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A35310 The antient and present state of Muscovy containing a geographical, historical, and political account of all those nations and territories under the jurisdiction of the present czar : with sculptures and a new map / by J.C., M.D., Fellow of the Royal Society, and a member of the College of Physicians, London. Crull, J. (Jodocus), d. 1713? 1698 (1698) Wing C7424; Wing C7425; ESTC R2742 334,877 511

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the absolute Power they have over their Subjects Lives and Fortunes they may be parallel'd at least if not preferr'd to the Emperour of the Turks CHAP. II. Of the Southern Muscovy in particular with a Description of its Chief Cities MVscovy as has been mentioned in the foregoing Chapter being commonly divided into four Parts viz. in the two Northern Parts bordering on Sweden and Tartary the Southern Muscovy and the Tartarian Kingdoms under the Obedience of the Russian Empire we will in this Chapter treat of the Southern Muscovy in particular reserving its more Northern Provinces to the following and the Description of the Tartarian Kingdoms of Astrachan Casan Siberia and other Tartarian Countries Muscovy pr●p●●ly so called to the Fourth and Fifth Chapters The Southern Muscovy comprehends ten Provinces The first is the Province of Muscovy properly so called which has communicated its Name to the whole Empire it is a flat Country beautified with great store of Forests most of them of Firrs and Beech-trees Lakes and Rivers abounding in every thing requisite for the Sustenance of Human Life the Forests abounding with Honey and all sorts of Game as the Plains do with Grass and Corn and the Rivers and Lakes furnish the whole Country with a prodigious quantity of all so●ts of Fish except Carps which are not to be found here or if they are in some places they eat harsh and are quite neglected in a Country where they have such store of the best Fish in the World The Capital City of this Province is Musco A Description of the City of Musco the Metropolis of the whole Empire to which it has given its Name as it has derived its own from the River Moska which passes through and divides that part of the City called Strelitza Sla●oda from the rest and after having received the two small Rivers of Neglina and Yagusa and joined its Current with the River Occa falls afterwards into the great River Wolga It is situated in a very fair Plain betwixt the three above-mentioned Rivers its Figure is almost Circular containing in its Circumference Fifteen or Sixteen Miles at least tho' by reason of the Conflagrations which frequently happen in this City both its form and extent do not continue many Years in the same condition It lies almost in the Centre of the whole Empire being at an equal distance from the Frontiers which on either side are above 600 Miles It s Elevation is 55 Degrees and 36 Min. Latitude Its Longitude 66 Degrees Before the Crim Tartars in the Year 1571 destroyed it and the Poles burnt it to the Ground all but the Castle in the Year 1611. it was doubtless much bigger than it is now nevertheless there being by computation numbred near ●0000 Houses ●0000 this with the largeness of its Streets and the Intervals betwixt the Houses makes it one of the greatest and most considerable tho' not the most Populous Cities of Europe The City of Musco like most of all the other Towns in Muscovy is built all of Wood except the Palaces of Persons of the first Rank some Churches and Chappels and the Houses of some very Rich Merchants which are of Brick or Stone it being the general Custom throughout all Muscovy to build their ●ouses of Wood made up of Beams and Cross-pieces of Firr laid and joyned one upon another the vacuities being fill'd up with Moss they are covered with Barks of Trees upon which they sometimes lay another covering of Turffs the better to defend themselves against the Injuries of the Winter-Season The Streets of the City of Musco are very spacious and handsom enough in dry Weather but after the least Rain very dirty and would for some time of the Year be rendred quite unpassable were it not for the great quantity of Firr Posts which being laid cross the Streets like a Bridge serve instead of a Pavement The combustible Matter of which their Houses are composed together with the carelessness and disorderly House-keeping of the Muscovites they being much given to Drunkenness makes their Houses very subject to the mischances of Fire In the City of Musco there are certain Intervals left from place to place and the sooner to quench the fury of the Flames the Guards and Watch in the Night-time carry Poll-axes wherewith they instantly break down the next adjoyning Houses to those that are on fire Notwithstanding all these precautions there is seldom a Week without some damage done by Fire which however the Muscovites are the less disturbed at by how much more common it is and may be repaired without any considerable Loss to the Owners their Furniture consisting commonly of a few Benches only which also serve instead of Beds and some Earthen or Wooden Dishes And as for their Houses they are almost as soon repaired as lost there being a certain Market without the white Wall of this City where at a very easie rate Wood being so over-plenty in this Country they buy a House of what bigness they please ready built which in a little time is taken down and transported to the Place where the other House stood before The whole Body of this great City is divided into four distinct Quarters or Circuits Musco divided into four Quarters The first which the Muscovites call Cataygorod or the Mid-City Cataygorod or the Mid-City is situated in the centre of the others being divided from the rest by a Brick Wall called Cresne Stenna or red Stone and surrounded almost by the two Rivers of Mosca and Neglina the first passing by it on the South and joyning with the latter on the North-side behind the Castle The Castle of Musco The Castle of the Grand Dukes called Cremelena by the Russians takes up near one half of it being at least two Miles in circumference and very well fortified with a triple strong Wall very well mounted with Cannon and strengthened by a very good Ditch The Palace it self stands at the further end of the Castle next adjoyning to that of the Patriarch being built of Stone after the Italian manner about Fifty Years ago notwithstanding which the Czars used during the Winter-Season to eat and to sleep in some Apartments made of Wood as being less moist than the others Besides that there are several Boyars who have great Places at Court and live within the Castle in very fair Houses of Stone there are several Convents of Monks and Nuns and near Fifty Churches and Chappels of Stone the chiefest of which are those of St. Mary's St. Nicholas and that of St. Michael Famous for the Tombs of the Great Dukes of Russia Among a great many other Steeples which adorn these Churches and are all covered with Copper ●nd large Crosses gilt on the top of them which ●eing burnished by the heat of the Sun gives them 〈◊〉 Resemblance of Gold at a distance two are most ●articularly worth taking notice of being both in ●he centre of the Castle The first called
The third Province is the Dukedom of Rhesan betwixt the two Rivers of Don and Occa lying Southward from Muscovy Rhesan from which it is divided by the River Aka being one of the most fruitful Provinces of all Muscovy abounding in Wheat Honey Fish and all manner of Venison and Fowl Its Capital City is called likewise Rhesan formerly a very considerable Place which had given its name to the whole Province but was in the Year 1568 totally destroyed as was the greatest part of that Dukedom by the Crim-Tartars The Great Duke having taken into Consideration the Fertility of the Country all along the River Occa which from thence extends its self to that great Trench which serves for a Fence against the irruptions of those Barbarians on that side and having got together the dispersed Inhabitants and furnished them with Materials he ordered the building of a new City at forty Miles distance from the former which is called Peresla Resanski because a great many Inhabitants of the City of Peresla heretofore mentioned came hither to settle themselves Notwithstanding which the old City of Rhesan retains to this day the Honour of being the Seat of an Arch-Bishop Besides which this Province has also the Cities of Domkagorod Corsira and Tulla the latter being situated upon a River of the same Name The fourth is the Province of Wolodimer Wol●dimer formerly the Chiefest of whole Muscovy The Capital City had its name from its first Founder Prince Wolodimer who lived in the Year 928 and was from ●hence communicated to the whole Province which ●e situated in the most fruitful Country of all Mus●ovy above 150 Miles Eastward from Musco be●ween the two Rivers of Occa and Wolga This City which is situated near the River Clesna was ●or a considerable time the Residence of the Great Dukes of Muscovy till the Imperial Seat was transferr'd to Musco by Prince Danilou Mich●elovits since which time it is much decayed from its former Splendor the Ruins of its Walls and Houses being undeniable demonstrations of its former Greatness Unto this Province are annexed the two Tartarian Principalities of Cassinou and Mordwa Cassinou and Mordwa The Capital City of the first is Cassinogord situated on the right side of the River Occa as one comes from Musco surrounded with a great many goodly Villages and Monasteries most pleasantly seated among the Woods The chief City of the second is Moruma being inhabited partly by Muscovites partly by Tartars but altogether under the Subjection of the Grand Duke It is situated on the left side of the River Occa the River Clesna which comes from Wolodimer falls into it at about 10 or 12 Miles distance The fifth Province is Nisenovogorod Nis●●ovogorod having received its Name as most others in this Country from its Capital City called Nisenovogorod Th●● City being built at the conflux of the two Gre● Rivers Occa and Wolga at 56 degrees 28 min. ne●● 500 Miles distant from the City of Musco by Land and above 700 by Water received its Name from the Famous City of Novogorod the Inhabi●ants 〈◊〉 which were by Order from the Great Duke Bas●●● translated to this Place It is true it falls far sho●● in bigness of what the City of Novogorod was 〈◊〉 former Ages nevertheless it has very strong Towers and Walls of Stone and the Suburbs exceed 〈◊〉 bigness the City it self being near three Miles 〈◊〉 circumference and inhabited by Tartars Muscovites and some Dutch the most of them Merchants the latter of which have here a Protesta●● Church whereas the City is for the most part take up with Military Officers Victuallers Sutlers ●● being all under the Government of a Weywode Th● next City in this Province is Basiligorod built like wise by the Great Duke Basili who gave it 〈◊〉 Name and made it a Frontier-place against the Incursions of the Tartars called Ceremisses of who● we shall have occasion to speak immediately It 〈◊〉 situated at 55 deg 51 min. at the foot of a Mountain on the right side of the Volga to reckon from its source the same being to be understood from all the other places mentioned in this Treatise at the falling in of the small River Sura heretofore the common Boundary betwixt the Muscovites and the Tartars of Casan Since the Muscovites have extended their Conquests over the Tartars on that side even to the Caspian Sea this place has been neglected its Walls being quite ruined and its Edifices altogether of Wood it resembles now more a great Village than a City The Tartars Ceremisses The Tartars Ceremisses whom we mentioned just now having their Habitation on both sides of the River Wolga betwixt this place and the Kingdom of Casan it will not be amiss to give a short Account of them in this Place They are a Nation barbarous treacherous and cruel living upon Robbery and addicted to Sorcery Their Food is Honey and wild Fowl they take in the Woods and Milk which their Pastures furnish them with they 〈◊〉 not inhabit Houses but most wretched Huts Those that live on the right side of the River Wol●a are called Nagorni or Mountaineers as those ●nhabiting on the left side are called Lugoivi from ●heir Meadows which supply them on both ●ides of the River with Hay They are generally ●peaking Heathens using neither Circumcision ●or Baptism They give a Child its Name from ●he first Person they meet that Day when this ●eremony is to be performed which is six Months ●fter its Birth They acknowledge an Immortal ●od the Author of all Good who ought to be ●dor'd but ridicule the Immortality of the Soul ●ho ' they do not believe a Hell they dread the ●evil as the Author of all their Misfortunes ●hom therefore they pretend to appease with Sa●ifices Their chief Devotion and Pilgrimages ●hich they do to the Devil is performed at a place ●●lled Nemda amongst the Fenns where every body 〈◊〉 obliged to carry a Present When they Offer ●●eir Sacrifices to God they kill a Ho●se an Ox or a Sheep some of the Flesh thereof being roasted and put into a Dish and holding in the other Hand another Vessel fill'd with Hydromel or some other Liquor both is cast into a Fire made for that purpose before the Skin of the Creature that is Sacrificed being extended upon a Pole laid a cros● two Trees This Skin they adore in order to interceed for them with God unto whom they also make sometimes their Address the whole Subject of their Devotion tending to some Conveniency 〈◊〉 another of this Life but most commonly to the augmenting the number of their Cattle They pay a great Veneration even to Adoration to the Su● and Moon whom they believe the Authors of the Productions of the Earth They make use of no Churches Priests or Books their Sacrifices and other religious Exercises being performed near som● Torrent or another Polygamy is used among● them even so as to Marry two or
reason of the nearness of the River and the Lake It has besides this two Cities more called Ostrow and Opolsko The Province of Wologda Wologda which sometime belonged to the Dukes of Novogorod is since reunited to the Crown of Muscovy its Capital City has the same Name with the Province both of them having borrowed their Names from the River Vologda which having its rise near the famous City of Novogorod Veliki disembogues in the Baltick Sea The City of Wologda or Vologda is one of the most considerable in those Parts not only by reason of its bigness and strength being surrounded with a very strong Wall but also of its Commerce It is situated on the left Shoar of the River Sucagna raised upon the very Banks of it which River running by Tetma and Vstiga runs some Miles below the latter into the above-mentioned River Dwina which renders it very convenient for Trading and consequently very populous There are two Cities more in this Province called Socsoa and St●litz The Province of Vstiugha Ustiugha lying betwixt the Provinces of Dwina and Wologda was also subject to the Dukes of Novogorod till like all the rest in those Parts it was united to the Crown of Muscovy The Capital City here is likewise called Vstiugha from the Word Vst which signifies as much as the Latin Word Ostium or the Mouth of a River and Jugh it being not far distant from the conflux of the River Jugh and Sucagna built upon the very Banks of the latter which at some Miles below this place exo●erates it self in the River Dwina as we have m●n●ioned before It has its own Weywode or Governour This Province is famous for the best black Foxes it affords above all others in Muscovy It has two Cities more called Kollas and Dobri●a The next Province both for Rank and Situation is Novogorod Veliki No●ogorod Veliki owing its Name to its Capital City likewise called Novogorod Veliki It is seated in a very fair spacious Plain at 58 degrees 23 min. Elevation upon the Wologda or Vologda a River different from the Volga The River Vologda The River Vologda hath its rise out of the Lake of Ilmen about three Miles above this City from whence crossing the Lake of Ladoga it passes in its way through the River Niova the Boundary betwixt Muscovy and Sweden on that side near the City of Noteburgh till at last by the Gulph of Finland it exonerates it self into the Baltick Sea This River is of great Advantage to this City affording not only great store of all sorts of most excellent Fish at a very cheap rate but also being Navigable from its very source and the Country round about very fruitful abounding in Wheat Flax Hemp Wax and Honey but especially in Russia Leather which is look'd upon here to be better dress'd than in any other part of Muscovy makes this City to be reputed one of the chief Trading Cities in the whole Empire It was in former Ages governed by its own Princes who having extended their Conquests over several of the adjacent Provinces as has been mentioned before this City was look'd upon as one of the most Potent and celebrated of Europe so that it was grown into a Proverb in those Parts Who can oppose God and the Great City of Novogorod The Hanseatick Towns had in those days an Office of Address in this City so that it was not only frequented by the Livonians and Muscovites but also by the Danes Germans and Swedes It was Sirnamed Veliki which signifies Great there having been some who have compared it for greatness with Rome it self It 's true they have in this much over-shot the Mark nevertheless the great extent of the Ruines of the Antient Walls and the number of its Steeples yet remaining are sufficient Proofs of its fo●mer Glory and that its present condition falls incomparably short of what it was before its destruction the City being now only surrounded with a Wooden Wall and the Houses built of the same Materials The first that put a stop to the Grandeur of this Place was Vithold Great Duke of Lithuania and at that time General of the Polish Army who in the Year 1427. oblig'd it to pay a considerable Tribute to that Crown About Fifty Years after the Great Duke of Muscovy John Basili Grotsdin famous for his Ty●anny after a War of Seven Years having defeated their Army in the Year 1477. forced them to do him ●omage and to receive a Muscovian Governour and soon after put a fatal period to this Great and Po●ent City For having considered with himself that its Inhabitants would not fail to take hold of the first Opportunity to recover their Liberty went thither in Person under pretence of establishing the Greek Religion which he pretended to be in danger by the contrivances of the Roman Catholicks being encouraged in his Design by Theophilus the then Archbishop of the City he had no sooner entred the City but it was by his Order pillaged and the Inhabitants transported from thence into other places of Muscovy but especially to Nise-Novogorod which we have spoke of before in whose stead he planted there a Colony of Muscovites The Booty which he got there was incredible having besides all sorts of Rich Stuffs and other sumptuous Moveables carried away Three Hundred Waggons loaded with Gold Silver and Jewels About Fourscore Years after Viz. in the Year 1569. the then Great Duke of Muscovy John Basilowitz having conceived the same Suspicion entred the City with an Army and after he had caused an infinite number of People to be trampled to Death by the Horses Feet and some Thousands killed by the Sword such a multitude of dead Bodies were thrown into the River Wolgda that its Current being stop'd the Neighbouring Fields were overflown round about the Town The stench of the dead Carcasses caused such an Infection in the Air that what had escaped the Fury of the Soldiers was destroyed either by the Plague or Famine no body daring to venture to carry thither any Provisions But that which was the most inhumane of all was that even the few remnants that had escap'd his former Cruelty the Plague and Famine having fed upon dead Carcasses were at last all cut to pieces by the Tyrant's Soldiers Notwithstanding all these Calamities sustained its advantageous Situation for Commerce has in process of time drawn thither a considerable number of new Inhabitants by whose Industry it is brought into that State it appears now which tho' it must only be look'd upon as a meer Shadow of that great Body it represented in former Ages nevertheless next to the City of Archangel it may pass for one of the most considerable Trading Towns in those Parts For besides the Wooden Fortifications we have mentioned before it has a Castle on the other side of the River opposite to the City and joyn'd to it by a Bridge This Castle is surrounded by a strong Stone Wall being
under their own Weywode but the City is inhabited both by Tartars and Muscovites who have their own Governour The Province of Casan lies on the left side of the River Volga bordering to the East upon Astrachan to the North upon the Siberian Tartars It was heretofore Subject to the Cham of Tartary till it was conquer'd by the Muscovites in the following Manner The Great Duke Basili Ivanovits Father to that famous Tyrant Ivan Basilovits after a signal Victory obtained over these Tartars The Conquest of Casan had constituted one Sheale their Governour against whom with the assistance of the Crim Tartars they made an Insurrection and forced him out of the Country Flush'd with this Success they marched into the Southern Muscovy under the conduct of two Brothers Mendligeri and Sapgeri who forced the Muscovites that were Encamped near the River Occa to Retreat under Noviogorod There being nothing in their way to stop their March to the City of Musco the same was besieged taken and plundered and the Castle also forced to capitulate being first reduced to the utmost extremity upon very hard conditions viz. That the Great Duke and his Subjects should be Tributaries to them for ever and as a Sign of this their Subjection the Great Duke should be obliged to smite his Head before the Statue of Mendligeri erected for that purpose in the Market place of the City as often as the Tribute should be paid to the Tartars The Great Duke having been forced by an unavoidable necessity to confirm these Articles by his Letters Patents the two Brothers parted Sapgeri chusing Casan for the Seat of his Empire Mendligeri being the Elder the City of Crim. But the latter having in view no less than the Conquest of the whole Muscovy marched soon after against the City of Rhesan and having summon'd John Kowar the Weywode of the Castle to surrender unto whom he represented how the Great Duke his Master was become his Subject the Governour pretending to be quite ignorant of the Matter desir'd that some more satisfactory Proof might be given him before he could resolve upon a Capitulation Mendligeri imagining that nothing could be more convincing than the Great Duke 's own Letters Patents sent them to the Governour who extreamly glad of having got so favourable an opportunity to recover by this Stratagem the Great Duke's original Letters sent word to the Besiegers that he was resolved to keep both the Letters and Castle to the last drop of Blood Neither was he behind hand in his Promises but with the Assistance of a certain Italian Connoneer he so Gall'd the Tartars that having forced them to Retreat from before the Town and Castle he sent the Letters to the Court of the Great Duke The people being over-joy'd at so lucky and unexpected an Accident broke down the Statue and the Czar taking Courage by the Example of his Subjects besieg'd the City of Casan but after much Blood shed on both sides was forced to raise the Siege After the Death of the Great Duke Basili Ivanovitz his Son John Basilovitz being desirous to revenge the Affront his Father had received before Casan began his Reign with the Siege of that City The place was for the space of two Months batter'd furiously when he offer'd them very advantageous Conditions which they having refused in hopes of Succour from the Crim Tartars the Great Duke not to loose Time ordered his Mines to be sprung which succeeded so well that a vast Number of Tartars were buried in their own Ruins During this Consternation the General Assault was given and the Place carried by Storm the 9th of July in the Year 1552. not without a great Slaughter the Tartars defending themselves with the utmost Bravery in two several Retrenchments within the City after the Enemy had made themselves Masters of the Breach and at last seeing all past Recovery they forc'd their Way out of one of the Gates through the Muscovian Camp and got on the other side of the River Casanska The Czar knowing the Importance of the Place which made him Master of the whole Province ordered immediately the Breaches to be Repair'd and some considerable Additions to be made to the Castle ever since which it has remain'd in the Possession of the Muscovites the Tartars who are allow'd to live in the City not daring under severe Punishments to set a foot between the Walls of the Castle The Country hereabouts is extreamly fertile especially of all sorts of Fruit Melons growing there of an extraordinary Taste coming in bigness near to our Pompions but not very populous by reason of the frequent Incursions of the Cosacks It is to be observed that the course of the River Wolga The course of the River Volga from the City of Nise Novogorod to Casan is East and South East-ward but from thence to the City of Astrachan and so further to the Caspian Sea its current runs from North to South About 60 Miles below Casan the River Kama coming North-East out of the Province of Permia The River Kama falls on the left side into the River Wolga and about 30 Miles lower the River Zerdick being a branch of the River Kama falls also into the same River At about 30 Miles distance from hence is situate on a little Ascent the City of Tetus on the right side of the Shoar resembling by its disorderly Buildings rather a great Village than a City Twenty five Miles lower not many Miles from the opposite Shoar of the River Wolga is the River Vtka which rises near the City of Bulgar The Province of Bulgar the capital of a Tartarian Province to which it had given its name Some Miles lower is an Island called Staritzza being above 15 Miles long and not far below this the Ruins of a considerable City among the Tartars called Vrenoskora It is a place very delightful for its Situation and famous to this day for the Burying of one of their Saints to whom they pay a great deal of Devotion A good many Miles lower at the right side of the River Volga are likewise to be seen the Ruins of two other great Cities not far distant from one another very pleasantly seated near the River side the first was called Simberska Gora the second Arbeuchim from an adjacent Mountain that retains the same name to this day they were both destroyed by Tamerlan being situate under the 53 deg El●v The River Wolga is hereabouts as most all along from its very Source to the Caspian Sea full of Sand-banks and small Islands which lying scatter'd up and down on both Shoars render its passage very difficult and sometimes unpassable for Vessels of great Burthen who are obliged to go for the most part in the Months of May and June when by 〈◊〉 of the Snow being melted and the Rivers which fall into it being thaw●d the Waters of 〈◊〉 River swell up to an extraordinary hight so 〈◊〉 often they afford a
At Forty Miles distance from hence The 〈◊〉 Branch o● the Wolga the River Wolga casts out its second Branch on the left side called Achtobenisna Vtsga which afterwards joyns with the Branch called Achtobska which we mentioned before From this Place down on both sides of the River as far as Astrachan there grows a prodigious quantity of Liquorice of a very large size Liqu●rice its stalks being as thick as a lusty Man's Arm and sometimes above four Foot high the Seeds lying in Cods upon the stalks yet is this inferiour both in bigness and sweetness to that which grows in Asia near the River of Araxes Twenty Miles lower is the City of Szornogar seated on the right side of the River upon a high Shoar near a vast Plain without any Trees or Eminencies its form is four-square fortified with Wooden Towers and Ramparts it serves for a Frontier-Garison against the Tartars and Cosacks About 120 Miles hence is the Mountain● o● Polowon so called because half way betwixt Zariza before-mentioned and Astrachan Not many Miles lower is a third Branch of the Volga Third and fourth Branch of the Volga called Buchw●stova which falls into the two precedents And Twenty Miles from thence the River Wolga makes a fourth Branch on the left side of it called Danitoska Vtsga which does not mingle with any of the other three but disembogues by a particular Channel into the Caspian Sea Near 60 Miles on this side of Astrachan The fifth Branch of the Wolga is the fifth Branch of the Volga called Mituska which at some distance from the main River being again divided into two less Branches the one is united with the Danilofska Vtsga just now mentioned the other after having continued its course for some Miles falls again into the main River Five and twenty Miles on this side of Astrachan is the Isle of Busan The sixth and seventh Branch of the Volga Ten Miles below which is the sixth Branch of the River Wolga called Baltzick as is three Miles lower the seventh called Knilusse which makes the Isle of Dilgoi within which the City of Astrachan is seated And after having encompass'd this Island it falls by several Channels into the Caspian Sea The City of Astrachan is situate upon the utmost Bo●ders betwixt Europe and Asia The City of Astrachan in this place divided by the River Volga It is seated on the River side in the Isle of Dilgoi made there by the two Branches of the River as has been said before under the Elevation of 26 deg 22 min. It is of a c●nsiderable bigness and now all inhabited by Muscovites the Inhabitants of the Country being Tartars who are not permitted to live within the compass of the Walls which is 8000 Geometrical Feet about but in the adjacent Suburbs which are fenc'd in only with Pallisadoes The Fortification● are all very high and of Stone which at a distance make a very gallant appearance especially towards the River-side by reason of a great number of Turrets and Steeples of Stone but the Houses within the City being all built of Wood and very low its inside does not appear answerable to the rest There is accounted to be a great Artillery in this place of 500 Brass Cannon and Mortars proportionable The Garrison in time of Peace commonly amounts to 5000 Men under the Command of two Weywodes and other Officers This City being seated upon the Confines of the two most considerable Parts of the World it must needs be a Place of great Commerce it being besides the Muscovites frequented not only by the Neighbouring Tartars but also by the Persians Armenians and Indians the last of which have a particular place assigned them within the City It was taken by Assault in the Year 1554. by the Great Duke John Basilovits who having two Years before conquer'd the Tartars of Casan turn'd his Arms against those of Nagaja then inhabiting this City and the Country round about it Having secured his Conquest over them by taking their Capital City he surrounded it with a strong Wall and the Czar Michael Federovits added to it besides some new Fortifications that part of the City which is called Str●litzagorod or the City of Soldiers they having their Quarters assigned them in this part of the City But before we leave this Kingdom it will not be beyond our purpose to give a short Description both of the Country and its Inhabitants It is past all question that the Tartars were unknown to the Antient Geographers The Tar●ars of 〈…〉 which were by them comprehended under the general Name of Scythians and Sarmatians tho' it be manifest that the Tartars consist of several Nations distinguish'd in their Names Language and manner of Life Those of Nagaja with the Tartars of Casan before mentioned and some others betwixt the River Wolga and the Don or Tanais are said to have been Indians who having revolted from their 〈◊〉 did about the Year 1212. settle themselves near the Euxine Sea upon the Palus Meotides the Place of Habitation of the Antient Getae from whence they extended their Conquests first to the River Don and from thence at last to the Wolga near which they inhabit to this day Those of Nagaja of whom we are to treat at present are seated betwixt the two Rivers of Wolga and Jaika as far as the Caspian Sea The City of Astrachan is their principal City built as they say by a Tartar King whose Name being Astra-Chan gave it the Name of Astrachan Before this Country was conquered by the Muscovites it was inhabited altogether by Tartars but now the latter are not permitted to abide in the Capital City or to build any new ones nor to fortifie their Towns or Villages with Walls They live for the most part in Huts made of Bull-rushes or Canes Their manner of Living which are commonly round seldom exceeding twelve or thirteen English Yards in compass on the top of which they have holes most like our Chicken-coops serving them instead of Chimneys nevertheless the least of these Huts has a Faulcon or Hawk the Tartars being great Masters in this Sport The Muscovites call these Nagajan Tartars Polutski or Vagabonds as having no fixt Habitation in the Summer when they ramble up and down according as they meet with the best conveniency for their Cattle which beginning to fail in one place their Huts are put into Carts and their Wives Children and Goods upon Camels Horses or Oxen and so removed to another Towards the Winter they begin to reassemble and to live in several Troops near Astrachan where being furnish'd with Arms by the Muscovites which however after the Frosty Season is past they are obliged to redeliver not being otherwise permitted to have any Arms either Defensive or Offensive they stand upon their Mutual Defence against the Malmuck Tartars and those Inhabiting upon the River Jaika They pay no Tribute to the Grand Czar but are obliged to serve him
was for a considerable time in the possession of the Poles who had taken it from the Muscovites till in the year 1562 the Swedes made themselves Masters of it but was however three years after recoverd by the Poles by Stratagem and ten Years after that taken by the Muscovites who remain'd in possession of it till by virtue of the beforementioned Treaty betwixt the Muscovites and Poles this with the rest of Livonia was surrendered to the latter The Swedes retook it from the Poles in the Year 1617 and have kept it ever since by the ensuing Treatises betwixt these two Crowns The third Province of Livonia Courland is the Dutchy of Courland being divided from the former by the River Dune This Province was miserably ruin'd during the Wars betwixt the Muscovites Poles and Swedes and when the Master of the Teutonick Order and the Arch-Bishop of Riga were forced to submit themselves to the Protection of Poland with all that was remaining under their Jurisdiction Sigismund Augustus King of Poland made Courland a Dukedom which he bestow'd upon Godard Kettler of Nesselroth last Master of the Teutonick Order in Livonia to be held as a Fief from the Crown of Poland But William the youngest Son of this Godard who enjoy'd the Dukedom after his Elder Brother Frederick died without Issue was dispossess'd of it by Sigismund III. King of Poland being forced to live in Exile till the year 1619. when by the Mediation of several Foreign Princes he was re-establish'd in his Dukedom whose Posterity enjoy it to this day It s Capital City is Goldingen but the Residence of the Duke is at Mittaw Mittaw situate in that part of Courland which is called Semgalles above thirty Miles from the City of Riga During the first War betwixt the Poles and Swodes the latter took the City of Mittaw which they fortified and kept in their Possession till the year 1629 when by Virtue of the Truce then agreed on betwixt these two Crowns they were obliged to restore it to the Duke of Courland At the Entrance of the Gulph called by the Inhabitants Couri-Chaf or Lake of Courland is a pleasant little Town Memel called Memel by the Germans and Cleupeda by the Courlanders It is encompassed by the River Tange which not far from thence falls into the Gulph It s Castle is extreamly pleasantly situated and well fortified and its Harbour very commodious It was built in the Year 1250 and belonged to the Fryars of the Order of Livonia who in the year 1328 sold it to the Master of the Order of Prussia By Virtue of the Truce concluded betwixt the Poles and Swedes in the year 1635 this City and that Dutchy were absolutely surrendred under the Jurisdiction of the Elector of Brandenburgh who remains ever since in full Possession of it The Country of Livonia it self was not known in these Parts till in the Year 1158. when a certain Ship of Bremen being forced by a Tempest into the Gulph of Riga the Merchants of that City began to establish a Commerce and soon after the Christian Religion in this Country its Inhabitants having been all Pagans before that time of whose Superstitions and Sacrifices we shall have occasion to speak anon The first that preached the Gospel among them was Menard a Monk of Segeberg afterwards in the Year 1170. made the first Bishop of Livonia by Alexander III. Pope of Rome His Successor Bertold a Monk of the Order of White Fryars not following the foot-steps of his Predecessor was for employing the Sword in converting these Idolatrous People who having taken up Arms kill'd him with above 10000 Christians so that the Christian Interest was in the utmost danger of having been quite lost in that Country had not the Prudence of Albert a Canon of Bremen and Successor to Bertold in the Bishoprick of Livonia in part restored what the former had lost For he Livonian Knights the better to establish the Christian Interest in these Parts by the Authority received from Pope Innocent III. laid the first Foundation of the Order of the Livonian Knights or Fryars of the short Sword so called because they wore on their white Cloaks a red short Sword with a Star of the same colour which they have chang'd since into two short Swords Salter-wise They were obliged almost to the same Rules with the Knights-Templars were to fight against the Infidels and Barbarians and to have the third part of all that they gain'd from their Enemies But in regard this New Religious Order at first was scarce sufficient to subsist upon its own Bottom it was joyn'd to the Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem in the Year 1238. in the Person of Herman Balek Grand Master of the Teutonick Order in Prussia since which time the Masters of the Livonian Order had a dependance from the Grand Masters of that Order till being hardly press'd upon by the Muscovites they were forced to submit to the Protection of the Crown of Poland It is from hence that the Emperours of Germany first claim'd the Title over these Lords or Masters of the Order of Livonia and in the Year 1513. they became entirely Subjects of the Empire when the Archbishop of Riga with his Suffragans and the Master of the Knightly Order who had in part freed himself of the Subjection of the Grand Master of Prussia were received among the Princes of the Empire But the Muscovites by reason of its convenient Situation had for a considerable time look'd upon it with a wishful Eye and in the Year 1501. entred it with a very Powerful Army but were vanquish'd in a pitch'd Battel fought betwixt them and Walter de Plattenbergh Master of the Livonian Order where 40000 Muscovites were kill'd upon the spot which obliged them to make a Truce with the Livonians for Fifty Years This being expired the Grand Duke of Muscovy John Basilovits being flush'd with his late Conquests of the Kingdoms of Casan and Astrachan and taking Advantage of the Differences that were then betwixt the Master of the Knightly Order and the Archbishop of Riga entred Livonia with a numerous Army and having ruined all with Fire and Sword in the Bishoprick of Derpt or Torpat and Wirland retreated into Muscovy This having put the whole Country into a great Consternation they were for seeking Aid in all Parts and having made their first Application to the Empire but with little Success the City of Revel which was the most exposed of all offered to put it self under the Protection of the King of Denmark which having been refused they had recourse to Eric King of Sweden who likewise refused them the desired Succours of Men and Money unless they would put themselves under his Protection in which case he would maintain them in their Priviledges the City and adjacent Nobility separated from the Master of the Order and submitted to the Protection of the Crown of Sweden in the Year 1560. In the mean while
before parting appoint the Time of their Rendezvouz against next Spring in one of these Isles near the mouth of the Boristhenes The great Exploits they had formerly done against the Turks had gain'd them no small Reputation among the Poles therefore Stephen Batori Prince of Transilvania and afterwards Elected King of Poland having considered with himself that these Cosacks might be of great use to the Crown of Poland not only against the Incursions of the Neighbouring Crim or Precopian Tartars but also might serve as a considerable Addition to the Strength of the Polish Army which consisting for the most part out of Horse would in effect be rendred more formidable when augmented by so considerable a Number of Foot It was upon this Consideration he resolved to put these Vagabond Soldiers into a good Order and Discipline which he effected by granting to them besides their Pay very considerable Priledges and putting them under the Command of a General of their own with a Power to chuse such Officers under him as he esteem'd most fit for Service Having thus reduced them into one Body he gave them the City of Techtimoravia with all the Territories belonging to it which being seated upon the Boristhenes they made it their Magazine and the Residence of their Governour General And to render this Body the more Serviceable against the Tartars he joyned to this Militia of the Cosacks being composed altogether of Foot two thousand Horse for the Maintaining of which he allotted the fourth Part of certain Revenues belonging to the Crown from whence they were called Quartans and by corruption Quartians and were disposed upon the Frontiers most exposed to the Incursions of the Tartars By this Means that Tract of Land which from Bar Bracklavia and Kiovia extends it self all along the Boristhenes to the Black-Sea and is now called the Vkraine which was before a desolate Country was in a little time fill'd with populous Cities and Towns As this Body has done considerable Services to the Crown of Poland by maintaining its Frontiers against the Irruptions of the Tartars so after sometime time it proved very dangerous having several times taken up Arms against the Republick For being once made sensible of their own Strength they refused to be obedient to the Orders of the Polish General Their first Rebellion was in the Year 1587 The Cosacks rebel under their General John Podkowa but being vanquish'd he had his Head cut off In the Year 1596 Sigismund III. King of Poland upon Complaints made by the Turks forbid them to cruise in the Black-Sea which Orders they obeyed for that time but soon after fell into the Polish Russia and Lithuania where they Ravaged the Country under their General Nalevaiko In vain did the King send his Orders for them to retire to their Habitations they on the contrary resolved to maintain their Ground against the Polish Army which was advancing against them under the Command of the Polish General Zolkieuski The Battle was fought near the City of Bialacerkiovia where the Cosacks had the better of it but Zolkieuski as he was a Great General having weather'd the Point for that time soon after got them into the Trap so that they were forced to submit and deliver up their General Nalevaiko who underwent the same Fate as his Predecessor In the Year 1637 the Cosacks revolted again the Occasion was thus A great many Polish Lords having Purchased Estates in the Vkraine the Quarter of the Cosacks and observing that the Boors their Vassals run frequently over to them they were of Opinion that their Revenues could never be well secured as long as the Cosacks enjoyed their Priviledges Having therefore represented them to the King as dangerous to the Republick by reason of the great number of Peasants that daily ran over to them it was resolved That the Polish General Koniespolski should order a Fort to be erected at a certain Point of Land called Kudak where the River Zwamer falls into the Boristhenes which for its Situation they had chosen as a convenient Place to bridle the Cosacks as being not far distant from the place of their ordinary Rendezvouz The Cosacks who were not so simple as not to penetrate into the Design of the Poles resolved not to suffer the Bridle to be put over their Heads and having defeated Coll. Marion who was left there with 200 Men to see the Fort perfected they assembled a considerable Body to prevent the Polish General in his Design But at the very juncture of time when they should have been most unanimous great Divisions arising among the Cosacks they revolted against their General Sawakonowiez whom they Massacr'd and in his Place set up one Pauluck of little Experience and less Conduct in Martial Affairs The Polish General having in the mean while taken this Opportunity to put the Fort in a state of Defence they marched out under their new General Pauluck but were surprised in the Plains near Korsun before they could Entrench themselves betwixt their Waggons according to their Custom so that being destitute of Horse they were easily Defeated by Potoski● the Polish Marshal de Camp Those that saved themselves by flight got into Borovits but being immediately besieged by Potoski and the Place being not provided with Ammunition they were obliged to surrender their General Pauluck with four more of their Principal Officers who were afterwards beheaded at Warsaw notwithstanding their Lives were secured to them by the Capitulation It was also decreed at the Dyet held at the same time at Warsaw that not only all their Priviledges and the City of Te●●htimoravia granted to them by King Stephen should be taken from them but also a new Body of Militia should be erected in their stead But the Cosacks being not discouraged at this Resolution resolved also on their Side to try the utmost for the Recovery of their Liberty and after having protested to the Poles that they would remain steadfast to the Interest of that Crown provided they were maintain'd in their antient Priviledges they fought a second time with Potoski in the Vkraine but with not much better Success than before so that finding their Circumstances desperate they Entrench'd themselves on the other side of the Boristhenes upon the River Statcza where during the space of two Months the Poles attack'd them at several times with great Vigour but were as often repulsed with all the Bravery imaginable so that finding there was no good to be done with these desperate Cosacks they were forced to come to a Capitulation with them and to confirm all their former Privileges and to promise the Re-establishment of their Militia upon the same Foot as before under the Command of their own General chosen by the King But this Capitulation was almost as soon broken as made For no sooner had they cajoled the Cosacks out of their advantagious Post but most of them were either cut to pieces or plunder'd by the Poles Their Militia was not
