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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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eare nor hearing in the body no nose nor smellinge no handes nor fealinge fynally nothing but the Eye and seinge So the Bishop cutteth off the Deacons as the handes from the body taketh away the Elders who do necessarilie serue to smell out and vnderstand many matters abolisheth the Assembly as if he should stopp vp the eares which are apointed for the hearing off controuersies and fynallie hath destroyed the whole body whiles he will haue yt nothing but an eye neither will suffer either the Deacons or the Elders or the Assembly to do any thing but only himselfe to heare handle and deale with all manner matters But what a body is this which is nothing but an eye for as the Apostle saith The whole body is not one member but many And if ther be nothing but an eie then where is the smellinge wher is the hearinge wher be the handes and wher be the other partes Surely God made the bodie otherwise apointed to euery membre his office and function Neither can the Bishopp say vnto the Deacon no more then the Eye vnto the hand that he hathe no need off him seing we see Apostles who were the clearest Eyes which euer were had neede off the Deacons helpe Muche lesse can I say that he hathe no need off the Elders or off the whole assembly Neither durst the Byshoppes arrogate thus muche to them selues in the begynninge but by litle and lytle as Ambition and dysyre off bearinge rule did encrease in them and the care off the churche did decrease in ther fellows at the last they came to this vnspeakable pride Wherunto this was the first steppe when as the name off a Bishopp which is common to all other ministers and there fellowes as yet appeerethe in the xx off the Actes beganne to be attributed to one alone who was chosen by the rest to this end that he might propound the matters which were to be handled vnto the Assembly and gather the voices and beare as yt were that office which the Consull did in the Senate off Rome But as yet he was chosen by the rest and that not for euer but for a tyme And althoughe he had the honor off the name yet for other thinges he vsed no priuate authority neither toke vnto him selffe any more geuinge off voyces or determyninge off matters then any off the rest he contynewed still in the common care and chardge off all the Assemblie to watche ād ouer see the flock and was carefull also off his owne particuler dewty to preache ād to teache the people neither pretēded the charge off the common care which he had with the rest to make yt a cloke for his ydlenes and to liue at ease and leaue his proper and peculier charge off preaching but kept still his owne churche as his standinge vpon the wall so that yet hether to euery thing But only the Arrogatinge off the name off Bishopp vnto him selfe was tollerable But afterwardes when as by the negligence and ignorance off Bishopps and ministers there were but a fewe who were meete to handle suche matters and many were vnlerned some also idle and negligent and cared not for the churche then began this authority and charge touchinge the Discipline off the churche to be allmost wholie geuen vnto one which occasion Ambition tooke and seing the tyme to serue so fitt for the purpose hoised vp the sailes vnto honor So yt became a perpetuall office wheras before they were chosen vnto yt for a tyme And all matters were gouerned and ruled by one mans Authoritie alone and no more by the voyces off his fellowes and off the Assembly But afterward that darknes encreasinge and couering all the churche when as fewe fit Mynisters were to be found not onely in one towne or cytie But in some whole countrie or prouince the Tyranny grewe greater and encreased still and brought vnder the subiection off one man all the churches which were in a whole Dioces wheruppon the charge off a perticuler and as we will call yt a parishe churche was shaken off vnder pretence off this great burden off the ouersight off so many churches So that they left vnto them selues no more off the trew office off a Bishop and mynistery then that serued for ther honor that is they reserued only so muche that they might speake to the people wher and in what churche and when they wold Thus they vsurped all the authority off the Assembly yea ouer the Assembly ruling them as they listed chosing and putting out whom they would vntill at the last the Assemblies were cleane taken away and the churches off euery Dioces had Lordes set ouer them But ambition which as the flame or fyre goeth vpwardes still and cannot be kept with in any bandes staied not thus in Dioces and small prouinces But ascended vpp to greater from whence come our Metrapolitanes who were called Archbishopps and fyrst begann that Authoritie to be geuen them in theyr name which in deed they had vsurped before Then from the greater prouinces and Archebishoprickes they came higher to the rule off all the churches in a whole kingdome whervppon they wer called primates Then the whole churche thoroughe out the world was ruled by a Quadrumvirat that is by foure who had the chiefe charge off all the world and were called Patriarches vntill at the last Antychrist by thes staires went vpp to the throne off god and sat hym downe in the middest off the churche as Paule had prophesied and boasted him selfe as god This is the trewe hystorie off the confusion off Ecclesiasticall offices This was the cradle and the beginning off the Ambition off churche men Thus they grewe forewardes vpp and encreased wherby iff we perceyue all thinges to be so oute off ordre that the state off the whole bodye is to be feared by yt Let vs at the last geue warninge to our Prymat to our Metropolitanes and to our Lorde Bishoppes that yff they think yt a shamefull and an ambytious thinge and vnbesceminge the modesty off the seruant off Christ and off a trewe Pastor for the pope to take the Authorytye off Generall Counsells and to suffe nothing to be done nor decreed in them but what he only dothe or alloweth that I say yff they think this shamefull in the pope to doe to generall Counsells they would not plaie the petipopes in Conuocations or prouinciall Synods and takinge awaie the libertie off the Ecclesiasticall Synodes and Assemblies rule gouerne and apoint all alone by tyranny lest they seeme not to haue desyred to deliuer the churche cleane out off Bondage but only to chaunge the maister and to make it become subiect vnto them and to haue sought onelie that we should haue no forraine popes not that we should haue none at home or none alltogether and rather to haue abhorred the pope off Rome then the popedome yt selffe Let them remember at the last that they haue as great need iff they do
