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city_n citizen_n civil_a grave_v 45 3 16.2872 5 false
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A09309 A dictionarie in Spanish and English, first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale Gent. Now enlarged and amplified with many thousand words, as by this marke * to each of them prefixed may appeere; together with the accenting of euery worde throughout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessarie notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu ... Perceval, Richard, 1550-1620.; Minsheu, John. aut 1599 (1599) STC 19620; ESTC S115747 738,544 406

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f. a plum Ciruélo m. a plum-tree Cirugía f. chirurgerie Cirugiáno m. a chirurgion or surgeon * Cirujáno idem * Cirurijáno or Cirurjáno vide Cirujáno Ciscádo m. afraide * Ciscár to be afraid to feare Cisco m. a sparkle of fire the drosse of coales Císma f. a faction a schisme a renting himselfe from common societie Cismático m. a factious fellow a schismaticke Císne m. a swan Cistérna f. a cesterne Citación f. a summons a citation or warning to appeere Citár to summon to cite to warne for to appeere * Cítara f. an instrument of musicke called a citterne * Cíthara f. idem † Cítola f. a citterne the clapper of a mill † Citoléro m. a maker of citternes Ciudád f. a citie Ciudadáno m. a citizen a burgesse a townesman * Ciudadéla f. a cittadell or a certaine fort about a citie or towne * Ciudadéta a little citie Ciuéra f. corne bread corne Civíl ciuill pertaining to a citie or to administration of actions in suite betweene partie and partie Civilidád f. ciuilitie Civilménte ciuilly * Civolléte vide Cibolléte * çíza vide Ziza * Cizálla the clipping of monie or mettall * Cizádo vide Zizádo * Cizán̄a f. tares cockle darnell discord * Cizan̄adór m. one that soweth discord tares cockle or darnell * Cizan̄ár to sow discord tares or cockle * Cizérca f. Ciche pease C L * Clába vide Cláva * Clabár vide Clavár * Clábe vide Cláve * Clábo m. a naile the rudder of a ship a harde swelling or corne on the toe or foote the corner of the eie a knot or knur * Clamár vide Llamár to crie out to make exclamation Clamór or Gríto m. crying outcrie exclamation Clamoróso m. clamorous giuen to make exclamation or outcries * Clandéstino secret Clára de huévo the white of an egge * Clarabáya vide Claraváya Claraménte cleerely plainly euidently * Claraváya vide Claravóya * Claravóya f. iags or cuts in garments such as cutters inuent for gentlewomen Claréa f. clarie drinke of hony and wine Some say muscadell others call it Nectar or kingly drinke Cláre de vínoy miel honied wine Robdauie Metheglin Clarescér to waxe faire cleere or manifest * Claréza vide Claridád Claridád f. cleerenesse plainenesse perspicuitie brightnesse * Clarificádo m. made cleere plaine or manifest clarified Clarificár Praes yo Clarifíco 1. Praet yo Clarifiqué to clarifie to make bright cleere or manifest * Clariméntos m. paintings bright colours * Clarín m. a certaine musicall instrument Clarión m. an instrument of musicke called a clarion Cláro m. bright cleere light plaine easie to be vnderstood perspicuous euident shrill * Cláva vide Argamássa * Clavádo m. nailed Clavadúra f. nailing Clavár to naile to fasten Clavazón f. the setting of nailes nailing or studding Cláve f. the stone on the top of a vault Clauél vide clavéllinas gilliflowers Clavellínas f. gilliflowers carnation gilliflowers Clavéro m. a bearer of keyes a maker of keyes a bearer or keeper of keyes for the treasurie for the orders of knighthood * Clavéta or Clavíja f. pins of iron or pegs of wood to fasten any thing Also pegs or pins to winde vp the stringes of an instrument * Clavía vide Clavíja * Clavíllas de las cámas f. vices or skrewes to fasten a bedsteed togither * Clavicórdio m. an instrument of musicke called Claricords or virginals Clavíja f. the key of virginals the pin of a lute any pegge or pin * Clávis pinke gilliflowers Clávo m. a naile the rudder of a