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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17330 Ten sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Matthew containing diuerse necessary and profitable treatises , viz. a preseruative against the poyson of vaine-glory in the 1 & 2, the reward of sincerity in the 3, the vncasing of the hypocrite in the 4, 5 and 6, the reward of hypocrisie in the 7 and 8, an admonition to left-handed Christians in the 9 and 10 : whereunto is annexed another treatise called The anatomie of Belial, set foorth in ten sermons vpon the 12, 13, 14, 15 verses of the 6 chapter of the Prouerbs of Salomon. Burton, William, d. 1616. 1602 (1602) STC 4178.5; ESTC S261 267,037 263

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all manner of euill saying against them falsly for his sake And such as Dauid was shall not want Zibaes enough in Court and countrey and citie and euery where euery great man yea euery one that is in authority hath such hangbies too many about him to hurt honest men in their credite if they take not heede of them Surely at another time Dauid did passing well when he forbad the publishing of Sauls death amongst the vncircumcised at Gath and Askalon lest they should insult reioyce at the death of the Lords annointed the king of Gods people to shew that if we must not alwaies publish euen true things that are notoriously and famously knowne when the concealment of thē may be more for Gods glory much lesse ought we to deuise or to publish or to credit false rumours slaunderous reports against the Lords annointed or any of the Lords people which tend to no other end but to the dishonor of God in defacing of his seruants In the 2. of Ruth ver 11. there is a notable pattern or exāple for newes mongers All is told me saith Booz vnto Ruth that thou hast done vnto thy mother in law since the death of thy husband how thou hast left thy father and thy mother and the land where thou wast borne and art come vnto a people which thou knewest not in times past By which relation of Booz vnto Ruth we may learn that the vertuous acts of good men are to be spoken of to their cōmendation comfort to the drawing on of others aboue all in all to the glory of God And that if we will needs be discouering of mens liues doings we should speak of their good deeds and vertuous acts not stand raking still in their corruptions and infirmities as the maner of most men is in reporting not to eclipse their vertues but to shew all to the full as he did that told Booz of Ruth but so will Belial neuer do The 2. way which the man of Belial taketh for the raising of contētions is a wilfull peeuish taking all things in euill part construing them to a wrong sense like the malicious Iewes who alwaies drew the heauenly words of our blessed Sauiour frō the right meaning when he spake of the temple of his body shewing how that shold be destroied within 3. daies builded again they maliciously construed his words to be meant of the temple of Ierusalem When he spake of going to a place whither they could not come vnto him they presently asked if he wold go kill himself Whē the blind man being restored to his sight by our Sauiour Christ did but answer the Iewes vnto their question shewing how he came by his sight maintained the deed of our Sauiour Christ they captiously tooke him at the worst as though he went about to teach them Iohn 9.34 So do all wicked lawlesse Belials Answer their demands questions with some reasons that they cannot gainsay then we go about to teach them and then to a braule Speake merrily and familiarly thinking no harme against any man they take it as a deriding and scoffing at them and then to a braule Do but a little reuerence vnto them then they thinke that they are despised Do much reuerence them and then they take it as if we mocked them Admonish them counsell them reprehend them they are aloft straight and take it that we command them that we iudge them that we condemne them they will not endure it Their felicity is great that they take in descanting vpon the Princes lawes vpon the Preachers liues and doctrine and the doings of all men In a word say what you will do what you can meane as well as may be meant be familiar or be strange eate or eate not pipe or mourne all is one nothing is well taken at the wicked Belials hands and so long what can be looked for but contention The third way whereby he raiseth vp contention is by busying and medling in other mens matters which belong not vnto him and that before he is called thereunto whereof some be women some be men Of contentious and busie bodied women the Apostle speaketh thus Being idle they learne to go about from house to house yea they are not onely idle but also pratlers and busie bodies speaking things that are not comely Salomon speaking of contentious women saith It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top then with a contentious woman in a wide house To shew that there is small ease or rest to be looked for with a contentious woman And in the 19. verse he saith it is better to dwel in the wildernesse then with a contentious and angry woman To shew that there is more comfort and rest to be looked for amongst the wild beasts then among contentions women Of busie headed men some are intermendlers in Church matters and some in common-wealth matters Of the first sort are such as Vzzah was who put his hand vnto the Arke of the Lord to hold it vp from falling when he had no calling thereunto The Lord was very wrath with him for it and in his iust vengeance stroke him downe for it euen in the very place with present death If the Lord were so angrie with Vzzah who in feare and of a good intent did but touch the Arke of God then what must they looke for who of a wicked intent to carpe and cauill maliciously and proudly meddle with the holy things of God and matters of Gods Church without any calling too The sacrifice of the wicked is an abhomination sayth Salomon how much more when he bringeth it with an euill mind Euen so the medling of the wicked in Gods matters which belong not vnto them is an abhomination much more when they meddle with a wicked mind and that also to do hurt thereby When Peter of meere curiosity was inquisitiue to know what should become of Iohn Christ gaue him a very round checke for his labour saying What is that to thee follow thou me To shew that it is a foule fault to neglect our owne callings and to be curious and inquisitiue about other mens affaires which pertaine not vnto vs and God will surely rebuke such curious persons Yet how many at this day do imitate Peter in his vaine curiositie or curious veine not fearing or regarding the rebuke that they shall haue from God for their labour What thinke you of Bishops their calling say some of this mans gifts and that mans teaching say other Euery cobler and pedler or tinker and prentise must know these things and haue an oare in the Church gouernours boate and hereof arise contentions and schismes and factions and rents in the Church of Christ. In the meane time examine them how they haue followed Christ themselues a thing indeede whereunto they are called alas they can say
