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A45839 Antiquities of the city of Exeter collected by Richard Izacke ...; Antiquities of the city of Exeter Izacke, Richard, 1624?-1698. 1677 (1677) Wing I1110; ESTC R22442 159,886 334

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Summons they are to attend the Mayor or to be Fined page 74 84 Common Council-men dismissed the Chamber and why page 115 123 Fined for speaking slanderous words in the Chamber page 115 Several Presents and Pensions bestowed by the Chamber page 116 117 126 132 134 137 141 158 167 168 The charge of the Mayoralty defrayed by the Chamber page 132 A Licence granted by the Chamber to send an Orphan beyond the Sea page 150 The Chamber regulated by vertue of an Act of Parliament page 168 Court ON a Non-suit Costs to be paid by the Plaintiff before he brings another Action page 3 The Antiquity of the Records of the Court in Parchment Rolls extant page 22 Court Rolls taken away page 45 47 98 118 Cognizance of Pleas here demanded and granted by the Judges of the King's Bench page 46 54 97 135 138 Privileges in St. Sydwell's Fee demanded by the Lords thereof page 12 48 53 77 Days appointed in Court for the Plaintiff to declare and the Defendant to answer page 64 66 167 Persons admitted to do their Law page 73 75 77 Persons present in Court when Judgement is given against them are to be taken up in execution page 76 Two of the Stewards absenting from Court fined page 83 Attorneys sworn and dismissed from further practice and disorders rectified in Court page 90 111 The Custom for Dominicals held good on a Trial in Court page 108 Presentments to be weekly estreated and brought into the Court by the Serjeants at Mace page 115 Custom THe Town Custom duty and not payable elsewhere page 30 114 Several Customs within the said City page 48 50 73 103 The Customer of Devons Account sent for and controlled page 89 Merchants Fined for abusing the King in his Customs page 103 Goods seized on for non payment of the Town Custom-duty page 106 108 112 121 122 126 127 138 141 143 The Custom touching Childrens portions of Freemen page 70 114 Goods seized on as Foraign bought and sold page 123 132 144 154 Licence granted by the Mayor to unload Vessels and to search and seize goods within the Port page 30 53 55 64 73 76 112 Ancient lights by the Custom of the City may not be destroyed page 47 Exe-River WHen Exe-bridge was built and by whom page 13 Exe-bridge in decay and repaired page 26 63 The River of Exe from Exe-bridge to Checkeston belongs to the King in right of the City page 27 28 Contention about Goods brought up the River page 32 No Goods to be unloaden or put to sale till the Custom be paid page 32 The Haven destroyed and by whom page 38 40 Topsham Key built and by whom page 40 The Custom of Wood-hay for all Wood brought over Exe-bridge page 45 Calabar-wear being in decay was new made in a frame of Timber page 133 An agreement made touching the passage of Exmouth page 16 88 Free Benevolences towards the making of the new Haven and Cowley-bridge page 118 122 Some drowned others strangely preserved in the River of Exe page 119 A Prophecy fulfilled that the River of Exe should run under St. Nicholas Church page 120 Sluces and Bridges erected on the new Haven page 137 145 Several attempts made to bring the River through the City page 154 The King's Arms erected at the head of the new Haven page 171 A Sturgeon taken in the River of Exe page 173 An exemplification of a Decree had out of the Exchequer touching the Fishing in the River of Exe page 146 Fairs and Markets THe Antiquity and Names of several Fairs and Markets herein and sundry privileges incident thereunto page 19 20 27 57 86 93 Persons fined for erecting of Standings without Licence page 32 108 115 122 Forestalling of the Market prohibited and punished page 61 A great matter about a pot of fish brought into the Market page 36 Places assigned to Foraign Bakers on Market days page 38 The Institution of the Markets for Wool Yarn and Kersey page 119 120 134 Leather brought to the Market unsealed and therefore seized on page 106 121 138 142 The duty for erecting and standing of a Booth or Covering at Fair times page 107 One fined for counterfeiting the seal of Leather page 121 Where the Cloth-Market is kept page 127 139 167 Butchers committed to Prison for disturbing the Markets page 140 Fairs adjourned and why page 132 143 A new Corn-Market appointed and regulated page 112 The best Wheat sold for six pence the Bushel page 96 Freemen FReemen and their privileges page 26 38 111 117 175 How the Freedom of the City descends page 30 39 74 95 96 156 The usual Fees of the Court paid by every Freeman at the time of his admission page 39 The Mayor is Guardian of every Freeman's Orphan page 74 Every Inhabitant not free of the City pays yearly a duty page 78 94 97 Persons dis-franchised and fined and why page 108 110 111 112 115 120 124 126 128 129 130 143 Every Freeman ought to Inroll his Apprentices Indentures page 113 Freemen fined for colouring of Foraigners goods page 111 139 168 Licence given to Freemen to sue each other at the Common Law page 155 Gates and Walls THe Porter of the West-gate turned out of his Office and why page 46 The East-gate fell down and the Cityes Walls and repaired page 84 171 176 A Tower on the Walls behind the Bishop's Palace taken down page 87 Fines and Benevolences towards the reparation of the Walls page 110 1●● Leathern Buckets Ladders and Crooks provided and why page 128 Pleasant Walks made on Northen-hay and Southen-hay and Trees planted therein page 145 157 159 164 170 172 Grants BAgavell Bethugavell and Chippingavell granted to the City page 18 Contention about the duty page 31 The Pasture of Southen-hay demised page 53 Where and how the Husband may grant the Wives Lands page 61 62 74 No Dower to be made of Land Entailed page 63 The Passage and Ferry of Exmouth granted page 16 Grants made for the inclosing of St. Peter's Church-yard page 22 23 The Farm of Weapons forfeited demised page 114 St. Nicholas Fee purchased and by whom page 124 Justice PErsons Indicted for Assaults and Battery page 21 30 53 62 65 Persons executed for Felony their good forfeited and seized on page 22 46 110 115 121 127 134 142 143 145 146 153 154 178 Strumpets Bastards and Scolds punished page 29 40 42 49 75 79 113 Bakers punished for light bread and confederacy page 41 55 75 89 Traytors some punished others pardoned page 41 42 66 102 119 120 126 128 144 146 147 Butchers confederating punished page 77 Justice executed without respect of persons page 64 The Common Gaol removed hither from Bicton page 110 One opposed from being a Justice of the Peace page 129 An house of Correction erected page 136 No idle persons are permitted openly to beg page 150 Goods of condemned persons for Felony restored to the right owners page 153 Persons condemned and executed for
77 Wichehalse Henry 86 Worth Roger 89 Waggot Richard 89 Weston John 90 Whitlock John 93 Welsh John 96 Winter John 96 114 Wilkins John 97 Wilkinson William 98 W●lis John 103 Whitwever John 104 Williams John 107 Woolcott John 108 113 Way John 112 Whithread Robert 115 Walrond Nicholas 118 Walker James 128 Wilsdon Hugh 134 Webber Robert 136 Walker Thomas 137 Wheaton Richard 140 Waltham Jeffery 141 Wakeman Thomas 144 Willett Henry 146 White James 150 Walker Robert 151 White Richard 161 Wheeler Edward 164 Walker ●ndymion 171 Warren John 174 Worth Francis 177 Y. YOrk Walter 82 95 Yard Philip 130 Yeo Roger 146 Yeo Richard 154 Z. ZOoch Walter 1 Zooch John 19 20 21 38 Zooch Peter 38 Bishops A. APulia Simon Arundell John Alleigh William B. BRewer William Blondy Richard Bronscomb Walter Bitton Thomas Berkley James Brentingham Thomas Booth John Bradbridge William Babington Gervis Browning Ralph C. CHichester Robert Cary James Courteney Peter Coverdale Miles Cotton William Cary Valentine F. FOx Richard G. GRandison John Gauden John H. HAll Joseph I IScanus Bartholomew John the Chant●r K. KIng Oliver Ketirich John L. LEofricus Lacy Edmond M. MArshall Henry N. NEvill George O. OSbertus Ouldham Hugh Q QVivil Peter R. REdman Richard S. STapledon Walter Stafford Edmond Sparrow Anthony T. TVrbervill James V. V●sey John W. WArewest William Warewest Robert Wolton John Ward Seth Almshouses ST Alexis Cell united to St. John's Hospital within the East-gate page 10 The Hospitals of St. John and St. Mary Magdalen exchanged by whom and on what occasion page 10 11 A Toll weekly collected by the Lazar people of St. Mary Magdalens Hospital page 68 69 In which Hospital an Alderman infected with the Leprosy lived died and lies buried page 83 An Alms house built at Livery-dole by whom and the occasion page 116 Governours appointed of sundry Alms-houses page 130 131 Alms-people are daily to resort unto St. Peter's Church at the time of divine service page 132 Corn and Fewel provided for the relief of the Poor page 141 144 153 176 Alms-people expelled their houses for disobeying the orders thereof page 142 145 148 Poor people whose houses were burnt relieved with money page 142 Money and Land recovered for the Poor by decrees in Chancery page 154 155 Wynard's Alms-house re-built and the Poors pay encreased by Decree in Chancery page 162 168 Hele's Hospital Founded and by whom page 175 A Work house erected for the Poor page 175 Bail A Foraign Attachment destroyed by putting in Bail to the Action page 2 What the Bail forfeits if the principal be not rendred into Court page 80 The Form and Antiquity thereof page 2 Differences touching certain Attachments page 52 53 Benefactors TO St. Peter's Church page 3 16 18 53 57 93 To the Vicars Choral page 3 49 64 108 To several Colleges in the University of Oxford page 33 70 97 108 109 122 To the Chamber page 136 176 To St. John's Hospital page 16 21 To Alms-houses page 177 Bishops BIshops of the Diocess page 3 6 7 11 12 14 20 21 26 29 33 46 59 65 71 73 83 86 90 94 97 103 105 113 124 127 129 133 136 140 141 149 151 157 167 168 170 Epitaphs made on sundry Bishops page 20 28 113 125 133 140 145 Several Bishops in honourable Offices page 9 33 46 50 61 62 65 94 96 97 113 Bishop Grandison withstood the Arch-Bishops Visitation page 47 Bishop Brentingham made one of the twelve Peers of the Realm page 63 The great solemnity of Bishop Stapledon's Instalment page 33 34 35 Bishop Fox Godfather to King Henry 8. And Bishop Voysey to Queen Mary page 96 113 Bishop Turbervill deprived and committed to Prison page 128 Bishop Gauden brought hither with great joy and solemnity page 167 The gray Fryers harsh censure of Bishop Quivil's death page 29 The revenue of this Bishoprick alienated and by whom page 123 124 141 A yearly present bestowed on Bishop Alleigh by the Queen page 129 Bishop Grandison buried in a Coffin of Lead and how abused by sacrilegious hands page 59 The Bishop claimed cognisance of Pleas within his Fee page 77 The Bishops stately Chair in the Quire when erected and by whom page 88 The Arch-Bishop visits the Diocess page 45 Bishop Stapledon made Custos of London page 45 Churches THe number of the Churches herein and Patrons thereof page 6 A Dean and four and twenty Prebendaries by whom appointed and their yearly pension page 9 A contention in St. Peter's Church about a Burial page 31 How long the Cathedral was in building and when finished page 55 58 59 93 When the Chapter house was built and by whom page 77 86 When the Church of Ottery St. Mary was Founded and by whom page 49 An Inventory taken of the goods of the Church by the King's command page 125 The Pulpit in the Quire of the Cathedral when erected page 129 171 The Churches Exchequer robbed page 133 Rent recovered to St. Marys Church page 69 Money collected to repair St. Mary's and St. Sydwell's Towers page 133 143 Monuments of honourable persons erected in the Cathedral page 44 59 60 135 151 152 Churches Chappels and Church-yards consecrated page 85 155 170 St. Peter's Church-yard railed in page 164 The great Organ in the Cathedral erected page 171 A publick Fast appointed and why page 174 Officers in the Church Instituted page 21 A pension demanded by the Pope and denyed page 7 An Excommunication pronounced in the Cathedral page 14 Stoke Wood given to the Church when and by whom page 29 An agreement between the Church and City for some Land page 30 The death of several Dignitaries of the Church page 171 172 177 City THe City Incorporated its Liberties and a Fee Farm Rent paid to the Crown page 1 10 15. 48 49 60 King Henry the Third gave it to his Brother and his Heirs and resumed the Castle into his own hands from the Courteneys page 7 8 The Earl of Cornwall retires himself here and why page 12 The City claims the same Liberties and Customs that London hath and so found by Verdict page 19 28 The passage lastage and Key of Prattished at Exmouth are parcel of the Fee-Farm of the City page 52 69 Earls of Devon page 87 Marquess and Dukes of Exeter page 65 69 114 Several Societies here Incorporated page 63 85 91 94 96 97 127 Differences between them and others page 12 13 15 84 89 129 Fair houses belonging to the Duke of Exeter page 66 Conduits and Pumps built and beautified page 85 127 136 139 151 174 When the new Calander hay was built and by whom page 116 When the City was made a County page 118 The Streets and Suburbs paved and repaired page 88 118 142 144 169 176 Several Fires happening at midnight page 173 174 The Guild-ball built and beautified page 46 86 93 127 135 136 139 140 Common Council THe manner of Election and number of the Common Council page 30 On due
ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY OF EXETER Collected by Richard Izacke Esquire Chamberlain thereof Pro captu Lectoris habent sua fata Libelli Mart. Books receive their Doom according to the Readers Capacity Imprimatur October 20. 1676. G. JANE LONDON Printed by E. Tyler and R. Holt for Richard Marriott sold by George Marriott at his Shop at the Sign of the Temple by the Inner-Temple Gate Fleet-street 1677. To the Right Worshipful the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of the Ancient and Honourable City of Exeter Gentlemen 'T Is fit my obedience should last as long as your Commands in a willing readiness whereunto about eight years since I presented you this Book enlarged with some private Acts and other Secrets of your Council properly there inserted for your daily use and as necessarily here omitted for hat they immediately concern your selves and not others and therefore unfit to be communicated Nonúmque prematur in Annum Hor. Eight years digest what you have rudely hinted And in the ninth year let the same be Printed As I never had opportunity of presenting you any thing properly mine so neither durst I be guilty of so much Injustice as to deny you that so truly your own as is this fruit of my slender endeavours which by your equal command was at first undertaken and now made more publick to the World whatever the same be 't is really yours but more principally the publick's whose both you and I and all that we can do are If it may in any sort prove serviceable to you and you thereby become more useful to the publick I have my desired end And well considering the indefatigable labours of my primitive Predecessor in this place and Office the learned Mr. John Hooker whose works bespeak him famous within these our Gates can deem it no less than a duty Incumbent on my self as one of his Successors to tread in his Steps by imitating him in his vertues even by doing something in my Generation that may shew my gratitude to this truly Ancient and renowned City of Exeter for many plentiful favours conferred on me In a word I 've here methodically set down the chiefest of your Officers from the first of them to the last most of your ancient Customs intermixt with such Historical Observations peculiar hereunto as hastily I have collected all which with my self I cast at your Feet Inveniunt veluti Patronos saepè Libelli Vobis sic librum dedico méque simul As little Books their worthy Patrons oft do find So with my Book my self to you I here do bind I cannot exempt my self from the common frailty of nature possibility of erring humanum est errare belluinum perseverare on the least conviction I le at once confess my oversight and amend it if not prevented by the charity of the discoverer for which he shall not only reap my thanks but withall the benefit of that old Aphorism Blessed be the amending hand nam facile est recolere laboriosum condere For these twenty Years last past and upwards with all faithfulness I have endeavoured to serve you in my Office the chiefest point whereof consists in preserving the right of Orphans whose cause I have espoused and under your protection through some difficulties maintained wherein I have met with some Beasts here as St. Paul did at Ephesus in the shape of Men unreasonable unnatural and incredulous for the Apostle tells us that they who provide not for their own are worse then Infidels of some such kind of Men this place hath not been free who have seemingly denyed the Faith by preferring Strangers to their own Lineage Children and Posterity in the disposal of their Estate contrary both to the Law of God and Man for by the Custom of this City which is also used in London and both confirmed by sundry Acts of Parliament no Freeman his Debts and Funeral being first discharged can deprive his Children of one full third part of his personal estate by means of which Law I have recovered the right of some Orphans herein and in so doing my Conscience more then a thousand witnesses informs me that I have been still careful in the discharge of my Trust being constantly encouraged so to do through your exemplary rule of distributive Justice Sirs you have the sole propriety of and in these my labour 's and as absolute a power to dispose thereof as of the Authour who subscribes himself my Masters Your most humble Servant and Chamberlain Richard Izacke September 30. 