ship a corne on a foot or toe a hard swelling in the corner of the eie a knur or knot Clávo de governálle the helme of a ship Clávos de espécia cloues a spice so called Clávos de gerófle idem * Cláustra f. a cloister * Cláustrio m. a cloister * Cláustro m. idem * Clausúra or Clauzúra f. an inclosure a shutting in Clemátide m. an herbe called Perwinkle Cleméncia f. gentlenes meekenes curtesie Cleménte gentle curteous meeke lowlie Clementeménte meekely gently curteously Clerezía f. the clergie a conuocation * Clericáto a clarkeship the office of priest or function of a priest Clérigo m. a clarke a priest * Clerizón m. youth or boyes that sing in the quire singing boies quiristers boies bred vp to be priests * Clíma f. a climate * Climetérios án̄os vnfortunate yeres * Clínes f. a horse mane * Clípeo m. a bucklar * Cloáca f. a priuie Clóque m. a boatehooke a grappling hooke a hooke to catch holde with Cloqueár to clocke as a hen doth to kill fish with a trout hooke * Cloquéro m. one that goeth to kill fish with a trout speare * † Cluéca f. any birde that sitteth to breed yoong Cluéca gallina a clocke hen Cluquíllas cowring downe C O * Coadjutór or Coajutór m. a fellowe helper one that aideth another * Coadjuvár to helpe his fellowe to helpe togither * Coagulación a coagulation a crudding togither * Coája léche yérva an herbe called Maidenhaire pettie Mugwet or cheese runnet * Coallí id est que Alli that there Cobárde vide Covárde a cowarde a milkesop a hartlesse fellow * Cobardía f. cowardize faint hartednes * Cobdícia f. couetousnes * Cobdiciár to couet * Cobdicióso m. couetous * Cóbdo vide Códo m. an elbowe a cubite Coberdía f. cowardlines * Cobertáza a pot lid a couer Cobertéra f. a couer Cobertór m. a couer any thing to lay on Cobertór de cáma m. a couerlet for a bed Cobertúra f. a couering * Cobigéra a waiting woman * Cobijádo m. couered hidden Cobijár to couer to hide ouer * Cobránça or Cobránza f. recouerie an obtaining a getting Cobrár to recouer to get or obtaine to receiue Cóbre m. copper Cóbre de cebóllas a roape of onions Cóbre de béstias a houell of cattle * Cóbre de ájos a roape of garlike Cobrír yo Cúbro to couer to hide to recouer or obtaine Cóbro m. recouerie receit a place of safe keeping * Cobuijáda a kinde of larke with a crest or tuft of feathers on his crowne † çóca f. a place for a faire Cocadríz f. a serpent called a Basiliske or Cocatrice Cocár Praes yo Cuéco 1. Praet yo Coqué to gape at to mocke to make mouthes at Cóce f. a kicke or spurne * Tirár cóces contra el agujón to kicke against the pricke † Coceadór m. a kicker a spurner * Coceádo m. kicked at spurned at † Coceár to kicke to spurne to trample on * † Cocédra a quilt or mattresse bed * Cocédras de pluma f. feather beds * † Cocedrón m. an vnder mattresse bed * Coceléte m. a corslet * Cocér vide Cozér Cóche m. a coach a waggon * Cochéro a coach-man a waggon man Cochinílla f. the hearbe called Cucheneale Cochinílla a certaine infectious flie or a yoong sucking pig * Cochiníllo m. a yoong sucking pig Cochíno m. a sucking pig a pig a yoong hog Sometimes a slouenly fellow * Cóchio that which may be sodden
with colde vide Frío a Chimney vide Chimenéa a Chimney sweeper vide Desollinadór the Chine of a man or beast vide Espinázo the Chine of a fish vide Espína de péce to Chinke as the grounde doth vide to chappe Hendér Resquebrajár Abrír to stop Chinkes vide Estopár costúras or Abertúras a Chinke or breach vide Abertúra Costúra a Chinke crannie or cleft vide Abertúra Costúra Juntúra a Chinne vide Bárba or Bárva Barbílla Barvílla great Chinned vide Barbúdo Barvúdo Barbillúdo Barvillúdo a Chip vide Rája Chipped worke vide Engáste to make Chipped worke vide Engastonár to Chip with an axe vide Dolár Chippes to kindle fire vide Astíllas a Chip or that which is hewen vide Brézna Astílla to Chirpe as a sparrowe or other birdes vide Cantár Cherriár Chirriár to Chirpe as a cricket vide Grillár a Chirping or singing of small birdes vide Cánto Cherriadúra Grasnído one that Chirpeth vide Cherriadór a Chirurgion