it is the jurisdiction of Hispalis This hath on the East Corduba on the
West Algarbia on the North it cleaveth to that part of Portugall which is called Magistratus S. Iacobi And the other part toward the South is enclosed with Gades and the Mediterranean Sea It is in a temperate and flourishing Climate and is miraculously fertile in bringing forth Corne Wine Oyle and all kindes of fruits with which it replenishes forraine Countries Spaine in these parts that are encompassed with the Sea as Pliny saith may be compared with Italy which commendations wee suppose may be chiefly understood of that part which looketh toward Hispalis as being exposed to the Sea and the gentle Westerne gales of winde And indeed this Countrie so aboundeth with all kind of things therein so farre excells all the Provinces of the World that Pliny had worthily preferred it before Italie but that he being an Italian would not disgrace his owne Countrie Here is great store of all kindes of Cattell and especially of Cunnies Wee said before that Andaluzia tooke that name from the Vandalls because they being driven out by the Gothes seated themselves in this place though afterward being thrust out from hence they went into Africke Thus it was Rodericke the 25 King of the Gothes in whom the line of the Kings of the Gothes was extinguisht did send one Iulianus an Earle to Mauritania Tingitana as Governour thereof and in his absence did violate his daughters chastitie making a whore of her which when her father heard he called the Saracens out of Africke thinking thereby to ease his just sorrow by revenging it on the King who was the cause thereof These Saracens comming in by the Straits of Hercules in the yeare of Christ 714. under the conduct of their Captaine Muzamissus in two yeares space got possession of all Spaine except Asturia which was fortified by the naturall situation of the place In this little time there were slaine on both sides 700000 men The Saracens having gotten the Empire and having rooted out the Christian Religion as much as they could they divided the Kingdomes among themselves The first Kingdome that they instituted was at Corduba which they called Abenalibeticum The other was at Hispalis and the third at New Carthage But at last being driven out of these parts by Ferdinand the third they went unto Granada in the yeare 1216. and afterward by Ferdinand the sixt were quite thrust out of Spaine in the yeare 1494. The Metropolis of this Countrie is that which Pliny calls Hispalis Ptolemie Ispalis Silius Hispal Gratianus Spalis and which now is called Sevill Arius Montanus thinketh that Hispalis is a Carthaginian name derived from Spila or Spala which signifies a plain or greene country Some among whom is F. Tarapha do referre the name thereof to Hispalis the son of Lybian Hercules but Isidorus as in many other things is ridiculous in this matter for when he had noted that this Citie was built by Iulius Caesar and so called from his name and the Citie of Rome Iulia Romula he saith that it was so named Hispalis from Piles or Stakes upon which hee supposed either all or part of the Citie to be built as being situate in a moorish place It is a Citie neare Baetis pleasantly seated great in compasse round in forme beautifull and adorned with Temples and many houses So many things may be declared concerning it that there is an ancient Proverbe of it Quien no ha Visto Sevilla no ha visto Maravilla It hath beene the mother and fosterer of many happie wits among which was Benedictus Arias Montanus a great Divine and very skilfull in divers languages as his workes set forth by him do witnesse Having spoken something of the Metropolis I will describe some of the other Cities not keeping any certaine order yet so as that which is nearest to the Metropolis shall be placed first Five leagves from Hispalis is Palatium or Palantia which is commonly called Palacios from an ancient Castle that standeth on one side of it It is seated in the way which leadeth to S. Lucar and the Gaditane Straits Next unto this is Cabaca a little Town seated in the entrance of the mountaines which do extend themselves Southward toward Malaga and Cabecis three leagves off toward the North-East commonly called Lebrixa by Ptolemie Nebrissa and by Pliny Veneria The builder thereof is supposed to be Liber Pater It is a pleasant and a prettie little Towne with an ancient Castle encompassed round about with pleasant fields and is famous by reason of Aelius Antonius once a citizen thereof and an ornament and honour to all Spaine Moreover the Towne which is commonly called Carmona by Strabo Carmon by Antoninus Carme and by Ptolemie Chermenia and Marchena heretofore as saith Onuphrius called Martia this Towne is seated on a little hill which hath a plaine on every side for its prospect There are also these townes Loja on the right hand banke of Baetis Axalita built of old stone as Clusius witnesseth and called Flavium Axalitanum as appeareth by an ancient inscription Moron heretofore called by Clusius Arucci Ossuna called by Appianus Orsona by Strabo Orson by Pliny Vrso and Genua or Gemina Vrbanorum by ancient Inscriptions Vrsaon and by Hirtius V●sao The towne Eceja by the river Singulis Xenil or Chenil called by Ptolemie Astygis and by Pliny Augusta Firma is a little Towne 13 leagues from Hispalis Penastor in the mid way betweene Hispalis and Corduba on the right hand banke of Baetis which Ptolemie thinketh to be Illipula magna but Pliny Ilpa Italica in the Iurisdiction of Hispalis and not ANDALVZIA ANDALUZIA many miles hence on the banke of the same River Corduba commonly called Cordova Pliny saith it was named Colonia Patricia and Moralis doth also prove the same by inscription on an ancient marble Iohannes Gerundensis saith that it was called Corduba quasi Cor Batis that is the heart of Baetis It hath bred famous Souldiers and great Schollers And it is happie in her fruitfull fields pleasant gardens and beside many other gifts in her wholesome waters Silius the Italian Poët lib. 3. calleth the soile of Corduba a golden soile when he saith Nec decus auriferae cessavit Corduba terrae Corduba's soile is of so rich a mould It will not yeeld to that which beareth gold Five leagues from Corduba Southward is Mons Major commonly called Monte Major Ptolemie thinketh it to be Vlia a Citie in Hispania Baetica and so doth Antoninus Some few leagues from Corduba is Montoro Antoninus supposeth it to be Epora Ptolemie erroneously calleth it Ebura instead of Epora when notwithstanding the former is not a Towne of Baetica but of Lusitania but worst of all Pliny who nameth it Ripepora Foederatorum Not farre from Lucar is the Towne which the Spaniards call Xeres de la Frontera as though it were the beginning and bound of Spaine on that side where it standeth This towne Navagierus thinketh to be the same with that which Livie and
others call Asta Antoninus with an asperation calleth it Hasta Moralis writeth that it doth still retaine the name of Asta and thinketh it to be that place neare the river Guadalet which is commonly called Masa de Asta But Ortelius supposeth that it was drowned with the Island Tartessus in the mouth of Baetis An hundred furlongs from the mouth of Baetis standeth the Towne Chipiona which Strabo lib. 3. calleth Capionis Turris At the mouth of the River Lethes which is now called Guadelet or in the Arabian language Bedalac there is a Towne which is called Portus S. Mariae and commonly El puerto de S. Maria. Having passed over Lethes the next towne you shall meet withall is Medina Sidonia and somewhat more Southward toward the Sea-shoare is Conilium a famous towne of Spaine sixe leagues distant from the Citie Gadiz and subject to the Duke of S. Lucar and Medina Sidonia There is also Carteja called commonly Tariffa and not far from thence is the Towne Vegelium commonly called Vegel It is indeed a litle Towne but yet famous for the situation and beautie of it for it is seated on a hill which is environed round about with a large plaine so that it hath a faire prospect as farre as the eye can reach not onely upon the plaines and greene medowes toward the East as also the Mountaines of Africke and the Southerne coast but likewise upon the great troublesome Ocean toward the North and West Lastly from hence toward the Northwest lyeth the towne Munda for so Pliny nameth this towne which now is called Monda though some do thinke that to be old Munda which now is called Ronda veja There are in the Diocese of Hispalis an innumerable company of Monasteries and Nunneries It would be a tedious thing to reckon up the Hospitalls for strangers that are in this country seing there are in Hispalis it selfe an hundred and twenty which are richly endowed some of them having eight thousand Crownes and some fifteene thousand Crownes yearely revenue Hispalis is the most beautifull of all the Cities of Spaine in regard of the Religious houses and Churches which are therein among many Churches the chiefest is the Church dedicated to Saint Mary than which the Christian world cannot shew a better if you consider either the greatnesse and majestie of the worke which carrieth with it an excellent beauty or if you behold the heigth of the Towre wrought with admirable workmanship from whence there is a pleasant prospect over all the City and the fields that lye round about it What shall I describe the royall furniture of the Kings Castle in this Citie than which the Kings of Spaine have none more fairely or curiously built What should I mention the Pallaces here belonging to Dukes Earles and other Nobles Or why should I speake of the Citizens houses adorned with pleasant Fountaines and Gardens I passe by the ancient Aquaeducts by which water is convey'd into severall parts of the Citie and those later which were brought with great cost and labour to the Pillars commonly called Hercules Pillars and dedicated to publick delight besides many other ornaments of this Citie since I feare lest I be tedious VALENTIA AND MVRCIA VALENTIA taketh its name from the Metropolis thereof being a faire Mart-Towne and of great antiquitie On the South it looketh toward Murcia on the West toward both the Castiles on the North toward Aragon and on the East the Sea beateth on it It hath a more temperate Ayre and a more pleasant Climate than any other part of Spaine yea the Kingdome of Valentia hath such a gentle Climate the warme Westerne windes breathing upon it that at any time even at Christmas and in the Moneth of Ianuarie the Inhabitants may carrie Posies of flowres in their hands as they doe in other places in April and May. It is an excellent Country having plenty of all things as Sugar Wine Oyle Corne and divers other fruites It hath Mynes of Silver in a place which they call Buriel betweene Valentia and Dertosa And there are stones found which have as it were golden veines and lines running through them in a place which is called Aioder At the Promontorie Finistratum there are Iron Mynes and neere to Segorbia there are some signes remaining of a Quarrie out of which Marble was heretofore digged and carried to Rome In some places Alablaster is digged up but Alume Tinne Marking-stone and Chalke is found every where The Moores by a long succession of Dukes held the Citie of Valentia for a long time though it had beene often besieged by the Kings of Aragon untill Iames the first King of Aragon by a long siege obtained it and enforced their Captaine Zaen Maure together with fiftie thousand Moores to depart the Citie and to flie unto Denia carrying with them their Gold Silver Armour and Houshold-stuffe Valentia being thus forsaken King Iames sent a Colonie to replenish it againe The Colony consisted of Catalonians and Aragonians their Captaine being Berengarius Palatiol Bishop of Barcelona Vidalus Cavelia Bishop of Ossa Peter Ferdinandes d' Acagra and Simon de Vrrea Knights they distributed the whole Citie among the new Inhabitants which were 384 families according to their severall dignities and adorn'd the Common-wealth with new Lawes This Countrie obtained the title of a Kingdome in the yeare of Christ 788 as Ortelius writeth out of Petrus Metinensis Petrus Antoninus Beuterus The Historie hath it thus Hisen King of Corduba being dead there succeeded him in the yeare of Christ 788 his sonne Alca whose uncle Aodala Lord of Valentia called to him his Brother whose name was Culema and had beene disinherited out of Taviar these two Brethren uniting their forces came to Corduba and endeavouring to expell their Nephew out of his Kingdome were overcome in battell so that Aodala fled for his safety and returned to Valentia VALENTIA AND MVRCIA REGNI VALENTIAE TYPUS But the chiefe of the Moores interposing themselves betweene the Uncles and the Nephew they brought them to that agreement that Aodala should write himselfe King of Valentia and that Culema should receive every moneth out of the revenues of Valentia a thousand of Moradines which was a kinde of money for the maintenance of his table and five thousand Moradines more for the provision of other necessaries To which agreement when Aodala had consented hee first stiled himselfe the King of Valentia The ancient Inhabitants of Valentia were the Hedetani which as Ptolemie thinketh were the same with the Sedentani Secondly the Biscargitani whose Metropolis was Biscargis whereof there is some mention made in the Inscription of Caesars coyne as Hub. Goltzius witnesseth and these seeme to have beene of the Heditanians seeing Ptolemie names Biscargis to be amongst them Thirdly the Leonicenses whose Metropolis Ptolemie cals Leonica and placeth it also among the Heditanians Fourthly the Co●●stani from whom Pliny nameth the Countrie of Contestania in Tarraconia
himselfe might studie there The Citie of Valentia in regard of its government of the Common-wealth doth excell all the Cities in Spaine The Countrey wherein this Citie is seated is inhabited for the most part by a Nation which are descended from the Moores and therefore they doe yet retaine their Ancestours speech and manner of life That is not to bee omitted which M. Tully doth speake in his last Oration against Verres in the praise of Valentia Valentinorum saith hee hominum honestissimorum testimonio that is by the testimonie of the Valentians who are most honest men Much silke is made in this Kingdome Valentia as Olivarius Valentinus writeth hath great store of traffique and trading for divers sorts of wares are exported from thence as silke-thread of all colours and raw silke as it comes from the Silke-worme the best cloth also is carried from thence into the Isles called Baleares and into Sicilie and Sardinia Besides there is exported from thence Rice Wheate Sugar Raizins Figges and preserv'd fruites into many Countries in Europe ARAGON AND CATALONIA ARAGON tooke its name either from the Autrigonians a people of Spaine as Laurentius Valla witnesseth or from Tarracone an ancient Citie as it pleaseth Antonius Nebrissensis and Vasaeus Some suppose it was so called from the River Aragon which rising there doth flow into Iberus Some doe derive it from the the Altar of Hercules called in Latine Ara and his sports called Agonalia which if it be true it is a wonder that Ancient Writers are so silent concerning Aragon Navarre cleaveth to this Kingdome on the Northwest Calatrava toward the Southeast On the Southwest it looketh towards Castile and on the North it hath the Pyrenaean Mountaines The Country is for the most part rugged drie towards the Pyraenean hills so that you shall not meete with a house for many dayes journeys yet here are some fruitfull Valleyes abounding with the best corne and other fruits and it is refreshed with sweet Rivers All Writers do report that Ranimirus was the first King of this Kingdome He was made King of Aragon in the yeare 1016. But concerning the Kingdome and the Kings of Aragon as also Valentia and Catalonia how and from whom they had their beginnings and of their union you may reade Rodericus Sanctius in the first part of his Spanish Historie cap. 13. Also Lucius Marinaeus Siculus de Regibus Hispaniae lib. 8. and others The Metropolis and head Citie of the Kingdome Pliny and others doe call Caesar-Augusta Ptolemy Caesarea-Augusta It is now called Sarragosa and is a famous Universitie They report that the builder thereof was Iuba King of Mauritania who called it Saldyba that is the house of Iuba but afterward the former name being left off it was called Caesar-Augusta It is seated on the banke of Iberus in a plaine place and hath a long stone bridge which serveth the Inhabitants to passe over the River as Strabo speakes in his third booke The Citie lyeth in the forme and shape of a shoo-soale It hath foure gates looking to the foure quarters of the world It is encompassed with strong walls and well fortified with many Towres In this Citie the Kings of Aragon were wont to be crowned by the Archbishop Primate of the whole Kingdome The other Cities are these first that which Ptolemy and Plutarch doe call in Latine Osca and is now called Huesca but Velleius Paterculus fabulously calleth it Eteosca where he writeth that Sertorius was slaine Secondly the Citie Tyriassona neere the Mountaine Cacus which some doe suppose was built by the Tyrians and Ausonians Thirdly Iacca lying in a valley heretofore the Seate of the Iaccetani Fourthly Calatajut standing in a Plaine and built out of the ruines of Bilbilis which together with many other Monuments of Antiquitie are to be seene a mile and an halfe from the Towne on a Hill which is commonly called Bambola or Banbola This Mountaine is enriched almost on every side with the River Salon or Xalon where Valerius Martialis lib. 10. Epigram 103. doth place Bilbilis being borne a Citizen of it Paulinus calleth it Bilbilis hanging on the rock Ptolemie corruptly calleth it Bilbis and Martiall calleth it Augusta Bilbilis as also doe the Inscriptions of ancient coyne Fifthly Barbastrum famous for Iron Crosse-bowes which Ptolemie cals Burtina and Antoninus Bortina as some thinke Sixthly Monsonium seated in the midle or navell of the Kingdome not farre from the Banke of the River Cinga neere which there is a hill from whence the Towne taketh its name It is a Towne that is famous by reason of the meeting and convention of the Kingdomes of Aragon and Valentia and the Principality of Catalonia where it standeth It is commonly called Moncon and hath not onely a fruitfull Soyle but a sweete and open Ayre Seventhly Fraga between Ilerda and Caesar-Augusta Ptolemie cals it Gallica Flavia and Antoninus Gallicum as Varronius thinketh though some doe place Gallicum there where now stands Zuera Eigthly Gurrea heretofore called Forum Gallorum which Antoninus placeth betweene Caesar-Augusta and the Pyrenaean Hils Ninthly Ajerbium where it is thought that Ebellinum sometime stood which Antoninus and others doe mention 10 ly Vrgella which Aimonius calleth Orgellum and Ptolemie Orgia It is a Towne not farre from the Fountaines of Sicoris or Segre There were also other Townes which are now so ruinated that there remaines nothing of them among which was the Towne Calagurris Nassica being an other besides that in Navarre The Citizens thereof are called Calagurritani by Caesar in his first Booke of Commentaries and Suetonius noteth that Augustus had a Guarde of them in the life of Augustus cap. 49. Pliny nameth them Nassici The Rivers heere are Iberus or Ebro and Gallego or Gallicum with others ARAGON AND CATALONIA Arragonia et Catalonia Aut fugies Vticam aut unctus mitteris Ilerdam From Utica thou either now shalt flee Or else sent to Ilerda thou shalt bee Heere Pope Calixtus the third taught publickly the knowledge of the Law as Platina witnesseth These things may suffice which have beene spoken hitherto concerning Spaine But yet I thinke it fit to adde by way of conclusion the excellent testimonie of a French-man concerning this Kingdome wherein whatsoever wee have hitherto said in praise and commendation thereof is briefly and pithily repeated by way of recapitulation This French-man whom I mentioned was called in Latine Pacatus who writ a most learned Panegyrick to Theodosius the Emperour being a Spaniard in which hee speaketh to this purpose Now it will appeare that hee is declared Prince who ought to bee chosen of all men and out of all men For first Spaine is thy Mother a Land more happie than all other Countries the great Fabricator and Maker of all things hath beene more favourable in enriching and adorning this Countrie than the Countries of others Nations for it is neither obnoxious to the Summers heate nor subject to the Northerne
pertusa Merula who once passed by it witnesseth that it is truly and accurately described by Sebastian Munster And the same Merula mentioneth a faire Inscription over the Gate but that the letters of the first word are more worne out than the rest This is it N Augusti via ducta per ardua montis Fecit iter Petram scindens in margine fontis This is the way which once Augustus made Through this Mountaine which his power obey'd Hee cut a way quite through this rocky mountaine Even neere unto the brim of a faire Fountaine By this Fountaine the Poët understandeth the River Byrsa which breaketh there out of a rock with a violent streame of water From thence Iura runneth Northwestward betweene the Helvetians and the Sabaudians and then by Burgundia which it leaveth upon the South-South-west whence Caesar saith in his first Booke that Iura in two places divideth the Sequani from the Helvetians and by divers Lakes the chiefe whereof is Lemanus where the Mountaine of S. Claudius running farre and wide at last endeth neere to the River Rhodanus Concerning other Mountaines which doe also belong to France and namely the Pyrenaean Mountaines I have spoken in the Description of Spaine and I will discourse of the Alpes when I come to entreate of Italie I will therefore now speake something of the Woods in France which are many yet not so great or thick of trees bushes and briars as in other Countries there are many among the Cenomanni as Les Forests de Versay Longoulney Persi Sille Charnay Audain Maine Concise In Lower Brittaine there are le Forest de Bostblanc de Toriant de Guierche Amongst the Picts in Poictou there are le Forest de Mouliore Dyne Bresse Ligne and others Amongst Bituriges in Berry the wood Roberto may be seene with others And amongst the Andegavi there are the Forests of Loursaie and Marson The whole Countrie of Bononia is as it were one entire wood the parts whereof are Le Bois de Surene Celles Hardelot Dalles and Boursin Among the Verumandui not farre from Perona there are the woods Recoigne and Bouhan In Picardia there are Bois de Baine de Beaulieu de la Fere and de Coussi Neither doth Lotharingia want woods as Warned-wald le Banbois Bois de Moudon de Heyde de S. Benoyt de la Voyge Mortaigne and Doseyne In Burgundie there are many woods whose names I cannot now rehearse I passe by also the other woods which are dispersed all over France Also for the Forrest of Arduenna the chiefest part of it is in Low-Germany and therefore it is to be described there though Claudian call it the French Wood and Caesar lib. 6. de bell Gall. call it the great wood of France Not onely ancient Monuments Records but also Churches and other places dedicated to Religion of which there is a great number in the Cities and Townes of France doe witnesse that the French-men were very much addicted to Religion and were the chiefe of those that embraced the Christian Faith In the Citie of Paris alone there are 69 Churches but the fairest of them is the Cathedrall Church dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary the foundation whereof being long before laid it began to bee built in the reigne of Ludovicus in the yeare 1257 and is the chiefe wonder of France It is borne up by an hundred and twenty Pillars the length is 174 paces the breadth threescore and the heigth an hundred The Quire is built of faire Stone on which are engraven divers Histories out of the Old and New Testament It hath in the whole compasse of it 45 Chappels strengthened with Iron Grates the Gates are eleven in all On the front of the Church there are three double Gates beautified and adorned with the Statues of 28 Kings On the sides there are Towres or rather Steeples which are 34 Cubits high The greatest Bell which taketh its name from the Virgin Mary requireth twenty men to ring it and the second thereof when the ayre is cleare may be easily heard seven leagues It were an infinite thing to describe the other Churches which are heere and in other places or to reckon up the Abbyes the Friaries the Monasteries the Hospitals for strangers the Hospitals for the sick the Hospitals for the poore and the Hospitals for Orphans What should I speake of the Castles or of the Kings faire Pallaces What of the faire houses belonging to Noblemen and Knights What of the other publick and private buildings Concerning these matters I had rather be silent than speake too litle The State of France is now Monarchicall which kinde of government Aristotle thought was most ancient and divine The King thereof is borne not chosen by suffrages and none can governe but one of the Masculine Sexe as the Salick Law doth require The Subjects doe so love adore and reverence their King as nothing more The arbitrating and judging of all matters is in his power There is in France a Colledge of twelve Peeres instituted by Charles the great in his warre against the Saracens and they are commonly called les Pairs de France because they were next as it were equall in dignitie to the King They have power to consecrate the King and put him into possession of the Kingdome Sixe of these are commonly called Laicks the rest are called Ecclesiasticks or Clergy-men The Laicks are Dukes or Earles as the Dukes of Burgundie Normandie and Guienne the Earles of Campania Flanders and Tholouse The Ecclesiasticks also are Dukes and Earles the Dukes are the Archbishop of Remes the Archbishop of Laon and the Archbishop of Langers the Earles are the Bishop of Chaulons of Noyon and Beavois There are also eight chiefe Senates in France which they commonly call Parliaments from which it is unlawfull to make any appeale as the Parliament of Paris of Tholouse of Rotamagum or Roven of Grenoble of Burdeaux of Dijon of Aix and of Bretaigne As concerning the Ecclesiastick State there are twelve Archbishopricks in France to wit the Archbishop of Lyons which is the Primate of Aix of Vienna of Rhemes of Narbone of Tholouse of Burdeaux of Aux of Bourges of Tours of Roen and of Sene. There are these Universities in the Kingdome to wit Paris Poictiers Bourges Tholouse Burdeaux Nantes Lyons Orleans Mompellier Cahors Grenoble Valens Rhemes Angiers Caen Avenion Dol and Massils which is the ancientest of them all and founded by the Grecians Out of these as it were out of so many Trojan Horses an innumerable sort of learned men both Divines Lawyers Physicians and others have come forth whom if I should endeavour to number I should take upon my selfe a great taske and should be tedious to the Reader The Nobilitie of France doe in generall follow the studies of good learning with earnest diligence and continuall paines so that they excell in all kindes of Disciplines and Arts. You may see there those that are of great
Armes and heretofore The valiant English could not passe it o're But were enforced on the mountaines high The French-mens quick resisting force to trie Yea this same Citie valiantly sustain'd The Visigothian siege and honour gain'd Nor could the English furious attempt Oppresse it when to take it they were bent And after threescore yeares were past the Towne And wals thereof decayed there were showne Many strange Reliques which most ancient were For some the face of Senatours did beare And quick-silver even by the Pensils Art Or by Perillus skill did there impart Much grace unto the halfe-consumed eyes Of the dead statue which unmoved lyes Moreover for the wals on Southerne side A Lionesse in shape may bee espi'd Who folding two whelps with her crooked feete Hath these three Verses underneath her writ The Lionesse doth cruell Dukes bring forth and also crowne The madde and wilie off-spring doth this nurse oppressing frowne But suffers underneath the weight wherewith hee 's pressed downe SANTONIA OR LE PAIS DE XAINGTONGE THE ECCLESIASTIC ALL STATE Santonia hath a Bishoprick namely of XAINTOGNE SANTONIA called commonly Le Pays de Xaintogne or Xaintongeois and by the ancient Inhabitants the Santones the Marshalship of Guienna hath on the North Poictou on the East Limosin and Perigort on the South the River Garumna and on the West the Ocean where are the Islands commonly called Les Isles d' Oleron in which there are great store of Cunnies and Hares Heretofore the boundes of Santonia were larger which wee may collect out of the Author of the Ephemerides concerning the French warre who writeth that it reached almost to the borders of Tholous and that in the great warre against Caesar the Councell of the Princes of France did command that twelve thousand men should bee levied out of it when eight thousand onely were levyed out of Poictou and ten thousand out of Lemosin The Countrey of Santonia doth abound with Corne and Wine and it is counted one of the best Countries in France as sending forth many commodities into Spaine England and other Countries The Santones were formerly seated heere for Caesar with others mentioneth them lib. 1. de Bello Gallic In some of his Bookes they are called Xantones In his second Booke hee cals them Santoni and lib. 3. de Bell. Civili Santonae Strabo calleth them Santonoi and Ptolemie Santoones as Stephanus writeth The chiefe Citie of this Countrie is Santonum which in the native Language is called Saintes by a plurall termination as all the other French Townes which end in S namely Paris Rheims and others It was built by the ancient French-men and no doubt but that Towne which was anciently called Mediolanum is this Xantonum or Santonum for Antoninus cals it Mediolanum Santonum the Itinerarie Table corruptly cals it Mediolanum Saneon and Strabo and Ptolemie call it Mediolanon Besides there are divers things which shew the antiquity thereof as first many pieces of ancient wals standing heere and there also famous Amphitheaters without the wals toward the West thirdly in the Bridge over the River Caroutonum or Charente which floweth by the Citie there is an old arch with a double inscription on one side whereof there are these words Caesari Nep. Divi Iulii Pontifici Auguri on the other are some letters which are almost worne out so that nothing can be gathered from them Lastly there are many ruines of an Aquaeduct in the high way from Mediolanum to Angeriacum This Citie is called Santonus by Ausonius in his 23 Epistle as also by Lucan if I bee not mistaken lib. 1. And the same Ausonius calleth the people Santones Epist 14. and 18 as also Tacitus lib. 5. hist August and Sidonius Apollinaris lib. 7. Epist 6. It was called Mediolanum for that the French-men as T. Livius doth witnesse did build it in the Countrie of the Insubres or Mediolanenses which is very likely that I may not say certaine with Causabone If Strabo had more diligently considered and beheld the Countrie lying round about this Citie hee would not have said that it is sandie and barren but that it is rich and fruitfull The Citie is situated by the fertile River Carantonum which riseth in a place commonly called Charemac betweene the Townes Limoges and Angoulesme It is an Episcopall Citie whereof Belleforrestius numbreth 63 Prelates S. Eutropius was the first being sent thither by S. Clement And hee after hee had converted this people to the Ecclesiasticall Faith suffered Martyrdome under the Emperour Domitian The last is called by Belleforestius Tristamus Bisetus or Tristand de Biset There is in this Citie the Monasterie of the Friars of the blessed Virgin founded by Godfry Earle of Santonia and his wife Agnes Anno 1047. The thirtieth Bishop of Santonum being called Petrus Confoulanti did build and reedifie the Bishops house in the yeare 1102 and caused the wals of the Cathedrall Church to bee repaired After Mediolanum or as some Latine Writers doe call it Santonia followes Rupella called in their Language la Rochelle This seemeth by the description of Ptolemie to be called Zantonoon akron or Promontorium Santonum but it is called by Villanovanus Blaye which is interpreted Santonum Portus This Citie is seated in the most fertile part of all France neere the Bay of the Sea which hath twice a day the Sea ebbing and flowing in it It is not ancient but lately built by the Kings of France in regard of the commoditie of the Haven and to represse the invasions of Pirates who did waste the whole coast of Armorica The conveniencie of the Haven here is so great that the Citizens may have commerce with all Nations of Europe and wage warre both by Sea and Land against their enemies for it is capable of many ships it hath a great conveniencie for their going in and comming out and is a safe and excellent harbour for them This Citie is thought to be impregnable by the strength of man for a great Bay of the Ocean doth fortifie the South side thereof the North side the marishes and boggie places commonly called Salantes doe strengthen and the other parts are fortified with wals ditches towres and strong Forts which have severall names so that no Ordnance or Cannon can make a breach into it It is a free Citie which former Princes and others have adorned with many and great immunities and priviledges and especially those which belong to Sea affaires for the Citizens chuse a Maior and Aldermen out of their owne Corporation which governe the Citie and they are not compell'd to admit of any forreine government neither are they kept in awe by any Garrison of SANTONIA XAINTONGE Souldiers Rochelle did sustaine a grievous seige in the 1573 by Henry of Valois Duke of Anjou and afterward King of Poland and France of whom all Historiographers doe make mention In this siege he did use the thunder and lightning of Ordnance both by Sea and Land as also furious assaults stormes
Corne and hath woods convenient to hunt in The Metropolis or Mother-citie of this Dukedome is Caesarodunum Turonum called in French Tours This Citie excelleth for wealth and faire edifices or buildings On the East side the River Ligeris or Liger on the South and West sides the River Idra doe flow neere unto it The lesser Townes in it are Amboise Langes Chinon and others The Counties of Aquitaine are Tholouse Narbonne Albret Armignac Bigorre Bear Estrac Commingcois and Foix. Also Ventadour Pompadour Montignac in Poicton Perigort Fronssac Esparre Lymosin Touraine Marche the Vicountie of Aulnay and Basque The Signories or Lordships are Planes Grave Chaloces Saintonge and Auluis There are moreover five Archbishops first the Archbishop of Narbon under whom are these suffragans to wit the Bishops of Carcassone Agde of S. Pont de Tomieres Alet Mompelier E●ne Besiers Lodeut Nismes and Vse●z Secondly the Bishop of Bourges under whom are ten Bishops namely the Bishop of Clermont of Rhodes of Lymoges of Mande of Alby of Cahors of Castres of Tulies of S. Flour and of le Puy Thirdly the Bishop of Burdeaux under whom there are eight Bishops namely of Poictiers of Lucon of Matlezais of Sainctes of Engoulesme of Agen of Codon and of Sarlac Fourthly the Bishop of Tholouse which hath these Bishops under him the Bishop of Pamiers of Mirepoys of Montauban of La Vour of Rieux of Lombes and of Papons Fifthly the Bishop of Aux under whom are the Bishops of Aqs of Comminge of Tarbe of Basas of Lescure of Lictoure of Conserans of Oleron of Ba●one and of Adure which some call Ayre The Kingdome of Arelatum THe Kingdome of Arelatum is so called from the Citie Arelatum It containeth those Countries which lye betweene the Rivers Rhodanus and the Alpes And there are in this tract Sabaudia Delphinatus or Daulphine and Provincia There are divers conjectures concerning the name of Sabaudia or Savoy some derive it à Sabatiis vadis from the Sabatican Fordes others give it that name quasi Sabbatorum Pratum which Volaterranus calleth Sabaudiensis Auwe that is the Sabaudian Land some would have it called Savoy quasi Saul voje a way through Osiers and Willowes or quasi Sauve Voye that is the safe way which I know not who is feined to have made by fabulous Writers as being before dangerous in regard it was full of theeves and robbers Neere to Sabaudia on the North lyeth the Countrie of Burgundie and Helvetia having the Lake Lemanus lying betweene them On the East it hath Valesia and Pedemontium which have no certaine bounds but that high Mountaines doe runne betweene them and on the South and the West is Daulphine with some part of Rhodanus separating Sabaudia from the Dukedome of Burgundie The Ayre of Sabaudia is pure and the country is very mountainous In the Valleyes and Plaines the Soyle is very pleasant and fruitfull especially toward the North neere the Lake Lemanus where it yeeldeth most excellent rich Wine which is called Ripalium from the banke of the Lake The pastures doe bring up and feed all sorts of Cattell and especially there where the lesser Mountaine of S. Bernard doth rise in heigth The Metropolis or Mother-citie of Sabaudia is Chamberiacum commonly called Chamberri in which there is a Parliament The Citie is seated in a Vale and encompassed round about with Mountaines The Counties of Geneva Morienne and Tarentais the Marquesate of Susa and some other Signiories are described with Sabaudia as parts thereof and lastly the Countrie of Bressa The Countrey of Geneva Antoninus calleth Cenava It is a very ancient City seated by the Lake Lemanus and divided in two parts which stand upon the two bankes of the River Rhodanus but joyned together by a wooden bridge on both sides whereof there are houses though the greater part of houses be toward the South and the lesser toward the North. The Countrie of Morienne doth extend it selfe to the River Archus where there is a faire Towne called S. Iean de Morienne The Countie of Tarentaise is almost enclosed with the Alpes and the Rivers Archus and Ara It is so named from the Citie Tarantais which the Inhabitants doe now call Moustier the Germans Munster in Tartaansen and the Latine Writers Munsterium The Marqueship of Susa is so called from the Towne Susa not farre from the head of the River Doria or Duria which doth discharge and exonerate it selfe into the River Padus called by the Italians Po. There are also other Townes of Sabaudia as Aiguebelle Mont Belial Bellay Ni●y Montmelian Incilles c. Delphinatus followeth Some would derive the name thereof à Castello Delphini which is called in French Chasteau Dolphine Provincia cleaveth unto it on the South and Bresse on the North the River Rhodanus running betweene them on the West side is the Countie of Viennois and on the East lyeth Pedemontium and Sabaudia The Archiepiscopall Cities heere are Vienna and Ebrodunum Strabo calleth Vienna the Metropolis of the Allobrogians Ptolemie cals it the Mediterranean Citie of the Allobrogians Stephanus calleth it Biennus and it is commonly called Vienne Ebrodunum Ptolemie cals Eborodunum and Strabo Epebrodunum It is a famous Towne of the Caturigians of the maritime Alpes which lye neere the Sea Antoninus calleth it Eburodunum but in French it is called Ambrum There are five Cities which have Bishops Valentia Dia Gratianopolis Augusta and Vapingum Valentia according to Antoninus and Ptolemie is commonly called Valence and is the title of a Duke Dia is called by Antoninus Dia Vocontiorum but commonly Dio and is the Metropolis or chiefe Citie of the Countrie which in French is called Pays de Diois Gratianopolis was heretofore called Cularo Isidorus calleth it the Citie of Gratianopolis but it is commonly called Grenoble Augusta neere to the River Isere Plinie cals Augusta Tricastinorum where the great Senate of Daulphine is kept Sidonius Tricastina Vrbs but now as Ioseph Scaliger thinketh it is called S. Antony de Tricastin That which Antoninus cals Vapingum or as some reade it Vapincum and the Itinerarie Table Gap is now called Caput agri and in French Gapencois It is environed round with Mountaines It was formerly and is also at this day a famous Towne the Inhabitants doe call it L●●●l S. D●go I passe by the lesser Townes Provence is to be described next but before I come unto it I will adde something out of Mer●ator concerning the State Ecclesiastick Heere are five Archbishops as first the Archbishop of Tarentais in Sabaudia under whom are the Bishops of Sitten and Augusta 2 ly the Arch-Bishop of Am●rum under whom are the Bishops of Lagne of Grasse of Lena of N●●a of S. Glande of Valne of Vap which some call Gap of Bria●●on and of S. Pol. Thirdly the Archbishop of Vienn● to whom there are sixe suffraganes the Bishop of Valence and Dye the Bishop of ●●viers of S. Iean de Morienne of Geneve
a Citie seated neare Rhodanus on the left hand banke thereof The Itinerarie table placeth it on the right hand where now stands Languedocke Ausonius affirmeth that Arelatum is divided with the River Rhodanus flowing betweene Whence hee maketh it twofold in his booke of Cities because Rhodanus divideth and cutteth it into two parts But now the forme and face thereof being changed it standeth wholly upon that banke of Rhodanus which lyeth towards Italie and is environed on all sides with Marishes in which fierce Oxen are bred Hence it is thought that it was once farre greater some beleeve that the other part of the Citie which flourished heretofore was wasted by the Gothes It appeares in Ausonius that it was a Towne of traffique And wee reade that the Kings of Burgundy did formerly keepe their residence therein and afterward the Earles of Provence D. Trophinus was the first Bishop thereof who was the Apostle Pauls Disciple and in the second yeare of Neroes raigne came into France From this man as from a Fountaine as Sosimus writeth the Christian faith was diffused and dispersed through all France It hath now a strong Castle and is famous for its two Prelates heretofore Honoratus and Hilarius So much concerning the Archiepiscopall Cities of Provence the Episcopall are eleven amongst the which the chiefe is Massiliae the Latines and also some of the Graecians doe call it Masilia Strabo Stephanus and ancient coynes do call it Massalia Ptol. Masalia but now it is commonly called Marseille It was once a Colonie of the Graecian Phocoeans and was built in the 45 Olympiad as Solinus witnesseth in the dayes of King Tarquine as Iustine noteth Lib. 43. Plutarch in the life of Solon writeth that it was built by Protus otherwise Protis Strabo sheweth that it is seated on a rockie place neare the mouth of the River Rhodanus and in a remote part of the Bay as it were in the corner of the Sea as Iustine saith out of Trogus Moreover M. Tullius doth so praise the Common-wealth of the Massilians that speaking in defence of Fontejus before the people of Rome hee durst say that their Citie did exceed not onely Greece but almost all other Nations for discipline and gravitie They reckon and begin the number of their Bishops from Lazarus whom Christ raised from death So much concerning Massilia the other Episcopall Cities are Dine which Ptolemy calls Dinia Grasse Glandeue or Glanate which learned Latine Writers doe call the Citie of Glannatica and some Authors Glamnatena They are deceived who make Plynies Mela's and Antoninus his Glanum to be the same with Glannate For Antoninus placeth Glanum betweene Cabellio and Arles from which Glanata is farre distant so that this Glanum is not now knowne Also Sanas or Sanitium a Towne in the Maritime Alpes Vintium a Town not farre from Senas called by Dion Ventiar Apta Iulia which Antoninus calleth corruptly Avia Iulia and Abte-julia for in the Itinerarie table it is called Apta Iulia and is now called Apte Ries or Reius which in the Itinerarie table is written Reis Apolinaris Feriuls which Plancus writing to Cicero calleth Forum Iulij Ptolemy Forum Iulium Augustus coyne Col. Iul. Octav. It is now a Sea or Haven Towne Cisteron which Antoninus and the Itinerarie table calleth Segustero Iosephus Scaliger in his Letters to Merula Cestro and Pliny Cessero But Merula thinketh that Plinyes Cessero is the same with Ptolemies Cessero now called Castres Lastly Tolon which the learned Latine Writers doe call Telonium and Antoninus Telo Martius being a Towne seated within a Bay of the Sea nine leagues from Massilia so much concerning the Episcopall Townes There are also other Townes no lesse famous and ancient as Antibe which Ptolemy calls Antipolis a Towne of Deciati Pliny calls it Oppidum Latinum and it is called a Colonie in the coyne of the Emperour Titus Olbia which is now thought to be that which is called Yeres or Hieres neare the Sea almost three leagues from Telon Over against the Towne lye those famous Ilands which Ptolemy calleth Staechades and Stephanus Ligustidae They are now called the Iles of Yeres or Hieres and the best sort of Corall is gathered there even as good as that in the Ligustick Sea Also S. Maximin which Antoninus in his Itinerarie thinketh to be Tecolata being sixe leagues from Massilia toward the North. Tarascon which Ptolemy calls Taruscon being seated on the left banke of Rhodanus and over against it on the right hand banke Belloquadra commonly called Beaucarie The Townes which have the dignitie of a Countie are Sault S. Gilles and others PICARDIE AND CAMPANIA ALthough the name of Picardie is not very ancient yet no certaine reason can be rendred for it some conjecturing one thing some another Cenalis professes that hee knowes not whether the Picardians borrowed this name from the Bigardian Hereticks however it is manifest saith he that they were of greater antiquitie than the Inhabitants of this Country Some suppose that they were called Picardians because they were the first that used those Lances which are commonly called Pikes On the West that I may make a plain description of the bounds thereof is the Brittish Ocean with some part of Normandie on the North lie those Countries of ancient Belgia which are now called Artesia or Artois and Hannonia or Henegou● on the East lyeth Luxenburg o● Lorraine and lastly on the South Campania and that Country which by a more speciall name is called France It is a most fruitfull Countrie and the Store-house or Granarie of Paris and most parts of France It hath but little wine which proceedeth rather from the sloathfull idlenesse of the Inhabitants than from any defect of the Soyle or Climate Picardie is divided into three parts the true Picardie the Lower and the Higher I will onely speake here of the True Picardie called in French La vraye Picardie It doth containe in it the jurisdictions of Ambiana Corbia and Pequignya the Counties of Veramandois and Retelois and the Dukedome of Tirascha Ambiana or Visdamie d' Amiens was so named from the Citie Ambianum commonly called Amiens Heretofore as the Learned doe thinke it was named Samarobrina and by Ptolemie Samarobriga Antoninus in some of his bookes calls it Samarba●iva and in others Samarabriga Briga in the ancient Spanish language and Bria in the Thracian speech doe signifie a Citie yet some doe write that it was called Somonobriga from its bridge in Dutch called Brug which standeth on the River Somona Ambianum is situated at Somona which divideth it into severall parts whence some suppose that the Emperour Gratian did name it Ambianum quòd aquis ambiatur because it is encompassed with water It is thought to be one of the strongest Townes in all France both for the naturall situation and artificiall fortification thereof it is entrenched with deepe broad ditches and is the key of that part of the Kingdome There is a faire Church
in it The Inhabitants are reputed to be very honest and faithfull The Countie of Corduba is so called from Corduba which is a Towne neare Somona and is seated by a River which runneth there into it Peguignya is so called from a Towne commonly called Peguigny which received its name PICARDIE AND CAMPANIA PICARDIA if wee shall beleeve the common report from one Pignon a Souldier of Alexander the great It is famous in Histories because William Duke of Normandie surnamed Long-sword was slaine by an ambushment laid by Baldwin Earle of Cambray who drew him thither under a colour of making a peace as the Norman Annals doe testifie The Countie of Veromandois as Geographers that describe France doe note containes under it the Counties of the Suessons and Laudunenses the Territorie of the Tartenians and the Cities of Noviomagus and Fane de S. Quintin The Suessones are commonly called Suessons or Soissonois whose Citie is now called Soisson having in it a strong Castle Antoninus calls it Suessones by the name of the Inhabitants and Ptolemie Augusta Suessonum The Countrie of the Laundunenses now called Laonnois hath its name from Laudunum mentioned in the life of Charles the great which is now called Laon being seated on a hill The Country of the Tartenians is called in French Tartenois the Metropolis whereof is Fera commonly called La Fere. It is a Citie strongly fortified and commodiously seated neare the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Oysa and Serva having also a strong Castle The Citie Noviomagus which Antoninus placeth betweene Soisson and Amiens and maketh the seat of the eighteenth Roman Legion is now called Noion Ptolemy calls it Noviomagos Vadicassimum and others Noviomus It is a Citie which seemeth to be very ancient and is a Bishops Seate the Prelates whereof stile themselves Earles of Noion and Peeres of France Fane de S. Quintin which was sometime the head Towne of the Country and seate of the Earles of Vermandois was so called from Quintin who suffered Martyrdome there whereas before it was called Augusta Veromanduorum so much concerning Veromandois The Territorie of the Retclians commonly called Retelois is situate betweene Hannonia Lotharingia and Barrois The Metropolis thereof is Retelium The chiefe Citie of Tirascha called La Tirasche is Guisa having a stately Castle to defend it against the Luxenburgians Campania CAMPANIA called in French Comté de Champagne was so called from the broad and long fields thereof as Gregory Turonensis noteth For it is a very plaine and champion Country and fit for tillage The Territories of Brye Burgundy Carolois and Lotharingia doe encompasse it one every side The skie thereof is very cleare and the aire temperate The fields do yeeld abundance of Corne Wine and all sorts of Cattle and there are woods which do yeeld great store of game both for hauking and hunting Campania is described both by it selfe and also with the Principalities adjacent and lying neare unto it If it be considered properly by it selfe it is twofold the Lower and the Higher In the Lower is Tricassium and the Territories which are commonly called Ivigny Bassigny and Vallage Moderne Writers doe call that Tricassium which is now called Troyes It is a Citie neare the River Seyn Antoninus calls it Tracasis and placeth the two and twentieth Legion there Ammianus names it Tricassa Bede Trecassa Nithardus Tricassinum and anciently it was called Augusiobana Trecasium as Ioseph Scaliger noteth It is now a Bishops Seat and hath a strong Castle for its defence The County of Ivigny doth seperate Campania from Burgundy The chiefe Towne thereof is Ivigny which is under the jurisdiction of the Baylywicke of Troyes Bassigny is so called because it is the better part of the Lower Campania for Bas signifies in French beneath It is encompassed with the Rivers Matrona or Marne Mosa and a little part of Mosella and it is watered with more Rivers than the other parts of this Country The Metropolis thereof is commonly called Chaumont en Bassigny which hath the title of a Baylywicke and a stately ancient Castle seated on a Rocke which is well fortified These Townes are reckoned in it besides Langres of which I shall speake hereafter namely Montigny Goeffy Nogent le Roy Monteclar Andelot Bisnay Choiseul Visnory and Clesmont being all strong Townes and the most of them fortified with Castles The Territorie of Vallage is thought to bee so called from the faire and fruitfull Valleyes which are in it The Townes of chiefe note are Vassy neare Bloisa in the Countrie of Guise Fanum S. Desiderij or S. Desire and Ianivilla or Ianville the inheritance of the Familie of the Guises some write it Iont-ville There are also in the Territorie of Vallage Montirandel Dentlerant Le Chasteau aux forges Esclaren and others The Higher Campania is called Le Pays de Partoys having its appellation from a Towne commonly called Perte It is a most fruitfull Country abounding with Fruits Wood and Hempe The Metropolis thereof is Vitriacum or Vitry seated neare the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Saltus and Matrona And there are also contained in it Argilliers Lasaincourt Louvemen and other Townes Thus we have taken a view of Campania by it selfe now we are to describe the adjacent places as the Dukedome of Rhemes and Langres and the Counties of Catalaune Ligny and Motte which are free within themselves and not subject to Campania The Dukedome of Rhemes or the Duché Parrie Archivesche de Reims is so named from a Citie which was anciently called Duro●ortorum but now Rhemis Ptolemy calls it Durocottorum Strabo Duricortora Stephanus Dorocotteros and Caesar Durocortum Remorum It is a free Citie of Campania the Archbishop thereof is a Duke and the first Peere of France under whom are these Bishops in this Country the Bishop of So●sson of Chaalon of Amiens of Noyon of Senlis of Beaurois and of Laon In this Citie the Kings of France are inaugurated and annoynted with oyle The Dukedome of Langres or the Duché Patrie Evesché de Langres hath a Citie which was heretofore called Andomatunum Lingonum but is now commonly called Langres Ptolemie calls it Andumatonon and Antoninus vitiously Antematunum Pentingerus his Itinerarie table Andematunum Tacitus Lingonum urbs and Gregory of Tours urbs Lingonica It is a Bishops See the Prelates whereof are Dukes and Peeres of France The Countie of Catalaune or Euesché Conté Pairie de Chaalon was so named from the Citie Catalaune the later Writers doe call it Cathelaunum but now it is called Chaalon en Champaigne It is a Bishops See situated on a plaine neare to the River Matrona and adorned with high Towers which stand up like aspiring Pyramides In the Countie of Lignie is the Towne Lignium venerable for antiquitie neare the River Saltus Concerning the Countie of Motte or Conté de la Motte we finde nothing but the name thereof The Countrie of the Briensians whom Nithardus calleth
Brionenses is usually described with Campania being an ancient Country and now called la Brye It beginneth at a Village called Cretelium not farre from the bridge of Charanton where Matrona mingleth with the River Seyn the former whereof doth almost part Campania and the latter Gastinois from the Briensians for all that lyeth betweene these two Rivers even to the Dukedome of Burgundy is esteemed to be in the Countie of Brye It was so called from a Towne commonly called Brye or Bray Conte Robert which appellation it received from Robert Earle of Brye who had a mansion house there The Cities of Brye are Castellum Theodorici or Chasteau Thierry Iatinum Medorum or Meldarum urbs which Ptolemy placeth by the River Matrona and is now called Meaulx and Provinsium or Provence a Towne famous for sweet smelling Roses the Archbishopricke of Sens with the Towne of Pontium are reckoned and accounted a part of this Countrie Under this Archbishop are these Bishops the Bishop of Paris of Meaulx of Troyes of Chartres of Nevers of Orleans and of Ausoire or Auxerce Senonum urbs formerly called Agendicum but now commonly Sens is seated neare the the River Icauna which in French is called Yonne Besides these aforesaid Countries which we have mentioned Mercator reckoneth these following namely Barsur Seine Auxerre Viconte de Tonnerre Pour suivent Braine Grandpre Mailly Vertus Roussy Retel Ivigny and the Baronie of Iamville FRANCE THis Country of which wee doe entreate doth comprehend under it the Prefectureship and Country or as some would have it the Viecountship of Paris the Dukedome of Valois and the Territories of Heurepois and Gastinois The Praefectureship of Paris or la Provesté Conte de Paris is devided into Territories Paris Goella the I le of France and Vexinum Francicum We call that Parisium which is commonly called le Parisis It contained heretofore whatsoever is beyond the Gate of Paris even to the Bridge called Pontorse and from thence even to Claya toward Prye The name thereof is almost worne out but that some Villages as Louvres Cormeille Escova and others which the Parisians call en Parisis some taxations of the Parisian Parliament as also a certaine Coyne commonly called Sols Deniers Parísis doe keep it in memory Some thinke that the Parisian Gate was so called because it was in the way to Parisium The chiefe City of this Parisium and the Metropolis of all France is Lutetia so called by Caesar Ptolemy calleth it Leucotetia Iulianus Lutetia Marcellinus Castellum Parisiorum Zosimus Parisium and latter Writers Lutetia Parisius But it is now commonly called Paris Some derive the name of Lutetia a Luto from Mudde in regard of the Marishes neere unto it and some from the Plaister-pits neere adjoyning quasi Leukoteichia for it is built for the most part with Plaister-worke Paris was heretofore farre lesse than it is now standing onely on the Iland which the River Seyne encompasseth so that this great Citty was very small at the beginning But so small an Iland could not at last receive such a multitude of men as daily repaired thither So that Colonies as it were being drawne thither and placed on either side of the Continent Suburbs were added thereunto whence it was so enlarged by degrees that now it is the greatest Citty of all France It is devided into three parts the greatest whereof lying North-East on the right hand Banke of the River is the lowest and is commonly called la Ville the lesser part on the left hand towards the South-west is raised somewhat higher by little Hills whereon it is seated and it is called l'Vniversite the middle is in the Iland which they call la Cité It is encompassed round with the River being joyned with two Bridges to the lesser part and with three to the greater part Architremus an English Poet hath formerly celebrated the praise thereof in these Verses At length a place doth come within your sight Which is another Court of Phoebus bright For men it hath Cyrrhaea may compare Chrysaea t is for Mettalls that there are T is Greece for Bookes for Students Inda by Athens it selfe judge its Philosophy T is Rome for Poets which have there beene found It is the sweete Balme of the world so round And its sweete fragrant Rose you would it thinke A Sidonis for Clothes for meate and drinke The Soyle is rich and yeelds much Wine yea more T is fitt for Tillage and hath Corne great store T is very strong and good Lawes it can shew The ayre is sweet their site is pleasant too It hath all goods and is in all things neate If fortune onely made these goods compleate Not farre from Paris is a pretty Towne commonly called le Pont Charenton where the River Matrona mingleth it selfe with the Seyne Here is an Eccho that will answere thirteene times one after another and which is more wonderfull it will retort a word of foure syllables plainely and perfectly foure or five times So much concerning Paris Goella followes or la Goelle The ancient bounds thereof are worne out of knowledge and onely some places named from Goella doe keepe it yet in memory There is in it la ●onte de dam-Martin so named from a famous Towne heretofore called Dam-Martin though now it is become a small Village seated on a little Hill L'Isle de Fraunce as the Frenchmen doe limit it doth comprehend all the Country from S. Denis to Passiacum and Mommorantium which lyeth betweene the corners and windings of Seyne on the one side toward Pica●dy and on the other side toward Normandy Others doe give it other bounds S. Denis in Fran●e is a pleasant pretty Towne which the ignorant of Antiquity and those that are credulous to beleeve Monkes dreames doe suppose was so called from Dionysius Areopagita P●ss●a●um or Poissy is a faire Towne where there is a Castle which the Kings of France heretofore much delighted in In this Castle before the Castle of S. Germane was built the Queenes of France were brought to Bed and delivered and the Kings Children educated and brought up Betweene Possiacum and Paris there is a Towne consecrated to D. Germane commonly call'd S. Ge●mane en Laye The ancient Towne Mommorantium is called in French Mommoran●y Next to the Iland is Vexinum Francicum Vexin or as others call it Vulxin le Francois It containeth all the Country from the River Aesia or Oyse even to Claromont towards Picardy The memory thereof had beene quite extinguisht but that it is preserv'd in certaine ancient Charters and Records So much concerning the Praefectureship of Paris and the foure Territories thereof The other part commonly called le ●ais de V●lois was so called from the pleasant Valleyes which are the pride of this Country Others derive the name otherwise It was heretofore a County but is now a Dukedome The first Earle of Valois was Charles the Sonne of Philip the third King of France and brother to Philip
Evesche de Langres Those which Caesar calleth R●mi Ptolemy calleth Rhem●i Pliny Faederati and the Country in which is their City of Rhemes is called Duché Pairie and Archenesché de R●ims as wee have before mentioned The Learned doe thinke that the Cathelaum mentioned in Amianus Marcellinus should bee written Catalauni And so they are nominated CAMPANIA CHAMPAGNE comitatus CAMPANIA in Eutropius his Bookes Their City is now called la Evesché de Challon In the Catalannian Fields Atilla King of the Hunnes in the yeere from the building of the City of Rome 1203. and after the birth of Christ 450. was overcome by the Romanes Gothes and Frenchmen under the conduct of their Captaines Actius Patricius Theodoricus and Merovaeus there being slaine on both sides 162000. except 90000. Gepidaans and Frenchmen who were slaine before Iornandes cap. 36. doth delmeate and set forth these Fields and the place of the Battell The Meldae Pliny calleth Liberi Strabo Meldoi Ptolemie Meldai and an Inscription engraven on an ancient Stone Meldi Strabo precisely maketh them and the Leuxovians to bee the Parokeanitae which are in the middle of the Country where there is now the Towne Meaulx neere the River Matrona The Senones which are celebrated by Caesar Pliny and others Ptolemy calleth by the same name and placeth them in Gallia Lugdunensis Strabo thinketh that there are other Senones neere to the Nerviais towards the West The former of them did make those horrible incursions into Italy so much spoke of and they did moreover wage a most fierce warre against the Romanes in the yeere from the building of the City 364. which they called The Senonick French warre Their Captaine was Brannus an Nobleman of France After the Fight or Battell they entred the City of Allia and there having slaine all they met and wasted all with fire they besieged for many moneths the Capitall into which the Romane youth had fled for their safegard but at last having made a peace with them for a certaine summe of money contrary to faith and promise they were partly slaine and partly put to flight by M. Furius Camillus the Dictator who entred the City with an Army All these things Livie Lib. 5. Florus Lib. 1. cap 13. and many other Writers doe delineate in their proper colours Campania is honoured with the title of a County and was once the Inheritance of Eudo Nephew to Gerlo the Norman by his Sonne Theobaldus This Gerlo was he that accompanied into France Rudulphus or Rollo the Norman to whom Charles the Simple granted Neustria which was afterward called Normandie After Eudo there succeeded in a right Line Stephen Theobaldus the 2. whose sonne Theobaldus the third dying without issue there succeeded him his Cosin germane Henry surnamed the large the sonne of Stephen King of England who was Brother to Theobaldus the second Henry had a sonne who was Earle of Campania and the other Territories but he dying without issue his Brother Theobaldus invaded the County and writ himselfe Count Palatine of Campania This Theobaldus being afterward made King of Navarre upon the death of Grandfather by the Mothers side brought the County to belong to the Crowne and left Henry his Successor both in Campania and in that Kingdome Lastly Ioane Daughter and Heir to this Henry being married to Philip the Faire King of France Campania and the other Provinces were united to the Crowne of France from which they were never after separated Campania as I have already spoken is usually now describ'd both by it selfe and with the Principalities adjacent and lying round about it As it is considered properly and by it selfe it is twofold the Lower and the Higher In the Lower is Tricassium and the Territories which are commonly called Ivigny ●assg●y and Vallage Moderne Writers doe call that Tricassium which is now called 〈◊〉 Th●se who were heretofore Earles of Campania from this City were called Earl●s of Tricassium It is one of the greatest and fairest Cities in this Kingdome The Latitude thereof is 47. degrees and some few minutes towards the North. It is a Bishops Seate and Belles●●rr●tius reckons 83. Bishops thereof Among these was that famous Lu●●● whom Sidonius Apollinaris praiseth for his vertues Lib. 6. Ep. 1.4 〈◊〉 9. as also Paulus Diaconus in Marciano Bede Lib. 1. Histor cap. 17. and others This City hath a large Jurisdiction and it is the seate of a President of Counsellors of Judges and others of the Kings Officers The Townes have reference to it namely Bar Sur Seine Mussil ●●●tique La ferté Sur Auge N●gent Pent Sur Seine Fruille Chastel and S. Florentin being all Townes of Campania The Territory of Ivigny separateth ●ampania from Burgundie The chiefe Towne thereof is Ivigny which is under the Jurisdiction of the Bayliwick of Tricassium Bassigny is so named because it is the better part of Lower Campania as we have before declared The Metropolis thereof is named from the bald Mountaine which Ivonus mentioneth Ep. 105 commonly call'd Chaum●nt on Bass●gny It hath an ancient Castle seated on a Rock and well fortified the Tower on the West side whereof is called in French Donyon and La haulte fueille This Castle the Earles of Campania did heretofore make their Palace No River runneth by it nor affordeth water unto it but that which Cesternes doe yeeld and a Fountaine at the foote of the Tower There are also in Bassigny the Townes of Montigny Go●ssy N●gent le Roy Monteclar Andelot Bisnay Ch●iseul Visnorry and Clismont being all strong Townes and the most of them well fortified with Castles besides Andomatunum Lingonum commonly called Langres of which we shall speake in an other place The Territory of Vallage is supposed to be so called from the Valleys in it which are both faire and fruitfull The Townes of chiefest note in Vallage are first Vasscium or Vassy neere Blois in the Country of Guise Francis Duke of Guise comming hither in the yeere 1562. was the Author of that Vasseian Massacre mentioned by the French Historiagraphers wherein many that professed the reformed Religion were slaine on the Kalends of March Not farre from thence there is a kind of earth found of which B●le Armenack is made The second Towne of not is S. D●●●re or Dedu●● which was taken by the Emperour Charles the fifth and afterward a peace being concluded was restored againe to the French It hath a strong Castle The third is the Towne of Ian●●●ille or as some write is ●o●●t ville which some doe fabulously report was so called from Ianus It belongeth to the Families of the Guises Prye so called from a Towne commonly named Brye or Bray Counte Robert is reckoned by some with Campania The Country of Brye although it were heretofore and also now is very wooddy yet in fertility and fruitfulnesse it is not inferior to any part of Campania For it hath a cleare skie and a sweete and temperate ayre It is watered with great wholesome
and fruitfull Rivers The Cities of Brye are Castellum Theodorici Iatinum Medorum or Meldarum now called Meaulx Provinse and others Castellum Theoderick commonly called Chasteau Thierry is the Metropolis of the Country of Brye having a Baily and President in it It hath also a Bishops Seate of which Belleforrestius reckoneth 101. Bishops the last of which number was Ludovicus Bresius Provinsy a Towne famous for the sweete red Roses that are in it and for the Rose-cakes and Rose-water which are made of them in the Summer time Here are some ruinous Monuments of Antiquity And so much shall suffice concerning Campania THE COVNTRY OF BELLOVACVM COMMONLY CALLED BEAVVAIS OR BEAVVOISIN The State Ecclesiastick THE BISHOP OF BELLOVACVM IS A SPIRITVAL and temporall Lord an Earle and Peere of FRANCE The Country of BELLOVACUM THE Country or County of Bellovacum called in French Con té de Beanvais or Beauvoisin did receive that appellation by name from the Metropolis or chiefe City Bellovacum It is a pleasant Country having Hills and Mountaines round about it not very high planted with Vines here also Meddowes and there Pastures and Fields fitt for tillage Beauvois hath a thinne subtile kinde of earth found in it of which divers kindes of vessels are made and transported into many Countries and it is famous for the Flax which groweth at a little Towne commonly called Rule For those of Flanders and Hannonia or Henegou doe buy it and doe make fine webs of cloth of it which they sell at home and transporte abroad both by Sea and Land The ancient Inhabitants of this part of France were the Bellovaci whom Caesar and Pliny doe often mention called by Strabo Bellolakoi and by Ptolemy Belluakoi Caesar witnesseth that these Bellovacians where the chiefest of the Belgians both for prowesse authority and number of men as being able to bring 100000. men into the Field The Author of the 8. Booke de Bello Gallico writeth that the Bellovacians did exceed all Frenchmen and Belgians for matters of warre And Strabo in his 4. Booke saith that the Bellovacians are the best of the Belgians and after them the Suessones Caesar doth in some manner paint out the Common-wealth of the Bellovacians when hee sheweth that they were wont to elect their Princes out of themselves as amongst the rest they did that Corbeus who albeit his Army of Citizens was overcome yet no calamity could make him leave the Field retire to the Woods or yeeld himselfe upon any conditions offerd to him by the Romanes but sighting valiantly and wounding many he did enforce the enraged conquerers to cast their Darts at him Caesar also doth mention the Senate of the Bellovacians and the authority of the common people whence that excuse of the Bellovacian Senate to Caesar That while Corbaeus lived the Senate could not doe so much in the City as the unskilfull multitude But although the Bellovacians in Caesars time had a great opinion for their courage and fortitude yet at length being overcome they yeelded to the Romanes and were subject to them untill the Frenchmen passing over the Rhene possessed France The Husbandmen of this Country in King Iohn time did stirre up a sedition which was commonly called laquerte And they especially aymed at the Nobles of whom they slew many and pulled downe their Houses At length Charles the Dolphin of France who was afterward King and surnamed the Wise The King of Navarre the Duke of Bourbon and other Princes and Nobles of the blood Royall did quiet this sedition as knowing what would be the event of it and what troubles would spring there from if it were not extinguisht in time The Metropolis or Mother City of this Country is Bellovacum commonly called Beauvois Guicciardine endeavoreth to prove by many reasons that this Bellovacum is that Belgium which Caesar mentioneth in his Commentaries when he saith that he wintered part of his Army in Belgium and addeth withall that it is the Seate of the most valiant Bellovacians for hee saith that Caesar meant by this name Belgium not a whole Province but a City or some other particular place They faboulously report that Belgius a King of France the Sonne of Lugdus did lay the foundation of this City and of the City Lugdurum a long time before the building of Troy and called it Belgium whence Gallia Belgica hath its denomination It is an ancient famous City as having besides a Bishoprick an Earle who is one of the twelve Peeres of France and there are also divers Monuments found in it which doe witnesse that it was once a great rich and populous City It hath an excellent situation and is fortified with Walls and Towers entrenched with broad deepe Ditches well furnished with Ordnance as also adorned with faire Churches The chiefe Church whereof is the Cathedrall Church consecrated to S. Peter which is one of the fairest Churches in France and in which they report that the bones of Iustin Martyr Eurotus and Germerus are kept The Bishops of Bellovacum doe write themselves Earles and Peeres of France The first of them was S. Lucian after whom succeeded 84. Bishops whom Belleforrestius doth reckon up and maketh Charles of Bourbon the last of them Bellovacum is governed by a Maior in like manner as the Merchants of Paris by a Proefect and also by twelve Peeres who are as so many Consuls being annuall Magistrates and elected by the people as the Magistrates of Rome were usually chosen This City is rich by clothing and gaines this honour to it selfe that the fairest and best Carpets in all France are made therein A Nation Counsell was here held and kept in the yeere 1114. Here was borne the great Historian Vincentius a Doctor and Governour of the Monastery of the Dominicans who lived in the yeere 840. In this City was also borne Guilielmus Durandus who was THE COVNTRY OF BELLOVACVM BELoVACIUM Comitatus first here a Canon afterward Deane of Chartes and last of all Bishop of Mande He lived in the yeere 1286. There was the place of Iohannes Choletus his nativity who founded a Colledge at Paris commonly called le College des Cholets and was a Cardinall though of meane birth and lastly here was borne Iohann●s Michael Bishop of Angiers whom in Anjou they esteeme as a Saint This is an argument of the riches of this Territory of Beavais that 11. or 12 miles round about this City there are so many Townes and Villages and those so neere one to another that none of them are above a mile distant This City was exchanged for the County of Sancerrane which Roger Bishop of Bellava●nm surrenderd up to Eudon Earle of Campania for the County of Bellovacum the Goods Lands and Dominion whereof he joyned to his Bishoprick The Country of Bellovacum containeth Clermont not farre from Bellovacum which is a County and appertaineth to the Royall house of Burbon Charles Duke of Burbon had by his wife Agres Daughter to Iohn Duke of