1676. A MAPP OF the City of EXETER Figures of Reference 1 East gate 2 St. Laurence 3 The Castle 4 Corry lane 5 St. Lane Cross 6 St. Stephen 7 Bedford house 8 St. Peter 9 Bishops Pallace 10 Pallace gate 11 Trimly 12 Beare gate 13 St. Marys 14 Church yard 15 St. Petroks 16 High street 17 Guildhall 18 Alhallows 19 Gold smith street 20 St Paul 21 Paul Street 22 St Pancras 23 Waterbery street 24 North gate 25 North gate street 26 St. Karians 27 Cooke row 28 Bell hill 29 South gate street 30 South gate 31 Genny Street 32 St. Gregories 33 Milk lane 34 the Shambles 35 St. Olaues 36 St. Mary arche 37 Arches lane 38 St. Nicholas 39 St. Iohn 40 Fryer haye 41 Little Britaine 42 Alhallows 43 St. Marys steps 44 West gate 45 Smithen street 46 Idle lane 47 Prestern street 48 Rack Lane Prooemium Deo Patriae Tibi THis City is pleasantly seated upon a Hill among Hills saving towards the Sea where 't is pendant in such sort as that the Streets be they never so foul yet with one shower of Rain are again cleansed Nature her self seeming to be the chief Scavenger thereof very beautiful is the same in building and for considerable matters matchable to most Cities in England Quinque habet insignes Civitas Exonia portas Praeter sex alias famaeque notaeque minoris Dr. Vilvai● Exeter five Gates hath of chief Note and Name Besides six others of less Mark and Fame It hath five Gates and many Turrets whose compass measureth a mile and half having Suburbs extending a far distance in each quarter well watered it is likewise being full of Springs and hath certain Conduits which are nourished with Waters deducted from several Fountains near the said City and conveyed through Pipes of Lead under the ground into the same having likewise four special streets which all meet in the midst of the City corruptly called Carfoix but more properly Quater voy's which divideth the whole City into four Quarters In every of which there be sundry Streets and By-lanes particularly herein inserted Toward the East Quarter of the said City is a stately Cathedral Church dedicated to the honour of St. Peter within which Circuit before the Bishoprick was translated from Crediton hither were Three Religious Houses one of them was an house for Monks supposed to be Founded by King Etheldred Another was for Women commonly called Moniales or Nuns which is now the
pardoned the condemned persons 14. King Edward the Fourth by his Letters Patent bearing date the one and twentyeth day of July in the Third year of his Reign Anno Domini 1463. constituted nine Aldermen herein bestowed on the City Magdalen Fair All Felons Goods with many other Privileges and in the ninth year of his Reign Anno Domini 1469. was pleased in person to visit the said City who presented him a purse with one hundred nobles therein which the King kindly received Martin 's Chros 349. and at his departure gave them a Sword to be carried before the Mayor in all publick places within the said City yet do not I find the Office of a Sword-bearer conferred on any person until King Henry the Seventh's time 15. King Richard the Third taking likewise an occasion of visiting this City another purse with two hundred nobles therein was in like manner presented him as a Free Gift by the said City which the King kindly received and very much commended the good Government of this City 16. King Henry the Seventh in the thirteenth year of his Reign marching hither to suppress Perkin Warbeck whom having vanquished he entred the City and lodged here certain days in the Treasurers House of the Cathedral Church and adjoyning to the North Tower thereof he heartily thanked the Citizens for their faithful and valiant service done against the Rebels promised them the fulness of his favour and for an addition of honour to the said City gave them a Sword taken from his own side and also a Cap of Maintenance commanding that for the future in all publick places within the said City the same Sword should be born before the Mayor as formerly as for the like purpose his noble Predecessor King Edward the Fourth had done and the said Cap to be worn accordingly whereupon 2 Sword-bearer was elected and sworn to attend that Office 17. King Henry the Eighth in the nine and twentyeth year of his Reign by Charter made this City a County of it self and enlarged the bounds thereof which were afterwards confirmed by Act of Parliament wherein the Citizens had granted them freedom from Toll and Murage and withal to enjoy the same Customs with London in all things and also liberty to choose Sheriffs yearly with many other Immunities 18. King Edward the Sixth gave them in reward of their loyalty in the late Commotion and Rebellion the Mannor of Exiland without the West-gate of the said City and also renewed their Charter 19. Queen Elizabeth gave it this Motto semper fidelis confirmed their Liberties made the Mayor of the said City Escheator thereof and in the third year of her Reign Anno Domini 1561. granted them a Charter for Orphans which in her Fifth year was confirmed by Act of Parliament 21. King Charles the Second Anno Regni 23. coming down by Sea to view the new Citadel at Plymouth and taking this City in his way homeward by Land lodged here one night in the Dean's house and was very bountifully entertained at the sole charge of the City who presented him with five hundred pounds in Gold which his Majesty graciously received expressing much favour towards the said City and Knighted their Mayor Sir Benjamin Oliver His Majesties short abode herein hindred the Conduits from emptying an Hogshead of Wine which was provided for that purpose and afterwards disposed of to his Majesties service The King came hither on the Three and twentyeth day of July being Sunday about eight of the Clock in the Evening and went hence early the next morning about three of the Clock and rode that day to the Earl of Pembrook's house at Wilton to Bed and the next day returned to White-ball The City of London being yielded up to William the Conquerour he granted to the Citizens thereof a Charter written in the Saxon Tongue and therein ratified and confirmed all their ancient usages liberties and customs which Charter with certain new Grants were likewise confirmed to them by King Henry the First King Richard the Ewst and King John who gave them two Charters all which were so made unto them by the name of the Citizens of London without any mention made of a Mayor at which time London and so long before the Conquest was governed by two Port-Reeves that is to say Governours of the City and notwithstanding the many alterations made by the said William the Conqucrour from the Saxons to the Normans yet this name of Office still continued in the said City of London from the said Saxons time to the time of King Richard the First who in the first year of his Reign changed the name of Port Reeves into the name of Bailiffs by which name for as yet the name of a Mayor in that City was not in use they were called until the ninth year of King John Anno Domini 1209. as 't is affirmed in the Chronicles Fabian who was himself a Sheriff of London and by that means most likely to know the truth affirmeth that there was no Mayor of London until the tenth year of King John Anno Domini 1210. But rather in the sixteenth year of that King Grasion fol. 59. Anno Domini 1214. according to the date of the King's Letters Patent wherein he granted to the Citizens of London liberty to choose a Mayor yearly See the Charter who for the due execution of the said Office was to take his Corporal Oath before the King as appeareth by the said Letters Patent bearing date the ninth day of May in the sixteenth year aforesaid The City of Exeter being likewise yielded up to the said William the Conquerour he restored it again to the Citizens thereof to be governed by themselves as in times past and according to their ancient usages and Customes which was also by Charter confirmed unto them by King Henry the First the words of the said Grant being to the Citizens of Exeter which was afterwards ratified by King Henry the Second King Richard the First and then King John by his Letters Patent bearing date the fifteenth day of June in the second year of his Reign confirmed the same by the name of the Mayor and Citizens of Exeter whereby it appeareth that in the beginning of King John's Reign there was a Mayor in Exeter but when and by what King this Officer was first Instituted and Ordained non constat The Liberties to them granted were for the most part the like that London had so upon the whole 't is evident that London had no Mayor in diverse years after Exeter Thus much for good order and methods sake I held fit to be here inserted and the rather in regard it could not elsewhere be so properly related The consideration of the whole cannot but add splendour to this honourable City which not much unlike Jerusalem the Hills stand almost round about May the same become a Jerusalem indeed a City of Peace within it self may Schism and Faction commonly the
aforesaid when time requireth 2. To attend on the Mayor's person for his safety and the worship of the City The First person Elected into the said Office was Recorders THe Recorder is an Office of later Institution then the Mayor for as it seems by the course of the Records some one of the Officers was of ability to direct the Court according to the Laws of the Land and Customs of the said City but at length matters in Law encreasing by good advice 't was held expedient that a Learned Man should be chosen to be always attendant upon the Court and Chamber of this City to direct them in all matters of difficulty according to Law whereon an Act was made that a Recorder should be here chosen yearly as the Mayor and other Officers are and then was Elected accordingly being the first Recorder of the said City 1. John Weeks Esquire 28 Edward 3.1354 2. John Hull Esquire 3 Richard 2.1379 3. William Wynard Esquire 6 Henry 4.1404 4. Nicholas Radford Esquire 32 Henry 6.1453 5. John Moor Esquire 33 Henry 6.1454 6. Thomas Dowrish Esquire 8 Edward 4.1468 7. William Huttesfold Esquire afterwards made the King's Solicitor and then surrendred this Office 19 Edward 4. 1479. 8. Thomas Hext Esquire 22 Edward 4.1482 9. William Burgoyn Esquire 11 Henry 7.1496 10. Roger Holland Esquire 13 Henry 7.1498 11. Sir Thomas Dennys Knight 5 Henry 8.1513 12. John Harris Esquire Serjeant at Law 36 Henry 8.1544 13. Lewes Pollard Esquire 2 Edward 6.1548 14. Edmund Stuer Esquire 2 Mariae 1554. 15. John Charles Esquire 6 Mariae 1558. 16. Jeffery Tothill Esquire 5 Elizabeth 1563. 17. Sir Robert Dennys Knight 16 Elizebeth 1574 Surrendred this Office 18. Edward Drew Esquire Serjeant at Law 34 Elizabeth 1592. Afterwards chosen Recorder of London and then surrendred this Office 19. John Hele Esquire Serjeant at Law 35 Elizabeth 1593. Surrendred the Office 20. William Martin Esquire 3 Jacobi 1605. 21. Nicholas Duck Esquire 15 Jacobi 1617. 22. Richard Waltham Esquire 4 Caroli 1.1628 23. Peter Ball Esquire 8 Caroli 1.1632 Afterwards made the Queens Solicitor then her Attorney and Knighted in the late Civil War for his Loyatly sequestred 24. Edmond Prydeaux Esquire 19 Caroli 1.1648 Surrendred the Office 25. Thomas Bampfield Esquire 6 Caroli 2.1654 Surrendred the Office and made a voluntary restitution of the profits of the said Office to the Poor 26. Sir Peter Ball Knight Restored 12 Caroli 2.1660 Surrendred the Office 27. Sir Thomas Carew Knight 28 Caroli 2.1676 Sheriffs THe sheriff is an ancient Officer in this Realm to whose care the King commits the custody of the County In sundry particulars this City was formerly under the Power and Jurisdiction of the Sheriff of Devon and so continued until the nine and twentyeth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth Annoque Domini 1537. who then in much favour hereunto was pleased to make this City a County of it self and distinct from the County of Devon And albeit the Authority Office and Jurisdiction of the Sheriffs within their several limits do agree yet by Charter the yearly nomination and Election of the Sheriffs within this City and County of the same is referred to the Mayor and four and twenty of the Common Council of the said City before whom after the Sheriffs are so clected being the Monday after the Feast of St. Michael Th' Arch-angel yearly they take their Corporal Oaths for the due execution of their said Offices in the open Court The first Elected into the said Office was Henry the Eighth 29. 1537. William Burgoyn 30. 1538. William Buckenam 31. 1539. Robert Tooker 32. 1540. William Hurst 33. 1541. John Midwinter 34. 1542. Thomas Prestwood 35. 1543. John Woolcott 36. 1544. John Waye and John Helmer 37. 1545. John Maynards 38. 1546. Nicholas Lymett Edward the Sixth 1. 1547. John Tuckfield 2. 1548. John Drake 3. 1549. William Tothill 4. 1550. William Smith 5. 1551. John Hurst 6. 1552. Moris Levermore Mary 1. 1553. John Peryam 2. 1554. Walter Staplchill 3. 1555. Griffith Amerideth 4. 1556. John Peter 5. 1557. Robert Midwinter 6. 1558. John Blackall Elizabeth 1. 1559. Richard Prestwood 2. 1560. Thomas Richardson 3. 1561. John Dyer 4. 1562. Hugh Pope 5. 1563. Edward Bridgman 6. 1564. Thomas Richardson 7. 1565. John Smith 8. 1566. Robert Chaff 9. 1567. Edward Lymett 10. 1568. Richard Hellyar 11. 1569. Simon Knight 12. 1570. Thomas Bruerton 13. 1571. William Trivett 14. 1572. Nicholas Martin 15. 1573. Thomas Prestwood 16. 1574. George Per●yman 17. 1575. John Po●e 18. 1576. Richard Prowse 19. 1577. Thomas Martin 20. 1578. Henry Ellicott 21 1579. Jeffery Thomas 22. 1580. Thomas Reymond 23. 1581. John Davy 24. 1582. John Peryam 25. 1583. George Smith 26. 1584. William Martin 27. 1585. John Levermore 28. 1586. Thomas Chappell 29. 1587. Nicholas Spicer 30. 1588. Philip Yard 31. 1589. Thomas Spicer 32. 1590. John Chappell 33. 1591. Richard Beavys 34. 1592. John Howell 35. 1593. Thomas Walker 36. 1594. Henry Hull 37. 1595. Christopher Spicer 38. 1596. Richard Do●ch●ster 39. 1597. Alexander Mayn 40. 1598. William Spicer 41. 1599. John Prowse 42. 1600. Thomas Edwards 43. 1601. John Ellicott 44. 1602. Walter Borough James 1. 1603. Hugh Crossing 2. 1604. Alexander Germyn 3. 1605. William Newcomb 4. 1606. John Lant 5. 1607. Jeffery Waltham 6. 1608. Robert Parr 7. 1609. John Marshall 8. 1610. John Sheer 9. 1611. Ignatius Jurdain 10. 1612. Thomas Martin 11. 1613. John Modyford 12. 1614. John Gupwill 13. 1615. Thomas Crossing 14. 1616. John Tayler 15. 1617. Thomas Amy. 16. 1618. Peter Collaton 17. 1619. John Acland 18. 1620. George Pyle 19. 1621. John Lynn 20. 1622. Thomas Wakeman 21. 1623. John Jurdain 22. 1624. Nicholas Spicer Charles the First 1. 1625. Thomas Flay 2. 1626. Nicholas Martin 3. 1627. John Hakewill 4. 1628. Gilbert Sweet 5. 1629. Francis Crossing 6. 1630. Adam Bennett 7. 1631. Roger Mallock 8. 1632. John Crocker 9. 1633. James Tucker 10. 1634. Robert Walker 11. 1635. John Hayn 12. 1636. John Penny 13. 1637. Richard Saunders 14. 1638. Thomas Tooker 15. 1639. Christopher Clark 16. 1640. Henry Battishill 17. 1641. Walter White 18. 1642. James Gould 19. 1643. John Cupper 20. 1644. Richard Yeo. 21. 1645. John Martin 22. 1646. Ralph Herman 23. 1647. Richard Crossing 24. 1648. Nicholas Broking Charles the Second 1. 1649. Francis Lipping cutt 2. 1650. Richard Sweet 3. 1651. James Pearse 4. 1652. James Marshall 5. 1653. Thomas Ford. 6. 1654. Christopher Clarke 7. 1655. Christopher Lethbridg 8. 1656. Bernard Bartlett 9. 1657. Henry Prigg 10. 1658. Henry Gandy 11. 1659. Walter Deel●e 12. 1660. William Bruen 13. 1661. Nicholas ●sacke 14. 1662. John Acland 15. 1663. Isaac Mawditt and Stephen Olivean 16. 1664. Thomas Walker 17. 1665. George Tuthill 18. 1666. Peter Hagedot 19. 1667. James Slade 20. 1668. Benjamin Oliver 21. 1669. William Sanford 22. 1670. Isaac Mawditt 23. 1671. Christopher Brodridg 24. 1672. John Parr 25. 1673. John Collins 26. 1674. William Gy de Junior 27.