commendeth also vnto the Elders the flocks which ar amonges them that is to say to euery one off them ther owne flockes wherby yt may appeere that they were set ouer certen flockes And these be not only the examples off the Apostles but the lawes which they geue vs and the commandementes which they left vs to ordeyne Elders and Deacous in the churche as the necessitie and state theroff shall require And sure I cannot tell how he can thinck him sellfe to haue receyned any office who with out doinge any man wronge may sitt idle iff he list Offten tymes the auncient Sinodes made decrees against thes idle orders that leaue a man so free bindinge him to no certen charge That no man should be ordeyned an elder as they vse to speake yt without a title that is to say without a churche And suerly iff all wer not confused and trobled in the Discipline off our churche we could neuer beare so notable disorder that suche kind off allowinges should be esteemed lawfull ministeries which ar then only Mynisteries off the churche when they that ar thus commended and allowed off haue gotten a churche that will vse ther labor and who in the meane tyme eyther do nothinge or ells goe about as they lift in all the realme as roges and masterles seruantes seekinge some mayster that will hyre them and vse ther Labor Suche tymes in deed ar spoken off in the stories off the Iudges wher Ionathan the Leuite wantinge a highe place and an aulter went rouinge to let out his seruice to any that would hyre hym but it is added in the same place that ther was then no kinge in Israell But this great confusion was taken away afterward by Dauid and Salomon and euery one accordinge to the ancient prescripcion off Moses and Iosus wer appointed ther proper seates townes and cynes ●o occupy them in Therfore whie do we that lyue vnder the kingdome off CHRIST our true Salomon who hath sett all this in very Good order whie do we I say suffer the churche to be stayned with so notable a spott and ordeyne not accordinge to the word off God that no no man be appoynted to any Ecclesiasticall office But he that is called to a certen churche wher to to exercise it And why do we not accordinge to this example call home the Priestes to the Arcke off the Lord and the leuites to the appointed cities Ther remaineth somewhat that lickwise perteineth to all that beare office in the churche That is that they so execute them that they may not be accused for neglectinge or pretermitinge ther duties For in the church what so small a charge is there which we ought not to studie with all faithfulnes laboure and diligence to make florishe to beautifie and adorne seinge we haue the Angelles for lookers on to see how we vse and behaue our selues in the execucion theroff and the Lord him selfe a most liberall rewarder off the one parte yff we do it well and contrariwise a most seuere Iudge and Auenger iff we do it not accordinge to our dutie For that which the Apostle cōmandethe to geue Archippus warrninge off That he should diligently see to his office which he had receyued off the Lord is to be extended also to all thos that beare any charge or office in the church off God and euery one ought to thincke it to perteine to them selues which the same Apostle admonisheth Tymothie off that is That they discharge ther dutie and make knowne ther ministerie by all meanes yea further all that are called to any office or gouernment in the churche must vnderstand that the same hange he ouer ther headdes which the Apostle declareth that he was afraide off iff being called therunto he should not preache the Gospell For ther is none so litle a charge in the howse off god wheroff one day most streight Accompt shall not be asked In vayn then shall men dreame off pardons dispensacions and priuiledges All shal be called to Accompt to declare with what faithfulnes and diligence they haue done ther dewties They shal be ●e compelled to aunswer ther most deadly enemyes that off them selues shal be readie to accuse them for not hauing discharged ther dutie And the accompte shal be made in the greatest and most solemne assemble that euer was for seing that it appeare the by the parable off the talētes com̄itted to the seruantes that a most streight accompt shal be asked off the lest gift off god that we receyne in this world how muche streighter do we thinck it wil be for thē that haue receeyued gouerment in the churche and iff he shal be so hardly delt with that neglecteth one talēt that he hath receiued They that beare greatest offices in the churche and vpon whos faithe and credit in discharging off them the saluacion theroff dothe in a maner depend how carefully ought they bothe day and nyght to thinck off dischardging this dewty hauinge so great a reckoninge to make not off one Talent but off the churche which our Lord Iesus so deerely loued that for loue theroff he vouchsafed to come frō the highest heauens into thes lower partes off the earthe to redeeme it and purchase it not with gold or siluer as saithe Sainct Peter but with his precious bludd But I do otherwise then I was purposed that am fallen to threatninges and exhortacions wheras in the beginninge I only purposed to declare what ought to be doone and what we do not And yet ther be so great faultes committed in this behalff that it seemuch nothinge can be greuously and vehemently enoughe spoken against them For the chiefe charges off the churche ar not only left vndischarged for negligence but dispensacions and priuiledges are granted that exempt ministers from the necessary doinge off ther dewty and geue Pastors leaue off this condicion to leaue ther flocke and ther churches yff they leaue an other in ther place to read seruice vnto them And for them that will goe to the vniuersitie by an ordinary lawe it is lawfull to be absent three yeeres and the realt with a litle mony may purchase the like dispensacions in the Archbishops court and market Off the sāe sort also be thos bulls that are bought in the same market that geue ycence off heaping so many churches or as they call them Beneficies to gether which Faculties as they call them besides the intollerable couetousnes wher with also for some mennes diligence in this behalffe is ioyned extreeme need and pouertie off a great nomber off other as commonly it commeth to passe wher a fewe men rake all vnto them selues bringe in a●so into the churche a necessitie off neglectinge off dewty seinge yt is impossible that one should be able to serue more churches and thos often tymes the lenght off the whole land a sonder In which horrible destroyinge off the churche and neglectinge and for sakinge the Lordes flock streyinge in the
