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A13295 A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian [sic] Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a⁰. 1617 Wherin the weakness of the sayd plea is manifested, and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome, and baptisme therein, are refuted; by Henry Ainsworth. Anno 1618. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1620 (1620) STC 236; ESTC S122155 171,683 191

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can be transformed as the ministers of righteousnes 2 Cor. 11. 14. 15. is it such a marvel that he should transforme his temple and church into the Temple of God and church of Christ and yet as he is a Divil stil notwithstanding his transformation so his Temple cōtinueth stil the Temple of the Divil and church of Antichrist how ever they are disguised with other names and habits And to help a litle to the discerning of both these opposite mysteries of pietie and impietie wee are to know that Christs Kingdome beginneth in the kingdome of Satan and is perfected in the Kingdome of God and Antichrists kingdome beginneth in the kingdome of God and is perfected in the kingdome of Satan For the god of this world having blinded the eyes of infidels who are dead in synns and walk according to the prince of the power of the aier Christ by his Ministers sent into the world and by his word of trueth the gospel causeth light to arise unto them openeth their eyes and turneth them from darknes to light and from the power of Satan vnto God that they may receive forgivenes of synns and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in him and thus God delivereth them from the power of darknes and translateth them into the kingdome of his beloved son Then cometh Satan by Antichrists which are his ministers privily crept into the church and by the word of lying which is Antichrists gospel he darkneth the mindes of them that have not received the love of the trueth and turneth them back againe from God and by damnable heresies privily brought in draweth them even to deny the Lord that bought them and so bring upon themselves swift destruction Then doe they goe out from the church blaspheme the way of trueth and togither with the Beast doe warr against Christ whom yet in name and pretense they would seem to honour and serve so accomplishing the mysterie of their iniquitie unto assured damnation if they turne not againe unto God This thing not being observed how Christ beginneth in the world and draweth men out of it into his church and Antichrist beginneth in the church draweth men out of it into the world againe as the Dragons taile draweth the starrs of heaven ●●fteth them to the earth Rev. 12. 4. mine opposite thought it absurditie and contradiction in me for writing thus When th Apostle therfore telleth us that Antichrist sitteth as God in the Temple of God it is to be vnderstood first of their invading and destroying of Gods church and people as the heathens of old dealt with Jerusalem and dwellers therin secondly of their owne vayne ostentation whiles they will have it called the Christian catholik church and th Pope the head of the same Vpon this he thus inveigheth What have we here Doth himself now by the Temple of God vnderstand Gods church and people yea such as was answerable to Ierusalem and the dwellers therin of old why then hath he so eagerly oppugned us hereabout c. Answ. I oppugne the present church of Rome which Antichrist destroyeth not but buildeth and adorneth as an alluring harlot the Christian church which was in Rome of old that hath he invaded and destroyed long since for they then were Saints such as he hateth these now are worshipers of him and of idols Divils and are an habitation of Divils So there is as much difference between the church of Rome now and the church then as between the Bishop of Rome now the Bishops then they were Christs ministers this now is Antichrist as mine opposite himself confesseth And what cause hath he to insult as if he had got the victorie Let wise men judge But he proceedeth Obj. Where can he shew in the scriptures that sitting is put for invading or destroying c. Otherwhere stil he teatheth that by sitting is meant abiding continuing dwelling c. What if I cannot prove that sitting is put for invading or destroying if I prove my assertion by other words of the text shall it not suffice The words Eiston Naon into the Temple may imply by a figure his invading and the person that invadeth being an enemy a theef a wolf implyeth his destroying for our Saviour sayth The theef cometh not but for to steale and to kill and to destroy 1 Joh. 10. 10. The scripture often wanteth words easy to be understood so here Paul sayth of Antichrist that he having entred into the Temple of God sitteth as God And if they regard not my exposition they shall have his on whom they so much rely Mr. Iunius I mean who so explaineth it saying The testimonie of signe is this that Invading the temple of God he shal sit as God Jun. Animad vers in Bellarm. Controv. 3. l. 3. c. 14. not 18. But what if I confirme it by the word sitting which he thought so unlikely In Esai 14. 13. the Prophet upbraideth the king of Babylon thus Thou hast sayd in thine hart J wil ascend into heaven c. J wil sit also in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North meaning mount Sion where Gods temple was But this is meant of Nebuchadnezars invading of Ierusalem to spoile the same as the historie sheweth 2 King 25. and in him Antichrists tyrannie against the church was lively figured As for sitting to mean continuing though it doth so often times yet not alwayes Christ sate upon the mount of Olives Mat. 24. 3. the disciples sate in the house Act. 2. 2. yet dwelt they not or continued long there And when the Babylonian invaded mount Sion to sit there he continued not there but having spoiled the citie burned the Temple and captived the people he returned into Babylon 2 King 25. so Antichrist spoiling Christian churches returneth to his whore of Babylon his proper habitation which he wickedly boasteth to be the Sion Temple and church of God Wheras mine opposite expounded the Temple of God to be the church and shewed not whether he meant a church particular or general and catholik I sayd for a particular church it wil not agree with the prophesies of Antichrist whose citie or church is so great as peoples kinreds tongues nations doe dwell in the streets therof Rev. 11. 8. 9. He gainsayeth me thus First Still he calls that Antichrists church which th' Apostle calleth the Temple of God Answ. It is his own interpretation that the Temple meaneth the church and that he that sitteth in it is Antichrist and sitting he wil have to be continuing and why may not I call that church wherin Antichrist sitteth continually as God Antichrists church yea though it were indeed Gods church as he supposeth Seing the citie wherin Christ did but dwell was called his owne citie Mat. 9. 1. And that which God sayth in my house and in my kingdom 1 Chron.
17. 14. an other Prophet relateth it thine house and thy kingdome speaking to David the governour 2 Sam. 7. 16. Or to shew a fitter similitude as the holy Ghost calleth the Moabites the people of Chemosh Numb ●1 29. because they worshiped Chemosh for their God so the church of Rome which worshipeth Antichrist is fitly called Antichrists church Object How will he prove that the Beasts citie Rev 11. 8. is the temple of God 2 Thes. 24. Ans. It is himself that expoundeth the Templ to be the church and in special the Lateran church in Rome where the Pope is parish priest I shew by Rev. 11. 8. that the Popes parish is a larger citie or church then eyther that Lateran parish or Rome it self even over many nations and so can not be a particular church such as Christ instituted but a new catholik church which the Pope hath devised and would have it accounted the Temple and church of God Here mine opposite laboureth to finde a difference between the Beasts citie and his church but all in vaine For thus he reasoneth 1. This citie in Rev. 11. 8. is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified But the church is here called the Temple of God or the Court without the Temple or the holy Citie Answ. First then he granteth that the same church may be called both a temple a citie so the diverse name helpeth him nothing Secondly it is true that Antichrists church is called Sodom and Egypt which was an whole countrie let men now judge how fitly mine opposite hath confined Antichrists church within the Laterane parish a corner in Rome Shall we rather beleeve him or the Holy Ghost Thirdly that is called the Holy citie Rev. 11. 2. which the Gentiles the church of Antichrist tread under foot as destroyed and wast wheras the church of Antichrist is a great citie called Babylon sumptuously builded garnished and by him mainteyned Rev. 17. and that is the church of Rome at this day as all know and of the present church of Rome is now our controversie Obj. 2. This great citie is that where our Lord was crucified Rev. 11. 8. Now all know that he was crucified in and vnder the jurisdiction of the citie not of the church of Rome For he was condemned by Pontius Pilate c. Answ. The thing he aimeth at is that the citie mentioned in Rev 11. 8. is a civil politie as when Rome killed Christ and not an ecclesiastical politie or church But he laboureth in the winde for the citie is such as is the Beast or kingdome the Beast is a spiritual politie most synful for it commeth out of the bottomles pit Rev. 11. 7. that is from the Divil wheras all Civil polities are from God though they be heathens Rom. 13. 1. 2. Secondly he should have knowen that the same Citie which was a civil politie in Christs time killed him is now subordinate to an ecclesiastical politie church or Papacie and stil crucifieth Christ in his members Obj. 3. This citie is that which was the Dragons throne and by him given to the Beast Revel 13. 2. But this was the citie not the church of Rome Neyther J think wil these men themselves say that the church was the Dragons throne or was by the Dragon given to the beast Answ. The citie or politie which the Dragon gave to the Beast was civil but is now subjected to or become ecclesiastical for the citie of Rome is now by profession Christen which of old was heathen and by professed Christians namely the Pope his church are those witnesses of God killed Rev. 11. 7. 8. so their corpses lye unburied in the streets of the beasts citie that is of Antichrists church or politie which reacheth over many nations Obj. 4. This citie also is the throne of the Beast and Babylon the great citie spoken of Rev. 16. 10. 19. 17. 18. chapt which is to be understood of the citie of Rome and dominion therof Answ. It is granted that this citie is Babylon and Rome and the dominion therof but it is a spiritual politie or church for who hath dominion now of Rome but the Pope or Bishop there the pretended vicar of Christ and who but he hath killed those Martyrs within his Diocese or Bishoprick which reacheth over many kingdoms Obj. 5. This citie is the woman that sitteth on seven-mountains Reve. 17. 9. 18. And the citie not the church of Rome is built on 7. mountaines Answ. Yes the same heathen citie which was first set on seven hills is now a pretended Christian citie sitting still on her 7 hills and being a Christian in name hath killed Christ in his members by her Popes power ecclesiastical who hath his seat in her but his Dragons pawes reach into farr countries This citie the woman on 7. hills is shee that hath made the inhabiters of the earth drunk with the wine of her ●ornication Rev. 17. 1. 2. c. and who but the church of Rome hath doen this Obj. 6. This citie hath 7. kings or kindes of government c. by Kings Consuls Dictators Decemvirs Tribunes ceased before Johns time Emperours when Iohn lived and Popes not then come But how should this be found in the church of Rome which was not before Johns tyme and therfore could not have 5. Kings or kindes of government then fallen Answ. Ill doe they thrive that kick against the pricks Here himself confesseth the Popes goverment to be one of the seven now the Popes goverment or papacie is an ecclesiastical monarchie by it were the witnesses of Christ slayn as before I shewed As for seven goverments to be found in the church of Rome that is in the papacie is absurd for it is to seek 7. kindes of goverment in one But six are gone and the seventh remayneth by the Pope That citie or politie which once was heathen now Christian in name Antichristian in deed which the Pope menageth is the malignant church that killeth Gods witnesses amongst peoples kinreds tongues and nations Rev. 11. 8. 9. Therfore it can not be restreyned to one particular congregation Obj. 7. This citie is that which reigned over the kings of the earth in Johns time Rev. 17. 8. And that not the church but the citie of Rome so reigned when John wrote all doe acknowledge Answ. But that the citie the church of Rome now reigneth by the Pope the head of that church all doe acknowledge And the killing of those witnesses Rev. 11. was not in Iohns time but after when the citie or politie of Rome was become Christian in name and title To say it was not so in Iohns time therfore it is not so now is dallying rather then sound reasoning Obj. 8. Finally the Lord himself putteth difference between this citie Babylon and his people therin Rev. 18. 4. as of old in Babylon of Chalde● Ier. 50. c. Answ. This is true but what can he inferr