of the Stomach The Cellars of Persons of Quality are always well furnish'd with Hydromel or Mead Aqua vitae strong Beer Sack and other sorts of strong Wines for the Rhinish and French Wines are in no great esteem among them as being not strong enough They brew their strong Beer as we do in March and to keep it cool their Cellars not being vaulted during the Heat of the Summer they make a Bed of Ice and Snow mix'd tog●ther and then a Layer of Barrels upon them another Bed of Ice and then again a Row of Barrels which they cover with Straw and Planks which serves for a Vault They are very Splendid in their Cloaths and Equipage being attended by a great Number of Slaves all which however they do without any great Expence for asmuch as what Provisions they want for themselves and their Horses is brought from their Farms in the Country and as for those Slaves they entertain in the City they allow them Board-Wages but so scantily that they can scarce live upon it This is one of the chiefest Causes that so many Riots and Murthers are committed in the Streets of the City of Musco and that in Hay-making time the Roads leading to this City are so unsafe to travel there being about that time so great a Number of Slaves abroad working in the Fields Persons of Quality and the richest Merchants in Musco keep for this Reason a Guard in their Courts who watch all Night and are to knock every hour with a Stick upon a Board Their Interrments as many Knocks at a time as the Clock has struck Hours They are very Ceremonious in their Interrments No sooner is the sick Person departed but all the Kindred and Friends come and stand about the Body making most horrid Out-cries and Lamentations They ask him Why he would dye Whether he wanted Meat and Drink Whether he had not a Handsom Wife and such like Questions The next thing to be taken care of is to send a Present to the Priest to pray for the Soul of the deceased Party which he is to do Morning and Evening for six Weeks upon his Grave For tho' the Muscovites do not believe Purgatory yet they believe two different Places where the Soul retires till the Day of Judgment some they say abide in a pleasant Place where they enjoy the Conversation of Angels others in a dark Valley where they are pester'd with the Company of Devils They are of Opinion that by the Prayers of Priests and Monks the Souls may be delivered out of this Place of Misery and God's Wrath be appeased against the Day of Judgment For which reason also those that are able give frequent Alms during these six Weeks Before it be put into the Coffin which is made out of the Trunk of a Tree the Body is well wash'd the Shrowd or a clean Shirt put about it and a pair of new Shooes on the Feet with the Arms cross the Breast At the Funeral Solemnity Funeral Ceremonies the Priest goes first carrying the Image of that Saint which had been assigned the Deceased at his Baptism for his Patron Him follow four Virgins the next of Kin to the deceased who represent the Mourners and make most horrid Out-cries and Lamentations all in a Tune not unlike the wild Irish Then follows the Body carried by six Men upon their Shoulders the Kindred and Friends following the Body without any Order with Wax-Candles in their Hands whilst the Priest is singing certain Psalms they surround the Body and by their Incenses keep off the evil Spirits Being come to the Grave the Coffin is uncovered and the same Saint that was carried before the Procession is held over him the Priest in the mean while saying certain Prayers and repeating frequently these Words Lord look upon this Soul in Righteousness and the Widow continuing but how heartily is easie to be guess'd considering their Usage her former Lamentations Timming Dooshink Alas My Dear Why wouldst thou leave me thus And repeating the same questions we have mentioned before Then the Kindred and Friends take their last Farewel of the Deceased some kissing him some the Coffin and as soon as the Priest has put a Testimonial between his Fingers which is to serve him as a Pass for the other World the Coffin is shut up and put into the Grave with the Face towards the East The Kindred after having paid their Devotions to the Images return to the House where they drown their Sorrow in strong Liquor The Mourning is continued for forty Days after during which the Kindred are entertained at three several times viz. the third the ninth and twentieth Day and during this time of Mourning the Priest reads twice a day as we mentioned before the Psalms upon the Grave having a little Booth made up of Mats to shelter him from the Weather The Testimonial or Pass for his Admittance into the other World is signed by the Patriarch or Metropolitan of the Place and the Confessor who sells it according to the Ability of those that are to buy it This Testimonial runs thus We whose Names are hereunto subscribed the Patriarch or Metropolitan and Priest of the City of N. do Certifie by these Presents That the Bearer hereof hath always beha●ed himself and lived among us as became a good Christian professing the Greek Religion and tho he may have committed some Sins he hath Confessed the same whereupon he hath received Absolution and taken the Communion for the Remission of his Sins That he hath honoured God and his Saints that he hath not neglected his Prayers and hath Fasted on the Hours and Days appointed by the Church and that he hath always behaved himself towards me who am his Confessor in such a manner that I have no Reason to complain of him nor to deny him the Absolution of his Sins In witness whereof we have given him these Testimonials to the end That St. Peter upon sight of them may not deny him the opening of the Gate of Eternal Bliss CHAP. IX Of the Civil Government Laws and Justiciary Proceedings of the Muscovites THE State of Muscovy or its Political Government of which we are to treat in this Chapter is not only Monarchical but also Despotical or Absolute forasmuch as the Czar being sole and absolute Master over all his Subjects disposes without Controul of their Lives and Estates in the same manner as in most antient Times did the Kings of Assyria Media and Persia who governed their Subjects no otherwise than a Lord does his Slaves and as it is to this day in Turky where the Grand Seignior disposes of the Lives and Fortunes of his Subjects at pleasure The Czars of Muscovy possessed with so uncontrouled a Power as Hereditary Sovereigns of these vast Countreys we have given a short Description of in the foregoing Chapters that there is not a Knez or Lord so great in all these vast Dominions but who without Reluctancy confesses that
to●e her Hair and Face and thus running into the Streets cryed out like a distracted Creature Either restore me my Husband Demetrius or else take pity of me and let the same Swords that so barbarously murthered him send me also to the Grave After the first Transports were a little over she ran in great Fury with a Dagger in her Hand to the Quarters of the Cosacks and calling to those she knew by their Names Dear Friends said she either revenge the Murther of my dear Lord or at least do not refuse to do an Act of Charity towards me take here cry'd she this Dagger and with it deliver me from that Life which since the fatal End of my Husband cannot but be loathsom and burthensom to me The Cosacks not able to resist the Tears and Prayers of this charming Lady fell with great Fury upon the Tartars whom they massacred wherever they met them in the Streets and very few would have escaped their Fury had they not at last been appeased by the Perswasions of their Leader Zarucki After the Cosacks had sacrificed several Hundreds of the Tartars to the Manes of Demetrius and the just Resentment of Marina A third Demetrius those of Caluga chose and proclaimed the Son of Demetrius and Marina Emperour of Russia and tho' it is most generally believed that Marina was barren and this pretended Son a supposititious Child yet Zarucki the General of the Cosacks being willing to carry on the Imposture in Opposition to the Polish Interest address'd himself to the Russians offering them his Aid with all his Forces if they would engage to aknowledge after the Example of Caluga this Son of Demetrius Great Duke and Emperour of Russia so soon as they should have chased the Roles out of Muscovy Zolkievitski in the mean time perceiving himself slighted by King Sigismund whom he found to have taken quite contrary Measures to what had been agreed on betwixt him and the Muscovites by the King's Order he left the Army under Pretence of going to fetch Prince Vladislaus to Musco and taking his Way by Smolensko to shew his Discontent he only saluted the King and without any further stay retired into Poland The Affairs of Russia having thus for a while hung in Suspence whilst the People were kept under by the apprehension of a double Danger to wit from the Poles within the Gates of their Capital City and the Demetrian Forces at Caluga they began now to change Face and to appear with another Countenance For the Muscovites after the departure of the Polish General finding King Sigismund resolute in not sending his Son Vladislaus into the Empire and in the Continuation of the Siege of Smolensko and seeing that both the Captive Zuski's and their Ambassadors were sent away Prisoners into Poland and that the King took upon him the supream and absolute Administration of Affairs putting such Officers into all Places of Trust as he thought most convenient for his Purpose they began to conceive great Jealousies and being now by the Death of Demetrius delivered from their Fear on that side prepared for an open Revolt in order to prevent their Empire from becoming a Province of Poland which they look'd upon to be the main Design of King Sigismund Whilst he therefore wasted himself at the Siege of Smolensko which he thought ignominious to abandon before it was reduced and thereby let slip the most favourable Opportunity in the World of Establishing his Affairs in that Empire the Muscovites had by his Delays sufficient Leisure given them to reunite themselves and make Provisions for their future Security The first that appeared in Arms towards the beginning of the Spring in the Year 1611 was one Lepanovits a Man of a great and ancient Family in Muscovy he having a great Interest in the Country had made secret Levies and appearing with a Body near Peresla invited and gained most of the Boyars and Nobility of the neighbouring Provinces into his Party He also sent his Messengers into the more remote Parts to represent to his Countrymen the Breach of Faith of the Poles how they had possessed themselves of their Capital City broke the Articles agreed on betwixt both Nations by continuing the Siege of Smolensko and not sending their Prince Vladislaus into Muscovy how that they not only kept the Zuski's but also their Ambassadors Prisoners against the Laws of Nations and in all other Respects treated them not like a free People but as Slaves depending from the Mercy of their Conquerours He exhorted them to shake off this Foreign Yoak and by giving timely Assistance to secure themselves and their Posterity against the Insolencies of their mortal Enemies the Poles This had the desired Effect for the Country flocked in from all Parts so that another great Army was raised near Nisi Novogorod under the Command of Prosowecki a Lord of a very eminent Rank in Muscovy and Zarucki joined his Forces with them under Condition that so soon as they should have cleared their Country from the Poles they should proclaim the Young Demetrius their Great Duke and Emperour which they were very free to promise tho' they had not the least Intention to perform it as Zarucki found afterwards to his Cost The Poles were not unadvertised of the Designs of the Muscovites but the King's Forces before Smolensko being scarce sufficient to carry on the Siege against a strong Garrison he could not spare any to disperse these Levies and the Poles within the City of Musco had enough to do to maintain their Posts and keep that vast Multitude of People in subjection so that these Levies from a small Beginning being improved into a great Bulk the Polish Forces which were quartered up and down in the Country to keep it in Obedience were so far from being able to attack them that they were scarce sufficient to keep on the Defensive The Inhabitants of the City being now encouraged by these Muscovian Lords appearing in Arms thought it now time to throw off the Mask and to give the Poles very sensible Proofs of their Aversion towards them A Design therefore was laid among them upon a Signal given to assemble and massacre all the Poles within the City The City of Musco was at that time much bigger than it ever was before or since by Reason of the vast Confluence of Strangers who during these intestine Commotions were retired thither out of all the neighbouring Provinces for Sanctuary so that it was computed to comprehend in its Circuit above a Hundred and fifty Thousand Houses All this vast Multitude of Inhabitants being enrag'd to the highest Pitch against the Poles were ready to lend a helping Hand to accomplish the Design of the Conspirators they only wanting a Head to lead them on to put it in Execution A thing of this Nature could not be carried on so privately but that Gaziowski who then commanded the Poles in Chief had timely Notice of their projected Design but thinking it
should be less dilatory and Criminals to be Examined and Judged by the Governours of the Provinces with their Assistants whereas most of the Criminals were before that time brought to Musco with no less Trouble to the Prisoners than Charge to the Czar He was a great Admirer of Monarchy and a Patron of the English as on the other hand Bogdan Matfeilt always was a secret Enemy both to Nashockin and the English but a great Friend of the Dutch who used to purchase his Favour by great Presents This Bogdan was bred up with the Czar from a Child and was much of the same Age. He was Lord High Sreward of the Houshold having in his disposal all Domestick Affairs He used to be called the Whispering Favourite because the Czar asked his Advice oftner in his Closet than at the Councel-Board It was by his Connivance that the Jews got secretly footing in that Court and the City of Musco whereas before that time they were abominable to the Muscovites because they supplied him with handsom young Slaves out of Poland which he entertaine● for his Pleasure some in the Country and some in his Palace in Musco His Lady being Jealous of these Slaves shew'd her Re●entment at several times in so outragious a manner that her Death being resolved on she was one Night Poysoned in a Plate of Sweet-meats or as others will have it in a Glass of Wine As for the Czar Alexis Michaelovits himself he was a Person of a Majestick Deportment The Character of Alexis Michaelovits Tall incling to Fat of a Sanguine Complexion and Light Brown Hair Beautiful and Charitable but severe in his Anger of a very strong Memory strict in his Devotion and a great Favourer of his Religion in the Observance of which he was the strictest Man in the World For he never missed Divin● Service and if indisposed used to have it performed in his Bed-Chamber On Fast-days he would frequent Mid-night Prayers standing four or five hours together prostrating himself to the Ground During the great Fasts he would eat but three Meals a Week being contented for the rest with a piece of Brown Bread and Salt a pickled Mushroon or Cucumber and a Cup of Quas or small Mead. In short it has been observed of him that no Monk was ever more observant of the Canonical hours than he of Fasts it having been computed that he fasted above Eight Months in the Year He would also frequently appear at the Processions bare-headed and on foot and was always a declared Patron of the Muscovite Church notwithstanding which he would sometimes make bold with the Church Revenue upon Loan in time of War which he was not very careful to repay knowing that the Church Treasury which is supplied out of the best part of the Empire may now and then dispense with a Loss for the benefit of the Publick He also made an Ordinance to restrain the profuse Bounty of dying Men to the Clergy neither would he ever suffer a Monastery to be Founded without his License Every Good-Friday he used to visit in the Night all the Prisons in the City of Musco to take Personal Cognisance of all the Prisoners among whom he would buy out some that were in Debt and release others that were Criminals and bestow sometimes great Summs for the use of such as he knew to be really necessitated He would cause the Empress to do the same and to redeem yearly a certain number of Women out of Prison He ordered also at about seven or eight Miles distance from the Imperial City Work-Houses to be built for Hemp and Flax in that good Order Beauty and Capacity that they were sufficient to Employ all the poor in the Kingdom with Work having settled for that use a good many Miles of waste Lands by which he improved the Manufactury of the Country and fed his Labourers at a very cheap rate He Assign'd that part of the Building where the Women were Employ'd for the Use and Profit of the Empress He was of so mild a Temper that he seldom condemned any to Death but most commonly to the Strapado and Banishment into Siberia Being one time urg'd by some of his Foreign Officers to make it Death for any Man to Desert his Colours he answered them That he thought that would be too hard upon the poor Soldiers since it was certain that God had not given every Man an equal share of Courage Notwithstanding these his Mild and Charitable Inclinations he was of a Warlike Spirit having been Engag'd in Wars against the Poles Swedes Crim-Tartars and Turks For being sufficiently sensible of the Advantage the Poles had got during the late Intestine Commotions in Muscovy by making themselves Masters of the Provinces of Severia and S●ol●●sko in the Possession of which they were confirmed by Virtue of the Truce made by his Father M●chael Federovi●s after his Disgrace received at the Seige of Smolensko And the Term of the said Truce being now expired when the Poles were Engaged in a Mortal Quarrel with the Cosacks he look'd upon this Juncture as the most fabourable that could be by the Recovery of these Provinces to secure his Frontiers against so Potent a Neighbour For which purpose having settled a Correspondence with Chmielniski the then General of the Cosacks and offered them his Protection these were a● first very successful against the Poles of whom they killed Ten Thousand upon the spot and took from them the City of Kiovia And the Poles having drawn out a second time their whole Force against them were again miserably beaten by the Cosacks till at last having committed great Depredations in Poland King John Casimir was obliged to March in Person against them who having totally routed them they Embraced the Protection of the Great Duke H●s W●r with the Poles He finding himself thus strengthened by the accession of so considerable a Force did apply all his Care for the recovery of Smolensko for which purpose having brought together a great Army The Taking of Smolensko and a vast Train of Artislery he besieged the City of Smolensko in the Year 1653. and notwithstanding the Resolute Defence of the Polish Garrison made himself Master of it in the Year next following The taking of which Place was chiefly attributed to the Cosacks who upon all occasions gave the utmost proofs of their Bravery and Hatred against the Poles during this Memorable Seige Having thus opened his way into Poland he carried the Terrour of his Victorious Arms into the Great Dutchy of Lithuania he Ravaged the whole Country took many Cities and in the Year 1655. also the Capital City Takes Vilna called Vilna where as well as in other places the Muscovites committed most horrid Barbarities in Retaliation as they said of those Calamities they had suffered by the Polish Invasion during their Intestine Commotions In the same Year Charles Gustavus King of Sweden entered Poland with an Army of Chosen Men and
Juan ●elike or Great John was built by Czar John Basi●vitz standing by it self covered with Copper ●ilt its height being computed to be near the same ●ith that of St. Mark 's in Venice The second is ●nly Remarkable for its Great Bell which being ●ot to be managed but by the hands of Thirty Men 〈◊〉 seldom made use of but on great Festivals and 〈◊〉 honour the Entrance or Audience of a great Am●assador There are also within the compass of ●e Castle kept several of the Courts of Justice ●e Exchequer and the Grand Magazine of Pro●●sion and Ammunition Immediately without the ●ates of the Castle Walls is a very fair Church on ●●e South side called St. Trinity or Jerusalem ●hich appeared so extraordinary a piece of Archi●●cture to that great Tyrant John Basilovits that as soon as it was finish'd he caused the Architect's Eyes to be pull'd out to prevent his attempting any thing like it hereafter The Castle is faced by a very fair spacious Place the chief Market of the whole City and place of Resort not only for Buyers but for Persons of all degrees eve● 〈◊〉 the very Slaves The midst of it is taken up for the most part with Sempstresses Shops and 〈◊〉 store of other Women-Traders who 〈…〉 of selling Rings set with Rubies and 〈…〉 endeavour to vend their hidden 〈…〉 But what is the most regular and beautiful is that each particular Street leading to this Market-place has a certain Trade allotted by it self so that the Merce● does not intermingle with the Woollen-Draper no● the Linnen-Draper with the Goldsmith Furrie● Taylor or Shooemaker but every Trade having its proper Station the Buyer may with the greatest conveniency in the World in an instant cast his Eyes upon such Commodities as will serve his occasion It ought not to be forgotten here that the Painters have none of the meanest Station among the rest here for their Employment being to furnish the Muscovites with the Images of Saints they deal with their Chapmen by way of Exchange or Trucking where they are sure to make their own Market for a Musc●vite looking upon it as a point of Conscience to buy or bargain for a Saint seldom refuse● the Painter's demand The remaining part of this inner Circuit or Quarter of the City is taken up with the Houses of the Principal Merchants besides th●se of some Kn●z and Muscovian Lords The Second Quarter Czaargorod or the Royal City which includes the First i● a Semicircle is called Czaargorod or the City Royal the little River Neglina passes through it being enclosed in a particular Wall called Biela Stenna o● the White Wall Here is the Arsenal and the Place called Poggana appointed for the Casting of Gun● and Bells in which the Muscovites are not behind● hand with any other European Artificers In th●● part also live a great many Kn●z Lords and Gentlemen besides a prodigious number of Traders of all sorts the rest is fill'd up with Butchers Bakers Drinking-Houses Corn-Chandlers Meal-shops and the Grand Duke's Stables The Third Quarter which running from the East all along the North-side to the West The Third Quarter of Musco called Skoradom includes the Quarter of Czaargorod is called Skoradom the little River Jagusa runs through it and afterwards falls into the River Mosca In this Quarter is the above-mentioned place for selling and buying of Houses The Fourth and Last Circuit is that called Strelitza Slavoda The fourth Quarter called ●trelitza Slavoda or the Suburbs of the Musqueteers belonging to the Great Duke's Guards who have this part of the Town assigned them for their Place of Abode It lies on the other side of the River Mosca Southly from that part of the City called Cataygorod its Ramparts and Bastions being all of Wood were design'd against the Irruptions of the Tartars Musco is inhabited not only by Muscovites but also by a great number of Tartars Persians and Greeks the latter being most agreeable to the Muscovites both in Religion and Manners are preferr'd by them before all other Strangers They allow nevertheless the publick Exercise of Religious Worship not only to the Lutherans and other Protestants but also to the Turks Persians and Tartars except the Jews and formerly the Roman Catholicks There is a large Slaboda or Suburb without the City Gate of Prokoski The Suburb called Nova Inasemska Slaboda called Nova Inasemska Slaboda where most of the Foreign Christians live together every one according to their own Country Fashion in which place the Germans English and Dutch c. do most commonly reside Besides the Grand Duke's Palace and the Castle that which appears most beautiful to the Eyes of Strangers is the great number of Churches and Chappels in the City and Suburbs of Musco of which their being Two Thousond in number every Lord having his private Chappel and each Street one at least some two or three built of Stone and of a Circular Figure whose Steeples being all covered with Copper make a most glorious glittering show at a distance especially if you happen to approach the Town in a bright Sun-shiny day The next City of Note in this Province is called Columna Columna situated on the right side of the River Mosca about 70 English Miles distance from the City of Musco by Land it being near Sevenscore Miles by Water It is of a considerable bigness and environ'd with a very fair Stone Wall and Towers a thing not very common in Muscovy it is the Residence of a Weywode or Russian Governour which shews it to be one of the most considerable of the Province It is to be observed that there is but one Bishop in all Muscovy who keeps his Residence in this City But what is most Remarkable here is that about three Miles above this Place near the Convent of Kolutin Serge Monarstir founded by one Sergius a great Saint among the Muscovites The River Occa. The Mosca falls into the River Occa which coming from the South is not only much large● and broader than the former but having beside● that on both sides a Noble Country very populou● and fruitful and a great number of fair Oaks o● both shores which are look'd upon as a Rarity 〈◊〉 Muscovy renders it the most delightful in the World Two days Journey from Columna near the Borders of the Province of Rhesan is the City of Peresla or Preski seated upon the very Banks of the River Occa at 42 Degrees 42 min. Elevation being governed by its particular Weywode or Governour There are also in this Province some other● less considerable which for brevity's sake we must pass by in silence The second Province of the Southern Muscovy 〈◊〉 the Province of Werotin Werotin having borrowed its Name from the Capital City of the same Name besides which it has two Cities more the first called Croom the latter Arvel all three of them so inconsiderable as not to deserve a particular Description here
three Sisters at 〈◊〉 time Their Women and Maids are all wrapt up i● a piece of coarse white Cloath scarce any thing being to be seen but their Faces The Men wear a lon● Coat made of Linnen Cloath under which th●● wear Breeches they all shave their Heads th● young Men who are unmarried leaving howeve● for distinctions sake a long Tress of Hair hangi●● upon their Back Their Language is peculiar 〈◊〉 themselves having no relation with that of the ●ther Neighbouring Tartars or with the Turkish 〈◊〉 Muscovian Languages tho some of them that a●● conversant with the Muscovites have attained so●● knowledge of their Tongue But it is time to return to the Description of the five remaining Provinces of the Southern Muscovy which being mu●● less considerable than those we have described b●fore we will treat of with all the brevity imaginable scarce any thing but the Names of their 〈◊〉 Places being to be known by Foreigners The sixth therefore is the Province of Jarostve 〈◊〉 Jarostaf Jarostaf having besides its Capital City of the sam● Name two Cities called Ri●iena and Nova Rom● The seventh is Susdal Susdal having also borrowed its Name from its Capital City of that Name which 〈◊〉 also the Seat of an Archbishop besides which 〈◊〉 contains the Towns of Jorgowitz and Castro●mow The Eighth is called Rosthou Ro●thou its Capital City is Vglitz These three Dukedoms were for a considerable time appropriated to the use of and enjoyed by the younger Brothers of Muscovy till under the Reign of John Basilovitz viz. in the Year 1565. they were reunited to the Crown of Muscovy North-east of the City of Musco is the Ninth Province belonging to the Southern Muscovy T were cal●ed T were it has received its Name from the Capital City T were as the latter is indebted for its Name to the River T were which together with ●he River of Volga passes by it the City being si●uated at the side of a Hill About Forty Miles from hence more to the North is another Town ●alled Torsock built likewise on the descent of a ●ill not altogether so big as T were but surrounded ●ith Ramparts and Bastions of Wood. Both of ●●em have their particular Weywode o● Governour The tenth and last of these Provinces is Roshovie Roshovie ●aving not any thing Remarkable but its Capital City ●f that Name if it were not for the three famous ●ivers of Volga the Dwina and the Boristhenes ●hich have their rise in this Province CHAP. III. Of the Northern Provinces of Muscovy THE Northern Provinces of Muscovy being divided into those which border upon Sweden and those bordering upon Tartary Muscovi●● Lapland we will begin with the first where the Muscovian Lapland offers it self to our consideration It is subdivided into three lesser Provinces the first called Mouremankois has the Cities of Kola the Capital of the Province and Swanchet The second called Terskoi where is the City of Jokena and Polin-os●ro The third called Bellamoresko contains the Cities of Kondulatz Omay and Komi The Second in Order of the great Northern Provinces belonging to Muscovy is the Province of Dwina Dwina having derived its Name from the River Duina which having its rise at the conflux of the Rivers of Jagel and Sachona falls into the White Sea near the City of Archangel This Province being the greatest and most Northern on the Swedi●● side of Muscovy was in former Ages subject to th● Dukes of Novogorod and had but one City calle● Duina in the very centre of it But since th● English Dutch and Hanseatick Towns removed the● Traffick from the City of Narva to Archangel th● Province is become one of the most considerab●● of the Russian Empire as the City of Archang●● is now the Staple of the whole Continent of M●●scovy by reason of its safe and commodious H●●bour The City of Archangel or St. Michael Archan●●● an Archbishop's Seat Archangel and now the Capital of 〈◊〉 Province is situated at the Mouth of the Ri●●● Duina on the left side as you enter it from the W●●● Sea where it makes the Island of Podesemski 〈◊〉 none of the largest but withal so populous that no other place in whole Muscovy is comparable to it by reason of the great concourse of Merchants which flock thither from the circum●acent Provinces to truck their Commodities which consist in Corn Caviarr Furrs Hemp Russia Leather and Wax against Cloth Velvets Damask Spices Tin Lead Wine and Strong-Waters imported by the English Dutch and Hamburghers so that sometimes 300 or 400 Ships are to be seen of several Nations in the Port of Archangel the Customs of which are said to amount Yearly to near 200000 l. Sterling It is above Sevenscore Years ago since the English began to remove their Trade from Narva to this place For King Edward VI. having set out a Fleet for the establishing a Trade in some unknown Country they having followed the Northern Passage were at last brought into the Port of Archangel John Basilovitz the then Grand Czar of Muscovy being very desirous to draw the English Traffick thither ●o encourage their Undertaking granted them a Priviledge of Commerce without any Custom or Impost so that in the Year 1555. the English settled a Company there under the Direction of one Mr. Killingworth and the Muscovy Trade has been ever since continued from that place to the great Advantage of the English Nation tho' at the same time it cannot be denied but that since the Year 1591. when the Town became a Mart the Dutch and Hamburghers have interfered with the English in their Commerce It has a considerable Castle which was built in the Year 1506. and the Town being for the most part reduced to Ashes in the Year 1663. is since that time restored to a more flourishing condition than before In the Gulph which the Sea makes near the Mouth of the before-mentioned River Dwina there are three small Islands called Soloska Anger and Colova the first whereof was heretofore Famous for the Sepulchre of a Muscovian Saint whose Body was about Fifty Years ago translated from thence to the City of Musco Besides this and the before-mentioned City of Dwina St. Nicholas Lapas and Korela are the most worth taking notice of in this Country The next considerable in Rank tho' not in Order Pleskou of these Northern Provinces is the Dukedom of Pleskou having taken its Name from its Capital City called Pleskou The Muscovites call it Pskou from a Lake about two or three Miles distant from it from whence arises a River of the same name which runs by the City and has communicated its Name not only to this City but the whole Province Both the City and Dutchy were formerly govern'd by their own Princes till in the Year 1509. the Great Duke John Basilovits reunited both to the Crown of Muscovy The Town is not extraordinary large but very convenient and pleasant by
passage to the Boats over the 〈◊〉 Islands The River Volga contains a prodigious Store of Fish of all Sorts a very good Commodity in Mus●ovy by reason of the great number of their Fast-days which both the Tartars and Muscovites catch with a Cord but in a different manner The Tartars fasten to the end of a long Cord a pretty big Stone which sinks to the bottom several great pieces of Wood being fastn'd to the other end 〈…〉 which swim upon the Water All along this great Cord many littles ones are fastn'd at some distance from one another each of these has at the end a good●ook baited with a certain Fish which they know the rest to be greedy of by which Invention they catch often Fish of ten twelve and more foot long The Muscovites take also a Cord with a ●ook fastn'd to the end of it this Cord is ty●d about a piece of a well plain●d Board tinn'd over its ●igness about 4 or 5 Inches square which being dragg●d behind a Boat by the reflection of the Sun resembles the Scales of Fish by which means they draw up Fish of a very great seize to the Bait and into the Snare Among other Fish wherewith this River abounds the Sturgeon is none of the least considerable whose Eggs afford that Ragout which the Italians call Cavayar 〈…〉 and the Muscovites 〈◊〉 the Eggs are put into a Paste being prepar'd 10 or 12 days with Salt This Commodity affords a considerable Trade to Muscovy being exported from thence to all Parts of Europe where it is look'd upon as the best of this kind for which reason the Czar keeps this Trade to himself Some Miles below the abovementioned ruined places the Shoar on both sides of the River is very Mountainous yet not ●o but that the Valleys afford very pleasant Pastures The first that appears on the right hand is a Mountain out of which the Muscovites get great store of Salt which being prepared in certain Huts at the foot of the Mountain is sent from thence by the River to M●s●o Almost opposite to this is another Mountain at the foot of which the River Vssa falls into the Wolga On both sides are very fine Meadows bordering upon the Shoar but at some distance from thence are very thick Woods a place of retreat for the Cosacks which makes it very dangerous for Travellors Below this lies the Mountain Diwiagora or Maids-mountain which being divided into several steepy ' Hills of various colours and bearing Pine-trees in so regular an Order as if they had been planted there on purpose makes it appear very pleasant to the eye At the foot of this rises another which reaches near 40 Miles along the River But what is most remarkable here Th● Cy●●● Valley is the Valleys betwixt them which being stor'd with Apple-trees affords very good Cyder being called by the Muscovites Jabla-New-quas which is as much to say as Drink of Apples Some of these Mountains reach a great way into the Country others bordering only upon the River-side At the left side of the River about two Miles from the Shoar lies the City of Samara belonging to the abovementioned Tartarian Province of Bulgar and above 300 Miles distant from the City of Casan It s Form is square its Buildings all of Wood except the Churches and Monasteries which are three in number The River of Samar from whence it derives its name falls about three Miles below into the Volga About 100 Miles from hence is the Mountain of the Cosacks being all bare without any Wood it serves for a retreating place to the Cosacks living upon the Don or Tanais and hath from thence got its denomination Betwixt this and the City of Saratof above 200 Miles distant from hence are abundance of small Islands in this River so that at certain Seasons it has been fordable and consequently very incommod●ous for Ships of Burthen who at such places are obliged to unload part of their Cargo in smaller Boats which they carry along with them for that purpose The City of Saratof is situate in a very fair large Plain about four Miles from the River-side upon a Branch of the Wolga It is inhabited by Muscovite Soldiers who are put there as a Guard against the Incursions of the Tartars called Kalmuches Tartars Kal●uches Inhabiting a vast Tract of Ground which extends towards the Caspian Sea betwixt this River and the River Jaika About Three Hundred Miles lower 50 Miles on this side the City of Zariza The River Tanais the River Don the Tanais of the Antient Geographers advances within a days Journey near the River Volga as some Miles below the said City behind a certain Island called the Isle of Zerpinsko there falls a little River called Kamous which rises out of the before-mentioned River Don into the River Volga but it being very shallow affords scarce passage for small Boats Notwithstanding which there are some who affirm that it might be rendred more Navigable and consequently a Communication be established betwixt these two considerable Rivers Near the first of these two above-mentioned places The first Branch of the Wolga before you come to the City of Zariza near Achtobska Vtska the River Volga divides it self into two Branches whereof one taking its course to the left into the Country carries its Stream for a Mile to the North-East quite contrary to the Current of the great River but afterwards reassuming its former course returns to the South-East till it falls into the Caspian Sea About 40 Miles from hence at 5 Mile distance from the River-side are to be seen the Ruins of a great City formerly called Zaaresgorod that is to say the 〈◊〉 Royal built as it is related by Tamerlain Its Palace and Walls were all of Brick which have furnish'd the City of Astrachan for these many Years with Materials for their Walls Churches and Monasteries A few Miles from this Place lies the City of Zariza at the bottom of a Hill on the right side of the River 49 Degrees and 42 min. Elevation It is fortified with several Bastions and Towers but all of Wood it being a Frontier-Garison against the Neighbouring Tartars and Cossacks and inhabited only by Soldiers who also serve for a Convoy to the Vessels passing this way up and down the River All abouts here and even as far as Astrachan it self the Country except the before-mentioned Island of Zerpinsko which is Twelve Miles long and furnishes the Cattle belonging to the Garison with Grass the Soil is so barren that it affords no manner of Corn which defect however is easily supplyed by help of the River the fertile Grounds about Casan furnishing these Parts and even the City of Astrachan with Wheat at a very cheap rate About Sixscore Miles below the City of Zariza the River Wesowi near a small Island of the same Name falls into the Wolga on the right side as does the River Wolodinerski Vtsga 30 Miles lower
in his Wars they are govern'd by petty Princes and Judges of their own and in time of War by their own Commanders The Great Duke to secure their Allegiance to him always keeps some of their Princes or Myrses as Hostages in the Castle of Astrachan They are generally Mahometans 〈…〉 of the same Sect with the Turks except some few that have received the Muscovian Religion They are used to ●ow some of their Children like the Nazarites to God or some Saint or other These are distinguish'd from others by a Ring which the Girles wear in their Nostrils the Boys in the right Ear. They live upon what their Cattle their Hunting and Fishing supply them withal they make use of Fish dry'd in the Sun instead of Bread tho' they make also Cakes of Meal and Rice Among other things they eat Camel's and Horse-flesh and Mare 's Milk is in great esteem with them Their Drink is generally Milk and Water tho' besides Wine Hydromel and Aqua-vitae there is indifferent good Beer at Astrachan Their Cattel is of a very large size not unlike to that of Poland Their Sheep have great fat Tayls weighing sometimes Thirty pounds their Ears hanging down like to our Dogs in Europe Their Horses are however but small and not well shaped but very hardy and strong The Tartars themselves are of an ill shape low and fat with large Faces and little Eyes of an Olive colour full of wrinkles in their Faces they wear little Beards and keep their Heads shaved but the Women are much handsomer Their Garment is a loose Coat of some course Cloath over which they wear a short sort of Cloak of Sheep's-Skin the woolly side outwards with a Cap of the same upon their Heads which commonly is chosen of a black colour The Women are clad in white Linnen Cloath with plaited Coifs upon their Heads on both sides of which as an Ornament hang a great many Muscovian Penny-pieces The Climate in those Parts is very hot the Heats in the Months of September and October much exceeding our Dog-days notwithstanding which the Winter which seldom exceeds two Months here is so cold that this large River is commonly frozen up and bears Sledges The Island of Dolgoi upon which the City of Astrachan is built is all over Sandy and barren and except it be some Gardens and Grounds cultivated with particular care by the Inhabitants of Astrachan produces nothing fit for Sustenance The Continent on the right hand exceeds if possible the Isle in barrenness but on the left there are some very good Pastures On this side of the Wolga Westward Desarts near Astrachan towards the Euxine Sea lies a vast Desart above 350 Miles long and to the South another near 400 Miles long stretching all along the Caspian Sea In these Desarts is neither City nor Village nay not so much as a Tree or Hill there being nothing to be seen but one continued vast Plain covered here and there with a little Grass for the space of 300 Miles there being not any Water to be met withal but what the little River Kisilar and some standing Pools of Salt Water afford Notwithstanding which these Desarts produce a prodigious quantity of Salt For within Ten Fifteen and Thirty Miles of Astrachan Salt-Pits there are large Salt-Veins which being congealed by the Sun swim upon the surface of the Water of the thickness of a Finger as fine and clear as Rock Crystal These Salt-Pits hereabouts are by the Inhabitants called Mozakofski Kainkowa and Gwostofski and produce such abundance of Salt that upon the spot one may have a Hundred weight under two pence which being from thence carried to the Wolga is transported into other Parts Besides which the Isle of Dolgoi about Astrachan and some other parts of this Province as also of Circassia of which we shall have occasion to speak in the next following Chapter are stor'd with excellent Fruit not yielding either in beauty or taste to any The Fruits of Nagaja even not to those of Persia and the Indies Their Apples Quinces Nuts Peaches and Melons exceed the rest in goodness but especially a certain kind of Melons whose Rind being of a lively green colour the Meat Carnation and the Seeds black are the most pleasing both to the Eye and Palate and are sold at a very cheap rate two or three of them being to be bought for a Penny It is not above Fourscore Years ago since any Grapes were to be seen in those Parts but the Persians having brought some Sets thither which were first planted by a Monk a German by birth in the Garden belonging to his Convent situate in the Suburbs of Astrachan this small Stock has been since improved and increased to that degree that not only the Walks and Arbours of the Gardens but also about the Houses of the Inhabitants are planted with Vines which growing to an extraordinary bigness there affords not only great store of Grapes for their present use but also a superplus for most Excellent Wine Besides which near Astrachan and all along the Wolga there grows abundance of Simples and very large The Herb Esula is hereabouts as high as a Man Esula and Angelica and the Root of Angelica as big as a lusty Man's Arm. About 30 Miles beyond Astrachan is one of the best Fishing-places upon the River Wolga which furnishes that City with Salmons Sturgeons White Fish and many other sorts of delicious Fish and the small Islands hereabouts great variety of Wild Fowl and tho' the Country hereabouts is not very fertile in Corn which in these Parts is trodden out by Oxen and Horses they are supply'd with that sufficiently from about Casan by the River all which makes this City one of the most pleasant and convenient for its Situation in Europe The Mouth of the River Wolga is about 60 Miles below Astrachan The Mouth of the Wolga From its Entrance into the Caspian Sea for the space of near 30 Miles into the Sea there are scattered a great number of Islands very small but all covered with Reeds or Canes which has occasioned some to affirm that the Wolga has as many Mouths as there are Islands hereabouts The bottom of the Sea is here very muddy and the Water very shallow as far as to the Promontory of Suchator situate on the right hand from the Wolga 100 Miles beyond Astrachan and 200 Miles on this side of the City of Terki of which more in the next Chapter the first place near which there is a tolerable Harbour in the Caspian Sea About 40 Miles from this City is the Isle of Tzenzeni situate in 43 degrees 5 min. Elevation It s length being from North-East to South-East about 15 Miles Here is the first Harbour of the Caspian Sea from the Mouth of the River Wolga From this Island may be seen in the Continent towards the South-West high Mountains reaching up to the very Clouds Mount Caucasus called
Monsters those other Europaeans that have of late years sail'd deeper into the Caspian Sea having neither seen nor heard any thing like it except they would take the Sea-dogs which are in great numbers near the mouth of the Wolga for such prodigious Monsters Errors of Modern Authors concerning the Caspian Sea By the Experience of those also it is sufficiently contradlcted what Petrejus in his History of Muscovy relates with so much confidence that the Water of the Caspian Sea is as black as Ink that it is full of Islands well stock'd with Inhabitants and a great number of Cities and Villages The Water being of the same colour with that of all other Seas and there being not one Island in it that has either City or Village and if the Persians Tartars and Muscovites living thereabouts may be believ'd there is only the Isle of Ensil near Ferebath which having very good Pastures the Neighbouring Inhabitants who keep their Cattle there have a few Huts to defend them against the Injuries of the Weather during the time their Cattle Grases there Of the same stamp is what Contarinus in his Travels and Father Bizarous in his History of Persia relate concerning a certain round Fish without a Head to be found in this Sea of an Ell and a half Diameter of which they say there is drawn a certain Oil which the Persians use in their Lamps and to greese their Camels whereas there are at the foot of the Mountain of Barmach near the City of Baku whole Rivulets of an Oily substance by them call'd Nefte Nefte which furnish them with a sufficient quantity of this Kind for that Use at a much cheaper Rate it being from thence transported into the other Parts of the Kingdom I am apt to believe that they are fallen into this Error by the superficial Description of a certain Fish in the Caspian Sea called Naka The Glutton or Glutton which has some resemblance to that mentioned by them for it has not only a very short Nose but the whole Head is as it was within the Belly and its Tail being round and its length and breadth near the same and sometimes of six or seven Foot it comes pretty near a circular Figure This Fish will fasten it self with the Tail under the Fisher-men's Boats so as to overturn them as will also the white Fish which makes the Fisher-men be very cautious of the●● They catch the first with the Liver of Beef 〈◊〉 Mutton which the Fish much delights in th●● they put as a Bait upon Iron Hooks ty'd to good strong Cords and so draw him to the Shoar But I cannot imagine upon what authority they have founded their Relation when they say that there is 〈◊〉 other Fish in the Caspian Sea it being sufficiently known by Experience that the Caspian Sea is very well Stor'd not only with abundance of Salmons Sturgeons and Herrings but also with several Kinds of Fish as are catch'd in Rivers and kept in Ponds as Barbels Breams and Trouts Before we leave the Caspian Sea it will perhaps not be amiss to take notice of a certain Species of wild Geese or rather Cormorants which are found in great numbers on that Shoar especially towards the mouth of the River Wolga They are like other Geese as to their Colour Legs Neck and Feet but the bulk of their Bodies exceeding the Swans Their Bills are fork'd at the end being a Foot and half long and near two Inches broad the whole Body of some of them being above seven Foot in length from the Head to the Feet But what is most remarkable in them is that under their Bills they have a shrivell'd Skin hanging resembling a Bagg which when dilated contains more or less three Gallons of Liquor this they make use of for a Rescrontory for such Fish they take which they afterwards swallow down at leisure On the same Shoar is also frequently seen that kind of Fowl Onocratalus which Pliny calls Onocratalus their Beaks are long and round but at the extremity flat in the form of a Spoon beaten out When it puts its Beak into the Water it makes a most hideous Noise almost like an Ass whence without doubt it had its Name I had almost forgot to tell you that the Caspian Sea neither Ebbs nor Flows which may serve as additional Argument to maintain our beforementioned Assertion that it has no communication or correspondence with any other Sea CHAP. V. Of the Tartars of Dagesthan and Circassia of Siberia and some other Tartarian Provinces betwixt China and Muscovy THE Tartars of Dagesthan and Circassia inhabit that Country known to the Antients under the name of Albania which reaches all along the Shoar of the Caspian Sea from the end of the Desarts of Astrachan mentioned in the foregoing Chapter to the City of Derbent Circassia on the confines of Persia The Dagesthan Tartars are subject neither to the Persians nor Muscovites the Mountains which they inhabit serving them for a Fence against these two Potent Neighbours But the Circassian Tartars divided from the former by the River Bustro which Ptolomy calls Gerrus bordering upon the Kingdom of Astrachan and being subject to the Jurisdiction of the Grand Czar of Muscovy we will treat of them first taking our course from the great Desarts of Astrachan first to the River Bustro and from thence to the Frontiers of Persia The Country of Circassia is situate all along the coast of the Caspian Sea from the South-West to North-East encompassing it about in form of a Cressent and making a very spacious Bay The Circassians are possess'd of that Part of Albania which hath for its Frontiers on the East and West-side the Caspian Sea and Mount Caucasus and on the South and North the River Bustro and the Desarts of Astrachan Very few Historians whether Antient or Modern have made any mention of them some having assigned their Habitations beyond the Mount Caucasus near the Euxin Sea whereas they are more properly to be called the Caspian Sarmatians Their Capital City is Terki The City of Terki above 300 Miles from Astrachan by Land situate near three Miles from the Shoar of the Caspian Sea upon a small River called Timenski a Branch of the great River Bustro which being formerly called Terck has given the name to this City it is seated in a very spacious Plain very fenny towards the Sea-side under 43 deg 23 min. Elev It is in compass about two Miles well fortified with Ramparts and Bastions of Earth after the modern Way stor'd with Cannon and has always a considerable Garison in it of Muscovites under the Command of a Weywode the Tartarian Prince who resides here having 500 of them allow'd him for his Guard Since the Reduction of those Parts under the obedience of the Czars of Muscovy they have put in all Places of Strength not only their Garisons but also Governours Magistrates and Priests for the exercise of the
