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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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concluded for the third time O peace more cruell than any warre the yeare 1570. in the moneth of August the faithfull of the Church of Orlians thinking to inioy and vse the benefite of the saide peace were daily threatened beaten robbed and were for the most part euen for the space of one yeare let hindered both to inioy the greatest part of their goods as also to gather the Church together vntill the yeare of our Lord 1571. in the month of Septēber by the friendly soliciting that the late Lord Chatilliō Lord admiral through the great zeale goodwill that he had vnto these vertuous and notable men of name the late maister Baylife of Orlians The establishment of the Church of Orlians in the Isle maister Ierome Groslot Lord of the Isle with certaine other notable citizens of the saide citie the Church began to gather together as the peeces of a broken ship in a great sheepwracke vnto the saide place of the Isle a two small miles from Orlians where I was called thither againe to exercise the ministry and to beginne to reare vp this poore tabernacle which was so desolate But as our Lorde Iesus Christ being scarce borne and lodged in a little place at Bethelem forthwith had such kickings and assaults that he was constrained to retire himselfe into Egypt euen so the saide Church of Orlians as a man would say being but about to be borne againe and a litle to gather it selfe together that shee might knowe her selfe felt right soone the encountringes and forces of the enemie the exercise being broken off in the same place for a time through extorted cōmandements and wrasted proclamations such as we reade to haue beene in the fourth of Nehemie when for a time the building of the Tēple was hindered by one Sanbulat and his complices Nowe God graunting grace to this litle flocke to ouerpasse such lets and stops the exercise being a new agreed vpon in the saide place the furie and the slaughter of these papisticall people was no whit appeased in such sort that in steede of taking pitie of v. or vi hundred persons which went out ordinarily euery sunday to heare the preaching and exhortation as women children young and old and that often in vnseasonable times Cruelty against those which returned frō the preaching in the Isle and by verie long iourney they commonly receiued them with flinging of stones with myer and durt cast in their faces with iniuries outrages all kinde of scornings and derisions which the poore faithfull ones yea the women patiently did beare praising God who hadde giuen them this honour to suffer any thing for Iesus Christs sake The day of S. Bartholmewe vntill that that glowning fearfull and blouddie day of the 24. of August in the yeare 1572. was come on which day I made the last Sermon in the said place of the Isley There followed a generall deluge of Christian bloud through out all Fraunce and that which might stint euen one of the fairest and flourishingest Churches in all Fraunce to wit a 700. and more as some say Bourgeses Inhabitantes Counselars Aduocates Doctors and men of all qualities and conditions were cruellie slaughtered and Massacred amongst other there was slaine Monsieur de Champeaux the ancientest Counseller and next in place vnto the President one of the most courteous of all the citie The murther done at Orleans Doctor Taillebois the aduocate Patas maister Iohn Baudet and Gilles le Boiteux two of the most honorable and best affected citizens and so many others without sparing one of the most worshipful and ancient olde men of the citie who all his life long had beene honored amongest the chiefest bourgeses and beloued for his liberalitie and integritie to wit Monsieur Framberge Lorde of Bretache who drawen through the fieldes where he was in a waggen was cruelly striken downe in the suburbes of Portereau he who had all this yeare with great zeale and to his great charges lodged the Church to wit the Lord of the Isle The Massacre of the Lord of the Ile being Bailife of Orlians of whom mention was made before and who was there at the wedding of the king of Nauarre among the most auntient seruantes of his house this man was partlie shot in with Harquebusiers and partlie stricken downe by Halbardes within the citie of Paris Now who seeth not will some man say that yet this wound bleedeth and that ruine droppeth downe without ceasing vpon the desolate as was said in the destruction of Ierusalem in the 9. Chap. of Daniel Lord where are thy former mercies whereon wee doe waite Psal 89. Where is the zeale the strength of the Lord and the compassion of his bowels which are so dull that the Churches of long time in Fraunce bee as though God ruled not in the middest of them Esai 63. Lament ● Yea who seemeth to haue deliuered his people so into the hands of them of them I say out of which they cannot be recouered and stand vp What hope is then there will some say or what are these remnantes of the Church seeing that the greatest part hath beene lead as it were vnto a butcherie or to slaughter the remnant for the most part forced by impatience is in such sort turned and falne away from the trueth that it seemeth there is no trace or path of a Church left or that euer there had beene anie reformation had at Orlians or in the most part of the other cities These are O alas the thinges that are most true and that which hath bin recited is not the thowsand part of the outrages violences and miseries which haue come to the said Church For what tongue can expresse or what speach can vtter and set forth so manie lamētable cries as well of women as of childrē seeing slaine cruellie before