Burgundie two Sonnes Iohn and Peter Iohn the second of this name married Ione the Daughter of Charles the 7. and dying without issue left his Dukedome to his younger Brother Peter Peter the second Duke of Burbon of this name had by Anne the Daughter of Ludovick the eleventh Susan the Inheritrix of Burbon who was wife to the aforesaid Charles the younger Sonne of Gilbert who also was the younger Sonne of the abovenamed Ludovick Earle of Montpenser and Brother to Charles Duke of Burbon But he having no issue the Line of the eldest Sonne of Ludovick who was the first Duke of Burbon was extinguisht Iames of Ponthium the younger Son of Ludovick the first Duke of Borton aforesaid had Iohn Earle of March by Ioane the Daughter of the Earle S. Paul After him succeeded Ludovick Iohn Vendemensis the second of this name Francis Charles created Duke of Vendomium by King Francis the first and also Antonius who was afterward King of Navarre He had by Ioane Albretane Queene of Navarre the Daughter of Henry the second King of Navarre and Margaret Valesia Cosin-germane to Francis the first King of France Henry the first of this name King of France by his Fathers right and the third King of Navarre of that name by the right of his Mother the Father of Ludovick the 13. Let us returne to Claramont which is a Towne fortified with a Castle and here the Lord de la Rocque a famous French Poet was borne There is also the Towne Belmontium or Bellus Mons that is the faire Mount commonly called Beaumont which lyeth neere the River Aesia commonly called Oyse The County is commonly call'd la Comté de Beaumont sur Oys● being an ancient Praefectureship under which are Persang and Metu The County of Belmontius hath Princes of the Royall Stock of Vendomium which are Lords thereof Neere to this Towne beyond the River Aesia or Oyse the Country of Bellovacum beginneth P. Merula supposeth that Beaumont was the same with that which Antonius calleth Augustomagum and Ptolemy corruptly moveth Ratomagus Some thinke it to be that Towne which Caesar describeth Lib. 2. Belli Gal. being well fortified by nature as having high Rocks round about it and on one side away into it somewhat steepe And so much concerning the Country of Bellovacum I passe to Bolonia THE COVNTIE OF BOVLONGNE VVherein are these Countries Guines Ardres and the Baronry of Fiennes Also the Bishoprick of Tarvania and Morinea by which the other Countries in spirituall matters are subject The Meridians thereof are placed at the Parallels 50. and 45. THE Country of Bolonia or as some call it of Bononia in French Conté de Boulogne is very large All this Country is Sandy having a kinde of Sande which they call burning Sand whence some doe judicially thinke that it was called Bolonia from Boullir whereas indeed it was so named from the Towne of Bulloigne which is now devided into the Higher and the Lower The County of Bononia beginneth at the Mountaines of S. Ingelbert and runneth forth to the River Cancha which is the length thereof and to the Wood Tournoth which is the breadth thereof Bolonia was made a County in the time of Carolus Calvus King of France at what time S. Paul Oye Guines and Artesia were honored with the same Title It hath many Townes and Villages and amongst the rest there is Bulloigne which is twofold the Higher and the Lower The former is seated on a high ground on which was onely a Burrough Towne before the English besieged it The latter being seated in a plainer soyle is washed with the Sea and they are distant from each other an hundred paces or there abouts And a certaine Panegyrick written by an unknowne Author and spoken before the Emperour Constantine calleth it Bononiense opidum or the Towne of Bononia Now it is commonly called Boulogne and the Low-Countrymen comming neerer to the ancient appella tion doe call it Beunen Ioseph Scaliger in his Letters to Merula Papiriut Massorius Leland Ortelius and others doe think that it was anciently called Gessoriacum Also Peutingers Table doth confirme the same in which Gessoriacum is put for Bononia Antoninus calleth it Gessoriacum and doth place there the 15. Legion and otherwheres he calleth it Gessoriacensis Portus or the Haven of Gessoriacum or Gessoriagum Ptolemy calls it Gessoriacum a Haven of the Moriakans Iohn Talbot thinketh it should bee named Galesium and others that it should bee called Saint Aud●mar Turnebus calleth it the Towne of Soacum and Boetius Slusa Hermolaus Barbarus calleth it Brugas and Bilibaldus Gand●vum Robert Caenalis distinguisheth Gessorlacum Portum and Gessoriacum Navale and thinketh the one to be B●n●nia and the other Cassell Hence came that Godfrey of Boulogne the Sonne of Eustathius Earle of Boulogue who was Duke of Lotharingia and the first King of the Christian Solonians Neere to Boulogne was the Haven Itius which some thought to be the Towne of Calis whom Ptolemy easily confuteth who first placeth the Promontory of Itius behinde the mouth of the River Seyn and afterward Gesoriacum a Haven of the Morinnians from which the Towne of Calis is above tweenty Miles distant M. Velserus is perswaded that Gessoriacum is the same with Itium Some thinke the Haven Itius to be S. Andomar enduced thereunto both because this City was in ancient times called Sitieu as it were the Bay of Itium and also by the situation thereof which being very low yet by the high shores which lie round about the City it seemes it was a great Bay of the Sea Camden in his Brittannia sheweth that the Haven Itius was long accounted to bee in that place which they now call Withsan neere Blanestum But we leave these things to be decided by others Next to the County of Bononia is Guisnes which is parted from the County of Oye by a great Channell which making the Territory impregnable and glideth by the chiefe Towne called Guisnes being devided into two parts one whereof is seated in the Marish ground the other on the Continent and is naturally strong and well fortified King Henry the second tooke it Francis Lotharingeus Duke of Guise being sent thither in the yeere 1558. Concerning the Danes right heretofore to the Country of Guise Meyerus writeth much in the Annals of Flanders and concerning this Country other Historiographers do write other things which are not now to be mentioned There are also other Townes as Hartincourt Peuplinge Conquelle the Nievelletian Haven This Country hath under it the Baronies of Ardres and Courtembrone which are so called from these two Townes Ardres and Courtembrone and also the Barony of Fiennes Two miles from Ardres towards the Ocean is Calis a Towne well fortified both by nature and Art esteemed alwayes to be the Key and Gate of France which Philip of Boulogne Unkle to S. Ludovick as they report first walled about it having a Castle with a strong Tower which commands the entrance
into the Haven Edward the fifth King of England tooke it the day before the Nones of August 11. moneths after that cruell Battell fought against Philip the sixth King of France neere to Cressy in the yeere 1347. which Paulus Aemilius lib. 9. lively delineateth The English did possesse it 211. yeeres for Philippus Bonus a Burgundian did in vaine besiege it in the yeere 1431. his Flandrians forsaking him and did keepe it as the English were wont to say as the Key of France the Duke of Guises afterward tooke it and the Frenchmen regain'd it in the yeere 1558. in the moneth of February In the mid-way betweene Calis and Bononia towards the Mediterranean Sea is Teroane which still retaineth that name although Charles the fifth passed it and call it Terrennerbere● Anten●●●● nameth it Tervanna or Tarvenna the Itinerary Tables Tervanna and Ptolemy Tarvanna Bovillus affirmeth that some doe call it Taruba●um T●●themius in his History of France mentioneth the Terrabania●● BOVLONGNE· BOLONIA Some call it Tervana as it were Terra-vana in regard of the meanenesse of the Territory In the Register of the Provinces where the Cities of Belgia are reckoned up it is called the City of the Morinneans that is l' Evesché de Teroane In the Inscription of an ancient Stone which in former time was found in Gilderland it is called the Morineans Colony The Territory of Oyana or Terre de Oye doth reach even to Dunkerk a Towne of Flanders There are also beside Oya some other smal Towns I returne now to Boulogne which is watered with stremes and Rivulets which running by the Towne Arque and S. Audomare doe come to Graveling Not farre from thence is the Bay of Scales flowing even to the Castle of Ardera There are also two other Rivulets namely one in Marquisia the other in Bolonia There is also the River Hantia or Hesdin which doth impart his name to the Towne Hesdin There is also in this Country the Moorish streames of the Pontinians and the River Cauchia Some of these Rivers doe make Lakes and Fish-pits which are full of Fish and are denominated from the neighbouring Townes as those which they call in French le Vivier d' Hames d' Andre d' Arbres All this Country toward the Sea is environd with sundry Hills and in the inner part thereof there are those Hills which they call in French les Mons de S. Ingelvert and les Mons de neuf Castel and Dannes All the Country is interlaced with many Woods as the Woods les Bois de Surene Celles c. The Inhabitants are accounted to be froward and too much conceited of themselves ANIOV THE DVKEDOME OF ANDEGAVIA The Dukedome of Anjou containeth Counties Baronnies and Seigniories as C●aon 1856. 4743 c. which I have not yet found out nor can distinguish these foure Counties Maine Vendosme Beaufort and La Val doe hold of it by Homage and Fealty THE IVRISDICTION The Praesidiall Seate of the whole Kingdome is Angiers under which are these particular Juridicall Seates Angiers Samur Bauge 1945. 4725. and Beaufort en Valleé 1940. 4716. The State Ecclesiastick Angiers hath one Bishop of Andegauja who is subject to the Archbishop of Turone The Meridians are placed according to the Proportion of the 47. and 15. Parallels to the greatest Circle The Dukedome of ANIOU THE Dukedome of Anjou followes in our Method or la Ducké d' Anjou C. Caesar calleth the people of this Province Andes and Pliny nameth them Andegavi It beginneth at the Village Towne Chousay and endeth betweene Moncontour and Herrant where the Territory of the Picts beginneth lying South of it on the East the Turonians and Vindocinians doe border on it on the North the County commonly called Maine and l● Val and lastly on the West it joyneth to Brittaine The Country is more fruitfull and pleasant than large having every where Hills planted with Vines and Valleies crowned with greene Woods flourishing Meddowes excellent Pastures for Cattell Here are good white Wines commonly called Vins d' Aniou In briefe this Country doth afford all things necessary for life In some parts also of this Province they digge forth those blue kind of Stones with which being cleft in pieces they do slate their Churches and Houses to keep off the weather and in French they call them Ardoises King i●ec●●us after the Earle Paul was slaine got the City of Indeg●●●a and left it to his Posterity who were Kings of France among whom ●arolus Calvus gave the higher part of the Province to Iorquatus retaining still the Royalty thereof to himselfe and the lower part to Eud●● Earle of Paris whose Nephew Hugo magnus by his Brother Rupert Earle of Andegavia and Duke of Celtica gave it to Fulco the Nephew of Iorquatu● After Fulco there succeeded in order Fulco the 2. and Gotefridus commonly called Grisgonella Fulco the 3. Got●fridus the 2. Fulco the 4. Fulco the 5. who was King of Hierusalem after Baldwin whose Daughter he being a Widdower had married and lastly Godfridus Barvatus the 6. who was married to Machtildis the Daughter of Henry the first King of England His Sonnes were Henry who was the second King of England of that name and Gotefridus the sixth and William were Earles of Anjou whom when their Brother the King had overcome by warre and droven them out of their Country his eldest Sonnes did succeed him in the Kingdome of England and Gotefridus the 8. in the County of Anjou The Unckle ●ohn King of England did wage warre against the Earle Arthur the Sonne of Gotefrid and Duke of B●ittaine by the Mothers side Arthur had now done Homage and Fealty to Philip Augustus King of France for his Principality which he had of him by whose instigation leaving to take away Picardy from his Unckle the King and having passed his Army over the River and Ligoris the King comming upon him on a sudden tooke him prisoner and brought him to ●otomagum where not long after he was put to death The Mother of Arthur Constantia by name the Daughter and Heire of Conan Prince of Brittaine did accuse King Iohn of Parricide before the King of France aforesaid who being summoned and not appearing the Peares of France did condemne him of parricide and those Provinces which he had in France they confiscated to the King which sentence the King ex●cuting he tooke Anjou into his owne hands and left i● to his Sonne Ludovick the 8 King of France After whom succeeded his Son Ludovick the 9. surnamed the Holy who granted this Province to his Brother Charles by right After him followed Charles the 2. who marrying h●s Daughter Cleme●tia to Charles Valesius he gave this Province with her for her Dowry After whom succeeded Philip Valesius the Sonne and after him his Nephew Iohn who gave the greatest part of this Country which was honourd with the Title of a Dukedome in the yeere 1350. to his Sonne Ludovick After him there follow'd in a
direct Line Ludovick the 2. and Ludovick the 3. who dying without an Heire the Principality came to his Brother Renatus Hee having no issue living made Charles his Brothers Sonne his Heire and he made King Ludovick the 11. his Heire And thus it was annexed to the Crowne of France and continued so united untill Francis the first gave the revenue thereof to his Mother Aloisia ●abande King Charles the 9. gave it to his Brother Henry who was afterward King of Polonia and France The Metropolis or Mother City of the Dukedome is Andegavum Paulus Diacorus calleth it the City of Audegavia it is commonly called Angiers Ptolemy calls it Iuliomagus Andicavarum It is seated THE DVKEDOME OF JANIOV ANIOU on both the bankes of the River Maine which hath a Stone bridge over it It is well governed having a Bishop a Marshall and a Baily and a President It hath a famous University instituted by Ludovick the second Duke of Anjou in the yeere 1389. Francis Baldwine being called thither who professed the Law there This Dukedome hath many faire Townes some whereof are bigger than others I will reckon some Townes according as they are called in French as namely Samur neere Liguris with a Castle also Montrencau Bauge Beaufort Brissac Monstreul-Belay Maleuvrior Ghantoceau Viliers Duretail la Plesche Chasteau-Gontier Segre In this Province there are many Lakes and Rivolets and above 40. Rivers There are also great Fish-pits and an infinite number of Fountaines The chiefe Rivers are Lagures Loire Vigenna called la Vienne Viane and Vignane Meduana now called Mayne Sarta commonly called Sartra and Lorius Beyond the City of Andegavum there are some ancient ruines which are commonly called Grohan Here they say that the Romanes did heretofore build a Theater and some of the Walls doe yet remaine And great store of old coyne is digged forth Besides other Counties Baronnies and Signiories these foure Counties doe Homage and Fealty to this Dukedome Maine Vendosme Beaufort and la Val of which we will entreate in order The County of Maine commonly called Conté de Maine is the first In Ptolemies time the Cenomanians did inhabit this Country And the Province of the Cenomanians was inhabited as soone as any other part of France The bounds thereof were heretofore longer than they are now which may be gathered by that which Livie Polybius and Iustine have deliverd concerning the irruption of the Cemonians into Italy One part of the Country is fruitfull the other barren and the Inhabitants live more by hunted flesh than by bread or wine which yet they doe not altogether want for some parts of this Province are so fruitfull that neither Andegavia nor Tutonia can excell it for good wine or fruits The Soyle is full of Herbage and fit for Pasturing of Cattell But we reade that this Province being comprehended under Aquitania was sometime subject to the Dukes of Aquitania untill the King of France Ludovi●k the 9. and Henry ●he 3. King of England did agree that that which belonged to the King of England in Aquitania which was bounded on the North with the River Caranton and on the South with the Pyrenaean Mountaines should for ever belong to Normandy and to the Countries of the Cenomanians and Andegavians in consideration wherof 1500. Crownes were to be paid unto him Iohn King of France gave Andium and the County of the Cenomanians to his second Sonne Ludovick The Letters Patents of this Donation or Guift dated 1360. may bee seene in the Kings Rolles After Ludovick there succeeded Ludovick the second his Sonne and Ludovick the third his Nephew These three were Kings of Naples Ludovick the third dying without issue his Brother Renatus succeeded after him whom Ieane Queene of Naples the second of that name did make her Heire both of the Kingdome of Naples and of the County of Province Renatus had by Isabe●l the daughter of Charles the Bold his Sonne Iohn Duke of Calabria who dyed before his Father Renatus This Iohn had by Mary the Daughter of Cha●●● Duke of Purbor Nicolas Duke of Calabria and Marquesse of Pon●un● who dyed w●thout issue his Grandfather Renatus yet living Ren●●● would not resigne his righ● to the Kingdome of Naples and the County of Pro●●r●t to his Nephew Renatus but left it to his Brother Charles Earle of the Cenomanians who dying a little after did institu●e and make Ludovick the 11. his Heire In former times the whole Country was devided into two parts The City of the Cenomanians belongeth to the King of France but the City Maena or Maine with the Marquiship being now made a Dukedome acknowledgeth the Guises to be Lords thereof The chiefe Towne is by the River Sartra commonly called le Mens At the first it was a Bayliwick and after Henry the second time it had a President and divers Townes did bring their appeales and suites hither The Dukedome of Vend●sme or the Put●he de Vend●sme beginneth at Baugencia●um which is the bounds betweene the two Belsia which are called Sol●nia and Vindocina which stretcheth out farre and wide even to the Sa●tones It is so called from the Towne Vindocinum commonly called Vendosme That which Ptolemy calls Ovindikon for so it is read is a City of the Aulercian Cenomanians in Gallia Lugdunensis We doe affirme nothing For that Ovinatken is perhaps the Towne which is now called le Ma●s which is Scalig●rs opinion also The Earles of Vend●sme are descended from from the Stock of the Burbons We reade that the first Earle hereof was Ludovick Barbonius the Sonne of Iohn Earle of Marc and Clermont after whom there succeeded Lineally Iohn his Sonne and Franci● and Charles his Nephews whom Francis the first King of France did create the first Duke of Vendosme Charles was succeeded by his Sonne Antony who was Duke of Vendosme a Peere of France and in the right of his wife Ieane Albreta King of Navarre of whom came Henry Bu●bon the fourth King of France of that name and the most potent King of Navarre Prince of Bearne Duke of Vendosme c. There are also Beaufort and la Val. THE DVKEDOME OF BITVRICVM THE Dukedome of Bituricum or le Duché de Berry which followeth in our Method on the North looketh toward Solonia the lower part of Belsia from which it is parted by the flowing streames of Caru on the East it looketh toward the Hurepensians Nivernensians and Borbontans being bounderd here with a little Rivalet called la Fay on the South is Lemovicum where the River Croure floweth on the West are the Picts and Turonians from whom it is parted by a little River commonly calld Clery It is fruitfull in Corne Wine and other things necessary for mans life It chiefely aboundeth with Cattell which the Inhabitants doe disperse through all France Here the Biturigians were seated formerly who as Strabo Ptolemie and others doe write were called Cubi For the Biturigians a people of France were heretofore twofold
brother to Arthauld as is mentioned before From this marriage there proceeded Guido who was heyre to the County of Forrest and Lugovick who was Lord of Bello-Iolesius After whome there is no certainety delivered Henry the third King of France before hee came to the Monarchie of France possessed the Dukedomes of Burbon and Avernia the County of Forrest together with the Dukedome of Andigavia It containeth fortie walled Townes and about as many faire Villages The chiefe Towne of the Forrensians Roana or Roanne neere the River Ligeris which hath a Bridge over it which standeth in the way to Lions and also a Castle The second Towne of note is Forum Segusian rum for so it was heretofore called which is now commonly calld Feurs Ptolomy calls it Phoros of the Segusians and the Itinerary Tables corruptly call it Forum Segustivarum And from this Forum the Country corruptly is commonly called Le Layis de Forest when it should bee rather called de Fores. This is now a Towne of commerce and traffique for the whole Province The other Townes are Mombrisonium or Montbrison being a Bayliwicke and subject to the Lugdunians also the Fane of S. Stephan and S. Estierne de Furan where armor and Iron barres are made which are transported from thence into all parts of France The artificers Arte is much furthered by nature of the water which doth give an excellent temper to Iron and also the coales which are digged there there is also the Fane of S. Galmarus or S. Galmier or Guermier in the Suburbs whereof there is an Alome Fountaine which is commonly called Font-Foule also the Fane of S. Germane or S. Germain Laval which hath abundance of wine growing about it also the Fane of D. Bovet or S. Bovet le Castell in which the best tongs are made also the Fane of D. Rembertus or S. Rembert having the first Bridge that is over Ligeris The Country of Burbon is watered with two great Rivers namely Ligeris and Elavera being a River of Arvernia Ligeris commonly called Loire riseth up in Avernia in a place which in French is called La Fort de Loire Elaver commonly called Allie● riseth foure Miles above the Towne Clarumont beneath Brionda neere Gergovia and floweth not farre from a place which in French is called Vsco where there is a famous mine of gold and of the stone Lazulus It is as bigge as the River Liguris and by so much more full of fish Concerning the Manners of the Burbons those which border on Avernia are of the same disposition with them namely wittie and craftie very laborious carefull to get and for the most part they are litigious and violent men and ill to be dealt withall Those that dwell farther off are courteous and affable subtile and well experienced frugall and carefull housekeepers greedy of gaine and yet very bountifull and kind toward strangers The Forensians also are subtile acute and witty wisely provident and carefull in their owne affaires loving gaine and to that end they travell into remote and farre distant Countries to Merchandise and traffique with them But they are mercifull and kinde to their owne Countrymen if they come to necessity and want in forraine Countries Much warinesse and wisedome is to be vs'd in despatching any businesse with a Forensian Forrest doth send her workes in Iron and Brasse thorow the whole world especially the Fane of S. Stephen where there are very many Artificers and as good as any in France And there are many Merchants of this Country very rich having great estates in other parts out of France THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ARCHBISHOPRICK AND COVNTY OF BVRDEGALIA BURDIGALIA having an Archbishoprick and County belonging to it and the head and Metropolis of Gutenna is an ancient and famous City which Strabo and Pliny have mentioned and Strabo Lib. 4. Geogr. writeth thus Garumna being enlarged with the receit of three Rivers doth flow by the Biturigians whom they call the Viviscians and Santones being both Countries of France It hath Burdigalia a Towne of Traffique seated by a certaine great Lake which is made by the eruptions and breaking out of the River Concerning the name there are divers opinions For some say it was called Aquita from the abundance of waters whence also others doe derive the name of the Province of Aquitane from Bourda and Iala two Rivulets the one whereof is neere to Burdigala the other 4000. miles off others bring other dertvations But I beleeve that the name was derived from Burgo and Isidorus Originum lib. 15. cap. 1. seemeth to be of the same opinion when he saith That Burdigala was so called because it contained a Colony of the French Burgians others read it the French Biturigians And Syncerus is of the same minde in his Burdigala And these people as it is aforesaid were called Viviscians to distinguish them from the Cubian Biturigians neere the River Ligeris which Ausonius a Poet of Burdeaux testifies in his Verses wherein he sings thus Haec ego Vivisca ducens ab origine gentem These things I who by my Country am Descended from the old Viviscian And this ancient Inscription doth confirme it AVGUSTO SACRUM ET GENIO CIVITATIS BIT. VIV THE ARCHBISHOPRICK AND COVNTY OF BVRDIGALA BOVRDELOIS PAIS DE MEDOC ET LA PREVOSTE DE BORN The Walls are square having Towres thereon so high That the tops thereof doe reach unto the skie After those times it suffered many calamities being first washed by the Gothe and then burnt by the Sarazens and Normans But afterward it was re-edified and enlarged so that now it containeth 450. Acres of ground so that it is as bigge as a third part of Paris For the Romane Empire declining the Gothes obtained it in the 400. yeere from the building of the City who being expelled and Alari●us being slaine in Picaady and those which remained cut off in the Arrian Fields which were so named from that slaughter neere to Burdig●●●a it returned againe to the Frenchmen But when the Frenchmen grew slothfull and carelesse the Aquitanians about the yeere 727. shaking off their subjection to the French did create Eud● Duke thereof The Sonne of this Eudo was Carfrus who being forsaken by his owne men was slaine in the yeere 767. and was buried without the City in a Moorish place neere the Castle Farus where now the Capuchines have built themselves a Religious house Afterward Hunold whom the Aquitanians had made Duke being vanquished and droven out by Charles the Great this Province was restored to the French and to keepe it the better in obedience there were Earles placed in divers parts of Aquitaine and especially at Bourdeaus there was left Sigumus the Father of Huon of Bourdeaus and after these other Earles and Dukes did governe the people under the King of France D. Martiall● was the first that converted those of Bourdeaus to the Christian faith who as it is reported built a Temple there and dedicated it to S. Andrew the Apostle
afterward it became the Seate of an Archbishop on which these Bishopricks doe depend Santonensis Pictaviensis Lussonensis Mallacensis Petragoricensis Serlacensit Condomiensis Agimensis And as this City is large so it is beautified with divers Churches for there are two Collegiate Churches one of which is Metropolitan 12. Parish Churches 8. Frieries one Nunnery and a Colledge of Jesuites There is a faire Church-yard of S. Severine without Iupiters Gate neere the Amphitheater which is worthy to bee seene both because it is more ancient then the rest in which S. Amandus and S Severinus were buried and divers other Monuments are shewed and also because there hollow stones laide on Sepulchers which are full of water or empty according to the increase or decrease of the Moone Many Knights are here interr'd who were slaine in the time of Charles the great by the treachery of Ganelen The University is an Ornament unto it the Professors whereof doe instruct Youth in all Arts and Sciences In which both heretofore and of late Tiberius Victor and Minervius a Rhetorician whom D. Ieromimus mentioneth in his Chronicle and maketh another Quintilian And Attius Celphidius whom Ammianus Marcellinus calleth a vehement Orator were Latine and Greeke Professors And also Pomponius Maximus Hirculanus and many others of whom Ausonius maketh a Catalogue with severall Eulogies The most noted in our age were Andr. Goveanus Ioannes Gel●da M. Ant. Muretus Ioannes Costanus Georg. Buchanan Nicolaus Grachius Withelmus Guerentaeus and of late Elias Vinetus a learned man and a light to his Country This University had many priviledges honors and liberties granted unto it by the Princes of Aquitaine the Kings of France and the Popes of Rome and at last it was beautified by the Aquitaine Colledge from whence many learned men as Lights of France have successively come forth But let vs speake somewhat of the Parliament which is the ancientest seate of Justice in France whither the Burdigalians the Valatensians the Aginnensians the Condomiensians the Armeniacensians the Cardurcians the Len●ovicensians the Petrocorensians the Angelismensians the Santons and Ruxellensians have recourse by way of suite But afterward the Provinces of Armenium of Santome of Ruxelles and the greatest part of Cadurcium did withdraw themselves and came to the Parliament of Paris and Tolouse But when King Ludovick had granted Aquitania which was now circumscribed with new bounds to his Brother Charles to hold of him by Fealty the Parliament was translated to the Picts but after Charles his decease in the yeere 1472. and all Aquitaine returning to Ludovick it was brought back againe and not long after Charles the 8. by his Edict dared in the 〈…〉 it to consist of three Pre●●dents and ●● Counsellors 〈…〉 in the yeere 1519. in the moneth of o● May added to the 〈◊〉 D. ●ie of new Counsellors to judge of criminall matters which they call ●ornell But when by sedition the Parliament in the yeere 1●4● was cha●g●d againe King Henry the 2. restored the former ample dignity of the Senate to Bu●digala and received the Citizens i● to ●avour Here the Prefect of the Province of Aqui●aine hath his 〈◊〉 who is called the Marshall and also the Admirall There is also in the same City a Colledge of Q●estors or Auditors of accounts The gov●rnment of the Common-wealth of Burdeaux as it is at this day began in the raigne of Henry King of England who in the yeere 117● granted that the Citizens should freely decree a Prince of the Senate whom they call the Maior of the City but at first the Maior● held th●ir office continually and ●id yeerely chuse a Substitute out of the sworne men whom in his absence was to be Governour of the Colledge of sworne men Henry the 2. did change this custome so that the Maiors office should not be perpetuall but for two yeeres After him the sworne men as they call them should succeede Who being fifty at the beginning were reduced to 24 and in the yeare 1378. they were contracted to 12. according to the number of the parts of the Citie But at last they came to be sixe and those to rule two yeares so that three were changed every yeare and they continued in their Mairoalty for two whole yeares To this Colledge of the Maior and the swornemen there were added 30. chosened Citizens to assist them in counsell above three hundred more were added if a matter of consequence were handled It hath a fruitfull Soile for Wines which is transported from thence into other parrs of Europe the praise whereof is celebrated by the ancients as also Pliny and Colum●lla and it hath abundance of all other necessaries Besides it hath convenient Rivers the greatest whereof are Garumna and Dordona There are many Townes subject to Burdeaus as these neere to the Sea Espar●um or Caput S. Mariae in which place Ptolemy seateth Nevioparrum which is now not to be knowne also the Fane of Ma●arium La●m●nt Carbonaria also Liburrium which is a pretty small Towne s●arc●la● the mouth of D●rdona and others But it is most famous because Iu●●nius was borne here who celebrateth the praise of his Country in these verses My too long silence I doe now condemne That thee O Countrie fam'd for witty men And for thy pleasant Rivers and thy Wine And Senate art not here amongst the prime Mentiond by mee as if thou wert a small Citie and didst deserve no praise at all Burdigala is my native Country where The mild ayre makes the earth much fruite to beare The Spring is long the Winter short belowe The leavy Mountaines shadowed Rivers flowe Whose hasty course doe imitate the Seas Then the wayes within and houses you may please To admire and that the streetes doe still retaine Though they are large and broade their former name And yet through the Citie a fresh streame doth glide Which when the Ocean filleth with his tide You shall behold when as the Sea doth come How by the Ships which ride there it doth runne THE COVNTY OF PERTICA THE Country of Pertica confineth on the Carnutensians and dependeth also on their diocesse and hath beene a long time a famous County First it came by marriage to the familie of the Druides and afterward to the Alenconians For Robert a Frensh man Earle of the Druides marryed the widdow of Rotrocus Earle of Pertica who was slaine at the seige of the Castle of Rotomagum After him Robert Alenconius the sonne of Charles and brother to Phillip Valesius who died without issue being slaine in the Battell of Cr●ssy in the yeare 1346. was Earle of Per●●ca It is divided into two parts the lower which is called Pe●●tica Goveti is as it were inserted into Carnutum the head Towne whereof is Nog●ntum of Rotrocus which in the yeare 1428. was taken by the Earle rf Salisbury an Englsh man and all that were found in it were hangd But afterward in the yeare 1449. Charles the 7. recoverd it againe This Towne is called N●gentum
of Rot●o● from the Earle thereof above mentioned who marched in the yeare 1120. with his English troupes into Syria against ●ulco Earle of the Andians and King of Hierusalem and Yvo Carnutensis doth name it in his Epistle to Pope Pascall thereby to difference it from the other No●entum Sigebert about the yeare 1170. doth mention Godefride Earle of Pert●ce who by rebellion lost his Earledome There are also other Townes besides Nogentum as Basochium Govetum Alugium m●ns Mirallij Brevium Anthovium Maulbesium the Towne of red Maillard and Condatum seated by the River Huis●e The higher part of Perti●a is called the County and it hath the Towne Mortenium with a Castle seated on a Hill in which the Praefect whom they call the Bayly hath his residence also the Townes Peniletum and Belesmia a Towne with a Castle Whence the ancient and famous families of the Belemies is descended out of which came Robert ●elemy who sided with Robertus intending to make warre against his brother King of England concerning whom see Thomas Walsingam in his description or patterne of Neustriae on the frontiers thereof toward Normandy are Vernolium and Memertium towards Cen●mania Some would seate the Vnelly here a people once of France whom Caesar mentioneth Lib. 3. de bello Gallico in these words While these things were done at Venice Q. Titurius Sapinus came with his army which Caesar had given him into the Country of thf Vnelly Viridovix was Captaine thereof and did governe all those Cities which had revolted out of which he levyed a great army And a little before at the end of the second Booke at the same time came P. Crassus whom hee had sent with one Legion to the Venetians the Vnelli the Osismi the Curiosilitae the S●suriij the Aulerij the THE COVNTIE of PERTICA PERCHENSIS Comitatus LA PERCHE COMTE Rhedones which are maritine Cities neere to the Oc●●● c. Bla●●us Vignerius in his Frensh translation for Vnelli doth put 〈◊〉 the ●uparche and Renal Chopinus Concerning the Municipiall Lawes of the Audians doth in like manner calling them ceux de per●he which hee ranslateth the Vn●li But when Caesar maketh them to be neere unto the Armorican Cities which is a Maritaine Nation some thinke that this name belongeth to the Lavallij but I leave these things to more curious inquisiters In this Country the learned and Noble Poet Ana●reon was borne who was worthily called the Remigium Bellaqutum of his age who in his Pastoralls did lively expresse and paint forth that elegant fiction of the Arcadia of Zamazaus which exceedeth all the rest His Poeme concerning Gemmes and pretious stones doth deserve the lawreth wreath to which ●onsa●d the Prince of French Poets hath alluded in an Epitaph which bee made on him which is to be read at Paris which I have rudely heere translated into Latine BEILAQUIO artifices quid splendida saxa paratis Ex gemmu tutulum condidit ipse sibi Artificers why doe you now provide Faire shining stones that may Anacreon hide For hee a Tombe of pretious stones compos'd Wherein his pretious body is enclos'd THE DVKEDOME OF TVRONE THE Province of Turene in regard of the incomparable pleasantnesse of the place and the abundance of all kind of fruites is worthily called the Garden of France Which the Princes thereof have alwayes much delighted in and honoured it both as I said for the conveniency of the situation and for the overflowing plenty of all things necessary The Country is large and hath round about it the Bellovacians the Andegavians the Pictavians and the Biturigians it hath many faire Cities and Townes it maketh also a part of the Parliament of Paris as they call it and it is honoured with a Seate of Judgement The Metropolis and Mother City thereof is Turon commonly called Tours being seated at the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Ligeris and Carus Ptolemy calls it Caes●rodunum concerning the name and antiquity whereof there are many reports but not credible and therefore we omit them Let it suffice that the great Romane Emperour ●ulius ●aesar doth reckon the Turones among the chiefe people of France who joyned themselves to the Romanes and in his 2. Booke de bello Gallico about the end thereof are these words He having brought his Legions to Winter at Carnutes Andes and Turones which were Cities neere unto these places where hee waged warre went into Italy as also Lib. 7. Hee speedily joyneth to himselfe the Senous the Parisians the Pictones the Cadurcians the Turones the Aulercians and others which dwell neere the Sea Also Lucan mentioneth them in this Verse Iustabiles Turones circumsita costra coercent Round pitched Tents doe keepe in there The Turones who unconstant were It is a neate City having long cleane streets and very faire houses It had heretofore divers Bishops famous for Sanctitie and Learning as Ma●tinus Bricius Perpetuus Volusianas and others and almost all the Bishops of Brittaine of the Andians and Cemonians noted by others are Suffragans unto him The chiefe Seate of Justice when the Parisians rebelled was translated hither by King Henry the third Traffique in Silkes and also Cloth is much used in Toures both which doe enrich the Merchants And the Inhabitants have revenues out of their Lands on which they live gallantly The City 〈◊〉 adorned with faire magnificent Temples among which is that which was dedicated to D. Gratian built by the English with a Clock-dyall on it And another consecrated to D. Martinus in which his bones and ashes doe rest which the By-dwellers doe honour with religions worship Here Gregory who from his Country was called Iu●orersis was borne who flourished about the yeere of Christ 600. whose Writings for the History of those times are much esteemed by posterity It containeth the ashes of that great Poet P. Ronsard who they call the French Homer and ●inaa● It was sometimes governed by Fa●les afterward by the Dukes of Brittaine but when Iohn his Nephew Arthu● being slaine possessed the County the Province was confiscate to the King by the sentence of the highest Senate of France After which the Kings of France did make it a Dukedome and gave it for a time to the Minorite Friers Here foure chiefe French Counsels were kept Here is also a Money Mint famous for the antiquity thereof It is governed by an ordinary Magistrate and hath two Prefects besides a Maior and Auditors to maintaine the rights privildges and liberties of the Inhabitants There is also a Court of the Quaestors Auditors and Receivers of the publike customes and impositions But to conclude we will set downe an elegant description of this place being taken out of Brittons Philipeides Thence to the City of Turone they goe Round about which two shining streames doe flowe Here the River Ligaris there Caurus and It in the middle betweene both doth stand Well seated and faire streames doe it adorne Being full of Trees and having store of Corne Proud of her
to be taken and we are not to assent to them who would from thence deduce a new kind of people Cadurcium hath two Diocaesses Doveoni Cadurecorum and Mo●talbarum D●veoma well knowne to Ptolemie which some badly interpret Du●●na It is commonly called Canors neere the River Lothus Some learned men doe call it Divona Truly howsoever it is written Ioseph Scaliger in his letters to Merula thinketh it to bee the Metropolis of the Cadurcians and also Vinetus writing to Ausionius and others Iustus Lipsius in his golden Booke concerning Amphitheaters supposeth that Doveona is a Towne commonly calld Dowe about halfe a dayes journey distant from Ligeris on that side where the way lyeth from Andegavia to Pictavia And so the name doth intimate but then D●veona according to the opinion of Ptolomie cannot bee the Metropolis or mother Citie of the Cadurcians which is 60. leagues from that place Besides that which Antonius calleth Auned●nacum and Peutingers Tables Avedonacum in the way betweene Burd●gala and August●dunum cannot be the same with Ptolomies Doveona which is commonly called Cahors For Aunedonacum and Mediolanium of the Santonians are 16. Miles asunder but betweene D●veona and Mediolanium called in the Country speech Cahors and Sa●●●●s there are about 40. leagues which make almost an hundred Miles Besides the Metropolis of the Cadurcians standeth so farre Eastward that it cannot be in the way to Burdigala Let us therefore conjecture with Merula that Aunedonacum is that Towne commonly calld Aulnay being distant Northward from the Mediolanum of the Santones somewhat more than sixe leagues Aus●nius doth designe and shew the Metropolis of the Cadurcians Lib. Professorum at the 18. verse concerning Ex superius a Rhetorician of Tolouse Decedens placid●s mores tranquillaque vitae Tempora praedives fimsti sede Cadu●ca Thou dying rich at Cadurcum didst end Thy life which thou so quietly didst spend CADVRCIVM CADURCIUM BRESSIA OF THE SEGVSIANS BRESSIA is a Country lying under the Alpes in Sabaudia where Caesar heretofore placed the Segusians according to Villonovanus although Ptolomy doth make Lions a City of the Segusians At the least these people were next to the Aedus which he affirmeth lib. 7. de bello Gallico in these words His constitutis rebus or Aeduis Segusianisque qui sunt finitimi ci l'revincioe x. millia perditum imperat· These things being thus setled he levieth 10000. Foote out of the Aeduans and Segusians which are Provinces neere unto him Also Pentingers Chart doth hereabouts place Segusione in the Alpes Ammianus who lived in the time of ●ulian the Apostate in the 15. Chapter of his History maketh mention of the Towne Segovium situated at the foote of the Alpes Bressia therefore is situate betweene the Rivers Rhodanus and Araris now called Saona and Marcellinus Sacona at the beginning of the Alpes in a fruitfull place so that it may compare with any Country of France for plenty of Wine Corne and all kindes of fruits and for Rivers Cattell and Woods It is neighboured with the Burgundians and was sometime subject to the Princes thereof afterward it was a part of the Kingdome of Arelatum which being devided into divers parts was afterward governed by Earles one of which Vlrick Earle of Bresse and Baugenciak lived about the yeere 1300. who much enlarged his Territories and left one onely Daughter and Heire Sibyll of Bressia who was marryed to Amades the fourth the 8. Earle of Sabaudia who brought her Husband beside a large Inheritance the County of Bressia which being afterward united to Subaudia remained in that Family 300. yeeres even untill our age when Henry the fourth King of France for his vertue surnamed the Great understanding that the Saluffians a people of France were possessed and overcome by Sabaudus by treachery and deceit and that Henry the third was almost oppressed by his rebelling Subjects and was engaged in a dangerous Warre he thought it fitt to recover that part of France and seeing the Duke of Sabaudia did delay the restitution thereof by making many exceptions and deceiving promises which by reason hee could not doe he thought it meete by force of Armes to regaine that which was lost and having levied an Army he tooke Bressia by the helpe and assistance of the Marshall Byroone and brought the Duke to that straite and was content to end the matter by exchange and that the King for the Salussians taken from him should have the Bressians the Brengeans the Virroneans and generally all that belong'd to France on the other side of Rhodanus so that all that Country which lookt toward France from the issuing of that River out of the Lemanick Lake should be afterward united to the Kingdome of France And so the Duke should wholly deliver into the Kings hands the BRESSIA· BRESSE strong Castle of the Towne with all the Warlike furniture thereof by which Bressia and all that Province were as it were fetterd and manacled so that France was secured from any future attempt from those parts And so Sabaudus learnt with his owne losse how dangerous a thing it is to use violence with those that are stronger than our selves since such rashnesse redounds to his harme that attempts it and most commonly he is compell'd to restore againe unto them with interest that which he had so gotten THE PROVINCE AND CITIE OF LIONS THE Court of Lions is the last and remotest of all the Presidiall Courts which depend on the chiefe Senate of Paris But Lions is the chiefe and principall City of Gallia Celtica which from thence is called Lions being a strong Fortresse of France being the Primate Seate of all France in spirituall matters and being the Shop for Tra●ing and commerce for the whole World The Bressians confine o● it on the North on the East the Sabaudians on the South the Al●o●●o●ians and the Narbonians along the River Rhodanus and on the West the Avernians It is situate in the most beautifull and convenientest soyle of al Europ for there is no place which hath two riches fruitfuller Nurses than the Rivers Rhodanus and Arar are unto this Country in whose bosome the horne of plenty filled with the Gods bounty doth rest and is largely powred forth upon it so that it alwayes enjoyeth a continuall plenty The ancients called it Lugdunum as if you should say the happy or blessed Mountaine Titus Livius calleth it an Iland Lib. Hist 21. In these words the next day Amiball marching on the contrarie banke of Rodanus went up into the Mediterranean parts of France not because it was a straiter way to the Alpes but the more he went from the Sea the more hee should bee sure not to meete with the Romanes with whom he did not purpose to sight before he came into Italy Hee came with the fourth part of his Camp to the Iland where the Rivers Arar and Rhodanus running out of divers parts of the Alpes and having encompassed some part of the Country doe meete together from whence the Country
in the middle is called the Iland which words may seeme to be translated out of a credible Writer who lived about the same time and was familiarly acquainted with Scipio but that he addeth that this Iland being populous and abounding with all things necessary was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is abounding with people and well stored with food Plutarch in the life of Ainnbal doth deliver the like but more plainely and calleth it Li●ns whose words according to the Translation of Acciarolus He remov'd his Tents and marching by the banke of Rhodanus up against the streame in few dayes he came to that place which the French men call the Iland which the Rivers Rhodanus and A●ar flowing out of diver Mountaines doe encircle where there is the City of Lions the most famous City of all France which long time afterward was built by Plancus Mu●●atius Some call it the City of Sequanians and Maxima Sequanorum which appeareth by an ancient Inscription on S. Peters Church which is this JOVI OPT. MAX. Q. ADGINNIUS URBICI FIL. MARTINUS SEQ. SACERDOS ROMAE ET AUG AD ARAM AD CONFLUENTES ARARIS ET RHODANI FLAMEN II. VIR IN CIVITATE SEQUANORUM And Seneca doth celebrate the praise of this place in his Verses concerning the death of Claudian I sawe a Hill that hangeth or'e two streames Which Phaebus rising glideth wi●h his beames Where the great River Rhodanus doth flowe And Arar doubtfull whether he should goe Thorow quiet Foords his course along doth guide Washing the Bankes as he along doth glide THE PROVINCE AND CITIE OF LIONS LYONNOIS Forest et Beaujolois LANGVEDOC A PART OF AQVITAINE THE Occitane Country of France commonly called Languedec is a part of Aquitane and is so named as some conceive from the Gothes the Possessions thereof as if you should say Land-Got That is the Gothes Province Some derive it from the word Lingua a tongue and the word O● I suppose that these conjectures are more vaine than Sicilian toyes and are but meere vulgar trifles The ancients tooke it for the Province of Narbon neere the Pyrenaean Mountaines Strabo calleth it Tectosages the Metropolis whereof Tolouse is accounted one of the chiefe Cities of France having an Archprelate a Senate and a University Some derive the name thereof from those which fled from T●oy Caesa mentioneth it in his first Booke of Commentaries where he speaketh thus It was told Caesar that the Helvetians purposed to travell thorow the Sequans and Aeduans Country unto the borders of the Santones which are not farre from Tolouse which is a City in Province and also Lib. 3. concerning P. Crassus Moreover valiant men being levied out of Tolouse Carcasson and Narbon which are Cities of France neere to Province c. Ammianus Marcellinus giveth it the prerogative above all the neighbour Cities Neither can we omit that worthy Elogie of the ancient magnificence and power thereof written by Aus●nius a most famous Poet and a Consull of Rome in praise of his Nurse and Foster-mother in these Verses Non unquam altricem nostri reticebo TOLOSAM Coctilibus muris quam circuit ambitus ingens Perque latus pul●ro perlabitur amne Garumna Innumeris cultam populis cenfinia propter Nirgida Pyrenes Pinea Gabennarum Inter AQUITANAS gentes nomen Iberum Quae modo quadruplices ex se cum effuderit urbes Non ulla exhaustae sentit dispendia plebis Quos genuit cunctos gremio complexa colonas My Nurse Tolasaes praises I will sound Which with a Brick wall is encompas'd round And faire Garumna runneth by her side And many people doe in her reside Cause the Pyrenean Ningide confines Upon it and the Pinean Gabinines Betweene the Country of faire AQUITAINE And Iberus which now is called SPAINE· LANGVEDOC A ●T OF AQVITAINE LA PARTIE Septentrionale du LANGUEDOC And having yeelded people unto four Large Cities out of her abundant score Yet in her no want of people doth appeare Which done within her bosome nourisht were Whence the Vi●i-G●th● having drove● out the Romane● from thence did make this City the royall Seate of the Kingdome untill they were quite expulsed by the French in the raigne of 〈◊〉 the first Christian King at what time all that Province was subjected to France Concerning the State Ecclesiastick the Tolousians were instructed in the Christian faith by Ma●tiall who was their first Prelate after whom succeeded Saturninus Honoratus Silvius Hilarius Ex●per●u● and many others even to Lud●v●● St●ulus the Sonne of Charles 〈◊〉 King of Sicily in whose time this Bishoprick was translated 〈◊〉 to an Archbishoprick under whom are these Suffragan Bishop●● the bishop of M●nta ban 〈…〉 of S. 〈…〉 created by Pope 〈◊〉 the ●2 An has this City is larg● and popul●u● to it hath many 〈◊〉 built Churches and also Colled●●s 〈◊〉 Mo●●●●●ries The chiefe Church belonging to the Bishop 〈…〉 cr●ted to S. 〈◊〉 It hath also an University famous for 〈…〉 and for the great number of Students which study there Here ●omerly Playe● i● ho●our of 〈◊〉 the Goddesse o● Flowers were ●●brated of which there doe yet remaine some to●●●s But the Fami●● of the E●●●●ingling with the Royall Stock this Cou●try wa●●●ted to the Kingdome of 〈◊〉 It will be h●●● convenient to nominate some of them a● namely 〈…〉 others ●●metus reckon●t● the Earles of 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 France who enjoyed that dignity u●to 〈…〉 The●●●ly who after the decease of his Brother ●●phonsus did unite 〈◊〉 County unto his Kingdome There are also among others these Townes in Languedoc Narbon Mons ●essusanus Carcassona Nemansus Vzes THE DELPHINATE OF FRANCE ON the South Province is neere to the Delphinate and on the North it hath the Bressians who are parted from it by the River Rhodanus flowing betweene them on the West is the County of Venusinum and lastly on the East the Pedemontian and Sabaudians doe encompasse it Caesar by one common name calleth those of the Delphinate and the Sabaudians Allobrogians who were then confederate with the Romanes The Country is now devided into the higher part the chiefe City whereof is Ebrodunum and the lower part in which the prime Cities are Gratian●polis and Vienna Those of the Delphinate who dwelt beyond Rhodanus were hertofore a part of the Kingdome of Burgundy and then of Orleans and afterward of Burgundy the head City whereof was then Arelate which afterward from that City was called the Kingdome of Arelatum but when that Kingdome came to the Emperour Conradus the 2. after the decease of Rodolfus the first the last King thereof there arose one Guigno a man of base birth who was called afterward the fat Earle Grinmand hee through his owne industry and the confusion of the times obtained most of the chiefest Cities of this Country so that at last he possessed Gratianopolis and made himselfe Lord of the whole Province which to honour his Sonne who had married Delphina the Daughter of the Earle of Albon and Vienna he called it
the Delphinate After this the Province of the Delphinate became subject to Provinces who ruled it untill the time of Philip Valerius King of France who annexed it to his Crowne about the yeere of Christ 1348. which was the cause that Humbert Delphine of Vienna having lost his eldest Sonne in the Battell of Cressey and his yonger Sonne dying by sicknesse when hee was provoked to warre and set upon by Amades the 6. of that name he determined to put himselfe into the Kings protection and to leave him Heire to his Dominions on this condition that from thenceforth the eldest Sonnes of the Kings of France during their Fathers life time should beare the Armes and Title of the Delphinate And so this Country came into the Kings hands who thought fit to annex so noble a Prince neighbouring on Italy for ever to his Kingdome The Delphinate therefore being one of the chiefe Countries of France is devided as I said before into the higher and lower part and hath many faire Cities and Townes in it In the higher there are Ebrodunum which hath a Prelate also Valence Dium and S. Pauls Church In the lower is Vienna which was formerly the Metropolis and Mother City of the whole Delphinate which is now Gratianopolis there are also Romanium Brianconium Mons-Limartium upon Rhodanus a Towne much frequented by Merchants where there are also many Monuments of Antiquity also S. Antonies Church Valerians Church and the Monastery Gratianopolis was so called from the Emperour Gratian who reedified it and beautified it with many Buildings now it hath a Parliament and a President with Senators and other Officers belonging thereunto and it hath a Prelate who is one of the chiefe men of the Province under the Metropolitan of Vienna But Vienna venerable for Antiquity hath a long time had a Metropolitan Bishop Valence is converted and raised to a Dukedome and hath a Bishop and a University in which the Romane Lawes are read and declared in which Iames Cuyacius taught who was the Prince of all those Lawyers which flourished in former times whose name shall live as long as Lawes continue in the world Here are found Romane Inscriptions and other ancient Romane Monuments King Francis intended to have newly fortified Gratianopolis against the invasion of enemies but hee left it undone THE DELPHINATE OF FRANCE DAVPHINE Par IEAN de BEINS THE DVKEDOME OF LOTHARINGIA THE SOVTHERNE PART whereof is painted forth in this Table AFter Pictavia according to my method the Dukedom of Lothari●gia followeth Lothoringia according to the Latines was so called from Lotarius the Sonne or Nephew of the Emperour Ludovick King of France Truely Ludovick Pius had foure Son who warring like Parracides against their Father having shut him up into a Monastery among the Sues●ons they devided his Principalities amongst themselvs so made it a Tetrarchie Afterward by the meditation of the Nobles of the Empire the matter came to that passe that Lotar●us the eldest Sonne should enjoy the Title of the Empire with Italy Gallia Narb●nensis and those Territories which were called by the name of Lotharingia and that Ludovick should possesse Germany Charles should have France from the River Mosa to the Ocean and lastly Pipin or his Sonne should have Aquitaine Lotarius had besides Ludovick who succeeded him in the Empire a Sonne named Lotarius King of Lotaringia And as the Germanes as first called it Lotar-rijck or Lot-reych that is the Kingdome of Lotarius so the Latines afterward called it L●tharingia The Inhabitants and the other French doe call it Loraine as it were Lotregne The French Writers doe report that the bounds of Lotaringia were heretofore larger and that it was heretofore called Austrasia or Austria or Oost-reych having Westrasia or Westria now called West-reych and corruptly Neustria a Westerne Kingdome lying over against it and that being devided into the higher and the lower and contained betweene the Rivers Rhene Scaldis and Mosa the lower part hath divers names and is subject to divers Princes and that the higher part which is called Mossellanica and Tullingia is all except some parts thereof under ones command so that on the East of Lotaringia there lyeth Alsatia and Westrasia on the South Burgundy on the West Campania on the North it is bounded with the Wood Arduenna the Leuceburgians Treverians and other people bordering thereon which were heretofore the chiefest parts of Lotharingia Lotaringia although it be full of high Mountaines and thick Woods yet it needeth not the supplies of forraigne Countries for it hath good store of Corne and Wine It hath divers kinde of Mettalls as Silver Brasse Iron Tinne and Lead It hath also Pearles for which there THE DVKEDOME OF LOTHORINGIA LOTHARINGIA is excellent fishing at the foote of V●gesus There are also certain Stones found which the Inhabitants in regard of their ●●lac colour doe call Lazuli and doe make great benefit of them There is also a certain substance of which they make Looking-glasses the like wherof is not found in other Provinces of ●ur●●● Here are also Cal●i●●nes of great bignesse so that great cups are made of small pieces thereof It produceth divers kindes of living Creatures especially excellent Horses like to Neapolitan and Turkish Horses Lotaringia was heretofore a Kingdome as appeareth in the French Writers But there are not mentioned above two or three Kings thereof For C●ar●●s the Bald presently after the decease of his Unckle Lotarius invaded his Territories and joyned them to his Principalities And not long after it was made a Dukedome The first Dukes are scattringly mentioned by Historians and divers Writers In the raigne of Henry the 4. ●●t●fridus held Lotari●gia hee who afterward having sold his Dukedome ●●u●●gn● together with his Brothers Baldwin and Eustathius made a memorable expedition to the Holy Land and carried his conquering Army thorow Asia and Syria even to the City of Hierusalem and was created King of Hierusalem After him succeeded Baldwin and after Baldwin Eustathius Afterward King Henry the fifth gave the Dukedome to William Earle of ●●vani● after whom Theodore Theo●●●● Frederick others were created Princes of Lotari●gia whom from the ●●●●edome was passed to Frederick Earle of Vadimomium from whom the Dukes of Lotaringia are descended Mercator doth plainely d●scr●be be it in two Tables in one whereof he painteth out the Northerne part in the other the Southerne part Heretofore the Med●●ma●●ices and Leu●● did inhabit L●taringia Lib. 4. Tacitus Pliny Strab● and Ptolemy doe call them Med●●ma●●ices and Caesar also Lib. ● calleth them Med●●matri●● whose Metropolis is called D●vodurum and ●ow M●tz In the Register Booke of the Provinces of Belgia it is called ●v●●as Med●●●a●ri●um or le Eves●he de Metz le Pays M●ssin Cae●●● 〈◊〉 Lu an lib. 1. and Pli●y doe call the Leu●t●●beri Ptolemy also calls them Leu●● and maketh their Metropolis to be ●u●●um And so 〈◊〉 called in the Register Booke of the Provinces of Belgia Civitas
L●rum that is Tullum or l● Evesche de ●●ul also Antoninus his Itinera●e doth acknowledge Tullum or Leu●●● Some also doe referre that which Caesar calleth Tulinges to Lotaringia The Metropolis of Lotaringia is Nan●●●um commonly call'd Nan●y it is no great Towne but yet it hath a faire and commodious Seate in a plaine place the forme of it being foure square in the which there is the magnificent Palace of the Duke● of Lot●aringia The River Murtu floweth by the walls of Nan●y which three miles of a little beyond the Castle of Candeus entreth into Mos●lla Peter Divaeus and others doe thinke that that which i● now call●d Nan●●um wa● that which was called Nasi●n which Ptl●my call N●s●um Antoninus in his Itinerarie placeth it betweene D●v●durum which is in the way from Duro●ortorum But he that consider that journey more neerely hee shall easily finde that Antoni●u● 〈◊〉 Nasium cannot be seated in that place where Nanceum is now so ●ha● that Nasium i● not that which we call now Nan●cium but a Towne 〈◊〉 miles distant from it not farre from the River Mosa in the Barroducan Province which is commonly called Nas as appeareth by the Inscription of stone digged up there It is manifest by the rubbidge and ruines thereof that this Nasium was somtime a very large City which also Blemens Trelaeus Mosellanus witnesseth in Ortelius The next Towne of note to Nanceium is Fanum St. Nicholai commonly called S. Nicolas being two miles distant from thence neere the River● Murta seated in a plaine and fertile place This Towne by the recourse of Strangers unto it is so much enlarged and is growne so bigge that now if it were Walled it would not seeme a Village Towne but rather one of the fairest Cities of all Lotharingia for it hath such neate Buildings well contrived Streetes and such a multitude of Inhabitants that it is compleate in all things but it is especially commended for the trade of Merchandise and manufactures of all kindes It hath many wealthy Merchants who are richer than their neighbours I omit other Townes of lesser note lest I should be tedious to the Reader A mile distant from Nancium is Fruart three miles off is Ormes and a little more than three miles off is Bayon and Luneville foure miles off is le Pont a Monson Gerbevillar five miles off is Charmes sixe miles off is Castenoy M●rhanges and Vaucol●ur a little more than sixe miles is Maxen soubs Bresse seven miles off is Dompaire Deneuvre Hodon Chasteau eight miles off is Ramberville Raon Bellemont Neuss-Chasteau Mugstat Marchain-Ville nine miles off is Espinal Bruyeres Darney ten miles off is Orm●nt Walderfing Beaurams thirteene miles off is Vaigny foureteene miles off is l' Estray The Towne called in French Vaudem●nt is five miles from Nancy Chaligny on the right side of Mosella is halfe a league from Nancy Also Amance seven miles from the City Medi●matricum towards the South which the Latine Writers call Almentia It was the ancient Chancery of Lotharingia as the Court-rolls doe witnesse which Rosierus produceth Also Richecourt not farre from the Lake which is commonly called la Garde lac out of which a River floweth which betweene S. Nicolas Church and the Towne Rosieres doth mingle it selfe with the River Murta Also Remiremont the left side of Mosella making an Iland there is seated on the most Southerne part of Lotahringia Aimoinus the Monke placeth here the Castle Rumaricum in Regino it is corruptly read Adromarici or Ad R●marici the word being devided Spigelius calleth it in the Germane speech Rimelsberg Not far from thence are Valleyes which are commonly called l' Estraye and Vag●y La Mothe is seated by the River which by and by doth discharge it selfe into Mosa There is the Territory called le Sanctoy There ore also the Townes Kirchingan and Blankenburg Blankenburg which the French call Blanc-mont is a pretty faire and pleasant Towne There is an ancient spacious and magnificent Castle unto which the Dukes new Palace being a curious structure is joyned The Inhabitants give themselves to Husbandry The Barony of N●menium is on the right side of the River Sella three miles from the City Mediomatricum Southward The Lordships or Signiories in it are Marsal on the left side of the River Sella not farre from the Lake Linderus in which there is an Iland having a Towne in it called Techemful Remer●ville is three miles from Nancy S. Bellemont is as farre from Mota Rambert-Ville is on the right side of the River Morton not farre from the Spring-head where there is the wood Morton Rosieres is by the River Murta neere St. Nicolas Church two miles from Nancy Homburg is more than a league distant from the Towne Sarbruch by the River which presently afterward runneth into Saravus Mariem●nt so called from the Mount on which the Towne is seated is a mile off from the Lake Linder Southward S●ndacourt being in the mid-way betweene Vandimont and Motta in a Country commonly call'd Sanctoy being a City of the Mediomatricans and heretofore together with Tullus and others an Imperiall City Henry the second King of France did reduce it into his power It is now commonly called Metz and moderne Writers do call it Me●e and Gregorius T●●orensis and others doe call it Vrbs Metensis The Ancients did call it Divodurum Mediomatricum And in the Itinerarie Table Divo Durimedio Matricorum Ptolemy calls it Divodurum and Tacitus lib. 4. and A●toninus doe call it Dividorum I purpose not to inser● divers trifling conjectures concerning the new name It was heretoforeth Seate of the Kingdome of Lotharingia Concerning which Peter Divaeus hath written elegantly in his Itinerarie The City Metz is situated on a large Plaine which the River Mosella deviding it selfe into divers Channels doth water and part of it floweth gently by the walls on the left hand and part of it goeth under the wall to serve the Cities use and so it runneth generally even to the nether side of the walls where having received the River Sella which washeth the right side of the City it runneth againe in one Channell But the City is very pleasantly and delightfully situated for having a plaine levell lying round about it yet the plot of ground where it standeth riseth up a little whereby wee may observe in what manner the ancients did build their Cities For they goe up many steps before they can come into the Cathedrall Church neere which there is a Market place on the highest part of the ground which by degrees bendeth downe toward the Walls yet one part of the descent thereof is tooke away by two streetes paved with stones which doe crosse by one another The Citizens are called Mediomatrices in an inscription which is at Moguntio neere S. Alban That Towne which is called in French Toul was heretofore called Tullum Ptolemie calls it Tullon a Towne of the Lucians Antonius Tullus The Itinerarie Tables doe now call Tullium That which is called Verdun the Latines