King and captaines 2. King 25. And he should so have applyed these Gentiles that tread down Gods holy ordinances touching his church and worship to the papists the Popes marked soldjers that have the number of his name and not to the Bishops and Preists onely For in the beasts armie there are not onely Kings and captaines which fight against Christ and Christians but all sorts of men both free and bond both smal and great which shal be slayn with the sword of Christ which proceedeth out of his mouth and all the fowles shal be fylled with their fleshes Rev. 19. 17. 18. 21. So not the popish hierarchie alone but all other of their idolatrous religion are the Gentiles in Rev. 11. whom the holy Ghost measureth not amongst his people but casteth out as profane treaders down of his holy things though mine opposite measureth them as Gods true church and in his covenant yet counteth their pastors which are as faithfull and holy as they to be wicked Gentiles So the Beast which killeth Gods witnesses Rev. 11. 7. he expoundeth the Antichristian hierarchie Locusts which are but the heads hornes and cheif members of the Beast For as in Dan. 7. the Lion is the kingdom of Babel both princes and subjects and the Beare the kingdom of the Persians and so all the rest as is there expounded in v. 23. the fourth Beast shal be the fourth kingdom upon earth and the ten hornes out of that Beast or kingdom are sayd to be ten kings v. 24. so the Beast in Rev. 13. is meant of a whole kingdom and not of governours onely And the scripture plainly ynough cl●areth this saying And they of the people and kinreds and tongues nations shal see their dead bodies c and shal not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves and they that dwel upon the earth shal rejoyce over them and make merry c. Rev. 11. 9. 10. So not the hierarchie onely but popish multitudes also doe belong to this beast and kingdome that murdereth the witnesses of Christ. And here note how mine Opposite himself is driven to confesse that the Church of God and the Beast doe in deed differ much the one from the other but the Church of Rome both hierarchie and people are the Beast as before is prooved therfore the Church of God and the church of Rome doe in deed differ much the one from other and mine adversarie granteth that which overthroweth his own plea. This wil yet further appeare by this that foloweth Whiles the holy citie lieth ruinous troden under foot by the Antichristian Gentiles which keep it from being reedified and measured so long a time 1260. yeres there is an other great citie which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified Rev. 11. 8. even Babylon the great the mother of fornications and abominations of the earth Rev. 17. 5. which lyeth not ruinous but is stately built dekt and garnished glorifying her self and living diliciously which saith in her h●rt I sit 〈◊〉 Queene and a●no widow and shal see no sorow and this is the great Citie Rome which in th'Apostle Iohns time reigned over the kings of the earth Rev. 17. 18. but after that became a Christian citie or politie but soon forsook Christ and were Christians in name being in deed Gentiles and a Catholik church sitting and reigning over peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues Rev. 17. 1● Which albeit myne opposite before laboured to make it differ from the Church of Rome yet I also before took away his reasons And here himself yeildeth so much as wil overthrow him For Note here sayth he that by the great Citie is meant not onely the citie it self c. for as one wel writeth the citie is not onely the Town or peece of ground conteyned within the comp●sse of the walls therof togither with the Citizens and inhabitants having order and goverment c. but also the whole jurisdiction and goverment of the cite in all places perteyning therto So the streets of this citie reach farr even to all places under the jurisdiction therof and comprehend sundry peoples and kinreds and tongues and nations as here is sayd Wherupon it is fitly compared to the great citie Babylon c. Where yet observe further that the church of Rome being fallen into deep Apostasie and having the man of syn sitting therin as God who hath the citie for his throne the things that are spoken of this citie are also applied to the apostatle estate of that church of Rome and the other churches that are under the jurisdiction of the prelacie of that Sea whersoever and of whatsoever people kinred tongue on nation they be Which application therof J doe also acknowledge as it is observed by and according to the word of God Rev. 11. 8. with Esai 1. 10. Ier. 23. 14. Ezek. 16. 2 -46 Rev. 14. 8. and 17. and 18. c. with Esai 21. 9. and 48. 20. Jer. 50. and 51. 1 -45 Ezek. 16. 2 -35 and c. 23. Ziaoh 2. 6. 7. Thus farr he yeildeth Wherupon it is evident to all that will see how this great citie the glorious church of Rome that killeth Gods witnesses in it is a farr different thing from the holy Citie which that church treadeth down and keepeth from being reedified as the Babylonians having ruinated Ierusalem kept it from being built againe during their reigne So then his comparing of Rev. 11. 8. with Esai 1. 10. and Ier. 23. 14. seemeth to be an unequal match by which he would make the church of Rome as truly Gods as Ierusalem and the Temple were Gods in Esaias time and Ieremies when wicked Iewes likened to Sodomites and Gomorrheans worshiped in them For 1. Ierusalem then was standing here it is tuined and lyeth unbuilt unmeasured cast out from all measuring by the reed of Gods word 2. Sodom and Babylon are never in scripture called the holy citie as Ierusalem is yet here he would have that which God nameth Sodom Egypt Babylon to be in deed Ierusalem 3. Neither Esaie nor Ieremy doe call the holy Citie Sodom or Gomorrha but the wicked people in that holy citie Which may fall out in the truest church on earth that there may as slagitious persons be in it as any in Sodom So in the church of Christ and his Apostles there was Iudas a Divil But Antichrists citie hath no other name then Sodom Egypt Babylon and Rome by whose power and politie Christ was crucified and this name is given it spiritually that is in spirit and trueth as being no way inferiour but beyond them rather in all impietie cloked with hypocrisie In deed Bellarmine pleading for the Pope contendeth against Hierom that Jerusalem might be called Sodom and citeth this very text Esai 1. 10. ye Princes of Sodom but Mr Iunius on whom mine opposite so much relyeth as wee shall see anone answereth
him It is false The Prophet calleth not the citie Jerusalem Sodom or Gomorrhe but the Princes and people figuratively princes of Sodom and people of Gomorrhe The comparison is made of men not of places Likeweise D. Whitakers answering Bellarmine to the same objection sayth Neyther doe wee ever read Jerusalem to be called Sodom or Egypt this agreeth much more truely vnto Rome c. J confess that there in Esa. 1. the people of the Iewes are for their vices compared to Sodom and Gomorrhe as also in Ezek. 16. but yet it was not called Sodom and Gomorrhe spiritually but figuratively wheras this citie is called Sodom and Egypt spiritually that is in a spiritual respect for spiritual lust luxurie blindnes all which are found in the popish church But mine opposite putting no difference between the holy citie Ierusalem ruined and the great citie Babylon Sodom Egypt gloriously edified compareth the phrase of treading the holy citie by the Gentiles Rev. 11. with treading the Lords courts by hypocritical Iewes Esai 1. and sayth it may signify besides a treading down or underfoot a frequent continual conversing in the outward visit le church with their bodies Which if it be granted yet this must be granted also that it is here cast out not to be measured as Gods true church which was not the case of Ierusalem and the Courts in Esaies time And as for the phrase it is such as may mean no frequent continual conversing at all but a violent suppressing of the building thereof For to omitt that he speaketh here of treading down the citie and in Esay of treading down the Courts the Gentiles treading down the earthly Ierusalem Luke 21. 24. meaneth not the frequenting of that place to worship God in Neyther doth the adversaries treading down of the Sanctuarie in Esai 63. 18. or of the Sanctuarie and host that is the temple and people of Ierusalem Dan. 8. 13. or the treading down of the Lords portion Jere. 12. 10. or of his vinyard Esa. 5. 5. signify a frequenting to doe good in appearance as did the Iewes in Esai 1. 11. 12. 13. who came with multitude of sacrifices to honour God and that place of his dwelling Finally as he dutst not deny but the Gentiles in Rev. 11. were also figured out by the heathens of old for he sayth not heathens alone as Antiochus c but synful rebellious Iewes so he should have observed that figures agree not in all things For if I would prove the Antichristians now to be professed heathens and no church because Antiochos and the Babylonians were professed heathens and no church in comparison with the Iewes he would deny the consequence even so his matching them with the true church of God in Iudea because the wicked of that church were figures of them is a very weak conclusion His exposition of making the Temple altar and worshipers to signify the invisible church of Gods elect and the Gentiles with the Court and holy Citie to be the visible church of hypocrites aagreeth neyther with this place nor with Esai 1. For no men can know much lesse measure the invisible church of Gods elect as Iohn here measured the Temple altar and worshipers this belongeth to God alone who knoweth who are his Neyther in Esai 1. were there two distinct churches or places in Ierusalem one wherein the faithful and elect worshiped and another wherin Sodomites and hypocrites trode the Lords courts Besides if so it were as he supposeth what manner of people doth he make the church of Rome which he pleadeth for a cōpany of Sodomites hypocrites cast out unmeasured of God of all good men And how thē are they Gods true church sealed with his covenāt of promise He sayth the daughter of Sion left as a cottage in a vinyard c. Esai 1. 8. was the faithful church of the sealed and elect Who ever heard of such an exposition of those words The daughter of Sion usually signifieth the Common wealth or church of the Iewes as the daughter of Babel Psal. 137. 8. vvas the Common vvealth of Babylon And as Esaie here complaineth of the calamities of the church of Iudea by former warrs for their synns v. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. so where the Babylonians afterward utterly wasted it Ieremie lamenteth how from the daughter of Sion all her bewty was departed the Lord had covered her with a clowd in his anger c. purposed to destroy her wall her elders sate on the ground her breach was like the sea none could heale her her prophets had not discovered her iniquitie to turne away her captivitie c. all which doe concerne the generall state overthrown by the Babylonian not the state of the faithful and elect onely He setteth down from my former writing against Mr Smyth my judgement touching this scripture Rev. 11. when I wrote as he sayth for the trueth He traduceth me now as a quite other man but how justly the reader may see by the very wordes of mine which he hath set downe For there I sayd the cōmandement to measure the Temple altar and worshipers signified the restoring or repayring of Gods church and people after some destruction and desolation as the like visions shewed to Ezekiel Zacharie after the destruction of Solomons temple doe manifest c. There I applied the Gentiles in Rev. 11. to the Babylonians and other heathens Jer. 12. 7. 20. 4. Esa. 63. 18. Further I shewed but this he setteth not downe that M. S. enought have seen a figure of those Gentiles Rev. 11. set forth by the Psalmist O God the gentiles are come into thine inheritance c. where by Gentiles are not meant the Jsraelites but Babylonians or other heathen persecutors c. and that Antichrists church is called Babylon and Christs Jerusalem c. As M. Io. then well approved of my answer to M. S. so even now he sayth still I did soundly convince him And who then wil not see that M. I. even by his own graunt is likewise soundly convinced For as M. S. fetched the type of these Gentiles from the Israelites so doeth M I. fetch it from the Israelites in Esai 1. and contrary to that sound conviction wil not have it like the restoring of the Temple after the Babylonians had burnt it but like the afflictions of the Iewes whiles their Temple Courts and Citie stood undestroyed Esa. 1. So whether of us two be caried about of every wind and as reeds shaken hither and thither as he intwiteth me I leave it unto the prudent reader to judge As then so still I hold the holy Citie Rev. 11. to be meant of Ierusalem not of Babylon how mine opposite now hath expounded it we have seen As I did then so still I hold those Antichristian Gentiles Rev. 11. to be answerable to the Babylonians and other heathens Psal. 79. Jer.