their eyes their husbandes and fathers as well by enforcementes of their bodies as of their consciences and other such like outrages that would make the posteritie euen by onelie thinking of it to quake and tremble and now maketh vs as it were beside our selues when we doe but by the way make anie mention thereof as for example this preface can not bee a full laying out of such lamentable Tragedies neither is it my meaning at this time leauing those to intreate of this argument more at large that can doe it better with an higher stile and that are better informed of all the particularities than I can be But this is to the end that wee may now see and as it were put into the ballance on the one side the afflictions and miseries of the said Church And againe on the other part may see the consolations wherewith the scriptures haue furnished vs to the end we should know whether we haue occasion altogether to droupe and to lose our courage as alas to my great sorrow I see that manie haue done and not rather euen
teacheth you Hee would not simplie say that they haue no neede of instruction but that they being kindled by the holy spirite might not suffer themselues to bee deceiued by Antichrist a people altogether rude and ignorant A prayer out of the 51. Psalme Create in me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirite within me Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thine holy spirite from me Restore in me the ioie of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free spirite I beleeue the holy Catholike Church A consideration vpon this Article AS there is but one onely true and verie God to wit these three persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghost euen so there is but one faith whereof it was spoken in the former Articles Wee doe therefore protest now that we do beleeue the Catholike Church for we say not as before time I beleeue in the Church but it is God in whom we do put all our whole trust it is he as wee doe reade in the first Chap. of the Apocalips that is α ω that is to say the beginning and the end And as it is written in the 43. Chap. of Esaiah Before mee there was no God that was the maker of the worlde neither shall there be after me I euen I am the eternall and beside me there is no sauiour What is it then to beleeue the Catholike Church First it is to beleeue that whatsoeuer corruptions ydolatries persecutions and disorders there haue beene in the worlde that this great God creator 1. Peter 2. redeemer and sanctifier hath gotten out his chosen people whom he hath called out of darkenes into his wonderful light Psal 147. vnto whom he is reueiled through his holy testimonies the he hath washed and sanctified 1. Tim. 3. and that is his Church and the house of the liuing God builded vppon the pillar of trueth Matth. 16. vpon this corner stone which is Christ so that the gates of hell shall not preuaile any thing against it because that all things helpe vnto the profite and wealth of the children of GOD Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 2. and that this foundation resteth sure howe God knoweth those which are his as in the times of Eliah he reserued to himselfe seuen thousande men 1. Kings 19. which hadde not bowed their knees vnto Baal Secondly we doe witnesse protest and beleeue by this article of our faith that we be members of this true Church Heb. 10. and doe ioyne our selues to it to be good faithful citizens therein Heb. 10. following the holy assemblies and making that profession and confession of the name of God that all true faithfull ought to doe Thirdly by this article we doe beleeue and also doe protest that wee doe not acknowledge all assemblies indifferently for the Church of God but that as it is declared in the symbole of Nice that which is Apostolike that is to say which doeth holde it selfe vnto the doctrine of the Apostoles and is not tyed vnto anie certaine place or citie but is vniuersall gathered together by the preaching of the Gospell and through the vse of the holy sacramentes Ephes 1. Colos 1. in all the partes of the worlde vnder this onely heade that is Iesus Christ 1. Colos 12. in whom is grounded this communion of the saintes which in him are made members of one and the selfe same bodie Actes 2. partakers of one and the selfe same spirite of the same Gospell of the same sacramentes howe so euer the outwarde ceremonies be not altogether alike yet are they knit by the same bonde of peace and ioyned through the true loue calling vppon one and the same sauiour and the awayting as brethren for one and the same heritage which is the blessed life For these be the offeringes that God maketh vnto his Church which he hath purchased for himselfe to wit the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the life euerlasting which a man can not finde out of the true Church Whereupon it is to be noted that the faithfull are called holy yea in earth not that they should be perfect and voide of sinne as some do imagine a perfection to be for so should they haue no more neede of the forgiuenesse of sinnes But they are called holy because they are sanctified because of their calling which is holy and to all holinesse whereunto they doe aspire without ceasing not that they haue alreadie apprehended all but because they doe followe after seeking to learne drawing towardes the marke in respect of that heauenly calling as S. Paule sayth in the 3. Chap. to the Philippians Figures of the Church Noes Arke In the 7. Chap. of Genesis By the floud euery thing in whose nostrels breathed life died Noah only remained and they that were with him in the Arke And S. Ierome writing vnto Damasus sayth that there is no saluation without the Churche and as there is but one Arke