doe now call Virdunum and Verdunum Antonius calleth it Verodunum And in the Register Booke of the Provinces it is called Civitas ●erdune●sium or l' Euesch● de Verdun And the three Cities aforesaid have Counties belonging to them THE DVKEDOME OF LOTARINGIA The Southerne part OUR order and Method doth now require that we should reckon up the chiefe Rivers of Lotaringia but first wee will speake concerning the Lakes It hath many Pooles and Lakes which are full of fish Among which there is one that is 14. Miles in compasse in which there are great Carpes of three foote long which are so pleasant in taste that they farre exceede the Carpes in other Countries for sweetnesse The Duke of Lotaringia receaveth 16000. Franks every third yeare for fish taken in this Lake It is watered with these famous Rivers Mosa Mosella Saravo Voloia Mortana Mu●ta Sella Hidia and others Concerning Mosa it appertaineth to lower Germanie The other Rivers doe properly belong to this Dukedome the better part of Mosella and Saravus the rest wholy Mosella riseth in the Mountaine Vog●sus not farre from the Springhead of Araris a little above the Towne which is commonly called Bussan and so gliding downe from Vulturnum to the West having view'd those Townes which are call'd in French l' Estrate Remiremont Espinal Charmes Baton it bendeth his course from the East westward and runneth straite forward to Tullum an Episcopall Citie whence running againe Eastward it bendeth Northward even to Fruardum and having visited the Mediomatricians the Treverians and other people it runneth into the River of Rhene That which the Germanes call Mosel the French call Moselle It is thought that Rhenanus Ptolemie Lib. 11. Cap. 9. and others did call it Obri●gos But Iohn Herold noteth that Obringen so called by Ptolemie is not a River but a part of Land neere the River Rh●me which is now called Ober Rhingham also Clemens Trolaeus Mosellanus witnesseth as Abraham Ortelius writeth that a certaine Country of ●and neere Mosella is yet called Obrincum Ausonius Eidyll 3. doth celebrate the praise of Mosella in learned verses both for the clearenesse of the water and easy sayling thereon and for the Townes and Pallaces which beautified the bankes thereof and also for the fish therein as the Mullet the Trout the Barbell the Salmon the ●amprey the Perch the Tench the Bleake and the Gudgeon of which i● hath great store and lastly for the Rivers which runne into it as Pronaea Nemesa ●ura Gelbi Erubro Lesura Drahona Salmona Saranus and Alisontia L. Vetus in the Raigne of Domitius Nero the Emperour attempted to joyne Mosella and Araris by making a channell be●weene them that the armies being convey'd out of Italie by Sea and afterward on the Rivers Rhodanus and Arar by that channell and so passing by the River Mosella into the Rhene might at last be brought againe to the Ocean that so the jouney might bee more easie and the westerne and northerne shoares betweene them might be made navigable as Cornelius Tacitus writeth Lib. 18. Of which Ausonius Te foutes vivique lacus te caerula noscent Flumina te veteres pagorum gloria luci Te Druna te sparsis incerta Druentia ripis Alpinique colent Fluvij dupitemque per Vrbem Qui meat dextrae Rhodanus dat nomina ripa Te stagnis ego caruleis magnumque sonoris Amnibus aquorea te commendabo Garumnae The Fountaines Lakes and blew streames shal know thee And woods which of Villages the glorie be Thee Druna thee Druentia that doth glide With winding course betweene his bancks so wide And all the Rivers on the Alpine hill Shall thee adore and reverence thee still And Rhodanus that doth through the Citie flow Naming the right hand banck as it doth goe With the blew Lakes and streames that greatest are And Sea-like Garumne I will thee compare Saravus rising not farre from the Salmensians is the greatest of all those Rivers which runne into Mosella it is navigable and famous for the receipt of other Rivers and after it hath view'd the Cities and Townes which are commonly called Sar-Burg Fenestrange Sar-Vberden Sar-Abben Guemund Sar-Pruck Walderfing Sar-Brug and others at length it meeteth with Mosella neere the walls of Augusta of the Treverians not farre from Kontherbruck Ausonius mentioneth it in praysing Mosella It retaineth that name still For the Inhabitants call it Sar. And the ancients did call it Sarta as appeareth by an inscription which was brought to Trevers from a Towne seated by that River which is now called Sarpruck that is Sarrae Pons or Sarra Brigde CAES RO. EXER IMP. P. P. S.C. Au. TREVE INGR. ESSUM H. CASTRA SARRAE FLU PRO. MIL. CUSTODIA BIENN POTITUS EST. THE DVKEDOME OF LOTHORINGIA Lotharingia Meridiona THE DVKEDOME OF BVRGVNDIE· LET so much according to our Method suffice concerning Lotharingia The Dukedome of Burgundie followes or lower Burgundie The name of Burgundie commeth from the Burgundians who being a people of Germanie descended of the Vandalls and so called from the word Burgis that is from the Townes of Garrison being disturbed by the Almaines who violently seated themselves in their Countrie which is now cal'd the Palatinate under the conduct of Theodisius the sonne of Arcadius the younger they drove out the Sequeans and Aedians and possest themselves of this part of ancient France with the Nuithons whom Tacitus mentioneth Peter Sancto-Iulianus deriveth the Etymologie of Burgundie from a certaine place commonly call'd Burg-ogne in the Countrie of Langrenia It was heretofore a Kingdome about the yeare 1034. and afterward it was divided into a Dukedome and Countie the former toward the East called the lower and royall Burgundie the latter toward the East called the higher and Imperiall Burgundie Wee will entreate of the Dukedome in this Description and of the Countie in the next The Dukedome is encompas'd on the East side with the Counties of Sabaudia and Burgundie having the River Rhodanus flowing betweene them on the South is the Territorie of Lions on the West the faire fields of the Nevernians and Borbonians on the North lies Campania It is a Champion Countrie and inferiour unto none for fertilitie and fruitfullnesse for here is plenteous stoare of Wine and Corne so that Bacchus and Ceres seeme to contend who should exceede the other in bestowing their guifts most liberally upon this Country Richard Earle of Augustodunum a stoute man and well experienced in warlike matters was created Duke of all Burgundie beyond Araris by Odon King of France who was afterward Duke of Burgundie 32. yeeres Hee left Burgundy to his Sonne Rudolphus who was afterward chosen King of France and Hugo Niger his Brother succeeded him in his Dukedome After him succeeded Odo his Brother or his Sonne for I finde Authors of both opinions After whom followed Henry his Brother who dying without Issue Robert King of France got the Dukedome of Burgundy Henry having left it him as they say by his last
Will and Testament After him succeeded his Sonne Robert and after Robert Hugo his Nephew After him followed Otho and after Otho Hugo the third And after Hugo the ●● Odo the Sonne After whom there followed in order Odo the thi●● Hugo the fourth Robert the third Hugo the fifth Eudo and Philip who THE DVKEDOM OF BVRGVNDIE BURGUNDIAE Duca dying without Issue Iohn King of France followed after him after whom succeeded Philip his Sonne surnamed the Bold to whom his Father gave the Dukedome of Burgundie Iohn surnamed the Stout succeeded his Father Philip and after him Philip the Good or Gentle his Sonne And after succeeded Charles who in regard of his service in divers Warres was surnamed The Warriour After whose decease Ludovick the 11. possessed all this Country The Metropolis or chiefe City of the Dukedome is Divienum which Gregory Turorensis calleth Divionum and the French Dijon Divionis is thought to be the Builder there but we rather suppose that Aurelianus the Emperour was the re-edifier thereof and the enlarger of the Precincts Some think it was so called ab Divis or from the Gods who were much reverenced there It is the fairest City in Burgundy It is situate on a most pleasant Plaine and the two Rivers Suzione and Os●ara called in French Suson and l'Ou he doe wash the walls on either side the former 〈◊〉 usually overflow the City making dangerous exundations the la● is very full of fish and floweth in a quieter Channell and yeelde many commodities The walls are built as high as is convenient to defence being lately fortified with Towers and Bulwarkes There is a Seate of Justice there and a Parliament out of who●e bosome the Lawes of the Country are as it were fetched Hee that ●s chose● to be Maior of this Towne is compeld though against his will to take a burden on him rather than an honour and to ●ake his oath in the Temple of the blessed Virgin which the Kings Proctor repeateth unto him namely that he will be faithfull unto the King and that hee will defend the Lawes Liberties and Priviledges of the City against the King himselfe and all others as often as occasion shall require On the Mountaines neere the City there doe grow excellent Vines Moreover the Episcopall Cityes are Augustodunum and Cabillinum both venerable for antiquity The former was called Augustodunum from Augustus whether Octavianus or some other it is not greatly to be stood upon for those that derive it from Auge the wife of Ap●ll● doe but relate Fables who re-edified it when it was ruinated by the warres which Caesar maintained against France It is now called ●ustu● It was heretofore a very faire City but now it is not so beautif●● Here are many ruines of Theaters Aqueducts Pillars and Pyrani●●● to be seene and there are daily old Coynes and other ancient 2Monuments digged up it hath also now many faire Churches and p●● like Structures in it It is seated at the foote of those Mountaines which are commonly called les Monts de Civis neere the River Arro●sius So much concerning Augustodunum there followeth Caball●num or Caballtonum Aeduorum commonly called Challon sur Saone It is not knowne who built it This City is situate on the right hand banke of Araris the Fields are fruitfull and the ayre wholesome It is very commodious for transporting Merchandise downe the River Araris whence Caesar chose this place to make provisionin and to convey it from hence to his Army which lay in divers parts This sometime was the royall Seate of Guntchrannus Afterward Lotartus the Sonne of Ludovicus Pius did burne it all downe so that there remayned no appearance of a City But in regard of the conveniency of the place it was afterward reedified and at this time it is a rich Towne of trading So much concerning the Metropolis and the Episcopall Citties there followes now some Townes of lesse● noate which are in this Dukedome In the midde way betweene C●hallimon and Ma●s●●n there is a Towne commonly called To●nu● S●a●tia●us and Antoninus call it Tinurtium It is situate in a fertile soyle being every where encompas'd with the River Ara●●s The Hills in the Country of Suburbicarta doe bring forth excellent Wine And in the mid-way betweene the City ●atisc●n and Carbillo● is the Towne Cursellum which belongeth to the King as 〈◊〉 thinketh which Ammianus calleth Se●usium Being situate at the foote of the Mountaine Iura and though it be now very ruinous yet it is venerable for antiquity On the East it hath high Mountaines and cleare Rivers whose waters are very sweet to drink from whence a wholesome Fountaine springing out of the high sandy Rocke is convey'd into the Towne by woodden Pipes On the West a Plaine spreadeth sorth it selfe Three leagues from the City ●abello● Northward is Belna commonly called Beaulne neere the River which the Inhabitants call ●eu●-sotze Some would have it to be that which Caesar and Strabo call Bibract●● Others are of another opinion This Towne is situated in a Fennish place which as Paradine writeth can easily make a Lake about the City for a mile round about to keepe off the enemies All the City is encompassed with strong walls and hath Bulwarks which can resist the force of Ordnance The Country of Belnia is rich and of a good soyle It hath the best Vines in all the world which make the best Wine In the same Country is Cistertium called so from the Cisternes built at Duke Odoes charge in a great Wood under the Priory whereof there are above a thousand and eighty Frieries and as many Nunneries of the same Order which from hence is called the Cistertian Order Semurium commonly called in French Semur is situate in the middle of the Territory which is commonly call'd Auxo●s a faire Towne In the mid-way betweene Divion and Beln●● is Nuithen●um commonly call'd Nuys This Towne was alwaies famous for making of good Swords That Towne which is now call'd Aval●n Antoninus calls Aballon where he calleth it also the 16. Legi●n That which in French is called Sanl●●n Antoninus calleth Sid●lu●um who placeth there the 18. Legion That which is called Flavigni halfe a League Eastward from Semurin it is thought was formerly called Fl●via ●●u●rum There are also other Townes of Burgundie which for brevity sake I omit to describe as are Ausone having a Castle which is the Easterne Key of the Dukedome the River Araris gliding by the walls thereof also the Townes Noiers Ravieres 〈…〉 Chastillon S. ●eigne Seloigne Crev●ut Viteau Verdun Ar●●● 〈…〉 which Antoninus calls ●ronoderun There are three o● Episcopall Cities accounted to be in the Dukedome of Burgundie 〈◊〉 ●usser●e and M●s●on The first whereof is a Dukedome 〈…〉 hereof called Du●hé de Nive●nois is very large and is 〈…〉 Navigable Rivers ●●auna Elavere L●geris There are 12. walled Townes therein the Metropolis where of is Niversium having Jurisdiction over thirty Castelships as they call them That which Caesar calls Noviodunum is
quantitie Besides there are fat Meddowes in which many flockes and heards doe graze to the great commoditie of the Inhabitants This Countrey also do●● breed great store of wild Beasts as Beares Harts Does Goates L●●●ards ●oares and others so that the Inhabitants have great 〈◊〉 of ●ame to Hunt there are also Fowle which they take in great ab●●dance Helvetia is a free Anarchie and subject to no Prince since 〈…〉 that the Helvetians being encited and stirred up by the un●●● 〈◊〉 and u●just government of the Rulers there did enter into 〈…〉 with the V●rian Nobilitie and so shaked off the yoke of 〈…〉 and ●ot their owne libertie The first that began this confederacie were the Urians the Silvanians and the Suitensians in their owne Townes By whose example not long after the other Cities being still provoked by the great men their neighbours did the like and entring into League with them they grew as strong as their neighbour and being strengthened with auxilian forces they became a terrour to their enemies The Country of Helvetia is divided into foure parts which by a Germaine word they call Gon which signifieth a Country or Village and they are these Zuri●hgow Wiffispurgerg●w Argow and Turgow but the Common-wealth of Helvetia doth consist of thee parts In the first part there are 13. Villages which the Italians call Cantones and the Germanes Ort. These Cantones have this priviledge above the other confederates that they in publike meetings doe deliberate and consult of all matters appertaining to the Commonwealth of Helvetia and doe give their voices and are sharers in all commodities or losses belonging to the Citie and doe equally governe the Prefectureships which they have gotten and have an equall part in any publike bootie namely ●igu●um joyned it selfe with the 3. confederate Townes Anno 1351. And Berna in the yeare 1355. Lucerna was joyned to the 3. first Townes by a perpetuall league in the yeare 13.2 Vria Vren Suitia Switz Vnder-Walden did first enter into confederacy among themselves Anno 1308. Tugium and Zug were added to the 6. Townes in the yeare 1362. Glarona also and ●ugtum entered into the same league Basiles Anno 1301. enter'd it to confederacy with the 10. Townes Also Frubu gum and Salodu●um by common consent were received into the number of the Cantones in the yeare 1481. and so the Citie of Helvetia did consist of 10. Vi●ages or Contones Schasshusen in the yeare 1600. was received into the number of the Cantones or Villages And Abbatiscella in the yeare 1502. The Countrie belonging to this Towne is divided unto 12. parts which they call there Roden 6. whereof are joyned to the Canton which are called the innermost parts and 6. are called the outward parts And there are 12 Senators chosen out of every one of these severall parts who are to consult of all affaires of the Country and they are in all 144. Senators The second part of the confederates are Abbas and the Towne S. Galli which was joyned in league with the 4. Townes of the Helvetians in the yeare 1455. And afterward Anno 1455. they were joyned in pepetuall league with the 6. Townes Tigurum Ber●a Lucerna Suitia Tugio and Glorona The People Granbondter of the Rhetorians made a perpetuall league with the 7. old Townes in the yeare 1497. And the Curiensians whose societie was called the house of God did joyne in confederacy with them Anno 1418. The 3. Societie which was called the Societie of the 10. Iudgements did not joyne themselves with the Helvetians but because it is confederate with the 11. former Cantons therefore it continues in amitie and faithfull societie with the Helvetians Sedunum and Valetia did enter into perpetuall league with the Bernatians Anno 1475. And afterward when there arose a controversie concerning Religion Hadrian Bishop of Sedunum and 70. Townes of the Valesians entred into confederacy Anno 1533. at Friburg with HELVETIA· HELVETIA these 7. Townes of Friburg Vria Lucerna Suitia V●der●aldia ●ugium Friburgum Saladorum all adhering to the Church of Rome Rotweil first entered into confederacie with the Helvetians Anno 1463. for 15. yeares which being many times renew'd at last in the yeare 1519. it was perpetually established betweene them Mulhusen was joyned in confederacy with the Helvetians Anno 1468. Bienna Biel joyned it selfe in confederacy with the Bernatians in the yeares 1303. 1306. 1352. and 1367. Geneva did bargaine for the right of a Citie with the Bernatians Anno 1536. but yet it was joyned to the Common Citie of the Cantons The 3. are the Prefectureships gotten by force of armes or voluntarie yeelding Turgea or Turgow was subjected to the Helvetians in the yeare 1460. which is governed by 7. ancient Townes Aquensis Baden was subdued in the yeare 1415. and is governed by 8. of the chiefe Townes Rhegusti which was gotten Anno 1491. was governed by 20. of the chiefe Townes Saru●ctum or Sarunga●s Anno 1483. was sold by George Earle or Werenberg to the 7. chiefe Townes by which it is also govern'd The free Provinces taken Anno 1415. are governed by these 5. ancient Cantons or Townes Lugan●m Lucarnum Mendresium and Vallis Madia these 4. Prefectureships were given by Maxamilian Sforza Duke of Mediolanum to the Helvetians Anno 1513. and are governed by all the Cantones except Abbatisella Biltionum and Bellizona the goverment hereof was afterward granted unto 3. chiefe Cantons Anno 1513. Valesia which is contained also in this Chart doth containe 3. people and 3. confederacies The two former are the Viberians and Sedunians who are called by one generall name the free higher Valesians and they are divided into 10. tythings which they call Decimas or Desenas the Veragrians who are called the lower Valesians are governed by the higher yet the chiefe of them all is the Bishop of Sedunum who hath the chiefe authoritie both in Ecclesiasticall and civill matters and is called the Earle or Prefect of Valesia Here is the County of Werdenberg and the Barrony af Saxony This Province hath many great Lakes the chiefe whereof are the Lakes of Luc●rnerze of Zuricherzee of Walenzee of Nuwenburgerzee and the greatest of al is the Lake of Bodenzee which Solinus and Pliny call Brigantium Ammianus Marcellinus calleth it Brigantium from Brigcontium a little ancient Towne The length thereof is 24. Miles and the breadth at least 12. Miles We have here set down Ammianus his words because they containe a lively description of this Lake and of the Cataracts of Rhene The River Rhene runneth with a violent course through the windings of the high Mountaines which nere the Alepontius doth fall downe like the Cataracts of Nilus the torrent at his first arising doth rush downe and keepe his course with the supply onely of his owne proper waters but now being strengthened with the melted snow it weareth his bankes wider it runneth into the round great Lake which the Inhabitants of Rhene doe call Brigantium it is inaccessible by reason of the
they should be free from the oath which they had taken to the Helvetians and might yeeld themselves up unto him But when they saw there was no hope of the Duke of Austria's comming they joyned themselves in confederacy with the Helvetians The Canton of Tugium hath two parts and foure hundreds in them out of every hundred eleaven Senators are chosen to governe the Country The Towne it selfe standeth for two hundreds the Countrie next unto it hath three as Montanus Vallis Eg●ria or Aquae Regiae and the Parish of Bara But the Townes of Tugi●●um by Prefects resident in the City doth governe these places the Town Cham Andrewes Village Hunelbergo Wa●●h●ville Steinhuse S. Wolfargo So much concerning the first Province of this Card the other followes namely Basil so called from the famous City Basilea It is called also ●ung●nia which name we may easily conjecture was derived from the Seqnanes which Rhenanus also approveth in his third Book of Germany The Country is fruitfull and bringeth forth good Wine and Corne so that it supplieth the Neighbour Countries that want Corne. There are also faire Pastures for Cattell Those whom Ptolemy calls Rauricians and Caesar Rauracians as Scudus witnesseth did heretofore inhabit this Country who as he reporteth taking example by the Helvetians did burne up all their Townes Villages and Houses Basil is now the chiefe City of the Country Some would have it so called from a Basilisk found here but their opinion is absurd Others from Basilema the Mother of Iulian the Emperour Rhenanus would have it call'd Basilea because it was a royall passage And he addeth it is likely that there was a passage in this place while Augusta was yet standing because here in regard of the Valley through which the Torrent floweth out of the Lake Byrsa the banke is lower and thereby more easily to passe but neere Augusta it is more steepe But Munsterus doth reject this conjecture by the authority of Marcellinus who calleth that City by a Greeke word Basileian that is a Kingdome as it were Regnopolis or the Royall City This City is watered with the River Rhene which devides it about the middle of it where it is united and joyned together againe with a Bridge The River Rhene is very commodious to the City because it is Navigable and bringeth up many great Vessels to it Two hundred yeeres since it was much shaken with Earthquakes but it was afterward re-edified and Pope Pius in the yeere 1460. did adorne it with an University which he endowed with all the Priviledges Statutes and Immunities which the Universities of Bononia Coline Heidelberg Erdford Lipsick and Vienna doe enjoy Basil hath these Prefectureships Faren-Sperg Castle Rinfeld seated on a high Mountaine the Towne Wallenburg H●mburg Munchenslei● ●amstein the County of Toggius where I suppose is Tognyl which is subject to the Abbot of S. Gallus when the Citizens of Toggius belong to Suitia and Glaronia also the County of Rapperswijl which I suppose should be the County of Straesberg and the Barony of Kil●h●erg The other Townes of Tuginum and Tigurinum are in the Table of Argow The Townes in the Country of Abbatium which are neither mentioned in Suevia nor in all Germany are these Reichenouw Schaffusen Kreutslinge Pfeffers or as I suppose Pfefficon This Country is watered with many Rivers and little streames all which the River Rhene at last receiveth Among which are the Rivers Rhene Byrsa and Wiesa Byrsa floweth out of the Mountaine Iura thorow many Valleyes even to Basil●a carrying downe with it many Boat-loads of Wood. On the other side the River Wiesa doth part it from the Black wood and much Timber for Building is brought downe this River and afterward it filleth many Cisternes and serveth many Houses in the lesser Basil with water For it driveth a Mill which saweth Trees into Bards and square Studdes it grindeth Corne and Grindstones to sharpen Carpenters tooles it serveth to draw Iron into thin Plates and for many other uses besides it hath excellent fish especially Trouts And though it be lesse than the River Byrsa over against it yet it is fuller of Fish than it serveth for more uses although Byrsa doth drive many Mills and is very commodious for ●●ner-men who have Houses by this River or rather neere the little 〈◊〉 which parteth from it and runneth even to the walls of the greater Basil There are also here Tolde●us Largus and other Rivers 〈◊〉 of this enough It remaineth that wee should adde something ●●ncerning the government of the Common-wealth in these Provi●●●s All that are admitted to publike Counsell are chosen equally ●ut of the severall Cantons as well out of the Tugurians as Basilians But there are two publike Counsels which have chiefest authority in these Cities The greater when many meete together in behalfe of the Commons and this for the most part is called when there are some serious waighty affaires which appertaine to the Common-wealth the lesser is that which looketh daily to the government of the Common-wealth and determines matters of controversie between the Citizens The greater Counsell of Tigurum doth consist of 200. men that of Basil of 244. The lesse Counsell of Tigurum hath 50. men chosen out of every Tribe and Basil it hath 60. For 12. are elected out of every Tribe to make up the greater Counsell besides at Tigurum there are 18. chosen out of the Nobles To the lesser Counsell of Tiguri the severall Tribes doe send three men at Basil foure men and to these are added two Counsels in every City who are the chiefe Heads of the City and moreover at Basil there are so many Tribunes whom they call the Heads of the Counsell in like manner as they doe the Consuls besides at Tigurum there are 6. chosen out of the Nobility to make up the lesser Counsell when there are but 3. chosen out of the other Tribes and moreover 6. others are chosen by free Suffrages out of any Tribe which the Magistrate shall thinke fitt The lesser Counsell is devided into the old and the new they call those the old Senate who have borne office halfe a yeere the other although they are called when the Senate is held yet they are not alwaies called and there are some matters which the new Senate doth onely dispatch The greater Counsell also at Basil is devided in the same manner and of 12. men chosen out of the Tribes 6. are joyned or added to the new Senate and so many to the old The lesser Counsell doth meete for the most part thrice and sometimes 4. times every weeke There is one Consull belonging to the Senates whom in their speech they call Burgermeister that is the Master of the Citizens and the greater Counsell doth choose him The Tribunes are next to the Consuls in power whom the Tigurinians call Oberistemeister and those of Basil call Zunff●meister there are 3. of them at Tigurum and two onely at Basil who together with the two Consuls are
called the foure Heads of the City But thus much shall suffice He that desireth to know more let him have recourse to Iosias Simler who discourseth copiously and learnedly concerning these matters out of whom we have taken that which we have written here VVIFLISPVRGERGOVV THERE followes in our Author the Aventian Canton● commonly called Wiflispurgergow It is so named from the Towne Wiflispurg which heretofore in ●ulius Caesars time was the head Citie of Helvetia and was called Aventi●um The Countrie is contained within the bounds of abaudia although it be subject to the Bernatians and Friburgensians as also the Countrie seated over against it and beyond the Lake of B●el or Neoburg It is sufficiently stored with Wine and Corne. But in this Table the whole Cantons of Berne and Friburg are contained In the former the chiefe Citie is Berna It is not verie ancient but if you consider the excellent Situation the manners and civilitie the Lawes and Statu●es and the power and vertue thereof it is not inferiour unto any Citie Concerning the building whereof we reade thus Berchtaldus Duke of Zert●gia the 4. of that name built in his time 2. Friburgis that is free Castells namely one in Brisgoi● and the other in Vchtlandia And to the end that his subjects might dwell more safely in Vchtland he purposed to build another Citie neere his Castle which was called Nide●k in a Peninsula which was called Saccus which was at that time a Wood of Oakes And upon a certaine time when the same Berchtoldus was Hunting he said to his fellowes we will call this Citie which we purpose to build in this convenient place after the name of that beast which we shall first meete and after take And so it happened that they tooke a Beare which the Germaines call Bern. And where as we said there grew many Oakes in that place in which the Citie was to be builded yet all the trees were cut downe to build houses whence the workemen would commonly say when they cut downe the trees Holtz lassdich hauwen gern die stat muss he●ssen Bern i. e Arbores sinite ut secemini libenter Quon●●m Cevitas ista vocabitur Bern that is yee Trees suffer your selves to be cut downe willingly Because this Citie shall be called Bern. This Citie is situated as it were in a Peninsula which the navigable River Arola maketh For on the South side of the Citie this River floweth in a low place from the West Eastward and then winding back againe it runneth Westward as far a as Cannon can shoote which is the whole length of the Citie so that the River is to the Citie as it were a ditch flowing with fresh water but that on the West for the length of a Crosse-Bow shot the foundation of the Citie joyneth to the Continent which Isthmus if it were digged through the Citie Bern would be an Iland On the South and North it hath the water running beneath it for a prospect on the East there is a gentle ascent unto the highest part of the Citie The adjacent soile lying round about it ●●●●ry fruitfull but hath no Wine yet not farre of the Bernatians doe make very good Wine out of their owne Vineyards There doe grow also Vines on one side of the Citie but they are of no account and doe yeeld but little Wine But Berchtoldus the 4. the builder of this Citie yed before he had finish'd it leaving the perfecting of this worke to his sonne Berchtoldus the 5. and the last Duke of Zeringia He had by his wife the daughter of the Earle of Kiburg two sonnes whom the Nobles of the Country made away by poison for this cause chiefely because they supposed that Berchtoldus out of hatred and emulation towards them had finished the building of the City that so he might keep them under the yoke of servitude Berna hath under it both Germane and French Prefectureships among which is Lausanna an Episcopall City It hath a strange situation being seated on two opposite Hills and a Vale lying betweene them The Cathedrall Church and the Canons houses doe stand on the North Hill and from the Southerne Hil over against it there is a great descent even to the Lake The Court of Judgement is in the Vale. After the death of ●harles Duke of Burgundie Lausanna being redeemed by the Princes of S. ●audia the Citizens of Lausanna in the meane time did enter into great familiarity with the Bernatians even to the yere one thousand five hundred 36 at what time Lausanna came to be under the Dominion of the Bernatians But yet the Citizens do enjoy all their former Rights and Priviledges There are 31. Germane Townes 4. whereof belong to the City which as many Standard-bearers of the City doe governe and under their Colours all the Prefectureships doe march to Battell in the warres Namely Haselis Vallis Has●i the Towne Onders●a or Vinderseu●en Simmia Vallis superior Simia vallis inferior ●rutingen Sana Aelen Thun Louppen Signow Drachselwald the Vale of the River Emm Sicon●swald Burgdorff B●ereneck Landshu●t Arberg Nidow E●lach Bippium Wangen Arwargen Arburg Biberstein Schen●kenbergh Lentzburg Also three free Townes in the Verbigenian Canton are subject to the Bermans Zof fingen Araw and Bru●k Also there are 9. Monasterie● endowed with Lands 6. whereof are under a civill Jurisdiction There are also 8. French Cantons and Townes as Aventicum W●flispurg Minnidunum Mouilden Yuerden Morges Novidunum Ny●● Oron Zilia with Vibiscum or Viv●y also Mercator reckoneth up three Monasteries belonging to the Bernatians which are M●rten Schwartzenburg Granson Chalan or Cherlin over which the Bernatians and Friburgians in their severall courses doe appoint and constitute Governours for 5. yeere so that if the Governour be chosen out of one City they may appeale to the other which may examine and take account of their government Friburg is a Towne of the Nicetonians situate in Vchtland by the River Sana it was built by Berchtoldus the fourth Duke of Zeringia some yeeres before Berne For in the raigne of Lotharius in the yeere 1527. William Earle of Vchtland dyed as Nauclerus writeth at what time the Emperour gave Vchtland to the Prince of Zeringia who dying in the yeere 1552. his Sonne Berchtoldus Duke of Zeringia the fifth of that name succeeded after him He founded and built both the Friburgs Brisgoia and Vchtland as we said before in the yeere after Christs birth 1252. and endowed them VVIFLISPVRGERGOVV DAS WIFLISPURGERGOU with large Priviledges As also the succeeding Emperours did shew no lesse favour to both those Townes than if they had beene Parts and Members of their Empire Afterward in the yeere of our Lord 1218. Berchtoldus Duke of Zeringia dying Friburg in Vchtland with all the priviledges thereof came into the hands of the Earles of Kibu●g in the yeere of Christ 1260. Eburhardus Earle of Hasburg governed this City He in the yeere 1270. sold his right to this City for a great summe of money to
King Rudolphus Hence Aeneas Sylvius calleth Fribu●g the noble House of Austria At last the Inhabitants being wearied with these frequent changes for a great summe of money bought their liberty of the House of Austria So that it is now under the Jurisdiction of Helvetia And on the wall of Friburg there is such an Epitaph found Dum bis sexce●tis ter senis jungitur annus In Friburg moritur Berchtoldus Dux Alemannus Unto sixe hundred and eighteene If thou doe adde a yeere Then Berchtold Duke of Almaine In Friburg dyed here The Towne it selfe is wonderfully well seated for part of it standeth on a Mountaine and part of it in a Vale and the River ●an● doth flow about the Mountaine at the bottome of the Citie The Iudgement Hall is situated on a high Rock where there was formerly a Castle from wh●ch in processe of time the Citie grew large both above a●d beneath Two opposite Mountaines doe beare the Walls although on the Easterne Mountaine there are almost no houses but Munition and fortifications Wheresoever you goe in the Citie you must either ascend or descend The Country round about it bringeth for●h all things necessary except Wine of which they have none but that which is imported and brought in And so much concerning the Cities of this tract now we will adde something concerning the Civill government of these Cities The manner of the Common wealth in these Cities is the same with that which is in the Cities of Helvetia which are not divided into certaine Tribes out of which the Magistrates are equally chosen But in these Cities they cal the chiefe Magistrate and Head of the publike Counsell Ein Schuldthessen This Germane word is used in the Lawes of the Longobardians and it is written Schuldahis but the Etymologie of the word seemeth to be derived from Debito a debt for so Schuld signifies and from commanding because the Schuldahis doth command the Debtors to satisfie his Creditors This Schuldahis hath great authority and power in these Cities Here are also two publike Counsels the greater and the lesse The greater Counsell of Berne and ●igurum is called the Counsell of two hundred men although there are more than two hundred in it But the lesser Counsell of Berne consisteth of sixe and twenty men The manner of chusing the Senate at Berne is thus The foure Standard-bearer of the City doe chuse out of the Citizens sixteene honest sufficient men to joyne with themselves and those twenty men together with the Consull doe chuse the greater Senate and afterward also the lesse But the Consuls who have the chiefe dignity are chosen out of either Counsell by common Suffrages and voices In like manner the greater Counsell at Friburg consisteth of two hundred men and the lesse of foure and twenty The lesser Senate doth looke to the affaires of the City and doth heare the Subjects appeales except it bee those Sabaudian Countries which were last taken in warre but those matters which appertaine to the whole Common-wealth and are of greatest moment are referred to the two hundred men or the greater Counsell The Consul who is President in both Counsels is chosen by the people The Earles in this part are Nuenberg Ni●dow Arberg and the Barony of Balm THE CHOROGRAPHICALL DEscription of the Lake Lemann and the adjacent places By James Goulart IN this Table you may at the first view behold the Lake Lemann in the confines of the Dukedome of Sabaudia the County of Burgundie the Baronnie or Lordship of Helvetia and the Bishopricke of Valesia About the Lake there are many Regions Praefectureships Baronnies Iurisdictions High-wayes Rivers Mountaines Citties Townes Castells and Fortresses The People on this side the Alpes which inhabite Sabaudia doe speake French who heretofore as Iulius Caesar witnesseth in the beginning of his Commentaries were called Allobrogians from Allobroges a King of France who flourished about the yere 2433. And afterward as the most famous Prelate Fauchetis witnesseth they were called Bagaudae and at length Sabaudians in French Savoysiens in the Sabaudian speech Savoyarde Earles have hitherto governed this Country from the yere of our Lord 1126. and from the yere 420 to this time it hath bin under the government of Dukes It is reported that this Country was at first a long time inhabited by a company of theeves But now intimes of peace the wayes there are safe and secure The inhabitants doe complaine of the temper of the ayre sometimes for cold and sometimes for heate And yet the Lake and the River Rhodanus are almost never frozen over Moreover the heate is not so violent as in the Delphinate nor the cold so sharpe as in the low Countries where Rivers are usually frozen over The soile is fit for tillage and fruitfull for it hath abundance of Grapes Wheate Pease Rapes Cauly-flowres French-beanes Melons Leekes Onions Lentills Also Barley Hay Oates and other graines These fruites are common heere Nuttes Apples Peares of divers sorts sweete and sowre cherries blacke and white Mulberries Chesnuts Almonds but Figs are more rare There is also great variety of Fowle Fish Beasts The Vvandalian Helvetians who inhabite Lausanna and other places nere unto are under the governement of the most illustrious Lords of Berne Vnder whom certaine praefects for five yeares space doe hold the Helme of the Commonwealth According to ancient Chronicles Arpentinus Hercules Centenarius layd the foundation of Lausanna in the yeare of the world 2790 from whom Carprentres the auncient name thereof was derived which was changed when the Cittie was translated unto the Mountaine in the time of Martin Bishop of Lausanna in the yeare of our Lord 593. The Citie of Nevidunum heretofore commonly called Benevis being desolate and ruinate before the comming of Iulius Caesar was restored and reëdified in the time of the Emperour Flavius Vespasian by a Centurion of his dwelling in it called Nyon Cassonex was built in the yeare of our Lord 442. And Abona was built in the yeare 456 and some yeares afterward Geneva a free Imperiall Cittie in which white and blacke money is coyned was at first called Geneura as some suppose because it is seated on a hill amongst Iuniper trees which seate Lemannus gave it the Father of the Almaines or Germaines the Nephew of Priam the sonne of Paris in the yeare of the world 2994. Afterward it was called Aurelia by Aurelianus the Emperour because he was the repairer of this Cittie which in the time of Heliogabalus was burnt downe to the ground Iulius Caesar and the Latines call it Geneva and the Poets for their verse sake call it Gebenna and also by the Registers The Germaines call it Genf the Frenchmen Geneve to which Vengee is a fit Anagram for it hath beene oftentimes miraculously preserved from enemies and Traitors and especially on the 12 or 22 of December in the yeere 1602. The Castell Morgiarum was built by the Emperor Clottarius in the yeare of our Lord 1135. Aquianum commonly called
they had power to give judgement of life and death I conjecture that the other forme of governement remained from the auncient Monarchie of the Romans in which the Paefects did not live as they listed neither did create magistrates out of their owne number but they received them from the Senate or the Emperour But the Canton of Vnderwaldia is divided by the wood Kernwald into two parts namely the higher and the lower yet all the Country neverthelesse is comprehended under the name of Vnderwaldia There remaines Glarona commonly called Glaris a Country of the Helvetian confederacy neere the River Limagus not very large being three Germane miles long and taketh its name from the speciall Towne in this Countrie being three parts of it encompassed with the high Alpes on the South and North it joyneth to the Rhetians on the West to the Vrians and Suitians on the North to a Country called Castra Rhetica or the Rhetian Tents where the River Limagus entereth into the Vale. The jurisdiction of this Countrey and the revennewes thereof was given in the time of S. Fridoline by a certaine Earle to the Monasterie of Seekingense namely in the time of Clodovius the first Christian King of France in the yeare of our Lord 500 who was the first King of France that raigned and governed Rhetia Almania and Helvetia This Land afterward obtained her liberty and her owne jurisdiction and did joyne it selfe in confederacy with the Helvetians in the yeare of our Lord 1252. The Inhabitants doe now live upon milke Cheese butter and flesh Among the straites of the Mountaines there is little ground sowed and few Vines are planted They have Orchards full of fruit and flourishing Meddowes Wine and corne are brought in from other parts The Lakes afford fish and the wooddy Mountaines doe furnish them with fowle and flesh of wild beasts Henry Glareanus and Aegidius Yscudus two learned men were borne in this Countrie To these is joyned the Countie of Hamburg and the Baronie of Humbert and Ringenbereg But Glarona is distributed into 15. parts which they call Tagwan Werdenbergen doth command the Country which they bought Anno 1517. They and the Su●tians doe by turnes send praefects to Vzenacum or V●sn●● and into the Rhetian Tents at Wesome But so much hitherto let us now adde something in generall concerning this part of Helvetia and here the Lakes are first to be considered among which is the miraculous Lake called Pilates Lake which is situated on the broken Mountaine as they call it not farre from Lucerna almost on the top of the Mountaine it standeth solitarily being encompassed on every side with Woods so that none can stirre or provoke it For they report that if any thing be purposely cast into it it will stirre up a great tempest and make it over-flow as many have found by experience but those things that fall in by accident doe occasion no danger at all It is a place fearefull to behold and the water standeth still in the channell of it neither hath it any vent neither doth it receive any River into it neither is it encreased by snow or raine water It is scarsely mooved with the winde but the waters thereof are alwayes blacke and strangers are not permitted to come unto it least they should rashly cast any thing thereinto whereby the neighbouring Country may be endangered Among the other Rivers which doe water this Country there is one called Lamagus which riseth in Glarina and in the middle of the Country it receiveth Sermphius another River which runneth out of another Valley Afterward beneath Vrna which is the name of two Townes above the Laterician bridge for so they call it having borrowed some water out of the Lake Vesenius it parteth and divideth Marcha which was heretofore the boundes betweene the Helvetians and the Rhetians for so the Helvetians call a bound and the Tents of the Rhetians Afterward entring into the Lake Tigurinum at the mouth thereof it divides Tigurum a large Cittie of the Helvetians and from thence it slideth to those waters which the Graecians call Bathes which are so famous for their hot waters And not farre from thence it mingleth it selfe with the two Rivers Vrsa and Arola The River Vrsa which by transposition of the two former letters they commonly call Rusa ariseth on the top of the Alpes which are now called Saint Gotharas Alpes and so runneth straite North-ward when on the other side T●einus arising out of the same Mountaine runneth by the Lepontians Southward first through Vrsula or Vrsella a Rhetian Valley and afterward it commeth to Vria of the Tauriscians the remainder of the French Nation where it mingleth it selfe with the Lake where it watereth the Vrians the Suizians the Silvanians and Lucerinians foure Citties of the Wood for so they call them now Afterward having received the Rivers of Tuginum it glideth by Bremgarte and M●ll●ge which are Townes of Helvetia and so beneath Bruges mingleth it selfe with Arola And at their consluence or meeting together three Rivers of Helvetia Limagus Vrsa and Arola doe discharge themselves into the Rhene But let so much suffice concerning Helvetia and the parts thereof we passe to the Low Countries or lower Germany THE RHETIANS novv called the GRISONES THe Rhetians are accounted an auncient people by the consent of all men For some ages before Christs birth the Tuscians being beaten by the French out of their owne habitations under the conduct of their Captaine Rhetus seated themselves in an Alpine Country which was called from their Captaine Rhetia and they themselves Rhetians But whereas this Countrie was heretofore very large and that the name of the Rhetians for warlike matters grew famous amongst their neighbours so that they were a terrour unto many which Ovid declareth in this verse Rhaetica nunc praebent Thracia ij arma metum The Thracian armes now every where And the Rhaetian doe put us in feare At length being conquered by the Romanes they made two Provinces of it namely the first and the second Rhetia which did not onely containe the Alpine Countries but a great part of Suevia and Bavaria Now by this name we understand those people whom they call Grisones for their grisely habit which was made of their owne Countrie cloth but the Germains at this day doe call them Grauwbuntner who doe inhabite the ancient Alpine Rhaetia neere to the Spring-heads of the River Rhene and Oenus who are perpetually joyned together by a threesold tye of amitie and confaederacie The first confaederacie which is called the higher hath eighteene assemblies in it among which the chiefe heretofore were Disentinus the Abbot the Barons of Rhetia and the Earles of Mis●uicium but those families are long since worne out and extinguished Although they that now possesse the Castle of Rhaetia doe challenge that title from the Plantinian familie The severall conventions or assemblies have one chiefe annual Magistrate whom they cal Ammanus he
father in the yeare 1404 and obtayning by his brothers and Nephewes death many large possessions was miserably and unjustly put to death in the yeare 1419 by Charles the Dolphin for the Duke of Orleance with whom he alwayes lived in continual enmitie and hostilitie He left these children Philip Margaret Isabell and Catharine Philip surnamed the good or godly succeeded his Father in the three and twentyeth yeere of his age in the Dukedome of Burgundie the County of Flanders Burgundie Artesia in the Marquiship of the Empire of Salina and Mechlin He at Atrebatum made a league with Charles the 7 and with the Duke of Orleance and freed him out of prison having beene five and twenty yeares prisoner in England and payd his ransome and gave him his sister Mary to wife He after the death of Theodericke Earle of Murcium was made heyre of this Countie and after the death of Philip he had the Dukedome of Brabant Lotaringia and Limburg and after the death of Iacoba he had the Counties of Hannonia Holland Zeland and Friesland And also the Dukedome of Lutzenburg came to him by his wife Elizabeth the widdow of his Vncle Antonius so that it came to passe that the large and rich Provinces of both Burgundies of Brabant of Limburg of Lutzenburg of Flanders of Artesia of Hannonia of Holland of Zeland of Namurcium of Friesland of Mechlin and the Marquiship of the Empire were all subject to Phillip the good Hee had to wife Isabell daughter to the King of Portugall he lived seaventy two yeares and dyed in the yeare 1457 leaving one sonne called Charles the Bold to be heyre unto so many Provinces who did not onely keepe his fathers Empire but also enlarged it by joyning unto it Gelderland Zutphania and the Iuliacensian Dukedome And this is that Charles who was the Grandfather of Charles the fifth who was borne in the yeare 1500 of Ioane the daughter of Ferdinand King of Arragon the wife of Philip of Austria which Phillip was the sonne of Maximilian of Austria by his mother Mary the daughter of Charles the bold under whom these Provinces which before had many Lords being united grew to be one body and now they are commonly called the Low Countries Long since the Low Countrimen were accounted brave souldiers And Caesar Lib. 1. Commentaries concerning the French warre doth call them the valiantest of all the Gaulls For he writeth thus The valiantest of all the Gauls are the Low Countriemen because they care not for trimnesse of attire and merchants have not frequent recourse unto them and therefore those commodities are not brought to them which doe effeminate the minde and they are neere to the Germaines who live beyond the Rhene with whom they wage continuall warre by which reason also the Helvetians doe exceede the other French-men for valour because they have dayly skirmishes and fights with the Germaines when either they drive them forth out of their borders or they doe make inroades into their Territories And hence wee may collect their strength and courage in defending their liberties that in the time of C. Caesar they endeavoured to shake off the Romaine yoke of subjection And so they mustred joyned armies to contend with them The Bellovacians set forth 6000 souldiers the Suessones 5000 the Nervians who were then so wilde and uncivill that they would not suffer Merchants at that time to bring them wine or other commodities did set forth 5000. The Atrebatians and Ambianians did set forth 10000 the Morineans five and twentie thousand The Menapians 60 thousand The Caletians 10 thousand the Velocassians and Veromanduans did set forth 10 thousand a piece the Advaticians 18 thousand the Condrusians Eburonians and Caemanians 40 thousand So that the whole summe of choyse Souldiers was 273 thousand as Orosius witnesseth or as Caesar himselfe delivers their number was 368 thousand whereby it appeareth that the Low Countrie men were alwayes noble Souldiers And Caesar in the second of his Commentaries saith that it was they alone who in our fathers time did vexe all France and did keepe out the Teutomanes and Cimbrians out of their Territories whereby it came to passe that the memorie of their atchiuements did make them valiant and full of courage in Militarie affaires And forreine armies have found it in our age who being fresh souldiers and joyning battell with the old souldiers they found that the Citizens Countrymen and Sea-men were al stout of courage There are 17 Provinces in the low Countries all of which the Emperour Charles the fifth did possesse in which there are 4 Dukedomes the Dukedome of Brabant and Limburg which together with the Countie of Dale and the Lordships of Valckenburg and Rode le Duc is joyned to Brabant and it dependeth on the Chancerie of Brabant also the Dukedomes of Lutzenburg and Gelderland There are 7 Counties Flanders Artesia Hannonia Holland Zeland Namurcium and Zutphania also the Marquiship of the holy empire which hath foure principall Citties Nivella Lovanium Bruxelis and the Metropolis Antwerpe it is now a part of Brabant There are five Lordships or Signiories of West-Friesland of Mechlin of Vltrajectum of Trans-Isaliana and Groneland There are many Citties in the Low Countries which are well fortified the number whereof as also of the Townes and villages you may finde in Mercator But the chiefe Citties are Lovaine Bruxells Antuerpe Silva Ducis Gandavum Bruges Hipra Mechlinia Cameracum Atrebatum Tornacum Valencena Insulae Dort Harlem Amsterdam Lugdunum Battavorum Namurcum Neomagum Trajectum and others There is a great company of Lakes Pooles and Marshies in the Low Countries which doe not onely hold great store of fish but doe also fortifie those Countries against the invasion of enemies Few Rivers doe rise in this Country but many Rivers which have their spring head farther off doe glide through it and doe much enrich it The chiefest are Rhene Mosa Scaldis Amisis the lesser are Mosella Lisa Aa Sambra Dela and many others Wee will speake of Rhene and Amasis in Germany and wee have spoken of Mosella in Germanie now we will describe the rest Mosa doth flow out of the Mountaine Vogesus which is situate on the borders of the Lingonians not farre from the Fountaines of Araris and Matrona and so running Northward it glideth by the Church of Saint Theobald or Saint Tibaut where it beginnes to be navigable from thence it slideth to Virdunum and from thence bending towards Caecia it runnes straite forward to Mosa and Maseriacum From thence turning Northward it visiteth Carolomont Boviniacum Dinantum and Namurcum and there growing wider by the receipt of the River Sabis it turneth it selfe Westward and so having viewed Hoium and Leodium and glided by Trajectum and Stochemum it passeth by Ruremunda and Venloium where turning West-ward it warreth Cuicka Ravestienum and Megena afterward being received into the Rhene neere the Towne of Herwerd and so afterward mingleth it selfe with Vahalus and straiteway they part againe yet still
Dukes Earles and Noblemen Or what should I mention the other publicke or private buildings for if I should endeavour to reckon them up I should sooner want time than matter wherefore it is better to be silent than to speake too sparingly The politick state of these Countries both in generall and speciall is threefold the first is the Ecclesiastick state in which the Abbots are the chiefe the second is of the Nobility as the Duks Earles Marcgraves Princes Barrons and great Lords The third is of the Citties which the chiefe Citties of every Country doe represent These states the Prince calleth together when they are to consult concerning matters appertaining to the Prince or to the Principality or to the preservation or utility of the Countrie The Ecclesiasticke state is thus there are foure Bishops in the Low Countries the Camaracensian the Tornaycensian and the Atrebatensian these three are under the Arch-bishop of Rhemes and the Vltrajectine who is under the Arch-bishop of Colen I proceed to the Vniversities which are 4 the Vniversitie of Lovaine and Doway of Leyden and Flankford Lovaine is famous for the many Colledges Students and learned men the chiefe Colledges are Lilium Castrense the Colledge of Porus and Falcon in which Philosophie is read The Buslidian Colledge hath three languages taught in it namely Greeke Latine and Hebrew This Vniversitie at the request of the Nobles of Brabant was first instituted and adorned with Priviledges by Iohn the 4 Duke of Brabant in the yeare 1426. Martinus the fifth being Pope The other were erected in our memory Out of which as it were out of the Troian horse innumerable learned men have proceeded and doe dayly come from thence For in the Low Countries there are learned men skilfull in all faculties and sciences and as heretofore so now it produceth famous Schollers whom it would be too tedious to reckon up Here are divers Libraries in sundry places which are replenished with excellent rare Bookes Among which that at Leyden is the chiefe The inhabitants are faire quiet not cholericke nor ambitious nor proud not much given to venerie civill plaine curteous affable ingenious and ready witty and sometimes talkative laborious industrious faithfull gratefull towards those that have done them a curtesie capable of all Arts and Sciences stout in defending their liberties and Priviledges even to death And this may truely be spoken in the generall prayse of them that the Low Country men are frugall house keepers and thrifty husbands who following the example of the Ant do lay up before winter that which cannot then be gotten and doe buy fish and flesh which they either pickle up or doe dry it in the smoake For every house according to the number of their familie doth kill in Autumne an whole Oxe or provideth halfe an one beside a Hogge which they salt up and then it will serve them to spend a good part of the yeare untill the Spring returne againe Yet many of them are very covetous and desirous of wealth The Women are beautifull well behav'd and curteous For according to their Country fashion they are used from their childhood to converse familiarly with every one and therefore they are very ready both in action or speech or any matter neither doth this freedome or liberty make them lesse honest Neither doe they onely walke alone through the Cittie but they will goe for fellowship to the next Townes without any the least suspition of dishonestie They are very continent and apt and ready in their affaires And they are not onely carefull of houshold matters of which their husbands take no care but they also use Merchandise and dispatch and conferre of businesses belonging unto men and that with so great dexterity and diligence that in many of the Provinces as in Holland and Zeland the men do commit all their affaires unto them And by this manner of living joyned with the innate desire which women have to rule they become for the most part too Imperious and proud It is the fashion both among Princes and men of inferior ranke as also among other Nations on this side the Alpes to give the first born their Parents names althogh they be yet living And the Noble of what quality and condition soever they are doe more esteeme of their eldest daughter than the rest of the younger although they have all an equall dowry so that they marry the rest to those unto whom they denyed her in marriage reserving her for a better husband And they are to be praysed because they easily contract marriages with forrainers if occasion so require and are not bound to match them in their owne Country which is a matter very profitable and commodious for these alliances by marriage are very advantagious to themselves and the Commonwealth Moreover it is accounted undecent and absur'd for young men to marry old women or on the contrary for old men to marry young maydes as also for a noble personage to marry an ignoble person or a master to marry his Maide and a Mistresse her servant But the Low Country men are chiefely given to Mechanicke Arts but not of the base and servile sort but the more nobler as weaving clothing and making of hangings tapestry which serve not only for the use of their owne country but are also transported into France Spaine Germany and other parts of Europe and also into Asia and Affricke For Pictures there is no Nation that doth excell it nor none doth excell in Musicke or for variety of Languages Iohn Eickius a Lowcountryman did first shew the way how to mingle colours with oyle And every one in Flanders Brabant or Zeland can speake not onely their owne Country speech which is Low-Dutch but also French The Sea men Merchants and Schollers can speake also Italian Spanish and Greeke for the most part and some can understand Hebrew the Chaldean and Arabicke language The Lowcountrie men are also skilfull Seamen I come to their food the Lowcountrymen doe use Wheate Rye Oates and Barly they esteeme of no pulse but Beanes and Pease they have few Vetches and no Millet at all For the great strong windes doe lay it and spoyle it The Common people maintaine their families soberly and frugally Their drinke is for the most part Beere which is made of Malt into which they afterward put some ground Barly and Hops And this is a very good and wholesome drinke for those that are used to it they doe also drinke much milke The rich have wine They eate commonly Rye bread They are wont also upon Festivall dayes especially those which beare their owne name to make great feasts and to invite their Parents Kinsemen and friends unto them and to banquet sumptuously with them and to shew themselves generous and magnificent They keepe their houses very neate and cleane being furnished with all kinds of necessary houshold stuffe And truly it is a faire sight to see what store of housholdstuffe they have and
Ocean being famous for that grievous seige which the Arch Duke Albert layd against it which it valiantly sustained and held out three yeares and some monethes with great losse of men on both sides Nieuport is three miles from Ostend being a Sea Cittie where Iodocus Clichtoveus THE COVNTRIE OF FLANDERS FLANDRIA was borne neere unto which is the Abbey of S. Bernard in which heeretofore there was the most famous and best furnished Library in all the Low Countries Dunkerke was built it the yeere 1166. by Baldwin the sonne of Arnold and Earle of Flanders It hath a very short Haven which troubleth all the neighbouring Seas This Citty belongeth to the King of Navarre I passe over the other Citties of Dutch Flanders In French Flanders there is the Isle so called from the auncient seate thereof it was once invironed with Lakes and Marshes it is a famous Cittie both for populousnesse wealth and good lawes and strongest except Antwerpe and Amsterdam Douay is situated by the River Scarpia heere Robert Gaguinus was borne It hath an Vniversitie which was built not many yeares agoe by Philip the second King of Spaine Also Orchies is in this tract of ground and Lannoyum famous for the Lords thereof and by Francis Raphelengius Cittizen thereof there is also Espinoyum Armentiers and Tornacum or Tournay In the Emperiall part of Flanders there is Alostum which is a faire Cittie and well fortified by the River Tenera and adorned with the title of a Countie It hath 170 Villages under it 2 Principalities the Steenhusensian and the Gavarensian and many Baronies there is also the Territorie of Wassia in which there are foure Townes Hulsta Axela Bochoute and Assenede Rupelmonda is a Castell by the River Rupella which we cannot omit in this place in memory of our Gerard Mercator a most famous Mathematitian and Cosmographer and the Ptolemie of our age The Rivers are Scaldis Lisa Tenera Livia Ypra Aa Scarpa Rupela and others there are few Mountaines but there are many Woods and those very profitable the chiefe whereof are Niepensian and the Nonnensian The Politicke state of Flanders consisteth of three members The first are the Ecclesiasticall Prelates as namely seaven Abbots of the order of Saint Benedict as the Abbots of Saint Peter and Saint Ba●f● S. Winnocke in Bergen Saint Andries Saint Peter of Ename of Murchiemie Five Abbots of the order of Saint Bernard of Dunen of Boudeloo of Doest of Ciammerez of Marchiemie and the Prior of Waerchot Three Abbots of the order of the Praemonstratensians S. Nicolas in Vuerne of Drogon of S. Cornelis in Nienove Seaven Abbots of regular Cannons the Abbots of Eechoute of Soctendale Warneston Sunnebecke Cisoing Falempium Seaven Provosts of the same order of S. Marten in Ipera Wormesele of Watene of Loo of Eversa and Petendale The second member is of the Nobility in which are five Viccounts The Viecount Gendt of Yperen of Vuerne of Bergen of Haerlebecke Three Principalities of Steenhuse of Gavere of Eshinoy Foure Barons 2 in the Counties of Cysoing and Heyne 2 in the Lordship of Pamaele and Boelare The Military Tribunes are of Banderheereen in the Teutonicke Countie also the Lord of Nevele of Dixmunde of Beneren of Praet neere Brugges of Haerskerke of Watene of Hevergem of Wasteine of Cacct●n of Ingelmunster of Pouke of Gruithuse of Male of Maldegem of Ostcamp of Winendale of Colscamp of Ghistele of Sevecote of Roussclare of Waestene of Hondscote and also of Cassel of Norturie of Haveskerck of Halewyn In the French Countie are the Lords of Lille of Waurin and of Comene In the Lordshippe of Flanders there are the Lords of Rhode of Gavero of Sotteghem of Gontero of Scorisse of Poitz of Liekerck of Lumbeke of Rotselar in Meerbeke Also of Wedergraet in Neyghem and of Steenehuse The third member doth consist of the speciall Citties In the Dutch Flanders foure speciall Citties doe make up this member Gandavum after which Burgraviatus Gandensis Oudenarde and Biervliet In the Signiorie there are some certaine Fee Farmes of the Empire as Ambachten dat Landt vanWaes 't Graefschap van Aelst and other free Lordships as Bornhem Dendermonde Geerdsberge Bruges by whom are censt both for armes and Subsidies namely the whole Franconate 't Vrie and the walled and not walled Townes therein contained Ypra under which both for matters of arme and subsidies are Yperen-Ambacht Bellen-Ambacht and Cassel-Ambacht the Champion Franconate Het plat te Vrie under which Vuern-Ambacht Bergen-Ambacht and Brouchorg-Ambacht In the French part are three principall Citties Lille Ryssel Douay Orchies The Lordship of Tournay and the state adjoyned to Flanders doth consist of three members the Clergie the Nobility and sixe supreame Iustices Flanders hath one Bishop of Tournay who is subject to the Archbishop of Rhemes which is neverthelesse divided into 4 Episcopal Dioecesses Vnder the Bishop of Trajectum there are five townes that doe homage thereunto Hulst Axele Assenede Bochoute Vnder the Bishop of Tournay are Gandavum Cortracum Aldenarda with their Castells the territories of Waes Bruges the Franconate and the Island with their Castells The Atrebatensian Bishopricke doth comprehend Ducacum and Orchianum Vnder the Bishop of Cameracum is the Lordship of Flanders beyond Scaldis Southward The Tarvanensian Bishopricke hath these Castelships under it Ypra Cassel Vverne Bergen Brouchorg Belle. In Dutch Flanders there are 14 principall Courts Viesburg Gandaui Burgus Brugis Sala Yprae Castellum Cortraci Curia in Harlebeck in Tielt Domus in Diense Curia in Bergen in Bruchorg in Cassel and in Celle In French Flanders there are three Court Leetes Sala in Lille Castellum in Douay Curia in Orchies In the Lordship of Flanders there are five Court Leetes Tribunal in Aelst Dominus in Vendermonde Praetorium Wasiae and Castrum Beneren All these Courts and Iurisdictions aforesaid to appeale do the Princes Provinciall Councell which is at Gandavum and from thence to the Parliament at Mechlin But of this enough I passe to Brabant THE EASTERNE part of FLANDERS BEfore I come to Brabant I will briefly describe that which this table doth exhibite which the Printer pleased to insert for the benefit of the Reader In it that part of Flanders is described in which in our memory many worthy acts have beene atchieved as it shall appeare by that which followes But that we may orderly describe this Tract in the first place wee meete with Wassia commonly called 't Landt van Waes which is a rich fertile territorie having foure Townes which doe homage unto it two whereof are walled as Hulsta and Axella two unwalled as Bouchouten and Assenetum Hulsta or Hulustum is the chiefest of them being a neate Cittie and well fortified It endured a grievous seige for some moneths in the yeere 1595. But at length after many assaults and underminings and the losse of many thousand men it was yeelded up to the Archduke Albertus Axela is a pretty towne being foure miles and halfe from Hulsta and foure from Gandavum
In the third place is Bouchouten which is two miles distant from Axela The fourth is Assenede which is two miles distant from the aforesayd Axela And these foure Citties have many townes under them as Watervliet and Bouchoute in which two armies were sometime Billited the states armie under the conduct of Grave Morrice in the former in the other the King of Spaines Generall M. Ambrosius Spinola Moreover there are in this tract many Castells and Fortresses which may be seene in this table among which are those which are commonly called Philippinen Patientie Ysendijcke S. Philip S. Cateline Coxie and others the chiefest whereof and the best fortified is Ysendijcke This with the three other following Castells Duke Mauritius in the yeare 1604 enforced to surrender themselves In the Countrie of Ysendijcka is Birsletum or Bieruliet situate in an Island of the same name There lived in this Cittie William Beuckelens who they report did first pickle and barrell up salt Herrings and did transport them to forraine parts which was a happy invention whereby the Low Countriemen got much wealth in regard that forraigne Nations did greatly esteeme of salt Herrings both for use and delicacy It was hereto a Towne of Note having a convenient Haven But as all mortall things are fraile and transitorie and THE EASTERNE PART OF FLANDERS FLANDRIA SEPTENTRIONALIS subject to corruption so we see that flourishing Townes doe decay so that nothing remaines as it were but their bare Carkasses and now it is onely a Fortresse There followeth Sluce with the Island of Gadsanto Sluce is a neate Towne in Dutch Flanders which was heretofore called Lammerzuliet as it appeareth by publicke letters which was heretofore very rich it is five miles from Middleburrough and three from Bruges where by an artificiall Aquaeduct or great channell all the water in the Countrie is collected and gathered into one place and so brought to the Citty by navigable channells and so gathering it together againe into one pond as it were at the Towne called Damme they bring it from thence to the cataracts or fall thereof which they call the Sluyse at the mouth or issue whereof there is a famous Haven which sometime did enrich Sluce when the Hanse-merchants dwelled there as well as at Bruges It is able to receive an hundred shippes as also the Annalls of Flanders doe testifie that in the yeare 1468. a little before Christmas there arrived in this Harbour at one time an hundred and fiftie shippes of great burthen which was a ioyfull sight to the Townsmen On the side of the Town there is an ancient Castell In which the Duke of Bouillon and the Admirall of the Seas the first being taken at Hisdinum the latter at Saint ●uintins Cittie were both kept prisoners This Castle although it be now disjoyned from the Towne yet it was formerly joyned thereunto by many edifices which the Brugians did purposely pull downe For the Towne of Sluce wearied with their owne dissentions and their wars against the Brugians and lastly the Prince having sold it unto them they came to bee under their jurisdiction Sluce is now a strong fortified Cittie being entrenched with walls and a double ditch Grave Maurice in the yeare 1604. did beseige it the Moneth of May and 3 moneths after his coming thither hee compelled them to yeeld for want of food Nere the Haven of Sluce on the six and twentieth of May in the yeare 1603 there was a Sea fight of 8 Galleys of Frederick Spinolacs with three ships and eleaven Gallies belonging to the States of the confaederate Provinces which lay at the mouth of the Haven of Sluce In which fight the Admirall Spinola was slaine and a thousand and 400 men were kill'd and drown'd The Zelanders lost Iames the master of a ship the sonne of Michael and his Mate There were in the Haven of Sluce 2 Block-houses the one in the very mouth of the Haven commonly called de Hase schantse the other is seated not farre from the Towne commonly call'd Beck-of the former whereof was yeelded to Grave Maurice and the latter taken by force Over against this Cittie is a small Island which the inhabitants call Cadsant in which there is a Towne of the same name It was heretofore much larger having a Cittie in ●t and many pleasant and rich townes Neere unto which at severall times there have beene many sea fights when either the Brittaines the Batavians or any other enemies to Flanders did arrive heere But this Island is more than half worn away by the tempestuous Seas by the tides and ebs thereof In this Island there are two Fortresses the one whereof Grave Maurice tooke being unprovided the other commonly called ter Hofstede yeelded unto him A mile hence from Sluce is Ardenburg which was heretofore called Rodenburg and was heretofore the Metropolis of Flanders containing Tourout and Ostburg and Bruges which were not then walled and all the Sea coast even to Bononia But now it is all wasted It hath a Church consecrated to the Virgin Mary which is the fairest and most sumptuous in all Flanders There is also Middleburrough being two miles and an halfe distant from Bruges being now walled and ditched about Mauritius in the same yeare tooke these Townes There is also Damme two miles from Sluce which is a very rich Towne being very populous and full of Merchants and a great Haven for wines being a key of the Sea in regard that it did shut and open the Ocean both to those of Bruges and to all Merchants But now by the incursions of the French and the civill dissentions of the Gandavians and Brugians and having lost the recourse of Merchants it is now but like a Towne or Village and the Haven is a digged Channell being onely navigable at a full tyde three Flanders miles even to Sluce Bruges followeth which we described before with the Territorie of the Francones or Free-men because they did shake off the Brugeans Yoke and freed themselves from it and contayneth all that ground which lyeth eight miles round about Bruges and is commonly called 't Landt Vanden Vryen it hath jurisdiction over many free Townes And these doe make the fourth member of Flanders Lastly this Table containeth Ostend which was formerly a poore fisher Towne wanting munition but in the yeere 1572 it was walled about It hath a convenient Haven There came hither eight great Whales in the yeare 1404 every one of them being 4 foote long Also in the yeare 1426 there was a great Sea Hogge taken being like unto a Land-Hogge but that it was greater But in the yeare 1099. and in the yeare 1200 in the Archduke Alberts time the Flandrians to restraine the incursions of the enimie did ditch it round about and yet they could not hinder their inroades although it were entrenched with 17 Baracadoes and Bulwarkes as the Bulwark or Fort of S. Catherine of Isabell of Albert of Clara wherfore the