Sion as whileere he sayd were in Babylon And for his figurative applying of the Temple here to the people or church it is amyss it should be applyed to God himself For so the Lord sayth by the Prophet though I have scattred them among the countries yet wil J be to them as a little Sanctuarie in the countries where they shal come Ezek. 11. 16. So the Lord not the people was the Sanctuarie or temple in Babylon 3. Stil they are acknowledged of God to be Sion his people c though in Babylon Answ. So I alwayes and stil acknowledge God to have his people in Babylon the church of Rome But it should be proved if it were possible that Babylon is Sion or the church of Rome to be the church of God 4. The Lord calleth them from thence by diverse prophets c. 5. Being so called they did not all come togither at once c. Answ. These things are true and so for the Lords calling of his people out of Babylon now But it is not yet concluded not ever wil be soundly that the Babylonians are Gods people except the elect which belong to mount Sion though-actually in Babylon Obj. There wil be of Gods people yet called from thence even then when this Babylon the citie of Rome shal be burnt with fyre and cast down never to rise any more Rev. 18. 4. 8. c. Answ. This conclusion is partly true and partly implieth error It is true that there shal be of Gods people called out of Babylon til she be utterly cast down But the errour implied is that he maketh Babylon the citie not the church of Rome and seemeth also to restreyn it to the citie properly and to the burning of the material citie and houses therof Wheras this Babylon is the great Whore who though her cheif ●ear is in Rome yet her ecclesta●●ical jurisdiction reacheth over peoples and kinreds and tongues and nations And when the tenth part of that citie fell it is not meant of the tenth part of the houses in Rome but of people in that catholik church And when God calleth his people out of Babylon it is not meant out of Rome onely or Italic but Spaine also and all other places where Poperie reigneth Neyther is it meant in regard of civil politie as if the subjects in Italie Spaine and other lands might not remaine in those comon wealthes still but they are called out from the heresies idolatries and extravagant jurisdiction of the Romish church So the civil bondage of the Iewes in the old Babylon typed the spiritual bondage of Gods people in this new Babylon the church of Rome and out of it are men called not out of the civil state or material place For who will deny but Christian churches may dwel in Spaine Italie yea and Rome it self if the magistrates wil suffer them and yet not disobey this precept Come out of her my people It is a doctrine of grace and necessarie unto salvation to come out of the church estate of this Romish Babylon but to understand it of the Cōmon wealths estate and to call men out of it were a doctrine of rebellion contrarie to Rom. 13. 1. 1. Pet. 2. 13. 14. Wheras I concluded Gods covenant of grace is not therefore with her at all for she is appointed to damnation 2 Thes. 2. 8. 12. Rev. 18. 8. 21. but the elect that obey Gods voice calling them out of her them hee will receive into covenant he will be a father unto them and they shal be his sonns daughters as he hath promised 2. Cor. 6. 17. 18. He replyeth As if they were not already under the covenant of God being his people or as if they could be the Lords people and yet not be under his covenant The Jewes knew better when they were in Babylon and therevpon prayed as in Esai 63. 17. 18. 19. 64. 7. 8. 9. Returne to the tribes of thine inheritance c we are thine c. O Lord thou art our father c. Answ. The people of God in Rome being his elect are under his covenant in regard of his electiō which was before the world began but until they be called come out they appear not unto men to be under the visible covenant of Gods church whereof Paul speaketh in the place alleaged 2 Cor. 6. That the godly Iewes in Babylon figured Gods elect I before shewed from Rom. 11. 4. 5. 7. and mine opposite gainsayeth it not That God calleth the elect his people even before they know or obey his voice was shewed him also heretofore when God sayd to Paul of heathenish Corinth J have much people in this citie Act. 18. 10. yet Paul knew not who they were till after they beleeved by his preaching So Christ sayd Other sheep J have which are not of this fold Ioh. 10. 16. speaking of the elect gentiles whiles yet they were not sheep actually before men but wild beasts of the wood His comparison from Esai 63. if it be referred to the Martyrs which the church of Rome hath imprisoned killed banished for the trueth is fit and I acknowledge them visibly under Gods covenant But referred to them that are one with the church of Rome in her faith and religion it is very unfitt For those people of God in Babylon were in civil bondage but in freedome of spirit and not servants to syn such were Daniel Ananias and other saints But these of the Romish church religion are in spiritual bondage to Antichrist and so partakers of his synns and in state of death by mans judgement till they obey their calling and come forth though God knoweth them before to be his people by election of grace By this which hath been sayd the wise may discerne what weight there is in Rev. 18. to prove Babylon the present church of Rome to be the church of God because out of her God calleth his people And let all men take notice of the mayn ground of his errour that he would have Babylon now to be the civil state or material citie when in deed it is the ecclesiastical or church For God calleth not peoples out of their civil states it is a doctrine of rebellion so to interpret it and contrary to Rom. 13 but from their synfull ecclesiastical estate All civil states though governed by Popish yea or heathenish magistrates are sanctified to Gods people Act. 25. 10. 11. Rom. 13. 1. 2. c. 1 Pet. 2. 13. 14. 17. they may lawfully continew under them have the use and benefit of them they are all of God and none of them from the bottomless pit or of the Divil as is the Beast the Empire of Antichrist Rev. 17. 8. from which God calleth all his people Of comparing the church of Rome with Israel MIne opposite laboured to strengthen his former reason frō Rev. 18. by saying And so Jsrael is often called the Lords people in the
he wrong me as if I made the church of Rome damned and dead for ever that is as if there could be no mercie shewed to the papists for repentance and turning to the Lord. They are onely the reprobate multitude which are damned and dead for ever Many of that church yea even of the hierarchie whom my opposite holdeth to bee the Man of syn the son of perdition being dead in their sins God hath in mercie revived and raised with Christ as he did in the churches of the Gentiles Eph. 2 1● Coloss. 2. 〈◊〉 But such as are not raised from the death of Antichrist and quickned by Christ they perish for ever And wee speake of that Church now remaining in her synfull death unto which so continuing no salvation is promised but assured destruction threatned 2. Thes. 2. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 11. Thus we see how notwithstanding all his turning and winding and backing his errour with learned mens names these Gentiles the church of Antichrist and worshipers of the Man of syn are by the sentence of God dead in sins as were the Gentiles before Christ gave them life That such of them as the Lord shall in mercie raise up out of the grave of poperie shall escape the second death the rest doe remain under Gods wrath dead in syn and shall die in torment In the end to that which I shewed of that whores death otherweise and of her burning with fire Rev. 18. 7. 8 and of the joy which the heavenly multitude shal have at her destruction Rev. 18. 20. 1● 1. 2. 3. mine opposite seemeth to assent referring it to the Citie resembled as he sayth by Babylon and Babylons destruction that was of old Rev. 18. with Ier. 50. 51. Thus the truth hath wrung out at last an acknowledgement from him as the feare and light of his conscience made him acknowledge at the first For he began with the Church of Rome thus acknowledging it to be fallen into most sinful and deep defection and apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatres This notorious harlot the holy Ghost calleth Babylon the great the mother of horlots and abominations of the earth Rev. 17. 5. which is meant of the Citie Rome v. 18. but of an ecclesiastical state such as is in that citie at this day And that Babylon or church it is whole destruction is threatned in Rev. 18. and for which there shall bee ioy and singing Alleluiah for that God hath judged the great wh●re which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and shed the bloud of his servants Rev. 1● 1. 2. 3. c. For the destruction of this great whore which in deed is no other then the Church of Rome mine opposite sayth with me they shal be so farr from mourning at her funeral as they shal rejoyce with the heavenly multitude and sing Hallelujah when the Lord hath given Sodoms judgement on her and they see her smoke rise up for evermore Rev. 19. 1. 2. 3. Of his own mouth now let him be judged with what truth equity conscience he hath pleaded for the church of Rome to bee the Temple of God the church of God in his covenant of grace and to have his baptisme the seale of his covenant even in that adulterous and most sinfull estate wherin she standeth at this day under her Pastor Antichrist whom she honoureth and worshipeth beleeving his lies serving his idols and trusting to merit heaven by the wicked works which that Man of syn hath taught her But that God for a reward of his popish errour in advancing the Ministers above the church and the pastor above his fellow ministers gave him over to this second errour who would have thought that a man of understanding would so bitterly have inveighted against me for denying her to be Christs true Church and that he would for defense of such a notorius harlot have forsaken and written against his own former good testimony which hee witnessed against her Gods counsels are unsearchable and let all that feare him heare what the Spirit sayth unto us Hearken unto me now therefore ôye children and attend to the words of my mouth Let not thine heart decline to her wayes goe not astray in her paths For shee hath east downe many wounded yea many strong men have been slain by her Her house is the way to hell going down to the chambers of death Prov. 7. 24 27. Of other Writers TO his citations of Polanus Keckerman c. I answered That diverse men were mistaken in judging of that rotten Church of Rome which would help these our opposites nothing who have seen and acknowledged better and now goe back And I instanced sundry others contrary minded as Mr. Carwright Mr. Perkins D. Fulk D. Willet Mr. Bale all our country men who deny the church of Rome to be the true Church of Christ. Mine opposite replieth that I say in particular of Polanus that he was mistaken and in this for that he sayd that Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God not Jewish or at Jerusalem but Christian c. wherein as his manner is he drepraveth both my words and meaning For I never dreamt that Antichrist should sit in the Iewish Temple at Ierusalem but in the Christian Church falsly so called as Mr. Iunius nameth it in Annot. on Rev. 11. But Polanus pleadeth otherwise for the church of Rome as mine opposite hath set down his words Chr. plea. p. 212. And in that I iudge he was mistaken and not I onely but many moe with me men of greater learning and before me though mine opposite leaveth it with this reproch That all in my judgement are mistaken hereabout but my selfe and my followers And presently after to that which I alleaged from Mr. Cartwright Perkins c. he wisheth they had written more advisedly and more soundly And why even for his former often refuted reasons of the Temple of God and Baptisme in that church wherein he doth but beg the question and answereth not them For I named to him Mr. Perkins reasons that the Papists doctrine doth rase the very foundation of Religion and his 4. arguments in a treatise for that purpose Now to these he answereth not one word But the Temple of God the Temple of God and Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God and Martyres out of the Church of Rome and where else had they their baptisme these are his common bucklers To which I have answered before And now that the Reader may further see how not I onely but many before me even such as he nameth in his book for him as D. Whitakers Mr. Broughton Mr. Brightman and others are direct against him I will set down their testimonies What Mr. Bale Mr. Cartwright D. Fulk M. Perkins and D. Willet have written I have shewed heretofore and them hee regardeth not Whereas Bellarmine would conclude from the protestants graunt that the church of Rome