euen so there is but one Church and as he himselfe writeth vnto Euander we ought not to thinke that the Church of Rome is any other than that which is in other places of the worlde where that Iesus is worshipped be it in Fraunce or in Englande or else where There is the Church where it is bounde in Christ and knit together by the bande of loue But if we must speake of authoritie the autoritie of the worlde is greater than the autoritie of a citie the autoritie of Churches spread throughout the world greater than that which is in one place A Prayer O Lorde our God and father although that thy ordinance is Genes 8. that thou wilt not smite anie more the whole world with the floud of waters and that from hence forwarde the seede time and haruest and cold and heate and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease and that so long as the earth remaineth in confirmation whereof thou hast established the heauenly arke for a signe Notwithstanding O my God what is this poore life but a floud of euilles But in this my soule is comforted then when as namely in thy wrath thou diddest powre out the ouerflowinges of waters vpon the lande then at that time O God thou diddest powre out by thy fauour thy grace and protection vpon the Arke of Noah For why was it that he did not perish with the rest Did he see the same floude Was hee couered with the same waters Yes truely But in his Arke he had thy promise He had thy grace which did defende him in such sort as thousandes fell at his right hande and thousandes at his left hande hee was sure vnder thy wing So Lorde although that in this worlde a like floud of euilles doth fall both vpon the good and the euil Eccle. 3. and that both the one and the other dies yet we knowe that thou wilt saue those which are in the Arke of thy Church and
his graces and with his mercie hee doeth crowne vs making vs there to feele it mightilie And by the same doeth blesse and exalt vs in stead of destroying vs. The fifth is that hee dooth satisfie vs and giueth vs that that is sufficient a thing that is speciall vnto the children of God For God is not a niggard in his giftes But as concerning vs the most part are neuer contented So that contentation is one of the great blessinges of the Lord. The sixt benefit is this Renewing and this commeth vnto vs by Christ in whom wee bee made newe creatures and in whom we shall receaue a new and lasting life O how then hath the soule which feeleth such benefites good cause to blesse praise the Lord. A confession and prayer out of the 9. Chap. of the Prophet Daniel WE pray thee O Lord our God which art great and fearefull and keepest couenant mercie towardes thē that loue keepe thy cōmaundementes haue mercie on vs For we haue sinned haue cōmitted iniquitie haue done wickedlie yea we haue rebelled and haue departed frō thy preceptes frō thy iudgementes For wee would not obay thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy name to our kings to our princes to our fathers to all the people of the land O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee vnto vs open shame as appeareth this day vnto the man of Iudah and to the inhabitantes of Ierusalem because of their offences that they haue committed against thee O Lord vnto vs appertaineth open shame to our kinges to our princes and to our fathers because wee haue sinned against thee Yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lord our God albeit wee haue rebelled against him and haue not harkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde our GOD to walke in his lawes which hee had layd before vs by the ministerie of his seruauntes the Prophetes Yea all Israel haue transgressed thy lawe are turned backe that they might not heare thy voyce therefore the curse is powred vppon vs that is written in the booke of Moses the seruant of God Dan. 27. because wee haue sinned against him The Lorde hath made the plague to come vppon vs for the Lorde is righteous in all his workes which hee dooth But we would not obaie his voice And now O Lorde our GOD that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mightie hand and hast gotten thee renoume as appeareth this day wee haue sinned wee haue doone wickedlie O Lord according to all thy righteousnes I beseech thee let thine anger and thy wrath bee turned away from thy citie Ierusalem Heare now O God the prayer of thy seruant and cause thy face to shine vppon thy sanctuarie that lyeth wast for the Lordes sake O my God incline thine eare and heare Open thine eyes and behold our desolations and the citie wherevppon thy name is called For wee doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnesse but for thy great tender mercies O Lorde heare O Lord forgiue vs O Lord consider and doe it deferre not for thine owne sake for thy name is called vppon thy citie and vpon thy people A Prophecie of the forgiuenesse of sinne which is giuen to the Church by Christ Out of the 13. Chap of Zacharie verse 1. In that day there shall bee a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitantes of Ierusalem for sinne and for vncleanesse This is it that S. Paul speaketh of in the 3. Chap. to Titus Wee our selues also were in times past disobedient seruing to diuers desires but when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our sauiour towardes man appeared he saued vs. Not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done but according to his mercie by the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the holie Ghost which hee shed on vs aboundantlie through Iesus that wee being iustified by his grace should bee heires according to the hope of eternall life That Iesus Christ hath power to forgiue sins Out of the 9. Chap. of S. Matthew IEsus said vnto the sicke