to escape In the end off the same Epistle wherin he is called a Bishop he sendethe for him from Ephesus to Rome which suerly he would neuer haue done yff he had beene appointed Bishopp ther or one off thos elders whom Paule in the twentieth off the Actes sent for to miletum and exhorteth to contynuall watche and ward And Paule hym selfe writeth that he willed him to tary at Ephesus not that he had ordeined him bishopp ther. A like obiection they make out off the Epistle to Titus wher it is written that Paule left him in Creta that he should appoint Elders in euery towne But it may lickwise be annswered that the Apostle saithe not that he ordeineth him Bishopp off the churches off Creta But only that he leaft him in Creta namely so longe vntill he had sett suche thinges in order as Paule beinge otherwise called away could not tarry to do and had appointed Elders in euery citie which apperethe by this that he commanded hym when thos thinges wer done to come to him to Nicopolis into Macedonia Lickwise in an other place he writeth that Titus was gonn into Dalmacia so that yt is cleere enoughe that Titus had no charge off any certen place or church Therfore seing I thinck yt is sufficiently proued that Titus and Tymothie were Euāgelistes and not Bishoppes how doeth that make for the Bishoppes which we see by ther Epistles was granted vnto thē For I thinck they will not compare them selues with the Euangelistes or affirme them selues to be off equall authoritie with them which iff they should they might be easelie confuted as after in dew place shal be declared But that we may put the case that Timothie was Bishopp at Ephesus and that we may freely graunt that what so euer may apperre to haue beene lawfull for him to be lawfull also for them Let vs see now what the Apostle graunted to Timothie For soothe say they that he might choose off his owne authoritie the officers off the church Let vs then see whether it be so or not And here is first to be noted that they do yll geue that vnto Election which perteyneth not to Election But to Ordinacion For the laying on off handes was not wonte to be vsed in choosinge off any Officers off the churche But in ordeininge off him Then that we graunt them this also That election hereby is signified I say that ther Tyranny and Lordly authoritie is by no place more confuted then by this which they bring for them selues which that yt may more cleerly appeere I must first take away a certen false exposicion which they bringe off this place that after I may the more easyly convince them by the true and naturall meaninge theroff Heere say they Tymothie is warned that he lay not his handes to hastely vpon any nor communicate with other mens faultes namely with thers say they who allthoughe they be vnworthy seeke to enter into the ministery An interpretacion very vnfytt either for the wordes off the Apostle or for those tymes Will they confesse that euen in thos tymes this ambicion had crept into the churche that as now a dayes so then also they went vnto the Bishop for order and layinge on off handes for otherwise what other men̄s fault is this wherwith the Apostle warne the Tymothi that he pollute not him selfe for what fault can this bee Not to be fitt to taky vpon him an ecclesiasticall function But herein is the fault that he that is giltie to him selfe off his owne vnworthines desirethe notwithstandinge to take that vpon him which he is not able to be are with out great offence But who will say that so shamfull Ambicion raigned in the churche in thos daies which many yeeres after was borne and brought vpp at Rome And iff the church had then been steyned with this blott would not Paule expresly haue forbidden this Ambition seinge that he would haue a bishoppe to be blamles and prouided by all meanes that he sholde not swell and wax prowd Therfore this is off smaller waight then it may be allowed and the meaninge off this place is farr otherwise nam y this That Paule foreseyng longe before that greeuous wolues not sparing the flock would ryse vp euen off the Elders off Ephesus them selues and that Tymothie was but off equall authoritie with the Elders in gouerninge off the churche and choosinge off others into the same place and degree and that they that were suche wold choose to b● Elders and lay ther handes on suche as wer like them selues he warneth Timothy that he do nothing rashely in this behalffe neyther iff any suche thing happen althoughe other like neuer so well off it yet he shall not suffer him selfe to be led away by ther authoritie to the allowynge off it but iff he could not keep others by his counsell from so doinge at the least he should keepe hym selff pure and innocent for so he addeth emphatically Keepe thy self pure communicate not vvith other mens faultes And this is the true and naturall meaninge off this place wher by yt appeareth that the Apostle not only grauntith him no princely authoritie for then he would not haue warned him to keepe him selfe pure from allowynge any suche Election but haue commanded him off his meer authoritie to haue hindered and stayed yt and to haue made the choise of the rest off no effect by his negatiue voice but contrariwise that he was off so equall authoritie with the rest off the Elders that iff they had chosen one vnfyt in some respect yet he could not off his owne meere authoritie haue put hym back nor done any more in this matter thē any off the rest And that he could only take heede vnto him selfe that he allowed not any vnripe or vnworthie Iudgmētes off other officers Therfore ther is no cause which they should make Tymothie the Author off this ambition and tyranny Now let vs examin also the example off Titus whom they do trewly affirme to haue beene commanded to appoint Elders in euery citie but I suppose no man will thinck that Paule graunted more to Titus then eyther he and Barnabas or then all the rest off the Apostles tooke vnto them selues neyther iff he had graunted is it like that Titus being a yonge man and his scholler and as it wer his sonne would haue vsed it For as the Iewes say in a cōmon prouerbe it is enoughe for the seruāt to be like his maister which sayinge allso Christ him selfe alloweth when he said that the disciple is not aboue his maister And that it owght to be enowghe for the scholer iff he be suche as his maister is But I haue shewed allredy what both Paule and all the rest off the Apostles did Neither is it ●ike that Titus did otherwise ordeine Elders in euery towne then Paule did in euery churche especially seing Paule doth expressly warne him to appoint them as he had commāded