Flandrians were very desirous to beseige this Cittie which they attempted on the 5 of Iuly the yere 1601. The beginning of the seige was very terrible and continued so to the end thereof as it is well knowne yea it was such a long and grievous seige as there was never the like in the memory of man so that during the time of this seige there were slaine on both sides about 110000 men There was a Table book found about a certaine commissary of Spaine being dead in which the number of men that were slaine were set downe and the number of women and children by themselves of which this was the totall summe Tribunes or Praefects of the Souldiers commonly called Marshalls of the field 9. of Colonells 15. of Sergeants 29. Captaines 165. Ancients 322. Lieutenants 200 and 1 masters of the Horse 101. Common-souldier 54663. Mariners 611 children and Women 119. The totall summe of all was ●2126 It would be tedious to mention all their trenches and Fortresses all their engines and warlike Instruments and other matters Moreover there was a battaile fought betweene Ostend and Newport on the second of Iuly in the yeere 1600 between the Archduke Albert and Grave Maurice in which there were slaine on both sides seaven thousand foote and horsemen The battell continued doubtfull for three houres together But at length Grave Maurice got the victory and overthrew the Spaniard The Archduke Albert lost in that fight 6000 men there were taken besides a great number of common Souldiers the Admirall of Arragon and with him many of the Nobles and there were 105 Banners taken from the enemies foote troopes and foure from his horse troupes Yet it was a bloody victory to Grave Maurice for there were a thousand slaine on his side A mile distant from Ostend is Aldenburg It hath onely one gate being an auncient Cittie and heretofore a famous Mart towne The other matters which are contained in this table are unfolded in the next description And therefore I passe to Brabant THE DVKEDOME OF BRABANT BRabant for the most part doth containe the Countrie of the Advatians Ambivaritians and Tungrians but it is uncertaine at what time this Country was called Brabant some deriving it from Brennus a Frenchman some from a Cittie of that name of which there is no mention neither in the Country nor in histories some derive it from Bratuspandium a towne of the Bellovacians which Caesar mentioneth Lib. 2. Some doe mention a Captaine called Salvius Brabon an Arcadian who came with Caesar into the Low Countries whose wife Suana was Caesars Nephew Some also thinke that it was called Barbantia from Gotefridus Barbatus Earle of Lovaine and afterward Brabant I had this name of late which is manifest but the originall thereof is unknowne The length of Brabant from Gemblours even to the holy Mountaine of S. Gertrud is about 22 miles The breadth from Helmontium to Bergae is 20 Miles And the compasse of it is 80 miles It hath on the North the River Mosa which parteth Gelderland from Holland On the South Hannonia the Countie of Namurcum and the Leodiensian Bishopricke which confineth on it on the East On the West is the River Scaldis with the countrie Alost It hath a wholesome ayre and a fertile soyle abounding with all sorts of fruites but yet the countrie of Kempen is barren by reason of the sands which part yet is not altogether unfruitfull There are 26 Citties in this Dukedome As Lovanium or Loven which is an auncient Cittie and the first seate of the Grudians in which the Duke doth binde himselfe by taking the Sacrament It is a pleasant Cittie and now somewhat enlarged the compasse of it within the walls is foure miles It is watered with the River Dela Brussells is a faire great Cittie fortified with a double wall and situate in a fertile soile abounding with all things It is a wonderfull thing that this Citty could yeeld plentie of provision to serve the Dukes Court the strangers and forreine Princes which lay there with their whole trayne There is also Antwerpe which they commonly call Antwerpen the French call it Anvers the Italians Anversa the Germaines Antorff Peter Appian thinketh that it is the same with that which Ptolemie and Caesar doe call Atuacutum It is supposed that this Cittie was so called from the casting forth of hands For a certaine Giant called Druo who dwelt in these parts before C. Caesars comming when any travellers came by if they did not pay him the halfe of their commodities he caus'd their right hands to be cut off and to be cast into the River which appeareth by the armes of this Cittie and certaine great bones of this Giant Druo which are kept untill this day some say he was called Antigonus But these things are fabulous But it is more likely that the inhabitants called it so from the heape or rifing of Earth neere Scaldis which the Lowcountrimen doe call Antwerpen for by making banckes on both sides they straitned the River and made the channell deeper It is situate by the deepest part of the River under the 26 degrees of Longitude and 42 minuts And 51 of Latitude and fiftie eight minutes It is 4 miles distant from the Sea and as many from Mechlin 7 miles from Lovaine 10 miles from Gandavum 15 miles from Bruges 8 miles from Brussells threescore miles from London 29 from the Agrippine Colonie 60 miles from Franckford It was thrice walled First with a narrower wall Anno 1221 afterward with a larger wall Anno 1314 which yeare there was a great famine and the next a great pestilence Lastly the suburbs were enlarged toward the North Anno 1543. The compasse of it without the walls is 4 miles and eight hundred and twelve paces There are eight ditches which are brought into the Cittie out of the River and are able to receive many great shippes It is a great Cittie for traffique Guicciardine giveth an estimate that the yeerely trading in this Cittie doth amount to above twelve thousand Crownes which was lesse than it came to when the Cittie of Antwerpe flourished And therefore Iulius Scaliger doth worthily praise it thus Oppida quot spectant oculo me torvasinistro Tot nos invidiae pallida tela petunt Lugdunum omnigenum est operosa Lutetia Roma Ingens ro● Venetum vasta Tolosa potens Omnimodae merces artes priscaeque novaeque Quorum insunt alijs singula cuncta mihi Looke how many Townes doe lye on our left side Even by so many Townes we are envide Leyden and Paris painefull are Rome great Venice is rich Tolouse in power compleate All wares and strange inventions that there be In severall Citties are all found in me There are two and forty religious houses in Antwerp also Churches Monasteries and Hospitalls The chiefe Cathedrall Church is dedicated to the blessed Virgin Marie It is a faire and sumptuous worke and hath a famous Tower steeple which is all built of
free stone curiously carved and is foure hundred and twenty Antwerp feete that is two hundred Florentine Ells in height so that it is very beautifull to behold and yeeldeth a faire prospect for from it you may behold not onely all the Cittie and the pleasant fields and gardens lying round about it but also you may cleerely discerne some Citties that are afarre off as Mechlin Bruxells Lovaine Gandavum and moreover THE DVKDOME OF BRABANT BRABANTIA you may see to the end of the River and discover the Sea and the Zeland Islands In this Tower there are threescore and eight Bells some greater some lesser some of which like musicall Instruments will yeeld an harmonious sound of foure or five parts The greatest of them which is of a wonderfull great weight was named by the Emperour Charles the fifth which is not rung but upon some extraordinary occasion There are foure and twenty Cannons be-belonging to that Church over whom there is a Deane and a Bishop who was first instituted in the yeare 1567. This Church is kept very bravely the revenues belonging to it are great and the Priviledges immunities belonging to the Priests Buscoducum or Silva Ducis which is called in Dutch's Hertogenbosch and in French Bolduc is so called from the Woods it is a faire pleasant Cittie strongly fortified being seated by the River Disa being a mile from Mosa and twelve from Antwerpe And these are the foure chiefe Citties the first three whereof together with Nivella doe make the Marquiship of the sacred Empire Some reckon Mechlin to be in Brabant yet indeede it is parted from it being a faire and neate Cittie having an Archbishopricke and a faire Councell unto which the last appeale in Belgia may be made Moreover there are these Citties in Brabant Tra●ectum neere Mosa commonly called Maestricht Lira Vilvord● Gemblacum or Gemblours Ioudoigne Hannut Landen Halen Le●●wen Schienen Herentals Eindoven Helmont Grave There are also many free Townes unwalled as Oostenrije Oorschot Turnhout Duffel Waelem Merchtem Asche Vveren Duisburch Hulpen Waure Breine Genape Ghecle Arendone Dormal and Isca There are also 700 Villages There are refered to Brabant the Lordship of Ravestein the Dukedome of Limburg with the Lordship of Dale and Vacklenburg The Lakes and Rivers are very commodious and profitable to Brabant The chiefe Rivers are Mosa and Scaldis and there are also other lesser Rivers This Country hath many Woods the chiefe whereof are five Somensis Saventerloo Grootenhout Grootenheist and Meerdal Heere are many publicke workes both sacred and prophane The chiefe whereof is the Church at Lovaine consecrated to Saint Peter being very faire and sumptuous The Churches at Bruxells are very sumptuous being beautified with faire and rich ornaments Also Antwerpe hath many Churches of which S. Maries Church is the fairest and largest I passe by other Churches which are innumerable in other places There are also many prophane workes as Pallaces noblemens houses Castells Towers and the like Moreover the Politicke state of Brabant hath three members the Clergie which are the Abbots Afflighemensis Grimbergensis Tongerloo Grunendalensis of S. Gertrud at Lovaine of Saint Bernard of Vileer of Dielegem Parckensis neere Lovanium Vlierlikensis neere Lovanium The great Prior of the order of S. Augustine in Leeuwee the Prior of Gemblours The Nobles which are the Abbot of Gemblacum an Earle the Duke Arscotensis the Marquesse of Bergen neere the little River Some The Barons Diestensis of Braeda Boxtelensis Gaesbeeckensis of Wesemacl Petersem Perweys Hoochstratensis now an Earle of Renes the Lords Aschensis Merchtensis Vuerne Gheel Lummen Thurnout Oosterwi●e S. Oedenroy Walem Duffel The foure principall Citties are Lovaine Bruxells Antwerpe Buscoducum Concerning the state Ecclesiasticke it is partly under the Leodiensian Bishop and partly under the Camaracensian Bishop the Leodiensian keepeth his Ecclesiasticall Court at Lovaine The Camaracensian at Bruxells Lovaine hath a famous Academie or Vniuersitie of which wee will speake more largely in the generall description of the Low Countries The Babanters are merry jesting and full of comicall conceits as Lemnius witnesseth Besides Brabant there are conteined in this Table the Dukedome of Iuliacum and Cliveland The Politicke state whereof we will describe out of Mercator The politicke state of Iuliacum doth consist likewise of three members which are the Clergie as namely the Abbots the Colledges and Monasteries the Nobilitie the Cittizens There are 24 Lordships in this Countrie Caster Brugge Born Boisseler Euskirchen Munstereyfell Moniou Eschwiler Grevenbroich Wassinberg Geilenkirchen Hensbergh Durem Thonberg Berchem Heimbach Wilhemstein Gladbach Millen Rangenrayd Norvenich the Counties of Nuenar Iuliacum and Nideken In like manner Cliveland doth conteine three orders the Clergie the Nobility and the Citties But the governour of the Province of Cleveland hath these eight Cittties under him Cliva the Metropolis Calcaria Sonsbeke where he hath his residence also Santen Buric Vdem Griet Griethusen Here are 14 Lordships Cranenburg Duffel Gennep Goch Orsoy Huessen neere Arnhem Lymers Emmeric Hetter Aspel Ringenburg Bisselic Dinslaken in which are five Citties Dinslaken Wesel Duysburg Schermbeke Holte The Lordship of Ravesteyn is joyned and annexed to the Court of Cliveland THE COVNTIE OF HOLLAND SOme derive the name of Holland from the many Woods and Forrests therein for we cal a Wood Holt or Hout and Hollant signifies a woody Countrie for they report that heretofore all Holland was full of woods and bushes Some suppose it was so called from the hollownesse thereof as if it were Hol●landt For the whole Countrie is Moorish and loose under foote Some suppose it was called from the Hay made there in Hollandia as it were Hoylandia But learned Iunius is of another opinion that Holland and Zeland are Colonies of the Gothish and Danish Nations and that the Danes and Normanes forsaking the Island of Oland and Zeland did transmigrate into these places and named them after their owne Country Holland and Zeland as Virgill reporteth of Hellenus the sonne of Priame who built a little Towne in Epire called Troy with a Castle and made the resemblance of the gate Scaea and called the River Zanthus by a Troyan name as the Europaeans did erect and make a new Spaine and new France in the Indies The Brittish Sea doth encompasse it on the West on the North the Cimbrian Sea beateth on the shoares thereof on the East side it openeth a large Bay toward Friesland on the North-East lyeth Trans-Isalana and Velavia on the South is Trajectum The compasse of it is nine miles it is very narrow so that a man may travell over it from one side to another in foure houres space and in some places it is not above a mile over This Countrie hath fruitefull fields which doe yeeld excellent good Corne but in regard the Countrie is very small and populous therefore it cannot maintaine so great a multitude of inhabitants But there are very fertile meddowes in which infinite heards of Oxen doe graze and very
faire milch Kine It is certaine that in some parts of Holland the Kine in Summer time doe yeeld unto the Paile foure and forty quartes of milke Also Iohn Beningus a counseller of the Court of Holland as Guicciardine reporteth doth finde by certaine observation and computation that Assendelph only and foure neighbouring Townes have as much milke from their Kine as there is Rhenish wine sent out of high Germany to Dordretch Out of this great plenty of milke they make butter which is an excellent daintie dish not onely for barbarous Nations as Pliny would have it but also for Kings and Princes They make Cheeses also which are not inferiour unto those of Parma and Placentia The chiefe are the Tessalican and Gravesandican Cheeses the next to them are the Edammensian which are best when they are old It breedeth THE COVNTIE OF HOLLAND HOLLANDIA also excellent horses On the sandie hills there are an infinite number of Conies Also great store of Harts Does Hares and in the Hagiensian wood there are heards of Goates and great store of fowle especially Duckes Also Geese and in harvest time Woodcockes which we call Snipes There are excellent turfes which being digged out of the earth and drawne out of the water and so dryed in the wind and sunne doe make very good fuell There were heretofore Kings of Holland of which Suetonius maketh mention in Caligula cap. 44 But in the yeare of Christ 868 Charles the bald King of France reduced it into a Countie and Theodore being descended of the royall stocke was governour thereof After Theodore the father there succeeded Theodore the sonne and after him Arnold and after Arnold Theodoricke and others after him of whom you may have a Catalogue in Munster and others They were heretofore very famous for matters of warre so that the Batavians were joyned in fraternitie and amitie with the Romaine Empire And heereby they got the goodwill of other Princes Now wee are to describe the Citties which are Dordretch Harlem Delpth Leyden Amsterdam Gouda ●a●rd●●um Muda W●sopum Edamam Monachodamum Purmerenda ●lm●●●a Eu●huysa Horna c. Dordretch is the chiefe Cittie of Holland The figure of it is long like a Gallie it is very rich and plentiful● and a Granarie or Storehouse for corne and all other provision It hath outlandish commodities brought up the River unto it and there layd in warehouses untill they be solde and are carryed from thence againe in Hoyes This Priviledge of storing of goods they call a staple Harlem is a noble Towne both for the largenesse of the Cittie the fairenesse of the houses and the pleasantnesse of the situation It hath the fairest Church in all Holland being built on strong Pillars by the marketh place The River Sparnus glideth by the Cittie It is thought it was built by the Prisians about the yeare 506. In this Cittie the Art of Printing was invented Another honour of this Cittie was the taking of Pelusium by a new device which they call Damiata and in remembrance thereof they have two ●acring bells of brasse which they call aerae Damiatae Next followes Delpth which is famous not for Apollo●s Tripos or Trevet but for plenty of wine and corne For the best beere is brew'd in this Cittie except it be English beere It is so called from a Ditch which the Batavians call Delph which is brought from Mosa even to the Cittie In the yeere a thousand five hundred 36 on the Nones of May the beauty of it was much blemished by fire and the better part of the Cittie was burnt down but afterward it was built up againe more faire than before Leyden which Ptolomie calls Lugdunum Batavorum is a Cittie situate at the middle of the mouth of the River Rhene It sustain'd and held out in the yere 1574 a grievous seige but at last it was freed and the enemies were enforced by the overflowing of the waters to raise their seige Amsterdam is the noblest Mart Towne in all the world it is so named from the River Amstela as the learned Poet Nicolas Cannius hath noted being a Cittizen of Amsterdam in these verses Haec illa est Batavae non ultima gloria gentis Amnis cui nomen cui cataracta dedit Dicta prius Damum rarisque habitata colonis Cum contenta casis rustica vita fuit Hinc Amsterdamum jam facta celebrior atque Fortunae crevit tempore nomen item Vrbs benè not a propè atque procul distantibus oris Dotibus innumeris suspicienda bonis Dives agri dives pretiosae vestis auri Vt pleno cornu copia larga beet Quod Tagus atque Hermus vehit Pactolus in unum Verè huc congestum dixeris esse locum This Cittie Hollands glory whose name From the River and the falling waters came It was called Damum first and inhabited With Rurall Cottages which here were spred But growing famous t' was call'd Amsterdam And so increas'd in fortune and in name It is a Cittie knowne both farre and neere And is admir'd for many gifts are here T is rich in soyle in garments and in gold Plenty doth blesse her with guifts manifold What Pagus Hermus Pactolus doth beare You may truely say that it is stoard up heere It consisted at the first of a few fishermens houses and was under the jurisdiction of the Lords of Amstelium After Gilbert Amstelius about two hundred fourescore yeares since fortified this Cittie with Bulwarkes gates and Towers which being burnt by the envious neighbours it was walled about in the yeare 2482. And afterward it was still enlarged and belonged unto Holland But now it is a place of refuge not onely for Holland but all the neighbour countries even to the Sarmatians and Gothes and Cimbrians For there are in this Cittie not onely Italians Spaniards Portugalls Brittaines Scots French Sarmatians Cimbrians Suevians Norwegians Livonians and Germains but also East-Indians Americans Moores and others out of all parts of the world Gouda is so named from the Cimbricke word ●●w which signifies a Ditch and a Trench against it it is situate neere Isela being a plentifull Cittie and abounding with all things There are also some free Townes the chiefe whereof is the Hage in which the Councell of the States and Princes doe sit and there is Court for deciding of suites and controversies Concerning the Politicke state of this Countrie it doth consist of three orders the first are the Knights called Ridderheren the chiefe whereof are the Earles Egmond and Ligne under whom are these Dominions Wassenar Valkenborch and the Viccountship of the Cittie of Leyden I finde also these Counties in Holland Maeslant Texel Goylandt Kennemerlant Steenberge The Lords and Barons are Brederode under whom is the Lordship of Vianen and the Barony of Lijfelt I finde also in the Chronicle of Holland that these Lordships are reckoned among the Baronies Le●ke Sevenbergen Voorn Isselstein Stryen Teylingen Puttem Harlem Leerdam Asperen Arckel Altena Botterslo●● The
the Island It is a faire Cittie having many private and publicke edifices being excellently adorned with Bridges Towers and Fortresses both for use and beautie and it is the chiefe Cittie in all Zeland being also a famous Towne of traffique Heere Paul of Middleburrough THE COVNTIE OF ZELAND ZEELANDIA was borne who was the chiefe Mathematician of his time And also Nicolas Everhard who was first Paesident of the Court of Holland and afterward of Mechlin in which office he dyed in the yeere 1532. He had sonnes that were singular learned men Peter Everhard Doctor of Divinitie Nicolas Everhard Praesident of the Court of Friesland and afterward of Mechlin Adrian Marius and Iohn a Poet. Veria or Campoveria is so called from the passage over which the Zelanders call Veer It was first walled about in the yeere 1357. Afterward it began to be a Mart towne for Scotch merchandize Flushing hath his name and armes from a Flaggon which the Countrimen call een Flessche It is a new Cittie but powerfull and commandeth the Sea and it is full of excellent shipmasters and Pilots Arnemuda is a free Towne belonging to Middleburrough and a safe roade for shippes The second Isle to Wallachria is Zuidbevelandia which some suppose was so called from the trembling and shaking of it we suppose that it was so called from the Bavarians whose arms may be yet seene in the Scutchions of the Island It extendeth it self in a large and pleasant tract towards the coast of Flanders Brabant albeit some few yers ago a great part of it being lost it is now lesser by halfe than it was There is a pretty Citty that stands off the Land called Romerswalia that hath no tilled fields round about it no● no garden places but the sea doth wash it on every side so it subsisteth onely by trading in salt In this Cittie the Earles of Zeland take a solemne oath which when Philip King of Spaine was to doe according to the usuall custome in the yeare 1549. Nicolas de Conflilte in whose house the Prince was entertayned caused these verses to be written over his gate Vidimus adsueto privatum lumine Solem Pallida turbato vidimus astra die Vidimus undantis horrendos aequoris aestus Nos miseros Belgas quum obruit Oceanus Vidimus ast post quam te Gloria nostra Philippe Caesarea proles Semideûmque decus Cuncta refutamus transacti tristia saecli Quod praesens nostrum testificatur opus Sit licet exiguum sit pro ratione voluntas Nil facit ad nostrum parva carina fretum We have seene when as the suns cleere light did faile And in the day time seene the starres looke pale We have seene the fearefull sea tides rising so Till the Oceans did us Belgians overflow But Philip when thee our glory we espy'd Of Caesars stocke and halfe a god beside We made up all our former rents againe And this present worke doth testifie the same Though it be small yet to accept it please For no small ship can sayle upon our Seas Moreover in the Westerne part of this Island the Cittie Goesa is situated at one of the mouths of Scaldis which they call Schenge It is a Cittie not very large but pleasant and rich being the onely Cittie in the Island It hath very civill and curteous Cittizens and a prudent Senate The third Island of Zeland on this side Scaldis toward the West is Northevelandia in which is the Cittie Cortgreene and very many Townes but this Citty was all drowned with water in the yeare 1532 but now it is a little reedified The fourth Island is Wolferdijc as if you should say Wolfords ditch it is very small having onely two Townes in it There are tenne Citties in Zeland and more townes they being about an hundred and more The inhabitants are wittie craftie and provident and of a middle stature But the Annalls doe report that Withelme Bonus Earle of Holland at the solemnity of the marriage of Charles the faire King of France did bring a woman of an unusuall great stature borne in Zeland in comparison of whom the greatest men did seeme but boyes for she was so strong that she would carry two hoggsheads full of wine in both hands and drinke of them which hogsheads did weigh foure hundred Italian pounds and she would carry a beame or piece of timber up and downe which eight men could not lift They are very skifull in the Art of Navigation They boyle blacke course salt which is brought out of the Westerne Countries in great large cauldrons untill they have made it as white as snow They powre salt water on the rude Spanish and Armorican salt and so boyle it and doe make of a hundred weight of Spanish salt an hundred and five and forty weight of pure salt And they sell this salt in France England Denmarke and other parts of Eurpe Besides they reape much profit by their corne and choyse wheate also by their Madder Salt-fish and great plenty of cattell and especially sheepe They keepe their houses very neate and well furnished they are provident and very painfull in merchandising and also bountifull and liberall to the poore The politicke state of Zeland was wont to consist of three members the one whereof was the Prelate who stood for the whole Clergie which was the Abbot of S. Nicolas in Middleburrough and one noble man who was the Marquesse Veria and also of the generalitie of the Citties the chiefe whereof were those above mentioned namely Middleburrough Zirizaea Veria Flushing Tola Martinsdijk Romerswalia and Goesa But let so much suffice concerning Zeland THE DVKEDOME OF GELDERLAND Containing the Countie of ZVTPHANIA and the Lordship of TRANSISILANIA GElderland was so called from the Castell of Gelre which Wichard of Ponthe together with his brother are reported to have built though many doe suppose that it was so called from the Towne Gelduba which Tacitus mentioneth Others doe bring other reasons for this name It hath on the North Friesland and a Bay of the Germaine Sea commonly called Zuyderze● on the East the Dukedome of Cleveland on the South Iuliacum and on the West Brabant and Holland The ayre of this Countrie is pure and wholesome the soyle fruitefull and fit for tillage and especially it hath abundance of Corne it hath fruitefull meddowe● which doe breed up all sorts of Cattell and great droves of Cattell are brought out of the farthest part of Denmarke to be fatted here for there are many faire and flourishing meddowes especially about the bankes of Rhen● Vahalis and Mosa At the first Gelderland was ruled and governed by Praefects and afterward by Princes For Leopold Nephew to Martin governour of Austria or Guidus as some report was governour of these parts After the time of Charles the Great the Lords of Ponthe governed it Afterward Otto Nassovius was Prince thereof in the yeare 1079. if we may credit Labius After whom followed Gerard Henry Otto Reinald
who was in such g●eat favour with the Emperour that at Frankfort in the yeare 1339 on the foureteenth day of Aprill Ludovicke Caesar Augustus did make him Duke of Gelderland Edvard after many battailes tooke his brother Reinald and kept him ten yeares in prison William succeeded after him and after him his brother Reinald and after Reinald William Arculanus he dyed without issue at Gorichem His Sister married Iohn Egmundan after many changes the matter came to that passe that in the yeare 1412. Charles the son of Adolphus being called by the States of Gelderland out of Holland did make William the sonne of Iohn Duke of Cleveland his heire who against the will of the Emperour Charles the fifth was for a time governour of Gelderland untill GELDERLAND GELDRIA et Transisularia in the yeare 1543. being put out of a great part of Iuliacum hee came as a suppliant and yeelded himselfe to the Emperour being then in his tent at Venlo● on this condition that hee should resigne up the possession of all Gelderland and release his subjects of their oath yet notwithstanding Caesar did give him backe all the Territorie of Iuliacum excepting onely two Townes Hensberg and Sittartum And thus the Gelderlanders who were free at the first lived afterward under Princes yet keeping their owne lawes and ordinances But now they are governed by the States and doe valiantly for their liberty against the Spaniards This Dukedome doth containe two and twenty Citties the chiefe whereof are Noviomagum Ruremunda Zutphania and Arenacum which they call now Arnheimum Noviomagum or Nymegen is an auncient Cittie situated on the left hand banke of the River Vahalis which is very deepe in that place it seemeth that it was heretofore the Countrie of Batto having the Castell of Battenburg neere it and within the Cittie the Mountaine Hessies which some suppose was so called from Hessus the sonne of Batto The Cittie is fortified by Art and Nature bing very rich and abounding with all things on that side which looketh toward Cleveland it is seated on a hills side with an old Castell which some suppose was built by Iulian on which side the Countrie openeth and layeth forth her beautie being full of woods and springing Fountaines the lower part of the Cittie lyeth toward the Marishes and the other part of the soyle is on continued hill Ruremunda is seated by the mouth of the River Rura where it dischargeth it selfe into Mosa it is a pleasant rich and potent Cittie in the old Countrie of the Menapians Zutphania on the right hand banke of Isala hath a Countie belonging to it of which we will speake hereafter That which Tacitus calls Arenacum Posterity did call Arnheimum or the Eagles house it is the chiefe Cittie of Gelderland where the Counsell is kept being neare plentifull and well fortified and situated neere the right hand mouth or outlet of the River Rhene There are also these lesser Citties Hattem Elburg Harderu●e Wageninga which Tacitus calleth Vada Tiela Bomelium Bronchorstum Doesburg Do●tecomium and many others Gelderland is watered with three famo●s Rivers namely Rhene Mosa and Vahalis And besides these there are some lesser Rivers that glide through it as Worm Roer Sua●m old Isala Berckel Niers Regge Aa and Vidrus On the North it looketh toward a Bay of the Sea which they call now Zu●derze● As we call that the Southerne Bay which looketh Southward where Holland layeth forth her selfe as having sufficient store to trade with all the world The ground is plaine and low and there are few Mountaines and those are full of Woods and Forrests Concerning the politicke state of this Dukedome it hath 3 members the Baronies of Veluwe of Beture of Bomielweert and Trielweert Also the Countie of Zutphania under which are the Counties of Bronchorst and Herebergensis Also the higher Gelderland in which are Ruremunda and Gelder The Nobles are the Earles of Bronchorst and Herenburg The Lords are of Batenborch of Groesbeeck Mountfort Wel Watchtendonck Grol Anholt Keppel Bredefort Buren is a Countie by it selfe within Gelderland There are also foure chiefe Citties as Neomagum which is a free Cittie and the Metropolis of the whole Dukedome of Gelderland which hath under it Batavium or de Beteuwe the Lower and the higher also Bomnerweert Tielweert and Ma●swael being a Territorie betweene Vahalis and Mosa Also Ruremunda which is the chiefe Cittie of higher Gelderland which hath under it Venlo Gelder Vagedie Strale Wachtendonck Erckelens Moutfort Echt Nieustat Kessel Midler Grieckenbecke Also Zutphania under which are Donsburg c. Arnheime under which are Wagheninge Hattem Harderwijck Elborch and all Velavia At Arnheime there is a Councell kept and the Praesident of all Gelderland resideth there before whom all tryalls are brought of the foure aforesayd Citties without any further appeale to be made and to them the tryalls are brought from other townes and places which are subject unto them The Ecclesiastick state in this manner Geldria was subject to foure Bishops Neomagum with the Territory belonging thereunto was subject to the Bishop of Colen Ruremunda to the Bishop of Leodium Zutphania and the Territories thereof to the Bishop of Munster and Arnheimum to the Bishop of Trajectum The inhabitants were warlike and wonderfully given to martiall affaires but now they are more addicted to studdies The most part doe busie themselves in Merchandising and trading the rest doe partly give themselves to Maechanick Arts and trades and partly to husbandry and in regard of the fruitfulnesse of the soyle they doe reape much profit thereby This Dukedome doth containe besides many other Counties and Barronies the Countie of Zutphania It was so named if we many credit Goropius Becanus from the condition of the soyle namely from the Marishes which they commonly call Venen The inhabitants of these Countries as likewise their neighbours doe still retaine their auncestors manners and disposition for they are valiant and very ready in warre Moreover many are of opinion that the S. Cambrians did heretofore possesse Gelderland and the chiefest part of the Countie of Zutphania who were more fierce and desirous of warre than any other of the Germaines whence it came to passe that they vexed France with continuall incursions For which cause when there was peace throughout all the world yet Octauian Augustus could not for a long time shut up the gates of Ianus his Temple which they used to doe in times of peace because he understood that the Sicambrians did still molest the Frenchmen But Otho Nassovius Duke of Gelderland beside his sonne Gerard who succeded him in the Dukedome of Gelderland had by Sophia Daughter to the Earle of Zutphania a sonne called Gerlacum who succeeded him in the Countie of Zutphania Who dying without issue the Countie of Zutphania was annexed to Gelderland and never afterward disjoyned from it It hath a Cittie of the same name which Iunius supposeth to be the Cittie Visepetum being populous plentifull well fortified
in Eaucourt Of the Cistertian order there are the Abbots of the Monasteries of Cherchamp and Clommeres Of the Praemonstratensian order Damartin Santandreanum Auguatianum There are 10 Colledges of Cannons Atreba●●●se Audomarense Bethuniense Arience Hesdinense Lensiense Sanpaulitanum ●alleriense Falkoburgense Douriense The second member is the Nobles among whom there is one Prince of Espinoy one Marquesse of Rentinium 7 Earles S. Pol Falquenberch Harliensis Busquetensis Henniensis Arquensis and lastly Blangiacensis But these two last Earledomes did fall of late to the Abbey of Saint Bertin and foure chiefe Earles are not called or summoned to this meeting as Atrebatensis Audomarensis Bapalmensis and Lensiensis The families of the Gentrie counting them by an Alphabeticall order are these Aussi Averdom Aubigni Aix Annequin Anvezin Aneroult Avion Allenes Anvin Bailleul Beaufort Beaumez Beauraines Beausart Bellone Berles Billy Bofles Boisleux Bonnieres Boncourt Boubers Bours Brias Buissi Caumont Conroy Contes Coupigny Croisilles Cunchy Divion Douvrin Enne Erin Esquerdes Estree Fosseux Frevin Fleshin Gomiecount Gouy Greboval Geulesin Habarcque Hachicourt Hamelaincourt Helfault Houchin Houdin la Viesville la Plancque Liguereul Licques Longastre Malanoy Maisnil Mammez Marles Mes en Contire Mingoual Moiry Nedoncelles Neufville Nojelle Noircarmes Ococh Olham Oignies Oresmaux Plancques Plovicke Pronville Querecques Ranchicourt Ransart Recouet Rebecque Regnauville Rely Rolancourt Rumenghien Sains S. Aldegonde S. Venant Sombrein Sovastre Tieuloie Tramerie Vaulx Villers Vrolant Wancourt Warluzelle Waurans Willerval The third member is the especiall Citties 7 Royall Citties as Atrebatum Saint Omers Bethunia Aria Hesdinum Lens and Bapalina private Lordships as S. Pol Perne Lillers and also these Townes which have the praerogative of Citties and called to the assembly of the States and there be 28 of them Arques Aubigny Avesnes Aussi Benurains Blangij en Ternois Busquoy Carwin Caumont Choques Dourier Franquenberghe Fressin Fleurbay Frevene Frages Gorgue Hennin Lietard Huchin Hosdaine Labroy Libourg Oisy Pas Richebourg Tornehem Ventie Vitry The Provinciall Counsell is held at Atrebatum from whence all appeales are brought to the Parlament at Mechlin But the Bishop of Atrebatum hath all power in spirituall matters and is subject to the Bishop of Rhemes This Table also containes true Picardie and the Dukedome of Cambresi which is a Principallitie of the Empire and is governed both in temporall and spirituall matters by the Bishop of Cambresi But yet sometimes in spirituall matters it is subject to the Bishop of Rhemes and in temporall matters it is under the protection of the King of Spaine And so much may suffice concerning Artesia Let us proceede to Hannonia THE COVNTIE OF HANNONIA unto which is joyned the Countie of NAMVRCIVM THE COVNTIE OF HANNONIA HĀNONIA The Politicke state of Hannonia doth consist of five members which are first the 12 Peeres namely Longueville Lens Filly Chievre Au●sne Chimay Levreux Barbanson Baudour Rebaux Walecourt 2. Ecclesiasticall Pr●lates namely the Abbot and Earle of S. Waldrut 26 Abbots S. Guislaine Marchennes Cambron Hasnon Marville Anein Haultmot ●●essy S. Denys Vicogne ●eullien Crespin B●nne Esperance S. Iean S. Aldegonde Geilenghien Spinleu At h Fontenelle Beaumont Denain Quesnoy Wat●●braine Lolive B●lliay Leture besides the Colledges of Cannons Thirdly Noble men and one principality of Chimay 10 Counties as La●ain Beaumont Ostervant the chiefe Cittie whereof is Bouchin also Barbanson Auesne Barlaymont Bossu Montigni Reux Terrache 22 Baronies as Engh●●n Leuze Havre L●agne A●●oing Vuerchin Fontaine Havaide Kinrain Barlaymont Ville Gomegnie S. Aldegonde Se●zelle Condet Haurdain Belleule Fagneille Bousie Roesin Frusne Harchies One Marshall one Steward one great Ranger one Chamberlaine And foure ordinary Officers The Countie of Namu●●●●m remaineth It is seated betweene Brabant Hannonia and the Dioecesse of Leodium it is a small mountainous Territorie but pleasant having a sweete and temperate ayre The soyle is fruitfull yeelding all things which are necessary for the sustentation of mans life It hath also Mines of Iron and Lead and stone Quarries out of which divers kinds of stones are cut and especially blacke Marble and stones like Iasper And not long since those stones were digged forth which were good to burne we may call them Iathantracas of which we spoke in the aforesayd description Moreover this Countrie at first was governed by a Marquesse and afterward it changed often her Lord. Philip the brother of Balduin Earle of Flanders was Marquesse hereof in the yeare 1200. And Theodorus was Earle of it after whose decease the whole Country came to Philip Bonus Duke of Burgundie as we have declared in the description of the Low Countries There are foure walled Citties in this Country Namurcum Bovina Carlomontium and Valen●our●ium And 182 Villages Namurcum or Namur is the chiefe Cittie whence the name thereof is derived is uncertaine some suppose from Nanus a God of the Heathens who being used formerly to deliver Oracles yet at Christs comming grew dombe and spake no more And therefore from this dumbe mute god Nanus it was called Namurcium some think it was so called from a new wall which was built there by the Roman●s The Cittie is situate betweene two Mountaines on the left hand bancke of the River Mosa where it receiveth Sambra It is eight miles distant from Lovanium 10 from Leodium and as many from Bruxells It is rich and hath many faire publicke and private buildings and it is fortified with a strong Castell Foure miles from Namurcium is Bouvinae a small towne which was often wasted by the warres and last of all it was for the most part ruinated by Henry the second King of France in the yeare 1555. Afterward the Cittizens did reedifie it Charlemont was built by Charles the fifth in the yeare 1555 against the French-men who then possessed Mar●enburg Valencourtium is a town of good noate being distant from Namurcium 7 miles This Country hath many Rivers which are full of fish the chiefe whereof are Mosa and Sambra it hath also faire fresh springs It hath also woods for pleasure and hunting which are full of wilde beasts There are many Churches in this Country famous Monasteries which were built heretofore at the costs and charges of the Earles of Namurcium and endowed with great revennewes Three miles from Namurcium there is the rich Towne Audennas in which there is an auncient Nunne●ie for noble women built by Begga daughter of Pepin from whom they were first called Baggine Vestalls The politicke state of the County of Namurcium doth consist of three members which are the Clergie the Nobility and the chiefe Citties The Clergie are the Abbots of Floref Granpre Anden Bonef Wassore Hastieis The Nobility are the Vicount Done c. The chiefe Citties are Namur Bovinae Charlemont Valencourt or Walencourt In the Cittie of Namurcum there is a Royall Counsell from whence appeales are brought to the Court of Mechlin There is also a Bishops seate whose Cathedrall Church is consecrate to S. Albine The Cittizens are used to armes and
aedifices and houses in it which yet the warres have somewhat defac'd and also a Church consecrate to S. Nicolas and a Monastery to S. Francis in which Iohn of Lutzenburg King of Bohemia the sonne of the Emperour Henry the seaventh and father of Charles the fourth was buryed This Citty hath beene often defaced by the fury of Mars who hath no agreement with the Muses who love peace and tranquility yet it hath bred many famous learned men And among many others Nicolas Navis a man so learned and skilfull in the civill law that he was Praesident of the Court at Lutzenburg untill he dyed but he left a sonne of his owne name who being equall to his father in vertue was in such savour with the Emperour Charles the fifth that he made him Vicechancellour of the whole Empire in which office he continued untill his death Arlunum which is called in their language is situate on the top of a hill being a very neate town where the Moone was worshipped after the manner of the heathens and from thence it is supposed to have beene so named Heere many Monuments of antiquitie are found which the Earle Peter Ernest caused to be brought home to his owne house which is in the suburbs of the Cittie of Lutzenburg Bartholmew Latemus a very learned man was borne in this country Which is watered with many rivers the chiefest of which is Mosella of which I have spoke in Lotaringia the others are Chier Mosa B●moy H●ul Lech Alsatus Atardus Sourus Prum●us M●neus Ghomeus Orto Albis and besides many little Rivuletts The Country is raised on every side with Mountaines and interlaced with thicke woods But all of them are but boughes in respect of the Forrest of Arden in France The politicke state as in the other Countries doth consist of three members first the Clergie secondly the Nobles in which are the Counts of V●anden of la Roch en Ardenne Salme Durby Marche S. Vit. S. Iansberg There are also many Baronies and Lordships The third member is the principall Citties as Lutzenburg Arlunum Theonis villa otherwise called Dietenhove and Rodemacher● The Court for the whole Province is kept in the Cittie of Lutzenburg and the pleadings are in French or Dutch according as the Plantiffes are of severall Countries For Lutzenburg Arlunum Theonis Villa and Rodemachera doe speake Dutch but Ivoys Mammedy Marville and Danvilliers doe speake French in regard whereof it is necessary that the Iudges and Advocates and the officers of the Court should understand both languages From this Court appeales may be brought to Mechlin where those things which are written in Dutch are faithfully translated into French This Dukedome hath two Marquiships under it seaven Counties many Baronies and Lordships and great store of Noble men so that no Province doth produce so many All of them doe live magnificently and are curteous vertuous constant and faithfull to their Prince Their exercise is Armes and hunting They live civilly and courteously together visiting one another in mutuall kindnesses They contract marriages with their neighbours and in their matches they doe more respect honour and dignity than portion If any one doe commit an enormity he loseth his credit and is not admittted to converse with the Nobles and is thought to be unworthy of any publicke office and his oath is not esteemed in publicke trialls If any controversie doe arise amongst them they referre it to certaine Arbitrators who are to compound and end the matter so that they have no great use of Lawyers and Proctors yet they are too much given to wine And the Country people doe complaine very much of their hard usage and servitude so that if a Country-man intend to put forth his children he cannot doe it without his Lords leave which is farre different from the libertie of the Low Countries Arlunum which we mentioned before is situate on the top of a Mountaine and is foure miles distant from Lutzenburg and sixe from Mommedy It was sometime a faire Towne but somewhat defaced by the violence of warres Rodemachera is three miles distant from Lutzenburg which though it be no great towne yet is very beautifull and fortified with a strong Castell Theodonis-villa which in Dutch is called Dietenhoue is very conveniently situated on the left hand bancke of the River Mosella it is foure miles from Lutzenburg having a faire bridge it is a pleasant strong Towne and well fortified against the invasions of enemies Regino affirmeth that Charles the Great was used to hunt very much neere unto this Cittie Gravemakerum and Koninckmakerum are small little Townes neere Mosella being a mile distant one from another and 5 miles from Lutzenburg Dieterichum is seated neere the little River Sure and is five miles distant from Lutzenburg Viretonum and Echternatum are little small townes and are both five miles distant from Lutzenburg Vianda standeth by the side of a little Riu●let seaven miles from Lutzenburg it hath a Countie belonging to it and is subject to the Prince of Orange Bastona●um is neere unto the Forrest of Arden being three miles from the new Castell and 17 from Lutzenburg It is a little Towne but so famous heretofore that it was called Paris en Ardenne in regard of the markets for Cattell and Corne which were usually kept there whither the Countrie round about did bring all sorts of commodities to the great enriching of the Towne Betweene this Cittie and Arlunum and S. Huberts Church there are some Villages in the middle of the wood in which the women after the Spanish fashion when their husbands are carryed forth to be buried and interred doe runne crying and weeping through the streetes tearing their hayre and scratching their faces with their nayles in a mad and furious manner which custome doth rather favour of Heatheanisme than Christianity M●mmedium is conveniently situated on a high mountaine at the foote whereof the River Chirsus glideth along it is nine miles distant from Lutzenburg and foure from Danvillieres being a faire fortified towne New-Castell is in Ardenne it is 5 Miles distant from Ivosium and nine from Lutzenburg it is now a small Towne and much decayed Danvillieres is twelve miles distant from Lutzenburg and foure from Verdunum being in Lotharingia Marville is divided into two parts the one whereof is subject to the Duke of Lutzenburg and the other to the Duke of Lotharingia and therefore it is called the common Towne it standeth by the River Chirsus and is 12 miles distant from Lutzenburg Roche en Ardenne or the Rocke in Ardenne and Durbium are twelve miles distant from Lutzenburg being both pleasantly seated S. Viti is a very pleasant small towne and is 12 miles distant from the Metropolis and belongeth to the Prince of Orange Salma is a rich and populous Cittie having a Countie appendant unto it Marcha is a very auncient Towne and is 14 miles from Lutzenburg We will not mention for brevitie sake the Castells
if he were furnished with the aforesayd munition he would easily suppresse the enemies violence All things were sent which hee desired but he did not performe that which hee boasted hee would THE DVKEDOME OF LIMBVRG LIMBURGENSIS DVCATUS NOVA DESCRIPTIO Auct AEGIDIO MART. doe for at the enemies first approach he came to a parly and yeelded it up unto him without any resistance Not farre from Limburg yet out of the Territorie thereof Northward the Spaw Fountaines doe breake forth which are so famous and well knowne Moreover betweene Walhormus and Montzius there are certaine hills commonly called Kelmbergen in regard of the great store of that mettall and stone above mentioned which is digged out of them in defence whereof the aforesayd Earle hath built a Castell But some few yeares since the Batavians burnt it through the Souldiers negligence The great wood commonly called Fangne lyeth neere unto the Cittie of Limburg in which there is excellent hunting And so much concerning the Cittie it selfe and the Dukedome of Limburg There are three other Citties which have counties belonging to them which are reckoned as appendances to the Dukedome of Limburg which are these Valkenburg Dalthemium and Rolducum of which we will now speake in order Valkenburg in French Fauquemont is a neate Towne having iurisdiction over a large Territorie and some Townes being three long miles from Aquisgrave and two little miles from Vltrajectum It is a fruitfull Country both for corne and pasturage not far from which is the Monastery of S. Gerla being a faire auncient building Moreover the Countie of Valkenburg was in the possession of Iohn the third of that name Duke of Brabant who tooke it by force of armes from Raynout Lord of Valkenburg who being a troublesome man and having injured the Trajectenses at the River Mosa was overcome and taken prisoner by the aforesayd Duke Dalthemium is a little Towne with a small Castell belonging to it It is three long miles from Aquisgranum and two from Leodium It is honoured with the title of a Countie and hath some Villages and lands beyond Mosa which are within the jurisdiction thereof Henry the second Duke of Brabant did possesse it and did joyne it to his owne Territories The famous Abby of the Valley of God belongs to Dalthemium the Abbot whereof is the chiefe man of that Countrie and besides this there is the Abby of the holy Crosse Rolducum is an old Towne with an ancient Castell It is a mile distant from Valkenburg and it is the fourth Lordship beyond Mosa and it hath a Tribunall or Court of Iustice but the Senate of Brabant have the oversight of it Here I cannot passe by the village commonly called Carpen betweene Iuliacum and the Colonie being two long miles from the Rhene It is as big as a little Towne and hath a Collegiate Church as they call it and hath Faires and Markets whither all sorts of commodities are brought and a great confluence of people doe resort unto it it hath also a Castell well fortified William Nassavius Prince of Orange passing over the Rhene tooke it in the yeare 1568 and fortified it with a Garrison All these parts being gathered together doe make a great Lordship which was used to be governed by a peculiar Lord but the Dukes of Limburg have now subjected it to themselves although it have a Prefect beside who lyeth there with a strong Garrison This Countrie hath three other Rivulets besides Mosa which at length become Rivers namely Beruinum which watereth Dalthemium Geuda which runneth by Valckenburg and Worma which glideth by Rodulcum Moreover as well the Dukedome of Limburg as the other States and Lordships aforesayd doe consist of three members namely the Clergie the Nobles and the Iudges The Dukedome of Limburg doth containe five members or divisions which they call Ban●as Hervium Spremontium Balenium Walhornum and Montzium the two former whereof are governed by Majors and the three latter by magistrates called Drossards And so much concerning the Dukedome of Limburg and the appendances thereunto I passe to the rest A PROFITABLE instruction concerning the Tables of GERMANIE FOrasmuch as the Romaine Empire is in the power of the Germaines and very politickely divided into parts I thinke it a matter worth my labour to set before your eyes the order and disposition of those parts as they are described in a writing called Matricula Imperij and afterward to shew you in Tables the severall members of this Empire that the studious Reader may finde in what Country they are situated But I have gotten two Coppies of this Matricula the one written the other printed at Venice in Italian being both much corrupted And I know that the Empire is now divided in another manner Therefore let no man blame me or be of●ended if he finde some parts that are reckoned as belonging to the Empire doe not belong thereunto for it is not my intention to speake expressely of all the severall parts of this Empire neither was it possible for me to do out of such corrupt Coppies especially seeing that I know that a great part of the Empire came into the hands of private Princes either by Exchange or Morgage or gifts for their good service in defence of the Empire or for some other causes Neither is it my part to prosecute those things which belong to Politicians and not Geographers but onely I sought that out of this Coppie of Matricula I might shew the elegant disposition and division of the Empire of Germany and might declare how the studdies of Geographie and Policie doe mutually illustrate one another This is therefore the order of the Empire The Emperour is the head of the Empire And he hath three States under him who meete together to consult and conclude of all the affaires of the Empire namely the seaven Electors who were first instituted about the yeare of our Lord 1273 by Pope Gregorie the tenth and were confirmed by the Emperou● Charles the fifth as Onuphrius sheweth in Comitijs Imperatorijs and Iohn A●ventine Lib. 5. of his history of Bavaria These have power to elect and chuse the Emperour The second State is the Ecclesiasticall and saecular Princes The third is the free Citties GERMANIE GERMANIA The first member therefore of the Empire is the seaven Electors THe Archbishop of Moguntinum Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through Germanie The Archbishop of Trevers Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through France and the Kingdome of Arelatum The Archbishop of Collen Archchancellor of the Romaine Empire through Italy The King of Bohemia chiefe pantler of the Romaine Empire The Count Palatine of Rhene the chiefe cupbearer of the Romaine Empire The Duke of Saxonie chiefe Marshall of the Romaine Empire The Marquesse of Brandenburg chiefe Chamberlaine of the Romaine Empire The second member is the Princes and Nobles I will set downe the common names of places as they are in the Tables and the number of the Circles in which they are
with such violence so that it runneth with fresh water 40 miles into the sea And as Amian saith Et constat ab ultimis nostri finibus maris agminaum pariendi gratia petere Pisces ut aquarum suavitate salubrius faetum educant nec intercipiantur That is it is manifest that the fish from the farthest part of our seas doe come hither in shoales that they may spawne here in safety Tajanus Nerva built a curious bridge over this River in Moesia which afterward Adrian did demolish as Dio Cassius relateth Concerning Danubius George Fabritius in a certaine Itinerarie of his writeth thus Ister Qui centum populos magnas alluit urbes Euxinum irrumpit bis terno flumine Pontum Ister that doth through an hundred Countries glide And watereth them with Citties too beside Both faire and great with sixe streames last of all Into the Euxine Sea at length doth fall For at length all the most famous Rivers in the world doe runne into the Sea as Ovid also Lib. 8. Metamorph. does mention in this verse In quo desinimus sacri in quo currimus amnes We sacred Rivers to the Sea doe come And into it we all of us doe runne The next is the Rhene which Caesar and other doe commend it is now called Rhijn Caesar would have it rise out of Leopontium and Strabo and Ptolomie affirme that it ariseth out of the Mountaine A●●la which is commonly called Etzel which is an arme of the Alpes and Claudian faith that it riseth out of Rhetia But Strabo and Ptolomy doe thinke that Rhene beginneth on the Eastside of the Alpes where they are joyned to the Mountaine Adula and where the Lepontians doe inhabit and so springeth out of two fountaines which are at least a dayes journey distant one from another The one being more to the Northwest which is commonly called the foremost Rhene the other lying more Southeast which the inhabitants cal the latter Rhene These two at length meete together and so doe make the River Rhene which neere unto the head doe make two Lakes the Acronian and Constantian from the Cittie Constantia which is situated by it concerning which we will entreate in the description of Helvetia the other is called Venetum and now the Cellensian Lake from the little Towne Cella which Lake hath abundance of all sorts of fish From hence turning Westward it watereth Rhinfelden follows the same tract even to Basilea And there it runneth Northward untill it come to Argentoratum and so watereth many Countries and having viewed many Citties and having received many great and small Rivers it groweth very deepe and commeth swelling even to Spires Wormes and Moguntiam Hence turning Westward it watereth Bingium And from thence winding toward Caecia having left behind it Bonna and Colonia at last neere the edge of Batavia which is now under the jurisdiction of Cleveland and is graced with the auncient Castell Lobecum it doth divide it selfe and with a double streame runneth divers wayes Which division Mamertinus elegantly calleth the Divorce and Frontinus the turning of the River Neere therefore to Lobecum it doth divide his course so that the one part thereof called Rhene doth run straite forward to Arenacum a chiefe Cittie of Gelderland And from thence with many winding Maeanders it glideth towards Vada and so bendeth from thence to Rhena which Tacitus calleth Rinnes from thence it runneth to Bavodurum Afterward the Rhene changeth his name and begins to be called Lecca being heretofore a little Rivulet but now it is become a River Having glided by Culenburg and Viana and having viewed Schoonhovia it powreth it selfe into the River Merova before it is called Mosa The other part of Rhene doth bend toward the left hand and floweth by the auncient Cittie Neomagum and runneth by the walls of the Cittie it is now called Vahalis not long afterward it goeth toward Tiela and from thence with a winding course it leaveth Bomelius on the left hand afterward not farre from Woricomium it receiveth the River Mosa and by and by neere Goricomium being encreased with the slow smooth running River Linga and it is called Merova from the Castell of the Merovaeans by which having passed it glideth by Dordretch a Noble Island out of the Cittie afterward having received the Rivers Lecca and Isela which are armes of the Rhene and gliding by Iselmonda it beginneth to be called Mosa neere to Rotterdam where it leaveth on the right side Sciedamum and Vlaerdinga and from thence it glideth by the Towne Gerviletum and the Brill on the left hand and there it mingleth it selfe with the Ocean That which Ptolemie calls Amasius Strabo Amasias Tacitus Amisia Plinny and Pomponius Amisius and now Ems. The head of this River is a little beneath Paderbona a Cittie of Westphalia and so bending towards Caecia it glideth by Varendorp Greva Rhena and Lingha and from thence it goeth forward unto Meppenum and Nebuisum and from thence discharging it selfe into the Northerne Ocean neere to Embda Market Towne whence it borroweth his name and is called Eems The fourth River is that which Plinny calls Moenus and Pomponius Maenis and Ammianus Menus now it is called Meyn Regino the historian and the writers of that time doe call it Mogonum Velleius Patercules calleth it the River Iulia. Vnlesse in steed of Iulia it should be Lupia as some learned men doe suppose It ariseth out of a Mountaine which is called der Fichtelberg so gliding by Franckford which from thence is called upon Maene and Wethermia Herbipolis and Papeberg it mingleth it selfe with the Rhene neere to Moguntiacum and doth part the Low Countries from Germany The letters thereof doe make by the Greeke computation 365 equall to the number of dayes which are in a yeare The fifth River is Necarus whence come the best Necarian wines it was anciently called Nicer as Rhenumus witnesseth the spring head there-thereof is two houres journey distant from Danubius and so having glided through the fields of Wirtemberg it runneth into the Rhene a little above Heidelburg Albis followes which is a faire River of Germanie and divideth the Swevians from the Cherusians Velleius witnesseth that it doth flow by the confines of the Semnonians and Hermundurians Tacitus writeth that the famous River Albis doth arise among the Hermundurians but Conradus Celtes saith that it doth arise out of Hercinia in Bohemia And so having glided by mary faire Citties at length it empties it selfe into the Ocean betweene the Chaucians and the Cimbrians The auncient Latine writers doe call it Albia and the Germaines Elbe And the Bohemians from whence it taketh his originall doe call it Labe. Fabritius in his booke of the Misnian affaires saith that it received that name from 11 Fountaines or as the Saxons say from so many flowing River For it arises as he deliuers in the Hercynian wood which from the Giants is commonly called Risenberg from 11 Fountaines whose streames meeting together doe make the River Albis for
an Exchange The Court hath a high Tower of curious workemanship of free square stone which is every were adorned with curious artificiall statues The River Rhene glideth by the Cittie on the opposite bancke whereof the Divitensian Castell was built with a bridge by Constantine the sonne of Constantius who placed a garrison therein for defence of the Frenchmen which together THE ARCHBISHOPRICKE of COLEN by RHENE COLONIENSIS Archiopiscopatus with the bridge was destoyed by the Bishop Bruno who built an Abby with the stones thereof which in the yeare 1124. was governed by Rubert a famous divine There were 78 Bishops of Colen from Beatus Maternus Saint Peters Scholler as some would have it even to Ferdinand Bavarus Their territory is very large and they have many Townes subject unto them the chiefe whereof are Bonna Nussia and Ardernacum neere the Rhene It is a fruitfull Country abounding with corne and wine Their sacred jurisdiction is extended farre and neere and in saecular matters they are Potent Princes and they have the second place among the Electors of the Romaine Empire THE FOVRTH TABLE OF WESTPHALIA NOw we doe adde this fourth Table of Westphalia that so we may have the better knowledge of this large wide Country it containeth that part of the Country which is bounded on the North with the River Rura and it hath on the East the Bishopricke of Padleborn and the Countie of Waldecia on the South Hassia on the West it is joyned with the Countie of Marcan It is full of Mountaines and Hills especially toward the East where it joyneth to Padleborne and Waldecia in which tract there are many Townes as upon the banck of the River Mommius Holthusen Osbern Hullinchoven Arensberg Nienhus Gunne Stocckem Fullin●k Berchem Molhem and many others as Bergen Nettlestede Langstraten Mensel Hemerde Heddingchasen Over-Almen which are watered with other little Rivulets But the River Mommius ariseth out of the aforesayd Mountaines and hath also besides the aforenamed these Townes Hilbr●chusen Brilon and Ruden which are knowne through the neigbouring Valleys for the commodities which that River yeeldeth The River Hime is also no lesse famous which riseth in the middle of this Province out of a small Fountaine neere Fredericke Burg and watereth the little Townes Me●ler Eiselpe Helmerinchuse and Meschede where it meeteth with another little Rivulet The River Winne beginneth at Holvede or a little above and glideth by Berentrup Passert Dorler D●epinck and beyond Grevenstein after many windings turnings it commeth to Freinhol and so runneth among the Mountaines and at length mingleth it selfe with Mommius neere to Neijm The River Lenne beginneth in the Mountaines neere Nodarem and commeth to Overkirchen on the South and Smalenborg on the North and from thence it runneth by Meygen Grevenburge Habbeke and so having received another Rivulet neere Plettenberch it goeth forward to Ebrichusen and Werdecke and at length about Limburg it doth cast it selfe into the River Mommius Moreover the River Rura runneth and riseth from hence which glideth by Oldenda and so neere the River Sunderen receiveth Bor●hou and so being much enlarged it runneth into the Rhene The Countrie towards Hassia is Mountanous and therefore unfruitefull The inhabitants are of a great stature and strong but very rude and eate course fare as Bacon Beefe Beanes Pease and Lettice The great labour which is bestowed in tilling the earth and the small profit which arises from thence maketh them lesse diligent For in winter time they Banket and drinke great store of a thicke kinde of drinke and they take no care but of their Cattell which they keepe with their owne dwelling houses The Rivers doe afford them fish but not so well tasted as those which are taken in the Rhene They are not very expert or ready in matters of warre and therefore they shunne the doubtfull chance of warre as much as they can and albeit the Saxons were accounted heretofore a warlike Nation yet now they are despised and contemned of their neighbours and now for want of use they are not esteemed for matters of warre THE FOVRTH TABLE OF WESTPHALIA WESTPHALIA Ducatus THE DIOECESE OF LEDEN THe Dioecese of Leden is so called from the chiefe Cittie Leden Hubert Thomas of Leden doth affirme that it was called Leden from a Romaine Legion that was slaine in that Valley and the inhabitants doe call it Liege as it were a Legion Some thinke it was so named from a little small River called Legia which rising three miles from the Cittie doth within the Cittie mingle it selfe with the River Mosa It is commonly called l' Eu●sche de Liege On the North West it hath Brabant on the East partly Mosa and partly the Dukedome of Limburg On the South the Countie of Namurcium The length of it is 31 Leden Miles and the breadth 15. It hath a cleare temperate and wholesome ayre the soyle is pleasant and fruitfull especially Northward where it confineth on Brabant where it yeeldeth great store of Corne and other fruites and in some places wine But towards the South where it joyneth to Lutzenburg and France it is somewhat barren and Mountanous and Woody for heere is some part of the Forrest of Arden which is the greatest as Caesar witnesseth in all France This is the externall face of the soyle but within it hath Mines of Iron and Lead and also some of Gold There are also Quarries out of which to make great mens Tombes white Marble which the Graecians call Alablaster is digged There are also a kind of pit-coale digged out of them which are gotten with great paines and with hazard of life and some times they are digged out under the Channel of Mosa are brought into our Country by shippes and there is yeerely raised out of them an hundred thousand Duckets This stone they commonly call Leden coale or Charbon de Liege which assoone as it hath tooke fire it kindleth by degrees it is quenched with oyle and water makes it burne The heate of it is very vehement whence it comes to passe that Leden doth boast of three thrings above other Nations Bread better than bread Iron harder than Iron and fire hotter than fire They report that a certaine stranger in the yeare 1198 did first finde out the use of this stone who shewed it to a smith Moreover this Countrie aboundeth with all kinde of Cattle and it hath Woods which affoord great store of Game for hawking and hunting They report that Saint Maternus Patavinus the first Bishop of the Tungrians about the yeare of our Lord 10● did convert this Countrie to the Christian faith For the Bishops seate THE DIOECESE OF LEDEN LEODIENSIS DIOEC which is now at Leden was then at Tunguris and it continewed to the yeare 488 at what time Trajectum was translated by S. Servatius to Mosa when the Hunnians under the conduct of Attila then broke into Germanie and did wast that Cittie together with other townes and it continewed