of the palsie Sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And that ye may know that the sonne of man hath authoritie in earth to forgiue sinnes then hee said vnto the sicke of the palsie arise take vp thy bed c. MEDITATION THe greatest aduersitie to the man sicke of the palsie was not his outward palsie for as Iesus Christ did heale the sicknesse of the bodie so would hee shew that it was hee which did take away the diseases from the soule which are the most daungerous howsoeuer men care not for thē so much as for the bodilie sicknesses Health is therefore nothing and it is nothing to be deliuered out of a sicknesse if we be lying vnder the wrath of God if sinne be not forgiuē which is the cause of death and of all tormentes Now when the question is of the forgiuenesse and healing of their sinnes men are ordinarilie much distract or when they doe not consider how necessarie it is or rather when they doe seeke such a benefit there where it is not But the Lord teacheth vs what is the true Purgatorie Purgatorie A materiall fire cannot purge the soule and nothing can make cleane sinne but God onelie which is the soueraigne cleanesse as Micheah in the 7. Chap. of his prophesie and Dauid in the 130. Psalme doe attribute that vnto God as his own to tread down sinne to yeeld grace mercie to poore sinners And to the end we should be assured thereof the sonne of God is come into the world by his bloud hath reconciled vs. Hee therefore hath power to forgiue sinnes for hee is verie God He hath also right to pardon vs for he hath satisfied for vs. Now if anie would charge vs againe for our sinnes We I say which doe beleeue in Iesus it behoueth vs to cleaue vnto him forasmuch as hee is our warrant Therefore there is neither Angell nor anie other creature which hath this power but hee which is God and who hath fullie paied for our sinnes O how rightlie is his doctrine called the Gospel that is to say glad tidinges Seeing that it giueth boldnesse and comfort vnto poore sinners for so much as it calleth vs his children and considering that it declareth vnto vs the forgiuenesse of our offences which would binde vs to eternal death and all through the bloud of the Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world not taking them away in such sort as there is no more sinne remaining but that it might not bee imputed Iohn 1.29 Sinne how it is taken away that it might not raigne and to bee short that it might bee forgiuen Let vs therefore take heede of the Diuels temptations which is an accuser that accuseth vs and without ceasing lyeth in waite for nothing more than to throw vs downe headlong into dispaire
hath beene said of them God worketh woonders vnto them and sundrie and manie times haue they song song againe in a godlie assemblie whereof I cannot remember my selfe without teares the Psal 124. The Psalme of the Church of Orlians For Israel may now well say c. Which Psal the Church of Orlians esteemed as her particular Psalme for the aforesaid deliuerances But alas will some aunswere since the xv of September in they yeare 1568. euen vntill now what other thing hath a man seene but calamitie vppon calamitie distilled vpon the said Church and so sharpe and violent affliction as it is hard to thinke thereof without a mans haire standing staring for feare horror on his head For from that day which was vppon a Sunday The first Massacar at Orlians in the yeare 1568. I hauing preached at vi a clocke in the Estape which place then onelie rested to vs and hauing greatlie to the purpose alas in this last preaching expounded the text of the xvi of S. Marke vpon the historie of the passion The last preaching made within Orlians My God my God why hast thou forsaken me For euen iust thithertow as I come in the exposition of S. Marke Maister De Gallars then also Minister of the said Church hauing made his Sermon at eight of the clock in the same place and following the order of Psalmes which they did sing hauing song this funeral and lamentable Psalme which fel out to the verie purpose without anie special choise made thereof to wit the Psal 88. which is the last that was sung in Orlians in the assemblie of the Church where amongest other thinges it is said I am free among the dead like vnto them that bee wounded and lie in the graue Also Thine indignation lyeth hard vppon me and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes As the second preaching was ended and the Psalme aforenamed sung behold certaine stones throwen against the assemblie and a Mutenie of people which then did accompanie a procession that was made all for the nonce who rushed vppon the assemblie which was a godlie assemblie with an extreme furie and had knocked downe all the troupe if so be this good God had not raised vp some of the strange souldiers which did shew themselues more gentle than the Citizens thirsting for the bloud of their fellow Citizens if they I say had not couered a great part of the assemblie whereof notwithstanding there were seuenscore slaine and hurt After dinner the people not being satisfied with this crueltie did set fire on the Church of Estape at noone day with all kind of insolēcie disorder threatening the night following to make a sack of all the Protestantes houses during which stormes God did amongest other wonderfullie preserue the Ministers which were fiue in number and namelie the two who had preached that day as it was said before Vntil this time the Ministers notwithstanding the dangers that they had found couragioslie by the aduice of the consistorie and of all the chiefe of the Church continued in their charge But this furie being so kindled and all the Church out of order the warres flaming throughout all Fraunce and Anguleme besieged Then with