Six and Thirty persons but since by King Henry the Seventh they are reduced to the number of Four and Twenty as appears by his Charter dated 10. Julii 13. Regni Anno Domini 1498. William the Conqueror being possessed of this City upon the Inhabitants submission restored it to them again with the Ancient Liberties thereof reserving to himself their Allegiance and an Annual Rent for the Fee-Farm thereof and afterwards 't was by Charter incorporated and made one Fellowship or Body politick whose appellation hath since been various and mutable as 1. By the name of Mayor and Citizens 2. By the name of Mayor Bayliffs and Citizens and 3. Lastly By the name of Mayor Bayliffs and Commonalty Regna Regum 3. Joh. An. D. 1201. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford Thomas Erming Jeffery Wayland The nature and form of a Forrain Attachment acccording to the Ancient Custom of this City is in this manner viz B. being indebted to A. and C. to B. A. brings his Action of Debt against B. by vertue of which Plaint one of the Serjeants at Mace of the said City being a sworn Officer of the Court attacheth either money or goods in the hands of C. as the goods of B. whereof he makes a true return at the next Court accordingly where the said plaint is called and the Defendant four Court days following publickly demanded in all which time he hath liberty to come in and avoid the said Attachment by putting in Bayl to the said Action but if the Defendant appear not then a scire facias is awarded by the Court against C. who being served therewith by the said Serjeant and return thereof made by him at the next Court where if C. makes default of his appearance his neglect will be taken and recorded pro confesso and Judgment will be pronounced against him and if he appears his Oath as to part or the whole debt will be his purgation and when Judgment is entred for the Plaintiff before the said goods shall be delivered out of the Court to him he must first of all swear the truth of his said debt and also bring in two sufficient pledges to become bayl for him each of them in the sum recovered on this condition That if the said Defendant disprove the foresaid debt within a year and a day then next ensuing here in Court that then the said Plaintiff shall make restitution of the debt so recovered as aforesaid or they will do it for him Regna Regum 4. Joh. An. D. 1202. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford Abraham Ayloff Richard Perkins Regna Regum 5. Joh. An. D. 1203. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford Thomas Nevil Aldred Skinner Henry Marshal having well governed this Church as Bishop thereof above twelve years space this year died who purchased the Patronage and Lordship of Woodbury of one Albemarly and freely gave the same to the Vicars Choral of his Church towards their better maintenance and livelihood In the Northside of the Quire of his own Church under a very fair Tomb he lies interred with his Effigies at length pourtrayed thereon with a Crosier in his hand and all done in Grey Marble Regna Regum 6. Joh. An. D. 1204. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford William Robins William Legrave Regna Regum 7. Joh. An. D. 1205. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford John Mellifluen Walter Delve Regna Regum 8. Joh. An. D. 1206. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford Henry Jennings George Spelman Simond d' Apulia an Italian born was this year on the twelfth day of December installed Bishop of this Diocess Regna Regum 9. Joh. An. D. 1207. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Rifford Stephen Weildy John Fitz-Henry Regna Regum 10. Joh. An. D. 1208. Mayors and Bayliffs John Fitz-Robert Adam Lyford Thomas Gyllam Regna Regum 11. Joh. An. D. 1209. Mayors and Bayliffs John Fitz-Robert Walter Delve Philip Dyer The Ancient Custom of this City is tha● when the Defendant is arrested and the Plaintiff nonsuited he ought to pay the costs thereof before he commenceth against the same Defendant another Action of the like nature Regna Regum 12. Joh. An. D. 1210. Mayors and Bayliffs John Fitz-Robert Richard Kerswel Henry A●wood Regna Regum 13. Joh. An. D. 1211. Mayors and Bayliffs John Fitz-Robert John Thurland William Rugg About this time flourished one Joseph Iscanus or Joseph of Exeter so named in regard of his birth in this place or as some say being a Minister or Priest in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter here and was afterwards made Archbishop of Burdeaux in France he was very well learned in all good Letters but especially in Poetry and for his excellency in the Greek and Latin Tongues he was held famous Regna Regum 14. Joh. An. D. 1212. Mayors and Bayliffs John Fitz-Robert Richard Forester Andrew Thring Alexander Nequam alias Neckam Prior of St. Nicholas within this City and ● Canon Residentiary of this Church a famous Scholar at this time likewise here flourished who was learned in Philosophy Poetry Oratory and Theology whereby he obtained a glorious name even to be called ingenii miraculum the miracle of wit between whom and Philip Repington Bishop of Lincoln on their respective names there passes some wit the latter of them sending the Challeng scil Et niger nequam cùm sis cognomine nequam Nigrior esse potes nequior esse nequis Both black bad whil'st bad the name to thee Blacker thou mayst but worst thou canst not be To whom Nequam thus replied Phi nota foetoris lippus malus omnibus horis Phi malus lippus totus malus ergo Philippus Stinks are branded with a Phi lippus Latinè for blear eye Phi and lippus bad is either then Philippus worse together Upon whose Sepulcher were inscribed these barbarous Verses Eclipsin patitur sapientia Sol sepulitur Cui si par unus minus esset flebile funus Vir bene discretus in omni more facetus Dictus erat nequam vitam duxit tamen aequam Thus translated Wisdom's eclips'd sky of the Sun bereft Yet less the loss if like alive were left A man discreet in manners debonair ' Bad name black face but carriage good fair Regna Regum 15. Joh. An. D. 1213. Mayors and Bayliffs William Blondy Henry Milton John Treby Regna Regum 16. Joh. An. D. 1214. Mayors and Bayliffs William Blondy William Might John Molton Regna Regum 17. Joh. An. D. 1215. Mayors and Bayliffs William Blondy Roger Needham Walter Bender Regna Regum 18. Joh. An. D. 1216. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Turbert Lawrence Elkin Richard Falson Regna Regum 1. Henry the 3. An. D. 1217. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Fitz. Henry William Green Thomas Courtys King John being deceased Henry his eldest Son being of the age of nine years was proclaimed and crowned King at Glocester 28. October Regna Regum 2. Henry the 3. An. D. 1218. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Gervis Philip Dyrling Martin Le●kinn Regna Regum 3. Henry the
purchased so much Lands as every of them had yearly four pounds some say three pounds and twelve shillings de claro pro pane sale which afterwards in Bishop Gauden's time was increased to twenty pounds 2 piece scil 12. Caroli Secundi Annoque Domini 1660. The King Confirmed the Charter and Liberties of the City Regna Regum 21. Henry the 3. An. D. 1237. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Jeffry Strange Thomas Pitcher The King marrieth the Lady Elianor Daughter to the Earl of Provence Regna Regum 22. Henry the 3. An. D. 1238. Mayors and Bayliffs Martyn Roff Walter Chanon Philip Palmer All Bishops in England had Palaces in London for their conveniency wherein they resided and kept great hospitality during their attendance in Parliament there A Subsidy of the thirtieth part of every man's goods within this City granted to the King Regna Regum 23. Henry the 3. An. D. 1239. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Gervis John Bushett John Okeston Here happened a continual drowth for three moneths space and then a continual rain for the like time after which followed a great dearth and mortality Regna Regum 24. Henry the 3. An. D. 1240. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Thomas Pitcher Walter Molton The Cell of St. Alexis which was the house afterwards termed St. Buryans being a place of and for two Monks was now removed and united to St John's Hospital within the Eastgate of the said City Regna Regum 25. Henry the 3. An. D. 1241. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Thomas Pitcher Walter Molton Regna Regum 26. Henry the 3. An. D. 1242. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Philip Dyer Thomas le Pointou Regna Regum 27. Henry the 3. An. D. 1243. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Philip Dyer Walter Molton Regna Regum 28. Henry the 3. An. D. 1244. Mayors and Bayliffs Adam Rifford Philip Dyer Walter Okeston A permutation made between the Mayor and Citizens hereof Founders of the Hospital of St. John's within the Eastgate of the said City and the Bishop of this Church Founder of the Lazar-house of St. Mary Magdalen without the Southgate of the said City the cause of which exchange was this the Lazar people did upon every Market day come into the Market with a Clap-dish and went from one person to another to beg Corn and all other Victuals there brought to be sold which liberty they claimed by the grant of Bishop Bartholomew Iscanus who by his Deed dated 13. Februar 1163. granted to the said sick people a Toll of all Corn and Bread sold in the several Markets and Fairs of this City also that they should collect the Citizens Alms on certain days of the week The poor people having received these the Bishops blessings came into the said Markets accordingly with their Clap-dishes demanding the said Toll but the people having not been acquainted with any such Custom and withal not brooking such ugly faces nor the intruding of such sick folk amongst them some gave them rough speeches others shunned their company and the rest forbad them of the said Marker insomuch that the Alms-people found there little relief wherewith the Bishop was much grieved which to allay this permutation was made that the Bishop and his Successors should from thenceforth be Patrons of St. John's Hospital and the Mayor and Citizens should be Patrons of St. Mary Magdalen's Hospital aforesaid which was observed accordingly Bishop Brewer having well governed this Church nineteen years and upwards 24. Julii died and lies buried in the middle of the Quire of his own Church under a very fair Marble-stone thus inscribed Hic jacet Willielmus Brewer quondam hujus Ecclesiae Cathedralis Episcopus Fundator etiam quatuor principalium ejusdem Ecclesiae dignitatum Regna Regum 29. Henry the 3. An. D. 1245. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Robert Molton Robert Spew Richard Blondy was 28. Martii Consecrated Bishop of this Diocess by Boneface Archbishop of Canterbury at Reading Regna Regum 30 Henry the 3. An. D. 1246. Mayors and Bayliffs Adam Rifford John Okeston Philip Dyer Regna Regum 31. Henry the 3. An. D. 1247. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Baldwin Child Walter Okeston The Earl of Cornwal for avoiding to intermeddle with the differences between the King and his Barons leaving the Court and to be out of the way retireth himself into this City Regna Regum 32. Henry the 3. An. D. 1248. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Hastment Walter Good Hilary White A long controversie depending in Suit of Law between the Mayor and Citizens hereof Plaintiffs and the Dean and Chapter Defendants touching the Fee and Liberties of St. Sydwelis without the Eastgate of the said City was now ended by composition made at Lanceston before Richard Earl of Cornwal Richard Bishop of Exeter Roger Tinkelby Gilbert Preston and John Cobham the King's Justices of Assizes as followeth 1. The Tenants of the Dean and Chapter dwelling within the City and Suburbs of the same and who do occupy any Art Trade or Mystery shall at all Taxes and Tallages be taxed and assessed with the Citizens so that the said Taxation be just and indifferent 2. Also that the Bayliff of the said Dean and Chapter shall levy gather and receive the said Tax and pay it over unto the Mayor of the said City or to his Officers but if the said Bayliff be remiss and negligent then the Officers of the Mayor shall and may levy and collect the same 3. Also that an indifferent man shall be chosen by each Party to be the Common Bayliff for them both who on his Oath shall yearly gather and from time to time collect of all the said Dean and Chapter 's Tenants the Customs of Bagavell Bathuga●ell and and Chippingavell 4. Also that all Plaints entred against any of the Dean and Chapter 's Tenants within the said City shall be tried and determined before the Mayor and Bayliffs 5. Also that all Plaints entred against any of the Dean and Chapter 's Tenants dwelling within the Fee of St. Sydwells shall be determined before the Bayliff thereof Also if any of the Tenants of the said Dean and Chapter being Bakers or Brewers are to be punished for breach of the Assize in the Pillory or Tumbrel the same on the request to the Mayor to be done within the City 7. Also all Pleas of the Crown to be determined before the Mayor Lastly All Traytors Murderers and Felons that shall be found within the said Fee to be apprehended by the Bayliff and by him to be brought and delivered over to the Mayor Regna Regum 33. Henry the 3. An. D. 1249. Mayors and Bayliffs Martin Roff Philip Dyer Walter Okeston At this time flourished one Richard Fishacre a Native of this City and an excellent Scholar who professed Divinity and wrote sundry Books thereof he lived the greatest part of his time died and was buried in the Vniversity of Oxford Regna Regum 34. Henry the 3. An. D. 1250. Mayors and Bayliffs Adam
Chattels whatsoever even in like manner as it is used and accustomed in London Regna Regum 19. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1291. Mayors and Bayliffs John Zouch William Gatepath John Rook. William Kerswell William Buffett Regna Regum 20. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1292. Mayors and Bayliffs William Gatepath William Kerswell Henry Goldecot William Well Richard Montin Bishop Quivell in the Eleventh year of his Government 18. Octobris by drinking a Syrup and in too hasty swallowing it was choaked and lies buried in the Lady Chappel of his own Church The Franciscan or Grey Fryers reported that he died of God's just Judgment for that he favoured not nor would suffer them to build their new intended House notwithstanding his promise made to the King of so doing This Mayor with Richard Poltymore Herbert de Pyne and William le Speke Knights were witnesses to a Deed of one Ongarus de Sancto Milone a Citizen hereof wherein he gave to the Dean and Chapter of this Church his Wood at Stoke called Stoke-Wood and united the same to their Mannor of Stoke now commonly called Stoke Canonicorum Regna Regum 21. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1293. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Tantifer John Feniton John Cook Alexander Coryton Robert Newton Thomas Bitton 15. Januarii was installed Bishop of this Diocess the See of Canterbury being void by John Roman Arch. Bishop of York Hugh Courtney the second of that name was now made Earl of Devon as Heir General to the Lord Ridevers late Earl of Devon that is to say the Son of Hugh the Son of John the Son of Robert and Mary the Daughter and Heir to William Ridevers named William de Verona the Son to Baldwyn the First the Son to Richard Ridevers the first Earl of Devon so created by King Henry the First Son to William the Conqueror Regna Regum 22. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1294. Mayors and Bayliffs John Zouch Walter Langdon John Rook William Buffett John Horn Modus forma processus quomodo Meretrices infra Civitatem praedictam sunt attachiandae Rot. 15. Regna Regum 23. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1295. Mayors and Bayliffs John Zouch Walter Langdon William Kerswell William Buffett Roger Wheaton Customia pro vinis solebat reddi de antiquo pro singulo dolio 4 d. Rot. 31. Regna Regum 24. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1296. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Tantifer Walter Langdon William Kerswell Robert Newton Roger Wheaton Consuetudo est quod viginti quatuor de Communi Concilio dictae Civitatis elegi debent solebant per consensum majoris partis dictae societatis Regna Regum 25. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1297. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Tantifer Walter Langdon Robert Newton William Kerswell Henry Trecott The King came into the County of Devon and visited the House of Plimpton and took this City in the way of his return homewards A Composition made between the City and the Dean and Chapter for a Lane leading to the City-walls between St. Catharques Almes-house and the Black Fryars now the Earl of Bedford's house Regna Regum 26. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1299. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Tantifer William Buffett William Kerswell Roger Wheaton Nicholas Paige It was now found by Verdict that as the Lands within this City of a Freeman descend to any person so by the Custom the Freedom of he said City descendeth therewith Regna Regum 27. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1299. Mayors and Bayliffs John Horn Nicholas Paige Roger Beynim Robert Newton Stephen Bennant Inquisitio capta fuit versus maritum pro eo quod verberavit male tractaverit uxorem unde commissus fuit Goale Rot. 23. Major Communitas consituere solebant Custodes de in Portu Exonicensi ad scrutandum in navibus batellis alibi ne aliquis monetum argentum vel aurum extra Regnum transvehat Rot. 26. Libertas seu Franchesia Civitatis Exoniensis descendit per successionem haereditariam sive ●i Patre Fratre vel Avunculo vel quocunque alio cui quis haeres existis Rot 36. Regna Regum 28. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1300. Mayors and Bayliffs William Gatepatb John Paige Jordan Atlane Robert Newton John Perour Edmond Earl of Cornwal died sans issue whereby the Earldom reverted again to the Crown and came to the King's hands Regna Regum 29. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1301. Mayors and Bayliffs William Tantifer Stephen Langdon William Kerswell John Gervis Roger Beynim The Mayor of this City was this year chosen by the Voyces of four and twenty Free-men and Citizens hereof upon their Oaths Rot. 1. Great contention arose between the Dean and Chapter of this Churth and the Warden and Fryers Preachers commonly called the Black Fryers touching the Burial of Sir Henry Rawley Knight whose Corps the Dean and Chapter required to be presented at St. Peter's Church before it should be interred which the said Fryers refusing to do yet the Dean and Chapter caused it there to be brought where the same being presented 't was sent back again to the Fryer's house which they would not receive therein but made fast their Gate by means whereof the said Corps lay so long unburied 'till it stank and at last the Canons were enforced to bury it in St. Peter's Church Regna Regum 30. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1302. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Beynim Roger Newton Walter Duport Thomas Farthein Michael Champernon An Agreement made between the Dean and Chapter and the Pryor and Fryers Preachers That no person within the said City and Suburbs should be buried within the Church or Cemitery of the said Fryers but that he should first be presented at St. Peter's Church Rot. 16. A great contention arose between the Mayor and Commonalty of this City and the Tenants of the Lord of Kenton and Wyke Earl Marshal of England for denying to pay Murage for their Wares and Merchandizes Rot. 13. About this time flourished one Walter of Exeter so named being here born who was a Monk of the Order of St. Bennet and dwelt in a little Cell in Cornwal called St. Caroke near about Lystithiel he was well seen in History and at the request of one Baldwyn a Citizen here wrote the History of Guy of Warwick Regna Regum 31. Edw. the 1. An. D. 1303. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Wheaton Walter Langdon William Kerswell William Buffett Henry Trecott A Controversie arose between the Mayor and Commonalty and the Tenants of Kenton touching certain Attachments made upon the River of Exe. The like difference arose between the Tenants of Kenton against the Inhabitants of Limston and Prattishead Rot. 18. Sundry persons breaking ground in Croll ditch for standings before the time appointed for Lammas Fair were all attached to answer the Mayor and Commonalty for the same Rot. 42. Consuetudo in Civitate Exoniensi est approbata quod liceat unicuique Civi infra eandem Civitatem omnia Tenementa quae in eadem Civitate habuerit aut perquisiverit in
thus The said Earl on a certain Market day sent his Cator hither to buy Fish at which time there were only three pots of Fish in the Market the Bishop's Cator likewise came and both of them thinking the whole to be too little for either of them were at some strife thereabout The Mayor on his part minding the welfare of the Commons of the said City and that they also might have the benefit of the said Market did decide this controversie and delivered one pot of the said Fish to the Earl's Cator another of them to the Bishop's Cator and the third he here reserved for the Market The Earl being advertised hereof thought himself much wronged by the Mayor in not having all the Fish and was much displeased thereat and threatned to be revenged on him and shortly thereafter coming hither sent to the Mayor to come to him unto whom it seemed the Mayor was a retainer and the Mayor being advertised of the Earls displeasure and well knowing him to be of a cholerick disposition calleth together his Brethren and honest Commons of the said City to the Guild-hall unto whom he declareth the Earls displeasure with him and the cause and that he was now going to him and desired them to accompany him thither and to afford him their succour if need so required which they readily promised Then said the Mayor my Masters I know the Earl will quarrel with me and as he hath threatned so will he be avenged on me and for as much as his displeasure is against me for the Citie 's interest and by discharging the duty of my Office I am to crave your assistance in case the Earl should offer me any violence After these and the like Speeches they went to the Earl's House and into his Lodging Chamber the Mayor was brought and the door closed on him The Earl storms at the Mayor none of whose answers would satisfie the Earl which the Mayor perceiving took off an outer Coat he then wore it being the Earl's Livery and delivered it to him again whereat the Earl fell into greater passion and th● Commons attending at the Door doubting of the Mayor's safery knocked at the said door and demanded their Mayor which being after sundry requests denied they attempted to break open the same which the Earl apprehending and doubting what might ensue thereon intreated the Mayor to pacifie the People which was soon done and so peaceably they all returned And albeit the Earl then to avoid the fury of the People seemed pacified yet could he never thereafter shew a good countenance towards this City whereupon an Ordinance was made by the Mayor and Common Council that no Franchised man of this City should wear any Foreigners Livery Cognizance or Badge without the Mayor's License and inserted the same in the Freeman's Oath which is to this day observed Regna Regum 4. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1310. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Tantifer Walter Langdon Peter Zouch Peter Lovecock Walter Lekenn Regna Regum 5. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1311. Mayors and Bayliffs Waltor Langdon William Duport John Perour Adam Dyer Thomas Farthein The said Hugh Courteney Earl of Devon in his high displeasure against this City maliciously destroyed the Haven belonging thereunto or an Arm of the Sea coming up from Topisham to the Walls of the said City whereupon sundry Bills of Complaint were exhibited against him to the King and divers Inquisitions thereon taken but no redress could be had Might at that time so much overcoming Right Regna Regum 6. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1312. Mayors and Bayliffs William Gatepath Philip Lovecock William Kerswell William Farthein John Smalecomb The King in his Writ named the Mayor and Bayliffs of this City Justices of his Peace About this time flourished one Godfrey of Cornwal who proceeded Doctor in Divinity both at Oxford and also at Paris in France he was a Prebendary of this Church and did much service in both these Vniversities he was very skilful in Aristotle and in the Master of the Sentences wherein he was more affected and experienced then in the Scriptures and better acquainted with the making of a subtile Syllogisme than in the explaining of the Text he wrote sundry Books about the number of Thirty Regna Regum 7. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1313. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Beynim Thomas Farthein Philip Lovecock William Kerswell John Perour The ancient Custom of this City touching the admission of any Person to the Freedom and Liberties of the same 1. First the Mayor of the said City of his own free guise may admit any one person to the said Liberties 2. Also the Court may admit another person to the Liberties at their will and pleasure 3. Also the Heir of any Franchized man may by his Patrimony claim his Freedom whether the Inheritance descends from the Grandfather Father Vncle Brother or any other person being Freeman of the said City by and under whom he derives any Estate of Inheritance 4. Also all such as have served as Apprentices under any Franchized man for seven years space at the request of the Master upon the testimony of the truth thereof that he truly served out his said time are to be admitted Freemen paying the usual Fees of the Court viz. To the Mayor 1 s. 8 d. To the Recorder 1 s. 4 d. To the Townclark   8 d. To the Camberlain   8 d. To the four Bayliffs 8 d. a piece 2 s. 8 d. To the Swordbearer   4 d. To the four Serjeants at Mace 4 d. a piece 1 s. 4 d. To the Poor of the Mawdlin   1 d. For Inrolment of the Apprentices Indentures 1 s. 0 d.   9 s. 9 d. 5. Lastly all other persons are to be admitted by way of Redemption and by such reasonable Fines as the Mayor and Common Council of the said City shall set on them All which do thus appear in the course of the Court Rolls in the several Reigns of this King King Edward the Third King Richard the Second c. Regna Regum 8. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1314. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Beynim Richard Soller Michael Skinner Richard Lekenn John Davy Regna Regum 9. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1315. Mayors and Bayliffs Philip Lovecock Thomas Farthein Richard Seller Ralph Dyer Matthew Capper Consuctudo recepta est usitata in Civitate Exoniensi quod si mulier ù viro suo decesserit ut adultera vixerit in Adulterio neque dotem habebit neque ulla actione uti debet pro eadem Rot. 50. Which well agrees with the Common Law according to this Distich Sponte virum mulier fugiens adultera facta Dote suâ careat nisi sponsi sponte retracta Regna Regum 10. Edw. the 2. An. D. 1316. Mayors and Bayliffs Philip Lovecock Nicholas Torand John Tredeyners John Buffeit John Davy The displeasure of the foresaid Earl of Devon being grown into anger and from thence to an extreme hatred and revenge he