thereupon It was not Gods people in Babylon that killed those witnesses Rev. 11. but it was Babylon that killed those witnesses Gods people therin Because Gods people killed not those witnesses but the Beast in his catholik citie or church therfore thinks he that citie of the beast is not his church a fayre conclusion Obj. Note here that by the great citie is meant not onely the citie it self but the whole jurisdiction authority and dominion therof how farr soever extended Answ. It is a good note and worth the marking for the great citie being the church of Rome as before is proved it followeth that the extents of that church reach further then the materiall walls of Rome even to all nations that are of the Popes religion and therfore to bound it within the Lateran parish of Rome is to restreyn that which God sheweth to be more large It were a happy day if the Popes unruly power were limited within the Lateran parish and his jurisdiction reached no further But he must have a larger scope to range in yet a while and weak warriers are they against him that plead for his whorish church of Rome that it is the true church of Christ and under his covenant of grace It is the thing that the Pope would most gladly have proved and I am well assured Babylon wil not fall til it be otherweise battered Obj. Where yet observe further that the church of Rome being fallen into deep apostasie and having the man of syn sitting ther in as God who hath that citie for his throne the things that are spoken of this citie are also applied to the apostate estate of that church of Rome and the other churches that are under the jurisdiction of the prelacie of that Sea whersoever and of whatsoever people kinred tongue or nation they be c. But shall wee therfore conclude that by the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. 4. may not be understood the church of God Answ. How glorious is the trueth that forceth those to yeild that fight against it His former reasons that by the Citie in Rev. ●1 8. the church was not meant he now frustrateth himself But still he cleaveth to his first plea The temple of God 1 Thes. 2. is the church of God I may answer hereto as God by Ieremy did to the Iewes Trust not in lying words saying The temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord are these Ier. 7. 4. Our dispute is in what sense Paul calleth it the Temple of God whether as the true temple builded by Solomon or as the false temple builded in Samaria by the Apostate Israelites which the Prophet calleth the house of their God Amos 2. 8. as the Apostle calleth this the Temple of God Now faine he would have this Romish temple of apostate Papists to be the true temple of God and that they notwithstanding their deep apostasie are Gods true church under his covenant which I deny and have before disproved and Paul in the very same place counteth them among those that perish for beleeving lyes which shal be damned for not beleeving the trueth 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. 12. and Christ teacheth that being worshipers of the beast their names are not written in the book of l●fe Rev. 13. 8. 17. 8. but they shal be tormented in fyre and brimstone for ever Revel 14. 9. 10. 11. and that the whorish church Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth which is drunken with the blood of the Saincts and of the martyrs of Jesus shal be destroyed for ever Rev. 17. 5. 6. 18. 21. And who now that have not their right eye blinded wil not rather say it is the Samaritans Temple then Solomons though in pretence and colour the Temple of God And seing every true church now is a particular congregation in one place but the church of Rome is a new found catholik church spred over many nations under one head Bishop the Pope it can not possibly be Christs true church having neyther the constitution faith worship ministerie order or ordinances of Christ but of his enemie Antichrist Wheras I formerly wrote Neyther is that if they meane a particular church answerable to the Temple in Israel which was not for one synagogue but for the whole nation of the Iewes and for the Gentiles that came to the faith through the world To this he sayth How greatly forgets he himself and how presently seing but a line before he sayd the Temple figured not onely the catholik or universal church Ephe 2. 21. but also every particular church by proportion 1 Corint 3. 16. 17. And may we not then apply it to that wherof it was a figure c. Answ. No for mine opposite granteth that the Temple was primarily a figure Christ but so to apply it in this place 2 Thes. 2. himself thinketh not fit I deny not but some where it may and ought to be so applyed but considering that the Temple of God wherin Antichrist now sitteth is a catholik church spred over many nations as was prophesied Rev. 11. 8. 9. I think the applying of Pauls words in 2 Thes. 2. to a particular church is neyther fitting to the type nor to the prophesie nor to the accomplishment of it which we see at this day The priests in Israel figured Christ chiefly secondarily Christians Rev. 1. 6. But to apply those things which Paul speaketh of the Priests in Heb. 10. 11. 12. to us Christians were not onely unfitting but heretical Obj. The Candlesticks and Lamps were set in the Temple of God and the church of Rome was a golden Candlestick as well as the rest of the primitive churches and this man himself sayth definitely the true churches were many of them apostate when John wrote whom yet notwithstanding Christ acknowledgeth to be golden candlesticks In any of which of Antichrist had sit as in the church of Rome I suppose this man would not deny but his sitting then should have been in the Temple of God whether it were considered as a particular candlestick it self or a branch of the great general candlestick c. Answ. 1. If the Candlesticks were churches in the Temple the church then the Temple in such respect is the catholick church for one particular church is not in an other 2. I grant that the church of Rome was a golden candlestick in th'Apostles time and I think mine opposite would not deny but then also the Bishop of Rome was a starr in Christs right hand But now the Bishop is a starr fallen from heaven and acknowledged to be Antichrist why then may not the church be fallen with him as Paul forewarned Rom. 11. 22. and the candlestick removed from it as wel as from Ephesus Rev. 2. 5. except Rome have a privilege above all other cities because it crucified Christ. 3. I grant also that
set among his people wheras in his understanding the Temple of God wherin Antichrist sitteth is the people 2. That Temple was not infected with syn but the syn rested in the persons that worshiped in it or came into it as I shewed before from Levit. 16. 16. Wheras the church of Rome is so infected with Antichrists syn as mine opposite confesseth it to be in most synfull and deep apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatress which all the people of God ought to forsake 3. That temple merely suffred that misusage at the hands of synners Iewes and Gentiles even as Christ the true Temple in his humanitie true Christians his members have suffred at the hands of the Romans of old heathens and now Antichristians But to make that temple a type of this malignant church which togither with her head the Pope persecuteth Christ and his saincts and worshipeth creatures idols and Divils is altogither amyss For so we might conclude thus As the Temple of God though it were defiled with the apostasie idolatrie of the Iewes and of the Gentiles with how great abomination soever yet continued Gods holy Temple still and could not by any impietie become the Temple of Antichrist or of Satan so the church of Rome though it should be defiled with apostasie idolatrie prophanenesse atheisme eyther of Antichrist or of Iewes Turks or Pagans if it should beleeve and receive the religion of Maomet or of Iulian the Apostata yet should it continue the true church and people of God and under his covenant of grace Behold what favour the church of Rome hath found above all churches under heaven that if she receive Iudaisme or Paganisme if she worship the Beast the Dragon or Divil himself by open profession yet the abideth the church of God for if Antiochus who set up Iupiter Olympius image in the Temple had set up also the professed worship of the Divil yet the Temple should have been Gods holy temple notwithstanding and so by proportion the church of Rome must be if this comparison of mine opposites be true By such doctrine the whole gospel of Christ is overthrowne For faith and sanctimonie of life are the summe of all the gospell and both of them are destroyed For though Rome be apostate and departed from the faith as Paul foretold 1 Tim. 4. 1. though she beleeve in a wafer cake and worship it for her God and maker though she beleeve to have forgivenes of synns by the abominable massing sacrifice of her priests by the pardons and indulgences of her popes and to merit salvation in heaven by wicked works which she doeth being taught by the Man of syn though she have many thousands of new Gods and new Christs even so many as there be Angels and saincts in heaven and moe too though she be as filthy in life as Sodom as idolatrous malignant against Gods people as were Egypt and Babylon unto which the holy Ghost hath compared her Rev 11. 8. 14. 8. yet so long as she wil say to Christ but as the Divil sayd Thou art Christ the son of God Luke 4. 41. that is so long as she reteyneth the profession of Christianitie she is the Temple of God the church of Christ and under the covenant of salvation But he that justifieth the wicked is an abomination to the Lord Prov. 16. 15. and woe unto them that say concerning evil it is good Esa. 5. 20. Can not men put difference between Gods ordinances given unto a people the people themselves that injoy use or abuse those ordinances The Temple was an ordinance given unto Israel as were the altars and sacrifices therin so God gave unto all the world by Noe commandements for altars and sacrifices Gen. 8. 20. unto Abraham he commanded circumcision unto Christians baptisme the Supper of Christ c. All Gods ordinances continue in themselves holy till God doe abrogate them though men that abuse them fall to be most unholy and without God in the world So the sacrifices of sheep and Oxen were in themselves Gods holy ordinances howsoever abused by the Iewes in Ierusalem by the Israelites in Samaria and by the heathens in their severall lands so circumcision though profaned by the Sichemites Gen. 34. so baptisme and the Lords supper though turned by Antichrist into abominable idols remayned and doe remaine in themselves Gods holy ordinances though men have abused them to their damnation so the Sun moon and starrs continued Gods good creatures though men made idols of them to themselves To reason therfore from the creatures and ordinances unto men which abuse them and to gather because the creature or ordinance abideth good in it self therfore the person that abuseth it abideth good also or to wrest a type as mine opposite doeth from a creature or ordinance of old to a most synfull people now and make them alike holy is an high abuse of Gods ordinances and a taking of his name in vaine Of the Temple in Rev. 11. MIne opposite proceedeth to speak of the Temple and court in Rev. 11. 1. 2. and to apply it to his present cause That which he first speaketh of the word Temple diversly used and meaning not onely the house but the Court yard or Courts I graunt unto him How to apply it he sheweth himself uncertaine whether more generally to the Christian church or more specially to the church of Rome Yet every way sayth he it wil folow that the state of the sayd church of Rome and Christians is to be esteemed according to the estate of the Temple at Ierusalem and particularly with reference to the court and holy citie given to the gentiles and therfore is to be accounted the church and citie of God as the other were his court and citie though polluted c. This I deny the church or people of Rome at this day is not answerable to the Temple or court or city of Ierusalem in holynes but to the gentiles in profanenes And I have before manifested his great abuse of that proportion from the Temple polluted yet continuing the Lords and holy in it self to the people apostate and fallen from the Lord from his faith and worship to the faith and worship of Antichrist In sted of proofs he offreth things to be considered The first wherof I leave as not perteyning to our controversie though it may seem not agreable that the most holy place should be omitted as figuring heaven seeing in the 19. verse when the Temple was opened the Ark of Gods testament was seen in it and the Ark was set in the most holy place 2 Chron. 5. 7. It is true that that place figured heaven Heb. 9. 24. but it might also figure other things on earth as the Temple it self figured both Christ and the Church as we have formerly heard His second consideration is whether by the temple of God here may not be understood the holy place and figuratively