great difficultnesse were the Ministers of the said Church drawen out from this furnace and conducted in safetie The gates were straitlie kept and ambushes laid throughout all the waies and namelie in the crosse streetes as in deed some of my brethren Ministers imprisoned and chiefe faithfullest Ministers of the said Church M. Robert Mason otherwise named Fountane M. Matthew Berold Professor of the Hebrew tongue and I wee fell into the handes of our enemies and there wee remained with most imminent daungers from the 26. day of September vntill the 15. of October euen vntill that some notable and well affected persons of the Church seeing that the people were daily about to drowne or murther vs and that we had yeelded vnto them faithfull seruice euen to the vttermost redeemed vs out of the souldiers handes Now synce this time truely this poore Church of Orlians was ouerwhelmed with so manie calamities that a man can not easilie finde the like examples of crueltie as those which haue beene exercised against the saide Church although that in Fraunce there hath beene a long time great persecutions Persecutions in Fraunce vnder Antonius Verus namely at Lyons as from the yeare 170. vnder the Empire of Antonius Verus as may be seene in the fifth historie of Eusebius the 1.2 and 3. Chap. by the Epistle that the faithfull of Lyons wrote thereof vnto the brethren of Asia and Phrygia and since these troubles of Fraunce the saide citie of Lyons hath suffered as much as any other citie especially from the time of these horrible massakers in the yeare of our Lorde 1572. But that which is happened vnto the faithfull of Orlians and hath continued a long time doth rightly followe that which was song in the last assemblie as it was saide before in the 88. Psal Lorde thine indignations lie harde vpon mee For since this first massaker doone on the fifth of Septēber in the yeare 1568. they haue not ceased as well in the streats as in the houses to slay some of the faithfull to spoyle their houses and to drawe them with ropes through the streates not suffering them neither to passe in the citie nor to liue in the same citie The burninges of houses in 4. places and of madame de Boiblandin Such cruelties I say did continue euen vnto the yeare 1569. vntill the moneth of Iulie that they did set fire on two houses at noone day where they had imprisoned more than seuen score of all sortes of qualities and ages which continued constant in calling vppon the name of God and in the puritie of his seruice they I say alas what spectacle in presence of this furious inraged people notwithstanding that prisons ought not to haue bin forced notwithstanding likewise the cries of their wiues their parentes and their children The horrible and vnnaturall murther of certaine faithfull ones being in prison were burned all quicke and if so be the flame had spared any of them then the bloudie handes of the madde people or of the souldiers with their holbardes partisans and kniues would not haue spared them And as concerning an other troupe of foure score of the faithfull the most part being citizens of the same citie which hauing beene locked vp in a great tower of the citie were certaine monethes afterwardes when as they fayned in a morning to bring them forth to iustice stabbed in with daggers one after an other O that I could recite these things without saying with the Prophet Ieremie in the 9. Chap. O if I had my head full of water that mine eies were a fountaine of teares to the end that I might lament day and night the slaine of the daughter of my people But what The peace being
whereby the true Church of God is discerned from that false and bastard Church which wanteth both true faith Ephe. 3.14 true inuocatiō Now I bowe the knees of my soule to the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ to the end that according to the riches of his glorie The Pastors of the Church of Orlians that were preserued M. Gallars M. Anton. Chanorrier M. Robert Mason M. Pet. Baron Daniel Toussain he will graunt vs that wee may be strengthened by his spirit that Christ may dwell in you through faith through the which you may be rooted and grounded in all true knowledge of his will And as it hath pleased him in the middest of so manie floudes miraculouslie to keepe the Pastors of your Church whom God be praised he employed alwayes to his seruice that it will please him to shewe you this fauour raysing vp your estate as from death to haue strength to reioyce againe and that quicklie to the end that we may altogether as it were created anew sing vnto him a newe song to his honor vnder the protectiō of the shadow of his winges Frō S. Lābert within the coūtie Palatine this 20. of Iuly 1578. Daniel Toussain THE FOVNDATION and spring of all holy prayers and christian meditatiōs ought to be faith Behold where fore we shall set heere in the entrie the articles of our faith which some call the symbole of the Apostles as in deede they conteine a summarie of the Apostles doctrin as is to be sene of that which is written in the 15. Chap. of the 1. vnto the Cor. vers 3. elswhere it is to be seene by the writings of the elders as by the cathechisme of Cyrill and the treatise of S. Ambrose of Cayne and Abell and in the 8. Chap. of S. Augustines booke named Enchiridion that is to say Manuel that these Articles of the faith were holden amongest them as the true beginninges and foundation of Christian religion I Beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onelie sonne our Lord. Which was conceiued by the Holie Ghost borne of the virgine Marie Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead buried he descended into hell The thirde day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the Holie Ghost The holie Catholike Church The communion of Saints The forgiuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie And the life euerlasting Amen IN the yeare of our Lord 273. in the Synode of Antioch was condemned the heresie of Samosatenus who would not auowe Iesus Christ to be the worde subsisting but made thereof a sound or decree of God not a seconde person of his diuinity in such sort as against his errours was published a confession by George Neocoefariensis as is to be seene in the 3. booke of Eusebius IN the yeare of our Lord about 332. 