tenendum Curiam sive Curias-dictae Civitatis quoties me ab eisdem abesse contigerit ad faciendum omnia alia in dicta Civitate Curia quae ego facerem si personaliter interessem In cujus rei testimonium has literas patentes sigillo Officii Majoratûs ficri feci Sigillatum datum Exoniae praedicto decim● septimo die mensis Martii Anno Regni Regis Edvardi tertii à conquestu octavo This Martin Lekenn 18. Martii died in his Mayoralty and Thomas Lichfield was elected Mayor to supply for the residue of this year that Office Regna Regum 9. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1335. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hughton Robert Pleigh Thomas Furbor William Lydeland Alexander Wallis Custos Magister domus beatae Mariae Magdalenae extra portam Australem Civitatis Exoniensis tulerunt glebam pro redditu exeunte de quodam gardino extra portam ori●ntalem Civitatis praedictae vocato Morley Shulteshay jacente inter gardinum Willielmi Tantifer Richardi Russell haec Consuetud● vocata Gleba Adjudicatum fuit Decano Capitulo beati Petri Exoniensis quoddam Tenementum sc●tuatum is vico Australi Civitatis Exoniensis secundum Consuetudinem Civitatis praedictae dicitur Shortford Decanus Capitulum beati Petri Exoniensis recuperaverunt seisinam unius Tenementi in Parochia Sanctae Sativole extra portam orientalem dictae Civitatis secumdum consuetudinem esusdem Civitatis dicitur Gavelock Regna Regum 10. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1336. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hughton Thomas Furbor John Coles William Shillingford John Colebrook The King in Parliament holden at Westminster made a Dutchy of the Earldom of Cornwal and gave the same to his eldest Son Prince Edward surnamed the Black Prince from his dreadful acts and sent his Letters thereof to the Mayor by the name of the Mayor of his Honourable City of Exeter and also sent a Writ for the proclaiming thereof and withal made this City parcel of the said Dutchy as formerly it was of the Earldom This City being now held of the said Duke as parcel of the said Dutchy by the Fee Farm Rent of twenty pounds per Annum Regna Regum 11. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1337. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Gervis Rober Noble Richard Pleigh John Newton John Davy Bishop Grandison Founded and built the Colledge and Church of O●tcry St Mary in the County of Devon and endowed the same with great Livelihoods He was also a liberal Benefactor to the Vicars Choral of his own Church Regna Regum 12. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1338. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Haughton Nicholas Godescott Richard Pleigh Thomas Furbor John Davy Consuctudo in Civitate Exoniensi est quod nothus non gaudebit privilegio ullo pariter cum legitimis which well agrees with a rule in Law Qui ex damnato coitu nascuntur inter liberos non computentur Regna Regum 13. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1339. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Lichfield Robert Bridport John Cook John Newton Roger Wythom Fines for the Conveyance of Lands or Rents were now usually levied within this City whereof I here thought good to instance one or two instead of many viz. Haec est finalis Concordia facta inter Johanem Carpenter quaerentem Robertum Cottrell Defensorem de duabus acris terrae jacentibus in suburbiis extra portam orientalem Civitatis Exoniensis Haec est finalis Concordiae facta inter Robertum Br●dworthy quaerentem Walteram d● Swemthull Matildam uxorem ej●● defensorem de uno Messuagio jacente in summo vico Civitatis Exoniensis Regna Regum 14. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1340. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hughton Robert Bridport Thomas Furbor Richard Pleigh Richard Halberton I held it likewise requisit to set down how ancient the Inrolment of Deeds hath here been and thereof only to give you a like precedent or two viz. Irrotulatur Charta Willielmi Leigh facta Thomae Robin de uno Messuagio jacent infra Parochiam d●●i Stephani Civitatis● Exoniensis Irrotulatur Charta Rogeri Shillingford facta Waltero Hugthon de uno M●ssuagio ●acente extra portam occidentalem Civitatis praedictae Regna Regum 15. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1341. Mayors and Bayliffs Hanry Hughton Reynold Wythen Thomas Furbor Richard Pleigh John Sutton The ancient Custom of this City is when the Chief Lord in Fee cannot be answered of the rent due to him out of his Tenement and no distress can be there levied for the same The Lord must come to the Tenement and there take a stone or some other dead thing of the said Tenement and bring the same to the Court at the Guildhall held before the Mayor and Bayliffs and thus must he do seven quarter days successively And this is called Aglebe And if on the said seventh quarter day the Lord be not satisfied of his rent and arrears then the said Tenement shall be adjudged to the said Lord To hold the same a year and a day And this is called Gavelock And then forthwith Proclamation shall be openly made in the Court That if any man pretends any Title to the said Tenement that he appear within the year and day then next following and satisfie the Lord of the said rent and arrears but if no appearance be made and the rent not paid Then shall the Lord come again to the said Court and pray that according to the said Custom the said Tenement be adjudged to him in his Demesh as of Fee according to the intention of the Law in such like cases which is commonly called le cessavit per biennium And this Custom here is called Shortford and in French Foreclose And so the Lord shall have from thenceforth the said Tenement with the appurtenances in Fee to him and his Heirs for ever Regna Regum 16. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1342. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Furbor Robert Bradworthy Nicholas Halberton Nicholas Godescott Walter White Bishop Grandison with others by order of Parliament Were sent over as Embassadors to the Pope touching a Treaty of Peace and afterwards concluded between England and France Nemo infra aetatem viginti unius Annorum existens potest ullo modo terras seu Tenementa sua alicui dimittere per consuetudinem Civitatis praedictae Rot. 40. Regna Regum 17. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1353. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Furbor William Hastment Roger Treseler Richard Pleigh Robert Noble Regna Regum 18. Edw. the 3. An. D. 1344. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hughton John Newton John Sutton Richard Pleigh Robert Noble The King was advertized but untruly of a Ryot here committed by sundry lewd and evil disposed persons which information was so enforced that the King being otherwise incumbred with the care of his Forreign Wars conceived the worse of the Report and thereupon sent down his Commission of Oyer and Determiner dated 20. Aug. this year and directed to the Mayor and Justices of the said City strictly requiring them to have
Node like under-went even in the like manner the like destiny Not unlike to either have I read of an active Turk in Cons●antinople having openly published that he would fly the space of a Furlong and for that end being mounted on the top of an high Tower shewed himself to the people without number assembled girded in a long and large white garment gathered into many plaits and foldings to take advantage of the Wind the foolish Man vainly perswading himself to have hovered in the Air as do the Birds upon their Wings and thus a great while standing as ready to take his flight the beholders still laughing and crying out fly Turk fly how long shall we expect thy flight who having a long time thus deluded the expectation of his Spectators at length finding the Wind fit as he thought for his purpose with his Arms spread abroad committed himself with his vain hopes unto the Air but instead of mounting aloft this foolish ●●arus came tumbling down with such violence as that he brake his Neck Arms and Legs with almost all the bones of his Body I have likewise read of another person having the like mind to fly the truth of Poetical Reports for 't is said that the first Writers were Poets so were their writings but fictious tyed Wings to his Hands and Feet and taking his rise from a Tower did fly near a Furlong which is the eighth part of a Mile till something failing him down he fell and brake both his Thighs 't is pity but that ●●arus like he had fallen into the water and then Nomina fecit aquis Regna Regum 5. Henry the 4. An. D. 1403. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hull John Shapleigh Robert Cobb Peter Sturt Roger Doly Regna Regum 6. Henry the 4. An. D. 1404. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford John Wilsford Robert Okesty Thomas Wandry John Shaply Regna Regum 7. Henry the 4. An. D. 1405. Mayors and Bayliffs Simon Grendon Peter Sturt Richard Pewterer Robert Cobley John Coscom Regna Regum 8. Henry the 4. An. D. 1406. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford John Batten Walter Cobley John Exbridge Thomas Wandry Regna Regum 9. Henry the 4. An. D. 1407. Mayors and Bayliffs Adam Scutt Nicholas Boughwood John Lake Reynold Gould John Shaply Regna Regum 10. Henry the 4. An. D. 1408. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford Richard Lark stoke Henry Mayew John Pallow Thomas Easton The Musical Waits were first received and entertained in this City It was an usage in these days and first began by the grant and gift of Bishop Bartholomew Istanus that the Lazar people of St. Mary Magdalens Hospital without the South-gate of the said City should with a Clap-dish weekly gather a certain Toll of all the Bread and Corn brought hither in the Markets to be sold and upon every Tuesday and Thursday gather the Alms and Charity of every Inhabitant hereof which order was now for divers causes destroyed yet the Proctor of the said Hospital comes every Thursday to St. Peter's church and gathers the benevolence of the Canons Residentiary Regna Regum 11. Henry the 4. An. D. 1409. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Bosom John Shapleigh Robert Cobly Stephen Frank Walter Cobley Thomas Earl of Dorset the King's Brother was created Duke of Exeter Regna Regum 12. Henry the 4. An. D. 1410. Mayors and Bayliffs Adam Scutt Roger Gould Ralph Swan John Cooper Robert Cobly Custodes Ecclesiae beatae Mariae Majoris Exoniensis recuperaverunt per Assisant redditum 4 s. per annum exeuntem de parcella terrae longitudinis Centum pedum latitudinis lx pedum jacentem in vico de Preston-street inter terras Johannis Gilbert gardinum nuper Simonis Grendon Rot. 23. Regna Regum 13. Henry the 4. An. D. 1411. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford John Shepherd John Batten John Lake Peter Sturt Regna Regum 14. Henry the 4. An. D. 1412. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford Henry Hull John Pollow John Wilsford Stephen Frank Richard Cross William Wilssford late Mayor of this City 19. July died in whose place was elected Henry Hull to supply for the residue of the year that Office 'T was now found for this City by verdict that the passage and Ferry of Exmouth and the lastage stallage and petty Customs of all Wares and Merchandizes landed and discharged within the Port of Exon were Fee Farm of the said City held under the Rent of 20 l. per annum payable to the Duke of Cornwal The King died in March and his Son Henry the Fifth proclaimed and Crowned King in April next following Regna Regum 1. Henry the 5. An. D. 1413. Mayors and Bayliffs Peter Sturt John Co●k William Jew Ralph Swa● John Batten In the last Will and Testament of Richard Prall sometime a Freeman of this City in the 43. Roll of this year is contained the ancient usage and Custom of this City concerning the reasonable part and portion of every Free-man's Estate after his Decease due to his Widow and Children Regna Regum 2. Henry the 5. An. D. 1414. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomjas Easton John Lake John Wi●sford Thomas Sharp John Clerk Regna Regum 3. Henry the 5. An. D. 1415. Mayors and Bayliffs Peter Scutt Roger Gould Robert Cobly Robert V●ysy William Shaply Est vetus antiqua Consuetudo in Civitate Ex●niensi quod quaelibet persona habens terras Tenementa in eadem Civitate aut Suburbiis ejusdem debet aquam pluvialem in gutture conducere ne descendat ad nocumentum viciniorum Rot. 48. Regna Regum 4. Henry the 5. An. D. 1416. Mayors and Bayliffs John Batten Thomas Shepp William Hull Thomas Hickly Walter Bogbrook Regna Regum 5. Henry the 5. An. D. 1417. Mayors and Bayliffs John Cook John Clerk William Shaply Nicholas Trelawny Stephen Butterford Regna Regum 6. Henry the 5. An. D. 1418. Mayors and Bayliffs John Batten Robert Hickly John Hull 〈◊〉 Voysey 〈◊〉 Crabb 〈…〉 Bishop Stafford for the furtherance and encrease of Learning added two Fellowships unto Stapledon's Inn in Oxford reformed the Statutes of the said house and altered the name thereof calling it Exeter Colledge Regna Regum 7. Henry the 5. An. D. 1419. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Ea●ton John Shillingford John Stipping Ralph Dolbear William Overton Bishop Stafford having well governed this Church twenty three years 4. Sept. in much reputation died and in the Lady Chappel of his own Church in a sumptuous Tomb of Alabaster was very honourably interred John Catherike Bishop of Chichester 8. Novemb. then next following was elected Bishop of this See who enjoyed the same but two Months and lies buried at Avinion James Cary at Rome was elected Bishop of Lichfield and taking Florence in his way homewards towards England was there elected Bishop of this Church and 10. Febr. hoc Anno consecrated thereunto but long he enjoyed not this Office for there he suddenly died and was buried Regna Regum 8. Henry the 5. An. D. 1420. Mayors
and Bayliffs John Batten John Shilling ford John Cutler John Coscom William Shaply Edmond Lacy Bishop of Hereford was translated hither and 6. Aprilis consecrated Bishop of this Diocess Regna Regum 9. Henry the 5. An. D. 1421. Mayors and Bayliffs John Cook Robert Voysey John Salter John Atyate Nichalas Tr●lawny William Jourden paid a Fine of five pound for a License to discharge his Ship at Colepool Roger Batten being arrested at the suit of Richard Crymell in an Action of Debt for six pound for two Tun of Wine was admitted to do his Law for the same with three hands according to the Custom of the said City Rot. 40. By the Custom of this City if there be not sufficient Citizens or Inhabitants of Free-hold to be returned in a Jury on a Trial that then a return may be made of other Citizens who have moveable Goods sufficient At a Parliament held in London Bishop Lacy in the Convocation House made an excellent Oration touching the Reformation of the Clergy whereat the King was present and did so well approve thereof as that he was resolved had his days been but lengthned to have seen the same put in due execution The King died in August and his Son Henry the Sixth of the Age of nine Months was proclaimed King Regna Regum 1. Henry the 6. An. D. 1422. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Easton John Cutler William May William Cook John Stokely Thomas Duke of Exeter made Governour of the King's Person Henry the 6. Regna Regum 2. Henry the 6. An. D. 1423. Mayors and Bayliffs John Batten John Hull William Bishop William French William Vpton Ordered by the Mayor and Common-Council of this City that the eldest Son and Heir apparent of any Free-man shall not be admitted to the Freedom of the said City by Patrimony or by right of his Father during his Father's life-time nor that any Apprentice shall be made Free of the said City for his Service unless he were bound by Indenture and have truly served seven years at the least and the same to be proved by good Testimony Rot. 26. Regna Regum 3. Henry the 6. An. D. 1424. Mayors and Bayliffs John Cook John Salter Thomas Nymett John ●oscom Nicholas Trelawny A Subsidy of Tunnage and Poundage granted to the King towards his Wars Canon Bread and Wine first given to the Mayor and Officers against the Feasts of Christmas and Easter Regna Regum 4. Henry the 6. An. D. 1425. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Voysey William May Peter Plenty John Cross John Smert By the Custom of this City a Man seised of Land therein in the right of his Wife may grant an Estate thereof for a Town Term i. e. nine and twenty years reserving a reasonable Rent Rot. 52. Thomas Duke of Exeter died Regna Regum 5. Henry the 6. An. D. 1426. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Easton William Oke William Vpton Walter Merefield William Bishop 'T was proved in open Court that the Mayor of this City for the time being had the charge and government of every Freeman's child after his Father's death being within the Age of one and twenty years and is to appoint Guardians for the said Orphan as well for his good Education as for the preservation and right ordering of his Estate and Fortune left unto him Rot. 4. Regna Regum 6. Henry the 6. An. D. 1427. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hull John Cross Stephen Butterford John Trelawny John Bacon Ordered by the Mayor and Common Council of this City that if any of the Members thereof being duly warned by one of the Sergeants at Mace of the said City to appear at the Council Chamber to consult touching the publick affairs of the said City and shall refuse so to do he shall forfeit and pay for every such default 3 s. and 4 d. unless a reasonable excuse of his absence be offered and allowed Rot. 2. Regna Regum 7. Henry the 6. An. D. 1428. Mayors and Bayliffs John Shilling ford William Vpton John Smert John Cook William Servington By Custom the Mayor of this City time out of mind hath had and ought to have the cognisance hearing and determining of all scolds and disordered persons Rot. 16. The Master and Company of the Bakers had made an order among themselves not to give any advantage Bread or 1 d. on the dozen and for some days refused to bake any Bread at all that the Citizens should yield to their order and that the Mayor should weekly give an Assize pleasing to them But this Mayor being a very wise Man and well learned in the Laws the matter being discoursed and well considered commanded the said Master and Wardens and chiefest of the offenders to Ward where they were kept ●till they had openly acknowledged their Confederacy revoked their said Order and paid their several Fines imposed on them for their said offence Regna Regum 8. Henry the 6. An. D. 1429. Mayors and Bayliffs John Shilling ford William Vpton John Orum John Bea●fitz Benn●t Drew An Action was here traversed in the King's Court held at the Guild-hall before the Mayor and Bayliffs of the said City touching a Nusance for the carrying away of another Man's Water and a Verdict found for the Plaintiff according to the Custom of the said City Rot. 7. 17. Regna Regum 9. Henry the 6. An. D. 1430. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hull Thomas Cook Nicholas Athole Andrew Thring Walter Pope Omnia Trnementa infra Civitatem Exoniensem suburbia ejusdem in F●od● simplici sunt devisabilia legabilia Rot. 51. The Custom of this City is that in every Action where a Foraigner is to do his Law in a Court of Pypowders he may do it by his own hand alone Rot. 5. Regna Regum 10. Henry the 6. An. D. 1431. Mayors and Bayliffs William Cook John Cross John Smert John Troly Walter Merefield Regna Regum 11. Henry the 6. An. D. 1432. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Cook John Bacon John Kirton Walter Pope Ralph Crudg 'T is recorded that if any person in a suit depending in this Court be condemned and be present he shall be committed to Ward and there remain in execution till he have made full satisfaction of the Debt Rot. 6. Also that by the Custom of this City no person coming within the Port of Exon with a Vessel loaden with Goods ought to unload the same but only at the place accustomed without special license of the Mayor of the said City had to the contrary Rot. 2. Regna Regum 12. Henry the 6. An. D. 1433. Mayors and Bayliffs John Salter Nicholas Athole Richard Orenge John Bag Robert Ford Regna Regum 13. Henry the 6. An. D. 1434. Mayors and Bayliffs William Cook John Kirton Andrew Thring John Bagg Thomas Parson Regna Regum 14. Henry the 6. An. D. 1435. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Cook John Kirton Andrew Thring John Bagg Thomas Paison Regna Regum 15. Henry the 6. An. D. 1436. Mayors and Bayliffs
John Cutler Bennet Drew John Coscom John Browne John Merefield A long controversie arose between the Mayor and Commonalty and the Dean and Chapter about St. Lydwel's Fee which was afterwards by an Act of Parliament determined and the bounds and limits thereof ascertained as by an exemplification thereof it appeareth which bears date 4. May this year Regna Regum 16. Henry the 6. An. D. 1437. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hull Richard Oreng William Atwill John Kelly William Hodge The Butchers of this City had a confederacy and amongst themselves made this ensuing order That they would not keep any Shops or standings in the Shambles but only in their own dwelling houses and accordingly John Smith and John Tayler two of the company put the same in execution but the matter being discovered and heard before the Mayor the Confederates were committed to Ward where they remained till they had revoked their said order and paid the Fines severally imposed on them Regna Regum 17. Henry the 6. An. D. 1438. Mayors and Bayliffs Bennet Drew Hugh Germin Vincent Hart John Coscom William Duke The Bishop claimed to have Cognisance of pleas within his Court or Fee Regna Regum 18. Henry the 6. An. D. 1439. Mayors and Bayliffs William Cook John Bagg John Smert Robert Ford William Hoody Bishop Lacy now began the building of the Chapter-house in the Cloister adjoyning to his own Church which is a very fair and sumptuous structure Regna Regum 19. Henry the 6. An. D. 1440. Mayors and Bayliffs William Vpton John Keluleigh Bennet Wichalse William Crymell John Latch Every Foraigner in an Action of Debt here brought before the Mayor and Bailiffs shall do his Law with his own hand only but every Citizen and Inhabitant with his own and two other hands Rot. 5. Regna Regum 20. Henry the 6. An. D. 1441. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Cook Hugh Germin Thomas Parson John Coscom John James Regna Regum 21. Henry the 6. An. D. 1442. Mayors and Bayliffs John Cutler Peter Bray John Obley John Standbury Andrew Thring By the Custom of this City every Inhabitant with the same selling Ale and Bread within the Liberties of the said City and not Free of the same shall pay quarterly to the Mayor and Commonalty hereof for the use of the said City 7 d. ob Rot. 49. Regna Regum 22. Henry the 6. An. D. 1443. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin William Crymell John Clerk John Peacock Thomas Rowse Regna Regum 23. Henry the 6. An. D. 1444. Mayors and Bayliffs John Shilling ford John Beaufitz John Tayler John Gage Nicholas Hamlin This Man being elected Mayor for the year ensuing refused to be sworn and to execute the Office whereupon an advertisement was forthwith made to the King and Council who sent a Writ under the Privy-Seal directed to the said John Shilling ford commanding him on pain of one thousand pound to accept of the said Office who upon the Monday next after the Feast of St. Valentine at two of the Clock in the Afternoon of that day came to the Guild-hall and was there sworn accordingly And albeit at his first entrance into the said Office he took the same on him unwillingly yet afterwards did he perform it with chearfulness and got great Applause by his diligence therein Regna Regum 24. Henry the 6. An. D. 1445. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hull John Clerk John Germin John Botty Walter Swan The Dean and Chapter of this Church founded and built the High-School within this City for the better education of youth in good literature and appointed a Master thereof for whose encouragement a convenient house for his habitation adjoyning to the said School was erected and a pension of 20 l. per Annum allowed him Regna Regum 25. Henry the 6. An. D. 1446. Mayors and Bayliffs John Shilling ford John Germin Richard Druell John Bobidge Thomas Sampson Emmet the Wife of Robert Webber being presented for a Scold and speaking certain slanderous words of one John Lucas was therefore punished notwithstanding the Ordinary cited her into his Court and claimed the Jurisdiction but the Mayor would not permit the same Rot. 6. 54. Regna Regum 26. Henry the 6. An. D. 1447. Mayors and Bayliffs John Shilling ford John Germin John Hamond Nicholas Hamlyn John Spine This Mayor was a very wise Man and well learned in the Laws of the Realm bold and sturdy and in his Government very just and upright and so well directed he the same to the great benefit of the Common-Wealth of this City as few of his Predecessors had done better In his time was the long and troublesome suit between Bishop Lacy and the Dean and Chapter of this Church against the Mayor and Commonalty of this City touching their liberties which suit this Mayor did follow with all care and diligence which was referred to Thomas Courteney Earl of Devon and Sir William Bonvill Knight who determined the said differences by their Award one branch whereof was That the Mayors and Bailiffs their Successors and Officers should for ever thereafter carry their Maces within the said Church of St. Peter's Cemetary and Fee without disturbance of the Bishop Dean and Chapter and their Successors or any of their Officers which the rather I here insert for that of late some opposition hath been hereunto made Exbridge was now in great decay the stone work thereof being much foundred and the higher part being all of Timber was consumed and worn away And this Mayor being of good credit and acquainted with John Kemp then Arch-Bishop of York and Cardinal and one of the Executors of Henry Beauford Cardinal and Bishop of Winchester who for his Wealth was called the rich Cardinal This Mayor requested the said Arch-Bishop Kemp to contribute some relief towards the new building of the said Bridge which he promised but the Mayors sudden death thereafter frustrated both the promise and expectation Regna Regum 27. Henry the 6. An. D. 1448. Mayors and Bayliffs John C●tler William Duke Wal●er Sams Thomas Evelton John Avell The Bishop of Winchester Thomas Earl of Devon and John Lord Sturton 3. Aug. came to this City and brought with them a command from the King directed to the Mayor for the loan of some Money to be levyed on the Inhabitants of this City for the victualling and furnishing of three ships to convey certain Souldiers into Britain which supply was speedily and very chearfully granted Rot. 63. Regna Regum 28. Henry the 6. An. D. 1449. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Bennet Wichalse William Bishop William Atwill Thomas Sampson They that become Bail for any Man here arrested if they bring him not in at the next Court do forfeit one hundred shillings Regna Regum 29. Henry the 6. An. D. 1450. Mayors and Bayliffs Wiliam Crymell William Bishop William Efford John Friend Robert May The Stewards of this City heretofore named Seneschalli were now called Ballivi or Bailiffs Regna Regum 30. Henry the 6. An.