vide Cirugiáno Cirurjáno Chirurgerie vide Cirugía a Chisell vide Gúrbias a Chitterling vide Trípas Páncha Chiualrie v. Proéza Hécho de ármas a Choise vide Eleción Escojéncia to Choke or strangle vide Ahogár Choked or strangled vide Ahogádo a Choker vide Ahogadór a Choking vide Ahogamiénto Choler vide Cólera Cholericke vide Colérico a Cholericke man vide Colérico without Choler vide Flemático Sín cólera to Choose elect or make choise of vide Elegír Escogér Chosen vide Eléto Elécto Elegído Escogído Choise or election vide Eleción or Electión Escogimiénto to Choppe or cut off vide Cortár to Chop or change vide Cambiár Trocár Debolvér a Chopping knife vide Machéte a Chough or dawe vide Grája Grájo Cornéja a Cough vide Tósse or Tos. Chrisme or holie annointing oyle vide Crísma Christall vide Cristál of Christall vide Cristalíno a glasse of Christall or a cristall looking glasse vide Espéjo de cristál Christ our onely annointed Lorde and Sauiour vide Crísto Christendome or christianitie vide Cristiandád a Christian vide Cristiáno Christiáno Christendome vide Christiandád to Christen or baptise vide Baptizár Bautizár Christmas day vide Navidád Páscua de navidád Nascimiénto Chronicles vide Crónicas Chrónicas Corónicas a Chronicle vide Corónica Chrónica História one that writeth Chronicles vide Coronísta Historiadór Chrisocolla wherewith goldsmiths solder their golde vide Chrisocólla a Church or temple vide Témplo Yglésia the Church or congregation of people in the faith of Christ vide Congregación Yglésia a Church porch vide Portál de Yglésia a Churchyard vide Cementério Cimentério Churlish vide Mohíno Churlishnes vide Mohína Mohínas Churlishly vide Mohinaménte a Churle or carle of the countrey vide Rústico çáfio Churlishnes or rudenes of countrey carles vide Rusticidád Churlishly or clownishly vide Rusticaménte çafiaménte to Chuse or to choose vide Elegír Escogér C I a Cickle or hooke vsed to reape corne with all vide Hóce Cider a kinde of drinke made of apples vide Cídra Cilerie worke or the heads of pillars or postes and made as cloth or leaues turning diuers waies vide óbra de Sillería a Cimball vide Chápas Cinamon vide Canéla a Cinamon tree vide Canelón to Cipher or vse ciphers or abreuiations in writing vide Cifrár a Cipher vsed in numbring vide Cífra Zéro Ciphred vide Cifrádo Cipres or any fine linnen vide Toquílla white Cipres vide Espumílla a groue of Cypres trees vide Cipresál Cipres the wood or tree vide Ciprés to make a Circle vide Hazér círculo a Circle or rounde compasse vide Círculo Cérco a Circle about the moone vide Cérco de lúna the antarticke Circle vide Antártico pólo a circle of iron vide A'ro a Circle of iron about a buckler vide A'ro de Broquél a Circle which is called the Horizon vide Orizón Circle wise vide Circularménte to Circuite or compasse about vide Circuýr Cercár Rodeár a Circuit or compassing about vide Cérco Circúito Circularly vide Circularménte to Circumcise vide Circuncidár Circumcised vide Circuncidádo Circumcision vide Circuncisión a Circumference or rounde compasse about a centre vide Circumferéncia a Circumlocution as when one worde is expressed by many v. Circumlocución to be circumspect or warie vide Cáuto sér Circumspect vide Cáuto Circumspéto Recatádo Prevenído Remirádo Circumspection vide Recáto Remiramiénto Prevención Circumspectly vide Recatadaménte Remiradaménte Prevenidaménte a Circumstance or qualitie that accompanieth any thing as time place and such like vide Circunstáncia Dependéncia to Circumuent vide Circunvenír a paire of Cisers vide Tigéras Tijéras to Cite call or summon vide Citar Cited vide Citádo a Citation vide Citación a Citie or towne walled vide Cibdád or Civdád a little Citie vide Civadadéta Civdád pequén̄a a Citie or towne incorporate v. Civdád Vílla a populous citie vide Civdád pobláda dwelling in a Citie v. Vezíno de Civdád Civdadáno a Citizen vide Ciudadáno Citizen-like v. Cómo ciudadáno Semejánte a ciudadáno Ciudadanaménte a Cittadell v. Castíllo Ciudadéla a Citterne vide Citola Cítara a player on