1. Synode called vniuersall was vnder Constantine the Great assembled a Synode or Councel to the assisting whereof there were 328. Bishoppes at Nice a citie in Bythinia there where was chieflie condemned the heresie of Arrius who dinied the true sonne of God equall with the father and of the same substance In this Synode were made plaine and cleare against Arrius the Articles of faith which concerne Iesus Christ by a confession as followeth 1 I Beleeue in one God The Symbol of Nice the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth and of all things visible and inuisible 2 And in one Lorde Iesu Christ the onely begotten sonne of God begotten of his Father before all worldes 3 God of God light of light verie God of verie God begotten not made beeing of one substance with the Father by whome all thinges were made 4 Who for vs men and for our saluation came downe from heauen 5 And was incarnate by the Holie Ghost of the virgin Marie and was made man 6 And was crucified also for vs vnder Poncius Pilate he suffered and was buried 7 And the thirde day he arose againe according to the Scriptures and ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the Father 8 And he shal come againe with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead whose kingdome shall haue none ende 9 And I beleeue in the holie Ghost the Lorde and giuer of life who proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne who with the Father and the Sonne together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophets 10 And I beleeue one Catholike and Apostolike Church 11 I acknowledge one Baptisme for the remission of sinnes 12 And I looke for the resurrection of the dead the life of the world to come Amen IN the yeare of our Lorde 386. Seconde Councell there assembled at Constantinople the second Synode called vniuersall which confirmed and ratified the confession made at Nice adding onely that which followeth against the heretike Macedonius who denied the true diuinitie of the holie Ghost We beleeue in the holy Ghost Lorde and giuer of life proceeding from the father and the sonne who with the father the sonne together is worshipped and glorified HEere followeth the Symbole or confession of Athanasius Bishoppe of Alexandria being chosen fiue monthes after the Councell held at Niece who hath abiden great combats for the pure doctrine of the sonne of God against the Arrians WHosoeuer will be saued before all things it is necessarie that he holde the Catholike faith Which faith except euerie one doe keepe holy and vndefiled without doubt hee shall perish euerlastingly And the Catholike faith is this that we worship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie Neither confounding the persons nor diuiding the substance For there is one person of the Father another of the Sonne and another of the Holie Ghost But the Godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holie Ghost is all one the glorie equall and the maiestie coeternall Such as the Father is such is the Sonne and such is the Holie Ghost The Father vncreate the Sonne vncreate and the Holie Ghost vncreate The Father incomprehensible the Sonne incomprehensible and the Holie Ghost incomprehensible The Father eternall the Sonne eternall and the Holie Ghost eternall And yet they are not three eternalles but one eternall As also there bee not three incomprehensibles nor three vncreated but one vncreated and one incomprehensible So likewise the Father is almightie the Sonne almightie and the holie Ghost almightie And yet they are not three almighties but one almightie So the Father is God the Sonne is God and the Holie Ghost is God And yet are they not three Gods but one God So likewise the Father is Lord the Sonne Lorde and the Holie Ghost Lorde And yet not three Lordes but one Lorde For like as wee be compelled by the Christian veritie to acknowledge
the North Brightnes the praise thereof is to God which is terrible The 22. Psalme It is thou that diddest drawe me out of the wombe and thou giuest me hope euen at my Mothers brestes I was cast vppon thee euen from the wombe thou art my God from my mothers bellie All the 107. Psalme is full of testimonies of his diuine prouidence where amongest all other thinges it is said Seamen And those that goe downe into the sea in shippes and occupie by the great waters they see the woorkes of the Lord his woonders in the deepe For he commaundeth and raiseth stormie winde and it lifteth vp the waues thereof Whē they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble he turneth the storme to calme so that the waues thereof be still When they are quieted they are glad and hee bringeth them vnto the hauen where they would be He turneth the floudes into a wildernesse Wildernesse and the springes of water into drienesse And a fruitfull land into barrennesse for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein Againe he turneth the wildernesse into pooles of water the drie land into water springes And there he placeth the hungrie and they build a citie to dwell in Fieldes Vines And sowe the fieldes and plant vineyardes which bring forth fruitful increase For he blesseth them and they multiplie exceedinglie