D. 1451. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Thomas Rowse Thomas Sampson John Salmon John Hamond The King in a progress this year 16. Julii came to this City and in this manner was received At his first coming into Devon he lodged at the Abby of Ford where he staid one night at the costs of the Abby from thence he came to Ottery St. Mary where he was received with great solemnity and lodged in the Colledge there two nights and from thence came hither and by the way was met withall First by the most part of the Knights and Gentlemen of the County of Devon the Mayor and Commonalty of this City being above three hundred persons and every one of them apparelled in the Cities Livery met Him at Honyton's Clift next the Clergy met him at Livery Dole clothed in their Copes and Vestments and at the Cross without the South-gate the Mayor delivered to the King the Keys of the Gate and rode in before Him bare-headed carrying the Mace before the King through the streets which were richly hanged with Silks and Tapestry unto the Broad-gate where the Bishop Canons and Quire apparelled in their Copes received Him with a procession the King alighting from his Horse followed them on Foot into the Cathedral Church of St. Peter up to the High Altar and having there paid his Tribute of Prayers and Oblations thankfully to God Almighty was brought into the Bishop's Palace and there lodged It so happened that the next day thereafter the King's Justices by vertue of his Commission to them directed sate in the Bishop's Hall and there kept Goal-delivery two Men being indicted arraigned found guilty and condemned for Treason and should have been executed but the Bishop and Chapter being therewithal grieved told the King that the Justices sate in Commission within their Sanctuary contrary to the privileges thereof and orders of Holy Church wherefore the King to appease them pardoned the two condemned persons The King remaining here eight days his charges were equally born by the Church and City and then returned to London Regna Regum 31. Henry the 6. An. D. 1452. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Pope John Avell Thomas Evelton Andrew Thring Walter Pafford John Carminoke a Citizen hereof went out to Duryurd-wood and cut down six Timber Trees and brought them home who being questioned for the same said that he was a Freeman of this City and so one of the Lords of the said Wood and therein justified himself yet was he committed to prison and paid his Fine for the said Trespass Regna Regum 32. Henry the 6. An. D. 1453. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin John Tillerd Walter York Robert Smith Henry D●lling A great fight happened on Clift-heath between Thomas Courteney Earl of Devon and the Lord William Bonvil Baron of Shut where many persons were grievously wounded and much hurt done the occasion whereof was about a dog but great displeasure thereby came to the City where presently after the fight the Lord Bonvil sheltred himself which the Earl took amiss thinking it had been so done by the City in some displeasure to himself Regna Regum 33. Henry the 6. An. D. 1454. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Oreng John Betty Vincent Here Thomas Kelly John Spyne This Mayor was a Gentleman of a noble Parentage descended from the Family of the Orenges who dwelt in the Countreys of Anjow and Mayn and came over when Sir John Fastalff Governour of Anjow and Mayn recovered the Castle of St. Owen descended from Sir Guillam Orenge then Captain thereof in the fifth year of this King's Reign This Richard gave the same Arms that the said Sir Guillam did Viz. Argent Three Smiths Barnacles impaled gules who afterwards became sick being infected with the disease of the Leprosie who notwithstanding his great birth and Nobility his wealth and ability yet most humbly submitted himself to the good pleasure of Almighty God and was contented to dwell among the Lazar people in St. Mary Magdalens Hospital without the South-gate of the said City where he finished his days and lies buried in the Chancel of the Chappel belonging to that House Thomas Kelly and John Spyne two of the Bayliffs went forth of the City and absented themselves from the Courts without the Mayor's license for which offence they were both committed to Prison Fined and paid the same accordingly Regna Regum 34. Henry the 6. An. D. 1455. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Richard Druell Thomas Evelton Thomas Blowyer John Turner Bishop Lacy having well governed this Church 35. years 23. May died and lies buried in the North-side of the Quire of his own Church George Nevil second Son of Richard Nevil Earl of Sal●●bury was the next elected Bishop of this Diocess who 25. Novemb. was consecrated being not full twenty years of Age and at his Age of twenty five was made Lord Chancellor of England Regna Regum 35. Henry the 6. An. D. 1456. Mayors and Bayliffs William Duke Thomas Calwoodly Richard Jeffery Robert Smith William Pry William Crymell late Mayor of this City being duly summoned to attend the Mayor at the Council Chamber and refusing to appear was therefore abridged of having any more his Canon bread and Wine Money Regna Regum 36. Henry the 6. An. D. 1457. Mayors and Bayliffs John Kelly John Friend William Hogge John Turner John Hamond The East-gate of this City by reason of a long standing became ruinous and fell down in the mid day without hurting any person Regna Regum 37. Henry the 6. An. D. 1458. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Druell Robert Smith William Hogge John Hamlyn John Barsly A controversie now happened between the Cordwainers and the Tuckers of this City contending which of their Companies should have the preheminence in their march in the Mayor's watch upon Midsomer-Eve for the present appeasing of which discord 't was ordered that both Companies should march together one of either Company hand in hand At the same time happened another Controversie for the manner in these days was that the Mayor and Aldermen did use to ride in their Robes at every Midsomer-watch and John Kelly late Mayor of the said City being warned thus to attend the Mayor in the said Watch according to the ancient usage and Custom of the said City which he refusing to do was for his contempt fined ten marks and paid the same accordingly a commendable precedent of an upright Government when without respect of Persons Laws and Justice are kept observed and impartially administred for as the Soul is the life of the Body so the keeping of good Orders and Laws is the preservation of all Cities and Common-wealths the Apostles rule herein being very remarkable Where there 's no order there 's certainly confusion no mean between them being admitted Regna Regum 38. Henry the 6. An. D. 1459. Mayors and Bayliffs John Betty John Spyne John Turner Richard Rumwell John Thomas This year there happened an affray in the body of St. Peters the
Cathedrall Church between some young Gentlemen divers of them being grievously wounded and because the said Church in common opinion was thereby thought to be unhallowed and polluted by blood shedding The Dean and Chapter therefore commanded the Church-doors to be shut up and the services therein to cease until the said Church should be new hallowed or consecrated which in the Dyocesans absence they procured one Thomas then Suffragan to the Bishop of Bath to restore the said Church to it's former state Regna Regum 39. Henry the 6. An. D. 1460. Mayors and Bayliffs William Duke Thomas Calwoodly William Hogge Thomas Hayle Richard Duke This City resenting the King's distress did levy a contribution within the same and did set out one and thirty Soldiers well arrayed and sent both the Men and Money unto the King with their Letters still testifying their readiness to serve his Grace on all occasions Regna Regum 1. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1461. Mayors and Bayliffs John Kelly John Hamlyn John Hammond John Turner Thomas Blowyer The Conduit at Carfoix commonly called the great Conduit was new builded by means of William Duke late Mayor of this City who being well affected towards the same Edw. the 4. did not only oversee the work but at his own charges covered it with Lead Regna Regum 2. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1462. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin John Thomas William Aysh Walter Gervis Thomas Hayle The Glovers and Skinners were first incorporated by the Mayor and Common-Council of this City whose first Master was named John Macyr and their Wardens John Hackworthy and Simon Carew And 't was ordered by the said Master Wardens and Company that no person of their said Fellowship should sell any Wares belonging to that Art and Mystery being Foraigners goods upon pain to pay for every such offence twenty shillings Regna Regum 3. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1463. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Druell Richard Jeffery John Hammond John Coming Henry Wychalse An Ordinance made by the Mayor and Common Council of this City that every Baker within the same and Suburbs thereof should from time to time grind all his Corn at the Cities Mills c. Duryurd and Crickelpit Rot. 1. 'T was also ordered that every Inhabitant within the said City that holds therein any Tenement for the term of nine and twenty years commonly reputed a Town-term should be returned to serve in Juries if the said Tenement be of the yearly value of forty shillings Rot. 2. The King by his Letters Patent dated 21. July gave to this City all Felons goods Maudlin Fair with many other privileges Regna Regum 4. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1464. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Richard Rumwell John Hart Robert Chubb Richard Baker The Guild-hall being ruinous and in decay was new builded By the ancient Custom of this City no excommunicated person can put in suit of Law any other person whatsoever Rot. 2. Regna Regum 5. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1465. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Druel John Hammond Robert Symons John Coming John Ruett Bishop Nevill having finished the Chapter-house begun to be built by his immediate Predecessor and having well governed this Church about ten years space was translated hence to York and made Arch-Bishop thereof who was rendred famous for that prodigious Feast there made at the time of his instalment Regna Regum 6. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1466. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Thomas Hayle Richard Clerk William Obley Steph●n Rudgway John Booth Doctor of Law elected Bishop of this Church and 22. Feb. was thereunto consecrated by Thomas Bourchier Arch Bishop of Canterbury Thomas Calwoodley and Richard Clerk elected Citizens hereof to serve in Parliament procured an Act for paving the streets of the said City which then were full of Pits dangerous and noisom Regna Regum 7. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1467. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Calwoodley Richard Baker Robert Russel Thomas Pyke Nicholas Nawns A Controversie arose between the Bishop and the City touching a Tower on the Cities Walls behind the Bishop's Palace at the lower end of his Orchard where the Bishop's Prison was then kept by reason whereof he claimed the Inheritance of the same but on a fair Trial it proved to the contrary which said Tower the City pulled down and employed the Lead and other materials thereof towards the reparation of the said Walls Regna Regum 8. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1468. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hamlyn Robert Clubb Thomas Blowyer Richard Nawns John Luffingc●t Humphry Lord Stafford made Earl of Devon Regna Regum 9. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1469. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Smith John Coming William Fewnding Robert Newton Robert Gyles The King was pleased in person to visit this City and was well entertained by the Mayor to whom the King at his departure hence gave a Sword commanding that it should be always carried before the Mayor and his Successors At the King 's first coming hither the Mayor delivered him up the Keys of the Gates and the Maces and withall a Purse with one hundred Nobles therein which the King graciously received but the Keys and Maces he re-delivered to the Mayor to be used as formerly The Queen and Prince being likewise here the City presented to them twenty pounds a piece in Gold Regna Regum 10. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1470. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin Richard Clerk John Orenge Thomas Bond John Gibbs Bishop Booth built the Bishop's stately Chair in the Quire of his Church which being finished he could not quietly sit down therein so troublesome were the times by reason of the Civil Wars between the two Houses of York and Lancaster Hic jacet Johannes Keys Praecantor bujus Ecclesiae fundator primus missae celebrandae post horam decimam qui obiit undecimo die Novembris hoc Anno. In the Quire of the Cathedral he lies buried Regna Regum 11. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1471. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Jeffery Hugh Germin Walter Gervis David Johns John Tybott John Bernard Tertio Augusti died Richard Jeffery in whose stead Hugh Germin was elected Mayor to supply that Office for the remaining part of this year The Cawsey between the City and Cowley-bridge paved by a Priest Regna Regum 12. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1472. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Clerk John Oreng John Atwill William Durk Thomas Ivelton The useful service of the night Belman chiefly instituted to prevent Fires and Felonies began in this Man's Mayoralty Regna Regum 13. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1473. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Rumwell William Obleigh John Ty●ott Robert Bouefant Richard Byrch The Duke of Clarence came hither and was honourably received and entertained at the Cities publick charge A Composition was made between the Abbot of Sh●burn and the Mayor Bailiffs and Commonalty of this City touching the passage of Exmouth by deed dated 3. Augusti Regna Regum 14. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1474. Mayors and Bayliffs Hugh Germin
John Atwill David Johns Thomas Ivelton John Starr Regna Regum 15. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1475. Mayors and Bayliffs John Oreng Stephen Rudgway Roger Worth Henry Hanneford John Taylor A Controversie happened between the Mayor and Citizens and the Company of Taylors touching a new Incorporation which they had now procured from the King whereof ensued great troubles and long and chargeable suits which after two years continuance were determined by the King whose final order therein under his private Seal was sent to Dr. Peter Courteney then Dean of this Church who acquainted and delivered the same to both parties and albeit that this concluded all Suits in Law yet the animosity could not well be appeased in a long time thereafter Regna Regum 16. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1476. Mayors and Bayliffs John Atwill David Johns Matthew Jubb Richard Wagget John Germin Fault being found with the Customer of Devons Accompt a precept from the King out of his Court of Exchequer was sent unto the Mayor of this City commanding him to send up a true Copy of the Collection of the petty duties or Town Custom of the said City for the year last past which was so done and returned up by Philip Atwill the King's Messenger purposely sent hither for that end by which Rolls the Customers Accompt was controlled Regna Regum 17. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1477. Mayors and Bayliffs John Kelly Roger Worth Robert Newton John Starr John Gibbs Upon complaint of the Bakers of this City against Foraign Bakers whom they would have to be utterly excluded from coming hither with any Bread and one special cause alledged was when they came here they would carry their Bread from house to house to the great prejudice of the Bakers of this City whereupon 't was ordered that the said Foraign Bakers should have free coming and going to the Markets here and should keep their standings only at the great Cond●●t to sell their Bread which said Ordinance to this time is duly observed Regna Regum 18. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1478. Mayors and Bayliffs William Obleigh Robert Newton Richard Germin John Hampton John Colshill Bishop Booth having well governed this Church twelve years at his house at Horsey in Hampshire 1 Aprilis died and lies buried in St. Clements Church without Temple-Bar London Regna Regum 19. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1479. Mayors and Bayliffs John Atwill Robert Russel John Atwill John Harlewin John Weston Peter Courteney Dean of this Church was elected the next Bishop thereof and 18. Novembris consecrated thereunto by Thomas Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Thomas Kirkby Treasurer of this Church and Master of the Rolls in Chancery a Man very well learned and for the many singular good gifts in him much commended A multitude of people died here by reason of the Plague wherewith the whole City was infected Regna Regum 20. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1480. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Calwoodley Robert Symons William Duke John Mathew Henry Redway John Bonefant one of the Attorneys of the King's Court here held at the Guild hall was complained upon openly in the said Court for sundry lewd practices and forgeries which being on examination found true he was disfranchised and dismissed from further practising as an Attorney in the said Court which he little regarding and not yielding that obedience thereunto which in duty he ought the said complaint was renewed against him to the King who forthwith sent A Commission to the Right Honourable Thomas Marquess of Dorset then Lord Lieutenaut of this County to hear and determine the same who thereupon came hither and finding the said John Bonifant guilty of many misdemeanours gave this sentence on him commanded that he should be carried on Horseback on a Market-day through the City with a Paper on his breast thus Inscribed For Forging of false Deeds and Evidences and counterfeiting of Seals evidently proved Regna Regum 21. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1481. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Druell John Rewer John Down John Calwoodley William Lang The Charter of the Corporation of the Cordwainers and Curriers of this City was renewed under the common Seal of the same Regna Regum 22. Edw. the 4. An. D. 1482. Mayors and Bayliffs Roger Worth Matthew Jubb Thomas Pyke William King John Slugg The Bakers of this City were now Incorporated by the Mayor and Common Council hereof by Charter under their common Seal The Charter of the Corporation of Glovers and Skinners hereof was renewed under the common Seal of the said City An Ordinance here made that every Receiver General of this City on selected days should wear a Scarlet Gown as do the Mayor and Ald●rmen but for distinctions sake without any Tippet Edw 5. The King died in April Edward the Fifth his Son proclaimed King and dies Richard the Third proclaimed King in June next following Regna Regum 1. Rich. 3. An. D. 1483. Mayors and Bayliffs John Atwill John Cotshill William Dork Thomas Pyke John Symons This John Atwill was Mayor of this City five several times and did bear the office of Magistracy in the Reigns of four successive Kings namely Edward the Fourth Edward the Fifth Richard the Third and Henry the Seventh three of them came to this City and were very honourably entertained as saith a Native hereof Tempore quinque suo regnantes ordine vidit Horum Eirenarcha ad quatuor ille fuit He saw five Princes which the Scepter bore Of them he was a Magistrate to Four This King being informed that the Earl of Richmond was by Charles the Eighth King of France invited to come to his Court and aided with good sums of Money and that many of the Nobility and Gentry of England were with him makes diligent search and enquiry after all such as might be suspected to be favourers of Richmond's association who besides those that were executed in London Sir Thomas Seintleger who married Ann the Duke of Exeter's Widow this King Richard's own Sister and Thomas Rame Esquire were both here executed The King coming hither the Mayor and his Brethren apparelled in their Robes met and received him at the East-gate where Thomas Hext the Recorder made unto the King a gratulatory Oration for which the City bestowed on him a Scarlet Gown then the Mayor delivered to the King the Maces and the Keys of the Gates and withall presented to his Grace two hundred Nobles in a Purse which was graciously received and the Maces and Keys re-delivered to the Mayor The King lodged in the Bishop's Palace the Noble-men and the King's train in the City where great care was taken for their honourable entertainment and the whole at the Cities charge during the short space of the Kings abode here he viewed the Ci●● ●●ud also the Castle and commended the scituation of both especially the latter being so naturally strong as that it commands both City and Countrey about it and no less pleasant for Aspects and understanding the name thereof to be