a Citterne v. Tan̄edór de cítara a Citterne-maker v. Citoléro a Citron or Limon v. Limón Ciuet a sweet powder so called vide Algália Ciuill or belonging to a citie v. Civíl Ciuill or gentle v. Civil or Cibíl verie Ciuill vide Muy civíl Ciuilitie vide Civilidád Ciuilly v. Civilménte C L a mill Clacke or such like v. Cítola de molíno Clad or cloathed in cloath v. Vestído Claie or morter vide Bárro Cenagál potters Claie v. Arzílla fullers Clay vide Gréda Claie ground vide Cenagóso Clamour v. Clamór Bozería Clamorous vide Clamoróso to Clap hands v. Palmeár Clapping of hands v. Apláuzo Clapping or striking with the hand v. Palmáda Clapping of the wings vide Herída de las álas a Clapper or he that clappeth the handes for ioye v. Palmeadór the Clapper of a bell v. Badájo the Clapper of a mill v. Cítola Claret wine v. Víno claréte Clarie vide Claréa to Clarifie or make cleere v. Clarificár Aclarár Purificár Clarified or made cleere v. Clarificádo Purificádo Aclarádo Clarifying v Clarificación Purificación Aclaramiénto Claricordes or instruments so called v. Clavicórdia a Clarke of the church v. Sacristán a writing Clarke vide Escriviénte a Clarke of the market v. Regidór the Clarke of a kitchin vide Catiquéro Despenséro a Claspe v. Abotonadúra Corchéte de vestidúra Brócha Bróche Hevílla to Claspe togither v. Abotonár Abraçár Hevillár to Claspe with the armes vide Abarcár Abraçár a little Claspe vide Hevílla Clasped vide Abotonádo Atádo Clasped in the armes v. Abraçádo Clasping vide Abraçadúra Abraçamiénto one that Claspeth in his armes vide Abraçadór Clasping in the armes v. Abraçáda Abraçamiénto Abraçadúra to Clatter to chat or babble v. Repicár Clattring v. Repiquéte a Clause vide Cláusula a Clause or article vide Cláusula or Articula a Claw vide Bránca to Claw
Kneehuluer * Bruscadór m. one that vseth or selleth Kneeholme * Bruscár Praes yo Brúsco 1. Praet yo Brusqué to heate a ships side with burning reede * Brúsco vide Brúsca * Brúsque vide Bruscár Brutál or Brúto brutish beastly Brúto idem Brúxa or Brúxo a hagge a fiende a witch Brúxula para tirár f. the aime string or beade they shoote with that which they take their aime by in a crosse-bowe or such like * Brúxula f. a boxe wherein the marriners compasse is set and fastned Also the marriners compasse * Búas vide Búbas f. Buáro or Buárro an owle * Búbas f. the french pockes a swelling in the flanke rising of that disease * Bubóso m. full of the pocks * Búces as Beuér de búces to drinke by sips to lie downe and drinke at the riuer with the mouth after the manner of cattell Búche de animál the maw of a beast Buchéte a cheeke a pop with the mouth * Budián vide Bodián * Buélco de dádo m. the tumbling or rolling of a die * Buélco m. a tumbling a falling downe rolling or tumbling * Buélco Buelque vide Bolcár * Buéle Buélo vide Bolár Buélo m. a flight * Lleuár en Buélo to take away quickly * Buélque vide Bolcár Buélta f. a returne a turning away a turning round * aBuéltas togither * Ser de buélta to come backe againe * Buélta dár to wheele about to giue a turne * Buélto al revéz a turning backe turned backe Buélto m. turned tumbled tossed changed * Buélva Buélvo vide Bolvér Buenaménte well Buéno m. good * Buen̄ól a simnell or bunne made of flower oile and raisins Buétagos or Bófes the lungs the tripes or bellie of a beast Buéy m. an oxe Buey nóvo or Novillo a steere Buéytre m. a vultur Bueytréra a place to kill vultures Also a kinde of fishing net Búfalo a buffle a kinde of wilde oxe * Búfano vide Búfalo Bufár to puffe to blowe as a horse * Buféo m. a great kinde of fish Buféte m. a standing table * † Buffár to huffe puffe or snort as a horse bull or other such beast doth Bufido m. puffing blowing or snuffing of a horse * Bufón m. a iester Vide Truhán * Bugállas f. galles vsed of diars * Bugelládas f. painting for womens faces * Bugelladór a maker or seller of painting for womens faces Bugerías f. trifles * Bugulósa Buglosse Búho m. an owle shrich-owle Buhonéro m. a pedlar a seller of small wares vp and downe the countrie * Búho sólo m. an owle alone Bujarroneár to commit sinne against nature Bujarrón m. a buggerer Búla f. a Popes bull Bulár la frénte to burne the forehead Búlbo m. a wilde oinion * Buldéro m. vide Buléro * Buléro a carrier of pardons or buls * Búlla a seditious or tumultuous stirre * Bullénte stirring boiling Bullício m. a tumult a sturre a hurly burly a sedition * Bulliciosaménte tumultuously * Bullicióso m. contentious bent to wrangling Bullidúra f. springing vp boyling Bullir to spring vp to boile vp Bullón m. an Irish skeine Búlto m. shape the bulke of the body * Búlto de vóz a great voice * † Bun̄olería f. the place where they sell buns or little cobloaues or where they make them * † Bun̄oléto m. he that maketh or selleth cobloaues † Bun̄uélos m. pancakes cobloaues buns * Burátos m. a kinde of light thin stuffe for clokes vsed in Spaine or most vsed for womens mantels there Cipres or Cipers such as they make hatbands of Burbugeár to bubble Burbúja or Ampólla a bubble on the water Burdégano m. a mule Burdél or Puteria a stewes a brothel-house * Búrgos a citie in old Castile in Spaine * Buriél a kinde of cloth Buríl m. a grauing toole * Burín a goldsmithes instrument to graue or carue with Búrla f. a iest a mocke a scoffe a deceit Burladór m. a iester a mocker a deceiuer * Burlándo iesting Burlár to iest to mocke to deceiue * Burlílla a pretie iest Burlón m. a iester * Búrra f. a shee asse * Burrásca f. a tempest or storme at sea * Burrátos a kinde of stuffe whereof they make womens mantels in Spaine * Búrto a hee asse * Búrro pece a sea fish * Burújo m. the husks of grapes or such like fruite after the wine or iuice is pressed out Búsca f. a search seeking * Buscádo m. sought searched * Buscadór m. a seeker a searcher Buscár Praes yo Búsco 1. Praet yo Busqué to search to seeke * Busqué vide Buscár * Bustamántes a surname of a certaine linage in Spaine * Butréra f. a place where they catch vultures a place where baite is laid for vultures Also a fishing net Búva vide Búbas f. the pocks a botch a bile * † Buxahamél a Moorish daunce Buxéta f. a box a little box a ciuet box * Búxula f. vide Brúxula a place where they keepe the compasse a shipboord * Buýtre m. a vulture * Buytréra a place to kill vultures in or to catch vultures * Buytron m. a wee le to catch or to keepe fish in the water * Echár Buytrónes to cast weeles in the water to catch fish * Buyzillo a yoong bullocke a steere * Búzano m. a diuer a ducker vnder water as Moores doe in the Indies for pearles * Búzio m. a certaine cockle fish with a smooth shell glistering like the mother of pearle Also the same as Búzano * Búzo vide Búzano * Bý●sa f. a cheuerell skin to make purses with * Býsa vide Býze * Býze the north winde C * CA id est Que for for that Cabál iust right * Cabála f. a mysticall science of heauenly things or reuelation of things secret professed by the Rabbies * Cabalía f. idem * Cabalísta m. one professing the arte of Cabála * Cabalístico m. of or pertaining to the arte of Cabála mysterious cabalisticall * Cabálla vide Caválla * Caballaríza vide Cavallaríza * Caballéro vide Cavalléro * Caballíllo vide Cavallíllo * Cabállo vide Cavállo m. * Cabalménte iustly rightly Cabán̄a f. a cabbin a cottage a shepherds cottage a soldiers cabbin Caban̄uéla f. a little cottage a little cabbin Cábe neere to hard by Cábe the verbe Impersonall it is held it is contained it happeneth it contayneth or holdeth Cabéça f. a head Cabéça de pérro the head of a dog or an herbe called dogs-head * Cabéça de ternéro f. an herbe called Calues snowte or Snapdragon * Cabéça verguençádo f. the nut of a mans yard * Cabeçáda f. a blow with the head against the wall the headstall for a horse A stickneckednes a wilfulnes a stubbornes a headstrongnes Cabeçáda de cavállo the headstall of a bridle Cabeçádo m. a headstall for a horse Also the vamping or putting to the instops to bootes * Cabeçáje vide Cabeçamiénto Cabeçál m. a pillow a bolster Cabeceamiénto m. nodding shaking of the head Cabeceár to nod to shake the head * Cabeceléro the