and he diminisheth not their Cattell Cattel Againe men are diminished brought lowe by oppression euill and sorrowe He powreth contempt vppon princes Princes and causeth them to erre in desert places out of the way Yet he raiseth vp the poore out of miserie The poore and maketh them families like a flock of sheepe The righteous shall see it and reioyce and all iniquitie shall stop her mouth Who is wise that he may obserue these thinges For they shall vnderstand the louing kindenesse of the Lorde Out of the Psal 147. Great is our Lorde and great is his power his wisedome is infinite The Lord relieueth the meeke and abaseth the wicked to the ground Sing vnto the Lord with praise sing vppon the Harpe vnto our God which couereth the heauen with clowdes and prepareth raine for the earth and maketh the grasse to growe on the mountaines He giueth to beastes their foode The yong Rauens and to the yong Rauens that crie O Ierusalē praise the Lord praise thy God O Sion for hee hath made the barres of thy gates strong and hath blessed thy children within thee Peace He setteth peace in thy borders and satisfieth thee with the flower of wheate The 21. of the Prouerbes The heart of kinges The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord as the riuers of waters he turneth it whither soeuer it pleaseth him Euerie way of man is right in his owne eyes but the Lord pondereth the heartes The 45. of Esai God hath not alonely created but disposeth also Behold what the Lord saith that created heauen God himselfe that formed the earth and made it he that prepared it he created it not in vaine hee formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is not other I am the Lord and there is none other I forme the light and create darknes I make peace and create euill I the Lord doe all these thinges Yee heauens send the dewe from aboue and let the clowdes droppe downe righteousnesse Let the earth open and let saluation and iustice growe forth Let it bring thē forth together I the Lord haue created them Wo be vnto him that striueth with his maker the Potsheard with the Potsherdes of the earth shall the clay say vnto him that fashioneth it What makest thou Or thy woorke hath no handes Wo vnto him that saith vnto his father What hast thou begotten Or to his Mother What hast thou brought forth Thus saith the Lorde GOD The holie one of Israell and his maker Aske me of thinges to come concerning my sonnes and concerning the woorkes of mine handes Commaund you me I haue made the earth and created man vppon it I whose handes haue spread out the heauens I haue euen commaunded all their armie The 54. of Esai Behold I haue created the Smith that bloweth the coles in the fire Wherfore the armies of the enimies are not to bee feared and him that bringeth forth an instrumēt for his worke I haue created the destroyer to destroy But all the weapons that are made against thee shall not prosper The 3. of Amos. A trumpet shall be blowen in the citie and the people shall not be afraid Aduersity O what euill shal be in the citie and the Lorde hath not doone it to visite their sinnes for aduersities are great paines to punish the euill and guiltie man and the faultes of men The 6. Chap. of S. Matthewe The fouls Beholde the foules of the heauen for they sowe not neither reape nor carie into barnes yet your heauenly father feedeth them Are ye not much better than they Which of you by taking care is able to ad one cubite vnto his stature And why care ye for rayment The lilies of the fields Learne howe the lilies of the fielde doe growe they labour not neither spinne Yet I say vnto you that euen Salomon in al his glorie was not arayed like one of these Wherefore if God so cloth the grasse of the fielde which is to day and to morowe is cast into the ouen shall hee not much more doe vnto you O yee of litle faith The 10. Chap. of S. Matthewe Sparowes Are not two Sparowes solde for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father Yea and all the hayres of your heades are numbred Feare ye not therfore ye are of more value than many Sparowes Our steps our going and comming The 4. Chap. of the Epistle of S. Iames. Go to nowe yee that say to day or to morowe we will goe into such a citie and continue there a yeare and buy and sell get gaine and yet you cannot tell what shal be to morowe For what is your life It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and afterwarde vanisheth away For that we ought to say if the Lord will and if we liue we will do this or that Certaine prayers taken out of the Scripture grounded vpon the doctrine of the prouidence of God taken out of the 93. Psalme and digested in forme and manner of a prayer OVr Lorde and God although it seemeth that the diuell ruleth at his pleasure in this wretched worlde and that the wicked and vngodly doe those thinges that vnto them seeme to bee good yet so it is that we doe acknowledge and confesse thee to be the true raygning God and king of all kinges who hast made fast the worlde by thy power and hast clothed it with an inuincible strength And so is it as easie for thee to appease and make calme the