there even to Bishop Huberts time whom the yeare 713 did translate it to Leodium where it now remaineth Moreover from Hubert the first Bishop of Leiden even untill our times Guicciardine reckoneth 62 Bishops Neither is this Praelate a Bishop onely but also a Prince of the Empire Duke of Bouillion Marquesse of Francimont Count of Loten and Hasbania The auncient inhabitants of this Bishopricke were the Eburonians the Tungrians Centronians and Ceraesians Now it taketh up a great part of the auncient Lotharingia for the Dioecese of Leden containeth the Dukedome of Bouillion the Marquiship of Francimont the Countie of Hasbania or Haspengaw and Loten and many Baronies And there are in this tract besides Trajectum the middle part whereof is subject to the Duke of Brabant 24 walled Citties and a thousand 700 Villages with spire Steepled Churches and many Abbyes and Lordships The names of the Citties are these Leden Bolonium Francimontium Loots Borchworm Tungri Hojum ●lasselt Dinantum Masacum Stochum Bils●num Saint Trudonis Visetum Tumum Varem Beringum Herck Bree Pera Harmontium Sinetum Fossa and Covinum as Guicciardine reckoneth them The Metropolis of them all is Leden which some call Augusta Eburonum the inhabitants doe call it Liege and the Teutonians Luyck and Luttich It is an auncient Cittie and Hubert Thomas a Ledener doth referre the originall thereof to Ambioriges a couragious King of the Eburonians under whose conduct the inhabitants by an Ambushment slew Co●a and Sabinus having cut off one Romaine Legion with 5 Cohorts as C. Caesar Lib. ● of his Commentaries concerning the French warre doth relate Others suppose that it is a new Cittie which was built by Hubert of Aquitaine but their opinion is manifestly proved to be erroneous by some auncient Monuments and buildings There doe flow into the Cittie some other Rivers besides Mosa and Legia as Vtes Veses and Ambluarus which arise out of the Wood Arden There are also very many cleare fountaines so that many private houses have two or three The Cittie is wide built and doth containe some Mountaines and Vallyes the compasse of it is foure Italian miles There are faire Aedifices and buildings and the Bishops Pallace for statelinesse and magnificence exceedeth all the rest which was built by cardinall Erard of Leiden But for faire Churches whether you consider their number or their curious building or their richnesse it doth farre exceede all the Citties not onely of France but of both Germanies There are eight Collegiate Churches in it in which there are very rich Cannons but the chiefe and fairest is Saint Lamberts Church It is a Cathedrall Church and the Bishop thereof is Prince of the whole Dioecese and Country but none are chosen to bee Cannons unlesse he bee descended of a Noble stocke or else a Doctor or Licentiate and it is lawfull for any Cannon unlesse he be chosen into the number of the Priests to resigne his benefice to marry a wife and to take upon him another calling In this Church there are very many pretious vessells and many ornaments of Gold and Silver among the rest there is Saint Georges statue of pure Gold which Charles Duke of Burgundie consecrated There are also foure very rich Abbyes adorned with well furnished Libraries There are 32 Parishes within the Citty as many Churches Whereby it appeareth that that which Petrarck writ was not undeserved Vid● Leodium insignem Clero locum that is I saw Leden famous for the Clergie men The Bishop hath the right and title of a Prince yet the Citty hath so many priviledges and liberties that it may be counted a free Cittie For it hath Consuls it was heretofore a great place of studdy so that it is observed that at one time 9 Kings sonnes foure and twentie Dukes sonnes and 29 Earles sonnes were students at Leden Besides many Barones sonnes and gereat mens children who were all for the most part Cannons of S. Lamberts Church Bolonium or Bouillon is a Castle foure mile from Iuoys and sixteene from Leden being built with rare workemanship on the toppe of a Mountaine it is the seate of the Dukes of Bouillon Godfrey Duke of Lotharingia was borne here who in the yeare 1016 at the generall councell held at Claremont in Avernia together with his brothers Eustatius and Balduine went to warre against the Infidels to recover the holy Land At what time this Noble Heroe to furnish himself for this warre sold this Dukedome to Spertus Bishop of Leden which was a greater glory to the seller than the buyer By his valour the Christians tooke Ierusalem in the yeare 1020 When the Army offered him for his brave atchievements the Kingdome of Ierusalem and a golden Crowne this Noble Christian Prince refused them saying that he would not be made a King nor weare a golden Crowne there where his Saviour had worne a Crowne of thones Francimontium was heretofore a walled Towne but now the walls are fallen downe Cardinall Erard whom I formerly mentioned built a ●●ort heere It is 4 Miles from Leden and it is honoured with the title of a Marquiship At Tuini which is a Village Towne neere Francimont there is the best Lead and in the Mountaines neere unto it there are Marble Quarries The Tungrians are three miles from Mosa and as many from Leden their Cittie is now called Tongeren being situated neere the River Iecher it was so called from the Tungrians a people of Germany who leaving their Country passed over the Rhene and seated themselves heere It is the Auncientest Cittie in all Brabant It is two hundred miles from this Cittie to Paris and all the way was once paved with stones as it is yet manifest by some part thereof Hercules his Church within the Cittie sheweth the antiquitie of it whose statue doth yet stand over the gate Hojum or Hoy is so called from a little swift running Rivulet which here casts it selfe headlong into Mos● it is five miles distant from Leden Foure miles from Leden neere the little Towne Dener is Eilsen and beyond that the Village Munster hilsten three miles from the Tungrians is the Cittie of Saint Truden which as some suppose was the seate of the Centronians whom Iulius Caesar doth often mention A mile from Leden is the Village Ebure which as it is supposed also was the seate of the Eburonians Flacencius writeth that I may adde this by the way that a part of Trajectum joyned to this Dioecese by the donation or gift of Porus Count of Lovania We omit the other Townes for brevitie sake This Countrie is every where watered with Rivers the most of which doe runne into Mosa as Legia or Legio Vtes Veses Ambluarus Ieckel Hoy Vesera Vl●Veer Vr● the others runne into Demera and so to Scaldis as Rath●ck Stimmer Herck and Hespe which are all faire cleare Rivers abounding with all kindes of fish Heere was a Fountaine concerning which learned men doe not agree Some doe affirme that it is yet within the Cittie
Lichtenavius doe call them Wormbser-B●s●●●umbs But P● on the contrary affirmeth that the Vangionians are those of Sp●res and the Nemetians those of Wormes and Irenicus addeth this reason namely because Ptolemie who in description of Rhene did usually proceede from the South Northward doth first mention the Vangians and afterward the Numetians But Sig. Gemblacensis who writ about five hundred yeares agoe calleth Wormes the Cittie of the Vangionians Also Iohn Herald doth gather out of an inscription that the Cittie Wormes was heretofore called the Watch Tower of the Vangionians There are 48 Citties in the Palatinate the chiefe whereof is Heidelberg where the Prince Palatine keepeth his residence It was so called either from the people whom the Germaines call Heyden or from the Mir●le-tree which they call Heydelbeer and heereupon the most learned Melissus doth call this Citty Myrtilletum T●a● which Pyramius calleth Durlacum others more rightly doe call Durlach Iohn Herald doth call it Capellatium others doe call Cap●llatium the Palatinate as we sayd before Munster calleth it Bergstras which standeth in the way from Frinckford to Heydelburg Some doe suppose that the Cittie which Ptolemie calls Beudoris was scared here but this is but conjecturall For Ptolemie placed Beudoris in the 51 degres of Latitude when as Heidelberg is in the 49 degree and 35 minutes of Latitude Some suppose that it should be read and written Edelberg which signifies the noble Mountaine and others Eidleberg which signifies the neere Mountaine It is situate by the River Nicrus or N●icarus in the entrance of the Mountaines it hath beene a famous Vniversity for learning and Arts from the yeare 1356 being then instituted by Rupert the elder Prince Palatine who sent for one Marsilus from Paris to be governour thereof And from that time it was well replenished with learned men and students The most famous Doctors were Rodolphus Agricola Iohn Dalburgius Iohn Virdungus William Xilander Thomas Erastus Zachary Vrsin and many others Moreover the whole Palatinate is divided into foure Praefectureships as Heydlebergensian the Alzaeens●●● the Neostadiensian and the Mosbachensian which are so called from the Citties of Hedelberg Alzea Neostadium and Mosbacum There is also Bretta which is a small Towne neere the River Salza in which Philip Melanchton was borne who writ much concerning the liberall Arts also Ladeburg so called from the Romaine Tents halfe of which was pawned to Duke Rupert the elder the other part came to the Bishop of Wormes Sifrid of Stralnberg sold unto the aforesayd Prince in the yeare 13●7 the Towne Schriess●n and the Castle of Stralnberg And in the yeare 1344 the Towne W●inheim was given to the Prince by awardment of Arbitrators which heretofore the Bishop o● Moguntinum did possesse There are also the Townes Cauba G●l●usen Sintzon Luden by the River Tuberus Oppenheim Caesar●a ●●tra Inge●heim Lowenstein and in Brureinia there is Bruxells and others as may be seene in the Table and also many Castles and Villages The chiefe Rivers are Rhene and Neccarus The latter doth water and cut th●ough the middle of the Palatinate and doth discharge it selfe into the Rhene neere Ladeburg the auncients did call it Nicer it hath great store of Mullets which are commonly called Barbells Also there continually commeth downe this River great pieces of timber from the wood Otto which the River Necarus bringeth into the Rhene The lesser Rivers are Tuberus Lutherus Iaxtus and others The Country is both Mountainous and field ground It hath high Mountaines which doe beare excellent Vines of which the Rhenish Wine is made And there are Woods which yeeld stoare of game for hunting The chiefest whereof is the Wood Otto which is a part of the Hercynian Wood the breadth thereof is from the River Necarus even to Manus and the length from the Mountainous way called Bergstras even to the River Tuberus But so much hitherto There were many Churches in the Palatinate and many Monasteries as the Monastery of Lorsch which was built by Charles the Great or as some suppose by Pepin Concerning the Library thereof Munster writeth thus There is not a place in all Germanie where there is a more ancient Library than in this Monasterie I saw there a Manuscript written with Virgills owne hand and in it Ammianus Marcellinus his last booke was found which is now published being written before in great capitall letters Iohn Dalberg Bishop of Wormes a learned man did take the best bookes from thence and put them in the Librarie at L●den●u●● There are foure Electors in Germanie the Palatine of Rhene the Arch●ishops of Mentz of Triers and Colen The free Citties are Men●z Colen T●●r and Gelenhausen The Princes and Lords are the Count Palatine Count Nassaw and Beilslaine H. Reiffersche●de and Rheineck T●utscb Ordens Hern in Coblentz the Abby of S. Maximinus neere Triers the Provost Seltz H. Nider Eisenburg But so much hitherto I come to the Dukedome of Wirtemberg THE DVKEDOME OF VVIRTEMBERG THe Dukedome of Wirtemberg commonly called Wurtembergerlant was so called from the auncient Castle Wirtemberg which standeth in the middle thereof on a high hill not farre from the Emperiall Cittie Essing This Country of Wirtemberg doth lye by the River Nicrus It hath on the East the Swevians Vindelicians and Noricians on the West the Palatinate and the Marquiship of Baden on the South it hath the Mountaines of Arbon and the Swevian Alpes for so the Inhabita●ants doe call the higher Mountaines of this Countrie on the North Franconia and not farre off the wood Otto The ayre of this Country is very wholsome and temperate both in Winter and Summer It is as fruitfull also as any part of Germanie both for Wheate Pulse Wine and other fruites But yet all the Country is not of one soyle for that part where the River Neccarus ariseth and confineth on Hercynia and that which lyeth by the Swevian Alpes betweene Danubius and Nicrus is rugged and unfit for tillage or planting of Vines On the Alpes it is a stony soyle but very fruitefull and also by the blacke Wood it hath a sandy red coloured earth which yeeldeth great store of Corne. But there where the River Neccarus floweth through the Champion ground it is very fertile and fruitfull for it hath every where hills crowned with Vines greene Meddowes fruitefull fields and great store of Wine Corne and Apples This Dukedome also hath Mines of Silver not farre from Wiltberg and it is sayd that the Towne P●●lathium is built on Mines of Brasse it hath also Iron and Brasse There are divers coloured stones found which for the most part are enameld and streakt with blew So that it seemes that Nature did endeavor to enrich this place with pretious stones There are divers kind●s of living C●eatures and in the Woods there are an inumerable sort to bee seene It was made a Dukedome in the yeere 1495 by the Emperour Maximilian in a meeting or Parliament held at Wormes and he made
Eberhard Earle of Wirtemberg a Duke Duke Eberhard the second continued but two yeares in his Dukedome but having melted his gold and silver plate he fled first to Vlma and afterward to the Prince Palatine and dyed without is●ue After that the Emperour Maximilian created Eberhard the Nephew of Eberhard Duke of Wirtemberg But hee was droven out of his Country in the yeare 1519 by the Swedlanders Christopher succeeded his father Vlricke and Ludovicke his sonne succeeded after Christopher And Ludovicke was succeeded by Fredericke the sonne of George Earle of Mount Vellicard The Intcurgians were formerly seated heere but Rhenanus called them the Vuithungians This Dukedome is as it were circular and round and doth containe many Citties and Townes The chiefe Citties are Tubinga Stutgardia Tubinga is commonly called Tubingen which is situate neere the River Neccarus being a very neate Cittie having store of bread and Wine which is transported to Swethland and it hath a stone Bridge over the River Neccarus It hath also a Castle and a hill planted with Vines a Colledge of C●nnons and an Vniversitie In this Cittie besides Iohn Stoffler and others Leonard Fuchsius did professe Physicke And the most famous and learned Martin Crusius was the Rhetoricke professor in the same Academy It was instituted by Eberhard Earle of Wirtemberg whom Maximilian as we sayd before created a Duke in the yeere 1477. Iohn Herold in his booke of the Germaine antiquities sheweth by an inscription engraven there that Augustus had a Mansion house at Tubinga Which Peter Appianus in his booke of auncient inscriptions doth set downe thus MAX. IN AV● EM GER MAX. DA● MAX. ARM. MAX. TRIB P. COS. ET But Heroldus setteth downe the whole inscription as the Emperour was usually enstiled at Rome Imp. Caes. Divi. L. Sept. Sever. Pert. Aug. Parth. Tarah Adiab F. M. Aurel. Antonin Aug. Sarmat Max. Ger. Max. Dac Max. Armen Max. Britan. Max. Arab. Max. Aleman Max. Parth. Max. P. E. Pont. Max. Trib. Pote vi Cos. Procos Perpet Leg. 8. Ant. Aug. P. E. Ejus Num. Devot Prin. Opt. Fortis THE COVNTIE OF WIRTEMBERG WIRTENBERG THE LOWER ALSATIA ALsatia commonly called Elsasz was so called as some suppose as it were Edelsalz that is a Noble and famous seate others thinke it was so named from the River Illa by changing a into i as it were a seate by the River Illa whence some doe affirme that it was called the Country of Illesass and not Alsas It is as fruitfull a Country as any that lyeth by the side of the Rhene on the East it hath Helvetia which parteth it from Rhene on the West Lotharingia where the Mountaine Vosagus is the bordering limit betweene Lotharingia and Germanie on the South it hath part of Helvetia Burgundie on the North it is boundred with the Dukedom of Wiriemberg It is nine Germaine miles long and from Rhene to the Mountaines it is three Germaine miles broad but towards Haganoa it groweth broader betweene the Mountaines But this Country is so fruitfull and there is such great plenty of all things especially of Wine and Corne in this little tract of Land that it doth not onely serve the inhabitants but other people also of Germanie both farre and neere Therefore Iames Wimphelingus in his Epitomy of Germany doth call it the Store house and Nurse of Germanie For excellent Wines are continually brought out of this Country in Carts and sometimes are convayd by shipping into Helvetia Swethland Bavaria Lotharingia and the Low Countries and sometimes into England In Sungoja there is great store of corne and all over the plaine ground of Alsatia even to Argentina there is every where great store of corne so that the inhabitants of the Mountaines of Lotharingia the Burgundians and a good part of Helvetia are sustained by it It hath Mountaines which yeeld excell●nt good Wines and in the plaine ground it hath Corne and divers kindes of fruite trees It hath also on the Mountaines Woods of Chesnuts and Mines of Silver Brasse and Lead especially in the val● Leberthal I● hath also faire pastures both upon the Mountaines and valleyes as appeareth by those excellent fat cheeses which are made in Munsterthall so that there are great store of Kine and cattle bred in this Country And it hath in some parts many wilde horses also Leopards Beares Martines and Harts and innumerable other wilde beasts Alsatia was heretofore under the Dominion of the Kings of France as also a part of the Kingdome of Austria Alsatia was held to be the chiefest Dukedome which H●ldericke King of France did honour with that title and gave it to his Cosen Etico in the yeare ●84 After Etico there succeeded his sonne Adelprechtus who being slaine with an arrow left two sonnes Linfrid and Eberhard who were governours of Alsatia Afterward their familie was expelled forth of Alsatia by Charles Martell Palatine and Master of the Court in the Kingdome of France But in the time of Otto the first the Earles of Kyburg who where allyed by consanguinitie to the Emperour did governe Alsatia Some say that they were made Landgraves of Alsatia others say that Otto the third did divide it into Landgraveships and that the higher Landgraveship which contayneth the Towne Einsheim and the adjacent Townes did fall to the Earles of Habsburg The other to the Earles of Ottingen to whom it descended from Henry Landgrave of Lower Alsatia who dying without issue did sell it to the Bishop of Argentine But this small Country is so fruitfull and pleasant that it hath 46 Citties and Townes in it which are walled about Fiftie Castels which are situated on Mountaines and Plaines and an innumerable sort of Villages Alsatia is two fold the Lower which is described in this present Chart and the higher which is painted forth in the Table following the Tribocians did possesse them both The chiefe Cittie is called by moderne writers Argentina Sextus Aurelius and Ptolomie doe call it Argentoratum Reginus nameth it Strasburg who writ five hundred yeeres before and more Rob. Constantinus supposeth it to be the same with that which Aurelius Victor and Diac●nus doe call Angentaria It is commonly called Strasburg from the number and capacity of the streetes This Cittie is situated in a fertile soyle and hath great store of Wine and Corne. And Munster writeth that there are in this Cittie above an hundred Gardiners who make a great gaine out of Turnips Onions Radishes Cabigges and the like An arme of the River Rhene and three other Rivers doe run through this Cittie and the severall Channells doe glide through the streetes as at Venice It is well governed and it hath a famous schoole and a Church On the West there are the Tabernae celebrated by Antoninus Simler calleth them Zaborn Frodoard nameth it Zabreni Ortelius calleth them tres Tabernae Concerning which Antoninus saith thus Riguasque perenni Fonte Tabernas THE LOWER ALSATIA ALSATIA INFERIOR The Country is partly Mountainous and partly
plaine and it is every where adorned with Woods and Forrests some of which are full of Chesnuts Almonds and Nutts The Country people lives very miserably for they spend their provision every yeare and doe keepe nothing for the future time so that in times of warre or when unseasonable weather does kill the fruites of the earth they live very penuriously Yet the poore are releeved out of publicke granaries This Countrie hath not many natiue inhabitants for the greatest part consists of strangers as Swethlanders Bavarians Burgundians Sabaudians and Lotharingians who having once entred into a Country doe not soone remove from thence The Swethlanders doe chiefely reside in it Moreover the fifth circle of the Empire is that of the Rhene It consists of three orders first the Clergie secondly the Princes and thirdly the free Citties In the first there are the Bishop of Wormes of Spier Straesburg Basel and Besancon in the Countie of Burgundie in the Province of Wallis whose Metropolis is Selton there are the Bishops of Geneve Losanna Metz Toul and Verdun The Abbots of Hiersfe●d Morbach S. Gregoris Munster In the second order are Princes Earles and secular Lords as the Dukes of Lotharingia and Saveye the Count of Spanhein the Marquesse of Baden the Duke of Sweibrucke the Count of Veldentz the Landgrave of Hessen the Prince of Calim the Count of Nassaw in Sarbrucke the Earles of Rhene the Lords of Rapoitzkirchen neere Rapoltstain the Earles of Bitsch Salm Hanaw Lichtenberg Lemingen and Falkenstain the Lords of Morspurg and Befo rt of Rapolslain of Hoen Rechpurg Blakenberg and Blammont in Lotharingia the Earles of We●baden and I●stain and Cuningstaine the Lord Van Eppenstam the Earles of Isenburg in higher Alsatia of Solms of Nassaw in Weilburg of Sienvigen of Havare the Lord of Muntzinburg the Earles of Westenburg of Witgenstam of Waldeck of Flesse The third order is of the free Citties which are Mulhusen in Sundtgow of higher Alfatia also Basel Colmar Kaisersperg Turckbam Saint Gregoris Munster Ober Ebenhaim Straesburg Rosenhaim Schletstat Hagenaw Weissenburg Landow Spier Wermes Francfort Fridberg in Wederaw Wetzlar Metz Toul Vedtn Kausmans Sarbruck the Castle Besano Fridberg and the Castle Gleichhausen THE LANTGRAVIATE of the higher ALSATIA vvith SVNTGOVIA and GRISGOIA THE HIGHER ALSATIA ALSATIA SUPERIOR Brisgo●a remaines which is to bee unfolded and described in this Table Brisgovja or Brisgoja is commonly called Brisgow which signifies in the Germaine Language a faire Towne And truly this Country doth deserve that title in regard of the fertility and fruitfulnesse thereof in which it is not inferiour to Alsatia which we have even now described But if we have recourse to auncient writers we shall finde that this Country was so named from the Metropolis Brisacum of which we shall speake by and by Brisgoja is ten miles long and eleven broade for it beginneth at Nortnaw and runneth out almost to Basil It is a fruitefull Country both for tillage and Vines And here is great store and plenty of Corne and Wine and of all things necessary for the sustenance of mans life The Archdukes of Austria and the Marquesses of Baden doe joyntly governe this Country The Metropolis of Brisgoja was heretofore Brisacum whence the Country is denominated and Antonius mentioneth it in his Itinerarie of the Mountaine Brisacum when as he maketh mention of no other Citties beyond the Rhene but those Provinciall Citties which are seated by the Rhene Luitprandus Ticinensis who lived in the time of Otto the first doth make the Mountaine Brisacum to be in Alsatia and sheweth that it was an Island of Rhene This Cittie is situated on a round Mountaine like a Castle and it hath the Rhene on the West It is a neate Towne well fortified and populous but in processe of time it exceeded Friburg it selfe for magnificence and riches This Cittie increased presently and grew famous in regard of the Minerall Mines which are neere unto it In Brisacum there is an auncient Castle which hath long beene ruinate yet now at length it hath beene reedified It hath a strong well fortified Tower which Bertholdus Ziringensis the third built as appeareth by these following verses graven on the stone walls Hanc Dux Bertholdus portam struxisse notatur A quo pro fraude Burgundia gens posulatur The Duke Bertholdus builded up this gate Which the Burgundians did ruinate This Cittie hath but one fountaine over which there is a Conduit built in which there is a wheele in which they goe and draw up water a great depth and the Cittizens do yerely pay for the drawing up of the water For it hath on every side a great steepe descent to the Rhene and the plaine from whence it is very hard to draw up water into the Mountaine Halfe a mile beneath Friburg there is a ruinate Castle situated on a high Mountaine which is called Zaringhen from which the Dukes of Zaringa had their title Friburg is a famous Towne in Brisgoja and now the Metropolis thereof it was built by Duke Ferthold the fourth the sonne of C●nradus the first in the reigne of the Emperour Henry the fifth being formerly but a Village It is a Cittie pleasantly seated among the Mountaines being adorned with many magnificent houses Churches and Monasteries There was an Vniversity erected there in the yeere 1459 wherein Vdalrick Zasius a famour Lawyer did teach and reade publickly It had heretofore a rich Veine of silver a mile distant from the Cittie There also is in Brisgoja Zering heeretofore a Dukedome the County of Friburg the Marquiship of He●●berg and the Lordships of Badenwille Staussen and Burcken THE LOWER SAXONIE SAxonie was so called from the Saxons Their originall as also of other Nations not only the Monkes ignorant in Antiquities but moderne judicious writers have wrapped up in fabulous inventions some suppose that they were so called from Saxo the sonne of Negno and the brother of Vandalus others à Saxca natura from their stony nature others from the remainder of the Macedonian Army some from their skeines or short swords as appeareth by these verses in Engelhusins Quippe brevis gladius apud illos Saxa vocatur Vnde sibi Saxo nomen traxisse putatur A cuttell or a short-sword they Saxon call Whence the name of Saxon takes originall THE LOWER SAXONIE SAXONIA INFERIO et Mekleburg The Dukedome of Meckelburg was heretofore a part of a Province belonging to the King of Vandalia lying neere unto the Baltick Sea but now it is one of the chiefe Dukedomes of Germanie and a member of the Empire it hath on the East Pomerania on the West the River commonly called de Elve on the South it hath the auncient Marca on the North the Balticke Sea It is a very fruitfull Country abounding with Wheate Apples Wood and Fish There are also divers sorts of living creatures and great store of Oxen and Cattell and wilde beasts Moreover Aritbert being descended of the royall stocke and having lived some
while in Charles the Greats Court marryed the Emperours sister by whom he had Billingus a man powerfull yet milde and mercifull whom the Sarmatians and Vandalls even from Vistula to Visurgis and from Odera to Holsatia did obey he had his Pallace at Meckelburg But his two sonnes Mizilaus and Mislevus degenerating from their fathers piety and goodnesse began to persecute the Christians But concerning these and other Princes of Meckelburg you may reade Munster The first inhabitants of this Country Authors doe call Herulians or Obotritians and by a generall word Vandalians It is a Country well replenished with citties townes castles and villages In this Dukedome there is the auncient cittie Surinum which was built before Lubecke Sundius and Wismaria The figure thereof is fouresquare and so as if it were foure citties it hath foure names The first is called Senerinus the second Neapolis the third is named from the Cataract the fourth from the Marshes The Village Fichela which standeth by the Lake Suerinus is but 5 miles distant from the Balticke Sea the vicinitie whereof made them bestow much labour in vaine to make a ditch out of the Lake into the Balticke sea as in like manner there was an attempt made to cut through the Peloponnesian Isthmus Rostochium commonly called Rostocke and heretofore Lacinium and corruptly Rhodopholis and Laciburg is a sea cittie it was first a castle after Godscall the sonne of Endo did change it into a cittie and afterward it was enlarged by Primislaus the second the sonne of Nicolottus It hath now a flourishing Vniversitie which the Princes of Meckelburg did erect and constitute in the yeere 1415. The ayre here is wholesome and there is great plenty of provision for food and very cheape There is also Wismaria which some imagine was so called from Wismarus King of the Vandalls in the flourishing reigne of Constantine the Great some doe affirme that a Colonie of the Gothes was brought thither out of Visbina the Metropolis of Gothland But Crantzius Antiquities and Charters of the commonwealth dated after the yeare 1250 doe shew that it was built before the yeare 1240 out of the ruines of the great auncient Cittie Mecklenburg which gave the name to the whole Countrie by Gunzelinus Earle of Suerinus But in a short time this Cittie did wonderfully encrease by the traffike and trading of other Nations having a convenient Haven on the Balticke shore to receive shippes of great burden where they may lye safely without letting fall any anchors whence it is likely that the Cittie was named from the safety and conveiance of the Haven It is compassed round about with small townes who doe bring plentie of provision thither and doe furnish themselves againe from thence Moreover this ninth circle of the Empire called Nider Saxon doth consist of three orders the first whereof is the Clergie the second are the Princes and Secular Lords the third are the free Citties In the first there are the Archbishops of Bremes and Magdeburg the Bishops of Hildesheim of Lubeck of Suerinus of Ratzenburg and Schleswick the second containeth the Princes and saecular Lords as the Dukes of Lauwenburg of Brunswicke of Luneburg of Mecklenburg and of Holstein the Earles of Roffain and Delmenhorst In the third there are the free Citties as Lubeck Hamburg Mulhausen in Duringen and Northhausen Goslaria and Gottinga THE DVKEDOME OF BRVNSWICK THe Dukedome of Brunswick was so called from the chièfe Cittie Brunswick And the Cittie it selfe was denominated from Bruno the Sonne of Ludolphus Duke of Saxonie For he left his name to the Towne which he had begun and so from him it was called Brunons Towne which in the Saxon Language they call Wyc but now it is called Brunsvicum or Brunsweich The Country of Brunswicke is very large for it reaches from the boarders of the Dioeceses of Magdeburg and Halberstad and from the wood Hercynia even to the River Albis But about the yeare of Christ 1230 the Emperour Frederick did change the Earldome of Brunswick into a Dukedome and made Otto Duke of Brunswicke and Luneburg who succeeded Henry Leon who was Lord of all Saxonie Frederick the second made Otto Nephew to Leon Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg and gave him those Armes which his Vncle had brought out of England namely two Lions Or for the Country of Brunswick and another Lion Azure with Ermines for the Countie of Luneburg which armes did heretofore belong to Duke Herman and his posteritie with the Dukedome of Saxonie Concerning the other Dukes see Munster Lib. 3. of his Cosmographie Brunswick is now not onely the Metropolis and mother Cittie of this Dukedome but also of all Saxonie which heeretofore from the builder thereof was called Brunopolis Ptolomie calls it Tubisurgium according to the opinion of Francis Irenicus It is a large Cittie being foure square and adorned with many faire and beatifull buildings very populous and well fortified with double rampires and ditches by which there are divers sorts of trees planted it hath fiue Praetorian Halls and as many Magistrates It was built by two brothers Bruno and Theodore otherwise called Theomar the sonnes of Ludolphus Duke of Saxonie in the yeare 961 as Hermann their owne Historian doth witnesse The River Onacra glideth by this cittie which rising in the Hartonican wood doth divide the Cittie into two parts and carrieth away all the filth of the Cittie with it having many bridges built over it and at last it joyneth with Visurgis This Cittie hath no good water to drinke and therefore they have a kind of made drinke but they have little or no wine This Cittie rising from small beginnings yet in processe of time encreased very much both in strength and wealth so that the Princes thereof were stiled Dukes of Brunswick I will heere briefely make mention of those words which are praefixt and written upon the Court of this Cittie in regard of the frequent suites in law which are commenc'd in this contentious age In controversijs causarum capitales inimicitiae oriuntur fit amissio expensarum corpus THE DVKEDOME OF BRVNSWICKE Braūswik et Meydburg cum 〈◊〉 quotidie defatigatur labor animi exercetur Multa inhonesta crimina consequuntur Bona utilia opera post ponuntur qui saepè credunt obtinere frequenter succumbunt Et si obtinent computatis laboribus expensis nihil acquirunt That is sutes in Law are the occasion of much enmitie they put men to much charges they weary the body and trouble the minde they learne craft by following them they neglect their owne callings and more profitable employments and those who are confident that they shall have the better are oftentimes overthrowne by oppression And if they get the better yet labour and charges being reckoned they get nothing Among other Citties of this Dukedome Gostaria is not the last being an Emperiall Cittie which Henry the first the father of Otto the great did build and found in the yeare 1051 and
the Germanes were originally and aunciently called Germanes as appeares by others writings as also out of Procopius Caesariensis who was a sharpe sighted and judicious writer The first Prince of Franconia was Genebaldus who was governour thereof thirtie yeares After him there succeeded Marcomirus Dagobert Ludovicke the first Marcomirus the second Waramund alias Pharamund who being made King of France left his Dukedome to his brother Marcomer also Prunmesser Genebald the second Suno Luitemarus Hugbalaus Helmericus Gotefrid Genebald the third Ludovick the third after whom there followed Erebar● Ludovicke the fourth Gospert the second and Hetacus the last Duke who dying without an heyre he left the Dukedome to Wituninus King of France who was also called Pepin which afterward his sonne Charles the Great gave to Burchard the first Bishop of Viceburg and to his successors after him and so bestowed it on the Church in the yeare 752. It is now a Dukedome which tittle the Bishop of Herbipolis assumeth to himselfe Yet all Franc●nia is not subject unto him For Kitzinga and Bristadium are subject to the Marquesse of Brandenburg and Gralingiacum to the Bishop of Babenberg Also Chronacum Forchimium Staphelsteinium ●ochstadium are under the bishop of Herbipolis Koningspergum Oxenfordia Carolastadium Hasfordia and Bischofsheim Alderburg Middleburg and some other townes are subject to the Bishop of Moguntinum Colburg belongeth to the Duke of Saxonie Wirceburg which Conradus Corta calleth Erebipolis Ligurinus Herbipolis Spanhemius Marcopolis Ptolemaeus Artaunum and the inhabitants Wirtzburg from a sweete kinde of wort or drinke which the Countrie of Herbipolis doth yeeld is the Metropolis and Mother Cittie of East France in which Boniface Archbishop of Moguntinum in the yeare of Christ 751 erected a Bishopricke It is situated on a plaine being encompassed on every side with faire hills pleasant gardens and fruitefull Meddowes and also well fortified with ditches rampires walls Towers and Bulwarkes It is full of Cittizens and hath many faire buildings On the West Moenus runneth by it which is a navigable River and it hath a stone bridge standing over it which is built on strong piles Neere the River Moenus there is a Castell seated on the Mountaine which hath held out many seiges and therefore seemes to be impr●gnable At the foote of the Mountaine there is a Monasterie which was built by Burchard at the cost and charges of Cumbert King of France in honour of the great confessor But it would not bee much from our present purpose to know the forme and order of the inauguration and consecration of the Bishops and Dukes of Wirceburg After the decease of the former Bishop the Bishop that is designed entreth into the Cittie with a great troupe of horse Being come into the Cittie he alighteth from his horse and having put off his richest roabe foure Earles doe bring him into our Saviours Church or house bare headed and barefooted in a poore weede or habit girt about with a little cord The officiall Earles are the Lords of Hennenbergh Castel Werthein and Reineck Then the Deane together with the Clergie goeth forth to meete him and asketh him what he seekes or what hee desireth And then he answereth very submissively That though unworthy he is now ready to take upon him that office unto which he was chosen and to discharge it faithfully Then the Deane saith In the name of the Chapter I doe here commit unto thy charge the house of the Saviour of the world and the Dukedome annexed to it in the Name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Afterward he followeth the Clergie into our Saviours house and having put on the Pontificall roabe he first heares Masse and afterward hath a banket but first the body of the Bishop deceased is emboweld and set downe in the Chappell of the Castle and his heart being tooke out is put in a glasse vessell The next day he is brought out of the Castle into Saint Iames his Monasterie holding in his right hand a Crozier and in his left a sword the third day they goe againe to our Saviours house where after Dirges and prayer he is at last buried with a Crozier and a sword The other Citties are that which Ptolemie calls Bamberg Peter Appianus calleth it Granionarium and Granionarion in a Greeke booke it was at first called Balemberg that is the Mountaine of Baba from Baba the daughter of Otto Duke of Saxome and wife to Albert Earle of Babemberg others doe call this Cittie Psawenberg it is a very pleasant Cittie situated by the River Regnuz It hath many Mountaines Hills and Gardens and a very fruitfull soyle where great store of Musmillians and Liquerize doe grow It is an Episcopall Seate and as it hath bread many happy wits so it glorieth chiefely in Ioachim Camerarius a man famous for all kind of learning as appeareth by his workes set out by him which are read with much admiration There is also Francosort or Francoford by the River Moene which is commonly called Franck Furtam Mayn to distinguish it from the other Franckofort which is situated by Odera Munster writeth that it was heretofore called Helenopolis but he doth not shew when or from whence it was so called Henry Stephanus calleth it in his Emconion of this Cittie the Academie of the Muses the Athens of Franckford the Muses Mercuriall Faires and the Compendium or Epitome of all the Marts of the world This Cittie is divided into two parts by the River Moenus and joyned together againe with a stone Bridge It is now an Emperiall Cittie and famous through the whole world for two Marts or Faires Heere the Electors doe chuse the Romaine Emperours and if there be competitors that stand for the Empire they doe here sight for it and try it by battell There is also Moguntia commonly called Mentz some call it Moguntiacum Ptolomie Lib. 2. cap. 8. tab 3. calls it Neomagum Moguntia is so called from the River Maenus which some doe call Moganus and others Mogus It is an Episcopall and Metropolitan Cittie It hath a fruitefull soyle on either side of the River Rhene which yeeldeth great store of wine It is large and well fortified and very populous on that side which is toward Rhe●● but on the other side it hath few inhabitants it is very long but narrow There are faire houses built after the Romane fashion and magnificent Collegiate Churches with the Bishops Castle Here was an Vniversity erected by Bishop Theodoricke and it is thought that the Art of Printing was invented here It is subject to the Archbishop who is elector and Chanceller of the Empire There is also Mons Regius commonly called Conigsperg where Iohn de Monte Regio a great Mathematician was borne whose Commentaries upon Ptolomies Almagest are yet extant Schweinfordia is situated by the River Moene in the middle almost of Franconia There are also Kitzinga and Fridberg an Imperiall Cittie and others Moreover the first Circle of the Empire is in Franconia in
Misnia or Meyssen is a Country of higher Saxonie lying betweene the River Sala and Albis which was so called either from the Lake M●sia neere which the inhabitants hereof did dwell or from the Cittie Misna to which opinion Rithamerus in his description of the world doth agree But it seemeth that this Country was lately so named seeing we may gather out of Tacitus that the Hermundurians were formerly seated here for he mentioneth that the River Albis did rise among the Hermundurians It is bounded on the North with the Marquiship of Brandenburg and the higher Saxonie on the East with Lusatia and Silesia on the South it looketh toward the Kingdome of Bohemia and the Sudetian Mountaines on the West it hath Turingia They say the ayre was heretofore very bad and insufferable in regard of moyst exhalations arising from the Mountaines and the Woods but now the Woods being cut downe the foggy clouds are vanished so that the ayre is now more wholesome This Country aboundeth with all kinde of fruites so that it furnishes other Countries It hath every where great store of Corne and also great plentie of wine honey and cattell except in the Valley of Ioachim where the soyle is harder and lesse fruitfull But the rich Mines of Silver doth recompence the barrennesse of the superficies or surface of the earth The Mountaines also have divers kinds of mettalls as Silver Brasse Steele Iron Lead and in some places Gold In the time of Otto the Great this Countrie together with that higher Saxonie was called the Marquiship of Saxonie before the higher Saxonie was made a Dukedome Afterward in processe of time these Countries were divided into more Lordships and afterward they were reduc'd into one Dominion and had one denomination or name which happened in the yeare 1241 when the Landgrave of Turingia dying without issue his Territories came to the Lords of Misnia who from that time got both titles and were called Marquesses THE DVKEDOME of the higher SAXONIE SAXONIAE Superioris Lusafiae Misniaeque des of Misnia and Landgraves of Thuringia And in the yeare of our Lord 1423 the Prince Elector of Saxonie having no issue male the Emperour Sigismund did give the Dukedome of Saxonie to the Princes of Misnia which they doe still possesse and after that as Munster writeth they usurped a triple or threefold title There are many Citties in Misnia the chiefe Cittie is Misena on the left hand bancke of the River Albis which was built by Otto the first The next is Dresdena very pleasantly seated and well fortified Heere the Duke of Saxonie hath an armorie and a magnificent Pallace and a curious stone bridge Lipsia is a famous Mart Towne situated by the River Pleissena which excelleth all the other Citties of Misnia for wealth and beautie heere is a Noble Schoole for learning and wisedome which in those troublesome times at Prague was translated thither in the yeare 1408. In the same tract there are Itenburg Antiquae cellae Lautenberg and other Townes This Countrie is watered with these Rivers Albis Sala Mulda and others and it hath many woods as Gabreta and others which are parts of Hercynia The inhabitants are strong valiant and well proportioned in body they are also merry and pleasant friendly modest and peaceable and are not like the auncient Germanes for rudenesse of behaviour Lusatia LVsatia also as Rithamerus doth witnesse is a great part of Saxonie which lyeth betweene the Rivers Albis and Odera and the Mountaines of Bohemia But the name of Lusatia is derived from the Elysians or Lygians who as Ioachim Carens saith were seated here This Country hath good store of Corne and is very fruitfull It was sometime joyned with Misnia at length the Bohemians who strived to enlarge their Kingdome tooke it to themselves Lusatia is twofold the Lower and the Higher In the latter there are these Citties Sprenberg Prybus and Cotbus in the former Gorlits and Zitaw Gorlitum commonly called Gorlitz is the chiefest and Noblest Cittie in the higher Lusatia having many faire houses and being well fortified with walls and ditches and by the mountainous situation thereof and also by the Vicinitie of the River which is very profitable and commodious to Millers Brewers Dyers and other Cittizens There is a stone Bridge to passe over it which is covered over head But of all the publicke and private costly aedifices S. Peters Church and the Pallace are the chiefe This Cittie was first founded and built in the yeare 1030 as the Annalls thereof doe witnesse But in the yeare 1301 it was burnt downe to the ground so that there was not one house left standing But like a Phoenix that riseth out of her owne ashes so eight yeares afterward out of these ruines it was built fairer and more curiously than before It is subject to the Kingdome of Bohemia as also Lusatia And Iohn Dubravius Lib. 21. concerning the affaires of Bohemia doth shew how it came to the Crowne of Bohemia The River Nissa doth water Lusatia and doth much enrich it But so much concerning Lusatia Now let us returne to Saxonie and speake briefely of it These Noble Rivers doe water Saxonie Albis Sala Visurgis also Lusimicius Multa●ia Misa Sala Fulda Leyna Allenius Odera Ola Nisa and others It hath also many woods as Lunenbergerheid Spondawerheid Rottenawerheid Galberheid Pomerischeid which are parts of Hercynia The Saxones were heretofore distinguished into foure ranckes or orders the Nobles Gentry Freemen and Servants And there was a Law made that every one should marry in their owne rancke or tribe So that a Noble man should marry a Noble woman a Gentleman should marry a Gentlewoman a Freeman should marry a Freewoman and a Servant should marry a Servant and it was death to breake or infriuge this statute They had also excellent lawes for punishing malefactors Moreover Ober Saxon which is the eight Circle of the Empire doth consist of three orders the first are the bishops of Misnia of Merspurg of Naumburg of Brandenburg of Havelburg of Lubecke of Caminum The Abbots of Salveldt of Rottershausen and Falckenreiten Also the Abbetesses of Quedelnburg and of Genrode the second are the Princes and saecular Lords as the Duke Elector of Saxonie the Marquesse of Brandenburg Elector the Dukes of Pomerania the Princes of Anhalt the Earles of Schwartzenburg Count Mansfelt Count Stolberg Counte Hohenstein Count Buchlingen Count Rappin Count Mullingen Count Gleiche Count Leisneck Count Widersfelt the Lords of Bernaw B. de Tautenberg Count Regenslein Russe de Plaw D. de Gratz D de Schonberg The third are the free Citties as Da●●iscum and Elbingen THE MARQVISHIP and Electorship of BRANDENBVRG THe Marquiship of Brandenburg which is represented in this Table was heretofore inhabited by the Vardals who spread themselves from the River Albis Eastward through the Countries of Mechelburg Brandenburg Pomerania Bohemia and Polonia It was so called from the Metropolis which at first was called Brenneburg as George Sabine saith
Italiam quando digressus ab urbe petebam A Duce quae Brenno condita nomen habet Going to Italie that Cittie I did leave Which from Duke Brennus doth her name receive THE MARQVISHIP and Electorship of BRANDENBVRG MARCA BRANDENBURGENSIS POMERANIA P●merania was called by the first inhabitants in the Vandall speech Pamortza now it is a Dukedome which lyeth by the Balthick sea and it is stretched in a long tract of ground from the borders of Holsatia to the consines of Livonia The Countrie is every where very fruitfull having pleasant Medowes and greene pastures It hath such abundance of Corne Butter Honey Wax Flax Hempe and other such like commodities that the inhabitants make a great benefit of them by transporting them to other Countries The inhabitants also doe gather up Amber by the Sea side but in lesser quantitie than the Borussians There are divers kindes of tame cattell and heards of wilde beasts which runne up and downe in the woods This Countrie had always Lord and inhabitants of its owne which were never conquered nor driven out of their Countrie Heere are many faire Citties The chiefe is Stetimum by the river Viadrus which was heretofore a long fisher Towne seated on the bancke of the River and after it had received the Christian faith the Mart being translated thither it began to encrease so that it is now the Metropolis of Pomerania Gripswald●n is a famous towne for learning and good Arts there was an Vniversitie built there in the yeare 1546. Iulinum accounted heretofore the greatest towne in all Europe was a Mart towne of the Vandalls Stralsundia is a faire Towne on the shore of the Balthick sea having heretofore a Duke thereof Wineta is a very rich sea-faring Towne but it was ruinated by Conradus King of Denmarke There are also other Citties as Neugardia Lemburga Stargardia Bergradum C●menez Publina Grifenburga and by the shoare side there are Colberga Caminum Collinum Sunda Pucka Revecol Lovensburg and Hechel And so much briefely concerning Pomerania Also Mecklenburg or the Dukedome of Magnopolis is contained in this Table There are also in the same Table these Ecclesiastickes the Bishop of Magdeburg Primate of Germanie under whom are the Bishops of Brandenburg in the Marquiship of Brandenburg and the Bishop of Havelburg in Mecklenburg also the Bishop of Swerinium under the Bishop of Bremes in Pomerania there is the Bishop of Camin THE DVKEDOME OF POMERANIA POMERANIA is now a Dukedome it lyeth by the Balthick Sea and reacheth from the confines of Holsatia even to Livonia This Country was called by the first Inhabitants in the Vandals Language Pamorzi and it had alwayes a peculiar people who were never conquered and as Bertius witnesseth unto whom wee are beholden for this discription they were beaten or expulsed out of their owne Country The Country is plaine and hath few Hills but euery where fruitfull and watered with Riuers and Springs having pleasant Meddowes and greene Pastures shadie Woods in which there are divers kinde of wilde Beasts It hath abundance of Cattell as also great store of Corne Butter Honey Waxe Cotten Hempe and other Commodities so that the Inhabitants doe gaine much by transporting them There are many faire Citties in Pomerania The chiefe Citty is Stettinum which is situate by the River Viadrus which is now called Odera it was heretofore a long Fisher Towne by the bancke of the River but now it is the chiefe Metrapolis and Mother Citty of Pomerania Gripswaldum is a Towne famous for learning and humane Arts an University was built here in the yeere of Christ 1556. Here is also the Towne Iulinum which was heretofore the most famous Towne of all Europe and a Mart Towne of the Vandals unto which the Russians the Danes the S●rabians the Saxones the Sarmatians and the Suevians did bring their Commodities and Merchandise The Inhabitants when they perceived that the Christian Religion began to flourish and encrease would not suffer any stranger to mention the new Religion and this was the cause that they received the Christian faith so lately But at last by compulsion they received this Religion about the yeere of Christ 1000. but they reuolting often from their faith and having made a great massacre and slaughter of the Christians in the yeere 1066. did returne to Paganisme untill Otto Bishop of Bamberg began againe to preach the Gospell of Salvation in Pomerania with such good successe that three Brothers who were Princes namely Ratisborus Bugislaus and Suantepolcus were baptized and received the Christian Religion The first Bishop of Iulium was Adelbert but in regard the Citty was still infested by the Danes hee thought good thirty yeeres afterward to translate his seate to Caminum and so the other Citty fell to the ground Stralz●na●a is a faire Towne on the shore of the Balthick Sea which had heretofore a Duke of its owne but now it is subject to the Duke of Pomerania it is supposed to have beene built by the Frenchmen and reedified by Waldemar King of Denmarke about the yeere of Christ 1209. but now it is a strong Towne and is a defence to Denmark and Swethland Wineta is the richest of all the Sea Citties being situate betweene the River Suenus and the Iland Rugia and it was ruinated by Conrado King of Denmarke in the yeere 1030. There are also other Citties as Neugardia Stargardia Camenez Grifenburga and by the shore Colberga Caminum Collinum Sunda Lovensburg and many other THE DVKEDOME OF POMERANIA Brandeburg et Pomerania RVGIA RVGIA is an Iland in that part of the Easterne or Swevian Sea which is properly call'd the Balthick Sea On the North it hath Denmarke and the Chaulkie Iland Mona On the West and South it hath the Citties Pomeranta Bardus Stralesundius Gryphiswaldus and Walgastus This Iland was heretofore farre larger then it is now insomuch that the Iland Ruden was so conjoyned with it that it had nothing but a small Ditch which a man might leap over with a staffe to part it But in the yeere 1309. all that part of it which lyeth betweene Rugia and Ruden was swallowed up and washed away by a violent tempest which did blow downe and overthrow Towers and Houses so that there is now a Channell of halfe a mile breadth which will beare Ships of great burthen and it is now called the new passage Das Neure Si●f oder Shiffart For heretofore great Ships were wont to fall downe to Sea by another way or passage not Eastward but Westward which they call Dan Bellen This Iland is encompassed round about with the Sea and is seven Germane miles both in length and breadth The circumference whereof if it were round according to the rules of the Mathematicks should bee 21. miles But now the circumference of it is not onely distinguished with many Ilands and Peninsulaes some greater and some lesser but also hee that shall diligently note the windings of the Sea into the middle parts
Wood called De Stubhenitza that is a heape of Stubs of Trees doe yeeld firewood enough for the whole Iland The Clergie here have both Meddowes and Fields of their owne and have also tythe Cattell and tythe Corne. There are great store of Nobility in this Country who are discended from ancient Families of which some are more hospitalious and bountifull and some more sparing some doe addict themselves to the warres and some to study and most of them doe travell to forraine Princes and Kings Courts and doe goe to Universities and to the Warres And so are chosen to be Governours both in forraine Countries and Provinces and also in their owne Country in times of parre and weace not onely in Politick but also in Ecclesiastick affaires The Country people also doe live well in this Principality who doe onely pay the Magistrates a certaine summe of money and doe certaine services and some of them doe none at all And let so much suffice concerning the Iland and Principality of Rugia THE KINGDOME AND ELECTORSHIP OF BOHEMIA BOHEMIA Boemia or Bojemia as some would have it was so called from the Wood Hercynia For in the Germane language Baum and in Dutch Boom signifies a tree the Graecians call it Baemia and Ptolomy calls the Inhabitants Baemi and Strabo Lib. 7. calleth them Kolduli Some would have it so named from the Bojans who fled and transmigrated thither which seeme to bee so called from Bois that is from Wood. Ptol. lib. 2. cap. 11. in his description of Germany doth place the Baemians under the Wood Harcynia being a great Nation spreading even to Danubius Strabo calleth it Bubiemium for so Rhenanus Aventine and others doe read it but yet in the Graecian printed Copies it is called Boviasmon but Rhenanus thinketh this to be a corrupt reading of it and Causabon noteth that in ancient Bookes it is called Bovia●mon Tacitus calleth it Bojemum On the East it hath the Marcomannians and Quadians on the West the Noricians on the South the higher Pamonia now called Austria and on the North it is bounded with Saxonie and Misnia The Wood Hercynia doth encompasse it round about and encloseth it in manner of a Romane Amphitheater So that the length and breadth is all one being above two hundred mile broad and as many long The ayre in regard the Country standeth Northward is cold and sharpe but yet wholesome But the soyle yeeldeth such great store of Barly and Wheate so that it furnishes and supplies other Countries But it hath but little Wine and that which growes there is very tart and sharpe It hath excellent Saffron both for colour and sent This Country also yeeldeth very rich Drugs yet it hath no Oyle nor any other parts of Germany It hath many rich mines the chiefe whereof are in the Countries of Cromelaw Budeveisz and Kuttenberg Also neere the Towne Beraun there are Iron Mines And in other parts it hath Tinne Leade and Brasse And moreover it hath Carbuncles and Amethists which are taken out of the Oare Moreover there are great store of wilde Beasts for hunting as Foxes Beares Harts and wilde Oxen which they call in their language Lomi And they report that this wilde Beast Lomi when hee is hunted filleth a Bladder which hee hath beneath his necke with hot water and therewithall hee sprinckles the Dogs that follow him which burneth whatsoever it toucheth like scalding water so that it will make the hayre and skin come of This Country was governed at first by a Duke The first Duke was Zechus who comming out of Crotia did first establish this Country of Bohemia After him succeeded Crocus and his Daughter Labussa with her Husband Primislaus after him Nimislaus and his Nephew Mnato and Vrislaus the Sonne of Mnato also Necla Noctericus and Borsinous In whose time Bohemia received the Christian faith in the yeere 900. in the time of THE KINGDOME AND ELECTORSHIP OF BOHEMIA BOHEMIA the Emperour Arnulph but in the yeere of our Lord 1086. Bohemia was made a Kingdome and in the Counsell at Moguntine Vratisslaus the first was created King by the Emperour Henry the fourth and Gilbert Bishop of Trevers was sent to Prague to annoynt the King in the presence of the people and to invest him with the Royall ornaments his wife also Swatana was crowned Queene But afterward it fell to bee a Dukedome againe when it came to Vratislaus the fourth who for his service in the Mediolanian expedition was created by the Emperour Frederick King of Bohemia and an associate in the Empire and had given him for his armes a red Lyon with a forked tayle in a white Field from whom some Emperours discended after that Bis●tislaus had carried away Iutha the Daughter of the Emperour Otho the II. whence they began to bee a kinne to the Emperours The King of Bohemia is one of the seven Electors Bohemia hath some Citties which are subject to the King and some to the Lords and Nobles The chiefe Citty is Prague which was walled about by Primistaus the third Duke of Bohemia and his wife Libusla It hath the Castle V●segradum or Herschin which is seated on a Mountaine The whole Citty is divided into three Citties the Higher the New and the Lesse The River Muldavia doth seperate old Prague from the new in which there is a Castle and the Cathedrall Church of Saint Vitus and these two parts of the Citty are joyned together with a stone Bridge of 24. Arches which was built by King Vladislaus The Emperour ●harles the IV. and the King of Bohemia did much adorne and enlarge this Citty The Castle standeth on a very steepe Hill In the Church of the Castle there is an Alablaster Monument wrought with curious workmanship in which divers Princes and Emperours have beene buryed Ptolomy would have it call'd Casurges Aventinus Ma●●budum and Strabo Bubienum In the yeere 1370. King Charles erected here an Academy or Vniversity which continued untill the yeere 1308. And afterward by reason of a faction which arose it was translated to Lapsia The Citty Egra is situated in the first entrance into Bohemia which was so named from the River Egra by which it was seated It was heretofore subject to the Romane Empire but now to the Kingdome of Bohemia It is faire and beautifull within it hath faire houses and civill courteous and magnificent Citizens And without it hath pleasant Orchards and fruitfull Fields and a River full of Fish This Citty is famous for a kinde of drinke called Mede which is made of Honey The chiefe Townes of Bohemia towards Moravia are Mutha Chrudima Hradecium Pardubitium Litomossium and from thence toward Noricia there are Glatovia Dornazlicium Misa and Tacovia On the South side the chiefe Townes are Budvicium Crum●●via Trebonia Hadrecium Hencici and on that side which is toward Misma it hath these Townes Pons Cadana Chomutavia and Austio And these Townes are neere the confines of Sl●●ia Hiaromirium Gla●●um
the Barren of Wolkenstain the Lord Senster the Lord Roggendorff Count Hardkeck And besides the Princes of the Empire there are in Austria the Counts of Thurn Crentz Ortenburg Perneck Garb Freyhern Landskron Wanberg Hohen Osterwitz Newberg Guetenhag Teuffe●bach Maiyhofen Awersperg Dorneck Saraw Hattenstain Schwartzenaw Tu●nstai● Wachanthall Hoffkirchen Eytzing The Lordships also are Aichelperg Liechtenstain Puchaim Luetkurt Porges Schonkirchen Shifftenberg Altensperg Hornstein and Seibersdorff THE BISHOPRICKE OF SALTZBVRG THe Bishopricke of Saltzburg is so called from the Metrapolitan Citty Saltzburg Francis Irenicus maketh this the chiefe of the five Bishopricks of Bavaria This Territory is enriched with all kinde of Mettals as Gold Silver Brasse and Iron Here is also Rozen Brimstone Allom and Antimony There are also Mines of Marble The plaine ground is fit for planting of Vines or Tillage The Mountaines doe afford great store of game for Hawking and Hunting Munster doth name 58. Bishops of Saltzburg the last was Ernest Count Palatine of Rhene Duke of Bavaria the Sonne of Albert and Kunegundis the Daughter of the Emperour Frederick Moreover in the time of Arno the tenth Bishop hereof it was made an Archbishop by Leo the third and it hath under it these Suffragan Bishops the Bishop of Trident of Patavia of Vienna of Gorcensa of Brixen of Frisingen of Seccovia of Lavintinium and the Chyenensiam The Metrapolis or Mother Citty is Saltzburgum or Salisburgum it is commonly call'd Saltzburg from the River Saltzach though some suppose that it is called Saltzburg from the Salt which is digged neere unto it There is also Iuvantia or Iuvavia or Iuvaviam which was so called à juvando from helping and in the Germane language Helffenberg because Iulius Caesar built a Castle there to be a defence and refuge to his Legions against the Germanes whom hee intended to conquer and subdue For it is reported that the Romanes slew 3400000. Germanes and tooke 1500000. Prisoners Some thinke that Iuvavia was so called from the River Iuvavius which runneth neere unto it It is called also the Iuvensian Castle as Pighius sheweth Aventinus affirmeth out of ancient writing and records that it was that which Ptolomy calls Paedicum and that there is a Village still remaining of that name But Francis Irenicus writeth that it is Ptolomies Gamanodurum or Badacum unto whom Volateranus doth also assent Antoninus his Itinerary maketh mention of Iuvaria But Gasper Bruschius doth thinke that the name Helffenberg is more ancient than Iuvavia and from thence it was called Iuvavia which signifies the same Pighius writeth that he read these Verses in a Church of this Citty Tunc Hadriana vetus quae post Iuvavia dicta Praesidialis erat Noricis Episcopo digna Ruberti sedes qui fidem contulit illis Christi quam retinet Saltzburgum sero vocata Then Hadrian which they did after call Iuvavia was a seate Praesidiall Of the Noricians and a Bishoprick it hath Where Rubert taught them first the Christian faith Which since that time the people doe retaine And now of late they doe it Saltzberg name THE BISHOPRICKE OF SALTZBVRG SALTZBURG CARINTHIA Qui mihi de celsis nuper fuit Alpibus actus Oenus ubi atque Athesis murmura ranca facit Argenti aeterno scaturit qua vena Metallo Et ditat totam patriam Alemanicam Hic halant liquido puro de fonte Salinae Ditantes Bavaros Austriacosque Duces Hic turba est tetrae nigraeque simillima morti Qui solvunt vastis ignibus aera suis Haud credas nostris decocta Metalla per ignem Sed Phlegetontaeis mundificata vadis Whom I did drive downe from the Alpes so high Where Oenus and Athesis runne by With a hollow murmour where Silver vaine Enricheth all the Country of Alemaine Here Salt doth boyle out of the pure spring Which to the Austrian Dukes much wealth doth bring And the Bavarians while a smooty crew Doe melt the Brasse as blacke as death in shew You cannot thinke that fire doth make it runne But that it is refin'd in Phlegeton This Bishoprick also hath many woods as the woods Hardio Hendard and Weyhard which lye on the North. But let so much suffice concerning the Bishoprick of Saltzburg it remaineth that we should speake something concerning the Dukedome of Carinthia which is contained in this Table The Dukedome of CARINTHIA CARINTHIA or Carnithia as Rithaimerus supposeth it should be written was so called from the Carnians who are the ancient Inhabitants thereof whom both Pliny and other Geographers doe mention But it is doubtfull whether they were so called from Carnuntum an ancient Towne often mentioned by Authors or whether the Towne was so denominated from them There is a place in Pannonia almost seven miles distant from Vienna where there are some ruines remaining of a famous Citty which is now called D. Petronell Moreover the Carniolians are called in the Germane language Karnten Krain Karst This Country hath on the East and North S●yria on the West and South the Alpes Carniola is a part of it there are many Valleyes and Hills in this Country which doe yeeld great store of wheat Solinus cap. 30. saith that the Country Noricia is cold and unfruitfull but that part which is more remote from the Alpes is very fertile The Metropolis of this Country is Santo-Vicus which is a faire Citty by the River Lana It hath a large Market-place and a cleare fountaine of water There is also the Towne Villacum where the forepart of the houses are curiously painted with Histories set forth in colours which are very pleasant to behold It is seated on a plaine by the River Dravus and environed with high Rockes and it hath a stone Bridge Clagenfurtum is a well fortified Citty which as Lazius witnesseth was anciently called Claudia Some doe write that the Citizens of this Citty are so severe and inexorable towards theeves insomuch that upon suspition of felony some have beene put to death without tryall three dayes after his execution they araigne him and if they finde that he was not guilty they bury him honourably but if they finde that hee was guilty they let him hang on the Crosse or Gallowes But Rithaymerus thinketh it to be a fabulous report there is also Wolspergum which lyeth by the River Lavandus also Santo Leonardus c. There are many Lakes in this Country as Mulsetterse O ssiachersee Werdsee Lavandtsee Iudenburgersee Weisee The chiefe River is Dravus which runneth thorow Stiria and Pannonia into Danubius The next unto it are Savo Glana Schleiniza and Lavand all which Dravus doth receive Mura also runneth into Dravus But most of the aforesaid Rivers have their Spring-heads and Fountaines in this Country which is every where full of Mountaines For the high Alpes as Strabo writeth doe runne hither in one continued ridge so that it seemeth one Mountaine which is sometimes lower and sometimes higher I doe thinke there are parts of the Mountaine Taurus which the Inhabitants