yt were made and appointed off God especially in this age and in thes daies wherin all thinges ar so corrupted that the most part followinge the pleasures off this life ar smally carefull for the right vse off spirituall giftes wher off notwithstandinge the Apostle would haue no man ignorant And allthoughe many wer able to iudge in other charges who ar meete and vnmeet how fewe be ther that could make triall and assay off a minister that could examyn his gifftes and make due searche and triall what godlines what lerninge or what ability he were off to edefy the churche And suerly iff all men were so taught off god that they could know and iudge off thes thinges then in deed we should neede no certein choosen men who by ther spirituall wisdome and discretion should gouerne and direct the Iudgementes off the people we should not then need to feare the chosinge off any vnworthy or vnable to edifie the churche ther would be no daunger off confusion and vproares Thes in deed should be the bancketes that they commend so highly that ar the dayntier the more ther be that bringe ther dishes to it and the Gosyppe feastes which they praise so muche which when they can prepare for vs we ar so fare off that we would not sit downe beinge bidden that with great thanckes to the host that so should receyue vs we would take great pleasure in the vse off so so exquisite daynties and preferre them before the most deyntie feastes off the Syracusians and such a table before that golden table off the sonne that Herodotus doth mencion But seinge thes thinges ar rather to be wished then hoped or loked for let vs keep that ordre which I haue described beinge most agreable to the decrees of the Apostles to edificacion the chiefest and most sacred lawe off discipline and furthest off from confusion and tumultes which is that the ecclesiasticall counsell when neede shal be prouide fitt men for the churche in euery function and office examin and trie them diligently and carefully then choose them after publishe and make knowne ther election vnto the church and last off all beinge allowed by the church lay ther handes vpon them and so stablishe them in ther place and callinge by ther authoritie But paraduenture I haue taried longer in this part then needed seing we ar not troubled with the lightnes and confusion off populer elections but with lordshipp and tyranny which I cannot se may continue with the safety off the church which it hath already allmost ouerthrowne so that speedie remedy is to befound lest we lament to late the ruine off our decaying church Now as for Elections ther must allwais goo before them a due profe and triall off the worthynes off the partyes that ar to be chosen For that which the Apostle to Timothe commandeth concerninge Deakons That they also be fist examined and then iff ther be no other cause to the contrary admitted to ther deaconshipp doth plainlie proue that examinacion owght to be had before that election and choise be made to any ecclesiasticall office and function for which cause also S. Paule doth no lesse declare the maner how to proue and trie a bishoppe or ministers then to examin the Deacon and ther is the same ende ād vse off examinaciō in all which is That no charge be cōmitted to an vnfit man or not able enoughe for the office wherby it might come to passe that both the church should want hir needfull and necessary helpes and that the holie offices should be prophaned Therfore the churche ought to choose no man but whom they knowe before to be chosen off God for it standeth vppon the gouerment off his house whos keies it is vnlawfull to commit vnto any to whom the Sonne and heyre that great steward off the house off Dauid vpon whose shoulder the master off the house hath laid the keies hath not thought good to credit and commit them vnto But God chooseth no man to any office whom therwith all he doth not indewe with meet giftes for the discharginge off it for otherwise how should he aske accōpt off doinge the office off him whom he compelled to beare and take it vpō him knowinge him vnmeet and vnable for it Therfore no man is sent oute off god without worthie giftes into any parte off his gouerment but for the burthen and function that he laieth vpon him he ministreth also strenght and force to beare it And this is the meaninge off the often repeatinge in the booke off Iudges off that sentence The Spirit off the Lord came vpon him and he iudged Israel ād many suche like examples are to be founde in the olde Testament off Moses and Iosua off the Prophetes Esay and Ieremy and many other whō when the Lord ment to vse in any the lest charge off his churche he therwith all endeweth them with worthy giftes for the good execution theroff And in the new Testament our Sauior Christ him selfe tooke not vpō hī to deale in the mediator his office before he had receiued the holy ghost wherby he might be furnished withmeet giftes for the full discharge and execution off it For so Esay expressely Prophesithe off him The pirit off the Lord is vpon me therfore he hath anoynted me he hath sent me to preach the Gospell vnto the pore c. Out off which place whe see that fyrst he receyued the Spirit or euer that office and embassage was enioyned him and that he was anoynted before he came to the wrestling and exercise So lickewise the Apostles allthoughe they had beene taught by our Sauior him selfe the most heauēly schole master that could be for three yeeres and more and had after a sorte receyued the holie ghost by his breathinge vppon them yet because they had a great battell to fight and muche trauell to be taken and many daungers to aduenture into he geuethe them warninge that they enter not into the listes rashly and vnprouided but commandeth them yet to tary and waite for the promise off the father and more plentifull guiftes off the holie ghost Hither also belongethe the ceremonies vsed in bothe the Testamentes in ordinacion or consecracion as we call it For what ells doth that anoyntinge off the priestes kinges and Prophetes declare But thos guyftes wherwith they who were anoynted were endewed by the holie ghost for the execucion off ther offices To this also the layinge on off handes in the newe testament is to be referred which declareth that the Lord had laid on his handes before and giuen them worthi gyftes for the places they were called vnto But what do I trauelinge so carefully in this behalfe doth not nature it selfe and reason and common experience teach vs this when some ar sett ouer the citie and cōmon wealth that they are choosen counsellors whom greate lerninge and long life and diligēt obseruacion and experience it selfe hath taught that worthie and hard knowledge off