c at Ierusalem Thus this new church and ministerie arising from Ieroboams syn was not of God and therfore could not possibly be a true church which alwayes is a divine ordinance in Christ the head of the same Touching their second estate after that God had called them back unto him by all his Prophets but they would not heare and chastised them seven times and seven that is many times for their sinns hee brought the land into desolation and scattred them among the heathen so the land did spue them out as it spued out the heathens that were before them the Lord did put her away and gave her a bill of divorce Jer 3. 8. and they were Lo-ammi not Gods people neither was he their God Hos. 1. 9. they were not his wife neither was he their husband Hos. 2. 2. In which estate they abiding without King Prince sacrifice image ephod or Teraphim were as scattred sheepe devoured by the King of Assyria and therefore no Church nor Common wealth but so broken that they were not a people Esai 7. 8. The next errour he chargeth me with is that I say If they cannot prove Babylon in Chaldea to be Gods Church when the Iewes were there captived they shall never prove the Temple of God spoken of in 2. Thes. 2. 4. to be Gods true Church c. Answ. He hath falsified my words and not answered my reason Thus I wrote Their applying of these things to our times is not in all poynts aright For though in this Antichrists synagogue and Israels doe agree that neither be Gods true Church yet the perfect type of Rome as God describeth it is Babylon Rev 17. 18. and we should not be wiser then God And if they cannot prove Babylon then to be Gods true Church which was not more deep in sin then now Antichrist is and which citie had promise and performance of mercie in Christ at the end they shal never prove this synagogue of Satan to be Gods true Church which hath no promise of recovery or mercie but prophesies and threatnings of assured destruction Numb 24. 24. Rev. 14. 9. 10. 18. 8 21. 19 20. 21. 2. Thess. 2. 8. 12. Thus men may see what manner of replies he hath made unto me and when he hath no other thing to say he flyeth to his wonted refuge The Temple of God and sayth our question and reasoning was about it as if it were not about the Church of Rome but about a phrase that we contended But hereof I have spoken at large For the word Church taken sometime largely sometime strictly he taxeth me for omitting this Answ. Why should I not omit that whereabout is no controversie That which Keckerman whom he citeth sayth of the Church largely taken to comprehend both the elect and hypocrites and strictly taken to comprehend the elect onely I acknowledge for truth But it is nothing to our controversie For his double regard of apostate Churches and so of Israel I yeilded to him that which was truth and shewed wherein he missed wherto as he replieth not but referreth it to the readers judgment so do I. I shewed how the Iewes at this day professing the God of Israel and praying to him and reading his Law in their synagogues may be called Gods people in comparison of Pagans that know not God or his scriptures at all but worship the Sun and Moon and some the Divil by open profession yet the Iewes now are not actually in the covenant of grace And the the Turks that professe one immutable living true most wise and high God and Christ to be sent of God with his Gospel and that he is the Breath or Spirit of God may in comparison of Julian the Apostata and Atheists be called the people of God and Christians though indeed they be farr from being either So the church of Rome in comparison with Turkes and Paynims may be called Christians but are indeed false Christians c. To that of the Jewes he answereth nothing For the Turks he maketh it nothing to the purpose seeing they professe not Christ to be the Son of God made Man that died for our synns as the Church of Rome professeth c. Answ. It is to the purpose that in divers respects and in comparison with Atheists and people that professe not God or Christ at all they that are not indeed Gods people or true Christians may be called Gods people and Christians so his double respect● help him nothing And for the Church of Rome I shewed them to be in comparison with Turks neerer Christ and so the doctrine there neerer to salvation then the Mahometans and I doubt not but God by it saveth some chosen therein which yet justifieth not their estate to be a true Christian Church as the reprobates in the true Church condemne not the estate thereof I shewed by many instances the Church of Rome to be in some things more grosse idolaters then either Iewes or Turkes or heathens This he being not able to deny opposeth how Jerusalem justified Samaria and Sodom Ezek. 16. Jer. 3. That Tyre Sidon and Sodom shal have easier judgement then Chorazin Bethsaida and Capernaum Mat. 11. yet these cities were the Churches and people of God Answ. For Ierusalem the Prophets speak of it sometime as generally wicked when yet there were many godly that partaked not with her synns Ezek. 9. 4. Such as were more openly wicked then Samaria and Sodom I deny them to be actually then in the covenant of grace to mans judgement for the Lord appointed them to destruction Ezek. 9. The cities of Israel in Christs time were a part of the true Church of the Iewes yet for refusing Christ they should have heavier judgement then the heathens so shall hypocrites in every true Church have greater punishment then many heathens But comparison should be made of Church with Church not of some in the true Church with the estate of a false church And that the generall state of the Church of Rome is Antichristian and so denieth indeed both the Father and the Son is before proved And they generally these many years haue been more grosse idolaters then either Iewes or Turks therefore their profession of Christ in name will not prove them to be in the covenant of grace God testifieth to the Churches of Galatia Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the Law ye are fallen from grace Gal. 5. 4. If they that would be justified by the Law of God and works of the same fell from grace much more they that will be justified by the law of Antichrist and wicked workes are fallen from grace and have no benefit by Christ. But such is the generall faith of the Church of Rome beleeving to be justified by the idolatrous workes which they walk in as they are taught by the Man of Syn that
is Christs true Church because it is the Temple of God 2. Thess. 2. D. Whitakers giveth sundry answers the two first are these 1. Jt may be called the church wherein Antichrist sitteth because it was the true church of Christ before not because now it is c. So Esaias sayth the faithful citie was become an harlot Esa. 1. 21. where he calleth Jerusalem the faithful citie because it had been faithful before so we say the Temple of God is the seat of Antichrist that is that which of old was the Temple of God 2. The Church of Rome taketh to it selfe the name title of the true Church and in the opinion of our adversartes it is the true Church 〈◊〉 was a monstrous thing of old 〈◊〉 deny this neither was it denyed but of a very few who straight way when they were knowen were killed notwithstanding it was not the true Church but the whore of Babylon c. These answeres when I gave mine opposite could by no meanes endure at my hand The same author sayth a litle before Now let us see whether the Bishop of Rome hath departed from Christ and from the faith so that the church of Rome now reteyneth not the form of the Apostles doctrine Surely that is evident by all the heads of doctrine which are in controversie between us and them That Church succeedeth the Apostles in deed but so as a den of theeves doe the house of God and as an harlot doth the faithful citie c. And after But the Pope sayth Billarmine honoreth one true God the Father Son and holy Ghost J answer hee honoureth him not but blasphemeth him He doth I confess as Atheists are wont to do which wil not openly deny God but in hart and workes they deny him so the Pope figneth and preclaimeth that he honoureth the trinity but in deed he car●h not for him For he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father of the holy Ghost but the Pope honoureth not the Son for he corrupteth his doctrine c. Againe touching that particular before handled whether by Babylon in Rev. 17. be meant the Citie or the Church of Rome Mr. Whitakers sayth Whereas the adversary affirmeth that it is not the Church of Rome whlo●● is called Babylon but the citie such as it was under the Emperours it is false For it is certain that Rome is by Iohn in the Revelation called Babylon because of that Church which should be at Rome For mention is made there of the false Prophet as also of the Whore which by her allurements should bewitch the whole world These things cannot be understood but of the Church and are necessarily to be referred unto Antichrist Mr. Brightman in his book of the Revelation expoundeth the Gentiles in Rev. 11. 2. to be the christiās that are so in name only On Rev. 13. 8. he saith The holy Ghost doth cry openly that all they do wholly ●eopard and cast away their salvation that are subject to the Pope of Rome if so bee that they depart out of this life without repentance And again This Beast is worshipped of all Reprobates with whom while thou conspirest in thy worship who shal separate thee frō the state of reprobates He doth not therfore break off unity who departeth from the synagogue of Rome but he purchaseth unavoydable destruction to himselfe who cleaveth unto it without repentance These and the like things sayth Mr. Brightman one whose name mine opposite useth to grace his erroneous cause by Mr. Brovghtons testimony we have heard before Mr. Dudly Fenner in his Theologie writeth thus Antichrist is the head of the universal apostasie that should come 1. Ioh. 2. 18. Ioh. 4. 2. 2. Thess. 2. 4. 5. 6. Wherupon his church is by a Synechdoche called Antichrist 1. Ioh. 4. 3. 2. 18. as the true Church is called Christ 1. Cor. 12. 12. The Antichristian church compared to a Beast is the apostatical church but counterfeyting the vizar of the true which representeth the lively image of the Roman monarchie formerly doen away and of the goverment power amplitude seat therof amongst all peoples 2 Thes. 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. Revel 11. 7. 8. 13. 3. 11. 12. 18. Antichrist or the False prophet is the head of the Antichristian church the mediatour between it and the Dragon Rev. 16. 13. 13. 4. 11. 12. This Antichrist is an Opposer for to defend the foresayd departing away frō the truth of Christ 2 Thes. 2. 4. compared as touching the phrase with Dan. 8. 11. and an Exalter of himself first that he may lift up himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped that is against all powers and majesties both earthly heavenly 2. Thes. 2. 9. Dan. 8. 11. 36. Secondly that placing his seat in the church in name called Gods he may shew himself as God that is arrogate to himself the divine power and absolute dominion of Christ Esai 31. 1. 2. 2 Thes. 2. 4. Dan. 8. 25. Napier the Noble of Scotland expounding the Revelation sayth But as for the outward and visible face of the pretended church it must be rejected from God and no care measure nor account had by him therof because it must be given over to Antichristian and idolatrous people who shal subdue his holy church and spiritual Jerusalem and tread it under foot 1260. yeres Gods true church and spouse was chased away and remayned invisible and soliturie among certaine private persons predestinate elect of God But the rest of the people that lay dead in Antichristian errors arose not therfrom to imbrace the word of life ill c. But the rest J mean the whole outward visible church lay wholly as dead and corrupt with papistocal errours Of the Baptisme in the Church of Rome ALthough the former things against the Church of Rome be ynough to disprove her baptisme which is ordained of God onely for his Church and those in his covenant out of which Rome is gone yet because mine opposite urgeth some speciall reasons against mee for the same I will also briefly answer them About this poynt he hath nine reasons in his Christian plea pag. 27 ... 30. 1. The first which is against the repeating of Baptisme againe I grant him neither doe I hold it needfull or lawfull to repeate again the baptisme received in false churches 2. The second being for the same purpose I likewise grant As also that there is one baptisme as there was one circumcision which plea of his I would have noted because of his contrary reasoning afterward Likewise his example from Israel whose circumcision was not repeated I hold very fit But let the Reader observe how the Scriptures by him brought to prove it are 2. Chron. 30. chap. Ezr. 6. 19. 20. 21. of which the first was before the captivity the other after 3. The third that the covenant of grace is everlasting