call by divers name on the West there is Gastein ●aurn Villacher Taurn Rastatter Taurn and Karn●n Taurn But some of the Alpes doe keepe their owne names as Modringalbin Serbisalbin Sanalbin c. Dietzperg hangeth over the River Dravus and above it there is the Mountaine Argentatus which the Inhabitants call Silber Berg in the Mountaine Rasperg there are the Fountaines and Spring-heads of the Rivers Mura and Isara the one running Southward the other Eastward And betweene these high Hills of Taurus and the Alpes there are many woods which are parts of the wood Hercynia as Hirschpuhl Priewalt Adelwaldt Eremus commonly called in der Einod The aforesaid Alpes have Gold Silver and Iron in them Concerning the Ecclesiasticall government it is devided as Paracelsus saith betweene the Bishop of Saltzburg and the Patriarch of Aquilegium Munster in his third Booke of Cosmographie and Pius 2. in his Europe doth describe a strange custome which they have in inaugurating their Princes THE KINGDOME OF POLAND· POLAND was so called from the Planesse of the Country which they themselves call Pole It is a very great Country on the North side it hath Borussia and Pomerania on the East Massovia and Lithuania on the South it is enclosed with the Mountaines of Russia and Hungaria on the West it hath Lusatia Silesia and Moravia it is 480. Miles long and three hundred broade The ayre of this Country is pure but the Winters are cold and sharpe All the Country is plaine and yeeldeth good store of Barley Wheate and Pulse It hath abundance of fruites Waxe Honey and Butter It hath also great store of Salt which is digged out of the earth I and there are in these Mountaines Mines of Brasse which the inhabitants call Tatri and also Mines of Brimstone It hath also great store of Cattell so that Saxonie and many Countries of Germanie doe live by Poland Oxen. There is great variety of living creatures and great store of cattell and wild beasts It hath wild Oxen Buffones Bulls and wild Horses and Ounces and the like There are also great store of foule for Hawking Poland was dignified with the title of a Kingdome in the yeare 1001. in the raigne of Boleslaus Chabri who received his royall Diadem from the Emperour Otto the third But 77. yeares after in the raigne of Boleslaus Audaci or the bold who cruelly murdered Stanislaus Bishop of Cracovia the Pope devested it of that dignity and tooke it away And it was made a Kingdome againe in the yeare 1295. and Primislaus the second Duke of the greater Poland and Pomerania was elected King This Country is divided into the greater and lesser Poland The greater is more Northward and the River doth part it in the middle The lesser is Southward and the River Vistula runneth through it In the greater Poland the principall Cities are these Posnania by the Rivers Varta and Prosna it is situate betweene the Hills and walled with a double wall it hath many faire tiled or slated houses the Suburbs are large on the farther banke of the River Varta encompassed with a great Lake and Marshes it hath every yeare two famous Faires and it is a Bishops seate It hath these Townes under it Koscien among the Marshes which is 7. Miles distant Also Meidzyrzexze in which the houses are built all of wood and it is neere to Silesia and Pomerania Also Ostresow which is situate on a plaine betweene the Woods and the Townes Wschow Sremick Prenez and Rogozno Calisia is a walled Citie among the Marshes the River Prosna runneth by it and there are some ruines of a Castell Vnder this Citie there are Gnesna Pizary Wartha Noklo Land Konin Slupeza and Kolo Gnesna is walled about and seated on a Plaine betweene Lakes and Hills This Citie was first built by Lechus in which Boleslaus THE KINGDOME OF POLAND· POLONIA et SILESIA Chabri Prince of Poland received the Royall Diadem from the Emperour Otto the third which the Kings of Poland doe still enjoy Siradia is a Citie built of wood walled about and seated on a Plaine Vnder it there are the Cities Vielunia Sadeck Petricovia Rosprza and Spicimiria Petricovia is seated in a moorish ground Lancisia is a pleasant Citie walled about and seated on a plaine Vnder it there are Orlovia Piatec Bresma Kornazew Biechow and some other Townes Cuiauia or Vladislauia is a faire Citie and it hath under it Bistgostia by the navigable River Buda by which commodities are transported out of Poland into Vistula Brestia hath under it Radziciow Crusphicia and Cowalow Crusphisia is the chiefe Citie of all Poland next to Gnes●a it is built of wood with a brick Castell and it is seated by the Lake Goplo out of which Lake Mice heretofore came forth who by the just judgement of God did devoure Pompil●us Prince of Poland in that Castle Raua is a woodden Citie by the River Raua it hath under it these Townes Sochaczouia Gostinin and Gamh●● Ploozko is a pleasant Cittie seated on a Hill by the River Vistula it is a Bishops seate under it there are Bielsko Raczyayaz Steperoz Stre●sko Mlawa Plonsko and Radzanow Dobrinta is situated on a rock by the River Vistula it had a Castle which the Crucigerans did demolish Vnder it there are 〈◊〉 Ripin and Gorzno In the lesser Poland there are these Principall Cit●ties Cracovia Sandomiria and Lublinum Cracovia is built on a Plaine by the River Vistula Peter Appiarus supposeth it to be the same which Ptolomy calls Carrodunum being walled with a double wall It hath a Castle on a high rock which they call Vanel In this Citty the King of Poland keepe their residence and are buryed It hath also a Vniversity famous for study and Arts. But the Cracovians have no chiefe Advocate so that the King himselfe is the Praetor of Cracovia There are three Cities neere unto Cracovia Clepardia Stradonia and Casimiria It hath two Dukedomes under it Biecz Wonincz Sandecz Lelow K●yaz and Proszovice Sandomirta is a principall Cittie walled about being situated on a Hill by the River Vistula 22. Miles distant from Cracovia It hath an ancient Castle well fortified Vnder which is Che●●●y seated on a Plaine and famous for Mines of Blew in which there is also some silver found also Korzin Wislicia Pilzno Opoczno Radomia P●●onieck Zannichost Zarnow and Mologost Lublinum is a chiefe Citty well-fortified with a wall and a Castle In which there are yearely three Faires to which both Turkes Armenians Graecians Germanes Moschovites Lithuanians and others doe resort the River B●sterra doth runne by the Castle Vnder it there are Vrzendow Lulow Parc●● and Casimiria Moreover the Kingdome of Poland hath many Lakes in which there are all sorts of Fish It is watered also with many faire Rivers the chiefe whereof is Vandalus or Vistula which the Germanes call De Wixel The next are Chronus now called Pregell Nyennien Ruhon Viadrus Varta Tyras now called Nyester Hypanis now Bugh Borysthenes now Nyeper
note where the Sessions for the whole Kingdome were wont to bee held which are now translated to Warsavia Lancicia is a pleasant Citty seated on a Plaine and walled about having a walled Castle on a Rocke by which the River Bísura glideth Cujavia or Vladislavia is a faire Citty being a Bishops seate Bidgostia is subject unto it which is seated by the navigable River Buda Brestia hath under it Radzieiow Crusphicia and Cowalow Crusphicia is the chiefe Citty of Poland next to Gnesna it is built of wood with a slated Castle by the Lake Golpo Rava is a wodden Citty situate by a River of the same name Ploczko is a pleasant Citty seated on a Hill by the River Vistula in which there was a Castle which the Crucigerians did demolish In the lesser Polonia the chiefe Citties are these Cracovia Sandomiria and Lublinum Cracovia is built on a Plaine neere the River Vistula being fortified with a double wall and a deep ditch It hath a Castle on a high Rock● which they call Vanel in this Citty the Kings of Poland keepe their residence and are buried It hath a famous Schoole for the study of Philosophie The Castellanus of Cracovia taketh place of the Palatine in the Senate but in other Provinces the Palatine is preferd before the Castellanus Moreover there are three Citties neere unto Cracovia Clepardia Stradomia and Cassimiria It hath two Dukedomes under it Zarocensis and Oswiecimensis It hath many Townes under it Sandomiria is a principall Citty walled about and situate on a Hill by the River Vistula being 22. miles distant from Cracovia It hath an ancient Castle well fortified under it there are Checiny in a Plaine which is famous for Mines of Blue in which there is Silver also found also Korezin Malogast and other Townes Lublinum is a Citty beyond Vistula being fortified with a Wall a Ditch a Lake and a Castle In which there are 3. Faires every yeere unto which both Turkes Armenians Grecians Germanes Muscovites and Lithuavians doe resort The Iewes doe ininhabite a great part of the Suburbs and have a Sinagogue there The River Bystizna doth runne by the Castle Poland as we said before is a plaine Country the most part of it is coverd with Woods and it yeeldeth good store of Barley Wheate and Pulse It hath abundance of Cattle It hath Lakes which are full of all kindes of Fish The chiefe Rivers are Vistula Viadrus commonly called Odera Tyres now Niester Hypanis which is called Bugh Vistula now called die Weixel was heretofore called Vandalus some call it Issula and Vissula This River riseth in the Carpathian Mountaines and before it commeth to Cracovia it is enlarged by the receit of many Rivers and afterward being growne very deepe and broad before it come to Dantiscum it dischargeth it selfe into the Codan Bay Boristhenes so well knowne of old is now called Nieper It hath a few Mountaines and those Southward where it looketh toward Hungaria The State of the Kingdome consisteth of the Clergie and Nobles The Ecclesiastick Order hath two Bishops the Bishop of Ghesnia who is Primate of the Kingdome who doth also crowne the King and the Bishop of Leopolis in blacke Russia The Bishops are of Cracovia in lesser Poland the Bishop of Posnia in the greater Poland and in other Provinces the Bishops Plocensis Chelmensis Vilnensis Kioviensis Lucensis Ianoucensis Samogitiensis Warmensis Culmensis Sambiensis Pomasaniensis Rigensis and others The Politick order of the Nobles hath 26. Palatines 60. Counts 4. Marshals a Chancellor and a Vicechancellor two Generals or Captaines in the lesser Poland there are forty common Captaines in the greater 30. in Massovia 12. So that the Kings when occasion requires can raise 200000. Nobles He that desires to know more concerning the state of this Kingdome let him have recourse to Stanislaus Kizistanowie his POLAND POLONIA description of the State of the Kingdome of Poland or to Guagninus or Boterus their description of Germany and Neugebaverus his Polonian History There are also in Poland Mines of Salt by Bochnia and Veliscus which doe exceed all others Veliscum is 8. miles distant from Cracovia Bochina is a faire Towne with a Castle where the Governour of rhe Saltpits dwels who is called Zupparius The Country round about is barren but this Country maketh a greater revenue out of these Mines then some Countries doe out of Gold and Silver Mines The people of Poland especially the Nobles doe now differ much from the Scythian barbarisme of the ancient Sarmatians They have no Robberies so that in Summer time they ride in Waggons and in Winter time in Coaches safely and without danger Most of the Nobility are very sharpe witted and doe get experience and languages by travelling into forraine Countries They are couragious and will not shun the stoutest enemy if any one bee wronged by the Nobles all their kindred and friends doe joyne together in revenging it and doe never cease untill they have revenged it or lost their owne lives Lastly they are not so liberall as prodigall both in their frequent Banquets and in the great retinue and number of Servants which they keepe and clothe THE KINGDOME OF HVNGARY HUNGARIA commonly called Hongeren which name it received from the Huns or Hungarians who came out of Scythia and did inhabit it doth containe Pannonia and the Countries of Iazigus and the Dacians beyond Danubius On the South it hath the River Savus which devideth it from Croatia and Servia which are a part of Illyrici over against the Adriatick Sea On the North it hath Poland and Russia which are disjoyned by the Mountaine Carpatus On the West it hath Austria which was heretofore the head of the higher Pannonia together with Moravia and Styria on the East Mysia which they now call Rhetiana It is an excellent Country both for the goodnesse of the soyle and the pleasantnesse of the Situation The Country is very fruitfull and fertill and yeeldeth Pearles Gold Silver Colours and Salt which are to be digged out of the Earth It hath abundance of Grasse Wheate Pulse and Fruit. That Country which is by Danubius doth yeeld excellent wine even from the Country of the five Churches to Taurunus or Belgrad But there is no Oyle and excepting that it is adorned with all the gifts of nature It hath divers kindes of living Creatures having such great plenty both of Oxen and Sheepe that great Droves are carried into other Countries especially into Italy and Germany It hath also abundance of wilde beasts as Hares Does Goats Harts Wolves Beares and the like And also great store of Birds especially Thrushes Partridges and Pheasants The Paeonians or Pannonians did first inhabit this Country afterward the Gothes who were expulsed by the Huns and the Huns by the Longobards who were seated here 13. yeeres But the Huns came in againe under the conduct of their Captaine Attila after whose death Charles the Great tooke it into his owne possession But in the yeere 700. the Huns
Rosselanian fields in Vmbria are reported to have beene so fruitful that Varro witnesseth Caesar Vopiscus when he pleaded his cause before the Censors said that the Rosean Fields were the Senum Italiae in which if a Pitchforke bee left the day before the grasse will cover it over in one nights growth Varro speaking of the endowments of Italy saith that it produceth all things necessary for food Campania doth yeeld Corne Falernus wine Cassinas Oyle Tusculan Figges Tarrentine Honey and Tiber Fish Moreover Pliny witnesseth that Italy is the Mother of all kindes of Trees I will not mention the Vulgar common sort For here are great store of Orange Trees Lemmon Trees and Quince Trees All the Coast as for example Liguria and that which belongeth to Genoa is adorned and beautified with faire Trees and great high Palme Trees which are full of sweet smelling fruit so that it is pleasant both in sight and scent and it hath every where pleasant Gardens to recreate sad mindes and drive away Melancholy And the same may be said of a thousand other places The same Pliny sheweth that there are Pepper trees in Italy The Hydruntine Country hath abundance of Olives so that he that hath not seene the great Woods of Olive trees which are in these parts would thinke it incredible The Barian Fields in Apulia Peucetia doe bring forth great store of Oyle Wine Corne Almonds and Cotton and other fruits The Valley of On●lia in Liguria hath such great store of Oyle that sometimes it yeeldeth 32. and 22. thousand Jarres which the Inhabitants call Barilas There is also Manna in Italy For Manna is gathered neere Altomontium in Brutia which falleth downe like dew by night especially when the skie is serene and cleare after raine It is gathered from the Leaves of certaine Trees Pliny reporteth that it hath the choisest and best Vines so that it excelleth the most odoriferous Nations of the world for there is no scent to be compared with the delicious smell of the sweet budding Vines As the excellent Wines which are so celebrated and praised by ancient Writers doe testifie Pliny doth devide the Wines of Italy into foure sorts He preferreth the Setine Wines before all others which was so called from Setia a Towne of Latium The next he accounteth to be the Falerne Wine The third he reckneth to be the Albanian the Surrentinian the Massuan the Stanonian the Calenian the Fundanian the Vilitertian the Privernatian and the Signinian Wines The fourth sort are the Pretutian the Anconian and the Palmesian Wines But of these things others doe report I passe to the other gifts of Italy and will describe them briefly It is very fruitfull in producing all kinde of hearbes What should I speake of the Mettals Stones and other gifts Pliny saith that it is inferiour unto no Country for Mettals In Forum Iulium there is the River Hydra and not farre from thence a Mine of Quicksilver Great store of Allom was found heretofore among the Etruscians in the Territory of Masla In Campania there are Mines of Brimstone Three miles from Volaterris toward the River Caecina there are some Hills in which there are Salt-pits At Brutia also there are Salt Mines which are hollowed into the inner parts of the Mountaine with digging forth of Salt I omit the Stone Quarries out of which divers Stones are cut I doe not mention the Marble the Alablaster Chrystall and divers sorts of precious Stones nor the Saffron Blue and Rosen And that I may not be tedious in reckoning up the variety of living creatures Aulus Gellius Lib. 11. Noct. Atticar Cap. 1. Timaeus in his History and M. Terentius Varro in Antiquit. doe report that there are great store of Oxen in Italy and that there are many Buffons bred in this Country Lucillius witnesseth that the great strong Lucanian hearbs did graxe here Quem neque Lucanis oriundi montibus Tauri Ducere pro telo validis cervicibus possent Italy besides other Fowle hath Eagles and Vultures which are so often mentioned in the ancient Romane Histories I come now to the ancient Government There is no indubitable certainty concerning the ancient Government of Italie Annius of Viterbium doth speake of Comer who came first into this Country as a stranger also of Chamus Ianus Sabatius Sagus Cranus Aurunus Malotte Tages Ofrides Hercules Tuscus Alteus Ritis Italus Morgetes Roma Romanessus Iasius and others but approoved Historians doe make no mention of them But if we read Dionysius Halicarnassaeus Pompeus Trogus Solinus Polyhistor and other Greeke and Latine Writers that many yeeres before the building of Rome wee shall finde that Italie was governed by divers people as Sicilians the Aboriginians the Ligurians the Umbrians and the Etrurians which at last were all reduced under the government of the Romane Empire Rome at the first was governed by Kings for 245. yeeres together as Dionysius and Livie doe witnesse whom in the Romane History it is best to follow In whom wee may read the order and progresse of their atchievements and it is to be considered that their power did encrease abroad by military Discipline and at home by moderation and Justice and by the order of government Afterward the Kings for their tyranny and lust were expelled which many times had caused many changes and mutations in the Empire The names of the Kings are these Romulus who raigned 38. yeeres Numa who raigned 43. yeeres Tullus Hostilius who raigned 32. yeeres Aneus Martius who raigned 24. yeeres Tarquinius Priscus who raigned 37. yeeres Servius Tullius who raigned 44. yeeres Tarqu●nius Superbus who raigned 25. yeeres He was expelled the Kingdome for his Sons wicked act who ravished Lucretia But when the Kings were expelled the government became Annuall and two Consuls were created The first of which was L. Iunius Brutus unto whom was joyned Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus and after him M. Horatius Pulvillus Thus Italie was governed by Consuls untill the time of the Emperour Caesar Fl. Momyllus Augustulus whom Odoacer Herulus King of the Gothes did depose and subverted the Country to himselfe and afterward being slaine he left it to Theoderick his Successors I need not set downe a Catalogue of the Romane Consuls and Emperours which are well knowne And we may read in Histories the forme of the first royall government the changes of Lawes and Magistrates the Romanes valour their warres and their many civill dissentions untill Rome had got the Monarchie of the World and how by luxury civill warres and the fatall vicissitude and change of things it lost againe both vertue and Empire I proceed to other matters Italie hath many faire flourishing rich Citties many famous populous Townes and many Villages adorned with Noblemens houses It will not therefore be impertinent to set downe what Thomas Edwards an Englishman hath written concerning the most famous Citties of Italie Rome's holy by the blood of Saints there shed Rich Venice with the Sea 's encompassed Parthenope doth Captaines stout beget Mediolanum
the Plantation doth continue thorow all the descent of Rhodanus untill you come to S. Ma●icius At Sedunum the red Wine is better than the white and it is so black and thick that you may write with it Neere Octodurum the white is better than the red And there is no better Wine in Germany than that which groweth at Sedunum and so is transported and carried into neighbour Countries Here as also in Siders and Gundes Saffron groweth in great abundance There are Oranges Almonds and Figges And thorow the whole Country you shall finde all kinde of Apples Peares Nuts Prunes Cheries Chesnuts Mulberies Peaches Apricocks and the like Moreover the Mountaines of this Country doe yeeld many sorts of Physicall Hearbes and Rootes which have speciall soveraigne vertues This Country also is very fruitfull of Mines and pure Christall is digged forth in Gums neere the Spring-head of Rhodanus It produceth also divers kindes of living creatures as Kine Oxen Horses Asses Mules Sheepe Hogges Goates and Cunnies also Geese Ducks Hens Peacocks and Doves It hath also abundance of Bees of which they make great profit Moreover the Mountaines have some beasts unknowne to us as the Aegocerots which are horned like Goates also wilde Oxen Alpine Mice and Hares unlike to ours also Pheasants Woodcocks and Birds which they call Parnifas also Partridges Vultures Ring-Doves Hernes Finches Magpies Stares and Thrushes They have also abundance of Beares Wolves Leopards Foxes Martines and Faulcons But they have no Harts Goates Boares Scorpions or Shelfrogs Yet they have such great store of Venison in this Country that it is sold in the Market like Oxe-flesh and sometime cheaper Moreover the Bishop of Sedunum is Prince and Lord of all Valesia both in spirituall and temporall matters and Charles the great about the yeere of Christ 805. gave this Country and Praefectorship to S. Theodolus Bishop of Sedunum and to his Successors And many other Emperours did confirme this donation and strengthen it even vntill this day Valesia is devided into the higher and the lower The higher doth speake the Germane language and beginneth at the Mountaine Furca and so runneth forth to Marca which is under Seduum neere the River Morsus and it containeth seven Tithings or Dioeceses which they call Zenden namely Sedunum Syder Leuck Raren Visp B●●gg and G●mbs In the lower Valesia they use the Sabaudian language it beginneth from the River Morsus and stretcheth even to the Bridge of S. Mauritius the Inhabitants whereof were formerly called Veragrians This lower Valesia hath sixe communities which they call Vexica or B●nnerat namely Condes Ardon Sallien Martinacht Intrem●nt and S. Mauritium The Metropolis of Valesia is Sedunum in the Germane language Sitten and in French Siun it is a neate Citty and groweth every day more faire and beautifull It is seated by a Mountaine which riseth Eastward in the middle of a Plaine betweene the high Mountaines which doe enclose the Valley and it hath two forked high Rockie tops But Sedunum a Bishoprick of Valesia is subject to Torentasia the Archbishoprick of Sabaudia and likewise Augusta There is no walled Citty in Valesia besides Sedunum although S. Mauritius or Agaunum may be counted a pretty Towne Moreover here are the Castles of Martinacht or Octodurum of Gradetsch and old Sider also the Townes Sider Leuc Raronia Vespia Brig Naters and Morall The Mountaines which doe encompasse Valesia have other names now than they had heretofore The Mountaine out of which Rhodanus riseth was heretofore called Subecus Coatius and Vrsellus it is now called Furca Neere unto this is the Mountaine Gothard neere to Briga is the Mountaine Sempronius now call'd Simpelberg Neere unto it are the Mountaines Sa●es and Matter On the other side of Rhodanus are the Mountaines Loetsch and Gemmi In the Poenine Valley is the Icie Mountaine Arolla Over against Sider Northward is the Mountaine S●lvius which is called Austalberg and on both sides the Mountaine of S. Bernbard The Wood Hercynia reacheth forth some of his armes hither which are called by divers names for in some places neere Arnes it is called the Wood Milebach and neere Perigrad it is called Persim Waldt and in other places it hath other names The people in Valesia are now very courteous and affable unto Strangers But they are somewhat more harsh and riged then it becommeth friends and neighbours to be THE SECOND TABLE OF LOMBARDY VVHICH THESE COVNtries are especially described the Country of Tirolis and Marca Tarvisina THe second Table of Lombardy containeth the County of Tirolis and Marca Tarvisina The Country of Tirolis is so named from the Towne Tirolus which was heretofore very faire It lyeth betweene the Rivers Athesis and Oenus and betweene the Alpine Rocks on the North it is enclosed with Bavaria on the South with Lombardy on the East with Marca Tarvisina and Forum Iulij on the West with Helvetia It was heretofore a part of Rhetium This Country although it be enclosed with Alpes and extendeth it selfe thorow the Rhaetian Rockes yet it is rich in fruits and all things necessary to life as also it hath great store of Gold Silver and all kindes of Mettals which are drawn out of the bowels of the Mountaines the tops whereof are crowned with vast Woods and full of great store of wilde beasts the Hills and Cliffes are full of fruits and Vines the Valleys are watered with Fountaines and Rivers and full of Heards and Flocks of Cattle And therefore this County may be equal'd and compared not onely to a Dukedome but also to a Kingdome It was joyned to the House of Austria in the yeere 1460. by Rodolph the Sonne of Albert Duke of Austria The Chiefe Citty is Oenipons commonly call'd Inspruck on the right hand banck of the River Oenus being the seate of the Prince and the Parliament of Austria is kept here There are also the Towne Ma●●●am by the Royall Castle and Bolzanum a Mart Towne of Tirolis Halla is a Town by the River Oenus famous for making of Salt B●ixia is an Episcopall Citty by the River Isacus where the River Rientius doth disburden it selfe into Isacus There is also the old Citty T●iden●●●● by the River Athesis which Pliny and Strabo doe place in the tenth Country of Italy some would have it built by the Frenchmen and so ●●●gus delivers It is supposed that it was so named from Neptunes Trident For as the Randenensians doe worship Saturne so the Tridentines did worship Neptune whose effigies and statue may be yet seene in the Church of B. Viglius on that side which lyeth toward the Market Theodorick King of the Ostrogoths did wall this Citty with faire freestone And hee fortified the Castle of Tridentum on the other banck of the River in Verrucā in like manner Afterward wh●● 〈◊〉 Ostrogothes were expelled out of Italy the Langbards did posse●●● as a Dukedome But Desiderius King of Langbards being overcome by Charles the great it came againe to bee under the Emperours Jurisdiction and the
1575. by the Emperour Maximilian and the first Duke of Montis-ferrat was William the third Prince of Mantua In this Country the Duke of Mantua hath three famous Citties which are Casalis D. Evasij which was made a Citty by Sixtus the fourth in the yere 1474. it is a Bishops Se and the Seate of the Marquesse of Montis-ferrat It hath two Castles the old which was heretofore the Marquesses Palace and the new which Vincentius Gonzaga Duke of Mantua and Montis-ferrat built which is commonly called La Citadella Also Alba which Pliny calleth Pompeja and so calleth the Albensians Pompejanians It is farre bigger than Casalis D. Evasij but it hath not so good an ayre it was heretofore subject to the Marquesses of Montis-ferrat but now to the Dukes of Mantua That part of the Country is very fruitfull which is commonly call'd Laguvilla The third Citty is that which is commonly call'd Acqui Acquae Satyellorum which Pliny Lib. 3. Cap. 5. placeth in Liguria A●toninus call it Aquae from the hot and wholesome Waters and Fountaines which are here for there are in this Citty publike Bathes with stone Tables and steps to goe downe into them Beside the aforesaid Citties there are Bassimana Valentia S. Salvatore Moncalvo Alex●ndria Nicaea surnamed Palea Asta Pollentia Ceva and many others The Dukedome of GENOA THe Dukedome of the Genuensians or the Country of Genoa was heretofore called Liguria yet not all but that part which was beyond the Alpes There are divers opinions concerning the name of Liguria Some among whom is Paulus ●iaconus doe report that it was so called ab legendis Leguminibus from gathering of Pulse some from Ligo one of the fabulous Captaines of Iapetus and Berosus Caro Fabius Pictor and Semprocius suppose that it was so named from Ligures the Sonne of Aegiptian Phaeton Now it is commonly calld Riviera de Genoa from Genua a famous Cittie It is bounderd on the West with the Alpes which divide Gallia Narbonensis from Italie on the East with Etruria and Macra or Marga which floweth betweene them on the South it is beaten with the Ligurian Sea on the North it is enclosed with the Apennine This Country as Strionnius writeth was heretofore barren and had nothing in it worthy of memory but that it had great vast Trees fit for building of Ships But now it yeeldeth good store of Wine Oyle and other fruits The Country Dianus doth so abound with Oyle that sometimes it maketh 18. sometimes 20000. Jarres which they commonly call Barilas Genoa is now twofold the Easterne and the Westerne which from the Metropolis which standeth in the middle of them both is called Riviera di Genova di Ponente de Levante Livie and others call the chiefe Citty Genua Stephanus calleth it Genoa and Luitprandius Ticinensis and the Writers of his age Ianua it is now called Genoa and Genova concerning the situation It fronteth on Meridium and the Iland Cirnus the banke of it is opposite to the North and so it hath a gentle descent into a Plaine being seated at the foote of the Mountaines and behind a Trench or Bulwark doth keepe off the cold Northward having neither a Moutainous Situation nor a plaine but of a mixt kinde The Compasse of it is 35955. foote as the Bishop Nebianus reporteth So that if we allow 7. foote to a pace the measure of the whole Citty will be 5. miles but if wee allow 6. foote then neither the Bulwarke nor the Haven can come within this compasse or dimension It hath a faire Haven which lyeth to the South and Southwest which affoordeth safe harborage for Shipping But concerning Genoa there are these smooth Verses of Scaligers extent in English thus The Asian wealth and Easterne honours great And all that Land the Euxine Sea doth beate The Pisanian Armies and the youth of worth And the French Colours I alone drew forth The subdued Alpes I held and kept in awe And Affrick trembled when my Ships it sawe And the Venetian hath fled from the shot Which in my Haven he hath found too hot O France you are deceived much and Spaine In your attempts you take up armes in vaine I conquer being conquerd for if I obtaine Victory or lose it I am still the same Having viewed the Metropolis wee will shew some of the other Townes and Citties Not farre from Varus is that which Ptolemy calls Nicaea Antoninus Nicia and now Nizza It is a Sea Towne built heretofore by the Massilians and seated behinde the Alpes partly on the Cliffes and partly on plaine ground Now it is strong having a well-fortified Castle and it is subject to the Prince of Sabaudia A mile farther above the Port or Haven of Hercules Monaecus Torbis or Turbias is seated on the high Mountaines There are also the Townes of D. Remi or S. Remo seated in a pleasant fertile soyle and wonderfully terrified and adorned with Citterne-trees Palme-trees Lemmon-trees and others Castellum Tabia is but a little Towne but famous for good rich Appian Wines Albigaunum is an ancient Citty seated in a Plaine 500. paces from the Sea which hath an ill ayre but very rich and abounding with all things necessary Finarium also or Naulum Savona is an ancient Citty adorned with many magnificent buildings and the compasse of it is 1500. paces These Citties are on the Westerne side of Genoa on the East side there are Claverium Sestri di Levanto and others The Rivers here are Varus which devideth Province from Liguria the latter being a Country of Italy the former of France This River on the Westerne banke thereof which is toward France receiveth those Rivers which are commonly called in French Caremp Lavaire and Esteron on the Westerne banke toward Italy it receiveth the Rivers La Lince La Vesubie There are also by the Coasts of Liguria Paulon now called Pulion Rutuba now called R●tta There are also Merula Porzevera Ferisano Lavagna Maera now called Magra Concerning the Ecclesiastick government you may read in Mercators Table the Bishop of Taurinium under whom are the Bishops Casalensis Salutiarum Montis Regalis Novariensis Lodensis Vercellensis Ipporegiensis Actensis Aquensis Albensis Terdonensis Saonensis Albingaunensis Vintimeliensis Placentinus Papiensis are subject to the Archbishop of M●diolanum There are under the Archbishop of Genoa the Bishop Bobiensis Aprumacensis or Brumacensis Metenensis or Maranensis Acoiensis or Ampruniacensis Nubiensis in Corsica or Nebiensis Naulensis Albigaunensis or of Arbenga which is reckoned among the Suffragans to the Archbishop of Mediolanum THE DVKEDOME OF GENOA· THe Dukedome of Genoa which stretcheth forth to the Ligustick Sea belongeth properly to the Transalpine Liguria The Metropolis of it is the Citty Genoa the other part is devided into the Easterne and Westerne The bounds of the former is the Lunensian Haven of the latter the Haven of Monaecus This Country hath a rude stony soyle so that it bringeth forth nothing but that which is forced out of the Earth with
great paines It was heretofore cover'd over with woods having a few Husbandmen who did live rather by robberies than tillage Strabo the Geogr. Lib. 4. writeth thus concerning L●g●●a Qui Liguriam habitant ut plu●imum ex pecore victum agi●●●t 〈…〉 potione maritimis ex locis ac montanis pastum quae names That is those which inhabit Liguria live for the most part on Ca●tle their drinke is Milke and a kinde of drinke made of Barley they get their food on the Sea-shore and on the Mountaines These Mountaines afoord good Timber for building of Ships and great Trees which 〈◊〉 so thick that the Diameter of some of them is 8. foote The 〈◊〉 were heretofore a very warlike People who put the Romans to much trouble and at last could hardly be subdued Whence Liv●● calleth them Durum in armis genus a People hardy in the Warres and Virgil saith Assu●tumque malo Ligurem the Ligurian is inured to trouble Genua the Mistresse of Liguria is supposed to be the ancientest Citty of Italie and that it was built by Ianus whom some suppose to be Noah others conjecture that it was so named from Genuus the Sonne of King Saturne Paulus Perusinus delivers that Genuinus an Egyptian and one of Phaethons Companions who lay sicke here after he had recovered his health call'd it after his owne name Genua Others devise other Fables but it is the famousest Mart-towne of Liguria and it hath i●creased much within these 400. yeeres and now it is very strong much feared The Territories of this Citty did reach heretofore even to the River Tanais It had under it Theodosia a Citty of Taur●●a hers●nesus which is now called Caffa as also Cyprus Lesbus Chius which are Ilands in the Mediterranean Sea and Pera a Citty of Thrace It contended long time with the Venetians concerning the Dominion and Empire of the Sea In this Citty there are 28. Patrician Families out of which a Counsell of 400. men is chosen and the Duke is President thereof It began to be established at Gen●a in imitation of the Venetian Common-wealth about the yeere 1237. but afterward being much troubled with the factions and discords of the Citizens and being enforced to obey forraine Lords as the Mediolanians Frenchmen and Spaniards it lost much of her former power and authority THE DVKEDOME OF GENOA· GENOVESXIO and being now subject it enjoyeth rather an imaginary than a free Common-wealth But to conclude referring the Reader that desireth to know more to Bracelius Bizarus Aug. Iustinianus Fr. Leander Albertus I thinke it fitt to set downe Scaligers Verses The Asian wealth or Easterne honours great And all that Land the Euxine Sea doth beate The Pisanian Armies and the youth of worth And the French Colours I alone drew forth The subdued Alpes I held and kept in awe And Affrick trembled when my Ships it sawe And the Venetian hath fled from the shot Which in my Haven he hath found too hot O France you are deceived much and Spaine In your attempts you take up armes in vaine I conquer if conquerd for if I obtaine Victory or lose it I am still the same THE FOVRTH TABLE OF LOMBARDY IN VVHICH ARE THESE Countries Romandiola the Dukedomes of Parma and Feraria and the Marquiship of Mantua THE fourth and last Table of Lombardie doth present to your view Romandiola and the Dukedomes of Parma and Mantua The first is Romandiola or Romanula which was so called by the Pope and the Emperour Charles the great The bounds of Romanula on the North are the Moores or Marshes of Verona and Patavina even to the Mouth of the River Po together with a part of the Hadriatick Sea on the East Isaurus together with Picenum on the South the Apinnine with Etruria concerning the Western bounds there are different opinions Some goe no farther than the River Vatrinus on this side of Fo●●m Crrn●lij some passe over to Scultenna now Panarium and there they stay Wee will follow the latter and make the length thereof to bee 110. Miles or thereabouts betweene Folia and Panarium and the breadth almost 96. Miles betweene the Apennine and the Marshes before mentioned Concerning the qualitie of this Country Leander writeth that it hath a very good soile yeelding all kinds of fruites both for delight necessary use Here are large fields planted with al kinds of fruite bearing trees pleasant Hills full of Vines Olives and Figgs Woods full of fruite Meddowes full of grasse and Bushie thickets fit for hunting also many wholsome waters many Salt-pits both neere the Shoare side and within the Countrie also Mettalls Mines and innumerable other excellent guifts of nature which would be tedious to rehearse There are some famous Citties in this Country and many Townes The chiefe are that which Ptolemy and other call Arminum the Inhalitants doe now call it Rimini and the Germanes Rumelen It was so so called from the River which watereth it Others have other derivations It aboundeth with plenty The Haven was heretofore very faire large and capable of Shipping but now it receiveth onely small vessells being filled choaked up with sand There is also Cervia a Sea Cittie heretofore called Phicoles The Cernians for the most part are Salt-makers of which they make so great gaine that the Pope hath yearely from thence 60 thousand Crownes There is also Ces●na which Ptolemy calleth Caeseni Strabo Caesena and now the most doe call it Caesena and some Cesnadigo and lastly Cesna It is now a very populous Citty and in former time it was enlarged on the West and Noth sides by Bernardine Rubrius of Parma There is a strong Castle seated on a Hill on the South side of the Cittie which was built by the Emperour Frederick the second Sarsina is an ancient Cittie at the foote of the Apennine where Plautus was borne Ravenna which Strabo calleth Raovenna and Ptolomy Ravennai is an ancient Cittie Concerning the situation whereof Strabo writeth much Lib. 5. There are under the Archbishop hereof the Bishop Adriensis Comaclensis Cerviensis Foroliviensis Foropompiliensis Vellimensis or Fille Cesenatensis Saremensis or Sarsinatensis Faventinus Imolensis Mutinensis Bononiensis Reginensis Parmensis and Barcinensis There are very good Meddowes and Pastures by this Cittie which doe yeeld grrat stoare of Milke Butter and Cheese Forum-Livij is now called Forli It is a Citty that excelleth both for Situation and plenty being seated betweene the two Rivers Ron●us and Montonus and hath a good ayre Forum Cornelij commonly calld Imolais seated by the River Santernus the soyle round about it is fruitefull and yeeldeth great store of Corne Wine Oyle and other fruites Bononia is an ancient noble Cittie commonly calld Bologna it is seated at the foote of the Apennine by the River Rhene and the Torrent Aposa runneth through the middle of the Cittie it lyeth all against the East on the South side it hath Vine-bearing hills on the other sides faire fruitefull Meddowes The ayre is not very wholesome
containeth many Acres it was begun by the Sfortians but is not yet finished Also there is the Church of S. Gothard in which are the Tombes and Sepulchres of many noble Vicounts There are many ancient Inscriptions in the Citties and many other Monuments of Antiquity It hath an ancient University where it is thought that Virgil studied And Leander writeth that it hath a famous Library There are so many diversities of Tradesmen that it is a common Proverb Che chivolesse rassettare Italia siruma Milano which is to say Mediolanum scilicet destruendo Italiam instrui posse That is if Millan were destroyed all Italie might be furnished with all kinde of Tradesmen and Artificers It is said that the King of Spaine receiveth yeerely from hence 80. thousand crownes The ridding and determining of civill and criminall causes belongeth to the Senate of Millan in which there are 16. Doctors and some Prelates and Patritians of Millan Millan is an Archbishoprick the Archbishoprick whereof hath these Suffragans under him Bergomensis Brixiensis of ●remona Landensis Novaria Vercellensis Ipporegtensis Vigleviensis Astensis Aquensis Albensis Terdonensis Saonensis Albingaunensis Vintimeliensis Placentinum Papiensis and Ferrara are exempted THE DVKEDOME OF MILLAN THis is the greatest and most potent Dukedome of all Europe which heretofore the Insubrians inhabited betweene the Rivers Abdua and Ticinus The chiefe Citties in it are Millan Lauda Ticinum which is now called Papia and Novarra The soyle is every where fruitfull pleasant and watered with many Streames and Rivers the chiefe Citty hereof is Millan built by the Frenchmen for when Tarqumius Pristus raigned at Rome King Bellonesus having passed over the Alpes with a great band of Frenchmen and having expulsed the Hetruscians he built a Citty in that place which Leander saith was called Subria and he called this Citty Mediolanum or as some are perswaded Meydlandum as it were the Virgin Land perhaps from Minervas Temple who was worshipped in this place which is now consecrate to S. Tecla whence Alciat thus Quam Mediolanum sacram dixere puellae Terram nam vetus hoc gallica lingua sonat Culta Minerva fuit nunc est ubi numine Tecla Mutato Matris Virginis ante domum Mediolanum the Virgin Land they name For in the French it signifies the same 'T was sacred to Minerva now they adore Tecla and the Virgin Mother heretofore Some thinke it was so denominated from a Sow that was halfe cover'd with wooll which Alciat seemes to glance at thus in his Emblemes when he saith Laniger huic signum Sus est animalque biforme Acribus hinc setis lanitio inde Levi. Their armes a Sow a creature most uncouth Th' one side bristled 'tother woolly smooth So also Claudian in the marriage of Honorius and Maria. ad maenia Gallis Condita lanigerae suis ostendentia pellem The wall built by the French which yet doe show The skin and shape of their wooll-bearing Sow THE DVKEDOME OF MILLAN MEDIOLANVM Ducatus This Country was reduced to the form of a Province and was subject to the Romanes as Polybius and Livie report And many Emperours taking delight in the conveniency of the place did make the Citty of Millan their seate of residence and adorned it with many publike Aedifices and Buildings whence Ausonius Mediolani mira omnia copia rerum Innumerae cultaeque domus tum duplice muro Amplificata loci species populique voluptas Circus inclusimoles cuneata Theatri Templa Palatinaeque arces All things at Millan are most wonderfull There 's plenty and the houses beautifull A double wall the Citty doth augment The People in the Cirque take much content And in the Theaters they doe delight There are Temples and faire Palaces most bright But when the Emperour decayed it was oftentimes vexed by the Huns Gothes and Langbards It was taken and destroyed by Fred. Barbarossa It was a long time governed by Vicounts Iohn Galcatius was first created Duke by the Emperour Wenceslaus and from thence it descended to the Aurelians and Sfortians and at length Charles the fifth did bring it into his owne Family In this Citty there is the royall Castle of Porta Iovia the strongest in all Europe It is full of Artificers especially Smiths who forge out of Iron Swords Brest-plates Bucklers and other Military instruments Hence ariseth that saying Qui Italiam armis instruere totam velit eum destruere Mediolanum oportere That is Hee that would furnish all Italie with armes must destroy Millan But I conclude with this eloquent Elogie of a Divine Writer This Land a people did first entertaine From whom this Kingdome at the first began The French Italians both all'yd did grow And gave new lawes unto the ancient Po. Then Germany joyned in so great affaires And Fame her golden Trumpet now prepares Let one poore honour some poore Towne advance While threefold honour doth unto me chance THE PRINCIPALITIES OF VERONA VICENTIA AND PATAVIVM And the Territories of the chiefe Citties of MARCA TARVISINA are amplie described IN this Table the Territories of three chiefe Citties of Marca Tarvisina are delineated and described Verona Vicentia and Patavium The first is the Territory or Country of Verona The length of it from the Towne Bruchelius unto the River which cometh out of the Lake Bevacum is 65. Miles the bredth from the Castle on the Frontiers even to Rivoltella is forty Miles The soyle in some parts is stony and therefore untilled and some part of it is very good It hath abundance of Wheate Oyle Wine Cattell Wooll and other pretious commodities It hath also famous Quarries of Stone And many wholesome medicinall hearbes especially on the Mountaine Baldus whether Phisitians doe often resort to gather them The Tuscans are supposed to have built Verona others thinke that the French Cenomanians did build it who being expulsed it was a long time subject to the Romanes and Cn. Pompeius Strabo the father of Magnus brought thither a Colonie Afterward being wasted by Auila King of the Hunns it was afterward subject to many Tyrannies first to the Kings of the Gothes the Langbards did expel them and the Frechmen under the conduct of Charles the great did expell the Langbards after whom the Berengarians being droven out of Italy by the Emperour Otto the first it enjoyed some quiet and rest under the authority and Protection of the Romane Empire Actiolinus Romaninus having got it by force did change the Praefectorship into a Lordship having expulsed Azo Atestinus whom the Senate and People of Verona had made Praetor Hee dying obout the yeare 1259. the Saligerians by the suffrage and common consent of the Cittizens were entituled Princes of Verona almost 128. yeares who being droven out and partly made away by poison the Galleatians got possession of it and afterward the Cariensians whom the Venetians did drive out under whose jurisdiction it constantly and peceablely continueth The Citty which Ptol. calleth Verona and Overona doth still retaine that name The Germanes
and Norician Alpes on the West before it runneth forth into the Sea it hath the River Formio and the River Arsia on the East The breadth of it is eleven Miles the compasse of it 122. Miles from Formio aforesaid even to the Fanatick Promontorie or the innermost corner of the Carnarian Bay The whole Country is rugged yet more hilly then Mountaines which hills doe yee●● great store of wine oyle and other fruites but little wheate or other grain● 〈◊〉 the fields P●s●in and Humagio There is a Mountaine commonlye calld Maj●● which is full of wholesome drugs and hearbes and P●●sitia is doe resort hither to gather them Istria doth yeeld abunda●ce of Salt There are also stone Quarries Marble is cut forth of the Rovinian fields which is calld Istrian Marble which is of greate esteeme through all Italy Moreover part of Istria belongeth to the Venetians and part to the Austrians Let us come to particulars The first Citty that wee meete withall is Iustinopolis which is a chiefe Citty of hersonesus For so the learned call it which is commonly call'd Cab● a' ●st●ia It was so named at first from the Emperour Iustine Afterward it was called by a latter name because it lyeth in the entrance of the Country as you come from Forum Iulium It possesseth a small Iland which is a Mile long and of a little breadth being divided from the Continent unto which it is joyned by Bridges which may bee drawen up It hath a Castle in the midst fortified with foure Towers It belongeth now to the Venetians Five Miles off there is another Castle which is joyned to the continent with a stone Bridge Afterward there followeth Vranum which the Italians call Castellatium and Castellerium commonly call'd Castelier Fiftie paces hence is S. Simon and Piranum is 5. Miles distant from thence and Salvorum as many and Vina●um From Vinacum it is two Miles to S. Peregrine and a Mile from thence to S. Iohn della Corne and as many to S. Laurence commonly calld de Daila a Mile off is Daila it selfe and three Miles off is the new Citty commonly called Aemonia From the River Quietius it is three Miles to Port Cerverius Foure Miles from thence is the Citty Par●nti●m which is now called Parenzo The Towne Orser followeth which in Latine is called Vrserium Lemus being passed by we come to Rovinium and afterward to that Towne which is commonly call'd Le Colorne also to Portesuol and Mutazzo and from thence it is three Miles to the Promontorie Cisanum Muratio and Phasiana and from thence it is two Miles to the Bandonian Valley and as many to Marcodainum and it is three Miles from thence to Port Pola Afterward there is the Episcopall Citty Pola seated on a high Mountaine which still retaineth his ancient name a hundred Miles from Tergeste and 220. Miles from Ancona being divided from it by the Hadriatick Sea The Rivers of Istria are Risanus Draconia Quietus Lemus and Arsia There are also woods which afforde very good Ship timber The Inhabitants are poore in regard the Venetians doe engrosse all traffique to themselves We will speake hereafter concerning the Marquiship of the Vindorians and therefore I will here omit it I have scarce any thing to write concerning Karstia and the County of Cilia but I will adde something concerning Carniola CARNIOLA· CArniola was so named from the Carnian people as also Carinthia Concerning whom Valaterranus writeth thus Lib. 2. of his Geographie The Carnians are beyond the Istrians the Country is broade beginning from Forum Iulium and reaching to the Mountaines The Country of Carniola although it bee Mountainous as the other Countries of this Province yet it hath plenty of Wine Oyle Fruite and Corne. But they make Carniola twofold the drye which wanteth water and the moist in which the River Sauus riseth and also Naup●●tus which is now called Labatus and many other Rivers It is adorned with the title of a Dukedome The chiefe Citty is Labacum which hath the same name with the River Some doe place Goritia in Carmola which we mentioned before in Forum Iulium On the left hand banck of Sontius upwards there are two Fortresses which the Venetians built heretofore to defend the River and to prevent the incursions and inroads of the Turkes Moreover there is a Lake in this Country which affordeth every yeare a harvest fishing and hunting The Inhabitants doe call it Zircknitzerzee from the Towne Zircknitz which is situated by it But I will make a more accurrate description of it out of George Wernherus it is enclosed every where with Mountaines for halfe a Mile together it is not very broade Out of the Mountaines there doe issue certaine small Rivers which are every one contayned in their owne Channells on the East side there are three on the South five The farther that they runne the more narrower they grow for their bankes are straite untill they are swallowed up in the stoany passages of the Cliffes which seeme as if they were cut out by humane Industry So that where they find an open place the waters doe spread abroade and make a Lake These waters doe as speedily runne back as they flowe forward not onely in those narrow channells but also through the earth which when the Inhabitants perceive they stopp the greater passages and Concavities and so goe to fishing which is both pleasant and profitable For the fish which they take here being salted is transported to other Countries Moreover when the Lake is drie they have a kind of harvest for they sowe it and mowe it before that it be overflow'd againe It beareth such abundance of grasse that in twenty dayes it will be ready to cut Who therefore cannot chuse but admire at these wonders of nature But so much cocerning these things I passe to the rest THE BISHOPRICKE OF TVSCIA TUSCIA followeth which ancient Writers doe celebrate by three speciall names Tyrrhenia Etruria and Tuscia the latter of these three names it still retaineth For it is commonly called Tuscany The bounds of it are on the South the Neather Sea or the Tyrrhene Sea on the North the Apennine Mountaine where there is a part of Vmbria and Gallia ●ogata on the West Liguria from which it is parted by the River Macra on the East Tiberis That part which is neerer to the Sea is plainer and pleasanter but the inward parts are more Mountainous but in generall it is as faire and delightfull as any Country in Italie It hath spacious flourishing fields very fruitfull pleasant Vales Mountaines and Hills which are adorned with faire houses and Orchards planted with Orange-trees and Cittorne-trees It hath abundance of Vineyards which yeeld excellent rich Wine The ancient Inhabitants were heretofore generally called Tyrrhenians Etruscians and Tuscians Afterward from Romulus time the Romanes began to warre against the Tuscians which warre they maintained a long time so that matters being brought to a dangerous estate they were faine to send out a
neere unto it Lago de Perugia that which Antoninus calleth Lacus Aprilis is now called Fangosa Palude the Sea-lake or the Salt-lake or Lago d'Orbitello is called in their language Lacus Vadimonis there are also the Ciminian Lake the Volsiniensian the Sabatian the Bientinian and the Cianian It hath many Rivers which are full of excellent Fish as namely Laventia Frigidus Anser Arnus Cecinna Cornia Alma Brunus Vmbro Osa Albengia Floris Martha Minio Eris Vacina Sanguinaria Aron and some others It hath also wholesome Bathes and other waters endued with wonderfull vertue Here are divers Mountaines as also the Mountaine Ciminus well knowne to Livie Vibius and Virgil. That which Pliny calls Soractis is now called Monte de S. Silvestro Orosius also placeth the Fessulanian Mountaines in Etruria The Cortonensians also are there on the North side of the Lake Transumenus The Woods are the Volsinian wood the Ciminian wood and Maesia It hath also divers Libraries as at Pisa by the Dominicans at Luca by the Franciscans sixe in the Citty of Florence and one at Saena and Perusia Moreover Livy and Diodorus doe report that the Etrurians are the strongest richest and best governed Nation of Italy It appeareth by ancient Writers that they were alwayes much adicted to ceremonies insomuch that they were the first that invented Sacrifices Divinations Southsayings and Auguries and so delivered them to the Romanes as Tully in his Booke of divination and others doe note Mercator doth reckon these Bishops in Tuscany Nepesinus Castellanensis Montis Falconis Viterbiensis Suavensis Castellanus Vulteranus the Archbishop Senensis Fesulanus Zarzanensis Sutri Ortanensis Cornetanensis Tuscanensis Clusinus Aretinas Pientinensis Pistoriensis Binensis Corthonensis Civitatensis Balneorigensis Vrbevetanus Castrensis Perusinus Grossetanus Lucanus Florentinus Arch Lunensis the Archbishop of Pisa under whom are Messanensis Civitanensis and other Bishops in Corsica THE MARQVISHIP OF ANCONITANA AND the Dukedome of SPOLETO THE Marquiship of Ancomitana was so called by the Langbards from Ancone a famous Mart Towne where the Marquesses of this Country had their seate of residence Livy and others doe call it Picenum There confineth on the Marquiship of Ancomitana on the South the Sabinians Vilumbrians and Vmbrians with the Apennine Mountaine on the West Gallia Cisalpina with the River Isaurus on the North the Adriatick Sea Concerning the Easterne bounds there are divers opinions Pliny maketh them to be the Rivers Ate●nus and Ancon and Ptolomy the River Matrinus with Ancon The moderne writers the chiefe whereof is Leander doth make the River True●tum to bee the bounds and limmits betweene them and the Preturiarians The Country of Picenum according to Livy is very fertill but yet it hath greater store of fruite than corne The best wine is made at the Towne called Sirolum which Plinny calleth Ancon●tanian Wine This Country is for the most part under the Popes Iurisdiction there are these Townes in it Ancona Recanatum Fanum D. Mariae Laureti Camerinum Fanum Fortunae Tolentinu●● ●●mum Macerata and some others Townes also Eugebium Coligum ●orum ●e●●rronij S. Leo Senogal●ia V●binum and some others The chiefe Citty is An●ona which Ptolomy calls Ancon It still retaineth that name which was first given to this Citty because the Country bendeth here like an Elbowe It is opposite to the Promontorie Cumeras and it is enclosed on the North with the Sea and the Haven moreover it is well fortified with Gates Bulwarks and Walls It hath a Port or Haven which is strong both by Art and nature and hath a convenient entrance into it and is able to receive many shipps which was built by the Emperour Traian The Citty hath twelve Fortes which are all well furnished with ordinance It is famous in regard that Graecians Illyriaus Pannonians and all Europe doe trade and traffique here it is very populous and the streets are long and straite The soile round about is fruitfull yeelding Wine and other commodities There are also Firmium now called Firmo an ancient Citty Ricenetum Reccanolo or Recunati which the Italians doe now call Ricanati is a famous Mart-towne in so much that Merchants out of all Europe and Asia doe come thither twice a yeere to Faires Some ruinous pieces of Helvia Ricina may be seene as you travell along among the rest there is a great brick Amphitheater on the banke of the River Potentia and other carkasses of great Buildings Auxinum is an ancient Episcopall Citty commonly called Osmo Livy calls it Oximum Many Epitaphs and Elogies which have beene found here of late do shew the antiquity thereof Fabrianum in Latine call'd Faberiana is a Towne THE MARQVISHIP OF ANCONITANA AND the Dukedome of SPOLETO MARCHA ANCONITANA cum SPOLETANO DUCATU very full of Shops which are so distributed that every street hath severall shops so that one street hath all Smiths and another all Shopmakers and another Papermen Sevogallia is an Episcopal Citty which as it appeareth by Polibius and others was first called Sena afterward Senogallia it is now called Sinigaglia or Sinegalia it hath a thick ayre Parvum is watered on the West with the River Misa being fortified with a thicke brick wall with a Ditch and Bulwarkes But yet in regard it is so neere unto the Sea it wanteth fresh water so that they are faine to use that which is brought thither Fanum is an Episcopall Towne not very great situated on a Mountaine commonly called Fano Tacitus and Ptolemy doe commonly call it Fanum Fortunae for there are still many ruines remaining of that sumptuous Church which was dedicated to Fortune Here is a Marble Arch of costly and curious workmanship which is thirty Cubits high and thirty broad On the top whereof which is fallen downe there was an Elegie engraven in praise of the Emperour Constantine The River Argilla runneth by it Forum Sempronium now called Fossumbrunum or Fossumbruno is an Episcopall Towne in which there are many tokens of antiquity for besides Aquaeducts paved wayes pillars and other things there are many marbles throwne downe with ancient inscriptions which have beene gathered by others Pisaurum is an Episcopall Citty now called Pesaro A famous Mart-towne of Italy rich in Merchandise beautifull and adorned with faire houses Vrbinum is situate on a high unlevell Mountaine betweene the same Rivers it is a neate Citty fairely built and hath a fruitfull soyle round about it and it is adorned with a faire Library which is furnished with many excellent Bookes In Picenum by the side of the Mountaine Victor there is a famous La●e which they call Nursinum The common people doe affirme that evill spirits doe swim in it because the water doe continually leape up and fall downe againe to the great admiration of those who are ignorant of the cause thereof These Rivers doe water it Truentus commonly called Tronto Castellanus Asonus Letus mortuus Tenna Chientus Flastra Letus Vivus Asinus Potentia Muson Esinus Misa Sontinus Cesanus Metaurus Cantianus Boasus Argila There are these
8. Gates and spacious Market-places There are great store of common Condiutes out of which the water is conveied thorow an hundred Pipes The figure of it is long and it bendeth like an halfe Moone The compasse of it heretofore was 3. miles but now the Territories thereof being enlarged it is 5. miles about It hath a gentle pleasant ayre and scarce any Winter This Citty hath many faire Churches and private Buildings and a strong impregnable Castle with an University which was instituted by the Emperour Frederick the second unto which Students do come out of all parts of the Kingdome There are also some Libraries the chiefe whereof is S. Dominicks Library The Country round about it and the neighbouring Hills are pleasant and delightfull and doe yeeld good store of Corne Wine divers Fruits Hearbes Flowers and all delicacies both for necessity and pleasure I omit many things concerning this Citty for brevity sake There are also other Citties as the old and new Capua the ancient is knowne to all Latine Writers and the beauty fairenesse and magnificence thereof is praised by all men Great ruines thereof may be yet seene a mile from new Capua neere S. Maries Church New Capua was built out of the ruines of the old which standeth now on the left banke of Vulturnus 22. miles from the Sea on a plaine well inhabited but not much frequented it hath straite streets paved with stone and high buildings on the East and North the River Vulturnus doth water it and from thence it runneth Westward There is a faire stone bridge over the River There is also Teanum surnamed Sidicinum it is called in Italian Theano and it is a Bishoprick There is also the Towne Calvus which is a Bishoprick Virgil calleth it Cales Strabo and Ptolemy and other Grecians Cuma But now it is fallen downe and buried in ruines yet the foundations of some faire buildings may be discerned There are also Aversa Casert a Nola Summa Puteoli and other lesser Townes The chiefe Lakes of Campania are the Lucrenian and Avernian There are also in Campania the Lakes Linterna Popeja and Statina The Rivers are Lirus which receiveth on the right hand Fibernum Cosa Alabrum Trerus and others On the left hand Casinus Melfa and Omnes The next to Lirus is Vulturnus which receiveth many Rivers and Torrents among the rest on the right hand it receiveth Cusanum and Correctam on the left hand Freddus Pratellus Sabbatus Isclerus and others Also Glanis Sebetus Linternus Sarnus Furor Ebolis Silarus The Mountaines that belong to this Country are Gaurus Massicus Falernus and others as Vesuvius Pausilypus Misenus Culma Christs Mountaine Taburnus Tifata Planus Astrunus and Trifolinus Moreover in the Kingdome of Naples there are these Principalities and Dominions Namely 10. Principalities as Ascolt Besignano Evoli Melfi Mefetta Monchercole Squilaci Sligliano Sulmona Verosa And 23. Dukedomes namely Andri Amalphi Ariano Asu Boyano Castrovillari Gravina Martina Montalto Monteliano Nardo Nocera Popoli Rocca di Mondragone S. Petro in Galatina Seminara Sessa Somma Sora ●agliacozzo Termoli Terra Nova Trajetto There are 30. Marquiships 54. Counsellors of State 11. Lords 403. Titular Barons The Archbishops and their Suffragans in this Table are taken out of the Romane Province In Aprucina and Marcicana there are these Bishops Aquilensis Forcanensis Marsicanus Valvensis or Sulmonensis Theatinus Adriensis Pennensis Aprutinus or Teranus The Archbishop of Beneventum under whom are these Suffragans Telesinensis Agatha Alphiensis or Alepharensis Mons Marani Avellinensis Vicanensis Arianensis Bojanensis or Rojanensis Asculanensis Nucerinus Tertibulensis Traconensis Vulturanensis Alarinensis Ferentinensis or Florentinensis Civitacensis Termelensis Lesinensis Frequentinensis Triventinensis Biminensis Vadiensis or Gadiensis Musanensis S· Mariae The Archbishop of Naples under whom are Nolanus Puteolanus Cumacensis Acerranus Iscalanus The Archbishop of Capua under whom are Theanensis Calvensis Calmensis Suessanus Venefranus Aquitanensis or Aquinatensis Iserniensis Casertanensis The Archbishop Amalfitanus under whom are Capri●ane●sis Scalensis or Camensis Minorensis Siteranensis The Archbishop of Salerne under whom are Aquensis Palicastrensis Nusautanensis or Nuscanensis Sarnensis Acervensis or Acernensis Maricensis The Archbishop of Su●rentine under whom are Lobrensis Serpensis Aquensis or Equensis or Vtanus Castellimaris or Stabiensis And let so much suffice concerning this part of the Kingdome of Naples I passe to the other part PVGLIA PIANA TERRA DI BARRI TERRA DI Otranto Calabria and Basilicata The other part of the Kingdome of NAPLES NOw we must view the other part of the Kingdome of Naples in which the first Country is that which the Italians doe call Puglia Piana from the large spacious fields there of It was heretofore called Apulia Daunia It is bounded on the East with Apulia Peucetia and the River Aufidus on the South with the Apennine together with the Hirpenians and Samnites on the West with the Frentanians Caracenians now called Apru●ians and Phiternians on the North with the Hadriatick and Jonium Sea The soyle is very fruitfull yeelding abundance of Wheate and Corne. Here are both Citties and Townes as Manfredonia a faire and populous Citty being situated on the banke of the Bay which lyeth in the hollow winding of the Mountaine Garganus and it hath an invincible Castle by the Shore side Leuceria is an Episcopall Citty which Ptolemy and Suetonius call Neuceria the ruines yet remaining doe shew the spaciousnesse of it Troy is a rich Citty having a fruitfull Soyle about it Asculum is a Citty which is adorned with the Title of a Dukedome Appianus Alexandrinus calleth it Asculum it is commonly called Asculo and surnamed Sattriano There are also Salpe or Arpi which Pliny mentioneth which was sometime called Argos Hippium and afterward Agrippa and two Citties which became a Proverb Apina and Trica c. The Rivers are Aufidus now called l'Ofanto Also Candilaris and Cervaria So much concerning Apulia Daunia the next Country which is to be described is Peucetia now it is called in Italian Terra Ba●iana or Terra di Barri from the chiefe Citty Bario This Country for fertility of soyle and plenty of choise fruit may compare with other parts of Italy But yet there are some places which are full of Boggs and Waters The chiefe Citty is Barium which Pliny calleth Barion it is commonly called Barri It is an ancient Citty and so faire and populous that it is the chiefe Citty of the whole Country which is called from thence Terra ●ariana There are also Monopolis which is a new Citty adorned with the title of a Marquiship which is not very great but faire and beautifull and full of magnificent Buildings The soyle round about it yeeldeth great store of Oyle Polonianum or Polignano is an Episcopall Citty which although it bee seated on a high stony Rock yet it is faire and populous Mola hath many houses but inhabited with rustick people The Marquesse Polinianus built a Castle there for the defence of the Coast Iuvenatum or
Giuvenazzo is an Episcopall Citty seated in a fertile soyle Marfette or as some write it Morfitta or Melfatta flourisheth with the Title of a Principality Vigiliae commonly call'd Bisegli is an Episcopall Towne seated by the shore on high Rocks Tranum is an Archiepiscopall Citty commonly called ●ra●i It had faire Buildings but now for the most part it is desolate There are Woods of Olives and Almonds which do reach from this Towne even to Tarentum Barulum is commonly called B●l●ta Ostu●a is a populous Citty seated on a little Hill C●lium or 〈◊〉 which Pt●lomy calls Cilia and Horace Verusia or Venusium where 〈◊〉 was borne is now called Venesa There are also Canusium 〈◊〉 Biletum and other Townes Next to Apulia we must describe the Country of the Salenti●i●● which i● also called Iapygia Massapia and Calabria The Italian● doe now commonly call it ●erra d' Otranto This Country hath on the South ●arentum and the Sea even to the Salentinian Promontory on the Eas● the same Promontory with the Jonian Sea on the North it is watered with the River Hidruntes even to Brundusium on the West it hath Asalta Peucetia and a part of great Greece This Country hath a wholesome ayre and a cleere faire Climate except on that Co●●t which reacheth from the Hydruntine Lake to Brundisium where there are Marshes in those places which are neere the Sea The Country is fa●t and fruitfull and the chiefe Citty which nameth the Country is H●drun●um which Strabo Ptolemy and others doe call Iareus Mela calleth it Hydrus it it now call'd Otrante It is an ancient Citty having a sweet milde ayre a strong Castle built by Alph●nsus the second and a large spacious Haven The soyle is pleasant and fruitfull The other Citties are Gallipolis now called Callipolis Others call it Callipol● as it were the faire Citty It hath a strong situation for it is seated on a Rock or small Iland which is encompassed every where with the Sea and it is joyned to the Continent with a s●one Bridge Castrum is a Citty much frequented by Merchants who co●● thither to buy Oyle Brundusium or Brundisiam which Ptolemy call Breundesium Steph. Brentesium and Benjamin Barnedis is now called B●●disi It hath a gentle ayre It had heretofore a famous Haven 〈◊〉 of which the Romanes did formerly passe safely into Greece b●● now it is filled up so that a Galley can hardly come up into it The Citty is fortified with a strong Castle The Citty Oria is seated on 〈◊〉 looking toward ●arentum and hath a strong Castle That Town● which Ptolemy calls Aletium is now called Leze and Leccie It is the prime Citty of the Salentinians in regard that the Royall Coun●ell of Apulta is held here and because all the Nobility of this Country have houses here Vxent●m now called Vgento Vsenti or Ogento is a very small Citty PVGLIA PIANA· Puglia Piana Terra di Barri Otrāto etc There remaineth in this Table Lucania to bee described which is now called Basilicata but from whence it is uncertaine The bounds thereof on the West are the River Silarus which bounders Campania on the South the Tyrrhene See on the East Laus the Brutians and great Greece on the North the Peucetians in Apulia with a part of Hirpinia Livy sheweth that it is all Mountainous and rugged But now perhaps it is more inhabited than it was formerly yet in many places it is very desolate in regard of the hard uneven wayes and the dreadfull hideous woods in which many robberies are committed The Townes here by the Sea are Paeslum which Virgil mencioneth Lib. 4. Georg. Biferique Rosaria Paesti The Rose-Gardens of Paestum where Sweet Roses doe grow twice a yeere Servius maketh Paestum a Cittie of Calabria where Roses doe growe twice a yeare Acropolis is a Towne 12. Miles from the mouth of the River Silarius having an excellent ayre The name sheweth that it was built by the Graecians as the most of the other Townes in this Country There is also Pisciotta which Pliny Mela and Ptolemy doe call Buxentum Palicostrum is a Noble Citty and adorned with the title of a Dukedome In the middle of the Country there is the Towne Padula which is honoured with the title of a Marquiship The Citty Capacia was heretofore very populous and rich I omit the other Townes Moreover in the other part of the Kingdome of Naples there are these Archbishops the Archbishop of Regiensis under whom are Lucrensis Cotroniensis Cassanensis Cathacensis Neocastrensis Giracensis Tretetensis Vibonensis Squilacensis The Archbishop of Consentinus under whom is Maturanensis The Archbishop of Rosania hath no Suffragans The Archbishop of S. Severine under whom are Ebriacensis Strangulensis Gencocastrensis Gerentinensis S. Leonis The Archbishop of Larcatinus under whom are Mutulensis Castellanensis The Archbishop of Brundisinus under whom are Astrinensis The Archbishop of Hidrontinus under whom are Castrensis Gallipolitanus Liciensis Vgentinensis Lucensis Nerto●ensis is exempted The Archbishop of Barensis under whom are Betontinensis Calphajanus Invenacensis Rubentinensis Salpensis Cauriensis Baterensis Conversanus Minerviensis Polignercensis Cathericensis Lavellinensis The Archbishop of Tranensis under whom are Vigiliensis Andrensis and Penensis The Archbishop of Sipontinus under whom are Vescanensis excepted Trojanensis excepted Melphiensis Monopolitanensis and Rapolensis are excepted Cannosanus under whom are Auranensis Sarranensis Montisviridis Laquedonensis S. Angeli de Lombardis Bisaciensis The Archbishop of Acheronti under whom are Potentiensis Tricariensis Venusiensis Graviensis Angelensis THE ILANDS CORSICA AND SARDINIA· CORSICA was so called from Corsus who was Lord of this Country The Graecians called it Kurnon from Cyrnus the sonne of Hercules Ovid names it Teraphne as Villanovanus writeth On the West and North it hath the Ligustick Sea on the East the Tyrrhene Sea on the South Sardinia It is not above 120. Miles long although Strabo maketh the length thereof to be 160. Miles and Pliny 150. who also maketh the breadth thereof to be 60. Miles and Strabo maketh it 70. Miles which appeareth to bee true by measuring it with a paire of Compasses The compasse of it according to Pliny is 320. Miles but according to Maginus 325. which hee saith that hee found out by measuring it exactly This Iland is hard to come unto being enclosed on every side with inaccessible dangerous cliffes and Hills Within likewise it is for the most part Mountanous and therefore it yeeldeth no great store of Wheate and Pulse which grow but in some few places where the Country opens it selfe and is watered with Rivers which make it fruitfull That part which looketh toward Etruria is indifferent plaine having a fruitfull Soyle which beareth excellent sweet fruites This Iland hath excellent wines of chiefe note which the Romanes much esteemed they are called from the place Corsican Wines Here is great store of Honey Rosen Oyle and Figges But Servius noteth in his 4. Booke of Geogr. that the Corsian Honey is bitter which comes to passe by reason