earthlie bodie and a heauie burden prouided alway that an other burden more daungerous which is sinne doe not ouercharge vs or as saith S. Paul in the third Chap. to the Thessalontans wee must then let our conuersation from henceforth be in heauen whence we doe await after our Sauiour Iesus Christ who shal transforme our bodies and make them conformable vnto his glorious bodie Oh wonderfull mercie of this great God that presenteth life vnto vs not deserued putteth death farre from vs that wee haue merited Oh what light is this word of God that giueth vs light in the graue and in the middest of death maketh vs to see Therefore now the children of God doe no whit feare death But as S. Cyprian writeth in a letter which he sent vnto the Confessors Martyrs of Iesus Christ Hee that hath once ouercome death in his person dailie beateth it downe in his mēbers So as we haue Iesus Christ not onlie a beholder of our combates but an assistant wrestler with vs. And as this good Doctor writeth in a treatise which he made of the mortalitie the onlie way for a man that wil not come to Iesus Christ is to feare death And not to be willing to come to him is as much to say as not to bee willing to raigne with him What trauailer is he which drawing neere vnto his home reioyceth not hauing passed through manie dangerous waies And who is he that wil not willinglie runne out of a house that is readie to fall downe about his eares What pleasure haue we in this world which approcheth dailie to his end and wherein wee buy the pleasures so derely which we receiue in this life What other thing is it but a continuall battaile and a sharp medley wherein we be wounded sometime with enuie sometime with one thing sometime with an other besides the alaromes which doe giue vs in our bodies a nūber of diseases Why shal we not say then with S. Paul in the first Chapter to the Philippians I desire to be loosed to be with Christ Wherfore we praie dailie Let thy kingdome come but only for the desire that we haue to see the accomplishmēt thereof in an other life For as S. Ierom doth largelie declare in the funeral Sermon of Nepotian vnto Heliodor if the Panims haue oftētimes cōquered their mourninges loosing their friends by the simple knowledge that they had that they were mortal Wherefore do we sorow grone with so many sighs teares the death of Gods childrē whom we know to be blessed Iesus Christ wept vpō Lazarus And S. Paul to the Thes doeth not altogether forbid mourning yet is it for vs to behaue our selues more vertuouslie than the Painims not to shewe so great a mourning for men as it were a disparing in vs of Gods mercies And as Saint Cyprian saith VVherfore do we put on our black mourning weedes when as our brethren goe to doe on their white garments to rest with the Lorde Let vs sorow for them rather as absent than dead not as people that we haue lost but that we a wait for to see againe Alas that which is to be wailed for it is that which men doe see in this worlde VVe reade of Xerxes the great Lord and generall howe that hee had a desire one day to viewe his whole armie which was of a maruelous number of people from the top of a mountaine and seeing so manie people began to weepe cōsidering that within one hundreth yeare after there should not be one of thē left aliue But if anie one could not get vp vppon such a mountaine whence he might discouer so manie sinnes as be in the world so manie murthers as be committed so manie cities and realmes as be ruined so manie deceites cousinages as be practised so much pouertie and infirmitie as is euerie where Alas hee should haue great occasion to fetch manie a sad sigh and to shead manie a whotte teare Wee see not in our selues the changes that happen vnto our persons first in our infancie then in our youth then in our full age last of all in our old age and so manie crosses the rest of our daies whereby wee must passe Then that which wee ought to doe is so to mislyke of this life which is but a vapour and a shadow of a true life a traueling and a fraile life that we suffer Christ to raigne and liue in vs to the end that by him wee may haue euerlasting life the which onelie deserueth to bee esteemed and called a life A Prayer O Lord my God if thou hast aduertised the king Ezechias by the Prophet Esai Esay 38. to dispose of his affaires when hee should die much more thy will is that wee going to death should haue regard to the disposition of our soules to present our selues before thee For alas death is certaine but his houre is vncertaine and there is nothing more dangerous than to leaue the soule in this fight doubtfull and vncertaine The sentence of S. Barnard O Lord what a Porter hast thou giuen vs at our passage from this world which will not suffer vs to carie away anie thing with vs But as wee came naked into this world euen so death causeth vs to passe out of the same state Wherefore should wee then tormēt our selues so much in worldlie things O Lord what is it that I should dispose of my selfe It is in thee to dispose of vs it is in thee to commaund and in vs to obay Beare vp our weakenesse through thy mercie For how is it that wee should not bee afraid of death sith the horror thereof hath made thy sonne Iesus to sweate water and bloud Mar. 14. Esai 53. But seeing that it is euen hee who hath also borne our sorrowes and that was wounded for our iniquities what gaine or aduauntage should death haue ouer vs syth that thy sonne Iesus hath saued vs And if thou be for vs who is he that can be against vs Yea man borne of a woman is thraled to many miseries and vanisheth away as a shadowe or flower of the fielde But yet O good God we doe knowe how thou desirest not the death of vs sinners Ezech. 18. thou rather wouldest that we should turne and liue We doe shed heere many teares but thou wilt euen at once make drie all my teares by calling me vnto thee Nowe O Lorde strike heere belowe so long as thou wilt hurt wounde seeing that thou art mercifull and fauourable vnto vs in the euerlasting life to come A sentence out of S. Augustine Rom. 8. What sorrowe or affliction should we feare synce that all thinges turne to thy children for their good Alas who would take much pleasure in this life sith that man liuing in it can not see thee and that all that is in it is but transitorie and miserable Graunt me therefore grace patientlie to awaite thy will that I may