is for the Men to steal Children not sparing even their nearest Relations whom they sell to the Neighbouring Persians leaving the care of their Cattle to their Wives They have an odd Custom at their Weddings to wit for every Man there present to shoot his Arrow into the Floor where they are left till they are rotten or fall of themselves They are all Mahometans using Circumcision and all other Ceremonies of the Turks Their Cloathing is a long close Coat Their Habit commonly of a dark gray or black coarse Cloath over which they wear a Cloak of the same Stuff and sometimes of Sheep's-Skin They wear a square Cap sewed together of a great many pieces their Shooes being for the most part made of Horses Hides sewed only together a-top at the Instep The poorest among them is provided with a Coat of Mail Head-pice and Buckler besides a Scymitar Javelin Bow and Arrows The Metropolis of the whole Country is the City of Tarku Tarku situated within the Mountain among steepy Rocks which are as hard as Flint and afford several most pleasant Springs to the City which contains about 1200 Houses built of Brick-stone bak'd in the Sun after the Persian manner but not so high It is the Residence of one of their Petty Princes but is not surrounded with any Fortifications not so much as a Wall Next to this the most frequented places of this Country are Rustain Boinack and Andre being three several Principalities lying in the Road betwixt Persia and the River Wolga The Town of Boinack is situate upon the ascent of a steepy Hill near the Sea-side That of Andre is built upon a rising Ground near the River Koisu by Ptolomy call'd Albanus which rises out of Mount Caucasus Its Waters are very muddy and its Current very swift The most Remarkable thing here is a certaing Spring of seething Water which arising near the Town and falling at some distance into a Pool makes the Water fit for Bathing About some Miles lower the River Koisu lets out a Branch by the Inhabitants called Askai probably the River Caesius of Ptolomy which running with a very slow Current at last is reunited with the said River near the Sea The River Bustro mentioned in the beginning of this Chapter known by the name of Gerrus in Ptolomy is the Boundary betwixt the Circassian and Dagesthan Tartars And about 25 Miles before its entrance into the Caspian Sea is divided into two Branches the first of which being called Terck or Timenski has given the Name to the City of Terki the Metropolis of Circassia The second Branch is called Kiselar very near as b●oad as the other but not so deep being fordable for the most part of the Summer But before we leave the Frontiers of the Russian Empire on this side it may perhaps not be beyond our scope to insert here short Description of the City of Derbent both for its Antiquity's-sake and its being the Frontier-Town of Persia upon the Confines of the Dagesthan Tartars especially since we intend to treat of some other Parts bordering upon Muscovy in the next following Chapters The City of Derbent is situate in the Province Derbent called by the Persians Lengerkunan upon the very Shoar of the Caspian Sea which sometimes washes its Walls under the 41 degr 51 min. of Latitude It s length reaches from East to West near five Miles but its breadth is not proportionable to its length It is not only the Frontier-place of Persia lying upon its utmost Confines on this side but may well be called the Gate of it reaching from the Mountain quite down to the Sea-shoar The whole City is divided into three distinct Quarters The first is the Mid-City which the Persians affirm to be built by Alexander the Great as also that Wall which surrounds the City on the South-side These Walls are of a great height and about six Foot broad and at a distance appear as if they were built of the best Free-stone in the World but according to the Relation of the Inhabitants the Stones of it are made of Mussle-shells and small pieces of Free-stone beaten and molded together into Bricks which by the long tract of Time are reduced to that degree of hardness as to exceed Marble it self There is even to this day upon one of the Gates remaining an Inscription resembling the Syriack Character as there appears in another Place some Arabick words but so defaced by length of Time as not to be legible The Castle which lies upon the top of the Mountain is also related to owe its Foundation to that Great Conquerour and is now always kept by a very good Garrison of Persians The second Quarter reaches up to the foot of the Mountain being the most Populous as the lower Town which reaches to the Sea-side is not much frequented now being formerly inhabited by Greeks but ever since the Persians regain'd it from Mustapha the Turkish Emperor converted into Gardens The whole Body of the City is encompass'd with a very strong Wall so broad that a Waggon may drive on them without Inconvenience The Inhabitants are all Mahometans except some Jews whose chief Business is to buy such stoln Children as the Neighbouring Dagesthan Tartars bring thither or else some Turks or Muscovites which they having pick'd up in some Encounters they send thither to Market to be from thence further carried into Persia The Mountain above the City being for the most part covered with Wood affords another piece of Antiquity to wit the Ruins of a Wall which if the Inhabitants may be believed formerly served for a Communication betwixt the Caspian and Euxin Seas and extended it self near 300 Miles in length Thus much is ce●tain that in the Ruins appear now in some places six foot high in some others two or three the Tract being quite lost in others And on some of the adjacent Hills are to be seen the Ruins of several old Castles of a four square Form two of which remain unde●o●●sh'd to this day and are Garison'd by the Persians There is a remarkable Monument of another kind near this City to wit the Sepulchre of Tzumtzume of whom the Persians relate the following Fable out of their Poet Fiesull They relate that Essi this being the Name they give to our Saviour coming into those Parts found thereabouts a certain Dead Man's Skul which having taken particular Notice of he desired of God whose Favourite he was to bring the deceased Person to Life again which being done accordingly Essi then asked him who he was he answered that his Name was Tzumtzume that he had been the most Powerful King of that Country where he had kept a vast Court composed of a great many Thousands Musicians Pages and other Servants At last Tzumtzume having asked Essi who he was and what Religion he professed Christ made answer I am Essi and by the Religion I profess all the World is to be saved If this be true reply'd
fifteen or sixteen days But before we part with our Travelling Merchants I cannot forbear to mention here a certain way they use in those Parts of easing these Reens or Sled-Stags in their Travels it being the more surprising the less any thing of that Nature is practised among the Europaeans tho' I remember to have some Years since seen something not unlike to it in Holland viz. a certain Machine driven forward by the help of Sails upon a Level This is performed by the help of Sails which when the Wind favours they put up in their Sleds so that by this means they are driven along sometimes over the Land covered with Snow sometimes over the Rivers frozen with Ice the Dog and Deer supplying the defect of the Wind in a Country all Level Why the Muscovites Travel by Land into China such as is that vast Tract of Ground betwixt Siberia and Mount Caucasus as the Oars in a Vessel when becalmed or labouring against the Wind. It will perhaps seem strange to those who have some knowledge of these North-Eastern Parts that whereas these Travelling Merchants might with more Ease and less Charge take the Advantage of those great numbers of Rivers which are betwixt China and Muscovy they should choose the way by Land as being both more chargeable and troublesome But besides that it is sufficiently evident out of what has been said that the Grand Tartary betwixt China and Muscovy is not so Desart as has been imagined there are insurmountable Obstacles in these Rivers which are sufficient to deter even the best Seamen in the World much more the Russians who are hitherto not the most expert in Sea-Affairs Not to mention here an almost infinite number of Rivers whose Names are not so much as known in Europe the most considerable both for the abundance of Water and extent of their Course are the Rivers Oby Genessay or Jenessay Lena and Yamour The two first have this Inconveniency that where they disembogue into the Sea they are almost all the Year long so choak'd up with whole Mountains of Ice that they are extreamly dangerous besides which the latter of the two is towards the Mouth of it so full of Cataracts or Water-falls at some Leagues distance from one another occasioned by the Rocks whose tops being all over covered with most delicious Flowers by their odoriferous scent perfume the circumjacent Air that they cannot be pass'd without unlading the Vessel which cannot be done without great Charge The Mouth of the River Lena lying more Easterly is not so much pester'd with Ice as the former and its Course much more easie yet the vast number of Rocks and Shelves which lie very close to one another at the very Entrance of it out of the Sea renders it very dangerous if not quite unpassable to Ships of never so little Burthen except it be to very small Fisher-Boats 'T is true the River Yamour the most Easterly of all would be very convenient for Traffick its course being uniform were it not for a prodigious number of Sea-Bull-rushes which at its Entrance into the Sea grow like a Forest of that thickness that a Man can hardly grasp one of them with both his Arms whereby all Passage for Ships to go into the Sea is quite obstructed All these Difficulties and Obstacles considered who can blame the Muscovites if they prefer the most commodious and shortest Way before the dangers of these Rivers which however are not useless but rather very commodious to them in their Land-Travels from Siberia cross the Tartarian Provinces to the Confines of China forasmuch as they travel with more Ease over them when they are frozen and are more Navigable towards their Sources than towards the End of their Courses During the Differences betwixt the Muscovites and Chineses arisen about the Building of the Fort of Albazin by the first upon the River Yamour these Merchants used to go by Water upon the Rivers Oby and Szelinga as far as the City which bears the same name with the last of these Rivers being built there by the Muscovites for the Conveniency of their Travelling Mercants From this City they travel by Land through the Country of the Tartars of Mongul to the place of Residence of the Chan of Becroesain one of their Principal Chans where also resides the Coutusta-Lama or Vicar of the Tartarian High Priest here by the means of some Presents they obtain Guides and Carriages with a good Convoy who conducts them to the Frontiers if China CHAP. VI. Of the Samoyedes Groenland Livonia and Courland THE Samoyedes or Samogedes inhabit that Tract of Ground which lies North-East of Siberia on both sides of the River Oby extending to the Streight of Weigats in the Frozen Sea their Habitation being under the frigid Zone it self This Country was first discovered to the Muscovites by a Russian Merchant whose name was Oneke who having for a considerable time traded with the Inhabitants in rich Furrs and gathered great Wealth at last made a Discovery of it to the Czar of Muscovy who having sent thither a splendid Embassy they soon persuaded them to submit to His Czarish Majesty paying a certain number of Sable Skins for their yearly Tribute They were formerly comprehended under the name of those the Antients called Shytes or Sarmates it being certain that the word Samoyedes is a Muscovian Word signifying as much as self-eaters composed out of Sam which signifies ones self and Geda to eat because they used to eat the Bodies of their dead Friends mixed with their Venison in the last of which this Country abounds and always was and is to this day their ordinary Food Some would have them to be the same Abii of which Curtius speaks that they sent Ambassadors to Alexander the Great and that they were called Obii from the River Oby Tho' they have no Cities yet do they not live a Vagabond-life like most of the Tartars but have their settled Habitations which are certain Cabans or Huts some Foot deep under the Ground of a circular Figure built Vault-wise a top having in the middle of it a Hole underneath which is the Fire-place round about which they lie during the Winter it serves both for a Chimney and sometimes for a Door thro' which they let in the Air when the others are stopt up by the Snow which falls here often six or seven Foot high During this Season which lasts six Months and keeps them in continual Darkness their Correspondence is maintain'd betwixt them by the Trenches or Walks under Ground from one Hut to another by which means they visit one another the absence of the Sun being supplied by the melancholy light of Lamps fed with Oil drawn of a certain Fish of which as well as of all other Necessaries they make provision in the Summer which Season begins here as soon as the Sun comes to the Equinoctial Line and enters into the Septentrional Signs of the Zodiack and rejoyces
respect of Persons nay even betwixt Parents and Children The Government being sensible of the ill consequences of these Insolences used to send the Strelitzes and Sergeants about to surprise some of these Offenders but the Evil was found so deeply and universally rooted that in a short time they would have wanted hands to execute the Punishments which was Whipping So that for the Security of Persons of Quality it was Ordered That if any one of them should be thus affronted the Offender to be obliged to pay a Fine which they call Biscestia and at the most amounts to 500 l. Sterl according to the respective Quality of the Persons injur'd And the better to keep in Awe those that had little or nothing to lose such as were incapable to pay the Fine were to be put into their Adversary's hands who either might make them their Slaves or else have them severely whipt by the Executioner whose place is to mention it here by the by Herditary so that the Sons serve their Apprenticeship in their Father's House Notwithstanding all these Precautions this Fine is frequently paid even among People of very good Fashion and Gentlemen who do not forbear upon the least Difference to call one another Sons of Whores Dogs c. which however is generally made up over a large Cup of Aqua Vitae for they seldom come to Fighting or if they do when their Spirits are exalted by the Strength of the Liquor it is done with their Fists or Switches or a Cudgel or perhaps by soundly kicking one another about the Belly for in the heighth of their Rage they are sure to aim at the Codpiece this being the utmost extent of their Bravery in private Quarrels For a Man may live a considerable time in Muscovy and not hear as much as mentioned a Dewel with Sword or Pistol fought by Muscovites as it is practised in other Parts of Europe they as it seems not looking upon Bravery and Courage to depend from these Weapons ' T is true Persons of great Quality to distinguish themselves from the rest commonly fight on Horse-back but their Weapon is a good Whip which decides the Difference without Bloodshed They were formerly so fond of Ignorance that for any one to apply himself to the Study of any Art Science or foreign Language much more to enquire into the State of Affairs of other Countreys or Discourse of it was look'd upon as a great Crime But matters are extreamly alter'd as to this Point of late Years by the Encouragement given by his present Czarish Majesty to the Nobility to make themselves acquainted with foreign Countreys and Languages and several useful Arts and Sciences especially the Mathematicks in which they were so grossly ignorant before that they look'd upon its Effects no otherwise than Witchcraft It is questionless owing to this gene●ous Care of the present Czar that Latin and Greek Schools have been erected in the City of Musco and that some of the Boyars among other Languages are well versed in the first of these two which will without question in process of time conduce not a little towards the Reformation of such Abuses as have been hitherto in vogue in Muscovy of which we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter before the conclusion of this Treatise The most familiar Vice the Muscovites are charged with Drunkenness by Foreigners is Drunkenness tho' most of the other Countreys in Europe especially the Northern parts are infected with as well as Muscovy It must be confess'd that it is no where more universal than among the Russians when the Clergy as well as the Laity the Women as well as the Men young and old of what Quality or Degree soever have their share in it Tzarkowino for so they term their Aqua Vitae is the first welcom they give to their Guests even among People of the best Quality whether Men or Women which goes merrily round before at and after Meals Wine being a Liquor too weak for their Stomachs The Ladies of Quality themselves at their Poctivats or great Entertainments make themselves so heartily merry with it that they are sensible of it the next day It is for this reason the Lady of the Feast sends the next day one of her Gentlemen to Compliment her Guests to enquire after their Healths and how their Ladiships got home and how they rested The general Answer the Lady sends is I give your Lady a thousand Thanks for her good Cheer indeed it made me so merry th●t I scarce remember how I got home But to speak without Partiality the Muscovites are not the only People in the World which are intoxicated by the force of strong Liquor the very same is practised in Germany where the Master or the Mistress of the Feast as well as the Guests do not think the Entertainment compleat if they go home without Staggering And as to what concerns the Muscovian Ladies it is possible their merry Meetings may meet with a favourable Construction from such of our Ladies as prefer the Charms of Distill'd Waters before Wine Besides that the fair Sex in Muscovy have a strong Plea to Alledge in their own Defence For as much as the great Quantity of Fish they eat on their Fast-days which make up above half the Year requires certain Digestives to attenuate the Viscosity of this Dyet and that the merry Cup makes them in some measure an Amends for the solitary Life they lead at Home under the most rigid Discipline of their Hurbands of which we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter On the other hand it is most certain that the meaner Sort of People commit intolerable excesses in this kind for they will drink not only till they can neither stand nor go but oftentimes till they die upon the Spot To spend every Cope● or Penny they have in a Tippling-House is a common thing here and thus far they may perhaps be match'd as well in this Kingdom as some others in Europe but nothing is more frequent in Muscovy among the vulgar Sort than to come away without their Cloaths nay it often happens that if they come away with their Wastcoats on and meet one of their drunken Companions by the way they return and send thus Stockins Wastecoat Shirts and Drawers after the rest and return home like Adamites It is easie to be imagined that there is no Mischief so great no Vice so abominable but what is committed by these Drunkards who even when sober very seldom act according to the dictates of Reason Hence it is that so many Murthers are committed in the Streets of the City of Musco so that it is unsafe to go alone or unarm'd in the Night-time there being sometimes fifteen dead Bodies to be seen together in the Court of Semskay a place where they are exposed that their Friends and Kindred may take care for their Burial If no body owns them they are thrown some where or another in a Ditch
of the Current at parting they cross themselves and cry Prosti Farewel Persons of great Fortunes or Quality adorn their Saints with Pearls or precious Stones but these Demy-Gods are so tenacious of what they have once got into their Clutches that they will never part with any of it again to the Owners though never so ●ecessitous There are not wanting Examples that upon a pinch some have made bold to borrow of their Saints against their Will what formerly was their own who have paid for it with the loss of both their Hands If any one is excommunicated his Saint as well as his Person is excluded from the Church The Muscovian Monks and Priests Their Miracles as ignorant as they are in other matters have been cunning enough not to despoil the Saints of the Art of doing Miracles At Archangel there was once a Gang of them who by such Impostures had got a considerable Sum of Money together but falling out among themselves when they were dividing the Spoil the Fraud was discovered and so had a good Whipping for their pains It must be owned there are but few Instances of this nature among the Muscovites they being else too zealous to call in question the Omnipotency of their Saints whom they believe to have at least something of Divinity in them In the Year 1643. an old Image had began to change Colour and to turn a little reddish This was immediately cry'd up not only for a Miracle but rather for an ill Omen or some Bloody Presage to that Degree that the Great Duke and the Patriarch being frightned thereat as well as the People preparations were making for an extrordinary Fast-day and publick Prayers to be made all over the Kingdom but some of the Bojares having thought it convenient to call together all the Painters about the City they brought in their Verdict That they believed there was nothing ominous in the matter forasmuch as they were assured that time having consumed the Paint had only discovered the colour of the Wood which was Red Among others of their miraculous Saints they have two of a late Date the Name of the first was Sudatworets Philip Metropolite he lived in the Reign of that famous Tyrant John Basilovits unto whom he used constantly to make remonstrances of his wicked Life and Cruelties till the Great Duke not able any longer to endure his Reprehensions caused him to be slain by one of his Servants since which time he has been reckoned among their Holy Martyrs and been famous for the Miracles they have attributed to him which were formerly performed at Archangle near which he was Buried in the Isle of Solofka in the White Sea but has been since from thence translated to the City of Musco and placed in the great Church of the Castle where for some time he did most surprising Miracles by healing the Dumb Deaf Blind Agues and Paraliticks But of late Years it seems the Saint is grown Weary of his Profession of Physick though they affirm that his Body remains entire to this day which is not easie to be disproved since it is forbidden upon pain of Death to lift up the Cloath which covers the Body of the Saint The second and the topping Saint of all Muscovy for Miracles is one Sergius whose Residence was in the Monastery of Troitza about threescore Miles distant from the City of Musco This Saint as it seems was in his younger Days a Military Person of a very graceful Aspect but having taken a Distaste at that Profession and abandoned his vicious course of Life turn'd first Hermite and afterwards got into the Monastery of Troitza which from his Name ever since his Burial there has been called Zergeofski Troitza it being formerly Dedicated to the Trinity where being soon after chosen Abbot he and one of his Disciples called Nikon grew so famous for the many Miracles they performed that they were both Canonized after their Death which hapned in the Year 1563. Their Heads as they say do not only remain entire to this day but also that of Sergius if one may believe them has not lost its Military Operation for when this Monastery was Besieged by the Poles the Head of Sergius only forced them to raise the Siege having caused them to turn their Arms against themselves during the Assault 'T is true this Monastery was Besieged by the Poles under their General John Sapicha who was forced to abandon the Enterpize and thus far the Monks are in the right of it but they were mistaken in the true circumstances of the matter for asmuch as it was not the Head of their Saint or their own Bravery put the Swedish Army that obliged the Poles to raise the Siege But they are not used to examine Miracles with so much nicety here for notwithstanding this the Great Dukes goe thither generally twice a Year to do their Devotion and when they come at two Miles distance from the Monastery alight from their Horses walking the rest of the way on foot Having performed their Devotion they spend some days in Hunting during which time the Abbot entertains the Great Duke and his whole Retinue The Muscovites frequently perform here their Vows of going on Pilgrimage and bestowing their Alms made perhaps in their Travels or Sickness which with the Liberality of the Great Dukes has encreased the Revenues of this Monastery to that Degree that it is accounted one of the Richest and the most Beautiful in all Muscovy and maintains a great number of Monks There is also a Church Dedicated to the Holy Mother of Casan whither many Pilgrimages which are made by the Muscovites as also to Chutina about Eight Miles distant from Novogorod to the Sepulchre of one of their Saints called Werlam who being Born at Novogorod was Buried near the said Monastery of Chutina On the Eve of the Pentecost they perform certain a naual Devotions in Memory of their departed Friends with a great deal of Formality but in a manner very Ridiculous Those of their Churches which are of Stone Their Churches are all round and Vaulted because they say they have thus a nearer resemblance to Heaven which is the Throne of God These have in the midst of four Turrets a Tower form'd at the Top not unlike the Knobs we put on our Bedsteads having upon it a Triple Cross This is to represent our Saviour as the head of the Church and the Cross being the Badge of Christianity they think fit the Church of Christ should be distinguish'd by it from others Within are neither Seats nor Benches because none sit down but all perform their Devotions either standing or prostrating themselves They don't make use of Organs or any other Musical Instruments in their Churches being perswaded that things inanimate cannot glorifie God They believe their Churches profaned by the Entrance of any Stranger that is not of the same Communion wherefore they are not admitted and as soon as Discovered thrust out But if a
is time to return to more serious Matters It is to be observed that the Muscovites retain to this Day some Remnants of the Mosaick Law For though they do not abhor Swine's Flesh yet they will not touch a Squirrel Coney or Hare But which is the oddest of all They hold it Pagan or Vnclean to eat Veal but not Lamb For what Reason neither they nor any body else know They account it next to a Sin to omit Lotionem post inatum They look upon it as a great Sin for a Muscovite to lie with a Woman that is not of the same Communion But a Venial Trespass for a Russian Woman to accept of a Kindness from a Stranger They give for a Reason Because her Issue will be educated in the True Russian Faith whereas a Muscovite Man may happen to beget a Child upon a Stranger which is not likely to be educated in the same Religion Heresie is punished among the Russians with Fire The Heretick is carried to the Top of a low House from whence he jumps into the Fire made underneath and immediately they throw Straw upon him and good store of dry Splinters of Firr-Wood these being fired they soon suffocate the Malefactor CHAP. XII A Brief History of the Succession of the Russian Great Dukes from their first Origin till the Death of that famous Tyrant John Basilovitz THE first Origin of this Empire is very abscure for the Great Dukes of Muscovy derive their Pedigree from August●s Caesar yet if it be considered how confused the Atchievements and Successions of these Ancient Princes are among an ignorant People it is no difficult matter to imagine that their Ancient History must be full of uncertainty Thus much is certain that this vast Empire was in former Ages divided into a great many Principalities under their own Laws and Princes which in after Ages and by several Degrees have been united under one Head and compose that vast Body which now adays is known under the name of the Russians Empire But to return to their Chronicles they relate that Augustus Caesar among others of his Kindred whom he sent to be Governour over very remote Provinces One Prussus had assigned him Prussia had his Seat on the Eastern Baltick Shoar by the River Weixel Of him were descended by the fourth Generation Rureck Sinaus and Truvor who at the perswasion of one Gostomistius a rich Citizen of Novogorod were sent for by the Russians who at that time lived without any Civil Government to rule over them in the Year 1573. As they went into Russia they took a long with them Olechus their near Kinsman and so having divided the whole Country among themselves each in his Province laid the first foundation of a regular Civil Government Iverson the Son of Rureck the rest dying without Issue became Successor to them all He took to Wife one Otha the Daughter of a Citizen of Plesscon by whom he begot Stoslaus but being after that Slain by his Enemies his Wife Otha went to Constantinople where she was Baptized and Named Helen His Son Stoslaus was a Warlike Prince and very Victorious in several Battles till at last being Slain by his Enemies they made a Cup of his Skull Engraven'd with this Sentence Seeking after other Men's lives he has lost his own He left three Sons Teropolchus Olega and Volodimir Volodimir having slain his two Elder Brothers Volodimir I. made himself master of all Russia he married afterwards Anne the Sister of Basitius Porphyrogenites and in the Year 989 introduced the Christian Religion among the Russians himself being before instructed in it and Baptized in the Year 988. Some among whom is Zonara's report that it was done by a Miracle of which we have spoke before He built the City of Volodimir the Capital of the Province of the same Name upon the River Cesma which was for a considerable time after the Residence of the Great Dukes Volodimir left behind him Eleven Sons among whom he divided the Dukedom Beristus and Glebus forsook the World and for their Holy Life were Canon●sed after their Death their Feast is kept by the Russians in November The rest falling into contentio●s among themselves every one being ambitious of making himself the sole and supream Lord of all Russia they ruined one another till Jaroslaus was left the only inheritor of all their Dominions Volodimir Volodimir II. the Son of this Jaroslaus used to keep his Residence in the City of Kiovia upon the River Boristhenis He was grown very famous for the many conflicts he had with the Sons of his Uncles whom having at last subdued he was call'd Mono Machus He was also very Victorious against Constantine the Greek Emperor and having over-run all Thracia returned home loaden with Honour and a prodigious Booty whilst he was preparing to renew the War with more Vigour against the Emperor he sent to him Neuphytus Bishop of Ephesus and Eustathius Abbot of Jerusalem who having among other rich Gifts presented him with part of our Saviour's Cross and saluted him by the Name of Czar perswaded him to enter into a League with Constantine with whom ever after he cultivated a very good Correspondance He was succeeded by his Son Vuzevolodus after whom in order of descent Reigned George and Demetrius George Succeeded his Father Demetrius he fought with very ill success against Bathy the Tartarian Prince by whom he was slain in the Battle in the Year 1237 and the Russians brought under the subjection of the Tartars who made their Dukes dependent from them and as a token of their subjection forced them too often as the Tartarian Ambassadors should come into Russia to go out and to meet them and to stand bare headed in their own Courts while the Ambassadors delivered their message sitting About the same time the Tartars having ravaged Poland Plesia and Hungary Pope Innocent IV. obtained a Peace or rather a Truce from them for five Years the Russians affirm that this Bathy was the Father of Tamerain George was succeded by his Brother Jaroslaus and after him Reign'd his Son Alexander Daniel the Son of Alexander was the first that translated the Seat of the Great Dukes to the City of Musco and laid the first Foundation of the Castle he was also the first that took upon him the Title of Great Duke John the Son of Daniel was sirnamed Kalota which signifies a Scrip which he always carried about him and out of it he used to give Alms to the Poor His Son Simeon died without Issue and left the Dukedom to John his next Brother Demetrius succeeded his Father John and left two Sons Basilias and George Basili the Eldest Brother Reigned after his Father's Death and had a Son of his own Name but having conceived a jealousie against his Wife he disinherits the Son declaring George his Brother his Successor in his Dominions George being thus gotten into Possession of Russia puts his Nephew Basili in Prison but
at his Death though he had two Sons of his own resigned the whole Dukedom to the hands of the same Basili Basili being thus unexpectedly put into his supposed right was soon attack'd by Andrew and Demetrius the two Sons of George who could not brook the injury received by their Father's last Will and having surprised him they put out his Eyes thinking thereby to render him incapable of entertaining any further hopes of administring the Government but they were mistaken in their Aim for the Bojares and Nobles notwithstanding his Blindness kept stedfast to their Allegiance to the Great Duke who was therefore Sir-named Cziemnok or the blind Duke John Basilovits who began his Reign in the Year 1450 John Basilovits succeeded his Father Basili he was the first that brought the Russian Name out of Obscurity into Renown For after having secured himself at home by putting to Death all such of his Kindred as were likely to contend with him for the Superiority he applied all his thoughts to make himself formidable to his Neighbours Among them he bent his whole Force against the City and Dukedom of Novogor●d Veliki with whom he was engaged in a War for Seven Years till at last in the Year 1477. having vanquish'd them in a Battle he forced that Great and Rich City to a Submission and to receive a Russian Governour But afterwards thinking himself not absolute Master of the City and being unwilling to run the hazard of compelling them by force he went thither in Person under pretence of some Religious concerns in behalf of the Greek Religion so that being admitted into the City by the Authority of the Archbishop Theophilus he ransact it and carried away an incredible Booty to Musco with most of the Inhabitants and sent Muscovites thither in their place Having subdued this Potent Dukedom as also those of Tyversky and Plescou and several other petty Principalities bordering upon his Dominions he was the first that united Russia into one considerable Body and consequently laid the first Foundation of its future Greatness He entred into a War with the Livonians for no other cause than to enlarge his bounds and advanced as far as the River Narva where he built the strong Castle of Ivanogorod upon a steepy Rock opposite to the City of Narva which lies on the other side of that River but having received a Signal overthrew in a Battle fought against Guallies de Pletenbergh the Master of the Livonian Order of Knights he was forced to make a Truce with them for Fifty Years He had also some differences with Alexander King of Poland who having married his Daughter had as he pretended forced her to abandon the Greek Religion and to turn Roman Catholick which breaking out at last into a War was carried on for some time with no great advantage on either side nevertheless the Basilovits took Plescou in the Fray from the Luthianians His Wife was the Daughter of the Duke of Tiversky of her he begat John unto whom after he had Married him to the Daughter of Stephen Prince of Moldavia he resign'd the whole Dukedom But John dying soon after left only one Son who was called Demetrius Basilovits by reason of the tender Age of his Grandchild was obliged to reassume the Administration of the Government and soon after Married a second Wife to wit Sophia the Daughter of Thomas Polvologus who is said to have receiv'd her Doury out of the Pope's Treasury under condition that she should endeavour the Convertion of the Duke to the Romish Faith This Princess being of a very Haughty Temper and not able to endure that her Husband should be a Vassal to the Tartars did so effectually encourage him to shake of the Tartarian Yoak that having first dislodged the Tartarian Ambassadors that had their residence in the Castle of Musco and were the Duke's Overseers in State Affairs afterwards by degrees dispossess'd them of all they held in Russia By the perswasion of this Princess he transferred the Dukedom from Demetrius his Grandchild the Son of John deceased to Gabriel his Eldest Son by this Princess Gabriel was no sooner Great Duke Basili Ivanovits but he changed his Name and assum'd that of Basili Ivanowitz he after the example of his Father applied all his care to enlarge his Territories which he did with good success against the Lithuanians and Polanders from whom he recovered great part of Muscovy especially the City of Smoleusko on the River Boristhenes or Nieper in the Year 1514. He also ejected the Duke of Siberi or Severia and united the Province to his Crown he afterwards turned his Arms against the Tartars of Casan whom he defeated in a memorable Battle and made them his Vassals But the Tartars having soon after killed their Governour surprised him with a considerable Army and having forced him to retreat with such Forces as he could get together in hast under Novogorod on the River Occas they took and plundred the City of Musco and forc'd the Castle to a shameful Capitulation by vertue of which the Great Dukes were to be tributaries to the Tartars But the Tartars having soon after broken the Capitulation by Besieging the City of Rhesan and the Weywode or Muscovite Governor having by a straitagem got into his possession the Great Duke's Original Letters Patents whereby the Conditions made with the Castle of Musco were confirmed as has been related before in the Description of the City of Casan and having at the same time forced the Tartars to raise the Siege of the City and Castle of Rhesan both the People and Great Duke were so encouraged by the sudenness of so lucky an accident that the latter marched against the Tartars and Besieged the City of Casan which he caused to be attack'd with all the Vigour imaginable but these within being conscious of their guilt Fought like desperate Men so that after● much Bloodshed on both sid●s the Great Duke was obliged to raise the Siege and to leave the Conquest of this as well as other Tartarian Kingdoms on that side to his Son John Basilovits whom he begat of Helan the Daughter of Knez Glinsky after having Divorced himself from his first Wife John Basilovits being but a Child John Basilovits succeeded his Father under the Tuition of George his Uncle in the Year 1540. But no sooner was he arrived to the Age of Maturity but he gave most evident proofs of his future Greatness Being willing to make himself formidable to his Neighbours by some memorable exploit at the beginning of his Reign he resolved to revenge the affront his Father had received before Casan which City he Besieged in the Year 1552 His Wars And after he had batter'd it very furiously for the space of two Months offered them very honourable conditions which they having refused to accept he ordered the general Assault to be given on the Second Day of July in the same Year and notwithstanding the resolute Defence made
by the Tartars carried it by Storm and thereby became Master of the whole Kingdom of Casan About two Years after he marched against the Nagajan Tartars bordering to the South upon those of Casan and having in the Year 1554 on the first day of August taken by Assault Astra Chan the Capital of the Province he also reduced that Kingdom under his Subjection By what accident he got into the Possession of the vast Country of Siberia which has since proved one of the most profitable to the Czars of Muscovy by which they have opened themselves a way into China as has been related before in the Description of that Province In the Year 1558. he turned his victorious Arms again Livonia where having ravaged the Bishoprick of Derpt and Virland he made himself Master of the Cities of Narva and of Toopator-Derpt So that the Livonians not being able alone to resist his Power and being put into Despair by the most horrid Cruelties exercised upon them by the Muscovites and especially against Furstenbergh the Master of their Order they were forced to submit themselves some under the Protection of Sweden the rest under the Crown of Poland In the Year 1570 he sent a very numerous Army under the Command of Maynus Duke of Holstein to besiege the City of Revel in Livonia but the City being assisted by the Swedes under whose Protection they were forced him to raise the Siege And when he attacked it a second time in the Year 1577 he met with no better Success And in the Year 1581 the Swedish General Pontus de la Guarde recovered the City of Narva from the Muscovites He was at first also very successful against the Poles till Stephen Battori Prince of Transylvania and elected King of Poland not only recovered all the Places he had taken from that Crown before but also obliged him to make a Peace in the Year 1582 by virtue of which he relinquished all his Pretensions to that part of Livonia which had put it self under the Protection of the King of Poland In the Year 1571 the Crim-Tartars also made a great Irruption into Muscovy destroying all with Fire and Sword and at last burnt the City of Musco As the first Years of his Reign were attended with Victories abroad so at home he ruled for some time with a great deal of Mildness and by the outward Shew of his Piety made his Subjects conceive all the Hopes that could be of a prosperous Reign For he would go frequently to Church say the Service himself sing and never fail to be present at any Ecclesiastical Ceremonies nay sometimes execute the Functions of Monks and Priests himself Which without Question was it that mis-led Paulus Jovius into that Mistake when he calls him a good and devout Christian For it will sufficiently appear in the Sequel of this History that he abused both God and Men and that his pretended Piety was only intended to gain the Popular Applause which he both effected and stood in need of and to cover his most horrid Designs against such of the Nobility as he was afraid would not submit without Reluctancy to the Yoak he intended to put upon their Necks He began to give the first Proofs of his cruel Disposition in the Year 1560 when having acquired a vast Reputation both at home and abroad by the great Success of his Arms against the Tartars Livonians and Poles he thought this the most convenient Time to put in Execution his Design of making himself the sole and absolute Master of this vast Empire His Grandfather had laid the first Foundation of this Maxim which was followed by his Son Basili the Father of John Basilovitz to wit To suppress the antient Nobility by despoiling them not only of their Castles and Strong Holds but also of their Estates But this Tyrant looking upon these Means as insufficient resolved by putting to death all the Great Men in the Kingdom whom he found in the least contrary to his Design to secure to himself the Arbitrary Disposal of this great Empire He made the first Beginning with one Demetrius Owezinovitz His Cruelties a Man of great Parts among the Russians Being therefore willing to be rid of him he invited him one Evening to Supper with a great deal of seeming Friendship where they drunk very merrily so that Dem●trius began to be overcome by the Strength of the Liquor which the Tyrant perceiving and believing this to be a fit Opportunity to put his Design in Execution he drank to him a great Bowl-full of Strong Hydromel which he obliged Demetrius to pledge to his the Great Duke's Health but it being impossible for him to drink above half of it the Great Duke angrily told him That since he was so unmannerly as to refuse to drink his Health in his Presence he might get down into his Wine-Cellar where he should drink it at his own Leisure Demetrius being very willing to obey went without Reluctancy down into the Cellar where by the secret Orders of the Tyrant he was suffocated In the same manner he caused to be either secretly slain or suffocated several Persons of Eminent Quality without any Body's daring to enquire into their Death till at last the Patriarch and the other Prelates in Conjunction with some of the boldest among the Nobility having represented to him the Enormities of his Actions he seemed for some small Time to have changed his cruel Sentiments into a more mild Disposition The better to confirm them in this Opinion he got it spread abroad that he intended to abdicate the Empire and to retire into a Monastery And soon after having called together the Nobility he told them That since he had two Sons whom he intented to make his Successors he would recommend them to their Care That he did not question but they would not only pay them due Allegiance but also assist them with their Counsel and good Advice That for his part he intended to build himself a Monastery near the City of Musco where he would be ready at hand to give his Directions in Matters of any Moment Having thus cajoll'd them into a good Opinion he caused a very large Building to be erected surrounded with a strong Wall which he endowed with considerable Revenues for the Maintenance of such as were to abide with him there and to lead as he pretended a Monastick Life but in effect to serve as an Encouragement to such as he intended to employ in the Execution of his cruel Designs For after he had settled himself with his Gang in this Castle he used under pretence of Preferment to send such of his Nobles as he intended to sacrifice to his Ambition into some distant Province or another as Governors whither after some Time he would command some of his Soldiers under such Officers as were before-hand engaged to execute his Orders to the Place where the Fact was to be perpetrated under pretence of changing the Garrison where