that there are great store of Ewe trees from whence the Bees doe gather Honey And Ovid beleeved that it was venemous This Country onely doth produce the Precious stone Catochites which Democritus the Abderite used when hee contended against the Magitian Rhenus concerning Corsica saith thus Hanc solam perhibent Catochitem gignere terram Corporibus lapis hic sen glutine tactus adhaeret Pliny Lib. 37. Cap. 10. and Solinus Cap. 9. doe report the like But Pliny doubteth of the truth thereof Here is also Allom and there are Iron Mines neere the River Bivincum in the County Nebiensis There are also Saltpits commonly called della Roya not far from the Haven of S. Florence and neere Niolum there are deepe Valleys which are alwaies cover'd with Snow under which they say there is great store of Christall There is also as Pliny and Diodorus witnesse great plenty of Boxe and Eewe trees It breedeth divers kindes of living THE ILANDS CORSICA AND SARDINIA· CORSICA SARDINIA Creatures especially lusty Horses and great Hounds and also a kinde of beast called Mufmo which Pliny saith is a kinde of Ramme they call it now Mosoli which beast is not found in any part of Europe except in this Iland and Sardinia It hath a hide and haire like a Hart and Hornes like a Ramme which are not long but doe bend backward about his eares and are so hard that if hee should fall downe 50. foote high among the rocks and alight upon his head it would not hurt him it is as bigge as an Hart and feedes onely on grasse being very swift of foote and the flesh of it is very pleasant in tast Moreover this Iland is full of sheepe and Oxen It was heretofore inhabited by the Phocensians then by the Ligurians and afterward by the Romanes who brought thither two Colonies the Marian and the Alerian which doe still continew The Barbarians possessed the rest afterward when the Romanes invaded them they brought a great Company of Slaves from thence to Rome of which they made no great commodity for they were such bruitish people that albeit they were bought for a small price yet their Masters repented them of their bargaine After the Romanes the Sarazens succeeded and after them the Geonoa's then the Pisanians and now it belongeth to Genoa It is devided now into two parts they call the Easterne part the innermost side and the Westerne side the outermost side That part which is neerer to Italy is called Cismontana or on this side the Mountaines that which runneth out towards Sardina is called Vltramontana or beyond the Mountaines Pliny witnesseth that there are 33. Citties in it which also Martianus Capella doth note out of him But it apeareth by Strabo that they were rather Castles then Citties There is now the Towne Bastia in which the chiefe Governour liveth and hath a Garrison to defend him There is also the Citty Nebbium which Ptolemy calls Cersunum It is watered with the Rivers Gelone Tavignano Sagona Bavono Tegiamo and some others The Mountaines also are clothed with woods which doe yeeld Rosen The chiefe Mountaines are Illia Orba also the Mountaine Cheparteno the Mountaine Tenda the Mountaine Gualango and the Mountaine Russus In the Sea betweene Corsica Sardinia there is Corrall gathered This Iland hath two great Havens which are able to receive great Ships in S. Florences Bay There is also S. Bonifaces Haven which Ptolemy calls the Syracusan Haven The Inhabitants of Corsica both were and are accounted very poore men that live by stealing and robbing and altogether unletterd There are these Bishops in Corsica who are Suffragans to the Archbishop of Pisanum namely Aciensis Alariensis Sagonensis and Civitanensis and the Bishop Nubiensis or Nebiensis who is subject to the Archbishop Ianuensis SARDINIA SARDINIA was so named from Sardus the Sonne of Hercules Timaeus called it Sandaliotin because it resembleth the shape of a shooe-soale Mirsilus and Chrysippus called it Icha●sa because it is like the soale of the foote Which Manilius intimateth when hee saith Sardiniam in Lybico signant vestigia plantae It is now called Sardegna On the East the Tyrrhene Sea doth beate upon it on the South the Affricke on the West the Sardian on the North the Sea that floweth betweene it and Corsica This Iland hath an ungentle ayre and therefore Q. F. doth admonish M. Cicero to have a care of his health and to remember that although hee were now in health yet hee was in Sardinia and in his Epistles hee saith that one Tigellius a Sardinian was a man more pestilent and contagious than his Country All the Iland aboundeth with fruite Wheate Wine Mines of Silver Cattell and all things necessary There are such store of Horses that many runne wilde and have no owners they are lesser than ours but full of mettall strong and nimble It affoordeth much Hunting so that the Country people doe live onely by it For this Country hath abundance of Boares Harts Does and another kinde of Beast which they call Muflo which we have described before in the description of Corsica But Sardinia hath no Wolves nor any other harmefull beast nor Serpent and therefore Silius saith Serpentum tellus pura ac viduata Veneno Sed tristis coelo ac multa vitiata palude This Country is from poysond Serpents free But many noysome Marshes in it bee But the Soligunda in Sardinia is as offensive and hurtfull as Serpents are in other Countries It is a little creature like a Spider L.S. calleth it Solifuga because it shunneth the day-light It liveth much in the Silver Mines for this soyle is very rich in Silver Oare It creepeth closely along and if any one sitt upon it unawares it infecteth him There is also a strange Sardinian Hearb which Pausanias saith is like unto Parsly which if it bee eaten it doth contract and draw together the Visage and mouth so that they dye as it were laughing Strabo writeth that the Spaniards make poison of it which being drunke doth dispatch them without any paine and hence grew the Proverb Sardonius risus or the Sardinian laughter The chiefe Citty of Sardinia is Calaris commonly called Cagler It is situate on a Mountaine neere the Sea looking toward Affrick and it hath a faire Haven This Citty is adorned with many priviledges it createth Con●●l● who have power to punish delinquents without authority from the King and it hath power with the peoples consent to make new lawes In this Citty the reliuqes of S. Augustine were kept untill Heliprandus King of the Langbards did translate them to Papia In this Citty the viceroy of Sardinia resideth together with many Barons Earles and divers rich men Mela and Pliny doe make mention of the Citty Sulchitana There are now also the Citties Oristagnum which is a Metropolitan Citty situate on a Plaine not farre from the Sea It was heretofore called the Country of trees but now it is called the Marquiship of Oristagnum There is also the
Citty Sassaris which hath a pleasant soyle watered with many Springs abounding with divers sorts of fruites but it is weakely fortified Algher is a new small Citty but yet populous and strong and adorned with many faire aedifices and buildings the inhabitants whereof are almost all Tarraconians Sardinia hath also other Citties and Townes which for brevitie sake wee omit It hath many pleasant Rivers which are not deepe so that in sommer time you may passe over the bards There are many Magistrates in Sardinia The chiefe is the Viceroy who hath al the Kings authority and according to their ancient lawes none but a Spaniard can beare this office The King doth assigne and appoint him one assistant who is Doctor of both Lawes whom they call there the Regent Moreover hee hath other Counsellors who dispose and order all matters and this Court is called the Kings audience Heretofore it was a priviledge of the Kingdome that no man could beare this office longer than three yeres and then another succeedeth in his place But now one continueth in that office as long as the King pleaseth Concerning the manners and dispositions of the Sadinians they are strong of body and inured to labour except it be some few who are given to effeminacy and wantonesse Many of them doe keepe Cattell and are contented with poore fare and water Those that dwell in the Townes and Villages doe live peaceably and quietly together They love strangers and doe use them kindly They live from hand to mouth and goe in a poore habbit And which is strange there is not one Artificer in all the Iland that can make either Swords Daggers or other weapons so that they fetch them out of Spaine and Italy Mercator mentioneth these Bishops The Archbishop Claritanensis under whom are these Bishops Sulcitanus or Sulciensis Doliensis Suellensis The Archbishop Turitanus under whome are these Bishops Sorrensis Plotanensis Ampuriensis Gifacensis or Girardensis Castrensis Othanensis or Othricensis Bosanensis or Bossa The Archbishop Alborensis under whom are the Bishops of Vssellensis S. Iustia Terra Alba Civitatensis and Gastelliensis are excepted THE KINGDOME OF SICILIE· SICILIE is next to bee described which excelleth all the Ilands of the Mediterranean Sea Thucidides calleth it Sicania from Sicanus who as Solinus and Capella doe write came with a band of Iberians into that Country before the Trojan warres Many doe call it Trinacria and especially the Poets in regard it hath 3. Promontories Or else because it resembleth a Triangle or three cornerd figure for it runneth forth divers wayes with three Promontories and so is like the greeke letter Delta which beareth this shape Δ. These three Promontories are Pelorus Pachynus and Lilybaum The Graecians did call it Sicelia But some suppose Trinacria quondam Mutavere situm rupit confinia Nereus Italiae pars una fuit sed pontus aestus Victor abscissos interluit aequore monteis Trimacria hath her situation chang'd And now the Sea their borders hath estrang'd Heretofore it was a part of Italie From whence 't is now divided by the Sea And hence Rhegium is so called in Italie because Sicilie is there divided from Italie On the North it hath the Tyrrhene Sea on the East the Hadriatick and Ionian Sea on the South the Affrick Sea and on the West the Sardinian Sea Thycydides writeth Lib. 6. that the compasse of Sicile is about 8. dayes journey and yet it lyeth but 20. furlongs from the maine land or continent of Italy Moreover this Iland doth excell for the wholesomenesse of the ayre the fruitfullnesse of the soyle and plenty of all fruite and other things which are necessary for the use of man For it lyeth in the 4. Climate which for the gentlenesse and temperatenesse of the ayre doth exceede the sixe others So that Sicilie produceth the best fruites So that Marcus Cato calleth it the Stoarehouse of the Commonwealth and the Nurse of the Romane People and Strabo the Barne of Rome In the Sunensian fields where the ancients doe faine that Proserpine was tooke away violently which they call the Navell of Italie the Corne yeeldeth so great an increase insomuch that one bushell of Wheate sowed yeeldeth an hundred which field they call therefore Campe dallo cento Salme The Leontine fielde is not inferiour unto this concerning which Cicero saith in his third Oration against Verres Quid Vina commorabo optimi saporis adorisque What should I mention the fragrant pleasant Wines Pliny who was most diligent and curious in reckoning the best sorts of Wines doth affirme that there is excellent good Wine made in Sicilie And hee saith that there is the Balincian Wine in Sicilie which tasteth like Methegling or Wine mingled with honey So that they suppose the Balincian Wine is that which they call Muskadine which is very sweete For both Alpes Muskadine whence so called that is Bees and Muscae that is flies doe haunt these Grapes which are therefore called Muskadine Grapes out of which a sweet pleasant wine is pressed which they call Muskadine though some suppose that it was so called because it smelleth like Muske So that the Wine of Sicilie may be rightly esteemed the best for it is as good as the Italian Wine and as pleasing to the Pallat and will keepe as long Moreover Sicilie hath great store of Oyle Suger Saffron Honey Salt all sorts of fruites and excellent Silke Besides Sicilie is rich in Mettalls for it hath Gold Silver Iron and Allom. It produceth also Pretious stones as the Emerald the Achates the Berill the red Marble stone the Iasper and it hath great heards and flocks of Oxen and Cattell There is excellent hunting of Does and Boares and Hauking at Partridges and Quailes which they commonly call Francolinas And Falcons who are enimies to all flying fowle are taken heere The fierce Lestrigonians did first possesse this Country afterward the Sieanians a Colonie of Spaniards and lastly the Trojans and Cretensians came hither Afterward the Graecians did invade it then the Romanes and after the division of the Easterne and Westerne Empire it was subject to Constantinople almost 200. yeares But in the raigne of the Emperour Iustinian the Gothes invaded this Iland who 17. yeares afterward were expelled and droven out by Belisarius Afterward the Saracens did possesse it under Michael Balbus and held it 400. yeares The Normans succeeded them and afterward the Langbards Suevians and Germanes but they being droven out by Clement the 4. the Frenchmen possessed it 16. yeares Afterward it was subject to the Aragonians untill the raigne of King Ferdinand after whose decease the Kings of Spaine were also Kings of Aragon and Sicilie Pliny reckoneth that there are 72. Citties in it But now there are 173. Citties and Townes as Maginus witnesseth The Metropolis or mother Citty of the Kingdome is Panormus which Ptolomy and others doe call Palernum it is now called Palermo It is an ancient Citty and a Colony of the Phoenicians as
inhabit by the Maeotick Lake Pliny calld it Illyricum from Illyricus the Sonne of Cadmus or as some thinke of Poliphemus Ptolemy calls it Illyis and Stephen Illyr●a Ptolemy doth stretch it forth from Istria even to the confines of Macedon by the Sea shore and doth make it extend to Pannonia and Maesia Pomponius Mela and Dionysius Alexandrinus doe describe it to be larger for hee maketh Illyria to containe all the coast of the Hadriatick Sea from Tergestus even to the Ceraunian Mountaines and placeth it beyond Danubius For Mela reckoneth Danubius among the Rivers of this Country But Pliny maketh the Rivers Arsia and Visius to be the bounds thereof And the most doe follow Ptolomies description who saith that Illyris where it looketh toward Macedon doth containe Dalmatia and Liburnia which Lazius doth call Crabates and others Croatia Pinctus calleth it Contado di Zara. The length of it from Arsa to Dranus is 380 Italian Miles In some parts it hath a pure wholesome ayre but in other places not so wholesome by reason of Moorish exhalations and vapours This Country as Strabo witnesseth is very pleasant it hath strong Havens a fertile Soyle and full of Vines unlesse it bee upon the stony rockie cliffes or on that side which lyeth toward Paennonia where it is cold and coverd with snow Florus in his booke of the first P●nicke warre writeth that the Illyrians grew so licentious that they slew the Romane Embassadors like sacrifices and burnt the Captaines of the Shipps and to disgrace them the more at the command of a woman who as he writeth was called Teuta Againe the Illyrians being hired by King Perses began to set upon the Romanes behind their back but Scorda which was the head Citty of the Nation being rased they straightway yeelded themselves Pliny writeth that the coast of Illyria was more frequented than the Ilands when on the contrary the coast of Italy over against it is very impetuous and stormy The chiefe Citties and Townes of Illyri● are Senia commonly calld Segna being seated on a Plaine by the Sea which is often troubled with the North wind Iadera is now the chiefe and strongest Metropolis of the Liburnians Also Zara commonly call'd Sebenicum Ptolomy calls it Sicum It is situate in the Bay Scardonicor neere the Sea at the foote of a Mountaine where there is a Castell It hath fruitefull fields but it is thinly inhabited by reason that the Turkes doe continually vexe it Spalatum and Salena is celebrated by Ptolomy and Strabo There is also Salona which is a Haven of the Dalmatians which hath few inhabitants because it is so neere unto the Turke Tragurtum now called ●ran is divided from the Continent by SCLAVONIA SLAVONIA croatia Bosnia Dalmat a small arme of the Sea Epidaurus is an ancient Citty by the ruines whereof there is Ragusium commonly call'd Ragusi the Turks call it Pobrovicha it is a small Citty with a strong Castell heere is a famous Mart for all Turkish commodities the Commonwealth is governed by good lawes the Cittizens are rich This Country is watered with two chiefe Rivers Savus and Dravus which doe runne into Danubius Beyond the Mountaines many lesser Rivers doe breake out into the Hadriatick Bay as Edanius Ticicus Naron Rhizon and Drinus The Illyrians or Sclavonians doe dwell in woodden houses thatched unlesse it be some Townes upon the Coast where they live civiller And so much concerning Illyricum or Sclavonia in generall But Sclavonia which our table doth exhibit is onely a part of that Illyricum unlesse we make it to be Plinyes Sclavonia It containeth the Marquiship of Windorum and the County of Zagabria CROATIA CRoatia is a part of Illyricum towards Hungarie which wee described in the beginng Rufus and Volaterranus call it Valeria others Liburnia It joyneth to Istria on the East by the Fanatick Bay and is situate betweene the Rivers Cuspa and Savus and the higher Maesia The Metropolis of this Country is now called Bigihon and sometime Fumlum It hath many other Citties at Zeng Wackat Turnaw Modrish But the Turk by his invasions made this Country knowne having broken the league with the Christians had a great desire to joyne this Country to his Kingdomes and Provinces that so he might more conveniently invade Italy and Germanie whereupon at the beginning of Summer in the yeare 1592. the great Turke sent an Army into Croatia under the conduct of his Bashawes and Captaines The Souldiers being terrified at the approaching of this army the Bashaw of Bosnia tooke the stronge Fort Hrastovitza by treachery And afterward the fury of his Souldiers being not appeas'd therewith hee laid siege to Wyhitz a strong walled Citty the Souldiers having neither munition nor victualls yeelded up the Towne by surrender and the Turke afterward contrary to his promise put them all to the Sword and many inconveniences follow'd after this surrender which I omit Moreover in the yeare following which was 1593. The Turke glorying in his many victories and Townes which hee had taken had a great desire to get the strong Citty Sissegkum and so raysing an army hee besieged it But the Germanes considering what great detriment and losse not onely Germanie but all Europe should sustaine if the Turkes should take it they levied an army and so passing over the River Savus they intended to relieve the Citty The Turkish horse-men who were 8000. or some say 10000. made haste to possesse themselves of the other Banck of the River Savus by the Bridge which was built before that so they might hinder the Christians approach where joyning battell with the Christians the Turkes were put to flight and fled to the Bridge which the Carolostadien Souldiers had first possessed The Turkes were at last all cut off and a great many drown'd in the Rivers Savus and Kulpa The other part of the Turkish Army fled the Bridge being cut downe so that they could not retire to the rest of their army And so on the 22. of Iune in the yeare 1593. this Citty was freed from this straite siege BOSNIA THe Easterne part of Liburnia they now call Liburnia from the Bessi a people of lower Moesia who afterward being expulsed by the Bulgarians did remove into higher Maesia and by changing the letter e for o they were called instead of Bossis Bossi or Bosni and afterward Bosna and Besnia There have beene the like changes in other names as Melita now called Malta Langones and Lingones Scandia and Schondia c. Iaitza is a Citty of Bosnia seated on a high hill and encompassed with two Rivers These Rivers doe flowe at the foote of the Mountaine and so having encircled the Citty doe joyne together and runne both into Savus It was the Metropolis of Bosnia and it hath a strong impregnable Castle This Country also hath other chiefe Citties especially Schwonica and Warbosayne which is now the Metropolis but not walled about The River Milliatzka doth devide it into two parts c. DALMATIA IT
Aeneas Silvius Larta Castaldus saith that it was called Ianna This Country is bounded on the East with the River Celydnus or Pepylychnus on the North it hath Macedon This Country in many places is Woody and barren but by the Sea Coast it fruitfull It produceth great store of living creatures except Asses but it is hath faire large Oxen and great Dogs and also Sheepe Virgil. 1. Georg. doth commend Epire for Horses India mittit Ebur molles sua thura Sabaei At Chalybes nudi ferrum virosaque pontus Castorea Eliadum palmas Epiros equarum India her whitest Ivory doth send The soft Sabaeans Frankincense doth lend The naked Chalybes digge Iron forth And Pontus hath that precious stone of worth Which usually is call'd the Bezars stone Epire hath the best Mares to breed upon The Molossians first possessed this Country as Trogus reporteth But in the Trojans time Vlisses govern'd it After whom it came to Achilles who much enlarged his Empire Afterward it came to the Romanes and afterward to the Emperours of Constantinople and by their grant and donation to the Despotians which were a family in Epire. But Amurath the Turke at last having droven out the Christians did subject it to himselfe Here are the Cittie 's Dodone famous for the Oracle of Iupiter Dodonaus Also Nicopolis built by Augustus in memory of MACEDON· MACEDONIA Epir. et Achaia that victory when in a Sea-fight he ouercame Marcus ●ntonius and Queene Cleopatra It was heretofore a great City and populous now it is called Prevesa Ambracia is now called Laria from a Riuer of that name Here was the Palace of Pyrrhus of Epire and the Countrey of Cleombrotus Ambraciota who as Cicero relateth having read Platoes Booke of the immortality of the Soule being wearie of the miseries of this life did case himselfe downe from a high place There is also Ac●●um which Gerbelius maketh to bee a famous Citty of Acarnania It was heretofore a Colony of Augustus now it is called ●apo Figul● Strabo and Virgil doe call Buthrotum Pliny calls it Colonia Sophianus calleth it now Butrinto There is also Leucas where Apollo hath a Chappell and a Grove which hath power to mittigate the flames of Love and Strabo doth report that the Poetesse Sappho did first come out of it full of poeticall inspirations as Ovid doth mention in one of his Epistles to Sappho The Rivers of Epire are Acheron which Livy calls Acheros Strabo Achelous Sophianus Aspri Niger Catochi Kyriacus Ancomtanus calleth it Geromlia The Ceraunian or Acroceraunian Mountaines are very high and fearefull to the Marriners For as soone as cloud● doe begin to arise from thence Tempests doe immediately follow There is also the Mountaine Stymphe out of which the River Arachtus followeth as Strabo witnesseth the Inhabitants as ●ell●nius relateth doe goe forth of their Country in troopes in the Summer time in regard of the barrennesse of the soyle and so doe remove to some other place namely into Macedon Romania and Nat●lia where they worke under the Turke for hire and wages sometimes they reape Corne and so after Harvest is done they returne againe in Autumne with their Wives and Children But they are Christians and have a peculiar speech different from the Greekes yet they are of the Greeke Religion and because they are neighbours to the Graecians therefore they understand the Greeke ACHAIA THere remaineth in this Table Achaja which is a Country of Greece Ptolemy calleth it Hellades Pliny in his Epistles calleth it Maera-Graecia or meere Greece It is bounderd on the North with Thessalia neere the River Sperchus the Maliacan Bay and the Mountaine Ceta on the West with the River Achelous beyond which the Country of ●pire beginneth on the East it bendeth somewhat Northward and is washed with the Aegean and Mirtoan Sea even to the Promontory Sunium which is now called Cape delle Colonne On the South it hath Peloponesus over against it which is joyned unto it by our Isthmus I finde in Writers that here are 9. Countries which are D●rus neere Parnassus Aetolia by the River Evenus This latter is plaine and fruitfull toward the North but r●gged and barren towards the South It hath many ancient Citties one of the chiefe whereof was Ca●●d●● which is now ruinated with the rest Ev●nus a most cleare transparent River doth flow thorow this Country which afterward runneth into the Sea The Country of the Locrians and Opuntians was rugged the chiefe Citty whereof is Amphissa There is also in this Country Naupactus which some doe place in Aetolia Phocis is by the Mountaine Pernassus The Citty thereof is Delphos where there was the sumptuous Church and famous Oracle of Apollo Beotia lyeth among the Mountaines in a moist moorish place but fat and very fruitfull There is also the Citty Asera at the foote of the Mountaine Helicon where Hes●d was borne And Orchomenus famous for Tiresias Oracle Also Thebes which as Pliny witnesseth was sometimes equall to Athens where many famous men were borne but now these Townes lye buried in their owne ruines There is also Cheronaea where Plutarch was borne Also Plataea memorable for a famous victory which the Graecians obtained under the conduct of Pausanias against Mardonius Tanagra was a most superstitious Citty And Aulis where the Greekes assembled themselves before their comming to Troy Attica is a barren wooddy Country The chiefe Citty is Athens which needs no commendation to make it famous Euripides calls it the Grace of Greece or the Compendium and Epitome of Greece Cicero doth much praise this Citty in his Oration for Lucius Flaccus Lib. 2. of Lawes and in his Dialogue de Partitione There was also Marathon well knowne by Miltiades his famous victory And Eleusis famous for Ceres sacrifices which were therefore called Eleusinian Stephanus calleth Megaris a rugged Country The chiefe Citty hereof is Megara seated by the Isthmus from whence the Country was so called The most famous Rivers of Achija are Ismenus a River of Baeotia which watereth the Citty of Thebes Also Cnopus which Strabo calls Asopus Homer surnames it flowry Cnopus Also Evenus which before as Apollodorus and Strabo doe witnes was called Lycormas It is a River of Aetolia The most famous Mountaines are Parnassus which Lucan Lib. 4. calleth Mons Phoebo Bromioque sacer A Mountaine sacred to Apollo and Bacchus Which Claudian and Lucretius doe situate in the middle of the World There is also Helicon which Pliny calleth Musis natale the Muses birth place The Mountaine Hymettus is famous for Honey Marble and all things medicinable There is also Citheron which Lactantius calleth so from Cithara a Harpe because this Instrument was often playd on in this place and Poets Verses were frequently sung here There are these Bishopricks in this Country The Archbishoprick Philippensis under whom are Citrensis and Veriensis Also the Archbishop Laricensis under whom are Dinutriensis Almurensis Cardicensis Stdoniensis Dinucensis The Archbishop Neopatensis under whom is Lariaetensis The
and Ivory being 60. foote high which worke was reprehended by other Artificers because the Image was not proportionable to the Temple For whereas this Iupiter sate in an Ivory Throne and yet touched the top of the Church with his head it must needs come to passe that if this Ivory god being weary of sitting would rise up at any time that hee must throw downe the top of the Church There is also Pisa Achaja which Ptolemy calleth Propria reacheth from the Promontory Araxus even to the Sicyonian from whom it is devided by the River Sus on the South it hath the Mountaine Stymphalus on the North the Corinthian Bay There are also the Citties Dyme which they now call Charenza whence they call the Araxean Promontory Capo di Chiarenza there is also the famous Citty Patrae which is now called Patras The Citty Aegium in former time was called Vostiza or Bostizan and it was raced by the Turkes Aegira was heretofore a chiefe Citty being seated on a rugged steepe Hill which is now ruinate and called Xilocastro And in the Crissaean Bay there are Helice Bura and Pellene Si●●nia is situate betweene Achaja and Asopus the chiefe Citty thereof is Sicion the ancientest of all the Greeke Citties and built in Abrahams time being full of Churches Altars Statues and Images There was also Phlius which happily is that which they now call Vasilicon There remaineth Arcadia which is a Mediterranian Country in Peloponnesus being every where encompas'd with the Sea In this Country there is the Citty Megalopolis where Polibius a grave and wise Writer was borne It is now called Leontari There is also Stimphalus whence the Stymphalian Lake and the Stymphalian Birds There are also Lilaea Mantinea and Psophis But the chiefe Citties of all Peloponnesus Ovid Lib. 6. Metamorph. hath thus briefly described and Epitomized Finitimi Proceres coeunt urbesque propinquae Oravere suos ire ad solatia reges Argosque Sparte Pelopejadesque Mycenae Et nondum torvae Calidon invisa Dianae Orchomenosque ferax nobilis aere Corinthus Messeneque ferox Patraeque humilesque Cleovae Et Melea Pilos nec adhuc Pitheia Tr●ezen Quaeque urbes aliae bimari clauduntur ab Isthmo The neighbouring Princes met the Citties neere Intreate their Kings the desolate to cheere Renown'd Mycenae Sparta the Argive State And Calydon not yet in Dian's hate Fertile Orchomenos Corinthus fam'd For high-priz'd Brasse Messene never tam'd Cleovae Patrae Pylos Nelius crowne And Throezen not as then Pitheus Towne With all that two-sea'd Isthmus Straites include And all without by two-sea'd Isthmus view'd The most famous Rivers are Asopus which Theverus calleth now Arbon also Penejus which Thevetus and Niger call Igliaco there is also Alpheus which the Inhabitants call Rophea and as Niger saith Orphoa the Italian Marriners call it Carbon and 140. streames and Rivulets doe runne into this River There is also Panisus which Niger calleth Stromio but Castaldus and Mercators tables call it Pirnaza which is the greatest River of all Peloponesus The water whereof doth heale as it is reported all diseases belonging to Children and Infants Eurotas is now called by Stephanus and others Basilopotamo but Niger calleth it Iris whose bankes are full of Bay-trees and Inachus which S●phianus and others doe now call Planizza but Niger calleth it Iris whose bankes have also great store of Bay-trees I omit the other Rivers The Mountaines are Stimphalus the highest Mountaine of Arcadia which Dominicus Niger calleth Poglici Xitias Niger calleth it Pholos Mela Cillenius Strabo Cyllene it is the highest Mountaine in all Arcadia There is also the Mountaine which Mela calls Menalius Ptolemy Cronium Also Grevenos which Niger calleth Zarex and Gemistus Zaraca That which Ptolemy and Strabo call Minthe Niger calleth Olonus Pausanias calleth it Evan from Evoe a noise which Bacchus his Priests did use because it is reported that Bacchus and those women that followed him did use this acclamation or cry That which Pliny Pausanias Vibius and Stephanus do call Taigotus is a Mountaine of Peloponesus in Laconia neere unto the River Eurota From the top whereof there is so faire a prospect that you may behold all the Peninsula and every famous Citty in it This Mountaine doth breed many wilde beasts being consecrate to Bacchus Apollo Diana and Ceres In Morea there are these Bishopricks the Archbishop of Corinth under whom is Argivensis The Archbishop Patracensis under whom are the Bishops Coloniensis Mothonensis Coronensis Amiclensis and Androvillensis CANDIA VVHICH POPE BONIFACE of MONTIS-FERRAT sold unto the VENETIANS WEE are come at length to the last Table of Europe in which Mercator doth delineate and paint foorth Candia with some small Ilands neere Greece Ptolemy calls it Crete which is an Iland in the Mediterranean Sea It is now commonly called Candy On the North the Aegean Sea doth beare upon it on the South the Lybian and Aegyptian Seas on the West the Hadriatick Sea on the East the Carpathian Sea The forme of it is long on the East the Promontory Samonium shooteth forth on the West there is the Promontory Criu Metopum on the North there is a third Promontory which Stra. lib. 10. calleth ●imarus now it is called Capo Chesis The length is 270. miles the breadth 5● The compasse of it 588. The Country is every where rugged and Mountainous but it yeeldeth good store of Corne and Grasse The soyle is very fruitfull and there are abundance of trees Pliny also witnesseth that whatsoever groweth in Creete is better than any of the same kinde that groweth otherwheres It beareth Vines Olives Oranges Figges Lemmons Cittrons Malmesie is made onely in this Country and so is transported from thence to Venice and other parts of the world This Wine as Bellonius witnesseth the ancients did call Pramium But Volaterranus thinketh that those wines which they called Arvisia are now called Malvisia or Malmesie by the addition of one letter and he addeth that those kindes of Vines were brought out of Arvisium a Promontory of the Iland Chios into Creete whence they were heretofore called Arvisian Wines It beareth also and produceth Honey Waxe Cheese Saffron store of Gum and Bitony peculiar onely to Creete In the whole Iland there is neither Wolfe Foxe Serpent or any harmefull creature except Spiders In regard whereof the Flockes and Heards of Cattell doe feede securely and safely in the Meddowes especially Sheepe which they call Striphoceri But it produceth divers living creatures And Authors doe report of Creete That it hath no Owles and that they dye if they bee brought into this Iland Iupiter did first governe this Iland then Radamarth afterward Minos and the Graecians The Romanes power over it began from Metellus who was therefore calld Creticus Afterward the Constantinopolitans did possesse it Baldwin Earle of Flanders and Emperour of Constanti●ople gave it to the Marquesse of Montis-ferrat who sold it to the Venetians in the yeere 1194. for a great summe of gold and so it
West with the River Hammirabith There are few walled Citties in this Country Among which is the Citty Azaefi situate on the Ocean shore The Affricans built it there is also Conte which was built by the Gothes and T it built by the Affricans Elmedina is the head Citty of all this Country Centopozzi is a small Towne There are also Subeit Temaracost Terga Bulativan Azamur and Meramer The Country of Hascora confineth on the North on Duccala it is bounderd on the West with the River Tensiftus and on the East it is devided with the River Quadelhabit from the Country of Tedeletes There are many rich populous Townes which belong to this Country as the Citty Alemdin which is built in a Valley encompassed with foure high Mountaines in which there dwell both Noblemen Merchants and Artificers Tagodast is seated on the top of a Mountaine and environd with foure other Mountaines Elgumuha is built on a high Mountaine betweene two other Mountaines which are as high and Bzo is an ancient Citty seated on a very high Mountaine about 20. miles from Elgiumuha VVestward Tedles is a Country not very MOROCCO· MARACCHI REGNUM large it is bounded on the West with the Rivers Servi and Omirabih on the South it joyneth to the Mountaine Atlas on the North it is bounderd with the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Servi and Omirabih so that the Country lyeth in a triangular or three cornerd figure There are some Townes in it the chiefe whereof is Tesza built by the Affricans and well inhabited There are also Esza Githiteb and others The chiefe Rivers of this Kingdome are Tensift and Omirabih which issuing out of the Mountaine Atlas doe runne into the Ocean But Tensift riseth in the Country of Morocco and is enlarged by the receit of many Rivers the greatest whereof are Sifelmel and Niffis But Omirabih doth breake forth among the Mountaines where the Province of Tedles confineth on the Kingdome of ●esse On the shore side in some places there is found great store of Amber which is very cheape there so that the Portugals and other forraigne Nations doe transport it into other Countries Here are many Mountaines as Nisipha Semede Sensana and others The most whereof are cold and barren so that they beare nothing but Barley In this Kingdome there are no great store of Churches Colledges nor Hospitals In the Citty of Morocco there are many Churches and one of the most curious and magnificent is that which standeth in the middle of the Citty and was built by the aforesaid Halis There is also another built by his successor Abdul Miomem and enlarged by his Nephew Monsor and enriched which many Pillars brought thither out of Spaine He made a Cisterne under this Church which is as bigge as the Church he coverd the Church with Lead and made leaden Pipes at every corner to receive and convay the raine water into the aforesaid Cisterne The Tower or Steeple of stone like unto Vespasians Romane Amphitheater is higher than the Steeple of Bononia in Italy the steps which goe up into it are very broad and the walls thick This Tower hath three Belfries or Turrets on which there is another little arched Tower built And this hath three Turrets one over another and they goe from one to another by a wodden Ladder If any one looke downe from the highest Tower he will thinke that men of great stature are no bigger than children of a yeere old And this Tower hath a golden Moone for a Weathercock and three golden Globes so fastned upon Iron that the greatest is placed lowest and the lesser highest There is also a strong Castle in this Citty so that if you beheld the spaciousnesse thereof the Walls Towers and Gates built of Tiburtine Marble you would thinke it a Citty It hath a Church with a high Steeple on the top whereof there is a Moone for a Weathercock and under it three golden Globes or Balls one bigger then another which doe weigh in all 130000. Crownes Within the Walls of this Citty there are Vineyards Date-trees spacious Gardens and Corne-fields For the Arabians frequent incursions and in rodes doe hinder them from ploughing the ground without the walls The Inhabitants of this Kingdome are in some parts more civill and in some parts ruder and voide of civility They eate Barley bread not leavened nor baked in an Oven and sometimes they make meate of Barley meale Milke and Oyle or Butter Many of them doe use no Tables nor Table-cloathes They are clothed with a kinde of cloth made of Wooll like Carpeting stuffe they weare a great deale of fine cloth about their heads yet the forepart of their head is bare none weare Hats or Caps but old men and learned men they weare no Smocks and in stead of Beds they have haire Blankets in which they wrap themselves They shave their beards before they are married but afterward they weare them long THE KINGDOMES OF THE ABISSINES AND CONGVS THE Kingdome of the Abissines is called Aethiopia which Ptolemy placeth beneath Aegypt The Moores doe call the Prince thereof Asiela Bassi and in the Aethiopian language he is called Iohn Belul that is High and Precious not Presbyter as some are of opinion Hee glorieth that he is descended from the stocke of David and this is his Title N. N. The supreme Governour of my Kingdomes the onely beloved of God the Pillar of Faith descended of the stock of Judah the Sonne of David the Sonne of Salomon the Sonne of the Pillar of Sion the Sonne of the seed of Jacob the Sonne of Mary the Sonne of Nahu according to the flesh the Sonne of the Saints Peter and Paul according to Grace the Emperour of the higher and lower Aethiopia and of my large Kingdomes Iurisdictions and Territories King of Noa Caffares Fatiger Angola Baru Balignaca Adea Vangua and Goyama where there are the Spring-heads of Nilus c. Hee is without doubt one of the greatest Monarchs of the world whose Territories doe lye betweene the two Tropickes even from the red Sea to the Aethiopian Ocean And that we may describe the bounds of his Empire more accurately on the North it hath Aegypt which is subject to the Turkes on the East the red Sea and the Bay of Barbery on the South it is encompassed with the Mountaines of the Moone on the West it is bounderd with the Kingdome of Congus the River Niger the Kingdome of Nubia and the River Nilus In which bounds are contained ancient Aethiopia below Aegypt Troglodite and the Cinnamon-bearing Country and part of the innermost Libya The Country in general as appeareth by those who have taken a late view of it is most fruitfull There is a double Summer which almost lasteth all the yeere so that in some Fields they are sowing and in others they are mowing at one and the same time And in some parts Corne and Pulse is sowed every moneth This Country hath but little Wheate but plenty
and Barley and great plenty of Lettice Colworts Cabbages Rape-rootes Beete Parsley or wilde Alexander and other Garden hearbs And besides it hath a roote which groweth in the West-Indies in the Iland Hispaniola which is there called Bata The Negroes of this Iland doe call it Ignama and doe plant it as a very choise and speciall hearbe The outermost barke is black the innermost white and it is long like a Rape-roote and hath many branches spreading from the roote It tasteth like Chesnuts but more pleasant and sweete They commonly rost them in the ashes and sometimes they eate them raw The Spaniards have brought hither Olive-trees Peach-trees Almond-trees and other kindes of Trees which being planted were faire and pleasant to behold but they never beare any fruit There is in this Iland a strange kinde of Crab which liveth in the Earth like a Mole of a Sea-water colour which casteth up the Earth and doth gnaw and consume all things neere it There are also in this Iland great store of Birds as Partridges Starlings Blackbirds greene singing Sparrowes and Parrots The Portugals built a Citty in it which they called Pavosa by the River in which it is thought that there 700. Families besides the Bishop and other Clergie men It hath a good Haven and a wholesome River and the Sea affoordeth good fishing And which is wonderfull there are great store of Whales which are sometimes found on this shore and on other shores of Affrick In the middle of the Iland there is a wooddy Mountaine which is alwaies coverd with such thick Clouds in so much that water doth runne out of the woods and water the Sugar-canes and the higher the Sunne is the Skie round about that Mountaine is the more cloudy The Inhabitants are partly white and partly black And it is very strange that the black people are very much troubled with Gnats Lice and Fleas but the white people have neither Lice nor Gnats nor Fleas in their Beds The Princes Iland NOt farre from hence 3. degrees beyond the Aequinoctiall is the Princes Iland Which is so named because the Prince of Portugal hath the revenues of this Iland It is well inhabited and yeeldeth great store of Sugar And there growes in it a kinde of Date-tree which wee mentioned before out of which there commeth a juyce which they drinke The Iland of the Good-yeere THE Iland of the Good-yeere or de Annobon was so called because it was discoverd at the beginning of the New-yeere It is situate 3. degrees Southward beyond the Aequinoctiall and it is inhabited there is good fishing by the shore side and flying fishes are sometimes seene here Here are also great store of Crocodiles and venemous Creatures And let so much suffice to have beene spoken concerning Guinea and these Ilands together with Affrick And now to conclude I thinke it meete to set downe that which Aeneas Gazaeus a Greeke Writer doth report in his Theophrastus or Booke of the immortality of the Soule or Resurrection of the dead who affirmeth that to his great amazement hee beheld the Martyrs and Priests of great Libya when their tongues were puld and cut out by the Tyrants command yet they spoke aloud and with a cheerefull couragious heart declared the wonderfull workes of God Hee that desireth to know more let him have recourse to Salust in his Jugurthine Warre and the Voyage of Hanno an Affrican which he shall finde in Arrianus and Iambolus his Voyage in Diadorus Siculus Also Herodotus his Melpomene Of the Moderne Writers let him consult with Aloysius Cadamustus Vascus de Gama Francis Alvares who viewed Aethiopia Iohn Leo who describeth it the most acurately of them all and Ludovick Marmolius also Livy Sanutus and others Concerning the River Nilus the greatest in all the world you may read the Letters of Iohn Biptista Rhamusus and Ierome Fracastorius We come now to Asia the third part of the World THE TVRKISH EMPIRE IN Asia unto which we now are come the Turkish Empire hath the first place Mela in his first Booke maketh mention of the Turkes and so doth Pliny Lib. 6. Cap. 7. And it is not to bee doubted but that Nation which is now growne so great by our sloth and dissention was both named and originally descended from them Postellus thinketh that the Hebrewes did call them Togarma They doe call themselves Musulmanni that is the Circumcised or as some doe interpret it the Right Beleevers But they will not be called Turkes for they account that name very reprochfull which in the Hebrew language signifies Banisht men or as some doe interpret it Spoilers or Wasters The Empire of the Ottoman Family which is very large and potent doth containe many Provinces and Countries of Europe Affrick and Asia In Europe it extendeth and stretcheth it selfe neere the Sea shore of the Hadriatick Bay from the borders of Epidaurus now called Ragusus and so encompassing all the Aegean Sea and also Propontis and a great part of the Euxine Sea it is bounderd with the Citty Theodosia situate in the Taurican Chersonesus which they now call Caffa which space of ground containeth 8000. miles In the Mediterranean parts it reacheth from Iavarinus a Towne of Hungary which the Inhabitants call Rab even to Constantinople which is seated in the borders of Europe In Affrick Turky doth containe all the Sea Coast from the Towne Bellis de Gomera even to the Arabian Bay or the red Sea except some few places which are subject to the King of Spaine It doth also extend it selfe very farre into Asia The Country for the most part is fruitfull and yeeldeth great store of Wheate Barley Oates Rye Beanes Millet and other kindes of Pulse It hath abundance of Rice Hempe and Cotton It hath also Vineyards It yeeldeth also great store of Pompions Mellons Cowcumbers Nuts Apples Peares Pomegranats Oranges Chestnuts Figges Cherries and other fruits but not in every Kingdome For there are some places as in Cappadocia and Armenia the lesse where none of these fruits doe grow by reason of the intensive and excessive cold It hath also veines of Gold Silver Iron Brasse and Allom. It doth breed divers kindes of living creatures and great store of Cammels Mules and other Cattell The Turkish Horses and Mastiffes are much esteem'd The Turkish Empire began thus Ottoman their first Emperour was a Tartarian and a Souldier to the great Cham a stout man and strong of body He leaving the Tartarians under the colour of some injury began to lye in THE TVRKISH EMPIRE· TURCICUM IMPERIUM waight about the Mountaines of Cappadocia At first he had but 40. Horsemen with him but afterward many guilty persons allor●d with the hope of booty and the consciousnesse of their wicked deeds flocked unto him by whose ayde and assistance he began to attempt openly what he formerly intended and so possessed himselfe of Cappid●●ia P●ontus Bithyma Pamphilia and Cilecia all rich Countries This was done about the
●dumaea It was so called from Iudah which was the chiefe Tribe in which there were many Citties and Townes but the fairest of them all was Hierusalem the Metropolis of Iudaea and the most famous Citty in the World In Ptolemies time it was called Ae●ia Capatolia and now the barbarous Inhabitants doe call it Coz or Godz or Chutz There are also other Townes and famous places in Iudaea beside Hierusalem as Iericho Ioppe which is now called I●ffa Stratoes Towre afterward call Caesars Towre also Bethlehem Chebron or Hebron before called Arbee and Mambre and Cariatharbe that is the Citty of foure men And the Towne Macherus with a strong Castle beyond Iordane ●ere were also Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed for their abominable wickednesse Samaria followeth which is situate in the middle betweene Iudaea and Galile It was so called from the Metropolis of the same name which Amri King of Israel built it is now called Sebaste here are these Townes Sichem afterward called Neapolis also Capernaum Bethsaida and Chorazin Galiley is situate beweene the Mountaine Liba●us and Samaria and it is devided into the higher and the lower the higher is otherwise call'd the Galiley of the Gentiles neere to Tyre The lower is situate by the Sea of Tiberias or Genezareth The Citties in it are Naim Cana Nazareth and Gadara Butthe whole Country is situate betweene two Seas and the River Iordane It hath many Lakes which are Navigable and have great store of good Fish But the Riuer Iordane which the Hebrewes call Iarden runneth thorow all the length of this Country This River as Hierome writeth issueth from two Fountaines not farre distant one from another namely ●or and Dan and afterward these two forked streames joyning together doe make the River Iordan It hath two chiefe Mountaines Hermon on the East and Tabor on the West which are very high and all the other Mountaines are but armes and parts of them For Ebal Bethoron and Misha or Maspha and Be●el by Hermon Gelboe Gerizim Sarona and lastly Carmel neere to the Sea are but part of the Mountaine Tabor There are also these Mountaines Mount Sion Mount Moriah Mount Olivet Mount Calvary and others It hath also many Woods Wildernesses and Groves Here are many faire buildings and especially at Hierusalem But of all those workes which were famous in ancient time the chiefe is Mons Domus and the Jebusians Tower into which King David carried the Arke of the Lord and there is continued untill Salomons Temple was built and consecrated of which there are some ruines yet remaining where it is thought that Christ supped at the time of the Passeover There are also some Monuments of David and the Kingdome of Iudah There was also Davids House which is still preserved and called by the name of Davids Tower Here also some ruines of Mello at the farthest part of the Mountaine Moriah Here was Salomons famous Temple which was 7. yeeres building and had 50000. men working daily at it Concerning the magnificence and statelinesse whereof you may reade in Lib. 1. of the Kings Cap. 6.7 Chron. Lib. 2. Cap. 3. 4. Concerning their Lawes and Customes for brevity sake I will adde nothing but referre the Reader to the Bookes of Moyses Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy ASIA THE LESSE VVHICH IS NOVV CALLED NATOLIA ASIA the lesse so called to distinguish it from the greater is now to be described for so the Romanes when they made a Province did call it after the name of the Continent The Turkes doe call it now Natolia or A●atolia as if you should say the East Country from the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies the East which Peter Bellonius sheweth in his learned observations of his travels And it is called of late the greater Turky Marius Niger delivers that the Low-Country-men call it new Turky and the Barbarians Rom namely the Northerne part which containeth Bithynia Galatia and Cappadocia But they call the Southerne Country in which are Licia Cicilie and Pamphilia Cottomanid●a The bounds of this Country on the East is the River Euphrates on the South the Mediterranean Sea on the West the Aegean Sea or the Archipelagus of Greece on the North it is washed with the Euxine Sea and the greater Sea It containeth therefore all that Chersonesus which lyeth betweene the Euxine the Cilician and Pamphilian Sea The breadth of it according to Pliny is about 200. miles namely from the Isacan Bay now called Golfo de Lajazzo and the Amanian Haven even to Trapezuntes which is on the Sea Coast in which he consenteth with Herodotus who saith that the Isthmus of the lesser Asia is 5. dayes journey This Country is not inferiour to any other both for the gentle temperatenesse of the ayre and the fertility and goodnesse of the soyle Which Cicero witnesseth in these words The Custome and Revenues of other Provinces O Citizens are so small that we are not content to undertake the defence of the Provinces for them But Asia is so fat and fruitfull that it excelleth all other Countries both for the fertility of the Fields the variety of Fruits faire Pastures and divers commodities which are exported from thence So that it was heretofore enriched with fruitfull Fields fatt Pastures and Gold-bearing Rivers Besides it hath all things that can be desired wanting nothing but is content with her owne commodities It hath great store of Wine and Oyle But it hath one shrewd inconvenience which is that it is often troubled with Earth-quakes so that Citties are over-throwne by them as in the raigne of Tiberius Caesar 12. Citties in Asia fell downe in one night as Pliny reporteth Lib. 2. In this Asia there were heretofore the great Kingdomes of the Trajans of Craesus Mithridates Antiochus of the Paphlagonians Galatians Cappadocians and others It was first governed by Cyrus King of Persia afterward the Macedons and Alexanders Captaines together with Syria Aegypt and Babylon did devide it amongst themselves afterwards it was wasted by the Romanes and then by the Turkes so that it hath now nothing memorable in it and it is all subject to the Turkish Emperour Here are no Nobility THE LESSER ASIA· PEREGRINATIO PAULI In qua omnis loca querit●● fit 〈◊〉 in actis et epistolis Apostolorum et Apocal●psi describunt●● by blood or descent but all are equall and the great Turke uses them as slaves who hath here his Beglerbeys and Sangiacks in divers Countries and Provinces Natolia containeth these Countries Pontus Bithynia Asia properly so called Lycia Galatia Pamphilia Cappadocia Cil●cia and the lesser Armenia Pontus and Bithynia were heretofore devided and parted by the little River Sagaris flowing between them afterward they were reduced into one Province which is now called Birsia or Be●sangial It was heretofore Mithridates his Kingdome The chiefe Citties are Chalcedon Ni●●media Cerasus Prusa by the Mountaine Olympus where the great Turke kept his residence before he tooke
heretofore these Provinces Arrapach●tes Adiabena and Sittacena the Citty Ninive is by Tigris which is 60. miles in compasse Susiana is now called Chus or Cusistan it was so named from Susis a chiefe Citty which is 15. miles in compasse and was so called from the Lillies which grew there as Atheneus noteth for Susum in the Persian language signifies a Lilly Mesopotamia which in Scripture is called Padan Aram is now called D●arbecha it is situate betweene the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris whence it was so named because it lyeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or in the middle betweene two Rivers this Country hath a divers situation part of it the Rivers doe fertilize or make fatt part of it is dry and barren and without Grasse or Trees The chiefe Citties are O●pha which is 7. miles in compasse and Ca●amil which is farre greater than it being the Metropolis of Mesopotamia which Selimus the Turkish Emperour tooke from the Sophi Merdin is the seate of the Patriarke of Chaldaea and Mosus of the Patriarke of the Nertorianians whose authority reacheth even to the Indies and Cathaja In Persidis which they call now Farsi or Parsitum there is the chiefe Citty Siras which was heretofore called Pers●polis which was the Seate of the Magi. Pliny calls it the head Citty of the Persian Kingdome and Q. Curtius the royall Palace of the East Hyrcania which is now called Grigta or Cor●a or Dargame●t is next unto the Caspian Sea which is therefore called the Hyrcanian Sea It hath these Citties Hyrcana which the Scythians call THE KINGDOME OF PERSIA· PERSICUM REGNUM Carizath also Besta and Mesandra Margiana which is now called Iselbas is bounderd on the North with the River Oxus The chiefe Citty is Iodion which was anciently called Antiochia Bactrina now called Batter or Charassa is a part of Tartaria The Citties are Bactra which is now called Bochara and also Istigias Paropamissus is a part of Bactriana by the Mountaine Paropamissus it is now called Candahar or Amblestam The chiefe Citty is Candabar which is a famous Mart Towne Aria is so called from the Metropolis thereof Eri which is 13. miles in compasse Carmania which is called Circa or Chermaine reacheth to the Indian Sea even to Gedrosia having many Citties and Havens The Metropolis is Chirmain There are also in Carmania these Kingdomes Ma●ram Era●a Guadel and Paran Some doe falsely suppose Gesia to be Guzarate seeing Guzarate is the Kingdome of Cambaja Babylon is situate betweene the Persian Bay and Mesopotamia and on the right and left hand it is enclosed with the Desarts of Susia and Arabia is was so named from Babylon the chiefe Citty thereof Chaldaea ioyneth to it In Chaldaea was the Citty Vr which Iosephus calleth Vra from whence Abraham being admonished by God removed and went to Haran in Mesopotamia This Kingdome hath many Rivers as Canac Araxes and ●i●us which doe water the Southerne part of Media In Assyria is the River Tigris In Susania the River Enelaeus Mesopotamia hath the River Euphrates In Margiana Oxus Arius and Margis Bactria hath the Navigable River Ochus and others in Aria are the Rivers Arius Toncletus Arapenes and others It hath also divers Mountaines as Orontes in Media and the Mountaine Coronus in Hyrcania Also the Mountaine Taurus which cutteth thorow the middle of Persia which hath divers names given it by the people that dwell neere it It hath also many woods especially Parthia is very wooddy and the Northerne part of Hyrcania which hath great woods which have store of Oakes Pinetrees and Firre-trees and are full of wilde Beasts as Tigers Panthers and Libards Also Aria is full of Woods and Mountaines as also all Persia Concerning the publike works there are many stately and magnificent Buildings in this Kingdome and especially in Babylon As that magnificent Bridge in the Citty of Babylon which the Queene Semiramis built over Euphrates concerning which see Munster Lib. 5. who also in the same Booke describeth a strange Garden which Semiramis caused to be planted In the Citty Susia was the Castle Susa in which the Kings of Media dwelt which as Cassiodorus reporteth Memnon built with stones laid in Gold in stead of morter this is one of the 7. wonders of the world But of these things enough I come to their manners They created their Kings out of one Family He that did not obey the King had his head and armes cut off and his Carkasse was afterward left unburied They had all of them many Wives and many Concubines which they kept for Of-spring sake that they might have Children by them They never consulted of waighty matters but when they had their Cups about them for they supposed that they could then determine better of matters than when they were sober Acquaintance and equalls did salute one another with a kiss● The 〈◊〉 ●●rious did shew reverence by outward gestures They buried their dead bodies in the ground and anoynted them with waxe It was counted a hainous offence to laugh or spet before the King Concerning the burying of their dead others doe write the cleane contrary namely that the Persians did bring forth the bodies of their dead without the Citty into the Fields and there cast them forth naked to be devourd by Dogs and ravenous Fowles And moreover that they would not suffer the bones of the dead to be buried or interr'd And when any Carkasse was not presently devoured by the Fowles and the wild Beasts they accounted it an unlucky signe superstitiously beleeving that that man had a wicked impure soule and therefore worthy of Hell and his neighbours did lament him as a man who after this life had no hope of Felicity But if he were soone devoured by the Beasts they judged him happy But now the Persians are more soft and gentle in their manners and behaviour then either the Turkes the Tartarians or the Sarazens They are by nature liberall and doe love civility and they reverence Learning and Arts but especially Astrologie Phisick and Poesie They use Parents and Brethren with much respect and Nobility of blood is greatly esteemed wherein they differ from the Turkes which make no differences of blood or dissent Moreover they doe entertaine and use strangers curteously but yet they are very jealous So that they suffer not their Wives to come in a strangers sight though in other matters they use them with great respect contrary to the maner of the Turkes who use their Wives like slaves The Persian women are very faire They doe addict themselves to Mechanick Arts and especially weaving of Silke stuffes which are transported thorow all Syria and other Easterne Countries They did feed heretofore on the fruit of the Turpentine Tree and on Acornes and wilde Peares their daily food after running or other exercises of the body was hard bread their drinke was water They get much by buying and selling of Pearles and sweet Spices but especially of Silke of which here is great store
in the Citty Ciandu And there is another in the same Citty and another in the Citty Cambalu built very curiously and it is about 4. miles in compasse every Quadrangle containing a mile It hath a very thick wall which is 10. paces high The outward superficies of it is white and red In the foure corners of the wall there is a faire great Palace which is in stead of a Castle And so likewise in the middle of the fore walls there is a faire Palace built so that there are 8. Palaces in all In these they keepe their Armour their warlike Furniture their Ordnance their Bowes Arrowes Quivers Spurres Bridles Launces Bowstrings and other things necessary in warre and every severall kinde of Armour is laid up and kept in severall Palaces But in the middle of them or the innermost Court is the Kings Palace in which the King dwelleth This Palace hath no Chambers but the lower Pavement thereof is raised 10. hand breadths from the ground The roofe is very high and adorned with Pictures the walls of the Court yards and dining-roomes doe glister with Gold and Silver At the first entrance there are faire Pictures to entertaine the eye and warlike Histories drawne foorth with gold and lively colours The great Cham hath twelve Barons in his Court who are Governours of his 34. Provinces and it is their Office to appoint two Rectors or Governours in every Province and they are to provide things necessary for the Kings Army wheresoever it be and they acquaint the King with their purposes who by his authority confirmeth their determinations Malefactors are punisht in Tartary after this manner If any one hath stolne some small matter which doth not deserve death he is beaten 7. times with a Staffe or Cudgell and hath 17. blowes or strokes given him at a time or 27. blowes or 47. according to the quality of his offence untill at last they come to an hundred and 10. stripes or strokes And some doe die upon this beating But if any one have stolne a Horse or any other thing that deserveth death hee hath a Sword thrust thorow him But hee that will buy out his life hee must restore nine times as much as that which he stole was worth If any man or woman be taken in adultery they are put to death by the Law The Tartarians are devided into Hordes which words signifies amongst them a Tribe or Company And as they live in severall Provinces farre distant one from another so they are as farre distant and different one from another in their manners and kinde of life The men are of a strong square set stature having broad fat faces darke hollow eyes having great rough Beards but the rest of their haire is shaven they are strong of body and bold in courage and can endure want and labour when they are on Horseback if they chance to bee hungry or thirsty they cut their Horses veines and so drinke his blood It is a prophane ard barbarous Nation who make warre their right and strength and power their law Many of them have no houses but doe live in Carts And because they wander from place to place they doe usually direct their course by the Starres and especially by the North Pole They doe not tarry long in one place for they thinke it a great unhappinesse to continue long in the same place They have on use of money and therefore they exchange one thing for another They say that they are Ismaelites and received the law of Mahomet in the yeere 1246. The Tartars doe feed on grosse meat and especially on flesh and that raw or halfe sod and on Milke and Cheese but they abstaine from Hogs-flesh They drinke Mares Milke which they doe so temper that it is like white wine and is a savory well-tasted drinke They feed very sluttishly for they neither use Table-clothes or Napkins neither doe they wash their hands bodies or Garments They drinke also Water and Milke and a kinde of Beere made of Millet THE KINGDOME OF CHINA· CHINA is a large and potent Kingdome The Inhabitants doe call it Tame and themselves Tangis Ptolomy calleth them Sinas which Ortelius liketh of whom the most doe follow or their neighbours the Cathajans which Mercator doth more approve of All this Country is situate by the Easterne Ocean and it is thought to bee the farthest Country Eastward The bounds thereof on the East are the Easterne Sea on the South the Province of Cauchinchina on the West Brachmana on the North the Tartarians a warlike Nation from whom they are devided by the Mountaines and a long Wall which doe reach 500. miles The Historians of China doe report that this Wall was built long since by a King whose name was Tzinzous after that by his wisedome he had freed the Inhabitants of this Country from the Tyranny of the Tartars which they had endured 93. yeeres This Country by reason of the goodnesse of the ayre and soyle and the industry of the people is very fruitfull For the men are not slothfull but laborious so that they scorne to live idlely Whence it comes to passe that every corner of this Country doth produce and bring forth something They sow the dry ground with Wheate and Barley The plaine wet moorish places with Rice which they sow foure times every yeere The Hills and Mountaines have abundance of Pine-trees betweene which they sow Millet and Pulse So that every place and field beareth some fruit and there are every where Gardens full of Roses and divers kindes of flowers and fruits They have great store of Hempe and Flaxe and Woods of Mulberry Trees for keeping of Silke-wormes Moreover there is great store of Gold Silver Brasse Iron and other Mettals also Pretious Stones Pearles Muske Sugar and Rheubarb and that is thought to bee the best which is brought from thence thorow Persia by Land for some think that the Sea doth take away much vertue from it This Kingdome also doth produce and yeeld a medicinable kinde of wood which the people of China doe call Lampala and we Radix Chinae or the China Roote and it is commonly us'd thorow all the Indies against Impostumes the Palsie and the French disease The Roote of it is hard and heavy and of a white colour There are infinite store of Cattell on the Mountaines and in the Medowes The Woods are full of Boares Foxes Hares Cunnies Sables Martines and other beasts of the same kinde whose skins are much used for lining of Garments So that it is both pleasant and profitable hunting of them There are also great plenty of Birds especially water Fowle and such great store of Ducks that in Canton which is one of the least Citties of this Kingdome 10. or 12. thousand Duckes are spent in one day And though this Country have great store of Fowle yet they make them increase by this meanes In the Spring time they lay two or three thousand Egges in the Sand by