Euangelist which Timothy bare comprehendeth all the offices and functions off the church in Bishopps and Deacons So also the same Apostle writinge to the Phillipiās whos church to as allready established and set in order Paule and as followeth To the Saincts vvhich are at Philippi withe the Bishoppes and Deacons c. In which place vnderstandinge hy the name off Sainctes the faithful and as it were the citezens and body off the church vnder Bishopps and Deacons he conteinethe the gouernours ād thos to whom any publique charge in the church is committed Somewhat otherwise in the xij to the Romans but to the same sence he deuideth ecclesiasticall offices into prophesing which is ther office whom he calleth Bishopps in the two places afore named and Deaconshipp which distribution is also kept by Peter in the fourthe of his former epistle But that keeping still the name off Deacon he vseth the word speache for prophesyinge This therfore is the true diuision off ecclesiasticall offices distributed by Christes chiefe Apostles into thes partes wherby yt manifestly appereth that in a perfecte and well established church ther be both partes as it wer the right side ād the left side off the body and that neither off them can be wantinge with out the great deformity and misshapinge off the whole As also off the other part ther ought to be no office no charge or functiō in ther church which is not as it wēr a mēber off one of thes ij partes and inseperably ioined with the rest of the body by which forme and paterne off the Apostles iff we should examin the Romane churche I meane that Romane church that fell from hir first simplicity and that liuelie image off the beast which is described by Sainct Ihon framed and fashioned hir selfe after the fourme and patterne off the Romane Empire as is declared by Clement by other occasions in his Epistles what need haue wee heere off a heauēly kind off surgery to cut off the superfluity off so many and vnnecessary and needles partes what wenns and what blemishes wer to be cut off and cured in this behalffe But ther appereth no lesse deformity in the want of thos partes which are naturall ād necessary seing that in the romane church one whole parte that is off Deacons is wanting Off both which so notable deformities I would our church wer free and that ther wer nothinge in our metropolitane and other mother and cathedrall churches that did imitate the superfluity off needles partes and mēbres for in the other deformitie in wantinge necessary partes we ar nothing inferior to the Papistes them selues for the Deacons are alike wanting in them both as after more plainly shall appere when I come to that place Now let vs examin particularly the seuerall offices And first off all let vs speake off the Bishopp The name off a Bishopp cōminge off the greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie a watchman or a scoutwatch who is appointed to watche in the campe or citie and to declare the comminge off the enemy which name allso all thoughe yt be sometyme gyuen to the Magistrat for that care he ought to haue off the people subiect vnto him yet oftner and more properly to the chieff charges off the church and to thos that are as it were the watche off the cytie off god to keepe it not frō fire and sword which mortall enemyes can bring against it but from that euerlasting fier and thos fyry dartes as the Apostle calleth them wherby most mighty spirites and most deadly enemyes off the church go about day and night to enflame the cytie with all But seinge that euen off thes some by speciall othe are more streightly bound to cōtinuall watche and ward namely they to whom are cōmitted thos holy siluer trompettes to declare to all men all the word and commandedement off god the com̄inge off the enemyes to thes properly and specially is gyuen in the third off the first to Tymothi the first to Titus and other places the name off Bishopp or wachmam So that in old tyme this was rather a name off labor then off rest off burden then off honor off busines then off ease Now a Bishop iff we will trewly declare what he is is the minister off the churche in heauenly thinges and such as perteine vnto god For this I thinck good to follow the wisdome off the Apostle in declaringe the office off a priest vnder the law seing that bishoppes in the new testament haue succeded as touching the gouernment off such thinges to the priestes off the law As for that I enclose all the office off a Bishopp in deuine seruice I ground vpon the same place off the Apostle who giueth no more to the priestes whose office was nothing lesse honorable then the Bishopes in this behalffe yea had a greater shew off maiesty and honor in certene pointes in respect off thos tymes which had need off suche thinges So the Apostle conteineth the office off Timothe although he were an Euangelist in the gouerment and administracion off the house off god which is the churche And to omytte many other places to this ende the Apostle to the Hebrues cōprehendeth all the charge off the Elders in the cure off soules And what greater and more sufficient witnes can we haue in this mater then off Christ our Sauior and our kinge who throwghly knewe the nature off his kingdome and had appointed to what vse to put euery one how often doth he declare that his kingdome is not off this world but off an other and more heauenly nature and suche as parteineth to the procuringe off the saluacion off men wherin for asmuche as his whole embassage and charge which he receyued off his father did cōsist he was wholy occupied therin his doingt and meditation was allwais vpon it he medled not him selffe with the thinges off his world but day and night had his charge before his eyes and exercised him selffe therin warning also the Apostles that they should not hope to obteine the glorious shew and honor off this world seinge his kingdome was off an other nature yt rulethe the affections yt gouernethe the troublesome mocions off the mynd it morateth inordinate lustes and bringeth euery mā to the doinge of his duty yt lifteth and raiseth vp againe thos that were fallen and beaten to the ground it confirmeth thos that are sick and weake with the grace mercy and goodnes off god it bringeth men from receiued errors wherby they were cast hedlong into all daunger an mishiefe to the true honoringe and worshipping off god he tould them that he would vse ther labor to these endes They should keep his foulds and feed his flock and his lambes This should be ther race to runne in Thes ther listes wherin they should exercise them selues wherin iff they behaued ther selues with praise and commendation they should look for as