by the giddy-headed Multitude who being always in Extreams and fond of Novelties shewed their Approbation by digging up the dead Carcass of Demetrius which with most horrible Imprecations in which the Muscovites excell most other Nations they burnt and threw the Ashes into the Air yet did it not relish so well with the Poles but that notwitstanding all his specious Pretences they resolved to call him to a severe Account for the Barbarities committed upon their Country-men Neither was it long before they met with an Opportunity to revenge themselves and to give very sensible Proofs of their utmost Resentments against Zuski the Contriver and chief Actor of that Tragedy For tho' the dead Body of the late Demetrius was exposed to publick View for several days it was so mangl'd and hack'd by the Fury of the Multitude that it was impossible to be known even by the nearest of his Friends Which Schacopski the Lord Chancellor of Demetrius and one of his most trusty Friends having got notice of he made his Escape with two or three more whom he knew to be absolutely in his Interest to the City of Puttiwoll which had always stood vigorous for Demetrius from the first time he entred Muscovy with an Army As they were travelling upon the Road at some distance from the City of Musco they made it their Business to spread it about the Country that Demetrius was not dead that the People during the Tumult had apprehended and massacred another in his place he having at the very beginning of the Disorder saved himself by Flight They shewed to several Inn-keepers the Great Seal of Muscovy telling them at their Departure that in a little time they should know what a great Guest they had entertain'd that Night They were also very profuse of their Gold all which serving for a Confirmation of what they had heard them say before they took it as an undoubted Truth and the more they were enjoin'd Secre●ie the more eager were they in Whispering it about among their Friends so that in a little time it became currant News in the City of Musco where it having been encouraged and improved by some secret Friends of Demetrius there was scarce a Meeting where this surprizing News was not the chief Subject of their Discourse every one judging of the Matter according to his own Sentiment In the mean while George Schacopski was with his Friends arriv'd at Puttiwoll from whence having immediately dispatch'd a Messenger into Poland with Letters to the Weywode of Sendomiria's Lady wherein he gave her a full Relation of the Conspiracy form'd by Zuski and his Party against her Son-in-Law but that by a peculiar Providence he had saved himself in time by Flight and was retir'd to a Place of Security from whence he would suddenly return at the Head of a considerable Army to revenge the Death of his Friends upon these Traitors That her Husband also had by his Valour escaped the Fury of the enraged Multitude and remained in good Health in the City of Musco and that in a little time he hoped to give her a more ample Account of the further Success of their Affairs Having sent away the Messenger with these Dispatches he immediately demanded Audience in the Great Duke Demetrius his Master's Name which being soon granted he appear'd in the Assembly the next day where having highly extoll'd the Zeal of the Citizens of Puttiwoll in having been the first that espoused the Interest of Demetrius in the very Infancy of his Affairs and their Constancy in persevering ever since stedfast in their Loyalty to their Natural Prince he told them how Zuski the present Usurper prompted by his immensurable Ambition of putting the Crown upon his own Head had with his party form'd a Conspiracy against the Life of the Grand Duke Demetrius that to facilitate their Hellish Design they had massacred a great number of innocent Persons in their Beds against all the Laws of Hospitality and afterwards intended to have done the same to the Great Duke himself whom they intended to have surprized in his Palace but having been stopt for a little while by the Resistance made by his trusty Servants he had by a peculiar Providence of God Almighty got into his Stables where being furnished with some of his swiftest Horses he was with a few of his particular Friends escap'd the Fury of the People and had directed his Course to Poland from whence he soon hoped to return with so considerable a Force as to be able to reduce his rebellious Subjects to Obedience He told them that he had recommended to his Care the Affairs of the whole Empire in his Absence for the Confirmation of which he produced the Great Seal of Muscovy and that he had given him a most particular Charge to satisfie his faithful Citizens of Puttiwoll that he was alive and in a place of Security He further added that having had such constant and evident Proofs of their Loyalty he had in Obedience to his Master's Commands taken the direct Road to this City to discharge himself of his Commission and to give them fresh Assurances of the Grand Duke's Favour which they had at this time the best Opportunity in the World to improve to their Advantage if as they had done heretofore they would by their Stedfastness shew a good Example to the other neighbouring Cities and acquire to themselves and their Posterity the Glory of an unshaken Loyalty to their natural Prince The Citizens of Puttiwoll being by these speci●●● Pretences soon inveigled into a Belief of his ●●●cere Intentions and taking Compassion on the Misfortune of a Prince whose Interest they had always espoused from the time of his first comi●● out of Poland into Muscovy they after having return'd their most hearty Thanks for the Honour he did them in putting so great a Value upon their Services declared unanimously that they were ready to sacrifice their Lives and what else was dear to them in this World for the Interest of their lawful Prince and that as a Token of their Fidelity they were ready to obey his the Lord Chancellour's Orders till the Great Duke himself should be pleased to honour them with his Presence The Chancellour's Project having thus far succeeded according to Wish 〈…〉 he dispatch'd some Messengers to the Tartars unto whom he represented the Cruelty and Treachery of Zuski and by what good Fortune the Great Duke had escaped his Hands commanding them in his Name to repair at their Rendezvous which he had appointed near Puttiwoll The Cosacks being also inveigled by the same Artifices of Schacopski as they had always adhered to the Interest of Demetrius so they were now the most forward in appearing in Arms for the maintaining of his pretended Right so that the Lord Chancellour seeing himself thus strengthned by a considerable Party of Cosacks Tartars and some M●scovites and by the Surrender of several other Places in the Neighbourhood of Puttiwoll he obliged
one another when a Body of five thousand Muscovites which were posted in the Front of the left Wing of the Demetrian Army instead of attacking the Enemy ran over to them all in a Body which having put Polutnich and the whole Army into a great Consternation it was thought most advisable to avoid fighting and to retreat to Thula Zuski falling in their Rear cut off a considerable number of them closely pursuing the rest to the Walls of the City which was immediately after surrounded by the whole Army and attacked with all the Fury imaginable The besieged having in their Retreat been forced to leave behind them all their Artillery and Ammunition were very ill provided with such Things as were necessary to sustain a Siege nevertheless trusting in their Courage they defended themselves so valiantly that the Muscovites seeing themselves repulsed with great Slaughter in several Attacks were obliged to enclose the City by making strong Line of Circumvallation round about it in hopes to reduce it by Famine which succeeded according to their Expectation For those within by their sudden Retreat haveing had neither Time or Opportunity to put Provisions in the City were in a little time reduced to the greatest Extremity for want of them Schacopski in the mean while was not a little amaz'd that he received not the least News out of Poland whither he had dispatch'd his Messengers to advertise them of the danger they were in and the Inhabitants of Thula who saw themselves reduced to that Extremity as to be forced to feed upon Cats Dogs Horses and such like Things without hopes of Relief began to be mutinous and to accuse both Schacopski and Polutnich of having betrayed them by their fictitious Insinuations as if their Great Duke Demetrius were alive in Poland which if he had been he would not have fail'd to give them his Assistance in this Extremity Schacopski put the best Countenance he could upon the Matter telling them that they could not expect him to come in Person unless back'd with a Force suitable to the Strength of his Enemies and that if they would but have Patience he did not question but in a few days to hear of his approach in order to come to their Relief Polutnich assur'd them upon his Honour that he himself had seen and spoke with a certain Person of about thirty Years of Age who was in Poland acknowledg'd to be the true Demetrius and from whose Hands he had received his Commission that they should not rely upon his Word alone but that he would advise them to send a trusty Messenger of their own one whom they knew to have seen the Prince Demetrius before into Poland to represent to him the true State of their Affairs and to solicite prompt Succors that at his Return he would be ready to join with them in any thing they should think most advisable for their common Safety The Citizens of Thula having given their Consent to this Proposal and dispatch'd a certain Messenger who by favour of the Night and the Carelesness of the Besiegers got safely thro' their Camp without being discovered they gave fresh Assurance of their Stedfastness to Polutnich till the return of this Emissary Schacopski in the mean while was not a little surprised that he could not hear the least Tidings out of Poland but the true Cause was that the Gentleman whom the Poles had engag'd to personate the true Demetrius haveing understood in what ill a posture his Affairs were in Muscovy after the two last Defeats began to retract his Promise of making himself an Instrument to satisfie the Revenge of the Poles upon the Muscovites and setting before his Eyes the fatal End of the late Demetrius Quia me vestigia terrent after he was in Possession of the Empire he look'd upon the Muscovian Throne like the Fox upon the Lion's Den and therefore wisely resolved rather to enjoy himself upon his plentiful Estate in Poland than to expose himself to danger for the imaginary Lustre of a Crown But the Poles being fully resolved not to acquit Zuski thus of the Barbarities committed against their Countrymen Another Demetrius set up by the Poles were not long before they found out another to supply his Place Muscovy so fertile of Impostors soon furnishing them with One whom they look'd upon as a fit Tool to promote their obstinate Revenge against Zuski this was one Ivan or John a Native of Pocala a City of Russia where he had been a School-Master for some time and being grown weary of his Employment took hold of this Opportunity to meliorate his Condition and if possible to change his School Scepter for that of the Muscovian Empire The first who publickly espoused his Interest was one Micharetski a Man of very eminent Quality in Poland who having gathered a considerable Body of Troops they marched at the Head of them to Puttiwoll where having been received with the greatest demonstrations of Joy and Respect due to their Sovereign they directed their March to the City of Staradub where being reinforced by some Muscovites that upon the Rumor spread abroad of the arrival of their Prince Demetrius flock'd in to them from all Parts it was resolved to march with all possible speed to the Relief of Thula The second counterfeit Demetrius Whilst they were concerting Measures to put their intended Design in execution the Messenger from the Citizens of Thula who for fear of being intercepted by the Enemies Parties that were abroad in great Numbers had been obliged to travel a great way about before he arrived at Staradub was introduced into the presence of this new modell'd Demetrius who tho' having some resemblance to the other Demetrius yet was so far different from him whom this Messenger had seen frequently before that he was not a little startled at the sight of it being scarce able to deliver his Message without confusion Demetrius by the dissatisfaction he observed in his Countenance so on guessing at the true Cause of it judged it not advisable to send back his Resolution of marching to the Relief of the Town by this Messenger who he fear'd might by this Discovery raise a great Prejudice in the Place against his Person and Interest wherefore having ordered him to be secur'd under a good Guard upon some Pretence or other he resolved to detain him till he in Person could march to raise the Siege of the Place This precaution Thula surrendred to Zuski tho' in it self founded upon very weighty Reasons yet proved the occasion of the loss of Thula For both the Garrison and Inhabitants of that City not receiving the least Intelligence concerning their Messenger whom they had dispatch'd into Poland they concluded that he must have fallen into the Hands of the Enemies and being reduc'd to the utmost Extreamity for want of Provisions it was resolved with Joint-consent rather to accept of the advantageous Conditions offer'd to them by Zuski than to perish by Famine
into the frighted Citi●●ns it was resolved with what Forces they could assemble in haste to post themselves in a very advantageous Place on the borders of the Province of Severia thereby to cut off all Communication betwixt the Poles and the Southern Provinces of Muscovy bordering on Lithuania from whence they must be supplied with Men and all other Necessaries for the carrying on of the War The Poles were not a little sta●tled at this vigorous Refolution of the Muscovites whom they believed to have been lost past all recovery but having no other way left them to secure their Retreat and to keep open the communication with their own Country than their Swords they resolved to make an Amends for their ill Conduct by their Bravery Having therefore drawn back their Army from the more Northern Parts to the South side of the City of Musco they march'd to the Frontiers of Severia where having with a most gallant Resolution either to vanquish or to die The Muscovites defeated attack'd those Forces in their advantageous Post they put them to the rout and thus having opened their Passage they pitch'd their Tents near the City of Tusin betwixt the two Rivers Tusin and Moska which in a manner surrounded and secur'd their Camp Being now become more and more sensible of their Error Musco block'd up by Demetrius in having neglected to make themselves Masters before of so advantageous a Post which in all likelihood would have prov'd fatal to that City during the first Consternation they by frequent Excursions endeavoured to repair their first Fault by which they so enclosed the Citizens within their Walls that scarce a Man durst appear at any distance from the Town The Inhabitants seeing themselves thus reduced to great Scarcity as being very near quite shut up by the frequent Excursions of the Poles and seeing themselves in no Capacity at present to drive them from their advantageous Post it was resolved to try whether by certain Proposals of Peace they might not disunite the Poles in the Camp of Demetrius They had ever since the last Massacre of the Poles detained the Polish Ambassadors and the Weywod● of Sendomiria with his Daughter the Great Dutchess Marina Prisoners and as they did not question that they were very desirous of their Liberty so they believ'd they might make use of them as fit Instruments to encompass their Design It was not the Reconciliation with the Poles they aim'd at but knowing the Nature of the Poles to be unstable they hoped by this Artifice to 〈◊〉 time at least till the arrival of those Supplie● which were raising for their Relief in the Northern Provinces by Knez Basili Masalski a near K●●man to the Great Duke Basili Zuski To obtain this end a Treaty of Peace was proposed to the Polish Ambassadors and the Wey wode of Sendomiria and that in the mean while to remove all Obstacles a Cessation of Arms should be agrreed on for a certain Time The Wey wode of Sendomiria being very willing to lay hold of this Opportunity to free himself from his Captivity sent one of his best Friends into the Camp of Demetrius to make these Proposals and in case of Refusal to endeavour to perswade the Poles to separate themselves from Demetrius and to cease from committing any Hostilities which in all likelihood might prove an obstac●e to the Conclusion of the Peace and consequently to his Liberty But the Poles in the Demetrian Camp not measuring their Interest by that of the Weywode but by the Success of Demetrius from whence they hoped to reap the fruits of their past Labours were so 〈◊〉 from hearkning to these Propositions that they would not as much as enter upon the least Co●merce of a Treaty unless it were granted as a Preliminary Article That Demetrius should be immediately restored to the Throne and the Vsurper Zuski to be delivered up into their hands The Muscovites finding themselves disappointed in their Expectation had no other Means left to secure themselves but to repel Force with Force For which end having dispatch'd frequent Messengers to Basili Masalski whom we mention'd before to hasten to their Relief he pursuant to the reiterated Orders from Court march'd with his Army which consisted of near fourscore thousand Men towards the City of Musco where having entrenched himself upon the Banks of the River Chodiunka about a League from the City he hop'd to meet with a favourable Opportunity to dislodge the Demetrians or at least to annoy them and hinder their frequent Excursions But Ro●inski who was not insensible of the Inconveniencies which must needs be occasion'd by the nearness of so great an Army to his Camp resolved to beat up their Quarters with the first Opportunity For which purpose he drew his Army out of the Lines unperceiv'd of the Enemy by favour of the Night The Zu●ki●n Army ro●ted and having approach'd the Enemies Camp over-secure in their Number and nearness to the City attack'd them in their Entrenchments with such Fury that in a few hours they kill'd near Twenty thousand upon the Place the rest escaping to the City leaving among the Prisoners their General in the Hands of the Enemy The Poles who had purchased so signal a Victory with the loss of very few of their Men had almost dearly paid for it at last For having dispersed themselves all over the Fields without the least Order or any Guard to secure them and being thus engaged in the Pillage of the dead Bodies and the Enemies Camp the Muscovites at break of day having been advertised of the Disorder they were in ●●lly'd their scattered Troops Kally again and being reinforced with fresh Supplies out of the City return'd to the Charges and renewing the Combat fell every where upon the victorious Poles before they had time to put themselves in a Posture of receiving the Enemy so that there was nothing but Disorder Confusion and Slaughter to be seen all over the Field and the Muscovites were upon the point of snatching the Victory out of the Hands of their Conquerours who began to prepare to save themselves by Flight had it not been for their Generals who coming in timely with a small Body of Horse to their Assistance both by their Words and Example encouraged them either to vanquish or to die They appear'd in every place where they found their Presence most necessary to animate the Soldiers opprest by the Number of their Enemies they told them that being surrounded on all sides they must put all their Hopes of Relief on the Points of their Swords they represented to them how ignominious it would be to be routed by those they had so lately vanquish'd and to suffer themselves to be robb'd of the Fruits of their Victory so that partly out of Shame partly out of Despair they first began to make good their Ground and then being animated with Revenge they fell with such fury upon the Muscovites The Zuskians
beaten a second time that at last they forced them to retreat and thus in one day gained a double Victory over their Enemies The Reputation of which being improved by Fame not only some of the most remote Provinces of the Muscovian Empire sent their Deputies to make their Submission to Demetrius but he was also daily supplied with fresh Recruits out of Poland besides a Body of 4000 new-rais'd Horse under the Command of Zlarowski and Sapiha The Muscovites on the other Hand having scarce left a sufficient Number out of their vast Armies to defend the City of Musco and seeing Demetri●● encrease in Strength daily were forced to have 〈◊〉 course to new Counsels For which Reason they once more addrest themselves to the Polish Ambassadors and the Weywode of Sendomiria who were as yet in their Custody Unto these they promised Golden Mountains if by their Interest at the Polish Court they could prevail with Sigismund King of Poland to recall his Subjects out of the Service of this Pseudo-Demetrius The Ambassadors and the Weywode gladly accepted their offers but being very desirous of their Liberty told them that they did not question if Matters were truly represented to the King he might in time be induced to draw off his Supplies from Demetrius But that as his Interest at Court was back'd by some of the Chiefest Men of the Kingdom and in great Esteem with the King himself so it was not to be supposed that they should be able to prevail against their Power when absent which perhaps when present they might do without much Difficulty by representing to the Court the true State of the Case and the Imposture of Demetrius They represented to them how advantageous it would be to their Affairs in detecting the whole Intrigue of this supposititious Demetrius if Marina in Person appear'd at Court and by her own Confession confirmed the Death of her Lord which would put the Imposture of this Pretender beyond all question and without doubt contribute more than all other Endeavours towards the recalling of the Poles out of the Service of the Impostor The Muscovites did not very well relish these Propositions being unwilling to part with their Prisoners upon so easie Terms But being at last over-ruled by the Speciousness of their alledged Reasons and much more by the absolute Necessity of their Affairs they were at last forced to comply with the Desires of these Polish Lords unto whom as well as to Marina Marina and her Father set at liberty they granted their Liberty under Condition that they should undertake to oblige the King of Poland to draw back the Army of his Subjects which lay encamped under the Walls of the City of Musco They were not sparing in their Promises so that every thing being agreed on betwixt them they were in a few days after permitted to depart under a Guard of five hundred Horse to defend them against the Parties of Demetrius that were continually abroad in great Numbers This Treaty had not been managed with so much Secrecy but that Demetrius who was not without his Spies within the City had got Scent of it by whose Means also having got Notice of the Day of their Departure and judging not without great Reason how disadvantageous their Presence at the Polish Court might prove to his Affairs and on the other hand considering that nothing could contribute more at this time towards the Strengthening of his Party than if by joining their Interest with his he could bring them over to his Side and engage Marina to own him for her Husband he sent out Zlarowski with fifteen hundred Horse to intercept their Passage Zlarowski having been before hand informed which way they were to pass had not marched above two Hours before he met with them and having ordered five or six hundred of his Horse to face the Muscovites who guarded the Polish Lords he in Person with a few of his Officers were advancing to address themselves to Marina and the Weywode her Father But the Zuskian Horse at the first sight of the Poles whom they saw much stronger than themselves look'd for their Safety in the Swiftness of their Horses making the best of their Way towards Musco and leaving the Poles committed to their Charge at the Disposal of their Country-men Zlarowski making his Addresses to Marina Are intercepted and conducted to Demetrius complemen●ed her in the Name of Demetrius telling her that he was sent to invite them to his Camp being ambitious not to let slip so favourable an Opportunity of delivering them out of the Hands of their Enemies Marina and the Weywode were at some uncertainty what to answer 〈◊〉 but seeing themselves in no Capacity of making any Resistance they return'd Zlarowski Thanks for his Care and Vigilancy and with a seeming Gladness went forward to the Polish Camp where they were presented immediately after their Arrival to Demetrius Those of a more refined judgment look'd upon this proceeding of Demetrius as a gross Mistake in Point of Policy to admit Mar●●● and the Polish Lords who were quite unprepared for an Interview of this nature into his Presence For Marina as well as her Father and the Ambassadors being surprised at first sight to see this Demetrius differ very much from the Great Duke slain in the City of Musco betray'd their dissatisfaction sufficiently both in their Countenances and the strangeness of their behaviour towards him which having been observed as well by Demetrius himself as some others that were present at the Interview he thought it most advisable to send them to another Quarter of the Camp with Orders not to take notice that they had been seen by him hoping thus to hush up the former Passage till they could concert new Measures to carry on the Intrigue to their mutual Advantage But an Error of this Nature being not so soon corrected the manner of this interview could not be hid from some of the more quick-sighted and among others had not escaped the particular Observance of Kniasus Masalski a Kinsman both to the routed General of that Name and to Zuski himself who was ever since the last Defeat detain'd a Prisoner in the Camp He having watch'd his opportunity a few days after made his Escape and got into the City where he related to Zuski and the Muscovites the Doubts which had at the first interview with Demetrius appear'd in Marina's Countenance and Carriage all which he represented with so much Dexterity and in terms so lively and natural that the Muscovites being fully perswaded of the Imposture unanimously resolved to adhere to Zuski to the last Extremity and rather to endure any thing than to submit themselves under the Government of an Impostor imposed upon them by the Contrivances of their mortal Enemies the Poles Zuskis seeing the People thus confirm'd in his In●erest by the prejudice they had conceived against the Person of his Rival bethought himself of a certain States-Trick by which he hoped
several Parts of the Country his Forces in the Camp were consequently reduced to so small a Number as not to suffice to check the strong Sallies made by those of the City much less to hinder them from being supplied with all manner of Necessaries out of the Country which having been several times attempted by the Poles they were as often baffled by the Muscovites always much superiour to them in Number and becoming every day more courageous both by the Assistance of their Foreign Auxiliaries and their Success against the Poles whose General Rosinski in one of the Sallies the Dispute being very hot was shot in his side with an Arrow of which he never perfectly recovered There is no question but that if King Sigismund could as yet have been prevailed upon to transfer his Arms from Smolensko to Musco that by his Authority these Divisions in the Demetrian Camp might have been soon composed and the Muscovites frighted by the Accession of so considerable a Force to their Enemies to have been brought to better Terms but instead of that he absolutely resolved not to quit the Place till he had taken it and his Army being extreamly weakned by the long Continuance of the Siege and the frequent Sallies of a numerous Garrison and not receiving sufficient Recruits out of Poland or at least not so opportunely as the urgent State of his Affairs required he took a Resolution to draw his Subjects out of the Service of Demetrius to come to his Aid at the Siege of Smolensko which entirely ruin'd all his affairs in Muscovy It was in vain that his ablest Counsellours represented to him that this unseasonable distracting and weakening the Demetrian Party must needs turn to the great Advantage of Zuski who when the City of Musco should be delivered of the Enemy that lay at their Gates would thereby be confirm'd in his Throne that the circumjacent Provinces which were kept in awe by the Demetrian Army would soon revolt from him and Zuski thus strengthened by the united Forces of the Empire would not fail to come to the Relief of Smolensko That therefore he ought rather to furnish Demetrius with new Supplies or at least keep fair with him and by no means to distract his Forces till he had made himself Master of Smolensko which when taken he might march without the Opposition to Musco there being no question but that all the Polish Forces and the Places in their Possession by Promises of great Rewards would without Reluctancy side with him which would infallibly oblige the Muscovites to fall off from Zuski and embrace his Party It was also call'd in question whether the Poles would be prevailed upon to quit Demetrius from whom they expected the Rewards of all their Toils and Labours especially since the exhausted Treasury of the Commonwealth of Poland was not at present in a Condition to pay their Arrears But the King persisting in his Resolution sent some of his Emissaries into the Demetrian Camp to endeavour by all means possible to perswade the Poles to abandon the Interest of Demetrius and to join with the King's Forces before Smolensko At first the King's Agents met with little Encouragement from the Poles who told them that they would not by such an untimely Desertion defraud themselves of the fruit of their Labours but persevere in their Faith which they had sworn to Demetrius and sent some Deputies to excuse their not joining with the King's Forces before Smolensko But Sigismund having promised them their Arrears to be paid and brought over Rosinski their General Zlarowski and some others of the Chief Commanders to his side a great many of the Soldiery promis'd to to be obedient to the Orders of their King and Cheif Commanders and the rest seeing their Affairs to be in a declining Condition began to waver Demetrius not a little terrified at these Proceedings of King Sigismund and fearing not without Reason that these few Troops which remained faithful to him might scarce be sufficient to rescue him out of the Hands of the Poles whom he believed to have an Intention to sacrifice him to their Avarice and Interest he resolved to withdraw secretly out of the Camp and retire to a Place of more Security But before he came to this Extremity he thought convenient to try once more whether by fair Means he could not prevail upon Rosinski to stand stedfast to his Interest but this having proved fruitless notwithstanding all the most insinuating Rhetorick he could invent there pass'd very hot Words betwixt them Demetrius upbraiding him with Treachery and Breach of his Word and Rosinski calling Demetrius an Impostor and Son of a Whore Demetrius who would not have brook'd these Words at another time was fain to put up this Affront with Patience seeing himself not in a Condition to revenge them Demetrius withdraws himself and not thinking himself any longer secure in a Place where he was treated with so much Rudeness he took Horse immediately after and with a few of his intimate Friends retired secretly to Caluga No sooner was the Flight of Demetrius known in the Camp but all the Muscovite Boyars and Nobles that had espoused his Interest followed him and Marina declared that having not only wedded the good Fortune of her Husband but also his Adversities she would follow him wherever he went The Polish Ambassadors employed all their Rhetorick to perswade her to return into Poland vainly perswading themselves that her Separation from Demetrius would be no small Advancement to King Sigismund's Affairs but she remain'd unshaken in her Resolution neither could she be prevail'd upon to submit herself to the King's Clemency The re●●erated Perswasions and Prayers of her Father and some other of her most intimate Friends having no further Influence over her Constancy and haughty Spirit than to comply thus far with their Desires as to write a Letter to King Sigismund wherein she told him That tho' she was abandon'd at this time by most of her Friends yet that as she had long ago been used to the sad Vi●●●situde● of Fortune so she lived still in ●opes that the same God who had so often shewed his Mercy in delivering her from most imminent Dangers and to whom she entirely recommended herself and her Cause would know his time when to put a happy End to her Sorrows and Miserie● She added That for the present being deprived of all her just Right and Title to the Muscovian Throne she relinquish'd all to his Majesty's Disposal and being well satisfied in his Equity and Generosity she congratulated his arrival in Muscovy wishing him all the Success imaginable Atl last she recommended herself and her Family to his Royal Protection promising herself no less from his Generosity than under what Circumstances soever to be treated by him according to her Dignity In the mean while Demetrius his Letters arrived in the Camp Mutiny in the Demetrian Camp which being read publickly all was in an Alarm and
very obnoxious to the Censures of the Nobles For having mounted the Throne by Blood and fraudulent Means he began to be jealous of his most trusty Friends and to gratifie his Fears exercised his Cruelties upon several Persons of an eminent Rank whom he caused to be put to Death upon no other Pretence than his having secret Intelligence of their Unfaithfulness As his Reign was one continued Series of Troubles so when he was at a Plunge he used to have recourse to Sorcerers and Witchcraft and being infatuated by their Perswasions he committed such Barbarities as are scarce to be named without horror It was upon this account he caused the Wombs of big-bellied Women to be ript open to make use of the immature Fruit to accomplish his Enchantments which he was vainly perswaded would be more efficacious against the Poles than his Sword Some of his Wizzards having foretold him that one whose name was Michael should succeed him in the Throne he caused three of his most faithful Friends and Servants to be made away for no other reason but because they bore that name which for all his barbarous Precautions was verified in the Person of Mich. Federowitz the present Czar's Grandfather There were in the great Church within the Castle amongst other Things of great Value thirteen Statues representing our Saviour and the twelve Apostles all of massie Gold each of them of the bigness of a Man valued at near three hundred thousand Pounds Sterling Zuski being at last reduced to great Straights for want of Money and having in vain try'd all the Skill of his Sorcerers who were not able to supply his present Occasions he had recourse to the twelve Apostles whom he displaced from their Station in the Church and having caused them to be melted down made use of the Metal for the Payment of his Soldiers He had so much Grace as to spare the Statue of our Saviour which the Poles not long after converted to the same use All these Enormities being now by the Nobles who had conspir'd his Ruin improved to his disadvantage the Populace whose Darling he was before prompted more by their Zeal for their golden Statues than the Love and Welfare of their Country Zuski deposed soon shook hands with the Nobility and seeing Demetrius to meditate a second time the Siege of their Capital City they with the same unanimous Consent wherewith they had raised him before to the Throne pull'd him down again and thrust him with his two Brothers into a Cloyster This done they sent their Deputies to Zolkievitzski the Polish General who commanded that Body which was approaching to the City of Musco unto whom they promised to chuse Vladislaus the Prince of Poland for their Great Duke provided he would defend them against Demetrius Zolkievitzki The Poles admitted in to the City of Musco gladly accepting of their Propositions detatch'd immediately a good Body of his best Troops who being readily admitted into the City he followed in few days after with the whole Army pitching his Tents on the East side of the City as Demetrius was encamped on the Western part Some time being spent in Consultations betwixt the Muscovites and Poles the first opened their Gates to the last so that Zolkievitzki marching with his whole Army through the City fix'd his Camp near to that of Demetrius who tho' not a little surprised at this sudden and near approach of the Poles yet was forced to put the best Countenance he could upon the Matter and to smother his present Resentment There being thus a communication and seeming friendly Correspondence maintain'd betwixt both Camps Zulkievitzki found it no very difficult Task to debauch that Body of Polish Horse Commanded by Spiaha which hitherto had remain'd stedfast in the Interest of Demetrius These having received the publick Faith of the Commonwealth of Poland for the Payment of all their Arrears unanimously revolted and declared for King Sigismund Zarucki the General of the Cosacks and Kasinowski Prince of the Tartars that served in the Demetrian Camp both intimate Friends of Demetrius seeing themselves thus deprived of the assistance of the Polish Horse the main strength of their Army and that the City of Musco was defended by a great Body of Poles both within and without its Walls began now to despair of the Fortune of Demetrius and thinking it not advisable to involve themselves in his Ruine they resolved to embrace the Party of the Conquering Pole expecting to reap from the Success of Sigismund the Fruits of their past Labours Whilst these were preparing to wait upon the King before Smolensko Demetrius retreats from before Musco Demetrius forsaken not only by the Poles but also by them he most confided in and seeing himself and his Affairs exposed to Dispair sought once more for Refuge at Cal●ga which having served him as a Shelter before now received him again with open Arms. The Muscovites being thus freed from Demetrius would fain have recalled their former Promise of Electing Vladislaus their Great Duke alledging that they could not proceed to his Election till he were present in Person to confirm to them by Oath the maintenance of their Religion and Ancient Customs But Zolkievitzki having declared in the Name of King Sigismund that he would not quit the City with his Army till he saw Prince Vladislaus seated upon the Throne and that therefore he exhorted them to fulfil their solemn Promise without any further Tergeversations unless they would expose their Capital City to inevitable Destruction and that he was ready to swear to such Articles in the Great Duke's Name as should be agreed betwixt them they judged it most adviseable not to exasperate the Poles who at present had two potent Armies one in the very Bowels of the City of Musco the other in the Empire before Smolensko These Considerations at last prevailing over the Aversion they had against the Poles and being perswaded that the Childhood of Vladislaus could not but furnish them in a little time with an Opportunity of ridding their Hands of him as they had done of both the Demetrius's they proceeded with all the usual Solemnities to the Election The chief Conditions were That a general Amnesty and Act of Oblivion should be passed and all their Ancient Customs and Privileges confirmed and established That the new Great Duke Vladislaus should with all convenient Speed come in Person into Russia That he should conserve their Religion inviolable and for the better Settlement of the same and the whole Kingdom abjure the Roman Catholick Faith and embrace the Greek Religion Zolkievitzki and some of the great Officers of the Polish Army having confirmed these Articles by Oath in the Name of the new Great Duke he was tho' absent proclaimed with the usual Ceremonies and Fealty sworn to him by all the Boyars Uladislaus proclaimed Great Duke Nobles and Chief Officers there present as Great Duke and Emperour of Russia with great Demonstrations of Joy
of Smolensko which when taken he supposed he might appear among them as a Conquerour and prescribe such Laws to the dece●tful Muscovites as should be most consistent both with his Honour and Safety This was the Resolution of Sigismund But his ablest Counsellors were of a quite different Opinion For tho' they were no less satisfied in the deceitful Intentions of the Muscovites than the King himself yet did they not judge it advisable to drive Matters to extremities and to commit that to the hazard of the Sword which might be obtained without Opposition They represented to the King that the Conquest of so vast an Empire could not be obtained without the effusion of much Blood and the Expence of vast Treasures whereas if what had been sworn to by Zolkievitzki by the King's Orders were confirmed he might in one day make himself Master of all Muscovy They advised him therefore not to give the opportunity to an unstable People to take new measures who perhaps when driven to Despair might side with Demetrius which would take away all his Pretences of invading that Empire since he had undertaken his Expedition under the pretext of assisting him in the Recovery of his Right But to send Prince Vladislaus assisted by a good Body of Troops and some able Counsellors to the City of Musco where he being receiv'd and Crown'd Great Duke Russia might with their Assistance easily elude the Practices of the Muscovites That by this means Smolensko would fall on course into his Hands and his Army besides this might be paid all their Arrears out of the Great Duke's Treasure as belonging to Vladislaus their Prince who else as the Case now stood would be an intolerable Burthen for the Commonwealth of Poland And as to what related to the Articles they might without much Difficulty be either quite evaded or at least delay'd till the Prince strengthened with fresh Supplies out of Poland should find himself in a Capacity to Rule this false and stubborn People by such Laws as he should judge most convenient and suitable to his own Interest But these wholesome Counsels had no great Influence over the King who being prepossess'd with a vain Punctilio of Honour not to rise from before Smolensko before it was taken and with the pernicious Insinuation of his Flatterers who perswaded him that the Place was reduced to that extremity as not to be able to hold out long against him he resolved to leave nothing unattempted which might contribute to the Rendition or forcing of that important City For which Reason he caused a new Battery to be raised from whence and some others the Poles fired so furiously upon the Town that after some time they laid flat a great Part of the Wall and ruined two Bastions Smolensko stormed Upon which it was resolved to assault the Place which was executed with a great deal of Bravery But those within by reason of the Numerousness of the Garrison having had sufficient time to raise strong Retrenchments fortified with Pallisado's and a good Ditch behind the Breach the Poles were not able to lodge themselves in the Breach notwithstanding their reiterated Attacks made with the greatest Bravery imaginable were repulsed with great Slaughter After this ill Success of the Poles the Muscovites who hitherto had but murmured and whispered their Complaints began to explain publickly against the Breach of the Articles the detaining their Ambassadors against the Laws of Nations and the Outrages and Insolencies of the Poles who being got into the entire Possession of the Castle and Principal Ports of the City of Musco committed Violences upon the Citizens their Wives and Saints at the last of which they shot with their Pistols which being a thing intolerable to People infatuated with Superstition and Zeal for their Images would certainly have produced violent Commotions among them at that time if they had not been over-aw'd by the great Number of Poles within the bowels of their own City and which was the most prevailing that they saw Demetrius encrease again in strength at Caluga For Zarucki the General of the Cosacks and Kazinowski Prince of the Tartars who as we said before had left him at his second Retreat from before the City of Musco finding their Reception to bear no proportion with the Reward they proposed to themselves from King Sigismund and seeing themselves despised by the Nobility of Poland were since return'd to the Service of Demetrius who countenanced by their Return began to look up again and having drawn new Supplies out of the adjacent Places began to appear formidable at Caluga and would in all likelihood have once more appeared in the Field if he had not been preven●ed by his sudden and untimely Death which happened thus Kazinowski the Tartarian Prince who was lately return'd to his Service had given him great Occasion of suspecting his Fidelity wherefore D●metrius to prevent the Design which he believ'd to be form'd against his Life by the said Tartarian Prince caused him to be thrown into the River Occa and drowned there The Tartars but especially his Guards enraged at the Death of their Prince resolved to revenge it upon Demetrius with the first Opportunity which was not long before they met with it according to their intended Design For it is to be observed that D●trius ever since his last Retreat from before Musco was grown excessive Melancholy which he was used to divert frequently with Drinking endeavouring to drown his Cares in Liquor Having been one day a Hunting he retir'd towards night with some of his most intimate Friends to the Enjoyment of his Customary Comfort the Bottle without any Guards about him The Tartars who had formed the Design against his Life having got notice of it secretly got near to his Quarters and finding him and his Friends involved in Liquor and a most profound Security D●m●tri●● slain broke in upon him and slew him and some of his Friends who endeavoured to stop their Entrance upon the place This was the End of this Second Demetrius who from a mean and sordid Fortune was raised to so eminent a Station as to have bid fair for the Russian Empire till he met with his deserved Death among his own Servants and Friends He is agreed by all Hands to have been an Impostor some affirming his first Origin to have been a Schoolmaster others supposing him to have been a Jew because in his Closet were found several Hebrew and Talmudical Books which are Materials not belonging to the Profession of the Russian Schoolmasters whose Learning rarely exceeds Reading and Writing But whoever he was it is certain that he was an Impostor and slain by the Tartars who did not long escape Vengeance For Marina had no sooner received this dismal News which at one Stroke robb'd her of all her great Expectations but being seized with the most violent Apprehensions in the World and transported with Grief and Rage without any Respect to her Quality and Sex