most impiously vpon them that worship that is due to God and professe that they cannot honour them inough when in the meane time by their raging against the faithfull which follow their steppes and doctrine they do plainely shew howe they would vse the Apostles and Martyrs if they were now aliue againe and did performe that dutie which they did when they were on earth For why else do they with such rage burne and flame out against vs but because we desire to haue that doctrine to be receiued and to flourish which the Apostles and Martyrs haue sealed with their bloud Let them then a dorne the images of the Saints with their frankensence candels flowers and all kind of pompe as long as they list saith Caluin if Peter were now aliue they would surely pull him in peeces if Paule were amongst them they would certainely stone him if Christ himselfe were aliue and amongst thē they wold rost him to death with a softfire And do not diuerse Protestants play the same part who will seeme to make much of some Preachers and giue them good entertainment as Herod did Iohn Baptist and yet persecute with might and maine their owne Pastors for teaching the same doctrine which they do Or for the couering and cloking of their speciall and beloued sinnes will seeme to the world to be religious by hearing the preaching and entertaining of the persons of Preachers at their houses thinking themselues then safe as Micah did when he had a Leuite in his house when in their harts they do vtterly loth and detest the sinceritie of that truth and the strictnesse of those courses as puritanisme and too much precisenesse which they vrge And what is the religion of all such but a play to be seene of men In the 33. verse of the former 23. Chapter Christ being about to conclude his Sermon doth more plainly vncase these hypocrites and layeth them wide open to all the world telling what they are what they must looke for and what his seruants must look for at their hands What they are he sheweth when he saith O Serpents and generation of vipers to shew that they were not only enemies to the doctrine of the Prophets but most pestilent enemies to the whole church of God and like vipers will not sticke to eate out the very bowels of the Church their mother to maintaine their owne state and pride What they must trust vnto if they truly repent not he sheweth when he saith how should ye escape the damnation of hell As if it were a thing almost impossible for professed hypocrites to repent and be saued So hypocrites we see by Christs example are to be handled though they be the great maisters of Israel their vizards are to be plucked off and they are to be laid open to the view of the world and to be haled by force as it were before the tribunall seate of Gods iudgement What Gods seruants must looke for at hypocrites hands when time shall serue howsoeuer they seeme now to heare them and to entertaine them our Sauiour Christ sheweth when he saith he will send Prophets and wise men and Scribes among them that is men endued with all manner of learning and qualified with aboundance of Gods graces but they shal scourge them and persecute them from citie to citie yea euen in Ierusalem the Lords Prophets shall be killed and the messengers of the most high shall be stoned to death In times past their rage was such against the holy Prophets that neither the holinesse of the Temple nor reuerence of the Altar whereupon the sacrifices were offered could stay them from shedding of innocent bloud As for example the bloud of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias meaning indeede him that was the son of Iehoiada the priest whom Christ calleth Barachias that is the blessed of the Lord of Barach and ias which is the blessed of the Lord as M. Caluin noteth because he had spent his whole life in the worship and seruice of God And this is vsuall in Scripture to giue vnto men besides their proper names other names of speciall signification either for their consolation or for their humiliation So Iacob was called Israel that is preuailing with God and Salomon Iedidah that is beloued of the Lord and Iames and Iohn Boanerges that is sonnes of thunder and Iehoiada Barachias that is the blessed of the Lord. So terroris gratia to terrifie him Bashur that misused Ieremy was called Magor Misabib that is feare on euery side And Naoim in the bitternesse of her soule would be called Marah that is bitternesse But now to the matter of Zacharias the sonne of Iehoiada Barachias the blessed of the Lord. Of whose martyrdome and the cause thereof we may reade sufficiently in the second of Chronicles the 24. chapter from the 17. verse vnto the 23. So likewise in time to come they which now boasted of the Prophets Tombes amongst them and of learned Preachers in their sinagogues should through the iust vengeance of God be giuen vp to such a reprobate mind that they should shew all kind of raging crueltie against the same Prophets whom they so much seemed to reuerence God graunt this prophesie may neuer take place amongst vs if it be his will but surely it is much to be feared that if time should turne and religion alter which our sinnes haue iustly deserued it will proue too true For hypocrites will play the hypocrites and shew them selues in their colours when all is done euen as the Blackmoore will be blacke if all the water in the sea were spent in washing him For they that are so forward now in colour of their office and pretence of lawe to abuse Gods Ministers as many be what would they do if they had Prince and Prelates and lawe and all to backe them They that now in the publike and authorized profession of the Gospell and vnder the gouernment of so gracious and Christian a Prince as we haue who esteemeth of the true Ministers of Christ in the Church as of the soule in the bodie the Lord long preserue her amongst vs are not ashamed to contriue wicked plots and diuellish deuises to call their Ministers names into question by suggesting vnto great persons most impudent lyes and shamefull slaunders and that vnder pretence of their office and vpon the credite of their oath They that now so abound in malice against their Minister for speaking but the truth that when they can find no matter against him at home can send an hundred miles for matters obiected and answered ended and finished ten yeares ago and to reuiue matters whith haue bene dead and buried so long time like those that in Queene Maries time digged vp Bucers bones out of the graue to endite them and burne them what cruell persecutors would these become if time did serue What would not these men do against the poore seruants of Christ if Queene Maries time shold come againe