A REPLY TO A PRETENDED CHRISTIAN PLEA FOR THE ANTICHISTIAN CHVRCH OF ROME published by Mr. Francis Iohnson ao. 1617. Wherin the weakness of the sayd Plea is manifested and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome and Baptisme therein are refuted By Henry Ainsworth Anno 1618. We would have healed Babylon but she is not healed forsake her and let us goe every one into his owne countrie for her judgment reacheth unto heaven and is lifted up even to the skies Ier. 51. 9. Printed in the yere 1620. The Preface TWo things good Reader have been heretofore controverted between Mr. Iohnson and mee the one concerning the Power of the Christian church which he would have installed in the Ministerie thereof the other concerning the Antichristian church of Rome with the ministerie and baptisme thereof which he hath pleaded to be true though corrupted I have proved to be false and deceytfull These things have passed publikly through mine Opposites occasion in Mr Richard Cliftons Advertisement and my Animadversion therto The former of these two points Mr. Iohnson hath left vnanswered so the prudent may judge of the strife by that which we both have sayd the latter he hath sought to mainteyne by a colourable Plea for the Romane church cheifly underpropped by two reasons 1. because Antichrist should sit in the Temple of God 2. and because Apostate Israel the figure of this Antichristian church was the church of God as he pretendeth These with his other like reasons I have laboured to refell in this treatise folowing His order of handling them I have altered beginning with the Church of Rome then with the Baptisme of that church for so I judge the trueth of the controversie wil soonest appeare His often longsome repetitions I seek to abridge as being fruitlesse wearisome to the Readers his bold and bitter taunts I passe over being not willing to answer any man and least of all the dead to such things As also his marching us among the Anabaptists for our more disgrace his dissembling of his own former judgment and accord with us in the things now controverted imputing them to us and others when himself hath formerly spoken and written for the things which he now would pull down but hath not taken away his owne grounds Onely wheras in his preface he intimateth sundry manifest untruthes published in the Animadversion but nameth none I signifie in a good conscience that to my knowledge ● published not any one untrueth but rather spared him then pressed things in extremitie That which I suppose he aimeth at I set downe from the report of honest faithfull witnesses of whome some are now at rest in the Lord who would not as I am perswaded willingly have related any thing but the trueth Finally as in all other my labours so in these controversies following I indevour to find out manifest the way and wil of God by the light of his word to the glorie of his name and comfort of those that love the trueth in sinceritie A REPLY TO A PRETENDED Christian Plea for the Antichristian Church of Rome WEe are taught of God that they which forsake the Law praise the wicked but such as keep the Law will contend with them Wherfore though my desire hath been to leave off contention with all men to labour to build up Sion in peace yet being provoked by name my writings against the Man of syn that Son of perdition being publickly traduced I held it my dutie to mainteyne the warre which I began to wage against the Beast whom The Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth and will abolish with the brightnes of his coming The state of this controversie is whether notwithstanding the infinite idolatries and other abominations now of a long time with strong hand practised by the church of Rome it be to be reputed the true church of Christ and the Sacraments especially Baptisme to be esteemed the true signes and seals of the covenant of grace from God to them in their present estate I deny it mine opposite hath colourably pleaded for it inveighed much against me in his last book called A Christian Plea ao. 1617. Wherin though in many things he deserved sharp blame yet having ended his life with his work and not being now to answer for himself or make use of that which is written I will omitt the just reproofs which might through Gods mercie have been a benefit unto him and will address my self to remove the stumbling blocks out of others way and to cleare the trueth which is darkned with the cloud of error The Lord which hath taken this counsel against Babylon that the least of the flock shal draw them out and that he will surely make their habitation desolate with them inable me with his grace to ●ight the good fight of ●aith and to declare in Sion the vengeance of the LORD our God the vengeance of his Temple Of the church of ●ome BEcause the true Church is that people to whom perteyneth the adoption of sonns and the glorie and the covenants the giving of the Law and the service of God and the promises it is requisite that we first hādle the state of Antichrists church so shall we the better discerne of the ministerie seales of the covenant and other ordinances of God which the man of syn abuseth whether they be true or false unto them in that their synfull abuse In my former answer I layd downe these grounds The Antichristian synagogue is by the Holy Ghost called a Beast Rev. 13. 11. which signifieth a Kingdome Dan. 7. 23. it is named also a great Citie Rev. 11. 8. which noteth the largenes of tha tpolitie kingdome It cometh up out of the earth Rev. 13. 11. as being of this world which Christs kingdome that cometh downe from heavē Rev. 21. 2. is not and therefore is called a man of syn 2 Thes. 2. 3. and a great whore Rev. 17. 1. whose head is Abaddon or Apollyon Revel 9. 11. the Destroyer of others and himself the son of perdition 2 Thes. 2. 3. and they that follow him are the children of damnation 2 Thes. 2. 12. This wicked generation warreth against the Lamb Christ and against the Saincts Rev. 17. 14. 6. and 13. 7. blasphemeth Gods name and Tabernacle and them that dwel in heaven Rev. 13. 6. that is the true church whose conversation is heavenly Phil. 3. 20. Yet doe they all this mischief under shew of Christian religion and therefore this Beast hath hornes like the Lamb Christ Rev. 13. 11. this whore is arayed with purple scarlet guilded with gold precious stones and pearles Rev. 17. 4. as if she were the Queen and spouse of Christ Psal. 45. 9. 13. Ezek. 16. ●0 13. Song 7. 5. she hath Peace-offrings and Vowes Prov. 7. 14. as if she were devout in Gods service Psal. 66. 13. bread and waters Prov. 9. 16. 17. as ready
to refresh the wearie soules Her doctrines sweet and amiable lyes spoken in hypocrisie Prov. 5. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 2. but yet confirmed with signes and miracles as if they came from heaven 2 Thes. 2. 9. Rev. 13. 13. 14. her power efficacie great prevailing over the many and the mightie the Kings and Princes of the world deceiving all nations with her inchantments Prov. 7. 21. 26. Rev. 17. 2 18. 23. and if it were possible Gods very elect Math. 24. 24. Her continuance and outward prosperitie is long Rev. 13. 5. 18. 7. 20. 2. 4. her end miserable Rev. 18. 19. 21. 19. 20. 21. consumed with the spirit of the Lords mouth and abolished with the brightnes of his coming 2 Thes. 2. 8. And for her destruction the heavens shall rejoyce and sing praises to God Rev. 18. 20. 19. 1. 2. The accomplishment of these prophesies I there shewed to be in the Church of Rome at this day confirmed by her own canons and doctors that set forth her profession and practise These grounds remayne yet unanswered by mine opposite being such as I assure my self neither could he neither can any soundly refute Now let us see how farr he yeildeth and how he opposeth First he prayeth all to take knowledge that his minde and desire in himselfe is to plead against the present estate of that church and not for it acknowledging it to be fallen into most synful and deep defection and apostasie and so to be a notorious harlot and idolatress which all the people of God ought to forsake and to witnes the trueth there against even vnto death How well this his acknowledgement agreeth with his plea in the residue of his book shall appeare in the discussing of the reasons after folowing But what sayth he to the description of Antichrists church which I before shewed from the scriptures He sayth I speak of the church and Synagogue of Antichrist of the Beast of the great Citie of the man of Syn of the great whore of Abaddon or Apollyon the son of perdition c. wheras I should treat of the Temple of God wherof Paul speaketh 2 Thes. 2. Hereupon he chargeth me to keep what I could from the point of the question in hand and therefore also to confound things that differ I answer that the the question was by this mine opposites former graunt about the church of Rome whether it were the church of God or no. Now when at first I shew from the scriptures what maner of Church that Romane church is in Gods account how could he charge me to keep from the point of the question 2ly the place of th'Apostle being alleaged by mine opposite for a proof that the church wherein Antichrist sitteth is the Church of God I come immediately after to scan that scripture and yet he challengeth me for keeping from the point wheras all men of judgement may see it was needful to know what God foretold of that church throughout the scriptures that so we might understand in what sense Antichrist is sayd to sit in the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. For seing the Temple of God is a figurative phrase taken from the shadowes of the Law it is not wisedome in us to expound a parabolical speech contrary to the plaine scriptures grounds of Christian religion but we must understand it according to them Wherefore there being no other answer made to the description aforesayd it standeth in force to prove that the church of Rome is not the true Church of Christ. So for the accomplishment of the prophesies wheras I shewed from the Papists own writings of their church how fitly it agreeth with Antichrists synagogue foretold of by God mine opposite answereth I tell them of a Church such as Bellarmine and others describe one part wherof lives on earth an other under the earth and a third part in heaven c. Wheras our question is of the Temple of God wherof Paul speaketh 2. Thes. 2. 4. and of the court and holy citie wherof Iohn speaketh Rev. 11. 2. Thus neyther the Prophesies of God nor the complement of them shewed by the men themselves whom the prophesies concerne may be brought to clear the controversie but mine opposite will insist upon dark and figurative speeches that men may be the more easily deluded For how shall we prove against Papists that the Pope is Antichrist if we may not alleage the Popes owne doctrines and practises which are contrary to Christ Yea how shall we judge of any church but by their owne Confessions published and comparing them with the scripures Wherefore the profession of Papists concerning their church is a strong argument wherby they may be discovered to be none of Christs even the Cretian lyars testimonie against themselves is true as the Apostle noteth Tit. 1. 12. 13. An Answer to the arguments brought for the church of Rome MIne opposite pleadeth thus 1. First J take an argument from the baptisme had in the churches aforesayd the Apostate churches of Christians thus The Baptisme had in the church of Rome is the Lords baptisme the signe and seale of his covenant the ordinance of God had in that church from the Apostles times before Antichrist there arose Rom. 6. 2. 3. and so is true baptisme which is from heaven and not of men that one baptisme which perteyneth to the bodie of Christ Eph. 4. 4. 5. which the Lord hath given to his church and not man c. Therfore the church of Rome is the church of God and under his covenant c. Answ. Here let it first be observed whether mine opposite pleadeth against the present estate of that church as before he pretended For if they be under Gods covenant have it sealed unto them from heaven by that one true baptisme then are they in the state of grace and of salvation which is the very thing that all Papists at this day doe plead for Concerning his Argument I deny that the baptisme had in all Apostate churches of Christians and particularly in the church of Rome is the Lords true baptisme or the signe and seale of his covenant of grace unto them Here mine opposite referreth me to an other place of his book for proof of the trueth of their Baptisme wherto I will make answer anone in their place And now that my denyal may not be so bare as is his assertion here I will insist upon the two scriptures which he citeth and disprove their baptisme In Rom. 6. 2. 3. 4. the Apostle sayth How shall we that are dead to syn live any longer therin Know ye not that so many of us as are baptised into Christ Iesus were baptised into his death Therfore we are buried with him by baptisme into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glorie of the Father even so we also should walk ●n n●wnes of life Here first the