might enioye his kingdome euerlastinglie how carefully and how long euen for the space off fortie daies togither did he talke with his disciples touching his kingdome For these are those charges and commandements which S. Luk and S. Mathewe doe write that he gaue to his Apostels and Embassadors off the administracion and gouernment off his empire and whereoff he commāded them to giue his subiectes warning to kepe them with all dewtie and reuerence And after he was sette in his kinglie throne doe we not see how he prouided all thinges which were necessarie not only for the first foundacion off the church by meanes off Apostels and prophetes but also for the preseruacion off it foreuer by Pastors and Doctors But that I be not longer then is needefull in so cleare a matter how cam yt to passe that there was one order forme and discipline off all the churches which were founded by the Apostels excepte they receiued the paterne from Christe him selfe which they thowght not lawfull to alter and chaunge And S. Paul seing he had no more receyued this parte touching discipline from the Apostels then the rest off ●he Gospell for he had established many godlye churches many yeres before that he had conferred with them off his doctrine from whence I saie receyued he all that forme and order off establishung the churche by excepte he were taught off Christe by reuelacion as well concerning this as concerning the rest off the Gospell But I will shut vp all this matter touching the originall off discipline that it commeth from god and is therfore vnchaungeable and perpetuall and common to all churches with that earnest charge which S. Paul geueth Timothie touching the keping and manteining theroff who hauing tawght his scholer all the order off ruling the howse off God which is the churche I charge the saithe he in the sight off that God which quickneth all thinges and Iesus Christe who made that worthie confession before Pontius Pilate that thow kepe these preceptes without blāe or reprofe euen to that notable cōming off our lorde Iesus Christe and so forth as the Apostle with most earnest wordes doth charge him Off which place I gather first that allmightie God and our Sauiour Iesus Christe are the authors off that discipline which S. Paule had taught in that epistle forasmuche as they are noted to be the punyshers and auengers off all those who shall breake yt I note furder also that this order off discipline is constaunte and vnchangeable which may neyther be broken for any mans power or authoritie nor altered for any mans fauour seing that it is not only called a commandment but is geuen also with suche a charge Tymothie being warned before the allmigtie God and our Sauior Iesus Christe to beare him selfe therin without blame and reprofe Last off all that yt is no commandment belong●ng to any certein tyme but perpetuall and perteyning to all tymes and states off the churche Seing yt is so expresselie commanded that it should be kepte vnto the comming off our lorde Iesus Christe But how blame worthie were many afterwardes and how fowlie stained with the transgression off this holie cōmandment for at the last Satan that conning workman to dostroie the churche hauing made them to forgette this earnest charge off the Apostle and hauing laide to the walles off the churche those twoe engines off Couetoussnes and Ambicion which destroye aswell churches as cyties did cast downe the strong holdes whereby it was mayntened and preserued But what did these so greate Patrones and Protectors how grieuouslie did they punyshe not only the necligence off men but there sinfull and vnfaithfull wickednes The stories doe testifie how that by litle and little with the corruption off Discipline Doctrine also beganne to be corrupted vntill that at the last they were bothe allmost cleane taken awaie and the churche abolished For they knowe not I saie plainelie they knowe not who being content with the doctrine off the Gospell neglecte discipline that the disposicion and nature of these two is like the disposicion off twoe sisters who are twines or off those brotherne off whome Hypocrates speaketh who beganne to be sicke together and to amende togither so that fot the naturall inclinaciō and disposiciō of the one towardes the other they were affected one with the others healthe and infirmitie Wherefore seing that god of his infinite goodnes gathered togither againe our churche in these daies and that trewe doctrine as the elder syster is recouered let vs not hinder hir as hir nature is iff she be not hindred to affecte also discipline with hir healthe that as it beganne to be sicke togither with doctrine yt maie be also recouered togither with yt And let vs be moued with the remembraunce of the former calamities to the restoring againe of a pure gouernment off the churche excepte we esteme it not to haue the almightie god and our Sauior Iesus Christe readie to punyshe vs and to be reuenged on vs for the neglecte off his discipline and to knowe at the last to our greate perill and daunger how necessarie it is for the churche and how acceptable vnto god But whie doe I saie lest we knowe at the last seing that we haue alreadie proued not many yeres since by the banyshement and fliing off subiectes by s● so crewell burnyng and murdryng off our brethren and horrible wastyng of our churche how greatlie the former reformacion being not sincere as it owght to haue bene displeased our Lorde and god But to returne to that from whence I haue digressed I thincke it plaine and manifest by that which hath bene said which I purposed to proue in the beginning that is to saie that the rule and paterne off discipline is not to be drawne from the ordinaunces and fantasies off men but from the worde off god which thing as it hath long tyme preserued puritie and sinceritie in those churches wherin all thinges are reformed according to goddes worde So all the corruptions which are in our churche this daie spring from no other heade then this that we haue followed popishe dreames and fantasies as most stickyng syncks and chanells leauing the pure fountames off the worde off god For I see and perceyue that the master Builders off our churche in repairing off yt againe were so wholy bent vnto the doctrine that they neuer thowght off Discipline and so reteined yt still almost wholie suche as it was amonghest the Papistes whereupon it cōmeth that all the gouernmēt of our churche is not takē out of Goddes worde but out off the cannon lawe and decrees off Popes Which wither it were done by reason off the ignoraunce off those daies or off negligence or for ambicion and vaine glorie or because they thought that popishe discipline might be tollerated for a tyme or for what purpose soeuer Surelie no man can doubte but that yt was to the greate hindraunce and discommoditie off the churche which knoweth