not advisable to be the first Aggressor he dissembled his Notice and contented himself with fortifying the two Quarters of the City called Catangorod or the Mid-City and Czargorod or the City-Royal which being surrounded with good Stone-Walls and containing the Castle with the Royal Palace all the Magazines and great Houses of the Nobility and Merchants he proposed to himself as a safe Retreat upon all Occasions The Polish General Gaziouski had scarce finished his Works before the Russians finding by the Precautions used by the Poles that their Design had taken vent resolved to put it in Execution trusting more in their Number than their Conduct and having on the third day after Palm-Sunday drawn together an incredible Number of People by the Ringing of the Bells they attack'd the Poles with a Fury past all Belief as Men resolv'd either to accomplish their Design or to die in the Attempt The Poles The Poles attacked in the City of Musco on the other Hand being surrounded and attack'd on all sides animated by Despair and having the Advantage of a well regulated Discipline against a confused Multitude repulsed their Enemies with great Vigour who tho most obstinate and furious in their reiterated Assaults were nevertheless at last forced to give way to the Bravery of the Poles who made them retreat with the Loss of near Ten thousand Men on their side No sooner had the Poles removed them from their Works but they sallied out with some thousand Men and having prosecuted their Victo●y and slain a great Number of them at a great distance from their Quarters they see all the circumjacent Parts of the City on fire which destroyed not only a prodigious Number of Houses but also of Women Children and other helpless Persons The next day the Polish General having received Intelligence that most of the Inhabitants of Musco were retired to the Suburbs called Strelitza Slavoda which lies South of Cataygorod or the Mid-City on the opposite Shore of the River Moska where they were disputing the Passage to Strusius who with a good Body was come from Malsaisko upon the first News of the Tumult to the Relief of his Countrymen he made a strong Sally and having caused the said Suburbs to be set on fire in several parts The City of Musco burnt by the Poles he burnt it quite to the Ground thereby facilitating the Passage of the Poles who came to his Assistance and securing to himself a free Communication which stood him in great stead afterwards upon several Occasions It is computed that a Hundred and twenty Thousand Houses were laid in Ashes by that raging Element and that by the Fire and Sword there fell near Two hundred Thousand of the Inhabitants of all Sorts besides an incredible Quantity of Stores and Merchandices The Remainders of the Inhabitants seeing their City thus laid in Ashes and themselves sufficiently tamed by the Sword implored the Mercy of the conquering Poles rejecting as it is usual in such Cases the Fault upon a few of their Ringleaders who had paid for it with their Lives The Poles knowing themselves not in a Capacity to do any further Mischief and being glad to have reduced them to ask Quarter granted it without Difficulty But as it was owing to the utmost necessity of their Affairs so this Truce so earnestly sued for by the Mus●ovites lasted not long For the Inhabitants of Musco having invited Lepanovits Prosowecki Zarucki and the rest of the Leaders of the Army we mentioned before to come to their Assistance they advanced with a Hundred thousand Men towards the City upon whose Approach having joined with their Forces they forced the Poles into their Works where they were so closely besieg'd that they had but one Passage left open for their Communication with the Country which was that part on the other side of the River Moska where not long before had stood the Suburbs called Strelitza Slavoda and which they kept open a long time for the Conveniency of their Provisions and other Supplies and made frequent Sallies with great Success on their side till at last by the ill Conduct of King Sigismund they were forced to abandon that Post and soon after the whole City to the irreparable detriment of the said King For whilst the brave Poles were hardly pressed upon by their Enemies he lay immovable at the Siege of Smolensko where his Affairs began to look with a very ill Face For the Soldiers tired with the long Continuance of the Siege grew very uneasie for want of Pay and their Clamours were now risen to that height that the King began to dread every day a Mutiny having not wherewithal to satisfie their just Demands nor any other Means now left to raise Money unless by calling together a Dyet which at last was resolved on and a Convention of the Estates appointed against the September next following This Remedy tho' somewhat slow to satisfie the greedy Appetite of the Soldiers yet were they in Hopes o● a happy Success of that Assembly thereby appeased for that time The King in the mean time considering with himself that the Measures he had taken in Muscovy contrary to the Advice of the Senate and his Council having proved abortive would not be very agreeable to the Convention he resolved to make another Attempt for the Gaining of Smolensko not questioning but that if he could appear at the next Dyet as a Conquerour it would in a great measure take off the Blemish of his former Conduct in the Muscovian War A general Assault being therefore resolved on to be made on the 13th day of June the Soldiers encouraged by the Hopes of the Booty of so vast and rich a City shewed a great Eagerness to attack the Place The Assault was made on the East side by the Palatine of Braclow and on the West where then was the King's Quarters Smolensko stormed by General Wyer who commanded the Germans The Soldiers had found means before break of day to raise Ladders in several places upon the Walls unperceived by the Enemy so that at the Signal given the Germans first mounted and got up to the Top of the Walls as did also not long after the Poles under the Command of the Palatine without much Opposition from the Enemy who being thus attack'd upon a sudden when they least expected it those Forces that were left for the Guard of the Walls were not sufficient to stop the furious Assault of the Poles But the Descent from the Wall into the City being very steep and the whole Garrison having by this time taken the Alarm came flocking in great Numbers to the defence of their Walls the Combat grew very hot the Poles pushing forward with great Bravery to maintain the Advantage they had got and the Garrison armed with Despair fighting like Men either resolved to vanquish or die so that the Dispute remained very doubtful and perhaps would have ended to the Disadvantage of the Poles if
see the Flame lose its force The Strangers having refused to comply with his desire which they looked upon as ridiculous he heap'd upon them a thousand Curses till some Muscovites upon his perswasions were prevailed upon to do him the good Office and to help him to cast the the dead Carcass into the Fire which in an instant began to abate and in two hours after was quite extinguish'd more by the assistance of those who being encourag'd by the M●nk and came from all Parts to the quenching of the Flames than by the Charms of the Superstitious Fryar Those in the Castle-having thus weathered the Storm that threatned them the following days were taken up in Consultations how to continue this Calm among the People and by which means to preserve Morosou from falling into their Hands For which reason the Patriarch having sent for those among the Priests and Monks whom he knew to be of most Authority among the Populace of the City of Musco they were enjoin'd to do their utmost in endeavouring the Settlement of the unquiet Spirits by their Spiritual Exhortations and to represent to them in the most passionate manner that could be the Respect and Obedience due to their Sovereign The Great Duke having also taken off the New Imposition upon Salt and Promised to suppress all Monopolies lately set up by his Ministers supply'd the Places of the Executed Trochanistou and Plessou the first by the Boyar Knez Jurgi Alexiovits Dolgaruskoi the second with the Ocolnits Za Bogdan Matth●ovits Chitrou both Persons of great Ability and approved Probity He Treated the Strelits with Strong Waters and Hydromel and caused Ilia Danilovits his Father-in-law to invite the Chief Citizens of the several Professions in the City of Musco who were very splendidly and kindly Entertained at his Palace for several days together Having thus prepared his way he took the opportunity of a Procession when being accompanied with the same Nikita Ivanovits Romanow who had been so successful before in appeasing the Tumult and now rid by his left side he spoke to the People and told them That he had been extreamly troubled to understand the Violences and Injuries committed by Trochanistou and Plessou upon his good Subjects whose welfare was very dear to him that those Extortions executed under his Name and Authority had been quite contrary to his Inclinations and Commands And that therefore having let them suffer condign Punishment for their Villanies he had put in their Places Persons of known Integrity and Ability whom he believed would be acceptable to the People as knowing them to be Persons that would execute Justice without Corruption or Partiality That he had already abolished the New Imposition upon Salt and would take care that all Monopolies newly introduced by his Ministers should be suppress'd That he for the future would himself keep a watchful Eye over their Actions and not suffer their Priviledges to be diminished but rather it occasion were would see them augm●nted The Populace being overjoy'd at this inveigling Speech of the Great Duke shew'd the most p●ofound respect they were capable of by smiting their Foreheads on the ground and giving him 〈◊〉 the imaginable Thanks and Promises of their future Fidelity so that the Czar thinking this a fit opportunity to declare his Sentiments concerning Morosou he reassumed the Discourse telling them That he was not forgetful of what he had promised them sometime before concerning Boris Ivanovits Morosou and that he was obliged to confess that he had transacted many things which he would not in any wise justifie but that on the other Hand he had so much confidence in his good People as to hope they would excuse him if at this time he could not immediately resolve to condemn him to Death That this being his first Request he lived in hopes they would not deny it him which was that for once they would pardon the past Miscarriages of Morosou on whom he desired them to look as one who had been the Guardian of their Prince and had Married the Great Dutchess's Sister who upon this double account must needs be very dear to him and consequently that it would be the hardest thing in the World for him to consent to his Death That he himself would be answerable for his future Good Behaviour not questioning but that he would behave himself so as that they should not have the least reason to complain of him and that if they would declare him incapable by their unanimous Vote of being admitted into his Councel for the future he should be dismiss'd The Great Duke being then not twenty Years of Age and of a very tender Constitution could not forbear to accompany his last words with some Tears which so moved the People that they cried out with one Voice Long live our Great Duke God grant him a long and happy Reign God●s and the Great Duke's Will be done The Czar having given them his Thanks and extolled their Zeal and Affection for his Person returned to the Castle well satisfied in having been so successful to reconcile his Brother-in-law to the Citizens of his Imperial City of Musco Some days after the Great Duke according to Custom went a Pilgrimage to the Monastry of Troitza about Threescore Miles from Musco when Morosou took this opportunity of appearing again the first time in Publick As he went through the City he was uncovered Saluting the People on both sides of the way with great Submission He countenanced the Old Nobility for some time and ever after laid hold on all occasions to gratifie the People and assist those who Address'd themselves to him in any Business they had at Court so that in a little time there appear'd a great change in the Affairs of the Government of Muscovy and Morosou became the Favourite of the People and the Patron to all Strangers maintaining his Greatness till his Old Age when he died much lamented by the People but not the Nobility and as much beloved by his Prince as he had been always successful in his Counsels But to return where we left off notwithstanding this Remarkable Alteration in the Government there hapned not long after another Revolt which if it had not been timely prevented by the vigilancy of those at the Helm might have proved of dangerous Consequence to the Empire which was occasioned thus Some differences were arisen betwixt the two Crowns of Muscovy and Sweden by reason that the Subjects of both Kingdom leaving their Habitations in their Respective Native Countries used to seek for shelter in the others Dominions to avoid the Payment of their Debts These differences improved by some Reasons of State were risen to that height that both States seem'd to be threatned with an inevitable War unless prevented by a speedy Composition In order to which the Great Duke Alexis Michaelovits sent in the Year 1649. the next following after the Insurrection in the City of Musco a Solemn Ambassy to Christina Queen of Sweden
Confederates the same shall be imparted to all the rest After the Conclusion of this Alliance the Emperour appointed a Minister to Reside with the Czar and to attend him in the Field to be an eye witness of what passed in the Muscovite Army and to give the Emperour from time to time an account of their Progress against the Tartars The noise of this Alliance and the great preparations made by the Czar against the next ensuing Campaign struck such a terror to the Tartar Chan that he dispatch'd frequent Messengers to Constantinople to Sollicite Prompt and Powerful Succours against the Muscovites who were preparing to invade the Crim Tartary and by the Conquest of the City of Precop to make themselves Masters of the Taurica Chersenesus These Remonstrances had such an influence over the Ottoman Port that they promised them considerable Assistance and it was given out that the Grand Seignior intended to go in person against the Muscovites and tho' the last proved to be only a Contrivance to amuse the Enemy yet the Turks being in the next Campaign deprived of the Succours they generally used to receive from these Tartars did in a great Measure attribute their last defeat to the want of these Auxiliaries who by their number used to stand them in no small stead against the Impeiral Cavalry But whilst all Europe waited in expectation to hear of the advance of his Czarish Majesty at the head of a very formidable Army towards the Crim Tartars they were agreeably Surprised with the news of a great and Splendid Muscovian Ambassady arrived in Prussia where the Czar was in person but incognito This news which at first carried along with it but little probability was put beyond question after they had been received with so much Solemnity by his Electoral Highness of Brandenburgh at Konigsbergh the Capital of the Ducal Prussia The Chief of the Ambassy was Francis Jacolovits Le Fort whom we have mentioned before with whom were joyned as Colleagues Mexievits Holowin Damnos Diat Precophei The Muscovite Ambassadors Entrance in Konigsburgh and Bodanovits Wornits Zien Being arrived early in the morning at Laut about a mile distant from Konigsbergh with a Train of betwixt three and four Hundred Persons the Sieur Danckelman Prime Minister of State and Mr. Besser Master of the Ceremonies with a great number of Courtiers and the Nobility of the Country were sent by his Electoral Highness to Complement them in his Name and Conduct them into the City where in the afternoon they made their Publick Entrance in the following manner Forty of his Electoral Highnesses best led Horses with very rich Sadles and other Accoutrements led the way These were followed by a Single Officer richly clad attended by the Kettle Drums of the Guard of the Body three Troops of whom followed immeditely after all clad in Red. Next to these came Thirty Coaches drawn with Six Horses each in which were the Principal Nobility of the Ducal Prussia Then two of his Electoral Highnesses Coaches and one belonging to the Margrave Albert. After these were to be seen the Court Pages clad all in Red lac'd all over very richly with Gold Lace riding two and two with a Page of the Ambassadors betwixt them These were followed by Fourty more Coaches with Six Horses each wherein were the Chief Ministers and Officers of the Electors Household after whom came the first Kettle Drum and Trumpet belonging to his Electoral Highness followed by the Ambassadors Foot Guards clad in Green with Silver Battle Axes upon their shoulders and after these the Ambassadors Horse Guards in the same Livery but without Battle Axes Then came the Coach wherein were the Four Ambassadors and lastly the whole Train was closed with Twelve Coaches fill'd with Muscovite and Brandenburgh Gentlemen The Streets thro' which their Excellencies passed to the Kniphoff where most Magnificent Lodgings were prepared for them were lined with the Burghers who were drawn up in a double file They were received at their Lodgings by the Garrison of the City and saluted with a treble discharge of all the Cannon round the Fortifications and being thus conducted to their Apartments the Sieurs Danckelman and Besser took their leave of them being waited on by the Ambassadors to the Stairs of the House Some days after Have their Audience being the 25. of May they had their Publick Audience of his Electoral Highness being again conducted by the abovementioned Sieur Danckelman and Besser the Master of the Ceremonies being followed by a Train of Thirty odd Coaches Before the Ambassadors Coach went Thirty Persons carrying the Czars Presents to the Elector consisting in Tables Ermins and other Rich furs beside a good quantity of Indian and Persian Silks Stuffs and Tissues of Gold and Silver valued in all at 20000 l. Sterling The Ambassadors themselves were most richly dress'd their Habits being of Cloth of Gold and Silver covered with rich Embroidery and abundance of Pearls and precious Stones They passed thro' the Electors Guards which was placed on both sides up to the Great Hall of the Castle where the Elector attended by the Nobility and all the Officers of his Household was Seated under a Canopy of State The Ambassadors having made the usual reverences every one in his turn complemented his Electoral Highness and after having delivered the Presents they presented a Letter containing in Substance That his Czarish Majesty had sent these abovenamed Persons as his Ambassadors to his Electoral Highness to give him all the possible assurance of his desire to improve the Affection and good Correspondence which always had been between them and their Illustrious Ancestors That this Ambassy being intended to proceed from hence to several other Courts in Christendom in order to concert Measures and promote the common Interest of the Confederacy against the Infidels his Czarish Majesty did not in the least question but that the Elector would assist them in so glorious a Work and forward them in their Journey The Letter concluded with the thanks from the Great Duke to his Electoral Highness for the Engineers and Bombardiers which he had sent sometime before and which by their extraordinary Skill had been very instrumental in the Siege of Asoph and other places taken by the Muscovites in the Crim Tartary The Elector answered That he acknowledged himself much obliged to the Czar for his assurances of the continuance of his Friendship and especially for the Splendid Ambassy he had sent to him But the Sieur Danckelman returned them an answer more at large and in the Electors Name answered their Complements in terms so obliging that the Ambassadors were extreamly satisfied with his Generous and Genteel behaviour Being afterwards reconducted to their Lodgings in the same manner they were Treated with a most Splendid Dinner by his Electoral Highness and were the same Evening Entertained with variety of extraordinary Fireworks which lasted to their no small Satisfaction till midnight Whilst the Czar of Moscovy
ready to be cut towards towards the latter end of November or the beginning of December They Sow it but once in three Years but the first year produces the best when the leaves are cut off within a foot of the ground The Stalks are thrown away as useless and the leaves laid a drying in the Sun which done they are put a put a soaking for four or five days in a Stone Trough the Water with the leaves is often stirred till such time that the Water has sufficiently extracted the whole tincture of the Herb. Then the Water is smoothly drawn off into another Stone Trough in order to let it settle for one night The next day all the Water is again drawn off to the settlement and what is thus left in the bottom of the Troughs is strained through a course Cloth and so set a drying in the Sun And this is true Indigo which however the Banyans frequently adulterate by mixing with it a certain Earth of the same Colour And because the excellency of this Commodity is judged by its lightness they have cunning enough to add to it some oyl to make it swim upon the Water The second year the Stalk which was left in the ground the year before shoots forth other leaves but they are not comparable to those of the first tho' they much exceed the Wild Indigo Wherefore they reserve the greatest part of the second Years product for Seed That of the third Year is as much infersour in goodness to that of the second as that is in comparison of that of the first and being therefore in no esteem among forreign Merchants is onmade use of in the Country in dying of their Cloaths After it hath been in the ground three Years they let the Land lye fallow for one Year before they set it again The Banyans in General are the most crafty Traders in the World which makes the Muscovites as do also the English and Dutch in India employ those residing at Astrachan and in other parts of the Empire employ them for their Factors and Hawkers as being the most likely to discover the cheats of their brethren in India Both the Banyans and Armenians residing at Astrachan are very industrious in keeping a constant correspondence with the Indians and Persians in their respective Countries but especially in all the Seaports of the Caspian Sea which by reason of the vast number of Rivers that exonerate themselves into it rendereth the Commerce with Persia and consequently with the Infidels very commodious to the Muscovites Among others the great City Gangea one of the fairest and best in Persia by reason of its advantageous Situation for trade upon the confluence of several Rivers and the great Croud of strangers that resort thither on the account of Traffick is frequently visited by the Muscovian Factors the Banyans and Armenians But Shamachie is the place The City of Shamachi which chiefly furnishes the Muscovites by reason of its nearness to the Caspian Sea with such Indian and Persian Commodities as they stand in need of This City was indeed formerly much bigger than it was now the greatest part of it having been about twenty Years ago ruin'd by an Eathquake yet notwithstanding this misfortune it is still very considerable there being not in all the Persian Empire a City where there is so general a resort of strangers of all Nations to wit of Armenians Banyans Georgians Greeks Turks Circasians and Muscovites the latter of which have their particular Caravansera or publick Storehouse where they truck their Tin Russia Leather Copper Furrs and other Merchandises for the precious Commodities of India and Persia and which afterwards are conveyed into to Russia either by Land by the Way of Derbent through the Dagesthan and Circasian Tartars over the great Desarts of Astrachan to the river Wolga or else are Ship't in the Road of Nizora the most safe and most convenient for Shipping in all the Caspian Sea and from thence are carried up the Wolga to the River Oc●a and so by the Inopea to the Capital City of the Empire The project which by the Command of the present Czar of Muscovy has been set on foot of 〈◊〉 a Communication betwixt the great Rivers the Wolga and the Don would when perfected be of incredible advantage to the Muscovites in trans●●●ing not only their own but all the Sarick Indian Persian and Chinese Commodities into the other parts of Europe especially if his present Czarish Majesty should be so Successful against the Crim Tartars as to make himself Master of the Taurica Chersonesus and consequently of the City and Port of Caffa formerly so famous when in the hands of the Gene●ses and the Port of Erzotra Situate on the black Sea I have hitherto withal the enquiry I could make not been able to be fully instructed in what place it is that this Communication betwixt these two Rivers is to be perfected But thus much is most probale that it must either be effected by cutting a Canal on this side of the first Branch of the River Wolga Communication betwixt the Rivers Don and Wolga near the City of Zariza where the Don advances within Seven Leagues of the Wolga for else by rendring the small River of Kamous Navigable which rising out of the Don falls below the said City of Zaria behind the Islle of Zerpinsk into the River Wolga As to what relates to the Chinese Trade in Muscovy The Chinese Trade how the way thither was first discovered and improved by the Sable Hunters of Siberia and how by the Rivers of Obi Genessay Lena and Yomour and by the conveniency of their sleds drawn by Rain-Deer during the Winter Season they carry on that Trade has been circumstantially related in the first part in that Chapter where we treated of Siberia We have therefore only thus much to add here that as by the help of the Banyans and Armenians 〈◊〉 Muscovites maintain a constant correspondence with the Indians and Persians so with the assistance of those they call Kitachi they keep up their Communication with China These Kitachi go commonly under the Name of Chineses in Muscovy by reason that the Muscovites call all the Inhabitants betwixt the River Oby the Wolga and China which 〈◊〉 properly the Great Tartary by the Name of Ka●●● But in regard the Muscovites as we mentioned in the first Volumns have made such considerable discoveries on that side of late Years as to have built several Cities for the security of their Colonies on that Side they have also by degrees drawn abundance of these wandering People to these 〈◊〉 where after once they became fix'd and began to have a true Sense of the Benefits and Advantage of a Settled Life they have settled themselves in the other parts of Muscovy and prove very beneficial to the Russians to carry on the Chinese Trade by their Correspondence with the several Tartarian Nations Inhabiting that spacious Country betwixt Siberia and
Chinese Wall As the accession of these forreign Nations has been of great advantage to the encrease of Trade and the Wealth of the Russian Empire so it has contributed not a little to the peopling of the Country which by reason of their intestine Commotions in our age and frequent Inroads made by the Crim Tartars was laid in a great many parts in a manner desolate This is most conspicuous in the fertile Plains on both sides of the River Steca down to the Wolga almost as far as Cesau which not many Years ago were in a manner dispeopled but now are stock'd with an infinite number of Towns and Villages and the City of Musco it self hath in a few Years so well recovered its pass'd disasters that it is incomparable more Beautiful than ever it was before and is reckoned to contain at present no less than betwixt Six and Seven Hundred Thousand Inhabitants of several Nations As the prodigious encrease of the Capital City must chiefly be attributed to the great conco●●●● of the various Trading Nations we have mentionen so the peopling of the Country is to be ascribed to the prudence of the Czar Alexis Michaelouits the present Czar's Father who finding his Territories exhausted of men in his War with the Poles carried away a number of Captives out of ●●●●thuania and the other Polish Provinces bordering on Muscovy as were sufficient to plant several Colonies all along the Rivers Gecca and Wolga who having been encouraged by several priviledges granted to them have repeopled that Country in such manner as it appears at present But Strength of the Muscovites in respect of their Neighbours since we have sufficiently spoke concerning the Strength of the Muscovites by the encrease 〈◊〉 their Wealth and Trade we must also before 〈◊〉 conclude say something of their present Condition in reference to their Neighbours The Persians Poles Swedes the Crim Tartars and Turks As to what relates to the Muscovites in respect of the Persians The Persians there is no great probability that these two Neighbours should have any occasion to try their mutual strength since they are so separated from one another by the Caspian Sea the Dagesthan and Carcassian Tartars and the vast desarts betwixt these and Astrachan and that the common benefit they receive by their Trade in the Caspian Sea engages them equally to keep a good understanding betwixt them especially since upon occasion they may be very serviceable to one another against the Turks The Tartars bordering the North East upon Siberia The Tartars and some other Provinces under the Czar of Muscovy's jurisdiction tho' they formerly especially the Calmuc Tartars used to be verry troublesome to some of the Tartarian Provinces depending upon the Russian Empire nevertheless since the Muscovites have guarded the Frontiers on that side with good Fortifications and Garrisons and have made these Vagabonds sensible of the advantage of their Fire Arms they are not so forward in ma●ing their irruptions Their only way they make 〈◊〉 of now is to appear sometimes in great Numbers on the Frontiers and to send their Deputies into Muscovy by which means they get considerable Presents from the Czar who thinks it more Prudence to purchase the Friendship of a Vagabond ●●ople who have nothing to loose than to put himself to the expence of sending an Army against 〈…〉 lieu of which they assist the Czar in his Wars with a considerable Number of Horse and are very serviceable to the Muscovite in furthering their Passage and Traffick into China But the Turks and Crim Tartars The Turks and Crim Tartars used to be the most Mischievous Neighbours to Muscovy T is true the Turks do not immediately border upon Muscovy 〈◊〉 the Country Inhabited by the Budziack and 〈◊〉 Tartars who tho' at a great distance to the South from the City of Musco as they are the Grand Seigniors Vassals so he makes use of them like his hunting Dogs to overcome the Southern part of Muscovy to the very Gates of its Capital City Czar Michael Frederovits endeavoured to prevent their Incursions by causing the Woods to be cut down in some places and by reason of a Line strengthened with a Moat of about Five Hundred Miles in Length but they did not rest till they had pull'd down the first and fill'd up the last and by their frequent Incursions had almost rendred that part of Muscovy quite desolate For which reason the Muscovites were always obliged to keep a considerable Body of Horse on the Frontiers and sometimes to give them a diversion by the help of the Donepsian Cosacks and the Nogajan Tartars But the case is much alter'd as to this particular of late Years For since the Muscovites by vertue of a Peace concluded with the Poles at Oliva are become Masters of Kiovia this serves them in a great measure at once to Bridle the insolency of these Robbers and for a Bulwark against the Turks ●●pecially if they prevent the last from getting first footing in Vkraina But the taking of Asoph 〈◊〉 the further progress of the present Czar 〈◊〉 the Crim Tartars gives a fair prospect to the Muscovites not only of securing themselves for the ●●ture against their attempts but also of reduc●●● them under their obedience and by taking the 〈◊〉 of Precop to enter the limits of their Empire 〈◊〉 the Borders of the Black Sea The Poles are certainly the most redoubtable ●nemies the Muscovites have The Poles their Scituation 〈◊〉 such as to encourage them to Act against the Muscovites when ever they meet with a favourable opportunity Of which they have given Sufficie●● Proofs during their intestine Commotions 〈…〉 when they were just upon the point of having made it a Province of the Crown of 〈◊〉 if by their own divisions they had not given 〈◊〉 Muscovites leisure to recover themselves But 〈◊〉 they seem to have sufficiently secured their ●●●●tiers against the Insult of the Poles by then 〈◊〉 Masters of Surleasko Severia and Ki●●i● and 〈◊〉 the Poles are reckoned much the better Sold●●●● the Field by reason of their great number of 〈◊〉 yet the accession of the Zaparogian Cosacks 〈◊〉 a little Strengthned the Muscovian Forces and 〈◊〉 in some measure be look'd as a sufficient Ballance to the Advantage of the Polish Horse 〈◊〉 since the Muscovites now are capable to out●● the Poles if not in goodness at least in the number o● their Horse The Muscovites had formerly great Contests 〈◊〉 the Swedes The Swedes about Livonia which occasion'd several Bloody Wars but since the causes of these differences are removed by the Peace of Oliva when the first resign'd all their pretensions to this Country the Muscovites need not fear any thing from that Side where it Border'd on Sweden since more Conquests in far distant Country would prove more hurtful than profitable to Sweden And the Muscovites have no great encouragement to At●●ck the Swedes on that Side where they have for 〈◊〉 most part succeeded so ill in their Attempts ●●sides that it is to be feared that if the Poles ●●ho's interest it is not to let Livonia fall into ●●eirs hands should joyn with the Swedes against 〈◊〉 they would put them very hard to it and 〈◊〉 the Muscovite Army's appear now very nume●●us in the Field yet would they scarce be able ●●●graple with two such Potent Enemies who 's 〈◊〉 by the Conjunction and Advantage of the 〈◊〉 Horse with the well Dissiplin'd Infantry of 〈◊〉 Swedes would perhaps prove invincible to them 〈◊〉 But to come to a Conclusion Whether we con●●der the vast extent fertility and variety of pro●●cts of the Russian Empire whether its strength 〈◊〉 regard of its vast Revenues its Advantageous ●●●tuation in respect of of its Neighbours being ●●●ounded on the North and East with a vast Sea 〈◊〉 a great Wilderness or in regard of its great ●●mber of Forces it is able to maintain or 〈◊〉 in respect of the vast encrease of its Trafick 〈◊〉 Persian Indian Chinese Trade especially if ●proved by the Advantages his present Czarish ●●jesty has had over the Crim Tartars it will sufficiently appear out of what has been said in this 〈◊〉 that as the Present Flourishing Condition 〈◊〉 the Russian Empire renders it one of the most ●●●siderable in Europe so were it not that the 〈◊〉 of their Government seems to be a ●onstant check to their growing greatness in reference to their Traffick it is more than probable 〈◊〉 under the Auspicious Reign of so hopeful a 〈◊〉 as now Sway 's the Sceptre it might con●●● for the Superiority with the Greatest and ●owerful Kingdoms of the Universe FINIS Books Printed for Abel Roper at the Black Boy in Fleet-street THE History of Poland in several Letters to Persons of Quality Giving an Account of the Ancient and Present State of that Kingdom Historical Geographical Physical Political and Ecclesiastical viz. It s Origine and Extent With a Description of its Towns and Provinces the succession and remarkable Actions of all its Kings and of the Great Dukes of Lithuania The Election Power and Coronation of the King The Senate or House of Lords The Diet and Form of Government The priviledges of the Gentry their Religion Learning Language Customs Habits Manners Riches Trade and Military Affairs together with the state of Physick and Natural Knowledge as also an Account of the Teutonick Order of the Duke of Courland c. By B. Connor Fellow of the Royal Society Published by the Care and Asistance of Mr. Savage The 2d Edition with an Addition of Remarks on Marriage by Mr. Brown of the Marriage-Ceremonies or the Ceremonies used in Marriages in all parts of the World By Seignior Gaya Translated from the Italian Printed for A. Roper and A. Boswel The Grounds and Foundation of Natural Religion discovered in the Principal Branches of it in opposition to the prevailing Notions of the Modern Scepticks and Latitudinarians with an Introduction concerning the necessity of revealed Religion By Tho. Becconsal B. D. of Brasenose College in Oxford
Siberie or Severia a Province different from the Kingdom of Siberia in Tartary is of a very large extent Severia being formerly Govern'd by its own Princes who were nevertheless tributary to the Kings of Poland upon the account of Lithuania of which this Dukedom had a Dependance It is situated betwixt the Province of Smolensko the Precopian Tartary Podolia and Lithuania South-west of Smolensko The Prince of Siberie having revolted from the Crown of Poland under Casimir Son of Jagellon their King put himself under the Protection of the Czars of Muscovy till the Great Duke Basili ejected the Duke of Siberie and united the Province to his Crown The chief City of this Dutchy is called Novogorod Sieberski that is to say The new City of Siberia to distinguish it from two or three others called Novogorod under the Czar's obedience The other Cities of note belonging to this Province are Czerrigou Bransko Starodub and Petivola But now we must turn our Course more North-East Wiatka● where the Province of Wiatka is situated upon the Confines of the Tartars Ceremisses sirnam'd Logovi its Capital City is of the same Name both of them being denominated from the River Wiatka which falls into the River Kama The next Province bordering upon Wiatka towards the Siberian Tartars is Permia being counted one of the greatest of Muscovy It s Capital City is called Permia Veliki situate upon the River Vishora which at about 60 Miles distance from this place The River Kama falls into the River Kama This River has its rise in this Province and about 60 miles beyond Casan falls into the River Volga The Inhabitants of this Province have a Language and Character peculiar to themselves they eat no Bread but feed upon Herbs they pay their yearly Tribute to the Great Duke in Horses and Furs Their next Neighbours to the North-East are the Tartars of Tumen bordering upon Siberia inhabiting the Province of Candora Candora its chief City is Warchaturia situated upon the River Tura besides which it has the City of Tumen near the conflux of the two Rivers Tumen and Tura Further to the North is the Province Petzora Petzora which extends it self towards the North-East all along the Frozen Sea The River of Petzora which has given its name to the Province falls by six several Channels into the Sea near a little City called Pustiziero On both sides of it are the Mountains The Riphean Mountains which the Antients called Ripheans or Hyberboreans and by the Muscovites are called Zimnopojas that is the Girdle of the Earth which afford the best Sables and Hawks in all Muscovy but the cold is so violent and durable in this Province that the Rivers are frozen up above nine Months in the year The Province of Obdorie Obdorie derives its name from the River Oby which having its Source from the Great Lake Cataisko and running from East to North The River Oby falls into the Frozen Sea Both these Provinces border upon the Samojedes of whom we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter Among the Northern parts of Russia Juhora are also reckoned The Province of Juhora famous for nothing but that the Hungarians are said to have their off-spring out of this Country The Province of Wachines Wachines only noted for its two Fortresses called Cameni and Pensolog The Principality of Bielski Bielski derives its name from the Capital City Biela The Dutchy of Kraina has the two Cities Kraina Jalatz and Brasowa The Province of Pole Pole the City of Bretock and Bogenaer Not to mention here the Pa●atinate of Kiow Kiow which lying upon the Borders of Podolia and Lithuania 〈◊〉 part of it is under the Obedience of the Crown of Poland CHAP. IV. Of the Tartarian Kingdoms of Casan and Astrachan with an Account of the Great River Volga and the Caspian Sea THE Kingdoms of Casar and Astrachan with some other Tartarian Provinces under the Subjection of the Czar of Muscovy The River Volga being situated near the famous River Volga it will not be amiss to join the Description of those Countries with that of the said River There is in the Province of Roshovie of which mention has been made in the 2 Chapter Ten miles from its Capital City bearing the same Name in the Great Forest of Wolkowskiles a Lake called Vronow or Fronowo out of which rises a River that ten Miles from that Place falls into another Lake called Volga which gives it its name it being thence forward called Volga or Wolga It is doubtless the same which Ptolomy calls Rha and the Tartars Edel the greatest River in Europe being from its Source to the Caspian Sea into which it exonerates it self above 2900 Miles long It is to be observed that this River from its Source to the City of Nise Novogorod running for above 400 Miles through the Southern part of Muscovy carries but an indifferent Stream and touches upon few places of note till being encreased by the River Occa near the abovementioned place it is Four thousand five hundred Geometrical feet wide at the meeting of these two Rivers We have in the foregoing Chapter described that City and Basiligorod belonging to the Ceremisses both bordering upon that River and being obliged to give an acco●●● in this Chapter of the Tartarian Provinces of Casan and Astrachan we will follow the Tract of this great River as far as ●o the Caspian Sea and begin with the Tartarian Kingdom of Casan Forty miles distant from the City of Basiligorod The Kingdom of Casan is the City of Kusmademianski situate at the foot of a Mountain on the right side of the River the whole Country thereabouts being like one continued Forest of Elms of an extraordinary compass Forty miles further down the River and on the same Shoar is the City of Sabakzar the most pleasant for its Situation in those Parts and 25 Miles lower after you have passed two or three small Islands on the left side of the Volga a little City called Kockshage On the same side some Miles lower is the City of Suiatski built on the A●cent of a Hill The Castle and some Churches are of Stone the rest of the Buildings and Fortifications of Wood. It 〈◊〉 20 Miles on this side of the City of Casan the Shoar all along betwixt these two places being covered with chalky and Sandy Mountains The City of Casan is seated in a fruitful Plain The City of Casan in 55 degree 38 min. Elev seven Miles distant from the River Wolga upon the River Casanska which has given the name both to the City and Province It is a very large City but its Houses and Fortifications as most all others in those parts of Wood. But the Castle and its Fortifications which consist in four Bastions and a good many Towers is of Stone the River serving for a Ditch about it The Garrison is composed of Muscovites only
Tzumtzume I declare my self for that Religion but desire that I may die immediately being unwilling to live now without Subjects in a place where I was so powerful before Essi having granted his Request he died instantly and his Sepulchre remains here to be seen to this day under a Tree of an extraordinary bigness next adjoyning to which is a Scaffold erected of ten Foot high and sixteen Square On the other side of the City are to be seen some Thousands of Tombs cover'd with Stones half round Cylinder-wise but exceeding the ordinary Stature of Men haveing all of them Arabick Inscriptions It is reported that in former Ages yet since the Time of Mahomet there was a certain King in Media named Kassan who being engag'd in War against the Tartars of Dagesthan received there a signal Overthrow and caused the Bodies of the Officers killed in this Battle to be buried in these Tombs The Relation seems to be not altogether fictitious there being near the Sea-side at some distance from the rest forty others exceeding the before-mentioned Tombs in bigness and encompass'd with a Wall which having each its Banner are said to be the Sepulchres of so many Lords of the first Rank and other Holy Men that came along with them where the Persians and Tartars of both Sexes come to pay their Devotions by kissing these Sepulchres and laying their Hands upon them while they are at Prayers But it is time to return to the Tartarians under the Grand Czar's Obedience and among them to say something of the Province of Siberia This Province which lies quite Northward from Muscovy Siberia betwixt the Provinces of Obdora and Jugoria bordering towards the North upon the Samojedes is of a great extent but not very populous being inhabited by Tartars It s Capital City being also the Seat of an Archbishop is Tobol built upon a rising Ground near a small River and except some Muscovites inhabited by Tartars On the Frontiers of the Calmuck Tartars is the City of Daour And far beyond Tobol is Chnesortski the chief place of Commerce in the whole Province for Sables and other sorts of Firrs the Products of this Country The Natives are a poor and wretched sort of People notwithstanding that they have in some Parts good Corn Fields and great Store of Fish But the chief and most precious Commodity of this Country besides other Furrs are the Skins of Sables These Animals they catch either with Traps not unlike to those we catch our Rats with or by spreading of Nets under the Trees where they feed which being cut down they are entangled in the Nets In the Winter they have also a Way of hunting them with Dogs They were formerly Pagans being Govern'd by their own Czar or King till near 150 Years ago they were subdu'd by Czar Jobn Basilovits in the following manner A certain Famous Pirate among the Cosacks living near the River Wolga whose Name was Jormack Timorhof having taken a Ship loaden with Amunition and belonging to the Czar was for fear of being pursued and discovered fled for Shelter into a certain Island near the River Kama which coming from Permia one of the Northern Provinces of Muscovy falls below Casan into the River Wolga This Island belonging then to a certain Muscovian Merchant he proposed to him no less than the Conquest of some of those Tartarian Countreys lying more towards the North and being furnished by him with Arms Ammunition and other Necessaries he with about five or six hundred of his Followers went up the River Tagit and from thence to the River Tura where having possess'd himself of a small Island called Japouchin he march'd from thence to the City of Tumen which he also took without much opposition Being flush'd with this Success he directed his March streight ways to Tobol the M●tropolis of the Province and then the Residence of the Siberian King where having also met with very little Resistance he soon became Master of the Place But being not contented with thi● extraordinary Success and proposing to himself no less than the Conquest of the whole Province he lost soon after both his Life and Conquests For having pursued the flying Enemy a great way beyond the City of Tobol all along the River Irtish 300 of his Men whom he had sent out on purpose to Atrack the Enemy at a certain pass being drawn into an Ambush were all kill'd upon the Spot so that Jormack with the rest being about 200 was forced to retire into a small Island there abouts where he Entrench'd himself as well as he could But the Tartars having by their late Victory got new Courage and being informed of what number of Men he had with him Attack'd him by Night where he with all his Followers except 40 who found means to get into Muscovy were either drowned or cut to pieces The remnants of Jormack's Party being at last come to the City of Musco and having given to the Czar a relation of what had past in Siberia it was thought advisable to give them some Forces thereby to enable them to try their Fortune a second time Having therefore obtained 600 Men with Amunition and other Necessaries suitable to such an Expedition they marched directly towards the City of Tobol the Metropolis and Residence of the Prince of Siberia and having a second time possess'd themselves of it without much opposition they took quite other measures to secure their Conquests from what Jormack had done before for they so strongly fortified themselves there that they soon were beyond all apprehension of being Attack'd by the Tartars and being afterwards reinforced with new Supplies of Men and other Necessaries by their frequent Incursions so fatigu'd the Neighbouring Tartars that they were 〈◊〉 to submit themselves under the Czar's Protection tho' it is not altogether improbable but that the Necessity of vending their Sables and other Furrs to the Muscovites might be their Chief Motive of surrendring themselves under the Czar of Muscovy's Subjection Since which time the Muscovites have built in these Parts several Cities fortified after the Russiian Fashion and much imp●oved others as Narim and the great City of Tooina on the other side of the River Oby The Castle of Comgoscoi upon the River Telta and others Since the Conquest of Siberia it is chiefly to the Muscovites we are beholding for the particular Discovery they have made of that vast Extent of the Northern Countreys that lie betwixt the River Oby which traverses this Province and has been mentioned before and the Famous Chinese Wall which divides that Famous Empire from the Grand Tartary For the Muscovites having once been made sensible of the prodigious Quantities of all Sorts of precious Furrs as the Sables Martins and black Foxes those Countreys afforded and the vast Profit that must needs arise to their own Country by engrossing the Traffick of those Commodities have left no stone unturn'd not only to make the best Discovery they could