is by their owne grant the man of syn of whom the Apostle here speaketh c. Therfore the church of Rome is the Temple of God also that here is spoken of I answer This argument I might wholly grant and not hurt the cause I plead for For though the church of Rome be the Temple of God which Paul speaketh of yet followeth it not that it is Gods true Temple or true Church which is the point that should be concluded seing the scriptures often speak of things as once they were though so they continue not still as also they speak of things according to the outward pretense and shew that is made of them though in deed and trueth they be nothing less The first is manifest by these and other like instances Abigail is called the wife of Nabal 1 Sam. 30. 5. though Nabal was then dead and his wife maried to David Simon is still called the Leper Mat. 26. 6. though he was then clensed of his leprosie The king of Tyrus an heathen man that lived in Ezekiels dayes is sayd to have been in Eden the garden of God to have been upon the holy mountaine of God and to have walked in the middest of the stones of fyre Ezek. 28. 13. 14. meaning that he had been in Gods church on mount Sion among the people of God although not he himself but Huram his predecessor many yeres before in the dayes of David and Solomon was the man that became a proselyte in Israel and helped to build the Temple 2 Chron. 2. 3. 16. even as if a man should speak to the Bishop of Rome at this day and tell him what he was for a Bishop in th'Apostles dayes and how now he is degenerate and become the man of syn The mountaines of Horeb and Tabor where God once gave his Law and Christ was transfigured are after still called the mount of God and the Holy mount 1 King 19. ● 2 Pet. 1. 18. because they had been for the time sanctified by the presence of God And so the Temple in Ierusalem after the Iewes had crucified Christ refused the gospel were broken off because of unbeleef and the sacrificing and worshiping in that place was ended yet is it until the utter ruine of it by the Romans called the holy place Mat. 24. 15. Thus also the Citie become an harlot is called the faithfull Citie Esai 1. 21. the wicked that hath forsaken his righteousnes is named arighteous man Ezek. 18. 26. according to their former and not their present estate And when these titles are given them it is not to justifie them at all but to aggravate their syn So for the second that things are called according to the outward appearance and pretext set upon them though they be in deed false is evident by these and the like examples false Gods which are but idols are called gods usually so one Prophet calleth those the Philistians gods 1 Chron. 14. 12. which an other calleth their images 2 Sam. 5. 21. False prophets are called Prophets 1 King 22. 6. 22 and Balaam a Soothsayer among the heathens Jos. 13. 22. is called a Prophet 2 Pet. 2. 16. The evil spirit whom the witch of End or raised up for Saul is called in the scripture Samuel 1 Sam. 28. 11. 12 15. 16. 20. by reason wherof the Papists contend that it was Samuel in deed and not the Divil urging the letter as mine opposite doth urge against me this phrase of the Temple of God The idolatrous Temple which Ieroboam made in Israel in honour of the God which had brought them out of Egypt is called the house of their God Am●s 2. 8. yet that it was his true house or temple I never heard of any that would affirme though it was the true God whom they worshiped therin for Baal with his house was then destroyed out of Israel 2 King 1● 27. 28. Now mine opposite hath given us a good rule in this his last book when answering the Anabaptists he sayth The word of God is not the bare letter or outward syllables but the intendement and meaning of the holy Ghost by whom it was given Which should carefully be observed by the due consideration of the scriptures with the circumstances therof and by the conference of other places of scripture and the proportion of fayth layd togither Which whiles the Anabaptists neglict they look on the scripture partially and press the letter extreamly without consideration of the true and right meaning therof These words of his are true the more it is to be lamented that he himself would so press the letter against me and not weigh the meaning of the same by it self and other scriptures and the proportion of fayth layd togither In alleaging this text he layeth downe the words thus There shal come an apostasie or falling away wheras the Apostle sayth except there come an apostasie or falling-away first which word first may intimate that the church should fall away from the love of the trueth before the man of syn should be revealed and this is apparant by the 10. verse where the people whom Antichrist seduceth are sayd to be them that perish because they received not the love of the trueth that they might be saved Or if the word first which mine opposite leaveth out be understood before Christs coming then is it meant of the apostasie or the falling away so called by an excellencie as exceeding all other And is not to be referred to Antichrist the head onely but to Antichristians the bodie also who after other synns should fall away with Antichrist and be damned with him as in the 11. verse it is sayd God shall send them strong delusion that they should beleeve a lye shat they all might be damned who beleeve not the trueth but had pleasure in unrighteousnes So that by the whole scope of this scripture it is evident the Apostle divideth not the people of the church of Rome from the Bishop and ministers of the same as if the people should be Gods true Temple Christs true Church under his covenant and so in the state of grace when the Bishops and ministers are the Divils Temple Antichrist the man of syn and so in the state of damnation but maketh both bishops and people deceivers and deceived all of them under wrath and condemnation otherweise then my opposite would perswade For he pleading thus The Apostle speaking of Antichrist describeth him thus There shal come an apostasie c would have men think that the Bishop and ministers of the church of Rome are the apostasie and the people not contrarie to all the scope of this scripture contrarie also to Paul in 1 Tim. 4 1. where he foretelleth of some that should apostate or depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Divils meaning it of the people deceived by false teachers yea it is contrary also to mine opposites own graunt who
syn there also spoken of mine opposer in the second proposition of his argument fore-set downe sayth But the Pope of Rome with his hierarchie is by their own graunt the man of syn of whom the Apostle here speaketh Other proof of this position he giveth none but sayth I grant it which in his understanding I have not granted For he so divideth the Pope and hierarchie which are Bishops Priests and Deacons from the church of Rome as he maketh the one Antichrist and Man of syn the other Christians and men of grace which how it can be when both parties are of one and the same faith worship religion it passeth my slender capacitie For if the Bishops priests and deacons have one faith religion with the people as it is knowen they have and the people have the true Christian faith and religion though corrupted yet so as they are still under the covenant of grace and sealed of God therin by baptisme how should not the same faith give life to the priests or hierarchie as it doeth to the people And then though the hierarchie be Antichrist the Man of syn the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped 2 Thes. 2. 3. yet they shall also be true Christians men of God and children of salvation Now to prove it to be my graunt he sendeth his reader to 30. pages of my book at once that if he myss it in one he may suppose it is in an other for not one man of many wil read over so many leaves for such a purpose onely Well howsoever I wil not make nice to call the Pope and his hierarchie the Man of syn yea or the Pope alone the man of syn because he is the head of that sinfull corporation and the highest exalted for almightynes holynes yet doe I not exclude the people from this body and give it to the Pope and hierarchie onely as mine opposite would intimate Nay the reader shall finde there the contrary most expressly for in pag. 76. I wrote thus The Antichristian synagogue is by the holy Ghost called a Beast Rev. 13. 11. which signifieth a kingdome Dan. 7. 23. it is named also a great citie Rev. 11. 8. which noteth the largenes of that politie and kingdom Jt cometh up out of the earth Rev. 13. 11. as being of this world which Christs kingdom that cometh down from heaven Rev. 21. 2. is not and therfore it is called a Man of syn 2 Thes. 2. 3. and a great whore Rev. 17. 1. whose head is Abaddon or a Apollyon Rev. 9. 11. the destroyer of others and himself the son of perdition 2 Thes. 2. 3. and they that folow him are the children of damnation 2 Thes. 2. 12. Againe in pag. 83. I doe not onely shew mine but mine opposers owne judgment heretofore saying She speaking of the church of Rome being in this forlorne estate she is but a lump of syn a man of syn 2 Thes 2. 3. a child of perdition The Beast is not one person but a kingdom Rev. 13. 11. Dan. 7. 23. and Mr. Iohnson himself hath acknowledged more then once that the man of syn is the false church and religion of Antichrist compared to the body of a man and consisting of all the partes togither Treat of the Minist against Mr. Hilders p. 7. Apolog. p. 109. How faithfully now myne opposite hath dealt with me to make it seem my graunt that the Pope and hierarchie apart from the church of Rome is the Man of syn all may see As for his own former confession he passeth it over without approving or disproving what himself hath written This point is of weight to give light to our controversie for if the whole church Pope priests and people be altogither a man of syn son of perdition then can not any of sound judgment think they are a true Christian church or under the covenant of Gods grace To shew this therfore first the scriptures sundry times speaketh of a whole state or company both governours and people as of one person man woman or child as in Hos 1. 4. 6. 9. the three children Iezreel Lo-ruhamah and Lo-ammi signified the three estates of the congregation of Israel then shortly to follow So in Rev. 12. 1. a woman signifieth the church of Christ in Rev. 17. an other woman signifieth the church of Antichrist even as in Prov. 9. 1. 13. the same churches are set forth like two women Wisdom and the Foolish woman In Rev. 12. 5. the Man child which the woman brought forth meaneth a company of valiant Christians as further appeareth by comparing Esai 66. 7. 8. where the Woman that travelleth is called Sion and the man child in vers 7. are called Sions children in vers 8. Secondly as Christ and Antichrist have their several churches so these ech of them are called a man as in Ephes. 2. 15. Christ is there sayd to make in himself of twaine that is of two peoples Iewes and Gentiles one new man where the whole church togither with Christ their head is called a new man Accordingly Antichrist the Pope togither with his whole church is called the man of syn And as in the new man the true Christian church Christ the head hath in all things the preheminence so in the man of syn the Antichristian church the Pope Christs pretended vicar hath in all things the preeminence exalted for power pretended holynes As the new man the Christian church is to be esteemed in the state of salvation though some secret hypocrites and reprobates closely creep in among them here on earth so the man of syn the Antichristian church is to be estemed in the state of damnation though some of Gods elect and hidden ones are in the same Rev. 18. 4. And this man of syn the Pope and his church sitteth in the Temple of God the profession of Christ whom the Temple chiefly figured and of Christian religion and worship even as this beast or kingdome hath two hornes like the Lamb Christ Rev. 13. 11. that so under the shew of Christianitie after the effectual working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders 2 Thes. 2. 9. Rev. 13. 13. 14. he may deceive them that dwell on the earth and draw them into the lake of fyre Thus much of the Man of syn sitting in the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2. Other scriptures he alleageth to confirme his cause as Manasses defiling Gods house 2 King 21. the Chaldeans defiling the Temple Psalm 79. the king of Babylons sitting on the mount of the congregation Esai 14. The prophets visions of the Temple polluted Ezek 8. And the prophesie of Antiochus Dan. 11. In all which places I acknowledge the true Temple of God to be understood But his error in applying this to his purpose I have before manifested For that Temple was not the people but an outward ordinance of God