mountaines and wandringe in the woodes with out a guyde which he him selfe spared not to spēd his life for to bring yt into the way againe we are in no part inferior to the Papistes them selues Is this then our discipline is this that order which some men often tymes praisinge in wordes desire nothinge less in deed Is this the gouernment and administracion off our churche and yet no man may be suffred freely to speake for the reformaciō of the churche and restoringe againe of the pure and perfit gouernmēt of the Apostles Seinge thes are most manifestly contrary to the example off our Sauior Christ and off the Apostles Seinge they threaten the certeyne ruyne and ouer throw off the churche Seinge they do not only shake but turne vpward the pillers off the same Haue we not Good cause to be moued bothe for the Glory off God and the saluacion of the churche to requyre more holye ordinaunces and a better gouernment off the same Can any man esteeme thes light matters and off small waight that the sacred Lawes off God are openly violated and broken with oute any shame that the churche which Christ hath redemed with his bludd is neglected That ther is no regard had off discharginge off dewties That a man taketh to hym selfe which the Aungelles dare not and that the Archbishopp dare geue the Pastor leaue contrary to the expresse commandement off God to forsake his flock or graunt him suche priuiledges wheroff that same dothe necessaryly follow which no Archangell may challendge to him selff Or shall thos thinges also which I haue handled from the begynninge to this place be esteemed small faultes to ground Ecclesiasticall discipline not vpon the word off God and the will off the Lord Iesus But off the canon lawe Which suerly I doubt not to affirme to be the very fountaine and springe from whence all the rest off the Corruptions do flow that popishe priestes womē Archdeacons and Chauncelers with ther Officialles Commissaryes and the rest off that Trashe do bringe ther impure handes and neuer sanctified vnto God to do his holie seruice to preache his word to handle and distribute his facred mysteries to order and gouerne his churche And nothinge seare any punishement off this ther boldnes and most vnworthie prophanacion off the holie offices That Ionathan the Leuites shamefull example in seekinge a Maister or as we call yt in gettinge the good will off a Patrone is taken to be followed That Dauid and Salomons example in callinge the Priestes and Leuites to ther cyties and townes and the Apostles in ordeininge no ecclesiasticall officer but vnto certen churches is neglected and contemned And last off all that Thes wicked and intollerable faculties Prerogatiues Priuiledges and dispensacions tha● I haue spoken off at suffered in our churche Are all thee I say to be countid trifles or certen light faultes and tollerable errors For my par e suerly I thincke as allso I suppose all they will do that will were this by the word off God as by the gold smythes ballance that ther is neuer a one off these light and small to be esteemed but that they ar all heynous trespasses and matters off Treason to be examined and iudged off in the highest courtes Therfore in the name off God let vs not seeke to bringe this holie doctrine off reforminge our discipline into hate and displeasur vnder a shew that yt is a newe and a false pretēce that all innouaciōs ād chāges are dangerous but rather abrogating thes most vniust and vnrighteous lawes dispensacions and as I may well call them pardones and indulgencies at the last let vs call agayne that maner off gouerninge the churche and that discipline being now lost which the Lord him selfe by his embassadors and Apostles hathe apointed Thus hauinge described and layd out the lawfull vocacion off all those which occupie any publique place in the churche let vs now come to the partes and members of the same which especially are two wherin the right maner off geuinge thes offices doth consist that is In election and ordinacion which is so properly called Election is the appointinge by the Elders the rest off the churche allowing it off a fitt man to the bearinge off some office in the churche And as for Election that it is necessary to the geuinge off any off thes offices it may appeare euen off that that S. Paul ioineth it with examinacion and trial and diligently warneth Timothie that he lay not on his handes vpon them that be vnworthie but only vpon thos that after a iust triall beinge had are found meet and chosen That same is proued also by the continuall vse off the Apostles who by the iudgmēt and authoritie off the churche apointed Bishopps to teache and Deacons for the orderinge off the Treasury off the churche For Christ hath not chosen any certen hous or famyly as it was in old tyme vnder the law wherin the gouernment off the churche should all wais remaine He gaue herein no right off Petigree stock and blood no ministers by inheritance but he would haue the iudgement left free vnto his churche and the offices theroff to be gyuen by choyse and worthines Off which election for asmuche as it was so necessary for the state off the churche that without yt the churche it selfe could not longe continew Our Sauior Christ was very carefull and therfor declared particularly and distinctly all thinges which apperteined to the orderyng theroff For he hath perfectly and diligently shewed bothe who owght to choose and to whom especially this care ought to belonge and what ought to be followed and regarded in chosinge off euery one For althoughe this question and controuersy off the chosers hathe beene diuersly disputed off by lerned men yet allmost all off them cōsen in this that ther must be moe to deale therin and that so great and so wayghtie a charge and belonginge to the especiall and singuler commodytie or discomoditie off the wholl churche ought not be committed to the authoritie off any one but be ordered and ruled by the iudgement and consent off many And this is the generall opynion off all thos that euer disputed lernedly and wisely in this cause from which I thinck no man can dissent but the Papists and they that haue succeded them in that authoritie which they most vnuistly and not without open iniury and tyranny doe vsurpe For the Bishopps that challeng this power vnto them selues by ther meere authoritie and ther owne only Iudgment and aduise to apoint the officers off the churche cannot challenge this by any right or law off God but exercise a very tyranny thoughe indeed longe agoe browght into the churche which lest I may seeme to haue said with out cause and to haue condemned them with out hearinge them to say what they can let them shew forth from whom and by what right this infynit power and authoritie is come into ther handes yff they say they haue