upper Lips or Chins The Stature and Proportion of their Bodies is very large something above the common Size they are clean and well proportion'd in their Limbs their Air tho' somewhat stern and resolute yet carries not any marks of Cruelty or Savageness along with it Their Habits resemble that of most all the other Tartars both Europaeans and Asiaticks being made in the nature of a Cassock or large Vest fitted to their Bodies but the Materials are for the most part only Sheep-Skins About the Waste they wear a Cord or small Girdle wherein hangs their Bow and Quiver which are their constant Companions wherever they go Their Heads are shav'd to the Crown where they preserve a good Tuft of Hair thick enough to make two good Locks one of which hangs down before the other behind Upon their Heads they were no other Covering than a round Cap or rather Bonnet made of the same Stuff with their Habits only that on the top of it there is a pretty large Tuft of red white or green Silk or perhaps of some other colour according to the Custom of such Hordes as they belong to these Hordes wearing these different colour'd Tufts as a certain mark whereby to distinguish themselves from one another Their Chief Men among them especially such as live in those places where the Sables and Martins are caught make their Garments either of those Furrs or else of Dog-Skins and sometimes especially during the Winter they join both together They generally wear the Hair of the Dogs of which they keep a great number outermost making the Furrs of the Sables or Martins the Lining to the other not but that they are sufficiently sensible how much the first exceed the latter both in Beauty and Value but say they We do not think it just that the Dog who in his life-time had been so serviceable to us in finding out and catching the Sables or Martins should be debased after his death below those he conquer'd but that his past Service ought to be remembered by preferring him after his death before his enemy which he vanquished when alive It is easie to be imagined that the Muscovites after they had hunted out these so far distant Countries did not acquiesce here but left no Stone unturned till they had made themselves an easie Passage through those Tartarian Countries to the Empires of China and Japan To obtain this end they used to send frequently their Ambassadors and sometimes Messengers on some Pretence or another into those Parts who having taken several ways at last made the Passage betwixt the Russian Empire and China tolerably commodious to their Merchants who now Travel from the City of Musco to Pekin the Capital City of the Chinese Empire in less than Four Months time with Conveniency enough especially since the Muscovites for the conveniency of their Caravans have built several Cities and Forts as the City of Genessay or Jenessay among the Tingoëses upon the River of that Name The City of Szelinga upon the River of the same Name besides several Fortresses the last of which is called Albazin built upon the River Yamour three Months Journey from the City of Musco and but three Weeks Travelling from Pekin the Metropolis of China When the Muscovian Merchants undertake this great Journey How the Muscovite Travel into China they commonly take the Advantage of the Winter-Season which being the most commodious in Muscovy for Travelling by reason of the Rivers and Lakes which in the Summer-time are no small Obstacles to Travellers being all frozen over they usually set out towards the latter end of February or the beginning of March when the Snow being well beaten they Travel in Sleds from the City of Musco to Tobol the Capital City of Siberia to wit above 800 English Miles in less than three Weeks From hence they continue their Journey by Land to the utmost Frontie●s of Siberia and from thence to the Tostiouski a Horde of Tartars under the Subjection of the Muscovites Here they change their Carriage which they send back into Siberia for one much more swift and commodious For whereas the Muscovite Sleds are usually drawn but by one Horse they make use in those Parts of a certain Beast called the Reen or Rain-Deer which they put in their Sleds and to make it go the more swift they tye a great Dog behind that by his barking The Reen or Rain-Deer scaring the poor Beast makes it run with that swiftness that it carries the Sleds Six or Sevenscore Miles a day This Creature probably the Tarandius of the Antients is by the Modern Latins called Rangifer from the Word Reen which is the Name given it by the Laplanders who as likewise the Samoyedes and some other Northern Nations make a considerable Advantage of these Beasts not only in their Sleds but also by making Cloaths of their Skins It is as big as a large Stagg but much stronger with a very high Breast where the Hairs which are of a grayish colour inclining to white are very long and rough They have cloven Hoofs the Horn of which is as hard as Iron so that making at every step an Impression in the Ice they go as securely as if they were shoo'd with Frost-Nails or walk'd upon the Ground and that with such swiftness that they often Travel 150 Miles a day their Horns are higher than those of the Elk and larger than a Stagg They have on the Forehead two Brow-anklers wherewith in the Winter they dig up the white Moss from under the Snow for their Food and break the Ice to get Water to quench their Thirst For the rest they are very Sociable Creatures feeding in Herds and easily tamed and made serviceable for the draught of Sleds which they perform with an incredible swiftness By the help of these Creatures the Muscovian Merchants Travel with great Expedition as long as the Ice continues to bear to the City of Genessay or Jenessay built by the Muscovites upon a River of the same Name for the conveniency of Travellers From thence they take Boat to go up the two Rivers Lake of Biakala Tongusi and Augara to the Lake of Baikala where both these Rivers have their rise The Waters of this Lake are extraordinary clear but what makes the Passage over it very difficult and tedious is that it being surrounded on all sides with very high Rocks and the Winds being thereby check'd they blow so variously and from several Points at a time that they put the Masters of the Vessels to a great deal of danger and trouble so that tho' its breadth be not 30 Miles over yet are they obliged to spend sometimes a whole Week in passing it After they have got over this Lake they immediately enter towards the South the Country of the Mongul Tartars Sleds with Sails where being furnished with Mules and Dromedaries they continue their Journey towards the Confines of China which is commonly done in
have which they prefer before our Sugar Spices or Vinegar which they have been observed to refuse as they also shew'd more satisfaction in their ordinary Food of Sea-Dogs Calves Reens Foxes House-Dogs and Fish but especially Stock-fish than in any of our Dishes The swarthy colour of these Inhabitants of the coldest Climate in the World might very well furnish us with an Opportunity to make a Digression here in contradiction of what is affirm'd by Pliny to wit Lib. 2. c. 78. That the heat of the Sun burns the Skin as on the contrary the Cold whitens it if Natural Philosophy were not at present beyond our scope wherefore we will pursue the Tract of our History and give a short Description of Livonia The Country of Livonia or Liefland Livonia borders on the East upon Muscovy on the North it is divided from Sweden and Finland by a Gulph of the Baltick Sea called by the Latins Sinus Livonicus On the West it hath the Baltick Sea and on the South Samogitia Lithuania and Prussia It is of a very large extent being near 600 English Miles long and 200 broad It is divided into three Provinces to wit into Esthonie Lettie and Courland The first of these Provinces is subdivided into five Circuits called Hanie Wirland Allentaken Jerwe and Wiecks its Metropolis is Revel as Riga of the Province of Lettie and Goldingen is the Capital of Courland The City of Revel The City of Revel the Capital of the Province of Esthonie is situate upon the Baltick Sea at 50 degr 25 min. Latitude and 48 degr 30 min. Longitude It hath for its Founder Waldemar or Wolmar II. King of Denmark who laid the first Foundation of it in the Year 1230. But King Wolmar III. sold it in the Year 1347. with some other Cities in that Country to Goswin d' Eck the then Master of the Livonian Order of Knights The Muscovites have for above these Hundred Years past been very ambitious to unite not only this City but also the whole Livonia with the Russian Empire which has occasioned several Wars not only betwixt them and the Masters of the Livonian Knights but also with the Swedes after this City had put it self under the Protection of Eric King of Sweden near a Hundred and Fifty Years ago This City is very Famous for two memorable Sieges it held out against the Muscovites the first in the Year 1570. the second in the Year 1577. both which the Muscovites were forced to raise with great Loss The City is fortified according to the Modern way but its chief strength lies in its Castle which being most advantageously situated upon a Rock steepy on all sides renders it almost unaccessible except towards the City where it is defended by very good Works It has a most excellent Haven fitted rather by Nature than Art for the convenience of Trade especially with Muscovy It is one of the most Antient Towns belonging to the Hanseatick League and had for some Years in Conjunction with the City of Lubeck the Direction of the College belonging to the Hanseatick Towns in the City of Novogorod Veliki It was very flourishing in its Commerce from the Year 1477. till the Year 1550. when having broken with the other Hanseatick Towns the Muscovites soon after took the City of Narva and established there the Trading they had before in this City Notwithstanding which it enjoys to this day the Priviledge of being a Mart which has been confirmed to them by several Treaties betwixt the Muscovites and Swedes to wit in the Year 1595. at Teusma in the Year 1607. at Wibourg and in the Year 1617. at Stolvova tho' at the same time their Wings have been clip'd of late Years as to several Priviledges granted to them formerly by the Masters of the Livonian Order and were since look'd upon as dangerous to the Prerogatives of their Sovereign The Ecclesiastical Government is here like in most other Commonwealths that profess the Protestant Religion according to the Tenure of the Ausburg Confession administred by a Consistory and a Superintendent And their Civil Constitution comes very near to a Democratical State the Magistrates having no Power to Transact any thing of moment without the Advice of the Principal Men of several Professions and in Matters of Extraordinary Consequence not without Summoning every Freeman of the City Within half a League of it towards the Sea-side are to be seen the Ruins of a stately Monastery about 200 Years ago dedicated to St. Bridget by a very wealthy Merchant of this City The only thing Remarkable here is a Book composed of the Foundation of this Monastery intimating That the Religious Men and Women for it consisted of both of this Monastery had been so ingenious even in those days as to have found out a way to make themselves to be understood by one another by certain Signs without the help of Words The next City of Note in the Province of Esthonie Narva is Narva situate in the Circuit of Allentaken at 60 degrees Elevation It hath its Name from the River Narva or Nerva which having its rise in the Lake Pripis falls with a very swift Current into the Gulph of Finland about Ten Miles below this City Near three Miles above it there is a most dangerous Cataract or Water-fall which obliges the Ships that come down the River from Plescou and other Places to Narva to unlade their Merchandizes near that Place This Town which is not very large but exceeding strong by reason of the adjacent Castle is said to be built as well as the City of Revel by Wolmar II. King of Denmark and was in the Year 1558. besieged and taken by John Basilovits Great Duke of Muscovy but recovered by the Swedes in the Year 1581. under the Conduct of Pontus de la Garde the Swedish General under whose Jurisdiction it remains to this day It hath for many Years past enjoyed the same Priviledges with the other Hanseatick Towns and was in the last Age a Place of very good Traffick till the Muscovian Trade was from thence by the English and Dutch transferred to Archangel and the Wars betwixt the Muscovites and Swedes destroyed its Commerce During the War betwixt the English and the Dutch in Oliver Cromwel's Time the Commerce to Archangel being interrupted there began to be a Prospect of reviving the Trade into Muscovy abundance of Ships making use of this Harbour for that purpose at that time so that the Haven was repaired and several new Additions were made to the Town for the Conveniency of Strangers It has two Castles belonging to it one on this side of the River and the other on the opposite Shoar in a Peninsula made by the River Nerva It is called Ivanovogorod and was built there by the Muscovites upon a Rock so inaccessible that it was judged Impregnable and was not taken by the Swedes till in the Year 1617. when Gustavus Adolphus made himself Master of it At the
foot of this Castle is another small Town or rather Suburb called Narva Muscovite being inhabited by Muscovites but subject to the Crown of Sweden under the Jurisdiction of the Swedish Governour of the Castle Betwixt Revel and Narva there are in the Woods Bears and Wolves of an extraordinary bigness which during the Winter-Season do abundance of Mischief to the Peasants There is in Narva to be seen the Skin of a Wolf of a prodigious Size which is said to have kill'd six Peasants out of twelve he met upon the Road before he was killed himself They fasten commonly a great Stick to their Sleds which Noise they believe frightens the Wolves and makes them run away The Capital City of the second Province in Livonia Riga which is called Lettie is the City of Riga It s origin is somewhat doubtful both as to the time and the true name of its first Founder some having ascribed it to Albert the third Bishop of Livonia in the Year 1196. Others to one Bertold of the Order of the White Fryars Abbot of Locken in the Country of Shovenburgh in the Diocess of Mindea who is said to have built it in the year 1189 and to have made it a Bishop's Seat But it is beyond question that in the Year 1215 it was raised to the Dignity of an Arch-Bishoprick and made the Seat of the Metropolitan of all Livonia Prussia and Courland This occasioned afterwards great Jar●ngs betwixt the Livonian Knights and that Arch-Bishop as also betwixt him and the Masters of the Teutonick Order in Prussia concerning the Sovereignty and Administration of Justice in this place which was at several times divided betwixt them till the Reformation put a stop to their further Differences by taking from them all the Authority they formerly had in this City It surrendred it self by a voluntary Rendition to the Crown of Poland in the Year 1561 during the War the Muscovites made in Livonia about that Time Since which it was twice but in vain besieged by Charles Duke of Sudermannia Uncle to Sigismond King of Poland and Sweden after he had got into Possession of the Kingdom of Sweden But Gustavus Adolphus took it at last in the Year 1621 by Composition after a Siege of six Weeks and the Swedes remain ever since in Possession of it for tho by virtue of the Truce concluded betwixt the two Crowns of Poland and Sweden in the Year 1635 the same was not granted to the Swedes any longer than till the Peace they were according to the Tenour of the Treaty of Peace concluded betwixt these two Crowns in the Monastery of Oliva near Dantzick in the Year 1666 wherein John Casimir King of Poland also resign'd his Pretension to the Crown of Sweden put into the entire Possession of this City and the whole Livonia It is situate upon the River Dune which about ten or twelve Miles from hence discharges it self into the Baltick Sea and is near this City above a Mile broad in a very spacious and pleasant Valley It is well fortified on the Land-side to wit with six regular Bastions and as many half Moons the Counterscarp being Pallisado'd It is very populous because of the extraordinary Concourse of People that flock hither both in Winter and Summer on the account of Commerce which while the Baltick Sea is Navigable is carried on with the English Dutch and Hanseatick Towns and when the Frost and Snow has fitted the Roads and River for Sleds with the Muscovites All sorts of Provisions are extreamly Cheap here but especially Venison by reason that the Peasants have a Priviledge hereabouts to Hunt at pleasure The Lutheran is the established Religion here with exclusion of all others whether Protestants Catholicks or Muscovites The High-Dutch and Stavonian Languages are equally understood by most of the Inhabitants but the High-Dutch being look'd upon as the Principal not only all People of any Fashion both in Speaking and Writing but also the Magistrate in his publick Acts and the Ministers in their Sermons make use of it except it be in two particular Churches where Sermons are made in the Slavonian and Courland Languages for such of the meaner Sort as perhaps do not so exactly understand the High-Dutch Tongue The next City in rank is called Derpt or Torpat Derpt It is seated in the midst of all Livonia upon the River Eimbec between the two Lakes of Worzero and Peipis The remnants of its antient Buildings shew it to have been none of the least considerable in those Parts before the frequent Revolutions which happen'd in this Country during the War betwixt the Muscovites Poles and Swedes have rendered its condition much declining from what it was in former Ages It is called by the Muscovites Jupogorod who were possess'd of it till the Year 1230 when it was taken by the Master of the Teutonick Order who made it also the Seat of a Bishop In the year 1558 John Basilovits Grand Duke of Muscovy having unexpectedly advanced with an Army near to the City struck such a Consternation into its Inhabitants that without striking one Blow they surrendred to the Grand Duke But the Year 1571 prov'd most fatal to this City For one Reinold Rose a Gentleman of Livonia having laid a Design to put the City into the hands of Magnus Duke of Helstein and being discovered before it could be put in Execution the Citizens paid dearly for it the Muscovites exercising all manner of Cruelties upon them without distinction of Age or Sex Pursuant to the Treatise of Peace made in the year 1582 between the Grand Duke John Basilovits and Stephen Battory King of Poland it was surrendred to the latter with the rest of Livonia that remain'd in Possession of it till the year 1625 when James de la'Garde General of the Swedish Army took it from them who keep it ever since by Virtue of the Truce made betwixt these two Crowns in the year 1635 which was since confirm'd by the Peace concluded in the Year 1666 at the Monastery of Oliva Gustavus Adolphus founded an University here in the Year 1632 but it is not much frequented unless it be by a few Finlanders the Livonian Nobility sending their Sons for the most part abroad to the Universities in Germany To this Province also belongs the City of Parnau Parnau having received its name from the River Parnau or Pornou upon which it is seated It is divided into the new and old Town and was formerly a Member of the Hanseatick Leagues but its Trade is much decay'd of late Years the only thing they now deal in being Wheat it is not very big but has a pretty good Castle built of Wood after the Muscovian Fashion The River Pornou rises out of a great Forest near the Castle of Weissenstein situated upon the little River Beca and being in its passage augmented by the two Rivers Fela and Perukeja exonerates its self into the Baltick Sea not far below this City It
the Archbishop of Riga and the Coadjutor of the Order of Livonia had made a League Defensive with Sigismund Augustus King of Poland unto whom they had promised 300000 l. Sterling towards the defraying the Charges of the War and for his Security had engaged several Bailywicks But the King of Poland being sensible of the extream danger they were in and how the City of Revel and the Province of Esthonie or Esthland had been forced to submit themselves to the Crown of Sweden refused to execute the Treaties unless they would follow the Example of the rest of Livonia and submit themselves upon the same terms to the Crown of Poland as they had done to Sweden Being therefore reduced to an absolute necessity of chusing the least Evil the Archbishop and Master of the Order were forced to Surrender all the Acts and Charters they had obtained from the Emperour and Pope into the Hands of Prince Radzivil who in the King of Poland's Name received also from them the Oath of Fidelity The King of Poland gave the Title of Duke with the Country of Gourland to the Master of the Livonian Order as we have said before in the Description of Courland in the Year 1562. And Twenty Years after to wit in the Year 1582. by vertue of a Peace concluded with the Muscovites the Poles got into Possession of the whole Livonia except that part of Esthonie which had surrendred to the Swedes who by degrees got all the rest from the Poles which was entirely resign'd to them in the Year 1666. by the Treaty of Peace made betwixt these two Crowns in the Monastery of Oliva near Dantzick The Country of Livonia is very fertile but especially in Wheat abounding in all sorts of Cattle Fowl and Venison an Ox being commonly to be bought here for Twenty Shillings a Hog for a Crown and a good Hare for a Groat but has within these two Years last past been so oppress'd with Famine that a great many Thousands of the Peasants have died for Hunger Its Inhabitants must be considered under different Qualifications Inhabitants of Livonia The first are the Germans and their Posterity out of which most of the Nobility and the Inhabitants of the Cities are composed The second are the Peasants the remainders of the Antient Inhabitants who living in the Champain Country of Lettie and Esthonie have nothing they can call their own but are absolute Slaves either to the Nobility or Chief Citizens They are called by the Germans Vnteutsche that is to say no Germans perhaps because they cannot be brought to conform themselves to the manner of Living and Language of the Germans They are the greatest Slaves in the World but it is alledged against them that if they were not kept under such a severe Subjection they would be always endeavouring to recover their Liberty at any rate of which they have given some Proofs when ever any Occasion presented The Origin of the Livonian Nobility is founded upon the Services they have in former Ages done against the Infidels and Muscovites Their Nobility they are free from all Taxes and Charges Volmar II. King of Denmark was the first that gave them Mannors to hold in Fealty which were confirmed by Eric VII by Letters Patents and augmented by the Masters of the Short Sword and the Grand Masters of Prussia Some of these Mannors especially in the Districts of Harrie and Wirland are Inheritable by the Daughters and their Issue to the fifth degree But they are above all beholding to that Famous Walter de Plattenbergh who being in the Year 1513. acknowledged a Prince of the Empire exempted the Nobility from all Subjection excepting such Services as they were obliged to do in Person upon the account of their Mannors When Necessity obliged them to have recourse to the Swedes they did not submit to that Crown but with a Proviso of retaining their Antient Priviledges which for the most part they keep to this day There is once a Year a Review made of this Nobility which does not only upon occasion furnish the King of Sweden with a considerable Body of Horse but also is look'd upon by the Sweden as their chief Nursery of Officers even to the Generals of Armies The Administration of the Government both as to Policy and Justice is committed to Twelve of the Body of the Nobility who are the Council of the Country of which the Governour of the Province from the Crown of Sweden is President Their Judicial Processes are very short and decided once a Year to wit in January by this Council who after a Declaration and an Answer proceed immediately to Judgment To perform this with the more conveniency each Province has its own Captain as they call him whose Business is to represent to the Governour and Council the Grievances of the People and this Employment is never continued above three Years in the same Person There are also certain Triennial Judges appointed for the determining of Differences in the flat Country concerning the Limits betwixt Private Men which have been rendred dubious by the Wars and some other Judges or Overseers of the High-ways Bridges and Causways But from all these there lies an Appeal to the Council of the Country As to their Religion Their Religion they are Lutherans here which must be chiefly understood from the Nobility and Inhabitants of Cities but as for the Peasants they can scarce be called half Christians much less to be said of any particular Religion being even to this day so deeply entangled in their Heathenish Superstitions that they scarce ever go to Church or at least never Communicate unless it be by force they being notwithstanding that wretched and slavish Condition they live in quite regardless of any thing else but this Life 'T is upon this Account that when they take an Oath they conclude with these words If I do not swear true I am content that the Curse of God may light upon my Body and Soul upon my Children upon all what appertains to me to the Ninth Generation Some of them especially the Peasants about Riga if they are to take an Oath at Law put a Turff upon their Heads with a white Stick in their Hands thereby signifying that they consent That they their Children and Cattle may become as dry as the Turff and Stick if they swear falsely They frequently put a Needle and Thread into the Grave with the deceased because forsooth he may perhaps have occasion to mend his Cloaths in the other World Sorcery is much more frequent among them than Prayers the first is propagated by Tradition from the Parents to their Children They never kill a Beast but some part of it is thrown away nor never brew but something must be spilt which they look upon as a Preservative against Witchcraft Nay they have a way of rebaptizing their Children themselves tho' privately if in some Weeks after the first Baptism they happen to fall sick which
also it is their Custom at their Wedding Feasts never to eat the Flesh of any Creature that is gelt In their Funeral Rites Their Fun●rals they observed this Method They dress the Corps of their deceased Friends in their best Cloaths with Shooes and Stockins and having set it up-right in a Chair the next Relations making a Ring about it drink very heartily When the Liquor is out they begin to lament their Deceased Friend Alas say they Why wouldst thou die Didst thou want either Victuals or Drink Why wouldst thou die then Alas Hadst thou not a Handsom Wife Why wouldst thou die then Thus running through every Particular thing possessed by the Deceased in his Life-time they ask in the same manner and conclude Why wouldst thou die They are very careful to furnish them with Needle and Threed when they are laid in their Coffins and with some Bread and a Bottle of Liquor When the Corps is carried out to the Burying-place the Relations on Horseback surround the Hearse or Waggon in which it is plac'd and with their Swords drawn strike in the Air cross-ways crying out aloud Away you Demons to the infernal Places of Darkness At last whilst the Corps is putting into the Ground they throw some Money after it into the Grave The Widdow Mourns for forty Days viz. Mornings and Evenings Sun rising and setting over her Husband 's Grave but the rest of the Relations celebrate the Memory of the Deceased at certain appointed Days to wit on the Third the Sixth the Ninth and Fortieth day when after a certain Form of Prayers which they mutter out before they enter the House they invite the Soul of the Deceased to come and take part with them Whilst they are at Table there is not a Word to be spoken neither do they make use of Knives They are attended by two Women who divide the Victuals among the Guests but also without Knives Each of the Guest throws something of his Victuals as also some of the Liquor under the Table which they believe is the Food of the Soul of the Deceased If any thing happens to fall under the Table it is not to be taken up this being to be left for the Food of such Souls as are destitute of Friends or are otherwise unable to Feast th●m after their Death The Feast being over the Priest is the first that rises from the Table and having swept all the Dust out the Doors with a B●oom Retire says he beloved Souls you have been sufficientl● fed with Victuals and Drink Retire beloved Soul from this House Then it is that the Guests begin first to Speak and to let the Cup go briskly round the Men drinking to the Women in Remembrance of their dead Friend and the Women answering the Men with the same Freedom till they all begin to be Mellow when they part with Kissing one another all round CHAP. VII Of the Crim and Precopian Tartars and the Cosacks BEtwixt the two Tartarian Kingdoms of Casan and Astrachan Crim Tartars subject to the Grand Czar of Muscovy all along the River Volga up to the Don or Tanais are great Desarts which are not so much Inhabited as frequently visited by the Crim or Precopian Tartars their fixed Habitations being from the mouth of the River Tanais or Don all along the Palus Meotides and so in the Taurica Chersonesus which being divided by a great Forest that part which borders on the Palus Meotides belong to the Precopian Tartars the rest bordering on the Euxin Sea to the Turks It contains about 250 English Miles in length and 150 in breadth less or more in some places but that what is called the Little Tartary on that side comprehending also the Tartars of Budziack which inhabit all along the Palus Meotides or as it is called by them to the Sea of Zabacche up to the River Don or Tanais is much larger in compass bordering on the North upon Muscovy in the East upon the Circassian Tartars North-west upon Podolia and Luthuania and towards the South upon Moldavia and Wallachia These Tartars having been for several Ages last past very Redoubtable both to the Muscovites and Poles who have been often obliged to stop their Fury by Presents not much differing from an Annual Tribute and being at this time vigourously attacked by his present Czarish Majesty who has gained great Advantages over them they may very well deserve a place in this Treatise The Taurica Charsonesus was antiently inhabited by the Tauri Taurica Chersonesus who gave it its Name These were succeeded by the Greeks who planted here their Colonies But about 450 Years ago some Tartarian Hordes inhabiting near the Caspian Sea having by reason of some intestine Wars left their native Country and ravaged part of Asia at last passed the River Volga and from thence to the Tanais or Don and the Palus Meotides where they possessed themselves of the Taurica Chersonesus except some Ports situate on the Exin Sea and especially the City of Caffa which were in the Year 1266 seised by the Genoeses who kept them in their Possession till the Year 1474 when Mahomet II. the Turkish Emperour took them from the Genoeses The Places in the possession of the Turks are Batuclawa formerly a considerable place but now more like a Village than a City it has not above 200 Houses but has a very good Port and the Turks build there abundance of Ships and Gallies The two Castles of Ingermen and Mancus to which were adjoining when in the Hands of the Genoeses two goodly Cities of which scarce any thing remains now but the Ruin The only place of Note belonging to the Turks here is one City of Caffa in former Ages called Theodosia It was whilst the Genoeses were Masters of it one of the chief Trading places in the Levant but the Turks took it from the Genoeses as was mentioned before after a Siege of fourteen Years and as it was believed not without Treachery some of the Genoeses having been corrupted with Money It is since that time as almost all other places that groan under the Turkish Yoak infinitely decayed from its antient Splendor notwithstanding which it contains as yet about 6000 Houses inhabited by Italians the Remnants of the Genoese Families Greeks Armenians Jews Turks and Tartars The Christians being however the most in number having 45 Churches here The Places belonging to the Precopian Tartars as well within the Chersonesus as upon the Palus Meotides are The City of Azoph or Assaw situate at the very Mouth of the River Don or Tanais where it exonerates it self into the Palus Meotides it is a place of considerable Trade inhabited for the most part by Tartars from whom it was about two years ago taken by the Muscovites The City of Crim situate in a Bay made by the Sea of Zabacche or the Palus Meotides it is inhabited for the most part by Tartars It is a strong Walled Town its Houses being built
From hence also proceed these frequent Irregularities Disorders and Excesses in Debaucheries even to sin against the Course of Nature not only with Men but also with Beasts The Women of the meaner Sort tho' otherwise kept under a very strict Discipline will often find out their Husbands at the Tippling-House and drink with them to that Excess till they can neither stand nor go and are obliged to lay down among them at the Tippling-House Several of the Great Dukes have attempted to put a stop to this Evil by ordering such Publick-houses as were allow'd of by their Authority to sell their Liquor only by certain Measures at a time but this prov'd ineffectual the Neighbours meeting by turns at their own Houses where they play'd the same Game they were used to at the Tippling-Houses Formerly Tobacco was as extravagantly taken Tobacco forbidden as the Aqua Vitae and was the Occasion of frequent Mischiefs forasmuch as not only the poorer Sort would rather lay out their Money upon Tobacco than Bread but also when drunk did set their Houses on Fire through their Negligence Besides which made the Patriarch take a particular Disgust at it they used to appear before their Images with their stinking and infectious Breath all which obliged the Great Duke absolutely ●o forbid both the Use and Sale of Tobacco in the Year 1634 under very rigorous Punishments to wit For the Transgressors to have their Nostrils slit or else to be severely whipt Nevertheless it is of late Years more frequently used than ever it was before since the time of the Edict the Search being not now so strict against the Takers nor the Punishment so rigorously executed Foreigners having the Liberty to use it makes the Muscovites often venture upon it in their Company they being so eager of Tobacco that the most ordinary Sort which formerly cost not above 9 or 10 Pence per Pound in England they will buy at the rate of fourteen or fifteen Shillings and if they want Money they will truck their Cloaths for it to the very Shirt They take it after a most beastly manner instead of Pipes they have an Engine made of a Cows-horn in the middle of which there is a Hole where they place the Vessel that holds the Tobacco The Vessel is commonly made of Wood pretty wide and indifferently deep which when they have fill'd with Tobacco they put Water into the Horn to temper the Smoak They commonly light their Pipe with a Firebrand sucking the Smoak through the Horn with so much Greediness that they empty the Pipe at two or three Sucks when they whiff it out of the Mouth their rises such a Cloud that it hides both their Faces and the Standers by Being debarr'd from the constant use of it they fall down drunk and insensible immediately after for half a quarter of an Hour when the Tobacco having had its Operation they lep up in an instant more brisk and lively than before when their first Discourse commonly tends to the praise of Tobacco and especially of its noble Quality in purging the Head For the rest The Muscovite are hardy and resolute the Muscovites are from their Infancy inur'd to all sorts of Hardship their Children being seldom suckled above two or three Months and this with the coldness of their Climate and their sparing Diet makes them very fit to endure the Fatigues of War being especially very resolute in defending of Places which they will maintain to the utmost extremity I will only alledge here for an Instance the Siege of Noteburgh where the Garrison was reduc'd to two Men before they would hearken to a Capitulation this happen'd in the Year 1579 Good Soldiers in Garrison when the Poles had besieged the Castle of Svikols fortified after the Russian Fashion with wooden Fortifications as they were giving the Assault had set it on Fire yet the Muscovites made good the Breach and were seen to maintain their Ground when their Cloaths were on fire Another example of their Resolution may be given in the Siege of the Abby of Paedis in Livonia where they were reduced to such Extremity for want of Provisions before they would Capitulate that they were no longer able to stand upon their Legs or to be upon their Duty and were not able to meet the Swedes at the Gate when they took Possession of the Place It must be confess'd that they have seldom had any great Advantage against the Poles or Swedes in the Field but the most understanding in Martial Affairs have attributed it more to the defect of their Officers than the Courage of the Soldiers the first being not to be compared to the Poles and Swedes neither for Experience or Conduct as it happen'd at the Siege of Smolensko where the Muscovites received that Disgrace if not by the Treachery at least by the ill Conduct of their Generals It has questionless been for this Reason That the Czars of Muscovy have for a considerable time past and do to this day employ abundance of foreign Officers in their Armies and it is very probable that since a great number of the Cosacks have embraced the Pr●tection of the Czar of Muscovy they may prove more formidable in Battles than they have done hitherto They are very good at keeping Secrets especial●y in what relates to their own Affairs or the Publick in which respect they are so over-jealous that they will scarce allow any Stranger to cast his Eyes upon any Strong-hold tho' of very small consequence and scarce worth taking notice of much less that they should be easie in informing them in any thing tho' of never so l●ttle moment which makes it very difficult for Strangers to be truly informed of the Constitution of their Country unless it be by a very long Conversation It is upon this score that all Strangers at their first arrival in the City of Musco except such as bear a publick Character are obliged to pass their Examination in the Chancery in the presence of several Registers who after having asked them as many Questions as they think convenient put down in Writing their Depositions The Muscovites are reckoned to be great Game●ters at Chess as any are in the World and many among them will take now and then a Turn at Dice They are of late Years become very industrious in their way of Trading questionless by their frequent Commerce with the Chineses and Dutch the last of which they strive to imitate not only in this but several other Matters the Muscovites being more ingenious at imitating than inventing The Women in Muscovy have an extraordinary Respect for their Husbands Of 〈…〉 they live exceedingly retir'd and very seldom appear in Publick Virgins if they be of any Quality live under as much if not more Restraint than the Women for besides that they are very seldom allow'd to go abroad when they do they are always covered with a Veil to prevent their being seen so that
Solemnity they celebrate their New-Years-Day Their New-Years-Day which is the first of September they having no other Epache but that of the Creation of the World as we have mentioned before This Procession is performed in the Castle where a considerable number of the People are permitted to partake of the Benediction given them by the Patriarch He attended by three or four Hundred Priests carrying Banners Images Crosses and Books comes out of the Church which is on the Right Hand of the Second Court of the Castle while the Great Duke with his Knez Bojares and other Officers of his Court comes out on the Left Hand of the same Court The Grand Duke with his Cap in his Hand and the Patriarch with his Mitre on his Head and a Cross beset with Diamonds a Foot long in his Hand advancing to one another the Patriarch presents the Cross to the Great Duke to kiss which he having done with a most profound Respect the Patriarch gives his Benediction first to the Czar and afterwards to all the rest there present wishing them all Prosperity in the New Year As to what concerns their Images Their Images they suffer not any that are Carved or Graven either in their Churches or Houses because say they these are forbidden in the Decalogue but their Images are painted with Oil upon Wood. The best of all is That they will not admit of any painted by Foreigners though done by the greatest Masters of Europe but they must be painted by one of their own Religion So that for Colour Painting and Proportion they are the most wretched in the whole World being about a Foot in Breadth and not quite a Foot and a half in length There is in the City of Musco as we have mentioned in the Second Chapter a certain Street appointed for the Sale of these Images though a Muscovite will never own to have bought his Saint For which reason when any one of them has chosen an Image in the God-market he deposits Money for the Exchange of it if the Saint-maker thinks it not sufficient he shoves it back and the other Party is obliged to add more to it till both Parties are contented They will own that during the first Centuries even till the Time of Constantine the Great Images were not used in the Church or if they were no Worship was paid them They alledge that they follow in this Point the Authority and Opinion of John Damascene though it is more likely they have taken them from the Greek Church The Walls of their Churches are every where full of them as they are the chief Ornaments of their Houses every Family having its Saint with a small Wax-Candle before it which they light when they pay their Devotion Over the Porch of their Churches in the Market-places and over the Gates of their Cities you are sure to meet with the Picture of some Saint or another but especially with that of the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Patron of Muscovy These Images the Muscovites respect Their Ad●ration of Saints and look upon as things so absolutely necessary that without them they could not perform their Devotion As often as they address their Prayers to them they set Wax Candles before that Saint to whom they intend to make their Addresses and after they have made most profound Inclinations with their Heads they frequently make the Sign of the Cross with three Fingers of their Right Hand touching first the Forehead next the Breast lastly the Right Shoulder and the Left after that They conceive in this way of crossing themselves a great deal of Mystery for they say the Three Fingers signifie the Trinity by their putting them to their Forehead they would shew that Christ is ascended into Heaven by crossing the Breast that God ought to be reverenced and loved with all our Heart But as to making the Sign of the Cross from the Right Shoulder to the Left they intend to signifie the Day of Judgment forasmuch as it is said That God shall place the Righteous on his Right Hand to be called to Eternal Salvation and the wicked on the Left to be thrown into the Abyss of Hell If they pass by any of their Images in the Street they make a stand for a while before them till they have made their Reverence four or five times one after another which is done by crossing themselves and pronouncing with a loud Voice their Gospodi Pomilui or God have mercy upon me They address themselves with the same Veneration to such Crosses as they meet with in their way Their Crosses where they are frequently observed to stop and repeat the same Ejaculations The first nay the only thing Parents teach their Children is to make their Reverences and Inclinations to the Images to make the Sign of the Cross and to say the Gospodi Pomilui or God have mercy upon me The Muscovites don 't undertake any thing nor Eating nor Drinking or whatever else it may be without making first the Sign of the Cross which may well be called the Introduction to all the Civil Actions of the Muscovites The Tutelar Saints of private Houses have commonly their Stations assign'd them in a Corner behind the Table Whenever a Muscovite comes into a House the first thing he does is to go straightways to the Saint of the House if he cannot find him he asks Jest le Boch or Where is the God After he has found him out he pays his Reverence to him saying his Gospodi Pomilui or Lord have mercy upon me and then turns about and salutes the Company If they are to take a merry turn with a Woman in the Room where the Saint is they are sure to cover him first perhaps for fear he should tell tales They will not allow Strangers to touch them or for any Body to sleep in the same Room with their Feet towards them nay some are so nice as to purifie the Chamber with Incense if any Strangers of another Religion have lodged in it They will hold their Images to the Fire believing they have a Power to extinguish it if they please The Swedish Soldiers who in the Year 1610. had taken and burnt the City of Novogorod when they saw the Inhabitants presenting their Images to stay the Progress of the Flames being convinced of their Fondness to them and not finding any thing else in their Houses worth taking carried away their Images which the Muscovites afterwards redeemed at a very good Rate In time of Fire they strive before all other things to save their Images but if they or a Church happen to be burnt they would look upon it as a great Disgrace to say the Saint or Church is burnt but they say They are ascended When the Image is become obliterate or rotten they either bury it with a great deal of Ceremony or else which is the general way throw it into some River and commit it to the Chance