should be syn in the church of Rome if they should reject baptisme and not keep it Which doth plainly evince that it is not a vaine idol and nothing for then it were not syn but their dutie to cast it away and not to keep it at all but that it is the Lords ordinance c. Answ. The first is true for without the word and commandment of God it could be no seale of his covenant or have any relation at all therto The second is a deceytful reason concluding from the holy commandment of God to the unholy keeping of it in Rome It should be syn in them to reject baptisme the Lords supper professedly it is syn in them to keep them as they doe profanely It were better for a man never to be baptised or eat the Lords supper all his life then to communicate with the church of Rome in eyther of these as they profane them for we may not doe evil that good may come therof Rom. 3. 8. So his plaine eviction that it is not a vaine idol in their abuse of it is but a plaine fallacie let him apply it to the other Sacrament and it wil appear Antichrist hath transformed the Lords supper into an abominable massing sacrifice and therin worshipeth a wafer cake for his maker and redemer this he durst not deny to be a notorious idol But his reason if it be good wil prove it no idol thus It should be syn in the church of Rome if they should reject the Lords supper and not keep it Which doth plainly evince that the Lords supper in Rome though changed by them into a wicked Mass is not an idol for then it were not syn but their duty to reject it The refutation herof is this Rome and all nations syn that doe not beleeve aright in Christ and keep all his ordinances The more that they openly renounce Christ or any of his ordinances the more they shal adde unto their syn Yet in that they keep them not aright but have changed the truth of God into a lye and his holy ordinances into idols they are also great synners for which if God give them not repentance they are under wrath and damnation 2 Thes. 2. 10. 11. 12. Of this point I have spoken before in answer to his 6. reason for the church of Rome His 13. and last errour is but a repetition of former matters about the brazen serpent Gods ordinances and creatures considered in themselves c to which I have before answered shewing that it helpeth the Papists no more to clear them of idolatry herein then the heathens of old who made idols of creatures and ordinances which in their own nature and first institution were good and holy And hitherto of his errours wrongfully imputed unto us To these by his figure of repetition and multiplication he hath added from the former grounds Contradictions Abuse of scriptures Uaine distinctions and Anabaptistical assertions all which being but the same things turned and repeated and by me before cleared I count it needless labour to make the same answers againe to his empty calumniations Of Circumcision in Israel THe reason why we repeat not the outward work of baptising with water againe such as have been baptised in false churches is the example of the Israelites who after their falling from God and from the Church and after the Lord had given them the bill of divorce when they repented and turned to the Lord were admitted to the Passover without any new cutting or circumcising in the flesh 2 Chron. 30. Ezr. 6. And because I denyed them in such estate to have true circumcision which is the signe and seale of the righteousnes of faith Rom. 4. 11. mine opposite as his manner is chargeth me with very erronious and ungodly assertions and maketh a longsome discourse of the state of Israel and of words and phrases used concerning them And unto ten lines of mine in Animadv pag. 70. he giveth an answer of above 30. pages in his Christian plea pag. 65. to pag. 96. to blinde his reader with many words I wil briefly shew the insufficiencie of his answers And first that Israel after they departed from the Lord his Temple altars sacrificers and church and made new Temples altars sacrificers signes and a new church of their own divising that Israel I say from that time was not a true church I have before shewed my reasons in handling the state of the church of Rome Mine opposites first colourable reason is from such scriptures as stil name them the Lords people and the Lord to be their God and to remember the covenant of their fathers Abraham c 2 King 9. 6. c. and 13. 22. 23. Answ. I have heretofore answered that this Argument They are called the Lords people therfore they are his true church is not to be granted For 1. Things are named in scripture sometimes as they have been before though they be not so still as Abigail is called the wife of Nabal though he were then dead and she maried to David 1 Sam. 30. 5. Solomon was begotten of Uriahs wife wheras she was then Davids Mat. 1. 6. Jesus was in the house of Simon the Leper Mat. 26. 6. so named because he had been a Leper c. 2. They were so called in respect of their profession that they would be so estemed and named though in deed they were without the true God 2 Chron. 15. 3. as O thou that art named the house of Jakob c. Mic. 2. 7. 8. Thirdly in respect of their calling unto him and his covenant afterward though for the present they were none of his as Jn that day J wil marie thee Jsrael unto me for ever c. Hos. 2. 18. 19. 20. 23. Thus the Gentiles were called Christs sheep because they should after be brought into his fold Ioh. 10. 16. and God had much people in Corinth an heathenish citie Act. 18. 10. 1 Cor. 12. 2. And the Jewes to this day are Gods people and beloved not for their present state which is cursed but for the promise that they shal hereafter be graffed againe into Christ Rom. 11. 11. 20. 23. 25. 26. 9. 4. with Esa. 59. 20. 21. Ezek. 34. 23. 30. Hos. 3. 5. Fourthly in comparison with the Philistines and other heathens they were called the people of the Lord because they never renounced their God in name and professedly but pretended the contrary Fiftly that God did not presently cast them off in respect of calling them to repentance and of their dwelling in the land or as the scripture sayth in 2 King 14. 27. of putting out the name of Israel from under heaven For his covenant was to punish them by degrees Levit. 26. 16. 18. 21. 24. 28. 33. and at last if they repented not to scatter them among the heathens til their uncircumcised harts should be humbled and they rued their former syn and then
God And because when they were first baptised they were not baptised into that particular church onely but are counted baptised into the catholike church and into Christ his death and burial Rom. 6. 3. 4. therfore though they renew the covenant yet their baptisme is not renewed for then it is manifested to the judgment of man that the seed of God though for the time it was not seen remayned in them and therfore their syn was not unto death 1 Joh. 3. 9. And this the Apostle teacheth us from God saying This is my covenant unto them when J shall take away their synns As concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sake but as touching the election they are beloved for the fathers For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom. 11. 27. 28. 29. Where we see that while mens synns are not by promise of God taken away they are not in his covenant as is confirmed also by Heb. 8. 10. 12. And in that Gods gifts and calling concerning his elect are without repentance they are to be restored into the covenant when they turne unto the Lord without any repeating of their outward baptisme Where he addeth this reason For baptisme is the signe of our entrance into the covenant and the Lords seale of his so receiving and admitting of us as circumcision was unto the Iewes Though it may in some sense be admitted which he sayth yet not as he intendeth and urgeth it For first Abraham was in the covenant of grace and justified by faith in Christ before he received circumcision Gen. 15. 6. Rom. 4. 3. And after that he received the signe of circumcision a seale of the righteousnes of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised Genes 17. Rom. 4. 10. 11. Secondly the children of Abraham were borne in the covenant and holy 1 Cor. 7. 14. Ezr. 9. 2. and borne unto the Lord Ezek. 16. 20. but were not circumcised til the eight day Levit. 12. and such infants as dyed before the eight day died not out of the covenāt not to speak of the women in Israel which were in the covenant without circumcision in the flesh Thirdly Moses sayd to men women and children ye stand this day all of you before the Lord your God c. that thou shouldst enter or pass into covenant with the Lord thy God Dent. 29. 10. 11. 12. 13. Yet all which had been borne within 40. yeres before were uncircumcised and so continued till Moses was dead Ios. 5. 2. 7. By all which it appeareth that men may otherweise enter into the Lords covenant then by Circumcision or by baptisme now come in sted therof How much more then if they have been baptised before and fallen from the covenant may they enter into it againe without a new baptising with water His other tautologies I omitt being before answered But he thinks to have help from Jer. 3. 12. 13. 14. where God calleth Israel to returne unto him and he will not cause his anger to fall upon them and sayth Turne o backsliding children for I am maried unto you and I will take you one of a citie and two of a familie and will bring you to Sion Where amongst many observations these are the chief 1. That God dealt otherweise herein then a man doth with his wife whom he putteth away and she become another mans as he shewed in Jer. 3. 1. 2 That these words The Lord thy God are words of the covenant Genes 17. 7. 3ly That he sayth J am maried unto you which the best writers expound to be the covenant of grace 4. That he would take them one of a citie and two of a familie teaching that they should not stay one for an other though the body of the people should remaine obstinate yet if a few returned he would receive them which sheweth the stability and eternitie of his covenant as Gen. 17. 7. which he performeth if but a fewe be made partakers of that grace as Rom. 11. 1. 5. Answ. He erreth himself and causeth to erre in not observing the scope of this scripture nor the conditions propounded and in not distinguishing the times past present and to come nor the covenant of the Law and the covenant of grace The scope of this scripture Jer. 3. 6. c. is to shew 1. the transgressions of Israel and Iudah under the covenant of the Law 2. the punishments inflicted for the same 3. and a promise of another covenant of grace which God would make with them in Christ. Israel played the harlot Ier. 3. v. 6. God called her to repent but she repented not v. 7. then God put her away and gave her a bill of divorces v. 8. yet Iudah her sister feared not but played the harlot also and dissembled so that Israel justified her self more then Iudah v. 8. 9. 10. 11. Then God seing them bothe to be covenant breakers promiseth of his grace a new covenant to be made with them in Christ which he proclaimeth first to Israel if they repent acknowledge their synns and turne unto him v. 12. 13. and so speaketh of his mariage with them to weet with the remnant of them one of a citie and two of a family whom he would bring to Sion v. 14. unto whom he would give faithfull pastours v. 15. not as under the Law and rudiments therof for the most excellent signes therof even the Ark of the covenant of the Lord should not be remembred or visited any more v. 16. But Ierusalem the Lords throne the Christian Church should be for the Gentiles of all nations v. 17. and for the Iewes and for the Israelites walking togither v. 18. Then sheweth he the signes and fruites of his grace in them manifested by their calling upon God as their Father in Christ v. 19. their weeping and supplication for their former synns v. 20. 21. the Lords promise of mercie to them that returne and their acceptation of his mercie offred v. 22. shewed by their humble confession of their synns and just punishments v. 23. 24. 25. The same argument is in Jer. 31. both touching Israel Iudah where after many promises he speaketh of a new Covenant with Israel and Iudah not like the covenant made with their fathers when he brought them out of Egypt which they brake though the Lord was an husband unto them but a covenant that he would write his Law in their harts and forgive their iniquitie which Paul expoundeth to be the new Covenant or Testament now confirmed by Christ Heb. 8. 8. c. Now to apply these promises which concerned future times graces in Christ to that present time whē they were in their synns unrepentant unbeleeving unforgiven under the bill of divorce and put away from the Lord is quite to mysse of the mark which the prophet aymeth at For though he speaketh to Israel as a body or corporation which continueth through many ages yet not those persons then