continency frugalitie and all moderacion off life but only that I would haue them receiued as the embassadores off Christ for the honor off ther master honestly ād liberally that we put not thē downe to the meany to eate with the shepherdes and hired seruantes nor forget those that labor in the Lordes worck as Moses gaue the Iewes warnīge towchinge the Leuites seing we sit all of vs by the blessinge of the Lord quietly and in peace euerie man vnder his Oliue tree and vnder his vine ād gather in our hauest and our vintage seinge I say we enioy thes cōmodities we ought not to deale couetously sparingly and niggardly with them but louingly liberally and bountifully that they may liue honestly and cōmodiously off ther labors that they may norishe and mainteine ther house and familie that they may prouide them selues suche necessary helps as they stand in need off for ther vocation and callinge yea and furder that they may be able to releiue and succor the pore and ●eedy for this is the right waie to preserue the ministerie that bothe it become not vile and contēptible thorowghe poue●●y and misery neither that it wax wanton an prophane by great excesse and abundance For as it is a shame for the churches to see ther minister in miserie thoroughe neede ād necessitie so it is to be feared leste they wax wantō by to great plēty ād riches For surely it was a right heauenly voyce and spoken as an Oracle off the maner off gouerninge the church which the story of the primitiue church reherseth was hard from heauen in the time off Constantine the great that godly Emperor that is to say that the churche was poisoned with riches For so it came to passe that they fell frō labor to idlenes from tēperancie to excesse and wantonnes from the meane estate off bishopes and ministers to affect and desire to imitate ād follow the magnificence and maiesty off lordes and princes hereof come the ther siluer ād gilted Crosiers wherby they imitated the sceptres off kinges heroff they got them myters as kinges haue ther crownes hereoff also because the noble men kept great traines of seruāts that they might be the beter able to serue the comon wealthe in tyme off need they wold also haue ther traines and began to be delighted and to take pleasure in an vnprofitable nomber off seruantes and waitinge men to adorne and set out ther cuphordes with siluer vessell and plate off gold to array thēselues in costly apparell for now a dais a man may see them that weare soft apparell not only in kīges courtes as our Sauior Christe saide but euē in the church to be called honorable lords to sit at the right hand off kinges and princes to send them giftes and presentes to bid thē to ther bancketes and bothe seeke and mainteine ther honor and estimation by a certen courtly pompe and shewe This condicion I not only wishe not to our Bishoppes but iudge it and esteeme it alltogether intollerable and by no meanes to be suffered as a meanes to hindre there labor and diligence in ther office as a meanes to make them wanton lascyuious and proud and agreathe not with that meane estate that ought to appere in Bishopps but is most contrary bothe to the ordinance and also to the examples off Christ our Sauior and off his Apostles Neither in my Iudgmen● may any church be esteemed well enoughe reformed that euen in this behalffe doth not obey to the expresse commandement off god and take away all this vaine pompe and shewe and make the Bishoppes be content with the meane estate off ther place and callinge making them able to bidde the pore to ther table and the banished for Christs sake but not to bidd kinges and princes calling them the seruantes and Ministers off Christ and not honorable lordes beinge carefull that they may be suche as may shine in godlines learninge modesty temperaunce continencie and all example of good life not with gold and siluer with traines and trompes off mē and lordly port and courtly state off honor Thes are the right ornamentes off Bishoppee wherby they may procure to thē selues an honest report with credite ād authority in the church off god to there ministerie wherbie also they mvy preserue and mayntene the same Therfore let vs not take to muche pleasure in the outward beautie and faire shewe off this pompe and glory but let vs see iff ther be any vse and proffit off it desyre rather that which is proffitable for others then that which seruethe only for avaine shewe For as the Poet saithe Seeke not the thing that faire is to eye But rather that the cyty may liue by But the church liueth not by this pompe and shewe nor hathe no neede off it but off godlines lerninge symplicitie and modesty by which thinges Christ would haue his kingdome enlarged And I pray yow how do this moue the mindes off men to goe to the church with a great traine off men before him and after him as the Bishoppe that Eusebius speaketh off in the seuenth boke off his ecclesiasticall historie to goe to the pulpit with officers afore him makinge Roume for my lorde to preache in a Rochet and a faire square cappe leaninge opon a quishion off clothe off gold Thes thinges may delight the eyes for a tyme and the outward senses take pleasure in this vaine shewe but I see not how the mīd is more easilie taught beaten downe or raised vp againe by this meanes For it must be a certen heauenly power ioyned with a pure lerned and simple interpretation off the scriptures which must work thes thinges which are Iewells more meet to shyne in a pulpit than siluer or gold Plinie shewinge the cause off the fruitfulnes off the Roman feeldes in times past more elegantly in deed then truly Then saithe he when the fieldes wer tilled by Emperors it is like that the earthe reioysed to be plowed with a share bearing a lawrell garlond vpon it and to be tilled off such a plow man who had before triumphed More pretilie I say then truly for that it is better for tillīge off the earthe that the ploughe share be sharpe then that it be crowned with a laurel garlond and that the ploughe man be diligent rather then suche a one as had entred the citie in greate pompe and triumphe Which also the same Author correctinge him selffe addeth after in the same place sayinge Or ells this might haue beene the cause off the fruitfulnes off the feeldes thē That thos worthie Captaines and Emperors handled ther seedes as carefully as ther battelles and were as diligent ouer ther fieldes as ouer ther tentes Or ells this That all thinges speede more happilie which are done by them who are honest and vertuous because they be also done more painfully and with greater trauell which surely me thincketh is the very cause off the fruitfulnes off the lordes field And that then