as big and somewhat thicker than a Crown Piece and hath in the middle the sign of the Crucifix This figure after it is Consecrated the Priest takes off with an Instrument not unlike a Launcet and puts it up in a wooden Box hanging above the Altar to preserve it from Rats and Mice If a sick Person is to receive the Communion they take a little of it upon which they put a few drops of Red Wine and a little Water in the Chalice which they give to the sick Person with a Spoon if the sick Person be not capable of swallowing the Bread they give him only a little Wine In the ordinary Administration of the Sacrament they make use of the same sort of consecrated Bread but not bigger than half a Crown from which they also take the Crucifix and break it into as many pieces as there are Communicants which they cast into Red Wine and mix it with a little warm Water and so Administer with a Spoon What remains of the Bread after Consecration is called Kutja or Holy Bread of which the Priest gives a Morsel to each of those who have Communicated the Week before At the Administring of the Sacrament the Priest says these Words This is the true Body and the true Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which hath been given for thee and for many more for the remission of thy sins which thou shalt take in remembrance of him God bless thee There have been some who from these Words have drawn this inference as if the Muscovites believed Transubstantiation against which several pregnant reasons may be alledged to the contrary For if you Discourse the Muscovites concerning the Consequences of that belief they will not refuse to own it irrational nay absur'd and ridiculous neither do they call to their aid as the Roman Catholicks do God's Omnipotency Besides that they dont pay Adoration to this Mystery which doubtless they would do in a Religion so Zealous and Superstitious as theirs were they of the same Opinion as to this point with the Roman Catholicks Sick Children though never so Young receive the Communion but in one kind till they are seven Years Old when they Communicate like the rest as we have observed before They do not refuse the Communion to Madmen but they only touch their Lips with the Bread dip'd before in the Wine A Woman in Child-bed is not to Communicate in the same Room where she was brought to Bed but must be first washed and carried into another place Those that have committed Murther are not to be Communicated but at the point of Death if those that lie in extremity are to be Communicated they gave them first some Water or Aqua-vitae wherein some relicks have been put then they receive the Communion and at the same time the Extream Unction which done they are to take nothing else nor any Nourishment unless there be very apparent Signs of their amendment There are some among the Muscovites who at the last extremity cause themselves to be Shaven and become real Monks This once done they are not permitted to take any thing for a Week after being perswaded that they are no more Men but become Angels And if they happen after these Eight Days of Abstinence to recover their Health they must go into a Monastery because the Razor has passed upon their Heads Formerly they used to send the Consecrated Bread to those Places in the Country that were destitute of Priests They used also to give it to Travellers to reserve it for a Case of Necessity But this Custom is now quite abolished in Muscovy The Ecclesiastical Government of Muscovy consists of a Patriarch Their Hierarchy who resides in the City of Musco four Metropolitans seven Archbishops and one Bishop besides the Arch-Deacons Proto-Popes and Priests The four Metropolitans are those of Novogorodskoi and Welikoluskoi who resides at Novogorod Of Rostoufskoi and Harostauskoi who has his Residence at Rosto● Of Casanskoi and Sunatskoi at Casan And that of Sarskoi and Pondoskoi who lives within the Castle at Musco The seven Archbishops are those of Wologdskoi and Weliko Premskoi who has his Seat at Wologda Of Resanskoi and Moromskoi who lives at Resan Of Susdalskoi and Turruskoi who has his Residence at Susdal Of Twerskoi and Cassinskoi at T were Of Sibirskoi and Tobolskoi at Toboleska Of Astrachanschoi and Terskoi who resides at Astrachan Of Pleskouskoi and Sborskoi who lives at Pleskou There is but one Bishop in all Muscovy to wit that of Comenskoi and Cassieskoi who keeps his Residence in the City of Columna The Patriarch hath always about him an Arch-Deacon who is as it were his Vicar-General He hath also a Proto-Deacon residing in the Castle of Sabor The rest of the Ecclesiastical Order are distinguished into Proto-Popes and Popes or Priests Those that attend at Church toll the Bells and do other inferiour Offices are called Pangamari The Patriarch of Muscovy has the same if not a greater Authority as the Pope has in the Latin Church for he in a manner divides the Sovereignty with the Great Duke He is the Supream Head and Judge of all Ecclesiastical Affairs And such is his Power in all Matters that have any Relation to their Religion that he reforms whatever he thinks prejudicial to this Religion or good Manners without giving an Account of it to their Great Duke Yet not so but that his Orders must be put in Execution by the Czar's Commands The Patriarch of Constantinople had heretofore the Nomination of the Patriarch of Muscovy till in process of Time he had only the Confirmation and in this Age he hath lost both At present the Patriarch of Muscovy is chosen by the Great Duke and the other Prelates The Latter meet in the great Church within the Castle called Sabor where having nominated two or three Prelates the most eminent for Learning and other good Qualilities they present them to the Great Duke who after a Conference with these Prelates proceeds jointly with them to an Election If it happen that those proposed for the Election are equally eminent for their Learning and Piety it is with the Grand Duke's Approbation sometimes decided by Lot The Patriarch Their Prelates marry not Metropolitans Archbishops and the Bishop in Muscovy are not to marry but make a Vow of Chastity as long as they continue in that Dignity For the Prelates as well as the Priests are allowed here to quit their Orders whenever they think it convenient They must not wear Rings on their Fingers They wear neither Drawers nor Shirts of Linen Cloth but of Flannel Neither do they make use of Beds The ordinary Habit of the Patriarch Their Habits Metropolitans Archbishops Bishop and even of their Monks is very near the same They wear a black Cassock and over that an upper Garment of the same Colour not much different from that worn by the other Muscovites Their Hoods are at least an Ell and an half
little Daughter and Son who had been forced to be the mournful Spectators of their dear Mothers Misery the first was sent into a Nunnery the last Condemned to a perpetual Punishment The Chancellor's Widow was also forced to embrace the Monastick Life and his Son sent Prisoner to the Castle of Biel●jezoro which lies in one of the Northern and most unfrequented Provinces of Muscovy Some days after this Slaughter about Fourscore of the Wives and Daughters of these two Hundred Nobles he had caused to be Butchered before his Face where dragged by the Hair to the River side where they were all drowned About the same time one of his Secretaries having been presented with a Pike by a certain Countryman the Great Duke having got Notice of it caused him to be thrown into a Lake where as he said he might have Fish enough since he was so great a lover of them The Lithuanians having by a stratagem surprised the Castle of Borsko took the Governour and his Lady Prisoners who being afterwards exchanged with some Poles returned to the City of Musco where they were no sooner Arrived but the Great Duke ordered three Gibbots to be Erected on which the Governor and two more of his chief Officers being fastned with a Rope about their Wastes the Tyrant and his Son shot their Arrows at them till they were killed telling them ever now and than Thus you ought to have defended your Cause His own Brother though he had lived all along with the greatest Circumspection in the World for fear of giving any occasion of Jealousie to the Tyrant yet could not escape his hands For under pretence that one of his Bojares called Trzeriack Wiskonati had given information against him he caused him without being heard to be tortured in the most violent manner that could be invented and thus having forced him to make a Confession where his Treasure was hid his Head was cut off in the presence of his Lady who all this while lay prostrate at the Tyrant's Feet and in vain was imploring his Clemency But instead of lending a favourable Ear to her just Petition she was stript stark Naked exposed to the view of the whole Court and afterwards dragged to the River and drown'd It used to be a common Custom with him to make Ladies of the greatest Qualities to stand Naked before him and if he took any liking to them after he had abused them himself to expose them to the Officers of his Guards and afterwards cause them to be hanged at their own Doors where the Husband was to go out and in perhaps for three or four Weeks till the Tyrant was pleased to order the dead Body to be removed He was something more favourable to a certain merry Crew of English and other Women Foreigners who had as it seems laugh'd at some of his Prancks which he used to play a● certain times when he was in a good Humour which he taking Notice of they were all sent for to the Palace where after they were all stripp'd stark Naked in a very large Room he Commanded several Bushels of Pease to be thrown down before them which he made them pick up When he had done he treated them with some Wine and bid them to take heed for the future how they made sport with so great an Emperor Perhaps having been used to take a view of the Muscovian Ladies he took this opportunity to see how far the Foreign Women differed in Shape from his own Country-Ladies After he had in a manner thus either ruin'd or quite destroyed all the most antient Families of Muscovy he turned his Fury against the Polish and Lithuanian Captives of whom he had a great Number Some of these were slain by his own Hand the rest to the Number of some Thousands Men Women and Children were by his Order cut in Pieces or thrown into the River His Cruelties exercised against the Inhabitants of Novogorod Plesco● and T were are the most Barbarous in the World being not to be parallel'd in History Of the Barbarities committed in the City of Novogorod we have spoken in the Description of that City so that it will be superfluous to give a further Account of them here We will only add thus much That as he exceeded all the Tyrants that ever were infamous for their Cruelties so it was he that perfected the Work begun by his Grand-father to wit by suppressing the Antient Nobility to make himself absolute Master of this great Empire Which when he had obtained he grew also insupportable to Sovereign Princes How he treated the Polish and Lithuanian Captives we have related before and his Ambition being unmeasurable he gave a proof of it to a French Ambassador who having put on his Hat in his Presence he caused it to be Nailed to his Head Sir Jerom Bowes having not long after been sent by Queen Elizabeth as Ambassador to him he not only put on his Hat but also cockt it before him At which Boldness the Tyrant being somewhat startled asked him Whether he were ignorant how he had served the French Ambassador Unt● which Sir Jerom replied That there was a great difference betwixt them two That for his part he knew whom he Represented that he served a Queen who knew how to Revenge any Affront put upon her Ministers The Great Duke was so far from being displeased with this bold Answer that ever after he had a great esteem for him telling his Bojares That he questioned whether among them all there was one that dare do so much for him It was in his Reign that the English settled first their Trade in Russia as we have mentioned in the Description of the City of Archangel He had three Sons of which the Eldest being struck by his Father one time with a stick died with Grief or as some will have it by his Father's Lance The two others were Fedor or Theodor and Demetrius the Eldest of which succeeded him in the Empire He Reigned Nine and Thirty Years and died in the Year 1584. in the Fifty sixth Year of his Age beloved by few but dreaded both at home and abroad and might have been counted one of the greatest Princes that ever sat upon the Russian Throne if by his most barbarous Cruelties he had not defaced the Glory of his great Actions and had drawn upon his Family the Vengeance of God which was very conspicuous in those Revolutions which after his Death happen'd in the Muscovian Empire which as they are the most surprising in the World so we intend to give a most exact account of them as well as the succeeding Reigns till the Arrival of his present Czarish Majesty in England in the Second Volum of this Treatise FINIS Books Printed for A. Roper at the Black Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street 1697. A True History of the Several Designs and Conspiracies against His Majesty's Sacred Person and Government as they were continually carried on from 1688
Expedition and the Duke Wisnowiski having also publickly declared for Demetrius a considerable Number of the Polish Nobility on the Frontiers of Muscovy being encouraged by his Example espoused this Interest Being strengthened by these and other Forces which were in several parts of the Kingdom raised for his Service he marched at the Head of them into Muscovy in the heart of the Winter where being joyned by a Body of Cosacks of 10000 Men under their General Corclos who had been engaged with great Promises into his Service Demetrius enters Muscovy by the Artifices of the old Monk it struck such a Terror into the Inhabitants of the neighbouring Provinces that as soon as his Army had passed the Boristhenes at Kiovia they advanced without any Opposition to the very Walls of Eringow which upon the first Summons surrendred to Demetrius The City of Puttiwoll one of the largest and most populous in those Parts followed the Example of Eringow the Garrison which consisted for the most part of Cosacks refused to fight against their Brethren The other Places of less Note trod the Footsteps of the others and put themselves under his Protection so that as he was advancing deeper into the Country his Army was considerably augmented by such as flock'd in to him from all the adjacent Cities of which none attempted to make the least Resistance except the City of Novogorod Sevie●●ki which he besieg'd and attack'd with all the Vigour imaginable The Czar Boris Goudenou in the mean while had not been careless of his Affairs but having ordered considerable Levies to be made before as soon as he received Advice of the most stupendious Progress of Demetrius he published his Declaration wherein he promised Indempnity to all such of his Subjects as would abandon the Party of this Impostour and return to their Duty with most severe Comminations against all such as should persist in their treasonable Designs against their Sovereign in aiding and assisting the pretended Demetrius He sent also a solemn Ambassy to Sigismund then King of Poland who having immediately demanded and obtained Audience made most heavy Complaints That the Truce which was so lately made betwixt the two Crowns for Twenty Years was violated by the Poles who without the least Reason given had invaded the Czar's Territories taken his Towns and ravaged the Country That he hoped the King would take better Measures and not pursue a War that was founded upon nothing but an unjust Pretence but recall his Troops which were at that time employed to maintain the Pretensions of a vile Impostor against one of the most potent Princes in Europe who if provoked would not want means to give himself Satisfaction for the Damages and Affronts received from the Crown of Poland Neither was he sparing in his Promises by which and the great Presents he made to most of the Chief Ministers and other great Men of the Court he hoped to obtain what all his Remonstrances had not been able to effect but in vain for whether it were that they look'd upon Demetrius as the true Heir of the Crown and upon the Affairs of Boris as in a declining Condition or that the Authority of the Pope and Jesuits who had espoused the Interest of the first had made them deaf to all these Applications the Ambassador was sent back with this general Answer That the King and Commonwealth of Poland were not concerned in what was transacted in Muscovy and that if Demetrius who was a Muscovite born had obtained the Assistance of some Polish Volunteers to maintain his Pretensions against the Czar Boris Goudenou this could not be interpreted a Violation of the Truce betwixt the two Crowns which on their side they would observe inviolably Boris having missed his Aim in Poland dispatched a Messenger to the Camp of Demetrius to try once more his Fortune and to endeavour to undeceive the Wayvode of Sendomiria and Wisnowiski concerning the Fallacy put upon them by the Counterfeit Demetrius For this End having found out one of his Uncles in Muscovy whose Name was Smyrna Otropeja and judging not without Reason that if he could be confronted with Grisko Otropeja his Nephew his Confession would be of the greatest Consequence towards the Detecting of this Imposture he sent him along with the Messenger But whether the Wayvode look'd upon that as a Contrivance of Boris Goudenou invented on purpose to blast the Reputation of Demetrius and to ward the Blow which seemed to threaten his Ruin or that he thought himself engaged past retreating the Uncle Smyrna Otropeja was forbid under pain of Death to approach the Camp and the Messenger sent back with Scorn and Indignation Boris Goudenou finding all other Means to fail had Recourse to Arms and ordered his Army which consisted of above a Hundred thousand Men most of them Vetera●e Soldiers to march to the Relief of Novogorod Sevierski which defended it self bravely against the Poles under the Conduct of their Governour Bosman Demetrius tho' much inferiour in Number being not much above Twenty thousand but all chosen Men upon the Approach of the Muscovite Army leaving the Siege of Novogorod posted himself as advantageously as he could in sight of the Muscovites to facilitate the Passage of such Officers in the Army of Boris Goudenou as being corrupted before had promised to come over with their Soldiers to his Party But these seeing the great Disproportion there was betwixt the Numbers of these two Armies either quite changed their Resolutions or at least thought it most advisable to delay the Execution of it till a more favourable Juncture Demetrius therefore finding himself in a Post from whence he could not retreat without fighting was forced to put the best Countenance he could upon the Matter and having nothing to trust to but their own Courage the Poles fought so bravely that they not only repulsed the Muscovites who being over confident in their Number attack'd them with more Fury than Skill but also charged them at several times with so much bravery that the Victory remain'd doubtful for several Hours till at last the Muscovites being continually sustained by fresh Troops and the Poles quite tired by the long Fatigues of the Day were forced to give way more to the Number than the Bravery of their Enemies Demetrius routed who at last entirely routed them though not without a great Slaughter on their side killing 9000 of them upon the Spot with the loss of all their Cannon and Baggage If the Muscovites had been as careful in the Pursuit of Demetrius as they were fortunate in obtaining the Victory and had sent their Horse of which they had a considerable number immediately after to disperse such of the Polish Troops as were retreating in several Bodies towards Ribscum they might without question have put an End to the War at this one Stroke or at least have driven him quite out of Muscovy But instead of pursuing their Advantage they besieged Krom which defending
the Prudence of his Mother who had put another in his stead The People absolutely relying upon what they had understood from a Person of so eminent a Rank and who himself in Person had been employed by Boris to take care of the Funeral of Demetrius Musco declares for 〈◊〉 and dreading besides this a potent Army so near their Gates cry'd out with one Voice Long live Demetrius Great Duke and Emperour of Russia Come let us destroy that viperous Brood of the Goudenou's Their Words were soon seconded with Blows for having soon forced some of Fedor's Guards that were come to appease the Tumult to retire they went streightways to the Castle and sacrificing all to their Fury that opposed their Passage they entred the Royal Palace where they massacred most of the Friends and Relations of Boris the rest they stript stark naked and shut them up in a Fort within the Castle Men Women and Children without distinction of Age or Sex where they perished in a most miserable manner either by Cold or Famine none of the Kindred of Boris escaping their Fury except the Great Duke Fedor the Empress Regent and her Daughter who were preserved not out of any Esteem for their Dignity or Persons but wherewith to purchase their Pardon from Demetrius The Empress Dowager was a Lady of a Masculine Spirit and undaunted Courage who when she reflected upon the Barbarities committed against the whole Family of her deceased Lord was soon convinced that she and her Children were only reserved for to adorn the Triumph of Dem●trius and to serve as a Pledge of the Fidelity of these barbarous Wretches who being void of all Humanity had made such bloody Returns to th● Family of him from whose Hands they had received so many signal Benefits She had therefore prepared a Cup filled with strong Poison and proposing no less to herself and her two dear Children than the most ignominious Death that could be invented by the enraged Conquerour with a most Heroick Constancy Come says she Come the dearest Pledges of your Father's Love Come once my greatest Joy but now my highest Gri●f let us not linger out for a few Days a miserable Life by a more miserable Delay till the Tyrant have fo●nd the Way to destroy us more ignominiously Let us by our own Choice accelerate that fatal Separation which is prepared for us by the Hands of our merciless Enemies She had no sooner spoke these last Wo●ds but she took the Cup and having taken a good draught of this poisonous Potion she forced her Children to take the rest of the fatal Liquor The Death of Fedor and the Empress and then grasping them both in her Arms they thus expired in their mutual Embraces after the young Fedor had sat scarce two Months upon the Throne There are not a few who affirm that the Princess only poisoned herself but being preserved by Demetrius's Order to satisfie his Lust was afterward by his secret Order strangled with both her Children and that it was only given out they had poisoned themselves But the first Relation seems the most probable this beforementioned Tragedy having been acted on the tenth day of June in the Year 1605 several Days before Demetrius came into the City of Musco Whilst the Populacy exercised their Barbarities upon the Remnant of the Family of the Goudenou's Demetrius having been advertised of what had passed in the City by their Deputies who told him that they were ready to receive him he ordered every thing to be prepared for his Reception against the 20th of June when he was met at two or three Miles Distance from the City not only by the Magistrates but also most of the Nobility on Horseback Demetrius pro●●●im●d Emperou● and having thus made his Solemn Entrance thro' the Crowds and Acclamations of the People and been proclaimed Emperour of all Russia he took up his Residence the same Night in the Royal Palace This solemn Entrance into the City was not long afte● followed by his Coronation which was performed with the usual Solemnities towards the la●ter end of the next following Month with the loud and joyful Acclamations of the People Long live Demetrius God save our Great Duke May all his Enemies perish But Demetrius who had now assumed the Sirname of Ivanovits from his pretended Father the Great Duke Ivan or Jo●n Basilovits judging not without Reason that scarce any thing would contribute more at this time to strengthen his Title and put his Birth beyond all question than if he were acknowledged by the Mother of the true Demetrius who had been murthered at Vgletz he sent to her a Messenger with secret Dispatches to the Monastery where she had been shut up for seven Years last past inviting her to the City of Musco and the Royal Palace She who saw her self thus at once freed from so long a Confinement and at the same time put in a Condition to revenge her self of the Barbarities committed against her Family by the Treachery of Boris Goudenou accepted these Offers without the least Reluctancy As She was approaching the City of Musco with a most magnificent Train Demetrius her pretended Son met her at five or six Miles distance from the City and as soon as he espied the Coach wherein she was dismounted and came up to salute her on foot and bare-headed At their Meeting after the most tender Expressions he shewed her all the Marks of Respect due from a Son to his Mother in a private Condition and as he reverenced her with a more than filial Duty so she received him with all possible Demonstrations of a most tender and sincere Affection their mutual Caresses and Embraces being accompanied with Tears She urg'd him several times to come into her Coach which he as often refused and would walk by on foot and bare-headed till the Empress telling him that she would do the same if he did not gratifie her in her Request with much ado perswaded him to remount his Horse Thus having conducted her to the Palace they renewed their former Tenderness by Embracing and all the most sincere Demonstrations of mutual Satisfaction in the Presence of the whole Court All these things being transacted in the Face of the World appear'd to the People the most evident Proofs that could be given of the reality of his Birth as being founded upon the publick Confession of the same Pe●son that bare him so that the Russians seem'd so generally satisfied concerning the Reality of his Extraction that by the common Consent of the whole Nation it was put beyond all question But Demetrius had not many Months enjoyed the Royal Dignity and the Affections of his Subjects before the Chief of the Nobility who had always entertained some Jealousies concerning the Legality of his Title and Extraction began to perceive his manner of Life to be far different from that of the Great Dukes his Predecessors some of the most refined among them discerning in his
them to swear true Allegiance to Dem●trius with a solemn Promise not to lay down 〈◊〉 Arms till they had been reveng'd of that bloody Usurper Basili-Zuski and restored Demetrius to the Throne of Muscovy It is easie to be imagined that the new Emperour was not a little Alarm'd at so unexpected and unwelcome a piece of News Zuski routed by the ●●●trians but believing it most for his purpose to quench the Fire in the Ashes before it should break out into a Flame he marched with what Troops he could get together in haste towards the Enemy But these being in the mean while reinforced by a considerable Body under the Command of a certain Muscovian Lord whose name was Isthoma they Charged Zuski who was at the Head of his Troops with so much Fury that they put him entirely to the rout and remaining thus Masters of the Field pursued him so closely that with much ado he escaped to the City of Musco where he was block'd up by the Enemy who fortified their Camp within a Mile of the City The Poles in the mean while had not been idle but having received Intelligence that a considerable Party in Muscovy had declared for Demetrius they were over-joy'd to have found so ●avourable an Opportunity to revenge upon the Muscovites the De●th of their Countrymen Massacred in their Quarters against the Laws of Nations for which purpose they maintain'd a Correspondency with Schacopski whom they inform'd that they had found out a certain Gentleman in Poland not unlike in his Person to Demetrius who intended to appear at the Head of a considerable Army in Muscovy In the mean while they had got together a Body of twelve thousand Cosacks under the Command of one John Polutnich who being sent by this new Demetrius to reinforce the Army that lay Encamped near the Gates of the City of Musco was by his special Commission constituted General over all his Forces This Polutnich was a Muscovite by Birth and now a Soldier of Fortune he had been bred among the Tartars and serv'd his Apprenticeship in Arms among the Cosacks where he had made himself famous for his extraordinary Atchievments till at last he was taken by the Turks and made a Gally Slave but by good Fortune rescued by the Venetians from thence he took his way through Poland where having met with this new Demetrius he obtained of him the Command over his whole Army Polutnich therefore having pursuant to his Commission join'd the Forces before Musco shew'd his Orders to Isthoma who was forced to obey but being extreamly disgusted at the Affront put upon him to see himself thus neglected and another to reap the fruits of his Victory he with ten thousand Men whom he had debauch'd before and brought over to his Party went over to Zuski who receiv'd him no less than his Tutelar Angel to whom he was indebted for his present Deliverance especially when he assured both him and the People that there was no such Man as Demetrius at Puttiwoll and that the whole was only a Contrivance of Schacopski who by these Intrigues intended to make himself the more Considerable The whole City being not a little over-joy'd at these comfortable Tydings the People as well as the Nobility sent their Deputies into the Camp to Polutnich The first desired that they might be admitted into the Presence of Demetrius their Prince and that they were ready to prostrate themselves at his Feet and to beg pardon for their past Offences Those of the Nobility represented to the General how miserably he was imposed upon by the Artifices of Schacopski that the true Demetrius whose Interest he had espoused was in the presence of a great many Thousands slain in the City of Musco and therefore whoever since had assumed his Name and counterfeited his Person must needs be an Impostor from whom he could expect neither Honour nor Profit That therefore he would be much better advised to leave his Party and to spare the Effusion of Christian Blood by acknowledging Zuski for the lawful Sovereign of Muscovy who would not fail to heap upon him such Honours and Dignities as should be suitable to his Merits Polutnich answer'd like a Man of Honour that he was sorry to understand that they took him to be like Isthoma a Traytor both to his Master and Country That they did him wrong in entertaining so mean an Opinion of him That tho' he was a Soldier of Fortune he would never give Demetrius the least Occasion of repenting himself of the Trust he had put in him That the Prince was certainly in Poland where he had seen and spoke with him and had from his own hands received this Commission of being General of this Army That if they were so nearly touch'd as they pretended in their Consciences with the Effusion of Humane Blood the best way to prevent it would be to return to their true Allegiance and pay to their lawful Prince due Obedience and as a Pledge of their future Fidelity and of their remorse for what was past to deliver up into his Hands the Usurper of his Crown That this was the only means left them to prevent these Evils which they dreaded and by which they might hope to deserve their Pardon and to secure themselves their Wives and Children and the whole City from destruction The Inhabitants of Musco being in no wise satisfied with Polutnich's Answer which served them for a Confirmation of what they had received from Isthoma before to wit That there was no such Man as Demetrius either in the Camp or any where else and encourag'd by the late Defection of Isthoma they resolved unanimously to stand by Zuski and not to hearken to any further Impositions but to treat Polutnich as an Enemy of their Country Pursuant to this Resolution most of the young Men inhabiting the City of Musco were put in Arms and being join'd with such regulated Troops as were brought over by Isthoma they made a furious sally with a hundred and twenty thousand Men and attacking the Demetrian General on all sides in his Entrenchments forced him to retreat to Catuga Zuski after a few days spent in modelling his Army march'd thither in Person and closely besieg'd Schacopski who so bravely defended himself against the Muscovites that he forced them to abandon the Enterprize and march back to Musco with the loss of some Thousands of their best Men. Some time was bestow'd in raising the necessary Recruits so that Polutnich in the mean while having recovered Breath saw himself once more in a Condition to appear with a considerable Body in the Field which having afresh Alarm'd the Great Duke he marched once more against them with a very formidable Army The Demetrians tho' much inferior in Number being as forward as they to come to Blows both Armies were drawn up in order of Battle in a great Plain not many Miles from the City of Thula and were just upon the point of Engaging
bravery had once more the Impudence to look them in the Face hurried on by their ill Destiny to receive the Reward of their Treacheries from their Hands That the rest were Poles the Hereditary Enemies of their Country and Religion unto whom must be ascribed all the Evils and Mischiefs which had befaln their Empire for these several Years last past That this insolent Nation not being contented to have once before involved their Country in Blood and Confusion by setting up an Impostor instead of the true Demetrius slain at Ugletz were now upon the point of Imposing upon them a Second in order to dispose of the Throne of Muscovy at their Pleasure to enslave their Country and to root out the true ancient Greek Religion He represented to them how inglorious nay ignominious it would be to the whole Russian Nation who had extended their Conquests over most of the neighbouring Countries to receive Laws from the Poles who had conspired their Ruin and Destruction That therefore they being to expect nothing but Misery from their mortal Enemies they must look for their Deliverance in their own Courage with a Resolution not to out-live that Day which if lost would put an End to all the Glory purchased by their Ancestors to their own Felicity and that of all their Posterity Rosinski on the other hand the Demetrian General was not wanting to enflame the Courage of his Soldiers by representing to them That the Muscovites which they saw before them were the Remnants of those whom they had so often beaten with a much less number witness their late Engagement with Misinowski whom to their eternal Glory they had droven from his advantageous Post notwithstanding the inequality of their number That therefore they should not be startled at their Enemies who tho much more numerous were for the most part an undisciplin'd Rabble terrible only in outward Appearance the rest who so lately had experience of their invincible Courage scarce daring to look their Conquerours in the face He desired them to remember the Slaughter of that Countrymen in cold Blood against all the Laws of Hospitality by that very same Rabble whom they were now going to Engage that their Blood crying for Vengeance they had now the fairest Opportunity in the World to take the most ample Satisfaction from those barbarous Wretches and to punish them for their Cruelties He concluded That they ought to consider that the Conquest of whole Muscovy depended upon the points of their Swords and that one day's labour would put them into Possession of a vast Empire and all the Riches and Treasure of their Enemies be the Reward of the Victory Rosinski finding a great eagerness in his Soldiers to Engage led them on straight to the Enemy whom they attack'd with an unparallell'd Bravery and forced them several times to shrink before the daring Poles but being continually re●●forced with fresh Supplies they maintain'd the● Ground in spite of the Bravery of the Demetrians so that the Success of the Battle remain'd doubtful for a great part of the Day But it is to be observed that the Cosacks in the same manner as Zaporius did some years before when he fought Hodwen the Borisian General had placed all their Boys and other Attendants belonging to the Baggage with some Soldiers enough to make up a Front at some distance behind the Line of Battle these upon a Signal agreed betwixt them advanc'd during the heat of the Battle with their Colours flying Drums beating and Trumpets sounding which the Muscovites who were already scarce able to sustain the Fury of the Poles having perceived and believing it to be a Body of Reserve coming to attack them afresh they began to give Ground which the Polish Horse being sensible of they renew'd the Charge with so much Bravery that in less than an Hours time they forced the Muscovian Cavalry to quit the Field in great disorder● Zuski's Army entirely routed The Infantry being thus exposed both in Front and Flank were soon put to an entire Rout with a great Slaughter being bereav'd of their Horse to cover their Retreat so that out of this vast Army there were not five hundred left that quitted the Field in a Body except five thousand who saved themselves in the City of Belchow but were in a few days after forced to surrender at discretion to Demetrius who falling into the same Error as Zuski did before with the Cosacks took them into Pay and received the same Reward from their hands as we shall see anon Demetrius being by so signal a Victory become Master of the Field and the whole Camp Cannon and Baggage of the Enemy what wonder if all the adjacent Places followed the Fortune of the Conquerour unto whom they opened their Gates without the least Opposition unless it were Mo●●●sko and two or three more who had Courage enough to make some shew of Resistance but at the approach of the Victorious Army surrendred also at Discretion Having thus opened his way to the Capital City of Musco he directed his March thither not questioning but that the Terror of his last Victory would have so strong an influence over the disheartned Citizens as to make them open their Gates at his first arrival before the City It is n● difficult thing to imagine that the Loss of so vast an Army on which seem'd to depend the Fate of the whole Empire must needs put that City upon the approach of the Conquerour into such a Consternation as is not easie to be express'd But besides the presence of their Great Duke Basili Zuski who in this extremity of his Affairs was not wanting by all means possible to inspire Courage into his dejected Subjects there were two thing● which contributed not a little to the Resolution of● the Citizens to adhere to Zuski to the last Extremity The first was That Demetrius in lieu of Marching directly to the City of Musco trifled a● way his Time in the more Northern Province● where the Poles rambling up and down the Country were often intercepted by the Muscovites who in the mean while had leisure given them to recover themselves out of their first Fright and to take such measures as were most suitable to the present Condition of their Affairs The second was the Perfidiousness of these five thousand Mus●●vites who after their Surrender at Bolchow had● taken Service under Demetrius and now having watch'd their Opportunity left him again and went over to Zuski unto whom they gave an Account of the whole Condition of the Army assuring him that the Poles were not near so formidable nor numerous as represented to them by Fame and that it would be no difficult matter fo● the City to defend it self against them till be●●● reinforced with fresh Supplies out of the more 〈◊〉 mote Provinces of the Kingdom they might meet with a more favourable Opportunity to remove them from their Walls This relation and the delays of Demetrius haveing put new Courage
Part of the day for tho' the Poles soon routed the Left Wing commanded by the Brother of Zuski yet the Swedes and the Tartars in the Right fought it out very gallantly and the Germans in the main Body being plac'd upon a Ground full of Shrubs and other Rubbage where the Polish Horse could not advance without great Difficulty repulsed them several times with great Slaughter till at last the Right Wing of the Muscovite Army being brought first into Confusion and afterwards totally routed the German Foot seeing themselves deprived of the Assistance of their Horse Zuski routed and on all sides surrounded by the Poles gave the Signal for Parley which being readily granted by King Sigismund and the Hostages interchanged it was agreed that such as should be willing to enter into Pay in the Polish Army should be entertained by the King according to their respective Stations the rest to remain Prisoners of War Scarce had the Treaty been signed and was just upon the Point of being executed when De la Garde who commanded the Swedish Auxiliaries in Hopes that the German Foot had maintained their Ground having rallied the Wings that were broken before returned to the place of Battle but being informed of what had pass'd he intreated the Germans to return in Conjunction with the Horse to the Charge But these were deaf to all his Admonitions and Perswasions declaring that they would not be guilty of the Breach of the Treaty so lately made with the Poles who thereupon afresh attack'd the Muscovite Horse entirely routed them a second time and after a Pursuit of some Hours made themselves Masters of their Camp Artillery and Baggage Most of the German Foot having taken Service under King Sigismund The Zuskians routed a second time he to terrifie the Garrison of Smolensko ordered a most solemn Triumph to be made in the Camp where a great Number of Captives Colours and other Warlike Ensigns of his late obtained Victory were exposed to the View of the Muscovites within the City unto whom having at the same time caused to represent the irrecoverable Loss of Zuski and his Party after so signal an overthrow he assured them that if they did not make use of this last Offer the King intended to make them of deserving his Mercy they must infallibly expect to be involved in his Ruin Most of the Inhabitants shewed a great Inclination to a surrender upon such honourable terms as were offered by King Sigismund But Sehin their Weywode being a Man of an undaunted Courage would not hearken to any Propositions tho' never so advantageous and having represented to them that their Condition was such as to be able to stop the Carreer of the Victorious Poles and to their eternal Glory to deserve the Honour of having upheld the declining Fate of their Country against its mortal Enemies they unanimously resolved to defend themselves to the last Extremity In the mean time the Muscovites began to feel the direful Effects of the loss of this Battle For Sapiha now the Demetrian General had routed the Muscovian Tartars near Twitza and cut to pieces another considerable Body of their Troops at Borowsko King Sigismund having got notice that Volviowitz the Zuskian General was after the last Defeat retir'd with a Body of ten thousand Men under Czarow sent thither part of his Army the very sight of which so terrified the Muscovites that without striking one Blow they surrendred to the Conquerour's discretion the Demetrian Army began to approach a second time their Capital City and the Poles had detatch'd a considerable Body from the Siege of Smolensko whom they expected to see every day at their Gates The worst of all was that in the last Battle they had lost the Flower of their Army and most of their Foreign Auxiliaries in whom they most confided the Germans having taken Service among the Poles so that having not the least prospect of repairing their ruined Troops nor any other Means left to defend themselves against the Power of two Armies that were on their march to besiege them more closly than ever they were at the greatest Plunge how to extricate themselves out of these impending Miseries After various Debates among the Nobles who most took to Heart the present miserable State of their Country they had recourse to the same States Policy which had prov'd successful to their Affairs before to wit to try whether by raising new Divisions among the Poles and Demetrians they might not find once more an Opportunity to save themselves from this imminent Danger which if not soon prevented threatned their infallible Destruction To encompass this Design it was proposed to seize upon the Great Duke Basili Zuski and to give it out that they were resolved to put Vladislaus the Son of Sigismund King of Poland upon the Throne of Muscovy that thereby they should infallibly ruin the Interest of Demetrius and consequently rid themselves of a vile Impostor whose very Name was become odious to them and at the same time restore immediately Peace to their harrassed Country It was represented that tho' they ought to look upon the Poles as their most dreadful and mortal Enemies that nevertheless their only Business being now to get time and to breath a little the Poles inveigled by their fair Promises would soon become secure and furnish them with an opportunity either quite to elude the Election of Vladislaus or if that was not thought advisable they might find sufficient Means at one time or other to rid their hands of him under pretence of his Childhood which if well tim'd they might make use of so favourable a Juncture to endeavour to return their Government into its antient Channel from whence it had been diverted by the Artifices of their Enemies and had been the occasion of all the Miseries they had endured of late This Design laid upon deep Reasons of State succeeded at last according to their Expectation by the mismanagement of the Poles who were by the good Conduct of the Muscovites not long after obliged to leave that Empire and restore to it that Repose which with vast Expences and the effusion of a great deal of Blood they had robb'd it of for near twenty years before The Muscovian Boyars and Nobles having thus concerted measures among themselves according to which the Ruin of Zuski was resolved on as the only means to encompass the intended Deliverance of their native Country it was by their Instigation whisper'd about among the Populace how that Basili Zuski the present Great Duke ought to be considered as the Chief Author of all their Misfortunes who by his Sorceries and Tyranny had drawn down upon the People of Muscovy the vengeance of God Almighty and that by his Miscarriages they were again plung'd into these Miseries wherewith they saw themselves environed past all Redemption unless they took new measures for their common Safety Zuski had since his accession to the Crown rendered his Government
the same Novodorski whom we mentioned before to have so bravely attacked the Gate of S. Michael had not come to their Assistance For he having whilst they were engaged upon the Walls found means to apply a Petard at a certain small Gate on the side of the Boristhenes he open'd a sufficient Passage for him and the King's Guards which were under his Command In the Head of whom he being seconded by the Marshal of Lithuania Dorostanski with some Volunteers assaulted and entred the Place and having slain a few who opposed their Entrance they marched without any further Opposition directly to the Market-place where having fix'd their Banners they soon made themselves Masters of the whole City For the Garrison who were engaged with those upon the Walls seeing the Enemy in the Heart of their City and inf●tuated with Fear occasioned by the Suddenness of the Adventure threw down their Arms quitted their Stations and left a free Passage for the Besiegers to enter in on all sides upon them Smolensko ●aken by Storm In a Moment there was nothing but Horrour and Confusion to be seen throughout the City For the Poles enraged at the long Resistance of the Besieged put all they met to the Sword Men Women and Children without distinction of Age or Sex so that the Streets were every where fill'd with Blood and Slaughter A great Number of the Citizens run with their Wives and Children who made most horrible outcries to the great Church where being assaulted by the Poles they defended themselves valiantly for some time but being at last overcome they set fire to some Barrels of Powder that had been laid up there and thus blew themselves with such of the Poles as were entred into the Air chusing rather to perish by this furious Element than the Hands of their bloody and merciless Enemies Sehin the Weywode or Governour was retired with about twenty of the principal Officers into a little Tower upon the Wall where being surrounded and attacked on all sides by the Poles they defended themselves like Lyons declaring that they would not surrender unless to one of the General Officers of the Army The Governour had used some of the Polish Prisoners very cruelly so that dreading the Vengeance of the Poles if he should fall into their Hands he was resolved rather to die than surrender to their Mercy It happned very luckily that Potocki a General Officer among the Poles advanced near that Way who having enquired into the Cause of this Resistance made by a few Men Word was brought him that it was the Governo●● of the Place who refused to surrender 〈◊〉 to one of the principal Officers upon which he came to the Place where Sehin with his Comrades yielded themselves immediately Prisoners of War Thus was this great City after having endured a Siege of near two Years taken in a few Hours in June in the Year 1611. The Honour of which ought chiefly to be ascribed to the Bravery and Conduct of Bartholomew Novodorski Knight of Maltha and Captain of the King's Guards who by his timely opening a Passage with his Petard was the main Instrument of the Gaining of the Place without which that Attempt of Sealing the Walls would in all likelihood have prov'd unsuccessful or at least would not have been effected without the Slaughter of a great many of the Besiegers whereas it was now purchased with the Loss of a few among the Poles The Place being thus secured strict Orders were sent throughout all the Quarters of the City to give Quarter and that the King had given the Pillage of the City to the Soldiers as the Reward of their past Fatigues and Dangers But the Soldiers especially the Germans and Poles not agreeing about the distribution of it were upon the point of coming to Blows when the King ordered all the Booty to be brought into one place in order to make an equal Dividend among them But whilst they were busie in executing the King's Command a Fire hapning by what Accident is unknown consuming in a little time all the vast Wealth of that rich City and burnt a great part of it Notwithstanding a Siege sustained of near two Years there was found in the Magazines Provisions and Ammunition for three Years longer so that if they could have had fresh Supplies of Men the Place might have been defended much longer the Garrison and Inhabitants which at the beginning of the Siege consisted of near fourscore thousand Men able to bear Arms being reduced to eight or nine thousand who nevertheless might probably have made good the Place against the assailants upon the Wall if they had not been more conquered by their own Fears occasioned by the sudden Entrance of Novodorski than by the Power of their Enemies The Muscovites being under a great Consternation after the taking of Smolensko who expecting no less than to see the whole Polish Army in a little time at the Gates of the City of Musco redoubled their Fury attacking the Polish Garrison in the Castle with their utmost Vigour but these being encouraged by the Success of their King disputed every Inch of Ground with the Enemy who notwithstanding their vast Number were not able to drive them from that Post by which they kept a Communication with the Country Sigismund on the other Hand was advised by his most able Counsellours not to lose the Fruits of his Victory but to improve it to the utmost by carrying the Terrour of his victorious Arms to the Gates of the Capital City where having a considerable Party even among the Russians themselves the Reputation of his late Success could not fail to produce strange Effects among the Muscovites to his Advantage That if he would but march to the Relief of his Subjects who there disputed his Interest with all the Bravery imaginable it was very p●obable he might keep in Possession of that great City which if once in his Power the rest of the P●ovinces of that Empire would be soon compelled to receive his Dictates especially if they saw Vladislaus their Great Duke appear in Muscovy But King Sigismund as if overswayed by some secret Fatality was so far from hearkning to their Counsels founded upon most solid Reasons of State that he took quite contrary Measures and in lieu of p●osecuting his Victory resolved to turn his Back to his new Acquisitions and to exchange the fair Hopes of Gaining a vast Empi●e with the vain Acclamations of his People in Poland and the empty Noise of Triumph which ●●st him no less than the Loss of the M●sc●●i●n C●●●n as ●is ill Conduct had lost him some Years before his Hereditary Kingdom of Sweden Having therefore feasted the whole Army for three days to make in some measure an At●onement for the Loss of their Booty and left a Body of T●oops under the Command of Charles Chodkievitski for the Guard of Smolensko he himself returned into Poland to receive the Flatteries of his Subjects At the