Rugemom grew suddenly sad affirming through a Prophecy that his days should not be long thereafter even when he had seen Richmond which howsoever vain proved a prediction true and that not of this Castle as he misinterpreted but rather of Henry Earl of Richmond afterwards King Henry the Seventh who the year ensuing gave him Battle at Bosworth in Leicester-shire and slew him in the open Field such resemblance was there between the names of Richmond and Rugemont Regna Regum 2. Rich. 3. An. D. 1484. Mayors and Bayliffs Matthew Jubb John Weston John Hooker John Whitlock John Starr The fore-part of the Guild-hall and the Council Chamber were new builded The King sent to the Mayor to be supplyed with certain Soldiers for his present service whereupon twenty Men well arrayed were delivered to Sir Ralph Hastings to be conducted to the place appointed and to remain there for twenty days space at the Cities charge and the said Sir Ralph during his abode here was honourable entertained and one Biston the King's Messenger was well rewarded for his journey hither touching the aforesaid expedition Regna Regum 3. Rich. 3. An. D. 1485. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Russell Henry Hanniford Philip Atwill Mathew Allington Nicholas Hamlyn Bishop Courteney finished the North Tower of his Church and freely bestowed the Clook Bell therein bearing his Christian name Peter Under which Tower in an Isle there purposely erected lies interred one William Sylke sometime Subchaunter of this Church and reported to be the Donor of the Luminaries or Candle-lights yearly burnt in the Quire of the said Church between the Feasts of Alhallontide and Candlemas an effigies of whose Skeleton is there largely pourtrayed in white Alabaster under a fair Arch thus inscribed Sum quod eris fueramque quod es pro me precor ora William Sylke Seven Fairs are here kept viz. Ashwednesday Shere-Thursday Whit-Monday St. Mary Magdalen Lammas St. Nicholas and St. Thomas Regna Regum 1. Henry the 7. An. D. 1486. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Calwoodley Thomas Bond George Chapman Walter Champnys John Bonefant The King not forgetting the fidelity of Peter Courteney Bishop of this Church gave him the Bishoprick of Winchester on whose Translation hence Richard Fox the King 's faithful Counsellor 27. January 1488. was consecrated Bishop of this Diocess by Thomas Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and also made Lord Privy Seal and one of the King 's Privy Council and afterwards was so to King Henry the Eighth This noble Prelates Memory shall be eternally blessed for being the cause of the most happy marrying of the Lady Margaret this King's Daughter unto James the Fourth King of Scotland by whose glorious issue Great Brittany now enjoyeth the heighth of splendour and felicity Regna Regum 2. Henry the 7. An. D. 1487. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Newton Jobn Hooker Henry Faux Richard Turner WIlliam Baker The Barbers of this City were Incorporated under the common Seal hereof Ale-tasters appointed to see that wholesome Beer should be made and sold Consuctudo est Civitatis Exoniensis quod quilibet Inhabitans infra eandem Civitatem ac non existens liber ejusdem Mercimonia vel aliquam artem frequentans debet annuatim reddere redditum donec sit liber Rot. 49. Regna Regum 3. Henry the 7. An. D. 1488. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Clerk George Chapman John Rudgway John Ector William Eastcott Bishop Fox and Sir Richard Edgecomb were sent hence as Embassadours to James King of Scotland for continuing a peace between the Two Kingdoms Sir Robert Willoughby Lord Brook was sent over to Britain to the aid of the Duke thereof with Eight Thousand Men and for his better accommodation in the service The King sent his Letter to the Mayor of this City who forthwith supplyed him with Two Hundred Soldiers well arrayed Edward Courteney Earl of Devon was made a Free and Franchized man of this City as Son and Heir to Sir Hugh Courteney a Freeman hereof This Edward was of a second House unto Thomas Courteney Earl of Devon who taking part with King Henry the Sixth was slain at Teuksbury-field who dying without Issue male the Earldom descended to this Edward Son to Sir Hugh de Courtney the Son of Sir Hugh de Courteney second Son to Edward Earl of Devon and Ancestor to this Thomas slain at Teuksbury-field aforesaid Regna Regum 4. Henry the 7. An. D. 1489. Mayors and Bayliffs Stephen Rudgway Matthew Allington Robert Bonesant Walter York Simon Davy Order was taken by the Mayor and Common Gouncil of this City by an especial command from the King and his Privy Council that every Inhabitant here should be furnished with sufficient Arms for himself and Family and accordingly was every man assessed to his number in order to his ability This year were delivered to the Mayor the day when he was sworn into the said office a certain Roll called the Black Roll and a Book therein which contained the ancient Orders Priviledges and Customs for the good Government of the said City with other things relating to the state and dignity thereof In which Book the like was contained touching the City of London and order taken that the same should yearly be delivered over from Mayor to Mayor This Roll in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth was by one Griffith Ameridith delivered unto Sir William Cecil Knight Secretary of State to that King and never returned Regna Regum 5. Henry the 7. An. D. 1490. Mayors and Bayliffs John Hooker John Calwcodley Richard Vndy Wymond Austin John Welsh The Weavers and Fullers incorporated under the common Seal of this City Regna Regum 6. Henry the 7. An. D. 1491. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Chubb Nicholas Hamlyn Robert Bonefant William Nordon John Goscott Roger Holland and Thomas Dennis Esquires were admitted and sworn Freemen of this City but because they did not inhabit within the same 't was ordered that they should not give their voices for the Election of any Mayor or other Officer hereof Bishop Fox and George Lord Dawbney were sent hence in an Embassage to Charles the French King for conclusion of a Peace between the Two Kingdoms which was effectually obtained This Bishop Fox was Godfather to the King 's second Son named Henry who was afterwards King of England by the name of Henry the Eighth Regna Regum 7. Henry the 7. An. D. 1492. Mayors and Bayliffs John Atwill Walter Champnis John Winter Ralph Pudesly Richard Cliff Edward Courteney Earl of Devon made a Freeman of this City Regna Regum 8. Henry the 7. An. D. 1493. Mayors and Bayliffs John Colshill Richard Vndy John Danester Richard Nordon John Merefield The best Wheat in the Market was sold for six pence the Bushel The Cappers Haberdashers and Felt-makers incorporated under the common Seal of this City Regna Regum 9. Henry the 7. An. D. 1494. Mayors and Bayliffs William Obleigh John Slugg Thomas Andrew John Hull Thomans Olliver Bishop Fox having well governed this Church six
years space was removed hence and consecrated Bishop of Bath and from thence translated to Winchester he was a great favourer and furtherer of Learning for the better increase whereof he founded and built Corpus Christi Colledge in the Vniversity of Oxford and also a fair Free Grammar School at Grantham in Lincoln-shire and another at Taunton in Somerset-shire in his latter days he waxed blind and dying in Winchester was there honourably buried in his own Church Oliver King one of the King's Chaplains in Ordinary Dean of Windsor and Register of the Noble Order of the Garter there was consecrated Bishop of this Church 20. Februarii by John Morton Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Regna Regum 10. Henry the 7. An. D. 1495. Mayors and Bayliffs John Calwoodley John Bonefant Philip Bullock John Wilkin Nich●las Aburn 'T is Inrolled that the Custom of this City is that every Artificer dwelling here and not Free shall pay every Wednesday and Friday ob for all such Wares as they shall set to sale until such time as they shall be Free of the said City Rot. 19. Also that the liberties of the said City for Cognisance of pleas to be held before the Mayor hereof was allowed in certain Actions had before Thomas Bryan and his fellows Justices of the Common Bench at Westminster in Easter Term. Anno 11. Rot. Ed. 4. c. Regna Regum 11. Henry the 7. An. D. 1496. Mayors and Bayliffs John Atwill Walter York William Frost Thomas Langworthy William Binks A great division happened amongst the Citizens about the Election of the Mayor and for avoiding the like for the future 't was ordered by the Mayor and Common Council hereof that no Man should be Mayor or bear any Office here nor any Election held good unless the same were done according to the Ancient Orders and Customs of the said City and withall that the Mayor and Four and twenty of the said Common Council should elect the Mayor and all other Oficers of the said City Regna Regum 12. Henry the 7. An. D. 1497. Mayors and Bayliffs William Frost John Danester Richard Hewett John Buckenam William Wilkinson Perkin Warbeck that Imaginary and counterfeit Prince besieged this City till Edward Courteney Earl of Devon who in the service as wounded together with the Lord William his Son raised the same and repulsed the Rebels Ordered that the present and all future Mayors shall have their Scarlet Gowns and Cloaks lined with Sarcenet and every Receiver General to have a Gown of Crimson in grain and every one of the Four and twenty to have his Gown of Violet or murry colour in grain There want two Rolls of the Records of the Courts of this year wherein are set down the manner and order of the Election of the Mayor and Officers of this City whereof the King being advertized and desirous to have the Government hereof quiet and peaceable summoned the Mayor and Common Council before him and being informed the manner of their Election and the many troubles incident thereunto directed this method and delivered the same ingrossed in Parchment under his Privy Seal a Copy whereof is hereafter inserted which hath been ever since duly observed And to begin this order the King named one William Frost formerly one of his Servants and one of the Bailiffs of the said City the year next Precedent to be Mayor whom to encourage to persevere in his duty the King took off his Sword from his side and gave it unto the Mayor with a Cap of maintenance to be worn and carried in state before him and his Successors for ever as 't is used in the City of London Henry by the Grace of God King of England and of France and Lord of Ireland To all and every of our Subjects to whom shall appertain these our Letters hearing or seeing greeting Whereas in divers times past great inconveniencies strifes and debates have been had and made within this our City of Exeter for the Election of a Mayor four Bailiffs four and twenty of the Common Council and four Serjeants at the Mace of the same as by the grievous complaints of the Citizens and Inhabitants of our said City unto us thereupon made more plainly it hath been declared And for a peaceable Election of and upon the premises hereafter to be used and had within our said City We of our especial Grace tender Love and Zeal which we have and bear to our said City and for the redress restfulness and Common-weal of the same by the assent and consent of the Common Council of our said City and other sad and discreet Citizens of the same Have ordered provided and established that from henceforth there shall be Four and twenty of the most sufficient and discreet Citizens and Inhabitants of our said City of the Common Council for term of their lives and none of them to be removed except it be for poverty disease great Age or other cause reasonable which causes shall be adjudged and determined by the said Four and twenty or by the more part of them and after decease of any of the Four and twenty or the removing of them as is before rehearsed that then the residue of the said Four and twenty shall elect and choose unto them another Citizen most sufficient and Inhabitant of our said City to fulfill the whole number of the said Four and twenty according as the custom is of the four and twenty Aldermen within our City of London the names of the said four and twenty of the Common Council now named before us in a Schedule hereunto annexed Also we Will that the Monday next before the Feast of St. Michael th' Archangel yearly hereafter the Mayor of the said City of E●eter for the time being with his Brethren and Commons of our said City that then shall be Franchized Men shall assemble themselves in the Guild-hall of our said City and then and there the Four and twenty or the more part of them upon their Oaths by privy scrutiny and by the Report of the Recorder and Town-clerk for the time being upon their Oaths shall Elect and choose Two of the most able Citizens of the said four and twenty for a Mayor of our said City for the year then next ensuing which hath been approved before in the Office of a Mayor or else of a Receiver The Mayor then for the time being always excepted to be elected one of the Two persons so before named to be elected as is before rehearsed Also we Will that the said Four and twenty at the same time shall Elect and choose Four Bailiffs whereof one shall be Receiver and that as well of the Four and twenty as of other the most able Citizens and Inhabitants within our said City so that they be Franchised Men and of good name and Fame Also we Will that the same day the said Four and twenty shall Elect and choose Three Serjeants Franchised Men of our said City who best can
and best may attend and execute their Office after their discretion and after the Election so made and had then the said Recorder and Town-clerk or one of them shall publish and shew to the said Four and twenty which Two of them for the Election of a Mayor hath most voices and to shew their names to the Commons that be Franchized Men and they to choose one of them to be Mayor of our said City for the year then next ensuing and he that shall so fortune to have most voices of Franchized Men to be accepted and admitted for to be Mayor and after this done the said Recorder and Town-clerk or one of them to present and shew the names of all other Officers so elected and chosen unto the said Commons in the presence of the said Four and twenty Also we Will that the Monday next ensuing the said Election the said Citizens so elected to be Mayor and all other Officers in open Court at the Guild-hall shall be sworn and take their Oaths according to the old usages and laudable Customs of our said City And after that the same Mayor so sworn shall choose an able Citizen and a Franchised Man to be the Fourth Serjeant of our-said City which Serjeant before this time hath been used to be chosen and named only by the Mayor and none other according to the old Customs of our said City also that none of the said Four and twenty nor other Officer of our said City use or wear any Lords clothing nor Gentleman's Livery nor bear Cognisance from henceforth upon pain of being deprived of their Office and losing their Franchizes Also we Will that what Person or Persons of what Estate Degree or Condition soever he or they be presume or contend the breach of this our direction and provision for the Election and other Premises as before are rehearsed That he or they so offending shall forfeit unto the use of our said City ten Marks and over that stand in our high displeasure Given under our Privy Seal at our Mannor of Greenwich the tenth day of July in the Thirteenth year of our Reign Richard Symons a crafty Priest took into his tuition one Lambert a witty Dutch boy perswading him that he was the only Son of the Duke of Clarence and the first Heir male of the House of York and therefore inheritable to the Crown who by the advice of his supposed Aunt the Lady Margaret Sister to King Edward the Fourth and Dutchess Dowager unto Charles the deceased Duke of Burgoyn he feigning himself to be Richard Duke of York Edward the Fourth's second Son arrived in Kent where being disappointed sailed into Scotland and from thence into Cornwall where being safely landed and aided with three thousand men of the meanest of the people marcheth towards this City and besiegeth it where when his fair speeches and rhetorical Arguments could not perswade the Inhabitants thereof to surrender the City into his hands he scaled the Walls and fired the Gates thereof which proving unsuccessful to him discontentedly departed and marcheth eastward The King hearing of this uprore comes hither guarded with an Army in person and having by the way defeated the Rebels and taken many of them Prisoners caused them to be brought before him in St. Peter's Church yard lodging in the Treasurer's House where a Window between the Gate of the said House and the North Tower of the Cathedral was erected on purpose for the King to behold the said Rebels where they appeared bare-headed in their Shirts and Halters about their Necks the King in hope of their Reformation and future obedience graciously pardoned them chosing rather to wash his hands in milk by forgiving than in blood by destroying them Bini impostores Lambert Perkinque Scelesti Henricum variis implicuere malis Lambert and Perkin Two Impostors vile With sundry mischiefs Henry did embroil Regna Regum 13. Henry the 7. An. D. 1498. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Vndy John Hull John Vigures John Brendon William Cleyhanger Consuetudo est in Civitate Exoniensi quod quilibet homo actionem suam manutenere potest ratione Conventionis per nuda verba prout aliquis alius haberet ad communem legem per aliquod Scriptum inde confectum haec Consuetudo apparet in multis aliis Recordis hujus Civitatis sc Junii 15. 17 20 27. alibi Rot. 20. 43. Regna Regum 14. Henry the 7. An. D. 1499. Mayors and Bayliffs Nicholas Hamlyn John Symons John Scrivener John Wills Robert Bonefant Bishop King died 20. Novemb. and lies buried in Windsor Church on whose Decease Richard Redman was translated hither from his Bishoprick in Wales and 14. Decemb. was consecrated Bishop of this Church Sundry Merchants of this City were complained of to the King for concealing his Customs whereupon Commissioners were appointed in all Ports to discover the truth of the matter and the Merchants being generally found guilty made Fine with the King for their respective offences Regna Regum 15. Henry the 7. An. D. 1500. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter York Thomas Andrew Jeffery Lewes John Bowyer Robert Sheerman Consuetudo Civitatis Exoniensis est talis quod quilibet homo habens aliquas terras seu Tenementa infra Civitatem praedictam Suburbia ejusdem tenetur aquam pluvialem sumptibus suis propriis portare inde actio nocumenti capta fuit inter Johannem Bonefant querentem versus Walterum Pollard defensorem Rot. 24. Regna Regum 16. Henry the 7. An. D. 1501. Mayors and Bayliffs John Calwoodley William Crudg William Peek Thomas Olliver John Whitwever In the Month of October the Lady Katherine Prince Arthur's Spouse arrived at Plymouth unto whom forthwith resorted the Gentry of the Country and conducted her hither and lodged her in the Dean's House and had such entertainment as did belong to so honourable a Personage whilst she remained here the Weather proved stormy and the Weather-cock on St. Marys Steeple kept such a noise that the Princess could not sleep which occasioned the taking down of the said cock which was erected again on her departure and shortly thereafter the whole Steeple was taken down This honourable Lady was by journeys conveyed to London where in the Month of November then next following she was married to Prince Arthur and presently thereon made a Journey into Wales where in the Month of April then next ensuing Prince Arthur died after whose death this Lady was married to King Henry the Eighth Prince Arthur's Brother whose Wife she remained twenty years space and then was divorced Regna Regum 17. Henry the 7. An. D. 1502. Mayors and Bayliffs Walter Champ●is Richard Hewett John Nosworthy Jervis Lushant Thomas Hill Regna Regum 18. Henry the 7. An. D. 1503. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Newton John Danester William Frost John Guscott John Limpenny John Thomas John Nordon John Wilkins The Plague of Pestilence reigned excessively wherein Robert Newton 9. May and John Danester 25. Augusti both