Ilands are these Anegada Anguilla Antigua Barbadoes St. Bartholmews St. Christophers d'Esienda S. Dominico S. Estasia Granada Guadalupe S. Lutia the White Ilands Maregalante St. Martine Mantinina Montferrat Redonda Saba S. Crucis Sombrera All-Saints S. Vincent the Virgins Iland and also the Ilands called the Bermudas from their first Discoverer which lye in 33. degrees of Northerne Latitude and are 3300. English miles in length they have abundance of Cedar and the English of late have begun to plant Tobacco in them THE ILANDS CVBA HISPANIOLA JAMAICA S. Johns Iland and Margarita THE Ilands Cuba Hispaniola Iam●ica S. Iohns and Saint Margarites are next to be unfolded and described according to the order of our method The Iland Cuba was so called by the Inhabitants and the Spaniards doe call it Fernandina and Ioanna also Alpha and Omega if we beleeve Peter Martyr On the West it is parted with the Sea from Iucatana on the East with the Sea from Hispaniola on the South is Iamaica The length of it from the East to the West is 300. miles or rather Spanish leagues and it is 15. and in some places 20. in breadth The Tropick of Cancer cutteth thorow the midst of it Those that have seene Cuba doe liken it and resemble it to a Willow leafe because it is longer than broad The Country is very temperate but in some places coulder and it hath a kinde of course Gold and it is very rich in Brasse It bringeth forth great store of Madder for Dyers Also great store of Sugar Wheate Corne and other fruits and Hearbes Moreover it beareth Cassia Ginger Mastick Aloes and Cinamon Serpents of which there are a great number are counted great dainties And the woods doe breed and feed great store of Hogs and Oxen. It hath 6. Citties the chiefe whereof are S Iames Towne and Havana the former was built by Iames Valasius and is a Bishops seate It is the Mart Towne and Haven for the whole Iland here the Kings Ships doe usually ride untill the time of the yeere and the winde standing faire doe promise them a good voyage for Spaine There are now some Galleyes in it which defend all the Coast from Enemies This Iland hath many Gold-bearing Rivers the water whereof is sweet and pleasant to drinke It hath also many sweet and salt Lakes so that there is plenty of Salt here The Country is rugged high and Mountainous And the Mountaines have veines of Gold in them There is also in the same Iland a Mountaine not farre from the Sea out of which there runneth good Pitch for Ships Gonzalus Ovetanus doth describe another strange thing in this Iland That there is a Valley between the Mountaines that is two or three Spanish miles long the ancients did call it the Stone field as that in Gallia Narbonensis which hath such a number of round stones that many Ships might be loaden with them being naturally made in such a Sphaericall round forme that nothing can be made rounder with a paire of Compasses The people of this Country are content with the bounty of nature neither doe they know what belongs to mine or thine or money but have all things in common even as nature bestoweth the light of the Sunne and water on all men equally therefore their Gardens are open and unfenced and nature teacheth them that which is right without lawes They went commonly naked And in their marriages they observed a strange kinde of custome for the Bridegroome did not lye with his Bride the first night but if he were a Gentleman a Gentleman did supply his place but if the Bridegoome were a Merchant or Country-man than a Mercbant or Country-man did supply their places The men did repudiate and put away their Wives for any light cause But the Women could not put away their Husbands for any cause the men were very lustfull and obscene The Spaniards found it well inhabited with people but now it is inhabited onely by Spaniards because the native Inhabitants are all dead partly by famine and labour and the veneriall disease and besides after that Cortes had subdued and planted himselfe in this Iland they carried the most part of the Inhabitants into new Spaine so that there is scarcely one Indian now upon the whole Iland HISPANIOLA THe Inhabitants did heretofore call this Iland Haity and Quisqueja and afterward also it was called Cipangi The Spaniards called it after their owne name Spaniola or Hispaniola and from Dominick St. Domingo or St. Dominicks Ile and built a Citty in honour of him which is the chiefest Citty of the Iland The compasse of this Iland is 1300. miles or 350. leagues The length is 500. miles the breadth of it in respect of the many Bayes and Promontories is various and different Peter Martyr calleth it the Mother of all other Ilands The middle of the Iland is distant from the Aequinoctiall Line almost 19. degrees It is long Northward and the breadth of it is from East to West It hath a temperate ayre so that the trees are continually greene and it is more pleasant and fruitfull than the rest They say that here are Sugar Canes that are higher and thicker than any where else Besides this is an Argument of the fertility thereof for wheate being sowed yeeldeth an hundred fold increase At Valentia in Spaine one Cane will scarcely fill 7. Pots but in Hispaniola one Cane will fill 20. or 30. Moreover this Country doth yeeld Cassia Ginger Mastick Aloes and Cinamon It hath also great store of Salt There are rich Mines of Gold and Silver and other Mineralls especially of a blue kinde of colour Before the Spaniards comming there were onely three kindes of beasts but now it is so stored with beasts that have beene brought thither so that great store of Hides and Skins are yeerely transported from thence into Spaine There are many Citties in this Iland the chiefe is St. Dominico at the mouth of the River Ozama where the Bishop and the Vice-Roy are resident There are other lesse Citties as St. Iohns Meguma Portus Platae the Kings Porte Canana Xaragua and others For there are in this Iland many Rivers Lakes and Springs very full of Fish But there are 7. great Rivers which affoord most pleasure and commodity to the Inhabitants CVBA HISPANIOLA c. HAVANA PORTUS IAMAICA I. S. IOANNIS I. MARGARETA CUBA INSUL HISPANIOLA which running out of the high Rocks which are in the middle of the Iland doe spread abroad divers wayes Iuna runneth to the East Attibunicus to the West Iacchus to the North Natabus to the South and that the Iland is devided into foure parts Moreover there is in Bainoa a great Lake the Indians doe call it Hagveigabon and we the Caspian Sea which is enlarged every where with infinite Rivers yet it never emptieth it selfe but is devoured in its hollow Channell it is conjectured that the spongie Rocks doe receive
Cottages being situate on a pleasant Hill the Lords of which place were called by the same name as also the neighbour Nation who entertained him well without any shew of Hostility Wherefore when Captaine Newport came thither with a new supply he would needs goe visit Po●hatan at his house at Weromoco who being courteously entertain'd he found him sitting on a Straw Mart and resting his head after his Country manner on a faire Pillow and Maydes as faire as the place could afford did sitt at his head and feete and 20. Concubines did watch at each side of the Palace But hee himselfe having his head and breast painted red wore a chaire of white Corrall And when the Captaine had given him one of his Boyes hee gave him back in exchange one of his Servants call'd Wamotack with Corall and some Corne which served well for the reliefe of his men and afterward he furnished the Captaine with all things necessary Hee as also Captaine Smith had a great desire to finde out veines of Gold and Silver but both he and those that came after him were frustrated in their desire Yet he sent a Ship loaden with Cedar to England In the meane time Ponuhatan labourd to get some armes and munition from the English which the Governours did very much suspect as if the King with those armes intended to kill the English or drive them out of the Country But Captaine Smiths vigilance and watchfulnesse prevented him so that he could effect nothing and the English Colonie living here are now in a good estate increased to many thousands and Kine and Hogs and Turkies aboundance and all things plentifull and no want but of good women thick sowne but thin come up NEVV SPAINE HISPANIA NOVA Tecoanteper a Country of new Spaine There raigned in the Citty of Mexico 9. Kings in a 130. yeeres being 619. yeeres after that the Chichimeicians did possesse the Country of Mexico The last of these was Motezun●a who was slaine in a certaine sedition and in him the family of the Mexican Kings was extinct Moreover this part is inhabited by the Spaniards who have many Colonies in it namely Comp●stella Colima Purificatio Guadalajara Mechoaca Cacatula Mexico and others There are also in New Spaine divers famous Countries namely new Galitia Mechawcan Mexico and Guastecan Nova Galitia was first called by the Inhabitants Xalisce which Nunus Gusmannus first sought out and discoverd who built some Citties in it namely Compostella where there is a Bishops Seate and a Royall Counsell also Spiritus S. Conceptionis S. Michaels and Gaudalajara which is the chiefe Citty of the whole Kingdome There belongeth to Nova Galitia that Country which is called Culicana from a Citty of that name It lyeth betweene the River Piasala and the River S. Sebastian which runneth under ground before it discharge it selfe into the Sea The Metropolis is the Citty Culiacan where the Spaniards planted the Colony of Michaels House The Country Methaucan is 40. leagues in compasse and it is one of the richest and fruitfullest Kingdomes of new Spaine for it hath ripe Maiz three times a yeere and also other fruits This Country doth containe two principall Citties in which the Spaniards live call'd Pas●uar and Valadolid which is a Bishops Seate besides other Townes of lesse note The Country of Mexico doth not onely exceed the other Countries of New Spaine but of all America It was so named from the Citty Mexico which is called also Temistitan It is the Metropolis of the Province of Mexico It was seated in the middle of a great Lake before Cortes did possesse it who remov'd it to the banke of the same Lake it is now well built and it is 6. Italian miles in compasse one part whereof the Spaniards doe inhabit the other part the Indians Mexico signifies a Fountaine and it was so called by the first Founders in regard of the many Springs and Fountaines which doe encompasse this Citty This was the fairest and chiefest Citty of the Indies yea of the whole World when Ferdinand Cortesius tooke it and wonne it by assault in the yeere 1521. For this being the chiefe Citty of the whole Kingdome of Mexico contained 70000. Houses The Kings and Noblemens Houses were very large and conveniently built but the Common peoples Houses were meaner and lower There are in this Citty a Bishop a Vice-roy and the high Tribunall or Court of New Spaine There is also a Mount in it for coyning of money Moreover there are in the Mexican Lakes and about their bankes 50. Townes every one of which doth containe about 10000. Houses Next after Mexico is the Citty Tescura by the banke of the same Lake which is as bigge as Mexico There is also in this Province the Citty Angelorum which was first called V●●sita●● that is the Land Serpents which is famous for dressing of W●o●● which hath Vales and Plaines round about it in which great Flocks and Heards of Cattell doe graze and great store of Corne and 〈◊〉 are gotten and gathered here The Country of Guastecan in THE DESCRIPTION OF NEVV SPAINE HISPANIA NOVA NEW SPAINE NEW Spaine is the greatest Province of America being more inhabited more populous and more pleasant than the rest It is a great tract of Land reaching from Tavascus or the River Grialvus Westward to the Land of Saint Michael and the Culiacans Country On the North it is bounderd with new Granada and other Countries of the Kingdome of new Mexico The South shoare is washed with the Pacifque Sea It lyeth betweene the Aequinoctiall Linē and the Tropick of Cancer so that there is little difference betweene the length of the dayes and nights and it is almost alwaies Spring In the moneths of June July August and September the daily raine and the gentle breeses of winde that come from the Sea doe temper and mittigate the heate of the day which is the true reason why it is convenient living under the Summer Tropick contrary to the opinion of ancient Philosophers Therefore it hath a temperate ayre although it lye under the Torrid Zone This Country hath abundance of rich Mines of Gold Silver Iron and Brasse it hath also Cassia and a certaine kind of fruit which the Inhabitants call Cacao which is like Almonds of which they make a drinke which is very much desired It hath abundance of Cotton and all other kindes of fruits which we have in Europe as Wheate Barley and all kinde of Pulse also Sallets Lettice Colworts Cabbages Radishes Onions Leekes wilde Alexander Rape Rootes Parsnips and Carrets Turnips Beete Spinnage Pease Beanes Lentills and the like There are also great store of Oranges Lemmons Citrons Pomegranats Here are also Apples and Peares but not very bigge Prunes are rare but there are abundance of Figs. But there are great store of Cotton Apples but Cherries doe not yet thrive there There are Vines also that beare Grapes but no Wine is made of them Moreover it hath Oyle Sugar and
name it Adiris Solinus Duris others call it Astrixis or Astre●xis but Dioscorider calleth it Tmolus l This Mountaine is called by Ptolomie Pliny and others Deorum cursus m So named either frō t●●n fruitfulness or goodnesse of A●e as Stephanus thinketh The name by whom why ●●●n n Daughter to ●●●anus and Teth●● o 〈…〉 p From the Greeke wo●d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wha●h signifieth the East because it lyeth Eastward of Asia the Great q From ●●m the ●●me of Noah The Situation The temperatenesse of the Aire The fertilitie of the So●le The various kindes of li●ing Creatures The government of th● Ancients r Cap. 10. vers 8.9.10 ſ Se● Iust●n lib. 1. and Diodo●us Siculus lib. 2. cap. 7. t Whom Iunius saith the Scripture calles Ahasuerus Either 1.4 u This is meant of Darius the son of Histaspi● w Herodotus reckons all his forces by Sea and Land to be 2641610 men besides Con●uoines Eunuchs women bakers 〈…〉 an 〈…〉 The Cities Lakes Rivers Mountaines x Eustathius affirmeth that this Mountain was so called by the reason of its magnitude for saith he among the Ancients all great strong things were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and as it is called Taurus many other names by humane Writers so the Scripture calleth it Ararath if we shall beleeve A●●a● Montanus and Becanus y Heylin saith that reckoning its severall bendings in out it is 6250. miles long 375. miles broad p. 519. The publicke workes z See Iustin Hist lib. 1. a Read 1. King chap. 5. and 6. America whence so called b In the yeare 1492. c But improperly for the true India is a part of Asia deriveth its name from the River Indus which this Country can●ot * Venient an●● s●●●la seris quibus occanus vin●ula rerum laxet ingens pateat tellus nec sit terris ultima ●hule d Borne at Nervi in the Countrie of Genoa The Situation e Read Heylin pag 770. f Or Cassader g Or Potatoes The Lakes Rivers The Mountaines h So called for its nearnesse to a constellation in the North Hemisphere called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth a Beare i So called because it is opposite to the Articke Pole Greenland whence so called k The London Marchants call this Island K. Iames his new Land The qualitie of the Aire and Soyle Freezland n Heyling saies almost as bigge as Ireland p And therefore now subject to the King of Denmarke Nova Zembla q Pigmies are here supposed to inhabit r Iason and his Companions who sayled to Colche● to fetch the golden fleece of whom reade Valerius Fla●cu● Lib. 1 The name by whom and why given See Heylin p 8 The Situation ſ Which is a great circle rounding the Earth from Pole to Pole and passeth through the Islands called Azores See marg pag. 10. The quality of the Soyle and Ayre The varietie of living Cr●●tures The Fountaines The Sea The Mountaines t The Papists thinke that here is th●●● feined Purgatorie The manner● of the Inhabitants Their foode Th●● Tr●●fick o● 〈◊〉 The name by whom why given x If this bee true then did it not receive its denomination from Brutus See Heylin pag. 455. The temper of the Aire The fertilitie of the Soyle The varietie of living Creatures The I le of Albion y Verstegan affirmeth it was so called ab albis rupibus the white rocks towards France The figure z Which the English and French call the channell of S. George a This division was made by Severus the Emperor saith Camden p. 98. b The Romans saith Camden called those Provinces of any Country they conquered which were next unto thē Primas superiore the more remote secundas ●●se● o●es p 99. c What Countries these five parts contained and why they were so denominated See in Camden pag. 98. 99. d They were first united in in the yeare of grace 1603. The Sea The commodities e See Camden pag. 640 and 595. The Orcades f H●yler saith they are 3● pag 51● The fertility of the Soyle The names of the Hebrides g Stephanus calleth them the Hebrides others Ebonia ●nsulae h This Iland is 24. miles long and 16. miles broad The new and ancient names by whom and why given i Isacius calleth this Kingdome Britannia Occidentalis or Westerne Brittaine and Isidorus and others call it Scotia because the Scots coming from Spaine dwelt here the Irish Ba●di call it Ba●● whence Festus Av●enus calleth it Insula sacra See Camden pag. 643. k pag. 642. The Situation The temper of the Ayre The Government l Camden saith it was in the yeare 1172. p 649. The Cities m This Town was built by Harald Harfager the first King of Norway Lakes The Rivers n or the River Liffie o or Shennin is some interpret it tho ancient River p It runneth saith Heylin a course of 200 miles to the Vergician Sea and is navigable 60 miles q The reason of this See in Camden p. 678. Their Diet. The names of Vltonia The bound● The Forme The Aire The Rivers ſ A famous Scot as Camden affirmeth pag. 669. t Banna in Irish signifies faire Camden p. 669 The plentie of Salmons The Lakes Here was buried S. Patricke who as they say being sent by Celestinus the Bishop of Rome An. 433. converted this Island to the Christian faith The Ancient Inhabitants x See Camden pag. 66● The names of Conn●gh The bounds The Forme The Aire The Citie The names whence derived The Situation The fertilitie of the Soile The Townes names The names The fertilitie of the Soyle The ancient government Whence the names are derived d See Camden pag. 663. The Situation The fertilitie and fruitfulnes The auncient go●e●nment k See Camden● Brit. pag. 663. The names of the Townes The Mountaines and Rivers q Or M●d●na which Camden thinkes to bee Slane See him pag. 569. ſ Called Lifnius or Labnius Fluvius t Or Dublin which is called by the West Brittaines Dinas Dublin and by the Irish Balacleigh 1. the Towne upon Hurdles for it is reported that the foundation therof was laid upon Hurdles u Which is Pharich x Some call it Cabo del Mar. others Ca●a and Cabo de Cler. The Rivers Citties and Townes a This Citie the Irish and Brittaines call Porthlargy d pag. 655. The names e or Scitti a people of Germany that seised on a part of Spaine f Anno 424. The Situation The temperature of the Ayre The fertility of the Soyle g in the yeare of grace 740. h This Citie the Scotch-Irish call Dun Faden ● the Town Eaden i Which the word Edenburrow much resembles for saith Camden Adam in the Brittish tongue signifieth a wing See pag. 6●7 The Sea The Ports Mountaines Woods Publick w●●ks k The Gospel was fast p●●ac●●d 〈…〉 P●llad●●● 〈…〉 4●1 The manner of Government l which is also called the Bishop of Gallowa● m or Argile n
Which is an arme of the Sea where the water ebbes flowes The names of Cities o Called by Ptolemie Bode●ia by Tacitus Bodotria and by Boethius Fluvius Levinus Lothiana p The Country is now called Lauden and anciently Pictland The fertilitie of the Soyle The Rivers The names of Cities u Or Cl●●ddesdale The Rivers Called Vedra by Ptolemie The names of Cities Galloway The Situation b An● Camde● G●rigon●u● because there is a Towne situate called ●●●geny Rivers Lakes f Called also Argile and Argadia 〈…〉 i This is also called Allectum k 〈◊〉 mouth of the River Don. this Town is called by 〈◊〉 De●●●● for De●●●● because a 〈…〉 River Don 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 l 〈◊〉 called ●●unstphage 〈◊〉 Navernia 〈◊〉 Mountaines Cathanesia n So called frō Eb. rid which signifies in the Bruttish tongue 〈…〉 without 〈◊〉 as Camden thin●●th pag. 6●● The name by who●● it was given o Because it 〈◊〉 of an ●ngular forme for Eng in the Saxon tongue signifieth a corner or nooke p Fiftie yeares before the birth of Christ q Which was An. Dom. 446. according to Bede The Citie The Rivers The Sea Ports The manner of Government r Shires were first made by King Alfred for the better administration of Justice Northumberland The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Cities The Rivers Cumberland The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Cities Lakes Rivers The Mountaines The Wall of the Picts The Bishoprick of Durham y The Citie of Durham was called by the Saxons Dunholme Dun signifieth a hill and Holme a peece of land compassed with a River like an Island in the Saxon tongue and this name agreeth with the situation of the place The Cities or Townes Westmoreland The situation The qualitie of the Soyle d So called because the River Kan runneth through it The Townes The Rivers Lancashire The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The ancient government The Lakes Rivers The Mountaines Cheshire The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle The Cities The Rivers Caernarvanshire Th● S●● The 〈◊〉 of the Soyle The Townes The Mountaines Denbigh-shire The Si●uation The qualitie of the Soyle The Townes Flint-shire The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle Merionethshire The Situation The Townes The Mountaines Mongomery-shire The Site The fruitfulnes of the Soyle The Townes The Isle of Man The names The Situation The Townes The Mountaines The manner of government The manners of the people Cornewall The Situation The qualitie of the Soile The Townes Havens Devonshire The Situation The Cities and Townes The Rivers Somersetshire The Situation The temper of the A●●e The f●rtilitie of the Soyle The Cities and Townes The Rivers Dorcetshire The Townes The Rivers VViltshire The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle Townes Glocester The Townes Rivers Monmouthshire The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle The Townes The Government Glamorganshire The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Cities and Townes The Rivers Caermarden-shire The Townes Pembrokeshire The Situation The temperature of the Aire The Townes The Government Brecnock-shire The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The Townes The Rivers Hereford-shire The Situation The Rivers Yorkeshire The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle The Townes The Rivers Lincolnshire The qualitie of the Soyle The Townes T●● Rivers Darbyshire The Situation The Townes The Riv●rs Stafford shire The Site T●e ●●●●il●ty of the Soy●e The Townes The Rivers The Mountaines The Woods Nottinghamshire The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Townes The R●●●●s Leicester●shire The Situation The ●●●●●fulnesse of the So●● The Townes Rutland-shire The Situation The 〈◊〉 of the S●●l● The Towne● Northfolke The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Townes h This Towne the Saxons called Garmouth because it is situated ad Gar●●●● os●●um●s the mouth of Gerne The Rivers The commodities of the Sea The manners of the Inhabitants Warwick shire The Situation The qualitie of the So●●● The Townes Northampton-shire The Situation Th● 〈…〉 of the S●●l● The C●ties 〈◊〉 Towne● The Rivers Huntingdon shire The Situation The fertilitie o● the Soyle The Rivers Cambridg-shire The Situation The qualitie of the Soile The Townes The Universitie Suffolke The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Townes Rivers Oxford-shire The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The University The Townes Buckingham-shire The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Townes Bedford shire The Situation The quality of the Soyle The Townes Hertford-shire The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Townes Essex The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Townes Berk-shire The Situation The Townes Middlesex The Situation The temperature of the Aire The Townes The Rivers Ham●shire The Situation The Townes Surrey The qualitie of the Soyle The Townes The Rivers Kent The Situation The qualitie of the Soile The Townes Rivers Sussex The Situation The Townes The Isle of Anglesey The names The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The Government The Townes The Isle of Wight The names The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The varietie of the living Creatures The Sea p ●n Vespasian●●ap 4. The ancient government The nature of the Inhabitants The Townes Gersey The names The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle Garnsey The qualitie of the Soyle The Haven S. Peters Town The ancient Government Norwey Whence so called The qualitie of the Soyle The variety of Creatures The Cities and Townes The Sea The Commodities The Merchandise The manners of the people 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 z So called from the sliding leaping gate of the F●nn● which are the Inhabitants thereof a So called from the blockishnesse of the Inhabitants ●o● L●●p●n signifieth F●olish b Which with Biarmia aforesaid belongeth to the Duke of Rus●●a The Rivers Mountaines Woods The Senators The Manners g To these may bee added the late King of Swedens prosperous victories in Germany The Situation h This Citie is called by the Germans Cope●hagen that is the Merchants Haven The Situation The temperature of the Aire The fruitfulnes of the Soyle The varietie of living creatures The Ancient Government The name The Situation Iutia The Situation ſ Now called Ma●delle 〈◊〉 t O● Northerne Sea ●alled now Mare Crani●m 〈◊〉 Mar● S. 〈…〉 The Townes The Sea The commodities The manners of the people The Dukedome of Sleswick d Called by the Germans Elve which signifieth in their tongue eleven because it hath so many fountaines whence so called The ancient Government The Townes The Senators Holsatia whence so called The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle The varietie of living Creatures The ancient government Th●● Town was 〈…〉 C●stle ●nd called H●●b●rg The Woods The Senators The Lawes Institutions The Noble Families Fionia whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnes of the Soyle The varietie of living creatures The Cities The commodities of the Sea The 〈◊〉 buildings The Islands Langeland Lawland The fertilitie of the Soyle The Townes Falstre The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The 〈◊〉 living Creatures The nam● and whence s● called n Rath 〈◊〉 the
Riphaean wo●ds which are a pa●t of Hy●cinia for 〈…〉 The Situation The 〈◊〉 of th● So●le and 〈…〉 The variety of living creatures o 〈…〉 of their 〈◊〉 under the wills of Achen Anno 1100. p A Floren is ●cording to the ●nglish val●●tion three s●●●●ings 〈◊〉 of ●●ties The Rivers a Called at this day Dravaniz and anciently Visula Bisula and ●ridanus The commodities of the Sea The Woods The manner of government The 〈◊〉 The Lawes Institutions The Mountaines The Countrie whence so called c So called because the Vene●● anciently lived there The Situation and fruitfulnesse of the Countrie The varietie of living Creatures The Government The Cities The Lakes 〈◊〉 The Woods 〈…〉 The 〈…〉 Their habit● Their commodities The names The 〈◊〉 M●s●●●i● The Situation The temperature of the Aire 〈◊〉 of the Soyle The varietie of living creatures The Government The Cities 〈◊〉 to this 〈…〉 was 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 betweene 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 q 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 Then Diet. Then Traffique The Country whence ●●●●lled The Situation The quality of the Climate The fertilitie of the Soile 〈…〉 T●● Ancient Government ſ Wh● 〈…〉 The Cities The R●●e●s The Woods The Senators Their manners The food Their commodities Samogitia The names The fertilitie of the Soyle Their manners Their food Russia The Citie Leopolis Volhinia The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Cities Lakes Woods Podolia The fertilitie of the Soyle The Cities d So called from the Daci the first Inhabitants who afterward passing into the Cimbrick Chersonesus were called Dani. The names e Because it hath on the Frontiers therof 7 Castles for its defence The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The ●arie●● o● living Creatures The ancient Government The Cities 〈…〉 h 〈◊〉 Pt●l●mie 〈◊〉 i 〈…〉 Millenb●●● k 〈…〉 〈…〉 l 〈…〉 The Wood● 〈…〉 Their manner● The names p Stephanus saith it hath beene called by others Taunais Alope●ia and Maotis The Situation The temper of the Aire The fertilitie of the S●●le The varietie of living Creatures The ancient Government The Cities and Townes Ptolemie calls this Citie Taph●os and Pliny Taphra The Rivers y This Strait is called by Martianus O● Maeotid●● by Marcellinus Pat●res Angustia by the Italian● B●●cadi S Iovanni by Castaldu● S●●t●●d● Cassa and by the Tartars Vo●per● z This L●ke is called commonly Mardelle S●b●●●he by the Italians Mard●lla Tana and by the Arabians Ma●●l Aza●h The Se● a This sea is called by some mare Boreale by Claudianu● Pōtus Amazonius by Flaccus ●out●●● S●ythicu● by Fe●●us Avienus Pontus Ta●●●●us by Herodotu● and O●osius Mare Cammerium by Stra●o Mare C●l hi● by Apolonius lib. 4 Mare Canchasium by Ta●●●tus Mare Pen●●cum by A●●st●d●● Mare P●astan●● by Ovid M●re Sa●●●ati●um by the G●th●s Tanais by the Italians Mar● Ma●o●e by the Greekes Ma●roth●laffa by Lucian Pontu● Niger and by the Turkes Carade●is The mountaines The manner of government The Senators Their manners Their food Their trading and traffique The names whence so called The Situation b So called frō the Cantabri a people of Spain who inhabited upon the coasts thereof c The Atlanticke Ocean though it bee sometimes taken for the whole Ocean yet it is taken properly for that Sea which washeth Europe and Africa upon the West It is called by Ptolemie Mare occiduum exterius by Florus Mare externum and the Arabians call it Magrib d So called frō two Islands in the Mediterranian Sea named Majorca and Minorca but anciently both of them Bal●ares e Called by Ptolemy Ocaso by Mela ●asen by Martianus Iarse by ●●●a●o Idanu● f This Promontorie some have called Sacrum ●ugam and others Caput Europ● ● the head of Europe The temper of the Aire The fertilitie of the Soyle The variety of living creatures The Government g A rose chiefe Captaine was o●●●a●is who overthrow Ro●●ri●● and his 〈◊〉 consisting of ●●000 foot 35000 horse h Who having sent Iulian on an embassage ●o the Moores in Africa in the meane time deflo●●ed his Daughter Cana to revenge which m●a●●e 〈…〉 The names of the Cities The Lakes i This River is called also Doria Duria● Dorius and commonly Dueto k Which is a people which inhabite the Countrie of Toledo l A people of Tar●ace●ensi Hispania The commodities of the Sea Mountain ● 〈◊〉 publick in priva●e workes The manner of Government The Senators and their numbers l There are beside these Coūsells the Counsell of the Low Countries the Counsell of the order of S. Iohn and the Counsell of the Inquisition m A Ducket is according to our English valuation 6 s 8 d n For there are in all 45 Marque●●●●s o Fo●nded by King R●y●● of 〈◊〉 Anno. 984. p A T● New-C●●●●l where the order was instituted by Ferdinand of Leon and confirmed by Pope Lucius Anno 1183. q A Towne which Raymuna Abbot of Pisu●a defended against the Saracem and therefore instituted this order r This order was instituted by Denis King of Portugall and confirmed by Pope Iohn the 22th Aunt 1321. The names and whence so called The Situation The temper of the Ayre The fertilitie of th● Soyle The ancient Government ſ A people of ●●usita●● called also Turdecans t So called because as some say Vlysses in his ten yeares travels comming hither built it The Rivers The commodities of the Sea The Havens The Mountaines The publick sacred workes The Universities u The Masters of this Vniversitie made the Commentarie upon most part of Aristotle called Schoks Commbricensis Their manners Their traffick Algarbia whence so called The Situation The Towne● The ancient Government The Situation The 〈…〉 of the Soyle The Cities Leon. The Situation Asturia a This Citie is called by Moletius Asturum Lucus and by Tarapha Br●gentium The Countrie whence so called The Situation The temper of the Aire The fruitfulnes of the Soyle The varietie of living creatures r Whence the Country was called Cantabria The ancient Government The Townes The traffick The Countrie The names The Situation The temper of the Ayre The fertilitie of the Soyle y This is also called Testosages by Ptolemy and by Martialis Palladia The River Chalybs The Havens The Mountaines z Some suppose that Navarre had its name from a Towne among the Mountains called Navarrin The Country whence so called 〈…〉 The fertility of the 〈◊〉 The 〈…〉 Government The C●●●es Th●● 〈…〉 is built 〈…〉 rather ●●part by Nugno B●lid●●a German 〈◊〉 contendeth with Toledo 〈◊〉 the P●●ma●●ship of Spaine b This is a famous Universitie and instituted by Ferdinand the second of Castile Anno 1240. c Here Tostatus was Bishop New Castile The Situation The fertilitie of the Soyle The Cities The publick seates d Quade reporteth that it hath eleven severall Quadrangles and every one incloystered The Universities The Trades Mechanicke Arts. The name and whence derived The Situation The temper of the aire and fertilitie of the Soyle The Ancient Government e It is ● miles in compasse f
Here likewise studied Avicen Pope Silvester the second and Le●nder g From hence comes our Cordo●an leather h Here was borne Lucan the Poet the two Seneca's i Whose Duke was Captain● Generall of the Invincible A●mad● A. 1●●8 k So called b●cause Tariffa the L●●d● of the Mo●●nto Spaine here landed l Hard by this Towne was fought the notable battle betweene Caesar and the sonnes of Pompey The Countrie whence so called The Situation The temper of the Ayre The fertility of the Soyle The ancient Government m He●●e ● Dominick Father of the Dominican Friars studied The Rivers The Mountaines The publick workes The Trades The traffick The Countrie whence so called The Situation The qualitie of the Soyle The Cities The ancient Government The names The Situation The temper of the Aire The fertilitie of the Soyle The varietie of living Creatures The ancient Inhabitants Their ancient valour and vertue The Rivers The Mountaines The publick private workes The manner of government The Schooles The Trades a It was called Austrasia either from one Austrasius a President whō Iustinian the Emperour let ov●● this cou●trey or from the world Aus●●● because it is mo●● Eastward th●n ●n● other part of France How by the Mappe to finde out the Longitude and Latitude t A River breaking out of the Alpe● and now called D●●nia u Nine navigable streames saith Heylin p. 84. w Which now they also call Isara x On this River stand the Citie Orleans Nantes and many others y That is the Inhabitants of Gallia Narbonensis which comprehends the Provinces of Languedock Provence and Daulphine and this Countrie was so called from Narbone a Citie in Languedock z This River is called by Marcellinus Sangona or Saugonna by Polybius Scora● and anciently Brigulus as some have written a Lib. 26. 30 b Lib. 43. c A people of Gallia Lugdunensis d A people of Gallia Lugdunensis The publick workes The manner of Government e So called from the words S● Aliqua so often mentioned therein f Some also say that these Pa●rries were erected by Hugh Capet but others more truly think thē to be instituted by Lewis le Ieune Anno 1171 to ayde and assist the King in his Councell The Universities The 〈◊〉 Their manners Their Habit. The Countrie whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The ancient Government The Cities g This Citie is by some called also Corbilum The Rivers The Sea The Havens Their manners The fertility of the Soyle The Situation The Cit●●● i It was anciently called Genabum but in these times Aurelia for that in the year 276. The Emperour Aurelius built it out of the ruines of old Genabum The names whence so called The Situation k It is called Limosin quasi in ●imo s●a The qualitie of the Soyle The ancient Government The Cities The Families The Nobles Their manners The Countrey whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle l This River is called by Ptolemie Canentelum m This Citie is called by some Maluaso● n Then freedome is now lost for they were lately compelled by the now King of France to receive a Garrison of Souldiers in the City and to undergoe the voake of subjection o Now the Rochellers are compell'd by the now King of France to exercise their Religion without the Citie The Countrie whence so called Vasconia The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The Cities Avernia The Situatio● The Cities and Townes p This Citie is called by Ptolomie R●●es●●m and 〈◊〉 and by Mer●a●e● Ri●●● q This Citie was anciently called Arverna and Gergobia r Called by Antoninus S●rion and by others Serion Engoulesme The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The Cities Townes Turonia The Situation The Cities The State Ecclesiastick Sabaudia whence so called The Situation The fertility of the Soyle ſ This Citie is in compasse about two English miles and is supposed to containe about 17000 Soules Daulphine whence so called t Some say it had its name from Dolphine wise to Gu●gne the second Prince of this Province The Situation The Cities The Countrie whence so called The S●tuation The temp●● of the Ayre The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The ancient Government u In this town was called a Councell by Constantine An. 313. for the quiet establishing of the Church w This Towne is now called Venza The Countrie whence so cal●led 〈…〉 The fertilitie of the Soyle 〈…〉 〈…〉 In this Church Edward the ● King of England did homage to Philip de Val●● for the Dutchie of Guienna y O●telius thinkes it probable that this is that Citie which Caesar in his Commentaries calls Noviodunum The Co●●●● whence so called The Situation The temper of the aire The fertilitie of the Soyle The Cities z This Citie is also called by Gregorius Turonensis ● Treca● a This Citie was called Rhemes from the Rhemag● 〈◊〉 a potent N●tion of these parts See H●ylen pag. 120. The Cities The Vniversity here is accounted the chiefest in Europe as containing 55. Colledges Aim●niu● c●lled th●s Tow●e Pisias The Country whence so called The Situation A Vidamate is as much as to say Vice-dominatus which is an honor used onely in France The lower Picardy The River is called by Ptolemy Phrudis and by Caenalis Sambre This River Caesar calls Axona and Caenalis Disne The Country whence so called The Situation The ancient government The Cities The Country whence so called The fertility The Cries The Country whence so called The Situation The Cities The County of Guisnes The Townes The Rivers The Situation The Country of Maine The nature of the Soile The ancient goverment The Situation The fertility The Rivers The Woods The publike workes The Situation The fertility The ancient government The Townes The Rivers The publike workes Their manners The Situation The fertility The Cities The Country whence so called The Germans call it Lottring The Situation The fruitfulnesse The variety of li●●●g creatures The ancient government The Country whence so called The Dukedome of Burgundie The Situation The Fertility The Ancient government The Citles The Situation The Fertility The variety of living Creatures The ancient Government The Lakes ●●e Rivers The ancient government The Names Whence derived The fertility The variety of living creatures The Rivers The fertility The Citie Zurich The Towne ●urg●um The Situation The Ports Rivers The Mountaines The W●●ds The publicke workes The Court The Senators The Lawes and Statutes The noble familes The learned men The Libraries Their manners Their trading The Towne Suitia The towne Vnderwaldia Glarona The auncient government The Lakes The Rivers The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The names of the Citties The Rivers Mountaines Woods The Government The Ecclesiasticke state Wassia with the 4 officiall Townes Birfler Ardenbug Middleburrough Damme Ostend Aldenburg The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of
the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The Country whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The auncient Government 〈…〉 〈…〉 The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The auncient Government Their Arts. Their Trafique 〈…〉 〈…〉 The names of the Citties The Rivers Their manners Their Trafique Zutphania The Etymologie of the name Their ancient valour The auncient Government Trans Isalania whence so called The 〈◊〉 The fruitfulnesse of the ●●●le The 〈◊〉 The fruitfu●nesse of the soyle The aunci●●● Go●ernment T●● Riv●● The W●ods The publicke workes The Country whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The auncient Government The names of the Citties T●e Rivers Mountaines Woods The Govern●ment The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The auncient Government The Country whence to called The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The auncient Government The Country whence so called The Citties The Citties The Dukedome of Bergen whence so called The Situation The Government The Countie of Marck The auncient Government The Townes The publicke workes The Government The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The Rivers Mountaines 〈◊〉 The Countie of Muers The Situation The chiefe Towne The Dukedome whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The auncient Government The Townes The tempe● of the ●y● The variety of living creatures The auncient Government The Citties and Townes The Countie whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The anci●nt Government The Countie w●en●●●o called 〈…〉 The Country whence so called The Situation The Climate The fertility The Citties The Countrie whence so called The Countrie whence so called The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The Countrie whence so called The Countrie whence so called The Situation The auncient Government The Situation The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The Countrie whence ●o called The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The variety of living creatures The Cittie of Wittenberg The Citties The Rivers of Saxonie The Wood● Their Lawes The Country whence so called The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The varietie of living creaturese Pl●●e th●s l●●fe 〈◊〉 the q●●re 〈◊〉 of two sheetes in the quire and after 〈◊〉 56● The Situation The fertility The variety of living Creatures The ancient government The Lakes The Woods The Nobility The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the ayre The quality of the soyle The ancient ●overnment The Country whence so called The Climate 〈…〉 The Country whence so called The Woods The Country whence so called The fertility The Lakes The Rivers The Mountaines Parmizan * Rhegium is so called from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies to breake because Sicilie is here broken of and divided from Italie Muskadine whence so called Which was so great that they seem'd to shadow and obscure the beams of the Sunne a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. ab obstipando vel obseuran lo. Pl● The Country whence so called The Situation The 〈◊〉 ●f ●he Soyl● 〈…〉 The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The variety of living creatures The Country whence so called The fruitfulnesse The variety of living creatures The Citties The Country The fruitfulnesse of the Soyle The variety of living creatures The manners and beliefe of the Inhabitants The Country whence so called The Situation The temper of the Ayre The f●●●●fulnesse of the Soyle The Names The Situation The fertility The variety of living creatures The ancient government The Country whence so callod The Situation The fertility of the soyle The Country whence so called The Situation The ●emper of the Ayre The ancient government 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 graece Snow The Country The Situation The Cities The Lakes The Rivers The Mountaines The Woods Their government The names of the Citties The Havens Mountaines Their publike workes The private Buildings Their manner of government Their School Their Manners Their manner of feeding Their Traffi●● The Iland The Names The Situation The Climate The Fertility S. Iohns Iland Hispaniola Cuba Iamayca The Country Situation The Climate The variety of Creatures The Rivers The Mountaines Their manners The Country The names Situation The Climate The variety of Creatures The temper of the Aire The quality of the Soile The I le The Names The Situation S. Iohns Citty The Country whence so called The fruitfulnesse of the soyle The Country Situation The variety of living creatures Their ancient of government Virginia so now flourisheth that it vittels other parts The Citties Sir George Summers Butler The Country The Situation Castellana Aurea Whence so called The Country Popayana The Southerne L●nd The Situation The quality of the soyle The variety of liv●●g creatures The Paciffick Sea Their maners A TABLE OF THE FOVRE GENERALL PARTS OF THE VVorld Europe Affricke Asia and America and also of the North-Pole Iseland and the Iles of BRITTAINE Countries A ADea Magaduzzum Fol. 16 Aeolia 18 Aethiopia neere Egypt 12 Aethiopia the innermost 12 Affricke 12 Affricke properly so call●d 12 Ag●dez 12 A●ana 12 Allania 38 Albion 38 Amara 12 America 22 America Northerne 22 America South 22 Angola 12 Angote 12 Anterr●t 12 Anzichi 12 Apulchen 22 Articke Pole 28 Asgara 12 Asia 18 Asia the Lesse 18 Bamba 12 Barbary 12 Barea 12 Barnagnes 12 Borra 12 Benin 12 Bidulgerid 12 Biro 12 Bornum 12 Brasil 12 Bugamedrum 12 Bugia 12 Butua 12 Cafria 12 Cambria 12 Cano 12 Caria 18 Caseva 12 Castella aurea 22 Cayrenaica 12 Cephala 12 Chile 22 Constantina 12 Damali 12 Damar 12 Dara 12 Dauma 12 Del 12 Dobas 12 Ducala 12 Egypt the higher 12 Egypt the Lower 12 Elchausum 12 Elhabata 12 England 38 Errifa 12 Estotiland 22 Europe 8 Ezzaba 12 Fatiagar 12 Fessan 12 Fesse 12 Florida 22 Freezland 28 Gago 12 Galata 12 Garetum 12 Giolosa 12 Goago 12 Gora 12 Goyami 12 Guangara 12 Guber 12 Gueguorre 12 Guinea 12 Guzala 12 Hea 12 Hosiora 12 India 22 Jonia 18 Ireland 33 Jucatan 22 Land of Labour 22 Libya 12 Libya the Innermost 12 Loangi 12 Loegria 38 Lycaonia 18 Lydia 18 Manaemuci 12 Manamotapa 12 Manicong 12 Marmarica 12 Mauritania 12 Mauritania Caesarieusis 12 Medra 12 Meligens 12 Melinara 12 Melli 12 Morocc● 12 Mombazza 12 Mozambique 12 Natolia 18 New France 22 Nicaragua 22 North-Pole 28 Norumberg 22 Nova Hispania 22 Nova Zembla 28 Nubia 12 Numidia 12 Pango 12 Paphlagenia 18 Pemba 12 Pontapolis 12 Peru 22 Plopiana 22 Quiloa 12 Quivira 12 Scotland 38 Seb 12 Semia 18 Songo 12 Sunde 12 Susa 12 Tedletes
12 Tegelmessa 12 Temesna 12 Temiamo 12 Tesset 12 Thule 33 Tigraim 12 Tigremaam 12 Tingitana 12 Tombutum 12 Torra 12 Tremiseu 12 Tripolis Territ 12 Tunis 12 Xoa 12 Zanfara 12 Zanguibara 12 Zegzeg 12 ISLANDS B BAlearets Fol. 11 Bonavista 17 Borneo 21 Brittaine 38 Canarie Islands 17 Celebes 21 Corsu 11 Corsica 11 Creete 11 England 38 Eust 42 Faire Isle 42 Fortunate Ilands 17 Fracta Lamea 17 Freezland 28 30 Gilola 21 Gomera 17 Grand Canarea 17 Greeneland or Groanland 28 Hebrides 42 Hyrrha 42 Japan 21 Javae ●ae 21 Ila 42 Iland of Salt 17 Insula del Fuego 17 Jonar 42 Ireland 38 L●wes 42 Madera 17 Maggio or May 17 Magna Sors 17 Mainland 41 Ma●orica 11 Malta 11 Man 42 Mindana 21 Minorica 21 Moluccoes 21 Mula 42 Nova Guinea 21 Nova Zembla 30 Orkeney 41 Palma Ferro 17 Palohan 21 Pomonia 41 Portus Sanctus 17 Princes Island 17 Racline 42 S. Anthonies 17 S James 17 S. Laurence 17 S. Lucia 17 S. Nicholas 17 S Thomas Island 17 S Vincent 17 Sardinia 11 Scotland 38 Sicili● 11 Skie 42 Taprabana 21 Teneriffa 17 Westerne Islands 42 Wight 42 Zeland 42 Zetlan 21 Promontories Caput lonae Spei or the Cape of good hope 12 Cities Babylon 21 Cusco 25 Jerusalem 21 Mexico 26 Ninivie 21 Quito 26 Rivers Cambra 12 Cuamar 12 Euphrates 18 Ga●ges 18 Indus 18 Iordane 18 Niger 18 Nilus 12 Senoga 12 Tigris 18 Zaire 12 Lakes Caspian Sea 18 Z●mbre 12 Mountaines Atlas Fol. 12. Cantaberes 12 Heila or Heikfort 33 Helga 33 Mountaine of the Crosse 33 Mountaines of the Moone 12 Sierra Liona or the Mount of Lions 12 Taurus 18 Strange Beasts Cascuij 25 Strange Fowles Barnacles Puffins Strange Fishes Pollacks Strange Fruits Cassader 24 Guanavanae 25 Guiana 24 Haia 24 Hovi 25 Mamei 25 Mayz 24 Finea 25 Plantane 25 Potatoes 24 Observable Matters The Temple of Diana 21 The Walls of Babylon 21 A PARTICVLAR TABLE OF IRELAND Countries A ANtrimme Fo. 48 Arde 58 Armack 51 A●thule 58 Cav●n 51 Caterlough 58 Clare 48 51 Colrane 51 Connaugh 48 53 Corck 63 Cosmay 48 County of the Holy Crosse 63 Delvin 48 Desmond 48 63 Donergall 51 Downe 48 Dublin 58 60 Enaugh 58 Fermanagh 51 Fernes 58 Fingal 48 60 Four 48 Fuse 58 Galway 51 Glandeboy 58 Ireland 43 Kerie 48 63 Kildare 58 60 Kilkenney 58 Kings-shire 58 Lagenia 48 53 Lecale 48 58 Leinster 58 Leis 48 Letrimme 51 Lim●ick 63 Longford 58 Louth 48 Mago 51 Maio 53 Meth 48 51 Momonia 52 53 Monakon 51 Morne 58 Munster 63 Newry 58 Offal 48 Ormund 48 Os●r 48 Queens-shire 58 Roscomen 51 Sl●ni 48 Slego 51 53 Tiroen 51 Tomond 48 Trecomen 48 Tripperan 63 Trippitate 48 Vdrone 63 Vlster 48 Vriel 58 Waterford 63 We●shford 58 Wicklo 58 Ilands Arran 51 Inis Bovind 56 Peninsulae's Ard 50 Lecale Fol. 50 Promontories Biar-head 64 Calebegh 64 Hieron 60 S. Iohns Foreland 50 The Ground 60 Wiclo or Winchiligello 50 Havens and Bayes Baltimore 64 Beheravim 64 Galloway 54 Kilmore 50 Knocfergus 50 Koldagh 50 Nagnutae 53 Smerwick 64 Cities Armack 58 Corke 46 Dublin 46 Galloway or Gallive 48 Korckcach 67 Luglyn or Leighlin 63 Limbrick 46 66 Rosse 61 Waterford 46 Townes Aboy 50 Alon 54 Anner 54 Arctlo 54 Arde 48 Bala mac Andan 61 Cassel 66 Clare 53 Delvin 48 Downe 48 Droghead 48 56 Duleck 50 Four 49 Kelles 52 Kilkenny 61 Leiglyn 64 Molingar 48 56 Navan 48 Porchlargy 66 Rheban 66 Scrin 51 Sligo 53 Thomas Towne 61 Trimme 52 Vniversitie Dublin 58 60 Castles Abbeys Arcklo C. 50 Killaire C. 52 Black Abbey 50 Rivers Avenmo 67 Banne 43 Banny 48 Birgus 61 Boand 43 Boyne 53 Furne 43 Iernus 64 Libin 53 Liffie 45 Lin 43 Lough Foile 48 Moad 43 Modarne 43 61 Neoru 58 Ovoca 61 Samair● 43 Shevin 43 48 Showre 66 Slane 61 Slichei 43 Sairus 61 Vinderius 48 Lakes Eaugh 50 E●n● 46 54 Woods Dyffrim 50 Kilu●ra 50 Kilwarney 50 Mountaines Bliew Blemy 61 Observable Matters A wonderfull Lake in Ireland 46 A Disease called Lycanthropie 60 Aurifi●ij are certaine Birds which have one foot a●med with talents and the other smooth with a plaine webbe 44 In Downe a Towne in Ireland S. Patricke was buried 48 No Serpents nor venemous creature● live here nor in Creete 44 A TABLE OF SCOTLAND Countries A ABr● 77 80 A●ma 80 Albania 88 Amandale 73 Angusia 78 Argile 77 Argathel 77 Atholia 78 Badenack 80 Baronia 76 Boina 80 Braid Albin 77 Buguhan 80 Caledonia 68 Cantyre 77 Caricla 74 Cathanes 81 Clacman 78 Clidesdale 73 Cnapdale 77 Cocla 74 Colrosse 78 D●um Albin 77 Eskedde 73 Eusedale 73 Fife 78 Gour 78 Kinrosse 78 Landeria 73 Lauria 77 Lennox 76 Liderdale 73 March 73 Marria 80 Mernia 78 Moravia 80 Navornia 80 Nillerdale 73 Perth 78 Renfroan 76 Rin● 74 Rosse 80 Stathiern● 77 Sterling 76 Twedia 73 Islands Hebrides or Westerne Iles 82 Orades or Orkney 82 Zeland Ilands 82 Promontories Betubium or Dunis Bay or Duncans Bay 81 Navernia 81 Novantum 74 Vervedrum or Hoya 81 Havens and Bayes Forth 73 Gerigontus 74 Gerloch 74 Glotta 74 Letha 70 Longus 74 Cities Edenburgh 68 Glasgow 74 Lanarick 74 Townes Aberdon 72 80 Abreneth 78 Ayr 74 Berwick 73 Calidon 78 Caralia 74 Coldingham 73 Cuper 78 Dalneth 74 Dunbar 74 Dunbrittan 74 Elgina 80 Hadington 74 Kello 73 Lemmuch 74 Leth 74 Nessus 80 S. Andrew 72 Vniversities Edenburgh 68 S. Andrewes 72 Castles Dunbrittan 77 Dunotrum 80 Rivers Aire 74 Almone 74 Annan 73 74 Aven 76 Carrou 76 Carth 76 Cl●de 74 Coyil 74 Cray 74 Cunningam 76 Dee 70 74 Duglasse 76 Dun 74 Eske 73 Eve 73 Fin 77 Grenan 74 Ierna 77 Kenn 74 Leth 74 Levin 77 Lide 73 Lowys 74 Lox 80 Navernus 80 Nessus 80 N●th 73 Solwaya 68 Spey 80 Stinsian 74 Taus 77 78 Tine 74 Tweede 68 Vrus 74 Vrwyn 74 Lakes Abria 80 Avus 77 Finis 77 Iernus 77 Labrus 80 Lomund 70 74 Myr●on 74 Nessus 80 Roan 74 Mountaines Cheviotae 73 Grampius or Graintzbai●e 70 Ocellum Moun. 78 Observable Matters The Gospell first preached in Scotland Fol. 70 The deafe Stone 76 A strange Lake in Scotland 76 A TABLE OF ENGLAND AND WALES Countries B Barke-shire Fol. 110 Bedford-shire 110 Bishopricke of Durham 88 Breckn●ck-shire 99 Buckinghamshire 110 Caernarvan●sh 90 95 Cambridge-shire 110 Cheshire 92 Cornwa●l 99 Cumberland 88 Dar●y-shire 105 Denb●gh-shire 92 Devonshire 99 Dorsetshire 99 Essex 110 Flintshire 92 99 Glamorganshire 99 Glocester-shire 99 Hampshire 110 Hareford-shire 110 Hereford-shire 99 Huntingdon 110 Kent 110 Lancashire 92 Leicester-shire 105 Lincoln-shire 105 Mer●on●th shire 95 Middlesex 110 Monmouth-shire 99 Montgomery-shire 92 Northampton-sh 110 Norfolke 105 Northumberland 88 Nottinghamshire 105 Oxford-shire 11● Pembrock-shire 99 Rutland-shire 105 Shrop-shire 92 Somme●set shire 99 Stafford shire 105 Suffolke 110 Su●rey 110 Sussex 110 Warwick-shire 110 Westmorland 92 Wilshire 99 Yorkeshire 105 Islands Anglesey 116 Garnsey 116 Gersey 116 Wight 116 Promontories Cape of Cornwall 83 Holy head 118 Promontorie of
367 377 Tar 250 Tarnis 347 Vendee 341 Verina 292 Vezar 266 Vienne or Vignance 250 314 Voloio 367 Yse 249 Youne 288 Yure Lakes Avitacum 249 Chamblici 378 Creux de Soulcis or Crypta 248 Frogeay 378 Le Garde Lac 360 Lake of France or Lemanus 248 Linderus 365 Maleteux 378 Marlay 378 Ronchault 378 Rubressus 249 Vernoy 378 Woods Andain 253 Banbois 253 370 Beaulieu 253 Beseyne 270 Bois de Banio 253 Bois de Bennoit 253 Bostblanc 253 Boursin 253 Bresse 253 Cell●s 253 310 Charnay 253 Corncise 253 Dalles 253 Dyne 253 Guie che 253 Hard●lot 253 Heyde 253 370 Ligne 253 Longoul●cy Forrest 253 Lou●saie Forrest 253 Maine 253 Marson 253 Mondon 253 Mortaigne 253 370 Morton 366 Moal●ore Forrest 253 Persi 253 Recoigne 253 Robe●●o 253 Sille 253 Surene 253 Toriant For. 253 Tourneth 307 Voyage 253 270 Warned-walt 253 370 Mountaines Boltzberg 252 Chaumont en Bassigny 301 Civis 374 Dannes 310 Faucilles mount 252 Iurten 252 Lacenna 319 Neuf Castell mo 310 Nider-Hawenstein 252 Pierre Port 253 Roberts Wood 319 Schaffmat 252 S. Bernard moun 382 S. Ingelbert mou 3●7 Velay mount 279 Vogesus 367 370 Learned Men. Antony Sadaeel 413 Conradus Gesner 39● Cornelius Bertram 413 John Calvin 413 Iohn Deodatus 413 Isaac Causabon 413 M. Arnold Sorbinus 347 Mathew Paris 296 Theodore Beza c. 413 Observations An ancient Elme which doth bound and limit 4. Countries in France 264 A Seate cut in a Rock in France called La Che●e de la veritè 254 A strange Eccho 290 Ansonius stùdied at Tolouse 356 M. Arnold Sorbinus borne at Monhec 347 Province a Towne famous for red Roses and for Rose-cakes Rosewater made thereof 302 S. Cyprian Bishop of Carthage lyes buried in the Monastery of S. Benedict in the Town Moyssac 347 S. Gregory borne at Toures 336 S. Iohn Baptists head kept whole at Ambianum 294 The bones of Iustine Martyr Eurotus and Germerus are kept in St. Peters Church in ●eauvois 304 The originall of the Cistertian Order of Friers Nuns 375 The Poet Anacreon was borne in Perche in France 334 The Poet Ausonius borne at Burdeaux 330 The famous Poet Rousard called the French Homer or Pindar is buried in S. Martins Church in Toures 336 Vid his Epitaph on the Poet Anacreon 334 The Solicke Law whence derived 254 A TABLE OF HELVETIA ZVRICHGOVV BASIL VViflispurgergow the Lake Lemann Argow the Rhetians or Grisones From Fol. 387. to 424. Countries A. ANdelfignen 392 Argow 388 Basil 392 Cham 394 Eglisow 392 Glaris 417 Grife●see 382 Grisones 419 Groeningia 392 Hamburg 419 Helvetia 387 Humbert 417 Kiburg 392 Lauffen 392 Montanus 394 Regensperg 392 Rhetia 419 Ringenbereg 417 Saxony 390 Switscherland 387 Turgow 388 Vad●svillana 392 Vallis Egeria 394 Vnderwaldt 416 Wadischwyll 392 Werdenberg 390 Wiflispurgergow 388 Zurichgow 388 392 Cities Basil 394 Zurich 392 Townes Abona 410 Bara 344 Bremgart 418 Cassonex 410 Chelant 416 Claudus 410 Davosium 420 Ebicona 416 Evian 410 Glarona 414 Habspurg 416 Krientz 416 Lausanna 409 Lucerna 414 Mellige 419 Merischwanden 416 Nevidunum 410 Rotenburg 416 Rott 416 Sempachium 416 Steina 392 Surseium 416 Switz 414 Vitadurum 392 Vnderwald 414 Vrama 416 Vren 414 Waggis 416 Willisow 416 Winterhur 392 Zugis 394 Rivers Adua 391 Aenus 391 Arola 391 418 Athesis 420 Byrsa 391 Dur 391 Langorus 391 Limagus 391 417 Oenus 420 Rhene 391 428 Rhodanus 391 Rusa 414 Sur 391 Tieinus 391 418 Vrsa 418 Lakes Bodenz●● 390 The Lake Lemann 409 Lucernerzee 39● Nuwerbu gerzee 39● Pilates Lake 417 Walenzee 390 Zuriche●zee 390 Woods Bonwaldt 391 Brigantine wood 391 Kernwaldt 417 Rhynwaldt 391 Mountaines Abnobae Mount 391 Brantius M. 391 Cottian Alpes 391 Graecian Alpes 391 Julian Alpes 391 Jurassus 391 P●nine Alpes 391 ●e●mu●na 391 Pil●is Mount 414 Rhetico Mo. 391 S. Bernards M. 391 S. ●o●ha●ds M. 391 S. Serg●us 412 Silvius 391 Valarius M. 391 Vogel M. 391 Observations A strange Lake 417 418 A TABLE OF THE LOW-COVNTRIES Countries A ARtois 428 Belg●um 422 Bewester-Schelt 460 Brabant 428 449 Cliveland 451 Dale 428 Flanders 428 439 Gelderland 428 464 Groneland 428 Groylandt 457 Hannault 428 Holland 428 454 Holy Empire 428 Ju●iacum 451 K●nnemelant 457 Landt vanwaes 444 Limburg 428 Lutzenburg 428 Maeslandt 457 Mechin 428 Namurcium 428 Nideken 453 Nuenge Rode le Duc 428 Trans-Irsalania 428 Texel 457 Valchenburg 428 V●recht 428 Walacheia 460 Wassia 442 West-Friseland 428 Zeland 428 Zutphania 428 469 Ilands Cadsant 440 Cities Amerford 474 Amsterdam 428 Arnheim 466 Antwerpe 428 Atrecht 428 Axelle 439 Birflett 2●9 Birgen 439 Bruges 428 439 Bruxells 428 Cameracum 4●8 Coriracum 439 Damm 488 Delph Dixmunde 439 D●raretch Dort 428 Douze 439 Dunkerk 439 Gaunt 428 439 Gerard●mont 439 Graveling 439 Ha●lem 428 Cities Hulst 439 Leyden 428 Limburg 506 Lovaine 428 Mechlin 428 Newport 439 Ostend 439 440 Sluse 439 Teneramund 439 Tornay 428 Traiectum 428 Valencene 428 492 Virocht 474 Townes Arendone 452 Ariun 500 Arnemada 466 Argues 491 Bouchoute 4●2 Br●ll 4●9 Bru●ge 453 Busse 453 Campen 468 Charlemont 492 Chimay 494 Conde 494 Cor●greene 463 D●st 431 Dietenhove 500 Duffel 452 Dusten 431 Duysburg 452 453 Elborch 467 Elburg 466 Enschede 484 Fleurbay 491 Flushing 460 Frages 491 Fressin 491 Griekenbeck 407 Hage 457 Hardenberg 484 Hardisch-volt 458 Harlem 458 Hasselet 468 Heemsted 458 Herentals 452 H●rwerd 429 Honascott 440 Huch●n 491 Hulst 442 444 Kess●l 467 Landresse 431 494 Lecke 458 Lisburg 4●0 Maestricht 452 Marieburg 494 Maubeuge 494 Middleburrough 460 N●eustat 467 Oetma●se 468 Oldensale 486 Oldseel 468 Raveste●ne 453 Richbou●g 491 Romerswal 462 Rotterdam 4●9 S. Martins Dijck 469 Schoonhoven 458 Sevenbergen 458 Sonsbeck 453 Steenwijck 460 Sluce 440 Thonberg 453 Tou●nay 442 Turnholt 439 Va●kenburg 508 Vollenhove 486 Wa●hemingen 467 Wassi●gberg 453 Watchtendouck 467 Wesel 453 Wiltheimstein 453 Vniversities Doway 435 442 453 Franckford 433 Leyden 435 Lovaine 435 Rivers Aa 428 Albis 502 Amisis 428 Amstela 456 Atardus 502 Authia 391 490 Bemoy 502 Bervinum 508 Borckel 466 Canchia 490 Dela 428 Demera 431 Ghomeus 502 Hania 494 Houl 502 Isala 466 Lech 502 Lisa 428 490 Merona 429 Mineus 502 Mosa 428 452 Mosella 428 Netha 431 Niers 466 Orto 502 Prumeus 502 Regge 502 Rene 391 466 Rhocr 431 Sambra 428 Scaldis 494 Scarpe 442 Schelt 428 452 Seyne 431 Soverus 502 Sualm 466 Tene●a 494 Vahalis 429 466 Vidrus 466 468 Worme 466 Yperen 440 Lakes Lakes Lemann 409 Pilates Lake 417 Vpaw Fountaine 508 Woods Arden 433 Engerwalt 435 Faigne Wood 434 Grootenheist 452 Grootenhout 434 Marlaigne 434 Meerdal 452 Mormaw 434 Niepa 434 442 Nonnen 434 Poodsberg 435 S. Amand 434 Saveuterloo 334 Svewolden 435 Sonensian Wood 434 Williams Wood 435 Mountaines Kolmbergen 508 Palvagius 498 Observations Dogfishes 430 Gerard Mercator a most famous Mathematician and Cosmographer and the Ptolemy of our age borne at Kupelmonda 442 The Art of Printing invented at Harlem a Town in Holl●nd this is as the Dutch would have it but no man bound to beleeve it 456
737 VVallis 707 Islands Cirnus 718 Corsica 772 Sardinia 772 Sicilie 777 Promontories Arvisium 809 Capo di Chiarenza 807 Cisanum 745 Cumeras 752 Japygium 768 Lilybaeum 777 Muratio 745 Pachynus 777 Pelorus 777 Phasiana 745 Havens and Bayes Acomtanian H. 698 Albinganus H. 698 Arminan H. 698 Augustus H. 698 Brundusian H. 698 Ba●on H. 698 Ca●etan B. Charybdis 781 Delphin H. 698 Erycis 698 Garne 698 Genua 698 Gravisia 698 Hanibals Castra 698 Hercules H. 698 Julian H. 698 Livenza 698 Luna 698 Mauricus 698 Metaurian H. 698 Risania 698 Orestes H. 698 Ravenas 698 Sabatrian Vadians H. 698 Savona 698 Scabrian H. 698 Scylla 781 Tarentine B. 698 Telamons B. 698 Vadian B. 698 Vilinian B. 698 Cities Alba 717 Anio● 752 Aguila 762 Aquilegia 742 Ascuto Satriano 767 Beneventum 762 Bononia or Bologna 724 Brescia 728 Capua 765 Ferrara 724 Fir●●o 752 Florence 749 Forli 724 Genoa 717 720 Lemena 720 Leuca 749 Mantua 727 Millan 708 732 Naples 764 Osmo 752 Otrante 768 Padua 712 740 Palermo 778 Parma 726 Pesa●o 754 Pisa 749 Placentia 726 Polignano 767 Ravenna 724 Rome 757 Sarsina 724 Savona 718 Sedunum 708 Siracusa 780 Spoleto 754 Taran●o 770 Tarvisium 712 Tridentum 709 Turino 714 Venice 712 Verona 712 737 Vincentia 712 738 Viterbium 750 Volaterra 750 Vrbin 754 Townes Agrigentum 780 Algher 776 Al●omonti 770 Ancone 752 Astura 756 Bassimana 716 Belmont 770 Bottesino 730 Brixia 709 Carignano 716 Crema 706 Cremona 727 Critio 716 Cuma 765 Dreponum 780 Fabrianum 780 Falcon 744 Fassumbruno 754 Fuligno 755 Goritia 744 Heraelea 780 Imolais 724 Mambrino 716 Maranum 709 Moncalvo 717 Morill 708 Mutazzo 745 Novilara 730 Orbetellum 747 Paestum 770 Pagellato 716 Palma 744 Parenzo 745 Petroso 716 Picenum 754 Pientio 747 Pinarole 716 Piranum 745 Pisa 747 Pisciotta 770 Pistorium 747 Pratum 747 Puteoli 765 Quintianum 730 Recanatum 752 Rimini 723 Ripa 710 Rivoli 716 S. Laurence 745 S. Perigrine 745 S. Salvatore 717 Salvorum 718 Sarzan 749 Sassarit 749 Sestrile Levan●o 769 Sulmo 762 Susa 716 Tarracina 756 Tiber 760 Tirolus Tusculum 760 Vernaccio 756 Villa ●ranca 716 V●nacum 718 Vniversities Anconita 701 Bononia 701 Ferrara 701 Florence 701 Macerata 701 Millan 701 Naples 701 Padua 701 765 Parma 701 Patavina 701 Perusina 701 Pisona 701 Placentia 701 Romana 701 Salerne 701 Vernice 701 Seas Aegean Sea 796 Archipelagus 796 Carpathian Sea 796 Higher Sea 698 Icarian Sea 796 Jonian Sea 796 Lower Sea 698 Rivers Abdua 695 Aduva 706 Albengia 750 Alma 750 Argila 755 Arno 695 Aron 750 Asinella 762 Asinus 754 Asonus 754 Athesis 695 710 Bachili● 713 Barono 774 Bremba 698 706 Brenta 713 Canal grande 712 Candclaris 765 Cecinia 750 Cervaria 752 767 Chientus 754 Correcta 765 Cusanum 765 Ebolis 765 Eris 750 Felirinus 762 Ferisano 719 Flastra 754 Floris 750 Freddus 765 Frigidus 749 Furor 765 Garza 731 Gelone 774 Glanis 765 Iscleraus 765 Lavagna 719 Lemus 745 Lime 719 Linternus 765 Lira 698 765 Magra 719 Martha 750 Melfa 765 Mella 731 Merula 719 Meyra 698 Mimo 750 Mincius 695 Natiso 744 Nymphaeus 760 Oenus 710 Oglio 695 Omnei 765 Osa 750 Pescara 762 Piave 718 Pisclavo 698 Plumba 762 Po 695 716 ●ution Quictus Roita 719 Rubico 695 Sabbatus 765 Sagona 774 Saxuns 746 Serius 698 Silarus 765 Stura 769 Tarteno 698 Tavignano 774 Tegiamo 774 Ten●a 754 Tiber 695 Ticino 695 706 Tilaventum 744 Tronto 754 Turus 744 Vacina 750 Vesubie 719 Vmbro 750 Vul●urnus 765 Lakes Albanus 694 Aquae Salviae 694 Averni●n 695 Aufente 760 Benacus 760 Caecubus 694 760 Ciana 694 Ciminus 694 Cutilensian 786 Fuccinus 694 Floridus 694 756 Fundane L. 760 Gaviratius 706 Hostia 694 Juturna 694 Lago di Gataa 370 Lago di Idre 731 Lago di Iseo 731 L. di Marsos 760 L. di Nemo 760 L. di Orbatello 750 L. di Pemgia 750 L. di S. Prussode 760 Lago Majore 706 Larius 107 Lucrine L. 695 Luganus 706 Monatius 706 Nemorensian L. 694 Nursine L. 694 Pudusa 695 Pompeia 695 Pontina 694 Popeia 765 Reg●lius 694 Sabatus 694 Sebinus 695 Simbruine L. 694 Stagno 760 Stativa 695 Tiburrine 760 Tiburtine 694 Trinatius 694 Tundale 694 Vatican L. 694 Vulsinian L. 694 Woods Albuna 760 Algitia 760 Bolsena 760 Castrorum Lucus 700 Cimiman Wood 699 Cold W. 760 Diana●'s W. 760 Eboli 700 Feroma 760 699 Furina 760 700 Gall naria Silva 700 Junoes W. 700 Lucina-Jupiters Wo. 760 Luco Sacro 700 Lucus Gargarij 700 Lucina 700 Milebach 708 Muses W. 760 Perigrinalis 700 Rh●gian Forrest 700 Vacuna 700 Velia 700 Volsinian W. 760 Mountaines Aetna 781 Alg●dus 760 Alpes 698 Apennine 699 Arolla 708 Aventine M. 760 Austalberg 708 Auximus 754 B●bius 716 Cacubus 760 Catillus 760 Cheparteno 779 Christs M. 765 Ciminian W. 750 Cortensian M. 750 Corvus 754 Culma 765 Eryx 781 Falernus 765 Fessulian M. 750 Fiscellus 756 Floridum 756 Furc 754 708 Gaurus 765 Gemula 713 Gothards M. 706 Gualango 774 Lepinus 760 Loetsch 708 Lucmannier 706 Massicus 765 Matter 708 Misenus 765 Montes tremuli 764 Orba 774 Pescas 754 Ruffus 774 S. Silvester M. 750 Taburnus 765 Tifata 765 Trifolinus 765 Venda 713 Vefuvius 765 Virgines M. 764 Observations A strange hearbe in Sardinia which makes men dye laughing whence grew the Proverb Sardonius Risus or the Sardinian laughter 775 B. Clara who founded the Order of Saint Clares Nunnes was borne at Monus Falco a Towne of the Duke of Spoleto 755 Doomesday or the day of Judgement is lively drawne by Michael Angelo in the Popes Chappell in Rome 700 Eustathius doth liken Italy to an Ivie Leafe Pliny and Solin I do resemble it to an Oake leafe because it is longer than broad 691 Horace borne at Venusium 768 Latter Writers compa●e Italy to a mans Thigh and Legge vid. the Allusion 691 M. Tullius Cicero slaine at Astura as he sled from Antony 758 Ovid born at Sulmo a Towne in Italy 762 Parmizan an excellent sort of Cheese made at Parma a Citie in Italy 720 S. Francis who instituted the Order of the Minorite Friers was borne at Ascen or Sisi a Towne in the Dukedome of Spoleto 755 S. Markes the chiefest Church in Venice The Alpes are so called ab albedine or from their whitenes 707 The Arsenal a famous Armory in Venice The Poet Plautus was borne at Sarsina a City in Italy 724 The Rosean Fields in Italy are so fruitfull that if a Pitchforke be left in them the day before the Grasse will cover it it over in one nights growth 691 The Tridentine Counsell held under Pope Paul the third in the yeere 1546. 710 The Vatican Library at Rome 758 Thomas Aquinas was borne at Aquinus a Towne in Abruzzo in Italy 762 Titus Livius borne at Padua 741 Venice is governed by a Senate called Gran Consiglio 713 A TABLE OF STIRMARCK SLAVONIA CROATIA BOSNIA Dalmatia VVallachia Servia Bulgaria Romania Greece and the I le of Candie or Creete From Fol. 782. to 813. Countries A AChaja 795 806 Albania
at Rhodes 853 The Bird Manucodiata that liveth onely by the ayre 875 The Clove-tree described 875 The death of Aristotle 852 The discovery of the Molucco Ilands 876 The description of the Nutmeg-tree and of Mace and Cinamon 878 A TABLE OF AMERICA· Countrics A AVanares 900 Brasil 920 Canida 900 Castella aurea 920 Chile 920 Firmeland 921 Florida 898 Granada 921 New France 900 New Spaine 906 Peru 914 Popajana 920 Southerne America 920 Terra del Fuego 925 Virginia 898 Islands All-Saints 892 Andgada 892 Anguilla 892 Antigra 892 Barbadoes 892 Bermuda● or Summer Islands 892 Cambales 890 Cuba 890 Granada 892 Guadalupe 892 Hispaniola 890 Jamayca 890 Leucinae 890 Marigolante 892 Margari●a 897 S. Bartholmews 892 S. Christophers 892 S. Dominico 892 S. Johns Isl 890 S. Martin S. Peters Isl 929 S. Vincents 892 Summatra 826 Promontories Gurraets head 919 Maragnon 925 Cities Mexico 908 Townes Culiacum 908 Cusco 922 Lima 916 Nombre de dios 920 Panama 920 Quito 922 S. Dominico 890 894 S. James 890 Toycama 921 Seas Archipelagus 929 Mare del Nort 920 Mare Pacisicum 923 Mare del Sur 920 The Straits of Magellan 925 Rivers Della Plata 913 La Magdalena 912 La Martha 912 Porto Real 901 Powhatan 903 S Sebastian 900 Observations America discovered 930 Captaine Iohn Smith in the yeere 1608. did discover Virginia quod in illius honorem quem meruit adnotavit Mercator pag. 903 Et ego amicitiae gratia in Indice collocavi and shortly expect a Map of Virginia according as it is now more exact The Hearb Coca being carried in ones mouth takes away all appetite from meat drinke 914 The Description of those violent tempests called Harowcanes 892 The Maiz or Cassader a very good roote 906 The Straits of Magellan described 925 A Description of New England 931 THE TECHNOLOGICALL AND GEOGRAPHICALL VVORDS mentioned in this VVorke defined and explained The VVorld called in Latine Orbis in respect of the Orbicular round forme and in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in respect of the beauty thereof is devided by Geographers into parts Reall viz. A Continent which containeth many Countries and Territories An Island in Latine Insula quasi in ●alo sita a Land situated in the Sea A Peninsula is so called quasi Paenè Insula in Greeke Chersonesus being a compound word of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying a forsaken Island A Promontory is a part of Land lying out farther than the rest and is contrary to a Bay the uttermost end is called a Cape A Bay or Sinus is a Bosome of Land receiving the Sea into it and so making a Haven The Ocean is so called from the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying swift Imaginary viz. The Aequinoctiall so stiled because when the Sunne is under this Circle in the Heaven which answeres to this on the Earth the dayes and nights bee of one length The Tropickes are two nominate Circles that be Parallel to the Aequator from which the Northerne Tropicke of Cancer is distant 23. degrees and the Southerne called the Tropick of Capricorne as much Parallels are defined by Keckerman quod sint lineae quae in infinitum ductae nunquā concurrunt that they are two equidistant lines which being infinitely drawne forth yet do not nor will ever meete Latitude is the distance of a place North or South from the Aequator or middle of the World Longitude is the distance of any place East and West from the chiefe Meridian and is measured by the degrees of the Aequator it is placed in the Iland of St. Michael one of the 9. Azores in the Atlantick Sea A Clime is a space of the Earth comprehended betweene 3. Parallels lesser innominate Circles which compasse the Earth from East to West Periaeci so called from the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. habito circum are those that dwell under the same Parallel Antaeci so named from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. ex adverso habitare are those that dwell alike distant from the Aequator but the one Northward and the other Southward Antipodes so stiled from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 q.d. adversa vestigia figentes are people dwelling on the other side of the Earth with their feet directly against ours The Artick Pole so called for its neerenesse to a constellation in the North Hemisphere called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth a Beare Antartick Pole so called because it is opposite to the Articke Pole FINIS Finem habet hic Mundus finem terrenus habebit Sit Soli dempto Gloria fine Deo THE ERRATA ALl Books are sub●ect to some Typographicall faults so that the Errata's of this Worke which are few being thus corrected and amended deserve pardon viz. Page ● line 45. for greates read greater p. 37. l 2. for straight 1. stretcht p. 83. l. 1. for ●nglang r. England p. 143. l. 3. for Norway 1. Denmarke p. 195. l. 16 s Complu●o r. Complutum p. 257. l. 14. f. incure r. injures p. 268. l. 14. ● for r. on p. 352. l. 14. f. glideth r. gildeth p. 356. l. ●1 f colonas r. colonos p. 358. l. 4. ● done r long p. 368 l. 9. f. du●item r. duplicem p. 438. l. 2. f. us r. thee p. 432. l. 10. 16. f. Rudol●●us r Rodol●hus p 499. l. 2. f. Mamurci●n r. Namurcium p. 532. l. 9. f which r. whose p. 694. l. 2. f. Virgins r. Virgils p. 730. ● 12. f lv●t hate r. hate love p. 740. l. 17. f. Pompineis r pampineis p. ●96 l. 42. ● Nusaeus r Musaeus p. 856 l. 35. f. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p 911. l. 42. f Mounraines ● Mountaines p. 919 l. 13. f. Mone r More p. 919. l. 18. ● Tuckher r. Tucker p 919. l. ●9 There is an error in the latter end of the description of Bermudas concerning the temper of the ayre and quality of the soyle Note that after Page 549. the Pag●s are misfigured and begin aga●ne at 520. In Page 905 for the Des●ription of New Spaine r●ad New Virginia but there is no Map for Virginia in re●gard there is a 〈◊〉 exact Map drawing in that Country whose Platforme is not yet come over but when it comes every buyer ●f the Booke shall have it given h●m gratis Directions for the Binding At Page 4●9 let the Book-binder take notice that at the Signiture M m in the 2. Alphabet it goes on with N one O one and so to ●he end of the Alphabet and then followes A a a in the 3. Alphabet At Page 818. the single Map of Aegypt is to be pasted on the Page Crosse-wayes under the words which is the fairest River in the World Let the Book-binder take notice that at M m 3. i● the second Alphabet being Page 401. there comes in a halfe sheete Decemb. 19. 1633. Recensui hanc Anglicanam versionem Atlantis Minoris a Joan. Mercator Belgico olim Latinè editam qui quidem liber continet Fol 772. aut circiter in quibus nihil reperio sanae doctrinae aut bonis moribus contrarium quo minus cum utilitate publica Imprimatur ita tamen ut si non intra biennium typis mandetur haec licentia sit omnino irrita Guilielmus Haywood Archiep. Cant. Capellanus Domest