who was design'd for the Relief of the Castle of Musco he was afraid that if he should prosecute the Victory to the utmost he should rob his Friend to whom he was obliged for his Advancement of the Honour of having delivered the City of Musco into the Hands of King Sigismund so that being contented with having enlarged the Polish Quarters and chased the Muscovites out of their Posts he returned without pursui●● the Enemy having let slip a fair Opportunity of securing this Imperial City and consequently the whole Empire for King Sigismund both which were not long af●er lost by the King 's ill Conduct and the Jealousies which reigned among his Generals as we shall have Occasion to relate anon For tho' the Poles flush'd with this Success reassumed new Courage for a little time yet finding the Enemy after his first Consternation was over to attack them afresh with more Vigour than ever and by degrees to drive them out of their most advanced Posts and that they had but little Hopes of any solid Supply out of Poland which might be sufficient to divert the whole Force of Muscovy they in a mutinous Manner demanded their Pay declaring that they would no longer expose themselves to such Hazards without the least ●opes of Relief or Reward Gaziowski endeavouring by all means possible to appease the Tumult which was fomented by the Divisions among the Chief Officers it was agreed that Letters should be once more dispatched into Poland by a trusty Messenger after whose Return they should be at Liberty ●o dispose of themselves as they found it most convenient to the present Circumstances of their Affairs Accordingly a Letter was sent to King Sigismund written in the Name of the Polish Garrison of the Castle of Musco wherein having represented to the King how faithfully they had served him in their Station how they had held out for a considerable time against the whole Force of Muscovy struggled with Famine and all other Inconveniencies which must be the necessary Consequences of so long a Siege they found themselves and their Services neglected by not receiving any Supplies of Men or Money that their Condition was such as not to be able to defend themselves much longer against so numerous an Army if not powerfully assisted by the King That therefore they were obliged to consult their own Safety and to declare that if by the sixth of January next ensuing their Prince Vladislaus were not sent to their Assistance with a considerable Body of Troops and all other things requisite to enable him to maintain his just Claim by Virtue of the last Election to the Muscovian Crown they were unanimously resolv'd to quit the Castle to march back into Poland and to require their Arrears King Sigismund being not a little startled at the peremptory Demands of the Soldiery in Musco was uncertain what Measures to take to maintain his Interest in the Russian Empire but remaining stedfast in his Resolution not to send his Son Vladislaus he order'd Charles Chodkievitski Lieutenant-General of the Lithuanian Army to march with some Thousands of his best Troops towards the City of Musco and to maintain the Castle against the Muscovites till he having settled his Aff●●●s at Home should be at leisure to march the next Spring to their Assistance with a Royal Army Potocki Palatine of Braclovia was at that time Commander in Chief over those Forces that were left for the Guard of ●he Province and City of Smolensko who had signaliz'd himself upon several Occasions at the Siege of that Place and being an intimate Friend of Gaziowski the Polish General within the Castle of Musco look'd with a very ill Eye upon this Advancement of Chodkievitski which he thought to have been due to himself or at least to his Friend Gaziowski and therefore resolved to thwart all his Designs For which purpose it was insinuated into the Chief Officers That Chodkievitski was sent with an Army out of Poland to prosecute the Muscovian War and to take Possession of the Imperial City to the gaining of which he had contributed little or nothing to defraud them of the Honour and Rewards of their past Labours The common Souldiers being also terrified with his Severity in Martial Discipline by the Artifices of Potocki's Emissaries were prepossess'd with such an Aversion against his Person that at his Arrival they refused to obey his Commands neither ●ould they be prevailed upon to make any more Sallies which the Muscovites improving to their Advantage straightned them more and more without any considerable Opposition The time was thus trifled away in Contests within the Castle till the sixth of January the Day prefix'd for the Departure of the Garrison in their Letter to King Sigismund if Prince Vladislaus did not come to their Relief when they unanimously declar'd That they would march directly into Poland to get Satisfaction for their Arrears Chodkievitski with all the Head Officers of his Party did omit nothing which they believ'd might keep them in Obedience they endeav●ured by Entreaties Promises and Threats to induce them to alter or at least to deferr their Resolution but in vain For having chosen one Joseph Cieclinski their General they march'd to the Number of betwixt seven and eight thousand Men most Horse out of the Castle and having opened their Passage with their Swords thorow their Enemies directed their March to the Lesser Poland where having distributed their Troops into several Palatinates they made Leopolis their Head Quarters and seiz'd not only upon the King 's Domains but also upon the Ecclesiastical Revenues for the Satisfaction of their Arrears There was however a Body of four thousand Men to wit that commanded by Sapiha left for the Guard of the Castle of Musco who were at last prevail'd upon to stay for some time longer by the p●ospect of great Advantages having all the Crown-Jewels of Muscovy consisting of two Crowns of Gold beset with Gems two Sceptres with Diamonds two Ducal Bonnets the Golden Apple and other precious Stones of great Value put into their Hands as a Pledge for their Pay Potocki having thus far succeeded in his Design and finding things reduc'd to Extremity by his Contrivances he thought it now fit time to step in for the Prese●vation of the Place for which purpose he sent a considerable Force from Smolensko under the Command of Konickpotski a Creature of his own and not long after his near Kinsman Nicholas Strusius with part of the Garrison of Smolensko to the Assistance of those within the Castle of Musco They entred without the least Opposition thro' that Pass which the Poles had as yet maintain'd on the other side of the River Mosca and those within being reinforc'd and encourag'd by so considerable a Number of f●esh T●oops might without all 〈◊〉 not only have maintain'd but also have enlarg'd their Quarters if the Jealousie and Envy that reign'd among the Officers had not rendred all the Designs of Chodkicvitski fruitless
so that notwithstanding the considerable Accession of these Troops the Muscovites found Means ●o pen them up closer every day and at last to cut of their Communication with the Country by perfecting their Lines on the other side of the River M●sca The Sapihan Horse consisting of four thousand Men seeing themselves in danger of being enclosed without any Hopes of Relief and unwilling to lose the Treasure they had got so lately in their possession declared unanimously that they were resolved not to endure any longer the Dangers and Fatigues of a close Siege without the least Prospect of Success on their side and that they would follow the Example of ●he rest who were some months before marched into Poland Accordingly having chosen one John Zalinski their Commander in Chief they march'd out with all the Crown-Jewels in their Possession and having with great Bravery fo●ced the Enemy's Lines march'd directly into Lithuania setting up their Head Quarters at Bresla and treading the Footsteps of their Brethren in the Lesser Poland took up their Quarters in the neighbouring Palatinates where they liv'd at discretion upon the King 's Domains and the Ecclesiastical Revenues till their Arrears were paid King Sigismund was by this time become sensible of his fatal Error in not sending his Son Vladislaus into Muscovy especially when the Polish Nobility exasperated by the Insolencies of the confederate Forces in the Lesser Poland and Lithuania began to break out into open Complaints charging the King with the Causes of all these Disorde●s which might have been prevented if he had not preferr'd the Insinuations of his flattering Courtiers before the wholesom Advice of his Senate and his most experienced Officers To repa●r therefore if possible his former Mi●●ake he resolved to bring Vladislaus thither in Person at the ●●ad of a good Army and having assembled what Forces he had in Readiness march'd directly to Vilna the Capital City of Lithuania Si●●●mund m●rches to the Relief of Musco expecting to be join'd there by the Confederate Forces by reason of their great Zeal for the Interest of their Prince Vladislaus But these having once tasted the Sweets of their p●entiful Quarters and having yet in fresh Remembrance their late Fatigues sustain'd in the Castle of Musco were not for changing their present plentiful Condition for the To●● and Chances of War so that when the King o●der'd them to prepare for the March they unanimously declar'd that they would not stir unless they receiv'd full Satisfaction for their Arrears The King tho' disappointed in the Assistance of those Troops in which he confided most having receiv'd a Reinforcement of two thousand German Foot directed his March towards Smolensko where by the Accession of those Forces that Quarter'd thereabouts he hop'd to be in a Condition to attempt the Relief of his Subjects within the Castle of the City of Musco But the same Evil Genius which had alienated the Confederate Forces from his Service did follow him to Smolensko For the Horse in those Parts after the Example of their Brethren in Lithuania and Poland declar'd that they would not stir out of their Quarters till their Arrears were paid them King Sigismund wanting Money to satisfie their Demands and Strength to reduce them to Obedience was fain to have Recourse to Entreaties and Promises not only of their Arrears but also of vast Rewards but these verbal Temptations not making the least Impression upon the Souldiers the King declar'd that if they all refus'd to follow him he would in Person at the Head of his Guards only march to the Relief of his Subjects in Muscovy Some of the Horse overcome with Shame and the Perswasions of their Officers who upbraided them with Cowardice and want of Loyalty being at last prevail'd upon not to leave the King at this critical Juncture Sigismund resolv'd to prosecute his March to Viasna mid-way betwixt Smolensko and the City of Musco I had almost forgot to have mention'd here an Accident that hapned to the King at the time of his marching out of one of the Gates of Smolensko which is call'd the Kings Gate the same was interpreted as an inauspicious Omen to Sigismund For it hapned that just at the same Instant as he was to go thro' the abovemention'd Gate the Portcullice fell down and stopp'd his Passage so that he was forced to ●urn back and take another Way to Viasna where he halted expecting to be join'd by some other Forces that were quarter'd in the neighbouring Provinces Whilst the King who was always dilatory in his Affairs was advancing with slow Marches towards the City of Musco the Russians had pressed on the Siege of the Castle with more Vigour than before and having perfected their Lines on all sides and fortified them with Redoubts at convenient distances and reduc'd the Poles within to great Straights who for want of a sufficient Number of Foot were no longer able to maintain their Works much lest to hinder the App●oaches of the Enemy However they supplied the Defect of their Foot by the Service of their Horse who during the whole Summer notwithstanding all the Passages were fortified and guarded by the Muscovites at several times broke thro' their Lines and brought in Provisions for the Garrison But these Supplies being brought in so small Quantities as not to bear any proportion with the Necessities of the Soldiers who were at last reduced to extream Want Chodkievitski resolv'd to make his last Effort and to try whether he could not by the same Way of the River which he had made use of before bring in a Supply of five hundred Waggons laden with all manner of Provisions into the Castle For which purpose having order'd a Sally to be made with the greatest part of the Horse and all the Foot within the Castle they by break of day forced the Guards of the Muscovites on the other side of the River Mosca to facilitate the Passage of their Convoy which they met at some di●tance from the Town But they advancing very ●lowly by reason of the great Number of Waggons the Muscovite● had sufficient Leisure given them to draw the greatest part of their Forces out on that side so that at their Return they were warmly received by the whole Power of the Muscovites who knowing the Fate of the Siege to depend from the Success of this days Action fought with great Obstinancy The Polish Horse induced by the same Motives fought like Men resolved to conquer or to dy and notwithstanding the great Inequality of their Number had brought the Muscovian Horse into Confusion and would in all likelihood have carried the Day if they had been duly seconded by their Foot commanded by Strusius But he being a near Kinsman and Creature of Potocki Poles beaten by the Muscovites who as we mentioned before look'd with an ill Eye upon the Advancement of Chodkievitski under pretence of guarding the Convoy of Provisions advanced so slowly to the Rescue of the Horse
a Present the sooner make their own Peace and obtain Pardon for their Rebellion resolved to seize him and to deliver him up to the Muscovites They were just upon the point of putting their Design in Execution when he mistrusting the Matter clapp'd Spurs to his Horse and would without Question have saved himself by the Swiftness of his Horse if he had not been overtaken by an Arrow out of a Cosacks Bow Is taken and executed which having wounded him in the Shoulder he was taken and being bound Hand and Foot sent to the City of Musco where he was hang'd in a Chain before one of the Gates of that City The Muscovites in the mean while having consulted their own Safety after some Contests among the Nobles at last by the universal Suffrage of the People chose Michael Federovits the fatal Youth so much feared by Zuski their Great Duke who happily maintained himself in the Throne and restored Tranquility to the shatter'd Empire of Muscovy as will appear out of the following Chapter CHAP. IV. Containing the History of the Reigns of Michael Federovits of Alexi Michaelovits his Son and Fedor Alexiovits the Eldest Brother of the present Grand Czar of Muscovy MIchael Federovite was the Son of Fedor Nikitis who being descended from the Race of the Great Duke John Basilovits by one of his Daughtters had during the last Troubles in Muscovy lived a very retired life And at last having forsaken his Wife for God's sak● as they call it in Muscovy embraced a Religious Life and soon after was made Patriarch when he changed the Name of Fedor into Philaretes His Son was scarce seventeen years of Age when he was crown'd Great Duke of Russia in the Year 1613 with one of the Diadems which they found among the Rapines of the Poles notwithstanding which he governed the Russian Empire with a great deal of Prudence taking the Advice of his ablest Counsellors but especially of his Father in all Matters of any Moment The first thing he did after his Coronation was to recompence the Services of Prosowecki Boris Sicin and the General of the Dunensian Cosacks who had not only signaliz'd themselves by their Zeal in driving the Poles out of Muscovy Truce begun be●wixt the new Great Duke and the Poles but also had been very instrumental in his Election Those he constituted Generals of his Armies and by their Valour obliged the Poles to emancipate them from the Oath which the Muscovites had sworn to Vladislaus their Prince who was forced to make a Truce with this new Great Duke for fourteen Years yet under these Conditions That the Poles should keep in the mean time in their Possession the Dukedoms of Severia Ze●ikow and Smolensko which they had taken during the late Troubles in Muscovy He also renewed the Antient Alliances with the other neighbouring Princes and as he was of a very good Nature so by the Mildness of his Government he abolished the Memory of his Predecessors Cruelties that it is granted the Muscovites never enjoyed a more peaceable and happy Government for many Ages before His Father for whom he had always expressed so much Respect as not only to admit him to all Publick Audiences and Ceremonies where he gave him Precedence died in the Year 1633. Which had almost proved fatal to his Affairs by the unfortunate Siege of Smolensko if by a seasonable Peace he had not prevented the ill Consequences of so signal a Disgrace For the Truce with the Poles being expired some Years before and Michael Eederovits being resolved to remove these troublesome Neighbours at some further Distance from his Frontiers and to draw out the Thorn which stuck so close in his Flesh meditated the Siege of Smolensko For which purpose he had brought together an Army of above an● Hundred thousand Men among whom were several Thousand Germans and several Muscovian Regiments exercised according to the German Discipline and commanded by foreign Officers 〈…〉 and a great Train of Artillery consisting of three hundred Pieces of Cannon and all other things requisite to carry on the Siege with the utmost Vigour under the Command of one Herman Shein a Polander who by his changing Religion had gained him the Affection and Favour of the New Patriarch The Reduction of the Place seemed to be so much the easier in that the City is encompassed with Hills and only one single Wall built after the old Fashion without any Out-works or Ditch and that the Polish Garrison was not very numerous The new Great Duke besieges Smo●ensko For which Reason the Great Duke having ordered to attack it with all imaginable Vigour the Place was closely besieged in the Year 1633. The Germans soon made a large Breach in the Wall on their side and were resolved to give the Assault which was opposed by the General saying That it would be a Reproach to the whole Muscovite Army that a Handful of Germans should carry away the Honour of the Siege but these being encouraged by the rest of the Foreign Officers of several Nations mounted the Breach and were in a manner Masters of it when they received positive Orders from the General to retreat and that in case of Refusal he would turn his Cannon upon them So that not daring to make any further Attempt the whole Army continued the Siege without doing any thing worth taking Notice of Vladistaus the New King of Poland had in the mean while Leisure given him to get together a Body of Troops and being encouraged by the Divisions among the Officers in the Muscovite Camp or invited on purpose as some will have it by the Muscovian General Herman Shein marched to the Relief of the Place The City of Smolensko is surrounded with Hills and vast Woods which gave sufficient Opportunity to the Poles to possess themselves of those few Avenues that led to the Muscovian Camp Disgrace received before Smolensko and by which they received their Provisions so as that in a little time the Muscovites were reduced to such Straights for want of all manner of Necessaries that the General to prevent their being starved was forced to capitulate with the Poles to surrender the whole Army and Artillery at Discretion which was to be ransomed by the Great Duke The Loss of so great an Army put the whole Empire under a great Consternation and things began to look with a very ill Face especially when the People began to murmur openly and some of the great ones were suspected to have a Finger in the Treason King Vladislaus sent an Ambassador to the Great Duke immediately after this Defeat of the Muscovites who by his Insolent Behaviour sufficiently exprest the Sense the Poles had of the present turbulent State of the Russian Empire He caused the Muscovite Pristafs to alight and to uncover themselves first which they refuse to all other Nations declaring publickly that he was not come there to do the Muscovites any Honour but to receive
to dispatch her with the first Opportunity For which purpose having sent his Son Tereska to a Friend of his in the Country he shut his Wife up in a Stove Burnt his Wife and set the House on fire which consumed her and some of the neighbouring Houses Having done this he went into Poland Re●ires into Poland but so secretly that it was the general Opinion in the City of Musco that he had been consumed with his Family He continued two Years under a borrow'd Name in the City of Warsaw at the Court of Vladislaus King of Poland when hearing that a Muscovite Ambassador was on his Way to that Court and not thinking himself secure he retired to Chmielniski the General of the Cosacks unto whom having represented that he was a near Kinsman of the Great Duke Basili Zuski and was prosecuted upon that Score by the present Czar Michael Federovits he begg'd his Protection and was received with all the Respect due to his pretended Quality As he had a ready Wit so he carried on the Imposture under such specious Pretences that he began to be very considerable among the Cosacks who flattered themselves with his future Protection at a time when they were very uneasie under the Polish Government The Muscovites had by this time got some Scent of the Matter wherefore the Great Duke sent one of his Gentlemen Ushers named Jacob Koston to the Cosack General with an offer of his Protection against the Poles and to demand the Impostor Timoska having got Notice of the Arrival of the Muscovian Poslanick and guessing at his Errand thought himself no longer safe among the Cosacks who he feared would secure him for their own Advantage and so went to Constantinople Goes to Turky and tur●s Mahometan where having abjur'd the Christian Religion he embraced Mahometanism and was circumcised He proposed to the Turks the Introducing of Mahometanism in Russia if by their Assistance he might be placed in the Throne of his Father the Great Duke Basili Zuski but these giving no great heed to his Propositions he did not stay long there but took the first Opportunity to be transported by a Venetian Vessel into Italy Comes to Rome and turns Roman Catholick From Venice he went to Rome where he professed the Roman Catholick Religion and by the same Artifices that he had made use of at Constantinople to wit by promising to establish that Re●gion in Muscovy endeavoured to bring over the Holy Father into his Interest The Court of Rome being by this time better acquainted with the State of Muscovy than they were some Years before when they were so miserably imposed upon by Demetrius and knowing that Empire so sett●le of Impostors would not act with so much precipitation in an Affair of such Moment but resolved to amuse him with fair Promises till they might be fully satisfied as to the Legality of his Pretensions But Timoska either judging these Resolutions too slow Goes to Vienna and from thenc ' into Transylvania or at least not suitable to his Purpose went thence to Vienna and from thence to Prince Ragotzi in Transilvania This Prince furnished him with Letters of Recommendation to Christina Que●n of Sweden This Princess finding him a Person of great Dexterity and a considerable Share of Knowledge for he had in his Travels attained the Latin German Italian and Turkish Languages and giving credit to what he had related concerning his Quality Is well received by Christian Queen of Sweden refused to appear in Arms for his Interest but allow'd him a very honourable Subsistance so that he was look'd upon by every Body and treated as the true Son of Basili Zuski Great Duke of Muscovy But the Czar Regent having soon been acquainted by the Muscovian Merchants residing at Stockholm how this Impostor was received by the Queen sent the same Poslanick who had seen him before with Chmielniski the General of the Cosacks to detect the Fraud and at the same time to desire her to deliver this Villain into his Hands But Timoska had no sooner got Notice of the Arrival of this Gentleman but knowing his coming to presage no good to his Affairs got away without taking his Leave from his Man Kostka Constantine the constant Companion of his Adventures who was carried in Chains into Muscovy Timoska was by Order from the Queen of Sweden secured at Reval in Livonia who intended to have also sent him to the great Duke but having found Means to get out of the Prison by the Connivance of the Governour of the Place as it was believ'd he made his Escape into Holland from whence he went to Brussels where he tarried for some time in that Court From thence he went to the University of Wittenberg Turns Lutheran and soon after to Leipzick where he made Profession of the Lutheran Religion and writ himself his Confession of Faith in the Latin Tongue After some Stay there he went to Newstadt in the Country of Holstein where having been discovered by a Messenger of the Great Duke's called Peter Micklaf Seized in Holstein he was taken by Order from the Duke of Holstein who caused him to be conveyed from thence to Gottorp his usual place of Residence and to be secured under a strong Guard till the Great Duke should send express Orders for the bringing his Person into Muscovy Czar Alexis Michaelovits Son and Successor to Michael Federovits having received Notice of the Seisure of this Impostor not only sent his Letters to the Duke of Holstein Gottorp where he desired to have him delivered into the Hands of such as he had appointed for that purpose but also to bring to light the Villanies of Timoska beyond all Contradiction sent among his Deputies the same Spilki whom formerly he had cheated of his Wife's Jewels and who had been his Fellow-Officer in the same Employment Spilki was no sooner arrived at the Court of the Duke of Holstein but he desired to be confronted with him in the Presence of some Officers of the Court not questioning but that his Presence would soon bring him to an ingenuous Confession of the whole Truth But they were not a little surprised when they saw Timoska without the least Alteration in his Countenance or Behaviour treat Spilki as if he had never known him before and speak to him in the Polish Language which Spilki did not very well understand and being asked several Questions by him in relation to his past Life especially as to his Name whether it were not Timoska Ankudina whether he had not defrauded the Great Duke's Treasury whether he had not cheated him of his Wife's Jewels burnt his House and committed other enormous Crimes Timoska answered carelesly That it was possible that one Timoska Ankudina might have converted the Great Duke's Money to his own use and committed many other Villanies but that this was no Concern of his That his Name was Johannes Sinensis which in the Polish Language
the Chief whereof was a certain Ocolnitza called Bonis Ivanovits Puskia And in regard that it was 32 Years since the Accounts had been cleared betwixt the two Nations it was Agreed by certain Articles made at that time That for the first Thirty Years there should be a Liquidation of all Accounts but that in regard there were more Swedes now in Muscovy than there were Muscovites in Sweden by which the first remain'd considerably Indebted to the last the Great Duke should pay to the Crown of Sweden 190000 Rubles which amounts to Ninety odd Thousand Pounds Sterling of English Money whereof 300000 Crowns were to be paid in ready Cash and the rest in Rye and the whole Payment to be at the beginning of the next following Year which was but a few Months after the Conclusion of the Treatise Pursuant to this Agreement the Queen of Sweden had sent one John Rhodes in Quality of her Commissioner into Muscovy who received the above-named 300000 Crowns in Ducats and as to what related to the Rye he was ordered to receive it from one Fedor Amilianou a Muscovian Merchant in the City of Pleskou This Merchant having been Impowered by the Great Duke to buy up thereabouts so much Rye for his Use as would answer the remaining part of the Debt which amounted to 90000 Crowns made use of this opportunity to enrich himself at the cost of his poor fellow Subjects For having under the Cover of the Great Duke's Authority caus'd all the Rye thereabouts to be seis'd and not permitting any body either to buy or to sell any without his leave he Engrossed the whole Commodity for his own use selling it at his own Rate which was so excessive that a great many poor people were droven to the greatest extremity for want of it The Inhabitants of Pleskoa as they w●●e most ●ea●●y concerned in this Abuse so they were the first that openly murmured against this Oppression cha●ging not ●●●y the S●edes with A●●●●●● but 〈…〉 exclaiming against Puskin the Muscovian Ambassador in Sweden whom they charged with Prevarication in his Employment and Perfideousness to his Prince They did not spare Morosou who they said preferred the Interest of Strangers before the Welfare of the Natives They were not wanting to draw the City of Novogorod Veliki and other adjacent Parts into their Party and being perswaded that this Negotiation had been carried on without the Knowledge and contrary to the Intention of the Great Duke every thing seem'd to tend to a general Insurrection in those parts if the Weywode or Governour of Novogorod by his prudent Conduct had not kept those under his Jurisdiction in Obedience yet could not hinder their taking a Resolution to stop the Money as it should come their way in order to be carried into Sweden Those of Pleskou absolutely refus'd that such a quantity of Rye the transportation of which in all likelihood must starve them should be exported into Sweden And the better to be satisfied whether the said Treaty was set on foot and executed by the Great Duke's Order they sent three Deputies of their own to Court to wit a Merchant of that City a Cosack and a Strelits to inform themselves concerning the truth of the matter and to desire Redress of their Grievances But they were no sooner arrived at Novogorod but the Weywode of that City caused them to be clapt in Irons and thus Fetter'd sent them to Court where at the same time arrived the Weywode of Pleskou and the Merchant Amilianou who had been forced to quit the City for fear of the Populace For the first having endeavoured to prevent those Disorders which were daily committed by the Mob they forced him with his Guards out of the Town and Amilianou not thinking himself safe without the Governour 's assistance accompanied him to the City of M●sco to make his Complaints to the Great Duke Nor was he mistaken in his Judgment for no sooner had he left the City Another 〈◊〉 at Pl●sko● but the Citizens of Pleskou without expecting the Return of their Deputies or before they had the least Notice of the Treatment they had receiv'd at Novogorod ransack'd Amilianus's House and tortured his Wife in a most cruel and barbarous manner to make her confess where her Husband had hid his Money The same Game they plaid with several Swedish Merchants living among them whom they robb'd plunder'd and abus'd in their Persons This done they published their Manifesto against Monopolies and Patentees inviting the Neighbouring Cities to join with them in the Defence of their Privileges The Court having soon received Intelligence of these Insolencies they were not a little surprized especially when they got notice that this mutinous Spirit began to spread it self in some of the other Cities in the Northern Provinces bordering upon Sweden and thinking it therefore most advisable to try whether by gentle Means they could suppress and prevent any further Tumults it was resolved to send back the Weywode of Pleskou and with him a Boyar who in the Great Duke's Name should endeavour to quiet those restless Spirits Those of Plesko were for a considerable time debating whether they should open their Gates to them or not but the first being at last resolved upon they gave them Admittance but it was to put the Weywode in Prison and to affront the Boyar who having spoken to them in the Great Duke's Name with more Authority than they thought becoming him in his present Station they fell upon him with Cudgels and beat him so severely that he was fain to seek for Refuge in a Monastery where he laid for some time half dead every one despairing of his Recovery The Great Duke having received Info●mation in what manner his Ministers had been treated by the Pleskovites who had shut their Gat●s and put themselve in a po●●ure of defence and fearing ●ot without reason that some of the neighbouring Cities encouraged by their Example might tread their Footsteps if by a severe Chastisement they were not deterr'd from such like Undertakings against his Authority for the future it was resolved to prosecute the rebellious Pleskovites with the utmost Rigour In order to which the Great Duke commanded Ivan Nikitovits Gavenski to assemble the Nobility and standing Militia of the neighbouring Provinces and to join with them several Regiments of the foreign Forces commanded by the Collonels Kormichel Hamilton and others to besiege the City of Pleskou and not to stir from thence till they had reduced it to Obedience Plesko b●sieged The Inhabitants at first seemed not at all startled at this Resolution and were so far from making their Submission to their Prince that they resolved unanimously to stand it out to the last and accordingly put themselves and their City in a posture of Defence They shewed at the first approach of the Czar's Army no less Bravery than they had shewed Resolution in their Counsels For they made several furious Sallies upon the Besiegers with
first his Arms and Legs and afterwards his Head cut off in the Presence of an infinite Number of People who flocked thither to be Spectators of the tragical Exit of him whom not many Month before they had looked upon as their most dreadful Enemy About the same time Maria the Empress Regent departed this Life and Czar Alexis Michaelovits was married soon after to another young Lady the Niece of Oatomon Sergoivits who having by this near Alliance with the Emperor obtained the whole Ministry of the Government acquired himself with great Applause and to the General Satisfaction of the People in this eminent Station till the year 1675. When Czar Alexis Mi●haelovits died Czar Alexis Michaelovits dies to the great Regret of his Subjects who by Reason of his great Clemency singular Devotion and incomparable Conduct during the last Years of his Reign lamented his Loss by all the Expressions of Grief due to the Memory of so great a Prince He left behind him by the first Adventure two Sons and a Daughter to wit Fedor John or Ivan and Sophia by the second one Son called Peter the same who now sways the Scepter of the Miscovian Empire He was succeeded by Fedor Alexiovits his Eldest Son being not quite Seventeen years of Age and of a very Sickly Constitut on who ●eigned seven Years under the Protectorate of Sophia his Sister till the year 1682 Fedor Alex●ovits dies when by his Death the Muscovite Empire was divided into two potent Factions which might have proved of very dangerous Consequence if the extraordinary Conduct of his present Czarish Majesty had not in a great Measure diverted the fatal Blow which seemed to threaten its Ruin CHAP. V. Containing an historical Account of the most remarkable Transactions from the Begi●ning of the Reign of the present Czar Peter till this time with some political Reflections on the present State of Muscovy in Relation to its Traffick and Strength in reference to its Neighbours AFTER the Death of Fedor Alexiovits John the second Son of Alexis Michaelovits being by Reason of his natural Infirmities incapable of undertaking the Administration of the Government was soon prevailed upon to resign all his Claim to the Russian Crown Two Factions after his Death to his younger Brother Peter who tho' very young being looked upon by most of the Boyars as the only Person who gave them all the imaginable Hopes of his future Ability to supply the Place of his Father Alexis Michaelovits Czar Peter crowned was crowned Czar of Muscovy instead of the deceased Fedor his Brother But the Princess Sophia seeing her self thus excluded from the Management of the Government of which she had enjoyed the full Advantage during the Minority of her Brother Fedor she with Knez Gailizin and some others of her Creatures took a Resolution not to part with so fine a Morsel at so easie a Rate but to endeavour by putting John in the Throne to maintain their own Greatness in Opposition to the New Czar Peter Alexiovits It is to be observed that the deceased Empress Maria Mother to John who had by his own Consent debarred himself from the Royal Dignity was infinitely beloved by the Common People by reason of her extraordinary Modesty Charity and other most eminent Vertues The Princess being not ignorant of this Advantage on her side sent abroad her Emissaries who insinuated into the People the Injustice done to John the eldest surviving Son of the Empress Maria the Darling of the People by an adverse Party who contrary to the antient established Custom of Muscovy had excluded that Prince from his Right in favour of his younger Brother These cunning Informations had such powerful Influence over the Common people but especially over the Guards that constantly attend the Czar●s Person that one Morning being headed by some of the Princesses Creatures they rose in open Rebellion declaring they would not lay down their Arms till they saw John the Elder Brother of Peter placed on the Muscovian Throne The Boyars in the Interest of the present Czar Peter Ins●rrection i● the City of M●s●o endeavouring by their Perswasions to appease the Mutiny did feel the dreadful Effects of their Fury for some had their Palaces ransack'd and pull'd down to the ground others were cut to pleces immediately others thrown out of the Windows so that nothing less than a total Destruction seem'd to threaten the City of Musco unless prevented by some Expedient which might stay the Fury of the enraged Populace For which reason the Heads of both Factions who by this time began equally to dread the Insolency of the Rabble after various Debates came to this following Resolution That to ballance the Interest of both contending Parties Czar Peter should be confirmed in the Throne of Muscovy but that his elder Brother John should be his Associate both in the Royal Dignity and Administration of the Government The Princess Sophia having thus once more by the powerful Influence she had over the weakness of her Brother John and by reason of the tender Age of the present Czar Peter che being not above twelve years of Age when he was Crown'd Czar of Muscovy got the Reins of the Government into her own hands managed all Matters under the Conduct of the Premier Minister Knez Gallizin her Creature with a great deal of dexterity for some time till at last by the removal of this her faithful Councellor being deprived of his Assistance and the Death of her own Brother Czar John who died about four years ago without Issue she was totally excluded from the further Management of publick Affairs and thrust into a Monastery where she is detained to this day The present Czar Peter was born on the 29th of May in the Year 1670 by a second Adventure and after the Death of Czar Fedor his eldest Brother Crown'd Czar of Muscovy when he was not full twelve Years of Age. After the removal of Knez Gallizin from the Ministry A Conspiracy against the present Czar and the death of his Brother the whole Administration of the Government being devolved to him he managed it with so much Conduct and Success as has rendred his Actions famous throughout all Europe which those of the contrary Faction looking upon with an envious Eye a Design was laid some few years ago against his Life which in all likelihood would have proved fatal to this great Prince if by the Imprudence of him who was to have been the Chief Actor in this Tragedy the whole Design had not been discovered before the Conspirators could meet with an opportunity to put it in execution This was a German by Birth whose name was Sickler who having a considerable Command in the Czar's Army and being extreamly beloved by him had a free Access to his Person This Man being inticed by the hopes of extraordinary Rewards even of the Crown of Muscovy undertook to dispatch the Czar the first favourable
after gave them such evident proofs of his great ability in the art of Government that they were satisfied their hopes would not fall short of their expectation especially when the CzaritZa within a twelve Month after brought forth as Young Prince who being now about Eight Years of Age gives all the imaginable hopes of being one day the inheritor of his Father's Vertues and Dominions For after the Removal of GalliZin having taken the Reins of the Government into his own hands and consequently suppres'd that Faction which hitherto had in a measure opposed his Greatness he began to lay the foundation towards the accomplishment of these designs which within these few Years last past have been the Admiration of all Europe and caused Terror to his Enemies The unfortunate War in which the Turks were engaged against the Emperour Poles and Venetians having sufficiently disenabled them to send any considerable Succours to the Crim Tartars The War against the Crim Tartars the hereditary Enemies of Muscovy which has so often felt the direful effects of their barbarous Cruelties the present juncture of time was look'd upon as the most favourable to reduce these troublesome Neighbours under the Obedience of the Russian Empire For which purpose a considerable Army having been brought into the field the Siege of Asaph was resolved on which City being seated at the mouth of the River Don or Tanais where it discharges itself into the Palus Meotides or the Sea of Zabacçhe is the Inlet into the lesser Tartary and conquently facilitates the Conquest of the Crim Tartars inhabiting the Taurica Chersonesus The Muscovites attack'd the City very vigourously but being destitute of Shipping and not sufficiently provided with good Canoneers they could not hinder the Turks from bringing in at several times fresh supplies of Men Ammunition and other necessaries whereby they were obliged at the approach of the Winter Season to raise the Siege for that time But the Czar was so far from being discouraged by this retreat that he resolved to repair this disgrace and to make himself master of the place let it cost what it will For which purpose having order'd a considerable number of Ships to be built and mann'd to prevent their Communication with the Sea and obtained a good number of Engineers Bombardeers and Canoneers from the Emperour Venetians Elector of Brandenburgh and some other Christian Princes he resolved to take the field in person in the ensuing year so soon as the Rivers should become Navigable and to open the Campaign with the Siege of Asoph Pursuant to this resolution having ordered a vast Train of Artillery Besiege Asoph consisting of 400 Pieces of Cannon and 150 Mortars to be got ready he Marched with a very numerous Army commanded under him by his Favourite the General and Admiral Le Fort the Chief of the Ambassy now in Holland by Mr. Gourdon a Scotchman and Afranou Nichelouits a Muscovite and laid close Seige to the said City whilst his Fleet guarded the Port and prevented any Supplies from coming to their Relief that way and the Cosack Generals MaZepa and Paley advanced in two distinct Bodies towards the Boristhenes to give a powerful diversion to the Crim Tartars on that side The Tartars within defended themselves for some time with bravery enough notwithstanding the great havock made by the Muscovite Bombs under the direction of the Foreign Bombardiers but finding themselves disappointed in their hopes of Relief by Sea the Muscovites having defeated those that came to their Assistance they beat a parley Takes Asoph by composition and Surrendered themselves upon certain Articles to the Czar After the taking of Asoph he advanced to Karikeumen which by the force of his Bombs he soon obliged to Surrender at discretion All the Castles and Places thereabouts underwent the same fate most of which he caused to be demolish'd unless it was Taran where he left a very good Garrison The same Summer the Cosacks had made themselves Masters of several Strong Forts on the Boristhenes which may in time much facilite the taking of Precop Scituate at the very entrance of the Taurica Chersonesus The Czar after the Conquest of a place so considerable for its Situation was received at his return by his Subjects inhabiting the City of Musco Enters Mosco in Triumph with all the demostrations of joy and other Honours due to a Conquerour For at his Entrance there were Triumphal Arches erected representing the Conquests of Asoph and other places taken by him the Summer before And as he went through the City to the Castle he was preceeded by the General Le Fort in a Litter and by General Gourdon on Horse back But what was most pleasing to the People was the Leading it Triumph of a certain noted Deserter who 's name was Jacob. He being taken at the Surrender of Asoph was brought into Muscovy and to compleat the Show was placed upon a high Waggon Seated under a Gibbet upon which he was hanged the next day after this Solemn Entry His next care was to send an Envoy to the-Court of Vienna not only to give an exact account of the Success of his Arms against the Infidels but more particularly to enter into a more strict Alliance with the rest of the Confederates against the Turks And having received certain intelligence that the French Ambassador in Poland was labouring for the advancing of the Prince of Conti to the Polish Crown he gave the Polish Nobility to understand by his Minister Resident in Poland that in case they should advance the Prince of Conti or any other Frenchman to the Throne they must expect to be treated as Enemies he looking upon the French Nation joyned in Alliance with the Turks to stand in opposition to the General Interest of Christendom In the mean while the Negotiation at Vienna Concludes an Alliance with the Confederates against the Turks concerning the Alliance against the Infidels went on with good Success the main Scruple to be removed being about the time of the Continuance of this Alliance and which the Muscovites desired to be for Seven Years whereas the Emperor and the Venetians insisted to have it continued for no longer than three Years But the Czar having sent new Instructions to his Envoy with full power to conclude the said Negotiation according to the Proposals made by the rest of the Confederates all things were at last agreed on to the Satisfaction of all the parties concerned in the Alliance and the Treaty was Sign'd and Ratifi'd at Vienna in the Presence of the Venetian Resident containing besides several others these three following Articles That the Alliance shall last three Years at least reserving to the Parties concerned the power to renew it after that time is expired if they think fit That none of the Parties shall make Peace without the Knowledge and Consent of the other And Lastly that in Case the Enemy shall make any Proposals of Peace to any one of the