of them Mayors successively John Guscott and John Nordon Bailiffs amongst a multititude of others here died Regna Regum 19. Henry the 7. An. D. 1504. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Andrew John Gumby Peter Colshill John Thomas John Bradmore An Inquisition taken upon the deceases of sundry Free-holders of this City who died in the last Plague of all such their Lands within the said City and Liberties thereof as were holden of the Mayor Bailiffs and Commonalty of the same as chief Lords by Socage Tenure And 't was likewise found that every of them and every like Free-holder is and ought in right to pay for a Relief 2 s. 6 d. Bishop Redman having well governed this Church about five years was removed hence to Ely and installed Bishop thereof Upon whose Translation Regna Regum 20. Henry the 7. An. D. 1505. Mayors and Bayliffs William Crudg John Bonefant William Shaxton John Scott John Hoig John Arundell who had been sometimes Dean of this Church but now Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry was translated hither and 15. Marcii consecrated Bishop hereof Regna Regum 21. Henry the 7. An. D. 1506. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Hewett John Limpenny John Oreng Richard Duke Reynold Russell Bishop Arundell having well governed this Church about Two years space 19. Februarii dies in London and lies buried in St. Clement's Church without Temple-bar Regna Regum 22. Henry the 7. An. D. 1507. Mayors and Bayliffs John Calwoodley John Buckenam Matthew Moor Vincent Scott Reynold Russell Hugh Oldham Chaplain to the Countess of Richmond the King's Mother 3. Aprilis was installed Bishop of this Diocess Regna Regum 23. Henry the 7. An. D. 1508. Mayors and Bayliffs John Limpenny William Wilsford William Bennet John Kever William Huntingdon William Mathew Upon the Death of William Huntingdon one of the Bailiffs of this City William Mathew was elected Bailiff in his stead to supply that Office for the residue of the year William Frost late Mayor hereof died and 11. May his last Will and Testament was here proved in due form of Law in the King's Court held at the Guild-hall before the Mayor of the said City according to the ancient Custom thereof He was a prudent Man and his reputation being great with the King much good came thereby to the City chiefly in the suit of the Scavage against London Regna Regum 1. Henry the 8. An. D. 1509. Mayors and Bayliffs John Buckenam John Bradmore William Somaster John Colshill William Hoig Aprilis 22. the King died and his Son Henry the Eighth was proclaimed King Regna Regum 2. Henry the 8. An. D. 1510. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Andrew John Oreng John Moor John Amory William Peryam Testamentum Willielmi Obley in quo inter alia legavit Tenementa sua in Smythenstreet Roberto Mayn Catharinae uxori ejus haeredibus de uxore pro defectu hujusmodi exitus remanere inde Majori Communitati Civitatis Exoniensis datum 10. Augusti hoc Anno. Regna Regum 3. Henry the 8. An. D. 1511. Mayors and Bayliffs William Wilsford William Crudg Robert Browne Robert Kensey John Boughay Henry Hamlyn Upon the Death of William Wilsford late Mayor who deceased 29. Januarii William Crudg was elected Mayor to supply that office for the residue of the year Goods seized as forfeited for the non-payment of the petty duties or Town Custom and composition made for the same Leather brought to the Market unsealed and therefore seized on as forfeited Regna Regum 4. Henry the 8. An. D. 1512. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Symons John Moor John Britnall William Hurst Richard Russell A War here proclaimed against the French King The King intending to invade France sent hither his Mandatory Letters to the Mayor to provide thirty Soldiers to attend him in the said Expedition which was forthwith dispatched and a Voluntary collection here made to set them out well arrayed Regna Regum 5. Henry the 8. An. D. 1513. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Hewett John Winter John Bodley William Ratcliff John Robins Sir Thomas Dennis Knight elected Recorder of this City and lived in the distinct Reigns of seven Kings and Queens of this Realm Viz. Edward the Fourth Richard the Third Henry the Seventh Henry the Eighth Edward the Sixth Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth He was a Domestick Servant to King Henry the Seventh one of the Privy Council to King Henry the Eighth Chancellour to Queen Ann of Cleve Custos Rotulorum of Devon and lastly seven times Sheriff of the said County and once two years together contrary to the Statute of 23 Henry 6.8 whereby he forfeited two hundred pound to the King and the Informer a moiety to each wherewith he acquainted the King who ordered his Attorney general to file an Information against him for the same and had Judgement thereon which the King pardoned and the Informer released by acknowledging satisfaction on Record Every person standing under a Booth or Covering at Fair times ought to pay 4 d. Regna Regum 6. Henry the 8. An. D. 1514. Mayors and Bayliffs John Moor Thomas Hunt William Forest Robert Buller John Williams An Inquisition taken before the Mayor upon the several deaths of the Lady Catherine Countess of Devon Richard Hellier William Foursden John Obley Ann Wilsford John Fortescue and Robert Batten whereby 't was found that the said persons were seized of Lands within this City at the time of their respective deaths and held the same in Free Socage of the Mayor Bailiffs and Commonalty to whom was due from every of the said persons for a relief two shillings and six pence John Garrett Fined for erecting a standing in the high street without Licence Richard Hewett dis-franchised for suing several Freemen of this City at the common Law out of the jurisdiction of this Court contrary to his Oath Regna Regum 7. Henry the 8. An. D. 1515. Mayors and Bayliffs William Crud● Jeffery Lewes John Bridgeman Gilbert Kirk Thomas Fowle● The Custom touching the Dominicals here was tryed in the King's Court held at the Guild-hall and a Verdict found for the Plaintiff whereby the Custom was held good Goods seized as forfeited for non-entry of the Town Custom William Shapton fined 20 s. for suing a Freeman hereof out of the liberties of the said City John Bodley dis-franchised for the like offence Regna Regum 8. Henry the 8. An. D. 1516. Mayors and Bayliffs John Buckenam John Nosworthy John Woolcott Richard Chubb Robert Trow A Jury was here sued on a Writ of attaint Bishop Oldham was very liberal to the Vicars Choral of his Church and again reduced them to the good order of keeping Commons in their Common-hall who towards the maintenance thereof gave them certain revenues and impropriated unto them the Rectory of Cornwood He was a great favourer and furtherer of Religion Learning and Learned Men wherein the two Colleges of Brazen Nose and Corpus Christi in the Vniversity of Oxford will for ever bear witness of his
hounty to either of them and the Town of Manchester in Lancashire hath likewise good cause to remember this Bishop who founded and endowed a School therein with large revenue for the education of youth in good literature Patronum faciunt dos aedificatio fundus A Patron 's be that doth endow with Lands Or builds the House or on whose ground it stands Regna Regum 9. Henry the 8. An. D. 1517. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Hunt Richard Duke Nicholas Staplehill John Richards Mathew Long Hugh Paige William Cotton In the Month of December Nicholas Staple-hill the eldest Steward died in whose place John Richards was chosen who also deceased in March following in whose stead Mathew Long was elected who continued in the said Office the residue of the year 'T was now an usage here that the Receiver and Bailiffs at the time of the election of the Mayor and Officers kept breakfasts and dinners yearly for them which proved chargeable and some exceeding their ability became thereby decayed and little advantage coming to any person Richard Duke the present Receiver with the advice of his Brethren discontinued the custom keeping no breakfast for which he was fined the like order did the succeeding Bailiffs observe the year following whereupon 't was ordered by the Mayor and Common Council that the succeeding Bailiffs should for ever yearly keep their respective breakfasts and dinners as formerly on pain of 40 s. some of them thought it better to pay the Fine than to spend 20 l. in a Breakfast but the major part of them whether by perswasion or standing in a vain and naked reputation received the old custom till the coming hither of the Honourable Lord Russel Lieutenan● of this County by whose advice an order was had bearing date 21. Sept. 4 Ed. 6. That no more such Breakfasts or dinners should be made but in lieu thereof every Receiver should pay 5 l. or 4 l. and every Steward 4 l. or 3 l. 6 s. 8 d. at the Chambers discretion which said Fines should be yearly bestowed on the reparation of the Walls of the said City Regna Regum 10. Henry the 8. An. D. 1518. Mayors and Bayliffs William Crudg Reynold Russell John Maris Negell Collin John Michell Bicton was given by William the Conquerour to William Porto one of his Servants Henry the ●irst gave it to one John sirnamed Janitor of his Office who by Tenure of these Lands was to keep the common Prison within the County of Devon Galfrid le Balstar held Land by the same Service in the time of King Edward the Second from which name by Sackvill this Land came to Henry Copleston Esquire whose Grandson sold it to the aforesaid Sir Thomas Dennis Ann one of his Daughters and Co-heirs being married to Sir Henry Roll Knight from whom to that worthy Gentleman Dennis Roll Esquire as by hereditary right this descended And now Sir John Roll Knight of the Bath enjoys the same in the right of his Lady Florence one of the Daughters and Co heirs of the said Dennis Roll here the Gaol of the County was wont to be kept but the place being of no great strength 't was removed within the Walls of this City at the lower part of the Castle-garden where it still continues This year the King added the word Octavus to his style as Henricus Octavus Dei Gratia c. Regna Regum 11. Henry the 8. An. D. 1519. Mayors and Bayliffs Jeffery Lewes William Shapton Richard Martin John Awells Richard Andrew The goods of one John Jones attainted for Murther being seized on for the Cities use were remitted to his Widow on the payment of a small Fine John Beblew dis-franchized for suing John Northbrook both Freemen of this City at the common Law and out of the Jurisdiction of this Court contrary to his Oath The pay formerly made for Queen Mawdt obit was at present respited and afterwards utterly abolished Regna Regum 12. Henry the 8. An. D. 1520. Mayors and Bayliffs John Broadmere Richard Russel Richard Verny John Harris John Blackaller All Freemen ordered to live within the City on pain of dis-franchisement John Moor Fined for breaking of the Cities Pipes and letting out of the water Richard Ratcliff Fined forty shillings for suffering strangers to sell Wares within his house and for colouring of Foraigners goods Regna Regum 13. Henry the 8. An. D. 1521. Mayors and Bayliffs John Nosworthy William Bennet Christopher Lambert Thomas Hunt John Buller This year the King added to his style Fidei Defensor This Mayor was a very wise Man professing the Laws of the Realm who governed the City so well as that none or few before him did better preferring the welfare of the publick before his own private affairs reformed many abuses and established many good orders herein First he rectified the great disorders of the Courts as well the King's Court as the Provost's Court the Attorneys whereof he caused to be sworn for their just dealings in their Clyents causes he caused a great Presse with leaves locks and keys to be made in the Council-Chamber for the safe keeping of the Records of the City which heretofore lay scattered abroad and thereby all of them from the Conquest to the Reign of King Henry the Third were lost he prescribed and set down the duties of every particular Officer within the City and saw the observation thereof There happening a dearth or scarcity of Corn for the ease of the poor Commons he made good provision and laid it up in a store-house which got him the love of the people all the days of his life thereafter He also reduced the Corn-market to be kept at certain hours and hanged up a Bell to be rung at the beginning and close of the said Markets and about the middle to be tolled First that the Citizens and Inhabitants hereof should supply their wants and then Foraigners should buy He was likewise very careful to see the Assize of Bread and Ale well kept and much delighted in Hospitality In all things he did so well demean himself as that he was honoured of the best reverenced of the Inferiour and generally beloved of all Regna Regum 14. Henry the 8. An. D. 1522. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Duke William Hurst Robert Hooker John Way Robert Smith Notandum est quod nulla navis applicans in●ra portum Civitatis Exoniens●s potuit se exoner are absque licentia prius obtenta Majoris seu Receptoris Civitatis predictae sub poenâ forisfacturae omnium bonorum Merchandizarum Goods seised on as forfeited for non-payment of the Town Custom duties and composition made for the same A controversie happened between the Parishioners of St. Mary the Moor and one John Bonefant touching a Tenement in South-gate-street whereof one Richard Russel one of the Common Council of this City was a Feoffee in trust for the said Parish and when the cause came to trial Bonefant produced a Release made by the said Russell
whereby the Parishioners lost their Land The Chamber not liking such untrusty dealings of any of their Members called him before them and finding that he had betrayed a trust reposed in him for the Poor dismissed him of their Society and dis-franchized him of the liberties of the City Regna Regum 15. Henry the 8. An. D. 1523. Mayors and Bayliffs John Symons Thomas Hunt John Britnall Richard Faux Roger Luxton John Holmer This John Symons died 27. Septembris being Tuesday and the next day after his Election and Thomas Hunt was chosen to supply the Office until William Hurst the new Mayor Elected did return from London and take his Oath in whose absence the rest of the Officers then chosen were sworn according to the ancient Custom of the City Bishop Oldham died 25. Junii and lies buried in a Chappell on the South-side of the Quire of his own Church built on purpose for his Interment dying excommunicated John Voysey alias Herman Doctor of the Laws and Dean of this Church was by the King being his Chaplain in Ordinary and Dean of his Chappell 23. Julii preferred to this Bishoprick and afterwards made Lord President of Wales and had the Government of the King 's eldest Daughter the Lady Mary Princess of Wales and afterwards Queen of England whose Godfather he was Bishop Voysey and the Earl of Devon sent to Dover to receive the King of Denmark Regna Regum 16. Henry the 8. An. D. 1524. Mayors and Bayliffs William Hurst Henry Hamlyn William Buckenam John Woolcott William Davy One Joan Luter a common Strumpet being frequently admonished of her debauched Life and Conversation and not reforming the same This Mayor went in person to her house brought her thence and committed her to Ward that she might receive due punishment for her said offences her Lovers and Companions hearing the news used all means possible to prevent the same who seeing they could not prevail with the Mayor to inlarge their Harlot attempted to rescue the Prisoner insomuch that William Somaster then Sword-bearer attending his Master the Mayor in the High-street for his defence was enforced to draw his Sword and in fight defeated the said Lovers whereupon their Wench was sent to the House of Correction and afterwards whipped openly at the Carts Tail Regna Regum 17. Henry the 8. An. D. 1525. Mayors and Bayliffs William Bennet Robert Buller John Winter William Holmer John Tuckfield The Lord Henry Courteney Earl of Devon created Marquess of Exeter and shortly afterwards beheaded The Farm of Weapons here forfeited for breaking of the King's Peace was devised to Richard Faux Several Writs of ne Molestando sent to Bristol to discharge the duty of Town Custom pretended to be due to them from the Freemen of this City from the payment whereof by sundry Charters they are exempted Regna Regum 18. Henry the 8. An. D. 1526. Mayors and Bayliffs Henry Hamlyn Robert Hooker Nicholas Lymett John Trub●dy William Hussy William Hussy one of the Bailiffs neglecting to keep his Dinner according to a former Order in that behalf made was therefore Fined 4 l. and paid it accordingly Regna Regum 19. Henry the 8. An. D. 1527. Mayors and Bayliffs John Britnall John Blackaller John Croft John Seller John Duck The Custom was pleaded touching a Childs portion and 't was proved that if any Freeman died leaving a Wife and Children his goods were to be divided into three equal parts whereof the Widow was to have one third part the Children another third part and the Executor to have the other third part but in case he leaveth Children and no Wife then are the goods to be divided into two equal parts whereof the Children are to have one moiety and the Executor or Administrator is to have the other moiety or halfendeal of the said goods Rot. 36. John Broadmere late Mayor and now one of the Aldermen of this City obstinately refusing to render an Accompt and to pay what he owed them And being often summoned to attend them and refusing was Fined ten Marks and required forthwith to appear and submit himself on pain of disfranchisement which he did accordingly A good precedent when Magistrates without respect of Persons thus impartially administer justice Regna Regum 20. Henry the 8. An. D. 1528. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Buller Gilbert Kirk John Maynard William Tothill Robert Whitread Goods of a Felon on his Attainder forfeited to the City and seized on accordingly John Northbrook distrained for non-payment of his Shop Fine Two Freemen hereof for suing two other Freemen in the King's Bench out of the Jurisdiction of this Court for matters properly here determinable contrary to their Oaths were both dis-franchised Another for the like offence submitted to a Fine Ordered that the presentments be weekly estreated and brought into the Mayor's Court by the Serjeants at Mace which they refusing to do are to lose their Offices By the Custom of this City every person condempned in any Action within the Courts hereof ought to pay the Serjeants at Mace for levying of the same a penny of every shilling if the condempnation be not above 40 s. if it exceeds 40 s. the party condempned shall pay twelve pence of every pound Regna Regum 21. Henry the 8. An. D. 1529. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Hooker William Peryam Thomas Spurway Robert Turner Robert Tooker John Breknoll for abusing John Thomas with slanderous words in the Council Chamber being both Members thereof was Fined and paid accordingly 40 s. John You another Member of this Society in respect of his great Age and Impotency was on his petition dismissed hence John Ryse Treasurer of this Church builded the new Calendar-hay within St. Peter's Close Regna Regum 22. Henry the 8. An. D. 1530. Mayors and Bayliffs John Blackaller Richard Martin Thomas Prestwood Richard Mawditt Stephen Larimore A pension of twenty shillings per Annum by Patent under the Common Seal of the City granted to Anthony Hertney Surveyor to the Marquess of Exeter for his Life This year the King added in the end of his style Supremum caput Ecclesiae Anglicanae Regna Regum 23. Henry the 8. An. D. 1531. Mayors and Bayliffs Gilbert Kirk Hugh Paige Thomas Bonefant William Chanon Edward Sheer The last Wills and Testaments of John Nosworthy and Thomas Andrew late Mayors of this City according to the ancient Custom hereof were here proved in the King's Court held at the Guild-hall Thomas Bennet a Master of Arts was condemned of Heresie and a Writ de Haeretico comburendo being brought to Sir Thomas Dennis Knight Sheriff of the County of Devon commanded a stake to be erected in Southen-hay in order to the said Bennet's execution which the Chamber would not suffer and therefore was carryed to Livery-dole and there burned to death In which place the said Sheriff afterwards Founded and Erected a fair Alms-house for twelve aged Men to inhabit allotting to each of them a low Room and a Chamber over the same
making his Apprentice Free before the end of his term Small was the resort in the beginning to the Yarn Market but the house being built it encreased which did not a little trouble the Crediton Men having used their utmost endeavours to interrupt this settlement fearing hereby that their Market formerly the only Market in these Western parts for the sale of Kersies Wool and Yarn would be much neglected if not utterly destroyed They brought the matter in question before the Lords of the Council and Entitled the Bishop of the Diocess therewith but in fine they had the repulse and the Market here continued to be one of the greatest benefits accruing to the said City ten thousand pound weekly being therein bestowed in Serges The King was here proclaimed King of Ireland formerly called Lord of Ireland Regna Regum 33. Henry the 8. An. D. 1541. Mayors and Bayliffs William Buckenam John Way John Peryam John Macy Robert Sweet A young Child named Thomas Hunt standing near to the wheel of an Horse-mill which Nicholas Reev Brewer had erected to the great dislike of the Millers was by mischance come within the compass of the cog-wheel and therewith torn in pieces And on an Inquisition taken 't was found that the said Wheel was the cause of the Child's death whereupon the said Mill was forthwith demolished and the Horse as a Deodand seized on to the Cities use Regna Regum 34. Henry the 8. An. D. 1542. Mayors and Bayliffs John Buller John Woolcott John Drake Christopher Potter Richard Limbear Goods forfeited for non-payment of the duty of the Town Custom and composition made for the same Goods of a Felon on his Attainder forfeited to the City and seized on by the Sheriff Robert Bridgman Fined for counterfeiting the seal of the Leather John Row Junior Fined for selling Leather unsealed in the open Market Regna Regum 35. Henry the 8. An. D. 1543. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Tooker John Holmer John Hurst William Parsons William Downman The Spanish Embassadour taking this City in his way towards London This Mayor at his own charge lodged and honourably entertained him and his whole company in his own house during their abode here being the space of three days Goods seized as forfeited for non-entry of the Town Custom Ordered that the Sheriff of this City and County for executing of a common process for a Freeman shall demand and take but Twelve pence and for an Inhabitant but Sixteen pence Ordered that the Sheriff do make up his Accompt yearly between Michaelmas and Christmas Regna Regum 36. Henry the 8. An. D. 1544. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Prestwood John Maynard John Webb William Halse Hugh Pope At the Mayor's Election all Freemen of the City ought to be present and give their Voices upon pain without a reasonable excuse of dis-franchisement The Commons of this City gave a free benevolence towards the reparation of the Walls The New-haven or Water-course of Exe was now begun to be made towards the charges whereof most part of the Parish Churches of this City gave some portion of their Plate amounting in the whole to nine hundred ounces of silver parcel gilt Sir Thomas Bodley the honourable Founder of the publick Library in the Vniversity of Oxford a great restorer of Learning and a munificent Benefactor hereunto was 2. Martii born here Regna Regum 37. Henry the 8. An. D. 1545. Mayors and Bayliffs William Hurst Nicholas Lymett Robert Midwinter Henry Booth John Berry Shop Fines imposed upon sundry Foraigners inhabiting within the City Part of Cowley Bridge fell down Regna Regum 38. Henry the 8. An. D. 1546. Mayors and Bayliffs John Britnall John Tuck field John Stowell Edward Bridgman Thomas Grigg Goods seized on as forfeited being laid on Land without Licence the Town Custom duty not discharged nor agreement made for the same Januarii 28. the King died and his only Son Edward the Sixth of the Age of nine years was proclaimed King Regna Regum 1. Edw. the 6. An. D. 1547. Mayors and Bayliffs John Midwinter John Drake Thomas Skidmore John Bodley John Blackall Goods seized as Foraign bought and sold and redeemed by a Fine Nicholas Reev one of the Common Council for several misdemeanours dismissed of the said Society Nicholas Lymett another Member of the said Society being blind was on his petition likewise dismissed Regna Regum 2. Edw. the 6. An. D. 1548. Mayors and Bayliffs John Blackaller William Tothill Jeffery Arundell Henry Maunder John Tocker From the 10th day of June to the 6th day of August then next following by the insurrection of the Commons of Devon and Cornwall this City was so strictly besieged especially for 35. days and that albeit for the last 12. days the Citizens lived on Horse-bread and Horse-flesh being miserably pinched with Famine yet remained they faithful to their Liege Lord and Soveraign The King and in fine by the valour of John Lord Russel whom the King sent hither as General of an Army for their deliverance the Enemy was vanquished In reward of which great service thus performed by the City the King bestowed on it his Mannor of Exiland adjoyning to the same and parcel of the Suburbs thereof and renewed their Charter of which deliverance an Anniversary is here solemnly and thankfully observed on the 6th day of August Regna Regum 3. Edw. the 6. An. D. 1549. Mayors and Bayliffs John Tuck field William Smith Richard Prestwood William Reynolds Thomas Lambert This Bishop Voysey through the whole course of his Life appeared Court-like and bountiful which in the end turned not so much to his credit as the spoil of the Church for of two and twenty Lordships which his Predecessors had enjoyed and left to him of a great yearly revenue he left but Three to his Successor and those also leased out And where he found fourteen Mansion-houses excellently well furnished he left but one of them behind him and that very bare and naked robbed of all its Furniture and yet charged with sundry Fees and Annuities by which means this Bishoprick sometimes accounted one of the best is now become one of the meanest in Temporal Lands who having governed this Church about twenty six years surrendred it into the King's hands Whereupon Miles Coverdale who the year immediately precedent attended upon the Lord Russell in the service of the commotion was at Lambeth 20. Sept. consecrated Bishop hereof by Thomas Cranmer Arch-Bishop of Canterbury The City purchased from the Crown the Fee or Mannor of St. Nicholas within this City a Priory lately dissolved by Act of Parliament Two Citizens for colouring of Foraigners goods were dis-franchised Regna Regum 4. Edw. the 6. An. D. 1550. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Prestwood John Hurst Walter Staplehill Peter Lake Thomas Beaufit● The bounds and limits of the County were by Act of Parliament ascertained and confirmed Bishop Coverdals translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into English and being unwilling to be disturbed in his
Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1565. Mayors and Bayliffs John Woolcott Robert Chaff Thomas Bruerton Robert Lambell Alexander Trigg This Mayor passed all the Offices towards the Mayoralty about 22. years last past when he was a Merchant flourishing with Wealth but falling afterwards into decay and no less in respect of his old Age 't was thought fit not to cast the Office of Mayoralty upon him nevertheless the lot being now fallen to him a fitting house was purposely provided for him and the charge of keeping the same for this year was undertaken by the Chamber and defrayed accordingly Regna Regum 8. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1566. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Richardson Simon Knight Nicholas Martin John Pope Thomas Bird The Exchequer of St. Peters 23. Octobris was robbed but the Thieves were so honest as that when they had carried home the money and finding the same to be more then they needed returned the over-plus Regna Regum 9. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1567. Mayors and Bayliffs John Smith William Chappell Thomas Martin John Hutchins John Jones A voluntary collection here made of threescore pounds in money towards the reparation of St. Mary Michels Tower and Spire the Weather-cock thereof being blown down Regna Regum 10. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1568. Mayors and Bayliffs Robert Chaff Edward Lymett John Levermove Richard Newman Roger Robinson Calabear Weare by means of a great Frost was much in decay and afterwards new made in a frame of Timber Regna Regum 11. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1569. Mayors and Bayliffs William Chappel Thomas Bruerton John Pyle William Hunt John Collins Bishop All●igh having well governed this Church nine years and upwards 15. Aprilis departed this Life and lies buried under a fair Marble stone in the Quire of his own Church with this Inscription thereon Reverendus Pate● Willielmus Alleigh Exoniensis Episcopus Ace●rimus Evangelicae veritatis propugnator morum probitate praecelebris bonarum Disciplinarum mirabili scientia clarus in Christo Domino sub hoc marmore quiescit obiit Decimo Quinto Aprilis Anno Domini 1570. William Bradbridge Dean of Sarisbury was the next elected Bishop of this Church and accordingly consecrated at Lambeth by Mathew Parker Arch-Bishop of Canterbury 28. Aprilis The Plague reigning here the chiefest Men of the City removed into the Country with their Families Regna Regum 12. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1570. Mayors and Bayliffs Simon Knight William Tryvett William Param●re Hugh Wilsdon Walter Jones The Yarn Market was new builded Regna Regum 13. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1571. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Bruerton Nicholas Martin John Dorr William Martin William Monugwell Agnes the Wife of John Jones late of this City was burnt to death in Southen-hay for poysoning her said Husband Regna Regum 14. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1572. Mayors and Bayliffs John Pery●m John Blackall Thomas Prestwood Thomas Reymond Henry James Richard Sweet This John Peryam towards the end of his Mayoralty sc 5. Septembris died and John Blackall was elected Mayor in his place to perform that Office for the residue of the year Regna Regum 15. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1573. Mayors and Bayliffs William Tryvett George Peryaman John Davy Alexander Mayn Thomas Chappel A general Watch is here yearly kept on Midsomer-eve according to the ancient custom of the sayd City a chief end whereof is for the cleansing of the Harness and Artillery Regna Regum 16. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1574. Mayors and Bayliffs Nicholas Martin John Pope John Peryam John Sanford Richard Harding In the month of December there fell such a sudden storm of Hail Wind and Thunder as the like had not been heard or seen A pension of 40 s. per Annum by Patent under the Common Seal granted to Sir Gawen Carew Knight for his Life on whose decease the same was in like manner settled on Edmond Tremayn Esquire to them both in reward of their good services done this City In an Isle at the East end of the Cathedral Church there 's a fair Tomb of Free-stone with the Portraicture of Sir Peter Carew Knight compleatly armed who was Brother to the Lord Carew of Clopton sometime Lord President of Munster afterwards Master of his Majesties Ordinance then Chamberlain to Queen Ann and a Privy Counsellour and lastly Earl of Totnes both of them Sons to Dean Carew of this Cathedral Church who was the Queens Chaplain in Ordinary and endowed with other dignities Regna Regum 17. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1575. Mayors and Bayliffs John Peter Richard Prows● George Smith Nicholas Spicer Richard Beaufitz A Freeman of this City being impleaded at Westminster for matters determinable here our Charters for Cognizance of Pleas were sent up and by Plea demanded and the cause thereon was ordered to be tryed here Thomas Williams Esquire serving in Parliament as one of our Citizens was elected Speaker of the House of Commons to whom was sent hence a present of 20 l. in gold in reward of his good service there done for this City on whose death to supply his room in Parliament Sir Peter Carew Knight was here Elected as one of our Citizens Regna Regum 18. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1576. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Prestwood Robert Chaffe Thomas Martin Thomas Spicer Lawrence Barcomb John Choppell This Thomas Presiwood in the beginning of his Mayoralty sc 28. Decemb. died and Robert Chaff elected his Successor to execute that Office for the residue of the year For the more decent sitting of the Mayor and Justices in Court the higher part of the Guild-hall was erected seated and plaunched Regna Regum 19. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1577. Mayors and Bayliffs George Peryman Michael Germin John Hakewill John Dod John Field Thomas Spicer of this City Merchant on a Wager loaded two Hogsheads of Wine on a Horse and carried them from one seller to another about the space of a Furlong Bishop Bradbridg at his Benefice of Newton-Ferrers in Devon 27. Junii being alone suddenly died a Man only memorable for this that nothing memorable is recorded of him saving that he well governed this Church about eight years and lies buried in the North-side of the Quire of his said Church near the high Altar Regna Regum 20. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1578. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Prowse Jeffery Thomas William Perry Thomas Turbervill William Shepherd John Wolton sometime a Cannon Residentiary of this Church 24. Augusti was installed Bishop thereof by Edmond Grindall Arch-Bishop of Canterbury The Guild-hall was new cieled and glazed and before it a new Pump erected John Jones of this City Gold-smith bestowed on the Mayor hereof a Bason and Ewer of silver parcell gilded of 30 l. value for the use of the said Mayor and his Successors for ever for the Cities honour A house of Correction was here erected towards which the Citizens gave liberally whereof many of them afterwards repented Regna Regum 21. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1579. Mayors and Bayliffs William Chappell Simon Knight Thomas Reymond John Aplin John
Brushford Peter Vilvain This William Chappel died 15. Decembris in whose place Simon Knight was chosen to supply that Office for the remaining part of the year Regna Regum 22. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1580. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Bruerton John Davy Robert Webber John Riggins Nicholas Capenter In the Month of October by the Queens Command eleven Horsemen well arrayed with their whole Furniture were sent into Ireland at the sole charges of the Bishop Dean and Chapter In the same Month was here seen a Comet or Blazing star Regna Regum 23. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1581. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Martin John Peryam Henry Hull Richard Dorchester Henry Spurway An Act of Parliament made that all Gavel-kind Land within the Country of this City shall be inheritable as Lands at the Common Law the charges whereof were defrayed by the City Sluces erected on the new work or Flaven for the better conveyance of Wares and Merchandizes to and from the said City Regna Regum 24. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1582. Mayors and Bayliffs Michael Germin George Smith John Howell John Follet John Moor The Right Honourable William Earl of Bath 7. Augusti here married the Lady Elizabeth Daughter to the Earl of Bedford to whom the City presented a Bason and Ewer of silver gilded and also made them a triumph in Southen-hay in honour of their said Marriage Regna Regum 25. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1583. Mayors and Bayliffs Jeffery Thomas William Martyn Thomas Walker Richard Jourden Nicholas Errom Every Inhabitants dwelling House being on fire he forfeits 20 s. and for his Chimney 6 s. 8 d. by the ancient custom of this City Regna Regum 26. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1584. Mayors and Bayliffs John Davy John Levermore John Prowse Thomas Bridgman Christ●pher Spic●r In the Month of September Don Anthonio King of Portugal being driven out of his own Countrey by Philip King of Spain arrived at Plymouth and upon St. Michael's day came to this City who with his retinue during their abode here were lodged in this Mayor's house and by him very liberally entertained Regna Regum 27. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1585. Mayors and Bayliffs Nicholas Martin Thomas Chappell William Spicer Gilbert Smith Richard Pery At Lent Assizes held at the Castle of Exeter there were certain Prisoners arraigned before Serjeant Flowerdby one of the Judges of Assizes for this Western Circuit when suddenly there arose such a noisom smell from the Bar as that a great number of the people then present were therewith infected whereof in a very short space thereafter died the said Judge Sir John Chichester Sir Arthur Basset and Sir Bernard Drake Knights Robert Cary and Thomas Risdon Esquires Justices of the Peace and then sitting on the Bench and eleven of the Jury impannelled and sworn for the Trial of the said Prisoners at the Bar and the Twelfth man only escaped The cause of the sickness was said to be thus Sir Bernard Drake having been at Sea took a Portugal Ship which had there hovered up and down a long season insomuch that the Merchants and Mariners therein by diseases chiefly occasioned through want of Victuals and Necessaries were all worn out These men he brought into Dartmouth and caused them to be sent to the Gaol near Exeter Castle with which contagious disease all persons therein were soon infected and most of them died and no less both City and Countrey Regna Regum 28. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1586. Mayors and Bayliffs George Smith Nicholas Spicer Lawrence Seldon William Brayly Thomas Edwards Regna Regum 29. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1587. Mayors and Bayliffs John Peryam Philip Yard John Ellicott Jasper Horsey Roger Selby A Letter of Attorney made to retain persons under the Common Seal to demand cognizance of pleas Goods seized as forfeited being landed the Town Custom duty not discharged Goods seized on by the searchers of Leather as forfeited and composition made for the same John Carpenter sometime a servant to Sir Thomas Dennis Knight elected Muster-Master of this City Several Ships were hence set forth every way well furnished for the Queens service against the Spanish Invasion whose Captains Mariners and Souldiers were by the City paid their wages Regna Regum 30. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1588. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Chappell Thomas Spicer Thomas Radford Richard Reynolds Thomas Greenwood The Earl of Essex coming hither was very honourable received and at the Cities sole charge entertained Regna Regum 31. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1589. Mayors and Bayliffs Richard Prowse John Chappel Edward Langdon Walter Horsey John Payn In the month of September the Plague begun here to reign At the Election of the Mayor and Officers of this City on Monday next before St. Michael's day Sir Robert Dennys Knight Recorder hereof being absent by reason of sickness wrote a Letter to the Chamber for his excuse and prayed them to appoint a deputy to supply his place pro hâc vice and they ordered the Camberlain who took the secret voices of the Four and twenty and presented the same to the Commons in the Guild-hall according to the Ancient and Laudable Custom of the said City The little Conduit in the High-street and also the House in the Courtelage behind the Gisild-hall were new builded Regna Regum 32. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1590. Mayors and Bayliffs Wiliam Martin Richard Sweet John Howell William Newcomb Walter Borough Thomas Baskervil Upon the Death of Richard Sweet late Receiver General of this City John Howell was Elected his Successor in that Office for the residue of the year Regna Regum 33. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1591. Mayors and Bayliffs Michael Germin Thomas Walker Jeremy Hilliard Hillary Galley John Depford John Tayler a Freeman of this City for colouring Foraigners goods and for suing another Freeman at Westminster out of the Jurisdiction of this Court contrary to his Oath had two distinct Fines imposed on him The Cloth-market removed from North-gate-street into South-gate-street to be kept between the Conduit there and the Bear-lane Regna Regum 34. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1592. Mayors and Bayliffs Nicholas Spicer Richard Beavis Walter Body Alnett Budly Richard Wheaton The Company of Butchers within this City disturbing the markets and taking away the Victuals of Foraign Butchers resorting hither were for their misdemeanour many of them committed to prison Regna Regum 35. Q. Elizabeth An. D. 1593. Mayors and Bayliffs Thomas Spicer Henry Hull Alexander Germin Paul Triggs Henry Payn The forepart of the Guild-hall was new built Bishop Wolton having well governed this Church 14. years space being constantly an earnest assertor of Conformity against the opposers thereof 13. Martii deceased and lies buried in the South-side of the Quire of his own Church In whose memory on a fair stone fixed in the Wall are inscribed these ensuing Verses Epitaphium in obitum Reverendissimi Patris Johannis Woltoni Episcop● Exoniensis Hic jacet haud jacet hic tumulo quem credis inesse Terra nequit tantum